
Sample records for del delta bonaerense

  1. Memorias para armar: Las conmemoraciones del 24 de Marzo en escuelas primarias del conurbano bonaerense


    Amézola, Gonzalo de; D'Achary, Claudia


    Este artículo se ocupa del problema del tratamiento del pasado reciente en la escuela. Describe las distintas representaciones de la última dictadura militar que se encuentran presentes en los discursos pronunciados en las conmemoraciones realizadas en 2008 para recordar el golpe de Estado del 24 de marzo de 1976 en escuelas primarias del partido de Malvinas Argentinas, ubicado en el Conurbano Bonaerense. Se analiza en esos discursos la presencia de distintas narraciones de la memoria colecti...

  2. Saneamiento, educación, medio ambiente y diarreas: el caso del Conurbano Bonaerense


    Monteverde, Malena; Cipponeri, Marcos; Angelaccio, Carlos M.


    El objetivo del estudio es analizar los efectos del déficit en servicios de saneamiento, factores socio-económicos y factores ambientales que, por sí mismos o en combinación, incrementan el riesgo de padecimiento de diarreas entre la población del Conurbano Bonaerense, una de las áreas mas densamente pobladas de la Argentina y uno de los once conglomerados urbanos más grandes del mundo. Para la medición de los efectos se utilizan datos primarios obtenidos mediante una encuesta ad-hoc y se est...

  3. Viabilidad del turismo productivo agropecuario en el interior bonaerense


    Barbini, Bernarda


    Más allá de haber sido el escenario en el cual se definieron y desarrollaron las diferentes etapas económicas de nuestro país; y de concentrar los mayores volúmenes de riqueza nacional, la provincia de Buenos Aires estuvo desde sus orígenes, vinculada a las actividades agrícolas y ganaderas lo que ha pasado a formar parte de su identidad cultural. Desde esta perspectiva, el presente trabajo plantea como objetivo principal analizar el potencial del territorio bonaerense para el desarrollo de u...

  4. Masonería y Sociabilidad en el centro y sur de la campaña bonaerense: Fines del siglo XIX principios del XX


    Yolanda de Paz Trueba


    El objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar en torno a la relación establecida entre la sociabilidad política derivada de la influencia masónica y otras formas de sociabilidad previas ligadas al catolicismo, en el marco de la construcción del Estado en sus diversos niveles a fines del siglo XIX. Este abordaje será realizado a través del análisis de pueblos de la campaña bonaerense, espacios no estudiados en este sentido hasta el momento.

  5. Masonería y Sociabilidad en el centro y sur de la campaña bonaerense: Fines del siglo XIX principios del XX

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    Yolanda de Paz Trueba


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar en torno a la relación establecida entre la sociabilidad política derivada de la influencia masónica y otras formas de sociabilidad previas ligadas al catolicismo, en el marco de la construcción del Estado en sus diversos niveles a fines del siglo XIX. Este abordaje será realizado a través del análisis de pueblos de la campaña bonaerense, espacios no estudiados en este sentido hasta el momento.


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    Facundo Martín Hernández


    Full Text Available El modelo de desarrollo turístico en las urbanizaciones del litoral marítimo bonaerense ha generado, desde fines del siglo XIX, una serie de problemáticas sociales, económicas y ambientales. El análisis de estas nos lleva a pensar al turismo en forma crítica, ya que al indagar los cuatro elementos constitutivos del mismo – paisaje, tierras, inversión (capital y trabajo- nos da como resultado un ineficiente manejo del recurso paisajístico, una intensa especulación inmobiliaria, inversiones sin un adecuado marco normativo, concentración de las riquezas generadas por la actividad y explotación laboral. La existencia de sectores que no se encuentran bajo este modelo de desarrollo turístico, –o con menor intensidad- en el litoral marítimo, están conformados por los llamados pueblos balnearios (Reta, Orense, Marisol, San Cayetano. Estos a diferencia de las ciudades balnearias (Mar del Plata, Villa Gesell, Pinamar, predominantemente masivas, y las villas balnearias, de carácter exclusivista (Mar Azul, Mar de las Pampas, Cariló, tienen el paisaje natural costero conservado, la venta de tierras en el frente costero limitado, desarrollo de PYMES turísticas, trabajo familiar y una mayor distribución de las ganancias. Sin embargo al investigar los proyectos de urbanización privada –countries y barrios privados- se puede observar un proceso que hemos definido como “avance de la frontera urbana” que tiene dos connotaciones socioterritoriales: eliminar los relictos de paisaje natural costero bonaerense y privatizar espacios de belleza escénica. Se partió de la siguiente hipótesis de trabajo: el paisaje natural y el tipo de sociabilidad es la base del desarrollo turístico en los pueblos balnearios, el avance del modelo urbano-turístico, opuesto a estas características, representa un riesgo para la economía local. Para prevenir el avance de un modelo agresivo con el ambiente natural, con la comunidad local y la turística se

  7. Labradores y vecinos en la campaña bonaerense a mediados del siglo XIX


    Andreucci, Bibiana


    Avanzado el siglo XIX y consolidado el modelo agroexportador en la Pampa argentina, la gran estancia, la ganadería extensiva y una distribución inequitativa de la tierra opacaron otras alternativas de desarrollo que se tuvieron en cuenta en los momentos de génesis de la modernización. Este artículo trata de recuperar el rol protagónico que los vecinos tuvieron en los pueblos bonaerenses a mediados del siglo xix, mostrando cómo los gobiernos de la época necesitaron de las redes existentes en l...

  8. El cultivo de trigo en la Región Semiárida Bonaerense: impacto sobre algunas propiedades químicas del suelo

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    DUVAL, M.


    Full Text Available La intensificación de la agricultura en la Región Semiárida se caracterizó por una disminución del área destinada a pasturas, a favor de la superficie con monocultivo de trigo. En este contexto, la rotación de cultivos, la fertilización, el manejo de los residuos y el agua edáfica son aspectos fundamentales para el aumento de la productividad del trigo en esta región. Se planteó como objetivo cuantificar los cambios cuali y cuantitativos en sistemas de producción sobre algunas propiedades de un suelo de la Región Semiárida Bonaerense, luego de 22 años de producción.

  9. La formación del mercado de tierras durante la expansión de la frontera bonaerense. Chascomús y Junín, 1860-1890

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    Guillermo Banzato


    Full Text Available En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar la formación del mercado de tierras durante la expansión de la frontera de la provincia de Buenos Aires entre 1860 y 1890, a partir de un enfoque local comparado, enfocando la investigación en dos partidos: Chascomús y Junín. Postulamos que la constitución del mercado de tierras en la campaña bonaerense fue un proceso gradual, que se inició apenas comenzaron a poblarse las tierras defendidas por los fuertes de la frontera interior y se establecían ciertas garantías de seguridad para la propiedad privada

  10. La Gran Logia Bonaerense y su preocupación por la educación: Una de las fuentes del rito nacional español

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    Gabriel Darrigran Algaba


    Full Text Available Este texto pretende exponer una primera aproximación al proyecto pedagógico de una asociación masónica argentina poco conocida, surgida en un momento del siglo XIX de gran influencia del positivismo científico. La Gran Logia Bonaerense, uno de los productos de una ciudad planificada para ser una “ciudad modelo”, que desde su creación buscó posicionarse como una alta casa de estudios, instruyendo a la clase obrera y a la media burguesía. Asimismo, se demuestra cómo, a través de las redes masónicas atlánticas, sus doctrinas lograron influir en España y cambiar parte de la estructura de la Gran Logia Simbólica Española y ser una de las fuentes del rito del Gran Oriente Ibérico.

  11. Puesta en valor de algunas construcciones del ing. Salamone


    Traversa, Luis P.; Di Maio, Ángel A; Longoni, René


    En Enero del año 2002, la Legislatura bonaerense sancionó la ley n° 12.854, que declaró Patrimonio provincial a la obra pública municipal del ingeniero Francisco Salamone (1898-1959), construída durante el Gobierno de Manuel Fresco (1936-1940). De casi un centenar de construcciones y proyectos realizados dentro de lo que se denominó Plan de Obras Públicas Municipales, en más de 20 localidades pertenecientes a 16 Partidos del interior bonaerense, al menos, una treintena de ellas son signifi...

  12. ¿Existen variaciones interanuales en el crecimiento larval de anchoíta bonaerense (Engraulis anchoita)?


    Barretto, A.C.; Chandler, D.E.; Gómez, M.I.


    Se determinaron las tasas de crecimiento de larvas de la anchoíta argentina (Engraulis anchoíta) provenientes de la plataforma bonaerense, contando y midiendo incrementos diarios en sus otolitos sagitta. Las larvas se capturaron en diferentes años y durante diferentes épocas (otoño de 1999; invierno de 2000 y primavera de 2002, 2003 y 2004)a los fines de analizar diferencias interanuales en el crecimiento. Se observó que tanto el crecimiento de las larvas como el del otolito estaban acoplados...

  13. Elementos de la temprana representación social de la aerostación y la aviación en el discurso publicitario bonaerense del Centenario

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    Lorena Marta Amalia de- Matteis


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-AR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Proponemos el abordaje discursivo de un conjunto de publicidades aparecidas a fines del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX que emplean elementos de la locomoción aérea como recursos gráficos y textuales. Los medios seleccionados (Caras y Caretas, Fray Mocho, y el diario La Nación pertenecen al español bonaerense y el período se limita a los años 1890-1914. La articulación de los significantes verbales con las imágenes destaca elementos de una representación social en conformación tanto de la aerostación como de la aviación, cuya novedad torna a los nuevos medios de transporte en recursos argumentativos de alto impacto. Al mismo tiempo, la amplia difusión social de las publicidades contribuye a la consolidación de algunos aspectos de la representación social del vuelo humano, entonces todavía en proceso de constitución. La perspectiva de análisis corresponde a la de la sociolingüística histórica y del análisis histórico del discurso, incorporando contribuciones del análisis específico del discurso publicitario, tanto desde una perspectiva sincrónica como diacrónica.

  14. Fragilidad de los espacios litorales: Lineamientos para comprender la erosión costera inducida en el litoral marítimo bonaerense. El caso de la localidad de Mar del Tuyú

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    Gabriela D'Amico


    Full Text Available El litoral atlántico bonaerense asiste en la actualidad a numerosas problemáticas ambientales, derivadas principalmente de un proceso de organización territorial que se ha llevado a cabo paralelamente al desarrollo y la creciente masificación de la actividad turística en nuestro país. La ausencia de un ordenamiento en cuanto al avance de la actividad, y el impacto que esta pudiera tener a futuro, avasallada por la lógica de acumulación de capital, han sido los factores desencadenantes de distintos conflictos, entre ellos la erosión costera. En el presente trabajo se hará un abordaje de la problemática en la localidad de Mar del Tuyú, cabecera del Partido de la Costa, enfatizando en indagar cómo se ha llevado a cabo el proceso de organización del espacio litoral, para intentar desentrañar las herencias territoriales que han inducido la problemática mencionada.

  15. La escolarización en la campaña bonaerense: un campo de disputas en la conformación del poder social (1850-1875

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    Lucía Lionetti


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    Neste artigo, abordam-se alguns aspectos da escolarização no cenário rural de Buenos Aires, entre as décadas de 1850 e 1870. Nesse contexto, cabia à educação a erradicação da barbárie, mediante o imperativo civilizador do mundo urbano. A escola tornou-se um campo de disputas entre vizinhos e autoridades estatais, ao mesmo tempo em que negociaram dando forma à outra configuração de poder social na província de Buenos Aires.

    Palavras-chave: campanha bonaerense, escolas, disputas, vizinhos, autoridades.


    This article studies schooling in Buenos Aires‟ countryside between the 1850s and the 1870s designed as an education that was eradicating the barbarism by means of the imperative civilizer of the urban world. In this context, the school became a field of disputes between the neighbors and the state authorities challenged each other while at the same time they negotiated, thus generating a new structure of social power in the province.

    Keywords: countryside, school, civilization, neighbors, authorities.


    En este artículo se estudia la escolarización en la campaña bonaerense entre los años cincuenta y setenta ideada como una educación que erradicara la barbarie mediante el imperativo civilizador del mundo urbano. En este contexto, la escuela devino en un campo de disputas entre vecinos y autoridades estatales que libraron enfrentamientos al tiempo que negociaron dando forma a un nuevo entramado de poder social en la provincia.

    Palabras-clave: campaña bonaerense, escuelas, civilización, disputas, vecinos, autoridades.


    Dans cet article on étudie la scolarisation en campagne de Buenos Aires entre les années cinquante et soixante-dix imaginée comme une éducation qui éradiquait la barbarie au moyen de l'impératif civilisateur du monde urbain. Dans ce

  16. Los conservadores bonaerenses y la reforma de la ley electoral provincial (1910-1913

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    Pablo Fernández Irusta


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza las tensiones y los conflictos políticos que mediaron en la promulgación de la reforma de la ley electoral bonaerense de 1913. La hipótesis principal del trabajo sostiene que la política democrática impulsada durante la presidencia de Roque Sáenz Peña redefinió las pautas de lucha interna del gobernante Partido Conservador de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, induciendo a sus distintas fracciones a vincular sus intereses particulares al nuevo contexto institucional. En consecuencia, lejos de ofrecer una respuesta en bloque o dividirse en torno al apoyo o rechazo de la democratización, los conservadores bonaerenses produjeron una serie de iniciativas "reformistas" que reflejaban sus propias divisiones internas. En este sentido, la orientación de la ley electoral promulgada en 1913 implicó tanto una respuesta a las demandas reformistas de la época como una fórmula de compromiso surgida tras la resolución de las tensiones acumuladas en los años precedentes.This article analyzes the political conflicts and tensions arising from the promulgation of the 1913 Buenos Aires electoral law reform. The main hypothesis supports that the democratic policy fostered during Roque Sáenz Peña's presidency redefined the guidelines of the internal struggle within the ruling Conservative Party of the Buenos Aires Province, thus inducing its different fractions to link their private interests to the new institutional context. As a result, far from offering a Block response or announcing themselves in favour of, or against, democratization, Buenos Aires conservatives generated between 1910 and 1913 a series of 'reforming' initiatives, which reflected their own internal divisions. In this sense, the direction of the electoral law issued in 1913 implied not only a response to the reforming demands of the era, but also a commitment arising from the solution to the tension built up in the preceding years.

  17. Quaternary lacustrine braid deltas on Lake General Carrera in southern Chile Deltas entrelazados lacustres del Cuaternario en el lago General Carrera, sur de Chile

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    C. Mike Bell


    Full Text Available A series of Quaternary lacustrine braid deltas on the shores of Lake General Carrera in southern Chile formed as a result of falls in lake level. Each delta comprises two components, the delta fan and the beach embayment, each in turn comprising an onshore subaerial and an offshore subaqueous element. The delta fans have a classic Gilbert form with a braided delta top and a steeply inclined delta front. Adjacent to the fans are concave beach embayments that formed parallel with the deltas as they prograded into the lake. The delta sediments consist predominantly of matrix- and clast-supported gravéis to a total composite thickness exceeding 400 m. The depositional environments are dominated by ephemeral river flooding and by storm-driven waves. Beach sediment is sorted, rounded, winnowed and transported alongshore by waves to fill the beach embayment with ridges of very well sorted and well-rounded gravel. A gently-dipping shoreface platform occurs up to 100 m offshore between the beach and the brink point. From the brink point, in water depth of about 8 m, sediment cascades down the steep delta front slope to form long foresets extending to the lake floor. The sedimentary successions therefore wedge in the opposite direction from those of tectonically controlled basin margins where fan growth keeps pace with basin subsidence.Una serie de deltas entrelazados lacustres, pertenecientes al Cuaternario, ubicados en las costas del lago General Carrera, en el sur de Chile, se formaron como resultado de caídas en el nivel del lago. Cada delta consta de dos componentes: el abanico deltaico y la zona de embahiamiento. Cada uno de ellos tiene, a su vez, un elemento subaéreo costero y un elemento subacuático. Los abanicos deltaicos tienen una forma Gilbert clásica con una parte superior de ríos entrelazados y un frente deltaico empinado. Adyacente a los abanicos aluviales existen bahías cóncavas de playa que se formaron de manera paralela a los

  18. Análisis de las formaciones dunares activas de la flecha del Fangar (Delta del Ebro)


    Rodríguez, Inmaculada; Sánchez, M. J.; Montoya, I.; Serra, J.; Moreno, L.; Gracia, F.J.; Muñoz-Perez, Juan J.


    Este artículo muestra los trabajos realizados sobre los campos de dunas activas de la Flecha del Fangar al amparo del Proyecto de Investigación “Cuantificación y Contribución del Transporte Eólico en los Procesos Dinámicos y Ambientales en el Delta del Ebro. Aplicación a su Gestión Integrada y a la Conservación de los Ambientes Marginales” (AGITE), concedido por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia 473 dentro del Plan Nacional de I+D+i (2005-2008). En dicho proyecto se ha po...

  19. Entre puertos, campos y acopios: Trabajo y transporte de granos en torno al Sudeste bonaerense.

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    Paula Tagliabue


    Full Text Available En este artículo, se analiza el proceso de trabajo en el transporte automotor de granos en torno al sudeste bonaerense. Desde un abordaje cualitativo, se describen y analizan las prácticas durante la cosecha y pos-cosecha, y los trayectos campo-acopio, acopio-puerto. También se analizan las relaciones laborales a partir de una perspectiva ampliada de las relaciones laborales clásicas (asalariadas, estables, protegidas.Los rasgos que asume el trabajo en el transporte de granos están asociados a los cambios técnicos y tecnológicos de la producción de granos, así como a procesos de flexibilización laboral, vinculados a la disponibilidad permanente para fletar, la extensión de la jornada laboral y la intensidad del trabajo camionero.

  20. Initial isotopic geochemistry ({delta} 18 O, {delta} D) of fluids from wells of the Los Humeros, Pue., geothermal field; Geoquimica isotopica ({delta} 18 O, {delta} D) inicial de fluidos de pozos del campo geotermico de Los Humeros, Pue.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barragan Reyes, Rosa Maria; Arellano Gomez, Victor Manuel [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Gerencia de Geotermia, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Ramirez Montes, Miguel; Tovar Aguado, Rigoberto [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)


    Isotopic data ({delta} 18 O, {delta} D) from fluids from production wells at the Los Humeros, Pue., geothermal field were analyzed to investigate the possible origin of these fluids and the dominant processes of the reservoir at its initial state. According to pre-exploitation data, it is suggested the Los Humeros reservoir fluids are made of a mixture of meteoric water of very light isotopic composition (paleo-fluids) and andesitic water. The relationship {delta} D vs {delta} 18 O from pre-exploitation data indicates the produced fluids are composed of a mixture of (at least) two fluids with distinct isotopic compositions. At the more enriched end of the mixing relationship are the isotopic compositions of the wells H-23 and H-18 (located in the southern area of the field), while the lighter fluids were found in well H-16 (originally) and then in well H-16 (repaired). It was found that the liquid phases of deep wells are more enriched in {delta} 18 O while the shallow wells present lower values, suggesting a convection process at the initial state. Based on this isotopic profile, it is considered that even the production depths of the wells H-1, H-12 and H-16 (repaired) are just about the same, but their respective isotopic compositions are quite different. The {delta} 18 O value for well H-16 (repaired) seems to be that of condensate steam, while the corresponding values for wells H-1 and H-12 fall within the value interval of the deep wells (H-23). This suggests wells H-1 and H-12 are collecting very deep fluids enriched in {delta} 18 O. These results could be useful in creating a conceptual model of the reservoir. [Spanish] Se analizaron datos isotopicos ({delta}18 O, {delta}D) de los fluidos de pozos productores del campo geotermico de Los Humeros, Pue., para investigar el posible origen de los fluidos asi como los procesos dominantes del yacimiento en su estado inicial. De acuerdo con datos previos a la explotacion, se plantea que los fluidos del yacimiento

  1. Reestructuración económica y transformaciones en el agro pampeano: la expansión del cultivo de la soja y sus efectos sobre la apicultura bonaerense en los inicios del siglo XXI

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    Esteban Salizzi


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El propósito que se persigue es analizar las transformaciones operadas en el sector de producción apícola bonaerense a partir de la expansión del cultivo de la soja y de la intensificación en el uso de agroquímicos en el período 1990-2010; haciendo hincapié en la evolución de los niveles de producción y en sus vinculaciones con el mercado internacional. Para alcanzar el objetivo planteado se considera la reconstrucción de la historia de la apicultura argentina, la situación del sector en el periodo indicado, y las condiciones y desafíos que enfrentó en la región pampeana en los inicios del siglo XXI. Las estrategias teórico-metodológicas se basan en la utilización de datos de fuentes primarias y secundarias de información. ABSTRACT The intended purpose is to analyze the transformationsin the beekeeping production sector of Buenos Aires from the expansion of soybean cultivation and the intensification in the use of agrochemicals in the period 1990-2010; with emphasis on the evolution of the production levels and in their linkages with the international market. To achieve this objective is considered the reconstruction of the history of beekeeping in Argentina, the sector situation in the given period, and the conditions and challenges faced in the pampean region in the early twenty-first century. The theoretical and methodological strategies are based on the use of data collection techniques of primary and secondary sources of information.

  2. Una nueva especie de rana de cristal del género Hyalinobatrachium (Anura: Centrolenidae del Delta del Río Orinoco, Venezuela

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    J. Celsa Señaris


    Full Text Available Se describe una nueva especie de Hyalinobatrachium del grupo fleischmanni, H. mondolfii, de las planicies inundables del delta del río Orinoco, Venezuela. Hyalinobatrachium mondolfii se distingue del resto de las especies del grupo por la siguiente combinación de caracteres: peritoneo parietal translúcido, pericardio y peritoneos visceral y hepático blancos, coloración dorsal en vida verde claro con diminutos puntos amarillos y en preservativo crema uniforme con diminutos melanóforos oscuros (visibles solo bajo magnificación, huesos blancos en vida, palmeadura de manos y pies extensa, cabeza redondeada en vista dorsal e inclinada en vista lateral, piel dorsal granular y un canto con frecuencia fundamental superior a los 5 000 HzA new species of Hyalinobatrachium of the fleischmanni group, H. mondolfii, is described from the Orinoco delta floodplains in Venezuela. This new species can be distinguished from other congeners by the following combination of characters: parietal peritoneum clear, pericardium white, visceral and hepatic peritoneum white, color in life pale green with diminute yellow spots and, in preservative, cream with small dark melanophores (visible only under magnification, bones white in life, extense webbing, snout round in dorsal view and inclinate in lateral view, dorsal skin granulate and a advertisement call with a fundamental frequency greater than 5000 Hz

  3. Procesos de reproducción social e integración sociolaboral. Trayectorias de inserción al mercado de trabajo en el Conurbano bonaerense

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    Guillermina Comas


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene por objetivo analizar las transformaciones enlos procesos de reproducción social a partir de los recorridosque caracterizaron la inserción de la fuerza laboral al mercadode trabajo y de los sentidos que los trabajadores atribuyen a suvida laboral en el presente.La investigación se realizó a partir del análisis de las trayectoriasy los relatos de trabajadores residentes en un espacioterritorialmente segregado y con altos niveles de informalidadlaboral situado en la periferia del Conurbano bonaerense. El diseño metodológico combinó una fase cuantitativa, en la quese abordan los procesos de inserción a partir de las trayectoriaslaborales y un análisis cualitativo, orientado a reconstruir lossentidos que estos trabajadores le asignan a sus acciones en el plano laboral.


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    Elhadji-Oumar Toure


    Full Text Available Ndiébène Gandiol, un municipio situado en el delta del río Senegal, tiene como principal atractivo turístico el Parque Nacional de la Lengua de Barbarie. Este espacio es actualmente un destino ecoturístico incipiente, pero el impacto de la actividad turística ya es evidente, tanto sobre el medio ambiente como sobre la sociedad y la economía local. El artículo analiza el impacto del turismo sobre este pequeño y frágil territorio, con un bajo nivel de desarrollo y un elevado déficit de equipamientos e infraestructuras. El análisis se realiza a partir de entrevistas a los agentes del territorio, así como de encuestas de percepción entre la población local. Finalmente, se proponen acciones para favorecer una gestión sostenible del turismo en la zona.

  5. Análisis del proceso de categorización 2004 del Programa de Incentivos en el ámbito de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo-UNLP


    Etulain, Juan Carlos; Gandolfi, Fernando Francisco; San Juan, Gustavo Alberto; Gutarra, Sergio; Foulkes, Carolina; Chiarle, Anahí


    El documento que se presenta surge de los inconvenientes identificados en el funcionamiento de la Comisión Regional Bonaerense, durante el proceso de categorización nacional de docentes-investigadores desarrollado en el período 2004-2005 en el marco del Programa de Incentivos del Ministerio de Educación Ciencia y Tecnología de la Nación. Elaborado por la Prosecretaría de Investigación y aprobado en la reunión n°7 del 21 de diciembre de 2005, por el Consejo Académico de la Facultad de Arquitec...

  6. Anotaciones sobre el Clima de los Bosques de Guandal del Delta del Río Patía

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    Del Valle Arango Jorge Ignacio


    Full Text Available Este ensayo intenta describir el clima del litoral Pacifico sur colombiano de una manera más precisa y empleando un cúmulo mayor de registros que en otros trabajos anteriores. Con esta base se realiza una clasificación bioclimática para los bosques de guandal del delta del río Patía. En cuanto a la lluvia se hace énfasis no sólo en los promedios mensuales y anuales sino en su oscilación y desviaciones estándar con el fin de evidenciar lo variable de tan importante factor climático. Finalmente se elaboran isoyetas para la región las cuales consideramos consistentes con la información disponible.

  7. Estructura y dinámica del manglar del delta del río Ranchería, Caribe colombiano

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    Luisa Fernanda Lema Vélez


    Full Text Available Se estudió de la supervivencia de plántulas y aumento de biomasa de Rhizophora mangle L., Avicennia germinans L. y Laguncularia racemosa (L. Gaertn. f., principales especies de manglar del delta del río Ranchería, Colombia. Se encontró supervivencia de plántulas sólo de R. mangle. Se cuantificó también la tasa máxima de caída de hojarasca en el bosque; este valor se interpoló dentro de una regresión exponencial elaborada a partir valores máximos y anuales publicados en diferentes fuentes, y se halló un valor anual de 12.9 mgha-1a-1. A partir ecuaciones alométricas elaboradas para la zona y otras de fuentes secundarias puede calcularse un aumento de biomasa en 7.4 mgha-1a-1. La productividad del manglar del río Ranchería (20.2 mgha¹a-1 está representada en su mayoría por caída de hojarasca. Consideramos que esta productividad es alta para un bosque sometido a condiciones naturales y antrópicas tan desfavorables, como son la extrema estacionalidad y el continuo forrajeo de ganado ovino y caprino. Suponemos que la alta productividad se trata precisamente de una respuesta de la vegetación a la tensión ambiental.Structure and dynamics of the mangrove forest in the Ranchería river delta, Colombian Caribbean. We registered seedling survival and biomass increase for Rhizophora mangle L., Avicennia germinans L. and Laguncularia racemosa (L. Gaertn. f., main mangrove species in the Rancheria River delta, Colombia. Only seedlings of R. mangle were found to survive. We also measured maximum rate of litterfall. We estimated annual litterfall through interpolation within an exponential regression performed with maximum and annual litterfall data published in other sources; the value of annual litterfall for the area was estimated to be 12.9 mgha-1y-1. We found a 7.4 mgha-1y-1 increase in biomass. Litterfall constitutes the larger fraction of the 20.2 mgha-1y-1 productivity of this mangrove. We believe this is a very high value for a

  8. Memorias para armar. Las conmemoraciones del 24 de Marzo en escuelas primarias del conurbano bonaerense


    Gonzalo de Amézola; Claudia D\\u2019Achary


    Este artículo se ocupa del problema del tratamiento del pasado reciente en la escuela. Describe las distintas representaciones de la última dictadura militar que se encuentran presentes en los discursos pronunciados en las conmemoraciones realizadas en 2008 para recor - dar el golpe de Estado del 24 de marzo de 1976 en escuelas primarias del partido de Malvinas Argentinas, ubicado en el Conurbano Bonae - rense. Se analiza en esos discursos la presencia de distintas narracio - nes de la memori...

  9. Memorias para armar. Las conmemoraciones del 24 de Marzo en escuelas primarias del conurbano bonaerense

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    Gonzalo de Amézola


    Full Text Available Este artículo se ocupa del problema del tratamiento del pasado reciente en la escuela. Describe las distintas representaciones de la última dictadura militar que se encuentran presentes en los discursos pronunciados en las conmemoraciones realizadas en 2008 para recor - dar el golpe de Estado del 24 de marzo de 1976 en escuelas primarias del partido de Malvinas Argentinas, ubicado en el Conurbano Bonae - rense. Se analiza en esos discursos la presencia de distintas narracio - nes de la memoria colectiva.

  10. Crecimiento ganadero y ocupación de tierras públicas, causas de conflictividad en la frontera bonaerense

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    Fernando Enrique Barba


    Full Text Available Sin dudas, la forma más visible de violencia practicada en la frontera de Buenos Aires durante los siglos XVIII y XIX fue la guerra entre el blanco y las diferentes parcialidades indígenas. Si bien puede afirmarse en sentido amplio que dicha guerra fue permanente, esta se intensificó en momentos determinados coincidentes con lo que podemos calificar, en rasgos generales, períodos de expansión ganadera. La presente colaboración intenta señalar entonces cuatro momentos en el proceso de expansión ganadera cuyas características generales fueron el aumento de los rebaños y ocupación de nuevas tierras, siendo estos hechos seguidos por la reacción de los indios quienes incrementaron los malones, pequeños en general y eventualmente masivos, en busca de los ganados de todo tipo existentes en las estancias bonaerenses. Los cuatro períodos a estudiar son: 1º a partir de las últimas vaquerías (1718; 2º la formación del virreinato y las nuevas condiciones de comercio; 3º la expansión ganadera a partir de 1810 y la ocupación de tierras más allá del Salado y 4º y el gran crecimiento a partir de Caseros

  11. El sustento ambiental de la actividad turística de los centros del litoral


    Ferraro, Rosana; Echechuri, Héctor


    La base económico-productiva de los centros urbanos del litoral marítimo bonaerense es la actividad turística, en su modalidad de sol y playa. La base de sustentación de dicha actividad socioeconómica es la presencia de un sistema natural de gran riqueza paisajística. El presente trabajo identifica unidades homogéneas de paisaje, basadas en la selección de tres indicadores claves del mismo, la geomorfología, la vegetación y el uso del suelo para posteriormente ponderar dichas unidades en su c...

  12. Modalidades de intervencion social sobre los horticultores bonaerenses: una mirada antropologica

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    María Carolina Feito


    Full Text Available Considerando las políticas sociales y las intervenciones de desarrollo como procesos continuos, negociados y socialmente construidos que incluyen iniciativas tanto "desde abajo" como "desde arriba", proponemos un enfoque "constructivista", basado en la orientación de los actores, estudiando las interfases entre las agencias oficiales y los usuarios potenciales o reales de sus propuestas. Estudiamos el caso del programa Cambio Rural Bonaerense en la producción hortícola de la provincia de Buenos Aires, cuyos productores demandan acciones institucionales específicas, por su particular historia y estrategia socioproductiva, y donde hay un vacío de cobertura institucional, concentrándose un sector de productores agropecuarios empobrecidos que no han participado de programas de desarrollo rural. Analizamos cómo las intervenciones sociales se constituyen a partir de un complejo conjunto de relaciones, intereses e ideas socialmente definidas por los distintos actores implicados, reconociendo las luchas y diferencias internas entre ellos. Reconstruimos los modos de intervención más específicos, mediante el conocimiento de las racionalidades expuestas por los actores intervinientes, identificando tensiones y conflictos de poder entre los modelos de gestión formales y sus resultados y prácticas concretas, y vinculaciones entre las demandas explicitadas por los beneficiarios de los programas, las necesidades efectivas y las propuestas y acciones concretas de las intervenciones. Destacamos la aplicabilidad social de las investigaciones y aportes de este enfoque, cuya contribución metodológica es la micro-investigación de experiencias de desarrollo en terreno.Considering the social policies and the development interventions like continuus, negotiated and social constructed process that includes initiatives "from below" and "from the top", we proposes a constructivist focus in the bases of the "actor oriented approach", studyng the "interfases

  13. El plan del delta - Holanda

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    Editorial, Equipo


    shines on one side of the structure, whilst the opposite side is cold. Finally, a model of the whole structure was completed, and tests on it showed that there were small discrepancies between the analytical and test results, but these were well within the admissible margins of error.Holanda carece de recursos naturales de superficie, por lo que su desarrollo se ha orientado hacia la industrialización y máximo cuidado del suelo para la explotación agrícola. La parte occidental del mismo se halla a más bajo nivel que el mar, y en ella habita el 65 por 100 de su población. En su origen, la costa presentaba un carácter recortado de islas, ensenadas y promontorios que la mano del hombre transformó, primero, en lagos (polders, y después, en tierras fértiles. Estas obras marítimas protegen las tierras áridas por medio de diques que exigen esmerada conservación, y aun así, no son raras las violentas inundaciones. Uno de los grandes problemas que esta situación crea lo constituye el complejo abastecimiento de aguas, vías de comunicación y desagüe de los ríos hacia el mar en la zona del Delta, es decir, del suroeste del país para la protección de la cual se ha constituido una Comisión nacional. Después de serios estudios se llegó a la conclusión que la mejor defensa de los embates del mar es la de cerrar los brazos del mismo que se internan en el continente. El complejo de obras hidráulicas constituye el plan de mejoras y defensas para cuyo desarrollo y ejecución se ha previsto un período de veinticinco años. El proyecto general es muy ambicioso y comprende obras, no sólo marítimas, sino viales y estructurales, en las que las obras de fábrica son variadas y de distinta naturaleza. En este trabajo se describen, a grandes rasgos, los temas principales objeto de los 11 apartados en que se ha subdividido el proyecto general de ejecución y, además, se complementan las descripciones con datos adicionales referentes a las obras ya empezadas y los m

  14. Seguridad ciudadana, movilización colectiva y percepción del delito : El rol de los medios de comunicación locales en la construcción de una marcha de silencio en una ciudad del interior de la provincia de Buenos Aires


    Galar, Santiago


    El asesinato de un estudiante en la puerta de un baile universitario fue el punto de partida de una acción colectiva inédita ocurrida en la ciudad bonaerense de Azul, en mayo de 2007. En los seis días que separan el asesinato del joven del reclamo de justicia en su nombre los medios de comunicación locales cumplieron un rol determinante tanto en la construcción del caso como interviniendo en algunas redes de convocatoria tendidas por familiares y amigos. Los medios fueron fundamentales en la ...

  15. Análisis de principales limitaciones de los suelos del delta argentino con fines productivos


    Falasca, Silvia; Ulberich, Ana


    El delta del Paraná conforma una unidad diferenciada de su entorno: la selva de rivera. Sufre periódicas inundaciones como consecuencia del desborde de los ríos o por la sudestada que provoca el ingreso de las aguas del Río de la Plata en dirección contraria a su escorrentía natural. El sector interno de las islas presenta una capa freática cercana a la superficie y el perfil de los suelos es una sucesión de capas de diferente espesor y granulometría. En cambio en las partes altas se ha desar...

  16. Inclusivos los queremos: homoparentalidades en jardines de infantes de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y el conurbano bonaerense

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    Gala Nerea D'Azzo


    Full Text Available El trabajo se propone describir y analizar la experiencia educativa de familias homoparentales en jardines de infantes de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y las localidades del conurbano bonaerense Ituzaingó, Ramos Mejía y San Fernando, considerando las dificultades pedagógicas y presupuestarias en la implementación de las leyes de educación sexual a nivel nacional y local. Con el propósito de conocer y visibilizar las vivencias que están teniendo al interior de las instituciones y las relaciones que establecen con la comunidad escolar, la investigación reúne testimonios de adultos integrantes de las organizaciones familiares, sistematizados en los ejes Criterios de elección de la institución educativa, Entrevistas de admisión, Visibilidad dentro de la escuela, y Relación con los maestros y compañeros. En las conclusiones, se arriba a la existencia de vínculos actuales entre diversidad familiar y educación religiosa, se identifica la persistencia del silencio en el ámbito educativo como herramienta de transmisión y se observa una invisibilización de hechos discriminantes hacia el interior de las instituciones escolares.

  17. Abraham Reef Stable Isotope Data (delta 13C, delta 18O, delta 14C) for 1635-1957 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Site: Abraham Reef, 22ó 06'S, 153ó 00'E, Porites australiensus, Radiocarbon (delta 14C) and Stable Isotope (del 18O and del 13C) results from bi-annual samples from...

  18. Hydraulic barrier against seawater intrusion in the main aquifer of Delta del Llobregat; Barrera hidraulica contra la intrusion marina en el acuifero principal del Delta del Llobregat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ortuno Gobern, F.; Ninerola Pla, J. M.; Fraile, J.; Juarez, I.; Molinero Huguet, J.; Arcos, D.; Pitarch, J. L.


    The main aquifer of Delta del Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain) is affected by seawater intrusion from 1970. For stopping its advance, the Catalan Water Agency is carrying out the construction of a positive hydraulic barrier through the injection of water in 14 wells. This is the first project of these characteristic that it is carried out in Spain and pioneer in Europe. The barrier elevates the groundwater level of the aquifer near the coast and avoids that the seawater penetrates inland, using reclaimed water of Baix Llobregat WWTP with several treatments. The first phase brings already more than 2 years of functioning, with highly positive results since a substantial improvement of the quality of the groundwater has been observed. The second phase is at present under construction. (Author)

  19. Paralichthys patagonicus spawning areas and reproductive potential in the Bonaerense Coastal Zone, Argentina (34°-42°S Áreas de desove y potencial reproductivo de Paralichthys patagonicus en la Zona Costera Bonaerense, Argentina (34°-42°S

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    María Inés Militelli


    Full Text Available The reproductive biology of Patagonian flounder (Paralichthys patagonicus was studied in the Bonaerense Coastal Zone (34°-42°S using samples collected in December 2003 and 2005. According to the literature, the data were analyzed considering two population groups: one in the northern zone (34°-38°S and another in El Rincón (38°-42°S. The estimated size at first maturity for both sexes in 2003 was 31.57 cm TL for the northern zone and 29.58 cm TL for El Rincón. In 2005, the L50 was only estimated for the northern zone, and the value obtained was less than that of 2003 (27.82 cm TL. In December 2003, the greatest reproductive activity took place in El Rincón. However, in December 2005, the highest proportions of hydrated fe-males were observed in the northern area. This could be due to the cooler temperatures recorded for this zone, as compared with 2003. Batch fecundity showed a potential fit to size and a lineal fit to weight and ranged from 14,685 (30 cm TL to 153,717 ( 59 cm TL hydrated oocytes. Relative fecundity oscillated between 24 and 170 hydrated oocytes/g. The values of these parameters differed between years and among population groups. These differences could be attributed in part to the difference in seawater temperature between the two years, especially the high temperatures observed in 2005.Se estudió la biología reproductiva del lenguado (Paralichthys patagonicus en la Zona Costera Bonaerense (34°-42°S. El material provino de muestreos realizados durante diciembre de 2003 y 2005. En base a la bibliografía los datos fueron analizados teniendo en cuenta dos grupos poblacionales, uno en el norte (34-38°S y otro en El Rincón (38-42°S. La estimación de la talla de primera madurez en 2003 para ambos sexos fue de 31.57 cm. LT para la zona norte y de 29.58 cm LT para El Rincón. En 2005 solo se pudo estimar el L50 para la zona norte y el valor obtenido fue menor al 2003 (27.82 cm. LT. En diciembre del 2003 la mayor

  20. Estructura productiva y sujetos sociales en la expansión del ovino. El caso del partido de Saladillo en 1870

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    Javier Balsa


    Full Text Available La expansión capitalista en el agro bonaerense durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX fue asociada a la "fiebre del lanar". En este trabajo nos hemos propuesto analizar las estrategias económicas de los propietarios de tierras, en términos de las formas de combinación de renta y ganancia (producción directa o cesión en arriendo, y, al mismo tiempo, lograr un mejor conocimiento de la estructura social agraria propia de la ganadería en la época del lanar, distinguiendo el peso numérico y la significación productiva de los diferentes productores rurales, según el lugar que ocupaban en la organización social del trabajo, el tamaño de los stocks ovinos y vacunos, y las orientaciones productivas que desarrollaban. El hallazgo de una fuente estadística inusual nos ha permitido precisar el análisis de estas cuestiones, al menos para un partido de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Saladillo hacia 1870, al promediar el período de la expansión ovina.The capitalist expansion in the bonaerense's agriculture during the second half of the XIXth century was associated to the "fever of wool". In this work we intend to analyze the economic strategies of the land owners, in the matter of combination of rent and profit (direct production or renting, and, at the same time, we intend to achieve a better knowledge of the social agrarian structure of the cattle-rising in the wool era, distinguishing the numeric weight and the productive signification of the different rural producers, based on the place that they got in the social organization of work, the size of their sheep and cattle stock, and the productive orientation that they developed. The discovery of an unusual statistic source has let us make more precise the analysis of this matter, at least for a district of the Buenos Aires province (Saladillo towards 1870, at the half of the sheep expansion period.

  1. “El marketing turístico del patrimonio cultural como alternativa de desarrollo del centro histórico de Bahía Blanca (Argentina. Diagnóstico de situación.”

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    Andrés Pinassi


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo forma parte del Proyecto General de Investigación: “Turismo y desarrollo: nuevos escenarios en la gestión integral de destinos turísticos en el Sudoeste bonaerense. Parte II”, que se lleva a cabo en el Departamento de Geografía y Turismo de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca, Argentina. El mismo tiene como objetivo: presentar un diagnóstico integral acerca de la utilización del centro histórico de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca como espacio de ocio, concentrador del patrimonio cultural local. Dicho análisis forma parte del Plan de Marketing Turístico desarrollado para el sector urbano bajo estudio, con el fin de dotarlo de mayor dinamismo y consolidarlo como lugar de encuentro, tanto para residentes como visitantes.

  2. Hacia un proyecto de vida a partir del proyecto constructivo


    Cremaschi, Gustavo; Marsili, Luciana


    La población de las cárceles bonaerenses, hoy es del orden de las 25000 personas. Mayoritariamente está compuesta por jóvenes con escasa instrucción, poca o nula experiencia laboral, muy pobres, con orígenes familiares complejos, y casi sin excepción con proyecciones muy cortoplacistas de su vida. En particular la idea de la libertad, que anima a la totalidad de la población, pocas veces es correspondida con un proyecto tangible y real. En este panorama la idea de conseguir un trabajo digno p...

  3. Anticuerpos frente a virus West nile y otros virus transmitidos por artropodos en la poblacion del Delta del Ebro

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    Lozano Alvaro


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: El virus West Nile (VWN es un Flavivirus que se transmite al hombre a través de distintas especies de mosquitos y produce brotes y casos esporádicos de enfermedad en distintas regiones del Viejo Mundo, incluída la Cuenca Mediterránea. Las zonas húmedas europeas que acogen aves migratorias procedentes de África constituyen áreas de alto riesgo para esta infección, así como para otras infecciones víricas transmitidas por artrópodos. MÉTODOS: Con objeto de investigar la prevalencia de la infección por el VWN y otros virus de transmisión similar en la población humana del Delta del Ebro, se estudiaron 1037 muestras de suero, obtenidas en 10 localidades de la zona, para presencia de anticuerpos frente a VWN y otros 12 virus transmitidos por artrópodos (3 Alfavirus, 8 Flaviviridae y 1 Bunyaviridae mediante titulación por inhibición de la hemaglutinación (IHA. En algunos casos se estudió la presencia de IgM específica por IHA tras fraccionar el suero por centrifugación en gradientes de sacarosa. RESULTADOS: En total, se encontró reactividad significativa frente a alguno de los virus probados en 130 casos (12.5%; 4.1% frente a Alfavirus, 8.0% frente a Flaviviridae y 0.4% frente a Bunyaviridae. El análisis de los títulos de anticuerpos reveló porcentajes significativos de muestras con títulos elevados frente a antígenos de VWN y otros. La distribución de la seroprevalencia fue muy desigual, concentrándose fundamentalmente en 3 localidades del interior del Delta (Ampolla, San Jaime y Montells, donde la prevalencia de anticuerpos frente a Flaviviridae llegó a alcanzar el 30% y se observaron niveles residuales de IgM frente a VWN en algunos sueros. CONCLUSIONES: Estos resultados y los obtenidos previamente en otras regiones de la Península Ibérica sugieren que el VWN circula en la población humana de las zonas de riesgo y produce brotes epidémicos periódicos. Habida cuenta del alto porcentaje de

  4. Metallicism and pulsation: an analysis of the delta Delphini stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurtz, D.W.


    Fine abundance analyses of seven delta Delphini stars and one delta Scuti star relative to four comparison standards are presented. Five of the delta Del stars are shown to have abundances most similar to the evolved Am stars. It is argued that these abundances are different from the classical Am star and Ap star abundances and that similarities to the Ba II star abundances are coincidental. We suggest that the anomalous abundance delta Del stars are evolved metallic line stars on the basis of their abundances, position in the β, M/sub v/ plane, inferred rotational velocities, and perhaps their binary incidence. Some of the delta Del stars are delta Scuti pulsators. We argue that pulsation and metallicism are mutually exclusive among the classical Am stars but may coexist in other stars related to the classical Am stars. A preference for the diffusion hypothesis model for the metallic line stars is stated and supported and the implications of the coexistence of pulsation and diffusion are discussed

  5. Experiencias productivas, visión del mundo y unidad obrera: el proceso de trabajo como dimensión explicativa de los conflictos laborales


    Dicósimo, Daniel Oscar; Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Política de Buenos Aires


    Se estudia una serie de acontecimientos sucedidos en una fábrica metalúrgica bonaerense durante el autodenominado "Proceso de Reorganización Nacional". Se trató de medidas de fuerza realizadas por el personal de Metalúrgica Tandil, la principal fundidora de auto partes del mercado durante la década de 1970, con el objetivo de resistir a la decisión empresaria de cambiar parte de la organización del trabajo y de reclamar aumentos salariales. Fil: Dicósimo, Daniel Oscar. Universidad Nacional...

  6. Modificación en la composición corporal de jugadores de Hockey luego del período de preparación


    Perrice, Constanza


    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre el tipo de alimentación y el cambio en la composición corporal en jugadores de hockey sobre césped masculino que integran el Seleccionado Bonaerense de primera división, luego del período de preparación del año 2009 y si se ve influenciado por el grado de información en el campo de la nutrición deportiva. A través del mismo se establece la variación en el porcentaje de masa magra y masa grasa, mediante medi...

  7. Equidad distributiva del ingreso pesquero en la reserva de la biosfera Alto golfo de California y delta del Río Colorado en México

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    Carlos Israel VÁZQUEZ LEÓN


    Full Text Available Se analiza la distribución del ingreso y se estima el grado de equidad durante 1994 y 2002 en tres comunidades colindantes a la reserva de la biosfera alto golfo de California y delta del río Colorado (RBAGC: Puerto Peñasco, el Golfo de Santa Clara, en Sonora, y San Felipe, en Baja California. Se considera a la rbagc como política pública enfocada a la sustentabilidad en la región. Se concluye que hay diferencias entre los pescadores antes y después de la introducción del plan de manejo, y que la inequidad en el Golfo de Santa Clara ha aumentado, siendo esta comunidad la que se ubica dentro de la reserva y con mayor dependencia de la pesca.

  8. Del turismo “cultural” al “rural”: un caso de la Pampa bonaerense (Argentina

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    Cecilia Pérez Winter


    Full Text Available En este artículo se examina el proceso de turistificación del partido de Exaltación de la Cruz (Argentina, promovido por el gobierno municipal. El interés es analizar cómo los procesos locales y globales inciden en la configuración de modalidades turísticas, a partir de la selección y mercantilización de elementos “naturales” (rurales e históricos-culturales. La investigación aquí expuesta se construyó a través del trabajo de campo realizado en el periodo 2011-2015 en la ciudad cabecera, Capilla del Señor. Allí se observó que los criterios establecidos en los procesos de patrimonialización fueron implementados para construir, en una primera etapa, un turismo “cultural” que permitió consolidar determinados discursos y representaciones de la ciudad. A su vez, se constata que la práctica turística utiliza pautas más flexibles, al adecuarse a las demandas del mercado turístico global, llevando a incluir, en una segunda etapa, elementos vinculados con la ruralidad del partido, los cuales eran desestimados anteriormente.

  9. Desentrañar sucesos, evaluar sujetos y producir verdades para 'restituir derechos de niños'. Un abordaje desde las prácticas cotidianas de intervención en un dispositivo estatal de protección de la niñez del conurbano bonaerense

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    Agustín Barna


    Full Text Available Uno de los elementos más ponderados de las recientes transformaciones legislativas referidas a la infancia y sus derechos, ha sido la “desjudicialización” de las intervenciones de origen “asistencial”. Se ha argumentado que dicha transformación supuso una merma en la arbitrariedad a la que estaban sometidos los niños y familias de sectores populares en los ámbitos tribunalicios. En el presente trabajo, se busca suspender tal asunción para avanzar en las reflexiones sobre sus implicancias en la dimensión cotidiana de las prácticas estatales destinadas a “restituir derechos”. Para ello indago aquí, desde una perspectiva etnográfica, en las actuaciones desplegadas por agentes de un Servicio Local de Protección de Derechos de Niños en un municipio del conurbano bonaerense en contextos marcados por la desigualdad social. En particular aquellas desplegadas frente a situaciones problemáticas de niños que se encuentran atravesadas por prácticas adultas, habitualmente interpretadas como delictuosas -por ejemplo maltrato infantil o abuso sexual-.

  10. El gobierno territorial en la Provincia de Buenos Aires: el desempeño del Consejo de Planificación Regional de Educación Superior en la implementación de políticas educativas

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    Giselle González


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es describir y analizar el funcionamiento del Consejo de Planificación Regional de Educación Superior (CPRES a partir de su creación con la Ley 24.521/95 (LES hasta el 2011. Parte de una perspectiva sociopolítica e institucional de las políticas públicas, integra dos enfoques y aplica esta mirada al examen de la región bonaerense en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. La región bonaerense representa uno de los territorios con mayor población y actividad económica de la Argentina. Además, concentra más de un tercio de las instituciones de educación superior que integran la oferta total del país. Se analizaron fuentes documentales y entrevistas a informantes clave del ámbito académico, técnico y político que participaron del Programa de Reforma de la Educación Superior iniciado en 1995. Se concluyó que el CPRES se instituye como una estructura de autoridad de nivel intermedio con atribuciones jurídico-institucionales para planificar, coordinar y regular los procesos de elaboración e implementación de políticas públicas en el marco de un contexto sistémico complejo y de alta diferenciación institucional. Sin embargo, aún no logran constituirse en efectivas autoridades de implementación.

  11. Comercio rural en la campaña bonaerense. Un estudio de caso: Casa de Comercio "El Progreso" de los Hnos. Vulcano (1922-1932

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    Valeria Palavecino


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene por objeto un primer acercamiento al estudio del comercio rural en la campaña bonaerense en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Partimos de un análisis previo de la historiografía existente sobre comercio y comerciantes, así como de los principales conceptos y categorías que nos permiten comenzar a pensar el problema. Por último, presentamos algunos avances de nuestra investigación centrada en un estudio de caso, la casa de comercio "El Progreso" (propiedad de José y Francisco Vulcano ubicada en la estación Gardey (Partido de Tandil, especialmente algunas reflexiones sobre la constitución de su espacio comercial, y algunos rasgos de la relación comerciante/cliente en el período estudiado (1922-1934.The objective of this paper is to have a look at rural commerce in the Buenos Aires pampas en the first decades of the 20 th century. We start from a previous analysis of existent historiography on commerce and traders, as well as a previous analysis and categories that allow us to start thinking about the problem. And we also present some previews of our research in a case study, the store "El Progreso" (which was owned by José and Francisco Vulcano, located in Gardey, (Tandil county, especially some reflections on the constitution of its commercial space and some features of the relationship store owner/customer in the period of the study (1922-1934.

  12. Experiencias productivas, visión del mundo y unidad obrera. El proceso de trabajo como dimensión explicativa de los conflictos laborales.

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    Full Text Available El presente artículo es un intento de valorar el proceso de trabajo como una dimensión explicativa importante, para comprender el comportamiento y los valores obreros durante los conflictos laborales. Nuestra escala de análisis es local, ya que estudiaremos una serie de acontecimientos sucedidos en una fábrica metalúrgica bonaerense durante el autodenominado “Proceso de Reorganización Nacional”. Se trató de medidas de fuerza realizadas por el personal de Metalúrgica Tandil, la principal fundidora de auto partes del mercado durante la década de 1970, con el objetivo de resistir a la decisión empresaria de cambiar parte de la organización del trabajo y de reclamar aumentos salariales. Abstract The following article is an intention of valuing the work process as a important explaining dimension, to understand the behaviour and the worker values during the job conflicts. Our scale of analysis is local, because we are going to study a sequence of happenings that take place in a bonaerense metallurgic factory in the period 1978-1980. They ware some forces measure done it by “Metalurgica Tandil”, the more important car parts smelter of the market during the decade of 1970, with the objective of resisting to the impresarios decision of changing some sides of worker organization and to reclaim salaries increases

  13. Biodiversidad del Parque Nacional Pre-Delta (Entre Ríos, Argentina: II. Estudio cuantitativo del fitoplancton Biodiversity of Pre-Delta National Park (Entre Ríos, Argentina: II. Phytoplankton quantitative study

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    V. Mirande


    Full Text Available La falta de antecedentes ficológicos vinculados al Parque Nacional Pre-Delta nos condujo a realizar este estudio. El objetivo fue conocer la abundancia del fitoplancton en ambientes leníticos y lóticos de dicha área protegida, la cual está situada en la ciudad de Diamante (Entre Ríos. Se estudiaron siete zonas (tres lagunas, un arroyo y dos riachos y las variables abundancia absoluta algal, biomasa y diversidad, empleándose para la ordenación de los sitios el análisis de componentes principales (ACP. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron a las diatomeas como el grupo dominante a través de las pennadas. Si se consideran a nivel de individuos aportados por las especies, Aulacoseira granulata fue dominante en líneas generales en los sistemas lóticos estudiados, no así en los sistemas lénticos. El empleo de variables específicamente vinculadas al fitoplancton como densidad absoluta, biomasa y diversidad posibilitó la separación de los sitios a través del ACP.This paper was realized because of lack of phycologic dates from Pre-Delta National Park. The aim of this paper was to know abundance phytoplankton in lentic and lotic environments from this area, which is located in Diamante City (Entre Ríos. Seven sampling sites (three lakes, one stream and two rivers and absolute algal abundance, biomass and diversity of phytoplankton were studied, employing the Principal Component Analyse (PCA in the ordination of the sites. Our results have showed to diatoms as dominant across pennate group. The PCA separated the lotic and lentic water bodies in base of considered variables. If we consider to individual level given by species, Aulacoseira granulata was generally dominant in lotic systems but not in lentic systems. The absolute algal abundance, biomass and diversity variables permitted to separate the lentic and lotic sampling sites by means of the PCA utilization.

  14. Hydraulic barrier against seawater intrusion in the main aquifer of Delta del Llobregat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ortuno Gobern, F.; Ninerola Pla, J. M.; Fraile, J.; Juarez, I.; Molinero Huguet, J.; Arcos, D.; Pitarch, J. L.


    The main aquifer of Delta del Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain) is affected by seawater intrusion from 1970. For stopping its advance, the Catalan Water Agency is carrying out the construction of a positive hydraulic barrier through the injection of water in 14 wells. This is the first project of these characteristic that it is carried out in Spain and pioneer in Europe. The barrier elevates the groundwater level of the aquifer near the coast and avoids that the seawater penetrates inland, using reclaimed water of Baix Llobregat WWTP with several treatments. The first phase brings already more than 2 years of functioning, with highly positive results since a substantial improvement of the quality of the groundwater has been observed. The second phase is at present under construction. (Author)

  15. Centralidad, valores y ética protestante del trabajo en población urbana ocupada Centrality, values and protestant work ethic in employed urban population

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    Graciela Filippi


    Full Text Available Desde una perspectiva psicosocial que ahonda en la dimensión subjetiva de la cultura se indaga en creencias y valores asociadas al trabajo. A partir de investigaciones previas y los presupuestos de la teoría de los valores, la centralidad del trabajo y la ética protestante del trabajo, se ha realizado un estudio empírico de naturaleza exploratoria descriptiva. El objetivo general de la investigación marco es explorar en diferentes muestras urbanas aspectos psicosociales relacionados con el trabajo. En este estudio se analiza la información obtenida de una muestra no probabilística intencional compuesta por 226 sujetos activos laboralmente de la ciudad de Buenos Aires y el Conurbano Bonaerense que respondieron a un cuestionario auto-administrado. Los resultados muestran una alta centralidad absoluta y relativa del trabajo, la presencia de valores de autotrascendencia y apertura al cambio y puntuaciones altas en lo que refiere a Ética Protestante del Trabajo y Competitividad.From a perspective which emphasizes the subjective dimension of culture, work related believes and values are analyzed. Following previous researches findings and values theory, work centrality and protestant work ethic proposals, an empirical exploratory descriptive study was carried out. Framed research project main objective is to explore psycho-sociological aspects related to work in urban samples. Current study analyses the information gathered from a non probabilistic convenience sample composed by 226 working participants from Buenos Aires city and surrounding area (Conurbano Bonaerense who answered a self administered questionnaire. Results show a high work centrality -absolute and relative- and high punctuations in values related to self-trascendence and open to change. It was also found high punctuations in relation to Protestant Work Ethic conception and Competitiveness.

  16. Un mundo rural en transición. La campaña bonaerense según el Primer Censo Nacional de Población de la República Argentina (1869

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    Claudia Contente


    Full Text Available La campaña de Buenos Aires había recibido desde fines del siglo XVIII importantes corrientes migratorias interprovinciales que fueron progresi - vamente desplazadas por las provenientes de Europa. Si bien existen tra - bajos basados en los resultados generales, se ha abordado muy poco el estudio de la población a partir de las cédulas censales en sí mismas. Nos proponemos aquí observar la estructura de la población de la campaña bonaerense durante estos primeros tiempos de la inmigración masiva, aplicando una perspectiva comparada entre tres pueblos: San Antonio de Areco en la zona norte, Mercedes en el centro y San Vicente en el sur. Se prestará particular atención a la composición de la población, su origen, las actividades productivas y el proceso de urbanización. Se analizan igualmente las pautas de destino y localización geográfica de los extranjeros en los pueblos rurales, las ocupaciones preferidas y la eventual diversificación de actividades en función de las nacionalidades.

  17. Efecto de la conversión del manglar a potrero sobre la densidad y tallas de dos gasterópodos en el delta del río Turbo (golfo de Urabá, Caribe colombiano

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    Juan F. Blanco


    Full Text Available El delta del río Turbo es una de las áreas del golfo de Urabá, Colombia donde la tala de manglar es más extensa y activa, por lo tanto, se evaluó el impacto de la conversión de manglar a potrero, comparando la densidad y talla promedio de dos gasterópodos (Neritina virginea y Melampus coffeus, variables dasonómicas, físico-químicas intersticiales y granulométricas del suelo entre varios parches de: 1 manglar de franja, 2 manglar de cuenca, 3 manglar de cuenca mixto y 4 manglar de cuenca convertido a potrero, en el delta del río Turbo de este golfo, entre enero y diciembre 2009. Las densidades y tallas de los gasterópodos fueron mayores en el manglar de franja. N. virginea fue muy abundante pero disminuyó hacia el manglar de cuenca (debido a sus hábitos diádromos, y desapareció casi completamente en los potreros, donde los individuos estuvieron agregados en las pocas áreas anegadas. En los potreros, los individuos de M. coffeus estuvieron agrupados en los árboles remanentes debido a su hábito arborícola y su condición de pulmonado. Se sugiere que la escasez de los gasterópodos está relacionada con la degradación del microhábitat físico, y la alteración de propiedades del suelo. Finalmente, también planteamos que la extinción local de N. virginea debida a la tala puede ejercer fuertes efectos negativos sobre la función ecosistémica debido a que es un omnívoro dominante.

  18. Haematological and genetic features of delta beta-thalassaemia in Pakistan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmad, S.; Anwar, M.


    Objective: To describe the hematological and genetic features of delta beta-thalassaemia in Pakistani patients. Design: Descriptive case series. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Pathology, PNS Shifa, Karachi and Department of Hematology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi, from January 1994 to April 2004. Patients and Methods: Thirteen individuals from six unrelated Pakistani families with a hematological diagnosis of delta beta-thalassaemia were studied. A brief clinical history, and the results of blood counts, absolute values, Hb-F, Hb-A/sub 2/, and hemoglobin electrophoresis were recorded. The DNA from each subject was first screened for the delta beta-thalassaemia mutations found in the Pakistani population. The samples were then screened for the Invl Del sup G/gamma(sup A/gamma delta beta). Results: The subjects included six heterozygote, six homozygotes and one compound heterozygote of delta beta and delta beta-thalassaemia. All heterozygote and 4/6 homozygotes were asymptomatic. One homo zygote had thalassaemia intermedia while another had transfusion dependent anemia. The mean Hb, TRBC, MCV, MCH, Hb-F and Hb-A/sub 2/ in delta beta-thalassaemia heterozygote were 11.6 g/dl, 5.37 x 1012/L, 70.9 fl, and 21.7 pg, 14% and 2.6% respectively. The same values in the four un transfused homo zygote were 10.6 g/dl, 5.34x1012/L, 69.211, and 20.8pg, 100% and 0% respectively. The mutation analysis revealed that all 13 individuals had the same Invl Del sup G/gamma(sup A/gamma delta beta). Conclusion: delta beta-thalassaemia is a rare disorder in Pakistan. Although the clinical picture is very mild its combination with delta beta-thalassaemia trait can produce a sever transfusion dependent thalassaemia. The DNA based diagnosis is possible in the prenatal as well as the postnatal period. (author)


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    María L. Pochettino


    que la variable temporal ocupa un rol destacado en la conformación del CBT. Sin embargo, considerándolo como el saber compartido por un grupo humano específico acerca de los vegetales locales, se reconoce que ese conocimiento, empleado durante el proceso de elección, obtención, procesamiento y consumo, así como en la administración local de los recursos, puede ser también engendrado por y residir en comunidades que carecen de continuidad histórica y cultural. A partir del análisis de dos casos (la horticultura en la puna jujeña y en áreas suburbanas bonaerenses donde difiere la profundidad temporal de la experiencia, se concluye que el CBT puede considerarse una síntesis de saberes, que se genera tanto a partir del conocimiento engendrado localmente por práctica y experimentación, así como por incorporación de información de otras fuentes, incluyendo el conocimiento científico. Finalmente se proyecta este análisis a la identificación arqueológica de prácticas locales de manejo de poblaciones vegetales, reflejo del CBT en el pasado.

  20. Comerciantes-empresarios en el medio rural argentino a comienzos del siglo XX. El estudio de caso de los Hnos. Vulcano y su Casa de Comercio ‘El Progreso’

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    Valeria Palavecino


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aborda el rol que desempeñaron los comerciantes rurales en la administración de sus casas comerciales en el sur bonaerense, durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX. A partir de la basta producción teórica e historiográfi ca ligada a los conceptos de empresa y empresario, se plantean algunas cuestiones teórico-metodológicas que permiten comprender la utilización de estos conceptos en el caso estudiado. Se analizará la relación comerciante–cliente, el papel del crédito en la conformación de las carteras de clientes, y los lazos extra-comerciales que vincularon a estos empresarios con su entorno.

  1. Impacto ambiental en áreas marginales del río Colorado, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Maira Scherger


    climáticos extremos- actúan como catalizador en el proceso de desertificación. El desarrollo sostenible es definido como aquel que satisface las necesidades del presente sin comprometer las necesidades de las futuras generaciones, esto implica la relación inseparable entre la sostenibilidad de un recurso y su contexto económico y social. En el presente trabajo se reconocen las transformaciones espaciales en el Valle Bonaerense del río Colorado a partir de la puesta en valor del río Colorado como recurso y se identifican y seleccionan los componentes ambientales impactados por las actividades agropecuarias. El agua, recurso natural que ofrece el río, ha sido el elemento organizador de este espacio que se caracteriza por la producción agrícola. En las últimas décadas las oportunidades económicas internacionales del mercado, han favorecido el incremento de superficies para tal fin. En consecuencia, el uso intensivo del suelo y la falta de adecuadas políticas de planificación impactan negativamente generando procesos de degradación de suelos que atentan el desarrollo sostenible de la región.

  2. La unidad doméstica en la ciudad de Buenos Aires a mediados del siglo XVIII.

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    Maximiliano Camarda


    Full Text Available A partir de datos censales, el artículo analiza la  dinámica económica, composición y características de las unidades domésticas en el Buenos Aires del siglo XVIII. De manera específica, el trabajo busca identificar los patrones que guiaban a los dueños a alquilar a determinadas personas los cuartos de sus casas, tanto en la que habitaban como también otras. Mediante el acercamiento a esta problemática localizada, el trabajo busca aproximarse a un problema histórico de mayor amplitud, cual es, los patrones de sociabilidad bonaerenses en el período estudiado.

  3. La cuenca del río Reconquista en la planificación metropolitana de Buenos Aires (Argentina. Ámbito, problemas y propuestas

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    Alejandra Potocko


    Full Text Available Resumen La cuenca del río Reconquista es una de las tres grandes cuencas de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (Argentina gravemente afectada por las inundaciones y por la contaminación. En tanto pieza territorial de la ciudad metropolitana, la cuenca Reconquista fue abordada en los documentos de planificación urbana que se elaboraron para la región durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX: el Plan Regulador de Buenos Aires, el Esquema Director Año 2000, el Estudio del Sistema Metropolitano Bonaerense y el Proyecto 90. Independientemente de que se hayan concretado o no, esas instancias de planificación ilustran las formas de pensar y operar en la cuenca, como un ámbito dentro de la ciudad, como un problema de alcance metropolitano y como una propuesta de transformación territorial, en tres momentos: el de las inundaciones y la hidráulica, el del medio ambiente y la calidad de vida, y el de la ecología y el paisaje, donde cambian las relaciones que se establecen entre la urbanización, el urbanismo y las cuencas hídricas.

  4. Acción social y nuevo Estado liberal en Argentina: La participación de las mujeres en las instituciones del modelo mixto de atención de necesidades en el centro y sur bonaerenses Social Action and the New Liberal State in Argentina: Women's Participation in Institutions based on the Mixed Model for Meeting Needs in the Center and South of Buenos Aires

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    Yolanda de Paz Trueba


    Full Text Available A fines del siglo XIX y en el marco de la consolidación del poder político en Argentina, encontramos una serie de vacíos que el Estado iba dejando, mismos que fueron ocupados por el accionar de asociaciones emanadas de la sociedad civil, en las que mujeres de los pueblos abordados en este trabajo adquirieron una presencia destacada. En el presente artículo buscamos analizar las relaciones entre ese Estado en formación y las instituciones locales destinadas a la atención de la salud y la educación, en comunidades del centro y sur bonaerenses, espacios no estudiados hasta el momento en esta clave, en el tránsito hacia el siglo XX cuando se resignificaron las funciones e importancia de organizaciones tradicionales como las abocadas a la práctica de la beneficencia, muchas de ellas de fuerte impronta católica.In the late 19th century and as part of the consolidation of political power in Argentina, we find a series of gaps left by the state, which were filled by the work of associations that emerged from civil society, in which the village women studied in this article acquired a noticeable presence. This article seeks to analyze relations between that nascent state and local institutions designed to provide health care and education in communities in the center and south of Buenos Aires. These spheres have not been studied in this sense to date, in the shift towards the 19th century when the functions and importance of traditional organizations such as charity organizations, many of which have a strong Catholic influence, were resignified.

