
Sample records for degli animali domestici

  1. Fattori di crescita e recettori tirosin chinasici nelle neoplasie e displasie degli animali domestici


    Muscatello, Luisa Vera


    La perdita della comunicazione cellulare può portare ad una crescita deregolata e dunque alla trasformazione neoplastica. Gli scopi dello studio di dottorato sono stati di individuare il rapporto funzionale di alcuni fattori di crescita (FC) e dei loro recettori (RTC) in tipi di neoplasie e displasie degli animali domestici, quali: 1. Amplificazione del proto-oncogene ERBB2 e sovra-espressione del RTC erb-b2. in tumori mammari della gatta. 2. Espressione di erb-b2, di recettori ormonal...

  2. Book review. La forma degli animali. Adolf Portmann

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Nel 1931 il biologo Adolf Portmann era già talmente noto a livello internazionale per le sue ricerche da guadagnarsi la cattedra in zoologia nell'università della sua città natale, Basilea, all'età di appena 34 anni. All'attività di docente universitario ha sempre affiancato un'originale riflessione sul significato delle scienze della vita, imponendosi come una delle figure chiave nel dibattito tra biologia teoretica, estetica e antropologia filosofica. La forma degli animali, la sua opera più celebre, si pone al confine tra varie discipline e conserva un grande interesse ancora oggi che il dialogo tra estetica e biologia si è fatto nuovamente intenso. Pubblicata nel 1948 e in forma ampliata nel 1960 (da cui deriva questa prima edizione italiana a cura di Pietro Conte l'opera rappresenta il frutto più maturo delle sue ricerche "interdisciplinari".Un saggio che nasce dall'insoddisfazione nei confronti dei paradigmi scientifici consolidati e che ripropone l'idea morfologica in biologia sulla scorta del pensiero di J. W. Goethe il quale affermava che "tutto ciò che è deve anche dar cenno di sé e mostrarsi". Adolf Portmann è un convinto sostenitore che dalla forma si possano dedurne le complessive caratteristiche interne ed esterne degli animali. Secondo questa prospettiva la peculiare fisionomia dell'organismo dipende dalla congiunzione delle sue parti e dalle loro reciproche funzioni. Tuttavia l'autore non vede nello studio della forma l'alternativa al funzionalismo quanto, piuttosto, il suo necessario bilanciamento come dichiara nell'introduzione: "… per giungere alla conoscenza della vita animale di strade ce ne sono molte, e tutte possono contribuire ad arricchire la nostra esperienza. Questo lavoro si occupa della forma degli animali e si propone di mettere in luce la peculiare natura dell'aspetto visibile. Ci sono persone che si dedicano allo studio degli animali, conoscono moltissime specie, hanno imparato centinaia di nomi e

  3. Book review, Animali da compagnia: tutele – diritti – responsabilità, Elena Bassoli (a cura di

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available L'avvocato, docente universitario e presidente dell'Associazione Nazionale Giuristi Informatici e Forensi, Elena Bassoli, ha curato un manuale che affronta le problematiche relative ai diritti degli animali, approfondendo prima la legislazione internazionale e poi le singole pieghe di quella italiana. Il dato da cui si parte sembra secondario ma, invero, è assai rilevante, ovvero che nel nostro Paese si è passati molto lentamente da una concezione esclusivamente utilitaristica degli animali (tutelati in quanto proprietà di qualcuno all'affermazione dei diritti propri dell'animale in quanto tale.Animali da compagnia: tutele – diritti – responsabilità è utile soprattutto alla luce dei Trattati internazionali (D.U.D.A., Trattato di Amsterdam, Trattato di Lisbona che nel corso degli anni hanno introdotto la tutela dell'animale nelle legislazioni di tutto il mondo. La curatrice e i collaboratori hanno analizzato la recente giurisprudenza sugli animali da compagnia e le varie fonti del diritto nazionale, europeo e internazionale, passando in rassegna le norme di riferimento e indicandone l'applicabilità e le procedure con il fine dichiarato di: "Offrire al lettore uno strumento utile, rigoroso e scritto in modo chiaro e comprensibile anche per chi, per la prima volta, si trovi ad affrontare questa parte del diritto". Il manuale si presenta precipuamente come uno strumento di lavoro per i professionisti che trattano le problematiche relative al mondo degli animali domestici. Va segnalata, in proposito, la chiarezza non solo nell'esposizione dei concetti ma anche nell'architettura editoriale. I 10 capitoli che lo compongono forniscono un inquadramento sistematico delle implicazioni amministrative e penali, con rimandi a diverse note per una maggiore chiarezza del testo: dalle origini del diritto animale (dall'antica Grecia all'animalismo contemporaneo, con in mezzo Medioevo, Rinascimento e Darwinismo passando alla tutela degli animali nell

  4. Domestic allergens; Gli allergeni domestici

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bressa, G. [Padua Univ., Padua (Italy). DIpt. di Tossicologia Ambientale


    Closed rooms can be the ideal habitat for the growth of many micro-organisms, some of which pathogenic for man. Indoor biologic contamination sources can vary: 1) external air can, through dust particles or water droplets, transfer a large number of germs inside the house; 2) air conditioning plants can become, if maintenance isn't carried out at regular intervals, a cultural medium for microbes which later spread to the air of house or office; 3) the presence of sick people or healthy carriers of pathogenic germs in closed rooms can represent a significant source of biologic contamination; 4) lastly, pets too can be considered as disease carriers. Particularly interesting is the so-called biologic dust - where mites proliferate - which, being trapped in curtains, carpeting, tapestry, fabrics and carpets, often causes respiratory system diseases. [Italian] Gli ambienti chiusi possono costituire l'habita ideale per la crescita di molti microorganismi, alcuni dei quali patogeni per l'uomo. Le fonti di contaminaizone biologica indoor possono essere diverse: 1) l'aria esterna puo' trasferire all'interno, attraverso particelle di polvere o goccioline d'acqua, un gran numero di germi; 2) gli impianti di condizionamento possono divenire, quando non si effettua una corretta manutenzione periodica, terreno di coltura di microbi che successivamente si diffondono nell'aria dell'abitazione o dell'ufficio; 3) la presenza in locali chiusi di persone malate o portatrici sane di germi patogeni puo' costituire un'importante sorgente di contaminazione biologica; 4) infine anche gli animali domestici possono essere considerati vettori di malattie. Di particolare interesse sono le polveri cosidette biologiche, in cui proliferano gli acari, che, essendo trattenute da tendaggi, parati, moquette, tessuti e tappeti, provocano frequentemente malattie dell'apparato respiratorio.

  5. Book review. Procedure cliniche e terapeutiche negli animali esotici. Marta Avanzi

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Negli ultimi anni è in costante aumento il numero degli animali da compagnia, con la diretta conseguenza che negli ambulatori veterinari arrivano sempre più pet diversi dal cane e dal gatto. Per dare loro cure di qualità non è sufficiente conoscere soltanto la fisiologia e la patologia ma c'è bisogno di saper maneggiare correttamente questi animali non convenzionali, oltre che conoscere le procedure per arrivare a una diagnosi e quindi ad una terapia appropriata. Procedure cliniche e terapeutiche negli animali esotici di Marta Avanzi risponde al bisogno di conoscenza in un settore in cui la formazione accademica è ancora scarsa, a fronte di un aumento della richiesta di cure da parte dei proprietari. Come scrive l'autrice nella prefazione: "Non sempre il professionista ha la possibilità di seguire un periodo di tirocinio pratico presso colleghi più esperti e spesso è la mancanza di esperienza che scoraggia il neofita ad ampliare il range di specie a cui dedicarsi. Il libro nasce proprio dall'esigenza di colmare questa lacuna, rispondendo al bisogno crescente di formazione nel campo della cura e del trattamento degli animali esotici da compagnia". Il manuale della dott.ssa Avanzi illustra con chiarezza le procedure diagnostiche, anestesiologiche, terapeutiche indispensabili per la pratica clinica. Per questo è rivolto principalmente ai medici veterinari che si occupano degli animali esotici da compagnia quali furetti, conigli, roditori, uccelli e rettili, di cui vengono illustrate le tecniche fondamentali per maneggiarli e contenerli con competenza e sicurezza. Il volume, pubblicato nel grande formato 19,5x26,5 cm, contiene più di mille fotografie a colori, comprese quelle delle attrezzature specifiche per i vari casi. Un'iconografia ricchissima che ha la funzione di descrivere passo dopo passo le manovre e le procedure per trattare questi particolari pazienti. I capitoli sono 14 e descrivono circa 150 procedure, dalla dermatologia all

  6. Book review. Conoscere gli animali familiari. Francesca Bellini, Alessia Liverini, Vincenzo Rosa

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Conoscere gli animali familiari è la settima uscita della collana diretta da Paolo Polidori "produzioni animali e sicurezza alimentare" sulla ricerca nell'ambito della nutrizione e alimentazione animale, zootecnia, ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale, clinica medica e parassitologia veterinaria con risvolti di natura tecnica, scientifica e pratica. Il volume, redatto da medici veterinari in servizio presso differenti Aziende Sanitarie italiane, è un sintetico manuale su domesticazione, cura sanitaria, etnografia e addestramento del proprio cane (o gatto. Gli autori partono dall'assunto che i proprietari scelgono il cane per lo più sulla base del gusto visivo o sulla consuetudine tramandata in famiglia, senza un'esaustiva conoscenza degli aspetti riguardanti l'origine dell'animale, la sua attitudine prevalente, le sue patologie ricorrenti e le eventuali predisposizioni genetiche nei confronti di una determinata patologia. Puntano l'accento sin dalle prime battute sul cambiamento culturale che ha modificato anche il rapporto uomo-animale sotto l'aspetto sociale, effettuale e giuridico. L'animale da semplice "res" si è da tempo affermato come un essere diverso ma senziente, quindi destinatario di tutele, con diritti contemplati dalle carte costituzionali di diversi Paesi. Per questo motivo chi detiene un animale domestico deve prepararsi ad un impegno non riducibile al possesso di un oggetto, al punto di risponderne penalmente per eventuali sofferenze fisiche o psicologiche, per l'abbandono (anche solo temporaneo o per l'incuria. Conoscere gli animali familiari fornisce nozioni scientifiche e sanitarie alla portata di tutti, utili soprattutto nelle occasioni in cui i proprietari dovranno recarsi dal veterinario o affrontare visite legate alla profilassi e alle vaccinazioni di routine.

  7. Book review, Patologie articolari nel cane e nel gatto, Filippo Maria Martini

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Con il cambiare dei tempi, sono cambiate anche le priorità nell’ambito sempre più vasto degli animali da compagnia. Se, infatti, fino allo scorso decennio chi si occupava di ortopedia veterinaria aveva a che fare esclusivamente con pazienti traumatizzati, ora l’ortopedia e la traumatologia veterinaria devono fare i conti sempre più spesso con le patologie articolari. I motivi di questa inversione di tendenza sono molti e di diverso genere, certamente i più influenti riguardano la diffusione di soggetti atleti che sviluppano specifiche patologie, l’allungamento della vita media che espone i pazienti a malattie articolari degenerative un tempo prerogativa dell’uomo e la presenza di razze canine particolarmente predisposte a tali patologie. A ciò si aggiunga l’esigenza crescente dei proprietari degli animali, di comprendere a fondo quali siano le migliori cure per i propri compagni. Per questi motivi lo specialista in Ortopedia degli animali domestici, Filippo Maria Martini, ha redatto Patologie articolari nel cane e nel gatto: un volume che non vuole essere un manuale sulle tecniche chirurgiche (nonostante al suo interno vengano comunque descritte, piuttosto un manuale pratico in grado da una parte di fornire gli strumenti necessari per comprendere, interpretare e diagnosticare le patologie articolari; dall’altra di dare le basi teoriche per impostare un protocollo terapeutico in modo corretto ed emettere una prognosi adeguata. Tutto ciò nella convinzione che un buon clinico non possa limitarsi ad eseguire una visita e ad impostare una terapia, ma debba necessariamente stilare un elenco di esami utili ai fini della definizione della diagnosi, discuterne con il proprietario e consigliare il più adeguato protocollo diagnostico e terapeutico.

  8. Diversity of the subspecies Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis. (United States)

    Bunesova, Vera; Killer, Jiri; Javurkova, Barbora; Vlkova, Eva; Tejnecky, Vaclav; Musilova, Sarka; Rada, Vojtech


    Strains of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis are well-known health-promoting probiotics used commercially. B. animalis subsp. lactis has been isolated from different sources, and little is known about animal isolates of this taxon. The aim of this study was to examine the genotypic and phenotypic diversity between B. animalis subsp. lactis strains different animal hosts including Cameroon sheep, Barbary sheep, okapi, mouflon, German shepard and to compare to BB12, food isolates and the collection strain DSM 10140. Ten strains of B. animalis subsp. lactis from different sources were characterised by phenotyping, fingerprinting, and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Regardless of origin, MLST and phylogenetic analyses revealed a close relationship between strains of B. animalis subsp. lactis with commercial and animal origin with the exception of isolates from ovine cheese, mouflon and German Shepard dog. Moreover, isolates from dog and mouflon showed significant differences in fermentation profiles and peptide mass fingerprints (MALDI-TOF). Results indicated phenotypic and genotypic diversity among strains of B. animalis subsp. lactis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 protects against pathogen-induced NF-kappaB activation in vivo

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Mahony, David


    Abstract Background Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are among the early and important colonizers of the gastrointestinal tract and are generally considered to be part of a normal, healthy microbiota. It is believed that specific strains within the microbiota can influence host immune-reactivity and may play a role in protection from infection and aberrant inflammatory activity. One such strain, Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7, has been previously shown to protect against Salmonella typhimurium infection in mice and helps resolve acute idiopathic diarrhea in dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential molecular and cellular mechanisms underpinning the Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 protective effect. Results Following 4 hours of infection with Salmonella typhimurium, NF-κB activation was significantly elevated in vivo in placebo and Enterococcus faecium-fed animals while Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 consumption significantly attenuated the NF-κB response. In vitro anti-CD3\\/CD28 stimulated Peyer\\'s patch cells secreted significantly less TNF-α and IFN-γ following Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 consumption. Stimulated cells released more IL-12p70 but this difference did not reach statistical significance. No alteration in mucosal IL-6, IL-10 or MCP-1 levels were observed. No statistically significant change in the cytokine profile of mesenteric lymph node cells was noted. In vitro, Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 was bound by dendritic cells and induced secretion of both IL-10 and IL-12p70. In addition, co-culture of CD4+ T cells with Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7-stimulated dendritic cells resulted in a significant increase in CD25+Foxp3+ T cell numbers. Conclusion Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 exerts an anti-inflammatory effect via the attenuation of pro-inflammatory transcription factor activation in response to an infectious insult associated with modulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine production within the mucosa. The cellular mechanism

  10. Comparative study of Bifidobacterium animalis, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces boulardii probiotic properties. (United States)

    Martins, Flaviano S; Silva, Aparecida A; Vieira, Angélica T; Barbosa, Flávio H F; Arantes, Rosa M E; Teixeira, Mauro M; Nicoli, Jacques Robert


    The present work investigates some probiotic properties of four different microorganisms (Bifidobacterium animalis var. lactis BB-12, Escherichia coli EMO, Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces boulardii). In vitro and in vivo tests were carried out to compare cell wall hydrophobicity, production of antagonistic substances, survival capacity in the gastrointestinal tract of germ-free mice without pathological consequence, and immune modulation by stimulation of Küpffer cells, intestinal sIgA and IL-10 levels. In vitro antagonism against pathogenic bacteria and yeast was only observed for the probiotic bacteria B. animalis and L. casei. The hydrophobic property of the cell wall was higher for B. animalis and E. coli EMO, and this property could be responsible for a better ability to colonize the gastrointestinal tract of germ-free mice. Higher levels of sIgA were observed mainly for S. boulardii, followed by E. coli EMO and B. animalis, and only S. boulardii induced a significant higher level of IL-10. In conclusion, for a probiotic use, S. boulardii presented better characteristics in terms of immunomodulation, and B. animalis and L. casei for antagonistic substance production. The knowledge of the different probiotic properties could be used to choice the better microorganism depending on the therapeutic or prophylactic application.

  11. Assessing the effects of exposure to environmental stress on some functional properties of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis. (United States)

    Amund, O D; Ouoba, L I I; Sutherland, J P; Ghoddusi, H B


    This study assessed the effects of exposing a strain of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis to acid, bile and osmotic stresses on antagonistic properties, biofilm formation and antibiotic susceptibility/resistance profile. Exposure to each stress factor appeared to have no significant effect on the antagonism against Escherichia coli NCTC 12900 and Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis PT4. No suppression in biofilm formation due to exposure to stress was observed. Bile and osmotic stresses resulted in significantly higher biofilm formation. Expression of an exopolysaccharide synthesis gene, gtf 01207, was significantly higher when the B. animalis ssp. lactis strain was exposed to osmotic stress. Susceptibility of the B. animalis ssp. lactis strain to chloramphenicol, erythromycin, ampicillin and vancomycin, and resistance to tetracycline remained unchanged when exposed to each stress. The expression of a tetracycline resistance gene, tet(W), was significantly higher when exposed to each stress. These results may suggest that the potential for the B. animalis ssp. lactis strain to provide probiotic benefit, after exposure to the stressful conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, remains intact.

  12. Predictive modeling of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 growth in cow’s, goat’s and soy milk

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    Vedran Slačanac


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to use a predictive model to analyse the growth of a probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 in cow’s, goat’s and soy milk. The Gompertz model was used, and the suitability of the model was estimated by the Schnute algorithm. Except for the analysis of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 growth, the Gompertz model was also used for the analysis of pH changes during the fermentation process. Experimental results, as well as the values of kinetic parameters obtained in this study, showed that the highest growth rate of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 was obtained in goat’s milk, and the lowest in soy milk. Contrary to the growth of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12, pH decreased faster in soy milk than in cow’s milk. The highest rate of pH decrease was also observed in goat’s milk, which is in correspondence with results of various previous studies. The Gompertz model proved to be highly suitable for analysing the course and the fermentation kinetics in these three kinds of milk, and might be used to analyse the growth kinetics of other probiotic and starter cultures in milk.

  13. The last "pest". The fox in the Italian law and in the actual hunting management / L'ultimo "nocivo". La Volpe nella legislazione italiana e nella pratica venatoria

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    Fabio Cassola


    Full Text Available Abstract In the general mentality as well as in the actual hunting management of the Italian territory, the fox Vulpes vulpes has largely replaced the wolf Canis lupus as the target of abnormal and injustified destructive efforts. By exagerating its predatory pressure on domestic and game animals, and more recently as an asserted anti-rabies measure, the control of fox populations still continue to be heady practised in most regions, even where (such as in Tuscany, central Italy the rabies desease did not arrive. Some official data are given about foxes killed and rewards paid in several areas in the Eighties, for a total amount of several tens of thousands foxes (nearly 2,000 in the Siena province alone yearly and some milliards lira. The absurdity of such management policy and the damage indirectly caused to the agriculture are emphasized, as well as the need of stopping at last any persecution of predatory or so-called "pest" animals. Riassunto Nella mentalità popolare e nella quotidiana gestione venatoria del territorio, la Volpe Vulpes vulpes sembra aver ormai sostituito il Lupo Canis lupus come oggetto catalizzatore di abnormi e ingiustificati sforzi distruttivi. Esagerandone l'entità della predazione su animali domestici e selvatici, e più recentemente con il pretesto di diradarne le popolazioni come asserita misura di profilassi antirabbica, si continua assurdamente in molte regioni italiane a condurre operazioni di "controllo" della Volpe che perpetuano nei fatti l'anti-ecologica e ormai inaccettabile "lotta ai nocivi". Vengono in particolare qui riferiti alcuni dati ufficiali, provenienti anche da regioni, come la Toscana, mai toccate dall'epidemia di rabbia silvestre degli anni 1977-1986, relativi agli abbattimenti di volpi e ai premi pagati nel corso dell'ultimo decennio, per un totale di parecchie decine di migliaia di volpi uccise (quasi 2000 ogni anno nella

  14. The substitution of a traditional starter culture in mutton fermented sausages by Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis. (United States)

    Holko, I; Hrabě, J; Šalaková, A; Rada, V


    Common starter cultures used in fermented mutton sausages were substituted by probiotic strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus CCDM 476 and Bifidobacterium animalis 241a. Technological properties of the traditional and the probiotic sausages were compared. The potential probiotic effect was evaluated by enumeration of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in stool samples of 15 volunteers before and after a 14-day consumption period. The numbers of lactobacilli (10(7) cfu/g) and bifidobacteria (10(3) cfu/g) in the final product did not affect the technological properties. The use of L. acidophilus as a starter culture was found more beneficial than the use of B. animalis. Even after 60 days of storage, high counts of L. acidophilus (10(6) cfu/g) were detected; on the other hand, the counts of B. animalis were under the detection limit. Regarding sensory properties, the probiotic products showed better texture, and, curiously, a reduction of the typical smell of mutton. The numbers of lactobacilli in stool samples increased significantly after the consumption of the probiotic sausages. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Clinical benefits of probiotic canine-derived Bifidobacterium animalis strain AHC7 in dogs with acute idiopathic diarrhea. (United States)

    Kelley, R L; Minikhiem, Debbie; Kiely, Barry; O'Mahony, Liam; O'Sullivan, David; Boileau, Tom; Park, Jean Soon


    This study evaluated the effect of supplementation with canine-derived probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis strain AHC7 (lams Prostora, Procter & Gamble Pet Care) on the resolution rate of acute idiopathic diarrhea in dogs randomly assigned to receive a placebo (n=18) or the probiotic (n=13). Nutritional management with the probiotic fed at 2 x 10(10) CFU/day significantly reduced the time to resolution (3.9 +/- 2.3 versus 6.6 +/- 2.7 days; P dogs that were administered metronidazole (38.5% versus 50.0%) compared with placebo. Probiotic B. animalis AHC7 may provide veterinarians another tool for management of acute diarrhea in dogs.

  16. Casein Fermentate of Lactobacillus animalis DPC6134 Contains a Range of Novel Propeptide Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors▿ (United States)

    Hayes, M.; Stanton, C.; Slattery, H.; O'Sullivan, O.; Hill, C.; Fitzgerald, G. F.; Ross, R. P.


    This work evaluated the angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory activities of a bovine sodium caseinate fermentate generated using the proteolytic capabilities of the porcine small intestinal isolate Lactobacillus animalis DPC6134 (NCIMB deposit 41355). The crude 10-kDa L. animalis DPC6134 fermentate exhibited ACE-inhibitory activity of 85.51% (±15%) and had a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.8 mg protein/ml compared to captopril, which had an IC50 value of 0.005 mg/ml. Fractionation of the crude L. animalis DPC6134 fermentate by membrane filtration and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) generated three bioactive fractions from a total of 72 fractions. Fractions 10, 19, and 43 displayed ACE-inhibitory activity percentages of 67.53 (±15), 83.71 (±19), and 42.36 (±11), respectively, where ACE inhibition was determined with 80 μl of the fractions with protein concentrations of 0.5 mg/ml. HPLC and mass spectrometry analysis identified 25 distinct peptide sequences derived from α-, β-, and κ-caseins. In silico predictions, based on the C-terminal tetrapeptide sequences, suggested that peptide NIPPLTQTPVVVPPFIQ, corresponding to β-casein f(73-89); peptide IGSENSEKTTMP, corresponding to αs1-casein f(201212); peptide SQSKVLPVPQ, corresponding to β-casein f(166-175); peptide MPFPKYPVEP, corresponding to β-casein f(124133); and peptide EPVLGPVRGPFP, corresponding to β-casein f(210-221), contained ACE-inhibitory activities. These peptides were chosen for chemical synthesis to confirm the ACE-inhibitory activity of the fractions. Chemically synthesized peptides displayed IC50 values in the range of 92 μM to 790 μM. Additionally, a simulated gastrointestinal digestion confirmed that the ACE-inhibitory 10-kDa L. animalis DPC6134 fermentation was resistant to a cocktail of digestive enzymes found in the gastrointestinal tract. PMID:17483275

  17. Gene Replacement and Fluorescent Labeling to Study the Functional Role of Exopolysaccharides in Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis

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    Nuria Castro-Bravo


    Full Text Available An extracellular layer of exopolysaccharides (EPS covers the surface of some Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis strains, which could be of relevance for its probiotic performance. In order to understand the functional characteristics of B. animalis subsp. lactis, two isogenic strains that differ in their EPS-producing phenotype, due to a single mutation in the gene Balat_1410, were studied. By means of a double crossover recombination strategy, successfully used for the first time in bifidobacteria, Balat_1410 in the type strain B. animalis subsp. lactis DSM10140 was replaced by a mutated gene containing a non-synonymous mutation previously associated with the appearance of a mucoid-ropy phenotype. Nuclear magnetic resonance and SEC-MALS analyses showed that the novel strain harboring the mutation acquired a ropy phenotype, due to the production of a high molecular weight (HMW-EPS that is not produced in the wild-type strain. Fluorescence labeling of both strains with two fluorescent proteins, m-Cherry and Green Fluorescent Protein, was achieved by expressing the corresponding genes under the control of a native selected promoter (the elongation factor Tu promoter. Remarkably, qualitative and quantitative fluorescence analyses demonstrated that the ropy strain displays a lower capability to adhere to human intestinal epithelial cells. In addition, the presence of the HMW-EPS reduced the capability of the producing strain to form biofilms upon three different abiotic surfaces. This work also highlights the fact that different EPS confer variable functional characteristics to the bifidobacterial surface, which may be relevant for the performance of B. animalis subsp. lactis as a probiotic. The construction of molecular tools allowing the functional characterization of surface structures in next generation probiotics is still a challenging issue that deserves further attention, given the relevant role that such molecules must play in the

  18. Insights into physiological traits of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 through membrane proteome analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gilad, Ofir; Hjernø, Karin; Østerlund, Eva Christina


    Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 is a widely used probiotic strain associated with a variety of health-promoting traits. There is, however, only limited knowledge available regarding the membrane proteome and the proteins involved in oligosaccharide transport in BB-12. We applied two...

  19. Microencapsulation of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus in cocoa butter using spray chilling technology (United States)

    Pedroso, D.L.; Dogenski, M.; Thomazini, M.; Heinemann, R.J.B.; Favaro-Trindade, C.S.


    In the present study, the cells of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BI-01) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (LAC-04) were encapsulated in cocoa butter using spray-chilling technology. Survival assays were conducted to evaluate the resistance of the probiotics to the spray-chilling process, their resistance to the simulated gastric and intestinal fluids (SGF and SIF), and their stability during 90 days of storage. The viability of the cells was not affected by microencapsulation. The free and encapsulated cells of B. animalis subsp. lactis were resistant to both SGF and SIF. The micro-encapsulated cells of L. acidophilus were more resistant to SGF and SIF than the free cells; the viability of the encapsulated cells was enhanced by 67%, while the free cells reached the detection limit of the method (103 CFU/g). The encapsulated probiotics were unstable when they were stored at 20 °C. The population of encapsulated L. acidophilus decreased drastically when they were stored at 7 °C; only 20% of cells were viable after 90 days of storage. The percentage of viable cells of the encapsulated B. animalis subsp.lactis, however, was 72% after the same period of storage. Promising results were obtained when the microparticles were stored at −18 °C; the freeze granted 90 days of shelf life to the encapsulated cells. These results suggest that the spray-chilling process using cocoa butter as carrier protects L. acidophilus from gastrointestinal fluids. However, the viability of the cells during storage must be improved. PMID:24516445

  20. Microencapsulation of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus in cocoa butter using spray chilling technology

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    D.L. Pedroso


    Full Text Available In the present study, the cells of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BI-01 and Lactobacillus acidophilus (LAC-04 were encapsulated in cocoa butter using spray-chilling technology. Survival assays were conducted to evaluate the resistance of the probiotics to the spray-chilling process, their resistance to the simulated gastric and intestinal fluids (SGF and SIF, and their stability during 90 days of storage. The viability of the cells was not affected by microencapsulation. The free and encapsulated cells of B. animalis subsp. lactis were resistant to both SGF and SIF. The micro-encapsulated cells of L. acidophilus were more resistant to SGF and SIF than the free cells; the viability of the encapsulated cells was enhanced by 67%, while the free cells reached the detection limit of the method (10³ CFU/g. The encapsulated probiotics were unstable when they were stored at 20 °C. The population of encapsulated L. acidophilus decreased drastically when they were stored at 7 °C; only 20% of cells were viable after 90 days of storage. The percentage of viable cells of the encapsulated B. animalis subsp.lactis, however, was 72% after the same period of storage. Promising results were obtained when the microparticles were stored at -18 °C; the freeze granted 90 days of shelf life to the encapsulated cells. These results suggest that the spray-chilling process using cocoa butter as carrier protects L. acidophilus from gastrointestinal fluids. However, the viability of the cells during storage must be improved.

  1. Functional cream cheese supplemented with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis DSM 10140 and Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 20016 and prebiotics. (United States)

    Speranza, Barbara; Campaniello, Daniela; Monacis, Noemi; Bevilacqua, Antonio; Sinigaglia, Milena; Corbo, Maria Rosaria


    The aim of this study was to develop a functional fresh cream cheese with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis DSM 10140 or Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 20016 and prebiotics (inulin, FOS and lactulose). The research was divided into two steps: in vitro evaluation of the effects of prebiotic compounds; validation at laboratory level with production of functional cream mini-cheeses. Prebiotics showed a protective effect: B. animalis subsp. lactis DSM 10140 cultivability on Petri dishes was positively influenced by lactulose, whereas fructooligosaccharides (FOS) were the prebiotic compounds able to prolong Lb. reuteri DSM 20016 cultivability. At 30 °C, a prolongation of the death time (more than 300 days) was observed, while the controls showed death time values about 100 days. At 45 °C, death time values increased from 32.2 (control) to 33, 35, and 38 days in the samples added with FOS, inulin and lactulose, respectively. Lactulose and FOS were chosen to be added to cream mini-cheeses inoculated with B. animalis subsp. lactis DSM 10140 and Lb. reuteri DSM 20016, respectively; the proposed functional cream cheese resulted in a product with favourable conditions for the viability of both probiotics which maintained cultivable cells above the recommended level during 28 days of storage at 4 °C with good sensory characteristics. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Book review, Igiene e Tecnologie degli Alimenti di Origine Animale Giampaolo Colavita (a cura di

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Igiene e Tecnologie degli Alimenti di Origine Animale si avvale del contributo di 33 autori, tutti soci dell’Associazione Italiana Veterinari Igienisti (AIVI, che garantiscono l’appropriata trattazione di una materia estremamente vasta e dinamica. Il manuale nasce da un’iniziativa finalizzata alla realizzazione di un testo che rifletta e possa soddisfare le esigenze didattiche degli insegnamenti di un’ampia serie di materie universitarie: Igiene e Tecnologie degli Alimenti di Origine Animale della Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria, di Agraria, nei corsi di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari, di Scienze e Tecnologie delle Produzioni Animali, nel corso di laurea in Tecniche della Prevenzione nell’ambiente e nei Luoghi di Lavoro, nonché in altri corsi di studio dove si insegnano le discipline relative all’igiene e alla sicurezza degli alimenti.Sono stati trattati gran parte degli alimenti di origine animale, i prodotti a base di carne, il latte e i prodotti derivati, i prodotti della pesca freschi e trasformati, i prodotti dell’alveare, le uova e gli ovoprodotti. Di particolare interesse appare il capitolo riguardante la diagnostica analitica degli alimenti, considerato che le moderne metodologie analitiche risultano fondamentali per affrontare le tematiche legate all’igiene e alla sicurezza alimentare.Il volume ha una finalità prevalentemente didattica ma è comunque rivolto a tutti coloro che operano nel campo dell’Igiene e delle Tecnologie Alimentari. Infatti, visti gli argomenti trattati come le tossinfezioni e le intossicazioni alimentari, la conservazione, il confezionamento e l’etichettatura dei prodotti alimentari, anche i professionisti del settore possono trarre dal testo elementi utili per la loro attività. Per esempio argomenti quali l’analisi del rischio, le attività di audit ed i sistemi di accreditamento e di certificazione sono particolarmente utili per chi opera nelle Aziende Sanitarie Locali e negli Istituti

  3. Animali, uomini, mostri : tenerezze e orrori per un’anima sulla soglia


    Maranini, Anna


    A partire dal simbolo dell’anima come raffi gurato in un’edizione cinquecentesca de l’Acerba di Cecco d’Ascoli, si offrono qui alcune testimonianze di ‘esseri volanti’ che si sono prestati a rappresentare l’anima che oltrepassa un limes, una soglia, a volte nella loro bona pars, a volte nella loro mala pars. Oltre ad associare l’anima ad animali che possiedono ali per natura o ad esseri alati immaginari, la letteratura medievale e rinascimentale ha dotato l’anima di ali anche quando l’ha raff...

  4. Obesity-associated gut microbiota is enriched in Lactobacillus reuteri and depleted in Bifidobacterium animalis and Methanobrevibacter smithii. (United States)

    Million, M; Maraninchi, M; Henry, M; Armougom, F; Richet, H; Carrieri, P; Valero, R; Raccah, D; Vialettes, B; Raoult, D


    Obesity is associated with increased health risk and has been associated with alterations in bacterial gut microbiota, with mainly a reduction in Bacteroidetes, but few data exist at the genus and species level. It has been reported that the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genus representatives may have a critical role in weight regulation as an anti-obesity effect in experimental models and humans, or as a growth-promoter effect in agriculture depending on the strains. To confirm reported gut alterations and test whether Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium species found in the human gut are associated with obesity or lean status, we analyzed the stools of 68 obese and 47 controls targeting Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Methanobrevibacter smithii, Lactococcus lactis, Bifidobacterium animalis and seven species of Lactobacillus by quantitative PCR (qPCR) and culture on a Lactobacillus-selective medium. In qPCR, B. animalis (odds ratio (OR)=0.63; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.39-1.01; P=0.056) and M. smithii (OR=0.76; 95% CI 0.59-0.97; P=0.03) were associated with normal weight whereas Lactobacillus reuteri (OR=1.79; 95% CI 1.03-3.10; P=0.04) was associated with obesity. The gut microbiota associated with human obesity is depleted in M. smithii. Some Bifidobacterium or Lactobacillus species were associated with normal weight (B. animalis) while others (L. reuteri) were associated with obesity. Therefore, gut microbiota composition at the species level is related to body weight and obesity, which might be of relevance for further studies and the management of obesity. These results must be considered cautiously because it is the first study to date that links specific species of Lactobacillus with obesity in humans.

  5. Remote transient Lactobacillus animalis bacteremia causing prosthetic hip joint infection: a case report. (United States)

    Somayaji, R; Lynch, T; Powell, J N; Gregson, D


    Lactobacillus spp. are uncommon pathogens in immunocompetent hosts, and even rarer causes of prosthetic device infections. A case of chronic hip prosthetic joint infection (PJI) caused by L. animalis is described. This occurred 5 years after a transient bacteremia with the same organism. Whole genome sequencing of both isolates proved this PJI infection resulted from this remote bacteremia. We document that prosthetic joint infections may be a consequence of bacteremia as much as 3 years before the onset of symptoms.

  6. Survival of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Bifidobacterium animalis in yoghurts made from commercial starter cultures during refrigerated storage

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    Eva Dudriková


    Full Text Available All over the world, fermented dairy products have been consumed for nutrition and maintenance of good health for a very long time. This study evaluated the survival of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12 in yoghurts after the manufacturing during the shelf-life up to 21 days at 4 °C, which is mostly accepted by the consumers. The titratable acidity and pH showed the same patterns of increase or decline after manufacturing and storage of yoghurts. There was a significant difference (p <0.05 in acidity between yoghurts in glass bottle and plastic cup. The increase in numbers of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and their survival during storage time were dependent on the species and strain of associative yoghurt bacteria (control-only yoghurt lactic acid bacteria and experimental containing except yoghurt culture also Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12 and on the packaging material (glass bottle versus plastic cup. It was observed, that counts of bifidobacteria were lower than counts of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus (190 to 434 x 107 at 1d and slowly increased (p <0.001 at maximum level on day 7 (294.3 - 754 x 107 and then slowly declined to 6.33 x 107 in glass bottle and 2.33 x 107 in plastic cups, respectively. Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus multiplied better in glass bottles than in plastic cups, as observed during experimental period in-group with Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12. At the end of the storage period at 4 ºC, viable counts of lactobacilli were higher (p <0.001 in glass bottles. Al the yoghurts, contained the recommended levels of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria (107 cfu.g-1 at the end of storage period (21 d. 

  7. Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis CNCM-I2494 Restores Gut Barrier Permeability in Chronically Low-Grade Inflamed Mice. (United States)

    Martín, Rebeca; Laval, Laure; Chain, Florian; Miquel, Sylvie; Natividad, Jane; Cherbuy, Claire; Sokol, Harry; Verdu, Elena F; van Hylckama Vlieg, Johan; Bermudez-Humaran, Luis G; Smokvina, Tamara; Langella, Philippe


    Growing evidence supports the efficacy of many probiotic strains in the management of gastrointestinal disorders associated with deregulated intestinal barrier function and/or structure. In particular, bifidobacteria have been studied for their efficacy to both prevent and treat a broad spectrum of animal and/or human gut disorders. The aim of the current work was thus to evaluate effects on intestinal barrier function of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis CNCM-I2494, a strain used in fermented dairy products. A chronic dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (DNBS)-induced low-grade inflammation model causing gut dysfunction in mice was used in order to study markers of inflammation, intestinal permeability, and immune function in the presence of the bacterial strain. In this chronic low-grade inflammation mice model several parameters pointed out the absence of an over active inflammation process. However, gut permeability, lymphocyte populations, and colonic cytokines were found to be altered. B. animalis ssp. lactis CNCM-I2494 was able to protect barrier functions by restoring intestinal permeability, colonic goblet cell populations, and cytokine levels. Furthermore, tight junction (TJ) proteins levels were also measured by qRT-PCR showing the ability of this strain to specifically normalize the level of several TJ proteins, in particular for claudin-4. Finally, B. lactis strain counterbalanced CD4(+) lymphocyte alterations in both spleen and mesenteric lymphoid nodes. It restores the Th1/Th2 ratio altered by the DNBS challenge (which locally augments CD4(+) Th1 cells) by increasing the Th2 response as measured by the increase in the production of major representative Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10). Altogether, these data suggest that B. animalis ssp. lactis CNCM-I2494 may efficiently prevent disorders associated with increased barrier permeability.

  8. Estudo da viabilidade de Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis em suco de Yacon


    Watanabe, Felipe Miguel Farion


    Resumo: A maioria dos produtos probióticos são elaborados à base de leite, com desvantagens aos consumidores intolerantes à lactose, tornando assim produtos probióticos não lácteos vantajosos. O yacon é uma planta que acumula em suas raízes compostos prebióticos conhecidos como frutooligossacarídeos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi produzir o suco de yacon e utilizá-lo como matriz não láctea para a bactéria probiótica Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis. O yacon apresentou rápido escurecimento...

  9. Remote transient Lactobacillus animalis bacteremia causing prosthetic hip joint infection: a case report

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    R. Somayaji


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Lactobacillus spp. are uncommon pathogens in immunocompetent hosts, and even rarer causes of prosthetic device infections. Case presentation A case of chronic hip prosthetic joint infection (PJI caused by L. animalis is described. This occurred 5 years after a transient bacteremia with the same organism. Whole genome sequencing of both isolates proved this PJI infection resulted from this remote bacteremia. Conclusions We document that prosthetic joint infections may be a consequence of bacteremia as much as 3 years before the onset of symptoms.

  10. Assessment of stress tolerance acquisition in the heat-tolerant derivative strains of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. (United States)

    Aakko, J; Sánchez, B; Gueimonde, M; Salminen, S


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the heat-shock response at molecular level in Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and their heat-tolerant derivatives and to characterize the changes that make the derivatives more robust in terms of heat stress. The study strains were exposed for 2 h to a heat-shock treatment, Bif. animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and its derivative at 50°C and the Lact. rhamnosus GG and its derivative at 60°C. Protein synthesis before and after heat shock was examined using proteomics and RT-qPCR. The analysis revealed that the regulation of seven proteins in both strain pairs was modified as a response to heat or between the original and the derivative strain. The comparison of wild-type strains and the heat-tolerant derivatives suggests that the acquisition of heat tolerance in the Bif. animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 derivative is due to a slightly increased constitutive level of chaperones, while in Lact. rhamnosus GG derivative, the main reason seems to be a higher ability to induce the production of chaperones. This study revealed possible markers of heat tolerance in B. lactis and Lact. rhamnosus strains. This study increases our knowledge on how Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains may acquire heat tolerance. These findings may be useful for improving the heat tolerance of existing probiotic strains as well as screening new heat-tolerant strains. © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  11. I mostri dell’Occidente medievale: fonti e diffusione di razze umane mostruose, ibridi ed animali fantastici


    Sebenico, Sara


    Nell'Occidente medievale i mostri sono ovunque: nei bestiari, nella letteratura di viaggio, nelle enciclopedie, nei romanzi, ma anche nei sermoni recitati in Chiesa. I mostri sono diffusissimi nell'arte, in particolare nel periodo romanico e gotico nella scultura religiosa e nella miniatura. I mostri nel Medioevo comprendono le razze umane mostruose, come cinocefali e acefali, gli animali fantastici come grifone, basilisco, unicorno e gli ibridi, ma c'erano anche ibridi vegetali, come l'anatr...

  12. Prefazione—aspetti relativi al benessere animale nel trasporto a lunga distanza

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    Gardner Murray


    Full Text Available Il trasporto di animali all'interno dello stesso paese e tra paesi, regioni e continenti si incrementa significativamente e si evolve nella sua natura. Le statistiche dell'International Trade Centre of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the World Trade Organization mostrano che il valore del commercio mondiale di animali vivi ammontava a 8,7 bilioni di dollari americani nel 2000 e a 12,1 bilioni di dollari americani nel 2005. Questa cifra già enorme aumenterebbe se fossero presi in considerazione gli animali degli zoo, la fauna selvatica e il traffico illecito.La storia del trasporto animale risale a migliaia di anni fa. Resta tutt'oggi molto praticato però con le misure appropriate a tutela del benessere degli animali. Nel 21mo secolo, quello che cambia è la natura stessa del trasporto (terra, aria e mare, il volume di traffico e la coscienza sociale a proposito di tematiche come il benessere e la richiesta che gli animali vengano trattati in maniera umana e conformemente ai più opportuni sistemi moderni. Questo ha incrementato i volumi dei trasporti creando una condizione senza precedenti per quanto riguarda il rischio di diffusione di malattie infettive, incluse quelle trasmissibili all'uomo.Il centro dell'interesse pubblico sul benessere animale riguarda fattori come la carenza di infrastrutture e di investimenti per quando riguarda la formazione, la ricerca e il miglioramento degli standard, così come l'indifferenza e la negligenza. Le ditte per il trasporto di animali vivi vengono diffidate quando non provvedono a queste mancanze.Fortunatamente, un numero di paesi ha anticipato queste problematiche ed ha introdotto una serie di attività a supporto di pratiche atte a migliorare il benessere degli animali. Molti hanno ammesso la chiara connessione tra benessere animale, sanità e pratiche d'allevamento, ed hanno istituito una politica adatta a ricomprendere queste attività all'interno di un servizio pubblico

  13. Structural basis for arabinoxylo‐oligosaccharide capture by the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bl‐04

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Ejby; Fredslund, Folmer; Vujicic‐Zagar, Andreja


    Glycan utilization plays a key role in modulating the composition of the gut microbiota, but molecular insight into oligosaccharide uptake by this microbial community is lacking. Arabinoxylo‐oligosaccharides (AXOS) are abundant in the diet, and are selectively fermented by probiotic bifidobacteria...... in the colon. Here we show how selectivity for AXOS uptake is established by the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bl‐04. The binding protein BlAXBP, which is associated with an ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporter that mediates the uptake of AXOS, displays an exceptionally broad...

  14. Identification of Lactobacillus curvatus TMW 1.624 dextransucrase and comparative characterization with Lactobacillus reuteri TMW 1.106 and Lactobacillus animalis TMW 1.971 dextransucrases. (United States)

    Rühmkorf, Christine; Bork, Christian; Mischnick, Petra; Rübsam, Heinrich; Becker, Thomas; Vogel, Rudi F


    Recently, it was affirmed that the exopolysaccharides (EPSs) of Lactobacillus curvatus TMW 1.624, Lactobacillus reuteri TMW 1.106 and Lactobacillus animalis TMW 1.971 improve the quality of gluten-free breads and that they can be produced in situ to levels enabling baking applications. In this study we provide insight into the molecular and biochemical background of EPS production of these three strains. EPS formation strongly correlated with growth and took place during the exponential phase. Gtf genes were heterologously expressed, purified and their enzymatic properties as well as the structures of the EPSs formed were compared. Structural comparison of EPS formed by heterologously expressed glucosyltransferases (Gtfs) and of those formed by the wildtype lactobacilli confirmed that the respective genes/enzymes were identified and examined. The glucan formed by L. animalis Gtf was identified as a linear low molecular weight dextran. Optimal enzymatic conditions were pH 4.4 and 45 °C for the L. reuteri Gtf and pH 4.4 and 31 °C for L. curvatus Gtf. The Gtf from L. animalis had an optimal pH of 5.8 and displayed more than 50% of activity over a broad temperature profile (22-59 °C). The three Gtfs were stimulated by various mono- and divalent metal ions, dextran, as well as levan to different extents. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Effects of Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen on the Growth of Selected Probiotic Bacteria (Bf. animalis Spp. Lactis, L. acidophilus and L. casei

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    Guldas Metin


    Full Text Available In this research article, the effects of bee pollen and royal jelly on the selected probiotic bacteria, as growth factors, were investigated. The probiotic cultures were activated in MRS broth at 37°C. Then, bee pollen and royal jelly (10 mg/100 μL, 25 mg/250 μL, 50 mg/500 μL, 75 mg/750 μL, and 100 mg/1000 μL were added on the probiotic cultures in MRS broth and sampled at 0, 24, and 48 hours of incubation. The medias used for enumeration of the probiotic cultures were RCA (Reinforced Clostridial Agar for Bf. animalis spp. lactis, MRS (deMann, Rogosa and Sharpe Agar with D-sorbitol for Lb. acidophilus and MRS-Vancomycine Agar for Lb. casei. The lactic acid production by Lb. acidophilus, Lb. casei, and Bf. animalis spp. lactis, and acetic acid production by Bf. animalis spp. lactis, were determined to compare the bacterial proliferation. The probiotic cultures were mainly affected by the bee pollen and royal jelly during the first 24 hours. The changes observed in the number of probiotic counts between 24 and 48 hours were not significant, statistically (P<0.05. Generally, the probiotic bacterial counts increased parallel to the concentration of bee pollen or royal jelly up to 75mg, and remained unchanged above this concentration. In terms of lactic acid production and bacterial growth, the most significant growth was observed on Lb. acidophilus when bee pollen or royal jelly was added.

  16. Purification and Molecular Characterization of the Novel Highly Potent Bacteriocin TSU4 Produced by Lactobacillus animalis TSU4. (United States)

    Sahoo, Tapasa Kumar; Jena, Prasant Kumar; Patel, Amiya Kumar; Seshadri, Sriram


    Bacterial infections causing fish diseases and spoilage during fish food processing and storage are major concerns in aquaculture. Use of bacteriocins has recently been considered as an effective strategy for prevention of bacterial infections. A novel bacteriocin produced by Catla catla gut isolates, Lactobacillus animalis TSU4, designated as bacteriocin TSU4 was purified to homogeneity by a three-step protocol. The molecular mass of bacteriocin TSU4 was 4117 Da determined by Q-TOF LC/MS analysis. Its isoelectric point was ~9. Secondary conformation obtained by circular dichroism spectroscopy showed molecular conformation with significant proportions of the structure in α-helix (23.7 %) and β-sheets (17.1 %). N-terminal sequencing was carried out by the Edman degradation method; partial sequence identified was NH2-SMSGFSKPHD. Bacteriocin TSU4 exhibited a wide range of antimicrobial activity, pH and thermal stability. It showed a bacteriocidal mode of action against the indicator strain Aeromonas hydrophila MTCC 646. Bacteriocin TSU4 is the first reported bacteriocin produced by fish isolate Lactobacillus animalis. The characterization of bacteriocin TSU4 suggested that it is a novel bacteriocin with potential value against infections of bacteria such as A. hydrophila MTCC 646 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 1688 and application to prevent spoilage during food preservation.

  17. Extraction of the same novel homoglycan mixture from two different strains of Bifidobacterium animalis and three strains of Bifidobacterium breve. (United States)

    Alhudhud, M; Sadiq, S; Ngo, H N; Hidalgo-Cantabrana, C; Ruas-Madiedo, P; van Sinderen, D; Humphreys, P N; Laws, A P


    Three strains of Bifidobacterium breve (JCM 7017, JCM 7019 and JCM 2258) and two strains of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (AD011 and A1dOxR) were grown in broth cultures or on plates, and a standard exopolysaccharide extraction method was used in an attempt to recover exocellular polysaccharides. When the extracted materials were analysed by NMR it was clear that mixtures of polysaccharides were being isolated including exopolysaccharides (EPS) cell wall polysaccharides and intracellular polysaccharides. Treatment of the cell biomass from the B. breve strains, or the B. animalis subsp. lactis AD011 strain, with aqueous sodium hydroxide provided a very similar mixture of polysaccharides but without the EPS. The different polysaccharides were partially fractionated by selective precipitation from an aqueous solution upon the addition of increasing percentages of ethanol. The polysaccharides extracted from B. breve JCM 7017 grown in HBM media supplemented with glucose (or isotopically labelled D-glucose-1- 13 C) were characterised using 1D and 2D-NMR spectroscopy. Addition of one volume of ethanol generated a medium molecular weight glycogen (Mw=1×10 5 Da, yield 200 mg/l). The addition of two volumes of ethanol precipitated an intimate mixture of a low molecular weight β-(1→6)-glucan and a low molecular weight β-(1→6)-galactofuranan which could not be separated (combined yield 46 mg/l). When labelled D-glucose-1- 13 C was used as a carbon supplement, the label was incorporated into >95% of the anomeric carbons of each polysaccharide confirming they were being synthesised in situ. Similar 1 H NMR profiles were obtained for polysaccharides recovered from the cells of B. animalis subsp. lactis AD011and A1dOxR (in combination with an EPS), B. breve JCM 7017, B. breve JCM 7019, B. breve JCM 2258 and from an EPS (-ve) mutant of B. breve 7017 (a non-EPS producer).

  18. Development of a rapid SNP-typing assay to differentiate Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis strains used in probiotic-supplemented dairy products. (United States)

    Lomonaco, Sara; Furumoto, Emily J; Loquasto, Joseph R; Morra, Patrizia; Grassi, Ausilia; Roberts, Robert F


    Identification at the genus, species, and strain levels is desirable when a probiotic microorganism is added to foods. Strains of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis (BAL) are commonly used worldwide in dairy products supplemented with probiotic strains. However, strain discrimination is difficult because of the high degree of genome identity (99.975%) between different genomes of this subspecies. Typing of monomorphic species can be carried out efficiently by targeting informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). Findings from a previous study analyzing both reference and commercial strains of BAL identified SNP that could be used to discriminate common strains into 8 groups. This paper describes development of a minisequencing assay based on the primer extension reaction (PER) targeting multiple SNP that can allow strain differentiation of BAL. Based on previous data, 6 informative SNP were selected for further testing, and a multiplex preliminary PCR was optimized to amplify the DNA regions containing the selected SNP. Extension primers (EP) annealing immediately adjacent to the selected SNP were developed and tested in simplex and multiplex PER to evaluate their performance. Twenty-five strains belonging to 9 distinct genomic clusters of B. animalis ssp. lactis were selected and analyzed using the developed minisequencing assay, simultaneously targeting the 6 selected SNP. Fragment analysis was subsequently carried out in duplicate and demonstrated that the assay yielded 8 specific profiles separating the most commonly used commercial strains. This novel multiplex PER approach provides a simple, rapid, flexible SNP-based subtyping method for proper characterization and identification of commercial probiotic strains of BAL from fermented dairy products. To assess the usefulness of this method, DNA was extracted from yogurt manufactured with and without the addition of B. animalis ssp. lactis BB-12. Extracted DNA was then subjected to the minisequencing

  19. Effects of the Food Manufacturing Chain on the Viability and Functionality of Bifidobacterium animalis through Simulated Gastrointestinal Conditions. (United States)

    Charnchai, Pattra; Jantama, Sirima Suvarnakuta; Prasitpuriprecha, Chutinun; Kanchanatawee, Sunthorn; Jantama, Kaemwich


    The viability and functionality of probiotics may be influenced by industrial production processes resulting in a decrease in probiotic efficiency that benefit the health of humans. This study aimed to investigate the probiotic characteristics of Bifidobacterium strains isolated from fecal samples of healthy Thai infants. In the present work, three local strains (BF014, BF052, and BH053) belonging to Bifidobacterium animalis showed a great resistance against conditions simulating the gastrointestinal tract. Among these, B. animalis BF052 possessed considerable probiotic properties, including high acid and bile tolerance, strong adhesion capability to Caco-2 cells, and inhibitory activity against pathogens including Salmonella typhimurium and Vibrio cholerae. This strain also exhibited a high survival rate compared to commercial strains during storage in a wide variety of products, including pasteurized milk, soy milk, drinking yogurt, and orange juice. The impact of food processing processes as well as the freeze-drying process, storage of freeze-dried powders, and incorporation of freeze-dried cells in food matrix on probiotic properties was also determined. The stability of the probiotic properties of the BF052 strain was not affected by food processing chain, especially its resistance in the simulated gastrointestinal conditions and its adherence ability to Caco-2 cells. It indicates that it satisfies the criteria as a potential probiotic and may be used as an effective probiotic starter in food applications.

  20. Grado di cheratinizzazione dell'epitelio ruminale e valutazione dello stato corporeo in ovini tenuti su pascoli di Brachypodium rupestre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Scocco


    Full Text Available L'articolo valuta e mette in correlazione i cambiamenti del grado di cheratinizzazione della mucosa ruminale con lo stato corporeo di ovini tenuti a pascolare per 20 giorni in un'area ad elevata copertura di paléo rupestre (Brachypodium rupestre. Il pascolo degli ovini in queste aree riduce il rischio di incendi boschivi. Tuttavia, l'assunzione di Brachypodium rupestre protratta per lunghi periodi può compromettere la salute generale degli animali. Lo scopo di questo studio è di determinare il periodo massimo di permanenza degli animali in queste aree. Ovini mantenuti su un pascolo semi-mesofilo sono stati utilizzati come gruppo di controllo. Nei giorni 1, 10 e 20 della sperimentazione, 5 animali di ogni gruppo sono stati sacrificati per la valutazione delle modificazioni del grado di cheratinizzazione dell'epitelio dell'atrio e del sacco ventrale del rumine. La valutazione dello stato corporeo, o body condition score (BCS, e il peso vivo (PV sono stati monitorati su altri 10 soggetti per gruppo. Il gruppo di controllo ha mostrato piccole variazioni del grado di cheratinizzazione del rumine che non hanno inciso negativamente sul BCS o sul PV. Il gruppo sperimentale ha mostrato un significativo incremento del grado di cheratinizzazione, già entro i primi dieci giorni, che ha portato ad un graduale abbassamento del BCS e ad un calo di peso tra il decimo e il ventesimo giorno. I dati ottenuti suggeriscono che al fine della prevenzione degli incendi boschivi gli ovini dovrebbero essere utilizzati a turno con periodi di permanenza nei pascoli ad alta copertura di Brachypodium rupestre non superiori ai 10-12 giorni.

  1. CTD data from the northeast Atlantic Ocean 22 deg N - 33 deg N, 19 deg W - 24 deg W, July 1983 during RRS DISCOVERY Cruises 138, 139

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saunders, P.M.; Manning, A.


    This report presents lists and graphs of CTD data obtained aboard RRS Discovery during July 1983. A series of approximately 27 stations were made in the vicinity of 32 deg 30' N 20 deg W, 150 miles West of Madeira, in support of an experiment to investigate the benthic boundary layer on the lower continental rise (in water depths approximately 4000 to 5000 m). South of this location stations were occupied along longitude 24 deg W culminating in a series on the lower continental rise near 23 deg N. All CTD data were reconciled with reversing thermometer observations and with measurements of salinity and dissolved oxygen derived from samples. (author)

  2. Compensated-power differential calorimeter -196 deg. C/400 deg. C; Calorimetre differentiel a puissance compensee -196 deg. C/400 deg. C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bonjour, E; Pierre, J; Agagliate, S; Bertrand, P; Faivre, J; Lagnier, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires, Section physico-chimie et basses temperatures


    A differential calorimetric device of original design is described. Its allows direct measurements of thermal effects (adsorption or release) during a linear rise of temperature. The self compensated power method which is applied by means of a very sensitive control system, gives a direct value of the different heat capacity between the sample and a dummy of it. The detection threshold is about {+-} 100 micro-watts to {+-} 250 micro-watts. Applications: - Generally measurements of enthalpy changes of massive or powdered samples. - Measurement of Wigner energy after low temperature irradiation (77 deg. K). - Measurements of energy release in low temperature (77 deg. K) cold worked metals. (authors) [French] On decrit un dispositif de calorimetrie differentielle, de conception originale, qui permet de mesurer directement des effets thermiques en absorption ou en degagement de chaleur, au cours d'une montee en temperature lineaire. La methode de compensation automatique de puissance qui est mise en oeuvre au moyen de cha es d'asservissement tres sensibles, conduit a une determination directe de la capacite calorifique differencielle entre l'echantillon et sa reference. Le seuil de detection est de l'ordre de {+-} 100 a {+-} 250 microwatts. Applications: - D'une facon generale, mesure des variations enthalpiques, sur echantillons massifs ou en poudre. - Mesure de l'energie Wigner apres irradiation a basse temperature (77 deg. K). - Mesure de l'energie restauree apres deformation des metaux a basse temperature (77 deg. K). (auteurs)

  3. Allostery Is an Intrinsic Property of the Protease Domain of DegS Implications for Enzyme Function and Evolution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sohn, Jungsan; Grant, Robert A.; Sauer, Robert T. (MIT)


    DegS is a periplasmic Escherichia coli protease, which functions as a trimer to catalyze the initial rate-limiting step in a proteolytic cascade that ultimately activates transcription of stress response genes in the cytoplasm. Each DegS subunit consists of a protease domain and a PDZ domain. During protein folding stress, DegS is allosterically activated by peptides exposed in misfolded outer membrane porins, which bind to the PDZ domain and stabilize the active protease. It is not known whether allostery is conferred by the PDZ domains or is an intrinsic feature of the trimeric protease domain. Here, we demonstrate that free DegS{sup {Delta}PDZ} equilibrates between active and inactive trimers with the latter species predominating. Substrate binding stabilizes active DegS{sup {Delta}PDZ} in a positively cooperative fashion. Mutations can also stabilize active DegS{sup {Delta}PDZ} and produce an enzyme that displays hyperbolic kinetics and degrades substrate with a maximal velocity within error of that for fully activated, intact DegS. Crystal structures of multiple DegS{sup {Delta}PDZ} variants, in functional and non-functional conformations, support a two-state model in which allosteric switching is mediated by changes in specific elements of tertiary structure in the context of an invariant trimeric base. Overall, our results indicate that protein substrates must bind sufficiently tightly and specifically to the functional conformation of DegS{sup {Delta}PDZ} to assist their own degradation. Thus, substrate binding alone may have regulated the activities of ancestral DegS trimers with subsequent fusion of the protease domain to a PDZ domain, resulting in ligand-mediated regulation.

  4. Cloning and sequencing the degS-degU operon from an alkalophilic Bacillus-brevis

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Louw, M


    Full Text Available of Microbiology, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch 7700, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa al. 1989). Similarities were found between DegS and the histidine protein kinase family and between DegU and the response... and evaluate its effect on extracellular enzyme production. Materials and methods Strains and plasmids Transformation The polyethylene-glycol-induced protoplast transformation pro- cedure of Chang and Cohen (1979) was used...

  5. Bacillus subtilis Two-Component System Sensory Kinase DegS Is Regulated by Serine Phosphorylation in Its Input Domain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jers, Carsten; Kobir, Ahasanul; Søndergaard, Elsebeth Oline


    Bacillus subtilis two-component system DegS/U is well known for the complexity of its regulation. The cytosolic sensory kinase DegS does not receive a single predominant input signal like most two-component kinases, instead it integrates a wide array of metabolic inputs that modulate its activity......S phosphorylation can be carried out by at least two B. subtilis Hanks-type kinases in vitro, and this stimulates the phosphate transfer towards DegU. The consequences of this process were studied in vivo, using phosphomimetic (Ser76Asp) and non-phosphorylatable (Ser76Ala) mutants of DegS. In a number...

  6. Compensated-power differential calorimeter -196 deg. C/400 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonjour, E.; Pierre, J.; Agagliate, S.; Bertrand, P.; Faivre, J.; Lagnier, R.


    A differential calorimetric device of original design is described. Its allows direct measurements of thermal effects (adsorption or release) during a linear rise of temperature. The self compensated power method which is applied by means of a very sensitive control system, gives a direct value of the different heat capacity between the sample and a dummy of it. The detection threshold is about ± 100 micro-watts to ± 250 micro-watts. Applications: - Generally measurements of enthalpy changes of massive or powdered samples. - Measurement of Wigner energy after low temperature irradiation (77 deg. K). - Measurements of energy release in low temperature (77 deg. K) cold worked metals. (authors) [fr

  7. Reaction π-p→X deg n, X deg → 2γ at momenta 15 and 40 GeV/c

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Apel, W.D.; Bertolucci, E; Donskov, S.V.


    The cross sections for reaction π - p→X deg n with X deg → 2γ decay have been measured at momenta 15 and 40 GeV/c. About 500 events have been detected. A hodoscope spectrometer with the computer on-line was used to detect photon pairs. t-dependence of differential cross section has been obtained similar to that of reaction π - p→eta deg n. From the ratio of differential cross section for X deg and eta deg production at t=0 an angle of the singlet-octet mixing of pseudoscalar mesons has been found to be equal to β=-19 deg

  8. Global map of lithosphere thermal thickness on a 1 deg x 1 deg grid - digitally available

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Artemieva, Irina


    with no or low quality heat flow data. This analysis requires knowledge oflithosphere age globally.A compilation of tectono-thermal ages of lithospheric terranes on a 1 deg 1 deg grid forms the basis forthe statistical analysis. It shows that, statistically, lithospheric thermal thickness z (in km) depends......This presentation reports a 1 deg 1 deg global thermal model for the continental lithosphere (TC1). The modelis digitally available from the author’s web-site: for continental terranes of different ages (early Archean to present) are constrained by reliabledata...... on borehole heat flow measurements (Artemieva and Mooney, 2001), checked with the original publicationsfor data quality, and corrected for paleo-temperature effects where needed. These data are supplemented bycratonic geotherms based on xenolith data.Since heat flow measurements cover not more than half...

  9. The 480 deg. C and 405 deg. C isothermal sections of the phase diagram of Fe-Zn-Si ternary system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang Jianhua [Institute of Materials Research, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiangtan University, Hunan 411105 (China)]. E-mail:; Su Xuping [Institute of Materials Research, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiangtan University, Hunan 411105 (China); Yin Fucheng [Institute of Materials Research, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiangtan University, Hunan 411105 (China); Li Zhi [Institute of Materials Research, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiangtan University, Hunan 411105 (China); Zhao Manxiu [Institute of Materials Research, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xiangtan University, Hunan 411105 (China)


    The 480 deg. C and 405 deg. C isothermal sections of the Fe-Zn-Si ternary phase diagram have been determined experimentally using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffractometry. The research of the work has concentrated on the Zn-rich corner, which is relevant to general galvanizing. The present studies have confirmed the existence of equilibrium state between the liquid, the {zeta} phase and the FeSi phase at the 480 deg. C isothermal section. There exist some changes in the phase relationships compared with the isothermal section at 450 deg. C. Experimental results indicate that Si solubility in all four Zn-Fe compounds is also limited at 480 deg. C and 405 deg. C.

  10. Combined Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 Grown on Xylo-Oligosaccharides and a Model of Their Utilization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gilad, Ofir; Jacobsen, Susanne; Stuer-Lauridsen, B.


    -documented and widely used probiotic strain B. animalis subsp. lactis BB-12, a combined proteomic and transcriptomic approach was applied, involving DNA microarrays, real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR), and two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) analyses of samples obtained from cultures grown on either...... of these (beta-D-xylosidase, sugar-binding protein, and xylose isomerase) showed higher abundance on XOS. Based on the obtained results, a model for the catabolism of XOS in BB-12 is suggested, according to which the strain utilizes an ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transport system (probably for oligosaccharides...

  11. Effects of synbiotic fermented milk containing Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12 on the fecal microbiota of adults with irritable bowel syndrome: A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (United States)

    Bogovič Matijašić, Bojana; Obermajer, Tanja; Lipoglavšek, Luka; Sernel, Tjaša; Locatelli, Igor; Kos, Mitja; Šmid, Alenka; Rogelj, Irena


    We conducted a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentric study to investigate the influence of a synbiotic fermented milk on the fecal microbiota composition of 30 adults with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The synbiotic product contained Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12, Streptococcus thermophilus, and dietary fiber (90% inulin, 10% oligofructose), and a heat-treated fermented milk without probiotic bacteria or dietary fiber served as placebo. Stool samples were collected after a run-in period, a 4-wk consumption period, and a 1-wk follow-up period, and were subjected to real-time PCR and 16S rDNA profiling by next-generation sequencing. After 4wk of synbiotic (11 subjects) or placebo (19 subjects) consumption, a greater increase in DNA specific for L. acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis was detected in the feces of the synbiotic group compared with the placebo group by quantitative real-time PCR. After 1wk of follow-up, the content of L. acidophilus La-5 and B. animalis ssp. lactis decreased to levels close to initial levels. No significant changes with time or differences between the groups were observed for Lactobacillus, Enterobacteriaceae, Bifidobacterium, or all bacteria. The presence of viable BB-12- and La-5-like bacteria in the feces resulting from the intake of synbiotic product was confirmed by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR. At the end of consumption period, the feces of all subjects assigned to the synbiotic group contained viable bacteria with a BB-12-like RAPD profile, and after 1wk of follow-up, BB-12-like bacteria remained in the feces of 87.5% of these subjects. The presence of La-5-like colonies was observed less frequently (37.5 and 25% of subjects, respectively). Next-generation sequencing of 16S rDNA amplicons revealed that only the percentage of sequences assigned to Strep. thermophilus was temporarily increased in both groups, whereas the

  12. Nitrogen dioxide column content measurements made from an aircraft between 5 deg and 82 deg N

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matthews, W A


    In the first two weeks of May 1981, the research jet of the German Aerospace Research Estlablishment (DFVLR) was charted to fly a meridional section between 5 deg and 82 deg N. A scanning filter photometer, developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Aeronomie to measure column content values of atmospheric ozone and nitrogen dioxide, using ultraviolet and visible absorption techniques, constituted part of the experimental payload for this campaign that was called SIMOC. The vertical NO2 column content above the aircraft, flying at approximately 10 km, was found to decrease rapidly from 6.9 x 10 to the 15th molecules/sq cm to 2.5 x 10 to the 15th molecules/sq cm around 50 deg N and then to increase again north of 75 deg N. A sharp rise in the NO2 content was observed south of the subtropical jet but this could possibly be due to the increased depth of the troposphere above the aircraft in these regions. 8 references.

