
Sample records for del episodio febril

  1. Uso del tratamiento acupuntural en pacientes con episodio depresivo leve

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    Roberto Anselmo Ramos Valverde


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio experimental en el Centro Comunitario Provincial de Salud Mental de Las Tunas, con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad del empleo de la acupuntura en pacientes portadores de episodio depresivo leve. El universo estuvo constituido por todos los pacientes diagnosticados clínicamente con la enfermedad, que acudieron a la consulta de Medicina Natural y Tradicional de esta entidad entre marzo de 2011 a marzo de 2013. La muestra quedó constituida por 60 pacientes que cumplieron los criterios diagnósticos y de inclusión establecidos para la investigación, se aplicó un muestreo aleatorio simple que permitió conformar dos grupos, uno de estudio, al que se le aplicó tratamiento acupuntural, y uno control, que recibió tratamiento con amitriptilina. Los resultados mostraron que el insomnio fue el síntoma asociado más frecuente. Al terminar el tratamiento se obtuvo que la depresión se eliminó en la totalidad de los pacientes, pero fue más inmediato el efecto antidepresivo en los pacientes del grupo estudio, los síntomas asociados desaparecieron en casi la totalidad de ellos. Se concluye que el tratamiento tradicional acupuntural constituye una terapia efectiva en los pacientes con episodio depresivo leve

  2. Caso clínico del Departamento de Psiquiatría: Trastorno afectivo bipolar 1, episodio maníaco

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    José Manuel Calvo Gómez


    Full Text Available Se trata de un paciente de 21 años con un cuadro clínico de una semana de evolución cuyas características satisfacen los criterios diagnósticos de la Cuarta Edición del Manual Estadístico y Diagnóstico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM IV para trastorno afectivo bipolar 1,episodio maníaco severo con características psicóticas congruentes con el estado de ánimo. Criterios diagnósticos para trastorno afectivo bipolar 1: A. Actualmente (o recientemente en episodio maníaco. B. Ha existido previamente al menos un episodio depresivo mayor, episodio maníaco o episodio mixto. C. Los episodios afectivos de los criterios A y B no son producidos por un trastorno esquizoafectivo y no están superpuestos sobre esquizofrenia, trastorno esquizofreniforme, trastorno delirante, o trastorno psicótico no especificado en otro sitio.

  3. Tratamiento ambulatorio del paciente con neutropenia febril Outpatient therapy in patients with febrile neutropenia

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    Andrés Londoño Gallo


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    El tratamiento de los pacientes con neoplasia y neutropenia febril plantea muchas dudas. Una de ellas, que genera ansiedad en el personal de la salud, el paciente y sus familiares, es la necesidad de hospitalización porque ésta implica exponer a gérmenes intrahospitalarios potencialmente resistentes a un paciente cuyo sistema inmune puede no estar en las mejores condiciones; incluso con un aislamiento óptimo existe el riesgo de adquirir una infección nosocomial. Muchos estudios han tratado de validar métodos para clasificar a los pacientes con fiebre y neutropenia en grupos de diferente riesgo, como fundamento para implementar estrategias de tratamiento selectivo; así se ha abierto la posibilidad de utilizar medidas más conservadoras para el tratamiento de los episodios de bajo riesgo, entre ellas la administración de regímenes orales ambulatorios de antibióticos de amplio espectro; ello sin demeritar la necesidad de aplicar un juicio clínico adecuado, hacer un buen seguimiento y tener acceso a la atención médica inmediata. La neutropenia es una de las consecuencias graves de la quimioterapia para el cáncer, y se ha demostrado que el tratamiento del paciente neutropénico febril con antibióticos intravenosos reduce la mortalidad. La terapia oral podría ser una alternativa aceptable para pacientes bien seleccionados. Ella puede mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con cáncer, evitar las complicaciones asociadas con la terapia intravenosa y disminuir los costos del tratamiento.

    Treatment of patients with neoplasia and febrile neutropenia, as a consequence of chemotherapy, poses many doubts, among them the need for hospitalization, since this implies exposure to potentially resistant nosocomial microorganisms. Even under the best isolation techniques, there may

  4. Evaluación del desenlace y características clínicas de una serie de niños con neutropenia febril sin foco en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, Colombia, 2000-2005

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    María Adelaida Aristizábal Gil


    Full Text Available Introducción: la neutropenia febril (NF se asocia a infección en 48-60% de los casos y es la segunda causa de ingreso hospitalario al servicio de oncología pediátrica. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el desenlace de una serie de niños, que recibían tratamiento para neutropenia febril sin foco aparente, según un protocolo preestablecido en el Servicio de Hematooncología infantil del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: se incluyeron retrospectivamente historias clínicas de pacientes menores de 15 años con diagnóstico nuevo de neoplasia maligna y neutropenia febril sin foco, hospitalizados en un lapso de 5 años. Los datos se registraron en un formato preestablecido. RESULTADOS: se incluyeron 103 historias clínicas con 182 episodios de NF; 34,1% fueron pacientes con leucemia linfoblástica riesgo estándar (LLA, 19,8% LLA de alto riesgo y 13,7%, linfoma no Hodking. 68,1% tuvieron NF grave y en 94,5% se había aplicado quimioterapia previa (79,7% intensiva. La infección se documentó clínicamente en 38,4% y microbiológicamente en 25,2% de los episodios; hubo bacteriemia en 15,4% de los episodios, 3,3% con urocultivo positivo y 6,5% con aislamiento del invasor en otros sitios. Los microorganismos más frecuentes fueron Escherichia coli (24% y Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%. Hubo mayor resistencia a ceftriazona y cefatzidime tanto de gérmenes grampositivos como de gramnegativos y producción de betalactamasas en 9% durante un año de evaluación; 50% de los aislamientos de S. aureus coagulasa negativo fueron resistentes a oxacilina. En 37 episodios hubo complicaciones (20,2%, la más frecuente de las cuales fue la afectación cardiopulmonar; en 25,2% fracasó el tratamiento, en 21,4% hubo respuesta parcial y 7 pacientes (3,8% fallecieron. CONCLUSIONES: los hallazgos son similares a los reportados por otros autores; predominan en nuestra unidad los microorganismos gramnegativos como causa importante de

  5. Aplicación de un modelo pronóstico para predecir la evolución de la neutropenia febril en niños con leucemias agudas A new model applied in prediction of febrile neutropenia in children with acute leukemias

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    Alberto Arencibia Núñez


    Full Text Available Se realizó estudio analítico retrospectivo de casos controles en 62 episodios de neutropenia febril presentados por pacientes con hemopatías malignas admitidos en el Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología durante los años 2005 y 2006. Los episodios de neutropenia febril se dividieron en 2 grupos a partir de su evolución favorable (56 % o desfavorable (44 % y se compilaron los parámetros clínicos y de laboratorio en ambos grupos. Los factores que mayor asociación mostraron con la evolución desfavorable fueron la presencia de comorbilidad (sepsis, deshidratación, hipoxia, hipovolemia, mucositis severa, el diagnóstico de leucemia aguda no linfoblástica, el uso de quimioterapia en los 7 días previos al inicio de la fiebre, el compromiso del estado general, y el conteo absoluto de neutrófilos menor de 100 x mm³. Los pacientes con neutropenia febril de evolución desfavorable presentaron entre 3 y 5 factores de riesgo, mientras que los de evolución satisfactoria tuvieron menos de 2 factores de mal pronóstico. El valor predictivo positivo del modelo pronóstico fue del 91,4 % y el negativo del 92,6 %, con una sensibilidad y especificidad del 94,1 % y 89,3 %, respectivamente.A retrospective and analytical control cases study was carried out in 62 episodes of febrile neutropenia present in patients with malignant blood disease admitted in Hematology and Immunology Institute during 2005 and 2006. Above episodes were divided in 2 groups from its favorable course (56% or unfavorable (44% as well as the laboratory and clinical parameters compiled in both groups. Factors with higher association related to unfavorable course were the comorbidities presence (sepsis, dehydration, hypoxia, hypovolemia and severe mucositis, diagnosis of non-lymphoblastic, use of chemotherapy during the 7 previous days to fever onset, general status involvement, and the neutrophil absolute count lower than 100 x mm³. Patients presenting with a unfavorable course

  6. Aparición de episodios de neutropenia febril tras la quimioterapia citostática en el paciente oncológico Appearance of febrile neutropenia episodes after cytostatic therapy on Oncology patients

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    Leonardo Lami Casaus


    Full Text Available El tratamiento con drogas citotóxicas en el paciente oncológico, tiene como toxicidad limitante de dosis más común la neutropenia y sus complicaciones infecciosas. Su aparición provoca retrasos y reducción de dosis en los ciclos posteriores de quimioterapia, así como deterioro en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. El colectivo de Medicina Oncológica, que incluye el Servicio de Farmacia, decidió realizar un estudio, con el objetivo de analizar la aparición de neutropenia febril tras la administración de la terapia citotóxica y la presencia de otros factores que pueden incrementar el riesgo de estas reacciones. Se estudiaron los 42 pacientes que ingresaron con neutropenia febril tras el tratamiento citotóxico en el periodo comprendido entre febrero y agosto del 2007. Se recogieron variables biomédicas del grupo de pacientes incluidos y se analizó el tratamiento citostático empleado previamente. El grupo de edad que prevaleció fue el de los pacientes mayores de 50 años, con un predomino del sexo masculino y los estadios avanzados con afecciones asociadas. Las localizaciones tumorales más frecuentes radicaron en mama, pulmón y linfoma no Hodgkin. El citostático más señalado en casos de neutropenia febril resultó la adriamicina con un 71,4 %, seguido de la ciclofosfamida con 52,4 %. Los factores que más se asociaron con la aparición de neutropenia febril fueron: quimioterapia con antraciclinas, la edad mayor de 50 años, estadios avanzados y presencia de enfermedades asociadas.Treatment of oncology patient using cytotoxic drugs has the neutropenia and its infectious complications as the commonest dose-limiting toxicity. Its appearance provokes dose delays and reduction during post-chemotherapy cycles, as well as the quality of life deterioration of patients. Oncology Medicine Group including the Pharmacy Service carried out a study to analyze the appearance of febrile neutropenia after cytotoxic therapy administration, and

  7. Oxcarbazepina para los episodios afectivos agudos en el trastorno bipolar

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    Akshya Vasudev


    Se necesitan ensayos controlados con asignación aleatoria con adecuado poder estadístico y de buena calidad metodológica para informar el potencial terapéutico de la oxcarbazepina a través del espectro de episodios agudos en el trastorno bipolar.

  8. Un episodio relevante: la burbuja especulativa y la crisis inmobiliaria en perspectiva

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    José Manuel Naredo Pérez


    Full Text Available A juicio del autor, el episodio más relevante y condicionante para el territorio y el urbanismo de finales del siglo pasado y principios del actual, ha sido la enorme burbuja especulativa y la posterior crisis inmobiliaria que ha vivido el país. El pinchazo de esta burbuja ha forzado la crisis económica y también la del modelo inmobiliario que la posibilitó, invitando a reflexionar sobre él.

  9. Características clínicas y microbiológicas de los pacientes neutropénicos febriles con neoplasias hematológicas

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    Fabián Alberto Jaimes Barragán


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron en forma retrospectiva 441 historias clínicas en el período comprendido entre enero de 2003 y diciembre de 2005. De éstas, se identificaron las características de 117 episodios de neutropenia febril en 96 pacientes. La mediana de edad fue 34 años y el 56,4% de los episodios ocurrieron en hombres. Las más frecuentes neoplasias hematológicas relacionadas con neutropenia febril fueron leucemia linfoide aguda (LLA y leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA con 45 episodios de cada una, que corresponden al 76,9%. La mediana de duración de la neutropenia fue 8 días y el 60,7% de los casos entraron en la categoría de neutropenia grave. La mortalidad global fue del 32% y el 81,5% de estas muertes estuvieron asociadas directamente con la infección. Se obtuvo aislamiento microbiológico en el 51% de los eventos. Los bacilos gram negativos (BGN constituyeron el 59% de los aislamientos microbiológicos y los cocos gram positivos el 32%. El 14,3% de los BGN aislados fueron positivos para beta lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE y la resistencia global a ciprofloxacina alcanzó el 31,4%. El esquema antimicrobiano empírico más frecuentemente utilizado fue ciprofloxacina más ceftriaxona; la respuesta terapéutica fue desfavorable en 65% de los casos. En el Hospital San Vicente de Paúl de Medellín siguen primando los gérmenes gram negativos y son altas las tasas de resistencia a los antibióticos utilizados tradicionalmente como de primera línea, lo que sugiere la necesidad de reevaluar la pertinencia de estos esquemas.

  10. Percepción de algunos estilos de crianza y el episodio depresivo en el adulto.


    Salirrosas-Alegría, Cristopher; Saavedra-Castillo, Javier


    Objetivos: Evaluar la relación entre la percepción de algunos estilos de crianza y el episodio depresivo en el adulto. Método: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y transversal donde se usó la base de datos del Estudio Epidemiológico de Salud Mental de la Costa Peruana que incluyó 6555 personas adultas, relacionando los estilos de crianza con el episodio depresivo mediante pruebas de independencia para muestras complejas, ajustando modelos de regresión logística múltiple. Resultados: Se encont...

  11. Tratamiento del episodio agudo de asma bronquial en los servicios de urgencias pediátricos: Guía clínica práctica Treatment of the acute episode of bronchial asthma at the pediatric emergency services: Practical clinical guide

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    Roberto Razón Behar


    Full Text Available Por lo general, no existe una sistematización para clasificar y tratar el episodio agudo de asma bronquial ni para evaluar la evolución de los pacientes. Se realizó un estudio en 142 pacientes de 6 a 15 años de edad, que presentaron episodios agudos de asma bronquial y acudieron a los servicios de urgencias de los Hospitales Pediátricos «William Soler» y «Leonor Pérez», y del Policlínico «Federico Capdevila». A estos pacientes se les aplicó una guía clínica práctica, que incluyó la clasificación de la severidad del episodio agudo y un esquema de tratamiento, basado en la utilización de oxígeno, broncodilatadores inhalados y esteroides orales. Durante el tratamiento, los pacientes se evaluaron con periodicidad. La respuesta al tratamiento fue buena en la mayoría de los casos y el resultado final fue el egreso domiciliario. Ocho de los pacientes requirieron ingreso hospitalario por respuestas al tratamiento incompletas o pobres. La atención del episodio agudo de asma bronquial puede mejorarse con el uso de guías clínicas prácticas de diagnóstico y tratamiento.

  12. Bacteriemia por Abiotrophia defectiva en un paciente pediátrico neutropénico febril Bacteremia due to Abiotrophia defectiva in a febrile neutropenic pediatric patient

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    H. Lopardo


    Full Text Available Un estudio reciente destacó la presencia de Granulicatella spp. en episodios de bacteriemia en pacientes neutropénicos, a diferencia de Abiotrophia defectiva, que sólo se había observado en endocarditis infecciosa. El objetivo de esta presentación es describir un caso de bacteriemia por A. defectiva en un niño leucémico, neutropénico (200 GB/mm³ y febril (40 °C. En una de las muestras de hemocultivo se obtuvo el desarrollo de A. defectiva. A pesar de que el paciente estudiado cursaba una varicela, lo que podría justificar el episodio febril, el hallazgo de A. defectiva en el hemocultivo se interpretó como perteneciente a una bacteriemia verdadera ya que esta especie, según nuestros conocimientos, no forma parte de la flora habitual de la piel. Este caso sugiere que A. defectiva también puede ser responsable de casos de bacteriemia en pacientes inmunocomprometidos.The presence of Granulicatella spp. in bacteremic episodes of neutropenic patients was recently highlighted whereas Abiotrophia defectiva, was only isolated in cases of infectious endocarditis. The aim of this study is to describe a case of A.defectiva bacteremia in a leukemic and febrile (40 °C neutropenic (200 GB/mm³ boy. A.defectiva was only isolated from one of the two processed blood samples . Although the patient was undergoing an episode of varicela which could have accounted as the possible cause of fever, A. defectiva was considered a significant finding because this species is not part of the commensal skin flora. This case suggests that both A. defectiva and Granulicatella spp. should be regarded as possible causes of bacteremia in immunocompromised patients.

  13. Perfil etiológico del síndrome febril icterohemorrágico agudo y síndrome febril ictérico agudo en los valles del Apurímac, Quillabamba, Chanchamayo y Alto Huallaga, Perú, 1999-2000.

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    Full Text Available Objetivos: Conocer el perfil etiológico del síndrome febril hemorrágico agudo (SFHA y del síndrome febril ictérico agudo (SFIA en los valles del Río Apurímac (Ayacucho, Quillabamba (Cusco, Chanchamayo (Junín y Alto Huallaga (Huánuco. Materiales y métodos: Estudio longitudinal descriptivo realizado entre junio de 1999 y mayo de 2000, en 146 establecimientos de salud de los cuatro valles involucrados. Fueron incluidos pacientes que cumplieron con las definiciones de caso para la vigilancia del síndrome febril hemorrágico agudo y el síndrome febril ictérico agudo. Las muestras obtenidas se procesaron por ELISA IgM de captura para fiebre amarilla; IgM anti-HBc ELISA y HBsAg ELISA para hepatitis B; Ig anti-VHD ELISA para hepatitis D; e IgM ELISA para leptospirosis. Resultados: Fueron incluidos 63 casos: 98,4% con SFIA y 1,6% con SFHA. La letalidad fue de 16% y el tiempo entre inicio de síntomas y la obtención de la muestra de 7,2 ±5,1 días. Los casos que tuvieron confirmación diagnóstica fueron 31 (49,2%, hepatitis B (23,8%, hepatitis D (15,6%, fiebre amarilla (4,8% y leptospirosis (4,8%. Cusco tuvo el mayor porcentaje de casos confirmados por laboratorio, siendo la mayoría hepatitis B y D. Conclusiones: El estudio de la etiología de SFIA y SFHA ha permitido identificar tres brotes de fiebre amarilla en Cusco, Junín y Huánuco, y conocer la importancia de la hepatitis B, D y leptospirosis en el diagnóstico diferencial de estos síndromes. Si bien las definiciones usadas apuntan a detectar enfermedades severas, la vigilancia de ambos síndromes es complementaria y totalmente compatible con los sistemas de enfermedad específica y por el laboratorio.

  14. Validez y confiabilidad de un instrumento de satisfacción del usuario con síndrome febril agudo


    Tiga-Loza, Diana C; Villar-Centeno, Luis á; Güiza-Sanabria, Diana R; Martínez-Vega, Ruth A


    Objetivo Determinar la validez y la confiabilidad de un instrumento de satisfacción del paciente con Síndrome Febril Agudo en urgencias y consulta oportuna de la Red Pública de Bucaramanga. Métodos Estudio de evaluación de tecnologías diagnósticas en personas con Síndrome Febril Agudo entre el 2008 y 2009. Se diseñó un cuestionario telefónico a partir de 3 instrumentos en español. Se evaluó validez de contenido mediante sometimiento a expertos y a profesionales de salud y validez facial en un...

  15. Síndrome de ingesta nocturna como efecto colateral del zolpidem

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    Stella Maris Valiensi


    Full Text Available El zolpidem es una droga hipnótica utilizada para el tratamiento del insomnio. Disminuye la latencia del sueño, el número total de despertares y aumenta el tiempo total del sueño respetando en general su arquitectura. Se cree que aumenta la fase 3 del sueño lento profundo. Nuestro objetivo es comunicar 8 casos de síndrome de ingesta nocturna relacionado al sueño y conductas automáticas complejas asociadas a sonambulismo como efecto colateral del zolpidem. Se analizaron las historias clínicas de 8 pacientes tratados con zolpidem que referían ingesta nocturna de alimentos con amnesia total o parcial del episodio. Se presentan 6 mujeres y 2 hombres, entre 32 y 72 años (media: 58 años, 7 tratados con zolpidem 10 mg/noche y 1 con zolpidem 12.5 mg/noche de liberación prolongada. El tiempo de exposición previo al desarrollo de eventos fue de 1 a 180 días (media de 39.8. El número de episodios relatados era de 1 a 8/noche (media 2.5 asociado con amnesia. Los episodios desaparecieron por completo en el 100% de los casos al suspender la medicación. El síndrome de ingesta nocturna relacionado al sueño es una parasomnia de sueño lento profundo que consiste en episodios de ingesta de alimento o bebida durante la noche, con amnesia parcial o completa del episodio. El zolpidem podría inducir el síndrome de ingesta nocturna relacionado al sueño en aproximadamente el 1% de pacientes, aunque creemos que es un efecto adverso que está subdiagnosticado. Se resuelve simplemente suspendiendo la medicación.

  16. SAQUEOS EN LA ARGENTINA: algunas pistas para su comprensión a partir de los episodios de Córdoba-2013

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    Adrián Scribano

    Full Text Available Dando continuidad a una serie de reflexiones que se inscriben en el cruce entre los estudios de la acción colectiva, crítica ideológica y sociología de los cuerpos y emociones, este trabajo se propone tramar una explicación de los saqueos en Argentina, en tanto fenómenos asociados a unas políticas de las sensibilidades particulares. Para ello, revisa las maneras existentes para comprender a los saqueos; posteriormente reconstruye – a partir de diferentes fuentes secundarias – una aproximación a la “historia de los saqueos” en la Argentina, describiendo y estableciendo proximidades y distancias con el episodio ocurrido en Córdoba, en 2013. Finalmente desarrolla algunas posibles interpretaciones de este episodio en función del análisis de material cualitativo (observaciones y testimonios de actores. En las conclusiones, se enfatiza el modo en que los saqueos plantean la “sin razón” de unas prácticas del sentir particulares, que pueden describirse en la relación entre flujo, masa, bronca y vértigo. Desde aquí se sintetizan algunas pistas para análisis futuros.

  17. Gammagrafía renal en niños con primera infección febril del tracto urinario Renal scintigraphy in children with first febrile urinary tract infection

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    María Caridad Duarte Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la infección del tracto urinario es una de las infecciones bacterianas más frecuentes en la infancia. Objetivos: conocer las alteraciones renales en la fase aguda de la primera infección febril del tracto urinario, y relacionarlas con las variables estudiadas. Métodos: se estudiaron 211 niños con diagnóstico microbiológico de primera infección febril del tracto urinario, a los cuales se les realizó gammagrafía renal con Tc-DMSA en la fase aguda de la infección. Los resultados de la gammagrafía se correlacionaron con la duración e intensidad de la fiebre antes del diagnóstico, los reactantes de la fase aguda (hemograma, eritrosedimentación y proteína C reactiva y los resultados de los estudios imaginológicos (ultrasonido renal y uretrocistografía miccional. Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino y el 82,4 % de los pacientes fueron menores de un año. El 54 % de los pacientes presentaron alteraciones gammagráficas, y el patrón de hipocaptación del radiofármaco fue el hallazgo que predominó en el 70 % de ellos. Se encontró asociación significativa al relacionar la duración e intensidad de la fiebre con las alteraciones renales. De los parámetros de laboratorio, la leucocitosis superior a 15 000, la eritrosedimentación acelerada y la proteína C reactiva elevada, tuvieron significación estadística con las alteraciones renales, y los hallazgos radiológicos detectados por el ultrasonido renal y uretrocistografía miccional se correlacionaron estadísticamente con la afectación renal detectada con la gammagrafía. Conclusiones: un porcentaje elevado de los pacientes presentó extensión de la infección al parénquima renal, y las variables clínicas, de laboratorio e imaginológicas estudiadas fueron parámetros orientadores de daño renal.Introduction: the urinary tract infection is one of the most frequent bacterial infections in the childhood. Objectives: to learn about the acute renal alterations in

  18. Perfil etiológico del síndrome febril en áreas de alto riesgo de transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas de impacto en salud pública en el Perú, 2000-2001

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    Estudio interinstitucional desarrollado por las instituciones del Ministerio de Salud del Perú


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Conocer el perfil etiológico en pacientes con síndrome febril frotis negativo para Bartonella o gota gruesa negativa para malaria de dos zonas piloto (costa norte y selva oriental del Perú. Materiales y métodos: Estudio longitudinal descriptivo realizado entre mayo de 2000 y julio de 2001, en cuatro establecimientos de salud: CS Chiclayito y Salitral en Piura, hospital de Yurimaguas y CS San Juan en Loreto. Fueron incluidos pacientes febriles (entre 5 y 65 años de edad frotis negativo para Bartonella o gota gruesa negativa para malaria. En las muestras obtenidas se realizó IFI para el diagnóstico de tifus (sólo en Piura, ELISA IgM para leptospirosis y ELISA IgM-IgG para dengue, fiebre amarilla, Mayaro, Oropuche y virus de la encefalitis equina venezolana (EEV. Resultados: Se logró aislamiento viral de dengue en 27 (6,3% pacientes, virus de la EEV en cinco y virus del grupo C en un paciente. DEN-2 y DEN-3 fueron identificados en Chiclayito. EEV y virus del grupo C fueron aislados en pacientes de San Juan. Se encontró presencia de IgM anti-dengue en 43 (9,6% pacientes y de IgM contra la fiebre amarilla en 21 (4,7% pacientes, siendo la mayoría de Yurimaguas. También se encontró IgM contra EEV en siete pacientes, contra Mayaro en uno y contra Oropuche en cuatro. Leptospirosis fue la segunda etiología del síndrome febril (3,8%; mientras que tifus fue confirmado por IFI en cinco pacientes de Chiclayito. Conclusiones: El estudio de la etiología del síndrome febril ha permitido: conocer la circulación del virus EEV, detectar el ingreso del DEN-3 al país y conocer el componente de arbovirosis en el síndrome febril de la costa norte y la selva en ausencia de actividad epidémica.

  19. Infección bacteriana severa en niños febriles: Parámetros predictivos

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    Alicia Álvarez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Diferentes investigadores han realizado estudios sobre el manejo del niño febril y plantean que es un dilema al que se enfrenta a diario el médico que atiende niños. Motivados por este tema se efectuó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de los niños febriles, sin causa aparente en su valoración inicial, que asistieron al servicio de urgencias en un período de 9 meses, con el objetivo de identificar el diagnóstico definitivo al egreso y se precisó el tipo de infección bacteriana severa y relacionó la presencia de éstos con parámetros clínicos y de laboratorios. El mayor número de niños febriles valorados e ingresados mostraron edades desde 91 días hasta 36 meses. El menor porcenaje de ellos ingresaron y desarrollaron alguna infección bacteriana severa principalmente neumonía, y fue mayor el porcentaje de niños con esta patología a menos edad con predominio del aspecto tóxico y de la temperatura 39 EC. Resultó el manejo ambulatorio del niño febril mayor de 90 días y bajo riesgo de infección bacteriana severa un ahorro en vidas y dinero, por lo que se recomienda generalizar el flujograma propuesto para la evaluación y manejo del niño febril de 3 a 36 meses de edad.Different researches have performed studies on the management of the febrile infant and they point out that this is a dilemma faced by every physician who takes care of children. Motivated by this subject, a descriptive and retrospective study of febrile infants was conducted. The study was carried out to evaluate febrile infants without evident cause at the baseline evaluation who attended the emergency service during a period of 9 months with the objective of identifying the definite diagnosis at admission. The type of bacterial infection was accurately assessed and the presence of this was related to clinical and laboratory parameters. The greatest number of febrile infants evaluated and admitted to hospital were 91 days-36 months old. The lowest percentage

  20. Gammagrafía renal en niños con primera infección febril del tracto urinario

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    María Caridad Duarte Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la infección del tracto urinario es una de las infecciones bacterianas más frecuentes en la infancia. Objetivos: conocer las alteraciones renales en la fase aguda de la primera infección febril del tracto urinario, y relacionarlas con las variables estudiadas. Métodos: se estudiaron 211 niños con diagnóstico microbiológico de primera infección febril del tracto urinario, a los cuales se les realizó gammagrafía renal con Tc-DMSA en la fase aguda de la infección. Los resultados de la gammagrafía se correlacionaron con la duración e intensidad de la fiebre antes del diagnóstico, los reactantes de la fase aguda (hemograma, eritrosedimentación y proteína C reactiva y los resultados de los estudios imaginológicos (ultrasonido renal y uretrocistografía miccional. Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino y el 82,4 % de los pacientes fueron menores de un año. El 54 % de los pacientes presentaron alteraciones gammagráficas, y el patrón de hipocaptación del radiofármaco fue el hallazgo que predominó en el 70 % de ellos. Se encontró asociación significativa al relacionar la duración e intensidad de la fiebre con las alteraciones renales. De los parámetros de laboratorio, la leucocitosis superior a 15 000, la eritrosedimentación acelerada y la proteína C reactiva elevada, tuvieron significación estadística con las alteraciones renales, y los hallazgos radiológicos detectados por el ultrasonido renal y uretrocistografía miccional se correlacionaron estadísticamente con la afectación renal detectada con la gammagrafía. Conclusiones: un porcentaje elevado de los pacientes presentó extensión de la infección al parénquima renal, y las variables clínicas, de laboratorio e imaginológicas estudiadas fueron parámetros orientadores de daño renal.

  1. El tratamiento a largo plazo del trastorno bipolar

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    Leonardo Tondo


    Full Text Available Las indicaciones medicamentosas para el tratamiento del trastorno bipolar (TB requieren de una ponderación de la necesidad de tratamiento del episodio en curso y su evolución a largo plazo. Los objetivos principales radicarán en estabilizar el ánimo, evitar un episodio de polaridad opuesta y prevenir posibles recaídas. Dentro del abanico de tratamientos disponibles se encuentran los estabilizadores del humor, los antipsicóticos, los antidepresivos, y las terapias no farmacológicas. En el presente trabajo se realiza un recorrido sobre las ventajas y desventajas de estos tratamientos. La evidencia empírica indica que el litio resulta el estabilizador del humor más utilizado siendo considerado como gold standard para la prueba de nuevos tratamientos. Los antipsicóticos suelen ser los fármacos de elección para episodios maníacos con o sin este tipo de síntomas y prefiriéndose a los atípicos por presentar menores efectos secundarios. El uso de antidepresivos debe ser cauteloso por el riesgo de polarización a estados maníacos. Finalmente, dentro de las terapias no farmacológicas, la terapia cognitivo conductual y la psicoeducación son consideradas las intervenciones más eficaces.

  2. Eficacia del Entrenamiento Metacognitivo en los procesos emocionales en pacientes con un primer episodio psicótico


    Guasp Tortajada, Alejandra María


    INTRODUCCIÓN Es sabido que aspectos emocionales negativos tales como síntomas depresivos y baja autoestima son habituales en pacientes con psicosis y en concreto, en pacientes con un primer episodio psicótico. Se conoce también que existe una relación entre dichas alteraciones emocionales y los delirios. Además, las investigaciones actuales están demostrando que la intervención temprana, en pacientes con un trastorno psicótico de breve evolución, puede ser determinante en su evolución y r...

  3. Febrile seizures (United States)

    ... proper care. Occasionally, a provider will prescribe a medicine called diazepam to prevent or treat febrile seizures that occur more than once. However, no drug is completely effective in preventing febrile seizures. Alternative Names Seizure - fever induced; Febrile convulsions Patient Instructions ...

  4. Etiología del síndrome febril agudo en la provincia de Jaén, Perú 2004-2005

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    Lucinda Troyes R


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Conocer a tiología el Síndrome febril agudo en nacientes que acudieron a tres establecimientos de salud de la provincia de Jaén entre mayo de 2004 y abril de 2005. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo realizado en tres establecimientos de salud: Hospital General de Jaén, Hospital de Apoyo Bellavista y Centro de Salud Morro Solar. Se incluyeron pacientes entre 5 y 65 años con fiebre de menos de ocho días de evolución y sin foco infeccioso aparente. Inicialmente se les realizó gota gruesa para malaria y frotis sanguíneo para Bartonelosis; de los casos negativos se obtuvo una segunda muestra de sangre para la búsqueda de ELISA IgM y microaglutinación para el diagnóstico de leptospirosis, ELISA IgM para dengue, Mayaro, Oropuche y encefalitis equina venezolana, e inmunofluorescencia indirecta para Rickettsiosis. Resultados: De 1039 febriles incluidos, se determinó la etiología en 680 (65,4%casos, malaria por P.falciparum 312 (30,0%, leptospirosis 115 (11,1%, dengue 105 (10,1%, malaria por P. vivax 76 (7,3%,leptospirosis más dengue 30 (2,9%, Rickettsiosis 15 (1,4%,Bartonelosis 17 (1,6%,leptospirosis más Rickettsiosis 7 (0,7%, y leptospirosis, dengue más Rickettsiosis 3 (0,3%. Los serovares de Leptospira más frecuentes fueron varilla (35,7%y bratislava (32,5%. Conclusión: La malaria es la principal causa de síndrome febril agudo en Jaén, se destaca la presencia de la leptospirosis como segunda causa,por delante del dengue; es necesario considerar dentro del diagnóstico diferencial Rickettsiosis y Bartonelosis.

  5. Epilepsy after Febrile Seizures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seinfeld, S. A.; Pellock, J M; Kjeldsen, Lone Marianne Juel


    to evaluate genetic associations of different febrile seizure subtypes. Results Histories of febrile seizures were validated in 1051 twins in 900 pairs. The febrile seizure type was classified as simple, complex, or febrile status epilepticus. There were 61% simple, 12% complex, and 7% febrile status...... epilepticus. There were 78 twins who developed epilepsy. The highest rate of epilepsy (22.2%) occurred in the febrile status epilepticus group. Concordance was highest in simple group. Conclusion A twin with febrile status epilepticus is at the highest risk of developing epilepsy, but simple febrile seizures...


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    Enz P


    Full Text Available El hiperparatiroidismo secundario es uno de los principales disturbios causados por la insuficiencia renal crónica, y la paratohormona es considerada una de las toxinas del sindrome urémico. El sindrome febril prolongado secundario a hiperparatiroidismo primario ya ha sido descripto en la literatura, aunque no lo ha sido aun el inducido por hiperparatiroidismo secundario. En el presente reporte se presenta un caso de eritema nodoso y sindrome febril prolongado asociado a hiperparatiroidismo secundario y que resolvió luego de efectuada una paratiroidectomía subtotal.

  7. Febrile Seizure Simulation

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    Victor Cisneros


    Full Text Available Audience: This simulation session is appropriate for medical students, community physicians, or residents in emergency medicine, neurology, pediatrics, or family medicine. Introduction: Febrile seizures are the most common form of seizures in childhood; they are thought to occur in 2-5% of all children.1-3 Febrile seizures are defined as a seizure in association with a febrile illness in children without a central nervous system infection, previous afebrile seizure, known brain disorder, or electrolyte abnormalities. 1,2 They typically occur between 6 months and 18 months of age though they can occur up to 5 years of age.3 Febrile seizures are categorized as: simple (generalized seizure lasting less than 15 minutes in a child aged 6 months to 5 years, and less than 1 in a 24 hour period or complex (a focal seizure or generalized seizure lasting greater than 15 minutes, or multiple seizures in a 24 hour period. 1,3 Treatment for febrile seizures is based on treating the underlying cause of the fever and giving reassurance and education to the parents.2 Mortality is extremely rare, and there is no difference in the patient’s cognitive abilities after a febrile seizure, even when the seizure is prolonged.1 Objectives: At the end of this simulation session, the learner will be able to: 1 discuss the management of febrile seizures 2 discuss when placement of an advanced airway is indicated in the management of a febrile seizure 3 list the risk factors for febrile seizures 4 prepare a differential diagnosis for the causes of febrile seizures 5 educate family members on febrile seizures. Methods: This educational session is a high-fidelity simulation.

  8. Arboreas voces solis luneque loquentes: la visita de Alejandro Magno a los árboles del sol y de la luna en las crónicas del siglo XII

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    José Miguel De Toro Vidal


    Full Text Available El encuentro de Alejandro Magno con los árboles parlantes del Sol y de la Luna en un bosque sagrado de la India, constituye uno de los muchos episodios maravillosos de la leyenda alejandrina difundida en la Edad Media. El objetivo del presente artículo es estudiar el momento en que los cronistas deciden incorporar este pasaje en sus obras e indagar en las causas de esta decisión. Para ello se han revisado las crónicas universales del siglo XII y principios del XIII, cotejándolas con otras obras producidas en la época. Se aprecia que tanto la Historia Scholastica de Pedro Coméstor como los mapamundis contribuyeron a la aceptación del episodio. No obstante, la inclusión del pasaje en las crónicas no obedece tanto a la afirmación del encuentro con los árboles como un hecho cierto de la historia, sino al proyecto histórico-literario previsto por el autor de cada crónica.

  9. Implicancias teológicas y místicas de la noción de en el episodio de la samaritana

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    Leonardo Vicente Pons


    Full Text Available Este artículo trabaja el comentario de Orígenes (Cio XIII, 1-74 al episodio de la samaritana, donde se analiza el conocimiento que los perfectos tienen de los misterios divinos: la venida noética del Logos permite la identificación con el nous de Cristo, hacerse uno con la Sabiduría, a partir de la fuente de agua viva que brota del interior. En este sentido, parte central del análisis lo tendrá la consideración de ímép, la cual, en la tesis del artículo, expresa importantes implicancias teológicas y místicas.This article discusses the commentary of the Origins (Cio XIII, 1-74 on the Samaritan episode, which analyzes knowledge that the perfect have about the divine mysteries: the noetic arrival of the Logos that allows identification with the nous of Christ, becoming one with Wisdom, starting from the living water that arises from within. To this effect, a central part of the analysis will consider ímép, which, in the thesis of this article, has important theological and mystical implications.

  10. Randomized, controlled trial of ibuprofen syrup administered during febrile illnesses to prevent febrile seizure recurrences

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. van Stuijvenberg (Margriet); G. Derksen-Lubsen (Gerarda); E.W. Steyerberg (Ewout); J.D.F. Habbema (Dik); H.A. Moll (Henriëtte)


    textabstractOBJECTIVES: Febrile seizures recur frequently. Factors increasing the risk of febrile seizure recurrence include young age at onset, family history of febrile seizures, previous recurrent febrile seizures, time lapse since previous seizure <6 months,

  11. Tratamiento al niño febril en atención primaria de salud Treatment of the febrile child in primary health care

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    Rogelio León López


    Full Text Available Se exponen consideraciones útiles sobre el tratamiento de la fiebre en el niño en el nivel de atención primaria de salud, haciendo referencia a aspectos esenciales, tales como: definición, fisiopatología, clasificación, signos de alarma y cómo tomar la temperatura, así como también aspectos básicos a tener en cuenta en el tratamiento de la entidad. Al constituir la fiebre uno de los motivos más frecuentes de atención al niño, se destaca la importancia de su correcta valoración por todo el personal que se enfrenta a la siempre preocupante situación del niño febril. Además, se enfatiza en el pesquisaje de una infección bacteriana severa a todo niño que acuda al facultativo con fiebre. Se hace referencia a algunos protocolos de trabajos nacionales e internacionales para el tratamiento al niño febril. Finalmente se hacen consideraciones sobre la importancia de entrenar no solamente al personal de la salud que atiende a los niños, sino también a los familiares y a los cuidadores del niño febril, así como algunas recomendaciones y sugerencias basadas en la bibliografía revisada y en nuestra propia experiencia en la práctica clínica.Useful considerations on the treatment of fever in the child at the primary health care level were exposed, making reference to essential aspects, such as: definition, physiopathology, classification, alarm signs, how to take the temperature, as well as other basic aspects to be taken into account in the treatment of the entity. On having fever, one of the most frequent reasons to give attention to the child, it was stressed the importance of its correct assessment by all the personnel facing the increasingly worrying situation of the febrile child. Moreover, emphasis was made on the screening of a severe bacterial infection in every child with fever visiting the physician. Reference was made to some national and international working protocols for the treatment of the febrile child. Finally, some

  12. Efficacy of a diazepam suppository at preventing febrile seizure recurrence during a single febrile illness. (United States)

    Hirabayashi, Yu; Okumura, Akihisa; Kondo, Taiki; Magota, Miyuki; Kawabe, Shinji; Kando, Naoyuki; Yamaguchi, Hideaki; Natsume, Jun; Negoro, Tamiko; Watanabe, Kazuyoshi


    To assess the efficacy of diazepam suppositories at preventing febrile seizure recurrence during a single febrile illness to determine how to treat children with a febrile seizure on presentation at the hospital. We studied 203 children with febrile seizures from December 2004 through March 2006. On admission between December 2004 and May 2005, a diazepam suppository was administered to the patients. Patients seen between June 2005 and March 2006 were not treated with antiepileptic drugs on admission. We saw a significant difference in the rate of recurrence of febrile seizures between children treated with diazepam and those who were not. Recurrences were observed in 2 (2.1%) of 95 children treated with diazepam and in 16 (14.8%) of 108 untreated children. For the 108 untreated patients, the median age was 22.8 months in those with recurrences and 30.6 months in those without, confirming that a younger age was related to a recurrence. A diazepam suppository after a febrile seizure will reduce the incidence of recurrent febrile seizures during the same febrile illness. However, a diazepam suppository after a febrile seizure should be used after carefully considering the benefits and potential adverse effects.

  13. Frecuencia de infección por VIH en pacientes con episodio agudo de herpes zoster

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    Susana Lazarte Heraud


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la frecuencia de infección por VIH en pacientes que consultan por episodio agudo de herpes zoster. Material y Métodos: Se incluyeron a todos los pacientes entre 18 y 49 años, atendidos entre setiembre del 2001 y enero del 2003 en el Departamento de Enfermedades Infecciosas, Tropicales y Dermatológicas del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, por un cuadro agudo de herpes zoster, diagnosticado clínicamente. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: status VIH desconocido tanto del paciente como de su pareja; que no presentaran alguna complicación neurológica o presentación atípica de zoster y que no tuvieran signos ni síntomas compatibles con infección por VIH (muguet oral, diarrea crónica, síndrome de desgaste, etc.. Previa firma de consentimiento informado, se tomó muestra de sangre para prueba de ELISA para VIH1. A todos los pacientes con resultado positivo se les realizó western blot. Resultados: Veintiún pacientes cumplieron los criterios del estudio, 14 varones y 7 mujeres. Cinco pacientes (23,8% fueron VIH positivos. De éstos, 4 fueron varones (4/14 y 1 mujer (1/7. No se encontró diferencias significativas en cuanto a la conducta sexual de riesgo. Conclusiones: Se encuentra un porcentaje elevado de infección por VIH en adultos jóvenes que consultan en un hospital general por un cuadro agudo de herpes zoster, sin ningún otro signo ni síntoma de inmunosupresión, independientemente de conductas sexuales de riesgo. Nuestro hallazgo justifica un despistaje de VIH en adultos jóvenes con herpes zoster.

  14. La supersticiosa ética del lector

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    Jorge Luis Borges


    Full Text Available La condición indigente de nuestras letras, su incapacidad de atraer, han producido una superstición del estilo, una distraída lectura de atenciones parciales. Los que adolecen de esa superstición entienden por estilo no la eficacia o la ineficacia de una página, sino las habilidades aparentes del escritor: sus comparaciones, su acústica, los episodios de su puntuación y de su sintáxis.

  15. Neutropenia febril en el trópico: una descripción de los hallazgos clínicos y microbiológicos y el impacto de la terapia inapropiada que utilizan en un centro de referencia oncológica en Colombia

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    Jorge A. Cortés


    Full Text Available Introducción. La neutropenia febril es una complicación frecuente de la quimioterapia para las neoplasias hematológicas. Se dispone de escasa información de sus complicaciones infecciosas en nuestro medio. Objetivo. Evaluar las características clínicas y microbiológicas de pacientes con neutropenia febril, así como su resultado clínico en una institución de referencia oncológica en Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se conformó prospectivamente una serie de casos con pacientes con enfermedad oncológica confirmada, que consultaron o presentaron neutropenia febril durante la hospitalización. Se excluyeron aquellos con enfermedad hematológica benigna. Se recolectaron datos sobre variables demográficas, microbiológicas, clínicas, de tratamiento y de resultado de los pacientes. Se llevaron a cabo un análisis univariado y uno multivariado, con la mortalidad como resultado. Resultados. Se identificaron 130 episodios de neutropenia febril en 104 pacientes, con una edad media de 19 años y 53 % masculinos. El 86 % de los episodios ocurrieron en pacientes con alteraciones hematológicas. Se demostró infección en 65 % de los casos: 41 % con un foco infeccioso localizado y 27,7 % con bacteriemia. Los principales focos infecciosos se localizaron en el torrente sanguíneo, el aparato urinario, el sistema gastrointestinal, la piel y los tejidos blandos. De los aislamientos microbiológicos, 46,4 % fueron bacilos Gram negativos, 38,4 %, cocos Gram positivos, 9 %, hongos y, 7,1%, parásitos. La mortalidad global fue de 7,7 %. En el análisis multivariado la utilización de un tratamiento empírico apropiado se correlacionó con una menor mortalidad, de forma independiente (OR=0,17; IC95% 0,034-0,9; p=0,037. Conclusiones. La tasa de mortalidad fue relativamente baja y fue comparable con lo reportado en países desarrollados. El tratamiento antimicrobiano inapropiado fue el principal factor asociado con mortalidad.   doi:

  16. Reconstrucción paleoambiental del Pleistoceno Superior en la desembocadura del río Millars a través del análisis palinológico

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    Manuel Casas Gallego


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados del análisis palinológico efectuado sobre sedimentos del Pleistoceno superior en la desembocadura del río Millars, que han permitido detectar un episodio frío que interrumpió la vegetación presente en la zona y ejerció un efecto de debilitamiento sobre el caudal del río. La presencia de polen de arbustos termófilos constata la importancia del litoral castellonense como zona refugio durante el último máximo glacial. La interpretación paleoclimática está basada en la variación de los porcentajes de Pinus, Juniperus, arbustos mesotermófilos y elementos acuáticos.

  17. Atención farmacéutica en personas que han sufrido episodios coronarios agudos (estudio TOMCOR

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    Álvarez de Toledo Flor


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Este estudio valora los efectos de un nuevo modelo de trabajo en las farmacias, denominado Atención Farmacéutica, frente al modelo tradicional. Se pretende conocer su factibilidad y las diferencias, potencialmente debidas a la Atención Farmacéutica, respecto de los resultados de salud de la farmacoterapia usada, en una muestra de pacientes que han sufrido episodios coronarios agudos. Métodos: Es un estudio prospectivo con un grupo de intervención (330 personas y un grupo control (405 personas, realizado en 83 farmacias de Asturias, Barcelona, Madrid y Vizcaya, en las que se hizo seguimiento durante un año del uso de medicamentos en 735 personas, de las cuales finalizaron el estudio 600. Resultados: Hubo diferencias favorables al grupo intervención, respecto de: a uso de servicios sanitarios indicativos de mayor morbilidad, tales como la frecuencia de consultas hospitalarias urgentes por paciente 1,27Interv. (IC95 %:1,10 a 1,44 y 1,63Contr.(IC95 %:1,36 a 1,90 o los días promedio de UCI por paciente hospitalizado: 2,46Interv.(IC95 %:1,56 a 3,36 y 5,87Contr.(IC95 %: 3,57 a 8,17, por causa cardiológica; b calidad de vida con diferencia de 4,7 (p < 0,05 en la dimensión de función física; c conocimiento de factores de riesgo de enfermedad coronaria, promedio de +10 % (p < 0,02 - 0,07, según dimensión; d identificación nominal de los medicamentos usados +10 % (p < 0,01; importancia subjetiva otorgada a los antiagregantes + 12 % (p < 0,009, los beta-bloqueantes, así como sus efectos +25 % (p < 0,02; y e satisfacción con la AF y percepción de la competencia profesional, promedio de + 12 % (p < 0,000 - 0,05, según dimensión. Conclusiones: Los valores menores de: demanda individual urgente coronaria, frecuencia de hospitalizaciones y número de días de Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos coronaria por hospitalización, sugerirían que los pacientes que tras un episodio coronario agudo reciben Atención Farmacéutica tienden a

  18. Atención farmacéutica en personas que han sufrido episodios coronarios agudos (estudio tomcor

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    Flor Álvarez de Toledo


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Este estudio valora los efectos de un nuevo modelo de trabajo en las farmacias, denominado Atención Farmacéutica, frente al modelo tradicional. Se pretende conocer su factibilidad y las diferencias, potencialmente debidas a la Atención Farmacéutica, respecto de los resultados de salud de la farmacoterapia usada, en una muestra de pacientes que han sufrido episodios coronarios agudos. Métodos: Es un estudio prospectivo con un grupo de intervención (330 personas y un grupo control (405 personas, realizado en 83 farmacias de Asturias, Barcelona, Madrid y Vizcaya, en las que se hizo seguimiento durante un año del uso de medicamentos en 735 personas, de las cuales finalizaron el estudio 600. Resultados: Hubo diferencias favorables al grupo intervención, respecto de: a uso de servicios sanitarios indicativos de mayor morbilidad, tales como la frecuencia de consultas hospitalarias urgentes por paciente 1,27Interv. (IC95 %:1,10 a 1,44 y 1,63Contr.(IC95 %:1,36 a 1,90 o los días promedio de UCI por paciente hospitalizado: 2,46Interv.(IC95 %:1,56 a 3,36 y 5,87Contr.(IC95 %: 3,57 a 8,17, por causa cardiológica; b calidad de vida con diferencia de 4,7 (p < 0,05 en la dimensión de función física; c conocimiento de factores de riesgo de enfermedad coronaria, promedio de +10 % (p < 0,02 - 0,07, según dimensión; d identificación nominal de los medicamentos usados +10 % (p < 0,01; importancia subjetiva otorgada a los antiagregantes + 12 % (p < 0,009, los beta-bloqueantes, así como sus efectos +25 % (p < 0,02; y e satisfacción con la AF y percepción de la competencia profesional, promedio de + 12 % (p < 0,000 – 0,05, según dimensión. Conclusiones: Los valores menores de: demanda individual urgente coronaria, frecuencia de hospitalizaciones y número de días de Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos coronaria por hospitalización, sugerirían que los pacientes que tras un episodio coronario agudo reciben Atención Farmacéutica tienden a

  19. Validez de la escala breve de Zung para tamizaje del episodio depresivo mayor en la población general de Bucaramanga, Colombia


    Adalberto Campo; Luis Alfonso Díaz; Germán Eduardo Rueda


    Introducción. Las escalas breves para identificar trastornos depresivos conservan la utilidad de las escalas extensas como instrumentos para tamizaje. Sin embargo, no se cuenta con una escala de estas características validada en población general colombiana. Objetivo. Diseñar una escala abreviada de la escala de Zung para depresión para tamizaje de episodio depresivo mayor en adultos residentes en la comunidad general. Materiales y métodos. A partir de la aplicación de la escala de Zung...

  20. Utilidad de la prueba torniquete en el diagnóstico diferencial de Dengue de otros síndromes febriles

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    Claudia Ximena Méndez Duarte


    Full Text Available Introducción: El dengue es la infección transmitida por mosquitos más importante en el mundo. Siendo más susceptible a infectarse la población infantil. En la etapa inicial de la enfermedad los síntomas son indiferenciables de otros síndromes febriles agudos, situación que hace complejo, tardío y poco sensible el diagnóstico clínico en la fase aguda de la enfermedad. La prueba torniquete es utilizada como un criterio de clasificación para definir la severidad del dengue hemorrágico por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, podría utilizarse en el diagnóstico diferencial del dengue. Objetivo: Evaluar en población infantil las características operativas de la prueba torniquete en el diagnóstico diferencial del dengue de otros síndromes febriles agudos. Métodos: Entre junio de 2006 y Abril del 2008 se incluyeron del servicio de urgencias pacientes entre dos y 12 años de edad que presentaban un cuadro febril sin origen aparente. Se les realizó un examen físico estandarizado junto con la prueba de torniquete, calculándose la sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo (VPP y negativo (VPN a la prueba. Resultados: Se captaron 129 pacientes y se diagnosticaron 66 casos de dengue. La prueba torniquete tuvo sensibilidad de 60.6% (IC95%=48.8-72.4, especificidad 55.9% (IC95%=43.3-68.6, VPP 60.6% (IC95%=48.8-72.4 y un VPN 55.9%. (IC95%=43.3-68.6. El resultado de la prueba estuvo asociado al tiempo de tolerancia del torniquete (p<0.001. Conclusiones: La prueba torniquete por sí sola no es útil como herramienta clínica para diferenciar el dengue de otros síndromes febriles en niños entre los dos y los 12 años de zonas endémicas.

  1. Virus influenza y el diagnóstico diferencial de sintomáticos febriles en la costa norte del Perú (Mayo, 2001

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    Yvonne Torres de Yon


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar el virus influenza y otros agentes etiológicos relacionados con la presentación de síndrome febril en los departamentos de Piura, Tumbes, Lambayeque y La Libertad, en mayo de 2001. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Incluye pacientes febriles que acudieron a los puestos de salud centinelas y que presentaban fiebre mayor de 38°C y gota gruesa negativa. Se obtuvieron dos muestras de sangre con un intervalo de 15-45 días. Se registró la sintomatología asociada a fiebre, y se determinó la presencia de anticuerpos mediante pruebas serológicas para dengue, influenza, sarampión y rubéola, además de pruebas para aislamiento y tipificación viral. Resultados: Se registraron 174 pacientes, 58,6% de ellos mujeres, siendo el grupo etáreo más frecuente de menores de 16 años (32,2%. Además de la fiebre se informaron como síntomas más frecuentes el dolor de cabeza (90,1% y dolor de huesos (81,9%. En 89 pacientes (51,1% se pudo obtener muestras de sueros pareados, los cuales fueron incluidos en el estudio serológico; 62 pacientes (69,6% presentaron serología positiva para dengue, 53 (59,5% para influenza y sólo uno (1,1% para rubéola. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico diferencial de pacientes sintomáticos febriles en los departamentos de la costa norte del Perú, luego de descartarse malaria, debe incluir además entre otras etiologías al virus influenza. Un diagnóstico diferencial adecuado permitirá un tratamiento precoz y efectivo. Se hace necesario implementar la vigilancia epidemiológica para mejorar el diagnóstico diferencial en sintomáticos febriles, que incluya a influenza.

  2. Revisión de los tratamientos psicológicos en primeros episodios psicóticos

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    Conclusiones: Los estudios seleccionados confirman una mejora significativa en el curso y/o la sintomatología del trastorno a corto y a medio plazo, cuando se comparan con el tratamiento habitual. La detección y el tratamiento temprano de la psicosis reduce la tasa de transición en un seguimiento a dos años. También la sintomatología negativa y la funcionalidad parecen beneficiarse del tratamiento psicológico en estos pacientes. En los primeros episodios parece destacar el tratamiento integrado debido a que reporta beneficios importantes sobre la sintomatología negativa, los síntomas psicóticos, las tasas de recaídas, el tiempo de hospitalización y la funcionalidad global y social de los pacientes. Estos beneficios se pueden observar durante el seguimiento a dos años, no manteniéndose a los cinco años. Las diferencias encontradas entre ensayos pueden ser debidas a las diferentes técnicas utilizadas en el grupo control denominándose este tratamiento estándar o usual en el que no se ofrece detalles del mismo. Sin embargo, se requiere un mayor número de ensayos de calidad metodológica suficiente para incrementar la evidencia de cuáles son las técnicas más eficaces, o bien, poner en marcha una red de investigación donde se aúnen los esfuerzos investigadores de los grupos con proyectos relacionados para poder obtener muestras competitivas y resultados extrapolables.

  3. Validez de la escala breve de Zung para tamizaje del episodio depresivo mayor en la población general de Bucaramanga, Colombia


    Campo, Adalberto; Díaz, Luis Alfonso; Rueda, Germán Eduardo


    Introducción. Las escalas breves para identificar trastornos depresivos conservan la utilidad de las escalas extensas como instrumentos para tamizaje. Sin embargo, no se cuenta con una escala de estas características validada en población general colombiana. Objetivo. Diseñar una escala abreviada de la escala de Zung para depresión para tamizaje de episodio depresivo mayor en adultos residentes en la comunidad general. Materiales y métodos. A partir de la aplicación de la escala de Zung de ve...

  4. La neutropenia severa febril en niños con cáncer: Estudio descriptivo en el Hospital Universitario de Santander Severe febrile neutropenia in children with cancer: A descriptive study at the Hospital Universitario de Santander

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    Ernesto Rueda


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir una población oncológica afectada por neutropenia severa febril, sus características demográficas, nutricionales, microbiológicas, de tratamiento y severidad de la enfermedad. Materiales y métodos: Esta es una serie de casos prospectiva de los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Universitario de Santander entre enero/2007 y enero/2008. Resultados: Veintiun (21 pacientes aportaron 35 episodios de neutropenia febril; 65,7% eran hombres, la edad promedio 5,6 años; 38,3% vivían en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga y 91,4% en estrato socioeconómico bajo. El diagnóstico oncológico más frecuente fue leucemia linfocítica aguda. Ninguno presentó dolor abdominal o síntomas neurológicos. La neutropenia se detectó 8,5 días en promedio posterior a la última quimioterapia. El 31,4% no tuvieron neutrófilos absolutos, 54,2% plaquetas Objective: To describe an oncological population affected with severe febrile neutropenia, its demographic, nutritional, and microbiological features, their treatment and severity of the illness. Materials and methods: A descriptive-prospective clinical chart review from attended patients at the Hospital Universitario de Santander, from January/2007 to January/2008. Results: Twenty (21 patients contributed with 35 febrile neutropenia episodes; 65.7% were male; they aged average was 5.6-years; 38.37% lived in Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area; 91.4% had low economic status. The most frequent oncological diagnosis was acute lumphocytic leukemia. No one presented abdominal pain or neurological symptoms. The neutropenia was detected 8.5 days after the last chemotherapy cycle. 31.4% patients had no absolute neutrophils; 54.2% blood platelets <50,000/mm3, 45.7% had reactive C protein <90 mg|/dL. The bloodculture was positive only in 7 patients. It was found the infection focus in 88.6% of the episodes and the most frequently diagnosis were related with the gastrointestinal tract. The most used

  5. Risk factor for febrile seizures

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    Odalović Dragica


    Full Text Available Febrile seizures are the most frequent neurological disorder in the childhood. According to American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP, they have been defined as seizures provoked by high temperature in children aged between 6 months and 5 years, without previous history of afebrile seizures, intracranial infections and other possible causes of seizures. Seizures can be typical and atypical, according to the characteristics. Pathogenesis of this disorder has not been clarified yet, and it is believed to be a combination of genetic factors, high body temperature and brain maturation. The risk factors for recurrence of febrile seizures are: age in which seizures appeared for the first time, epilepsy in the first degree relative, febrile seizures in the first degree relative, frequent diseases with fever and low body temperature on the beginning of seizures. The frequency of recurrent seizures The risk for occurrence of epilepsy in children with simple seizures is about 1-1.5%, which is slightly higher compared to general population, while it increases to 4-15% in patients with complex seizures. However, there is no evidence that therapy prevents occurrence of epilepsy. When the prevention of recurrent seizures is considered, it is necessary to separate simple from complex seizures. The aim of this paper was to analyze the most important risk factors for febrile seizures, and to evaluate their impact on occurrence of recurrent seizures. Our study included 125 children with febrile seizures, aged from 6 months to 5 years. The presence of febrile seizures and epilepsy in the first degree relative has been noted in 22% of children. Typical febrile seizures were observed in 76% of cases, and atypical in 24%. Most patients had only one seizure (73.6%. Children, who had seizure earlier in life, had more frequent recurrences. Both risk factors were present in 25% of patients, while 68% of patients had only one risk factor. For the children with febrile disease

  6. El 20 de julio de 1810. Un episodio de protesta urbana en Bogotá

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    Rigoberto Rueda Santos


    Full Text Available This article approaches the episode of the 20th of July of 1810 in Santa Fe from the perspective of the urban protest and not as a founded political fact of the nation, as traditionally it has been treated. It presents the immediate antecedents to the events of the city like the scene are located in which the popular mobilization occurs and it stops in the characteristics of the collective action that takes place from the date indicated by the urban popular sectors. Finally one stands out how the vision about the political popular participation that shaped the leaders of the Creole elite it was conserved in the later historiography of independence.//Este artículo aborda el episodio del 20 de julio de 1810 en Santa Fe desde la perspectiva de la protesta urbana y no como hecho político fundante de la nación, como tradicionalmente se ha tratado. Presenta los antecedentes inmediatos a los acontecimientos del 20 de julio, se ubican algunas referencias de la ciudad como el escenario en el cual se da la movilización popular y se detiene en las características de la acción colectiva que tiene lugar a partir de la fecha señalada por parte de los sectores populares urbanos. Finalmente se destaca cómo la visión acerca de la participación política popular que plasmaron los dirigentes de la élite criolla se conservó en la posterior historiografía de la Independencia.

  7. Triagem para o tratamento ambulatorial da neutropenia febril Screening for the outpatient treatment of febrile neutropenia

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    Marcelo Bellesso


    Full Text Available A neutropenia febril (NF é uma complicação frequente e potencialmente fatal nos pacientes em tratamento quimioterápico. Entendemos hoje que a neutropenia febril é considerada uma emergência clínica e que a administração de antibióticos de amplo espectro diminui drasticamente a mortalidade. Estudos sugerem que a neutropenia febril compreende um grupo extremamente heterogêneo e que dados clínicos como febre domiciliar, ausência de hipotensão, ausência de desidratação, ausência de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, ausência de outros sintomas, ausência de infecção fúngica prévia e idade Febrile neutropenia is a frequent and potentially fatal adverse event of chemotherapy. Nowadays, febrile neutropenia is considered an emergency and it is known that prompt infusion of antibiotics decreases mortality. Several studies demonstrated that febrile neutropenia is a heterogeneous group of diseases and that factors such as outpatient status, no hypotension, no dehydration, no chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, no symptoms, no previous fungal infection and age < 60 years are protective factors against serious complications as demonstrated by the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC. These data show that outpatient treatment and early discharge is safer and much research has shown lower costs for outpatient treatment in low-risk patients with febrile neutropenia. The aim of this work is to review and discuss tools (in particular the MASCC index for safe screening of febrile neutropenia for outpatient treatment in addition to demonstrate results of research.

  8. Factores de mal pronóstico en pacientes internados con Neutropenia al inicio del episodio febril Prognostic risk factors for serious complications in an inpatient population with neutropenia at the onset of a febrile episode

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    Carlos Gómez Roca


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con neutropenia y fiebre constituyen una población heterogénea con riesgo variable para el desarrollo de complicaciones serias y mortalidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar factores que, presentes al ingreso, estuvieran asociados a mayor riesgo de complicaciones graves en pacientes que se internan por neutropenia y fiebre. Se trata de un estudio de seguimiento de una cohorte de 238 episodios de neutropenia y fiebre (neutrófilos 38.3 °C en 167 pacientes internados en sala general en nuestra institución desde 1997 a 2004. Ochenta y dos por ciento de los pacientes tenían enfermedad hematológica, 14% tumores sólidos y 4% no asociados a quimioterapia. Se registraron 67 eventos adversos (46% de insuficiencia renal, 27% de hipotensión refractaria, 15% de insuficiencia respiratoria y 12% con sangrado mayor. Se hallaron diferencias significativas en presencia de comorbilidades previas, temperatura mayor a 39 °C, frecuencia cardíaca mayor a 120 latidos por minuto, frecuencia respiratoria mayor a 24 por minuto, tensión arterial sistólica menor a 90 mm Hg, presencia de 3 o más valores de laboratorio alterados al ingreso, presencia de foco clínico y hemocultivos positivos. En el análisis multivariado de regresión logística mantuvieron asociación independiente con mayor riesgo de eventos graves: hipotensión arterial sistólica (OR=7, pPatients with neutropenia and fever conform a heterogeneous population with a variable risk of serious complications and mortality. The goal of this study was to identify prognostic risk factors present at the beginning of the episode, for adverse events and serious complications in patients admitted in a general ward with fever and neutropenia. A cohort of 238 episodes with neutropenia and fever (neutrophils 38.3 °C in 167 patients admitted to our general hospital between 1997 and 2004 was followed. Eighty two percent of the patients had hematologic malignancies, 14% solid tumors

  9. Febrile seizures and risk of schizophrenia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, Mogens; Pedersen, Carsten Bøcker; Christensen, Jakob


    BACKGROUND: Febrile seizure is a benign condition for most children, but experiments in animals and neuroimaging studies in humans suggest that some febrile seizures may damage the hippocampus, a brain area of possible importance in schizophrenia. METHODS: A population-based cohort of all children...... with schizophrenia. A history of febrile seizures was associated with a 44% increased risk of schizophrenia [relative risk (RR)=1.44; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.07-1.95] after adjusting for confounding factors. The association between febrile seizures and schizophrenia remained virtually unchanged when...... restricting the analyses to people with no history of epilepsy. A history of both febrile seizures and epilepsy was associated with a 204% increased risk of schizophrenia (RR=3.04; 95% CI, 1.36-6.79) as compared with people with no such history. CONCLUSIONS: We found a slightly increased risk of schizophrenia...


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    Jorge Olcina Cantos


    Full Text Available Los fenómenos de retrogresión que acontecen en los meses finales del período estival sobre la cuenca del Mediterráneo Occidental suponen el desarrollo de atmósferas barócli- nas sumamente inestables que activan los mecanismos de transferencia energética (calor latente en dicho ámbito. La formación de sistemas convectivos de mesoscala reconoci- bles en las imágenes infrarrojas de los satélites meteorológicos se acompañan de precipi- taciones muy intensas, elemento natural de los meses finales del verano de la región mediterránea peninsular. Los efectos catastróficos del episodio de finales de septiembre y primeros días de octubre de 1986 son buen ejemplo de las consecuencias pluviométricas a menudo asociadas a estas situaciones atmosféricas.

  11. Un episodio del pensamiento francés de la autonomía. Benjamin Constant y las idées très ingénieuses

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    Francisco Gelman Constantin


    Full Text Available UN EPISODIO DEL PENSAMIENTO FRANCÉS DE LA AUTONOMÍA Benjamin Constant y las idées très ingénieuses   Francisco Gelman Constantin Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires     Abstract – This paper attempts a consideration of the significance of Benjamin Constant’s aesthetic thoughts within the context of the history of the concept of “aesthetic autonomy”. With that in mind it reevaluates his transformation of the German tradition, by way of its binding to the social theory corresponding to the cultural and historical analysis of early French Romanticism. Taking the coinage of the expression “art for art’s sake” as a starting point, this paper reconstructs the whole of Constant’s thought-system, as well as its exchanges with some of his contemporaries –namely Mme. de Staël and Henry Crabb Robinson– in the means of understanding the proper reach of the conceptual novelties brought in by him, as can be seen from the standing point of Begriffsgeschichte. The paper deals not only with his postulates referring specifically to a negative relationship towards the mercantile society, but also with the analogies he establishes between art, love, religion and morality, while it furthermore examines his theory of social autonomy. The reflexive setting together of this different elements, assembled from his political essays, his journals, the novel Adolphe and other writings, brings to the light a general form of a thought of the autonomous, which explains the manner in which Constant understands aesthetic autonomy in particular, by way of his collaboration and dissent with his European colleagues.   Keywords: autonomy; Constant; art for art’s sake; Begriffsgeschichte; religion     Resumen – Este trabajo se propone reconsiderar la importancia de las reflexiones estéticas de Benjamin Constant en el contexto de la historia del concepto de autonomía estética. Para ello reevalúa las transformaciones

  12. Estructura del borde occidental de la Precordillera, en el área comprendida entre la Sierra del Tontal y el río Castaño, desde el río San Juan hasta la base del Cerro Colorado


    Selles Martinez, José


    El estudio estructural de las unidades del Paleozoico inferior y medio del borde occidental de la Precordillera ha sido demorado durante largo tiempo debido a la complejidad de las estructuras presentes, a la superposición de al menos tres episodios deformativos y a la dificultad para identificar y separar las diferentes unidades aflorantes, muy semejantes todas en algunos tramos de su perfil. En el presente trabajo se señalan las características estructurales más importantes de las secuencia...

  13. Serum endocan levels in children with febrile neutropenia

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    Eylem Kiral


    Full Text Available Endocan is an endotelial cell specific molecule; previous studies have shown that serum endocan levels increased in cancer and sepsis and are also related to the severity of sepsis. There are no clinical study about serum endocan levels in children with febrile neutropenia. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum endocan levels in pediatric leukemia patients with febrile neutropenia (n=33 and compare them with children with leukemia without fever (n=33 and also with healthy children (n=24. The median serum endocan level in the first group (children with febrile neutropenia was statistically significantly higher compared to the leukemic children without febrile neutropenia and also control group (P<0.01 for both. No difference was determined between the serum endocan levels of the leukaemia patients without febrile neutropenia and the healthy control group (P>0.05. Serum endocan levels were also similar with febrile neutropenia due to bacterial causes comparing with the idiopathic febril neutropenia. The results of this study showed increased serum endocan in children with leukemia during the febrile neutropenia episode, and no changes of serum endocan levels in children without leukemia without infection/fever. The monitoring of a series of serum endocan levels would be helpful for the course of febrile neutropenia.

  14. Febrile convulsions and sudden infant death syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, Mogens; Basso, Olga; Henriksen, Tine Brink


    It has been suggested that sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and febrile convulsions are related aetiologically. We compared the risk of SIDS in 9877 siblings of children who had had febrile convulsions with that of 20.177 siblings of children who had never had febrile convulsions. We found...

  15. Foujita en México: Un episodio de colaboración y mecenazgo, y un retrato de Modigliani.

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    Victoria Soto Caba


    Full Text Available En 1933 Tsuguharu Foujita viajó a México afincándose en la capital durante casi un año, una estancia que incidió en la evolución formal y temática de su producción artística y que tuvo consecuencias de gran interés para el intercambio artístico y el coleccionismo de la época de entreguerras, ya que sirvió de enlace entre Louis Eychenne, un coleccionista mexicano de la primera mitad del siglo XX, y las obras y artistas de la Escuela de París. El coleccionista le compró obra, le organizó dos exposiciones de dibujos en la capital mexicana que tuvieron cierto éxito y le proporcionaron algunas ventas y Foujita, a cambio, actuó como intermediario de la compra de cuadros, como fue el caso de La Patronne, de Amedeo Modigliani. Se trata de un episodio mexicano poco conocido, como lo son algunas fotografías y dibujos inéditos que se incluyen.

  16. Arquitectura fluvial de las «Areniscas del río Arandilla». Triásico de Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara

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    Sánchez-Moya, Y.


    Full Text Available The outstanding outcrops of Upper Buntsandstein sediments (Middle Triassic in Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara area, allow a detailed study of their characteristics and their associations which are described here. The fluvial architecture of the section indicates four main depositional episodes. The two lowest episodes were laid down by a fluvial system characterized by frequent channel shifting, low sinuosity and wide shallow channels. The drainage basin was controlled by highly seasonal discharge. The middle episode evolved into a more distal systems, with smaller higher sinuosity channels and fine overbank deposits. The uppermost episode is related to an increase of slope in the basin. That increase is probably related to tectonic movements recorded in this area. An attempt has been made to correlate the above events to the global sea level fluctuations (Haq et al., 1987. So, the low stage that have been stated occurred during Early Anisian can be tentatively correlated with the uppermost episode in Areniscas del río Arandilla.Los excelentes afloramientos de la parte superior del Buntsandstein (Triásico medio en Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara, han permitido llevar a cabo un análisis sedimentológico detallado de las facies fluviales y de su arquitectura. Se han distinguido doce diferentes facies cuyas características y asociaciones se describen en este trabajo. La evolución fluvial indica la existencia de cuatro episodios deposicionales. Los dos episodios inferiores son característicos de un sistema fluvial con canales de baja sinuosidad, inestables, de gran amplitud y poca profundidad. El drenaje de la cuenca estaba controlado por importantes descargas estacionales. El episodio intermedio es el resultado de la evolución del sistema hacia facies más distales. En esta etapa los canales son de menor tamaño, la sinuosidad es mayor y existe un mayor porcentaje de depósitos de granulometría fina relacionados con la llanura de inundaci

  17. Crisis febriles simples y complejas, epilepsia generalizada con crisis febriles plus, FIRES y nuevos síndromes

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    Noris Moreno de Flagge


    Full Text Available Las convulsiones febriles representan la mayoría de las convulsiones en el niño. Se ha descrito que 2-5% de los niños experimentan convulsiones febriles antes de los 5 años de edad, aunque en algunas poblaciones se ha descrito hasta un 15%. Es una causa común de admisión en pediatría y de preocupación de los padres. Puede ser la primera manifestación de una epilepsia. Un 13% de pacientes que desarrollan epilepsia tienen antecedente de convulsiones febriles y 30% de estos pacientes se presentan con convulsiones recurrentes. Sus características fenotípicas nos permiten, en su gran mayoría, clasificarlas, tomar una actitud terapéutica y elaborar un pronóstico. Se puede describir un espectro de su gravedad desde las convulsiones febriles simples hasta las más complejas como las convulsiones febriles plus que comprenden los síndromes de Dravet y FIRES. En los últimos años se han hecho descubrimientos importantes que definen su carácter genético, entrelazándose cada vez más con diferentes afecciones de tipo epiléptico que nos obliga a un seguimiento neurológico más estrecho de muchos de estos niños con convulsiones febriles. Hacemos una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de actualizar los conocimientos sobre las convulsiones febriles, su pronóstico y su relación con los nuevos síndromes epilépticos.

  18. Características clínicas de los episodios de hipoglucemia en niños y adolescentes con diabetes tipo 1 atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico "William Soler" Clinical features of hypoglycemic episodes in children and adolescents presenting with type 1 diabetes seen in "William Soler" Children Hospital

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    Pedro González Fernández


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la hipoglucemia es la complicación más frecuente en el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus, y para algunos constituye el problema más grave asociado a la enfermedad. OBJETIVO: determinar la frecuencia y las características clínicas de la hipoglucemia en un grupo de niños y adolescentes diabéticos tipo 1. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en 48 niños y adolescentes con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 1, atendidos en el Servicio de Endocrinología del Hospital Pediátrico Docente "William Soler", en el período comprendido entre Enero de 1987 y Enero de 2000. Se tomaron de las historias clínicas los datos generales del paciente, el régimen de insulinoterapia y la dosis total diaria de insulina, los resultados de la hemoglobina glucosilada, así como los episodios referidos de hipoglucemias, los que se clasificaron en ligeras y severas. RESULTADOS: se encontró una frecuencia elevada de episodios de hipoglucemias severas (56,25 %. La primera hipoglucemia severa se registró con mayor frecuencia en el grupo de edad de menor de 5 años, mientras que las hipoglucemias ligeras fueron más frecuentes en el de mayor de 5 años. El primer episodio de hipoglucemia severa ocurrió antes del primer año de realizado el diagnóstico de la diabetes mellitus. Los pacientes con régimen intensivo sufrieron un mayor porcentaje de episodios de hipoglucemia severa, que los pacientes con régimen convencional. El control metabólico no influyó en la ocurrencia de los episodios de hipoglucemia severa. CONCLUSIONES: los episodios de hipoglucemia ocurrieron con una elevada frecuencia, con predominio de las severas, con una mayor frecuencia en la madrugada, y con mayor afectación en el grupo de menores de 5 años de edad, lo que constituye un riesgo de afectación del neurodesarrollo en este grupo de edad.INTRODUCTION: hypoglycemia is the more frequent complication in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and for some it is a

  19. Taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho durante el embarazo

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    Ariel K. Saad


    Full Text Available Durante el embarazo aumentan el metabolismo basal, el consumo de O2, la frecuencia cardíaca, el volumen sistólico, el volumen minuto y la volemia y disminuyen la tensión arterial y la resistencia periférica. Diferentes estudios han demostrado que durante este período la posibilidad de que ocurra una arritmia cardíaca o se produzca la exacerbación de una arritmia preexistente es mayor. No obstante, en su enorme mayoría carecen de importancia pronóstica tanto para la madre como para el feto. La taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho es una arritmia poco frecuente y su aparición se ha correlacionado con el aumento del tono adrenérgico. Se presentan los casos de dos pacientes que mostraron en el curso de la gestación reiterados episodios de taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho. Se analiza la asociación del embarazo con la ocurrencia de trastornos del ritmo cardíaco.

