
Sample records for das elites portugal

  1. The impact of class absenteeism on undergraduates’ academic performance: evidence from an elite Economics school in Portugal


    Aurora A.C. Teixeira


    The empirical literature focusing mainly on the USA suggests that class absenteeism undermines students’ academic performance and that an enforced mandatory attendance policy may be beneficial. Based on a different cultural and economic context, and using data on 146 second-year management students enrolled in a Macroeconomics course at an elite economics school in Portugal, it is shown that even when controlling for potential endogenous factors associated to attendance and academic performan...

  2. Arrendamento privado em Portugal: uma leitura a partir da regulação das rendas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alves, Sonia; Azevedo, Alda; Moura Ferreira, Pedro


    Este artigo contribui para o debate do papel do Estado na regulação do sector de arrendamento privado em Portugal num momento em que é implementado um Novo Regime de Arrendamento Urbano. A informação estatística disponível, nomeadamente sobre a duração dos contratos e os valores das rendas, alerta...

  3. Financiamento das pequenas e médias empresas: análise das empresas do distrito do Porto em Portugal

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    Fernando Oliveira Tavares


    Full Text Available RESUMO Neste artigo, o objetivo é conhecer e analisar as formas de financiamento e produtos mais utilizados pelas pequenas e médias empresas do distrito do Porto, em Portugal. Pretende-se ainda perceber a aceitabilidade e a propensão para utilização de formas de financiamento alternativas e compreender quais as dificuldades das empresas no acesso ao crédito. O método utilizado é quantitativo e exploratório, um inquérito foi enviado a 1.600 empresas do distrito do Porto, acerca das diferentes formas de financiamento das organizações. Os resultados permitem concluir que o crédito bancário é a principal fonte de financiamento das pequenas e médias empresas, seguindo-se o autofinanciamento. O financiamento pela emissão de ações e obrigações é residual. Os resultados apresentam três fatores preponderantes quando as empresas têm necessidade de financiar-se: o crescimento da empresa, o custo do empréstimo e os aspetos burocráticos. Apesar de tratar-se de um estudo exploratório, os três fatores encontrados são um contributo para o estudo sobre o financiamento de pequenas e médias empresas, merecendo atenção por parte de investidores, gestores e detentores de capital.

  4. Elites e Indústria no Alentejo (1890-1960): Um estudo sobre o comportamento económico de grupos de elite em contexto regional no Portugal contemporâneo


    Guimarães, Paulo Eduardo


    Este livro analisa o comportamento económico das elites face à actividade industrial no Alentejo entre os finais do século XIX e meados do século XX. Apesar de se afirmar, neste período, a vocação agrária desta região, diferentes actores foram responsáveis pelo seu desenvolvimento industrial, integrando a economia alentejana no espaço nacional e mundial. A par das empresas de média e de grande dimensão, orientadas para a exportação de matérias-primas ou de produtos semi-preparados para ...

  5. Estado Novo no Brasil: Um Estudo da Dinâmica das Elites Políticas Regionais em Contexto Autoritário

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    Adriano Codato


    Full Text Available Este artigo reconstrói a lógica de reconstituição da classe política estadual durante o Estado Novo no Brasil. Expomos os mecanismos de formação de apoios por parte da elite nacional, os princípios que guiaram as relações entre a elite regional e a cúpula dos Executivos estadual e federal e, especificamente, o modo pelo qual o presidente da República exerceu suas prerrogativas autoritárias diante das classes dirigentes regionais. É privilegiado o caso de São Paulo, mas as situações políticas de Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul e Paraná são também comentadas. Foram propostas duas noções para explicar esse processo: "geometria variável" e "personalismo institucionalizado". Como conclusão, contesta-se a ideia segundo a qual a política seletiva de conservação/renovação das classes dirigentes estaduais deva ser descrita como cooptação de elites. O mais apropriado seria a noção de transformismo político, que implica na fabricação de uma nova classe dirigente através da destituição seletiva do grupo inimigo por uma elite mais poderosa.

  6. O uso das redes sociais por jornalistas em Portugal

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    Ana Sofia Veloso


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende mostrar como as redes sociais são utilizadas pelosjornalistas, nomeadamente os que trabalham em Portugal. É ainda intuito deste trabalho perceber se o uso destas ferramentas por estes profissionais pode constituir uma nova prática rotineira.Para o efeito, levou-se a cabo um estudo de carácter exploratório baseado nos resultados de um inquérito por questionário – realizado de raiz – dirigido à classe jornalística em Portugal. O artigo divide-se em quatro partes. Tendo em conta que, em pouco mais de uma década, as redes sociais se tornaram a atividade online mais popular a nível global, começa-se por realizar um enquadramento de apoio ao surgimento destas ferramentas na sociedade atual, dando conta de algumas estatísticas de uso e de novos processos de socialização subsequentes. Num segundo momento, é feito refereência à relação do jornalismo com as redes sociais e algumas novas práticas jornalísticas neste âmbito, apresentando conclusões de estudos internacionais sobre a utilização que jornalistas de diversos países fazem das redes sociais. Aborda-se ainda as orientações existentes sobre o uso ético que os jornalistas devem dar a estas ferramentas segundo várias entidades ligadas ao universo do jornalismo. A terceira parte foca-se no inquérito, designadamente a metodologia usada e a estrutura do mesmo; realiza-se um breve retrato sociográfico da classe jornalística em Portugal e faz-se uma caracterização socioprofissional da amostra obtida através do inquérito; apresentam-se os resultados conseguidos e analisam-se e discutem-se os mesmos, nomeadamente através de comparações com as estatísticas e as conclusões dos estudos nacionais e internacionais já mencionadas. Na quarta secção, tendo por base a discussão realizada e o balanço do tratamento do inquérito, menciona-se alguns desafios que se colocam aos jornalistas na era da Web 2.0. E conclui-se com a confirmação de que a

  7. O papel das marcas nas dinâmicas sociais online: análise da presença das marcas concorrentes Pepsi e Coca-Cola, no facebook em Portugal


    Mariano, Ana Filipa Costa


    presente dissertação pretende analisar a presença das marcas de grande consumo na rede social Facebook em Portugal, tendo por base o case study das marcas concorrentes Pepsi e Coca-Cola enquanto representantes do setor. A presença de marcas nas redes sociais é um tema atual, que levanta questões quanto à sua relevância e aceitação pelos utilizadores. Esta investigação permite-nos perceber a forma como os consumidores vêm esta situação, assim como, compreender quais as motivações que os lev...

  8. Iconografia da honra e do prestígio: Reis de Armas e cavaleiros das Ordens Militares em Portugal e Castela (séculos XVII-XVIII)


    Guillén Berrendero, José Antonio


    O tema deste artigo é demonstrar o poder das representações visuais dos indivíduos honrados nas coroas de Castela e de Portugal. Mostra uma visão transversal da representação da honra e do prestígio mediante a identificação das distintas marcas de nobreza que são atribuídas aos cavaleiros das Ordens Militares e pelos Reis de Armas. No caso dos primeiros, o autor analisa os elementos próprios de indivíduos identificados pela sua condição de nobres. No caso dos Reis de Armas, centra-se no valor...

  9. Contribuições submersas da Teoria das Elites aos Estudos Culturais Contemporâneos

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    Sandro Adalberto Colferai


    Full Text Available O artigo explora as permanências do pensamento do sociólogo Vilfrido Pareto possíveis de ser apontadas no paradigma reconhecido como Estudos Culturais Contemporâneos, ECC. O argumento apresentado é de que nas formulações de António Gramsci para o conceito de Hegemonia são acionadas categorias propostas por Pareto na sua Teoria das Elites. Ainda que a ligação com os ECC não seja explícita, considera que parte dessas ideias se mantém entre pesquisadores e teóricos como Stuart Hall, Richard Johnson, Jesús Martín-Barbero e Néstor Garcia Canclini.

  10. As organizações da sociedade civil na prevenção das infeções sexualmente transmissíveis em trabalhadoras do sexo, em Portugal

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    Marta Maia


    Full Text Available Segundo o relatório do Centro Europeu de Prevenção e Controlo das Doenças (ECDC, 2013, que compara dados relativos à prevalência do VIH em trabalhadores do sexo em 27 países da Europa e da Ásia Central, Portugal é o terceiro país com a maior prevalência da infeção entre essa população. A elevada prevalência comparativa da infeção entre os trabalhadores do sexo em Portugal contrasta com o uso reportado de meios de prevenção e diagnóstico. O artigo debruça-se sobre um dos aspetos desse fenómeno: a atividade das organizações da sociedade civil na área da prevenção das infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST em Portugal, de modo a analisar como se relacionam com as trabalhadoras do sexo e concebem as ações de prevenção e o apoio social que lhes dirigem. Essa questão surge como pertinente à medida que a discrepância verificada poderá indicar uma adesão formal (mas não necessariamente real, por parte das trabalhadoras do sexo, a uma retórica socialmente valorizada de prevenção, a qual é canalizada pelas organizações. Esse discurso pode ser por si mais ou menos apreendido, condicionando a implementação prática dos meios de prevenção propostos. Estamos assim perante um potencial fator explicativo a considerar na análise crítica do nível de efetividade dessas ações.

  11. JUSTIFICANDO NOBREZAS: Velhas e novas elites coloniais 1750-1807

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    Ronald RAMINELLI

    Full Text Available RESUMO Entre 1750 e 1807, 259 súditos ultramarinos da monarquia portuguesa recorreram à justificação de nobreza para receber brasões de armas. Ao analisar o acervo, o artigo empregou o método quantitativo para traçar o perfil social sobretudo das elites luso-brasileiras e assim constatou que os oficiais das tropas auxiliares e das ordenanças era a categoria social mais predominante. O estudo ainda detectou que as antigas elites eram pouco representativas na Bahia e Rio de Janeiro e muito presentes em Pernambuco e Maranhão.

  12. Feminismo(s e psicologia em Portugal

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    Azambuja, Mariana Porto Ruwer de


    Full Text Available Apesar da longa história em comum entre Brasil e Portugal, também existem muitas diferenças e, principalmente, muito desconhecimento. A proposta deste artigo é apresentar uma contextualização do modo como as questões de gênero têm sido tartadas Portugal e, a partir disto, estimular maiores laços de cooperação entre os dois países. Iniciamos com uma retomada da história do país e das reformas instauradas após o fim do regime fascista (1974, especialmente o surgimento da psicologia como campo científico e profissional marcado pelo paradigma positivista e, por muito tempo, alheio às transformações e questionamentos presentes em outros contextos. Da mesma forma, o percurso do movimento feminista e sua inserção no contexto acadêmico da psicologia foi marcado por avanços e entraves, os quais apresentamos a seguir. Por fim, tratamos das políticas públicas para a igualdade de oportunidades para as mulheres em Portugal

  13. Comparação das Práticas Ambientais nos Hotéis da Galiza e do Norte de Portugal

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    María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández


    Full Text Available Na presente pesquisa pretendemos estudar a articulação da Teoria Institucional e as práticas ambientais nos hotéis de três, quatro e cinco estrelas, localizados na Galiza (Espanha e no Norte de Portugal. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, pretendemos responder às seguintes perguntas: existe uma configuração institucionalizada em hotéis de três, quatro e cinco estrelas situados na Galiza e Norte de Portugal, que influencia o desenvolvimento de práticas ambientais? E quais dos mecanismos propostos pela Teoria Institucional exerce uma maior pressão sobre o desempenho ambiental na nossa unidade em estudo? Para esse efeito propomos quatro hipóteses e acreditamos que a Teoria Institucional é uma abordagem válida que tenta explicar o comportamento das organizações. Como principal resultado desta investigação sobressai que a nossa unidade de estudo está incorporada num ambiente institucional claramente marcado por pressões coercitivas e normativas.

  14. Diferenças entre marcas nos serviços multiple-play em Portugal


    Silva, Pedro; Moreira, António; Moutinho, Victor


    A concorrência entre operadores do mercado das telecomunicações em Portugal tem sido intensa.Os serviços multiple-play têm vindo a conquistar a preferência dos portugueses e a oferta tem vindo a aumentar ao longo dos anos. Face ao aumento da competitividade dos principais concorrentes, seria de esperar que os desempenhos das suas marcas fossem muito equilibrados. O objetivo deste artigo é o de analisar as diferenças entre as três principais marcas multiple-play em Portugal. Para tal, foi efet...

  15. The Intra Industry Trade between Portugal European Union, Portugal Spain, Portugal-France, Portugal Germany, Portugal-Ireland, Portugal-Greece and Portugal-Netherlands - a Dynamic Panel Data Analysis (1996 2000)


    Horácio Faustino; Nuno Carlos Leitão


    PortugalÂ’s main trade partners have been Spain, Germany and France. In this paper we analyse the intra industry trade in the manufacturing industry between Portugal Spain, Portugal-France, Portugal Germany, Portugal-Ireland and Portugal-Greece. We also present the results of intra industry trade (IIT) between Portugal and the European Union. The innovation, technological progress, human capital, and scale economies are some of the explicative variables of the intra industry trade phenomena. ...

  16. Ikea das Rendas


    Bergman, Aeron; Salinas, Alejandra


    FIALENA fabric design by Anna Svanfeldt for IKEA of Sweden. It took Maria da Guia 2 months to reproduce the Ikea pattern using traditional Portuguese improvised knots. 2008 Installasjon i Museu das Rendas, Vila do Conde, Portugal, 01.09.2008 - 01.10.2008. Sponsor: City of Villa do Conde.

  17. Tendências comportamentais frente à saúde de imigrantes brasileiros em Portugal Behavioral health trends of Brazilian immigrants in Portugal

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    Maria da Penha de Lima Coutinho


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo principal obter um conhecimento das condições e configurações das formações de imigrantes brasileiros no contexto português. De modo mais específico, procurou-se determinar quais fatores influenciam a busca, pelos imigrantes, dos serviços de saúde existentes no país acolhedor. A amostra foi composta por 75 brasileiros que vivem em Portugal, sendo 35 homens e 40 mulheres. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário sociodemográfico e analisados por meio de estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais. Os resultados mostraram um perfil atualmente crescente do imigrante brasileiro em Portugal e a sua inserção em um grupo de risco social, refletido nas suas precárias condições psicológicas, sociais e, mais especificamente, no campo da saúde.This study aimed to understand the main conditions and setting of the Brazilian immigrants formations in the Portuguese context. Specifically, the aim was to clarify which factors contribute to determine the searching for Health services in the host country. The sample was consisted by 75 Brazilians who live in Portugal, from which 35 were men and 40 were women. The data were collected by a socio-demographic questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed an increasing of a Brazilian Immigrants' profile in Portugal, and the insertion of such into a group of social risk, reflected in their psychological and social conditions, and more specifically in the Health field.

  18. The thesis of judicialization of health care by the elites: medication for mucopolysaccharidosis


    Medeiros, Marcelo; Diniz, Debora; Schwartz, Ida Vanessa Doederlein


    O artigo avalia a hipótese de se a judicialização de medicamentos para o tratamento das mucopolissacaridoses no Brasil seria uma ação das elites econômicas. Debatem-se estudos prévios que defendem a tese da judicialização pelas elites em outros medicamentos. Discute-se, a metodologia desses estudos e as inferências dela derivadas e o respaldo empírico dessa tese no caso de um dos medicamentos judicializados de mais alto custo para o SUS. Foram analisados os 196 proc...


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    António Manuel Rochette Cordeiro


    Full Text Available As bacias de meteorização química de escala média, ou “alvéolos graníticos” quando entendidos no sentido que Alain Godard lhe conferiu, constituem-se como um dos elementos fundamentais na interpretação da morfologia granítica portuguesa, em particular na compreensão da degradação das superfícies aplanadas que são um dos principais traços morfológicos do Portugal Central. Em termos morfológicos, assumem-se como bacias arredondadas, relativamente circunscritas, revestidas por um manto de alteração com espessura variável e com uma dimensão que vai desde as centenas de metros até à dimensão quilométrica.A alveolização é o resultado de um compromisso morfogenético entre fases de alteração química em clima tropical húmido e fases de ablação em clima subtropical seco, pelo que a sua génese se encontra associada a fatores morfoestruturais, enquanto a sua diferenciação se deve, no essencial, a fatores morfoclimáticos. A similaridade das condições de base estruturais nos diferentes sectores do Maciço Hespérico aponta para uma justificação em termos da eficácia dos processos morfogenéticos, em particular da meteorização química, no quadro das diferenças observadas em torno das condições climáticas (atuais e passadas, para a compreensão da manifesta diferença observada entre as formas alveolares do litoral e do interior. A existência de vários tipos de alvéolos – elementares, complexos, corredores de erosão e mistos – mostra que outros fatores, tais como a proximidade do nível de base ou as dimensões das bacias hidrográficas, têm de ser tomados em consideração na compreensão do processo de alveolização no Portugal Central no cenozoico e início do Pleistocénico.


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    Carlos Valdir de Meneses Bateira


    Full Text Available A ocorrência de movimentos de vertente no Norte de Portugal tem motivado o desenvolvimento de vários estudos de caso, ensaiando-se diversas metodologias que visam definir e caracterizar os factores condicionantes que maior influência exercem sobre os processos de instabilidade. Neste trabalho apresentam-se os resultados obtidos para o fluxo de detritos de Frades (Arcos de Valdevez, discutindo-se a importância do contexto morfo-estrutural, das formações superficiais e do seu comportamento hidrológico, analisados através de ensaios laboratoriais e in situ, designadamente, granulometria, composição mineralógica, condutividade hidráulica, resistência à penetração e refracção sísmica. O estudo desenvolvido, para além de demonstrar a existência de caminhos preferenciais da circulação interna da água, em associação com condicionamentos ligados às características das formações superficiais, revela que a rede de drenagem subsuperficial tem uma ligação evidente com o escoamento que se processa à superfície, embora possa sofrer alterações motivadas por estruturas subjacentes.

  1. Geology and religion in Portugal (United States)

    Carneiro, Ana; Simoes, Ana; Diogo, Maria Paula; Mota, Teresa Salomé


    This paper addresses the relationship between geology and religion in Portugal by focusing on three case studies of naturalists who produced original research and lived in different historical periods, from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. Whereas in non-peripheral European countries religious themes and even controversies between science and religion were dealt with by scientists and discussed in scientific communities, in Portugal the absence of a debate between science and religion within scientific and intellectual circles is particularly striking. From the historiographic point of view, in a country such as Portugal, where Roman Catholicism is part of the religious and cultural tradition, the influence of religion in all aspects of life has been either taken for granted by those less familiar with the national context or dismissed by local intellectuals, who do not see it as relevant to science. The situation is more complex than these dichotomies, rendering the study of this question particularly appealing from the historiographic point of view, geology being by its very nature a well-suited point from which to approach the theme. We argue that there is a long tradition of independence between science and religion, agnosticism and even atheism among local elites. Especially from the eighteenth century onwards, they are usually portrayed as enlightened minds who struggled against religious and political obscurantism. Religion—or, to be more precise, the Roman Catholic Church and its institutions—was usually identified with backwardness, whereas science was seen as the path to progress; consequently men of science usually dissociated their scientific production from religious belief.

  2. Portugal. (United States)

    Eckles, David; Toro, Leonor, Ed.

    Brief information is provided on the region, climate, agriculture and industry of 10 provinces in Portugal: Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, located in Portugal's northeastern region; Beira Alta, the province with Portugal's highest elevation point; Beira Baixa, one of Portugal's poorest regions; Beira Litoral, located in central Portugal along the…

  3. Ordens militares de cavalaria de Portugal

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    Álvaro da Veiga Coimbra


    Full Text Available Falar nas Ordens Militares de Cavalaria de Portugal, é ter presente a própria história da fundação da monarquia e de re-cuperação territorial e também dos descobrimentos de novos mundos para a civilização. Aos seus cavaleiros couberam no cenário das lutas sangrentas e constantes da dinastia afonsina, os grandes postos da vanguarda.

  4. Antônio, Bento e Domingos: paternidade na elite farroupilha (1835-1845 = Antônio, Bento and Domingos: fatherhood among the farroupilha’s elite (1835-1845

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    Barbosa, Carla Adriana da Silva


    Full Text Available Num contexto marcado pela guerra e preponderância das imagens masculinas, a figura paterna representava a segurança corporal e simbólica das famílias da elite farroupilha. Neste artigo, analiso as manifestações de paternidade nas correspondências pertencentes a este grupo, como as escolhas para a educação e o legado a ser herdado por seus filhos

  5. Perspectiva antropológica do turismo de habitação em portugal

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    Luís Silva


    Full Text Available The expression dwelling tourism designates the set of lodgings situated in rural areas, orientated for the exploitation of theirs natural and cultural resources. This article presents qualitative and quantitative data about the production, consumption, and the local impacts of the activity in Portugal. The accommodation provided recreates either the homes considered typical of not too poor peasants or those reminiscent of provincial elites. The owners may be classified in four groups: provincial elites, farmers, undifferentiated, and prevaricators. Hosts are middle-class urbanites motivated by a pastoralist ideational framework, complemented by an attraction for History when accommodation is sought in manor-houses or villas. The sector does not produce significant effects in the social¬ and economical dynamics of the areas where it is implemented, but has important symbolic values.

  6. De 1995 a 2002: um mapeamento da elite política paranaense

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    Tiago Valenciano


    Full Text Available Na tentativa de mapear as elites paranaenses, “Quem Governa? – Um estudo das elites políticas do Paraná” (2007, é uma coletânea de artigos publicados pela Editora da Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR. Organizado a oito mãos por Renato Perissinotto, Adriano Codato, Mario Fuks e Sérgio Braga, o livro é uma homenagem ao trabalho de Robert Dahl (1915-, intitulado Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City”, publicado em 1961. Abarcando a análise das elites administrativas, parlamentares e partidárias, os organizadores salientam durante a apresentação a necessidade de conhecer não só o tipo de política realizada nos Estados, mas também os agentes envolvidos.  Deste modo, o livro é estruturado em cinco partes. Durante a introdução, valores teórico-metodológicos da pesquisa são levados à tona, proporcionando ao leitor uma intensa crítica dos pontos bem e mal sucedidos da pesquisa. Na primeira parte, o perfil socioeconômico das elites é elucidado. Na segunda parte, o foco direciona-se para o modo de carreira política. Os valores políticos dos entrevistados ganham destaque na terceira parte. E, finalizando, a parte IV consiste em uma inspeção da atuação política dos Deputados da 14ª Legislatura (1999-2003.

  7. A tese da judicialização da saúde pelas elites : os medicamentos para mucopolissacaridose


    Medeiros, Marcelo


    O artigo avalia a hipótese de se a judicialização de medicamentos para o tratamento das mucopolissacaridoses no Brasil seria uma ação das elites econômicas. Debatem-se estudos prévios que defendem a tese da judicialização pelas elites em outros medicamentos. Discute-se, a metodologia desses estudos e as inferências dela derivadas e o respaldo empírico dessa tese no caso de um dos medicamentos judicializados de mais alto custo para o SUS. Foram analisados os 196 processos julgados entre fevere...

  8. Modernização administrativa em Portugal e o futuro das Bibliotecas da Administração Central do Estado: o debate em curso

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    Paulo Jorge Barata


    Full Text Available Refletindo as atuais tendências nas políticas de modernização administrativa nos organismos governamentais, apresentam-se e discutem-se os recentes resultados de um relatório prospetivo para as bibliotecas, realizado em Portugal, no âmbito das atribuições da Direção-Geral da Qualificação dos Trabalhadores em Funções Públicas (INA. Este documento de orientação estratégica foi desenvolvido por um grupo de especialistas em gestão de informação, utilizando as metodologias de estudos do futuro e análise de stakeholders, tendo como objetivos contribuir para a construção de uma política nacional de informação que integre o papel e a estratégia das Bibliotecas da Administração Central do Estado, promovendo o reconhecimento das práticas de gestão de informação necessárias na Administração Pública e debatendo o seu valor e o impacto para as várias partes interessadas.

  9. Elites universitarias y cambio climático

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    Cristian Parker Gumucio


    Full Text Available Las medidas para enfrentar el Cambio Climático en el planeta involucran un conjunto de factores entre los cuales la existencia de estructuras y organizaciones que catalicen e impulsen una acción transformadora. La generación de capacidades locales implica la consciencia de la ciudadanía y de las elites acordes con las acciones institucionales de respuesta en los distintos niveles. Basado en una investigación empírica se analizan las orientaciones de las elites estudiantiles universitarias en Chile. Se analizan las percepciones acerca del cambio climático, sobre las medidas de adaptación y /o mitigación y también la visión acerca de las energías renovables no convencionales uno de los principales factores que pueden incidir en la reducción de las emisiones de gas de efecto invernadero.As medidas para enfrentar as mudanças climáticas no planeta envolvem um conjunto de fatores, entre os quais a existência de estruturas e organizações que catalizem e impulsionem uma ação transformadora. A capacitação local envolve a consciência dos cidadãos e das elites, em consonância com as ações de resposta institucional em vários níveis. Com base em um estudo empírico, foram analisadas as orientações das elites estudantis universitárias no Chile. Analisamos as percepções sobre mudanças climáticas, adaptação e/ou mitigação, e também a visão sobre energias renováveis não convencionais, um dos principais fatores que podem reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa.Measures to address climate change on the planet involve a number of factors including the existence of structures and organizations to catalyze and encourage transformative actions. Local capacity building involves the consciousness of citizens and elites in line with the institutional actions to respond at various levels. Based on empirical research the orientations of the elite university students in Chile are analyzed. We focus on the perceptions of

  10. A(utuando o Rio: a lei1, o desejo e a produção da cidade em Tropa de elite, de José Padilha (Enacting Rio: law, desire and the production of the city in Jose Padilha's Tropa de elite

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    James Craine


    Full Text Available Nosso engajamento com o filme Tropa de elite, de 2007, do diretor José Padilha, é pertinente a discussões mais amplas acerca do papel do desejo e da lei nas formações de geografias do lugar. Em Tropa de elite, é a exploração das potencialidades transformadoras da lei, no mundo rotineiro e cotidiano, por intermédio de seu personagem principal, Capitão Roberto Nascimento (Wagner Moura, que evoca a verdadeira significação social e cultural do filme. Contextualizar a paisagem do Rio de Janeiro como uma ordem econômica singular, através da qual suas personagens literal e metaforicamente tiveram lucro e perderam, descortina Tropa de elite como um exemplo poderoso do que Deleuze descreveu como paisagens como estados mentais e estados mentais como cartografias, "ambos cristalizados um no outro, geometrizados, mineralizados". Por intermédio das conexões e das dobras entre estados mentais, paisagens e cartografias, nós podemos ver como, por meio da transformação das paisagens e dos espaços urbanos em Tropa de elite, Padilha realiza uma tarefa qualitativa de expor forças, muitas vezes marginalizadoras e exploratórias, coladas ao espaço, à organização social, às políticas de lugar, ao consumo e à produção capitalistas.Our engagement with Jose Padilha's 2007 film Tropa de elite is apropos to larger discussions of the role of desire and law in the formations of geographies of place. It is Tropa de elite's exploration of the transformative potentialities of law within the everyday and mundane world through its central character, Captain Roberto Nascimento (Wagner Moura, that evokes the film's true social and cultural significance. Contextualizing the Rio de Janeiro landscape as a particular economic order through which its characters have literally and metaphorically profited and lost uncovers Tropa de elite as a powerful example of what Deleuze has described as landscapes as mental states, and mental states as cartographies


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    Célia Regina Vendramini


    Full Text Available RESUMO:Tendo como ponto de partida a questão sobre o futuro das escolas rurais ou do campo, o artigo aborda o contexto social, político e econômico que suporta ou não a existência das escolas, bem como uma análise sobre a situação das escolas em diferentes contextos, particularmente no Brasil, em Portugal e nos Estados Unidos. Problematizamos as respostas dadas pelo poder público, acadêmicos e organizações e movimentos sociais sobre o fechamento, a redução do número de alunos e de comunidades rurais com escola, as condições de funcionamento, a distância percorrida pelos alunos, além das implicações das escolas para a vitalidade do campo. Concluímos que o futuro das escolas está diretamente relacionado com o futuro do campo.

  12. O franchising como paradigma de crescimento das PME em Portugal


    Carvalhosa, José Manuel Pinto


    Mestrado em Controlo e Gestão dos Negócios O tecido empresarial português assenta maioritariamente em organizações com características que se enquadram na categoria denominada de pequenas e médias empresas. Consequentemente gozam de enorme relevância e influência na economia nacional. O franchising teve origem nos Estados Unidos da América e começou a dar os primeiros passos no início do século passado. A introdução em Portugal deste conceito foi mais recente, final da dé...

  13. Políticas de língua : o ensino da língua portuguesa como instrumento de aprofundamento das relações entre Portugal (Camões IP) e Timor-Leste (2007-2013)


    Avelar, Mário José Menino


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Relações Internacionais O relatório de estágio, por nós realizado no Camões IP, responde à pergunta de partida por nós formulada: como é que o ensino da língua portuguesa tem sido um instrumento de aprofundamento das relações entre Portugal e Timor ‐ Leste? No capítulo 1 enquadramos teórico e metodologicamente a temática ...

  14. A Política de Quotas em Portugal: O papel dos partidos políticos e do feminismo de Estado

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    Rosa Monteiro


    Full Text Available A designada Lei da Paridade representa um marco importantíssimo na promoção da igualdade de mulheres e homens em Portugal. A sua relevância advém de vários factores, dentre os quais se destaca o seu impacto num sistema eleitoral que a inércia do sistema político-partidário tem sido incapaz de alterar. Na análise do surgimento das políticas de quotas em Portugal, o papel do principal mecanismo oficial para a igualdade, ou seja, da Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género, e das suas redes não tem sido estudado. Ora, como refere Mona Lena Krook, esforços para aumentar o número de mulheres em cargos políticos raramente acontecem na ausência de mobilização de mulheres. Adoptando a abordagem do feminismo de Estado, exploro aqui o papel da Comissão como uma entidade decisiva na apresentação das reivindicações feministas perante o Estado, um papel que tem sido sistematicamente ignorado, e explicito a forma como este mecanismo e as associações de mulheres em seu torno contribuíram para a promoção da agenda da participação das mulheres na política em Portugal.

  15. Padrões de casamento dos imigrantes brasileiros residentes em Portugal Patrones de matrimonio de los inmigrantes brasileños residentes en Portugal Marriage patterns of Brazilian immigrants living in Portugal

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    Ana Cristina Ferreira


    Full Text Available Ao longo das últimas décadas, o número de estrangeiros residentes em Portugal aumentou de forma expressiva. Neste contexto, a comunidade brasileira assumiu uma importância cada vez maior, sendo em 2009 a nacionalidade mais representada, com uma participação de 25% no total de residentes estrangeiros em Portugal. Esta evolução tem, como seria de se esperar, reflexos a outros níveis, em particular no contexto do casamento. Contrariando a tendência decrescente observada para o total de casamentos ocorridos entre 2001 e 2009, aqueles em que pelo menos um dos cônjuges nasceu no Brasil quase quadruplicaram nesse período. Para muitos autores, os casamentos mistos são um bom indicador da integração das comunidades imigrantes na sociedade de acolhimento. Assim, dada a importância da comunidade brasileira residente em Portugal, é relevante observar qual o peso dos casamentos mistos nesta comunidade e analisar seus padrões de matrimônio. A análise estatística dos microdados dos casamentos disponibilizados pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística possibilitou estudar e caraterizar a evolução dos casamentos registrados em Portugal, entre 2001 e 2009, envolvendo brasileiros residentes em Portugal. Ficou patente a existência de um elevado nível de casamentos mistos, em especial com portugueses, neste período, o que indicia sua integração na comunidade de acolhimento. Verificaram-se igualmente algumas diferenças nos padrões de matrimônio entre os sexos, bem como uma tendência para a diminuição da importância dos casamentos mistos, em especial entre os homens.A lo largo de las últimas décadas, el número de extranjeros residentes en Portugal aumentó de forma expresiva. En este contexto, la comunidad brasileña asumió una importancia cada vez mayor, siendo en 2009 la nacionalidad más representativa, con una cuota de residentes del 25% en el total de población extranjera en Portugal. Esta evolución tiene, como cabr

  16. A reação da elite política incumbente na abertura democrática brasileira

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    Full Text Available RESUMOEste artigo analisa um dos possíveis canais através dos quais as elites incumbentes alinhadas com a ditadura brasileira foram capazes de reter o seu poder político durante a democratização na década de 1980. Com base em dados do PNAD e resultados de eleições legislativas, verificamos primeiro que os eleitores analfabetos que viviam nos estados que foram dominados pelo partido de elite durante a ditadura tinham uma probabilidade maior de se registar para votar do que aqueles que viviam em outros estados. Investigamos então se esta correlação positiva representa uma reação das elites incumbentes a fim de manter o seu poder político através da manipulação do eleitor ou se representa uma reação destes eleitores, a fim de tirar o poder das oligarquias. Constatamos que, em estados dominados pelo partido de elite, os analfabetos apresentaram maior probabilidade de estarem politicamente desinteressados e desinformados. Nossos resultados sugerem que uma reação politicamente motivada a partir desta população é implausível.

  17. Os Jogos Desportivos Luso-Brasileiros e os Congressos Luso-Brasileiros de Educação Física no âmbito das relações internacionais Brasil-Portugal (década de 1960

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    Victor Andrade de Melo


    Full Text Available Resumo Este estudo objetiva discutir os Jogos Desportivos Luso-Brasileiros e os Congressos Luso-Brasileiros de Educação Física no âmbito das relações internacionais Brasil-Portugal (década de 1960. Para alcance do objetivo, como fontes foram usados: o Boletim do Ultramar, a Revista de Educação Física e os Arquivos da Escola Nacional de Educação Física e Desportos (Enefd. O intuito é lançar novos olhares para a mobilização do esporte no âmbito da política colonial portuguesa, bem como para o relacionamento entre Brasil e Portugal na esfera da educação física/ciências do esporte. Ao fim, chamamos a atenção para a necessidade de avaliar com cuidado as iniciativas contemporâneas semelhantes às investigadas.

  18. Anthropometric and physical performance characteristics of top-elite, elite and non-elite youth female team handball players. (United States)

    Moss, Samantha Louise; McWhannell, Nicola; Michalsik, Lars Bojsen; Twist, Craig


    In order to maximise the potential for success, developing nations need to produce superior systems to identify and develop talent, which requires comprehensive and up-to-date values on elite players. This study examined the anthropometric and physical characteristics of youth female team handball players (16.07 ± 1.30 years) in non-elite (n = 47), elite (n = 37) and top-elite players (n = 29). Anthropometric profiling included sum of eight skinfolds, body mass, stature, girths, breadths and somatotype. Performance tests included 20 m sprint, counter-movement jump, throwing velocity, repeated shuttle sprint and jump ability test, and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1. Youth top-elite players had greater body mass, lean mass, stature, limb girths and breadths than elite and non-elite players, while only stature and flexed arm were higher in elite compared to non-elite players (all P  0.05). Top-elite performed better in most performance tests compared to both elite and non-elite players (P  0.05). Elite outperformed non-elite players only in throwing velocity. The findings reveal that non-elite players compare unfavourably to top-elite international European players in many anthropometric and performance characteristics, and differ in a few characteristics compared to elite European club team players. This study is useful for emerging team handball nations in improving talent identification processes.

  19. Pesquisa ambiental de agentes de esporotricose em Portugal


    Dançante, Ana Mafalda da Silva Grilo Carreteiro


    A esporotricose é uma das principais micoses subcutâneas reportadas mundialmente. O agente etiológico é um complexo de espécies dimórficas relacionadas conhecido como complexo Sporothrix schenckii. Considerada uma doença rara na Europa, foi recentemente identificado um caso autóctone em Portugal. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo, desenvolver um ensaio baseado em PCR para detetar e identificar membros do complexo S. schenckii em amostras ambientais, e realizar uma pesquisa ...

  20. Fascist labscapes: geneticists, wheat, and the landscapes of Fascism in Italy and Portugal. (United States)

    Saraiva, Tiago


    This paper explores the role of scientists in the building of fascist regimes in Italy and Portugal by focusing on plant geneticists' participation in the Italian and Portuguese wheat wars for bread self-sufficiency. It looks closely at the work undertaken by Nazareno Strampelli at the National Institute of Genetics for Grain Cultivation (Italy) and by António Sousa da Câmara at the National Agronomic Experiment Station (Portugal), both of whom took wheat as their prime experimental object of genetics research. The main argument is that the production of standardized organisms—the breeder's elite seeds—in laboratory spaces is deeply entangled with their circulation through extended distribution networks that allowed for their massive presence in Italian and Portuguese landscapes such as the Po Valley and the Alentejo. The narrative pays particular attention to the historical development of fascist regimes in the two countries, advancing the argument that breeders' artifacts were key components of the institutionalization of the new political regimes.

  1. Physiological characteristics of elite and sub-elite badminton players. (United States)

    Ooi, Cheong Hwa; Tan, Albert; Ahmad, Azwari; Kwong, Kien Weng; Sompong, Ruji; Ghazali, Khairul Aswadi Mohd; Liew, Swee Lee; Chai, Wen Jin; Thompson, Martin William


    The aims of this study were to establish the physical and physiological attributes of elite and sub-elite Malaysian male badminton players and to determine whether these attributes discriminate elite players from sub-elite players. Measurements and tests of basic anthropometry, explosive power, anaerobic recovery capacity, badminton-specific movement agility, maximum strength, and aerobic capacity were conducted on two occasions, separated by at least one day. The elite (n = 12) and sub-elite (n = 12) players' characteristics were, respectively: mean age 24.6 years (s = 3.7) and 20.5 years (s = 0.7); mass 73.2 kg (s = 7.6) and 62.7 kg (s = 4.2); stature 1.76 m (s = 0.07) and 1.71 m (s = 0.05); body fat 12.5% (s = 4.8) and 9.5% (s = 3.4); estimated VO(2max) 56.9 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1) (s = 3.7) and 59.5 ml . kg(-1) . min(-1) (s = 5.2). The elite players had greater maximum absolute strength in one-repetition maximum bench press (P = 0.015) compared with the sub-elite players. There were significant differences in instantaneous lower body power estimated from vertical jump height between the elite and sub-elite groups (P badminton-specific movement agility tests. Our results show that elite Malaysian male badminton players are taller, heavier, and stronger than their sub-elite counterparts. The test battery, however, did not allow us to discriminate between the elite and sub-elite players, suggesting that at the elite level tactical knowledge, technical skills, and psychological readiness could be of greater importance.

  2. Tropa: debate de elites

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    Paulo Hamilton


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, o ator Paulo Hamilton, que interpreta o soldado Paulo no filme Tropa de elite, defende o trabalho de José Padilha das acusações de comprometimento com um discurso ideológico fascista. Sua estratégia consiste em desvincular o ponto de vista sob o qual o filme é narrado – aquele do Capitão Nascimento – daquele que a obra como um todo pretenderia comunicar. Mais ainda, argumenta ele, regimes totalitários procuram combater posturas de questionamento. A polêmica que Tropa fomentou seria um indício adicional contra a sua associação ao fascismo.

  3. From elite reproduction to elite adaptation: the dynamics of change in personal networks of Slovenian elites


    Iglič, Hajdeja; Rus, Andrej


    This article deals with the process of elite adaptation in Slovenia in the period between 1988 and 1995. While negotiated settlement between the old and new elites in Slovenia contributed to high reproduction rates of Slovenian old elites, there was significant change going on within the new and old elites. By looking at their ego networks, we show that the debate on elite reproduction is overlooking an important aspect of change, i.e. the adaptation of elites. We analyze changes in the compo...

  4. Justiça como igualdade? A percepção da elite e do povo brasileiro Justice as equality: the perceptions of the brazilian elite and the people

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    Celi Scalon


    Full Text Available Os estudos sobre as desigualdades sociais no Brasil concentram-se, em geral, nas dimensões objetivas do fenômeno, como sexo, cor, renda, ocupação e escolaridade. A amplitude do fosso entre ricos e pobres, graças às pesquisas já realizadas, é razoavelmente conhecida, mas pouco se sabe sobre a maneira como os brasileiros vêem essa disparidade. Em 2000, como parte do International Social Survey Programme tentou-se preencher essa lacuna com um survey aplicado a representantes das elites nacionais, entendendo-se por "elites" indivíduos pertencentes ao grupo dos 10% mais ricos do país. A pesquisa, de abrangência nacional - 2 mil entrevistas em 195 municípios -, buscou revelar diferenças entre as percepções da "elite" e do "povo" acerca da desigualdade. As questões levantadas pelo survey diziam respeito à imagem que os dois grupos têm da sociedade brasileira e da forma como ela está estruturada; as remunerações que seriam adequadas para trabalhadores de diferentes níveis de qualificação; os valores que deveriam prevalecer na distribuição da riqueza do país; os maiores problemas do Brasil; e as estratégias preferenciais de cada grupo para a redução da pobreza, com destaque para o papel do Estado. As respostas revelaram convergências e divergências surpreendentes entre povo e elite. Os dois grupos percebem a extensão das desigualdades sociais no país, mas tendem a defender estratégias distintas para reduzi-las, transferindo a solução das desigualdades ao Estado. Essas aproximações e diferenças de pontos de vista podem oferecer elementos importantes para se compreender os mecanismos de legitimação das desigualdades.Studies about social inequality in Brazil usually focus on its objective dimensions, such as sex, colour, income, occupation, and schooling. The size of the gap between rich and poor is reasonably well known thanks to studies already carried out, but little is known about how the disparity is seen by

  5. A crise de 1929 e duas elites: São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro diante da Grande Depressão

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    Barreiros, Daniel de Pimho


    Full Text Available O artigo discute o impacto e as reações das elites nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo diante do crash da Bolsa de Valores de Nova Iorque, em outubro de 1929. Conclui-se que, diante da crise econômica, a preservação dos hábitos sociais tradicionais da elite carioca, em contraste com os sintomas de desestruturação percebidos entre a elite paulista, se deve ao enraizamento urbano da primeira

  6. Specific physiological and biomechanical performance in elite, sub-elite and in non-elite male team handball players. (United States)

    Wagner, Herbert; Fuchs, Philip X; von Duvillard, Serge P


    Team handball is a dynamic sport game that is played professionally in numerous countries. However, knowledge about training and competition is based mostly on practical experience due to limited scientific studies. Consequently, the aims of our study were to compare specific physiological and biomechanical performance in elite, sub-elite and in non-elite male team handball players. Thirty-six elite, sub-elite and non-elite male team handball players performed a game based performance test, upper-body and lower-body strength tests, 30-m sprint test, counter movement jump test and an incremental treadmill running test. Significant differences (Phandball specific oxygen uptake and higher leg strength compared to sub-elite and non-elite players. Based on these results we recommend that training in team handball should focus on game based training methods to improve performance in specific agility, endurance and technique.

  7. Tapada das Necessidades em Lisboa : a historia de um jardim esquecido

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    João Alburquerque Carreiras


    Full Text Available O trabalho apresentado consiste numa análise histórica da Tapada das Necessidades, jardim situado na cidade de Lisboa, formando um dos seus maiores espaços verdes. A Tapada foi construída por D.João V, o monarca que em Portugal mais simbolizou o Absolutismo, reflectindo-o nas suas criações Barrocas. Com o Liberalismo surge D.Fernando, que vai ser o intérprete de uma enorme transformação da tapada, protagonizando o período mais importante na sua evolução. A história da Tapada entranha-se na própria história de Portugal, acompanhando o absolutismo, a transição para o liberalismo, os últimos movimentos da monarquia e os primeiros passos da República.The presented work consists in a historical analysis of the Tapada das Necessidades, a garden situated in the City of Lisbon, forming one of its bigger green spaces. The Tapada was built by D.João V, the monarch that in Portugal more symbolized the Absolutism, reflecting it in its Baroque creations. With the Liberalism appears D.Fernando, who will be the interpreter of an enourmous hashing of the Tapada, carrying out the more important period of its evolution. The history of the Tapada penetrates in Portugal own history, following the absolutism, the transition for the liberalism, the last moves of the monarchy and the first steps of the republic.