  13. Exopolysaccharide-producing Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis strains and their polymers elicit different responses on immune cells from blood and gut associated lymphoid tissue. (United States)

    Hidalgo-Cantabrana, Claudio; Nikolic, Milica; López, Patricia; Suárez, Ana; Miljkovic, Marija; Kojic, Milan; Margolles, Abelardo; Golic, Natasa; Ruas-Madiedo, Patricia


    The effect of exopolysaccharide (EPS) producing bifidobacteria, and the EPS derived thereof, on the modulation of immune response was evaluated. Cells isolated from gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) and from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of naïve rats were used. The proliferation and cytokine production of these immune cells in the presence of the three isogenic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis strains (A1, A1dOx and A1dOxR), as well as their purified polymers, were in vitro analysed. The cytokine pattern produced by immune cells isolated from GALT showed that most levels remained stable in the presence of the three strains or their corresponding polymers. However, in PBMC the UV-inactivated bacteria induced higher levels of the ratios IFNγ/IL-17, TNFα/IL-10 and TNFα/TGFβ, and no variation in the ratio IFNγ/IL-4. Thus, B. animalis subsp. lactis strains were able to activate blood monocytes as well as T lymphocytes towards a mild inflammatory Th1 response. Furthermore, only the EPS-A1dOxR was able to stimulate a response in a similar way than its EPS-producing bacterium. Our work supports the notion that some bifidobacterial EPS could play a role in mediating the dialog of these microorganisms with the immune system. In addition, this study emphasizes the effect that the origin of the immune cells has in results obtained; this could explain the great amount of contradiction found in literature about the immunomodulation capability of EPS from probiotic bacteria. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Comparison of temperature standards. 800 deg C to 1500 deg C (radiation pyrometers). Pt. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jimenez Rebagliati, M.; Hildebrand, E.; Tischler, M.


    A comparison between implementations of the temperature scale (IPTS-68) between 800 deg C to 1500 deg C was made at the Department of Physics and Metrology at INTI, using pyrometric lamps with a tungsten filament which were calibrated at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). The purpose of this analysis was the detection of possible systematic errors as well as the evaluation of the uncertainty limit. (Author) [es

  15. Fisica degli atomi e dei nuclei

    CERN Document Server

    Bernardini, Carlo


    Evidenza della struttura atomica della materia ; le proprietà degli atomi e la meccanica atomica ; gli atomi e le radiazioni elettromagnetiche ; struttura microscopica dello stato gassoso ; struttura microscopica dello stato liquido ; struttura microscopica della stato solido ; proprietà elettriche e magnetiche delle sostanze ; proprietà dei nuclei degli atomi ; le particelle elementari.

  16. Uso dello spazio da parte dello scoiattolo comune (Sciurus vulgaris in bosco di conifere

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Adamo


    Full Text Available Nell?ambito di un progetto di ricerca sull?ecologia dello scoiattolo comune in boschi di conifere delle Alpi, abbiamo avviato uno studio con la radiotelemetria per indagare i fattori che influiscono sull?uso dello spazio da parte degli animali. I risultati riportati nel presente lavoro si riferiscono a due anni successivi caratterizzati da una diversa disponibilità alimentare. L?area di studio si trovava nel Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso, in Val di Rhemes, all?interno di una pecceta subalpina (Picea abies 85%, Larix decidua 11%, alberi morti 4%. La produzione energetica del bosco (semi delle conifere è stata valutata moltiplicando il n. di piante per ettaro x il n. medio di coni prodotti (contati su 60 alberi campione x il n. medio di semi per cono x il peso medio dei semi, trasformando poi la biomassa in Mj. Le catture sono state effettuate tre volte l?anno nel 2001 e 2002 con 30 trappole incruente Tomahawk tipo 201. Diciotto scoiattoli nel 2001 e 13 nel 2002 sono stati dotati di radiocollare (PD-2C Holohil Systems Ltd. e seguiti in estate e autunno. Sono stati calcolati i seguenti parametri: home range MCP 100%, MCP 95% (animali con singole escursioni, 100% Cluster-based (animali che usavano differenti aree di attività; stime delle core-area mono e multinucleari effettuate con la tecnica della Cluster Analysis 85%; sovrapposizione delle core-area. Nel 2001, all?inizio dell?estate, 4 maschi su 8 e 7 femmine su 8 sono emigrati nella valle adiacente o a quote più basse. Nel 2002, tutti gli individui sono rimasti residenti. La dimensione media degli home range stagionali nel 2001 è stata di 83,30 ± 48,72 ha (n = 30 contro 31,04 ± 16,65 ha (n = 19 nel 2002, la media delle core-area è stata 18,18 ± 17,74 ha nel 2001 e 9,36 ± 5,40 ha in 2002 (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA: home range H = 22,6; g.l. = 1, P < 0,0001; core-area H = 4,55, g.l. = 1, P = 0,033. La sovrapposizione delle core-area maschio/femmina e femmina/maschio

  17. Toxicokinetics of diethylene glycol (DEG) in the rat. (United States)

    Heilmair, R; Lenk, W; Löhr, D


    Oral doses of 1 and 5 ml/kg 14C-diethylene glycol (DEG) given to rats were rapidly and almost completely absorbed, the invasion constants being 2.95 h-1 and 4.24 h-1. The kinetics of invasion were determined with the method of residuals (Rowland and Tozer 1989) and by reconstruction of the invasion curves according to Kübler (1970). 14C-DEG was rapidly distributed from the blood into the organs and tissues in the order kidneys > brain > spleen > liver > muscle > fat, i.e. the same order as the blood flow. The relative volume of distribution, app. VD, was determined at 298 ml, indicating distribution over the whole body. After oral doses of 1, 5, and 10 ml 14C-DEG/kg 64, 87, and 91% of 14C activity in rat blood disappeared in 12-16 h with a half-life of 3.4 h and the remaining 9, 5, and 4% with half-lives of 39 h, 45 h, and 49 h. A total of 73-96% of 14C activity in blood was excreted with the urine and 0.7-2.2% with the faeces. From the cumulative urinary excretion kinetics half-lives of 6 h were determined for doses of 1 and 5 ml/kg and 10 h for the dose of 10 ml/kg. After doses of 5 ml/kg and 10 ml/kg 14C-DEG semi-logarithmic plots of elimination rate versus time were constant for 5 and 9 h, respectively, indicating that DEG accelerated its renal elimination by inducing osmotic diuresis. Thereafter urinary excretion followed first order kinetics with elimination half-lives of 3.6 h. After oral doses of 5 ml/kg 14C-DEG given to rats of 336 g body weight with an app. VD of 297 ml, the total clearance of 14C activity was determined at 63 ml/h, and the renal clearance of unmetabolized DEG was 66 ml/h. The ratio of ClDEG to Cl(inulin) = 0.64 indicated that DEG and its metabolite 2-hydroxyethoxyacetate (2-HEAA) were reabsorbed from the tubuli into the blood capillaries. DEG produced metabolic acidosis, which was completely balanced after doses of 1 and 5 ml/kg, but doses greater than 10 ml/kg produced non-compensated metabolic acidosis, hydropic degeneration of the

  18. Experimental alteration of R7T7 glass in salt brines at 90 deg C and 150 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godon, N.; Vernaz, E.; Gin, S.; Beaufort, D.; Thomassin, J.H.


    Static experiments have been developed to investigate the R7T7 glass corrosion in four natural salt brines (brines 1 and 3: pure halite, brines 2 and 4: high Mg, K fluid inclusions rich halite), at 90 deg C and 150 deg C with 0.7 cm -1 S/V ratio and at 11 different running times. Analysis of brines after alteration (pHmeter and ICP) added to a detailed study of the crystalline phases developed at the interface glass-brine (XRD,SEM and Microprobe), showed that the influence of the compositional difference is more important on the nature of the secondary phases formed than on the corrosion rate of the glass. After 91 days of alteration at 150 deg C stady states to be reached (after 40 days at 90 deg C). A long term experiment (1 year) is necessary to confirm this hypothesis. 7 refs., 7 figs., 2 tabs

  19. Probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis Bl-04 interactions with prebiotic carbohydrates using differential proteomics and protein characterization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Ejby

    of probiotics, primarily non-digestible carbohydrates, are termed prebiotics. The knowledge of prebiotic utilization and in particular the specificities of carbohydrate transport and metabolism are limited, hampering robust understanding for the basis of selective utilization of known prebiotics...... and the discovery and documentation of novel ones. In this project we set out to investigate the metabolism of carbohydrates that are prebiotic or potential prebiotic compounds utilized by the probiotic organisms Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM (NCFM) and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BL-04 (Bl-04). The aim...... of this Ph.D. thesis was the study of probiotic NCFM and Bl-04 interaction with prebiotic carbohydrates using differential proteomics and protein characterization. Proteomics is a potential omics tool to investigate probiotic bacteria and its response to prebiotic carbohydrates at the protein level...

  20. Global map of lithosphere thermal thickness on a 1 deg x 1 deg grid - digitally available (United States)

    Artemieva, Irina


    This presentation reports a 1 deg ×1 deg global thermal model for the continental lithosphere (TC1). The model is digitally available from the author's web-site: Geotherms for continental terranes of different ages (early Archean to present) are constrained by reliable data on borehole heat flow measurements (Artemieva and Mooney, 2001), checked with the original publications for data quality, and corrected for paleo-temperature effects where needed. These data are supplemented by cratonic geotherms based on xenolith data. Since heat flow measurements cover not more than half of the continents, the remaining areas (ca. 60% of the continents) are filled by the statistical numbers derived from the thermal model constrained by borehole data. Continental geotherms are statistically analyzed as a function of age and are used to estimate lithospheric temperatures in continental regions with no or low quality heat flow data. This analysis requires knowledge of lithosphere age globally. A compilation of tectono-thermal ages of lithospheric terranes on a 1 deg × 1 deg grid forms the basis for the statistical analysis. It shows that, statistically, lithospheric thermal thickness z (in km) depends on tectono-thermal age t (in Ma) as: z=0.04t+93.6. This relationship formed the basis for a global thermal model of the continental lithosphere (TC1). Statistical analysis of continental geotherms also reveals that this relationship holds for the Archean cratons in general, but not in detail. Particularly, thick (more than 250 km) lithosphere is restricted solely to young Archean terranes (3.0-2.6 Ga), while in old Archean cratons (3.6-3.0 Ga) lithospheric roots do not extend deeper than 200-220 km. The TC1 model is presented by a set of maps, which show significant thermal heterogeneity within continental upper mantle. The strongest lateral temperature variations (as large as 800 deg C) are typical of the shallow mantle (depth less than 100 km). A map of the

  1. Neutron damage of silicon detectors at 20 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bardos, R.; Gorfine, G.; Guy, L.; Moorhead, G.; Taylor, G.; Tovey, S.


    This contribution reports new data on the damage of silicon detectors by low energy (1 MeV) neutrons. The data were taken at the end of 1991. Three exposures of UA2 Inner Silicon detectors were made: at +20 deg C, -15 deg C and -95 deg C. A high neutron flux enabled the required fluences to be achieved in relatively short times. This increases the sensitivity of the experiment to damage types with shorter self-annealing time constants. This note discusses the new data taken at +20 deg C. Analysis of the low temperature exposures is in progress. 5 refs., 15 figs

  2. Microcalorimetric studies on lithium thionyl chloride cells: temperature effects between 25deg C and -40deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hill, I.R.; Sibbald, A.M.; Donepudi, V.S.; Adams, W.A. (Ottawa Univ., ON (Canada). Electrochemical Science and Technology Centre); Donaldson, G.J. (Dept. of National Defence, Ottawa, ON (Canada))


    Microcalorimetry studies were performed on commercial lithium/thionyl chloride cells to investigate whether there was a change in reaction mechanisms in the temperature range between 25deg C and -40deg C. The entropy change associated with cell discharge was calculated from the calorimetry data and was also determined from the temperature dependence of the open-circuit potential. The entropy changes determined by the two methods are compared and discussed in terms of the electrolyte composition variable. (orig.).

  3. Free tropospheric measurements of CS2 over a 45 deg N to 45 deg S latitude range (United States)

    Tucker, B. J.; Maroulis, P. J.; Bandy, A. R.


    The mean value obtained from 52 free tropospheric measurements of CS2 over the 45 deg N-45 deg S latitude range was 5.7 pptv, with standard deviation and standard error of 1.9 and 0.3 pptv, respectively. Large fluctuations in the CS2 concentration are observed which reflect the apparent short atmospheric residence time and inhomogeneities in the surface sources of CS2. The amounts of CS2 in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are statistically equal.

  4. Impact of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5-containing yoghurt, on fecal bacterial counts of healthy adults. (United States)

    Savard, Patricia; Lamarche, Benoît; Paradis, Marie-Eve; Thiboutot, Hélène; Laurin, Émilie; Roy, Denis


    This randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind, parallel dose-response study investigated the impact of 4-week commercial yoghurt consumption supplemented with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BB-12) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA-5) on fecal bacterial counts of healthy adults. Fifty-eight volunteers were randomly assigned to three different groups: 1. placebo (no probiotic, no starter and no green tea extract); 2. Yoptimal (10(9)cfu/100g of BB-12 and LA-5 and 40mg of green tea extract) and 3. Yoptimal-10 (10(10)cfu/100g of BB-12, 10(9)cfu/100g of LA-5 and 40mg of green tea extract). These yoghurt products also contained Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (10(7)cfu/100g) and Streptococcus thermophilus (10(10)cfu/100g). The quantitative PCR (qPCR) results showed that there were significant increases (P=0.02) in bifidobacteria counts with the Yoptimal treatment as compared to baseline. The fecal numbers of B. animalis subsp. lactis and LA-5 significantly increased in the two probiotic treatments compared to the placebo treatment. Viable counts of fecal lactobacilli were significantly higher (P=0.05) and those of enterococci were significantly lower (P=0.04) after the intervention when compared to placebo. No significant difference was observed between treatments in volunteers' weight, waist girth, blood pressure, fasting plasma triglyceride and HDL-C concentrations, as well as cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio. However, a significant increase in plasma cholesterol levels was observed in the placebo group (P=0.0018) but the levels remained stable in the two probiotic yoghurt groups. These results show that probiotic strains supplemented in the form of yoghurt remain active during gut transit and are associated with an increase in beneficial bacteria and a reduction in potentially pathogenic bacteria. This trial was registered at as NCT00730626. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. The Impact of Storage Conditions on the Stability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb12 in Human Milk. (United States)

    Mantziari, Anastasia; Aakko, Juhani; Kumar, Himanshu; Tölkkö, Satu; du Toit, Elloise; Salminen, Seppo; Isolauri, Erika; Rautava, Samuli


    Human milk is the optimal source of complete nutrition for neonates and it also guides the development of infant gut microbiota. Importantly, human milk can be supplemented with probiotics to complement the health benefits of breastfeeding. Storage of human milk for limited periods of time is often unavoidable, but little is known about the effect of different storage conditions (temperature) on the viability of the added probiotics. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated how different storage conditions affect the viability of two specific widely used probiotics, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (Bb12), in human milk by culturing and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Our results indicate that LGG and Bb12 remained stable throughout the storage period. Thus, we conclude that human milk offers an appropriate matrix for probiotic supplementation.

  6. Evaluation of cartilage surface injuries using 3D-double echo steady state (3D-DESS): Effect of changing flip angle from 40 deg to 90 deg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moriya, Susumu; Yokobayashi, Tsuneo; Ishikawa, Mitsunori; Miki, Yukio; Kanagaki, Mitsunori; Yamamoto, Akira; Okudaira, Shuzo; Nakamura, Shinichiro


    Background. In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with 3D-double-echo steady-state (3D-DESS) sequences, the cartilage-synovial fluid contrast is reported to be better with a flip angle of 90 deg than with the conventional flip angle of 40 deg, and the detection rate of knee cartilage injury may be improved. Purpose. To compare the diagnostic performance and certainty of diagnosis with 3D-DESS images made using two flip angle settings, 40 deg and 90 deg, for knee cartilage surface lesions of Grade 2 or above confirmed by arthroscopy. Material and Methods. Images were obtained with 3D-DESS flip angles of 40 deg and 90 deg at 1.0T in 13 consecutive patients (2 men, 11 women, age range 18-68 years) evaluated for superficial cartilage injury by arthroscopy. Two radiologists classified the presence or absence of cartilage damage of ≥Grade 2 as 'positive (p)' or 'negative (n)', respectively. The rate of agreement with arthroscopic diagnosis was then examined, and the diagnostic performance compared. Diagnostic confidence was assessed scoring the presence or absence of cartilage damage into three categories: 3 = can diagnose with absolute confidence; 2 = can diagnose with a level of certainty as probably present or probably absent; and 1 = cannot make a diagnosis. Results. In a comparison of the rate of agreement between diagnosis by 3D-DESS images and arthroscopy, the rate of agreement was significantly higher and diagnostic performance was better in 90 deg images for the medial femoral condyle only. Diagnostic confidence was significantly better with 90 deg flip angle images than with 40 deg flip angle images for all six cartilage surfaces. Conclusion. In evaluating knee cartilage surface lesions with 3D-DESS sequences, a flip angle setting of 90 deg is more effective than the conventional setting of 40 deg

  7. Evaluation of cartilage surface injuries using 3D-double echo steady state (3D-DESS): Effect of changing flip angle from 40 deg to 90 deg

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moriya, Susumu; Yokobayashi, Tsuneo; Ishikawa, Mitsunori (Ishikawa Clinic, Kyoto (Japan)), email:; Miki, Yukio (Dept. of Radiology, Osaka City Univ. Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka (Japan)); Kanagaki, Mitsunori; Yamamoto, Akira (Dept. of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto (Japan)); Okudaira, Shuzo (Dept. of Orthopaedics, Kyoto Police Hospital, Kyoto (Japan)); Nakamura, Shinichiro (Center for Musculoskeletal Research, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States))


    Background. In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with 3D-double-echo steady-state (3D-DESS) sequences, the cartilage-synovial fluid contrast is reported to be better with a flip angle of 90 deg than with the conventional flip angle of 40 deg, and the detection rate of knee cartilage injury may be improved. Purpose. To compare the diagnostic performance and certainty of diagnosis with 3D-DESS images made using two flip angle settings, 40 deg and 90 deg, for knee cartilage surface lesions of Grade 2 or above confirmed by arthroscopy. Material and Methods. Images were obtained with 3D-DESS flip angles of 40 deg and 90 deg at 1.0T in 13 consecutive patients (2 men, 11 women, age range 18-68 years) evaluated for superficial cartilage injury by arthroscopy. Two radiologists classified the presence or absence of cartilage damage of >=Grade 2 as 'positive (p)' or 'negative (n)', respectively. The rate of agreement with arthroscopic diagnosis was then examined, and the diagnostic performance compared. Diagnostic confidence was assessed scoring the presence or absence of cartilage damage into three categories: 3 = can diagnose with absolute confidence; 2 = can diagnose with a level of certainty as probably present or probably absent; and 1 = cannot make a diagnosis. Results. In a comparison of the rate of agreement between diagnosis by 3D-DESS images and arthroscopy, the rate of agreement was significantly higher and diagnostic performance was better in 90 deg images for the medial femoral condyle only. Diagnostic confidence was significantly better with 90 deg flip angle images than with 40 deg flip angle images for all six cartilage surfaces. Conclusion. In evaluating knee cartilage surface lesions with 3D-DESS sequences, a flip angle setting of 90 deg is more effective than the conventional setting of 40 deg

  8. Corpo e spazio. Una teoria compositiva nell’opera di Oswald Mathias Ungers / Matter and Space. Compositional Theory in the Work of Oswald Mathias Ungers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilda Giangipoli


    Full Text Available Tra i numerosi approfondimenti teorici e sperimentazioni condotti da Oswald Mathias Ungers in più di cinquant’anni della sua opera, emerge una delle prime teorie compositive applicate al tema dell’abitazione: la teoria di “corpo e spazio” che introduce una visione gerarchica degli spazi domestici anche nell’intento di ridurre il più possibile le superfici di distribuzione, per lasciare più spazio agli ambiti di vita collettiva della casa. / Between the multifarious theoretical studies and experimentations done by Oswald Mathias Ungers, in more than fifty years of his work, comes out one of the first compositional theory applied to the house-subject: the theory of “matter and space”, which introduces a hierarchic view of domestic spaces, also to reduce as much as possible distributive surfaces and to give more space to collective rooms of the house.

  9. Low Temperature (320 deg C and 340 deg C) Creep Crack Growth in Low Alloy Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rui Wu; Sandstroem, Rolf; Seitisleam, Facredin


    Uni-axial creep and creep crack growth (CCG) tests at 320 deg C and 340 deg C as well as post test metallography have been carried out in a low alloy reactor pressure vessel steel (ASTM A508 class 2) having simulated coarse grained heat affected zone microstructure. The CCG behaviour is studied in terms of steady crack growth rate, creep fracture parameter C*, stress intensity factor and reference stress at given testing conditions. It has been found that CCG does occur at both tested temperatures. The lifetimes for the CCG tests are considerably shorter than those for the uni-axial creep tests. This is more pronounced at longer lifetimes or lower stresses. Increasing temperature from 320 deg C to 340 deg C causes a reduction of lifetime by approximately a factor of five and a corresponding increase of steady crack growth rate. For the CCG tests, there are three regions when the crack length is plotted against time. After incubation, the crack grows steadily until it accelerates when rupture is approached. Notable crack growth takes place at later stage of the tests. No creep cavitation is observed and transgranular fracture is dominant for the uni-axial creep specimens. In the CT specimens the cracks propagate intergranularly, independent of temperature and time. Some relations between time to failure, reference stress and steady crack growth rate are found for the CCG tests. A linear extrapolation based on the stress-time results indicates that the reference stress causing failure due to CCG at a given lifetime of 350,000 hours at 320 deg C is clearly lower than both yield and tensile strengths, on which the design stress may have based. Therefore, caution must be taken to prevent premature failure due to low temperature CCG. Both uni-axial and CCG tests on real welded joint at 320 deg C, study of creep damage zone at crack tip as well as numerical simulation are recommended for future work

  10. Winter food of the fox Vulpes vulpes in the Province of Cuneo (North-Western Italy / Alimentazione invernale della Volpe Vulpes vulpes nell'Albese (Provincia di Cuneo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paolo Debernardi


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of the Fox Vulpes vulpes was studied by the analysis of 157 gastric contents coming from hilly areas of the Province of Cuneo. Samples were gathered during January-March of the years '86 (N. 41, '87 (N. 72 and '88 (N. 44. The mean percentage of frequency was determined for the following feeding categories: Fruits (26.1%, Other vegetable components (19.7%, Insects (2.5%, Wild birds (11.5%, Insectivores and Rodents (42.7%, Lepus capensis (13.4%, Indeterminate Lagomorphs (17.2%, Domestic animals (59.2% and Other (2.5%. The diet is analysed in relation to some available trophic resources (dumps, restoking of hares and of pheasants. Riassunto Vengono presentati i dati dell'analisi di 157 contenuti gastrici di Vulpes vulpes, provenienti da aree collinari della provincia di Cuneo; i campioni si riferiscono ai primi tre mesi delle annate '86 (N. 41, '87 (N. 72 e '88 (N. 44. Sono state determinate le frequenze percentuali delle seguenti categorie alimentari: Frutti (26,1%, Altre componenti vegetali (19,7%, Insetti (2,5%, Uccelli selvatici (11,5%, Insettivori e Roditori (42,7%, Lepus capensis (13,4%, Lagomorfi indeterminati (17,2%, Animali domestici (59,2% e Altro (2,5%. La dieta viene esaminata in relazione ad alcuni aspetti legati alle disponibilità trofiche del territorio (presenza di discariche, ripopolamenti di selvaggina.

  11. The extracellular proteome of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB‐12 reveals proteins with putative roles in probiotic effects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gilad, Ofir; Svensson, Birte; Viborg, Alexander Holm


    Probiotics are live microorganisms that exert health‐promoting effects on the human host, as demonstrated for numerous strains of the genus Bifidobacterium. To unravel the proteins involved in the interactions between the host and the extensively used and well‐studied probiotic strain Bifidobacte......Probiotics are live microorganisms that exert health‐promoting effects on the human host, as demonstrated for numerous strains of the genus Bifidobacterium. To unravel the proteins involved in the interactions between the host and the extensively used and well‐studied probiotic strain...... Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB‐12, proteins secreted by the bacterium, i.e. belonging to the extracellular proteome present in the culture medium, were identified by 2‐DE coupled with MALDI‐TOF MS. Among the 74 distinct proteins identified, 31 are predicted to carry out their physiological role either...... functions include binding of plasminogen, formation of fimbriae, adhesion to collagen, attachment to mucin and intestinal cells as well as induction of immunomodulative response. These findings suggest a role of the proteins in colonization of the gastrointestinal tract, adhesion to host tissues...

  12. Safeguard of public safety in domestic gas appliances utilisation; La tutela della pubblica incolumita` nell`utilizzo degli apparecchi alimentati a gas per uso domestico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Benedetti, G. [Milan, Procura/Pretura (Italy)


    With reference to Law No. 1083/71, the article deals with the liabilities in which domestic gas plant installers may incur if technical standards on installation are disregarded. Data on carbon monoxide intoxication and accidents with gas plants or appliances collected from May 1996 to April 1997 by the Lombardy Region are reported. The article describes the procedures followed by the Public Prosecutor, Local Health Units or other authorities whenever serious accidents due to bad functioning of gas plants or appliances occur. Comments are made on a circular letter on gas appliances issued by the Attorney General`s Office, in which the most common hazards with plants are listed, and the interventions made by Attorney General - in case of CO intoxication or threat to public health and safety - are described. Special considerations are made on the monitoring activities carried out by Local Health Units in case of both prompt intervention and ordinary maintenance of gas installations. The responsibilities undertaken by the installers (along with the relevant liabilities) in case of a false Declaration of Conformity is issued are examined. Finally, stress is laid upon meeting the deadline established by Law No. 46/90 on the adaptation of existing gas installations to safety standards. [Italiano] L`articolo esamina, alla luce delle disposizioni di cui alla Legge 1083/71, le responsabilita` che competono all`installatore, qualora, nell`atto della messa in opera di impianti domestici del gas, trascuri di applicare la normativa tecnica. Successivamente vengono esaminati i dati relativi a casi di intossicazione da ossido di carbonio e ad incidenti derivanti da impianti o da apparecchi a gas raccolti nel periodo maggio 1996 - aprile 1997 dalla Regione Lombardia. L`articolo prosegue descrivendo le procedure seguite dal Pubblico Ministero, dalle ASL o da altri soggetti istituzionali in occasione di gravi incidenti derivanti dal malfunzionamento di impianti o di apparecchi a gas

  13. Temperature dependent dynamics of DegP-trimer: A molecular dynamics study

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    Nivedita Rai


    Full Text Available DegP is a heat shock protein from high temperature requirement protease A family, which reacts to the environmental stress conditions in an ATP independent way. The objective of the present analysis emerged from the temperature dependent functional diversity of DegP between chaperonic and protease activities at temperatures below and above 28 °C, respectively. DegP is a multimeric protein and the minimal functional unit, DegP-trimer, is of great importance in understanding the DegP pathway. The structural aspects of DegP-trimer with respect to temperature variation have been studied using molecular dynamics simulations (for 100 ns and principal component analysis to highlight the temperature dependent dynamics facilitating its functional diversity. The DegP-trimer revealed a pronounced dynamics at both 280 and 320 K, when compared to the dynamics observed at 300 K. The LA loop is identified as the highly flexible region during dynamics and at extreme temperatures, the residues 46–80 of LA loop express a flip towards right (at 280 and left ( at 320 K with respect to the fixed β-sheet connecting the LA loop of protease for which Phe46 acts as one of the key residues. Such dynamics of LA loop facilitates inter-monomeric interaction with the PDZ1 domain of the neighbouring monomer and explains its active participation when DegP exists as trimer. Hence, the LA loop mediated dynamics of DegP-trimer is expected to provide further insight into the temperature dependent dynamics of DegP towards the understanding of its assembly and functional diversity in the presence of substrate.

  14. Oxidation of Alloy 82 in nominal PWR primary water at 340 deg. C and in hydrogenated steam at 400 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaumun, Elizabeth; Guerre Catherine; Duhamel, Cecilie; Sennour, Mohamed; Curieres, Ian-de


    Nickel-base weld metals are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) primary water. As tests in laboratory need to last, in some cases, at least several thousand hours to get stress corrosion crack initiation or propagation in simulated primary water, pure hydrogenated steam at 400 deg. C was used to perform accelerated tests. To confirm that these conditions are still representative of primary water conditions, results of oxidation tests of coupons in hydrogenated steam at 400 deg. C and in primary water at 340 deg. C have been compared. Surface oxide layers have been characterized in order to discuss the influence of the temperature and of the media (water or steam). (authors)

  15. Biochemical and kinetic characterisation of a novel xylooligosaccharide-upregulated GH43 β-d-xylosidase/α-l-arabinofuranosidase (BXA43) from the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Viborg, Alexander Holm; Sørensen, Kim Ib; Gilad, Ofir


    The Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 gene BIF_00092, assigned to encode a β-d-xylosidase (BXA43) of glycoside hydrolase family 43 (GH43), was cloned with a C-terminal His-tag and expressed in Escherichia coli. BXA43 was purified to homogeneity from the cell lysate and found to be a dual......-specificity exo-hydrolase active on para-nitrophenyl-β-d-xylopyranoside (pNPX), para-nitrophenyl-α-L-arabinofuranoside (pNPA), β-(1 → 4)-xylopyranosyl oligomers (XOS) of degree of polymerisation (DP) 2–4, and birchwood xylan. A phylogenetic tree of the 92 characterised GH43 enzymes displayed five distinct groups...

  16. Physical and physicochemical stability evaluation of cosmetic formulations containing soybean extract fermented by Bifidobacterium animalis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Pinto Vieira


    Full Text Available Peel off facial masks, based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA, are formulations that, after application and drying, form an occlusive film over the face. After removing, they provide cleanness, tensor and moisturizing effects, removing dead cells, residues and other materials deposited on the stratum corneous. The soybean extract fermented by Bifidobacterium animalis has sugars, amino acids, peptides, proteins and free isoflavonoids in high concentrations, when compared to the unfermented extract, providing benefits to the cosmetic formulations like anti-aging effect, moisture, tensor action and emollience. The cosmetic bases of peel off facial masks, added with 5.0% w/w of fermented soybean extract, were submitted to Preliminary and Accelerated Stability Studies. Eight (8 preparations were evaluated in several conditions of temperature (-10.0, 5.0, 22.0 and 45.0 ºC and time (maximum of 15 days, comparing the results with the initial condition (48 h after preparation. The variables observed were: organoleptic characteristics, pH and appearing viscosity value and film drying time. The preparation containing 17.0% w/w of PVA and 0.5% w/w of guar gum was selected between the eight preparations initially prepared, because it presented the best performance in the stability test, being recommended storage at low temperatures (5.0 ºC.As máscaras faciais peel off a base de álcool polivinílico (PVA são formulações que, após a aplicação e secagem, formam um filme oclusivo sobre a face e, após sua remoção, conferem limpeza, ação tensora e hidratação à pele, retirando células mortas do estrato córneo, resíduos e outros materiais depositados. O extrato de soja fermentado por Bifidobacterium animalis possui açúcares, aminoácidos, peptídeos, e alto teor de isoflavonas na forma livre, quando comparado ao leite não fermentado, propiciando benefícios às formulações cosméticas, como ação antienvelhecimento, hidratação, efeito tensor e

  17. Monitoraggio della biodiversità in relazione all’applicazione degli standard di condizionalità: 4.2c, 4.6, 4.3 (olivo

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    Claudia Corti


    Full Text Available Nel presente lavoro vengono riportati i risultati relativi ai monitoraggi della diversità faunistica per i seguenti standard: 4.2c, 4.3 (olivo, 4.6. I risultati ottenuti sono nel complesso interessanti sia dal punto di vista metodologico sia per quanto concerne gli aspetti conservazionistici e gestionali. Emerge l’importanza di utilizzare più indicatori o gruppi tassonomici che comprendano taxa ecologicamente e funzionalmente diversi per valutare la “biodiversità”. Relativamente allo sfalcio è stato osservato che una “blanda gestione” dei ritirati dalla produzione può favorire un certo incremento di biodiversità sia per quanto riguarda gli Artropodi, sia per quanto riguarda i Rettili. Risultati concordi sono stati osservati anche negli oliveti dove la gestione della vegetazione al suolo (sfalcio sembrerebbe incrementare la diversità. Tuttavia è opportuno ricordare che l’effetto monitorato, almeno nei ritirati dalla produzione, non è quello immediatamente successivo all’azione meccanica che invece provoca danni diretti e immediati alla fauna (ferimento e uccisione. Emerge con evidenza dai dati raccolti anche l’importanza della presenza, all’interno degli agro-ecosistemi, di aree a minor disturbo antropico, naturali e semi-naturali: fasce ecotonali e ripariali, ma anche bordure dei campi. Viceversa l’uniformità del paesaggio e la presenza di grandi estensioni coltivate a monocoltura rappresentano elementi sfavorevoli alla biodiversità animale. Nel monitoraggio attraverso l’utilizzo della tecnica di fototrappolaggio è emersa l’importante funzione svolta dai muretti a secco, “presenze” tipiche e diffuse nel paesaggio agricolo tradizionale del nostro territorio italiano. Per molti taxa animali detti manufatti assolvono a funzioni ecologiche diverse, quali: rifugio, aree di foraggiamento, passaggio o sosta nonché punti ottimali per la termoregolazione.

  18. Il teatro degli spiriti.

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    Chiara Pussetti


    Full Text Available Questo saggio è dedicato a un culto di possessione, in cui tutte ledonne, investite dagli spiriti degli uomini morti prima dell’iniziazione, compiono un percorso iniziatico parallelo a quello maschile, consentendo a queste anime, potenzialmente pericolose, di completare il cammino che non hanno potuto percorrere da vivi e quindi di raggiungere serenamente il mondo dei morti, come antenati protettori del villaggio

  19. Phosphorylation of DegU is essential for activation of amyE ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Gel filtration chromatography of DegU on Sephacryl. S100 (Methods). The native molecular weight of DegU was determined on a pre-calibrated Sephacryl S-100 ... Transferrin (80kDa), Alcohol Dehydrogenase (150 kDa). All the above markers were loaded individually. Purified DegU. (~1 mg), in a total volume of 1 mL was ...

  20. Molecular transformers in the cell: lessons learned from the DegP protease-chaperone. (United States)

    Sawa, Justyna; Heuck, Alexander; Ehrmann, Michael; Clausen, Tim


    Structure-function analysis of DegP revealed a novel mechanism for protease and chaperone regulation. Binding of unfolded proteins induces the oligomer reassembly from the resting hexamer (DegP6) into the functional protease-chaperone DegP12/24. The newly formed cage exhibits the characteristics of a proteolytic folding chamber, shredding those proteins that are severely misfolded while stabilizing and protecting proteins present in their native state. Isolation of native DegP complexes with folded outer membrane proteins (OMPs) highlights the importance of DegP in OMP biogenesis. The encapsulated OMP beta-barrel is significantly stabilized in the hydrophobic chamber of DegP12/24 and thus DegP seems to employ a reciprocal mechanism to those chaperones assisting the folding of water soluble proteins via polar interactions. In addition, we discuss in this review similarities to other complex proteolytic machines that, like DegP, are under control of a substrate-induced or stress-induced oligomer conversion.

  1. Discovery of proteins involved in the interaction between prebiotics carbohydrates and probiotics & whole proteome analysis of the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis susp. lactis BB-12

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gilad, Ofir

    Probiotic bacteria, which primarily belong to the genera Lactobascillus and Bifidobacterium, are live microorganisms that have been related to a variety of health-promoting effects. Prebiotics are indigestible food components that specifically stimulate the growth of probiotic organisms...... in the human gastrointestinal tract. Despite an increased scientific focus within this field, the mechanisms behind the beneficial effects exerted by pre- and probiotics are still far from fully understood. The purpose of the present industrial-PhD project was to identify proteins involved in interactions...... between the widely-used, extensively-studied probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and potentially-prebiotic carbohydrates. The project was initiated with a screening phase in which more than 40 carbohydrates were tested for their ability to promote the growth of the bacterium...

  2. Study of elementary mechanisms of creep in uranium as a function of temperature (150 deg. to 760 deg. C) by activation energy measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grenier, P.


    Creep tests were carried out on single crystals and polycrystalline specimens of uranium in both the α and β phases over the temperature range 150 - 760 deg. C. The determination of the activation energy for creep and the study of its variation with temperature made it possible to distinguish various temperature ranges in which one or more elementary mechanisms govern deformation. Micrographic observations after creep and the study of the variation of creep-rate with load support the conclusions. The creep behavior of single crystals is identical with that of polycrystalline material below 325 deg. C. From 325 deg. C to one upper limiting temperature whose value depends on the purity and previous history of the metal, the creep deformation of uranium is controlled by cross-slip. From this limiting temperature up to 520 deg. C, the creep of uranium involves two independent mechanisms operating simultaneously, the movement of screw dislocation by cross-slip and the climbing of edge dislocations out of their slip plane. Between 520 deg. C and the α - β transformation temperature creep in polycrystals is governed by the climb of edge dislocations out of their slip planes, by a pile up mechanism in the case of primary creep and by dipole annihilation in the case of secondary creep. In single crystals creep is dependent on the climb of edge dislocations into pre-existent sub-boundaries and their subsequent rearrangement within these boundaries. In the β phase the creep of polycrystals is governed by the diffusional climb of edge dislocations. Between 450 and 630 deg. C small alloy additions of molybdenum modify the creep characteristics of uranium although the deformation mechanisms involved are analogous to those in the pure metal. (author) [fr

  3. Nitrogen implantation into silicon at 700-1100 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kachurin, G.A.; Tyschenko, I.E.; Popov, V.P.; Tijs, S.A.; Plotnikov, A.E.


    Nitrogen ions 130-140 kW potential accelerated were implanted in silicon heated up to Ti=700-1100 deg C. Densities of ion current were 1-5 mcA/cm 2 , doses did not exceed 5x10 17 cm -2 . Initial stages of nitride formation in buried layers are investigated by means of Rutherford backscattering, layer-by-layer Augerspctroscopy and electron microscopy. It is determind, that Ti growth from 700 up to 900 deg C is accompanied by essential reduction of defectiveness of silicon near-the-surface layer at nitrogen retention within the limits of the calculation profile of ion ranges. At Ti=900 deg C nitrogen is rather mobile and at ∼5x10 16 cm -2 dose it is drown to α-Si 3 N 4 crystalling extraction in R p range. Beginning from Ti ≅1000 deg C nitrogen is not retained in the furied layer and diffuses to the surface. No essenstial losses of nitrogen due to evaporation or inside diffusion are observed. It is noted, that critical Ti, when nitrogen is accumulated in the buried layer, correspond to critical temperatures, when light ions introduce essential structure distortions. Conclusion is made, that irradition-introduced distortions of structure represent centres of initiation and growth of nitride phase. At 1150 deg C additional annaling during 3 hs nitrogen, occurring outside the stable extraction, is redistributed between th surface and furied layers, sintering in narrow concentration peaks

  4. Field-induced strain memory with non-180 .deg. domain-reorientation control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kadota, Yoichi; Hosaka, Hiroshi; Morita, Takeshi


    Using non-180 .deg. domain-reorientation control, we propose the strain memory effect in ferroelectric ceramics. Electric fields with asymmetric amplitudes were applied to soft-type lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramics, and the strain hysteresis and the polarization loop were measured. The butterfly curve became asymmetric under an electric field with a particular asymmetric amplitude. The asymmetric butterfly curve had two stable strain states at zero electric field. Thus, the strain memory effect was realized as the difference between the two stable strain states. An XRD analysis was carried out to verify the contribution of the non-180 .deg. domain reorientation to the strain memory effect. The non-180 .deg. domain reorientation was determined as the intensity ratio of the (002) to the (200) peak. The strain memory determined from macroscopic strain measurements had a linear relationship to the non-180 .deg. domain volume fraction. This result indicated the origin of the strain memory to be the non-180 .deg. domain reorientation.

  5. Study of elementary mechanisms of creep in uranium as a function of temperature (150 deg. to 760 deg. C) by activation energy measurements; Etude des mecanismes elementaires de deformation par fluage de l'uranium en fonction de la temperature (de 150 deg. a 760 deg. C) par la mesure des energies d'activation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grenier, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Creep tests were carried out on single crystals and polycrystalline specimens of uranium in both the {alpha} and {beta} phases over the temperature range 150 - 760 deg. C. The determination of the activation energy for creep and the study of its variation with temperature made it possible to distinguish various temperature ranges in which one or more elementary mechanisms govern deformation. Micrographic observations after creep and the study of the variation of creep-rate with load support the conclusions. The creep behavior of single crystals is identical with that of polycrystalline material below 325 deg. C. From 325 deg. C to one upper limiting temperature whose value depends on the purity and previous history of the metal, the creep deformation of uranium is controlled by cross-slip. From this limiting temperature up to 520 deg. C, the creep of uranium involves two independent mechanisms operating simultaneously, the movement of screw dislocation by cross-slip and the climbing of edge dislocations out of their slip plane. Between 520 deg. C and the {alpha} - {beta} transformation temperature creep in polycrystals is governed by the climb of edge dislocations out of their slip planes, by a pile up mechanism in the case of primary creep and by dipole annihilation in the case of secondary creep. In single crystals creep is dependent on the climb of edge dislocations into pre-existent sub-boundaries and their subsequent rearrangement within these boundaries. In the {beta} phase the creep of polycrystals is governed by the diffusional climb of edge dislocations. Between 450 and 630 deg. C small alloy additions of molybdenum modify the creep characteristics of uranium although the deformation mechanisms involved are analogous to those in the pure metal. (author) [French] Des essais de fluage a diverses temperatures comprises entre 150 et 760 deg. C ont ete effectues sur des polycristaux et des monocristaux d'uranium, en phase {alpha} et en phase {beta}. La

  6. Precipitate evolution in underaged Al-Mg-Si alloy during thermal cycling between 25 deg. C and 65 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uan, J.-Y.; Cho, C.-Y.; Chen, Z.-M.; Lin, J.-K.


    The evolution of metastable precipitates and the aging response in underaged Al-Mg-Si alloy during environmental temperature cycling was investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and hardness tests. After the alloy underwent thermal cycling between 25 deg. C and 65 deg. C, the hardness tests revealed that hardness decreased slightly, rather than following a concave downward curve, with the cycle times. Needle-shaped G.P. zones transformed during the environmental thermal cycling. The fraction of the zones declined sharply from almost 100% to only approximately 10% after 90 cycles, accompanied by an increase in the fraction of lath-shaped precipitates and the formation of β'' precipitates in the matrix. The precipitate developed with the 25-65 deg. C cycling time as follows: needle-shaped G.P. zones → lath-shaped ppt + β'' ppt + needle-shaped G.P. zones → lath-shaped ppt + β'' ppt + rod-shaped ppt + needle-shaped G.P. zones. Therefore, three or four precipitates coexisted in the underaged alloy following prolonged cycling. The formation of a limited number of β'' precipitates and the presence of a rod-shaped phase in the alloy during environmental temperature cycling reduced the hardness as the cycle time increases

  7. Environmental variables and the use of habitat of the Red fox Vulpes vulpes (L., 1758 in the Maremma Natural Park, Grosseto province, Central Italy / Parametri ambientali e uso dell'habitat della volpe Vulpes vulpes (L., 1758 in alcune aree del Parco Naturale della Maremma (GR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandro Lovari


    possono essere spiegate in base alla locale distribuzione e abbondanza del cibo, le quali influenzano anche l'uso dell'habitat da parte della Volpe. Nonostante la presenza di alcuni poderi nella zona rurale, gli animali domestici sono risultati assenti nella dieta della Volpe. La macchia è stata decisamente il tipo di vegetazione preferito.

  8. Safety of Bifidobacterium animalis Subsp. Lactis (B. lactis) Strain BB-12-Supplemented Yogurt in Healthy Children. (United States)

    Tan, Tina P; Ba, Zhaoyong; Sanders, Mary E; D'Amico, Frank J; Roberts, Robert F; Smith, Keisha H; Merenstein, Daniel J


    Probiotics are live microorganisms that may provide health benefits to the individual when consumed in sufficient quantities. For studies conducted on health or disease endpoints on probiotics in the United States, the Food and Administration has required those studies to be conducted as investigational new drugs. This phase I, double-blinded, randomized, controlled safety study represents the first requirement of this pathway. The purpose of the study was to determine the safety of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (B lactis) strain BB-12 (BB-12)-supplemented yogurt when consumed by a generally healthy group of children. The secondary aim was to assess the effect of BB-12-supplemented yogurt on the gut microbiota of the children. Sixty children ages 1 to 5 years were randomly assigned to consume 4 ounces of either BB-12-supplemented yogurt or nonsupplemented control yogurt daily for 10 days. The primary outcome was to assess safety and tolerability, as determined by the number of reported adverse events. A total of 186 nonserious adverse events were reported, with no significant differences between the control and BB-12 groups. No significant changes due to probiotic treatment were observed in the gut microbiota of the study cohort. BB-12-supplemented yogurt is safe and well-tolerated when consumed by healthy children. The present study will form the basis for future randomized clinical trials investigating the potential effects of BB-12-supplemented yogurt in different disease states.

  9. The hydrolysis of iron(III) and iron(ll) ions between 25 deg C and 375 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lewis, Derek


    Some data on the stabilities of the known iron (III) and iron (II) ions are presented, that have been obtained in a theoretical study of the iron-water system at temperatures up to the critical temperature. In this study, estimates of the stability constants of the various ions in dilute solution have been made by a method based on the equations of classical thermodynamics and empirical equations for the change with temperature of ionic heat capacity. The data indicate that hydrolysis increases so rapidly with temperature that the Fe+3 - ion is practically non-existent above about 150 deg C and, except in very acid solutions, the Fe+2 - ion is a relatively minor constituent above about 250 deg C. The most stable of the ions over a wide range of conditions are probably Fe(OH){sub 2}+ , Fe(OH)+ and HFeO{sub 2}-

  10. Cold resistance and metabolic activity of lichens below 0 degC (United States)

    Kappen, L.; Schroeter, B.; Scheidegger, C.; Sommerkorn, M.; Hestmark, G.

    Laboratory measurements show that lichens are extremely tolerant of freezing stress and of low-temperature exposure. Metabolic activity recovered quickly after severe and extended cold treatment. Experimental results demonstrate also that CO_2 exchange is already active at around -20 degC. The psychrophilic character of polar lichen species is demonstrated by optimum temperatures for net photosynthesis between 0 and 15 degC. In situ measurements show that lichens begin photosynthesizing below 0 degC if the dry thalli receive fresh snow. The lowest temperature measured in active lichens was -17 degC at a continental Antarctic site. The fine structure and the hydration state of photobiont and mycobiont cells were studied by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM) of frozen hydrated specimens. Water potentials of the frozen system are in the range of or even higher than those allowing dry lichens to start photosynthesis by water vapor uptake at +10 degC. The great success of lichens in polar and high alpine regions gives evidence of their physiological adaptation to low temperatures. In general lichens are able to persist through glacial periods, but extended snow cover and glaciation are limiting factors.

  11. Measurement of Doppler effect up to 2000degC at FCA. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oigawa, Hiroyuki; Okajima, Shigeaki; Mukaiyama, Takehiko; Satoh, Kunio; Hishida, Makoto; Hayano, Mutsuhiko; Kudogh, Fumio; Kasahara, Yoshiyuki.


    A new experimental device for the measurement of 238 U Doppler effect up to 2000degC was developed for the Fast Critical Assembly (FCA) of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute with the intention to improve the Doppler effect analysis at high temperature in fast reactors. The measurement method consists of two different techniques; one is the reactivity worth measurement with using a small sample heated up to 1500degC, the other is the reaction rate measurement with using a foil heated up to 2000degC. In the present work, the development and measurement for the former technique is described. The technique itself had been used in critical assemblies around the world, including FCA, for the measurement up to 800degC. The present new device was developed by improving the old device throughouly to extend the sample temperature up to 1500degC which is hot enough for us to evaluate the Doppler effect in the MOX-fuel fast reactor. (author)

  12. Proteolytic activity of recombinant DegP from Chromohalobacter salexigens BKL5

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dewi Fitriani


    Conclusions: Recombinant DegP from C. salexigens BKL5 showed proteolytic activity when β-casein was used as a substrate. In silico analysis indicated that recombinant DegP had characteristics similar to those of halophilic proteins depending on its amino acid composition.

  13. Creep constitutive equations for a 0.5Cr 0.5 Mo 0.25V ferritic steel in the temperature range 565 deg. C-675 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mustata, R.; Hayhurst, D.R.


    A two damage state variable model is used to describe the softening mechanisms, damage initiation and growth for a low alloy ferritic steel 1/2Cr-1/2Mo-1/4V at 565 and 590 deg. C within the Continuum Damage Mechanics framework. The level of complexity of the constitutive equations and the degree of coupling through damage is high and it is difficult to calibrate values of the constitutive constants without recourse to optimisation techniques. A methodology for the analysis of uni-axial experimental data, coupled with a traditional gradient-based optimisation technique, is presented for the unique determination of the constitutive constants. Two sets of experimental data on parent material are used for inversion purposes: at 565 deg. C, c.f. Cane [Cane BJ. Collaborative programme on the corelation of test data for high temperature design of welded steam pipes. Presentation and analysis of the material data. Note No. RD/L/2101N81, March, CEGB Laboratory; 1981]; and, at 590 deg. C, c.f. Miller [Miller DA. Private communication: 'Creep rupture testing of Cr M V pipe steel. ERA Project 63-01-040320009'. Barnwood, Gloucs, UK: British Energy; 2000]. The variation of the constitutive parameters with temperature in the range 565-590 deg. C has been deduced by considering the values of constitutive parameters for the same alloy deduced by Perrin and Hayhurst [Perrin IJ, Hayhurst DR. Creep constitutive equations for a 0.5Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V ferritic steel in the temperature range 600-675 deg. C. J Strain Anal 1996;31:299-314] in the temperature range 620-675 deg. C

  14. Using Paraffin with -10 deg C to 10 deg C Melting Point for Payload Thermal Energy Storage in SpaceX Dragon Trunk (United States)

    Choi, Michael K.


    A concept of using paraffin wax phase change material (PCM) with a melting point between -10 deg C and 10 deg C for payload thermal energy storage in a Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) Dragon trunk is presented. It overcomes the problem of limited heater power available to a payload with significant radiators when the Dragon is berthed to the International Space Station (ISS). It stores adequate thermal energy to keep a payload warm without power for 6 hours during the transfer from the Dragon to an ExPRESS logistics carrier (ELC) on the ISS.

  15. Rotary balance data for a single-engine agricultural airplane configuration for an angle-of-attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg (United States)

    Mulcay, W. J.; Chu, J.


    Aerodynamic characteristics obtained in a helical flow environment utilizing a rotary balance located in the Langley spin tunnel are presented in plotted form for a 1/10 scale single engine agricultural airplane model. The configurations tested include the basic airplane, various wing leading edge and wing tip devices, elevator, aileron, and rudder control settings, and other modifications. Data are presented without analysis for an angle of attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg, and clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations covering a spin coefficient range from 0 to .9.

  16. Keeping warming within the 2 deg. C limit after Copenhagen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macintosh, Andrew


    The object of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009 was to reach an agreement on a new international legal architecture for addressing anthropogenic climate change post-2012. It failed in this endeavour, producing a political agreement in the form of the Copenhagen Accord. The Accord sets an ambitious goal of holding the increase in the global average surface temperature to below 2 deg. C. This paper describes 45 CO 2 -only mitigation scenarios that provide an indication of what would need to be done to stay within the 2 deg. C limit if the international climate negotiations stay on their current path. The results suggest that if developed countries adopt a combined target for 2020 of ≤20% below 1990 levels, global CO 2 emissions would probably have to be reduced by ≥5%/yr, and possibly ≥10%/yr, post-2030 (after a decade transitional period) in order to keep warming to 2 deg. C. If aggressive abatement commitments for 2020 are not forthcoming from all the major emitting countries, the likelihood of warming being kept within the 2 deg. C limit is diminutive.

  17. Book review. Gli animali, l'uomo e l'ambiente. (a cura di Giorgio Battelli, Raffaella Baldelli, Fabio Ostanello, Santino Prosperi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Da sempre i Servizi Veterinari Pubblici sono una componente poco conosciuta del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, le loro prestazioni vengono spesso fruite in modo inconsapevole sia dalla popolazione che dall'amministrazione pubblica. È pleonastico ricordare che si tratta di attività sanitarie il cui scopo prevalente è quello di tutelare la salute animale e umana e di promuovere la produttività e il benessere delle popolazioni animali. Ma vale la pena ribadire che tali attività hanno un ruolo assai rilevante anche sotto il profilo economico e sociale. Questo corposo volume fa il punto sulle competenze che le diverse componenti professionali devono possedere. Un volume importante per comprendere la realtà veterinaria italiana, pubblica e privata, nato dal lavoro congiunto di figure di primo livello della medicina veterinaria del Paese: i curatori sono tutti docenti del Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie dell'Università di Bologna, convinti assertori del ruolo sociale della Medicina veterinaria, del concetto di Medicina/Salute unica e della necessità di migliorare l'aspetto formativo. I professori Battelli, Baldelli, Ostanello e Prosperi fanno parte di quella che viene definita la "Scuola bolognese di Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria" il cui fondatore è stato Adriano Mantovani (scomparso a marzo dello scorso anno, unanimemente considerato il Padre della SPV italiana e di cui vengono qui pubblicati 3 scritti e una breve scheda biografica che lo ricorda. Il volume è suddiviso in tre parti allo scopo di fornire al lettore un percorso interpretativo logico che si sviluppa verso la comprensione delle competenze e dei campi di attività dei Servizi Veterinari nel nostro Paese, fino a mettere in luce le sfide attuali e future che la SPV deve affrontare. Particolare attenzione viene posta nei confronti dell'evoluzione che tali attività sanitarie potranno avere nel prossimo futuro, in riferimento ai cambiamenti socio-economici, alle attivit

  18. A DegU-P and DegQ-Dependent Regulatory Pathway for the K-state in Bacillus subtilis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mathieu Miras


    Full Text Available The K-state in the model bacterium Bacillus subtilis is associated with transformability (competence as well as with growth arrest and tolerance for antibiotics. Entry into the K-state is determined by the stochastic activation of the transcription factor ComK and occurs in about ~15% of the population in domesticated strains. Although the upstream mechanisms that regulate the K-state have been intensively studied and are well understood, it has remained unexplained why undomesticated isolates of B. subtilis are poorly transformable compared to their domesticated counterparts. We show here that this is because fewer cells enter the K-state, suggesting that a regulatory pathway limiting entry to the K-state is missing in domesticated strains. We find that loss of this limitation is largely due to an inactivating point mutation in the promoter of degQ. The resulting low level of DegQ decreases the concentration of phosphorylated DegU, which leads to the de-repression of the srfA operon and ultimately to the stabilization of ComK. As a result, more cells reach the threshold concentration of ComK needed to activate the auto-regulatory loop at the comK promoter. In addition, we demonstrate that the activation of srfA transcription in undomesticated strains is transient, turning off abruptly as cells enter the stationary phase. Thus, the K-state and transformability are more transient and less frequently expressed in the undomesticated strains. This limitation is more extreme than appreciated from studies of domesticated strains. Selection has apparently limited both the frequency and the duration of the bistably expressed K-state in wild strains, likely because of the high cost of growth arrest associated with the K-state. Future modeling of K-state regulation and of the fitness advantages and costs of the K-state must take these features into account.

  19. Characterization of Toxoplasma DegP, a rhoptry serine protease crucial for lethal infection in mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gaelle Lentini

    Full Text Available During the infection process, Apicomplexa discharge their secretory organelles called micronemes, rhoptries and dense granules to sustain host cell invasion, intracellular replication and to modulate host cell pathways and immune responses. Herein, we describe the Toxoplasma gondii Deg-like serine protein (TgDegP, a rhoptry protein homologous to High temperature requirement A (HtrA or Deg-like family of serine proteases. TgDegP undergoes processing in both types I and II strains as most of the rhoptries proteins. We show that genetic disruption of the degP gene does not impact the parasite lytic cycle in vitro but affects virulence in mice. While in a type I strain DegPI appears dispensable for the establishment of an infection, removal of DegPII in a type II strain dramatically impairs the virulence. Finally, we show that KO-DegPII parasites kill immunodeficient mice as efficiently as the wild-type strain indicating that the protease might be involved in the complex crosstalk that the parasite engaged with the host immune response. Thus, this study unravels a novel rhoptry protein in T. gondii important for the establishment of lethal infection.

  20. Experimental formation of cronstedtite from Cox argillite-iron interaction at decreasing temperature in the 90 deg. C-40 deg. C range

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pignatelli, Isabella; Mosser-Ruck, Regine; Rozsypal, Christophe; Truche, Laurent; Randi, Aurelien; Bartier, Daniele; Cathelineau, Michel; Ghanbaja, Jaafar; Mouton, Ludovic; Michau, Nicolas


    Document available in extended abstract form only. Cronstedtite crystals experimentally formed during a cooling experiment (90 deg.C-40 deg. C) simulating the time-temperature evolution of the iron-clay system around the steel overpacks in nuclear waste disposal, were characterized by XRD, SEM and TEM study. Cronstedtite is a T-O phyllosilicate with general formula (Fe 2+ 3-x Fe 3+ x )(Si 2-x Fe 3+ x )O 5 (OH) 4 , with 0 2 ), Callovo-Oxfordian argillite (COx) of the Paris Basin (with a solution/COx mass ratio of 10) and metal iron (powder and plates, with an iron powder/COx mass ratio of 0.5). This system was put in Teflon-line autoclaves heated at (90±2) deg. C for 6 months; then the temperature was decreased every month by step of 10 deg. C until 40 deg. C. The XRD results on run products clearly show that the T-O phyllosilicates crystallize and replace the predominant clay in the starting argillite, e.g. illite-smectite mixed-layer clays when the experimental temperature decreases. The reflections at 7.1 Angstrom, 4.76 Angstrom, 3.55 Angstrom and 2.73 Angstrom indicate that the T-O phyllosilicate formed is cronstedtite, but this technique is not efficient to determine its polytype. The SEM analyses confirm the presence of cronstedtite and show the morphological evolution of crystals with the temperature. At 90 deg. C three morphologies are recognized: trigonal pyramids and cones with hexagonal or rounded cross-section (Fig. 1), these crystals coexist with hairy berthierine-like minerals, as described by [10] and [12] The three cronstedtite shapes are observed until 70 deg. C and at lower temperatures the pyramidal morphology is dominant. From the energy dispersive X-ray analyses, structural formula of cronstedtite were calculated. The Fe II / Fe III ratio was adjusted to fix the octahedron to 3 in the calculation of the structural formula. Slight differences in the chemical compositions of cronstedtites are noticed: the pyramidal crystals have more Fe 2+ in the

  1. The LCF behaviour of SS AISI 304 in the temperature range between 450 deg. C and 850 deg. C in connection with life time predictions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bocek, M.; Petersen, C.; Schmitt, R.

    The lifetime in high amplitude strain cycling with tensional hold periods is analysed presuming that creep failure damage is life determining. The life fraction rule (LFR) is used to calculate the lifetime consumpted during the dwell period in strain controlled tests as well as during tensional hold time stress cycles. It follows from the present investigation that stress relaxation occurring during the strain hold periods has a dominant influence upon the lifetime. The damage in stress relaxation is calculated by means of the LFR and the results are compared to experiments conducted on Zircaloy-4 (T=600 deg. C) and the austenitic stainless steel Type AISI 304 (T=650 deg. C). From the very good agreement between both it is concluded that under the loading conditions considered, creep failure damage is the main life determining damage contribution. To investigate the contributions of creep and fatigue to failure damage stress controlled experiments were conducted on AISI 304 at 550 deg. C and 850 deg. C. Whereas at the lower temperature (T 0.6 Tsub(s)) the lifetime increased with decreasing R. Therefrom it is concluded that in the case considered for T>0.6 Tsub(s) fatigue damage is not lifetime determining. (author)

  2. Thermal conductivity of fully dense unirradiated UO2: A new formulation from experimental results between 100 deg. C and 2500 deg. C, and associated fundamental properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delette, G.; Charles, M.


    The various contributions to the thermal conductivity of UO 2 are first reviewed: contribution from phonons is preponderant up to 1600 deg. C; radiative contribution is negligible in the case of a polycrystalline sample, and is unable to account for the increase in conductivity observed above 1600 deg. C; electronic contribution, which seems patently to be responsible for this increase, is efficient from 1400 deg. C (electron-hole pairs treated as small polarons). Given the lack of decisive arguments on their actual efficiency, it was decided that, for temperatures above 2400 deg. C, neither a possible decrease in the electronic contribution due to vacancies, nor an additional possible contribution from Frenkel pairs would be described. We do not go therefore beyond the above-mentioned electronic contribution. In the light of these considerations, the law established by CEA for the thermal conductivity of unirradiated UO 2 , on the basis of a homogeneous set of measurements between 100 deg. C and 2500 deg. C, has been revised. A least-square method applied to the above measurements was used to derive simultaneously the four adjustable constants of the law which is henceforth proposed: λ = 1/A + BT+C/T 2 exp(-W/kT). The values of A, B, C, and W obtained, have the advantage of giving a better account of the high temperature results compared to the Martin recommendations (which has, by the way, the same physical form as above). Furthermore, this new law allows an extrapolation towards the melting point which is better founded than the earlier CEA law, while still respecting the value of the integrated thermal conductivity up to melting. Finally, various burnup effects (impurities, stoichiometry, etc.) can be formulated in physical terms. Moreover, the values of various fundamental properties connected with the derived constants have been determined: Debye temperature, Grueneisen parameter, Mott-Hubbard energy, electrical conductivity. These values are discussed and

  3. Breast compression and radiation dose in two different mammographic oblique projections: 45 and 60 deg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brnic, Zoran; Hebrang, Andrija


    Introduction: Standard mammography includes two views, craniocaudal and medio-lateral oblique. Depending on patient's body constitution, central beam angle in mediolateral oblique projection may vary, with 45 deg. being suitable for the majority of patients in routine daily practice. With continuous improvement in X-ray technology and radiographers' training, the risk of radiation induced cancerogenesis is considerably reduced and acceptable when compared to benefit. However, the risk still exists, being cumulative and directly related to absorbed glandular dose. There is no minimal dose of radiation which is absolutely harmless, and every effort to reduce the dose is welcome. In this retrospective study two different angles (45 vs. 60 deg.) of mediolateral oblique view were compared according to radiation dose and efficacy of breast compression. Patients and methods: In 52 women, additional 60 deg. oblique films were done after craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique 45 deg.-films, with the same kVp and positioning technique. Breast thickness, time-current products (mA s) and absorbed doses were compared between 45 deg. - and 60 deg.-films. Subgroups of women with large, small, prominent and pendulous breasts were analyzed separately, following the same methodology as for the whole group. Results: mA s were 11.5% lower and compression 7% better with an angle of 60 deg. than with 45 deg. In the subgroup of women with small breasts, mA s values were 13% lower and compression 9% better with 60 deg. than with 45 deg., while in the subgroup with large breasts, mA s were 9% lower and compression 5% better. In the subgroup of patients with pendulous breasts, mA s values were 12% lower and compression 10% better with 60 deg. than with 45 deg., while in the subgroup with prominent breasts, mA s values were 4% lower and compression 3% better. Absorbed glandular dose was estimated to be approximately 20% lower when an oblique mammogram was done with 60 deg. instead of 45 deg

  4. Ingegneria degli acquiferi

    CERN Document Server

    Molfetta, Antonio


    Il testo fornisce le conoscenze necessarie per affrontare, con un approccio quantitativo, i molteplici aspetti connessi al flusso delle risorse idriche sotterranee (acque di falda) e alla propagazione e bonifica di contaminanti nei sistemi acquiferi. Vengono illustrate le proprietà fondamentali che definiscono la capacità di immagazzinamento, trasporto e rilascio dell’acqua negli acquiferi, e successivamente, descritte le metodiche per la determinazione di tali parametri tramite l’esecuzione e l’interpretazione di prove di falda, di pozzo e di laboratorio. A partire dalla classificazione chimico fisica-tossicologica dei contaminanti vengono, quindi, analizzati i meccanismi di propagazione e illustrate le soluzioni analitiche dell’equazione del trasporto di massa nei mezzi porosi. L’ultima parte del testo è dedicata alla caratterizzazione e bonifica degli acquiferi contaminati. Il testo è rivolto sia agli studenti universitari, sia ai professionisti che debbano affrontare con un approccio quantit...

  5. Testimonianze di vittime degli anni di piombo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cecchini, Leonardo

    Testimonianze di vittime degli anni di piombo In un articolo pubblicato nel 2008 sulla webzine Nazione indiana Christian Raimo criticava quello che poi Giovanni De Luna qualche anno dopo nel suo libro La Repubblica del dolore (2011) ha chiamato “paradigma vittimario”; cioè la presenza predominante...

  6. Creep properties of EB welded copper overpack at 125-175 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holmstroem, S.; Salonen, J.; Kinnunen, T.


    Electron Beam welds (EBW) chosen as primary sealing method by Posiva welding the over-pack canister lids of oxygen-free phosphorus micro-alloyed copper (OFP) have been tested for material properties relevant to long term creep life prediction. Creep rupture results are presented for the ruptured 175 deg C tests and for the ongoing long term tests at 150 deg C and 125 deg C. The current status (test time, creep strain and strain rate) of the ongoing tests are reported. The initial (175 deg C) results indicate that the EB welds are weaker than the parent material and that both round bar and spark eroded square test specimens produce weld strengths of about 0.75 at tests durations of 5000 h. The downward trend is however expected to continue for the longer test durations. The creep ductility shows decrease for the longer tests. Life estimates for the EB weld have been calculated at 100 deg C for both 50 and 80 MPa with the so far lowest measured EB weld strength factor (WSF=0.77). The state-of-the-art model on the available data give estimated lives of 21000 and 3000 years correspondingly. However, simulated to the expected temperature profile of the repository service the life fraction reached after 10000 years of service is 1 % and 7 % for the same stress levels. It is though important to remembered that the 80 MPa assumption is very conservative in nature and that the predictions do not take into account relaxation of stresses, further decline of the WSF or anisotropy of the weld and are therefore still to be considered indicative only. It is also to be remembered that there is only limited data in the long term regime for the weldments and that the estimates are based on the few EB data available in the public domain added with the Posiva data of this project. Improvement of the models and predictions are expected from the ongoing 125 deg C and 150 deg C long term tests. (orig.)

  7. Isothermal cross-sections of Hf-Sc-Ga(800 deg C) and Hf-Ti-Ga (750 deg C) phase diagrams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markiv, V.Ya.; Belyavina, N.N.


    Isothermal cross sections of Hf-Sc-Ga (800 deg C) and Hf-Ti-Ga (750 deg C) state diagrams are plotted. The existence of two ternary Hfsub(0.1-0.8)Scsub(0.9)-sub(0.2)Ga and Hfsub(0.8)Scsub(0.2)Gasub(3) phases is stated in the Hf-Sc-Ga system. The crystal structure of these compounds investigated by the powder method belongs to the structural α-MoB and ZrAl 3 types respectively. Continuous rows of (Hf, Sc 5 Ga 5 , (Hf, Ti)Ga 3 and (Hf, Ti)Ga 2 solid solutions are formed in the investigated systems. Essential quantity of the third component dissolve binary Sc 5 Ga 4 , Sc 2 Ga 3 (15 and 30 at % Hf respectively), Hf 5 Ga 4 , HfGa 2 (20, 10 at. % Sc), Hf 5 Ga 4 , HfGa, Hf 5 Ga 3 , Hf 2 Ga 3 (48, 30, 46, 20 at. % Ti) gallides [ru

  8. Consumption of Dairy Yogurt Containing Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis and Heat-Treated Lactobacillus plantarum Improves Immune Function Including Natural Killer Cell Activity (United States)

    Lee, Ayoung; Lee, Young Ju; Yoo, Hye Jin; Kim, Minkyung; Chang, Yeeun; Lee, Dong Seog; Lee, Jong Ho


    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of consuming dairy yogurt containing Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei (L. paracasei), Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis (B. lactis) and heat-treated Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) on immune function. A randomized, open-label, placebo-controlled study was conducted on 200 nondiabetic subjects. Over a twelve-week period, the test group consumed dairy yogurt containing probiotics each day, whereas the placebo group consumed milk. Natural killer (NK) cell activity, interleukin (IL)-12 and immunoglobulin (Ig) G1 levels were significantly increased in the test group at twelve weeks compared to baseline. Additionally, the test group had significantly greater increases in serum NK cell activity and interferon (IFN)-γ and IgG1 than placebo group. Daily consumption of dairy yogurt containing L. paracasei, B. lactis and heat-treated L. plantarum could be an effective option to improve immune function by enhancing NK cell function and IFN-γ concentration ( NCT03051425). PMID:28561762

  9. Consumption of Dairy Yogurt Containing Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis and Heat-Treated Lactobacillus plantarum Improves Immune Function Including Natural Killer Cell Activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayoung Lee


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of consuming dairy yogurt containing Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei (L. paracasei, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis (B. lactis and heat-treated Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum on immune function. A randomized, open-label, placebo-controlled study was conducted on 200 nondiabetic subjects. Over a twelve-week period, the test group consumed dairy yogurt containing probiotics each day, whereas the placebo group consumed milk. Natural killer (NK cell activity, interleukin (IL-12 and immunoglobulin (Ig G1 levels were significantly increased in the test group at twelve weeks compared to baseline. Additionally, the test group had significantly greater increases in serum NK cell activity and interferon (IFN-γ and IgG1 than placebo group. Daily consumption of dairy yogurt containing L. paracasei, B. lactis and heat-treated L. plantarum could be an effective option to improve immune function by enhancing NK cell function and IFN-γ concentration ( NCT03051425.