  20. Febrile seizures: a population-based study

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    Juliane S. Dalbem


    Full Text Available Objectives: To determine the prevalence of benign febrile seizures of childhood and describe the clinical and epidemiological profile of this population. Methods: This was a population-based, cross-sectional study, carried out in the city of Barra do Bugres, MT, Brazil, from August 2012 to August 2013. Data were collected in two phases. In the first phase, a questionnaire that was previously validated in another Brazilian study was used to identify suspected cases of seizures. In the second phase, a neurological evaluation was performed to confirm diagnosis. Results: The prevalence was 6.4/1000 inhabitants (95% CI: 3.8–10.1. There was no difference between genders. Simple febrile seizures were found in 88.8% of cases. A family history of febrile seizures in first-degree relatives and history of epilepsy was present in 33.3% and 11.1% of patients, respectively. Conclusions: The prevalence of febrile seizures in Midwestern Brazil was lower than that found in other Brazilian regions, probably due to the inclusion only of febrile seizures with motor manifestations and differences in socioeconomic factors among the evaluated areas. Resumo: Objetivos: Estabelecer a prevalência das crises febris e descrever o perfil clínico e epidemiológico dessa população. Métodos: Estudo transversal de base populacional realizado na cidade de Barra do Bugres (MT, no período de agosto de 2012 a agosto de 2013. Os dados foram coletados em duas etapas. Na primeira fase utilizamos um questionário validado previamente em outro estudo brasileiro, para identificação de casos suspeitos de crises epilépticas. Na segunda etapa realizamos a avaliação neuroclínica para confirmação diagnóstica. Resultados: A prevalência de crise febril foi de 6,4/1000 habitantes (IC95% 3,8; 10,1. Não houve diferença entre os sexos. As crises febris simples foram encontradas em 88,8% dos casos. A história familiar de crise febril e epilepsia em parentes de 1° grau esteve

  1. Caracterización de un episodio de intrusión Sahariana en el suroeste de la península ibérica

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    Yiniva Camargo Caicedo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este proyecto se orientó a estudiar un evento de intrusión de masa de aire norteafricana en el suroeste de la Península Ibérica con importante carga de material particulado atmosférico durante el periodo comprendido entre el 20 y 26 de diciembre de 2007. Para ello fue necesaria la aplicación de un protocolo basado en el cálculo de retrotrayectorias, estudio de imágenes satelitales y evaluación de niveles promedio de PM-10 registrados en estaciones de monitoreo de calidad de aire. Los resultados obtenidos para el periodo de estudio identificaron la ocurrencia del episodio de intrusión de masas de aire procedentes del norte de África, que generaron altos registros de PM-10 en las estaciones de monitoreo seleccionadas en la Provincia de Huelva, reportando la máxima media horaria en la estación CAM con 162.7 μg/m3 para el día 21 de diciembre de 2007, y superando los 50 μg/m3 establecidos en la normativa vigente.

  2. Febrile neutropenia in childhood cancer

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    To classify and treat patients with febrile neutropenia adequately, one has to have a ... 48 hours.2,4,5. Approach. A child with possible febrile neutropenia should be viewed as a ... treating centre for information on the child's treatment if the family do not have a ... treatment, such as antimicrobial therapy, as well as the nature.

  3. Primeiro episódio da esquizofrenia e assistência de enfermagem Primer episodio de la esquizofrenia y asistencia de enfermería First episode of schizophrenia and nursing care

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    Bianca Cristina Ciccone Giacon


    Full Text Available A esquizofrenia é um dos principais problemas de saúde da atualidade, exigindo considerável investimento do sistema de saúde. A intervenção no primeiro episódio do transtorno oferece uma oportunidade única no tratamento da esquizofrenia, influenciando no curso da doença. O presente artigo consiste em uma revisão crítica de literatura cujos objetivos são examinar o conhecimento sobre o primeiro surto de esquizofrenia e discutir a contribuição da enfermagem na assistência. Foi utilizada pesquisa bibliográfica em índice informatizado de referências. Os dados obtidos permitiram organizar informações sobre o conceito geral de esquizofrenia, seu primeiro surto, tipos de intervenções e a atuação de enfermagem. Observamos que existe pouca literatura brasileira relacionada ao primeiro surto esquizofrênico, na área da enfermagem, poucos serviços especializados e disponíveis e poucos recursos sociais. Tal condição mostra a necessidade de estudos relacionados ao primeiro surto.La esquizofrenia es uno de los principales problemas de salud de la actualidad, exigiendo considerable inversión del sistema de salud. La intervención en el primer episodio del trastorno ofrece oportunidad única en el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia, influyendo en el curso de la enfermedad. El presente artículo consiste en una revisión crítica de la literatura cuyos objetivos son examinar el conocimiento sobre el primer episodio de esquizofrenia y discutir acerca de la contribución de la enfermería en la asistencia. Fue utilizada la investigación bibliográfica en índice informatizado de referencias. Los datos obtenidos permitieron organizar informaciones sobre el concepto general de esquizofrenia, su primer episodio, tipos de intervenciones y la actuación de enfermería. Observamos que existe poca literatura brasileña relacionada a la primera aparición de signos de esquizofrenia, en el área de la enfermería, pocos servicios especializados

  4. Modelización de la contribución de las emisiones biogénicas y antropogénicas en la superación de los umbrales normativos durante un episodio de contaminación fotoquímica en la Península Ibérica


    Castell, Núria; Salvador, Rosa; Mantilla, Enrique; Stein, Ariel F.; Millán, Millán


    Ponencia presentada en: VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Tarragona del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2008. [ES]En este estudio se evalúa el impacto por separado de las emisiones biogénicas y de las emisiones antropogénicas en la formación fotoquímica de ozono durante el episodio del 10 al 15 de agosto de 2003. Durante este periodo los umbrales de información y de protección a la salud definidos en la Directiva 2002/3/EC se superaron en varia...

  5. Neutropenia febril: convertir el bajo riesgo en cero riesgo To convert the low risk in zero risk in patients with febrile neutropenia

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    Alberto Arencibia Núñez


    Full Text Available La neutropenia febril constituye una de las principales causas de morbiletalidad en los pacientes con hemopatías malignas; sin embargo, la presentación clínica y evolución de esta complicación varía considerablemente de un paciente a otro. El primer modelo de estratificación de riesgo fue desarrollado por Talcot a partir de elementos clínicos y diferenciaba a los pacientes según el riesgo de presentar complicaciones letales. No obstante, cerca del 10 % de los pacientes catalogados como de bajo riesgo de complicaciones graves requieren tratamiento intrahospitalario. La determinación de algunos reactantes de fase aguda como la proteína C reactiva, las interleucinas 6 y 8 y la procalcitonina, aumentan notablemente la sensibilidad y especificidad de los modelos pronósticos. Las nuevas técnicas imagenológicas y de biología molecular facilitarán el diagnóstico precoz y certero de las infecciones en un futuro cercano. Sin embargo, es necesario desarrollar modelos pronósticos que combinen elementos clínicos y humorales adaptados a las condiciones epidemiológicas de cada centro, para optimizar el tratamiento diferenciado de los enfermos con neutropenia febril.Febrile neutropenia is one of the main causes of mortality in patients presenting with malignant hemopathic disorders; however the clinical and course presentation of this condition differ notably between patients. The first risk stratification model was developed by Talcot from clinical elements and differentiated the patients according the risk of lethal complications. However, around the 10% of patients classed as low risk of severe complications required intrahospital treatment. The determination of some acute phase reactants e.g. reactive C protein, 6 and 8 interleukins, and procalcitonin, increases remarkably the sensitivity and specificity of prognostic model. The new imaging techniques and of molecular biology allow an early and accurate diagnosis of infections in a near

  6. Estudio hidráulico de la inundabilidad del Principado de Andorra


    Sánchez Tueros, Hans Paul; Gómez Valentín, Manuel; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Riera, Manel; Planas, Xavier; Subra, Valèrie; Amigó, Jordi


    El Principado de Andorra, debido a la ubicación de sus principales núcleos habitados a orillas del río Vallira, viene sufriendo inundaciones que provocan desde simples molestias a la población hasta serios problemas tanto económicos como personales. Las autoridades, preocupadas por este problema y previendo posibles desastres como se tiene constancia de algunos episodios en años anteriores, ha ido poniendo en marcha una serie de actuaciones de mejora de la capacidad de desagüe del río Vali...

  7. Febrile neutropenia and refeeding syndrome. (United States)

    Jahn, H K; Barraclough, S; Currell, S; Tighe, M P


    We describe the management of a 4-year-old child with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) who presented with febrile neutropenia, Cryptosporidium and subsequently developed refeeding syndrome. Febrile neutropenia is common and can be life-threatening and we highlight the identification of well low-risk neutropenic children with resolved febrile illnesses suitable for early discharge. We also discuss the potential management strategies for Cryptosporidium Refeeding syndrome is not common, but should be considered as a cause of acute inpatient deterioration and is a significant risk, with potential morbidity, in children who have undergone a period of catabolism. This article reviews the current literature and provides useful guidance on these issues. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  8. Evidencia serológica de la presencia de Rickettsias del grupo de la fiebre manchada en la Amazonía del Perú

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    Moisés Sihuincha M


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de demostrar la existencia de transmisión de Rickettsias del grupo de la fiebre manchada en la Amazonía peruana, se tomaron muestras de sangre a pacientes febriles agudos en establecimientos de salud de la ciudad de Iquitos, la ciudad más poblada de la Amazonía del Perú. Las muestras fueron procesadas mediante inmunofluorescencia indirecta para medir anticuerpos totales e IgG específica para el grupo de fiebre de las manchadas. Entre enero y julio de 2006, se obtuvieron muestras de 250 pacientes. El 37% de las muestras tuvieron títulos positivos de IgG, demostrando así haber tenido contacto con el agente, de ellas, nueve fueron clasificadas como casos agudos, en los que se descartó otras infecciones endémicas como dengue, malaria y leptospirosis. Los casos presentaron una enfermedad febril acompañada de síntomas como tos, sarpullido y hemoptisis. Cuatro casos fueron hospitalizados, dos fueron graves y uno de ellos falleció. En conclusión, existe evidencia serológica de la circulación de Rickettsias del grupo de las fiebre manchada en la Amazonía peruana, por su frecuencia y potencial gravedad debería ser tomada en cuenta como diagnóstico diferencial del síndrome febril agudo en esta región.

  9. Febrile urinary tract infections: pyelonephritis and urosepsis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schneeberger, Caroline; Holleman, Frits; Geerlings, Suzanne E.


    Complicated infections of the urinary tract (UTI) including pyelonephritis and urosepsis are also called febrile UTI. This review describes insights from the literature on this topic since July 2014. Recent studies regarding risk factors and consequences of febrile UTI confirmed existing knowledge.

  10. Farmacovigilancia de la sertralina en pacientes cubanos con episodio de depresión mayor

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    Leslie Pérez Ruiz


    Full Text Available En la depresión predominan síntomas como: desinterés, fatiga, sentimientos de inutilidad, desconcentración, deseos de muerte e insomnio. Entre los medicamentos para tratarla se encuentra la sertralina. Con el objetivo de evaluar su seguridad, se revisaron 40 historias clínicas y cuadernos de recogida de datos de los pacientes incluidos en ensayo clínico fase III, aletatorizado, controlado y a doble ciegas: "Uso de sertralina en pacientes con episodio de depresión mayor", pertenecientes al Hospital "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima". Se obtuvieron datos demográficos, clínicos y eventos adversos, con los cuales se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y transversal que clasifica como un estudio de utilización de medicamentos sobre consecuencias prácticas. La información fue analizada mediante SPSS, versión 13.0 para Windows. De los 40 pacientes incluidos, 24 presentaron eventos adversos para un 60 %; de ellos, 16 (67 % en el grupo tratado con sertralina y 8 (33 % en los tratados con placebo. Los eventos adversos más frecuentes fueron: disminución de peso, sequedad bucal, cefalea, diarreas y náuseas. En su mayoría resultaron de intensidad ligera, causalidad probable y sin necesidad de tratamiento. El uso del fármaco se consideró seguro en el tratamiento de estos pacientes.

  11. Frequency of fever episodes related to febrile seizure recurrence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. van Stuijvenberg (Margriet); N.E. Jansen (Nichon); E.W. Steyerberg (Ewout); G. Derksen-Lubsen (Gerarda); H.A. Moll (Henriëtte)


    textabstractThe aim of this study was to assess the number of fever episodes as a risk factor for febrile seizure recurrence during the first 6 months after the last previous febrile seizure. In a 6-month follow-up study of 155 children, aged 3 months to 5 y, with a first or a recurrent febrile

  12. Efficacy and safety of ior® LeukoCIM (G-CSF in patients with neutropenia after chemotherapy Eficacia y seguridad del ior® LeukoCIM (FEC-G en pacientes con neutropenia posquimioterapia

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    Leslie Pérez Ruiz


    efectivos contra los riesgos potenciales de infección. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la efectividad y seguridad del LeukoCIM® (CIMAB, La Habana. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, observacional con los datos de los pacientes incluidos en el ensayo clínico fase IV abierto, no aleatorizado y multicéntrico. Estos pacientes provenían del Hospital Gustavo Aldereguía Lima y se evaluaron durante un año. Se analizaron los datos demográficos, clínicos y de seguridad. Como profilaxis el fármaco fue administrado de 24-72 h después de la última dosis de quimioterapia y como tratamiento cuando la neutropenia había sido diagnosticada. En ambos casos la dosis única diaria fue de 300 µg por vía subcutánea. La administración del próximo ciclo de quimioterapia en tiempo resultó la variable principal de respuesta y la seguridad del producto se evaluó midiendo los eventos adversos. Se incluyeron 47 pacientes con 95 episodios neutropénicos. El 82,1 % de episodios recibió su próximo ciclo de quimioterapia en tiempo. Los eventos adversos más frecuentes fueron: dolor óseo y fiebre (11,22 % respectivamente, hiperuricemia (9,2 %, leucocitosis y neutrofilia (7,1 % e incremento de LDH (6, 1%. LeukoCIM® resultó efectivo, pues aceleró la recuperación del número de neutrófilos, disminuyó la incidencia de neutropenia febril y permitió administrar las dosis de quimioterapia en tiempo según el protocolo. También se consideró seguro en la serie estudiada, pues solo reportó eventos adversos conocidos.

  13. Predictors of Recurrent Febrile Seizures in Iranian Children

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    Yousef Veisani


    Full Text Available A few factors appear to boost a child's risk of having recurrent febrile seizures, including young age during the first seizure, seizure type, and having immediate family members with a history of febrile seizures. The present study aimed to provide reliable information about recurrent febrile seizure in Iranian children. On the computerized literature valid on valid keyword with search in valid database PubMed, Scientific Information Databases (SID (, Global medical article limberly (Medlib, Iranian Biomedical Journals (Iran Medex, Iranian Journal Database (Magiran, and Google Scholar recruited in different geographic areas. To explore heterogeneity in studies I2 index was used. Meta-analysis used to data analysis with random effects model.Hospital data of 4,599 children with febrile seizure. Overall, 21 studies met our inclusion criteria. Febrile seizure in 2 age groups (<2 and 2-6 years were 55.8% (95% CI: 50.4-61.2 and 44.2% (95% CI: 38.8-61.2 respectively. Pooled recurrent rate of febrile seizure in Iran was 20.9% (95% CI: 12.3-29.5. In 28.8 (95% CI: 19.3-38.4, children there was positive family history. The mean prevalence of simple and complex seizures was 69.3% (95% CI: 59.5-79.0 and 28.3% (95% CI: 19.6-31.0 respectively. The rates in different geographical regions of central, east, and west of Iran, 25, 20.8 and 27.1% were estimated, respectively.According to the data the prevalence febrile seizure is higher in males and children under two years. Recurrence rate in Iran, similar to other studies performed in other regions of the world.

  14. Desarrollo del modelo EMICAT2000 para la estimación de emisiones de contaminantes del aire en Cataluña y su uso en modelos de dispersión fotoquímica


    Parra Narváez, René Rolando


    En Cataluña se presentan episodios de contaminación por ozono troposférico, especialmente en verano. El complejo comportamiento del ozono, su interacción con la atmósfera y sus efectos sobre la calidad del aire, pueden ser analizados con un Modelo de Transporte Químico (MTQ). Los inventarios de emisiones proporcionan la distribución espacial y temporal de los precursores de ozono (NOx, COV) y de otros contaminantes que requiere un MTQ. EMICAT2000 es un modelo de alta resolución espacial (1 km...

  15. Tratamiento sin antibióticos en recién nacidos febriles con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo y presunta meningitis viral Treatment without antibiotics in febrile infants presenting with cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis and supposed viral meningitis

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    Manuel Díaz Álvarez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. El objetivo de esta investigación fue presentar la experiencia en antibioticoterapia en recién nacidos (RN febriles con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR y presunción médica de meningitis viral. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo con 310 RN con diagnóstico de meningitis aséptica, ingresados en el Servicio de Neonatología del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario «Juan Manuel Márquez» entre 1992 y 2009. Se determinó, utilizando estadística descriptiva, la indicación o no de tratamiento antibiótico, momento y motivos de la indicación. RESULTADOS. Hubo 204 RN (65,8 % con meningitis aséptica que egresaron favorablemente sin haber recibido tratamiento antibiótico. En 106 RN (34,2 % se indicaron antibióticos (en 76 inmediatamente al diagnóstico de meningitis y en 30 casos, mediatamente por diversos motivos. Los motivos para tratamiento inmediato fueron principalmente los resultados del examen citoquímico del LCR muy semejantes a los de una meningitis de causa bacteriana y los antecedentes de fiebre elevada o persistente. En la indicación mediata el principal motivo fue la concurrencia de infección del tracto urinario. En los pacientes que nunca recibieron tratamiento antibiótico, la mediana de estadía hospitalaria fue de 4 días (intervalo intercuartil 3-5 días y para los que sí lo recibieron fue de 5 días (intervalo intercuartil 4-7 días (p INTRODUCTION. The aim of present research was to present the antibiotic-therapy experience in febrile newborn (NB presenting with cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis (CSFP and supposed viral meningitis. METHODS. A retrospective study was conducted in 310 NB diagnosed with aseptic meningitis admitted in the Neonatology Service of the "Juan Manuel Márquez" Children University Hospital between 1992 and 2009. Using the descriptive statistic method the indication or not of antibiotic treatment, moment and indication reasons were determined. RESULTS. There

  16. El recién nacido febril sin signos de focalización y con punción lumbar fallida en la evaluación inicial The febrile newborn infant with signs of focalization and with failed lumbar puncture in the initial evaluation

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    Manuel Díaz Álvarez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La punción lumbar está indicada en la evaluación inicial del recién nacido febril sin signos de focalización. Sin embargo, esta puede resultar fallida y crear incertidumbre en el manejo del tratamiento antibiótico. Fue objetivo de este trabajo verificar el tratamiento y evolución de los recién nacidos febriles sin signos de focalización, cuando la punción lumbar resultó fallida en la evaluación inicial. MÉTODOS. Se estudiaron retrospectivamente 150 recién nacidos febriles sin signos de focalización y con punción lumbar fallida en la evaluación inicial, ingresados en el servicio de neonatología de nuestro hospital entre 1992 y el 2000. Todos los pacientes se clasificaron según criterios de bajo riesgo de infección bacteriana grave. El uso de tratamiento antibiótico estuvo sujeto a la consideración del médico que hizo la evaluación inicial. Se calcularon índice y tasa de punción lumbar fallida, se midió la relación entre la indicación de tratamiento antibiótico inicialmente y la clasificación de riesgo de infección bacteriana grave, y verificamos la evolución de los pacientes. RESULTADOS. Fueron fallidas 150 de 1174 punciones lumbares (8,5 % para un índice de 9,2. Los recién nacidos calificados de alto riesgo recibieron con mayor frecuencia tratamiento antibiótico (23,3 % en contraste con los catalogados de bajo riesgo, quienes fueron tratados predominantemente sin antibióticos (36,0 % (p = 0,03. Egresaron vivos 149 neonatos (99,3 %, tanto con uso de antibióticos como sin él. Sin embargo, hubo un fallecido clasificado de alto riesgo de infección bacteriana grave que recibió tratamiento antibiótico desde el inicio. CONCLUSIONES. La punción lumbar puede resultar fallida al evaluar a recién nacidos febriles sin signos de focalización. La indicación de tratamiento antimicrobiano en estos pacientes estuvo relacionada significativamente con la clasificación de riesgo de infección bacteriana

  17. Síndrome de ingesta nocturna como efecto colateral del zolpidem Sleep related eating disorders as a side effect of zolpidem

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    Stella Maris Valiensi


    Full Text Available El zolpidem es una droga hipnótica utilizada para el tratamiento del insomnio. Disminuye la latencia del sueño, el número total de despertares y aumenta el tiempo total del sueño respetando en general su arquitectura. Se cree que aumenta la fase 3 del sueño lento profundo. Nuestro objetivo es comunicar 8 casos de síndrome de ingesta nocturna relacionado al sueño y conductas automáticas complejas asociadas a sonambulismo como efecto colateral del zolpidem. Se analizaron las historias clínicas de 8 pacientes tratados con zolpidem que referían ingesta nocturna de alimentos con amnesia total o parcial del episodio. Se presentan 6 mujeres y 2 hombres, entre 32 y 72 años (media: 58 años, 7 tratados con zolpidem 10 mg/noche y 1 con zolpidem 12.5 mg/noche de liberación prolongada. El tiempo de exposición previo al desarrollo de eventos fue de 1 a 180 días (media de 39.8. El número de episodios relatados era de 1 a 8/noche (media 2.5 asociado con amnesia. Los episodios desaparecieron por completo en el 100% de los casos al suspender la medicación. El síndrome de ingesta nocturna relacionado al sueño es una parasomnia de sueño lento profundo que consiste en episodios de ingesta de alimento o bebida durante la noche, con amnesia parcial o completa del episodio. El zolpidem podría inducir el síndrome de ingesta nocturna relacionado al sueño en aproximadamente el 1% de pacientes, aunque creemos que es un efecto adverso que está subdiagnosticado. Se resuelve simplemente suspendiendo la medicación.Zolpidem is a hypnotic drug used in sleep disorders. It binds selectively to alpha 1 subunit of the GABA A benzodiazepine receptor. Zolpidem reduces sleep latency, number of arousals and increases the total time of sleep. However, it is considered that it may increase phase 3 of non rapid eye movement sleep, where somnambulism can take place. Our aim is to report 8 cases of sleep related eating disorders associated with the use of this drug

  18. Análisis sistemático y propuestas para la reforma institucional del SICA: Especial referencia al proceso de toma de decisiones y el reparto de competencias de sus órganos centrales

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    Diana Cecilia Santana Paisano


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta, a través de una labor de sistematización, un diagnóstico sucinto de la conformación histórica, la estructura institucional actual y los episodios de reformas del Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA. Se coligan diversas fuentes documentales con miras a identificar el alcance de estos episodios de reformas y proponer temas que todavía no se han abordado con suficiencia. Se encuentra que las reformas experimentadas por el SICA han tenido como eje la reordenación de las falencias que derivaron de los tratados originarios. No obstante, los cuatro episodios identificados no han tenido alcances concretos que permitan afirmar que se han superado tales dificultades. Bajo estos razonamientos, se considera necesario reorientar la institucionalidad del SICA de modo que puedan definirse de manera explícita las competencias que corresponden a las instituciones regionales y a países miembros, con el fin de garantizar su funcionamiento de cara al cumplimiento de los fines de la integración y la adecuación a la coyuntura global. La lógica de las reformas debe enfocarse en conservar aquellos elementos cuya implementación resulta eficaz y en definir los criterios, estrategias, tácticas y acciones consustanciales a su naturaleza. La reforma sustancial en un sentido amplio se logrará mediante el posicionamiento de la institucionalidad respecto del papel de los Estados miembros y de la sociedad, en pro de una legitimación democrática, sin dejar de lado lo que atañe al financiamiento del propio proceso de reformas y a la sustentabilidad del sistema institucional.

  19. EL SLUSSEN COMO PARADIGMA. ARQUITECTURA E INFRAESTRUCTURA EN CINCO EPISODIOS / Slussen as a paradigm. Architecture and infrastructure in five stages

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    Álvaro Clúa Uceda


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El proyecto del Slussen diseñado por el arquitecto Tage William-Olsson y el ingeniero Gösta Lundborg entre 1929 y 1935 en Estocolmo expresa sintéticamente la irrupción del automóvil en la ciudad europea de principios de siglo XX. El conjunto de más de treinta propuestas anteriores ilumina la evolución de un espacio en contraste confrontación entre la infraestructura y los intentos por dotar de una configuración urbana a un lugar estratégico entre Gamla Stan y Södermalm. El artículo sintetiza estas declinaciones en cinco episodios sucesivos: del Slussen como discusión de ingeniería hidráulica a sus primeras consideraciones urbanas, del Slussen como arquitectura organizadora del espacio a las primeras irrupciones de las formas del viario, del Slussen como “máquina del tráfico” al hallazgo de una estética propia, del Slussen gris a la arquitectura encajada en sus intersticios y, finalmente, la comprensión del Slussen como una pieza frágil e inestable en el paisaje urbano de la “Venecia del Norte”. Dicha evolución permite destacar el Slussen como un registro paradigmático de la implosión del tráfico sobre la ciudad europea y un ejemplo pionero en la relación interesante entre infraestructura y urbanidad. SUMMARY The Slussen urban project designed by architect Tage William-Olsson and engineer Gösta Lundborg between 1929 and 1935 in Stockholm, synthetically expresses the emergence of the automobile in the European cities at the beginning of the 20th century. The combination of more than thirty previous proposals highlight the evolution of a space in contradicting confrontation with infrastructure and the attempts to give an urban form to a strategic place between Gamla Stan and Södermalm. This article will summarise these declines in 5 successive stages: from the Slussen as a discussion in hydraulic engineering to its first urban considerations, from the Slussen seen as a matter of architectural composition

  20. Aspectos clínicos del trastorno por atracón o "binge eating disorder".


    Juan A Guisado Macías; Francisco J Vaz Leal


    El trastorno por atracón es un nuevo trastorno alimentario que consiste en episodios repetidos de atracones de comida sin realizar mecanismos compensatorios para evitar ganar peso, como ocurre en la bulimia nerviosa. Analizamos las características clínicas (conducta alimentaria, psicopatología e imagen corporal), instrumentos de medida y tratamiento para el manejo del trastorno por atracón


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    Full Text Available The influence of experimentally Escherichia coli-induced fever (EEIF on the pharmacokinetics of ofloxacin was evaluated. Ofloxacin was administered @ 20 body weight intravenously to a group of eight healthy rabbits and compared these results to values in same eight rabbits with EEIF. Pharmacokinetic parameters of ofloxacin in normal and febrile rabbits were determined by using two compartment open kinetic model. Peak plasma level (Cmax and area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC0-α in normal and febrile rabbits did not differ (P>0.05. However, area under first moment of plasma concentration-time curve (AUMC0-α in febrile rabbits was significantly (P<0.05 higher than that in normal rabbits. Mean values for elimination rate constant (Ke, elimination half life (t1/2β and apparent volume of distribution (Vd were significantly (P<0.05 lower in febrile rabbits compared to normal rabbits, while mean residence time (MRT and total body clearance (Cl of ofloxacin did not show any significant difference in the normal and febrile rabbits. Clinical significance of the above results can be related to the changes in the volume of distribution and elimination half life that illustrates an altered steady state in febrile condition; hence, the need for an adjustment of dosage regimen in EEIF is required.

  2. Febrile neutropenia in haematological malignancies

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    Sharma A


    Full Text Available Fever is the principle sign of infection in neutropenic patient and frequently may be the only evidence of infection. The pattern of fever in neutropenia is non-specific and not pathognomonic of any type of infections or non-infectious process and can be suppressed by the antipyretic effects of drugs such as corticosteroids. Neutropenia, resulting from cytotoxic chemotherapy is the most common risk factor for severe infections in hematological malignancies. The duration of neutropenia also contributes significantly to the risk of serious infections. This risk is significantly greater a lower neutrophil counts, such that 100% patients with ANC < 100 cells/µl lasting 3 weeks or more develop documented infections. The prompt initiation of empirical antibiotics in febrile neutropenia has been the most important advance in the management of the immunocompromised host. The initial empirical antibiotic regimen started at presentation of the febrile episode frequently requires modifications especially in high-risk febrile neutropenia. Neutropenic patients who remain febrile despite 4-7 days of broad spectrum antibacterial therapy are at a high risk of invasive fungal infection. Empirical antifungal therapy with Amphotericin B in persistently febrile neutropenic patients and other high risk patients has shown to reduce the risk of invasive fungal infection by 50-80% and the risk of fungal infection related mortality by 23-45% in 1980′s. The IDSA has recommended that amphotericin B at 0.5-0.7 mg/kg/day be administered till marrow recovery. This approach is limited however by the adverse effects caused by drug infusion (fever, chills, myalgias, nausea, hypotension and bronchospasm. Lipid formulations which improve the therapeutic ratio of the traditional formulation are available. The safety and efficacy of these formulations is well established. These formulations have comparable efficacy and are less nephrotoxic than conventional amphotericin B

  3. Childhood Epilepsy, Febrile Seizures, and Subsequent Risk of ADHD. (United States)

    Bertelsen, Elin Næs; Larsen, Janne Tidselbak; Petersen, Liselotte; Christensen, Jakob; Dalsgaard, Søren


    Epilepsy, febrile seizures, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are disorders of the central nervous system and share common risk factors. Our goal was to examine the association in a nationwide cohort study with prospective follow-up and adjustment for selected confounders. We hypothesized that epilepsy and febrile seizures were associated with subsequent ADHD. A population-based cohort of all children born in Denmark from 1990 through 2007 was followed up until 2012. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) for ADHD were estimated by using Cox regression analysis, comparing children with epilepsy and febrile seizure with those without these disorders, adjusted for socioeconomic and perinatal risk factors, as well as family history of neurologic and psychiatric disorders. A total of 906 379 individuals were followed up for 22 years (∼10 million person-years of observation); 21 079 individuals developed ADHD. Children with epilepsy had a fully adjusted IRR of ADHD of 2.72 (95% CI, 2.53-2.91) compared with children without epilepsy. Similarly, in children with febrile seizure, the fully adjusted IRR of ADHD was 1.28 (95% CI, 1.20-1.35). In individuals with both epilepsy and febrile seizure, the fully adjusted IRR of ADHD was 3.22 (95% CI, 2.72-3.83). Our findings indicate a strong association between epilepsy in childhood and, to a lesser extent, febrile seizure and subsequent development of ADHD, even after adjusting for socioeconomic and perinatal risk factors, and family history of epilepsy, febrile seizures, or psychiatric disorders. Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  4. C-reactive protein velocity to distinguish febrile bacterial infections from non-bacterial febrile illnesses in the emergency department


    Paran, Yael; Yablecovitch, Doron; Choshen, Guy; Zeitlin, Ina; Rogowski, Ori; Ben-Ami, Ronen; Katzir, Michal; Saranga, Hila; Rosenzweig, Tovit; Justo, Dan; Orbach, Yaffa; Halpern, Pinhas; Berliner, Shlomo


    Introduction C-reactive protein (CRP) is a real-time and low-cost biomarker to distinguish febrile bacterial infections from non-bacterial febrile illnesses. We hypothesised that measuring the velocity of the biomarker instead of its absolute serum concentration could enhance its ability to differentiate between these two conditions. Methods We prospectively recruited adult patients (age ? 18 years) who presented to the emergency department with fever. We recorded their data regarding the ons...

  5. History of febrile illness and variation in semen quality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carlsen, Elisabeth; Andersson, Anna-Maria; Petersen, Jørgen Holm


    The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of a history of febrile illness on semen quality.......The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of a history of febrile illness on semen quality....

  6. Nicolau Sevcenko, Orfeo extático en la metrópolis: San Pablo, sociedad y cultura en los febriles años veinte

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    Hernán Morales


    Full Text Available Reseña bibliográfica del libro de Nicolau Sevcenko, Orfeo extático en la metrópolis: San Pablo, sociedad y cultura en los febriles años veinte Traducción de Ada Solari, Bernal, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2013, 417 pp.

  7. Effect of Taurine on Febrile Episodes in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    Mina Islambulchilar


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of our study was to evaluate the effect of oral taurine on the incidence of febrile episodes during chemotherapy in young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Methods: Forty young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, at the beginning of maintenance course of their chemotherapy, were eligible for this study. The study population was randomized in a double blind manner to receive either taurine or placebo (2 gram per day orally. Life quality and side effects including febrile episodes were assessed using questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s Chi square test. Results: Of total forty participants, 43.8% were female and 56.3 % were male. The mean age was 19.16±1.95 years (ranges: 16-23 years. The results indicated that the levels of white blood cells are significantly (P<0.05 increased in taurine treated group. There was no elevation in blasts count. A total of 70 febrile episodes were observed during study, febrile episodes were significantly (P<0.05 lower in taurine patients in comparison to the control ones. Conclusion: The overall incidence of febrile episodes and infectious complications in acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients receiving taurine was lower than placebo group. Taurine’s ability to increase leukocyte count may result in lower febrile episodes.

  8. Tratamiento del dolor agudo en el paciente dependiente de sustancias

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    DR. B. Juan Pablo Acuña


    Full Text Available El manejo del dolor agudo del paciente dependiente de sustancias, es un desafío para el profesional encargado de otorgar alivio a su síntoma. La dependencia de sustancias es reconocida como una enfermedad cerebral primaria crónica y recurrente. Su neurobiología y mecanismos fisiopatológicos de adaptación a la sustancia generan cambios en la percepción del dolor, en la respuesta a analgésicos opioides y cambios conductuales que interfieren con el tratamiento del dolor. Un conocimiento básico y claro respecto de lo descrito permite diseñar estrategias seguras y eficaces de alivio del dolor, sin interferir el curso de la enfermedad adictiva. Artículos de revisión, recomendaciones y guías elaboradas por expertos coinciden en que el tratamiento más eficaz del dolor incluye un manejo multimodal, un enfoque multidisciplinario, mantención de la terapia de sustitución y una estrecha vigilancia durante el episodio agudo de dolor y su seguimiento posterior.

  9. Depresion en pacientes con alteraciones del tiroides


    Radanovic-Grguric´, Ljiljana; Filakovic´, Pavo; Barkic´, Jelena; Mandic´, Nikola; Karner, Ivan; Smoje, Juraj


    Nuestro estudio fue realizado en un grupo de 53 mujeres con disfunción tiroidea y 28 mujeres con depresión mayor. Empleamos la Escala de la Depresión de Hamilton, la Escala de Autoevaluación de la Depresión de Zung y la Escala sobre la Impresión Clínica Global. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que la mayoría de los pacientes con disfunción tiroidea se mostraron clínicamente significativos en cuanto al trastorno depresivo. Los episodios depresivos son más frecuentes en pacientes con hipot...

  10. The Long-term Risk of Epilepsy after Febrile Seizures in susceptible subgroups

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, Mogens; Pedersen, Carsten Bøcker; Sidenius, Per Christian


    A family history of seizures, preexisting brain damage, or birth complications may modify the long-term risk of epilepsy after febrile seizures. The authors evaluated the association between febrile seizures and epilepsy in a population-based cohort of 1.54 million persons born in Denmark (1978......-2002), including 49,857 persons with febrile seizures and 16,481 persons with epilepsy. Overall, for children with febrile seizures compared with those without such seizures, the rate ratio for epilepsy was 5.43 (95% confidence interval: 5.19, 5.69). The risk remained high during the entire follow.......3). In conclusion, persons with a history of febrile seizures had a higher rate of epilepsy that lasted into adult life, but less than 7 percent of children with febrile seizures developed epilepsy during 23 years of follow-up. The risk was higher for those who had a family history of epilepsy, cerebral palsy...

  11. Febrile status epilepticus due to respiratory syncytial virus infection. (United States)

    Uda, Kazuhiro; Kitazawa, Katsuhiko


    Febrile status epilepticus can have neurological sequelae. The type of sequelae, however, depend on the etiology, including infection due to viral agents such as the influenza virus. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in childhood may also contribute to this. The aim of this study was therefore to characterize febrile status epilepticus associated with RSV infection, and to determine whether this type of infection is a risk factor for neurological sequelae in febrile status epilepticus. We reviewed the medical records of children aged ≤3 years with febrile status epilepticus who were admitted to a tertiary hospital between January 2007 and December 2011. The differences between the RSV-positive and RSV-negative groups were evaluated according to the demographic and clinical data. A total of 99 patients with febrile status epilepticus who had been tested for RSV infection were identified. Three patients in the RSV-positive group (n = 19) and four in the RSV-negative group (n = 80) presented with bronchiolitis. The incidence of intubation and anti-seizure drug treatment in the RSV-positive group was significantly higher than in the -negative group. While all of the patients in the RSV-negative group recovered completely, six patients in the RSV-positive group developed encephalopathy and profound neurological sequelae. In five of the six patients, diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging showed subcortical white matter lesions. RSV infection in the absence of bronchiolitis can initially present as febrile status epilepticus and subsequently develop into acute encephalopathy with profound neurological sequelae. © 2017 Japan Pediatric Society.

  12. Home Management of Febrile Convulsion in Under-fives: an ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Home Management of Febrile Convulsion in Under-fives: an Assessment of Perceptions and Practices of Caregivers in Ojokoro Local Council Development Area, Lagos. ... Of the 46 respondents that reported previous history of febrile convulsion, 39(84.8%)carried out inappropriate pre-facility management practices.

  13. The relationship between iron deficiency anemia and simple febrile convulsion in children. (United States)

    Yousefichaijan, Parsa; Eghbali, Aziz; Rafeie, Mohammad; Sharafkhah, Mojtaba; Zolfi, Mohaddeseh; Firouzifar, Mohammadreza


    Simple febrile convulsion is the most common disease of the nervous system in children. There are hypotheses that iron deficiency may affect febrile convulsion and the threshold of neuron excitation. This study was conducted with the objective of finding the effects of iron deficiency anemia on simple febrile convulsion episodes. The study was conducted at AmirKabir Hospital of Arak Medical Sciences University, Arak, Iran. This is a case-control study. In this study, 382 children who were selected according to our inclusion and exclusion factors, were divided into two groups of case (febrile convulsion) and control (other factors causing fever) by their cause of hospitalization. After fever subsided, 5 ml blood sample was taken from each child and complete blood count and iron profile tests were performed. The results were interpreted using descriptive statistics and independent t-test. The prevalence of anemia in the group with febrile convulsion was significantly less than that in the control group: 22.5% of the children in the group with febrile convulsion and 34% in the control group exhibited anemia (P < 0.001). Moreover, the group with febrile convulsion had significantly higher blood indices, such as Hb, Hct, MCV, MCH, and MCHC, compared to the control group (P < 0.001). Iron deficiency can prevent febrile convulsion in children and probably increases the threshold of neuron excitation in fever.

  14. La justicia del accidente, variaciones sobre el síndrome del Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico Español

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    Javier Izquierdo-martín


    Full Text Available El 1 de mayo de 2001 se celebró oficialmente en España el veinte aniversario del primer fallecimiento ocasionado por el llamado «Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico Español» (Spanish Toxic Oil Syndrome o STOS, una desconocida y mortal patología médica, asociada con un extraño episodio de intoxicación alimentaria a gran escala, cuyo agente causal, presumiblemente de origen industrial, sigue sin ser identificado. Con sus más de 1.100 muertos y 25.000 afectados, la catástrofe sanitaria del STOS está considerada el más grave envenenamiento masivo ocurrido en Europa durante el siglo XX. La carrera judicial del «caso» STOS, donde destacan dos importantes sentencias dictadas por la Audiencia Nacional (1989 y 1996 y sus correspondientes recursos de casación resueltos por el Tribunal Supremo (1992 y 1997, ofrece, por su parte, uno de los expedientes legales más complejos y controvertidos de la moderna historia jurídica española. La disputa sobre las causas materiales y las responsabilidades legales del caso se aborda aquí desde el punto de vista de los estudios culturales sobre el derecho. Para iluminar con otra luz los dilemas cognitivos y morales anudados en el expediente del STOS me serviré de la jurisprudencia narrativa extraída del filme Dulce Porvenir y de la novela homónima de la que fue adaptado.

  15. Treatment duration and prognostics in febrile urinary tract infection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Starre, Willy Elizabeth van der (Willize)


    Aim of this thesis was to provide evidence for the clinical implication of biomarkers in blood and urine, as well as genetic markers, for the prediction of the severity and course of febrile UTI. Furthermore, this thesis focused on optimization of antimicrobial treatment of febrile UTI. The main

  16. Dipstick screening for urinary tract infection in febrile infants. (United States)

    Glissmeyer, Eric W; Korgenski, E Kent; Wilkes, Jacob; Schunk, Jeff E; Sheng, Xiaoming; Blaschke, Anne J; Byington, Carrie L


    This study compares the performance of urine dipstick alone with urine microscopy and with both tests combined as a screen for urinary tract infection (UTI) in febrile infants aged 1 to 90 days. We queried the Intermountain Healthcare data warehouse to identify febrile infants with urine dipstick, microscopy, and culture performed between 2004 and 2011. UTI was defined as >50 000 colony-forming units per milliliter of a urinary pathogen. We compared the performance of urine dipstick with unstained microscopy or both tests combined ("combined urinalysis") to identify UTI in infants aged 1 to 90 days. Of 13 030 febrile infants identified, 6394 (49%) had all tests performed and were included in the analysis. Of these, 770 (12%) had UTI. Urine culture results were positive within 24 hours in 83% of UTIs. The negative predictive value (NPV) was >98% for all tests. The combined urinalysis NPV was 99.2% (95% confidence interval: 99.1%-99.3%) and was significantly greater than the dipstick NPV of 98.7% (98.6%-98.8%). The dipstick positive predictive value was significantly greater than combined urinalysis (66.8% [66.2%-67.4%] vs 51.2% [50.6%-51.8%]). These data suggest 8 febrile infants would be predicted to have a false-positive combined urinalysis for every 1 infant with UTI initially missed by dipstick screening. Urine dipstick testing compares favorably with both microscopy and combined urinalysis in febrile infants aged 1 to 90 days. The urine dipstick test may be an adequate stand-alone screen for UTI in febrile infants while awaiting urine culture results. Copyright © 2014 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  17. pre-hospital management of febrile seizures in children seen

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    INTRODUCTION. A febrile seizure refers to a seizure occurring in infancy or childhood usually between three months and five years of age as a result of elevated body temperature in the absence of pathology in the brain.1 Febrile seizures are commonly encountered in emergency paediatric practice and have been ...

  18. Aedes Aegypti en zona rural del municipio de La Mesa (Cundinamarca Colombia, S. A.

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    Alberto Morales


    Full Text Available Es bien sabida la importancia del mosquito Aedes aegypti en la transmisión, de los cuatro tipos conocidos del virus del Dengue y del virus de la Fiebre Amarilla Urbana. El Último episodio de Fiebre Amarilla Urbana en Colombia ocurrió en el año de 1929 en la población de Socorro (Santander; sin embargo, la presencia del mosquito en áreas urbanas cercanas a focos enzoóticos de Fiebre Amarilla Selvática constituye un peligro potencial. Desde el año de 1972 se vienen presentando en el país epidemias de Dengue debidas al virus tipo II, más tarde hizo su aparición el tipo III y más recientemente el tipoI, todos transmitidos por A. aegypti, el único vector conocido de Dengue en las Américas.

  19. Bostezo y epilepsia del lóbulo temporal Yawning and temporal lobe epilepsy

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    S. Muchnik


    Full Text Available La epilepsia del lóbulo temporal, es aquella epilepsia parcial donde las estructuras temporales límbicas son las responsables de los principales síntomas ictales. Se caracteriza por la recurrencia de crisis parciales simples y complejas con confusión post-ictal y amnesia del evento. El efecto facilitador del sueño No REM en la propagación de las crisis, como las anormalidades del sueño provocadas por la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal, son evidenciadas claramente en nuestros pacientes. El bostezo es un reflejo fisiológico, principalmente inducido por el despertar y el adormecimiento, puede estar asociado a diferentes enfermedades neurológicas. Su relación con la epilepsia de origen límbico, ha sido escasamente mencionada. Describimos en un paciente, un episodio de bostezos y crisis parcial compleja mientras dormitaba. El EEG mostró actividad irritativa focal, independiente y bilateral en regiones temporales medias. Tratado con carbamazepina 400mg/d, no repitió el episodio. Otro paciente presentó crisis parciales complejas secundariamente generalizadas con episodios de bostezos en el período post-ictal, luego de las siestas. El EEG fue normal y la polisomnografía nocturna mostró actividad irritativa sincrónica y bilateral en regiones temporales medias con generalización secundaria. Tratado con divalproato de sodio 750 mg/d, no se registraron nuevos episodios. La epilepsia del lóbulo temporal, el ciclo sueño-vigilia y el bostezo, parecen compartir no solamente las mismas estructuras anatómicas, sino también los mismos mecanismos neuroquímicos. El hecho de que los opiáceos endógenos sean considerados como parte de un sistema protector que inhibe y previene las crisis, permite postular que el bostezo sería la expresión de los mecanismos inducidos por los opiáceos endógenos que inhiben y previenen las crisis de la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal. Otro punto de vista sería presentar al bostezo simplemente como una forma

  20. Iron deficiency anaemia -a risk factor for febrile seizures in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sherjil, A.; Saeed, Z.U.; Shehzad, S.; Amjad, R.


    Background: Iron deficiency anaemia and febrile seizures are two common diseases in children worldwide as well as in our country. Iron insufficiency is known to cause neurological symptoms like behavioural changes, poor attention span and learning deficits in children. Therefore, it may also be associated with other neurological disturbances like febrile seizures in children. Objective of our case-control study was to find association between iron deficiency anaemia and febrile seizures in children. Methods: This multicentre study was conducted in Department of Paediatrics HIT Hospital Taxila Cantt, Department of Paediatrics CMH Mangla and Department of Paediatrics POF Hospital Wah Cantt, from June 2008 to June 2010. Three hundred and ten children aged between 6 months to 6 years were included in the study. One hundred and fifty-seven children who presented with febrile seizures were our cases, while, 153 children who presented with febrile illnesses without seizures were recruited as controls. All patients were assessed for iron deficiency anaemia by measuring haemoglobin level, serum ferritin level, Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) and Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV). Patients with iron deficiency anaemia amongst controls and cases were documented. Percentages and Odds ratio were derived from the collected data. Results: 31.85% of cases (50 out of 157) had iron deficiency anaemia whereas, 19.6% of controls (30 out of 153) were found to have iron deficiency anaemia as revealed by low levels of haemoglobin level, serum ferritin level, Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration and Mean Corpuscular Volume. Odds ratio was 1.93. Conclusion: Patients with febrile seizures are 1.93 times more likely to have iron deficiency anaemia compared to febrile patients without seizures. (author)

  1. Envidia, carcoma del alma: escorzo psico-literario

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    Full Text Available Desde Aristóteles hasta Castilla del Pino, desde Covarrubias hasta María Zambrano, desde el clasicismo grecolatino a la modernidad de los Simposiums de Psicología y Psicoanálisis, el tema de la envidia ha sido objeto de análisis. Tan sutiles matices provienen de la filosofía como de la psicología, de la literatura como de la clínica. La envidia es sometida a la mirada benevolente que exige su rango de emoción universal humana, derivada de la alteridad, la comparación y la autovaloración negativa, así como de la deficiente instalación narcisística y el anhelo de suplantación del otro idealizado. La envidia es antesala del odio y de un cortejo de expresiones interpersonales y sociales muy variadas y sibilinas. Anida, incluso, tras el choque de civilizaciones generador de los más atroces y destructivos episodios de fanatismo terrorista recientemente padecidos en nuestro mundo.

  2. La influencia de la localización del partido, el nivel del oponente y el marcador en la posesión del balón en el fútbol de alto nivel

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    Carlos Lago Peñas


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio consistió en examinar el efecto de la localización del partido, el nivel del oponente y el marcador sobre las estrategias de posesión del balón en un equipo de fútbol profesional. Para ello fueron analizados 27 partidos de la temporada 2005-2006 de la Liga Española de Fútbol utilizando un sistema computerizado de análisis del juego. Los partidos fueron divididos en episodios de juego de acuerdo con la evolución del marcador. Los resultados del análisis de regresión lineal muestran que la posesión del balón en global y el porcentaje de minutos que el equipo observado tuvo la posesión del balón en cada zona del campo de juego (zona defensiva 1/3, zona media 1/3 y zona ofensiva 1/3 estuvieron condicionados por las variables de situación analizadas, bien de forma independiente o de forma interactiva. La combinación de estas variables y sus interacciones puede ser utilizada para construir modelos que estimen la posesión del balón en el fútbol. Los hallazgos ponen en evidencia la necesidad para los entrenadores e investigadores de tener en cuenta los potenciales efectos independientes e interactivos de la localización del partido, el nivel del oponente y el marcador durante la evaluación del rendimiento de los equipos y los jugadores.

  3. Secondary Infections in Cancer Patients with Febrile Neutropenia

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    Alpay Azap


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Patients with neutropenia due to cancer chemotherapy are prone to severe infections. Cancer patients can experience >1 infectious episode during the same period of neutropenia. This study aimed to determine the etiological and clinical characteristics of secondary infectious episodes in cancer patients with febrile neutropenia and to identify the factors associated with the risk of secondary infectious episodes. METHODS: All cancer patients that received antineoplastic chemotherapy at Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Hematology between May 2004 and May 2005 and developed neutropenia were included in the study. Data were collected using survey forms that were completed during routine infectious diseases consultation visits. Categorical data were analyzed using the chi-square test, whereas Student’s t-test was used for continuous variables. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify independent predictors of secondary infections (SIs. RESULTS: SIs were observed during 138 (53% of 259 febrile neutropenic episodes. Of the 138 episodes, 89 (64.5% occurred in male patients with a mean age of 40.9 years (range: 17-76 years. In total, 80% of the SIs were clinically or microbiologically documented. Factors on d 4 of the initial febrile episode were analyzed via a logistic regression model. The presence of a central intravenous catheter (OR: 3.01; P < 0.001, acute myeloid leukemia (AML as the underlying disease (OR: 2.12; P = 0.008, diarrhea (OR: 4.59; P = 0.005, and invasive aspergillosis (IA during the initial febrile episode (OR: 3.96; P = 0.009 were statistically significant risk factors for SIs. CONCLUSION: Among the cancer patients with neutropenia in the present study, AML as the underlying disease, the presence of a central venous catheter, diarrhea, and IA during the initial febrile episode were risk factors for the development of SIs.

  4. Recognition Memory Is Impaired in Children after Prolonged Febrile Seizures (United States)

    Martinos, Marina M.; Yoong, Michael; Patil, Shekhar; Chin, Richard F. M.; Neville, Brian G.; Scott, Rod C.; de Haan, Michelle


    Children with a history of a prolonged febrile seizure show signs of acute hippocampal injury on magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, animal studies have shown that adult rats who suffered febrile seizures during development reveal memory impairments. Together, these lines of evidence suggest that memory impairments related to hippocampal…

  5. Serum zinc and copper levels in children with febrile convulsion

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    Mohammad Shokrzadeh


    Full Text Available Febrile convulsions (FC are the most common neurologic disorder in children 6-60 months of age. Zinc (Zn and copper (Cu play role as cofactors in more than 300 enzymatic activities significantly. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship serum levels of Zn and Cu with seizure occurrence in febrile children. In this case-control study, 270 children with 6 month to 6 years were evaluated. The patients were enrolled in three groups: a children with febrile convulsion, b febrile children without convulsion and c healthy ones. After recording of all patients’ characteristics, 5 mL blood was taken from peripheral vessels at the first 12 hours of hospitalization. Absorption of all samples was read by BRAIC (Rayleigh instrument company, WFX-130 model with calibration diagram, considering samples dilution levels. The mean of serum Zn levels in children with FC were significantly lower than other two groups. Mean serum Cu levels in children with FC and non-FC patients were significantly higher than healthy children. No meaningful differences were observed in serum levels of Zn and Cu among the girl or boy cases. This study showed significant lower serum zinc level in children with febrile seizure and meaningful higher serum copper level than control group cases. There was no significant difference in level of serum zinc and copper in term of sex.

  6. Caracterización clínico epidemiológica de las convulsiones febriles. Hospital Pediátrico Docente Provincial “José Martí y Pérez”. Sancti Spíritus. Año 2005-2008.


    Marcelino Lizano Rabelo; Yanisbel Imara Rolo Naranjo; Noelio Rafael Poza Carmona


    Se describe un grupo de características clínico-epidemiológicas y de laboratorio relacionadas con las convulsiones febriles. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de 273 pacientes con diagnóstico definitivo al egreso de convulsión febril, pertenecientes al Hospital Pediátrico Docente Provincial “José Martí Pérez “ de Sancti Spíritus (enero 2005- diciembre 2008), variables del estudio: Edad de presentación de la primera crisis. Temperatura axilar en el momento de la crisis. Momento de presentación...

  7. Caracterización clínico epidemiológica de las convulsiones febriles. Hospital Pediátrico Docente Provincial “José Martí y Pérez”. Sancti Spíritus. Año 2005-2008.

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    Marcelino Lizano Rabelo


    Full Text Available Se describe un grupo de características clínico-epidemiológicas y de laboratorio relacionadas con las convulsiones febriles. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de 273 pacientes con diagnóstico definitivo al egreso de convulsión febril, pertenecientes al Hospital Pediátrico Docente Provincial “José Martí Pérez “ de Sancti Spíritus (enero 2005- diciembre 2008, variables del estudio: Edad de presentación de la primera crisis. Temperatura axilar en el momento de la crisis. Momento de presentación de la crisis con relación a la fiebre. Causa de la fiebre. Características clínicas de las crisis. Factores de riesgo de recurrencia. Resultado del electroencefalograma interictal. El dato primario se tomó mediante un cuestionario que fue aplicado a las historias clínicas de estos pacientes. Los resultados fueron expresados en tablas y analizados de forma porcentual. La edad de debut de las crisis febriles que prevaleció fue de 11 a 23 meses en 90 pacientes(33%, la temperatura axilar en el momento de la convulsión identificada con mayor frecuencia fue entre 38-38,5 grados en el 56,87% de los casos, 198 pacientes para un 72,5% presentaron la crisis febril en las primeras 6 horas de la fiebre; predominando las infecciones respiratorias altas agudas como causa de la fiebre en 98 casos (35,9%, 191 pacientes presentaron crisis febriles simples para un 70% y de ellas 137 (54,2% fueron tónicas generalizadas, el electroencefalograma interictal fue normal en 198 casos para un 72,5%. El comportamiento de las convulsiones febriles en nuestro medio es de forma similar a lo reportado en la literatura nacional e internacional, en cuanto a edad de presentación, tipo de crisis y riesgo de recurrencia, así como patrones normales en el electroencefalograma. Predominando las infecciones respiratorias altas agudas como causa de la fiebre.

  8. Febrile Urinary Tract Infection after Radical Cystectomy and Ileal Neobladder in Patients with Bladder Cancer. (United States)

    Kim, Kwang Hyun; Yoon, Hyun Suk; Yoon, Hana; Chung, Woo Sik; Sim, Bong Suk; Lee, Dong Hyeon


    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common complications after radical cystectomy and orthotopic neobladder reconstruction. This study investigated the incidence and implicated pathogen of febrile UTI after ileal neobladder reconstruction and identify clinical and urodynamic parameters associated with febrile UTI. From January 2001 to May 2015, 236 patients who underwent radical cystectomy and ileal neobladder were included in this study. Fifty-five episodes of febrile UTI were identified in 46 patients (19.4%). The probability of febrile UTI was 17.6% and 19.8% at 6 months and 24 months after surgery, respectively. While, Escherichia coli was the most common implicated pathogen (22/55, 40.0%), Enterococcus spp. were the most common pathogen during the first month after surgery (18/33, 54.5%). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, ureteral stricture was an independent risk factor associated with febrile UTI (OR 5.93, P = 0.023). However, ureteral stricture accounted for only 6 episodes (10.9%, 6/55) of febrile UTI. Most episodes of febrile UTI occurred within 6 months after surgery. Thus, to identify risk factors associated with febrile UTI in the initial postoperative period, we assessed videourodynamics within 6 months after surgery in 38 patients. On videourodyamic examination, vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) was identified in 16 patients (42.1%). The rate of VUR presence in patients who had febrile UTI was not significantly different from those in patients without febrile UTI (50% vs. 39.3%, P = 0.556). Patients with febrile UTI had significantly larger residual urine volume (212.0 ± 193.7 vs. 90.5 ± 148.2, P = 0.048) than those without. E. coli and Enterococcus spp. are common pathogens and ureteral stricture and residual urine are risk factors for UTI after ileal neobladder reconstruction.

  9. Caracterización del estado de salud de las personas en su periodo de convalecencia de un episodio de dengue

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    Laura Lizeth Luengas


    Conclusiones. Estos resultados demuestran que la carga de enfermedad de la infección por el virus del dengue no se ha descrito del todo, pues en la fase de convalecencia se siguen presentando síntomas clínicos que dificultan la recuperación normal del individuo.

  10. La cobertura periodística del cambio climático y del calentamiento global en El País, El Mundo y La Vanguardia

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    R Fernández-Reyes


    Full Text Available Introducción. Este artículo aborda la cobertura mediática del cambio climático y del calentamiento global en España a través del seguimiento de la presencia de estos términos en El País, El Mundo y La Vanguardia desde enero de 2000 hasta noviembre de 2014. Metodología. A partir de datos de la Universidad de Colorado y de Google Trends, se completa un análisis comparativo de las agendas mediática y ciudadana. Resultados. La cobertura en España presenta una tendencia similar a la prensa internacional occidental, si bien existen episodios particulares que las diferencian. Los hitos más importantes remiten a eventos políticos internacionales, acuerdos internacionales, informes científicos del Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático y al documental An Inconvenient Truth. Discusión y conclusiones. La agenda internacional condiciona la agenda nacional, si bien el contexto general evidencia una pérdida de presencia del cambio climático en medios impresos, a pesar de la creciente acumulación de la creciente evidencia empírica acerca del riesgo medioambiental.

  11. Trastorno de estrés agudo y episodio depresivo mayor en víctimas de una inundación en Tingo María: prevalencia y efectos de su desplazamiento a un alberg

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    Yliana Rojas-Medina


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia del trastorno de estrés agudo (TEA y comorbilidad con episodio depresivo mayor (TEA+EDM en víctimas de la inundación de la ciudad Tingo María-Huánuco, 20 días después del evento traumático. Materiales y métodos. Ciento veinte damnificados (personas del albergue y 110 afectados (personas en sus viviendas fueron encuestados y comparados. Se aplicó la entrevista clínica estructurada para los trastornos del Eje I del DSM-IV, versión clínica. Las prevalencias de los trastornos estudiados fueron estratificadas por edad, ser mujer, tener una pareja al tiempo de ocurrencia del desastre, estar desempleado cuando ocurrió el desastre, no hablar castellano y tener un nivel de instrucción bajo. Los datos fueron analizados en STATA v.8.0. Resultados. El 64,8% (IC95%: 58,6 -71,0 de la población estudiada fue diagnosticada con TEA y un 28,3% (IC95%: 22,4 - 34,1 tuvo TEA+EDM. Los damnificados mostraron prevalencias mayores de TEA, 80%, frente a 48,2% en los afectados (p<0,001. Para el caso de TEA+EDM las prevalencias fueron 40,0% y 15,5%, respectivamente (p<0,001. Las mujeres tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar TEA (OR: 4,3; IC 95% 1,6-11,2 y TEA + EDM (OR: 8,7; IC 95% 1,9-40,9 independientemente de los otros factores. Conclusiones. Existe diferencias importantes entre las prevalencias de trastornos mentales de las personas que habitan en un albergue o en su vivienda; siendo mayor en quienes se ven obligados a vivir temporalmente en albergues. Las mujeres son más propensas a sufrir estos trastornos mentales.

  12. The oxidative and antioxidative status of simple febrile seizure patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abuhandan, M.; Yetkin, I.; Calik, M.; Iscan, A.


    Objective: To evaluate the oxidative status following a seizure in children experiencing a simple febrile seizure. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted at Harran University, Turkey, between January and September 2011. It comprised 32 paediatric patients who, within the preceding 8 hours, had experienced a seizure due to upper respiratory tract infection and had been diagnosed with simple febrile seizure, and 30 healthy children as the control group. Blood was taken from the patients 8 hours after the seizure. Total oxidant level and Total anti-oxidant level were measured according to the Erel technique and the oxidative stress index was calculated. Data was analysed using SPSS 11.5. Results: The mean values of the total oxidant level and the oxidative stress index of the cases were found to be significantly high compared to the controls and the total anti-oxidant level was found to be significantly low (p<0.01, p<0.01, p<0.03 respectively). Conclusion: The increased total oxidant level and decreased total anti-oxidant level resulting in increased oxidative stress associated with febrile seizure patients may increase the risk of experiencing febrile seizures. (author)

  13. Pérdida del precondicionamiento isquémico: un fenómeno relacionado con el envejecimiento

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    Jorge A. Belardi


    Full Text Available IntroducciónLa edad es un predictor independiente de riesgo en pacientes con enfermedad coronaria.Esto podría explicarse por la falta de adaptación a la isquemia miocárdica aguda. Elprecondicionamiento es un mecanismo por el cual episodios repetitivos de isquemia inducenen el miocardio una tolerancia mayor a episodios subsiguientes.ObjetivoEvaluar el desarrollo de precondicionamiento isquémico en pacientes añosos.Material y métodosSe incluyeron 65 pacientes sometidos a angioplastia coronaria electiva (< 70 años [n = 47] y≥ 70 años [n = 18]. Se evaluó el desarrollo de precondicionamiento durante tres períodos deoclusión coronaria. Por ECG intracoronario se midió la elevación del ST al final de cada dilatacióny se registró el porcentaje de resolución del ST a la tercera dilatación respecto del máximovalor registrado. Los datos se presentan como mediana e intervalo intercuartil 25/75%.ResultadosNo hubo diferencias significativas en las características clínicas basales. El máximo ST registrado,el ST a la tercera dilatación y el porcentaje de resolución del ST fueron 14 (9/24mm, 8 (4/14 mm y 23,8% (0/55,5 para los pacientes jóvenes y 9,5 (5/18 mm (p = ns, 6,5 (4/16 mm (p = ns y 5,5% (0/20 (p = 0,04 para los añosos. Al estratificar por grupos etarios,la proporción de pacientes que alcanzaron una resolución del ST ≥ 50% mostró una distribuciónlineal por chi cuadrado de tendencia (p = 0,025.ConclusionesNuestro estudio sugiere que el precondicionamiento isquémico se encontraría disminuidoen pacientes añosos. La funcionalidad de este mecanismo menguaría en forma progresivacon el envejecimiento.

  14. The neurobiology of the human febrile response. (United States)

    Biddle, Chuck


    Fever is a normal adaptation in response to a pyrogenic stimulus resulting in the generation of cytokines and prostaglandins. Fever differs from hyperpyrexia and hyperthermia associated with hot environs and pharmacological triggers. Typically, pyrogens are infectious organisms or their direct products (toxins). The body produces a wide array of pyrogenic cytokines such as interleukins (IL-1, IL-6), interferon, and tumor necrosis factor. Tissue trauma can trigger the febrile response, as can infectious organisms, certain medications, and blood products. The circumventricular organ system (CVOS) is neuronal tissues lying outside the blood-brain barrier that has a key role in initiating the communication sequence responsible for the synthesis of febrile prostaglandins. When pyrogenic cytokines are detected by the CVOS, prostaglandin synthesis, especially cyclooxygenase-dependent prostaglandin E2, is induced, activating the febrile response. Once the appropriate signal is received by the hypothalamus, autonomic, endocrine, and behavioral processes are activated until the hypothalamic set-point is reset downward as a consequence of a reduction in pyrogen content or antipyretic therapy, with subsequent heat loss. There is little evidence that fever facilitates recovery from disease or assists the immune system in mounting a response. Antipyretics are used commonly to decrease the distressing manifestations associated with fever.

  15. Hemorragia alveolar como complicación del uso de trombolíticos

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    Alejandra González


    Full Text Available La trombolisis se usa como estrategia de reperfusión coronaria en el infarto agudo de miocardio. El sangrado es su principal complicación; la mayoría ocurre en los sitios de accesos venosos y es leve, pero también pueden presentarse hemorragia gastrointestinal, retroperitoneal, genitourinaria, pulmonar y a nivel del sistema nervioso central, episodios estos generalmente de mayor gravedad y a veces fatales. Se describe aquí el caso de un paciente que recibió terapia trombolítica con estreptoquinasa como tratamiento por un infarto de miocardio, y que posteriormente desarrolló insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, infiltrados pulmonares bilaterales, caída del hematocrito y aumento de la difusión de monóxido de carbono, cuadro compatible con diagnóstico de hemorragia alveolar.



    Rahul; Haricharan; Venkatamurthy


    ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVES: Estimation of Iron status in children with first f ebrile seizure (FFS). Iron status was evaluated by including Hemoglobin, Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH), Serum ferritin. MATERIALS AND METHODS : Study was conducted all children with first febrile seizures and febrile illnesses (FI) in Pediatrics Intensive Care Unit and Pediatrics Wards of Sri Adichunchanag iri Institute of Medical Sciences, B.G. Nagara ...

  17. Papel de la experiencia en la aceptación vs. rechazo del paciente con esquizofrenia


    Carmen Senra-Rivera; Alessandra de Arriba-Rossetto; Gloria Seoane-Pesqueira


    En esta investigación se analiza la influencia que pueden tener distintos tipos y grados de experiencia con la enfermedad mental en la aceptación vs. rechazo del paciente con esquizofrenia. Participaron en el estudio 236 estudiantes universitarios que cumplimentaron una escala de distancia social relacionada con una viñeta en la que se describe un episodio psicótico de un paciente (hombre o mujer) con esquizofrenia y una escala que evalúa distintos tipos y grados de experiencia co...

  18. Atypical febrile seizures, mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, and dual pathology. (United States)

    Sanon, Nathalie T; Desgent, Sébastien; Carmant, Lionel


    Febrile seizures occurring in the neonatal period, especially when prolonged, are thought to be involved in the later development of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) in children. The presence of an often undetected, underlying cortical malformation has also been reported to be implicated in the epileptogenesis process following febrile seizures. This paper highlights some of the various animal models of febrile seizures and of cortical malformation and portrays a two-hit model that efficiently mimics these two insults and leads to spontaneous recurrent seizures in adult rats. Potential mechanisms are further proposed to explain how these two insults may each, or together, contribute to network hyperexcitability and epileptogenesis. Finally the clinical relevance of the two-hit model is briefly discussed in light of a therapeutic and preventive approach to mTLE.

  19. Prenatal exposure to cigarettes, alcohol, and coffee and the risk for febrile seizures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, M; Wisborg, K; Henriksen, TB


    of extensive brain growth and differentiation in this period. We evaluated the association between prenatal exposure to cigarettes, alcohol, and coffee and the risk for febrile seizures in 2 population-based birth cohorts. METHODS: The Aarhus Birth Cohort consisted of 25,196 children of mothers who were...... Birth Cohort, but the corresponding association was weak in the Aalborg-Odense cohort. We found no association between maternal alcohol and coffee consumption and the risk for febrile seizures. The results were similar for simple and complex febrile seizures. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that prenatal...... exposure to low to moderate levels of alcohol and coffee has no impact on the risk for febrile seizures, whereas a modest smoking effect cannot be ruled out....

  20. Towards Improving Point-of-Care Diagnosis of Non-malaria Febrile Illness: A Metabolomics Approach.

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    Saskia Decuypere


    Full Text Available Non-malaria febrile illnesses such as bacterial bloodstream infections (BSI are a leading cause of disease and mortality in the tropics. However, there are no reliable, simple diagnostic tests for identifying BSI or other severe non-malaria febrile illnesses. We hypothesized that different infectious agents responsible for severe febrile illness would impact on the host metabolome in different ways, and investigated the potential of plasma metabolites for diagnosis of non-malaria febrile illness.We conducted a comprehensive mass-spectrometry based metabolomics analysis of the plasma of 61 children with severe febrile illness from a malaria-endemic rural African setting. Metabolite features characteristic for non-malaria febrile illness, BSI, severe anemia and poor clinical outcome were identified by receiver operating curve analysis.The plasma metabolome profile of malaria and non-malaria patients revealed fundamental differences in host response, including a differential activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. A simple corticosteroid signature was a good classifier of severe malaria and non-malaria febrile patients (AUC 0.82, 95% CI: 0.70-0.93. Patients with BSI were characterized by upregulated plasma bile metabolites; a signature of two bile metabolites was estimated to have a sensitivity of 98.1% (95% CI: 80.2-100 and a specificity of 82.9% (95% CI: 54.7-99.9 to detect BSI in children younger than 5 years. This BSI signature demonstrates that host metabolites can have a superior diagnostic sensitivity compared to pathogen-detecting tests to identify infections characterized by low pathogen load such as BSI.This study demonstrates the potential use of plasma metabolites to identify causality in children with severe febrile illness in malaria-endemic settings.

  1. Parental perspectives on inpatient versus outpatient management of pediatric febrile neutropenia. (United States)

    Diorio, Caroline; Martino, Julia; Boydell, Katherine Mary; Ethier, Marie-Chantal; Mayo, Chris; Wing, Richard; Teuffel, Oliver; Sung, Lillian; Tomlinson, Deborah


    To describe parent preference for treatment of febrile neutropenia and the key drivers of parental decision making, structured face-to-face interviews were used to elicit parent preferences for inpatient versus outpatient management of pediatric febrile neutropenia. Parents were presented with 4 different scenarios and asked to indicate which treatment option they preferred and to describe reasons for this preference during the face-to-face interview. Comments were recorded in writing by research assistants. A consensus approach to thematic analysis was used to identify themes from the written comments of the research assistants. A total of 155 parents participated in the study. Of these, 80 (51.6%) parents identified hospital-based intravenous treatment as the most preferred treatment scenario for febrile neutropenia. The major themes identified included convenience/disruptiveness, physical health, emotional well-being, and modifiers of parental decision making. Most parents preferred hospital-based treatment for febrile neutropenia. An understanding of issues that influence parental decision making may assist health care workers in planning program implementation and further support families in their decision-making process.

  2. Los asháninkas y la violencia de las correrías durante y después de la época del caucho*


    Espinosa, Oscar


    A lo largo de los siglos, el pueblo asháninka ha enfrentado diversos episodios de violencia, algunos de los cuales han afectado de manera especial la historia y la identidad de este pueblo. Uno de estos momentos fue el de la colonización de la región de la Selva Central peruana, a fines del siglo XIX, marcada por la extracción del caucho y el cultivo de café en grandes haciendas. Esta época se caracterizó, además, por ser particularmente violenta, sobre todo debido a las continuas correrías q...

  3. Attempt of differentiation acute encephalopathy with febrile convulsive status epilepticus from febrile convulsive status epilepticus induced by human herpesvirus 6 at early stage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishikawa, Junichi; Yamamuro, Miho; Togawa, Masao; Shiomi, Masashi


    It is difficult for clinicians to predict the subsequent development of acute encephalopathy with febrile convulsive status epilepticus (AEFCSE), when febrile convulsive status epilepticus (FCSE) develops. Comparing clinical and laboratory characteristics between patients with AEFCSE and those with FCSE, we investigated the factors which predict the later development of febrile convulsive status caused by human herpesvirus 6 (HHV6). The subjects of this study were patients treated for FCSE or AEFCSE due to HHV6 in our hospital between April 2004 and January 2008. The AEFCSE group included 5 patients, and the FCSE group included 6 patients. There were few differences in clinical characteristics or brain images on admission between the 2 groups. Disturbance of consciousness persisted for 24 hours or more in all patients in the AEFCSE group and in 2 patients in the FCSE group. The serum creatinine concentration was significantly higher in the AEFCSE group. Serum creatinine concentration could be a good indicator for the prediction of AEFCSE in patients with FCSE. (author)

  4. Attempt of differentiation acute encephalopathy with febrile convulsive status epilepticus from febrile convulsive status epilepticus induced by human herpesvirus 6 at early stage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ishikawa, Junichi; Yamamuro, Miho; Togawa, Masao; Shiomi, Masashi [Osaka City General Hospital, Osaka, Osaka (Japan)


    It is difficult for clinicians to predict the subsequent development of acute encephalopathy with febrile convulsive status epilepticus (AEFCSE), when febrile convulsive status epilepticus (FCSE) develops. Comparing clinical and laboratory characteristics between patients with AEFCSE and those with FCSE, we investigated the factors which predict the later development of febrile convulsive status caused by human herpesvirus 6 (HHV6). The subjects of this study were patients treated for FCSE or AEFCSE due to HHV6 in our hospital between April 2004 and January 2008. The AEFCSE group included 5 patients, and the FCSE group included 6 patients. There were few differences in clinical characteristics or brain images on admission between the 2 groups. Disturbance of consciousness persisted for 24 hours or more in all patients in the AEFCSE group and in 2 patients in the FCSE group. The serum creatinine concentration was significantly higher in the AEFCSE group. Serum creatinine concentration could be a good indicator for the prediction of AEFCSE in patients with FCSE. (author)

  5. El tifo exantematico en la hoya del rio Cauca

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    Luis Patiño Camargo


    que me confió el Gobierno de visitar la ciudad de Aguadas y municipios vecinos del Departamento de Caldas y fijar el diagnóstico de una enfermedad febril epidémica, de elevada morbilidad, que de largos años viene azotando eas comarcas y constituyendo grave problema para la economía y la salubridad pública.