  8. O Estado Novo português e a reforma do Estado colonial em Angola: o comportamento político das elites brancas (1961-1962

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    Fernando Tavares PIMENTA


    Full Text Available Este artigo coloca em perspectiva a problemática das relações políticas e institucionais entre diferentes níveis de governação da administração colonial portuguesa e entre esta e os estratos superiores da comunidade branca de Angola. Para o efeito, definimos um triângulo analítico constituído por: a Estado central, representado pelo Ministério do Ultramar; b Estado colonial, representado pelo Governo Geral de Angola; c as elites brancas de Angola, representadas pelas respectivas associações económicas. A análise incide fundamentalmente no biénio 1961/1962, que coincidiu com o início da guerra de independência de Angola e com a subsequente experiência de reformismo colonial promovida por Adriano Moreira.


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    António Vieira


    Full Text Available O estudo da glaciação plistocénica no Noroeste de Portugal tem interessado a comunidade científica desde finais do século XIX. Das várias serras minhotas, apenas a do Gerês e da Peneda são consensualmente consideradas como áreas montanhosas afetadas pelas glaciações quaternárias, embora outras montanhas, apesar de mais baixas, pareçam evidenciar idênticos efeitos das glaciações. Apresenta-se neste trabalho uma síntese dos conhecimentos atuais e as perspetivas de investigação dos vestígios glaciares nas montanhas do NW de Portugal.

  10. Psicologia feminista em Portugal : dificuldades e conquistas


    Saavedra, Luísa


    Pretende-se, com este artigo, fazer um balanço do que tem sido a Psicologia Feminista em Portugal. Tendo em conta que cada ciência comporta evoluções e posições epistemológicas e metodológicas distintas, começar-se-á por traçar em linhas gerais alguns marcos da psicologia no que diz respeito à forma de abordar as questões das mulheres e homens e definindo o que se entende por psicologia feminista. Seguidamente, serão evidenciados alguns aspectos políticos e sociais que condicionaram o desenvo...

  11. Estratégias para aumentar a sensibilidade da farmacovigilância em Portugal Estrategias para aumentar la sensibilidad de la farmacovigilancia en Portugal Strategies to increase the sensitivity of pharmacovigilance in Portugal

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    Inês Ribeiro-Vaz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados de intervenção para melhoria da quantidade e relevância das notificações de reacções adversas a medicamentos. MÉTODOS: Foi implementado um estudo controlado aleatorizado, por agrupamentos em farmacêuticos a exercer actividade profissional na região norte de Portugal, em 2007. Após aleatorização, 364 indivíduos foram alocados ao grupo de intervenção (261 na intervenção telefónica e 103 nos workshops; o grupo de controlo foi constituído por 1.103 farmacêuticos. Na intervenção educativa foram abordados a problemática das reacções adversas a medicamentos, o impacto na saúde pública e a notificação espontânea. Quanto à relevância, as reações adversas foram classificadas em graves e inesperadas. A análise estatística foi efectuada com base no princípio intention-to-treat; aplicaram-se modelos lineares generalizados mistos, utilizando o método penalized quasi-likelihood. Os farmacêuticos estudados foram seguidos durante um período de 20 meses. RESULTADOS: A intervenção aumentou três vezes a taxa de notificação espontânea das reações adversas (RR = 3,22; IC 95%: 1,33; 7,80 relativamente ao grupo de controlo. Houve incremento da relevância das notificações com aumento das reações adversas graves em cerca de quatro vezes (RR = 3,87; IC 95%: 1,29;11,61 e inesperadas em cinco vezes (RR = 5,02; IC 95%: 1,33;18,93, relativamente ao grupo de controlo. CONCLUSÕES: As intervenções educativas aumentam significativamente, por até quatro meses, a quantidade e a relevância das notificações espontâneas de reacções adversas a medicamentos por parte dos farmacêuticos da região norte de Portugal.OBJETIVO: Evaluar los resultados de intervención para mejoría de la cantidad y relevancia de las notificaciones de reacciones adversas a medicamentos. MÉTODOS: Fue implementado un estudio controlado aleatorio, por agrupaciones de farmacéuticos que ejercen actividad profesional

  12. A deficiente informação aumenta os riscos dos pesticidas em Portugal The deficient information increase the pesticides risks in Portugal

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    Pedro Amaro


    Full Text Available O risco do uso dos pesticidas agrícolas ser aceitável depende da adopção de rigorosas medidas de segurança definidas pela UE. Esta problemática, em Portugal, é muito preocupante em consequência de graves ilegalidades, como o não funcionamento da CATPF há 5 anos e da sistemática prática, a nível oficial (ex: DGPC/DGADR e Serviços de Avisos e das empresas de pesticidas, da política de esconder a informação essencial para: a selecção dos pesticidas menos perigosos; o conhecimento das indispensáveis medidas de mitigação do risco; e a adequada formação de técnicos e de agricultores.The pesticide risk could be acceptable if mitigation measures decided by EU are adopted. In Portugal that problematic is quite difficult in consequence of graves illegalities, as the CATPF 5 years not working and the systematic practice, at official level (ex: DGPC/DGADR and Warning Service and at pesticides suppliers, of a political to hide the information that is essential to: the pesticides selection of the less dangerous to human health and the environment; the knowledge of indispensable and appropriate measures to reduce those risks as much as possible; and the level of education and training of technicians and farmers.

  13. As funções da resposabilidade social no marketing social de hoje : o caso de estudo McDonald's Portugal


    Marco, Débora Alexandra Rodrigues do


    No âmbito deste trabalho propomo-nos elaborar um estudo sobre o conceito da Responsabilidade Social Empresarial em Portugal, compreender a sua relação com o Marketing Social e ilustrar algumas das vantagens inerentes à adopção de um comportamento empresarial socialmente responsável, que contribui por sua vez para o entendimento, comunicação, divulgação e crescimento desta estratégia empresarial em Portugal. A União Europeia desempenha um papel fundamental para o crescimento do ...

  14. Prevalência de anticorpos para chlamydia trachomatis em grupos populacionais do Brasil, Inglaterra e Portugal

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    Marluísa de Oliveira Guimarães Ishak


    Full Text Available A prevalência de anticorpos IgG, grupo-específico para Chlamydia, em populações do Brasil, Inglaterra e Portugal foi determinada através do teste de imunofluorescência indireta, tendo-se como antígeno a cepa SA2 (f. Foram considerados positivos os soros com títulos de IgG >1:32. Dentre as populações brasileiras, a prevalência de anticorpos para Chlamydia foi maior em Serra Norte (76,2%, p < 0,01 do que nas das populações de Belém (53,6% e dos Índios Xicrins (51,3%. Entre os pacientes do Departamento de Medicina Genito-Urinária do University College Hospital (UCH e do quadro do mesmo Hospital, a prevalência de anticorpos anti-Chlamydia foi de 62% e 53,1%, respectivamente. Anticorpos anti-Chlamydia foram detectados em 54% e 66% na Inglaterra e em 56% e 68% em Portugal, nas pacientes do sexo feminino que freqüentavam Clínicas de Pré-Natal e de Infertilidade, respectivamente, Os resultados encontrados mostram uma alta exposição das populações testadas, à Chlamydia, principalmente do grupo de baixo nível sócio-econômico de Serra Norte, Brasil. A evidência de infecção por Chlamydia é da mesma ordem, tanto no Brasil, quanto na Inglaterra e Portugal.

  15. motivation and physical performance in elite and non-elite trained men

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    BT Crewther


    Full Text Available To advance our understanding of the hormonal contribution to athletic performance, we examined the temporal associations between individual changes in testosterone (T and/or cortisol (C concentrations, training motivation and physical performance in elite and non-elite trained men. Two male cohorts classified as elites (n = 12 and non-elites (n = 12 completed five testing sessions over a six-week period. The athletes were tested for salivary T, C, T/C ratio, self-perceived training motivation, countermovement jump (CMJ height and isometric mid-thigh pull peak force (IMTP PF, after which an actual training workout was performed. The elite men reported higher motivation to train and they produced greater CMJ height overall, whereas the non-elites had higher pooled T levels (p < 0.05. No significant group differences in C concentrations, T/C ratio or IMTP PF were found. The individual changes in T levels were positively associated with training motivation in the elite men only (p = 0.033, but the hormonal and motivation measures did not predict CMJ height or IMTP PF in either group. The monitoring of elite and non-elite men across a short training block revealed differences in T levels, motivation and lower-body power, which may reflect training and competitive factors in each group. Despite having lower T levels, the elite athletes showed better linkage between pre-training T fluctuations and subsequent motivation to train. The nature of the performance tests (i.e. single repetition trials could partly explain the lack of an association with the hormonal and motivational measures.

  16. A salinização do solo em Portugal: Causas, extensão e soluções


    Gonçalves, M. C.; Martins, J. C.; Ramos, T. B.


    A salinização é um dos principais processosde degradação do solo a nível mundial. Em Portugal, este problema está limitado às zonas costeiras afectadas pelas marés (sapais) e a algumas áreas regadas no sul do País. Contudo, o aumento da área regada e as perspectivas de mudanças climáticas para as próximas décadas, nomeadamente o aumento das temperaturas, podem levar a um acréscimo da área afectada por aquele problema em Portugal e a uma crescente degradação dos solos. Descrevem-se as principa...

  17. Kinanthropometric and performance characteristics of elite and non-elite female softball players. (United States)

    Singh, S; Singh, M; Rathi, B


    The purpose of the present study was to compare the kinanthropometric and performance characteristics of elite and non-elite female softball players. A total forty elite and non-elite level female softball players were selected from the different colleges affiliated to the Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, for the present study. The height of subjects was measured by using the standard anthropometric rod. Weight was measured with portable weighing machine. Widths and diameters of body parts were measured by using digital caliper. Girths and lengths were taken with steel tape. Skinfold thickness measurements were taken using the Slimguide skinfold caliper. All subjects were also assessed for performance tests i.e. vertical jump, 50m sprint, medicine ball throw, 10×4m shuttle run and reaction time. Independent samples t-test reveals that elite female softball players were significantly taller (Psoftball players also had significantly greater biacromial (Psoftball players. The non-elite female softball players were found to have significantly greater thigh circumference (Psoftball players. The non-elite players were also found to have significantly higher percentage body fat (Psoftball players. The elite female softball players had significantly greater kinanthropometric characteristics, body composition and performance characteristics than the non-elite female softball players.

  18. Propaganda between school and Church: the control of small Italian community in Portugal (1926-1943 | Propaganda entre escuela e Iglesia: el control de la pequeña comunidad italiana en Portugal (1926-1943

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    Mario Ivani


    Full Text Available The Italian community in Portugal between the two world wars was made the subject of efforts to promote the Fascist Regime among Italians abroad through the regimentation in mass organizations and the appeal to the fascist civil religion. The myths of the universality of fascism, of the common Latin and Catholic origins, of the empire, of the uomo nuovo and the dissemination of the achievements of fascism had the dual goals of enhancing the consent of the Italian immigrants and attract the sympathies of the local elites for the fascist political model. The network of fasci and Italian schools abroad were the main instruments of this action. A crucial help came from the ecclesiastical structures, part of the community. | La comunidad italiana en Portugal en el periodo de entreguerras fue objeto de los esfuerzos por promover el régimen fascista entre los italianos en el extranjero a través del encuadramiento en las organizaciones de masas y las prácticas de la religión civil fascista. Los mitos de la universalidad del fascismo, de la latinidad y de los orígenes católicos comunes en los países de acogida, del imperio, del uomo nuovo y la divulgación de los logros del fascismo tenían el doble objetivo de reforzar el consenso de los inmigrantes italianos y atraer las simpatías de las elites locales hacia el modelo político fascista. Los instrumentos principales de esta acción fueron la red de los fasci all’estero y las escuelas italianas. Una ayuda determinante provenía de las estructuras eclesiásticas, parte integrante de la comunidad.

  19. 'Elites' (United States)

    Waters, Johanna L.


    This article reviews three books: (1) "Elite Education: International Perspectives" (edited by C. Maxwell and P. Aggleton); (2) "Class Choreographies: Elite Schools and Globalisation" (J. Kenway, J. Fahey, D. Epstein, A. Koh, C. McCarthy, and F. Rizvi); and (3) "Corporate Elite and the Reform of Public Education"…

  20. Notoriedade e valor da marca das cervejas em Portugal


    Oliveira, André Miguel Filipe de


    A Marca desempenha um papel central no actual contexto empresarial, sendo um dos principais activos de uma Empresa. A correcta medição do seu Valor de Marca (Brand Equity) permitirá uma consciente tomada de decisão de possíveis investimentos de Marketing. O estudo que se segue, tem como objectivo a identificação das variáveis explicativas que contribuem para o Brand Equity, e em que medida contribuem para o Brand Equity. Para tal, será aplicado o modelo de Mensuração Multidimensional do Br...

  1. Medicinal Product Regulation: Portugal׳s Framework. (United States)

    Herdeiro, Maria Teresa; Bastos, Paulo D; Teixeira-Rodrigues, António; Roque, Fátima


    The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most tightly regulated sectors, and it is essential to know each country׳s legal framework to understand the regulation, approval, and marketing of medicinal products for human use. This article describes the main statutes and procedures governing medicinal products for human use in Portugal and the role of the country׳s National Medicines and Health Products Authority (Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde, I.P.; INFARMED). From the most recently available data, an update of requests and approvals concerning marketing authorizations, variations, pricing, and reimbursements is provided. Data were sourced from the INFARMED website, Infomed (database of medicinal products for human use), and periodic reports issued by national authorities. Organic laws, acts, and law decrees published in the government gazette (Diário da República) are cited and reproduced as required. In 2015 Portugal ranked fifth in the European System of Medicines Evaluation in terms of the number of completed procedures as a reference member state. Approximately 80% of all approved drug applications in Portugal in 2015 were for generic drugs, mostly pertaining to the nervous system. In Portugal, INFARMED monitors drug quality, safety profile, and efficacy in all stages of the drug life cycle, ensuring patients' safety. The Portuguese market for medicinal products for human use has been appreciably changed by the advent of generic drugs. There is an increased trend for new request applications for biological and biotechnological substances. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Rosana de Melo Louro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho utilizou como fonte primária as leis contidas nas Ordenações Afonsinas concernentes aos judeus e, assim, pretendeu-se compreender como se configurava a situação destes no reino português a partir das disposições contidas naquelas, uma vez que abarcavam leis de regulamentação específica ao povo mosaico. A problemática empregue nesta pesquisa teve como fulcro as políticas de afirmação régia e como estas se valiam das leis criadas e/ou ratificadas na compilação, para auxiliar no intuito da centralização do poder. Como o tema da pesquisa restringiu-se aos judeus em Portugal, buscou-se analisar a fonte com o olhar direcionado à problemática supracitada, sem deixar de lado as considerações relacionadas à condição de minoria religiosa daquele povo, já que por esse motivo formavam uma comuna independente estruturalmente das comunas cristãs e, portanto, também interagiam nas linhas de força entre a dinâmica social do poder local das comunas e o poder centralizador dos monarcas.

  3. Portugal; Portugal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This short report summarizes the main lines of the energy policy of Portugal. It presents the main energy companies and utilities (EDP, CPPE, REN, Petrogal, GDP, Galp SGPS) of the country, the energy supplies (resources, electricity, petroleum, coal, natural gas), the prices and pricing policy, the global energy consumption per sector, the stakes and perspectives of the energy market (forecasts, contracts). (J.S.)

  4. Lavandula L. - aplicação da cultura in vitro à produção de óleos essenciais e seu potencial económico em Portugal

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    H.J.S.P. SALES


    Full Text Available RESUMO Os óleos essenciais são metabolitos secundários que possuem diversas propriedades com elevado interesse, nomeadamente as biológicas. Estas propriedades englobam todas as atividades que esta mistura de compostos voláteis (principalmente monoterpenos, sesquiterpenos e fenilpropanóides exerce sobre os seres humanos, animais e outras plantas. Os óleos essenciais apresentam grande valor económico, sendo os do género Lavandula dos mais comercializados e estudados devido à sua aplicabilidade industrial e propriedades terapêuticas As lavandulas são colhidas na natureza ou propagadas por técnicas convencionais, nomeadamente por estacaria. Mais recentemente, protocolos de micropropagação foram desenvolvidos para algumas espécies, permitindo a produção de plantas em larga escala disponíveis em qualquer período do ano e sem comprometer a biodiversidade das espécies. O desenvolvimento de plantas tetraplóides capazes de aumentar a produção de óleo essencial nas suas flores é outro meio eficaz para aumentar potencialmente o valor das espécies de Lavandula. Em Portugal existem 5 espécies nativas do género Lavandula, amplamente distribuídas pelo país. Contudo, o seu potencial industrial permanece praticamente inexplorado e em termos de mercado o seu reconhecimento é muito reduzido. Trabalhos recentes, baseados na avaliação das propriedades biológicas dos óleos essenciais e a forma como eles podem exercer os seus efeitos contribuíram para a valorização do potencial económico das lavandulas em Portugal. Esta revisão tenta dar uma visão geral de que forma a aplicação das culturas in vitro pode levar a uma maior produção de óleos essenciais em Lavandula spp., dando especial ênfase às lavandulas nativas de Portugal.

  5. A tese da judicialização da saúde pelas elites: os medicamentos para mucopolissacaridose The thesis of judicialization of health care by the elites: medication for mucopolysaccharidosis

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    Ida Vanessa Doederlein Schwartz


    Full Text Available O artigo avalia a hipótese de se a judicia­lização de medicamentos para o tratamento das mucopolissacaridoses no Brasil seria uma ação das elites econômicas. Debatem-se estudos prévios que defendem a tese da judicialização pelas elites em outros medicamentos. Discute-se, a metodologia desses estudos e as inferências dela derivadas e o respaldo empírico dessa tese no caso de um dos medicamentos judicializados de mais alto custo para o SUS. Foram analisados os 196 processos julgados entre fevereiro de 2006 e dezembro de 2010 que determinam a provisão gratuita dos medicamentos para mucopolissacaridoses pelo Ministério da Saúde. Há evidências de que os custos advocatícios sejam financiados por entidades interessadas nos resultados da judicialização, como as empresas distribuidoras ou indústrias farmacêuticas, de que pode haver migração dos pacientes para diagnóstico e tratamentos em centros universitários de referência para a inovação médica no país, e de que a opção por serviços públicos se dá por sua capacidade técnica e científica supe­rior à de outras instituições. Logo, a advocacia privada, indicadores de exclusão social do local de residência dos pacientes e uso de serviços públicos não são informações de classe que corroborem ou refutem a tese da judicialização pelas elites.This paper evaluates the hypothesis that the judicialization of medicine for mucopolysaccharidosis in Brazil is an action promoted by economic elites. Previous studies upholding the thesis of judicialization by elites in the case of other types of medication that are more costly for the Unified Health Service are discussed. An analysis of all 196 processes containing information about judicial processes brought to court between February 2006 and December 2010 that ended by determining that the State should provide such medication free of charge to patients was conducted. There is evidence that attorneys' fees were covered

  6. Determinants of the effectiveness of fast break actions in elite and sub-elite Italian men's basketball games. (United States)

    Conte, D; Favero, T G; Niederhausen, M; Capranica, L; Tessitore, A


    The aim of this study was to examine the determinants of successful and unsuccessful fast-break (FB) actions in elite and sub-elite basketball games. Fifteen 1 st -division (elite) and fifteen 3 rd -division (sub-elite) Italian men's championship games were analysed across two seasons (2012/2013 and 2013/2014). A binary logistic regression analysis was performed, and the fast-break outcome (successful vs. unsuccessful) was adopted as the dependent variable separately in both elite and sub-elite games. FB execution (initiation, advance and completion phases), typology (primary and secondary break) and the number of players involved (equal number or superiority) were used as independent variables. The results showed that the rate of success of FB actions was 63.5% and 59.7% in elite and sub-elite games, respectively. Moreover, successful FBs were more likely to be completed in the lane in relation to unsuccessful ones in both elite and sub-elite games (p<0.05). Finally, descriptive statistics showed that both elite and sub-elite teams executed FBs similarly. This study highlighted that completion zone was the only predictor of a successful fast break in basketball, while the typology and number of players involved did not predict fast break effectiveness. Moreover, elite and sub-elite teams executed fast break actions similarly. These findings might be useful for basketball coaches to optimize the training of FB actions.

  7. Trabalho em equipe na atenção primária: a experiência de Portugal Teamwork in primary care: the experience of Portugal

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    Marize Barros de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o trabalho em equipe na atenção primária em saúde em Portugal. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma pesquisa avaliativa de abordagem qualitativa, com desenho de estudo de caso. Os dados foram obtidos por entrevista semiestruturada, observação direta e análise documental. Foram entrevistados gestores, profissionais e usuários de 11 unidades de saúde familiar (USF portuguesas, totalizando 71 participantes. Utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo na interpretação das entrevistas. RESULTADOS: Cada equipe era constituída por médico, enfermeiro e funcionário administrativo, atendendo entre 1 250 e 2 060 usuários. Uma característica marcante da experiência portuguesa foi a formação das equipes nas USF de forma voluntária, por meio de afinidades pessoais, com autonomia de composição. Observou-se nessas USF o desenvolvimento de "carteira básica de serviços" juntamente com intervenções de vigilância, promoção da saúde e prevenção de doença, cuidados em situação de doença aguda, acompanhamento clínico de doença crônica e de patologia múltipla, cuidados domiciliares, interligação e colaboração em rede com outros serviços (cuidados hospitalares. Foram relatadas dificuldades no atendimento domiciliar. A informatização era ampla nas USF. De acordo com os entrevistados, as mudanças advindas da implementação das USF foram maior acessibilidade dos usuários aos serviços, maior qualidade do cuidado prestado e trabalho em equipe com objetivos e metas, além da existência de um plano de ação. CONCLUSÕES: Mesmo não tendo assumido um papel de coordenação da rede de cuidados, a atenção primária em saúde organizada a partir de equipes foi avaliada positivamente em Portugal, como promotora de maior acesso, continuidade e humanização dos serviços.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the work of health care teams delivering primary care in Portugal. METHODS: We performed an evaluative research project

  8. Educação de surdos no Brasil e Portugal:políticas de reconhecimento linguístico, bilinguismo e formação docente

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    Angela Nediane dos Santos

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo analisa as políticas de educação de surdos produzidas no Brasil e em Portugal, nos últimos anos, no que refere ao reconhecimento das línguas gestuais/de sinais, às proposições para a educação para surdos, bem como à formação de professores para atuarem com alunos surdos. Nesse sentido, realiza-se uma análise dos processos de produção dos textos legais e das suas relações com outros documentos, bem como dos processos da sua implementação/interpretação. Destacam-se nesta análise o Decreto Federal brasileiro nº 5.626/2005 e o Decreto-Lei português nº 3 de 7 de janeiro de 2008. Em muitos aspectos Portugal e Brasil se assemelham, como, por exemplo, no reconhecimento, sem a oficialização, das suas línguas gestuais/de sinais (LGP e Libras, respectivamente. No entanto, há outros aspectos em que se distinguem, como por exemplo o fato de em Portugal estar mais explícita a influência da União Europeia nas suas decisões políticas, bem como nas decisões e ações do movimento associativo surdo. Conclui-se que as políticas de educação de surdos em ambos os países são resultado das negociações entre, por um lado, as lutas travadas pelos movimentos surdos, e, por outro, a emergência de políticas inclusivas. Torna-se evidente que a luta dos movimentos surdos precisou negociar os seus significados para ser assumida como política pública, e isso ocorreu em um contexto de implementação da política inclusiva.

  9. Previously identified patellar tendinopathy risk factors differ between elite and sub-elite volleyball players. (United States)

    Janssen, I; Steele, J R; Munro, B J; Brown, N A T


    Patellar tendinopathy is the most common knee injury incurred in volleyball, with its prevalence in elite athletes more than three times that of their sub-elite counterparts. The purpose of this study was to determine whether patellar tendinopathy risk factors differed between elite and sub-elite male volleyball players. Nine elite and nine sub-elite male volleyball players performed a lateral stop-jump block movement. Maximum vertical jump, training history, muscle extensibility and strength, three-dimensional landing kinematics (250 Hz), along with lower limb neuromuscular activation patterns (1500 Hz), and patellar tendon loading were collected during each trial. Multivariate analyses of variance (P volleyball players. Interventions designed to reduce landing frequency and improve quadriceps extensibility are recommended to reduce patellar tendinopathy prevalence in volleyball players. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Cognitive Functions in Elite and Sub-Elite Youth Soccer Players Aged 13 to 17 Years.

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    Barbara C H Huijgen

    Full Text Available Soccer players are required to anticipate and react continuously in a changing, relatively unpredictable situation in the field. Cognitive functions might be important to be successful in soccer. The current study investigated the relationship between cognitive functions and performance level in elite and sub-elite youth soccer players aged 13-17 years. A total of 47 elite youth soccer players (mean age 15.5 years, SD = 0.9 and 41 sub-elite youth soccer players (mean age 15.2 years, SD = 1.2 performed tasks for "higher-level" cognitive functions measuring working memory (i.e., Visual Memory Span, inhibitory control (i.e., Stop-Signal Task, cognitive flexibility (i.e., Trail Making Test, and metacognition (i.e., Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System Design Fluency Test. "Lower-level" cognitive processes, i.e., reaction time and visuo-perceptual abilities, were also measured with the previous tasks. ANOVA's showed that elite players outscored sub-elite players at the "higher-level" cognitive tasks only, especially on metacognition (p .05. In conclusion, elite youth soccer players have better inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, and especially metacognition than their sub-elite counterparts. However, when training hours are taken into account, differences between elite and sub-elite youth soccer players remain apparent on inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility in contrast to metacognition. This highlights the need for longitudinal studies to further investigate the importance of "higher-level" cognitive functions for talent identification, talent development and performance in soccer.

  11. Cognitive Functions in Elite and Sub-Elite Youth Soccer Players Aged 13 to 17 Years (United States)

    Huijgen, Barbara C. H.; Leemhuis, Sander; Kok, Niels M.; Verburgh, Lot; Oosterlaan, Jaap; Elferink-Gemser, Marije T.; Visscher, Chris


    Soccer players are required to anticipate and react continuously in a changing, relatively unpredictable situation in the field. Cognitive functions might be important to be successful in soccer. The current study investigated the relationship between cognitive functions and performance level in elite and sub-elite youth soccer players aged 13–17 years. A total of 47 elite youth soccer players (mean age 15.5 years, SD = 0.9) and 41 sub-elite youth soccer players (mean age 15.2 years, SD = 1.2) performed tasks for “higher-level” cognitive functions measuring working memory (i.e., Visual Memory Span), inhibitory control (i.e., Stop-Signal Task), cognitive flexibility (i.e., Trail Making Test), and metacognition (i.e., Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System Design Fluency Test). “Lower-level” cognitive processes, i.e., reaction time and visuo-perceptual abilities, were also measured with the previous tasks. ANOVA’s showed that elite players outscored sub-elite players at the “higher-level” cognitive tasks only, especially on metacognition (p .05). In conclusion, elite youth soccer players have better inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, and especially metacognition than their sub-elite counterparts. However, when training hours are taken into account, differences between elite and sub-elite youth soccer players remain apparent on inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility in contrast to metacognition. This highlights the need for longitudinal studies to further investigate the importance of “higher-level” cognitive functions for talent identification, talent development and performance in soccer. PMID:26657073


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    Flávio Paulo Jorge Nunes


    order to guarantee an equitable access to high quality Internet services, which is a basic prerequisite to achieve the success on several innovative regional and local development projects.O acesso à Internet por banda larga constitui uma potencialidade cada vez mais relevante no domínio do desenvolvimento regional, contudo a privatização e a liberalização do sector das telecomunicações e a mera aplicação das regras do mercado não tem conseguido assegurar uma repartição geográfica equitativa do acesso à banda larga. Face à constatação desta tendência tem vindo a ser requerido financiamento público para a criação das infra-estruturas necessárias à generalização do acesso a esta rede de alto débito, sobretudo nas áreas rurais menos povoadas. Este estudo tem como objectivo avaliar a resposta dada em Portugal para complementar a acção dos operadores privados de telecomunicações, nomeadamente com a criação de redes comunitárias de banda larga. Actualmente está em curso a implementação de quatro projectos de redes comunitárias em Portugal, com a implementação dos quais se procura viabilizar o acesso a aplicações telemáticas mais inovadoras, que constituem hoje em dia uma condição necessária ao sucesso de muitos dos projectos mais inovadoras de desenvolvimento regional e local.

  13. Determinants of the effectiveness of fast break actions in elite and sub-elite Italian men’s basketball games

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    D Conte


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to examine the determinants of successful and unsuccessful fast-break (FB actions in elite and sub-elite basketball games. Fifteen 1st-division (elite and fifteen 3rd-division (sub-elite Italian men’s championship games were analysed across two seasons (2012/2013 and 2013/2014. A binary logistic regression analysis was performed, and the fast-break outcome (successful vs. unsuccessful was adopted as the dependent variable separately in both elite and sub-elite games. FB execution (initiation, advance and completion phases, typology (primary and secondary break and the number of players involved (equal number or superiority were used as independent variables. The results showed that the rate of success of FB actions was 63.5% and 59.7% in elite and sub-elite games, respectively. Moreover, successful FBs were more likely to be completed in the lane in relation to unsuccessful ones in both elite and sub-elite games (p<0.05. Finally, descriptive statistics showed that both elite and sub-elite teams executed FBs similarly. This study highlighted that completion zone was the only predictor of a successful fast break in basketball, while the typology and number of players involved did not predict fast break effectiveness. Moreover, elite and sub-elite teams executed fast break actions similarly. These findings might be useful for basketball coaches to optimize the training of FB actions.

  14. Urbanismo, cultura e globalização em Portugal: modelos analíticos e de desenvolvimento territorial Urbanism, culture and globalization in Portugal: analytical and territorial development Models


    Paulo Castro Seixas


    As cidades têm sido concebidas como actores chave face aos processos globais desde o último quarto do séculoXX. Neste quadro, é fundamental perceber-se os diferentes modelos que as cidades utilizam para responder aosdesafios globais. O artigo analisa o estado da arte em Portugal na relação entre cidade e globalização nos últimos25 anos, no âmbito das ciências sociais e sua relação com as políticas públicas. São caracterizados quatromodelos analíticos e de desenvolvimento territorial que respo...

  15. Incidência de lesões musculoesqueléticas em atletas de elite do basquetebol feminino Incidence of musculoskeletal injuries in elite female basketball athletes

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    Alexandre Sabbag da Silva


    Full Text Available O basquetebol é esporte competitivo, com alta incidência de lesões de contato e movimentação. OBJETIVO: determinar a incidência de lesões musculoesqueléticas em atletas de elite do basquetebol feminino. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: foram analisadas prospectivamente 66 atletas adultas, 18 a 37 anos (média: 23, de 5 equipes durante o Campeonato Paulista da Divisão A1 (setembro de 99 a janeiro de 2000. Os dados referentes a atleta e as lesões que ocorreram no período, foram registradas por fisioterapeuta. RESULTADOS: foram computadas 78 lesões, em 47 das atletas (71,2%. A incidência de lesão foi de 2,6 lesões/ atleta/ 1000 jogos/treinos, com maior incidência nos jogos. A entorse, com 33%, foi o diagnóstico mais comum especialmente na região do tornozelo, seguida da contusão (24%. O joelho com 21% das lesões, mão/dedos, com 17%, perna/coxa e tornozelo com 14% cada, foram as regiões mais lesadas. O contato com outro atleta foi o principal mecanismo de lesão. Não encontramos relação entre diagnóstico, idade, posição e região anatômica lesada, mas atletas mais novas foram menos afetadas. A maioria das lesões foram leves (88,5% e a região do joelho foi a de maior morbidade. As sobrecargas deste esporte foram mais visíveis na região lombar e joelho, exigindo programas intensivos de prevenção e acompanhamento de atletas de elite no basquetebol feminino.Basketball is a competitive sport, presenting a high incidence of contact and movement injuries. OBJECTIVE: to determine the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries in elite female basketball athletes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 66 adult athletes, with ages ranging from 18 to 37 years (average: 23, from 5 teams playing A1-class São Paulo State Championship were prospectively assessed in the period of September 1999 - January 2000. Data concerning each individual athlete and the injuries occurred within that period were recorded by a physical therapist. RESULTS: 78 injuries were

  16. Cognitive Functions in Elite and Sub-Elite Youth Soccer Players Aged 13 to 17 Years. (United States)

    Huijgen, Barbara C H; Leemhuis, Sander; Kok, Niels M; Verburgh, Lot; Oosterlaan, Jaap; Elferink-Gemser, Marije T; Visscher, Chris


    Soccer players are required to anticipate and react continuously in a changing, relatively unpredictable situation in the field. Cognitive functions might be important to be successful in soccer. The current study investigated the relationship between cognitive functions and performance level in elite and sub-elite youth soccer players aged 13-17 years. A total of 47 elite youth soccer players (mean age 15.5 years, SD = 0.9) and 41 sub-elite youth soccer players (mean age 15.2 years, SD = 1.2) performed tasks for "higher-level" cognitive functions measuring working memory (i.e., Visual Memory Span), inhibitory control (i.e., Stop-Signal Task), cognitive flexibility (i.e., Trail Making Test), and metacognition (i.e., Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System Design Fluency Test). "Lower-level" cognitive processes, i.e., reaction time and visuo-perceptual abilities, were also measured with the previous tasks. ANOVA's showed that elite players outscored sub-elite players at the "higher-level" cognitive tasks only, especially on metacognition (p soccer players on inhibitory control (p = .001), and cognitive flexibility (p = .042), but not on metacognition (p = .27). No differences were found concerning working memory nor the "lower-level" cognitive processes (p > .05). In conclusion, elite youth soccer players have better inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, and especially metacognition than their sub-elite counterparts. However, when training hours are taken into account, differences between elite and sub-elite youth soccer players remain apparent on inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility in contrast to metacognition. This highlights the need for longitudinal studies to further investigate the importance of "higher-level" cognitive functions for talent identification, talent development and performance in soccer.

  17. Directional anxiety responses in elite and sub-elite young athletes: intensity of anxiety symptoms matters. (United States)

    Lundqvist, C; Kenttä, G; Raglin, J S


    The objective was to examine the differences in anxiety ratings of elite and sub-elite athletes when the relationship between intensity and direction scores of anxiety ratings is considered in analyses. Participants were 31 junior elite (Mean age: 17.7, SD=1.1) and 53 sub-elite (Mean age: 17.5, SD=1.1) cross country skiers and swimmers who completed the direction modified CSAI-2R before important competitions. Results showed that elite athletes rated a higher percent of items as facilitative to their performance whereas sub-elite athletes rated a higher percent of items as debilitative. No significant differences between the elite and sub-elite samples were displayed regarding rated direction scores of cognitive or somatic anxiety at moderate to high-intensity levels. A significant difference in facilitative anxiety ratings was displayed at a low anxiety intensity level (Z=-2.20, Pperformance data showed no consistent congruence with athletes' anxiety direction ratings. The findings suggest that facilitative direction scores are a consequence of low anxiety intensity, possibly combined with high self-confidence levels. Directional anxiety researchers analyzing separate total scores of intensity and direction respectively, which is the traditional approach, may draw incorrect conclusions about the importance of facilitative ratings of anxiety symptoms. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  18. Improved Genetic Algorithm Based on the Cooperation of Elite and Inverse-elite (United States)

    Kanakubo, Masaaki; Hagiwara, Masafumi

    In this paper, we propose an improved genetic algorithm based on the combination of Bee system and Inverse-elitism, both are effective strategies for the improvement of GA. In the Bee system, in the beginning, each chromosome tries to find good solution individually as global search. When some chromosome is regarded as superior one, the other chromosomes try to find solution around there. However, since chromosomes for global search are generated randomly, Bee system lacks global search ability. On the other hand, in the Inverse-elitism, an inverse-elite whose gene values are reversed from the corresponding elite is produced. This strategy greatly contributes to diversification of chromosomes, but it lacks local search ability. In the proposed method, the Inverse-elitism with Pseudo-simplex method is employed for global search of Bee system in order to strengthen global search ability. In addition, it also has strong local search ability. The proposed method has synergistic effects of the three strategies. We confirmed validity and superior performance of the proposed method by computer simulations.

  19. Prevalence of Chlamydial antibody in populations from Brazil, England and Portugal


    Ishak, Marluísa de Oliveira Guimarães; Mumtaz, Gilanfan; Ishak, Ricardo; Ridgway, Geoff


    A prevalência de anticorpos IgG, grupo-específico para Chlamydia, em populações do Brasil, Inglaterra e Portugal foi determinada através do teste de imunofluorescência indireta, tendo-se como antígeno a cepa SA2 (f). Foram considerados positivos os soros com títulos de IgG >1:32. Dentre as populações brasileiras, a prevalência de anticorpos para Chlamydia foi maior em Serra Norte (76,2%, p < 0,01) do que nas das populações de Belém (53,6%) e dos Índios Xicrins (51,3%). Entre os pacien...

  20. “Jesus made in Brazil”: notas sobre a transnacionalização do pentecostalismo brasileiro para Portugal (“Jesus made in Brazil”: notes on the transnationalization of Brazilian Pentecostalism to Portugal - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n22p416

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    Paulo Gracino Junior


    Full Text Available O impacto de novas modalidades religiosas sobre “culturas locais” é um tema clássico das Ciências Sociais. Partindo das teses weberianas, muitos cientistas sociais analisam a adesão de crescentes contingentes populacionais ao protestantismo pentecostal no mundo não desenvolvido em sua relação positiva com o estabelecimento da modernidade capitalista. Porém, quando se trata da implantação desses movimentos religiosos em solo europeu, o que antes era uma “boa nova”, um sopro de modernidade para os corações latinos, torna-se algo ameaçador, capaz de corromper os sólidos pilares da modernidade europeia. Pensando nessas abordagens, a implantação do pentecostalismo brasileiro em Portugal torna-se curiosa, uma vez que é compreendida, por um lado, como uma corrupção da tradição católica portuguesa e, por outro, como um surto irracionalista, um entrave à europeização portuguesa. Dito isso, o objetivo desse trabalho é analisar como os atores sociais acionam esses aspectos nas diversas frentes de resistência ao crescimento pentecostal no país.Palavras-chave: Pentecostalismo; Transnacionalização; Brasil; Portugal. AbstractThe impact of new religious modalities on "local cultures" is a classic theme of Social Sciences. Building on the weberian thesis, many social scientists have examined the adhesion of the growing population contingents to Pentecostal Protestantism in the undeveloped world in its positive relationship with the establishment of capitalist modernity. However, when it comes to the deployment of these religious movements in Europe, what was once a "good new", a blow of modernity to the hearts of modern Latin, becomes something threatening, capable of corrupting the solid pillars of European modernity. Thinking about these approaches, the implementation of Brazilian Pentecostalism in Portugal becomes curious, since it is understood, first, as a corruption of the Portuguese Catholic tradition and, secondly

  1. Imaginários em confronto: as brasileiras e a televisão em Portugal

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    Isabel Ferin


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objectivo analisar os cruzamentos entre trajectórias de vida, imaginários e percepção de conteúdos da televisão das imigrantes brasileiras em Portugal. Tendo como pano de fundo as teorias das migrações e aprofundando as teo-rias sobre a recepção, procura-se entender o papel dos Media, principalmente da televisão, nos processos de integração. Conclui-se que determinados conteúdos veiculados pelos Media são percebidos como interferindo nos quotidianos, enquanto as percepções tendem a ser selectivas e a articularem-se com as trajectórias de vida e de imigração.2 Palavras-chave: Mulheres imigrantes brasileiras; percepções dos conteúdos dos Media; consumos e usos dos Media; audiências activas e imaginação. ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to cross life trajectories, imaginaries and uses of television among Brazilian immigrants in Portugal. The objective was to identify the perceptions of information contents and the interferences of those contents in their daily lives. Having support on migration and reception theories, we seek to understand the role of media, mainly television, in the integration process. The conclusion points out to certain contents that interfere in the daily lives and to the selectivity of the perceptions. Keywords: Brazilian women immigrants; media perceptions; media uses and forms of consumption; active audiences and perceptions.

  2. Os grandes eventos e a cultura em Portugal: sobre os Impactos culturais da Expo’98 e os Públicos do Porto 2001

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    Claudino Ferreira


    Full Text Available Os livros em discussão sintetizam os resultados de duas investigações conduzidas pelo Observatório das Actividades Culturais, instituição que tem vindo a desempenhar um papel decisivo na produção de informação e no desenvolvimento da pesquisa sociológica sobre a cultura em Portugal. Os dois trabalhos representam um importante contributo para a compreensão do significado e das implicações culturais dos dois grandes eventos recentemente realizados no nosso país: a Expo’98 e a Porto 2001. Em amb...

  3. Elites in Switzerland: the rise and fall of a model of elite coordination

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    Felix Bühlmann

    Full Text Available Abstract The aim of this article is to understand the recent transformations of Swiss elites. Based on a database of political, economic and administrative elites covering the whole twentieth century, we investigate the social background, education and coordination mechanisms of Swiss elites. We find that for a long time, they maintained their power through a combination of a socially narrow recruitment and a coordination model including the army as meeting place, a corporatist organisation of the economy and multipositionality between political and economic fields. As a result of the increasing internationalisation of managers of Swiss firms, this model of elite coordination has eroded since the 1990s and led to a (relatively unpredictable transition phase.

  4. CERN and Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In its continual tour of CERN Member States, the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) visited Lisbon, Portugal, on 21-22 April, where it met at the Instituto Superiore Tecnico, a technical university with 9,000 students. Portuguese particle physics is in a particularly healthy situation, having developed considerably following Portugal's admission to CERN in 1985. With support from Brussels, scientific infrastructure has developed rapidly, although the science base has yet to attain the levels seen in larger nations. The 45-strong population of experimentalists in Portugal, including 14 PhDs, represents a 2.5-fold increase since Portugal joined CERN ten years ago and is in line with the goal stated at the time. This successful development of experimental particle physics has benefited much from physicists returning from abroad (mainly France and the UK). The direct result of the efforts of a few individuals (notably J.M. Gago), this splendid achievement provides an excellent role model for new and potential CERN Member States. At present, particle physics represents some 3 0% of all Portuguese physics publications. This very special role (and the financial support it implies) provides a visible target, but one which can be defended as it provides a catalyst for other national scientific developments. The national hub is the Laboratory for experimental high energy physics and related R&D projects (LIP), with centres in Lisbon (Head, J.M. Gago) and Coimbra (Head, A. Policarpo). LIP, with close links to two universities in Lisbon and to the University of Coimbra, has developed into a centre of expertise and training in electronics, computing and software engineering. Present LIP funding is some 2 million Swiss francs/year (70% in Lisbon and 3 0% in Coimbra), covering most of the salaries of the nonuniversity people, the remainder being supported by grants from Portuguese and European programmes. Portugal's contribution to CERN's 1995 budget

  5. Biosystems Engineering in Portugal


    Marques da Silva, José Rafael; Silva, Luis Leopoldo; Cruz, Vasco Fitas


    The paper gives the definition of Biosystems Engineering in Portugal; Possible revisions of the core curriculum presented in the FEANI report; the current situation of Biosystems Engineering in Portugal; The impacts of the transition to Biosystems Engineering; The need for a transition to Biosystems Engineering;Opportunities to the Biosystems Engineer in the labour market.

  6. Notícias do Brasil colonial: a imprensa científica e política a serviço das elites (Portugal, Brasil e Inglaterra News from colonial Brazil: The scientific press and politics on the elites behalf (Portugal, Brazil e England

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    Ângela Domingues


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o minucioso processo de recolha de informa ção sobre a colónia brasileira através das notícias divulgadas por um jornal científico, as Philosophical Transactions, órgão oficial da Royal Society (Londres, bem como o papel desempenhado por diplomatas, cientistas, académicos e comerciantes residentes em Inglaterra na constru ção da imagem do Brasil antes desse marco cronológico tradicionalmente apontado pela historiografia oficial como .o início de todas as mudanças.: 1808.This article analyzes the minute process of collecting information on the Brazilian colony through the news divulged by a scientific periodical, Philosophical Transactions, the official organ of the Royal Society in London, as well as the role played by diplomats, scientists, academics and businessmen living in England in the construction of the image of Brazil before the chronological marker traditionally pointed to by official historiography as .the beginning of all the changes.: 1808.