  10. Consumption of Dairy Yogurt Containing Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis and Heat-Treated Lactobacillus plantarum Improves Immune Function Including Natural Killer Cell Activity. (United States)

    Lee, Ayoung; Lee, Young Ju; Yoo, Hye Jin; Kim, Minkyung; Chang, Yeeun; Lee, Dong Seog; Lee, Jong Ho


    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of consuming dairy yogurt containing Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei ( L. paracasei ), Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis ( B. lactis ) and heat-treated Lactobacillus plantarum ( L. plantarum ) on immune function. A randomized, open-label, placebo-controlled study was conducted on 200 nondiabetic subjects. Over a twelve-week period, the test group consumed dairy yogurt containing probiotics each day, whereas the placebo group consumed milk. Natural killer (NK) cell activity, interleukin (IL)-12 and immunoglobulin (Ig) G1 levels were significantly increased in the test group at twelve weeks compared to baseline. Additionally, the test group had significantly greater increases in serum NK cell activity and interferon (IFN)-γ and IgG1 than placebo group. Daily consumption of dairy yogurt containing L. paracasei , B. lactis and heat-treated L. plantarum could be an effective option to improve immune function by enhancing NK cell function and IFN-γ concentration ( NCT03051425).

  11. Characterization of DegQVh, a serine protease and a protective immunogen from a pathogenic Vibrio harveyi strain. (United States)

    Zhang, Wei-wei; Sun, Kun; Cheng, Shuang; Sun, Li


    Vibrio harveyi is an important marine pathogen that can infect a number of aquaculture species. V. harveyi degQ (degQ(Vh)), the gene encoding a DegQ homologue, was cloned from T4, a pathogenic V. harveyi strain isolated from diseased fish. DegQ(Vh) was closely related to the HtrA family members identified in other Vibrio species and could complement the temperature-sensitive phenotype of an Escherichia coli strain defective in degP. Expression of degQ(Vh) in T4 was modulated by temperature, possibly through the sigma(E)-like factor. Enzymatic analyses demonstrated that the recombinant DegQ(Vh) protein expressed in and purified from E. coli was an active serine protease whose activity required the integrity of the catalytic site and the PDZ domains. The optimal temperature and pH of the recombinant DegQ(Vh) protein were 50 degrees C and pH 8.0. A vaccination study indicated that the purified recombinant DegQ(Vh) was a protective immunogen that could confer protection upon fish against infection by V. harveyi. In order to improve the efficiency of DegQ(Vh) as a vaccine, a genetic construct in the form of the plasmid pAQ1 was built, in which the DNA encoding the processed DegQ(Vh) protein was fused with the DNA encoding the secretion region of AgaV, an extracellular beta-agarase. The E. coli strain harboring pAQ1 could express and secrete the chimeric DegQ(Vh) protein into the culture supernatant. Vaccination of fish with viable E. coli expressing chimeric degQ(Vh) significantly (P < 0.001) enhanced the survival of fish against V. harveyi challenge, which was possibly due to the relatively prolonged exposure of the immune system to the recombinant antigen produced constitutively, albeit at a gradually decreasing level, by the carrier strain.

  12. Thermal conductivity of fully dense unirradiated UO{sub 2}: A new formulation from experimental results between 100 deg. C and 2500 deg. C, and associated fundamental properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delette, G; Charles, M [Commissariat a l` Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France)


    The various contributions to the thermal conductivity of UO{sub 2} are first reviewed: contribution from phonons is preponderant up to 1600 deg. C; radiative contribution is negligible in the case of a polycrystalline sample, and is unable to account for the increase in conductivity observed above 1600 deg. C; electronic contribution, which seems patently to be responsible for this increase, is efficient from 1400 deg. C (electron-hole pairs treated as small polarons). Given the lack of decisive arguments on their actual efficiency, it was decided that, for temperatures above 2400 deg. C, neither a possible decrease in the electronic contribution due to vacancies, nor an additional possible contribution from Frenkel pairs would be described. We do not go therefore beyond the above-mentioned electronic contribution. In the light of these considerations, the law established by CEA for the thermal conductivity of unirradiated UO{sub 2}, on the basis of a homogeneous set of measurements between 100 deg. C and 2500 deg. C, has been revised. A least-square method applied to the above measurements was used to derive simultaneously the four adjustable constants of the law which is henceforth proposed: {lambda} = 1/A + BT+C/T{sup 2}exp(-W/kT). The values of A, B, C, and W obtained, have the advantage of giving a better account of the high temperature results compared to the Martin recommendations (which has, by the way, the same physical form as above). Furthermore, this new law allows an extrapolation towards the melting point which is better founded than the earlier CEA law, while still respecting the value of the integrated thermal conductivity up to melting. Finally, various burnup effects (impurities, stoichiometry, etc.) can be formulated in physical terms. Moreover, the values of various fundamental properties connected with the derived constants have been determined: Debye temperature, Grueneisen parameter, Mott-Hubbard energy, electrical conductivity. These values

  13. Phosphorylated DegU Manipulates Cell Fate Differentiation in the Bacillus subtilis Biofilm (United States)

    Marlow, Victoria L.; Porter, Michael; Hobley, Laura; Kiley, Taryn B.; Swedlow, Jason R.; Davidson, Fordyce A.


    Cell differentiation is ubiquitous and facilitates division of labor and development. Bacteria are capable of multicellular behaviors that benefit the bacterial community as a whole. A striking example of bacterial differentiation occurs throughout the formation of a biofilm. During Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation, a subpopulation of cells differentiates into a specialized population that synthesizes the exopolysaccharide and the TasA amyloid components of the extracellular matrix. The differentiation process is indirectly controlled by the transcription factor Spo0A that facilitates transcription of the eps and tapA (tasA) operons. DegU is a transcription factor involved in regulating biofilm formation. Here, using a combination of genetics and live single-cell cytological techniques, we define the mechanism of biofilm inhibition at high levels of phosphorylated DegU (DegU∼P) by showing that transcription from the eps and tapA promoter regions is inhibited. Data demonstrating that this is not a direct regulatory event are presented. We demonstrate that DegU∼P controls the frequency with which cells activate transcription from the operons needed for matrix biosynthesis in favor of an off state. Subsequent experimental analysis led us to conclude that DegU∼P functions to increase the level of Spo0A∼P, driving cell fate differentiation toward the terminal developmental process of sporulation. PMID:24123822

  14. Safety of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (B. lactis) strain BB-12®-supplemented yogurt in healthy children (United States)

    Tan, Tina P.; Ba, Zhaoyong; Sanders, Mary Ellen; D’Amico, Frank J.; Roberts, Robert F.; Smith, Keisha Herbin; Merenstein, Daniel J.


    Objectives Probiotics are live microorganisms that may provide health benefits to the individual when consumed in sufficient quantities. For studies conducted on health or disease endpoints on probiotics in the United States, the Food and Administration (FDA) has required those studies to be conducted as investigational new drugs. This phase I, double-blinded, randomized, controlled safety study represents the first requirement of this pathway. The purpose of the study was to determine the safety of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (B. lactis) strain BB-12® (BB-12®)-supplemented yogurt when consumed by a generally healthy group of children. The secondary aim was to assess the effect of BB-12®-supplemented yogurt on the gut microbiota of the children. Methods Sixty children aged 1–5 years were randomly assigned to consume four ounces of either BB-12®-supplemented yogurt or non-supplemented control yogurt daily for 10 days. The primary outcome was to assess safety and tolerability, as determined by the number of reported adverse events. Results A total of 186 non-serious adverse events were reported, with no significant differences between the control and BB-12® groups. No significant changes due to probiotic treatment were observed in the gut microbiota of the study cohort. Conclusions BB-12®-supplemented yogurt is safe and well-tolerated when consumed by healthy children. This study will form the basis for future randomized clinical trials investigating the potential effects of BB-12®-supplemented yogurt in different disease states. PMID:28114246

  15. Insight into DEG/ENaC channel gating from genetics and structure. (United States)

    Eastwood, Amy L; Goodman, Miriam B


    The founding members of the superfamily of DEG/ENaC ion channel proteins are C. elegans proteins that form mechanosensitive channels in touch and pain receptors. For more than a decade, the research community has used mutagenesis to identify motifs that regulate gating. This review integrates insight derived from unbiased in vivo mutagenesis screens with recent crystal structures to develop new models for activation of mechanically gated DEGs.

  16. Patologie sociali, resistenze e difese degli insegnanti nell’istituzione scolastica: Considerazioni cliniche e pedagogiche

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tommaso Fratini


    Full Text Available L’articolo prende in esame il tema di alcune resistenze e difese degli insegnanti all’interno dell’istituzione scolastica. Partendo dall’attuale condizione di emergenza della scuola italiana e rifacendosi al concetto di patologia sociale di Giuseppe Di Chiara, viene argomentato come tali resistenze coprano le angosce persecutorie degli insegnanti nel loro lavoro scolastico quotidiano nel rapporto con gli allievi. L’articolo, tra le varie forme di patologia istituzionale, affronta principalmente il tema di quelle che presiedono alle resistenze degli insegnanti al lavoro introspettivo con il proprio mondo interno, conseguenza e ulteriore cagione di sensi di colpa nel rapporto con gli allievi e di fenomeni di burnout lavorativo degli stessi insegnanti. Tali fenomeni vanno nella direzione del rinforzo sia di un atteggiamento di chiusura verso la collaborazione con professionisti esterni all’istituzione scolastica, sia di un atteggiamento di minore empatia e vicinanza emotiva con la realtà interna degli allievi.

  17. Control of growth mode in SrTiO3 homoepitaxy under 500 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yanrong; Li Jinlong; Zhang Ying; Wei Xianhua; Deng Xinwu; Liu Xingzhao


    Homoepitaxial SrTiO 3 thin films were grown by laser molecular beam epitaxy. The growth mode was determined by in-situ reflective high energy electron diffraction, and the surface of the films was studied by ex-situ atomic force microscopy. At the deposition rate of 0.16A ring /sec and the laser energy density of 6J/cm 2 , layer-by-layer growth was observed above 460 deg. C substrate temperature, while the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode, that is layer-by-layer growth plus island growth mode, prevailed between 460 deg. C and 410 deg. C. On further decreasing the substrate temperature, the island growth was determined under 410 deg. C. With the optimization of deposition process in terms of laser energy density and deposition rate, the lowest crystallization temperatures of SrTiO 3 films grown in layer-by-layer growth mode were obtained as low as 280 deg. C. The effects of laser energy density on growth temperature were studied

  18. Behavior of ferritic/martensitic steels after n-irradiation at 200 and 300 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matijasevic, M.; Lucon, E.; Almazouzi, A.


    High chromium ferritic/martensitic (F/M) steels are considered as the most promising structural materials for accelerator driven systems (ADS). One drawback that needs to be quantified is the significant hardening and embrittlement caused by neutron irradiation at low temperatures with production of spallation elements. In this paper irradiation effects on the mechanical properties of F/M steels have been studied and comparisons are provided between two ferritic/martensitic steels, namely T91 and EUROFER97. Both materials have been irradiated in the BR2 reactor of SCK-CEN/Mol at 300 deg. C up to doses ranging from 0.06 to 1.5 dpa. Tensile tests results obtained between -160 deg. C and 300 deg. C clearly show irradiation hardening (increase of yield and ultimate tensile strengths), as well as reduction of uniform and total elongation. Irradiation effects for EUROFER97 starting from 0.6 dpa are more pronounced compared to T91, showing a significant decrease in work hardening. The results are compared to our latest data that were obtained within a previous program (SPIRE), where T91 had also been irradiated in BR2 at 200 deg. C (up to 2.6 dpa), and tested between -170 deg. C and 300 deg. C. Irradiation effects at lower irradiation temperatures are more significant

  19. Phase relationship in AL-Cu-Sc alloys at 450-500 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kharakterova, M.L.


    Al-Cu-Sc alloys containing up to 40% Cu and up to 6% Sc at 450 deg C and 500 deg C are studied using light microscopy, X-ray-spectral microanalysis, X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy, measurement of microhardness and electric resistance. It is determined, that in equilibrium with aluminium solid solution under the given temperature ther are Al 3 Sc, CuAl 2 phases of the respective binary systems and W (ScCu 6.6-4 Al 5.4-8 ) ternary phase. Isothermal cross sections of Al-Cu-Sc system at 450 and 500 deg C are plotted. Microhardness of equilibrium phases is measured. Combined solubility of copper and scandium in aluminium is determined

  20. Radiolysis of cesium iodide solutions at 35 and 85 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lucas, M.


    An aqueous solution of cesium iodide was irradiated by the gamma rays from a cobalt 60 source with a dose rate of 0.4 Mrad/hr. At 35 deg C the iodide I - is oxidized in molecular iodine I 2 but at 85 deg C the iodate IO 3 - is obtained. The aim of this work is the study of aerosols behaviour released in accidental situation of a PWR in presence of steam [fr

  1. Tirocinio e videomentoring: il punto di vista degli studenti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carla Maltinti


    Full Text Available Il presente contributo analizza i commenti espressi dagli studenti del Corso di Studi in Scienze della Formazione Primaria dell’Università di Firenze dopo aver partecipato al primo anno di un nuovo percorso di tirocinio integrato da videomentoring.I feedback forniti dai tirocinanti sono stati esaminati con un duplice scopo: (i acquisire i giudizi, le percezioni, le emozioni degli studenti in rapporto all’esperienza effettuata; (ii ricavarne indicazioni per migliorare la proposta formativa.I dati raccolti, analizzati attraverso una content analysis, toccano aspetti fondamentali della formazione iniziale degli insegnanti, quali il modellamento, l’importanza del rapporto con il tutor, la riflessività, l’imbarazzo dei tirocinanti nel vedersi in azione.

  2. submitter Technical Note: Using DEG-CPCs at upper tropospheric temperatures

    CERN Document Server

    Wimmer, D; Nieminen, T; Duplissy, J; Ehrhart, S; Almeida, J; Rondo, L; Franchin, A; Kreissl, F; Bianchi, F; Manninen, H E; Kulmala, M; Curtius, J; Petäjä, T


    Over the last few years, several condensation particle counters (CPCs) capable of measuring in the sub-3 nm size range have been developed. Here we study the performance of CPCs based on diethylene glycol (DEG) at different temperatures during Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets (CLOUD) measurements at CERN. The data shown here are the first set of verification measurements for sub-3 nm CPCs under upper tropospheric temperatures using atmospherically relevant aerosol particles. To put the results in perspective we calibrated the DEG-CPC at room temperature, resulting in a cut-off diameter of 1.4 nm. All diameters refer to mobility equivalent diameters in this paper. At upper tropospheric temperatures ranging from 246.15 K to 207.15 K, we found cut-off sizes relative to a particle size magnifier in the range of 2.5 to 2.8 nm. Due to low number concentration after size classification, the cut-off diameters have a high uncertainty (±0.3 nm) associated with them. Operating two laminar flow DEG-CPCs with different c...

  3. La valutazione degli investimenti finanziati tramite equity crowdfunding


    Zanetti, Laura


    Evoluzione e dimensione del crowdfunding, La valutazione e strutturazione dell’investimento tramite equity crowdfunding, Valutazioni implicite nelle raccolte fondi in equity crowdfunding, Peculiarità specifiche dell’equity crowdfunding, Un confronto con la bolla valutativa delle aziende internet degli anni 2000

  4. Distance and total column density to the periodic radio star LSI + 61 deg 303

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frail, D.A.; Hjellming, R.M.


    New observations toward the periodic radio star LSI + 61 deg 303 in the lines of H I at 21 cm and CO-18 at 2.7 mm are reported. Using the kinematic method, H I observations are interpreted in terms of the two-armed spiral shock model of Roberts (1972) to derive a distance to LSI + 61 deg 303 of 2.0 + or - 0.2 kpc. The results clearly show the presence of the Perseus arm shock and locate LSI + 61 deg 303 between this shock and the more distant postshock gas. In addition, by using the H I and CO-18 data, the total neutral and molecular gas column density is derived along the line of sight toward LSI + 61 deg 303. 32 refs

  5. Wind-tunnel investigation of the flow correction for a model-mounted angle of attack sensor at angles of attack from -10 deg to 110 deg. [Langley 12-foot low speed wind tunnel test (United States)

    Moul, T. M.


    A preliminary wind tunnel investigation was undertaken to determine the flow correction for a vane angle of attack sensor over an angle of attack range from -10 deg to 110 deg. The sensor was mounted ahead of the wing on a 1/5 scale model of a general aviation airplane. It was shown that the flow correction was substantial, reaching about 15 deg at an angle of attack of 90 deg. The flow correction was found to increase as the sensor was moved closer to the wing or closer to the fuselage. The experimentally determined slope of the flow correction versus the measured angle of attack below the stall angle of attack agreed closely with the slope of flight data from a similar full scale airplane.

  6. Studies in Coprinus III — Coprinus section Veliformes. Subdivision and revision of subsection Nivei emend

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Uljé, C.B.; Noordeloos, M.E.


    Coprinus section Veliformes is defined and delimited to comprise four subsections: subsection Micacei, subsection Domestici, subsection Nivei, and subsection Narcotici, subsection nov. A key to the subsections is given. Subsection Nivei is emended, including also most taxa of subsection Flocculosi


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thaís Rodrigues MOREIRA


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Constipation is a chronic problem in many patients all over the world. OBJECTIVE - To evaluate the effect of consumption of a probiotic fermented milk beverage containing Bifidobacterium animalis on the symptoms of constipation. METHODS - This randomized, double-blind controlled trial included 49 female patients aged 20 to 50 years and diagnosed with constipation according to the ROME III criteria (Diagnostic Criteria for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders and the Bristol Stool Form Scale. The patients were randomized into two groups: the intervention group received the probiotic fermented milk beverage and the control group received non-probiotic milk. Participants were instructed to ingest 150 mL of the beverages during 60 days. At the end of this period, patients were assessed again by the ROME III criteria and Bristol scale. The Wilcoxon test was used to evaluate pre and post-intervention results of the ROME III criteria and Bristol scale. The statistical significance level was considered as 5% ( P ≤0.05. RESULTS - The intervention group showed improvement in the following criteria: straining during a bowel movement ( P <0.001, feeling of incomplete evacuation ( P <0.001 and difficulty in passing stool ( P <0.014, in addition to Bristol scale results ( P <0.001. In the control group, improvements were observed in the following criteria: straining during a bowel movement ( P <0.001, feeling of incomplete evacuation ( P <0.001 and difficulty in passing stool ( P <0.025, in addition to Bristol scale results ( P <0.001. No statistically significant post-intervention differences were observed between the two groups for the Rome III criteria and Bristol scale. CONCLUSION - The results show that the consumption of milk resulted in the improvement of constipation symptoms, regardless of the probiotic culture.


    Moreira, Thaís Rodrigues; Leonhardt, Daiane; Conde, Simara Rufatto


    Constipation is a chronic problem in many patients all over the world. - To evaluate the effect of consumption of a probiotic fermented milk beverage containing Bifidobacterium animalis on the symptoms of constipation. - This randomized, double-blind controlled trial included 49 female patients aged 20 to 50 years and diagnosed with constipation according to the ROME III criteria (Diagnostic Criteria for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders) and the Bristol Stool Form Scale. The patients were randomized into two groups: the intervention group received the probiotic fermented milk beverage and the control group received non-probiotic milk. Participants were instructed to ingest 150 mL of the beverages during 60 days. At the end of this period, patients were assessed again by the ROME III criteria and Bristol scale. The Wilcoxon test was used to evaluate pre and post-intervention results of the ROME III criteria and Bristol scale. The statistical significance level was considered as 5% ( P ≤0.05). - The intervention group showed improvement in the following criteria: straining during a bowel movement ( P <0.001), feeling of incomplete evacuation ( P <0.001) and difficulty in passing stool ( P <0.014), in addition to Bristol scale results ( P <0.001). In the control group, improvements were observed in the following criteria: straining during a bowel movement ( P <0.001), feeling of incomplete evacuation ( P <0.001) and difficulty in passing stool ( P <0.025), in addition to Bristol scale results ( P <0.001). No statistically significant post-intervention differences were observed between the two groups for the Rome III criteria and Bristol scale. - The results show that the consumption of milk resulted in the improvement of constipation symptoms, regardless of the probiotic culture.

  9. Pourbaix diagrams for the system copper-chlorine at 5-100 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beverskog, B.; Puigdomenech, I.


    Pourbaix diagrams for the copper-chlorine system in the temperature interval 5-100 deg C have been revised. Predominance diagrams for dissolved copper containing species have also been calculated. Two different total concentrations of each dissolved element, 10 -4 and 10 -6 molal for copper and 0.2 and 1.5 molal for chlorine have been used in the calculations. Chloride is the predominating chlorine species in aqueous solutions. Presence of chloride increases the corrosion regions of copper at the expense of the immunity and passivity regions in the Pourbaix diagrams. CuCl 2 · 3Cu(OH) 2 is the only copper-chloride solid phase that forms at the concentrations of chlorine studied. However, its stability area decreases with increasing temperature. The ion CuCl 2 - predominates at all temperatures at [Cl(aq)] tot =0.2 molal and this reduces the immunity and passivity areas. A corrosion region exists between the immunity and passivity regions at 100 deg C at [Cu(aq)] tot =10 -6 and [Cl(aq)] tot =0.2 molal. At the chlorine concentration of 1.5 molal the corrosion region exists in the whole temperature range investigated. The ion CuCl 3 2- predominates at 5-25 and 100 deg C, while CuCl 2 - predominates at 50-80 deg C at [Cl(aq)] tot= 1-5 molal. A copper concentration of 10 -4 molal reduces the corrosion areas due to expansion of the immunity and passivity areas. However, a corrosion region still exists between the immunity and passivity regions at all investigated temperatures at pH Τ -6 molal and the chloride concentration of 0.2 molal. However, at 80-100 deg C the equilibrium potentials postulated for the Swedish nuclear repository are dangerously close to a corrosion situation. According to our calculations the copper canisters in the Swedish repository corrode at 80-100 deg C at the chloride concentration of 1.5 molal

  10. Frictional property of glass-like carbon heat-treated at 1000-3000 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Kazumasa; Sano, Takanori; Shindo, Hitoshi


    Frictional coefficient 'f' was measured in the air and in water at glass-like carbon (GLC) surfaces heat-treated between 1000 and 3000 deg. C. GLCs heat-treated at higher temperature had smoother and more hydrophobic faces, and lower f. The f was smaller than 0.10 for GLCs heat-treated at and above 2000 deg. C, which indicates their applicability as a solid lubricant or a self-lubricating material. The f = 0.06 observed for GLC heat-treated at 3000 deg. C was nearly the same as that of pyrolytic graphite (PG). Slightly lower f's were obtained in water than in the air

  11. DEG/ENaC ion channels involved in sensory transduction are modulated by cold temperature (United States)

    Askwith, Candice C.; Benson, Christopher J.; Welsh, Michael J.; Snyder, Peter M.


    Several DEG/ENaC cation channel subunits are expressed in the tongue and in cutaneous sensory neurons, where they are postulated to function as receptors for salt and sour taste and for touch. Because these tissues are exposed to large temperature variations, we examined how temperature affects DEG/ENaC channel function. We found that cold temperature markedly increased the constitutively active Na+ currents generated by epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC). Half-maximal stimulation occurred at 25°C. Cold temperature did not induce current from other DEG/ENaC family members (BNC1, ASIC, and DRASIC). However, when these channels were activated by acid, cold temperature potentiated the currents by slowing the rate of desensitization. Potentiation was abolished by a “Deg” mutation that alters channel gating. Temperature changes in the physiologic range had prominent effects on current in cells heterologously expressing acid-gated DEG/ENaC channels, as well as in dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons. The finding that cold temperature modulates DEG/ENaC channel function may provide a molecular explanation for the widely recognized ability of temperature to modify taste sensation and mechanosensation. PMID:11353858

  12. Methods of censusing Red fox (Vulpes vulpes populations / Metodi di censimento della Volpe (Vulpes vulpes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Francisco Beltrán


    Full Text Available Abstract Estimating absolute or relative numbers in red fox populations is not an easy task. Although a range of methods has been described, neither an optimal nor a universally accepted technique has been found. Moreover, none has been tested on populations of known size. We reviewed the efficiency of fourteen indices of fox abundance classified into two groups: (a methods where individuals are captured and marked, which include ear tagging or similar conspicuous markings, toe clipping, radioactive tagging of faeces, radio-tracking, and statistics from hunting and trapping; (b methods not requiring capture, which include both direct methods (nocturnal counts, unsystematic observations, and drive censuses, and indirect methods (den counts, transects for track, scat counts, and scent stations. As a rule, statistics are rarely applicable to populations estimates. Methods involving capture are expensive but provide more accurate estimates than the second group of indices, which are not suitable for paired comparisons from one year to another. Management and wildlife specialists should have in mind such restrictions when considering their goals and the required level of accuracy. Finally, we recommend the simultaneous utilization and comparison of several methods (one from each group, as proposed in a double sampling strategy for optimum evaluations. Riassunto La valutazione della consistenza di una popolazione di Volpe, mediante censimenti assoluti o relativi, è di difficile soluzione. Tra i diversi metodi di conteggio impiegati, nessuno si è rivelato ottimale e universale. Tuttavia nessuno è stato utilizzato per popolazioni di consistenza nota. Qui esaminiamo la validità di 14 metodi impiegati per il calcolo di indici di abbondanza, ripartendoli in due gruppi: (a metodi che implicano la cattura e il marcamento degli animali mediante marche auricolari o contrassegni similari, amputazione delle falangi

  13. The air oxidation behavior of lanthanum ion implanted zirconium at 500 deg. C

    CERN Document Server

    Peng, D Q; Chen, X W; Zhou, Q G


    The beneficial effect of lanthanum ion implantation on the oxidation behavior of zirconium at 500 deg. C has been studied. Zirconium specimens were implanted by lanthanum ions using a MEVVA source at energy of 40 keV with a fluence range from 1x10 sup 1 sup 6 to 1x10 sup 1 sup 7 ions/cm sup 2 at maximum temperature of 130 deg. C, The weight gain curves were measured after being oxidized in air at 500 deg. C for 100 min, which showed that a significant improvement was achieved in the oxidation behavior of zirconium ion implanted with lanthanum compared with that of the as-received zirconium. The valence of the oxides in the scale was analyzed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy; and then the depth distributions of the elements in the surface of the samples were obtained by Auger electron spectroscopy. Glancing angle X-ray diffraction at 0.3 deg. incident angles was employed to examine the modification of its phase transformation because of the lanthanum ion implantation in the oxide films. It was obviously fou...

  14. Environmental oil spill sensitivity atlas for the West Greenland (68 deg.-72 deg. N) coastal zone, 2nd revised edition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clausen, D.; Johansen, Kasper L.; Mosbech, A.; Boertmann, D.; Wegeberg, S.


    This oil spill sensitivity atlas covers the shoreline and the offshore areas of West Greenland between 68 deg. N and 72 deg. N. The coastal zone is divided into 199 shoreline segments and the offshore zone into 8 areas. A sensitivity index value is calculated for each segment/area, and each segment/area is subsequently ranked according to four degrees of sensitivity. Besides this general ranking a number of smaller areas are especially selected as they are of particular significance, they are especially vulnerable to oil spills and they have a size making oil spill response possible. The shoreline sensitivity ranking are shown on 37 maps (in scale 1:250,000), which also show the different elements included and the selected areas. Coast types, logistics and proposed response methods along the coasts are shown on another 37 maps. The sensitivities of the offshore zones are depicted on 4 maps, one for each season. Based on all the information, appropriate oil spill response methods have been assessed for each area. (Author)

  15. Sprainting activity of captive otters: its relationship with breeding cycle and number of animals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudio Prigioni


    Full Text Available Abstract The marking activity of captive otters (Lutra lutra was studied from April 1989 to August 1993 in an enclosure of 1.64 ha in size, located in the Ticino Valley Natural Park (Piemonte region, northern Italy. The number of otters in the enclosure varied from 1 to 6 and three litters of 1, 2 and 2 cubs were recorded in October 1990, 1991 and 1992. The sprainting activity, expressed as number of signs (spraints and anal secretions per day was associated to the breeding cycle and increased in relation to the number of animals present in the enclosure. These data are of particular importance in order to explain the annual variation of the marking level in wild otter populations. Riassunto Attività di marcamento di 1ontre in cattività in relazione a1 ciclo riproduttivo e a1 numero degli animali - L'attività di marcamento della lontra (Lutra lutra è stata rilevata dall'aprile 1989 all'agosto 1993 in un recinto di 1,64 ha, situato nel Parco Naturale della Valle del Ticino (regione Piemonte, provincia di Novara. I1 numero di animali presenti in tale recinto variava da 1 a 6, e la nascita di tre cucciolate, composte da 1, 2 e 2 piccoli, è stata registrata in ottobre negli anni 1990, 1991 e 1992. L'intensità di marcamento, espressa come numero di segni (feci e secrezioni anali per giorno era associata a1 ciclo riproduttivo della specie e incrementava in relazione al numero di animali presenti nel recinto. I dati acquisiti rivestono particolare importanza per interpretare le variazioni nell'arco dell'anno del livello di marcamento di popolazioni selvatiche.

  16. Absolute Enumeration of Probiotic Strains Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM® and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bl-04® via Chip-Based Digital PCR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarah J. Z. Hansen


    Full Text Available The current standard for enumeration of probiotics to obtain colony forming units by plate counts has several drawbacks: long time to results, high variability and the inability to discern between bacterial strains. Accurate probiotic cell counts are important to confirm the delivery of a clinically documented dose for its associated health benefits. A method is described using chip-based digital PCR (cdPCR to enumerate Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bl-04 and Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM both as single strains and in combination. Primers and probes were designed to differentiate the target strains against other strains of the same species using known single copy, genetic differences. The assay was optimized to include propidium monoazide pre-treatment to prevent amplification of DNA associated with dead probiotic cells as well as liberation of DNA from cells with intact membranes using bead beating. The resulting assay was able to successfully enumerate each strain whether alone or in multiplex. The cdPCR method had a 4 and 5% relative standard deviation (RSD for Bl-04 and NCFM, respectively, making it more precise than plate counts with an industry accepted RSD of 15%. cdPCR has the potential to replace traditional plate counts because of its precision, strain specificity and the ability to obtain results in a matter of hours.

  17. Quantitative cine-left ventriculography - Superiority of 45 .deg. RAO view to straight AB view -

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Tae Hwan; Han, Man Chung


    The volumetry by cineangiocardiography is known to have the most diagnostic and prognostic value in the evaluation of various valvular heart diseases and ischemic heart diseases. Although many authors favor the area-length method for the volumetry of left ventricle, 45 .deg. RAO projection seems to be more simple, inexpensive and accurate technique, considering the positional relationship of cardiac valves and obliquity of the long axis of left ventricle within the chest cage. Authors present the anatomical, geometrical and radiological basis for the superiority of 45 .deg. RAO protection by analyzing 20 normal heart specimen and 115 cineangiocardiograms of valvular heart diseases, and the results as follows: 1. Blood flow and motility of the mitral and aortic valves can be more clearly demonstrated by 45 .deg. RAO projection than by AP view. 2. The long diameter of left ventricular silhouette made 45 .deg. RAO projection reflects 90% or more of real diameter. 3. In RAO 45 .deg. position, patient's left nipple is optimal and convenient level for the ruler offering accurate magnification coefficient of left ventricle. 4. Ejection fraction after the extrasystole is exaggerated regardless of the left ventricular function, so it is desirable to exclude the 2 or 3 beats after extrasystole

  18. Physical properties of concrete under 3-years exposure to high temperatures up to 110degC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishiuchi, T.; Kanazu, T.; Ishida, H.


    Concrete structural members in a storehouse of high level radioactive wastes are designed assuming that they may be subjected to elevated temperature for a long term. So, in this study, concrete properties under temperature conditions (between 65degC-temperature limitation specified in design and 110degC-vaporing temperature of gel water in concrete) and possibility of raising this temperature limitation has been investigated from the view point of long term concrete properties. In this experiment, many properties of concrete were examined, such as compressive strength, tensile strength. Young's modulus, weight loss, pore size distribution under combined conditions (temperature conditions, mix proportions of concrete, moisture conditions). Followings are the main conclusions obtained within the limit of the experiment. 1. Compressive strength of concrete becomes smaller according as temperature becomes high, but there is little difference between the compressive strength at 65degC and 85degC. 2. Young's modulus of concrete decreases linearly according as temperature becomes higher. 3. Weight loss of concrete increases according as temperature becomes higher. 4. Judging from the decreasing rate of physical properties of concrete, it seems possible to raise temperature limitation from 65degC to 85degC. (author)

  19. Ce2O3-SO3-H2O system at 150 and 200 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belokoskov, V.I.; Trofimov, G.V.; Govorukhina, O.A.


    The solubility, solid phase composition and crystal characteristics in the Ce 2 O 3 -SO 3 -H 2 O system have been studied in a broad range of sulfuric acid concentrations (25 to 80% SO 3 ) at temperatures from 150 to 200 deg C. It has been established that in the system the equilibrium had been reached after 15 to 20 days. At 150 deg C, Ce 2 (SO 4 ) 3 x2H 2 O, Ce 2 (SO 4 ) 3 xH 2 O sulfates and Ce 2 (SO 4 ) 3 x3H 2 SO 4 acid salt crystallize in the system. At 200 deg C, the same sulfates crystallize in the system, except that the bisaturation points of the system are shifted, with respect to 150 deg C, into the region of higher SO 3 concentration and correspond to solutions with a SO 3 concentration of 57.8 and 65%. The solubility of cerium(3) at 150 deg C is about 0.5% Ce 2 O 3 . An increase in temperature up to 200 deg C leads to a slightly higher solubility of cerium sulfates

  20. Pourbaix diagrams for the system copper-chlorine at 5-100 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beverskog, B. [Studsvik Material AB, Nykoeping (Sweden); Puigdomenech, I. [Studsvik Eco and Safety AB, Nykoeping (Sweden)


    Pourbaix diagrams for the copper-chlorine system in the temperature interval 5-100 deg C have been revised. Predominance diagrams for dissolved copper containing species have also been calculated. Two different total concentrations of each dissolved element, 10{sup -4} and 10{sup -6} molal for copper and 0.2 and 1.5 molal for chlorine have been used in the calculations. Chloride is the predominating chlorine species in aqueous solutions. Presence of chloride increases the corrosion regions of copper at the expense of the immunity and passivity regions in the Pourbaix diagrams. CuCl{sub 2} {center_dot} 3Cu(OH){sub 2} is the only copper-chloride solid phase that forms at the concentrations of chlorine studied. However, its stability area decreases with increasing temperature. The ion CuCl{sub 2}{sup -} predominates at all temperatures at [Cl(aq)]{sub tot}=0.2 molal and this reduces the immunity and passivity areas. A corrosion region exists between the immunity and passivity regions at 100 deg C at [Cu(aq)]{sub tot}=10{sup -6} and [Cl(aq)]{sub tot}=0.2 molal. At the chlorine concentration of 1.5 molal the corrosion region exists in the whole temperature range investigated. The ion CuCl{sub 3}{sup 2-} predominates at 5-25 and 100 deg C, while CuCl{sub 2}{sup -} predominates at 50-80 deg C at [Cl(aq)]{sub tot=}1-5 molal. A copper concentration of 10{sup -4} molal reduces the corrosion areas due to expansion of the immunity and passivity areas. However, a corrosion region still exists between the immunity and passivity regions at all investigated temperatures at pH{sub {Tau}}<9.5 and 1.5 molal chloride concentration. According to our calculations the copper canisters in the deep nuclear waste repository should not corrode at the copper concentration of 10{sup -6} molal and the chloride concentration of 0.2 molal. However, at 80-100 deg C the equilibrium potentials postulated for the Swedish nuclear repository are dangerously close to a corrosion situation. According to

  1. Tensile properties of Zr-2.5 Nb pressure tube alloy between 25 and 800 degC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, R.N.; Kishore, R.; Sinha, T.K.; Banerjee, S.


    Tensile properties of zirconium-2.5 wt. % niobium pressure tube material were evaluated by uniaxial tension tests at temperatures between 25 and 800 degC and under strain-rates varying from 3.3 x 10 -5 to 3.3 x 10 -3 /s. Tests were carried out on specimens fabricated from the sections of finished (autoclaved) tubes as well as on those machined from the sections of cold worked (2 nd pilgered) tubes. Moreover, specimens fabricated from finished tubes belonging to twenty different heats were tested at 300 degC to study the heat to heat variation in tensile properties of this alloy. In order to study the effect of the crystallographic texture on the tensile properties, specimens oriented in longitudinal as well as, in transverse directions of the tubes were also tested. Results showed that both yield and ultimate tensile strengths of this alloy decreased monotonically with increasing test temperatures, with a rapid fall in strengths above a temperature of 350 degC (623 K). The tensile ductility did not change appreciably up to 400 degC (673K) but increased rapidly above this temperature. The observed results on the temperature dependence of the strength and ductility indicated the possible occurrence of dynamic strain-ageing in this alloy in the temperature range of 200-300 degC (473 to 573 K). The transverse specimens showed higher strengths and lower ductility as compared to those of the longitudinal specimens up to a temperature of 350 degC (623 K). Above 350 degC, the difference in the strengths and the ductility of the two types of the specimens, became negligibly small indicating that the texture did not appreciably influence the tensile properties of this alloy at temperatures exceeding 350 degC. The alloy developed extensive superplasticity (ductility exceeding 100 %), when tested in the temperature range of 650-800 degC. Maximum ductility values of 650 % for longitudinal and 900 % for the transverse orientation with strain-rate sensitivity (m) exceeding 0

  2. The tensile properties of alloys 800H and 617 in the range 20 to 950deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abd El-Azim, M.E.; Ennis, P.J.; Schuster, H.; Nickel, H.


    The tensile properties of Alloy 800H and Alloy 617 in the solution treated condition and after ageing or carburization have been determined for the temperature range 20 to 950deg C. It was found that ageing at 900deg C prior to testing led to an increase in strength and a decrease in ductility at test temperatures up to 700deg C. Above 700deg C, there was no significant difference between the tensile properties of solution treated and aged material. Carburization caused a severe loss of ductility in both alloys at temperatures of 20 to around 800deg C, but the ductility increased sharply at test temperatures above 800deg C, accompanied by a change in the fracture mode from fracture of the carbide particles themselves to void formation and separation at the carbide/matrix interface. The correlation between tensile properties and creep data was investigated in tests carried out at different strain rates. Reasonable agreement was found at 800 to 950deg C for Alloy 617 and at 800 to 900deg C for Alloy 800H. Strain ageing effects were observed in both alloys at some temperatures and strain rates; these effects were serrated flow, negative strain rate sensitivity, peaks in the normalized UTS-temperature curves and plateaus in the elongation-temperature curves. The experimental results were interpreted in the light of two current models for strain ageing, the dislocation-dislocation interaction model and the dislocation-solute interaction model. (orig.) [de

  3. Dynamic Longitudinal and Directional Stability Derivatives for a 45 deg. Sweptback-Wing Airplane Model at Transonic Speeds (United States)

    Bielat, Ralph P.; Wiley, Harleth G.


    An investigation was made at transonic speeds to determine some of the dynamic stability derivatives of a 45 deg. sweptback-wing airplane model. The model was sting mounted and was rigidly forced to perform a single-degree-of-freedom angular oscillation in pitch or yaw of +/- 2 deg. The investigation was made for angles of attack alpha, from -4 deg. to 14 deg. throughout most of the transonic speed range for values of reduced-frequency parameter from 0.015 to 0.040 based on wing mean aerodynamic chord and from 0.04 to 0.14 based on wing span. The results show that reduced frequency had only a small effect on the damping-in-pitch derivative and the oscillatory longitudinal stability derivative for all Mach numbers M and angles of attack with the exception of the values of damping coefficient near M = 1.03 and alpha = 8 deg. to 14 deg. In this region, the damping coefficient changed rapidly with reduced frequency and negative values of damping coefficient were measured at low values of reduced frequency. This abrupt variation of pitch damping with reduced frequency was a characteristic of the complete model or wing-body-vertical-tail combination. The damping-in-pitch derivative varied considerably with alpha and M for the horizontal-tail-on and horizontal-tail-off configurations, and the damping was relatively high at angles of attack corresponding to the onset of pitch-up for both configurations. The damping-in-yaw derivative was generally independent of reduced frequency and M at alpha = -4 deg. to 4 deg. At alpha = 8 deg. to 14 deg., the damping derivative increased with an increase in reduced frequency and alpha for the configurations having the wing, whereas the damping derivative was either independent of or decreased with increase in reduced frequency for the configuration without the wing. The oscillatory directional stability derivative for all configurations generally decreased with an increase in the reduced-frequency parameter, and, in some instances

  4. Reclutamento e formazione dei poliziotti: il caso degli ufficiali della gendarmeria francese

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    François Dieu


    Full Text Available Partendo dal caso degli ufficiali della gendarmeria francese, questo articolo illustra il modo in cui il reclutamento e la formazione possono contribuire, informalmente, alla ripartizione del potere nelle organizzazioni di polizia. Tramite la diversità delle vie di reclutamento si costituisce, di fatto, un vero e proprio sistema di "caste", con una stratificazione degli ufficiali in tre livelli gerarchici, che produce, al di là dei principi meritocratici, delle ineguaglianze manifeste nella ripartizione del potere nell'organizzazione della gendarmeria.

  5. Post-deposition thermal annealing studies of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon deposited at 40 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Wagt, H.J. van der; Rath, J.K.; Schropp, R.E.I.; Beyer, W.


    Post-deposition thermal annealing studies, including gas effusion measurements, measurements of infrared absorption versus annealing state, cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (X-TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), are used for structural characterization of hydrogenated amorphous and microcrystalline silicon films, prepared by very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (VHF-PECVD) at low substrate temperature (T S ). Such films are of interest for application in thin semiconductor devices deposited on cheap plastics. For T S ∼ 40 deg. C, H-evolution shows rather complicated spectra for (near-) microcrystalline material, with hydrogen effusion maxima seen at ∼ 200-250 deg. C, 380 deg. C and ∼ 450-500 deg. C, while for the amorphous material typical spectra for good-quality dense material are found. Effusion experiments of implanted He demonstrate for the microcrystalline material the presence of a rather open (void-rich) structure. A similar tendency can be concluded from Ne effusion experiments. Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of stepwise annealed samples show Si-H bond rupture already at annealing temperatures of 150 deg. C. Combined AFM/X-TEM studies reveal a columnar microstructure for all of these (near-) microcrystalline materials, of which the open structure is the most probable explanation of the shift of the H-effusion maximum in (near-) microcrystalline material to lower temperature

  6. Indagine retrospettiva sulle neoplasie testicolari del cane in Abruzzo e Molise, Italia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Rita D’Angelo


    Full Text Available Le neoplasie testicolari sono piuttosto frequenti nel cane e condividono alcune caratteristiche con quelle umane, rendendole un potenziale modello in patologia comparata. Si riportano i dati relativi ai tumori testicolari del cane conferiti ed esaminati Istituto G. Caporale nel corso degli ultimi 12 anni, dal 2000 al 2011. In totale, sono stati diagnosticati 183 tumori: 108 seminomi, 37 sertoliomi, 18 tumori a cellule interstiziali del Leydig, 10 tumori misti, 9 neoplasie primitive di diversa natura una metastasi. La raccolta dettagliata di informazioni (segnala-mento, anamnesi, manifestazioni cliniche e follow-up messa in atto, consentirà di valutare al meglio il comportamento biologico delle neoplasie animali il potenziale oncogeno di specifici fattori, sia intrinseci che estrinseci.

  7. Rotary balance data for a typical single-engine general aviation design for an angle-of-attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg. 2: High-wing model C (United States)

    Hultberg, R. S.; Chu, J.


    Aerodynamic characteristics obtained in a helical flow environment utilizing a rotary balance located in the Langley spin g tunnel are presented in plotted form for a 1/6 scale, single engine, high wing, general aviation model. The configurations tested included the basic airplane and control deflections, wing leading edge devices, tail designs, and airplane components. Data are presented without analysis for an angle of attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg and clockwise and counter clockwise rotations covering a spin coefficient range from 0 to 0.9.

  8. Rotary balance data for a typical single-engine general aviation design for an angle-of-attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg. 2: Low-wing model B (United States)

    Bihrle, W., Jr.; Hultberg, R. S.


    Aerodynamic characteristics obtained in a rotational flow environment utilizing a rotary balance located in the spin tunnel are presented in plotted form for a 1/6.5 scale, single engine, low wing, general aviation airplane model. The configurations tested included the basic airplane, various wing leading-edge devices, tail designs, and rudder control settings as well as airplane components. Data are presented without analysis for an angle-of-attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg and clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations covering an (omega)(b)/2V range from 0 to 0.85.

  9. Rotary balance data for a typical single-engine general aviation design for an angle-of-attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg. 1: High-wing model B (United States)

    Bihrle, W., Jr.; Hultberg, R. S.


    Aerodynamic characteristics obtained in a rotational flow environment utilizing a rotary balance located in a spin tunnel are presented in plotted form for a 1/6.5 scale, single engine, high wing, general aviation airplane model. The configurations tested included the basic airplane, various wing leading-edge devices, tail designs, and rudder control settings as well as airplane components. Data are presented without analysis for an angle of attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg and clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations covering an omega b/2V range from 0 to 0.85.

  10. Vortex lift augmentation by suction on a 60 deg swept Gothic wing (United States)

    Taylor, A. H.; Jackson, L. R.; Huffman, J. K.


    An experimental investigation was conducted in the Langley high-speed 7- by 10-foot wind tunnel to determine the aerodynamic performance of suction applied near the wing tips above the trailing edge of a 60 deg swept Gothic wing. Moveable suction inlets were symmetrically mounted in the proximity of the trailing edge, and the amount of suction was varied to maximize wing lift. Tests were conducted at Mach 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45, and the angle of attack was varied from -4 to 50 deg. The suction augmentation increases the lift coefficient over the entire range of angle of attack. The lift improvement exceeds the unaugmented wing lift by over 20%. Moreover, the augmented lift exceeds the lift predicted by vortex lattice theory to 30 deg angle of attack. Suction augmentation is postulated to strengthen the vortex system by increasing its velocity and making it more concentrated. This causes the vortex breakdown to be delayed to a higher angle of attack

  11. Determination of the spiral Galaxy structure parameters based on neutral hydrogen radiowave radiation in 21 cm line. 2. Nonlinear theory. 30 deg <= |l| <= 60 deg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berman, V.G.; Mishurov, Yu.N.


    Gas flow and its density distribution in the Galaxy spiral arm gravitational potential is calculated by means of the nonlinear theory. Line profile of H I emission in 21 cm based on the Galaxy spiral structure models proposed by Lin and Marochnik are constructed for the galactic coordinates 30 deg < or approximately |l| < or approximately 60 deg. It is shown that the conclusion about the possibility of agreement of the Marochnik model with observations made by means of the linear theory is confirmed in the nonlinear theory. In the Marochnik model distributions with R H II regions, CO-clouds, γ-radiation, supernova remnants and so on may also be understood connecting them with variation of gas compression in galactic shock with H radius

  12. Apparent and partial molar volumes of long-chain alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chlorides and bromides in aqueous solutions at T=15 deg. C and T=25 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez-Perez, A.; Ruso, J.M.; Nimo, J.; Rodriguez, J.R.


    Density measurements of dodecyl- (C 12 DBACl), tetradecyl- (C 14 DBACl), hexadecyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride (C 16 DBACl) and of decyl- (C 10 DBABr) and dodecyldimethylbenzylammonium bromide (C 12 DBABr) in aqueous solutions at T=15 deg. C and T=25 deg. C have been carried out. From these results, apparent and partial molar volumes were calculated. Positive deviations from the Debye-Hueckel limiting law provide evidence for limited association at concentrations below the critical micelle concentration. The change of the apparent molar volume upon micellization was calculated. The relevant parameters have been presented in function of the alkyl chain length. Apparent molar volumes of the present compounds in the micellar phase, V phi m , and the change upon micellization, ΔV phi m , have been discussed in terms of temperature and type of counterion

  13. Simulated cosmic microwave background maps at 0.5 deg resolution: Unresolved features (United States)

    Kogut, A.; Hinshaw, G.; Bennett, C. L.


    High-contrast peaks in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy can appear as unresolved sources to observers. We fit simluated CMB maps generated with a cold dark matter model to a set of unresolved features at instrumental resolution 0.5 deg-1.5 deg to derive the integral number density per steradian n (greater than absolute value of T) of features brighter than threshold temperature absolute value of T and compare the results to recent experiments. A typical medium-scale experiment observing 0.001 sr at 0.5 deg resolution would expect to observe one feature brighter than 85 micro-K after convolution with the beam profile, with less than 5% probability to observe a source brighter than 150 micro-K. Increasing the power-law index of primordial density perturbations n from 1 to 1.5 raises these temperature limits absolute value of T by a factor of 2. The MSAM features are in agreement with standard cold dark matter models and are not necessarily evidence for processes beyond the standard model.

  14. Strain ageing of the 15Kh2MFA steel at 500 and 550 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maksimovich, G.G.; Azbukin, V.G.; Krylova, R.P.; Tretyak, I.Yu.; Bardachevskaya, T.V.


    The effect of ageing at high temperatures and under high stresses on strength and plasticity of the 15Kh2MFA steel has been studied. The steel was kept at 500 and at 550 deg C for 100, 1000 and 2500 hours without stress and under stress of 0.5 and 0.9 of the long-term strength limit (sigmasub(ls)). Ageing at 500 deg C without stress and under 0.5 sigmasub(ls) changed neither strength nor plasticity of the steel; under 0.9 sigmasub(ls) the strength somewhat decreased. Ageing at 550 deg C for 1000 hours resulted in an appreciable stress drop

  15. Irradiation creep of the martensitic steel no. 1.4914 between 400 deg C and 600 deg C (Mol 5B)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herschbach, K.; Doser, W.


    The irradiation induced creep of the martensitic steel DIN No. 1.4914 was investigated in the temperature range from 400 to 600 deg C for stresses up to 200 Mpa using the Mol 5B irradiation rig. The results point to a behavior quite different from that observed in the austenitic steels as will be discussed in detail. The creep is thermally activated and non-linearly dependent upon the applied stress. (author)

  16. Off-nadir antenna bias correction using Amazon rain forest sigma deg data. [Brazil (United States)

    Birrer, I. J.; Bracalente, E. M.; Dome, G. J.; Sweet, J.; Berthold, G.; Moore, R. K. (Principal Investigator)


    The radar response from the Amazon rain forest was studied to determine the suitability of this region for use as a standard target to calibrate a scatterometer like that proposed for the National Ocean Satellite System (NOSS). Backscattering observations made by the SEASAT-1 scatterometer system show the Amazon rain forest to be a homogeneous, azimuthally-isotropic, radar target which is insensitive to polarization. The variation with angle of incidence may be adequately modeled as sigma deg (dB) = alpha theta + beta with typical values for the incidence-angle coefficient from 0.07 dB deg to 0.15 dB/deg. A small diurnal effect occurs, with measurements at sunrise being 0.5 dB to 1 dB higher than the rest of the day. Maximum likelihood estimation algorithms are presented which permit determination of relative bias and true pointing angle for each beam. Specific implementation of these algorithms for the proposed NOSS scatterometer system is also discussed.

  17. Models for Surface Roughness Scattering of Electrons in a 2DEG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yarar, Z.


    In this work surface roughness scattering of electrons in a two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed at heterojunction interfaces is investigated for different auto-correlation tions and potential forms. Gaussian, exponentiaI and lorentsian auto-correlation tions are used to represent surface roughness. Both an infinitely deep triangular potential model and the potential that is found from the numerical solution of Poisson Shrodinger equations self consistently are used as the potential that holds 2DEG at the hetero Interface. Using the wave functions appropriate for the potentials just mentioned and the auto-correlation functions indicated above, the scattering rates due to surface roughness are calculated. The calculations were repeated when the effect of screening is also included for the case of triangular potential

  18. Retrieving SW fluxes from geostationary narrowband radiances for the NASA-CERES SYN1deg product (United States)

    Wrenn, F. J., IV; Doelling, D. R.; Liang, L.


    The CERES mission was designed to measure the natural variability of the net TOA flux over long time scales relevant to climate monitoring. To achieve this goal, CERES provides the level-3 SSF1deg, SYN1deg, and EBAF monthly 1° by 1° regional TOA flux. The single satellite (Terra or Aqua) SSF1deg 24-hour shortwave flux is based on one daytime measurements and assumes constant meteorology to model the diurnal change in albedo. To accurately describe regions with a prominent diurnal signal, the SYN1deg Edition4 dataset employs hourly geostationary (GEO) measurements. This improves upon Edition3, which used 3-hourly GEO measurements and with temporal interpolation. The EBAF product combines the temporal stability of the SSF1deg product with the diurnal information from SYN1deg and removes the CERES instrument calibration bias by constraining the net flux balance to the ocean heat storage term. The SYN-1deg product retrieves hourly SW fluxes from GEO measurements. Over regions with large diurnal cycles, such as maritime stratus and land afternoon convective locations, the GEO derived SW fluxes will capture the diurnal flux not observed with Terra or Aqua sun-synchronous satellites. Obtaining fluxes from geostationary satellite radiance is a multistep process. First, most GEO visible imagers lack calibration and must be calibrated to MODIS and VIIRS. Second, the GEO imager visible channel radiances are converted to broadband radiances using empirical and theoretical models. The lack of coincident, collocated, and co-angled GEO and CERES measurements makes building an empirical model difficult. The narrowband to broadband models are a function of surface and cloud conditions, which are difficult to identify due to the inconsistent cloud retrievals between the 16 GEO imagers used in the CERES record. Third, the GEO derived broadband radiances are passed through the CERES angular distribution model (ADM) to convert the radiances to fluxes. Lastly, the GEO derived

  19. A preliminary design and structural analysis on the central column for supporting the full 40 .deg. Sectors at tokamak in pit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nam, Kyoungo; Park, Hyun Ki; Kim, Dong Jin; Moon, Jaeh Wan; Kim, Byung Seok; Watson, Emma; Shaw, Robert


    The ITER Tokamak machine is composed of nine 40 .deg. sectors shaped of torus. Each 40.deg. sector is made up of one 40 .deg. vacuum vessel (VV), two 20 .deg. toroidal filed coils and associated vacuum vessel thermal shield (VVTS) segments which consist of one inboard and two outboard VVTS. The VV/TFC/VVTS 40 .deg. sectors are sub assembled at assembly building respectively at sector sub assembly tool and then nine sub assembled 40 .deg. sectors are finally assembled at in-pit of Tokamak building. ITER sector assembly tools are the purpose built assembly tools to assemble nine 40 .deg. sectors into the complete ITER Tokamak machine at Tokamak in pit. Based on the design description document, final report prepared by the ITER organization (IO) and tooling requirements, Korea has carried out the conceptual and preliminary design of these assembly tools. Especially, the central column is the main tool, which is composed of some hollow cylinders, to support full nine 40 .deg. sectors at Tokamak in pit. Configuration and structural analysis of the central column are presented

  20. The isothermal section at 500 deg. C of the Gd-Tb-Ga ternary system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, J.Q.; Jian, Y.X.; Ao, W.Q.; Zhuang, Y.H.; He, W.


    Phase equilibria in the Gd-Tb-Ga ternary system at 500 deg. C were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. The binary compounds, Gd 5 Ga 3 , Gd 3 Ga 2 , GdGa, GdGa 2 , Tb 5 Ga 3 , TbGa, TbGa 2 and TbGa 3 have been confirmed at 500 deg. C. No ternary compound was found in this system. The isothermal section of this system at 500 deg. C was constructed. It is composed of 7 single-phase regions, 8 two-phase regions and 2 three-phase regions. Four ternary continuous solid solutions (Gd, Tb), (Gd, Tb) 5 Ga 3 , (Gd, Tb)Ga, (Gd, Tb)Ga 2 were formed in this isothermal section. The maximum solid solubilities of Ga in (Gd, Tb) at 500 deg. C is 5.0 at.%. The homogeneity range of (Gd, Tb)Ga 2 is from 20 to 33.3 at.% Ga in Gd-Ga side but limited in Tb-Ga side. The solid solubilities of Ga in the other phases cannot be detected. The Curie temperatures of the Gd 0.6 Tb 0.4-x Ga x alloys increase from 270 to 298 K as x increases from 0 to 0.03

  1. Ge films grown on Si substrates by molecular-beam epitaxy below 450 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, J.; Kim, H.J.; Hul'ko, O.; Xie, Y.H.; Sahni, S.; Bandaru, P.; Yablonovitch, E.


    Ge thin films are grown on Si(001) substrates by molecular-beam epitaxy at 370 deg. C. The low-temperature epitaxial growth is compatible with the back-end thermal budget of current generation complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology, which is restricted to less than 450 deg. C. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction shows that single-crystal Ge thin films with smooth surfaces could be achieved below 450 deg. C. Double-axis x-ray θ/2θ scans also show that the epitaxial Ge films are almost fully strain-relaxed. As expected, cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy shows a network of dislocations at the interface. Hydrogen and oxide desorption techniques are proved to be necessary for improving the quality of the Ge films, which is reflected in improved minority carrier diffusion lengths and exceptionally low leakage currents

  2. Effect of temperatures up to 130 deg C on the responses of TLD 700

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Douglas, J A; Binns, P J [UKAEA Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. Environmental and Medical Sciences Div.


    The need to measure doses at temperatures up to 130 deg C led to an investigation into the effect of exposure and storage at these temperatures on the response of TLD 700 before and after UV phototransfer. As a preliminary, the delays required during the UV re-estimation process were optimised. The effects of storage and exposure were compared. This was followed by a detailed examination of the effects of storage at temperatures up to 130 deg C. Glow curves were analysed to investigate the rates of growth and decay of the different peaks. The findings for peaks 6 and 7 are compatible with previously reported effects at lower temperatures on peaks 3, 4 and 5. Storage at temperatures of 130 deg C or below for periods up to 28 days does not affect the UV photo-transfer response.

  3. The effects of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis B94 on gastrointestinal wellness in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Alyousif, Zainab; Miller, Jennifer L; Sandoval, Mariana Y; MacPherson, Chad W; Nagulesapillai, Varuni; Dahl, Wendy J


    Constipation is a frequent problem in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome. Certain probiotics have been shown to improve transit and gastrointestinal symptoms of adults with functional constipation. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of daily consumption of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis B94 (B. lactis B94) on stool frequency, stool form, and gastrointestinal symptoms in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome. Adults with Prader-Willi syndrome (18-75 years old, n = 36) will be recruited and enrolled in a 20-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Study subjects will be randomized to B. lactis B94 or placebo each for a 4-week period, preceded by a 4-week baseline and followed by 4-week washouts. Subjects will complete daily records of stool frequency and stool form (a proxy of transit time). Dietary intake data also will be collected. Stools, one in each period, will be collected for exploratory microbiota analyses. To our knowledge, this is the first randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of B. lactis in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome. The results of this study will provide evidence of efficacy for future clinical trials in patient populations with constipation. ( NCT03277157 ). Registered on 08 September 2017.

  4. Degradation of PsbO by the Deg Protease HhoA Is Thioredoxin Dependent


    Roberts, Irma N.; Lam, Xuan Tam; Miranda, Helder; Kieselbach, Thomas; Funk, Christiane


    The widely distributed members of the Deg/HtrA protease family play an important role in the proteolysis of misfolded and damaged proteins. Here we show that the Deg protease rHhoA is able to degrade PsbO, the extrinsic protein of the Photosystem II (PSII) oxygen-evolving complex in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and in spinach. PsbO is known to be stable in its oxidized form, but after reduction by thioredoxin it became a substrate for recombinant HhoA (rHhoA). rHhoA cleaved reduced eukaryotic (...

  5. Giovanni Degli Alessandri: i primi anni del direttorato agli Uffizi fra nuovi e vecchi ruoli

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    Chiara Pasquinelli


    Full Text Available La figura di Giovanni Degli Alessandri (1765-1830, presidente dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze e direttore degli Uffizi tra gli anni napoleonici e la Restaurazione di Ferdinando III d’Asburgo-Lorena, è quella di un personaggio chiave nella politica artistica fiorentina, e toscana più in generale. Nel saggio si esaminano i primi anni del suo direttorato alla Galleria, i rapporti con Antonio Canova, il suo ruolo all’interno dell’entourage di Elisa Baciocchi Bonaparte, oltre a considerare alcuni spunti legati al rinnovamento degli Uffizi, nonché la delicata vicenda del passaggio in città di Dominique-Vivant Denon, direttore del Louvre. L’obbiettivo è quello di introdurre elementi di approfondimento relativamente a una figura molto nota ma poco studiata.

  6. Rotary balance data for a typical single-engine general aviation design for an angle of attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg. 1: Low wing model C. [wind tunnel tests (United States)

    Mulcay, W. J.; Rose, R. A.


    Aerodynamic characteristics obtained in a helical flow environment utilizing a rotary balance located in the Langley spin tunnel are presented in plotted form for a 1/6 scale, single engine, low wing, general aviation model (model C). The configurations tested included the basic airplane and control deflections, wing leading edge and fuselage modification devices, tail designs and airplane components. Data are presented without analysis for an angle of attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg and clockwise and counter clockwise rotations covering an omega b/2v range from 0 to .9.

  7. Restrained shrinkage experiments on coated particle fuel compacts in the temperature range 600-1200 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blackstone, R.; Veringa, H.J.; Loelgen, R.


    Information on irradiation induced creep in reactor graphite and in fuel compact material is an essential ingredient in the design of any reactor core layout, because the creep plasticity of these materials diminishes the stresses which are built up in the fuel element during reactor operation. The restrained shrinkage method in which the shrinkage of a dumbbell shaped creep specimen is restrained by a graphite material which shows less irradiation shrinkage, offers a good possibility of performing a large series of tensile creep experiments in a limited irradiation volume. The irradiations, evaluations and the results of a series of restrained shrinkage experiments in which six different materials were tested, of which five were dummy coated particle compacts and one pure matrix material are described and discussed. These materials were irradiated in the High Flux Reactor of the Euratom Joint Research Centre in Petten/Netherlands. The irradiations were performed in three successive capsules at irradiation temperatures of 600 deg C, 900 deg C, 1050 deg C and 1200 deg C up to a neutron fluence of maximum 3x10 21 2 (DNE). The post-irradiation examinations yielded plastic strains up to 2,3%, and values for the radiation creep coefficient were calculated, ranging from 4 to 8.10 -12 at 600 deg C and 8 to 30.10 -12 at 1200 deg C always given per -2 tensile stresses and per 10 20 -2 fluence units. Generally it was found that the creep behavior of these materials and the temperature dependence of the creep process could be compared with those for normal reactor graphites

  8. Effect of a fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium animalis DN-173 010 on the health-related quality of life and symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome in adults in primary care: a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. (United States)

    Guyonnet, D; Chassany, O; Ducrotte, P; Picard, C; Mouret, M; Mercier, C-H; Matuchansky, C


    Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has been rarely evaluated as a primary endpoint in the assessment of the effect of probiotics on the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). To study the effects of fermented milk containing Bifidobacterium animalis DN-173 010 and yoghurt strains on the IBS in a multicentre, double-blind, controlled trial. A total of 274 primary care adults with constipation-predominant IBS (Rome II) were randomized to consume for 6 weeks either the test fermented milk or a heat-treated yoghurt (control). HRQoL and digestive symptoms were assessed after 3 and 6 weeks on an intention-to-treat population of 267 subjects. The HRQoL discomfort score, the primary endpoint, improved (P food on discomfort HRQoL score and bloating in constipation-predominant IBS, and on stool frequency in subjects with <3 stools/week.

  9. An investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of a 0.00548 scale model (model no. 486) of the space shuttle 146-inch diameter solid rocket booster at angels of attack from 113 deg to 180 deg in the AEDC PWT 4-foot transonic wind tunnel (SA16F) (United States)

    Ramsey, P. E.


    An experimental investigation (SA16F) was conducted in the AEDC PWT 4T to determine the entry static stability of a 0.00548 scale space shuttle solid rocket booster (SRB). The primary objective was to improve the definition of the aerodynamic characteristics in the angle of attack range beyond 90 deg in the vicinity of the entry trim point. The SRB scale model consisted of the reentry configuration with all major protuberances. A simulated heat shield around the engine nozzle was also included. Data were obtained for a 60 deg side mounted sting and a straight nose mounted sting. The angle of attack range for the side mounted sting was 113 deg to 147 deg and for the nose mounted sting 152 deg to 187 deg. The Mach number range consisted of 0.4 to 1.2 at roll angles of 0 and 90 deg. The resulting 6-component aerodynamic force data was presented as the variation of coefficients with angle of attack for each Mach number and roll angle.

  10. Solubility of ammonium metavanadate in ammonium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate solutions at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fedorov, P.I.; Andreev, V.K.; Slotvinskij-Sidak, N.P.


    Solubility at 25 deg C has been studied in the system ammonium metavanadate - sodium bicarbonate - water which is a stable section of the corresponding quaternary mutual system. In the eutonic point the content of ammonium metavanadate is 4.95% and of sodium bicarbonate 12.1%. The crystallization branch of ammonium metavanadate has been studied in the system ammonium metavanadate - ammonium carbonate - water at 25 deg C. Metavanadate solubility attains minimum (0.14%) at ammonium carbonate concentration 2.6%. Three sections have been studied of the quaternary system ammonium - metavanadate - ammonium carbonate - sodium bicarbonate-water at 25 deg C in the crystallization region of ammonium metavanadate at a ratio of sodium bicarbonate to ammonium carbonate 3:1, 1:1, and 1:3. A region of minimum solubility of ammonium metavanadate has been detected (0.1%)

  11. Oxidation-induced embrittlement and structural changes of Zircaloy-4 tubing in steam at 700-1000 deg. C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ali, A E; Huessein, A G; El-Sayed, A A; El Banna, O A [Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt); El Raghy, S M [Cairo Univ. (Egypt). Faculty of Engineering


    The oxidation-induced embrittlement and structural changes of Zircaloy-4 (KWU-Type) tubing was investigated under light water reactors (LWR) Loss-of-Coolant. Accident conditions (LOCA) in temperature range 700-1000 deg. C. The effect of hydrogen addition to steam was also investigated in the temperature range 800-1000 deg. C. The oxidation-induced embrittlement was found to be a function of both temperature and time. Fractography investigation of oxidized tubing showed a typical brittle fracture in the stabilized-alpha zone. The microhardness measurements revealed that the alpha-Zr is harder than that near the mid-wall position. The oxidation-induced embrittlement at 900 deg. C was found to be higher than at 1000 deg. C. The results also indicated that the addition of 5% by volume hydrogen to steam resulted in an increase in the degree of embrittlement. (author). 22 refs, 9 figs, 3 tabs.