  6. Therapeutic burst-suppression coma in pediatric febrile refractory status epilepticus. (United States)

    Lin, Jainn-Jim; Chou, Cheng-Che; Lan, Shih-Yun; Hsiao, Hsiang-Ju; Wang, Yu; Chan, Oi-Wa; Hsia, Shao-Hsuan; Wang, Huei-Shyong; Lin, Kuang-Lin


    Evidence for the beneficial effect of therapeutic burst-suppression coma in pediatric patients with febrile refractory status epilepticus is limited, and the clinical outcomes of this treatment strategy are largely unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the outcomes of therapeutic burst-suppression coma in a series of children with febrile refractory status epilepticus. We retrospectively reviewed consecutive pediatric patients with febrile refractory status epilepticus admitted to our pediatric intensive care unit between January 2000 and December 2013. The clinical characteristics were analyzed. Thirty-five patients (23 boys; age range: 1-18years) were enrolled, of whom 28 (80%) developed super-refractory status epilepticus. All of the patients received the continuous administration of intravenous antiepileptic drugs for febrile refractory status epilepticus, and 26 (74.3%) achieved therapeutic burst-suppression coma. All of the patients received mechanical ventilatory support, and 26 (74.3%) received inotropic agents. Eight (22.9%) patients died within 1month. The neurologically functional outcomes at 6months were good in six (27.3%) of the 22 survivors, of whom two returned to clinical baseline. The patients with therapeutic burst-suppression coma were significantly associated with hemodynamic support than the patients with electrographic seizures control (p=0.03), and had a trend of higher 1-month mortality rate, worse 6months outcomes, and a longer duration of hospitalization. Our results suggest that therapeutic burst-suppression coma to treat febrile refractory status epilepticus may lead to an increased risk of hemodynamic instability and a trend of worse outcomes. Copyright © 2017 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Juan Francisco Sortino Barrionuevo


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de esta comunicación es desarrollar una cartografía de evaluación de vulnerabilidad de los elementos expuesto frente al peligro de inundación, en concreto lo referente a los sistemas de socorro y asistencia con los que se cuenta, para que todos los organismos y entidades competente puedan contar con esta herramienta para la toma de decisiones y el desarrollo de sus Plane s de Actuación de Ámbito Local. La metodología de trabajo se basa en un análisis de redes que permite elaborar mapas de isócrona s de tiempo s de respuestas, para los diferentes agentes implicados en las labores de socorro y asistencia, bajo dos escenarios (sin episodios de inundación y con episodios de inundación, y establece una comparativa entre las diferentes situaciones. Los resultados obt enidos son una serie de cartografías vinculadas al análisis de los sistemas de socorro y asistencia que permiten analizar su eficacia durante la catástrofe. Los documentos cartográficos son útiles como herramienta de apoyo a la decisión en la fase de gesti ón de emergencias, y permiten sugerencias de mejora en la gestión del riesgo de inundación, a través del tratamiento aplicado de diferentes aspectos vinculados a la vulnerabilidad

  8. Bilateral hippocampal atrophy in temporal lobe epilepsy: Effect of depressive symptoms and febrile seizures (United States)

    Finegersh, Andrey; Avedissian, Christina; Shamim, Sadat; Dustin, Irene; Thompson, Paul M.; Theodore, William H.


    Summary Purpose Neuroimaging studies suggest a history of febrile seizures, and depression, are associated with hippocampal volume reductions in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Methods We used radial atrophy mapping (RAM), a three-dimensional (3D) surface modeling tool, to measure hippocampal atrophy in 40 patients with unilateral TLE, with or without a history of febrile seizures and symptoms of depression. Multiple linear regression was used to single out the effects of covariates on local atrophy. Key Findings Subjects with a history of febrile seizures (n = 15) had atrophy in regions corresponding to the CA1 and CA3 subfields of the hippocampus contralateral to seizure focus (CHC) compared to those without a history of febrile seizures (n = 25). Subjects with Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) score ≥14 (n = 11) had atrophy in the superoanterior portion of the CHC compared to subjects with BDI-II <14 (n = 29). Significance Contralateral hippocampal atrophy in TLE may be related to febrile seizures or depression. PMID:21269286

  9. Triage of febrile children at a GP cooperative : determinants of a consultation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Monteny, Miriam; Berger, Marjolein Y.; van der Wouden, Johannes C.; Broekman, Berth J.; Koes, Bart W.

    Background Most febrile children contacting a GP cooperative are seen by a GP, although the incidence of serious illness is low. The guidelines for triage might not be suitable in primary care. Aim To investigate the determinants related to the outcome of triage in febrile children. Design of study

  10. Manifestaciones clínicas y hallazgos de laboratorio de una serie de casos febriles agudos con diagnóstico presuntivo de infección por el virus dengue. Quindío (Colombia

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    Carlos Andrés Rodríguez-Salazar

    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las manifestaciones clínicas y hallazgos de laboratorio de una serie de casos febriles agudos con diagnóstico presuntivo de infección por el virus dengue. en Quindío (Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, en pacientes con sospecha clínica de dengue en el periodo comprendido entre enero y agosto de 2013, en algunos centros hospitalarios del departamento del Quindío. Se tomaron muestras de sangre para diagnóstico de dengue, leptospira, malaria, hepatitis B, y rickettsiosis. Como pruebas confirmatorias para dengue se realizó aislamiento viral en células C6/36HT y serotipificación para dengue por RTPCR; pruebas de función hepática, cuadro hemático y niveles de citocinas. Resultados: Se caracterizaron 149 casos, de los cuales el 43% presentaron infección por dengue, 4% leptospira, 6,8% rickettsias, un caso de malaria y uno de hepatitis B. En 5 casos se logró el aislamiento del DENV2 y DENV3. Mediante la RT-PCR, se evidenció cocirculación de serotipos 2, 3, 4. Se encontró que las enzimas AST/ALT, el conteo de plaquetas, la erupción y el dolor abdominal fueron marcadores característicos de la infección por dengue, mientras la ictericia y el dolor lumbar se correlacionaron con la leptospirosis. Los valores de citocinas mostraron que la IL-10, TNF α variaron significativamente en casos con dengue frente a otros diagnósticos, y la IL-17 a presentó diferencias significativas en individuos con dengue grave. Conclusiones: El dengue se confirmó como causa etiológica importante de síndrome febril icterohemorrágico en el departamento del Quindío, pero la leptospirosis y la rickettsiosis tienen también una participación importante. Sin embargo, en el 44% de los casos fueron catalogados como síndrome febril indeterminado.

  11. Appearance of febrile neutropenia episodes after cytostatic therapy on oncology patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lami Casaus, Leonardo; Arbesu Michelena, Maria Antonieta; Sarmiento, Sofia Alsina; Brito Iglesia, Rosario


    Treatment of oncology patient using cytotoxic drugs has the neutropenia and its infectious complications as the commonest dose-limiting toxicity. Its appearance provokes dose delays and reduction during post-chemotherapy cycles, as well as the quality of life deterioration of patients. Oncology Medicine Group including the Pharmacy Service carried out a study to analyze the appearance of febrile neutropenia after cytotoxic therapy administration, and the presence of other factors that may to increase the risk to these reactions. A total of 42 patients were studied admitted with febrile neutropenia after above therapy from February to August, 2007. Biomedical variables from included patient group were achieved and the previously applied cytostatic therapy. The prevalent age-group was those patients aged over 50 and predominance of male sex and advanced stages with associated affections. The more frequent tumor locations were in breast, lung, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The cytostatic agent more used in cases of febrile neutropenia was Adriamycin (71.4 %) followed by Cyclophosphamide (52.4 %). The factors more associated with febrile neutropenia appearance were: Anthracycline chemotherapy, age over 50, advanced stages, and presence of associated diseases

  12. Clinical profile of high-risk febrile neutropenia in a tertiary care hospital

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    Mohan V Bhojaraja


    Full Text Available Background Infection in the immunocompromised host has been a reason of concern in the clinical setting and a topic of debate for decades. In this study, the aim was to analyse the clinical profile of high-risk febrile neutropenic patients. Aims To study the clinical profile of high risk febrile neutropenia patients with the objective of identifying the most common associated malignancy, most common associated pathogen, the source of infection, to correlate the treatment and management with that of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA 2010 guidelines and to assess the clinical outcome. Methods A cross-sectional time bound study was carried out and a total of 80 episodes of high-risk febrile neutropenia were recorded among patients with malignancies from September 2011 to July 2013 with each episode being taken as a new case. Results Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (30 per cent was the most common malignancy associated, commonest source of infection was due to central venous catheters, the commonest pathogens were gram negative (52 per cent the treatment and management of each episode of high risk febrile neutropenia correlated with that of IDSA 2010 guidelines and the mortality rate was 13.75 per cent. Conclusion Febrile neutropenia is one of the major complications and cause of mortality in patients with malignancy and hence understanding its entire spectrum can help us reduce morbidity and mortality.


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    Khairani Omar


    Full Text Available Introduction: Identifying clinical features that differentiate acute febrile thrombocytopaenia from acute febrile illness without thrombocytopaenia can help primary care physician to decide whether to order a full blood count (FBC. This is important because thrombocytopaenia in viral fever may signify more serious underlying aetiology like dengue infection.Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the clinical features of acute febrile patients with thrombocytopaenia and acute febrile patients without thrombocytopaenia.Methodology: This was a clinic-based cross-sectional study from May to November 2003. Consecutive patients presenting with undifferentiated fever of less than two weeks were selected from the Primary Care Centre of Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Batu 9 Cheras Health Clinic. Clinical features of these patients were recorded and FBC examination was done for all patients. Thrombocytopaenia was defined as platelet count <150X109/L. The odds ratio of thrombocytopaenia for each presenting symptoms was calculated.Result: Seventy-three patients participated in this study. Among them, 45.2% had thrombocytopaenia. Myalgia and headache were common among all patients. However, nausea and vomiting occurred significantly more often among patients with thrombocytopaenia than in patients with normal platelet count (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.1-4.5.Conclusion: Acute non-specific febrile patients presenting with symptoms of nausea and vomiting may have higher risk of thrombocytopaenia and should be seriously considered for FBC.

  14. Taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho durante el embarazo Right ventricular outflow tachycardia during pregnancy

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    Ariel K. Saad


    Full Text Available Durante el embarazo aumentan el metabolismo basal, el consumo de O2, la frecuencia cardíaca, el volumen sistólico, el volumen minuto y la volemia y disminuyen la tensión arterial y la resistencia periférica. Diferentes estudios han demostrado que durante este período la posibilidad de que ocurra una arritmia cardíaca o se produzca la exacerbación de una arritmia preexistente es mayor. No obstante, en su enorme mayoría carecen de importancia pronóstica tanto para la madre como para el feto. La taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho es una arritmia poco frecuente y su aparición se ha correlacionado con el aumento del tono adrenérgico. Se presentan los casos de dos pacientes que mostraron en el curso de la gestación reiterados episodios de taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho. Se analiza la asociación del embarazo con la ocurrencia de trastornos del ritmo cardíaco.During pregnancy, there is an increase in metabolism, oxygen consumption, heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, blood volume and a decrease in blood pressure and peripheral resistance. Studies have shown that during this period the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias is not uncommon. Fortunately, malignant arrhythmias are rare. Herein we report two young patients who presented with symptomatic right ventricular outflow tachycardia during pregnancy that required antiarrhythmic therapy. Possible pathophysiologic mechanisms are discussed.

  15. Tratamiento antibiótico oral versus intravenosopara la neutropenia febril en pacientes con cáncer

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    Conclusiones de los autores: Según los datos actuales, el tratamiento oral es una opción aceptable al tratamiento con antibióticos intravenosos en los pacientes con cáncer con neutropenia febril (se excluye a los pacientes con leucemia aguda hemodinámicamente estables, sin insuficiencia orgánica y sin neumonía, infección de una vía central o infección grave de partes blandas. El IC amplio en la mortalidad permite el uso actual del tratamiento oral en grupos de pacientes con bajo riesgo de mortalidad esperado y los estudios de investigación adicionales deben tener como objetivo aclarar la definición de pacientes con bajo riesgo.

  16. Investigating febrile UTI in infants: is a cystogram necessary? (United States)

    Soccorso, G; Wagstaff, J; Blakey, K; Moss, G D; Broadley, P; Roberts, J P; Godbole, P


    Current imaging recommendations for investigating any infantile febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) are ultrasound scan (US), micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG) and dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to determine the need and indications for MCUG in the investigation of a first febrile infantile UTI, as doubts have been raised over its benefit. Information on 427 infants who had undergone US, MCUG and DMSA following a first febrile UTI was prospectively recorded. The infants were divided into two groups: A (354) with normal renal US and B (73) with abnormal US. DMSA findings were correlated with findings on MCUG. Main outcome measures were incidence of recurrent UTIs, change in management or intervention as a result of MCUG, and outcome at discharge. Only 21/354 (6%) infants in Group A had both scarring on DMSA and vesicoureteric reflux (VUR), predominantly low-grade on MCUG. In Group B (abnormal US), 23/73 (32%) had scarring on DMSA and vesicoureteric reflux, predominantly high grade on MCUG. Of the infants with non-scarred kidneys, 73% had dilating reflux. Successful conservative treatment was performed in 423 infants, and 4 infants in Group B required surgery. We recommend US and DMSA in all infantile febrile UTI cases. Where US is normal, MCUG should be reserved for those cases with abnormal DMSA. Where US is abnormal, MCUG should be performed irrespective of findings on DMSA scan. A randomized prospective study is necessary to evaluate this further. Copyright © 2009 Journal of Pediatric Urology Company. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Correlation of Serum Zinc Level with Simple Febrile Seizures: A Hospital based Prospective Case Control Study

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    Imran Gattoo


    Full Text Available Background: Febrile seizures are one of the most common neurological conditions of childhood. It seems that zinc deficiency is associated with increased risk of febrile seizures.Aim: To estimate the serum Zinc level in children with simple Febrile seizures and to find the correlation between serum zinc level and simple Febrile seizures.Materials and Methods: The proposed study was a hospital based prospective case control study which included infants and children aged between 6 months to 5 years, at Post Graduate Department of Pediatrics, (SMGS Hospital, GMC Jammu, northern India. A total of 200 infants and children fulfilling the inclusion criteria were included. Patients were divided into 100(cases in Group A with simple febrile seizure and 100(controls in Group B of children with acute febrile illness without seizure. All patients were subjected to detailed history and thorough clinical examination followed by relevant investigations.Results: Our study had slight male prepondance of 62% in cases and 58% in controls . Mean serum zinc level in cases was 61.53±15.87 ugm/dl and in controls it was 71.90+18.50 ugm/dl .Serum zinc level was found significantly low in cases of simple febrile seizures as compaired to controls ,with p value of

  18. The Long-term Risk of Epilepsy after Febrile Seizures in susceptible subgroups

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, Mogens; Pedersen, Carsten Bøcker; Sidenius, Per Christian


    A family history of seizures, preexisting brain damage, or birth complications may modify the long-term risk of epilepsy after febrile seizures. The authors evaluated the association between febrile seizures and epilepsy in a population-based cohort of 1.54 million persons born in Denmark (1978-2......, or low Apgar scores at 5 minutes....

  19. La masacre del Palacio de Justicia. Ejemplo emblemático del Terrorismo de Estado en Colombia (6-7 de noviembre de 1985

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    Vega Cantor, Renán


    Full Text Available Resumen. El presente texto presenta un estudio sobre la conocida Toma del palacio de Justicia de Colombia por parte de la insurgencia del M-19 y la posterior retoma del Ejercito Nacional; allí se configuró una masacre que es necesario no solo recordar sino analizar luego de 30 años de haber ocurrido el hecho (6 y 7 de noviembre de 1985, que marcó la historia de Colombia. Este sangriento episodio, se constituyen en un laboratorio para entender los mecanismos que caracterizan el terrorismo de Estado a la colombiana ¿qué ocurrió realmente? Abstract. This paper presents a study on the known Storming of the Palace of Justice of Colombia by the insurgency of the M-19 and the subsequent retake of the National Army. There a massacre was set up, which is necessary to not only remember, but to analyze the fact, after 30 years of its occurrence (November 6th and 7th, 1985, which marked the history of Colombia. This bloody episode becomes a laboratory for understanding the mechanisms that characterize the Colombian state terrorism. What was it that really happened?

  20. Temperature, age, and recurrence of febrile seizure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. van Stuijvenberg (Margriet); E.W. Steyerberg (Ewout); G. Derksen-Lubsen (Gerarda); H.A. Moll (Henriëtte)


    textabstractOBJECTIVE: Prediction of a recurrent febrile seizure during subsequent episodes of fever. DESIGN: Study of the data of the temperatures, seizure recurrences, and baseline patient characteristics that were collected at a randomized placebo controlled trial of ibuprofen

  1. Outpatient management of febrile neutropenia: time to revise the present treatment strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carstensen, M.; Sørensen, Jens Benn


    We reviewed medical literature on the efficacy and safety of outpatient versus hospital-based therapy of low-risk febrile neutropenia in adult cancer patients. A PubMed search for all studies evaluating the outpatient treatment of adults diagnosed with solid tumors who suffered from low......-risk febrile neutropenia was completed; reference lists from identified articles also were used. In all, 10 trials were included in the analysis, which showed no significant difference in clinical failure rates and mortality for ambulatory regimens and standard hospital-based therapy. Subgroup analysis...... treatment failure (P febrile neutropenia is safe, effective, and comparable to standard hospital-based therapy. Patients at low risk are outpatients and are hemodynamically...

  2. Mineralogia y sedimentologia del yacimiento de saponita de Yuncos (Toledo

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    Casas Sainz de Aja, J.


    environment.Se estudia la mineralogía y textura de materiales bentoníticos de composición saponítica y sus facies asociadas, en canteras ubicadas al sur de Yuncos (Toledo, en la cuenca neógena de Madrid. Los resultados obtenidos permiten diferenciar tres episodios relacionados con la evolución de los medios sedimentarios, localizándose los depósitos bentoníticos (episodio medio en el contacto entre facies lacustres (episodio inferior y aluviales de orla distal (episodio superior. Episodio inferior: Depósitos de «mud flat» con evidencias de somerización (rasgos paleoedáficos, constituidos por facies de lutitas verdes con terrígenos en proporción variable y moteado hidromórfico a techo. La asociación de minerales de la arcilla es: Esmectita (tridioctaédrica- illita-(caolinita. Episodio medio: Episodio transicional de encharcamiento somero con desarrollo variable de rasgos paleoedáficos. Se caracteriza por facies de lutitas marrones saponíticas con diversas texturas (masivas, laminares-Iajeadas, brechoides y presencia puntual de carbonatos como ooides calcíticos o nódulos dolomíticos. La asociación de minerales de la arcilla es: Esmectita (trioctaédrica-illita-sepiolita-(caolinita. Episodio superior: Progradación de depósitos distales de abanico aluvial. Su asociación de facies está constituida por «mudstones» rojizos a marrones con frecuente bioturbación y moteado hidromórfico, con esporádicas intercalaciones samíticas. La asociación de minerales de la arcilla es: Esmectita (tri-dioctaédrica-illita-sepiolita-(caolinita-clorita. Entre los minerales de la arcilla, se interpretan como heredados illita, esmectita dioctaédrica, caolinita y clorita y autigénicos saponita y sepiolita. La saponita se origina en la diagénesis temprana tanto por procesos de transformación de esmectitas alumínicas heredadas como por neoformación. Este proceso de «saponitización» no es homogéneo, localizándose la saponita más pura en las zonas m

  3. febrile seizures, Tripoli, Libya, knowledge, attitude

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    the knowledge, attitude and practice of mothers regarding febrile seizures in Tripoli, Libya. ... aim of the audit is to assess the attitude and knowledge of parents of children with .... The following exclusion criteria were used: child who has fever due CNS ... department after giving prior first aid-a similar results was reported.

  4. Modelación de episodios críticos de contaminación por material particulado (PM10 en Santiago de Chile: Comparación de la eficiencia predictiva de los modelos paramétricos y no paramétricos Modeling critical episodes of air pollution by PM10 in Santiago, Chile: Comparison of the predictive efficiency of parametric and non-parametric statistical models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio A. Alvarado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la eficiencia predictiva de modelos estadísticos paramétricos y no paramétricos para predecir episodios críticos de contaminación por material particulado PM10 del día siguiente, que superen en Santiago de Chile la norma de calidad diaria. Una predicción adecuada de tales episodios permite a la autoridad decretar medidas restrictivas que aminoren la gravedad del episodio, y consecuentemente proteger la salud de la comunidad. Método: Se trabajó con las concentraciones de material particulado PM10 registradas en una estación asociada a la red de monitorización de la calidad del aire MACAM-2, considerando 152 observaciones diarias de 14 variables, y con información meteorológica registrada durante los años 2001 a 2004. Se ajustaron modelos estadísticos paramétricos Gamma usando el paquete estadístico STATA v11, y no paramétricos usando una demo del software estadístico MARS v 2.0 distribuida por Salford-Systems. Resultados: Ambos métodos de modelación presentan una alta correlación entre los valores observados y los predichos. Los modelos Gamma presentan mejores aciertos que MARS para las concentraciones de PM10 con valores Objective: To evaluate the predictive efficiency of two statistical models (one parametric and the other non-parametric to predict critical episodes of air pollution exceeding daily air quality standards in Santiago, Chile by using the next day PM10 maximum 24h value. Accurate prediction of such episodes would allow restrictive measures to be applied by health authorities to reduce their seriousness and protect the community´s health. Methods: We used the PM10 concentrations registered by a station of the Air Quality Monitoring Network (152 daily observations of 14 variables and meteorological information gathered from 2001 to 2004. To construct predictive models, we fitted a parametric Gamma model using STATA v11 software and a non-parametric MARS model by using a demo version of Salford

  5. Diagnosing Febrile Illness in a Returned Traveler

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast will assist health care providers in diagnosing febrile illness in patients returning from a tropical or developing country.  Created: 3/1/2012 by National Center for Enteric, Zoonotic, and Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 3/1/2012.

  6. Estado nutricional del hierro en niños de comunidades indígenas de Cali, Colombia


    Bolaños-Gallardo, María Victoria; Flórez Echeverry, Ofelia; Bermúdez Escobar, Amparo; Hernández Sampayo, Luzmila; Salcedo-Cifuentes, Mercedes


    Introducción: Los escolares son susceptibles a padecer anemia y deficiencia de micronutrientes. No hay reportes del estado del hierro en indígenas del sector urbano. Objetivo: Establecer el estado del hierro en niños de 5 a 14 años de edad de seis comunidades indígenas residentes en la ciudad de Cali-Colombia. Sujetos y métodos: Se estudiaron 62 niños indígenas de 5 a 14 años de edad, sin antecedentes febriles. Se les midió hemoglobina, hematocrito, volumen corpuscular medio, ferritina y tran...

  7. De estructuras, culturas y otros demonios: una revisión de las insurrecciones andinas de finales del siglo XVIII

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    Hanni Jalil Paier


    Full Text Available Este ensayo observa las insurrecciones populares del siglo XVIII no como episodios casuales o aislados, sino como síntomas de un sentimiento generalizado de descontento social e intensificado conflicto. Sentimientos cuya intensidad se incrementó durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y culminó con la Gran Rebelión de 1780-1783 en el sur de los Andes, el levantamiento en Quito de 1765 y la Rebelión de los Comuneros en la Nueva Granada de 1781. Este artículo examina los trabajos que hacen referencia a estas revueltas, reconociendo el hecho que la producción académica de las insurrecciones de finales del siglo XVIII en las colonias americanas forman parte de los amplios debates académicos que abordan las insurrecciones fuera del contexto Andino, e incorpora preguntas promulgadas por los estudiosos de las revueltas campesinas y el conflicto armado en otros campos y otros periodos.

  8. Circulating Chemokine Levels in Febrile Infants With Serious Bacterial Infections

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hsiu-Lin Chen


    Full Text Available Early diagnosis of serious bacterial infections (SBI in febrile young infants based on clinical symptoms and signs is difficult. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic values of circulating chemokines and C-reactive protein (CRP levels in febrile young infants < 3 months of age with suspected SBI. We enrolled 43 febrile young infants < 3 months of age with clinically suspected SBI who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit or complete nursing unit of the pediatric department of Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital between December 2006 and July 2007. Blood was drawn from the patients at admission, and complete blood counts, plasma levels of CRP, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF, and chemokines, including interleukin-8 (IL-8, macrophage inflammatory protein-1α, macrophage inflammatory protein-1β, monokine induced by interferon-γ, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 were measured. Patients’ symptoms and signs, length of hospital stay, main diagnosis, and results of routine blood tests and microbiological culture results were recorded. Twenty-six infants (60.5% were diagnosed with SBI, while 17 (39.5% had no evidence of SBI based on the results of bacterial cultures. CRP, IL-8 and G-CSF levels were significantly higher in the infants with SBI than in those without SBI. Plasma levels of other chemokines were not significantly different between the groups. The area under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC curve for differentiating between the presence and absence of SBI was 0.79 for CRP level. Diagnostic accuracy was further improved by combining CRP and IL-8, when the area under the ROC curve increased to 0.91. CRP levels were superior to IL-8 and G-CSF levels for predicting SBI in febrile infants at initial survey. IL-8 levels could be used as an additional diagnostic tool in the initial evaluation of febrile young infants, allowing clinicians to treat these patients more appropriately.

  9. Thermoregulatory Responses of Febrile Monkeys During Microwave Exposure

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Adair, E


    .... In a controlled ambient temperature of 26 degrees C, autonomic mechanisms of heat production and heat loss were measured in febrile squirrel monkeys during 30-min exposures to 450 or 2450 MHz CW MW...

  10. Risk factors of leptospirosis among febrile hospital admissions in northeastern Malaysia. (United States)

    Rafizah, A A Noor; Aziah, B D; Azwany, Y N; Imran, M Kamarul; Rusli, A Mohamed; Nazri, S Mohd; Nikman, A Mohd; Nabilah, I; Asma', H Siti; Zahiruddin, W M; Zaliha, I


    Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic disease. Risk factors for the disease may vary among countries. This study was conducted to determine the risk factors of leptospirosis among febrile cases. A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 999 febrile patients admitted to 10 hospitals in northeastern Malaysia, from August 2010 to February 2011. An interviewer-guided proforma sheet on sociodemography, type of occupation and social history data was distributed to all adult patients with fever on admission. Serum sample for leptospirosis was screened by IgM Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (IgM ELISA) test and confirmed by Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT). The cut-off point for positive MAT was ≥ 1:400 titer in single acute specimens. Seroprevalence of leptospirosis was 8.4% (95% CI: 6.8, 10.3) (n=84/999) by MAT. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the high risk occupation group (OR: 1.95, 95% CI: 1.22, 3.13) (p=0.005) and history of recent recreational activity (OR: 2.36, 95% CI: 1.46, 3.85) (pMalaysia. Identification of high risk occupational group and history of recent recreational activity will help to increase the index of suspicion to diagnose leptospirosis among febrile inpatients due to its mimicking other common febrile illnesses in Malaysia. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Acute Undifferentiated Febrile Illness in Rural Cambodia: A 3-Year Prospective Observational Study (United States)

    Mueller, Tara C.; Siv, Sovannaroth; Khim, Nimol; Kim, Saorin; Fleischmann, Erna; Ariey, Frédéric; Buchy, Philippe; Guillard, Bertrand; González, Iveth J.; Christophel, Eva-Maria; Abdur, Rashid; von Sonnenburg, Frank; Bell, David; Menard, Didier


    In the past decade, malaria control has been successfully implemented in Cambodia, leading to a substantial decrease in reported cases. Wide-spread use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) has revealed a large burden of malaria-negative fever cases, for which no clinical management guidelines exist at peripheral level health facilities. As a first step towards developing such guidelines, a 3-year cross-sectional prospective observational study was designed to investigate the causes of acute malaria-negative febrile illness in Cambodia. From January 2008 to December 2010, 1193 febrile patients and 282 non-febrile individuals were recruited from three health centers in eastern and western Cambodia. Malaria RDTs and routine clinical examination were performed on site by health center staff. Venous samples and nasopharyngeal throat swabs were collected and analysed by molecular diagnostic tests. Blood cultures and blood smears were also taken from all febrile individuals. Molecular testing was applied for malaria parasites, Leptospira, Rickettsia, O. tsutsugamushi, Dengue- and Influenza virus. At least one pathogen was identified in 73.3% (874/1193) of febrile patient samples. Most frequent pathogens detected were P. vivax (33.4%), P. falciparum (26.5%), pathogenic Leptospira (9.4%), Influenza viruses (8.9%), Dengue viruses (6.3%), O. tsutsugamushi (3.9%), Rickettsia (0.2%), and P. knowlesi (0.1%). In the control group, a potential pathogen was identified in 40.4%, most commonly malaria parasites and Leptospira. Clinic-based diagnosis of malaria RDT-negative cases was poorly predictive for pathogen and appropriate treatment. Additional investigations are needed to understand their impact on clinical disease and epidemiology, and the possible role of therapies such as doxycycline, since many of these pathogens were seen in non-febrile subjects. PMID:24755844

  12. When to perform urine cultures in respiratory syncytial virus-positive febrile older infants? (United States)

    Kaluarachchi, Dinushan; Kaldas, Virginia; Erickson, Evelyn; Nunez, Randolph; Mendez, Magda


    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections are associated with clinically significant rate of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in young infants. Previous research investigating RSV infections and UTIs has been performed mainly in infants younger than 2 to 3 months and has not focused on the risk of UTI in infants 3 to 12 months. This study aimed to assess the rate of UTIs in febrile RSV-positive older infants admitted as inpatients and identify predictors of UTI in febrile RSV-positive older infants. This is a retrospective comparative study of febrile RSV-positive infants 0 to 12 months of age admitted to the inpatient pediatric unit of Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, Bronx, from September through April 2006 to 2012. Infants 3 to 12 months were considered the cases, and infants 0 to 3 months were the comparative group. The rate of UTIs between the 2 groups was compared. Univariate tests and multiple logistic regression were used to identify demographic/clinical factors associated with UTI in febrile RSV-positive older infants. A total of 414 RSV-positive febrile infants were enrolled including 297 infants 3 to 12 months of age. The rate of UTI in older infants was 6.1% compared with 6.8% in infants younger than 3 months. Positive urinalysis finding was an independent predictor of UTI (P = 0.003) in older infants. All 11 boys with UTI were uncircumcised, and none of the 51 circumcised boys had UTI. Demographic (race, sex, and age) and clinical factors (temperature, white blood cell count, and absolute neutrophil count) were not associated with UTI. Febrile older infants who are RSV positive have a clinically significant rate of UTIs. It seems prudent to examine the urine of these older infants. Positive urinalysis finding was a predictive factor of UTI. Circumcised boys are at a decreased risk of UTI, compared with uncircumcised boys.

  13. [A pilot study of antibiotic cycling for the treatment of febrile neutropenia patients with hematological diseases]. (United States)

    Ikegaya, Satoshi; Iwasaki, Hiromichi; Kinoshita, Keiichi; Urasaki, Yoshimasa; Tsutani, Hiroshi; Ueda, Takanori


    Two antibiotics recommended by the guideline of Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) were selected for treatment of febrile neutropenia, and these paired antibiotics were changed periodically three times. The clinical efficacy of each antibiotic was retrospectively evaluated at the end of the final period. There was no significant difference about efficacy rate between two kinds of antibiotics in the same sequential period. However, the efficacy rate has been rising and febrile duration has been shortening by degrees. Only a few drug resistant bacteria were recognized by the surveillance culture during antibiotic cycling. Recently, antibiotic cycling therapy has attracted attention especially in the ICU. However, a clinical study of treatment for febrile neutropenia has not been reported. Our trial suggests that cycling therapy may be useful for febrile neutropenia. However, Some deviation in the patients characteristics of each period may affect the result. It seems that further examination is necessary about usefullness of the cycling therapy for febrile neutropenia.

  14. Management of acute colorectal diseases in febrile neutropenic patients

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    Camila Perazzoli


    Full Text Available Patients with hematologic malignancies are susceptible to serious complications due to immunosuppression. Neutropenic-related infection is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in this group of diseases. Febrile neutropenia is a common complication of the hematologic neoplasm itself or chemotherapy, and has worse prognosis if prolonged (lasting more than 7 days or severe (neutrophil count below 500 cells per μL. Among the usual sites of infection, we highlight the neutropenic enterocolitis and perianal infection as gastrointestinal complications of greater interest to the colorectal surgeon. Although most cases respond to conservative treatment, a portion of patients will need surgery for complete recovery. Resumo: Os pacientes com neoplasias hematológicas estão sujeitos a uma séria de complicações devido à imunossupressão. Infecção é umas das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade nesse grupo de doenças. A neutropenia febril é uma complicação frequente da própria doença onco-hematológica ou da quimioterapia, e apresenta pior prognóstico se prolongada (duração acima de 7 dias ou severa (contagem de neutrófilos inferior a 500 células por microlitro. Dentre os focos de infecção mais comuns destacamos a enterocolite neutropênica e a infecção perianal como complicações de maior interesse para o cirurgião colorretal. Apesar de grande parte dos casos apresentar boa resposta ao tratamento conservador, uma parcela de pacientes necessitará de cirurgia para completa recuperação. Keywords: Febrile neutropenia, Typhlitis, Anal canal, Palavras-chave: Neutropenia febril, Tiflite, Canal anal

  15. Management of Febrile Neutropenia in Patients receiving ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    BACKGROUND: One in ten patients on anticancer medication will develop febrile neutropenia irrespective of tumour type. There is need to protect our patients from this fatal condition while optimising chemotherapy. This may be difficult for a poor country. OBJECTIVE: To assess the management of cancer patients with

  16. Cuatro métodos de predicción de riesgo de infección bacteriana grave en recién nacidos febriles

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    Manuel Díaz Álvarez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. El objetivo de esta investigación fue contrastar la efectividad de 4 métodos de evaluación de riesgo de infección bacteriana grave (IBG en recién nacidos (RN febriles, uno de los cuales fue desarrollado por los autores del trabajo y los otros son los utilizados en la práctica internacional. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y aplicado de 1358 RN febriles sin signos de focalización evaluados y clasificados por riesgo de IBG. Fue aplicado el método propuesto por los autores, que comprende: antecedente de ser sano; ausencia de impresión médica de un estado tóxico-infeccioso; ausencia de evidencias de infección focal en el examen físico; fiebre menor de 39 ºC y no persistente o recurrente; recuento de leucocitos sanguíneos > 5,0 x 10(9/L y < 20,0 x 10(9/L; velocidad de sedimentación globular < 20 mm/h y recuento de leucocitos en orina < 10 000/mL. Éste y los otros métodos se aplicaron en una evaluación inicial y al término de 48 h evolutivas. Se calcularon los valores predictivos para los distintos métodos y se evaluó también la efectividad mediante la función de ganancia. RESULTADOS. La frecuencia de IBG fue del 20,4 %. La causa más frecuente fue la infección del tracto urinario. De los 652 RN evaluados inicialmente por nuestro método, hubo cambio de categoría evolutiva en 177 (13,0 %; con los otros métodos también ocurrieron cambios, menos notables. Los fallos de los valores predictivos con nuestro método fueron 40 (8,5 %, una proporción significativamente menor (p < 0,001 que con los otros métodos. La función de ganancia tuvo valores aritméticos superiores con los otros métodos. CONCLUSIONES. Existe un mayor margen de seguridad con nuestro método en relación con los otros métodos de evaluación estudiados. Atribuimos esta ventaja al hecho de que se incluyeron parámetros evaluativos clínicos y de laboratorio (como la magnitud y persistencia de la fiebre y el aspecto

  17. Experimental febrile seizures are precipitated by a hyperthermia-induced respiratory alkalosis. (United States)

    Schuchmann, Sebastian; Schmitz, Dietmar; Rivera, Claudio; Vanhatalo, Sampsa; Salmen, Benedikt; Mackie, Ken; Sipilä, Sampsa T; Voipio, Juha; Kaila, Kai


    Febrile seizures are frequent during early childhood, and prolonged (complex) febrile seizures are associated with an increased susceptibility to temporal lobe epilepsy. The pathophysiological consequences of febrile seizures have been extensively studied in rat pups exposed to hyperthermia. The mechanisms that trigger these seizures are unknown, however. A rise in brain pH is known to enhance neuronal excitability. Here we show that hyperthermia causes respiratory alkalosis in the immature brain, with a threshold of 0.2-0.3 pH units for seizure induction. Suppressing alkalosis with 5% ambient CO2 abolished seizures within 20 s. CO2 also prevented two long-term effects of hyperthermic seizures in the hippocampus: the upregulation of the I(h) current and the upregulation of CB1 receptor expression. The effects of hyperthermia were closely mimicked by intraperitoneal injection of bicarbonate. Our work indicates a mechanism for triggering hyperthermic seizures and suggests new strategies in the research and therapy of fever-related epileptic syndromes.

  18. Hippocampal Abnormalities after Prolonged Febrile Convulsions

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    J Gordon Millichap


    Full Text Available Hippocampal volume and T2 relaxation times were determined in an MRI study of 14 children with prolonged febrile convulsions (PFC who were investigated, 1 within 5 days of a PFC, and 2 at follow-up 4-8 months after the acute study, at the Institute of Child Health, University College, and Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK.

  19. Prevalence of non-febrile seizures in children with idiopathic autism spectrum disorder and their unaffected siblings: a retrospective cohort study. (United States)

    McCue, Lena M; Flick, Louise H; Twyman, Kimberly A; Xian, Hong; Conturo, Thomas E


    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a heterogeneous disorder characterized not only by deficits in communication and social interactions but also a high rate of co-occurring disorders, including metabolic abnormalities, gastrointestinal and sleep disorders, and seizures. Seizures, when present, interfere with cognitive development and are associated with a higher mortality rate in the ASD population. To determine the relative prevalence of non-febrile seizures in children with idiopathic ASD from multiplex and simplex families compared with the unaffected siblings in a cohort of 610 children with idiopathic ASD and their 160 unaffected siblings, participating in the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange project, the secondary analysis was performed comparing the life-time prevalence of non-febrile seizures. Statistical models to account for non-independence of observations, inherent with the data from multiplex families, were used in assessing potential confounding effects of age, gender, and history of febrile seizures on odds of having non-febrile seizures. The life-time prevalence of non-febrile seizures was 8.2% among children with ASD and 2.5% among their unaffected siblings. In a logistic regression analysis that adjusted for familial clustering, children with ASD had 5.27 (95%CI: 1.51-18.35) times higher odds of having non-febrile seizures compared to their unaffected siblings. In this comparison, age, presence of gastrointestinal dysfunction, and history of febrile seizures were significantly associated with the prevalence of non-febrile seizures. Children with idiopathic ASD are significantly more likely to have non-febrile seizures than their unaffected siblings, suggesting that non-febrile seizures may be ASD-specific. Further studies are needed to determine modifiable risk factors for non-febrile seizures in ASD.

  20. Febrile Seizures and Epilepsy: Association With Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders in the Child and Adolescent Twin Study in Sweden. (United States)

    Gillberg, Christopher; Lundström, Sebastian; Fernell, Elisabeth; Nilsson, Gill; Neville, Brian


    There is a recently well-documented association between childhood epilepsy and earlysymptomaticsyndromeselicitingneurodevelopmentalclinicalexaminations (ESSENCE) including autism spectrum disorder, but the relationship between febrile seizures and ESSENCE is less clear. The Child and Adolescent Twin Study in Sweden (CATSS) is an ongoing population-based study targeting twins born in Sweden since July 1, 1992. Parents of 27,092 twins were interviewed using a validated DSM-IV-based interview for ESSENCE, in connection with the twins' ninth or twelfth birthday. Diagnoses of febrile seizures (n = 492) and epilepsy (n = 282) were based on data from the Swedish National Patient Register. Prevalence of ESSENCE in individuals with febrile seizures and epilepsy was compared with prevalence in the twin population without seizures. The association between febrile seizures and ESSENCE was considered before and after adjustment for epilepsy. Age of diagnosis of febrile seizures and epilepsy was considered as a possible correlate of ESSENCE in febrile seizures and epilepsy. The rate of ESSENCE in febrile seizures and epilepsy was significantly higher than in the total population without seizures (all P epilepsy, a significant association between febrile seizures and autism spectrum disorder, developmental coordination disorder, and intellectual disability remained. Earlier age of onset was associated with all ESSENCE except attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in epilepsy but not with ESSENCE in febrile seizures. In a nationally representative sample of twins, there was an increased rate of ESSENCE in childhood epilepsy and in febrile seizures. Febrile seizures alone could occur as a marker for a broader ESSENCE phenotype. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Cost Minimization Analysis of the Use of Meropenem and Ceftazidime in Febrile Neutropenia Therapy

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    Rizky Abdulah


    Full Text Available Use of antibiotics is required in febrile neutropenia therapy. The variety choice on the use of antibiotics has increased the role of pharmacoeconomics study to determine the most effective and efficient antibiotic in a specific area. The purpose of this study was to investigate the lowest cost antibiotic between meropenem and ceftazidime that were used as one of febrile neutropenia treatments at one of referral hospitals in West Java province during 2011–2013. This study was a retrospective, observational and analytical study that was performed on February 2014 by collecting medical record data related to febrile neutropenia inpatient who received meropenem or ceftazidime therapy. The result showed that although it was not statistically significant, the total cost for ceftazidime therapy was IDR7,082,523, which was lower than meropenem therapy (IDR11,094,147. Hopefully, this result can assist the health professionals in the management of febrile neutropenia therapy.

  2. Cuatro métodos de predicción de riesgo de infección bacteriana grave en recién nacidos febriles Four methods to predict the severe bacterial infection risk in the febrile newborns

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    Manuel Díaz Álvarez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. El objetivo de esta investigación fue contrastar la efectividad de 4 métodos de evaluación de riesgo de infección bacteriana grave (IBG en recién nacidos (RN febriles, uno de los cuales fue desarrollado por los autores del trabajo y los otros son los utilizados en la práctica internacional. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y aplicado de 1358 RN febriles sin signos de focalización evaluados y clasificados por riesgo de IBG. Fue aplicado el método propuesto por los autores, que comprende: antecedente de ser sano; ausencia de impresión médica de un estado tóxico-infeccioso; ausencia de evidencias de infección focal en el examen físico; fiebre menor de 39 ºC y no persistente o recurrente; recuento de leucocitos sanguíneos > 5,0 x 10(9/L y INTRODUCTION. The aim of present research was to contrast the effectiveness of four assessment methods of severe bacterial infection risk (SBI in febrile newborns (NB , one of above mentioned methods was developed by paper's authors and the other are used in the international practice. METHODS. A retrospective and descriptive study was conducted and applied in 1358 febrile NB with no focalization signs and classified according to the SBI. The method proposed by authors was applied including a history of be healthy, lack of medical criterion of a infectious-toxic state, lack of evidences of focal infection in physical examination, fever lower than 39°C and no persistent or recurrent, blood leucocytes count >5,0 x 10(9/L and < 20,0 x 10(9/L, globular sedimentation speed <20 mm/h and urine leucocyte count <10 000/mL. This method and the other were applied in a initial assessment and at the end of the evolution 48 h. The predictive values were estimated for the different methods and also the effectiveness was assessed according to the gain function. RESULTS. The SBI was of 20,4%. The more frequent cause was the urinary tract infection. From the 652 NB initially

  3. La construcción de normas en episodios de conflicto intersubjetivos: Indagando acciones comunicativas para la validación normativa en la praxis cotidiana de niños/as de cuatro años en clases de educación física Norms Construction During Intersubject Conflict: Exploring Communicative Actions For Norms' Validation In The Daily Practices Of Four Year Old Children In Physical Education Classes

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    Valeria Mariel Gómez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo está destinado a presentar una caracterización de procesos de construcción y validación de normas en episodios de conflicto intersubjetivos en el contexto de clases de educación física escolar. El diseño de investigación es exploratorio, siendo la observación semiparticipante y el registro descriptivo de situaciones de interacción (verbal y motriz entre niños/ as, la técnica de recolección de datos. Se ha trabajado con una muestra finalística de interacciones en clases de nivel inicial. El procedimiento de análisis es cualitativo y hermenéutico: se analizaron fragmentos discursivos y secuencias de acción de los protagonistas de los episodios. Se presenta el análisis de un episodio de conflicto a modo de ilustración del trabajo empírico y de interpretación teórica realizado. A la luz del mismo se exponen los resultados de la investigación: se han distinguido dos vías de construcción de normas y dos tipos de garantías que subyacen a las pretensiones de validez de las normas expresadas por los niños durante la resolución de conflictos.This article aims at introducing a detailed description of norms' construction and validation during intersubjetive conflict episodes, in the context of children physical education classes. Data collection techniques are semi participant observation and descriptive recording of interaction situations (verbal and motor between children; this being exploratory research. The study focused on a finalistic sample of interactions, in kindergarten classes. The analysis procedure is hermeneutic and qualitative: discursive fragments and action sequences are analyzed. The analysis of a conflict episode illustrate the empiric work and the theoric interpretation. The results of this investigation are displayed based on this episode. As main results, the study identifies two ways for norms construction and two kinds of guarantees underlying to validate norms expressed by children

  4. A predictive model to estimate the risk of serious bacterial infections in febrile infants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berger, RMF; Berger, MY; vanSteenselMoll, HA; DzoljicDanilovic, G; DerksenLubsen, G

    Low risk criteria have been defined to identify febrile infants unlikely to have serious bacterial infection (SBI). Using these criteria approximately 40% of all febrile infants can be defined as being at low risk. Of the remaining infants (60%) only 10%-20% have an SBI. No adequate criteria exists

  5. Identificación de una nueva área de infección por Rickettsias del grupo typhi: estudio de un brote de tifus en Huánuco

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    Rosa Mostorino E


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Investigar un brote de síndrome febril en el distrito de Punchao mediante una evaluación clínica, laboratorial y entomológica para conocer los factores asociados a la aparición de dicho brote. Materiales y métodos: Debido al reporte de tres pacientes con cuadro clínico febril asociado a cefalea, mialgias y postración en la semana epidemiológica Nº41 del año 2000, procedentes del distrito de Punchao, Humalíes, Huánuco y ante la información de presentación inusual de pacientes febriles en la última semana en dicho lugar, se decidió investigar la naturaleza y características del brote. Se definió como caso a todo paciente con cuadro febril agudo y uno de estos síntomas: cefalea, mialgias o postración; procediéndose a la búsqueda activa de éstos y a la evaluación de presencia de anticuerpos para rickettsias en suero mediante inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI. Se capturaron roedores y se colectaron ectoparásitos en las viviendas (roedores, animales domésticos y humanos, a fin de identificar la presencia de Rickettsias en ellos mediante IFI, aislamiento o PCR. Resultados: No se logró el aislamiento del agente causal. Se evidenció circulación de la Rickettsia sp. (serología positiva tanto en humanos (en casos y en no casos como en roedores. Se evidenció mayor presencia de malos hábitos de aseo y condiciones inadecuadas de saneamiento básico en los casos (respecto a los no casos y una disminución de los casos luego del inicio de las medidas de control. Conclusiones: Las evidencias encontradas permitieron identificar un brote de tifus en Punchao, no pudiéndose determinar la especie involucrada debido a que no se aisló el agente causal.

  6. Metodología y criterios para la reconstrucción virtual del Patrimonio Arquitectónico romano.

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    Lola Vico López


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata de las reconstrucciones virtuales de episodios de arquitectura romana desde un punto de vista técnico y constructivo, presentando los resultados de un estudio sobre la contribución del conocimiento de la construcción histórica aplicada a la “restauración virtual” con una metodología que incluye aspectos técnicos y constructivos que han permitido la realización de hipótesis reconstructivas mediante técnicas infográficas de la Villa de Livia. Las maquetas virtuales se han desarrollado con criterios arquitectónicos y constructivos como el estudio del equilibrio, el cálculo estructural, la funcionalidad o correcto uso de los materiales, y estos criterios junto con la fuerte codificación del lenguaje arquitectónico romano, permiten realizar hipótesis reconstructivas con una base científica. En este artículo también se analiza el modo en el que el proceso metodológico empleado es abierto y repetible, garantizando la transparencia del producto final.

  7. La Bella y la Bestia en el viaje laberíntico de Guillermo del Toro: El espinazo del diablo (2001 y El Laberinto del Fauno (2006

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    Pastor, Brígida M.


    Full Text Available The films The Devil’s Backbone (2001 and Pan’s Labyrinth (2006 are both directed by Mexican Guillermo del Toro, and they are considered his Spanish films. Both films are set during the Spanish Civil War, but none of them explicitly deals with this tragic historical episode. However, this tense and oppressive context enables Del Toro to explore a theme of a greater complexity: Monstrosity and its relationship to the cultural notion of gender. Monsters are traditionally the epitome of fear and the protagonists of fantasy genres. This study attempts to demonstrate, within the framework of psychoanalysis, that the Mexican filmmaker resorts to the juxtaposition of real and fantasy worlds in order to establish an eloquent parallelism between the representation of monstrosity and gender. Ultimately, Del Toro’s objective is to question and re-evaluate the symbolic and dominant patriarchal structures and its perverse consequences over the individual.El espinazo del diablo (2001 y El laberinto del fauno (2006 son dos películas dirigidas por el mexicano Guillermo del Toro, y pueden considerarse sus dos obras de esencia española. Ambas tienen como telón de fondo la Guerra Civil Española, pero ninguna llega a constituir un relato sobre el luctuoso episodio histórico. Este tenso y opresor contexto ofrece a Del Toro la oportunidad de explorar un tema de mayor complejidad: La “monstruosidad” y su relación con la noción cultural de género. Aunque los monstruos son habitualmente el epítome del miedo y los protagonistas de los géneros fantásticos, este estudio demostrará, desde el marco teórico del psicoanálisis, que el cineasta mexicano recurre a la yuxtaposición del mundo real y fantástico para construir un elocuente paralelismo entre la representación de la monstruosidad y el género. El objetivo principal de Guillermo del Toro es cuestionar y reevaluar la establecida y respetada hegemonía patriarcal y sus consecuencias perversas



    José Antonio Olmedo Cobo; Miguel Ángel Villacreces Sáez


    Las lluvias torrenciales del 21 de septiembre de 2007 fueron de las más intensas registradas en Andalucía en los últimos años. Por sus abultados registros pluviométricos y por sus efectos sobre la población, este temporal será especialmente recordado en la provincia de Granada. Entre los municipios afectados destaca Almuñécar, que vio cómo la mayor parte de su casco urbano resultaba anegado por las aguas desbocadas de los ríos Seco, Verde y Jate. Una persona resultó muerta y las pérdidas mate...

  9. Proyecto de prevención de las enfermedades diarreicas en la comunidad rural de Kasenga, República Democrática del Congo


    Santamaría Rodríguez, Laura


    El número de casos de enfermedades relacionadas con el agua, concretamente de enfermedades diarreicas, en los países en desarrollo aumenta cada día, siendo una de las principales causas de mortalidad en estas zonas del planeta, especialmente entre los menores de cinco años. La ausencia de saneamiento, de acceso a agua potable o de higiene son factores determinantes en la aparición y transmisión de estas enfermedades, que en algunos contextos llegan a considerarse como episodios habituales...

  10. «Con llanto en los ojos, / con luto y duelo en el alma»: el moro como forjador identitario en la tradición dramática del levante peninsular

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    Sáez Raposo, Francisco


    Full Text Available The festival of Moors and Christians in the town of Caudete (Albacete, one of the oldest known, came into being within a dramatic tradition that goes back to the late Sixteenth Century. As a paradigmatic example of the dramatic creation process based on rewriting, the original play has been adapted to the audience’s ever changing horizons of expectations to constitute Episodios caudetanos, the core of nowadays celebration. History, religion, legend and literature complement each other in order to form a cultural phenomenon that transcends its mere playful essence as a popular festival. Through the archetypical figure of the moor, the identity of a community has been shaped (and, by extension, that of a whole nation from the concept of a polarized universe that historical documentation insists on denying.La fiesta de moros y cristianos de la villa albaceteña de Caudete, una de las más antiguas que se conocen, tiene su origen en una tradición dramática que se remonta a finales del siglo XVI. Ejemplo paradigmático del proceso de creación teatral basado en la reescritura, la obra primigenia se ha ido adaptando a los cambiantes horizontes de expectativas del público hasta conformar los Episodios caudetanos, médula de la actual celebración. Historia, religión, leyenda y literatura se complementan para configurar un fenómeno cultural que trasciende la mera esencia lúdica de un festejo popular. Mediante la figura prototípica del moro se ha moldeado la identidad de una comunidad (y, por extensión, de toda una nación a partir del concepto de un universo polarizado que la documentación histórica se empeña en refutar.

  11. [Origin exploration of "the fifty-nine acupoints for febrile disease"]. (United States)

    Li, Guangyi


    Fifty-nine acupoints for febrile disease is recorded in Huangdi Neijing ( Huangdi's Internal Classics ). By analyzing the combination of these acupoints, the writer discovered the acupoint composition and detected their origins from Huangdi's Internal Classics , in which the terms biaoben, qijie and beishu are involved in the theoretic evidence. The writer thought the "fifty-nine acupoints for febrile disease" implied the self-evolution of some acupuncture school in ancient time, which was formed by absorbing the theoretic experiences of the other schools. It is necessary to analyze and interpret the other literatures besides Huangdi's Internal Classics and probably obtain the further reorganization on it.

  12. Duración del desempleo en Colombia: Género, intensidad de búsqueda y anuncios de vacantes


    Arango, Luis Eduardo; Ríos, Ana María


    En Colombia la tasa de desempleo femenina es más alta que la masculina. Al concentrarnos en la duración del desempleo, se verifica la hipótesis de que las mujeres comprometidas (i.e., casadas o en unión libre) tienen episodios de desempleo de mayor duración que los hombres de igual condición. Dados los efectos observados en las tasa de riesgo y en el tiempo de fallo, el ingreso de la pareja reduce el esfuerzo de búsqueda de un empleo tanto en hombres como en mujeres, pero esto se observa con ...

  13. Beliefs and expectations of Canadian parents who bring febrile children for medical care. (United States)

    Enarson, Mark C; Ali, Samina; Vandermeer, Ben; Wright, Robert B; Klassen, Terry P; Spiers, Judith A


    The purpose of this survey was to study the beliefs, expectations, and satisfaction of Canadian parents regarding fever and the treatment of their febrile children. A survey was developed exploring caregiver beliefs and treatment strategies, as well as expectations and satisfaction with medical care. Some items were modeled after previous studies to allow comparison. Caregivers with febrile children were recruited from 2005 to 2007 at 3 urgent care centers and emergency departments in Edmonton, Canada: a pediatric emergency department (n = 376), an urban urgent care center (n = 227), and a suburban urgent care clinic (n = 173). High and rapidly rising temperature, as well as physical symptoms associated with fever, caused concern in most parents surveyed. Seventy-four percent of parents felt that the elevated temperature from fever was dangerous and 90.3% always try to treat it. Forty degrees Celsius was the most commonly sited threshold for danger. Identifying the cause (80.6%) and seriousness (87.4%) of fever were the most com-mon stressors identified. Caregivers expected to receive information about the child's illness and appropriate treatment. The parents most often wanted information about febrile seizures and the potential dangers of febrile illness. Only 16.7% of caregivers expected anti-biotics. Nearly 92% of subjects were usually satisfied with medical care. Fever phobia continues to be a significant issue for Canadian parents. As a result, they treat fever aggressively and often seek medical attention. Good communication is important for medical staff caring for febrile children and typically leads to satisfied parents.

  14. Exposure to traffic noise and air pollution and risk for febrile seizure: a cohort study. (United States)

    Hjortebjerg, Dorrit; Nybo Andersen, Anne-Marie; Ketzel, Matthias; Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole; Sørensen, Mette


    Objectives Exposure to traffic noise and air pollution is suspected to increase susceptibility to viral infections - the main triggering factor for febrile seizures. No studies have examined these two exposures in relation to febrile seizures. We aimed to investigate whether exposure to road traffic noise and air pollution are associated with risk of febrile seizures in childhood. Methods From our study base of 51 465 singletons from a national birth cohort, we identified 2175 cases with febrile seizures using a nationwide registry. Residential address history from conception to six years of age were found in national registers, and road traffic noise (L den ) and air pollution (NO 2 ) were modeled for all addresses. Analyses were done using Cox proportional hazard model with adjustment for potential confounders, including mutual exposure adjustment. Results An interquartile range (IQR) increase in childhood exposure to road traffic noise and air pollution was associated with an 11% [incidence rate ratio (IRR) 1.11, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04-1.19) and 5% (IRR 1.05, 95% CI 1.02-1.07) higher risk for febrile seizures, respectively, after adjustment for potential confounders. Weaker tendencies were seen for pregnancy exposure. In models with mutual exposure adjustment, the estimates were slightly lower, with IRR of 1.08 (95% CI 1.00-1.16) and 1.03 (95% CI 0.99-1.06) per IQR increase in childhood exposure to road traffic noise and air pollution, respectively. Conclusions This study suggests that residential exposure to road traffic noise and air pollution is associated with higher risk for febrile seizures.

  15. Distal Ureteral Diameter Ratio is Predictive of Breakthrough Febrile Urinary Tract Infection. (United States)

    Arlen, Angela M; Leong, Traci; Guidos, P Joseph; Alexander, Siobhan E; Cooper, Christopher S


    Distal ureteral diameter ratio is an objective measure that is prognostic of spontaneous resolution of vesicoureteral reflux. Along with likelihood of resolution, improved identification of children at risk for recurrent febrile urinary tract infections may impact management decisions. We evaluated the usefulness of ureteral diameter ratio as a predictive factor for breakthrough febrile urinary tract infections. Children with primary vesicoureteral reflux and detailed voiding cystourethrogram were identified. Ureteral diameter ratio was computed by measuring largest ureteral diameter within the pelvis and dividing by the distance between L1 and L3 vertebral bodies. Demographics, vesicoureteral reflux grade, laterality, presence/absence of bladder-bowel dysfunction, and ureteral diameter ratio were tested in univariate and multivariable analyses. Primary outcome was breakthrough febrile urinary tract infections. We analyzed 112 girls and 28 boys with a mean ± SD age of 2.5 ± 2.3 years at diagnosis. Vesicoureteral reflux was grade 1 to 2 in 64 patients (45.7%), grade 3 in 50 (35.7%), grade 4 in 16 (11.4%) and grade 5 in 10 (7.2%). Mean ± SD followup was 3.2 ± 2.7 years. A total of 40 children (28.6%) experienced breakthrough febrile urinary tract infections. Ureteral diameter ratio was significantly greater in children with (0.36) vs without (0.25) breakthrough febrile infections (p = 0.004). Controlling for vesicoureteral reflux grade, every 0.1 U increase in ureteral diameter ratio resulted in 1.7 times increased odds of breakthrough infection (95% CI 1.24 to 2.26, p urinary tract infections independent of reflux grade. Ureteral diameter ratio provides valuable prognostic information about risk of recurrent pyelonephritis and may assist with clinical decision-making. Copyright © 2017 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Changes in circulating inflammatory markers following febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reactions to leucoreduced red cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, R; Sandhu, N; Heegaard, N H H


    It would be desirable to be able to distinguish fever as a result of febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reactions (FNHTR) from other febrile conditions. To further characterize the inflammatory feature of FNHTR, we measured a large panel of inflammatory markers in pre- and posttransfusion plasma...

  17. Chikungunya as a cause of acute febrile illness in southern Sri Lanka.

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    Megan E Reller

    Full Text Available Chikungunya virus (CHIKV re-emerged in Sri Lanka in late 2006 after a 40-year hiatus. We sought to identify and characterize acute chikungunya infection (CHIK in patients presenting with acute undifferentiated febrile illness in unstudied rural and semi-urban southern Sri Lanka in 2007.We enrolled febrile patients ≥ 2 years of age, collected uniform epidemiologic and clinical data, and obtained serum samples for serology, virus isolation, and real-time reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR. Serology on paired acute and convalescent samples identified acute chikungunya infection in 3.5% (28/797 patients without acute dengue virus (DENV infection, 64.3% (18/28 of which were confirmed by viral isolation and/or real-time RT-PCR. No CHIKV/DENV co-infections were detected among 54 patients with confirmed acute DENV. Sequencing of the E1 coding region of six temporally distinct CHIKV isolates (April through October 2007 showed that all isolates posessed the E1-226A residue and were most closely related to Sri Lankan and Indian isolates from the same time period. Except for more frequent and persistent musculoskeletal symptoms, acute chikungunya infections mimicked DENV and other acute febrile illnesses. Only 12/797 (1.5% patients had serological evidence of past chikungunya infection.Our findings suggest CHIKV is a prominent cause of non-specific acute febrile illness in southern Sri Lanka.

  18. El traslado del Congreso anfictiónico de Panamá al poblado de Tacubaya (1826-1828 The transfer of the Panama Congress to the town of Tacubaya (1826-1828

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    Germán A. de la Reza


    Full Text Available El artículo estudia el traslado del Congreso anfictiónico de Panamá a Tacubaya y los diversos intentos de instalación de la 'Asamblea americana' en México entre 1826 y 1828. Su propósito es escalonado: primero identifica los significados decisionales relevantes para comprender el fracaso del proyecto y, enseguida, delimita la autonomía analítica del episodio mexicano del Congreso de Bolívar.This article studies the transfer of the Anfictionic Congress from Panama to Tacubaya and the diverse intents of installation of the 'American Assembly' in Mexico between 1826 and 1828. Its purposes are staggered: first, it identifies the decision-making meanings of the failure of the project and, then, it defines the analytic autonomy of the Mexican episode of Bolivar's Congress.

  19. Predictors of Outcome and Severity in Adult Filipino Patients with Febrile Neutropenia

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    Marc Gregory Y. Yu


    Full Text Available Aim. The study aimed to describe the profile of Filipino febrile neutropenia patients and to determine parameters associated with severe outcomes. Methods. This is a retrospective study of Filipino febrile neutropenia patients admitted to the Philippine General Hospital. Patients were described in terms of clinical presentation and stratified according to the presence or absence of severe outcomes. Prognostic factors were then identified using regression analysis. Results. 115 febrile episodes in 102 patients were identified. Regression analysis yielded prolonged fever >7 days prior to admission (OR 2.43; 95% CI, 0.77–7.74, isolation of a pathogen on cultures (OR 2.69; 95% CI, 1.04–6.98, and nadir absolute neutrophil count (ANC 7 days prior to admission, positive pathogen on cultures, and nadir ANC < 100 during admission predicted severe outcomes, whereas G-CSF use and complete antibiotic therapy were associated with better outcomes. These prognostic variables might be useful in identifying patients that need more intensive treatment and monitoring.

  20. Sincronia Cosmopolita Febril

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    Fabio Goulart


    Full Text Available No ano de 2011, pessoas de todo o mundo começaram a indignar através das redes sociais e blogs da internet contra as mais variadas injustiças do mundo. Uns queriam liberdade e democracia, outros criticavam os abusos dos bancos e alguns apenas queriam ter comida digna na mesa todos os dias. Em pouco tempo, o mundo virtual e o real se viram contaminados por uma sincronia cosmopolita febril que levou multidões às praças de todo o mundo e conseguiu, entre outras coisas, derrubar ditaduras opressoras e muito antigas. Com base em estudos, análise de mundo e vivências do autor, este trabalho visa clarificar à luz da filosofia os movimentos do tipo Occupy em suas mais variadas formas.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    The connection between hippocampal sclerosis and childhood febrile seizures (CFS) is a contentious issue in the study of epilepsy. We investigated 107 patients with drug-resistant epilepsy by high-resolution volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). 20 had a history of CFS, 45 had focal (26) or

  2. Malaria parasitaemia among febrile under-five children at Nnamdi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Malaria parasitaemia among febrile under-five children at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, South-East, Nigeria. C.E. Ezeudu, J.C. Ebenebe, J.O. Chukwuka, E.F. Ugochukwu, G.I. Amilo, O.I. Okorie ...

  3. Effects of Prestorage Leukoreduction on the Rate of Febrile ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions (FNHTRs) are common ... Department of Immunohaematology and Blood Transfusion, Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India ... antigen (HLA) or WBC‑specific antigens located on donor .... though increasing awareness and reporting about adverse.

  4. Prophylactic drug management for febrile seizures in children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Offringa, Martin; Newton, Richard


    BACKGROUND Febrile seizures occurring in a child older than one month during an episode of fever affect 2% to 4% of children in Great Britain and the United States and recur in 30%. Rapid-acting antiepileptics and antipyretics given during subsequent fever episodes have been used to avoid the

  5. Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome (FIRES): An Overview of Treatment and Recent Patents. (United States)

    Hon, Kam Lun E Lun; Leung, Alexander K C; Torres, Alcy R


    New-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) refers to a clinical presentation in a patient without active epilepsy or other existing relevant neurological disorder, with new onset of refractory status epilepticus in the absence of a clear acute or active structural, metabolic, or toxic cause. Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES) is a subset of NORSE that requires a febrile infection between 24 hours and 2 weeks prior to the onset of refractory status epilepticus, with or without fever at the onset of status epilepticus, and with no restriction to the age of the patient. The literature on FIRES is scarce. This article reviews the pathophysiology, clinical features, and various treatment modalities in the treatment of FIRES. A Medline/Pubmed search was conducted using Clinical Queries with the key terms "febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome", "FIRES", "new-onset refractory status epilepticus" and "NORSE". The search strategy included meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, reviews and pertinent references. Patents were searched using the key term "FIRES", "NORSE" and "febrile epilepsy syndrome" from,, and FIRES almost invariably begins with a mild nonspecific febrile illness in an otherwise healthy individual. Twenty four hours to two weeks later, seizures begin and quickly become very frequent and worsen, becoming status epilepticus. Seizures can be simple motor, complex partial or secondary generalized. The exact etiology is no known. It is possible that the syndrome is caused by an inflammatory or autoimmune mechanism. Seizures in FIRES are notoriously very difficult to treat. Treatment modalities include, among others, various antiepileptic drugs, ketogenic diet, intravenous corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, and burst-suppression coma. Outcome is poor; most children are left with significant cognitive disability and refractory epilepsy

  6. Treatment of Febrile Neutropenia and Prophylaxis in Hematologic Malignancies: A Critical Review and Update

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    Paola Villafuerte-Gutierrez


    Full Text Available Febrile neutropenia is one of the most serious complications in patients with haematological malignancies and chemotherapy. A prompt identification of infection and empirical antibiotic therapy can prolong survival. This paper reviews the guidelines about febrile neutropenia in the setting of hematologic malignancies, providing an overview of the definition of fever and neutropenia, and categories of risk assessment, management of infections, and prophylaxis.

  7. Economía moral del fuero y cultura del conflicto en Guipúzcoa : la crisis de 1755

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    José María Iñurritegui Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Proponer algunas reflexiones sobre las formas dominantes de conflicto en el ámbito territorial guipuzcoano durante el Setecientos es la intención que motiva estas páginas. El escrutinio y reconstrucción de un preciso curso de acción, los sucesos acontecidos en la provincia en 1754/55, la dimensión de análisis seleccionada. Y el criterio que justifica nuestra atención exclusiva a ese episodio, el reconocimiento en el mismo de un indudable potencial para promover e ¡lustrar la tesis de fondo que se sostiene, esto es, para perfilar que las citadas formas conflictuales de este territorio exento son las que funcionalmente derivan de la propia constitución comunitaria, de la comprensión del Fuero como estructurador de un orden, y de su divergente lectura e interiorización como compuesto integral de costumbre y uso territorial.

  8. Risk Adapted Management of Febrile Neutrepenia and Early Cessation of Empirical Antibiotherapy in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Setting

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    Ali Hakan Kaya


    Full Text Available Background: Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a curative treatment option for many haematological disorders. Infection following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation is one of the major causes of mortality. Aims: To investigate the outcomes of early cessation of empirical antibiotic treatment per protocol in febrile neutropenia patients who have undergone haematopoietic stem cell transplantation at our clinic. Study Design: Descriptive study. Methods: The present study retrospectively evaluated febrile neutropenia attacks in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients during the period June 2014 - January 2015 at our haematopoietic stem cell transplantation clinic. Results: A total of 72 febrile neutropenia attacks were evaluated in 53 patients. In 46 febrile neutropenia attacks, microbiologic cultures revealed positive results. In culture-positive febrile neutropenia episodes a single bacterium was isolated in 32 cases and multiple strains were isolated in 14. In 15 patients, empirical antibiotic therapy was discontinued after 72 hours. These patients were clinically stable, without evident focus of infection and had negative culture results. Only 4 recurrent episodes were observed (27% after cessation of antibiotherapy. No patient died as a result of recurrent infection. The 30-day and 100-day post-transplantation mortality rates of patients with febrile neutropenia episodes were 11.3% (6/53 and 3.8% (2/53, respectively. Infection-related 30-day and 100-day mortality rates were 7.5% (4/53 and 0% (0/53, respectively. Conclusion: The main message of our study is that early cessation of empirical antibiotherapy seems to be feasible in eligible patients without increasing febrile neutropenia mortality rates

  9. Quantitative Evaluation of Medial Temporal Lobe Morphology in Children with Febrile Status Epilepticus: Results of the FEBSTAT Study. (United States)

    McClelland, A C; Gomes, W A; Shinnar, S; Hesdorffer, D C; Bagiella, E; Lewis, D V; Bello, J A; Chan, S; MacFall, J; Chen, M; Pellock, J M; Nordli, D R; Frank, L M; Moshé, S L; Shinnar, R C; Sun, S


    The pathogenesis of febrile status epilepticus is poorly understood, but prior studies have suggested an association with temporal lobe abnormalities, including hippocampal malrotation. We used a quantitative morphometric method to assess the association between temporal lobe morphology and febrile status epilepticus. Brain MR imaging was performed in children presenting with febrile status epilepticus and control subjects as part of the Consequences of Prolonged Febrile Seizures in Childhood study. Medial temporal lobe morphologic parameters were measured manually, including the distance of the hippocampus from the midline, hippocampal height:width ratio, hippocampal angle, collateral sulcus angle, and width of the temporal horn. Temporal lobe morphologic parameters were correlated with the presence of visual hippocampal malrotation; the strongest association was with left temporal horn width (P status epilepticus, encompassing both the right and left sides. This association was statistically strongest in the right temporal lobe, whereas hippocampal malrotation was almost exclusively left-sided in this cohort. The association between temporal lobe measurements and febrile status epilepticus persisted when the analysis was restricted to cases with visually normal imaging findings without hippocampal malrotation or other visually apparent abnormalities. Several component morphologic features of hippocampal malrotation are independently associated with febrile status epilepticus, even when complete hippocampal malrotation is absent. Unexpectedly, this association predominantly involves the right temporal lobe. These findings suggest that a spectrum of bilateral temporal lobe anomalies are associated with febrile status epilepticus in children. Hippocampal malrotation may represent a visually apparent subset of this spectrum. © 2016 by American Journal of Neuroradiology.

  10. El estudio del conocimiento especializado de dos profesores de Álgebra Lineal

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    Diana Lucía Vasco Mora


    Full Text Available Con el modelo Mathematics teacher’s specialised knowledge (MTSK, y mediante un estudio de caso, analizamos episodios de clases sobre matrices, determinantes y sistemas de ecuaciones lineales de dos profesores universitarios de álgebra lineal, con la finalidad de comprender el conocimiento que sustenta su práctica. Observamos un énfasis conceptual y procedimental con evidencias de conocimiento de los temas (KoT, relativo a procedimientos, fenomenología y aplicaciones, registros de representación, definiciones y propiedades; conocimiento de las características del aprendizaje de las matemáticas (KFLM, referente a dificultades de los estudiantes; y conocimiento de la enseñanza de las matemáticas (KMT, sobre ejemplos para la enseñanza.

  11. Prophylactic drug management for febrile seizures in children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Offringa, Martin; Newton, Richard


    Febrile seizures occurring in a child older than one month during an episode of fever affect 2% to 4% of children in Great Britain and the United States and recur in 30%. Rapid-acting antiepileptics and antipyretics given during subsequent fever episodes have been used to avoid the adverse effects

  12. Characteristics of the initial seizure in familial febrile seizures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. van Stuijvenberg (Margriet); E. van Beijeren; N.H. Wils; G. Derksen-Lubsen (Gerarda); C.M. van Duijn (Cornelia); H.A. Moll (Henriëtte)


    textabstractComplex seizure characteristics in patients with a positive family history were studied to define familial phenotype subgroups of febrile seizures. A total of 51 children with one or more affected first degree relatives and 177 without an affected first degree

  13. La estrategia del sistema solar desde la perspectiva del sí mismo dialógico

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    Paola Andreucci Annunziata


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda una lectura relacional y dialógica del sistema solar o círculo familiar. Con ella, se pretende ejemplificar cómo la técnica puede beneficiarse del aporte de la teoría del self dialógico, actualizando y enriqueciendo su posibilidad analítica y comprensiva cuando se focaliza el sistema de identidad personal. Su utilidad se ejemplifica con un caso único, segmentando los episodios por sesiones y con las viñetas clínicas respectivas. El análisis se complementa con una matriz relacional para visualizar las funciones desempeñadas y con la aplicación del Repertorio de Posiciones Personales (RPP, Hermans, 2001. Se concluye que la estrategia es pertinente, con sus desafíos en la construcción de subjetividad y los intercambios con otras experiencias actuales que diagraman repertorios relacionales. Abstract The aim of this paper is to show a relational and dialogic reading of the solar system or family circle. This new reading seeks to illustrate how the technique can benefit from the contribution of the theory of dialogical self, update and enrich their analytical and comprehensive system focused on the possibility of a personal identity system. Its utility is exemplified as a unique case design, segmenting instances of supervision with clinical vignettes respective sessions. Analysis with a relational matrix is hereby supplemented in order to display the functions and also the personal positions repertoire (PPR, Hermans, 2001. We conclude, on the relevance of the pertaining strategy, the existence of challenges in the construction of subjectivity and inter changes with other current experiences trying to diagram a relational repertoire.

  14. Association between Iron Deficiency Anemia and Febrile Seizure: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Mohammad Mehdi Nasehi


    Full Text Available Febrile seizure is the most common convulsive disorder in children and different studies reported controversial results about the association between this disorder and iron deficiency. In some studies, iron level in children with febrile seizure is higher than control and in some reports it is less than the control group. So, we systematically reviewed all the studies in this field and analyzed their findings using meta-analysis methods. This review and meta-analysis was conducted by iron and fever keywords on articles published in the databases PubMed, Google Scholar and Federated search of medical digital library that includes a variety of international databases. All articles dated at the end of March 2012 were studied. Case-control studies were selected and quality assessment of studies were surveyed by STROB criteria and information requirements, including the status of iron deficiency anemia, iron levels and ferritin level of eligible studies were extracted and analyzed by Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Version 2.0 software and the Forest and Funnel chart was drawn. Finally 11 studies included 1357 children with febrile seizure and 1347 children in the control group were evaluated. The odds ratio of iron deficiency anemia in children with febrile seizure in comparison to the control group was 1.27 (OR = 1.27, CI95%: 1.03 -1.56. Ferritin level was not significant between the two groups (p=0.08, but the iron level in the two groups was significant (p=0.000. Iron deficiency is considered as a risk factor in the incidence of febrile seizure and interventional studies can be helpful to confirm this hypothesis.

  15. An evaluation of the use of reported febrile illness in predicting malaria in pregnancy. (United States)

    Nnaji, G A; Ikechebelu, J I


    The object of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of reported febrile illness in predicting malaria in pregnant women at booking in NAUTH, Nnewi. This was a case control prospective survey using a structured questionnaire to collect data from pregnant women attending antenatal clinic of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital between April and September 2001. Peripheral blood smears were examined in 420 pregnant women during their first antenatal visit. This study showed that 57.4% of parasitaemic pregnant women and 54% of aparasitaemic pregnant women reported fever before their first antenatal visit. The sensitivity and specificity of reported febrile illness in predicting malaria were 57.4% and 46%, respectively. However, the predictive value of a positive test was as high as 80.25%, while it was only 22% for the predictive value of a negative test. The efficiency of reported febrile illness as a screening device was 55%. Reliance on reported febrile illness will not be adequate to identify parasitaemic pregnant women because many of those with heavy placental parasitisation may not report fever. This justifies the place of the intermittent presumptive therapy using sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in pregnant women living in malaria endemic areas such as sub-Saharan Africa.