  5. Ejercer el poder en un pueblo de frontera: Juan Lorenzo Castro, hacendado, pulpero y alcalde de Chascomús (Buenos Aires a inicios del siglo XIX

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    Antonio Galarza


    Full Text Available En el artículo se aborda el ejercicio de la autoridad en la frontera sur desde la perspectiva de su vinculación con las prácticas consuetudinarias que regulaban la producción ganadera en el mundo rural bonaerense de principios del siglo XIX. A partir de la reconstrucción de las actividades económicas y del comportamiento como funcionario de Juan Lorenzo Castro se procede a caracterizar la influencia que las costumbres ejercían en el accionar de las autoridades locales a la hora de resolver conflictos originados en la producción pecuaria. El estudio de litigios y su resolución en la escala local oficia de medio para avanzar en la caracterización de la trama de vínculos que permitieron el despliegue de instancias institucionales de poder en la campaña

  6. Estudios bioarqueológicos en el sitio Los Tres Cerros 1 (Delta Superior del río Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina

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    Clara Scabuzzo

    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de los estudios bioarqueológicos efectuados en la serie de esqueletos humanos del sitio Los Tres Cerros 1 (departamento de Victoria, Entre Ríos, Argentina, una estructura antropogénica monticular ocupada entre ca. 1227 y 560 años AP por cazadores, recolectores, pescadores y horticultores, asignados a la entidad arqueológica Goya-Malabrigo. Las investigaciones bioarqueológicas se enfocaron en determinar la estructura sexo-etaria de la muestra, estudiar las lesiones óseas y analizar las prácticas mortuorias. De acuerdo a estos estudios, en el sitio se enterraron al menos 16 individuos de distintos grupos etarios y ambos sexos. La variabilidad de modos de disponer a los muertos incluye entierros primarios, secundarios y elementos óseos dispersos. Algunos huesos presentaban termoalteración y ocre sobre la superficie. Se discuten estas evidencias a nivel regional con otros sitios del Delta del Paraná con presencia de esqueletos humanos asignados a la entidad Goya-Malabrigo.

  7. Colonel Don Benito Machado. A National Guards commandant on the southern frontier of Buenos Aires [1852-1880] El coronel Don Benito Machado. Un comandante de Guardias Nacionales en la frontera sur bonaerense [1852-1880

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    Leonardo Canciani


    Full Text Available In this work, we will analyze the National Guard regiments and the role played by their commandants during the process of national organization on the southern frontier of Buenos Aires, from the case study of coronel don José Benito Machado. First of all, our objective will be describe the specific characteristics that adopted the National Guards in the societies of the southern frontier of the province of Buenos Aires. And then, to analyze the mechanisms developed by Benito Machado to build the power bases in the region that enabled the consolidation of its leadershipEn el presente trabajo, analizamos los regimientos de Guardias Nacionales y las funciones que desempeñaron sus comandantes durante el proceso de organización nacional en la frontera sur bonaerense, desde el estudio de caso del coronel don José Benito Machado. En primer lugar, repasamos las características específicas que adoptaron las Guardias Nacionales en las sociedades de la frontera sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires; mientras que, en segundo lugar, analizamos los diversos mecanismos desarrollados por Benito Machado para construir las bases de poder en la región que posibilitaron el afianzamiento de su liderazgo

  8. El impacto de la guerra en los comerciantes minoristas de la campaña bonaerense, 1815-1821 The Impact of War on Retail Traders in the Buenos Aires Campaign, 1815-1821

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    Julián Carrera


    Full Text Available El proceso revolucionario y las posteriores guerras civiles generaron un fenómeno de militarización asociado al bandolerismo que azotó sobre todo el ámbito rural. En este marco las pulperías de la campaña bonaerense, al igual que las haciendas, habrían sido afectadas especialmente por esta situación. Los registros fiscales indican que a fines de la década de 1810 se produjo un marcado descenso del número de pulperías de la campaña, muchos pulperos fueron "exonerados" del pago de los impuestos por haber sido saqueados por "tropas federales", por "montoneras" y en algunos casos por incursiones indígenas en la frontera. La información sugiere que, tanto para las sociedades indígenas como para los ejércitos intervinientes en la guerra civil, las pulperías eran un blanco seguro, pues allí se proveían de recursos y podían obtener, en algunos casos, dinero líquido.The revolutionary process and subsequent civil wars created a phenomenon of militarization associated with the banditry that affected the countryside. Within this frame-work, general stores in the Buenos Aires campaign would have been particularly affected by this situation, as were the haciendas. The tax registers indicate that the decade from 1810 to 1820 showed a sharp increase in the number of general stores in the campaign. Many general store owners were "exempted" from tax payment due to having been looted by "federal troops," troops of mounted rebels and in some cases, by indigenous raids on the border. The information suggests that for both indigenous societies and the armies that intervened in the civil war, general stores were a safe target, since they could obtain resources there and in some cases, cash.

  9. DELTAS: A new Global Delta Sustainability Initiative (Invited) (United States)

    Foufoula-Georgiou, E.


    Deltas are economic and environmental hotspots, food baskets for many nations, home to a large part of the world population, and hosts of exceptional biodiversity and rich ecosystems. Deltas, being at the land-water interface, are international, regional, and local transport hubs, thus providing the basis for intense economic activities. Yet, deltas are deteriorating at an alarming rate as 'victims' of human actions (e.g. water and sediment reduction due to upstream basin development), climatic impacts (e.g. sea level rise and flooding from rivers and intense tropical storms), and local exploration (e.g. sand or aggregates, groundwater and hydrocarbon extraction). Although many efforts exist on individual deltas around the world, a comprehensive global delta sustainability initiative that promotes awareness, science integration, data and knowledge sharing, and development of decision support tools for an effective dialogue between scientists, managers and policy makers is lacking. Recently, the international scientific community proposed to establish the International Year of Deltas (IYD) to serve as the beginning of such a Global Delta Sustainability Initiative. The IYD was proposed as a year to: (1) increase awareness and attention to the value and vulnerability of deltas worldwide; (2) promote and enhance international and regional cooperation at the scientific, policy, and stakeholder level; and (3) serve as a launching pad for a 10-year committed effort to understand deltas as complex socio-ecological systems and ensure preparedness in protecting and restoring them in a rapidly changing environment. In this talk, the vision for such an international coordinated effort on delta sustainability will be presented as developed by a large number of international experts and recently funded through the Belmont Forum International Opportunities Fund. Participating countries include: U.S., France, Germany, U.K., India, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Brazil, Bangladesh

  10. Tradición y modernidad en la concepción del territorio turístico en el litoral bonaerense, Argentina 1920-1950


    Bruno, Perla


    El propósito del trabajo es aportar a la comprensión de la transformación del territorio costero de la provincia de Buenos Aires –Argentina– a partir de la inclusión progresiva de prácticas turísticas entre las décadas del 20 y del 50 del siglo XX. Entendiendo el territorio como espacio de relaciones entre los grupos humanos y el medio físico natural, resultado de procesos históricos que le otorgan distintas formas y significados, se focaliza el análisis en la trabazón o articulación de dos p...

  11. Deforestación y sedimentación en los manglares del Golfo de Urabá Síntesis de los impactos sobre la fauna macrobéntica e íctica en el delta del río Turbo

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    Alexander Taborda-Marín


    Full Text Available Se presenta una síntesis de la investigación que relaciona la deforestación y el cambio del uso del suelo de laplanicie costera de la cuenca del río Turbo con los efectos sobre la fauna estuarina de su delta. Se contextualiza estacuenca dentro la variabilidad hidroclimatológica (caudales y precipitación del costado oriental del golfo de Urabá. Secuantifi có la tasa de pérdida del bosque de la planicie costera debido al aumento de cultivos, lo cual puede explicar elincremento del transporte de sedimentos hacia los ríos y al mar. A pesar de la expansión deltaica, el área de manglaresdisminuyó como producto del aumento de cultivos y potreros. Se documentó que la disminución de la densidad de ungasterópodo dominante (Neritina virginea en claros del manglar, bordes y potreros, por alteraciones en su microhábitat,puede ser utilizada como un bioindicador. Las altas tasas de sedimentación podrían ser responsables de la pobrezafaunística del bentos, pero no parecen tener un efecto signifi cativo sobre las especies actualmente dominantes. Ladiversidad y abundancia de peces refl ejó una mayor infl uencia de la sedimentación en las zonas más cercanas a ladescarga fl uvial. Se relacionó la condición social de las comunidades con los cambios en el paisaje. Se establecióel estado actual del ecosistema, que será la base para proponer medidas de manejo y conservación para prevenir yrestaurar los daños causados a los manglares y a la zona costera.

  12. El discurso como ejercicio de la territorialidad. Disputas y discursos territoriales en la costa marítima de Buenos Aires (Argentina

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    Facundo Martín Hernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda la tensión entre actores suscitada en la dialéctica de territorialización en determinados espacios marítimos-costeros bonaerenses (Argentina desde una perspectiva geográfica y discursiva. Se parte del supuesto de que la creación de territorios no siempre implica conflictividad, aunque siempre que existe disputa sobre el carácter de un determinado espacio se están ejerciendo formas antagónicas o divergentes de territorialidad. En los casos donde se producen pugnas por el territorio se activa un tipo discursivo que denominamos territorial, por lo tanto, el primer objetivo del trabajo es proponer una definición del mismo. Como caso de estudio se seleccionaron las disputas territoriales gestadas en torno al desarrollo de infraestructura turística en la costa bonaerense, respondiendo al modelo más simple de enfrentamiento: la oposición de un sujeto colectivo a un particular proceso de territorialización. Una cualidad común de los casos seleccionados es la asimetría en las relaciones de fuerza, lo que lleva al actor que se opone a tal o cual intervención en el territorio a desarrollar su estrategia de territorialidad mediante acciones innovadoras y creativas, entre ellas, la puesta en práctica de discursos territoriales. El segundo objetivo es el análisis de estos discursos elaborados por aquellos actores que protagonizan disputas en escenarios turísticos de la costa bonaerense. Para los objetivos propuestos se efectuó un análisis interpretativo de los discursos territoriales en tres movimientos regionales con proyección social, capacidad organizativa y continuidad, extrayendo el material de las diversas formas de comunicación y difusión con el que cuentan.

  13. Violencia social y escuela: un relato empírico desde barrios críticos


    Krmpotic,Claudia; Farré,Micaela


    Los resultados presentados en este artículo son producto del trabajo de investigación realizado entre 2005-2007, con el objetivo de analizar el problema de la violencia social y el delito juvenil en el ámbito territorial del Municipio más extenso y poblado del Conurbano Bonaerense, en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Se planteó un abordaje a través del prisma de la institución escolar, considerada actor relevante en el proceso de construcción de identidad de los jóvenes, y agencia promotora de l...

  14. Efecto de la conversión del manglar a potrero sobre la densidad y tallas de dos gasterópodos en el delta del río Turbo (golfo de Urabá, Caribe colombiano Effects mangrove conversion to pasture on density and shell size of two gastropods in the Turbo River Delta (Urabá Gulf, Caribbean coast of Colombia

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    Juan F. Blanco


    Full Text Available El delta del río Turbo es una de las áreas del golfo de Urabá, Colombia donde la tala de manglar es más extensa y activa, por lo tanto, se evaluó el impacto de la conversión de manglar a potrero, comparando la densidad y talla promedio de dos gasterópodos (Neritina virginea y Melampus coffeus, variables dasonómicas, físico-químicas intersticiales y granulométricas del suelo entre varios parches de: 1 manglar de franja, 2 manglar de cuenca, 3 manglar de cuenca mixto y 4 manglar de cuenca convertido a potrero, en el delta del río Turbo de este golfo, entre enero y diciembre 2009. Las densidades y tallas de los gasterópodos fueron mayores en el manglar de franja. N. virginea fue muy abundante pero disminuyó hacia el manglar de cuenca (debido a sus hábitos diádromos, y desapareció casi completamente en los potreros, donde los individuos estuvieron agregados en las pocas áreas anegadas. En los potreros, los individuos de M. coffeus estuvieron agrupados en los árboles remanentes debido a su hábito arborícola y su condición de pulmonado. Se sugiere que la escasez de los gasterópodos está relacionada con la degradación del microhábitat físico, y la alteración de propiedades del suelo. Finalmente, también planteamos que la extinción local de N. virginea debida a la tala puede ejercer fuertes efectos negativos sobre la función ecosistémica debido a que es un omnívoro dominante.Mangrove deforestation is widespread in the Greater Caribbean but its impact on macrobenthos has not been evaluated to date. In order to assess the impact of mangrove conversion to pasture, densities and shell sizes of two dominant gastropods (Neritina virginea and Melampus coffeus were compared among four mangrove types: 1 Rhizophora mangle-dominated fringing mangroves, 2 Avicennia germinans-dominated basin mangroves, 3 Mixed-species basin mangroves, and 4 A. germinansbasin mangroves converted to pastures, in the Turbo River Delta (Urabá Gulf

  15. Hepatitis fulminante en la Sierra Nevada: Una forma de superinfección del virus delta con el virus de la hepatitis B.

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    Alvaro Villanueva


    Full Text Available Durante septiembre de 1980 a octubre de 1983, se realizó un estudio seroepidemiológico para hepatitis A y B, en 258 personas en una ciudad (Santa Marta población de 250.000 y tres pequeños municipios (Santa Rosalía, Julio Zawady y Aracataca, poblaciones de 768, 800 y 5.000 habitantes respectivamente. La presencia de hepatitis A se encontró en un 77 a 93% (IgG Hepatitis A. Hbs Ag o Anti-Hbs Ag en 30.5% de la población en dos municipios (Santa Rosalía y Julio Zawady, en 2.5% en el municipio de Aracataca y 48.5% en la ciudad de Santa Marta. La presencia del Agente Delta (Anti-delta en el suero se determinó también en estas mismas poblaciones, encontrándose ausente en la ciudad y uno de los municipios (Aracataca, en contraste con una prevalencia de 13.7% y 22% en Julio Zawady y Santa Rosalía (P: 0.0001. Se excluyeron por historia clínica, antecedentes de drogadicción, transfusiones, o prácticas homosexuales, como mecanismos de transmisión de los virus B y delta. En veinte pacientes con diagnóstico histopalógico de hepatitis fulminante y en quienes se descartaron otras etiologías se demostró la presencia serológica de los virus de la hepatitis By Delta. De estos veinte, diez provenían de Julio Zawady y los otros diez de Santa Rosalía. La evolución clínica de esta enfermedad fue indistinguible de otras causas de falla hepática aguda. La mortalidad de estas formas fulminantes de hepatitis alcanzaron hasta un 65%. Los corticoides no modificaron el curso de esta enfermedad. La población joven mostró mayor compromiso y peor diagnóstico (P:0.033. La hepatitis fulminante de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta es el resultado de la superinfección con el virus Delta sobre la infección virus B. La aparición simultánea de casos intrafamiliares sugiere una relación importante entre los grupos comprometidos, aunque la forma exacta de transmisión permanece aún desconocida.

  16. Estimación del descarte por exceso de captura en la pesquería industrial de cerco del stock Norte-Centro de la anchoveta peruana Engraulis ringens a partir de un programa de observación a bordo

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    Josymar Torrejón-Magallanes


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta la estimación del descarte por exceso de captura en la pesquería industrial de cerco del stock Norte-Centro de anchoveta peruana. Se define el descarte por exceso de captura, como la porción de captura que se arroja al mar cuando se ha capturado más de lo que la capacidad de bodega de la embarcación puede almacenar. El análisis de estimación para el periodo 2005 - 2014, se realizó a partir del “Programa de observadores a bordo de la flota de cerco” que ejecuta el Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE, en donde 5 837 viajes, que representan el 1.6% de los viajes totales, fueron muestreados. Las metodologías utilizadas en la estimación fueron: Modelo Lineal Generalizado (GLM y el Modelo Delta. Las estimaciones por el Modelo Delta y el GLM fueron diferentes en magnitudes pero similares en tendencias, sin embargo la evaluación del funcionamiento del Modelo Delta, indica que este modelo se ajusta mejor a los datos. El Modelo Delta estimó que la pesquería descarta por exceso de captura entre 2 954 y 199 164 toneladas, con un promedio de 121 312 toneladas para el periodo de estudio, el cual representó una tasa del 2.6% en relación a los desembarques. Se sugiere la incorporación de variables espaciales (p. ej. distancia a la costa, latitud, longitud, físicas (TSM y del comportamiento del cardumen (p.e. agregación, para mejorar el análisis y comprender mejor el comportamiento de este tipo de descarte.

  17. Legitimación, discurso y valoración del accionar de las Fuerzas Armadas durante la última dictadura militar argentina. Un estudio desde la mirada de un periódico local: “La Verdad” de Junín, 1976

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    Evangelina Máspoli


    Full Text Available El trabajo se propone explorar las formas en que fue construyéndose desde lo discursivo, la legitimación de la última dictadura argentina en un espacio local. Para ello, se adopta una perspectiva microsocial, situando la mirada en un periódico de alcance regional. Se analizan distintos fragmentos discursivos del espacio editorial del diario La Verdad, fundado y establecido en la ciudad bonaerense de Junín. Se recurre a algunas herramientas del análisis del discurso para identificar estrategias, operaciones discursivas y recursos de valoración que utilizó ese medio para evaluar el accionar de las Fuerzas Armadas luego del golpe de 1976 y las proyecciones del régimen militar en el corto y mediano plazo. A su vez, se considera que la representación de una alteridad negativa que, en el imaginario social de la época, se sintetizó en la figura de la “subversión” tuvo un papel central para aquella legitimación en tanto se extendió esa noción a otros actores y se la encadenó semánticamente con distintos significantes en cadenas equivalenciales con una carga valorativa sumamente negativa.

  18. El nuevo Régimen de Trabajo Agrario. Desajustes y propuestas de adecuación para el sector hortícola del periurbano bonaerense sur

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    Matias Garcia


    Full Text Available El artículo se propone analizar el grado de ajuste y las formas de adecuación del Nuevo Estatuto del Peón (NEP en la horticultura del sur del Gran Buenos Aires. Para ello, se identifican las modalidades de trabajo hortícola regional y se realiza un recorrido por las características más importantes del NEP. Esto posibilita indagar en la distancia entre lo normado y la práctica. Con estos insumos se discuten alternativas de adecuación de la ley. Se reflexiona que la legislación laboral y su cumplimiento son una política necesaria pero no suficiente para la problemática de la explotación del trabajador en un sector complejo y particular como es el hortícola.

  19. Paisaje, ambiente y forma urbana en la cuenca del río Reconquista. El proyecto “Ríos Urbanos” como plataforma de abordaje.

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    Dr. Arq. Fernando Williams


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo da cuenta de la labor de “Ríos Urbanos”, un proyecto de investigación que dentro del Instituto de Arquitectura de la UNSAM, se orienta a estudiar la problemática de las cuencas hídricas urbanas en general y la de la cuenca del río Reconquista en particular, la segunda en importancia dentro de la conurbación bonaerense, con una población cercana a los 3 millones. Como en otras cuencas urbanas, las zonas más bajas concentran los problemas sociales y ambientales más críticos, localizándose allí donde los principales rellenos sanitarios del área metropolitana y los asentamientos informales de mayor densidad. Reparando en la complejidad de esta problemática y en el carácter heterotópico de los terrenos más bajos de la cuenca, el presente artículo recoge los aportes de dos de las cuatro líneas de investigación del proyecto, problematizando de este modo al paisaje, al ambiente y a la forma urbana como perspectivas de aproximación para el estudio de este particular territorio. El artículo concluye con una reflexión acerca de la necesaria redefinición del rol de la investigación dentro del Instituto de Arquitectura, donde se ha promovido el establecimiento de nuevas vinculaciones entre los proyectos de investigación y la enseñanza de grado y posgrado.

  20. Influence of different organic fertilizers on quality parameters and the delta(15)N, delta(13)C, delta(2)H, delta(34)S, and delta(18)O values of orange fruit (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). (United States)

    Rapisarda, Paolo; Camin, Federica; Fabroni, Simona; Perini, Matteo; Torrisi, Biagio; Intrigliolo, Francesco


    To investigate the influence of different types of fertilizers on quality parameters, N-containing compounds, and the delta(15)N, delta(13)C, delta(2)H, delta (34)S, and delta(18)O values of citrus fruit, a study was performed on the orange fruit cv. 'Valencia late' (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), which was harvested in four plots (three organic and one conventional) located on the same farm. The results demonstrated that different types of organic fertilizers containing the same amount of nitrogen did not effect important changes in orange fruit quality parameters. The levels of total N and N-containing compounds such as synephrine in fruit juice were not statistically different among the different treatments. The delta(15)N values of orange fruit grown under fertilizer derived from animal origin as well as from vegetable compost were statistically higher than those grown with mineral fertilizer. Therefore, delta(15)N values can be used as an indicator of citrus fertilization management (organic or conventional), because even when applied organic fertilizers are of different origins, the natural abundance of (15)N in organic citrus fruit remains higher than in conventional ones. These treatments also did not effect differences in the delta(13)C, delta(2)H, delta(34)S, and delta(18)O values of fruit.

  1. Challenges, Approaches and Experiences from Asian Deltas and the Rhine-Meuse Delta : Regional Training Workshop on Delta Planning and Management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wosten, J.H.M.; Douven, W.; Long Phi, H.; Fida Abdullah Khan, M.


    River delta's, like the Mekong Delta (Vietnam), Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta (Bangladesh), Ayeyarwady Delta (Myanmar), Nile (Egypt) and Ciliwung Delta (Indonesia) are developing rapidly and are characterised by large-scale urbanisation and industrialization processes. They are facing serious planning

  2. Delta Plaza kohvik = Delta Plaza cafe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinnas Pärnu mnt 141 asuva kohviku Delta Plaza sisekujundusest. Sisearhitektid Tiiu Truus ja Marja Viltrop (Stuudio Truus OÜ). Tiiu Truusi tähtsamate tööde loetelu. Büroohoone Delta Plaza arhitektid Marika Lõoke ja Jüri Okas (AB J. Okas & M. Lõoke)

  3. El registro más antiguo de Hippidion Owen, 1869 (Mammalia, Perissodactyla en América del Sur

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    Reguero, M. A.


    Full Text Available The presence of Hippidion devillei in the Esquina Blanca locality (Jujuy, Argentina is confirmed and following the paleomagnetic data is placed near to the Matuyama/Gauss boundary. These remains represent the oldest record of Hippidion in South America. We consider that the validity of the Uquian Land Mammal Age should not be discarded in consideration that the Uquia region is better endowed than the Pampean.Se confirma la presencia de Hippidion devillei en la localidad de Esquina Blanca (Jujuy, Argentina y se sitúa, a partir de los datos paleomagnéticos, en una edad cercana al límite Matuyama/Gauss. Estos restos representan el registro más antiguo de esta especie en América del Sur. Consideramos que no se debe descartar la validez de la «Edad mamífero » Uquiense descrita por primera vez en esta región por tener ventajas sobre los afloramientos de la costa Bonaerense.

  4. Evaluación del impacto socioeconómico de la Reserva de la Biosfera Alto Golfo de California y Delta del Río Colorado en la actividad pesquera ribereña de San Felipe, Baja California, México


    Carlos Israel Vázquez León; José Luis Fermán Almada


    Desde 1993 las comunidades de Puerto Peñasco y Golfo de Santa Clara, Sonora, y San Felipe, Baja California, en México, están vinculadas por la Reserva de la Biosfera Alto Golfo de California y Delta del Río Colorado; creada para proteger varias especies endémicas, entre ellas al mamífero conocido como vaquita marina (Phocoenasinus) y la totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldii).Aquí se analiza el efecto socioeconómico que en la pesca de San Felipe tuvo en 1994 y 2002 la creación de la reserva; concebida ...

  5. Growth laws for sub-delta crevasses in the Mississippi River Delta (United States)

    Yocum, T. A.; Georgiou, I. Y.; Straub, K. M.


    River deltas are threatened by environmental change, including subsidence, global sea level rise, reduced sediment inputs and other local factors. In the Mississippi River Delta (MRD) these impacts are exemplified, and have led to proposed solutions to build land that include sediment diversions to reinitiate the delta cycle. Deltas were studied extensively using numerical models, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, empirical scaling relationships, laboratory models and field observations. But predicting the future of deltas relies on field observations where for most deltas data are still lacking. Moreover, empirical and theoretical scaling laws may be influenced by the data used to develop them, while laboratory deltas may be influenced by scaling issues. Anthropogenic crevasses in the MRD are large enough to overcome limitations of laboratory deltas, and small enough to allow for rapid channel and wetland development, providing an ideal setting to investigate delta development mechanics. Here we assessed growth laws of sub-delta crevasses (SDC) in the MRD, in two experimental laboratory deltas (LD - weakly and strongly cohesive) and compared them to river dominated deltas worldwide. Channel and delta geometry metrics for each system were obtained using geospatial tools, bathymetric datasets, sediment size, and hydrodynamic observations. Results show that SDC follow growth laws similar to large river dominated deltas, with the exception of some that exhibit anomalous behavior with respect to the frequency and distance to a bifurcation and the fraction of wetted delta shoreline (allometry metrics). Most SDC exhibit a systematic decrease of non-dimensional channel geometries with increased bifurcation order, indicating that channels are adjusting to decreased flow after bifurcations occur, and exhibit linear trends for land allometry and width-depth ratio, although geometries decrease more rapidly per bifurcation order. Measured distance to bifurcations in SDC

  6. Deformation characteristics of {delta} phase in the delta-processed Inconel 718 alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, H.Y., E-mail: [Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016 (China); Zhang, S.H., E-mail: [Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016 (China); Cheng, M. [Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016 (China); Li, Z.X. [Beijing Institute of Aeronautica1 Materials, Beijing 100095 (China)


    The hot working characteristics of {delta} phase in the delta-processed Inconel 718 alloy during isothermal compression deformation at temperature of 950 deg. C and strain rate of 0.005 s{sup -1}, were studied by using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope and quantitative X-ray diffraction technique. The results showed that the dissolution of plate-like {delta} phase and the precipitation of spherical {delta} phase particles coexisted during the deformation, and the content of {delta} phase decreased from 7.05 wt.% to 5.14 wt.%. As a result of deformation breakage and dissolution breakage, the plate-like {delta} phase was spheroidized and transferred to spherical {delta} phase particles. In the center with largest strain, the plate-like {delta} phase disappeared and spherical {delta} phase appeared in the interior of grains and grain boundaries.

  7. Delta antibody radioimmunoassay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kselikova, M; Urbankova, J


    The principle and procedure are described of the radioimmunoassay of delta antibody (delta-Ab) using the ABBOTT ANTI-DELTA kit by Abbott Co. A description is given of the kit, the working procedure and the method of evaluation. The results are reported of the incidence of delta-Ab in sera of patients with viral hepatitis B, in haemophiliacs, carriers of the hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) and blood donors. The presence was detected of delta-Ab in one HBsAg carrier. The necessity is emphasized of delta-Ab determinations in the blood of donors in view of the antibody transfer with blood and blood preparations.

  8. A novel mouse PKC{delta} splice variant, PKC{delta}IX, inhibits etoposide-induced apoptosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jung D. [School of Biological Sciences, University of Ulsan, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of); Seo, Kwang W. [Department of Internal Medicines, Ulsan University Hospital and School of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Eun A.; Quang, Nguyen N. [School of Biological Sciences, University of Ulsan, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of); Cho, Hong R. [Department of Surgery, Ulsan University Hospital and School of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of); Biomedical Research Center, Ulsan University Hospital and School of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of); Kwon, Byungsuk, E-mail: [School of Biological Sciences, University of Ulsan, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of); Biomedical Research Center, Ulsan University Hospital and School of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: {yields} A novel PKC{delta} isoform, named PKC{delta}IX, that lacks the C1 domain and the ATP-binding site is ubiquitously expressed. {yields} PKC{delta}IX inhibits etoposide-induced apoptosis. {yields} PKC{delta}IX may function as an endogenous dominant negative isoform for PKC{delta}. -- Abstract: Protein kinase C (PKC) {delta} plays an important role in cellular proliferation and apoptosis. The catalytic fragment of PKC{delta} generated by caspase-dependent cleavage is essential for the initiation of etoposide-induced apoptosis. In this study, we identified a novel mouse PKC{delta} isoform named PKC{delta}IX (Genebank Accession No. (HQ840432)). PKC{delta}IX is generated by alternative splicing and is ubiquitously expressed, as seen in its full-length PKC{delta}. PKC{delta}IX lacks the C1 domain, the caspase 3 cleavage site, and the ATP binding site but preserves an almost intact c-terminal catalytic domain and a nuclear localization signal (NLS). The structural characteristics of PKC{delta}IX provided a possibility that this PKC{delta} isozyme functions as a novel dominant-negative form for PKC{delta} due to its lack of the ATP-binding domain that is required for the kinase activity of PKC{delta}. Indeed, overexpression of PKC{delta}IX significantly inhibited etoposide-induced apoptosis in NIH3T3 cells. In addition, an in vitro kinase assay showed that recombinant PKC{delta}IX protein could competitively inhibit the kinase activity of PKC{delta}. We conclude that PKC{delta}IX can function as a natural dominant-negative inhibitor of PKC{delta}in vivo.

  9. Delta Dynamics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bendixen, Mette

    . The warming air temperature affects the soil temperature and permafrost thaws and destabilizes the material in the coastal zone. In Greenland, the warming temperature lowers the surface mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet and more material is transported to the coastal zone. The sea ice extent is thinning...... of a fjord and the second type is a wider fan-shaped open delta. Most deltas are directly coupled to the Greenland Ice Sheet or local icecaps and are highly influenced by the dynamics in the catchments. It is demonstrated how a modern changing climate directly affects delta dynamics, and that Greenlandic...... deltas are prograding, contrary to the global trend showing eroding Arctic coasts. Moreover, it is revealed that the increasing proglacial freshwater runoff, caused by a lowering of the surface mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet is the main determining agent in delta progradation. The final part...

  10. LAS IMPLICANCIAS ARQUEOLÓGICAS DEL DIARIO DE PERO LOPES DE SOUSA (1531 DURANTE SU VIAJE AL RÍO DE LA PLATA Y AL DELTA INFERIOR DEL RÍO PARANÁ / The archaeological implications of the Diary of Pero Lopes de Souza (1531 during his trip to the La Plata Riv

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    Gustavo Politis


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-AR X-NONE X-NONE En este trabajo se estudia el diario del explorador portugués Pero Lopes de Souza en 1531 al Río de la Plata y al delta Inferior del río Paraná desde una perspectiva histórica y arqueológica. Este relato es el único documento de la época escrito en tiempo real por un testigo directo de los acontecimientos que describe y por lo tanto es una fuente de calidad superlativa para conocer los primeros momentos de la exploración europea en el Río de la Plata y para abordar el estudio de los indígenas que habitaban el área a principios del siglo XVI. En este artículo se resumirán y discutirán las observaciones de Lopes de Sousa en el contexto de la historia del Río de La Plata en la primera mitad del siglo XVI y de las investigaciones arqueológicas recientes.   Palabras clave: chana-timbú, arqueología del NEA, crónicas siglo XVI       Abstract In this paper the diary of the Portuguese explorer Pero Lopes de Sousa to the La Plata River and to the Lower Delta of the Paraná River is analyzed from a historical and archaeological perspective. This narrative is the only document written in real time from a direct witness of the accounts he described. Therefore it is a unique high-quality source to know about the early times of the European Conquest to the La Plata River and to approach the study of the indigenous people of the area at the beginning of the XVI Century. In this article, the observations and comments from Lopes de Souza are summarized and analyzed within the context of the history of the first half of the XVI Century and in the light of the recent archaeological investigations. Keywords: chaná-timbú, archaeology of Northeastern Argentina, XVI Century Chronicles 

  11. Holocene evolution of a wave-dominated fan-delta: Godavari delta, India (United States)

    Saito, Y.; Nageswara Rao, K.; Nagakumar, K.; Demudu, G.; Rajawat, A.; Kubo, S.; Li, Z.


    The Godavari delta is one of the world's largest wave-dominated deltas. The Godavari River arises in the Western Ghats near the west coast of India and drains an area of about 3.1x10^5 km^2, flowing about 1465 km southeast across the Indian peninsula to the Bay of Bengal. The Godavari delta consists of a gentle seaward slope from its apex (12 m elevation) at Rajahmundry and a coastal beach-ridge plain over a distance of about 75 km and covers ~5200 km^2 as a delta plain. The river splits into two major distributary channels, the Gautami and the Vasishta, at a barrage constructed in the mid-1800s. The coastal environment of the deltaic coast is microtidal (~1 m mean tidal range) and wave-dominated (~1.5 m mean wave height in the June-September SW monsoon season, ~0.8 m in the NE monsoon season). Models of the Holocene evolution of the Godavari delta have changed from a zonal progradation model (e.g. Nageswara Rao & Sadakata, 1993) to a truncated cuspate delta model (Nageswara Rao et al., 2005, 2012). Twelve borehole cores (340 m total length), taken in the coastal delta plain during 2010-2013, yielded more than 100 C-14 dates. Sediment facies and C-14 dates from these and previous cores and remote-sensing data support a new delta evolution model. The Holocene coastal delta plain is divided into two parts by a set of linear beach ridges 12-14 km landward from the present shoreline in the central part of the delta. The location of the main depocenter (lobe) has shifted during the Holocene from 1) the center to 2) the west, 3) east, 4) center, 5) west, and 6) east. The linear beach ridges separate the first three from the last three stages. These lobe shifts are controlled by river channel shifts near the apex. Just as the current linear shoreline of the central part of the delta and the concave-up nearshore topography are the result of coastal erosion of a cuspate delta, the linear beach ridges indicate a former eroded shoreline. An unconformity within the deltaic

  12. A new mutation in WFS1 gene (C.1522-1523delTA, Y508fsX421) may be responsible for early appearance of clinical features of Wolfram syndrome and suicidal behaviour. (United States)

    Aluclu, Mehmet Ufuk; Bahceci, Mithat; Tuzcu, Alpaslan; Arikan, Senay; Gokalp, Deniz


    Wolfram syndrome (WS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the association of juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy. It is also known by the acronym DIDMOAD (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness). We diagnosed Wolfram syndrome in 2 male siblings and determined a new mutation (c. 1522-1523delTA, Y508fsX421). Both affected siblings were homozygous, other family members were heterozygous. Dilated renal outflow tracts in the third decade, and neuropsychiatric disorders including bipolar disorder and neurosensorial deafness appear in the fourth decade in ordinary WS, whereas these features appeared in second decade in our patients. This mutation may be responsible for early appearance of dilated renal outflow tracts and multiple neurological abnormalities. Psychiatric disturbances such as suicide were reported at increased frequency in Wolfram patients and in heterozygous carriers. Suicidal behaviour occurred in our patients when they were yet 11 and 13 years old. Therefore, our findings may indicate that there may be a relationship between this WFS1 mutation and mood disorder such as suicidal behaviour. We determined a new mutation (c. 1522-1523delTA, Y508fsX421) in WS1 gene in 2 siblings with Wolfram syndrome. This mutation may be responsible for early appearance of clinical features of Wolfram syndrome, and there may be a relationship between this mutation and suicidal behaviour.

  13. Anaerobic Transformation of Furfural by Methanococcus deltae (Delta)LH (United States)

    Belay, N.; Boopathy, R.; Voskuilen, G.


    Methanococcus deltae (Delta)LH was grown on H(inf2)-CO(inf2) in the presence of various concentrations of furfural. Furfural at higher concentrations, namely, 20 and 25 mM, inhibited growth of this organism. At concentration of 5 and 10 mM, no inhibition of growth was observed. The other methanogens in this study were not inhibited by 10 mM furfural. Among the methanogens tested, M. deltae was capable of transforming furfural, whereas Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Marburg, Methanosarcina barkeri 227, Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus, and Methanobrevibacter ruminantium lacked this capability. One hundred percent removal of furfural was observed within 48 h of incubation in M. deltae cultures. The end product observed during furfural metabolism was furfuryl alcohol. An almost stoichiometric amount of furfuryl alcohol was produced by M. deltae. This transformation is likely to be of value in the detoxification of furfural and in its ultimate conversion to methane and CO(inf2) by anaerobic digestion. PMID:16535618

  14. El frustrado proyecto de avance territorial del estado nacional entre 1869 y 1872: Frustrated territorial expansion of the national state between 1869 and 1872

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Ratto


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la coyuntura del período 1869-1872, cuando se intentó llevar a adelante la conquista militar del territorio indígena del sur prevista en la Ley 215 promulgada en 1867. El análisis propone una visión de conjunto sobre las discusiones que se llevaron a cabo en torno a su realización y la respuesta que provocó en los principales líderes étnicos. Integra dos sectores fronterizos sobre los que se proyectaba avanzar -la frontera sur de Córdoba, Mendoza y San Luis y la frontera bonaerense- y las agrupaciones nativas más cercanas a esos espacios: los ranqueles y los salineros dirigidos por el cacique Calfucurá.The aim of this paper is to analyze the context during 1869-1872 when the central government attempted to carry out the military conquest of the Southern Indian Territory established by Law 215, issued in 1867. An overview of the discussions taken place around war conduct and the resistance of ethnic leaders are presented. It integrates two main border areas on which the conquest was expected: the southern border of Córdoba, Mendoza and San Luis and Buenos Aires and the strategies of the indigenous groups closer to these spaces: the ranqueles and the salineros.

  15. delta-vision (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — Delta Vision is intended to identify a strategy for managing the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta as a sustainable ecosystem that would continue to support environmental...

  16. Growth laws for delta crevasses in the Mississippi River Delta: observations and modeling (United States)

    Yocum, T. A.; Georgiou, I. Y.


    River deltas are accumulations of sedimentary deposits delivered by rivers via a network of distributary channels. Worldwide they are threatened by environmental changes, including subsidence, global sea level rise and a suite of other local factors. In the Mississippi River Delta (MRD) these impacts are exemplified, and have led to proposed solutions to build land that include sediment diversions, thereby reinitiating the delta cycle. While economically efficient, there are too few analogs of small deltas aside from laboratory studies, numerical modeling studies, theoretical approaches, and limited field driven observations. Anthropogenic crevasses in the modern delta are large enough to overcome limitations of laboratory deltas, and small enough to allow for "rapid" channel and wetland development, providing an ideal setting to investigate delta development mechanics. Crevasse metrics were obtained using a combination of geospatial tools, extracting key parameters (bifurcation length and width, channel order and depth) that were non-dimensionalized and compared to river-dominated delta networks previously studied. Analysis showed that most crevasses in the MRD appear to obey delta growth laws and delta allometry relationships, suggesting that crevasses do exhibit similar planform metrics to larger Deltas; the distance to mouth bar versus bifurcation order demonstrated to be a very reasonable first order estimate of delta-top footprint. However, some crevasses exhibited different growth metrics. To better understand the hydrodynamic and geomorphic controls governing crevasse evolution in the MRD, we assess delta dynamics via a suite of field observations and numerical modeling in both well-established and newly constructed crevasses. Our analysis suggests that delta development is affected by the relative influence of external (upstream and downstream) and internal controls on the hydrodynamic and sediment transport patterns in these systems.

  17. COMMD1 regulates the delta epithelial sodium channel ({delta}ENaC) through trafficking and ubiquitination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chang, Tina; Ke, Ying; Ly, Kevin [Department of Physiology, University of Otago, P.O. Box 913, Dunedin 9054 (New Zealand); McDonald, Fiona J., E-mail: [Department of Physiology, University of Otago, P.O. Box 913, Dunedin 9054 (New Zealand)


    Highlights: {yields} The COMM domain of COMMD1 mediates binding to {delta}ENaC. {yields} COMMD1 reduces the cell surface population of {delta}ENaC. {yields} COMMD1 increases the population of {delta}ENaC-ubiquitin. {yields} Both endogenous and transfected {delta}ENaC localize with COMMD1 and transferrin suggesting they are located in early/recycling endosomes. -- Abstract: The delta subunit of the epithelial sodium channel ({delta}ENaC) is a member of the ENaC/degenerin family of ion channels. {delta}ENaC is distinct from the related {alpha}-, {beta}- and {gamma}ENaC subunits, known for their role in sodium homeostasis and blood pressure control, as {delta}ENaC is expressed in brain neurons and activated by external protons. COMMD1 (copper metabolism Murr1 domain 1) was previously found to associate with and downregulate {delta}ENaC activity. Here, we show that COMMD1 interacts with {delta}ENaC through its COMM domain. Co-expression of {delta}ENaC with COMMD1 significantly reduced {delta}ENaC surface expression, and led to an increase in {delta}ENaC ubiquitination. Immunocytochemical and confocal microscopy studies show that COMMD1 promoted localization of {delta}ENaC to the early/recycling endosomal pool where the two proteins were localized together. These results suggest that COMMD1 downregulates {delta}ENaC activity by reducing {delta}ENaC surface expression through promoting internalization of surface {delta}ENaC to an intracellular recycling pool, possibly via enhanced ubiquitination.

  18. Future Deltas Utrecht University research focus area: towards sustainable management of sinking deltas (United States)

    Stouthamer, E.; van Asselen, S.


    Deltas are increasingly under pressure from human impact and climate change. To deal with these pressures that threat future delta functioning, we need to understand interactions between physical, biological, chemical and social processes in deltas. This requires an integrated approach, in which knowledge on natural system functioning is combined with knowledge on spatial planning, land and water governance and legislative frameworks. In the research focus area Future Deltas of Utrecht University an interdisciplinary team from different research groups therefore works together. This allows developing integrated sustainable and resilient delta management strategies, which is urgently needed to prevent loss of vital delta services.

  19. Mujeres benefactoras en el sudoeste bonaerense argentino: el caso del Patronato de la Infancia de Bahía Blanca, 1906-1931

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    Lucía Bracamonte


    Full Text Available El cuidado de los menores considerados en riesgo moral y material en la Argentina de principios del siglo XX queda muchas veces a cargo de instituciones de caridad en las cuales las benefactoras adquieren especial protagonismo. El objetivo del presente artículo es identificar las funciones asumidas por las mujeres en el periodo de surgimiento y afianzamiento del Patronato de la Infancia de Bahía Blanca, caracterizándolas en el marco de las relaciones que establecen con las personas que las rodean, así como de las representaciones de género emergentes de las mismas. Cabe preguntarse de qué manera se definen, a partir de las prácticas y los discursos vinculados con el caso analizado, los lugares ocupados por las benefactoras en relación a los hombres de su círculo social y a otras mujeres de distintos estratos y ocupaciones que se involucran con la institución, como las amas de leche y las religiosas. Se plantea que la actuación de las propulsoras de este emprendimiento representa en muchos sentidos una transgresión a los modelos imperantes de femineidad pero que, sin embargo, tanto los discursos de los hombres como los de las mujeres asocian sus actividades con esos presupuestos dominantes.

  20. Alcaloides bencilisoquinolínicos del tallo de piper augustum rudge


    Delgado A., Wilman; Avella M., Eliseo; P. de Díaz, Aura M.


    Del extracto etanólico del tallo de P. augustum Rudge se aislaron: 3beta-hidroxi- 24-etil-delta5.22colestadieno (estigmasterol) I ; l,2-metilendioxi-6-metil-4H-dibenzo(deg) quinolina-4,5(6H)diona (Cepharadione A) II; lactama del ácido lO-amino-3,4- dimetoxifenantreno-1-carboxílico (Cepharanone B) n i y el nuevo compuesto natural: lactama del ácido N-metil-lO-amino- 4-hidroxi-2,3-dimetoxifenantreno-1 –carboxílico IV, Todos los compuestos fueron identificados mediante técnicas espectroscópicas ...

  1. Evaluación del tratamiento antituberculoso en la zona norte del conurbano bonaerense Anti- tuberculosis treatment evaluation in Northern districts of Buenos Aires suburbs

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    Cristina Chirico


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el impacto epidemiológico producido por la aplicación de la estrategia del tratamiento para tuberculosis (TB de corta duración y directamente observado (DOTS, y su correlación con el éxito en la Región Sanitaria V, durante el año 2003. Se evaluó la curación comparando dos grupos de estudio. Grupo 1: municipios con 65% o más de los casos con DOTS, y Grupo 2: con 64% o menos de los pacientes bajo esta estrategia o sin su aplicación. Se analizó la letalidad global y de pacientes HIV (+ en ambos grupos. En el grupo 1 el éxito del tratamiento fue 85.7%, con curación en las formas pulmonares confirmadas de 86.2% y abandono de 8.8%. En el grupo 2 la curación alcanzó el 67.6%, en pulmonares confirmados 68.1% y el abandono de 21.8%. La letalidad global fue 5.2%, en pacientes HIV (+ 22.3% y en los HIV (- 4.1%. La curación en TB/HIV en el grupo 1 fue 55.2%, con abandono de 6.9%; en el grupo 2 curó el 46.4% y abandonó el 19.7%. El 31.0% de pacientes HIV (+ fallecieron en el grupo 1 y 16.1% en el grupo 2. La implementación del DOTS, permitió alcanzar la meta de curar el 85% de los casos, probando ser una herramienta eficaz, capaz de garantizar la curación de la mayoría de los pacientes y reducir el riesgo de enfermar de la comunidad.The aim of this study was to analyze the epidemiologic impact produced by Direct Observed Treatment Strategy (DOTS application regarding to its success in the 5th Sanitary Region during the year 2 003. The cure was evaluated by a cohort study comparing two groups. Group 1: Districts in which DOTS were applied in 65% or more TB patients; group 2: Districts applying DOTS in 64% or less, or without its implementation. The global mortality was analyzed on HIV (- as well as on HIV (+ patients in both groups. In Municipalities where DOTS strategy was applied in >65% of notified cases, the treatment success was 85.7%; the cure rate of bacteriological confirmed

  2. Análisis autosimilar de pozos cuánticos cuasirregulares delta dopados tipo n en GaAs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heraclio García-Cervantes


    Full Text Available Se estudia la esctructura electrónica de pozos cuánticos delta dopados tipo n en GaAs, en el cual el sistema de multiples pozos es construido de acuerdo a la secuencia de Fibonacci. Los bloques A y B corresponden a pozos delta dopados con una densidad de impurezas n2DA y n2DB, y el mismo ancho de los pozos. La aproximación de Thomas-Fermi, el modesemi-empírico de enlace fuerte (tight-binding sp3s* incluyendo el espín, el modelo de empalme de la función de Green y la matriz de transferencia fueron implementados para obtener el potencial de confinamiento, la estructura electrónica y la autosimilaridad del espectro. La fragmentación del espectro electrónico se presenta cada vez que los bloques A y B interaccionan, y aumenta a medida que la diferencia de impurezas entre A y B aumenta. La función de onda del primer estado de las bandas fragmentadas presenta características críticas, esto es, no es un estado localizado ni extendido, presenta características de autosimilaridad. Por lo tanto, las características cuasiregulares se conservan independientemente de la complejidad del sistema y pueden afectar el funcionamiento de los dispositivos basados a estas estructuras.

  3. Análisis de las temperaturas en dos áreas de interés olivícola del sudoeste bonaerense, Argentina

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    J. Almorox


    Full Text Available Se han comparado y analizado las temperaturas diarias de los observatorios de Coronel Dorrego y de Faro, ambas estaciones distantes a unos 20 km. Las temperaturas se han estudiado en relación al olivo debido a que en las zonas de estudio hay un creciente desarrollo de la producción olivícola, para ello se ha abordado una metodología de tratamiento de datos termométricos y se han analizado para su aplicación agroclimática en el cultivo del olivo. Se evidenció la variabilidad temporal y espacial entre ambas estaciones. La frecuencia de heladas como el período con heladas, es mayor en la localidad de Faro, la variabilidad de las heladas primaverales y el rigor anual en esa fecha hace que represente un factor de riesgo más importante para el éxito de una plantación de olivos en nuestra región. Del análisis de las temperaturas se concluye que la zona de Coronel Dorrego es más adecuada para el cultivo del olivo en comparación a la zona de Faro. Estas diferencias entre zonas tan próximas como Faro y Coronel Dorrego, dejan en evidencia la necesidad de un análisis de tipo mesoclimático, y el análisis local de las diferencias agroclimáticas.

  4. Lava delta deformation as a proxy for submarine slope instability (United States)

    Di Traglia, Federico; Nolesini, Teresa; Solari, Lorenzo; Ciampalini, Andrea; Frodella, William; Steri, Damiano; Allotta, Benedetto; Rindi, Andrea; Marini, Lorenzo; Monni, Niccolò; Galardi, Emanuele; Casagli, Nicola


    The instability of lava deltas is a recurrent phenomenon affecting volcanic islands, which can potentially cause secondary events such as littoral explosions (due to interactions between hot lava and seawater) and tsunamis. It has been shown that Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a powerful technique to forecast the collapse of newly emplaced lava deltas. This work goes further, demonstrating that the monitoring of lava deltas is a successful strategy by which to observe the long-term deformation of subaerial-submarine landslide systems on unstable volcanic flanks. In this paper, displacement measurements derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery were used to detect lava delta instability at Stromboli volcano (Italy). Recent flank eruptions (2002-2003, 2007 and 2014) affected the Sciara del Fuoco (SdF) depression, created a "stacked" lava delta, which overlies a pre-existing scar produced by a submarine-subaerial tsunamigenic landslide that occurred on 30 December 2002. Space-borne X-band COSMO-SkyMED (CSK) and C-band SENTINEL-1A (SNT) SAR data collected between February 2010 and October 2016 were processed using the SqueeSAR algorithm. The obtained ground displacement maps revealed the differential ground motion of the lava delta in both CSK and SNT datasets, identifying a stable area (characterized by less than 2 mm/y in both datasets) within the northern sector of the SdF and an unstable area (characterized by velocity fields on the order of 30 mm/y and 160 mm/y in the CSK and SNT datasets, respectively) in the central sector of the SdF. The slope stability of the offshore part of the SdF, as reconstructed based on a recently performed multibeam bathymetric survey, was evaluated using a 3D Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM). In all the simulations, Factor of Safety (F) values between 0.9 and 1.1 always characterized the submarine slope between the coastline and -250 m a.s.l. The critical surfaces for all the search volumes corresponded to

  5. Connectivity in river deltas (United States)

    Passalacqua, P.; Hiatt, M. R.; Sendrowski, A.


    Deltas host approximately half a billion people and are rich in ecosystem diversity and economic resources. However, human-induced activities and climatic shifts are significantly impacting deltas around the world; anthropogenic disturbance, natural subsidence, and eustatic sea-level rise are major causes of threat to deltas and in many cases have compromised their safety and sustainability, putting at risk the people that live on them. In this presentation, I will introduce a framework called Delta Connectome for studying connectivity in river deltas based on different representations of a delta as a network. Here connectivity indicates both physical connectivity (how different portions of the system interact with each other) as well as conceptual (pathways of process coupling). I will explore several network representations and show how quantifying connectivity can advance our understanding of system functioning and can be used to inform coastal management and restoration. From connectivity considerations, the delta emerges as a leaky network that evolves over time and is characterized by continuous exchanges of fluxes of matter, energy, and information. I will discuss the implications of connectivity on delta functioning, land growth, and potential for nutrient removal.

  6. Delta 2.0

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skott, Jeppe; Skott, Charlotte Krog; Jess, Kristine

    DELTA 2.0 er en ny og helt opdateret udgave af Delta, der i ti år været brugt i matematiklærernes grund-, efter- og videreuddannelse. DELTA 2.0 er seriens almene fagdidaktik. Der er også fagdidaktiske overvejelser i de øvrige bøger i serien, men de er knyttet til specifikt matematisk indhold. DELTA...... 2.0 behandler mere generelle matematikdidaktiske problemstillinger såsom læringsteoretiske overvejelser i forbindelse med matematik, centrale aspekter af det at undervise i matematik og digitale teknologier som værktøj til at støtte elevers faglige læring af matematik....

  7. Peat compaction in deltas : implications for Holocene delta evolution

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Asselen, S.


    Many deltas contain substantial amounts of peat, which is the most compressible soil type. Therefore, peat compaction potentially leads to high amounts of subsidence in deltas. The main objective of this research was to quantify subsidence due to peat compaction in Holocene fluvial-deltaic settings

  8. Formation of conjugated delta8,delta10-double bonds by delta12-oleic-acid desaturase-related enzymes: biosynthetic origin of calendic acid. (United States)

    Cahoon, E B; Ripp, K G; Hall, S E; Kinney, A J


    Divergent forms of the plant Delta(12)-oleic-acid desaturase (FAD2) have previously been shown to catalyze the formation of acetylenic bonds, epoxy groups, and conjugated Delta(11),Delta(13)-double bonds by modification of an existing Delta(12)-double bond in C(18) fatty acids. Here, we report a class of FAD2-related enzymes that modifies a Delta(9)-double bond to produce the conjugated trans-Delta(8),trans-Delta(10)-double bonds found in calendic acid (18:3Delta(8trans,10trans,12cis)), the major component of the seed oil of Calendula officinalis. Using an expressed sequence tag approach, cDNAs for two closely related FAD2-like enzymes, designated CoFADX-1 and CoFADX-2, were identified from a C. officinalis developing seed cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequences of these polypeptides share 40-50% identity with those of other FAD2 and FAD2-related enzymes. Expression of either CoFADX-1 or CoFADX-2 in somatic soybean embryos resulted in the production of calendic acid. In embryos expressing CoFADX-2, calendic acid accumulated to as high as 22% (w/w) of the total fatty acids. In addition, expression of CoFADX-1 and CoFADX-2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was accompanied by calendic acid accumulation when induced cells were supplied exogenous linoleic acid (18:2Delta(9cis,12cis)). These results are thus consistent with a route of calendic acid synthesis involving modification of the Delta(9)-double bond of linoleic acid. Regiospecificity for Delta(9)-double bonds is unprecedented among FAD2-related enzymes and further expands the functional diversity found in this family of enzymes.

  9. $\\delta$-Expansion at Finite Temperature


    Ramos, Rudnei O.


    We apply the $\\delta$-expansion perturbation scheme to the $\\lambda \\phi^{4}$ self-interacting scalar field theory in 3+1 D at finite temperature. In the $\\delta$-expansion the interaction term is written as $\\lambda (\\phi^{2})^{ 1 + \\delta}$ and $\\delta$ is considered as the perturbation parameter. We compute within this perturbative approach the renormalized mass at finite temperature at a finite order in $\\delta$. The results are compared with the usual loop-expansion at finite temperature.

  10. Variation in leaf water delta D and delta 18O values during the evapotranspiration process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leopoldo, P.R.; Foloni, L.L.


    A theoretical model was developed to evaluate leaf water delta D and delta 18 O variation in relation to: leaf temperature, relative humidity converted to leaf temperature and delta D and delta 18 O values of atmospheric water vapour and soil water. (M.A.C.) [pt

  11. Rise and Fall of one of World's largest deltas; the Mekong delta in Vietnam (United States)

    Minderhoud, P. S. J.; Eslami Arab, S.; Pham, H. V.; Erkens, G.; van der Vegt, M.; Oude Essink, G.; Stouthamer, E.; Hoekstra, P.


    The Mekong delta is the third's largest delta in the world. It is home to almost 20 million people and an important region for the food security in South East Asia. As most deltas, the Mekong delta is the dynamic result of a balance of sediment supply, sea level rise and subsidence, hosting a system of fresh and salt water dynamics. Ongoing urbanization, industrialization and intensification of agricultural practices in the delta, during the past decades, resulted in growing domestic, agricultural and industrial demands, and have led to a dramatic increase of fresh water use. Since the year 2000, the amount of fresh groundwater extracted from the subsurface increased by 500%. This accelerated delta subsidence as the groundwater system compacts, with current sinking rates exceeding global sea level rise up to an order of magnitude. These high sinking rates have greatly altered the sediment budget of the delta and, with over 50% of the Mekong delta surface elevated less than 1 meter above sea level, greatly increase vulnerability to flooding and storm surges and ultimately, permanent inundation. Furthermore, as the increasingly larger extractions rapidly reduce the fresh groundwater reserves, groundwater salinization subsequently increases. On top of that, dry season low-flows by the Mekong river cause record salt water intrusion in the delta's estuarine system, creating major problems for rice irrigation. We present the work of three years research by the Dutch-Vietnamese `Rise and Fall' project on land subsidence and salinization in both groundwater and surface water in the Vietnamese Mekong delta.

  12. Psicoterapia cognitiva y religión: ¿Qué debe saber un terapeuta cognitivo de la diversidad religiosa de la Capital Federal y el Conurbano Bonaerense?

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    Guido Pablo Korman


    Full Text Available Los autores exploran la relación entre la psicoterapia y la religión. En primer lugar, examinan el fenómeno religioso en la práctica clínica. En segundo término, indaga el lugar de lo religioso en el Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM-IV. En tercer lugar, describe la relación entre desconocimiento y patologización de las creencias religiosas. En cuarto término, refiere el acercamiento entre la terapia cognitiva y la religión. En quinto lugar, describe la creciente importancia de la incorporación dentro de los modelos cognitivos de distintos sistemas de creencias a la práctica clínica y relaciona esta situación con el eclecticismo técnico propio de la terapia cognitiva. Por último, describe las distintas religiones existentes en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y el conurbano bonaerense a fi n de manifestar la diversidad religiosa en nuestro medio.

  13. Producción y mano de obra en las haciendas jesuíticas del Buenos Aires colonial: La Chacarita y Las Conchas en el siglo XVIII

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    Olivero Guidobono, Sandra


    Full Text Available The haciendas La Chacarita and Las Conchas, located at the Pago de la Costa in the Buenos Aires countryside, were destined to provide the supplies to the Major College of San Ignacio and to supply the regional market. The exploitation of these lands followed the basic pattern of other Jesuit properties in the territory: it combined stock raising, craft industry and grain production. This paper analyses the level of output of these haciendas and the role of the slave workforce, paying special attention to its structure and components.

    Situadas en el Pago de la Costa, en la campaña bonaerense, las haciendas de La Chacarita y Las Conchas, estaban destinadas a proveer de recursos al Colegio Grande de San Ignacio y a abastecer a un mercado regional. La producción en estas tierras, reproducía el esquema básico de otras propiedades jesuíticas de la Gobernación: combinaba la producción ganadera con la artesanal y el cultivo del cereal. El presente trabajo analiza el grado de producción de estas haciendas y la importancia del empleo de mano de obra esclava, atendiendo especialmente a su estructura y composición.

  14. Losing ground in mega-deltas: basin-scale response to existential threats to the Mekong Delta (United States)

    Arias, M. E.; Kondolf, G. M.; Schmitt, R. J. P.; Carling, P. A.; Darby, S. E.; Bizzi, S.; Castelletti, A.; Cochrane, T. A.; Gibson, S.; Kummu, M.; Oeurng, C.; Rubin, Z.; Wild, T. B.


    The Mekong Delta is, in terms of the number of livelihoods it supports, its economic importance, and in its vulnerability to climate change and sinking lands, one of the world's critically threatened mega-deltas. Livelihoods depend on the mere existence of the delta, but also on ecosystem services provided by the delta's drainage basin spanning 795,000 km2 in six abutting countries. These ecosystem services include delivery of sand required to build delta land in the face of rising sea-levels and sediment bound nutrients, provision of spawning habitat for fish that are ultimately harvested in the delta, and hydrologic regulation driving the delta's unique flood-pulse regime. However, while the delta is mainly located in Vietnam, the basin of the Mekong River is shared among China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. In the context of the region's dynamic growth, individual countries are pushing their own development agendas, which include extensive dam building, in-channel sand mining, construction of dykes and canals, and groundwater pumping, all of which contribute to subsidence and erosion of the Delta. Our synthesis of recent research indicates that most of the Mekong's delta land will likely fall below sea-level by 2100 as result of these drivers, exacerbating the impacts of global climatic changes. In this context, local infrastructural projects and changes in land- and water-management may temporarily mitigate some negative effects, but do not address the existential threat to the delta as a whole. To prevent, or at least substantially postpone, the drowning of the Mekong Delta requires identification of the key drivers and immediate concerted management actions on the basin-scale to change the trajectory of subsidence and sediment deficit. A specific challenge is to find the institutional arrangements in this transnational context that could support the needed management changes and equitably distribute costs and impacts. The Mekong Delta is

  15. La ciudad en la identidad cultural bonaerense


    Vitalone, Cristina


    Entre los primeros interrogantes que aparecen al tratar el tema de la identidad urbano arquitectónica de la provincia de Buenos Aires encontramos aquel que nos refiere a que tipo de legado físico poseemos, cuáles son sus valores y, fundamentalmente, cómo debemos operar hoy sobre ellos. El insuficiente conocimiento de la identidad cultural de esta vasta legión, en la cual la morfología del territorio y la ciudad adquieren un rol preponderante, nos ha impedido abordar, muchas veces, e...

  16. Hepatitis delta genotypes in chronic delta infection in the northeast of Spain (Catalonia). (United States)

    Cotrina, M; Buti, M; Jardi, R; Quer, J; Rodriguez, F; Pascual, C; Esteban, R; Guardia, J


    Based on genetic analysis of variants obtained around the world, three genotypes of the hepatitis delta virus have been defined. Hepatitis delta virus variants have been associated with different disease patterns and geographic distributions. To determine the prevalence of hepatitis delta virus genotypes in the northeast of Spain (Catalonia) and the correlation with transmission routes and clinical disease, we studied the nucleotide divergence of the consensus sequence of HDV RNA obtained from 33 patients with chronic delta hepatitis (24 were intravenous drug users and nine had no risk factors), and four patients with acute self-limited delta infection. Serum HDV RNA was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction technique and a fragment of 350 nucleotides (nt 910 to 1259) was directly sequenced. Genetic analysis of the nucleotide consensus sequence obtained showed a high degree of conservation among sequences (93% of mean). Comparison of these sequences with those derived from different geographic areas and pertaining to genotypes I, II and III, showed a mean sequence identity of 92% with genotype I, 73% with genotype II and 61% with genotype III. At the amino acid level (aa 115 to 214), the mean identity was 87% with genotype I, 63% with genotype II and 56% with genotype III. Conserved regions included the RNA editing domain, the carboxyl terminal 19 amino acids of the hepatitis delta antigen and the polyadenylation signal of the viral mRNA. Hepatitis delta virus isolates in the northeast of Spain are exclusively genotype I, independently of the transmission route and the type of infection. No hepatitis delta virus subgenotypes were found, suggesting that the origin of hepatitis delta virus infection in our geographical area is homogeneous.

  17. Deltas on the move. Making deltas cope with the effects of climate change

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reker, J.; Van Winden, A.; Braakhekke, W.; Vermaat, J.; Eleveld, M.; Janssen, R.; De Reus, N.; Omzigt, N.


    This scoping study is the first phase of a study aimed at: (a) providing knowledge on the potential of a system-based approach to deal with the effects of climate change as an alternative for the more traditional technical measures such as dams, dikes and surge barriers. This should be shown for both rich and poor countries and should address hydrological, ecological as well as socio-economic aspects; and (b) identifying the potential to market these results worldwide. To reach these objectives four research steps are defined: (1) to make an inventory of deltas: their vulnerability to the effects of climate change; (2) development of indicators for successful use of a system-based approach; (3) to provide an overview of the potential of soft measures for these deltas; (4) to select a number of deltas with potential for marketing system-based measures and the development of strategies to link economic and ecological objectives. This scoping study addresses step 1 only. The results from step 1 will be used as a starting point for steps 2 and 3. The outputs of this scoping study are threefold: a background report (this report); a flyer with a brief description of the findings; a website with information on delta's and how these may be affected by climate change. The scoping study will roughly outline which deltas are still functioning in a more or less natural manner - or could be (re)developed in that direction - and thus would be good candidates for a system-based approach. Chapter 2 gives a description of the geomorphological and ecological processes in a delta. In addition, those aspects of climate change that can have an effect on deltas are described. The third chapter deals with human interventions in deltas and whether or not they fit within a system-based approach. In a system-based approach, as presented in Chapter 4, natural processes are given free reign where possible. Chapter 5 shows how available data on deltas could be used in such a system

  18. Tides Stabilize Deltas until Humans Interfere (United States)

    Hoitink, T.; Zheng Bing, W.; Vermeulen, B.; Huismans, Y.; Kastner, K.


    Despite global concerns about river delta degradation caused by extraction of natural resources, sediment retention by reservoirs and sea-level rise, human activity in the world's largest deltas intensifies. In this review, we argue that tides tend to stabilize deltas until humans interfere. Under natural circumstances, delta channels subject to tides are more stable than their fluvial-dominated counterparts. The oscillatory tidal flow counteracts the processes responsible for bank erosion, which explains why unprotected tidal channels migrate only slowly. Peak river discharges attenuate the tides, which creates storage space to accommodate the extra river discharge during extreme events and as a consequence, reduce flood risk. With stronger tides, the river discharge is being distributed more evenly over the various branches in a delta, preventing silting up of smaller channels. Human interference in deltas is massive. Storm surge barriers are constructed, new land is being reclaimed and large-scale sand excavation takes place, to collect building material. Evidence from deltas around the globe shows that in human-controlled deltas the tidal motion often plays a destabilizing role. In channels of the Rhine-Meuse Delta, some 100 scour holes are identified, which relates to the altered tidal motion after completion of a storm surge barrier. Sand mining has led to widespread river bank failures in the tidally-influenced Mekong Delta. The catastrophic flood event in the Gauges-Brahmaputra Delta by Cyclone Aila, which caused the inundation of an embanked polder area for over two years, was preceded by river bank erosion at the mouths of formal tidal channels that were blocked by the embankment. Efforts to predict the developments of degrading deltas are few. Existing delta models are capable of reproducing expanding deltas, which is essentially a matter of simulating the transport of sediment from source in a catchment to the sink in a delta. Processes of soil

  19. In vivo metabolism of the methyl homologues of delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and abn-delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol in the mouse. (United States)

    Brown, N K; Harvey, D J


    Methyl-delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (methyl-delta-8-THC), methyl-delta-9-THC and abn-methyl-delta-8-THC were synthesized by condensation of orcinol and (1S)-cis-verbenol and were administered to male Charles River CD-1 mice. Extracted hepatic metabolites were isolated by chromatography on Sephadex LH-20 and examined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry as trimethylsilyl (TMS), (2H9)TMS and methyl ester/TMS derivatives. In addition, metabolic fractions were reduced with lithium aluminium deuteride to convert carboxylic acids to alcohols for structural correlation. Metabolites from methyl-delta-8-THC were similar with respect to the positions substituted to those produced by higher homologues; the major metabolite was methyl-delta-8-THC-11-oic acid. abn-Methyl-delta-8-THC was metabolized in a different manner. The location of the aromatic methyl group at the position adjacent to ring fusion appeared to inhibit metabolism at C(11) to a considerable extent and also to reduce the amount of the resulting alcohol from being oxidized to a carboxylic acid. This caused other metabolic pathways to become dominant, with the result that a compound containing a hydroxy group at the gem-methyl position was the major metabolite. Hydroxylation at this position has not been confirmed with any other cannabinoid, although it is thought to result in trace concentrations of hydroxy metabolites from some compounds. Metabolism of methyl-delta-9-THC was also similar to that of the higher homologues, with the exception that less metabolism occurred at C(8) and a higher percentage of the total metabolic fraction was accounted for by the 11-oic acid metabolite. Minor metabolites were mainly dihydroxy compounds and hydroxylated derivatives of delta-9-THC-11-oic acid.