  12. L'area faunistica del camoscio appenninico (Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata di Lama dei Peligni. Evoluzione del nucleo e problemi gestionali

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Gentile


    Full Text Available L'Area Faunistica del Camoscio appenninico di Lama dei Peligni (CH nel Parco Nazionale della Majella è stata istituita nel 1990 con lo scopo principale di fungere da serbatoio di animali da utilizzare per operazioni di rinforzo della popolazione di Camosci in natura. Inoltre è stata ed è un notevole strumento per sensibilizzare la popolazione ed il pubblico alla conservazione della specie nonché una forte attrazione turistica per l'intera Valle dell'Aventino nel Parco Nazionale della Majella. L'Area Faunistica è ubicata nei pressi del centro abitato di Lama dei Peligni (CH sul versante Orientale della Majella ad un'altitudine che va dai 750 agli 850 m s.l.m. ed ha un'astensione complessiva di 4,2 ettari. Nel corso degli anni è stato necessario suddividere il recinto in 4 subrecinti per poter disporre di spazi separati utili per la gestione sanitaria del nucleo di animali ospitati. Inizialmente la responsabilità tecnica amministrativa è stata curata dal Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo in collaborazione con il WWF Italia, successivamente è stata curata dalla Riserva Regionale "Majella Orientale" per passare dal 2000 all'Ente Parco Nazionale della Majella. L'area faunistica di Lama dei Peligni è stata attivata con l'immissione di un maschio prelevato in natura dalla popolazione della Val di Rose nel Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise e 5 femmine provenienti dal'Area Faunistica di Bisegna nel medesimo Parco. Nel periodo dal 1990 al 2002 sono nati 37 camosci e ne sono deceduti 20. Inoltre si sono verificati 14 rientri di animali provenienti dalla popolazione in natura e dall'Area Faunistica sono stati reimmessi 25 capi sul massiccio della Majella. L'Area di Lama dei Peligni ha consentito l'attivazione di un'ulteriore Area Faunistica nel Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso Monti della Laga fornendo 1 femmina. Lo scopo principale del presente lavoro è di analizzare criticamente i dati raccolti in un database e di individuare un protocollo di

  13. Surface protection of a chromia forming alloy at 1300deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lobb, R.C.; Bennett, M.J.


    Under postulated abnormal (fault) reactor conditions, a rapid temperature transient could occur such that for a short time ( 2 /1-2% CO/300 vpm H 2 O/300 vpm CH 4 , at 1.300deg C has been studied. (orig./MM)

  14. Turn down the heat: why a 4 deg. C warmer world must be avoided

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim; Hare, William; Serdeczny, Olivia; Adams, Sophie; Coumou, Dim; Frieler, Katja; Martin, Maria; Otto, Ilona M.; Perrette, Mahe; Robinson, Alexander; Rocha, Marcia; Schaeffer, Michiel; Schewe, Jacob; Wang, Xiaoxi; Warszawski, Lila; Durand, Francis


    This paper summarizes in French the content of a Report for the World Bank made by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics. This report provides a snapshot of recent scientific literature (about 190 papers) and new analyses of likely impacts and risks that would be associated with a 4 deg. Celsius warming within this century. It is a rigorous attempt to outline a range of risks, focusing on developing countries and especially the poor. A 4 deg. C world would be one of unprecedented heat waves, severe drought, and major floods in many regions, with serious impacts on ecosystems and associated services. But with action, a 4 deg. C world can be avoided and we can likely hold warming below 2 deg. C. This report is not a comprehensive scientific assessment, as will be forthcoming from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2013-14 in its fifth assessment report. It is focused on developing countries, while recognizing that developed countries are also vulnerable and at serious risk of major damages from climate change. A series of recent extreme events worldwide continue to highlight the vulnerability of not only the developing world but even wealthy industrialized countries. No nation will be immune to the impacts of climate change. However, the distribution of impacts is likely to be inherently unequal and tilted against many of the world's poorest regions, which have the least economic, institutional, scientific, and technical capacity to cope and adapt

  15. Sexy DEG/ENaC channels involved in gustatory detection of fruit fly pheromones. (United States)

    Pikielny, Claudio W


    Hydrocarbon pheromones on the cuticle of Drosophila melanogaster modulate the complex courtship behavior of males. Recently, three members of the degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel (DEG/ENaC) family of sodium channel subunits, Ppk25, Ppk23, and Ppk29 (also known as Nope), have been shown to function in gustatory perception of courtship-modulating contact pheromones. All three proteins are required for the activation of male courtship by female pheromones. Specific interactions between two of them have been demonstrated in cultured cells, suggesting that, in a subset of cells where they are coexpressed, these three subunits function within a common heterotrimeric DEG/ENaC channel. Such a DEG/ENaC channel may be gated by pheromones, either directly or indirectly, or alternatively may control the excitability of pheromone-sensing cells. In addition, these studies identify taste neurons that respond specifically to courtship-modulating pheromones and mediate their effects on male behavior. Two types of pheromone-sensing taste neurons, F and M cells, have been defined on the basis of their specific response to either female or male pheromones. These reports set the stage for the dissection of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that mediate gustatory detection of contact pheromones.

  16. Elucidating of the microstructure of ZrO2 ceramics with additions of 1200 deg. C heat treated ultrafine MgO powders: Aging at 1420 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brito-Chaparro, J.A.; Reyes-Rojas, A.; Bocanegra-Bernal, M.H.; Aguilar-Elguezabal, A.; Echeberria, J.


    The microstructure and phase transformations in the pressureless sintered composite ZrO 2 with additions of 3.11 wt% high purity and ultrafine MgO powder (9.25 mol% Mg-PSZ) heat treated at 1200 deg. C were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction, before and after of eutectoid aging treatment at 1420 deg. C during 4 h. The phases in the as-sintered ceramics were t, c, and m, and was not evident under the experimental conditions of this work, the formation of typical disk-like shape tetragonal precipitates aligned at right angles, meanwhile the microstructure resulting in aged samples was majority monoclinic stable phase showing a banded structure which appear to be twin related. When is used MgO previously heat treated as stabilizer of ZrO 2 , strong differences in SEM microstructures compared to the shown by other investigators in very similar compositions have been found

  17. Mechanical properties of steel fiber reinforced reactive powder concrete following exposure to high temperature reaching 800 deg. C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tai, Yuh-Shiou, E-mail: [Department of Civil Engineering, ROC Military Academy, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China); Pan, Huang-Hsing; Kung, Ying-Nien [Department of Civil Engineering, Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China)


    Highlights: > The stress-strain relation of reactive powder concrete after exposure to high temperatures are tested by using displacement control. > Develops regression formulae to estimate the mechanical properties of RPC. > Valuable experimental data have been obtained about RPC with various fiber contents. These data include compressive strength, peak strain and modulus of elasticity. - Abstract: This study investigates the stress-strain relation of RPC in quasi-static loading after an elevated temperature. The cylinder specimens of RPC with {phi} 50 mm x 100 mm are examined at the room temperature and after 200-800 deg. C. Experimental results indicate that the residual compressive strength of RPC after heating from 200-300 deg. C increases more than that at room temperature, but, significantly decreases when the temperature exceeds 300 deg. C. The residual peak strains of RPC also initially increase up to 400-500 deg. C, then decrease gradually beyond 500 deg. C. Meanwhile, Young's modulus diminishes with an increasing temperature. Based on the regression analysis results, this study also develops regression formulae to estimate the mechanical properties of RPC after an elevated temperature, thus providing a valuable reference for industrial applications and design.

  18. Cristallini e misurazioni biometriche nella Lepre bianca (Lepus timidus in Provincia di Sondrio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Ferloni


    Full Text Available A partire dalla stagione venatoria 2000 è stato introdotto in Provincia di Sondrio il controllo di tutti i capi di Lepre bianca abbattuti, allo scopo di effettuare valutazioni accurate del sesso, dell'età e delle misurazioni biometriche degli animali. La valutazione dell'età è stata effettuata tramite pesatura del cristallino dell'occhio e tramite palpazione del tubercolo di Stroh. Per una valutazione dell'età è stata utilizzata come riferimento la curva dei pesi di Walhovd (1965. In totale, dal 2000 al 2002, sono stati analizzati 187 esemplari di Lepre bianca (84 maschi e 103 femmine. Dei 154 capi di cui è stata valutata l'età, 54 sono risultati piccoli dell'anno e 100 adulti, di cui 57 di 1 anno e 43 di oltre due anni. Il peso di cristallino rivelatosi discriminante per distinguere tra piccoli e adulti era compreso tra 220 e 240 mg, come rilevato anche da altri autori (Flux, 1970, Walhovd, 1965. È stata inoltre individuata una buona corrispondenza tra la valutazione dell'età tramite peso del cristallino e la palpazione del tubercolo di Stroh, tecnica che ha fornito una valutazione corretta della classe d'età nell'83% degli animali analizzati. Il peso del cristallino dei piccoli ha permesso anche di determinare approssimativamente la distribuzione delle nascite nel corso dell'anno. Le misurazioni biometriche rilevate sono state: lunghezza del corpo, lunghezza della coda, lunghezza dell'orecchio destro, lunghezza del piede posteriore, peso pieno e peso vuoto. I risultati ottenuti sono stati confrontati per le diverse classi di età e di sesso tramite Analisi della Varianza (One-Way ANOVA. Le differenze principali sono emerse tra giovani e adulti, relativamente al peso (sia peso pieno sia peso vuoto e, nel 2001, anche alla lunghezza totale, entrambi maggiori negli adulti. Tra gli adulti sono emerse differenze significative anche nel peso dei due sessi, con le femmine più pesanti dei maschi. Non sono invece state rilevate differenze

  19. Simplified 2DEG carrier concentration model for composite barrier AlGaN/GaN HEMT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Das, Palash; Biswas, Dhrubes


    The self consistent solution of Schrodinger and Poisson equations is used along with the total charge depletion model and applied with a novel approach of composite AlGaN barrier based HEMT heterostructure. The solution leaded to a completely new analytical model for Fermi energy level vs. 2DEG carrier concentration. This was eventually used to demonstrate a new analytical model for the temperature dependent 2DEG carrier concentration in AlGaN/GaN HEMT

  20. Solubility of nickel ferrite (NiFe2O4) from 100 to 200 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellefleur, Alexandre; Bachet, Martin; Benezeth, Pascale; Schott, Jacques


    The solubility of nickel ferrite was measured in a Hydrogen-Electrode Concentration Cell (HECC) at temperatures of 100 deg. C, 150 deg. C and 200 deg. C and pH between 4 and 5.25. The experimental solution was composed of HCl and NaCl (0.1 mol.L -1 ). Based on other studies ([1,2]), pure nickel ferrite was experimentally synthesized by calcination of a mixture of hematite Fe 2 O 3 and bunsenite NiO in molten salts at 1000 deg. C for 15 hours in air. The so obtained powder was fully characterized. The Hydrogen-Electrode Concentration cell has been described in [3]. It allowed us to run solubility experiments up to 250 deg. C with an in-situ pH measurement. To avoid reduction of the solid phase to metallic nickel, a hydrogen/argon mixture was used instead of pure hydrogen. Consequently, the equilibration time for the electrodes was longer than with pure hydrogen. Eight samples were taken on a 70 days period. After the experiments, the powder showed no significant XRD evidence of Ni (II) reduction. Nickel concentration was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy and iron concentration was measured by UV spectroscopy. The protocol has been designed to be able to measure both dissolved Fe (II) and total iron. The nickel solubility of nickel ferrite was slightly lower than the solubility of nickel oxide in close experimental conditions [3]. Dissolved iron was mainly ferrous and the solution was under-saturated relative to both hematite and magnetite. The nickel/iron ratio indicated a non-stoichiometric dissolution. The solubility measurements were compared with equilibrium calculations using the MULTEQ database. [1] Hayashi et al (1980) J. Materials Sci. 15, 1491-1497. [2] Ziemniak et al (2007) J. Physics and Chem. of Solids. 68,10-21. [3] EPRI Report 1003155 (2002). (authors)

  1. Reversal of the ΔdegP Phenotypes by a Novel rpoE Allele of Escherichia coli (United States)

    Leiser, Owen P.; Charlson, Emily S.; Gerken, Henri; Misra, Rajeev


    RseA sequesters RpoE (σE) to the inner membrane of Escherichia coli when envelope stress is low. Elevated envelope stress triggers RseA cleavage by the sequential action of two membrane proteases, DegS and RseP, releasing σE to activate an envelope stress reducing pathway. Revertants of a ΔdegP ΔbamB strain, which fails to grow at 37°C due to high envelope stress, harbored mutations in the rseA and rpoE genes. Null and missense rseA mutations constitutively hyper-activated the σE regulon and significantly reduced the major outer membrane protein (OMP) levels. In contrast, a novel rpoE allele, rpoE3, resulting from the partial duplication of the rpoE gene, increased σE levels greater than that seen in the rseA mutant background but did not reduce OMP levels. A σE-dependent RybB::LacZ construct showed only a weak activation of the σE pathway by rpoE3. Despite this, rpoE3 fully reversed the growth and envelope vesiculation phenotypes of ΔdegP. Interestingly, rpoE3 also brought down the modestly activated Cpx envelope stress pathway in the ΔdegP strain to the wild type level, showing the complementary nature of the σE and Cpx pathways. Through employing a labile mutant periplasmic protein, AcrAL222Q, it was determined that the rpoE3 mutation overcomes the ΔdegP phenotypes, in part, by activating a σE-dependent proteolytic pathway. Our data suggest that a reduction in the OMP levels is not intrinsic to the σE-mediated mechanism of lowering envelope stress. They also suggest that under extreme envelope stress, a tight homeostasis loop between RseA and σE may partly be responsible for cell death, and this loop can be broken by mutations that either lower RseA activity or increase σE levels. PMID:22439016

  2. Simulated cosmic microwave background maps at 0.5 deg resolution: Basic results (United States)

    Hinshaw, G.; Bennett, C. L.; Kogut, A.


    We have simulated full-sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy expected from cold dark matter (CDM) models at 0.5 deg and 1.0 deg angular resolution. Statistical properties of the maps are presented as a function of sky coverage, angular resolution, and instrument noise, and the implications of these results for observability of the Doppler peak are discussed. The rms fluctuations in a map are not a particularly robust probe of the existence of a Doppler peak; however, a full correlation analysis can provide reasonable sensitivity. We find that sensitivity to the Doppler peak depends primarily on the fraction of sky covered, and only secondarily on the angular resolution and noise level. Color plates of the simulated maps are presented to illustrate the anisotropies.

  3. Oxidation in air of two refractory alloys (Nicral D and Hastelloy X) at 900 and 1100 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sannier, J.; Dominget, R.; Darras, R.


    The oxidation in air of two refractory alloys (Nicral D and Hastelloy X) has been studied at 900 and 1100 deg. C, by means of recording thermo-balances and microscopic cross section examination. At 900 deg. C, the surface oxidation rates of the two alloys are quite similar, but at 1100 deg. C the alloy Nicral D oxidizes faster than the alloy Hastelloy X. On the other hand, after heating at 1100 deg. C for 150 hours, Nicral D shows both intergranular oxidation and a small amount of internal oxidation, whereas Hastelloy X is especially subject to internal oxidation. In addition, two descaling methods were compared: an electrolytic method, in a sodium hydroxide-sodium carbonate bath, and a chemical method using a sodium nitrate-sodium peroxide bath; the latter appears suitable only for Hastelloy X. Reprint of a paper published in Journal of nuclear materials, 3, p. 213-225, 1959 [fr

  4. Aging between 300 and 450 deg C of wrought martensitic 13-17 wt-%Cr stainless steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yrieix, B.; Guttmann, M.


    Martensitic stainless steels containing 13-17 wt-% Cr, some also containing nickel and some having precipitation hardening additions, have been aged between 300 and 450 deg C for times up to 30 000 h. For all the steels examined, the aging response takes the form of an increase of strength and hardness, correlated with embrittlement. The rate and intensity of aging increase with increasing chromium and molybdenum concentrations. In addition, two steels exhibit some temper embrittlement on long term aging at 400 deg C; such embrittlement of these materials is not expected in service at temperatures up to 300 deg C. A general method of prediction of the mechanical properties of these steels as a function of aging conditions is proposed. (authors). 11 refs., 17 figs., 7 tabs

  5. Comparison of the corrosion behavior of austenitic and ferritic/martensitic steels exposed to static liquid Pb-Bi at 450 and 550 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurata, Y.; Futakawa, M.; Saito, S.


    Static corrosion tests of various steels were conducted in oxygen-saturated liquid Pb-Bi eutectic at 450 deg. C and 550 deg. C for 3000 h to study the effects of temperature and alloying elements on corrosion behavior in liquid Pb-Bi. Corrosion depth decreases at 450 deg. C with increasing Cr content in steels regardless of ferritic/martensitic steels or austenitic steels. Appreciable dissolution of Ni and Cr does not occur in the three austenitic steels at 450 deg. C. Corrosion depth of ferritic/martensitic steels also decreases at 550 deg. C with increasing Cr content in steels whereas corrosion depth of austenitic steels, JPCA and 316SS becomes larger due to ferritization caused by dissolution of Ni at 550 deg. C than that of ferritic/martensitic steels. An austenitic stainless steel containing about 5%Si exhibits fine corrosion resistance at 550 deg. C because the protective Si oxide film is formed and prevents dissolution of Ni and Cr

  6. Comment on: "Current-voltage characteristics and zero-resistance state in 2DEG"


    Cheremisin, M. V.


    We demonstrate that N(S)-shape current-voltage characteristics proposed to explain zero-resistance state in Corbino(Hall bar) geometry 2DEG (cond-mat/0302063, cond-mat/0303530) cannot account essential features of radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations experiments.

  7. Temperature dependence of the surface energy of mercury from 0 to 250 deg. C

    CERN Document Server

    Halas, S


    The surface energy (SE) for mercury was calculated on the basis of the free electron model in which the electron density parameter, r sub s , for bulk electrons was calculated from the density of mercury while the electron density parameter for surface electrons, r sub s sub s , was assumed to be higher by a factor that is linearly dependent on temperature. Ideal agreement of calculated SE values with experimental data was attained for the temperatures 0-250 deg. C assuming that r sub s sub s = r sub s x 1.0021 sup T sup / sup 1 sup 0 sup 0 deg. C. (letter to the editor)

  8. Measurements of anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background radiation at 0.5 deg angular scales near the star gamma ursae minoris (United States)

    Devlin, M. J.; Clapp, A. C.; Gundersen, J. O.; Hagmann, C. A.; Hristov, V. V.; Lange, A. E.; Lim, M. A.; Lubin, P. M.; Mauskopf, P. D.; Meinhold, P. R.


    We present results from a four-frequency observation of a 6 deg x 0.6 deg strip of the sky centered near the star Gamma Ursae Minoris (GUM) during the fourth flight of the Millimeter-wave Anistropy experiment(MAX). The observation was made with a 1.4 deg peak-to-peak sinusoidal chop in all bands. The FWHM beam sizes were 0.55 deg +/- 0.05 deg at 3.5 per cm and 0.75 deg +/- 0.05 deg at 6, 9, and 14 per cm. During this observation significant correlated structure was observed at 3.5, 6 and 9 per cm with amplitudes similar to those observed in the GUM region during the second and third fligts of MAX. The frequency spectrum is consistent with cosmic microwave background (CMB) and inconsistent with thermal emission from interstellar dust. The extrapolated amplitudes of synchrotron and free-free emission are too small to account for the amplitude of the observed structure, If all of the structure is attributed to CMB anisotropy with a Gaussian autocorrelation function and a coherence angle of 25 min, then the most probable values of delta T/T(sub CMB) in the 3.5, 6 and 9 per cm bads are (4.3 +2.7/-1.6) x 10(exp -5), 2.8 (+4.3/-1/1) x 10(exp -5), and 3.5 (+3.0/-1.6) x 10(exp -5) (95% confidence upper and lower limits), respectively.

  9. Gas sensing with AlGaN/GaN 2DEG channels

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Offermans, P.; Vitushinsky, R.; Crego-Calama, M.; Brongersma, S.H.


    AlGaN/GaN shows great promise as a generic platform for (bio-)chemical sensing because of its robustness and intrinsic sensitivity to surface charge or dipoles. Here, we employ the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed at the interface of AlGaN/GaN layers grown on Si substrates for the

  10. Crystallography of [0 1 1]/54.7 deg. lath boundary and cementite in tempered 0.2C steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Fugao; Tsuzaki, Kaneaki


    The crystallographic structures of the [0 1 1]/54.7 deg. lath boundary and the intralath and interlath cementite precipitates in a 0.2C steel tempered at 400 deg C have been observed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy and discussed in terms of the O-lattice model. The [0 1 1]/54.7 deg lath boundary which is composed of one Kurdjumov-Sachs variant (α1) and one Nishiyama-Wasserman variant (α2) is likely to facet on the (0 12 7) α1 //(5 19 14) α2 irrational plane. The O-lattice analysis indicated that the facet coincides with a plane with a high density of O-points. Intralath cementite obeys the Isaichev orientation relationship (OR) with ferrite and has a habit plane of (1 0 1) θ //(1 2 1) α . Interlath cementite precipitating on the [0 1 1]/54.7 deg boundary maintains a strict Bagaryatskii OR with the ferrite on one side of the boundary and has a (1 0 0) θ habit plane

  11. Interdiffusion between U-Mo alloys and Al or Al alloys at 340 deg. C. Irradiation plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fortis, A.M.; Mirandou, M.; Ortiz, M.; Balart, S.; Denis, A.; Moglioni, A.; Cabot, P.


    Out of reactor interdiffusion experiments between U-Mo alloys and Al alloys made close to fuel operation temperature are needed to validate the results obtained above 500 deg. C. A study of interdiffusion between U-Mo and Al or Al alloys, out and in reactor, has been initiated. The objective is to characterize the interdiffusion layer around 250 deg. C and study the influence of neutron irradiation. Irradiation experiments will be performed in the Argentine RA3 reactor and chemical diffusion couples will be fabricated by Friction Stir Welding (FSW) technique. In this work out-of-pile diffusion experiments performed at 340 deg. C are presented. Friction Stir Welding (FSW) was used to fabricate some of the samples. One of the results is the presence of Si, in the interaction layer, coming from the Al alloy. This is promising in the sense that the absence of Al rich phases may also be expected at low temperature. (author)

  12. Theoretical Studies of Aqueous Systems above 25 deg C. 2. The Iron - Water System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lewis, Derek


    A theoretical study of the iron-water system at elevated temperatures is reported. Values for the equilibrium constants for the principle reactions in the system up to 374 deg C, obtained by a method described previously, are given and equilibrium diagrams are presented that illustrate the results for 50, 150, 250 and 350 deg C. The results indicate that, among other things, the most important metal-bearing ions in the iron-water system at elevated temperatures are Fe(OH){sub 2}+, Fe(OH)+ and HFeO{sub 2}- The conditions for the stability of solid iron oxides are also examined. Finally, some limitations of the thermodynamic approach to corrosion problems are discussed briefly

  13. Design of UHECR telescope with 1 arcmin resolution and 50 deg. field of view

    CERN Document Server

    Sasaki, M; Asaoka, Y


    A new telescope design based on Baker-Nunn optics is proposed for observation of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). The optical system has an image resolution better than 0.02 deg. within a wide field of view of 50 deg. angular diameter. When combined with a high-quality imaging device, the proposed design enables the directions of UHECRs and high-energy neutrinos to be determined with an accuracy better than 1 arcmin. The outstanding resolution of this telescope allows charge-separated cosmic-rays to be resolved and the source to be determined accurately. This marked improvement in angular resolution will allow the multi-wavelength and 'multi-particle' observations of astronomical objects through collaboration with established astronomical observations.

  14. Investigation on structural integrity of graphite component during high temperature 950degC continuous operation of HTTR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sumita, Junya; Shimazaki, Yosuke; Shibata, Taiju


    Graphite material is used for internal structures in high temperature gas-cooled reactor. The core components and graphite core support structures are so designed as to maintain the structural integrity to keep core cooling capability. To confirm that the core components and graphite core support structures satisfy the design requirements, the temperatures of the reactor internals are measured during the reactor operation. Surveillance test of graphite specimens and in-service inspection using TV camera are planned in conjunction with the refueling. This paper describes the evaluation results of the integrity of the core components and graphite core support structures during the high temperature 950degC continuous operation, a high temperature continuous operation with reactor outlet temperature of 950degC for 50 days, in high temperature engineering test reactor. The design requirements of the core components and graphite core support structures were satisfied during the high temperature 950degC continuous operation. The dimensional change of graphite which directly influences the temperature of coolant was estimated considering the temperature profiles of fuel block. The magnitude of irradiation-induced dimensional change considering temperature profiles was about 1.2 times larger than that under constant irradiation temperature of 1000degC. In addition, the programs of surveillance test and ISI using TV camera were introduced. (author)

  15. Forced Rolling Oscillation of a 65 deg-Delta Wing in Transonic Vortex-Breakdown Flow (United States)

    Menzies, Margaret A.; Kandil, Osama A.; Kandil, Hamdy A.


    Unsteady, transonic, vortex dominated flow over a 65 deg. sharp-edged, cropped-delta wing of zero thickness undergoing forced rolling oscillations is investigated computationally. The wing angle of attack is 20 deg. and the free stream Mach number and Reynolds number are 0.85 and 3.23 x 10(exp 6), respectively. The initial condition of the flow is characterized by a transverse terminating shock which induces vortex breakdown of the leading edge vortex cores. The computational investigation uses the time accurate solution of the laminar, unsteady, compressible, full Navier-Stokes equations with the implicit, upwind, Roe flux difference splitting, finite-volume scheme. While the maximum roll amplitude is kept constant at 4.0 deg., both Reynolds number and roll frequency are varied covering three cases of forced sinusoidal rolling. First, the Reynolds number is held at 3.23 x 10(exp 6) and the wing is forced to oscillate in roll around the axis of geometric symmetry at a reduced frequency of 2(pi). Second, the Reynolds number is reduced to 0.5 x 10(exp 6) to observe the effects of added viscosity on the vortex breakdown. Third, with the Reynolds number held at 0.5 x 10(exp 6), the roll frequency is reduced to 1(pi) to complete the study.

  16. Study of plastic deformation peculiarities in CdS single crystals within the temperature range of 25 to 300 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bulatova, T.M.


    By the method of stress relaxation dependences of platic deformation rate on effective strain in CdS monocrystals for the temperatures of 25-300 deg C both in the darkness and in the light are obtained. In the range of the temperatures up to 150 deg C deformation activation energy is determined, which correlates with the value of point defect diffusion activation energy in the crystal. Anomalous temperature dependence of plastic deformation rate, i.e. its decrease with the temperature increase in the range of 150-300 deg C is detected

  17. Rotary balance data for a typical single-engine general aviation design for an angle-of-attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg. 1: Influence of airplane components for model D. [Langley spin tunnel tests (United States)

    Ralston, J.


    The influence of airplane components, as well as wing location and tail length, on the rotational flow aerodynamics is discussed for a 1/6 scale general aviation airplane model. The airplane was tested in a built-up fashion (i.e., body, body-wing, body-wing-vertical, etc.) in the presence of two wing locations and two body lengths. Data were measured, using a rotary balance, over an angle-of-attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg, and for clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations covering an omega b/2V range of 0 to 0.9.

  18. Islam, rappresentanza degli interessi religiosi e diritto comune europeo *

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gianfranco Macrì


    Full Text Available Contributo destinato alla pubblicazione negli Atti del Convegno: Europa e Islam. Ridiscutere i fondamenti per la disciplina delle libertà religiose, svoltosi a Salerno il 3 dicembre 2007. SOMMARIO: Premessa - 1. La società «reticolare» europea: sistema di governance e valori unificanti - 2. Europa e fenomeno religioso - 3. La sostanza del Trattato di Lisbona e il ruolo delle organizzazioni religiose - 4. Il dibattito interno all’Islam europeo - 5. La Carta dei musulmani d’Europa - 6. La rappresentanza degli interessi religiosi dell’Islam in Europa - Conclusioni.

  19. Boric acid - trilon B (glycine, acetylurea) - water systems at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skvortsov, V.G.; Rodionov, N.S.; Molodkin, A.K.; Fedorov, Yu.A.; Tsekhanskij, R.S.


    Boric acid-trilon B (glycine, acetylurea)-water systems are studied at 25 deg C by the methods of isothermal solubility densi- and refractometry. It is ascertained that all of them are of a simple eutonic type with a small salting-out effect of organic components on boric acid

  20. Boric acid - trilon B (glycine, acetylurea) - water systems at 25 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Skvortsov, V G; Rodionov, N S; Molodkin, A K; Fedorov, Yu A; Tsekhanskij, R S


    Boric acid-trilon B (glycine, acetylurea)-water systems are studied at 25 deg C by the methods of isothermal solubility densi- and refractometry. It is ascertained that all of them are of a simple eutonic type with a small salting-out effect of organic components on boric acid.

  1. Systems of amonium polyborates - monoammonium phosphate -water at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skvortsov, V.G.; Sadetdinov, Sh.V.; Polenov, A.D.; Mikhajlov, V.I.


    It is established by solubility and refractometry methods at 25 deg C that systems of ammonium tetraborate (pentaborate) monoammonium phosphate-water refer to sumple eutonic type. The ammonium borates and monoammoniumphosphate exert salting effect over each other. It is found that phosphate borate compositions on the basis of ammonium salts are characterized by lower inhibitor properties as compared to sodium salts

  2. Sodium nitrate-cerium nitrate-water ternary system at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fedorenko, T.P.; Onishchenko, M.K.


    Solubility isotherm of sodium nitrate-cerium nitrate-water system at 25 deg C consists of three crystallization branches of initial salts and double compound of the composition 2NaNO 3 xCe(NO 3 ) 3 x2H 2 O. Sodium nitrate introduced in the solution strengthens complexing. Physico-chemical characteristics are in a good agreement with solubility curve

  3. A Deg-protease family protein in marine Synechococcus is involved in outer membrane protein organization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rhona Kayra Stuart


    Full Text Available Deg-family proteases are a periplasm-associated group of proteins that are known to be involved in envelope stress responses and are found in most microorganisms. Orthologous genes SYNW2176 (in strain WH8102 and sync_2523 (strain CC9311 are predicted members of the Deg-protease family and are among the few genes induced by copper stress in both open ocean and coastal marine Synechococcus strains. In contrast to the lack of a phenotype in a similar knockout in Synechocystis PCC6803, a SYNW2176 knockout mutant in strain WH8102 was much more resistant to copper than the wild-type. The mutant also exhibited a significantly altered outer membrane protein composition which may contribute to copper resistance, longer lag phase after transfer, low-level consistent alkaline phosphatase activity, and an inability to induce high alkaline phosphatase activity in response to phosphate stress. This phenotype suggests a protein-quality-control role for SYNW2176, the absence of which leads to a constitutively activated stress response. Deg-protease family proteins in this ecologically important cyanobacterial group thus help to determine outer membrane responses to both nutrients and toxins.

  4. Charge transport in 2DEG/s-wave superconductor junction with Dresselhaus-type spin-orbit coupling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sawa, Y.; Yokoyama, T.; Tanaka, Y.


    We study spin-dependent charge transport in superconducting junctions. We consider ballistic two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG)/s-wave superconductor junctions with Dresselhaus-type spin-orbit coupling (DSOC). We calculate the conductance normalized by that in the normal state of superconductor in order to study the effect of DSOC in 2DEG on conductance, changing the height of insulating barrier. We find the DSOC suppresses the conductance for low insulating barrier, while it can slightly enhance the conductance for high insulating barrier. It has a reentrant dependence on DSOC for middle strength insulating barrier. The effect of DSOC is weaken as the insulating barrier becomes high

  5. Solar process for cold production at low temperature (-28 deg) by solid-gas sorption; Procede solaire de production de froid basse temperature (-28 deg) par sorption solide-gaz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Pierres, N.


    The aim of this work is the design and experimentation of a thermochemical process for cold production purpose at -28 deg. C using low grade heat (70 deg. C) supplied by flat plate solar collectors. An exergetic analysis of the thermo-chemical dipole and of ideal thermodynamic cycles led to the definition of an original solar process. This process involves two cascaded cycles functioning in parallel. The cycle is discontinuous and presents a day phase of heating and regeneration and a night phase of cold production. A dynamic simulation allowed the study of its functioning depending on the weather conditions and on the dimensions of the process. A prototype covering the needs of a cold chamber loosing 40 W of cold continuously was built and tested in real conditions in Perpignan. It demonstrated the feasibility of this innovative concept and validated the hypothesis used to develop the model. A study of the process functioning was lead by simulation in different meteorological conditions and for different heat sources (solar, geothermal or industrial waste). It showed the potentialities of the concept. (author)

  6. Behavior of steels in flowing liquid PbBi eutectic alloy at 420-600 deg. C after 4000-7200 h

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, G.; Heinzel, A.; Konys, J.; Schumacher, G.; Weisenburger, A.; Zimmermann, F.; Engelko, V.; Rusanov, A.; Markov, V.


    This paper presents the results of steel exposure up to 7200 h in flowing LBE at elevated temperatures and is a follow-up paper of that with results of an exposure of up to 2000 h. The examined AISI 316 L, 1.4970 austenitic and MANET 10Cr martensitic steels are suitable as a structural material in LBE (liquid eutectic Pb 45 Bi 55 ) up to 550 deg. C, if 10 -6 wt% of oxygen is dissolved in the LBE. The martensitic steel develops a thick magnetite and spinel layer while the austenites have thin spinel surface layers at 420 deg. C and thick oxide scales like the martensitic steel at 550 deg. C. The oxide scales protect the steels from dissolution attack by LBE during the whole test period of 7200 h. Oxide scales that spall off are replaced by new protective ones. At 600 deg. C severe attack occurs already after 2000 and 4000 h of exposure. Steels with 8-15 wt% Al alloyed into the surface suffer no corrosion attack at all experimental temperatures and exposure times

  7. Performance of MHD coatings in flowing Li at 700 deg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pint, B.; Pawel, S.J.; Howell, M.; Moser, J.L.; Garner, G.W.; Santella, M.L.; Tortorelli, P.F.; Di Stefano, J.R.


    Full text of publication follows: A thermal convection loop was constructed from V-4Cr-4Ti tubing and operated in vacuum at a maximum Li temperature of 700 deg. C for ∼1000 h.. Due to slow Li flow (∼1 cm/s) in the loop, the temperature gradient was ∼340 deg. C. Specimens in the hot and cold legs of the loop included V-4Cr-4Ti spacers, tensile specimens (SS-3 type) and coupons coated by physical vapor deposition with yttria and over coated with unalloyed vanadium. Based on prior work, the multi-layer electrically-insulating coatings were developed to reduce the magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) force expected in the first wall of a lithium cooled blanket in a magnetic confinement fusion reactor. Characterization of the specimens after exposure will include: (1) mass change and chemistry change as a function of location in the temperature gradient, (2) the effect of Li exposure on the tensile properties of V-4Cr-4Ti and (3) characterization of the properties and microstructure of the coatings after exposure. Of particular interest will be the coating resistivity after exposure and any degradation of the thin (∼10 μm) vanadium overlayer. Chemistry of the Li before and after the experiment will be compared in order to assess any mass transfer effects. (authors)

  8. Creep crack growth in a reactor pressure vessel steel at 360 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Rui; Seitisleam, F; Sandstroem, R [Swedish Institute for Metals Research, Stockholm (Sweden)


    Plain creep (PC) and creep crack growth (CCG) tests at 360 deg C and post metallography were carried out on a low alloy reactor pressure vessel steel (ASTM A508 class 2) with different microstructures. Lives for the CCG tests were shorter than those for the PC tests and this is more pronounced for simulated heat affected zone microstructure than for the parent metal at longer lives. For the CCG tests, after initiation, the cracks grew constantly and intergranularly before they accelerated to approach rupture. The creep crack growth rate is well described by C*. The relations between reference stress, failure time and steady crack growth rate are presented for the CCG tests. It is demonstrated that the failure stress due to CCG is considerably lower than the yield stress at 360 deg C. Consequently, the CCG will control the static strength of a reactor vessel. (orig.) 17 refs.

  9. Creep crack growth in a reactor pressure vessel steel at 360 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rui Wu; Seitisleam, F.; Sandstroem, R. [Swedish Institute for Metals Research, Stockholm (Sweden)


    Plain creep (PC) and creep crack growth (CCG) tests at 360 deg C and post metallography were carried out on a low alloy reactor pressure vessel steel (ASTM A508 class 2) with different microstructures. Lives for the CCG tests were shorter than those for the PC tests and this is more pronounced for simulated heat affected zone microstructure than for the parent metal at longer lives. For the CCG tests, after initiation, the cracks grew constantly and intergranularly before they accelerated to approach rupture. The creep crack growth rate is well described by C*. The relations between reference stress, failure time and steady crack growth rate are presented for the CCG tests. It is demonstrated that the failure stress due to CCG is considerably lower than the yield stress at 360 deg C. Consequently, the CCG will control the static strength of a reactor vessel. (orig.) 17 refs.

  10. The Codice digitale degli archivi veronesi. A research instrument

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Brugnoli


    Full Text Available The Codice digitale degli archivi veronesi (Verona’s archives digital code ‹› makes available online the digital reproductions of the documents produced by corporate bodies and family of Verona between the eighth and twelfth century. The framework of the site reflects the current organisation of the archives. A brief description of the circumstances around the creation of each archive, the corporate body or individual responsible for it and its structure is provided. Each archival unit is identified by its key elements: chronological date, name and qualification of the notary, original/copy, main editions.

  11. Spectrophotometric study of holmium complexation in KOH solutions at 25 Deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stepanchikova, S.A.; Bitejkina, R.P.


    Complexation of Ho 3+ in solutions of HoCl 3 and KOH at 25 Deg C is studied by indicator spectrophotometric method. Within the range of pH 9.25-10.10 and μ≤4 x 10 -4 stability constants of Ho 3+ hydroxocomplexes are measured and are extrapolated on zero ion strength [ru

  12. Increase of thermal conductivity of uranium dioxide nuclear fuel pellets with beryllium oxide addition; Condutividade termica de pastilhas de combustivel nuclear de UO{sub 2}-BeO nas temperaturas de 25 deg C e 100 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Camarano, D.M.; Mansur, F.A.; Santos, A.M.M. dos; Ferraz, W.B., E-mail: [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTM/CNEN-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    The UO{sub 2} fuel is one of the most used nuclear fuel in thermal reactors and has many advantages such as high melting point, chemical compatibility with cladding, etc. However, its thermal conductivity is relatively low, which leads to a premature degradation of the fuel pellets due to a high radial temperature gradient during reactor operation. An alternative to avoid this problem is to increase the thermal conductivity of the fuel pellets, by adding beryllium oxide (BeO). Pellets of UO{sub 2} and UO{sub 2}-BeO were obtained from a homogenized mixture of powders of UO{sub 2} and BeO, containing 2% and 3% by weight of BeO and sintering at 1750 °C for 3 h under H{sub 2} atmosphere after uniaxial pressing at 400 MPa. The pellet densities were obtained by xylol penetration-immersion method and the thermal diffusivity, specific heat and thermal conductivity were determined according to ASTM E-1461 at room temperature (25 deg C) and 100 deg C. The thermal diffusivity measurements were carried out employing the laser flash method. The thermal conductivity obtained at 25 deg C showed an increase with the addition of 2% and 3% of BeO corresponding to 19% and 28%, respectively. As for the measurements carried out at 100 deg C, there was an increase in the thermal conductivity for the same BeO contents of 20% and 31%. These values as a percentage of increased conductivity were obtained in relation to the UO{sub 2} pellets. (author)

  13. The Drosophila gene CheB42a is a novel modifier of Deg/ENaC channel function.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yehuda Ben-Shahar


    Full Text Available Degenerin/epithelial Na(+ channels (DEG/ENaC represent a diverse family of voltage-insensitive cation channels whose functions include Na(+ transport across epithelia, mechanosensation, nociception, salt sensing, modification of neurotransmission, and detecting the neurotransmitter FMRFamide. We previously showed that the Drosophila melanogaster Deg/ENaC gene lounge lizard (llz is co-transcribed in an operon-like locus with another gene of unknown function, CheB42a. Because operons often encode proteins in the same biochemical or physiological pathway, we hypothesized that CHEB42A and LLZ might function together. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found both genes expressed in cells previously implicated in sensory functions during male courtship. Furthermore, when coexpressed, LLZ coprecipitated with CHEB42A, suggesting that the two proteins form a complex. Although LLZ expressed either alone or with CHEB42A did not generate ion channel currents, CHEB42A increased current amplitude of another DEG/ENaC protein whose ligand (protons is known, acid-sensing ion channel 1a (ASIC1a. We also found that CHEB42A was cleaved to generate a secreted protein, suggesting that CHEB42A may play an important role in the extracellular space. These data suggest that CHEB42A is a modulatory subunit for sensory-related Deg/ENaC signaling. These results are consistent with operon-like transcription of CheB42a and llz and explain the similar contributions of these genes to courtship behavior.

  14. Release of fission products during and after oxidation of trace-irradiated uranium dioxide at 300-900 deg. C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wood, P; Bannister, G H [Central Electricity Generating Board, Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories (United Kingdom)


    Should defected UO{sub 2} fuel pins come into contact with air then oxidation of the fuel may occur, the rate and consequences of which are dependent upon temperature and oxygen partial pressure. At CEGB-BNL an experimental programme is underway investigating the kinetics, and extent, of release of fission products during and after oxidation of trace-irradiated UO{sub 2} to U{sub 3}O{sub 8}, and reduction of U{sub 3}O{sub 8} to UO{sub 2}. This paper presents preliminary results and analysis of experiments performed at 300-900 deg. C. Dense sintered UO{sub 2} has been oxidised at 300-500 deg. C using a thermo balance with simultaneous counting of released {sup 85}Kr. The kinetics of the {sup 85}Kr release are shown to correlate with the kinetics of oxidation, and the extent of release has been determined as 3-8% of that in the UO{sub 2} converted to U{sub 3}O{sub 8}. The release of {sup 106}Ru and {sup 137}Cs during this oxidation has been estimated by {gamma}-counting of the fuel sample, before and after oxidation, and of glassware in the vicinity of the sample. This indicates slight release of ruthenium and caesium. Greater fission product release is caused by oxidation at higher temperatures or by heating of the oxidation product. U{sub 3}O{sub 8} produced at 400 deg. C has been heated at 800 and 900 deg. C in air for 20 hours. This results in near total release of {sup 85}Kr and {sup 106}Ru, but still only slight release of {sup 137}Cs. The kinetics of the {sup 85}Kr release have been analysed and found to follow the Booth diffusion equation at 900 deg. C, but not at 800 deg. C. The fuel burn-up level may also have an effect. Some results of fission product release during reduction of the oxidation product U{sub 3}O{sub 8} are presented, and the influence of chemical effects upon the release of individual fission products is discussed. The future programme is outlined. (author)

  15. Salmonella spp. e antibiotico-resistenza in Mammiferi e Uccelli selvatici in Italia nord-occidentale dal 2002 al 2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Velca Botti


    Full Text Available La Salmonella è un importante agente patogeno responsabile di zoonosi di notevole rilevanza economica. In Europa la salmonellosi è la seconda infezione trasmessa per via alimentare, in Italia il microrganismo continua ad essere la causa più frequente di infezione alimentare. In Europa sono in atto molti piani di sorveglianza di Salmonella in animali da allevamento, tuttavia il monitoraggio del microrganismo in animali selvatici è effettuato solo occasionalmente. Lo studio ha avuto l'obiettivo di indagare la presenza di Salmonella in animali selvatici e i ceppi antibiotico-resistenti. Nel periodo 2002-2010, 2.713 animali selvatici (Canidi, Mustelidi, Uccelli, Roditori e Ungulati, provenienti da aree dell'Italia nord-occidentale, sono stati testati per Salmonella mediante metodo microbiologico colturale seguito da tipizzazione sierologica e biochimica. Di questi, 117 (63 Canidi, 25 Mustelidi, 24 Uccelli, 5 Ungulati sono risultati positivi per Salmonella (4,3%. Sono stati isolati 130 ceppi appartenenti a diversi sierotipi e Salmonella Typhimurium è risultato quello più rappresentato. La sensibilità agli antibiotici è stata testata su 88 ceppi con test di disco-diffusione. La maggior parte dei ceppi analizzati (97,7% si sono mostrati intermedi (I o resistenti (R ad almeno una classe di antibiotici. I più alti valori sono stati osservati per la classe delle tetracicline. La presenza di sierotipi di Salmonella antibiotico-resistenti e responsabili di zoonosi è stata riscontrata in diverse specie di animali selvatici.

  16. Inhibition between 350 and 500 deg. C of the corrosion of magnesium by damp air; Inhibition entre 350 et 500 deg. C de la corrosion du magnesium par l'air humide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Darras, Raymond; Caillat, Roger [Commissariat a l' energie atomique et aux energies alternatives - CEA (France)


    It has been demonstrated that the formation of a fluoride layer on the surface of magnesium by either dry or wet methods raises the temperature to which it resists corrosion in damp air from 350 to 490 deg. C. This protection effect could lead to a revision of the Pilling and Bedworth rule. Reprint of a paper published in 'Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences', tome 249, p. 1517-1519, sitting of 19 October 1959 [French] Il a ete montre que la formation d'une couche fluoree a la surface du magnesium, soit par voie seche, soit par voie humide, permet d'elever de 350 a 490 deg. C la temperature jusqu'a laquelle il resiste a la corrosion dans l'air humide. Cet effet protecteur pourrait conduire a revoir la regle de Pilling et Bedworth. Reproduction d'un article publie dans les 'Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences', tome 249, p. 1517-1519, seance du 19 octobre 1959.

  17. A constitutional investigation of the Mo-Pd-Rh ternary system at 1100deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guerler, R.; Pratt, J.N.


    Phase relations in the system Mo-Pd-Rh were studied at 1100deg C using conventionally melted and ultrarapidly solidified samples. Optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and electron probe microanalysis were used for phase characterisation. The complete isothermal section at 1100deg C was established. The Mo bcc phase was found to have a very limited solid solution range whereas the ternary fcc solid solution originating on the Pd-Rh binary is the dominant phase in the system at this temperature. The centre of the isothermal is dominated by the ternary extension of the Mo-Rh hcp intermediate phase. The three phase (bcc+fcc+hcp) equilibrium region is located very near to the Mo-Pd binary system. No additional ternary intermediate phases were observed. The results are consistent with an isothermal section reported at higher temperatures. (orig.)

  18. Molecular dynamics simulations of the interaction between 60 deg. dislocation and self-interstitial cluster in silicon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jing Yuhang; Meng Qingyuan; Zhao Wei


    Molecular dynamics simulations are performed to investigate the interaction between 60 deg. shuffle dislocation and tetrainterstitial (I 4 ) cluster in silicon, using Stillinger-Weber (SW) potential to calculate the interatomic forces. Based on Parrinello-Rahman method, shear stress is exerted on the model to move the dislocation. Simulation results show that the I 4 cluster can bend the dislocation line and delay the dislocation movement. During the course of intersection the dislocation line sections relatively far away from the I 4 cluster accelerate first, and then decelerate. The critical shear stress unpinning the 60 deg. dislocation from the I 4 cluster decreases as the temperature increases in the models.

  19. Safety of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (B. lactis) strain BB-12-supplemented yogurt in healthy adults on antibiotics: a phase I safety study. (United States)

    Merenstein, Daniel J; Tan, Tina P; Molokin, Aleksey; Smith, Keisha Herbin; Roberts, Robert F; Shara, Nawar M; Mete, Mihriye; Sanders, Mary Ellen; Solano-Aguilar, Gloria


    Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in sufficient doses, provide health benefits on the host. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires phase I safety studies for probiotics when the intended use of the product is as a drug. The purpose of the study was to determine the safety of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis (B. lactis) strain BB-12 (BB-12)-supplemented yogurt when consumed by a generally healthy group of adults who were prescribed a 10-day course of antibiotics for a respiratory infection. Secondary aims were to assess the ability of BB-12 to affect the expression of whole blood immune markers associated with cell activation and inflammatory response. A phase I, double-blinded, randomized controlled study was conducted in compliance with FDA guidelines for an Investigational New Drug (IND). Forty participants were randomly assigned to consume 4 ounces of either BB-12 -supplemented yogurt or non-supplemented control yogurt daily for 10 d. The primary outcome was to assess safety and tolerability, assessed by the number of reported adverse events. A total of 165 non-serious adverse events were reported, with no differences between the control and BB-12 groups. When compared to the control group, B lactis fecal levels were modestly higher in the BB-12-supplemented group. In a small subset of patients, changes in whole blood expression of genes associated with regulation and activation of immune cells were detected in the BB-12-supplemented group. BB-12-supplemented yogurt is safe and well tolerated when consumed by healthy adults concurrently taking antibiotics. This study will form the basis for future randomized clinical trials investigating the potential immunomodulatory effects of BB-12-supplemented yogurt in a variety of disease states.

  20. Deformation behaviour of type 316 steel at 400 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wood, D.S.; Williamson, K.

    A variety of type 316 steel deformation tests at 400 deg. C involving a study of strain rate, stress increment, stress cycling and strain cycling effects are reported. It is concluded that very small ratchet strains may occur, but these are unlikely to be of engineering significance. It is also shown that in the absence of reversed plasticity the upper stress bound is represented by the monotonic stress-strain curve. Under reversed plasticity, significant cyclic hardening can occur and in this case the upper bound may be represented by the cyclic stress-strain curve

  1. High-resolution 8-13 micron imaging of the planetary nebulae BD + 30 deg 3639 and NGC 6572

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hora, J.L.; Hoffmann, W.F.; Deutsch, L.K.; Fazio, G.G.


    High-resolution midinfrared images of the planetary nebulae BD + 30 deg 3639 and NGC 6572 are presented at 8.3, 8.7, 9.8, 11.2, and 12.4 microns. Analysis of the maps of BD + 30 deg 3639 supports a model in which the infrared emission originates from two spatially distinct components, one which is responsible for the continuum radiation at 8-12 microns and the other which produces the emission-line features. The NGC 6572 images provides evidence for a previously undetected 11.2 micron UIR emission feature. Comparison with radio continuum maps indicates that the distribution of dust is similar to the distribution of ionized gas in each nebula. Various models of source morphology are also investigated. The planetary nebulae DB + 30 deg 3639 and NGC 6572 can be modeled by an optically thin cylinder or a prolate ellipsoid with enhanced equatorial emission. These models reproduce well the general features of the nebula, such as the bipolar lobes of emission and the ring structure. 67 refs

  2. Oggetti e memoria domestica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Brancato


    Full Text Available Questo contributo è un ideale viaggio nella memoria attraverso le stanze che compongono le nostre case. Un itinerario fra gli oggetti che fanno da sfondo quotidiano alla nostra scenografia domestica. Nello specifico indagheremo album fotografici, souvenir, ninnoli (mnemoteche domestiche. Sin dall’inizio abbiamo considerato gli ambienti domestici veri e propri serbatoi di memorie individuali e collettive. In tali serbatoi i soggetti depositano tracce delle proprie biografie, esprimendo e confermando progetti identitari.

  3. An evaluation of the +/-45 deg tensile test for the determination of the in-plane shear strength of composite materials (United States)

    Kellas, S.; Morton, J.; Jackson, K. E.


    The applicability of the +/-45 deg tensile test for the determination of the in-plane shear strength of advanced composite laminates is studied. The assumptions used for the development of the shear strength formulas were examined, and factors such as the specimen geometry and stacking sequence were assessed experimentally. It was found that the strength of symmetric and balanced +/-45 deg laminates depends primarily upon the specimen thickness rather than the specimen width. These findings have important implications for the +/-45 deg tensile test which is recommended by several organizations for the determination of the in-plane shear stress/strain response and the shear strength of continuous fiber reinforced composites. Modifications to the recommended practices for specimen selection and shear strength determination are suggested.

  4. In-situ pH measurements and sample analyses in glass-iron-clay systems at 90 deg. C and 150 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozsypal, Christophe; Mosser-Ruck, Regine; Truche, Laurent; Pignatelli, Isabella; Randi, Aurelien; Bartier, Daniele; Cathelineau, Michel; Michau, Nicolas


    Document available in extended abstract form only. The long term repository of long life and high activity radioactive waste consists in the burial of steel overpacks of vitrified waste in a clay-stone. As the natural interstitial fluid of the clay-stone is a potential corrosion enhancer for the containers, the viability of the repository requires previous data acquisition on the interactions between clays, water, metallic iron, and glass. A set of experiments have been performed in autoclaves at 90 deg. C (thermal peak of the site) in order to follow the pH evolution and to characterize fluids with time and solids at the end of the experiments. Another set of experiments at 150 deg. C have also been carried out in order to increase the rates of the involved chemical reactions and mineralogical transformations. The objectives of those two sets of experiments were to measure the in-situ pH, to study how it was influenced by various parameters, such as the presence of glass and/or iron, to estimate the increase of the CO 2 and H 2 pressures, and to analyze gas and liquids taken in the course or at the end of experiments and solids recovered at the end of the experiments. The initial aqueous solution simulating the natural interstitial fluid was made of 22 mM of sodium, 4 mM of calcium, 29.75 mM of chloride, and 0.25 mM of bromide as a tracer. The initial solution/clay mass ratio was 10 for all the experiments, the metallic iron/clay or glass/clay mass ratios were 0.1 or 0. The list of the experiments and their characteristics is given in Table (1). The first results concern the evolution of the in-situ pH during the A90pH experiment and are reported on Figure (1). The measurements started after a 48 hours stabilization time of the pH probe. The pH seemed to tend reaching a plateau after several weeks. (authors)

  5. Influence of stress change on the fatigue behavior and fatigue life of aluminum oxide-dispersion-strengthening copper alloy at room temperature and 350degC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawagoishi, Norio; Kondo, Eiji; Nisitani, Hironobu; Shimamoto, Atsunori; Tashiro, Rieko


    In order to investigate the influence of stress change on the fatigue behavior and fatigue life of an aluminum oxide-dispersion-strengthening copper alloy at elevated temperature, rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out under two-step loading at room temperature and 350degC. Both of static strength and fatigue strength decreased at 350degC. However, at the same relative stress σ a /σ B , fatigue life was longer at 350degC than at room temperature. Although the cumulative ratios Σ(N/N f ) were nearly unity for both the low to high and the high to low block loadings at room temperature, Miner's rule did not hold at 350degC. These results were related to the stress dependence on the log l-N/N f relation. That is, the crack length initiated at the same N/N f was larger in higher stress level at 350degC, whereas there was no stress dependence in the relation at room temperature. The stress dependence on the relation at 350degC was caused by the suppression of crack initiation due to the surface oxidation. (author)

  6. Investigation of the thermal stability of 210 deg. C TL peak of quartz and dating the components of terrazzo from the monastery church of Tegernsee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goeksu, H.Y.; Schwenk, P.; Semiochkina, N.


    The lifetime of the thermoluminescence (TL) peak of quartz observed at 210 deg. C using 5 deg. C/s heating rate is assessed using well-dated thermally isolated bricks from a monastery and exposed bricks from warmer climatic zones by comparing the absorbed dose obtained using the 210 deg. C TL peak with those obtained from 310 deg. C TL peak. The lifetimes of the 210 deg. C TL peak calculated for samples collected from thermally isolated excavations and exposed buildings are found to be clustered around 8000-10000 and 600-800 years, respectively. The results proved that 210 deg. C TL peak could be used for dating of samples younger than 1000 years without thermal correction if the samples are thermally isolated from their environment. TL ages are obtained using quartz, polyminerals from brick pieces as well as flint splinters, and other quartz inclusions extracted from the mortar of the terrazzo floor of the monastery church. The measured TL ages and the consistency of the results are discussed. The fine grains in the mortar, which contained calcite/aragonite, could not be dated using thermoluminescence due to presence of a very strong non-radiation induced TL glow

  7. Educazione linguistica e bisogni degli alunni (stranieri.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Chini


    Full Text Available Normal 0 14 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabella normale"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman";} L’articolo focalizza l’attenzione sui bisogni linguistici e comunicativi specifici degli allievi nativi e immigrati, al fine di evidenziare alcuni suggerimenti che è possibile trarne sul piano dell’educazione linguistica, intesa nel senso dell’insegnamento rivolto allo sviluppo e al potenziamento delle abilità linguistico-comunicative, ma anche metalinguistiche, svolto trasversalmente dai docenti di discipline linguistiche e non.  Tenendo conto di principi e suggerimenti emersi dalla riflessione glottodidattica e linguistica degli ultimi decenni si forniscono criteri in base ai quali i docenti possono rilevare i bisogni linguistici dei loro allievi, bisogni che si correlano a valenze di carattere comunicativo, pragmatico, espressivo e culturale-matetico, ma che sono anche di natura sociale, relazionale e affettiva, identitaria e psicologica oltre che cognitiva.  Normal 0 14 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabella normale"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman";} The article focuses on the specific linguistic and communicative needs of native and immigrant pupils, in order to draw attention to inspiration  that can be gained for general linguistic education, seen as teaching that aims to develop and strengthen linguistic-communicative abilities but also meta-linguistic ones – teaching that is carried

  8. High levels of DegU-P activate an Esat-6-like secretion system in Bacillus subtilis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catarina Baptista

    Full Text Available The recently discovered Type VII/Esat-6 secretion systems seem to be widespread among bacteria of the phyla Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. In some species they play an important role in pathogenic interactions with eukaryotic hosts. Several studies have predicted that the locus yukEDCByueBC of the non-pathogenic, Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis would encode an Esat-6-like secretion system (Ess. We provide here for the first time evidences for the functioning of this secretion pathway in an undomesticated B. subtilis strain. We show that YukE, a small protein with the typical features of the secretion substrates from the WXG100 superfamily is actively secreted to culture media. YukE secretion depends on intact yukDCByueBC genes, whose products share sequence or structural homology with known components of the S. aureus Ess. Biochemical characterization of YukE indicates that it exists as a dimer both in vitro and in vivo. We also show that the B. subtilis Ess essentially operates in late stationary growth phase in absolute dependence of phosphorylated DegU, the response regulator of the two-component system DegS-DegU. We present possible reasons that eventually have precluded the study of this secretion system in the B. subtilis laboratory strain 168.

  9. Corrosion of stainless steels in lead-bismuth eutectic up to 600 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soler, L.; Martin, F.J.; Hernandez, F.; Gomez-Briceno, D.


    An experimental program has been carried out to understand the differences in the corrosion behaviour between different stainless steels: the austenitic steels 304L and 316L, the martensitic steels F82Hmod, T91 and EM10, and the low alloy steel P22. The influence of oxygen level in Pb-Bi, temperature and exposure time is studied. At 600 deg. C, the martensitic steels and the P22 steel exhibit thick oxide scales that grow with time, following a linear law for the wet environment and a parabolic law for the dry one. The austenitic stainless steels show a better corrosion behaviour, especially AISI 304L. Under reducing conditions, the steels exhibit dissolution, more severe for the austenitic stainless steels. At 450 deg. C, all the materials show an acceptable behaviour provided a sufficient oxygen level in the Pb-Bi. At reducing conditions, the martensitic steels and the P22 steel have a good corrosion resistance, while the austenitic steels exhibit already dissolution at the longer exposures

  10. Effects of heat treatments and neutron irradiation on the physical and mechanical properties of copper alloys at 100 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, B.N.; Eldrup, M.; Toft, P.; Edwards, D.J.


    The final irradiation experiment in a series of screening experiments aimed at investigating the effects of bonding and bakeout thermal cycles on irradiated copper alloys is described herein. Tensile specimens of CuCrZr and CuNiBe alloys were given various heat treatments corresponding to solution anneal, prime-ageing and bonding thermal treatment. Additional specimens were reaged and given a reactor bakeout treatment at 350 deg. C for 100 h. GlidCop TM CuAl-15 (previously referred to as CuAl-25) was given a heat treatment corresponding to a bonding thermal cycle only. Specimens were neutron irradiated at 100 deg. C to a dose level of ∼0.3 dpa. Post-irradiation tensile tests at (100 deg. C), electrical resistivity measurements (at 23 deg. C), and microstructural examinations were performed. The post-irradiation tests at 100 deg. C revealed that the greatest loss of ductility occurred in the CuCrZr alloys irradiated at 100 deg. C, irrespective of the pre-irradiation heat treatment, with the uniform elongation dropping to levels of less than 1.5%. The yield and ultimate strengths for all of the individual heat treated samples increased substantially after irradiation. The same trend was observed for the CuNiBe alloys, which exhibited much higher uniform elongation and strength after irradiation than that observed in the case of CuCrZr alloys. In both alloys irradiation-induced precipitation lead to a large increase in the strength of the solution annealed specimens with a noticeable decrease in uniform elongation. The CuAl-25 alloy also experienced an increase in the overall strength of the alloy after irradiation, accompanied by approximately a 50% decrease in the uniform and total elongation. The additional bakeout treatments given to the CuCrZr and CuNiBe before irradiation served to increase the strength, but in terms of the ductility no improvement or degradation resulted from the additional thermal exposure


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henley, David B.; Shelton, Robin L.


    We present measurements of the soft X-ray background (SXRB) O VII and O VIII intensity between l = 120 deg. and l = 240 deg., the first results of a survey of the SXRB using archival XMM-Newton observations. We do not restrict ourselves to blank-sky observations, but instead use as many observations as possible, removing bright or extended sources by hand if necessary. In an attempt to minimize contamination from near-Earth solar wind charge exchange (SWCX) emission, we remove times of high solar wind proton flux from the data. Without this filtering we are able to extract measurements from 586 XMM-Newton observations. With this filtering, ∼1/2 of the observations are rendered unusable, and we are able to extract measurements from 303 observations. The oxygen intensities are typically ∼0.5-10 photons cm -2 s -1 sr -1 (line units, L.U.) for O VII and ∼0-5 L.U. for O VIII. The proton flux filtering does not systematically reduce the oxygen intensities measured from a given observation. However, the filtering does preferentially remove the observations with higher oxygen intensities. Our data set includes 69 directions with multiple observations, whose oxygen intensity variations can be used to constrain SWCX models. One observation exhibits an O VII enhancement of ∼25 L.U. over two other observations of the same direction, although most SWCX enhancements are ∼ 6 K, in good agreement with previous studies.

  12. Biological effects of diethylene glycol (DEG) and produced waters (PWs) released from offshore activities: A multi-biomarker approach with the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stefania, Gorbi; Maura, Benedetti [Dipartimento di Biochimica, Biologia e Genetica, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Via Ranieri, Monte d' Ago, 60121 Ancona (Italy); Claudia, Virno Lamberti [Istituto Superiore per la Ricerca e la Protezione Ambientale (ISPRA), Via di Casalotti 300 Roma (Italy); Barbara, Pisanelli [Dipartimento di Biochimica, Biologia e Genetica, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Via Ranieri, Monte d' Ago, 60121 Ancona (Italy); Ginevra, Moltedo [Istituto Superiore per la Ricerca e la Protezione Ambientale (ISPRA), Via di Casalotti 300 Roma (Italy); Francesco, Regoli, E-mail: f.regoli@univpm.i [Dipartimento di Biochimica, Biologia e Genetica, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Via Ranieri, Monte d' Ago, 60121 Ancona (Italy)


    Diethylene glycol (DEG) is largely used during oil and gas exploitation by offshore platforms. The aim of this work was to investigate if this compound induces direct molecular/cellular effects in marine organisms, or indirectly modulate those of produced waters (PWs). Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) were exposed to DEG dosed alone or in combination with PWs from an Adriatic platform. A wide array of analysed biomarkers included cytochrome P450-dependent enzymatic activity, bile metabolites, glutathione S-transferases, acetylcholinesterase, peroxisomal proliferation, antioxidant defences (catalase, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidases, glutathione), total oxyradical scavenging capacity, malondialdehyde and DNA integrity (single strand breaks and frequency of micronuclei). Results did not reveal marked effects of DEG, while PWs influenced the biotransformation system, the oxidative status and the onset of genotoxic damages. Co-exposures caused only limited differences of biomarker responses at some experimental conditions, overall suggesting a limited biological impact of DEG at levels normally deriving from offshore activities. - A biological risk for marine organisms can be excluded for DEG concentrations as those normally associated to produced waters discharged in the Adriatic Sea.

  13. Biological effects of diethylene glycol (DEG) and produced waters (PWs) released from offshore activities: A multi-biomarker approach with the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stefania, Gorbi; Maura, Benedetti; Claudia, Virno Lamberti; Barbara, Pisanelli; Ginevra, Moltedo; Francesco, Regoli


    Diethylene glycol (DEG) is largely used during oil and gas exploitation by offshore platforms. The aim of this work was to investigate if this compound induces direct molecular/cellular effects in marine organisms, or indirectly modulate those of produced waters (PWs). Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) were exposed to DEG dosed alone or in combination with PWs from an Adriatic platform. A wide array of analysed biomarkers included cytochrome P450-dependent enzymatic activity, bile metabolites, glutathione S-transferases, acetylcholinesterase, peroxisomal proliferation, antioxidant defences (catalase, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidases, glutathione), total oxyradical scavenging capacity, malondialdehyde and DNA integrity (single strand breaks and frequency of micronuclei). Results did not reveal marked effects of DEG, while PWs influenced the biotransformation system, the oxidative status and the onset of genotoxic damages. Co-exposures caused only limited differences of biomarker responses at some experimental conditions, overall suggesting a limited biological impact of DEG at levels normally deriving from offshore activities. - A biological risk for marine organisms can be excluded for DEG concentrations as those normally associated to produced waters discharged in the Adriatic Sea.

  14. “Intonazioni degli Ebrei” from Benedetto Marcello’s Estro poetico-armonico in Prague in 1729

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jonášová, Milada


    Roč. 52, č. 1 (2015), s. 5-54 ISSN 0018-7003 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP409/12/2563 Keywords : Benedetto Marcello * Intonazioni degli Ebrei * Prague Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  15. Thermocouple calibration facility for 2900 deg C high temperature and its applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Daolong


    The construction and the performance characteristic of a 2900 deg C high temperature thermocouple calibration facility are described. The calibration error analysis is made. The test results of the calibration characteristics of high temperature thermocouples Mo/Nb, W-3Re/W-25Re, and W-1Mo/W-25Mo are given. The test result of temperature dependent resistivity of BeO made by this facility is given

  16. Rehydration and microstructure of cement paste after heating at temperatures up to 300 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farage, M.C.R.; Sercombe, J.; Galle, C.


    This paper is concerned with the evolution of the microstructure of cementitious materials subjected to high temperatures and subsequent resaturation in the particular context of long-term storage of radioactive wastes, where diffusive and convective properties are of primary importance. Experimental results obtained by mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) are presented concerning the evolution of the pore network of ordinary portland cement (OPC) paste heated at temperatures varying between 80 and 300 deg. C. The consequences of heating on the macroscopic properties of cement paste are evaluated by measures of the residual gas permeabilities, elastic moduli and Poisson's ratio, obtained by nondestructive methods. Resaturation by direct water absorption and water vapour sorption are used to estimate the reversibility of dehydration. The results provide some evidence of the self-healing capacity of resaturated cement paste after heating at temperatures up to 300 deg. C

  17. Oxidation kinetics of simulated metallic spent fuel in air at 200∼300 .deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joo, J. S.; Yoo, K. S.; Jo, I. J.; Kook, D. H.; Lee, E. P.; Lee, J. C.; Bang, K. S.; Kim, H. D.