  16. Prenatal stress and risk of febrile seizures in children: a nationwide longitudinal study in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Jiong; Olsen, Jørn; Obel, Carsten


    We aimed to examine whether exposure to prenatal stress following maternal bereavement is associated with an increased risk of febrile seizures. In a longitudinal population-based cohort study, we followed 1,431,175 children born in Denmark. A total of 34,777 children were born to women who lost...... a close relative during pregnancy or within 1 year before the pregnancy and they were included in the exposed group. The exposed children had a risk of febrile seizures similar to that of the unexposed children (hazard ratio (HR) 1.00, 95% CI 0.94-1.06). The HRs did not differ according to the nature...... or timing of bereavement. Our data do not suggest any causal link between exposure to prenatal stress and febrile seizures in childhood....

  17. Maternal use of antibiotics and the risk of childhood febrile seizures: a Danish population-based cohort.

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    Jessica E Miller

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: In a large population-based cohort in Denmark to examine if maternal use of antibiotics during pregnancy, as a marker of infection, increases the risk of febrile seizures in childhood in a large population-based cohort in Denmark. METHODS: All live-born singletons born in Denmark between January 1, 1996 and September 25, 2004 and who were alive on the 90(th day of life were identified from the Danish National Birth Registry. Diagnoses of febrile seizures were obtained from the Danish National Hospital Register and maternal use of antibiotics was obtained from the National Register of Medicinal Product Statistics. Hazard ratios (HR and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI were estimated by Cox proportional hazard regression models. RESULTS: We followed 551,518 singletons for up to 5 years and identified a total of 21,779 children with a diagnosis of febrile seizures. Slightly increased hazard ratios were observed among most exposure groups when compared to the unexposed group, ex. HR 1.08 95% CI: 1.05-1.11 for use of any systemic antibiotic during pregnancy. CONCLUSION: We found weak associations between the use of pharmacologically different antibiotics during pregnancy and febrile seizures in early childhood which may indicate that some infections, or causes or effects of infections, during pregnancy could affect the fetal brain and induce susceptibility to febrile seizures.

  18. Acute febrile encephalopathy in adults from Northwest India

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    Bhalla Ashish


    Full Text Available Background : Acute onset fever with altered mentation is a common problem encountered by the physician practicing in tropical countries. Central nervous system (CNS infections are the most common cause resulting in fever with altered mentation in children. Aim : In this study, we have tried to analyze the cause of encephalopathy following short febrile illness in adults presenting to a tertiary care center in Northwestern part of India. Setting and Design : A prospective observational study carried out in a tertiary care center in the Northwestern India over a period of 1 year. Material and Methods : A total of 127 patients with fever of less than 2 weeks duration along with alteration in mentation were studied prospectively over a period of 12 months. The demographic variables were recorded in detail. In addition to routine investigations, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, noncontrast- and contrast-enhanced computed tomography, along with magnetic resonance imaging were performed in all the subjects. Statistical Analysis : The results were analyzed using SPSS statistical software. The values were expressed as mean with standard deviation for contiguous variable as percentage for the others. Results and Conclusion : Out of these, 70% had primary CNS infection as the etiology. A total of 33% patients had meningitis, 29.9% had evidence of meningoencephalitis, and 12.7% were diagnosed as sepsis-associated encephalopathy. These were followed by cerebral malaria, leptospirosis, and brain abscess as the cause of febrile encephalopathy in adults. Among the noninfectious causes, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, cortical venous thrombosis, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome were documented in 2.36% each. In 11% of the patients, the final diagnosis could not be made in spite of the extensive investigations. Our study demonstrates that acute febrile encephalopathy in adults is a heterogeneous syndrome with primary CNS infections being the commonest

  19. Intermittent diazepam and continuous phenobarbital to treat recurrence of febrile seizures: a systematic review with meta-analysis

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    Masuko Alice Hatsue


    Full Text Available Convulsions triggered by fever are the most common type of seizures in childhood, and 20% to 30% of them have recurrence. The prophylactic treatment is still controversial, so we performed a systematic review to find out the effectiveness of continuous phenobarbital and intermittent diazepam compared to placebo for febrile seizure recurrence. METHOD: Only randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials were analyzed. The recurrence of febrile seizure was assessed for each drug. RESULTS: Ten eligible clinical trials were included. Febrile seizure recurrence was smaller in children treated with diazepam or phenobarbital than in placebo group. Prophylaxis with either phenobarbital or diazepam reduces recurrences of febrile seizures. The studies were clinical, methodological, and statistically heterogeneous. CONCLUSION: The effectiveness of phenobarbital and diazepam could not be demonstrated because clinical trials were heterogeneous, and the recommendation for treatment recurrence should rely upon the experience of the assistant physician yet.

  20. Acute HIV-1 infection is as common as malaria in young febrile adults seeking care in coastal Kenya. (United States)

    Sanders, Eduard J; Mugo, Peter; Prins, Henrieke A B; Wahome, Elizabeth; Thiong'o, Alexander N; Mwashigadi, Grace; van der Elst, Elisabeth M; Omar, Anisa; Smith, Adrian D; Graham, Susan M


    Febrile adults are usually not tested for acute HIV-1 infection (AHI) in Africa. We assessed a strategy to diagnose AHI among young adult patients seeking care. Young adults (defined as a positive p24 antigen test, and subsequent seroconversion or RNA detection. Febrile patients evaluated for AHI were also screened for malaria using a rapid test, with PCR confirmation of positives. In 3602 adults seeking care, overall HIV-1 prevalence was 3.9%: 7.6% (68/897) among patients meeting AHI criteria vs. 2.6% (71/2705) among those who did not (P young febrile adults seeking care. An AHI detection strategy targeting young febrile adults seeking care at pharmacies and health facilities is feasible and should be considered as an HIV-prevention strategy in high-transmission settings.

  1. Prevalence of malaria, typhoid, toxoplasmosis and rubella among febrile children in Cameroon. (United States)

    Achonduh-Atijegbe, Olivia A; Mfuh, Kenji O; Mbange, Aristid H E; Chedjou, Jean P; Taylor, Diane W; Nerurkar, Vivek R; Mbacham, Wilfred F; Leke, Rose


    The current roll-out of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in many endemic countries has resulted in the reporting of fewer cases of malaria-attributed illnesses. However, lack of knowledge of the prevalence of other febrile illnesses and affordable diagnostic tests means that febrile patients are not managed optimally. This study assessed the prevalence of commonly treatable or preventable febrile illnesses in children between 6 months and 15 years using rapid diagnostic tests at the point-of-care. Febrile children were enrolled between February-April 2014 at a health facility after obtaining informed consent from parent. Eligible participants were aged 6 months-15 years with a history of fever in the last 24 h or axillary temperature ≥38 °C at consultation. All participants were tested using RDTs for malaria, typhoid, toxoplasmosis and rubella. Malaria parasites were further identified by microscopy and PCR. Clinical and household characteristics were recorded and association with pathogens determined. Of the 315 children enrolled, the mean age was 5.8 ± 3.8 years. Stomach pain (41.2 %) was the most reported symptom. Prior to attending the health facility, 70.8 % had taken antipyretics, 27.9 % antimalarials, 11.4 % antibiotics and 13.3 % antifungal drugs. Among 315 children with fever, based on RDTs, 56.8 % were infected with malaria, 4.4 % with typhoid, 3.2 % with acute toxoplasmosis, and 1.3 % with rubella (all positive for rubella were in the same family and not vaccinated). All non-malarial infections were co-infections and approximately 30 % of the fever cases went un-diagnosed. Malaria prevalence by microscopy and PCR was 43.4 and 70.2 % respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of RDTs for the diagnosis of malaria were 75.98 and 100 % respectively, with 0.73 measurement agreement between RDTs and microscopy while that of RDT and PCR were 81 and 100 % respectively with a K value of 0.72. The use of Insecticide Treated Bednets was

  2. Tendencias en el consumo de alcohol en los adolescentes escolarizados españoles a lo largo de la primera década del siglo xxi


    Inmaculada Sánchez-Queija; Carmen Moreno; Francisco Rivera; Pilar Ramos


    Objetivo: Conocer la tendencia en el consumo de cerveza, vino y licores destilados de los adolescentes españoles en 2002, 2006 y 2010, así como la tendencia de haber experimentado episodios de embriaguez durante este mismo periodo de tiempo. Método: La muestra está conformada por 23.169 adolescentes de 15 a 18 años de edad: 7103 en 2002, 10.443 en 2006 y 5623 en 2010. En las tres ediciones del estudio, los datos son representativos de los escolares de esas edades en España. Se ...

  3. Leptospirosis among Hospitalized Febrile Patients in Northern Tanzania (United States)

    Biggs, Holly M.; Bui, Duy M.; Galloway, Renee L.; Stoddard, Robyn A.; Shadomy, Sean V.; Morrissey, Anne B.; Bartlett, John A.; Onyango, Jecinta J.; Maro, Venance P.; Kinabo, Grace D.; Saganda, Wilbrod; Crump, John A.


    We enrolled consecutive febrile admissions to two hospitals in Moshi, Tanzania. Confirmed leptospirosis was defined as a ≥ 4-fold increase in microscopic agglutination test (MAT) titer; probable leptospirosis as reciprocal MAT titer ≥ 800; and exposure to pathogenic leptospires as titer ≥ 100. Among 870 patients enrolled in the study, 453 (52.1%) had paired sera available, and 40 (8.8%) of these met the definition for confirmed leptospirosis. Of 832 patients with ≥ 1 serum sample available, 30 (3.6%) had probable leptospirosis and an additional 277 (33.3%) had evidence of exposure to pathogenic leptospires. Among those with leptospirosis the most common clinical diagnoses were malaria in 31 (44.3%) and pneumonia in 18 (25.7%). Leptospirosis was associated with living in a rural area (odds ratio [OR] 3.4, P < 0.001). Among those with confirmed leptospirosis, the predominant reactive serogroups were Mini and Australis. Leptospirosis is a major yet underdiagnosed cause of febrile illness in northern Tanzania, where it appears to be endemic. PMID:21813847

  4. Brucellosis among Hospitalized Febrile Patients in Northern Tanzania (United States)

    Bouley, Andrew J.; Biggs, Holly M.; Stoddard, Robyn A.; Morrissey, Anne B.; Bartlett, John A.; Afwamba, Isaac A.; Maro, Venance P.; Kinabo, Grace D.; Saganda, Wilbrod; Cleaveland, Sarah; Crump, John A.


    Acute and convalescent serum samples were collected from febrile inpatients identified at two hospitals in Moshi, Tanzania. Confirmed brucellosis was defined as a positive blood culture or a ≥ 4-fold increase in microagglutination test titer, and probable brucellosis was defined as a single reciprocal titer ≥ 160. Among 870 participants enrolled in the study, 455 (52.3%) had paired sera available. Of these, 16 (3.5%) met criteria for confirmed brucellosis. Of 830 participants with ≥ 1 serum sample, 4 (0.5%) met criteria for probable brucellosis. Brucellosis was associated with increased median age (P = 0.024), leukopenia (odds ratio [OR] 7.8, P = 0.005), thrombocytopenia (OR 3.9, P = 0.018), and evidence of other zoonoses (OR 3.2, P = 0.026). Brucellosis was never diagnosed clinically, and although all participants with brucellosis received antibacterials or antimalarials in the hospital, no participant received standard brucellosis treatment. Brucellosis is an underdiagnosed and untreated cause of febrile disease among hospitalized adult and pediatric patients in northern Tanzania. PMID:23091197

  5. Malaria and Chikungunya Detected Using Molecular Diagnostics Among Febrile Kenyan Children. (United States)

    Waggoner, Jesse; Brichard, Julie; Mutuku, Francis; Ndenga, Bryson; Heath, Claire Jane; Mohamed-Hadley, Alisha; Sahoo, Malaya K; Vulule, John; Lefterova, Martina; Banaei, Niaz; Mukoko, Dunstan; Pinsky, Benjamin A; LaBeaud, A Desiree


    In sub-Saharan Africa, malaria is frequently overdiagnosed as the cause of an undifferentiated febrile illness, whereas arboviral illnesses are presumed to be underdiagnosed. Sera from 385 febrile Kenyan children, who presented to 1 of 4 clinical sites, were tested using microscopy and real-time molecular assays for dengue virus (DENV), chikungunya virus (CHIKV), malaria, and Leptospira . Malaria was the primary clinical diagnosis for 254 patients, and an arboviral infection (DENV or CHIKV) was the primary diagnosis for 93 patients. In total, 158 patients (41.0%) had malaria and 32 patients (8.3%) had CHIKV infections. Compared with real-time polymerase chain reaction, microscopy demonstrated a percent positive agreement of 49.7%. The percentage of malaria cases detected by microscopy varied significantly between clinical sites. Arboviral infections were the clinical diagnosis for patients on the Indian Ocean coast (91 of 238, 38.2%) significantly more often than patients in the Lake Victoria region (2 of 145, 1.4%; P < .001). However, detection of CHIKV infections was significantly higher in the Lake Victoria region (19 of 145 [13.1%] vs 13 of 239 [5.4%]; P = .012). The clinical diagnosis of patients with an acute febrile illness, even when aided by microscopy, remains inaccurate in malaria-endemic areas, contributing to inappropriate management decisions.

  6. Infusional β-lactam antibiotics in febrile neutropenia: has the time come? (United States)

    Abbott, Iain J; Roberts, Jason A


    Febrile neutropenia presents a clinical challenge in which timely and appropriate antibiotic exposure is crucial. In the context of altered pharmacokinetics and rising bacterial resistance, standard antibiotic doses are unlikely to be sufficient. This review explores the potential utility of altered dosing approaches of β-lactam antibiotics to optimize treatment in febrile neutropenia. There is a dynamic relationship between the antibiotic, the infecting pathogen, and the host. Great advancements have been made in the understanding of the pharmacokinetic changes in critical illness and the pharmacodynamic relationships of antibiotics in these settings. Antibiotic treatment in febrile neutropenia is becoming increasingly difficult. Patients are of higher acuity, receive more intensive chemotherapy regimens leading to prolonged neutropenia, and are often exposed to multiple antibiotic courses. These patients display significant variability in antibiotic clearances and increases in volume of distribution compared with standard ward-based patients. Rising antibiotic resistance and a lack of new antibiotics in production have prompted alternative dosing strategies based on pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic data, such as extended or continuous infusions of β-lactam antibiotics, to maximize the likelihood of treatment success. A definitive study that describes a mortality benefit of such dosing regimens remains elusive and the theoretical advantages require testing in well designed clinical trials.

  7. Recordar lo que no pasó: memoria y usos del olvido en torno a la recepción de los refugiados judíos del nazismo en México

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    Gleizer, Daniela


    Full Text Available Although the Mexican authorities closed the doors to Jewish immigration during the Nazi period, the memory of this episode has been reconfigured over time and transformed into the opposite view. This article analyzes the process of how the collective memory was reinterpreted – in the governmental sector as much as within the Jewish community itself – and why the image of the country’s welcoming of Jewish refugees is the one that prevailed.

    Si bien las autoridades mexicanas cerraron las puertas del país al exilio judío durante el nazismo, el recuerdo de este episodio ha sido reconfigurado en el tiempo para convertirse en su imagen opuesta. Este artículo analiza cómo ha sido el proceso de reelaboración de la memoria colectiva —tanto en el sector gubernamental como en el de la comunidad judía— y por qué ha terminado prevaleciendo la imagen de la apertura del país hacia los refugiados judíos.

  8. The effect of low ambient temperature on the febrile responses of rats to semi-purified human endogenous pyrogen. (United States)

    Stitt, J T; Shimada, S G


    The febrile responses of Sprague-Dawley rats to semi-purified human endogenous pyrogen were studied at a thermoneutral ambient temperature (26 degrees C) and in the cold (3 degrees C). It was found that while rats developed typical monophasic febrile responses at thermoneutrality, febrile responses were absent in the cold-exposed rats. Experiments were conducted to determine whether this lack of febrile responses in cold-exposed rats was due to an inability of these animals to generate or retain heat in the cold. Thermogenesis and vasoconstriction were stimulated in cold-exposed rats by selectively cooling the hypothalamus, using chronically implanted thermodes. It was shown that, using this stimulus, metabolic rate could be increased by more than 50 percent and body temperature could be driven up at a rate of 5 degrees C/hour in rats exposed to the cold. Therefore, it was concluded that the lack of febrile responses of cold-exposed rats to pyrogen is in no way due to a physical or physiological inability to retain heat. Instead, it appears that in some manner cold exposure suppresses the sensitivity or responsiveness of the rat to pyrogenic stimuli.

  9. G-CSF in solid tumor chemotherapy: a tailored regimen reduces febrile neutropenia, treatment delays and direct costs. (United States)

    Tsavaris, Nicolas; Kosmas, Christos; Gouveris, Panagiotis; Vadiak, Maria; Dimitrakopoulos, Antonis; Karadima, Dimitra; Pagouni, Efterpi; Panagiotakopoulos, George; Tzima, Evanthia; Ispoglou, Sevasti; Sakelariou, Dimitris; Koufos, Christos


    Current guidelines do not recommend G-CSF for patients with risk factors for neutropenia. One-hundred patients undergoing chemotherapy were randomized to treatment with G-CSF at 5 Kg/kg for established febrile neutropenia (ANC <1000/microl) (Group A) or G-CSF at 263 Kg/day if ANC was 1500/microl or less on the day of the expected nadir, with the duration of treatment determined by the severity of neutropenia (Group B). The number of doses of G-CSF was similar in the two groups. There were 34 cases of febrile neutropenia in Group A, but none in Group B (p=0.0001). Hospital admission for febrile neutropenia, antibiotic use and delays in chemotherapy were all significantly more common in Group A. Total direct costs were estimated to be 66, 646 for Group A and 47, 119 for Group B. Tailoring treatment does not increase G-CSF use, but significantly reduces febrile neutropenia and treatment delays and lowers direct costs.

  10. Association of RNA Biosignatures With Bacterial Infections in Febrile Infants Aged 60 Days or Younger (United States)

    Mahajan, Prashant; Kuppermann, Nathan; Mejias, Asuncion; Suarez, Nicolas; Chaussabel, Damien; Casper, T. Charles; Smith, Bennett; Alpern, Elizabeth R.; Anders, Jennifer; Atabaki, Shireen M.; Bennett, Jonathan E.; Blumberg, Stephen; Bonsu, Bema; Borgialli, Dominic; Brayer, Anne; Browne, Lorin; Cohen, Daniel M.; Crain, Ellen F.; Cruz, Andrea T.; Dayan, Peter S.; Gattu, Rajender; Greenberg, Richard; Hoyle, John D.; Jaffe, David M.; Levine, Deborah A.; Lillis, Kathleen; Linakis, James G.; Muenzer, Jared; Nigrovic, Lise E.; Powell, Elizabeth C.; Rogers, Alexander J.; Roosevelt, Genie; Ruddy, Richard M.; Saunders, Mary; Tunik, Michael G.; Tzimenatos, Leah; Vitale, Melissa; Dean, J. Michael; Ramilo, Octavio


    IMPORTANCE Young febrile infants are at substantial risk of serious bacterial infections; however, the current culture-based diagnosis has limitations. Analysis of host expression patterns (“RNA biosignatures”) in response to infections may provide an alternative diagnostic approach. OBJECTIVE To assess whether RNA biosignatures can distinguish febrile infants aged 60 days or younger with and without serious bacterial infections. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Prospective observational study involving a convenience sample of febrile infants 60 days or younger evaluated for fever (temperature >38° C) in 22 emergency departments from December 2008 to December 2010 who underwent laboratory evaluations including blood cultures. A random sample of infants with and without bacterial infections was selected for RNA biosignature analysis. Afebrile healthy infants served as controls. Blood samples were collected for cultures and RNA biosignatures. Bioinformatics tools were applied to define RNA biosignatures to classify febrile infants by infection type. EXPOSURE RNA biosignatures compared with cultures for discriminating febrile infants with and without bacterial infections and infants with bacteremia from those without bacterial infections. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Bacterial infection confirmed by culture. Performance of RNA biosignatures was compared with routine laboratory screening tests and Yale Observation Scale (YOS) scores. RESULTS Of 1883 febrile infants (median age, 37 days; 55.7%boys), RNA biosignatures were measured in 279 randomly selected infants (89 with bacterial infections—including 32 with bacteremia and 15 with urinary tract infections—and 190 without bacterial infections), and 19 afebrile healthy infants. Sixty-six classifier genes were identified that distinguished infants with and without bacterial infections in the test set with 87%(95%CI, 73%-95%) sensitivity and 89% (95%CI, 81%-93%) specificity. Ten classifier genes distinguished

  11. Comparison of tympanic and rectal temperature in febrile patients. (United States)

    Sehgal, Arvind; Dubey, N K; Jyothi, M C; Jain, Shilpa


    To compare tympanic membrane temperature and rectal temperature in febrile pediatric patients. Sixty febrile children were enrolled as continuous enrollment at initial triage. Two readings of ear temperature were taken in each child with Thermoscan infrared thermometer. Rectal temperature was recorded by a digital electronic thermometer. Comparison of both the techniques was done and co-relation co-efficients calculated. Parental preference for both techniques was assessed. It was observed that mean ear temperature was 38.9+/-0.90 C and that for rectal temperature was 38.8+/-0.80 degrees C. The correlation coefficient between the two was 0.994 (p rays emitted from the surface of tympanic membrane. Ear temperatures correlates well with rectal temperatures which have long been considered as "core" temperatures. Parents prefer the technique of ear thermometry which is quick (2 sec), safe and non-invasive and patient resistance for this is also less. A non-invasive, non-mucous device which is accurate over a wide range of temperature could be very useful.

  12. A micro-epidemiological analysis of febrile malaria in Coastal Kenya showing hotspots within hotspots. (United States)

    Bejon, Philip; Williams, Thomas N; Nyundo, Christopher; Hay, Simon I; Benz, David; Gething, Peter W; Otiende, Mark; Peshu, Judy; Bashraheil, Mahfudh; Greenhouse, Bryan; Bousema, Teun; Bauni, Evasius; Marsh, Kevin; Smith, David L; Borrmann, Steffen


    Malaria transmission is spatially heterogeneous. This reduces the efficacy of control strategies, but focusing control strategies on clusters or 'hotspots' of transmission may be highly effective. Among 1500 homesteads in coastal Kenya we calculated (a) the fraction of febrile children with positive malaria smears per homestead, and (b) the mean age of children with malaria per homestead. These two measures were inversely correlated, indicating that children in homesteads at higher transmission acquire immunity more rapidly. This inverse correlation increased gradually with increasing spatial scale of analysis, and hotspots of febrile malaria were identified at every scale. We found hotspots within hotspots, down to the level of an individual homestead. Febrile malaria hotspots were temporally unstable, but 4 km radius hotspots could be targeted for 1 month following 1 month periods of surveillance.DOI: Copyright © 2014, Bejon et al.

  13. Febrile illness diagnostics and the malaria-industrial complex: a socio-environmental perspective

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    Justin Stoler


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Global prioritization of single-disease eradication programs over improvements to basic diagnostic capacity in the Global South have left the world unprepared for epidemics of chikungunya, Ebola, Zika, and whatever lies on the horizon. The medical establishment is slowly realizing that in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA, particularly urban areas, up to a third of patients suffering from acute fever do not receive a correct diagnosis of their infection. Main body Malaria is the most common diagnosis for febrile patients in low-resource health care settings, and malaria misdiagnosis has soared due to the institutionalization of malaria as the primary febrile illness of SSA by international development organizations and national malaria control programs. This has inadvertently created a “malaria-industrial complex” and historically obstructed our complete understanding of the continent’s complex communicable disease epidemiology, which is currently dominated by a mélange of undiagnosed febrile illnesses. We synthesize interdisciplinary literature from Ghana to highlight the complexity of communicable disease care in SSA from biomedical, social, and environmental perspectives, and suggest a way forward. Conclusion A socio-environmental approach to acute febrile illness etiology, diagnostics, and management would lead to substantial health gains in Africa, including more efficient malaria control. Such an approach would also improve global preparedness for future epidemics of emerging pathogens such as chikungunya, Ebola, and Zika, all of which originated in SSA with limited baseline understanding of their epidemiology despite clinical recognition of these viruses for many decades. Impending ACT resistance, new vaccine delays, and climate change all beckon our attention to proper diagnosis of fevers in order to maximize limited health care resources.

  14. Arboviral Etiologies of Acute Febrile Illnesses in Western South America, 2000–2007 (United States)

    Forshey, Brett M.; Guevara, Carolina; Laguna-Torres, V. Alberto; Cespedes, Manuel; Vargas, Jorge; Gianella, Alberto; Vallejo, Efrain; Madrid, César; Aguayo, Nicolas; Gotuzzo, Eduardo; Suarez, Victor; Morales, Ana Maria; Beingolea, Luis; Reyes, Nora; Perez, Juan; Negrete, Monica; Rocha, Claudio; Morrison, Amy C.; Russell, Kevin L.; J. Blair, Patrick; Olson, James G.; Kochel, Tadeusz J.


    Background Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) are among the most common agents of human febrile illness worldwide and the most important emerging pathogens, causing multiple notable epidemics of human disease over recent decades. Despite the public health relevance, little is know about the geographic distribution, relative impact, and risk factors for arbovirus infection in many regions of the world. Our objectives were to describe the arboviruses associated with acute undifferentiated febrile illness in participating clinics in four countries in South America and to provide detailed epidemiological analysis of arbovirus infection in Iquitos, Peru, where more extensive monitoring was conducted. Methodology/Findings A clinic-based syndromic surveillance system was implemented in 13 locations in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Serum samples and demographic information were collected from febrile participants reporting to local health clinics or hospitals. Acute-phase sera were tested for viral infection by immunofluorescence assay or RT-PCR, while acute- and convalescent-phase sera were tested for pathogen-specific IgM by ELISA. Between May 2000 and December 2007, 20,880 participants were included in the study, with evidence for recent arbovirus infection detected for 6,793 (32.5%). Dengue viruses (Flavivirus) were the most common arbovirus infections, totaling 26.0% of febrile episodes, with DENV-3 as the most common serotype. Alphavirus (Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus [VEEV] and Mayaro virus [MAYV]) and Orthobunyavirus (Oropouche virus [OROV], Group C viruses, and Guaroa virus) infections were both observed in approximately 3% of febrile episodes. In Iquitos, risk factors for VEEV and MAYV infection included being male and reporting to a rural (vs urban) clinic. In contrast, OROV infection was similar between sexes and type of clinic. Conclusions/Significance Our data provide a better understanding of the geographic range of arboviruses in South

  15. DMSA study performed during febrile urinary tract infection: a predictor of patient outcome?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camacho, V.; Estorch, M.; Tembl, A.; Mena, E.; Flotats, A.; Hernandez, Ma.; Fraga, G.; Carrio, I.


    DMSA study is an established method for the assessment of renal sequelae after acute pyelonephritis related to febrile urinary tract infection (UTI). However, at the moment is not established if the DMSA study performed during the acute UTI has any prognostic value for outcome assessment. Objectives: to assess the usefulness of DMSA study performed during febrile UTI as predictor of patient outcome. Methods: One hundred-fifty-two children (74 boys) with mean age 20 months (range 1m-12 y) with first febrile UTI were studied by DMSA planar scintigraphy during the acute illness period (first 5 days). All patients had positive grown bacillus in urine (78% E. coli, 8% P. mirabilis), and all followed the same antibiotic treatment. After acute UTI all patients were explored by voiding cysto urethrography for diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). Fifty-seven patients who had an abnormal DMSA study, VUR, or recurrent UTI underwent a DMSA control study (mean 8m after UTI). Results: DMSA study during febrile UTI was normal in 112 children (74%). In 95 of these children, follow-up DMSA studies were not performed due to a good clinical outcome (no VUR, no recurrent UTI). In the remaining 17 patients, follow-up DMSA studies were normal as well. Forty children (26%), who presented focal or diffuse cortical lesions during acute UTI, underwent a DMSA control study. Twenty-six of them presented a normal control DMSA, and 14 (9% of all patients) presented cortical lesions, 10 associated with a high-grade VUR. Fifty-seven children were followed by control DMSA, and no significant correlation between initial and follow-up study was found (κ= 0.250, p<0.007). Conclusion: These results indicate that DMSA study performed during febrile UTI may not be useful as predictor of patient outcome. Voiding cysto urethrography and control DMSA study seem to be more useful to select patients at risk of development of chronic cortical lesions

  16. Office-based treatment and outcomes for febrile infants with clinically diagnosed bronchiolitis. (United States)

    Luginbuhl, Lynn M; Newman, Thomas B; Pantell, Robert H; Finch, Stacia A; Wasserman, Richard C


    The goals were to describe the (1) frequency of sepsis evaluation and empiric antibiotic treatment, (2) clinical predictors of management, and (3) serious bacterial illness frequency for febrile infants with clinically diagnosed bronchiolitis seen in office settings. The Pediatric Research in Office Settings network conducted a prospective cohort study of 3066 febrile infants (or=38 degrees C) in 219 practices in 44 states. We compared the frequency of sepsis evaluation, parenteral antibiotic treatment, and serious bacterial illness in infants with and without clinically diagnosed bronchiolitis. We identified predictors of sepsis evaluation and parenteral antibiotic treatment in infants with bronchiolitis by using logistic regression models. Practitioners were less likely to perform a complete sepsis evaluation, urine testing, and cerebrospinal fluid culture and to administer parenteral antibiotic treatment for infants with bronchiolitis, compared with those without bronchiolitis. Significant predictors of sepsis evaluation in infants with bronchiolitis included younger age, higher maximal temperature, and respiratory syncytial virus testing. Predictors of parenteral antibiotic use included initial ill appearance, age of urinary tract infection (n = 167). In office settings, serious bacterial illness in young febrile infants with clinically diagnosed bronchiolitis is uncommon. Limited testing for bacterial infections seems to be an appropriate management strategy.

  17. Microorganisms isolated from cultures and infection focus and antibiotic treatments in febrile neutropenic children from Şanlıurfa, Turkey. (United States)

    Özdemir, Z Canan; Koç, Ahmet; Ayçiçek, Ali


    Chemotherapy induced febrile neutropenia predisposes patients to life threatening infections. We aimed to determine the causative microorganisms, infection focus and antibiotic treatment success in febrile neutropenic children with leukemia. A total of 136 febrile neutropenic episodes in 48 leukemic children were reviewed retrospectively from records. Among 136 febrile neutropenic episodes, 68 (50%) episodes were microbiologically documented. Methicillin sensitive coagulase (-) Staphylococcus aureus were the most common isolates from hemoculture (20.5%). The most frequently documented infection focus was mucositis (31.9%). Ceftazidime plus amikacin was the most commonly used antimicrobial treatment for the empirical therapy (52.9%). The overall response rates were 70.5%, 86.9%, and 66.6% of first line, second line and third line therapies, respectively. The spectrum of isolates among febrile neutropenic children in our hematology clinic appears to be gram positive pathogens which are the most common agents. Therefore the, documentation of the flora in each unit could help to decide appropriate empirical therapy which is life saving.

  18. Two-Step Process for ED UTI Screening in Febrile Young Children: Reducing Catheterization Rates. (United States)

    Lavelle, Jane M; Blackstone, Mercedes M; Funari, Mary Kate; Roper, Christine; Lopez, Patricia; Schast, Aileen; Taylor, April M; Voorhis, Catherine B; Henien, Mira; Shaw, Kathy N


    Urinary tract infection (UTI) screening in febrile young children can be painful and time consuming. We implemented a screening protocol for UTI in a high-volume pediatric emergency department (ED) to reduce urethral catheterization, limiting catheterization to children with positive screens from urine bag specimens. This quality-improvement initiative was implemented using 3 Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles, beginning with a small test of the proposed change in 1 ED area. To ensure appropriate patients received timely screening, care teams discussed patient risk factors and created patient-specific, appropriate procedures. The intervention was extended to the entire ED after providing education. Finally, visual cues were added into the electronic health record, and nursing scripts were developed to enlist family participation. A time-series design was used to study the impact of the 6-month intervention by using a p-chart to determine special cause variation. The primary outcome measure for the study was defined as the catheterization rate in febrile children ages 6 to 24 months. The ED reduced catheterization rates among febrile young children from 63% to UTIs among those followed within the hospital's network. A 2-step less-invasive process for screening febrile young children for UTI can be instituted in a high-volume ED without increasing length of stay or missing cases of UTI. Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  19. A brucellosis case presenting with vesicular and maculopapular rash and febrile neutropenia

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    Selmin Dirgen Çaylak


    Full Text Available Brucellosis is a systemic disease in which all kind of tissues and organs can be affected. Brucellosis may present with different symptoms and symptoms are non-specific. A broad spectrum of clinical manifestations can be seen, therefore diagnosis can be difficult. Cutaneous complications and febrile neutropenia have been rarely reported. Here, a rare brucellosis case was reported that he applied with fever, skin eruption and neutropenia. We emphasized that especially in endemic areas brucellosis should always be kept on mind in the differential diagnosis of patient with skin eruption and febril neutropenia.J Microbiol Infect Dis 2014;4(1: 39-41

  20. Glosectomía parcial en paciente portador del síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann: relato del caso

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    Victor Diniz Borborema dos Santos


    Full Text Available El síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann es una alteración congénita con diversas manifestaciones clínicas, de entre las cuales las más prevalentes son la macroglosia (97%, el gigantismo (88% y los defectos de la pared abdominal (80%. Ortodónticamente, la mayoría de los pacientes presentan mordida abierta anterior y relación de clase III de Angle. La macroglosia puede causar problemas estéticos y anomalías funcionales relacionadas con el habla, la masticación, fonación, deglución y respiración, con potencial de obstrucción de las vías respiratorias superiores y disminución de la estabilidad del tratamiento ortoquirúrgico. Con el fin de evitar episodios como este, es necesaria la realización de una glosectomía parcial en algunos pacientes. El presente trabajo realiza consideraciones con relación al diagnóstico y tratamiento de la macroglosia y relata el caso clínico de un paciente portador del síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann que fue intervenido por medio de glosectomía parcial, utilizando la técnica preconizada por Obwergeser et al. (1964 y que en un postoperatorio de 3 años presentó resultados cosméticos y funcionales satisfactorios.

  1. Assessment of the Level of GABA and Some Trace Elements in Blood in Children who Suffer from Familial Febrile Convulsions

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    Osama N. Salah


    Full Text Available Febrile seizure is one of the most common neurological problems during childhood. The etiology and pathogenesis of febrile seizure remain unknown. However, several factors such as vitamin B6 deficiency, electrolyte disturbances, and reduction in serum zinc, selenium, magnesium levels, and low gamma - aminobutyric acid (GABA levels are thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of febrile seizure. The present study included twenty children from 10 families, 11 were male and 9 were female. Each family has at least 2 members with a history of febrile convulsion. All cases were subjected to the following: Determination of serum levels of copper, zinc, magnesium, selenium level in serum, and plasma level of γ-aminobytaric acid (GABA. Serum levels of selenium and GABA were statistically significantly low in comparison with controls. Serum copper was statistically significantly higher in cases than controls, while serum zinc showed no significant changes in the cases of febrile convulsion compared with the control group. The mean Zn level in the serum of febrile convulsion was found to be at lower level than in the control group. The serum magnesium was significantly low in cases than controls. The logistic regression model in our study shows that Selenium and Magnesium have protective effects, while Copper has causative effect.

  2. Discussing a Teacher MKT and its Role on Teacher Practice when Exploring Data Analysis (Discusión del conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza de un profesor y su papel en la práctica docente cuando se explora el análisis de datos

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    C. Miguel Ribeiro y


    Full Text Available This article considers teacher knowledge in managing mathematically critical situations and the role of what can be termed a mathematical summary in the analysis of a teaching episode, viewed from the perspective of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT. The analysis is based on an episode of content review, from a perspective which aims to understand the teacher’s logic rather than merely identify gaps in their knowledge. We discuss the importance of approaching mathematically critical situations in order to contribute to eradicating mathematical innumeracy (statistics and to promote a kind of practice which is "mathematically demanding" as well as "pedagogically exciting".Este artículo considera el conocimiento del profesor al gestionar situaciones matemáticamente críticas y el papel de lo que puede denominarse un resumen matemático en el análisis de un episodio de enseñanza, visto desde la perspectiva del conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza. El análisis se basa en un episodio de revisión del contenido, desde una perspectiva que trata de comprender la lógica del profesor en vez de simplemente identificar lagunas en su conocimiento. Discutimos la importancia de abordar las situaciones matemáticamente críticas con el fin de contribuir a erradicar la incompetencia en matemáticas (estadística y promover un tipo de práctica que sea "matemáticamente exigente" así como "pedagógicamente interesante".

  3. Emergencias ambientales y el papel del Centro Nacional de Sanidad Ambiental

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    Francisco José Ruiz Boada


    Full Text Available La finalidad primordial del Centro Nacional de Sanidad Ambiental (CNSA del Instituto de Salud Carlos III, es la caracterización del riesgo potencial a que está expuesta la población ante potenciales episodios de contaminación ambiental. El CNSA, en base a su experiencia, conocimiento científico y recursos tecnológicos, y para dar cumplimiento a su principal función, de servir como apoyo científico-técnico a las Administraciones Públicas en aspectos sanitarios relacionados con el medio ambiente, creó a finales del año 2012, una Unidad de Emergencias constituida por las capacidades, tanto de personal como de medios, existentes en sus diferentes Áreas, Servicios y Unidades y así proyectar sus capacidades e intervenir en aquellas emergencia con repercusiones en el medioambiente en las que se requiera, por la administración competente, su apoyo y asesoramiento. Con el fin de probar su operatividad y puesta a punto tanto de su procedimiento operativo de actuación en estas emergencias, como de los planes de calidad específicos desarrollados para las diferentes matrices ambientales, ha participado desde su creación en cuatro ejercicios organizados desde la Dirección General de Protección Civil y la Unidad Militar de Emergencias, con las que se han firmado convenios marco de colaboración.

  4. Impact of Middle East respiratory syndrome outbreak on the use of emergency medical resources in febrile patients. (United States)

    Jeong, Hyunho; Jeong, Sikyoung; Oh, Juseok; Woo, Seon Hee; So, Byung Hak; Wee, Jeong Hee; Kim, Ji Hoon; Im, Ji Yong; Choi, Seung Pill; Park, Kyoungnam; Cho, Byul Nim Hee; Hong, Sungyoup


    Outbreaks of transmissible respiratory infection are suspected to have significant effects on the health of pediatric and geriatric patients. The objective was to assess the impact of the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) outbreak on the use of emergency resources. An ecologic analysis of emergency department (ED) records between September and December 2015, was performed. Data was obtained from the National Emergency Department Information System database for Korea. All demographic and diagnostic data from patients presenting with febrile symptoms as a main complaint were collected. The data were compared to the equivalent period in the three years preceding the MERS outbreak in Korea. Following the MERS outbreak, there was an increase in overall ED visits by febrile patients and the proportion of visits by febrile patients, relative to total ED attendances. This effect was more prominent in the children under five years. The duration of the chief complaint before ED arrival and the length of ED stay were significantly increased among younger pediatric patients. Decreased body temperature on arrival was observed in younger pediatric patients. MERS outbreak appears to have had a significant effects on ED use by febrile patients. The use of emergency care services by pediatric patients makes them more vulnerable to an outbreak of a transmissable disease. An effective strategy to control emergency center visits by non-urgent febrile patients and provide proper medical services is urgently needed.

  5. epilepsy following simple febrile seizure in a rural community in ...

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    Dec 12, 2011 ... family history of epilepsy did not significantly influence the development of later epilepsy X2 ... following a single simple febrile seizure. MATERIALS ANd ... If the parent did not witness the seizure, an adult who witnessed the ...

  6. Expression Profiling after Prolonged Experimental Febrile Seizures in Mice Suggests Structural Remodeling in the Hippocampus.

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    Bart C Jongbloets

    Full Text Available Febrile seizures are the most prevalent type of seizures among children up to 5 years of age (2-4% of Western-European children. Complex febrile seizures are associated with an increased risk to develop temporal lobe epilepsy. To investigate short- and long-term effects of experimental febrile seizures (eFS, we induced eFS in highly febrile convulsion-susceptible C57BL/6J mice at post-natal day 10 by exposure to hyperthermia (HT and compared them to normotherm-exposed (NT mice. We detected structural re-organization in the hippocampus 14 days after eFS. To identify molecular candidates, which entrain this structural re-organization, we investigated temporal changes in mRNA expression profiles eFS 1 hour to 56 days after eFS. We identified 931 regulated genes and profiled several candidates using in situ hybridization and histology at 3 and 14 days after eFS. This is the first study to report genome-wide transcriptome analysis after eFS in mice. We identify temporal regulation of multiple processes, such as stress-, immune- and inflammatory responses, glia activation, glutamate-glutamine cycle and myelination. Identification of the short- and long-term changes after eFS is important to elucidate the mechanisms contributing to epileptogenesis.

  7. Colony-stimulating factors for chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia. (United States)

    Mhaskar, Rahul; Clark, Otavio Augusto Camara; Lyman, Gary; Engel Ayer Botrel, Tobias; Morganti Paladini, Luciano; Djulbegovic, Benjamin


    Febrile neutropenia is a frequent adverse event experienced by people with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy, and is a potentially life-threatening situation. The current treatment is supportive care plus antibiotics. Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs), such as granulocyte-CSF (G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), are cytokines that stimulate and accelerate the production of one or more cell lines in the bone marrow. Clinical trials have addressed the question of whether the addition of a CSF to antibiotics could improve outcomes in individuals diagnosed with febrile neutropenia. However, the results of these trials are conflicting. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of adding G-CSF or GM-CSF to standard treatment (antibiotics) when treating chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in individuals diagnosed with cancer. We conducted the search in March 2014 and covered the major electronic databases: the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, and SCI. We contacted experts in hematology and oncology and also scanned the citations from the relevant articles. We searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared CSF plus antibiotics versus antibiotics alone for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in adults and children. We used the standard methodological procedures expected by The Cochrane Collaboration. We performed meta-analysis of the selected studies using Review Manager 5 software. Fourteen RCTs (15 comparisons) including a total of 1553 participants addressing the role of CSF plus antibiotics in febrile neutropenia were included. Overall mortality was not improved by the use of CSF plus antibiotics versus antibiotics alone (hazard ratio (HR) 0.74 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.47 to 1.16) P = 0.19; 13 RCTs; 1335 participants; low quality evidence). A similar finding was seen for infection-related mortality (HR 0.75 (95% CI 0.47 to 1.20) P = 0.23; 10 RCTs; 897

  8. Microscopy 'AIDS' in diagnosing a febrile infant | Crous | Southern ...

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    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 12, No 3 (2011) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register. Microscopy 'AIDS' in diagnosing a febrile infant.

  9. El abrigo de Martinarri (Obécuri, Treviño: una ocupación del Tardiglaciar en la Cuenca Alta del Ebro

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    Alday, Alfonso


    Full Text Available We present recently discovered Martinarri’s site, in Treviño. The initial excavations have shown that it was occupied during the transition from Pleistocene to Holocene, providing information of a largely unknown episode in the Upper Ebro and in the interior of the Iberian peninsula. The text provides an initial assessment of the stratigraphic sequence and the materials recovered. Along with carbon-14 data (unpublished, we propose an initial interpretation of the dynamics of occupation of the site. Also, the nature of the period to which it refers, requires a review of currently available knowledge and reflection on its characterization.

    Presentamos el yacimiento de Martinarri, recientemente descubierto en Treviño. Los iniciales trabajos de excavación han evidenciado ocupaciones en el tránsito del Pleistoceno al Holoceno que llenan de contenido un episodio cultural muy desconocido en el Alto Ebro, en particular, y en el interior de la Península Ibérica, en general. En el texto se ofrece una primera evaluación tanto de la secuencia estratigráfica como de los materiales recuperados, esbozando junto con los datos radiocronológicos (inéditos, una primera interpretación de la dinámica ocupacional del lugar. Dada la propia naturaleza del período se revisa el conocimiento disponible en la actualidad sobre el mismo y se reflexiona sobre su caracterización.

  10. Neutropenia febril em pacientes com câncer de mama submetidas à quimioterapia: experiência de 12 anos Febrile neutropenia in patients with breast cancer submitted to chemotherapy: a 12 year experience

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    Omero Benedicto Poli Neto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Identificar as características das pacientes com câncer de mama que desenvolveram neutropenia febril, estabelecer fatores de risco para a sua ocorrência e indicadores de evolução desfavorável. MÉTODOS: Realizamos um estudo caso-controle com 65 pacientes. Foram incluídas 13 pacientes que desenvolveram neutropenia febril e quatro controles por caso pareados por data e número de ciclos de quimioterapia prévios, drogas e doses empregadas. Os dados clínicos e laboratoriais foram obtidos dos prontuários médicos. Utilizamos odds ratio (OR e intervalo de confiança (IC de 95% para estimar a significância dos fatores de risco. RESULTADOS: Identificamos dois fatores de risco associados à ocorrência de neutropenia febril: a realização de quimioterapia nas primeiras 24 horas após a cirurgia (OR: 159,9 IC 95%: 9,5 a 2699 e a realização concomitante de quimioterapia e radioterapia da mama (OR: 108,3 IC 95%: 4,9 a 2391. Não observamos diferenças significativas entre casos e controles quanto à idade, índice de massa corporal e contagem de neutrófilos e monócitos antes da quimioterapia. Três pacientes foram a óbito (23,1%. Duas delas tinham idade superior a 60 anos, não apresentavam comorbidades, tinham recebido o primeiro ciclo de CMF nas primeiras 24 horas após a cirurgia e tiveram infecção de sítio cirúrgico. CONCLUSÕES: Os principais fatores de risco associados a neutropenia febril em pacientes com câncer de mama foram quimioterapia nas primeiras 24 horas após a cirurgia, e uso concomitante de quimioterapia e radioterapia da mama. Nosso estudo mostra, portanto, que estas situações devem ser evitadas.PURPOSE: To identify the characteristis of patients with breast cancer who developed febrile neutropenia and to establish risk factors for its incidence and parameters for an unfavorable evolution. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A case-control study was performed and included 65 patients: 13 patients presented febrile

  11. Principles, practices and knowledge of clinicians when assessing febrile children: a qualitative study in Kenya. (United States)

    Hooft, Anneka M; Ripp, Kelsey; Ndenga, Bryson; Mutuku, Francis; Vu, David; Baltzell, Kimberly; Masese, Linnet N; Vulule, John; Mukoko, Dunstan; LaBeaud, A Desiree


    Clinicians in low resource settings in malaria endemic regions face many challenges in diagnosing and treating febrile illnesses in children. Given the change in WHO guidelines in 2010 that recommend malaria testing prior to treatment, clinicians are now required to expand the differential when malaria testing is negative. Prior studies have indicated that resource availability, need for additional training in differentiating non-malarial illnesses, and lack of understanding within the community of when to seek care play a role in effective diagnosis and treatment. The objective of this study was to examine the various factors that influence clinician behavior in diagnosing and managing children presenting with fever to health centres in Kenya. A total of 20 clinicians (2 paediatricians, 1 medical officer, 2 nurses, and 15 clinical officers) were interviewed, working at 5 different government-sponsored public clinic sites in two areas of Kenya where malaria is prevalent. Clinicians were interviewed one-on-one using a structured interview technique. Interviews were then analysed qualitatively for themes. The following five themes were identified: (1) Strong familiarity with diagnosis of malaria and testing for malaria; (2) Clinician concerns about community understanding of febrile illness, use of traditional medicine, delay in seeking care, and compliance; (3) Reliance on clinical guidelines, history, and physical examination to diagnose febrile illness and recognize danger signs; (4) Clinician discomfort with diagnosis of primary viral illness leading to increased use of empiric antibiotics; and (5) Lack of resources including diagnostic testing, necessary medications, and training modalities contributes to the difficulty clinicians face in assessing and treating febrile illness in children. These themes persisted across all sites, despite variation in levels of medical care. Within these themes, clinicians consistently expressed a need for reliable basic testing

  12. Bladder volume at onset of vesicoureteral reflux is an independent risk factor for breakthrough febrile urinary tract infection. (United States)

    Alexander, Siobhan E; Arlen, Angela M; Storm, Douglas W; Kieran, Kathleen; Cooper, Christopher S


    Improved identification of children with vesicoureteral reflux at risk for recurrent febrile urinary tract infection may impact management decisions. We hypothesized that reflux occurring earlier during bladder filling increases the duration of exposure of the kidneys to bacteria, and, therefore, increases the risk of pyelonephritis. Children with vesicoureteral reflux and detailed voiding cystourethrogram data were identified. Bladder volume at onset of reflux was normalized for age. Demographics, reflux grade, laterality, presence/absence of bladder-bowel dysfunction and breakthrough febrile urinary tract infections were assessed. Median followup was 24 months (IQR 12 to 52). A total of 208 girls and 47 boys were analyzed with a mean ± SD age at diagnosis of 3.1 ± 2.6 years. On univariate analysis history of febrile urinary tract infection (HR 2.17, 95% CI 1.33-2.85, p = 0.01), dilating vesicoureteral reflux (HR 1.6, 95% CI 1.05-2.42, p = 0.03) and bladder-bowel dysfunction (HR 1.66, 95% CI 0.99-2.75, p = 0.05) were associated with an increased risk of breakthrough febrile urinary tract infection. Median bladder volume at onset of reflux in children with breakthrough febrile urinary tract infection was significantly less (33.1%) than in those without infection (49.5%, p = 0.003). Reflux onset at 35% predicted bladder capacity or less was associated with a significantly increased risk of breakthrough febrile urinary tract infection on multivariate analysis (HR 1.58, 95% CI 1.05-2.38, p = 0.03). Children with early filling vesicoureteral reflux are at increased risk for breakthrough febrile urinary tract infection independent of reflux grade. Bladder volume at onset of reflux should be recorded during cystograms since it provides additional prognostic information about the risk of pyelonephritis and resolution, and may assist with counseling and clinical decision making. Copyright © 2015 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Published by

  13. Itaya virus, a Novel Orthobunyavirus Associated with Human Febrile Illness, Peru (United States)

    Hontz, Robert D.; Guevara, Carolina; Halsey, Eric S.; Silvas, Jesus; Santiago, Felix W.; Widen, Steven G.; Wood, Thomas G.; Casanova, Wilma; Vasilakis, Nikos; Watts, Douglas M.; Kochel, Tadeusz J.; Ebihara, Hideki


    Our genetic analyses of uncharacterized bunyaviruses isolated in Peru identified a possible reassortant virus containing small and large gene segment sequences closely related to the Caraparu virus and a medium gene segment sequence potentially derived from an unidentified group C orthobunyavirus. Neutralization tests confirmed serologic distinction among the newly identified virus and the prototype and Caraparu strains. This virus, named Itaya, was isolated in 1999 and 2006 from febrile patients in the cities of Iquitos and Yurimaguas in Peru. The geographic distance between the 2 cases suggests that the Itaya virus could be widely distributed throughout the Amazon basin in northeastern Peru. Identification of a new Orthobunyavirus species that causes febrile disease in humans reinforces the need to expand viral disease surveillance in tropical regions of South America. PMID:25898901

  14. Itaya virus, a Novel Orthobunyavirus Associated with Human Febrile Illness, Peru. (United States)

    Hontz, Robert D; Guevara, Carolina; Halsey, Eric S; Silvas, Jesus; Santiago, Felix W; Widen, Steven G; Wood, Thomas G; Casanova, Wilma; Vasilakis, Nikos; Watts, Douglas M; Kochel, Tadeusz J; Ebihara, Hideki; Aguilar, Patricia V


    Our genetic analyses of uncharacterized bunyaviruses isolated in Peru identified a possible reassortant virus containing small and large gene segment sequences closely related to the Caraparu virus and a medium gene segment sequence potentially derived from an unidentified group C orthobunyavirus. Neutralization tests confirmed serologic distinction among the newly identified virus and the prototype and Caraparu strains. This virus, named Itaya, was isolated in 1999 and 2006 from febrile patients in the cities of Iquitos and Yurimaguas in Peru. The geographic distance between the 2 cases suggests that the Itaya virus could be widely distributed throughout the Amazon basin in northeastern Peru. Identification of a new Orthobunyavirus species that causes febrile disease in humans reinforces the need to expand viral disease surveillance in tropical regions of South America.

  15. [Complex febrile seizures: study of the associated pathology and practical use of complementary tests]. (United States)

    Berzosa López, R; Ramos Fernández, J M; Martínez Antón, J; Espinosa Fernández, M G; Urda Cardona, A


    Although one third of febrile seizures are complex, a consensus has still not been reached on how to manage them, as is the case with simple febrile seizures. The objective of this study is to estimate the usefulness of complementary examinations and the risk of associated serious intracranial pathology. A retrospective review was conducted from 2003 until 2011 on patients from 6 months to 6 years presenting with a complex febrile seizure admitted to a tertiary care hospital, excluding the cases with previous neurological disease. Epidemiological and clinic variables were collected, as well as complementary tests and complications. We found 65 patients (31 females and 34 males), of whom 44 had repeated seizures in the first 24 hours, with 15 having focal seizures. The vast majority (90%) of the recurrences occurred before 15 hours. The mean age was 20.7 months and temperature was 39.1 ± 0.12°C. None of the patients had severe intracranial pathology. The electroencephalogram gave no helpful information for the diagnosis. Neuroimaging was normal in all studied cases. The incidence of complications in complex febrile seizure in our series did not justify the systematic admission or the systematic study with complementary tests when the neurological examination was normal. The routine electroencephalogram does not appear to be justified. Copyright © 2012 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  16. Chronological Evolution of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Children With Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome. (United States)

    Rivas-Coppola, Marianna S; Shah, Namrata; Choudhri, Asim F; Morgan, Robin; Wheless, James W


    To describe and analyze the chronological evolution of the radiological findings in seven children with febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome. This is a retrospective study describing the radiological findings and evolution in seven children with febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome who presented from 2009 to 2013. The children all fit the defined clinical criteria for febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome; all had a history of normal psychomotor development who presented with acute-onset catastrophic partial status epilepticus associated with a febrile illness or unspecific infectious process. The children were identified from the author's weekly review of the pediatric inpatient service, and then the data were collected and analyzed retrospectively. Six males and one female ranging from 3 months to 9 years of age presented with status epilepticus preceded by a febrile illness. Extensive investigations for infectious, autoimmune, and metabolic etiologies were unremarkable. Multiple antiepileptic medications were attempted, including drug-induced coma in all of them, with poor response. Immunotherapy with intravenous steroids or intravenous immunoglobulin (three patients had both) was tried in six of seven patients with a poor response. Ketogenic diet was initiated in four of seven patients with limited response. Serial magnetic resonance imaging studies, done from the initial presentation through 18 months of follow-up, showed evolution from normal imaging to severe cerebral atrophy. Progressive cytotoxic edema involving mostly bilateral hippocampi and temporal lobes was appreciated in one to three weeks. At one month from seizure onset, mild to moderate cerebral atrophy and hippocampal sclerosis was appreciated that continued to progress over the next year. After six to twelve months, most of the patients showed moderate to severe cerebral atrophy and by one year, cerebellar atrophy was also appreciated. Febrile infection-related epilepsy

  17. as a cause of acute-onset febrile illness in cats

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    Edward B Breitschwerdt


    Full Text Available Case series summary At different time points spanning 6 months, three adopted feral flea-infested cats, residing in the household of a veterinary technician, became acutely anorexic, lethargic and febrile. Enrichment blood culture/PCR using Bartonella alpha Proteobacteria growth medium (BAPGM confirmed initial infection with the same Bartonella henselae genotype in all three cases. With the exception of anemia and neutropenia, complete blood counts, serum biochemical profiles and urinalysis results were within reference intervals. Also, tests for feline leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus, Toxoplasma gondii and feline coronavirus antibodies were negative. Serial daily temperature monitoring in one case confirmed a cyclic, relapsing febrile temperature pattern during 1 month, with resolution during and after treatment with azithromycin. Bartonella henselae Western immunoblot (WB results did not consistently correlate with BAPGM enrichment blood culture/PCR results or B henselae indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA titers, and WB titration results were not informative for establishing antibiotic treatment failure. During the respective follow-up periods, no illnesses or additional febrile episodes were reported, despite repeat documentation of B henselae bacteremia in two cats available for follow-up (one with the same genotype and the other with a different B henselae genotype; one cat was, unfortunately, killed by dogs before follow-up testing. Relevance and novel information We conclude that microbiological diagnosis and treatment of B henselae infection in cats can be challenging, that antibody titration results and resolution of clinical abnormalities may not correlate with a therapeutic cure, and that fever and potentially neutropenia should be differential diagnostic considerations for young cats with suspected bartonellosis.

  18. Beneficios de la distracción mandibular en neonatos con apnea del sueño

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    D.J. Caycedo-García


    Full Text Available La apnea obstructiva del sueño o hipoventilación obstructiva en neonatos, es distinta que en los adultos y también lo son su presentación, etiología y tratamiento. Se considera apnea del sueño cuando se produce 1 episodio de apnea por hora de más de 10 segundos de duración, con saturación menor del 87% e incremento del CO2. Existen varias causas, pero los factores anatómicos y neurofuncionales son la base del problema respiratorio superior que produce fallos en las fuerzas que contraen y dilatan la vía aérea. La retromicrognatia como causa anatómica, puede ser aislada o sindrómica. La hipoxemia y la hipercapnia aumentan la presión negativa intratorácica del paciente con la consecuencia de daño celular sin que se pueda cuantificar la gravedad de la lesión cerebral en esta etapa neonatal. En el presente estudio, observacional descriptivo, entre los años 2000 y 2011, en una serie de 49 pacientes neonatos de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Recién Nacido del Hospital Universitario del Valle y del Centro Médico Imbanaco de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia, pretendemos evidenciar los beneficios del tratamiento precoz de los neonatos que presentan retromicrognatia y apnea obstructiva o hipoventilación obstructiva, intervenidos quirúrgicamente mediante corticotomía, colocación de distractores y elongación mandibular, logrando que la apnea obstructiva desapareciera en un tiempo no superior a una semana y que la mejoría clínica de los recién nacidos con este diagnostico fuera evidente, evitando la traqueotomía y las posibles complicaciones y secuelas por hipoxia cerebral, a la vez que disminuyó la estancia hospitalaria.

  19. Evaluation of febrile neutropenic patients hospitalized in a hematology clinic

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    Mücahit Görük


    Conclusions: Febrile neutropenia is still a problem in patients with hematological malignancies. The documentation of the flora and detection of causative agents of infections in each unit would help to decide appropriate empirical therapy. Infection control procedures should be applied for preventing infections and transmissions.

  20. Prophylactic drug management for febrile seizures in children

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    Martin Offringa

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Febrile seizures occurring in a child older than one month during an episode of fever affect 2% to 4% of children in Great Britain and the United States and recur in 30%. Rapid-acting antiepileptics and antipyretics given during subsequent fever episodes have been used to avoid the adverse effects of continuous antiepileptic drugs. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of antiepileptic and antipyretic drugs used prophylactically to treat children with febrile seizures. METHODS Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library 2011. Issue 3; MEDLINE (1966 to May 2011; EMBASE (1966 to May 2011; Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE (May 2011. No language restrictions were imposed. We also contacted researchers in the field to identify continuing or unpublished studies. Selection criteria: Trials using randomized or quasi-randomized patient allocation that compared the use of antiepileptic or antipyretic agents with each other, placebo or no treatment. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors (RN and MO independently applied pre-defined criteria to select trials for inclusion and extracted the pre-defined relevant data, recording methods for randomization, blinding and exclusions. Outcomes assessed were seizure recurrence at 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 months and at age 5 to 6 years in the intervention and non-intervention groups, and adverse medication effects. The presence of publication bias was assessed using funnel plots. MAIN RESULTS Thirty-six articles describing 26 randomized trials with 2740 randomized participants were included. Thirteen interventions of continuous or intermittent prophylaxis and their control treatments were analyzed. Methodological quality was moderate to poor in most studies. We could not do a meta-analysis for 8 of the 13 comparisons due to insufficient numbers of trials. No significant benefit for valproate, pyridoxine


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    Ángel Asensio


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: No se dispone de estudios adecuados del coste de las diarreas asociadas a Clostridium difficile (DACD en España. El objetivo del estudio es estimar el coste de las DACD para el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS. Métodos: Se realizó un modelo económico para calcular el coste por episodio de DACD (por antibióticos, prolongación del ingreso hospitalario, procedimientos quirúrgicos, medidas de control de la infección, recurrencias de las infecciones tratadas y el coste anual de la DACD. El uso de recursos en la práctica clínica se obtuvo mediante un panel Delphi de clínicos españoles con experiencia en la DACD y los costes unitarios (€ 2012 de fuentes españolas. Resultados: Se estimó que anualmente se produjeron 7.601 episodios de DACD en España (incidencia de 17,1 episodios/año/10.000 altas hospitalarias con un gasto anual para el SNS de 32.157.093 €. Coste por episodio de DACD: 3.901 € (infección inicial, 4.875 € (primera recurrencia y 5.916 € (segunda recurrencia. Coste total de las recurrencias: 10.426.750 € anuales. El 95,6% del gasto se debería a la prolongación de la duración de la estancia hospitalaria, el 0,5% a tratamientos antibióticos, el 2,8% a intervenciones quirúrgicas y el 1,1% a las medidas de control de la infección. Los resultados del estudio fueron sensibles a la incidencia y tasa de letalidad de la DACD en España y a la duración de la prolongación de la duración de la estancia hospitalaria debida a la DACD. Conclusiones: Según este estudio, el gasto asociado a la DACD se debe fundamentalmente a la prolongación de los ingresos hospitalarios y tiene un gran impacto económico en el SNS.

  2. Retrospective study for risk factors for febrile UTI in spinal cord injury patients with routine concomitant intermittent catheterization in outpatient settings. (United States)

    Mukai, S; Shigemura, K; Nomi, M; Sengoku, A; Yamamichi, F; Fujisawa, M; Arakawa, S


    Retrospective study. The objective of this study was to investigate the clinical risk factors for febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) in spinal cord injury-associated neurogenic bladder (NB) patients who perform routine clean intermittent catheterization (CIC). Rehabilitation Hospital, Kobe, Japan. Over a 3-year period, we retrospectively assessed the clinical risk factors for febrile UTI in 259 spinal cord injury patients diagnosed as NB and performing routine CIC with regard to the factors such as gender, the presence of pyuria and bacteriuria, and the categories of the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) impairment scale. A total of 67 patients had febrile UTI in the follow-up period, with 57 cases of pyelonephritis, 11 cases of epididymitis and 2 cases of prostatitis, including the patients with plural infectious diseases. The causative bacteria were ranked as follows: Escherichia coli (74 cases), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (17 cases), Enterococcus faecalis (14 cases) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (12 cases). Antibiotic-resistant E. coli were seen, with 10.5% instances of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) production and 23.8% of fluoroquinolone resistance. Multivariate analyses of clinical risk factors for febrile UTI showed that gender (male, P=0.0431), and ASIA impairment scale C or more severe (P=0.0266) were significantly associated with febrile UTI occurrence in NB patients with routine CIC. Our data demonstrated gender (male) and ASIA impairment scale C or more severe were significantly associated with febrile UTI occurrence in NB patients using routine CIC. Further prospective studies are necessary to define the full spectrum of possible risk factors for febrile UTI in these patients.

  3. Epilepsy following simple febrile seizure in a rural community in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To study the outcome of subsequent epilepsy following a single uncomplicated febrile seizure in a cohort of children aged six months to six years followed up for a ten year period. Design: Observational prospective cohort study. Setting: Mahenge epilepsy clinic, Ulanga district, Morogoro region, Tanzania.

  4. Notas sobre la recepcion del “lanzarote” Español en el siglo XVI (Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, ms. 9.611

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    José Manuel Lucía Megías


    Full Text Available En el Libra del cavallero Zifar (romance Castellano de principios del siglo XIVI se alude al lai Lanval de María de Francia en un curioso episodio que está llamado a ser uno de los primeros reclamos literarios explícitos de la materia artúrica en la Península Ibérica. Detengámonos en él unos instantes: Roboán, hijo del Cavallero Zifar, es enviado por el emperador de Trigrida al Otro Mundo, a las Islas Dotadas. En un "batel sin gobernalle" arriba a una tierra protegida por rocas tan altas que llegan basta el cielo. El infante entra por un "postigo" que abre las puertas ante su presencia y después de recorrer algo más de "seis migeros" por un caño, llega "a la otra parte" y se encuentra con dos doneelias "muy bien vestidas e muy apuestas" que le informan sobre la naturaleza encantada del lugar, el nombre de su señora -Nobleza-, y la historia de su madre -Señora del Parescer-, de su padre -Lanval. Mientras que el grupo se encamina al encuentro de la emperatriz, una doncella comienza a leer Ia historia de Lanval (Yván en el Zifar.

  5. Emergency Department Crowding and Time to Antibiotic Administration in Febrile Infants

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    Jennifer K Light


    Full Text Available Introduction: Early antibiotic administration is recommended in newborns presenting with febrile illness to emergency departments (ED to avert the sequelae of serious bacterial infection. Although ED crowding has been associated with delays in antibiotic administration in a dedicated pediatric ED, the majority of children that receive emergency medical care in the U.S. present to EDs that treat both adult and pediatric emergencies. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between time to antibiotic administration in febrile newborns and crowding in a general ED serving both an adult and pediatric population.Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of 159 newborns presenting to a general ED between 2005 and 2011 and analyzed the association between time to antibiotic administration and ED occupancy rate at the time of, prior to, and following infant presentation to the ED.Results: We observed delayed and variable time to antibiotic administration and found no association between time to antibiotic administration and occupancy rate prior to, at the time of, or following infant presentation (P > 0.05. ED time to antibiotic administration was not associated with hospital length of stay, and there was no inpatient mortality.Conclusion: Delayed and highly variable time to antibiotic treatment in febrile newborns was common but unrelated to ED crowding in the general ED study site. Guidelines for time to antibiotic administration in this population may reduce variability in ED practice patterns. [West J Emerg Med. 2013;14(5:518-524.

  6. Evaluation of febrile neutropenia in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

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    Shahideh Amini


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the incidence and causes of fever as a major problem contributing to transplantation related mortality among patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT and evaluation of antibiotic use, according to reliable guidelines.We retrospectively reviewed hospital records of 195 adult patients who underwent HSCT between 2009-2011 at hematology-oncology and bone marrow transplantation research center. Baseline information and also data related to fever and neutropenia, patient's outcomes, duration of hospitalization and antibiotic use pattern were documented.A total of 195 patients were analyzed and a total of 268 febrile episodes in 180 patients were recorded (mean 1.5 episodes per patient. About 222 episodes (82% were associated with neutropenia which one-fourth of them were without any documented infection sources. Microbiologic documents showed that the relative frequencies of gram positive and gram negative bacteria were 62.5% and 37.5%, respectively. The hospital stay duration was directly related to the numbers of fever episodes (P<0.0001.The rate of febrile episodes in autologous stem cell transplantation was significantly higher compared to allogeneic type (P<0.05.It is necessary to determine not only the local profile of microbiologic pattern, but also antibiotic sensitivities in febrile neutropenic patients following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and reassess response to antibiotic treatment to establish any necessity for modifications to treatment guidelines in order to prevent any fatal complications from infection.

  7. ¿Son los errores congénitos del metabolismo causa prevenible de muerte súbita?

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    Roberto Álvarez Fumero

    Full Text Available El síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante (SMSL no es un proceso aislado, sino un hecho multifactorial y multicausal, del cual cada día se restan alteraciones potencialmente diagnosticables, para pasar a ser un diagnóstico de exclusión. Algunos errores congénitos del metabolismo (ECM han sido asociados al SMSL y/o a episodios aparentemente letales EAL, aunque la mayoría de ellos suelen tener alguna expresión clínica que los hace potencialmente diagnosticables antes de la muerte, lo que permite ser descartados de entre las causas del SMSL. De ellos, los más estrechamente relacionados con el SMSL son los trastornos de la betaoxidación mitocondrial de ácidos grasos. Solo del 3 al 5 % de los SMSL pueden guardar relación con ECM. El mayor impacto que representa el conocimiento de la asociación de SMSL y estos trastornos, es precisamente la posibilidad de su prevención. El personal médico debe conocer que la más eficiente forma de prevenir el SMSL relacionado con los ECM, es la búsqueda activa de lactantes de riesgo al realizar una exhaustiva anamnesis. Estos casos deben ser objeto de estudios metabólicos especializados, para lo cual es imprescindible conocer los requisitos de obtención, conservación y traslado de muestras al Laboratorio de Referencia.

  8. Consenso intersociedades para el manejo de infecciones respiratorias: bronquitis aguda y enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

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    Gustavo Lopardo


    Full Text Available La Sociedad Argentina de Infectología convocó a otras sociedades científicas para elaborar una guía práctica y actualizada para el manejo del tratamiento antibiótico de las bronquitis agudas (BA y los episodios de reagudización de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC, con el objetivo de promover el uso racional de los recursos diagnósticos y terapéuticos. La BA se caracteriza por la inflamación del árbol bronquial que afecta tanto a adultos como a niños sin enfermedades pulmonares crónicas, siendo de origen viral en la mayoría de los casos. El diagnóstico es clínico, debiéndose diferenciar de los episodios de neumonía adquirida en la comunidad. El tratamiento de los episodios de BA es fundamentalmente sintomático. En huéspedes inmunocomprometidos, con enfermedades crónicas respiratorias o cardíacas y en adultos mayores con comorbilidades debe evaluarse el requerimiento de tratamiento antibiótico caso por caso. Se define como exacerbación de la EPOC al cambio agudo en la situación clínica basal del paciente más allá de la variabilidad diaria, que cursa con aumento de la disnea, aumento de la expectoración, expectoración purulenta, o cualquier combinación de estos tres síntomas, y que precisa un cambio terapéutico. La presencia de uno de estos síntomas se define como episodio leve, dos como moderado y tres como grave. En un 50 a 75% de las exacerbaciones de EPOC se aísla en el esputo un agente infeccioso. En los episodios moderados y graves debe iniciarse tratamiento antibiótico. Amoxicilina-inhibidor de betalactamasas, macrólidos y fluoroquinolonas se encuentran entre las opciones terapéuticas.

  9. Chest radiography for predicting the cause of febrile illness among inpatients in Moshi, Tanzania

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fiorillo, S.P.; Diefenthal, H.C.; Goodman, P.C.; Ramadhani, H.O.; Njau, B.N.; Morrissey, A.B.; Maro, V.P.; Saganda, W.; Kinabo, G.D.; Mwako, M.S.; Bartlett, J.A.


    Aim: To describe chest radiographic abnormalities and assess their usefulness for predicting causes of fever in a resource-limited setting. Materials and methods: Febrile patients were enrolled in Moshi, Tanzania, and chest radiographs were evaluated by radiologists in Tanzania and the United States. Radiologists were blinded to the results of extensive laboratory evaluations to determine the cause of fever. Results: Of 870 febrile patients, 515 (59.2%) had a chest radiograph available; including 268 (66.5%) of the adolescents and adults, the remainder were infants and children. One hundred and nineteen (44.4%) adults and 51 (20.6%) children were human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected. Among adults, radiographic abnormalities were present in 139 (51.9%), including 77 (28.7%) with homogeneous and heterogeneous lung opacities, 26 (9.7%) with lung nodules, 25 (9.3%) with pleural effusion, 23 (8.6%) with cardiomegaly, and 13 (4.9%) with lymphadenopathy. Among children, radiographic abnormalities were present in 87 (35.2%), including 76 (30.8%) with homogeneous and heterogeneous lung opacities and six (2.4%) with lymphadenopathy. Among adolescents and adults, the presence of opacities was predictive of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Coxiella burnetii, whereas the presence of pulmonary nodules was predictive of Histoplasma capsulatum and Cryptococcus neoformans. Conclusions: Chest radiograph abnormalities among febrile inpatients are common in northern Tanzania. Chest radiography is a useful adjunct for establishing an aetiologic diagnosis of febrile illness and may provide useful information for patient management, in particular for pneumococcal disease, Q fever, and fungal infections

  10. Motivos asociados a la conducta violenta contra la pareja en hombres desmovilizados del conflicto armado

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    José Hernando Ávila-Toscano


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue identificar motivos asociados a las conductas violentas contra la pareja en las relaciones conyugales de desmovilizados del conflicto armado colombiano. Se evaluaron 224 hombres residentes en una zona de distensión militar y reacomodación psicosocial en la Costa Caribe colombiana mediante un diseño correlacional, aplicando dos cuestionarios para la detección de conductas violentas y los motivos relacionados con las mismas. Los datos se analizaron con Chi Cuadrado (x2 y análisis de regresión logística múltiple por pasos. El promedio de violencia conyugal fue de 82.1%, sobresaliendo las agresiones verbales, abandono o descuido, amenazas y coacción. Los antecedentes de relaciones conyugales previas y de maltrato en las mismas se asociaron a los episodios actuales de violencia (p<0.05. Motivos como sensación de malestar, historia de maltrato en la familia de origen, imposición, rabia, entre otros, se asociaron a las formas de agresión conyugal..


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    José Hernando Ávila-Toscano


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue identificar motivos asociados a las conductas violentas contra la pareja en las relaciones conyugales de desmovilizados del conflicto armado colombiano. Se evaluaron 224 hombres residentes en una zona de distensión militar y reacomodación psicosocial en la Costa Caribe colombiana mediante un diseño correlacional, aplicando dos cuestionarios para la detección de conductas violentas y los motivos relacionados con las mismas. Los datos se analizaron con Chi Cuadrado (x2 y análisis de regresión logística múltiple por pasos. El promedio de violencia conyugal fue de 82.1%, sobresaliendo las agresiones verbales, abandono o descuido, amenazas y coacción. Los antecedentes de relaciones conyugales previas y de maltrato en las mismas se asociaron a los episodios actuales de violencia (p<0.05. Motivos como sensación de malestar, historia de maltrato en la familia de origen, imposición, rabia, entre otros, se asociaron a las formas de agresión conyugal..

  12. Cost of dengue and other febrile illnesses to households in rural Cambodia: a prospective community-based case-control study

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    Margolis Harold S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The average annual reported dengue incidence in Cambodia is 3.3/1,000 among children Methods In 2006, active fever surveillance was conducted among a cohort of 6,694 children aged ≤ 15 years in 16 villages in Kampong Cham province, Cambodia. Subsequently, a case-control study was performed by individually assigning one non-dengue febrile control from the cohort to each laboratory-confirmed dengue case. Parents of cases and controls were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire to determine household-level, illness-related expenditures for medical and non-medical costs, and estimated income loss (see Additional file 1. The household socio-economic status was determined and its possible association with health seeking behaviour and the ability to pay for the costs of a febrile illness. Additional File 1 2006 cost study survey questionnaire, Cambodia. the questionnaire represents the data collection instrument that was developed and used during the present study. Click here for file Results Between September and November 2006, a total of 60 household heads were interviewed: 30 with dengue-positive and 30 with dengue-negative febrile children. Mean total dengue-related costs did not differ from those of other febrile illnesses (31.5 vs. 27.2 US$, p = 0.44. Hospitalization almost tripled the costs of dengue (from 14.3 to 40.1 US$ and doubled the costs of other febrile illnesses (from 17.0 to 36.2 US$. To finance the cost of a febrile illness, 67% of households incurred an average debt of 23.5 US$ and higher debt was associated with hospitalization compared to outpatient treatment (US$ 23.1 vs. US$ 4.5, p Conclusion In Cambodia, dengue and other febrile illnesses pose a financial burden to households. A possible reason for a lower rate of hospitalization among children from poor households could be the burden of higher illness-related costs and debts.

  13. ¿Volverán los tiempos del cólera a Colombia?

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    Marco González T.