  20. The inundation of 2001 in Buenos Aires province, Argentina


    Scarpati, Olga Eugenia; Forte Lay, Juan Alberto; Capriolo, Alberto Daniel


    El presente estudio evalúa la evolución y los daños causados por la gran inundación del año 2001, en la provincia de Buenos Aires, ubicada en la principal región agrícola-ganadera de secano de la Argentina. El gobierno bonaerense estimó que las pérdidas económicas en el sector agropecuario alcanzaron cifras muy elevadas: U$S 700 millones. Pero la grave situación empezó a fines del año anterior cuando en noviembre, ya los suelos estaban con excesos de agua. Esto significa que su capacidad de a...

  1. Phenotypic expressions of CCR5-Delta 32/Delta 32 homozygosity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nguyen, GT; Carrington, M; Beeler, JA; Dean, M; Aledort, LM; Blatt, PM; Cohen, AR; DiMichele, D; Eyster, ME; Kessler, CM; Konkle, B; Leissinger, C; Luban, N; O'Brien, SJ; Goedert, JJ; O'Brien, TR


    Objective: As blockade of CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) has been proposed as therapy for HIV-1, we examined whether the CCR5-Delta 32/Delta 32 homozygous genotype has phenotypic expressions other than those related to HIV-1. Design: Study subjects were white homosexual men or men with hemophilia

  2. Migration in Deltas: An Integrated Analysis (United States)

    Nicholls, Robert J.; Hutton, Craig W.; Lazar, Attila; Adger, W. Neil; Allan, Andrew; Arto, Inaki; Vincent, Katharine; Rahman, Munsur; Salehin, Mashfiqus; Sugata, Hazra; Ghosh, Tuhin; Codjoe, Sam; Appeaning-Addo, Kwasi


    Deltas and low-lying coastal regions have long been perceived as vulnerable to global sea-level rise, with the potential for mass displacement of exposed populations. The assumption of mass displacement of populations in deltas requires a comprehensive reassessment in the light of present and future migration in deltas, including the potential role of adaptation to influence these decisions. At present, deltas are subject to multiple drivers of environmental change and often have high population densities as they are accessible and productive ecosystems. Climate change, catchment management, subsidence and land cover change drive environmental change across all deltas. Populations in deltas are also highly mobile, with significant urbanization trends and the growth of large cities and mega-cities within or adjacent to deltas across Asia and Africa. Such migration is driven primarily by economic opportunity, yet environmental change in general, and climate change in particular, are likely to play an increasing direct and indirect role in future migration trends. The policy challenges centre on the role of migration within regional adaptation strategies to climate change; the protection of vulnerable populations; and the future of urban settlements within deltas. This paper reviews current knowledge on migration and adaptation to environmental change to discern specific issues pertinent to delta regions. It develops a new integrated methodology to assess present and future migration in deltas using the Volta delta in Ghana, Mahanadi delta in India and Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta across India and Bangladesh. The integrated method focuses on: biophysical changes and spatial distribution of vulnerability; demographic changes and migration decision-making using multiple methods and data; macro-economic trends and scenarios in the deltas; and the policies and governance structures that constrain and enable adaptation. The analysis is facilitated by a range of

  3. Valoración económica de los servicios ecosistémicos de una Laguna del sudeste bonaerense (Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agustina Iwan


    Full Text Available La valoración de servicios ecosistémicos es un tema ampliamente debatido y en constante producción. En Argentina existe poca evidencia empírica de aplicación de metodologías tendientes a dar valor econó- mico a los beneficios asociados a ecosistemas específicos. Este trabajo explica la situación ambiental de una laguna endorreica en el sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires y la valoración económica de algunos servicios ecosistémicos asociados a ella. La Laguna de Los Padres es un humedal de importancia local debido a los servicios ecosistémicos que proporciona y como espacio recreativo de valor simbólico sociocultural para la población. La modelización por su carácter sintético y capacidad explicativa, permitió caracterizar el sistema y la selección de cuatro servicios ecosistémicos (SE posibles de ser valorados física y crematísticamente considerando la disponibilidad de información. Los mimos son: el abastecimiento de agua, el secuestro de CO2 , el control de la erosión y el valor de existencia de la biodiversidad. La valoración económica casi siempre infra o subvalora el ambiente; no obstante, puede ser un instrumento político útil para la toma de decisiones de planificación y gestión ambiental en general porque lleva la discusión al terreno monetario. La sumatoria de los servicios ambientales permitió aproximar un Valor Económico Total (VET equivalente al 4,6% del presupuesto anual 2014 del Partido de Gral. Pueyrredón con una superficie de 1.453,44 km2 , y 619.000 habitantes (Instituto de Estadísticas y Censos [INDEC], 2010.

  4. Geohydrologic conditions of the shallow aquifer in the Cerro Prieto geothermal field zone; Condiciones geohidrologicas del acuifero somero en la zona del campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vazquez Gonzalez, Rogelio [CICESE, Ensenada, Baja California (Mexico)


    Based on geohydrologic information reported by Comision Nacional del Agua, Comision Federal de Electricidad and several academic institutions, we have performed an analysis to establish in general terms, the past and present behavior of the shallow aquifer in the Cerro Prieto geothermal zone (CPGZ). The main features of the aquifer, derived from the interpretation of the results obtained with several disciplines, are as follows: The shallow aquifer in CPGZ is part of the regional hydrologic system of the Mexicali valley basin. The basin is filled with unconsolidated delta deposits interbedded with alluvial sediments from the Sierra Cucapa, which forms an impervious boundary. Because the lack of information about the hydraulic properties of the sediments, just possible ranges of values were obtained for the hydraulic conductivity and storativity corresponding to three deposit environments: a) delta flood plain facies, b) estuarine or lagoon environment facies, c) distal alluvial fan facies. [Spanish] Con base en la informacion geohidrologica de la Comision Nacional del Agua, la Comision Federal de Electricidad e instituciones academicas, se realizo un analisis para establecer las condiciones geohidrologicas y el panorama general del comportamiento historico y actual del acuifero somero en la zona del campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto (CGCP). De la interpretacion e integracion de los resultados obtenidos de las diferentes disciplinas utilizadas en el desarrollo del estudio, se derivan las siguientes conclusiones: El acuifero somero en la zona del CGCP forma parte del acuifero regional del valle de Mexicali. La secuencia litologica en el area de estudio esta constituida por sedimentos no consolidados de origen deltaico interdigitados con sedimentos aluviales provenientes de la Sierra Cucapa, que sirve como frontera impermeable. La informacion sobre las propiedades hidraulicas de los materiales en el area de interes es limitada, por lo cual solo se determinan los

  5. Mystery of the delta(980)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cahn, R.N.; Landshoff, P.V.


    The apparent conflict between the dominance of the decay delta->etaπ in D->deltaπ and its absence in iota->deltaπ is analyzed. Explicit models are presented in which the nearby Kanti K threshold plays an important role in resolving the conflict. (orig.)

  6. Niger Delta Development Commission and Sustainable ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Niger Delta Development Commission and Sustainable Development of Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: The Case of Rivers State. Goddey Wilson. Abstract. The study is on Niger Delta Development Commission and sustainable development of Niger Delta region of Nigeria, the case of Rivers State. The main objective of the ...

  7. Persistence as a family matter. Family relationships, succession and gender in agriculture and livestock farms in Buenos Aires SouthWest area (1987-2007Dossier: The place of the family in Argentina's agricultural production (1960-2008 Cuando la persistencia es una cuestión de familia. Relaciones familiares, traspaso y género en explotaciones agropecuarias del Sudoeste bonaerense (1987-2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia López Castro


    Full Text Available The persistence of family farms in Agentina's Pampas in the last twenty years has been explained taking into account economic and productive matters. This kind of emphasis is coherent with the increasing importance of scale and capitalization required to stay in business that characterizes the current stage of agrarian capitalism. However, the very nature of this type of production units, the role family plays inside them, makes it necessary to look into subjective and cultural aspects also, in order to find more accurate and complex ways to analyse the paths to persistence. In this paper, using the data provided by interviews with ten agrifamilies of SouthWest Buenos Aires province's states Puán and Saavedra, we analyse the role relations between parents and children, gender and personal aspirations and expectations play in fundamental processes such as succession and in the construction and support of familial and productive strategies that have given this families the chance of staying active and producing in the last two decades.Las explicaciones del fenómeno de persistencia de la producción familiar en el sector agropecuario pampeano se han ensayado generalmente teniendo en cuenta aspectos económicos y productivos. Si bien ese énfasis coincide con la creciente importancia que la escala y la capitalización adquieren en la etapa actual de desarrollo del capitalismo agrario, por el propio carácter de estas unidades productivas -por el rol que juegan dentro de ellas las relaciones familiares- resulta necesario tomar en cuenta asimismo aspectos subjetivos y culturales, con el fin de lograr análisis más complejos y precisos sobre las estrategias que permitieron esa permanencia. En este trabajo indagamos en la influencia que las relaciones familiares y las concepciones culturales de las familias han tenido en las trayectorias de persistencia de un grupo de familias productoras del sudoeste bonaerense. En base al análisis de entrevistas

  8. Large old trees influence patterns of delta13C and delta15N in forests. (United States)

    Weber, Pascale; Bol, Roland; Dixon, Liz; Bardgett, Richard D


    Large old trees are the dominant primary producers of native pine forest, but their influence on spatial patterns of soil properties and potential feedback to tree regeneration in their neighbourhood is poorly understood. We measured stable isotopes of carbon (delta(13)C) and nitrogen (delta(15)N) in soil and litter taken from three zones of influence (inner, middle and outer zone) around the trunk of freestanding old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees, to determine the trees' influence on below-ground properties. We also measured delta(15)N and delta(13)C in wood cores extracted from the old trees and from regenerating trees growing within their three zones of influence. We found a significant and positive gradient in soil delta(15)N from the inner zone, nearest to the tree centre, to the outer zone beyond the tree crown. This was probably caused by the higher input of (15)N-depleted litter below the tree crown. In contrast, the soil delta(13)C did not change along the gradient of tree influence. Distance-related trends, although weak, were visible in the wood delta(15)N and delta(13)C of regenerating trees. Moreover, the wood delta(15)N of small trees showed a weak negative relationship with soil N content in the relevant zone of influence. Our results indicate that large old trees control below-ground conditions in their immediate surroundings, and that stable isotopes might act as markers for the spatial and temporal extent of these below-ground effects. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

  9. An analytical framework for strategic delta planning : negotiating consent for long-term sustainable delta development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Seijger, C.; Douven, W; Hermans, L.M.; Evers, J.; Phi, H. L.; Brunner, J.; Pols, L.; Ligtvoet, W.; Koole, S.; Slager, K.; Vermoolen, M.S.; Hasan, S.; Hoang, V. T M; van Halsema, G


    Sectoral planning on water, agriculture and urban development has not been able to prevent increased flood risks and environmental degradation in many deltas. Governments conceive strategic delta planning as a promising planning approach and develop strategic delta plans. Such plans are linked to

  10. Evolución electrofisiológica en pacientes con síndrome del túnel del carpo tratados con cirugía

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Vergara Amador


    Conclusiones. La mejoría de los parámetros electrofisiológicos después de una liberación de síndrome de túnel del carpo es controversial: algunos reportes muestran mejoría desde el primer mes, especialmente en la velocidad de conducción sensitiva. Otros estudios muestran mejoría significativa entre las semanas 18 y 42 postoperatorias, siendo la recuperación motora más rápida que la sensitiva. En el presente estudio el 52% de los pacientes mejoraron en las escalas por disminución del grado de severidad. Las latencias distales motoras y sensitivas y el delta sensitivo del nervio mediano evidenciaron una mejoría. Estos resultados sugieren que los estudios electrodiagnóstico son efectivos en la evaluación objetiva de pacientes con síndrome de túnel del carpo y es el único examen que puede demostrar mejoría luego de una liberación del STC.

  11. Catalyzing action towards the sustainability of deltas: deltas as integrated socio-ecological systems and sentinels of regional and global change (United States)

    Foufoula-Georgiou, E.; Tessler, Z. D.; Brondizio, E.; Overeem, I.; Renaud, F.; Sebesvari, Z.; Nicholls, R. J.; Anthony, E.


    Deltas are highly dynamic and productive environments: they are food baskets of the world, home to biodiverse and rich ecosystems, and they play a central role in food and water security. However, they are becoming increasingly vulnerable to risks arising from human activities, land subsidence, regional water management, global sea-level rise, and climate extremes. Our Belmont Forum DELTAS project (BF-DELTAS: Catalyzing actions towards delta sustainability) encompasses an international network of interdisciplinary research collaborators with focal areas in the Mekong, Ganges Brahmaputra, and the Amazon deltas. The project is organized around five main modules: (1) developing an analytical framework for assessing delta vulnerability and scenarios of change (Delta-SRES), (2) developing an open-acess, science-based integrative modeling framework for risk assessment and decision support (Delta-RADS), (3) developing tools to support quantitative mapping of the bio-physical and socio-economic environments of deltas and consolidate bio-physical and social data within shared data repositories (Delta-DAT), (4) developing Global Delta Vulnerability Indices (Delta-GDVI) that capture current and projected scenarios for major deltas around the world , and (5) collaborating with regional stakeholders to put the science, modeling, and data into action (Delta-ACT). In this talk, a research summary will be presented on three research domains around which significant collaborative work was developed: advancing biophysical classification of deltas, understanding deltas as coupled socio-ecological systems, and analyzing and informing social and environmental vulnerabilities in delta regions.


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    Carmen S. Mosquera


    Full Text Available La materia orgánica del suelo puede variar considerablemente en su estructura, composición y conformación, de acuerdo con el origen y la edad de los materiales que la constituyen. En la presente investigación se procedió a caracterizar, mediante el empleo de la espectroscopia infrarroja y la resonancia magnética nuclear en estado sólido, dos suelos inceptisoles (I01 y I02 y un histosol (H03 destinados al cultivo de cebolla larga, en el municipio de Aquitania-Boyacá, Colombia, a dos profundidades: 0 - 10 y 40 - 50 cm. Según los espectros infrarrojos, se detectó la presencia de grupos OH (debida posiblemente a fenoles, ácidos carboxílicos o alcoholes, grupos aromáticos y alifáticos. Los espectros de 13C-RMN en estado sólido con CPMAS evidenciaron el siguiente orden respecto a la cantidad de carbonos que conforman la materia orgánica del suelo: H03-0 = 100 y H03 -40 = 88, I02-0 = 23 y I02-40 = 0, y finalmente I01-0 = 17 y I01-40 = 12, confirmándose la disminución de carbonos en la materia orgánica a través del perfil del suelo, y además se estableció que el carbón resonante en la región delta = 108-50 ppm de los espectros (N – y O-alquilos y acetales dominó en toda la MOS obtenida; le siguió el carbón aromático (delta = 168-108 ppm para los suelos I01-0 y H03-40, y el carbón alifático (delta = 0-50 ppm para los suelos I01-40, I02-0 y H03-0. Finalmente, el carbónC=O( delta= 220-162 ppm fue el menos dominante en la materia orgánica del suelo en todos los tres suelos caracterizados.

  13. Delta Morphodynamics Matters! Ecosystem Services, Poverty and Morphodynamic Change in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Mega-Delta (United States)

    Nicholls, R. J.; Adger, N.; Allan, A.; Darby, S. E.; Hutton, C.; Matthews, Z.; Rahman, M.; Whitehead, P. G.; Wolf, J.


    The world's deltas are probably the most vulnerable type of coastal environment, and they face multiple stresses in the coming decades. These stresses include, amongst others, local drivers due to land subsidence, population growth and urbanisation within the deltas, regional drivers due to changes in catchment management (e.g. upstream land use and dam construction), as well as global climate change impacts such as sea-level rise. At the same time, the ecosystem services of river deltas support high population densities, with around 14% of the global population inhabiting deltas. A large proportion of these people experience extremes of poverty and they are therefore severely exposed to vulnerability from environmental and ecological stress and degradation. In areas close to or below the poverty boundary, both subsistence and cash elements of the economy tend to rely disproportionately heavily on ecosystem services which underpin livelihoods. Therefore, to sustainably manage delta environments they must be viewed as complex social-environmental systems where change is only partially driven by physical drivers such as sea level rise and climate change, and human-induced development activities are also critical. Here we outline a new conceptual framework for the development of methods to understand and characterise the key drivers of change in ecosystem services that affect the environment and economic status of populous deltas, focusing specifically on the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) mega-delta. The GBM delta is characterised by densely populated coastal lowlands with significant poverty, with livelihoods supported to a large extent by natural ecosystems such as the Sunderbahns (the largest mangrove forest in the world). However, the GBM delta is under severe development pressure due to many growing cities. At present the importance of ecosystems services to poverty and livelihoods is poorly understood. This is due to due to the complexity of interactions

  14. Future Change to Tide-Influenced Deltas (United States)

    Nienhuis, Jaap H.; Hoitink, A. J. F. (Ton); Törnqvist, Torbjörn E.


    Tides tend to widen deltaic channels and shape delta morphology. Here we present a predictive approach to assess a priori the effect of fluvial discharge and tides on deltaic channels. We show that downstream channel widening can be quantified by the ratio of the tide-driven discharge and the fluvial discharge, along with a second metric representing flow velocities. A test of our new theory on a selection of 72 deltas globally shows good correspondence to a wide range of environments, including wave-dominated deltas, river-dominated deltas, and alluvial estuaries. By quantitatively relating tides and fluvial discharge to delta morphology, we offer a first-order prediction of deltaic change that may be expected from altered delta hydrology. For example, we expect that reduced fluvial discharge in response to dam construction will lead to increased tidal intrusion followed by enhanced tide-driven sediment import into deltas, with implications for navigation and other human needs.

  15. De molinos y quijotes. Energía eólica y cooperativismo en el sur bonaerense

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    Luciana Clementi


    Full Text Available El constante aumento en la demanda de energía evidenciado en Argentina, sumado al fuerte interés nacional por alcanzar mayor seguridad energética, profundiza la necesidad de nuevas inversiones en el sector energético. Sin embargo, la dependencia que sufre el país en relación a los hidrocarburos hace peligrar el abastecimiento en el largo plazo. En este contexto, aparecen en la última década proyectos de producción de energía renovable, incentivados por un contexto mundial donde se alienta el desarrollo de fuentes energéticas que contribuyan a avanzar hacia un modelo más sustentable. En este escenario, interesa en este trabajo analizar el rol de las cooperativas eléctricas fuertemente ancladas en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, en la ejecución de proyectos locales que contemplan la producción de energía eólica en el Sur bonaerense, para reflexionar acerca de las oportunidades y barreras a las que se enfrentan. The constant increase of energy demands in Argentina together with the strong national interest to obtain a higher energy security, deepens the need of new investments in the energy sector. However, the dependence of the country on hidrocarbons threatens the supply in the long-term. In this context appear in the last decade, renewable energy production projects, triggered by a global context which encourages the development of energy sources that favor a cleaner and more sustainable model. In this scenario, it is of interest in this paper to analyze the role of cooperatives of electricity well-established in the Province of Buenos Aires, mainly in the performance of local projects that consider eolic energy production in the South of Buenos Aires, in order to reflect upon the new opportunities as well as the barriers they must deal.

  16. From Natural to Design River Deltas (United States)

    Giosan, Liviu


    Productive and biologically diverse, deltaic lowlands attracted humans since prehistory and may have spurred the emergence of the first urban civilizations. Deltas continued to be an important nexus for economic development across the world and are currently home for over half a billion people. But recently, under the double whammy of sea level rise and inland sediment capture behind dams, they have become the most threatened coastal landscape. Here I will address several deceptively simple questions to sketch some unexpected answers using example deltas from across the world from the Arctic to the Tropics, from the Danube to the Indus, Mississippi to Godavari and Krishna, Mackenzie to Yukon. What is a river delta? What is natural and what is not in a river delta? Are the geological and human histories of a delta important for its current management? Is maintaining a delta the same to building a new one? Can we design better deltas than Nature? These answers help us see clearly that survival of deltas in the next century depends on human intervention and is neither assured nor simple to address or universally applicable. Empirical observations on the hydrology, geology, biology and biochemistry of deltas are significantly lagging behind modeling capabilities endangering the applicability of numerical-based reconstruction solutions and need to be ramped up significantly and rapidly across the world.

  17. Dosis óptima económica de nitrógeno en trigo segun momento de fertilización en el Sudeste Bonaerense Economic optimal nitrogen rate for wheat as affected by fertilization timing in Southeastern Buenos Aires Province

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    Pablo A Barbieri


    Full Text Available La fertilización nitrogenada en el cultivo de trigo es una práctica habitual en el SE Bonaerense, sin embargo es escasa la información local para definir la dosis de nitrógeno (N que responde al máximo beneficio económico. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la dosis óptima económica (DOE de fertilizante nitrogenado para el cultivo de trigo en función de la variedad (tradicional o francesa y momento de aplicación del N (siembra o macollaje en dicha región, considerando dos modelos matemáticos (cuadrático y cuadrático-plateau. Se utilizó información de ensayos de fertilización en trigo de diferentes sitios (Otamendi, Balcarce, Mar del Plata y Tandil y años (2002/03 a 2007/08. El modelo cuadrático-plateau produjo los resultados más racionales desde el punto de vista agronómico determinando DOEs menores que el cuadrático. El estadío de macollaje permitió determinar DOEs menores que al momento de la siembra. La diferencia en la DOE entre momentos de fertilización fue menor para las variedades francesas que para las tradicionales, lo que sería explicado por una mayor EUN de las primeras. Por último, para las variedades francesas la potencialidad del año condicionó la DOE en mayor medida que la relación de precios N-grano de trigo. Estos resultados enfatizan la importancia de identificar con precisión el rendimiento objetivo del cultivo ya que el mismo tendría un impacto mayor que los cambios en las relaciones de precios N-grano de trigo a la hora de definir la DOE.Nitrogen fertilization in wheat is a common practice in the SE of Buenos Aires Province. However, there is a lack of local information to define the nitrogen (N rate that responds to the maximum economic benefit. The objective of this work was to determine the economic optimal nitrogen rate (DOE for genotypes of wheat (traditional or french fertilized at sowing or tillering in this region. Two mathematic models were evaluated (quadratic and quadratic

  18. Preparación del personal sanitario en un área de salud de Asturias altamente industrializada para responder ante un desastre industrial

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    Castro Delgado Rafael


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Para responder a los accidentes industriales, de cara a minimizar sus consecuencias, es necesaria una correcta preparación del personal sanitario que trabaja en zonas de riesgo. El objetivo de este estudio es establecer el grado de percepción subjetiva que tienen los profesionales sanitarios sobre su preparación para actuar en un accidente industrial con múltiples víctimas, así como su conocimiento sobre los riesgos industriales propios de la zona. Métodos: Se diseñó un cuestionario para medir cinco dimensiones relacionadas con la respuesta ante accidentes industriales (conocimiento técnicos, conocimientos del Área, habilidades prácticas, actitudes y formación. La muestra estaba formada por todos los médicos y personal de enfermería de Atención Primaria del Área y del Servicio de Urgencias del hospital de referencia. Resultados: La tasa de respuesta fue del 61,2%. Los resultados en las cuestiones de cada dimensión, con un valor máximo de 4, fueron: Conocimientos técnicos (µ=1,3; delta=0,81; Conocimientos del Área (µ=0,75; d=0,96; Habilidades prácticas (µ=0,9; delta=0,8; Actitudes (µ=3,25; delta=0,73; y Formación (µ=0,75; d=0,88. Obtienen mejores puntuaciones los trabajadores del servicio de urgencias hospitalario y aquellos con contratos indefinidos o temporales, por encima de los trabajadores con contrato fijo. Conclusiones: Existe un déficit de información y de formación entre los profesionales sanitarios que contrasta con el interés mostrado por subsanar estas carencias. Es necesario establecer un programa de información y formación básica para responder ante desastres industriales en nuestra Área de Salud.

  19. Delta isobars in neutron stars

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    Pagliara Giuseppe


    Full Text Available The appearance of delta isobars in beta-stable matter is regulated by the behavior of the symmetry energy at densities larger than saturation density. We show that by taking into account recent constraints on the density derivative of the symmetry energy and the theoretical and experimental results on the excitations of delta isobars in nuclei, delta isobars are necessary ingredients for the equations of state used for studying neutron stars. We analyze the effect of the appearance of deltas on the structure of neutron stars: as in the case of hyperons, matter containing delta is too soft for allowing the existence of 2M⊙ neutron stars. Quark stars on the other hand, could reach very massive configurations and they could form from a process of conversion of hadronic stars in which an initial seed of strangeness appears through hyperons.

  20. Un salvavidas de plomo: Los curas rurales de Buenos Aires y la reforma eclesiástica de 1822

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    María Elena Barral


    Full Text Available Las interpretaciones disponibles sobre la Reforma eclesiástica de 1822 oscilan entre la idea de "expropiación" a la Iglesia y de "salvataje" hacia una parte del clero. Este artículo analiza el impacto de estas reformas y de otras medidas que traspasaban el ámbito eclesiástico para las parroquias rurales bonaerenses. Aquí se demuestra que el presupuesto de Culto -una de las principales innovaciones de la reforma- apenas modificó los ingresos económicos de los párrocos. De modo complementario, otras medidas del programa rivadaviano orientadas a reforzar el orden institucional rural los subordinaban a los nuevos "jefes políticos" locales: los jueces de paz

  1. Lineamientos elementales de la acción originaria de inconstitucionalidad en la provincia de Buenos Aires


    Flores, Álvaro


    La acción originaria de inconstitucionalidad se erige como una de las herramientas procesales que posee el Sistema Constitucional Bonaerense, para el ejercicio del control de constitucionalidad. Esta acción —contemplada en el artículo 161 inc. 1 de la Constitución Bonaerense— permite a la Suprema Corte de la Provincia de Buenos Aires —en forma directa y originaria— expedirse acerca de la constitucionalidad de leyes, decretos, ordenanzas y todo tipo de norma que constituya un mandato abstracto...

  2. A Numerical Study of the Plata River Plume Along the Southeastern South American Continental Shelf (United States)


    the effect of ambient shelf currents, level decreased by -0.20 and -0.55 in at the estuary and which would be essential in the determination of the 142...Res. SI 39, realistic wind and tidal forcing. J. Geophys. Res., 101 (submitted). (C2):3435-3455. Piola, A. R. 2002. El impacto del Plata sobre la...discharge on the continental impactos en el Plata y en la regi6n pampeana. Vol. 1. shelf. 1. Modeling the river plume and the inner shelf Assoc. Bonaerense de

  3. Improved γ-linolenic acid production in Mucor circinelloides by homologous overexpressing of delta-12 and delta-6 desaturases. (United States)

    Zhang, Yao; Luan, Xiao; Zhang, Huaiyuan; Garre, Victoriano; Song, Yuanda; Ratledge, Colin


    γ-Linolenic acid (GLA) is important because of its nutritional value and medicinal applications. Although the biosynthetic pathways of some plant and microbial GLA have been deciphered, current understanding of the correlation between desaturases and GLA synthesis in oleaginous fungi is incomplete. In previous work, we found that a large amount of oleic acid (OA) had not been converted to linoleic acid (LA) or GLA in Mucor circinelloides CBS 277.49, which may be due to inadequate activities of the delta-12 or delta-6 desaturases, and thus leading to the accumulation of OA and LA. Thus, it is necessary to explore the main contributing factor during the process of GLA biosynthesis in M. circinelloides. To enhance GLA production in M. circinelloides, homologous overexpression of delta-12 and two delta-6 desaturases (named delta-6-1 and delta-6-2, respectively) were analyzed. When delta-6 desaturase were overexpressed in M. circinelloides, up to 43% GLA was produced in the total fatty acids, and the yield of GLA reached 180 mg/l, which were, respectively, 38 and 33% higher than the control strain. These findings revealed that delta-6 desaturase (especially for delta-6-1 desaturase) plays an important role in GLA synthesis by M. circinelloides. The strain overexpressing delta-6-1 desaturase may have potential application in microbial GLA production.

  4. Entropy and optimality in river deltas (United States)

    Tejedor, Alejandro; Longjas, Anthony; Edmonds, Douglas A.; Zaliapin, Ilya; Georgiou, Tryphon T.; Rinaldo, Andrea; Foufoula-Georgiou, Efi


    The form and function of river deltas is intricately linked to the evolving structure of their channel networks, which controls how effectively deltas are nourished with sediments and nutrients. Understanding the coevolution of deltaic channels and their flux organization is crucial for guiding maintenance strategies of these highly stressed systems from a range of anthropogenic activities. To date, however, a unified theory explaining how deltas self-organize to distribute water and sediment up to the shoreline remains elusive. Here, we provide evidence for an optimality principle underlying the self-organized partition of fluxes in delta channel networks. By introducing a suitable nonlocal entropy rate (nER) and by analyzing field and simulated deltas, we suggest that delta networks achieve configurations that maximize the diversity of water and sediment flux delivery to the shoreline. We thus suggest that prograding deltas attain dynamically accessible optima of flux distributions on their channel network topologies, thus effectively decoupling evolutionary time scales of geomorphology and hydrology. When interpreted in terms of delta resilience, high nER configurations reflect an increased ability to withstand perturbations. However, the distributive mechanism responsible for both diversifying flux delivery to the shoreline and dampening possible perturbations might lead to catastrophic events when those perturbations exceed certain intensity thresholds.

  5. Formas funcionales del potencial y la densidad electrónica para grafeno delta dopado

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    Francisco J. López-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Establecemos las bases para el estudio del efecto de una línea extendida de impurezas sobre una placa d e grafeno. Mediante el uso de análisis dimensional y la propuesta de una ecuación de Poisson bidimensional, obtenemos las formas funcionales del potencial y la densidad electrónica de este problema.

  6. The evolution of a subaqueous delta in the Anthropocene: A stratigraphic investigation of the Brazos River delta, TX USA (United States)

    Carlin, Joseph A.; Dellapenna, Timothy M.


    Globally, deltas are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic activities. As a result, deltas now evolve through the combined effects of natural and human-induced processes occurring throughout the fluvial-deltaic system. The Brazos River delta, located along the Texas coast in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, and its watershed have been impacted by direct and indirect human activities since the late 19th century. This provides an opportunity to investigate how such alterations have shaped the evolution of a delta in the Anthropocene, a time when humans are drivers of geological change. Historic alteration to the delta and watershed include extensive agricultural activity, jetty construction at the mouth in the late 1890s, mouth diversion ~10 km to the southwest in 1929, and reservoir construction throughout the early and mid 20th Century. Three subaerial deltaic geometries provided the framework to connect subaerial deltaic responses, to the anthropogenic alterations, to the resulting stratigraphic characteristics observed in the subaqueous delta. This study utilized high-resolution geophysical data (swath bathymetry, side scan sonar, CHIRP subbottom profiling) on the subaqueous delta to investigate the subaqueous delta stratigraphy and infer the processes that shaped the deltaic record over time. The results showed distinct areas across the subaqueous delta that were dominated by erosion and deposition. Erosional areas corresponded to earlier growth phase depocenters being exposed at the surface, while the depositional areas corresponded to areas with the most recent growth phase depocenter overlying the earlier depocenters. These results highlight that the subaqueous depocenter has migrated westward over time, consistent with the observed changes to the subaerial delta. Additionally, the data showed that evidence for these past growth phases and depocenters may be preserved within the subaqueous delta, even after subaerial portions of the delta returned to pre

  7. Constelaciones conflictivas en la industria pesquera bonaerense. Análisis comparativo entre Mar del Plata y Necochea, Argentina (1997-2012

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    María Luciana Nogueira


    Full Text Available Este trabajo consiste en una descripción analítico-interpretativa desde una perspectiva comparada de las constelaciones de la conflictividad sociolaboral en dos ciudades portuarias argentinas. Las categorías de análisis utilizadas fueron: las modalidades de acción, los sujetos que las llevaron a cabo, los objetivos perseguidos y las alianzas con otros actores sociales. Las fuentes provinieron de las prensas gráficas, entrevistas y bibliografía académica. A partir del análisis de los datos se detectaron tres campos de disputa intrincados, cruciales para la comprensión de los avatares de la industria pesquera luego de la reestructuración capitalista neoliberal.

  8. deltaPlotR: An R Package for Di?erential Item Functioning Analysis with Ango? s Delta Plot


    David Magis; Bruno Facon


    Angoff's delta plot is a straightforward and not computationally intensive method to identify differential item functioning (DIF) among dichotomously scored items. This approach was recently improved by proposing an optimal threshold selection and by considering several item purification processes. Moreover, to support practical DIF analyses with the delta plot and these improvements, the R package deltaPlotR was also developed. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to outline the delta plot ...

  9. El Índice Barrial de Precios: construcción de un indicador socio-económico de manera participativa y transparente

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    Alfredo Schclarek Curutchet


    Full Text Available Este trabajo explica el desarrollo y construcción del Proyecto Índice Barrial de Precios (IBP. También expone la metodología empleada y los resultados alcanzados en el primer año. El proyecto IBP tiene como objetivo estimar el costo de vida en los distintos barrios humildes del país mediante el cálculo del valor y variación de la canasta básica de alimentos (CBA compuesto por 50 productos alimenticios. Hasta el momento se realiza en 13 barrios de la Ciudad de Córdoba y 120 barrios del Conurbano Bonaerense. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una marcada diferencia con los datos oficiales publicados por el Indec. Los resultados también muestran que los niveles de pobreza e indigencia en el primer semestre del 2011 se encuentran en los mismos niveles que los existentes en el 2007 y son de similar magnitud al promedio de los años 90.

  10. Isotopic Evolution of Wells in the Geothermal Field of Los Azufres, Michoacan, Mexico; Evolucion isotopica de fluidos de pozos del campo geotermico de Los Azufres, Michoacan, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barragan Reyes, Rosa Maria; Portugal Marin, Enrique; Arellano Gomez, Victor Manel; Aragon Aguilar, Alfonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (Mexico); Sandoval Medina, Fernando [Comision Federal de Electricidad (Mexico)


    Isotopic ({delta}{sup 1}8 O and {delta}D) data from production and reinjection web fluids from the Los Azufres geothermal field were interpreted in order to define reservoir evolution and the occurrence of physical processes as a result of exploitation. The study included data of 30 wells, which were sampled in September, 2000. General results indicate that different phenomena seem to occur in both zones of the field. In the southern zone there are two different trends of behavior: a mixture of fluids evidenced by the {delta}D versus {delta}{sup 1}8 O trend with a positive slope, was interpreted as the result of reservoir vapor separation at a temperature above 220 Celsius degrees, since for temperatures above 220 Celsius degrees deuterium behaves as a volatile component. No well-defined {delta}{sup D} vs {delta}{sup 1}8 O trend was found for the northern zone, but some points seem to fit the same negative slope trend found in the souther zone. The study of reservoir temperatures estimated by different approaches for particular wells through time, as well as temperature results obtained with a heat and flow well simulator, suggest that reservoir boiling occurs in localized areas in both zone of the field. This process is probably due to exploitation. [Spanish] Se interpretaron datos isotopicos ({delta}{sup 1}8 O y {delta}D) de fluidos de pozos productores y de reinyeccion del campo geotermico de Los Azufres, Michoacan, Mexico, para definir la evolucion del yacimiento y la ocurrencia de procesos fisicos como resultado de la explotacion. En el estudio se consideran datos de treinta pozos segun el muestreo realizado en septiembre de 2000. El estudio de la evolucion en el tiempo de las estimaciones de temperatura de yacimiento mediante diferentes tecnicas, asi como la temperatura obtenida de simulacion de pozos, sugiere que ocurre ebullicion en areas localizadas en ambas zonas del campo debido a la explotacion. Los resultados generales indican la existencia de

  11. Conflictos por recursos hídricos interprovinciales y tutela ambiental: el caso de la salinización del Rio Colorado en el sur bonaerense

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    María de las Nieves Cenicacelaya


    Full Text Available La Constitución Argentina establece que las provincias son dueñas de sus recursos naturales pero también que cuando éstos son interprovinciales es necesario que su uso y aprovechamiento sea acordado entre las partes; y, finalmente cuando esos acuerdos fracasan, es la Corte Suprema la que debe resolver el conflicto. Los desacuerdos entre las provincias muy frecuentemente suceden por el uso y aprovechamiento de aguas inter-jurisdiccionales. En este trabajo abordaremos el caso de la salinización del Río Colorado, que, como consecuencia del obrar unilateral e inconsulto de la Provincia de La Pampa puede producir graves e irreparables daños al ambiente en el sur de la Provincia de Buenos Aires y que ha provocado recientemente un juicio entre ambas en el más alto tribunal federal.

  12. Delta hedging strategies comparison

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    De Giovanni, Domenico; Ortobelli, S.; Rachev, S.T.


    In this paper we implement dynamic delta hedging strategies based on several option pricing models. We analyze different subordinated option pricing models and we examine delta hedging costs using ex-post daily prices of S&P 500. Furthermore, we compare the performance of each subordinated model...

  13. Políticas de desarrollo territorial en áreas turísticas y del conurbano bonaerense durante el peronismo en la Gobernación mercante (Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Carlos Jerónimo Mazza


    Full Text Available Se analizan aquí algunas de las políticas públicas vinculadas con la organización del territorio de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina durante la gobernación de Domingo Mercante, procurando establecer en qué consistieron, cuáles fueron sus objetivos y cómo se articularon con el saber disciplinar del planeamiento regional. Se parte del supuesto de que en este momento se hace necesario un cambio en la dimensión técnica de la burocracia pública, para dar respuesta, fundamentalmente, a los problemas territoriales. Como consecuencia tiene lugar una nueva concepción en el tratamiento de la ordenación del territorio, con la incorporación del paradigma del planeamiento regional. Palabras claves: políticas públicas - gobernación Mercante – planeamiento regional – historia territorial – territorio turístico______________________Abstract:We analyze here some of the public policies related to the organization of territory in the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina during Domingo Mercante’s government, trying to establish what they consisted of, which its objectives were and how they were articulated with the disciplinary knowledge of regional planning. We start from the base that a change in the technical dimension of public bureaucracy is needed at this moment, to give an answer, fundamentally, to the territorial problems. As a consequence, a new conception in the treatment of the disposition of territory takes place, along with the incorporation of the paradigm of regional planning.Keywods: Public policies - Mercante’s government – regional planning – territorial history – touristic territory

  14. The Enabling Delta Life Initiative - Global Programme of Action on Deltas - Programme description

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Driel, van W.F.; Skyllerstedt, S.; Wosten, J.H.M.


    Being ‘hotspots’ of human activity with generally high population densities, deltas are vulnerable to changes induced by a range of driving forces, both natural and anthropogenic. In addition to already existing challenges, uncertainty of the possible impacts of climate change, low lying deltas

  15. Evaluación del impacto socioeconómico de la Reserva de la Biosfera Alto Golfo de California y Delta del Río Colorado en la actividad pesquera ribereña de San Felipe, Baja California, México

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    Carlos Israel Vázquez León


    Full Text Available Desde 1993 las comunidades de Puerto Peñasco y Golfo de Santa Clara, Sonora, y San Felipe, Baja California, en México, están vinculadas por la Reserva de la Biosfera Alto Golfo de California y Delta del Río Colorado; creada para proteger varias especies endémicas, entre ellas al mamífero conocido como vaquita marina (Phocoenasinus y la totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldii.Aquí se analiza el efecto socioeconómico que en la pesca de San Felipe tuvo en 1994 y 2002 la creación de la reserva; concebida como un arreglo institucional de regulación pesquera, centrada en la protección ambiental y ecológica. La conclusión general es que deben incorporarse consideraciones socioeconómicas en el diseño de indicadores de eficiencia y evaluación para el éxito de la reserva territorial.

  16. La problemática del aborto en el actual sistema de salud: la experiencia de trabajo en una Consejería Pre y Post Aborto del Conurbano Bonaerense


    Alzamendi, Sabrina; Cáceres, Macarena Florencia; Huaracallo Chiri, Romina; Lindner Magrath, Stefania


    Las complicaciones derivadas de los abortos practicados en condiciones de riesgo son la primera causa de muerte de personas con capacidad de gestar en Argentina, afectando especialmente a mujeres pobres. A lo largo de la historia, en muchas ocasiones, el aborto inseguro lleva a las mujeres a una muerte evitable o les deja secuelas en su salud física y mental. Las Consejerías Pre y Post aborto desarrolladas por diversos equipos de salud del país son una respuesta a esta problemática desde l...


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    Wilman Delgado A.


    Full Text Available Del extracto etanólico del tallo de P. augustum Rudge se aislaron: 3beta-hidroxi- 24-etil-delta5.22colestadieno (estigmasterol I ; l,2-metilendioxi-6-metil-4H-dibenzo(deg quinolina-4,5(6Hdiona (Cepharadione A II; lactama del ácido lO-amino-3,4- dimetoxifenantreno-1-carboxílico (Cepharanone B n i y el nuevo compuesto natural: lactama del ácido N-metil-lO-amino- 4-hidroxi-2,3-dimetoxifenantreno-1 –carboxílico IV, Todos los compuestos fueron identificados mediante técnicas espectroscópicas (EM, RMN 'H y "C, IR y UV y comparación con datos reportados en la literatura; adicionalmente I y II fueron identificados por comparación con muestras auténticas (CCF, pf, y pf, mixto. El extracto etanólico del tallo de Piper augustum Rudge presentó una moderada actividad biológica (DL50 = 350 ppm según el ensayo de mortalidad de Artemia salina Leach (Brine Shrimp Lethality.

  18. QCD in the {delta}-regime

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bietenholz, W. [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City (Mexico). Inst. de Ciencias Nucleares; Cundy, N. [Seoul National Univ. (Korea, Republic of). Lattice Gauge Theory Research Center; Goeckeler, M. [Regensburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik; Horsley, R.; Zanotti, J.M. [Edinburgh Univ. (United Kingdom). School of Physics; Nakamura, Y. [Tsukuba Univ., Ibaraki (Japan). Center for Computational Sciences; Pleiter, D. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany); Rakow, P.E.L. [Liverpool Univ. (United Kingdom). Theoretical Physics Div.; Schierholz, G. [Regensburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik; Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany)


    The {delta}-regime of QCD is characterised by light quarks in a small spatial box, but a large extent in (Euclidean) time. In this setting a specific variant of chiral perturbation theory - the {delta}-expansion - applies, based on a quantum mechanical treatment of the quasi onedimensional system. In particular, for vanishing quark masses one obtains a residual pion mass M{sup R}{sub {pi}}, which has been computed to the third order in the {delta}-expansion. A comparison with numerical measurements of this residual mass allows for a new determination of some Low Energy Constants, which appear in the chiral Lagrangian. We first review the attempts to simulate 2-flavour QCD directly in the {delta}-regime. This is very tedious, but results compatible with the predictions for M{sup R}{sub {pi}} have been obtained. Then we show that an extrapolation of pion masses measured in a larger volume towards the {delta}-regime leads to good agreement with the theoretical predictions. From those results, we also extract a value for the (controversial) sub-leading Low Energy Constant anti l{sub 3}. (orig.)

  19. Recreación y deporte social : Una contribución etnográfica al estudio de las prácticas corporales en políticas socio educativas


    Levoratti, Alejo


    Este trabajo se inscribe en el marco de una etnografía sobre las representaciones de las prácticas corporales en los profesores en Educación Física que se desempeñan en los programas de políticas socio educativas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Nos proponemos en esta oportunidad comprender, en un grupo de profesores que se desempeña en el Programa Patios Abiertos en las Escuelas en un distrito del conurbano bonaerense, los componentes que estos actores ponen en juego en la selección de l...

  20. La moral institucionalizada.Reflexiones sobre el Estado, las sexualidades y la violencia en la Argentina del siglo XX

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    Patricio Simonetto


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la trayectoria de políticas coercitivas con las que el Estado argentino intentó inferir en la producción de sexualidades durante el siglo XX. La “violencia moral” incluyó prácticas de represión: códigos de faltas provinciales y razzias como formas de delimitación a homosexuales, prostitutas y pobres urbanos. Las mismas constituyeron un hilo de continuidad entre gobiernos civiles y regímenes castrenses. La premisa sostiene que ante la percepción de precarización de una identidad de la cultura nacional oficial, promovida por cambios sociales, demográficos, económicos y culturales en los albores del siglo, el Estado actuó progresivamente como catalizador de la reproducción directa de relaciones dominantes. La sensación de fragilidad de las condiciones que hacían perdurable una ciudadanía imaginada como heterosexual, blanca, masculina y capitalista se institucionalizó en un modo de concebir la moral que devino en políticas violentas. Partiendo de esta hipótesis se analizaran las formas especificas que asumieron estas políticas en el territorio urbano bonaerense. Con el fin de problematizar el vínculo entre Estado, sexualidades y violencias.

  1. Tidal controls on river delta morphology (United States)

    Hoitink, A. J. F.; Wang, Z. B.; Vermeulen, B.; Huismans, Y.; Kästner, K.


    River delta degradation has been caused by extraction of natural resources, sediment retention by reservoirs, and sea-level rise. Despite global concerns about these issues, human activity in the world’s largest deltas intensifies. Harbour development, construction of flood defences, sand mining and land reclamation emerge as key contemporary factors that exert an impact on delta morphology. Tides interacting with river discharge can play a crucial role in the morphodynamic development of deltas under pressure. Emerging insights into tidal controls on river delta morphology suggest that--despite the active morphodynamics in tidal channels and mouth bar regions--tidal motion acts to stabilize delta morphology at the landscape scale under the condition that sediment import during low flows largely balances sediment export during high flows. Distributary channels subject to tides show lower migration rates and are less easily flooded by the river because of opposing non-linear interactions between river discharge and the tide. These interactions lead to flow changes within channels, and a more uniform distribution of discharge across channels. Sediment depletion and rigorous human interventions in deltas, including storm surge defence works, disrupt the dynamic morphological equilibrium and can lead to erosion and severe scour at the channel bed, even decades after an intervention.

  2. Delta Semantics Defined By Petri Nets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kurt; Kyng, Morten; Madsen, Ole Lehrmann

    and the possibility of using predicates to specify state changes. In this paper a formal semantics for Delta is defined and analysed using Petri nets. Petri nets was chosen because the ideas behind Petri nets and Delta concide on several points. A number of proposals for changes in Delta, which resulted from...

  3. Optimality and self-organization in river deltas (United States)

    Tejedor, A.; Longjas, A.; Edmonds, D. A.; Zaliapin, I. V.; Georgiou, T. T.; Rinaldo, A.; Foufoula-Georgiou, E.


    Deltas are nourished by channel networks, whose connectivity constrains, if not drives, the evolution, functionality and resilience of these systems. Understanding the coevolution of deltaic channels and their flux organization is crucial for guiding maintenance strategies of these highly stressed systems from a range of anthropogenic activities. However, in contrast to tributary channel networks, to date, no theory has been proposed to explain how deltas self-organize to distribute water and sediment to the delta top and the shoreline. Here, we hypothesize the existence of an optimality principle underlying the self-organized partition of fluxes in delta channel networks. Specifically, we hypothesize that deltas distribute water and sediment fluxes on a given delta topology such as to maximize the diversity of flux delivery to the shoreline. By introducing the concept of nonlocal Entropy Rate (nER) and analyzing ten field deltas in diverse environments, we present evidence that supports our hypothesis, suggesting that delta networks achieve dynamically accessible maxima of their nER. Furthermore, by analyzing six simulated deltas using the Delf3D model and following their topologic and flux re-organization before and after major avulsions, we further study the evolution of nER and confirm our hypothesis. We discuss how optimal flux distributions in terms of nER, when interpreted in terms of resilience, are configurations that reflect an increased ability to withstand perturbations.

  4. Houtman Abrolhos Isotope (delta 18O, delta 13C) Data for 1795 to 1994 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — DESCRIPTION: VARIABLES AND UNITS: Column #1: core depth in mm Column #2: delta C-13 vs V-PDB Column #3: delta O-18 vs V-PDB Column #4: assigned date in years A.D....

  5. Delta infection evidenced by radioimmunoanalysis in selected collectives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kselikova, M; Horejsi, J; Urbankova, J


    The presence of the Delta agent within the population was tested by means of the Delta-antibody radioimmunoassay using competitive kits of the firms ABBOTT (ABBOTT-ANTI-DELTA) and SORIN (AB-DELTAK). The Delta-antibody was found in 3.2% HBV patients, 5% HBsAg carriers, and in 20.8% of specific anti-Hbs-immunoglobulin. In hemophiliacs and blood donors no Delta-antibody was seen.

  6. Delta infection evidenced by radioimmunoanalysis in selected collectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kselikova, M.; Horejsi, J.; Urbankova, J.


    The presence of the Delta agent within the population was tested by means of the Delta-antibody radioimmunoassay using competitive kits of the firms ABBOTT (ABBOTT-ANTI-DELTA) and SORIN (AB-DELTAK). The Delta-antibody was found in 3.2% HBV patients, 5% HBsAg carriers, and in 20.8% of specific anti-Hbs-immunoglobulin. In hemophiliacs and blood donors no Delta-antibody was seen. (author)

  7. Dermal absorption of the insecticide lindane (1 delta, 2 delta, 3 beta, 4 delta, 5 delta, 6 beta-hexachlorocyclohexane) in rats and rhesus monkeys: Effect of anatomical site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moody, R.P.; Ritter, L.


    Dermal absorption of the insecticide lindane (1 delta, 2 delta, 3 beta, 4 delta, 5 delta, 6 beta-hexachlorocyclohexane) was determined in rats and rhesus monkeys. Lindane is in widespread use as a 1% cream or lotion scabicide formulation and as a 1% miticide shampoo for body lice control in humans. Results obtained following our in vivo dermal absorption procedure demonstrated that 18 +/- 4.1%, 34 +/- 5.2%, and 54 +/- 26.3% of the applied dose was absorbed following topical applications at a rate of 1.5 micrograms/cm2 (6.2 micrograms/100 microliters of acetone) of the 14C-labeled pesticide to 4.2-cm2 regions of the forearm (n = 8), forehead (n = 7), and palm (n = 4) of rhesus monkeys, respectively. Dose sites were washed with soapy water 24 h posttreatment. Comparative studies in rats (n = 5) dosed middorsally demonstrated 31 +/- 9.5% absorption. Statistical analysis of the 14C excretion kinetics demonstrated slower clearance of lindane from rats than monkey forearm, forehead, or palm. Intramuscular (im) injections of 14C-lindane gave 52 +/- 7.1% recovery in monkey (n = 8) and 64 +/- 5.9% in rats (n = 5), suggesting body storage of this lipophilic chemical

  8. Determination of the positions and residues of the. delta. /sup + +/ and. delta. /sup 0/ poles. [Phase shifts,coulomb corrections

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vasan, S S [Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (USA). Dept. of Physics


    The poles and the associated residues in the ..pi..N P/sub 33/ amplitude corresponding to the resonances + +/ and 0/ are determined by fitting the ..pi../sup +/p and ..pi../sup -/p hadronic phase shifts from the Carter 73 analysis. The + +/ and 0/ pole positions are determined also from the nuclear phase shifts, these being the phase shifts made up of the hadronic phase shifts plus the Coulomb corrections. The pole positions obtained from the two sets of phase shifts are different, the differences being larger in the case of the + +/.

  9. La memoria de Malvinas y la “batalla por la marca”: Bahía Blanca, la guerra de Malvinas, y la refundación nacional (1982-2012

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Belén Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende analizar los significados y representaciones condensados en los emprendimientos para establecer lugares de la memoria de Malvinas en Bahía Blanca desde 1982 hasta el 2012, contextualizándolos en las luchas por la memoria de la guerra a nivel local y nacional. Hace foco en tres iniciativas para construir memoriales de Malvinas en esta ciudad del sudoeste bonaerense –que se imaginó históricamente como la “Capital del sur argentino” y “Puerta de la Patagonia”-, haciendo hincapié en los actores que se involucraron en las “batallas por la marca”, sus objetivos y proyectos, así como en las coyunturas de activación memorial.

  10. Nivel de ocupación en pacientes operados de escoliosis idiopática del adolescente. [Level ­of ­occupation ­in ­patients ­surgically­ treated ­for ­adolescent idiopathic­ scoliosis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Federico D. Sartor


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: La escoliosis idiopática del adolescente es una afección de personas sanas. El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar el nivel de ocupación laboral de pacientes operados por escoliosis idiopática del adolescente sin complicaciones. Materiales­ y­ Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo realizado en una sola institución. Se evaluaron 50 pacientes. Variables: edad, sexo, residencia, escolaridad, dificultades escolares, ocupación, dificultades para conseguir empleo y asistencia social. Resultados: Cuarenta y ocho pacientes eran mujeres (96%, el 68% tenía entre 20 y 25 años. El 52% vive en el conurbano bonaerense (26 pacientes; el 24%, en la ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (12 pacientes y el 24%, en el resto del país. El 40% no terminó sus estudios universitarios (20 pacientes; el 12%, sí (6 pacientes. El 12% completó estudios terciarios (6 pacientes, el 8% no (4 pacientes. El 22% no terminó la escuela secundaria (11 pacientes y el 2%, sí (un paciente. El 4% no completó la escuela primaria (2 pacientes, el 54% trabaja en la actualidad y el 46% no lo hace. El 16% tuvo dificultades para conseguir empleo (8 pacientes y el 84% respondió que no (42 pacientes. El 10% gestionó una pensión por discapacidad (5 pacientes, y todos la obtuvieron. Conclusión: Veintisiete trabajan actualmente y 23 no lo hacen (54% y 46%, respectivamente. El porcentaje de pacientes que solicitó pensión por discapacidad en cualquiera de sus formas es menor que el sospechado antes de realizar la investigación. No sugerimos solicitar asistencia social en pacientes operados de escoliosis idiopática del adolescente.

  11. The Concentration Dependence of the (Delta)s Term in the Gibbs Free Energy Function: Application to Reversible Reactions in Biochemistry (United States)

    Gary, Ronald K.


    The concentration dependence of (delta)S term in the Gibbs free energy function is described in relation to its application to reversible reactions in biochemistry. An intuitive and non-mathematical argument for the concentration dependence of the (delta)S term in the Gibbs free energy equation is derived and the applicability of the equation to…

  12. 78 FR 21491 - DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P., DeltaPoint Capital IV (New York), L.P.; Notice Seeking Exemption... (United States)


    ... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [License No. 02/02-0662, 02/02-0661] DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P., DeltaPoint Capital IV (New York), L.P.; Notice Seeking Exemption Under Section 312 of the Small Business Investment Act, Conflicts of Interest Notice is hereby given that DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P. and DeltaPoint...

  13. Mida pakub Delta? / Teele Kurm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kurm, Teele


    Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet võtab kasutusele ühise Siseministeeriumi infotehnoloogia- ja arenduskeskuse ning Webmedia AS koostööna loodud dokumendihaldussüsteemi Delta. Kust sai Delta oma nime? Projekti "Dokumendihaldussüsteemi juurutamine Siseministeeriumi haldusalas" eesmärgid


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Typical of the positivist ethnographer from the beginnings of XX century, Ángel Turrado Moreno (1903-1961, missionary and bishop of Asso, had an essencialist vision of culture. For him, cultures had a lot of similar and comparable aspects which he tried tounderline: marriage, family, authorities, deities, etc. Though Turrado did not carry out a deep analysis of cultural productions, he made a considerable effort to register the dimensions of daily life of Orinoco´s guaraunos with notable ethnographic rigor. Despite of all their biases, these community studies are important documentary sources today to comprehend these societies. This article intends to summerize the material conditions of life, the social organization and the symbolic cosmovision of gauraunos using the work of this missionary, as well as to give ethnographic logic that is lacking in some parts of his text. Guarauno lexicon used here corresponds to the phonetic adjustments handled by Turrado.RESUMEN: Típico del etnógrafo positivista de principios del siglo XX, Ángel Turrado Moreno (1903-1961, misionero y obispo de Asso, mantuvo una visión esencialista de la cultura. Las culturas poseían para él una multitud de aspectos coincidentes y comparativos que se preocupaba de remarcar: matrimonio, familia, autoridades, deidades, etc. Aunque Turrado no llevó a cabo un profundo análisis de las producciones culturales, hizo un considerable esfuerzo por registrar, con notable rigor etnográfico, parte de la vida cotidiana de losguaraúnos del Orinoco. Estos estudios de comunidad, con todos sus sesgos, nos resultan hoy fuentes documentales de gran importancia para acercarnos a la comprensión de estas sociedades. Se pretende con este artículo dar un repaso por las condiciones materiales de vida,la organización social y la cosmovisión simbólica de los guaraúnos a través de los materiales de este misionero así como dar lógica etnográfica a algunas lagunas de su texto

  15. Changes in the areal extents of the Athabasca River, Birch River, and Cree Creek Deltas, 1950-2014, Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada (United States)

    Timoney, Kevin; Lee, Peter


    Deltas form where riverborne sediment accumulates at the interface of river mouths and their receiving water bodies. Their areal extent is determined by the net effect of processes that increase their extent, such as sediment accumulation, and processes that decrease their extent, such as erosion and subsidence. Through sequential mapping and construction of river discharge and sediment histories, this study examined changes in the subaerial extents of the Cree Creek and Athabasca River Deltas (both on the Athabasca River system) and the Birch River Delta in northern Canada over the period 1950-2014. The purpose of the study was to determine how, when, and why the deltas changed in areal extent. Temporal growth patterns were similar across the Athabasca and Birch River systems indicative of a climatic signal. Little or no areal growth occurred from 1950 to 1968; moderate growth occurred between 1968 and the early to mid-1980s; and rapid growth occurred between 1992 and 2012. Factors that affected delta progradation included dredging, sediment supply, isostatic drowning, delta front bathymetry, sediment capture efficiency, and storms. In relation to sediment delivered, areal growth rates were lowest in the Athabasca Delta, intermediate in the Birch Delta, and highest in the Cree Creek Delta. Annual sediment delivery is increasing in the Cree Creek Delta; there were no significant trends in annual sediment delivery in the Birch and Athabasca Deltas. There was a lag of up to several years between sediment delivery events and progradation. Periods of delta progradation were associated with low water levels of the receiving basins. Predicted climate-change driven declines in river discharge and lake levels may accelerate delta progradation in the region. In the changing ecosystems of northeastern Alberta, inadequate monitoring of vegetation, landforms, and sediment regimes hampers the elucidation of the nature, rate, and causality of ecosystem changes.

  16. An analytical framework for strategic delta planning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Seijger, C.; Douven, W.; Halsema, van G.; Hermans, L.; Evers, J.; Phi, H.L.; Khan, M.F.; Brunner, J.; Pols, L.; Ligtvoet, W.; Koole, S.; Slager, K.; Vermoolen, M.S.; Hasan, S.; Thi Minh Hoang, Vo


    Sectoral planning on water, agriculture and urban development has not been able to prevent increased flood risks and environmental degradation in many deltas. Governments conceive strategic delta planning as a promising planning approach and develop strategic delta plans. Such plans are linked to

  17. Spatio-temporal distributions of delta18O, delta D and salinity in the Arabian Sea: Identifying processes and controls

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Deshpande, R.D; Muraleedharan, P.M.; Singh, R.L.; Kumar, B.; Rao, M.S.; Dave, M.; Sivakumar, K.U.; Gupta, S.K.

    the geographic distributions of the delta18O and S; (2) in spite of a large scatter, a statistically significant delta18O–S relationship can be identified in much of the investigated part of the AS; (3) the delta18Odelta...

  18. Adaptive Delta Management: cultural aspects of dealing with uncertainty (United States)

    Timmermans, Jos; Haasnoot, Marjolijn; Hermans, Leon; Kwakkel, Jan


    Deltas are generally recognized as vulnerable to climate change and therefore a salient topic in adaptation science. Deltas are also highly dynamic systems viewed from physical (erosion, sedimentation, subsidence), social (demographic), economic (trade), infrastructures (transport, energy, metropolization) and cultural (multi-ethnic) perspectives. This multi-faceted dynamic character of delta areas warrants the emergence of a branch of applied adaptation science, Adaptive Delta Management, which explicitly focuses on climate adaptation of such highly dynamic and deeply uncertain systems. The application of Adaptive Delta Management in the Dutch Delta Program and its active international dissemination by Dutch professionals results in the rapid dissemination of Adaptive Delta Management to deltas worldwide. This global dissemination raises concerns among professionals in delta management on its applicability in deltas with cultural conditions and historical developments quite different from those found in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom where the practices now labelled as Adaptive Delta Management first emerged. This research develops an approach and gives a first analysis of the interaction between the characteristics of different approaches in Adaptive Delta Management and their alignment with the cultural conditions encountered in various delta's globally. In this analysis, first different management theories underlying approaches to Adaptive Delta Management as encountered in both scientific and professional publications are identified and characterized on three dimensions: The characteristics dimensions used are: orientation on today, orientation on the future, and decision making (Timmermans, 2015). The different underlying management theories encountered are policy analysis, strategic management, transition management, and adaptive management. These four management theories underlying different approaches in Adaptive Delta Management are connected to

  19. Complex rearrangements within the human J delta-C delta/J alpha-C alpha locus and aberrant recombination between J alpha segments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baer, R.; Boehm, T.; Yssel, H.; Spits, H.; Rabbitts, T. H.


    We have examined DNA rearrangements within a 120 kb cloned region of the human T cell receptor J delta-C delta/J alpha-C alpha locus. Three types of pattern emerge from an analysis of T cell lines and clones. Firstly, cells with two rearrangements within J delta-C delta; secondly, cells with one

  20. Sediment and Vegetation Controls on Delta Channel Networks (United States)

    Lauzon, R.; Murray, A. B.; Piliouras, A.; Kim, W.


    Numerous factors control the patterns of distributary channels formed on a delta, including water and sediment discharge, grain size, sea level rise rates, and vegetation type. In turn, these channel networks influence the shape and evolution of a delta, including what types of plant and animal life - such as humans - it can support. Previous fluvial modeling and flume experiments, outside of the delta context, have addressed how interactions between sediment and vegetation, through their influence on lateral transport of sediment, determine what type of channel networks develops. Similar interactions likely also shape delta flow patterns. Vegetation introduces cohesion, tending to reduce channel migration rates and strengthen existing channel banks, reinforcing existing channels and resulting in localized, relatively stable flow patterns. On the other hand, sediment transport processes can result in lateral migration and frequent switching of active channels, resulting in flow resembling that of a braided stream. While previous studies of deltas have indirectly explored the effects of vegetation through the introduction of cohesive sediment, we directly incorporate key effects of vegetation on flow and sediment transport into the delta-building model DeltaRCM to explore how these effects influence delta channel network formation. Model development is informed by laboratory flume experiments at UT Austin. Here we present initial results of experiments exploring the effects of sea level rise rate, sediment grain size, vegetation type, and vegetation growth rate on delta channel network morphology. These results support the hypothesis that the ability for lateral transport of sediment to occur plays a key role in determining the evolution of delta channel networks and delta morphology.

  1. Perspectives on bay-delta science and policy (United States)

    Healey, Michael; Dettinger, Michael; Norgaard, Richard


    The State of Bay–Delta Science 2008 highlighted seven emerging perspectives on science and management of the Delta. These perspectives had important effects on policy and legislation concerning management of the Delta ecosystem and water exports. From the collection of papers that make up the State of Bay–Delta Science 2016, we derive another seven perspectives that augment those published in 2008. The new perspectives address nutrient and contaminant concentrations in Delta waters, the failure of the Delta food web to support native species, the role of multiple stressors in driving species toward extinction, and the emerging importance of extreme events in driving change in the ecosystem and the water supply. The scientific advances that underpin these new perspectives were made possible by new measurement and analytic tools. We briefly discuss some of these, including miniaturized acoustic fish tags, sensors for monitoring of water quality, analytic techniques for disaggregating complex contaminant mixtures, remote sensing to assess levee vulnerability, and multidimensional hydrodynamic modeling. Despite these new tools and scientific insights, species conservation objectives for the Delta are not being met. We believe that this lack of progress stems in part from the fact that science and policy do not incorporate sufficiently long-term perspectives. Looking forward half a century was central to the Delta Visioning process, but science and policy have not embraced this conceptual breadth. We are also concerned that protection and enhancement of the unique cultural, recreational, natural resource, and agricultural values of the Delta as an evolving place, as required by the Delta Reform Act, has received no critical study and analysis. Adopting wider and longer science and policy perspectives immediately encourages recognition of the need for evaluation, analysis, and public discourse on novel conservation approaches. These longer and wider perspectives

  2. Perspectives on Bay–Delta Science and Policy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Healey


    Full Text Available doi: State of Bay–Delta Science 2008 highlighted seven emerging perspectives on science and management of the Delta. These perspectives had important effects on policy and legislation concerning management of the Delta ecosystem and water exports. From the collection of papers that make up the State of Bay–Delta Science 2016, we derive another seven perspectives that augment those published in 2008. The new perspectives address nutrient and contaminant concentrations in Delta waters, the failure of the Delta food web to support native species, the role of multiple stressors in driving species toward extinction, and the emerging importance of extreme events in driving change in the ecosystem and the water supply. The scientific advances that underpin these new perspectives were made possible by new measurement and analytic tools. We briefly discuss some of these, including miniaturized acoustic fish tags, sensors for monitoring of water quality, analytic techniques for disaggregating complex contaminant mixtures, remote sensing to assess levee vulnerability, and multidimensional hydrodynamic modeling. Despite these new tools and scientific insights, species conservation objectives for the Delta are not being met. We believe that this lack of progress stems in part from the fact that science and policy do not incorporate sufficiently long-term perspectives. Looking forward half a century was central to the Delta Visioning process, but science and policy have not embraced this conceptual breadth. We are also concerned that protection and enhancement of the unique cultural, recreational, natural resource, and agricultural values of the Delta as an evolving place, as required by the Delta Reform Act, has received no critical study and analysis. Adopting wider and longer science and policy perspectives immediately encourages recognition of the need for evaluation, analysis, and public discourse on

  3. Late quaternary evolution of the Orinoco Delta, Venezuela (United States)

    Warne, A.G.; Guevara, E.H.; Aslan, A.


    The modern Orinoco Delta is the latest of a series of stacked deltas that have infilled the Eastern Venezuelan Basin (EVB) since the Oligocene. During the late Pleistocene sea-level lowstand (20,000 to 16,000 yrs BP), bedrock control points at the position of the present delta apex prevented the river channel from incising as deeply as many other major river systems. Shallow seismic data indicate that the late Pleistocene Orinoco incised into the present continental shelf, where it formed a braided-river complex that transported sediment to a series of shelf-edge deltas. As sea level rose from 16,000 to 9,500 yrs BP, the Orinoco shoreline shifted rapidly landward, causing shallow-marine waves and currents to form a widespread transgressive sand unit. Decelerating sea-level rise and a warmer, wetter climate during the early Holocene (9,500 to 6,000 yrs BP) induced delta development within the relatively quiet-water environment of the EVB embayment. Sea level approached its present stand in the middle Holocene (6,000 to 3,000 yrs BP), and the Orinoco coast prograded, broadening the delta plain and infilling the EVB embayment. Significant quantities of Amazon sediment began to be transported to the Orinoco coast by littoral currents. Continued progradation in the late Holocene caused the constriction at Boca de Serpientes to alter nearshore and shelf hydrodynamics and subdivide the submarine delta into two distinct areas: the Atlantic shelf and the Gulf of Paria. The increased influence of littoral currents along the coast promoted mudcape development. Because most of the water and sediment were transported across the delta plain through the Rio Grande distributary in the southern delta, much of the central and northwestern delta plain became sediment starved, promoting widespread accumulation of peat deposits. Human impacts on the delta are mostly associated with the Volca??n Dam on Can??o Manamo. However, human activities have had relatively little effect on the

  4. Water and nitrogen conditions affect the relationships of Delta13C and Delta18O to gas exchange and growth in durum wheat. (United States)

    Cabrera-Bosquet, Llorenç; Molero, Gemma; Nogués, Salvador; Araus, José Luis


    Whereas the effects of water and nitrogen (N) on plant Delta(13)C have been reported previously, these factors have scarcely been studied for Delta(18)O. Here the combined effect of different water and N regimes on Delta(13)C, Delta(18)O, gas exchange, water-use efficiency (WUE), and growth of four genotypes of durum wheat [Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum (Desf.) Husn.] cultured in pots was studied. Water and N supply significantly increased plant growth. However, a reduction in water supply did not lead to a significant decrease in gas exchange parameters, and consequently Delta(13)C was only slightly modified by water input. Conversely, N fertilizer significantly decreased Delta(13)C. On the other hand, water supply decreased Delta(18)O values, whereas N did not affect this parameter. Delta(18)O variation was mainly determined by the amount of transpired water throughout plant growth (T(cum)), whereas Delta(13)C variation was explained in part by a combination of leaf N and stomatal conductance (g(s)). Even though the four genotypes showed significant differences in cumulative transpiration rates and biomass, this was not translated into significant differences in Delta(18)O(s). However, genotypic differences in Delta(13)C were observed. Moreover, approximately 80% of the variation in biomass across growing conditions and genotypes was explained by a combination of both isotopes, with Delta(18)O alone accounting for approximately 50%. This illustrates the usefulness of combining Delta(18)O and Delta(13)C in order to assess differences in plant growth and total transpiration, and also to provide a time-integrated record of the photosynthetic and evaporative performance of the plant during the course of crop growth.