    In order to evaluate the long term storage safety study of the metallic spent fuel, U-5Zr, U-5Ti, U-5Ni, U-5Nb, and U-5Hf simulated metallic uranium alloys, known as corrosion resistant alloys, were fabricated and oxidized in oxygen gas at 200 .deg. C ∼ 300 .deg. C. All simulated metallic uranium alloys were more corrosion resistant than pure uranium metal, and corrosion resistance increases Nb, Ni, Ti, Zr, Hf in that order. The oxidation rates of uranium alloys determined and activation energy was calculated for each alloy. The matrix microstructure of the test specimens were analyzed using OM, SEM, and EPMA. It was concluded that Nb was the best acceptable alloying elements for reducing corrosion of uranium metal, and Ni, Ti were also considered to suitable as candidate

  18. Spin-orbit coupling in InGaSb/InAlSb and InGaAs/InP 2DEGs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guzenko, Vitaliy A.; Schaepers, Thomas; Estevez, Sergio; Hardtdegen, Hilde; Akabori, Masashi; Sato, Taku; Suzuki, Toshi-kazu; Yamada, Syoji


    Spin-orbit interaction in high-mobility two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) formed in high indium content InGaAs-based and InGaSb-based quantum wells was studied. Magnetotransort measurements were performed at low temperatures in a wide range of magnetic field. Characteristic beating pattern in the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations as well as the enhancement of magnetoconductance at B=0 T due to weak antilocalization (WAL) effect were observed. A comparison of the values of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling parameters estimated from analysis of the beatings with the ones obtained from the fit of the WAL curves showed a good agreement. A control over the strength of the Rashba coupling parameter in the InGaAs 2DEG was achieved by applying a gate voltage. We found that in particular range of the negative gate voltages no beatings can be observed anymore, whereas the weak antilocalization becomes more pronounced. Under such conditions analysis of the WAL is a reliable method to determine the strength of the spin-orbit interaction in 2DEGs

  19. Changes in the microflora of Vienna sausages after irradiation with gamma-rays and storage at 10 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Hitoshi; Sato, Tomotaro


    The species of microorganisms which can grow on commercial viennas on the storage at 10 deg C were Lactobacillus, Streptococcus and yeasts. When the viennas specially made which did not contain preservatives in it were used for this investigation, growth of microorganisms such as Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Micrococcus, Bacillus and yeasts were predominant on the storage at 10 deg C, and Pseudomonas and molds some time propagated. When smoked-viennas specially made for the National Project were used for preservation, growth of microorganisms consisted mainly of the species of Lactobacillus, Micrococcus, Acinetobacter, Flavobacterium, Streptococcus, Serratia, Corynebacterium and yeasts. Irradiation of viennas at 300 and 500 krad reduced the aforementioned flora to the Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Acinetobacter and yeasts. The number of microorganisms on the viennas packed with nitrogen gas was not increased for 3 to 7 days by means of 300 krad irradiation, and extended the storage-life 2 to 3 times. When irradiated with a dose of 500 krad, the number of microorganisms was not increased for 9 to 14 days on the storage at 10 deg C. (author)

  20. A study of non-ideal focus properties of 30deg parallel plate energy analyzers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujisawa, A.; Iguchi, H.; Hamada, Y.


    A succinct model is proposed to describe non-ideal characteristics owing to electric field penetration into the drift region in actual parallel plate energy analyzers. A good agreement has been obtained between the theoretically expected and experimentally observed focus properties of the 30deg parallel plate analyzer. (author)

  1. Phase equilibria in Dy-Cu-Al system at 500 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Milyan, V.V.


    Using the methods of X-ray diffraction analysis a diagram of phase equilibria in Dy-Cu-Al system at 500 deg C is plotted. Boundaries of solid solutions on the basis of DyCu 2 , DyCu and DyAl 2 compounds are determined and homogeneity regions of ternary compounds Dy 2 (Cu, Al) 7 and Dy(CuAl) 5 are ascertained. Compounds DyCuAl 3 , Dy 4 Cu 4 Al 11 and Dy 5 Cu 6 Al 9 have been detected for the first time

  2. Characteristics study of 2DEG transport properties of AlGaN/GaN and AlGaAs/GaAs-based HEMT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lenka, T. R.; Panda, A. K.


    Growth of wide bandgap material over narrow bandgap material, results into a two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the heterointerface due to the conduction band discontinuity. In this paper the 2DEG transport properties of AlGaN/GaN-based high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) is discussed and its effect on various characteristics such as 2DEG density, C-V characteristics and Sheet resistances for different mole fractions are presented. The obtained results are also compared with AlGaAs/GaAs-based HEMT for the same structural parameter as like AlGaN/GaN-based HEMT. The calculated results of electron sheet concentration as a function of the Al mole fraction are in excellent agreement with some experimental data available in the literature.

  3. Fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background on a 2.3 deg angular scale

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calzolari, P.; Cortiglioni, S.; Mandolesi, N.


    The study of fluctuations in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background may provide important information on the origin of the large scale structures in the Universe. An experiment is in operation at Medicina (Bologna) for studying such temperature fluctuations on a 2 deg 3 angular scale at lambda=2.8 cm. Preliminary results seem to indicate ΔT/T -4

  4. Effects of 42 deg. C hyperthermia on intracellular pH in ovarian carcinoma cells during acute or chronic exposure to low extracellular pH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wahl, Miriam L.; Bobyock, Suzanne B.; Leeper, Dennis B.; Owen, Charles S.


    Purpose: To determine whether intracellular pH (pH i ) is affected during hyperthermia in substrate-attached cells and whether acute extracellular acidification potentiates the cytotoxicity of hyperthermia via an effect on pH i . Methods and Materials: The pH i was determined in cells attached to extracellular matrix proteins loaded with the fluorescent indicator dye BCECF at 37 deg. C and during 42 deg. C hyperthermia at an extracellular pH (pH e ) of 6.7 or 7.3 in cells. Effects on pH i during hyperthermia are compared to effects on clonogenic survival after hyperthermia at pH e 7.3 and 6.7 of cells grown at pH e 7.3, or of cells grown and monitored at pH e 6.7. Results: The results show that pH i values are affected by substrate attachments. Cells attached to extracellular matrix proteins had better signal stability, low dye leakage and evidence of homeostatic regulation of pH i during heating. The net decrease in pH i in cells grown and assayed at pH e = 7.3 during 42 deg. C hyperthermia was 0.28 units and the decrease in low pH adapted cells heated at pH e = 6.7 was 0.14 units. Acute acidification from pH e = 7.3 to pH e = 6.7 at 37 deg. C caused an initial reduction of 0.5-0.8 unit in pH i , but a partial recovery followed during the next 60-90 min. Concurrent 42 deg. C hyperthermia caused the same initial reduction in pH i in acutely acidified cells, but inhibited the partial recovery that occurred during the next 60-90 min at 37 deg. C. After 4 h at 37 deg. C, the net change in pH i in acutely acidified cells was 0.30 pH unit, but at 42 deg. C is 0.63 pH units. The net change in pH i correlated inversely with clonogenic survival. Conclusions: Hyperthermia causes a pH i reduction in cells which was smaller in magnitude by 50% in low pH adapted cells. Hyperthermia inhibited the partial recovery from acute acidification that was observed at 37 deg. C in substrate attached cells, in parallel with a lower subsequent clonogenic survival

  5. Wafer-level MOCVD growth of AlGaN/GaN-on-Si HEMT structures with ultra-high room temperature 2DEG mobility

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaoqing Xu


    Full Text Available In this work, we investigate the influence of growth temperature, impurity concentration, and metal contact structure on the uniformity and two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG properties of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT structure grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD on 4-inch Si substrate. High uniformity of 2DEG mobility (standard deviation down to 0.72% across the radius of the 4-inch wafer has been achieved, and 2DEG mobility up to 1740.3 cm2/V⋅s at room temperature has been realized at low C and O impurity concentrations due to reduced ionized impurity scattering. The 2DEG mobility is further enhanced to 2161.4 cm2/V⋅s which is comparable to the highest value reported to date when the contact structure is switched from a square to a cross pattern due to reduced piezoelectric scattering at lower residual strain. This work provides constructive insights and promising results to the field of wafer-scale fabrication of AlGaN/GaN HEMT on Si.

  6. Analyses of 2-DEG characteristics in GaN HEMT with AlN/GaN super-lattice as barrier layer grown by MOCVD. (United States)

    Xu, Peiqiang; Jiang, Yang; Chen, Yao; Ma, Ziguang; Wang, Xiaoli; Deng, Zhen; Li, Yan; Jia, Haiqiang; Wang, Wenxin; Chen, Hong


    GaN-based high-electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) with AlN/GaN super-lattices (SLs) (4 to 10 periods) as barriers were prepared on (0001) sapphire substrates. An innovative method of calculating the concentration of two-dimensional electron gas (2-DEG) was brought up when AlN/GaN SLs were used as barriers. With this method, the energy band structure of AlN/GaN SLs was analyzed, and it was found that the concentration of 2-DEG is related to the thickness of AlN barrier and the thickness of the period; however, it is independent of the total thickness of the AlN/GaN SLs. In addition, we consider that the sheet carrier concentration in every SL period is equivalent and the 2-DEG concentration measured by Hall effect is the average value in one SL period. The calculation result fitted well with the experimental data. So, we proposed that our method can be conveniently applied to calculate the 2-DEG concentration of HEMT with the AlN/GaN SL barrier.

  7. A baseline for upper crustal velocity variations along the East Pacific Rise at 13 deg N (United States)

    Kappus, Mary E.; Harding, Alistair J.; Orcutt, John A.


    A wide aperture profile of the East Pacific Rise at 13 deg N provides data necessary to make a high-resolution seismic velocity profile of the uppermost crust along a 52-km segment of ridge crest. Automated and objective processing steps, including r-p analysis and waveform inversion, allow the construction of models in a consistent way so that comparisons are meaningful. A continuous profile is synthesized from 70 independent one-dimensional models spaced at 750-km intervals along the ridge. The resulting seismic velocity structure of the top 500 m of crust is remarkable in its lack of variability. The main features are a thin low-velocity layer 2A at the top with a steep gradient to layer 2B. The seafloor velocity is nearly constant at 2.45 km/s +/- 3% along the entire ridge. The velocity at the top of layer 2B is 5.0 km/s +/- 10%. The depth to the 4 km/s isovelocity contour within layer 2A is 130 +/- 20 m from 13 deg to 13 deg 20 min N, north of which it increases to 180 m. The increase in thickness is coincident with a deviation from axial linearity (DEVAL) noted by both a slight change in axis depth and orientation and in geochemistry. The waveform inversion, providing more details plus velocity gradient information, shows a layer 2A with about 80 m of constant-velocity material underlain by 150 m of high velocity gradient material, putting the base of layer 2A at approximately 230 m depth south of 13 deg 20 min N and about 50 m thicker north of the DEVAL. The overall lack of variability, combined with other recent measurements of layer 2A thickness along and near the axis, indicates that the thickness of volcanic extrusives is controlled not by levels of volcanic productivity, but the dynamics of emplacement. The homogeneity along axis also provides a baseline of inherent variability in crustal structure of about 10% against which other observed variations in similar regimes can be compared.

  8. Superconducting transition and low-field magnetoresistance of a niobium single crystal at 4.2 deg. K; Transition supraconductrice et magnetoresistance en champ faible d'un echantillon monocristallin de niobium a 4.2 deg. K

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perriot, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires. Service de physique du solide et de resonnance magnetique


    We report the study of the electrical resistance of a niobium single crystal, at 4.2 deg. K, from the beginning of the superconductive transition to 80 kilo oersteds. Critical fieldsH{sub c2} and H{sub c3} have been determined. Influences on superconductive transition of current density, field-current angle, crystal orientation and magnetoresistance have been studied. Variation laws of low-field transverse and longitudinal magneto-resistances have been determined. (author) [French] La variation de la resistance electrique d'un monocristal cylindrique de niobium a ete etudiee, a 4,2 deg. K, depuis le debut de la transition supraconductrice jusqu'a 80 kilooersteds. Les champs critiques H{sub c2} et H{sub c3} ont ete determines. On a etudie l'influence de la densite de courant, de l'angle champ-courant, de l'anisotropie cristalline et de la magnetoresistance sur la transition supraconductrice. Les lois de variation des magnetoresistances transversale et longitudinale ont ete determinees dans le domaine des champs faibles. (auteur)

  9. 3.55 GeV/c Kp elastic scattering near 180 deg; Diffusion elastique des K de 3.55 GeV/C par les protons, au voisinage de 180 deg

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duflo, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Backward elastic K{sup +}p and K{sup -}p scattering has been measured in the angular interval 168 deg. < {theta}.c.m. < 177 deg. The experimental apparatus included optical spark chambers to measure the three prongs of the event scattering, a set of scintillation counters and Cerenkov counters to select events ant trigger chambers, and a magnet to determine the moment of the recoil proton. 106000 photographs was taken. Of these, 22 satisfied all requirements as elastic K{sup +}p scattering events. No event was found satisfy the kinematical criteria for K{sup -}p elastic scattering. The correspondent values of differential cross sections are: (d{sigma}/d{omega})K{sup +}p {yields} pK{sup +} = 17 {+-} 4 {mu}b/ster. (d{sigma}/d{omega})K{sup -}p {yields} pK{sup -} {<=} 0.6 {mu}b/ster. Contaminations by {pi}p backward scattering, and inelastic scattering were estimated. Elastic scattering K{sup +}p exhibits a backward peak. A reasonably satisfactory interpretation of our results is obtained by exchange models. There is, in fact, no definitely established particles which could intermediate the Kp{sup -} {yields} pK{sup -} process in exchange cannel. That is in good agreement with our small value of K{sup -}p backward elastic scattering cross section. Our results lend support to the conclusions of the interference model developed by Barger and Cline for the {pi}p backward scattering, and to qualitative previsions of the Quark models. (author) [French] La diffusion elastique en arriere des K{sup +} et K{sup -} par les protons a ete mesuree dans l'intervalle angulaire 168 deg. < {theta}cm < 177 deg. Le dispositif experimental comprenait des chambres a etincelles 'optiques' pour mesurer les trois trajectoires de l'evenement diffuse, un ensemble de compteurs a scintillations et de compteurs Cerenkov pour selectionner les evenements et declencher les chambres, et un aimant pour determiner le moment du proton de recul. 106000 photographies ont ete prises, dont 22 ont satisfait a

  10. 3.55 GeV/c Kp elastic scattering near 180 deg; Diffusion elastique des K de 3.55 GeV/C par les protons, au voisinage de 180 deg

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duflo, J. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Backward elastic K{sup +}p and K{sup -}p scattering has been measured in the angular interval 168 deg. < {theta}.c.m. < 177 deg. The experimental apparatus included optical spark chambers to measure the three prongs of the event scattering, a set of scintillation counters and Cerenkov counters to select events ant trigger chambers, and a magnet to determine the moment of the recoil proton. 106000 photographs was taken. Of these, 22 satisfied all requirements as elastic K{sup +}p scattering events. No event was found satisfy the kinematical criteria for K{sup -}p elastic scattering. The correspondent values of differential cross sections are: (d{sigma}/d{omega})K{sup +}p {yields} pK{sup +} = 17 {+-} 4 {mu}b/ster. (d{sigma}/d{omega})K{sup -}p {yields} pK{sup -} {<=} 0.6 {mu}b/ster. Contaminations by {pi}p backward scattering, and inelastic scattering were estimated. Elastic scattering K{sup +}p exhibits a backward peak. A reasonably satisfactory interpretation of our results is obtained by exchange models. There is, in fact, no definitely established particles which could intermediate the Kp{sup -} {yields} pK{sup -} process in exchange cannel. That is in good agreement with our small value of K{sup -}p backward elastic scattering cross section. Our results lend support to the conclusions of the interference model developed by Barger and Cline for the {pi}p backward scattering, and to qualitative previsions of the Quark models. (author) [French] La diffusion elastique en arriere des K{sup +} et K{sup -} par les protons a ete mesuree dans l'intervalle angulaire 168 deg. < {theta}cm < 177 deg. Le dispositif experimental comprenait des chambres a etincelles 'optiques' pour mesurer les trois trajectoires de l'evenement diffuse, un ensemble de compteurs a scintillations et de compteurs Cerenkov pour selectionner les evenements et declencher les chambres, et un aimant pour determiner le moment du proton de recul. 106000 photographies ont ete prises

  11. OMI/Aura Surface Reflectance Climatology Level 3 Global 0.5deg Lat/Lon Grid V003 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The OMI Earth Surface Reflectance Climatology product, OMLER (Global 0.5deg Lat/Lon grid) which is based on Version 003 Level-1B top of atmosphere upwelling radiance...

  12. L’esperienza MoULe dell’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Pieri


    Full Text Available Questo contributo si focalizza sull’esperienza di mobile learning, con l’ambiente per l’apprendimento cooperativo MoULe, realizzata dall’Università degli studi di Milano- Bicocca in collaborazione con il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Palermo. Un questionario1 sulle tecnologie e l’uso delle tecnologie è stato somministrato ai partecipanti prima dell’inizio dell’esperienza e alla fine dell’esperienza è stato realizzato un focus group con i partecipanti per valutare l’esperienza.

  13. Book review, Ominis e bestias in su campidanu de iossu, Marcello Furio Pili

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Ciò che ci ha più incuriosito di questa pubblicazione è il sottotitolo “Il rapporto tra uomini e animali nelle attività lavorative del passato e del presente”. L’autore Marcello Furio Pili, pur riconoscendo una sorta di omologazione della società umana a seguito della rivoluzione industriale, parte dal presupposto storico dell’unicità del rapporto con gli animali che da sempre è un tratto distintivo del popolo sardo. La ricerca si concentra su cinque paesi del Basso Campidano: Nuraminis, Monastir, Ussana, San Sperate e Sestu, ognuno trattato in una veste monografica a sé stante ma con la medesima struttura editoriale e contenutistica. Cinque paesi di stampo rurale la cui economia, almeno fino ai primi decenni del ’900, “era fondata essenzialmente sull’utilizzo della terra, agricoltura e allevamento di bestiame quindi, e quasi ogni altra attività ruotava intorno alla sfera del rus, della campagna”. Grande spazio viene dedicato, infatti, agli animali (bovini, equini, caprini, suidi, canidi, felini, leporidi, roditori, uccelli, insetti, ecc. che vengono classificati secondo la tassonomia risalente al Sistema della Natura di Linneo, con ovini e caprini accorpati in un unico paragrafo seguendo la moderna classificazione che li inserisce entrambi nella sottofamiglia Caprinae.Il grande formato del libro (21 × 29 cm e la presenza di numerose foto di animali, vegetazione e, soprattutto, vecchi strumenti di lavoro, rendono ancor più interessante questa ricerca che, pur essendo sostanzialmente di carattere antropologico, culturale e linguistico, è molto centrata sul rapporto uomo-animale: “Il rapporto con gli animali, in un modo o nell’altro, era, per quasi tutti i componenti della comunità, costante, necessario, inevitabile.”.

  14. The system HoCl3-YCl3-H2O (25 deg C)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sorokina, A.A.; Yudina, N.G.


    By solubility method the system HoCl 3 -YCl 3 -H 2 O at 25 deg C has been studied. It is shown that in this system the continuous serie of solid solutions is formed. The liquid solutions of this system have been investigated by the isopiestic method. The values of activity coefficients, activity, free energy formation and excess free energy of solid solutions are calculated [ru

  15. First Ground-Based Infrared Solar Absorption Measurements of Free Tropospheric Methanol (CH3OH): Multidecade Infrared Time Series from Kitt Peak (31.9 deg N 111.6 deg W): Trend, Seasonal Cycle, and Comparison with Previous Measurements (United States)

    Rinsland, Curtis P.; Mahieu, Emmanuel; Chiou, Linda; Herbin, Herve


    Atmospheric CH3OH (methanol) free tropospheric (2.09-14-km altitude) time series spanning 22 years has been analyzed on the basis of high-spectral resolution infrared solar absorption spectra of the strong vs band recorded from the U.S. National Solar Observatory on Kitt Peak (latitude 31.9degN, 111.6degW, 2.09-km altitude) with a 1-m Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS). The measurements span October 1981 to December 2003 and are the first long time series of CH3OH measurements obtained from the ground. The results were analyzed with SFIT2 version 3.93 and show a factor of three variations with season, a maximum at the beginning of July, a winter minimum, and no statistically significant long-term trend over the measurement time span.

  16. Complete dipole response in 208Pb from high-resolution polarized proton scattering at 0 deg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neumann-Cosel, P. von; Kalmykov, Y.; Poltoratska, I.; Ponomarev, V. Yu.; Richter, A.; Wambach, J.; Adachi, T.; Fujita, Y.; Matsubara, H.; Sakemi, Y.; Shimizu, Y.; Tameshige, Y.; Yosoi, M.; Bertulani, C. A.; Carter, J.; Fujita, H.; Dozono, M.; Fujita, K.; Hashimoto, H.; Hatanaka, K.


    The structure of electric and magnetic dipole modes in 208 Pb is investigated in a high-resolution measurement of the (p-vector,p-vector') reaction under 0 deg. First results on the E1 strength in the region of the pygmy dipole resonance are reported.

  17. 'Candidatus Phytoplasma sudamericanum' a novel taxon from diseased passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.) (United States)

    Symptoms of abnormal proliferation of shoots resulting in formation of witches’ broom growths were observed in diseased plants of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.) in Brazil. RFLP analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences amplified in polymerase chain reactions containing template DNAs...

  18. Comparative Genomics Revealed Genetic Diversity and Species/Strain-Level Differences in Carbohydrate Metabolism of Three Probiotic Bifidobacterial Species

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Toshitaka Odamaki


    Full Text Available Strains of Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, and Bifidobacterium animalis are widely used as probiotics in the food industry. Although numerous studies have revealed the properties and functionality of these strains, it is uncertain whether these characteristics are species common or strain specific. To address this issue, we performed a comparative genomic analysis of 49 strains belonging to these three bifidobacterial species to describe their genetic diversity and to evaluate species-level differences. There were 166 common clusters between strains of B. breve and B. longum, whereas there were nine common clusters between strains of B. animalis and B. longum and four common clusters between strains of B. animalis and B. breve. Further analysis focused on carbohydrate metabolism revealed the existence of certain strain-dependent genes, such as those encoding enzymes for host glycan utilisation or certain membrane transporters, and many genes commonly distributed at the species level, as was previously reported in studies with limited strains. As B. longum and B. breve are human-residential bifidobacteria (HRB, whereas B. animalis is a non-HRB species, several of the differences in these species’ gene distributions might be the result of their adaptations to the nutrient environment. This information may aid both in selecting probiotic candidates and in understanding their potential function as probiotics.

  19. Relation between chemical properties in molten acetamide and water at 98 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petit, Nicole


    An attempt was made to establish the relation between the chemical properties of various cations in water and in molten acetamide at 98 deg. C. A solvent always possesses properties which have some effect on the reactivity of the solute. Various types of interactions (polar, electrostatic, Van der Waals forces, and hydrogen bonds) bind the solvent molecules to the dissolved molecules and ions. Interactions between the solute species and the solvent species are designated: solvation phenomena. In addition to solvation phenomena, another but less direct type of interaction occurs: the solvated ions find themselves in a sensibly continuous medium having a dielectric constant ε which can vary considerably. As the value of the dielectric constant decreases, the electrostatic interactions between the ions increase. The variation is such that these ions can only be considered free for values of ε > 40. This is the case for acetamide and water at 98 deg. C. The solvation of a chemical species belonging to an oxido-reducing system can only be effected by comparing the behavior of such a system with a reference system relatively insensitive to changes in the solvent. The reference system used was a ferrocene-ion/ferricinium couple. The solvation of a chemical species is characterized by a variable designated: the solvation activity coefficient. The chemical and electrochemical properties of various elements (alkali elements, alkaline earths, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb, U, Al, Ce, and Eu) in neutral or acid media in acetamide were studied using various electrochemical techniques (principally polarography). These studies led to the establishment of a table of oxido-reducing potentials for molten acetamide. Comparisons with water at 98 deg. C indicate that the metallic cations are more solvated in acetamide than in water. The evaluation of solvation activity coefficients from polarographic measurements (E 1/2 , D M ) led to an approximate estimation of the differences in behavior

  20. Per un'etica degli scambi economici. La funzione civile del mercato in Eiximenis e nella pedagogia politica francescana (1273-1493

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    Paolo Evangelisti


    dell’esercizio del potere, degli scambi nel mercato. Quest’ultimo identificato qual estruttura comunitaria, ovvero una vera e propria agorà civica all’interno della quale la dinamica delle negoziazioni non riguarda solo le merci ma implica anche una riflessione sui pre-requisiti che legittimano l’esistenza del mercato. I francescani, e segnatamente i testi eiximeniani, rivelano una spiccata capacità di interrogarsi sulle ragioni fondative del mercato e del denaro, sulle funzioni civili degli scambi economici e del credito.

  1. La riproduzione nei rettili: nuove prospettive e sviluppi futuri


    Pelizzone, Igor


    L’allevamento in cattività dei rettili è in costante crescita negli ultimi anni e richiede conoscenze mediche sempre più specialistiche per far fronte ai numerosi problemi legati a questi animali. Il corretto approccio medico prevede una profonda conoscenza delle specie prese in esame dal momento che la maggior parte delle problematiche riproduttive di questi animali sono legate ad una non corretta gestione dei riproduttori. L’apparato riproduttore dei rettili è estremamente vario a ...

  2. Acetanilide interaction with hydriodic acid in aqueous solutions at 20 and 40 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erkasov, R.Sh.; Nurakhmetov, N.I.


    Isothermal method was used to study acetanilide solubility in aqueous solutions of hydriodic acid at 20 and 40 deg C. formation of two new anhydrous compounds of 2:1 and 1:1 compositions (anilide: acid molar ratio) was established. Temperature and concentration boundaries of solid phase formation were established for these compounds. Their IR spectroscopic investigation was conducted

  3. Environmental Fatigue Behaviors of CF8M Stainless Steel in 310 .deg. C Deoxygenated Water - Effects of Hydrogen and Microstructure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jang, Hun; Cho, Pyungyeon; Jang, Changheui [KAIST, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Tae Soon [Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Corporation, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The effects of environment and microstructure on low cycle fatigue (LCF) behaviors of CF8M stainless steels containing 11% of ferrites were investigated in a 310 .deg. C deoxygenated water environment. The reduction of LCF life of CF8M in a 310 .deg. C deoxygenated water was smaller than 316LN stainless steels. Based on the microstructure and fatigue surface analyses, it was confirmed that the hydrogen induced cracking contributed to the reduction in LCF life for CF8M as well as for 316LN. However, many secondary cracks were found on the boundaries of ferrite phases in CF8M, which effectively reduced the stress concentration at the crack tip. Because of the reduced stress concentration, the accelerated fatigue crack growth by hydrogen induced cracking was less significant, which resulted in the smaller environmental effects for CF8M than 316LN in a 310 .deg. C deoxygenated water.

  4. MODIS/Terra Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone Monthly L3 Global 1Deg CMG V006 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — MODIS/Terra Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone Monthly L3 Global 1Deg CMG (MOD08_M3). MODIS was launched aboard the Terra satellite on December 18, 1999 (10:30 am...

  5. MODIS/Terra Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone Daily L3 Global 1Deg CMG V006 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — MODIS/Terra Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone Daily L3 Global 1Deg CMG (MOD08_D3). MODIS was launched aboard the Terra satellite on December 18, 1999 (10:30 am equator...

  6. MODIS/Aqua Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone Daily L3 Global 1Deg CMG V006 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — MODIS/Aqua Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone Daily L3 Global 1Deg CMG (MYD08_D3). MODIS was launched aboard the Aqua satellite on May 04, 2002 (1:30 pm equator...

  7. Biological effects of diethylene glycol (DEG) and produced waters (PWs) released from offshore activities: a multi-biomarker approach with the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. (United States)

    Stefania, Gorbi; Maura, Benedetti; Claudia, Virno Lamberti; Barbara, Pisanelli; Ginevra, Moltedo; Francesco, Regoli


    Diethylene glycol (DEG) is largely used during oil and gas exploitation by offshore platforms. The aim of this work was to investigate if this compound induces direct molecular/cellular effects in marine organisms, or indirectly modulate those of produced waters (PWs). Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) were exposed to DEG dosed alone or in combination with PWs from an Adriatic platform. A wide array of analysed biomarkers included cytochrome P450-dependent enzymatic activity, bile metabolites, glutathione S-transferases, acetylcholinesterase, peroxisomal proliferation, antioxidant defences (catalase, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidases, glutathione), total oxyradical scavenging capacity, malondialdehyde and DNA integrity (single strand breaks and frequency of micronuclei). Results did not reveal marked effects of DEG, while PWs influenced the biotransformation system, the oxidative status and the onset of genotoxic damages. Co-exposures caused only limited differences of biomarker responses at some experimental conditions, overall suggesting a limited biological impact of DEG at levels normally deriving from offshore activities.

  8. A Byzantine chant collection from Sicily: a collaboration between Copenhagen and Piana degli Albanesi (Palermo)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sanfratello, Giuseppe


    The aim of this paper is to give an account of the collaboration between a collector of the Byzantine chant tradition of Piana degli Albanesi (Palermo) in Sicily, namely fr. Bartolomeo Di Salvo, and the editorial board of the Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae, i.e. an institution under the aegis...

  9. Identification of ultra-fine Ti-rich precipitates in V-Cr-Ti alloys irradiated below 300 deg. C by using positron CDB technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukumoto, Ken-ichi; Matsui, Hideki; Ohkubo, Hideaki; Tang, Zheng; Nagai, Yasuyoshi; Hasegawa, Masayuki


    Irradiation-induced Ti-rich precipitates in V-Ti and V-4Cr-4Ti alloys are studied by TEM and positron annihilation methods (positron lifetime, and coincidence Doppler broadening (CDB)). The characteristics of small defect clusters formed in V alloys containing Ti at irradiation temperatures below 300 deg. C have not been identified by TEM techniques. Strong interaction between vacancy and Ti solute atoms for irradiated V alloys containing Ti at irradiation temperatures from 220 to 350 deg. C are observed by positron lifetime measurement. The vacancy-multi Ti solute complexes in V-alloys containing Ti are definitely identified by using CDB measurement. It is suggested that ultra-fine Ti-rich precipitates or Ti segregation at periphery of dislocation loops are formed in V alloys containing Ti at irradiation temperatures below 300 deg. C

  10. Low cycle fatigue behaviour of neutron irradiated copper alloys at 250 and 350 deg. C

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Singh, B.N.; Stubbins, J.F.; Toft, P.


    V) to influence levels of 1.0 - 1.5 x 1024 n/m2 (E> 1 MeV) at 250 and 350 deg. C. These irradiations were carried out in temperature controlled rigs where the irradiation temperature was monitored and controlledcontinuously throughout the whole irradiation experiment. Both unirradiated and irradiated speciments...

  11. Experimental transonic flutter characteristics of two 72 deg-sweep delta-wing models (United States)

    Doggett, Robert V., Jr.; Soistmann, David L.; Spain, Charles V.; Parker, Ellen C.; Silva, Walter A.


    Transonic flutter boundaries are presented for two simple, 72 deg. sweep, low-aspect-ratio wing models. One model was an aspect-ratio 0.65 delta wing; the other model was an aspect-ratio 0.54 clipped-delta wing. Flutter boundaries for the delta wing are presented for the Mach number range of 0.56 to 1.22. Flutter boundaries for the clipped-delta wing are presented for the Mach number range of 0.72 to 0.95. Selected vibration characteristics of the models are also presented.

  12. Irradiations under magnetic field. Measurement of resistivity sample irradiations between 100 and 500 deg C in a swimming-pool reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pauleve, J.; Marchand, A.; Blaise, A.


    An oven is described which enables the irradiation of small samples in the maximum neutron flux of a swimming-pool reactor of 15 MW (Siloe), at temperatures of between 100 and 500 deg.C defined to ± 0,5 deg.C, The oven is very simple from the technological point of view, and has a diameter of only 27 mm, This permits resistivity measurements to be carried out under irradiation in the reactor, or as another example, it enables irradiations in a magnetic field of 5000 oersteds, created by an immersed solenoid. (authors) [fr

  13. Selective method for identification and quantification of Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies lactis BB-12 (BB-12) from the gastrointestinal tract of healthy volunteers ingesting a combination probiotic of BB-12 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. (United States)

    Poutsiaka, D D; Mahoney, I J; McDermott, L A; Stern, L L; Thorpe, C M; Kane, A V; Baez-Giangreco, C; McKinney, J; Davidson, L E; Leyva, R; Goldin, B; Snydman, D R


    To develop a novel validated method for the isolation of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12 (BB-12) from faecal specimens and apply it to studies of BB-12 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) recovered from the healthy human gastrointestinal (GI) tract. A novel method for isolating and enumerating BB-12 was developed based on its morphologic features of growth on tetracycline-containing agar. The method identified BB-12 correctly from spiked stool close to 100% of the time as validated by PCR confirmation of identity, and resulted in 97-104% recovery of BB-12. The method was then applied in a study of the recovery of BB-12 and LGG from the GI tract of healthy humans consuming ProNutrients ® Probiotic powder sachet containing BB-12 and LGG. Viable BB-12 and LGG were recovered from stool after 21 days of probiotic ingestion compared to baseline. In contrast, no organisms were recovered 21 days after baseline in the nonsupplemented control group. We demonstrated recovery of viable BB-12, using a validated novel method specific for the isolation of BB-12, and LGG from the GI tract of healthy humans who consumed the probiotic supplement. This method will enable more detailed and specific studies of BB-12 in probiotic supplements, including when in combination with LGG. © 2017 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  14. Confini domestici. Ruoli e immagini femminili nella pittura della controriforma

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    Massimo Moretti


    Full Text Available Looking out of the window or out of the door, peering beyond the property line, are considered blamed behaviours for the woman, as results in the domestic economy treaties and in the manual for the confession published between XV and XVI century. The symbiotic link between the woman and the door, background and semantic frame of the female condition, has been confirmed during the time by the paintings. In particular, the stories of Mary of Nazareth are able to define the scanning of the spaces and of the times of the Christian woman. As the illustrations of the XVI century obstetrician treaties show, the depiction of the “Nativity of Mary” is vehicle for the representation of the female life in the domestic settings in a significant moment as that concerning the birth of a baby. The pictorial and sculptural examples shown in this work, mark a double vision of the woman in the modern age in her relationship with her boundary. Doors and windows represent positive elements when are used to contain woman freedom; on the contrary, they are considered as negative ones when appear as woman means to fuel her curiosity.

  15. Research into zirconium alloys resistant to carbon dioxide under pressure at temperatures of up to 600 deg C (1963); Recherche d'alliages de zirconium compatibles avec le gaz carbonique sous pression jusqu'a 500 ou 600 deg C (1063)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baque, P; Dominget, R; Bossard, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Zirconium is a metal having a relatively low neutron capture cross-section and a high melting point; it is thus possible to consider its use in particular as a canning material for fuel elements in CO{sub 2}-cooled nuclear reactors. A preliminary study of several types of zirconium showed that the metal is already strongly oxidised in this gas at 500 deg C. The 'breakaway' phenomenon is generalised; the oxidation rate is then linear and depends on the carbon dioxide pressure. An attempt was therefore made to find binary and tertiary alloys in order to improve the metal behaviour. Several interesting compositions were found: 1, 1.6 and 2.5 per cent of copper, 2 per cent of vanadium, and 0.05 and 0.5 per cent of calcium. Tertiary copper-molybdenum and copper-phosphorus alloys are also less liable to oxidation and in particular do not exhibit the 'breakaway' phenomenon even after a prolonged treatment at 600 deg C. (authors) [French] Le zirconium se trouve parmi les metaux a section de capture neutronique relativement faible et possede une temperature de fusion elevee; aussi peut on songer a l'employer notamment comme materiau de gainage d'elements combustibles pour reacteurs nucleaires refroidis au gaz carbonique. Une etude prealable de plusieurs qualites de zirconium a montre que le metal est deja assez fortement oxyde dans ce gaz des 500 deg C. En effet, le phenomene de ''breakaway'' est general; la vitesse d'oxydation devient alors lineaire et depend de la pression du gaz carbonique. La recherche d'alliages binaires et ternaires a donc ete entreprise afin de tenter d'ameliorer le comportement du metal. Elle a permis d'aboutir a quelques compositions interessantes: cuivre 1, 1,6 et 2,5 pour cent, vanadium 2 pour cent, et calcium 0,05 et 0,5 pour cent. Des alliages ternaires au cuivre-molybdene et cuivre-phosphore sont egalement moins oxydables, et en particulier ne presentent pas le phenomene de ''breakaway'', meme apres une longue exposition a 600 deg C. (auteurs)

  16. Selecting Eco-Friendly Thermal Systems for the “Vittoriale Degli Italiani” Historic Museum Building

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    Davide Astiaso Garcia


    Full Text Available Thermal systems installed in museums should guarantee the maintenance of the optimal hygrothermal parameters ranges for the conservation of their collection materials. Considering the preservation of historic buildings, according to their historical and landscaping constraints, not all the thermal system typologies could be installed in these buildings’ typologies. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to present some indications for the choice of the best thermal system solutions for a considered historic museum building, called Vittoriale degli Italiani, in the north of Italy, taking into account their installation feasibility and their related environmental impacts. The methodology includes a monitoring of the current hygrothermal parameters as well as the assessment of design heat and cooling loads related to the maintenance of the optimal hygrothermal parameters ranges for the conservation of collection materials. In addition, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA of each selected system typology is considered for highlighting the most eco-friendly solution among the suitable ones. The obtained results highlights the feasible thermal system solutions able to maintain the hygrothermal parameters between the optimal ranges with a lower environmental impact in the Vittoriale degli Italiani historic museum building.

  17. Book review. Manuale delle attività investigative per i reati contro la fauna. Rosario Fico, Simone Angelucci, Erika Ciarrocca

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Il manuale realizzato dal Parco Nazionale della Majella, IZS di Lazio e Toscana, Corpo Forestale dello Stato e Legambiente, è il primo tentativo di tracciare un percorso condiviso nell'ambito delle investigazioni per i reati contro gli animali. Le attività di bracconaggio o di uccisione illegale di animali, infatti, rappresentano ancora oggi un fenomeno tristemente attuale nel nostro Paese; si pensi ai tanti lupi uccisi per avvelenamento o attraverso lacci e armi da fuoco. Gli autori del manuale, realizzato con il cofinanziamento della CE nell'ambito del progetto Life Wolfnet "Development of coordinated protection measures for Wolf in Apennines", sono medici veterinari che ben conoscono la materia, a partire dal dott. Rosario Fico che dirige il Centro di Referenza Nazionale per la Medicina Forense Veterinaria dell'IZS di Lazio e Toscana. La pubblicazione nasce da un progetto, teso alla conservazione e gestione coordinata del Lupo nell'Appennino, che in primis ha messo in atto azioni dirette a ridurre il conflitto verso il lupo conseguente a sistemi normativi e procedurali di indennizzo del danno insufficienti, per poi combattere l'ostilità nei suoi confronti da parte degli allevatori e delle comunità locali. Sono state inoltre intraprese azioni per contrastare il fenomeno della mortalità illegale, ridurre la persistenza di rischi o lo sviluppo di nuove criticità sanitarie per la popolazione di lupo. Il progetto ha infine avviato attività finalizzate alla riduzione del disturbo diretto o indiretto al lupo e l'attivazione di un Network istituzionale. Il manuale è strutturato in 8 capitoli: Normativa essenziale; Ruoli e competenze; La scena del crimine; Dopo la scena del crimine; Il video-foto-trappolaggio come strumento di prevenzione e di indagine; Casi studio; Procedura operativa per la necroscopia del lupo; Modulistica. Da segnalare i contributi di Rita Lorenzini e Antonio Antonucci che si aggiungono ai tre autori principali.

  18. Giant magnetic quadrupole resonance studied with 180 deg. electron scattering

    CERN Document Server

    Neumann-Cosel, P V


    The nuclei sup 4 sup 8 Ca and sup 9 sup 0 Zr were investigated in 180 deg. high-resolution inelastic electron scattering for momentum transfers q approx =0.35-0.8 fm sup - sup 1. Complete M2 strength distributions could be extracted in both nuclei up to excitation energies of about 15 MeV utilizing a fluctuation analysis technique. Second-RPA calculations successfully describe the experimentally observed strong fragmentation of the M2 mode. The quenching of the spin part is found to be comparable to the M1 case, contrary to previous claims suggesting a stronger reduction. A quantitative reproduction of the data requires the presence of appreciable orbital strength which can be interpreted as a torsional elastic vibration (the so-called twist mode).

  19. Investigation of effect of air flow rate on Zircaloy-4 oxidation kinetics and breakaway phenomenon in air at 850 .deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeng, Yunhwan; Lee, Jaeyoung; Park, Sanggil


    This paper analyzed an effect of flow rate on oxidation kinetics of Zircaloy-4 in air at 850 .deg. C. In case of the oxidation of Zircaloy-4 in air at 850 .deg. C, acceleration of oxidation kinetics from parabolic to linear (breakaway phenomenon) occurs. Oxidation and breakaway kinetics of the Zircaloy-4 in air was experimentally studied by changing a flow rate of argon/air mixture. Tests were conducted at 850 .deg. C under constant ratio of argon and air. The effects of flow rate on the oxidation and breakaway kinetics was observed. This paper is based on a revised and considerably extended presentation given at the 21 st International Quench Workshop. The effects of flow conditions on the oxidation kinetics of Zircaloy-4 samples were explained with residence time and percent flow efficiency. In addition, several issues were observed from this study, interdiffusion at breakaway and deformation of oxide structure by breakaway phenomenon

  20. BD-22deg3467, a DAO-type Star Exciting the Nebula Abell 35 (United States)

    Ziegler, M.; Rauch, T.; Werner, K.; Koppen, J.; Kruk, J. W.


    Spectral analyses of hot, compact stars with non-local thermodynamical equilibrium (NLTE) model-atmosphere techniques allow the precise determination of photospheric parameters such as the effective temperature (T(sub eff)), the surface gravity (log g), and the chemical composition. The derived photospheric metal abundances are crucial constraints for stellar evolutionary theory. Aims. Previous spectral analyses of the exciting star of the nebula A35, BD-22deg3467, were based on He+C+N+O+Si+Fe models only. For our analysis, we use state-of-the-art fully metal-line blanketed NLTE model atmospheres that consider opacities of 23 elements from hydrogen to nickel. We aim to identify all observed lines in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of BD-22deg3467 and to determine the abundances of the respective species precisely. Methods. For the analysis of high-resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) far-ultraviolet (FUSE) and UV (HST/STIS) observations, we combined stellar-atmosphere models and interstellar line-absorption models to fully reproduce the entire observed UV spectrum. Results. The best agreement with the UV observation of BD-22deg3467 is achieved at T(sub eff) = 80 +/- 10 kK and log g = 7.2 +/- 0.3. While T(sub eff) of previous analyses is verified, log g is significantly lower. We re-analyzed lines of silicon and iron (1/100 and about solar abundances, respectively) and for the first time in this star identified argon, chromium, manganese, cobalt, and nickel and determined abundances of 12, 70, 35, 150, and 5 times solar, respectively. Our results partially agree with predictions of diffusion models for DA-type white dwarfs. A combination of photospheric and interstellar line-absorption models reproduces more than 90% of the observed absorption features. The stellar mass is M approx. 0.48 Solar Mass. Conclusions. BD.22.3467 may not have been massive enough to ascend the asymptotic giant branch and may have evolved directly from the extended horizontal branch

  1. Exploring a possible origin of a 14 deg y-normal spin tilt at RHIC polarimeter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meot, F. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Huang, H. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States)


    A possible origin of a 14 deg y-normal spin n0 tilt at the polarimeter is in snake angle defects. This possible cause is investigated by scanning the snake axis angle µ, and the spin rotation angle at the snake, φ, in the vicinity of their nominal values.

  2. The Solar Neighborhood. XXV. Discovery of New Proper Motion Stars with 0.40 sec/yr > mu > or = 0.18 sec/yr Between Declinations -47 deg and 00 deg (United States)

    Boyd, Mark R.; Winters, Jennifer G.; Henry, Todd J.; Jao, Wei-Chun; Finch, Charlie T.; Subasavage, John P.; Hambly, Nigel C.


    We present 2817 new southern proper motion systems with 0.40 sec/yr > mu > or = 0.18 sec/yr and declination between 47 deg and 00 deg. This is a continuation of the SuperCOSMOS-RECONS (SCR) proper motion searches of the southern sky. We use the same photometric relations as previous searches to provide distance estimates based on the assumption that the objects are single main-sequence stars. We find 79 new red dwarf systems predicted to be within 25 pc, including a few new components of previously known systems. Two systems--SCR 1731-2452 at 9.5 pc and SCR 1746-3214 at 9.9 pc--are anticipated to be within 10 pc. We also find 23 new white dwarf (WD) candidates with distance estimates of 15-66 pc, as well as 360 new red subdwarf candidates. With this search, we complete the SCR sweep of the southern sky for stars with mu > or = 0.18 sec/yr and R(sub 59F) < or = 16.5, resulting in a total of 5042 objects in 4724 previously unreported proper motion systems. Here we provide selected comprehensive lists from our SCR proper motion search to date, including 152 red dwarf systems estimated to be within 25 pc (9 within 10 pc), 46 WDs (10 within 25 pc), and 598 subdwarf candidates. The results of this search suggest that there are more nearby systems to be found at fainter magnitudes and lower proper motion limits than those probed so far.

  3. Book review. Semeiologia Clinica Veterinaria. (a cura di Paolo Ciaramella

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Il grado di specializzazione raggiunto nel settore clinico veterinario non è dissimile da quello presente in campo umano, soprattutto se si pensa agli animali d'affezione che sono oramai considerati parte integrante di una società moderna e civile in cui anche il fattore benessere animale ha acquisito importanza non secondaria, in particolare nell'allevamento degli animali da reddito. In questo contesto è sempre più richiesta la figura di uno specialista competente e aggiornato, in grado di risolvere in modo adeguato le problematiche che gli vengono proposte, in un mercato in concorrenza che non contempla imperizia, inesperienza e ignoranza professionale. Lo studio della semeiologia clinica è uno dei primi passi di questo lungo e affascinate cammino che permette di apprendere un metodo di analisi sistematico, affidabile, efficiente e accurato per educare il futuro medico veterinario verso le procedure della buona pratica clinica. La semeiotica insegna ad allenare i propri sensi: a guardare attraverso l'osservazione diretta e indiretta, a sentire ascoltando suoni o rumori, a percepire sensazioni tattili e, non da ultimo, a saper discernere con cognizione e competenza quando ricorrere alle indagini strumentali e di laboratorio; sempre e comunque nella consapevolezza che non possono in nessun modo sostituire l'esame fisico diretto del paziente. Paolo Ciaramella, professore ordinario di Clinica Medica Veterinaria all'Università Federico II di Napoli, presenta così il volume che ha curato: "L'idea di questo libro ha preso forma durante un simposio di medicina interna tenutosi a Torino nel 2008. Con alcuni colleghi presenti si pensò alla possibilità di elaborare un nuovo testo di Semeiotica Medica che potesse ampliare e aggiornare il glorioso Messieri e Moretti, non tanto perché esso avesse perduto il suo valore intrinseco, quanto piuttosto perché nel corso degli anni sono cambiate la patologia animale e con essa la semeiotica e la clinica

  4. Characterizing concentrations of diethylene glycol and suspected metabolites in human serum, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid samples from the Panama DEG mass poisoning. (United States)

    Schier, J G; Hunt, D R; Perala, A; McMartin, K E; Bartels, M J; Lewis, L S; McGeehin, M A; Flanders, W D


    Diethylene glycol (DEG) mass poisoning is a persistent public health problem. Unfortunately, there are no human biological data on DEG and its suspected metabolites in poisoning. If present and associated with poisoning, the evidence for use of traditional therapies such as fomepizole and/or hemodialysis would be much stronger. To characterize DEG and its metabolites in stored serum, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens obtained from human DEG poisoning victims enrolled in a 2006 case-control study. In the 2006 study, biological samples from persons enrolled in a case-control study (42 cases with new-onset, unexplained AKI and 140 age-, sex-, and admission date-matched controls without AKI) were collected and shipped to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta for various analyses and were then frozen in storage. For this study, when sufficient volume of the original specimen remained, the following analytes were quantitatively measured in serum, urine, and CSF: DEG, 2-hydroxyethoxyacetic acid (HEAA), diglycolic acid, ethylene glycol, glycolic acid, and oxalic acid. Analytes were measured using low resolution GC/MS, descriptive statistics calculated and case results compared with controls when appropriate. Specimens were de-identified so previously collected demographic, exposure, and health data were not available. The Wilcoxon Rank Sum test (with exact p-values) and bivariable exact logistic regression were used in SAS v9.2 for data analysis. The following samples were analyzed: serum, 20 case, and 20 controls; urine, 11 case and 22 controls; and CSF, 11 samples from 10 cases and no controls. Diglycolic acid was detected in all case serum samples (median, 40.7 mcg/mL; range, 22.6-75.2) and no controls, and in all case urine samples (median, 28.7 mcg/mL; range, 14-118.4) and only five (23%) controls (median, urine diglycolic acid (both OR > 999; exact p sample results were excluded and two from the same case were averaged, yielding

  5. Il movimento degli scioperi nel XX secolo

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    Maria Theresa Schorer Petrone


    Full Text Available Cella, Gian Primo (organizador. Il movimento degli scioperi nel XX secolo. Bologna, Società Editrice Mulino, 1979. (primeiro parágrado do texto "O movimento das greves no século XX" constitui o resultado de laboriosa pesquisa realizada por um grupo de sociólogos— Guido 13oglioni, Lorenzo Bordogna, Gian Primo Cella, Pietro Kemeny, Giancarlo Provasi, Guido Romagnoli e Gian Enrico Rusconi — ligados às universidades de Turim, Parma, Trento e Cagliari.  Analisando com técnicas de quantificação, os mais variados aspectos das greves ocorridas desde o início deste século até 1970 na Grã Bretanha, Alemanha, Itália, França e nos Estados Unidos, e considerando esses niovimentos' os indicadores mais significativos da ação operária enquanto Manifestação sindical e reinvindicativa, acreditavam que poderiam de-teCtar as relações entre ação operária e as 'mudanças sociais.  O livro em questão é o resultado da primeira fase desta pesquisa em que se procurou reconstruir os movimentos grevistas e suas formas, chegando-se a construir modelos explicativos .

  6. Superconducting transition and low-field magnetoresistance of a niobium single crystal at 4.2 deg. K; Transition supraconductrice et magnetoresistance en champ faible d'un echantillon monocristallin de niobium a 4.2 deg. K

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perriot, G. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires. Service de physique du solide et de resonnance magnetique


    We report the study of the electrical resistance of a niobium single crystal, at 4.2 deg. K, from the beginning of the superconductive transition to 80 kilo oersteds. Critical fieldsH{sub c2} and H{sub c3} have been determined. Influences on superconductive transition of current density, field-current angle, crystal orientation and magnetoresistance have been studied. Variation laws of low-field transverse and longitudinal magneto-resistances have been determined. (author) [French] La variation de la resistance electrique d'un monocristal cylindrique de niobium a ete etudiee, a 4,2 deg. K, depuis le debut de la transition supraconductrice jusqu'a 80 kilooersteds. Les champs critiques H{sub c2} et H{sub c3} ont ete determines. On a etudie l'influence de la densite de courant, de l'angle champ-courant, de l'anisotropie cristalline et de la magnetoresistance sur la transition supraconductrice. Les lois de variation des magnetoresistances transversale et longitudinale ont ete determinees dans le domaine des champs faibles. (auteur)

  7. Isothermal section of the Y-Co-V ternary system at 500 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei, X.X.; Yan, J.L.; Du, H.W.; Wu, C.L.; Zhou, K.W.; Zhuang, Y.H.; Li, J.Q.


    Research highlights: → The isothermal section of the Y-Co-V system at 500 deg. C has been established. → Only one ternary compound YV x Co 12-x was found in this system and it exhibits a linear homogeneity range for 1.30 ≤ x ≤ 3.64. → The maximum solid solubilities of V in the compounds Y 2 Co 17 , Y 2 Co 7 , YCo 3 , YCo 2 and Y 3 Co are about 10, 1.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 4.0 at.%, respectively. - Abstract: The isothermal section of the Y-Co-V system at 500 deg. C has been investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Only one ternary compound YV x Co 12-x with a homogeneity range of 1.30 ≤ x ≤3.64 was found in this system. The maximum solid solubilities of V in Y 2 Co 17 , Y 2 Co 7 , YCo 3 , YCo 2 and Y 3 Co are about 10.0, 1.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 4.0 at.% V, respectively. The compounds VCo and VCo 3 have a homogeneity range of 46-66 at.% V and 22-30 at.% V, respectively. The maximum solid solubility of Y in VCo is about 2.0 at.% Y.


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    Edoardo Lugarini


    Full Text Available Dalla la Guida per lo sviluppo e l’attuazione di curricoli per una educazione plurilingue e interculturale del Consiglio d’Europa è possibile trarre una serie di indicazioni per disegnare un profilo professionale e, di conseguenza, una serie di indicazioni per la formazione iniziale e in servizio dell’insegnate di lingua (L1, L2, LS. In questo intervento si suggeriscono, senza alcuna pretesa di esaustività, degli indicatori relativi alle competenze professionali che l’insegnante dovrebbe possedere per poter svolgere la sua attività nella scuola italiana di oggi in considerazione dei bisogni linguistici delle nuove generazioni e degli obiettivi linguistici proposti dal Consiglio d’Europa nell’ambito delle politiche educative orientate a favorire la mobilità, una più efficace comunicazione internazionale, il rispetto dell’identità e della diversità delle culture, a sviluppare l’educazione alla cittadinanza democratica ed europea. Dalle riflessioni condotte emerge la necessità di una formazione disciplinare e didattica articolata e complessa che renda l’insegnante “professionista riflessivo” e “ricercatore sperimentale”TRAINING TEACHERS FOR MULTILINGUISTIC, INTERCULTURAL EDUCATIONFrom the Council of Europe’s Guide for the development and implementation of curricula for multilingual and intercultural education, it is possible to draw a series of explicit or implicit characteristics for teachers, and consequently, a series of indications for initial and in-service language (L1, L2, FL teacher training. This paper offers a brief view of the professional competences teachers should possess in order to carry out their roles in Italian schools considering the linguistic needs of the young generations and the language objectives set out by the Council of Europe regarding education policies that promote mobility, more effective International communication and respect for cultural identity and diversity, in an effort to

  9. Effect of bonding and bakeout thermal cycles on the properties of copper alloys irradiated at 350 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, B.N.; Eldrup, M.; Toft, P.; Edwards, D.J.


    Screening experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of bonding and bakeout thermal cycles on microstructure, mechanical properties and electrical resistivity of the oxide dispersion strengthened (GlidCop, CuAl-25) and the precipitation hardened (CuCrZr, CuNiBe) cooper alloys. Tensile specimens of CuCrZr and CuNiBe alloys were given various heat treatments corresponding to solution anneal, prime-ageing, and bonding thermal treatment followed by re-ageing and the reactor bakeout treatment at 350 deg. C for 100 h. Tensile specimens of CuAl-25 were given the heat treatment corresponding to the bonding thermal cycle. A number of heat treated specimens were neutron irradiated at 350 deg. C to a dose level of ∼ 0.3 dpa in the DR-3 reactor at Risoe. Both unirradiated and irradiated specimens with various heat treatments were tensile tested at 350 deg. C. The microstructure and electrical resistivity of these specimens were determined in the unirradiated as well as irradiated conditions. The post-deformation microstructure of the irradiated specimens was also investigated. The fracture surfaces of both unirradiated and irradiated specimens were examined. Results of these investigations are reported in the present report. The results are briefly discussed in terms of thermal and irradiation stability of precipitates and particles and irradiation-induced segregation, precipitation and recovery of dislocation microstructure. (au) 6 tabs., 24 ills., 9 refs

  10. MODIS/Aqua Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone 8-Day L3 Global 1Deg CMG V006 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — MODIS/Aqua Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone 8-Day L3 Global 1Deg CMG (MYD08_E3). MODIS was launched aboard the Aqua satellite on May 04, 2002 (1:30 pm equator...

  11. Comportment of various magnesium alloys in carbon dioxide under pressure, between 400 and 600 deg; Compatibilite de divers alliages de magnesium avec le gaz carbonique sous pression entre 400 et 600 deg

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Darras, R; Baque, P; Chevilliard, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The following materials were studied: nuclear magnesium, two Mg-Zr alloys, a 'Magnox' type alloy, a Mg-Mn alloy and a 'sintered magnesium oxide'. The samples, taken from drawn metals, are suitably polished and given two reproducible surface conditions for purposes of comparison. The tests were carried out in purified carbon dioxide, at pressures of 25 to 60 atmospheres and temperatures from 400 to 600, using special, externally heated stainless steel autoclaves. The duration of the tests is generally more than 1000 hours. The equations of the weight increase curves obtained are of the type: ({delta}p){sup n} = k.t (({delta}p in mg/cm{sup 2} and t in hours), the index n being around 2, at least up to 500 deg. C. Referring to results obtained previously in the case of certain of these materials exposed to carbon dioxide at atmospheric pressure and at 15 atmospheres, it appears that: 1) for given material: - at a given pressure, oxidation increases with temperature, - at a given temperature oxidation increases with pressure, - under the same temperature and pressure conditions, the results vary little according to the two surface states studied; 2) Mg-Zr alloys show better oxidation resistance than non-alloyed magnesium; 3) The alloy magnox shows up much less favourably in carbon dioxide than in air, compared with the other alloys. Generally speaking, the oxidation curves tending towards a threshold after a certain exposure time, all the alloys considered appear to show a satisfactory compatibility with carbon dioxide up to a temperature around 500 deg. C, under the working conditions defined here; above 500, under differences appear between various alloys, but the sublimation phenomena interfere with those of oxidation, with the result that a classification of the various materials can only be based on their resultant. (author) [French] Les materiaux etudies comprennent: le magnesium nucleaire, deux alliages Mg-Zr, un alliage du type 'Magnox', un alliage Mg-Mn et un

  12. Pre- and post-irradiation properties of copper alloys at 250 deg. C following bonding and bakeout thermal cycles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, B.N.; Edwards, D.J.; Eldrup, M.; Toft, P.


    Screening experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of bonding and bakeout thermal cycles on microstructure, mechanical properties and electrical resistivity of the oxide dispersion strengthened (GlidCop, CuAl-25) and the precipitation hardened (CuCrZr, CuNiBe) copper alloys. Tensile specimens of CuCrZr and CuNiBe alloys were given various heat treatments corresponding to solution anneal, prime-ageing, and bonding thermal treatment followed by re-ageing and the reactor bakeout treatment at 350 deg. C for 100 h. Tensile specimens of CuAl-25 were given the heat treatment corresponding to the bonding thermal cycle. A number of heat treated specimens were neuron irradiated at 250 deg. C to a dose level of ∼ 0.3 dpa in the DR-3 reactor at Risoe. Both unirradiated and irradiated specimens with various heat treatments were tensile tested at 250 deg. C. The microstructure and electrical resistivity of these specimens were determined in the unirradiated as well as irradiated conditions. The post-deformation microstructure of the irradiated specimens was also investigated. The fracture surfaces of both unirradiated and irradiated specimens were examined. Results of these investigations are reported in the present report. The main effect of the bonding thermal cycle heat treatment was a slight decrease in strength of CuCrZr and CuNiBe alloys. The strength of CuAl-25, on the other hand, remained almost unaltered. The post irradiation tests at 250 deg. C showed a severe loss of ductility in the case of CuNiBe alloy. The irradiated CuAl-25 and CuCrZr specimens, on the other hand, exhibited a reasonable amount of uniform elongation. The results are briefly discussed in terms of thermal and irradiation stability of precipitates and particles and irradiation-induced segregation, precipitation and recovery of dislocation microstructure. (au) 7 tabs., 28 ills., 15 refs

  13. The system Ba(H2PO4)2-Sr(H2PO4)2-H3PO4(30%)-H2O at 25, 40 and 60 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taranenko, N.P.; Serebrennikova, G.M.; Stepin, B.D.; Oboznenko, Yu.V.


    The system Ba(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 -Sr(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 -H 3 PO 4 (30%)-H 2 O (25 deg C) belongs to eutonic type systems. Solubility isotherms of salt components at 40 and 60 deg C are calculated. Polytherms (25-60 deg C) of solubility of monosubstituted barium and strontium phosphates in 30-60% H 3 PO 4 are obtained. The value of cocrystallization coefficient of Sr 2 + and Ba(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 Dsub(Sr)=0.042+-0.005 remains stable in the temperature range of 25-60 deg C and concentrations 30-60% phosphoric acid at initial content [Sr 2 + ]=1x10 - 2 mass%

  14. Excimer laser recrystallization of nanocrystalline-Si films deposited by inductively coupled plasma chemical vapour deposition at 150 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Joong-Hyun; Han, Sang-Myeon; Park, Sang-Geun; Han, Min-Koo; Shin, Moon-Young


    Polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors (poly-Si TFTs) fabricated at low temperature (under 200 deg. C) have been widely investigated for flexible substrate applications such as a transparent plastic substrate. Unlike the conventional TFT process using glass substrate, the maximum process temperature should be kept less than 200 deg. C in order to avoid thermal damage on flexible substrates. We report the characteristics of nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) irradiated by an excimer laser. Nc-Si precursors were deposited on various buffer layers by inductively coupled plasma chemical vapour deposition (ICP-CVD) at 150 deg. C. We employed various buffer layers, such as silicon nitride (SiN X ) and silicon dioxide (SiO 2 ), in order to report recrystallization characteristics in connection with a buffer layer of a different thermal conductivity. The dehydrogenation and recrystallization was performed by step-by-step excimer laser annealing (ELA) (XeCl,λ=308 nm) in order to prevent the explosive release of hydrogen atoms. The grain size of the poly-Si film, which was recrystallized on the various buffer layers, was measured by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at each laser energy density. The process margin of step-by-step ELA employing the SiN X buffer layer is wider than SiO 2 and the maximum grain size slightly increased

  15. Phase equilibrium in the AgI-RbI-H2O system at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stepin, B.D.; Serebrennikova, G.M.; Sazikova, L.A.; Starikova, Z.A.


    The triple system of AgI-RbI-H 2 O at 25 deg C was studied by the isothermal method. The formation of the Rb 2 AgI 3 complex compound, which dissolves in water with decomposition, was established. A powder pattern of Rb 2 AgI 3 was indexed

  16. Investigation of flow condition on the oxidation of Zircaloy-4 in air at 850 and 1100 .deg. C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maeng, Yun Hwan; Lee, Jae Young [Hangdong Global University, Pohang (Korea, Republic of); Park, Sang Gil [ACT Co. Ltd, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    An oxidation behavior of the Zircaloy-4 was experimentally studied by varying a flow rate and partial pressure of air. Tests were conducted at two distinct temperatures in which a kinetic transition was occurred, or not: 850 .deg. C and 1100 .deg. C. The effects of flow rate and partial pressure of air was studied by a measurement of mass gain using thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). After experiments, samples were observed with macrophotography and metallography using optical microscopy. The effect of flow rate and partial pressure of air were qualitatively analyzed with those methods. The effects of flow conditions on the oxidation kinetics of Zircaloy-4 samples were qualitatively studied. The flow rate and the partial pressure of air were changed and their effects was different when the temperature was changed.

  17. Investigation of phase transformations of U2.5Zr7.5Nb and U3Zr9Nb alloys aging at 600 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cantagalli, Natalia Mattar; Tanure, Leandro Paulo de Almeida Reis; Braga, Daniel Martins; Santos, Ana Maria Matildes dos; Ferraz, Wilmar Barbosa


    Investigation has been made of the effects of high-temperature aging (600 deg C) on the phase transformations in the U2.5Zr7.5Nb and U3Zr9Nb alloys. These alloys have been produced with vacuum induction melting (VIM) furnace in cast ingots. The ingots were homogenized at 1000 deg C for 24 hours in vacuum of -4 torr, and cooled to room temperature at a rate of 3 deg C/min. Specimens from these homogeneous materials, cut in 3 mm high and 10 mm diameter, were reheated to γ phase at 850 deg C, for 1 hour, and aging at 600 deg C at different times from 0.5 to 24 hours. The phases decomposition were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), metallographic, micro-probe analyze by energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and microhardness methods. It was verified that the decomposition of the δ phase proceeds in two steps. The first is a discontinuous precipitation of a lamellar two-phase aggregate composed of alpha solid solution and a metastable gamma phase. The metastable gamma phase has a constant composition at given temperature. After longer annealing, it decomposes eutectoidally into the equilibrium (α + δ 2 ) phases mixture. During this process a modification of the original lamellar microstructure takes place. The obtained metastable phases of these alloys of different compositions were analyzed in relation to their constitution, heat treatability and micrographic features and the results confronted with available distinct uranium alloys data from literature. (author)

  18. Fatigue limit of Zircaloy-2 under variable one-directional tension and temperature 300 deg C; Granica zamora zircaloy-2, pri cisto jednosmerno promenljivom opterecenju (A=1) na zatezanje i temperaturi 300 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spasic, Z; Simic, G [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    A vacuum chamber wad designed and constructed. It was suitable for study of materials at higher temperatures in vacuum or controlled atmospheres. Zircaloy-2 fatigue at 300 deg C in argon atmosphere was measured. Character of strain is variable one directional (A=1) tension. Obtained results are presented in tables and in the form of Veler's curve. The obtained fatigue limit was {sigma} - 15 kp/mm{sup 2}. The Locati method was allied as well and fatigue limit value obtained was 15,75 kp/mm{sup 2}. Error calculated in reference to the previous value obtained by classical methods was 5%. Konstruisana je i izvedena vakuum-komora koja se pokazala prikladna za izucavanje osobina materijala na povisenim temperaturama u vakuumu ili kontrolisanim atmosferama. Izvrseno je ispitivanje zamaranja Zircaloy-2 na temperaturi 300 deg C u atmosferi preciscenog argona. Karakter opterecenja je bio cisto jednosmerno promenljivo opterecenje (A=1) na zatezanje. Dobiveni rezultati su dati tabelarno i u obliku Velerove krive. Dobijena je granica zamora {sigma} = 15 kp/mm{sup 2}. Primenjen je i metod Locati-a za priblizno odredjivanje granice zamora i dobijena je vrednost 15,75 kp/mm{sup 2}. Greska u odnosu na prethodnu granicu zamora dobijenu klasicnim metodom iznosi 5% (author)

  19. Influence of the addition of Lactobacillus acidophilus La-05, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 and inulin on the technological, physicochemical, microbiological and sensory features of creamy goat cheese. (United States)

    Barbosa, Ilsa C; Oliveira, Maria E G; Madruga, Marta S; Gullón, Beatriz; Pacheco, Maria T B; Gomes, Ana M P; Batista, Ana S M; Pintado, Maria M E; Souza, Evandro L; Queiroga, Rita C R E


    The effects of the addition of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-05, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and inulin on the quality characteristics of creamy goat cheese during refrigerated storage were evaluated. The manufactured cheeses included the addition of starter culture (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris - R-704) (CC); starter culture, L. acidophilus LA-05 and inulin (CLA); starter culture, B. lactis BB-12 and inulin (CBB); or starter culture, L. acidophilus LA-05, B. lactis BB-12 and inulin (CLB). In the synbiotic cheeses (CLA, CBB and CLB), the counts of L. acidophilus LA-05 and B. lactis BB-12 were greater than 6log CFU g -1 , the amount of inulin was greater than 6 g per 100 g, and the firmness was reduced. The cheeses evaluated had high brightness values (L*), with a predominance of yellow (b*). CC had higher contents of proteins, lipids and minerals compared to the other cheeses. There was a decrease in the amount of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and an increase of medium-chain (MCFAs) and long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) in the synbiotic cheeses compared to CC. The amount of conjugated linoleic acid increased in CLA, CBB and CLB. The highest depth of proteolysis and the greatest changes in the release of free amino acids were found in CLB. The addition of inulin and probiotics, alone or in co-culture, did not affect the cheese acceptance. Inulin and probiotics can be used together for the production of creamy goat cheese without negatively affecting the general quality characteristics of the product, and to add value because of its synbiotic potential.