  7. Elite Cohesion in Political Communication

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mayerhöffer, Eva

    communication studies that allows us to view high-ranking journalists and editors as elites in their own right, entering into enduring relations with political elites. Based on the combination of these two otherwise separated disciplines, the dissertation develops an integrated and comprehensive model of elite......The dissertation presents the first comprehensive analysis of the political communication elite– high-ranking journalists, editors, politicians and their communication advisors – that shapes the content and form of political messages, news, debate and decisions in modern democracies. Although...... there is no shortage of research on the changing nature of politics due to the increasing influence of the media, the relations between the key elites in the age of ‘mediated politics’ have yet to be analyzed thoroughly. Theoretically, the dissertation provides a new bridge between elite theory and political...

  8. Asthma in elite athletes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elers, Jimmi; Pedersen, Lars; Backer, Vibeke


    Asthma is frequently found among elite athletes performing endurance sports such as swimming, rowing and cross-country skiing. Although these athletes often report symptoms while exercising, they seldom have symptoms at rest. Moreover, compared with nonathletic asthmatic individuals, elite athletes...... their physical capacity. Elite athletes should undergo comprehensive assessment to confirm an asthma diagnosis and determine its degree of severity. Treatment should be as for any other asthmatic individual, including the use of ß2-agonist, inhaled steroid as well as leukotriene-antagonist. It should, however......, be noted that daily use of ß-agonists could expose elite athletes to the risk of developing tolerance towards these drugs. Use of ß2-agonist should be replaced with daily inhaled corticosteroid treatment, the most important treatment of exercise-induced asthma. All physicians treating asthma should...

  9. Asthma in elite athletes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elers, Jimmi; Pedersen, Lars; Backer, Vibeke


    Asthma is frequently found among elite athletes performing endurance sports such as swimming, rowing and cross-country skiing. Although these athletes often report symptoms while exercising, they seldom have symptoms at rest. Moreover, compared with nonathletic asthmatic individuals, elite athletes...... their physical capacity. Elite athletes should undergo comprehensive assessment to confirm an asthma diagnosis and determine its degree of severity. Treatment should be as for any other asthmatic individual, including the use of β2-agonist, inhaled steroid as well as leukotriene-antagonist. It should, however......, be noted that daily use of β-agonists could expose elite athletes to the risk of developing tolerance towards these drugs. Use of β2-agonist should be replaced with daily inhaled corticosteroid treatment, the most important treatment of exercise-induced asthma. All physicians treating asthma should...


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    A.I. Tatarkin


    Full Text Available During the period of planned economy only a limited section of society with high social status had an access to elite goods in our country. At present an access to these goods is not regulated, and elite goods trade market in Russia is developing rapidly. In the article the essence of "elite good" and "regional elite goods market" concepts is defined, the classification of elite goods markets is given, also the main factors and tendencies of elite goods market development in the Ural Region is analyzed.

  11. Portugal's Petrogal eyes expansion amid continuing privatization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Portugal's recently privatized state oil company Petrogal is about to embark on a major expansion worldwide. That comes against the backdrop of major change in Portugal's energy sector and the rocky road to Petrogal's partial privatization. Despite the controversy, there remain opportunities for foreign companies investing in Portugal's energy sector. The most attractive opportunities are in Portugal's downstream petroleum sector and in the country's continuing campaign to develop its natural gas industry. Typical of the latter is Portugal's participation in the Trans-Maghreb gas pipeline megaproject. The paper discusses the background to privatization, its current status, Petrogal strategy, modernization of refineries, a joint partnership with Venezuela, constraints, energy policy program, gas pipeline privatization, and concerns of the gas industry

  12. El voto religioso en España y Portugal

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    Montero, Jóse Ramón


    Full Text Available This article explores the relationship between religiosity and voting decisions in Spain and Portugal. We study whether religion (measured as church attendance and opinions about moral issues influences voting for the two main political parties. Results show a different relationship between religion and voting in both countries: only in Spain religious beliefs play an important role in electoral behaviour. We claim that to account for this finding several factors need to be considered, namely the different configuration of the party systems and religious maps, the distinctive mechanisms linking religious identities with voting and, above all, the important role played by political leaders in activating religiosity within the electoral competition.

    Este artículo explora la relación entre la religiosidad y las preferencias electorales en España y Portugal. Estudiamos si la religión (medida como asistencia a oficios religiosos y opiniones sobre asuntos morales tiene influencia sobre el voto a los dos principales partidos nacionales. Los resultados del análisis apuntan a una relación diferente entre religión y voto en ambos países: sólo en España las creencias religiosas desempeñan un papel destacado en el comportamiento electoral. Defendemos que la explicación a este hallazgo se encuentra en un conjunto de factores entre los que cabe destacar la diferente configuración del sistema de partidos y de los mapas religiosos, los distintos mecanismos que canalizan las identidades religiosas hacia el voto y, fundamentalmente, el importante papel desempeñado por las elites políticas en la activación de la religiosidad dentro de la competición electoral.

  13. Racionalidades leigas e governação da Saúde Mental em Portugal

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    Fátima Alves


    Full Text Available O artigo reafirma a importância das racionalidades leigas produzidas em Saúde Mental como expressões válidas de saber, com especial atenção aos aspectos éticos relacionados aos usos sociais dos conhecimentos gerados. Defende-se a ideia de que devem servir à criação de estratégias inovadoras que respondam efetivamente às necessidades das pessoas e como contrapoderes às lógicas hegemônicas. O contexto da governação da Saúde Mental em Portugal e as características estruturais da sociedade portuguesa refletem-se nos serviços efetivamente implementados e na percepção dos usuários a respeito da sua condição. A valorização das racionalidades leigas em um cenário hegemonicamente tecnicista e biomédico possibilita reafirmar a diversidade como condição humana. Nessa direção, insere-se como fundamento para a abordagem em realidades complexas e plurais como a Saúde Mental, incorporando a dimensão cultural às ações desenvolvidas.

  14. Espaços lusófonos: uma abordagem entre Brasil e Portugal


    Sandra Retamiro Moreno


    Falar uma língua é a condição necessária dos sujeitos de uma dada sociedade, de uma determinada nação. Essa questão diz respeito à autonomia das pessoas, em sua identidade e em sua autodeterminação, bem como ao estabelecimento e à manutenção de relações sociais. Levando isso em consideração, o objetivo geral deste estudo é analisar dois discursos jornalísticos de espaços diferentes (Portugal e Brasil) em mídia escrita, considerando uma mesma temática (educação). O estudo foi feito sob a persp...

  15. Elite Education Abroad and Social Reproduction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk, Martin D.; Poutvaara, Panu; Foged, Mette

    Previous research has shown that family background still plays a role in educational choices, especially when it comes to elite education. We examine how family background affects the likelihood of graduating in an elite or non-elite university abroad. We use two unique surveys of Danish emigrants...... international elite education have considerable cosmopolitan capital and a mindset for operating abroad. Father’s education plays a bigger role for men while mother’s education plays a bigger role for women, especially among women going for elite ducation. When we asked respondents why they studied abroad...... and register data on full population. Overall, we find that children with highly educated and positioned parents are more likely to seek distinctive educational capital. Also, around half of those pursuing elite education abroad have parents who have studied or worked abroad. Hence, people pursuing...

  16. Anatomia das Parcerias Público Privadas : A sua criação, financiamento e renegociações

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miranda Sarmento, J.J.; Renneboog, Luc


    A crescente importância das Parcerias Público Privadas (PPPs), não apenas em Portugal, mas também ao nível Europeu, não tem sido acompanhada de uma análise, quer académica, quer ao nível dos diversos intervenientes, completa e exaustiva sobre esta temática. Neste artigo procuramos fazer uma análise

  17. La contabilidad pública en Portugal


    Alberto Pedrosa, Fernanda


    LA CONTABILIDAD PÚBLICA EN PORTUGAL - Que se entiende por Sector Público - Arquitectura del Sector Público en Portugal. - Evolución de la Contabilidad del Sector Público en Portugal. - El Plan Oficial de Contabilidad Pública (POCP) y Planes de Contabilidad sectoriales. - Las normas de consolidación de cuentas en el Sector Público. - Y hoy, ¿cuál es el punto de la situación? Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.

  18. Elite Circulation and the Convertibility of Knowledge: Comparing Different Types and Forms of Knowledge and Degrees of Elite Circulation in Europe (United States)

    Mangset, Marte


    According to classical elite theory, increased circulation is related to increased integration which is thought to increase elites' power. Based on a comparative analysis of some European countries' elite education systems, recruitment to elite positions and degrees of circulation--with a specific focus on administrative elites--this article…

  19. Temporal associations between individual changes in hormones, training motivation and physical performance in elite and non-elite trained men. (United States)

    Crewther, B T; Carruthers, J; Kilduff, L P; Sanctuary, C E; Cook, C J


    To advance our understanding of the hormonal contribution to athletic performance, we examined the temporal associations between individual changes in testosterone (T) and/or cortisol (C) concentrations, training motivation and physical performance in elite and non-elite trained men. Two male cohorts classified as elites (n = 12) and non-elites (n = 12) completed five testing sessions over a six-week period. The athletes were tested for salivary T, C, T/C ratio, self-perceived training motivation, countermovement jump (CMJ) height and isometric mid-thigh pull peak force (IMTP PF), after which an actual training workout was performed. The elite men reported higher motivation to train and they produced greater CMJ height overall, whereas the non-elites had higher pooled T levels (p motivation in the elite men only (p = 0.033), but the hormonal and motivation measures did not predict CMJ height or IMTP PF in either group. The monitoring of elite and non-elite men across a short training block revealed differences in T levels, motivation and lower-body power, which may reflect training and competitive factors in each group. Despite having lower T levels, the elite athletes showed better linkage between pre-training T fluctuations and subsequent motivation to train. The nature of the performance tests (i.e. single repetition trials) could partly explain the lack of an association with the hormonal and motivational measures.

  20. Traços estereotípicos associados a pessoas jovens e idosas em Portugal


    Marques, Sibila; Lima, Maria Luísa; Novo, Rosa


    O objectivo geral deste trabalho foi o de recolher os atributos estereotípicos do grupo das pessoas jovens e idosas em Portugal. Foi conduzido um estudo em que se procedeu ao controlo do sexo dos alvos e da pertença etária dos participantes. Na primeira fase do estudo, 67 pessoas jovens e 85 pessoas idosas realizaram uma tarefa de geração espontânea de traços culturalmente associados a pessoas jovens e idosas de ambos os sexos. No segunda fase do estudo, 62 pessoas jovens e 62 pes...

  1. Imprensa, escola e a forma da leitura em Portugal no século 19

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    Carlota Boto


    Full Text Available  Este trabalho procura abordar a situação da educação e particularmente da escola primária em Portugal na primeira metade do século 19, à luz do olhar que a imprensa tinha da mesma escolarização. Parte-se da interpretação do discurso educacional que à época seria assumido particularmente por um setor específico da imprensa, constituído por revistas e periódicos que tinham intenção de esclarecimento e instrução das populações. Tais revistas propunham, portanto, o investimento social na escola primária como uma maneira de reconstituir uma dada vocação perdida da nacionalidade portuguesa. De alguma maneira, tratava-se de inserir Portugal na desejada modernidade, mediante a criação do rito escolar, ou daquilo que já se caracterizou por forma escolar de socialização.  Abstract This paper looks for approaching the education situation and, in particular, of the primary school in Portugal during the first half of the 19th century, coming to light the way of thinking that the press had about the same act of schooling. Starting from the interpretation of the educational discourse that, in that epoch, would be assumed, in particular, by a specific sector of the press, constituted by magazines and periodicals wich had the intention of clearness and instruction of the populations. Such magazines were proposing, consequently, the social investiment in the primary school as a manner to rebuild the inborn lost vocation of the portuguese nationality. In any way, the objective was to introduce Portugal in the desired modernity, by means of the schooling rite, or of what that had already be characterized through socialization schoolinhg forme. 

  2. As juventudes partidárias e o recrutamento da elite política no Portugal democrático


    Pinto, Ana Filipa Teixeira


    Tendo esta análise ocorrido sobre o período compreendido entre 1974 e 2013, não poderemos deixar de salientar que, a partir de 2005, os candidatos a chefes do governo dos dois partidos com maior peso em Portugal trazem as juventudes partidárias na sua bagagem política. Uma conclusão que permanece actualizada se tivermos em consideração, inclusivamente, as eleições ocorridas no final de 2015 em que António Costa, após suceder a António José Seguro na liderança do Partido Sociali...


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    Diamantino Insua Pereira


    Full Text Available São representadas cartograficamente as unidades geomorfológicas identificadas para os 89015 km2 do território de Portugal Continental. A delimitação das unidades teve por base a análise dos padrões da textura fornecida por imagens SRTM, com revisão e adaptação posterior à altimetria e à geologia, para os quais foram usadas bases cartográficas digitais. Foram considerados três níveis taxionómicos que permitem descrever e caracterizar áreas homogéneas do ponto de vista geomorfológico. As três unidades de 1º nível baseiam-se nas unidades morfostruturais clássicas consideradas para a Península Ibérica. As dez unidades de 2º nível constituem, na sua maioria, divisões clássicas do relevo de Portugal Continental, agora agrupadas de acordo com a metodologia adoptada e designadas como unidades morfosculturais. As 56 unidades de 3º nível, ou subunidades morfosculturais, foram individualizadas com base nos padrões de relevo identificados nas imagens SRTM e na observação de campo e adquiriram uma designação baseada essencialmente nas geoformas que as individualizam e na toponímia local. As unidades geomorfológicas identificadas são descritas através de características do relevo, dissecação fluvial, estruturas, tipo de drenagem e base geológica, bem como de parâmetros numéricos gerados de forma automática, como classes de altitude e de declividade. Pretende-se que o mapa elaborado possa contribuir para a gestão territorial, em especial na tomada de decisões em conservação da natureza.

  4. Europeanisation and the Rescaling of Water Services: Agency and State Spatial Strategies in the Algarve, Portugal

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    Andreas Thiel


    Full Text Available Institutional arrangements to provide water services have been reshaped extensively worldwide. This paper provides a theory-informed account of the way in which water service provision has been physically and institutionally restructured in the Algarve, Portugal over the years. Ever-expanding demands for water services by the tourism sector, along with European Union (EU regulations and money, made the local people dependent on national policy for water service provision. Parts of the Portuguese national elite, favouring the construction of water resources as 'strategic’ and 'social' goods, rather than 'economic' and 'scarce' goods, worked towards establishing national level control over water services. They became part of the state’s decentralised hegemonic spatial strategy for expansion of tourism in the Algarve. The district level was constituted as a decentralised level of national resource governance. The case study shows the role of European policies in restructuring the spatio-temporal order in the Algarve and strengthening the influence of the national state within the region. The reconfiguration of the water sector in Portugal illustrates 'spatial Keynesianism' with half-hearted mercantilisación of water services as an outcome of the juxtaposition of a nationally rooted state-led water service provision with more flexible approaches originating at the European level. A consequential outcome has been that water quality, sewage treatment, and reliability of services, have significantly improved in line with European requirements.

  5. España, Portugal y los falsos amigos | Spain, Portugal and the false friends

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    Full Text Available España y Portugal son dos países que comparten mucho en el terreno de la historia, la cultura y la geografía. Sin embargo, esa misma proximidad se ha convertido muchas veces en el principal obstáculo para que cooperen entre sí.Desde la perspectiva portuguesa, la proximidad española se ha visto permanentemente como una amenaza a la independencia de Portugal. Desde el punto de vista de España, la cercanía de Portugal ha debilitado su consideración como país extranjero y ha acentuado un sentido de comunidad no siempre bien recibido por los portugueses. De modo que Portugal siempre ha querido diferenciarse y España ha respondido siempre aproximándose. Esta es la raíz del malentendido.Este cruce de percepciones distintas sobre el valor de proximidad, da lugar a todo tipo de equívocos, pues el deseo de diferenciación de uno puede entenderse como enemistad por el otro y, a la inversa, el de aproximación del segundo como invasión por el primero. Ejemplo de esto es lo que ocurre con la palabra iberismo, una palabra que se escribe igual en ambas lenguas pero que puede significar cosas opuestas, esto es, que puede ser un falso amigo. Así en las dos lenguas iberismo señala el ideal de una integración de ambos países, pero en portugués esto implica la subordinación de la soberanía portuguesa a la española y puede vincularse a la idea de traición; mientras que en español tiene una carga política mucho menor y puede apuntar a la simple simpatía por Portugal.En este artículo quiero mostrar cómo la proximidad de España y Portugal ha sido un obstáculo en las relaciones exteriores entre los dos países peninsulares, cuya comunicación ha sido distorsionada por los falsos amigos hasta el punto de convertirse, ellos mismos, en falsos amigos. Esto es, en países a los que se presupone una cercanía de propósitos que casi nunca se ve realizada en los hechos. Portugal and Spain are two countries that share history, culture and

  6. The natural gas industry in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kheloufi, S.


    This article makes a synthesis of the evolution of the natural gas sector in Portugal since the end of the 1990's. The aim of the energy policy of Portugal was the creation of a liberalized energy market capable to ensure the security of the energy supplies and to encourage the energy efficiency in order to reduce the environmental impact. The success of the introduction of natural gas in Portugal perfectly fulfills these goals. Since 1997, the natural gas consumption has increased significantly. The start-up of the methane terminal of Sines allows the diversification of the supply sources and contributes to the growth of the offer. The opening of the market is under development. It will allow the main consumers to select their supplier among those present on the Portuguese market. GALP company should keep its leader position and its daughter company 'Gas du Portugal' should reach 300 MW of power generation capacities by 2005 with the development of multi-energy services. The creation of an Iberian energy market between Spain and Portugal should speed up in 2004 leading to deep modifications in the energy sector of southern Europe. (J.S.)

  7. The Sociology of Elite Education


    Van Zanten, Agnès


    Research on elites (that is, on status groups that occupy dominant positions) is characterized by the lack of connection between studies that focus on elite recruitment and those that focus on the exercise of power by elites. As underlined by Giddens (1974), both types of approach are important and should complement each other in the analysis of mediations between the class structure, the organizational structure and the power structure in a given society. Giddens also insists on the need for...

  8. Yo-Yo IR2 testing of elite and sub-elite soccer players

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingebrigtsen, Jørgen; Bendiksen, Mads; Randers, Morten Bredsgaard


    Abstract We examined performance, heart rate response and construct validity of the Yo-Yo IR2 test by testing 111 elite and 92 sub-elite soccer players from Norway and Denmark. VO(2)max, Yo-Yo IR1 and repeated sprint tests (RSA) (n = 51) and match-analyses (n = 39) were also performed. Yo-Yo IR2...

  9. elites

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    Elena Grigoryeva


    As usual, there are a lot of questions, much more than the answers. The questions are urgent and uneasy. Well, the greater the journal’s chances to become interesting, comprehensive and elite, in a good sense.

  10. Elite Education Abroad and Social Reproduction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk, Martin D.; Poutvaara, Panu; Foged, Mette


    a bigger role for women, especially among women going for elite education. When we asked respondents why they studied abroad, especially men highlighted academic level and prestige. For one third of women, partner was an important consideration. Together, the United Kingdom and the United States attract 60......We study how social origin affects the likelihood of obtaining university education, with focus on foreign elite and non-elite education. Having highly educated parents increases the likelihood of obtaining university education both at home and abroad. Our survey data on Danes who have emigrated...... for at least five years indicates that the parental background plays the biggest role in the choice to obtain elite education abroad. The distribution of parental education among those who obtain non-elite education abroad does not differ much from the distribution among those obtaining university education...

  11. Organização de recursos internos para o talento: estudo de caso Cisco Portugal


    Jamnadas, Riddhi


    Mestrado em Gestão A presente investigação tem o intuito de perceber como a gestão de talento está na origem das vantagens competitivas de uma empresa tecnológica como a Cisco Systems Portugal. Para o efeito, optou-se por realizar uma entrevista (metodologia qualitativa) ao Responsável de Recursos Humanos da empresa em estudo e uma análise documental com o objectivo de compreender a estratégia e as práticas de gestão de talento efectuadas pela Cisco, no actual contexto ca...

  12. Optometry in Portugal: a historical perspective (United States)

    Teixeira, Eduardo; Baptista, António M. G.; Sousa, Raul A. R. C.


    The establishment and development of optometry in Portugal resulted from the committed work of many individuals and institutions. These efforts have had good results in terms of raising the public's awareness of the major role played by optometrists in primary eye care. Back in the late 80's higher education in optometry was started. Ten years ago the results of scientific research on the topic first became available and are now also contributing to the success of optometry in Portugal. In regard to the optometry profession, specific regulations are to be discussed in the national parliament. The Associação de Profissionais Licenciados de Optometria (APLO), as the professional organization representing optometrists in Portugal, has been critically important in this process. This article will present an overview of the history of optometry in Portugal, of change in the foreseeable future and of the APLO's experience and activities.

  13. Elite Polarization and Public Opinion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Robison, Joshua; Mullinix, Kevin


    Elite polarization has reshaped American politics and is an increasingly salient aspect of news coverage within the United States. As a consequence, a burgeoning body of research attempts to unravel the effects of elite polarization on the mass public. However, we know very little about how...... polarization is communicated to the public by news media. We report the results of one of the first content analyses to delve into the nature of news coverage of elite polarization. We show that such coverage is predominantly critical of polarization. Moreover, we show that unlike coverage of politics focused...... on individual politicians, coverage of elite polarization principally frames partisan divisions as rooted in the values of the parties rather than strategic concerns. We build on these novel findings with two survey experiments exploring the influence of these features of polarization news coverage on public...

  14. Attributes of top elite team-handball players. (United States)

    Massuça, Luís M; Fragoso, Isabel; Teles, Júlia


    Researchers in the field of excellence in sport performance are becoming increasingly focused on the study of sport-specific characteristics and requirements. In accordance with this, the purposes of this study were (a) to examine the morphologic-, fitness-, handball-specific skills and psychological and "biosocial" differences between top elite and nontop elite team-handball players and (b) to investigate the extent to which they may be used to identify top elite team-handball players. One hundred sixty-seven adult male team-handball players were studied and divided in 2 groups: top elite (n = 41) and nontop elite (n = 126). Twenty-eight morphologic-, 9 fitness-, 1 handball-specific skills and 2 psychological-based and 2 "biosocial"-based attributes were used. Top elite and nontop elite groups were compared for each variable of interest using Student's t-test, and 5 logistic regression analyses were performed with the athlete's performance group (top elite or nontop elite) as the dependent variable and the variables of each category as predictors. The results showed that (a) body mass, waist girth, radiale-dactylion length, midstylion-dactylion length, and absolute muscle mass (morphologic model); (b) 30-m sprint time, countermovement jump height and average power, abdominal strength and the class of performance in the Yo-Yo Intermittent Endurance Test (fitness model); (c) offensive power (specific-skills model); (d) ego-based motivational orientation (psychological model); (e) socioeconomic status and the energy spent (for week) in handball activity (biosocial model); significantly (p handball player. Moreover, the fitness model exhibited higher percentages of correct classification (i.e., 91.5%) than all the other models did. This study provided (a) the rational to reduce the battery of tests for evaluation purposes, and (b) the initial step to work on building a multidisciplinary model to predict the probability of a handball athlete to be a top elite player.

  15. O perfil dos licenciados em Publicidade em Portugal : uma perspectiva dos estudantes, dos professores e dos profissionais


    Ribeiro Cardoso, Paulo


    O objectivo geral deste estudo consiste em compreender de que forma o ensino da publicidade está a ser efectuado em Portugal e em que medida vai ao encontro das necessidades do mercado. A pesquisa envolveu a administração de um questionário a uma amostra de alunos, docentes e profissionais portugueses, em Lisboa, no Porto e na Covilhã, no sentido de recolher as perspectivas destes 3 intervenientes neste processo. De um modo geral, constatou-se que a universidade tem acompanhado o mercado, no ...

  16. Iniciação desportiva, actividades prévias e especialização no treino de futsal em Portugal Sport initiation, early sport involvement and specialization in futsal training in Portugal

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    João Manuel Pereira Ramalho Serrano


    Full Text Available O presente estudo pretende analisar e caracterizar a preparação desportiva em longo prazo dos melhores jogadores de futsal portugueses. Para alcançar este objetivo foram realizados dois estudos distintos. O estudo 1 permitiu averiguar o percurso desportivo de jogadores séniores proveniente de diferentes níveis competitivos, elite (n=60, intermédio (n=160 e regional (151. Por sua vez, o estudo 2 comparou o envolvimento desportivo inicial dos melhores jogadores portugueses (n=24, com aquele desenvolvido por jogadores mais jovens, selecionados para representar as equipas distritais (n=270 e contemplou, adicionalmente, uma análise entre sexos. Todos os participantes preencheram um questionário previamente validado, que fornece informações de carácter retrospectivo sobre as atividades desportivas experiências ao longo da sua carreira. Os resultados demonstraram que os melhores jogadores se distinguem dos jogadores de níveis competitivos inferiores pela dedicação mais precoce ao treino desportivo e especificamente ao futsal, facto que é reforçado tanto pelo acréscimo progressivo do volume de treino semanal como na duração das épocas desportivas. Estes aspectos emergem como fatores discriminantes neste processo, não deixando de referenciar o contributo da prática diversificada no percurso dos melhores jogadores portugueses de futsal.The present study aimed to analyze and characterize the long-term athlete development in the elite Portuguese futsal players. There were performed two different studies to achieve this goal. The first one allowed to ascertain the route of seniors sports players from different competitive levels, elite (n=60, medium (N=160 and regional (n=151. The second study has compared the early involvement of the elite senior Portuguese players (n=24, with the study developed with young players, selected to represent the district teams (n=270 and also included a comparison between genders. All the participants

  17. Business and corporate elites in Serbia

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    Ratković-Njegovan Biljana


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the issue of new business and corporate elites in Serbian society as one of the neglected aspects of two-decades-long social and economic transition away from the eyes of the general public. These elites haven't reached their status through typical channels of social mobility, such as education and achievements in professional work. In the struggle for capital allocation most of the business elites took advantage of the accelerated privatization of public property which took place in a climate of illegal business. The political establishment was in favor of the new business tycoons since they themselves also took advantage of the moment to convert their political power into the economic one. By devaluing public enterprises, selling them for a pittance and deceiving small shareholders massively, new corporate owners eroded the social capital. The society was impoverished and instead of developing it followed the path of antimodernization and peripheralization of the economy. That was a clear case of obstructing the democratic development of society by its elites. The majority of the new economic elite have originated from those social layers of the socialist era who had already possessed significant resources, economic, organizational and cultural capital, as well as political power. It can be argued that it was a transition without transformation, i.e. a process of 'remaking' the old establishment into a new elite. However, since the mid-nineties, the business and corporate elites have been penetrated by a new generation of business people, generally not related to the previous establishment. They accept the rules of doing business in a responsible manner. On the other hand, the state has found enough strength to start sanctioning transitional financial frauds and fraudsters from the closed circles of the current financial (pseudo elite.

  18. A Comparison of the Developmental Experiences of Elite and Sub-Elite Swimmers: Similar Developmental Histories Can Lead to Differences in Performance Level (United States)

    Johnson, Michael B.; Tenenbaum, Gershon; Edmonds, William A.; Castillo, Yvonne


    The current study fills a void in the literature that investigates the factors required for elite athlete development. Previous studies have (a) illustrated psychological and physiological differences between elites and non-elites; "or" (b) described the psychological and physiological developmental experiences of elite performers. The…

  19. Identifying Power Elites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grau Larsen, Anton; Ellersgaard, Christoph Houman


    Specifying network boundaries is fundamental in the study of social structures of elite networks. However, traditional methods do not offer clear criteria on either size or composition of the elite, and rely on numerous ad hoc decisions. A methodological framework that is inductive, reproducible...... and suitable for comparative research is proposed. First, a comprehensive dataset of the 5079 affiliation networks of all potentially powerful sectors in Denmark was assembled. Second, these heterogeneous affiliation networks were weighted to account for potential level of social integration. Third, a weighted...


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    Catarina Reis Oliveira


    Full Text Available In Portugal in recent decades, just like in other welcoming countries, immigrants have reached levels of entrepreneurial activity that are higher than those of autochthonous citizens. However, a deeper analysis of the official data shows that not all immigrant groups have the same tendency to become entrepreneurs. In this respect, the Chinese stand out as being the group with the highest ratio of entrepreneurial activity in Portugal, despite the fact that their migration is a relatively recent phenomenon. What factors can explain the Chinese community’s disproportionate rate of entrepreneurial initiative? Do they possess any particular resources that make them more enterprising than the autochthonous population, or than other groups of immigrants? Does the context of Portugal hamper certain opportunities or in some way limit their economic integration into the job market? Do we find similar business strategies among other Chinese entrepreneurs residing in welcoming societies apart from that of Portugal? Why did Chinese business initiative grow at such an exceptional rate in Portugal in the late 1990s? By seeking answers to these questions, this article attempts to examine Chinese business strategies in Portugal, as well as their exceptional success rate in comparison with other entrepreneurial immigrants. To that end, the author has analysed the data gathered in a survey carried out on 309 Chinese entrepreneurs resident in Portugal (see Oliveira, 2005.

  1. Fragile Elite

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bregnbæk, Susanne

    China's One Child Policy and its rigorous national focus on educational testing are well known. But what happens to those "lucky" few at the very top of the pyramid? Fragile Elite explores the contradictions of being an elite student through ethnographic research conducted at two top universities...... in China. It uncovers the intimate psychological strains students suffer under the pressure imposed on them by parents and state, where the state acts as a parent, and the parents sometimes reinforce the state. The book offers insights into the intergenerational tensions as work in relation to the ongoing...... shifts in educational policy and definition of what a "quality" student, child, and citizen is in contemporary China....

  2. Transnational citizenship: Latin Americans in Portugal

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    Beatriz Padilla


    Full Text Available This article is a reflection upon the exercising of transnational citizenship as a consequence of international migration, applied to Latin Americans resident in Portugal. In order to do this we have adopted the concept of transnational citizenship, as its malleability allows us to consider the whole concept of countries of origin and destination and the influence of bilateral and international relations. We ask how transnational citizenship is exercised in the European Union, Ibero-American and, particularly, Portuguese spaces, and whether it is affected by the economic crisis in Europe and, in particular, Portugal, by analysing the cases of Argentines, Brazilians and Uruguayans living in Portugal.

  3. Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This short report summarizes the main lines of the energy policy of Portugal. It presents the main energy companies and utilities (EDP, CPPE, REN, Petrogal, GDP, Galp SGPS) of the country, the energy supplies (resources, electricity, petroleum, coal, natural gas), the prices and pricing policy, the global energy consumption per sector, the stakes and perspectives of the energy market (forecasts, contracts). (J.S.)

  4. Computer Tomography Scanners in Portugal (1990-2011

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    Ricardo Crispim


    Full Text Available The use of Computed Tomography (CT has increased every year since its introduction into medicine in 1972. Technological developments have made CT one of the most important imaging modalities in modern medicine. This importance is evidenced in the increasing demand and number of CT scanners installed in Portugal and worldwide. This review compiles the most recent national statistics from official publications on the number of CT scanners installed in Portugal and compares them with data available in international publications. We conclude that the number of CT scanners installed in Portugal exceeded the EU27 average by 61.5 % and the OECD average by 78.2 %, and that in 2011 there were 203 CT scanners installed in hospitals in Portugal, which equated to 19.23 CT scanners per million inhabitants.

  5. O recrutamento e selecção de pessoas na área das tecnologias de informação


    Silva, Ricardo José Jordão


    Este projeto tem como foco as práticas de recrutamento e seleção na área das tecnologias de informação. O objetivo principal é identificar as práticas mais utilizadas em empresas na área das TI em Portugal e verificar a sua eficácia, no que se refere à retenção e ao desempenho dos contratados. Foi adaptado e aplicado um questionário a 31 empresas de TI incubadas no Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) e no Taguspark – Parque de Ciência & Tecnologia. Os dados recolhidos referem-se às atividades de recr...

  6. Evolução da mortalidade por cancro do pulmão em Portugal (1955-2005 Trends in lung cancer mortality in Portugal (1955-2005

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    Luís Alves


    Full Text Available Introdução: A prevalência de fumadores tem diminuído na Europa Ocidental, observando-se já o declínio da mortalidade por cancro do pulmão. Contudo, até 1998 não se observava ainda um decréscimo da frequência deste cancro em Portugal. Objectivo: Descrever a tendência secular da mortalidade por cancro do pulmão em Portugal. Métodos: As taxas de mortalidade por cancro do pulmão (ICD10:C33-34 em Portugal, entre 1955 e 2005, por sexo e grupo etário (5 anos de amplitude, obtiveram-se através da Organização Mundial de Saúde e do Instituto Nacional de Estatística. Calcularam-se taxas de mortalidade padronizadas (método directo, população mundial, para os grupos etários 35-74/35-44/45-54/55-64/65-74 anos. Realizou-se uma regressão joinpoint para calcular a variação anual percentual (VA% da mortalidade e identificar eventuais pontos de inflexão. Resultados: Entre 1955 e 2005, em homens dos 35 aos 74 anos, observou-se uma estabilização da mortalidade por cancro do pulmão, variando 3,77%/ano (intervalo de confiança a 95% [IC95%]: 3,53; 4,01 entre 1955 e 1986 e -0,15%/ano (IC95%: -0,99; 0,69 entre 1996 e 2005. Observaram-se estimativas pontuais da VA% negativas (não significativamente inferiores a zero nas tendências mais recentes de todos os grupos etários, excepto no grupo 45-54 anos, onde apenas se verificou uma desaceleração da VA% desde 1981. Em mulheres entre 35 e 74 anos, a mortalidade aumentou 1,60%/ano (IC95%: 1,40; 1,77 entre 1955 e 2005. Conclusão: Observou-se uma estabilização das taxas de mortalidade por cancro do pulmão nos homens, enquanto nas mulheres esta aumentou de forma constante. Estes resultados colocam Portugal no final do terceiro estádio da epidemia tabágica.Introduction: While the rate of smoking and lung cancer mortality has been decreasing in western Europe, there was no decline in lung cancer mortality in Portugal until 1998. Aim: To describe lung cancer mortality trends in Portugal

  7. Den bureaukratiske elite

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krarup, Troels


    Artiklen kortlægger ved korrespondanceanalyse karriereveje for 122 topembedsmænd i centraladministrationen. Artiklen har tre anliggender: 1) at opdatere og nuancere billedet af den bureaukratiske elite i Danmark, som det kendes fra tidligere politologiske studier; 2) at positionere analysen i et...... europæisk perspektiv og i forhold til en anden dansk elite, topdirektører; og 3) at eksemplificere visse teoretiske og metodiske fordele ved felt- og korrespondanceanalyser uden så nær anknytning til Bourdieus sociologi, som det almindeligvist ses i magtstudier, bl.a. ved at introducere brug af idealtyper...

  8. As parcerias público-privadas para o desenvolvimento de infraestrutura rodoviária: experiência recente em Portugal

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    Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves Araújo


    Full Text Available As parcerias público-privadas (PPPs tornaram-se, nas últimas décadas, uma moda em todo o mundo. Tendo em mente o pressuposto teórico das PPPs, analisa-se a relação entre a utilização destas e os resultados obtidos no setor da construção e gestão de rodovias em Portugal. Por meio de revisão teórica da literatura e da análise dos dados existentes, propõe-se discutir os aspetos positivos e negativos dessa experiência. Os resultados apontam acordos de construção e gestão das rodovias que, na prática, não resultaram em uma mais-valia para o Estado, porque contrariam as boas práticas na utilização dos recursos públicos.

  9. Roteiro Tecnológico (roadmap) da Captação, Utilização e Armazenamento de Dióxido de Carbono (CCUS) em Portugal


    Oliveira, Gisela Marta Teixeira de Sousa


    O objetivo primordial deste trabalho foi estabelecer um roteiro tecnológico para aplicação das tecnologias de “Captação, Utilização e Sequestração de Carbono - CCUS” em Portugal. Para o efeito procedeu-se à identificação da origem das maiores fontes emissoras estacionárias industriais de CO2, adotando como critério o valor mínimo de 1×105 ton CO2/ano e limitado apenas ao território continental. Com base na informação recolhida e referente aos dados oficiais mais recentes (ano d...

  10. Lessons from wind policy in Portugal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peña, Ivonne; L. Azevedo, Inês; Marcelino Ferreira, Luís António Fialho


    Wind capacity and generation grew rapidly in several European countries, such as Portugal. Wind power adoption in Portugal began in the early 2000s, incentivized by a continuous feed-in tariff policy mechanism, coupled with public tenders for connection licenses in 2001, 2002, and 2005. These policies led to an enormous success in terms of having a large share of renewables providing electricity services: wind alone accounts today for ~23.5% of electricity demand in Portugal. We explain the reasons wind power became a key part of Portugal's strategy to comply with European Commission climate and energy goals, and provide a detailed review of the wind feed-in tariff mechanism. We describe the actors involved in wind power production growth. We estimate the environmental and energy dependency gains achieved through wind power generation, and highlight the correlation between wind electricity generation and electricity exports. Finally, we compare the Portuguese wind policies with others countries' policy designs and discuss the relevance of a feed-in tariff reform for subsequent wind power additions.

  11. Exigências de espaço aplicáveis à construção de habitação de interesse social: comparação entre Portugal e o município de São Paulo

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    João Branco Pedro


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, comparam-se as exigências de espaço aplicáveis àconstrução de habitação de interesse social (HIS em Portugal e noMunicípio de São Paulo, e procuraram-se justificações para as diferenças no contexto socioeconómico de cada território. São analisados osprogramas “Habitação a Custo Controlado” (HCC, em Portugal, e “MinhaCasa Minha Vida” (MCMV, em São Paulo. Verificou-se que as exigênciasde espaço aplicáveis à construção de habitação no programa HCC são, na generalidade das especificações analisadas, superiores às estabelecidaspara o programa MCMV. O menor nível das exigências de espaço do programa MCMV pode ser justificado pelo deficit habitacional que existeno Brasil, pelo reduzido rendimento da população carenciada e pelaopção de vender HIS fortemente subsidiada. Apesar de as habitações deinteresse social no Município de São Paulo terem uma área substancialmente inferior à das habitações do mesmo tipo em Portugal, onível de satisfação dos moradores para com o tamanho das habitações émais elevado no Município de São Paulo. Com base nos resultadosapresentados, recomenda-se a realização de um estudo que analise aviabilidade de introduzir diversos aperfeiçoamentos no programa MCMV,nomeadamente: aumentar a área útil total das habitações; incentivar aadoção de soluções espaciais e construtivas inovadoras, que sejam económicas e adequadas às necessidades dos moradores; permitir aconstrução de fogos com um, dois, três ou quatro dormitórios; e aumentar o retorno do investimento público, com modelos de financiamento mais sustentáveis.

  12. Características antropométricas em atletas de elite das seleções brasileiras juvenil e adulta de voleibol

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    D. Monteiro Teixeira


    Conclusão: Estatura elevada, baixos valores de percentual e massa de gordura corporal, assim como baixos valores de dobras cutâneas do tríceps, perna média e abdome identificam‐se como o padrão antropométrico em atletas de elite de voleibol masculino.

  13. Elite Framing of Inequality in the Press: Brazil and Uruguay Compared

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    Matias López


    Full Text Available Current elite studies argue that inequality produces negative externalities to elites, who may either promote democracy or adopt authoritarian measures in order to shield their interests from the actions of the rebellious poor. This article argues that elite framing of poverty and inequality in the press is a good thermometer of elite public response to such externalities. The press represents a communication tool shared by elites in the state, market, civil society, and, most evidently, the media itself. If inequality threatens elite rule, elites should share their concerns in order to move towards a solution. Since the literature links inequality and elite response, I propose undertaking a comparison of elite public responses to poverty and inequality in two South American cases with opposite records of inequality: Brazil and Uruguay. The article approaches elite framing of poverty and inequality in the press by analyzing opinion pieces and editorials in the main newspapers of both countries. Results invert the expected link between inequality and elite response. Elite framing of inequality in the Brazilian press did not suggest elite concern with externalities, neither an elite turn towards more democracy or authoritarianism. Contrastingly, a few Uruguayan elites did frame the poor as menacing.

  14. When do ruling elites support productive sectors?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjær, Anne Mette

    that the ruling elite initially supported the fishing industry because of industry pressure. They have failed to enforce fisheries management because there are big political costs associated with such enforcement. The dairy sector in the southwestern milk region was initially supported because the ruling elite......This paper explains the differences in ruling elite support for the fisheries and dairy sectors in Uganda. Although production in Uganda has not generally been promoted in any sustained way, ruling elites have to varying degrees supported the dairy and fisheries sectors. The paper shows...... wanted to build a coalition of support in this region. Coming from the region himself, the president had a keen interest in dairy cattle. The sector was subsequently regulated because the biggest processor put pressure on the ruling elite to do so. Even when the ruling coalition is fragmented, promoting...

  15. Dynamic balance in elite karateka. (United States)

    Zago, Matteo; Mapelli, Andrea; Shirai, Yuri Francesca; Ciprandi, Daniela; Lovecchio, Nicola; Galvani, Christel; Sforza, Chiarella


    In karate, balance control represents a key performance determinant. With the hypothesis that high-level athletes display advanced balance abilities, the purpose of the current study was to quantitatively investigate the motor strategies adopted by elite and non-elite karateka to maintain balance control in competition. The execution of traditional karate techniques (kihon) in two groups of elite Masters (n = 6, 31 ± 19 years) and non-elite Practitioners (n = 4, 25 ± 9 years) was compared assessing body center of mass (CoM) kinematics and other relevant parameters like step width and angular joint behavior. In the considered kihon sequence, normalized average CoM height was 8% lower (p < 0.05), while CoM displacement in the horizontal direction was significantly higher in Masters than in Practitioners (2.5 vs. 1.9 m, p < 0.05), as well as CoM average velocity and rms acceleration (p < 0.05). Step width was higher in Masters in more than half of the sequence steps (p < 0.05). Results suggest that elite karateka showed a refined dynamic balance control, obtained through the increase of the base of support and different maneuvers of lower limbs. The proposed method could be used to objectively detect talented karateka, to measure proficiency level and to assess training effectiveness. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Contributo para a análise da elite tecnocrática portuguesa de Oitocentos: esboço biográfico do engenheiro Manuel Afonso Espregueira (1833-1917

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    Hugo Silveira Pereira


    Full Text Available In the second half of the 19th century, in Portugal, an elite of men of science and technology, who had previously contacted with the saint-simonianist ideology, led the implementation of the public works programme historically known as Fontismo (after its main promoter, Fontes Pereira de Melo. One of the members of that elite was engineer Manuel Afonso de Espregueira. In this paper we will write his biographical sketch, using Marcel Mauss’s concept of persona, reconfigured as scientific persona – created in particular for the biographical analysis of persons of science and technology. We will read on a varied array of primary sources, spread across sundry archives and libraries, in order to accompany the life path of Espregueira and characterize his academic, technical/professional and political course. In the end, we aim to illustrate the relevance of Espregueira’s career for the public works agenda of Fontismo and for the formation of the persona of the Portuguese engineer of the 19th century.

  17. Estratégias de marketing no fitness: estudo de caso da Vivafit em Portugal e em Singapura


    Silva, Sara Durão da


    Mestrado em Gestão do Desporto - Organizações Desportivas Este estudo pretende aferir as diferenças na elaboração das estratégias de marketing de uma empresa da área do fitness, actuante em diferentes países (nomeadamente em países emergentes) ao nível dos Quatro Pilares do Marketing (4 P.): a) produto, b) promoção, c) local, d) preço. Esta pesquisa é num estudo de caso de uma empresa nacional: a Vivafit, comparandose as estratégias utilizadas em Portugal e em Singapura. For...