  5. Conceptualizing delta forms and processes in Arctic coastal environments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bendixen, Mette; Kroon, Aart


    Climate warming in the Arctic directly causes two opposite changes in Arctic coastal systems: increased melt-water discharge through rivers induces extra influx of sediments and extended open water season increases wave impact which reworks and erodes the shores. A shoreline change analysis along...... and popped up as hotspots. The Tuapaat delta and Skansen delta showed large progradation rates (1.5 and 7m/yr) and migration of the adjacent barriers and spits. The dynamic behavior at the delta mouths was mainly caused by classic delta channel lobe switching at one delta (Tuapaat), and by a breach...... of the fringing spit at the other delta (Skansen). The longshore and cross-shore transports are responsible for reworking the sediment with a result of migrating delta mouths and adjacent subaqueous mouth bars. Seaward progradation of the deltas is limited due to the steep nature of the bathymetry in Disko Bay...

  6. Selva, plumas y desconche : Un análisis de las performances masculinas de la feminidad entre las locas del Tigre durante la década del ochenta.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santiago Joaquin Insausti


    Full Text Available En este trabajo me propongo describir los modos en que las personas que ejercían géneros o sexualidades diversas construían sus subjetividades y sus cuerpos en Argentina en las décadas del setenta y el ochenta. Para esto, partiré del análisis de las fotos que estas personas se tomaban en el contexto de fiestas clandestinas organizadas en las islas del Tigre. Partiendo de la tesis constructivista de la ausencia de distancia entre género y expresión de género, indagare en las fotos la relación de las imágenes con el contexto selvático que las enmarca, la construcción contrapuesta de chongos y locas, dos de las principales identidades sexuales de la época, y en los usos del cuerpo utilizados por estos para producir feminidad y masculinidad. Finalmente, arriesgare dos hipótesis tendientes a explicar las causas de la masiva migración de estos sujetos desde la ciudad hacia el delta del Paraná.

  7. Selva, plumas y desconche : Un análisis de las performances masculinas de la feminidad entre las locas del Tigre durante la década del ochenta.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santiago Joaquin Insausti


    Full Text Available En este trabajo me propongo describir los modos en que las personas que ejercían géneros o sexualidades diversas construían sus subjetividades y sus cuerpos en Argentina en las décadas del setenta y el ochenta. Para esto, partiré del análisis de las fotos que estas personas se tomaban en el contexto de fiestas clandestinas organizadas en las islas del Tigre. Partiendo de la tesis constructivista de la ausencia de distancia entre género y expresión de género, indagare en las fotos la relación de las imágenes con el contexto selvático que las enmarca, la construcción contrapuesta de chongos y locas, dos de las principales identidades sexuales de la época, y en los usos del cuerpo utilizados por estos para producir feminidad y masculinidad. Finalmente, arriesgare dos hipótesis tendientes a explicar las causas de la masiva migración de estos sujetos desde la ciudad hacia el delta del Paraná.

  8. Delta-ray spectroscopy of quasi-atoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozhuharov, C.


    The spectroscopy of high energy delta-rays, emitted in collisions of very heavy ions, is studied. The ''orange''-type beta-spectrometer and the achromatic electron channel are the experimental setups. Delta ray production probabilities are studied as a function of the distance of closest approach R /SUB min/ or the impact parameter b. Coulomb ionization, ion trajectory, scaling laws, double differential cross sections, and K-X-rays information is extracted from the experiment. The dependence of delta-ray emission on the united charge number Z /SUB u/ is discussed. Asymmetric collision systems with Z x alpha approx. = 1 (delta ray spectrum from Pb→Sn collisions) are studied. Finally, very heavy collisions, such as 208 Pb + 208 Pb collisions at bombarding energy fas below the Coulomb barrier are touched upon

  9. Multimode delta-E effect magnetic field sensors with adapted electrodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zabel, Sebastian; Fichtner, Simon; Kirchhof, Christine; Quandt, Eckhard; Faupel, Franz, E-mail: [Faculty of Engineering, Institute for Materials Science, Kiel University, Kaiserstraße 2, 24143 Kiel (Germany); Reermann, Jens; Schmidt, Gerhard [Faculty of Engineering, Institute for Electrical Engineering, Kiel University, Kaiserstraße 2, 24143 Kiel (Germany); Wagner, Bernhard [Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT, Fraunhoferstraße 1, 25524 Itzehoe (Germany)


    We present an analytical and experimental study on low-noise piezoelectric thin film resonators that utilize the delta-E effect of a magnetostrictive layer to measure magnetic fields at low frequencies. Calculations from a physical model of the electromechanical resonator enable electrode designs to efficiently operate in the first and second transversal bending modes. As predicted by our calculations, the adapted electrode design improves the sensitivity by a factor of 6 and reduces the dynamic range of the sensor output by 16 dB, which significantly eases the requirements on readout electronics. Magnetic measurements show a bandwidth of 100 Hz at a noise level of about 100 pTHz{sup −0.5}.

  10. Nevadas en el Sudeste Bonaerense: climatología sinóptica y un caso de estudio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Salio


    Full Text Available Este trabajo realiza una estadística de la frecuencia de las nevadas ocurridas sobre el sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires durante un período de 35 años (1960-2004. Utilizando información de tiempo presente se detectaron 32 eventos de nevada, 7 de los cuales produjeron nieve en más de una estación sinóptica. A fin de comprender los patrones de circulación, se realiza una climatología sinóptica de las incursiones de aire frío que son responsables de nevadas en la región de estudio. Dichos patrones se caracterizan por anomalías extremas en las vaguadas asociadas a frentes fríos y en las cuñas posfrontales que denotan la intensidad de dichos sistemas. El campo de anomalías de altura geopotencial muestra en los casos de nieve generalizada un mínimo sobre la vaguada frontal que duplica la intensidad de la obtenida en los casos de nieve aislada. El intenso régimen ciclónico favorece la convergencia en niveles bajos y el fuerte enfriamiento, evidente en las anomalías del campo térmico en niveles medios, indicando la inestabilidad generada en la masa de aire que es conducida hacia el norte sobre la costa patagónica y el Mar Argentino. En un caso particular de nevada generalizada, asociada a una fuerte incursión de aire frío ocurrida el 10 de julio de 2004 sobre el sudeste de la costa bonaerense, se analiza la situación sinóptica utilizando el modelo "Sistema de Modelado Atmosférico Regional" (RAMS como herramienta de diagnóstico y se la relaciona con las muestras previamente encontradas, caracterizando la masa de aire polar y su evolución. La nevada se asocia a una inestabilización sostenida de la masa de aire, favorecida por calentamiento y humedecimiento en una trayectoria dominantemente marítima y por convergencia en un régimen ciclónico en niveles bajos.This paper presents a statistic of the frequency of snow-fall occurred over the southeast of Buenos Aires province over a 35 year period (1960-2004. Considering

  11. Diseño, modelación y simulación de un sistema de impresión 3d basado en sistemas de cadena cinemática cerrada con 4 grados de libertad tipo delta


    Chang Herrera, Andrés Nikolas


    El presente trabajo propone un sistema de impresión 3D innovador basado en cadenas cinemáticas cerradas de 4 grados de libertad, inspirado en el diseño del robot Delta. Dentro del presente trabajo se podrá encontrar la modelación del sistema, tanto de sus ecuaciones de posición, velocidad y aceleración fundamentadas en el principio de coordenadas generalizadas, el principio de LaGrange-Euler y el principio de Trabajos Virtuales. De la misma manera se podrá encontrar la modelación dinámica del...

  12. Adaptive delta management : Roots and branches

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Timmermans, J.S.; Haasnoot, M.; Hermans, L.M.; Kwakkel, J.H.; Rutten, M.M.; Thissen, W.A.H.


    Deltas are generally recognized as vulnerable to climate change and therefore a salient topic in adaptation science. Deltas are also highly dynamic systems viewed from physical (erosion, sedimentation, subsidence), social (demographic), economic (trade), infrastructures (transport, energy,

  13. Adaptive Delta Management : Roots and Branches

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Timmermans, Jos; Haasnoot, Marjolijn; Hermans, Leon; Kwakkel, Jan H.; Rutten, Maarten; Thissen, Wil A.H.; Mynett, Arthur


    Deltas are generally recognized as vulnerable to climate change and therefore a salient topic in adaptation science. Deltas are also highly dynamic systems viewed from physical (erosion, sedimentation, subsidence), social (demographic), economic (trade), infrastructures (transport, energy,

  14. The dynamics of central Main Ethiopian Rift waters: Evidence from {delta}D, {delta}{sup 18}O and {sup 87}Sr/{sup 86}Sr ratios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rango, Tewodros, E-mail: [Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 (United States)] [Addis Ababa University, Department of Earth Sciences, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia); Petrini, Riccardo; Stenni, Barbara [University of Trieste, Department of Geosciences, Via Weiss 1, I-34100 Trieste (Italy); Bianchini, Gianluca [Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse-CNR, Pisa (Italy)] [Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, Via Saragat 1, 44100 Ferrara (Italy); Slejko, Francesca [University of Trieste, Department of Geosciences, Via Weiss 1, I-34100 Trieste (Italy); Beccaluva, Luigi [Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, Via Saragat 1, 44100 Ferrara (Italy); Ayenew, Tenalem [Addis Ababa University, Department of Earth Sciences, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)


    Research highlights: {yields} Chemical and isotope ({delta}D, {delta}{sup 18}O and {sup 87}Sr/{sup 86}Sr) techniques are applied to understand various hydrological processes in the Main Ethiopian Rift. {yields} Some of the studied groundwaters display a depleted {delta}D-{delta}{sup 18}O composition when compared to the present-day average precipitation, thus suggesting that the rift floor aquifers also contains paleo-meteoric waters recharge associated with deep flow system. {yields} The pristine waters coming from the highlands display isotopic compositions characterized by less radiogenic {sup 87}Sr/{sup 86}Sr (and more depleted {delta}D, {delta}{sup 18}O). This isotopic signature subsequently evolves towards higher {sup 87}Sr/{sup 86}Sr by an interaction with the more radiogenic rhyolites of the rift and their weathered and redeposited products. - Abstract: Water samples from cold and geothermal boreholes, hot springs, lakes and rivers were analyzed for {delta}D, {delta}{sup 18}O and {sup 87}Sr/{sup 86}Sr compositions in order to investigate lake water-groundwater mixing processes, water-rock interactions, and to evaluate groundwater flow paths in the central Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) of the Ziway-Shala basin. Different ranges of isotopic values were recorded for different water types: hot springs show {delta}{sup 18}O -3.36 to +3.69 and {delta}D -15.85 to +24.23, deep Aluto-Langano geothermal wells show {delta}{sup 18}O -4.65 to -1.24 and {delta}D -12.39 to -9.31, groundwater wells show {delta}{sup 18}O -3.99 to +5.14 and {delta}D -19.69 to +32.27, whereas the lakes show {delta}{sup 18}O and {delta}D in the range +3.98 to +7.92 and +26.19 to +45.71, respectively. The intersection of the Local Meteoric Water Line (LMWL: {delta}D = 7 {delta}{sup 18}O + 11.2, R{sup 2} = 0.94, n = 42) and the Local Evaporation Line (LEL: {delta}D = 5.63{delta}{sup 18}O + 8, n = 14, R{sup 2} = 0.82) was used to estimate the average isotopic composition of recharge water into the

  15. delta 6 Hexadecenoic acid is synthesized by the activity of a soluble delta 6 palmitoyl-acyl carrier protein desaturase in Thunbergia alata endosperm. (United States)

    Cahoon, E B; Cranmer, A M; Shanklin, J; Ohlrogge, J B


    delta 6 Hexadecenoic acid (16:1 delta 6) composes more than 80% of the seed oil of Thunbergia alata. Studies were conducted to determine the biosynthetic origin of the double bond of this unusual fatty acid. Assays of fractions of developing T. alata seed endosperm with [1-14C]palmitoyl (16:0)-acyl carrier protein (ACP) revealed the presence of a soluble delta 6 desaturase activity. This activity was greatest when 16:0-ACP was provided as a substrate, whereas no desaturation of the coenzyme A ester of this fatty acid was detected. In addition, delta 6 16:0-ACP desaturase activity in T. alata endosperm extracts was dependent on the presence of ferredoxin and molecular oxygen and was stimulated by catalase. To further characterize this enzyme, a cDNA encoding a diverged acyl-ACP desaturase was isolated from a T. alata endosperm cDNA library using polymerase chain reaction with degenerate oligonucleotides corresponding to conserved amino acid sequences in delta 9 stearoyl (18:0)- and delta 4 16:0-ACP desaturases. The primary structure of the mature peptide encoded by this cDNA shares 66% identity with the mature castor delta 9 18:0-ACP desaturase and 57% identity with the mature coriander delta 4 16:0-ACP desaturase. Extracts of Escherichia coli that express the T. alata cDNA catalyzed the delta 6 desaturation of 16:0-ACP. These results demonstrate that 16:1 delta 6 in T. alata endosperm is formed by the activity of a soluble delta 6 16:0-ACP desaturase that is structurally related to the delta 9 18:0- and delta 4 16:0-ACP desaturases. Implications of this work to an understanding of active site structures of acyl-ACP desaturases are discussed.

  16. Estudio in vitro de la anatomía interna del primer molar superior mediante el proceso de diafanización


    Montesinos Rivera, Mayra Vanessa


    Diferentes estudios corroboran la complejidad anatómica del sistema de conductos radiculares por la presencia de múltiples foránemes, deltas apicales, conductos accesorios y más variaciones. El propósito de este estudio in vitro fue identificar la anatomía interna del sistema de conductos radiculares de 84 primeros molares superiores permanentes, determinando el número de conductos por raíz y el tipo de conducto según la clasificación de Vertucci, así como la prevalencia del conducto mesioves...

  17. Migration in Vulnerable Deltas: A Research Strategy (United States)

    Hutton, C.; Nicholls, R. J.; Allan, A.


    C. Hutton1, & R. J. Nicholls1, , 1 University of Southampton, University Road, Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom, SO17 1BJ. cwh@geodata., deltas contain 500 million people and with rising sea levels often linked to large number of forced migrants are expected in the coming century. However, migration is already a major process in deltas, such as the growth of major cities such as Dhaka and Kolkata. Climate and environmental change interacts with a range of catchment and delta level drivers, which encompass a nexus of sea-level rise, storms, freshwater and sediment supply from the catchment, land degradation, subsidence, agricultural loss and socio-economic stresses. DECCMA (Deltas, Vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration and Adaptation/CARRIA) is investigating migration in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM), Mahanadi and Volta Deltas, including the influence of climate change. The research will explore migration from a range of perspectives including governance and stakeholder analysis, demographic analysis, household surveys of sending and receiving areas, macro-economic analysis, and hazards and hotspot analysis both historically and into the future. Migration under climate change will depend on other adaptation in the deltas and this will be examined. Collectively, integrated analysis will be developed to examine migration, other adaptation and development pathways with a particular focus on the implications for the poorest. This will require the development of input scenarios, including expert-derived exogenous scenarios (e.g., climate change) and endogenous scenarios of the delta developed in a participatory manner. This applied research will facilitate decision support methods for the development of deltas under climate change, with a focus on migration and other adaptation strategies.

  18. Upper-division student difficulties with the Dirac delta function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bethany R. Wilcox


    Full Text Available The Dirac delta function is a standard mathematical tool that appears repeatedly in the undergraduate physics curriculum in multiple topical areas including electrostatics, and quantum mechanics. While Dirac delta functions are often introduced in order to simplify a problem mathematically, students still struggle to manipulate and interpret them. To characterize student difficulties with the delta function at the upper-division level, we examined students’ responses to traditional exam questions and a standardized conceptual assessment, and conducted think-aloud interviews. Our analysis was guided by an analytical framework that focuses on how students activate, construct, execute, and reflect on the Dirac delta function in the context of problem solving in physics. Here, we focus on student difficulties using the delta function to express charge distributions in the context of junior-level electrostatics. Common challenges included invoking the delta function spontaneously, translating a description of a charge distribution into a mathematical expression using delta functions, integrating 3D or non-Cartesian delta function expressions, and recognizing that the delta function can have units. We also briefly discuss implications of these difficulties for instruction.

  19. Fertilización con azufre en el cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. para la industria en el Sudeste Bonaerense Effect of sulfur fertilization on potato for the processing industry in southeastern Buenos Aires

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Marcela Giletto


    Full Text Available Los incrementos en los rendimientos de los últimos años aumentaron la demanda de azufre (S en papa y los niveles de materia orgánica en el suelo han bajado. Estos factores podrían favorecer la aparición de deficiencias de S. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la incidencia de la fertilización con S en papa para la industria en el sudeste bonaerense. Se realizaron dos ensayos (Sitio 1 y 2 con tres dosis de S: S0 (testigo; S10 (10 kg S ha-1 y S20 (20 kg S ha-1. La producción de materia seca total y la cantidad de S acumulado en planta no fueron afectadas por la aplicación de S. La relación N:S total disminuyó a lo largo del ciclo de cultivo en ambos sitios y fue inferior al umbral crítico de 15:1 e indicó que el cultivo no presentó deficiencias de S. El rendimiento, la concentración de S y la relación N:S en los tubérculos no fueron afectados por el agregado de S en ningún sitios. La cantidad máxima de S acumulado en los tubérculos a cosecha fue en promedio de 18,8 y 14,2 kg ha-1 en el Sitio 1 y 2; respectivamente, mientras que los aportes de S por la aplicación de funguicida y del agua de riego alcanzaron valores de 14 y 17 kg ha-1, respectivamente. A partir del balance de masa de S se determinó que el S residual fue el principal destino del nutriente en el sistema suelo-planta. Se recomienda conocer los aportes de S en los funguicidas y en el agua de riego al diseñar un plan de fertilización con S en papa.In recent years, sulfur (S requirements in potato crops have been increasing due to increasing yields. Soil organic matter contents have been decreasing in Southeastern Buenos Aires thereby limiting the capacity of the soils in this area to meet the higher requirements. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of S fertilization on potato for the processing industry in southeastern Buenos Aires. Two experiments were carried out (Site 1 and 2 involving three different S rates: S0 (control, S

  20. Solar cycles in the last centuries in 10Be and delta18O in polar ice and in thermoluminescence signals of a sea sediment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cini Castagnoli, G.; Bonino, G.; Galli, M.; Beer, J.


    The cyclogram method of time series analysis has been used to analyse 10 Be data (1181-1800 AD) and delta 18 O data (1181-1960 AD) from an artic ice core and thermoluminescence data (1181-1960 AD) from a Mediterranean sediment core. The 10 Be concentrations were determined at the ETH Zurich. The delta 18 O values were measured at the University of Copenhagen. The TL measurements were performed at the Istituto di Cosmo-geofisica del C.N.R., Torino. Common mean periodicities of 10.75 y are found for the period 1505 to 1710 AD in TL and 10 Be and of 11.4 y for the period 1715 to 1880 in TL and delta 18 O. This periodicity was found in the solar sunspot (Rsub(z)) series analysed in the same way, from 1825 to 1905. This supports the argument that the common periodicities found in the long-running series are peculiar of the solar activity in the past

  1. Delta-nucleus dynamics: proceedings of symposium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, T.S.H.; Geesaman, D.F.; Schiffer, J.P. (eds.)


    The appreciation of the role in nuclear physics of the first excited state of the nucleon, the delta, has grown rapidly in the past decade. The delta resonance dominates nuclear reactions induced by intermediate energy pions, nucleons, and electromagnetic probes. It is also the most important non-nucleonic degree of freedom needed to resolve many fundamental problems encountered in the study of low-energy nuclear phenomena. Clearly, a new phase of nuclear physics has emerged and conventional thinking must be extended to account for this new dimension of nuclear dynamics. The most challenging problem we are facing is how a unified theory can be developed to describe dynamics at all energies. In exploring this new direction, it is important to have direct discussions among researchers with different viewpoints. Separate entries were prepared for the 49 papers presented. (WHK)

  2. On the origin of delta spots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, F.


    Mount Wilson sunspot drawings from 1966 through 1980 were used in conjunction with Hα filtergrams from Big Bear Solar Observatory to examine the origin of delta spots, spots with bipolar umbrae within one penumbra. Of the six cases we studied, five were formed by the union of non-paired spots. They are either shoved into one another by two neighboring growing bipoles or by a new spot born piggy-back style on an existing spot of opposite polarity. Proper motions of the growing spots take on curvilinear paths around one another to avoid a collision. This is the shear motion observed in delta spots (Tanaka, 1979). In the remaining case, the delta spot was formed by spots that emerged as a pair. Our findings indicate no intrinsic differences in the formation or the behavior between delta spots of normal magnetic configuration. (orig.)

  3. Holocene evolution of the western Orinoco Delta, Venezuela (United States)

    Aslan, A.; White, W.A.; Warne, A.G.; Guevara, E.H.


    The pristine nature of the Orinoco Delta of eastern Venezuela provides unique opportunities to study the geologic processes and environments of a major tropical delta. Remote-sensing images, shallow cores, and radiocarbon-dating of organic remains form the basis for describing deltaic environments and interpreting the Holocene history of the delta. The Orinoco Delta can be subdivided into two major sectors. The southeast sector is dominated by the Rio Grande-the principal distributary-and complex networks of anastomosing fluvial and tidal channels. The abundance of siliciclastic deposits suggests that fluvial processes such as over-bank flooding strongly influence this part of the delta. In contrast, the northwest sector is represented by few major distributaries, and overbank sedimentation is less widespread relative to the southeast sector. Peat is abundant and occurs in herbaceous and forested swamps that are individually up to 200 km2 in area. Northwest-directed littoral currents transport large volumes of suspended sediment and produce prominent mudcapes along the northwest coast. Mapping of surface sediments, vegetation, and major landforms identified four principal geomorphic systems within the western delta plain: (1) distributary channels, (2) interdistributary flood basins, (3) fluvial-marine transitional environments, and (4) marine-influenced coastal environments. Coring and radiocarbon dating of deltaic deposits show that the northern delta shoreline has prograded 20-30 km during the late Holocene sea-level highstand. Progradation has been accomplished by a combination of distributary avulsion and mudcape progradation. This style of deltaic progradation differs markedly from other deltas such as the Mississippi where distributary avulsion leads to coastal land loss, rather than shoreline progradation. The key difference is that the Orinoco Delta coastal zone receives prodigious amounts of sediment from northwest-moving littoral currents that transport

  4. Hot deformation behavior of delta-processed superalloy 718

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Y., E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083 (China); School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Central South University, Changsha 410083 (China); Shao, W.Z.; Zhen, L.; Zhang, B.Y. [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 (China)


    Research highlights: {yields} The peak stress for hot deformation can be described by the Z parameter. {yields} The grain size of DRX was inversely proportional to the Z parameter. {yields} The dissolution of {delta} phases was greatly accelerated under hot deformation. {yields}The {delta} phase stimulated nucleation can serve as the main DRX mechanism. - Abstract: Flow stress behavior and microstructures during hot compression of delta-processed superalloy 718 at temperatures from 950 to 1100 deg. C with strain rates of 10{sup -3} to 1 s{sup -1} were investigated by optical microscopy (OM), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The relationship between the peak stress and the deformation conditions can be expressed by a hyperbolic-sine type equation. The activation energy for the delta-processed superalloy 718 is determined to be 467 kJ/mol. The change of the dominant deformation mechanisms leads to the decrease of stress exponent and the increase of activation energy with increasing temperature. The dynamically recrystallized grain size is inversely proportional to the Zener-Hollomon (Z) parameter. It is found that the dissolution rate of {delta} phases under hot deformation conditions is much faster than that under static conditions. Dislocation, vacancy and curvature play important roles in the dissolution of {delta} phases. The main nucleation mechanisms of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) for the delta-processed superalloy 718 include the bulging of original grain boundaries and the {delta} phase stimulated DRX nucleation, which is closely related to the dissolution behavior of {delta} phases under certain deformation conditions.

  5. Primary production in the Delta: Then and now (United States)

    Cloern, James E.; Robinson, April; Richey, Amy; Grenier, Letitia; Grossinger, Robin; Boyer, Katharyn E.; Burau, Jon; Canuel, Elizabeth A.; DeGeorge, John F.; Drexler, Judith Z.; Enright, Chris; Howe, Emily R.; Kneib, Ronald; Mueller-Solger, Anke; Naiman, Robert J.; Pinckney, James L.; Safran, Samuel M.; Schoellhamer, David H.; Simenstad, Charles A.


    To evaluate the role of restoration in the recovery of the Delta ecosystem, we need to have clear targets and performance measures that directly assess ecosystem function. Primary production is a crucial ecosystem process, which directly limits the quality and quantity of food available for secondary consumers such as invertebrates and fish. The Delta has a low rate of primary production, but it is unclear whether this was always the case. Recent analyses from the Historical Ecology Team and Delta Landscapes Project provide quantitative comparisons of the areal extent of 14 habitat types in the modern Delta versus the historical Delta (pre-1850). Here we describe an approach for using these metrics of land use change to: (1) produce the first quantitative estimates of how Delta primary production and the relative contributions from five different producer groups have been altered by large-scale drainage and conversion to agriculture; (2) convert these production estimates into a common currency so the contributions of each producer group reflect their food quality and efficiency of transfer to consumers; and (3) use simple models to discover how tidal exchange between marshes and open water influences primary production and its consumption. Application of this approach could inform Delta management in two ways. First, it would provide a quantitative estimate of how large-scale conversion to agriculture has altered the Delta's capacity to produce food for native biota. Second, it would provide restoration practitioners with a new approach—based on ecosystem function—to evaluate the success of restoration projects and gauge the trajectory of ecological recovery in the Delta region.

  6. Casscf/ci Calculations for First Row Transition Metal Hydrides - the TIH(4-PHI), VH(5-DELTA), CRH(6-SIGMA-PLUS), MNH(7-SIGMA-PLUS), FEH(4,6-DELTA) and NIH(2-DELTA) States (United States)

    Walch, S. P.; Bauschlicher, C. W., Jr.


    Calculations are performed for the predicted ground states of TiH(4-phi), VH(5-delta), CrH(6-sigma-plus), MnH(7-sigma-plus), Fett(4,6-delta) and NiH(2-delta). For FeH both the 6-delta and 4-delta states are studied, since both are likely candidates for the ground state. The ground state symmetries are predicted based on a combination of atomic coupling arguments and coupling of 4s(2)3d(n) and 4s(1)3d(n+1) terms in the molecular system. Electron correlation is included by a CASSCF/CI (SD) treatment. The CASSCF includes near-degeneracy effects, while correlation of the 3d electrons in included at the CI level.

  7. Amenazas naturales asociadas al ascenso del nivel del mar en Caribe Colombiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kim Gregory Robertson


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de recientes investigaciones sobre el impacto del ascenso del nivel del mar en la Costa Caribe colombiana, bases para el primer informe de Colombia a la Convención Internacional de Cambio Climático, adelantado en convenio con elIDE..-\\.1f. Con base en el estudio de las geoformas litorales, los procesos dinámicos asociados y su evolución reciente, se evaluó la amenaza por inundación y erosión asociada al actual ascenso del nivel del mar, proyectado por IP(C (panel Intergubemamcntal de Expertos de Cambio Climático en un metro pata el año 2100. A partir de la interpretación de imágenes de satélite y fotografias aéreas, apoyada en información secundaria y verificación de campo, se identificaron 15 unidades geomorfológicas básicas de origen estructural, fluvial y marino. Con base las características geomorfológicas y criterios de resiliencia frente a la acción del oleaje y la inundación litoral, se generó un modelo morfodinámico que pronostica el impacto del ascenso del nivel marino para el litoral Caribe colombiano. De acuerdo con este análisis, se estima que las unidades geomorfológicas recientes desarrolladas durante los últimos 2.500 años podrían ser reactivadas por el actual ascenso del nivel del mar, afectando numerosos centros urbanos tales como Cartagena, Santa Marta, Puerto Colombia y Turbo y actividades económicas de-importancia como el comercio portuario y el turismo. Para los 1.819 Km. de línea de costa del Caribe Colombiano, se estima que el 33.7% presenta alta susceptibilidad a la erosión marina, representado por geoformas que presentan grari fragilidad ante los procesos erosivos. En la linea de costa restante, 31,2% presenta susceptibilidad mec!ia y 35.1% susceptibilidad baja y muy baja, en una linea de costa caracterizada por geoformas con fragilidad y mecanismos de resiliencia variables. Por inundación, se pronostica que 1192 Km2 de costa baja serán anegados, 2331 Km2

  8. Tidal controls on river delta morphology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoitink, A.J.F.; Wang, Z.B.; Vermeulen, B.; Huismans, Y.; Kästner, K.


    River delta degradation has been caused by extraction of natural resources, sediment retention by reservoirs, and sea-level rise. Despite global concerns about these issues, human activity in the world's largest deltas intensifies. Harbour development, construction of flood defences, sand mining and

  9. Tidal controls on river delta morphology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoitink, A.J.F.; Wang, Zhengbing; Vermeulen, B.; Huismans, Y; Kästner, K

    River delta degradation has been caused by extraction of natural resources, sediment retention by reservoirs, and sea-level rise. Despite global concerns about these issues, human activity in the world’s largest deltas intensifies. Harbour development, construction of flood defences, sand mining and

  10. Environmental challenges in Nigeria's Delta Region and Agriculture ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The paper discussed the environmental challenges in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria with emphasis on the impacts on agricultural production. It thus discussed the concepts of Niger-Delta, Environmental pollution, Niger-Delta crises and Agriculture. The paper posits that there are positive relationships between these ...

  11. Análisis del comportamiento dinámico del motor de inducción trifásico usando modelos en simulink del matlab;Three-phase induction motor dynamic behaivor analysis using the simulink of matlab models

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    Héctor Brito - Socarrás


    Full Text Available La máquina de inducción se ha colocado como pilar del desarrollo de la industria moderna por su sencillez constructiva, bajo mantenimiento, larga vida útil, versatilidad y bajo costo. Sin embargo, la regulación de la velocidad y el par de dicha máquina ha presentado dificultades, por lo que no ha sido frecuente su control hasta la década de los años ochenta del siglo XX, debido al desarrollo de los convertidores basados en dispositivos electrónicos de potencia.En el presente trabajo se hace la propuesta de algunos arreglos hechos al modelo del motor de inducción trifásico en los ejes α-β empleando el Simulink de Matlab para la simulación del su comportamiento durante algunos regímenes de trabajo muy frecuentes en su explotación, como son el arranque estrella-delta, arranque introduciendo resistencia en el circuito de rotor de un motor de inducción de rotor bobinado y el frenado por contracorriente, empleando un determinado tipo de carga.The induction machine has been placed as pillar of the development of the modern industry due to its constructive simplicity, low maintenance, long useful life, versatility and low cost. However, the regulation of the speed and the couple has presented difficulties and has not been frequent until the decade of the eighties of the XX century, due to the development of the converters based on power electronic devices.In this present work a proposal is made of some arrangements done of an induction three phase motor model on the α-β axes using the Simulink of Matlab for the simulation of the behaviour of three-phase induction motor working regimens in its exploitation, like they the outbreak star-delta, outbreak introducing resistance in the circuit of the rotor of a motor induction of rotor winding and a braked by counter-current using a certain type of change.

  12. Losses of Sacramento River Chinook Salmon and Delta Smelt to Entrainment in Water Diversions in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

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    Wim J. Kimmerer


    Full Text Available Pumping at the water export facilities in the southern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta kills fish at and near the associated fish-salvage facilities. Correlative analyses of salvage counts with population indices have failed to provide quantitative estimates of the magnitude of this mortality. I estimated the proportional losses of Sacramento River Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus to place these losses in a population context. The estimate for salmon was based on recoveries of tagged smolts released in the upper Sacramento River basin, and recovered at the fish-salvage facilities in the south Delta and in a trawling program in the western Delta. The proportion of fish salvaged increased with export flow, with a mean value around 10% at the highest export flows recorded. Mortality was around 10% if pre-salvage losses were about 80%, but this value is nearly unconstrained. Losses of adult delta smelt in winter and young delta smelt in spring were estimated from salvage data (adults corrected for estimated pre-salvage survival, or from trawl data in the southern Delta (young. These losses were divided by population size and accumulated over the respective seasons. Losses of adult delta smelt were 1–50% (median 15% although the highest value may have been biased upward. Daily losses of larvae and juveniles were 0–8%, and seasonal losses accumulated were 0–25% (median 13%. The effect of these losses on population abundance was obscured by subsequent 50-fold variability in survival from summer to fall.

  13. Displacement waves in La2CuO(4-delta) and La(1.85)Sr(0.15)CuO(4-delta) (United States)

    Kajitani, Tsuyoshi; Onozuka, Takashi; Yamaguchi, Yasuo; Hirabayashi, Makoto; Syono, Yasuhiko


    Structural investigation of orthorhombic La2CuO(4-delta) and La(1.85)Sr(0.15)CuO(4-delta) was carried out by means of X-ray and neutron diffraction on the basis of the space group Cmmm. The periodic expansion/contraction type distortion of CuO6 octahedra was found in both orthorhombic compounds. The distortion is nearly one-dimensional in La2CuO(4-delta) but is two-dimensional in La(1.85)Sr(0.15)CuO(4-delta). The existence of a charge-density wave is highly possible in the structures.

  14. First-principles elastic constants and phonons of delta-Pu

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Söderlind, P.; Landa, A.; Sadigh, B.


    Elastic constants and zone-boundary phonons of delta-plutonium have been calculated within the density-functional theory. The paramagnetic state of delta-Pu is modeled by disordered magnetism utilizing either the disordered local moment or the special quasirandom structure techniques. The anomalo......Elastic constants and zone-boundary phonons of delta-plutonium have been calculated within the density-functional theory. The paramagnetic state of delta-Pu is modeled by disordered magnetism utilizing either the disordered local moment or the special quasirandom structure techniques....... The anomalously soft C-' as well as a large anisotropy ratio (C-44/C-') of delta-Pu is reproduced by this theoretical model. Also the recently measured phonons for delta-Pu compare relatively well with their theoretical counterpart at the zone boundaries....

  15. Stimulation of accumbal GABAA receptors inhibits delta2-, but not delta1-, opioid receptor-mediated dopamine efflux in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving rats. (United States)

    Aono, Yuri; Kiguchi, Yuri; Watanabe, Yuriko; Waddington, John L; Saigusa, Tadashi


    The nucleus accumbens contains delta-opioid receptors that may reduce inhibitory neurotransmission. Reduction in GABA A receptor-mediated inhibition of accumbal dopamine release due to delta-opioid receptor activation should be suppressed by stimulating accumbal GABA A receptors. As delta-opioid receptors are divided into delta2- and delta1-opioid receptors, we analysed the effects of the GABA A receptor agonist muscimol on delta2- and delta1-opioid receptor-mediated accumbal dopamine efflux in freely moving rats using in vivo microdialysis. Drugs were administered intracerebrally through the dialysis probe. Doses of compounds indicate total amount administered (mol) during 25-50min infusions. The delta2-opioid receptor agonist deltorphin II (25.0nmol)- and delta1-opioid receptor agonist DPDPE (5.0nmol)-induced increases in dopamine efflux were inhibited by the delta2-opioid receptor antagonist naltriben (1.5nmol) and the delta1-opioid receptor antagonist BNTX (150.0pmol), respectively. Muscimol (250.0pmol) inhibited deltorphin II (25.0nmol)-induced dopamine efflux. The GABA A receptor antagonist bicuculline (50.0pmol), which failed to affect deltorphin II (25.0nmol)-induced dopamine efflux, counteracted the inhibitory effect of muscimol on deltorphin II-induced dopamine efflux. Neither muscimol (250.0pmol) nor bicuculline (50.0 and 500.0pmol) altered DPDPE (5.0nmol)-induced dopamine efflux. The present results show that reduction in accumbal GABA A receptor-mediated inhibition of dopaminergic activity is necessary to produce delta2-opioid receptor-induced increase in accumbal dopamine efflux. This study indicates that activation of delta2- but not delta1-opioid receptors on the cell bodies and/or terminals of accumbal GABAergic interneurons inhibits GABA release and, accordingly, decreases GABA A receptor-mediated inhibition of dopaminergic terminals, resulting in enhanced accumbal dopamine efflux. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Tidal modulated flow and sediment flux through Wax Lake Delta distributary channels: Implications for delta development

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    K. Hanegan


    Full Text Available In this study, a Delft3D model of the Wax Lake Delta was developed to simulate flow and sediment flux through delta distributary channels. The model was calibrated for tidal constituents as well as velocity and sediment concentration across channel transects. The calibrated model was then used to simulate full spring–neap tidal cycles under constant low flow upstream boundary conditions, with grain size variation in suspended load represented using two sediment fractions. Flow and sediment flux results through distributary channel cross-sections were examined for spatial and temporal variability with the goal of characterizing the role of tides in sediment reworking and delta development. The Wax Lake Delta has prograded through channel extension, river mouth bar deposition, and channel bifurcation. Here we show that tidal modulation of currents influences suspended sand transport, and spatial acceleration through distributary channels at low tides is sufficient to suspend sand in distal reaches during lower flows. The basinward-increasing transport capacity in distributary channels indicates that erosive channel extension could be an important process, even during non-flood events.

  17. Delta Vegetation and Land Use [ds292 (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — Vegetation and land use are mapped for the approximately 725,000 acres constituting the Legal Delta portion of the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Delta area....

  18. Primary Production in the Delta: Then and Now

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    James E. Cloern


    Full Text Available doi: evaluate the role of restoration in the recovery of the Delta ecosystem, we need to have clear targets and performance measures that directly assess ecosystem function. Primary production is a crucial ecosystem process, which directly limits the quality and quantity of food available for secondary consumers such as invertebrates and fish. The Delta has a low rate of primary production, but it is unclear whether this was always the case. Recent analyses from the Historical Ecology Team and Delta Landscapes Project provide quantitative comparisons of the areal extent of 14 habitat types in the modern Delta versus the historical Delta (pre-1850. Here we describe an approach for using these metrics of land use change to: (1 produce the first quantitative estimates of how Delta primary production and the relative contributions from five different producer groups have been altered by large-scale drainage and conversion to agriculture; (2 convert these production estimates into a common currency so the contributions of each producer group reflect their food quality and efficiency of transfer to consumers; and (3 use simple models to discover how tidal exchange between marshes and open water influences primary production and its consumption. Application of this approach could inform Delta management in two ways. First, it would provide a quantitative estimate of how large-scale conversion to agriculture has altered the Delta's capacity to produce food for native biota. Second, it would provide restoration practitioners with a new approach—based on ecosystem function—to evaluate the success of restoration projects and gauge the trajectory of ecological recovery in the Delta region.

  19. The influence of delta formation mechanism on geotechnical property sequence of the late Pleistocene–Holocene sediments in the Mekong River Delta

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    Truong Minh Hoang


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to characterize a variety of microstructure development-levels and geotechnical property sequences of the late Pleistocene–Holocene deposits in the Mekong River delta (MRD, and the paper furthermore discusses the influences of delta formation mechanisms on them. The survey associated the geotechnical engineering and the sedimentary geology of the late Pleistocene–Holocene deposits at five sites and also undifferentiated Pleistocene sediments. A cross-section which was rebuilt in the delta progradation-direction and between the Mekong and Bassac rivers represents the stratigraphy. Each sedimentary unit was formed under a different delta formation mechanism and revealed a typical geotechnical property sequence. The mechanical behaviors of the sediment succession in the tide-dominated delta with significant fluvial-activity and material source tend to be more cohesionless soils and strengths than those in the tide- and wave-dominated delta and even the coast. The particular tendency of the mechanical behavior of the deposit succession can be reasonably estimated from the delta formation mechanism. The characteristics of the clay minerals from the Mekong River produced the argillaceous soil which does not have extremely high plasticity. The microstructure development-levels are low to very high indicating how to choose hydraulic conductivity value, k, for estimating overconsolidation ratio, OCR, by the piezocone penetration tests (CPTU. The OCR of sediments in the delta types strangely change with depth but none less than 1. The post-depositional processes significantly influenced the microstructure development, particularly the dehydrating and oxidizing processes.

  20. El descubrimiento de la ruta terrestre entre Buenos Aires y el Río Negro

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    Gorla, Carlos María


    Full Text Available Not available.

    A raíz de los grandes malones de I780, Vértiz activó los trabajos destinados a la defensa del territorio, al mismo tiempo que procuró establecer relaciones pacificas con las parcialidades indígenas que merodeaban la frontera bonaerense. La expedición de Zizur tuvo como objeto negociar la paz con el cacique Lorenzo y, a su vez. "inspeccionar la campaña''. Como resultado de esta empresa tuvo lugar un prolijo reconocimiento de la ruta terrestre entre la capital del Virreinato y el Río Negro, la que pudo ser reconstruida mediante el estudio crítico del diario de la expedición, realizado con la información que aporta la documentación édita e inédita, con el auxilio de la cartografía histórica y las mensura de los terrenos por los que tramitara la misma, practicadas a partir del siglo pasado. Como síntesis final, se ha volcado el camino seguido por Zizur en la cartografía actual.

  1. Displacement waves in La/sub 2/CuO(4-delta) and La(1. 85)Sr(0. 15)CuO(4-delta)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kajitani, T.; Onozuka, T.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Hirabayashi, M.; Syono, Y.


    Structural investigation of orthorhombic La/sub 2/CuO(4-delta) and La(1.85)Sr(0.15)CuO(4-delta) was carried out by means of X-ray and neutron diffraction on the basis of the space group Cmmm. The periodic expansion/contraction type distortion of CuO6 octahedra was found in both orthorhombic compounds. The distortion is nearly one-dimensional in La/sub 2/CuO(4-delta) but is two-dimensional in La(1.85)Sr(0.15)CuO(4-delta). The existence of a charge-density wave is highly possible in the structures. 20 references.

  2. How yield relates to ash content, Delta 13C and Delta 18O in maize grown under different water regimes. (United States)

    Cabrera-Bosquet, Llorenç; Sánchez, Ciro; Araus, José Luis


    Stable isotopes have proved a valuable phenotyping tool when breeding for yield potential and drought adaptation; however, the cost and technical skills involved in isotope analysis limit its large-scale application in breeding programmes. This is particularly so for Delta(18)O despite the potential relevance of this trait in C(4) crops. The accumulation of minerals (measured as ash content) has been proposed as an inexpensive way to evaluate drought adaptation and yield in C(3) cereals, but little is known of the usefulness of this measure in C(4) cereals such as maize (Zea mays). The present study investigates how yield relates to ash content, Delta(13)C and Delta(18)O, and evaluates the use of ash content as an alternative or complementary criterion to stable isotopes in assessing yield potential and drought resistance in maize. A set of tropical maize hybrids developed by CIMMYT were subjected to different water availabilities, in order to induce water stress during the reproductive stages under field conditions. Ash content and Delta(13)C were determined in leaves and kernels. In addition, Delta(18)O was measured in kernels. Water regime significantly affected yield, ash content and stable isotopes. The results revealed a close relationship between ash content in leaves and the traits informing about plant water status. Ash content in kernels appeared to reflect differences in sink-source balance. Genotypic variation in grain yield was mainly explained by the combination of ash content and Delta(18)O, whilst Delta(13)C did not explain a significant percentage of such variation. Ash content in leaves and kernels proved a useful alternative or complementary criterion to Delta(18)O in kernels for assessing yield performance in maize grown under drought conditions.

  3. Hydrological and Climatic Significance of Martian Deltas (United States)

    Di Achille, G.; Vaz, D. A.


    We a) review the geomorphology, sedimentology, and mineralogy of the martian deltas record and b) present the results of a quantitative study of the hydrology and sedimentology of martian deltas using modified version of terrestrial model Sedflux.

  4. Delta Plaza kohvik = The Delta Plaza Café / Margit Mutso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mutso, Margit, 1966-


    Tallinnas Pärnu mnt. 141 asuva kohviku Delta Plaza sisekujundusest. Sisearhitektid Tiiu Truus ja Marja Viltrop (Stuudio Truus OÜ). Hoone arhitektid Jüri Okas ja Marika Lõoke (AB J. Okas & M. Lõoke). Žürii liikme Mait Summataveti arvamus kohvikust

  5. Studying medium effects with the optimized {delta} expansion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krein, G [Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Menezes, D P [Santa Catarina Univ., Florianopolis, SC (Brazil). Dept. de Fisica; Nielsen, M [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica; Pinto, M B [Montpellier-2 Univ., 34 (France). Lab. de Physique Mathematique


    The possibility of using the optimized {delta} expansion for studying medium effects on hadronic properties in quark or nuclear matter is investigated. The {delta} expansion is employed to study density effects with two commonly used models in hadron and nuclear physics, the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model for the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and the Walecka model for the equation of state of nuclear matter. The results obtained with the {delta} expansion are compared to those obtained with the traditional Hartree-Fock approximation. Perspectives for using the {delta} expansion in other field theoretic models in hadron and nuclear physics are discussed. (author). 17 refs, 9 figs.

  6. Antinociceptive activity of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol non-ionic microemulsions. (United States)

    Lazzari, P; Fadda, P; Marchese, G; Casu, G L; Pani, L


    Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC), the major psychoactive constituent of Cannabis sativa L., has been widely studied for its potential pharmaceutical application in the treatment of various diseases and disturbs. This sparingly soluble terpeno-phenolic compound is not easy to handle and to be formulated in pharmaceutical preparations. The aim of this work was to develop a stable aqueous Delta(9)-THC formulation acceptable for different ways of administration, and to evaluate the therapeutic properties of the new Delta(9)-THC based preparation for pain treatment. Due to the thermodynamic stability and advantages of microemulsion based systems, the study was focused on the identification of aqueous microemulsion based systems containing Delta(9)-THC. Oil in water Delta(9)-THC microemulsions were individuated through phase diagrams construction, using the non-ionic surfactant Solutol HS15, being this surfactant acceptable for parenteral administration in human. A selected microemulsion samples containing 0.2 wt% of Delta(9)-THC, stable up to 52 degrees C, was successfully assayed on animal models of pain. Significant antinociceptive activity has been detected by both intraperitoneal and intragastric administration of the new Delta(9)-THC pharmaceutical preparation. The effect has been highlighted in shorter time if compared to a preparation of the same active principle based on previously reported conventional preparation. 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Ocio, negocio y protección: un equilibrio en evolución en el Delta del Ebro


    Galiana Llasat, Pau


    The thesis analyzes the social construction of the Ebro Delta Natural Park – from its beginnings up to the implementation of the second phase of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism. This is done through a simultaneous study of the park, relevant public administrations, and leisure activity firms which emerge thanks to the area being designated a Protected Natural Area. The analysis is taken from an interpretative perspective and an epistemological position of social construction of a...


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    Daniel Souza LIMA

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The Amazon region is one of the main endemic areas of hepatitis delta in the world and the only one related to the presence of genotype 3 of the delta virus. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the profile, mortality and survival of cirrhotic patients submitted to liver transplantation for chronic hepatitis delta virus and compare with those transplanted by hepatitis B virus monoinfection. METHODS: Retrospective, observational and descriptive study. From May 2002 to December 2011, 629 liver transplants were performed at the Walter Cantídio University Hospital, of which 29 patients were transplanted due to cirrhosis caused by chronic delta virus infection and 40 by hepatitis B chronic monoinfection. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, MELD score, Child-Pugh score, upper gastrointestinal bleeding and hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence before the transplantation, perioperative platelet count, mortality and survival. RESULTS: The Delta Group was younger and all came from the Brazilian Amazon Region. Group B presented a higher proportion of male patients (92.5% compared to Group D (58.6%. The occurrence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding before transplantation, MELD score, and Child-Pugh score did not show statistical differences between groups. The occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma and mortality were higher in the hepatitis B Group. The survival in 4 years was 95% in the Delta Group and 75% in the B Group, with a statistically significant difference (P=0.034. Patients with hepatitis delta presented more evident thrombocytopenia in the pre-transplantation and in the immediate postoperative period. CONCLUSION: The hepatitis by delta virus patients who underwent liver transplantation were predominantly male, coming from the Brazilian Amazon region and with similar liver function to the hepatitis B virus patients. They had a lower incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma, more marked perioperative thrombocytopenia levels and frequent

  9. Transcriptomic profiling of pancreatic alpha, beta and delta cell populations identifies delta cells as a principal target for ghrelin in mouse islets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adriaenssens, Alice E; Svendsen, Berit; Lam, Brian Y H


    cytometry and analysed by RNA sequencing. The role of the ghrelin receptor was validated by imaging delta cell calcium concentrations using islets with delta cell restricted expression of the calcium reporter GCaMP3, and in perfused mouse pancreases. RESULTS: A database was constructed of all genes...... expressed in alpha, beta and delta cells. The gene encoding the ghrelin receptor, Ghsr, was highlighted as being highly expressed and enriched in delta cells. Activation of the ghrelin receptor raised cytosolic calcium levels in primary pancreatic delta cells and enhanced somatostatin secretion in perfused...... pancreases, correlating with a decrease in insulin and glucagon release. The inhibition of insulin secretion by ghrelin was prevented by somatostatin receptor antagonism. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Our transcriptomic database of genes expressed in the principal islet cell populations will facilitate...

  10. Geochronology of priority pollutants in sedimentation zones of the Volga and Danube delta in comparison with the Rhine delta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Winkels, H.J.; Kroonenberg, S.B.; Lychagin, M.Y.; Marin, G.; Rusakov, G.V.; Kasimov, N.S.


    Six sediment cores were taken in sedimentation zones of the Volga river (located in the southern part of the Russian Federation) and, additionally, 6 sediment cores were taken in several lakes (sedimentation zones) in the central and western part of the Danube delta in Romania. Priority pollutants (8 metals, 7 polychlorinated biphenyls and 10 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) were determined in all samples of all cores. Present-day and historical levels of pollutants since the late 1930s were established through the use of radionuclide time tracers ( 137 Cs, 134 Cs). For the persistent metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, trends in the concentration profiles during the last 5 decades are described. Low and hardly changing concentrations of As, Cu, Zn and all studied PAHs were observed during the last five decades in the sediments of the Volga river. Recently deposited sediments show slightly increasing levels for the heavy metals Zn and Cr and As in the Volga delta. For the studied metals and PAHs, maximum concentrations were found around 1987 in the sediments of the Danube delta. Sediments deposited around 1940 and recently deposited sediments in the Danube delta showed lower pollutant levels. If the contents of heavy metals, PAHs and PCBs in the aquatic sediments in the deltas of the rivers Rhine, Danube and Volga are compared, it is clear that the Volga delta is and was the cleanest delta during the last 5 decades. Nowadays the contents of heavy metals (except Cu and Ni), PAHs and PCBs in the aquatic sediments of the river Rhine are still highest compared to the other two rivers. The recent load of heavy metals (except Cd and Zn) in the sediments of the river Danube is the highest compared to the other two rivers. (Copyright (c) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. All rights reserved.)

  11. Doubly truncated FosB isoform (Delta2DeltaFosB) induces osteosclerosis in transgenic mice and modulates expression and phosphorylation of Smads in osteoblasts independent of intrinsic AP-1 activity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sabatakos, George; Rowe, Glenn C; Kveiborg, Marie


    DeltaFosB and a further truncated isoform (Delta2DeltaFosB) that lacks known transactivation domains but, like DeltaFosB, induces increased expression of osteoblast marker genes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To test Delta2DeltaFosB's ability to induce bone formation in vivo, we generated transgenic mice......6 expression. CONCLUSIONS: DeltaFosB's AP-1 transactivating function is not needed to induce increased bone formation, and Delta2DeltaFosB may act, at least in part, by increasing Smad1 expression, phosphorylation, and translocation to the nucleus....

  12. Unexpected {delta}{sup 18}O and {delta}{sup 2}H Variability of Groundwater in the Eastern Paris Basin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gourcy, L.; Petelet-Giraud, E. [BRGM Service EAU, Orleans (France)


    The Paris Basin covers about one-third of the total surface area of France. In 2009, two campaigns sampling 25 boreholes tapping Tertiary aquifers were carried out in the Basin. These aquifers are recharged at a similar altitude and the groundwater age is too young to have registered climate change. In the past, regional studies included the use of isotopes to understand groundwater origin and dynamics. Both {delta}{sup 18}O and {delta}{sup 2}H as well as ages (CFC/SF{sub 6)} and chemical components were determined in all collected samples. A noticeable stable isotope 'anomaly' appears in the south-western part of the Basin, where the average {delta}{sup 18}O and {delta}{sup 2}H values are more depleted and do not fit the pattern given by the continental effect in this area. A regional particularity of the spatial distribution of such isotopes in precipitation may be possible, but should be confirmed by additional work. (author)

  13. Delta Cafés (Portugal: Sustainable Business Development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olgierd Swiatkiewicz


    Full Text Available In the case study of Delta Cafés we discuss the sustainable development of the Portuguese company and brand over the 55 years of their existence. Delta Cafés has already been analyzed in terms of marketing activity, social responsibility, management control systems, etc. In this paper, we refer to these studies, and we reach the sources, i.e. the information provided by the Delta Cafés itself. Due to the nature of the coffee market and the use of case study methodology, we start the presentation of this case from a broader context, describing the coffee market in the world and characterizing the coffee market in Portugal as well. Then we present the history of the development of the company and the brand Delta Cafés. The paper ends with concluding remarks in which we discuss the issues of social and environmental responsibility in the light of the development of Delta Cafés business and brand strategies. 

  14. Measurement of delta-rays in ATLAS silicon sensors

    CERN Document Server

    The ATLAS collaboration


    In the inner detector of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, $\\delta$-rays originating from particle interactions in the silicon sensors may cause additional hit channels. A method for identifying silicon hit clusters that are enlarged due to the emission of a $\\delta$-ray is presented. Using pp collision data the expectation is confirmed that the $\\delta$-ray production rate depends linearly on the path length of the particle in silicon, independently of layer radius and detector technology. The range of the $\\delta$-rays, which is a property of the material and should not depend on anything else, is indeed found to be constant as a function of detector layer, path length in silicon and momentum of the particle traversing the silicon. As a by-product of this analysis a method is proposed that could correct for the effect of these $\\delta$-rays, and this could be used to improve track reconstruction.

  15. Alopecia in a viable phospholipase C delta 1 and phospholipase C delta 3 double mutant.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabian Runkel

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Inositol 1,4,5trisphosphate (IP(3 and diacylglycerol (DAG are important intracellular signalling molecules in various tissues. They are generated by the phospholipase C family of enzymes, of which phospholipase C delta (PLCD forms one class. Studies with functional inactivation of Plcd isozyme encoding genes in mice have revealed that loss of both Plcd1 and Plcd3 causes early embryonic death. Inactivation of Plcd1 alone causes loss of hair (alopecia, whereas inactivation of Plcd3 alone has no apparent phenotypic effect. To investigate a possible synergy of Plcd1 and Plcd3 in postnatal mice, novel mutations of these genes compatible with life after birth need to be found. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We characterise a novel mouse mutant with a spontaneously arisen mutation in Plcd3 (Plcd3(mNab that resulted from the insertion of an intracisternal A particle (IAP into intron 2 of the Plcd3 gene. This mutation leads to the predominant expression of a truncated PLCD3 protein lacking the N-terminal PH domain. C3H mice that carry one or two mutant Plcd3(mNab alleles are phenotypically normal. However, the presence of one Plcd3(mNab allele exacerbates the alopecia caused by the loss of functional Plcd1 in Del(9olt1Pas mutant mice with respect to the number of hair follicles affected and the body region involved. Mice double homozygous for both the Del(9olt1Pas and the Plcd3(mNab mutations survive for several weeks and exhibit total alopecia associated with fragile hair shafts showing altered expression of some structural genes and shortened phases of proliferation in hair follicle matrix cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The Plcd3(mNab mutation is a novel hypomorphic mutation of Plcd3. Our investigations suggest that Plcd1 and Plcd3 have synergistic effects on the murine hair follicle in specific regions of the body surface.

  16. Studies of Louisiana's Deltas and Wetlands using SAR (United States)

    Jones, C. E.


    Sustainable coastal environments exist in delicate balance between subsidence, erosion, and sea level rise on one hand and accretion of sediment and retention of decomposing organic matter on the other. In this talk we present results from a series of studies using an airborne L-band SAR (UAVSAR) to measure changing conditions in the Mississippi River Delta and coastal wetlands of Louisiana. Change within the Mississippi River delta (MRD), which is a highly engineered environment, is contrasted to those in the Wax Lake Delta, a small, naturally evolving delta located to the west of the current-day lobe of the MRD. The UAVSAR studies provide evidence that in the MRD subsidence and erosion related to human activities are increasing risk of flooding, submergence, and land loss. These are not seen in the Wax Lake Delta, where new land is forming. We evaluate geomorphic and hydrologic changes In the Wax Lake Delta and wetlands hydrologically connected to the Wax Lake Outlet canal that are apparent on the timescales of the UAVSAR data set, which consists of both near-yearly acquisitions (2009-2016) and several series of repeat acquisitions in 2015 and 2016 capturing conditions across a tidal cycle. Using the yearly data, we observe the evolution of subaqueous channels and crevasses in the delta and changes in distributary channels within the wetlands. We use water level change derived from InSAR applied to the rapid repeat data acquired during different stages of a tidal cycle to study the natural pattern of water flux within the delta and the coastal wetlands. The studies, results, and plans for future work will be presented. This work was carried out in part at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contracts with the California Dept. of Water Resources and with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

  17. Floating City IJmeer : Accelerator for Delta Technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Graaf, R.; Fremouw, M.; Van Bueren, B.; Czapiewska, K.; Kuijper, M.


    Climate change, sea level rise, population growth and ongoing urbanization result in higher vulnerability of the Rhine delta because it will result in increased flooding frequency, increasing investments and increased use of water, energy and other resources. The Rhine Delta also faces strong

  18. Is there a self-organization principle of river deltas? (United States)

    Tejedor, Alejandro; Longjas, Anthony; Foufoula-Georgiou, Efi


    River deltas are known to possess a complex topological and flux-partitioning structure which has recently been quantified using spectral graph theory [Tejedor et al., 2015a,b]. By analysis of real and simulated deltas it has also been shown that there is promise in formalizing relationships between this topo-dynamic delta structure and the underlying delta forming processes [e.g., Tejedor et al., 2016]. The question we pose here is whether there exists a first order organizational principle behind the self-organization of river deltas and whether this principle can be unraveled from the co-evolving topo-dynamic structure encoded in the delta planform. To answer this question, we introduce a new metric, the nonlocal Entropy Rate (nER) that captures the information content of a delta network in terms of the degree of uncertainty in delivering fluxes from any point of the network to the shoreline. We hypothesize that if the "guiding principle" of undisturbed deltas is to efficiently and robustly build land by increasing the diversity of their flux pathways over the delta plane, then they would exhibit maximum nonlocal Entropy Rate at states at which geometry and flux dynamics are at equilibrium. At the same time, their nER would be non-optimal at transient states, such as before and after major avulsions during which topology and dynamics adjust to each other to reach a new equilibrium state. We will present our results for field and simulated deltas, which confirm this hypothesis and open up new ways of thinking about self-organization, complexity and robustness in river deltas. One particular connection of interest might have important implications since entropy rate and resilience are related by the fluctuation theorem [Demetrius and Manke, 2005], and therefore our results suggest that deltas might in fact self-organize to maximize their resilience to structural and dynamic perturbations. References: Tejedor, A., A. Longjas, I. Zaliapin, and E. Foufoula

  19. Understanding delta-sigma data converters

    CERN Document Server

    Pavan, Shanti; Temes, Gabor C


    This new edition introduces novel analysis and design techniques for delta-sigma (ΔΣ) converters in physical and conceptual terms, and includes new chapters that explore developments in the field over the last decade. This book explains the principles and operation of delta-sigma analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) in physical and conceptual terms in accordance with the most recent developments in the field. The interest of ΔΣ converter designers has shifted significantly over the past decade, due to many new applications for data converters at the far ends of the frequency spectrum. Continuous-time delta-sigma A/D converters with GHz clocks, of both lowpass and bandpass types, are required for wireless applications. At the other extreme, multiplexed ADCs with very narrow (sometimes 10 Hz wide) signal bandwidths, but very high accuracy are needed in the interfaces of biomedical and environmental sensors. To reflect the changing eeds of designers, the second edition includes significant new material on bo...

  20. Discursos y prácticas agroempresariales. Un aporte desde la sociología pragmática

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    Diego Taraborrelli


    Full Text Available El sector agropecuario argentino, desde mediados de la década de 1970, ha comenzado un ciclo de profundas transformaciones en los aspectos técnicos, organizacionales y tecnológicos que dan forma al modelo hegemónico de producción agropecuaria: el agribusiness. Dicho modelo ofrece un marco normativo que cristaliza la nueva estructura del sector rural y de aquellos vinculados al mismo, donde ante la desaparición de algunos actores, aparecen nuevos y se reconvierten otros. Como hipótesis estructural consideramos que aquellos que han logrado adaptarse al nuevo marco normativo impuesto por el modelo del agribusiness, serán los que salgan airosos del proceso de reconversión sectorial. En este sentido, el presente trabajo se propone indagar el presente del sector agropecuario, desde dos vertientes distintas, pero complementarias: el plano de lo discursivo y la formación de competencias, a través del análisis de los posgrados en agronegocios argentinos y por el otro, mediante el accionar concreto de los productores agropecuarios de la localidad bonaerense de Junín.

  1. Open source integrated modeling environment Delta Shell (United States)

    Donchyts, G.; Baart, F.; Jagers, B.; van Putten, H.


    In the last decade, integrated modelling has become a very popular topic in environmental modelling since it helps solving problems, which is difficult to model using a single model. However, managing complexity of integrated models and minimizing time required for their setup remains a challenging task. The integrated modelling environment Delta Shell simplifies this task. The software components of Delta Shell are easy to reuse separately from each other as well as a part of integrated environment that can run in a command-line or a graphical user interface mode. The most components of the Delta Shell are developed using C# programming language and include libraries used to define, save and visualize various scientific data structures as well as coupled model configurations. Here we present two examples showing how Delta Shell simplifies process of setting up integrated models from the end user and developer perspectives. The first example shows coupling of a rainfall-runoff, a river flow and a run-time control models. The second example shows how coastal morphological database integrates with the coastal morphological model (XBeach) and a custom nourishment designer. Delta Shell is also available as open-source software released under LGPL license and accessible via

  2. Experiencias productivas, visión del mundo y unidad obrera. El proceso de trabajo como dimensión explicativa de los conflictos laborales.




    El presente artículo es un intento de valorar el proceso de trabajo como una dimensión explicativa importante, para comprender el comportamiento y los valores obreros durante los conflictos laborales. Nuestra escala de análisis es local, ya que estudiaremos una serie de acontecimientos sucedidos en una fábrica metalúrgica bonaerense durante el autodenominado “Proceso de Reorganización Nacional”. Se trató de medidas de fuerza realizadas por el personal de Metalúrgica Tandil, la pri...

  3. How Rapid Change Affects Deltas in the Arctic Region (United States)

    Overeem, I.; Bendixen, M.


    Deltas form where the river drains into the ocean. Consequently, delta depositional processes are impacted by either changes in the respective river drainage basin or by changes in the regional marine environment. In a warming Arctic region rapid change has occurred over the last few decades in both the terrestrial domain as well as in the marine domain. Important terrestrial controls include 1) change in permafrost possibly destabilizing river banks, 2) strong seasonality of river discharge due to a short melting season, 3) high sediment supply if basins are extensively glaciated, 4) lake outbursts and ice jams favoring river flooding. Whereas in the Arctic marine domain sea ice loss promotes wave and storm surge impact, and increased longshore transport. We here ask which of these factors dominate any morphological change in Arctic deltas. First, we analyze hydrological data to assess change in Arctic-wide river discharge characteristics and timing, and sea ice concentration data to map changes in sea ice regime. Based on this observational analysis we set up a number of scenarios of change. We then model hypothetical small-scale delta formation considering change in these primary controls by setting up a numerical delta model, and combining it dynamically with a permafrost model. We find that for typical Greenlandic deltas changes in river forcing due to ice sheet melt dominate the morphological change, which is corroborated by mapping of delta progradation from aerial photos and satellite imagery. Whereas in other areas, along the North Slope and the Canadian Arctic small deltas are more stable or experienced retreat. Our preliminary coupled model allows us to further disentangle the impact of major forcing factors on delta evolution in high-latitude systems.

  4. The State of Bay–Delta Science 2016: An Introduction

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    Michael Healey


    Full Text Available doi: State of Bay–Delta Science 2016 (SBDS is a collection of papers that summarizes the scientific understanding of the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, emphasizing progress made during the past decade.It builds on the first SBDS edition (Healey et al. 2008. Paper topics for this edition address the most relevant scientific issues in the Delta identified by senior scientists and managers. The topical papers cover issues ranging from contaminants in the Delta to levee stability, and from Delta food webs to recent discoveries about salmon migration. These papers are written for a scientific audience. Two additional papers, one describing the challenges of managing water and ecosystems in the Delta and another that discusses policy implications of the recent scientific findings, are written for a general audience. The papers will be published in at least two issues of San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science and will be available as a set electronically.

  5. An automated technique for measuring deltaD and delta18O values of porewater by direct CO2 and H2 equilibration. (United States)

    Koehler, G; Wassenaar, L I; Hendry, M J


    The stable-oxygen and -hydrogen isotopic values (deltaD, delta18O) of porewater in geologic media are commonly determined on water obtained by extraction techniques such as centrifugation, mechanical squeezing, vacuum heating and cryogenic microdistillation, and azeotropic distillation. Each of these techniques may cause isotopic fractionation as part the extraction process and each is laborious. Here we demonstrate a new approach to obtain automated, high-precision deltaD and delta18O measurements of porewater in geologic sediments by direct H2- and CO2-porewater equilibration using a modified commercial CO2-water equilibrator. This technique provides an important and cost-effective improvement over current extraction methods, because many samples can be rapidly analyzed with minimal handling, thereby reducing errors and potential for isotopic fractionation. The precision and accuracy of direct H2- and CO2-porewater equilibration is comparable to or better than current porewater extraction methods. Finally, the direct equilibration technique allows investigators to obtain high-resolution (cm scale) porewater deltaD and delta18O profiles using cores from individual boreholes, eliminating the need for costly piezometers or conventional porewater extractions.