    Full Text Available “La epidemia de cólera morbo, cuyas primeras víctimas cayeron fulminadas en los charcos del mercado, había causado en once semanas la más grande mortandad de nuestra historia (... En las dos primeras semanas del cólera, el cementerio fue desbordado y no quedó sitio disponible en las iglesias, a pesar de que habían pasado al osario común los restos carcomidos de nuestros próceres sin nombre (... Desde que se proclamó el bando del cólera, en el alcázar de la guarnición local se disparó un cañonazo cada cuarto de hora, de día y de noche, de acuerdo con la superstición cívica de que la pólvora purificaba el ambiente (... Cesó de pronto como había empezado y nunca se conoció el número de sus estragos...” “Así describió Gabriel García Márquez el brote de cólera asiático que azotó a Cartagena en en 1849 y que dio muerte a la cuarta parte de su población. Fue éste seguramente el primer episodio de cólera asiático en nuestro país” (1.

  14. Treatment of febrile seizures with intermittent clobazam Tratamento de convuslsões febris com clobazam intermitente

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    Maria Luiza G. Manreza


    Full Text Available Fifty children, 24 female and 26 male, with ages varying from 6 to 72 months (mean=23.7 m. that experienced at least one febrile seizure (FS entered a prospective study of intermittent therapy with clobazam. Cases with severe neurological abnormalities, progressive neurological disease, afebrile seizures, symptomatic seizures of other nature, or seizures during a central nervous system infection were excluded. Seizures were of the simple type in 25 patients, complex in 20 and unclassified in 5. The mean follow-up period was 7.9 months (range=l to 23 m., and the age at the first seizure varied from 5 to 42 months (mean=16.8 m.. Clobazam was administered orally during the febrile episode according to the child's weight: up to 5 kg, 5 mg/day; from 5 to 10 kg, 10 mg/day; from 11 to 15 kg, 15 mg/day, and over 15 kg, 20 mg/day. There were 219 febrile episodes, with temperature above 37.8 °C, in 40 children during the study period. Twelve children never received clobazam and 28 received the drug at least once. Drug efficacy was measured by comparing FS recurrence in the febrile episodes that were treated with clobazam with those in which only antipyretic measures were taken. Ten children (20% experienced a FS during the study period. Of the 171 febrile episodes treated with clobazam there were only 3 recurrences (1.7%, while of the 48 episodes treated only with antipyretic measures there were 11 recurrences (22.9%, a difference highly significant (pAvaliamos prospectivamente o uso intermitente do clobazam na profilaxia de convulsão febril em 50 crianças, 24 do sexo feminino e 26 do masculino, com idades entre 6 e 72 meses (média = 23,7 meses que haviam apresentado pelo menos um episódio de convulsão febril. Foram excluídas crianças com anormalidades neurológicas severas, doença neurológica progressiva, crises durante infecção do SNC e crises epilépticas sintomáticas outras. As convulsões febris foram classificadas como simples em 25

  15. El oratorio de San Felipe Neri y la controversia sobre las comedias en la Valencia del siglo XVII

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    Callado Estela, Emilio


    Full Text Available The present article analyzes some of the religious implications deriving from the famous controversy about the legality or illegality of theatre in the 17th century and in the city of Valencia. The question arose from an episode in which Don Luis Crespi de Borja was directly implicated. Crespi was the founder of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri in the Valencian region and a persistent fighter against comedy. As a consequence of his position in this affair members of the Oratory were pursued by other ecclesiastical sectors favouring theatre.

    El presente artículo analiza algunas de la implicaciones religiosas de la famosa controversia sobre la licitud o ilicitud del teatro, en el siglo XVII y en la ciudad de Valencia, a partir de un episodio protagonizado por don Luis Crespí de Borja, fundador del Oratorio de San Felipe Neri en tierras valencianas y consumado azote de las comedias, cuyo posicionamiento en este particular valdría a los oratorianos la persecución por parte de otros sectores eclesiásticos partidarios del arte escénico.

  16. RNA Transcriptional Biosignature Analysis for Identifying Febrile Infants With Serious Bacterial Infections in the Emergency Department (United States)

    Mahajan, Prashant; Kuppermann, Nathan; Suarez, Nicolas; Mejias, Asuncion; Casper, Charlie; Dean, J. Michael; Ramilo, Octavio


    Objectives To develop the infrastructure and demonstrate the feasibility of conducting microarray-based RNA transcriptional profile analyses for the diagnosis of serious bacterial infections in febrile infants 60 days and younger in a multicenter pediatric emergency research network. Methods We designed a prospective multicenter cohort study with the aim of enrolling more than 4000 febrile infants 60 days and younger. To ensure success of conducting complex genomic studies in emergency department (ED) settings, we established an infrastructure within the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network, including 21 sites, to evaluate RNA transcriptional profiles in young febrile infants. We developed a comprehensive manual of operations and trained site investigators to obtain and process blood samples for RNA extraction and genomic analyses. We created standard operating procedures for blood sample collection, processing, storage, shipping, and analyses. We planned to prospectively identify, enroll, and collect 1 mL blood samples for genomic analyses from eligible patients to identify logistical issues with study procedures. Finally, we planned to batch blood samples and determined RNA quantity and quality at the central microarray laboratory and organized data analysis with the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network data coordinating center. Below we report on establishment of the infrastructure and the feasibility success in the first year based on the enrollment of a limited number of patients. Results We successfully established the infrastructure at 21 EDs. Over the first 5 months we enrolled 79% (74 of 94) of eligible febrile infants. We were able to obtain and ship 1 mL of blood from 74% (55 of 74) of enrolled participants, with at least 1 sample per participating ED. The 55 samples were shipped and evaluated at the microarray laboratory, and 95% (52 of 55) of blood samples were of adequate quality and contained sufficient RNA for expression

  17. Technical report—Diagnosis and management of an initial UTI in febrile infants and young children. (United States)

    Finnell, S Maria E; Carroll, Aaron E; Downs, Stephen M


    The diagnosis and management of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in young children are clinically challenging. This report was developed to inform the revised, evidence-based, clinical guideline regarding the diagnosis and management of initial UTIs in febrile infants and young children, 2 to 24 months of age, from the American Academy of Pediatrics Subcommittee on Urinary Tract Infection. The conceptual model presented in the 1999 technical report was updated after a comprehensive review of published literature. Studies with potentially new information or with evidence that reinforced the 1999 technical report were retained. Meta-analyses on the effectiveness of antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent recurrent UTI were performed. Review of recent literature revealed new evidence in the following areas. Certain clinical findings and new urinalysis methods can help clinicians identify febrile children at very low risk of UTI. Oral antimicrobial therapy is as effective as parenteral therapy in treating UTI. Data from published, randomized controlled trials do not support antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent febrile UTI when vesicoureteral reflux is found through voiding cystourethrography. Ultrasonography of the urinary tract after the first UTI has poor sensitivity. Early antimicrobial treatment may decrease the risk of renal damage from UTI. Recent literature agrees with most of the evidence presented in the 1999 technical report, but meta-analyses of data from recent, randomized controlled trials do not support antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent febrile UTI. This finding argues against voiding cystourethrography after the first UTI.

  18. Influence of sex and age on febrile responses to peripheral and central administration of pyrogens in the rabbit. (United States)

    Lipton, J M; Ticknor, C B


    1. Intravenous injections of leucocytic pyrogen in doses of 15, 30 and 60 mul./kg caused febrile reactions in male rabbits that were related to age of the animal: rabbits under 2 yr of age developed fevers that were related to dose of pyrogen, while rabbits 2-3 yr old showed large febrile responses which were not dose-related.2. Female rabbits of comparable ages generally showed smaller febrile reactions to I.V. leucocytic pyrogen, and still older females (3-5 yr) developed fever only after the largest dose.3. Dose-related febrile responses to 2.5, 5 and 10 mul. leucocytic pyrogen given intracerebroventricularly (I.C.V.) were greater in male rabbits 1-3 yr old than in females of comparable age. Female rabbits 3-5 yr old showed dose-related fevers that were smaller than those of younger animals of both sexes.4. There were no major differences in response to 125, 250 and 500 ng PGE(2), given I.C.V., between male and female rabbits under 2 yr of age. Females 2-3 yr of age had greater responses to PGE(2) than males of comparable age whilst the oldest females showed smaller responses.5. It is concluded that the febrile response of the rabbit to peripheral and central leucocytic pyrogen varies with both age and sex. Differences in sensitivity of central fever controls to endogenous pyrogen in animals of different ages and sexes may account for the different responses to peripheral pyrogen.

  19. El cuaternario del Valle Inferior del Manzanares (Cuenca de Madrid, España

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    Silva, P. G.


    the water and sediment supply during the end of cold periods with relevant neotectonic and karstic activity, feedback by significant intrabasinal headward erosion processes from the late Middle Pleistocene.Se analiza el tramo Inferior del Manzanares entre Villaverde y su desembocadura en el río Jarama. En este tramo, el valle es de carácter asimétrico con desarrollo de escarpes en Yesos (ea. 60 m en su margen izquierda y de terrazas complejas en su margen derecha. Dentro de ellas la que domina la geomorfología del sector es un nivel de terraza complejo (engrosado que denominamos TCMZ (+ 16-22 m. Se encuentra constituido por al menos cinco secuencias fluviales (Mz de tipo meandriforme. Sobre ellas se solapan a doble vertiente niveles mixtos (Mx desde los + 15 a los + 8 m que poseen un carácter (más braided. En la arquitectura de la TCMZ participan muy significativamente aportes laterales procedentes de los tributarios (Butarque y Culebro, de los relieves marginales (escarpes en yesos y de los propios sistemas de terrazas (derrames de escarpes. La TCMZ es el nivel más alto en este sector sobre el que, además, se instala la propia divisoria del Valle en este sector, constituyendo este hecho el carácter más anómalo del valle. Todos estos caracteres poco usuales son resultado directo de la respuesta del sistema fluvial al proceso de captura que sufrió por parte del Jarama durante el Pleistoceno medio. Los contenidos faunísticos y líticos de la TCMZ permiten situar su desarrollo entre los OIS 10 (? al 5. Una manifiesta crisis paleosísmica a comienzos del OIS 5 acompaña al primer episodio de disección importante en el valle después del proceso de Captura. Las faunas frías e industrias musterienses de los niveles Mx permiten ubicar su desarrollo entre el OIS 4 y 3. En cualquier caso hay que considerar que los episodios de cut & fill que han modelado el paisaje fluvial durante el Pleistoceno superior difícilmente responden a los cambios eustáticos que

  20. Urinary tract infection in febrile under five children in Enugu, South Eastern Nigeria. (United States)

    Ibeneme, C A; Oguonu, T; Okafor, H U; Ikefuna, A N; Ozumba, U C


    Fever is a common symptom of urinary tract infection (UTI) in children less than 5 years of age. Little attention is however paid to UTI as a cause of fever in this age group. The objective of the following study is to determine the prevalence of UTI in febrile children less than 5 years of age and relate it to demographic and clinical characteristics. Urine specimen of febrile children aged 1-59 months obtained by suprapubic or midstream methods were analyzed using standard laboratory methods of microscopy, culture and sensitivity. A total of 200 children were enrolled; nearly 56% (112/200) were males. The mean age of the subjects was 31.14 ± 17.96 months. The prevalence of UTI was 11% and was significantly higher in females than in males ( P = 0.049). Children below 12 months of age had a higher rate of UTI than those 12 months and above ( P = 0.028). The common clinical features were vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, urinary frequency and urgency but none had a significant association with UTI. UTI is common in febrile under-fives especially among females and infants. No association was apparent between the occurrence of UTI and clinical parameters.

  1. Seizure recurrence after a first febrile seizure: a multivariate approach

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Offringa, M.; Derksen-Lubsen, G.; Bossuyt, P. M.; Lubsen, J.


    The results are presented of a follow-up study of 155 Dutch children after the first febrile seizure. Of these initially untreated children 37 per cent had had at least one, 30 per cent at least two and 17 per cent at least three subsequent seizures. The vulnerable period for recurrent seizures

  2. Serious bacterial infections in febrile young children: Lack of value ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fever is both a marker of insignificant viral infection, as well as more serious bacterial sepsis. Therefore ... febrile children under the age of 5 years (with an axillary temperature ≥38°C) who presented to Steve Biko Academic Hospital, Pretoria, with signs and symptoms of pneumonia, meningitis and/or generalised sepsis.

  3. Risk factors for febrile urinary tract infection in children with prenatal hydronephrosis: a prospective study. (United States)

    Braga, Luis H; Farrokhyar, Forough; D'Cruz, Jennifer; Pemberton, Julia; Lorenzo, Armando J


    We prospectively investigated the impact of risk factors for febrile urinary tract infection in infants with postnatally confirmed prenatal hydronephrosis. Patients seen for prenatal hydronephrosis from 2010 to 2013 were prospectively followed. Those with ectopic ureters and ureteroceles, posterior urethral valves and neuropathic bladders were excluded. The primary outcome was febrile catheter specimen urinary tract infection. We performed univariate analysis of 7 a priori risk factors, including age, hydronephrosis grade (low-I or II vs high-III or IV), type (isolated hydronephrosis vs hydroureteronephrosis), continuous antibiotic prophylaxis, vesicoureteral reflux grade, gender and circumcision status. Time to febrile urinary tract infection curves analyzed by Cox proportional regression were generated to adjust for confounders. We collected data on 334 patients, of whom 78% were male. A febrile urinary tract infection developed in 65 patients (19%) at a median of 4 months (range 1 to 31). High grade hydronephrosis was present in 192 infants (57%). Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis was prescribed in 96 cases (29%). Of patients on continuous antibiotic prophylaxis 69% had high grade hydronephrosis. Vesicoureteral reflux was identified in 57 of 238 patients in whom voiding cystourethrogram was done. Reflux was grade I to III in 14 cases and grade IV or V in 43. Two-thirds of the patients with reflux were on continuous antibiotic prophylaxis. Circumcision was performed in 95 males (36%). Cox proportional regression identified female gender (HR 3.3, p = 0.02), uncircumcised males (HR 3.2, p = 0.02), hydroureteronephrosis (HR 10.9, p hydronephrosis was also a significant risk factor (HR 3.0, p = 0.04). After patients with vesicoureteral reflux were excluded from the study, females and uncircumcised males with high grade hydroureteronephrosis had significantly higher febrile urinary tract infection rates. Therefore, those patients may benefit from continuous


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    Hernán Burbano Orjuela


    Full Text Available Resulta evidente que al iniciar el siglo XXI los seres humanos asisten a un difícil episodio de sus relaciones con la naturaleza. Por ello es conveniente invitar al examen de esta situación para que, desde los diferentes escenarios de la sociedad mundial, se identifiquen sus causas –con sentido de historiay se visualicen las alternativas que permitan entrar en un proceso de resolución del problema. En el presente artículo se busca animar el análisis de la crisis ambiental que vive el mundo de hoy, tomando referentes culturales, científicos y socioeconómicos, que permitan hacer un balance de lo ocurrido y que, en simultánea, hagan posible encontrar caminos para salir de este estado de cosas.

  5. Estudio piloto del trastorno mental puerperal severo

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    Ana Lucrecia Ramírez


    Full Text Available

    Este trabajo se realizó para definir los diagnósticos clínicos de 25 pacientes hospitalizadas por trastorno mental puerperal severo en instituciones de salud mental del Departamento de Antioquia, entre febrero de 1992 y octubre de 1993 y determinar si existe asociación significativa entre los diagnósticos más frecuentes y algunas variables demográficas, obstétricas y psiquiátricas. A cada paciente se le hizo una entrevista estructurada para establecer el diagnóstico clínico según el Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los trastornos mentales (DSM III A. Los dos diagnósticos más frecuentes se cruzaron con las variables; ellos fueron: episodio maníaco de trastorno afectivo bipolar (TAB (14 pacientes; 56% y trastorno psicótico sin especificar (TPSE (7 pacientes; 28%. No se halló asociación significativa entre estos diagnósticos, y las variables en consideración. Sí se la demostró entre hospitalización en los primeros 15 días del posparto y cualquiera de los siguientes: Trastornos Afectivos, Trastornos Psicóticos y TPSE (P< 0.05. Se propone la existencia de un subgrupo de los trastornos mentales puerperales, específico de este período, en el cual predominan los síntomas delirantes, alucinatorios, de confusión y perplejidad y cuya aparición tiene lugar en los 15 primeros días del posparto.

  6. Scintigraphy findings in children presenting the first febrile infection of urinary tract

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duarte Perez, Maria Caridad; Piedra Bello, Misleidys; Guillen Dosal, Ana


    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the more frequent bacterial infections in childhood. The aim of present research was to know the acute phase renal alterations of the first febrile infection of urinary tract

  7. Measurement of body temperature in normothermic and febrile rats: Limitations of using rectal thermometry. (United States)

    Dangarembizi, Rachael; Erlwanger, Kennedy H; Mitchell, Duncan; Hetem, Robyn S; Madziva, Michael T; Harden, Lois M


    Stress-induced hyperthermia following rectal thermometry is reported in normothermic rats, but appears to be muted or even absent in febrile rats. We therefore investigated whether the use of rectal thermometry affects the accuracy of temperature responses recorded in normothermic and febrile rats. Using intra-abdominally implanted temperature-sensitive radiotelemeters we measured the temperature response to rectal temperature measurement in male Sprague Dawley rats (~200g) injected subcutaneously with Brewer's yeast (20ml/kg of a 20% Brewer's yeast solution=4000mg/kg) or saline (20ml/kg of 0.9% saline). Rats had been pre-exposed to, or were naive to rectal temperature measurement before the injection. The first rectal temperature measurement was taken in the plateau phase of the fever (18h after injection) and at hourly intervals thereafter. In normothermic rats, rectal temperature measurement was associated with an increase in abdominal temperature (0.66±0.27°C) that had a rapid onset (5-10min), peaked at 15-20min and lasted for 35-50min. The hyperthermic response to rectal temperature measurement was absent in febrile rats. Exposure to rectal temperature measurement on two previous occasions did not reduce the hyperthermia. There was a significant positive linear association between temperatures recorded using the two methods, but the agreement interval identified that rectal temperature measured with a thermocouple probe could either be 0.7°C greater or 0.5°C lower than abdominal temperature measured with radiotelemeter. Thus, due to stress-induced hyperthermia, rectal thermometry does not ensure accurate recording of body temperature in short-spaced, intermittent intervals in normothermic and febrile rats. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. El papel de los estudios lingüísticos en la investigación psicosocial : el caso de las pasiones y los sentimientos


    Harré, Rom


    Entendiendo la conversación como el modelo principal para comprender los episodios sociales, este trabajo pretende plantear un nuevo paradigma en psicología social y explorar sus aportaciones en la investigación psicosocial. Las destrezas lingüísticas se presentan como el medio a partir del cual se construyen los episodios sociales, y conceptos como acción, acto y posición son planteados como conceptos útiles para entender la vida cotidiana. A continuación se intenta desarrollar la aplicabili...

  9. Acute febrile illness in cirrhosis - thinking beyond spontaneous bacterial peritonitis! (United States)

    Jain, Ajay K; Sircar, Shohini; Jain, Mayank; Adkar, Sagar; Waghmare, Chandrashekhar; Chahwala, Fatema


    The aim of this study was to look at the aetiological factors presenting as acute febrile illness in cirrhotic patients. The study group included all cirrhotic patients admitted as inpatients between January and December 2011 with a history of fever of less than seven days duration. Detailed history, clinical examination and investigations, as required, were noted. The data collected were analysed. A total of 42 patients formed the study group. The male-to-female ratio was 9.5:1. The mean age at presentation was 45.09 years (24-77 years). The aetiological factors for fever were: spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (20), lower respiratory tract infection (8), urinary tract infection (6), lower limb cellulitis (4), acute cholecystitis (2) and malaria (2). The mean MELD (model for end-stage liver disease) score at presentation was 20.4. Three patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) and a mean MELD score of 31 died during the hospital admission. Febrile illness in cirrhosis is attributable to multiple causes. Outcome is dependent on the severity of underlying liver disease.

  10. Prevalence and risk factors for renal scars in children with febrile UTI and/or VUR: a cross-sectional observational study of 565 consecutive patients. (United States)

    Snodgrass, Warren T; Shah, Anjana; Yang, Mary; Kwon, Jeannie; Villanueva, Carlos; Traylor, Janelle; Pritzker, Karen; Nakonezny, Paul A; Haley, Robert W; Bush, Nicol Corbin


    To determine prevalence and risk factors for renal scar in children referred for urologic assessment of febrile UTI and/or VUR. Pre-determined risk factors for renal scar were prospectively recorded in consecutive patients referred for UTI/VUR. Age, gender, VUR grade, and reported number of febrile and non-febrile UTIs were analyzed with logistic regression to determine risk for focal cortical defects on non-acute DMSA. Of 565 consecutive children, 24 (4%) had congenital renal dysplasia and 84 (15.5%) had focal defect(s). VUR, especially grades IV-V, recurrent febrile UTI, and older age increased risk. For any age child with the same number of UTIs, VUR increased odds of renal defect 5.4-fold (OR = 5.4, 95% CI = 2.7-10.6, AUC = 0.759). Focal DMSA defects were present in 15.5% of 565 consecutive children referred for febrile UTI and/or VUR; 4% had presumed congenital reflux nephropathy without cortical defect. All VUR grades increased risk for these defects, as did recurrent febrile UTIs and older age. However, 43% with grades IV-V VUR and 76% with recurrent UTI had normal DMSA. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  11. Two cases of Kawasaki disease presented with acute febrile jaundice. (United States)

    Kaman, Ayşe; Aydın-Teke, Türkan; Gayretli-Aydın, Zeynep Gökçe; Öz, Fatma Nur; Metin-Akcan, Özge; Eriş, Deniz; Tanır, Gönül


    Kawasaki disease is an acute, systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology. Although gastrointestinal involvement does not belong to the classic diagnostic criteria; diarrhea, abdominal pain, hepatic dysfunction, hydrops of gallbladder, and acute febrile cholestatic jaundice are reported in patients with Kawasaki disease. We describe here two cases presented with fever, and acute jaundice as initial features of Kawasaki disease.

  12. Distribution of risk factors among children with febrile convulsions in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The proximal risk factors are male gender, age < 2 years, 2nd birth order and positive family nd history. The social status of families is a distal risk factor. The second year of life and 2 birth order are the strongest predisposing factors to the development of FC. Key words: Febrile convulsions, Risk factors, Benin City, Nigeria ...

  13. Genetic screening of Scandinavian families with febrile seizures and epilepsy or GEFS+

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Selmer, K K; Egeland, T; Solaas, M H


    Background - Mutations in the three genes SCN1A, SCN1B and GABRG2, all encoding subunits of ion channels, have been known to cause generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) in families of different origin. Objective - To study the occurrence of mutations in these genes in families...... with GEFS+ or a GEFS+ resembling phenotype of Scandinavian origin. Material and methods - We performed linkage analysis in 19 Scandinavian families with a history of febrile seizures (FS) and epilepsy or GEFS+. Where linkage could not be excluded, the genes of interest were sequenced. Results - We...... identified only one mutation in SCN1A, which seems to be a rare variant with no functional consequence. Conclusion - This suggests that mutations in these three genes are not a prevalent cause of familial cases of FS and epilepsy or GEFS+ in Scandinavia....

  14. Is the addition of aminoglycosides to beta-lactams in cancer patients with febrile neutropenia needed? (United States)

    Contreras, Valeria; Sepúlveda, Sebastián; Heredia, Ana


    It is still controversial if the combined use of beta-lactam antibiotics and aminoglycosides has advantages over broad-spectrum beta-lactam monotherapy for the empirical treatment of cancer patients with febrile neutropenia. Searching in Epistemonikos database, which is maintained by screening 30 databases, we identified three systematic reviews including 14 pertinent randomized trials. We combined the evidence using meta-analysis and generated a summary of findings table following the GRADE approach. We concluded the combination of beta-lactam antibiotics and aminoglycosides probably does not lead to a reduced mortality in febrile neutropenic cancer patients and it might increase nephrotoxicity.

  15. Ictericia febril colestásica como forma de presentación de linfoma de Hodgkin

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    Max Schindler


    Full Text Available La ictericia febril colestásica como forma de presentación de los linfomas de Hodgkin es un cuadro muy infrecuente. Describimos aquí un caso de síndrome febril prolongado asociado a ictericia progresiva, en el que el diagnóstico de la enfermedad se realiza a través de la biopsia hepática, dada la ausencia de afectación ganglionar que caracteriza a esta enfermedad. Destacamos asimismo el cuadro clínico avanzado y el compromiso multisistémico de una enfermedad rápidamente evolutiva.

  16. S100B proteins in febrile seizures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkonen, Kirsi; Pekkala, Niina; Pokka, Tytti


    S100B protein concentrations correlate with the severity and outcome of brain damage after brain injuries, and have been shown to be markers of blood-brain barrier damage. In children elevated S100B values are seen as a marker of damage to astrocytes even after mild head injuries. S100B proteins...... may also give an indication of an ongoing pathological process in the brain with respect to febrile seizures (FS) and the likelihood of their recurrence. To evaluate this, we measured S100B protein concentrations in serum and cerebrospinal fluid from 103 children after their first FS. 33 children...

  17. TLR-4 polymorphisms and leukocyte TLR-4 expression in febrile UTI and renal scarring. (United States)

    Bayram, Meral Torun; Soylu, Alper; Ateş, Halil; Kızıldağ, Sefa; Kavukçu, Salih


    In this study, we aimed to determine the relation of TLR-4 Asp299Gly and Thr399Ile polymorphisms and monocyte/neutrophil TLR-4 expression to febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) and renal scar development in children. The study was performed in children with a history of febrile UTI. Patients with and without renal scarring were classified as group 1 and group 2, respectively, while the control cases in our previous study were used as the control group (group 3). All three groups were compared for the rate of TLR-4 Asp299Gly and Thr399Ile polymorphisms, and for basal and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated monocyte/neutrophil TLR-4 expression levels. There were 168 patients (86 in group 1, 82 in group 2) and 120 control cases. Monocyte/neutrophil TLR-4 expression levels were similar in groups 1 and 2. However, both groups had lower TLR-4 expression than group 3. The rate of TLR-4 Asp299Gly polymorphism was not different in all groups. TLR-4 Thr399Ile polymorphism was higher in groups 1 and 2 than in group 3 (14.0, 12.2, and 2.0 %, respectively), while group 1 and group 2 were not different. Furthermore, monocyte TLR-4 expression level was lower in those having TLR-4 Thr399Ile polymorphism than in those without this polymorphism. Patients with febrile UTI had more frequent TLR-4 Thr399Ile polymorphism and lower monocyte/neutrophil TLR-4 expression. These findings indicate that children carrying TLR-4 Thr399Ile polymorphism and/or having low level of monocyte/neutrophil TLR-4 expression have a tendency to develop febrile UTI. However, we could not show the association of TLR-4 polymorphisms and of TLR-4 expression level to renal scarring.

  18. El suicido de Grisóstomo

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    Stanislav Zimic


    Full Text Available El episodio amoroso de Grisóstomo y Marcela del Quijote (P Parte, capitulos XII-XIV ha inspirado ya muchas interpretaciones, algunas muy interesantes, otras desvariadas, a veces tan acaloradamente opuestas que ban herido vanidades académicas y provocado insultos, humillaciones personates y hasta pundonorosos alardes de nobleza de linaje y de ortodoxia católica. Indudablemente, en el episodio hay problemas controversiales, delicados y formulados de modo muy sutil, lo que se traduce en un texto muy complejo aun para el lector mejor preparado.

  19. Laringotraqueobronquitis en niños hospitalizados: Características clínicas


    Iñiguez O., Fernando; Vega-Briceño, Luis E.; Pulgar B., Dahiana; Díaz P., Carla; Sánchez D., Ignacio


    Introducción: Laringotraqueobronquitis (LTB) es una condición frecuente en niños, con escasos estudios publicados en la literatura nacional. Objetivo: Caracterizar los episodios de LTB en nuestra institución. Método: Estudio retrospectivo descriptivo del 2001 al 2003. Resultados: 68 pacientes sufrieron 72 episodios de LTB. La edad promedio fue 16,5 meses, 62% eran varones. La mayoría de los ingresos ocurrieron en otoño (65%). El número de días promedio de síntomas previo al ingreso fue 2, sie...

  20. Diplomacia, propaganda y guerra santa en el siglo XIV: la embajada castellana a Aviñón y la elaboración del discurso ideológico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodríguez-Picavea, Enrique


    Full Text Available After the triumph at the Battle of Salado (1340, Alfonso XI of Castile sent an embassy to Pope Benedict XII to inform him of victory. Naturally, the embassy was conceived as an act of propaganda. This episode was later recounted in the Crónica de Alfonso XI, the Poema de Alfonso Onceno and the Gran Crónica de Alfonso XI. The three works produced the ideological discourse that interested to the monarchy. The aim of this paper is to analyze the propaganda transmitted by these three texts. In the story of the embassy to Avignon, Alfonso XI is presented as the leader of Christendom against Islam.

    Tras el triunfo en la batalla del Salado (1340, Alfonso XI de Castilla envió una embajada al Papa Benedicto XII para comunicarle la victoria. Naturalmente, la embajada fue concebida como un acto de propaganda política. Este episodio fue recogido posteriormente por las tres fuentes básicas para conocer el reinado del monarca castellano: la Crónica de Alfonso XI, el Poema de Alfonso Onceno y la Gran Crónica de Alfonso XI. Las tres obras contribuyeron a elaborar el discurso ideológico que le interesaba transmitir a la monarquía. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la visión propagandística que estos textos dejaron sobre el episodio de la embajada a Aviñón, donde el monarca castellano es presentado como el líder que necesita la Cristiandad para enfrentarse al Islam.

  1. Characteristics of Febrile Patients with Normal White Blood Cell Counts and High C-Reactive Protein Levels in an Emergency Department

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuan-Ting Liu


    Full Text Available Fever is one of the more common chief complaints of patients who visit emergency departments (ED. Many febrile patients have markedly elevated C-reactive protein (CRP levels and normal white blood cell (WBC counts. Most of these patients have bacterial infection and no previous underlying disease of impaired WBC functioning. We reviewed patients who visited our ED between November 2003 and July 2004. The WBC count and CRP level of patients over 18 years of age who visited the ED because of or with fever were recorded. Patients who had normal WBC count (4,000–10,000/mL and high CRP level (> 100 mg/L were included. The data, including gender, age and length of hospital stay, were reviewed. Underlying diseases, diagnosis of the febrile disease and final condition were recorded according to the chart. Within the study period, 54,078 patients visited our ED. Of 5,628 febrile adults, 214 (3.8% had elevated CRP level and normal WBC count. The major cause of febrility was infection (82.24%. Most of these patients were admitted (92.99%. There were 32 patients with malignant neoplasm, nine with liver cirrhosis, 66 with diabetes mellitus and 11 with uremia. There were no significant differences in age and gender between patients with and those without neoplasm. However, a higher inhospital mortality rate and other causes of febrility were noted in patients with neoplasm. It was not rare in febrile patients who visited the ED to have a high CRP level but normal WBC count. These patients did not necessarily have an underlying malignant neoplasm or hematologic illness. Factors other than malignant neoplasm or hematologic illness may be associated with the WBC response, and CRP may be a better indicator of infection under such conditions.

  2. Epilepsy and febrile seizures in children of treated and untreated subfertile couples

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sun, Yuelian; Vestergaard, Mogens; Christensen, Jakob


    BACKGROUND: Only few studies have addressed the long-term neurological outcomes of children born by subfertile couples. We studied the risk of epilepsy and febrile seizures in children of treated and untreated subfertile couples. METHODS: The study included 83 194 live singletons born by mothers...... who took part in the Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC). Information on time to pregnancy (TTP) and infertility treatment was reported by the mothers in computer-assisted telephone interviews. Data on epilepsy and febrile seizures were extracted from the Danish National Hospital Register. RESULTS......: Overall, children of subfertile couples (TTP > 12 months) had a 51% higher risk of epilepsy [incidence rate ratio (IRR): 1.51; 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.17-1.94] compared with children of couples with a TTP of 0-5 months. The corresponding estimates were 1.71 (95% CI: 1.21-2.42) if the couples...

  3. Trastorno por sobreingesta compulsiva. Validez de la diferenciación entre el síndrome completo y parcial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Berrocal


    Full Text Available El estudio examina en individuos con obesidad mórbida la validez del criterio de severidad propuesto por el DSM-IV para el diagnóstico del trastorno por atracón. La muestra está formada por 118 sujetos con un Indice de Masa Corporal (IMC mayor o igual a 40: 21 sujetos con trastorno por atracón, 26 con niveles subclínicos del problema y 71 sujetos sin episodios de sobreingesta. Los grupos fueron comparados en medidas de psicopatología, ansiedad, depresión, insatisfacción corporal, actitudes y hábitos alimentarios y calidad de vida. Apenas existen diferencias entre el síndrome completo y parcial en las variables evaluadas, cuestionándose así la validez del criterio de severidad propuesto para el diagnóstico del cuadro. Asimismo, los individuos que presentan el trastorno no difieren de los obesos sin episodios de sobreingesta en algunas variables clínicas relevantes, sugiriéndose que el grado de psicopatología no se relaciona tanto con la ocurrencia de atracones como con el nivel de obesidad de los sujetos

  4. Chikungunya Virus as Cause of Febrile Illness Outbreak, Chiapas, Mexico, 2014 (United States)

    Kautz, Tiffany F.; Díaz-González, Esteban E.; Erasmus, Jesse H.; Malo-García, Iliana R.; Langsjoen, Rose M.; Patterson, Edward I.; Auguste, Dawn I.; Forrester, Naomi L.; Sanchez-Casas, Rosa Maria; Hernández-Ávila, Mauricio; Alpuche-Aranda, Celia M.; Fernández-Salas, Ildefonso


    Since chikungunya virus (CHIKV) was introduced into the Americas in 2013, its geographic distribution has rapidly expanded. Of 119 serum samples collected in 2014 from febrile patients in southern Mexico, 79% were positive for CHIKV or IgM against CHIKV. Sequencing results confirmed CHIKV strains closely related to Caribbean isolates. PMID:26488312

  5. Pediatric febrile urinary tract infections: the current state of play

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hewitt Ian K


    Full Text Available Abstract Studies undertaken in recent years have improved our understanding regarding the consequences and management of febrile urinary tract infections (UTIs, which are amongst the most common serious bacterial infections in childhood, with renal scarring a frequent outcome. In the past pyelonephritic scarring of the kidney, often associated with vesico-ureteral reflux (reflux nephropathy was considered a frequent cause of chronic renal insufficiency in children. Increasing recognition as a consequence of improved antenatal ultrasound, that the majority of these children had congenital renal hypo-dysplasia, has resulted in a number of studies examining treatment strategies and outcomes following UTI. In recent years there is a developing consensus regarding the need for a less aggressive therapeutic approach with oral as opposed to intravenous antibiotics, and less invasive investigations, cystourethrography in particular, following an uncomplicated first febrile UTI. There does remain a concern that with this newer approach we may be missing a small subgroup of children more prone to develop severe kidney damage as a consequence of pyelonephritis, and in whom some form of intervention may prove beneficial. These concerns have meant that development of a universally accepted diagnostic protocol remains elusive.

  6. Mediadores envolvidos na resposta febril induzida pela RANTES


    Renes de Resende Machado


    Em estudo anterior, observamos que o Met-RANTES, antagonista de receptores CCR1 e CCR5 para quimiocinas, injetado pela via endovenosa (i.v.) reduziu a resposta febril induzida pelo lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) de E. coli, demonstrando o envolvimento da quimiocina RANTES (Regulada sob ativação, expressa e secretada por células T normais) nesta resposta. Além disso, a injeção intrahipotalâmica (i.h.) da RANTES dose-dependentemente aumentou a temperatura corporal de ratos, o qual foi caracterizado c...

  7. Early discontinuation of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with persistent primary vesicoureteral reflux initially detected during infancy: outcome analysis and risk factors for febrile urinary tract infection. (United States)

    Moriya, Kimihiko; Mitsui, Takahiko; Kitta, Takeya; Nakamura, Michiko; Kanno, Yukiko; Kon, Masafumi; Nishimura, Yoko; Shinohara, Nobuo; Nonomura, Katsuya


    We retrospectively assessed the incidence of and risk factors for febrile urinary tract infection in children during active surveillance after early discontinuation of antibiotic prophylaxis. We retrospectively evaluated 9 females and 61 uncircumcised males diagnosed with primary vesicoureteral reflux before age 1 year who had persistent reflux on followup voiding cystourethrogram and were subsequently followed under active surveillance without continuous antibiotic prophylaxis. Patients with secondary vesicoureteral reflux or associated urological abnormality were excluded. Clinical outcomes, including incidence of febrile urinary tract infection and new scar formation, were evaluated. Risk factors for febrile urinary tract infection were also analyzed. Mean age at stopping continuous antibiotic prophylaxis was 21 months, and mean followup was 61 months. During active surveillance 21 patients had febrile urinary tract infection, and the 5-year infection-free rate under active surveillance was 67.5%. One or 2 foci of minimal new scarring developed in 4 of 16 patients who underwent followup dimercapto-succinic acid scan after febrile urinary tract infection. On multivariate analysis dilated vesicoureteral reflux on followup voiding cystourethrogram was the only significant risk factor for febrile urinary tract infection. This study revealed that about two-thirds of patients with persistent vesicoureteral reflux were free of febrile urinary tract infection during 5 years of active surveillance. Those with dilated vesicoureteral reflux on followup voiding cystourethrogram are at significantly greater risk for febrile urinary tract infection. Accordingly active surveillance, especially in patients with nondilated vesicoureteral reflux on followup voiding cystourethrogram, seems to be a safe option even in children who have not yet been toilet trained. Copyright © 2015 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights

  8. Effect of Acetaminophen Ingestion on Thermoregulation of Normothermic, Non-Febrile Humans.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josh eFoster


    Full Text Available In non-febrile mouse models, high dose acetaminophen administration causes profound hypothermia. However, this potentially hazardous side-effect has not been confirmed in non-febrile humans. Thus, we sought to ascertain whether an acute therapeutic dose (20 mg·kg lean body mass of acetaminophen would reduce non-febrile human core temperature in a sub-neutral environment. Ten apparently healthy (normal core temperature, no musculoskeletal injury, no evidence of acute illness Caucasian males participated in a preliminary study (Study one to determine plasma acetaminophen concentration following oral ingestion of 20 mg·kg lean body mass acetaminophen. Plasma samples (every 20 minutes up to 2-hours post ingestion were analysed via enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Thirteen (eight recruited from Study one apparently healthy Caucasian males participated in Study two, and were passively exposed to 20°C, 40% r.h. for 120 minutes on two occasions in a randomised, repeated measures, crossover design. In a double blind manner, participants ingested acetaminophen (20 mg·kg lean body mass or a placebo (dextrose immediately prior to entering the environmental chamber. Rectal temperature, skin temperature, heart rate, and thermal sensation were monitored continuously and recorded every ten minutes. In Study one, the peak concentration of acetaminophen (14 ± 4 µg/ml in plasma arose between 80 and 100 minutes following oral ingestion. In Study two, acetaminophen ingestion reduced the core temperature of all participants, whereas there was no significant change in core temperature over time in the placebo trial. Mean core temperature was significantly lower in the acetaminophen trial compared with that of a placebo (p 0.05. The results indicate oral acetaminophen reduces core temperature of humans exposed to an environment beneath the thermal neutral zone. These results suggest that acetaminophen may inhibit the thermogenic mechanisms required to regulate

  9. Risk of febrile seizures and epilepsy after vaccination with diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, inactivated poliovirus, and Haemophilus influenzae type B. (United States)

    Sun, Yuelian; Christensen, Jakob; Hviid, Anders; Li, Jiong; Vedsted, Peter; Olsen, Jørn; Vestergaard, Mogens


    Vaccination with whole-cell pertussis vaccine carries an increased risk of febrile seizures, but whether this risk applies to the acellular pertussis vaccine is not known. In Denmark, acellular pertussis vaccine has been included in the combined diphtheria-tetanus toxoids-acellular pertussis-inactivated poliovirus-Haemophilus influenzae type b (DTaP-IPV-Hib) vaccine since September 2002. To estimate the risk of febrile seizures and epilepsy after DTaP-IPV-Hib vaccination given at 3, 5, and 12 months. A population-based cohort study of 378,834 children who were born in Denmark between January 1, 2003, and December 31, 2008, and followed up through December 31, 2009; and a self-controlled case series (SCCS) study based on children with febrile seizures during follow-up of the cohort. Hazard ratio (HR) of febrile seizures within 0 to 7 days (0, 1-3, and 4-7 days) after each vaccination and HR of epilepsy after first vaccination in the cohort study. Relative incidence of febrile seizures within 0 to 7 days (0, 1-3, and 4-7 days) after each vaccination in the SCCS study. A total of 7811 children were diagnosed with febrile seizures before 18 months, of whom 17 were diagnosed within 0 to 7 days after the first (incidence rate, 0.8 per 100,000 person-days), 32 children after the second (1.3 per 100,000 person-days), and 201 children after the third (8.5 per 100,000 person-days) vaccinations. Overall, children did not have higher risks of febrile seizures during the 0 to 7 days after the 3 vaccinations vs a reference cohort of children who were not within 0 to 7 days of vaccination. However, a higher risk of febrile seizures was found on the day of the first (HR, 6.02; 95% CI, 2.86-12.65) and on the day of the second (HR, 3.94; 95% CI, 2.18-7.10), but not on the day of the third vaccination (HR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.73-1.57) vs the reference cohort. On the day of vaccination, 9 children were diagnosed with febrile seizures after the first (5.5 per 100,000 person-days), 12

  10. Long-term consequences of a prolonged febrile seizure in a dual pathology model. (United States)

    Gibbs, Steve; Chattopadhyaya, Bidisha; Desgent, Sébastien; Awad, Patricia N; Clerk-Lamalice, Olivier; Levesque, Maxime; Vianna, Rose-Mari; Rébillard, Rose-Marie; Delsemme, Andrée-Anne; Hébert, David; Tremblay, Luc; Lepage, Martin; Descarries, Laurent; Di Cristo, Graziella; Carmant, Lionel


    Clinical evidence suggests that febrile status epilepticus (SE) in children can lead to acute hippocampal injury and subsequent temporal lobe epilepsy. The contribution of febrile SE to the mechanisms underlying temporal lobe epilepsy are however poorly understood. A rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy following hyperthermic SE was previously established in our laboratory, wherein a focal cortical lesion induced at postnatal day 1 (P1), followed by a hyperthermic SE (more than 30 min) at P10, leads to hippocampal atrophy at P22 (dual pathology model) and spontaneous recurrent seizures (SRS) with mild visuospatial memory deficits in adult rats. The goal of this study was to identify the long term electrophysiological, anatomical and molecular changes in this model. Following hyperthermic SE, all cortically lesioned pups developed progressive SRS as adults, characterized by the onset of highly rhythmic activity in the hippocampus. A reduction of hippocampal volume on the side of the lesion preceded the SRS and was associated with a loss of hippocampal neurons, a marked decrease in pyramidal cell spine density, an increase in the hippocampal levels of NMDA receptor NR2A subunit, but no significant change in GABA receptors. These findings suggest that febrile SE in the abnormal brain leads to hippocampal injury that is followed by progressive network reorganization and molecular changes that contribute to the epileptogenesis as well as the observed memory deficits. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Evaluation of malnutrition as a predictor of adverse outcomes in febrile neutropenia associated with paediatric haematological malignancies. (United States)

    Chaudhuri, Jasodhara; Biswas, Tamoghna; Datta, Jyotishka; Sabui, Tapas Kumar; Chatterjee, Sukanta; Ray, Somosri; Raychaudhuri, Dibyendu; Mandal, Kalyanbrata; Chatterjee, Kaushani; Chakraborty, Swapna


    Malnutrition has been reported in the literature to be adversely associated with outcomes in paediatric malignancies. Our objective in this paper was to evaluate malnutrition as a potential predictor for adverse outcomes in febrile neutropenia associated with haematological malignancies. A prospective observational study was performed in a tertiary care teaching hospital of Kolkata, India. Forty-eight participants, suffering from haematological malignancy, were included. Participants were included if they experienced at least one episode of febrile neutropenia. For children aged malnutrition, while body mass index for age was used in children ≥5 years. A total of 162 episodes of febrile neutropenia were studied. Thirty patients (30/48, 62.5%) included in the study had malnutrition. In bivariate analyses at patient level, there is a strong association between malnutrition and death (odds ratio (OR) 7.286, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.838-63.345, one-tailed P = 0.044), and life-threatening complications show a moderate trend towards significance (OR 3.333, 95% CI 0.791-14.052, one-tailed P = 0.084). Survival functions were significantly different between malnourished and non-malnourished children (log rank test χ(2)  = 4.609, degree of freedom = 1, P = 0.032). Wasting was associated with life-threatening complications in children aged malnutrition was not. Malnutrition may be a potential predictor of mortality in febrile neutropenia. © 2016 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (The Royal Australasian College of Physicians).

  12. Pattern of self-medication for acute febrile illness in the outpatient ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pattern of self-medication for acute febrile illness in the outpatient clinic of an urban tertiary hospital in Jos. ... cross-sectional study at the GOPD of BHUTH, Jos from October 2012 to February 2013. The participants were drawn from all patients with fever or history of fever of not more than two weeks duration at presentation.

  13. Curiosidad y mediación Del Lucio de Apuleyo al Anselmo/Lotario de Cervantes

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    Antonio Preciado Bernal


    Full Text Available Somos de la opinión de que El Curiosa lmpertinente (Torno II, Caps. 23, 24 y 25 no se puede analizar sin tener en cuenta la gran cornice constituida por la novela que lo rodea, Las aventuras del Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha; no es menos cierto que este relato tiene una autonomía y se puede analizar también sin entrar en los paralelismos estructurales que indudablemente tiene con el todo de la obra. Estos paralelismos comienzan ya desde su colocación, no por azar simultánea en el tiempo de la narración ala lucha de don Quijote con los cueros de vino -clara referenda al episodio de Lucio y los odres de vino en el Asno de Oro de Apuleyo, la más elegante obra latina sobre la curiositas.

  14. Typhoid fever among hospitalized febrile children in Siem Reap, Cambodia. (United States)

    Wijedoru, Lalith P M; Kumar, Varun; Chanpheaktra, Ngoun; Chheng, Kheng; Smits, Henk L; Pastoor, Rob; Nga, Tran Vu Thieu; Baker, Stephen; Wuthiekanun, Vanaporn; Peacock, Sharon J; Putchhat, Hor; Parry, Christopher M


    Typhoid fever was confirmed by positive blood culture in 5 (3.7%) of 134 febrile children hospitalized in Cambodia. Typhoid was suspected in an additional 25 (18.7 %) blood culture-negative children based on: a positive immunoglobulin M lateral flow assay (IgMFA) (16); a positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Salmonella typhi (2); or clinical assessment (7). The specificity of the IgMFA and PCR assays requires further study.

  15. Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy in children with febrile urinary tract infection: a prospective randomized clinical trial

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    Nasiri Kalmarzi R


    Full Text Available "nBackground: Acute pyelonephritis may lead to permanent renal scarring. The standard recommendation for treatment of febrile children with urinary tract infection (UTI is hospitalization for intravenous antibiotics. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of outpatient intravenous ceftriaxone and cefixime versus inpatient of the same regimen for children with febrile UTI.   "nMethods: In a randomized clinical trial, we compared the efficacy of administration two days intravenous ceftriaxone followed by an oral cefixime for eight days (as outpatient group versus four days intravenous ceftriaxone followed by an oral cefixime for six days (as inpatient group, in 203 children (99 cases in outpatient group and 104 cases in inpatient group 3 months to 15 years of age with febrile UTI, in terms of short-term clinical outcomes (sterilization of the urine and defeverescence and long-term morbidity (incidence of reinfection and renal scarring documented by DMSA scintigraphy. "nResults: Repeat urine cultures were sterile within 48 hours in all children, mean time to defeverescence was 27.58 (SD=±12.62 and 31.44 (SD=±17.06 hours for children in outpatient and inpatient groups, respectively (P=0.067. Reinfection occurred in 9.1% of outpatient and 13.4% of inpatient group (P=0.326. Renal scarring developed in 11% of children of outpatient and 7.6% of children of inpatient group (P=0.884. There was no significant difference between the two groups in respect of renal scarring. "nConclusions: Outpatient ceftriaxone for two days followed by cefixime to complete a 10 days course can be recommended as a safe and effective treatment for children with febrile UTI.

  16. Distribución espacial del riesgo de precipitaciones extremas en el Pirineo Aragonés Occidental


    Lorente, Adrián; Beguería, Santiago


    [ES] Los eventos pluviométricos extremos son episodios lluviosos de gran intensidad capaces de desencadenar procesos geomorfológicos de gran magnitud e importantes consecuencias en pérdidas económicas y humanas, como conocemos por ejemplos recientes e históricos. Estos efectos devastadores son si cabe mayores en áreas de montaña, de gran energía topográfica e inestabilidad geomorfológica. Además de su intensidad, estos episodios se caracterizan por su baja frecuencia temporal y por presentar ...

  17. Managing febrile neutropenia in adult cancer patients: an integrative review of the literature

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    Juliana Nunes Ferreira

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the interventions performed by health professionals with a view to managing chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia. Method: Integrative literature review, the sample of 12 primary articles was selected from the following databases: LILACS, SciELO, BVS, PubMed, CINAHL and Web of Science. Results: There was a prevalence of studies, realized by doctors, focused on pharmacological treatment and on the association of methods for greater diagnostic accuracy of febrile neutropenia. A study was found on pharmaceutical management regarding antibiotic dosing efficacy and a study indicating that nurses could contribute to the identification of elderly patients who would benefit from prophylactic use of growth factor. Conclusion: There was a shortage of studies involving the participation of other health professionals, besides the doctors, and a knowledge gap regarding interprofessional practice in the management of interventions specific to their area of specialism, joint interventions and non-pharmacological interventions.

  18. RNA transcriptional biosignature analysis for identifying febrile infants with serious bacterial infections in the emergency department: a feasibility study. (United States)

    Mahajan, Prashant; Kuppermann, Nathan; Suarez, Nicolas; Mejias, Asuncion; Casper, Charlie; Dean, J Michael; Ramilo, Octavio


    To develop the infrastructure and demonstrate the feasibility of conducting microarray-based RNA transcriptional profile analyses for the diagnosis of serious bacterial infections in febrile infants 60 days and younger in a multicenter pediatric emergency research network. We designed a prospective multicenter cohort study with the aim of enrolling more than 4000 febrile infants 60 days and younger. To ensure success of conducting complex genomic studies in emergency department (ED) settings, we established an infrastructure within the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network, including 21 sites, to evaluate RNA transcriptional profiles in young febrile infants. We developed a comprehensive manual of operations and trained site investigators to obtain and process blood samples for RNA extraction and genomic analyses. We created standard operating procedures for blood sample collection, processing, storage, shipping, and analyses. We planned to prospectively identify, enroll, and collect 1 mL blood samples for genomic analyses from eligible patients to identify logistical issues with study procedures. Finally, we planned to batch blood samples and determined RNA quantity and quality at the central microarray laboratory and organized data analysis with the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network data coordinating center. Below we report on establishment of the infrastructure and the feasibility success in the first year based on the enrollment of a limited number of patients. We successfully established the infrastructure at 21 EDs. Over the first 5 months we enrolled 79% (74 of 94) of eligible febrile infants. We were able to obtain and ship 1 mL of blood from 74% (55 of 74) of enrolled participants, with at least 1 sample per participating ED. The 55 samples were shipped and evaluated at the microarray laboratory, and 95% (52 of 55) of blood samples were of adequate quality and contained sufficient RNA for expression analysis. It is possible to

  19. Urinary tract infection in febrile under five children in Enugu, South ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Fever is a common symptom of urinary tract infection (UTI) in children less than 5 years of age. Little attention is however paid to UTI as a cause of fever in this age group. Objective: The objective of the following study is to determine the prevalence of UTI in febrile children less than 5 years of age and relate it to ...

  20. Inscribir, mostrar y recrear una cicatriz: infancia y escritura en la novela autobiográfica del Caribe

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    Claudia Amigo


    Full Text Available ¿Qué papel tiene la escritura en un relato de infancia? El presente artículo intenta responder esa pregunta a partir de la lectura de tres narrativas de inspiración autobiográfica del Caribe: Chemin d'école [Camino a la escuela] (1994, de Patrick Chamoiseau; Una casa para Mr. Biswas, de V.S. Naipaul (1961 y Le coeur à rire et à pleurer [Un corazón que ríe y llora] (1999, de Maryse Condé. En todas esas obras observamos los momentos en que la escritura se torna un problema para los personajes-niños y relacionamos esos episodios con la imagen de la cicatriz. Hacia el final, esbozamos una relación posible entre esa imagen y el concepto de glocalización, de Zygmunt Bauman.

  1. Entre las "maravillas de Bretaña" y el saber "enciclopédico": aspecto de lo maravilloso en el Conte du Papegau


    Amor, Lidia


    El Conte du Papegau, breve relato de fines del siglo XIV o principios del siglo XV, narra las primeras aventuras del mítico rey Arturo, recientemente coronado, junto a un papagayo, ave locuaz que lo acompaña en un periplo de aventuras maravillas y encuentros amorosos. Deudor de la literatura pretérita, el relato del Conte se organiza mediante la acumulación de episodios y motivos recreados tanto en la producción de Chrétien de Troyes como en algunos romans en verso del siglo XIII, circunstanc...

  2. Caso clínico del Departamento de Psiquiatría : trastorno de pánico

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    José Manuel Calvo Gómez


    Full Text Available Paciente de 37 años de edad, natural y procedente de Bogotá, unión libre, albañil, segundo de primaria, católico. Asistió a la consulta externa de la Unidad de Salud Mental del Centro Hospitalario San Juan de Dios por presentar un cuadro clínico de dos años de evolución caracterizado por episodios de ansiedad de inicio súbito, sin evento desencadenante aparente y acompañados de disnea, dolor precordial tipo picada no irradiado, temblor en las extremidades, desrealización, parestesias en los miembros superiores, diaforesis y sensación de muerte inminente. Estos síntomas aumentaban progresivamente de intensidad en cinco minutos y permanecían durante una hora, cediendo en forma espontanea. Durante ese lapso permanecía inquieto, intentando calmar de alguna forma los síntomas.

  3. The tardi-Pan-African granitoids of South-Westerner Anti-Atlas (Morocco: Evolution from magnesian to ferroan type. Example of the Ifni inlier

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    El Aouli, E. H.


    Full Text Available The study of the neoproterozoic granitoids in the Ifni Inlier and those of the other inliers in south-westerner Anti-Atlas shows that this magmatism evolves from magnesian to ferroan type. In the Ifni inlier, these granitoids outcrop within the sedimentary and volcanogenic formations of the Ouarzazate Super- Group SGO (615 to 540 My. They belong to two distinct magmatic episodes (i an early one composed of magnesian granitoids with alkali-calcic and metaluminous to slightly aluminous character (quartz bearing diorite, granodiorite and monzogranite intrusive in the lower formations of the SGO, and (ii a late episode associated to the summit of the SGO volcanites, which includes granites and sub-volcanic syenogranites of iron-bearing type and alkali-calcic to alkaline affinity. These magmatisms resulting from the partial melting of mixed material mark the end of the last Panafrican episode and would be set up in a transition from orogenic to anorogenic settings which announce the Paleozoic cycle. They would be contemporary to posterior with the exhumation of the extensive metamorphic domes of the Western Anti-Atlas.El estudio de los granitoides neoproterozoicos de la “boutonnière” (complejo plutono-metamórfico profundo con geometría subcircular de Ifni y de los de otras “boutonnières” del dominio suroccidental del Anti-Atlas, demuestra que este magmatismo evoluciona desde un tipo magnésico hacia un tipo férrico. En la “boutonnière” de Ifni, estos granitoides afloran en el interior de formaciones sedimentarias y volcano-sedimentarias del Supergrupo de Ouarzazate SGO (615 a 540 Ma. Pertenecen a dos episodios magmáticos diferentes (i un episodio precoz compuesto de granitoides magnésicos, calcoalcalinos y metaluminosos a poco aluminosos (dioritas con cuarzo, granodioritas y monzogranitos que intruyen en las formaciones inferiores del SGO, (ii un episodio tardío asociado con un vulcanismo terminal a techo del

  4. [The genotype-based haplotype relative risk and transmission disequilibrium test analyses of familial febrile convulsions]. (United States)

    Qi, Y; Wu, X; Guo, Z; Zhang, J; Pan, H; Li, M; Bao, X; Peng, J; Zou, L; Lin, Q


    To confirm the linkage of familial febrile convulsions to the short arm of chromosome 6(6p) or the long arm of chromosome 8(8q). The authors finished genotyping of Pst I locus on the coding region of heat shock protein (HSP) 70, 5'untranslated region of HSP70-1, 3' untranslated region of HSP70-2, D8S84 and D8S85. The data were processed by the genotype-based haplotype relative risk(GHRR) and transmission disequilibrium test(TDT) methods in PPAP. Some signs of association and disequilibrium between D8S85 and FC were shown by GHRR and TDT. A suspect linkage of familial febrile convulsions to the long arm of chromosome 8 has been proposed.

  5. Measles-mumps-rubella-varicella combination vaccine and the risk of febrile seizures. (United States)

    Klein, Nicola P; Fireman, Bruce; Yih, W Katherine; Lewis, Edwin; Kulldorff, Martin; Ray, Paula; Baxter, Roger; Hambidge, Simon; Nordin, James; Naleway, Allison; Belongia, Edward A; Lieu, Tracy; Baggs, James; Weintraub, Eric


    In February 2008, we alerted the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to preliminary evidence of a twofold increased risk of febrile seizures after the combination measles-mumps-rubella-varicella (MMRV) vaccine when compared with separate measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and varicella vaccines. Now with data on twice as many vaccine recipients, our goal was to reexamine seizure risk after MMRV vaccine. Using 2000-2008 Vaccine Safety Datalink data, we assessed seizures and fever visits among children aged 12 to 23 months after MMRV and separate MMR + varicella vaccines. We compared seizure risk after MMRV vaccine to that after MMR + varicella vaccines by using Poisson regression as well as with supplementary regressions that incorporated chart-review results and self-controlled analyses. MMRV vaccine recipients (83,107) were compared with recipients of MMR + varicella vaccines (376,354). Seizure and fever significantly clustered 7 to 10 days after vaccination with all measles-containing vaccines but not after varicella vaccination alone. Seizure risk during days 7 to 10 was higher after MMRV than after MMR + varicella vaccination (relative risk: 1.98 [95% confidence interval: 1.43-2.73]). Supplementary analyses yielded similar results. The excess risk for febrile seizures 7 to 10 days after MMRV compared with separate MMR + varicella vaccination was 4.3 per 10,000 doses (95% confidence interval: 2.6-5.6). Among 12- to 23-month-olds who received their first dose of measles-containing vaccine, fever and seizure were elevated 7 to 10 days after vaccination. Vaccination with MMRV results in 1 additional febrile seizure for every 2300 doses given instead of separate MMR + varicella vaccines. Providers who recommend MMRV should communicate to parents that it increases the risk of fever and seizure over that already associated with measles-containing vaccines.

  6. Cyclooxygenase-2 mediates the febrile response of mice to interleukin-1beta. (United States)

    Li, S; Ballou, L R; Morham, S G; Blatteis, C M


    Various lines of evidence have implicated cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 as a modulator of the fever induced by the exogenous pyrogen lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Thus, treatment with specific inhibitors of COX-2 suppresses the febrile response without affecting basal body (core) temperature (T(c)). Furthermore, COX-2 gene-ablated mice are unable to develop a febrile response to intraperitoneal (i.p.) LPS, whereas their COX-1-deficient counterparts produce fevers not different from their wild-type (WT) controls. To extend the apparently critical role of COX-2 for LPS-induced fevers to fevers produced by endogenous pyrogens, we studied the thermal responses of COX-1- and COX-2 congenitally deficient mice to i.p. and intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections of recombinant murine (rm) interleukin (IL)-1beta. We also assessed the effects of one selective COX-1 inhibitor, SC-560, and two selective COX-2 inhibitors, nimesulide (NIM) and dimethylfuranone (DFU), on the febrile responses of WT and COX-1(-/-) mice to LPS and rmIL-1beta, i.p. Finally, we verified the integrity of the animals' responses to PGE2, i.c.v. I.p. and i.c.v. rmIL-1beta induced similar fevers in WT and COX-1 knockout mice, but provoked no rise in the T(c)s of COX-2 null mutants. The fever produced in WT mice by i.p. LPS was not affected by SC-560, but it was attenuated and abolished by NIM and DFU, respectively, while that caused by i.p. rmIL-1beta was converted into a T(c) fall by DFU. There were no differences in the responses to i.c.v. PGE2 among the WT and COX knockout mice. These results, therefore, further support the notion that the production of PGE2 in response to pyrogens is critically dependent on COX-2 expression.

  7. A propósito del artículo: Leptospirosis en el entorno actual

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    Manuel de Jesús Morales Mayo


    Full Text Available Señor editor: Deseamos llamar la atención sobre el artículo “Leptospirosis en el entorno actual”, publicado en la revista Electrónica “Dr. Zoilo E. Marinello Vidaurreta” en el año 2014, volumen 39 (12, debido a que la leptospirosis continúa teniendo importante impacto en el ámbito social y laboral. La incidencia mundial de la leptospirosis todavía se desconoce, especialmente por el subregistro, las dificultades para el diagnóstico a consecuencia de las diversas formas de presentación, la confusión con otras enfermedades febriles o icterohemorrágicas, el uso de herramientas diagnósticas de distinta sensibilidad y especificidad y al desconocimiento de la entidad por parte del personal de salud. (1 La leptospirosis, hasta su identificación por Weil en 1886, era confundida dentro del grupo de las enfermedades febriles, productoras de ictericia. Los agentes causales de la leptospirosis, microorganismos del genero leptospira, son gérmenes filiformes de 6 a 15 micrómetros de longitud, espirales estrechos a todo lo largo de su cuerpo. La transmisión al hombre tiene lugar por contacto directo con la sangre, la orina, los tejidos y órganos infestados de los animales, o bien por exposición a un ambiente contaminado por leptospira. En las edades infanto-juveniles las manifestaciones clínicas están definidas por fiebre, cefalea, vómitos y diarrea. (2 Un tratamiento integral al paciente por parte de los Médicos de Familia, en el que se garantice el diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos, resultan elementos esenciales para reducir la mortalidad por esta causa. Para ello es importante la calidad de la información recogida por el médico de asistencia, que el interrogatorio sea detallado, que incluya los aspectos epidemiológicos, junto con una exploración minuciosa al examen físico, lo que de forma sumatoria puede contribuir al diagnóstico. La indicación de estudios de laboratorio específicos en el momento oportuno permitir

  8. Repercusiones psicopatológicas de la violencia doméstica en la mujer en función de las circunstancias del maltrato

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    Pedro J. Amor


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se han estudiado las repercusiones psicopatológicas de la violencia doméstica en la mujer en función de las circunstancias del maltrato en una muestra de 212 víctimas en un Servicio de Violencia Familiar. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que la gravedad psicopatológica (estrés postraumático y malestar emocional estaba relacionada con diferentes circunstancias de maltrato: la situación de la mujer en relación con la convivencia con el maltratador, la cercanía de la violencia en el tiempo, los años de sufrimiento del maltrato y la presencia de relaciones sexuales forzadas, así como los episodios de maltrato en la infancia. Por otro lado, se halló que el apoyo social y el apoyo familiar eran variables relacionadas con un menor nivel de gravedad psicopatológica. Se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la práctica clínica y para las investigaciones futuras.

  9. Alternating ibuprofen and acetaminophen in the treatment of febrile children: a pilot study [ISRCTN30487061

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    Sabra Ramzi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Alternating ibuprofen and acetaminophen for the treatment of febrile children is a prevalent practice among physicians and parents, despite the lack of evidence on effectiveness or safety. This randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled clinical trial aims at comparing the antipyretic effectiveness and safety of a single administration of alternating ibuprofen and acetaminophen doses to that of ibuprofen mono-therapy in febrile children. Methods Seventy febrile children were randomly allocated to receive either a single oral dose of 10 mg/kg ibuprofen and 15 mg/kg oral acetaminophen after 4 hours, or a similar dose of ibuprofen and placebo at 4 hours. Rectal temperature was measured at baseline, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 hours later. Endpoints included proportions of afebrile children at 6, 7 and 8 hours, maximum decline in temperature, time to recurrence of fever, and change in temperature from baseline at each time point. Intent-to-treat analysis was planned with statistical significance set at P Results A higher proportion of subjects in the intervention group (83.3% became afebrile at 6 hours than in the control group (57.6%; P = 0.018. This difference was accentuated at 7 and 8 hours (P Conclusion A single dose of alternating ibuprofen and acetaminophen appears to be a superior antipyretic regimen than ibuprofen mono-therapy. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings.

  10. Urinary YKL-40 as a Candidate Biomarker for Febrile Urinary Tract Infection in Young Children. (United States)

    Kim, Hyun Hee; Chung, Mi Hae; Bin, Joong Hyun; Cho, Kyoung Soon; Lee, Juyoung; Suh, Jin Soon


    Given that YKL-40 is a known marker of inflammation, we sought to determine its association with urinary tract infection (UTI) in febrile children. In total, 44 children aged 0 to 24 months with febrile UTI and 35 age- and sex-matched controls with fever from other causes were enrolled in the study. ELISA was performed to determine the level of YKL-40 in urine collected from each child. The ratio of urinary YKL-40 to creatinine (Cr) was higher in the children with a UTI than in the controls (PUTI was 0.88 for the urinary YKL-40/Cr ratio, 0.86 for pyuria, and 0.71 for positive nitrite on urinalysis. We applied a cut-off value of 125.23 pg/mg to urinary YKL-40/Cr for detecting UTI. Eight of nine children in the control group with pyuria had urinary YKL-40/Cr levels lower than 125.23 pg/mg, and the one child in the UTI group without pyuria or positive nitrite had a urinary YKL-40/Cr level greater than 125.23 pg/mg. Determining the levels of urinary YKL-40/Cr may help identify true cases of UTI in febrile young children, especially when they have pyuria but not nitrite, or have neither pyuria nor nitrite in the urine. © The Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine

  11. Urinary YKL-40 as a Candidate Biomarker for Febrile Urinary Tract Infection in Young Children (United States)

    Kim, Hyun Hee; Chung, Mi Hae; Bin, Joong Hyun; Cho, Kyoung Soon; Lee, Juyoung


    Background Given that YKL-40 is a known marker of inflammation, we sought to determine its association with urinary tract infection (UTI) in febrile children. Methods In total, 44 children aged 0 to 24 months with febrile UTI and 35 age- and sex-matched controls with fever from other causes were enrolled in the study. ELISA was performed to determine the level of YKL-40 in urine collected from each child. Results The ratio of urinary YKL-40 to creatinine (Cr) was higher in the children with a UTI than in the controls (Purinary YKL-40/Cr ratio, 0.86 for pyuria, and 0.71 for positive nitrite on urinalysis. We applied a cut-off value of 125.23 pg/mg to urinary YKL-40/Cr for detecting UTI. Eight of nine children in the control group with pyuria had urinary YKL-40/Cr levels lower than 125.23 pg/mg, and the one child in the UTI group without pyuria or positive nitrite had a urinary YKL-40/Cr level greater than 125.23 pg/mg. Conclusions Determining the levels of urinary YKL-40/Cr may help identify true cases of UTI in febrile young children, especially when they have pyuria but not nitrite, or have neither pyuria nor nitrite in the urine. PMID:29071817

  12. Enterovirus infection in febrile neonates: A hospital-based prospective cohort study. (United States)

    Lv, Xiao-Qing; Qian, Ling-He; Wu, Tai; Yuan, Tian-Ming


    This study aims to investigate clinical characteristics and microbiological results and to assess the predictors for enterovirus infection in febrile neonates. A prospective cohort study was conducted on 334 febrile patients (age: 0.33-28 days) in 2011-2012 years. Enterovirus RNA was detected by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction on faeces or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Clinical characteristics were compared, and non-conditional logistic regression analysis was performed to determine independent predictors for enterovirus infection. There were 131 episodes of neonatal enterovirus infection (39.22%). Forty-eight (36.64%) developed respiratory symptoms, 69 (52.67%) had diarrhoea, 22 (16.79%) had poor feeding and 34 (25.95%) had rash. Eighteen (13.74%) had lower platelet counts, and CSF specimens were positive for enterovirus RNA in 44.27% (58/131) whose CSF revealed a mean white blood cell counts of 100.38 ± 147.97 cells/mm(3) (range: 2-668 cells/mm(3) ). The positivity of stool 38.92% (130/334) was significantly higher than that of CSF specimens 26.24% (58/221) for enterovirus RNA (P enterovirus infection: abnormal CSF test (odds ratio (OR): 12.426, 95% confidence interval (CI): 5.633-27.413), thrombocytopenia (OR: 3.647, 95% CI: 1.312-10.136), duration of fever >3.25 (d) (OR: 2.293, 95% CI: 1.279-4.113), highest temperature >38.35 (°C) (OR: 2.094, 95% CI: 1.342-4.123) and negative bacterial culture (OR: 5.073, 95% CI: 1.504-17.114). Our data indicated that enteroviruses should be routinely considered in the differential diagnosis of febrile neonates. The factors, which may predict the risk of neonatal enterovirus infection, were abnormal CSF test, thrombocytopenia, duration of fever >3.25 (d), highest temperature >38.35 (°C) and negative bacterial culture. © 2016 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (The Royal Australasian College of Physicians).

  13. Consensus Guidelines on Evaluation and Management of the Febrile Child Presenting to the Emergency Department in India. (United States)

    Mahajan, Prashant; Batra, Prerna; Thakur, Neha; Patel, Reena; Rai, Narendra; Trivedi, Nitin; Fassl, Bernhard; Shah, Binita; Lozon, Marie; Oteng, Rockerfeller A; Saha, Abhijeet; Shah, Dheeraj; Galwankar, Sagar


    India, home to almost 1.5 billion people, is in need of a country-specific, evidence-based, consensus approach for the emergency department (ED) evaluation and management of the febrile child. We held two consensus meetings, performed an exhaustive literature review, and held ongoing web-based discussions to arrive at a formal consensus on the proposed evaluation and management algorithm. The first meeting was held in Delhi in October 2015, under the auspices of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) Section of Academic College of Emergency Experts in India (ACEE-INDIA); and the second meeting was conducted at Pune during Emergency Medical Pediatrics and Recent Trends (EMPART 2016) in March 2016. The second meeting was followed with futher e-mail-based discussions to arrive at a formal consensus on the proposed algorithm. To develop an algorithmic approach for the evaluation and management of the febrile child that can be easily applied in the context of emergency care and modified based on local epidemiology and practice standards. We created an algorithm that can assist the clinician in the evaluation and management of the febrile child presenting to the ED, contextualized to health care in India. This guideline includes the following key components: triage and the timely assessment; evaluation; and patient disposition from the ED. We urge the development and creation of a robust data repository of minimal standard data elements. This would provide a systematic measurement of the care processes and patient outcomes, and a better understanding of various etiologies of febrile illnesses in India; both of which can be used to further modify the proposed approach and algorithm.