  20. Studies of Redox Equilibria at Elevated Temperatures I. The Estimation of Equilibrium Constants and Standard Potentials for Aqueous Systems up to 374 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lewis, Derek


    A method is described for the estimation of equilibrium constants for aqueous systems at temperatures up to 374 deg C from entropy and free energy data for 25 deg C and data on the variation of heat capacity with temperature. Partial molal heat capacities of aqueous ions are estimated on the basis of the principle that, with suitably chosen standard states, the partial molal entropies of ions of a particular class at any given temperature are linearly related to the corresponding entropies at some reference temperature. The method suggested is compared with other methods, based on the Van't Hoff isobar and on an extension of the conventional scale of ionic free energy at 25 deg C, and the general dependence of aqueous equilibria on ionic heat capacity is considered.

  1. Creep curve formularization at 950degC for Hastelloy XR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Muto, Yasushi


    Creep tests under constant stress were conducted on a nickel-base heat-resistant alloy, Hastelloy XR, in air at 950degC. Minimum creep strain rate, time to the onset of tertiary creep and time to rupture were obtained as a function of applied stress. Then, a creep constitutive equation was made based on the Garofalo formula for primary and secondary creep and based on the Kachanov-Rabotnov formula for tertiary creep, which could represent fairly well the experimental creep deformation curves under the constant stress conditions. The creep deformation under the constant load condition corresponding to the stress increment was analysed using the creep constitutive equation and strain hardening law. Then the calculated creep strain showed slightly higher value than the experimental creep strain, and the calculated life was shorter than the experimental one. (author)

  2. The accelerated oxidation of zircaloy-4 at 700∼900 .deg. C in high pressure steam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, K. P.; Park, K. H.


    To find the effect of pressure on the high temperature oxidation of zircaloy-4, an autoclave capable of measuring the degree of oxidation at high temperatures and high pressure was manufactured. The specimens used in experiments are commercially available Zircaloy-4 used in Kori nuclear power plants. All the measurements were done at 700∼900 .deg. C in steam. Pressure effects were noticed. The oxide thickness was much thicker in high pressure steam, comparing to that in the 1 atm steam. And, the higher is the steam pressure, the thicker becomes the oxide. The enhancement of oxide growth rate at 700∼900 .deg. C in high pressure steam is approximately propotion to the power of 1.0∼1.6 of the ratio of experimental steam pressure to critical steam pressure. There is a critical steam pressure above that the oxidation rate enhances. The critical steam pressure was measured as 30∼40 bar. The enhanced oxidation seems from the oxide cracking due to the tetragonal to monoclinic phase transformation at high pressure steam

  3. Corrosion of titanium alloys in concentrated chloride solutions at temperature up to 160 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruskol, Yu.S.; Viter, L.I.; Balakin, A.I.; Fokin, M.N.


    Resistance of VT1-0 titanium and 4200, 4207 titanium alloys to pitting and total corrosion in chlorides of cadmium, potassium, nickel, ammonium, barium, calcium, lithium, magnesium in respect to pH value and temperature (120,140,160 deg C) is determined. The results obtained are presented as nomograms of stability. Possible reasons for corrosion behaviour of titanium in each of the chlorides are discussed

  4. Consumption of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 in yogurt reduced expression of TLR-2 on peripheral blood-derived monocytes and pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion in young adults. (United States)

    Meng, Huicui; Ba, Zhaoyong; Lee, Yujin; Peng, Jiayu; Lin, Junli; Fleming, Jennifer A; Furumoto, Emily J; Roberts, Robert F; Kris-Etherton, Penny M; Rogers, Connie J


    Probiotic bacteria modulate immune parameters and inflammatory outcomes. Emerging evidence demonstrates that the matrix used to deliver probiotics may influence the efficacy of probiotic interventions in vivo. The aims of the current study were to evaluate (1) the effect of one species, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 at a dose of log10 ± 0.5 CFUs/day on immune responses in a randomized, partially blinded, 4-period crossover, free-living study, and (2) whether the immune response to BB-12 differed depending on the delivery matrix. Healthy adults (n = 30) aged 18-40 years were recruited and received four treatments in a random order: (A) yogurt smoothie alone; smoothie with BB-12 added (B) before or (C) after yogurt fermentation, or (D) BB-12 given in capsule form. At baseline and after each 4-week treatment, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated, and functional and phenotypic marker expression was assessed. BB-12 interacted with peripheral myeloid cells via Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR-2). The percentage of CD14 + HLA-DR + cells in peripheral blood was increased in male participants by all yogurt-containing treatments compared to baseline (p = 0.0356). Participants who consumed yogurt smoothie with BB-12 added post-fermentation had significantly lower expression of TLR-2 on CD14 + HLA-DR + cells (p = 0.0186) and reduction in TNF-α secretion from BB-12- (p = 0.0490) or LPS-stimulated (p = 0.0387) PBMCs compared to baseline. These findings not only demonstrate a potential anti-inflammatory effect of BB-12 in healthy adults, but also indicate that the delivery matrix influences the immunomodulatory properties of BB-12.

  5. Crystal structure of Na3Sc2(PO4)3 at 60 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lazoryak, B.I.; Kalinin, V.B.; Stefanovich, S.Yu.; Efremov, V.A.


    The structure of the ferroelectric phase of Na 3 Sc 2 (PO 4 ) 3 compound was studied. Na 3 Sc 2 (PO 4 ) 3 monocrystal heated by a jet of warm N 2 was investigated at 60 deg C. The rhombohedron modification was determined: a=8.927(3), c=22.34(4) A, Z=6, space group R anti 3c. Interatomic distances and inner angles of polyhedrons in Na 3 Sc 2 (PO 4 ) 3 structure were determined

  6. Anelastic deformation of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films by non-180 deg. ferroelectric domain wall movements during nanoindentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alguero, M.; Bushby, A.J.; Reece, M.J.; Seifert, A.


    Lead zirconate titanate Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 ferroelectric thin films show significant anelastic deformation when indented with spherical tipped indenters. Experiments on films with different Zr/Ti ratio and a mixed , preferred crystallographic orientation have shown that there is a good agreement between the anelastic deformation and the maximum strain achievable by non-180 deg. domain wall movement. An expected increase of the indentation stiffness of the films also accompanies the anelastic deformation because of the single crystal elastic anisotropy. All these observations seem to indicate that non-180 deg. ferroelectric domain wall movements occur under indentation stresses and cause anelasticity. Stresses for maximum anelastic deformation are compared with those for recently reported stress-induced depolarization

  7. Hydrogen permeability, diffusivity, and solubility of SUS 316L stainless steel in the temperature range 400 to 800 .deg. C for fusion reactor applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, S. K.; Kim, H. S.; Noh, S. J.; Han, J. H.


    Tritium permeation is one of the critical issues for the economy and safety of fusion power plants. As an initial step in tritium permeation research for fusion reactor applications, experiments were initiated by using hydrogen as a tritium substitute. An experimental system for hydrogen permeation and related behaviors in solid materials was designed and constructed. A continuous flow method was adopted with a capacity for high temperatures up to ∼1,000 .deg. C under ultra-high vacuums of ∼10 -7 Pa. The hydrogen permeation behavior in SUS 316L stainless steel was investigated in the temperature range from 400 .deg. C to 800 .deg. C. As a result, the permeability, diffusivity and solubility of hydrogen were determined. The results were compared with the previously existing reference data. Changes in the sample's surface morphology after the hydrogen permeation experiment are also addressed.

  8. Reduction of CSF flow artifact in fast fluid attenuated inversion recovery MR imaging. Study of excitation width in 180deg inversion pulse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuchihashi, Toshio; Yoshizawa, Satoshi; Maki, Toshio; Kitagawa, Matsuo; Suzuki, Ken; Fujita, Isao


    A technique that increases slice thickness so that it becomes wider than the excitation width of the 180deg inversion pulse and in which TR is partitioned twice has been investigated with regard to fast FLAIR. This is a technique that reduces the flow artifact of CSF. It is thought that, with this technique, the flow artifact is reduced because the CSF that flows onto the slice reaches the null point. The cross talk effect of the 180deg inversion pulse appears as a high CSF signal. As a result, the number of slices needs to be partitioned two or three times before imaging. Thus the imaging time is doubled or tripled. Considering the cross talk effect of the 180deg inversion pulse and the imaging time needed for this technique, the optimal imaging technique would be one that uses an inversion pulse that is four times slice thickness plus slice space and for which the number of slices is partitioned twice. Furthermore, the null point of CSF was dependent on dividing TR in half. (author)

  9. Rotary balance data for a typical single-engine general aviation design for an angle-of-attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg. 2: Influence of horizontal tail location for Model D (United States)

    Barnhart, B.


    The influence of horizontal tail location on the rotational flow aerodynamics is discussed for a 1/6-scale general aviation airplane model. The model was tested using various horizontal tail positions, with both a high and a low-wing location and for each of two body lengths. Data were measured, using a rotary balance, over an angle-of-attack range of 8 to 90 deg, and for clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations covering an Omega b/2V range of 0 to 0.9.

  10. Effect of probiotics on the development of dimethylhydrazine-induced preneoplastic lesions in the mice colon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Costa Liboredo


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To determine the effect of probiotics on the development of chemically induced (1, 2-dimethylhydrazine colonic preneoplastic lesions, in mice. METHODS: The animals were divided into five groups. The control group was injected with carcinogen alone and the other groups also received probiotics (1- Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV-H2b20; 2- Bifidobacterium animalis var. lactis Bb12; 3- L. delbrueckii UFV-H2b20 plus B. animalis var. lactis Bb12; and 4- Saccharomyces boulardii administered orally in drinking water throughout fourteen weeks. RESULTS: Consumption of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria alone resulted in a significant reduction of the total number of aberrant crypt foci (55.7% and 45.1%, respectively. Significant reduction in the number of these small foci (3 aberrant crypts crypts had no significant reduction. CONCLUSION: L. delbrueckii UFV-H2b20 and B. animalis var. lactis Bb12 administered alone protect colonic preneoplastic lesions in mice, while the combined treatment of these bacteria and the administration of S.boulardii were not effective in reducing such colonic lesions.

  11. Structures of glide-set 90 deg. partial dislocation cores in diamond cubic semiconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beckman, S.P.; Chrzan, D.C.


    Two core reconstructions of the 90 deg. partial dislocations in diamond cubic semiconductors, the so-called single- and double-period structures, are often found to be nearly degenerate in energy. This near degeneracy suggests the possibility that both core reconstructions may be present simultaneously along the same dislocation core, with the domain sizes of the competing reconstructions dependent on temperature and the local stress state. To explore this dependence, a simple statistical mechanics-based model of the dislocation core reconstructions is developed and analyzed. Predictions for the temperature-dependent structure of the dislocation core are presented

  12. Studio e conservazione di una colonia riproduttiva di Myotis emarginatus in Toscana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paolo Agnelli


    Full Text Available Myotis emarginatus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae utilizza frequentemente gli edifici come rifugio estivo, sia per il riposo diurno che per la riproduzione. Negli anni 1996-2003, nel corso di indagini faunistiche sul territorio toscano, questa specie è stata rilevata nel 26% dei casi su 76 edifici rurali risultati occupati da pipistrelli e rappresenta ben il 50% degli esemplari rilevati. Il numero di esemplari di M. emarginatus in tali rifugi varia da 1 a 150 animali. Un edificio però può rendersi facilmente indisponibile per modificazioni nell?utilizzo da parte dell?uomo: ma cosa succede agli animali che si trovano improvvisamente senza casa? E quanto si può accrescere annualmente una colonia quando non viene disturbata? Nel 1997 nella Riserva Naturale Provinciale di Ponte a Buriano e Penna (AR, rilevammo una colonia riproduttiva di Myotis emarginatus stimata in circa 60 esemplari. Il rifugio estivo utilizzato fino al 2002 è costituito da una casa disabitata. Confrontando le stime effettuate dal 1997 al 2001 possiamo valutare l?accrescimento numerico della colonia: a partire dai circa 60 animali si è raggiunta la consistenza di 75 esemplari nel 2001, ossia circa il 25% in 5 anni (5% annuo di media. I conteggi sono stati effettuati a vista da almeno 3 persone, da breve distanza e in buona luce, ma poiché in questa specie gli esemplari si appendono alle travi addossandosi uno sopra l?altro, è impossibile effettuare un vero conteggio. Nell?estate 2001 abbiamo condotto una ricerca più accurata sull?utilizzo del rifugio: dai rilievi di un rilevatore di passaggio all?infrarosso e soprattutto dalle riprese di una videocamera, risulta che il numero degli esemplari era stato fortemente sottostimato: gli esemplari erano, infatti, ben 150 (femmine, ossia il doppio di quanto stimato sia pure in condizioni favorevoli. A Giugno (2001 abbiamo registrato la nascita di 101 piccoli, il cui tasso di mortalità prima dell

  13. Blue and red thermoluminescence of natural quartz in the temperature region from -196 to 400deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashimoto, Tetsuo; Yanagawa, Yuji; Yawata, Takashi


    Quartz samples of three different origins were γ-irradiated with 20kGy at room temperature or at the temperature of liquid nitrogen (-196 deg. C), and analyzed by on-line TL-emission spectrometry over two temperature ranges: above 200deg. C (high-temperature region) and -196 to 200deg. C (low-temperature region). The emission spectra in the high-temperature region could be separated into intense blue TL (BTL) or red TL (RTL) properties. All quartz samples displayed more or less both properties of BTL and RTL in the low temperature region, shifting the BTL-emission spectra towards violet. Particularly, volcanically originated quartz (RTL, Medeshima) showed highly complex BTL and RTL peaks in the low-temperature region, and a stronger simple RTL peak in the high temperature. These complex glow-curve peaks are considered to reflect the presence of many crystal defects and much content of impurities in the volcanically formed quartz. In the glow-curve measurements, Brazilian quartz (quartz-vein origin) gave weak RTL and intense BTL in the low-temperature range, followed by faint emission of BTL in the high-temperature side. On the other hand, the radiation-induced colored (CC) part of a Madagascan crystal rock slice (hydrothermal origin) showed intense BTL together with slight RTL in the low temperatures, followed by strong BTL and appreciable strength of RTL in the high temperatures. The BTL-emission pattern (TL-color image) of a Madagascan slice showed a complementary relationship between irradiations at liquid-nitrogen temperature and at room temperature. To explain these radiation-induced phenomena from quartz, hydrogen radicals and Li + ions, derived from radiolysis products of OH-related impurities, could operate to eliminate the BTL centers by recombination below the room temperature

  14. Ecosustainable animal manure treatment in countries with intensive breeding; Trattamento ecocompatibile delle deiezioni zootecniche in territori ad alta intensita' produttiva

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pizzichini, M. [ENEA, Divisione Biotecnologie e Agricoltura, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy); Bozzini, A. [Food Agricultural Organization, Rome (Italy); Montani, R. [INTEAM Srl., Verona (Italy)


    patologie infettive a carico degli animali, danni economici per le aziende di filiera (allevatori, macelli, mangifici, distributori, etc.) e per la collettivita' (interventi sanitari, isolamento dei focolai di infezione, rimborsi economici, smaltimento delle carcasse). Da un censimento dei capi alelvati, disaggregati per ASL, si valuta il carico organico prodotto e conseguentemente vengono indicate modalita' di gestione corretta degli allevamenti e tecnologie adeguate per lo smaltimento delle deiezioni nel rispetto della recente normativa. La separazione solido-liquido delle deiezioni, con tecniche tradizionali (vibrovagli, centrifughe) consente di definire due vie di trasformazione come il compostaggio per le frazioni solide e la depurazione con processi a membrana della frazione liquida. Lo studio mira a salvaguardare i contenuti strategici d'intervento nel settore come: il miglioramento delle condizioni igieniche di stabulazione, la difesa del benessere degli animali, la gestione corretta delle deiezioni applicando tecnologie innovative e flessibili. In questo modo si puo' sviluppare un processo che riduca gli inconvenienti ambientali e di salute pubblica delle deiezioni e produca un fertilizzante organico di qualita', importante e insostituibile per lo sviluppo agronomico.

  15. TOMS/Earth Probe UV Reflectivity Daily L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V008 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data product contains TOMS/Earth Probe UV Reflectivity Daily L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid Version 8 data in ASCII format. (The shortname for this Level-3...

  16. Etch pit and γ' precipitate evolution in controlled Waspaloy microstructures aged at 725, 800 and 875 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelekanjeri, V. Siva Kumar G.; Gerhardt, Rosario A.


    In this paper, controlled microstructures of Waspaloy were produced with the objective of studying the kinetic mechanisms that drive microstructural evolution during short-term aging. Three individual sets of controlled microstructures were produced by an initial solution-treatment at 1145 deg. C followed by aging-treatments at 725, 800 and 875 deg. C for times up to 263.5 h. The resulting microstructures varied markedly from one aging set to the next. The three sets of aged specimens were systematically characterized via microscopy (SEM and AFM), DC four-point probe resistivity and X-ray diffraction techniques. The occurrence of perfect polygonal etch-pit shapes in the solution-treated microstructures, which transformed upon aging first into corner-rounded shapes, followed by irregular shapes and eventual dissolution, was evidenced here. This phenomenon of transformation of etch-pit shapes appears to occur concurrently with gamma prime nucleation and growth. The formation mechanism of the etch-pits and subsequent microstructural evolution upon aging are discussed herein

  17. Measurement of 0.8 and 1.5 GeV proton induced neutron production cross sections at 0deg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shigyo, Nobuhiro; Kunieda, Satoshi; Watanabe, Takehito; Ishibashi, Kenji; Satoh, Daiki; Meigo, Shin-ichiro


    Neutron-production double-differential cross sections at 0deg were measured for proton-induced reactions on Fe and Pb targets at 0.8 and 1.5 GeV. The experiment was performed at the π2 beam line of the 12 GeV proton synchrotron in High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK). Neutrons were measured by time-of-flight technique with two different flight path lengths, i.e. 3.5 and 5.0 m at 0.8 and 1.5 GeV, respectively. NE213 liquid organic scintillators 12.7 cm in diameter and 12.7 cm in thickness were set at 0deg as neutron detector. For the improvement of the energy resolution, the scintillator was connected with three Hamamatsu H2431 photomultipliers 5.1 cm in diameter. The neutron detection efficiencies were obtained by the SCINFUL-QMD code. The experimental data were compared with the calculation results of the intranuclear-cascade-evaporation (INC/E) and the quantum-molecular-dynamics (QMD) models. (author)

  18. Antonio Scarpa y su obra Saggio di osservazioni e d’esperienze sulle principali malattie degli occhi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rolando Neri-Vela


    Full Text Available Antonio Scarpa fue un gran anatomista y cirujano del siglo xviii y principios del xix. Llamado «padre de la oftalmología italiana», escribió el Saggio di osservazioni e d’esperienze sulle principali malattie degli occhi, libro de gran valor científico y artístico.Scarpa describió varias partes del cuerpo humano, que tienen su nombre.

  19. Measurements of Pu239:U235 fission ratio using foils at temperatures up to 400 deg. C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carter, D H; Puckett, B J; Richards, A E [General Reactor Physics Division, Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, Dorchester, Dorset (United Kingdom)


    The paper describes the use of activation foils for the measurement of Pu239:U235 fission ratios in subcritical lattices at temperatures up to 390 deg C. Counting techniques and the method of analysis of the results are described in detail and the results are compared with fission chamber measurements. (author) 4 refs., 6 figs., 7 tabs.

  20. Annealing studies of Zircaloy-2 cladding at 580-850 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hindle, E.D.


    For fuel rod cladding it is important to determine if prior metallurgical condition combined with irradiation damage can influence high temperature deformation, because studies of such deformation are required to produce data for the cladding ballooning models which are used in analysing loss-of-coolant (LOCA). If the behaviour of all cladding conditions during a LOCA can be represented by, say, the annealed condition, then a great deal of experimental work on a multiplicity of cladding conditions can be avoided. By examining the metallographic structure and hardness, the present study determines the time required in the range 580 to 850 deg C for returning Zircaloy cladding to the annealed condition, so that for any transient a point can be specified where the material should have annealed. An equation has been derived to give this information. (author)

  1. Delayed detached-eddy simulation of vortex breakdown over a 70 .deg. delta wing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Son, Mi So; Sa, Jeong Hwan; Park, Soo Hyung; Byun, Yung Hwan; Cho, Kum Won


    To investigate the vortex breakdown over the ONERA70 delta wing at an angle-of-attack of 27 .deg., unsteady simulations were performed using Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and Spalart-Allmaras delayed detached-eddy simulations. A low-diffusive preconditioned Roe scheme with third-order MUSCL interpolation scheme was applied, along with second-order dual-time stepping combined with diagonalized alternating direction implicit method for unsteady simulation. Vortex breakdown was investigated through an examination of total pressure loss, axial velocity, and axial vorticity around the primary vortex. Delayed dtached-eddy simulation provided good agreement with experimental data and predicted all physical phenomena related to vortex breakdown well.

  2. Nucleation at the phase transition near 40 deg. C in MnAs nanodisks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenichen, B.; Takagaki, Y.; Ploog, K. H.; Darowski, N.; Feyerherm, R.; Zizak, I.


    The phase transition near 40 deg. C of both as-grown thin epitaxial MnAs films prepared by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs(001) and nanometer-scale disks fabricated from the same films is studied. The disks are found to exhibit a pronounced hysteresis in the temperature curve of the phase composition. In contrast, supercooling and overheating take place far less in the samples of continuous layers. These phenomena are explained in terms of the necessary formation of nuclei of the other phase in each of the disks independent from each other. The influence of the elastic strains in the disks is reduced considerably

  3. Experimental study of the iron - smectite system in the presence of a solution at 80 at 300 deg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guillaume, D.


    One of the concepts proposed for the storage of nuclear wastes consists in the use of several confining barriers placed between the waste and the biosphere. Vitrified wastes are placed in steel containers surrounded by compacted smectite (engineered barrier). The whole is placed in the geological deep site (geological barrier, granite or argilite). The prediction of the evolution of the performances of the engineered barrier (low permeability, high swelling and sorption capacities) necessitates the study of the long-term stability of its mineral constituents under the conditions of the repository. The aim is to determine the nature and the chemistry of potential newly-formed phases resulting from the temperature increase due to disintegration reactions of the wastes, the presence of fluids coming from the geological barrier, and from the liberation of iron due to the degradation of the containers. Natural systems (in particular geothermal systems and sedimentary basins) give information concerning the possible evolutions of clay minerals. However, the potential availability of metallic iron makes a particular case of the nuclear waste storage. The aim of this experimental study is to put to evidence the chemical and mineralogical transformations of the iron-clay system at 80 deg C and 300 deg C, in the presence of a solution, so as to predict the possible transformations of a bentonite placed in the deep storage conditions of radioactive wastes. Several sets of experiments were carried out to study the reactivity of the MX80 bentonite in the presence of a solution ([CI]=3.10 -2 molal, Na/Ca=5,5 and liquid/rock ratio of 10) in absence or in presence of iron (magnetite + hematite or iron + magnetite) at 80 deg C or 300 deg C, and over periods ranging from 1 day to 9 months. Run products were submitted to multi-technique and multi-scale characterisation: X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (HR imaging, EDS and EELS

  4. OMI/Aura Surface UVB Irradiance and Erythemal Dose Daily L2 Global 0.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V003 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Version 003 of Aura-OMI Spectral Surface UVB Irradiance and Erythemal Dose Level-2G data product (Daily level-2 data binned into global 0.25 deg Lat/Lon grids)...

  5. Inhibition between 350 and 500 deg. C of the corrosion of magnesium by damp air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darras, Raymond; Caillat, Roger


    It has been demonstrated that the formation of a fluoride layer on the surface of magnesium by either dry or wet methods raises the temperature to which it resists corrosion in damp air from 350 to 490 deg. C. This protection effect could lead to a revision of the Pilling and Bedworth rule. Reprint of a paper published in 'Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences', tome 249, p. 1517-1519, sitting of 19 October 1959 [fr

  6. Bifidobacteria (United States)

    ... Bifidobactéries, Bifidobacterium, Bifidobacterium adolescentis; Bifidobacterium animalis, Bifidobacterium bifidum; Bifidobacterium breve; Bifidobacterium infantis; Bifidobacterium lactis; Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidum, Bifidus, ...

  7. On the formation of the L-centre in silicon during heat treatment in the temperature range 205-285 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mikelsen, M; Monakhov, E V; Avset, B S; Svensson, B G


    Annealing kinetics of electron-irradiation induced defects in n-type diffusion oxygenated float-zone silicon has been studied in the temperature-range 205-285 deg. C. Previous deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) reports have established that an observed shift in the positions of two peaks related to the divacancy (V 2 ), is due to the annealing of the divacancy and the formation of the divacancy-oxygen complex (V 2 O). In parallel to this transformation from V 2 to V 2 O, a new defect of unknown identity, the so-called L-centre, forms with a level located at 0.36 eV below the conduction band edge. The L-level has a first order formation-kinetics in the temperature region studied; at 245-285 deg. C the formation rate is very similar to the annealing rate of V 2 , while at lower temperatures the formation rate becomes lower with a relative difference by a factor two at 205 deg. C. The Arrhenius plot for the L-level formation rate is not a straight line, indicating that the formation is controlled by at least two different processes. Kinetic modelling shows that the experimental data can be reproduced by a sequence of defect dissociation and migration, where the former limits at low temperatures (activation energy ∼1.75 eV) and the latter at high temperatures (E a ∼1.0 eV). Based on these results and other findings, the identity of the L-centre is discussed

  8. An in situ synchrotron energy-dispersive diffraction study of the hydration of oilwell cement systems under high temperature/autoclave conditions up to 130 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colston, Sally L.; Barnes, Paul; Jupe, Andrew C.; Jacques, Simon D.M.; Hall, Christopher; Livesey, Paul; Dransfield, John; Meller, Nicola; Maitland, Geoffrey C.


    The technique of synchrotron energy dispersive diffraction has been developed for in situ studies of cement hydration under autoclave conditions. This has been applied to oilwell cements hydrating at typical oilwell temperatures up to 130 deg. C. The results show clearly the detailed interplay between 11 detectable phases, from which a phase transformation scheme has been derived; this illustrates the progression of hydration up to 130 deg. C for two extreme cases, with and without conservation of water content and autoclave pressure. The monosulphate hydrate phases are found to exhibit different stability bounds, with a surprising sequence of the 14-water, 10-water then 12-water monosulphate as temperature/time increases; the latter form is particularly associated with conditions of water/pressure loss. The effect of retarders on C 3 S dissolution and CH formation is negligible above 70 deg. C, whereas the effect on the calcium sulphoaluminate hydrates is more complex, and possible reasons for this are discussed

  9. Calcium aluminates hydration in presence of amorphous SiO2 at temperatures below 90 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rivas Mercury, J.M.; Turrillas, X.; Aza, A.H. de; Pena, P.


    The hydration behaviour of Ca 3 Al 2 O 6 , Ca 12 Al 14 O 33 and CaAl 2 O 4 with added amorphous silica at 40, 65 and 90 deg. C has been studied for periods ranging from 1 to 31 days. In hydrated samples crystalline phases like katoite (Ca 3 Al 2 (SiO 4 ) 3- x (OH) 4 x ) and gibbsite, Al(OH) 3 , were identified, likewise amorphous phases like Al(OH) x , calcium silicate hydrates, C-S-H, and calcium aluminosilicate hydrates, C-S-A-H, were identified. The stoichiometry of Ca 3 Al 2 (SiO 4 ) 3- x (OH) 4 x (0≤3-x≤0.334), which was the main crystalline product, was established by Rietveld refinement of X-ray and neutron diffraction data and by transmission electron microscopy. - Graphical abstract: Katoite, Ca 3 Al 2 (SiO 4 ) 3- x (OH) 4 x (0≤3-x≤0.334), was identified besides gibbsite, Al(OH) 3 , as a crystalline stable hydration products in Ca 3 Al 2 O 6 , Ca 12 Al 14 O 33 and CaAl 2 O 4 hydrated with added amorphous silica between 40 and 90 deg. C

  10. TOMS/Earth Probe UV Aerosol Index Monthly L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V008 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data product contains TOMS/Earth Probe UV Aerosol Index Monthly L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid Version 8 data in ASCII format. (The shortname for this...

  11. TOMS/Nimbus-7 UV Aerosol Index Monthly L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V008 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data product contains TOMS/Nimbus-7 UV Aerosol Index Monthly L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid Version 8 data in ASCII format. The Total Ozone Mapping...

  12. TOMS/Earth Probe Total Column Ozone Daily L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V008 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data product contains TOMS/Earth Probe Total Column Ozone Daily L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid Version 8 data in ASCII format. (The shortname for this...

  13. TOMS/Nimbus-7 Total Column Ozone Monthly L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V008 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data product contains TOMS/Nimbus-7 Total Column Ozone Monthly L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid Version 8 data in ASCII format. The Total Ozone Mapping...

  14. TOMS/Nimbus-7 UV Aerosol Index Daily L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V008 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data product contains TOMS/Nimbus-7 UV Aerosol Index Daily L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid Version 8 data in ASCII format. The Total Ozone Mapping...

  15. TOMS/Nimbus-7 Total Column Ozone Daily L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V008 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data product contains TOMS/Nimbus-7 Total Column Ozone Daily L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid Version 8 data in ASCII format. The Total Ozone Mapping...

  16. A thermodynamic data base for Tc to calculate equilibrium solubilities at temperatures up to 300 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Puigdomenech, I [Studsvik AB, Nykoeping (Sweden); Bruno, J [Intera Information Technologies SL, Cerdanyola (Spain)


    Thermodynamic data has been selected for solids and aqueous species of technetium. Equilibrium constants have been calculated in the temperature range 0 to 300 deg C at a pressure of 1 bar for T<100 deg C and at the steam saturated pressure at higher temperatures. For aqueous species, the revised Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers model is used for temperature extrapolations. The data base contains a large amount of estimated data, and the methods used for these estimations are described in detail. A new equation is presented that allows the estimation of {Delta}{sub r}Cdeg{sub pm} values for mononuclear hydrolysis reactions. The formation constants for chloro complexes of Tc(V) and Tc(IV), whose existence is well established, have been estimated. The majority of entropy and heat capacity values in the data base have also been estimated, and therefore temperature extrapolations are largely based on estimations. The uncertainties derived from these calculations are described. Using the data base developed in this work, technetium solubilities have been calculated as a function of temperature for different chemical conditions. The implications for the mobility of Tc under nuclear repository conditions are discussed. 70 refs.

  17. The 90deg excitation function for elastic 12C+12C scattering. The importance of Airy elephants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McVoy, K.W.; Brandan, M.E.


    The 90deg excitation function for elastic 12 C+ 12 C scattering, at laboratory energies between the Coulomb barrier and 130 MeV, exhibits a complex structure of peaks and valleys whose nature has remained an unsolved mystery for more than 20 years. The problem has primarily been caused by the difficulty of choosing from a plethora of discretely ambiguous optical potentials. However, data accumulated above 150 MeV over the last decade have determined unique potentials at these higher energies, and the requirement of continuity downward in energy has recently permitted the determination of a unique set of potentials for angular distributions at energies below 130 MeV, where the excitation-function data exist. These new potentials are used to provide a mean-field (i.e., nonresonant) interpretation of the structure in the 12 C+ 12 C 90deg excitation function between 70 and 130 MeV. Its most prominent minima are found to be Airy minima from nuclear rainbows, with the remaining structure arising primarily from more elementary optical phenomena related to Fraunhofer diffraction. These same potentials are also successful in explaining the details of excitation functions measured very recently at other angles by Morsad. (orig.)

  18. Superconducting transition and low-field magnetoresistance of a niobium single crystal at 4.2 deg. K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perriot, G.


    We report the study of the electrical resistance of a niobium single crystal, at 4.2 deg. K, from the beginning of the superconductive transition to 80 kilo oersteds. Critical fieldsH c2 and H c3 have been determined. Influences on superconductive transition of current density, field-current angle, crystal orientation and magnetoresistance have been studied. Variation laws of low-field transverse and longitudinal magneto-resistances have been determined. (author) [fr

  19. The effect of high curing temperature on the reaction kinetics in MK/lime and MK-blended cement matrices at 60 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rojas, Moises Frias; Sanchez de Rojas, M.I.


    It is well known that the pozzolanic reaction between metakaolin (MK) and calcium hydroxide produces CSH, C 2 ASH 8 (stratlingite), C 4 AH 13 and C 3 ASH 6 (hydrogarnet). However, the presence or absence of these hydrated phases depends on different parameters, such as curing temperature, matrix used, etc. This paper shows the results of a study in order to know the effect of high curing temperature (60 deg. C) on the kinetics of the pozzolanic reaction in different matrices. MK/lime (calcium hydroxide) and MK-blended cement matrices were studied in samples stored and cured at 60 deg. C and up to 123 days of hydration. The nature, sequence and crystallinity of the hydrated phases were analysed using differential thermal analysis (DTA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. Results showed that the sequence and formation of the hydrated phases was different in both matrices cured at 60 deg. C. In an MK/lime matrix, C 2 ASH 8 , C 4 AH 13 and C 3 ASH 6 were the main hydrated phases; while in an MK-blended cement, stratlingite was the sole hydrated phase issued from pozzolanic reaction. The DTA and XRD data also reveal an important fact: there is no evidence of the presence of hydrogarnet in blended cements

  20. Research into zirconium alloys resistant to carbon dioxide under pressure at temperatures of up to 600 deg C (1963)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baque, P.; Dominget, R.; Bossard, J.


    Zirconium is a metal having a relatively low neutron capture cross-section and a high melting point; it is thus possible to consider its use in particular as a canning material for fuel elements in CO 2 -cooled nuclear reactors. A preliminary study of several types of zirconium showed that the metal is already strongly oxidised in this gas at 500 deg C. The 'breakaway' phenomenon is generalised; the oxidation rate is then linear and depends on the carbon dioxide pressure. An attempt was therefore made to find binary and tertiary alloys in order to improve the metal behaviour. Several interesting compositions were found: 1, 1.6 and 2.5 per cent of copper, 2 per cent of vanadium, and 0.05 and 0.5 per cent of calcium. Tertiary copper-molybdenum and copper-phosphorus alloys are also less liable to oxidation and in particular do not exhibit the 'breakaway' phenomenon even after a prolonged treatment at 600 deg C. (authors) [fr

  1. δ-hydride habit plane determination in α-zirconium by strain energy minimization technique at 25 and 300 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, R.N.; Stahle, P.; Sairam, K.; Ristmana, Matti; Banerjee, S.


    The objective of the present investigation is to predict the habit plane of δ-hydride precipitating in α-Zr at 25 and 300 deg C using strain energy minimization technique. The δ-hydride phase is modeled to undergo isotropic elastic and plastic deformation. The α-Zr phase was modeled to undergo transverse isotropic elastic deformation. Both isotropic plastic and transverse isotropic plastic deformations of α-Zr were considered. Further, both perfect and linear work-hardening plastic behaviors of zirconium and its hydride were considered. Accommodation strain energy of δ-hydrides forming in α-Zr crystal was computed using initial strain method as a function of hydride nuclei orientation. Hydride was modeled as disk with circular edge. The simulation was carried out using materials properties reported at 25 and 300 deg C. Contrary to several habit planes reported in literature for δ-hydrides precipitating in α-Zr crystal the total accommodation energy minima suggests only basal plane i.e. (0001) as the habit plane. (author)

  2. A new method to determine the 2DEG density distribution for passivated AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors (United States)

    Fu, Chen; Lin, Zhaojun; Cui, Peng; Lv, Yuanjie; Zhou, Yang; Dai, Gang; Luan, Chongbiao; Liu, Huan; Cheng, Aijie


    A new method to determine the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density distribution of the AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors (HFETs) after the Si3N4 passivation process has been presented. Detailed device characteristics were investigated and better transport properties have been observed for the passivated devices. The strain variation and the influence of the surface trapping states were analyzed. By using the polarization Coulomb field (PCF) scattering theory, the 2DEG density after passivation was both quantitively and qualitatively determined, which has been increased by 45% under the access regions and decreased by 2% under the gate region.

  3. Passing the Remote: Community and Television Viewing in Woobinda and La guerra degli Antò


    Seger, Monica


    This paper explores television-modeled narratives in Silvia Ballestra’s La guerra degli Antò, of 1992, and Aldo Nove’s Woobinda, of 1996. In so doing, it considers both the role of a text's author and the majority/minority reception practices that lead to its social imprint. For a definition of reception practices it turns to the work of media and reception scholars such as Henry Jenkins and Ien Ang. Employing a soap-operatic narrative and respecting the viewing practices of a mi...

  4. Development and characterization of an innovative synbiotic fermented beverage based on vegetable soybean

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolina Battistini

    Full Text Available Abstract Soymilk was produced from vegetable soybean and fermented by probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, Bifidobacterium animalis Bb-12 in co-culture with Streptococcus thermophilus. The composition of the fermented beverage and oligosaccharides content were determined. The effect of fructooligosaccharides and inulin on the fermentation time and viability of probiotic microorganisms throughout 28 days of storage at 5 °C were evaluated. The soymilk from vegetable soybeans was fermented in just 3.2 h, when pH reached 4.8. Fermentation reduced the contents of stachyose and raffinose in soymilk. Prebiotics had no effect on acidification rate and on viability of B. animalis and S. thermophilus in the fermented beverage. The viable counts of B. animalis Bb-12 remained above 108 CFU mL-1 in the fermented soymilk during 28 days of storage at 5 °C while L. acidophilus La-5 was decreased by 1 log CFU mL-1. The fermented soymilk from vegetable soybeans showed to be a good food matrix to deliver probiotic bacteria, as well as a soy product with a lower content of non-digestible oligosaccharides.

  5. Cs2SeO4-UO2SeO4-H2O system at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serezhkina, L.B.; Serezhkin, V.N.


    Using the method of isothermal solubility at 25 deg C the interaction of cesium and uranyl selenates in aqueous solution is studied. Formation of congruently soluble Cs 2 UO 2 (SeO 4 ) 2 x2H 2 O and Cs 2 (UO 2 ) 2 x(SeO 4 ) 3 is ascertained, their crystallographic characteristics being determined

  6. Granite - water interactions at 100 deg C, 50 MPa: an experimental study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savage, D.


    A monzogranite was reacted with water in hydrothermal solution equipment at 100 deg C, 50 MPa for 203 days, during which time six fluid samples were extracted at run temperature and pressure for chemical analysis. Fluid samples were analysed using ICP, INAA and standard wet chemical techniques and data are presented for 18 chemical species. Solids were examined using XRD and SEM. The high temperature speciation of the fluid phase chemistry was investigated using the geochemical software package EQ3/6. The evolution of the fluid phase chemistry is discussed in terms of mineral-fluid equilibria and the kinetics of mineral dissolution and precipitation reactions. The implications of these results to the modelling of the near-field geochemical environment of a high-level radioactive waste repository in granitic rock are discussed. (author)

  7. Modeling on oxide dependent 2DEG sheet charge density and threshold voltage in AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMT (United States)

    Panda, J.; Jena, K.; Swain, R.; Lenka, T. R.


    We have developed a physics based analytical model for the calculation of threshold voltage, two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density and surface potential for AlGaN/GaN metal oxide semiconductor high electron mobility transistors (MOSHEMT). The developed model includes important parameters like polarization charge density at oxide/AlGaN and AlGaN/GaN interfaces, interfacial defect oxide charges and donor charges at the surface of the AlGaN barrier. The effects of two different gate oxides (Al2O3 and HfO2) are compared for the performance evaluation of the proposed MOSHEMT. The MOSHEMTs with Al2O3 dielectric have an advantage of significant increase in 2DEG up to 1.2 × 1013 cm-2 with an increase in oxide thickness up to 10 nm as compared to HfO2 dielectric MOSHEMT. The surface potential for HfO2 based device decreases from 2 to -1.6 eV within 10 nm of oxide thickness whereas for the Al2O3 based device a sharp transition of surface potential occurs from 2.8 to -8.3 eV. The variation in oxide thickness and gate metal work function of the proposed MOSHEMT shifts the threshold voltage from negative to positive realizing the enhanced mode operation. Further to validate the model, the device is simulated in Silvaco Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) showing good agreement with the proposed model results. The accuracy of the developed calculations of the proposed model can be used to develop a complete physics based 2DEG sheet charge density and threshold voltage model for GaN MOSHEMT devices for performance analysis.

  8. Buckling and reaction rate measurements in graphite moderated lattices fuelled with plutonium-uranium oxide clusters at temperatures up to 400 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carter, D.H.; Gibson, M.; King, D.C.; Marshall, J.; Puckett, B.J.; Richards, A.E.; Wass, T.; Wilson, D.J.


    The Report describes a series of experiments carried out in SCORPIO I and II on sub-critical graphite moderated lattices fuelled with 21-rod clusters of PuO 2 /UO 2 fuel. Three fuel batches with nominal plutonium: uranium ratios of 0.25%, 0.8% and 1.2% were investigated at temperatures between 20 deg. C and 400 deg. C. Because of the limited amounts of the three fuels, exponential measurements were made in 2-zone stacks, the outer regions of which were loaded with suitably matched 'reference fuel'. Fine structure distributions in the lattice cell were obtained with manganese and indium foils. Pu239/U235 fission ratios were determined both by fission chambers and by fission-product counting techniques. (author)

  9. Systems of erbium chloride- carbamide- water and erbium nitrate- carbamide- water at 30 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ajtimbetov, K.; Sulajmankulov, K.S.; Batyuk, A.G.; Ismailov, M.


    The systems erbium chloride - carbamide - water and erbium nitrate - carbamide - water were studied by solubility method at 30 deg C. In the system erbium chloride - carbamide - water three compounds were detected: ErClsub(3).6CO(NHsub(2))sub(2), ErClsub(3).4CO(NHsub(2))sub(2), ErClsub(3).2CO(NHsub(2))sub2.6Hsub(2)O. In the system erbium nitrate -carbamide - water two new compounds were found: Er(NOsub(3))sub(3).4CO(NHsub(2))sub2, Er(NOsub(3) )sub(3)

  10. A Venus/Saturn Mission Study: 45deg Sphere-Cone Rigid Aeroshells and Ballistic Entries (United States)

    Prabhu, Dinesh K.; Allen, Gary A.; Cappuccio, Gelsomina


    The present study considers ballistic entries into the atmospheres of Saturn and Venus using a 45deg sphere-cone rigid aeroshell (a legacy shape that has been successfully used in the Pioneer Venus and Galileo missions). For a number of entry mass and diameter combinations (i.e., various entries ballistic coefficients), entry velocities, and heading angles, the trajectory space in terms of entry flight path angles between skip out and -30deg is explored with a 3DOF trajectory code, TRAJ. Assuming that the thermal protection material of choice is carbon phenolic of flight heritage, the entry flight path angle space is constrained a posteriori by the mechanical and thermal performance parameters of the material. For mechanical performance, a 200 g limit is place on the peak deceleration load and 10 bar is assumed as the spallation pressure threshold for the legacy material. It is shown that both constraints cannot be active simultaneously. For thermal performance, a minimum margined heat flux threshold of 2.5 kW/sq cm is assumed for the heritage material. Using these constraints, viable entry flight path angle corridors are determined. Analysis of the results also hints at the existence of a "critical" ballistic coefficient beyond which the steepest possible entries are determined by the spallation pressure threshold. The results are verified against known performance of the various probes used in the Galileo and Pioneer Venus missions. It is hoped that the results presented here will serve as a baseline in the development of a new class of ablative materials for Venus and Saturn missions being considered in a future New Frontiers class of NASA missions.

  11. The LiHCOO-Sc(HCOO)3-H2O system at 25 and 50 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrova, E.V.; Itkina, L.S.


    Solubility in the LiHCOO-Sc(HCOO) 3 -H 2 O system at 25 and 50 deg C has been investigated using the isothermal method It has been ascertainedy s stem is a simple eutonic one. Solubility isotherms consist of two crystallization branches: lithium formate monohydrate and scandium formate. Scandium formate salts-out lithium formate from the solution. Lithium formate increases the solubility of scandium formate (in the eutonic solution more than 2 times as compared to its solubility in the pure water)

  12. A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Seaplane Configuration having a 40 Deg Sweptback Wing, TED No. NACA DE 387 (United States)

    Hieser, Gerald; Kudlacik, Louis; Gray, W. H.


    During the course of an aerodynamic loads investigation of a model of the Martin XP6M-1 flying boat in the.Langley 16-foot transonic tunnel, longitudinal-aerodynamic-performance information was obtained. Data were obtained at speeds up to and exceeding those anticipated for the seaplane in level flight and included the Mach number range from 0.84. to 1.09. The angle of attack was varied from -2deg to 6deg and the average Reynolds number, based on wing mean aerodyn&ic chord, was about 3.7 x 10(exp 6). This seaplane, although not designed to maintain level flight at Mach numbers beyond the force break, was found to have a transonic drag-rise coefficient of 0.0728, with an accompanying drag-rise Mach number of about 0.85. A large portion of the.drag rise and the relatively low value of drag-rise Mach number result from the axial coincidence of the maximum areas of the principal airplane components.

  13. Spin Hall effect in a 2DEG in the presence of magnetic couplings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorini, C; Schwab, P; Dzierzawa, M; Raimondi, R; Milletari, M


    It is now well established that the peculiar linear-in-momentum dependence of the Rashba (and of the Dresselhaus) spin-orbit coupling leads to the vanishing of the spin Hall conductivity in the bulk of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). In this paper we discuss how generic magnetic couplings change this behaviour providing then a potential handle on the spin Hall effect. In particular we examine the influence of magnetic impurities and an in-plane magnetic field. We find that in both cases there is a finite spin Hall effect and we provide explicit expressions for the spin Hall conductivity. The results can be obtained by means of the quasiclassical Green function approach, that we have recently extended to spin-orbit coupled electron systems.

  14. Diffusion and agglomeration of helium in stainless steel in the temperature range from RT to 600 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, C.H.; Chen, K.Q.; Zhu, Z.Y.


    Diffusion of helium and formation of helium bubbles in stainless steel in conditions of atomic displacement in the temperature range from RT to 600 deg. C are studied theoretically using standard rate equations. The dissociative mechanism via self-interstitial/He replacement is assumed to control helium diffusion and bubble formation. The numerical analysis shows that the temperature dependence of the effective diffusion coefficient of helium, the number density and the mean radius of bubbles has two distinctly different regimes with the transition occurring around 300 deg. C. The effective diffusion coefficient of helium, the number density and the mean radius of bubbles show weak temperature dependence in the low temperature regime, while they change abruptly with temperature in the high temperature regime. The results are qualitatively in agreement with the results of our experimental study on helium diffusion and bubble formation in helium-implanted 316L stainless steel. However, the discrepancy in the absolute values of number density and mean radius of bubbles between theoretical and experimental studies indicates that helium diffusion and bubble formation may be controlled by some athermal mechanisms in the low temperature regime

  15. Buckling and reaction rate measurements in graphite moderated lattices fuelled with plutonium-uranium oxide clusters at temperatures up to 400 deg. C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carter, D H; Gibson, M; King, D C; Marshall, J; Puckett, B J; Richards, A E; Wass, T; Wilson, D J [General Reactor Physics Division, Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, Dorchester, Dorset (United Kingdom)


    The Report describes a series of experiments carried out in SCORPIO I and II on sub-critical graphite moderated lattices fuelled with 21-rod clusters of PuO{sub 2}/UO{sub 2} fuel. Three fuel batches with nominal plutonium: uranium ratios of 0.25%, 0.8% and 1.2% were investigated at temperatures between 20 deg. C and 400 deg. C. Because of the limited amounts of the three fuels, exponential measurements were made in 2-zone stacks, the outer regions of which were loaded with suitably matched 'reference fuel'. Fine structure distributions in the lattice cell were obtained with manganese and indium foils. Pu239/U235 fission ratios were determined both by fission chambers and by fission-product counting techniques. (author) 14 refs, 30 figs, 18 tabs

  16. Physicochemical properties of the CsNO2-CsOH-H2O ternary system at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Protsenko, P.I.; Medvedev, B.S.; Popova, T.B.


    Saturated solutions of the CsNO 2 - CsOH- H 2 O system have been studied at 25 deg C by the methods of solubility, viscosity, electric conductivity, refractometry and density. It is stated that no solid phase of a new composition is formed in the system. While adding hydroxide to the saturated solution of cesium nitride, a considerable salting-out of the latter takes place

  17. Evaluation of the passage of Lactobacillus gasseri K7 and bifidobacteria from the stomach to intestines using a single reactor model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    von Ah Ueli


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Probiotic bacteria are thought to play an important role in the digestive system and therefore have to survive the passage from stomach to intestines. Recently, a novel approach to simulate the passage from stomach to intestines in a single bioreactor was developed. The advantage of this automated one reactor system was the ability to test the influence of acid, bile salts and pancreatin. Lactobacillus gasseri K7 is a strain isolated from infant faeces with properties making the strain interesting for cheese production. In this study, a single reactor system was used to evaluate the survival of L. gasseri K7 and selected bifidobacteria from our collection through the stomach-intestine passage. Results Initial screening for acid resistance in acidified culture media showed a low tolerance of Bifidobacterium dentium for this condition indicating low survival in the passage. Similar results were achieved with B. longum subsp. infantis whereas B. animalis subsp. lactis had a high survival. These initial results were confirmed in the bioreactor model of the stomach-intestine passage. B. animalis subsp. lactis had the highest survival rate (10% attaining approximately 5 × 106 cfu ml-1 compared to the other tested bifidobacteria strains which were reduced by a factor of up to 106. Lactobacillus gasseri K7 was less resistant than B. animalis subsp. lactis but survived at cell concentrations approximately 1000 times higher than other bifidobacteria. Conclusion In this study, we were able to show that L. gasseri K7 had a high survival rate in the stomach-intestine passage. By comparing the results with a previous study in piglets we could confirm the reliability of our simulation. Of the tested bifidobacteria strains, only B. animalis subsp. lactis showed acceptable survival for a successful passage in the simulation system.

  18. A probiotic strain of L. acidophilus reduces DMH-induced large intestinal tumors in male Sprague-Dawley rats. (United States)

    McIntosh, G H; Royle, P J; Playne, M J


    Probiotic bacteria strains were examined for their influence on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced intestinal tumors in 100 male Sprague-Dawley rats. Lactobacillus acidophilus (Delvo Pro LA-1), Lactobacillus rhamnosus (GG), Bifidobacterium animalis (CSCC1941), and Streptococcus thermophilus (DD145) strains were examined for their influence when added as freeze-dried bacteria to an experimental diet based on a high-fat semipurified (AIN-93) rodent diet. Four bacterial treatments were compared: L. acidophilus, L. acidophilus + B. animalis, L. rhamnosus, and S. thermophilus, the bacteria being added daily at 1% freeze-dried weight (10(10) colony-forming units/g) to the diet. Trends were observed in the incidence of rats with large intestinal tumors for three treatments: 25% lower than control for L. acidophilus, 20% lower for L. acidophilus + B. animalis and L. rhamnosus treatments, and 10% lower for S. thermophilus. Large intestinal tumor burden was significantly lower for treated rats with L. acidophilus than for the control group (10 and 3 tumors/treatment group, respectively, p = 0.05). Large intestinal tumor mass index was also lower for the L. acidophilus treatment than for control (1.70 and 0.10, respectively, p L. acidophilus, no adenocarcinomas were present in the colons. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of bacterial chromosomal DNA fragments was used to differentiate introduced (exogenous) bacterial strains from indigenous bacteria of the same genera present in the feces. Survival during gut passage and displacement of indigenous lactobacilli occurred with introduced L. acidophilus and L. rhamnosus GG during the probiotic treatment period. However, introduced strains of B. animalis and S. thermophilus were not able to be isolated from feces. It is concluded that this strain of L. acidophilus supplied as freeze-dried bacteria in the diet was protective, as seen by a small but significant inhibition of tumors within the rat colon.

  19. Fatigue limit of Zircaloy-2 under variable one-directional tension and temperature 300 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spasic, Z.; Simic, G.


    A vacuum chamber wad designed and constructed. It was suitable for study of materials at higher temperatures in vacuum or controlled atmospheres. Zircaloy-2 fatigue at 300 deg C in argon atmosphere was measured. Character of strain is variable one directional (A=1) tension. Obtained results are presented in tables and in the form of Veler's curve. The obtained fatigue limit was σ - 15 kp/mm 2 . The Locati method was allied as well and fatigue limit value obtained was 15,75 kp/mm 2 . Error calculated in reference to the previous value obtained by classical methods was 5% [sr

  20. Effect of using different probiotic cultures on properties of Torba (strained yoghurt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harun Kesenkaş


    Full Text Available The viability of Lactobacillus casei LAFTI® L26, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LAFTI® B94 and Lactobacillus acidophilus LAFTI® L10, their proteolytic activities and effects on chemical, textural and sensory properties of Torba yoghurts were assessed during 14 days of storage at 4 °C. These probiotic cultures were separately added after the fermentation of milk with yoghurt culture but prior to packaging of the product. Probiotic bacteria reached the recommended level of 6 log cfu/g in Torba yoghurt except B. animalis subsp. lactis B94. The addition of probiotic bacteria resulted in an appreciable proteolytic activity but also textural defects due to the lower total solid content in the final product.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Annamaria Aquilino


    Full Text Available L’intensità del fenomeno migratorio in Italia suscita una riflessione critica sui bisogni linguistici di un  nuovo pubblico di apprendenti, spinti verso la conoscenza della lingua italiana da una forte esigenza di integrazione sociale. L’articolo presenta l’elaborazione di un questionario come strumento d’indagine essenziale per la rilevazione dei bisogni comunicativi degli immigrati adulti. Progettato nell’ambito di un corso di italiano L2  presso il CTP di Rozzano (Milano e sottoposto a un campione di 24 stranieri, il questionario si  è rivelato molto utile per la definizione del profilo dei singoli apprendenti e dell’intera classe che, caratterizzata da una grande differenziazione, non è sempre facile da gestire. L’interpretazione finale dei dati ha messo in luce non solo gli elementi di diversità ma ha anche permesso di cogliere alcuni tratti omogenei molto interessanti, indispensabili per la programmazione del percorso didattico, che sarà tanto efficace quanto più si adatterà alla realtà psicologica e socio-culturale degli apprendenti.     Questionnaire design to Survey the communicative needs of adult immigrants   Widespread immigration in Italy has brought about critical reflection on the linguistic needs of a new group of learners, highly motivated to learn the Italian language because of their strong need for social integration.  This article presents the designing of a questionnaire as an essential tool for surveying the communicative needs of adult immigrants.  Designed for an Italian L2 course held at the CTP in Rozzano (Milano and administered to 24 foreigners, the questionnaire was very useful for defining the profile of the single learners and the whole class group, which was dissimilar, and thus not the easiest to conduct.  The final interpretation of the data brought to light not only the elements of diversity but they also allowed us to recognize a few interesting common traits, essential for

  2. Flight Investigation of the Low-Speed Characteristics of a 45 deg Swept-Wing Fighter-Type Airplane with Blowing Boundary-Layer Control Applied to the Leading- and Trailing-Edge Flaps (United States)

    Quigley, Hervey C.; Anderson, Seth B.; Innis, Robert C.


    A flight investigation has been conducted to study how pilots use the high lift available with blowing-type boundary-layer control applied to the leading- and trailing-edge flaps of a 45 deg. swept-wing airplane. The study includes documentation of the low-speed handling qualities as well as the pilots' evaluations of the landing-approach characteristics. All the pilots who flew the airplane considered it more comfortable to fly at low speeds than any other F-100 configuration they had flown. The major improvements noted were the reduced stall speed, the improved longitudinal stability at high lift, and the reduction in low-speed buffet. The study has shown the minimum comfortable landing-approach speeds are between 120.5 and 126.5 knots compared to 134 for the airplane with a slatted leading edge and the same trailing-edge flap. The limiting factors in the pilots' choices of landing-approach speeds were the limits of ability to control flight-path angle, lack of visibility, trim change with thrust, low static directional stability, and sluggish longitudinal control. Several of these factors were found to be associated with the high angles of attack, between 13 deg. and 15 deg., required for the low approach speeds. The angle of attack for maximum lift coefficient was 28 deg.

  3. The MgSeO4-UO2SeO4-H2O system at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serezhkina, L.B.; Serezhkin, V.N.


    The method of isothermal solubility at 25 deg C has been used to study MgSeO 4 -UO 2 SeO 4 -H 2 O system. Formation of the new compound Mg 2 (UO 2 ) 3 (SeO 4 ) 5 X32H 2 O, congruently soluble in water is stated. Thermographic and X-ray diffraction investigations of the prepared magnesium selenato-uranylate and products of its dehydration are conducted

  4. La nuova disciplina del matrimonio degli stranieri alla luce del pacchetto sicurezza. I suoi riflessi sul matrimonio concordatario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pierluigi Consorti


    Full Text Available SOMMARIO: 1. La capacità matrimoniale dello straniero prima del pacchetto sicurezza - 2. La novella dell’art. 116 c.c. - 3. Il diritto al matrimonio nel pacchetto sicurezza - 4. Art. 116 c.c. e matrimonio concordatario - 5. Pubblicazioni civili e matrimonio concordatario - 6. Trascrivibilità del matrimonio concordatario di cittadino straniero che non documenta la regolarità del soggiorno - 7. Matrimonio concordatario degli stranieri non cattolici - 8. Conclusione

  5. OMI/Aura NO2 Cloud-Screened Total and Tropospheric Column Daily L3 Global 0.25deg Lat/Lon Grid V003 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The OMI/Aura Level-3 Global Gridded(0.25x0.25 deg) Nitrogen Dioxide Product "OMNO2d" is now released (Jan 10, 2013) to the public from the NASA Goddard Earth...

  6. A novel non-dairy beverage from durian pulp fermented with selected probiotics and yeast. (United States)

    Lu, Yuyun; Putra, Satya Dwi; Liu, Shao-Quan


    This study investigated the effects of sequential inoculation (Seq-I) of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis or Lactobacillus casei with yeast Williopsis saturnus on durian pulp fermentation. Seq-I of W. saturnus following B. animalis subsp. lactis did not bring about any significant differences compared to the B. animalis subsp. lactis monoculture due to the sharp early death of W. saturnus soon after inoculation. However, Seq-I of W. saturnus significantly enhanced the survival of L. casei and improved the utilization of fructose and glucose compared to L. casei monoculture. In addition, there were significant differences in the metabolism of organic acids especially for lactic acid and succinic acid. Furthermore, Seq-I produced significantly higher levels of volatile compounds including alcohols (ethanol and 2-phenylethyl alcohol) and acetate esters (2-phenylethyl acetate, isoamyl acetate and ethyl acetate), which would positively contribute to the flavour notes. Although the initial volatile sulphur compounds were reduced to trace levels after fermentation, but the durian odour still remained. This study suggests that the use of probiotics and W. saturnus to ferment durian pulp could act as a potential avenue to develop a novel non-dairy durian-based functional beverage to deliver probiotics. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Silica enhanced formation of hydroxyapatite nanocrystals in simulated body fluid (SBF) at 37 deg. C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sadjadi, M.S., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Ebrahimi, H.R. [Department of Chemistry, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Meskinfam, M. [Department of Chemistry, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Zare, K. [Department of Chemistry, University of Shahid Beheshti, Eveen Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Highlights: {yields} We report on fast formation of hexagonal nanocrystals of calcium hydroxyapatite (HA) in silica-containing simulated body fluid solution at 37 deg. C. {yields} Bioactivity and biodegradability of TCP precursor have been confirmed by the dissolution of TCP and formation of a bone like layer of new HA nanoparticles outside of the precursor after 24 h soaking in SBF solution. {yields} Successive nucleation and formation of tiny hexagonal HA nanoplates and nanorods have been confirmed by TEM results after 24 h soaking of TCP in silica-containing BSF solution. - Abstract: The chemical modification of implant (prosthesis) surfaces is being investigated worldwide for improving the fixation of orthopaedic and dental implants. The main goal in this surface modification approach is to achieve a faster bone growth and chemical bonding of the implant to the newly generated and/or remodeled bone. In this work, we report fast formation of hexagonal nanocrystals of calcium hydroxyapatite (HA) in simulated body fluid (SBF, inorganic components of human blood plasma) solutions at 37 deg. C, using calcium phosphate (TCP) and sodium silicate as precursors. Characterization and chemical analysis of the synthesized powders were performed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results indicated enhanced nucleation and formation of bone like layer of HA nanocrystals at the surface of TCP nanoparticles and occurrence of HA nanocrystals during 24 h soaking of TCP in SBF solution containing silica ions. The average size of a nanoparticle, using Scherrer formula, was found to be 18.2 nm.

  8. Silica enhanced formation of hydroxyapatite nanocrystals in simulated body fluid (SBF) at 37 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadjadi, M.S.; Ebrahimi, H.R.; Meskinfam, M.; Zare, K.


    Highlights: → We report on fast formation of hexagonal nanocrystals of calcium hydroxyapatite (HA) in silica-containing simulated body fluid solution at 37 deg. C. → Bioactivity and biodegradability of TCP precursor have been confirmed by the dissolution of TCP and formation of a bone like layer of new HA nanoparticles outside of the precursor after 24 h soaking in SBF solution. → Successive nucleation and formation of tiny hexagonal HA nanoplates and nanorods have been confirmed by TEM results after 24 h soaking of TCP in silica-containing BSF solution. - Abstract: The chemical modification of implant (prosthesis) surfaces is being investigated worldwide for improving the fixation of orthopaedic and dental implants. The main goal in this surface modification approach is to achieve a faster bone growth and chemical bonding of the implant to the newly generated and/or remodeled bone. In this work, we report fast formation of hexagonal nanocrystals of calcium hydroxyapatite (HA) in simulated body fluid (SBF, inorganic components of human blood plasma) solutions at 37 deg. C, using calcium phosphate (TCP) and sodium silicate as precursors. Characterization and chemical analysis of the synthesized powders were performed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results indicated enhanced nucleation and formation of bone like layer of HA nanocrystals at the surface of TCP nanoparticles and occurrence of HA nanocrystals during 24 h soaking of TCP in SBF solution containing silica ions. The average size of a nanoparticle, using Scherrer formula, was found to be 18.2 nm.

  9. Numerical analysis of three-dimensional turbulent flow in a 90deg bent tube by algebraic Reynolds stress model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sugiyama, Hitoshi; Akiyama, Mitsunobu; Shinohara, Yasunori; Hitomi, Daisuke


    A numerical analysis has been performed for three dimensional developing turbulent flow in a 90deg bent tube with straight inlet and outlet sections by an algebraic Reynolds stress model. To our knowledge, very little has been reported about detailed comparison between calculated results and experimental data containing Reynolds stresses. In calculation, an algebraic Reynolds stress model together with a boundary-fitted coordinate system is applied to a 90deg bent tube in order to solve anisotropic turbulent flow precisely. The calculated results display comparatively good agreement with the experimental data of time averaged velocity and secondary vectors. In addition, the present method predicts as a characteristic feature that the intensity of secondary flow near the inner wall is increased immediately downstream from the bend outlet by the pressure gradient. With regard to comparison of Reynolds stresses, the present method is able to reproduce well the distributions of streamwise normal stress and shear stress defined streamwise and radial velocity fluctuation except for the shear stress defined streamwise and circumferential velocity fluctuation. The present calculation has been found to simulate many features of the developing flow in bent tube satisfactorily, but it has a tendency to underpredict the Reynolds stresses. (author)

  10. Corrections to the one-pion exchange amplitudes for the reaction np→pΔsub(33)sup(deg)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferraz De Camargo, A.; Laville, J.L.


    A simple modified one-pion exchange model is applied to the analysis of the reaction np→pΔsub(33)sup(deg) from 1.39 to 1.90GeV/c. It is shown that important corrections to the evasive amplitudes can account for the turnover observed in the differential cross-section and rather good fits are obtained. Such corrections do not agree with the prescription known as ''poor man's absorption''. The results for the density matrix elements are briefly discussed

  11. Temperature dependence, 0 to 40 deg. C, of the mineralogy of Portland cement paste in the presence of calcium carbonate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matschei, Thomas; Glasser, Fredrik P.


    Thermodynamic calculations disclose that significant changes of the AFm and AFt phases and amount of Ca(OH) 2 occur between 0 and 40 deg. C; the changes are affected by added calcite. Hydrogarnet, C 3 AH 6 , is destabilised at low carbonate contents and/or low temperatures 3 -ettringite. A nomenclature scheme is proposed and AFm-AFt phase relations are presented in isothermal sections at 5, 25 and 40 deg. C. The AFt and AFm phase relations are depicted in terms of competition between OH, CO 3 and SO 4 for anion sites. Diagrams are presented showing how changing temperatures affect the volume of the solid phases with implications for space filling by the paste. Specimen calculations are related to regimes likely to occur in commercial cements and suggestions are made for testing thermal impacts on cement properties by defining four regimes. It is concluded that calculation provides a rapid and effective tool for exploring the response of cement systems to changing composition and temperature and to optimise cement performance.

  12. Effect of Alloying Element and Heat Treatment on Mechanical and Corrosion Property of Ni-Cr-Co-Mo Alloy at 950 .deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dong Jin; Jung, Su Jin; Moon, Byung Hak; Kim, Sung Woo; Lim, Yun Soo; Kim, Hong Pyo


    Helium is used as a coolant in a VHTR owing to its high thermal conductivity, inertness, and low neutron absorption. However, helium inevitably includes impurities that create an imbalance in the surface reactivity at the interface of the coolant and the exposed materials. The carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen, and water that are formed by the reaction with the graphite in the core induce various surface reactions that lead to material property changes over time. According to previous reports it was predicted that the outer oxide layer thickness, internal oxide depth, and carbidedepleted zone depth increase to 116 μm, 600 μm, and 1000 μm, respectively, when Alloy 617 is exposed to a plausible impure helium environment at 950 .deg. C for 20 years, based on the reaction rate constant determined from the short time experiment. These values are large enough to pay attention to the material degradation at high temperature, i. e., the life of the IHX. Therefore, finding the range of impurity concentration at which the material is stable, based on the thermodynamics and kinetics determined by a long-term experiment, is very important to the optimum chemistry control for a life extension. Another countermeasure is to improve the material performance through alloy development. Commercial nickel-based wrought alloy is strengthened by a solid solution and precipitation hardening mechanism in a wide temperature range of 500 to 900 .deg. C. The γ' significantly contributes to the strengthening by forming an anti-phase boundary and preventing a dislocation motion at an intermediate temperature range of 700 to 800 .deg. C, but is no longer stable above this temperature range. However, the material for an IHX needs to fulfill the mechanical property requirements in a narrow, very high temperature range of 850 to 950 .deg. C rather than in a wide temperature range. Therefore, it is worth making the effort to find an optimum combination of alloying elements and processing

  13. Effect of Alloying Element and Heat Treatment on Mechanical and Corrosion Property of Ni-Cr-Co-Mo Alloy at 950 .deg. C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Dong Jin; Jung, Su Jin; Moon, Byung Hak; Kim, Sung Woo; Lim, Yun Soo; Kim, Hong Pyo [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Helium is used as a coolant in a VHTR owing to its high thermal conductivity, inertness, and low neutron absorption. However, helium inevitably includes impurities that create an imbalance in the surface reactivity at the interface of the coolant and the exposed materials. The carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen, and water that are formed by the reaction with the graphite in the core induce various surface reactions that lead to material property changes over time. According to previous reports it was predicted that the outer oxide layer thickness, internal oxide depth, and carbidedepleted zone depth increase to 116 μm, 600 μm, and 1000 μm, respectively, when Alloy 617 is exposed to a plausible impure helium environment at 950 .deg. C for 20 years, based on the reaction rate constant determined from the short time experiment. These values are large enough to pay attention to the material degradation at high temperature, i. e., the life of the IHX. Therefore, finding the range of impurity concentration at which the material is stable, based on the thermodynamics and kinetics determined by a long-term experiment, is very important to the optimum chemistry control for a life extension. Another countermeasure is to improve the material performance through alloy development. Commercial nickel-based wrought alloy is strengthened by a solid solution and precipitation hardening mechanism in a wide temperature range of 500 to 900 .deg. C. The γ' significantly contributes to the strengthening by forming an anti-phase boundary and preventing a dislocation motion at an intermediate temperature range of 700 to 800 .deg. C, but is no longer stable above this temperature range. However, the material for an IHX needs to fulfill the mechanical property requirements in a narrow, very high temperature range of 850 to 950 .deg. C rather than in a wide temperature range. Therefore, it is worth making the effort to find an optimum combination of alloying elements and processing

  14. The composition of cement hydrating at 60 deg C from synchrotron radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Auld, J.; Turner, K.; Thorogood, G.J.; Ball, C.J.; Aldridge, L.P.; Taylor, J.C.