  6. The low-temperature structures of Hgsub(3-delta)SbF6 and Hgsub(3-delta)TaF6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tun, Z.; Brown, I.D.


    The Hg chains in both Hgsub(3-delta)SbF 6 and Hgsub(3-delta)TaF 6 order below room temperature. Down to about 190 K the ordering results from the interaction between parallel chains. It is short range and is different for the two compounds. Below 190 K both compounds transform to an isostructural long-range-ordered phase which is driven by the interaction between perpendicular chains. The structure of this phase in both compounds has been determined. Hgsub(3-delta)SbF 6 at 173 K, delta=0.134(1), Msub(r)=810.6(2). It is monoclinic but pseudotetragonal with I4 1 /amd, a=7.655(1), c=12.558(1) A, V=735.9(2) A 3 , Z=4, Dsub(x)=7.314(3) Mg m -3 , graphite-monochromated Mo Kα radiation, lambda=0.71069 A, μ=64.8 mm -1 , F(000)=1337.1(3). Hgsub(3-delta)TaF 6 at 150 K is isostructural but has delta=0.142(1), Msub(r)=868.2(2), a=7.634(1), c=12.610(2) A, V=734.9(2) A, Dsub(x)=7.844(3) Mg m -3 , μ=76.4 mm -1 , F(000)=1422.6(3). Comparison of the low-temperature structures with those at room temperature shows that the thermal contraction results from the shortening of interatomic distances associated with the weak bonds, with the result that the MF 6 (M=Sb, Ta) host lattice shrinks more than the Hg chains. Variation of the atomic displacement parameters with temperature indicates that the large librational displacements of the MF 6 ion result from thermal motion rather than static disorder. (orig.)

  7. Experimental river delta size set by multiple floods and backwater hydrodynamics. (United States)

    Ganti, Vamsi; Chadwick, Austin J; Hassenruck-Gudipati, Hima J; Fuller, Brian M; Lamb, Michael P


    River deltas worldwide are currently under threat of drowning and destruction by sea-level rise, subsidence, and oceanic storms, highlighting the need to quantify their growth processes. Deltas are built through construction of sediment lobes, and emerging theories suggest that the size of delta lobes scales with backwater hydrodynamics, but these ideas are difficult to test on natural deltas that evolve slowly. We show results of the first laboratory delta built through successive deposition of lobes that maintain a constant size. We show that the characteristic size of delta lobes emerges because of a preferential avulsion node-the location where the river course periodically and abruptly shifts-that remains fixed spatially relative to the prograding shoreline. The preferential avulsion node in our experiments is a consequence of multiple river floods and Froude-subcritical flows that produce persistent nonuniform flows and a peak in net channel deposition within the backwater zone of the coastal river. In contrast, experimental deltas without multiple floods produce flows with uniform velocities and delta lobes that lack a characteristic size. Results have broad applications to sustainable management of deltas and for decoding their stratigraphic record on Earth and Mars.

  8. A Modal Logic for Abstract Delta Modeling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    F.S. de Boer (Frank); M. Helvensteijn (Michiel); J. Winter (Joost)


    htmlabstractAbstract Delta Modeling is a technique for implementing (software) product lines. Deltas are put in a partial order which restricts their application and are then sequentially applied to a core product in order to form specific products in the product line. In this paper we explore the

  9. Four new Delta Scuti stars (United States)

    Schutt, R. L.


    Four new Delta Scuti stars are reported. Power, modified into amplitude, spectra, and light curves are used to determine periodicities. A complete frequency analysis is not performed due to the lack of a sufficient time base in the data. These new variables help verify the many predictions that Delta Scuti stars probably exist in prolific numbers as small amplitude variables. Two of these stars, HR 4344 and HD 107513, are possibly Am stars. If so, they are among the minority of variable stars which are also Am stars.

  10. Delta Evolution at Røde Elv, Disko Island, Greenland (United States)

    Kroon, A.; Arngrimson, J.; Bendixen, M.; Sigsgaard, C.


    Ice, snow and freezing temperatures have a large impact on coastal morphodynamics in Arctic polar environments. A recent warming of the Arctic climate induces many changes along the arctic shorelines. Sea-levels are rising due to thermal expansion and due to an increased fresh water flux from the glaciers and land ice masses. At the same time, the ice coverage of the coastal waters reduces and the open water periods in summer extend. There is a strong seasonal variation with open waters and active rivers in summer and ice-covered coastal waters and inactive rivers in winter. Coastal processes by waves and tides are thus limited to the summer and early fall. Besides, there is also a strong daily variation in fluvial discharges due to the daily variations in glacier melt with maximum melt in the afternoon and minimum values at night. At the same time, the actual flux of the river to the coastal bay is influenced by the tidal phase. Low tides will enhance the transport to the delta front, while high tides will create stagnant waters over the delta plain. The delta of the Røde Elv is located in southwestern Disko Island in west Greenland. It has a relatively small (ca. 101 km2) and partly glaciated drainage basin (ca. 20%) and its sediments consist of a mixture of basaltic sands and gravels. The Røde Elv delta is located at the end of a pro-glacial and fluvial valley at about 20 km from the glacier. The shores of the delta are reworked by waves, predominantly from southwestern, southern (largest fetch, over 50 km), and southeastern directions. The environment has a micro- to meso- tidal range with a spring tidal range of 2.7 m. The morphologic changes on the delta over the last decades clearly showed a seaward extension of the delta and a periodic shift in the location of the main delta channel. In this presentation, we focus on quantification of water discharges and suspended sediment fluxes to the Røde Elv delta in western Greenland, and on the morphological

  11. Implications for future survival of delta smelt from four climate change scenarios for the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California (United States)

    Brown, Larry R.; Bennett, William A.; Wagner, R. Wayne; Morgan-King, Tara; Knowles, Noah; Feyrer, Frederick; Schoellhamer, David H.; Stacey, Mark T.; Dettinger, Mike


    Changes in the position of the low salinity zone, a habitat suitability index, turbidity, and water temperature modeled from four 100-year scenarios of climate change were evaluated for possible effects on delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus, which is endemic to the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. The persistence of delta smelt in much of its current habitat into the next century appears uncertain. By mid-century, the position of the low salinity zone in the fall and the habitat suitability index converged on values only observed during the worst droughts of the baseline period (1969–2000). Projected higher water temperatures would render waters historically inhabited by delta smelt near the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers largely uninhabitable. However, the scenarios of climate change are based on assumptions that require caution in the interpretation of the results. Projections like these provide managers with a useful tool for anticipating long-term challenges to managing fish populations and possibly adapting water management to ameliorate those challenges.

  12. Distinción taxonómica de los moluscos de fondos blandos del Golfo de Batabanó, Cuba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norberto Capetillo-Piñar


    Full Text Available La distinción taxonómica es una medida de diversidad que presenta una serie de ventajas que dan connotación relevante a la ecología teórica y aplicada. La utilidad de este tipo de medida como otro método para evaluar la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas marinos bentónicos de fondos blandos del Golfo de Batabanó (Cuba se comprobó mediante el uso de los índices de distinción taxonómica promedio (Delta+ y la variación en la distinción taxonómica (Lambda+ de las comunidades de moluscos. Para este propósito, se utilizaron los inventarios de especies de moluscos bentónicos de fondos blandos obtenidos en el periodo 1981-1985 y en los años 2004 y 2007. Ambos listados de especies fueron analizados y comparados a escala espacial y temporal. La composición taxonómica entre el periodo y años estudiados se conformó de 3 clases, 20 órdenes, 60 familias, 137 géneros y 182 especies, observándose, excepto en el nivel de clase, una disminución no significativa de esta composición en 2004 y 2007. A escala espacial se detectó una disminución significativa en la riqueza taxonómica en el 2004. No se detectaron diferencias significativas en Delta+ y Lambda+ a escala temporal, pero si a escala espacial, hecho que se puede atribuir al efecto combinado del incremento de las actividades antropogénicas en la región con los efectos inducidos por los huracanes. Estos resultados sugieren que el par de índices Delta+ y Lambda+ son buenos descriptores de la biodiversidad de las comunidades de moluscos bentónicos de fondos blandos del Golfo de Batabanó.

  13. Morphodynamics of a cyclic prograding delta: the Red River, Vietnam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maren, D.S. van


    River deltas are inhabited by over 60% of the world population, and are, consequently, of paramount agricultural and economical importance. They constitute unique wetland envi ronments which gives river deltas ecological importance as well. Additionally, many deltas contain large accumulations of

  14. Changes to subaqueous delta bathymetry following a high river flow event, Wax Lake Delta, LA, USA (United States)

    Whaling, A. R.; Shaw, J.


    Sediment transport capacity is increased during high river flow (flood) events which are characterized by discharges that exceed the 15 year median daily statistic. The Wax Lake Delta (WLD) in coastal Louisiana has experienced 19 of these high flow events in the past 20 years, yet the depositional patterns of single floods are rarely measured in a field-scale deltaic setting. We characterize flood deposition and erosion patterns on the subaqueous portion of the WLD by differencing two Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) constructed from bathymetric surveys before and after the third largest flood in the WLD's recorded history. The total suspended sediment discharge for the 496 day inter-survey period was 2.14x107 cubic meters measured 21 km upstream of the delta apex. The difference map showed 1.06x107 cubic meters of sediment was deposited and 8.2x106 cubic meters was eroded, yielding 2.40x106 cubic meters of net deposition in the survey area ( 79.7 km2 ). Therefore the average deposition rate was 0.061 mm/day. Channel planform remained relatively unchanged for five out of six distributary passes however Gadwall Pass experienced a maximum channel displacement of 166 m ( 1 channel width) measured from the thalweg centerline. Channel tip extension was negligible. In addition, channel displacement was not concentrated at any portion along the channel centerline. Maximum erosion occurred within channel margins and increased upstream whereas maximum deposition occurred immediately outside the channel margins. Sediment eroded from the survey area was either subsequently re-deposited or transported out of the system. Our results show that up to 77.4% of deposition in the survey area originated from sediment eroded during the flood. Surprisingly, only 11.2% of the total suspended sediment discharge was retained in the subaqueous portion of the delta after the flood. We conclude that a high flow event does not produce channel progradation. Rather, high flow causes delta

  15. Desarrollo del Robot Paralelo Parallix LKF-240

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Castillo Castañeda


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta al robot paralelo PARALLIX LKF-2040 desarrollado en la Instituto Politécnico Nacional y actualmente comercializado en Instituciones de Educación Superior para fortalecer la enseñanza de la mecatrónica. Este mecanismo posee una plataforma fija y otra móvil. Los actuadores están montados en la plataforma fija, reduciendo el cableado y manteniéndolo fuera del espacio de trabajo. La plataforma móvil es el elemento efector y puede ser posicionada en un amplio espacio de trabajo. La estructura del manipulador es ligera, simplificando la dinámica y minimizando el peso a desplazar. Lo anterior, permite utilizar el par generado por los motores sólo para el desplazamiento de la carga. El robot PARALLIX LKF-2040 tiene sus orígenes en la configuración del robot tipo Delta pero tiene articulaciones rotacionales en lugar de esféricas, proporcionando un espacio de trabajo más amplio. Primeramente, se presenta el concepto de robot paralelo y sus ventajas respecto a los robots convencionales tipo serial. Se muestra la estructura geométrica de un robot paralelo tipo 3RSS y se encuentra la solución de su cinemática inversa. También, se presentan los resultados obtenidos del análisis del espacio de trabajo y el diseño de una arquitectura de control de tres ejes para servomotores con encoder incremental en cuadratura. Además, se proponen técnicas novedosas basadas en análisis de imágenes para determinar la precisión y la repetibilidad del robot, así como la rigidez bajo diferentes condiciones de carga.

  16. Catolicismo y condición femenina: representaciones de género sobre la maternidad y la domesticidad en la prensa del suroeste bonaerense argentino a principios del siglo XX

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucía Bracamonte


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se identifican y describenlos significados atribuidos a la maternidad y a ladomesticidad analizando las representaciones degénero en el discurso de la prensa confesional queaparece en Bahía Blanca y circula por su zona de influencia en las tres primeras décadas delsiglo XX. Se sostiene que los(as católicos(as queescriben en la prensa comparten el concepto dediferencia sexual dominante y abordan el problema de la condición femenina centrándose enlas nociones de domesticidad y maternidad, quealuden al papel de reproducción material y biológica de la sociedad en el marco de la divisiónsexual del trabajo. Sin embargo, algunos de elloslas reformulan frente a las transformaciones dela época que impactan sobre la familia, comoresultado de lo cual expresan ideas que, si bien notienen en sí mismas la intención de subvertir lasrelaciones de género, avalan ciertas mutacionesde signo moderno.

  17. Modern sedimentation and morphology of the subaqueous Mekong Delta, Southern Vietnam (United States)

    Unverricht, Daniel; Szczuciński, Witold; Stattegger, Karl; Jagodziński, Robert; Le, Xuan Thuyen; Kwong, Laval Liong Wee


    The Mekong River Delta is among the Asian mega-deltas and is influenced by various factors including tides (meso-tidal system), waves, coastal currents, monsoon-driven river discharge and human impact (agriculture, fishing, sand dredging, tourism). The present study aims to document the seafloor relief, sediment distribution and sediment accumulation rates to interpret modern sediment transport directions and main sedimentation processes in the subaqueous Mekong Delta. The major results of this investigation include the detection of two delta fronts 200 km apart, one at the mouth of the Bassac River (the biggest branch of the Mekong Delta) and the other around Cape Ca Mau (most south-western end of the Mekong Delta). Additionally, a large channel system runs in the subaqueous delta platform parallel to the shore and between the two fronts. The sediment accumulation rates vary greatly according to the location in the subaqueous delta and have reached up to 10 cm/yr for the last century. A cluster analysis of surface sediment samples revealed two different sediment types within the delta including a well-sorted sandy sediment and a poorly sorted, silty sediment. In addition, a third end member with medium to coarse sand characterised the distant parts of the delta at the transition to the open shelf. The increase of organic matter and carbonate content to the bottom set area and other sedimentary features such as shell fragments, foraminiferas and concretions of palaeo-soils that do not occur in delta sediments, supported grain size-based classification. Beginning in front of the Bassac River mouth, sedimentary pattern indicates clockwise sediment transport alongshore in the western direction to a broad topset area and the delta front around Cape Ca Mau. Our results clearly show the large lateral variability of the subaqueous Mekong Delta that is further complicated by strong monsoon-driven seasonality. River, tidal and wave forcing vary at local and seasonal scales

  18. River Delta Subsidence Measured with Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) (United States)

    Higgins, Stephanie

    This thesis addresses the need for high-resolution subsidence maps of major world river deltas. Driven by a combination of rising water, sediment compaction, and reduced sediment supply due to damming and flood control, many deltas are sinking relative to sea level. A lack of data constraining rates and patterns of subsidence has made it difficult to determine the relative contributions of each factor in any given delta, however, or to assess whether the primary drivers of land subsidence are natural or anthropogenic. In recent years, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) has emerged as a satellite-based technique that can map ground deformation with mm-scale accuracy over thousands of square kilometers. These maps could provide critical insight into the drivers of subsidence in deltas, but InSAR is not typically applied to non-urban delta areas due to the difficulties of performing the technique in wet, vegetated settings. This thesis addresses those difficulties and achieves high-resolution measurements of ground deformation in rural deltaic areas. Chapter 1 introduces the processes that drive relative sea level rise in river deltas and investigates open questions in delta subsidence research. Chapter 2 assesses the performance of InSAR in delta settings and reviews interferogram generation in the context of delta analysis, presenting delta-specific processing details and guiding interpretation in these challenging areas. Chapter 3 applies Differential (D-) InSAR to the coast of the Yellow River Delta in China. Results show that subsidence rates are as high as 250 mm/y due to groundwater extraction at aquaculture facilities, a rate that exceeds local and global average sea level rise by nearly two orders of magnitude and suggests a significant hazard for Asian megadeltas. Chapter 4 applies interferometric stacking and Small Baseline Subset (SBAS)-InSAR to the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh. Results show that stratigraphy controls subsidence in

  19. The Great Diversion: Danube Delta under Human Control (Invited) (United States)

    Giosan, L.


    Many deltas around the world are suffering from sediment deficits that render them unstable to current and predicted rates of sea level rise. One solution proposed to alleviate the complete or partial drowning of such deltas is the use of river diversions to increase the quantity of sediment supplied to the delta plain to support marsh accretion. We examine the results of a half century old program of diversion in the Danube delta that led to the creation of an extensive diversion channel network akin in scope and size to a natural deltaic network. Danube’s importance as a shipping route increased after the Crimean War in the 1850s; the European Danube Commission was charged with maintaining the Sulina distributary as a shipping channel until 1940s. In the same period, several canals were dug to aid fishing in lakes and bring freshwater to brackish lagoons. After World War II, Communist authorities dramatically increased the number of canals for fishing, fish-farming and reed harvesting. New data on sedimentation rates and estimates of sediment fluxes suggest that the intensive canalization in the second half of the 20th Century led to increased sediment deposition that compensated the decreasing sediment discharge linked to damming within the internal fluvial part of the delta; however, the external marine delta has become increasingly sediment starved during the same interval. We emphasize the similarities and contrasts between the “human-controlled” and natural deltaic channel networks of the Danube delta and discuss the sustainability of the delta as a sediment budget problem within a sea level rise context.

  20. Population dynamics, delta vulnerability and environmental change: comparison of the Mekong, Ganges–Brahmaputra and Amazon delta regions


    Szabo, S.; Brondizio, E.; Renaud, F.G.; Hetrick, S.; Nicholls, R.; Matthews, Z.; Tessler, Z; Tejedor, A; Sebesvari, Z; Foufoula-Georgiou, E; da Costa, S; Dearing, J.A.


    Tropical delta regions are at risk of multiple threats including relative sea level rise and human alterations, making them more and more vulnerable to extreme floods, storms, surges, salinity intrusion, and other hazards which could also increase in magnitude and frequency with a changing climate. Given the environmental vulnerability of tropical deltas, understanding the interlinkages between population dynamics and environmental change in these regions is crucial for ensuring efficient pol...

  1. Medición de la concentración de sedimentos en suspensión mediante dispositivos ópticos y acústicos: aplicación en sistemas tropicales (Delta del río Mira, Colombia Measurement of suspended sediment concentration using optical and acoustic devices: application in tropical systems (Mira River Delta, Colombia

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    Juan Camilo Restrepo


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, la utilización de dispositivos ópticos (e.g. Optical Backscatter Sensor, OBS y acústicos (e.g. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler-ADCP ha permitido monitorear con mayor resolución la variabilidad temporal y espacial de la concentración de sedimentos en suspensión (CSS en ambientes costeros y estuarinos. Sin embargo, la aplicación de estas técnicas en ambientes tropicales ha tenido un desarrollo incipiente. En el presente trabajo se implementó un procedimiento de calibración para un dispositivo OBS-3A, tomando como patrón de calibración sedimento seco y desagregado de la zona de estudio. Además, se presentan las correcciones a las que se debe someter la señal de respuesta del ADCP, debido a la dispersión geométrica, la atenuación del sonido por el agua y las partículas en suspensión, para que sea útil en la estimación de CSS. El ADCP y el OBS-3A se utilizaron para realizar mediciones de CSS en el sistema deltaico del río Mira (isla del Morro y desembocadura principal, ubicado sobre la costa del Pacífico colombiano, un ambiente costero tropical donde algunos factores oceanográficos y estuarinos son determinantes en la señal de respuesta de los equipos.In recent years, the use of optical (Optical Backscatter Sensor, OBS and acoustic (Acoustic Current Doppler Profiler, ADCP instruments has allowed monitoring the temporal and spatial variation of the suspended sediment concentration (SSC in coastal and estuarine environments with greater resolution. However, the development of the application of those techniques in tropical environments is incipient. For this study, an OBS-3A calibration procedure was implemented, taking dry and desegregated sediment from the study zone as a calibrating pattern. Moreover, we present the corrections required for the ADCP signal to be useful in the estimation of SSC due to geometrical spreading, the attenuation of sound by water, and the particles in suspension. The ADCP

  2. Identidad, identificación y realización en el trabajo contemporáneo: Transformaciones del autoconcepto laboral y del involucramiento con el trabajo concreto Identity, identification and accomplishment in contemporary work: Transformations of: labor self-concept and involvement with concrete-work

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    Liliana Edith Ferrari


    Full Text Available Acorde a la prioridad política asignada a la creación de trabajo digno para la Latinoamérica contemporánea, se exponen los resultados de la exploración realizada entre 2004-2007 en términos de significados y prácticas del trabajo. Se enmarca en el Proyecto UBACyT-P015 "Riesgos psicosociales de los trabajadores. Efectos subjetivos e intersubjetivos de la precarización laboral", como revisión post-crisis 2001 a partir de investigaciones empíricas. De las mismas, se analizan específicamente los hallazgos significativos referidos a autoconcepto e involucramiento, aplicados en un estudio transversal a dos muestras con participantes de CABA y Conurbano bonaerense. Del estudio descriptivo-correlacional se exponen e interpretan las tendencias que perfilan grupos en riesgo, donde se destacan los peligros de baja inclusión, poca oportunidad de integración y dificultades de identificación con sus actuales prácticas de trabajo o con la ausencia del mismo. Los hallazgos destacados se discuten en términos de competencias educativas, circuito desempleo-subempleo, juventud, género y oportunidades.According to the political priority assigned to the creation of worthy work for contemporary Latin American, we expose the results of the exploration carried between 2004-2007 in terms of meaning and practices of work. It is framed in UBACyT-P015 Project "Workers' psychosocial risks. Subjective and inter-subjective effects of labor precarization": a post-2001 crisis revision based in empirical research. We specifically analyze the significant findings referred to self-concept and involvement, applied in a cross-sectional study to two samples with participants of Buenos Aires City and surroundings. From the descriptive-correlational study, we expose and interpret the tendencies that outline at-risk groups, where stand out the dangers of low inclusion, little opportunity of integration and difficulties of identification with their present working

  3. Stable Isotope (delta OXYGEN-18, Delta Deuterium, Delta CARBON-13) Dendroclimatological Studies in the Waterloo Region of Southern Ontario, Canada, Between AD 1610 and 1990. (United States)

    Buhay, William Mark

    Oxygen (delta^{18} O), hydrogen (delta^2H) and carbon (delta^{13}C) isotopes were measured in wood cellulose from elm, white pine and maple trees that grew in southwestern Ontario, Canada. The measured oxygen and hydrogen isotopic data were used for model-based reconstructions of delta^{18}{O}_{meteoric water}, mean annual temperature (MAT) and relative humidity for a period, AD 1610 to 1880, that precedes instrumental records of climate. The carbon isotope measurements were compared with the Cellulose Model inferred climate data to reveal additional environmental information. Modifications made to the Cellulose Model focused on the dynamics of oxygen and hydrogen isotopic fractionation in plants during evapotranspiration and photosynthetic assimilation. For instance, kinetic fractionation of ^{18}O was found to be predictable from theoretical considerations of leaf energy balance and boundary layer dynamics. Kinetic fractionation during evapotranspiration is sensitive to the nature of the boundary layer, which is controlled by leaf size and morphology. Generally, plants with small segmented leaves have a lower component of turbidity in the leaf boundary layer, which results in higher kinetic fractionation values, than do plants having large simple leaves and more turbulent boundary layers. Kinetic ^2H enrichment in plant leaf water can also be rationalized in terms of leaf size and morphology when an apparent temperature-dependent isotope effect, acting in opposition to evaporative enrichment, is taken into account. Accounting for this temperature -dependent isotope effect helps to: (1) reconcile hydrogen kinetic fractionation inconsistencies for different leaves; (2) explain a temperature effect previously attributed to variable biochemical fractionation during cellulose synthesis, and; (3) verify hydrogen biochemical effects in plants. This improved characterization of the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic effects in plants, using the modified Cellulose Model, helped

  4. Incidencia de chirridos con el uso de cerámica en cerámica Biolox Delta en artroplastía de cadera. [Incidence of squeaking using third-generation biolox® delta ceramic on ceramic bearing surfaces.

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    Gerardo Zanotti


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: La superficie cerámica-cerámica causa complicaciones, como la fractura y la generación de ruidos articulares (squeaking. Este estudio muestra nuestra experiencia con la utilización del compuesto de matriz alúmina (cerámica Delta. Materiales­ y ­Métodos: Se evaluaron, en forma retrospectiva, 109 caderas, 97 pacientes, con edad promedio de 49 años (rango 17-77. Ciento dos de estas caderas fueron cirugías primarias, mientras que 7 fueron revisiones. Todos los componentes acetabulares fueron Pinnacle® (DePuy Orthopaedics, Warsaw, Indiana, EE.UU. La cerámica utilizada en todos los casos fue BIOLOX® Delta (Ceram Tec AG, Plochingen, Alemania. Resultados: El seguimiento fue de 37 meses (rango 24- 50. Se realizó la medición radiográfica de la anteversión, por el método de Ackland (rango 1°-35°, la inclinación (rango 22°-67°, el diámetro acetabular (rango 48-62 mm, el tamaño de la cabeza femoral (88: 36 mm y 21: 28 mm y la lateralización antes de la cirugía y después de ella. Se evaluó a todos los pacientes con el puntaje de Harris, los resultados fueron, en su mayoría, muy buenos y algunos, buenos. Las complicaciones fueron: una luxación (0,91%, una subluxación protésica (0,91%, una infección aguda (0,91%, una fractura periprotésica (0,91%, una rotura del inserto de cerámica (0,91%. Ningún paciente refirió ruidos o una cadera chirriante. Conclusión: En esta serie, no se reportaron episodios de chirridos, pese a la gran variación en la anteversión y la inclinación del componente acetabular. Creemos que la composición y el diseño de la cerámica de tercera genera- ción determinarían un menor índice de chirridos que las de segunda generación.

  5. Valoración de las necesidades de cuidados del paciente durante la hemodiálisis y su relación con el grado de dependencia

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    María del Carmen López Toledano


    Full Text Available Introducción: En la actualidad, el paciente en hemodiálisis tiene más edad, comorbilidad añadida y algún grado de dependencia. Esta situación ha hecho que su atención en las unidades de diálisis sea cada más compleja, relacionándose a menudo grado de dependencia con mayor necesidad de cuidados de enfermería. Sin embargo, no existen estudios donde se evidencie este hecho de forma concreta. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el grado de dependencia de los pacientes en hemodiálisis y su relación con las necesidades de cuidados de enfermería durante la sesión. Pacientes y Métodos: Se estudiaron 88 pacientes en hemodiálisis, del Servicio de Nefrología del HURS de Córdoba, mediante un diseño observacional analítico. Para evaluar el grado de dependencia se utilizó el "Test Delta", y el "Índice de Katz". Para analizar la demanda de cuidados se usó una parrilla de actividades de enfermería durante la sesión, de elaboración propia. Resultados: La edad media fue 64,87 años y en el índice de comorbilidad se encontró una mediana de 7 (rango 0-12. Cuando se analizaron los resultados del Test Delta, comprobamos que el 69,3% presentaban algún tipo de dependencia, mientras que con el Índice de Katz la presentaban el 72,7%, encontrándose entre ambos una buena correlación (r=0,866 p<0,01. Se encontró correlación entre la edad y las actividades de enfermería (r=0,331, p<0,01, el índice de comorbilidad (r=0,726, p<0,01 y el Test Delta (r= 0,244, p<0,05. También se encontró correlación entre las actividades de enfermería y el Delta , (r=0,483, p<0,05, el Katz (r=0,405 p<0,01 y el índice de comorbilidad (r=0,380 p<0,01. A su vez el índice de comorbilidad se correlacionó con el Delta (r=0,320 p<0,05 y el índice de Katz (r= 0,276 p<0,01. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados sugieren que a mayor grado de dependencia, indistintamente del instrumento utilizado, mayor necesidad de cuidados. De igual manera, a m

  6. Groundwater Flow Model of Göksu Delta Coastal Aquifer System (United States)

    Erdem Dokuz, Uǧur; Çelik, Mehmet; Arslan, Şebnem; Engin, Hilal


    Like many other coastal areas, Göksu Delta (Mersin-Silifke, Southern Turkey) is a preferred place for human settlement especially due to its productive farmlands and water resources. The water dependent ecosystem in Göksu delta hosts about 332 different plant species and 328 different bird species besides serving for human use. Göksu Delta has been declared as Special Environmental Protection Zone, Wildlife Protection Area, and RAMSAR Convention for Wetlands of International Importance area. Unfortunately, rising population, agricultural and industrial activities cause degradation of water resources both by means of quality and quantity. This problem also exists for other wetlands around the world. It is necessary to prepare water management plans by taking global warming issues into account to protect water resources for next generations. To achieve this, the most efficient tool is to come up with groundwater management strategies by constructing groundwater flow models. By this aim, groundwater modeling studies were carried out for Göksu Delta coastal aquifer system. As a first and most important step in all groundwater modeling studies, geological and hydrogeological settings of the study area have been investigated. Göksu Delta, like many other deltaic environments, has a complex structure because it was formed with the sediments transported by Göksu River throughout the Quaternary period and shaped throughout the transgression-regression periods. Both due to this complex structure and the lack of observation wells penetrating deep enough to give an idea of the total thickness of the delta, it was impossible to reveal out the hydrogeological setting in a correct manner. Therefore, six wells were drilled to construct the conceptual hydrogeological model of Göksu Delta coastal aquifer system. On the basis of drilling studies and slug tests that were conducted along Göksu Delta, hydrostratigraphic units of the delta system have been obtained. According to

  7. Isotopic variations ({delta}{sup 13} C and {delta}{sup 18} O) in Siderastrea stellata (Cnidaria-Anthozoa), Itamaraca island, State of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreira, Valderez P.; Sial, Alcides N. [Pernambuco Univ., Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Geologia. Lab. de Isotopos Estaveis; Mayeal, Elga M.; Exner, Marco Antonio [Pernambuco Univ., Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Zoologia. Lab. de Macro e Megabentos


    Isotopic determinations for O and C were performed in coral skeletons collected in beach rocks from two localities (Orange and Catuama), Itamaraca Island, north littoral of the State of pernambuco, northeastern Brazil. Large variations of {delta}{sup 18} O and {delta}{sup 13} C in corals from both localities are found, the largest ones being observed at the Orange locality {delta}{sup 13} C in this locality varies from -0.8 to +1.8% PDB and {delta}{sup 1.8} O from -5.3 to -1.8% PDB, while at the Catuama locality, they vary from -1.8 to 0.1% PDB and -3.8 to -2.7% PDB, respectively. Large variations in {delta}{sup 18} O (up to 2.5%) coupled with weakly defined positive correlation between {delta}{sup 18} O and {delta}{sup 13} C, can be attributed to temperature variations as consequence of climatic perturbations. Temperature estimates, calculated from {delta}{sup 18} O values, assuming isotopic equilibrium with seawater, yield values between 24.9 deg C and 43.1 deg C at Orange, and from 28.4 deg C to 35 deg C at Catuama, all of them (expect one growth band from one sample) are high enough for the full development of the coral colony. Temperature average is 31.4 deg C at Orange, which is a little bit higher than that at Catuama, but both of them indicate thermal stress conditions. In all analyzed specimens, expect for one, at Orange, T increases was accompanied by decreasing in the organic activity, as suggested by corresponding negative {delta}{sup 13} C anomaly. Therefore, the observed bleaching is possibly related to thermal stress and the high T may be related to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) warning event. On the other hand, anthropogenic action at Orange, local of intense tourism throughout the year, coupled with high rate of sedimentation in the region, may contribute to the observed coral bleaching. (author)

  8. Mesquite Risk Mapping and Assessment in Tokar Delta-Eastern Sudan


    Suliman, Mahgoub; NAWATA, Hiroshi; Hoshino, Buho; Karamalla, Abdelaziz


    Tokar Delta is a name given to a small delta of approximately 161,000 hectares situated in the southern area of the Red Sea in Eastern Sudan. Beginning of 1980, mesquite species (Prosopis chilensis & Prosopis juliflora) were introduced to Tokar area to be planted as a shelterbelt for the city Tokar, but after while; it spread out to the delta area and became an invasive plant to the agricultural lands and along Khor Barak banks. Nowadays mesquite covers more than half of the delta area, decre...

  9. (p,. pi. /sup -/) reaction and. delta. /sup + +/ components of nuclei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kisslinger, L S; Miller, G A [Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (USA). Dept. of Physics


    The use of the (p,..pi../sup -/) reaction as a probe to determine + +/(1232) components of nuclear wave functions is examined within the framework of a model which treats baryon resonances on the same footing as nucleons. Nuclear structure properties which affect the are discussed. Estimates of cross sections, at several energies, are made for the + +/ transfer contribution as well as for the competing processes: proton charge exchange (p,n) followed by an (n,..gamma../sup -/) reaction; emission of a ..pi../sup 0/ followed by pion charge exchange (..pi../sup -/,..pi../sup 0/). Even with as small as 0.0001 the process can compete with ordinary background charge-exchange reactions.

  10. Hepatitis virales B y delta: epidemiología y prevención en el Perú

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    César Cabezas Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se describe la epidemiología de las hepatitis virales B (HVB y Delta (HVD en el Perú, destacando su disímil prevalencia según áreas geográficas que, sin embargo, tienden a ser cada vez más similares debido a la intensa migración interna. Igualmente, se mencionan mecanismos de transmisión diferentes a los clásicamente reportados en la literatura, así como las consecuencias de la infección crónica, traducidas en cirrosis hepática y hepatocarcinoma. Finalmente, se describen las intervenciones para la prevención de la HVB mediante programas piloto de inmunización integradas al programa ampliado de inmunizaciones (PAI, los cuales han mostrado su impacto en la reducción de las tasas de prevalencia en áreas hiperendémica intervenidas, y que han derivado en la incorporación de la vacuna contra HVB en el PAI del Ministerio de Salud del Perú.

  11. Polarized antiquark flavor asymmetry DELTA anti u(x)-DELTA anti d(x) and the pion cloud

    CERN Document Server

    Fries, R J; Weiss, C


    The flavor asymmetry of the unpolarized antiquark distributions in the proton, anti u(x)- anti d(x)0. Using a simple chiral linear sigma model as an example, we demonstrate that in the meson cloud picture a large positive DELTA anti u(x)-DELTA anti d(x) can be obtained from pi-sigma interference contributions. This calls into question previous estimates based on rho-meson contributions alone, and indicates how the results of the meson cloud picture may be reconciled with those of quark-based models. (orig.)

  12. Delta agent (Hepatitis D) (United States)

    ... this page: // Hepatitis D (Delta agent) To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Hepatitis D is a viral infection caused by the ...

  13. Efecto antrópico sobre la fertilidad química de un suelo en el sudoeste bonaerense Anthropogenic effect on soil chemical fertility of a field in southwestern Buenos Aires

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    María de las Mercedes Ron


    Full Text Available El uso agrícola establece gradientes negativos de fertilidad edáfica desde el alambre al interior de un lote, con impacto diferente en los primeros cm de la capa arable. Los objetivos de este trabajo son cuantificar esos gradientes, en un establecimiento de Tornquist (provincia de Buenos Aires y evaluar la sensibilidad de distintos índices de calidad edáfica. En un sector plano se seleccionaron tres posiciones: 1 bajo el alambradro («alambre»; 2 a 3-4 m del alambrado («borde» y 3 a 15 m del perímetro («interior». En cada una se extrajeron tres muestras compuestas, a dos profundidades 0-6 y 0-12 cm. Se efectuaron los siguientes análisis: pH; fósforo extraíble (P BK; boro extraíble (Bext, nitrógeno orgánico total (Not, potasio (Kint, calcio (Ca int y magnesio intercambiables (Mg int. Se determinó carbono orgánico (CO, oxidable con distintas concentraciones de ácido sulfúrico y CO total (COT, por combustión seca. Se calcularon fracciones de CO de oxidabilidad creciente. El P BK fue la determinación química más variable. Las profundidades analizadas tuvieron menor impacto sobre las determinaciones que las posiciones, aún con cuatro años previos bajo siembra directa. El pH, Ca int y Mg int no disminuyeron por uso agrícola, confirmando su estabilidad en los sistemas mixtos del SO bonaerense. Algunos de los índices más sensibles a los efectos estudiados (P BK, CO fácilmente oxidable estuvieron asociados positivamente. Se registraron pérdidas de 43 y 490 kg ha-1 de P BK y de Kint, en la profundidad de 0-12 cm, correspondiendo, el 84% y el 71% a los primeros seis cm. El COT disminuyó en un tercio en «interior». La tasa de oxidación del CO fue significativamente mayor para «alambre» a 0-6 cm. El factor de oxidación para el método Walkley y Black estándar fue de 0,82 para «interior» y 0,90 para «alambre» y «borde».Soil cultivation produces negative soil fertility gradients from under the fence towards the

  14. Contaminant Effects on California Bay–Delta Species and Human Health

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    Stephanie Fong


    Full Text Available doi: contaminants in the California Bay–Delta (Bay–Delta exceed regulatory standards, affect aquatic species, and potentially affect human health. Recent studies provide multiple lines of evidence that contaminants affect species of concern in the Bay–Delta (e.g., the decline of several important fish species referred to as the “Pelagic Organism Decline” or POD. Contaminants occur as dynamic complex mixtures and exert effects at multiple levels of biological organization. Multiple chemicals impair processes at cellular and physiological levels (measured as growth, development, and behavior abnormalities, and when viability and reproductive output are affected, populations are affected. As an important example, the population decline of the endangered Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus is significantly associated with multiple stressors, including insecticide use. New analyses presented in this paper show significant correlations between pyrethroid use and declining abundance of POD fish species. Water sampled from the Bay–Delta causes multiple deleterious effects in fish, and Delta Smelt collected from the Bay–Delta exhibit contaminant effects. Fish prey items are also affected by contaminants; this may have an indirect effect on their populations. Co-occurrence with thermal changes or disease can exacerbate contaminant effects. Contaminants also pose threats to human health via consumption of fish and shellfish, drinking water, and contact recreation, in particular, mercury, cyanobacteria toxins, disinfection byproducts, pathogens, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals and personal care products. The role of contaminants in the decline of Bay–Delta species is difficult to accurately assess in a complex, dynamic system. However, tools and approaches are available to evaluate contaminant effects on Bay–Delta species, and separate the effects of multiple stressors. Integrated

  15. Hepatitis delta in HIV-infected individuals in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Soriano, Vincent; Grint, Daniel; Monforte, Antonellad'arminio


    BACKGROUND:: Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection results in the most aggressive form of chronic viral hepatitis. There is scarce information about the prevalence, epidemiology, virological profile and natural historyof hepatitis delta in HIV patients. METHODS:: From 16,597 HIV patients enrolled......-RNA was quantified using a real-time PCR method. RESULTS:: A total of 61/422 HBsAg+ carriers were anti-HDV+ (prevalence: 14.5%). Hepatitis delta predominated in intravenous drug users and for this reason in South and/or East Europe. Serum HDV-RNA was detectable in 87% of tested anti-HDV+ patients, with a median...... titer of 1.76x10¿copies/ml. Overall, delta hepatitis patients showed lower serum HBV-DNA than the rest of HBsAg+ carriers, although the inhibitory effect of HDV on HBV replication was not recognized in HBV genotype D patients.Whereas HDV was not associated with progression to AIDS, it significantly...

  16. Within-canopy and ozone fumigation effects on delta13C and Delta18O in adult beech (Fagus sylvatica) trees: relation to meteorological and gas exchange parameters. (United States)

    Gessler, Arthur; Löw, Markus; Heerdt, Christian; de Beeck, Maarten Op; Schumacher, Johannes; Grams, Thorsten E E; Bahnweg, Günther; Ceulemans, Reinhart; Werner, Herbert; Matyssek, Rainer; Rennenberg, Heinz; Haberer, Kristine


    In this study, the effects of different light intensities either in direct sunlight or in the shade crown of adult beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees on delta13C and Delta18O were determined under ambient (1 x O3) and twice-ambient (2 x O3) atmospheric ozone concentrations during two consecutive years (2003 and 2004). We analysed the isotopic composition in leaf bulk, leaf cellulose, phloem and xylem material and related the results to (a) meteorological data (air temperature, T and relative humidity, RH), (b) leaf gas exchange measurements (stomatal conductance, g(s); transpiration rate, E; and maximum photosynthetic activity, A(max)) and (c) the outcome of a steady-state evaporative enrichment model. Delta13C was significantly lower in the shade than in the sun crown in all plant materials, whilst Delta18O was increased significantly in the shade than in the sun crown in bulk material and cellulose. Elevated ozone had no effect on delta13C, although Delta18O was influenced by ozone to varied degrees during single months. We observed significant seasonal changes for both parameters, especially in 2004, and also significant differences between the study years. Relating the findings to meteorological data and gas exchange parameters, we conclude that the differences in Delta18O between the sun and the shade crown were predominantly caused by the Péclet effect. This assumption was supported by the modelled Delta18O values for leaf cellulose. It was demonstrated that independent of RH, light-dependent reduction of stomatal conductance (and thus transpiration) and of A(max) can drive the pattern of Delta18O increase with the concomitant decrease of delta13C in the shade crown. The effect of doubling ozone levels on time-integrated stomatal conductance and transpiration as indicated by the combined analysis of Delta18O and delta13C was much lower than the influence caused by the light exposure.

  17. The Niger Delta Crisis

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 28, 2013 ... Department of History & International Studies, Delta State University, Abraka,. Nigeria. .... democracy implies popular power. That is ... Okonta (2006:5) draws attention to Anna Zalik's treatise called 'Petro-Vio- lence' and ...

  18. T gamma/delta lymphocytes in renal transplant recipients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Raasveld, M. H.; Bloemena, E.; Surachno, S.; ten Berge, R. J.


    T gamma/delta lymphocytes are able to perform allospecific cytotoxicity and natural killer cytotoxicity in vitro. However, very little is known about their function in vivo. To investigate the possible involvement of T gamma/delta lymphocytes in the immune response to renal allografts, fine-needle

  19. An integrated assessment framework for land subsidence in delta cities

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    T. H. M. Bucx


    Full Text Available In many delta cities land subsidence exceeds absolute sea level rise up to a factor of ten by excessive groundwater extraction related to rapid urbanization and population growth. Without change, parts of Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok and numerous other delta (and coastal cities will sink below sea level. Increased flooding and also other widespread impacts of land subsidence result already in damage of billions of dollars per year. In order to gain insight in the complex, multi-sectoral aspects of subsidence, to raise awareness and to support decision making on appropriate adaptation strategies and measures, an Integrated Assessment Framework (IAF for subsidence is introduced, illustrated by several (delta case studies. Based on that a list of 10 generic key issues and possible solutions is presented in order to further develop and support a (generic approach how to deal with subsidence in current and future subsidence-prone areas. For exchange of experiences and knowledge development.on subsidence in deltas the Delta Alliance, a knowledge network of deltas worldwide, can be supportive.

  20. Delta ferrite in the weld metal of reduced activation ferritic martensitic steel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sam, Shiju, E-mail: [Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382 428 (India); Das, C.R.; Ramasubbu, V.; Albert, S.K.; Bhaduri, A.K.; Jayakumar, T. [Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam 603 102 (India); Rajendra Kumar, E. [Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382 428 (India)


    Formation of delta(δ)-ferrite in the weld metal, during autogenous bead-on-plate welding of Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic (RAFM) steel using Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) process, has been studied. Composition of the alloy is such that delta-ferrite is not expected in the alloy; but examination of the weld metal revealed presence of delta-ferrite in the weld metal. Volume fraction of delta-ferrite is found to be higher in the weld interface than in the rest of the fusion zone. Decrease in the volume fraction of delta-ferrite, with an increase in preheat temperature or with an increase in heat input, is observed. Results indicate that the cooling rate experienced during welding affects the volume fraction of delta-ferrite retained in the weld metal and variation in the delta-ferrite content with cooling rate is explained with variation in the time that the weld metal spends in various temperature regimes in which delta-ferrite is stable for the alloy during its cooling from the liquid metal to the ambient temperature. This manuscript will discuss the effect of welding parameters on formation of delta-ferrite and its retention in the weld metal of RAFM steel.

  1. Los planes de asistencia social en Buenos Aires: una mirada desde las políticas de los cuerpos y las emociones

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    Adrián Scribano


    Full Text Available Uno de los puntos más recurrentes en los últimos años en las políticas sociales en la Argentina es la presencia cada vez más importante de las mujeres como “sujetos” de dichas políticas. En contraste con la difusión oficial de los beneficios de la intervención en los contextos de pobreza y expulsión social, los relatos de las mujeres dibujan un conjunto de experiencias y sensibilidades de segregación y dependencia cada vez mayor. El presente artículo tiene por objetivo hacer evidente desde la voz de las mujeres pobres del conurbano bonaerense, las políticas de los cuerpos y de las emociones que los planes que ellas reciben construyen e implican. La estrategia argumentativa es la siguiente: a se sintetiza el punto de partida teórico y metodológico del trabajo, b se presenta un bosquejo de la problemática desde los relatos de las mujeres, y c se resumen algunas de las conclusiones del estudio realizado.

  2. Average of delta: a new quality control tool for clinical laboratories. (United States)

    Jones, Graham R D


    Average of normals is a tool used to control assay performance using the average of a series of results from patients' samples. Delta checking is a process of identifying errors in individual patient results by reviewing the difference from previous results of the same patient. This paper introduces a novel alternate approach, average of delta, which combines these concepts to use the average of a number of sequential delta values to identify changes in assay performance. Models for average of delta and average of normals were developed in a spreadsheet application. The model assessed the expected scatter of average of delta and average of normals functions and the effect of assay bias for different values of analytical imprecision and within- and between-subject biological variation and the number of samples included in the calculations. The final assessment was the number of patients' samples required to identify an added bias with 90% certainty. The model demonstrated that with larger numbers of delta values, the average of delta function was tighter (lower coefficient of variation). The optimal number of samples for bias detection with average of delta was likely to be between 5 and 20 for most settings and that average of delta outperformed average of normals when the within-subject biological variation was small relative to the between-subject variation. Average of delta provides a possible additional assay quality control tool which theoretical modelling predicts may be more valuable than average of normals for analytes where the group biological variation is wide compared with within-subject variation and where there is a high rate of repeat testing in the laboratory patient population. © The Author(s) 2015.

  3. Delta count-rate monitoring system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Etten, D.; Olsen, W.A.


    A need for a more effective way to rapidly search for gamma-ray contamination over large areas led to the design and construction of a very sensitive gamma detection system. The delta count-rate monitoring system was installed in a four-wheel-drive van instrumented for environmental surveillance and accident response. The system consists of four main sections: (1) two scintillation detectors, (2) high-voltage power supply amplifier and single-channel analyzer, (3) delta count-rate monitor, and (4) count-rate meter and recorder. The van's 6.5-kW generator powers the standard nuclear instrument modular design system. The two detectors are mounted in the rear corners of the van and can be run singly or jointly. A solid-state bar-graph count-rate meter mounted on the dashboard can be read easily by both the driver and passenger. A solid-state strip chart recorder shows trends and provides a permanent record of the data. An audible alarm is sounded at the delta monitor and at the dashboard count-rate meter if a detected radiation level exceeds the set background level by a predetermined amount

  4. Carbon storage in the Mississippi River delta enhanced by environmental engineering (United States)

    Shields, Michael R.; Bianchi, Thomas S.; Mohrig, David; Hutchings, Jack A.; Kenney, William F.; Kolker, Alexander S.; Curtis, Jason H.


    River deltas have contributed to atmospheric carbon regulation throughout Earth history, but functioning in the modern era has been impaired by reduced sediment loads, altered hydrologic regimes, increased global sea-level rise and accelerated subsidence. Delta restoration involves environmental engineering via river diversions, which utilize self-organizing processes to create prograding deltas. Here we analyse sediment cores from Wax Lake delta, a product of environmental engineering, to quantify the burial of organic carbon. We find that, despite relatively low concentrations of organic carbon measured in the cores (about 0.4%), the accumulation of about 3 T m-2 of sediment over the approximate 60 years of delta building resulted in the burial of a significant amount of organic carbon (16 kg m-2). This equates to an apparent organic carbon accumulation rate of 250 +/- 23 g m-2 yr-1, which implicitly includes losses by carbon emissions and erosion. Our estimated accumulation rate for Wax Lake delta is substantially greater than previous estimates based on the top metre of delta sediments and comparable to those of coastal mangrove and marsh habitats. The sedimentation of carbon at the Wax Lake delta demonstrates the capacity of engineered river diversions to enhance both coastal accretion and carbon burial.

  5. The impact of human activities in the Wulan Delta Estuary, Indonesia (United States)

    Fadlillah, L. N.; Sunarto; Widyastuti, M.; Marfai, M. A.


    The increasing of human population in the watershed and the coastal area and the need of life exert pressure in the delta that provides various resources. Wulan Delta is one of active Delta in Central Java, Indonesia. It has been experienced multiple pressures because of natural factors and human factors. In order to provide the scientific solution and to analyze the impact of human intervention in delta, we collected several pieces of evidence based on secondary data and primary data. The secondary data is water quality data on sites 6 and 7, meanwhile the secondary data is the water quality data in site 1 to 5. This paper present a review and problems identification in Wulan Delta, based on hydrological condition, land use, and human activities in the delta. Meanwhile, the human intervention in the land which is land use exchange leads to several problems such as the land use changes, high sediment load, and water degradation. Almost 80% of Delta has been transformed into the fish pond by local communities.

  6. Challenges and Approaches in River Delta Planning - report on training workshop

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wosten, J.H.M.; Douven, W.; Long Phi, H.; Fida Abdullah Khan, M.


    River delta’s, like the Mekong Delta (Vietnam), Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta (Bangladesh), Irrawady (Myanmar) and Ciliwung Delta (Indonesia) are developing rapidly and characterized by large-scale urbanization and industrialization processes. They are facing serious planning challenges related to issues

  7. Diet-tissue stable isotope (delta¹³C and delta¹⁵N) discrimination factors for multiple tissues from terrestrial reptiles (rock iguanas, Cyclura species)


    Steinitz, Ronnie


    Trophic interactions can drive community structure; therefore, studying food webs is key in understanding ecological communities. Stable isotope analysis is a powerful tool for reconstructing foraging patterns. However, stable isotope discrimination factors (delta¹³C and delta¹⁵N) are needed to best use this tool. We determined the first delta¹³C and delta¹⁵N values for Rock Iguanas (Cyclura spp.) to better understand isotope fractionation patterns in reptiles and estimate wild reptile diets....

  8. Pensar una Patagonia con dos océanos: el proyecto de desarrollo de Ezequiel Ramos Mexía

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susana Bandieri


    Full Text Available Las posibilidades productivas de la región, con escasas condi - ciones para las prácticas agrícolas pero adecuadas para la ganadería extensiva, predominantemente lanar, hicieron finalmente que la inser - ción patagónica se pensara dentro del mismo modelo de crecimiento “hacia afuera” delineado para el conjunto nacional sobre fines del siglo XIX y comienzos de XX. El único intento superador producido en ese período, aunque frustrado, lo constituyó el proyecto de desarro - llo patagónico elaborado por el Ministro de Obras Públicas del presi - dente Figueroa Alcorta, Ezequiel Ramos Mexía, concretado en la “Ley de Fomento de los Territorios Nacionales” nº 5.559 del año 1908. El ministro, hijo y nieto de estancieros bonaerenses, tenía una concep - ción amplia en materia de desarrollo económico y, en ese sentido, la Patagonia aparecía como el territorio adecuado para generar algunos cambios en un país que por entonces sólo se pensaba en términos agrícolas y pastoriles.

  9. Conflict resolution among Niger delta communities: A historical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conflict related issues have assumed endemic proportion in the Niger Delta. A proper assessment of the critical factors in motion must take cognizance of their historical underpinnings. Peaceful co-existence, the hallmark of conflict resolution, can be feasible in the Niger Delta, through sustainable dialogue. These, among

  10. Environmental Risk Profiling of the Volta Delta, Ghana (United States)

    Nyarko, B. K.; Appeaning-Addo, K.; Amisigo, B.


    Volta Delta communities find it difficult to absorb or bear risk at different levels, because of the physical and economic impacts of environmental hazards. In this regards various agencies and organizations have in recent years launched initiatives to measure and identify risk areas with a set of indicators and indices. The theory underpinning this study is concepts of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). The Cox proportional hazards regression model will be used as the model for the risk profile. Finding the optimal level of environmental risk for activities in the Volta Delta considering the risk required, risk capacity and risk tolerance. Using data from different sources, an environmental risk profile was developed for the Volta Delta. The result indicates that risks are distributed across the Delta. However, areas that have government interventions, such as sea defense system and irrigation facilities have less threat. In addition wealthy areas do effectively reduce the threat of any form of disaster.

  11. Biomass co-firing for Delta Electricity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Electricity generator Delta Electricity has implemented a biomass co-firing program at its Vales Point power station on the Central Coast to reduce its reliance on coal and emissions of CO 2 . The program comprises two parts: direct co-firing with coal of up to 5% biomass; and development of Continuous Biomass Converter (CBC) technology with the Crucible Group to remove technology constraints and enable much higher rates of biomass co-firing. It is talking industrial scale tests. Delta increased biomass co-firing in 2013/14 to 32,000 tonnes, up from just 3,000 tonnes the previous year, and conducted biochar co-firing trials at a rate equivalent to 400,000 tonnes per annum to demonstrate the potential of CBC technology. It reduced CO 2 emissions in 2013/14 by more than 32,000 tonnes. 'Legislation and regulations define biomass as renewable,' said Delta Electricity sustainability manager Justin Flood. 'By preferring biomass over coal, the carbon in the coal is not burnt and remains locked up.' One biomass source is wood waste that would normally go to landfill, but the primary driver of Delta's recent increase in co-firing is sawmill residues. 'Previously there was a higher value market for the residues for paper pulp. However, when that market evaporated the timber industry was left with a sizable problem in terms of what to do with its residues and the loss of revenue,' said Flood. The way greenhouse gas accounting is conducted in Australia, with carbon emissions based on site activities, makes it difficult to undertake a life cycle assessment of the program. 'However, some of the international studies looking at this issue have concluded that the net carbon emissions of the biomass system are significantly lower than the coal system because of the uptake of carbon during biomass growth,' said Flood. Delta identified two challenges, sourcing the feedstock and that biomass conversion to electricity is slightly less

  12. VTVH-MCD study of the Delta nifB Delta nifZ MoFe protein from Azotobacter vinelandii. (United States)

    Cotton, Marcia S; Rupnik, Kresimir; Broach, Robyn B; Hu, Yilin; Fay, Aaron W; Ribbe, Markus W; Hales, Brian J


    NifZ is a member of a series of proteins associated with the maturation of the nitrogenase MoFe protein. An MCD spectroscopic study was undertaken on the Delta nifB Delta nifZ MoFe protein generated in the absence of both NifZ and NifB (deletion of NifB generates an apo-MoFe protein lacking the FeMo cofactor). Results presented here show that, in the absence of NifZ, only one of the two P-clusters of the MoFe protein is matured to the ultimate [8Fe-7S] structure. The other P-cluster site in the protein contains a [4Fe-4S] cluster pair, representing a P-cluster precursor that is electronically identical to the analogous clusters observed in the Delta nifH MoFe protein. These results suggest that the MoFe protein is synthesized in a stepwise fashion where NifZ is specifically required for the formation of the second P-cluster.

  13. 78 FR 45592 - DeltaPoint Capital IV, LP; (United States)


    ..., Suite 160, Pittsford, NY 14534. The financing was contemplated for working capital. The financing is... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [License No. 02/02-0662] DeltaPoint Capital IV, LP; Notice Seeking... given that DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P., 45 East Avenue, 6th Floor, Rochester, NY 14604, Federal...

  14. Towards a Comprehensive Framework for Adaptive Delta Management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marchand, M.; Ludwig, F.


    Deltas are dynamic landforms at the boundary of land and sea, involving intricate mazes of rivers and small waterways, wetlands, estuaries and coastal barrier islands. They are home to over half a billion people. Deltas are also home to rich ecosystems, such as mangroves and marshes. They are

  15. Assessing Niger-Delta Wetland Resources: A Case-Study of Mangrove Ecosystem (United States)

    Anwan, R. H.; Ndimele, P. E.; Whenu, O. O.; Anetekhai, M. A.; Essien-Ibok, M. A.; Erondu, E. S.


    The Niger Delta is located in the Atlantic coast of Southern Nigeria and is the world's second largest delta with a coastline of about 450km. The Niger Delta region occupies a surface area of about 112,110km2, representing about 12% of Nigeria's total surface area. The Delta's environment can be broken down into four ecological zones: coastal barrier islands, mangrove swamp forests, freshwater swamps, and lowland rainforests. The mangrove swamps of Niger Delta, which is the largest delta in Africa constitute the dominant wetland ecosystem in the Niger Delta region and covers an area of about 1,900km2. Mangroves constitute important nurseries for fishes, crustaceans, sponges, algae and other invertebrates, and also acts as a sink, retaining pollutants from contaminated tidal water. The Niger Delta mangrove together with the creeks and rivers are a major source of food and livelihood for about 30 million people, which represents more than 17% of Nigeria's population. Other ecosystem services provided by this unique environment are flood control, ground water re-fill, reservoir of biodiversity, fuel wood, cultural values etc. This ecosystem also plays important role in climate change mitigation because of its high blue carbon sequestration potential. This is particularly important because of continuous gas flaring in Niger Delta from petroleum operations, which releases carbon dioxide among other gases into the atmosphere. This wetland is potentially a good site for ecotourism and also qualifies to be a world heritage site and Ramsar site if proper steps are taken. The benefits derivable from this fragile ecosystem are under severe threat by anthropogenic stressors. These include the installation of pipelines and seismic exploration by oil companies, crude oil pollution, deforestation, urbanization etc. This paper discusses the extent of depletion and loss of mangrove ecosystem in the Niger Delta region and the value of its goods and services.

  16. Conservative Delta Hedging (United States)


    an exact method for converting such intervals into arbitrage based prices of financial derivatives or industrial or contractual options. We call this...procedure conservative delta hedging . As existing procedures are of an ad hoc nature, the proposed approach will permit an institution’s man agement a greater oversight of its exposure to risk.

  17. Sedimentation patterns in floodplains of the Mekong Delta - Vietnam (United States)

    Van Manh, Nguyen; Merz, Bruno; Viet Dung, Nguyen; Apel, Heiko


    Quantification of floodplain sedimentation during the flood season in the Mekong Delta (MD) plays a very important role in the assessment of flood deposits for a sustainable agro-economic development. Recent studies on floodplain sedimentation in the region are restricted to small pilot sites because of the large extend of the Delta, and the complex channel. This research aims at a quantification of the sediment deposition in floodplains of the whole Mekong Delta, and to access the impacts of the upstream basin development on the sedimentation in the Delta quantitatively. To achieve this, a suspended sediment transport model is developed based on the quasi-2D hydrodynamic model of the whole Mekong Delta developed by Dung et al. (2011). The model is calibrated and validated using observed data derived from several sediment measurement campaigns in channel networks and floodplains. Measured sediment data and hydrodynamic model quantify the spatio-temporal variability of sediment depositions in different spatial units: individual dyke compartments, and the sub-regions Plain of Reeds, Long Xuyen Quadrangle and the area between Tien River and Hau River. It is shown that the distribution of sediment deposition over the delta is highly depended on the flood magnitude, that in turn drives the operation policy of flood control systems in floodplains of the Mekong Delta. Thus, the sedimentation distribution is influenced by the protection level of the dyke systems in place and the distance to the Tien River and Hau River, the main branches of the Mekong in the Delta. This corroborates the main findings derived from data analysis obtained from a small scale test site by Hung et al, (2011, 2012a). Moreover, the results obtained here underlines the importance of the main channels for the sediment transport into the floodplains, and the deposition rate in floodplains is strongly driven by the intake locations and the distance from these to the main channels as well.

  18. El yacimiento del Aragoniense medio de La Retama (Depresión Intermedia, Provincia de Cuenca, España) : significado de las faunas con Hispanotherium = The middle Miocene locality of La Retama (Cuenca Province, Spain) : significance of the Hisp

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Morales, J.; Alcalá, L.; Hoyos, M.; Montoya, P.; Nieto, M.; Pérez, B.; Soria, D.


    Se describen y analizan las características sedimentológicas y tafonómicas del yacimiento del Mioceno medio (Aragoniense medio) de La Retama (Cuenca, España). El ambiente sedimentario se interpreta como un "fan delta" formado en un lago somero. Los huesos se acumulaban durante la estación seca en

  19. Flipped SU(5) predicts {delta}T/T

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kyae, Bumseok [School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, 207-43, Cheongnyangni-Dong, Dongdaemun-Gu, Seoul 130-722 (Korea, Republic of)]. E-mail:; Shafi, Qaisar [Bartol Research Institute, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 (United States)]. E-mail:


    We discuss hybrid inflation in supersymmetric flipped SU(5) model such that the cosmic microwave anisotropy {delta}T/T is essentially proportional to (M/M{sub P}){sup 2}, where M denotes the symmetry breaking scale and M{sub P} (=2.4x10{sup 18} GeV) is the reduced Planck mass. The magnitude of M determined from {delta}T/T measurements can be consistent with the value inferred from the evolution of SU(3) and SU(2) gauge couplings. In other words, one could state that flipped SU(5) predicts (more precisely 'postdicts') {delta}T/T. The scalar spectral index n{sub s}=0.993+/-0.007, the scalar to tensor ratio satisfies r-bar 10{sup -6}, while dn{sub s}/dlnk-bar 4x10{sup -4}.

  20. Thermostatted delta f

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krommes, J.A.


    The delta f simulation method is revisited. Statistical coarse-graining is used to rigorously derive the equation for the fluctuation delta f in the particle distribution. It is argued that completely collisionless simulation is incompatible with the achievement of true statistically steady states with nonzero turbulent fluxes because the variance of the particle weights w grows with time. To ensure such steady states, it is shown that for dynamically collisionless situations a generalized thermostat or W-stat may be used in lieu of a full collision operator to absorb the flow of entropy to unresolved fine scales in velocity space. The simplest W-stat can be implemented as a self-consistently determined, time-dependent damping applied to w. A precise kinematic analogy to thermostatted nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) is pointed out, and the justification of W-stats for simulations of turbulence is discussed. An extrapolation procedure is proposed such that the long-time, steady-state, collisionless flux can be deduced from several short W-statted runs with large effective collisionality, and a numerical demonstration is given

  1. Parametrization of the. delta. residue function. [Complex functions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vasan, S S [Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (USA). Dept. of Physics


    The complex residues at the and poles in the relevant partial-wave amplitudes provide information on the behaviour of the Regge residue function in the resonance region u>0. Attempts to incorporate this information in parametrizations of the residue by functions that are real on the real u-axis result in residues which have unsatisfactory behaviour in the region u<1GeV/sup 2/. The choice of complex functions for the trajectory and residue removes this undesirable feature and provides a better representation of the residue in the resonance region, suggesting that complex parametrizations would be better suited to Regge analyses of near-backward scattering.

  2. Central Delta languages: An overview | Kari | Stellenbosch Papers ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper presents an overview of the phonology, morphology and syntax of Central Delta languages. It also provides information on the geo-linguistic, demographic and sociolinguistic situation of these languages. It notes that Central Delta languages have a 20-vowel system, which divides into two sets of 10 vowels ...

  3. Topological Mappings via B&delta;g-Closed Sets


    Maruthamuthu, Raja; Narayanasamy, Seenivasagan; Otchanathevar, Ravi


    In this paper we introduce a new class of functions called  B&delta;g-continuous functions. We obtain several characterizations and some their properties. Also we investigate its relationship with other types of functions. Further we introduce and study a new class of functions namely B&delta;g-irresolute.

  4. Sand transport, shear stress, and the building of a delta (United States)

    Wagner, W.; Miller, K. L.; Hiatt, M. R.; Mohrig, D. C.


    River deltas distribute sediment to the coastal sea through a complex branching network of channels; however, the routing and storage of this sediment in and through the delta is poorly understood. We present results from field studies of the sediment and water transport through the branching Wax Lake Delta on the coast of Louisiana. Two channels studied, Main Pass and East Pass, maintain a near-equal total partitioning of flow and sediment. However, East Pass is narrower and has higher river velocities, lower tidal velocity fluctuations, less alluvial bed cover, and more sediment flux per unit width than Main Pass. We connect these differences to small differences in the geometry of the two channels and feedbacks between these differences. We link trends in measured sediment deposits to both measured and modeled shear velocities in Wax Lake Delta's channels and open water `islands' to understand how hydrologic processes shaped the sedimentary architecture of the delta. These connections define the sediment transport and deposition regimes in the WLD. We extend the results herein to suggest that the relationships between the available sediment and shear stress determines the basic planform of the Wax Lake Delta and cross-sectional geometries of its channels.

  5. De Italia a la Argentina: las embajadas culturales de Luigi Pirandello

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celia de Aldama


    Full Text Available El artículo lee los desembarcos de Luigi Pirandello en Buenos Aires como un episodio clave para reflexionar en torno al cometido y la recepción del escritor italiano en suelo argentino durante sus dos tournées sudamericanas en 1927 y 1933. A través del escrutinio de distintas crónicas periodísticas, se reconstruirá el calendario de actividades del ilustre huésped, se desvelará su acogida por parte del campo intelectual bonaerense de las décadas del veinte y del treinta, y se observarán sus polémicas declaraciones de apoliticidad a la luz del proyecto de fascitización proyectado desde la Italia de Mussolini hacia las “colonias” de ultramar. This article examines the landings of Pirandello in Argentina as a key episode to think about his role and reception in Buenos Aires during his two South American tournées in 1927 and 1933. Through the reading of different journalistic Chronicles, we propose firstly to reconstruct the guest’s calendar, secondly to study his welcome by the Buenos Aires intellectual field of the 20’s and 30’s and, finally, to link his apolitical speeches with the Italian fascism interested in imposing its control over the Latin-American “colonies".

  6. A Novel Sigma-Delta Modulator with Fractional-Order Digital Loop Integrator

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chi Xu


    Full Text Available This paper proposes using a fractional-order digital loop integrator to improve the robust stability of Sigma-Delta modulator, thus extending the integer-order Sigma-Delta modulator to a non-integer-order (fractional-order one in the Sigma-Delta ADC design field. The proposed fractional-order Sigma-Delta modulator has reasonable noise characteristics, dynamic range, and bandwidth; moreover the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR is improved remarkably. In particular, a 2nd-order digital loop integrator and a digital PIλDμ controller are combined to work as the fractional-order digital loop integrator, which is realized using FPGA; this will reduce the ASIC analog circuit layout design and chip testing difficulties. The parameters of the proposed fractional-order Sigma-Delta modulator are tuned by using swarm intelligent algorithm, which offers opportunity to simplify the process of tuning parameters and further improve the noise performance. Simulation results are given and they demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed fractional-order Sigma-Delta modulator.

  7. Challenges and Approaches in River Delta Planning - Annexes to report on training workshop

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wosten, J.H.M.; Douven, W.; Long Phi, H.; Fida Abdullah Khan, M.