  18. Morfologia e Crescimento dos 6 aos 10 anos de idade em Viana do Castelo, Portugal

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    Luis Paulo Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Ao longo de quatro anos, o Estudo Morfofuncional da Criança Vianense observou 1911 crianças entre os 6e os 10 anos de idade, resultando em 4064 observações individuais(2054 de raparigas, 2006 de rapazes.Os resultados encontrados nos indicadores morfológicos simples(altura, peso, pregas adiposas, diâmetros ósseos e perímetros muscularese no somatótipo, são descritos normativamente (valores percentílicose comparados com outros estudos nacionais e internacionais. As crianças vianenses demonstraram possuir uma estatura média ligeiramente superior às reportadas nos estudos portugueses e um ritmo de crescimento diferente das norte-americanas; peso semelhante ao das congéneres nacionais mas inferior ao das EUA; valores de pregas adiposas geralmente inferiores aos encontrados em Portugal e EUA; perímetros musculares e diâmetros ósseos semelhantes aos seus pares portugueses; e uma tendência para o aumento, com a idade, do ectomorfismo nos rapazes e do endomorfismo em ambos os sexos. Este panorama parece indicar que as crianças vianenses apresentam características de aptidão morfologia que estão longe de espelhar as preocupações internacionais nesta matéria.

  19. [Profile of tropical diseases in Portugal]. (United States)

    Ventura, F A


    The increased incidence of Imported Tropical Diseases in Portugal is correlated to a recent higher standard of living, influence of media and a consequent expansion of tourism, and above all to the close relationship existing between Portugal and Africa. The number and pathology (parasitic diarrhoeas, protozoal and helminthic infections) of in-patients with Tropical Diseases at the Unidade de Doenças Infecciosas, Parasitárias e de Medicina Tropical (UDIP-MT) were described, with special emphasis on Malaria (155 in-patients during the period from 1989 to 1993) and on Sleeping Sickness, where Eflornitin (DFMO) was for the first time used in Portugal. Finally, the impact of HIV epidemic on incidence and different clinical presentations of parasitic and other tropical pathology was also evaluated.

  20. The cavernicolous Oniscidea (Crustacea: Isopoda) of Portugal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    P. S. Reboleira, Ana Sofia; Gonçalves, Fernando J.; Oromí, Pedro


    The study of subterranean Oniscidea in Portugal has been neglected for nearly 70 years, but recent investigations have revealed high diversity. All the terrestrial isopods known from caves of mainland Portugal, including data from the literature and new material, are listed, revealing new biodive...

  1. Environmentalism and elitism: a conceptual and empirical analysis (United States)

    Morrison, Denton E.; Dunlap, Riley E.


    The frequent charge that environmentalism is “elitist” is examined conceptually and empirically. First, the concept of elitism is analyzed by distinguishing between three types of accusations made against the environmental movement: (a) compositional elitism suggests that environmentalists are drawn from privileged socioeconomic strata, (b) ideological elitism suggests that environmental reforms are a subterfuge for distributing benefits to environmentalists and/or costs to others, and (c) impact elitism suggests that environmental reforms, whether intentionally or not, do in fact have regressive social impacts. The evidence bearing on each of the three types of elitism is examined in some detail, and the following conclusions are drawn: Compositional elitism is an exaggeration, for although environmentalists are typically above average in socioeconomic status (as are most sociopolitical activists), few belong to the upper class. Ideological elitism may hold in some instances, but environmentalists have shown increasing sensitivity to equity concerns and there is little evidence of consistent pursuit of self-interest. Impact elitism is the most important issue, and also the most difficult to assess. It appears that there has been a general tendency for environmental reforms to have regressive impacts. However, it is increasingly recognized that problems such as workplace pollution and toxic waste contamination disproportionately affect the lower socioeconomic strata, and thus reforms aimed at such problems will likely have more progressive impacts.

  2. Asthma in elite athletes: how do we manage asthma-like symptoms and asthma in elite athletes?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Thomas Kromann


    . Elite athletes with physician-diagnosed asthma seem to have less airway reactivity and fewer sputum eosinophils than non-athletes with physician-diagnosed asthma, but more studies are needed to further investigate if and how the asthma phenotype of elite athletes differs from that of classical asthma....

  3. Gaze characteristics of elite and near-elite athletes in ice hockey defensive tactics. (United States)

    Martell, Stephen G; Vickers, Joan N


    Traditional visual search experiments, where the researcher pre-selects video-based scenes for the participant to respond to, shows that elite players make more efficient decisions than non-elites, but disagree on how they temporally regulate their gaze. Using the vision-in-action [J.N. Vickers, J. Exp. Psychol.: Human Percept. Perform. 22 (1996) 342] approach, we tested whether the significant gaze that differentiates elite and non-elite athletes occurred either: early in the task and was of more rapid duration [A.M. Williams et al., Res. Quart. Exer. Sport 65 (1994) 127; A.M. Williams and K. Davids, Res. Quart. Exer. Sport 69 (1998) 111], or late in the task and was of longer duration [W. Helsen, J.M. Pauwels, A cognitive approach to visual search in sport, in: D. Brogan, K. Carr (Eds.), Visual Search, vol. II, Taylor and Francis, London, 1992], or whether a more complex gaze control strategy was used that consisted of both early and rapid fixations followed by a late fixation of long duration prior to the final execution. We tested this using a live defensive zone task in ice hockey. Results indicated that athletes temporally regulated their gaze using two different gaze control strategies. First, fixation/tracking (F/T) gaze early in the trial were significantly shorter than the final F/T and confirmed that the elite group fixated the tactical locations more rapidly than the non-elite on successful plays. And secondly, the final F/T prior to critical movement initiation (i.e. F/T-1) was significantly longer for both groups, averaging 30% of the final part of the phase and occurred as the athletes isolated a single object or location to end the play. The results imply that expertise in defensive tactics is defined by a cascade of F/T, which began with the athletes fixating or tracking specific locations for short durations at the beginning of the play, and concluded with a final gaze of long duration to a relatively stable target at the end. The results are

  4. Jumping Together: Apprenticeship Learning among Elite Trampoline Athletes (United States)

    Lund, Ole; Ravn, Susanne; Christensen, Mette Krogh


    Background: Elite athletes often take part in group trainings and use teammates as learning resources. Despite this, research on the training and learning of elite athletes tends to characterise this training and learning as primarily individual. Purpose: This study, explores interrelated learning processes among elite athletes by exploring the…


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    Ondřej Smolka


    Full Text Available The aim of our contribution is to evaluate the influence of caffeine (CAF ingestion on maximal power output (MPO during endurance performance. Two groups of men – 10 sub-elite cyclists and 8 elite cyclists completed a randomized, crossover, double-blind study. Over the course of three days participants completed three identical experimental tests (60min cycling time trial on 70 % VO2max followed by test to exhaustion. Three experimental meals - a combination of 500ml water, a gel supplement and a specific dose of CAF: a placebo (PLA, no caffeine, CAF2 (2 mg / kg body weight (BW and CAF7 (7 mg / kg BW were administered 45min prior to the start of the experimental tests. Subjective RPE values were determined using the Borg 20-category scale. The results show significant differences between MPOPLA and MPOCAF7 and between MPOCAF2 and MPOCAF7 with p = 0.018 and p = 0.019, respectively, in the sub-elite cyclists group only. The mean MPO during experimental test in sub-elite cyclists, but not in elite cyclists, was significantly enhanced following caffeine ingestion (p = 0.05. These findings indicate that caffeine intake at recommended levels is not associated with improved performance in a professional level cyclist. The results of the comparison of the experimental situations using the Borg scale are not persuasive. We found a significant difference (0.008356 between the PLA and CAF2 experimental measurements (p < 0.05. The level of substantive significance was assessed using Cohen’s coefficient effect and only a small “size of effect” (0.19 was found. It is therefore not possible to determine whether the Borg scale might be used to define the effects of caffeine ingestion on endurance performance, due to the multifactorial effects of caffeine.

  6. Saberes e práticas termais: uma perspectiva comparada em Portugal (Termas de S. Pedro do Sul e no Brasil (Caldas da Imperatriz Thermal knowledge and therapies: a comparative view of Portugal (São Pedro do Sul hot springs and Brazil (Caldas da Imperatriz hot springs

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    Maria Manuel Quintela


    Full Text Available Pretende-se neste artigo discutir como o termalismo, como prática terapêutica, se constituiu como um saber dito 'científico' legitimado pela medicina, que criou estabelecimentos terapêuticos e estâncias termais. Tomaremos como fontes textos dos séculos XIX e XX. A pesquisa foi iniciada em Portugal, em 1996, sendo efetuada uma etnografia das experiências termais nas Termas de S. Pedro do Sul. No Brasil, a pesquisa nas Caldas da Imperatriz foi iniciada em agosto de 2001 e encontra-se ainda em curso.Based on nineteenth- and twentieth-century texts, the article discusses how medicine legitimized the therapeutic practice of thermalism as so-called 'scientific' knowledge, with the creation of therapeutic establishments and hot-springs resorts. My research began in Portugal in 1996, where I produced an ethnography of experiences at the São Pedro do Sul hot springs. My research at Brazil's Caldas da Imperatriz, initiated in August 2001, is still underway.

  7. Skaber elite bredde?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Rasmus K.


    Dette arbejdspapir gennemgår eksisterende studier og forskning med henblik på at afdække om der kan findes dokumentation for det ofte fremsatte argument om, at elite skaber bredde. Gennemgangen viser, at der ikke kan siges eksistere nogen automatik mellem de to størrelser. Faktisk viser nogle af de...... gennemgåede undersøgelser det modsatte: for stort fokus på elite kan skabe mindre breddedeltagelse i idræt og sport. Samtidig kan det dog også argumenteres, at fokus på elitesport eller afholdelse af store internationale slutrunder i enkelte tilfælde kan øge interessen for specifikke sportsgrene og indirekte...

  8. Sociological analysis of contemporary Turkish political elites


    D. Ali Arslan


    This study was designed to find general characteristics of Contemporary Turkish political Elites since 1995 up to date. Social background characteristics were employed to realise the purposes. Documentary and historical research techniques were used during the study. As a result of examining the Contemporary Turkish political elites (since 1995 up to 2005) these major findings were discovered: the large majority of the Turkish parliamentary elites were well educated, male, middle aged, marrie...

  9. Does Elite Sport Degrade Sleep Quality? A Systematic Review


    Gupta, Luke; Morgan, Kevin; Gilchrist, Sarah


    Background Information on sleep quality and insomnia symptomatology among elite athletes remains poorly systematised in the sports science and medicine literature. The extent to which performance in elite sport represents a risk for chronic insomnia is unknown. Objectives The purpose of this systematic review was to profile the objective and experienced characteristics of sleep among elite athletes, and to consider relationships between elite sport and insomnia symptomatology. Methods Studies...

  10. Great British medalists: Psychosocial biographies of Super-Elite and Elite athletes from Olympic sports. (United States)

    Hardy, Lew; Barlow, Matthew; Evans, Lynne; Rees, Tim; Woodman, Tim; Warr, Chelsea


    Participants were 32 former GB athletes from Olympic sports, 16 Super-Elite athletes who had won multiple medals at major championships, and 16 matched Elite athletes who had not. In-depth interviews with the athletes, their coaches, and one of their parents explored all psychosocial aspects of their development and careers. Content analyses revealed that there were no differences between Super-Elite and Elite athletes with regard to family values, conscientiousness, or commitment to training. However, the two groups were found to be different with regard to: (1) the experience of a foundational negative life event coupled with a foundational positive sport-related event; (2) the experience of a career turning point that enhanced motivation and focus for their sport; (3) need for success; (4) obsessiveness and/or perfectionism with regard to training and performance; (5) ruthlessness and/or selfishness in the pursuit of their sporting goals; (6) dual focus on both mastery and outcome; (7) the use of counterphobic attitudes and/or total preparation to maintain higher levels of performance under pressure; and (8) the relative importance of sport over other aspects of life. The results are discussed within the context of psychodynamic theory, and recommendations are made for both applied implications and future research. © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Do premium ao preço: mudança nas estratégias de comunicação das marcas


    Figueiredo, Filipa Frazão


    Tese de Mestrado em Comunicação Social na especialização de Comunicação Estratégica Este estudo exploratório pretende analisar e compreender a evolução recente das estratégias de comunicação das marcas. Num período em que Portugal atravessa uma grave crise económica e uma forte contenção ao nível do consumo, várias marcas optaram por abdicar de uma comunicação aspiracional e preferiram reintroduzir o elemento preço na sua comunicação como forma de atrair novos clientes, fidelizar os habitu...

  12. O processo das soluções brasileiras no exemplo do tráfico negreiro

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    Luís Henrique Dias Tavares


    Full Text Available O Brasil esteve solucionando o grave problema do trafico negreiro de, pelo menos, 1815 a 1854. Ou seja: do Tratado que Portugal assinou com a Inglaterra em janeiro de 1815, às medidas práticas que o Brasil adotou em decorrência da Lei anti-tráfico de 1850. Nesse decurso de trinta e nove anos, largos e puxados trinta e nove anos, o jovem Brasil passou da condição de Colônia para a de país livre, o seu regime monárquico constitucional experimentou os arrancos e desequilíbrios da deposição de Pedro I, das Regências Trinas e Unas, dos vários movimentos federalistas, das muitas insurreições de escravos e do golpe de Estado que antecedeu a entrega do Trono ao pequeno príncipe D . Pedro.

  13. Elite Capture and Corruption in two Villages in Bengkulu Province, Sumatra. (United States)

    Lucas, Anton

    This paper examines leadership, elite capture and corruption in two villages in Sumatra. It compares implementation and outcomes of several conservation and development projects in the context of democratization and decentralization reforms introduced in Indonesia since 1998. In examining aspects of elite control and elite capture, this paper focuses on the activities of local elites, particularly village officials, who use their positions to monopolize planning and management of projects that were explicitly intended to incorporate participatory and accountability features. While elites' use of authority and influence to benefit personally from their roles clearly reflects elite capture, there are nonetheless members of elite groups in these case studies who use their control of projects to broad community benefit. In both villages there is considerable friction between villagers and elites as well as among members of the local elite themselves over control of local resources. Differences in the structure of these cross-cutting internal relationships and of ties between local authorities and outside government and non-government agents largely explain the differences in degree of elite capture and its outcomes in the two cases.

  14. Enoturismo em Portugal: as Rotas de Vinho

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    Simões, Orlando


    Full Text Available Since 1993, as supported by the Dyonisios program of the European Union, the wine routes have been the most visible face of the wine tourism practice in Portugal. Since these thematic routes have no specific rules, they usually depend on the initiative of the promoters, namely through the creation of adherent/promoters associations or other institutions, like the Regional Viticulture Commissions, and Tourism Regions. This article aims at analysing the basis for the development of wine tourism in Portugal and its structure around wine routes. The socioeconomics traits of both the vineyards and wine, are analysed. The existing routes in Portugal are presented and their strengths and limitations are identi-fied.

  15. Hvem bliver morgendagens elite?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weirsøe, Mathilde


    Bare fordi du er født med en guldske i munden, er du ikke sikret en plads blandt morgendagens elite. Vidensamfundet kræver mangfoldighed og krøllede hjerner, og det udfordrer de gængse vinder- og taberetiketter. Eller gør det?......Bare fordi du er født med en guldske i munden, er du ikke sikret en plads blandt morgendagens elite. Vidensamfundet kræver mangfoldighed og krøllede hjerner, og det udfordrer de gængse vinder- og taberetiketter. Eller gør det?...

  16. Immersion Ethnography of Elites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harrington, Brooke


    This chapter examines an innovative form of data-gathering that brings together two of the greatest methodological challenges social scientists face: conducting classical immersion ethnography and gaining access to elites. The difficulties of accessing elites for research purposes have been well......-documented (Conti and O’Neill 2007; Gilding 2010; Harrington 2003). There has been less scholarly discussion of the challenges posed by traditional ethnography, a method whose claim to scientific status is based on the length and depth of the investigator’s immersion in an organization or culture....

  17. Child Labour and Educational Success in Portugal (United States)

    Goulart, Pedro; Bedi, Arjun S.


    The current debate on child labour focuses on developing countries. However, Portugal is an example of a relatively developed country where child labour is still a matter of concern as between 8% and 12% of Portuguese children may be classified as workers. This paper studies the patterns of child labour in Portugal and assesses the consequences of…

  18. Global Elite as Transnational Capitalist Class

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    Lukáš Kantor


    Full Text Available As a contribution to the burgeoning field of multidisciplinary globalization studies, this article evaluates how IR grand theories can conceptualize the phenomenon of global elite. It compares and synthesizes (neoliberalism, constructivism, feminism and neo-Marxism. Liberal approaches use the analytical tool of transnational actors or transnational networks. In constructivist’s perspective, part of global elite falls into the category of epistemic community. Feminists offer the term Davos Men. Neo-Marxist conceptualization revolves around the notion of transnational capitalist class. The paper concludes that neo-Marxist IR theory best accounts for the global elite and therefore, the debates on the transnational capitalist class are thoroughly and critically reviewed.

  19. Airway dysfunction in elite swimmers: prevalence, impact, and challenges

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    Lomax M


    Full Text Available Mitch Lomax Department of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK Abstract: The prevalence of airway dysfunction in elite swimmers is among the highest in elite athletes. The traditional view that swimmers naturally gravitate toward swimming because of preexisting respiratory disorders has been challenged. There is now sufficient evidence that the higher prevalence of bronchial tone disorders in elite swimmers is not the result of a natural selection bias. Rather, the combined effects of repeated chlorine by-product exposure and chronic endurance training can lead to airway dysfunction and atopy. This review will detail the underpinning causes of airway dysfunction observed in elite swimmers. It will also show that airway dysfunction does not prevent success in elite level swimming. Neither does it inhibit lung growth and might be partially reversible when elite swimmers retire from competition. Keywords: exercise, aquatic athletes, bronchoconstriction

  20. Patellar tendon properties distinguish elite from non-elite soccer players and are related to peak horizontal but not vertical power. (United States)

    Murtagh, Conall F; Stubbs, Michael; Vanrenterghem, Jos; O'Boyle, Andrew; Morgans, Ryland; Drust, Barry; Erskine, Robert M


    To investigate potential differences in patellar tendon properties between elite and non-elite soccer players, and to establish whether tendon properties were related to power assessed during unilateral jumps performed in different directions. Elite (n = 16; age 18.1 ± 1.0 years) and non-elite (n = 13; age 22.3 ± 2.7 years) soccer players performed vertical, horizontal-forward and medial unilateral countermovement jumps (CMJs) on a force plate. Patellar tendon (PT) cross-sectional area, elongation, strain, stiffness, and Young's modulus (measured at the highest common force interval) were assessed with ultrasonography and isokinetic dynamometry. Elite demonstrated greater PT elongation (6.83 ± 1.87 vs. 4.92 ± 1.88 mm, P = 0.011) and strain (11.73 ± 3.25 vs. 8.38 ± 3.06%, P = 0.009) than non-elite soccer players. Projectile range and peak horizontal power during horizontal-forward CMJ correlated positively with tendon elongation (r = 0.657 and 0.693, P < 0.001) but inversely with Young's modulus (r = - 0.376 and - 0.402; P = 0.044 and 0.031). Peak medial power during medial CMJ correlated positively with tendon elongation (r = 0.658, P < 0.001) but inversely with tendon stiffness (r = - 0.368, P = 0.050). Not only does a more compliant patellar tendon appear to be an indicator of elite soccer playing status but it may also facilitate unilateral horizontal-forward and medial, but not vertical CMJ performance. These findings should be considered when prescribing talent selection and development protocols related to direction-specific power in elite soccer players.

  1. How can Portugal attract more China´S young generation tourists?


    Liu, Yujing


    Portugal as a tourism destination has great potential to be further developed, however it is still not well known by the Chinese outbound tourists, especially the young generation who would stay longer and spend more in Portugal. This paper describe the current situation of Portugal tourism in Chinese outbound market, after analyzing explained why Portugal should aim at the young generation, and finally gave some recommendations of how to attract them, mainly through social media platforms.

  2. Assessment of the presence/absence of the palmaris longus muscle in different sports, and elite and non-elite sport populations. (United States)

    Fowlie, Craig; Fuller, Colin; Pratten, Margaret K


    To investigate whether higher presence of the palmaris longus muscle is associated with sports that require hand grip. Cross-sectional study. Six hundred and forty-two medical students, members of sports clubs and national athletes. Participants were invited to complete a questionnaire that assessed their main sport, elite or non-elite level of participation, and level of activity. The presence of the palmaris longus was assessed visually using a standardised test. Presence of the palmaris longus, type of hand grip required for the sport and the level of participation. The presence of the palmaris longus was higher in elite athletes (21/22, 96%) than non-elite athletes (66/84, 79%; P=0.066) for sports that require a dominant-handed or two-handed cylindrical grip (18/22, 82% and 19/35, 54%, respectively; P=0.034). For both elite and non-elite athletes, the presence of the palmaris longus was higher in those participating in sustained grip sports (325/387, 84%) compared with sports that do not require a sustained grip (150/197, 76%; P=0.012). The palmaris longus may provide an advantage in certain types of sport that require hand grip, and for elite athletes participating in sports that require a dominant-handed or two-handed cylindrical hand grip. Orthopaedic specialists considering the use of the palmaris longus for a grafting procedure on an athlete should consider the level of participation and the type of hand grip required in the athlete's sport. Copyright © 2011 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Portugal to Accede to ESO (United States)


    The Republic of Portugal will become the ninth member state of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) [1]. Today, during a ceremony at the ESO Headquarters in Garching (Germany), a corresponding Agreement was signed by the Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology, José Mariano Gago and the ESO Director General, Catherine Cesarsky , in the presence of other high officials from Portugal and the ESO member states (see Video Clip 05/00 below). Following subsequent ratification by the Portuguese Parliament of the ESO Convention and the associated protocols [2], it is foreseen that Portugal will formally join this organisation on January 1, 2001. Uniting European Astronomy ESO PR Photo 16/00 ESO PR Photo 16/00 [Preview - JPEG: 400 x 405 pix - 160k] [Normal - JPEG: 800 x 809 pix - 408k] Caption : Signing of the Portugal-ESO Agreement on June 27, 2000, at the ESO Headquarters in Garching (Germany). At the table, the ESO Director General, Catherine Cesarsky , and the Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology, José Mariano Gago . In his speech, the Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology, José Mariano Gago , stated that "the accession of Portugal to ESO is the result of a joint effort by ESO and Portugal during the last ten years. It was made possible by the rapid Portuguese scientific development and by the growth and internationalisation of its scientific community." He continued: "Portugal is fully committed to European scientific and technological development. We will devote our best efforts to the success of ESO". Catherine Cesarsky , ESO Director General since 1999, warmly welcomed the Portuguese intention to join ESO. "With the accession of their country to ESO, Portuguese astronomers will have great opportunities for working on research programmes at the frontiers of modern astrophysics." "This is indeed a good time to join ESO", she added. "The four 8.2-m VLT Unit Telescopes with their many first-class instruments are nearly ready, and the VLT

  4. Predictors of Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Elite Athletes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toennesen, Louise L; Porsbjerg, Celeste; Pedersen, Lars


    INTRODUCTION: Elite athletes frequently experience asthma and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). We aimed to investigate predictors of airway pathophysiology in a group of unselected elite summer-sport athletes, training for the summer 2008 Olympic Games, including markers of airway inflammation......, systemic inflammation, and training intensity. METHODS: Fifty-seven Danish elite summer-sport athletes with and without asthma symptoms all gave a blood sample for measurements of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF....... In these subjects, no association was found between the levels of AHR to mannitol and methacholine (r = 0.032, P = 0.91). CONCLUSION: AHR in elite athletes is related to the amount of weekly training and the level of serum TNF-α. No association was found between the level of AHR to mannitol and methacholine...

  5. Physical Performance Comparison Between Under 15 Elite and Sub-Elite Soccer Players

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    Trecroci Athos


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to compare the physical performance profile among young soccer players of different competitive levels. Two teams of elite (n = 22 and sub-elite (n = 22 soccer players at national (highly skilled and regional (moderately skilled level were recruited in the study. All participants were tested using a modified Illinois change of direction speed test, a T-drill with and without a ball, a countermovement jump, and a 10-m sprint. The analysis revealed significant differences in favor of elite players in sprint (d = 1.54, large and vertical jump (d = 2.03, very large outcomes, while no differences were observed in both modified Illinois change of direction speed (d = 0.16, trivial and T-drill (d = 0.20, small tests between the groups. The ability to change direction and speed with and without a ball was found not to be suitable enough to highlight the difference among youth players with moderate-to-high level of play. In conclusion, multi-testing approach based on task-related power should include vertical jump and sprint performance to delineate players of a higher level.

  6. Elite Schools, Postcolonial Chineseness and Hegemonic Masculinities in Singapore (United States)

    Goh, Daniel P. S.


    The educational reproduction of elite masculinity in postcolonial societies has not been properly studied. This is partly because the postcolonial masculinities of non-western elites are accomplished through the cultivation of naturalized practices signifying the body politic of the nation-state. In Singapore, same-sex elite schools of colonial…

  7. Strength and energetics of elite rugby union players | Lombard ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The greater absolute strength spectrum (p < 0.05) measured on an isokinetic dynamometer for quadriceps and hamstring muscles of elite backs and forwards, confirmed the acquisition of strength for elite performance. The elite backs and forwards did not possess greater quadriceps and hamstring endurance (p < 0.05) than ...

  8. Lessons from wind policy in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peña, Ivonne; Azevedo, Inês L.; Marcelino Ferreira, Luís António Fialho


    Wind capacity and generation grew rapidly in several European countries, such as Portugal. Wind power adoption in Portugal began in the early 2000s, incentivized by a continuous feed-in tariff policy mechanism, coupled with public tenders for connection licenses in 2001, 2002, and 2005. These policies led to an enormous success in terms of having a large share of renewables providing electricity services: wind alone accounts today for ~23.5% of electricity demand in Portugal. We explain the reasons wind power became a key part of Portugal’s strategy to comply with European Commission climate and energy goals, and provide a detailed review of the wind feed-in tariff mechanism. We describe the actors involved in wind power production growth. We estimate the environmental and energy dependency gains achieved through wind power generation, and highlight the correlation between wind electricity generation and electricity exports. Finally, we compare the Portuguese wind policies with others countries’ policy designs and discuss the relevance of a feed-in tariff reform for subsequent wind power additions. - Highlights: • Portugal relies on feed-in tariffs as the key mechanism for wind diffusion. • Wind generation accounts for a quarter of total electricity generation. • The current feed-in tariffs system is not economically efficiency. • A feed-in tariff reform should be considered.

  9. Physical demands in elite team handball

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michalsik, L B; Aagaard, Per


    AIM: The aim of the present study was to examine differences in the physical demands imposed on male vs. female adult elite team handball players during match--play. METHODS: Male and female elite team handball players were monitored over a six and five season time span, respectively. Each player.......4±6.1 cm, 69.5±6.5 kg, phandball were observed, with MP performing more high--intense, strength--related playing actions and high--intensity running than FP. Conversely, FP covered a greater total distance...... and demonstrated a higher relative workload than MP. The physical training of male and female elite team handball players should be designed to reflect these contrasting needs....

  10. The Counter-Reformation, Diplomacy, and Art Patronage in Portugal under Cardinal-Infant D. Henrique of Portugal: A Legacy to Serve Church and Kingdom

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    Milton Pedro Dias Pacheco


    Full Text Available Commonly known as the Cardinal-King, Don Henrique of Portugal was a Portuguese royal-blood infant who was destined to become a prince of the Church. He was a preeminent figure of the sixteenth century: the period of the political, economic, religious, and cultural expansion of the Portuguese Empire, and of the Counter-Reformation. During his service to the Roman Catholic Church, D. Henrique occupied the seats of the three Portuguese archdioceses, was chosen to govern some of the wealthiest religious orders, and represented the Holy Office in Portugal. He was also nominated cardinal and legate a latere to Portugal. The Cardinal-Infant was responsible for an unprecedented architectural innovation in Portugal and beyond, reforming, expanding, and erecting several buildings. This study focuses on the institutional projects and material reforms in Portugal initiated by Cardinal-King D. Henrique through complex diplomatic relations between the Portuguese Crown and the Holy See during the sixteenth century. Its main objective is to create a basis for further research into his architectural patronage while occupying his several positions of ecclesiastical and lay authority.

  11. "Brandos costumes?": protesto e mobilização em Portugal sob a austeridade, 2010-2013 = "Mild mannered?": protest and mobilization in Portugal under austerity, 2010-2013 = "Suaves costumes?": protesto y mobilizacion en Portugal durante la austeridad

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    Accornero, Guya


    Full Text Available Em tempos recentes tem-se debatido muito as mobilizações anti- austeridade ocorridas na Europa do Sul desde 2010. Os comentadores frisaram a emergência de novos atores políticos, tais como o “precariado”, organizados em movimentos pouco estruturados com base nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Até que ponto é que estes movimentos refletem a dinâmica subjacente deste ciclo de protestos e como é que interagem com os atores políticos tradicionais? Utilizando Portugal como um caso-estudo, este artigo traça o mapa das ações políticas reivindicativas anti-austeridade entre os anos de 2010 e 2013, revelando uma panorâmica mais complexa, onde os atores tradicionais, incluindo os sindicatos e os partidos políticos de esquerda, emergem como atores-chave, facilitando e nutrindo a mobilização intermitente de novas formas de ativismo, procurando ao mesmo tempo ganhar com elas acesso a novas clientelas eleitorais

  12. Mechanisms and management of exercise-induced asthma in elite athletes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ali, Zarqa; Norsk, Peter; Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli


    Asthma is often reported by elite athletes, especially endurance athletes. The aim of this article is to review current knowledge of mechanisms and management of exercise-induced asthma (EIA) in adult elite athletes.......Asthma is often reported by elite athletes, especially endurance athletes. The aim of this article is to review current knowledge of mechanisms and management of exercise-induced asthma (EIA) in adult elite athletes....

  13. Asthma in elite athletes: pathogenesis, diagnosis, differential diagnoses, and treatment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Lars; Elers, Jimmi; Backer, Vibeke


    Elite athletes have a high prevalence of asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Although respiratory symptoms can be suggestive of asthma, the diagnosis of asthma in elite athletes cannot be based solely on the presence or absence of symptoms; diagnosis should be based on objective...... measurements, such as the eucapnic voluntary hyperpnea test or exercise test. When considering that not all respiratory symptoms are due to asthma, other diagnoses should be considered. Certain regulations apply to elite athletes who require asthma medication for asthma. Knowledge of these regulations...... is essential when treating elite athletes. This article is aimed at physicians who diagnose and treat athletes with respiratory symptoms. It focuses on the pathogenesis of asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in elite athletes and how the diagnosis can be made. Furthermore, treatment of elite...

  14. Cuidadoras informais de Portugal: vivências do cuidar de idosos Informal caregivers in Portugal: experiences of caring for elderly

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    Maria João Fernandes Marques


    Full Text Available O cuidador informal surge da necessidade de se cuidar dos doentes e idosos no domicílio, com a função de auxiliar nas medicações, higiene e alimentação sem remuneração. Esse tipo de auxílio suscita sobrecarga física, psicológica e financeira. No âmbito da qualidade do cuidar, salienta-se a necessidade de se olhar e ajudar os cuidadores informais no árduo apoio aos seus doentes, que, na maioria, são idosos. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar as percepções vivenciadas pelas cuidadoras informais, bem como o reconhecimento, por elas próprias, das sobrecargas que as afetam holisticamente - emocionais, físicas, financeiras -, e a importância de desenvolver estratégias de coping na formação sobre como melhor cuidar. As entrevistadas residem nas regiões Norte e Centro de Portugal e responderam ao inquérito adaptado do The Zarit Burden Interview. As entrevistas foram analisadas com o apoio do software NVivo 8. Os dados obtidos indicam que as cuidadoras informais enfrentam mais sobrecargas físicas e emocionais do que financeiras. No entanto, salientaram que, apesar das dificuldades, gostam de cuidar dos seus familiares. Quanto a serem convidadas para participarem de formações sobre como melhor cuidar, algumas confirmaram o interesse. Verificase que as cuidadoras informais são carentes de uma formação que as capacite a melhor cuidar prevenindo consequências danosas.The informal caregiver arises from the need to care for sick and elderly in their homes with the task of assisting with medications, hygiene and food without payment. This kind of aid raises overhead in physical, psychological and financial. From the quality of care emphasizes the need to look at and assist caregivers in helping hard their patients, which most are elderly. The aim is to present the perceptions experienced by informal caregivers, as well as recognition of the same burdens that affect them holistically: emotional, physical, financial and the

  15. O papel dos intelectuais e o campo literário actual em Portugal. Uma conversa com João Barrento

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    Carla Gago


    Full Text Available Para quem conheça o meio português, João Barrento dispensa quaisquer apresentações. É actualmente uma das vozes mais interessantes em Portugal, que se evidenciou inicialmente pelo trabalho de divulgação da Literatura e Cultura alemãs (de salientar a notabilíssima tradução da obra completa de Goethe, numa época em que Portugal se queria autista. Professsor universitário na Universidade Nova de Lisboa, tradutor, crítico literário com especial afecto pela poesia portuguesa contemporânea, e, last but not least, ensaísta. Esta entrevista foi consequência natural de agradáveis horas em Rostock, após outros encontros felizes em Lisboa, por ocasião da estada nesta cidade hanseática de João Barrento, que amavelmente acedeu ao convite do Instituto Camões para efectuar um seminário compacto de uma semana no Instituto de Românicas em Junho de 2001 sobre a forma do conto na Novíssima Literatura Portuguesa.

  16. Introducción de las artes marciales asiáticas en Portugal = The introduction of asian martial arts in Portugal

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    Carlos Gutiérrez García


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal, sucedida a principios del siglo XX. Para su realización se ha consultado fundamentalmente prensa histórica portuguesa, tanto general como específica del ámbito deportivo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal se produjo fundamentalmente a través del mundo del espectáculo, mediante actuaciones de expertos japoneses. Las notables diferencias técnicas y corporales entre estos luchadores japoneses y los luchadores profesionales de lucha libre y grecorromana de la época, a los que habitualmente solían derrotar, contribuyeron a generar un potente imaginario de las artes de combate orientales como sistemas superiores de cultura física y defensa personal. No obstante, a pesar del éxito del jujutsu este no logró afianzarse sólidamente en Portugal, desapareciendo progresivamente de la escena pública desde principios de la segunda década del siglo XX.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The present study analyzes the introduction of jujutsu in Portugal at the beginning of the 20th century. Mainly, historical Portuguese newspapers were reviewed, both general and specific from sports field. Results show that the introduction of jujutsu in Portugal was principally conduced via the show business through exhibitions performed by Japanese experts. Significant technical and physical differences between the Japanese fighters and the professional Freestyle and Greco-roman fighters, who were usually defeated by the former, contributed to create a powerful imaginary of the eastern fighting arts as superior systems of physical culture and self-defence. However, in spite of jujutsu’s success, it did not come to be strongly established in Portugal, vanishing progressively off the public scene since the beginning of the 1910s.

  17. Polissemias da desigualdade no Livro V das Ordenações Filipinas: o escravo integrado

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    Ricardo Alexandre FERREIRA


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo problematiza um dos pontos centrais da crítica dirigida por diferentes integrantes do chamado movimento das Luzes ao mundo do Antigo Regime. Trata-se da noção, já abordada pela historiografia especializada, de "desigualdade perante a lei", compreendida como atributo intrínseco e negativo de diferentes Estados europeus até o final do Setecentos. Parte-se aqui do pressuposto de que é imprescindível ao trabalho do historiador interessado no estudo das formas de exercício da justiça compreender os significados conferidos a conceitos e estatutos jurídicos dentro dos limites das épocas e lugares em que foram elaborados e utilizados cotidianamente pelos contemporâneos. Especificamente, pretende-se, a partir da análise dos dispositivos legais presentes no Livro V do Código Filipino, ou, Ordenações e Leis do Reino de Portugal - compilação de 1603 que no Brasil continuou, em grande medida, vigente até 1830 -, realizar um estudo das ambivalências e simultaneidades de sentido presentes nas penas impostas a pessoas de diferentes qualidades ou condições que integraram o Estado Português entre os séculos XVII e XVIII, com especial enfoque nas punições previstas exclusivamente aos escravos, tidos simultaneamente como coisas e pessoas.

  18. The psychology of elite cycling: a systematic review. (United States)

    Spindler, David J; Allen, Mark S; Vella, Stewart A; Swann, Christian


    This systematic review sought to synthesise what is currently known about the psychology of elite cycling. Nine electronic databases were searched in March 2017 for studies reporting an empirical test of any psychological construct in an elite cycling sample. Fourteen studies (total n = 427) met inclusion criteria. Eight studies were coded as having high risk of bias. Themes extracted included mood, anxiety, self-confidence, pain, and cognitive function. Few studies had similar objectives meaning that in many instances findings could not be synthesised in a meaningful way. Nevertheless, there was some cross-study evidence that elite cyclists have more positive mood states (relative to normative scores), pre-race anxiety impairs performance (among male cyclists), and associative strategies are perceived as helpful for pain management. Among single studies coded as having low risk of bias, evidence suggests that implicit beliefs affect decision making performance, elite cyclists are less susceptible to mental fatigue (than non-elite cyclists), and better leadership skills relates to greater social labouring. Limitations include non-standardisation of measures, lack of follow-up data, small sample sizes, and overall poor research quality. The findings of this systematic review might be used to inform research and theory development on the psychology of elite endurance cycling.

  19. Pregnancy in Spanish elite sportswomen: A qualitative study. (United States)

    Martínez-Pascual, Beatriz; Alvarez-Harris, Sara; Fernández-de-Las-Peñas, César; Palacios-Ceña, Domingo


    Pregnancy and motherhood have been historically considered as reasons why elite sportswomen may end their sport careers. During pregnancy, the safety of both mother and baby has been identified as a key reason for ceasing sport participation. Recent "official" statistics on how many elite athletes are mothers suggest that pregnancy, motherhood, and sport could be no longer mutually exclusive. The aim of this qualitative phenomenological study was to describe the lived pregnancy of Spanish elite sportswomen. Spanish elite sportswomen (n = 20) aged between 18 and 65 years that had been pregnant during their sporting professional career and after the end of their pregnancy had taken up again their professional sporting career for at least one year were included. Data were collected from May 2010 to April 2012 using in-depth personal interviews, investigator's field notes, and extracts from the participants' personal letters. Identified themes included: (1) choosing the right moment; (2) fears and doubts; and (3) justifying physical exercise. By giving voice to these elite Spanish sportswomen, their pregnancy experiences are made visible, which might help to gain a better understanding into their expectations and develop policies and practices focused on elite sportswomen during and after pregnancy.

  20. Post Fire Vegetation Recovery in Portugal (United States)

    Gouveia, Celia; Bastos, Ana; DaCamara, Carlos; Trigo, Ricardo M.


    Fires in Portugal, as in the Mediterranean ecosystems, have a complex effect on vegetation regeneration due to the different responses of vegetation to the variety of fire regimes and to the complexity of landscape structures. A thorough evaluation of vegetation recovery after fire events becomes therefore crucial in land management. In 2005, Portugal suffered a strong damage from forest fires that damaged an area of 300 000 ha of forest and shrub. This year are particularly interesting because it is associated the severe drought of 2005. The aim of the present study is to identify large burnt scars in Portugal during the 2005 fire seasons and monitoring vegetation behaviour throughout the pre and the post fire periods. The mono-parametric model developed by Gouveia et al. (2010), based on monthly values of NDVI, at the 1km×1km spatial scale, as obtained from the VEGETATION-SPOT5 instrument, from 1999 to 2009, was used.

  1. Efficiency of Elite Fungicide for Control of Pistachio Gummosis

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    Mohammad Moradi


    Full Text Available Several species of Phytophthora cause crown and root rot diseases of herbaceous and woody plants. Crown and root rot of pistachio trees cause significant damages in infected orchards. The effect of foliar application with Elite (fosetyl-Al in 2 and 2.5 g/l was evaluated in greenhouse experiments. The frequency of mortality, fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots, height, intensity of crown root colonization using CAMA-PARP medium was determined. Under greenhouse experiments, foliar application with Elite increased height, fresh and dry weight of shoots and root either in inoculation with and without Phytophthora drechsleri. The effects of Elite were more pronounced in roots, which increased the fresh and dry weight of root 1.3 and 2.5 times compared to those not sprayed with Elite, respectively. On the other hand, the application of Elite before or on the day of inoculation significantly reduced the frequency of mortality, which ranged from 35 to 90% (P ≤ 0.01. Crown and root colonization of pistachio seedling was affected by both the concentration of Elite and reduced the frequency of crown and root colonization of seedling. When fungicide and pathogen were applied at the same time, the frequency of colonization reduced to 18% and 36% for 2 and 2.5 g/l, respectively, and 43% and 60% when seedlings were treated with fungicide before P. drechsleri inoculations. The highest effect was seen in foliar application of Elite seven days before inoculation in 2.5 g/l. Further investigations have been conducted to understand the effect of Elite in infected trees as well as modeling of Elite application via soil drench, foliar application or trunk injection.