    Full text: Cement consists of 5 phases C3S, C2S, C3A, C4AF (where C denotes CaO, S denotes SiO 2 , A denotes AI 2 O 3 and F denotes Fe 2 O 3 ) and gypsum. When cement hydrates it forms an amorphous calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) as well as the crystalline ettringite and calcium hydroxide. The x-ray diffraction pattern of the hydrated cement is difficult to interpret because of its complexity. In addition, the overlapping lines from the remaining cement compounds make it difficult to quantify the amount of the crystalline components present. Using Rietveld analysis we have been able to interpret the patterns obtained from synchrotron x-ray diffraction patterns obtained at the Photon Factory at the Australian National Beamline Facility using BIGDIF. The changes in the composition of the hydrated cement paste were determined as a function of time during hydration at 60 deg C. Copyright (2002) Australian X-ray Analytical Association Inc

  15. Top-gate microcrystalline silicon TFTs processed at low temperature (<200 deg. C)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saboundji, A.; Coulon, N.; Gorin, A.; Lhermite, H.; Mohammed-Brahim, T.; Fonrodona, M.; Bertomeu, J.; Andreu, J.


    N-type as well P-type top-gate microcrystalline silicon thin film transistors (TFTs) are fabricated on glass substrates at a maximum temperature of 200 deg. C. The active layer is an undoped μc-Si film, 200 nm thick, deposited by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor. The drain and source regions are highly phosphorus (N-type TFTs) or boron (P-type TFTs)-doped μc-films deposited by HW-CVD. The gate insulator is a silicon dioxide film deposited by RF sputtering. Al-SiO 2 -N type c-Si structures using this insulator present low flat-band voltage,-0.2 V, and low density of states at the interface D it =6.4x10 10 eV -1 cm -2 . High field effect mobility, 25 cm 2 /V s for electrons and 1.1 cm 2 /V s for holes, is obtained. These values are very high, particularly the hole mobility that was never reached previously

  16. U-Th isotopic systematics at 13deg N east Pacific Ridge segment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ben Othman, D.; Allegre, C.J.


    Fresh basaltic glasses have been analyzed for U-Th disequilibrium systematics as part of an extensive study on the East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 12deg 45'N. These samples are well described in terms of major and trace elements as well as in Nd, Pb and Sr isotopes. Our results show significant heterogeneities in the mantle source at a small scale, and show heterogeneities at larger scales also when compared to other EPR data. U and Th concentration and isotopic data rule out fractional crystallization as a main process and support a mixing model in agreement with the marble cake model developed by Allegre and Turcotte and constrained by trace elements and Nd, Sr and Pb isotopes on the same samples by Prinzhofer et al. Based on the high ( 230 Th/ 232 Th) isotopic ratios on recent tholeiites especially the Th/U values inferred for their sources clearly show that the upper mantle Th/U has decreased with time. (orig.)

  17. Crustal structure of the Churchill-Superior boundary zone between 80 and 98 deg W longitude from Magsat anomaly maps and stacked passes (United States)

    Hall, D. H.; Millar, T. W.; Noble, I. A.


    A modeling technique using spherical shell elements and equivalent dipole sources has been applied to Magsat signatures at the Churchill-Superior boundary in Manitoba, Ontario, and Ungava. A large satellite magnetic anomaly (12 nT amplitude) on POGO and Magsat maps near the Churchill-Superior boundary was found to be related to the Richmond Gulf aulacogen. The averaged crustal magnetization in the source region is 5.2 A/m. Stacking of the magnetic traces from Magsat passes reveals a magnetic signature (10 nT amplitude) at the Churchill-Superior boundary in an area studied between 80 deg W and 98 deg W. Modeling suggests a steplike thickening of the crust on the Churchill side of the boundary in a layer with a magnetization of 5 A/m. Signatures on aeromagnetic maps are also found in the source areas for both of these satellite anomalies.

  18. Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Alloy 617 Base Metal and Welded Joints at Room Temperature and 850 .deg. C for VHTR Applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Seon Jin; Dew, Rando T. [Pukyong National Univ., Busan (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Woo Gon; Kim, Min Hwan [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Low cycle fatigue (LCF) is an important design consideration for high temperature IHX components. Moreover, some of the components are joined by welding techniques and therefore the welded joints are unavoidable in the construction of mechanical structures. Since Alloy 617 was introduced in early 1970s, many attempts have been made in the past two decades to evaluate the LCF and creep-fatigue behavior in Alloy 617 base metal at room temperature and high temperature. However, little research has focused on the evaluation and characterization of the Alloy 617 welded joints. butt-welded joint specimens was performed at room temperature and 850 .deg. C. Fatigue lives of GTAW welded joint specimens were lower than those of base metal specimens. LCF cracking and failure in welded specimens initiated in the weld metal zone and followed transgranluar dendritic paths for both at RT and 850 .deg. C.

  19. Bulk Shielding Calculation for 90 .deg. Bending Section of RISP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oh, J. H.; Jung, N. S.; Lee, H. S. [Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, Pohang (Korea, Republic of); Oranj, L. Mokhtari [POSTECH, Pohang (Korea, Republic of); Ko, S. K. [Univ. of Ulsan, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    The charge state of {sup 238}U beams with maximum intensity was 79+ among multi-charge states of 70+ to 89+, which were estimated by using LISE++ code. The bending section consists of twenty four quadrupoles, two dipoles, two two-cell type superconducting RF cavities and eleven slits. The complicated radiation environment is caused by the beam losses occurred normally during the stripping process and when the produced {sup 238}U beams are transported along the beam line. Secondary radiations generated by {sup 238}U beams irradiation are very important for predicting the prompt and residual doses and the radiation damage at the component. The production characteristics of neutron and photon from thin carbon and thick iron were studied to set up the shielding strategy. The dose estimation was done to the pre-designed the tunnel structure. In these calculations, major Monte Carlo codes, PHITS and FLUKA, were used. The present study provided information of shielding analysis for the 90 .deg. bending section of RISP facility. The source term was evaluated to determine fundamental parameter of the shielding analysis using PHITS and FLUKA codes. And the distribution of the dose rate at the outside of thick shielding wall was presented.

  20. Misura de Massa e Larghezza degli Stati $x_1$ e $x_2$ del Charmonio Formati in Interazioni $p - \\bar{p}$

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pallavicini, Marco [Univ. of Genoa (Italy)


    Oggetto di questa tesi è la misura di alcune caratteristiche fisiche ( massa, larghezza, e larghezza parziale in p - p) degli stati 3 Pi e 3 A del charmonio, - overo del sistema legato di un quark "charm" e del suo antiquark-, nell'ambito dell'esperimento E-760, installato nell'accumulatore di antiprotoni del Fermilab (U.S.A).

  1. Dopant disorder-free 2DEG GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure FET devices for quantum hall and nanostructure studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Facer, G.R.; Kane, B.E.


    Full text: Two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) GaAs/AIGaAs heterostructures have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) in which gate-induced accumulation of carriers replaces the more usual modulation doping. These novel devices have the advantages of reduced disorder and a high degree of tunability in the carrier density. Because modulation doping is not used, disorder effects in the 2DEG due to nearby dopants are eliminated. Mean free paths for electrons exceed 30 μm at low temperatures. Electron densities are accurately tunable over nearly two orders of magnitude, from 9 x 10 9 cm -2 to 4 x 10 11 cm -2 . Very high electron mobilities, exceeding 3 x10 6 cm 2 /Vs at 4.2 K, are obtained. With such a combination of density tunability and low disorder, these layers provide unique opportunities for studying low dimensional systems following further lithography. Nanolithography with feature sizes under 50 nm will be possible at UNSW in early 1996. In preparation for 1-dimensional and 0-dimensional structure fabrication, the 2DEG samples have been characterised in steady fields at temperatures ∼ 50 mK. Recent theory has explained the fractional quantum Hall effect at electron filling factor ν=1/2 in terms of composite fermions (made up of interacting electrons) behaving as if they are a non-interacting system at B=0. The question of the mobility μ c of composite fermions in the new devices, and how it varies as the electron density varies, has been studied. Preliminary measurements at ν=1/2 yield μ c ∼ 10 4 cm 2 /Vs. The composite fermion mobility is nearly independent of electron density beyond an apparent threshold N = 0.5 x 10 11 cm -2 , and independent of temperature in the range 50 to 200 mK. The electron N threshold coincides with the crossover of the carrier Fermi wavelength and the mean free path

  2. Effect of surface roughness scattering on the transport properties of a 2DEG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yarar, Z.


    In this work surface roughness scattering of electrons in a two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed at heterojunction interfaces is investigated for various auto-correlation functions. Gaussian, exponential and Lorentzian auto-correlation functions are used to represent surface roughness. Poisson and Schrodinger equations are solved self consistently at the hetero interface to find the energy levels, the wave functions corresponding to each level and electron concentrations at each level. Using these wave functions and the auto-correlation functions mentioned above, the scattering rates due to surface roughness are calculated. Scattering rates resulting from acoustic and optical phonons are also calculated. These rates are used to study the transport properties of the two dimensional electrons using ensemble Monte Carlo method at various temperatures. Emphasis is given to the effect of surface roughness scattering on the transport properties of the electrons

  3. The effect of vacuum environment on creep rupture properties of Inconel 617 at 1000 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohnami, Masateru; Imamura, Riuzo


    The creep rupture strength of nickel-base superalloy in weakly acidic gas at high temperature above 1000 deg C lowers remarkably as compared with that in the atmosphere, and this problem is one of the important subjects in connection with the research and development of high temperature heat exchangers for multi-purpose high temperature gas-cooled reactor system being developed in Japan. In the case of Inconel 617, abnormal decarbonization phenomenon occurs in weakly acidic gas, and this is regarded as the cause of lowering the creep strength. In this study, the effects of the decarbonization in weak vacuum at 1000 deg C and the oxidation of Inconel 617 on its crack occurrence and propagation were clarified experimentally with notched plate test pieces. The material used was Inconel 617 nickel-base superalloy made by Huntington Alloys Inc. in the U.S. The creep rupture experiment was carried out with a simple tension creep tester. At the nominal stress of 3.5 kg/mm 2 , the creep rupture time in 0.3 Torr was the shortest when the grain size was 78 μm, and the creep rupture time increased as the grain size became larger. The creep rupture time in 0.3 Torr decreased to a half of that in the atmosphere. In 0.3 Torr, cracks occurred early, and propagated fast as compared with in the atmosphere. This is because the local creep velocity at the bottom of notches and in front of creep cracks is fast owing to the lack of protective oxide film. (Kako, I.)

  4. TOMS/Earth Probe UV-B Erythemal Local Noon Irradiance Monthly L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V008 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data product contains TOMS/Earth Probe UV-B Erythemal Local Noon Irradiance Monthly L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid Version 8 data in ASCII format. (The...

  5. The gadolinium nitrate-carbamide-water and the ytterbium nitrate-carbamide-water systems at 30 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khudajbergenova, N.; Sulajmankulov, K.


    Gadolinium nitrate-carbamide-water(1) and ytterbium nitrate-carbamide-water(2) systems are studied at 30 deg C by the solubility method. Two new compounds are formed in the system(1). One of them is incongruent Gd(NO 3 ) 3 x3CON 2 H 4 and Gd(NO 3 ) 3 x4CON 2 H 4 is congruently soluble. Incongruent compound of Yb(NO 3 ) 3 xCON 2 H 4 composition and congruently soluble Yb(NO 3 ) 3 x4CON 2 H 4 are also formed in the system(2). Presented are solubility isotherms of the systems [ru

  6. The study of the distribution of Ca{sup 45} with time in the newborn rat by the autoradiography method at - 195 deg; Etude de la distribution du {sup 45}Ca en fonction du temps chez le rat nouveau-ne par la methode d'autoradiographie a -195 deg

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kellershohn, C; Pellerin, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Ca{sup 45} metabolism has been studied as a function of time by autoradiography at -195 deg. C in the new-born rat after sub-epidermal dorsal injected of 20 micro-curies per animal. This study confirms: 1) The existence of a rapidly exchangeable calcium bone fraction; 2) A considerable intestinal excretion of radio-calcium, much greater than the urinary elimination; 3) A gradual transfer of the activity for the long bones of the epiphyseal to the diaphyseal regions during growth, together with secondary modifications during ossification. (author) [French] Le metabolisme du {sup 45}Ca est etudie en fonction du temps par autoradiographie a -195 deg. C, chez le rat nouveau-ne apres injection sous-epidermique dorsale de 20 microcuries par animal. Cette etude confirme: 1) l'existence d'une fraction calcique osseuse rapidement echangeable; 2) une excretion intestinale considerable du radiocalcium, tres superieure a l'elimination urinaire; 3) un transfert progressif de l'activite pour les os longs des regions epiphysaires aux regions diaphysaires au cours de la croissance, ainsi que les remaniements secondaires au cours de l'ossification. (auteur)

  7. L’esperienza poetica nell’Argentina degli anni Sessanta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Lafuente


    Full Text Available ENJuan Gelman, Leónidas Lamborghini, Francisco Urondo, César Ferández Moreno, among the most famous of the poetic generation in Argentina during the Sixties, take up the concept of critical verbal art that the Hispanic-American vanguard had proposed as a priority. They finished the work of their predecessors, especially that of the late Huidobro, who, after Altazor left the more external aspects of the play behind, and of César Vallejo, creating a poetic area where emotion and subjectivity coexist with linguistic experimentation, where the pleasure of construction and the subtleties of linguistic deformations are inexorably tied to sentiment.In obliterating the distance between I and You, their poetry abandons the passage between different textual practices and gives space to an inter-subjectivity that leads the reader to forget his passivity and become active in sensory production.Keywords: avant-garde, Argentine poetry, the Sixties, linguistic experimentationITJuan Gelman, Leónidas Lamborghini, Francisco Urondo, César Ferández Moreno, fra i nomi più noti della generazione poetica argentina degli anni Sessanta, riprendono la concezione di un’arte verbale critica che l’avanguardia ispanoamericana aveva proposto come prioritaria. Completano il lavoro dei suoi predecessori, soprattutto dell’ultimo Huidobro, che dopo Altazor abbandona gli aspetti più esterni del gioco, e di César Vallejo, creando uno spazio poetico dove l’emozione, la soggettività, coesistono con la sperimentazione del linguaggio, dove il piacere della costruzione, delle sottigliezze delle deformazioni linguistiche sono indissolubilmente legate al sentimento.La loro poesia, nell’abolire la distanza fra Io e Tu, lascia aperto il passaggio fra le pratiche testuali differenti e dà spazio a un’intersoggettività che induce il lettore ad abbandonare la sua passività e a diventare attivo nella produzione del senso.Parole chiave: avanguardia, poesia argentina

  8. TOMS/Nimbus-7 UV-B Erythemal Local Noon Irradiance Daily L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V008 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data product contains TOMS/Nimbus-7 UV-B Erythemal Local Noon Irradiance Daily L3 Global 1x1.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid Version 8 data in ASCII format. The Total Ozone...

  9. Systems of amonium polyborates - monoammonium phosphate -water at 25 deg C. Sistemy poliboraty ammoniya - monoammonijfosfat - voda pri 25 grad S

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Skvortsov, V G; Sadetdinov, Sh V; Polenov, A D; Mikhajlov, V I [Chuvashskij Gosudarstvennyj Pedagogicheskij Inst., Cheboksary (Russian Federation)


    It is established by solubility and refractometry methods at 25 deg C that systems of ammonium tetraborate (pentaborate) monoammonium phosphate-water refer to sumple eutonic type. The ammonium borates and monoammoniumphosphate exert salting effect over each other. It is found that phosphate borate compositions on the basis of ammonium salts are characterized by lower inhibitor properties as compared to sodium salts.

  10. Effect of various lanthanum sol-gel coatings on the 330Cb (Fe-35Ni-18Cr-1Nb-2Si) oxidation at 900 deg. C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buscail, H., E-mail: [Clermont Universite- LVEEM, 8 rue J.B. Fabre, BP 219, 43006 Le Puy en Velay (France); Issartel, C.; Riffard, F.; Rolland, R.; Perrier, S. [Clermont Universite- LVEEM, 8 rue J.B. Fabre, BP 219, 43006 Le Puy en Velay (France); Fleurentin, A. [CETIM, 52 av Felix Louat, BP 80067, 60304 Senlis (France); Josse, C. [L' ICB UMR5209 CNRS, BP 47870, 21078 Dijon (France)


    The influence of a lanthanum sol-gel coating on the oxide scale adherence has been studied during the 330Cb (Fe-35Ni-18Cr-1Nb-2Si) oxidation at 900 deg. C, in air. The alloy oxidation is performed in order to generate a protective chromia scale acting as a good barrier against carburization. Argon annealing of lanthanum sol-gel coatings have been performed at various temperatures in order to find the best conditions to insure the scale adherence. Kinetic results show that lanthanum sol-gel coatings lead to a lower oxidation rate compared to blank specimens. Thermal cycling tests on lanthanum the sol-gel coated specimen show that the oxide scale formed at 900 deg. C, in air, is adherent.

  11. Analytical models for the 2DEG concentration and gate leakage current in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs (United States)

    Ahmed, Nadim; Dutta, Aloke K.


    In this paper, we present a completely analytical model for the 2DEG concentration in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs as a function of gate bias, considering the donor-like trap states present at the metal/AlGaN interface to be the primary source of 2DEG carriers. To the best of our knowledge, this is a completely new contribution of this work. The electric field in the AlGaN layer is calculated using this model, which is further used to model the gate leakage current under reverse bias. We have modified the existing TTT (Thermionic Trap-Assisted Tunneling) current model, taking into account the effect of both metal/AlGaN interface traps as well as AlGaN bulk traps. The gate current under forward bias is also modeled using the existing thermionic emission model, approximating it by its Taylor series expansion. To take into account the effect of non-zero drain-source bias (VDS), an empirical fitting parameter is introduced in order to model the channel voltage in terms of VDS. The results of our models have been compared with the experimental data reported in the literature for three different devices, and the match is found to be excellent for both forward and reverse bias as well as for zero and non-zero VDS.

  12. OMI/Aura Near UV Aerosol Optical Depth and Single Scattering Albedo Daily L3 Global 1x1 deg Lat/Lon Grid V003 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The OMI-Aura level-3 daily global gridded (1x1 deg) near-UV Aerosol data product OMAERUVd based on the enhanced algorithm is available from the NASA Goddard Earth...

  13. Retrospective dosimetry assessment using the 380 deg. C thermoluminescence peak of tooth enamel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Secu, C.E. [National Institute for Materials Physics, PO Box MG-7, 77125 Bucharest-Magurele (Romania); Cherestes, M. [Dozimed Ltd., Dosimetry Laboratory, 77125 Bucharest-Magurele (Romania); Secu, M., E-mail: [National Institute for Materials Physics, PO Box MG-7, 77125 Bucharest-Magurele (Romania); Cherestes, C.; Paraschiva, V. [Dozimed Ltd., Dosimetry Laboratory, 77125 Bucharest-Magurele (Romania); Barca, C. [Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, 77125 Bucharest-Magurele (Romania)


    The thermoluminescence (TL) response to gamma-ray irradiation of tooth enamel is reported. The tooth enamel was separated from dentine by using mechanical and physico-chemical procedures followed by grinding (grain size {approx}100 {mu}m) and etching. The TL was attributed to the recombination of CO{sub 2}{sup -} radicals incorporated into or attached to the surface of hydroxyapatite crystals. The growth of the {approx}380 deg. C TL peak with absorbed dose was examined with irradiated tooth enamel samples and reconstructed doses evaluated for tooth enamel samples from four human subjects. - Highlights: > Thermoluminescence response after gamma-ray irradiation of tooth enamel was investigated. > Thermoluminescence was attributed to the recombination of CO{sub 2}{sup -} radicals. > CO{sub 2}{sup -} radicals are produced inside or at the surface of hydroxyapatite crystals. > From the growth of the 380C peak reconstructed doses have been evaluated.

  14. MeB5O8(Me-Li, Na, K, NH4)-H2NCONHCOCH3-H2O system at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skvortsov, V.G.; Fedorov, Yu.A.; Molodkin, A.K.; Tsekhanskij, R.S.


    Using the methods of isothermal solubility, densi- and refractometry, systems MB 5 O 8 (M-Li, Na, K, NH 4 )-acetylcarbamide - H 2 O at 25 deg C have been studied. It is ascertained, that the systems investigated are of simple eutonic type

  15. Diffraction of 4He atoms from the (001) face of LiF at 10 deg K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boato, G.; Cantini, P.; Cardillo, M.J.; Tatarek, R.


    A new atom-surface scattering apparatus, which takes advantage of the use of low temperatures, is described. The apparatus allows differential cross section measurements to be carried out with good angular resolution and sensitivity, holding the surface around liquid helium temperatures. The diffractive scattering of a supersonic helium beam from a (001) cleaved LiF surface at 10 deg K was studied. The normalized integrated intensities of all diffracted peaks for normal incidence are given and compared with a quantum surface rainbow theory developed by LEVI et al. The observation of bound state resonances in the peak intensity plotted as a function of incident angle is discussed

  16. On solubility of perchloric (periodic) acid and α-cyanacetanmide in aqueous solutions at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Omarova, R.A.; Balysbekov, S.M.; Erkasov, R.Sh.; Nikolenko, O.N.


    Acid-base interaction within perchloric (periodic) acid-α-cyanacetamide-water systems in studied by method of solubility under isothermal conditions at 25 deg C. Solubility regularities of crystalline α-cyanacetamide in perchloric and periodic acid solutions are determined, the concentration limits of formation of a new solid phase-tris(α-cyanacetamide) perchlorate within perchloric acid-α-cyanacetamide-water system are determined. The compound is identified by means of chemical and X-ray phase analyses, its density and melting temperature are determined. Iodic acid and α-cyanacetamide water solution base system is shown to belong to a simple eutonic type. 2 refs., 3 figs., 2 tabs

  17. Study of solubility in Ca(NO3)2-Ln(NO3)3-H2O systems at 25 deg C (Ln-Ce,Pr,Nd)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shevchuk, V.G.; Dryuchko, A.G.; Bunyakina, N.V.; Storozhenko, D.A.


    The isothermal method has been used to study solubility in the systems calcium nitrate-cerium (praseodymium, neodymium) nitrate water at 25 deg C. The systems are attributed to eutonic type. Formations of complex compounds and solid solutions are not disclosed

  18. Corrosion behavior of silicon nitride in sodium hydroxide solutions at 175 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strecker, Kurt; Robin, Alain; Vernilli, Fernando; Ribeirao, Sebastiao


    This paper presents results of the corrosion of Si 3 N 4 in aqueous solutions of NaOH (37,5%) at 15 deg C.The corrosive attack was evaluated from the weight loss of the samples.A constant rate was observed, signifying that the corrosion rate depends only on the velocity of the dissolution by the NaOH solution. The corrosion rates of Si 3 N 4 doped with Y 2 O 3 / Si O 2 and a rare earth concentrate/Si O 2 yielded 1,19 x 10 -3 g cm -2 h -1 and 0,78 x 10 -3 g cm -2 h -1 , respectively. Analysis of the corroded samples by electronic microscopy revealed that the glassy intergranular phase is dissolved by the alkaline solution, leaving a skeleton of inter linked β - Si 3 N 4 grains. The mechanical resistance of the corroded samples was determined and demonstrated mechanical degradation of the material. (author)

  19. Irradiation Effects at 160-240 deg C in Some Swedish Pressure Vessel Steels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grounes, M [AB Atomenergi, Nykoeping (Sweden); Myers, H P [Chalmers Institute of Technology, Goeteborg (Sweden); Hannerz, N E [Motala Verkstads AB, Motala (Sweden)


    Tensile specimens, Charpy impact specimens and miniature impact specimens of six steels in different conditions were irradiated to 2.8 x 10{sup 18} and 5.6 x 10{sup 18} n/cm{sup 2} (> 1 MeV) at 160-240 deg C. The steels investigated were SIS 142103, 2103/R3, NO 345, Fortiweld, Fortiweld HS and OK 54 P. There is no correlation between the increase in transition temperature and initial transition temperature. However, changes in strength and ductility can be correlated to the initial yield strength. The increases in transition temperature due to strain aging and irradiation are approximately additive. The irradiation-induced changes in 2103/R3 and Fortiweld HS steels do not vary with position in the thickness of the plate. Different tempering treatments in Fortiweld HS steel do not change the extent of irradiation effects. Normal Charpy V-notch impact specimens and miniature specimens give the same irradiation-induced increase in transition temperature.

  20. The 500 deg. C isothermal section of the Gd-Tb-Co ternary system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, K.W.; Zhuang, Y.H.; Li, J.Q.; Zhu, Q.M.; Deng, J.Q.


    The isothermal section of the phase diagram of the Gd-Tb-Co ternary system at 500 deg. C was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction, differential thermal analysis and metallographic analysis techniques. In this isothermal section, there are nine single-phase regions, eight two-phase regions and none three-phase region. No ternary compound was found. The compounds Gd 2 Co 17 and Tb 2 Co 17 , Gd 2 Co 7 and Tb 2 Co 7 , GdCo 3 and TbCo 3 , GdCo 2 and TbCo 2 , Gd 4 Co 3 and Tb 4 Co 3 , Gd 12 Co 7 and Tb 12 Co 7 , Gd 3 Co and Tb 3 Co, Gd and Tb form a continuous series of solid solutions. In addition, we experimentally determined the vertical section of pseudobinary system and the Curie temperature of Gd 1-x Tb x Co 2 (x from 0 to 1) series alloys

  1. Irradiation Effects at 160-240 deg C in Some Swedish Pressure Vessel Steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grounes, M.; Myers, H.P.; Hannerz, N.E.


    Tensile specimens, Charpy impact specimens and miniature impact specimens of six steels in different conditions were irradiated to 2.8 x 10 18 and 5.6 x 10 18 n/cm 2 (> 1 MeV) at 160-240 deg C. The steels investigated were SIS 142103, 2103/R3, NO 345, Fortiweld, Fortiweld HS and OK 54 P. There is no correlation between the increase in transition temperature and initial transition temperature. However, changes in strength and ductility can be correlated to the initial yield strength. The increases in transition temperature due to strain aging and irradiation are approximately additive. The irradiation-induced changes in 2103/R3 and Fortiweld HS steels do not vary with position in the thickness of the plate. Different tempering treatments in Fortiweld HS steel do not change the extent of irradiation effects. Normal Charpy V-notch impact specimens and miniature specimens give the same irradiation-induced increase in transition temperature

  2. Sensitive detection of proteasomal activation using the Deg-On mammalian synthetic gene circuit. (United States)

    Zhao, Wenting; Bonem, Matthew; McWhite, Claire; Silberg, Jonathan J; Segatori, Laura


    The ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) has emerged as a drug target for diverse diseases characterized by altered proteostasis, but pharmacological agents that enhance UPS activity have been challenging to establish. Here we report the Deg-On system, a genetic inverter that translates proteasomal degradation of the transcriptional regulator TetR into a fluorescent signal, thereby linking UPS activity to an easily detectable output, which can be tuned using tetracycline. We demonstrate that this circuit responds to modulation of UPS activity in cell culture arising from the inhibitor MG-132 and activator PA28γ. Guided by predictive modelling, we enhanced the circuit's signal sensitivity and dynamic range by introducing a feedback loop that enables self-amplification of TetR. By linking UPS activity to a simple and tunable fluorescence output, these genetic inverters will enable a variety of applications, including screening for UPS activating molecules and selecting for mammalian cells with different levels of proteasome activity.

  3. Tidal and solar cycle effects on the OI 5577 A, NaD and OH(8,3) airglow emissions observed at 23 deg S

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, H.; Sahai, Y.; Batista, P.P.


    The upper mesosphere airglow emissions OI 5577, NaD and OH have been observed at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 deg S; 45.0 deg W) Brazil. Nocturnal variations and their seasonal dependencies in amplitude and phase, and the annual variations of these emissions are presented, analysing the data obtained from 1977 to 1982 during the ascending phase of the last solar cycle. The nocturnal variations of the OI 5577 emission and the OH rotational temperature showed a significant semidiurnal oscillation, with the phase of maximum moving from midnight in January to early morning in June. Semiannual variation of the OI 5577 and NaD emissions with the maximum intensities in April/May and October/November were observed. The OH rotational temperature, however, showed an annual variation, maximum in summer and minimum in winter, while no significant seasonal variation was found in the OH emission intensities. Long-term intensity variations are also presented with the solar sunspot numbers and the 10.7 cm flux. (author)

  4. Observation of the transition from diffusive regime to ballistic regime of the 2DEG transport property in Al xGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, K.; Shen, B.; Tang, N.; Tang, Y.Q.; He, X.W.; Qin, Z.X.; Yang, Z.J.; Zhang, G.Y.; Lin, T.; Zhu, B.; Zhou, W.Z.; Chu, J.H.


    Electron-electron interaction effect of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in Al x Ga 1-x N/GaN heterostructures has been investigated by means of magnetotransport measurements at low temperatures. From the temperature dependence of the longitudinal conductivity of the heterostructures, a clear transition region has been observed. Based on the theoretical analysis, we conclude that this region corresponds to the transition from the diffusive regime to the ballistic regime of the 2DEG transport property. The interaction constant is determined to be -0.423, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction. However, the critical temperature for the transition, which is 8 K in Al x Ga 1-x N/GaN heterostructures, is much higher than the theoretical prediction

  5. Ethnoarchaeological Survey of Cave Dwelling in the Qoḥayto Plateau of Eritrea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robel Haile


    Full Text Available Gli studi speleologici presentano un considerevole potenziale per la comprensione dei processi di sviluppo culturale sull'Altopiano del Qoḥayto , e per lo studio dei pattern di mobilità e dei sistemi residenziali dei gruppi pastorali. Questo contributo è basato su un survey archeologico e l'osservazione etnografica dell'organizzazione dello spazio domestico in grotte dell'Altopiano del Qoḥayto, ponendo in particolare evidenza: a l'opposizione tra lo spazio umano e quello destinato agli animali, e b le variazioni all'interno di questi due domini. I risultati mostrano l'esistenza di due tipi di organizzazione di questi spazi: l'una con la zona del goḥo-makādo separata da quella per gli animali, l'altra con la zona del balbala separata dalla seconda.

  6. Low cycle fatigue behaviors of low alloy steels in 310 .deg. C deoxygenated water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, Hun


    After low cycle fatigue tests of SA508 Gr.1a low alloy steel in 310 .deg. C deoxygenated water, the fatigue surface and the sectioned area of specimens were observed to understand the effect of the cyclic strain rate on the environmentally assisted cracking behaviors. From the fatigue crack morphologies of the specimen tested at a strain rate of 0.008 %/s, unclear ductile striations and blunt crack tip were observed. So, metal dissolution could be the main cracking mechanism of the material at the strain rate. On the other hand, on the fatigue surface of the specimen tested at strain rates of 0.04 and 0.4 %/s, the brittle cracks and the flat facets, which are the evidence of the hydrogen induced cracking, were observed. Also, the tendency of linkage between the main crack and micro-cracks was observed on the sectioned area. Therefore, the main cracking mechanism at the strain rates of 0.04 and 0.4 %/s could be the hydrogen induced cracking. Additionally, the evidence of the dissolved MnS inclusions was observed on the fatigue surface from energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer analyses. So, despite of the low sulfur content of the test material, the sulfides seem to contribute to environmentally assisted cracking of SA508 Gr.1a low alloy steel in 310 .deg. C deoxygenated water. Additionally, our experimental fatigue life data of SA508 Gr.1a low alloy steel (heat A) showed a consistent difference with statistical model produced in argon national laboratory. So, additional low cycle fatigue tests of other heat SA508 Gr.1a (heat B) and SA508 Gr.3 low alloy steels were performed to investigate the effect of material variability on fatigue behaviors of low alloy steels in 310 .deg. C deoxygenated water. In results, the fatigue lives of three low alloy steels were increased following order: SA508 Gr.1a low alloy steel - heat A, SA508 Gr.3 low alloy steel, and SA508 Gr.1a low alloy steel - heat B. From microstructure observation, the fatigue surface of SA508 Gr.1a low alloy

  7. Effect of chloride concentration on the solubility of amorphous uranium dioxide at 25deg C under reducing conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguilar, M.; Casas, I.; Pablo, J. de; Torrero, M.E.


    The dependence of the solubility of a microcrystalline uranium dioxide on the chloride concentration has been studied at 25deg C under reducing conditions. The concentration of uranium in solution has been found to be some orders of magnitude lower than in perchlorate media. Possible changes of both the morphology and the composition of the solid phase have been investigated by means of Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX) and X-ray Powder Difraction (XPD). The formation of a secondary solid phase as a reason for the decrease of the solubility has been postulated. (orig.)

  8. Pressure vessel design codes: A review of their applicability to HTGR components at temperatures above 800 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hughes, P.T.; Over, H.H.; Bieniussa, K.


    The governments of USA and Federal Republic of Germany have approved of cooperation between the two countries in an endeavour to establish structural design code for gas reactor components intended to operate at temperatures exceeding 800 deg C. The basis of existing codes and their applicability to gas reactor component design are reviewed in this paper. This review has raised a number of important questions as to the direct applicability of the present codes. The status of US and FRG cooperative efforts to obtain answers to these questions are presented

  9. Comparison of radiosensitization by 41 deg. C hyperthermia during low dose rate irradiation and during pulsed simulated low dose rate irradiation in human glioma cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raaphorst, G. Peter; Ng, Cheng E.; Shahine, Bilal


    Purpose: Long duration mild hyperthermia has been shown to be an effective radiosensitizer when given concurrently with low dose rate irradiation. Pulsed simulated low dose rate (PSLDR) is now being used clinically, and we have set out to determine whether concurrent mild hyperthermia can be an effective radiosensitizer for the PSLDR protocol. Materials and Methods: Human glioma cells (U-87MG) were grown to plateau phase and treated in plateau phase in order to minimize cell cycle redistribution during protracted treatments. Low dose rate (LDR) irradiation and 41 deg. C hyperthermia were delivered by having a radium irradiator inside a temperature-controlled incubator. PSLDR was given using a 150 kVp X-ray unit and maintaining the cells at 41 deg. C between irradiations. The duration of irradiation and concurrent heating depended on total dose and extended up to 48 h. Results: When 41 deg. C hyperthermia was given currently with LDR or PSLDR, the thermal enhancement ratios (TER) were about the same if the average dose rate for PSLDR was the same as for LDR. At higher average dose rates for PSLDR the TERs became less. Conclusions: Our data show that concurrent mild hyperthermia can be an effective sensitizer for PSLDR. This sensitization can be as effective as for LDR if the same average dose rate is used and the TER increases with decreasing dose rate. Thus mild hyperthermia combined with PSLDR may be an effective clinical protocol

  10. Nuclear transparency in 90 deg.c.m. quasielastic A(p,2p) reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aclander, J.; Alster, J.; Kosonovsky, I.; Malki, A.; Mardor, I.; Mardor, Y.; Navon, I.; Piasetzky, E.; Asryan, G.; Barton, D.S.; Buktoyarova, N.; Bunce, G.; Carroll, A.S.; Gushue, S.; Makdisi, Y.I.; Roser, T.; Tanaka, M.; Averiche, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Shimanskiy, S.


    We summarize the results of two experimental programs at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron of BNL to measure the nuclear transparency of nuclei measured in the A(p,2p) quasielastic scattering process near 90 deg. in the pp center of mass. The incident momenta varied from 5.9 to 14.4 GeV/c, corresponding to 4.8 2 2 . Taking into account the motion of the target proton in the nucleus, the effective incident momenta extended from 5.0 to 15.8 GeV/c. First, we describe the measurements with the newer experiment, E850, which had more complete kinematic definition of quasielastic events. E850 covered a larger range of incident momenta, and thus provided more information regarding the nature of the energy dependence of the nuclear transparency. In E850 the angular dependence of the nuclear transparency near 90 deg. and the nuclear transparency deuterons were studied. Second, we review the techniques used in an earlier experiment, E834, and show that the two experiments are consistent for the carbon data. E834 also determines the nuclear transparencies for lithium, aluminum, copper, and lead nuclei as well as for carbon. A determination of the (π + ,π + p) transparencies is also reported. We find for both E850 and E834 that the A(p,2p) nuclear transparency, unlike that for A(e,e ' p) nuclear transparency, is incompatible with a constant value versus energy as predicted by Glauber calculations. The A(p,2p) nuclear transparency for carbon and aluminum increases by a factor of two between 5.9 and 9.5 GeV/c incident proton momentum. At its peak the A(p,2p) nuclear transparency is ∼80% of the constant A(e,e ' p) nuclear transparency. Then the nuclear transparency falls back to a value at least as small as that at 5.9 GeV/c, and is compatible with the Glauber level again. This oscillating behavior is generally interpreted as an interplay between two components of the pN scattering amplitude; one short ranged and perturbative, and the other long ranged and strongly absorbed

  11. A 2500 deg2 CMB Lensing Map from Combined South Pole Telescope and Planck Data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Omori, Y.; Chown, R.; Simard, G.; Story, K. T.; University of Chicago, IL


    Here, we present a cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing map produced from a linear combination of South Pole Telescope (SPT) and Planck temperature data. The 150 GHz temperature data from the 2500 deg 2 SPT-SZ survey is combined with the Planck 143 GHz data in harmonic space to obtain a temperature map that has a broader ℓ coverage and less noise than either individual map. Using a quadratic estimator technique on this combined temperature map, we produce a map of the gravitational lensing potential projected along the line of sight. We measure the auto-spectrum of the lensing potential C L ϕϕ , and compare it to the theoretical prediction for a ΛCDM cosmology consistent with the Planck 2015 data set, finding a best-fit amplitude of 0.95 −0.06 +0.06 (stat.) −0.01 +0.01 (sys.). The null hypothesis of no lensing is rejected at a significance of 24σ. One important use of such a lensing potential map is in cross-correlations with other dark matter tracers. We demonstrate this cross-correlation in practice by calculating the cross-spectrum, C L ϕG , between the SPT+Planck lensing map and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) galaxies. We fit C L ϕG to a power law of the form p L =a(L/L 0 ) −b with a, L 0, and b fixed, and find η ϕG =C L ϕG /p L =0.94 −0.04 +0.04 , which is marginally lower, but in good agreement with η ϕG =1.00 −0.01 +0.02 , the best-fit amplitude for the cross-correlation of Planck-2015 CMB lensing and WISE galaxies over ~67% of the sky. Finally, the lensing potential map presented here will be used for cross-correlation studies with the Dark Energy Survey, whose footprint nearly completely covers the SPT 2500 deg 2 field.

  12. Contribution to the study of corrosion of zirconium and zircaloy-2 in superheated steam at 400 deg C (105 kg /cm{sup 2}); Contribution a l'etude de la corrosion du zirconium et du zircaloy-2 dans la vapeur d'eau surchauffee a 400 deg C (105 kg /cm{sup 2})

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coriou, H; Gauduchau, J; Grall, L; Hure, J; Pelras, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The corrosion kinetics of zircaloy-2 in water and steam at temperatures between 300 deg. C and 400 deg. C are represented by a curve sharply divided into two stages separated by a so-called transition point. After a first period of decreasing corrosion rate there follows a second period with much faster kinetics in which the speed is constant. After carrying out a methodical study of the corrosion of 'zircaloy-2 in the form of sheets and tubes. We have demonstrated, at 400 deg. C in steam, a systematic anomaly which appears at the transition point. The curve presents three quite distinct points; after the first period a fast corrosion is observed, followed by a third period at a slower speed. This leads us to believe that there may be not a single point but a transition zone, separating two types of kinetic behaviour and corresponding to modifications in the properties of the oxide layer. After this readjustment period a new corrosion law is established, lasting a considerable time, the corrosion speed being slower than that indicated so far. A study of the morphology of the oxide films which develop under these conditions has demonstrated the special part played by mechanical, physical and metallurgical factors in the case of zirconium. Deep penetration of oxide can thus show up on the inner wall of hammer-hardened tubes. Simultaneously a very considerable hydride formation occurs in the metal. (author) [French] La cinetique de corrosion du zircaloy-2 dans l'eau et la vapeur a des temperatures comprises entre 300 et 400 deg. C est representee par une courbe a deux periodes separees par un point singulier appele point de transition. A une premiere periode a vitesse de corrosion decroissante, succede une deuxieme periode a cinetique beaucoup plus rapide dont la vitesse est constante. Apres une etude systematique de la corrosion du zircaloy-2 sous forme de toles et de tubes, nous avons mis en evidence a 400 deg. C, dans la vapeur, une anomalie systematique qui se

  13. Long-term monitoring of Pyrenean chamois in a protected area reveals a fluctuating population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pau Pañella


    Full Text Available Monitoraggio a lungo termine del camoscio dei Pirenei in una zona protetta: fluttuazione della popolazione.
    Tra il 1993 ed il 2009, la popolazione di camoscio pirenaico Rupicapra p. pyrenaica del Parco Nazionale d’Aigüestortes e Estany de Sant Maurici (14119 ha, Catalogna, Spagna è stata monitorata periodicamente. Nel periodo post-riproduttivo (luglio, i censimenti sono stati condotti lungo 20 percorsi supraforestali fissi, con l’obiettivo di stimare le variazioni nelle dimensioni, rapporto sessi, struttura e produttività della popolazione nell’area protetta. La densità media è risultata pari a 6,7 camosci km-2, il rapporto sessi circa 1:3 in favore delle femmine, mentre la produttività è stata pari a 0,6 juvenes per femmina adulta. La proporzione di animali indeterminati durante i conteggi è diminuita significativamente nel tempo, probabilmente in seguito al progressivo training degli operatori. Nel periodo di studio, le dimensioni della popolazione sono fluttuate significativamente. Sebbene le cause di tali variazioni siano ancora da approfondire, le successive epidemie di cheratocongiuntivite infettiva e Pestivirus che hanno colpito la popolazione hanno probabilmente svolto un ruolo determinante. Si raccomanda di sviluppare un piano di gestione dell’intero massiccio montuoso, che includa regolari monitoraggi sanitari e conteggi autunnali.

  14. Rotary balance data for a typical single-engine general aviation design for an angle-of-attack range of 8 deg to 90 deg. 1: Low-wing model A. [fluid flow and vortices data for general aviation aircraft to determine aerodynamic characteristics for various designs (United States)

    Hultberg, R. S.; Mulcay, W.


    Aerodynamic characteristics obtained in a rotational flow environment utilizing a rotary balance are presented in plotted form for a 1/5 scale, single engine, low-wing, general aviation airplane model. The configuration tested included the basic airplane, various control deflections, tail designs, fuselage shapes, and wing leading edges. Data are presented without analysis for an angle of attack range of 8 to 90 deg and clockwise and counterclockwise rotations covering a range from 0 to 0.85.

  15. Studies on the position of canines, premolars and molars by 450 .deg. oblique lateral cephalography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahn, Hyung Kyu [Department of Radiology, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    This study was done using the 45 .deg. oblique lateral cephalograms of 20 year old, 18 male and 27 female, with normal occlusion, on canines, premolars, premolars and molars on upper and lower jaws. Axial inclination to nasal floor, occlusal plane and mandibular plane, and inter-axial inclination were examined. In addition the position of each tooth was examined in height and depth in upper and lower jaws. The results were obtained as follows; 1. The inclination of long axis of upper lst premolar was most nearly perpendicular, upper canine was tilted mesially, and 2nd premolar and molars were tilted distally. 2. The inclination of long axis of lower molars were tilted mesially. 3. There were no severe variation on the inter-axial inclination of canine to 2nd molar.

  16. Studies on the position of canines, premolars and molars by 450 .deg. oblique lateral cephalography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Hyung Kyu


    This study was done using the 45 .deg. oblique lateral cephalograms of 20 year old, 18 male and 27 female, with normal occlusion, on canines, premolars, premolars and molars on upper and lower jaws. Axial inclination to nasal floor, occlusal plane and mandibular plane, and inter-axial inclination were examined. In addition the position of each tooth was examined in height and depth in upper and lower jaws. The results were obtained as follows; 1. The inclination of long axis of upper lst premolar was most nearly perpendicular, upper canine was tilted mesially, and 2nd premolar and molars were tilted distally. 2. The inclination of long axis of lower molars were tilted mesially. 3. There were no severe variation on the inter-axial inclination of canine to 2nd molar.

  17. La ballata E5 e le sue varianti nel codice degli abbozzi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giulia Ravera


    Full Text Available La ballata petrarchesca Amor, che ’n cielo e ’n cor gentile alberghi (E5, composta per il musico Confortino e destinata alla definitiva esclusione dal Canzoniere, è un componimento profondamente complesso, oltre che caratterizzato da un’intrigante vicenda redazionale. E5 appare infatti imperniata sull’ambiguità tra due poli opposti, amoroso e religioso, in un gioco di contrapposizioni che rende difficile scegliere in via definitiva tra un’interpretazione sentimentale ed una lettura morale o addirittura penitenziale. La ballata è inoltre caratterizzata dall’evidente ed esteso riuso della tradizione lirica ed in particolare dei modelli stilnovistici, non solo e non tanto sul piano degli stilemi e delle immagini, quanto in termini di concezione amorosa. Il rapporto con queste fonti risulta problematico, tra ripresa e negazione, e rappresenta un ulteriore nodo significativo rispetto all’interpretazione del componimento. La graduale evoluzione della ballata, di cui possono essere identificate per lo meno tre versioni distinte, sembra accentuare gli elementi di complessità e le sovrapposizioni semantiche. Infine, l’analisi formale e contenutistica di E5 favorisce la formulazione, pur senza pretesa di certezza, di ipotesi sulle ragioni della sua sorte extravagante

  18. Equation of state of solid hydrogen at 0 deg K. A bibliography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masse, J.-L.


    A bibliography on solid hydrogen at 0 deg K and its equation of state is presented. The isotopic derivatives of H 2 , such as D 2 , HD... have been also considered. Both phases of solid hydrogen have been studied: the molecular phase, stable at low pressure, and the hypothetical metallic phase which must be stable at high pressure. The study of the molecular phase is preceded by a study of the (H 2 ,H 2 ) system of two interacting H 2 , molecules, the knowledge of this interaction being necessary for the evaluation of the properties of the molecular solid phase. The three systems: (H 2 ,H 2 ) and molecular solid and metallic hydrogen have been considered from the experimental and theoretical points of view. The properties of these systems, the measurement or the calculation of which are described, have been chosen on account of their usefulness for the research of the equation of state of molecular or metallic solid hydrogen. Different interaction potentials of two hydrogen molecules and different equations of state of molecular solid hydrogen are given. Some theoretical studies are proposed [fr

  19. Rotary balance data for a typical single-engine general aviation design for an angle-of-attack range of 20 to 90 deg. 3: Influence of control deflection on predicted model D spin modes (United States)

    Ralston, J. N.; Barnhart, B. P.


    The influence of control deflections on the rotational flow aerodynamics and on predicted spin modes is discussed for a 1/6-scale general aviation airplane model. The model was tested for various control settings at both zero and ten degree sideslip angles. Data were measured, using a rotary balance, over an angle-of-attack range of 30 deg to 90 deg, and for clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations covering an omegab/2V range of 0 to 0.5.

  20. One spin pion asymmetry in d ↑ + A → π+- + X processes near θπ = 90 deg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Averichev, G.S.; Agakishev, G.A.; Borzunov, Yu.T.


    The results of the measurements of the vector analyzing power of inclusive pions produced in the reactions of polarized deuterons with different (H and C) targets near 90 deg at incident beam momenta from 3 to 9 GeV/c are presented. The large values of the vector analyzing power and the different sings of the π + and π - asymmetries have been observed in the d ↑ + H → π +- +... reactions for a pion momentum in the range 300-350 MeV/c. The results of Monte Carlo simulations indicate the strong influence of the intermediate Δ-resonances on the value and the sing of the analyzing power [ru

  1. Solubility diagrams in ternary aqueous-salt systems with yttrium, barium and copper nitrates at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrenko, S.V.; Lyashchenko, A.K.; Karataeva, I.M.; Mozhaev, A.P.


    Solubility diagrams in Cu(NO 3 ) 2 -Y(NO 3 ) 3 -H 2 O, Y(NO 3 ) 3 -Ba(NO 3 ) 2 -H 2 O and Cu(NO 3 ) 2 -Ba(NO 3 ) 2 -H 2 O systems are studied at 25 deg C based on experimental determinations of salt solubility, isopiestic measurements and data of the calculation-experimental method in the framework of the Pitzer model. Binary and ternary parameters of interionic interactions are calculated; applicability of the method to the given systems is shown. Salts of complex composition and structure are absent in them; mutual salting out of components is also observed

  2. Observations of a quasi-coherent fluctuation mode in the KT-5C tokamak during -90 deg. phase shift feedback

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhai Kan; Wen Yizhi; Yu Changxuan; Liu Wandong; Wan Shude; Zhuang Ge; Yu Wen; Xu Zhizhan


    A new fluctuation phenomenon is observed through Langmuir probe measurements at the edge plasma in the KT-5C tokamak by applying a -90 deg. phase shift feedback. Using a two point correlation technique, it is found that this fluctuation mode has a longer poloidal wavelength and a definite frequency when compared with the usual edge turbulence. It is also found through bispectral analysis that this mode is a spontaneously excited quasi-coherent mode, which has almost no contribution to the cross-field particle flux. (author)

  3. Biotherapeutic effects of probiotic bacteria on candidiasis in immunodeficient mice. (United States)

    Wagner, R D; Pierson, C; Warner, T; Dohnalek, M; Farmer, J; Roberts, L; Hilty, M; Balish, E


    Four species of probiotic bacteria were assessed for their capacities to protect athymic bg/bg-nu/nu and euthymic bg/bg-nu/+ mice from mucosal and systemic candidiasis. Each bacterial species and Candida albicans colonized the gastrointestinal tracts of both strains of mice. The presence of probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus casei GG, or Bifidobacterium animalis) in the gastrointestinal tracts prolonged the survival of adult and neonatal bg/bg-nu/nu mice compared to that of isogenic mice colonized with C. albicans alone. The incidence of systemic candidiasis in bg/bg-nu/nu mice was significantly reduced by each of the four probiotic bacterial species. The numbers of C. albicans present in the alimentary tracts of euthymic bg/bg-nu/+ mice were significantly reduced by L. casei GG and B. animalis. None of the probiotic bacteria species completely prevented mucosal candidiasis, but B. animalis reduced its incidence and severity. Probiotic bacteria also modulated antibody- and cell-mediated immune responses to C. albicans. The prolonged survival of mice, decreased severity of mucosal and systemic candidiasis, modulation of immune responses, decreased number of C. albicans in the alimentary tract, and reduced numbers of orogastric infections demonstrated not only that probiotic bacteria have biotherapeutic potential for prophylaxis against and therapy of this fungal disease but also that probiotic bacteria protect mice from candidiasis by a variety of immunologic (thymic and extrathymic) and nonimmunologic mechanisms in this model.

  4. The impact of selected strains of probiotic bacteria on metabolite formation in set yoghurt

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Settachaimongkon, S.; Nout, M.J.R.; Antunes Fernandes, E.C.; Hooijdonk, van A.C.M.; Zwietering, M.H.; Smid, E.J.; Valenberg, van H.J.F.


    The influence of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB12 in cofermentation with traditional starters on metabolite formation in set yoghurt was evaluated. Microbial activity during fermentation and refrigerated storage was investigated by monitoring bacterial

  5. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Many widely held views in ethics have come under challenge in recent ... Etica & Animali 1996), demanding the extension of basic human rights to some ... they are routinely sacrificed to our goals, especially, but not only, in research settings.

  6. Photocurrent and photovoltage induced in a 2DEG under intense, pulsed THz radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lewis, R.A.; Xu, W.; Pellemans, H.P.M.; Langerak, C.J.G.M.


    Full text: Intense THz radiation emitted by FELIX (Free Electron Laser for Infrared eXperiments) induces both photovoltage and photocurrent signals in a high-mobility (μ = 2 x 10 6 cm 2 /V s), low-density (n e = 2 x 10 11 cm -2 ) GaAs/AlGaAs-based 2DEG. Within the ∼5 μs FELIX macropulse, there is a rapid response in the longitudinal voltage of a Hall-bar sample, reproducible between pulses. A large response continues well after the pulse; this long-time-scale behaviour varies between pulses if the current exceeds a critical value (which decreases with radiation intensity and magnetic field). Within the macropulse, the photovoltage varies with magnetic field, saturating at low field (<100 mT). The photocurrent shows a rapid, non-resonant response, evident at integral filling factors in both longitudinal and transverse data, and a slower, cyclotron resonant response, peaking at ∼390 μs after the FELIX pulse. No anisotropy in the resistivity under polarised radiation was found

  7. On minimal energy Hartree-Fock states for the 2DEG at fractional fillings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cabo Montes Oca, A. de.


    Approximate minimal energy solutions of the previously discussed general class of Hartree-Fock (HF) states of the 2DEG at 1/3 and 2/3 filling factors are determined. Their selfenergy spectrum is evaluated. Wannier states associated to the filled Bloch states are introduced in a lattice having three flux quanta per cell. They allow to rewrite approximately the ν = 1/3 HF Hamiltonian as sum of three independent tight-binding model Hamiltonians, one describing the dynamics in the band of occupied states and the other ones in the tow bands of excited states. The magnitude of the hopping integral indicates the enhanced role which should have the correlation energy in the present situation with respect to the case of the Yoshioka and Lee second order energy calculation for the lowest energy HF state. Finally, the discussion also suggests the Wannier function, which spreads an electron into a three quanta area, as a physical model for the composite fermion mean field one particle state. (author). 11 refs, 5 figs

  8. Oxidation of nuclear fuel below 400 deg. Consequence on long-term dry storage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dehaudt, Ph.


    This document reviews the status of the knowledge on the oxidation of fuels below 400 deg C, in all its forms, including fuel rods, by examining the consequences of this reaction on the strength or ruin of the fuel rods during dry storage in air for a hundred years. The data available in the scientific literature, and the data acquired by CEA, are abundant on irradiated powders and pellets, but sparser for irradiated fuel fragments and for rods or sections of fuel rods. A bibliographic review is made to identify the morphological and structural changes, as well as the kinetic laws. An analysis and a summary is made with a concern to evaluate the risks of rod ruin by oxidation. The final section, in a few pages, addresses the essential lessons from this study. It presents: first, a summary of the main results of this review and its analysis, recommendations and remedies for storage; proposed research guidelines as well as precise topics, in order to fill out our knowledge and, even better, to identify the acceptable limits for storage. (author)

  9. OMI/Aura Multi-wavelength Aerosol Optical Depth and Single Scattering Albedo Daily L2 Global 0.25x0.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V003 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The second release of Collection 3 OMI/Aura level-2G daily global gridded (0.25x0.25 deg) Aerosol data product OMAEROG (Version 003 has been made available to the...

  10. OMI/Aura Near UV Aerosol Optical Depth and Single Scattering Albedo Daily L2 Global 0.25x0.25 deg Lat/Lon Grid V003 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The OMI-Aura level-2G daily global gridded (0.25x0.25 deg) near-UV Aerosol data product OMAERUVG based on the enhanced algorithm is available from the NASA Goddard...

  11. Mesola red deer: physical characteristics, population dynamics and conservation perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefano Mattioli


    Full Text Available Abstract The biometry, demography and genetics of red deer Cervus elaphus of Mesola Wood (NE Italy, are presented and discussed in relation to the conservation of this population. Modest body size, low stature, oversimplified antlers and a low reproductive performance characterise red deer from Mesola Wood. The mitochondrial genome showed a private haplotype, different from other red deer in Italy and central Europe. The uniqueness of this nucleus and its biogeographic importance make a long-term conservation plan particularly urgent. Management measures such as fallow deer reduction, winter feeding and pasture mowing were tested, giving promising results. The physical condition of the animals improved, calf and adult mortality declined, and a few cases of antlers with bez tine or crown were reported in this study after four decades. Riassunto Il Cervo della Mesola: caratteristiche fisiche, dinamica di popolazione e prospettive di conservazione La biometria, la demografia e la genetica del cervo Cervus elaphus del Gran Bosco della Mesola (Italia nord-orientale, vengono presentate e discusse in relazione alla salvaguardia di questa popolazione. Il cervo della Mesola risulta caratterizzato dalle modeste dimensioni corporee, dalla struttura semplificata dei palchi e da un basso rendimento riproduttivo. L'analisi del genoma mitocondriale ha evidenziato un aplotipo privato, diverso da quello degli altri cervi italiani e centroeuropei. L'unicità di questo nucleo e la sua importanza biogeografica rendono particolarmente urgente un piano di conservazione a lungo termine. Sono stati verificati interventi gestionali quali la riduzione numerica dei daini, il foraggiamento invernale e lo sfalcio delle superfici a pascolo, con risultati promettenti. Le condizioni fisiche degli animali sono migliorate, la mortalità tra i piccoli e gli adulti è diminuita, e sono stati registrati alcuni

  12. Experimental determination of cesium saturated vapor pressure in the 483/642 deg K temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gushchin, G I; Subbotin, V A; Khachaturov, Eh Kh [Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol' zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Obninsk. Fiziko-Ehnergeticheskij Inst.


    Test results of saturated cesium vapour pressure in the temperature range of 483.13-642 deg K and pressure range of 15.77-1.389 N/m/sup 2/ by direct static method are presented. The testing system comprises a differential bellows-type pressure sensor, a thermostatic unit and a gas system with V-shaped oil manometer used for argon-assisted sensor calibration. The static sensor characteristic approaches linearity in the pressure range of 10-600 N/m/sup 2/. The greatest non-linearity is observed at low pressures (10-40 N/m/sup 2/) and does not exceed 3-4%. Sensor sensitivity is 0.39 mV/N/m/sup 2/ in this pressure range. The characteristic hysteresis is 0.5% and below. With pressures greater than 600 N/m/sup 2/, the sensor sensitivity gradually decreases by 12% while the characteristic hysteresis increases to 2-3%. A brief description of the experimental procedure is offered. The present results are compared with other authors' data.

  13. Immunomodulating potential of supplementation with probiotics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Hanne Risager; Larsen, C.N.; Kæstel, P.


    Certain probiotic microorganisms have been found beneficial in the treatment of immune-related diseases and may also affect immune function in healthy people. Intervention studies of probiotics in healthy humans are urgently required. Here, the immunomodulating potential of Bifidobacterium animalis...

  14. Simulation of creep test on 316FR stainless steel in sodium environment at 550degC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Satmoko, A.; Asayama, Tai


    In sodium environment, material 316FR stainless steel risks to suffer from carburization. In this study, an analysis using a Fortran program is conducted to evaluate the carbon influence on the creep behavior of 316FR based on experimental results from uni-axial creep test that had been performed at temperature 550degC in sodium environment simulating Fast Breeder Reactor condition. As performed in experiments, two parts are distinguished. At first, elastic-plastic behavior is used to simulate the fact that just before the beginning of creep test, specimen suffers from load or stress much higher than initial yield stress. In second part, creep condition occurs in which the applied load is kept constant. The plastic component should be included, since stresses increase due to section area reduction. For this reason, elastic-plastic-creep behavior is considered. Through time carbon penetration occurs and its concentration is evaluated empirically. This carburization phenomena are assumed to affect in increasing yield stress, decreasing creep strain rate, and increasing creep rupture strength of material. The model is capable of simulating creep test in sodium environment. Material near from surface risks to be carburized. Its material properties change leading to non-uniform distribution of stresses. Those layers of material suffer from stress concentration, and are subject to damage. By introducing a damage criteria, crack initialization can thus be predicted. And even, crack growth can be evaluated. For high stress levels, tensile strength criterion is more important than creep damage criterion. But in low stress levels, the latter gives more influence in fracture. Under high stress, time to rupture of a specimen in sodium environment is shorter than in air. But for stresses lower than 26 kgf/mm 2 , the time to rupture of creep in sodium environment is the same or little longer than in air. Quantitatively, the carburization effect at 550degC is not important. This

  15. Transonic Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing-Body Combination having a 52.5 deg Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 3 with Conical Camber and Designed for a Mach Number of the Square Root of 2 (United States)

    Igoe, William B.; Re, Richard J.; Cassetti, Marlowe


    An investigation has been made of the effects of conical wing camber and supersonic body indentation on the aerodynamic characteristics of a wing-body configuration at transonic speeds. Wing aspect ratio was 3.0, taper ratio was 0.1, and quarter-chord line sweepback was 52.5 deg with airfoil sections of 0.03 thickness ratio. The tests were conducted in the Langley 16-foot transonic tunnel at various Mach numbers from 0.80 to 1.05 at angles of attack from -4 deg to 14 deg. The cambered-wing configuration achieved higher lift-drag ratios than a similar plane-wing configuration. The camber also reduced the effects of wing-tip flow separation on the aerodynamic characteristics. In general, no stability or trim changes below wing-tip flow separation resulted from the use of camber. The use of supersonic body indentation improved the lift-drag ratios at Mach numbers from 0.96 to 1.05.

  16. Mass and energy balance: application to the sanitary sewage treatment with an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors to temperature of 20 deg C; Balanco de massa e energia: aplicacao ao tratamento de esgotos sanitarios com reatores anaerobicos de manta de lodo (UASB) a temperatura de 20 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carrasco, Katherine Ivonne Alcocer


    A feasibility study of an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor use as a sewage treatment plant component for areas with average temperature bellow 20 deg C was performed. The literature on UASB reactor indicates that a 70 % chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal al 20 and 6 to 17 hr hydraulic detention time is possible in sewage treatment plants. This study was developed for a Oruro (Bolivia) district and the plant was designed for a population of up to 10,000 inhabitants. This city presents average temperatures lower than 20 deg C being necessary to heat the sewage if is used the UASB reactor. Based on the performance simulation of mass and energy balances it was found that 84 % COD removal and 92 % total suspended solids removal are possible. The potential average energy production (61 kW due to methane combustion) is less than 10 % of the power consumption for heating, which indicates that the use of the methane may be expensive. The evaluated energy rate to be applied to the sewage for heating is 0.33 kW/m{sup 3} d{sup -1} which is significantly greater than the necessary energy to introduce oxygen in aerobic treatment systems. However total energy demand for aerobic systems must be evaluated for each particular case. (author)

  17. Local heat/mass transfer distributions around sharp 180 deg turns in two-pass smooth and rib-roughened channels (United States)

    Han, J. C.; Chandra, P. R.; Lau, S. C.


    The napthalene sublimation technique was employed to study the detailed mass transfer distributions around the sharp 180 deg turns in a two-pass, square, smooth channel and in an identical channel with two rib-roughened opposite walls. Experiments conducted for Reynolds numbers of 15,000, 30,000, and 60,000 indicate that the Sherwood numbers on the top, outer, and inner walls around the turn in the rib-roughened channel are higher than the corresponding Sherwood numbers around the turn in the smooth channel. Sherwood numbers after the sharp turn are found to be higher than those before the turn for both the smooth and the ribbed channels.

  18. The role of beneficial bacteria wall elasticity in regulating innate immune response. (United States)

    Мokrozub, Viktoria V; Lazarenko, Liudmyla M; Sichel, Liubov M; Babenko, Lidia P; Lytvyn, Petro M; Demchenko, Olga M; Melnichenko, Yulia O; Boyko, Nadiya V; Biavati, Bruno; DiGioia, Diana; Bubnov, Rostyslav V; Spivak, Mykola Ya


    Probiotics have great potential to contribute to development of healthy dietary regimes, preventive care, and an integrated approach to immunity-related disease management. The bacterial wall is a dynamic entity, depending on many components and playing an essential role in modulating immune response. The impact of cell wall elasticity on the beneficial effects of probiotic strains has not been sufficiently studied. The aim was to investigate the effect of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and bifidobacteria strains on phagocytic system cells (macrophages) as related to bacterial wall elasticity, estimated using atomic force microscopy (AFM). We conducted studies on Balb/c line mice 18-20 g in weight using lyophilized strains of LAB-Lactobacillus acidophilus IMV B-7279, Lactobacillus casei IMV B-7280, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus IMV B-7281, and bifidobacteria-Bifidobacterium animalis VKL and Bifidobacterium animalis VKB. We cultivated the macrophages obtained from the peritoneal cavity of mice individually with the strains of LAB and bifidobacteria and evaluated their effect on macrophages, oxygen-dependent bactericidal activity, nitric oxide production, and immunoregulatory cytokines. We used AFM scanning to estimate bacterial cell wall elasticity. All strains had a stimulating effect on the functional activity of macrophages and ability to produce NO/NO2 in vitro. Lactobacilli strains increased the production of IL-12 and IFN-γ in vitro. The AFM demonstrated different cell wall elasticity levels in various strains of LAB and bifidobacteria. The rigidity of the cell walls among lactobacilli was distributed as follows: Lactobacillus acidophilus IMV B-7279 > Lactobacillus casei IMV B-7280 > Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus IMV B-7281; among the strains of bifidobacteria: B. animalis VKB > B. animalis VKL. Probiotic strain survival in the macrophages depended on the bacterial cell wall elasticity and on the time of their joint cultivation. LAB

  19. Environmental fatigue behaviors of wrought and cast stainless steels in 310degC deoxygenated water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Pyung-Yeon; Jang, Hun; Jang, Changheui; Jeong, Ill-Seok; Lee, Jae-Gon


    Environmental fatigue behaviors of wrought type 316LN stainless steel and cast CF8M stainless steel were investigated. Low cycle fatigue tests were performed in a 310degC deoxygenated water environment at a strain rate of 0.04%/s with various strain amplitudes. It was shown that the low cycle fatigue life of CF8M was slightly longer than that of 316LN. To understand the causes of the difference, fracture surface was observed and material factors like microstructure, mechanical properties, and chemical compositions of both materials were analyzed. In a duplex microstructure of CF8M, the fatigue crack growth was affected by barrier role of ferrite phase and acceleration role of microvoids in ferrite phase. Test results indicate that the former is greater than the latter, resulting in slower fatigue crack growth rate, or longer LCF lives in CF8M than in 316LN. (author)

  20. Effects of yogurt and bifidobacteria supplementation on the colonic microbiota in lactose-intolerant subjects

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    He, T.; Priebe, M. G.; Zhong, Y.; Huang, C.; Harmsen, H. J. M.; Raangs, G. C.; Antoine, J. -M.; Welling, G. W.; Vonk, R. J.

    Aims: Colonic metabolism of lactose may play a role in lactose intolerance. We investigated whether a 2-week supplementation of Bifidobacterium longum (in capsules) and a yogurt enriched with Bifidobacterium animalis could modify the composition and metabolic activities of the colonic microbiota in

  1. Simultaneous growth and metabolite production by yoghurt starters and probiotics: a metabolomics approach

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Settachaimongkon, S.


    The main objective of this research was to investigate the simultaneous growth and metabolite production by yoghurt starters and different probiotic strains, i.e. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB12 and Lactobacillus

  2. Analysis of the human intestinal epithelial cell transcriptional response to Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus salivarius, Bifidobacterium lactis and Escherichia coli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Putaala, H; Barrangou, R; Leyer, G J


    a comparative analysis of the global in vitro transcriptional response of human intestinal epithelial cells to Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM™, Lactobacillus salivarius Ls-33, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis 420, and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC). Interestingly, L. salivarius Ls-33...