    Programme, participants and all powerpoint presentations of the Delta Alliance Training Workshop: Challenges and approaches in river delta planning, sharing experiences from SE Asian Deltas and the Rhine-Meuse Delta. 22-26 October 2012, WACC, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

  8. Cerebral correlates of delta waves during non-REM sleep revisited. (United States)

    Dang-Vu, Thien Thanh; Desseilles, Martin; Laureys, Steven; Degueldre, Christian; Perrin, Fabien; Phillips, Christophe; Maquet, Pierre; Peigneux, Philippe


    We aimed at characterizing the neural correlates of delta activity during Non Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep in non-sleep-deprived normal young adults, based on the statistical analysis of a positron emission tomography (PET) sleep data set. One hundred fifteen PET scans were obtained using H(2)(15)O under continuous polygraphic monitoring during stages 2-4 of NREM sleep. Correlations between regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and delta power (1.5-4 Hz) spectral density were analyzed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM2). Delta power values obtained at central scalp locations negatively correlated during NREM sleep with rCBF in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the basal forebrain, the striatum, the anterior insula, and the precuneus. These regions embrace the set of brain areas in which rCBF decreases during slow wave sleep (SWS) as compared to Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep and wakefulness (Maquet, P., Degueldre, C., Delfiore, G., Aerts, J., Peters, J.M., Luxen, A., Franck, G., 1997. Functional neuroanatomy of human slow wave sleep. J. Neurosci. 17, 2807-S2812), supporting the notion that delta activity is a valuable prominent feature of NREM sleep. A strong association was observed between rCBF in the ventromedial prefrontal regions and delta power, in agreement with electrophysiological studies. In contrast to the results of a previous PET study investigating the brain correlates of delta activity (Hofle, N., Paus, T., Reutens, D., Fiset, P., Gotman, J., Evans, A.C., Jones, B.E., 1997. Regional cerebral blood flow changes as a function of delta and spindle activity during slow wave sleep in humans. J. Neurosci. 17, 4800-4808), in which waking scans were mixed with NREM sleep scans, no correlation was found with thalamus activity. This latter result stresses the importance of an extra-thalamic delta rhythm among the synchronous NREM sleep oscillations. Consequently, this rCBF distribution might preferentially reflect a particular modulation of the

  9. Adaptive delta management: a comparison between the Netherlands and Bangladesh Delta Program

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zevenbergen, Chris; Khan, Shah Alam; Alphen, van Jos; Terwisscha van Scheltinga, Catharien; Veerbeek, William


    In the Netherlands, the central government, water authorities, provinces and municipalities are working together on a new Delta Program on Flood Risk Management and Fresh Water Supply (DP). Its primary goal is to protect the Netherlands against floods and ensure the availability of fresh water, now

  10. Cohesive Sedimentary Processes on River-Dominated Deltas: New Perspectives from the Mississippi River Delta Front, Gulf of Mexico (United States)

    Bentley, S. J.; Keller, G. P.; Obelcz, J.; Maloney, J. M.; Xu, K.; Georgiou, I. Y.; Miner, M. D.


    On river deltas dominated by proximal sediment accumulation (Mississippi, Huang He, others), the delta front region is commonly dominated by rapid accumulation of cohesive fluvial sediments, and mass-wasting processes that remobilize recently deposited sediments. Mass transport is preconditioned in sediments by high water content, biogenic gas production, over steepening, and is commonly triggered by strong wave loading and other processes. This understanding is based on extensive field studies in the 1970's and 80's. Recent studies of the Mississippi River Delta Front are yielding new perspectives on these processes, in a time of anthropogenically reduced sediment loads, rising sea level, and catastrophic deltaic land loss. We have synthesized many industry data sets collected since ca. 1980, and conducted new pilot field and modeling studies of sedimentary and morphodynamic processes. These efforts have yielded several key findings that diverge from historical understanding of this dynamic setting. First, delta distributary mouths have ceased seaward progradation, ending patterns that have been documented since the 18th century. Second, despite reduced sediment supply, offshore mass transport continues, yielding vertical displacements at rates of 1 m/y. This displacement is apparently forced by wave loading from storm events of near-annual return period, rather than major hurricanes that have been the focus of most previous studies. Third, core analysis indicates that this vertical displacement is occurring along failure planes >3 m in the seabed, rather than in more recently deposited sediments closer to the sediment-water interface. These seabed morphodynamics have the potential to destabilize both nearshore navigation infrastructure, and seabed hydrocarbon infrastructure offshore. As well, these findings raise more questions regarding the future seabed evolution offshore of major river deltas, in response to anthropogenic and climatic forcing.

  11. Grain-size sorting in grainflows at the lee side of deltas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kleinhans, M.G.


    The sorting of sediment mixtures at the lee slope of deltas (at the angle of repose) is studied with experiments in a narrow, deep flume with subaqueous Gilbert-type deltas using varied flow conditions and different sediment mixtures. Sediment deposition and sorting on the lee slope of the delta

  12. Governance of ‘long term delta planning’ in Bangladesh, Vietnam and the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Staveren, van M.F.


    The Deltas in Times of Climate Change Conference II, taking place in September 2014, Rotterdam, presented a suitable occasion to discuss both delta challenges and interesting approaches to how ‘delta dynamics’ are being dealt with worldwide.1 Delta dynamics include here both environmental (including

  13. Structure of the [delta]-opioid receptor bound to naltrindole

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Granier, Sébastien; Manglik, Aashish; Kruse, Andrew C.; Kobilka, Tong Sun; Thian, Foon Sun; Weis, William I.; Kobilka, Brian K. (Stanford-MED)


    The opioid receptor family comprises three members, the {mu}-, {delta}- and {kappa}-opioid receptors, which respond to classical opioid alkaloids such as morphine and heroin as well as to endogenous peptide ligands like endorphins. They belong to the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily, and are excellent therapeutic targets for pain control. The {delta}-opioid receptor ({delta}-OR) has a role in analgesia, as well as in other neurological functions that remain poorly understood. The structures of the {mu}-OR and {kappa}-OR have recently been solved. Here we report the crystal structure of the mouse {delta}-OR, bound to the subtype-selective antagonist naltrindole. Together with the structures of the {mu}-OR and {kappa}-OR, the {delta}-OR structure provides insights into conserved elements of opioid ligand recognition while also revealing structural features associated with ligand-subtype selectivity. The binding pocket of opioid receptors can be divided into two distinct regions. Whereas the lower part of this pocket is highly conserved among opioid receptors, the upper part contains divergent residues that confer subtype selectivity. This provides a structural explanation and validation for the 'message-address' model of opioid receptor pharmacology, in which distinct 'message' (efficacy) and 'address' (selectivity) determinants are contained within a single ligand. Comparison of the address region of the {delta}-OR with other GPCRs reveals that this structural organization may be a more general phenomenon, extending to other GPCR families as well.

  14. T-cell receptor gamma delta bearing cells in normal human skin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bos, J. D.; Teunissen, M. B.; Cairo, I.; Krieg, S. R.; Kapsenberg, M. L.; Das, P. K.; Borst, J.


    T-cell antigen receptors (TCR) are divided into common alpha beta and less common gamma delta types. In the murine skin, TCR gamma delta+ cells have been reported to form the great majority of epidermal T lymphocytes. We have examined the relative contribution of TCR alpha beta+ and TCR gamma delta+

  15. Hole states in diamond p-delta-doped field effect transistors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinez-Orozco, J C; Rodriguez-Vargas, I; Mora-Ramos, M E


    The p-delta-doping in diamond allows to create high density two-dimensional hole gases. This technique has already been applied in the design and fabrication of diamond-based field effect transistors. Consequently, the knowledge of the electronic structure is of significant importance to understand the transport properties of diamond p-delta-doped systems. In this work the hole subbands of diamond p-type delta-doped quantum wells are studied within the framework of a local-density Thomas-Fermi-based approach for the band bending profile. The calculation incorporates an independent three-hole-band scheme and considers the effects of the contact potential, the delta-channel to contact distance, and the ionized impurity density.

  16. Hole states in diamond p-delta-doped field effect transistors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez-Orozco, J C; Rodriguez-Vargas, I [Unidad Academica de Fisica, Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Calzada Solidaridad Esquina con Paseo la Bufa S/N, CP 98060 Zacatecas, ZAC. (Mexico); Mora-Ramos, M E, E-mail: jcmover@correo.unam.m [Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos, Av. Universidad 1001, Col. Chamilpa, CP 62209 Cuernavaca, MOR. (Mexico)


    The p-delta-doping in diamond allows to create high density two-dimensional hole gases. This technique has already been applied in the design and fabrication of diamond-based field effect transistors. Consequently, the knowledge of the electronic structure is of significant importance to understand the transport properties of diamond p-delta-doped systems. In this work the hole subbands of diamond p-type delta-doped quantum wells are studied within the framework of a local-density Thomas-Fermi-based approach for the band bending profile. The calculation incorporates an independent three-hole-band scheme and considers the effects of the contact potential, the delta-channel to contact distance, and the ionized impurity density.

  17. Linking rapid erosion of the Mekong River delta to human activities. (United States)

    Anthony, Edward J; Brunier, Guillaume; Besset, Manon; Goichot, Marc; Dussouillez, Philippe; Nguyen, Van Lap


    As international concern for the survival of deltas grows, the Mekong River delta, the world's third largest delta, densely populated, considered as Southeast Asia's most important food basket, and rich in biodiversity at the world scale, is also increasingly affected by human activities and exposed to subsidence and coastal erosion. Several dams have been constructed upstream of the delta and many more are now planned. We quantify from high-resolution SPOT 5 satellite images large-scale shoreline erosion and land loss between 2003 and 2012 that now affect over 50% of the once strongly advancing >600 km-long delta shoreline. Erosion, with no identified change in the river's discharge and in wave and wind conditions over this recent period, is consistent with: (1) a reported significant decrease in coastal surface suspended sediment from the Mekong that may be linked to dam retention of its sediment, (2) large-scale commercial sand mining in the river and delta channels, and (3) subsidence due to groundwater extraction. Shoreline erosion is already responsible for displacement of coastal populations. It is an additional hazard to the integrity of this Asian mega delta now considered particularly vulnerable to accelerated subsidence and sea-level rise, and will be exacerbated by future hydropower dams.

  18. Plant delta 15N correlates with the transpiration efficiency of nitrogen acquisition in tropical trees. (United States)

    Cernusak, Lucas A; Winter, Klaus; Turner, Benjamin L


    Based upon considerations of a theoretical model of (15)N/(14)N fractionation during steady-state nitrate uptake from soil, we hypothesized that, for plants grown in a common soil environment, whole-plant delta(15)N (deltaP) should vary as a function of the transpiration efficiency of nitrogen acquisition (F(N)/v) and the difference between deltaP and root delta(15)N (deltaP - deltaR). We tested these hypotheses with measurements of several tropical tree and liana species. Consistent with theoretical expectations, both F(N)/v and deltaP - deltaR were significant sources of variation in deltaP, and the relationship between deltaP and F(N)/v differed between non-N(2)-fixing and N(2)-fixing species. We interpret the correlation between deltaP and F(N)/v as resulting from variation in mineral nitrogen efflux-to-influx ratios across plasma membranes of root cells. These results provide a simple explanation of variation in delta(15)N of terrestrial plants and have implications for understanding nitrogen cycling in ecosystems.

  19. Laboratory investigation on effects of flood intermittency on river delta dynamics (United States)

    Miller, K. L.; Kim, W.


    In order to simplify the complex hydrological variability of flow conditions, experiments modeling delta evolution are often conducted using a representative "channel-forming" flood flow and then relate results to field settings using an intermittency factor, defined as the fraction of total time at flood conditions. Although this intermittency factor makes it easier to investigate how variables, such as relative base level and/or sediment supply, affect delta dynamics, little is known about how this generalization to a single flow condition affects delta processes. We conducted a set of laboratory experiments with periodic flow conditions to determine the effects of intermittent discharges on delta evolution. During the experiment, flood with a set water discharge and sediment supply, cycles between periods of normal flow where the water flux is halved and the sediment discharge is turned off. For each run, the magnitude of the flood is held constant, but the duration is assigned differently, thus varying the intermittency between 1 and 0.2. We find that as the intermittency factor decreases (duration of each flood period decreases), the delta topset has a larger, more elongated area with a shallower slope as a result of reworking on the delta topset during normal flow conditions. During periods of normal flow, the system adjusts towards a new equilibrium state that then in turn acts as the initial condition for the subsequent flood period. Furthermore, the natural delta avulsion cycle becomes obscured by the flood cycles as the flood duration becomes shorter than the autogenic behavior. These results suggest that the adjustment timescale for differing flow conditions is a factor in determining the overall shape of the delta and behavior of the fluviodeltaic channels. We conclude, periods of normal flow when topset sediment is reworked, may be just as important to delta dynamics as periods of flood when sediment is supplied to the system.

  20. Plasticity of gamma delta T cells: impact on the anti-tumor response

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virginie eLafont


    Full Text Available The tumor immune microenvironment contributes to tumor initiation, progression and response to therapy. Among the immune cell subsets that play a role in the tumor microenvironment, innate-like T cells that express T cell receptors composed of gamma and delta chains (gamma delta T cells are of particular interest. gamma delta T cells can contribute to the immune response against many tumor types (lymphoma, myeloma, melanoma, breast, colon, lung, ovary and prostate cancer directly through their cytotoxic activity and indirectly by stimulating or regulating the biological functions of other cell types required for the initiation and establishment of the anti-tumor immune response, such as dendritic cells and cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. However, the notion that tumor-infiltrating gamma delta T cells are a good prognostic marker in cancer was recently challenged by studies showing that the presence of these cells in the tumor microenvironment was associated with poor prognosis in both breast and colon cancer. These findings suggest that gamma delta T cells may also display pro-tumor activities. Indeed, breast tumor-infiltrating gamma deltaT cells could exert an immunosuppressive activity by negatively regulating DC maturation. Furthermore, recent studies demonstrated that signals from the microenvironment, particularly cytokines, can confer some plasticity to gamma delta T cells and promote their differentiation into gamma delta T cells with regulatory functions. This review focuses on the current knowledge on the functional plasticity of gamma delta T cells and its effect on their anti-tumor activities. It also discusses the putative mechanisms underlying gamma delta T cell expansion, differentiation and recruitment in the tumor microenvironment.

  1. Oil and Security in Nigeria: The Niger Delta Crisis | Owolabi | Africa ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper examines oil and security in Nigeria, with special reference to the crisis-ravaged Niger Delta. Its focus on the Niger Delta and its festering crisis stems from that region's critical importance to Nigeria. As the nation's treasure base, the Niger Delta provides over 80 percent of government revenues, 95 percent of ...

  2. Effects of recharge and discharge on delta2H and delta18O composition and chloride concentration of high arsenic/fluoride groundwater from the Datong Basin, northern China. (United States)

    Xie, Xianjun; Wang, Yanxin; Su, Chunli; Duan, Mengyu


    To better understand the effects of recharge and discharge on the hydrogeochemistry of high levels of arsenic (As) and fluoride (F) in groundwater, environmental isotopic composition (delta2H and delta18O) and chloride (Cl) concentrations were analyzed in 29 groundwater samples collected from the Datong Basin. High arsenic groundwater samples (As > 50 micog/L) were found to be enriched in lighter isotopic composition that ranged from -92 to -78 per thousand for deuterium (delta2H) and from -12.5 to -9.9 per thousand for oxygen-18 (delta18O). High F-containing groundwater (F > 1 mg/L) was relatively enriched in heavier isotopic composition and varied from -90 to -57 per thousand and from -12.2 to -6.7 per thousand for delta2H and delta18O, respectively. High chloride concentrations and delta18O values were primarily measured in groundwater samples from the northern and southwestern portions of the study area, indicating the effect of evaporation on groundwater. The observation of relatively homogenized and low delta18O values and chloride concentrations in groundwater samples from central part of the Datong Basin might be a result of fast recharge by irrigation returns, which suggests that irrigation using arsenic-contaminated groundwater affected the occurrence of high arsenic-containing groundwater in the basin.

  3. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta activation leads to increased transintestinal cholesterol efflux

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vrins, Carlos L. J.; van der Velde, Astrid E.; van den Oever, Karin; Levels, Johannes H. M.; Huet, Stephane; Elferink, Ronald P. J. Oude; Kuipers, Folkert; Groen, Albert K.


    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta (PPAR delta) is involved in regulation of energy homeostasis. Activation of PPAR delta markedly increases fecal neutral sterol secretion, the last step in reverse cholesterol transport. This phenomenon can neither be explained by increased

  4. Implementation of an ESA delta-DOR capability (United States)

    James, Nick; Abello, Ricard; Lanucara, Marco; Mercolino, Mattia; Maddè, Roberto


    This paper describes the implementation of delta-DOR (delta-differential one-way ranging) receivers within the ESA Deep Space ground station network. Delta-DOR provides very accurate plane-of-sky measurements of spacecraft position which complement existing line-of-sight ranging and Doppler measurements. We discuss how this technique has been adapted and implemented at the two ESA deep-space ground stations using existing equipment and infrastructure. These new capabilities were added by writing new software modules for the standard ESA digital receiver (the intermediate frequency modem system—IFMS). With these upgrades the receiver has the ability to record accurately timetagged signals from up to eight IF sub-channels. These sub-channels can have bandwidths of 50 kHz-2 MHz with a sample quantization of 1-16 bits per component. The IF samples are stored locally for subsequent retrieval over a WAN by the correlator facility at ESOC.

  5. Dynamic controls on shallow clinoform geometry: Mekong Delta, Vietnam (United States)

    Eidam, E. F.; Nittrouer, C. A.; Ogston, A. S.; DeMaster, D. J.; Liu, J. P.; Nguyen, T. T.; Nguyen, T. N.


    Compound deltas, composed of a subaerial delta plain and subaqueous clinoform, are common termini of large rivers. The transition between clinoform topset and foreset, or subaqueous rollover point, is located at 25-40-m water depth for many large tide-dominated deltas; this depth is controlled by removal of sediment from the topset by waves, currents, and gravity flows. However, the Mekong Delta, which has been classified as a mixed-energy system, has a relatively shallow subaqueous rollover at 4-6-m depth. This study evaluates dynamical measurements and seabed cores collected in Sep 2014 and Mar 2015 to understand processes of sediment transfer across the subaqueous delta, and evaluate possible linkages to geometry. During the southwest rainy monsoon (Sep 2014), high river discharge, landward return flow under the river plume, and regional circulation patterns facilitated limited sediment flux to the topset and foreset, and promoted alongshore flux to the northeast. Net observed sediment fluxes in Sep 2014 were landward, however, consistent with hypotheses about seasonal storage on the topset. During the northeast rainy monsoon, low river discharge and wind-driven currents facilitated intense landward and southwestward fluxes of sediment. In both seasons, bed shear velocities frequently exceeded the 0.01-0.02 m/s threshold of motion for sand, even in the absence of strong wave energy. Most sediment transport occurred at water depths 4 cm/yr at energy-limited, and thus rollover depths cannot be predicted solely by bed-stress distributions. In systems like the subaqueous Mekong Delta, direction of transport may have a key impact on morphology.

  6. A new identification method for energetic ion {delta}E-E telescopes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, Cesar [Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Alcala, 28871 Alcala de Henares, Madrid (Spain); Institut fuer Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik, Christian-Albrechts, Universitaet zu Kiel, 24118 Kiel (Germany); Bronchalo, Enrique [Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Alcala, 28871 Alcala de Henares, Madrid (Spain); Departamento de Fisica y Arquitectura de Computadores, Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Avda. Universidad s/n, 03202 Elche, Alicante (Spain)], E-mail:; Medina, Jose [Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Alcala, 28871 Alcala de Henares, Madrid (Spain)


    A new ion identification method for {delta}E-E telescopes is presented. The method works by counting data points under {delta}E(E) curves on {delta}E-E diagrams. These curves are obtained by simulating the telescope response to a flux of energetic ions. The method is checked against three published methods applied to several experimental data sets.

  7. Inclusive production of. delta. /sup + +/(1232) in pn interactions at 19 GeV/c

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bakken, V.; Breivik, F.O.; Jacobsen, T.; Rudjord, A.L. (Oslo Univ. (Norway) Fysisk Inst.)


    We present a study of + +/ production in pn interactions at 19 GeV/c, where the + +/ is emitted in the protonlike ( + +/) and neutron-like ( + +/) c.m. hemispheres. The cross-section sigma(pn-> + +/+X)=(3.09+-0.43) mb is about three times larger than sigma(pn-> + +/+X)=(0.94+-0.34) mb. About 2/3 of + +/ is peripherally produced with vertical stroketsub(p, stroke<1 (GeV/c)/sup 2/, while the cross-section for + +/ production is nearly zero for vertical stroketsub(n, stroke<1 (GeV/c)/sup 2/. We have made a detailed study of the energy dependence of the reaction ap-> + +/+X (a=p, anti p, n, ..pi..sup(+-), Ksup(+-)) for vertical stroketsub(p, stroke<1 (GeV/c)/sup 2/, by applying the same fitting procedure to extract the + +/ cross-section to all available mass spectra. All the normalized cross-sections R=sigma( + +/)/sigmasub(inel) can be well described by R=R/sub 0/+R/sub 1/sup(a)psup(-..cap alpha..)sub(lab), where R/sub 0/ and ..cap alpha.. are the same for all reactions, while R/sub 1/sup(a) varies with the beam type a. The value of ..cap alpha.. is slightly below unity. The differential cross section of pn-> + +/+X has been determined as a function of the variables t, t', x, y, psub(T)/sup 2/ and Msub(X)/sup 2/ both in the whole kinematical region and for vertical stroketsub(p, stroke<1 (GeV/c)/sup 2/. We show that the peripherally produced + +/ is consistent with the dominance of the one-pion exchange mechanism. This follows from a study of the density matrix elements, the comparison of some properties of the system X with real ..pi../sup +/p data and from the results of a triple-Regge analysis.

  8. Vulnerabilidad, género y prácticas de autonomía en dos organizaciones de trabajadores desocupados en Gral. Mosconi y Conurbano Bonaerense Vulnerability, gender and practices of autonomy in two unemployed workers organizations in Gral. Mosconi and Buenos Aires

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Graciela Zaldúa


    Full Text Available El propósito de esta presentación es examinar las condiciones de posibilidad de prácticas de autonomía en colectivos de trabajadores afectados por el modelo de acumulación hegemónico. Como informe alternativo desde un paradigma interpretativo crítico privilegia los constructos vulnerabilidad y género para la construcción de monitoreos estratégicos de salud en escenarios territoriales de Gral. Mosconi (Salta y del conurbano bonaerense. Desde la modalidad de estudios de casos se indagan los sistemas de enunciación y representación de los actores sociales y las afectaciones materiales y simbólicas, colectivas y singulares, por la triple inequidad de clase, género y cultura. A través de dinámicas grupales e individuales y la aplicación de instrumentos cualitativos y cuantitativos construimos modelos de evaluación con triangulación de técnicas y fuentes. La metodología incluye entrevistas en profundidad, talleres, observación participante, grupos focales y encuesta sobre condiciones de salud y percepción sanitaria. Las prácticas de autonomía y las tensiones y conflictos ante los diversos mecanismos predatorios muestran la posibilidad de la producción de subjetividades que enfrentan las asimetrías de poder y se implican en el cuidado de sí y de sus colectivos.The purpose of this paper is to examine possibilities of autonomy practices in groups of workers affected by hegemonic accumulation model. We focus on the concepts of vulnerability, gender and autonomy to construct strategic monitorings on collective health in Gral. Mosconi (Salta and Buenos Aires. The studies of cases allow to recognize statement and representation of social actors, and material and symbolic, collective and singular affectations, crossed for inequity of class, gender and culture. Methodology includes interviews, workshops, participant observation, focal groups and questionnaire on conditions of health and sanitary perception. Practices of autonomy and

  9. How to deal with subsidence in the Dutch delta?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stouthamer, E.; Erkens, G.


    In many deltas worldwide subsidence still is an underestimated problem, while the threat posed by land subsidence low-lying urbanizing and urbanized deltas exceeds the threat of sea-level rise induced by climate change. Human-induced subsidence is driven by the extraction of hydrocarbons and

  10. Diagnóstico inmunohistoquímico del dengue en cortes de parafina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ladys Sarmiento


    Full Text Available La demostración de antígenos de losvirus del dengue en tejidos de pacientes fallecidos por dengue hemorrágico y particularmente en aquellos casos en los que no se dispone de otras pruebas para confirmar la etiologíaviral, es una necesidad frecuente en nuestro medio. Por esta razón, estandarizamos una técnica inmunohistoquírnica para detectar antígenos de dengue en tejidos incluidos en parafina. Utilizamos anticuerpos antiflavivirus comúnmente usados para el diagnóstico serológico. Los antígenos empleados para estandarizar esta técnica incluyeron: 1 cerebros de ratón inoculados con los diferentes serotipos del dengue y con virus de la fiebre amarilla; 2 cortes de hígados de pacientes fallecidos con diagnóstico clínico de dengue hemorrágico, fiebre amarilla o hepatitis delta; y, 3 monocapas de c6lulas C6136 inoculadas también con los diferentes serotipos del dengue. Estos antígenos se enfrentaron a los anticuerpos antiflavivirus (fiebre amarilla o dengue preparados como líquidos ascíticos inmunes (MI de ratón, siguiendo procedimientos ya establecidos. Utilizamos LA1 preparados en el INS y LA1 suministrados por la OPS. Ladilución ideal de trabajocon la cual pudimos 0bse~alra presencia del antígeno, tanto en los tejidos como en las células, se obtuvo titulando los distintos LA1 frente a cortes de tejido desparafinado o frente a las c6lulas fijadas en etanol sobre la lámina de vidrio. Con los LA1 preparados en el INS, O ~ S ~ N ~ re~aOccSión cruzada entre todos los flavivirus, resultado que no se 0bseNó en los cortes de hígado con diagnóstico de hepatitis delta. Los resultados obtenidos con los MI de la OPS permitieron visualizar los antígenos virales más claramente y a diluciones más altas, sin la reacción cruzada entre el dengue y la fiebre amarilla. Sin embargo, la visualización de los mismos con los LA1 del INS es satisfactoria y con disponibilidad permanente. La reacción cruzada entre los virus del dengue y

  11. Evaluation of DELTA(1232) components in sup 1 sup 2 C

    CERN Document Server

    Bystritsky, V M; Krechetov, Yu F; Saigushkin, O K; Tabachenko, A N; Schuvalov, E N; Grabmayr, R; Fiks, A I


    One measured cross section of sup 1 sup 2 C(gamma, pi sup + p) reaction within DELTA(1232)-isobar range. Data analysis was carried out using model taking account of both nucleon and isobar degrees of freedom of sup 1 sup 2 C nucleus. One makes a conclusion that within high transmitted pulses pi sup + p-pairs are formed during DELTA sup + sup + -isobar direct knocking-out of a nucleus. One estimated the probability to determine DELTA-isobar in sup 1 sup 2 C nucleus ground state equal to 0.018 +- 0.005 DELTA-isobar per nucleon

  12. Design Principles of A Sigma-delta Flux-gate Magnetometer (United States)

    Magnes, W.; Valavanoglou, A.; Pierce, D.; Frank, A.; Schwingenschuh, K.

    A state-of-the-art flux-gate magnetometer is characterised by magnetic field resolution of several pT in a wide frequency range, low power consumption, low weight and high robustness. Therefore, flux-gate magnetometers are frequently used for ground-based Earth's field observation as well as for measurements aboard scientific space missions. But both traditional analogue and recently developed digital flux-gate magnetometers need low power and high-resolution analogue-to-digital converters for signal quan- tization. The disadvantage of such converters is the low radiation hardness. This fact has led to the idea of combining a traditional analogue flux-gate regulation circuit with that of a discretely realized sigma-delta converter in order to get a radiation hard and further miniaturized magnetometer. The name sigma-delta converter is derived from putting an integrator in front of a 1-bit delta modulator which forms the sigma-delta loop. It is followed by a digital decimation filter realized in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The flux-gate regulation and the sigma-delta loop are quite similar in the way of realizing the integrator and feedback circuit, which makes it easy to com- bine these two systems. The presented talk deals with the design principles and the results of a first bread board model.

  13. Stratigraphy and Evolution of Delta Channel Deposits, Jezero Crater, Mars (United States)

    Goudge, T. A.; Mohrig, D.; Cardenas, B. T.; Hughes, C. M.; Fassett, C. I.


    The Jezero impact crater hosted an open-basin lake that was active during the valley network forming era on early Mars. This basin contains a well exposed delta deposit at the mouth of the western inlet valley. The fluvial stratigraphy of this deposit provides a record of the channels that built the delta over time. Here we describe observations of the stratigraphy of the channel deposits of the Jezero western delta to help reconstruct its evolution.

  14. Alpha-, gamma- and delta-tocopherols reduce inflammatory angiogenesis in human microvascular endothelial cells. (United States)

    Wells, Shannon R; Jennings, Merilyn H; Rome, Courtney; Hadjivassiliou, Vicky; Papas, Konstantinos A; Alexander, Jonathon S


    Vitamin E, a micronutrient (comprising alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-tocopherols, alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-tocotrienols), has documented antioxidant and non-antioxidant effects, some of which inhibit inflammation and angiogenesis. We compared the abilities of alpha-, gamma- and delta-tocopherols to regulate human blood cytotoxicity (BEC) and lymphatic endothelial cytotoxicity (LEC), proliferation, invasiveness, permeability, capillary formation and suppression of TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 as in vitro models of inflammatory angiogenesis. alpha-, gamma- and delta-tocopherols were not toxic to either cell type up to 40 microM. In BEC, confluent cell density was decreased by all concentrations of delta- and gamma-tocopherol (10-40 microM) but not by alpha-tocopherol. LEC showed no change in cell density in response to tocopherols. delta-Tocopherol (40 microM), but not other isomers, decreased BEC invasiveness. In LEC, all doses of gamma-tocopherol, as well as the highest dose of alpha-tocopherol (40 microM), decreased cell invasiveness. delta-Tocopherol had no effect on LEC invasiveness at any molarity. delta-Tocopherol dose dependently increased cell permeability at 48 h in BEC and LEC; alpha- and gamma-tocopherols showed slight effects. Capillary tube formation was decreased by high dose (40 microM) concentrations of alpha-, gamma- and delta-tocopherol, but showed no effects with smaller doses (10-20 microM) in BEC. gamma-Tocopherol (10-20 microM) and alpha-tocopherol (10 microM), but not delta-tocopherol, increased LEC capillary tube formation. Lastly, in BEC, alpha-, gamma- and delta-tocopherol each dose-dependently reduced TNF-alpha-induced expression of VCAM-1. In LEC, there was no significant change to TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression with any concentration of alpha-, gamma- or delta-tocopherol. These data demonstrate that physiological levels (0-40 microM) of alpha-, gamma- and delta-tocopherols are nontoxic and dietary tocopherols, especially delta

  15. Subsidence, Sea Level Rise, and Seismicity in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeffrey Mount


    Full Text Available Anthropogenic accommodation space, or that space in the Delta that lies below sea level and is filled neither with sediment nor water, serves as a useful measure of the regional consequences of Delta subsidence and sea level rise. Microbial oxidation and compaction of organic-rich soils due to farming activity is the primary cause of Delta subsidence. During the period 1900-2000, subsidence created approximately 2.5 billion cubic meters of anthropogenic accommodation space in the Delta. From 2000-2050, subsidence rates will slow due to depletion of organic material and better land use practices. However, by 2050 the Delta will contain more than 3 billion cubic meters of anthropogenic accommodation space due to continued subsidence and sea level rise. An Accommodation Space Index, which relates subaqueous accommodation space to anthropogenic accommodation space, provides an indicator of past and projected Delta conditions. While subsidence and sea level rise create increasing anthropogenic accommodation space in the Delta, they also lead to a regional increase in the forces that can cause levee failure. Although these forces take many forms, a Levee Force Index can be calculated that is a proxy for the cumulative forces acting on levees. The Levee Force Index increases significantly over the next 50 years demonstrating regional increases in the potential for island flooding. Based on continuing increases in the Levee Force Index and the Accommodation Space Index, and limited support for Delta levee upgrades, there will be a tendency for increases in and impacts of island flooding, with escalating costs for repairs. Additionally, there is a two-in-three chance that 100-year recurrence interval floods or earthquakes will cause catastrophic flooding and significant change in the Delta by 2050. Currently, the California Bay-Delta Authority has no overarching policy that addresses the consequences of, and potential responses to, gradual or abrupt

  16. Dependence of {delta}E effect on internal stresses in nickel: Experimental results by laser interferometry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chicharro, J.M. [Dept. de Mecanica Aplicada e Ingenieria de Proyectos, E.T.S.I. Industriales, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Avd. Camilo Jose Cela s/n, 13071 Ciudad Real (Spain)]. E-mail:; Bayon, A. [Dept. de Fisica Aplicada a los Recursos Naturales, E.T.S.I. Minas, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, c/Rios Rosas, 21, 28003 Madrid (Spain); Salazar, F. [Dept. de Fisica Aplicada a los Recursos Naturales, E.T.S.I. Minas, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, c/Rios Rosas, 21, 28003 Madrid (Spain)


    The speckle heterodyne interferometry is applied to the study of the dependence of Young's modulus on both the magnetic field and the internal stresses in a soft ferromagnetic material. Young's modulus is determined from the first natural longitudinal frequency of a slender magnetic rod positioned within a solenoid. Vibration of the sample is detected by an optical heterodyne system with a wide bandwidth. The samples are heated to above the Curie point and then cooled at several rates in order to induce different internal stresses. The study refers to nickel rods 10mm in diameter and 110mm in length. The grain sizes of the samples are also determined and related to changes in {delta}E.

  17. The delta-Sobolev approach for modeling solar spectral irradiance and radiance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiang, Xuwu.


    The development and evaluation of a solar radiation model is reported, which gives irradiance and radiance results at the bottom and top of an atmosphere of specified optical depth for each of 145 spectral intervals from 0.29 to 4.05 microns. Absorption by water vapor, aerosols, ozone, and uniformly mixed gases; scattering by molecules and aerosols; and non-Lambertian surface reflectance are included in the model. For solving the radiative transfer equation, an innovative delta-Sobolev method is developed. It applies a delta-function modification to the conventional Sobolev solutions in a way analogous to the delta-Eddington method. The irradiance solution by the delta-Sobolev method turns out to be mathematically identical to the delta-Eddington approximation. The radiance solution by the delta-Sobolov method provides a convenient way to obtain the directional distribution pattern of the radiation transfer field, a feature unable to be obtained by most commonly used approximation methods. Such radiance solutions are also especially useful in models for satellite remote sensing. The model is tested against the rigorous Dave model, which solves the radiation transfer problem by the spherical harmonic method, an accurate but very time consuming process. Good agreement between the current model results and those of Dave's model are observed. The advantages of the delta-Sobolev model are simplicity, reasonable accuracy and capability for implementation on a minicomputer or microcomputer

  18. The geographic spread of the CCR5 Delta32 HIV-resistance allele.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Novembre


    Full Text Available The Delta32 mutation at the CCR5 locus is a well-studied example of natural selection acting in humans. The mutation is found principally in Europe and western Asia, with higher frequencies generally in the north. Homozygous carriers of the Delta32 mutation are resistant to HIV-1 infection because the mutation prevents functional expression of the CCR5 chemokine receptor normally used by HIV-1 to enter CD4+ T cells. HIV has emerged only recently, but population genetic data strongly suggest Delta32 has been under intense selection for much of its evolutionary history. To understand how selection and dispersal have interacted during the history of the Delta32 allele, we implemented a spatially explicit model of the spread of Delta32. The model includes the effects of sampling, which we show can give rise to local peaks in observed allele frequencies. In addition, we show that with modest gradients in selection intensity, the origin of the Delta32 allele may be relatively far from the current areas of highest allele frequency. The geographic distribution of the Delta32 allele is consistent with previous reports of a strong selective advantage (>10% for Delta32 carriers and of dispersal over relatively long distances (>100 km/generation. When selection is assumed to be uniform across Europe and western Asia, we find support for a northern European origin and long-range dispersal consistent with the Viking-mediated dispersal of Delta32 proposed by G. Lucotte and G. Mercier. However, when we allow for gradients in selection intensity, we estimate the origin to be outside of northern Europe and selection intensities to be strongest in the northwest. Our results describe the evolutionary history of the Delta32 allele and establish a general methodology for studying the geographic distribution of selected alleles.

  19. Morphodynamic evolution of two deltas in arctic environments, east coast of Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kroon, Aart; Pedersen, Jørn Bjarke Torp; Sigsgaard, Charlotte


    Changes in fluvial channel patterns on deltas have a significant impact on the coastal morphology along its fringes. Lateral channel migration can locally cause cliff erosion and introduce an extra sediment source in the local budget of an active delta plain. Stabilization of channels or even...... channel lobe switching reduce the fluvial impact on the delta and introduce the formation of beach ridges and spits along the (former) delta edge. These accumulative features are formed in the ice-free summer periods and fed by alongshore sediment input from adjacent shores due to wave-driven alongshore...... currents, and by the reworking of the sediments on the delta plain by wave-driven cross-shore processes....

  20. Novel urinary metabolite of d-delta-tocopherol in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiku, S.; Hamamura, K.; Nakamura, T.


    A novel metabolite of d-delta-tocopherol was isolated from the urine of rats given d-3,4-[ 3 H 2 ]-delta-tocopherol intravenously. The metabolite was collected from the urine of rats given d-delta-tocopherol in the same manner as that of the labeled compound. It was found that the metabolites consisted of sulfate conjugates. The portion of the major metabolite released with sulfatase was determined to be 2,8-dimethyl-2-(2'-carboxyethyl)-6-chromanol by infrared spectra, nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, and mass spectra. The proposed structure was confirmed by comparing the analytical results with those of a synthetically derived compound. As a result of the structural elucidation of this novel metabolite, a pathway for the biological transformation of delta-tocopherol is proposed which is different from that of alpha-tocopherol. A characteristic feature of the pathway is the absence of any opening of the chroman ring throughout the sequence

  1. CMOS sigma-delta converters practical design guide

    CERN Document Server

    De la Rosa, Jose M


    A comprehensive overview of Sigma-Delta Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) and a practical guide to their design in nano-scale CMOS for optimal performance. This book presents a systematic and comprehensive compilation of sigma-delta converter operating principles, the new advances in architectures and circuits, design methodologies and practical considerations - going from system-level specifications to silicon integration, packaging and measurements, with emphasis on nanometer CMOS implementation. The book emphasizes practical design issues - from high-level behavioural modelling i

  2. Stratigraphy and paleohydrology of delta channel deposits, Jezero crater, Mars (United States)

    Goudge, Timothy A.; Mohrig, David; Cardenas, Benjamin T.; Hughes, Cory M.; Fassett, Caleb I.


    The Jezero crater open-basin lake contains two well-exposed fluvial sedimentary deposits formed early in martian history. Here, we examine the geometry and architecture of the Jezero western delta fluvial stratigraphy using high-resolution orbital images and digital elevation models (DEMs). The goal of this analysis is to reconstruct the evolution of the delta and associated shoreline position. The delta outcrop contains three distinct classes of fluvial stratigraphy that we interpret, from oldest to youngest, as: (1) point bar strata deposited by repeated flood events in meandering channels; (2) inverted channel-filling deposits formed by avulsive distributary channels; and (3) a valley that incises the deposit. We use DEMs to quantify the geometry of the channel deposits and estimate flow depths of ∼7 m for the meandering channels and ∼2 m for the avulsive distributary channels. Using these estimates, we employ a novel approach for assessing paleohydrology of the formative channels in relative terms. This analysis indicates that the shift from meandering to avulsive distributary channels was associated with an approximately four-fold decrease in the water to sediment discharge ratio. We use observations of the fluvial stratigraphy and channel paleohydrology to propose a model for the evolution of the Jezero western delta. The delta stratigraphy records lake level rise and shoreline transgression associated with approximately continuous filling of the basin, followed by outlet breaching, and eventual erosion of the delta. Our results imply a martian surface environment during the period of delta formation that supplied sufficient surface runoff to fill the Jezero basin without major drops in lake level, but also with discrete flooding events at non-orbital (e.g., annual to decadal) timescales.

  3. Construction and maintenance of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta: linking process, morphology, and stratigraphy. (United States)

    Wilson, Carol A; Goodbred, Steven L


    We present a review of the processes, morphology, and stratigraphy of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta (GBMD), including insights gained from detailed elevation data. The review shows that the GBMD is best characterized as a composite system, with different regions having morphologic and stratigraphic attributes of an upland fluvial fan delta; a lowland, backwater-reach delta; a downdrift tidal delta plain; and an offshore subaqueous-delta clinoform. These distinct areas of upland and lowland fluvial reaches and tidal dominance vary in time and space, and we distinguish late-Holocene phases of delta construction, maintenance, and decline similar to delta-lobe cycling in other systems. The overall stability of the GBMD landform, relative to many deltas, reflects the efficient, widespread dispersal of sediment by the large monsoon discharge and high-energy tides that affect this region. However, we do identify portions of the delta that are in decline and losing elevation relative to sea level owing to insufficient sediment delivery. These areas, some of which are well inland of the coast, represent those most at risk to the continued effect of sea-level rise.

  4. Climate change and the Delta (United States)

    Dettinger, Michael; Anderson, Jamie; Anderson, Michael L.; Brown, Larry R.; Cayan, Daniel; Maurer, Edwin P.


    Anthropogenic climate change amounts to a rapidly approaching, “new” stressor in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta system. In response to California’s extreme natural hydroclimatic variability, complex water-management systems have been developed, even as the Delta’s natural ecosystems have been largely devastated. Climate change is projected to challenge these management and ecological systems in different ways that are characterized by different levels of uncertainty. For example, there is high certainty that climate will warm by about 2°C more (than late-20th-century averages) by mid-century and about 4°C by end of century, if greenhouse-gas emissions continue their current rates of acceleration. Future precipitation changes are much less certain, with as many climate models projecting wetter conditions as drier. However, the same projections agree that precipitation will be more intense when storms do arrive, even as more dry days will separate storms. Warmer temperatures will likely enhance evaporative demands and raise water temperatures. Consequently, climate change is projected to yield both more extreme flood risks and greater drought risks. Sea level rise (SLR) during the 20th century was about 22cm, and is projected to increase by at least 3-fold this century. SLR together with land subsidence threatens the Delta with greater vulnerabilities to inundation and salinity intrusion. Effects on the Delta ecosystem that are traceable to warming include SLR, reduced snowpack, earlier snowmelt and larger storm-driven streamflows, warmer and longer summers, warmer summer water temperatures, and water-quality changes. These changes and their uncertainties will challenge the operations of water projects and uses throughout the Delta’s watershed and delivery areas. Although the effects of climate change on Delta ecosystems may be profound, the end results are difficult to predict, except that native species will fare worse than invaders. Successful

  5. Holocene Flexural Deformation over the Nile Delta: Evidence from Radar Interferometry (United States)

    Gebremichael, E.; Sultan, M.; Becker, R.


    Isostatic adjustment and subsequent subsidence and uplift due to sediment and water loading and unloading mechanisms is one of the major factors that produce regional deformational patterns across river deltas. Using 84 Envisat ASAR scenes that were acquired (2004 - 2010) along three tracks and applying Persistent scatterer (PS) radar interferometric techniques, we documented flexural deformational patterns over the entire Nile Delta (length: 186 km; width: 240 km) of Egypt. The passive continental margin of Africa subsided from Jurassic time onwards due to isostatic loading creating an accommodation space and consequently, the deposition of relatively younger sediments on the oceanic crust. In river deltas, the flexural isostasy model dictates that a subsidence in the oceanic crust side should be balanced by a bulge (uplift) in the flanking regions. Using radar interferometry, we were able to identify the flexural deformation pattern and map its spatial extent over the northern and central Nile Delta region. Findings include: (1) the northern Nile Delta region (block) is separated from the southern delta region by an east-west trending, extensively faulted, hinge line that signifies the boundary between two deformational patterns (subsidence and uplift). It separates the highly subsiding (up to 9.8 mm/yr) northern delta block (up to 85 km long) from the nearly stable (0.4 mm/yr; averaged) southern delta block (up to 91 km long). The hinge line marks the end of the passive continental margin of Africa and the beginning of the oceanic crust of the Mediterranean. (2) We mapped the extent of a 20-40 km wide flexural uplift zone to the south of the hinge line. Within the flexural uplift zone (2.5 mm/yr; averaged), there is a gradual increase in uplift rate reaching peak value (up to 7 mm/yr) near the midpoint of the zone. (3) The uplift rate gradually decreases south of the flexure boundary reaching 0.3 mm/yr at the southern periphery of the delta. (4) The flexural

  6. Upper-Division Student Difficulties with the Dirac Delta Function (United States)

    Wilcox, Bethany R.; Pollock, Steven J.


    The Dirac delta function is a standard mathematical tool that appears repeatedly in the undergraduate physics curriculum in multiple topical areas including electrostatics, and quantum mechanics. While Dirac delta functions are often introduced in order to simplify a problem mathematically, students still struggle to manipulate and interpret them.…

  7. Downstream hydraulic geometry of a tidally influenced river delta

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sassi, M.G.; Hoitink, A.J.F.; Brye, de B.; Deleersnijder, E.


    Channel geometry in tidally influenced river deltas can show a mixed scaling behavior between that of river and tidal channel networks, as the channel forming discharge is both of river and tidal origin. We present a method of analysis to quantify the tidal signature on delta morphology, by

  8. Homosexuality amongst migrant oil workers in the Niger Delta ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aims: To determine the prevalence of homosexuality among migrant oil workers in Niger Delta. Methods: A prospective questionnaire – based study was conducted among migrant oil workers in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The design was to determine the prevalence of homosexuality in the workers in oil workers.

  9. Continuous time sigma delta ADC design and non-idealities analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan Jun; Chen Zhenhai; Yang Yintang; Zhang Zhaofeng; Wu Jun; Wang Chao; Qian Wenrong


    A wide bandwidth continuous time sigma delta ADC is implemented in 130 nm CMOS. A detailed non-idealities analysis (excess loop delay, clock jitter, finite gain and GBW, comparator offset and DAC mismatch) is performed developed in Matlab/Simulink. This design is targeted for wide bandwidth applications such as video or wireless base-stations. Athird-order continuous time sigma delta modulator comprises a third-order RC operational-amplifier-based loop filter and 3-bit internal quantizer operated at 512 MHz clock frequency. The sigma delta ADC achieves 60 dB SNR and 59.3 dB SNDR over a 16-MHz signal band at an OSR of 16. The power consumption of the CT sigma delta modulator is 22 mW from the 1.2-V supply. (semiconductor integrated circuits)

  10. New decision criteria for selecting delta check methods based on the ratio of the delta difference to the width of the reference range can be generally applicable for each clinical chemistry test item. (United States)

    Park, Sang Hyuk; Kim, So-Young; Lee, Woochang; Chun, Sail; Min, Won-Ki


    Many laboratories use 4 delta check methods: delta difference, delta percent change, rate difference, and rate percent change. However, guidelines regarding decision criteria for selecting delta check methods have not yet been provided. We present new decision criteria for selecting delta check methods for each clinical chemistry test item. We collected 811,920 and 669,750 paired (present and previous) test results for 27 clinical chemistry test items from inpatients and outpatients, respectively. We devised new decision criteria for the selection of delta check methods based on the ratio of the delta difference to the width of the reference range (DD/RR). Delta check methods based on these criteria were compared with those based on the CV% of the absolute delta difference (ADD) as well as those reported in 2 previous studies. The delta check methods suggested by new decision criteria based on the DD/RR ratio corresponded well with those based on the CV% of the ADD except for only 2 items each in inpatients and outpatients. Delta check methods based on the DD/RR ratio also corresponded with those suggested in the 2 previous studies, except for 1 and 7 items in inpatients and outpatients, respectively. The DD/RR method appears to yield more feasible and intuitive selection criteria and can easily explain changes in the results by reflecting both the biological variation of the test item and the clinical characteristics of patients in each laboratory. We suggest this as a measure to determine delta check methods.

  11. Investigation of the biodistribution, breakdown and excretion of delta inulin adjuvant. (United States)

    Wang, Lixin; Barclay, Thomas; Song, Yunmei; Joyce, Paul; Sakala, Isaac G; Petrovsky, Nikolai; Garg, Sanjay


    Insoluble, nanostructured delta inulin particles enhance the immunogenicity of co-administered protein antigens and consequently are used as a vaccine adjuvant (Advax™). To better understand their immunomodulatory properties, the in vitro hydrolysis and in vivo distribution of delta inulin particles were investigated. Delta inulin particle hydrolysis under bio-relevant acidic conditions resulted in no observable change to the bulk morphology using SEM, and HPLC results showed that only 6.1% of the inulin was hydrolysed over 21days. However, 65% of the terminal glucose groups were released, showing that acid hydrolysis relatively rapidly releases surface bound chemistries. This was used to explain in vivo biodistribution results in which delta inulin particles surface-labelled with fluorescein-5-thiosemicabizide were administered to mice using intramuscular (I.M.) or subcutaneous (S.C.) routes. Comparison analysis of the fluorescence of soluble inulin in the supernatants of homogenised tissues maintained at room temperature or heated to 100°C to solubilise particulate inulin was used to distinguish between fluorescent probe on soluble inulin and probe bound to inulin within particles. Following both I.M. and S.C. injection delta inulin exhibited a depot behaviour with local injection site residence for several weeks. Over this time, as injection site inulin reduced, there was measurable transport of intact delta inulin particles by macrophages to secondary lymphoid organs and the liver. Ultimately, the injected delta inulin became solubilised resulting in its detection in the plasma and in the urine. Thus injected delta inulin particles are initially taken up by macrophages at the site of injection, trafficked to secondary lymphoid tissue and the liver, and hydrolysed resulting in their becoming soluble and diffusing into the blood stream, from whence they are glomerularly filtered and excreted into the urine. These results provide important insights into the

  12. Inhabiting the Delta: A Landscape Approach to Transformative Socio-Ecological Restoration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brett Milligan


    Full Text Available doi: legislation and plans for the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (Delta call for large-scale restoration of aquatic and terrestrial habitats, which will require significant changes in waterways, land uses, and cultural patterns. These re-made landscapes will be subject to a variety of new human uses, which Delta planning and adaptive management literature has yet to adequately consider. Failing to account for human uses and evolving place values can lead to diminished performance and public support for Delta restoration efforts. Our empirical study examined restored and naturalized Delta landscapes using an integrative landscape approach that seeks to reconcile multiple goals and land-use agendas that span ecological, social, economic, and political domains. The research design consisted of six overlapping methods that included a planning, policy, and law review specific to the Delta; surveys and interviews with approximately 100 land managers, scientists, land-owners, law-enforcement personnel, agency representatives, and Delta residents; nine case studies of restored and naturalized delta landscapes; GIS mapping; and extensive field work. Findings derived from the synthesis of these methods show that human uses of the Delta’s re-wilded landscapes are diverse and pervasive. Given the infrastructural and urbanized context of the region, these environments are subject to multiple and sometimes conflicting uses, perceptions, and place values. Though these myriad uses cannot be fully predicted or controlled (nor should they be, findings showed that more proactive and inclusive planning for human uses can encourage or discourage particular uses while also building constituency, support, and active engagement in ecological restoration efforts. We conclude that reconciling human uses with ecological recovery in the Delta will require a more localized, multi-functional, and creative approach to

  13. Identification of anthropogenic and natural inputs of sulfate and chloride into the karstic ground water of Guiyang, SW China: combined delta37Cl and delta34S approach. (United States)

    Liu, Cong-Qiang; Lang, Yun-Chao; Satake, Hiroshi; Wu, Jiahong; Li, Si-Liang


    Because of active exchange between surface and groundwater of a karstic hydrological system, the groundwater of Guiyang, the capital city of Guizhou Province, southwest China, has been seriously polluted by anthropogenic inputs of NO3-, SO4(2-), Cl-, and Na+. In this work, delta37Cl of chloride and delta34S variations of sulfate in the karstic surface/groundwater system were studied, with a main focus to identify contaminant sources, including their origins. The surface, ground, rain, and sewage water studied showed variable delta37Cl and delta34S values, in the range of -4.1 to +2.0 per thousand, and -20.4 to +20.9 per thousand for delta37Cl and delta34S (SO4(2-)), respectively. The rainwater samples yielded the lowest delta37Cl values among those observed to date for aerosols and rainwater. Chloride in the Guiyang area rain waters emanated from anthropogenic sources rather than being of marine origin, probably derived from HCl (g) emitted by coal combustion. By plotting 1/SO4(2-) vs delta34S and 1/Cl- vs delta37Cl, respectively, we were able to identify some clusters of data, which were assigned as atmospheric deposition (acid rain component), discharge from municipal sewage, paleo-brine components in clastic sedimentary rocks, dissolution of gypsum mainly in dolomite, oxidation of sulfide minerals in coal-containing clastic rocks, and possibly degradation of chlorine-containing organic matter. We conclude that human activities give a significant input of sulfate and chloride ions, as well as other contaminants, into the studied groundwater system through enhanced atmospheric deposition and municipal sewage, and that multiple isotopic tracers constitute a powerful tool to ascertain geochemical characteristics and origin of complex contaminants in groundwater.

  14. Experimental transonic flutter characteristics of two 72 deg-sweep delta-wing models (United States)

    Doggett, Robert V., Jr.; Soistmann, David L.; Spain, Charles V.; Parker, Ellen C.; Silva, Walter A.


    Transonic flutter boundaries are presented for two simple, 72 deg. sweep, low-aspect-ratio wing models. One model was an aspect-ratio 0.65 delta wing; the other model was an aspect-ratio 0.54 clipped-delta wing. Flutter boundaries for the delta wing are presented for the Mach number range of 0.56 to 1.22. Flutter boundaries for the clipped-delta wing are presented for the Mach number range of 0.72 to 0.95. Selected vibration characteristics of the models are also presented.

  15. Sediment budgets, transport, and depositional trends in a large tidal delta (United States)

    Morgan, Tara; Wright, Scott A.


    The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is the largest delta on the west coast of the United States. It is formed where the confluence of California’s two largest rivers (the Sacramento and San Joaquin) meet the ocean tides and has a significant physical gradient from fluvial to tidal. It is a semidiurnal system (two high and two low tides per day). Today, the Delta is one of the most manipulated in the United States. Once composed of many shallow, meandering and braided dendritic channels and dead-end sloughs and wetlands, it is now a network of leveed canals moving clear water around subsided islands. It historically has supported a biologically diverse tidal wetland complex, of which only 3% remains today (Whipple et al., 2012). It has also witnessed a collapse in the native fish populations. The Delta provides critical habitat for native species, however the hydrology and water quality are complicated by manipulations and diversions to satisfy multiple statewide objectives. Today water managers face co-equal goals of water supply to Californians and maintenance of ecosystem health and function. The Delta is a hub for both a multi-hundred-million dollar agricultural industry and a massive north-to-south water delivery system, supplying the primary source of freshwater to Central Valley farmers and drinking water for two-thirds of California’s population. Large pump facilities support the water demand and draw water from the Delta, further altering circulation patterns and redirecting the net flow toward the export facilities (Monsen et al., 2007). Fluvial sedimentation, along with organic accumulation, creates and sustains the Delta landscape. Hydraulic mining for gold in the watershed during the late 1800s delivered an especially large sediment pulse to the Delta. More recently, from 1955 to the present, a significant sediment decline has been observed that is thought to have been caused mostly by the construction of water storage reservoirs that trap the upstream

  16. Relationship between characteristics of fan-delta sandstone bodies and in-situ leachable sandstone-type uranium mineralization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nie Fengjun; Zhou Weixun; Guan Taiyang; Li Sitian


    Like normal deltas, fan-deltas are composed of three parts, i.e., fan-delta plain, fan-delta front and pre-fin-delta, In-situ leachable uranium deposits are commonly distributed along the margins of in-land basins. The author analyzes the possible relationship between the basic characteristics of fan-delta sandstone bodies and uranium mineralization. Two examples, e.g., the fan delta depositional systems in the eastern part of Jungger basin and the southern part of Yili basin, are given to illustrate the fan-delta vertical sequence and planar distribution of sedimentary facies. It has been pointed out that the braided channel sandstone bodies on delta plain, sub-aqueous distributional channel sandstone bodies and delta front sandstone bodies may be the favourable host rocks for in-situ leachable sandstone uranium deposits

  17. N-Type delta Doping of High-Purity Silicon Imaging Arrays (United States)

    Blacksberg, Jordana; Hoenk, Michael; Nikzad, Shouleh


    A process for n-type (electron-donor) delta doping has shown promise as a means of modifying back-illuminated image detectors made from n-doped high-purity silicon to enable them to detect high-energy photons (ultraviolet and x-rays) and low-energy charged particles (electrons and ions). This process is applicable to imaging detectors of several types, including charge-coupled devices, hybrid devices, and complementary metal oxide/semiconductor detector arrays. Delta doping is so named because its density-vs.-depth characteristic is reminiscent of the Dirac delta function (impulse function): the dopant is highly concentrated in a very thin layer. Preferably, the dopant is concentrated in one or at most two atomic layers in a crystal plane and, therefore, delta doping is also known as atomic-plane doping. The use of doping to enable detection of high-energy photons and low-energy particles was reported in several prior NASA Tech Briefs articles. As described in more detail in those articles, the main benefit afforded by delta doping of a back-illuminated silicon detector is to eliminate a "dead" layer at the back surface of the silicon wherein high-energy photons and low-energy particles are absorbed without detection. An additional benefit is that the delta-doped layer can serve as a back-side electrical contact. Delta doping of p-type silicon detectors is well established. The development of the present process addresses concerns specific to the delta doping of high-purity silicon detectors, which are typically n-type. The present process involves relatively low temperatures, is fully compatible with other processes used to fabricate the detectors, and does not entail interruption of those processes. Indeed, this process can be the last stage in the fabrication of an imaging detector that has, in all other respects, already been fully processed, including metallized. This process includes molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) for deposition of three layers, including

  18. Anadromous salmonids in the Delta: New science 2006–2016 (United States)

    Perry, Russell W.; Buchanan, Rebecca A.; Brandes, Patricia L.; Burau, Jon R.; Israel, Joshua A


    As juvenile salmon enter the Sacramento–SanJoaquin River Delta (“the Delta”) they disperse among its complex channel network where they are subject to channel-specific processes that affect their rate of migration, vulnerability to predation, feeding success, growth rates, and ultimately, survival. In the decades before 2006, tools available to quantify growth, dispersal, and survival of juvenile salmon in this complex channel network were limited.Fortunately, thanks to technological advances such as acoustic telemetry and chemical and structural otolith analysis, much has been learned over the past decade about the role of the Delta in the life cycle of juvenile salmon. Here, we review new science between 2006and 2016 that sheds light on how different life stages and runs of juvenile salmon grow, move, and survive in the complex channel network of the Delta. One of the most important advances during the past decade has been the widespread adoption of acoustic telemetry techniques. Use of telemetry has shed light on how survival varies among alternative migration routes and the proportion of fish that use each migration route. Chemical and structural analysis of otoliths has provided insights about when juveniles left their natal river and provided evidence of extended rearing in the brackish or saltwater regions of the Delta. New advancements in genetics now allow individuals captured by trawls to be assigned to specific runs. Detailed information about movement and survival in the Delta has spurred development of agent-based models of juvenile salmon that are coupled to hydrodynamic models. Although much has been learned, knowledge gaps remain about how very small juvenile salmon (fry and parr) use the Delta. Understanding how all life stages of juvenile salmon grow, rear, and survive in the Delta is critical for devising management strategies that support a diversity of life history strategies.

  19. Conceptual model of sedimentation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (United States)

    Schoellhamer, David H.; Wright, Scott A.; Drexler, Judith Z.


    Sedimentation in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta builds the Delta landscape, creates benthic and pelagic habitat, and transports sediment-associated contaminants. Here we present a conceptual model of sedimentation that includes submodels for river supply from the watershed to the Delta, regional transport within the Delta and seaward exchange, and local sedimentation in open water and marsh habitats. The model demonstrates feedback loops that affect the Delta ecosystem. Submerged and emergent marsh vegetation act as ecosystem engineers that can create a positive feedback loop by decreasing suspended sediment, increasing water column light, which in turn enables more vegetation. Sea-level rise in open water is partially countered by a negative feedback loop that increases deposition if there is a net decrease in hydrodynamic energy. Manipulation of regional sediment transport is probably the most feasible method to control suspended sediment and thus turbidity. The conceptual model is used to identify information gaps that need to be filled to develop an accurate sediment transport model.

  20. Challenges Facing the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta: Complex, Chaotic, or Simply Cantankerous?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel N. Luoma


    Full Text Available doi: is a scarce and precious resource in California; its overall value is being made clear by the current severe drought. The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta is a critical node in a complex water supply system that extends throughout much of the western U.S. wherein demand is exceeding supply. The Delta also underpins a major component of the U.S. economy, helps feed a substantial part of the country, is a unique and valuable ecological resource, and is a place with a rich cultural heritage. Sustaining the Delta is a problem that manifests itself in many dimensions including the physical structure of the Delta, the conflicting demands for water, changing water quality, rapidly evolving ecological character, and high institutional complexity. The problems of the California Delta are increasingly complex, sometimes chaotic, and always contentious. There is general agreement that current management will sustain neither the Delta ecosystem nor high-quality water exports, as required under the Delta Reform Act, so there is a renewed urgency to address all dimensions of the problem aggressively. Sustainable management of the Delta ecosystem and California’s highly variable water supply, in the face of global climate change, will require bold political decisions that include adjustments to the infrastructure but give equal emphasis to chronic overuse and misuse of water, promote enhanced efficiency of water use, and facilitate new initiatives for ecosystem recovery. This new approach will need to be underpinned by collaborative science that supports ongoing evaluation and re-adjustment of actions. Problems like the Delta are formally “wicked" problems that cannot be “solved” in the traditional sense, but they can be managed with appropriate knowledge and flexible institutions. Where possible, it is advisable to approach major actions incrementally, with an eye toward avoiding

  1. An annotated list of Fishes from the Niger Delta

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boeseman, M.


    At the end of November 1960, the Leiden Museum received an interesting collection of animals, mostly fishes, from the Niger delta. All specimens were collected by Mr. H. J. G. Beets, at the time employed by Shell B.P. — Delta Investigations, during the period May to August 1960, and in the region

  2. Quark sea and the. delta. I=1/2 rule

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Donoghue, J F [Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. (USA). Dept. of Physics; Golowich, E [Massachusetts Univ., Amherst (USA)


    The effect on nonleptonic processes of quark-antiquark pairs due to quantum chromodynamics is studied. Their presence improves agreement between theory and experiment for hyperon decays. In kaon decays a new contribution is found, but effects are still too large to be in agreement.

  3. El colapso ambiental en el río Patía, Colombia: variaciones morfológicas y alteraciones en los ecosistemas de manglar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana S Parra


    Full Text Available El delta del Patía ha experimentado grandes variaciones morfológicas en las últimas cuatro décadas debido a presiones antrópicas. El transvase del río Patía al río Sanquianga, debido a la construcción del canal Naranjo en 1973, y la posterior formación del brazo Patianga, han derivado en complejas problemáticas ambientales que se evidencian en la reactivación del lóbulo norte del delta y el abandono de la anterior desembocadura en el lóbulo sur. En este artículo se analizan las principales alteraciones que se presentan en el delta del Patía como producto del desvío del río y las consecuentes variaciones en el aporte fluvial y de sedimentos. Estas alteraciones se reflejan en: (1 cambios drásticos en la línea de costa, con tasas de erosión de hasta 70 m año-1; (2 dulcificación de los estuarios del lóbulo norte del delta, cambio hidrológico que ha ocasionando la migración de la zona alta estuarina (salinidad <1 15 km aguas abajo; y (3 alteraciones en la cobertura vegetal del Parque Nacional Natural Sanquianga, con incrementos en la vegetación de agua dulce de hasta 42%, y disminución en la cobertura de manglar de hasta 31% en un período de 15 años. Las condiciones actuales del delta del Patía son ejemplo de la importancia de las actividades humanas como agentes de cambio dentro de la evolución de los sistemas deltaicos, y revelan la necesidad de profundizar el estudio de este delta para establecer estrategias adecuadas de manejo y conservación.

  4. A Delta-V map of the known Main Belt Asteroids (United States)

    Taylor, Anthony; McDowell, Jonathan C.; Elvis, Martin


    With the lowered costs of rocket technology and the commercialization of the space industry, asteroid mining is becoming both feasible and potentially profitable. Although the first targets for mining will be the most accessible near Earth objects (NEOs), the Main Belt contains 106 times more material by mass. The large scale expansion of this new asteroid mining industry is contingent on being able to rendezvous with Main Belt asteroids (MBAs), and so on the velocity change required of mining spacecraft (delta-v). This paper develops two different flight burn schemes, both starting from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and ending with a successful MBA rendezvous. These methods are then applied to the ∼700,000 asteroids in the Minor Planet Center (MPC) database with well-determined orbits to find low delta-v mining targets among the MBAs. There are 3986 potential MBA targets with a delta-v < 8 km s-1 , but the distribution is steep and reduces to just 4 with delta-v < 7 km s-1. The two burn methods are compared and the orbital parameters of low delta-v MBAs are explored.

  5. Heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory and the spin 3/2 delta resonances

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kambor, J.


    Heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory is briefly reviewed, paying particular attention to the role of the spin 3/2 delta resonances. The concept of resonance saturation for the baryonic sector is critically discussed. Starting from a relativistic formulation of the pion-nucleon-delta system, the heavy baryon chiral Lagrangian including spin 3/2 resonances is constructed by means of a 1/m-expansion. The effective theory obtained admits a systematic expansion in terms of soft momenta, the pion mass M{sub {pi}} and the delta-nucleon mass difference {Delta}. (author). 22 refs.

  6. Effect of environmental change on the morphology of tidally influenced deltas over multi-decadal timescale (United States)

    Angamuthu, Balaji; Darby, Stephen; Nicholls, Robert


    An understanding of the geomorphological processes affecting deltas is essential to improve our understanding of the risks that deltas face, especially as human impacts are likely to intensify in the future. Unfortunately, there is limited reliable data on river deltas, meaning that the task of demonstrating the links between morphodynamic and environmental change is challenging. This presentation aims to answer the questions of how delta morphology evolves over multi-decadal timescales under multiple drivers, focussing on tidally-influenced deltas, as some of these, such as the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) delta are heavily populated. A series of idealised model simulations over 102 years were used to explore the influence of three key drivers on delta morphodynamics, both individually and together: (i) varying combinations of water and sediment discharges from the upstream catchment, (ii) varying rates of relative sea-level rise (RSLR), and (iii) selected human interventions within the delta, such as polders, cross-dams and changing land cover. Model simulations revealed that delta progradation rates are more sensitive to variations in water discharge than variations in fluvial sediment supply. Unlike mere aggradation during RSLR, the delta front experienced aggradational progradation due to tides. As expected, the area of the simulated sub-aerial delta increases with increasing sediment discharge, but decreases with increasing water discharge. But, human modifications are important. For example, the sub-aerial delta shrinks with increasing RSLR, but it does not when the sub-aerial delta is polderised, provided the polders are restricted from erosion. However, the polders are vulnerable to flooding as they lose relative elevation and can make the delta building process unsustainable. Cross-dams built to steer zones of land accretion within the delta accomplish their local goal, but may not result in net land gain at the scale of the delta. Applying these

  7. Protoneutron star formation with delta-resonance matter and trapped neutrinos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Jose Carlos Teixeira de; Souza, Ana Graice de; Duarte, Sergio Barbosa; Rodrigues, Hilario


    Full text: We discuss the proto-neutron star structure including delta-matter in its composition, and comparing the result with the same mass post-cooling compact object formed. The maximum mass values and corresponding configurations to pre and post-cooling situation are calculated and discussed face to variations in the coupling constants of delta-resonance with the mesons sigma, omega and rho in the context of the Relativistic Mean Field Theory (RMFT). The complete spin-1/2 sector is included solved consistently with the presence of the 3/2-spin delta-resonance quartet. (author)

  8. The Economic Dimensions of the Niger Delta Ethnic Conflicts (Pp ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1970, the price of international oil stepped upwards following the Middle. Eastern Yom Kippur .... Over the years, the pleas of the Niger Delta people for accommodation are ignored or .... In a labour surplus region like the Niger Delta, budget.