  2. Portugal Democrático: An Exiles’ Newspaper

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    Isabel Travancas


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to present the newspaper Portugal Democrático (Democratic Portugal through its history, its style and format. It is a periodical publication produced in São Paulo by Portuguese exiles during the dictatorship of Antônio Salazar (1926-1974. The newspaper began to circulate in 1956 and came to an end in 1975, a year after the Carnation Revolution that occurred on April 25, 1974. Fighting the Salazar dictatorship outside Portugal was the reason for the creation of the newspaper in Brazil, where it also had the collaboration of Brazilian journalists and intellectuals. This paper analyzes the newspaper Portugal Democrático both in its political aspect and in its editorial feature and concludes that the paper played a greater role than informative. It was an important part of the international opposition movement and resistance to Salazar's dictatorial regime. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o jornal Portugal Democrático através de sua história, de seu estilo e formato. Trata-se de uma publicação periódica produzida em São Paulo por exilados portugueses durante a ditadura de Antônio Salazar (1926-1974. O jornal começou a circular em 1956 e chegou ao fim em 1975, um ano depois da Revolução dos Cravos ocorrida em 25 de abril de 1974. Lutar contra a ditadura salazarista fora de Portugal foi o motivo da criação do jornal no Brasil, onde contou com a colaboração de jornalistas e intelectuais brasileiros. O trabalho analisa o jornal Portugal Democrático tanto em seu aspecto político quanto em sua feição editorial e conclui que o periódico teve um papel maior do que informativo. Ele foi parte importante no movimento internacional de oposição e resistência ao regime ditatorial de Salazar. El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer el periódico Portugal Democrático a través de su historia, de su estilo y formato. Se trata de una publicación periódica producida en São Paulo por los

  3. How Elite Universities Fail Latino Students (United States)

    Stavans, Ilan


    The US Census Bureau reveals that although there are more than 41.3 million Latinos in the US as on 2004--about 14 percent of the population, only a very small percentage of them attend the country's elite colleges. A large part of the problem is that, like most of the nation, elite colleges and universities have little awareness of the…

  4. Moving Elite Athletes Forward: Examining the Status of Secondary School Elite Athlete Programmes and Available Post-School Options (United States)

    Brown, Seth


    Purpose: The purpose of this study focused specifically on examining the status of and the promotion of two elite athlete programmes (EAPs), the students/elite athlete selection process and available post-school options. The research was guided by Michel Foucault's work in understanding the relationship between power and knowledge. Participants,…

  5. Reconstruindo memórias: jovens refugiados em Portugal Rebuilding memories: young refugees in Portugal

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    Maria Cristina Santinho


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio foi apresentado em setembro de 2007, no contexto do Seminário Internacional "Programa de Cooperação em Ciências Sociais para os Países da CPLP", promovido pela LIESP - Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Estudos e Pesquisas Sociais em Saúde Pública, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo. Resulta de um work in progress conducente a uma tese de doutoramento em antropologia médica. Pretende apresentar a condição dos jovens refugiados e requerentes de asilo em Portugal, em particular na vertente da saúde mental. O trabalho de campo levado a cabo com estes jovens envolveu a escuta de muitas narrativas de sofrimento provocado pela sua experiência de vida nos contextos originais de guerra, com testemunhos de violência e tortura, e também as dificuldades sentidas no longo percurso de viagem de fuga e posterior inserção em Portugal. O isolamento, as barreiras linguísticas, a ausência de redes sociais e familiares de apoio e a dificuldade de encontrar, em Portugal, referentes socioculturais e simbólicos, comprometem o seu desenvolvimento enquanto jovens, levando-nos a equacionar o valor dos referentes identitários na construção do eu e até o próprio conceito de juventude.This essay was first presented in September 2007, within the seminar "Programa de Cooperação em Ciências Sociais para os Países da CPLP", promoted by LIESP - Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo. It is a work in progress, leading to a PhD thesis on medical anthropology. It aims to present refugee's youth and asylum seeker's condition in Portugal, particularly in regard to mental health. The fieldwork conducted with these youth comprised active listening of their suffer narratives, provoked not only by life experiences in their original war contexts, with testimonies of violence and torture, but also the difficulties felt during the long flee journey and subsequent insertion in Portugal. Isolation, pain

  6. Portugal and United States cooperative energy assessment. Volume 3. Reference reports, Part 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Statistical data on energy production and consumption and supporting information were obtained from US Bureau of Mines records supplemented by additional data obtained in Portugal. Geologic descriptions and analysis of known areas and of areas having possible future potential have been prepared by the US Geological Survey. Portugal lacks sufficient indigenous supplies of organic fuels to meet its energy demands, and so must import large quantities of petroleum and coal. Approximately 80% of Portugal's electric energy is produced by hydroelectric stations; thermal stations produce the other 20%. Portugal has produced no crude oil, natural gas, or condensate; no resources or reserves in these categories are listed for Portugal in the 1976 World Energy Conference report. Until the last year or so (1980), no significant onshore petroleum exploration had been done in Portugal since 1963. Production of coal in Portugal has declined steadily to the present annual yield of about 200,000 metric tons. On the basis of estimates in only three coal fields, resources of coal of all ranks in Portugal total at least 76 million (10/sup 6/) metric tons. Uranium is mined near Viseu and Guarda in the northern part of Portugal; the Nisa mine in east-central Portugal will begin producing uranium ore in 1985 after installation of a processing plant. Portugal produced 95 metric tons of uranium oxide (U/sub 3/O/sub 8/) from ore stocks in each year from 1972 through 1974; production is assumed to have continued at the same rate since then. Geothermal energy has not been developed in mainland Portugal; however, hot springs that may have geothermal energy potential are known in the Minho district in the northwest. Geothermal energy resources exist in the Azores and a program of evaluation and exploration with technical assistance from the USGS is presently in progress there.

  7. Elite-adapted wheelchair sports performance: a systematic review. (United States)

    Perret, Claudio


    Elite-adapted sports performance has considerably improved over the last decades and winning or losing races at Paralympic Games is often a matter of a split second. In other words, every single detail counts, which underlines the necessity of optimizing training interventions and equipment for athletes in order to achieve top-class performance. However, to date, studies which include Paralympic elite athletes are scarce. A comprehensive literature search was performed to identify potential strategies and interventions in order to optimize elite-adapted wheelchair sports performance, whereas the focus lay on respiratory muscle training (RMT), cooling (CI) and nutritional interventions (NI) as well as on individual equipment adaptations (IEA). The total number of studies identified for the final analysis was six for RMT, two for CI, three for NI and seven for IEA, respectively. Results point predominantly towards performance enhancing benefits for CI and IEA, whereas NI and RMT provided inhomogenous findings. In comparison to the able-bodied population, research in the field of Paralympic elite sport is scarce. CI and IEA seem to have significant performance enhancing benefits, whereas NI and RMT revealed controversial findings. However, due to the limited number of elite athletes with a spinal cord injury available to participate in scientific studies, general conclusions are difficult to make at this stage and in daily practice recommendations are still given mainly on an individual basis or based on personal experiences of coaches, athletes and scientists. Implications for Rehabilitaton Based on the knowledge gained in elite sports, wheelchair equipment could be optimized also for daily use. Elite sports performance could inspire wheelchair users to achieve their personal fitness goals.

  8. Political elite of modern Russia: crisis of formation

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    Michail A. Burda


    Full Text Available Author analyzes the practice of functioning of political elite of modern Russia, the phenomenon of high rating of one of its actors and the crisis of alternative political leaders. The article pays special attention to the existing, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the breadth of presidential powers. Separately discusses the features of current and in General closed for the controlled companies to the private process of formation of the Russian political elite. According to the author, this process takes the form of selection of candidates by a narrow circle of senior officials for subjective reasons, in connection with which the political elite even more segregated from the controlled companies and rising to a new, unattainable level of elitism. Referring to the existing practice of the presidential elections in Russia in the early 90-ies of XX century to the present focuses on the stagnation of the political opposition, lack of political competition among major political parties and their low electoral support in view of the existing political absenteeism. In the article the author considers the historical context of the formation of elite groups and privileged minorities, and draws attention to features of "technocratic parliamentarism", which is inherent in States with a parliamentary form of government and does not implement at present in Russia, with its prevailing system of governance by public authorities. In conclusion, the special attention of author is turned on the existing in society political absenteeism, latent protest potential and, as a consequence, the request for the renewal of political elites, particularly in the framework of the upcoming presidential elections of the Russian Federation in 2018, the participation of new candidates. According to the author of the inventory of such social demand companies will allow to stop the risks enhance the destructive part of economic and regional political

  9. The New Elite Prefers Quality

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    Konstantin Lidin


    Full Text Available Over the last fifty years, the quality of construction has been constantly declining in light of the ideology of fast updating of the whole sphere of consumption. As a result, the houses built in the 1950s remain elite, despite their respectable age. Bulgakov House (the object of the issue is built in the historical center of Moscow. The high quality of its design and construction and careful and attentive treatment of the historic environment make this house an example of true elitism.

  10. Exploring Biographical Learning in Danish Elite Football Coaching

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Mette Krogh

    coaches. Even if high performance sport has become increasingly professionalized, the role of the elite coach and the developmental pathways of the coaches differ widely in both areas of experience and amount of experience. Objectives: This paper draws on theories on biographical learning......Exploring Biographical Learning In Danish Elite Football Coaching Mette Krogh Christensen Abstract for EASS 2011(300 words) Background: There is a growing body of studies in sports coaching cultures, comprising research focusing on the individual learning processes and life histories of elite...... and idiosyncratic learning paths in a qualitative study of the relationship between these kinds of learning processes and the coaches’ development of a sense of coaching expertise. Methods: The study was based on a micro-sociological and constructivist analysis of qualitative research interviews with Danish elite...

  11. Airway, responsiveness and inflammation in adolescent elite swimmers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Lise; Lund, T.K.; Barnes, P.J.


    Background: Whereas increased airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and airway inflammation are well documented in adult elite athletes, it remains uncertain whether the same airway changes are present in adolescents involved in elite sport. Objective: To investigate airway responsiveness and airway....... There was no difference in FeNO, cellular composition of sputum, airway reactivity, or prevalence of having AHR to methacholine and/or EVH between swimmers with and without respiratory symptoms. Conclusion: Adolescent elite swimmers do not have significant signs of airway damage after only a few years of intense training...... and competition. This leads us to believe that elite swimmers do not have particularly susceptible airways when they take up competitive swimming when young, but that they develop respiratory symptoms, airway inflammation, and AHR during their swimming careers Udgivelsesdato: 2008/8...

  12. Elite Cricket Coach Education: A Bourdieusian Analysis (United States)

    Townsend, Robert C.; Cushion, Christopher


    The social structures within coach education have been largely unexplored, undiscussed, and treated as unproblematic in contributing to coach learning, both in research and practice. The study used semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 11 elite cricket coaches to gather their perceptions of an elite coach education programme. In particular,…

  13. Putting Portugal on the Map

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    João Ferrão


    Full Text Available This paper argues the need to “put Portugal on the map” in a double sense: in a prospective way, in order to place the country on the required map(s, something which entails strategic vision and capacity for action; and in an analytical way – to enable us to understand Portugal from the map(s it is part of, which presupposes a capacity to analyse and understand the current state of affairs. By drawing inspiration from the polymorphic vision on the spatialities of contemporary societies and economies defended by Jessop, Brenner and Jones (2008, we propose the creation of a unifying reference framework to “put Portugal on the map”, using a combination of five elements: territory as a geographic location; territory as a unit of reference of the nation-state; places; geographic scales; and networks. The polymorphic nature of the spatialities that characterize, or should characterize, Portugal’s place in the world reflects several, and even contradictory, ethical values, interests, preferences, and options. Accordingly, the supported polymorphic spatialities ought to stir up controversy based on knowledge and arguments that are solid from a theoretical and empirical stance, and should make explicit the objectives and values they are based on.

  14. Fitness profile of elite junior South African badminton players | van ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The purpose of this study was to establish the fitness profile of the elite junior badminton players in South Africa through the measurement and description of their body composition, aerobic power, muscular characteristics, speed, flexibility and agility. Eight elite male and seven elite female badminton players between the ...

  15. [Sleep and academic performance in young elite athletes]. (United States)

    Poussel, M; Laure, P; Genest, J; Fronzaroli, E; Renaud, P; Favre, A; Chenuel, B


    In French law (Code du Sport), the status of elite athlete is allowed for young athletes beginning at the age of 12 years. For these young athletes, the aim is to reach the highest level of performance in their sport without compromising academic performance. Training time is therefore often substantial and sleep patterns appear to play a key role in performance recovery. The aim of this study was to assess sleep patterns and their effects on academic performance in young elite athletes. Sleep patterns were assessed using questionnaires completed during a specific information-based intervention on sports medicine topics. The academic performance of young elite athletes was assessed by collecting their grades (transmitted by their teachers). Sleep patterns were assessed for 137 young elite athletes (64 females, 73 males; mean age, 15.7 years) and academic performance for 109 of them. Daily sleep duration during school periods (8h22 ± 38 min) were shorter compared to holidays and week-ends (10h02 ± 1h16, Psleep quality as poor or just sufficient. Poor sleep quality was correlated with poor academic performance in this specific athlete population. Sleep is the most important period for recovery from daily activity, but little information is available regarding the specific population of young elite athletes. The results reported herein suggest insufficiency (quantitatively and qualitatively) of sleep patterns in some of the young athletes, possibly leading to detrimental effects on athletic performance. Moreover, disturbed sleep patterns may also impact academic performance in young elite athletes. Teachers, athletic trainers, physicians, and any other professionals working with young elite athletes should pay particular attention to this specific population regarding the possible negative repercussions of poor sleep patterns on academic and athletic performance. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  16. Pension Systems in Europe. Case of Portugal

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    Jarosław Poteraj


    Full Text Available The article presents an insight into the old age pension system in Portugal. The author’s goal was to present both past and present solutions employed by the Portuguese’s pension system, in search for ideas worth consideration in international comparisons. In the summary, the author highlights as a particular Portuguese approach, on the background of other countries, the fact of using in Portugal definite part of VAT income for pension system financing.

  17. A virada austera: o declínio do acesso à saúde e da qualidade de atendimento para pacientes com câncer em Portugal

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    Carlos da Silva Barradas

    Full Text Available Resumo Em abril de 2011, Portugal pediu à Comissão Europeia um resgate financeiro, como resposta à sua crise de dívida soberana, sendo contrabalançado por várias medidas de austeridade. No Serviço Nacional de Saúde essas medidas foram rápidas e em grande escala, gerando nos profissionais de saúde que aí trabalham dificuldades crescentes no uso de meios de diagnóstico, tratamentos e medicação para os pacientes, bem como no aumento de obstáculos às consultas regulares. Este artigo pretende, por meio de análise da mídia, das políticas de saúde em Portugal relativas ao câncer e dos testemunhos desses/as profissionais, mostrar suas ansiedades e explorar a forma como isso está afetando negativamente a vida de quem lida diariamente com essa doença.

  18. A importancia das contas longas de vidro de origem mediterrânica recolhidas na "Baixa Pombalina" de Lisboa (Contribuição para o estudo de contas tipo "Nueva Cadiz"

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    M. Conceição RODRIGUES


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Pretendemos com este trabalho dar a nossa contribuição para o estudo das contas de vidro e introduzir novos dados e valores no estudo do comercio entre Portugal e o mundo africano, nomeadamente com a costa Ocidental da África , onde a permuta de pessoas, bens e ideias foi em parte determinante. Estes contactos permitiram alargar os horizontes socio-culturais entre diferentes povos e simultaneamente entre dois continentes para onde as contas de vidro foram levadas, permutadas e usadas. As contas documentam a vivência social de quem as usa, sendo a expansão ultramarina, a principal responsável por todo este intercâmbio, tendo o Tejo como ponto de partida para o que foi uma das maiores aventuras do "Homem", dando simultaneamente início a uma das grandes épocas da expansão socio-cultural no mundo, que viria a modificar o modo de viver e sentir.ABSTRACT: With this work we aim to contribute to the study of the introduction of new methods and values in the trade between Portugal and African countries, specially with the West coast of Africa. This trade allowed an exchange of goods, ideas and people which widened the social and cultural horizons between two people and simultaneously between two continents, where glass beads were taken, exchanged and used.

  19. Exploring Biographical Learning in Danish Elite Football Coaching

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Mette Krogh

    Exploring Biographical Learning In Danish Elite Football Coaching Mette Krogh Christensen Abstract for EASS 2011(300 words) Background: There is a growing body of studies in sports coaching cultures, comprising research focusing on the individual learning processes and life histories of elite...... football coaches (n=8) about their pathways in elite sport. Using Kvale’s recommendations, thematic analysis was conducted by the use of meaning coding. In addition, a theoretical reading of the interview was conducted on the background of Alheit’s concept of biographicity and Werthner and Trudel...

  20. A constituição da área disciplinar de didáctica das línguas em Portugal

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    Isabel Alarcão


    Full Text Available The visibility gained by Language Didactics in Portugal in the past thirty years has justified its constitution as a disciplinary field institutionalised within higher education. Built on a personal and experiential view, though filtered by other perspectives and conclusions in a number of studies, this text aims at establishing the context for the emergence of the area as such, describing its development trajectory and raising some problematic issues. The relation that originally connected the area to Applied Linguistics is pointed out, as well as the gradual process that led to its autonomy and the construction of a disciplinary identity. This process is presented as one that developed as the understanding of the research object revealed the interest in creating articulations with other domains, in order to obtain answers to questions that Language Didactics identified as its own. The formative dimension of the discipline is addressed in its relation to teaching practice and teacher education; but the development of research allowed by the scientific blooming in the national context is also underlined. The impact of phenomena related to the advances of information technologies and to globalisation is recognised, namely the effects that resulted from the integration of Portugal as a member in the European Union. Other signs of transformation in the epistemological journey of the discipline are acknowledged, identifying interlinguistic, interdisciplinary and interprofessional frontiers that tend to fade and revealing Language Didactics as a field that opens to new spheres of action; still, there are warnings against uncontrolled openness that could lead to loss of identity. At the end, a conceptual framework is presented, as a summary and a possible organiser of a deeper historical and epistemological characterisation of this disciplinary field.

  1. Urbanismo, cultura e globalização em Portugal: modelos analíticos e de desenvolvimento territorial Urbanism, culture and globalization in Portugal: analytical and territorial development Models

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    Paulo Castro Seixas


    Full Text Available As cidades têm sido concebidas como actores chave face aos processos globais desde o último quarto do séculoXX. Neste quadro, é fundamental perceber-se os diferentes modelos que as cidades utilizam para responder aosdesafios globais. O artigo analisa o estado da arte em Portugal na relação entre cidade e globalização nos últimos25 anos, no âmbito das ciências sociais e sua relação com as políticas públicas. São caracterizados quatromodelos analíticos e de desenvolvimento territorial que respondem aos desafios globais: o da Metrópole, o daMetropolização, o da Intermediação Sócio-Cultural e o da Criatividade Urbana. Propõe-se, em função de tal síntese,uma visão multinível e sua importância no desencadear de novas políticas públicas urbanas e territoriais.

  2. Estudo Exploratório sobre a Violência entre Irmãos em Portugal

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    Inês Carvalho Relva


    Full Text Available A violência entre irmãos é uma das formas mais comuns de violência familiar. Este estudo pretendeu caracterizar este problema em Portugal, numa amostra de 588 estudantes universitários. Os diferentes tipos de violência (física, psicológica e sexual foram avaliados com as "Revised Conflict Tactics Scales - Sibling Version". Procedeu-se a análises descritivas exploratórias das distribuições das principais variáveis, recorreu-se ao teste do χ2 e a análises de covariância múltipla. Os resultados indicaram que a violência entre irmãos é muito frequente no início da adolescência; os rapazes perpetraram significativamente mais atos de violência física (p <0,001 e sexual (p <0,05 do que as raparigas, mas foram também, física (p <0,001 e sexualmente (p <0,05, mais vitimizados. Também as díades masculinas apresentaram níveis de violência física e sexual significativamente superiores aos de todas as outras díades, indicando claramente a reciprocidade do fenómeno. Os resultados foram discutidos segundo perspetivas de 'normalização de agressões' (dissonância cognitiva; Hardy, Beers, Burguess, & Taylor, 2010 e do 'ciclo de violência', as quais explicam a manutenção de comportamentos abusivos entre irmãos e a sua possível transferência para outras relações.

  3. The formation of transnational elite as a factor of modern globalization processes

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    M. A. Artemenko


    Full Text Available This article deals with the characteristics of the formation of transnational elite and its influence on contemporary political and economic processes in the world, the problems of existence and communication with the Ukrainian national elite. The emergence of transnational elites due to the logic of globalization –transformation of the world in a certain social integrity. In this context, there is a loss of current national elites completeness of legitimacy and the emergence of new transnational subject of history, extending its authority throughout the world space and creates a new format of authority. The author gives his own definition of this phenomenon and proposes to consider the transnational elite association as the most influential members of certain 3 classes. In this article are identified the determinants of the formation of a transnational elite, as well as the basic platforms of its interaction (World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, the Asian forum, and so on. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of communication transnational elite with the Ukrainian national elite, which is directly linked to the future political development of Ukraine, forced to adapt to the challenges of globalization and seek answers to them. In this context, the author notes the importance of the Yalta European Strategy, which is a platform of convergence Ukrainian elite with the worldwide elite. In the article is also reviewed the program «promoting democracy» as an example of conscious realization different political and economic projects around the world by transnational elite.

  4. Does Elite Sport Degrade Sleep Quality? A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Gupta, Luke; Morgan, Kevin; Gilchrist, Sarah


    Information on sleep quality and insomnia symptomatology among elite athletes remains poorly systematised in the sports science and medicine literature. The extent to which performance in elite sport represents a risk for chronic insomnia is unknown. The purpose of this systematic review was to profile the objective and experienced characteristics of sleep among elite athletes, and to consider relationships between elite sport and insomnia symptomatology. Studies relating to sleep involving participants described on a pre-defined continuum of 'eliteness' were located through a systematic search of four research databases: SPORTDiscus, PubMed, Science Direct and Google Scholar, up to April 2016. Once extracted, studies were categorised as (1) those mainly describing sleep structure/patterns, (2) those mainly describing sleep quality and insomnia symptomatology and (3) those exploring associations between aspects of elite sport and sleep outcomes. The search returned 1676 records. Following screening against set criteria, a total of 37 studies were identified. The quality of evidence reviewed was generally low. Pooled sleep quality data revealed high levels of sleep complaints in elite athletes. Three risk factors for sleep disturbance were broadly identified: (1) training, (2) travel and (3) competition. While acknowledging the limited number of high-quality evidence reviewed, athletes show a high overall prevalence of insomnia symptoms characterised by longer sleep latencies, greater sleep fragmentation, non-restorative sleep, and excessive daytime fatigue. These symptoms show marked inter-sport differences. Two underlying mechanisms are implicated in the mediation of sport-related insomnia symptoms: pre-sleep cognitive arousal and sleep restriction.

  5. Public-Elite Gap on European Integration : The Missing Link between Discourses about EU Enlargement among Citizens and Elites in Serbia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kortenska, E.G.; Sircar, I.; Steunenberg, B.


    Enlargement is often regarded as an elite-driven process, which does not or not sufficiently include the views of ordinary citizens. At the same time, support for integration has been eroding over the last decade, contributing to a public-elite gap in preferences towards the process. This paper


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    Ф И Шарков


    Full Text Available The authors aimed to conduct a study of the current state and prospects for the development of elitology in Russia, and to identify the public perception of political leaders, which is necessary for federal and regional elites and for improving the efficiency of the state personnel policy, mechanisms for interaction of elites in the social-political space and, thus, for increasing the transparency of power. The authors rely on the political, historical-legal, formal-legal, and structural-functional analytical approaches. Based on the results of the panel expert surveys conducted during the First All-Russian Elitological Congress “Elitology of Russia: The Current State and Prospects for the Development” (2013, Rostov-on-Don and the Second All-Russian Elitological Congress “Elitology and Strategies for the Development of Contemporary Russia” (2016, Rostov-on-Don, the authors reconstruct the general perception of Russian elites by the expert com-munity, and the dynamics of changes in the elite group; identify the public estimates of today’s regional political elites, and a discrepancy between elitism in the traditional sense and the real political power. The comparison of the results of the panel surveys conducted in 2013 and 2016 allowed to combine the findings in the groups: general perception of the Russian elites and the reliability of information about them; estimates of the dynamics of qualitative changes in the elites; measures to promote the development of inter-elite interaction and leadership. The authors made the following conclusions: both public and expert opinions underestimate the elite capital of the ruling groups; there are system symptoms of oligarchization of the elites that tend to use non-democratic means of holding power; there is an obvious task of changing the approaches to assessing and recruiting elites in the current social-political situation in Russia; in 2017, the Russian society is at the crossroads, and the

  7. Cyberbullying: percepções acerca do fenômeno e das estratégias de enfrentamento

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    Sidclay Bezerra Souza


    Full Text Available O cyberbullying, caracterizado como um dos tipos de violência em contexto educativo, apresenta-se como uma das principais causas do mal-estar vivido por seus protagonistas. O estudo inserido no Projeto Cyberbullying - o diagnóstico da situação em Portugal pretendeu compreender o fenômeno a partir das vivências de 118 estudantes do primeiro ano do Ensino Superior público português, que responderam a um questionário. Pudemos perceber a percepção dos alunos sobre o fenômeno e a importância que pares, professores e pais apresentam no enfrentamento e prevenção do cyberbullying. Tais resultados orientam-se no sentido do desenvolvimento sistêmico de comunidades que se fortalecem internamente para que cada um se sinta autorizado a intervir e a cuidar dos que nelas são vítimas de violência.

  8. Political elites and foreign policy : democratization in Indonesia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wibisono, Aria Teguh Mahendra


    In the investigation, the domestic sources of foreign policy analytical framework were used to analyze the dynamics of elites in foreign policy making. After analyses of the results of mostly personal interviews and historical materials, it was determined that political elites do matter in foreign

  9. Between Taylor and the Catholic Action. The scientific management and the attempt to re-Christianize labor in Portugal (1945-1974

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    Ana Carina Azevedo


    Full Text Available While analyzing the period of greater affirmation of scientific management in Portugal, it began to become clear the presence of a generation of technicians linked to the Catholic Action and its youth movements, especially the “Juventude Universitária Católica”. These individuals were a constant presence in publications about the subject and they were also present in leading positions of State organisms related to labor, such as the National Institute of Industrial Research and the “Ministério das Corporações”. When we tried to understand the cause of this reality, our research led us to the Catholic discourse about labor and made us understand how this concern was related to the attempt to re-Christianize the society from within. Crossing sources from the Holy See, the Catholic Action and Portuguese publications related to labor, we intended to reconstruct a speech - the only one about the scientific management in Portugal - and a reality that had been forgotten and that will help us understand some of the characteristics of the process of development of scientific management in the country between 1945 and 1974.

  10. Municipal solid waste disposal in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magrinho, Alexandre; Didelet, Filipe; Semiao, Viriato


    In recent years municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal has been one of the most important environmental problems for all of the Portuguese regions. The basic principles of MSW management in Portugal are: (1) prevention or reduction, (2) reuse, (3) recovery (e.g., recycling, incineration with heat recovery), and (4) polluter-pay principle. A brief history of legislative trends in waste management is provided herein as background for current waste management and recycling activities. The paper also presents and discusses the municipal solid waste management in Portugal and is based primarily on a national inquiry carried out in 2003 and directed to the MSW management entities. Additionally, the MSW responsibility and management structure in Portugal is presented, together with the present situation of production, collection, recycling, treatment and elimination of MSW. Results showed that 96% of MSW was collected mixed (4% was separately collected) and that 68% was disposed of in landfill, 21% was incinerated at waste-to-energy plants, 8% was treated at organic waste recovery plants and 3% was delivered to sorting. The average generation rate of MSW was 1.32 kg/capita/day

  11. MRI of overuse injury in elite athletes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koh, E.S.; Lee, J.C.; Healy, J.C.


    Overuse injuries are a common finding in elite athletes. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the optimal method for the diagnosis of overuse injury in athletes of all levels. We present a review of common and important overuse injuries occurring in elite athletes. A systematic approach based on the functional anatomic units - tendons, bones and joints - may assist in diagnosis of these injuries

  12. The association between hip and groin injuries in the elite junior football years and injuries sustained during elite senior competition. (United States)

    Gabbe, B J; Bailey, M; Cook, J L; Makdissi, M; Scase, E; Ames, N; Wood, T; McNeil, J J; Orchard, J W


    To establish the relationship between the history of hip and groin injuries in elite junior football players prior to elite club recruitment and the incidence of hip and groin injuries during their elite career. Retrospective cohort study. Analysis of existing data. 500 Australian Football League (AFL) players drafted from 1999 to 2006 with complete draft medical assessment data. Previous history of hip/groin injury, anthropometric and demographic information. The number of hip/groin injuries resulting in > or =1 missed AFL game. Data for 500 players were available for analysis. 86 (17%) players reported a hip/groin injury in their junior football years. 159 (32%) players sustained a hip/groin injury in the AFL. Players who reported a previous hip or groin injury at the draft medical assessment demonstrated a rate of hip/groin injury in the AFL >6 times higher (IRR 6.24, 95% CI 4.43 to 8.77) than players without a pre-AFL hip or groin injury history. This study demonstrated that a hip or groin injury sustained during junior football years is a significant predictor of missed game time at the elite level due to hip/groin injury. The elite junior football period should be targeted for research to investigate and identify modifiable risk factors for the development of hip/groin injuries.

  13. Fronteira Portugal-Espanha e individualidade territorial

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    Carminda Cavaco


    Full Text Available PORTUGAL-SPAIN BORDER AREA AND ITS CREATIVE TENSION - The text evokes several nuances of the concept of the Portugal-Spain border: its shades of solidarity, complicity, opposition, agitation, confrontation and abandonment. At times, the border has been the zone of tension and separation, whereas at other periods in history, the border has been very permeable and there has been free exchange and mutual cooperation. The borders will be subjected to yet another interpretation as a new area emerges with the active participation of both Iberian countries in the European Union and the cooperative efforts initiated in the programs of INTERREG I and II

  14. [Demography and employment in Portugal]. (United States)

    Barata, O S


    The population of Portugal showed a period of slow growth between 1950-60; however, in the 1970s, the return of large numbers of former residents in African territories along with a reduction in emigration changed the trend so that the 1981 census showed a significant increase. The Portuguese economy, on the other hand, is in a state of crisis which has resulted in large numbers of unemployed. The growth of the population along with these hard times has made it more difficult to reduce the rate of unemployment. It is also more difficult for those leaving school to find jobs. The better educated generations are seeking jobs in industry and in other services that Portugal will find difficult to offer in sufficient numbers in the immediate future. At present, the Portuguese economy has a large component of agricultural labor. In any case, the means of economic and social intervention to fight unemployment have limited potential. Therefore, many of those unable to find jobs in Portugal will attempt to emigrate. Many Portuguese are already working in Germany, France, and in other Western European countries but migration today is much more difficult. In addition, these countries cannot be expected to recive many more migrant workers in the future. In fact, those better educated workers from Portugal will not be very interested in the low paying jobs which can be found more easily by foreign workers in Western Euorpe. Many will therefore attempt to find jobs in non-European countries. There has been a recent increase of migration to Canada and the US. A renewal of interest in jobs in Brazil and other South Amerian countries is also to be expected. There may also be a future increase in the number of experts, technicians, and other qualified personnel emigrating to Portuguese speaking African countries if there is adequate security and if these countries find the way to expand economic growth. (author's modified)

  15. Maternity in Spanish elite sportswomen: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Martinez-Pascual, Beatriz; Alvarez-Harris, Sara; Fernández-De-Las-Peñas, César; Palacios-Ceña, Domingo


    The aim of this qualitative phenomenological study was to describe the experiences of maternity among Spanish elite sportswomen. Twenty (n = 20) Spanish elite sportswomen with the following criteria were included: (a) aged 18-65 years; (b) had been pregnant during their sporting professional career; and (c) after the end of their pregnancy they had returned to their professional sporting career for at least one year. A qualitative analysis was conducted. Data were collected using in-depth personal interviews, investigator's field notes, and extracts from the participants' personal letters. Identified themes included: (a) a new identity, with two sub-themes ("mother role" and "being visible"); (b) going back to sport, with three subthemes ("guilt appears," "justifying going back to sport," and "rediscovering sport"); and, (c) reaching a goal, with two subthemes ("balancing mother-sportswoman" and "the challenge of maternity"). Understanding the meaning of maternity for elite Spanish sportswomen might help gain deeper insight into their expectations and develop training systems focused on elite sports women after pregnancy.

  16. Estudo exploratorio da qualidade do ar em escolas de educacao basica, Coimbra, Portugal

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    Ana Maria Conceicao Ferreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO : Analisar a qualidade do ar em escolas de educação básica e suas condições estruturais e funcionais. MÉTODOS : Foi avaliada a qualidade do ar de 51 escolas (81 salas de aula de educação básica da cidade de Coimbra, Portugal, tanto na parte interior das salas como na exterior, durante as quatro estações do ano, de 2010 a 2011. Foram avaliadas a temperatura (Tº, umidade relativa (Hr, concentrações de monóxido de carbono (CO, dióxido de carbono (CO 2 , ozona (O 3 , dióxido de nitrogênio (NO 2 , dióxido de enxofre (SO 2 , compostos orgânicos voláteis (COV, formaldeído e material particulado (PM 10 , de novembro de 2010 a fevereiro de 2011 (outono/inverno e de março de 2011 a junho de 2011 (primavera/verão. Procedeu-se ao preenchimento de uma grelha de caracterização das condições estruturais e funcionais das escolas. Aplicaram-se os testes estatísticos t- Student para amostras emparelhadas e o teste t de Wilcoxon. RESULTADOS : Em 47 escolas, as concentrações médias de CO 2 encontravam-se acima da concentração máxima de referência (984 ppm mencionada na legislação portuguesa. Os valores máximos de concentração encontrados no interior das salas foram críticos, principalmente no outono/inverno (5.320 ppm. As concentrações médias de COV e de PM 10 no interior ultrapassaram a concentração máxima de referência legislada em algumas escolas. Não foram detetados valores relevantes (risco de CO, formaldeído, NO 2 , SO 2 e O 3 . CONCLUSÕES : Houve maior concentração de poluentes no interior das salas, comparativamente com o exterior. A inadequada ventilação está associada à elevada concentração de CO 2 nas salas de aula.

  17. In-Depth Interviewing with Healthcare Corporate Elites: Strategies for Entry and Engagement

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    Ellen F. Goldman


    Full Text Available Interviewing corporate elites has received limited attention in the methodological literature. Such elites are considered highly difficult to gain access to and, if involved, are believed to use their power asymmetry to dominate the interview. Understanding the context is considered essential to elite access, interview conduct, and interpretation of findings. The healthcare sector provides interesting challenges for in-depth elite interviewing, including historical norms regarding interview access, types, and duration. In this article, the authors report on the strategies used to gain access to and engage healthcare elites who participated in multiple personal interviews using the Seidman in-depth phenomenological interviewing method. Techniques for identifying and recruiting potential participants, scheduling and preparing for the interview, and establishing rapport are described. Concept mapping is presented as a way of fully engaging the elites in the tripartite interview process and facilitating trustworthiness. The lessons learned offer important strategies for those undertaking phenomenological research with elites.

  18. The Cistercians as a Scandinavian Elite

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    McGuire, Brian Patrick


    En redegørelse for hvordan cisterciensermunke gav udtryk for deres identitet i de danske middelalderkilder og hvordan denne identitet udviklede sig i løbet af middelalderen, således at munkene kom til at deltage i den danske elite.......En redegørelse for hvordan cisterciensermunke gav udtryk for deres identitet i de danske middelalderkilder og hvordan denne identitet udviklede sig i løbet af middelalderen, således at munkene kom til at deltage i den danske elite....

  19. Expressões da mobilidade na comunicação das marcas de telefonia celular de Angola, Brasil e Portugal

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    Silvio Koiti Sato


    Full Text Available This article aims to evaluate comparatively the communication of mobile telephony brands in different sociocultural contexts. Our hypothesis is that the different stages of development of mobile telephony worldwide are reflected in the identity and in the advertising of the brands. We evaluate the brand expressiveness of three countries – Angola, Brazil and Portugal - which represent the different stages mentioned above. The methodological guideline was based on the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce (1977 and in the work of Santaella (2000, 2002, Perez (2004 and Lencastre (2007. We identified that the sinsignic environment is determinant in the mobility benefits approached by the brands in its communication, reflecting local changes in the dimensions of space and time with the use of wireless technologies.

  20. Dinâmicas e processos de inovaçâo em regiôes do interior de Portugal: caso de estudo = Dynamics and processes of innovation in the interior regions of Portugal: a case study

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    Maria Manuela Natario


    between the helices to promote innovation. This empirical study includes three districts in Portugal (Castelo-Branco, Guarda and Viseu. The methodology consisted of a survey involving the companies in these districts and application of multivariate statistical analysis “k-means clusters” to detect their behavioral patterns within the region’s profile in terms of dynamics of innovation, spirit of business initiative, cooperation with the higher education institutions and proactivity of public institutions. In order to verify the formulated hypotheses, we resorted to the application of tests of multiple average differences to assess the unique characteristics of each cluster.O presente trabalho tem como objectivo analisar as dinâmicas e os processos de inovação em regiões do interior centro de Portugal, procurando identificar factores que estimulam a dinâmica territorial de inovação. A preocupação com as dinâmicas de inovação tem sido alvo de diversos estudos no âmbito dos sistemas regionais de inovação e mais recentemente tem sido enquadrada no desenvolvimento do Modelo “Triple Helix” (Leydesdorff e Etzkowitz, 2000; Dzisah e Etzkowitz, 2009. Este modelo integra o estudo da interacção entre as hélices para promover a inovação. O estudo empírico incide sobre as empresas de três distritos do interior centro de Portugal. Como metodologia foi realizado um questionário às empresas destes distritos e utilizou-se a aplicação da análise estatística multivariada “k-means clusters” para detectar padrões comportamentais das empresas relativamente à sua dinâmica de inovação e face ao perfil da região em termos de inovação, espírito de iniciativa empresarial, cooperação com as IES e proactividade das Instituições Públicas. Para verificar as hipóteses formuladas recorremos à aplicação de testes de diferenças múltiplas de médias para aferirmos as características únicas de cada cluster.

  1. Embodying "Britishness": The (Re)Making of the Contemporary Nigerian Elite Child (United States)

    Ayling, Pere


    Existing studies on the role of schooling in the formation and (re)production of elite identity have focused almost entirely on the reproduction strategies of Western elites. Consequently, the distinction strategies employed by non-western elite parents to maintain and/or advance their class positioning--via their children--have remained largely…


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    Nuno Domingos


    Full Text Available Este texto procura pensar a relação do futebol com a educação do corpo em Portugal na primeira metade do século XX. O seu interesse maior é o de refletir sobre o modo como uma modalidade não ensinada no interior das instituições do Estado, ao contrário de outras práticas desportivas, construiu circuitos e espaços particulares da educação do corpo, assentes em saberes transmitidos por experiência prática depois debatidos em artigos de jornal e noutras publicações. Esta clandestinidade do futebol contribui durante décadas para que o jogo não fosse considerado uma atividade com bases científicas, mas apenas um jogo com uma interação relativamente pouco organizada. A recuperação das lógicas que presidiram à constituição do jogo como atividade específica é fundamental para perceber como os seus fundamentos estéticos e científicos se expandiram num contexto de lutas pelo seu significado.

  3. Kinematics and kinetics of elite windmill softball pitching. (United States)

    Werner, Sherry L; Jones, Deryk G; Guido, John A; Brunet, Michael E


    A significant number of time-loss injuries to the upper extremity in elite windmill softball pitchers has been documented. The number of outings and pitches thrown in 1 week for a softball pitcher is typically far in excess of those seen in baseball pitchers. Shoulder stress in professional baseball pitching has been reported to be high and has been linked to pitching injuries. Shoulder distraction has not been studied in an elite softball pitching population. The stresses on the throwing shoulder of elite windmill pitchers are similar to those found for professional baseball pitchers. Descriptive laboratory study. Three-dimensional, high-speed (120 Hz) video data were collected on rise balls from 24 elite softball pitchers during the 1996 Olympic Games. Kinematic parameters related to pitching mechanics and resultant kinetics on the throwing shoulder were calculated. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to relate shoulder stress and pitching mechanics. Shoulder distraction stress averaged 80% of body weight for the Olympic pitchers. Sixty-nine percent of the variability in shoulder distraction can be explained by a combination of 7 parameters related to pitching mechanics. Excessive distraction stress at the throwing shoulder is similar to that found in baseball pitchers, which suggests that windmill softball pitchers are at risk for overuse injuries. Normative information regarding upper extremity kinematics and kinetics for elite softball pitchers has been established.

  4. Portugal: setting new goals for growth. (United States)

    Cutler, B


    Portugal has entered a period of economic recovery spearheaded by Prime Minister Anibal Cavaco Silva. A slow but steady rise in the standard of living may finally offset the 0.9% annual growth in the country's population. Growth in the gross national product (GNP) reached 5% in 1987 and fixed capital investment increased 9.5% in 1986. Cavaco Silva's economic recovery program has included entry into the Common Market, foreign investment in industry, attention to the enormous public debt, and dismantling of the state-centered economy of the 1970s. Per capita GNP increased from US$743 in 1985 to $1970 in 1986 and unemployment had fallen to 8.5% by 1988. The prolongation of average life expectancy to 68 years for men and 75 years for women indicates a general improvement in the health and lifestyle of most Portuguese. By the year 2000, the population of Portugal is expected to reach 11.1 million, with the largest rates of growth occurring in the west and coastal areas. Half of the population falls into the 25-64-year age group, suggesting potential for economic growth and spending. A low rate of urbanization (30%) has complicated attempts to raise the level of technology in industry. Strong adherence to Catholicism is largely responsible for the exceptionally high marriage rate and low divorce rate in Portugal. The average birth rate was 14.5/1000 in 1987 and the average total fertility rate was 2.1. 34% of all births are to women 20-24 years old. The annual mortality rate is 9.6/1000, while infant mortality stands at 17.8/1000. A significant change occurring in Portugal in the current period is the rise of a new middle class.

  5. Interviewing Ghanaian Educational Elites: Strategies for Access, Commitment, and Engagement

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    Hope Pius Nudzor


    Full Text Available A review of the research methodology literature suggests that owing to the difficulty of gaining access to and obtaining commitments from elites, social scientists less frequently use them as research respondents, opting instead to investigate those over whom power is exercised. This article provides insights into some intricacies of elite interviewing. It recounts the experience of a novice researcher in his quest to gain access to and interview elite individuals within the Ghanaian educational system for his PhD thesis. In the process, the article sheds light on strategies and techniques (related to interviewee identification, scheduling, and researcher preparation for the interview, as well as rapport establishment with potential interviewees that are helpful as toolkits in ensuring that elite interview processes are not unduly derailed. The article argues that the strategies discussed are useful for circumventing formalised and “public relations” responses, which elites tend to communicate with the press and public.

  6. Staying Ahead of the Game: The Globalising Practices of Elite Schools (United States)

    Kenway, Jane; Fahey, Johannah


    How are elite schools caught up in the changing processes of globalisation? Is globalisation a new phenomenon for them? This paper focuses on the globalising practices that selected elite schools adopt. It also explores how globalisation is impacting on the social purposes of elite schools, which conventionally have been to serve privileged social…

  7. Algumas interrogações acerca das produções midiáticas sobre a juventude


    Franco, Ana Carolina Farias; Lemos, Flávia Cristina Silveira; Ferreri, Marcelo Almeida; Passarinho, Leandro; Macedo, Adriana Elisa de Alencar


    O artigo debate a emergência da juventude e como a mídia vem forjando-a por práticas disciplinares pautadas nas normas de desenvolvimento e nos desvios das mesmas. Há uma noção de jovem idealizado, constituído como criativo, dinâmico, rebelde, produtivo, saudável e um consumidor em potencial de tecnologias flexíveis digitais e que mobiliza sua comunidade. As políticas para a juventude pobre brasileira focam a prevenção à violência e a educação para o trabalho. A visão do jovem de elite é vinc...

  8. Elite and Status Attainment Models of Inequality of Opportunity (United States)

    Myles, John F.; Srensen, Aage B.


    With changes in method, analysis of the process of attainment of various occupations and sub-sets of occupations such as elites can bring about the desired comparability between elite and status attainment studies of equality of opportunity. (Author/AM)

  9. Ensino técnico: uma necessidade ou uma falácia? Notas para a compreensão da filosofia do ensino técnico em Portugal e no Brasil - Technical teaching: a necessity or a fallacy? Notes for the comprehension of the philosophy of technical teaching in Portugal

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    Luís Alberto Marques Alves, Portugal.