  3. Diabetes-associated microbiota in fa/fa rats is modified by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arora, Tulika; Seyfried, Florian; Docherty, Neil G


    Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and duodenal jejunal bypass (DJB), two different forms of bariatric surgery, are associated with improved glucose tolerance, but it is not clear whether the gut microbiota contributes to this effect. Here we used fa/fa rats as a model of impaired glucose tolerance...... to investigate whether (i) the microbiota varies between fa/fa and nondiabetic fa/+ rats; (ii) the microbiota of fa/fa rats is affected by RYGB and/or DJB; and (iii) surgically induced microbiota alterations contribute to glucose metabolism. We observed a profound expansion of Firmicutes (specifically......, Lactobacillus animalis and Lactobacillus reuteri) in the small intestine of diabetic fa/fa compared with nondiabetic fa/+ rats. RYGB-, but not DJB-, treated fa/fa rats exhibited greater microbiota diversity in the ileum and lower L. animalis and L. reuteri abundance compared with sham-operated fa/fa rats in all...

  4. The TL and room temperature OSL properties of the glow peak at 110 deg. C in natural milky quartz: A case study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Polymeris, George S.; Afouxenidis, Dimitrios; Tsirliganis, Nestor C.; Kitis, George


    The LM-OSL signal of quartz, while measured at room temperature, is dominated by an intermediate, broad and intense OSL component, so that its contribution and general characteristics are derived very accurately. Through a series of dose-response, bleaching and thermal decay at room temperature experiments, in conjunction with curve fitting studies, a component resolved analysis is carried out studying the correlation between this specific component, termed as LM-OSL component C 2 and the 110 deg. C TL glow peak in quartz. The dose-response of these two luminescence components behaves exactly similar being linear at low doses and saturating at almost 100 Gy. Both signals decay exponentially under illumination, providing identical optical detrapping cross-section values. Residual of both luminescence signals after thermal decay at room temperature follows an exponential law, yielding similar mean half-lives. All previous luminescence features provide strong evidence for the electron trap being the same for both the 110 deg. C TL trap and the LM-OSL component C 2 . The results of the present work are very promising and clearly support the possibility of extrapolating the TL pre-dose methodology to the OSL pre-dose effect using only the LM-OSL component C 2

  5. Cathalitic burners for residential gas appliances; Bruciatori catalitici di gas naturale per apparecchi domestici

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Accornero, R.; Canci, F. [Italgas Spa, Rome (Italy)


    The growing interest for the rational use of natural gas as a primary source of energy and for the reduction of pollutant emissions from combustion processes has kindled, in recent years, a widespread interest in studies and experimental investigations on the use of premix burners (either ceramic or metallic) for heat generators in domestic applications. The present paper deals with the R and D activities developed in this field by Italgas, Politecnico di Torino (Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali ed Ingegneria Chimica) and Merloni TermoSanitari, (an Italian gas boiler manufacturer). The technology hereby presented aims at reducing the pollutants emissions (CO, NO{sub x}, HC) in a wide range of working regimes of the burner, typical of residential heat appliances. The positive results in a lab scale experimental pilot plant have been in some cases confirmed in experimental runs performed on boiler prototypes suitable for large scale industrial production. Some projects, financially supported by the European Community and involving, beyond the above mentioned partners, also other gas distribution companies, universities, research institutes and burner manufacturers, are currently in progress to further analyse the performance of these burners. [Italian] Il crescente interesse per l'uso razionale del gas naturale quale fonte energetica primaria e quale combustibile a basso impatto ambientale, ha suscitato, nei tempi piu' recenti, un vasto interesse per gli studi e per le ricerche nel settore dei bruciatori di gas di tipo a premiscelazione, siano essi in materiale ceramico che metallico, allo scopo di rendere praticabile la loro applicazione nei generatori di calore di tipo domestico. L'articolo descrive l'attivita' di R e S sviluppata da Italgas, Politecnico di Torino - Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali ed Ingegneria Chimica - e da Merloni TermoSanitari. La tecnologia sperimentata e' finalizzata alla riduzione delle emissioni di CO, NO{sub x} e di HC, entro i tipico campo di funzionamento dei bruciatori delle caldaie a gas per impianti di riscaldamento individuale. I positivi risultati ottenuti in laboratorio su un impianto pilota, sono stati in alcuni casi confermati da prove condotte su prototipi di caldaie progettate per la produzione in larga scala. Altri progetti di ricerca, supportati finanziariamente dall'Unione Europea ed a cui partecipano, oltre ai partners summenzionati, altri importanti centri di ricerca appartenenti ad aziende distributrici di gas, ad universita', a costruttori di bruciatori, sono attualmente in corso allo scopo di approfondire lo studio delle caratteristiche e del comportamento di tali tipi di bruciatore.

  6. Structural evolution of Fe-18Ni-16Cr-4Al steel during aging at 950 .deg. C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Man; Jang, Jinsung [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Zhou, Zhangjian [School of Materials Science and Engineering, USTB, Beijing (China)


    Austenitic stainless steels are also among important structural materials for in-core components of nuclear reactors, and the performance, the oxidation resistance as well as the mechanical strength at high temperature are further expected after Fukushima accident. Alumina-forming austenitic (AFA) steel was first developed by Y. Yamamoto et al. , which showed a good combination of oxidation resistance and creep resistance. The strengthening is achieved through nano-sized MX and Laves. Microstructural evolution of Fe-18Ni-16Cr-4Al during aging at 950 .deg. C was studied. This steel consists of two phases of austenite and ferrite. During aging, needle-shaped NiAl precipitates in austenite, while round shaped NiAl form in ferrite, which is supposed to be due to different crystal structural parameters.

  7. Effect of sublethal preculturing on the survival of probiotics and metabolite formation in set-yoghurt

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Settachaimongkon, S.; Valenberg, van H.J.F.; Winata, V.; Wang, X.; Nout, M.J.R.; Hooijdonk, van A.C.M.; Zwietering, M.H.; Smid, E.J.


    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of preculturing of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB12 under sublethal stress conditions on their survival and metabolite formation in set-yoghurt. Prior to co-cultivation with yoghurt starters in milk,

  8. Degradation of 2DEG transport properties in GaN-capped AlGaN/GaN heterostructures at 600 °C in oxidizing and inert environments (United States)

    Hou, Minmin; Jain, Sambhav R.; So, Hongyun; Heuser, Thomas A.; Xu, Xiaoqing; Suria, Ateeq J.; Senesky, Debbie G.


    In this paper, the electron mobility and sheet density of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in both air and argon environments at 600 °C were measured intermittently over a 5 h duration using unpassivated and Al2O3-passivated AlGaN/GaN (with 3 nm GaN cap) van der Pauw test structures. The unpassivated AlGaN/GaN heterostructures annealed in air showed the smallest decrease (˜8%) in 2DEG electron mobility while Al2O3-passivated samples annealed in argon displayed the largest drop (˜70%) based on the Hall measurements. Photoluminescence and atomic force microscopy showed that minimal strain relaxation and surface roughness changes have occurred in the unpassivated samples annealed in air, while those with Al2O3 passivation annealed in argon showed significant microstructural degradations. This suggests that cracks developed in the samples annealed in air were healed by oxidation reactions. To further confirm this, Auger electron spectroscopy was conducted on the unpassivated samples after the anneal in air and results showed that extra surface oxides have been generated, which could act as a dislocation pinning layer to suppress the strain relaxation in AlGaN. On the other hand, similar 2DEG sheet densities were observed in passivated and unpassivated AlGaN/GaN samples at the end of the 5-h anneal in air or argon due to the combined impact of strain relaxation and changes in the ionized electronic states. The results support the use of unpassivated GaN-capped AlGaN/GaN heterostructures as the material platform for high-temperature electronics and sensors used in oxidizing environmental conditions.

  9. Discussion on miner's rule in type 304 stainless steel in air at 288degC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayashi, Makoto


    The effect of fluctuating stress on the fatigue strength of type 304 stainless steel in air at 288degC was examined. In any of the 2 step increasing stress, 2 step decreasing stress, repeated 2 step stress (high to low), repeated 2 step stress (low to high) and gradual increasing stress, the cumulative usage factor calculated based on the linear damage law exceeds 1. In the 2 step increasing or decreasing stress, the usage factor for the decreasing stress type is larger than the increasing stress type. On the other hand, the cumulative usage factor for the repeated 2 step stress (low to high) is larger than the repeated 2 step stress (high to law), and the usage factor increases with increasing number of cycles at the first stress. The smaller the difference between the first stress and the second stress, the larger the usage factor. In the gradual increasing stress, the usage factor increases with increasing number of cycles at each stress. (author)

  10. Saints' Relics in Scuola di S. Giorgio degli Schiavoni: An Anti-Ottoman Pantheon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Marinković


    Full Text Available The intensified military campaigns against the Ottomans in the second half of the fifteenth century palpably influenced the cult of saints venerated in Scuola di S. Giorgio degli Schiavoni, both by assimilating new saints, as well as strenghtening the existing cults through indulgences and relic acquisitions. The initial pair of patron saints – St George and St Tryphon, the city patrons of Bar and Kotor – delineated the geographical area where the majority of confraternity members originated from, that is, the Venetian Albania. The inclusion of St Jerome, the patron of Dalmatia, to the confraternal pantheon by Cardinal Bessarion's indulgence issued in 1464, in addition to rounding up the holy patronage to all the Eastern Adriatic Venetian dependencies, also marked the beginning of a strong anti-Ottoman motivation in the scuola's hagiographic horizon. The triple endowment of the Scuola in 1502 – relic acquisition, granting of indulgence, and commission of Carpaccio's monumental cycle – continued to work on the same line, and added to the practical aspect of spiritual support to the members of Venetian troops provenient of the Eastern Adriatic. However, the saints whose relics are today kept in the altar of the lower hall, including the patron saint of the Republic of Dubrovnik, point to an even wider devotional agenda, possibly arranged after the Battle of Lepanto, as the comparative analysis of the reliquaries show.   Le campagne militari contro gli Ottomani intensificatesi nella seconda metà del XV secolo influenzarono palesemente il culto dei santi venerati nella Scuola di S. Giorgio degli Schiavoni, sia attraverso l'assimilazione di nuovi santi, sia tramite il rafforzamento del culto già esistente verso le indulgenze e l'impulso all'acquisizione di reliquie. La prima coppia di santi patroni - San Giorgio e San Trifone, patroni della città di Bar e Cattaro - delimitano l'area geografica da cui proviene la maggior parte dei membri

  11. Morphology and electronic transport of polycrystalline silicon films deposited by SiF sub 4 /H sub 2 at a substrate temperature of 200 deg. C

    CERN Document Server

    Hazra, S; Ray, S


    Undoped and phosphorous doped polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) films were deposited using a SiF sub 4 /H sub 2 gas mixture at a substrate temperature of 200 deg. C by radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (rf-PECVD). Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments reveal that the present poly-Si films are equivalent to the poly-Si films deposited at high temperature (>600 deg. C). XRD and scanning electron microscope observations show that the crystalline quality of slightly P-doped film is better compared to that of undoped poly-Si films. Phosphorus atom concentration in the slightly P-doped poly-Si film is 5.0x10 sup 1 sup 6 atoms/cm sup 3. Association of a few phosphorous atoms in the silicon matrix enhances crystallization as eutectic-forming metals do. Dark conductivity of slightly P-doped film is 4 orders of magnitude higher, although mobility-lifetime product (eta mu tau) is 2 orders of magnitude lower than that of undoped film. The presence o...

  12. Compact galaxies in the region with the center coordinates 07sup(h)59sup(m)+54 deg 44'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boerngen, F.; Kalloglyan, A.T.


    A list of 70 compact galaxies is presented, galaxies being found in the metagalactic field in the region with center coordinates αsub(1950)=07sup(h)59sup(m), deltasub(1950)54 deg 44'. The selection of objects have been carried out on negatives obtained in the Schmidt focus of the two-meter universal telescope of Tautenburg observatory in the colour B and V system. Galaxies of the highest surface brightness and of spherical configuration have been included. Only in some cases slightly elongated objects have been included due to their very high surface brightness. The coordinates, B and V stellar values of all objects have been measured. The maps of their identification are presented

  13. Buckling measurements up to 250 deg C on lattices of Agesta clusters and on D2O alone in the pressurized exponential assembly TZ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Persson, R.; Andersson, A.J.W.; Wikdahl, C.E.


    Buckling determinations by means of flux mapping were performed in TZ up to 250 deg C on two lattices of Aagesta fuel assemblies in D 2 O and on D 2 O alone. Most of the flux measurements were made with fission counters in pressure thimbles. The perturbations caused by the thimbles were studied experimentally in various ways and compared with two group diffusion-theory calculations. In one of the lattices the effectiveness of a control rod (AglnCd) was also investigated. The results of the diffusion length experiments indicated some systematic error of the order of 0.15 - 0.10/m 2 in the bucklings measured, though the temperature dependence should be well established. The bucklings of the two lattices studied (square pitches 24 and 27 cm) were found to be less sensitive to temperature than theoretical calculations predict, the temperature coefficient being more than 10 per cent smaller. The buckling changes from 20 to 250 deg C were about -2.4 and -1.8/m 2 , respectively, for the two lattices. During part of the experimental period we had, for some unexplained reason, about 30 per cent excess absorption in the heavy water

  14. Corrosion rate of parent and weld materials of F82H and JPCA steels under LBE flow with active oxygen control at 450 and 500 deg. C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kikuchi, Kenji; Kamata, Kinya; Ono, Mikinori; Kitano, Teruaki; Hayashi, Kenichi; Oigawa, Hiroyuki


    Corrosion behavior of parent and weld materials of F82H and JPCA was studied in the circulating LBE loop under impinging flow. These are candidate materials for Japanese Accelerator Driven System (ADS) beam windows. Maximum temperatures were kept to 450 and 500 deg. C with 100 deg. C constant temperature difference. Main flow velocity was 0.4-0.6 m/s in every case. Oxygen concentration was controlled to 2-4 x 10 -5 mass% although there was one exception. Testing time durations were 500-3000 h. Round bar type specimens were put in the circular tube of the loop. An electron beam weld in the middle of specimens was also studied. Optical microscopy, electron microscopy, X-ray element analyses and X-ray diffraction were used to investigate corrosion in these materials. Consequently corrosion depth and stability of those oxide layers were characterized based on the analyses. For a long-term behavior a linear law is recommended to predict corrosion in the ADS target design

  15. A thermodynamic data base for Tc to calculate equilibrium solubilities at temperatures up to 300 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puigdomenech, I.; Bruno, J.


    Thermodynamic data has been selected for solids and aqueous species of technetium. Equilibrium constants have been calculated in the temperature range 0 to 300 deg C at a pressure of 1 bar for T r Cdeg pm values for mononuclear hydrolysis reactions. The formation constants for chloro complexes of Tc(V) and Tc(IV), whose existence is well established, have been estimated. The majority of entropy and heat capacity values in the data base have also been estimated, and therefore temperature extrapolations are largely based on estimations. The uncertainties derived from these calculations are described. Using the data base developed in this work, technetium solubilities have been calculated as a function of temperature for different chemical conditions. The implications for the mobility of Tc under nuclear repository conditions are discussed. 70 refs

  16. Low cycle fatigue behaviour of neutron irradiated copper alloys at 250 and 350 deg. C. (ITER R and D Task no. T213)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, B.N.; Stubbins, J.F.; Toft, P.


    The fatigue behaviour of a dispersion strengthened and a precipitation hardened copper alloys was investigated with and without irradiation exposure. Fatigue specimens of these alloys were irradiated with fission neutrons in the DR-3 reactor at Risoe with a flux of ∼2.5 x 10 17 n/m 2 s (E> 1 MeV) to influence levels of 1.0 - 1.5 x 10 24 n/m 2 (E> 1 MeV) at 250 and 350 deg. C. These irradiations were carried out in temperature controlled rigs where the irradiation temperature was monitored and controlled continuously throughout the whole irradiation experiment. Both unirradiated and irradiated specimens were fatigue tested in vacuum at the irradiation temperatures of 250 and 350 deg. C in a strain controlled mode with a loading frequency of 0.5Hz. Post-fatigue microstructures were examined using transmission electron microscopy and the fracture surfaces were investigated using scanning electron microscope. The present investigations demonstrated that the fatigue life decreases with increasing temperature and that the exposure to neutron irradiation causes further degradation in fatigue life at both temperatures. These results are discussed in terms of the observed post-fatigue microstructures and the fracture surface morphology. Finally, the main conclusions and their implications are summarised. (au)

  17. Plant extract enhances the viability of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus acidophilus in probiotic nonfat yogurt (United States)

    Michael, Minto; Phebus, Randall K; Schmidt, Karen A


    A commercial plant extract (prepared from olive, garlic, onion and citrus extracts with sodium acetate (SA) as a carrier) was evaluated to extend the viability of yogurt starter and probiotic bacteria as a means to enhance the shelf life of live and active culture, probiotic nonfat yogurt. Yogurts prepared from three different formulas (0.5* plant extract, 0.25* SA, or no supplement) and cultures (yogurt starter plus Bifidobacterium animalis,Lactobacillus acidophilus, or both probiotics) were assessed weekly during 29 days of storage at 5°C. Supplemented yogurt mixes had greater buffering capacities than non-supplemented yogurt mixes. At the end of storage, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and L. acidophilus counts in supplemented yogurts were greater compared with non-supplemented yogurts. Supplementation did not affect Streptococcus thermophilus and B. animalis counts. Hence the greater buffering capacity of yogurt containing plant extract could enhance the longevity of the probiotics, L. bulgaricus and L. acidophilus, during storage. PMID:25650127

  18. Impact of enzymatic hydrolyzed lactose on fermentation and growth of probiotic bacteria in whey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katarina Lisak


    Full Text Available Taking in consideration the long time for whey fermentation using probiotic bacteria, the aim of this research was to determine if prior enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose influences microbial activities of Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 or Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 in reconstituted sweet whey. During fermentation (at 37 °C, pH-value and viable cell counts were monitored. The fermented samples were sensory profiled. Lactose hydrolysis shortened the fermentation time of Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 by 2 h, and viable cell count at the end of fermentation time was greater in hydrolyzed whey sample (~9.45 log10 CFU/mL when compared with the control sample (~8.91 log10 CFU/mL. In contrast, lactose hydrolysis in whey did not enhance the activity of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12. Lactose hydrolysis had slightly influence on sensory score of fermented samples, probably due to sweetness that masked the acidic taste of the product.

  19. Plant extract enhances the viability of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus acidophilus in probiotic nonfat yogurt. (United States)

    Michael, Minto; Phebus, Randall K; Schmidt, Karen A


    A commercial plant extract (prepared from olive, garlic, onion and citrus extracts with sodium acetate (SA) as a carrier) was evaluated to extend the viability of yogurt starter and probiotic bacteria as a means to enhance the shelf life of live and active culture, probiotic nonfat yogurt. Yogurts prepared from three different formulas (0.5* plant extract, 0.25* SA, or no supplement) and cultures (yogurt starter plus Bifidobacterium animalis,Lactobacillus acidophilus, or both probiotics) were assessed weekly during 29 days of storage at 5°C. Supplemented yogurt mixes had greater buffering capacities than non-supplemented yogurt mixes. At the end of storage, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and L. acidophilus counts in supplemented yogurts were greater compared with non-supplemented yogurts. Supplementation did not affect Streptococcus thermophilus and B. animalis counts. Hence the greater buffering capacity of yogurt containing plant extract could enhance the longevity of the probiotics, L. bulgaricus and L. acidophilus, during storage.

  20. Tests of the new STIC scintillator ring prototype, the photomultipliers and optic fibers cables of the 40 deg C counters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Tatiana da


    This paper reports the tests performed on the semicircular prototype of the new scintillator ring with readings obtained by WLS optic fibers. The prototype intends to verify the light collecting and investigate a method for fiber gluing in a circular surface, without the appearing of air bubbles which may restrain the light transmission. Also the optic fiber cables and the photomultipliers used in the 40 deg C counters have been tested in order to verify the electromagnetic energy which may leak from failures in the barrel, aiming the hermeticity enhancement, and also the existence of any damaged cable


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The fourth edition of the Italian Rabbit Days was held in Forlì (Italy on April 8-9, 2011, organized by ASIC (Italian Rabbit Scientific Association in collaboration with Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti (Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze Animali (Università di Padova, Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattiche e Zootecniche (Brescia, ASPA (Animal Production Scientific Association and the Forli Fair. The first day included three invited lectures: “Feed restriction strategies, implications on physiology, growth and health of the growing rabbit”, presented by T. Gidenne, L. Fortun-Lamothe, S. Combes; “Ovulation induction in rabbit does: a review”, presented by A. Dal Bosco; “Factors affecting efficacy of intravaginal administration of GnRH analogues for ovulation induction in rabbit does” presented by P.G. Rebollar. In addition, three sessions of oral communications on Reproduction and Genetics, Nutrition and Physiology, Welfare, Management, and Pathology were held. During the second day it was presented a round table focused on “Management and use of drugs and vaccines in rabbit production”. Finally a Poster Session was through the two days. The meeting was attended by more than 100 participants, including researchers and technicians from France, Spain, Hungary, Belgium and Switzerland. A total of 3 invited papers, 14 oral communications and 16 posters were presented during the congress. Following the abstracts of all contributions are reported.

  2. Atlante project. A landscape planning and management; Progetto Atlante. Quadro di riferimento, analisi degli strumenti esistenti, implementazione metodologica e applicazione prototipale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baratozzi, L.; Cagnoli, P.; Filippi, N.; Gherardi, L.; Montaletti, V.; Poli, G.; Scarelli, M. [Regione Emilia-Romagna, Assessorato Territorio, Programmazione e Ambiente, Servizio Paesaggio, Parchi e Patrimonio Naturale, Bologna (Italy); Basili, M.; Battista, A.; Colonna, N.; Del Ciello, R.; Forni, A.; Olivetti, I.; Regina, P.; Zarlenga, F. [ENEA, Divisione Caratterizzazione dell' Ambiente e del Territorio, Centro Ricerche della Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The Atlante Project applied in Emilia-Romagna region, has the objective in management of transformations in landscape, evaluating the sustainability of choice of programming. [Italian] Il progetto Atlante, si e' posto l'obiettivo di verificare la validita' delle Unita' di Paesaggio, come riferimento per una gestione delle trasformazioni del territorio, che permetta di anticipare la valutazione della sostenibilita' delle scelte della programmazione superando l'attuale prassi di verifica amministrativa a posteriori, che l'esperienza degli ultimi anni ha dimostrato non essere efficace.

  3. Oxidation of nuclear fuel below 400 deg. Consequence on long-term dry storage; L'oxydation du combustible nucleaire au-dessous de 400 deg. Consequences sur l'entreposage a sec de longue duree

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dehaudt, Ph


    This document reviews the status of the knowledge on the oxidation of fuels below 400 deg C, in all its forms, including fuel rods, by examining the consequences of this reaction on the strength or ruin of the fuel rods during dry storage in air for a hundred years. The data available in the scientific literature, and the data acquired by CEA, are abundant on irradiated powders and pellets, but sparser for irradiated fuel fragments and for rods or sections of fuel rods. A bibliographic review is made to identify the morphological and structural changes, as well as the kinetic laws. An analysis and a summary is made with a concern to evaluate the risks of rod ruin by oxidation. The final section, in a few pages, addresses the essential lessons from this study. It presents: first, a summary of the main results of this review and its analysis, recommendations and remedies for storage; proposed research guidelines as well as precise topics, in order to fill out our knowledge and, even better, to identify the acceptable limits for storage. (author)

  4. Materials for higher steam temperatures (up to 600 deg C) in biomass and waste fired plant. A review of present knowledge; Material foer hoegre aangtemperaturer (upp till 600 grader C) i bio- och avfallseldade anlaeggningar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Staalenheim, Annika; Henderson, Pamela


    A goal for the Swedish power industry is to build a demonstration biomass-fired plant with 600 deg C steam data in 2015. Vaermeforsk also has a goal to identify materials that can be used in such a plant. This project involves a survey of present knowledge and published articles concerning materials that are suitable for use in biomass and wastefired plants with steam data up to 600 deg C. The information has been gathered from plants presently in operation, and from field tests previously performed with probes. Plants firing only household waste are excluded. The components considered are waterwalls/furnace walls (affected because of higher steam pressures) and superheaters. Fireside corrosion and steam-side oxidation are dealt with. Candidate materials (or coatings) are suggested and areas for further research have been identified. The purpose of this project is to give state-of-the-art information on what materials could be used in biomass and waste-fired plant to reach a maximum steam temperature of 600 deg C. This report is aimed at suppliers of boilers and materials, energy utility companies and others involved in building new plant with higher steam data. In accordance with the goals of this project: - Materials suitable for use at higher steam temperatures (up to 600 deg C steam) in wood-based biomass and waste-fired plant have been identified. Austenitic stainless steels HR3C, TP 347 HFG and AC66 all have adequate strength, steam-side oxidation and fireside corrosion resistance for use as superheaters. AC66 and HR3C have better steam-side oxidation resistance than TP 347 HFG , but TP 347 HFG has better fireside corrosion resistance. It is recommended that TP 347 HFG be shot-peened on the inside to improve the oxidation resistance if in service with steam temperatures above 580 deg C. - Furnace walls coated with Ni-based alloys or a mixture of Ni- alloy and ceramic show good corrosion resistance at lower temperatures and should be evaluated at higher

  5. Buckling measurements up to 250 deg C on lattices of Agesta clusters and on D{sub 2}O alone in the pressurized exponential assembly TZ

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Persson, R; Andersson, A J.W.; Wikdahl, C E


    Buckling determinations by means of flux mapping were performed in TZ up to 250 deg C on two lattices of Aagesta fuel assemblies in D{sub 2}O and on D{sub 2}O alone. Most of the flux measurements were made with fission counters in pressure thimbles. The perturbations caused by the thimbles were studied experimentally in various ways and compared with two group diffusion-theory calculations. In one of the lattices the effectiveness of a control rod (AglnCd) was also investigated. The results of the diffusion length experiments indicated some systematic error of the order of 0.15 - 0.10/m{sup 2} in the bucklings measured, though the temperature dependence should be well established. The bucklings of the two lattices studied (square pitches 24 and 27 cm) were found to be less sensitive to temperature than theoretical calculations predict, the temperature coefficient being more than 10 per cent smaller. The buckling changes from 20 to 250 deg C were about -2.4 and -1.8/m{sup 2}, respectively, for the two lattices. During part of the experimental period we had, for some unexplained reason, about 30 per cent excess absorption in the heavy water.

  6. Probiotics for experimental obesity prevention: focus on strain dependence and viability of composition. (United States)

    Kobyliak, Nazarii; Falalyeyeva, Tetyana; Beregova, Tetyana; Spivak, Mykola


    a comparative animal study of the efficacy of intermittent short-course administration of lyophilised single-, three-, and live multistrain probiotic on obesity. We included 70 rats divided into seven groups (n = 10 in each). Rats of group I were intact. Newborn rats of groups II-VII were injected with monosodium glutamate (MSG) (4 mg/g). Rats of group II (MSG-obesity group) were untreated. The group III-V received lyophilised monoprobiotics B. animalis VKL, B. animalis VKB, and L. casei IMVB-7280, respectively. Group VI received the mix of these three probiotic strains. Group VII was treated with multiprobiotic "Symbiter", which contains 14 live probiotic strains (Lactobacillus, Bifi-dobacterium, Propionibacterium, Acetobacter genera). Neonatal treatment with MSG caused stunted growth, which is why, despite the lack of weight gain dynamics and absence of significant food consumption rate and body weight changes at day 120, we noted the development of obesity in all MSG-obesity rats and in up to 20-70% after probiotic administration. Supplementation of probiotic composition, with preference to live strains, led to a significantly lower prevalence of obesity, and reduction of VAT weight and serum lipid levels as compared to single-strain probiotic. In our comparative single-strain analysis a trend towards more pronounced hypolipidaemic effect and VAT weight reduction was observed for lyophilised L. casei IMVB-7280 as compared to B. animalis VKL and VKB strains. Multistrain formed mutualistic interactions in mixtures and therefore able to share with different metabolites, affect differ-ent receptors and produced various of biologically active compounds which synergistic overall effect greater than the sum of the single effects.

  7. The role of particle size on the electrochemical properties at 25 and at 55 deg. C of the LiCr0.2Ni0.4Mn1.4O4 spinel as 5 V-cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aklalouch, Mohamed; Rojas, Rosa M.; Rojo, Jose Maria; Saadoune, Ismael; Amarilla, Jose Manuel


    The role of the particle size on the electrochemical properties at 25 and at 55 deg. C of the LiCr 0.2 Ni 0.4 Mn 1.4 O 4 spinel synthesized by combustion method has been determined. Samples with different particle size were obtained by heating the raw spinel from 700 to 1100 deg. C, for 1 h in air. X-ray diffraction patterns revealed that all the prepared materials are single-phase spinels. The main effect of the thermal treatment is the remarkable increase of the particles size from ∼60 to ∼3000 nm as determined by transmission electron microscopy. The electrochemical properties were determined at high discharge currents (1C rate) in two-electrode Li-cells. At 25 and at 55 deg. C, in spite of the great differences in particle size, the discharge capacity drained by all samples is similar (Q dch ∼ 135 mAh g -1 ). Instead, the cycling performances strongly change with the particle size. The spinels with Φ > 500 nm show better cycling stability at 25 and at 55 deg. C than those with Φ -1 ), and remarkable cycling performances (capacity retention after 250 cycles >96%) are very attractive materials as 5V-cathodes for high-energy Li-ion batteries.

  8. Determination of the diffusion coefficients of iron and chromium in Pb17Li at 500 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simon, N.; Flament, T.; Terlain, A.


    The diffusion of the dissolved metallic species in a liquid metal towards the boundary layer is one of the elementary steps of the overall mass transfer process induced by thermal gradient. This phenomenon is very probably the limiting step in the mass transfer of martensitic Fe-Cr steels in the presence of Pb17Li liquid eutectic alloy. For estimating diffusion flux, the diffusion coefficients of iron and chromium in Pb17Li are needed but are not known. Consequently these data have been determined in CEA laboratory by measuring metal loss of cylindrical specimens after rotation at 500 deg C in Pb17Li for several hours and applying the first Fick diffusion law in the boundary layer whose the thickness has been previously determined by EISENBERG. After a description of the experimental device, the results are presented and discussed

  9. I capricci del caso Introduzione alla statistica, al calcolo delle probabilità e alla teoria degli errori

    CERN Document Server

    Piazza, Roberto


    I metodi probabilistici e statistici giocano un ruolo di primo piano sia nella scienza teorica e sperimentale che nelle applicazioni ingegneristiche, costituendo pertanto un elemento essenziale del bagaglio culturale che uno studente deve acquisire fin dai primi anni di apprendimento universitario. Questo libro, che nasce dall’esperienza didattica accumulata dall’autore nell’insegnamento dei metodi sperimentali, si propone di fornire un’introduzione al calcolo delle probabilità e alla teoria degli errori facendo uso di uno stile di presentazione volutamente informale e traendo spunto da concrete applicazioni sperimentali, spesso attraverso esempi di notevole importanza storica. Così, per esempio, argomenti quali il moto browniano, la diffusione di luce, il decadimento radioattivo, la fisiologia della visione, le statistiche quantistiche e di fotorivelazione, vengono utilizzati per delucidare concetti chiave dell’analisi statistica e probabilistica. Un'enfasi particolare è posta sull’origine e l...

  10. Early phyllosilicates formed by alteration of R7T7 glass in water at 250 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vernaz, E.; Dussossoy, J.L.; Caurel, J.; Crovisier, J.L.


    T7T7 glass samples have been altered during periods of one and seven days at 250 deg C in distilled water. Ultramicrotomic thin sections were performed in the outermost part of the glass for a study under analytical transmission electron microscope. After one day the alteration layer is about 5 μm thick. It is made up of sheeted silicated particles, tentatively identified as septechlorite (7 A intervals) mixed with an intercrystalline amorphous matrix of different composition. After seven days the alteration layer is about 11 μm thick. It is made up of sheeted silicated particles of smectite type (10 A intervals). No 7 A particles were found in the seven days sample. This study illustrates the capacity of poorly crystalline phyllosilicates to adapt to the chemical changes in solution. 15 refs., 4 tabs., 2 plates

  11. Class H cement hydration at 180 deg. C and high pressure in the presence of added silica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jupe, Andrew C.; Wilkinson, Angus P.; Luke, Karen; Funkhouser, Gary P.


    Under deep oil-well conditions of elevated temperature and pressure, crystalline calcium silicate hydrates are formed during Portland cement hydration. The use of silica rich mineral additives leads to the formation of crystalline hydrates with better mechanical properties than those formed without the additive. The effects of silica flour, silica fume (amorphous silica), and a natural zeolite mixture on the hydration of Class H cement slurries at 180 deg. C under externally applied pressures of 7 and 52 MPa are examined in real time using in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction. For some compositions examined, but not all, pressure was found to have a large effect on the kinetics of crystalline hydrate formation. The use of silica fume delayed both C 3 S hydration and the formation of crystalline silicate hydrates compared to what was seen with other silica sources


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ribas Alessandra Ferreira


    Full Text Available Cotilédones obtidos a partir de sementes germinadas in vitro foram usados como explantes com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de dois complexos vitamínicos e de duas concentrações de 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP na organogênese direta do maracujá amarelo (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.. Empregou-se o meio Murashige & Skoog (1962 suplementado com as vitaminas MS ou B5 (vitaminas de GAMBORG et al., 1968 e 1 ou 2 mg. -1 de BAP. Foram testados quatro tratamentos, sendo cada um constituído de 60 explantes. O experimento foi inteiramente casualizado, com dez repetições. Os dados, analisados pelo teste de Tukey, demonstraram que os meios de cultura suplementados com o complexo vitamínico B5 induziram gemas em mais de 70% dos explantes, obtendo-se até 8 brotos por explante, com um enraizamento superior a 90%. A análise de ploidia das plantas regeneradas indicou um número aparentemente normal de cromossomos típicos dessa espécie (2n=18

  13. Transonic Aerodynamic Loading Characteristics of a Wing-Body-Tail Combination Having a 52.5 deg. Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 3 With Conical Wing Camber and Body Indentation for a Design Mach Number of Square Root of 2 (United States)

    Cassetti, Marlowe D.; Re, Richard J.; Igoe, William B.


    An investigation has been made of the effects of conical wing camber and body indentation according to the supersonic area rule on the aerodynamic wing loading characteristics of a wing-body-tail configuration at transonic speeds. The wing aspect ratio was 3, taper ratio was 0.1, and quarter-chord-line sweepback was 52.5 deg. with 3-percent-thick airfoil sections. The tests were conducted in the Langley 16-foot transonic tunnel at Mach numbers from 0.80 to 1.05 and at angles of attack from 0 deg. to 14 deg., with Reynolds numbers based on mean aerodynamic chord varying from 7 x 10(exp 6) to 8 x 10(exp 6). Conical camber delayed wing-tip stall and reduced the severity of the accompanying longitudinal instability but did not appreciably affect the spanwise load distribution at angles of attack below tip stall. Body indentation reduced the transonic chordwise center-of-pressure travel from about 8 percent to 5 percent of the mean aerodynamic chord.

  14. Study of the chemical interaction between the beryllium powders of different particles size and the air in the temperature range 500-1000degC form the viewpoint of ITER safety

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Davydov, D.A. [State Scientific Center of Russian Federation, Moscow (Russian Federation); Konovalov, Y.V.; Gorokhov, V.A.; Levin, V.B.; Chekhlatov, G.M.; Khomutov, A.M.


    Under an effect of some factors characteristic for the ITER- operating condition a dense beryllium facing plasma can transit into various forms, changing its structural states. As a result of the bombardment of beryllium plasma facing components by ion fluxes, the production of a dust including the particles from a few micrometers to a few millimeters in size is possible. The specific features in the behaviour of various beryllium forms under emergency conditions are of an essential interest from the viewpoint of ITER safety. Some grades of powders of different average particles size (14-31 micron) have been produced in a given study, and their chemical interaction at high temperatures with air (500-1100degC), test duration effects simulating the emergency situation at ITER in the first approximation have been studied. The temperature dependence of beryllium powders (different particles size after disc abrased) interaction with air in the temperature range 500-1000degC at the exposure of 5 hours long for each temperature and kinetic dependence of interaction of these powders with air at 800degC for the exposure from half an hour to 7 hours long were studied. An analysis of granulometric weight fraction in the metallic and oxidized beryllium powders with different particles size has been done by the photosedimentational technique with the instrument `Analysette-20`. Construction of a mathematical model for the chemical interaction of beryllium powders with air at high temperatures have been carried out. (author)

  15. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 Imaging Data: Depth-Optimized Co-adds Over 300 deg$^2$ in Five Filters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiang, Linhua; Fan, Xiaohui; Bian, Fuyan; McGreer, Ian D.; Strauss, Michael A.; Annis, James; Buck, Zoë; Green, Richard; Hodge, Jacqueline A.; Myers, Adam D.; Rafiee, Alireza; Richards, Gordon


    We present and release co-added images of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe 82. Stripe 82 covers an area of ~300 deg(2) on the celestial equator, and has been repeatedly scanned 70-90 times in the ugriz bands by the SDSS imaging survey. By making use of all available data in the SDSS archive, our co-added images are optimized for depth. Input single-epoch frames were properly processed and weighted based on seeing, sky transparency, and background noise before co-addition. The resultant products are co-added science images and their associated weight images that record relative weights at individual pixels. The depths of the co-adds, measured as the 5σ detection limits of the aperture (3.''2 diameter) magnitudes for point sources, are roughly 23.9, 25.1, 24.6, 24.1, and 22.8 AB magnitudes in the five bands, respectively. They are 1.9-2.2 mag deeper than the best SDSS single-epoch data. The co-added images have good image quality, with an average point-spread function FWHM of ~1'' in the r, i, and z bands. We also release object catalogs that were made with SExtractor. These co-added products have many potential uses for studies of galaxies, quasars, and Galactic structure. We further present and release near-IR J-band images that cover ~90 deg(2) of Stripe 82. These images were obtained using the NEWFIRM camera on the NOAO 4 m Mayall telescope, and have a depth of about 20.0-20.5 Vega magnitudes (also 5σ detection limits for point sources).

  16. Creep testing and creep loading experiments on friction stir welds in copper at 75 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersson, Henrik C.M.; Seitisleam, Facredin; Sandstroem, Rolf


    Specimens cut from friction stir welds in copper canisters for nuclear waste have been used for creep experiments at 75 deg C. The specimens were taken from a cross-weld position as well as heat affected zone and weld metal. The parent metal specimens exhibited longer creep lives than the weld specimens by a factor of three in time. They in turn were longer than those for the crossweld and HAZ specimens by an order of magnitude. The creep exponent was in the interval 50 to 69 implying that the material was well inside the power-law breakdown regime. The ductility properties expressed as reduction in area were not significantly different and all the rupture specimens demonstrated values exceeding 80%. Experiments were also carried out on the loading procedure of a creep test. Similar parent metal specimens and test conditions were used and the results show that the loading method has a large influence on the strain response of the specimen

  17. Wide-bandwidth electron bolometric mixers - A 2DEG prototype and potential for low-noise THz receivers (United States)

    Yang, Jian-Xun; Agahi, Farid; Dai, Dong; Musante, Charles F.; Grammer, Wes; Lau, Kei M.; Yngvesson, K. S.


    This paper presents a new type of electron bolometric ('hot electron') mixer. We have demonstrated a 3 order-of-magnitude improvement in the bandwidth compared with previously known types of electron bolometric mixers, by using the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) medium at the heterointerface between AlGaAs and GaAs. We have tested both in-house MOCVD-grown material and MBE material, with similar results. The conversion loss (Lc) at 94 GHz is presently 18 dB for a mixer operating at 20 K, and calculations indicate that Lc can be decreased to about 10 dB in future devices. Calculated and measured curves of Lc versus P(LO), and I(DC), respectively, agree well. We argue that there are several different configurations of electron bolometric mixers, which will all show wide bandwidth, and that these devices are likely to become important as low-noise THz receivers in the future.

  18. Calculations of the flow past bluff bodies, including tilt-rotor wing sections at alpha = 90 deg (United States)

    Raghavan, V.; Mccroskey, W. J.; Baeder, J. D.; Van Dalsem, W. R.


    An attempt was made to model in two dimensions the effects of rotor downwash on the wing of the tilt-rotor aircraft and to compute the drag force on airfoils at - 90 deg angle of attack, using a well-established Navier-Stokes code. However, neither laminar nor turbulent calculations agreed well with drag and base-pressure measurements at high Reynolds numbers. Therefore, further efforts were concentrated on bluff-body flows past various shapes at low Reynolds numbers, where a strong vortex shedding is observed. Good results were obtained for a circular cylinder, but the calculated drag of a slender ellipse at right angles to the freestream was significantly higher than experimental values reported in the literature for flat plates. Similar anomalous results were obtained on the tilt-rotor airfoils, although the qualitative effects of flap deflection agreed with the wind tunnel data. The ensemble of results suggest that there may be fundamental differences in the vortical wakes of circular cylinders and noncircular bluff bodies.

  19. Creep testing and creep loading experiments on friction stir welds in copper at 75 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andersson, Henrik C.M.; Seitisleam, Facredin; Sandstroem, Rolf [Corrosion an d Metals Research Institute, Stockholm (Sweden)


    Specimens cut from friction stir welds in copper canisters for nuclear waste have been used for creep experiments at 75 deg C. The specimens were taken from a cross-weld position as well as heat affected zone and weld metal. The parent metal specimens exhibited longer creep lives than the weld specimens by a factor of three in time. They in turn were longer than those for the crossweld and HAZ specimens by an order of magnitude. The creep exponent was in the interval 50 to 69 implying that the material was well inside the power-law breakdown regime. The ductility properties expressed as reduction in area were not significantly different and all the rupture specimens demonstrated values exceeding 80%. Experiments were also carried out on the loading procedure of a creep test. Similar parent metal specimens and test conditions were used and the results show that the loading method has a large influence on the strain response of the specimen.

  20. Effect of chloride and sulphate ions on the electrochemical corrosion behavior of alloy 800NG in PWR secondary water environment at 250 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mansur, Fabio A.; Schvartzman, Monica Maria de A.M.; Quinan, Marco A.D.; Soares, Antonio E.G.; Nogueira, Pedro Henrique B.O.


    Alloy 800NG (nuclear grade) is used in nuclear steam generators (SG) as the tubing material for pressurized water reactors (PWRs) because of its high corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance is due to the protective character of the oxide film formed on the tube surface by contact with the high temperature pressurized water. Nevertheless, corrosion has been the major cause of tube failures in nuclear SGs. The existing experience of different nuclear power plants shows that the water chemistry has an important role in maintaining the integrity of the protective oxide films. Many of such problems have been attributed to secondary side water chemistry conditions and excursions, many of which have been resulted from condenser cooling water ingress. Alloy 800 is known to undergo passivity breakdown and pitting in the presence of chloride ions under oxidative water conditions. In this work the effect of chloride and sulphate ions at various concentrations on the corrosion behavior of Alloy 800 tube at 250 deg C was investigated using the potentiodynamic anodic polarization technique. An active-passive transition occurred at 250 deg C in all studied conditions and the oxide film grown on surface showed greater porosity and lower resistance to localised corrosion in all studied conditions. (author)

  1. Critérios de correção da linguagem: o uso do Libro dell’Abate Isaac di Siria no Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cynthia Vilaça


    Full Text Available In this paper, we present an analysis of the use of the ascetic treatise Libro dell’Abate Isaac of Syria by academicians of the Crusca as a source of accreditations for the preparation of the Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, noted Italian lexicographical work, in light of the criteria used for the construction of the educated norm discussed by Bechara (2000

  2. Interactions in Zircaloy/UO2 fuel rod bundles with Inconel spacers at temperatures above 1200deg C (posttest results of severe fuel damage experiments CORA-2 and CORA-3)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hagen, S.; Hofmann, P.; Schanz, G.; Sepold, L.


    In the CORA experiments test bundles of usually 16 electrically heated fuel rod simulators and nine unheated rods are subjected to temperature transients of a slow heatup rate in a steam environment. Thus, an accident sequence is simulated, which may develop from a small-break loss-of-coolant accident of an LWR. An aim of CORA-2, as a first test of its kind, was also to gain experience in the test conduct and posttest handling of UO 2 specimens. CORA-3 was performed as a high-temperature test. The transient phases of CORA-2 and CORA-3 were initiated with a temperature ramp rate of 1 K/s. The temperature escalation due to the exothermal zircaloy(Zry)-steam reaction started at about 1000deg C, leading the bundles to maximum temperatures of 2000deg C and 2400deg C for tests CORA-2 and CORA-3, respectively. The test bundles resulted in severe oxidation and partial melting of the cladding, fuel dissolution by Zry/UO 2 interaction, complete Inconel spacer destruction, and relocation of melts and fragments to lower elevations in the bundle, where extended blockages have formed. In both tests the fuel rod destruction set in together with the formation of initial melts from the Inconel/Zry interaction. The lower Zry spacer acted as a catcher for relocated material. In test CORA-2 the UO 2 pellets partially disintegrated into fine particles. This powdering occurred during cooldown. There was no physical disintegration of fuel in test CORA-3. (orig./MM) [de

  3. Synchrotron X-ray topography studies of twinning and the phase transition at 145deg C in LaGaO sub 3 single crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yao, G.D.; Dudley, M. (Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, NY (USA)); Wang, Y.; Liu, X.; Liebermann, R.C. (Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, NY (USA))


    An investigation of (i) twinning in the room temperature orthorhombic phase, (ii) the orthorhombic-to-rhombohedral phase transformation occurring at 145deg C and (iii) twinning in the high temperature rhombohedral phase, all occurring in lanthanum gallate single crystals has been undertaken using white-beam synchrotron X-ray topography (WBSXRT). At room temperature, WBSXRT results obtained from the (110){sub orth} surface, orthorhombic crystals indicated the presence of ''mirror'' twinning on (1anti 12){sub orth}, (1anti 1anti 2){sub orth}, (anti 110){sub orth} and (112){sub orth} planes. Differential thermal analysis confirmed the existence of a first-order phase transformation at 145deg C. WBSXRT observations of the associated structural change (orthorhombic to rhombohedral) correlated well with the results of temperature-dependent powder diffraction results which are presented in the companion paper. WBSXRT also revealed the detailed spatial characteristics of the transition on the microstructural scale, as well as the nature of twinning in the rhombohedral phase, with the latter occurring on (110){sub rhomb} planes. In all three cases, results were consistent with the transmission electron microscopy results presented in the companion paper. The influence of both the twinning and the phase transition on the potential use of LaGaO{sub 3} single crystals as substrates for high Tc superconductor epilayers is discussed. (orig.).

  4. Gamma ray production cross sections for the interactions of 14.9 MeV neutrons with C, Al, V, Fe and Nb at 90 deg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Hongyu; Tang Lin; Yan Yiming


    Discrete γ-ray spectra and production cross sections for the interactions of 14.9 MeV neutrons with C, Al, V, Fe and Nb targets have been measured at 90 deg. using a 110.7cm 3 Ge(Li) detector. A single γ-ray peak was measured for C. For Al 34 γ lines, for Fe 41 γ lines, for V 61 γ lines and for Nb 79 γ lines were measured

  5. Study of the solubility of yttrium, praseodymium, neodymium, and gadolinium sulfates in the presence of sodium and potassium in sulfuric-phosphoric acid solutions at 20 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lokshin, Eh.P.; Tareeva, O.A.; Kashulina, T.G.


    The solubility of yttrium, praseodymium, neodymium, and gadolinium sulfates in the presence of sodium and potassium ions and the composition of solid phases were studied at 20 deg C in relation to the concentration of acids in sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, and sulfuric-phosphoric acid solutions containing up to 36 wt % H 2 SO 4 and 33.12 g 1 -1 H 3 PO 4 . The formation of double sulfates of praseodymium and neodymium with sodium and potassium ions, as well as of gadolinium sulfate with sodium ions of the composition 1 : 1 was revealed. In water at 20 deg C, the solubility products of PrNa(SO 4 ) 2 ·H 2 O, NdNa(SO 4 ) 2 ·H 2 O, GdNa(SO 4 ) 2 ·H 2 O, PrK(SO 4 ) 2 ·H 2 O, and NdK(SO 4 ) 2 ·H 2 O are found to be 7.28x10 -8 , 7.84x10 -8 , 3.09x10 -6 , 3.02x10 -6 , and 1.70x10 -6 , respectively [ru

  6. MeB/sub 5/O/sub 8/(Me-Li, Na, K, NH/sub 4/)-H/sub 2/NCONHCOCH/sub 3/-H/sub 2/O system at 25 deg C

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Skvortsov, V G; Fedorov, Yu A; Molodkin, A K; Tsekhanskij, R S


    Using the methods of isothermal solubility, densi- and refractometry, systems MB/sub 5/O/sub 8/ (M-Li, Na, K, NH/sub 4/)-acetylcarbamide - H/sub 2/O at 25 deg C have been studied. It is ascertained, that the systems investigated are of simple eutonic type.

  7. Radio sensibility of listeria monocytogenes in pure culture and frozen contaminated shrimps and stored them at -18 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rubio M V, T.; Espinoza, J.; L Sanchez, M.V.


    Full text: Listeria monocytogenes has been recognized for a number of years as a food pathogen bacteria. Ionizing radiation is a new technology and an excellent method to eliminate this microorganism form frozen food. The sensitivity of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 01 and 04 to irradiation, in pure culture and frozen shrimps was investigated. The D 10 values were of 0,26-0,37 kGy in pure culture and frozen shrimps, respectively. The D 10 founded were similar to those reported by the literature under similar conditions. Doses of 6 kGy were enough to eliminate a contamination of 10 6 -10 7 ufc/ml of L. Monocytogenes in frozen shrimps and storage them during 200 days at 18 deg C

  8. Acidity of cations and the solubility of oxides in the eutectic KCl-LiCl melt at 700 Deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cherginets, V.L.; Rebrova, T.P.


    Products of MgO, NiO and CoO solubility in KCl-LiCl melt at 700 Deg C were determined by the method of potentiometric titration using Pt(O 2 )IZrO 2 (Y 2 O 3 ) membrane oxygen electrode. It was ascertained that acid properties of Cd 2+ and Pb'2 + cations are levelled to Li + properties, a break in E-pO graduation dependence in KCl-LiCl melt was observed at pO ∼ 2. Increase in oxides solubility in the melt studied compared with KCl-NaCl and CsCl-KCl-NaCl melts stems from the presence of Li + cations in the melt studied, which possess stronger acid properties than those of Na + or K + [ru


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    E. Fratus de Balestrini


    Full Text Available Cultural Heritage constitutes a fundamental resource for all Countries, even in economic terms, as it can be considered an extraordinary tourist attraction. This is particularly true for Italy, which is one of the Countries with the richest artistic heritage in the world. For this reason, restoration becomes an essential step towards the conservation and therefore valorisation of architecture. In this context, this paper focuses on one of the first stages that allow us to reach a complete knowledge of a building. Because of the earthquake of May 2012, the Castle of San Giorgio in Mantova (Italy presented a series of structural damages. On the occasion of its upcoming re-opening to the public, the Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici e Paesaggistici per le province di Brescia, Cremona e Mantova has requested an analysis and evaluation of the damages for the development of an intervention project. In particular, a special attention was given to the "Camera degli Sposi" ("Bridal Chamber", also known as the Camera picta ("painted chamber". It is a frescoed room, with illusionistic paintings by Andrea Mantegna, located in the northeast tower of the Castle. It was painted between 1465 and 1474 and commissioned by Ludovico Gonzaga, and it is well-known for the use of trompe l'oeil details and for the decoration of its ceiling. The seismic shakes damaged the wall decorated with the "Scena della Corte" ("Court Scene", above the chimney, re-opening an old crack that had to be analysed, in order to understand whether the damage was structural or just superficial. The diagnostic analyses constitute a fundamental prerequisite for the elaboration of any kind of intervention or restoration in any architectural, artistic or archaeological framework. To obtain a description of the conservation state of the Camera, non-invasive integrated survey techniques were applied. The purpose of the study presented here is the definition of a methodology able to support

  10. Development of a model for the anodic behavior of T60 titanium in chlorinated and oxygenated aqueous media. Application to the specific conditions of hydrothermal oxidation (1 MPadeg. Cdeg. C)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frayret, C.; Jaszay, Th.; Lestienne, B.; Delville, M.H.


    This work evaluates the anodic electrochemical behavior of titanium metal in hydrothermal oxidation conditions (up to 400 deg. C and 28 MPa) in chlorinated media in order to estimate the supercritical water oxidation reactors reliability for the treatment of less than 10% organic-waste waters. The titanium room temperature dissolution mechanism in chlorinated acidic medium (pH 2 oxide formation with a very limited tetravalent dissolution). In hydrothermal oxidation (pH>1), only the second branch is effective. The titanium protection is directly related to the oxide stability in high pH systems. The mechanism model is expressed in terms of 'current-potential' laws, which provide kinetic parameters using optimization calculations. The different elementary steps reaction rates were estimated as well as the evolution of the reaction intermediates coverage ratios with the potential. The quantification of each elementary step was performed to understand and/or orient the materials behavior according to different factors (pH, chloride ions contents, potentials...)

  11. HTTR operation monitoring with neural network in 30 days operation at 850degC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimizu, Atsushi; Nabeshima, Kunihiko; Nakagawa, Shigeaki


    The High temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR) executed the rated power operation for 30days of the first time (850degC in temperature of the nuclear reactor outlet coolant) until March, 27th through April, 26th, 2007. In this operation, HTTR was observed according to the operation monitoring model with the neural network, and the detection performance of neural network was verified during slight changes of reactor state at rated power. The neural network used for the operation monitoring was an auto-associative network, where 31 input 31 outputs and the hidden layers were connected with 20 units by the hierarchy of three layer structure. Back-propagation algorithm was used for study rule. The operation monitoring model in initial study was constructed by using the power up data between 30% and rated power, which were randomly studied. The adjustment study during the operation monitoring changes the internal structure of the initial study model to follow the changes of reactor status, such as the burn-up of the nuclear fuel for the rated power operation. As a monitoring result, slight changes of reactor state by the control system operation were correctly detected, and the on-line application to an early anomaly diagnosis for HTTR facilities will be expected. (author)

  12. Influence of deuterium content on tensile behavior of Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube material in the temperature range of ambient to 300 degC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bind, A.K.; Singh, R.N.; Chakravartty, J.K.; Dhandharia, Priyesh; Ghosh, Agnish; More, Nitin S.; Chhatre, A.G.; Vijayakumar, S.


    Tensile properties of autoclaved zirconium-2.5 wt. % niobium pressure tube material were evaluated by uniaxial tension tests at temperatures between 25 and 300 degC and under strain-rates of 1.075 x 10 -4 /s. Six number of Zr-2.5Nb alloy pressure tube spools of length 130 mm were obtained from pressure tube number 19-2557-2. Five spools were polished with abrasive paper to remove the oxide layer. These spools were gaseously charged with controlled amount of deuterium. The target deuterium concentrations were 25, 50, 75, 100 and 200 wppm of hydrogen equivalent. Ten samples were machined by EDM wire cutting from every spool. The tensile specimen axis was oriented along longitudinal direction of the tube. Metallographic examination of the deuterium charged samples suggested that the deuterides were predominantly circumferential deuterides. Analysis of tensile results showed that both yield and ultimate tensile strengths of this alloy decreased monotonically with increasing test temperatures. The tensile ductility decreased marginally with increase in test temperature from ambient to 300 degC. It was also observed that both strength and ductility appear to be unaffected by deuterium content at all temperatures, thereby suggesting that at least up to 200 wppm (Heq.) of deuterium tensile properties are not influenced by deuterium. (author)

  13. Endovascular treatment of splenic artery aneurysms; Trattamento endovascolare degli aneurismi dell'arteria splenica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lagana, Domenico; Carrafiello, Gianpaolo; Mangini, Monica; Fontana, Federico; Dizonno, Massimiliano; Fugazzola, Carlo [Insubria Univ., Varese (Italy). Cattedra di radiologia; Castelli, Patrizio [Insubria Univ., Varese (Italy). Chirurgia vascolare


    techniques, endovascular treatment is feasible in nearly all SAAs. It ensures good immediate and long term results, and no doubt presents some advantages in comparison to surgical treatment, as it less invasive and allows the preservation of splenic function. [Italian] Scopo. Verificare l'efficacia del trattamento endovascolare degli aneurismi dell'arteria splenica (AAS). Materiale e metodi. Nel periodo compreso tra maggio 2000 e giugno 2003 sono stati trattati 11 AAS veri in 9 pazienti (7 femmine e 2 maschi; eta media 58 anni), 8 sacciformi e 3 fusiformi, 4 localizzati al tratto medio, 5 al tratto distale e 2 intrasplenici. La diagnosi e stata effettuata con eco color Doppler e/o angio-TC ed e risultata occasionate in 7 pazienti e conseguente a dolore in ipocondrio sinistro in 1 caso; un AAS e stato riscontrato in fase di fissurazione. Quattro AAS sono stati esclusi mediante embolizzazione della sacca con microspirali, con preservazione della continuita dell'asse vascolare; in 2 casi e stata associata l'iniezione transcatetere di cianoacrilato. In 4 casi e stata effettuata una legatura endovascolare, con ischemia settoriaie della milza. Un AAS fisstirato e stato trattato in urgenza con embolizzazione massiva mediante cianoacrilato dell'arteria splenica. I 2 aneurismi intrasplenici sono stati esclusi, l'uno mediante embolizzazione dell'arteria afferente con cianoacrilato e l'altro con iniezione transcatetere di trombina nella sacca aneurismatica. Risultati. E stata ottenuta la devascolarizzazione completa di tutti gli AAS (in 10/11 al termine della procedura; in 1/11 al controllo TC, effettuato dopo 3 giorni). Il follow-up (durata media 18 mesi; range 6-36 mesi) e stato espletato con eco color Doppler e/o angio-TC a 3, 6, 12 mesi e successivamente una volta all'anno; la completa esclusione degli aneurismi e stata confermata in 11/11 casi. Le complicanze riscontrate sono state: 4 casi di pleurite sinistra di modesta entita; febbre

  14. Ionic association and interspecies interactions of 1-1 electrolytes in ethyl acetate solutions at 5-45 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalugin, O. N.; Panchenko, V. G.; V'yunnik, I. N.


    The data of conductometric studies of LiClO 4 , NaClO 4 , NaBPh 4 , and Bu 4 NClO 4 solutions in ethylacetate in the temperature range 5 to 45 deg C are reported. The constants of ionic association resulting in formation of ion pairs and triple ions, as well as limiting molar electric conductivities of the ions and triple ions are determined. It is found that the formation of contact triple ions having mutually interpenetrated structural elements in cavities of each others is characteristic of electrolytes with bulky organic ions. Anomalous temperature dependence of dynamic sizes of the [Na 2 BPh 4 ] + and [Na(BPh 4 ) 2 ] - ions and substantial differences in energy characteristics of inter-ion interactions are revealed during formation of ion pairs and triple ions in ethylacetate solutions of NaBPh 4 [ru

  15. Study of interaction in the Pb(NO3)2-Cs3[Fe(CN)6]-H2O at 25 deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slivko, T.A.; Stepina, S.B.; Poletaev, I.F.; Golikova, N.B.


    The method of ''residual concentrations'' has been used to study the interaction in the lead nitrate-cesium hexacyanoferrate (3)-water system at 25 deg C. It is shown, that only one compound CsPb[Fe(CN) 6 ]x4H 2 O is formed in the studied range of the concentrations. Chemical and thermogravimetric analysis and infrared spectroscopy have been used at the determination of the compound composition. Thermolysis of the compound in the air is studied. Identification of the hydrated and waterless compound is accomplished with the help of the diffractometer DRON-1. The rate of the formation of mixed cesium hexacyanoferrates (3) with lead, zinc and nickel is compared

  16. X-ray properties of the Be/X-ray systems 2S0114+650 LSI+65 deg 010

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koenigsberger, G.; Swank, J.H.; Szymkowiak, A.E.


    Results are presented from experiments on the Einstein Observatory, HEAO-1 and OSO-8 on the temporal and spectral properties of 2S0114+650. In a 12 hour Einstein MPC and SSS observation two episodes of flaring occurred by an order of magnitude over about 1 hour. Variability on shorter time scales showed a preferred period of 14.9 minutes, but periodic pulsations were not seen in the HEAO-1 and OSO-8 data. There is some evidence that the spectrum is steeper when the source is quiescent at low luminosity, but no large spectral changes attended the flares. Absorption column densities were consistent with interstellar reddening of the proposed companion, the Be star LSI+65 deg 010. In the minute and hour variability and in the spectral character, 2S0114+650 is similar to other Be star-neutron star binary X-ray sources. Variations over several days in the OSO-8 data suggest orbital effects

  17. Thermal analysis on the specimens for low irradiation temperature below 100degC in the HANARO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Myoung-Hwan; Kim, Bong-Goo; Lee, Byung-Chul; Kim, Tae-Kyu [Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst., Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    A capsule has been used for an irradiation test of various nuclear materials in the research reactor, HANARO. As a part of the research reactor development project with a plate type fuel, the irradiation tests of beryllium, zircaloy-4 and graphite materials using the capsule will be carried out to obtain the mechanical characteristics at low temperatures below 100degC with 30 MW reactor power. In this study, in order to obtain the preliminary design data of the capsule with various specimens and the temperature of specimens, a thermal analysis is performed by using an ANSYS program. The finite element models for the cross section of the capsule containing the specimen are generated, and the temperatures are evaluated. The analysis results show that most specimens meet the irradiation target temperature. However, some canned graphite specimens have a slightly high temperature, and the gap size has a significant effect on the specimen temperature. Based on those results a detailed design and analysis of the capsule will be completed this year. (author)

  18. Experimental determination of the phase relationships in Zr/2.5-8.0 at% Nb/0-6.7 at% Al alloys with 750 at ppm O and 250 at ppm N between 730-900deg C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peruzzi, A.; Bolcich, J.


    Zr alloys with 2.5 to 8.0 at% Nb and 0 to 6.7 at% Al were subjected to dynamic and static treatments between 730-900deg C and studied by qualitative and quantitative optical metallography, electrical resistance, X-ray diffractometry and electron microanalysis. The experimental data were analyzed by taking into account the effects of oxygen and nitrogen impurities. The main results for Zn-Nb-Al alloys with 750 atppm O and 250 atppm N are the following: (i) Equilibrium relationships are established between the α (hcp), β (bcc) and Zr 3 Al (Cu 3 Au) phases along isothermal sections at 730, 771 and 800deg C. (ii) The β/α+β boundaries are determined along iso-aluminum vertical sections at 6.7, 3.3 and 0 at% Al. (iii) The addition of Al to Zr-Nb alloys increases the solubility of Nb in the α phase, its maximum value at 730deg C being about 0.7-0.8 at% for 4 at% Al.(iv) Solubility values for Al in the α-phase of Zr-Al were estimated by extrapolation from ternary alloys. These estimates help to solve an existing discrepancy in the Zr-Al system. (orig.)

  19. The problem in 180 deg data sampling and radioactivity decay correction in gated cardiac blood pool scanning using SPECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohtake, Tohru; Watanabe, Toshiaki; Nishikawa, Junichi


    In cardiac blood pool scanning using SPECT, half 180 deg data collection (HD) vs. full 360 deg data collection (FD) and Tc-99m decay are problems in quantifying the ejection count (EC) (end-diastolic count - end-systolic count) of both ventricles and the ratio of the ejection count of the right and left ventricles (RVEC/LVEC). We studied the change produced by altering the starting position of data sampling in HD scans. In our results of phantom and 4 clinical cases, when the cardiac axis deviation was not large and there was not remarkable cardiac enlargement, the change in LVEC, RVEC and RVEC/LVEC was small (1 - 4 %) within 12 degree change of the starting position, and the difference between the results of HD scan with a good starting position (the average of LV peak and RV peak) and FD scan was not large (less than 7 %). Because of this, we think HD scan can be used in those cases. But when the cardiac axis deviation was large or there was remarkable cardiac enlargement, the change of LVEC, RVEC and RVEC/LVEC was large (more than 10 %) even within 12 degree change of the starting position. So we think FD scan would be better in those cases. In our results of 6 patients, the half-life of Tc-99m labeled albumin in blood varied from 2 to 4 hr (3.03 ± 0.59 hr, mean ± s.d.). Using a program for radioactivity (RA) decay correction, we studied the change in LVEC, RVEC and LVEC/RVEC in 11 cases. When RA decay correction was performed using a halflife of 3.0 hr, LVEC increased 7.5 %, RVEC increased 8.7 % and RVEC/LVEC increased 0.9 % on the average in HD scans of 8 cases (LPO to RAO, 32 views, 60 beat/1 view). We think RA decay correction would not be needed in quantifying RVEC/LVEC in most cases because the change of RVEC/LVEC was very small. (author)

  20. A 2500 deg 2 CMB Lensing Map from Combined South Pole Telescope and Planck Data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Omori, Y.; Chown, R.; Simard, G.; Story, K. T.; Aylor, K.; Baxter, E. J.; Benson, B. A.; Bleem, L. E.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Chang, C. L.; Cho, H-M.; Crawford, T. M.; Crites, A. T.; Haan, T. de; Dobbs, M. A.; Everett, W. B.; George, E. M.; Halverson, N. W.; Harrington, N. L.; Holder, G. P.; Hou, Z.; Holzapfel, W. L.; Hrubes, J. D.; Knox, L.; Lee, A. T.; Leitch, E. M.; Luong-Van, D.; Manzotti, A.; Marrone, D. P.; McMahon, J. J.; Meyer, S. S.; Mocanu, L. M.; Mohr, J. J.; Natoli, T.; Padin, S.; Pryke, C.; Reichardt, C. L.; Ruhl, J. E.; Sayre, J. T.; Schaffer, K. K.; Shirokoff, E.; Staniszewski, Z.; Stark, A. A.; Vanderlinde, K.; Vieira, J. D.; Williamson, R.; Zahn, O.


    We present a cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing map produced from a linear combination of South Pole Telescope (SPT) and \\emph{Planck} temperature data. The 150 GHz temperature data from the $2500\\ {\\rm deg}^{2}$ SPT-SZ survey is combined with the \\emph{Planck} 143 GHz data in harmonic space, to obtain a temperature map that has a broader $\\ell$ coverage and less noise than either individual map. Using a quadratic estimator technique on this combined temperature map, we produce a map of the gravitational lensing potential projected along the line of sight. We measure the auto-spectrum of the lensing potential $C_{L}^{\\phi\\phi}$, and compare it to the theoretical prediction for a $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology consistent with the \\emph{Planck} 2015 data set, finding a best-fit amplitude of $0.95_{-0.06}^{+0.06}({\\rm Stat.})\\! _{-0.01}^{+0.01}({\\rm Sys.})$. The null hypothesis of no lensing is rejected at a significance of $24\\,\\sigma$. One important use of such a lensing potential map is in cross-correlations with other dark matter tracers. We demonstrate this cross-correlation in practice by calculating the cross-spectrum, $C_{L}^{\\phi G}$, between the SPT+\\emph{Planck} lensing map and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (\\emph{WISE}) galaxies. We fit $C_{L}^{\\phi G}$ to a power law of the form $p_{L}=a(L/L_{0})^{-b}$ with $a=2.15 \\times 10^{-8}$, $b=1.35$, $L_{0}=490$, and find $\\eta^{\\phi G}=0.94^{+0.04}_{-0.04}$, which is marginally lower, but in good agreement with $\\eta^{\\phi G}=1.00^{+0.02}_{-0.01}$, the best-fit amplitude for the cross-correlation of \\emph{Planck}-2015 CMB lensing and \\emph{WISE} galaxies over $\\sim67\\%$ of the sky. The lensing potential map presented here will be used for cross-correlation studies with the Dark Energy Survey (DES), whose footprint nearly completely covers the SPT $2500\\ {\\rm deg}^2$ field.