  9. The potential energy of an infinite system of nucleons and delta resonances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goodwin, N.H.


    The nature and properties of the delta resonance, Δ (1236), in infinite nuclear and neutron matter are investigated. Calculations of the potential energy of a system of separate Fermi seas of nucleons and delta resonances have been performed using Jastrow lowest-order constrained variational techniques. Using the Reid soft-core nucleon-nucleon interaction and a model, consistent, energy-dependent, static one-pion- and one-rho-meson-exchange nucleon-delta potential, a significant reduction in the potential energy of the system is found at densities above nuclear matter density (0.17 fm -3 ) when deltas are present. The density at which the formation of a separate Fermi sea of deltas is favourable is estimated and the consequences for the possible formation of a pion condensate and the properties of neutron star matter are discussed. (author)

  10. Salinity Impacts on Agriculture and Groundwater in Delta Regions (United States)

    Clarke, D.; Salehin, M.; Jairuddin, M.; Saleh, A. F. M.; Rahman, M. M.; Parks, K. E.; Haque, M. A.; Lázár, A. N.; Payo, A.


    Delta regions are attractive for high intensity agriculture due to the availability of rich sedimentary soils and of fresh water. Many of the world's tropical deltas support high population densities which are reliant on irrigated agriculture. However environmental changes such as sea level rise, tidal inundation and reduced river flows have reduced the quantity and quality of water available for successful agriculture. Additionally, anthropogenic influences such as the over abstraction of ground water and the increased use of low quality water from river inlets has resulted in the accumulation of salts in the soils which diminishes crop productivity. Communities based in these regions are usually reliant on the same water for drinking and cooking because surface water is frequently contaminated by commercial and urban pollution. The expansion of shallow tube well systems for drinking water and agricultural use over the last few decades has resulted in mobilisation of salinity in the coastal and estuarine fringes. Sustainable development in delta regions is becoming constrained by water salinity. However salinity is often studied as an independent issue by specialists working in the fields of agriculture, community water supply and groundwater. The lack of interaction between these disciplines often results in corrective actions being applied to one sector without fully assessing the effects of these actions on other sectors. This paper describes a framework for indentifying the causes and impacts of salinity in delta regions based on the source-pathway-receptor framework. It uses examples and scenarios from the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta in Bangladesh together with field measurements and observations made in vulnerable coastal communities. The paper demonstrates the importance of creating an holistic understanding of the development and management of water resources to reduce the impact of salinity in fresh water in delta regions.

  11. Delta-gamma-theta Hedging of Crude Oil Asian Options

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juraj Hruška


    Full Text Available Since Black-Scholes formula was derived, many methods have been suggested for vanilla as well as exotic options pricing. More of investing and hedging strategies have been developed based on these pricing models. Goal of this paper is to derive delta-gamma-theta hedging strategy for Asian options and compere its efficiency with gamma-delta-theta hedging combined with predictive model. Fixed strike Asian options are type of exotic options, whose special feature is that payoff is calculated from the difference of average market price and strike price for call options and vice versa for the put options. Methods of stochastic analysis are used to determine deltas, gammas and thetas of Asian options. Asian options are cheaper than vanilla options and therefore they are more suitable for precise portfolio creation. On the other hand their deltas are also smaller as well as profits. That means that they are also less risky and more suitable for hedging. Results, conducted on chosen commodity, confirm better feasibility of Asian options compering with vanilla options in sense of gamma hedging.

  12. Synthesis of {delta}-aminolevulic acid. Application to the introduction of carbon-14 and of tritium; Syntheses de l'acide {delta} aminolevulique. Application a l'introduction de carbone 14 et de tritium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loheac, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Several new syntheses of {delta} aminolevulic acid ({delta} A.L.A.) have been studied. {sup 14}C-4 {delta} - aminolevulic acid has been obtained from {sup 14}C allylacetic carboxylic acid with a yield of 30 per cent with respect to barium carbonate and with a specific activity of 32 mCi/mM. The {sup 14}C-1 or {sup 14}C-2 {delta}-A.L.A. has been prepared from the {sup 14}C-1 or {sup 14}C-2 acetate with a yield of 55 per cent with respect to the acetate. Finally the tritiated {delta}-A.L.A. has been obtained for the first time by tritiation of ethyl phthalimidodehydrolevulate. (author) [French] Plusieurs syntheses nouvelles de l'acide {delta}-aminolevulique ont ete etudiees. L'acide {delta}-aminolevulique {sup 14}C-4 a ete obtenu a partir d'acide allylacetique carboxylique {sup 14}C, avec un rendement global de 30 pour cent par rapport au carbonate de baryum a une activite specifique de 32 mCi/M. Le {delta}-A.A.L. {sup 14}C-1 ou {sup 14}C-2 a ete obtenu a partir d'acetate {sup 14}C-1 ou {sup 14}C-2 avec un rendement de 55 pour cent par rapport a l'acetate. Enfin le {delta}-A.A.L. tritie a ete obtenu pour la premiere fois par tritiation du phtalimidodehydrolevulate d'ethyle. (auteur)

  13. Energy deposition by delta rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weigand, F.C.; Braby, L.A.


    Monte Carlo calculations for proton tracks were extended to projectile with more complex electronic structures which add additional delta ray production processes. An experimental apparatus was used to detect gas gain and resolution for H 2+ and 3 He ++

  14. Women of Niger Delta

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Religion Dept

    The Indispensability of Women in Conflict Resolution in the Niger Delta ... The situation leads to a shift in gender roles with a dramatic increase in the number of women .... organization is to work in partnership with the Nigerian Government and the .... that “women are the impartial arbitrators in family or clan disputes or.

  15. On the calibration of continuous, high-precision delta18O and delta2H measurements using an off-axis integrated cavity output spectrometer. (United States)

    Wang, Lixin; Caylor, Kelly K; Dragoni, Danilo


    The (18)O and (2)H of water vapor serve as powerful tracers of hydrological processes. The typical method for determining water vapor delta(18)O and delta(2)H involves cryogenic trapping and isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Even with recent technical advances, these methods cannot resolve vapor composition at high temporal resolutions. In recent years, a few groups have developed continuous laser absorption spectroscopy (LAS) approaches for measuring delta(18)O and delta(2)H which achieve accuracy levels similar to those of lab-based mass spectrometry methods. Unfortunately, most LAS systems need cryogenic cooling and constant calibration to a reference gas, and have substantial power requirements, making them unsuitable for long-term field deployment at remote field sites. A new method called Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) has been developed which requires extremely low-energy consumption and neither reference gas nor cryogenic cooling. In this report, we develop a relatively simple pumping system coupled to a dew point generator to calibrate an ICOS-based instrument (Los Gatos Research Water Vapor Isotope Analyzer (WVIA) DLT-100) under various pressures using liquid water with known isotopic signatures. Results show that the WVIA can be successfully calibrated using this customized system for different pressure settings, which ensure that this instrument can be combined with other gas-sampling systems. The precisions of this instrument and the associated calibration method can reach approximately 0.08 per thousand for delta(18)O and approximately 0.4 per thousand for delta(2)H. Compared with conventional mass spectrometry and other LAS-based methods, the OA-ICOS technique provides a promising alternative tool for continuous water vapor isotopic measurements in field deployments. Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  16. Remote stereocontrol by sulfinyl groups: reduction of delta-ketosulfoxides. (United States)

    García Ruano, José L; Fernández-Ibáñez, M Angeles; Maestro, M Carmen; Rodríguez-Fernández, M Mercedes


    The reduction of delta-ketosulfoxides constitutes the first evidence of the efficiency of the sulfinyl group to control the stereoselectivity of 1,5-asymmetric induction processes. The use of DIBAL/Yb(OTf)3 or L-Selectride as the reducing agents provides delta-hydroxysulfoxides with the opposite configuration at the hydroxylic carbon in a highly stereoselective way.

  17. Morphodynamics of the Manyema tidal delta 1 LIST OF TABLES ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Kheira Kortenbout

    Morphodynamics of the Manyema tidal delta. 1. LIST OF ... Location of Manyema Creek and its associated tidal delta platform at Kunduchi. Fig. 2. ... platform. Beachcomber. Hotel. Whitesands. Hotel. Kunduchi. Beach Hotel. Giraffe. Hotel. INDIAN. OCEAN. Mombasa. Dar es. Salaam. KUNDUCHI. KENYA. TANZANIA.

  18. Holocene evolution of the Liaohe Delta, a tide-dominated delta formed by multiple rivers in Northeast China (United States)

    He, Lei; Xue, Chunting; Ye, Siyuan; Laws, Edward Allen; Yuan, Hongming; Yang, Shixiong; Du, Xiaolei


    The Liaohe Delta in Northeast China is one of the ecologically important estuarine deltas in China. It has been formed via the accumulation of sediment discharged by four rivers in the Liaohe Plain that enter Liaodong Bay. Twenty-seven 30-40 m long cores recovered from the Liaohe Plain and Liaodong Bay were analyzed for sedimentary characteristics, grain size, foraminifera species, and ages determined by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C to document the stratigraphical sequence and the spatio-temporal evolution of the Liaohe Delta. Our results revealed that the sedimentary environments have evolved from fluvial, tidal flat/estuarine, to neritic and finally to a deltaic environment since the Late Pleistocene. The Holocene transgression arrived at the present coastline at ∼8500 cal a BP and flooded the maximum area of land at ∼7000 cal a BP. A deltaic environment prevailed in this area after 7000 cal a BP. Bounded by the modern Liaohe River mouth, the present deltaic sedimentary system can be divided into the eastern and western components. The rate of seaward progradation of the eastern paleocoastline was estimated to be ∼8.6 m/a since 7000 cal a BP; the eastern cores in the present coastline began receiving the deltaic sediments at ∼5000 cal a BP. The rate of seaward progradation of the western paleocoastline was estimated to be only ∼2.8 m/a since 7000 cal a BP. The coastline on the western side began accumulating deltaic sediments about 2000 years later than the eastern coastline. Depocenter shifting was hypothesized to be the reason for the spatial differences in the sedimentary processes. However, the change of sediment fluxes of the western rivers due to climate changes and ancient human impacts might be the reason for the differences of the temporal evolution of the eastern and western sedimentary systems in the Liaohe Delta.

  19. Nucleon and delta masses in twisted mass chiral perturbation theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walker-Loud, Andre; Wu, Jackson M.S.


    We calculate the masses of the nucleons and deltas in twisted mass heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. We work to quadratic order in a power counting scheme in which we treat the lattice spacing, a, and the quark masses, m q , to be of the same order. We give expressions for the mass and the mass splitting of the nucleons and deltas both in and away from the isospin limit. We give an argument using the chiral Lagrangian treatment that, in the strong isospin limit, the nucleons remain degenerate and the delta multiplet breaks into two degenerate pairs to all orders in chiral perturbation theory. We show that the mass splitting between the degenerate pairs of the deltas first appears at quadratic order in the lattice spacing. We discuss the subtleties in the effective chiral theory that arise from the inclusion of isospin breaking

  20. Detection of Staphylococcus aureus delta-toxin production by whole-cell MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julie Gagnaire

    Full Text Available The aim of the present study was to detect the Staphylococcus aureus delta-toxin using Whole-Cell (WC Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS, correlate delta-toxin expression with accessory gene regulator (agr status, and assess the prevalence of agr deficiency in clinical isolates with and without resistance to methicillin and glycopeptides. The position of the delta-toxin peak in the mass spectrum was identified using purified delta-toxin and isogenic wild type and mutant strains for agr-rnaIII, which encodes delta-toxin. Correlation between delta-toxin production and agr RNAIII expression was assessed by northern blotting. A series of 168 consecutive clinical isolates and 23 unrelated glycopeptide-intermediate S. aureus strains (GISA/heterogeneous GISA were then tested by WC-MALDI-TOF MS. The delta-toxin peak was detected at 3005±5 Thomson, as expected for the naturally formylated delta toxin, or at 3035±5 Thomson for its G10S variant. Multivariate analysis showed that chronicity of S. aureus infection and glycopeptide resistance were significantly associated with delta-toxin deficiency (p = 0.048; CI 95%: 1.01-10.24; p = 0.023; CI 95%: 1.20-12.76, respectively. In conclusion, the S. aureus delta-toxin was identified in the WC-MALDI-TOF MS spectrum generated during routine identification procedures. Consequently, agr status can potentially predict infectious complications and rationalise application of novel virulence factor-based therapies.

  1. Critical Temperature for the $\\LAMBDA (\\PHI^{4})_{4}$ Theory within the $\\DELTA$ -Expansion


    Ramos, Rudnei O.


    We apply the $\\delta$-expansion perturbation scheme to the $\\lambda \\phi_{4}$ self-interacting scalar field theory in 3+1 D at finite temperature. In the $\\delta$-expansion the interaction term is written as $\\lambda (\\phi^{2})^{1 + \\delta}$ and $\\delta$ is considered as the perturbation parameter. We compute, in this perturbation approach, the renormalized mass at finite temperature from which we get the critical temperature. The results are compared with the usual loop-expansion at finite t...



    Ezenwafor, J. I.; Onokpaunu, Michel O.; Nna-Emmanuel, Sarah W.


    The need for wide utilization of social media marketing for entrepreneurial development in Delta State necessitated this study which sought to determine how competent practicing entrepreneurs are for their use in Delta State. One research question guided the study. A survey research design was adopted. The population consisted of 200 entrepreneurs in Delta North Senatorial District of Delta State. A validated 22 item on a 5-point rating scale questionnaire was used for data collection. Mean a...

  3. The case for selection at CCR5-Delta32.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available The C-C chemokine receptor 5, 32 base-pair deletion (CCR5-Delta32 allele confers strong resistance to infection by the AIDS virus HIV. Previous studies have suggested that CCR5-Delta32 arose within the past 1,000 y and rose to its present high frequency (5%-14% in Europe as a result of strong positive selection, perhaps by such selective agents as the bubonic plague or smallpox during the Middle Ages. This hypothesis was based on several lines of evidence, including the absence of the allele outside of Europe and long-range linkage disequilibrium at the locus. We reevaluated this evidence with the benefit of much denser genetic maps and extensive control data. We find that the pattern of genetic variation at CCR5-Delta32 does not stand out as exceptional relative to other loci across the genome. Moreover using newer genetic maps, we estimated that the CCR5-Delta32 allele is likely to have arisen more than 5,000 y ago. While such results can not rule out the possibility that some selection may have occurred at C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5, they imply that the pattern of genetic variation seen atCCR5-Delta32 is consistent with neutral evolution. More broadly, the results have general implications for the design of future studies to detect the signs of positive selection in the human genome.

  4. The case for selection at CCR5-Delta32.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pardis C Sabeti


    Full Text Available The C-C chemokine receptor 5, 32 base-pair deletion (CCR5-Delta32 allele confers strong resistance to infection by the AIDS virus HIV. Previous studies have suggested that CCR5-Delta32 arose within the past 1,000 y and rose to its present high frequency (5%-14% in Europe as a result of strong positive selection, perhaps by such selective agents as the bubonic plague or smallpox during the Middle Ages. This hypothesis was based on several lines of evidence, including the absence of the allele outside of Europe and long-range linkage disequilibrium at the locus. We reevaluated this evidence with the benefit of much denser genetic maps and extensive control data. We find that the pattern of genetic variation at CCR5-Delta32 does not stand out as exceptional relative to other loci across the genome. Moreover using newer genetic maps, we estimated that the CCR5-Delta32 allele is likely to have arisen more than 5,000 y ago. While such results can not rule out the possibility that some selection may have occurred at C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5, they imply that the pattern of genetic variation seen at CCR5-Delta32 is consistent with neutral evolution. More broadly, the results have general implications for the design of future studies to detect the signs of positive selection in the human genome.

  5. The first hop: Use of Beaufort Sea deltas by hatch-year semipalmated sandpipers (United States)

    Churchwell, Roy T.; Kendall, Steve J.; Brown, Stephen C.; Blanchard, Arny L.; Hollmen, Tuula E.; Powell, Abby


    River deltas along Alaska’s Beaufort Sea coast are used by hatch-year semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) after leaving their terrestrial natal sites, but the drivers of their use of these stopover sites on the first “hop” of fall migration are unknown. We quantified sandpiper temporal distribution and abundance as related to food resources at three river deltas during the beginning of their fall migration (post-breeding period) to compare the habitat quality among these deltas. We conducted population counts, sampled invertebrates, and captured birds to collect blood samples from individuals for triglyceride and stable isotope analyses to determine fattening rates and diet. Patterns of sandpiper and invertebrate abundance were complex and varied among deltas and within seasons. River deltas were used by sandpipers from late July to late August, and peak sandpiper counts ranged from 1000 to 4000 individuals, of which 98% were hatch-year semipalmated sandpipers. Isotopic signatures from blood plasma samples indicated that birds switched from a diet of upland tundra to delta invertebrate taxa as the migration season progressed, suggesting a dependence on delta invertebrates. Despite differences in diet among deltas, we found no differences in fattening rates of juvenile sandpipers as indicated by triglyceride levels. The number of sandpipers was positively associated with abundance of Amphipoda and Oligochaeta at the Jago and Okpilak-Hulahula deltas; an isotopic mixing model indicated that sandpipers consumed Amphipoda and Oligochaeta at Jago, mostly Chironomidae at Okpilak-Hulahula and Spionidae at Canning. Regardless of the difference in sandpiper diets at the Beaufort Sea deltas, their similar fattening rates throughout the season indicate that all of these stopover sites provide a critical food resource for hatch-year sandpipers beginning their first migration.

  6. Equation of state for isospin asymmetric matter of nucleons and deltas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Xiaohua; Zhang Yingxun; Li Zhuxia; Zhao Zhixiang


    An investigation on the equation of state of the isospin asymmetric, hot, dense matter of nucleons and deltas is performed based on the relativistic mean field theory. The QHD-II-type effective Lagrangian extending to the delta degree of freedom is adopted. Our results show that the equation of state is softened due to the inclusion of the delta degree of freedom. The baryon resonance isomer may occur depending on the delta-meson coupling. The results show that the densities for appearing the baryon resonance isomer, the densities for starting softening the equation of state and the extent of the softening depend not only on the temperature, the coupling strengths but also the isospin asymmetry of the baryon matter. (authors)

  7. The leading-edge vortex of swift wing-shaped delta wings. (United States)

    Muir, Rowan Eveline; Arredondo-Galeana, Abel; Viola, Ignazio Maria


    Recent investigations on the aerodynamics of natural fliers have illuminated the significance of the leading-edge vortex (LEV) for lift generation in a variety of flight conditions. A well-documented example of an LEV is that generated by aircraft with highly swept, delta-shaped wings. While the wing aerodynamics of a manoeuvring aircraft, a bird gliding and a bird in flapping flight vary significantly, it is believed that this existing knowledge can serve to add understanding to the complex aerodynamics of natural fliers. In this investigation, a model non-slender delta-shaped wing with a sharp leading edge is tested at low Reynolds number, along with a delta wing of the same design, but with a modified trailing edge inspired by the wing of a common swift Apus apus . The effect of the tapering swift wing on LEV development and stability is compared with the flow structure over the unmodified delta wing model through particle image velocimetry. For the first time, a leading-edge vortex system consisting of a dual or triple LEV is recorded on a swift wing-shaped delta wing, where such a system is found across all tested conditions. It is shown that the spanwise location of LEV breakdown is governed by the local chord rather than Reynolds number or angle of attack. These findings suggest that the trailing-edge geometry of the swift wing alone does not prevent the common swift from generating an LEV system comparable with that of a delta-shaped wing.

  8. DNA repair synthesis in human fibroblasts requires DNA polymerase delta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishida, C.; Reinhard, P.; Linn, S.


    When UV-irradiated cultured diploid human fibroblasts were permeabilized with Brij-58 then separated from soluble material by centrifugation, conservative DNA repair synthesis could be restored by a soluble factor obtained from the supernatant of similarly treated HeLa cells. Extensive purification of this factor yielded a 10.2 S, 220,000-dalton polypeptide with the DNA polymerase and 3'- to 5'-exonuclease activities reported for DNA polymerase delta II. Monoclonal antibody to KB cell DNA polymerase alpha, while binding to HeLa DNA polymerase alpha, did not bind to the HeLa DNA polymerase delta. Moreover, at micromolar concentrations N2-(p-n-butylphenyl)-2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate (BuPdGTP) and 2-(p-n-butylanilino)-2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate (BuAdATP) were potent inhibitors of DNA polymerase alpha, but did not inhibit the DNA polymerase delta. Neither purified DNA polymerase alpha nor beta could promote repair DNA synthesis in the permeabilized cells. Furthermore, under conditions which inhibited purified DNA polymerase alpha by greater than 90%, neither monoclonal antibodies to DNA polymerase alpha, BuPdGTP, nor BuAdATP was able to inhibit significantly the DNA repair synthesis mediated by the DNA polymerase delta. Thus, it appears that a major portion of DNA repair synthesis induced by UV irradiation might be catalyzed by DNA polymerase delta. When xeroderma pigmentosum human diploid fibroblasts were utilized, DNA repair synthesis dependent upon ultraviolet light could be restored by addition of both T4 endonuclease V and DNA polymerase delta, but not by addition of either one alone

  9. Optimization and design of a laser-cutting machine using delta robot


    Moharana, B.; Gupta, Rakesh; Kushwaha, Bashishth Kumar


    Industrial high speed laser operations the use of delta parallel robots potentially offers many benefits due to their structural stiffness and limited moving masses. This paper deals with a particular Delta, developed for high speed laser cutting. Parallel delta robot has numerous advantages in comparison with serial robots Higher stiffness and connected with that a lower mass of links the possibility of transporting heavier loads, and higher accuracy. The main drawback is however a smaller w...

  10. Dousing the tension in the Niger delta through administrative agency

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dousing the tension in the Niger delta through administrative agency: A programme evaluation of Niger delta development commission as an intervention regime. ... the study concludes that because of systemic constraints arising from the hegemonic interests of the dominant coalitions in the Nigerian Social formation, ...

  11. Contrasting morphodynamics in alluvial fans and fan deltas: effect of the downstream boundary

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijk, M. van; Kleinhans, M.G.; Postma, G.; Kraal, E.


    Alluvial fans and fan deltas can, in principle, have exactly the same upstream conditions, but fan deltas by definition have ponding water at their downstream boundary. This ponding creates effects on the autogenic behaviour of fan deltas, such as backwater adaptation, mouth bars and backward

  12. Oxygen Nonstoichiometry and Defect Chemistry Modeling of Ce0.8Pr0.2O2-delta

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chatzichristodoulou, Christodoulos; Hendriksen, Peter Vang


    (DeltaHPrexc=aHdelta) and a completely random distribution of defects (referred to as “delta-linear”), or a “generalized delta-linear” solution model, where the excess Gibbs energy change in the reduction reaction of the dopant linearly varies with delta (DeltaGPrexc=aGdelta). A comparison of the partial...

  13. Challenges and Approaches in Delta Planning and Management - Sharing experiences from SE Asian Deltas and the Rhine-Meuse Delta -Report on Regional Training Workshop

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Long Phi, H.; Fida Abdullah Khan, M.; Wosten, J.H.M.; Douven, W.


    The training workshop consisted of a balanced mix of lectures on specific delta topics, work on group assignments, group and plenary discussions, and group presentations. Due to high professional level of the participants the discussions often reached the level of a policy dialogue among equals

  14. Effects of external influences in subsonic delta wing vortices (United States)

    Washburn, Anthony E.


    An experimental investigation was conducted to examine inconsistencies in reported studies for the vortical flow over highly-swept delta wings. A 76-deg swept delta wing was tested in three facilities with open and closed test sections and different model-support systems. The results obtained include surface oil-flow patterns, off-body laser-light-sheet flow visualization, and aerodynamic load measurements. Parameters such as the wall boundaries and model-support systems can drastically alter the loads. The effect of a high level of free-stream turbulence on the delta-wing flowfield was also examined and found to be significant. The increase in free-stream turbulence caused boundary-layer transition, unsteadiness in the vortex core positions, and altered the loads and moments.

  15. Damped Oscillator with Delta-Kicked Frequency (United States)

    Manko, O. V.


    Exact solutions of the Schrodinger equation for quantum damped oscillator subject to frequency delta-kick describing squeezed states are obtained. The cases of strong, intermediate, and weak damping are investigated.

  16. 78 FR 32294 - DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P., DeltaPoint Capital IV (New York), L.P., License No. 02/02-0662,02/02... (United States)


    ... Small Business Investment Act of 1958, as amended (``the Act''), in connection with the financing of a... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P., DeltaPoint Capital IV (New York), L.P., License No. 02/02-0662,02/02-0661; Notice Seeking Exemption Under Section 312 of the Small Business...

  17. Clinical applications of gamma delta T cells with multivalent immunity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Drew C Deniger


    Full Text Available Gamma delta T cells hold promise for adoptive immunotherapy because of their reactivity to bacteria, viruses, and tumors. However, these cells represent a small fraction (1-5% of the peripheral T-cell pool and require activation and propagation to achieve clinical benefit. Aminobisphosphonates specifically expand the Vgamma9Vdelta2 subset of gamma delta T cells and have been used in clinical trials of cancer where objective responses were detected. The Vgamma9Vdelta2 TCR heterodimer binds multiple ligands and results in a multivalent attack by a monoclonal T cell population. Alternatively, populations of gamma delta T cells with oligoclonal or polyclonal TCR repertoire could be infused for broad-range specificity. However, this goal has been restricted by a lack of applicable expansion protocols for non-Vgamma9Vdelta2 cells. Recent advances using immobilized antigens, agonistic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs, tumor-derived artificial antigen presenting cells (aAPC, or combinations of activating mAbs and aAPC have been successful in expanding gamma delta T cells with oligoclonal or polyclonal TCR repertoires. Immobilized MHC Class-I chain-related A was a stimulus for gamma delta T cells expressing TCRdelta1 isotypes, and plate-bound activating antibodies have expanded Vdelta1 and Vdelta2 cells ex vivo. Clinically-sufficient quantities of TCRdelta1, TCRdelta2, and TCRdelta1negTCRdelta2neg have been produced following co-culture on aAPC, and these subsets displayed differences in memory phenotype and reactivity to tumors in vitro and in vivo. Gamma delta T cells are also amenable to genetic modification as evidenced by introduction of alpha beta TCRs, chimeric antigen receptors (CARs, and drug-resistance genes. This represents a promising future for the clinical application of oligoclonal or polyclonal gamma delta T cells in autologous and allogeneic settings that builds on current trials testing the safety and efficacy of Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells.

  18. The Niger Delta Amnesty Program

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benjamin A. Okonofua


    Full Text Available The armed conflict between militias and government forces in Nigeria’s Niger Delta region has spanned for more than two decades, defying all solutions. A disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR program was established in August 2015 in effort to end the violence and has remained in place. It is a radically different approach from past approaches that displayed zero tolerance to all political challenges to oil production or the allocation of oil profits. The approach appeared to be immediately successful in that it forced a ceasefire, engaged militants in planned programs to rehabilitate and reintegrate them into civilian society, and opened up the oil wells (many of which had been shut due to the crisis with the effect of increasing government revenue, which depends 85% on oil exports. Yet, few studies have attempted to understand the dynamics within the country that are responsible for the design and implementation of this broad policy shift or to understand whether and how the current initiative is able to end the conflict and institute peace beyond the short term. This study, therefore, is important because it provides a critical perspective that anticipates and explains emerging issues with the Niger Delta Amnesty Program, which have implications for DDR adaptation and implementation all over the world. Ultimately, the research demonstrates how the DDR program both transforms the Niger Delta conflict and becomes embroiled in intense contestations not only about the mechanism for transforming the targeted population but also whether and how the program incorporates women who are being deprioritized by the program.

  19. Daily variations of delta 18O and delta D in daily samplings of air water vapour and rain water in the Amazon Basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsui, E.; Salati, E.; Ribeiro, M.N.G.; Tancredi, A.C.F.N.S.; Reis, C.M. dos


    The movement of rain water in the soil from 0 to 120 cm depth using delta 18 O weekly variations is studied. A study of the delta D variability in water vapour and rain water samples during precipitation was also done, the samples being collected a 3 minute intervals from the beginning to the end of precipitation. (M.A.C.) [pt

  20. Natural levee evolution in the Rhine-Meuse delta, the Netherlands, during the first millennium CE

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pierik, H.J.; Stouthamer, E.; Cohen, K.M.


    This paper presents reconstructions on natural levee development in the Rhine-Meuse delta, the Netherlands, during the first millennium CE, covering the full delta plain. It is the first study that performs this on a delta scale, which allows seeing the delta-wide trends on levee-forming controls

  1. Deltas, freshwater discharge, and waves along the Young Sound, NE Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kroon, Aart; Abermann, Jakob; Bendixen, Mette


    , and bathymetry), fluvial discharges and associated sediment load, and processes by waves and currents. Main factors steering the Arctic fluvial discharges into the Young Sound are the snow and ice melt and precipitation in the catchment, and extreme events like glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs). Waves......A wide range of delta morphologies occurs along the fringes of the Young Sound in Northeast Greenland due to spatial heterogeneity of delta regimes. In general, the delta regime is related to catchment and basin characteristics (geology, topography, drainage pattern, sediment availability...... are subordinate and only rework fringes of the delta plain forming sandy bars if the exposure and fetch are optimal. Spatial gradients and variability in driving forces (snow and precipitation) and catchment characteristics (amount of glacier coverage, sediment characteristics) as well as the strong and local...

  2. A dynamic soil chamber system coupled with a tunable diode laser for online measurements of delta-13C, delta-18O, and efflux rate of soil respired CO2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Powers, Heath H [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Mcdowell, Nate [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Hanson, David [UNM; Hunt, John [LANDCARE RESEARCH


    High frequency observations of the stable isotopic composition of CO(2) effluxes from soil have been sparse due in part to measurement challenges. We have developed an open-system method that utilizes a flow-through chamber coupled to a tunable diode laser (TDL) to quantify the rate of soil CO(2) efflux and its delta(13)C and delta(18)O values (delta(13)C(R) and delta(18)O(R), respectively). We tested the method first in the laboratory using an artificial soil test column and then in a semi-arid woodland. We found that the CO(2) efflux rates of 1.2 to 7.3 micromol m(-2) s(-1) measured by the chamber-TDL system were similar to measurements made using the chamber and an infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) (R(2) = 0.99) and compared well with efflux rates generated from the soil test column (R(2) = 0.94). Measured delta(13)C and delta(18)O values of CO(2) efflux using the chamber-TDL system at 2 min intervals were not significantly different from source air values across all efflux rates after accounting for diffusive enrichment. Field measurements during drought demonstrated a strong dependency of CO(2) efflux and isotopic composition on soil water content. Addition of water to the soil beneath the chamber resulted in average changes of +6.9 micromol m(-2) s(-1), -5.0 per thousand, and -55.0 per thousand for soil CO(2) efflux, delta(13)C(R) and delta(18)O(R), respectively. All three variables initiated responses within 2 min of water addition, with peak responses observed within 10 min for isotopes and 20 min for efflux. The observed delta(18)O(R) was more enriched than predicted from temperature-dependent H(2)O-CO(2) equilibration theory, similar to other recent observations of delta(18)O(R) from dry soils (Wingate L, Seibt U, Maseyk K, Ogee J, Almeida P, Yakir D, Pereira JS, Mencuccini M. Global Change Biol. 2008; 14: 2178). The soil chamber coupled with the TDL was found to be an effective method for capturing soil CO(2) efflux and its stable isotope composition at high

  3. Perfusion of the isolated rat brain with (/sup 14/C)-. delta. /sup 1/-tetrahydrocannabinol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, B; Agurell, S [Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, BMC, Uppsala (Sweden); Krieglstein, J; Rieger, H


    There is controversy over whether 1/-tetrahydrocannabinol ( 1/-THC) or its metabolites is responsible for the behavioural and cardiovascular effects of cannabis. It has been shown that, even in the absence of metabolism, 1/-THC was capable of altering the EEG of isolated perfused rat brain, and must therefore contribute to the psychoactivity of cannabis. TLC studies showed no evidence for brain metabolism of (/sup 14/C) 1/-THC, and in particular the 7-hydroxylated metabolite ( 1/-THC) could not be detected. A disproportionate amount of CNS activity in the rat cannot therefore be attributed to 1/-THC on the basis that it is formed at or near its locus of action.

  4. Adaptive Management Methods to Protect the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Water Resource (United States)

    Bubenheim, David


    The California Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta is the hub for California's water supply, conveying water from Northern to Southern California agriculture and communities while supporting important ecosystem services, agriculture, and communities in the Delta. Changes in climate, long-term drought, water quality changes, and expansion of invasive aquatic plants threatens ecosystems, impedes ecosystem restoration, and is economically, environmentally, and sociologically detrimental to the San Francisco Bay/California Delta complex. NASA Ames Research Center and the USDA-ARS partnered with the State of California and local governments to develop science-based, adaptive-management strategies for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The project combines science, operations, and economics related to integrated management scenarios for aquatic weeds to help land and waterway managers make science-informed decisions regarding management and outcomes. The team provides a comprehensive understanding of agricultural and urban land use in the Delta and the major water sheds (San Joaquin/Sacramento) supplying the Delta and interaction with drought and climate impacts on the environment, water quality, and weed growth. The team recommends conservation and modified land-use practices and aids local Delta stakeholders in developing management strategies. New remote sensing tools have been developed to enhance ability to assess conditions, inform decision support tools, and monitor management practices. Science gaps in understanding how native and invasive plants respond to altered environmental conditions are being filled and provide critical biological response parameters for Delta-SWAT simulation modeling. Operational agencies such as the California Department of Boating and Waterways provide testing and act as initial adopter of decision support tools. Methods developed by the project can become routine land and water management tools in complex river delta systems.

  5. Drones on the delta | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    25 nov. 2016 ... Waves wash ashore at Fuvemeh, a town in Ghana's Volta River delta that's threatened by coastal erosion and flooding. Brian Owens, Canadian Geographic. Ghana's Volta River delta is an area vulnerable to climate change, with rising seas and increasingly powerful storms driving flooding and erosion, ...

  6. Profitability and constraints in the marketing of poultry birds in Delta ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Profitability and constraints in the marketing of poultry birds in Delta central agricultural zone, Delta state, Nigeria. ... Randomly selected 54 poultry bird marketers were surveyed in 5 major markets. ... EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT

  7. Crude Oil, a Blessing and Impediment in Niger Delta Polity: Tanure ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal Home > Special Edition 2011 > ... Oil has constituted a physical problem to Delta State and Nigeria as a whole. ... impediment in Delta of Nigeria; Economic growth constraints, socio-political problems and Neo-colonialism; and finally,

  8. Ca substitution in RBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7-{delta}} (R = Y,Er; {delta}<0.15): the influence on the structure and the superconductivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boettger, G.; Fischer, P.; Mesot, J.; Furrer, A.; Zolliker, M.; Fauth, F. [Paul Scherrer Inst. (PSI), Villigen (Switzerland); Kaldis, E. [Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule, Zurich (Switzerland)


    We present a combined neutron and X-ray diffraction study of the structural effects of Ca doping in RBa{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7-{delta}} (R = Y,Er; {delta}<0.15). Inelastic neutron scattering has been used to study the low-energy crystal-field (CEF) excitation of Er{sup 3+} in Er{sub 1-x}Ca{sub x}Ba{sub 2}Cu{sub 3}O{sub 7-{delta}} (0{<=}x{<=}0.2). (author) 1 figs., 4 refs.

  9. The coastal system of the Volta delta, Ghana : Strategies and opportunities for development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roest, Lambertus W.M.


    The Volta delta is a very dynamic environment, forming the interface between the Volta river and the Atlantic ocean. The delta is a home for many communities, settled both at the shorelines and more inland. Furthermore the delta provides great natural values and a habitat for many species.

  10. Differential entrainment of neuroelectric delta oscillations in developmental dyslexia.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fruzsina Soltész

    Full Text Available Oscillatory entrainment to the speech signal is important for language processing, but has not yet been studied in developmental disorders of language. Developmental dyslexia, a difficulty in acquiring efficient reading skills linked to difficulties with phonology (the sound structure of language, has been associated with behavioural entrainment deficits. It has been proposed that the phonological 'deficit' that characterises dyslexia across languages is related to impaired auditory entrainment to speech at lower frequencies via neuroelectric oscillations (<10 Hz, 'temporal sampling theory'. Impaired entrainment to temporal modulations at lower frequencies would affect the recovery of the prosodic and syllabic structure of speech. Here we investigated event-related oscillatory EEG activity and contingent negative variation (CNV to auditory rhythmic tone streams delivered at frequencies within the delta band (2 Hz, 1.5 Hz, relevant to sampling stressed syllables in speech. Given prior behavioural entrainment findings at these rates, we predicted functionally atypical entrainment of delta oscillations in dyslexia. Participants performed a rhythmic expectancy task, detecting occasional white noise targets interspersed with tones occurring regularly at rates of 2 Hz or 1.5 Hz. Both groups showed significant entrainment of delta oscillations to the rhythmic stimulus stream, however the strength of inter-trial delta phase coherence (ITC, 'phase locking' and the CNV were both significantly weaker in dyslexics, suggestive of weaker entrainment and less preparatory brain activity. Both ITC strength and CNV amplitude were significantly related to individual differences in language processing and reading. Additionally, the instantaneous phase of prestimulus delta oscillation predicted behavioural responding (response time for control participants only.

  11. Caribbean piracy and youth restiveness in Niger delta: A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Our aim in this paper is to make a comparative analysis of Caribbean piracy and youth restiveness in Niger Delta of Nigeria. It will not be out of place to carry out such an analysis having seen, heard or read of the ongoing chaos, insecurity in the. Niger Delta Zone in Nigeria. We have to look at the past to find out such similar

  12. High rates of hepatitis delta virus superinfection/coinfection in balochistan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rishi, Z.I.; Malik, K.; Mengal, M.A.; Yousif, M.


    Hepatitis B carrier rate is still very high in Pakistan, especially in Balochistan, where in some areas almost 16% of the population is positive for HBsAg. Delta virus, also known as hepatitis D virus, only affects those suffering from Hep B infection (HbsAg positive). A study was carried out to check for Hepatitis Delta virus infection in these patients. This study showed that 35% HbsAg reactive patients had either coinfection or superinfection with the Hepatitis delta virus. These rates are much higher than the other studies, and are alarming. Vaccination against Hepatitis B virus can also prevent this infection. Awareness and prevention at community level is required. (author)

  13. Changing Course - the Baird Team Solution: a Delta for All (United States)

    Nairn, R. B.


    The Changing Course Design competition was initiated to evaluate options for re-positioning the mouth of the Mississippi River and modifying the management of the Lower Mississippi River to support the 2017 Master Plan for the Louisiana coast. This paper will present the findings of one of the selected competitors: the Baird Team and their "Delta for All" approach. A key to success in the future management of the lower Mississippi River is the development of an integrated, holistic approach to management that recognizes the need to harness the full land/wetland building and restorative potential of the river at the same time as improving flood protection and navigation. Fundamentally the Baird solution recognized the underlying geomorphic challenges of the Delta: it receives three to four times less sediment from the Mississippi River than it did historically and sea level is rising two to three times faster than it did historically and is predicted to rise much faster in the future. The result will be a smaller delta in the future. Our approach seeks to harness as close to 100% of the land building potential of the river to make the smaller future delta as large as possible. This compares to the 2012 State Master Plan which would harness approximately 50% of the land-building potential. Our approach also recognizes that the further inland new distributary mouths and associated sub-deltas are located, the greater the delta building potential. Our approach builds with the river by creating and managing new river distributaries that are opened and closed every 50 years or so to build new sub-deltas within a defined sustainable delta footprint. By placing the last outlet somewhere in the vicinity of English Turn the lower Mississippi River would become a tidal channel. These two simple concepts of harnessing 100% of the river and placing the last outlet near English Turn result in immediate and significant benefits for flood protection and navigation. Through the

  14. Stable isotope deltas: Tiny, yet robust signatures in nature (United States)

    Brand, Willi A.; Coplen, Tyler B.


    Although most of them are relatively small, stable isotope deltas of naturally occurring substances are robust and enable workers in anthropology, atmospheric sciences, biology, chemistry, environmental sciences, food and drug authentication, forensic science, geochemistry, geology, oceanography, and paleoclimatology to study a variety of topics. Two fundamental processes explain the stable isotope deltas measured in most terrestrial systems: isotopic fractionation and isotope mixing. Isotopic fractionation is the result of equilibrium or kinetic physicochemical processes that fractionate isotopes because of small differences in physical or chemical properties of molecular species having different isotopes. It is shown that the mixing of radioactive and stable isotope end members can be modelled to provide information on many natural processes, including 14C abundances in the modern atmosphere and the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of the oceans during glacial and interglacial times. The calculation of mixing fractions using isotope balance equations with isotope deltas can be substantially in error when substances with high concentrations of heavy isotopes (e.g. 13C, 2H, and 18O ) are mixed. In such cases, calculations using mole fractions are preferred as they produce accurate mixing fractions. Isotope deltas are dimensionless quantities. In the International System of Units (SI), these quantities have the unit 1 and the usual list of prefixes is not applicable. To overcome traditional limitations with expressing orders of magnitude differences in isotope deltas, we propose the term urey (symbol Ur), after Harold C. Urey, for the unit 1. In such a manner, an isotope delta value expressed traditionally as−25 per mil can be written as−25 mUr (or−2.5 cUr or−0.25 dUr; the use of any SI prefix is possible). Likewise, very small isotopic differences often expressed in per meg ‘units’ are easily included (e.g. either+0.015 ‰ or+15 per meg

  15. Nigeria. Petroleum, pollution and poverty in the Niger Delta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The oil industry has operated in the Niger Delta in Nigeria for more than half a century - bringing almost no benefit to the people living there. Instead, widespread and unchecked human rights violations have pushed many people deeper into poverty and deprivation, fuelled conflict and led to a pervasive sense of powerlessness and frustration. This multidimensional crisis is driven by many factors - abuses committed by the security forces and militant groups, extensive pollution of land and water, corruption, serious corporate bad practice and government neglect. Nigeria: Petroleum, pollution and poverty in the Niger Delta focuses on one dimension of the crisis: the impact of pollution and environmental damage caused by the oil industry on the human rights of those living in the Niger Delta. Many people in the oil-producing areas of the delta rely on fisheries, subsistence agriculture and associated processing industries for their livelihood. Decades of pollution and environmental damage have resulted in violations of the right to an adequate standard of living - including food and water - violations of the right to gain a living through work, and violations of the right to health. The report examines who is responsible for this situation in a context where multinational oil companies have been operating for decades. It highlights how companies take advantage of the weak regulatory systems that characterize many poor countries, and how the poorest people are often the most vulnerable to exploitation. The people of the Niger Delta have seen their human rights undermined by oil companies that their government can not - or will not - hold to account. They have been systematically denied access to information about how oil exploration and production will affect them, and are repeatedly denied access to justice. The Niger Delta provides a stark case study of the lack of accountability of a government to the people, and of multinational companies' almost total lack of

  16. Nuclear receptor corepressor-dependent repression of peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor delta-mediated transactivation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogsdam, Anne-M; Nielsen, Curt A F; Neve, Søren


    delta-RXR alpha heterodimer bound to an acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO)-type peroxisome-proliferator response element recruited a glutathione S-transferase-NCoR fusion protein in a ligand-independent manner. Contrasting with most other nuclear receptors, PPAR delta was found to interact equally well......The nuclear receptor corepressor (NCoR) was isolated as a peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) delta interacting protein using the yeast two-hybrid system. NCoR interacted strongly with the ligand-binding domain of PPAR delta, whereas interactions with the ligand-binding domains...

  17. Wastewater disposal at safari lodges in the Okavango Delta, Botswana

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Wastewater disposal at safari lodges in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. TS McCarthy, T Gumbricht, RG Stewart, D Brandt, PJ Hancox, J McCarthy, AG Duse. Abstract. Many safari lodges in the Okavango Delta obtain their water supply from boreholes in near-surface aquifers while disposing of their wastewater via ...

  18. Niger Delta Crisis and Security Implications for the Nation State ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Niger Delta is the nation's treasure base, the Niger Delta provides over 80 percent of government revenue, 95 percent of export receipts, and 90 percent of ... The government should tackle the fundamental issue of basic necessities – provision of good motorable roads, pipe borne water, electricity, good hospitals, good ...

  19. Estimation of Thermal Conductivity in the North- Western Niger Delta ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Thermal conductivity estimates are computed from nineteen petroleum wells in the north-western Niger Delta, Nigeria, using a geometric mean model. Sonic and gamma-ray logs were digitised and used in the estimation of in situ conductivity. The Niger Delta is composed of three major diachronous lithostratigraphic units of ...

  20. Effects of Deforestation on Natural Bio-Diversity in Delta North ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study examines the effects of deforestation on natural bio-diversity in Delta North Region of Delta State, with the aim of determining the extent of tree species loss. Vegetation physiognomy of tree height, tree diameter and tree species population were measured in forested and deforested areas. Two experimental sites ...

  1. Latest paleocene benthic extinction event on the southern tethyan shelf (Egypt): Foraminiferal stable isotopic (delta C-13,delta O-18) records


    Schmitz, B; Speijer, Robert; Aubry, MP


    The dramatic global extinction of 35%-50% of benthic foraminifera species in the deep sea in the latest Paleocene and associated negative excursions in delta(13)C and delta(18)O may be related to spreading of warm, saline bottom water from subtropical Tethyan shallow regions over the sea floor worldwide, Our study of neritic sections in Egypt shows that in the southern shallow Tethys, a prominent long-term change in bottom-water chemistry, sedimentation, and benthic foraminifera fauna was ini...

  2. Study of 4f hybridization in CeNiX with X=Sn{sub d}eltaGe{sub 1-d}elta, 0<=delta<=1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fuente, C. de la, E-mail: cesar@unizar.e [Depto. Fisica de la Materia Condensada, Laboratorio de Magnetismo, Universidad de Zaragoza and ICMA-CSIC (Spain); Moral, A. del [Depto. Fisica de la Materia Condensada, Laboratorio de Magnetismo, Universidad de Zaragoza and ICMA-CSIC (Spain); Adroja, D.T. [ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX (United Kingdom); Fraile, A. [Depto. Fisica de la Materia Condensada, Laboratorio de Magnetismo, Universidad de Zaragoza and ICMA-CSIC (Spain); Arnaudas, J.I. [Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)


    We report inelastic neutron scattering and core-level X-ray photoemission spectroscopy experiments for studying the Kondo problem in the CeNiX, X=Sn{sub d}eltaGe{sub 1-d}elta 0<=delta<=1 series. The neutron results confirm that they behave like a Kondo lattice for delta>=0.85, showing broad maxima at around 30 meV, typical of a crystal field magnetic scattering. So, the Ge doping could produce the suppression of the cerium magnetism observed for delta<=0.25. To open a more deep sight on this point, we have analyzed the 3d core-level XPS spectra by using the well-known Gunnarsson-Schoenhammer model. From this analysis, we have obtained the 'on-site' Coulomb bare repulsion for f states, U, and hybridization parameter, DELTA, related with the hopping from the f states to the conduction ones. These U values are very similar for all compounds, about 7 eV, but the hybridization parameter slightly changes from 0.2 to 0.16 eV on increasing the Sn concentration. In Sn-rich compounds, the 4f occupation is close to spin limit fluctuation, which allows us to obtain an estimation of the Kondo temperatures, approx1200 K, and the static 0 K susceptibility, approx1.1x10{sup -3} emu/mol. Finally, we have done 'ab-initio' calculations based on the LDA+U+SO which confirm the existence of a small electronic gap opening in the DOS of Ge-rich compounds for U values lower than 7 eV.

  3. The leading-edge vortex of swift-wing shaped delta wings (United States)

    Muir, Rowan; Arredondo-Galeana, Abel; Viola, Ignazio Maria


    Recent investigations on the aerodynamics of natural fliers have illuminated the significance of the Leading-Edge Vortex (LEV) for lift generation in a variety of flight conditions. In this investigation, a model non-slender delta shaped wing with a sharp leading-edge is tested at low Reynolds Number, along with a delta wing of the same design, but with a modified trailing edge inspired by the wing of a common swift Apus apus. The effect of the tapering swift wing on LEV development and stability is compared with the flow structure over the un-modified delta wing model through particle image velocimetry. For the first time, a leading-edge vortex system consisting of a dual or triple LEV is recorded on a swift-wing shaped delta wing, where such a system is found across all tested conditions. It is shown that the spanwise location of LEV breakdown is governed by the local chord rather than Reynolds Number or angle of attack. These findings suggest that the trailing-edge geometry of the swift wing alone does not prevent the common swift from generating an LEV system comparable with that of a delta shaped wing. This work received funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [EP/M506515/1] and the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT).

  4. about the Dirac Delta Function(?)

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    V Balakrishnan is in the. Department of ... and sweet as befits this impatient age. It said (in its en- ... to get down to real work by shutting down the system and reverting to ... the Dirac delta function" - but do note the all-important question mark in ...

  5. Doomed to drown? Sediment dynamics in the human-controlled floodplains of the active Bengal Delta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kimberly G. Rogers


    Full Text Available The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (Bengal Delta in Bangladesh has been described as a delta in peril of catastrophic coastal flooding because sediment deposition on delta plain surfaces is insufficient to offset rates of subsidence and sea level rise. Widespread armoring of the delta by coastal embankments meant to protect crops from flooding has limited natural floodplain deposition, and in the tidally dominated delta, dikes lead to rapid compaction and lowered land surface levels. This renders the deltaic floodplains susceptible to flooding by sea level rise and storm surges capable of breaching poorly maintained embankments. However, natural physical processes are spatially variable across the delta front and therefore the impact of dikes on sediment dispersal and morphology should reflect these variations. We present the first ever reported sedimentation rates from the densely populated and human-controlled floodplains of the central lower Bengal Delta. We combine direct sedimentation measurements and short-lived radionuclides to show that transport processes and lateral sedimentation are highly variable across the delta. Overall aggradation rates average 2.3 ± 9 cm y–1, which is more than double the estimated average rate of local sea level rise; 83% of sampled sites contained sediment tagged with detectable 7 Be, indicating flood-pulse sourced sediments are widely delivered to the delta plain, including embanked areas. A numerical model is then used to demonstrate lateral accretion patterns arising from 50 years of sedimentation delivered through smaller order channels. Dominant modes of transport are reflected in the sediment routing and aggradation across the lower delta plain, though embankments are major controls on sediment dynamics throughout the delta. This challenges the assumption that the Bengal Delta is doomed to drown; rather it signifies that effective preparation for climate change requires consideration of how infrastructure

  6. Types of hypoxic and posthypoxic delta activity in animals and man. (United States)

    Gurvitch, A M; Ginsburg, D A


    1. Two types of hypoxic delta activity were observed in ECoG records of dogs subjected to exsanguination, sudden cardiac arrest resulting from ventricular fibrillation or mechanical asphyxiation, as well as during post-hypoxic recovery. They were polymorphous delta activity (PDA) and "standard slow complexes" (SSCs). 2. These two types of delta activity were found to differ from each other as to the shape of the potentials; their amplitude in monopolar and bipolar leads; the cortical areas in which the activity exhibited the highest amplitude; the degree of manifestation in the cortex and subcortical structures; their relation to activating influences; their dependence on the stage and character of hypoxia. 3. Analysis of EEG records of patients during and after hypoxia made it possible to distinguish both PDA and a type of delta activity similar to the SSCs observed in experimental animals. 4. It is suggested that the appearance of SSCs is determined by the activity of a pacemaker situated in the diencephalon and responding to pO2 changes, and that the mechanism of SSC generation is closer to that of monorhythmic, bilataerally synchronous delta waves observed in primary irritative or epileptogenic processes in the diencephalon.

  7. Superconducting bandpass delta-sigma modulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bulzacchelli, J.F.; Lee, H.-S.; Misewich, J.A.; Ketchen, M.B.


    Bandpass delta-sigma modulators digitize narrowband signals with high dynamic range and linearity. The required sampling rate is only a few times higher than the centre frequency of the input. This paper presents a superconducting bandpass delta-sigma modulator for direct analogue-to-digital conversion of RF signals in the GHz range. The input signal is capacitively coupled to one end of a microstrip transmission line, and a single flux quantum balanced comparator quantizes the current flowing out of the other end. Quantization noise is suppressed at the quarter-wave resonance of the transmission line (about 2 GHz in our design). Circuit performance at a 20 GHz sampling rate has been studied with several long JSIM simulations. Full-scale (FS) input sensitivity is 20 mV (rms), and in-band noise is -53 dBFS and -57 dBFS over bandwidths of 39 MHz and 19.5 MHz, respectively. In-band intermodulation distortion is better than -69 dBFS. (author)

  8. Delta Power Control Strategy for Multi-String Grid-Connected PV Inverters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sangwongwanich, Ariya; Yang, Yongheng; Blaabjerg, Frede


    With a still increasing penetration level of grid-connected PV systems, more advanced active power control functionalities have been introduced in certain grid regulations. A delta power constraint, where a portion of the active power from the PV panels is reserved during operation, is required...... for grid support (e.g., during frequency deviation). In this paper, a cost-effective solution to realize delta power control for grid-connected PV systems is presented, where the residential/commercial multi-string PV inverter configuration is adopted. This control strategy is a combination of Maximum...... for the entire PV system is achieved. Simulations and experiments have been performed on a 3-kW single-phase grid-connected PV system. The results have confirmed the effectiveness of the delta power control strategy, where the power reserve according to the delta power constraint is achieved under several...

  9. The Colorado river delta (Mexico: ecological importance and management = O delta do rio Colorado (Mexico: importância ecológica e gerenciamento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Fermán Almada


    Full Text Available The Colorado river delta is a unique coastal system in the world, as it combines two important systems: the Colorado river and the Gulf of California. Consequently, the delta is dominated by bilateral interests, and influenced by administrative, political and natural processes, which involve the countries of the United States and Mexico. Located in the northern part of the Gulf of California, under a condition of natural isolation, a series of environmental attributeshave been developed (biotic and abiotic that are only observed in is region. In this work, the development of the bilateral political relations and the most important ecological characteristicsare presented, as well as the management instruments that have been developed for over 80 years. From these issues, the possible scenario for the region is defined, and the development of methodologies for monitoring the effects of these possible tendencies on the natural components of the delta is proposed.O delta do rio Colorado é uma zona costeira única em todo o mundo, porassociar dois importantes sistemas: o próprio rio Colorado e o Golfo da Califórnia. Conseqüentemente, o delta é dominado por interesses bi-nacionais e influenciado por processos administrativos, políticos e naturais, envolvendo os Estados Unidos e o México. Localizado no norte do Golfo da Califórnia, sob uma condição de isolamento natural,desenvolveu-se uma série de atributos ambientais (bióticos e abióticos que só podem ser vistos nessa região. Neste trabalho, são apresentados o desenvolvimento das relações políticas bilaterais e as características ecológicas mais importantes, bem como osmecanismos de gerenciamento que vêm sido desenvolvidos por mais de 80 anos. A partir dessas questões, é definido um cenário tendencial possível para a região, e o desenvolvimento de metodologias para o acompanhamento dos efeitos dessas possíveis tendências sobre os componentes naturais do delta é proposto.

  10. Economic Costs and Adaptations for Alternative Regulations of California's Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stacy K. Tanaka


    Full Text Available Stacy K. Tanaka, Christina R. Connell–Buck, Kaveh Madani, Josue Medellín-Azuara, Jay R. Lund, and Ellen Hanakdoi: exports from California’s Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta are an environmental concern because they reduce net outflows of fresh water from the Delta, and can entrain fish and disrupt flows within the Delta. If exports were no longer pumped from within the Delta, the regulatory issue becomes one of maintaining appropriate flows into and out of the Delta. This paper presents the results of two sets of hydro-economic optimization modeling runs, which were developed to represent a range of modified Delta operations and their economic and operational effects on California’s water supply system. The first set of runs represents decreasing export capacity from the Delta. The second set increases minimum net Delta outflow (MNDO requirements. The hydro-economic model seeks the least–cost statewide water management scheme for water supply, including a wide range of resources and water management options. Results show that reducing exports or increasing MNDO requirements increase annual average statewide water scarcity, scarcity costs, and operating costs (from greater use of desalination, wastewater recycling, water treatment, and pumping. Effects of reduced exports are especially concentrated in agricultural communities in the southern Central Valley because of their loss of access to overall water supply exports and their ability to transfer remaining water to southern California. Increased outflow requirements increase water scarcity and associated costs throughout California. For an equivalent amount of average Delta outflows, statewide costs increase more rapidly when exports alone are reduced than when minimum outflow requirements are increased and effects are more widely distributed statewide.

  11. Mean proloculus size, delta super(13) C and delta super(18) O variations in recent benthic foraminifera from the west coast of India and their climatic implications

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Nigam, R.; Sarkar, A.

    The interrelationship between mean proloculus size (MPS), delta super(18) O and delta super(13) C vatiations in benthic foraminiferal species Rotalidium annectens and their relation with temperature (T) and salinity (S) have been studied in samples...

  12. Halotolerance of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum delta H and Marburg.


    Ciulla, R; Clougherty, C; Belay, N; Krishnan, S; Zhou, C; Byrd, D; Roberts, M F


    Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum delta H and Marburg were adapted to grow in medium containing up to 0.65 M NaCl. From 0.01 to 0.5 M NaCl, there was a lag before cell growth which increased with increasing external NaCl. The effect of NaCl on methane production was not significant once the cells began to grow. Intracellular solutes were monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy as a function of osmotic stress. In the delta H strain, the major intracellular small organic s...

  13. New evidence of Yangtze delta recession after closing of the Three Gorges Dam (United States)

    Luo, X. X.; Yang, S. L.; Wang, R. S.; Zhang, C. Y.; Li, P.


    Many deltas are likely undergoing net erosion because of rapid decreases in riverine sediment supply and rising global sea levels. However, detecting erosion in subaqueous deltas is usually difficult because of the lack of bathymetric data. In this study, by comparing bathymetric data between 1981 and 2012 and surficial sediment grain sizes from the Yangtze subaqueous delta front over the last three decades, we found severe erosion and significant sediment coarsening in recent years since the construction of Three Gorges Dam (TGD), the largest dam in the world. We attributed these morphological and sedimentary variations mainly to the human-induced drastic decline of river sediment discharge. Combined with previous studies based on bathymetric data from different areas of the same delta, we theorize that the Yangtze subaqueous delta is experiencing overall (net) erosion, although local accumulation was also noted. We expect that the Yangtze sediment discharge will further decrease in the near future because of construction of new dams and delta recession will continue to occur. PMID:28145520

  14. sheltered creeks in Niger Delta, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 18, 2015 ... 273 and 115,000 barrels, respectively, making the delta. *Corresponding author. .... content was transferred to savillex digestion bombs and concen- trated hydrochloric ... metals (Zn, Pb and Cu) by flame atomic absorption.

  15. South Local Government Area, Delta S

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    environs, Aniocha- South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria was carried out with a view to determining the ... supply for physical industrial development to achieve maximum human .... the Schlumberger O' Neil software package.

  16. Front and back side SIMS analysis of boron-doped delta-layer in diamond

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinault-Thaury, M.-A., E-mail: [Groupe d’Etude de la Matière Condensée, CNRS, University of Paris Saclay, University of Versailles St Quentin, 45 Avenue des Etats-Unis, 78035 Versailles Cedex (France); Jomard, F. [Groupe d’Etude de la Matière Condensée, CNRS, University of Paris Saclay, University of Versailles St Quentin, 45 Avenue des Etats-Unis, 78035 Versailles Cedex (France); Mer-Calfati, C.; Tranchant, N.; Pomorski, M.; Bergonzo, P.; Arnault, J.-C. [CEA, LIST, Diamond Sensors Laboratory, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    Highlights: • Front and back side SIMS analysis of delta-layer boron-doped is a first for diamond. • Combination of front and back side depth profiling improves delta-layer analyses. • Sharp interfaces are evidenced on both sides of the delta-layer boron-doped diamond. • The growth of delta-layer boron doped diamond is now well controlled. - Abstract: Nowadays the availability of very thin diamond layers in the range of nanometers as well as the possibility to characterize such delta-layer structures are required for the field of photonics and spintronics, but also for the development of next generation high power devices involving boron doping. The fabrication of diamond structures with abrupt interfaces such as superlattices and quantum wells has been recently improved. A very accurate characterization is then essential even though the analysis of such structures is arduous and challenging. SIMS analyses are commonly used to obtain depth profiles of dopants. However, below 10 nm in thickness, SIMS induced ion mixing effects which are no longer negligible. Then the raw SIMS profile might differ from the real dopant profile. In this study, we have analyzed a diamond structure containing a thin boron epilayer, especially synthesized to achieve SIMS analysis on both sides and to overcome the effects of ion mixing. We evidence the ion mixing induced by primary ions. Such a structure is a delta diamond layer, comparable to classical boron-doped delta-layer in silicon. Our results show that the growth of boron-doped delta-layer in diamond is now well controlled in terms of thickness and interfaces.

  17. Watershed-Scale Modeling of Land-Use and Altered Environment Impacts on Aquatic Weed Growth in the Delta (United States)

    Bubenheim, David; Potter, Christopher; Zhang, Minghua


    The California Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta is the hub for California's water supply, conveying water from Northern to Southern California agriculture and communities while supporting important ecosystem services, agriculture, and communities in the Delta. Changes in climate, long-term drought, and water quality have all been suspected as playing role in the dramatic expansion of invasive aquatic plants and their impact on ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay / California Delta complex. NASA Ames Research Center, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, the State of California, UC Davis, and local governments have partnered under a USDA sponsored project (DRAAWP) to develop science-based, adaptive-management strategies for invasive aquatic plants in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Critical to developing management strategies is to understand how the Delta is affected by both the magnitude of fluctuations in land-use and climate / drought induced altered environments and how the plants respond to these altered environments. We utilize the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a watershed-scale model developed to quantify the impact of land management practices in large and complex watersheds on water quality, as the backbone for a customized Delta model - Delta-SWAT. The model uses land-use, soils, elevation, and hydrologic routing to characterize pesticide and nutrient transport from the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers watersheds and loading into the Delta. Land-use within the Delta, as well as water extraction to supply those functions, and the resulting return of water to Delta waterways are included in Delta-SWAT. Hydrologic transport within the Delta has required significant attention to address the lack of elevation driven transport processes. Delta-SWAT water quality trend estimates are compared with water quality monitoring conducted throughout the Delta. Aquatic plant response to water quality and other environmental factors is carried out using a customized


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Sebástian Piana


    Full Text Available El Plan de Regionalización de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, en palabras del actual Gobernador, implica "una profunda revisión de los funcionamientos administrativos que nos han acompañado desde siempre" (Plan de Regionalización. Un nuevo paradigma de Estado, 2011, p.8; “la estrategia de reingeniería institucional más importante en la historia de la Provincia” (Plan de regionalización. Un estado inteligente para la provincia del futuro, 2010, p. 8. Entre objetivos tan disímiles como armonizar el desarrollo regional, acercar las instituciones a la ciudadanía y revertir la desigualdad social, existen algunos presupuestos acerca del funcionamiento del Estado bonaerense que legitiman este cambio: el conjunto de instituciones provinciales no han resultado funcionales al desarrollo integral de la provincia; la concentración de responsabilidades en la administración central resta eficacia a su accionar; una estructura institucional alejada de las problemáticas cotidianas; los problemas no pueden enfrentarse eficazmente mediante la actual institucionalidad provincial (fundamentos del proyecto de Ley. Pero existen otros presupuestos no explicitados que se deducen del Estado deseado. ¿Qué orientación teórica puede advertirse en este ambicioso Plan? ¿Cuáles son los presupuestos ideológicos de este proyecto de reforma del Estado? ¿Cuáles son los instrumentos tecnológicos, normativos y organizacionales que se han pensado como herramientas del cambio? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que orientarán este trabajo.

  19. Modern Geophysical Techniques for Constructing a 3D Geological Model on the Nile Delta, Egypt


    Barakat, Moataz Khairy Ahmad


    The Nile Delta can be considered the earliest known delta in the world. It was described by Herodotus in the 5th Century AC. The Nile Delta (Ta-Mehet) in Hieroglyphic language means the land of the estuary water. It is one of the oldest intensely cultivated areas on the earth. The Nile Delta is illustrated to be an arcuate delta (arcshaped), as it resembles a triangle or lotus flower when seen from above. The name has been derived from the letter Thelta of the Greek alphabet. In comparison to...

  20. The gamma N ---> Delta transition in chiral effective-field theory.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vladimir Pascalutsa; Marc Vanderhaeghen


    We describe the pion electroproduction processes in the {Delta}(1232)-resonance region within the framework of chiral effective-field theory. By studying the observables of pion electroproduction in a next-to-leading order calculation we are able to make predictions and draw conclusions on the properties of the N {yields} {Delta} electromagnetic form factors.

  1. Reactivity, structure and physical properties of SrCo{sub 2.5+{delta}} and La{sub 2}CoO{sub 4.0+{delta}}. In situ X-ray diffraction and neutrons study; Reactivite, structure et proprietes physiques de SrCoO{sub 2.5+{delta}} et La{sub 2}CoO{sub 4.0+{delta}}. Etude par diffraction des rayons X et des neutrons in situ

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Toquin, R.


    This work was devoted to the study of the reactivity and more specifically the influence of the intercalated oxygen amount {delta} on the structure and physical properties of SrCoO{sub 2.5+{delta}} et La{sub 2}CoO{sub 4.0+{delta}} We controlled the oxidation level by means of reversible electrochemical red ox reaction at room temperature. Structural modifications, especially disorder, and electronic properties were studied for the first time on large orientated single crystal. In the SrCoO{sub 2.5+{delta}} system, after structural and electronic characterisation of the end phases, we studied the real structure of the brownmillerite SrCoO{sub 2.5} phase using single crystal. Moreover, we investigated structural and magnetic evolution upon red ox cycle using X-ray diffraction on 6 times twinned single crystal and in situ neutron powder diffraction. Two intermediate SrCoO{sub 2.75} and SrCoO{sub 2.82} phases have been observed. The reaction on single crystal has evidenced the evolution of domain structure. For the La{sub 2}CoO{sub 4+{delta}} system, we synthesised a large variety of single crystal with stoichiometry {delta} 0.0, 0.09, 0.12, 0.16, 0.20 and 0.25. Using single crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction, we showed a disorder-order transition of the apical and interstitial oxygen for the higher {delta} values. (author)

  2. An expanded Notch-Delta model exhibiting long-range patterning and incorporating MicroRNA regulation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jerry S Chen


    Full Text Available Notch-Delta signaling is a fundamental cell-cell communication mechanism that governs the differentiation of many cell types. Most existing mathematical models of Notch-Delta signaling are based on a feedback loop between Notch and Delta leading to lateral inhibition of neighboring cells. These models result in a checkerboard spatial pattern whereby adjacent cells express opposing levels of Notch and Delta, leading to alternate cell fates. However, a growing body of biological evidence suggests that Notch-Delta signaling produces other patterns that are not checkerboard, and therefore a new model is needed. Here, we present an expanded Notch-Delta model that builds upon previous models, adding a local Notch activity gradient, which affects long-range patterning, and the activity of a regulatory microRNA. This model is motivated by our experiments in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis showing that the peripheral sensory neurons, whose specification is in part regulated by the coordinate activity of Notch-Delta signaling and the microRNA miR-124, exhibit a sparse spatial pattern whereby consecutive neurons may be spaced over a dozen cells apart. We perform rigorous stability and bifurcation analyses, and demonstrate that our model is able to accurately explain and reproduce the neuronal pattern in Ciona. Using Monte Carlo simulations of our model along with miR-124 transgene over-expression assays, we demonstrate that the activity of miR-124 can be incorporated into the Notch decay rate parameter of our model. Finally, we motivate the general applicability of our model to Notch-Delta signaling in other animals by providing evidence that microRNAs regulate Notch-Delta signaling in analogous cell types in other organisms, and by discussing evidence in other organisms of sparse spatial patterns in tissues where Notch-Delta signaling is active.