  14. Renal scintigraphy in children with first febrile urinary tract infection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duarte Perez, Maria Caridad; Guillen Dosal, Ana; Martinez Silva, Magaly; Hernandez Robledo, Ernesto


    The urinary tract infection is one of the most frequent bacterial infections in the childhood. Two hundred eleven children diagnosed as first febrile urinary tract infection patients were studied and performed Tc-DMSA renal scintigraphy in the acute phase of infection. The results were correlated to the duration and intensity of the fever before the diagnosis, to the acute phase reactants (hemogram, erythrosedimentation and reactive-C protein) and to the results of imaging studies (renal ultrasound and mictional uretrocystography)

  15. A prospective study of the causes of febrile illness requiring hospitalization in children in Cambodia.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kheng Chheng

    Full Text Available Febrile illnesses are pre-eminent contributors to morbidity and mortality among children in South-East Asia but the causes are poorly understood. We determined the causes of fever in children hospitalised in Siem Reap province, Cambodia.A one-year prospective study of febrile children admitted to Angkor Hospital for Children, Siem Reap. Demographic, clinical, laboratory and outcome data were comprehensively analysed. Between October 12(th 2009 and October 12(th 2010 there were 1225 episodes of febrile illness in 1180 children. Median (IQR age was 2.0 (0.8-6.4 years, with 850 (69% episodes in children <5 years. Common microbiological diagnoses were dengue virus (16.2%, scrub typhus (7.8%, and Japanese encephalitis virus (5.8%. 76 (6.3% episodes had culture-proven bloodstream infection, including Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (22 isolates, 1.8%, Streptococcus pneumoniae (13, 1.1%, Escherichia coli (8, 0.7%, Haemophilus influenzae (7, 0.6%, Staphylococcus aureus (6, 0.5% and Burkholderia pseudomallei (6, 0.5%. There were 69 deaths (5.6%, including those due to clinically diagnosed pneumonia (19, dengue virus (5, and melioidosis (4. 10 of 69 (14.5% deaths were associated with culture-proven bloodstream infection in logistic regression analyses (odds ratio for mortality 3.4, 95% CI 1.6-6.9. Antimicrobial resistance was prevalent, particularly in S. enterica Typhi, (where 90% of isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin, and 86% were multi-drug resistant. Comorbid undernutrition was present in 44% of episodes and a major risk factor for acute mortality (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.1-4.2, as were HIV infection and cardiac disease.We identified a microbiological cause of fever in almost 50% of episodes in this large study of community-acquired febrile illness in hospitalized children in Cambodia. The range of pathogens, antimicrobial susceptibility, and co-morbidities associated with mortality described will be of use in the development of rational guidelines

  16. A prospective study of the causes of febrile illness requiring hospitalization in children in Cambodia. (United States)

    Chheng, Kheng; Carter, Michael J; Emary, Kate; Chanpheaktra, Ngoun; Moore, Catrin E; Stoesser, Nicole; Putchhat, Hor; Sona, Soeng; Reaksmey, Sin; Kitsutani, Paul; Sar, Borann; van Doorn, H Rogier; Uyen, Nguyen Hanh; Van Tan, Le; Paris, Daniel H; Paris, Daniel; Blacksell, Stuart D; Amornchai, Premjit; Wuthiekanun, Vanaporn; Parry, Christopher M; Day, Nicholas P J; Kumar, Varun


    Febrile illnesses are pre-eminent contributors to morbidity and mortality among children in South-East Asia but the causes are poorly understood. We determined the causes of fever in children hospitalised in Siem Reap province, Cambodia. A one-year prospective study of febrile children admitted to Angkor Hospital for Children, Siem Reap. Demographic, clinical, laboratory and outcome data were comprehensively analysed. Between October 12(th) 2009 and October 12(th) 2010 there were 1225 episodes of febrile illness in 1180 children. Median (IQR) age was 2.0 (0.8-6.4) years, with 850 (69%) episodes in children <5 years. Common microbiological diagnoses were dengue virus (16.2%), scrub typhus (7.8%), and Japanese encephalitis virus (5.8%). 76 (6.3%) episodes had culture-proven bloodstream infection, including Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (22 isolates, 1.8%), Streptococcus pneumoniae (13, 1.1%), Escherichia coli (8, 0.7%), Haemophilus influenzae (7, 0.6%), Staphylococcus aureus (6, 0.5%) and Burkholderia pseudomallei (6, 0.5%). There were 69 deaths (5.6%), including those due to clinically diagnosed pneumonia (19), dengue virus (5), and melioidosis (4). 10 of 69 (14.5%) deaths were associated with culture-proven bloodstream infection in logistic regression analyses (odds ratio for mortality 3.4, 95% CI 1.6-6.9). Antimicrobial resistance was prevalent, particularly in S. enterica Typhi, (where 90% of isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin, and 86% were multi-drug resistant). Comorbid undernutrition was present in 44% of episodes and a major risk factor for acute mortality (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.1-4.2), as were HIV infection and cardiac disease. We identified a microbiological cause of fever in almost 50% of episodes in this large study of community-acquired febrile illness in hospitalized children in Cambodia. The range of pathogens, antimicrobial susceptibility, and co-morbidities associated with mortality described will be of use in the development of rational

  17. Cultural categorization of febrile illnesses in correlation with herbal remedies used for treatment in Southwestern Nigeria. (United States)

    Ajaiyeoba, E O; Oladepo, O; Fawole, O I; Bolaji, O M; Akinboye, D O; Ogundahunsi, O A T; Falade, C O; Gbotosho, G O; Itiola, O A; Happi, T C; Ebong, O O; Ononiwu, I M; Osowole, O S; Oduola, O O; Ashidi, J S; Oduola, A M J


    The ethnographic study was conducted in two communities in Oyo State in Southwestern Nigeria. The study sites consisted of a rural and an urban local government area located in the tropical rain forest zone of Nigeria. The study was designed to obtain information on febrile illnesses and herbal remedies for treatment with the aim of identifying potential antimalarial drugs. The study revealed that fever is a general term for describing illnesses associated with elevated body temperature. The indigenous Yoruba ethnic population has categorized fever based on symptoms and causes. The present communication is the result of focus group discussion and semi-structured questionnaire administered to traditional healers, herb sellers, elders and mothers. This was on types of fevers, symptoms and causes of febrile illnesses. The investigation also included use of traditional herbs in the prevention and treatment of the illnesses in the two communities.A total of 514 respondents were interviewed. This was made up of 266 (51.8%) from Atiba local government area (LGA), an urban centre while 248 (48.2%) respondents were interviewed from Itesiwaju LGA, a rural community. The LGAs are located in Oyo State of Nigeria. The respondents proffered 12 types of febrile illnesses in a multiple response answering system in Yoruba language. The most common ones (direct translation into English) were: yellow fever (39.1%), typhoid (34.8%), ordinary (28.8%), rainy season (20.8%) and headache (10.5%) fevers, respectively. Perceived causes of each of the febrile illnesses included stress, mosquito bites, unclean water, rains and over exposure to the sun. Methods of fever prevention were mainly with the use of herbal decoctions, powdered herbs, orthodox medications and maintenance of proper hygiene. Of a total of 112 different herbal remedies used in the treatment of the febrile illnesses compiled from the study, 25 recipes are presented. Recipes consisted of 2-7 ingredients. Oral decoctions (84

  18. Chlamydiae in febrile children with respiratory tract symptoms and age-matched controls, Ghana

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    H. Bühl


    Full Text Available Members of the Chlamydiales order are obligate intracellular pathogens causing acute and chronic infectious diseases. Chlamydiaceae are established agents of community- and zoonotically acquired respiratory tract infections, and emerging pathogens among the Chlamydia-related bacteria have been implicated in airway infections. The role of both in airway infections in Africa is underexplored. We performed a case -control study on the prevalence of Chlamydiaceae and Chlamydia-related emerging pathogens in children with febrile respiratory tract infections in West Africa, Ghana. Using a pan-Chlamydiales broad-range real-time PCR, we detected chlamydial DNA in 11 (1.9% of 572 hospitalized febrile children with respiratory tract symptoms and in 24 (4.3% of 560 asymptomatic age-matched controls (p 0.03. Chlamydiaceae were found to be common among both symptomatic and healthy Ghanaian children, with Chlamydia pneumoniae being the most prevalent species. Parachlamydiaceae were detected in two children without symptoms but not in the symptomatic group. We identified neither Chlamydia psittaci nor Simkania negevensis but a member of a new chlamydial family that shared 90.2% sequence identity with the 16S rRNA gene of the zoonotic pathogen Chlamydia pecorum. In addition, we found a new Chlamydia-related species that belonged to a novel family sharing 91.3% 16S rRNA sequence identity with Candidatus Syngnamydia venezia. The prevalence and spectrum of chlamydial species differed from previous results obtained from children of other geographic regions and our study indicates that both, Chlamydiaceae and Chlamydia-related bacteria, are not clearly linked to clinical symptoms in Ghanaian children. Keywords: Children, Chlamydia, Chlamydia-related bacteria, febrile respiratory tract infection, Ghana

  19. The diagnostic value of CRP, IL-8, PCT, and sTREM-1 in the detection of bacterial infections in pediatric oncology patients with febrile neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miedema, Karin G. E.; de Bont, Eveline S. J. M.; Elferink, Rob F. M. Oude; van Vliet, Michel J.; Nijhuis, Claudi S. M. Oude; Kamps, Willem A.; Tissing, Wim J. E.


    In this study, we evaluated C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin (IL)-8, procalcitonin (PCT), and soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1) as predictors for bacterial infection in febrile neutropenia, plus their usefulness in febrile neutropenia during chemotherapy-induced

  20. Spontaneous remission of Crohn's disease following a febrile infection: case report and literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    van Netten Johannes P


    Full Text Available Abstract Crohn's disease is a chronic illness that may often follow a relapsing-remitting course. Many of the factors that may be associated with the spontaneous remission of this disease (i.e. not related to specific treatment remain to be determined. In the present report, we review the medical history of a patient with a long history of moderate to severe Crohn's whose complete remission immediately followed the development of a febrile infection. The patient first developed symptoms of Crohn's in her late adolescent years. At the time of diagnosis at age 23, she was placed on mesalamine - without effective control her disease symptoms. Due to progressive deterioration, the patient underwent a bowel resection at age 25. Soon afterwards symptoms recurred, gradually increasing in severity. In February 2005, at age 36, the patient developed a painful abscess associated with a rectal fistula. Other symptoms at the time included chronic bone and stomach pain, swollen joints, and debilitating fatigue. Surgical correction was scheduled in mid-March. In late February, the patient developed a respiratory infection associated with fevers of 103-104°F. After the onset of fever, the abscess pain disappeared and this was soon followed by a disappearance of all other disease symptoms. By the time the corrective surgery occurred, she had no Crohn's symptoms. Her remission lasted 10 weeks when the previous symptoms then reappeared. The patient has subsequently used a variety of conventional therapies, but still suffers from severe symptoms of her disease. In recent years, a growing body of literature has emphasized the important role that innate immunity plays in the etiology of Crohn's disease; however, a key component of innate immunity, the febrile response, has been overlooked. Other cases of spontaneous remission following febrile infection in inflammatory bowel disease have been reported. Moreover, induction of a febrile response was in the past used

  1. Dos décadas de seguimiento exitoso de la primera ablación de arritmias por catéter de radiofrecuencia realizado en la historia de la medicina del Paraguay

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    Osmar Antonio Centurión


    Full Text Available La técnica de mapeo endocárdico durante el estudio electrofisiológico ha sido extensamente empleada en el análisis de las taquicardias paroxísticas supraventriculares (TPS. Mediante este mapeo endocárdico y el análisis meticuloso de los electrogramas endocárdicos y los respectivos intervalos de conducción, es posible localizar el sitio de origen de las arritmias y así facilitar su tratamiento ablativo por medio de catéteres de radiofrecuencia. Se describe el caso de un hombre de 29 años con síndrome de Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW que manifiestó que presentaba varios episodios documentados de TPS con serio compromiso hemodinámico que motivaba su frecuente internación en terapia intensiva. El mapeo electrofisiológico endocárdico meticuloso demostró la presencia de un haz anómalo de Kent auriculoventricular izquierdo en posición posteroseptal. El período refractario absoluto del haz anómalo de Kent fue de 240 ms. La primera emisión de radiofrecuencia a través de un catéter adecuadamente posicionado previo terminó la taquicardia. La taquicardia permaneció no inducible a partir de entonces. En estas dos décadas de seguimiento clínico, el paciente no ha presentado ni un solo episodio de taquicardia. La curación definitiva generada por la ablación del haz anómalo de Kent ha proporcionado un cambio drástico, total y beneficioso en la calidad de vida al paciente. Los beneficios clínicos y socioeconómicos son mayores cuanto más temprano en la evolución se realice el procedimiento de ablación de arritmias.

  2. A micro-epidemiological analysis of febrile malaria in Coastal Kenya showing hotspots within hotspots

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bejon, P.; Williams, T.N.; Nyundo, C.; Hay, S.I.; Benz, D.; Gething, P.W.; Otiende, M.; Peshu, J.; Bashraheil, M.; Greenhouse, B.; Bousema, T.; Bauni, E.; Marsh, K.; Smith, D.L.; Borrmann, S.


    Malaria transmission is spatially heterogeneous. This reduces the efficacy of control strategies, but focusing control strategies on clusters or 'hotspots' of transmission may be highly effective. Among 1500 homesteads in coastal Kenya we calculated (a) the fraction of febrile children with positive

  3. Imbalances in serum angiopoietin concentrations are early predictors of septic shock development in patients with post chemotherapy febrile neutropenia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorand-Metze Irene


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Febrile neutropenia carries a high risk of sepsis complications, and the identification of biomarkers capable to identify high risk patients is a great challenge. Angiopoietins (Ang - are cytokines involved in the control microvascular permeability. It is accepted that Ang-1 expression maintains endothelial barrier integrity, and that Ang-2 acts as an antagonizing cytokine with barrier-disrupting functions in inflammatory situations. Ang-2 levels have been recently correlated with sepsis mortality in intensive care units. Methods We prospectively evaluated concentrations of Ang-1 and Ang-2 at different time-points during febrile neutropenia, and explored the diagnostic accuracy of these mediators as potential predictors of poor outcome in this clinical setting before the development of sepsis complications. Results Patients that evolved with septic shock (n = 10 presented higher levels of Ang-2 measured 48 hours after fever onset, and of the Ang-2/Ang-1 ratio at the time of fever onset compared to patients with non-complicated sepsis (n = 31. These levels correlated with sepsis severity scores. Conclusions Our data suggest that imbalances in the concentrations of Ang-1 and Ang-2 are independent and early markers of the risk of developing septic shock and of sepsis mortality in febrile neutropenia, and larger studies are warranted to validate their clinical usefulness. Therapeutic strategies that manipulate this Ang-2/Ang-1 imbalance can potentially offer new and promising treatments for sepsis in febrile neutropenia.

  4. Female Sex Hormones Influence the Febrile Response Induced by Lipopolysaccharide, Cytokines and Prostaglandins but not by Interleukin-1β in Rats. (United States)

    Brito, H O; Radulski, D R; Wilhelms, D B; Stojakovic, A; Brito, L M O; Engblom, D; Franco, C R C; Zampronio, A R


    There are differences in the immune response, and particularly fever, between males and females. In the present study, we investigated how the febrile responses induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and different endogenous pyrogens were affected by female gonadal hormones. The febrile response to i.p. injection of LPS (50 μg/kg) was 40% lower in female rats compared to male or ovariectomised (OVX) female rats. Accordingly, oestrogen replacement in OVX animals reduced LPS-induced fever. Treatment with the prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor indomethacin (2 mg/kg, i.p. 30 min before) reduced the febrile response induced by LPS in both OVX (88%) and sham-operated (71%) rats. In line with the enhanced fever in OVX rats, there was increased expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in the hypothalamus and elevated levels of prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ). In addition, OVX rats were hyper-responsive to PGE 2 injected i.c.v. By contrast to the enhanced fever in response to LPS and PGE 2 , the febrile response induced by i.c.v. injection of interleukin (IL)-1β was unaffected by ovariectomy, whereas the responses induced by tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α were completely abrogated. These results suggest that the mediators involved in the febrile response in females are similar to males, although the reduction of female hormones may decrease the responsiveness of some mediators such as TNF-α and MIP-1α. Compensatory mechanisms may be activated in females after ovariectomy such as an augmented synthesis of COX-2 and PGE 2 . © 2016 British Society for Neuroendocrinology.

  5. (United States)

    Wanden-Berghe Lozano, Carmina; Campos Martín, Cristina; Cuerda Compes, Cristina; Gómez Candela, Carmen; Burgos Peláez, Rosa; Moreno Villares, José Manuel; Pereira Cunill, José Luis; Pérez de la Cruz, Antonio; Virgili Casas, Nuria; Martinez Faedo, Ceferino; Álvarez Hernández, Julia; Garde Orbaiz, Carmen; Penacho Lázaro, Mª Ángeles; Sánchez Martos, Eva Ángeles; Sanz Paris, Alejandro; Gonzalo Marín, Montserrat; Zugasti Murillo, Ana; Matía Martín, Pilar; Martín Folgueras, Tomás; Carabaña Pérez, Fátima; Díaz Guardiola, Patricia; Tejera Pérez, Cristina; De Luis Román, Daniel; Luengo Pérez, Luis Miguel; Santacruz Carmona, Nieves; Apezetxea Celaya, Antxón; Ponce González, Miguel Ángel; Urgeles Planella, Juan Ramón; Laborda González, Lucía; Martinez Olmos, Miguel Ángel; Sánchez-Vilar Burdiel, Olga; Joaquín Ortiz, Clara; Martínez Costa, Cecilia; Suárez Llanos, José Pablo; Calleja Fernández, Alicia; Leyes García, Pere; Gil Martinez, Mª Carmen; Mauri Roca, Silvia; García Zafra, Maria Victoria; Carrera Santaliestra, María José; Nadya-Senpe, Grupo


    Objetivo: Comunicar los datos del registro de Nutrición Parenteral Domiciliaria (NPD) del grupo de trabajo NADYA-SENPE del años 2015.Material y métodos: Recopilación de los datos de NPD del registro "on-line" del grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria (NADYA) desde el 1 de enero de 2015 al 31 de diciembre de 2015.Resultados: Se registraron 236 pacientes, con 243 episodios de NPD procedentes de 40 hospitales. Lo que representa una tasa de 5,08 pacientes/millón de habitantes/ año 2015. La patología más frecuente en los adultos fue "otros" (26,3%) seguido por "oncológico paliativo" (21,6%).  La complicación más frecuente fue la séptica relacionada con el catéter que presentó una tasa de 0,53 infecciones/1000 días de NPD. Finalizaron 64 episodios, la principal causa fue el fallecimiento (43,7%) y el 'paso a la vía oral' (32,8%).Conclusiones: constatamos el aumento de los centros y profesionales colaboradores, dando respuesta a la cantidad progresivamente mayor de pacientes con soporte nutricional parenteral en domicilio. Se mantienen estables las principales indicaciones para el establecimiento de NPD y las causas de finalización del tratamiento.

  6. Febrile neutropenia in paediatric peripheral blood stem cell transplantation, in vitro sensitivity data and clinical response to empirical antibiotic therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ansari, S.H.; Nasim, S.; Ahmed, A.; Irfan, M.; Ishaque, A.; Farzana, T.; Panjwani, V.K.; Taj, M.; Shamsi, T.S.


    To find the in-vitro sensitivity data and clinical response in order to determine the changes required in empiric antibiotic therapy for management of febrile neutropenia in paediatric patients undergoing peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. All patients were treated according to institutional protocol for febrile neutropenia. Empirical antibiotics include Ceftriaxone and Amikacin. In non-responders, changes made included Imipenem and Amikacin, Piperacillin Tazobactum/Tiecoplanin or Vancomycin/Cloxacilin/Ceftazidime. In non-responders, amphotaracin was added until recovery. Out of 52 patients, 5 did not develop any fever; in the remaining 47 patients there were 57 episodes of febrile neutropenia. The mean days of febrile episodes were 4.71 (range 3-8). Fever of unknown origin (FUO) occurred in 31 (54.3%) episodes. Microbiologically documented infection (MDI) occurred in 17 (29.8%) episodes of fever. Clinically documented infection (CDI) occurred in 9 (15.7%) episodes. Gram-negative organisms were isolated in 10 while gram-positive organisms in 7. Klebseilla, S. aureus were the most common isolates. Empirical therapy was effective in 12 of the 33 (36%) episodes. Out of 28, 26 (92%) responded to Imipenem/Amikacin as second line therapy while those who received any other second line combination, only 11 out of 22 (50%) showed response. Systemic Amphotericin was used in 4 patients, 2 responded. Infection related mortality rate was 4%. (author)

  7. Polimorfismo VAL158MET del gen Catecol-O-Metiltransferasa y características clínicas en primeros episodios de psicosis


    Pelayo Terán, José María


    RESUMEN: La esquizofrenia está considerada un síndrome clínico heterogéneo con una etiopatogenia de origen multifactorial, en el que se incluyen factores ambientales, caracteriales y genéticos. A pesar de que más del 50% de la variabilidad de la enfermedad se puede deber a uno o varios factores genéticos, sólo un número limitado de variantes de riesgo genético y con un efecto muy débil han podido ser identificados. Muchos de ellos no han podido reproducirse tanto por la diversidad de las mues...

  8. Can procalcitonin reduce unnecessary voiding cystoureterography in children with first febrile urinary tract infection? (United States)

    Halimi-Asl, Aliasghar; Hosseini, Amir Hossein; Nabavizadeh, Pooneh


    Recently, new predictors of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in children with a first febrile UTI such as Procalcitonin (PCT) were introduced as selective approaches for cystography. This study wants to show the capability of PCT in predicting presence of VUR at the first febrile UTI in children. Patients between 1 month and 15 years of age with febrile UTI were included in this prospective study. PCT values were measured through a semi-quantitative method in four grades comprising values less than 0.5, 0.5-2.0, 2.0-10.0 and above 10.0 ng/ml. The independence of PCT levels in predicting VUR were assessed after adjustment for all potential confounders using a logistic-regression model. A total of 68 patients, 54 (79.4%) girls and 14 (20.6%) boys were evaluated. PCT level demonstrated a significant difference between patients with positive VUR and those with negative VUR (P=0.012). To calculate the independent factors that may predict the presence of VUR, all included variables were adjusted for age and sex. Results of logistic regression showed that a PCT level between 2.0 and 10.0 ng/mL could independently predict presence of VUR (Odds ratio=6.11, CI 95%= 1.22-30.77, P=0.03). Our finding in this study showed that readily available semi-quantitative measures for PCT are feasible for detecting patients with VUR. We suggest that in semi-quantitative measurements of PCT, levels between 2.0 and 10.0 ng/ml could be an independent predictor of positive VUR.

  9. A study of the variability in the febrile responses of rabbits to endogenous pyrogen. (United States)

    Stitt, J T


    The range of body temperature increases elicited by a standard dose of endogenous pyrogen (0.5 ml/kg iv) was examined in a population of 26 male New Zealand White rabbits. Although the mean maximum increase in rectal temperature was 0.88 +/- 0.06 degree C (SE), individual responses varied from 0.4 degree to 1.5 degree C. Three representative animals that responded to the standard dose of pyrogen with small, intermediate, and large febrile responses were selected and challenged with the same dose of pyrogen on eight separate occasions, and the variability of these responses was examined. There was little variability within the characteristic responses of any particular animal to the repeated challenges. The variability of the febrile responses elicited by both intravenous and intracerebroventricular administration of the same pyrogen was examined and compared using another group of 11 rabbits. The variability in response to the intravenous route was similar to that found in the larger population, whereas the variation in response to the intracerebroventricular route was smaller, and all 11 animals had fevers that were greater than 1 degrees C. It is concluded that the variability of the febrile responses of rabbits to intravenous pyrogen was due to differences between individual sensitivities of animals to the intravenously administered pyrogen. This difference in sensitivity may be due to a difference in the amount of pyrogen that reaches the putative receptor sites, or to a difference in the density or effectiveness of receptor sites in translating the pyrogenic stimulus into a fever response.

  10. The effect of mimicking febrile temperature and drug stress on malarial development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adisakwattana Poom


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Malaria remains one of the most important tropical diseases of human with 1–2 million deaths annually especially caused by P. falciparum. During malarial life cycle, they exposed to many environmentally stresses including wide temperature fluctuation and pharmacological active molecules. These trigger malarial evolutionarily adaptive responses. The effect of febrile temperature on malarial growth, development and drug susceptibility by mimicking patient in treatment failure before and after drug uptake was examined. Methods Sensitivities of P. falciparum to antimalarial drug (chloroquine, mefloquine, quinine and artesunate were investigated based on the incorporation of [3H] hypoxanthine into parasite nucleic acids or radioisotopic technique. The number of parasites was examined under microscope following Giemsa staining and the parasite development at the end of each phase was counted and comparison of parasite number was made. The proteome was separated, blotted and hybridized with anti-Hsp70s primary antibody. The hybridized proteins were separately digested with trypsin and identified by MALDI-TOF peptide mass fingerprint. Results The results show that febrile temperature is capable of markedly inhibiting the growth of field isolate P. falciparum but not to K1 and 3D7 standard strains. K1 and 3D7 grown under heat shock developed greater and the reinfection rate was increased up to 2-folds when compared to that of non-heat shock group. The IC50 value of K1 toward chloroquine, mefloquine and quinine under heat shock was higher than that of K1 under non-heat shock which is opposite to that of 3D7. Heat shock caused death in field isolated parasite. It was also found that the febrile temperature coped with chloroquine uptake had no effect to the development, drug sensitivity and the parasite number of K1 strain. In the opposite way, heat shock and chloroquine shows extremely effect toward 3D7 and field isolate PF91 as shown

  11. Etiology of Acute, Non-Malaria, Febrile Illnesses in Jayapura, Northeastern Papua, Indonesia (United States)


    resistance and unnecessary mor- bidity and mortality. There are limited data on the epidemiology of other febrile illnesses in Papua. Scrub typhus ...World War. 4, 5 In the Dutch colonial era, there were descriptions of several infections, including scrub typhus , leptospirosis, gran- uloma inguinale...paired serologic samples analysis for dengue, Japanese encephalitis, leptospirosis, scrub typhus , murine typhus , and spotted fever group rickettsia

  12. Prevalencia de hemoptisis luego de la cura bacteriológica en pacientes dados de alta del Programa de Control de Tuberculosis del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Antonio Aguilar Aragón


    Full Text Available La tuberculosis produce alteraciones estructurales y de función pulmonar que persisten pese a la cura bacteriológica (secuelas. La hemoptisis es frecuente y causa gran morbilidad y demanda a los servicios de salud. Objetivo: Con el propósito de conocer sus características epidemiológicas y sus factores de riesgo, se diseñó un estudio descriptivo, analítico, con metodología de cohorte única de casos en el Programa de Control de Tuberculosis (PCT, en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH entre enero de 1984 y diciembre de 1996. Material y Método : Se programó visitas domiciliarias evaluando 109. Se realizó una prueba de baciloscopía en los pacientes sintomáticos. Resultados: Hemoptisis estuvo presente en 15 casos (13.76%, de los cuales 7 experimentaron recaída bacteriológica. Todos los casos tuvieron baciloscopía negativa al momento de la encuesta. Se encontró mayor frecuencia en varones (p = 0.0017 RR = 10.61 y en el grupo etáreo < 28 años (p = 0.022 RR = 2.92. Se tuvo mayor incidencia en el primer y cuarto año luego del alta. Doce casos (80% aparecieron en los primeros tres años. Ningún factor previo al diagnóstico se asoció con hemoptisis luego del alta. Esputo hemoptoico en el cuadro inicial de tuberculosis se asoció con la presencia de hemoptisis luego del alta (p = 0.036 RR = 2.75. Hemoptisis fue estadísticamente más frecuente en pacientes que persisten sintomáticos luego del alta (tos y expectoración crónicas y ataques de sibilancias y disnea. Se observó una fuerte asociación entre recaída bacteriológica y presencia de hemoptisis luego del alta (p < 0.0001 RR = 7.8. Conclusiones: En pacientes dados de alta del PCT del HNCH, la prevalencia de hemoptisis es 13.76%, teniendo más riesgo los varones, el grupo etáreo menor de 28 años, los pacientes que presentan esputo hemoptoico en el cuadro inicial de tuberculosis, los que permanecen sintomáticos luego del alta y los que experimentan al menos un

  13. Intervención en un caso de encopresis secundaria en el contexto educativo


    López de la Llave, Juliana; Pérez-Llantada, María Carmen; López de la LLave, Andrés; López de la Llave, Lourdes


    Presentamos el caso de una niña de siete años tratada de encopresis secundaria mediante práctica positiva, moldeado, sobrecorrección y refuerzo positivo, minimizando el uso del castigo. Los episodios de encopresis quedaron reducidos a cero al quinto m

  14. Treatment of febrile neutropenia with cefepime monotherapy. (United States)

    Jándula, B M; Martino, R; Gurgi, M; Manteiga, R; Sierra, J


    The empirical administration of a broad-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotic, either as monotherapy or in combination with an aminoglycoside, is an essential component of the initial management of patients with fever and severe neutropenia. Multiple antibiotics have been tested for this indication. Cefepime is a fourth-generation cephalosporin with in vitro activity against most gram-negative and many gram-positive bacteria. We have studied the use of this agent as monotherapy in this indication. One hundred and twenty-six episodes of febrile neutropenia in 98 adults with hematological malignancies were treated with cefepime monotherapy. Cefepime was given at a dose of 2 g every 8 h i.v. Most episodes (49%) were fever of unexplained origin, while a microbiologically documented and clinically documented infection occurred in 25% episodes each. Seventy-six (61%) episodes occurred after conventional chemotherapy, while 51 (41%) after a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Twelve episodes (10%) were not evaluable for response. Among the 114 evaluable episodes, 69 (55% of the initial sample and 61% of those evaluable) responded to cefepime monotherapy, while therapy failed in 45 cases (36% of the initial sample and 39% of those evaluable), including 14 cases who developed breakthrough bacteremia during therapy. There were no deaths due to bacterial infection. At the end of all antibiotic therapy (final outcome) 69 episodes were cured only with monotherapy, 47 were cured with modification of therapy and 10 patients died from an unrelated cause. The only variable that appeared to correlate with response to therapy was the duration of neutropenia, which was longer among patients who failed or developed breakthrough bacteremia than among those who responded to monotherapy. Initial empirical antibiotic therapy with cefepime as a single agent in patients with febrile neutropenia and a hematological malignancy is effective, but patients with prolonged neutropenia appear to be

  15. Clinically mild encephalitis/encephalopathy with a reversible splenial lesion associated with febrile urinary tract infection. (United States)

    Okamoto, Takayuki; Sato, Yasuyuki; Yamazaki, Takeshi; Hayashi, Asako


    Common pathogens of clinically mild encephalitis/encephalopathy with a reversible splenial lesion (MERS) are viruses, such as influenza virus. However, bacteria are rare pathogens for MERS. We report the first patient with MERS associated with febrile urinary tract infection. A 16-year-old lupus patient was admitted to our hospital. She had fever, headache, vomiting, and right back pain. Urinary analysis showed leukocyturia, and urinary culture identified Klebsiella pneumoniae. Cerebrospinal fluid examination and brain single-photon emission computed tomography showed no abnormalities. Therefore, she was diagnosed with febrile urinary tract infection. For further examinations, 99mTc-dimercaptosuccinic acid renal scintigraphy showed right cortical defects, and a voiding cystourethrogram demonstrated right vesicoureteral reflux (grade II). Therefore, she was diagnosed with right pyelonephritis. Although treatment with antibiotics administered intravenously improved the fever, laboratory findings, and right back pain, she had prolonged headaches, nausea, and vomiting. T2-weighted, diffusion-weighted, and fluid attenuated inversion recovery images in brain magnetic resonance imaging showed high intensity lesions in the splenium of the corpus callosum, which completely disappeared 1 week later. These results were compatible with MERS. To the best of our knowledge, our patient is the first patient who showed clinical features of MERS associated with febrile urinary tract infection. In patients with pyelonephritis and an atypical clinical course, such as prolonged headache, nausea, vomiting, and neurological disorders, the possibility of MERS should be considered.

  16. Evaluating the febrile patient with a rash. (United States)

    McKinnon, H D; Howard, T


    The differential diagnosis for febrile patients with a rash is extensive. Diseases that present with fever and rash are usually classified according to the morphology of the primary lesion. Rashes can be categorized as maculopapular (centrally and peripherally distributed), petechial, diffusely erythematous with desquamation, vesiculobullous-pustular and nodular. Potential causes include viruses, bacteria, spirochetes, rickettsiae, medications and rheumatologic diseases. A thorough history and a careful physical examination are essential to making a correct diagnosis. Although laboratory studies can be useful in confirming the diagnosis, test results often are not available immediately. Because the severity of these illnesses can vary from minor (roseola) to life-threatening (meningococcemia), the family physician must make prompt management decisions regarding empiric therapy. Hospitalization, isolation and antimicrobial therapy often must be considered when a patient presents with fever and a rash.

  17. Could Neutrophil CD64 Expression Be Used as a Diagnostic Parameter of Bacteremia in Patients with Febrile Neutropenia?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nur Efe İris


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate if neutrophil CD64 expression in febrile neutropenia patients could be used as an early indicator of bacteremia. Materials and Methods: All consecutive patients older than 18 years of age who had developed febrile neutropenia episodes due to hematological malignancies were included in the study. Those patients who had significant growth in their blood cultures constituted the case group, while those who had febrile neutropenia without any growth in their cultures and who did not have any documented infections formed the control group. Blood culture bottles were incubated in the Bact ALERT 3D system (bioMerieux, France, identification and susceptibility testing were performed using an automated broth microdilution method (VITEK 2, bioMerieux, and CD64 expression analysis was performed by the flow cytometry method. C-reactive protein (CRP was measured by turbidimetric methods (Biosystems, Spain and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR was measured by the Wintrobe method. Results: In total, we prospectively evaluated 31 febrile episodes. The case group consisted of 17 patients while the control group included 14 patients. CD64 was found on neutrophils of the case group patients with a mean count of 8006 molecules/cell and of control group with a mean count of 2786 molecules/cell. CD64 levels of the case group were significantly higher than those of the control group (p=0.005. In the differentiation of the case group from the control group, a 2500 cut-off value for CD64 had significant [AUC=0.792 (0.619-0.965] predictive value (p=0.001. In the prediction of patients with a 2500 cut-off value for CD64, sensitivity was 94.1%, positive predictive value was 76.2%, specificity was 64.3%, and negative predictive value was 90.0%. CRP levels and ESR values did not differ significantly between the groups (p=0.005. Conclusion: Neutrophil CD64 expression could be a good predictor as an immune parameter with

  18. Mothers' perception of recovery and satisfaction with patent medicine dealers' treatment of childhood febrile conditions in rural communities. (United States)

    Ibeneme, Georgian Chiaka; Nwaneri, Ada Caroline; Ibeneme, Sam Chidi; Ezenduka, Pauline; Strüver, Vanessa; Fortwengel, Gehard; Okoye, Ifeoma Joy


    Infant mortality in rural areas of Nigeria can be minimized if childhood febrile conditions are treated by trained health personnel, deployed to primary healthcare centres (PHCs) rather than the observed preference of mothers for patent medicine dealers (PMDs). However, health service utilization/patronage is driven by consumer satisfaction and perception of services/product value. The objective of this study was to determine 'mothers' perception of recovery' and 'mothers' satisfaction' after PMD treatment of childhood febrile conditions, as likely drivers of mothers' health-seeking behaviour, which must be targeted to reverse the trend. Ugwuogo-Nike, in Enugu, Nigeria, has many PMDs/PHCs, and was selected based on high prevalence of childhood febrile conditions. In total, 385 consenting mothers (aged 15-45 years) were consecutively recruited at PMD shops, after purchasing drugs for childhood febrile conditions, in a cross-sectional observational study using a pre-tested instrument; 33 of them (aged 21-47 years) participated in focus group discussions (FGDs). Qualitative data were thematically analysed while a quantitative study was analysed with Z score and Chi square statistics, at p perceived that their child had delayed recovery, but were satisfied with PMDs' treatment of childhood febrile conditions, for reasons that included politeness, caring attitude, drug availability, easy accessibility, flexibility in pricing, shorter waiting time, their God-fearing nature, and disposition as good listeners. Mothers' satisfaction with PMDs' treatment is significantly (p satisfaction with PMDs' treatment from a knowledge of mothers' perception of recovery shows a high accord (lambda[A from B] = 0.8727), unlike when predicting mothers' perception of recovery based on knowledge of mothers' satisfaction with PMDs' treatment (lambda[A from B] = 0.4727). Mothers' satisfaction could be the key 'driver' of mothers' health-seeking behaviour and is less likely to be

  19. Hemodynamic changes after propacetamol administration in patients with febrile UTI in the ED. (United States)

    Kang, Soo; Durey, Areum; Suh, Young Ju; Kim, Ah Jin


    Clinical studies have indicated that transient hypotension can occur after propacetamol administration. This study aimed to analyze the hemodynamic changes after propacetamol administration in patients visiting the ED due to febrile UTI. We also examined the incidence of propacetamol-induced hypotension and compared the clinical characteristics of patients with persistent hypotension, defined as requiring additional fluids or vasopressors, to those with transient hypotension. A retrospective analysis of the electronic medical records of patients who visited the ED between June 2015 and May 2016, were diagnosed with febrile UTI, and treated with propacetamol, was conducted. We included 195 patients in this study; of these, 87 (44.6%) showed hypotension. In all patients, significant decreases in systolic blood pressure (SBP; 135.06±20.45mmHg vs 117.70±16.41mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (DBP; 79.74±12.17mmHg vs 69.69±10.96mmHg), and heart rate (97.46±17.14mmHg vs 90.72±14.90mmHg) were observed after propacetamol administration. The basal SBP and DBP were higher in the hypotension than in the non-hypotension group (basal SBP: 144.4±22.3mmHg vs 127.6±15.3mmHg; basal DBP: 83.3±12.6mmHg vs 76.9±11.0mmHg). Patients with persistent hypotension had a lower baseline BP, which was not elevated despite fever, and a higher rate of bacteremia than those with transient hypotension. Although febrile UTI patients treated with propacetamol in the ED showed hemodynamic changes, these changes did not have a large effect on their prognosis. However, in patients who showed bacteremia or a normal initial BP despite fever, the possibility of developing persistent hypotension should be considered. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. An investigation into febrile illnesses of unknown aetiology in Wipim, Papua New Guinea. (United States)

    Bande, Grace; Hetzel, Manuel W; Iga, Jonah; Barnadas, Celine; Mueller, Ivo; Siba, Peter M; Horwood, Paul F


    In Papua New Guinea the aetiology of febrile illnesses remains poorly characterized, mostly due to poor diagnostic facilities and the inaccessibility of much of the rural areas of the country. We investigated the aetiological agents of febrile illnesses for 136 people presenting to Wipim Health Centre in Western Province, Papua New Guinea. Arboviral and rickettsial real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, malaria blood smears and a malaria PCR test were used to identify pathogens associated with a history of fever. In 13% (n = 18) of cases an aetiological agent was identified. Dengue virus type 1 was detected in 11% (n = 15) of the samples tested and malaria in 2% (n = 3). None of the other arboviral or rickettsial pathogens tested for were detected in any of the samples. Although dengue viruses have been identified in Papua New Guinea using serological methods, this study represents the first direct detection of dengue in the country. The detection of malaria, on the other hand, was surprisingly low considering the previous notion that this was a hyperendemic region of Papua New Guinea.

  1. Accuracy of early DMSA scan for VUR in young children with febrile UTI. (United States)

    Zhang, Xin; Xu, Hong; Zhou, Lijun; Cao, Qi; Shen, Qian; Sun, Li; Fang, Xiaoyan; Guo, Wei; Zhai, Yihui; Rao, Jia; Pa, Mier; Zhao, Ruifang; Bi, Yunli


    To evaluate the accuracy of an acute (99m)Tc-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan in predicting dilating vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) among young children with a febrile urinary tract infection (UTI). The medical records of children (≤ 2 years of age), presenting with febrile UTI between January 2000 and December 2011, were retrospectively reviewed. A total of 523 children were included in this study, of whom 397 children (75.9%) had abnormal DMSA results and 178 children (34.0%) were identified as VUR on micturating cystourethrography (MCU). Among all the patients, the number of children with dilating VUR was 151 (28.9%). The rate of abnormal results on DMSA for the dilating VUR group was significantly higher than the rates for the non-VUR and low-grade VUR groups (P UTI, an acute DMSA scan is valuable in the exclusion of dilating VUR. The likelihood of the presence of dilating VUR on MCU is rather low when the result of DMSA is negative. DMSA should be conducted to assess the need for an MCU.

  2. Recent Studies on the Care of First Febrile Urinary Tract Infection in Infants and Children for the Pediatric Hospitalist. (United States)

    Sutton, Ashley G; Chandler, Nicole; Roberts, Kenneth B


    Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a common cause of bacterial infection in young children, and accounts for a significant number of pediatric hospitalizations. To review recent publications focusing on the care of children hospitalized with their first febrile UTI. A PubMed search was performed including publications from 2011-2016 on first febrile UTI in childhood. Abstracts were reviewed for being relevant to the care of hospitalized children and their follow-up. Relevant articles underwent full review by all authors and articles excluded from results included those without novel data analysis, primary improvement-based reports and studies with poor design or analysis. Included articles were categorized as "diagnosis", "management", "imaging" or "follow-up". Of 406 articles initially identified, 40 studies were included. One technical report with a systematic review was also included. Major topics addressed included the role of urinalysis in screening for UTI, use of parenteral antimicrobial therapy, the role of antimicrobial prophylaxis in prevention of recurrent UTI, and ideal follow-up and imaging approach following diagnosis of febrile UTI. Recent literature on first febrile UTI addresses a broad range of areas regarding the care of hospitalized children, though some questions remain unanswered. Overall, studies support increased attention to the potential risks, expense and invasiveness of various approaches for evaluation. Proposed updates to practice included: utilization of urinalysis for screening and diagnosis, transitioning to oral antimicrobials based on clinical improvement and limiting the routine use of voiding cystourethrogram and antimicrobial prophylaxis. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  3. Alarm signs and antibiotic prescription in febrile children in primary care : an observational cohort study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elshout, Gijs; van Ierland, Yvette; Bohnen, Arthur M.; de Wilde, Marcel; Oostenbrink, Rianne; Moll, Henriette A.; Berger, Marjolein Y.

    Background Although fever in children is often self-limiting, antibiotics are frequently prescribed for febrile illnesses. GPs may consider treating serious infections by prescribing antibiotics. Aim To examine whether alarm signs and/or symptoms for serious infections are related to antibiotic

  4. Alarm signs and antibiotic prescription in febrile children in primary care: An observational cohort study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    G. Elshout (Gijs); Y. van Ierland (Yvette); A.M. Bohnen (Arthur); M. de Wilde (Marcel); R. Oostenbrink (Rianne); H.A. Moll (Henriëtte); M.Y. Berger (Marjolein)


    textabstractBackground Although fever in children is often self-limiting, antibiotics are frequently prescribed for febrile illnesses. GPs may consider treating serious infections by prescribing antibiotics. Aim To examine whether alarm signs and/or symptoms for serious infections are related to

  5. Seroepidemiology of leptospirosis among febrile patients in a rapidly growing suburban slum and a flood-vulnerable rural district in Mozambique, 2012â2014: Implications for the management of fever


    Policarpo Ribeiro; Nilesh Bhatt; Sádia Ali; Vanessa Monteiro; Edmilson da Silva; Ilana Teruszkin Balassiano; Carolina Aquino; Nilsa de Deus; Onelia Guiliche; Argentina Felisbela Muianga; Pascoal Jorge Alho; Virginia Lara Evaristo; Ivan Manhiça; Marco Medeiros; Eduardo Samo Gudo


    Objective: Leptospirosis is one of the most widespread zoonoses in the world and is caused by spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. In Mozambique, the disease is largely ignored and its epidemiology is unknown. The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of leptospirosis in febrile patients. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed between July 2012 and September 2015 among febrile patients. A total of 373 paired serum samples were drawn from febrile patients; 208 we...

  6. Caracterización del ambiente atmosférico en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 2000 a 2004

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena López Villarrubia


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El carácter insular de las ciudades de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y Santa Cruz de Tenerife, su meteorología y la proximidad del continente africano que favorece la llegada de material particulado de origen natural sobre las islas, determinan unas especificidades en su calidad del aire. El objetivo de este artículo es la caracterización de la contaminación atmosférica durante los años 2000 a 2004 como indicador de exposición de los habitantes de estas dos ciudades. Métodos: Se elaboraron los siguientes indicadores de contaminación: promedios de 24 horas de PM10, PM2,5, NO2, SO2 y O3; máximo de las 17 medias móviles octohorarias diarias de O3 y CO; máximo horario diario de SO2, NO2, O3, CO, PM10 y PM2,5. También se calcularon los niveles de la moda gruesa de partículas, como la diferencia entre los valores de PM10 y PM2,5 (PM10-2,5. Se identificaron episodios de intrusión africana. Resultados: En Sta Cruz de TF los promedios de SO2 (14ug/m3N y de O3 (44,4 ug/m3N fueron superiores respecto a los de Las Palmas de GC (8 y 28,3 ug/m3N. Los promedios de NO2 en Las Palmas de GC: 45,8 ug/m3N fueron superiores a los de Sta. Cruz de TF: 30,3 ug/m3N. Debido a las intrusiones africanas, algunos días superaron los 600 ug/m3 de PM10 y los 200 de PM2.5 en ambas ciudades. Conclusiones: Se identifica un patrón de calidad del aire con episodios de polvo mineral africano que en superficie afecta a todas las fracciones granulométricas, una estacionalidad diferente a las ciudades europeas respecto al ozono, así como un patrón de contaminación urbano-industrial en Sta. Cruz de Tf y netamente urbano en Las Palmas de GC. Se hace necesario tener en cuenta estos resultados para analizar su posible impacto sobre la salud de los ciudadanos de las Islas Canarias y establecer sistemas adecuados de vigilancia.

  7. Complement reduction impairs the febrile response of guinea pigs to endotoxin. (United States)

    Sehic, E; Li, S; Ungar, A L; Blatteis, C M


    Although it is generally believed that circulating exogenous pyrogens [e.g., lipopolysaccharides (LPS)] induce fever via the mediation of endogenous pyrogens (EP) such as cytokines, the first of these, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, is usually not detectable in blood until at least 30 min after intravenous administration of LPS, whereas the febrile rise begins within 15 min after its administration. Moreover, although abundant evidence indicates that circulating LPS is cleared primarily by liver macrophages [Kupffer cells (KC)], these do not secrete EP in immediate response. This would imply that other factors, presumably evoked earlier than EP, may mediate the onset of the febrile response to intravenous LPS. It is well known that blood-borne LPS very rapidly activates the intravascular complement (C) system, some components of which in turn stimulate the quick release into blood of various substances that have roles in the acute inflammatory reaction. KC contain receptors for C components and are in close contact with afferent vagal terminals in the liver; the involvement of hepatic vagal afferents in LPS-induced fever has recently been shown. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the initiation of fever by intravenous LPS involves, sequentially, the C system and KC. To test this postulated mechanism, we measured directly the levels of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the interstitial fluid of the preoptic anterior hypothalamus (POA), the presumptive site of the fever-producing controller, of conscious guinea pigs over their entire febrile course, before and after C depletion by cobra venom factor (CVF) and before and after elimination of KC by gadolinium chloride (GdCl3). CVF and GdCl3 pretreatment each individually attenuated the first of the biphasic core temperature (Tc) rises after intravenous LPS, inverted the second into a Tc fall, and greatly reduced the usual fever-associated increase in POA PGE2. We conclude, therefore, that C activation may indeed be

  8. La imposibilidad de un ejército profesional: Ramón de Cáceres y el establecimiento de procedimientos burocráticos en las fuerzas del Río de la Plata. 1810-1830

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    Alejandro M. Rabinovich


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda la problemática de la profesionalización de las fuerzas militares del Estado rioplatense independiente a partir de un ángulo muy poco analizado hasta hoy: los intentos de establecer procedimientos burocráticos y un tipo particular de disciplina en el seno de unidades combatientes surgidas de una intensa movilización popular.Primero se analizarán las reglamentaciones que regían la administración de los ejércitos, con especial énfasis en la descripción del tipo de funcionariado que era buscado por los modelos europeos de la época. Luego, este deber serde la administración militar será confrontado con el estudio de un caso puntual: el traumático intento de transformación de los Dragones Libertadores surgidos del alzamiento de la campaña oriental en 1825 en Regimiento de Caballería de Línea, ocurrido en el seno del Ejército Republicano que se aprestaba para abrir la guerra con el Brasil. Este modesto episodio, explorado a través de las memorias personales del oficial a cargo de llevar adelante la reforma del cuerpo, nos permitirá echar luz sobre las limitaciones concretas encontradas en el terreno por aquellos funcionarios que hablaban en nombre del Estado y pretendían someter a las fuerzas de un pueblo en armas a una lógica procedimental- formal.

  9. Detection of bacterial DNA in blood samples from febrile patients: underestimated infection or emerging contamination?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peters, Remco P. H.; Mohammadi, Tamimount; Vandenbroucke-Grauls, Christina M. J. E.; Danner, Sven A.; van Agtmael, Michiel A.; Savelkoul, Paul H. M.


    We applied real-time broad-range polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect bacteraemia in blood from febrile patients. Interpretation of amplification results in relation to clinical data and blood culture outcome was complex, although the reproducibility of the PCR results was good. Sequencing

  10. El virus HHV-6 y su relación con los trastornos del neurodesarrollo.

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    Alma Dzib Goodin


    Full Text Available Casos / Brief Report Resumen El virus HHV-6 es parte de la familia de los herpesvirus y se encuentra presente en la mayoría de los humanos, aunque sólo se activa para atacar a su huésped en casos donde se presenta inmunodepresión. Posee dos subtipos que se diferencian por el tamaño y la forma de infección que son el HHV-6A y el HHV-6B. En los recién nacidos, se le ha detectado y relacionado con trastornos neuro pediátricos desde hace más de 15 años. Principalmente se le relaciona con la epilepsia benigna, las convulsiones febriles, la encefalitis, la meningoencefalitis, la meningitis y la esclerosis multiple. Actualmente el virus se evoca en estudios de caso relacionados con los trastornos del neurodesarrollo, debido a que éste puede atacar el Sistema Nervioso Central. El daño causado se manifestaría a largo plazo a través de una presentación sintomática similar a lo que se observa por ejemplo en los trastornos del espectro autista. Este artículo busca analizar la presencia del virus y su relación con los trastornos del desarrollo en infantes alrededor del mundo.

  11. Naturally acquired antibodies target the glutamate-rich protein on intact merozoites and predict protection against febrile malaria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kana, Ikhlaq Hussain; Adu, Bright; Tiendrebeogo, Régis Wendpayangde


    febrile malaria. Similarly, GLURP-specific antibodies previously shown to be protective against febrile malaria in this same cohort were significantly associated with OP activity in this study. GLURP-specific antibodies recognized merozoites and also mediated OP activity. Conclusions.: These findings......Background.: Plasmodium species antigens accessible at the time of merozoite release are likely targets of biologically functional antibodies. Methods.: Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies against intact merozoites were quantified in the plasma of Ghanaian children from a longitudinal cohort using...... a novel flow cytometry-based immunofluorescence assay. Functionality of these antibodies, as well as glutamate-rich protein (GLURP)-specific affinity-purified IgG from malaria hyperimmune Liberian adults, was assessed by the opsonic phagocytosis (OP) assay. Results.: Opsonic phagocytosis activity...

  12. Eficacia de la infiltración de ozono paravertebral lumbar y en puntos gatillos como coadyuvante del tratamiento en pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico y lumbociatalgia crónica en el síndrome doloroso miofascial aislado o acompañado de otras patologías


    E. Silva Jiménez; M. Toro; C. Baíz


    Introducción: Posterior al primer episodio de dolor lumbar, la recurrencia persiste durante un año o más en el 25 al 60 %, afectando a población económicamente activa, causando discapacidad y en 80 % ausentismo laboral. Objetivo: Evaluar el grado de eficacia del uso de la técnica de infiltración con ozono paravertebral lumbar y en puntos gatillos junto al tratamiento farmacológico y rehabilitador, en pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico y lumbociatalgia crónica debido al síndrome doloroso miofa...

  13. [Aetiology and outcomes of potentially serious infections in febrile infants less than 3 months old]. (United States)

    de la Torre, Mercedes; de Lucas, Nieves; Velasco, Roberto; Gómez, Borja; Mintegi, Santiago


    Recent studies have shown changes in the aetiology of serious bacterial infections in febrile infants ≤ 90 days of age. The aim of this study was to describe the current microbiology and outcomes of these infections in Spain. Sub-analysis of a prospective multicentre study focusing on febrile infants of less than 91 days of life, admitted between October 2011 and September 2013 to Emergency Departments of 19 Spanish hospitals, members of the Spanish Paediatric Emergency Research Group of the Spanish Society of Paediatric Emergencies (RISeuP/SPERG). The analysis included 3,401 febrile infants ≤90 days of age with fever without source. There were 896 positive cultures: 766 urine (85.5%), 100 blood (11.2%), 18 cerebrospinal fluid (2%), 10 stool, and 2 umbilical cultures. Among the 3,401 infants included, 784 (23%) were diagnosed with a serious bacterial infection, and 107 of them (3.1%) with an invasive infection. E. coli was the most common pathogen isolated from urine (628; 82%), blood (46; 46%), and cerebrospinal fluid cultures (7; 38.9%), followed by S. agalactiae that was isolated from 24 (24%) blood cultures and 3 (16.7%) cerebrospinal fluid cultures. There were only 2 L. monocytogenes infections. Four children died, and seven had severe complications. Among infants ≤ 90 days of age with fever without source, E. coli was the most common pathogen isolated from urine, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid cultures. Copyright © 2016 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. [Pharmaceutical analysis and clinical efficacy of Kampo medicine, maoto, extract suppository against pediatric febrile symptoms]. (United States)

    Nishimura, Nobuhiro; Doi, Norio; Uemura, Tomochika; Taketani, Takeshi; Hayashi, George; Kasai, Takeshi; Kanai, Rie; Yamaguchi, Seiji; Iwamoto, Kikuo; Naora, Kohji


    A traditional Chinese herbal medicine, Kampo medicine, maoto, has been widely used in the treatment of febrile symptoms caused by viral infection. This herbal extract granule for oral use, however, is not well accepted by infants or young children due to its unpleasant taste and odor. Therefore, we prepared Kampo medicine, maoto, suppository and investigated the pharmaceutical and clinical efficacy of the suppository. Kampo medicine, maoto, granules were micro-pulverized and homogeneously dispersed into Hosco-H15 to prepare suppositories containing 0.25 to 1.0 g herbal extract by the conventional fusion method. Content of l-ephedrine, an index compound of Kampo medicine, maoto, in the extract granules and suppositories was determined by using a high performance liquid chromatographic method. Physicochemical experiments revealed that the suppository containing 0.5 g herbal extract had the most suitable melting point of 34 degrees C. Contents of l-ephedrine in the suppository were constant, 93-96% of those in the same amount of the extract granules in different three lots. Upper and lower portions of the suppository had the same content of l-ephedrine. The suppository maintained more than 95% of l-ephedrine content through 6 months at 4 degrees C, room temperature and 40 degrees C, although maldistribution of the extract constituent was observed after storage at 40 degrees C. The suppository was administered to 21 pediatric febrile patients at a dose of 1/3 to 2 full pieces depending on their body weight and physical status. Significant reduction (pchildren with viral febrile symptoms without any adverse effects.

  15. Serological evidence of Francisella tularensis in febrile patients seeking treatment at remote hospitals, northeastern Kenya, 2014–2015

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    J. Njeru


    Full Text Available Tularaemia is a highly contagious infectious zoonosis caused by the bacterial agent Francisella tularensis. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of antibodies to F. tularensis in febrile patients in northeastern Kenya. During 2014–2015, 730 patients were screened for anti-F. tularensis antibodies using a combination of ELISA and Western blot. Twenty-seven (3.7% individuals were positive for F. tularensis. Tularaemia was not suspected by the treating clinicians in any of them. Our results suggest that tularaemia may be present in Kenya but remain unreported, and emphasizes the need for local clinicians to broaden their diagnostic repertoire when evaluating patients with undifferentiated febrile illness.

  16. Choice of urine collection methods for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection in young, febrile infants. (United States)

    Schroeder, Alan R; Newman, Thomas B; Wasserman, Richard C; Finch, Stacia A; Pantell, Robert H


    The optimal method of urine collection in febrile infants is debatable; catheterization, considered more accurate, is technically difficult and invasive. To determine predictors of urethral catheterization in febrile infants and to compare bag and catheterized urine test performance characteristics. Prospective analysis of infants enrolled in the Pediatric Research in Office Settings' Febrile Infant Study. A total of 219 practices from within the Pediatric Research in Office Settings' network, including 44 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. A total of 3066 infants aged 0 to 3 months with temperatures of 38 degrees C or higher. We calculated adjusted odds ratios for predictors of catheterization. Diagnostic test characteristics were compared between bag and catheterization. Urinary tract infection was defined as pure growth of 100 000 CFU/mL or more (bag) and 20 000 CFU/mL or more (catheterization). Seventy percent of urine samples were obtained by catheterization. Predictors of catheterization included female sex, practitioner older than 40 years, Medicaid, Hispanic ethnicity, nighttime evaluation, and severe dehydration. For leukocyte esterase levels, bag specimens demonstrated no difference in sensitivity but somewhat lower specificity (84% [bag] vs 94% [catheterization], PInfection rates were similar in bag and catheterized specimens (8.5% vs 10.8%). Ambiguous cultures were more common in bag specimens (7.4% vs 2.7%, Purinary tract infection. Although both urine cultures and urinalyses are more accurate in catheterized specimens, the magnitude of difference is small but should be factored into clinical decision making.

  17. High prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of urinary tract infection isolates in febrile young children without localizing signs in Taiwan. (United States)

    Wu, Chang-Teng; Lee, Hao-Yuan; Chen, Chyi-Liang; Tuan, Pao-Lan; Chiu, Cheng-Hsun


    Antimicrobial susceptibility and prevalence of pediatric urinary tract infection (UTI) is very useful for pediatricians in selecting effective antibiotics in time to improve outcomes in patients. This study aimed to determine the prevalence rate, bacterial distribution, and antimicrobial susceptibility of UTI in febrile young children at a teaching hospital in northern Taiwan. From January 2011 to December 2011, all urinary isolates from suspected cases of UTI in febrile young children aged from 1 day to 36 months visiting the Pediatric Emergency Room of Chang Gung Children's Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan were identified by conventional methods. Antibiotic susceptibility was determined according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. A total of 5470 (78%) from 7009 eligible children were enrolled in the study, and 619 (11.3%) had a diagnosis of UTI. The most prevalent bacterium was Escherichia coli (68%) followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae (8.1%) and Proteus mirabilis (6.8%). Ampicillin, piperacillin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) showed a higher resistance rate in the three predominant bacteria. All tested bacteria showed higher resistance to ampicillin (79.3%) and TMP-SMX (44.1%), and lower resistance to cefazolin (17.7%) and gentamicin (13.0%). Fourteen percent of the isolates produced extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL), among which 93.33% were E. coli isolates. The overall prevalence of UTI in this study was higher than previously reported in febrile children. Higher antimicrobial resistance was found in ampicillin and TMP-SMX. Among commonly used antibiotics, cefazolin and gentamicin are recommended to treat UTI in febrile children aged < 3 years without localizing signs. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. Role of procalcitonin in predicting dilating vesicoureteral reflux in young children hospitalized with a first febrile urinary tract infection. (United States)

    Sun, Hai-Lun; Wu, Kang-Hsi; Chen, Shan-Ming; Chao, Yu-Hua; Ku, Min-Sho; Hung, Tong-Wei; Liao, Pen-Fen; Lue, Ko-Huang; Sheu, Ji-Nan


    The aim of this article was to assess the usefulness of procalcitonin (PCT) as a marker for predicting dilating (grades III-V) vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in young children with a first febrile urinary tract infection. Children ≤2 years of age with a first febrile urinary tract infection were prospectively evaluated. Serum samples were tested for PCT at the time of admission to a tertiary hospital. All children underwent renal ultrasonography (US), Tc-dimercaptosuccinic acid renal scan, and voiding cystourethrography. The diagnostic characteristics of PCT test for acute pyelonephritis and dilating VUR were calculated. Of 272 children analyzed (168 boys and 104 girls; median age, 5 months), 169 (62.1%) had acute pyelonephritis. There was VUR demonstrated in 97 (35.7%), including 70 (25.7%) with dilating VUR. The median PCT value was significantly higher in children with VUR than in those without (P predictors of dilating VUR. PCT is useful for diagnosing acute pyelonephritis and predicting dilating VUR in young children with a first febrile urinary tract infection. A voiding cystourethrography is indicated only in children with high PCT values (≥1.0 ng/mL) and/or abnormalities found on a US.


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    Mónica Ballesteros Polo


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La incapacidad temporal por contingencia común es un importante problema de salud pública con grandes repercusiones socioeconómicas, que no se distribuye territorialmente de forma homogénea. El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar las diferencias en los costes de la incapacidad temporal por contingencia común entre las provincias de Barcelona y Madrid. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo basado en casos incidentes de incapacidad temporal por contingencia común de más de 15 días de duración seguidos hasta su finalización en una cohorte retrospectiva en el año 2006. La población de estudio fueron los trabajadores de las empresas afiliadas a una Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profesionales para la gestión de dicha incapacidad ubicados en las provincias de Barcelona y Madrid. Se comparó la incidencia, duración y base reguladora diaria entre Barcelona y Madrid, ajustando por sexo, edad y sector económico mediante modelos estadísticos que tuvieron en cuenta la repetición de episodios en un mismo individuo. Resultados: Se identificaron 24.527 episodios de incapacidad temporal por contingencia común, siendo el 62% de Barcelona. El coste medio por episodio fue un 33% más elevado en la provincia de Barcelona (2.589 t vs. 1.941 t. Los episodios ocurridos en la provincia de Barcelona, respecto a Madrid, presentaron una incidencia un 22% superior (1,22, IC95%:1,10- 1,36 y la base reguladora media por episodio fue 7,8 t superior (IC95%:7,20-8,40. Respecto a la duración de los procesos la razón de tiempos fue de 1,03 (IC95%: 1,01-1,05. Conclusiones: Se observó una mayor incidencia y base reguladora diaria en la provincia de Barcelona respecto a la de Madrid que podría explicar su mayor coste.

  20. Non increased neuron-specific enolase concentration in cerebrospinal fluid during first febrile seizures and a year follow-up in pediatric patients No incrementos en la concentración de enolasa específica de neurona en el líquido cefalorraquídeo durante el primer ataque febril y al año en pacientes pediátricos

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    Full Text Available Febrile seizures are the commonest acute neurological disorder of early childhood. Studies suggested that febrile seizures are previous acute events from a more serious neurological problem. Due to neuron-specific enolase is generally accepted as a marker for neuropathological processes in the brain, 16 pediatric patients were studied during their first seizures and a year after it. Neuron-specific enolase in cerebrospinal fluid and blood were analysed by an immune enzyme assay. Non pathological neuron-specific enolase values were obtained in both periods in the group of patients. There were no significative differences when paired series statistics test was performed with 95% of confidence. Neuron-specific enolase appears not to be a marker for febrile seizures because its concentration not be increased in cerebrospinal fluid in this group of patients.Los ataques febriles constituyen el trastorno neurológico agudo más común en la infancia temprana. Existen estudios que sugieren que los ataques febriles son eventos agudos previos a problemas neurológicos más severos. Debido a que la enolasa específica de neurona está aceptada generalmente como marcador de procesos neuropatológicos en el cerebro, se estudiaran 16 pacientes pediátricos durante su primer ataque y al año de este. La enolasa específica de neurona en el líquido cefalorraquídeo y sangre fue analizada por una prueba inmunoenzimática. No se obtuvieron valores patológicos de enolasa específica de neurona en ambos períodos en el grupo de pacientes. No hubo diferencias significativas al aplicar el test de series apareadas con un 95% de confianza. La enolasa específica de neurona parece no ser un marcador para ataques febriles porque su concentración no se incrementa en este grupo de pacientes.

  1. Piperacillin-tazobactam vs. imipenem-cilastatin as empirical therapy in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients with febrile neutropenia. (United States)

    Jing, Yu; Li, Jian; Yuan, Lei; Zhao, Xiaoli; Wang, Quanshun; Yu, Li; Zhou, Daobin; Huang, Wenrong


    This randomized, dual-center study compared the efficacy and safety of piperacillin-tazobactam (PTZ) and imipenem-cilastatin (IMP) in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients with febrile neutropenia. HSCT recipients with febrile neutropenia were randomized into two groups receiving either PTZ or IMP as initial empiric antibiotic. Endpoints were defervescence rate after empiric antibiotic for 48 h, success at end of therapy, and side effects. Defervescence within 48 h after empiric antibiotic was observed in 46 patients with PTZ (75.4%) and 59 patients with IMP (95.2%) (p = 0.002). Ten patients (10/46) in the PTZ group and two patients (2/59) in the IMP group switched empiric antibiotics due to recurrent fever (p = 0.005). Success of initial antibiotic with modification was achieved in 34 patients with PTZ (55.7%) and 53 patients with IMP (85.5%) at the end of therapy (p = 0.001). To treat the bacteremia, seven of 10 patients in the PTZ group and one of eight patients in the IMP group needed to switch the empiric antibiotic (p = 0.025). Compared with PTZ, IMP had more gastrointestinal adverse events (p = 0.045). This study demonstrates that IMP had better efficacy than PTZ as an empiric antibiotic for febrile neutropenia in the HSCT setting, but with more gastrointestinal side reactions. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Ceftolozane/tazobactam for febrile UTI due to multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a patient with neurogenic bladder. (United States)

    Dinh, Aurélien; Davido, Benjamin; Calin, Ruxandra; Paquereau, Julie; Duran, Clara; Bouchand, Frédérique; Phé, Véronique; Chartier-Kastler, Emmanuel; Rottman, Martin; Salomon, Jérôme; Plésiat, Patrick; Potron, Anaïs


    Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a major public health problem among spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. They frequently involve multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. Ceftolozane/tazobactam (C/T) is a novel antibiotic combination approved for complicated intra-abdominal and UTI caused by Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, including some MDR strains. Little is known about the use of this agent for complicated febrile UTI occurring among SCI patients with neurogenic bladder due to MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PSA). We describe the case of a 35-year-old man with SCI due to multiple sclerosis, with a neurogenic bladder necessitating a bilateral nephrostomy and double J catheter, who developed a febrile UTI due to a MDR PSA, which was susceptible only to amikacin and colistin. Because of this MDR phenotype and the underlying kidney disease, a 1000 mg (1000 mg per 500 mg) dose of C/T was given as monotherapy every 8 h for 7 days, after 3 days of colistin and amikacin. Thanks to this treatment, the patient had a favorable outcome with no clinical signs of UTI or positive urine culture up to 1 month after diagnosis. C/T seems to be an effective and safe therapeutic option for febrile UTI due to MDR PSA in SCI patients with neurogenic bladder, even when administered in monotherapy for 10 days.

  3. “What was done there is not to be told!” Plans for improvement and designs for ruin in Austen’s Sotherton Court

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    Roberta Grandi


    Full Text Available L’articolo prende in considerazione il romanzo Mansfield Park di Jane Austen, concentrandosi in particolare sulle descrizioni e sugli eventi legati a Sotherton Court, l’abitazione di Mr. Rushworth. Il romanzo dedica grande attenzione ai progetti di rinnovamento del parco di Sotherton, offrendo interessanti osservazioni riguardo alla moda per l’architettura dei giardini e alle differenti attitudini dei personaggi coinvolti. L’articolo si apre con una introduzione generale sulla situazione dell’architettura paesaggistica nell’epoca di Jane Austen e si dedica, poi, ad approfondire l’analisi degli elementi descritti nel romanzo. La seconda parte dell’articolo si sviluppa a partire dalla considerazione del parco come locus amoenus, il giardino di piacere, per poi studiare la visita a Sotherton Court come narrata nei capitoli 9 e 10 del primo volume. L’episodio mette in scenai personaggi principali mentre, protetti dall’intimità della “wilderness” e dell’“ha-ha”, si lasciano andare a comportamenti impropri. L’analisi mostra come questo episodio costituisca una prefigurazione metaforica dello sviluppo futuro della trama e come esso fornisca, allo stesso tempo, un giudizio morale sul comportamento dei personaggi.

  4. Comparison the efficacy of ceftazidime and imipenem in treatment of neutropenic febrile due to chemotherapy in cancer patients

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    Zahra fotokian


    Full Text Available Introduction: In cancer patients various infections were developed due to severe neutropeniaresulted from chemotherapy. There is controversy between initial monotherapy or multidrugprescription. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of ceftazidime and imipenem incontrol of fever in cancer patients with febrile neutropenia.Materials ands Methods: 40 patients with cancer, fever and neutropenia (PMN<500, withoutrecognized source of infection, were selected using the convenience and consecutive method. Using arandom sampling, twenty patients were treated with imipenem (500mg Iv/Q8hr and others withceftazidime (2mg Iv/Q8hr. The criteria for positive response to the drugs were: fever disappearanceduring maximally 72 hours lasted for up to 24 hours, and increased neutrophil counts more than500/ml.Results: Our results show that 60% and 55% patients with ceftazidime and imipenem were cured,respectively. 40% patients treated with ceftazidime and 45% patients treated with imipenem neededanother antibiotic therapy at the same time. No significant relationship was found between differenttypes of drug regime among the groups.Conclusion: Findings of this study indicate that ceftazidime and imipenem have similar efficacy intreatment of febrile neutropenic patients. Due to more availability and lower cost of ceftazidime thanimipenem, ceftazidime is suggested as first line treatment in febrile neutropenia.

  5. Roultella ornithinolytica infection in infancy: a case of febrile urinary tract infection. (United States)

    De Petris, Laura; Ruffini, Ermanno


    Raoultella ornithinolytica is a Gram-negative, non-motile, encapsulated, aerobic bacillus belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. R. ornithinolytica is a not very common, but emergent causal agent of human infection, and its expression of beta-lactamase provides resistance to commonly used antibiotics. The pathogenetic potential of R. ornithinolytica isolates in human disease has become increasingly important. Several cases of hospital-acquired infection, mostly associated with invasive procedures, or in patients with co-morbidity caused by R. ornithinolytica, have been previously reported in the adult population. In pediatric population, two cases in immunocompromised children, one case in an infant with visceral heterotaxy and one case of catheter-related bacteraemia are described. Here, we present the first case of febrile urinary tract infection due to R. ornithinolytica in an 8-month-old infant, recovered from a previous febrile UTI caused by E. coli and without co-morbidity. The empiric therapy with ceftriaxone, followed by cefpodoxime proxetil, resolved symptoms: the clinical condition of the infant improved rapidly and the treatment eradicated urine from the R. ornithinolytica infection. Since other pathogens rather than R. ornithinolytica are usually identified in children with urinary tract infections, including Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella and Pseudomonas, the identification of this microorganism in our patient's urine was also unexpected.

  6. Validación de nuevos parámetros predictivos de infecciones bacterianas severas en niños febriles menores de 36 meses de edad

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    Alicia Álvarez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva-prospectiva con el objetivo de validar nuestros criterios de riesgos en la identificación de la infección bacteriana severa (IBS en niños febriles, para lo cual se establecieron las categorías de riesgos y se aplicaron en 215 niños febriles que habían ingresado por esta causa en un período de 12 meses. Se obtuvo que el 54,9 % de los niños se clasificaron como bajo riesgo y el 71,6 % sin IBS. No obstante, la frecuencia de dicha afección resultó elevada, 28,4 %, con predominio de las infecciones urinarias. Se triplicó el riesgo de padecer IBS en los niños con aspecto tóxico, temperatura mayor o igual a 39°C, test clínico de Bonadio mayor que 8, cituria mayor o igual a 10 000 células/mm³, con diferencias significativas entre las categorías de riesgo y la IBS, y fue mayor la frecuencia en los niños tóxicos y de riesgos, 92,8 y 54,3 %, respectivamente. Uno de cada 4 niños febriles presentó IBS. Se introdujo la categoría "Riesgo" y se recomienda un flujograma de evaluación.A descriptive-prospective research study was carried out to validate our risk criteria in the identification of severe bacterial infection in febrile young children. For this purpose, risk categories were set and applied in 215 febrile children who had been admitted in a period of 12 months. 54.9 % of febrile children were at low risk for serious bacterial infections whereas 71.6 % presented no risk at all. Nevertheless, the frequency of this affection was high, accounting for 28.4 % with predominance of urinary infections. The risk of getting SBI trippled in children who shared toxic look, temperature greater than or equal to 39 °C, Bonadium clinical test higher than 8, cyturia values over or equal to 10 000 cell/mm³, significant differences between risk and SBI categories and the highest frequency of such affection found in toxic children and in children at low risk (92.8 vs 54.3 %. One in every four febrile

  7. Evaluación del estres oxidativo en pacientes con malaria

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    Margarita Zuleta


    ">Este trabajo evaluará el estrés oxidativo en pacientes con malaria infectados con P. falciparum y P. vivax, en función del número de episodios maláricos, de la parasitemia, de la gravedad de la infección malárica, y edad del infectado. Para esto se cualificará los niveles de malondialdehido y la actividad de las enzimas catalasa, superóxido dismutasa y glutatión peroxidasa.

  8. Is the addition of aminoglycosides to beta-lactams in cancer patients with febrile neutropenia needed?

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    Valeria Contreras


    Full Text Available En pacientes con cáncer que se presentan con neutropenia febril existe controversia sobre si es mejor utilizar una combinación de antibióticos betalactámicos y aminoglicósidos o si bastaría la monoterapia con betalactámicos de amplio espectro como tratamiento empírico inicial. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en 30 bases de datos, identificamos tres revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen 14 estudios aleatorizados pertinentes a esta pregunta. Realizamos un metanálisis y tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que adicionar aminoglicósidos a los betalactámicos en el tratamiento de la neutropenia febril en pacientes con cáncer aumenta la nefrotoxicidad y podría aumentar la mortalidad en comparación con la monoterapia con betalactámicos.

  9. High Prevalence of Intermediate Leptospira spp. DNA in Febrile Humans from Urban and Rural Ecuador. (United States)

    Chiriboga, Jorge; Barragan, Verónica; Arroyo, Gabriela; Sosa, Andrea; Birdsell, Dawn N; España, Karool; Mora, Ana; Espín, Emilia; Mejía, María Eugenia; Morales, Melba; Pinargote, Carmina; Gonzalez, Manuel; Hartskeerl, Rudy; Keim, Paul; Bretas, Gustavo; Eisenberg, Joseph N S; Trueba, Gabriel


    Leptospira spp., which comprise 3 clusters (pathogenic, saprophytic, and intermediate) that vary in pathogenicity, infect >1 million persons worldwide each year. The disease burden of the intermediate leptospires is unclear. To increase knowledge of this cluster, we used new molecular approaches to characterize Leptospira spp. in 464 samples from febrile patients in rural, semiurban, and urban communities in Ecuador; in 20 samples from nonfebrile persons in the rural community; and in 206 samples from animals in the semiurban community. We observed a higher percentage of leptospiral DNA-positive samples from febrile persons in rural (64%) versus urban (21%) and semiurban (25%) communities; no leptospires were detected in nonfebrile persons. The percentage of intermediate cluster strains in humans (96%) was higher than that of pathogenic cluster strains (4%); strains in animal samples belonged to intermediate (49%) and pathogenic (51%) clusters. Intermediate cluster strains may be causing a substantial amount of fever in coastal Ecuador.

  10. Transition of care for the elderly after cerebrovascular accidents - from hospital to the home Transición del cuidado del adulto mayor despues del accidente cerebral vascular del hospital para casa Transição do cuidado com o idoso após acidente vascular cerebral do hospital para casa

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    Rosalina Aparecida Partezani Rodrigues


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: to examine the transition of care in families caring for elderly persons who suffered the first episode of a cerebrovascular accident. METHODOLOGY: an instrumental ethnographic case study was used. The sample comprised 20 subjects: 10 caregivers and 10 elderly persons aged 65 or over, of both sexes, with diagnoses of first episode of cerebrovascular accident, capable of communicating, and requiring care from a main carer in their family. The data was collected through interviews, observation, existing documentation and field notes. Qualitative analysis techniques were used to codify and classify the data and to formulate significant categories, which generated typologies of care. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The central idea was the Transition of Care and showed the context in three typologies: The care process for the dependent elderly person, Strategies for the care process and Impact and acceptance of the limitations. CONCLUSION: The data indicates that caring for an elderly person after a cerebrovascular accident is a challenge for the family. The data permitted it possible to elaborate a proposal for a model for the organization of the work, with a view to holistic care delivery in the health services, forming a care network, which constitutes an advance for the area of nursing.OBJETIVO: examinar la transición del cuidado en familias que cuidan de adultos mayores que sufrieron el primer episodio de accidente cerebral vascular. METODOLOGÍA: Fue utilizado el estudio de caso etnográfico instrumental. La muestra fue constituida de 20 sujetos, siendo 10 cuidadores y 10 adultos con 65 años y más, de ambos sexos, con diagnóstico de primer episodio de accidente cerebral vascular, capaces de comunicarse, demandando cuidado de un cuidador principal en la familia. Los datos fueron colectados por medio de entrevistas, observaciones, documentos existentes y notas de campo. Fueron utilizadas las técnicas de análisis cualitativo para

  11. Is preemptive antifungal therapy a good alternative to empirical treatment in prolonged febrile neutropenia?

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    Erica Koch


    Full Text Available La neutropenia febril prolongada conlleva un alto riesgo de desarrollar infecciones fúngicas invasoras, por lo que habitualmente se administra terapia antifúngica empírica en estos casos. Sin embargo, esta se asocia a importantes efectos adversos, por lo que se ha propuesto como alternativa la estrategia "preemptive" o anticipada, es decir, la indicación de antifúngicos sólo ante la evidencia indirecta de infección fúngica invasora. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en 30 bases de datos, identificamos tres revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen doce estudios. Cuatro estudios aleatorizados evaluaron la pregunta abordada en este artículo. Realizamos un metanálisis y tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que no está claro si la estrategia "preemptive" tiene algún efecto sobre la mortalidad porque la certeza de la evidencia es muy baja, pero podría disminuir levemente el uso de antifúngicos en pacientes con neutropenia febril prolongada.

  12. Immunoadjuvants enhance the febrile responses of rats to endogenous pyrogen. (United States)

    Stitt, J T; Shimada, S G


    The febrile responses of male Sprague-Dawley rats to a semipurified endogenous pyrogen produced from human monocytes were characterized by establishing fever dose-response curves. The animals were then injected intravenously with a number of substances that possessed the common properties of stimulating the phagocytic activity of the cells of the reticuloendothelial system and of acting as immunoadjuvants. The substances used were zymosan, lipopolysaccharide endotoxin, and muramyl dipeptide. Three days after any of these immunoadjuvants were injected, the fever sensitivity of the rats was remeasured. In each case, the slope of the fever dose-response curve tripled, and in some instances the response threshold for fever response was reduced by factors of three to eight. Furthermore, the maximum increase in body temperature produced by the endogenous pyrogen was more than doubled after immunoadjuvant treatment. By contrast latex beads, which are also phagocytized by the cells of the reticuloendothelial system but do not subsequently increase their phagocytic index nor do they enhance immune responses, had no effect on the fever sensitivity of rats in response to endogenous pyrogen. In the light of these findings, it is suggested that the febrile responses of rats to endogenous pyrogen are mediated in some manner by cells that possess some of the properties of reticuloendothelial cells. The location of these putative cells must be close to the circulation, because the immunoadjuvants used in this study were, for the most part, large molecular weight molecules that could not cross the blood-brain barrier easily.