    Full Text Available 1024x768 Falar de ensino técnico obriga a cruzar vertentes científicas diversas - história, sociologia, economia - e contextualizar a informação no âmbito da História da Educação. A herança recebida do sistema corporativo, a partilha de responsabilidades entre público e privado, as expectativas sociais e económicas, a sua relação com o desenvolvimento e a difícil relação entre o nacional e o internacional são algumas das vertentes que importa analisar quando procuramos fazer um trajeto breve na dimensão mais alargada no tempo. Inserir ainda uma preocupação comparativa entre Portugal e Brasil, ainda que pontual, exige uma síntese das ideias nucleares marginalizando o acessório. Procura este artigo, numa cronologia que vai do século 18 aos fins do 20, elencar as mudanças de filosofia, de investimento, de credibilidade social e de necessidade económica.Palavras-chave: ensino técnico, profissionalização, capitalismo industrial, neoprofissionalismo, Portugal, Brasil, ensino secundário. TECHNICAL TEACHING: A NECESSITY OR A FALLACY? NOTES FOR THE COMPREHENSION OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNICAL TEACHING IN PORTUGAL AND BRAZILAbstractTo talk about technical teaching forces us to cross several scientific fields - history, sociology, economy - and to contextualize the information regarding the History of Education. The inheritance received from the corporative system, the share of responsibilities between public and private, the social and economical expectations, its relation with development and the difficult relation between national and international are some of the fields that we must analyse when we aim to create a path brief in its dimension but stretched in time. To also insert a comparative concern between Portugal and Brazil, even if punctual, demands a synthesis of the nuclear ideas marginalizing the accessory. This article aims to, in a chronology going from the 18 century to the late 20th, specify the changes in the

  10. Eating disorder pathology in elite adolescent athletes. (United States)

    Giel, Katrin Elisabeth; Hermann-Werner, Anne; Mayer, Jochen; Diehl, Katharina; Schneider, Sven; Thiel, Ansgar; Zipfel, Stephan


    We aimed to investigate eating disorder pathology in German elite adolescent athletes. Evidence suggests that eating disorder pathology is more common in adult elite sports, especially in female athletes and in sports emphasizing leanness. There is a scarcity of studies in elite adolescent athletes who are in a vulnerable developmental stage and are affected by general as well as sport-specific risk factors. Our data was derived from the German Young Olympic Athletes' Lifestyle and Health Management Study (GOAL) which conducted a survey in 1138 elite adolescent athletes. In this sample, we assessed body weight, weight control behavior, body acceptance and screened overall for core symptoms of eating disorders, depression and anxiety. We performed a tree analysis to identify high risk groups for eating disorder pathology. High risk groups comprised (a) athletes competing in weight dependent sports, and among athletes competing in disciplines other than weight dependent sports (b) athletes who are high on negative affectivity, (c) female athletes and (d) male athletes competing in endurance, technical or power sports. Athletes competing in weight dependent disciplines reported wide spread use of compensatory behaviors to influence body weight. Athletes reporting eating disorder pathology showed higher levels of depression and anxiety than athletes without eating disorder pathology. Increased psychosocial burden in athletes with eating disorder pathology suggests that eating disorder symptoms should not be accepted as an unproblematic and functional part of elite sports. The prevention and management of eating disorder pathology is especially important in weight dependent sports. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (Int J Eat Disord 2016; 49:553-562). © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Interviewing Ghanaian Educational Elites: Strategies for Access, Commitment, and Engagement


    Hope Pius Nudzor


    A review of the research methodology literature suggests that owing to the difficulty of gaining access to and obtaining commitments from elites, social scientists less frequently use them as research respondents, opting instead to investigate those over whom power is exercised. This article provides insights into some intricacies of elite interviewing. It recounts the experience of a novice researcher in his quest to gain access to and interview elite individuals within the Ghanaian educatio...

  12. Forecasting Actions of Baltic elites: A Scenario Approach

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    Smirnov Vadim A.


    Full Text Available This paper provides an overview of different approaches to forecasting the future of the three Baltic States. The author’s theoretical approach to studying Baltic elites is used to forecast changes in the action models of the Baltic elites. The article stresses the scarcity of internal political processes in the Baltics. However, a significant number of scenarios focusing on military aspects in the Baltics have recently been published. The author distinguishes between inertia, confrontation, and cooperation scenarios and examines their prerequisites and possible consequences. The scenarios are developed based on an analysis of geographic, economic, and political factors. The decisive factor is a state-controlled foreign policy, which is affected by the international situation as well as relations between the state and the external resources exploited by political elites. The paper contributes to the general debate about the factors of political development and the role of political elites in it. The author pr ovides additional material for analysing possible developments in the domestic policies of the Baltic States in view of external factors.

  13. Introducción de las artes marciales asiáticas en Portugal = The introduction of asian martial arts in Portugal


    Carlos Gutiérrez García; Vitor Alberto Rosa; Mikel Pérez Gutiérrez


    El presente estudio analiza la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal, sucedida a principios del siglo XX. Para su realización se ha consultado fundamentalmente prensa histórica portuguesa, tanto general como específica del ámbito deportivo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal se produjo fundamentalmente a través del mundo del espectáculo, mediante actuaciones de expertos japoneses. Las notables diferencias técnicas y corporales entre estos luchadores j...

  14. Old Elite Schools, History and the Construction of a New Imaginary (United States)

    Rizvi, Fazal


    Elite schools established in the nineteenth century in the image of British public schools now face intense competition from newly established elite schools. Located within the broader research project that this special issue discusses, this paper examines some of the ways in which an old elite school in India has sought to utilise is history to…

  15. Spain and Portugal facing Euratom. Some considerations in the access of Spain and Portugal to Euratom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Corretjer, L.; Lopez Rodriguez, M.


    The access of Spain and Portugal to the European Community of Atomic Energy (EURATOM) will give rise to significative consequences and it is a subject which must be thoroughly considered as to its implications regarding the present state of nuclear development in both countries and with regard to their reciprocal relations in nuclear energy matters. To determine such consequences and implications it is necessary, first of all, to analyze what EURATOM is and how it acts, in addition to consider the situation of each of its Member States as to the utilization of nuclear energy. As well, it is necessary to explain the evolution and the present situation of nuclear development in Spain and in Portugal and their mutual relations in this field. In pursuit of such analysis we may determine the possible consequences of their access; this is made bearing in mind each of the aspects in which EURATOM acts, according to the Treaty and the ''acquis communitaire'', and dividing them into common consequences and individual ones for both countries. The whole exposition, which was studied and carried out from an exclusively technical point of view, has a result the deduction of the joint possibilities offered to Spain and Portugal to make use of EURATOM's availabilities and of the joint actions which both countries may achieve to benefit as much as possible from their access to EURATOM. (author)

  16. Dinâmicas atuais da enfermagem em Portugal: a representação dos enfermeiros Dinámicas actuales de la enfermeria en Portugal: la representación de los enfermeros Current dynamics of nursing in Portugal: nurses' representations

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    Felismina Rosa Parreira Mendes


    Full Text Available Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, com o objetivo de identificar as representações dos enfermeiros acerca das dinâmicas atuais da profissão, os marcos de sua evolução e as perspectivas futuras, realizada com vinte enfermeiros de Évora-Portugal, em abril/ maio de 2009, através de testemunhos narrativos. A formação ao longo dos anos e a Ordem dos Enfermeiros foram representadas como pilares centrais na construção da identidade profissional. A autonomia integra o cotidiano de cuidados, mas as questões hegemônicas de poder na equipe de saúde continuam a pautar a atuação dos enfermeiros e a balizar o seu auto e heterorreconhecimento profissional e social. As perspectivas futuras se direcionam para a empregabilidade, carreira e se consubstanciam na esperança de uns e na incerteza de outros.Se trata de pesquisa cualitativa con el objeto de identificar las representaciones de los enfermeros sobre las dinámicas actuales de la profesión, los hitos de su evolución y las perspectivas futuras, realizadas con veinte enfermeros de Évora en Portugal entre los meses de abril y mayo de 2009, por medio de declaraciones. La formación a lo largo de los años y la Orden de los Enfermeros fueron mostrados como pilares principales en la construcción de la identidad profesional. La autonomía integra los cuidados diarios, así como las cuestiones de hegemonía de poder en el equipo de salud que continúan a balizar la actuación de los enfermeros y a nortear su auto y heteroreconocimiento profesional y social. Las perspectivas futuras se direccionan para la empregabilidad, carrera y se consustancian en la esperanza de unos y la incertidumbre de otros.This research study, with a qualitative approach was carried out aiming to identify nurses' representation on current professional dynamics, evolutionary landmarks and the future outlook for Portuguese nursing with twenty nurses from Évora, Portugal, in April / May of 2009, through narrative

  17. Women on board: female board membership as a form of elite democratization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heemskerk, E.M.; Fennema, M.


    Corporate elites have been all-male bastions until the twenty-first century. The recent inclusion of women in the corporate elite needs explanation because it is an abrupt change in recruitment practices. We consider female presence in corporate boards as a sign of the democratization of elite

  18. Para um Programa de Estudo do Neolítico em Portugal

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    Victor dos Santos GONÇALVES


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El autor presenta, en líneas generales, los principales problemas de análisis del Neolítico en Portugal. Problemas que sólo en algunos casos son exclusivos del territorio portugués, ya que la mayor parte de ellos están ligados a la compleja evolución global del Neolítico en el Mediterráneo occidental. A continuación va a referirse a las propias dificultades intrínsecas para la definición de un concepto de Neolítico, e indica la escasez de información que todavía hoy existe a propósito del Neolítico portugués. Cita como ejemplo de las distorsiones provocadas por esta situación el caso de la cerámica cardial, escasa en el Neolítico antiguo portugués, donde abunda la cerámica incisa e impresa no cardial. En lo que se refiere al Neolítico antiguo, señala las principales estaciones encontradas hasta hoy en Portugal y alude más ampliamente a propósito de una, inédita el abrigo «das Bocas» (Rio Maior. A continuación, analiza las perspectivas con que se tendrá que abordar el fenómeno megalítico, planteando diversos problemas y enumerando las posibles acepciones para la palabra. Igualmente se refiere a la relación entre las inhumaciones en tres grutas localizadas en la región de Alcanena (la «Gruta dos Carrascos», la «Lapa da Galinha» y la «Gruta da Marmota» y una de las fases del megalitismo coincidente con el Neolítico medio. Sin embargo, como subraya el autor, únicamente un trabajo pluridisciplinar y de equipo podrá contribuir para obtener soluciones positivas a este problema.ABSTRACT: The Author presents an outline of the mam problems of the analysis of the Neolithic in Portugal. Problems that only in certain cases are exclusively found in Portuguese territory, since most of them are connected with the global evolution of the Neolithic in the Western Mediterranean. He refers the difficulties to found a definition for the concept of Neolithic and he points out the shortage of information that still

  19. The General and the Specific in the Psychological ModelsElites

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    N B Karabuschenko


    Full Text Available The article discloses the general and specific features of the psychology of the political, business and cultural-intellectual elites, reflecting the basic structural components of the psychological concept of elites.

  20. Revisiting the issue of elite capture in participatory initiatives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Jens Friis; Saito-Jensen, Moeko


    of resistance orchestrated by initially disadvantaged groups. Based on the cases we argue that studies of elite capture should be based on in-depth and longitudinal empirical investigations that carefully characterize forms and outcomes of elite capture and consider both the changing dynamics of social settings...

  1. First autochthone case of sporotrichosis by Sporothrix globosa in Portugal. (United States)

    de Oliveira, Manoel Marques Evangelista; Veríssimo, Cristina; Sabino, Raquel; Aranha, João; Zancopé-Oliveira, Rosely Maria; Sampaio, Paula; Pais, Célia


    In this study, we characterize the first autochthone case of human sporotrichosis reported in Lisbon, Portugal. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization revealed that the infection was caused by Sporothrix globosa. We conclude that sporotrichosis may be underdiagnosed particularly in Southern Europe and suggest Portugal as an emerging area for this fungal infection. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Kolmas vaatus Euroopa võlakriisis - Portugal. Oht Portugali mainel / Sirje Rank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rank, Sirje, 1966-


    Portugal kavatseb läbi viia riigivõlakirjade emissiooni, samas müüvad teisedki riigid lähiajal võlakirju, mille riskiaste on väiksem. Portugal eitab väidet, nagu oleks Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaa survestanud teda Euroopa kriisifondist abi küsima

  3. Knowing what to do and doing it : Differences in self-assessed tactical skills of regional, sub-elite, and elite youth field hockey players

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elferink-Gemser, Marije T.; Kannekens, Rianne; Lyons, Jim; Tromp, Yvonne; Visscher, Chris


    To determine whether youth athletes with an oaverageo (regional), ohigho (sub-elite), and overy higho (elite) level of performance differ with respect to their self-assessed tactical skills, 191 youth field hockey players (mean age 15.5 years, s=1.6) completed the Tactical Skills Inventory for

  4. Comparisons of eccentric knee flexor strength and asymmetries across elite, sub-elite and school level cricket players

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    Wade J. Chalker


    Full Text Available Background. There has been a continual increase in injury rates in cricket, with hamstring strain injuries (HSIs being the most prominent. Eccentric knee flexor weakness and bilateral asymmetries are major modifiable risk factors for future HSIs. However, there is a lack of data relating to eccentric hamstring strength in cricket at any skill level. The objective of this study was to compare eccentric knee flexor strength and bilateral asymmetries in elite, sub-elite and school level cricket players; and to determine if playing position and limb role influenced these eccentric knee flexor strength indices. Methods. Seventy four male cricket players of three distinct skill levels performed three repetitions of the Nordic hamstring exercise on the experimental device. Strength was assessed as the absolute and relative mean peak force output for both limbs, with bilateral asymmetries. Differences in mean peak force outputs between skill level and playing positions were measured. Results. There were no significant differences between elite, sub-elite and school level athletes for mean peak force and bilateral asymmetries of the knee flexors. There were no significant differences observed between bowler’s and batter’s mean peak force and bilateral asymmetries. There were no significant differences between front and back limb mean peak force outputs. Discussion. Skill level, playing position and limb role appeared to have no significant effect on eccentric knee flexor strength and bilateral asymmetries. Future research should seek to determine whether eccentric knee flexor strength thresholds are predictive of HSIs in cricket and if specific eccentric knee flexor strengthening can reduce these injuries.

  5. Low back pain status in elite and semi-elite Australian football codes: a cross-sectional survey of football (soccer), Australian rules, rugby league, rugby union and non-athletic controls. (United States)

    Hoskins, Wayne; Pollard, Henry; Daff, Chris; Odell, Andrew; Garbutt, Peter; McHardy, Andrew; Hardy, Kate; Dragasevic, George


    Our understanding of the effects of football code participation on low back pain (LBP) is limited. It is unclear whether LBP is more prevalent in athletic populations or differs between levels of competition. Thus it was the aim of this study to document and compare the prevalence, intensity, quality and frequency of LBP between elite and semi-elite male Australian football code participants and a non-athletic group. A cross-sectional survey of elite and semi-elite male Australian football code participants and a non-athletic group was performed. Participants completed a self-reported questionnaire incorporating the Quadruple Visual Analogue Scale (QVAS) and McGill Pain Questionnaire (short form) (MPQ-SF), along with additional questions adapted from an Australian epidemiological study. Respondents were 271 elite players (mean age 23.3, range 17-39), 360 semi-elite players (mean age 23.8, range 16-46) and 148 non-athletic controls (mean age 23.9, range 18-39). Groups were matched for age (p = 0.42) and experienced the same age of first onset LBP (p = 0.40). A significant linear increase in LBP from the non-athletic group, to the semi-elite and elite groups for the QVAS and the MPQ-SF was evident (p < 0.001). Elite subjects were more likely to experience more frequent (daily or weekly OR 1.77, 95% CI 1.29-2.42) and severe LBP (discomforting and greater OR 1.75, 95% CI 1.29-2.38). Foolers in Australia have significantly more severe and frequent LBP than a non-athletic group and this escalates with level of competition.

  6. Digital Media and "Girling" at an Elite Girls' School (United States)

    Charles, Claire


    In this article, I draw on Judith Butler's notion of performativity to investigate the role of digital technologies in processes of gendered subjectification (or "girling") in elite girls' education. Elite girls' schooling is a site where the potential of digital technologies in mediating student-led constructions and explorations of…


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    Antonio José de Almeida Filho


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar cómo las Casas Terapéuticas para los usuarios con trastornos mentales en los municipios de Miranda do Corvo-Portugal y Volta Redonda-Brasil contribuyen a la rehabilitación psicosocial de las personas con sufrimiento mental. Estudio de perspectiva histórica, cuyas fuentes históricas fueron leyes, resoluciones e informes oficiales y declaraciones de enfermeras, psicólogos y trabajadores sociales. Se encontró que en ambos municipios la intención es la desinstitucionalización de las personas con sufrimiento mental, en Miranda do Corvo-Portugal la gestión financiera y administrativa es responsabilidad de una fundación y, en Volta Redonda-Brasil esta gestión es auspiciada por el ejecutivo municipal, además de observar en Miranda del Corvo-Portugal la adopción de medidas disciplinarias en función de exceso de los usuarios. Se concluye que la crisis económica en Portugal ha interferido con la política de expansión de las Casas Terapéuticas en cuanto al número de usuarios que no permite la intervención más individualizada.

  8. Low back pain status in elite and semi-elite Australian football codes: a cross-sectional survey of football (soccer, Australian rules, rugby league, rugby union and non-athletic controls

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    McHardy Andrew


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Our understanding of the effects of football code participation on low back pain (LBP is limited. It is unclear whether LBP is more prevalent in athletic populations or differs between levels of competition. Thus it was the aim of this study to document and compare the prevalence, intensity, quality and frequency of LBP between elite and semi-elite male Australian football code participants and a non-athletic group. Methods A cross-sectional survey of elite and semi-elite male Australian football code participants and a non-athletic group was performed. Participants completed a self-reported questionnaire incorporating the Quadruple Visual Analogue Scale (QVAS and McGill Pain Questionnaire (short form (MPQ-SF, along with additional questions adapted from an Australian epidemiological study. Respondents were 271 elite players (mean age 23.3, range 17–39, 360 semi-elite players (mean age 23.8, range 16–46 and 148 non-athletic controls (mean age 23.9, range 18–39. Results Groups were matched for age (p = 0.42 and experienced the same age of first onset LBP (p = 0.40. A significant linear increase in LBP from the non-athletic group, to the semi-elite and elite groups for the QVAS and the MPQ-SF was evident (p Conclusion Foolers in Australia have significantly more severe and frequent LBP than a non-athletic group and this escalates with level of competition.

  9. The role of self-interest in elite bargaining. (United States)

    LeVeck, Brad L; Hughes, D Alex; Fowler, James H; Hafner-Burton, Emilie; Victor, David G


    One of the best-known and most replicated laboratory results in behavioral economics is that bargainers frequently reject low offers, even when it harms their material self-interest. This finding could have important implications for international negotiations on many problems facing humanity today, because models of international bargaining assume exactly the opposite: that policy makers are rational and self-interested. However, it is unknown whether elites who engage in diplomatic bargaining will similarly reject low offers because past research has been based almost exclusively on convenience samples of undergraduates, members of the general public, or small-scale societies rather than highly experienced elites who design and bargain over policy. Using a unique sample of 102 policy and business elites who have an average of 21 y of practical experience conducting international diplomacy or policy strategy, we show that, compared with undergraduates and the general public, elites are actually more likely to reject low offers when playing a standard "ultimatum game" that assesses how players bargain over a fixed resource. Elites with more experience tend to make even higher demands, suggesting that this tendency only increases as policy makers advance to leadership positions. This result contradicts assumptions of rational self-interested behavior that are standard in models of international bargaining, and it suggests that the adoption of global agreements on international trade, climate change, and other important problems will not depend solely on the interests of individual countries, but also on whether these accords are seen as equitable to all member states.

  10. Nurses in advanced roles: a review of acceptability in Portugal Las enfermeras de competencias avanzadas: una revisión de aceptación en Portugal Enfermeiros em funções avançadas: uma análise da aceitação em Portugal

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    James Buchan


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This paper focuses on the policy context for the deployment of nurses in advanced roles, with particular reference to Portugal. The health sector in Portugal, as in all countries, is labour intensive, and the scope to utilise nurses in more advanced roles is currently being debated. METHODS: Mixed methods were used: an analysis of international data on the nursing workforce; an analysis of documents and media articles; interviews with key-informants; an online survey of managers, and a technical workshop with key-informants. CONCLUSIONS: The limited evidence base on nurses in advanced roles in Portugal is a constraint on progress, but it is not an excuse for inaction. Further research in Portugal on health professionals in innovative roles would assist in informing policy direction. There is the need to move forward with a fully informed policy dialogue, taking account of the current political, economic and health service realities of Portugal.OBJETIVO: Este estudio se focaliza en el contexto político del desarrollo de competencias avanzadas de enfermería, con énfasis en el caso portugués. El sector de la salud en Portugal, como en todos los países, es intensivo en mano de obra, y la posibilidad de utilizar enfermeros en funciones más avanzadas está actualmente en debate. MÉTODOS: Fue utilizado una aproximación mixta: análisis de datos internacionales sobre la fuerza de trabajo de enfermería; análisis de documentos y noticias; entrevistas con informadores clave; un cuestionario online y una oficina técnica con informadores clave. CONCLUSIONES: La limitada base de evidencia sobre la extensión de competencias de los enfermeros en Portugal es un obstáculo para el progreso pero no es una excusa para la inacción. Investigación adicional sobre profesionales de la salud en papeles innovadores podría ayudar a informar y direccionar la decisión política. Es necesario avanzar con un diálogo político plenamente informado

  11. A comparative analysis of tourism destination demand in Portugal


    Serra, Jaime; Correia, Antónia; Rodrigues, Paulo M.M.


    Tourism has experienced different levels of development in the different regions of Portugal.To frame this development, in this paper dynamic panel data models were estimated with the objective of explaining the evolution of international overnight stays in each region.Secondary data from 2000 to 2011 was used.The analysis includes the main tourism source markets for Portugal, such as the United Kingdom, Germany,the Netherlands, Ireland, France and Spain. The tourism literature suggests that,...

  12. Factors that Influence Career Decision-Making among Elite Athletes (United States)

    Fogarty, Gerard J.; McGregor-Bayne, Heather


    A common belief about elite athletes is that they invest so much effort into the pursuit of their athletic careers that they fail to develop good career decision-making skills. Recent findings challenge that belief. The present study investigated career decision-making difficulties among 117 elite Australian athletes. Participants completed…

  13. Elite coaches' perceptions of the characteristics of decision-making ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study was aimed at discovering what elite coaches perceive to be the critical characteristics of decision-making that distinguish expert players from novices in basketball. A qualitative method of inquiry (the long interview) was followed. The data were gathered during interviews with five elite coaches. A framework to ...

  14. Media portrayal of elite athletes with disability - a systematic review. (United States)

    Rees, Leanne; Robinson, Priscilla; Shields, Nora


    The media plays an important role in shaping society's beliefs about disability and sport. The aim of this systematic review is to identify how elite athletes with disability are portrayed in the media. Six electronic databases were searched from 2001 to March 2017 for quantitative or qualitative content analysis of media coverage of elite athletes with disability: SportsDiscus, CINAHL, PsychInfo, Medline 1996-, Embase, and Proquest. Quality assessment and data extraction were performed by two independent assessors. Seventeen moderate quality articles were included. Six themes emerged from the data such as frequency of articles and photos about elite athletes with disability; athlete gender; athlete nationality; disability; athleticism; and Olympic Games versus Paralympic Games. Our results show that elite athletes with disability are less visible in the media than their nondisabled counterparts; female athletes received less coverage than male; the media favored domestic athletes and certain types of disability; and, although there was a focus on athleticism, this was underpinned by a "supercrip" narrative and a medicalised description of disability. Although there has been a positive shift in the narrative around elite athletes with disability in media, relative absence and differing portrayal is present. Considering the power of media shaping society's perceptions of disability, further investigation is warranted. Implications for Rehabilitation Media has a role in how elite athletes with disability are portrayed and consequently perceived by the public. Elite athletes with disability rarely feature in media. Images of disability are minimized, and certain types of disabilities are favored. An athletic narrative is emerging; however, a medicalised description of athletes remains, shifting the focus from athleticism. "Supercrip" and "Superhuman" terms are commonly used, but may negatively impact the broader disability community.

  15. O cyberbullying em contexto universitário do Brasil e Portugal: vitimização, emoções associadas e estratégias de enfrentamento

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    Sidclay Bezerra de Souza


    Full Text Available O presente artigo buscou, por um lado, descrever como os estudantes universitários do Brasil e de Portugal experienciaram situações de cyberbullying no papel de vítimas, considerando-se algumas variáveis sociodemográficas, bem como analisar se existiam diferenças significativas em função do contexto relativamente aos comportamentos de vitimização, as emoções e as estratégias utilizadas pelas vítimas do Brasil e de Portugal. Buscando atender aos objetivos da investigação, 1340 estudantes universitários (Brasil: n = 592; Portugal: n = 748 responderam ao Questionário do Cyberbullying para o Ensino Superior (QCES. As análises permitiram verificar que uma percentagem de 44.6% dos participantes brasileiros e 43.0% dos participantes portugueses foram vítimas de cyberbullying em algum momento da vida. Diferenças significativas foram verificadas no que diz respeito aos comportamentos de vitimização, as emoções das vítimas e as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pelas vítimas de cada país. Os resultados são discutidos, algumas limitações são consideradas e são apresentadas algumas implicações que sugerem a importância do desenvolvimento sistêmico de programas de prevenção e intervenção nos contextos universitários.

  16. Tapering strategies in elite British endurance runners. (United States)

    Spilsbury, Kate L; Fudge, Barry W; Ingham, Stephen A; Faulkner, Steve H; Nimmo, Myra A


    The aim of the study was to explore pre-competition training practices of elite endurance runners. Training details from elite British middle distance (MD; 800 m and 1500 m), long distance (LD; 3000 m steeplechase to 10,000 m) and marathon (MAR) runners were collected by survey for 7 days in a regular training (RT) phase and throughout a pre-competition taper. Taper duration was [median (interquartile range)] 6 (3) days in MD, 6 (1) days in LD and 14 (8) days in MAR runners. Continuous running volume was reduced to 70 (16)%, 71 (24)% and 53 (12)% of regular levels in MD, LD and MAR runners, respectively (P training (MD; 53 (45)%, LD; 67 (23)%, MAR; 64 (34)%, P training intensity was above race speed in LD and MAR runners (112 (27)% and 114 (3)%, respectively, P training undertaken prior to the taper in elite endurance runners is predictive of the tapering strategy implemented before competition.

  17. Legal Training and the Reshaping of French Elite: Lessons from an Ethnography of Law Classes in Two French Elite Higher Education Institutions (United States)

    Israël, Liora; Vanneuville, Rachel


    The article examines the nature of contemporary legal training in two French elite higher education institutions--one dedicated to prepare for legal careers in the economic field, the other one to train top civil servants--in order to assess the role of legal knowledge in the shaping of French contemporary elites. Based on observations of law…

  18. Beyond Anti-Elitism: Black Studies and the Pedagogical Imperative (United States)

    Gordon, Jane Anna


    "Elitism" is frequently invoked among the pantheon of "isms" actively to be disavowed. Indeed the charge of elitism often takes the form of reiteration, of identifying yet another manifestation of adherence to traditional standards steeped in discrimination by sex, race, and class, this time in their institutional guises in the merit credited to…

  19. The Question of Elitism: Some Movement to the Left? (United States)

    Haack, Paul


    Calls for a synthesis of beneficial elitism and beneficial populism to ensure excellence for all. Suggests that Robert Penn Warren's views on how to collapse dualisms between these two philosophies provides the key to their synthesis. Concludes by comparing differences between elitism and populism and examining questions raised by Ralph Smith's…

  20. The Burden of Responsibility: Elite Students' Understandings of Civic Participation in Singapore (United States)

    Sim, Jasmine B.-Y.


    Elder statesman Lee Kuan Yew maintains that a society ruled by elites is necessary to provide for high growth and social progress. Elitism conjures a class divide; an ongoing concern is a disconnection between elite and the citizens it has to represent. In the tradition of political socialization, and using the case study approach, this article…

  1. La montaña: institucionalización de las prácticas, de las imágenes y de los discursos (1904-1913 = The mountain: institutionalization of practices, of images and speeches (1904-1903 A montanha: institucionalização das práticas, das imagens e dos discursos (1904-1913

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    Manuela Hasse


    Full Text Available El presente artículo trata sobre la historia de las relaciones entre la montaña, el deporte y sus representaciones de género en Portugal, analizando la comprensión profunda de las relaciones entre el hombre y la montaña, con especial atención al estudio de las relaciones del deporte con los sexos. A pesar de que existen desde hace tiempo grupos de investigación sobre el género, como lo demuestra la publicación, desde hace ya algunos años, de las Caras de Eva, por parte de la Universidad Nueva de Lisboa, o los trabajos de algunos investigadores de otras universidades, el problema de las relaciones entre el género y los deportes de montaña permanece aún por estudiar y este ámbito es uno de ellos.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This paper tackles the history of the interaction between the representations of the mountain, sport and gender in Portugal. The paper considers the relationship between Man and the Mountain, with particular attention to the study of links between sport and gender. Although there have been for some years research groups on gender – as proved by the publishing for some years of The Faces of Eve, by the University Nova of Lisbon, or by the works of some other researchers from other universities– the connections between gender and mountain sports is still a subject requiring further studies and this area is one of them.Este trabalho aborda a história das relações entre a montanha, o desporto e as representações de gênero em Portugal. O presente estudo analisa a compreensão profunda da relação entre o homem e a montanha, com especial atenção quanto ao estudo da relação entre o desporto e o género. Ainda que existam, desde há anos, em Portugal, grupos de pesquisa sobre o género, como o demonstra, a publicação regular, desde há anos, da Revista As Faces de Eva, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, ou os esforços de alguns investigadores isolados no

  2. Portugal's Secondary School Modernisation Programme (United States)

    Heitor, Teresa V.; Freire da Silva, Jose M. R.


    The aim of the Secondary School Modernisation Programme, being implemented in Portugal by "Parque Escolar, EPE", is based on the pursuit of quality and makes Portuguese education a potential international benchmark. This paper discusses the strategies adopted to reorganise school spaces. It describes the conceptual model and highlights…

  3. Caregiving in severe mental illness: the psychometric properties of the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire in Portugal

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    Gonçalves-Pereira Manuel


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Despite the achievements of previous research, caregiving assessments in severe mental illness should be crossculturally validated in order to define risk groups or to evaluate family work. This study reports on the psychometric properties of the European version of the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire (IEQ-EU in Portugal. Methods A Portuguese translation of the IEQ-EU was developed according to the 'European Psychiatric Services: Inputs Linked to Outcome Domains and Needs' (EPSILON group guidelines. We then studied 194 caregivers who were related to patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in psychiatric outpatient services. All relatives were assessed using the IEQ-EU. In order to describe the corresponding patients' sample, the majority (n = 162 was evaluated with the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHO-DAS II; 108 patients were also assessed with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF. Results The factor structure of the Portuguese version of the questionnaire was similar to the original; internal consistency was good, with Cronbach's α ranging from 0.71 to 0.87 in the IEQ-EU scales (total score and domains: tension, supervision, worrying, urging; test-retest reliability yielded intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs from 0.80 to 0.94, concerning the same scores. Ecological validity was confirmed. Most caregiving consequences were reported on the worrying domain of the IEQ-EU. Conclusions Validity and reliability of the Portuguese IEQ-EU translation were established. Specifically the four IEQ-EU subscale domains seem to be valid in Portugal.

  4. Do Local Elites Capture Natural Disaster Reconstruction Funds?


    Yoshito Takasaki


    This paper examines the allocation of natural disaster reconstruction funds among cyclone victims in rural Fiji. During post-emergency periods, when good information about cyclone damage is available, do local elites, a powerful minority, capture housing construction materials? With effective targeting in both receipt and the amount received, local elites do not capture larger benefits. More severely affected victims are not early recipients, though, because the supply of reconstruction funds...

  5. Multivariate statistical analysis of wildfires in Portugal (United States)

    Costa, Ricardo; Caramelo, Liliana; Pereira, Mário


    Several studies demonstrate that wildfires in Portugal present high temporal and spatial variability as well as cluster behavior (Pereira et al., 2005, 2011). This study aims to contribute to the characterization of the fire regime in Portugal with the multivariate statistical analysis of the time series of number of fires and area burned in Portugal during the 1980 - 2009 period. The data used in the analysis is an extended version of the Rural Fire Portuguese Database (PRFD) (Pereira et al, 2011), provided by the National Forest Authority (Autoridade Florestal Nacional, AFN), the Portuguese Forest Service, which includes information for more than 500,000 fire records. There are many multiple advanced techniques for examining the relationships among multiple time series at the same time (e.g., canonical correlation analysis, principal components analysis, factor analysis, path analysis, multiple analyses of variance, clustering systems). This study compares and discusses the results obtained with these different techniques. Pereira, M.G., Trigo, R.M., DaCamara, C.C., Pereira, J.M.C., Leite, S.M., 2005: "Synoptic patterns associated with large summer forest fires in Portugal". Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 129, 11-25. Pereira, M. G., Malamud, B. D., Trigo, R. M., and Alves, P. I.: The history and characteristics of the 1980-2005 Portuguese rural fire database, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 3343-3358, doi:10.5194/nhess-11-3343-2011, 2011 This work is supported by European Union Funds (FEDER/COMPETE - Operational Competitiveness Programme) and by national funds (FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) under the project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022692, the project FLAIR (PTDC/AAC-AMB/104702/2008) and the EU 7th Framework Program through FUME (contract number 243888).

  6. Occupational radiation doses in Portugal from 1994 to 1998

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alves, J.G.; Martins, M.B.; Amaral, E.M.


    This work reports on the occupational radiation doses for external radiation received in 1994-1998 by the radiation workers monitored by the Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety Department (DPRSN) in Portugal. Individual monitoring for external radiation is carried out in Portugal by DPRSN since the 60s, and the workers are monitored on a monthly or quarterly bases. In 1995 DPRSN monitored approximately 8000 people and was the only laboratory carrying out this sort of activity in Portugal. In 1998 the number of monitored people increased to nearly 8500 from 860 facilities, which leads us to state that the results shown in this work are well representative of the universe of radiation workers in Portugal. Until 1996, the dose measurement procedure was based only on film dosimetry and the results reported for the 1994-1995 period were obtained with this methodology. Since 1996, thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) was gradually introduced and since then an effort has been made to transfer the monitored workers from film to TLD. In 1998, both film and TLD dosimetry systems were running simultaneously, with average numbers of 4500 workers monitored with film dosimetry, while 4000 were monitored with TLD. The data presented from 1996 to 1998 were obtained with both methodologies. This work reports the annual mean effective doses received from external radiation, for the monitored and exposed workers in the different fields of activity, namely, industry, research laboratories, health and mining. The distribution of the annual effective dose by dose intervals is also reported. The collective annual dose by field of activity is estimated and the contribution to the total annual collective dose is determined. The collective dose estimates for the period 1994 to 1998 demonstrated that the health sector is the most representative exposed group in Portugal. (author)

  7. Aspectos mineralógicos das "Viagens Filosóficas" pelo território brasileiro na transição do século XVIII para o século XIX Mineralogical aspects of 'Philosophical Voyages' through the Brazilian territory during the transition from the eighteenth to the nineteenth centuries

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    Silvia F. de M. Figueirôa


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar os aspectos mineralógicos das "Viagens Filosóficas" realizadas no Império português na transição do século XVIII para o XIX, com ênfase no Brasil. Tais expedições científicas e seus resultados inserem Portugal e suas possessões no contexto científico do período. Acreditamos que as "Viagens Filosóficas" estão entre os elementos mais relevantes para entender o processo de institucionalização das ciências naturais no Brasil, particularmente - no caso deste artigo - as ciências mineralógicas.The late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century scientific expeditions undertaken by the Crown earned Portugal and its possessions a place on the period's scientific stage. These Philosophical Voyages provide us with invaluable elements for understanding the process by which the natural sciences were institutionalized in Brazil, especially - in the case of this article - the mineralogical sciences.

  8. Developmental Dyslexia: Perspectives on Teacher Training and Learning Disabilities in Portugal (United States)

    Carvalhais, Lenia; da Silva, Carlos Fernandes


    The focus of this study was to explore primary teachers' attitudes and perceptions toward their training experiences, instructional practices, and supports received in their schools toward working with students with dyslexia in Portugal. Primary school teachers from the centre of Portugal, working with children between the first and fourth grades,…

  9. Elite perceptions of poverty and Nigeria's poverty reduction research ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The way the elite perceive poverty and the poor in any society constitutes a very important dimension of poverty research. This is because normally there are several areas of interrelationship and interdependence between the poor and the elite, and these form part of the basis for social life in all societies. Perceptions of the ...

  10. The application of soccer performance testing protocols to the non-elite player. (United States)

    Siegler, J; Robergs, R; Weingart, H


    The application of performance testing for the evaluation of non-elite soccer players has received little attention. The purpose of this investigation was to use tests developed for elite soccer players to evaluate performance in non-elite soccer players and compare performance test results between elite (literature) and non-elite (data) players. Thirteen male soccer players volunteered to participate. The tests included a treadmill VO2max test, 20 m sprint, vertical jump (VJ), 30 s Wingate cycle ergometer test, the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (LIST), and 2 20-m multi-stage shuttle runs to exhaustion (fatigue test). Actual VO2max (absolute and relative) scores were correlated with the estimated VO2max scores (fatigue test), 20 m sprint, VJ, and 30 s Wingate using a Pearson's product-moment correlation. A paired t-test was conducted on the fatigue test trials. Non-significant relationships were observed between actual VO2max scores and estimated VO2max from the fatigue test (absolute and relative terms). Non-significant relationships were also observed between peak and average power output (Wingate), 20 m sprint, and VJ. Mean heart rates (HRs) throughout the LIST was 165+/-7 bpm, which represented 88% of HRmax. The results of this study demonstrate that to elicit physiological differences between elite and non-elite players, assessment must include both an aerobic and anaerobic component.

  11. Cooperação no âmbito do ensino superior: ser estudante angolano em universidades portuguesas Cooperative policies in higher learning: being an Angolan student at Portuguese universities

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    Margarida Lima de Faria


    Full Text Available No presente artigo desenvolver-se-á uma análise sobre o lugar desempenhado por Portugal na formação escolar superior de estudantes angolanos, procurando dar conta dos aspectos simbólicos, afectivos, culturais e económicos subjacentes a essa escolha. A análise incidirá, ainda, sobre uma caracterização sociológica das trajectórias educacionais e socioeconómicas das suas famílias, e destas por relação com a estrutura social angolana em situação de mudança. Procurará ainda cruzar a trajectória dessas famílias e o valor atribuído ao capital escolar com a trajectória de Angola e o investimento no ensino, desde o período da independência. Esta caracterização, quer dos estudantes quer das famílias, far-se-á igualmente por relação com outras situações sociais, por esses grupos entendidas como "outras". Nesta última abordagem, procurar-se-á analisar a forma como esses estudantes representam as "elites no poder" e, ainda, como essa representação interfere nas suas expectativas em relação ao futuro, nomeadamente no que se refere ao retorno ao seu país.The author analyses Angolan students' higher education while studying in Portugal, by taking into account the symbolic, affective, cultural and economic aspects influencing the choice of studying that country. The analysis will also characterize educational and socio-economic routes defined by the students' families, as well as their relations to the current social changes taking place in Angola. One of these changes is the increased value given to higher education, specifically after independence. The national intervention in this area is related to the families' investment in a dialectic discussion between short-term individual actions and long-term structural changes. It is hypothesized that the value given to education depends on individual socio-economic and political positions. This idea is reinforced by the analysis of the way students interviewed conceive other

  12. “Vítimas do fascismo”. Os camponeses e a dinamização cultural do Movimento das Forças Armadas (1974-1975)


    Almeida, Sónia Vespeira de


    Análise Social, vol. XLIII (4.º), p. 817-840 Este artigo procura identificar a importância do nexo “camponeses-fascismo” no universo de sentidos que a ruralidade adquiriu no contexto das Campanhas de Dinamização Cultural e Acção Cívica do MFA (1974-1975). Camponeses e fascismo constituem o eixo de um edifício argumentativo promotor de uma imagem negativizada de Portugal, com ampla circulação no período da transição democrática.

  13. Students' Perceptions of Assessment: A Comparative Analysis between Portugal and Sweden (United States)

    Pereira, Diana; Niklasson, Laila; Flores, Maria Assunção


    This paper aims at investigating students' perceptions about assessment, especially the ways in which it is put into practice. Data were collected through questionnaires in different programmes in Portugal and Sweden. In total, 173 students from Portugal and 72 from Sweden participated in the study. Findings showed that students had similar ideas…

  14. ECMS--Educational Contest Management System for Selecting Elite Students (United States)

    Schneider, Thorsten


    Selecting elite students out of a huge collective is a difficult task. The main problem is to provide automated processes to reduce human work. ECMS (Educational Contest Management System) is an online tool approach to help--fully or partly automated--with the task of selecting such elite students out of a mass of candidates. International tests…

  15. Health professionals moving to... and from Portugal. (United States)

    Ribeiro, Joana Sousa; Conceição, Claudia; Pereira, Joel; Leone, Cláudia; Mendonça, Pedro; Temido, Marta; Vieira, Carlota Pacheco; Dussault, Gilles


    The mobility of health professionals in the European Union is a phenomenon which policy-makers must take into account to provide the conditions to adjust for demand and supply of health services. This paper presents the case of Portugal, a country which at the same time imports and exports health workers. Since the early 1990s Portugal became a destination country receiving foreign health care professionals. This situation is now changing with the current economic situation as fewer immigrants come and more Portuguese emigrate. Foreigners coming to Portugal do so in part for similar reasons that bring Portuguese to want to emigrate, mainly the search for better work conditions and professional development opportunities. The emigration of Portuguese health professionals is also stimulated by the difficulty for recently graduated nurses, dentists and diagnostic and therapeutic technicians to find employment, low salaries in the public and private sectors, heavy workloads, remuneration not related to performance and poor career prospects. The paradoxes described in this study illustrate the consequences of the absence of a policy for the health professions. Strategies based on evidence, and on an integrated information system that captures the dynamic evolution of the workforce in health are not only necessary but also a good investment. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Elite y naturaleza. ¿Naturaleza de elite?

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    Myriam Luz Jaramillo Giraldo


    Full Text Available El artículo da cuenta de las actitudes y representaciones de una colectividad particular con respecto a la naturaleza, su origen y consecuencias sobre el paisaje, la tierra, la estructura agraria, en la primera mitad del siglo XX –partiendo del XIX–. Ideas y representaciones de la elite que se encarga de “dirigir” el destino del país y que repercuten en todos los estratos, creando no sólo políticas y técnicas; también actitudes profundas y sus efectos visibles en los paisajes reales y en las mediaciones complejas de las representaciones fantásticas que los conforman.

  17. Does elite swimming accelerate lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration and increase low back pain?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Folkvardsen, Steffen; Magnussen, Erland; Karppinen, Jaro


    PURPOSE: The aim was to elucidate elite swimming's possible influence on lumbar disc degeneration (DD) and low back pain (LBP). METHODS: Lumbar spine MRI was performed on a group of elite swimmers and compared to a matched Finnish population-based no-sport group. RESULTS: One hundred elite swimmers...

  18. Musculoskeletal Injuries and Training Patterns in Junior Elite Orienteering Athletes

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    Lilian Roos


    Full Text Available Findings about the relation between musculoskeletal injuries and training patterns in orienteering athletes are sparse. Therefore, the musculoskeletal injuries and training patterns of 31 Swiss elite orienteering athletes aged 18-19 years were analyzed in a retrospective study. Individual training diaries and medical records were used to assess training data and injury history, respectively. Group comparisons and a multiple linear regression (MLR were performed for statistical analysis. The junior elite orienteering athletes performed 7.38 ± 2.00 training sessions weekly, with a total duration of 455.75 ± 98.22 minutes. An injury incidence rate (IIR of 2.18 ± 2.13 injuries per 1000 hours of training was observed. The lower extremity was affected in 93% of all injuries, and the knee (33% was the most commonly injured location. The MLR revealed that gender and six training variables explained 60% of the variance in the injury severity index in this study. Supported by the low IIR in the observed age group, the training protocol of the junior elite orienteering athletes was generally adequate. In comparison to elite track, marathon, and orienteering athletes, the junior elite athletes performed less high-intensity interval training (HIIT. However, more frequent HIIT seems to be a protective factor against injuries.

  19. [Scientific Research Policy for Health in Portugal: II - Facts and Suggestions]. (United States)

    Guerreiro, Cátia Sá; Hartz, Zulmira; Sambo, Luís; Conceição, Cláudia; Dussault, Gilles; Russo, Giuliano; Viveiros, Miguel; Silveira, Henrique; Pita Barros, Pedro; Ferrinho, Paulo


    After more than 40 years of democracy and 30 years of European integration, Portugal has bridged the research gap it had previously. However, when compared to global and European research policies, Portugal still has a long way go regarding investment in research and development. Health Research in Portugal has been managed by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and the National Health Institute Doctor Ricardo Jorge, and it has not been a political priority, emphasized by the absence of a national scientific research plan for health, resulting in a weak coordination of actors in the field. The strategic guidelines of the 2004 - 2010 National Health Plan are what comes closest to a health research policy, but these were not implemented by the institutions responsible for scientific research for the health sector. Trusting that adopting a strategy of incentives to stimulate health research is an added-value for the Portuguese health system, the authors present five strategic proposals for research in health in Portugal.