  3. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  4. Experience on tangent delta norms adopted for repaired generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Misra, N.N.; Sood, D.K.


    The repair techniques of the generators are very crucial for avoiding prolonged forced outages. The crucial decisions based on sound knowledge and judgement becomes essential in many cases. The unit under discussions had failed on account of flash over in the Exciter end overhang windings. The failure resulted in damaged to the stator bars as well as generator core. The damaged end packets of the stator core were replaced at site. The total winding bars were removed from stator core and damaged bars were replaced with new bars. The rest of the bars were tested for tangent delta tests for reuse. Acceptance norms of 0.6% tip up from 0.2pu to 0.6pu of rated stator voltage were adopted. Some of the bars outside the acceptable limits of tangent delta were shifted close to neutral so that the standard norms of tan delta are met. This was felt necessary because lead-time for procurement of new bars was more than six months. The above-adopted norms for tangent delta will be of much use for the operating utilities. The unit under discussions was of 67.5 MW operating at 50 Hz, 0.85 pf lag and had logged 66160.46 operating hours before failure. (author)

  5. Childhood nutrition in the Mississippi Delta: challenges and opportunities. (United States)

    Gray, Virginia B; Byrd, Sylvia H; Fountain, Brent J; Rader, Nicole E; Frugé, Andrew D


    Childhood obesity in the USA has more than tripled in the last three decades, and the prevalence is higher in the Mississippi Delta. Insight into the social, cultural and environmental factors that influence inequity can inform efforts to mediate health disparities. Focus groups (n = 12) among parents/guardians of elementary school children (n = 44) and teachers (n = 59) in the Mississippi Delta were used to investigate barriers and facilitators of healthy eating. Transcriptions were analyzed for themes. A strong preference for junk food among children and the pervasiveness of junk foods in schools and communities were cited as barriers to healthy eating. Potential facilitators of healthy eating included desire to avoid chronic disease, effort to limit junk food consumption and school support. Despite support for efforts to improve nutrition in the Delta, participants voiced a sense of inevitability related to children's consumption of unhealthy foods. This study suggests that parents and teachers express concern related to eating habits of children, yet they experience barriers to healthy eating which contribute to a sense of disempowerment. Improving health in the Mississippi Delta requires comprehensive strategies that offer its citizens a sense of agency. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  6. Experimental design and Bayesian networks for enhancement of delta-endotoxin production by Bacillus thuringiensis. (United States)

    Ennouri, Karim; Ayed, Rayda Ben; Hassen, Hanen Ben; Mazzarello, Maura; Ottaviani, Ennio


    Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a Gram-positive bacterium. The entomopathogenic activity of Bt is related to the existence of the crystal consisting of protoxins, also called delta-endotoxins. In order to optimize and explain the production of delta-endotoxins of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, we studied seven medium components: soybean meal, starch, KH₂PO₄, K₂HPO₄, FeSO₄, MnSO₄, and MgSO₄and their relationships with the concentration of delta-endotoxins using an experimental design (Plackett-Burman design) and Bayesian networks modelling. The effects of the ingredients of the culture medium on delta-endotoxins production were estimated. The developed model showed that different medium components are important for the Bacillus thuringiensis fermentation. The most important factors influenced the production of delta-endotoxins are FeSO₄, K2HPO₄, starch and soybean meal. Indeed, it was found that soybean meal, K₂HPO₄, KH₂PO₄and starch also showed positive effect on the delta-endotoxins production. However, FeSO4 and MnSO4 expressed opposite effect. The developed model, based on Bayesian techniques, can automatically learn emerging models in data to serve in the prediction of delta-endotoxins concentrations. The constructed model in the present study implies that experimental design (Plackett-Burman design) joined with Bayesian networks method could be used for identification of effect variables on delta-endotoxins variation.

  7. A Geochemical and Sedimentary Record of High Southern Latitude Holocene Climate Evolution from Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moy, C M; Dunbar, R B; Guilderson, T P; Waldmann, N; Mucciarone, D A; Recasens, C; Austin, J A; Anselmetti, F S


    Situated at the southern margin of the hemispheric westerly wind belt and immediately north of the Antarctic Polar Frontal zone, Tierra del Fuego is well-positioned to monitor coupled changes in the ocean-atmosphere system of the high southern latitudes. Here we describe a Holocene paleoclimate record from sediment cores obtained from Lago Fagnano, a large lake in southern Tierra del Fuego at 55{sup o}S, to investigate past changes in climate related to these two important features of the global climate system. We use an AMS radiocarbon chronology for the last 8,000 years based on pollen concentrates, thereby avoiding contamination from bedrock-derived lignite. Our chronology is consistent with a tephrochronologic age date for deposits from the middle Holocene Volcan Hudson eruption. Combining bulk organic isotopic ({delta}{sup 13}C and {delta}{sup 15}N) and elemental (C and N) parameters with physical sediment properties allow us to better understand sediment provenance and transport mechanisms and to interpret Holocene climate and tectonic change during the last 8,000 years. Co-variability and long-term trends in C/N ratio, carbon accumulation rate, and magnetic susceptibility reflect an overall Holocene increase in the delivery of terrestrial organic and lithogenic material to the deep eastern basin. We attribute this variability to westerly wind-derived precipitation. Increased wind strength and precipitation in the late Holocene drives the Nothofagus forest eastward and enhances run-off and terrigenous inputs to the lake. Superimposed on the long-term trend are a series of abrupt 9 negative departures in C/N ratio, which constrain the presence of seismically-driven mass flow events in the record. We identify an increase in bulk {delta}{sup 13}C between 7,000 and 5,000 cal yr BP that we attribute to enhanced aquatic productivity driven by warmer summer temperatures. The Lago Fagnano {delta}{sup 13}C record shows similarities with Holocene records of sea surface

  8. Mazda kiintotyövaiheiden perustaminen : Delta Auto Oy


    Schreck, Ville


    Täyden palvelun autoliikeketju Delta Auto myy ja huoltaa Kia-, Mitsubishi- ja Mazda-merkkisiä autoja paikkakuntakohtaisesti kahdessakymmenessäviidessä toimipisteessä. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tehdä toimiva ratkaisu Mazdan työvaiheiden sekä työpakettien myyntiin Automaster-ohjelmistoon. Työvaiheet sekä ohjeajat tulevat käyttöön kaikkiin Delta Auton toimipisteisiin ympäri Suomea. Työn lähdemateriaalin sain Inchcape Motor Finland Oy:ltä, joka toimii Suomessa Mazdan maahantuojana. Tarve tä...

  9. Fish Movement and Dietary History Derived from Otolith (delta)13C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weber, P K; Finlay, J C; Power, M E; Phillis, C C; Ramon, C E; Eaton, G F; Ingram, B L


    Habitat use and food web linkages are critical data for fish conservation and habitat restoration efforts, particularly for threatened salmonids species. Otolith microchemistry has been shown to be a powerful tool for reconstructing fish movement, but over small distances (kilometers), geology-derived differences in otolith chemistry are rare. Here, we demonstrate that otolith {sup 13}C/{sup 12}C ratio (i.e. {delta}{sup 13}C) of anadromous steelhead trout can be used to distinguish residence in small streams from residence in larger streams and rivers. While previous research has shown that water dissolved inorganic carbon {delta}{sup 13}C is the primary source of carbon in otoliths, the downstream change in food {delta}{sup 13}C in this watershed appears to be the primary control on otolith {delta}{sup 13}C. As a result, this method can also be applied to the problem of reconstructing feeding history at a location.

  10. Kinematics and Application of a Hybrid Industrial Robot – Delta-RST

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ning Liu


    Full Text Available Serial robots and parallel robots have their own pros and cons. While hybrid robots consisting of both of them are possible and expected to retain their merits and minimize the disadvantages. The Delta-RST presented here is such a hybrid robot built up by integrating a 3-DoFs traditional Delta parallel structure and a 3-DoFs RST robotic wrist. In this paper, we focus on its kinematics analysis and its applications in industry. Firstly, the robotic system of the Delta-RST will be described briefly. Then the complete and systemic kinematics of this kind of robot will be presented in detail, followed by simulations and applications to demonstrate the correctness of the analysis, as well as the effectiveness of the developed robotic system. The closed-form kinematic analysis results are universal for similar hybrid robots constructing with the Delta parallel mechanism and serial chains.

  11. Delta: the first pion nucleon resonance - its discovery and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagle, D.E.


    It is attempted to recapture some of the fun and excitement of the pion-scattering work that led to the discovery of what is now called the delta particle. How significant this discovery was became apparent only gradually. That the delta is alive today and thriving at Los Alamos (as well as other places) is described

  12. LHCb : Measuring $CP$ violation with $\\Delta A_{CP}$ at LHCb

    CERN Multimedia

    Pearce, A


    Measurements are presented of direct $CP$ violation in $D^{0}$ meson decays in LHCb, using the $\\Delta A_{CP}$ technique, and a proposal is outlined to make similar measurements in the decays of the charmed baryon $\\Lambda_{c}^{+}$. The motivations for use of the $\\Delta A_{CP}$ method are discussed, along with the current results and future prospects.

  13. 76 FR 9709 - Water Quality Challenges in the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary (United States)


    ... Water Quality Challenges in the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary AGENCY... the San Francisco Bay/ Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary (Bay Delta Estuary) in California. EPA is... programs to address recent significant declines in multiple aquatic species in the Bay Delta Estuary. EPA...

  14. The Preparation and Thermodynamics of Europium Dicarbide; Preparation et Thermodynamique du Bicarbure d'Europium; Poluchenie i termodinamicheskie svojstva dikarbida evropiya; Preparacion y Termodinamica del Dicarburo de Europio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gebelt, R. E. [Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK (United States); Eick, H. A. [Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (United States)


    determiner la concentration du bicarbure gazeux en fonction de la temperature. Apres avoir etalonne le spectrometre de masse au moyen de l'argent, il a ete possible de calculer les pressions correspondant aux intensites ioniques observees. Une equation empirique a ete ajustee aux donnees relatives a l'europium par la methode des moindres carres. En appliquant le deuxieme principe de la thermodynamique a la reaction, on a calcule les valeurs suivantes: EuC{sub 2} Rightwards-Harpoon-Over-Leftwards-Harpoon Eu(g) + 2C (graphite); {Delta}H{sup 0}{sub 298} = 51.09{+-}1.42kcal/mole; {Delta}H{sup 0}{sub 298} = 18.43 {+-} 1.75 e.u. Les auteurs ont determine des valeurs estimees de la fonction d'energie libre pour EuC{sub 2}(s) et les ont combinees avec les donnees publiees; ils ont ainsi obtenu pour la meme reaction, en se fondant sur le troisieme principe de thermodynamique, la valeur {Delta}H{sup 0}{sub 298} = 51.22 {+-} 0.80 kcal/mole. Ils ont combine les enthalpies obtenues pour la reaction de dissociation avec les donnees publiees sur l'enthalpie de vaporisation de l'europium et ont ainsi obtenu la valeur ci-apres pour Venthalpie type de la formation de EuC{sub 2} : {Delta}H{sub f(298)} = -9.17 {+-} 1.15 kcal/ mole. (author) [Spanish] Se preparo dicarburo de europio por reaccion entre europio metalico y grafito, en una bomba de acero inoxidable. Los analisis quimicos indican que la composicion media del producto puede representarse por la formula EuC{sub 1.87{+-}0.07}. El examen mediante difraccion de rayos X por polvos muestra que el compuesto posee una simetria tetragonal centrada en el cuerpo (grupo espacial D{sup 17}{sub 4}n-14/mmm) con parametros del reticulado a{sub 0} = 4.045 A; c{sub 0} = 6.645 A. El analisis cromato- grafico en fase vapor indica que el 98% del producto gaseoso proveniente de la hidrolisis acida del dicarburo de europio esta formado por acetileno. Estos datos analiticos, juntamente con los parametros del reticulado, indican que el dicarburo de europio se

  15. DeltaProt: a software toolbox for comparative genomics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Willassen Nils P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Statistical bioinformatics is the study of biological data sets obtained by new micro-technologies by means of proper statistical methods. For a better understanding of environmental adaptations of proteins, orthologous sequences from different habitats may be explored and compared. The main goal of the DeltaProt Toolbox is to provide users with important functionality that is needed for comparative screening and studies of extremophile proteins and protein classes. Visualization of the data sets is also the focus of this article, since visualizations can play a key role in making the various relationships transparent. This application paper is intended to inform the reader of the existence, functionality, and applicability of the toolbox. Results We present the DeltaProt Toolbox, a software toolbox that may be useful in importing, analyzing and visualizing data from multiple alignments of proteins. The toolbox has been written in MATLAB™ to provide an easy and user-friendly platform, including a graphical user interface, while ensuring good numerical performance. Problems in genome biology may be easily stated thanks to a compact input format. The toolbox also offers the possibility of utilizing structural information from the SABLE or other structure predictors. Different sequence plots can then be viewed and compared in order to find their similarities and differences. Detailed statistics are also calculated during the procedure. Conclusions The DeltaProt package is open source and freely available for academic, non-commercial use. The latest version of DeltaProt can be obtained from The website also contains documentation, and the toolbox comes with real data sets that are intended for training in applying the models to carry out bioinformatical and statistical analyses of protein sequences. Equipped with the new algorithms proposed here, DeltaProt serves as an auxiliary

  16. Protein Kinase C-{delta} mediates down-regulation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K protein: involvement in apoptosis induction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gao, Feng-Hou [NO.3 People' s Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao-Tong University School of Medicine (SJTU-SM), Shanghai 201900 (China); The Department of Pathophysiology, Key Laboratory of Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis of National Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University School of Medicine (SJTU-SM), Shanghai 200025 (China); Wu, Ying-Li [The Department of Pathophysiology, Key Laboratory of Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis of National Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University School of Medicine (SJTU-SM), Shanghai 200025 (China); Zhao, Meng [Institute of Health Science, SJTU-SM/Shanghai Institutes for Biological Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai (China); Liu, Chuan-Xu; Wang, Li-Shun [The Department of Pathophysiology, Key Laboratory of Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis of National Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University School of Medicine (SJTU-SM), Shanghai 200025 (China); Chen, Guo-Qiang, E-mail: [The Department of Pathophysiology, Key Laboratory of Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis of National Ministry of Education, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University School of Medicine (SJTU-SM), Shanghai 200025 (China); Institute of Health Science, SJTU-SM/Shanghai Institutes for Biological Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai (China)


    We reported previously that NSC606985, a camptothecin analogue, induces apoptosis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells through proteolytic activation of protein kinase C delta ({Delta}PKC-{delta}). By subcellular proteome analysis, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP K) was identified as being significantly down-regulated in NSC606985-treated leukemic NB4 cells. HnRNP K, a docking protein for DNA, RNA, and transcriptional or translational molecules, is implicated in a host of processes involving the regulation of gene expression. However, the molecular mechanisms of hnRNP K reduction and its roles during apoptosis are still not understood. In the present study, we found that, following the appearance of the {Delta}PKC-{delta}, hnRNP K protein was significantly down-regulated in NSC606985, doxorubicin, arsenic trioxide and ultraviolet-induced apoptosis. We further provided evidence that {Delta}PKC-{delta} mediated the down-regulation of hnRNP K protein during apoptosis: PKC-{delta} inhibitor could rescue the reduction of hnRNP K; hnRNP K failed to be decreased in PKC-{delta}-deficient apoptotic KG1a cells; conditional induction of {Delta}PKC-{delta} in U937T cells directly down-regulated hnRNP K protein. Moreover, the proteasome inhibitor also inhibited the down-regulation of hnRNP K protein by apoptosis inducer and the conditional expression of {Delta}PKC-{delta}. More intriguingly, the suppression of hnRNP K with siRNA transfection significantly induced apoptosis. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that proteolytically activated PKC-{delta} down-regulates hnRNP K protein in a proteasome-dependent manner, which plays an important role in apoptosis induction.

  17. The Undiscovered Country: How Many Low-Delta-V Near-Earth Objects Remain to be Found? (United States)

    Elvis, Martin; Ranjan, Sukrit; Galache, Jose Luis


    Low delta-v near-Earth objects (NEOs) are of great interest as targets for science and human missions, for possible retrieval to cis-lunar space and as potential resource targets for both exploration and commercial uses. This interest stems from the exponential nature of the rocket equation that imposes a harsh mass penalty on any mission to a higher delta-v. We have compared the known NEO population from the IAU Minor Planet Center (MPC) with the NEOSSat-1 model residence times for the NEO population (Greenstreet & Gladman, 2012) to assess how many undiscovered NEOs there are as a function of H magnitude and delta-v. We find that the median of known NEOs is at lower delta-v (7.3 km/s) than the model population (9.8 km/s), suggesting a bias toward detecting lower delta-v NEOs. To the precision of our data, which is as low as 40% for the 300-500 m diameter (D) objects, the bulk of the larger D>300 m NEOs have been found from delta-v<10.3 km/s. However in the 50 < D < 300 m range there are tens of thousands of delta-v < 10.3 km/s to be found. We examine the total number of undiscovered NEOs as a function of delta-v and find that to find at least 100 now unknown NEOs requires a threshold delta-v of 5.7 km/s, while to find at least 1000 of them requires a threshold delta-v of 6.2 km/s. These numbers can be used to determine mission delta-v requirements for a given number of suitable targets, that will likely be restricted by other criteria (size, composition, spin state) to a few percent of the total population.

  18. A review of the Delta Po evolution (Italy) related to climatic changes and human impacts (United States)

    Simeoni, Umberto; Corbau, Corinne


    Climate changes and sea-level rise are important issues, especially for deltas such as the Po Delta, Italy. The evolution of the Po Delta shows a succession in space and a superposition in time of complex environmental natural processes. During the last few centuries, anthropogenic action has played a major role. The formation of the Po Delta began about 2000 years ago and has undergone many phases of development. Between 1500 AD and 1600 AD, the Venetian technicians diverted the Po river course. With these interventions, the "Renaissance delta" was cut off from the hydraulic network and the "modern delta" began to form. Until the middle of the 20th century, progradation of the delta was noticeable due to the abundant sediment supply. In the following decades coastal erosion occurred, this was caused by the reduction of the solid supply of the Po, due to dam and barrier construction and to river bed excavation. These and other interventions (e.g. reclamation, methane extractions from superficial ground water table) have deeply modified the physical and ecological characteristics of the Po Delta. The morphological characteristics of the Po Delta make the largest Italian wetland particularly unstable and very fragile when subjected to human pressure. Furthermore, the delta evidences multiple threats that will probably be exacerbated in the following decades by the effects of expected climatic changes. Only the application of careful policies concerning coastal defence, flood mitigation, anthropogenic subsidence reduction and salt wedge intrusion control will allow reduction of the present or predicted negative effects. This paper reviews how natural and human factors have controlled the Po Delta through time and discusses management strategies taking into account the importance of the human factor and the potential effects of climatic changes.

  19. 40 CFR 81.122 - Mississippi Delta Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. (United States)


    ... Quality Control Region. 81.122 Section 81.122 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY... Air Quality Control Regions § 81.122 Mississippi Delta Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. The Mississippi Delta Intrastate Air Quality Control Region consists of the territorial area encompassed by the...

  20. Evolving the Evolving: Territory, Place and Rewilding in the California Delta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brett Milligan


    Full Text Available Current planning and legislation in California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta call for the large-scale ecological restoration of aquatic and terrestrial habitats. These ecological mandates have emerged in response to the region’s infrastructural transformation and the Delta’s predominant use as the central logistical hub in the state’s vast water conveyance network. Restoration is an attempt to recover what was externalized by the logic and abstractions of this logistical infrastructure. However, based on findings from our research, which examined how people are using restored and naturalized landscapes in the Delta and how these landscapes are currently planned for, we argue that as mitigatory response, restoration planning continues some of the same spatial abstractions and inequities by failing to account for the Delta as an urbanized, cultural and unique place. In interpreting how these conditions have come to be, we give attention to a pluralistic landscape approach and a coevolutionary reading of planning, policy, science and landscapes to discuss the conservation challenges presented by “Delta as an Evolving Place”. We suggest that for rewilding efforts to be successful in the Delta, a range of proactive, opportunistic, grounded and participatory tactics will be required to shift towards a more socio-ecological approach.

  1. Investigations of (Delta)14C, (delta)13C, and (delta)15N in vertebrae of white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) from the eastern North Pacific Ocean

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kerr, L A; Andrews, A H; Cailliet, G M; Brown, T A; Coale, K H


    The white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) has a complex life history that is characterized by large scale movements and a highly variable diet. Estimates of age and growth for the white shark from the eastern North Pacific Ocean indicate they have a slow growth rate and a relatively high longevity. Age, growth, and longevity estimates useful for stock assessment and fishery models, however, require some form of validation. By counting vertebral growth band pairs, ages can be estimated, but because not all sharks deposit annual growth bands and many are not easily discernable, it is necessary to validate growth band periodicity with an independent method. Radiocarbon ({sup 14}C) age validation uses the discrete {sup 14}C signal produced from thermonuclear testing in the 1950s and 1960s that is retained in skeletal structures as a time-specific marker. Growth band pairs in vertebrae, estimated as annual and spanning the 1930s to 1990s, were analyzed for {Delta}{sup 14}C and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes ({delta}{sup 13}C and {delta}{sup 15}N). The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of {sup 14}C age validation for a wide-ranging species with a complex life history and to use stable isotope measurements in vertebrae as a means of resolving complexity introduced into the {sup 14}C chronology by ontogenetic shifts in diet and habitat. Stable isotopes provided useful trophic position information; however, validation of age estimates was confounded by what may have been some combination of the dietary source of carbon to the vertebrae, large-scale movement patterns, and steep {sup 14}C gradients with depth in the eastern North Pacific Ocean.

  2. Effect of delta wing on the particle flow in a novel gas supersonic separator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wen, Chuang; Yang, Yan; Walther, Jens Honore


    The present work presents numerical simulations of the complex particle motion in a supersonic separator with a delta wing located in the supersonic flow. The effect of the delta wing on the strong swirling flow is analysed using the Discrete Particle Method. The results show that the delta wings...

  3. The adhesion force of Notch with Delta and the rate of Notch signaling. (United States)

    Ahimou, Francois; Mok, Lee-Peng; Bardot, Boris; Wesley, Cedric


    Notch signaling is repeatedly used during animal development to specify cell fates. Using atomic force microscopy on live cells, chemical inhibitors, and conventional analyses, we show that the rate of Notch signaling is linked to the adhesion force between cells expressing Notch receptors and Delta ligand. Both the Notch extracellular and intracellular domains are required for the high adhesion force with Delta. This high adhesion force is lost within minutes, primarily due to the action of Presenilin on Notch. Reduced turnover or Delta pulling accelerate this loss. These data suggest that strong adhesion between Notch and Delta might serve as a booster for initiating Notch signaling at a high rate.

  4. Evaluating the Aquatic Habitat Potential of Flooded Polders in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John R. Durand


    Full Text Available tracts of land in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta are subsided due to agricultural practices, creating polders up to 10 m below sea level that are vulnerable to flooding. As protective dikes breach, these become shallow, open water habitats that will not resemble any historical state. I investigated physical and biotic drivers of novel flooded polder habitat, using a Native Species Benefit Index (NSBI to predict the nature of future Delta ecosystems. Results suggest that flooded polders in the north Delta will have the ecology and fish community composition of a tidal river plain, those in the Cache-Lindsey Complex will have that of a tidal backwater, those in the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers a brackish estuary, and those in the south Delta a fresh water lake. Flooded east-side Delta polders will likely be a transitional zone between south Delta lake-like ecosystems and north Delta tidal river plains. I compared each regional zone with the limited available literature and data on local fish assemblies to find support for NSBI predictions. Because flood probabilities and repair prioritization analyses suggest that polders in the south Delta are most likely to flood and be abandoned, without extensive intervention, much of the Delta will become a freshwater lake ecosystem, dominated by alien species. Proactive management of flooded tracts will nearly always hedge risks, save money and offer more functional habitats in the future; however, without proper immediate incentives, it will be difficult to encourage strong management practices.

  5. Delta Scuti variables. Lecture 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cox, A.N.


    The class of variables near or on the upper main sequence, the delta Scuti variables, are not only the usual ones about the masses, radii, and luminosities, but also the age, rotation, element diffusion to change the surface layer composition, the occurance of convection and the presence of radial and nonradial pulsation modes

  6. Peat or no peat: Why do the Rajang and Mahakam Deltas differ?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gastaldo, Robert A. [Department of Geology, Colby College, 5807 Mayflower Hill Drive, Waterville, ME 04901 (United States)


    Coastal and deltaic Holocene peat accumulations around the equatorial island of Borneo, Southeast Asia, have served as models for economic coal-bearing sequences in the stratigraphic record. Although climatic conditions, vegetational communities, and sedimentary regimes are comparable, peat accumulations are not found on both the western and eastern sides of the island. The Rajang River delta and coastal plain, Sarawak, East Malaysia, are covered in areally extensive, thick peat deposits that have attained at least a thickness of > 13 m in ombrogenous peat domes (Marudi, Baram River). Peat-swamp biomass began to accumulate over Pleistocene podzols when sea level stabilized {proportional_to} 7.5 ka and delta progradation was initiated. The Mahakam River delta and coastal plain, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, also began progradation at this time, but there is no evidence in any part of the coastal region for peat accumulation. Rather, poorly developed organic-rich gleysols occur throughout the delta plain. Both the Rajang River and Mahakam River deltas are tidally influenced, fine-grained systems, with a sediment provenance in the Central Massif. Sediment transported through the Rajang River delta differs in that as much as 60% of the clay minerals deposited in the system are mixed layer (I/S) and expandable (K/E) clays that act to restrict pore water flow in the tidal and overbank deposits that comprise the delta plain. These result in the development of an aquiclude above which paludal conditions develop, promoting accumulation of organic matter. In contrast, there is a low proportion of mixed layer and expandable clays transported in the Mahakam River system. This precludes the development of a stilted water table within the delta, allowing for organic matter recycling without peat accumulation. The presence of a high proportion of expandable clay minerals on the western side of Borneo is a reflection of the weathering and eroding source rocks on this side of the

  7. Delta-nucleus dynamics: proceedings of symposium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, T.S.H.; Geesaman, D.F.; Schiffer, J.P.


    The appreciation of the role in nuclear physics of the first excited state of the nucleon, the delta Δ(1232), has grown rapidly in the past decade. The delta resonance dominates nuclear reactions induced by intermediate energy pions, nucleons, and electromagnetic probes. It is also the most important non-nucleonic degree of freedom needed to resolve many fundamental problems encountered in the study of low-energy nuclear phenomena. Clearly, a new phase of nuclear physics has emerged and conventional thinking must be extended to account for this new dimension of nuclear dynamics. The most challenging problem we are facing is how a unified theory can be developed to describe Δ-nucleus dynamics at all energies. In exploring this new direction, it is important to have direct discussions among researchers with different viewpoints. Separate entries were prepared for the 49 papers presented

  8. Controls of {delta}{sup 34}S and {delta}{sup 18}O in dissolved sulphate: Learning from a detailed survey in the Llobregat River (Spain)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Otero, Neus [Departament Cristal . lografia, Mineralogia i Diposits Minerals, Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Marti i Franques, s/n, 08028 Barcelona (Spain); Grup d' Hidrogeoquimica, Departament de Geologia Ambiental, Institut de Ciencies de la Terra ' Jaume Almera' , CSIC, Lluis Sole i Sabaris, s/n, 08028 Barcelona (Spain)], E-mail:; Soler, Albert; Canals, Angels [Departament Cristal . lografia, Mineralogia i Diposits Minerals, Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Marti i Franques, s/n, 08028 Barcelona (Spain)


    The S and O isotopic composition of dissolved SO{sub 4}, used as a tracer for SO{sub 4} sources, was applied to the water of the Llobregat River system (NE Spain). The survey was carried out at 30 sites where surface water was sampled on a monthly basis over a period of 2a. The concentration of dissolved SO{sub 4} varied from 20 to 1575 mg L{sup -1}. Sulphur isotopic compositions clustered in two populations: one - 93% of the samples - had positive values with a mode of +9 per mille ; the other had negative values and a mode of -5 per mille . Data for {delta}{sup 18}O{sub SO{sub 4}} showed a mean value of +11 per mille , with no bi-modal distribution, though lower values of {delta}{sup 18}O corresponded to samples with negative {delta}{sup 34}S. These values can not be explained solely by the contribution of bedrock SO{sub 4} sources: that is, sulphide oxidation and the weathering of outcrops of sulphates, though numerous chemical sediments exist in the basin. Even in a river with a high concentration of natural sources of dissolved SO{sub 4}, such as the Llobregat River, the {delta}{sup 34}S values suggest that dissolved SO{sub 4} is controlled by a complex mix of both natural and anthropogenic sources. The main anthropogenic sources in this basin are fertilizers, sewage, potash mine effluent and power plant emissions. Detailed river water sampling, together with the chemical and isotopic characterisation of the main anthropogenic inputs, allowed determination of the influence of redox processes, as well as identification of the contribution of natural and anthropogenic SO{sub 4} sources and detection of spatial variations and seasonal changes among these sources. For instance, in the Llobregat River the input of fertilisers is well marked seasonally. Minimum values of {delta}{sup 34}S are reported during fertilization periods - from January to March - indicating a higher contribution of this source. The dual isotope approach, {delta}{sup 34}S and {delta}{sup 18}O

  9. Fracture Analyses of Cracked Delta Eye Plates in Ship Towing (United States)

    Huang, Xiangbing; Huang, Xingling; Sun, Jizheng


    Based on fracture mechanics, a safety analysis approach is proposed for cracked delta eye plates in ship towing. The static analysis model is presented when the delta eye plate is in service, and the fracture criterion is introduced on basis of stress intensity factor, which is estimated with domain integral method. Subsequently, three-dimensional finite element analyses are carried out to obtain the effective stress intensity factors, and a case is studied to demonstrate the reasonability of the approach. The results show that the classical strength theory is not applicable to evaluate the cracked plate while fracture mechanics can solve the problem very well, and the load level, which a delta eye plate can carry on, decreases evidently when it is damaged.

  10. Dendroclimatology of the Slave River Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada (United States)

    Jarvis, S.; Buhay, W. M.; Blair, D.; Tardif, J.; Bailey, D.


    It is well documented that changing hydrological conditions impact delta ecosystems. Such changes can also affect local inhabitants who have historical connections to the area and its resources. During the summer of 2003 a multifaceted paleo-environmental project was initiated to reconstruct the frequencies of floods and droughts in the Slave River Delta (SRD), Northwest Territories, Canada. The project goal is to forecast future hydrological and ecological conditions in the SRD in light of anticipated climate change and increasing demand on water resources. With the intent of expanding the climate history of the SRD, this particular aspect of the project will employ white spruce tree-ring chronologies constructed from six sites visited within the delta. Work is currently in progress to build a master chronology estimated to span over 300 years. In addition, a climate model for the SRD is also being developed and will be highlighted.

  11. Process connectivity in a naturally prograding river delta (United States)

    Sendrowski, Alicia; Passalacqua, Paola


    River deltas are lowland systems that can display high hydrological connectivity. This connectivity can be structural (morphological connections), functional (control of fluxes), and process connectivity (information flow from system drivers to sinks). In this work, we quantify hydrological process connectivity in Wax Lake Delta, coastal Louisiana, by analyzing couplings among external drivers (discharge, tides, and wind) and water levels recorded at five islands and one channel over summer 2014. We quantify process connections with information theory, a branch of mathematics concerned with the communication of information. We represent process connections as a network; variables serve as network nodes and couplings as network links describing the strength, direction, and time scale of information flow. Comparing process connections at long (105 days) and short (10 days) time scales, we show that tides exhibit daily synchronization with water level, with decreasing strength from downstream to upstream, and that tides transfer information as tides transition from spring to neap. Discharge synchronizes with water level and the time scale of its information transfer compares well to physical travel times through the system, computed with a hydrodynamic model. Information transfer and physical transport show similar spatial patterns, although information transfer time scales are larger than physical travel times. Wind events associated with water level setup lead to increased process connectivity with highly variable information transfer time scales. We discuss the information theory results in the context of the hydrologic behavior of the delta, the role of vegetation as a connector/disconnector on islands, and the applicability of process networks as tools for delta modeling results.

  12. Human urinary excretion profile after smoking and oral administration of [14C]delta 1-tetrahydrocannabinol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johansson, E.; Gillespie, H.K.; Halldin, M.M.


    The urinary excretion profiles of delta 1-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 1-THC) metabolites have been evaluated in two chronic and two naive marijuana users after smoking and oral administration of [ 14 C]delta 1-THC. Urine was collected for five days after each administration route and analyzed for total delta 1-THC metabolites by radioactivity determination, for delta 1-THC-7-oic acid by high-performance liquid chromatography, and for cross-reacting cannabinoids by the EMIT d.a.u. cannabinoid assay. The average urinary excretion half-life of 14 C-labeled delta 1-THC metabolites was calculated to be 18.2 +/- 4.9 h (+/- SD). The excretion profiles of delta 1-THC-7-oic acid and EMIT readings were similar to the excretion profile of 14 C-labeled metabolites in the naive users. However, in the chronic users the excretion profiles of delta 1-THC-7-oic acid and EMIT readings did not resemble the radioactive excretion due to the heavy influence from previous Cannabis use. Between 8-14% of the radioactive dose was recovered in the urine in both user groups after oral administration. Lower urinary recovery was obtained both in the chronic and naive users after smoking--5 and 2%, respectively

  13. Descripción de las propiedades funcionales del sistema nociceptivo trigeminal en relación con el dolor pulpar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés O Pérez Ruíz

    Full Text Available El sistema trigeminal nociceptivo es un componente del sistema sensorial somestésico que tiene la capacidad de discriminar cuatro variables básicas de los estímulos que provocan daño tisular, ellas son: cualidad, curso temporal, localización e intensidad. Las fibras A delta y C, vinculadas a la nocicepción están presentes en la pulpa dental. Se utilizan varias clasificaciones del dolor, atendiendo a diversos criterios: calidad de la sensación, velocidad de transmisión por las fibras, en relación con el lugar del cuerpo donde se exprese, y a la ubicación del nociceptor. La evolución de las condiciones pulpares se clasifican como: pulpitis reversible, pulpitis transicional, pulpitis irreversible y pulpa necrótica.Según su cualidad, el dolor pulpar puede ser punzante o continuo; atendiendo a su aparición, provocado o espontáneo; por su curso, intermitente o continuo; por su localización puede ser limitado a una región, irradiado y referido; y en relación con su intensidad se considera leve, moderado o severo. La capacidad del sistema sensorial nociceptivo en cuanto a discriminar la modalidad, curso temporal, localización e intensidad del estímulo, permite conocer las diferentes etapas de un proceso inflamatorio pulpar.

  14. DeltaFosB induces osteosclerosis and decreases adipogenesis by two independent cell-autonomous mechanisms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kveiborg, Marie; Sabatakos, George; Chiusaroli, Riccardo


    establishes that the skeletal phenotype is cell autonomous to the osteoblast lineage and independent of adipocyte formation. It also strongly suggests that the decreased fat phenotype of NSE-DeltaFosB mice is independent of the changes in the osteoblast lineage. In vitro, overexpression of Delta......Osteoblasts and adipocytes may develop from common bone marrow mesenchymal precursors. Transgenic mice overexpressing DeltaFosB, an AP-1 transcription factor, under the control of the neuron-specific enolase (NSE) promoter show both markedly increased bone formation and decreased adipogenesis...... of DeltaFosB on adipocyte differentiation appears to occur at early stages of stem cell commitment, affecting C/EBPbeta functions. It is concluded that the changes in osteoblast and adipocyte differentiation in DeltaFosB transgenic mice result from independent cell-autonomous mechanisms....

  15. [Seasonal variation patterns of NH4(+) -N/NO3(-) -N ratio and delta 15 NH4(+) value in rainwater in Yangtze River Delta]. (United States)

    Xie, Ying-Xin; Zhang, Shu-Li; Zhao, Xu; Xiong, Zheng-Qin; Xing, Guang-Xi


    By using a customized manual rainwater sampler made of polyvinyl chloride plastic, the molar ratio of NH4(+) -N/NO3(-) -N and the natural 15N abundance of NH4(+) (delta 15 NH4(+) in rainwater was monitored all year round from June 2003 to July 2005 at three observation sites (Changshu, Nanjing, and Hangzhou) in the Yangtze River Delta. The results indicated that at the three sites, the NH4(+) -N/NO3(-) -N ratio and the delta 15 NH4(+) value in rainwater had the similar seasonal variation trend, being more obvious in Changshu (rural monitoring type) site than in Nanjing (urban monitoring type) and Hangzhou (urban-rural monitoring type) sites. The NH4(+) -N/NO3(-) -N ratio peaked from early June to early August, declined gradually afterwards, and reached the bottom in winter; while the delta 15 NH4(+) value was negative from late June to mid-August, turned positive from late August to mid or late November, became negative again when winter dominated from December to March, but turned positive again in next May and negative again in next July. These seasonal variation patterns of NH4(+) -N/NO3(-) -N ratio and delta 15 NH4(+) value were found in relation to the application of chemical nitrogen fertilizers during different crop growth periods, and also, the alternation of seasons and the NH3 volatilization from other NH3 emission sources (including excrements of human and animals, nitrogen- polluted water bodies, and organic nitrogen sources, etc.), which could be taken as an indicator of defining the sources and form composition of NH4(+) in atmospheric wet deposition and the intensity of various terrestrial NH3 emission sources.

  16. Growth and {delta}{sup 13}C responses to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations for several crop species

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanba, Y.T.; Wada, E. [Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, Kyoto (Japan); Osaki, M.; Nakamura, T. [Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido (Japan)


    The responses of plant growth and carbon isotope discrimination ({Delta}) to elevated atmospheric CO{sub 2} concentrations for several crop species (lettuce: Lactuca sativa L.; corn: Zea Mays L. var. P3540, wheat: Triticum aestivum L. var Haruyutaka; and soybean: Glycine Max (L). Merr. var. Kitamusume) were investigated. Shoot relative growth rate was used to indicate plant growth, and {delta}{sup 13}C value of leaf materials in corn (C4 species) was used to calculate {Delta} for C3 species. Plant growth was stimulated by enriched CO{sub 2}, while {Delta} remained almost constant as CO{sub 2} concentration changed. {Delta} showed interspecific difference, and the plant species of larger {Delta} had larger relative growth rates. Relative growth rates of the plants of larger {Delta} were stimulated by CO{sub 2} enrichment more than those of the plants of smaller {Delta}. We propose that plant {Delta} could be a possible parameter to assess the interspecific difference of plant response to the increasing atmospheric CO{sub 2} concentrations. 3 figs., 2 tabs., 25 refs.

  17. Sedimentology of Fraser River delta peat deposits: a modern analogue for some deltaic coals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Styan, W B; Bustin, R M


    On the Recent lobe of the Fraser River delta, peat accumulation has actively occurred on the distal lower delta plain, the transition between upper and lower delta plains, and the alluvial plain. Distal lower delta plain peats developed from widespread salt and brackish marshes and were not influenced appreciably by fluvial activity. Lateral development of the marsh facies were controlled by compaction and eustatic sea-level rise. The resulting thin, discontinuous peat network contains numerous silty clay partings and high concentrations of sulphur. Freshwater marsh facies formed but were later in part eroded and altered by transgressing marine waters. Peats overlie a thin, fluvial, fining-upward sequence which in turn overlies a thick, coarsening-upward, prodelta-delta front succession. Lower- upper delta plain peats initially developed from interdistributary brackish marshes and were later fluvially influenced as the delta prograded. Thickest peats occur in areas where distributary channels were abandoned earliest. Sphagnum biofacies replace sedge-grass-dominated communities except along active channel margins, where the sedge-grass facies is intercalated with overbank and splay deposits. Peats are underlain by a relatively thin sequence of fluvial deposits which in turn is underlain by a major coarsening-upward delta front and pro-delta sequence. Alluvial plain peats accumulated in back swamp environments of the flood plain. Earliest sedge-clay and gyttja peats developed over thin fining-upward fluvial cycles or are interlaminated with fine-grained flood deposits. Thickest accumulations occur where peat fills small avulsed flood channels. Overlying sedge-grass and sphagnum biofacies are horizontally stratified and commonly have sharp boundaries with fine-grained flood sediments. At active channel margins, however, sedge-grass peats are intercalated with natural levee deposits consisting of silty clay.

  18. Delta smelt: Life history and decline of a once abundant species in the San Francisco Estuary (United States)

    Moyle, Peter B.; Brown, Larry R.; Durand, John R; Hobbs, James A.


    This paper reviews what has been learned about Delta Smelt and its status since the publication of The State of Bay-Delta Science, 2008 (Healey et al. 2008). The Delta Smelt is endemic to the upper San Francisco Estuary. Much of its historic habitat is no longer available and remaining habitat is increasingly unable to sustain the population. As a listed species living in the central node of California’s water supply system, Delta Smelt has been the focus of a large research effort to understand causes of decline and identify ways to recover the species. Since 2008, a remarkable record of innovative research on Delta Smelt has been achieved, which is summarized here. Unfortunately, research has not prevented the smelt’s continued decline, which is the result of multiple, interacting factors. A major driver of decline is change to the Delta ecosystem from water exports, resulting in reduced outflows and high levels of entrainment in the large pumps of the South Delta. Invasions of alien species, encouraged by environmental change, have also played a contributing role in the decline. Severe drought effects have pushed Delta Smelt to record low levels in 2014–2015. The rapid decline of the species and failure of recovery efforts demonstrate an inability to manage the Delta for the “co-equal goals” of maintaining a healthy ecosystem and providing a reliable water supply for Californians. Diverse and substantial management actions are needed to preserve Delta Smelt.

  19. Applications and development of communication models for the touchstone GAMMA and DELTA prototypes (United States)

    Seidel, Steven R.


    The goal of this project was to develop models of the interconnection networks of the Intel iPSC/860 and DELTA multicomputers to guide the design of efficient algorithms for interprocessor communication in problems that commonly occur in CFD codes and other applications. Interprocessor communication costs of codes for message-passing architectures such as the iPSC/860 and DELTA significantly affect the level of performance that can be obtained from those machines. This project addressed several specific problems in the achievement of efficient communication on the Intel iPSC/860 hypercube and DELTA mesh. In particular, an efficient global processor synchronization algorithm was developed for the iPSC/860 and numerous broadcast algorithms were designed for the DELTA.

  20. The $\\Delta I = 1/2 $ Rule in the Light of Two-Dimensional QCD

    CERN Document Server

    Ellis, John R.; Hanany, Amihay; Karliner, Marek; Ellis, John; Frishman, Yitzhak; Hanany, Amihay; Karliner, Marek


    We calculate in QCD$_2$ the ratios of baryonic matrix elements of $\\Delta I = 2$ and $\\Delta I = 0$ four-fermion operators, with a view to understanding better the mechanism of $\\Delta I = 1/2$ enhancement in QCD$_4$. We find relatively small suppressions of both the scalar-scalar and vector-vector these results, in view of a suggestion that gluon condensation may be an important contributing factor in the $\\Delta I = 1/2$ enhancement seen in QCD$_4$. At the technical level, our calculation of the vector-vector operator matrix element requires a treatment of the time dependence of the QCD$_2$ soliton which had not been developed in previous phenomenological calculations within this model.

  1. delta-EF1 is a negative regulator of Ihh in the developing growth plate. (United States)

    Bellon, Ellen; Luyten, Frank P; Tylzanowski, Przemko


    Indian hedgehog (Ihh) regulates proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes in the growth plate. Although the biology of Ihh is currently well documented, its transcriptional regulation is poorly understood. delta-EF1 is a two-handed zinc finger/homeodomain transcriptional repressor. Targeted inactivation of mouse delta-EF1 leads to skeletal abnormalities including disorganized growth plates, shortening of long bones, and joint fusions, which are reminiscent of defects associated with deregulation of Ihh signaling. Here, we show that the absence of delta-EF1 results in delayed hypertrophic differentiation of chondrocytes and increased cell proliferation in the growth plate. Further, we demonstrate that delta-EF1 binds to the putative regulatory elements in intron 1 of Ihh in vitro and in vivo, resulting in down-regulation of Ihh expression. Finally, we show that delta-EF1 haploinsufficiency leads to a postnatal increase in trabecular bone mass associated with enhanced Ihh expression. In summary, we have identified delta-EF1 as an in vivo negative regulator of Ihh expression in the growth plate.

  2. Effects of middle-term land reclamation on nickel soil-water interaction: a case study from reclaimed salt marshes of Po River Delta, Italy. (United States)

    Di Giuseppe, Dario; Melchiorre, Massimiliano; Faccini, Barbara; Ferretti, Giacomo; Coltorti, Massimo


    Reclaimed salt marshes are fragile environments where water salinization and accumulation of heavy metals can easily occur. This type of environment constitutes a large part of the Po River Delta (Italy), where intensive agricultural activities take place. Given the higher Ni background of Po River Delta soils and its water-soluble nature, the main aim of this contribution is to understand if reclamation can influence the Ni behavior over time. In this study, we investigated the geochemical features of 40 soils sampled in two different localities from the Po River Delta with different reclamation ages. Samples of salt marsh soils reclaimed in 1964 were taken from Valle del Mezzano while soils reclaimed in 1872 were taken nearby Codigoro town. Batch solubility tests and consecutive determination of Ni in pore-water were compared to bulk physicochemical compositions of soils. Bulk Ni content of the studied soils is naturally high, since these soils originated from Po River sediments derived from the erosion of ultramafic rocks. Moreover, it seems that Ni concentration increases during soil evolution, being probably related to the degradation of serpentine. Instead, the water-soluble Ni measured in the leaching tests is greater in soils recently reclaimed compared to the oldest soils. Soil properties of two soil profiles from a reclaimed wetland area were examined to determine soil evolution over one century. Following reclamation, pedogenic processes of the superficial horizons resulted in organic matter mineralization, pH buffer, and a decrease of Ni water solubility from recently to evolved reclaimed soil.

  3. An Overview of Multi-Dimensional Models of the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael L. MacWilliams


    Full Text Available doi: the past 15 years, the development and application of multi-dimensional hydrodynamic models in San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta has transformed our ability to analyze and understand the underlying physics of the system. Initial applications of three-dimensional models focused primarily on salt intrusion, and provided a valuable resource for investigating how sea level rise and levee failures in the Delta could influence water quality in the Delta under future conditions. However, multi-dimensional models have also provided significant insights into some of the fundamental biological relationships that have shaped our thinking about the system by exploring the relationship among X2, flow, fish abundance, and the low salinity zone. Through the coupling of multi-dimensional models with wind wave and sediment transport models, it has been possible to move beyond salinity to understand how large-scale changes to the system are likely to affect sediment dynamics, and to assess the potential effects on species that rely on turbidity for habitat. Lastly, the coupling of multi-dimensional hydrodynamic models with particle tracking models has led to advances in our thinking about residence time, the retention of food organisms in the estuary, the effect of south Delta exports on larval entrainment, and the pathways and behaviors of salmonids that travel through the Delta. This paper provides an overview of these recent advances and how they have increased our understanding of the distribution and movement of fish and food organisms. The applications presented serve as a guide to the current state of the science of Delta modeling and provide examples of how we can use multi-dimensional models to predict how future Delta conditions will affect both fish and water supply.

  4. Análisis de la agresividad y concentración de las precipitaciones en Venezuela. III. Región sur-este (Guayana y Delta)


    Rodríguez, María F; Cortez, Adriana; Rey, Juan C; Lobo, Deyanira; Parra, Raquel M; González, Walter; Ovalles, Francisco; Gabriels, Donald


    Con la finalidad de evaluar la distribución y la agresividad de la precipitación en la región Sureste de Venezuela (Guayana y Delta del Orinoco), se realizó un análisis de la información de la precipitación mensual de 41 estaciones meteorológicas, a la cual se le calculó el Índice de Concentración de la Precipitación (ICP) y el Índice de Fournier Modificado (IFM). Los valores de los índices fueron sometidos a análisis univariado y análisis geoestadístico ajustando los semivariogramas a modelo...

  5. Evaluation of the Delta4 phantom for IMRT and VMAT verification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bedford, James L; Lee, Young K; Wai, Philip; South, Christopher P; Warrington, Alan P


    The Delta 4 diode array phantom (Scandidos, Uppsala, Sweden) was evaluated for verification of segmental intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) on an Elekta linear accelerator (Crawley UK). The device was tested for angular sensitivity by irradiating it from 36 different gantry angles, and the responses of the device to various step-and-shoot segment doses and dose rates were evaluated using an ionization chamber as a comparison. The phantom was then compared with ionization chamber and film results for two prostate and pelvic nodes IMRT plans, two head and neck IMRT plans and two lung VMAT plans. These plans were calculated using Pinnacle 3 (Philips Radiation Oncology Systems, Madison, WI). The uniformity of angular response was better than 0.5% over the range of gantry angles. The uniformity of response of the Delta 4 to different segment monitor units and dose rates was better than 0.5%. The assessment of the IMRT and VMAT plans showed that the Delta 4 measured a dose within 2.5% of the ionization chamber, and compared to film recorded a slightly larger region (range -2% to +7%) agreeing with the planned dose to within 3% and 3 mm. The Delta 4 is a complex device and requires careful benchmarking, but following the successful completion of these measurements, the Delta 4 has been introduced into clinical use. (note)

  6. On new physics in $\\Delta \\Gamma_d$

    CERN Document Server

    Bobeth, Christoph; Lenz, Alexander; Pecjak, Ben; Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi, Gilberto


    Motivated by the recent measurement of the dimuon asymmetry by the D{\\O} collaboration, which could be interpreted as an enhanced decay rate difference in the neutral $B_d$-meson system, we investigate the possible size of new-physics contributions to $\\Delta \\Gamma_d$. In particular, we perform model-independent studies of non-standard effects associated to the dimension-six current-current operators $(\\bar{d} p)(\\bar p^{\\hspace{0.25mm}\\prime} b)$ with $p,p^\\prime= u,c$ as well as $(\\bar{d}b) (\\bar\\tau\\tau)$. In both cases we find that for certain flavour or Lorentz structures of the operators sizable deviations of $\\Delta \\Gamma_d$ away from the Standard Model expectation cannot be excluded in a model-independent fashion.

  7. A Preliminary Assessment of Social Vulnerability in Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta (United States)

    Hazra, Sugata; Islam, Nabiul


    The Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Delta has a high population density and is exposed to rapid environmental changes making it one of the most stressed deltas in the world. The low-lying coastal areas of the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Delta comprise 19 coastal districts of Bangladesh and two districts in India with significant land areas within 5 meters of sea level has a population of more than 50 million people at an average population density of 1100 people/km2. This population is exposed to a range of hazards such as severe cyclones, coastal erosion, and salinization, exacerbated by climate change and subsidence which imply severe stress on the resource dependent community of this region. This situation is further complicated by poverty and limited social well-being such as poor access to education/ health/ drinking water/ sanitation facilities, and lack of food and energy security. Thus assessing social vulnerability can help to understand which communities are susceptible to environmental change and guide adaptation actions to address these threats. This preliminary study aims to construct a socio-economic index by assessing the social vulnerability of coastal communities of GBM Delta taking consistent and common secondary data from the Census of India and the Bangladesh Bureau of Statisticsand applyinga Principle Component Analysis(PCA) methodology. Several statistical tests like Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) have also been used to assess the appropriateness of using PCA. Among the selected common indicators, five major components are found to explain majority of the total variation of social vulnerability across the delta: (1) poverty, (2) dependency ratio, (3) agriculture dependency, (4) lack of sanitation and (5) existence of mud houses. The most important observation is the existence of a social vulnerability gradient across the coast. In other words, socially marginalised and vulnerable communities are found on the Delta margin in both India and

  8. Large-scale coastal and fluvial models constrain the late Holocene evolution of the Ebro Delta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. H. Nienhuis


    Full Text Available The distinctive plan-view shape of the Ebro Delta coast reveals a rich morphologic history. The degree to which the form and depositional history of the Ebro and other deltas represent autogenic (internal dynamics or allogenic (external forcing remains a prominent challenge for paleo-environmental reconstructions. Here we use simple coastal and fluvial morphodynamic models to quantify paleo-environmental changes affecting the Ebro Delta over the late Holocene. Our findings show that these models are able to broadly reproduce the Ebro Delta morphology, with simple fluvial and wave climate histories. Based on numerical model experiments and the preserved and modern shape of the Ebro Delta plain, we estimate that a phase of rapid shoreline progradation began approximately 2100 years BP, requiring approximately a doubling in coarse-grained fluvial sediment supply to the delta. River profile simulations suggest that an instantaneous and sustained increase in coarse-grained sediment supply to the delta requires a combined increase in both flood discharge and sediment supply from the drainage basin. The persistence of rapid delta progradation throughout the last 2100 years suggests an anthropogenic control on sediment supply and flood intensity. Using proxy records of the North Atlantic Oscillation, we do not find evidence that changes in wave climate aided this delta expansion. Our findings highlight how scenario-based investigations of deltaic systems using simple models can assist first-order quantitative paleo-environmental reconstructions, elucidating the effects of past human influence and climate change, and allowing a better understanding of the future of deltaic landforms.

  9. Asymmetric Effects of Subaerial and Subaqueous Basement Slopes on Self-Similar Morphology of Prograding Deltas (United States)

    Lai, Steven Yueh Jen; Hsiao, Yung-Tai; Wu, Fu-Chun


    Deltas form over basements of various slope configurations. While the morphodynamics of prograding deltas over single-slope basements have been studied previously, our understanding of delta progradation over segmented basements is still limited. Here we use experimental and analytical approaches to investigate the deltaic morphologies developing over two-slope basements with unequal subaerial and subaqueous slopes. For each case considered, the scaled profiles of the evolving delta collapse to a single profile for constant water and sediment influxes, allowing us to use the analytical self-similar profiles to investigate the individual effects of subaerial/subaqueous slopes. Individually varying the subaerial/subaqueous slopes exerts asymmetric effects on the morphologies. Increasing the subaerial slope advances the entire delta; increasing the subaqueous slope advances the upstream boundary of the topset yet causes the downstream boundary to retreat. The delta front exhibits a first-retreat-then-advance migrating trend with increasing subaqueous slope. A decrease in subaerial topset length is always accompanied by an increase in subaqueous volume fraction, no matter which segment is steepened. Applications are presented for estimating shoreline retreat caused by steepening of basement slopes, and estimating subaqueous volume and delta front using the observed topset length. The results may have implications for real-world delta systems subjected to upstream tectonic uplift and/or downstream subsidence. Both scenarios would exhibit reduced topset lengths, which are indicative of the accompanied increases in subaqueous volume and signal tectonic uplift and/or subsidence that are at play. We highlight herein the importance of geometric controls on partitioning of sediment between subaerial and subaqueous delta components.

  10. Cystic fibrosis Delta F508 heterozygotes, smoking, and reproduction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Morten; Tybjaerg-Hansen, A; Wittrup, H H


    Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal autosomal recessive disease affecting Caucasian populations. It remains a puzzle how this disease is maintained at such a remarkably high incidence, however, it could be due to a reproductive advantage in cystic fibrosis heterozygotes. We tested this hypot......Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal autosomal recessive disease affecting Caucasian populations. It remains a puzzle how this disease is maintained at such a remarkably high incidence, however, it could be due to a reproductive advantage in cystic fibrosis heterozygotes. We tested.......001). In conclusion, overall these results do not support a reproductive advantage for cystic fibrosis DeltaF508 heterozygotes. However, the data cannot totally exclude the possibility that nonsmoking DeltaF508 heterozygotes experience a reproductive advantage while smoking DeltaF508 heterozygotes experience...... the opposite, a reproductive disadvantage. Accordingly, the data suggest a previously undocumented role of smoking on fecundity among cystic fibrosis heterozygotes....

  11. [Transport characteristics of air pollutants over the Yangtze Delta]. (United States)

    Wang, Yan; Chai, Fa-He; Wang, Yong-Hong; Liu, Ming


    Meteorological field of January, April, July and October in 2004 was obtained by running MM5 with NCEP datasets. Then we used HYSPLIT 4.8 model to calculate the backward and forward trajectories of representative cities. Distributions of trajectories and the affected areas vary with seasons. Transport current affecting Yangtze River Delta is mainly from Mongolia, North China or Northeast region, via Yellow Sea area, Shandong, Jiangsu province or Shanghai. Another important transport path is current from southwest because of the Southwest monsoon. A movement of East Asia monsoon plays an important part in the mesoscale transport of pollutants in Yangtze Delta. Winter monsoon is a main mechanism which moves the air pollutants in Yangtze Delta to South China and West Pacific ocean. Another important transport system is the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific Ocean which controls the east coast of our country in spring and summer. This circulation system mainly affects the inland area of our country.

  12. Erosion of the Mekong delta: the role of human activities (United States)

    Anthony, E.; Dussouillez, P.; Goichot, M.; Brunier, G.; Dolique, F.; Nguyen, V.; Loisel, H.; Mangin, A.; Vantrepotte, V.


    River deltas are threatened by dams, dykes, flow channelling, and aggregate extraction. These activities outweigh climate change and sea-level rise in causing delta vulnerability1, and will aggravate the impacts to be expected from these effects2. We show here from analysis of: (1) delta channel morphology and sediment budgets, and (2) satellite imagery, that the Mekong delta, considered as the world's third largest, and hitherto strongly prograding, is now in a phase of large-scale erosion. We discuss the mechanistic links involved in erosion and the way these are related to human activities. High-resolution (2.5 m) SPOT 5 images for the years 2003, 2007, 2011/12 covering 405 km of the delta shoreline show an overall retreat rate of over 8 m a year. 75% of the analysed shoreline, i.e., the muddy western sector, is now retreating at rates exceeding 50 m a year in places. The sandy river-mouth sector maintains a semblance of stability, but with strong variations. We attribute erosion to a cascade of morphosedimentary changes linked to sediment mining from the deltaic channels and upstream dam interception. We estimated from Meris satellite imagery an annual 5% decrease in surface suspended concentrations exiting at the mouths of the Mekong over the period 2003-2011 that may reflect increased trapping of mud behind dams in China. We also infer modification of river-mouth and coastal mud storage patterns resulting from a loss of ca. 200 million m3 of delta channel sediments between 1998 and 2008 from aggregate extraction. Dykes have been shown to result in increased channel flow velocities during the high-discharge monsoon season, favouring further channel deepening3. Stronger river-mouth outflow velocities during this season may be leading to export of a greater proportion of mud far offshore of the coastal longshore transport corridor that ensured mud supply to, and past progradation of, the muddy western coast. In contrast, greater seawater penetration in the

  13. Limits to agricultural growth in the Sistan Closed Inland Delta, Iran

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Beek, Eelco; Bozorgy, B.; Vekerdy, Z.; Vekerdy, Z.; Meijer, K.


    The Sistan Delta in Iran is located at the end of a closed basin with nearly 100% of the supply coming from Afghanistan. This supply is supporting irrigated agriculture in the area and is the source for the lake system around the delta. These Hamoun lakes are ecological very valuable wetlands; a

  14. Genomic organization of the mouse peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta gene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Leif K; Amri, Ez-Zoubir; Mandrup, Susanne


    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) beta/delta is ubiquitously expressed, but the level of expression differs markedly between different cell types. In order to determine the molecular mechanisms governing PPARbeta/delta gene expression, we have isolated and characterized the mouse...

  15. Synoptic Lithostratigraphy of The Niger Delta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nwajide, C.S.


    The Tertiary Niger Delta is stratigraphically framed by the Dahomey, Anambra, Abakaliki, Afikpo and Calabar Flank basins. From the apex at Onitsha a fluvial plain splays southwards and translates progressively into a freshwater swamp, succeeded by a mangrove swamp belt. Along the coast is a strip of wave-washed barrier bars indented by large estuaries, fronted by submerged moth bars. Habitation in the delta is on levees, point bars, and barrier bars. These landforms provided the firm salients for buildings the ports that facilitated international trade from the pre-colonial times.There are four lithofacies-clean, pebbly, and muddy sandstones, and mudstones. Their subdivision, based on sedimentary structures, textures and fossil content yields twenty reservoir and seven nonreservoir classes. Their environments of deposition, identified using facies associations, fall into fluvial, wave-and tide-dominated, marginal, and shallow marine, with localised canyons incised into the delta front and filled with deeper marine facies.The reservoirs are composed of 70 90% quartz, 4 15% feldspar, and 3 13% clay matrix, with minor mica, bioclasts, carbonaceous debris, glauconite, and heavy minerals. Grain size varies from very fine to coarse and pebbly, implying the presence of sands of varying textural and compositional maturities. Silica, K-feldspar, and carbonates constitute the cements.Porosity in the reservoirs has remained about the same as at deposition due to low mechanical compaction occasioned by shallow burial. Meteoric water-flushed progradational sequence are characterised by cementation with quartz and kaolinite. In contrast, marine water-flushed transgressive sands show grain coating illite-smectite, chlorite and K-feldspar overgrowths


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ionica SOARE


    Full Text Available Purpose - the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the rural areas has market size and forecast its development as an economic activity. The present paper aims at analyzing the rural areas has in Danube Delta. In an enviable BAs which have responsibility for their particular isolated, such as the Danube Delta and the Danube that used, fishing and rural areas has the main activities that provide jobs and income sources for local populations. Design/methodology/approach - A survey was administered to customers’ rural hostel accommodation in Danube Delta. Descriptive statistics method was mainly adopted to calculate the mean with standard deviation of entry assumes variable, and to examine the different levels of consumers' awareness. The index values of product familiarity, the ratio between entries assumes product's familiarity value and the average value. Findings - the research results show hash has rural consumers have different perception and accomplished through behaviour. The information channels of brand hash mainly from friends, relatives and neighbours, so word of mouth spreading is very important for a brand. Women show a higher sensitivity in health and are currently operating the propensity than referred to follow the recommendations for nutrition. Research limitations/implications - This item is intended to synthesize developments and challenges," on June 13th rural market growth has. The results of this paper should be considered tentatively until has also features replicated by larger has rural consumers. Originality/value - members of rural areas has consumer's behavior would improve marketing and the development of rural areas has products, in order to reduce consumer confusion.

  17. Losing ground - scenarios of land loss as consequence of shifting sediment budgets in the Mekong Delta (United States)

    Schmitt, R. J. P.; Rubin, Z.; Kondolf, G. M.


    With changing climate and rising seas, proliferation of hydroelectric dams, instream sand mining, dyking of floodplains, accelerated subsidence from groundwater pumping, accelerated sea-level rise, and other anthropic impacts, it is certain that the Mekong Delta will undergo large changes in the coming decades. These changes will threaten the very existence of the landform itself. The multiplicity of compounding drivers and lack of reliable data lead to large uncertainties in forecasting changes in the sediment budget of the Mekong Delta, its morphology, and the ecosystems and human livelihoods it supports. We compile information on key drivers affecting the sediment budget of the Mekong Delta and compare them to quantify the magnitude of effects from different drivers. We develop a set of likely scenarios for the future development of these drivers and quantify implications for the future of the Mekong Delta using a simplified model of the delta's geometry. If sediment supply to the delta is nearly completely cut off, as would be the case with full buildout of planned dams and current rates of sediment mining, and with continued groundwater pumping at current rates, our model forecasts that the delta will almost completely disappear by the end of this century due to increased rates of delta subsidence and rising sea levels. While local management cannot prevent global sea level rise, model results suggest that there are important management steps that could prolong the persistence of the delta ecosystem and the livelihoods it supports, including a reduction in ground water pumping and maintaining sediment connectivity between the basin and the delta.

  18. Influencia del tratamiento quirúrgico de la próstata sobre la función renal en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica secundaria a hiperplasia prostática benigna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roxana Aguirre Castañeda


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la influencia del tratamiento quirúrgico sobre la función renal en pacientes con Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (IRC causada por Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna (HPB. Material y métodos: Es un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y analítico de series de casos; cuya variable resultado principal fue el delta de creatinina (creatinina post cirugía - creatinina pre-cirugía, los deltas de creatinina negativos se categorizaron como mejoría de la función renal y los deltas de creatinina positivos como deterioro de la función renal. Resultados: De 40 casos, 24 cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. La edad promedio fue de 67.2 ± 6.8 años. El síntoma más frecuente fue el chorro urinario delgado presentándose en 20 (83.3% pacientes. Trece(54.17% pacientes tuvieron una próstata mediana, quienes con los pacientes de próstata grande refirieron con mayor frecuencia el síntoma de polaquiuria (p=0.03. El tratamiento quirúrgico de pacientes con IRC por HPB produjo una mejoría de la función renal en el 83% de los casos. Solo 4(16.67% pacientes tuvieron delta de creatinina positivo con disminución de la función renal post-cirugía. Se encontró una correlación directa entre la edad y el delta de creatinina (r=0.55 (p=0.004 traduciendo una asociación del deterioro de la función renal post-cirugía con la edad. Conclusiones: El tratamiento quirúrgico de pacientes con IRC por HPB produjo una mejoría de la función renal en la mayoría de los pacientes evaluados en este estudio. No se identificó factores de riesgo relacionados con un deterioro o mejoría de la función renal post-cirugía. (Rev Med Hered 2002; 13: 99-104.

  19. Investigating Particle Transport and Fate in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta Using a Particle-Tracking Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wim J. Kimmerer


    Full Text Available Movements of pelagic organisms in the tidal freshwater regions of estuaries are sensitive to the movements of water. In the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta—the tidal freshwater reach of the San Francisco Estuary—such movements are key to losses of fish and other organisms to entrainment in large water-export facilities. We used the Delta Simulation Model-2 hydrodynamic model and its particle tracking model to examine the principal determinants of entrainment losses to the export facilities and how movement of fish through the Delta may be influenced by flow. We modeled 936 scenarios for 74 different conditions of flow, diversions, tides, and removable barriers to address seven questions regarding hydrodynamics and entrainment risk in the Delta. Tide had relatively small effects on fate and residence time of particles. Release location and hydrology interacted to control particle fate and residence time. The ratio of flow into the export facilities to freshwater flow into the Delta (export:inflow or EI ratio was a useful predictor of entrainment probability if the model were allowed to run long enough to resolve particles’ ultimate fate. Agricultural diversions within the Delta increased total entrainment losses and altered local movement patterns. Removable barriers in channels of the southern Delta and gates in the Delta Cross Channel in the northern Delta had minor effects on particles released in the rivers above these channels. A simulation of losses of larval delta smelt showed substantial cumulative losses depending on both inflow and export flow. A simulation mimicking mark–recapture experiments on Chinook salmon smolts suggested that both inflow and export flow may be important factors determining survival of salmon in the upper estuary. To the extent that fish behave passively, this model is probably suitable for describing Delta-wide movement, but it is less suitable for smaller scales or alternative configurations of the Delta.

  20. Legal Delta Boundary, 2001, DWR [ds586 (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — The original topographic maps containing the drawn delta border were scanned from the Department of Water Resources. Images were registered to 1:24,000 USGS DRG's in...