  13. Accuracy of Automated Flow Cytometry-Based Leukocyte Counts To Rule Out Urinary Tract Infection in Febrile Children: a Prospective Cross-Sectional Study (United States)

    Duong, Hong Phuoc; Wissing, Karl Martin; Tram, Nathalie; Mascart, Georges; Lepage, Philippe


    Automated flow cytometry of urine remains an incompletely validated method to rule out urinary tract infection (UTI) in children. This cross-sectional analytical study was performed to compare the predictive values of flow cytometry and a dipstick test as initial diagnostic tests for UTI in febrile children and prospectively included 1,106 children (1,247 episodes). Urine culture was used as the gold standard test for diagnosing UTI. The performance of screening tests to diagnose UTI were established using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Among these 1,247 febrile episodes, 221 UTIs were diagnosed (17.7% [95% confidence interval {CI}, 15.6 to 19.8%]). The area under the ROC curve for flow cytometry white blood cell (WBC) counts (0.99 [95% CI, 0.98 to 0.99]) was significantly superior to that for red blood cell (0.74 [95% CI, 0.70 to 0.78]) and bacterial counts (0.89 [95% CI, 0.87 to 0.92]) (P UTI in febrile children. PMID:27682127

  14. Métodos para la evaluación motora objetiva de pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido en neurorrehabilitación funcional


    Villán Villán, Mailin Adriana


    El Daño Cerebral Adquirido (DCA) es una alteración de la actividad neuronal en áreas del cerebro que ocurre después del nacimiento. Las secuelas tras un episodio de DCA pueden ser motoras, cognitivas, sociales, entre otras, que pueden transformar la vida de los pacientes en los ámbitos educativo, laboral y familiar. Las causas del DCA pueden ser traumáticas y no traumáticas, siendo las más comunes el Accidente Cerebrovascular (ACV) o Ictus y el Traumatismo Craneoencefálico (TCE). El ACV es la...

  15. The rat - Cardiovascular pharmacology


    Sotomayor-Herazo Aristides; Mendoza-Goez Luis


    LA RATA:El Doctor Arístides Sotomayor Herazo, insigneespecialista en Medicina Interna y Cardiólogo, mehizo recordar en muchos de los episodios de estanovela, el signo trágico del que no pudo escaparEdipo. Si hoy existiese Sófocles, seguramente sehubiese impresionado, y tal vez le hubiese gustadocompartir la ocurrencia de la fecunda imaginaciónrealista de Arístides, no del hijo de Lisímaco,estratega militar de la batalla de Maratón de laantigua Grecia en el 409 a. C, sino del “Ari” de hoy,así ...

  16. Cultura letteraria nella Spagna del XVI secolo. Le «Treze questiones muy famosas sacadas del Philocolo del famoso Juan Boccaccio»

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    Carmen Fatima Blanco Valdés


    Full Text Available Nel 1546 si pubblica a Siviglia una traduzione “non autorizzata” dell’episodio delle «Tredici Questioni d’amore» che fanno parte del IV libro del Filocolo di Boccaccio. Lo stesso anno, a Toledo, si pubblica la traduzione dello stesso testo, questa volta con il permesso dei traduttori. Di quest’ultima si faranno due riedizioni, la prima a Toledo nel 1549 e la seconda a Venezia nel 1553. La traduzione è opera di due traduttori: Diego López de Ayala, canonico della cattedrale di Toledo, che si occupa della traduzione del testo, e Diego de Salazar, che compone dei poemetti che servono come riassunto sia dell’argo- mento di ognuna delle questioni sia della soluzione finale. Entrambi i traduttori collaboreranno nuovamente nella traduzione dell’Arcadia di Sannazaro. Da ricerche precedenti si può stabilire come testo base della traduzione l’incunabolo veneto del Filocolo del 1472 (riedito nel 1481, 1488 e 1497. L’articolo confronta contrastivamente i due testi per individuare, in un primo momento, le differenti tecniche e strategie traduttologiche usate da López de Ayala. Scopo dello studio non è solo quello di descrivere queste tecniche, ma anche di metterle in rapporto con vari aspetti che riguardano la cultura editoriale e la situazione sociale della Spagna del XVI secolo, come il nuovo tipo di lettori, la censura letteraria – ragione per la quale, a nostro avviso, il traduttore modifica e manipola frammenti del testo – o la finalità ultima del testo che vede modificata la sua funzione testuale rispetto al testo d’origine. In effetti, la traduzione spagnola si avvicina piú a una specie di catalogo di casistica amorosa con intenzionalità didattica e moraleggiante, diversa dalla funzione di diletto del romanzo sentimentale di derivazione alessandrina scritto da Boccaccio. Prima di affrontare l’analisi della traduzione si offre un’introduzione in cui vengono contestualizzate la storia editoriale della Spagna del

  17. Duration of Fever and Course of Symptoms in Young Febrile Children Presenting with Uncomplicated Illness

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kool, M.; Elshout, G.; Moll, H.A.; Koes, B.W.; van der Wouden, J.C.; Berger, M.Y.


    Purpose: It is important to advise parents when to consult a doctor when their child has fever. To provide evidence-based, safety-net advice for young febrile children, we studied the risk of complications, the occurrence of alarm symptoms, the duration of fever. Methods: In a 7-day prospective

  18. Aetiologies of non-malaria febrile episodes in children under 5 years in sub-Saharan Africa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kiemde, Francois; Spijker, René; Mens, Petra F.; Tinto, Halidou; Boele, Michael; Schallig, Henk D. F. H.


    ObjectivesTo provide an overview of the most frequent aetiologies found in febrile episodes of children under 5 years from sub-Saharan Africa. MethodsMEDLINE and EMBASE were searched for publications in English and French on non-malaria fever episodes in African children under 5 years of age, which

  19. Aplicabilidad de la termometría digital por infrarrojos en la valoración vascular del pie


    Rayo Rosado, Rafael


    La temperatura corporal es un parámetro muy utilizado a la hora de establecer un juicio clínico en diversos procesos patológicos. La medición de la temperatura con fines diagnósticos o termometría clínica, es sin duda una de las pruebas complementarias más frecuente que se realiza en los procesos de salud. Al hablar de termometría, se nos viene a la cabeza el uso de termómetros con la finalidad de conocer la temperatura corporal del sujeto y determinar si existen procesos febriles. Sin embarg...

  20. Cost Effectiveness of Primary Pegfilgrastim Prophylaxis in Patients With Breast Cancer at Risk of Febrile Neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aarts, Maureen J.; Grutters, Janneke P.; Peters, Frank P.; Mandigers, Caroline M.; Dercksen, M. Wouter; Stouthard, Jacqueline M.; Nortier, Hans J.; van Laarhoven, Hanneke W.; van Warmerdam, Laurence J.; van de Wouw, Agnes J.; Jacobs, Esther M.; Mattijssen, Vera; van der Rijt, Carin C.; Smilde, Tineke J.; van der Velden, Annette W.; Temizkan, Mehmet; Batman, Erdogan; Muller, Erik W.; van Gastel, Saskia M.; Joore, Manuela A.; Borm, George F.; Tjan-Heijnen, Vivianne C.


    Purpose Guidelines advise primary granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) prophylaxis during chemotherapy if risk of febrile neutropenia (FN) is more than 20%, but this comes with considerable costs. We investigated the incremental costs and effects between two treatment strategies of primary

  1. Cost effectiveness of primary pegfilgrastim prophylaxis in patients with breast cancer at risk of febrile neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aarts, M.J.; Grutters, J.P.C.; Peters, F.P.; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Dercksen, M.W.; Stouthard, J.M.; Nortier, H.J.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Warmerdam, L.J. van; Wouw, A.J. van de; Jacobs, E.M.G.; Mattijssen, V.; Rijt, C.C. van der; Smilde, T.J.; Velden, A.W. van der; Temizkan, M.; Batman, E.; Muller, E.W.; Gastel, S.M. van; Joore, M.A.; Borm, G.F.; Tjan-Heijnen, V.C.


    PURPOSE: Guidelines advise primary granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) prophylaxis during chemotherapy if risk of febrile neutropenia (FN) is more than 20%, but this comes with considerable costs. We investigated the incremental costs and effects between two treatment strategies of primary

  2. Translation of clinical prediction rules for febrile children to primary care practice : an observational cohort study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Ierland, Yvette; Elshout, Gijs; Berger, Marjolein Y.; Vergouwe, Yvonne; de Wilde, Marcel; van der Lei, Johan; Mol, Henritte A.; Oostenbrink, Rianne

    Background Clinical prediction rules (CPRs) to identify children with serious infections lack validation in low-prevalence populations, which hampers their implementation in primary care practice. Aim To evaluate the diagnostic value of published CPRs for febrile children in primary care. Design and

  3. Millon´s Personality Model and ischemic cardiovascular acute episodes: Profiles of risk in a decision tree

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    María M. Richard's


    Full Text Available La identificación de subgrupos de riesgo permite a los psicólogos clínicos desarrollar intervenciones específicas para esos subgrupos. El principal propósito de este trabajo fue encontrar asociaciones estadísticas entre características de personalidad -rasgos y trastornos- y la existencia de episodios isquémicos cardiovasculares agudos según el modelo de personalidad de Theodore Millon. Los análisis del presente estudio se fundamentaron en una muestra de 313 mujeres y hombres entre 31 y 80 años de edad, divididos en dos grupos: un grupo clínico formado por 143 participantes internados a causa de episodios isquémicos cardiovasculares agudos y un grupo control constituido por 170 personas sin antecedentes de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Los resultados mostraron cuatro perfiles de riesgo de personalidad asociados con la existencia de episodios isquémicos agudos y, por tanto, esto posibilita a los psicólogos clínicos el diseño de intervenciones específicas para aquellos subgrupos.

  4. Is serum albumin an independent predictor of post chemotherapy febrile neutropenia?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saleem, L.; Zahid, N.A.


    Objective: To evaluate the association between serum albumin and risk of post chemotherapy febrile neutropenia. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of oncology, Liaquat National Hospital, from 1st Jan 2015 to 31st Dec 2016. Material and Method: One hundred and sixty-six biopsy proven cancer patients with Eastern cooperative oncology group (ECOG) performance status <2 and without significant co-morbidities received first cycle of chemotherapy during two years study period. Different chemotherapies with moderate to severe risk of FN were used. Patient's pre-treatment serum albumin was measured and patients followed for occurrence of FN. Association between serum albumin and post chemotherapy FN was analyzed. Results: Data of 166 patients was available for final analysis. Post chemotherapy FN was observed in 19.9% (33/166) patients. Pre-chemotherapy serum albumin level was <3.5 mg/dl in (35/166) 21.1% of patients, out of which (15/35) 42.9% developed FN. Serum albumin (p=0.0005) was highly significantly associated with a risk of FN. On analysis of other factors age, gender, body surface area (BSA) and pre-chemotherapy hemoglobin level were not significantly associated with a risk of FN while body mass index (p=0.0005) was found to be associated with risk of FN. Conclusion: Pre-chemotherapy serum albumin levels were found to be statistically significant predictor of postchemotherapy febrile neutropenia.

  5. Emergence of MRSA in positive blood cultures from patients with febrile neutropenia--a cause for concern.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Morris, Patrick G


    Febrile neutropenia (FN) causes considerable morbidity in patients on cytotoxic chemotherapy. Recently, there has been a trend towards fewer Gram-negative and more Gram-positive infections with increasing antibiotic resistance. To assess these patterns, data from a supra-regional cancer centre in Ireland were reviewed.

  6. Morbidade febril puerperal em pacientes infectadas pelo HIV Puerperal morbidity in HIV-positive women

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    Andrea De Marcos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar as taxas de morbidade febril puerperal em pacientes infectadas pelo HIV e sua correlação com a via de parto, duração do trabalho de parto, tempo de rotura de membranas, número de células CD4+ e carga viral do HIV periparto. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas 207 gestantes infectadas pelo HIV, com seguimento pré-natal e parto entre maio de 1997 e dezembro de 2001, sendo 32 submetidas a parto vaginal e 175 a cesárea. Do total de pacientes, 62,8% foram submetidas a cesárea eletiva. A idade média no grupo analisado foi de 27,4 anos, 25,6% eram nulíparas e 26% primíparas, com idade gestacional média de 37,8 semanas no momento do parto. A contagem média de células CD4+ foi de 481 células /mm³ e da carga viral do HIV de 49.100 cópias/mL, ambas no final da gestação. RESULTADOS: a morbidade febril puerperal ocorreu em 34 pacientes, sendo 33 pós-cesárea e 1 pós-parto vaginal. O tipo mais comum de intercorrência infecciosa pós-cesárea foi infecção de cicatriz cirúrgica (13% dos casos de infecção. Os fatores analisados, como duração do trabalho de parto, tempo de rotura de membranas, contagem de células CD4+ ou carga viral do HIV periparto, não interferiram na taxa de morbidade febril puerperal. CONCLUSÕES: A incidência de morbidade febril puerperal foi de 16,8%, sendo mais freqüente pós-cesárea (18,9% que pós-parto vaginal (3,1%. Os demais fatores não mostraram relação significativa com a taxa de morbidade febril puerperal.PURPOSE: the morbidity in HIV-positive patients due to puerperal fever was studied and correlated to the method and duration of labor, the duration of premature rupture of the membranes, CD4+ cell count and the viral load (VL at peridelivery. METHODS: a total of 207 HIV-positive women with prenatal examinations and deliveries between May 1997 and December 2001 were enrolled. Of these, 32 had natural childbirth and 175 had a cesarean section. Of the total of enrolled patients, 62

  7. When your child with epilepsy die suddenly: febrile seizures are part of the process?

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    V C Terra


    Full Text Available Febrile seizures (FS affect almost 2-5% of children and factors related to an increase susceptibility of children to FS may involve an imbalance of inflammatory cytokines and genetic factors. FS had low morbidity, but may be associated with the occurrence of late chronic epilepsy. Here we describe factors related to FS and its possible correlation with SUDEP.

  8. Febrile seizures prior to sudden cardiac death

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stampe, Niels Kjær; Glinge, Charlotte; Jabbari, Reza


    Aims: Febrile seizure (FS) is a common disorder affecting 2-5% of children up to 5 years of age. The aim of this study was to determine whether FS in early childhood are over-represented in young adults dying from sudden cardiac death (SCD). Methods and results: We included all deaths (n = 4595...... with FS was sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (5/8; 62.5%). Conclusion: In conclusion, this study demonstrates a significantly two-fold increase in the frequency of FS prior to death in young SCD cases compared with the two control groups, suggesting that FS could potentially contribute in a risk......) nationwide and through review of all death certificates, we identified 245 SCD in Danes aged 1-30 years in 2000-09. Through the usage of nationwide registries, we identified all persons admitted with first FS among SCD cases (14/245; 5.7%) and in the corresponding living Danish population (71 027/2 369 785...

  9. Very early discharge versus early discharge versus non-early discharge in children with cancer and febrile neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Loeffen, Erik A. H.; te Poele, Esther M.; Tissing, Wim J. E.; Boezen, H. Marike; de Bont, Eveline S. J. M.


    Background Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is a common adverse effect in children with cancer. Due to the high relative risk of infections and infectious complications, standard care for children with cancer and febrile neutropenia consists of routine hospitalization and parenteral administration

  10. Dos hipótesis sobre el presidencialismo autoritario

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    Soledad Loaeza


    Full Text Available El presidencialismo autoritario mexicano ha sido objeto de muchas reflexiones y opiniones. No obstante, se ha impuesto un paradigma presidencialista que privilegia la perspectiva personalizada e idiosincrática del ejercicio del poder, con un importante componente cultu- ralista. Aquí se propone, por una parte, una perspectiva histórica que contextualiza las accio- nes presidenciales en el período 1944-1970; por la otra, se parte de dos presupuestos generales. Uno, sostiene que los presidentes mexicanos actuaban bajo importantes restricciones y según los ritmos de un proceso que avanzó en episodios, más que en forma lineal o acumulativa; el otro destaca la limitación geopolítica que se deriva de la vecindad con Estados Unidos que incidió sobre las acciones presidenciales, pero también sobre el desarrollo institucional del país. La evolución del presidencialismo autoritario lleva la huella de esta influencia. Este artículo introduce elementos para la discusión de las hipótesis. La primera parte hace una revisión crítica del paradigma presidencialista; la segunda expone las restricciones que se derivaban de la vecindad con Estados Unidos. La tercera y última está dedicada a la descripción del tipo de episodios que Pueden servir para ilustrar la evolución del presidencialismo autoritario. Las dos hipótesis que aquí se presentan han guiado una investigación más amplia sobre el impacto de la Guerra Fría en México y el desarrollo del presidencialismo.

  11. Tasas específicas de mortalidad en el hospital de Algeciras durante el período 1995-1996

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    García Ortega Cesáreo


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: La mortalidad intrahospitalaria ha sido propuesta como un indicador de calidad asistencial. Así mismo, es un hecho que debe ser utilizado para la vigilancia epidemiológica y la planificación sanitaria. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la mortalidad del Hospital de Algeciras del Servicio Andaluz de Salud. MÉTODOS: Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo de los enfermos dados de alta entre enero de 1995 y diciembre de 1996, utilizando como fuente de información el informe clínico de alta y/o la historia clínica. Se utilizó la estructura del informe conjunto mínimo básico de datos al alta hospitalaria (CMBD. Los episodios de hospitalización fueron agrupados en los grupos relacionados con el diagnóstico (GRD. Tras un primer análisis de todos los episodios de hospitalización, se analizaron los episodios de alta de los enfermos menores de 80 años, estableciendo el riesgo de fallecer en el hospital en función del motivo de ingreso. RESULTADOS: En el Hospital de Algeciras hubo entre enero de 1995 y diciembre de 1996 un total de 24.194 episodios de hospitalización, tasa de mortalidad del 4.1%. Se observó una mayor tasa de mortalidad en el sexo masculino (5.3% frente al femenino (3.2%, (P<0.01. En los pacientes menores de 80 años se han producido 750 muertes intrahospitalarias y continúa el exceso de mortalidad en el sexo masculino. Las causas más frecuentes de las defunciones en este grupo de edad son: 66 muertes por enfermedad cerebro-vascular (probabilidad de morir este grupo de edad si han ingresado por enfermedad cerebro-vascular IC 95% 0.12-0.19, 58 muertes por Sida (IC95% 0.09-0.15, 51 por neoplasias de bronquios y pulmón (IC95 0.18-0.30, 49 éxitus por infarto agudo de miocardio (IC95% 0.12-0.21, 39 por enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (IC95% 0.07-0.14.. CONCLUSIONES: Se confirma la numerosa información suministrada por las estadísticas de mortalidad hospitalaria, especialmente si se tienen en

  12. Evaluación de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en familias del distrito de los morochucos en Ayacucho, Perú

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    Susan Pillaca

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Evaluar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en familias del distrito Los Morochucos en Ayacucho, Perú. Materiales y métodos. Estudio basado en interpretación de la información disponible de fuentes oficiales y de encuestas realizadas para levantar la información no registrada en ellas. El muestreo fue estratificado y bietapico considerando 128 familias con al menos un niño menor de 12 años. Las variables fueron el nivel de seguridad alimentaria, percepción familiar sobre su situación de disponibilidad y acceso de sus alimentos, lactancia materna exclusiva, alimentación durante episodios de diarrea, frecuencia de consumo de alimentos, consumo de agua segura, lavado de manos, servicios higiénicos adecuados, estabilidad en el suministro de alimentos, estado nutricional y de salud, desnutrición crónica, anemia y parasitosis en niños de 6 meses a tres años. Resultados. El 39,1% de familias tiene seguridad alimentaria, 37,5% inseguridad alimentaria sin hambre, 18,8% inseguridad alimentaria con hambre, y 4,7% inseguridad alimentaria con hambre severa. Tienen aceptable consumo de calorías, pero no tienen una dieta balanceada. No cuentan con agua clorada. Durante los episodios de diarrea, 72% de madres alimenta al niño con mates o caldos. Se perdieron gran cantidad de sus cosechas el año 2011. Los niños de 6 meses a tres años presentan 34,5% de desnutrición crónica, 42,4% de anemia y 61,6% parasitosis. Conclusiones. La inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional en este distrito de Ayacucho es considerable debiéndose priorizar la ejecución de proyectos de inversión con el fin de contribuir el desarrollo de la comunidad

  13. Livets febrile hemmeligheder. Et litterært slægtskab mellem Henrik Pontoppidan og Thomas Mann

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vangshardt, Rasmus

    filosofferne Arthur Schopenhauer og Friedrich Nietzsche – og med Thomas Mann. Det giver samtidig anledning til en revurdering af De Dødes Riges slutning: Siden bogens udgivelse har litterater diskuteret, hvorvidt dens slut-utopi er beundringsværdig eller tynd. Men Livets febrile hemmeligheder påpeger noget...

  14. Use of alarm features in referral of febrile children to the emergency department : an observational study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Ierland, Yvette; Elshout, Gijs; Moll, Henritte A.; Nijman, Ruud G.; Vergouwe, Yvonne; van der Lei, Johan; Berger, Marjolein Y.; Oostenbrink, Rianne

    Background The diagnostic value of alarm features of serious infections in low prevalence settings is unclear. Aim To explore to what extent alarm features play a role in referral to the emergency department (ED) by GPs who face a febrile child during out-of-hours care. Design and setting

  15. Apnea del sueño: cuadro clínico y estudio diagnóstico

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    Dr. R. Henry Olivi


    Full Text Available El Síndrome de Apnea Hipoapnea Obstructiva del Sueño (SAHOS es un trastorno frecuente, crónico y evolución progresiva. Se asocia a mayor morbilidad cardiovascular, neurocognitiva y metabólica, riesgo de accidentes, mala calidad de vida y mortalidad aumentada. Afecta al 5% de la población adulta y al 2% de niños entre 4 y 5 años. Tiene tratamiento eficaz y rentable, por lo cual es imperativo su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Se caracteriza por episodios repetidos de obstrucción parcial o completa de la faringe durante el sueño, que provocan hipoxia seguida de re-oxigenación y despertares transitorios, responsable de las alteraciones fisiopatológicas y síntomas, que aunque inespecíficos, son muy sugerentes. El paciente tipo de SAHOS, es un hombre obeso, de cuello corto, roncador de larga data, que acusa somnolencia diurna, sueño poco reparador, cansancio, nocturia y leve deterioro cognitivo. Su pareja observa la aparición progresiva de pausas respiratorias. Sin embargo, la presentación es heterogénea y se distinguen diferentes fenotipos clínicos. El diagnóstico se basa en la sospecha y la evaluación conjunta del cuadro clínico con estudios nocturnos confirmatorios adecuados, siguiendo algoritmos propuestos, usando desde PSG convencional hasta equipos simplificados.

  16. La Casa de las Treinta y Nueve Llaves

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    Oswaldo Díaz Díaz


    Full Text Available Presentamos en estas páginas un capítulo del apasionante libro Los Almeydas, recientemente publicado por la Academia Colombiana de Historia, y en el que su autor, don Oswaldo Díaz Díaz, recoge episodios de la resistencia patriótica contra el ejército pacificador de Tierra Firme.

  17. Increased Nasopharyngeal Density and Concurrent Carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis Are Associated with Pneumonia in Febrile Children. (United States)

    Chochua, Sopio; D'Acremont, Valérie; Hanke, Christiane; Alfa, David; Shak, Joshua; Kilowoko, Mary; Kyungu, Esther; Kaiser, Laurent; Genton, Blaise; Klugman, Keith P; Vidal, Jorge E


    We assessed nasopharyngeal (NP) carriage of five pathogens in febrile children with and without acute respiratory infection (ARI) of the upper (URTI) or lower tract, attending health facilities in Tanzania. NP swabs collected from children (N = 960) aged 2 months to 10 years, and with a temperature ≥38°C, were utilized to quantify bacterial density of S. pneumoniae (Sp), H. influenzae (Hi), M. catarrhalis (Mc), S. aureus (Sa), and N. meningitidis (Nm). We determined associations between presence of individual species, densities, or concurrent carriage of all species combination with respiratory diseases including clinical pneumonia, pneumonia with normal chest radiography (CXR) and endpoint pneumonia. Individual carriage, and NP density, of Sp, Hi, or Mc, but not Sa, or Nm, was significantly associated with febrile ARI and clinical pneumonia when compared to febrile non-ARI episodes. Density was also significantly increased in severe pneumonia when compared to mild URTI (Sp, p<0.002; Hi p<0.001; Mc, p = 0.014). Accordingly, concurrent carriage of Sp+, Hi+, and Mc+, in the absence of Sa- and Nm-, was significantly more prevalent in children with ARI (p = 0.03), or clinical pneumonia (p<0.001) than non-ARI, and in children with clinical pneumonia (p = 0.0007) than URTI. Furthermore, Sp+, Hi+, and Mc+ differentiated children with pneumonia with normal CXR, or endpoint pneumonia, from those with URTI, and non-ARI cases. Concurrent NP carriage of Sp, Hi, and Mc was a predictor of clinical pneumonia and identified children with pneumonia with normal CXR and endpoint pneumonia from those with febrile URTI, or non-ARI episodes.

  18. Increased Nasopharyngeal Density and Concurrent Carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis Are Associated with Pneumonia in Febrile Children.

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    Sopio Chochua

    Full Text Available We assessed nasopharyngeal (NP carriage of five pathogens in febrile children with and without acute respiratory infection (ARI of the upper (URTI or lower tract, attending health facilities in Tanzania.NP swabs collected from children (N = 960 aged 2 months to 10 years, and with a temperature ≥38°C, were utilized to quantify bacterial density of S. pneumoniae (Sp, H. influenzae (Hi, M. catarrhalis (Mc, S. aureus (Sa, and N. meningitidis (Nm. We determined associations between presence of individual species, densities, or concurrent carriage of all species combination with respiratory diseases including clinical pneumonia, pneumonia with normal chest radiography (CXR and endpoint pneumonia.Individual carriage, and NP density, of Sp, Hi, or Mc, but not Sa, or Nm, was significantly associated with febrile ARI and clinical pneumonia when compared to febrile non-ARI episodes. Density was also significantly increased in severe pneumonia when compared to mild URTI (Sp, p<0.002; Hi p<0.001; Mc, p = 0.014. Accordingly, concurrent carriage of Sp+, Hi+, and Mc+, in the absence of Sa- and Nm-, was significantly more prevalent in children with ARI (p = 0.03, or clinical pneumonia (p<0.001 than non-ARI, and in children with clinical pneumonia (p = 0.0007 than URTI. Furthermore, Sp+, Hi+, and Mc+ differentiated children with pneumonia with normal CXR, or endpoint pneumonia, from those with URTI, and non-ARI cases.Concurrent NP carriage of Sp, Hi, and Mc was a predictor of clinical pneumonia and identified children with pneumonia with normal CXR and endpoint pneumonia from those with febrile URTI, or non-ARI episodes.

  19. Improving early diagnosis of pulmonary infections in patients with febrile neutropenia using low-dose chest computed tomography.

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    M G Gerritsen

    Full Text Available We performed a prospective study in patients with chemotherapy induced febrile neutropenia to investigate the diagnostic value of low-dose computed tomography compared to standard chest radiography. The aim was to compare both modalities for detection of pulmonary infections and to explore performance of low-dose computed tomography for early detection of invasive fungal disease. The low-dose computed tomography remained blinded during the study. A consensus diagnosis of the fever episode made by an expert panel was used as reference standard. We included 67 consecutive patients on the first day of febrile neutropenia. According to the consensus diagnosis 11 patients (16.4% had pulmonary infections. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 36%, 93%, 50% and 88% for radiography, and 73%, 91%, 62% and 94% for low-dose computed tomography, respectively. An uncorrected McNemar showed no statistical difference (p = 0.197. Mean radiation dose for low-dose computed tomography was 0.24 mSv. Four out of 5 included patients diagnosed with invasive fungal disease had radiographic abnormalities suspect for invasive fungal disease on the low-dose computed tomography scan made on day 1 of fever, compared to none of the chest radiographs. We conclude that chest radiography has little value in the initial assessment of febrile neutropenia on day 1 for detection of pulmonary abnormalities. Low-dose computed tomography improves detection of pulmonary infiltrates and seems capable of detecting invasive fungal disease at a very early stage with a low radiation dose.

  20. Improving early diagnosis of pulmonary infections in patients with febrile neutropenia using low-dose chest computed tomography. (United States)

    Gerritsen, M G; Willemink, M J; Pompe, E; van der Bruggen, T; van Rhenen, A; Lammers, J W J; Wessels, F; Sprengers, R W; de Jong, P A; Minnema, M C


    We performed a prospective study in patients with chemotherapy induced febrile neutropenia to investigate the diagnostic value of low-dose computed tomography compared to standard chest radiography. The aim was to compare both modalities for detection of pulmonary infections and to explore performance of low-dose computed tomography for early detection of invasive fungal disease. The low-dose computed tomography remained blinded during the study. A consensus diagnosis of the fever episode made by an expert panel was used as reference standard. We included 67 consecutive patients on the first day of febrile neutropenia. According to the consensus diagnosis 11 patients (16.4%) had pulmonary infections. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 36%, 93%, 50% and 88% for radiography, and 73%, 91%, 62% and 94% for low-dose computed tomography, respectively. An uncorrected McNemar showed no statistical difference (p = 0.197). Mean radiation dose for low-dose computed tomography was 0.24 mSv. Four out of 5 included patients diagnosed with invasive fungal disease had radiographic abnormalities suspect for invasive fungal disease on the low-dose computed tomography scan made on day 1 of fever, compared to none of the chest radiographs. We conclude that chest radiography has little value in the initial assessment of febrile neutropenia on day 1 for detection of pulmonary abnormalities. Low-dose computed tomography improves detection of pulmonary infiltrates and seems capable of detecting invasive fungal disease at a very early stage with a low radiation dose.

  1. Bacterial spectrum and susceptibility patterns of pathogens in adult febrile neutropenic patients: a comparison between two time periods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zahid, K.F.; Hafeez, H.; Afzal, A.


    The aim of this study was to study trends in bacterial spectrum and susceptibility patterns of pathogens in adult febrile neutropenic patients during two time periods. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 379 adult oncology patients admitted with chemotherapy induced febrile neutropenia at our institute during years 2003 and 2006. A total of 151 organisms were isolated during the two calendar years. Gram negative bacteria accounted for 57.6% of organisms, while gram positive organisms accounted for 42.3% of the total isolates. The most common organisms were: Escherichia coli (23.1%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (13.9%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (12.5%) and Staphylococcus aureus (7.9%). The number of gram positive isolates showed an increase from 35% in 2003 to 47.2% in 2006 (p=0.13). During each calendar year, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus were 100% susceptible to vancomycin and 33% strains of Staphylococcus aureus were methicillin resistant. Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains were highly sensitive to piperacillin/tazobactam and amikacin during both time periods. Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains to ciprofloxacin increased from 0% in 2003 to 50% in 2006 (p=0.03). Gram negative organisms are the predominant organisms in adult febrile neutropenic patients at our institute. Initial empirical therapy with piperacillin/tazobactam seems appropriate to cover most gram negative pathogens while vancomycin to be added for suspected gram positive infections. During the two calendar years resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains to ciprofloxacin has significantly increased. (author)

  2. Febrile urinary tract infections after ureteroneocystostomy and subureteral injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid for vesicoureteral reflux--do choice of procedure and success matter? (United States)

    Dwyer, Moira E; Husmann, Douglas A; Rathbun, Suzanne R; Weight, Christopher J; Kramer, Stephen A


    Despite success rates favoring ureteroneocystostomy over subureteral injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid for correction of vesicoureteral reflux, the reported incidence of postoperative febrile urinary tract infection favors the latter. We evaluated contemporary treatment cohorts for an association between correction of vesicoureteral reflux and risk of postoperative febrile urinary tract infection. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 396 consecutive patients who underwent ureteroneocystostomy or subureteral injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid between 1994 and 2008. Time to event multivariate analyses included preoperative grade of vesicoureteral reflux and bladder/bowel dysfunction. Of 316 patients meeting study criteria 210 underwent ureteroneocystostomy (356 ureters) and 106 underwent subureteral injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid (167). Median patient age was 5.7 years (IQR 3.4 to 8.3). Median followup was 28 months (IQR 8 to 61). Ureteral success was significantly greater after ureteroneocystostomy (88%, 314 of 356 cases) vs subureteral injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid (74%, 124 of 167, p = 0.0001). When controlling for preoperative grade of vesicoureteral reflux and bladder/bowel dysfunction, the risk of persistent reflux was 2.8 times greater after subureteral injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid (95% CI 1.7-4.7, p acid (4%, 4 of 106; HR 1.96, 95% CI 0.64-5.9, p = 0.24) even when controlling for preoperative grade of vesicoureteral reflux, a predictor of postoperative febrile urinary tract infection on multivariate analysis (HR 2.2 per increase in grade, 95% CI 1.3-3.6, p = 0.0022). Persistent reflux was not a predictor of postoperative febrile urinary tract infection (HR 0.81, 95% CI 0.22-2.9, p = 0.75 for ureteroneocystostomy vs HR 1.8, 95% CI 0.2-17.3, p = 0.6 for subureteral injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid and HR 1.8, 95% CI 0.3-3.3, p = 0.6 for both). The incidence of postoperative febrile urinary tract

  3. Riesgos sistémicos en el mercado interbancario en Venezuela, 2004-2014


    Pagliacci, Carolina; Peña, Jennifer


    Este trabajo muestra la aplicación del modelo núcleo-periferia para medir dos dimensiones del riesgo sistémico en el mercado interbancario venezolano: conectividad y patrones de fondeo entre bancos. El período de estudio es de interés porque contiene un episodio de ajuste financiero en el año 2009. Los resultados muestran que posterior a esta fecha, la conectividad del mercado parece haberse reducido, lo que podría redundar en menor riesgo sistémico de contagio. En contraposición, los patrone...

  4. Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis reduces the risk of febrile UTI in children with asymptomatic antenatal hydronephrosis with either ureteral dilation, high-grade vesicoureteral reflux, or ureterovesical junction obstruction. (United States)

    Herz, Daniel; Merguerian, Paul; McQuiston, Leslie


    The efficacy and utility of continuous antibiotic prophylaxis (CAP) in children with congenital antenatal hydronephrosis (ANH) is uncertain. The literature has both supportive and contradictory evidence. The growing trend not to place children with ANH on CAP has created varied clinical practice based on anecdotal individual case characteristics. Our goal was to compare individual infant characteristics between those children who were maintained on CAP to those that were not to try to determine predisposing risk factors to febrile. All electronic medical records (EMRs) of children referred to our institution for congenital ANH over a period from 2001 to 2011 were examined. We excluded those referred for urinary tract infection (UTI) who had a history of congenital ANH. We also excluded those with incomplete records, or follow-up less than 2 years. Children were divided into two groups: those maintained on CAP (YCAP) and those not maintained on CAP (NCAP). Our primary endpoint was febrile UTI. Follow-up was at least 24 months. Demographic, perinatal and postnatal clinical data were recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using STATA Version 11.1. Of the 405 children fitting inclusion criteria, 278 (68.6%) children were maintained on CAP and 127 (31.4%) were not on CAP. The incidence of prematurity, oligohydramnios, perinatal respiratory complications, use of perinatal antibiotics, circumcision status, renal anomalies, associated medical diagnoses, and low birth weight did not differ between the two groups. Overall the incidence of febrile UTI during the follow-up period was 22.2%. The incidence of febrile UTI between the YCAP and NCAP groups was significant (YCAP = 7.9% and NCAP 18.7%, p = 0.021). Multivariate logistic regression using CAP as the dichotomous dependent variable revealed that ureteral dilation, high-grade vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), and ureterovesical junction (UVJ) obstruction were independent risk factors for febrile UTI. More specifically

  5. Technical evaluation of methods for identifying chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in healthcare claims databases


    Weycker Derek; Sofrygin Oleg; Seefeld Kim; Deeter Robert G; Legg Jason; Edelsberg John


    Abstract Background Healthcare claims databases have been used in several studies to characterize the risk and burden of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia (FN) and effectiveness of colony-stimulating factors against FN. The accuracy of methods previously used to identify FN in such databases has not been formally evaluated. Methods Data comprised linked electronic medical records from Geisinger Health System and healthcare claims data from Geisinger Health Plan. Subjects were classifie...

  6. The Importance of Serum Cytokine Levels in Febrile Neutropenia

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    Nuray Buyukberber


    Full Text Available The most important evaluation of the neutropenic patients is to determine the risk group. The desired approach to patients with low risks should be either not to hospitalize or to hospitalize for a short period of time which both decreases the cost and exposure to the resistant flora. The early diagnosis of sepsis in patients with high risk may be life saving. Recently, the determination of low and high-risk groups only by the clinical variables is not found to be a reliable method. The laboratory parameters supported by the clinical variables may be more practical. The determination of serum cytokines levels in febrile neutropenia may be helpful for the early risk diagnosis, new treatment approaches, and prognosis. [Archives Medical Review Journal 2003; 12(1.000: 12-19

  7. Localized Subcutaneous Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis in a Dog

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    Karolin Schoellhorn


    Full Text Available A two-year-old spayed female mixed-breed dog was presented with a five-day history of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and fever. On physical examination, the dog was lethargic and clinically dehydrated. The skin of the entire ventral abdomen extending to both flanks was erythematous, swollen and painful on palpation. Histopathological examination of skin biopsies revealed a severe diffuse neutrophilic dermatitis and panniculitis, resembling the subcutaneous form of Sweet’s syndrome in humans. A large part of the skin lesion developed full-thickness necrosis. After intensive care, three surgical wound debridements and wound adaptations, the wound healed by secondary intention within ten weeks. In the absence of infection of the skin or neoplasia, a diagnosis of neutrophilic dermatosis and panniculitis, resembling the subcutaneous form of acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis, was made.

  8. Análisis de las causas, características y consecuencias de la reexposición al fármaco o compuesto responsable de un episodio de hepatotoxicidad An Analysis of the causes, characteristics, and consequences of reexposure to a drug or compound responsible for a hepatotoxicity event

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    A. Fernández-Castañer


    Full Text Available Introducción: la reexposición al agente causal constituye un incidente potencialmente grave en hepatotoxicidad. Objetivos: evaluar las características y la evolución de los casos con reexposición positiva. Material y métodos: estudio retrospectivo de una serie de casos con evidencia de reexposición positiva incluidos en el Registro Español de Hepatopatías Asociadas a Medicamentos, analizando su relación con variables demográficas y clínicas, causalidad, evolución y consecuencias. Resultados: de un total de 520 casos, 31 (6% cumplían los criterios de reexposición. La evolución fatal, la necesidad de hospitalización y el tiempo medio de recuperación fueron mayores en la lesión tóxica de tipo hepatocelular. El grupo farmacológico identificado con mayor frecuencia fue el de los antibióticos. En la mayoría de los casos la reexposición con el compuesto responsable fue inadvertida (73% debido a: la ausencia de diagnóstico del caso índice, la carencia de información al paciente o a su médico y también (12% por el desarrollo de una reacción cruzada entre fármacos estructuralmente similares. Conclusiones: la reexposición accidental a un mismo fármaco o a otro estructuralmente relacionado tras un primer episodio de hepatotoxicidad no es infrecuente y sus consecuencias pueden ser graves, especialmente en el tipo de lesión hepatocelular. Una minuciosa historia clínica y la sospecha diagnóstica reflejada en el informe del primer episodio podrían disminuir la incidencia de este evento iatrogénico.Introduction: reexposure to a causal agent represents a potentially serious event in hepatotoxicity. Objectives: to assess the characteristics and outcome of cases with positive reexposure. Material and methods: a retrospective study of cases with evidence of positive reexposure included in Registro Español de Hepatopatías Asociadas a Medicamentos, and an analysis of their relation to demographic and clinical variables

  9. Risk factors for febrile urinary tract infection in infants with prenatal hydronephrosis: comprehensive single center analysis. (United States)

    Zareba, Piotr; Lorenzo, Armando J; Braga, Luis H


    We assessed risk factors for urinary tract infection in children with prenatal hydronephrosis We identified 376 infants with prenatal hydronephrosis in an institutional database. The occurrence of febrile urinary tract infection in the first 2 years of life was ascertained by chart review. Febrile urinary tract infection was defined as a positive culture from a catheterized urine specimen in a patient with a fever of 38.0C or greater. Multivariate logistic regression was used to assess gender, circumcision status, hydronephrosis grade, vesicoureteral reflux grade and antibiotic prophylaxis as predictors of the risk of urinary tract infection. Included in analysis were 277 males and 99 females. Hydronephrosis was high grade in 128 infants (34.0%) and vesicoureteral reflux was present in 79 (21.0%). Antibiotic prophylaxis was prescribed in 60.4% of patients, preferentially to females vs males (70.7% vs 56.7%), those with high vs low grade hydronephrosis (70.3% vs 55.2%) and those with vs without vesicoureteral reflux (96.2% vs 50.8%). On multivariate analysis there was an association between high grade hydronephrosis and an increased risk of urinary tract infection (adjusted OR 2.40, 95% CI 1.26-4.56). Females (adjusted OR 3.16, 95% CI 0.98-10.19) and uncircumcised males (adjusted OR 3.63, 95% CI 1.18-11.22) were also at higher risk than circumcised males. Antibiotic prophylaxis was not associated with a decreased risk of urinary tract infection (adjusted OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.45-1.94). High grade hydronephrosis, female gender and uncircumcised status in males are independent risk factors for febrile urinary tract infection in infants with prenatal hydronephrosis. Antibiotic prophylaxis did not reduce the risk of urinary tract infection in the study group. Copyright © 2014 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Comparison of procalcitonin and different guidelines for first febrile urinary tract infection in children by imaging. (United States)

    Liao, Pei-Fen; Ku, Min-Sho; Tsai, Jeng-Dau; Choa, Yu-Hua; Hung, Tung-Wei; Lue, Ko-Huang; Sheu, Ji-Nan


    We examined the ability of a procalcitonin (PCT) protocol to detect vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) and renal scarring (RS), evaluated procedural costs and radiation burden, and compared four representative guidelines for children with their first febrile urinary tract infection (UTI). Children aged ≤2 years with their first febrile UTI who underwent renal ultrasonography (US), acute and late technetium-99m ((99m)Tc)-dimercaptosuccinic acid scan, and voiding cystourethrography were prospectively studied. The representative guidelines applied in a retrospective simulation included the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), National Institute of Clinical Excellence, top-down approach (TDA), and Italian Society of Pediatric Nephrology (ISPN). These were compared in terms of ability to detect abnormalities, procedural costs and radiation. Of 278 children analyzed, 172 (61.9%) had acute pyelonephritis. There was VUR in 101 (36.3%) children, including 73 (26.3%) with grades III-V VUR. RS was identified in 75 (27.0%) children. To detect VUR, TDA and PCT had the highest sensitivity for grades I-V VUR (80.2%) and III-V VUR (94.5%), respectively, whereas AAP had the highest specificity for I-V VUR (77.4%) and III-V VUR (78.0%), respectively. TDA and PCT had the highest sensitivity (100%) for detecting RS. The highest cost and radiation dose was associated with TDA, whereas AAP had the least expenditure and radiation exposure. By multivariate analysis, PCT and VUR, especially grades III-V, were independent predictors of RS. There is no perfect guideline for first febrile UTI children. The PCT protocol has good ability for detecting high-grade VUR and RS. If based on available imaging modalities and reducing cost and radiation burden, clinical suggestions in the AAP guidelines represent a considerable protocol.

  11. Algorithms imaging tests comparison following the first febrile urinary tract infection in children. (United States)

    Tombesi, María M; Alconcher, Laura F; Lucarelli, Lucas; Ciccioli, Agustina


    To compare the diagnostic sensitivity, costs and radiation doses of imaging tests algorithms developed by the Argentine Society of Pediatrics in 2003 and 2015, against British and American guidelines after the first febrile urinary tract infection (UTI). Inclusion criteria: children ≤ 2 years old with their first febrile UTI and normal ultrasound, voiding cystourethrography and dimercaptosuccinic acid scintigraphy, according to the algorithm established by the Argentine Society of Pediatrics in 2003, treated between 2003 and 2010. The comparisons between algorithms were carried out through retrospective simulation. Eighty (80) patients met the inclusion criteria; 51 (63%) had vesicoureteral reflux (VUR); 6% of the cases were severe. Renal scarring was observed in 6 patients (7.5%). Cost: ARS 404,000. Radiation: 160 millisieverts. With the Argentine Society of Pediatrics' algorithm developed in 2015, the diagnosis of 4 VURs and 2 cases of renal scarring would have been missed. The cost of this omission would have been ARS 301,800 and 124 millisieverts of radiation. British and American guidelines would have missed the diagnosis of all VURs and all cases of renal scarring, with a related cost of ARS 23,000 and ARS 40,000, respectively and 0 radiation. Intensive protocols are highly sensitive to VUR and renal scarring, but they imply high costs and doses of radiation, and result in questionable benefits. Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría

  12. Changes in Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in Human Herpesvirus-6-Associated Acute Encephalopathy/Febrile Seizures

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    Naoyuki Tanuma


    Full Text Available To determine the involvement of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of acute encephalopathy associated with human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6 infection, we measured the levels of oxidative stress markers 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG and hexanoyl-lysine adduct (HEL, tau protein, and cytokines in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF obtained from patients with HHV-6-associated acute encephalopathy (HHV-6 encephalopathy (n=16 and complex febrile seizures associated with HHV-6 (HHV-6 complex FS (n=10. We also examined changes in CSF-8OHdG and CSF-HEL levels in patients with HHV-6 encephalopathy before and after treatment with edaravone, a free radical scavenger. CSF-8-OHdG levels in HHV-6 encephalopathy and HHV-6 complex FS were significantly higher than in control subjects. In contrast, CSF-HEL levels showed no significant difference between groups. The levels of total tau protein in HHV-6 encephalopathy were significantly higher than in control subjects. In six patients with HHV-6 infection (5 encephalopathy and 1 febrile seizure, the CSF-8-OHdG levels of five patients decreased after edaravone treatment. Our results suggest that oxidative DNA damage is involved in acute encephalopathy associated with HHV-6 infection.

  13. The phenotypic spectrum of ARHGEF9 includes intellectual disability, focal epilepsy and febrile seizures. (United States)

    Klein, Karl Martin; Pendziwiat, Manuela; Eilam, Anda; Gilad, Ronit; Blatt, Ilan; Rosenow, Felix; Kanaan, Moien; Helbig, Ingo; Afawi, Zaid


    Mutations or structural genomic alterations of the X-chromosomal gene ARHGEF9 have been described in male and female patients with intellectual disability. Hyperekplexia and epilepsy were observed to a variable degree, but incompletely described. Here, we expand the phenotypic spectrum of ARHGEF9 by describing a large Ethiopian-Jewish family with epilepsy and intellectual disability. The four affected male siblings, their unaffected parents and two unaffected female siblings were recruited and phenotyped. Parametric linkage analysis was performed using SNP microarrays. Variants from exome sequencing in two affected individuals were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. All affected male siblings had febrile seizures from age 2-3 years and intellectual disability. Three developed afebrile seizures between age 7-17 years. Three showed focal seizure semiology. None had hyperekplexia. A novel ARHGEF9 variant (c.967G>A, p.G323R, NM_015185.2) was hemizygous in all affected male siblings and heterozygous in the mother. This family reveals that the phenotypic spectrum of ARHGEF9 is broader than commonly assumed and includes febrile seizures and focal epilepsy with intellectual disability in the absence of hyperekplexia or other clinically distinguishing features. Our findings suggest that pathogenic variants in ARHGEF9 may be more common than previously assumed in patients with intellectual disability and mild epilepsy.

  14. Caso clínico de la Unidad de Medicina Interna Hipertensión arterial de origen renovascular

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    Análida E. Pinilla Roa


    Full Text Available Hombre de 28 años, natural y procedente de Bogotá, consulto por cefalea progresiva fronta-occipital de treinta horas de evolución, acompañada de vomito en dos oportunidades y de trastorno de la conciencia, con relajación del esfínter vesical. La esposa informo episodio similar un mes ames, cuando fue hospitalizado, encontrándose HTA y hemorragia subaracnoidea. Salió contratamiento triconjugado (captopril, nifedipina, propanolol, el cual suspendió ocho días antes del ingreso.

  15. Los quechuismos en Colombia

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    Víctor Sánchez Montenegro


    Full Text Available Como una pequeña introducción a este estudio, debo dar algunos datos sobre el descubrimiento del Perú y la historia de los "Trece de la Fama" que se relacionan íntimamente con nuestra Isla del Gallo, en las cercanías de Tumaco, asombroso episodio que, siendo verdadera historia, tiene todos los aspectos de la más extraordinaria leyenda de esa época superior a cualquier relación mítica de los Libros de Caballería.



    Garay Vera, Cristián; Castro Arcos, Javier


    La Guerra de Corea en el ojo del huracán durante la Guerra Fría. Escenario de tensión que en sus inicios implicó a Latinoamérica, y que problematizó la posición chilena. ¿Hubiese sido factible la participación efectiva de sus Fuerzas Armadas en los albores de la Guerra de Corea, como parte de una estrategia diplomática de alineamiento anticomunista? La diplomacia chilena se tentó del conflicto como escalera política de posicionamiento internacional, no exclusivamente ligada a Washington. El o...

  17. Serum interleukin -8 is not a reliable marker for prediction of vesicoureteral reflux in children with febrile urinary tract infection

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    Abolfazl Mahyar


    Full Text Available Objective: In view of the side effects of voiding cystourethrography (VCUG, identification of noninvasive markers predicting the presence of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR is important. This study was conducted to determine the predictive value of serum interleukin-8 (IL-8 in diagnosis of VUR in children with first febrile urinary tract infection (UTI. Materials and Methods: Eighty children with first febrile UTI were divided into two groups, with and without VUR, based on the results of VCUG. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value positive and negative likelihood ratio, and accuracy of IL-8 for prediction of VUR were investigated. Results: Of the 80 children with febrile UTI, 30 (37.5% had VUR. There was no significant difference between the children with and without VUR and also between low and high-grade VUR groups in terms of serum concentration of IL-8 (P>0.05. Based on ROC curve, the sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratio positive, and accuracy of serum IL-8 was lower than those of erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed significant positive correlation only between erythrocyte sedimentation rate and VUR. Conclusions: This study showed no significant difference between the children with and without VUR in terms of the serum concentration of IL-8. Therefore, it seems that serum IL-8 is not a reliable marker for prediction of VUR.

  18. Eficacia de la aplicación de criterios de bajo riesgo de infección bacteriana severa en recién nacidos febriles

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    Manuel Díaz Alvarez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 229 recién nacidos febriles sin signos de focalización en su evaluación inicial, en los cuales se consideró una serie de datos clínicos y de laboratorio, con el objetivo de valorar la efectividad de éstos como medio de predicción negativa de infección bacteriana severa (IBS, y así poder calificar un grupo como de bajo riesgo de IBS, y comparar estos criterios con los de Rochester aplicados a este mismo grupo de pacientes. La evaluación diagnóstica dio un valor predictivo negativo de 98,9 %. Con estos datos se conformó un test de evaluación que permitió calificar eficazmente a un grupo de pacientes como de bajo riesgo de IBS, al presentarse dentro de éstos sólo un caso con IBS, a diferencia de 40 casos en el grupo calificado como de alto riesgo. La comparación de los criterios de Rochester con los del presente trabajo destacó un saldo superior para los nuestros.229 febrile newborns with no signs of focalization in their initial evaluation were studied. A series of clinical and laboratory data was considered with the aim of assessing their effectiveness as a means of negative prediction of serious bacterial infection (SBI, and of qualifying a group as of low risk serious bacterial infection and comparing these criteria with those of Rochester applied to this same group of patients. The diagnostic evaluation showed a negative predictive value of 98,9 %. With these data it was possible to make an evaluation test which allowed the effective qualification of a group of patients as of low risk serious bacterial infection, taking into account that only a case of SBI was found among them, compared with 40 cases detected in the high risk group. On comparing Rochester's criteria with the ones included in the present paper, a higher balance was obtained for ours.

  19. High seroprevalence of antibodies against spotted fever and scrub typhus bacteria in patients with febrile Illness, Kenya. (United States)

    Thiga, Jacqueline W; Mutai, Beth K; Eyako, Wurapa K; Ng'ang'a, Zipporah; Jiang, Ju; Richards, Allen L; Waitumbi, John N


    Serum samples from patients in Kenya with febrile illnesses were screened for antibodies against bacteria that cause spotted fever, typhus, and scrub typhus. Seroprevalence was 10% for spotted fever group, typhus group, and 5% for scrub typhus group. Results should help clinicians expand their list of differential diagnoses for undifferentiated fevers.

  20. Joint effects of febrile acute infection and an interferon-γ polymorphism on breast cancer risk.

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    Yi Su

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: There is an inverse relationship between febrile infection and the risk of malignancies. Interferon gamma (IFN-γ plays an important role in fever induction and its expression increases with incubation at fever-range temperatures. Therefore, the genetic polymorphism of IFN-γ may modify the association of febrile infection with breast cancer risk. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Information on potential breast cancer risk factors, history of fever during the last 10 years, and blood specimens were collected from 839 incident breast cancer cases and 863 age-matched controls between October 2008 and June 2010 in Guangzhou, China. IFN-γ (rs2069705 was genotyped using a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry platform. Odds ratios (OR and 95% confidence intervals (CIs were calculated using multivariate logistic regression. We found that women who had experienced ≥1 fever per year had a decreased risk of breast cancer [ORs and 95% CI: 0.77 (0.61-0.99] compared to those with less than one fever a year. This association only occurred in women with CT/TT genotypes [0.54 (0.37-0.77] but not in those with the CC genotype [1.09 (0.77-1.55]. The association of IFN-γ rs2069705 with the risk of breast cancer was not significant among all participants, while the CT/TT genotypes were significantly related to an elevated risk of breast cancer [1.32 (1.03-1.70] among the women with <1 fever per year and to a reduced risk of breast cancer [0.63 (0.40-0.99] among women with ≥1 fever per year compared to the CC genotype. A marked interaction between fever frequencies and the IFN-γ genotypes was observed (P for multiplicative and additive interactions were 0.005 and 0.058, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate a possible link between febrile acute infection and a decreased risk of breast cancer, and this association was modified by IFN-γ rs2069705.

  1. An outbreak of febrile gastroenteritis associated with corn contaminated by Listeria monocytogenes. (United States)

    Aureli, P; Fiorucci, G C; Caroli, D; Marchiaro, G; Novara, O; Leone, L; Salmaso, S


    On May 21, 1997, numerous cases of febrile gastrointestinal illness were reported among the students and staff of two primary schools in northern Italy, all of whom had eaten at cafeterias served by the same caterer. We interviewed people who ate at the cafeterias about symptoms and foods consumed on May 20. There were no samples of foods left at the cafeterias, but we tested routine samples taken on May 20 by the caterer and environmental specimens at the catering plant. The hospitalized patients were tested for common enteropathogens and toxins. Of the 2189 persons interviewed (82 percent of those exposed), 1566 (72 percent) reported symptoms; of these, 292 (19 percent) were hospitalized. Among samples obtained from hospitalized patients, all but two of the stool specimens and all blood specimens were negative for common enteropathogens. Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from one blood specimen and from 123 of the 141 stool specimens. Consumption of a cold salad of corn and tuna was associated with the development of symptoms (relative risk, 6.19; 95 percent confidence interval, 4.81 to 7.98; Pcaterer's sample of the salad and from environmental specimens collected from the catering plant. All listeria isolates were serotype 4b and were found to be identical on DNA analysis. Experimental contamination of sterile samples of the implicated foods showed that L. monocytogenes grew on corn when kept for at least 10 hours at 25 degrees C. Food-borne infection with L. monocytogenes can cause febrile illness with gastroenteritis in immunocompetent persons.

  2. [Neuroprotective effect of naloxone in brain damage caused by repeated febrile seizure]. (United States)

    Shan, Ying; Qin, Jiong; Chang, Xing-zhi; Yang, Zhi-xian


    The brain damage caused by repeated febrile seizure (FS) during developing age is harmful to the intellectual development of children. So how to decrease the related damage is a very important issue. The main purpose of the present study was to find out whether the non-specific opiate antagonist naloxone at low dose has the neuroprotective effect on seizure-induced brain damage. Warm water induced rat FS model was developed in this study. Forty-seven rats were randomly divided into two groups: normal control group (n = 10) and hyperthermic seizure groups (n = 37). The latter was further divided into FS control group (n = 13) and naloxone-treated group (n = 24). The dose of naloxone is different in two naloxone-treated groups (12/each group), in one group the dose was 1 mg/kg, in the other one 2 mg/kg. Seven febrile seizures were induced in each rat of hyperthermic seizure groups with the interval of 2 days. The rats were weighed and injected intraperitoneally with naloxone once the FS occurred in naloxone-treated group, while the rats of the other groups were injected with 0.9% sodium chloride. Latency, duration and grade of FS in different groups were observed and compared. HE-staining and the electron microscopy (EM) were used to detect the morphologic and ultrastructural changes of hippocampal neurons. In naloxone-treated group, the rats' FS duration and FS grade (5.02 +/- 0.63, 2.63 +/- 0.72) were significantly lower (t = 5.508, P seizure, it could lighten the brain damage resulted from repeated FS to some extent.

  3. El corazón endocrino y el proceso inflamatorio

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    Tsuneo Ogawa


    Full Text Available El corazón endocrino, a través de sus hormonas polipéptidas atrial natriuretic factor (ANF o ANP y brain natriuretic peptide (BNP, contribuye a regular la precarga y la poscarga cardiacas. Otras importantes funciones se han descubierto recientemente incluyendo interacciones con el sistema inmunológico. Los niveles plasmáticos de BNP, no así los de ANF, aumentan durante un episodio de rechazo agudo del corazón alotransplantado pero retornan a niveles anteriores al episodio de rechazo después de un tratamiento exitoso del tal rechazo. Este fue el primer indicio que involucró el BNP y el sistema inmunológico. Otras patologías que tienen componentes inflamatorios también se ven acompañadas con cambios en la producción del BNP. El aumento del BNP tiene como base el aumento de la actividad transcripcional del gen inducida por citoquinas y substancias relacionadas. In vitro se puede demostrar que este aumento tiende a modular la actividad inmunológica. Inflamación y cambios hemodinámicos co-existen en la mayoría de las enfermedades cardiovasculares y por ende, es posible que sea beneficioso medir las dos hormonas como biomarcadores de cambios de volumen intravascular (ANF y de estos cambios más inflamación (BNP. Cambios en plasma de ANF relativamente más grandes que aquellos de BNP podrían indicar un deterioro hemodinámico, mientras que cambios importantes en BNP podrían ser indicativos de recrudecimiento del proceso inflamatorio.

  4. Trends in the patterns of IgM and IgG antibodies in febrile persons with suspected dengue in Barbados, an English-speaking Caribbean country, 2006–2013

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    Alok Kumar


    Full Text Available Summary: Long-term seroprevalence studies of dengue have provided a measure of the degree of endemicity and future trends in disease prevalence and severity. In this study, we describe the seroprevalence of dengue antibodies in febrile persons with suspected acute dengue in Barbados. It is a retrospective population-based study of all febrile persons with suspected dengue from 2006 to 2013. All of the cases had IgM and IgG antibodies in the blood sample drawn between days 3 and 5 of their illness. Among the 8296 cases that were tested for IgM antibodies, 3037 (36.6% had recent dengue infection. In the age groups 20 years, 23.3%, 39.6% and 35.5% had acute infection, respectively. Of the 7227 cases with documented IgG results, 5473 (75.7% were positive and had a past infection. In the age groups 20 years, 31.2%, 65.2% and 86.6%, respectively, had a past infection (IgG positive. During the first 5 years of life, 10–20% of febrile persons investigated for dengue had a positive IgM and a negative IgG titer, between 5 and 10% had a positive IgM and IgG titer, 5% had a positive IgG and a negative IgM titer, and between 45% and 65% had a negative IgM and a negative IgG titer. Throughout the study period, between 12% and 20% of febrile persons failed to show any evidence of current or previous dengue. In the age groups 20 years, 45.0%, 18.8% and 7.2%, respectively, had no evidence of recent or past dengue (both IgM and IgG negative. Between 37% and 59% of the febrile persons had serological evidence of past dengue in the absence of any current dengue. In conclusion, the pattern of IgG antibodies in this study was comparable to those in countries known to be hyperendemic for dengue. The age of infection is likely to shift to younger adults and children who are more likely to have severe dengue in the future. Keywords: Dengue, Seroprevalence, Febrile, Caribbean

  5. Hemorragia alveolar como complicación del uso de trombolíticos Alveolar hemorrhage as a complication of thrombolytic therapy

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    Alejandra González


    Full Text Available La trombolisis se usa como estrategia de reperfusión coronaria en el infarto agudo de miocardio. El sangrado es su principal complicación; la mayoría ocurre en los sitios de accesos venosos y es leve, pero también pueden presentarse hemorragia gastrointestinal, retroperitoneal, genitourinaria, pulmonar y a nivel del sistema nervioso central, episodios estos generalmente de mayor gravedad y a veces fatales. Se describe aquí el caso de un paciente que recibió terapia trombolítica con estreptoquinasa como tratamiento por un infarto de miocardio, y que posteriormente desarrolló insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, infiltrados pulmonares bilaterales, caída del hematocrito y aumento de la difusión de monóxido de carbono, cuadro compatible con diagnóstico de hemorragia alveolar.Coronary thrombolysis is used as a strategy for coronary reperfusion for acute myocardial infarction. Bleeding is the main complication described. Although most of these events occur at sites of vascular access and are mild, in some cases gastrointestinal, retroperitoneal, genitourinary, lung and central nervous system bleeding may occur. These episodes are usually serious and sometimes fatal. The following report describes the case of a patient who received thrombolytic therapy with streptokinase as a treatment for myocardial infarction. Subsequently he developed acute respiratory failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and fall of hematocrit compatible with diagnosis of alveolar hemorrhage.

  6. Dos propuestas constitucionales en el Caribe del siglo XIX Two Constitutional Proposals in the 19th Century's Caribbean

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    Adriana María Arpini


    Full Text Available En el complejo escenario socio-político del Caribe del siglo XIX tuvieron lugar experiencias históricas de lucha por la independencia y la conquista de la libertad. Centramos la atención en dos episodios que se plasmaron en sendas propuestas de organización nacional: uno, en los albores del siglo XIX -la Constitución de 1801, redactada por disposición de Toussaint Louverture para Saint Domingue, siendo todavía colonia Francesa-; y otro, al promediar la centuria -plasmada en el texto elaborado por Eugenio María de Hostos "El programa de los independientes" de 1876, que contiene las bases de una futura organización nacional de Puerto Rico-. Nuestra lectura está orientada por el interrogante acerca de las formas de afirmación de la subjetividad que surgen de los textos y de las prácticas que ellos habilitan.In the complex sociopolitical scenario of the 19th Century's Caribbean several historical experiences of fights for independence and freedom took place. We focus our attention on two episodes, each one conveying a proposal for national organization: one in the early 19th Century -the 1801Constitution for Saint Domingue, still e French colony, written according to Toussaint Louverture's regulation-; and the other around the mid century -expressed in Eugenio María Hostos's "El programa de los independientes" from 1876, which conveys the basis for a future national organization of Puerto Rico. Our approach is determined by the question about the ways of subjectivity reinforcement in the texts and the practices rising from them.

  7. Convulsão febril na região da Cova da Beira


    Cardoso, Joana de Jesus


    Objetivos: Convulsões Febris são o distúrbio convulsivo mais frequente na população pediátrica. O principal objetivo desta investigação consiste em avaliar a epidemiologia e os fatores de risco associados à Convulsão Febril na Região da Cova da Beira, em crianças dos 0 aos 6 anos. Métodos: Estudo transversal quantitativo/descritivo, com metodologia quantitativa apresenta recolha de dados retrospetivos. A amostra acidental é constituída por todas as crianças dos 0 aos 6 anos que no período ...

  8. Reevaluation of Meta-analysis on prophylactic drug management for recurrence of febrile seizures

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    Huan LIAO


    Full Text Available Objective To explore the efficiency and safety of drugs to prevent the recurrence of febrile seizures (FS.  Methods Relevant literatures were searched via PubMed, EMBASE/SCOPUS, EBSCO-CINAHL, Web of Science, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews from December 1997 to November 2014 using the following keywords: febrile seizure OR febrile convulsion, recurrence, prevention OR prophylaxis, medicine OR medication. Publication type was limited to Meta-analysis. Extract the relevant information of Meta-analysis, such as characteristics of objects, types of study design, number of clinical trials, number of cases, search strategies, databases, information of methodology (methods of randomization, concealment, blinding, withdrawal and exit, follow-up time, heterogeneity analysis, subgroup analysis and outcome assessment, etc. Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses (QUOROM and Oxman-Guyatt Overview Quality Assessment Questionnaire (OQAQ were used to assess the quality of included Meta-analyses. Jadad decision was used to assess inclusion and exclusion criteria, search strategies, effectiveness evaluation, data extraction and data analysis, to explore reliable evidence of evidence-based medicine.  Results Eventually, four Meta-analyses were included after screening of all the literatures that can be searched out. Among those Meta-analyses, the Meta-analysis of Offringa and Newton (2012 was relatively more reliable. The results suggesed that no clinically important benefits were found in administering intermittent oral or rectal diazepam, oral phenobarbitone, phenytoin, valproate, pyridoxine, buprofen, diclofenac and acetominophen to children with FE. Only one clinical trial reported that intermittent oral clobazam could reduce the recurrence of FE in comparing with placebo at 6-month follow-up (RR = 0.360, 95% CI: 0.200-0.640; P = 0.000, but it should be verified by more randomized controlled trials (RCTs. Among 4 Meta-analyses included in this study

  9. Las catástrofes naturales y el desarrollo urbano : el aluvión de 1713 y su repercusión en Las Palmas


    Quintana Andrés, Pedro C.


    Las Palmas fue una ciudad sacudida periódicamente por una serie de catástrofes naturales quc generaron gran incertidumbre, elevados gastos económicos e, incluso, muertes en el seno de una sustancial parte de su población. La mayoría de estos episodios estuvieron relacionados con las reiteradas avenidas del barranco Guiniguada, cuyo cauce dividía a la urbe en dos partes, siendo la registrada en 1713 una de las principales por la dimensión del desastre y la demostración de la proverbial incapac...

  10. Retrospección sobre piedra y cielo

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    Carlos López Narvaez


    Full Text Available Cuando se intente hablar del episodio lírico del Piedracelismo -su estricto perímetro literario es ese- hay que partir de una realidad que a su vez implica por sí misma una aclaración crítica: la de que el Piedracelismo nació pura, sencilla y editorialmente como un hecho sin preparación ni precedencia orgánica, sin propósito ni programa, o para hablar en el dialecto adecuado, sin manifiesto de escuela, de institución objetivamente organizada.

  11. La matanza de Bagua y los decretos ejecutivos

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    Diana Hinojosa


    Full Text Available El 5 de junio del 2009 en la localidad de Bagua, perteneciente a la zona selvática de la región amazónica del Perú, se produjo un enfrentamiento entre la policía peruana y nativos indígenas de 39 comunidades. Este enfrentamiento, además de posicionar el conflicto en el escenario mundial, dejó un saldo de varios muertos -civiles y policías- y episodios de violencia política que incluyeron secuestros, desapariciones, represión y detenciones.

  12. Electrorremediación de suelos contaminados con pesticidas por técnicas de lavado por barrido y barreras de contención de la contaminación.


    Risco Manzano, Carolina


    Nuestra Sociedad solo ha sido consciente del grave problema ambiental asociado a la contaminación de suelos muy recientemente. De hecho, esta contaminación es conocida comúnmente como “contaminación silenciosa” ya que no nos damos cuenta de ella en el momento en el que se produce sino mucho después, cuando los efectos negativos sobre la salud humana y el medioambiente son más que evidentes. Debido a su peligrosidad, y también debido a la gran cantidad de episodios de contaminación del suel...

  13. Metalotioneínas en peces y gasterópodos: su aplicación en la evaluación de la contaminación.


    Ureña Robles, Rocio


    RESUMEN La regulación y control del uso del agua y la mejora de la calidad merece especial atención debido a la contaminación provocada por los vertidos de origen agrícola, industrial y urbano. Para ello es necesario una correcta valoración de los efectos de los contaminantes sobre el medio acuático. Existen indicadores basados en cambios fisiológicos y bioquímicos (biomarcadores) de los organismos acuáticos, cuyas ventajas son la rapidez de respuesta ante un episodio de con...

  14. Duelo, catarsis y “verdades consoladoras”: algunos rasgos psicológicos de una víctima en contexto de guerra


    Ramírez, Mary; Duarte, Ronald; Rojas, Yuber


    El trauma es indeleble. Especialmente cuando su causa está relacionada con episodios de violencia que se han vivido en contexto de guerra. A propósito de esto, la presente propuesta tiene como objetivo identificar características psicológicas de las víctimas del conflicto armado en su proceso de duelo. Para lograr estructurar lo anterior, se tendrá en cuenta lo siguiente: primero, el contexto de guerra específico (para el caso, las víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano); segundo, la relaci...

  15. Contexto e implicaciones en la vivencia de mujeres autoras de un delito violento ejercido hacia su pareja. Un estudio desde la perspectiva de género


    Alvarado Sánchez, Patricia


    En este proyecto se analiza el contexto e implicaciones de mujeres cualificadas como sujeto activo de un delito violento contra su pareja. La problematización del fenómeno investigado se enmarca en un contexto jurídico-social. Comprende los objetivos sobre a) Visualizar la dinámica relacional entre la mujer (género femenino) y su compañero varón (género masculino) previa al delito, b) Comprender los significados atribuidos al episodio y a las circunstancias del delito hacia su pareja, c) Ente...

  16. Alcance y limitaciones de la carga dinámica de la prueba en el proceso judicial


    Montilla Rosero, Carmen Alicia; Jiménez Pascuaza, Johana Marcela


    La carga dinámica de la prueba hace parte del derecho probatorio que le brinda más beneficios a la parte procesal que se encuentre en mejores condiciones de hacerlo. Este tipo de carga procesal fue usada por el Consejo de Estado para resolver episodios de responsabilidad administrativa por la actividad médica entre los años 1990 a 2006, debido a las dificultades con las que contaba el paciente para probar hechos constitutivos de la falla del servicio médico estatal. Al inicio, la carga probat...

  17. El siglo de "October"


    Bryson, Norman


    Tal como sabe cualquiera que haya estudiado –o enseñado– historia del arte del siglo XX, ésta es claramente un campo que carece de descripciones generales: intentos por construir algún tipo de visión abarcadora se fragmentan rápidamente en episodios que relatan el surgimiento y la caída de movimientos separados, con el Postimpresionismo dando paso al Fauvismo, Cubismo, Futurismo, Constructivismo, Dada, etc. Si bien cada movimiento aparece vívido y distinto, la lógica narrativa predominante ha...

  18. Characterization of Dengue Virus Infections Among Febrile Children Clinically Diagnosed With a Non-Dengue Illness, Managua, Nicaragua. (United States)

    Waggoner, Jesse J; Gresh, Lionel; Mohamed-Hadley, Alisha; Balmaseda, Angel; Soda, K James; Abeynayake, Janaki; Sahoo, Malaya K; Liu, Yuanyuan; Kuan, Guillermina; Harris, Eva; Pinsky, Benjamin A


    We sought to characterize dengue virus (DENV) infections among febrile children enrolled in a pediatric cohort study who were clinically diagnosed with a non-dengue illness ("C cases"). DENV infections were detected and viral load quantitated by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in C cases presenting between January 2007 and January 2013. One hundred forty-one of 2892 C cases (4.88%) tested positive for DENV. Of all febrile cases in the study, DENV-positive C cases accounted for an estimated 52.0% of patients with DENV viremia at presentation. Compared with previously detected, symptomatic dengue cases, DENV-positive C cases were significantly less likely to develop long-lasting humoral immune responses to DENV, as measured in healthy annual serum samples (79.7% vs 47.8%; P dengue. These findings have important implications for DENV transmission modeling, immunology, and epidemiologic surveillance. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail:

  19. Caracterización de la confrontación sociedad civil - Estado en la República del Ecuador 2015-2016: análisis de las redes sociales mediante Twitter

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    Efrén Ernesto Guerrero Salgado


    Full Text Available La República del Ecuador se encuentra en un proceso político que ha reconstruido la administración y ejecución de la política, así como las relaciones entre sociedad civil y Estado. Desde el año 2007, la agrupación oficialista, Alianza País (AP ha promocionado una amplia reforma del Estado, que en su puesta en práctica ha cambiado las estructuras de sociedad ecuatoriana con un uso intensivo de los medios de comunicación, entre ellos las redes sociales. Esta situación ha tenido varios niveles de oposición por parte de grupos de la sociedad civil. Esta confrontación que tiene como escenario la calle y el Internet, ha sido la fuente principal de debate político en el país, pero no ha sido explicado en el funcionamiento de las conexiones humanas y cibernéticas que lo sostienen, así como el comportamiento de los involucrados. El presente documento buscará caracterizar los actores que participan en las relaciones en momentos de manifestaciones sociales, mediante el uso del SNA (Social Network Analysis. Se busca demostrar a través de las interacciones de los ciudadanos en episodios de alta crispación política. la manera en que la conflictividad social es abordada por parte del Estado, manifestada en sus respuestas legales y en sus prácticas políticas y de seguridad.

  20. Signos de alerta de trastornos alimentarios, depresivos, del aprendizaje y conductas violentas entre adolescentes de Cantabria

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    Horacio Paniagua Repetto


    Full Text Available frecuencia trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, depresivos, del aprendizaje y conductas violentas, detectados tardíamente en muchas ocasiones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar la presencia de signos de alerta ante estos trastornos entre los adolescentes y relacionarlos con el entorno social y familiar y los hábitos de vida. Métodos: Estudio transversal descriptivo, mediante encuesta a 2.178 adolescentes de 12 a 16 años, representativos de los adolescentes de Cantabria. Los signos de alerta se definieron a partir de los criterios de la Asociación Médica Americana y Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría. Resultados: El 4,2% de los adolescentes presenta signos de alerta de trastornos del aprendizaje, asociados al sexo masculino, a la asistencia a colegios públicos y a repetir curso. El 4,3% y el 10,2% presenta signos de alerta de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y trastornos depresivos, respectivamente, estando ambos asociados al sexo femenino. El 8,4% tiene signos de alerta de conductas violentas, más frecuente en varones. Los signos investigados están distribuidos homogéneamente y aumentan con la edad. Están asociados de forma estadísticamente significativa con mayor consumo de tabaco, alcohol y drogas ilegales, episodios de embriaguez y determinado uso del tiempo libre por parte de los propios adolescentes, y con mayor consumo de sustancias adictivas por amigos y familiares. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de signos de alerta en la adolescencia y sus consecuencias individuales y familiares, a corto y a largo plazo, justifican la detección en atención primaria, mediante cuestionarios sencillos que orienten al diagnóstico precoz.