  20. Census Model Transition: Contributions to its Implementation in Portugal

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    Dias Carlos A.


    Full Text Available Given the high cost and complexity of traditional censuses, some countries have started to change the census process. Following this trend, Portugal is also evaluating a new census model as an alternative to an exhaustive collection of all statistical units. The main motivations for the implementation of this census model transition in Portugal are related to the decrease in statistical burden on citizens, improvements in the frequency of outputs, and the reduction of collection costs associated with census operations. This article seeks to systematise and critically review all alternatives to the traditional census methodologies, presenting their advantages and disadvantages and the countries that use them. As a result of the comparison, we conclude that the methods that best meet these objectives are those that use administrative data, either in whole or in part. We also present and discuss the results of an inventory and evaluation of administrative registers in Portugal with the potential to produce statistical census information.

  1. Quality of environmental impact statements in Portugal and Spain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Canelas, Leonel; Almansa, P.; Merchan, M.; Cifuentes, Pedro


    One of the key steps of the Environmental Impact Assessment Process, defined by Directive 337/85 'on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects' is the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of a Project. The quality of the EIS is of great importance to properly inform the public and the decision makers about the significant environmental effects of the project. Using the 'Guidance on EIA-EIS Review' 2001 report, produced with the support of the European Commission, this paper analyses the overall quality of 46 recently elaborated EIS from Portugal and Spain (1998-2003). It also analyses the quality of the various chapters of the EIS and the Non-Technical Summary. A comparison is made between the quality of the EIS from Portugal and from Spain. The results for Portugal are also compared with those of other European countries (Ireland and United Kingdom) in similar periods. Finally it presents overall conclusions and suggestions for improvement

  2. Ambassadeur du Royaume-Uni de Portugal et Brésil à Washington, 1816-20

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    Francisco Iglésias


    Full Text Available BOURDON, Léon. José Corrêa da Serra. Ambassadeur du Royaume-Uni de Portugal et Brésil à Washington, 1816-20. Paris: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Centro Cultural Português. 1975. (primeiro parágrafo do texto Afirmar que a série "A evolução da humanidade" tem dado, desde sua fundação, por Henri Berr, contribuição das mais expressivas para o estudo da História, é, um truísmo. As dezenas de títulos já publicados constituem-se em prova substantiva, eliminando a necessidade de qualquer adjetivação. A chamada História Judaica tem sido privilegiada na coleção. As obras de Lods e de Guignebert, notadamente Israel, das origens até meados do século VIII, do primeiro, já ultrapassaram os estreitos limites do mundo acadêmico, para adquirirem o status de leitura indispensável para qualquer interessado no tema. Rigorosamente, a obra de Feuerwerker, não pode ser colocada lado a lado com as acima referidas. Dificilmente poderíamos classificá-la como obra de síntese — pelo menos de grande síntese. Pelo contrário, é um trabalho de minuciosa elaboração, fruto de longa pesquisa documental e centrada num tema específico.

  3. The impact of winter cold weather on acute myocardial infarctions in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasconcelos, João; Freire, Elisabete; Almendra, Ricardo


    Mortality due to cardiovascular diseases shows a seasonal trend that can be associated with cold weather. Portugal is the European country with the highest excess winter mortality, but nevertheless, the relationship between cold weather and health is yet to be assessed. The main aim of this study is to identify the contribution of cold weather to cardiovascular diseases within Portugal. Poisson regression analysis based on generalized additive models was applied to estimate the influence of a human-biometeorological index (PET) on daily hospitalizations for myocardial infarction. The main results revealed a negative effect of cold weather on acute myocardial infarctions in Portugal. For every degree fall in PET during winter, there was an increase of up to 2.2% (95% CI = 0.9%; 3.3%) in daily hospital admissions. This paper shows the need for public policies that will help minimize or, indeed, prevent exposure to cold. -- Highlights: ► We model the relationship between daily hospitalizations due to myocardial infarctions and cold weather in Portugal. ► We use Physiological Equivalent temperature (PET) as main explanatory variable. ► We adjust the models to confounding factors such as influenza and air pollution. ► Daily hospitalizations increased up to 2.2% per degree fall of PET during winter. ► Exposure to cold weather has a negative impact on human health in Portugal. -- There is an increase of up to 2.2% in daily hospitalizations due to acute myocardial infarctions per degree fall of thermal index during the winter months in Portugal

  4. Hydro-geomorphologic events in Portugal and its association with Circulation weather types (United States)

    Pereira, Susana; Ramos, Alexandre M.; Rebelo, Luís; Trigo, Ricardo M.; Zêzere, José L.


    Floods and landslides correspond to the most hazardous weather driven natural disasters in Portugal. A recent improvement on their characterization has been achieved with the gathering of basic information on past floods and landslides that caused social consequences in Portugal for the period 1865-2015 through the DISASTER database (Zêzere et al., 2014). This database was built under the assumption that strong social impacts of floods and landslides are sufficient relevant to be reported consistently by national and regional newspapers. The DISASTER database contains detailed information on the location, date of occurrence and social impacts (fatalities, injuries, missing people, evacuated and homeless people) of each individual hydro-geomorphologic case (1677 flood cases and 292 landslide cases). These hydro-geomorphologic disaster cases are grouped in a restrict number of DISASTER events that were selected according to the following criteria: a set of at least 3 DISASTER cases sharing the same trigger in time (with no more than 3 days without cases), which have a widespread spatial extension related to the triggering mechanism and a certain magnitude. In total, the DISASTER database includes 134 events (3.7 average days of duration) that generated high social impacts in Portugal (962 fatalities and 40878 homeless people). Each DISASTER event was characterized with the following attributes: hydro-geomorphologic event type (e.g landslides, floods, flash floods, urban floods); date of occurrence (year, month and days); duration in days; spatial location in GIS; number of fatalities, injured, evacuated and homeless people; and weather type responsible for triggering the event. The atmospheric forcing at different time scales is the main trigger for the hydro-meteorological DISASTER events occurred in Portugal. In this regard there is an urge for a more systematic assessment of the weather types associated to flood and landslide damaging events to correctly

  5. Protestantismo e educação : história de um projecto pedagógico em Portugal na transição do séc. XIX


    Afonso, José António


    Tese de Doutoramento em Educação - Área de Conhecimento em História da Educação Tomando como objecto fundamental a Educação e como pano de fundo a emergência e desenvolvimento das comunidades protestantes ou evangélicas em Portugal na transição do séc. XIX para o séc. XX, analisam-se as diversas vertentes de um modelo escolar alternativo traduzido, entre outros aspectos, por dezenas de escolas elementares e de outros graus de ensino, espalhadas por todo o País mas com particula...

  6. Elites, Varieties of Capitalism and the Crisis of Neo-Liberalism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Morgan, Glenn


    The paper argues that the form, structure and ideologies of elites are embedded in particular forms of capitalism. Whilst elites in these different societies are engaged in a common task of ensuring that their position is sustained and protected in the light of economic and political uncertainties...

  7. Considerations on Radiation Protection in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simao, J.V.


    The author summarizes the main conclusions of a work group nominated by the Portuguese government in 2004 to propose measures to improve radiological protection in Portugal. The final report of this working group was presented to the Portuguese Government in 2005

  8. easyDAS: Automatic creation of DAS servers

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    Jimenez Rafael C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The Distributed Annotation System (DAS has proven to be a successful way to publish and share biological data. Although there are more than 750 active registered servers from around 50 organizations, setting up a DAS server comprises a fair amount of work, making it difficult for many research groups to share their biological annotations. Given the clear advantage that the generalized sharing of relevant biological data is for the research community it would be desirable to facilitate the sharing process. Results Here we present easyDAS, a web-based system enabling anyone to publish biological annotations with just some clicks. The system, available at is capable of reading different standard data file formats, process the data and create a new publicly available DAS source in a completely automated way. The created sources are hosted on the EBI systems and can take advantage of its high storage capacity and network connection, freeing the data provider from any network management work. easyDAS is an open source project under the GNU LGPL license. Conclusions easyDAS is an automated DAS source creation system which can help many researchers in sharing their biological data, potentially increasing the amount of relevant biological data available to the scientific community.

  9. Palliative care and nursing in dissertations and theses in Portugal: a bibliometric study. (United States)

    Ferreira, Maria Amélia Leite; Pereira, Alexandra Manuela Nogueira de Andrade; Martins, José Carlos Amado; Barbieri-Figueiredo, Maria do Céu


    To identify the academic scientific production on palliative care in master dissertations and PhD theses carried out by nurses in Portugal. A descriptive retrospective study of bibliometric type with search for the abstracts available in repositories of higher education institutions in the period 2000-2014. Of the 1814 papers identified, 249 met the inclusion criteria (ten doctoral theses and 239 master dissertations). The most representative methodological approach was quantitative (31.35%) and the most studied area was family/informal caregiver (20.69%). The most studied target population were the students/health professionals (38.51%). The academic scientific production in this area has been growing in spite of the need for continued investment in order to fill the identified gaps. Identificar a produção científica académica sobre cuidados paliativos nos estudos de mestrados e doutoramentos efetuados por enfermeiros em Portugal. Estudo descritivo e retrospetivo, do tipo bibliométrico, recorrendo aos resumos disponíveis nos repositórios das instituições de ensino superior no período 2000-2014. Dos 1814 trabalhos identificados, 249 corresponderam aos critérios de inclusão (10 teses de doutoramento e 239 dissertações de mestrado). A abordagem metodológica mais representativa é a quantitativa (31,35%), a área mais estudada foi a família/cuidador informal (20,69%) e a população-alvo mais estudada foram os estudantes/profissionais de saúde (38,51%). A produção científica académica nessa área tem vindo a crescer. Embora exista necessidade de investimento contínuo de forma a colmatar as lacunas identificadas.


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    Ana Reis


    Full Text Available Existem em Portugal alguns estudos sobre o ensino da ética na área dos profissionais de saúde. As teorias a divulgar no curriculum relativo à Ética, Deontologia e Bioética em Enfermagem deverão estar diretamente articuladas com os filósofos, ou outros especialistas, nos quais se inspiraram. Sendo uma das principais finalidades do ensino, em Enfermagem, a preparação dos estudantes para um mundo marcado por complexos dilemas éticos, suscitados pela atividade científica e tecnológica, propomos, por um lado, um ensino em ética que siga as orientações preconizadas no documento Recomendações Relativas ao Ensino da Ética e Deontologia no Curso de Enfermagem (editado pela Ordem dos Enfermeiros e, por outro lado, o desenvolvimento da ética associado à moral, de modo a proporcionar um equilíbrio entre princípios éticos e as regras institucionais, remetendo diretamente para a deontologia.

  11. In Portugal, the energy revolution is underway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mary, Olivier


    As at the beginning of 2013, 70 per cent of the electricity consumed in Portugal had a renewable origin, this article outlines that this result is based on a strong-willed policy. In fact, Portugal entered the energy transition in 2001 with its '4E program' (energy efficiency and endogenous energies) which aimed at reaching 60 per cent of renewable energies in electricity consumption by 2020. This program was based on a strong development of wind and hydraulic energy. Moreover, the country developed its own capacities for the manufacturing of wind turbines. On another hand, other renewable energies (notably solar energy) seem a bit late although several projects are underway. As far as hydraulic energy, a dam project is a matter of controversy

  12. Biogas in Portugal: Status and public policies in a European context

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, Miguel; Marques, Isabel Paula; Malico, Isabel


    The current status and legal framework of biogas production in Portugal are analyzed and compared to that of five other European countries, characterized by wide-ranging diversity of substrates and biogas applications. With this comparison, and with the calculation of the biogas energy potential in Portugal, the authors want to assess the significance of developing the Portuguese biogas sector. This study illustrates that the highest biogas feed-in tariffs are applied in the countries with a more developed sector. In Portugal, despite the fact that the organic effluents are a relevant energy source (873 Mm 3 biogas per year; 4889 GW h yr −1 ) and that new feed-in tariffs were established, biogas valorisation is still at an early stage. The importance of anaerobic digestion was only recognized in 2007 and the present installed power is about 10% of the potential electrical power (229 MW). Therefore, it is desirable to strengthen the national and regional biogas market. - Highlights: ► This work is a contribution to promote the development of national biogas sector. ► Current state of biogas production in EU is presented: five countries are considered. ► Portuguese legal framework on biogas is compared to other European countries. ► Organic effluents produced in Portugal are by themselves a relevant source of energy. ► The biogas sector in Portugal is still at an early stage of growth.

  13. A comparative study on music teacher preparation in Portugal and Brazil

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    Graça Mota


    Full Text Available The preparation of music teachers in Portugal and Brazil is the focus of this text, which aims at presenting preliminary aspects of a study in progress in the context of higher education in both countries. Inspired by comparative education methodology, the present study is investigating official documents and academic curricula offered in Portugal and Brazil for the music teachers’ preparation to promote, in different ways, the comparative reflection with an emphasis on school education. The music teachers’ education in both countries was analyzed taking into account the following elements: educational context in Portugal and Brazil; music preparation prior to higher education, and the entrance criteria in the courses that are offered for music teachers; curricular elements of the courses; teaching practice and professional perspectives. The preliminary results of this comparative analysis demonstrate similarities and differences in the two contexts: 1 in both countries, music teachers for regular schools receive their degrees in higher education institutions, and in Portugal, beyond the Licenciatura in Music, a Music Education Master degree is demanded; 2 in both countries specific entrance tests are accomplished in the universities, demanding previous musical knowledge; 3 the balance among the musical and pedagogical preparation is one of the curricular objectives; 4 the teaching practice is an emphasized component in the teachers’ preparation; 5 in Portugal, student’s motivation for the work in the regular school appears to be larger than in Brazil.

  14. International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project (IUREP) national favourability studies: Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Portugal is situated on the western edge of the Iberian Meseta. At present, its reasonably assured reserves are about 7800 t of U (including 1000 t of U at more than 830/lb U 3 O 8 ) and 850 t of U in estimated additional reserves. This potential is divided between vein deposits and deposits located in the peribatholithic schists or enclaved in granite. Two main districts share these reserves - Beira at the centre of the country and Alto Alentejo in the east, approximately at the same latitude as Lisbon. In spite of the considerable prospecting activities authorized by Portugal in the Meseta area, the subject cannot yet be regarded as exhausted. Additional resources may still be located in the horizontal and vertical extensions of the vein mineralizations or schists from the already known deposits or outside the districts containing such deposits. Moreover, certain post-Palaeozoic sedimentary basins exhibit features favourable for the presence of uranium-bearing deposits and therefore deserve to be taken into consideration. However, there are as yet no examples of economic mineralization in such locations in Portugal. All things considered, we considered it reasonable to place Portugal in category No. 3 of the classiffication adopted by BJREP. (author)

  15. Epidemiological review of Toxoplasma gondii infection in humans and animals in Portugal (United States)

    Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis. However, data from Portugal are limited and a considerable part of the literature is in Portuguese. Currently, the rate of congenital infection in Portugal is unknown, and almost nothing is known of sequelae of congenital toxoplasmosis. There is no general popu...

  16. Body Image Amongst Elite Rugby Union Players. (United States)

    Gibson, Claire; Hindle, Chloe; McLay-Cooke, Rebecca; Slater, Joanne; Brown, Rachel; Smith, Brett; Baker, Dane; Healey, Philip; Black, Katherine


    There is limited information on the risk of eating disorders and body image of elite male athletes. However, research suggests there are some athletes who have poor body image and they may be at increased risk of developing eating disorders. Therefore, the current study investigated risk of eating disorders, body image, and the relationship with age, in elite rugby union players during their pre-season training period.This cross-sectional study was undertaken at the start of the pre-season amongst elite rugby union players in New Zealand. Twenty-six professional rugby union players completed a 49-item questionnaire on body image and disordered eating. A 'body image score' was calculated from questionnaire subscales including 'drive for thinness', 'bulimia' and 'body dissatisfaction', with total scores above twenty indicative of poor body image.Body image scores varied from 8-39 out of a possible 0-100. Disordered eating behaviours were reported, including binge eating at least once a week (15%, n=4/26), pathogenic weight control use (4%, n=1/26) and avoidance of certain foods (77%, n=20/26). There was a statistically significant inverse association between the bulimia subscale and age (P = 0.034).At the start of the pre-season training period, many elite rugby union players experience disturbances in body image. The prevalence of disordered eating behaviours is of concern, and needs to be minimised due to the negative impact on health and performance. A focus on assessment and education of younger male rugby players may be required in order to reduce disordered eating patterns.

  17. Identificações Coletivas e Gestão da Diversidade Étnico-Cultural: Dinâmicas Sociais Contrastantes entre Portugal e o Brasil

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    Nuno Oliveira


    Full Text Available Neste artigo são utilizados os conceitos de identidade narrativa e configuração relacional para compreender as diferentes formas como os Estados organizam os reconhecimentos coletivos e as suas gramáticas institucionais. Usando a narrativa como ferramenta analítica procuramos mostrar como as identidades coletivas são construídas historicamente salientando simultaneamente a imbricação de narrativas de diversos níveis institucionais para legitimar as concepções coletivas de fronteiras identitárias. Metodologicamente, o texto se baseia em uma abordagem historicizante que se vale de fontes secundárias e de pesquisa de um corpus selecionado de documentos oficiais resultante de trabalho de campo em Portugal e no Brasil. Sugerimos que a comparação entre estes contextos permite perceber movimentos divergentes em matéria de concepção das adesões coletivas e dos seus significados em face do pluralismo cívico e étnico-cultural do Estado-nação contemporâneo.

  18. Photovoltaic energy mini-generation: Future perspectives for Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, Duarte; Wemans, Joao; Lima, Joao; Malico, Isabel


    This paper evaluates the benefits of developing the mini-generation PV market in Portugal. It presents the legal framework and current status of the Portuguese PV electricity sector, and compares the country to other European nations: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. A model that combines PVGIS with a self-developed financial tool is used to assess the feasibility of a 150 kW mini-generation system using five different technologies: fixed mount, single-axis tracking, double-axis tracking, low concentration and medium concentration (MCPV). The profitability of the mini-generation systems in the seven countries studied is calculated and compared. According to this analysis, MCPV and, of the conventional technologies, the single-axis tracking systems are the most profitable technologies. Despite the attractiveness of the current Portuguese feed-in tariffs and of the abundant solar resource, investors are discouraged and the country's PV market is far from mature. Specific mini-generation regulations should focus on a fast and transparent licensing procedure and should promote the access to financing. This would attract new investments, which would result in the growth of the PV electricity produced, and would help Portugal to meet its European Union Renewable Energy targets. - Highlights: → This work promotes the development of a mini-generation PV market in Portugal. → The Portuguese current status and legal framework is compared to other EU countries. → The profitability of 5 different PV technologies is compared for 7 European countries. → The Portuguese growth potential for PV energy is still big. → Portugal, due to its radiation levels, presents excellent investment opportunities.

  19. Social housing in Portugal and Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alves, Sonia; Andersen, Hans Thor

    The social housing sector has become increasingly residualized and segregated in Portugal and Denmark. Whilst there is a considerable difference between the systems in these two countries, as regards issues of management and governance, dominant rent regimes (cost rent, social rent) or eligibility...

  20. Portugal 1780-1850

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    Fátima Sá e Melo Ferreira


    Full Text Available In this article are highlighted some of the main paths covered by the term “people”, in Portugal in the last decades of the XVIIIth century and in the first half of the XIXth century. The most significant semantic variations that the word suffered in the backdrop of the political conflicts caused by the establishment of Liberalism are investigated, taking in consideration that the modern political uses of this word arose with the French Invasions (1807-1811 and with the resistance to those invasions by a part of the Portuguese population.

  1. Poverty, heterogeneous elite, and allocation of public spending: Panel evidence from the Indian States


    Pal, S; Ghosh, S


    In this paper, we explore how in the world’s largest democracy, India, the presence of different elite groups – the dominant landed and capitalist elite and the minority elite (who are the elected representatives of the marginalised women and low caste population) – could affect the nature and extent of public spending on various accounts, especially education. Our results suggest that the dominant landed elite tends to be unresponsive to the underlying poverty rate while the capitalist e...

  2. Case report: mechanisms of HIV elite control in two African women. (United States)

    Moosa, Yumna; Tanko, Ramla F; Ramsuran, Veron; Singh, Ravesh; Madzivhandila, Mashudu; Yende-Zuma, Nonhlanhla; Abrahams, Melissa-Rose; Selhorst, Philippe; Gounder, Kamini; Moore, Penny L; Williamson, Carolyn; Abdool Karim, Salim S; Garrett, Nigel J; Burgers, Wendy A


    The majority of people living with HIV require antiretroviral therapy (ART) for controlling viral replication, however there are rare HIV controllers who spontaneously and durably control HIV in the absence of treatment. Understanding what mediates viral control in these individuals has provided us with insights into the immune mechanisms that may be important to induce for a vaccine or functional cure for HIV. To date, few African elite controllers from high incidence settings have been described. We identified virological controllers from the CAPRISA 002 cohort of HIV-1 subtype C infected women in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, two (1%) of whom were elite controllers. We examined the genetic, clinical, immunological and virological characteristics of these two elite HIV controllers in detail, to determine whether they exhibit features of putative viral control similar to those described for elite controllers reported in the literature. In this case report, we present clinical features, CD4 + T cell and viral load trajectories for two African women over 7 years of HIV infection. Viral load became undetectable 10 months after HIV infection in Elite Controller 1 (EC1), and after 6 weeks in Elite Controller 2 (EC2), and remained undetectable for the duration of follow-up, in the absence of ART. Both elite controllers expressed multiple HLA Class I and II haplotypes previously associated with slower disease progression (HLA-A*74:01, HLA-B*44:03, HLA-B*81:01, HLA-B*57:03, HLA-DRB1*13). Fitness assays revealed that both women were infected with replication competent viruses, and both expressed higher mRNA levels of p21, a host restriction factor associated with viral control. HIV-specific T cell responses were examined using flow cytometry. EC1 mounted high frequency HIV-specific CD8+ T cell responses, including a B*81:01-restricted Gag TL9 response. Unusually, EC2 had evidence of pre-infection HIV-specific CD4+ T cell responses. We identified some features typical of

  3. Autonomy, Eating Disorders and Elite Gymnastics: Ethical and Conceptual Issues (United States)

    Bloodworth, Andrew; McNamee, Mike; Tan, Jacinta


    Participation in elite sport, and in particular those sports with special demands in terms of weight and shape, is associated with a higher risk for eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa [Sundgot-Borgen, J., & Torstveit, M. K. (2010). Aspects of disordered eating continuum in elite high intensity sports. "Scandinavian Journal of…

  4. Performance Analysis in Elite Sports

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Talsma, Bertus Gatze


    The central theme of this dissertation concerns the development of techniques for analyzing and comparing performances of elite sportsmen. When performances are delivered under varying circumstances, or are influenced by other factors than the athletes' abilities, a fair comparison, for instance

  5. A qualidade percebida em programas municipais de actividade física para idosos: validação estatística para Portugal The perceived quality of physical activity programs for elderly: statistical validation for Portugal

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    Isilda Barata Dias


    Full Text Available O envelhecimento demográfico alastra em todo o mundo particularmente na Europa. O INE de Portugal (2002 confirma essa tendência neste país onde as autarquias locais têm um papel político e cultural fundamental na promoção da qualidade de vida aos seus cidadãos. Este estudo descreve o processo de validação de um instrumento fiável, simples e adequado para avaliar a qualidade percebida que os idosos fazem dos programas de actividade física autárquicos nas principais capitais de distrito em Portugal. Para além de uma sistematização de literatura sobre questionários de avaliação da qualidade de serviços, apresenta-se detalhadamente o procedimento estatístico que permitiu classificar o poder explicativo das diversas dimensões de qualidade estudadas. O tratamento de um inquérito aplicado a uma amostra de 210 idosos (0,5% da população portuguesa permite demonstrar que são considerados fortes os factores relativos às dimensões "Variedade" e "Recursos Humanos" e fracos os relacionados com a dimensão "Aspectos Gerais".Ageing is an increasing phenomenon all over the world, especially in Europe. The Portuguese INE (2002 confirms this trend for Portugal where local authorities play a crucial political and cultural role in promoting the quality of life of their citizens. In this paper we describe the validation process of a reliable and simple instrument fitted to assess the perceived quality of elderly people about the physical activity programs across the district municipalities. Besides a systematic literature review on inquiring services' quality we present the statistical procedure that allowed us to classify the explanation power of several quality dimensions. The results came out from a questionnaire applied to a sample of 210 elderly (0.5% of the Portuguese population and demonstrate that the factors related to the "Variety" and "Human Resources" dimensions are strong and those related to "General Aspects" dimension are

  6. Pandemia influenza A/H1N1 2009 em Portugal : estratégias de intervenção e saúde pública


    Pinto, Carla Cristina Clemente Rodrigues


    RESUMO - Introdução: A necessidade de gestão da ameaça de uma pandemia obriga à gestão da incerteza absoluta. O desconhecimento científico quanto a uma série de factores tais como, as características dos vírus causadores de infecções, a efectividade das medidas de prevenção e de tratamento, contribuiu para a dificuldade de actuação a vários níveis. Face à evolução da situação epidemiológica mundial no campo da gripe, Portugal reviu e adaptou o seu plano de contingência para a g...

  7. Construção das identidades de jovens de origem imigrante em Europa: resultados dum projeto europeu

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    Beatriz Padilla

    Full Text Available Este artigo descreve e analisa alguns dos elementos que influenciam a construção das identidades dos jovens de origem imigrante na Europa. Os resultados derivam dum projeto de investigação europeu intitulado "Rumo à construção social duma juventude europeia: a experiência de inclusão e exclusão na esfera pública dos jovens migrantes de segunda geração"¹, desenvolvido entre 2006 e 2009 em nove cidades localizadas em cinco países: Espanha (Madrid e Barcelona, Itália (Génova e Roma, Portugal (Lisboa e Porto, França (Metz, Alemanha (Berlim e Holanda (Utrecht. A primeira parte analisa os dados quantitativos recolhidos nos contextos de estudo, comparando os jovens descendentes de imigrantes com os jovens autóctones, focando a questão da identidade como um assunto central no processo de inclusão dos jovens imigrantes. A segunda parte aborda alguns dos marcadores identitários presentes nos jovens descendentes de imigrantes em Portugal, à luz de dados etnográficos recolhidos especificamente para o caso dos jovens na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa focando as questões de identidade, género e discriminação.

  8. Business creation in Portugal: Comparison between the World Bank data and Quadros de Pessoal


    Elsa Morais Sarmento; Alcina Nunes


    Portugal has some of the highest business entry rates when compared to other countries, according to Eurostat, Statistics Portugal and the OECD Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme. We look at business creation in Portugal, from 2000 to 2007, by approaching two other complementary data sources, the World Bank Group Entrepreneurship Survey, based on official Portuguese business register’s and the universe of active employer enterprises, obtained by applying to the dataset Quadros de Pessoal, ...

  9. The Role of Elite Accounts in Mitigating the Negative Effects of Repositioning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Robison, Joshua


    the motives of the elite when repositioning. We present evidence supportive of this argument obtained from two large experiments conducted on samples of American adults. Ultimately, we show that elites offering a satisfactory justification for their change can avoid most, if not all, of the evaluative costs...... that would otherwise occur. This study thus has important implications not just for this particular element of elite behavior, but also related questions concerning governmental accountability and representation....

  10. Searching for Status: New Elites in the New Bolivia

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    Ton Salman


    Full Text Available This essay argues that those strategies enabling the recognition and distinction of the elite in Bolivia have collapsed since Evo Morales assumed the country’s presidency in early 2006. Not only have new political elites taken power, the established and inherited societal stratifications have also been affected. Reviewing three emergent groups potentially occupying new elite positions – the progressive blanco-mestizos, the wealthy urban indigenous sectors, and the social movement leaders with their politicized cadres – it is argued that in today’s Bolivia, the political dimensions of anti-elitism have raided the traditional material and culturalsymbolic domains of elite distinction. The political dimensions of anti-elitism might have altered or even largely disqualified the indicators traditionally considered valid in the material and culturalsymbolic domains. Resumen: A la búsqueda de status: las nuevas élites en la nueva BoliviaEn este ensayo se sostiene que en Bolivia las estrategias que permiten el reconocimiento y prestigio de las élites se han derrumbado desde que Evo Morales asumiera la presidencia del país a principios de 2006. No solamente nuevas élites políticas han asumido el poder, sino además se han visto afectadas las estratificaciones sociales establecidas. En la revisión de tres grupos emergentes que ocuparán potencialmente las posiciones de la nueva élite – los mestizos blancos progresistas, los sectores indígenas urbanos ricos y los líderes de movimientos sociales con sus cuadros politizados –, aquí se sostiene que en la Bolivia de hoy las dimensiones políticas del anti-elitismo se han apropiado del material tradicional y los dominios culturales y simbólicos de las distinciones de élite. Las dimensiones políticas del anti-elitismo pueden haber alterado e incluso descalificado en gran parte los indicadores considerados tradicionalmente válidos en los dominios material y simbólico-cultural.

  11. Information Management in Portugal: education and employment conditions and some prospects

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    Maria Cristina Vieira de Freitas


    Full Text Available The Professors Cristina Freitas and Maria da Graça Simões answer questions prepared by teachers from the Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação (Gestão da Informação Undergraduate Degree da Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG. The questions are related to the educational structure dedicated to the issues of information management in Portugal, the influence of the "Big Data" phenomenon on education and training in the area - including discussions on data governance, the fundation areas of Information Management and the main approaches to information research in the Country. Besides, they discuss the employment conditions (threats and opportunities for professionals in Information Management in Portugal and in Europe [Available Language: Portuguese/Portugal].


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    Mohammad Takdir Ilahi


    Full Text Available In a pesantren (Islamic boarding school, kiai is an strategic element. Javanese kiai mainly believe that a pesantren is a small palace where he becomes the ultimate source of power and authority. Even though he lives in a rural village, he becomes a member of elite group in social, politic and economic sides in the society. Kiai who leads big pesantren has successfully enlarged their power in term of nation so kiai could be accepted in national elite. The position of kiai is higher among all pesantren elements. The degree as an Islamic scholar is exactly a sacred degree in pesantren culture and tradition. Without his figure, it is impossible for a pesantren to develop and survive. Kiai holds an ultimate position on educate the behavior and morality of the santri (students to be qualified and compatible Muslims generation. Kiai is not only a leader but he is also the man behind the leadership itself in supporting the progress of Islamic education institution for Muslims generations.

  13. How Elitism Undermines the Study of Voter Competence


    Lupia, Arthur


    A form of elitism undermines much writing on voter competence. The elitist move occurs when an author uses a self-serving worldview as the basis for evaluating voters. Such elitism is apparent in widely cited measures of “political knowledge” and in common claims about what voters should know. The elitist move typically limits the credibility and practical relevance of the analysis by leading writers to draw unreliable conclusions about voter competence. I propose a more constructive way of t...

  14. Stimuli given to pedagogical experiences and textbook production during the Modern Mathematics Period: the Brazil-Portugal context Estímulos dados às Experiências Pedagógicas e à Produção de Livros Didáticos no Período da Matemática Moderna: contexto Brasil-Portugal

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    Gladys Denise Wielewski


    Full Text Available In the Twentieth century, school mathematics became the focus of attention in national and international congresses, pointing to the need to rethink its teaching methodology. The discussion around the theme extended and resulted, in the late 1950’s, in the development of a proposal for the internationalization of the mathematics teaching methodology, involving organizations such as UNESCO and OECE. The OECE developed recommendations for the implementation of modern mathematics (MM. These recommendations were disseminated and resignified in many different countries.Based on some of the OECE’s recommendations, we seek to identify how they were operationalized in Brazil and Portugal. The question is: What did experiences with the MM and the publication of textbooks represent in these countries? Therefore, we used the bibliography about MM, official documents found in the historical archives of Portugal, and an interview with a Modernization of Mathematics Period participant. Keywords: Modern Mathematics. Pedagogical Experience. Comparative Historical Research.No século XX, a matemática escolar tornou-se foco de atenção em congressos nacionais e internacionais, evidenciando uma necessidade de se repensar seu ensino. A discussão ampliou-se e resultou, no final da década de 1950, na elaboração de uma proposta de internacionalização do ensino de Matemática, contando com o envolvimento de órgãos como UNESCO e OECE. A OECE propiciou a elaboração de recomendações para a implantação da Matemática Moderna (MM. Essas recomendações foram divulgadas e ressignificadas em diversos países. Pretendemos, a partir de algumas das recomendações da OECE, identificar como estas foram operacionalizadas, tendo como referência Brasil e Portugal. Pergunta-se: o que representou a realização de experiências com a MM e a publicação de livros didáticos nestes países? Para tanto, utilizamos produção bibliográfica sobre MM, documentos

  15. US elite power and the rise of ‘statist’ Chinese elites in global markets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Graaff, Naná; van Apeldoorn, Bastiaan

    The rise of Chinese ‘state capitalism’ such as expressed by the global expansion of Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) has been met with substantial suspicion on the part of the Western corporate and political establishment—including among Washington’s policy-making elite. The underpinning claim

  16. Prison Conditions in Portugal


    Dores, António Pedro; Loureiro, Ricardo; Pontes, Nuno


    GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PORTUGUESE PENITENTIARY SYSTEM Portugal has 51 prisons of different types: 15 penitentiaries (“central prisons”, normally larger ones) for inmates condemned to serve more than 6 months; 31 penitentiaries (“regional prisons”) for inmates condemned to serve less than 6 months; and five penitentiaries (“special prisons”) for inmates who need special attention, such as women, youths, policeman, and the sick (hospital). The first type of penitentiary has security...

  17. The Elite and Political Process in Nigeria | Banjo | Africa Insight

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nigeria's crisis-ridden political history shows how it survived multiple military dictatorships, and had only three short-lived civilian-led political dispensations until the Fourth Republic. The article considers the concept of African elite and progresses to unravel the Nigerian elite and its role in the scuttling of the First and ...

  18. Millipedes (Diplopoda) from caves of Portugal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    P. S. Reboleira, Ana Sofia; Enghoff, Henrik


    in caves of the mainland and the island of Madeira has provided new data about the distribution and diversity of millipedes. A review of millipedes from caves of Portugal is presented, listing fourteen species belonging to eight families, among which six species are considered troglobionts...

  19. Portugal's experience with public-private partnerships

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miranda Sarmento, J.J.; Renneboog, L.D.R.; Akintoye, A.; Beck, M.; Kumaraswamy, M.


    This paper documents the Portuguese experience in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). Since 1993, Portugal has been using PPPs intensively, mainly for highway construction and in the health sector. This has enabled the country to close the infrastructure gap and avoid the budget constraints at the

  20. A escolarização das classes abastadas The schooling of the affluent classes

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    Antonio David Cattani


    Full Text Available Após indicar a inadequação do termo elite ou burguesia para designar os detentores de grandes fortunas, este artigo sustenta que as classes dominantes se constroem continuamente e se mobilizam de todas as formas para assegurar sua reprodução ampliada, sua existência cotidiana com vistas à preservação e à transmissão das posições dominantes para seus descendentes. A formação ideológica na família e o período de formação nas instituições escolares são parte importantes do processo de construção de classe. O artigo considera que os estudos sobre a escolarização das classes dedicam-se, de modo geral, à formação universal, com ênfase nos problemas que acometem a população menos privilegiada. Os estudos sobre a formação da classe dominante são recentes e apresentam resultados inusitados tais como a relação instrumental com a educação o que distinguiria o caso brasileiro das estratégias das classes abastadas dos países economicamente mais avançados. Entretanto, como as classes dominantes são heterogêneas elas podem se valer de outras estratégias de escolarização para garantir suas posições e a reprodução de classe.After pointing out the inadequacy of the terms elite or bourgeoisie to label those in possession of great wealth, this article maintains that the dominant classes are constantly constructing and mobilizing themselves in every way to assure their extended reproduction and their everyday coexistence with the aim of preserving and transmitting dominant positions to their descendents. Ideological development within the family and the school years are important elements in the process of class construction. Studies on schooling of class generally address universal education, stressing the problems that afflict the underprivileged population. The education of the dominant class is not often explored as a topic and the few studies available present original results, such as the instrumental


    Carvalho, A.; Monteiro, A.; Ribeiro, I.; Tchepel, O.; Miranda, A.; Borrego, C.; Saavedra, S.; Souto, J. A.; Casares, J. J.


    Each summer period extremely high ozone levels are registered at the rural background station of Lamas d’Olo, located in the Northeast of Portugal. In average, 30% of the total alert threshold registered in Portugal is detected at this site. The main purpose of this study is to characterize the atmospheric conditions that lead to the ozone-rich episodes. Synoptic patterns anomalies and back trajectories cluster analysis were performed for a period of 76 days where ozone maximum concentrations were above 200 µg.m-3. This analysis was performed for the period between 2004 and 2007. The obtained anomaly fields suggested that a positive temperature anomaly is visible above the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, a strong wind flow pattern from NE is visible in the North of Portugal and Galicia, in Spain. These two features may lead to an enhancement of the photochemical production and to the transport of pollutants from Spain to Portugal. In addition, the 3D mean back trajectories associated to the ozone episode days were analysed. A clustering method has been applied to the obtained back trajectories. Four main clusters of ozone-rich episodes were identified, with different frequencies of occurrence: north-westerly flows (11%); north-easterly flows (45%), southern flow (4%) and westerly flows (40%). Both analyses highlight the NE flow as a dominant pattern over the North of Portugal. The analysis of the ozone concentrations for each selected cluster indicates that this northeast circulation pattern, together with the southern flow, is responsible for the highest ozone peak episodes. This also suggests that long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants may be the main contributor to the ozone levels registered at Lamas d’Olo. This is also highlighted by the correlation of the ozone time series with the meteorological parameters analysed in the frequency domain.

  2. Use of nutritional supplements by Danish elite athletes and fitness customers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Solheim, Sara Amalie; Nordsborg, Nikolai Baastrup; Ritz, Christian


    The nutritional supplement (NS) industry is one of the fastest growing in the world, and NS use in Denmark is among the highest in Europe. However, the exact use in elite athletes and fitness customers targeted for doping control is unknown. Information from 634 doping control forms obtained...... an association between NS and doping abuse. The present results demonstrate a very high prevalence of NS usage in both elite athletes and fitness customers. This highlights the importance of a strong national regulation of NS to avoid contamination of NS with doping substances....... in 2014 was evaluated (elite athletes: n = 361; fitness customers: n = 273). The majority of female (92.6%) and male (85.0%) elite athletes and female (100.0%) and male (94.0%) fitness customers declared using one or more NS. The use of non-ergogenic NS was more prevalent in women than in men...

  3. Assessing International Product Design and Development Graduate Courses: The MIT-Portugal Program (United States)

    Dori, Yehudit Judy; Silva, Arlindo


    The Product Design and Development (PDD) course is part of the graduate curriculum in the Engineering Design and Advanced Manufacturing (EDAM) study in the MIT-Portugal Program. The research participants included about 110 students from MIT, EDAM, and two universities in Portugal, Instituto Superior Técnico-Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (IST) and…

  4. Een ongekende elite : De opkomst van een gekleurde elite in koloniaal Suriname 1800-1863

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Neslo, Ellen Brigitte Aurelia


    During the slavery period in the nineteenth century in Paramaribo there was a colored elite. Their social economic status was better than generally assumed. To a great extent this was due to the many craftsmen such as carpenters, tailors and midwives. Most of them learned these skills during their

  5. Sustaining corporate class consciousness across the new liquid managerial elite in Britain. (United States)

    Davis, Aeron


    This article asks: how is class consciousness and cohesiveness amongst the UK business elite maintained in the twenty-first century? Elite studies traditionally sought to account for the construction and circulation of dominant ideology through exclusive education systems, institutional board interlocks and club memberships. The problem is that business elite membership of all these institutions has been steady declining in recent decades. Contemporary corporate elites now appear more mobile and fragmented in an age of globalization. However, class cohesion amongst business leaders appears as strong as ever after decades of neoliberal policy hegemony. So, how are such ideas, norms and values circulated and maintained? This study tried to answer this question drawing on a set of 30 semi-structured interviews with top UK CEOs and a demographic audit of current FTSE 100 CEOs. The findings suggest that three additional means of achieving business elite coherence have become more significant: professional business education, semi-formal but regular meeting sites, and specialist business media. © London School of Economics and Political Science 2017.

  6. El comercio de los esclavos musulmanes en el Portugal medieval : rutas y papel económico

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    François Soyer


    Full Text Available Actualmente existen muy pocos estudios acerca de la esclavitud musulmana en Portugal. Cuando se trata el comercio de los esclavos en la historia portuguesa, generalmente los trabajos se refieren al comercio de los esclavos africanos que los navegantes portugueses comenzaron traer de vuelta a Europa desde el año 1441 en adelante, a pesar de que desde el siglo XI existía una pobulación de esclavos musulmanes —los llamados mouros cativos—. En este artículo propongo estudiar, de la forma la más detallada posible, las características y dinámicas del comercio de los esclavos musulmanes en el reino cristiano de Portugal durante la Edad Media, tratando de responder a preguntas relevantes, como las de cuál era el origen y el papel económico de los esclavos musulmanes en el Portugal medieval, qué sabemos del comercio de los esclavos en aquel reino, o a la cuestión de si Portugal fue un país exportador o importador de esclavos.Whilst the presence of Muslim slaves in medieval Spain has attracted considerable scholarly attention from historians both inside and outside of the Iberian Peninsula, the same cannot be said of the history of Muslim slaves in the medieval Christian kingdom of Portugal. Most studies of slavery in Portugal focus on captives from sub-Saharan Africa brought back by Portuguese slavers to Europe from 1441 onwards even though Muslim slaves were present in Portugal from the eleventh century at the very least. We know next-to-nothing about these Muslim slaves. This article proposes to examine in as much detail as possible the characteristics and dynamics of the commerce of Muslim slaves in medieval Portugal. It addresses problematic questions regarding the origins and economic role of Muslim slaves in premodern Portugal, the nature of slave trading and whether Portugal was an importer or exporter of slaves.

  7. La electricidad en las relaciones España-Portugal

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    Cayetano Espejo Marín


    Full Text Available ELECTRICITY AND THE RELATIONS BETWEEN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. From the early 1960s onwards, Spain and Portugal have maintained far-reaching programs for the exchange of electric power. These contacts have afforded, on the one hand, an increase in the security of electricity supply for both countries and, on the other, a better exploitation of their particular energy resources. The likely launching of the Iberian Electricity Market in April 2004 will lead to a new phase in the relations between Portugal and Spain. The new Market is based on three essential elements: i the expansion of electric links along their shared national borders, ii the setting up of a lone Operator for the single Iberian Market and iii the coordination of the two Operators that exist nowadays, RED ELÉCTRICA DE ESPAÑA and REDE ELÉCTRICA NACIONAL. The Iberian Electricity Market will be the first to comprise countries of the European Community only and it will generate one-tenth of the electric power consumed in Europe, being the fourth largest producer.

  8. Physiological capacity and physical testing in male elite team handball

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michalsik, Lars Bojsen; Madsen, K.; Aagaard, P.


    AIM: The aim of the present study was to examine the physical demands placed on male elite team handball players in relation to playing position. METHODS: Male elite team handball field players were evaluated during match-play over a six season time span using physiological measurements...... in "Jump and Reach" testing was 0.71 ± 0.08 m (range: 0.61-0.86 m). Maximal ball throwing speed was observed using the set shot with 3-step run-up (92.8 ± 5.3 km·h⁻¹, range: 75.8-108.2 km·h⁻¹). CONCLUSION: Modern male elite team handball imposes moderate-to-high demands on the aerobic energy system...