  1. Signos de alerta de trastornos alimentarios, depresivos, del aprendizaje y conductas violentas entre adolescentes de Cantabria

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    Paniagua Repetto Horacio


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Los adolescentes presentan con relativa frecuencia trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, depresivos, del aprendizaje y conductas violentas, detectados tardíamente en muchas ocasiones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar la presencia de signos de alerta ante estos trastornos entre los adolescentes y relacionarlos con el entorno social y familiar y los hábitos de vida. Métodos: Estudio transversal descriptivo, mediante encuesta a 2.178 adolescentes de 12 a 16 años, representativos de los adolescentes de Cantabria. Los signos de alerta se definieron a partir de los criterios de la Asociación Médica Americana y Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría. Resultados: El 4,2% de los adolescentes presenta signos de alerta de trastornos del aprendizaje, asociados al sexo masculino, a la asistencia a colegios públicos y a repetir curso. El 4,3% y el 10,2% presenta signos de alerta de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y trastornos depresivos, respectivamente, estando ambos asociados al sexo femenino. El 8,4% tiene signos de alerta de conductas violentas, más frecuente en varones. Los signos investigados están distribuidos homogéneamente y aumentan con la edad. Están asociados de forma estadísticamente significativa con mayor consumo de tabaco, alcohol y drogas ilegales, episodios de embriaguez y determinado uso del tiempo libre por parte de los propios adolescentes, y con mayor consumo de sustancias adictivas por amigos y familiares. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de signos de alerta en la adolescencia y sus consecuencias individuales y familiares, a corto y a largo plazo, justifican la detección en atención primaria, mediante cuestionarios sencillos que orienten al diagnóstico precoz.

  2. Análisis y clasificación de las urgencias hospitalarias mediante los Ambulatory Patient Groups

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    Conesa A.


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir la factibilidad y el resultado de la aplicación del sistema Ambulatory Patient Groups (APG a la casuística atendida en los servicios de urgencias de seis hospitales del área de Barcelona. Métodos: Confección de un conjunto mínimo básico de datos específico para urgencias (CMBDAU. Obtención de las variables necesarias en una muestra aleatoria de visitas atendidas, a partir de los informes de asistencia correspondientes. Aplicación del sistema APG a los episodios seleccionados. Resultados: Se ha codificado y agrupado en APG un total de 11.188 visitas de urgencias. Quince diagnósticos identifican el 25% de los episodios. El 50% de los procedimientos de urgencias son exploraciones complementarias sencillas. Quince APG agrupan el 50% de la casuística atendida en urgencias. Conclusiones: El CMBDAU es válido para describir la casuística de urgencias y su agrupación en APG proporciona resultados consistentes e interpretables. La aplicación generalizada de sistemas como los APG en urgencias requiere una validación previa en nuestro entorno de los valores de peso norteamericanos. También debe valorarse la disponibilidad de recursos técnicos y humanos suficientes para garantizar la calidad y la continuidad de un registro de estas características.

  3. Comparison of urinary tract infection rates among 2- to 12-month-old febrile infants with RSV infections using 1999 and 2011 AAP diagnostic criteria. (United States)

    Kaluarachchi, Dinushan; Kaldas, Virginia; Roques, Euripedes; Nunez, Randolph; Mendez, Magda


    Infants with RSV infections have been found to have a clinically significant rate of urinary tract infections (UTIs). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a revised Clinical Practice Guideline on UTIs in 2011, which includes major changes in diagnostic criteria for UTIs. Past research has been done using previous diagnostic criteria. The objective of the study is to assess the rate of UTIs in febrile infants with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections according to the 2011 revised AAP Diagnostic Criteria and compare the rate of UTIs against the 1999 AAP Diagnostic Criteria. A retrospective comparative study of febrile infants (2-12 months) with RSV infections admitted to the Inpatient Pediatric unit of Lincoln Medical and Mental Center, Bronx, NY, from September through April 2006 to 2012. We applied the AAP's 1999 and 2011 diagnostic criteria for UTIs separately to assess the rates of UTIs. A total of 359 RSV-positive febrile patients who were investigated for UTIs were enrolled. Pyuria was found in 11.1% (40/359), positive urine culture 10 000 to 50 000 was found in 1.4% (5/359) and ≥50 000 in 4.7% (17/359). The rate of UTIs using AAP's 1999 criteria was 6.1% (22/359), and using the 2011 criteria the rate was 1.1% (4/359). The rate of UTIs was significantly different between the 2 groups (odds ratio [confidence interval] = 0.17 [0.05, 0.5], P = .001). The rate of UTIs in RSV-positive febrile infants is very low (1.1%) with the 2011 AAP diagnostic criteria. Previously described increased risk of UTIs may represent asymptomatic bacteriuria or contaminated specimens. © The Author(s) 2014.

  4. Management of uncomplicated malaria in febrile under five-year-old children by community health workers in Madagascar: reliability of malaria rapid diagnostic tests

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    Ratsimbasoa Arsène


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Early diagnosis, as well as prompt and effective treatment of uncomplicated malaria, are essential components of the anti-malaria strategy in Madagascar to prevent severe malaria, reduce mortality and limit malaria transmission. The purpose of this study was to assess the performance of the malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs used by community health workers (CHWs by comparing RDT results with two reference methods (microscopy and Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR. Methods Eight CHWs in two districts, each with a different level of endemic malaria transmission, were trained to use RDTs in the management of febrile children under five years of age. RDTs were performed by CHWs in all febrile children who consulted for fever. In parallel, retrospective parasitological diagnoses were made by microscopy and PCR. The results of these different diagnostic methods were analysed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the RDTs administered by the CHWs. The stability of the RDTs stored by CHWs was also evaluated. Results Among 190 febrile children with suspected malaria who visited CHWs between February 2009 and February 2010, 89.5% were found to be positive for malaria parasites by PCR, 51.6% were positive by microscopy and 55.8% were positive by RDT. The performance accuracy of the RDTs used by CHWs in terms of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values was greater than 85%. Concordance between microscopy and RDT, estimated by the Kappa value was 0.83 (95% CI: 0.75-0.91. RDTs stored by CHWs for 24 months were capable of detecting Plasmodium falciparum in blood at a level of 200 parasites/μl. Conclusion Introduction of easy-to-use diagnostic tools, such as RDTs, at the community level appears to be an effective strategy for improving febrile patient management and for reducing excessive use of anti-malarial drugs.

  5. Observation of patients with vesicoureteral reflux off antibiotic prophylaxis: physician bias on patient selection and risk factors for recurrent febrile urinary tract infection. (United States)

    Drzewiecki, Beth A; Thomas, John C; Pope, John C; Adams, Mark C; Brock, John W; Tanaka, Stacy T


    Observation off continuous antibiotic prophylaxis is an option for vesicoureteral reflux. We evaluated the characteristics of patients observed off continuous antibiotic prophylaxis and risk factors for febrile urinary tract infection. We identified children 1 to 18 years old with primary vesicoureteral reflux between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010. We excluded patients with prior surgical correction from analysis. We recorded age, gender, race/ethnicity, primary language, insurance carrier, age at vesicoureteral reflux diagnosis, initial presentation and vesicoureteral reflux severity. We quantified bladder and bowel dysfunction with a validated questionnaire if toilet trained. We compared patients off vs on continuous antibiotic prophylaxis with the chi-square test for categorical variables and the Mann-Whitney U test for continuous variables. We used a univariate Cox proportional hazards model to assess predictors of febrile urinary tract infection during observation off continuous antibiotic prophylaxis. Of 529 eligible patients 224 were observed off continuous antibiotic prophylaxis. Patients off continuous antibiotic prophylaxis tended to be older (p urinary tract infection (p = 0.05), to have nondilating vesicoureteral reflux on most recent cystogram (p urinary tract infection developed in 19 (8.5%). Risk factors associated with febrile urinary tract infection included initial presentation of multiple febrile urinary tract infections (p = 0.03), older age at diagnosis (p = 0.03) and older age starting observation off continuous antibiotic prophylaxis (p = 0.0003). Criteria to select patients with vesicoureteral reflux for observation off continuous antibiotic prophylaxis remain poorly defined in the literature. Observation will fail in a subset of patients with vesicoureteral reflux. Physician biases regarding patient selection for observation off continuous antibiotic prophylaxis should be considered when interpreting studies that evaluate treatment

  6. White blood cell count, absolute neutrophil count, as predictors of hidden bacterial infections in febrile children 1-18 months of age without focus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    AL-Majali, R.M.


    Objectives: To study the relationship between White Blood Cell (WBC), Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) in febrile children 1-18 months of age as predictor of bacterial infection, so as to improve our predictability of bacterial infections in emergency room to decrease unnecessary admissions and antibiotic use. Methods: Retrospective review was performed on febrile patients 1-18 months of age that were admitted to hospital between August 2002 and March 2003 on the presumptive diagnosis of fever without focus, Complete septic work up was done for all patients according to local hospital protocol including Complete blood count (CBC), blood culture, urine culture, Chest X-Ray (CXR) and lumbar puncture, Patients who had history of antibiotics use within 48 hours of admission were excluded from the study, History, physical examination, laboratory and radiology data were reviewed. Data about the age, sex, temperature, presence or absence of focal bacterial infection, WBC, ANC, CXR report and body fluid culture results were collected and analyzed. Results: Thirty-four patients were reviewed in this study, Eight patients (23.5%) had bacterial infection: classified as group (2 patchy pneumonia, 3 Urinary tract infection (UTI), 2 meningitis, 1 Occult bacteremia (OB) and 26 patients (76.5%) had no evidence of bacterial infection, classified as group 2, No significant difference was found between the two groups in respect to age, sex, temperature and WBC P>0.05, while there was a significant difference between the two groups in respect to the ANC P = 0.02, also ANC had better sensitivity (78%) and specificity (89%) than WBC (sensitivity 77%, specificity 62%). Conclusion: ANC is a good predictive test for determining bacterial infection in young febrile children without focus, However there is need for other more reliable rapid cost effective measures in dealing with young febrile children at emergency department. (author)

  7. Impact of a clinical decision model for febrile children at risk for serious bacterial infections at the emergency department: a randomized controlled trial.

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    Evelien de Vos-Kerkhof

    Full Text Available To assess the impact of a clinical decision model for febrile children at risk for serious bacterial infections (SBI attending the emergency department (ED.Randomized controlled trial with 439 febrile children, aged 1 month-16 years, attending the pediatric ED of a Dutch university hospital during 2010-2012. Febrile children were randomly assigned to the intervention (clinical decision model; n = 219 or the control group (usual care; n = 220. The clinical decision model included clinical symptoms, vital signs, and C-reactive protein and provided high/low-risks for "pneumonia" and "other SBI". Nurses were guided by the intervention to initiate additional tests for high-risk children. The clinical decision model was evaluated by 1 area-under-the-receiver-operating-characteristic-curve (AUC to indicate discriminative ability and 2 feasibility, to measure nurses' compliance to model recommendations. Primary patient outcome was defined as correct SBI diagnoses. Secondary process outcomes were defined as length of stay; diagnostic tests; antibiotic treatment; hospital admission; revisits and medical costs.The decision model had good discriminative ability for both pneumonia (n = 33; AUC 0.83 (95% CI 0.75-0.90 and other SBI (n = 22; AUC 0.81 (95% CI 0.72-0.90. Compliance to model recommendations was high (86%. No differences in correct SBI determination were observed. Application of the clinical decision model resulted in less full-blood-counts (14% vs. 22%, p-value < 0.05 and more urine-dipstick testing (71% vs. 61%, p-value < 0.05.In contrast to our expectations no substantial impact on patient outcome was perceived. The clinical decision model preserved, however, good discriminatory ability to detect SBI, achieved good compliance among nurses and resulted in a more standardized diagnostic approach towards febrile children, with less full blood-counts and more rightfully urine-dipstick testing.Nederlands Trial Register NTR2381.

  8. Los “empates” y la memoria del caucho

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    Ana Pizarro


    Full Text Available Los “empates” son formas de resistencia pacífica creadas por las poblaciones del Amazonas brasileño y utilizadas para detener el avance amenazador de las empresas de deforestación que invaden su espacio vital. Esta investigación busca demostrar que la disposición a esta confrontación se nutre de una memoria colectiva en la cual es posible identificar los ‘ecos’ de tres momentos cruciales para la historia del caucho en la región: el sistema de extracción del caucho de fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX; el episodio de la “Batalla del Caucho”, declarada por el Gobierno de Getúlio Vargas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial; y las luchas de Acre en la década de 1970, con el inicio de la estrategia de los “empates”. En el corazón de esta memoria colectiva se encuentran tanto la tradición oral como el silencio. Os “empates” são formas de resistência pacífica criadas pelas populações da Amazônia brasileira e utilizadas para deter o avanço ameaçador das empresas de desflorestação que invadem o seu espaço vital. Esta pesquisa procura demonstrar que essa disposição ao confronto se nutre de uma memória coletiva na qual é possível identificar os ‘ecos’ de três momentos cruciais na história da borracha na região: o sistema de extração da borracha ao final do século XIX e a princípio do XX; o episódio da “Batalha da Borracha”, declarada pelo governo de Getúlio Vargas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial; e as lutas do Acre na década de 1970, com o início da estratégia dos “empates”. No coração de esta memória coletiva se encontram tanto a tradição oral quanto o silêncio. The empates are non-violent strategies of resistance devised by the inhabitants of the Brazilian Amazonia in order to stop the threatening advance of companies that are invading and deforesting their environment. This research attempts to demonstrate how this confrontation is informed by a collective

  9. Insight clínico y metacognitivo en pacientes con un primer episodio psicótico


    Sintes Estévez, Anna


    El insight, o conciencia de enfermedad, en los trastornos psicóticos ha despertado recientemente un gran interés en la Psiquiatría y la Psicología Clínica debido a la relación que ha mostrado tener con numerosas variables relevantes, tanto desde el punto de vista científico, como social, e incluso legal. El estudio del déficit en insight en las psicosis, se remonta al siglo XVII, aunque el estudio científico se inicia en el siglo XX, e implica un cambio en la conceptualización del mismo. De m...

  10. Conhecimento sobre a doença e expectativas do tratamento em familiares de pacientes no primeiro episódio psicótico: um estudo transversal Conocimiento sobre la enfermedad y expectativas acerca del tratamiento en los familiares de pacientes en el primer episodio psicótico: un estudio transversal Knowledge of the disease and treatment expectations in relatives of patients with the first psychotic episode: a cross-sectional study

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    Rita Regina Fabri Cabral


    conocimientos acerca de la enfermedad y sus expectativas con relación al tratamiento. RESULTADOS: La muestra está formada por 47 mujeres (82,5% y 10 hombres (17,5%, siendo la mayoría, madres de pacientes. Las respuestas indicaron haber poco o ningún conocimiento sobre lo que es un episodio psicótico, o sobre sus síntomas, tratamiento y medicación. Respecto a que les gustaría hablar en el grupo familiar, 16 (28% individuos no contestaron, 12 (21% quisieran saber cómo tratar a su pariente enfermo, seis (10,5% quisieran conversar acerca de todo, seis (10,5% quisieran entender el problema del pariente y el resto (17 o 30% quisieran conversar acerca de la enfermedad y los aspectos relacionados. DISCUSIÓN: Los resultados indicaron que el conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad es insuficiente y que hay interés, principalmente, en saber cómo manejar la situación. CONCLUSIONES: La acogida y las informaciones atienden a las necesidades de los usuarios y pueden ayudar a mejorar la adhesión al tratamiento, la calidad de las relaciones familiares y evolución de la enfermedad.INTRODUCTION: Family members are important in the care and recovery of first-episode psychotic patients. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the knowledge of the disease and the treatment expectations of the relatives of patients at their first psychotic episode. METHOD: Before participating in a multi-family group, relatives of first-episode psychotic patients answered a questionnaire concerning their knowledge of the illness and their treatment expectations. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 47 women (82.5% and 10 men (17.5%, mostly mothers. Answers showed no or little knowledge about the psychotic crisis, its symptoms, treatment and medication. Sixteen (28% individuals did not provide an answer for the question about what they would like to discuss in the multi-family group, 12 (21% wanted to know how to deal with and care for their ill relative, six (10.5% would like to talk about everything, six (10.5% wanted to

  11. Evaluación de ligamiento de marcadores STR al trastorno afectivo bipolar en las regiones cromosómicas 18p12, 18q22-23, 21q22 y 12q23

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    Andrés Ruiz Linares


    Full Text Available El Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar (TAB se caracteriza por episodios
    fluctuantes y cíclicos de oscilación del estado de ánimo o tono energético vital, de días, semanas o meses de duración, que pueden ir desde el apagamiento vital global o depresión hasta la exaltación vital global o manía.

  12. A prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of empirical teicoplanin in febrile neutropenia with persistent fever after imipenem monotherapy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Erjavec, Z; de Vries-Hospers, HG; Halie, RM; Daenen, S

    Glycopeptide antibiotics are used extensively in the empirical treatment of febrile patients with neutropenia. To come to a more rational and restricted application of these expensive drugs and to reduce the risk of emergence of resistance, we carried out a prospective, double-blinded,

  13. Are brucellosis, Q fever and melioidosis potential causes of febrile illness in Madagascar? (United States)

    Boone, Ides; Henning, Klaus; Hilbert, Angela; Neubauer, Heinrich; von Kalckreuth, Vera; Dekker, Denise Myriam; Schwarz, Norbert Georg; Pak, Gi Deok; Krüger, Andreas; Hagen, Ralf Matthias; Frickmann, Hagen; Heriniaina, Jean Noël; Rakotozandrindrainy, Raphael; Rakotondrainiarivelo, Jean Philibert; Razafindrabe, Tsiry; Hogan, Benedikt; May, Jürgen; Marks, Florian; Poppert, Sven; Al Dahouk, Sascha


    Brucellosis, Q fever and melioidosis are zoonoses, which can lead to pyrexia. These diseases are often under-ascertained and underreported because of their unspecific clinical signs and symptoms, insufficient awareness by physicians and public health officers and limited diagnostic capabilities, especially in low-resource countries. Therefore, the presence of Brucella spp., Coxiella burnetii and Burkholderia pseudomallei was investigated in Malagasy patients exhibiting febrile illness. In addition, we analyzed zebu cattle and their ticks as potential reservoirs for Brucella and C. burnetii, respectively. Specific quantitative real-time PCR assays (qPCRs) were performed on 1020 blood samples drawn from febrile patients. In total, 15 samples (1.5%) were Brucella-positive, mainly originating from patients without travel history, while DNA from C. burnetii and Bu. pseudomallei was not detected. Anti-C. burnetii antibodies were found in four out of 201 zebu serum samples (2%), whereas anti-Brucella antibodies could not be detected. Brucella DNA was detected in a single zebu sample. Three out of 330 ticks analyzed (1%) were positively tested for C. burnetii DNA but with high Ct values in the qPCR assay. Our data suggest that zebus as well as Amblyomma and Boophilus ticks have to be considered as a natural reservoir or vector for C. burnetii, but the risk of cattle-to-human transmission is low. Since bovine brucellosis does not seem to contribute to human infections in Madagascar, other transmission routes have to be assumed. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Evaluation of new American Academy of Pediatrics guideline for febrile urinary tract infection (United States)

    Choi, Da Min; Heo, Tae Hoon; Yoo, Kee Hwan


    Purpose To evaluate the practical applications of the diagnosis algorithms recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics urinary tract infection (UTI) guideline. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of febrile UTI patients aged between 2 and 24 months. The patients were divided into 3 groups: group I (patients with positive urine culture and urinalysis findings), group II (those with positive urine culture but negative urinalysis findings), and group III (those with negative urine culture but positive urinalysis findings). Clinical, laboratory, and imaging results were analyzed and compared between the groups. Results A total of 300 children were enrolled. The serum C-reactive protein level was lower in children in group II than in those in groups I and III (P<0.05). Children in group I showed a higher frequency of hydronephrosis than those in groups II and III (P<0.05). However, the frequencies of acute pyelonephritis (APN), vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), renal scar, and UTI recurrence were not different between the groups. In group I, recurrence of UTI and presence of APN were associated with the incidence of VUR (recurrence vs. no recurrence: 40% vs.11.4%; APN vs. no APN: 23.3% vs. 9.2%; P<0.05). The incidence of VUR and APN was not related to the presence of hydronephrosis. Conclusion UTI in febrile children cannot be ruled out solely on the basis of positive urinalysis or urine culture findings. Recurrence of UTI and presence of APN may be reasonable indicators of the presence of VUR. PMID:26512260

  15. Caracterización clínica del dengue en un hospital infantil de Cartagena (Colombia

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    Diana Gómez Marrugo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Caracterizar las manifestaciones clínicas del dengue en pacientes pediátricos en una institución de salud de tercer nivel de Cartagena (Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo por revisión de historias clínicas de pacientes hospitalizados por dengue en el Hospital Infantil Napoleón Franco Pareja de la ciudad de Cartagena. Se evaluaron 136 niños con cuadros febriles agudos de etiología inaparente. Se utilizaron pruebas serológicas para confirmar la infección por el virus del dengue. Resultados: Se analizaron 98 casos de niños hospitalizados con diagnóstico de dengue. La edad osciló entre menores de 6 meses a 16 años, siendo el rango de edades con mayor frecuencia de la enfermedad de 10 a 16 años (33,7 %. Los signos y síntomas más frecuentes fueron: exantema (49,0 %, mialgia (35,7 %, cefalea (33,7 %, artralgia (33,7 %, anorexia (24,5 %, torniquete (19,4%, prurito (11,2 %, escalofrío (8,2 %, eritema facial (7,1 % y dolor retroocular (6,1 %. Conclusiones: La edad continúa siendo el factor predominante en la gravedad intrahospitalaria del dengue. Por lo tanto, se necesitan con urgencia medidas preventivas en la población pediátrica.

  16. Tratamiento de urgencia en la fibrilación auricular, Policlínico Pedro Borrás, Pinar del Río 2015

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    Yedila Hilda Duque Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: La fibrilación auricular constituye la arritmia más frecuente dentro de los trastornos del ritmo que motivan  consulta en el servicio de urgencias. Afecta el 0,4% de la población general aumentando su incidencia con la edad, aproximadamente un 75% de portadores entre 65 y 85 años. Objetivo: Describir el tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular en el servicio de urgencias del Policlínico Pedro Borrás de la ciudad de Pinar del Río. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación prospectiva y descriptiva en pacientes con arritmias cardíacas en el servicio de urgencias del policlínico Pedro Borrás de la ciudad de Pinar del Río, de enero a marzo de 2015. Se confeccionó un modelo de encuesta computable que se aplicó a cada una de las historias clínicas, realizándose el análisis de los resultados utilizando estadígrafos de la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: La fibrilación auricular se presentó en el 67,7% de los pacientes, siendo la hipertensión arterial y la fibrilación auricular idiopática las etiologías más frecuentes. El 22,6%  presentó signos de insuficiencia cardíaca al ingreso y el 41,7% presentó más de 24 horas de evolución. La reversión a ritmo sinusal se produjo en 36 de 84 pacientes en las primeras 24 horas. El fármaco más utilizado en el episodio agudo fue la digoxina. Conclusiones: Varios factores influyeron en la no conversión a ritmo sinusal en pacientes con fibrilación auricular, pero el tiempo de evolución y la presencia de insuficiencia cardiaca permitieron estimar de la probabilidad de paso a ritmo sinusal en las primeras 24 horas.

  17. Romulus’ adytum or asylum? A New Exegetical proposal for De lingua Latina 5, 8

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    Federica Lazzerini


    Molto si è discusso sui quattro livelli progressivi secondo i quali Varrone struttura l’etimologia in ling. 5, 8; a ogni livello è associato un diverso tipo di analisi e si applica a una diversa categoria di parole. Una formulazione criptica ed ellittica, in un passo che nel manoscritto del testo è quasi certamente corrotto, avvolgono il quarto livello in una nube di incertezza e ambiguità. Se alcuni filologi hanno difeso il mantenimento del tradito Quartus, ubi est aditus et initia regis (“Il quarto livello è dove è l’ingresso e le origini del re”, la maggior parte delle interpretazioni moderne opta piuttosto per l’emendazione di aditus in adytum (“santuario” e legge il passo come un riferimento a vari tipi di culti misterici, collocando il quarto livello etimologico in un quadro di esoterismo. Nel presente contributo, si avanza la proposta che nel passo in questione non vi sia alcuna allusione ai misteri, ma un riferimento all’episodio storico-leggendario della fondazione, da parte di Romolo, di un “santuario” sul Campidoglio, destinato all’accoglienza di supplici provenienti da ogni popolo ed estrazione sociale. Questa istituzione portò alla formazione del primo nucleo abitativo di Roma e anche, di conseguenza, del sostrato vernacolare alle origini della lingua latina; come tale, tale episodio converge con gli interessi e le idee di Varrone. L’ipotesi che il quartus gradus etymologiae alluda al santuario di Romolo può essere difesa o dando una nuova interpretazione al termine adytum, o proponendo un’emendazione testuale (aditus > asylum, che produca il testo Quartus, ubi est asylum et initia regis.

  18. Incidencia de bacteriemia y neumonía nosocomial en una unidad de pediatría

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    Martínez-Aguilar Gerardo


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la incidencia de bacteriemia relacionada con catéter y neumonía asociada a ventilador en niños hospitalizados. Material y métodos. Estudio prospectivo. En el servicio de Pediatría del Hospital General Regional (HGR No 1 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS, de Durango, México, durante 18 meses, de enero de 1999 a junio del 2000, se implementó un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica activa para identificar episodios de neumonía y bacteriemia nosocomial de acuerdo a las definiciones operacionales de la Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM. A los pacientes hospitalizados que por su patología requirieron de ventilación mecánica o de catéter intravenoso central se les hizo seguimiento desde el primer día de exposición hasta la detección del episodio de infección o su retiro. Se efectuaron hemocultivos y cultivos de aspirado traqueal. Se calcularon tasas de incidencia para la neumonía asociada a ventilador y de bacteriemia/sepsis por 1 000 días de exposición con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza al 95%. También se presenta la tasa mensual de la infección por días de exposición por medio de gráficas de control estadístico. Resultados. Se identificaron 47 episodios de bacteriemia/sepsis relacionada con catéter y 44 de neumonía asociada a ventilador. La tasa de incidencia de neumonía fue de 28 eventos por 1 000 días de exposición a ventilador y la de bacteriemia/sepsis fue de 26 eventos por 1 000 días de exposición a catéter intravenoso central. Los microrganismos gram positivos (61.11% predominaron sobre los gram negativos (38.88%. Conclusiones. Este estudio documentó tasas de neumonía y bacteriemia en niños, sustancialmente más elevadas que en otros informes, lo que hace necesario establecer lineamientos para la prevención de infecciones en niños con catéteres intravasculares y sobre los cuidados que requieren los niños sometidos a ventilación mecánica. El texto completo en ingl

  19. The role of gallium-67 scanning in febrile patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mouratidis, B.; Lomas, F.


    The source of sepsis in febrile patients can be a difficult diagnostic problem. Gallium-67 has been utilized as a diagnostic tool in the evaluation of these patients. A retrospective review was done of 47 patients who presented with pyrexia of unknown origin (27 patients), postoperative fever (11 patients), septicaemia (4 patients) and miscellaneous sepsis (5 patients). Whole body imaging with Gallium-67 gave an overall sensitivity and specificity of 86 and 77%, respectively, which compares favourably with previous studies. The sensitivity and specificity was similar in all patient subgroups. Gallium-67 allowed for more effective and directed use of organ-specific imaging modalities, such as computed tomography, ultrasound and guided intervention, in localizing and defining the source of sepsis. Where more than one possible source of fever was present, Gallium-67 scanning correctly identified the activity of the different foci. Gallium-67 scanning should be used early in the evaluation of patients presenting with fever of uncertain origin. 9 refs., 5 tabs., 2 figs

  20. Caracterización estructural del factor estimulador de colonias de los granulocitos, Hebervital

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    Natacha Pérez


    Full Text Available El factor estimulador de colonias de granulocitos (G-CSF es un medicamento que pertenece a un grupo de proteínas hematopoyéticas. Se obtiene por vía recombinante en el Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología, de Cuba, desde el año 2000 y es comercializado como Hebervital. Se indica a pacientes con neoplasias afectados de neutropenia febril, con tratamiento mielosupresor, seguido de trasplante de la médula ósea, entre otros. Induce alteraciones en la actividad biológica de los neutrófilos maduros que pudieran aumentar la defensa del huésped en respuesta a patógenos, como bacterias y hongos. En este trabajo se realizó un análisis específico del G-CSF para determinar su pureza y caracterización; además, se demostró su posible comparabilidad con productos de otras firmas comerciales. El patrón de bandas de las muestras en la electroforesis, así como el porcentaje del área y los perfiles cromatográficos bajo la curva en la cromatografía líquida de alta resolución, fueron similares entre los diferentes productos. La digestión enzimática y la separación proteolítica de los péptidos generaron mapas peptídicos reproducibles y de elevada similitud con el Neupogen.

  1. Análisis iconográfico preliminar de fragmentos de las vasijas estilo códice procedentes de Calakmul A preliminary iconographic analysis of codex style vessels from Calakmul

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    Ana García Barrios


    Full Text Available Las cerámicas estilo códice fueron elaboradas durante la segunda mitad del siglo VII y principios del VIII d.C. en un área de la Cuenca del Mirador que abarca ciudades como Nakbé, Tintal, Pacaya y otras como Calakmul. En este último lugar se han recuperado en los últimos años más de 700 fragmentos cerámicos que tienen un gran parecido estilístico con muchas de las temáticas de las vasijas que se encuentran en colecciones privadas y museos, todas ellas procedentes del saqueo masivo de la década de los setenta. Entre los temas reconocidos en los fragmentos de Calakmul se encuentran diferentes episodios del mito del Dios del Maíz, así como el lanzamiento del Bebé Jaguar y otros episodios donde participa el Dios Viejo, así como el título ampliamente empleado en estas cerámicas que designa a un grupo de poder conocido como chatan winik.The codex style vessels were elaborated during second half of 7th century and the beginning of 8th century A.C., in the area of "Cuenca del Mirador" that includes cities like Nakbé, Tintal, Pacaya and Calakmul. In this city, in the past last years, there has been a recovery of more than 700 ceramic fragments, which have a great stylistic similarity with many of the thematic ceramics which are in private collections and museums, all of them coming from the massive sacking during 70's years. Between the subjects recognized in the fragments of Calakmul, it can be found different episodes from the myth of God of maíz, as well as the launching of "baby jaguar" or Unen B'ahlam, along with other subjects where the Old God participates, and the title widely used in these vessels designates a group of power known as chatan winik.


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    Jaume Alcañiz Solanas


    Full Text Available Las avenidas y las inundaciones son un fenómeno natural común en la zona mediterránea. Las avenidas, con las consiguientes inundaciones, provocan de- sastres que a menudo producen pérdidas humanas, materiales e inmateriales de patrimonio, y por ello este tipo de desastres causan un gran impacto en la sociedad. La relevancia de las inundaciones en nuestra sociedad y el impacto que causó en los habitantes de la zona el episodio de crecida excepcional del río Margançol el 22 de agosto de 2008, ha conducido a profundizar en el riesgo de inundacio- nes en la cuenca de este río. Los objetivos han sido, reconstruir las características hidrológicas del episodio de crecida mencionado, identificar e integrar los facto- res que intervienen en el Análisis del Riesgo de este caso, estudiar la peligrosidad y la vulnerabilidad así como los factores que las generan, y proponer medidas de prevención para eventos similares futuros. Se profundiza en el caso de estudio, analizando por una parte la peligrosi- dad, y por otra, la vulnerabilidad, siempre en relación a la reconstrucción de la avenida del 22 de agosto de 2008. Convienen resaltar que se ha trabajado a dos escalas: una general a nivel de cuenca, y otra de detalle en un tramo de 4,5 km que discurre por el término municipal de Borredà (Barcelona. Con independencia del limitado alcance de la avenida estudiada, las con- clusiones del trabajo permiten, con la metodología usada, evaluar el riesgo de inundación en la zona y proponer medidas de gestión adecuadas.

  3. Urinary Colorimetric Sensor Array and Algorithm to Distinguish Kawasaki Disease from Other Febrile Illnesses.

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    Zhen Li

    Full Text Available Kawasaki disease (KD is an acute pediatric vasculitis of infants and young children with unknown etiology and no specific laboratory-based test to identify. A specific molecular diagnostic test is urgently needed to support the clinical decision of proper medical intervention, preventing subsequent complications of coronary artery aneurysms. We used a simple and low-cost colorimetric sensor array to address the lack of a specific diagnostic test to differentiate KD from febrile control (FC patients with similar rash/fever illnesses.Demographic and clinical data were prospectively collected for subjects with KD and FCs under standard protocol. After screening using a genetic algorithm, eleven compounds including metalloporphyrins, pH indicators, redox indicators and solvatochromic dye categories, were selected from our chromatic compound library (n = 190 to construct a colorimetric sensor array for diagnosing KD. Quantitative color difference analysis led to a decision-tree-based KD diagnostic algorithm.This KD sensing array allowed the identification of 94% of KD subjects (receiver operating characteristic [ROC] area under the curve [AUC] 0.981 in the training set (33 KD, 33 FC and 94% of KD subjects (ROC AUC: 0.873 in the testing set (16 KD, 17 FC. Color difference maps reconstructed from the digital images of the sensing compounds demonstrated distinctive patterns differentiating KD from FC patients.The colorimetric sensor array, composed of common used chemical compounds, is an easily accessible, low-cost method to realize the discrimination of subjects with KD from other febrile illness.

  4. Febrile rhabdomyolysis of unknown origin in refugees coming from West Africa through the Mediterranean. (United States)

    Odolini, Silvia; Gobbi, Federico; Zammarchi, Lorenzo; Migliore, Simona; Mencarini, Paola; Vecchia, Marco; di Lauria, Nicoletta; Schivazappa, Simona; Sabatini, Tony; Chianura, Leonardo; Vanino, Elisa; Piacentini, Daniela; Zanotti, Paola; Bussi, Anna; Bartoloni, Alessandro; Bisoffi, Zeno; Castelli, Francesco


    Cases of undiagnosed severe febrile rhabdomyolysis in refugees coming from West Africa, mainly from Nigeria, has been observed since May 2014. The aim of this study was to describe this phenomenon. This was a multicentre retrospective observational study of cases of febrile rhabdomyolysis reported from May 2014 to December 2016 in 12 Italian centres. A total of 48 cases were observed, mainly in young males. The mean time interval between the day of departure from Libya and symptom onset was 26.2 days. An average 8.3 further days elapsed before medical care was sought. All patients were hospitalized with fever and very intense muscle aches. Creatine phosphokinase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase values were abnormal in all cases. The rhabdomyolysis was ascribed to an infective agent in 16 (33.3%) cases. In the remaining cases, the aetiology was undefined. Four out of seven patients tested had sickle cell trait. No alcohol abuse or drug intake was reported, apart from a single reported case of khat ingestion. The long incubation period does not support a mechanical cause of rhabdomyolysis. Furthermore, viral infections such as those caused by coxsackievirus are rarely associated with such a severe clinical presentation. It is hypothesized that other predisposing conditions like genetic factors, unknown infections, or unreported non-conventional remedies may be involved. Targeted surveillance of rhabdomyolysis cases is warranted. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  5. Febrile Neutropenia Risk Assessment and Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor Support in Patients with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Receiving R-CHOP Regimens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salar, Antonio; Haioun, Corinne; Rossi, Francesca Gaia


    BACKGROUND: ASCO and EORTC guidelines recommend granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) primary prophylaxis for cancer patients with a ≥20% overall risk of febrile neutropenia (FN), and to support delivery of dose-dense regimens. CHOP-like regimens (with rituximab [R]) are the current...... standard of care for the management of aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), but they are often associated with significant myelosuppression. Neutropenic events, particularly febrile neutropenia (FN), can be life-threatening and may lead to dose delays or reductions that compromise the efficacy......-CSF primary prophylaxis. Across all cycles, 29% of R-CHOP-21 patients had an unplanned hospitalization, with neutropenia/FN being the main reason. Subsequently, 67% of patients achieved a relative dose intensity (RDI) of ≥90% of their planned treatment (with respect to cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin...

  6. Clinical evolution of patients hospitalized due to the first episode of Acute Coronary Syndrome Evolución clínica de pacientes internados debido el primer episodio de la Síndrome Aguda de las Coronarias Evolução clinica de pacientes internados em decorrência do primeiro episódio da Síndrome Coronariana Aguda

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    Gislaine Pinn Gil


    Full Text Available AIM: to assess the clinical evolution of patients hospitalized due to the first episode of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS according to its clinical manifestation. METHODS: data were collected from 234 patients, hospitalized between May 2006 and July 2009 due to the first episode of an ACS, by consulting their medical records. RESULTS: 234 patients were hospitalized, 140 (59.8% due to Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI. In the group with AMI, 19.3% presented complications, against 12.8% in the group with Unstable Angina (UA (p=0.19. Angioplasty levels were higher among patients with AMI than with UA (p=0.02 and coronary artery bypass graft surgery was more frequent among UA patients (p=0.03. The majority (227; 97% survived after the coronary event. Among the seven patients who died during the hospitalization, four had AMI (2.9% and three UA (3.2%. CONCLUSIONS: A larger number of complications were found among infarction victims and the accomplishment of coronary artery bypass graft surgery differed between the groups.OBJETIVO: evaluar la evolución clínica de pacientes internados por el primer episodio del Síndrome Aguda de Coronarias según su manifestación clínica. MÉTODOS: Fueron colectados datos de 234 pacientes internados entre mayo de 2006 y julio de 2009 debido el primer episodio de una ACA mediante consultas a los prontuarios. RESULTADOS: La mayoría (59,8% internó debido al Infarto Agudo del Miocardio (IAM. En el grupo con IAM, 19,3% presentaron complicaciones y 12,8% en el grupo con Angina Inestable (AI(p=0,19. La realización de angioplastia fue mayor entre los pacientes con IAM de lo que con AI (p=0,02 y la cirugía de revascularización fue más realizada entre los pacientes con AI (p=0,03. La mayoría (227; 97% sobrevivió al evento de las coronarias. Entre los siete pacientes que murieron en la internación, cuatro tenían IAM (2,9% y tres AI (3,2%. CONCLUSIONES: Hubo mayor número de complicaciones entre los infartados y la

  7. Los Veteranos truchos de Malvinas: la autenticidad como competencia metacomunicativa en las identidades del trabajo de campo

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    Rosana Guber


    Full Text Available El engaño y la mentira continúan preocupando a los investigadores sociales. Ya sea que se utilicen herramientas cuantitativas o cualitativas (incluso etnográficas, los investigadores creemos que recaudos metodológicos como la triangulación, la re-entrevista o desarrollar un buen rapport, sirven para eliminar la distorsión que introducen los informantes, y obtener afirmaciones y categorías más auténticas de nuestros sujetos sociales. En este artículo describoun episodio de «mentira identitaria» (o identidad trucha que me ocurrió mientras trabajaba en 1992 con veteranos del conflicto anglo-argentino por las Islas Malvinas (1982. Al comparar las identidades de los veteranos y de la mía como antropóloga, muestro que las mentiras son parte de las competencias metacomunicativas con que los veteranos y yo aprendemos a hablar sobre «Malvinas». Con este giro reflexivo descubro que los informantes engañosos desafían nuestros supuestos metodológicos no porque alteren la confiabilidad de nuestros relatos, sino porque iluminan aspectos nodales de nuestras propias identidades en el campo.

  8. Exposure to febrile-range hyperthermia potentiates Wnt signalling and epithelial-mesenchymal transition gene expression in lung epithelium. (United States)

    Potla, Ratnakar; Tulapurkar, Mohan E; Luzina, Irina G; Atamas, Sergei P; Singh, Ishwar S; Hasday, Jeffrey D


    As environmental and body temperatures vary, lung epithelial cells experience temperatures significantly different from normal core temperature. Our previous studies in human lung epithelium showed that: (i) heat shock accelerates wound healing and activates profibrotic gene expression through heat shock factor-1 (HSF1); (ii) HSF1 is activated at febrile temperatures (38-41 °C) and (iii) hypothermia (32 °C) activates and hyperthermia (39.5 °C) reduces expression of a subset of miRNAs that target protein kinase-Cα (PKCα) and enhance proliferation. We analysed the effect of hypo- and hyperthermia exposure on Wnt signalling by exposing human small airway epithelial cells (SAECs) and HEK293T cells to 32, 37 or 39.5 °C for 24 h, then analysing Wnt-3a-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) gene expression by qRT-PCR and TOPFlash reporter plasmid activity. Effects of miRNA mimics and inhibitors and the HSF1 inhibitor, KNK437, were evaluated. Exposure to 39.5 °C for 24 h increased subsequent Wnt-3a-induced EMT gene expression in SAECs and Wnt-3a-induced TOPFlash activity in HEK293T cells. Increased Wnt responsiveness was associated with HSF1 activation and blocked by KNK437. Overexpressing temperature-responsive miRNA mimics reduced Wnt responsiveness in 39.5 °C-exposed HEK293T cells, but inhibitors of the same miRNAs failed to restore Wnt responsiveness in 32 °C-exposed HEK293T cells. Wnt responsiveness, including expression of genes associated with EMT, increases after exposure to febrile-range temperature through an HSF1-dependent mechanism that is independent of previously identified temperature-dependent miRNAs. This process may be relevant to febrile fibrosing lung diseases, including the fibroproliferative phase of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and exacerbations of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).


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    Claudia Liliana Cabrera Bello


    Full Text Available Introducción: El bruxismo es un trastorno del movimiento del sistema masticatorio, caracterizado por apriete,rechinamiento y golpeteo dentario. La ausencia de un elemento diagnóstico para evaluar el patrón de contactos oclusales y diagnosticar el grado de bruxismo llevó a realizar un estudio investigativo para validar la placa bruxchecker. Objetivos: En este estudio se validó la placa bruxchecker como medio diagnóstico para valorar la presencia y ubicación de las interferencias oclusales durante los episodios de bruxismo. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de evaluación de pruebas diagnósticas, en una población de 35 pacientes mayores de 18 años que asistieron por primera vez a la clínica de ortodoncia correctiva de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Bogotá entre febrero y mayo de  2011, se compararon las marcas en las placas Bruxchecker con los desgastes de las caras oclusales encontrados en los modelos de estudio para determinar la concordancia entre los diagnósticos. Resultados: La placa bruxchecker clasificó correctamente de cada 100 enfermos a 96 y de cada 100 sanos a 57. El valor predictivo positivo es del 96% y del 57% el valor predictivo negativo. La prevalencia de bruxismo medida con la placa  fue de 80% en la población. Conclusiones: Se concluye que la placa es una adecuada herramienta para diagnosticar bruxismo.


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    Claudia Liliana Cabrera Bello


    Full Text Available Introducción: El bruxismo es un trastorno del movimiento del sistema masticatorio, caracterizado por apriete,rechinamiento y golpeteo dentario. La ausencia de un elemento diagnóstico para evaluar el patrón de contactos oclusales y diagnosticar el grado de bruxismo llevó a realizar un estudio investigativo para validar la placa bruxchecker. Objetivos: En este estudio se validó la placa bruxchecker como medio diagnóstico para valorar la presencia y ubicación de las interferencias oclusales durante los episodios de bruxismo. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de evaluación de pruebas diagnósticas, en una población de 35 pacientes mayores de 18 años que asistieron por primera vez a la clínica de ortodoncia correctiva de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Bogotá entre febrero y mayo de  2011, se compararon las marcas en las placas Bruxchecker con los desgastes de las caras oclusales encontrados en los modelos de estudio para determinar la concordancia entre los diagnósticos. Resultados: La placa bruxchecker clasificó correctamente de cada 100 enfermos a 96 y de cada 100 sanos a 57. El valor predictivo positivo es del 96% y del 57% el valor predictivo negativo. La prevalencia de bruxismo medida con la placa  fue de 80% en la población. Conclusiones: Se concluye que la placa es una adecuada herramienta para diagnosticar bruxismo.

  11. Alternating Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen versus Monotherapies in Improvements of Distress and Reducing Refractory Fever in Febrile Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Luo, Shuanghong; Ran, Mengdong; Luo, Qiuhong; Shu, Min; Guo, Qin; Zhu, Yu; Xie, Xiaoping; Zhang, Chongfan; Wan, Chaomin


    No evidence can be found in the medical literature about the efficacy of alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen treatment in children with refractory fever. Our objective was to assess the effect of alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen therapy on distress and refractory fever compared with acetaminophen or ibuprofen as monotherapy in febrile children. A total of 474 febrile children with axillary temperature ≥38.5 °C and fever history ≤3 days in a tertiary hospital were randomly assigned to receive either (1) alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen (acetaminophen 10 mg/kg per dose with shortest interval of 4 h and ibuprofen 10 mg/kg per dose with shortest interval of 6 h and the shortest interval between acetaminophen and ibuprofen ≥2 h; n = 158), (2) acetaminophen monotherapy (10 mg/kg per dose with shortest interval of 4 h; n = 158), or (3) ibuprofen monotherapy (10 mg/kg per dose with shortest interval of 6 h; n = 158). The mean Non-Communicating Children's Pain Checklist (NCCPC) score was measured every 4 h, and axillary temperatures were measured every 2 h. In total, 471 children were included in an intention-to-treat analysis. No significant clinical or statistical difference was found in mean NCCPC score or temperature during the 24-h treatment period in all febrile children across the three groups. Although the proportion of children with refractory fever for 4 h and 6 h was significantly lower in the alternating group than in the monotherapy groups (4 h: 11.54% vs. 26.58% vs. 21.66%, respectively [p = 0.003]; 6 h: 3.85% vs. 10.13% vs. 17.83%, respectively [p ibuprofen can reduce the proportion of children with refractory fever, but if one cycle of alternating therapy cannot reduce febrile distress as defined by NCCPC score, two or more cycles of alternating therapy may have minimal to no clinical efficacy in some cases. The trial was registered with the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry as ChiCTR-TRC-13003440 and the WHO



    David Caballero


    El enfrentamiento armado que sufrió Guatemala entre 1960 y 1996 supuso un episodio de consecuencias profundas en el seno de la población del país. El colectivo maya fue uno de los sectores más golpeados por la dilatada violencia. En este hostil contexto, la Iglesia Católica adquirió un papel fundamental en el apoyo a la población, el desarrollo del movimiento indígena y la materialización de los Acuerdos de Paz. Tras el primer apoyo de la Iglesia a los regímenes totalitarios, se produjo un ca...

  13. Consenso intersociedades para el manejo de infecciones respiratorias: bronquitis aguda y enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica


    Gustavo Lopardo; Claudia Pensotti; Pablo Scapellato; Oscar Caberlotto; Aníbal Calmaggi; Liliana Clara; Manuel Klein; Gabriel Levy Hara; María J. López Furst; Analía Mykietiuk; Daniel Pryluka; Maria J. Rial; Claudia Vujacich; Diego Yahni


    La Sociedad Argentina de Infectología convocó a otras sociedades científicas para elaborar una guía práctica y actualizada para el manejo del tratamiento antibiótico de las bronquitis agudas (BA) y los episodios de reagudización de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC), con el objetivo de promover el uso racional de los recursos diagnósticos y terapéuticos. La BA se caracteriza por la inflamación del árbol bronquial que afecta tanto a adultos como a niños sin enfermedades pulmonares ...

  14. Identificación de parásitos gastrointestinales en pelicanos hallados durante una catástrofe ecológica en las costas de Lima, Perú


    Serrano-Martínez, Enrique; Quispe, Marco; Andrade, Roy; Casas, Gina; Tantalean, Manuel


    En el mes de mayo de 2012, el Perú registró una inexplicable mortalidad de especies de pelícanos y delfines. Un aproximado de 5000 pelícanos y 877 delfines entre moribundos y muertos, fueron encontrados en la costa peruana, atribuyéndosele a este episodio como el ¨efecto pelícano¨; sin embargo, la causa del fenómeno ocurrido fue atribuido a diversos factores, como los medioambientales, a patógenos virales, a factores alimenticios y a la mano del hombre, entre otros, no llegándose a esclarecer...

  15. La sucesión de Enrique IV

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    María Isabel del Val Valdivieso


    Full Text Available Quizá resulte superfluo señalar que el problema que se plantea a lo largo del reinado de Enrique IV, en torno a su sucesión, no es sino uno de los episodios más espectaculares de la lucha por el poder que tiene lugar en la Castilla de ese momento. No obstante se hace necesario partir de esa observación a la hora de explicar las causas y el desarrollo de esa lucha, así como el por qué de la aparición del problema sucesorio.

  16. Cuidados de Enfermería en la Prevención de la Depresión Postparto


    Valleandrés Goyenechea, Arantxa


    La depresión mayor es la primera causa de discapacidad en mujeres a nivel mundial. Cuando el episodio depresivo se produce en el periodo del postparto se denomina Depresión Postparto (DPP), pudiendo aparecer hasta 30 semanas después del parto. La DPP es un fenómeno de salud pública que afecta tanto a la calidad de vida de la madre como a la de su familia. Afecta aproximadamente al 10-20% de las mujeres que han dado a luz recientemente, siendo más frecuente en mujeres con recursos socioeconómi...

  17. El origen y las funciones de los sueños a partir de los potenciales PGO


    Ramírez-Salado, Ignacio; Cruz-Aguilar, Manuel Alejandro


    El fenómeno del sueño y de los sueños es algo que siempre ha fascinado al hombre. Sin embargo, el estudio científico del sueño es relativamente reciente. En 1953, Aserinsky y Kleitman encontraron que el sueño de ondas lentas (SOL) es interrumpido periódicamente por episodios de actividad EEG rápida, que se acompañan de movimientos oculares rápidos (MORs), y denominaron a esta fase "sueño MOR". Posteriormente, Dement y Kleitman, en 1957, descubrieron que estos movimientos oculares rápidos coin...

  18. Niveles de ansiedad y depresión en los fumadores que acuden a una consulta de deshabituación tabáquica y factores relacionados


    Almadana Pacheco, Virginia


    Se sabe que los fumadores tienen más riesgo de desarrollar un trastorno mental que aquellos que no fuman, presentando según algunas series niveles más elevados de ansiedad y depresión de forma basal. Incluso el propio intento de abandono o la reducción del número de cigarrillos podría determinar un mayor riesgo de aparición de un episodio depresivo mayor. Sin embargo, lo que sucede tras un periodo más o menos largo de abstinencia con la sintomatología ansiosodepresiva no está del todo escl...

  19. Trasplante renal con HLA idéntico de donante vivo y cadavérico: experiencia de la Fundación Valle de Lili, Cali, Colombia


    Caicedo, Luis Armando; Gómez-Vega, Juan Carlos; Duque, Mauricio Francisco; Serrano, Óscar Javier; Manzi, Eliana; Arrunátegui, Ana María; Posada, Juan Guillermo; Mesa, Liliana; Schweineberg, Johanna; Durán, Carlos Eduardo; Villegas, Jorge Iván; Dávalos, Diana María; Echeverri, Gabriel Jaime


    Introducción: En el trasplante renal con HLA idéntico los episodios de rechazo agudo son menores y tienen mejores tasas de supervivencia del injerto, comparado con los receptores con HLA no idéntico; a pesar de esto, persiste el dilema en cuanto al retiro o la disminución de la dosis de inmunosupresión. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la experiencia de los trasplantes renales con HLA idéntico de donante vivo y cadavérico que se han realizado en la Fundación Valle del Lili desde 1995 ...

  20. Religión y política: relaciones peligrosas

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    Camille Tarot


    Full Text Available La distinción del poder religioso y del poder político es más frecuente y antigua de lo que solemos pensar, pero su separación es también mucho más rara y difícil, aún en la modernidad, de lo que se afirma. La modernidad política de la democracia es tan sólo un episodio o un dramático error si no puede presentarse como el final de la historia y sobre qué reposa si no puede ser garantizada por un gran discurso?

  1. Reflujo gastroesofágico en pediatría




    El reflujo gastroesofagico (RGE) es el paso del contenido gástrico hacia el esófago con o sin vómitos o regurgitación. El RGE es un proceso normal fisiológico que ocurre en el 50% de los lactantes, resolviéndose espontáneamente a los 12 a 14 meses de edad. Cuando este contenido retrógrado gástrico alcanza al esófago y produce síntomas molestos o complicaciones se produce la enfermedad por RGE o ERGE. Los episodios de reflujo se producen principalmente por relajaciones transitorias del esfínte...

  2. Cuidados de enfermería en hospitalización a domicilio y hospitalización convencional

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    Oterino de la Fuente David


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO. Los cuidados de enfermería tienen especial importancia en la hospitalización domiciliaria (HD, tanto por las características de los pacientes como por su transferencia hacia los cuidadores informales del paciente. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la cantidad y tipo de cuidados de enfermería administrados y requeridos por los pacientes en HD y hospitalización convencional (HC. METODO.- Se utilizó el Project Research Nursing (PRN para cuantificar el volumen y tipo de cuidados de enfermería administrados y requeridos en 2 grupos de pacientes (HD: 148 pacientes, 1776 estancias; HC: 148 pacientes, 1113 estancias con características similares tratados en cada una de las alternativas a evaluación, analizándose las diferencias según modalidades de atención y características de los pacientes. RESULTADOS: Respecto a los cuidados administrados, los pacientes en HD (647,8 minutos/episodio recibieron un menor volumen de cuidados que en HC (1030 minutos/episodio. Esta diferencia se debió fundamentalmente a que les fueron administrados menos cuidados básicos (HD: 96,6 min./episodio; HC: 464,3 in/episodio y diagnósticos (HD: 84,4 in/episodio; HC: 167,3. Por el contrario, los pacientes en HD recibieron una mayor cantidad de cuidados de comunicación (238,8 minutos, frente a 107,4 en HC. No se hallaron diferencias significativas entre cuidados administrados y requeridos. CONCLUSIONES: Los pacientes en HD reciben menos cuidados de enfermería que en HC, fundamentalmente a expensas de los cuidados básicos (transferidos a los cuidadores y de los cuidados asociados a la realización de pruebas diagnósticas (dependientes de los estilos de práctica médicos, aunque reciben mas cuidados de comunicación (educación sanitaria. La ausencia de diferencias entre los cuidados realmente administrados y los requeridos sugiere una adecuada calidad asistencial en ambas modalidades de hospitalización.

  3. Duration of fever and markers of serious bacterial infection in young febrile children. (United States)

    Pratt, Amanda; Attia, Magdy W


    Despite the drastic change in the evaluation of the febrile young child due to the decreased incidence of serious bacterial infections (SBI) effected by Haemophilus influenza type B and pneumococcal vaccine, there remains a small role for blood work in the evaluation of these patients. Bacterial markers including white blood cell (WBC) count, absolute neutrophil count (ANC) and C-reactive protein (CRP) have been studied and are widely used as predictors of SBI in febrile children. It has been suggested that CRP values should be interpreted cautiously when fever has been present predictors of SBI in relation to duration of fever. Patients who presented to a pediatric emergency department between the ages of 1 and 36 months, with fever > or =39 degrees C and no source of infection had a complete blood count (CBC) blood culture, and CRP level drawn. A urinalysis and/or urine culture was obtained when age and gender appropriate. A chest X-ray was performed at the discretion of the treating physician. The study subjects were enrolled prospectively and then divided into two groups based on duration of fever of 12 h, and compared. One hundred and twenty-eight patients were originally enrolled. Nine patients were excluded. Seventeen patients (14%) had SBI. One patient (urinary tract infections. Forty-five patients presented with fever 12 h. Area under the curve (AUC) for WBC, ANC and CRP was significantly larger in patients with SBI presenting with fever >12 h (0.85, 0.83, 0.92 respectively) compared to patients with SBI who presented with fever for 12 h as shown by the AUC. CRP performed better than WBC and ANC in both scenarios.

  4. La información en prensa española sobre casos de violencia en parejas del mismo sexo

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    Adolfo Carratalá


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los medios de comunicación españoles se han hecho eco de diversos episodios de violencia en parejas del mismo sexo durante los últimos años. Dar cobertura a este fenómeno plantea interrogantes sobre cómo enfocar una realidad que se mantuvo oculta hasta hace muy poco. Metodología. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un análisis de contenido de la información publicada en diversos diarios españoles entre 2010 y 2015. Resultados. Los resultados indican que, mientras que los periodistas han mejorado el tratamiento de la violencia de género, la información de las agresiones en parejas gays evidencia algunas características similares a las que dominaron las noticias sobre violencia contras las mujeres durante los primeros años. Conclusiones. Así, la cobertura episódica, el sensacionalismo y la descripción de los casos como crímenes pasionales señalan que la violencia intragénero no es abordada, por el momento, como un problema social sino más bien como un asunto privado.

  5. Role of Fluorine-18-Fluorodeoxyglucose in the Work-up of Febrile AIDS Patients. Experience with Dual Head Coincidence Imaging. (United States)

    Santiago, Jonas F.; Jana, Suman; Gilbert, Holly M.; Salem, Shahenda; Bellman, Paul Curtis; Hsu, Ricky K.S.; Naddaf, Sleiman; Abdel-Dayem, Hussein M.


    OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: This study was undertaken to find the role of fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (F18-FDG) in the diagnostic work-up of febrile Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients. Forty-seven (42 male and 5 female; mean age = 40.3 years) febrile patients with AIDS underwent imaging with F18-FDG by Dual Head Coincidence Imaging (DHCI). Findings were correlated with other imaging modalities.RESULTS: Our data show good sensitivity for scanning with F18-FDG by DHCI in determining the extent of Castleman's disease, lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), adenocarcinoma, and germ cell carcinoma. Various opportunistic infections also manifest with increased F18-FDG uptake.CONCLUSION: Total-body imaging can be done with F18-FDG with better resolution and a shorter procedure time compared to imaging with Gallium-67 (Ga-67). Furthermore, F18-FDG is more sensitive than Ga-67 for evaluating extent of involvement in various pathologies affecting AIDS patients. The new technology of DHCI is a good alternative for hospitals with no dedicated positron emission tomography (PET) scanner.

  6. Performance of rapid diagnostic test, blood-film microscopy and PCR for the diagnosis of malaria infection among febrile children from Korogwe District, Tanzania

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahende, Coline; Ngasala, Billy; Lusingu, John


    with fever and/or history of fever in the previous 48 h attending outpatient clinics. Blood samples were collected for identification of Plasmodium falciparum infection using histidine-rich-protein-2 (HRP-2)-based malaria RDT, light microscopy and conventional PCR. Results: A total of 867 febrile patients......Background: Rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) and light microscopy are still recommended for diagnosis to guide the clinical management of malaria despite difficult challenges in rural settings. The performance of these tests may be affected by several factors, including malaria prevalence and intensity...... of transmission. The study evaluated the diagnostic performance of malaria RDT, light microscopy and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in detecting malaria infections among febrile children at outpatient clinic in Korogwe District, northeastern Tanzania. Methods: The study enrolled children aged 2-59 months...

  7. Beneficios del cinc en el tratamiento de niños con diarrea

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    Francisco José Sabatier García


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 110 pacientes con enfermedad diarreica, los cuales recibieron suplementación con sulfato de cinc, a la dosis de 2 mg/kg/día, con el propósito de evaluar cómo influye en la evolución de la enfermedad. Se pudo comprobar que con la administración de este micronutriente se disminuye la duración del episodio diarreico y la estadía hospitalaria, además de que se reduce el número de deposiciones. Se discuten los resultados tomando como referencia los reportes de la literatura médica. No hubo efectos adversos con el uso de este oligoelemento.A prospective study on 110 patients presenting with diarrhea was conducted. Patients received supplements with zinc sulfate in a dose of 2 mg/kg/day with the aim of evaluate the influence of this compound in the course of the disease. It was demonstrated that with the administration of this nutrient it is possible to reduce the duration of the diarrheal episode as well as hospital stay. In addition, the number of stools is also reduced. Results are discussed taking the reports available in the medical literature as references. There were no adverse effects with the use of this trace element.

  8. Tenosinovitis por virus Chikungunya

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    Alfredo Seijo


    Full Text Available Se presenta a la consulta un hombre proveniente de la República Dominicana con una tenosinovitis del extensor del dedo medio derecho; en la convalecencia inmediata, segunda curva febril luego de 48 horas de permanecer asintomático de una enfermedad febril aguda, y marcada astenia, exantema pruriginoso, poliartralgias con impotencia funcional y rigidez articular generalizada. Los exámenes bioquímicos no aportaron datos de interés para el diagnóstico. La serología para virus dengue fue negativa. La detección de IgM y de anticuerpos neutralizantes para virus Chikungunya (CHIKV fueron positivos.

  9. Brucellosis is not a major cause of febrile illness in patients at public health care facilities in Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nga, Tran T. T.; de Vries, Peter J.; Abdoel, Theresia H.; Smits, Henk L.


    To determine the presence of brucellosis among patients with acute febrile illness at health care facilities in Binh Thuan province, Vietnam. A retrospective seroepidemiological study on serum samples collected at 13 not adjacent health care facilities using the Rose Bengal test as a rapid screening

  10. Food-borne bacteremic illnesses in febrile neutropenic children

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    Anselm Chi-wai Lee


    Full Text Available Bacteremia following febrile neutropenia is a serious complication in children with malignancies. Preventive measures are currently targeted at antimicrobial prophylaxis, amelioration of drug-induced neutropenia, and nosocomial spread of pathogens, with little attention to community-acquired infections. A retrospective study was conducted at a pediatric oncology center during a 3-year period to identify probable cases of food-borne infections with bacteremia. Twenty-one bacteremic illnesses affecting 15 children receiving chemotherapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation were reviewed. Three (14% episodes were highly suspected of a food-borne origin: a 17-year-old boy with osteosarcoma contracted Sphingomonas paucimobilis septicemia after consuming nasi lemak bought from a street hawker; a 2-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia developed Chryseobacterium meningosepticum septicemia after a sushi dinner; a 2-year-old girl was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and Lactobacillus bacteremia suspected to be of probiotic origin. All of them were neutropenic at the time of the infections and the bacteremias were cleared with antibiotic treatment. Food-borne sepsis may be an important, but readily preventable, cause of bloodstream infections in pediatric oncology patients, especially in tropical countries with an abundance of culinary outlets.

  11. Índice hiperbárico en la prevención primaria de las complicaciones hipertensivas del embarazo de alto riesgo

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    Alfonso Otero González


    Resultados: En las gestantes remitidas a consulta de Nefrología (38,2%, diagnosticadas de alto riesgo de PE y tratadas con AAS 100 mg nocturno (desde la semana 17 se redujo la incidencia de episodios de PE un 96,94%.

  12. Risk of Febrile Seizures and Epilepsy After Vaccination With Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, Inactivated Poliovirus, and Haemophilus Influenzae Type b

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sun, Yuelian; Christensen, Jakob Christensen; Hviid, Anders


    -acellular pertussis–inactivated poliovirus– Haemophilus influenzae type b (DTaP-IPV-Hib) vaccine since September 2002. Objective To estimate the risk of febrile seizures and epilepsy after DTaP-IPV-Hib vaccination given at 3, 5, and 12 months. Design, Setting, and Participants A population-based cohort study of 378...

  13. Masculinidad y violencia: aproximaciones desde el universo del deporte Masculinity and violence: approaches in the sports' universe

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    Julio César Gonzáles Pagés


    Full Text Available El ejercicio de la violencia ha sido una cualidad asignada socio-culturalmente a los hombres en el decurso de la historia. Estos la han utilizado en función de legitimar el poder que poseen en el marco de las relaciones de género, a partir de la posición hegemónica que detentan respecto a las mujeres. Asimismo, los hombres continuamente están siendo violentos con otros hombres y consigo mismos, como parte de la socialización de sus masculinidades. La violencia es un fenómeno que se expresa en múltiples formas: física, verbal, psicológica, económica. Los escenarios en los que se hace visible son igualmente variados: las relaciones de pareja, en el seno del hogar, la escuela, los medios de comunicación o las prácticas deportivas. Estas últimas en su devenir histórico han estado marcadas por la presencia de episodios violentos en todas las áreas que se vinculan a ellas. Al constituirse el universo del deporte como espacio privilegiado para la validación de un modelo hegemónico de masculinidad, han sido los hombres los grandes cultores de esos episodios de violencia. Combatir la violencia y promover una cultura de paz que revierta la tradicional jerarquía que define las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres es un objetivo esencial en aras de un mundo mejor. Entre los actores e instituciones implicados en ello, la educación, en su sentido más amplio, ha de desempeñar un rol fundamental en la consecución de ese ideal.The practice of the violence has been a quality assigned socially and culturally to the men in the course of history. They have used it to legitimize their power inside gender relations, from the hegemonic position they have in relation to women. Likewise, men are frequently violent with other men and against themselves, a characteristic in socialization process of their masculinities. Violence is a phenomenon expressed in several ways: physically, verbally, psychologically and economically. The scenes where it appears

  14. El Ciberacoso entre los estudiantes de Colombia: una investigación exploratoria

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    Giulia Mura


    Full Text Available El ciberacoso es un fenómeno relacionado con internet, reconocido y en crecimiento. Aunque el enfoque de la investigación en este campo está expandiéndose rápidamente, la mayoría de las investigaciones se centraron en las experiencias de adolescentes en países industrializados, como los de Europa occidental o países anglosajones. Pero, los jóvenes de los países en desarrollo ¿están expuestos a los mismos riesgos? Para responder a esta pregunta, este trabajo presenta una parte de los resultados de un proyecto más amplio, y centra su atención en la incidencia de episodios de ciberacoso entre los estudiantes de secundaria en Colombia. Los datos se recogieron sobre una muestra de 359 estudiantes, 64.1% varones y 35.9% mujeres, entre los 13 y los 19 años de edad, utilizando un cuestionario entregado en horario escolar. El análisis demuestra que los episodios de ciberacoso están bastante extendidos en el grupo de la muestra; teniendo en cuenta que más del 60% de los jóvenes entrevistados estuvo involucrado (ya sea como víctima o como acosador en al menos 2 episodios en los 6 meses anteriores a la investigación. Las diferencias entre los sexos han sido analizadas, pero no han dado resultados significativos. En conclusión este estudio pone en evidencia la necesidad de una investigación más profunda y amplia del ciberacoso, tanto entre la población masculina como entre la femenina, de los así llamados "países en desarrollo", porque parece que la difusión de éste fenómeno está afectando también a la juventud de éstos países.

  15. Prediction of serious complications in patients with seemingly stable febrile neutropenia: validation of the Clinical Index of Stable Febrile Neutropenia in a prospective cohort of patients from the FINITE study. (United States)

    Carmona-Bayonas, Alberto; Jiménez-Fonseca, Paula; Virizuela Echaburu, Juan; Antonio, Maite; Font, Carme; Biosca, Mercè; Ramchandani, Avinash; Martínez, Jerónimo; Hernando Cubero, Jorge; Espinosa, Javier; Martínez de Castro, Eva; Ghanem, Ismael; Beato, Carmen; Blasco, Ana; Garrido, Marcelo; Bonilla, Yaiza; Mondéjar, Rebeca; Arcusa Lanza, María Ángeles; Aragón Manrique, Isabel; Manzano, Aránzazu; Sevillano, Elena; Castañón, Eduardo; Cardona, Mercé; Gallardo Martín, Elena; Pérez Armillas, Quionia; Sánchez Lasheras, Fernando; Ayala de la Peña, Francisco


    To validate a prognostic score predicting major complications in patients with solid tumors and seemingly stable episodes of febrile neutropenia (FN). The definition of clinical stability implies the absence of organ dysfunction, abnormalities in vital signs, and major infections. We developed the Clinical Index of Stable Febrile Neutropenia (CISNE), with six explanatory variables associated with serious complications: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status ≥ 2 (2 points), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1 point), chronic cardiovascular disease (1 point), mucositis of grade ≥ 2 (National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria; 1 point), monocytes < 200 per μL (1 point), and stress-induced hyperglycemia (2 points). We integrated these factors into a score ranging from 0 to 8, which classifies patients into three prognostic classes: low (0 points), intermediate (1 to 2 points), and high risk (≥ 3 points). We present a multicenter validation of CISNE. We prospectively recruited 1,133 patients with seemingly stable FN from 25 hospitals. Complication rates in the training and validation subsets, respectively, were 1.1% and 1.1% in low-, 6.1% and 6.2% in intermediate-, and 32.5% and 36% in high-risk patients; mortality rates within each class were 0% in low-, 1.6% and 0% in intermediate-, and 4.3% and 3.1% in high-risk patients. Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves in the validation subset were 0.652 (95% CI, 0.598 to 0.703) for Talcott, 0.721 (95% CI, 0.669 to 0.768) for Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), and 0.868 (95% CI, 0.827 to 0.903) for CISNE (P = .002 for comparison between CISNE and MASCC). CISNE is a valid model for accurately classifying patients with cancer with seemingly stable FN episodes. © 2015 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.

  16. El origen glaciar de la aureola del volcán Arsia Mons, Marte

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    Anguita Virella, F.


    Full Text Available Huge lobate deposits called aureoles are covering the base of the giant Martian volcanic constructs of Tharsis dome. The origin of these structures has been a matter of debate between two competing hypotheses: volcanic landslides or mountain glaciers. Here we consider the most important of the aureoles, near Arsia Mons, concluding that the glacier model explains best the deposit features, such as the layering, the ridges (interpreted as glaciotectonic ones, and the lobated terrain. We then discuss the fit of these proposed glacier deposits in the present paleoclimatic Martian models. The aureoles could be key elements in the confirmation of the «Baker cycle» model of repeated episodes of temperate, humid, sea-dominated climates coincident in time with the outflow channels activity.Al pie de los grandes volcanes marcianos del domo de Tharsis aparecen unas formas lobuladas que han recibido el nombre de aureolas. El origen de estas estructuras ha sido objeto de un largo debate entre dos hipótesis principales que las interpretan como deslizamientos de ladera o como glaciares de montaña. En este trabajo se estudia la mejor desarrollada de estas aureolas, la de Arsia Mons, llegándose a la conclusión de que la hipótesis glaciar explica mejor las características del depósito, y en concreto la existencia de estratificación, las crestas (que se interpretan como glaciotectónicas y los terrenos lobulados. Por último se discute la conexión de estos depósitos con los modelos paleoclimáticos actuales sobre Marte, lo que lleva a la conclusión de que las aureolas deben ser depósitos glaciares recientes relacionados con repetidos episodios de clima cálido (ciclos de Baker, provocados por la acción de los canales de desbordamiento.

  17. Frequency of co-existence of dengue and malaria in patients presenting with acute febrile illness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hisam, A.; Rahman, M.; Kadir, E.; Ezam, N.; Khan, M.B.


    To find out the frequency of co-existence of malaria and dengue fever in patients presenting with acute febrile illness. Methods: The descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the Military Hospital Rawalpindi from June to November 2012. A total of 500 patients with complaint of acute febrile illness were selected after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Preliminary data was collected on a pretested proforma. Blood samples of patients were tested for dengue serology and malaria parasite. Results were entered in respective proforma. Co-existence was considered present when a patient had both dengue serology and malaria parasite slide positive. SPSS 20 was used for data analysis. Result: Of the total, 349 (69.8%) were males and 151 (30.2%) females. Dengue serology was positive in 16 (3.2%); 81(16.2%) had malaria parasite slide positive; 403 (80.4%) had none of the two findings. Co-existence of both dengue and malaria was nil among the whole sample. In males, 67 (13.4%) had malaria, while 11 (2.2%) had dengue. In females, 14 (2.8%) had malaria, while 5 (1%) suffered from dengue fever. Conclusion: Co-existence of dengue and malaria was zero per cent in 500 patients visiting Military Hospital Rawalpindi. More studies shall be conducted to find out whether the reason of having zero per cent co-existence is that dengue or/and malaria epidemic did not occur in 2012 or whether there are some other factors involved. (author)

  18. Hospitalization for community-acquired febrile urinary tract infection: validation and impact assessment of a clinical prediction rule. (United States)

    Stalenhoef, Janneke E; van der Starre, Willize E; Vollaard, Albert M; Steyerberg, Ewout W; Delfos, Nathalie M; Leyten, Eliane M S; Koster, Ted; Ablij, Hans C; Van't Wout, Jan W; van Dissel, Jaap T; van Nieuwkoop, Cees


    There is a lack of severity assessment tools to identify adults presenting with febrile urinary tract infection (FUTI) at risk for complicated outcome and guide admission policy. We aimed to validate the Prediction Rule for Admission policy in Complicated urinary Tract InfeCtion LEiden (PRACTICE), a modified form of the pneumonia severity index, and to subsequentially assess its use in clinical practice. A prospective observational multicenter study for model validation (2004-2009), followed by a multicenter controlled clinical trial with stepped wedge cluster-randomization for impact assessment (2010-2014), with a follow up of 3 months. Paricipants were 1157 consecutive patients with a presumptive diagnosis of acute febrile UTI (787 in validation cohort and 370 in the randomized trial), enrolled at emergency departments of 7 hospitals and 35 primary care centers in the Netherlands. The clinical prediction rule contained 12 predictors of complicated course. In the randomized trial the PRACTICE included guidance on hospitalization for high risk (>100 points) and home discharge for low risk patients (urinary tract infection, futher improvement is necessary to reduce the occurrence of secondary hospital admissions. NTR4480 , registered retrospectively 25 mrt 2014 (during enrollment of subjects).

  19. Diagnóstico de policitemia absoluta como posible causa de episodios convulsivos en un perro

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    Sandra Acevedo T.


    Full Text Available Se expone el caso de un perro poodle de 3 años de edad, el cual hace un año comenzó a convulsionar esporádicamente, principalmente después de hacer ejercicio y en algunas ocasiones presentó temblor generalizado. Al examen clínico realizado se observó mucosas orales y oculares hiperémicas. Al realizar los exámenes paraclínicos complementarios se encontró en hemogramas seriados un aumento marcado del hematocrito y la hemoglobina con niveles de proteínas plasmáticas en rangos normales, y una eritropoyectina 10 veces por debajo del rango normal. Se realizó ecografía abdominal y evaluación cardiaca. El diagnóstico fue de policitemia absoluta como la causa de las convulsiones.

  20. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the diagnosis and therapeutic decision for respiratory infections in hematological febrile neutropenic patients

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    Luiza Bento


    Full Text Available Background: Febrile neutropenia is a common complication in patients undergoing chemotherapy or hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT. Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy has been used to aid in the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases. However, there is no consensus regarding the benefit of the exam in establishing diagnosis and in changing the treatment of lung disease in this context. Previous retrospective studies, quite heterogeneous and with non-HIV immunocompromised patients, showed that the yield of fiberoptic bronchoscopy in establishing etiology ranges from 13% to 81%, and in changing therapy, from 5% to 51%. Aim: To evaluate the efficiency of Fiberoptic bronchoscopy and the procedure-related risk for neutropenic patients with hematologic malignancy. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study analyzed the medical records of patients with hematologic malignancy with febrile neutropenia who had undergone diagnostic fiberoptic bronchoscopy between January 2011 and December 2012 at the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Results: A total of 45 patients were included: 18 (36% tested positive for bronchoalveolar lavage, with change in therapeutic management occurring for 95% of them. The procedure-related risk was 2.2%, with one patient showing desaturation immediately after the procedure. Conclusion:  Despite the limited number of patients, our findings indicate that fiberoptic bronchoscopy in neutropenic patients is safe, and the results are similar to those previously reported.