  9. Sprinters in the Course of a Marathon: Withdrawal from Elite Competitive Sport in Adolescence (United States)

    Mudrak, Jiri


    This paper attempts to explain, using a multi-case study approach, why some young elite athletes, who have shown extraordinary talent in childhood, leave competitive sport in adolescence. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five young elite athletes who decided to withdraw from elite sport. Interview data were analyzed using the…

  10. O ambiente nas políticas públicas em Portugal

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    Margarida Queirós


    Full Text Available ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC POLICIES IN PORTUGAL – Despite almost thirty years of environmental activities with the first ‘environmental’ steps taken in Portugal in the early 1970s, it was only in the mid 1980s with Portugal’s joining the European Community that policy guidelines for environmental action were drawn up and established and later consolidated in the 1990s. In accordance with the general European trend, the Portuguese environmental policy was aimed atpreventive measures, at least in some areas. Portugal reflected on the issues over a period of time and defined environmental priorities in practically all areas of economic and social life. In terms of the state’s financial projects (central and local administration, strategy for environmental policies put the emphasis on undertakings that required heavy investment in infrastructures. This article describes the development of the government’s environmental policy in Portugal as reflected in the financial support given to environmental projects, according to industrial or geographical criteria, from the state budget. This process is addressed along with the development of the central administration and respective organisation of public services that handle environmental problems and such like. In this aspect, examination of the development of the environmental services structure and its concomitant duties demonstrates the importance given to environmental issues in public policies.

  11. Elitism, Sharing and Ranking Choices in Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimisation


    Pursehouse, R.C.; Fleming, P.J.


    Elitism and sharing are two mechanisms that are believed to improve the performance of an evolutionary multi-criterion optimiser. The relative performance of of the two most popular ranking strategies is largely unknown. Using a new empirical inquiry framework, this report studies the effect of elitism, sharing and ranking design choices using a benchmark suite of two-criterion problems.........

  12. Match Performance and Physiological Capacity of Female Elite Team Handball Players

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michalsik, L B; Madsen, K; Aagaard, Per


    The present study evaluated the physical demands imposed on female elite team handball players in relation to playing position. Female elite team handball field players were examined during match-play over a 5-year period using video based computerized locomotion analysis of tournament matches...

  13. Academic performance and self-regulatory skills in elite youth soccer players

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jonker, Laura; Elferink-Gemser, Marije T.; Toering, Tynke T.; Lyons, James; Visscher, Chris


    Although elite athletes have been reported to be high academic achievers, many elite soccer players struggle with a stereotype of being low academic achievers. The purpose of this study was to compare the academic level (pre-university or pre-vocational) and self-regulatory skills (planning,

  14. Post-fire vegetation dynamics in Portugal (United States)

    Gouveia, C.; Dacamara, C. C.; Trigo, R. M.


    The number of fires and the extent of the burned surface in Mediterranean Europe have increased significantly during the last three decades. This may be due either to modifications in land-use (e.g. land abandonment and fuel accumulation) or to climatic changes (e.g. reduction of fuel humidity), both factors leading to an increase of fire risk and fire spread. As in the Mediterranean ecosystems, fires in Portugal have an intricate effect on vegetation regeneration due to the complexity of landscape structures as well as to the different responses of vegetation to the variety of fire regimes. A thorough evaluation of vegetation recovery after fire events becomes therefore crucial in land management. In the above mentioned context remote sensing plays an important role because of its ability to monitor and characterise post-fire vegetation dynamics. A number of fire recovery studies, based on remote sensing, have been conducted in regions characterised by Mediterranean climates and the use of NDVI to monitor plant regeneration after fire events was successfully tested (Díaz-Delgado et al., 1998). In particular, several studies have shown that rapid regeneration occurs within the first 2 years after the fire occurrences, with distinct recovery rates according to the geographical facing of the slopes (Pausas and Vallejo, 1999). In 2003 Portugal was hit by the most devastating sequence of large fires, responsible by a total burnt area of 450 000 ha (including 280 000 ha of forest), representing about 5% of the Portuguese mainland (Trigo et al., 2006). The aim of the present work is to assess and monitor the vegetation behaviour over Portugal following the 2003 fire episodes. For this purpose we have used the regional fields of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as obtained from the VEGETATION-SPOT5 instrument, from 1999 to 2008. We developed a methodology to identify large burnt scars in Portugal for the 2003 fire season. The vegetation dynamics was then

  15. Assembling Toyota in Portugal


    Machado, Tiago; Moniz, António


    A lot has been written over the last decade with regard to Toyota and the productive model associated to it (toyota-ism). And more specifically concerning the "(…) best-seller that changed the... sociological world" (Castillo, 1998: 31). But the case of Salvador Caetano’s Ovar Industrial Division (OID), that assembles Toyota light commercial vehicles in Portugal, allows us to put forward a sub-hypothesis that fits into the analysis schema proposed in the First GERPISA International Program – ...

  16. Elite athletes experiences with risk related to cardiac screening

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jonas Schmidt; Thing, Lone Friis

    Society of Cardiology as well as major sports federations such as the International Olympic Committee, however, these recommendations seem to be based on an inadequate empirical foundation, just as the costs of performing cardiac screening on a larger scale seem out of proportion. Additionally, the field...... perspective on risk (Foucault 1988). For most elite athletes participation in cardiac screening is done out of a wish to obtain an acquittal from risks. Symptomatic of the risk society cardiac screening can from an athlete perspective at the same time be seen as an attempt to gain control over......Elite Athletes experiences with risks related to Cardiac Screening Jonas Schmidt Christensen1, Lone Friis Thing1 1University of Copenhagen - Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (NEXS), Cardiac screening of elite athletes are recommended by both the American Heart Association & the European...

  17. Cyberbullying : estudo exploratório sobre as perspectivas acerca do fenómeno e das estratégias de enfrentamento com jovens universitários portugueses


    Souza, Sidclay Bezerra de


    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Psicologia da Educação e Orientação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2011 A violência em contexto educativo apresenta-se como uma das principais causas do mal-estar vivido por seus protagonistas, caracterizando-se como um dos dilemas e desafios da educação contemporânea. Nesta perspectiva, inserida no Projecto "Cyberbullying - o diagnóstico da situação em Portugal", a presente dissertação de mestrado objectivou identificar a extenção e nature...

  18. Novos dados sobre os Spoligotypes de estirpes do complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis isoladas no Hospital Fernando Fonseca (Amadora-Sintra, Portugal

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    Suzana David


    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente estudo populacional, que decorreu entre 1999 e 2003, foi baseado na utilização do Spoligotyping na genotipagem de 452 isolados do complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis de doentes com tuberculose internados no Hospital Fernando Fonseca. Spoligotypes foram identificados como shared types (ST recorrendo a uma base de dados internacional. Onze ST raros, não identificados na base de dados, acomodaram 8,4% dos isolados. Aliás, particular a Portugal poderá ser a predominância de ST identificados na base de dados mas não previamente classificados como famílias genotípicas, tais como o ST244, ST150 e ST389, representando 13,3 % do total. A identificação de isolados clínicos de M. africanum de genótipo Afri1 e de M. tuberculosis de genótipo CAS1 poderá confirmar a importação de isolados de origem africana e asiática. M. tuberculosis da família Beijing foi pela primeira vez por nós assinalado a partir de 1999. Desde então, o número de isolados provenientes do hospital passou de um para cinco, anualmente, representando actualmente 2,2%, o que a coloca em décimo lugar em prevalência. M. tuberculosis Beijing poderá corresponder a um problema emergente em Portugal devido à recente imigração proveniente da Europa Oriental e da Ásia. Outros genótipos, ST150 e ST389, mostraram um incremento, cujo significado não é claro. No entanto, as frequências relativas das famílias predominantes LAM, T1 e Haarlem mantiveram-se relativamente estáveis. O presente estudo confirma a variabilidade genética em Portugal dos isolados do complexo M. tuberculosis. Estes estudos poderão contribuir para a definição de prioridades nos programas nacionais de luta contra a tuberculose.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (6: 513-531 Abstract: The present population study, from 1999 to 2003, has been based on the use of Spoligotyping in the genotyping of 452 isolates of

  19. A longitudinal analysis of salivary testosterone concentrations and competitiveness in elite and non-elite women athletes. (United States)

    Crewther, Blair T; Cook, Christian J


    There is evidence linking women's testosterone (T) to competitive behaviours in sport and exercise. To advance this work, we examined the longitudinal relationships between salivary T (sal-T) and competitiveness in athletic women who differ in training status. Elite (n = 9) and non-elite (n = 21) women athletes were monitored on days 6-8 (follicular phase), 13-15 (ovulatory phase) and 20-22 (Luteal phase) of a menstrual cycle with two repeats. Salivary T levels were assessed before breakfast, followed by two questions (each rated on a 1-7 scale) on competitive desire and training motivation. Using a linear mixed model, we evaluated the menstrual phase and training status effects on each variable, before assessing the within-subject effects of sal-T on competitiveness. Salivary T concentrations were higher at ovulation (effect size [ES] difference = 0.2-1.4), relative to the follicular and luteal phases, with a more marked response among elite women (p competitiveness ratings showed similar menstrual-phase variation (ES difference = 0.6-1.0 at ovulation). A positive effect of sal-T on competitiveness emerged in both groups (p competitive desire and training motivation all peaked around ovulation in women athletes. Notably, sal-T availability and its relationship with competitiveness was stronger among high-performing athletes. Our findings confirm menstrual fluctuations in T and competitiveness among naturally-cycling women, with population context as a moderating factor. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. A Longitudinal Study of Physical Fitness in Elite Junior Tennis Players

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kramer, Tamara; Huijgen, Barbara C. H.; Elferink-Gemser, Marije T.; Visscher, Chris

    Purpose: To analyze how physical fitness (PF) improves in elite junior tennis players related to age, maturity, and performance level. Methods: Elite junior tennis players (n = 113 boys, n = 83 girls) divided by performance level were monitored longitudinally from U14 to U16. Maturity, upper and

  1. Does elite sporting success have a lasting impact on national pride?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elling, Agnes; Hilvoorde, Ivo van; Dool, Remko van den


    Like many other countries, the Dutch government increased investments in elite sports in the last decennium, partly driven by the ambition to organize the Olympic Games in 2028 in the Netherlands. One of the most important legitimations for this ambition is that elite sports events and national

  2. High prevalence of asthma in Danish elite canoe- and kayak athletes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli; Svenningsen, Claus


    Asthma is common in elite athletes, but our knowledge of asthma in elite canoe and kayak athletes is limited. The aim of the present prospective cross-sectional study was therefore to investigate the prevalence of asthma, including asthma-like symptoms, exhaled nitric oxide, and airway reactivity...

  3. Taxation of Insolvent Companies: Empirical Evidence in Portugal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Cristina dos Santos Arromba Dinis


    Full Text Available This article discusses the issue of taxation of insolvent companies in Portugal, particularly regarding the Portuguese tax on revenue of legal entities (IRC. For this purpose, first, some considerations on the legal framework of insolvent companies are woven and, second, their tax regime is analyzed. Then, a brief review of the main studies that, in the international context, analyze and debate major issues derived from the tax regime of insolvent companies is conducted, particularly in Brazil, Spain, United States, and Italy. Finally, there are the results of an empirical study conducted in Portugal, in 2013, which evaluates and compares the opinions of insolvency administrators (IA, the tax and customs authority (TA, and court magistrates (CM, in order to contribute to a better solution concerning business taxation under this regime. Respondents (IA, TA, CM demonstrate objective thinking about the fact they believe it is very important that the Portuguese Code of Insolvency and Business Recovery (CIRE and the Portuguese Code of Tax on Revenue of Legal Entities (CIRC are modified, now to make clear whether the settlement of property ownership of an insolvent estate is liable to the IRC, then to assign a chapter specifically devoted to the subject of taxation on insolvency in Portugal.

  4. Implementation of the NEAMTWS in Portugal (United States)

    Matias, L. M.; Annunziato, A.; Carrilho, F.; Baptista, M.


    In this paper we present the ongoing implementation of a national tsunami warning system in Portugal. After the Sumatra event in December 2004, the UNESCO, through its International Oceanographic Commission, recognized the need for an end to end global tsunami warning system and International Coordination Groups have been established for different areas around the globe: Indian, Caribbean, Atlantic and Mediterranean ocean basins. This system is the natural response to the historical and recent instrumental events generated along the western segment of the Eurasia and Nubian plates, which eastern end corresponds to the Gulf of Cadiz. The TWS includes three main components: the seismic detection, the tsunami detection and the issue of warnings/alerts. In Portugal the automatic earthquake processing is installed at IM (Instituto de Meteorologia) which is the only national institution operating on a 24x7 basis. This makes IM the natural candidate to host the Portuguese tsunami warning system. The TWS under implementation has several key points: definition of the tsunami scenarios, tsunami detection, and tsunami protocol messages. The system will also be able to predict tsunami potential impact along the coast, wave-heights and arrival times at pre-defined locations along the coast. In this study we present the recent results on definition of tsunami scenarios, establishment of the scenario database and the tsunami analysis tool. This work is a joint effort between Instituto de Meteorologia (Portugal), the Joint Research Center, JRC- ISPRA, Italy and the coordination of the Portuguese Group for the implementation of NEAMTWS in the area. This work has been financed by different European projects as NEAREST and TRANSFER, and also by the JRC, the IM and CGUL/IDL institutions.

  5. A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Transition out of Elite Sport

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Küttel, Andreas

    This PhD thesis investigates the transition out of elite sport from a holistic and ecological perspective. The framework that guided this project was developed based on sport developmental and transition models and focus on the influence of the macro-level (e.g., culture, welfare system) and the ...... elite sport with education or work. Applying a cultural praxis, this thesis emphasizes the importance to consider the socio-cultural context when studying athletes’ careers and transitions.......This PhD thesis investigates the transition out of elite sport from a holistic and ecological perspective. The framework that guided this project was developed based on sport developmental and transition models and focus on the influence of the macro-level (e.g., culture, welfare system......) and the meso-level (e.g., sports system, dual career possibilities) on athletes’ transition and the consequences of athletic retirement. In this project, the transition of former elite athletes from Switzerland, Denmark, and Poland was compared in terms of preconditions, adaptation quality, and life situation...

  6. Striving for success or addiction? Exercise dependence among elite Australian athletes. (United States)

    McNamara, Justin; McCabe, Marita P


    Exercise dependence is a condition that involves a preoccupation and involvement with training and exercise, and has serious health and performance consequences for athletes. We examined the validity of a biopsychosocial model to explain the development and maintenance of exercise dependence among elite Australian athletes. Participants were 234 elite Australian athletes recruited from institutes and academies of sport. Thirty-four percent of elite athletes were classified as having exercise dependence based on high scores on the measure of exercise dependence. These athletes had a higher body mass index, and more extreme and maladaptive exercise beliefs compared to non-dependent athletes. They also reported higher pressure from coaches and teammates, and lower social support, compared to athletes who were not exercise dependent. These results support the utility of a biopsychosocial model of exercise dependence in understanding the aetiology of exercise dependence among elite athletes. Limitations of the study and future research directions are highlighted.

  7. Peculiarities of the formation and functioning of regional political elite in contemporary Ukraine

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    S. V. Rybalka


    Regional political elite in Ukraine is constantly under pressure of the all­ukrainian political process­level. This complicates the transformation of regional and local elites to real decision makers for the organization of the relevant areas development. A significant problem for domestic regional elites, in the author’s opinion, is the leaching of personnel recruiting local and regional leaders to fill positions at the capital level.

  8. A importancia das contas longas de vidro de origem mediterrânica recolhidas na "Baixa Pombalina" de Lisboa (Contribuição para o estudo de contas tipo "Nueva Cadiz"


    M. Conceição RODRIGUES


    RESUMO: Pretendemos com este trabalho dar a nossa contribuição para o estudo das contas de vidro e introduzir novos dados e valores no estudo do comercio entre Portugal e o mundo africano, nomeadamente com a costa Ocidental da África , onde a permuta de pessoas, bens e ideias foi em parte determinante. Estes contactos permitiram alargar os horizontes socio-culturais entre diferentes povos e simultaneamente entre dois continentes para onde as contas de vidro foram levadas, permutadas e usadas....

  9. Characteristics of Plantar Pressures and Related Pain Profiles in Elite Sprinters and Recreational Runners. (United States)

    Chow, Tong-Hsien; Chen, Yih-Shyuan; Wang, Jia-Chang


    Plantar pressure measurement is effective for assessing plantar loading and can be applied to evaluating foot performance. We sought to explore the characteristics of plantar pressures in elite sprinters and recreational runners during static standing and walking. Arch index (AI) values, regional plantar pressure distributions (PPDs), and footprint characteristics were examined in 80 elite sprinters and 90 recreational runners using an optical plantar pressure measurement system. Elite sprinters' pain profiles were examined to evaluate their most common pain areas. In recreational runners, AI values in males were in the normal range and in females were high arch type. The AI values were significantly lower in elite sprinters than in recreational runners. In elite sprinters, particularly males, the static PPD of both feet was higher at the medial metatarsal bone and the lateral heel and lower at the medial and lateral longitudinal arches. Elite male sprinters' PPD of both feet was mainly transferred to the medial metatarsal bone and decreased at the lateral longitudinal arch and the medial heel during the midstance phase of walking. The lateral knee joint and biceps femoris were the most common sites of musculoskeletal pain in elite sprinters. Elite sprinters' AI values could be classified as high arches, and their PPD tended to parallel the features of runners and high-arched runners. These findings correspond to the profile of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS)-related plantar pressure. The pain profiles seemed to resonate with the symptoms of high-arched runners and PFPS. A possible link between high-arched runners and PFPS warrants further study.

  10. Changes in the physical fitness of elite women's rugby union players ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective. To investigate changes in the physical fitness characteristics of elite women's rugby union players over a competitive season. Methods. Thirty-two elite women's rugby union players, all members of the South African Rugby Union High Performance Squad, were sub-divided into 2 positional categories of 17 ...

  11. Participação escolar: representações dos alunos do 3º ciclo de Aveiro (Portugal School participation: representations of 3rd cycle pupils in Aveiro (Portugal

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    Ana Paula Pedro


    Full Text Available Este artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre a relação intrínseca entre democracia e educação, particularmente na vertente relacionada com a participação dos discentes nas decisões da escola. Neste sentido e, no quadro do regime de autonomia das escolas portuguesas, importa identificar os espaços formais e informais que são proporcionados aos jovens na tomada de decisões da vida organizativa da escola para compreendermos o papel desta na promoção e capacitação dos jovens para o exercício de uma cidadania ativa. O modo de vida democrático constrói-se através de oportunidades de aprendizagem acerca do mesmo, nomeadamente pela vivência de experiências participativas no contexto escolar. Em 2009, realizámos um estudo, no âmbito da dissertação de uma dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, em duas escolas públicas do ensino básico, do Concelho de Aveiro, abrangendo uma população composta por 240 alunos do 8º e 9º ano de escolaridade e 14 delegados de turma. Os resultados mostram que os alunos possuem uma débil participação formal e informal, apesar de o Decreto-lei n. 115-A/98 prever a possibilidade de cada escola, no âmbito da sua autonomia, poder promover e criar espaços de efetiva participação dos alunos. A análise dos instrumentos de autonomia das escolas estudadas revela que a participação dos alunos é assumida, ainda, como um ideal e não já como um efetivo projeto de concretização. Concluímos, pois, que as escolas ainda mantêm uma centralização das decisões nos professores, verificando-se, por parte dos alunos, uma participação formal, passiva e ritualizada.This article proposes a reflection about the intrinsic relationship between democracy and education, particularly in the aspects related to the participation of students in the school decisions. In this sense, and within the sphere of the autonomy regime of Portuguese schools it is important to

  12. Re-investigating the electricity consumption and economic growth nexus in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, Chor Foon; Shahbaz, Muhammad; Arouri, Mohamed


    In the previous decades, a number of studies have been conducted to analyse the causal relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth in the Portuguese economy. However, the evidence remains controversial because the previous studies do not provide clear causality evidence. This might be attributed to the omitted variables bias because most previous studies only focus on the relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth in a bi-variate model. This paper attempts to re-investigate the relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth in Portugal using a multivariate model. Based on the bounds testing approach to cointegration and the Granger causality test within the vector error-correction model (VECM), our empirical results confirm the presence of cointegration among the variables. Moreover, there is evidence of bi-directional causality between electricity consumption and economic growth in the short- and long-run. This suggests that energy is an important source of economic growth in Portugal. Therefore, energy conservation policies should not be implemented because it would deteriorate the process of economic growth and development of the Portuguese economy. - Highlights: • Electricity consumption and economic growth series in Portugal are cointegrated. • There is evidence of feedback effects between the two variables. • Energy is an important source of economic growth in Portugal

  13. Island of the Sun: Elite and Non-Elite Observations of the June Solstice (United States)

    Dearborn, David S. P.; Bauer, Brian S.

    In Inca times (AD 1400-1532), two small islands in Lake Titicaca had temples dedicated to the sun and the moon. Colonial documents indicate that the islands were the focus of large-scale pilgrimages. Recent archaeoastronomical work suggests that rituals, attended by both elites and commoners, were held on the Island of the Sun to observe the setting sun on the June solstice.

  14. Predictors of loneliness among students and nuns in Angola and Portugal. (United States)

    Neto, Félix; Barros, José


    The authors conducted 2 studies to examine the relationship between loneliness and psychosocial variables among people from Angola and Portugal. In the 1st study, the participants were 129 college students from Angola and 122 from Portugal, and in the 2nd study participants were 105 nuns from Angola and 74 from Portugal. The following instruments were administered to all participants in both studies: the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (D. Russell, L. Peplau, & C. Cutrona, 1980), the Neuroticism Scale (J. Barros, 1999), the Optimism Scale (J. Barros, 1998), and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (E. Diener, R. Emmons, R. Larsen, & S. Griffin, 1985). Ethnic differences were found in loneliness. The Angolan participants recorded higher scores for loneliness than did the Portuguese participants. For both samples the most prominent predictors of loneliness were neuroticism and dissatisfaction with life.

  15. The demand factors for cesareans in Portugal – some preliminary results


    Tavares, Aida Isabel; Rocha, Tania


    The aim of this work is to determine the demand factors for cesareans in Portugal. This work is exploratory and preliminary. Data is aggregated in NUTSII , for the period 2002-10. The number of cesareans performed is count data which requires the estimation of this panel data by a negative binomial with fixed effects. The main result is the evidence that there may be induced demand for cesareans in Portugal. Further research is needed.

  16. Portugal: Lisbon seeks to juggle power sell-off, oil deregulation and advent of gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maxwell, K.


    A profile of Portugal's energy sector is presented and the energy balance (1993) in terms of oil, gas, coal, electricity and other sources is located. Topics discussed include the import of natural gas supplies from Algeria by 1996; the construction of a 400km natural gas pipeline; the breakup of the Electricidada de Portugal into separate units, and the impact of liberation and privatisation on the power sector. The first large-scale private power generation, and deregulation and competition in Portugal's oil industry are also examined in this article. (UK)

  17. Mapping the networks of cancer research in Portugal: first results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bras, O.R.; Cointet, J.P.; Nunes, J.A.; David, L.; Cambrosio, A.


    Social studies of cancer research at the international level have contributed to a better understanding of the developmental dynamics – both organizational and epistemic – of this field (Keating & Cambrosio, 2012). In contrast, despite its robust development, oncology research in Portugal has been the subject of only few studies. Most of them have a strong focus on the first half of the 20th century (Raposo, 2004; Costa, 2010, 2012a; 2012b), while a few focus on more contemporary events (Nunes, 2001). Consequently, we do not have a clear picture of recent trends in oncology research in Portugal, and how it integrates into the international landscape. This hinders public accountability of oncology research while also limiting the analysis of how this research relates to health care delivery, health outcomes, and health policy formulations. This paper presents the first results of an ongoing research project on the organizational and epistemic development of oncology research in Portugal, covering the period from the end of the 20th century to 2015. Among other issues, we intend to explore the extent to which oncology research in Portugal mirrors the international dynamics at a smaller scale, and the extent to which it presents features of its own. The study draws upon computer-based analysis of publications using the platform CorText ( of IFRIS (Institut Francilien Recherche, Innovation, Société), along with interviews with Portuguese oncologists and related practitioners. (Author)

  18. Genetic algorithms with memory- and elitism-based immigrants in dynamic environments. (United States)

    Yang, Shengxiang


    In recent years the genetic algorithm community has shown a growing interest in studying dynamic optimization problems. Several approaches have been devised. The random immigrants and memory schemes are two major ones. The random immigrants scheme addresses dynamic environments by maintaining the population diversity while the memory scheme aims to adapt genetic algorithms quickly to new environments by reusing historical information. This paper investigates a hybrid memory and random immigrants scheme, called memory-based immigrants, and a hybrid elitism and random immigrants scheme, called elitism-based immigrants, for genetic algorithms in dynamic environments. In these schemes, the best individual from memory or the elite from the previous generation is retrieved as the base to create immigrants into the population by mutation. This way, not only can diversity be maintained but it is done more efficiently to adapt genetic algorithms to the current environment. Based on a series of systematically constructed dynamic problems, experiments are carried out to compare genetic algorithms with the memory-based and elitism-based immigrants schemes against genetic algorithms with traditional memory and random immigrants schemes and a hybrid memory and multi-population scheme. The sensitivity analysis regarding some key parameters is also carried out. Experimental results show that the memory-based and elitism-based immigrants schemes efficiently improve the performance of genetic algorithms in dynamic environments.

  19. Tropa de elite Troupe d'élite

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    Rafael Soares Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Le film Tropa de Elite (Troupe d’Elite du jeune cinéaste José Padilha est devenu le blockbuster du cinéma brésilien en 2007. Il a remporté de très nombreuses récompenses dans le monde, dont l’Ours d’Or du festival de Berlin (2008. À cette occasion, il a suscité de vifs débats sur la manière dont il traitait de l’expansion du trafic de drogues à Rio de Janeiro et des pratiques à la fois corrompues et violentes de la police de la ville, en d’autres termes, de la guérilla urbaine en cours dans...

  20. Algumas interrogações acerca das produções midiáticas sobre a juventude

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    Ana Carolina Farias Franco


    Full Text Available O artigo debate a emergência da juventude e como a mídia vem forjando-a por práticas disciplinares pautadas nas normas de desenvolvimento e nos desvios das mesmas. Há uma noção de jovem idealizado, constituído como criativo, dinâmico, rebelde, produtivo, saudável e um consumidor em potencial de tecnologias flexíveis digitais e que mobiliza sua comunidade. As políticas para a juventude pobre brasileira focam a prevenção à violência e a educação para o trabalho. A visão do jovem de elite é vinculada ao consumo e ao estilo de vida associado às marcas, ao esporte e ao uso de aparatos digitais.

  1. La elite económica Argentina, 1810-1914

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    Roy Hora


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza los principales rasgos del sector más poderoso de la elite económica argentina del período 1810-1914. El trabajo discute las principales interpretaciones sobre las características y naturaleza de este grupo, pone de relieve algunas de limitaciones de los enfoques más habituales sobre el tema, y sugiere de qué manera conceptualizarlo de forma productiva. Aunque el objeto de este trabajo es la elite económica, todo análisis de este actor supone a la vez una manera de concebir las características del sistema de poder y del entorno económico en el que se desenvuelve la acción de los hombres de fortuna. Por este motivo, este trabajo formula algunas consideraciones generales sobre las características del Estado (argentino y el capitalismo (pampeano, con el fin de precisar mejor qué tipo de elite económica dominó la producción rural y la economía argentina en el período de crecimiento exportador que se extendió desde la Independencia hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial. El trabajo toma distancia de los estudios que enfatizan la importancia de la dimensión política para explicar el proceso de constitución y reproducción de esta elite económica, enfatizando en cambio los determinantes económicos de este proceso. El ensayo no aporta nueva evidencia empírica, sino una reflexión a partir de la literatura existente.

  2. Societal costs and burden of otitis media in Portugal

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    Speets AM


    Full Text Available Anouk Speets1, Judith Wolleswinkel1, Cristina Cardoso21Pallas health research and consultancy, Rotterdam, the Netherlands; 2GlaxoSmithKline, Algés, PortugalAbstract: This study aimed to estimate the resource consumption and societal impact of otitis media (OM in children younger than five years of age in Portugal. An Internet survey on generic childhood symptoms and diseases was administered to a sample of parents. This self-report survey had been previously implemented in other European countries. Medically confirmed OM was defined as symptoms of earache or “running ear” and/or a diagnosis of OM provided by a medical doctor. Direct medical, nonmedical, and indirect nonmedical costs were calculated for individual cases. Mean total costs per OM episode were estimated at €334. This corresponds to an estimated societal impact of 72 million €/year, of which 39% were indirect nonmedical costs. An epidemiological study should help to confirm the results of this study, and evaluate whether an intervention to reduce the occurrence and/or duration of OM may have an impact on societal costs and quality of life for affected families.Keywords: otitis media, costs, societal burden, Portugal

  3. Risco de erosão no litoral Norte de Portugal: uma questão de ordenamento do território / Risk of erosion on the northern coast of Portugal: a question of territorial planning

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    António Sousa Pedrosa


    Full Text Available Grande parte da costa noroeste de Portugal Continental compreende várias áreas em erosão acentuada, fato que tem vindo a contribuir para um agravamento da vulnerabilidade do território. Entendendo a faixa costeira uma área de interface entre os subsistemas terra-mar, constitui uma área dotada de grande mutabilidade, que se encontra em conflito com o atual cariz permanente da presença humana, pelo que a fragilidade tem a sua maior expressão na erosão e no recuo da linha de costa, fenómeno que tem vindo a resultar na perda de áreas de valor ecológico-ambiental e económico. Esta situação resulta de diversos fatores naturais que se relacionam com a subida do nível médio das águas do mar, mas também da atuação do homem sobre o território. A atuação antrópica nas áreas litorais nem sempre obedece a princípios de sustentabilidade ambiental e económica, fato explicado pela inexistência de uma estratégia bem definida de ordenamento do território. Apresentando-se como áreas de forte sensibilidade à ação antrópica, em especial relacionado com a pressão urbanística e, à implantação de infraestruturas relacionadas com o turismo e lazer, para além de estarem sujeitas a uma forte suscetibilidade de erosão provocada pelo avanço do mar, a forma de mitigação dos riscos seria a existência de planos de ordenamento que definissem uma estratégia de desenvolvimento não agressiva para as zonas de litoral em Portugal.

  4. Artifício e excesso: narrativa de viagem e a visão sobre as mulheres em Portugal e Brasil Artifice and excess: travel narratives and the representation of women in Portugal and Brazil

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    Margareth de Almeida Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as imagens de mulheres brasileiras e portuguesas construídas nos relatos de viajantes ingleses que estiveram em Portugal e no Brasil, nos anos finais do século XVIII e nas primeiras décadas do século XIX. Procura-se explorar como um registro moral, que acentuava crescentemente padrões de comportamento burgueses e que orientou o olhar de viajantes sobre o mundo, interferiu nos comentários e imagens que projetaram do universo luso-brasileiro. A conexão entre o mundo europeu 'civilizado' e as regiões marginais ao processo de constituição de uma ordem burguesa capitalista realizada pelos viajantes envolveu, em geral, um duplo processo de enfrentamento e negociação entre valores e concepções de mundo de universos culturais distintos. Assim, os relatos dos viajantes mostram esse espaço de constante remanejamento de sentimentos e de percepções sobre si próprios e os nativos.This article analyses the images of Brazilian and Portuguese women in the reports of English travelers who visited Portugal and Brazil in the final years of the 18th century and early decades of the 19th century. We seek to investigate the way in which a moral register based on bourgeois values influenced these travelers' views and interfered in their descriptions of the Luso-Brazilian universe. The connection they made between the 'civilized' European world and the regions which were peripheral to the processes of bourgeois capitalism generally involved a double movement of confrontation and negotiation between culturally distinct values and worldviews. Thus, their travel narratives reveal a space of constant negotiation of feelings and perceptions about themselves and the natives.

  5. Praktik Demokrasi Pasca-Pemilu di Tingkat Lokal: Preferensi para Aktor Elite dalam Perspektif Teori Pilihan Rasional

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    Yustinus Suhardi Ruman


    Full Text Available Electoral democracy generates the political elites. Because these political elites are born through a democratic process, they are expected to practice their power in accordance to the basic principles of democracy. One of them is to open the opportunity and acces of people to participatie in decision making proceses. Nevertheless, the problem is that the political elites who were elected through electoral democracy tend to close the participation of citizen in policy making process. To analyze how the political elites formulated the policy and what the rationality of the policy was, this article used rational choice theory. Article used secondary data to analyze the problem. Results of the analysis showed that democracy in local level after elections was determined by rationality, preferences, and interests of the political elites. The practices of power of the elites in local level in the context of rational choice theory made opportunity and access for the people obstructed. It then affects the existing development policies reflect only rationality, preferences, and interests of some elites

  6. 'Greenfields' and 'Brownfields': automotive industrial development in the UK and in Portugal

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    Mário Vale


    Full Text Available The industrial policy in the UK and in Portugal, as in most EU countries, seeks to attract new investment capacity, to create jobs and to promote the impact of the so-called "demonstration efect" of "greenfield" development strategies pursued in the new plants of inward investors on existing or "brownfield" plants. This industrial policy focus is particularly evident in the automobile industry.This paper compares the industrial policy oriented towards the automobile industry in the UK and in Portugal. Two recent "greenfield" investments are analised: Nissan in the North-East region (UK and Ford/VW in the Setúbal Peninsula (Portugal, as well as three "brownfield" plants: Ford Halewood and GM Vauxhall Ellesmere Port in the North-West region (UK and Renault in Setúbal (Portugal. The first part starts with a discussion of industrial policy in the automobile sector, the role of "greenfield" development strategies and the "demonstration effect" on "brownfield" plants. Then, the limits of new inward investment are pointed out, basically their problems and restrictions. Afterwards, the structural barriers to the "demonstration effect" within "brownfield" plants are outlined and some possabilities for alternative "brownfield" development strategies are presented.

  7. The role of community in the development of elite handball and football players in Denmark. (United States)

    Rossing, N N; Nielsen, A B; Elbe, A-M; Karbing, D S


    The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the place of early development in a sample of Danish male elite and youth handball and football players. The sample included 366 handball and football players from the elite Danish league in the season 2011-2012 and a comparison sample of youth players under the age of 12 from 2003, including 147,221 football and 26,290 handball players. Odds ratio analysis showed that both population size and density significantly affected the proportional number of youth players per community and the odds of athletes reaching an elite level in football and handball. The odds for youth player registrations in both handball and football increased in rural in contrast to urban communities. However, elite football players primarily came from communities of high density (>1000 pop./km(2)), whereas elite handball players primarily came from less densely populated communities (100 to <250 pop./km(2)). Furthermore, there seems to be a relation between representation of elite and talent clubs in different communities and the probability of becoming an elite player in both sports. The limited number of elite players in both sports from rural communities may be due to national talent development strategies that do not incorporate development support for clubs in rural areas. Additionally, the results of the study clearly suggest the need to include the youth player population to advance research findings in birthplace effect studies.

  8. Business elites and the field of power in France


    Maclean, Mairi; Harvey, Charles; Kling, Gerhard


    Bourdieu’s construct of the field of power has received relatively little attention despite its novelty and theoretical potential. This paper explores the meaning and implications of the construct, and integrates it into a wider conception of the formation and functioning of elites at the highest level in society. Drawing on an extensive dataset profiling the careers of members of the French business elite, it compares and contrasts those who enter the field of power with those who fail to qu...

  9. Population mobility and the changing epidemics of HIV-2 in Portugal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carvalho, A C; Valadas, E; França, L


    Portugal is the European country with the highest frequency of HIV-2 infection, which is mainly concentrated in West Africa. The cumulative number of notified HIV-2 infections in Portugal was 1813 by the end of December 2008. To better characterize the dynamics of HIV-2 infection in the country a...... and to obtain data that may be of use in the prevention of the spread of HIV-2, we evaluated a large pooled sample of patients....

  10. Heart failure in numbers: Estimates for the 21st century in Portugal. (United States)

    Fonseca, Cândida; Brás, Daniel; Araújo, Inês; Ceia, Fátima


    Heart failure is a major public health problem that affects a large number of individuals and is associated with high mortality and morbidity. This study aims to estimate the probable scenario for HF prevalence and its consequences in the short-, medium- and long-term in Portugal. This assessment is based on the EPICA (Epidemiology of Heart Failure and Learning) project, which was designed to estimate the prevalence of chronic heart failure in mainland Portugal in 1998. Estimates of heart failure prevalence were performed for individuals aged over 25 years, distributed by age group and gender, based on data from the 2011 Census by Statistics Portugal. The expected demographic changes, particularly the marked aging of the population, mean that a large number of Portuguese will likely be affected by this syndrome. Assuming that current clinical practices are maintained, the prevalence of heart failure in mainland Portugal will increase by 30% by 2035 and by 33% by 2060, compared to 2011, resulting in 479 921 and 494 191 affected individuals, respectively. In addition to the large number of heart failure patients expected, it is estimated that the hospitalizations and mortality associated with this syndrome will significantly increase its economic impact. Therefore, it is extremely important to raise awareness of this syndrome, as this will favor diagnosis and early referral of patients, facilitating better management of heart failure and helping to decrease the burden it imposes on Portugal. Copyright © 2017 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  11. Poverty and precarity in Portugal


    Carvalho, Izaura


    This research assesses poverty levels in Portugal within a multidimensional approach, over a period from 2008 to 2014. Further, it aims at inferring a causal relationship between precarious jobs and the estimated multidimensional poverty level. This research adds to the existing literature by applying a discrete choice experiment in the construction of the poverty index, as well as by nding causality between poverty and precarity. Empirical results suggest that, while multidim...

  12. Does Trade Help to Explain Tourism Demand? The Case of Portugal

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    Nuno Carlos LEITÃO


    Full Text Available The tourism industry has expanded in recent years due to internal and external environmental forces. These forces, income, trade, consumer price, and geographical distance are interconnected. Accounting for imperfect competition and increasing returns to scale, the new trade theory offers the explanation of dynamic gains from international trade. A large number of studies attempt to test the hypothesis that there is a link between trade and tourism. Most of the studies show that trade and tourism are positively correlated. This paper specifies static and dynamic panel demand models for tourism in Portugal and estimates demand equations using tourist inflow data for the period 1995-2006. We find that bilateral trade, immigration, border, and geographical distance between Portugal and countries of origin are the main determinants of tourism to Portugal. The dynamic panel data approach indicates that trade, population, and income are more important determinants than relative price.

  13. Competitiveness in the Southern Euro Area; France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain


    Bogdan Lissovolik; Julio Escolano; Stefania Fabrizio; Werner Schule; Herman Z Bennett; Stephen Tokarick; Yuan Xiao; Marialuz Moreno Badia; Eva Gutierrez; Iryna V. Ivaschenko


    This collection of studies analyzes developments in nonprice external competitiveness of France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. While France, Italy, and Portugal have experienced substantial export market share losses, Greece and Spain performed relatively well. Export market share losses appear associated with rigidities in resource allocation (sectoral, geographical, technological) relative to peers and lower productivity gains in high value-added sectors. Disaggregated analysis of goo...

  14. Frequency of rheumatic diseases in Portugal: a systematic review. (United States)

    Monjardino, Teresa; Lucas, Raquel; Barros, Henrique


    To describe the frequency of rheuma­tic diseases in Portugal through a systematic review of published literature, critically appraising available information and identifying data collection gaps. We systematically reviewed the literature to retrieve data on the occurrence of rheumatic diseases in Portugal through MEDLINE and Índex das Revistas Médicas Portuguesas searches, PhD theses, and national health surveys reports. Original articles in English or Portuguese published between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2010 were included. We retrieved information for the prevalence of rheumatic diseases, osteoarthritis, back pain, work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs), osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis and other systemic rheumatic diseases and for the incidence of back pain, osteoporotic fracture and other systemic rheumatic diseases. The prevalence of rheumatic diseases ranged from 16.0% to 24.0% and the prevalence of osteoarthritis was 11.1% (95% confidence intervals (95%CI): 9.4-13.1) in the knee and 5.5% (95%CI: 4.3-7.0) in the hip. Regarding back pain, period prevalence ranged from 8.0% (95%CI: 6.1-10.1) to 29.5% (95%CI: 23.4-36.2) in children and from 12.3% (95%CI: 10.5-14.3) to 51.3% (95%CI: 48.6-53.9) in adults. The prevalence of WRMDs ranged from 5.9% to 84.2% (95%CI: 80.8-87.3). The yearly incidence of osteoporotic fracture (per 100 000) ranged from 93.3 to 481 (95%CI: 407-564) in women and from 31.9 to 154 (95%CI: 106-218) in men. The prevalence of osteoporosis in women ranged from 11.0% to 15.4% (95%CI: 13.4-17.6) and in men from 1.1% to 16.8% (95%CI: 12.2-22.3). The prevalence of fibromyalgia ranged from 3.6% (95%CI: 2.0-5.2) to 3.7% (95%CI: 2.0-5.4). The prevalence estimates of ankylosing spondylitis and of spondyloarthritis were 0.6% and 1.6% (95%CI: 0.8-2.7), respectively. The prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus was estimated in 0.2% (95%CI: 0.1-0.8). There is a broad spectrum of information available

  15. A new model for cork weight estimation in Northern Portugal with methodology for construction of confidence intervals (United States)

    Teresa J.F. Fonseca; Bernard R. Parresol


    Cork, a unique biological material, is a highly valued non-timber forest product. Portugal is the leading producer of cork with 52 percent of the world production. Tree cork weight models have been developed for Southern Portugal, but there are no representative published models for Northern Portugal. Because cork trees may have a different form between Northern and...

  16. Post-fire vegetation recovery in Portugal based on spot/vegetation data (United States)

    Gouveia, C.; Dacamara, C. C.; Trigo, R. M.


    A procedure is presented that allows identifying large burned scars and the monitoring of vegetation recovery in the years following major fire episodes. The procedure relies on 10-day fields of Maximum Value Composites of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (MVC-NDVI), with a 1 km×1 km spatial resolution obtained from the VEGETATION instrument. The identification of fire scars during the extremely severe 2003 fire season is performed based on cluster analysis of NDVI anomalies that persist during the vegetative cycle of the year following the fire event. Two regions containing very large burned scars were selected, located in Central and Southwestern Portugal, respectively, and time series of MVC-NDVI analysed before the fire events took place and throughout the post-fire period. It is shown that post-fire vegetation dynamics in the two selected regions may be characterised based on maps of recovery rates as estimated by fitting a monoparametric model of vegetation recovery to MVC-NDVI data over each burned scar. Results indicated that the recovery process in the region located in Central Portugal is mostly related to fire damage rather than to vegetation density before 2003, whereas the latter seems to have a more prominent role than vegetation conditions after the fire episode, e.g. in the case of the region in Southwestern Portugal. These differences are consistent with the respective predominant types of vegetation. The burned area located in Central Portugal is dominated by Pinus Pinaster whose natural regeneration crucially depends on the destruction of seeds present on the soil surface during the fire, whereas the burned scar in Southwestern Portugal was populated by Eucalyptus that may quickly re-sprout from buds after fire. Besides its simplicity, the monoparametric model of vegetation recovery has the advantage of being easily adapted to other low-resolution satellite data, as well as to other types of vegetation indices.

  17. High ozone levels in the northeast of Portugal: Analysis and characterization (United States)

    Carvalho, A.; Monteiro, A.; Ribeiro, I.; Tchepel, O.; Miranda, A. I.; Borrego, C.; Saavedra, S.; Souto, J. A.; Casares, J. J.


    Each summer period extremely high ozone levels are registered at the rural background station of Lamas d'Olo, located in the Northeast of Portugal. In average, 30% of the total alert threshold registered in Portugal is detected at this site. The main purpose of this study is to characterize the atmospheric conditions that lead to the ozone-rich episodes at this site. Synoptic patterns anomalies and back trajectories cluster analysis were performed, for the period between 2004 and 2007, considering 76 days when ozone maximum hourly concentrations were above 200 μg m -3. The obtained atmospheric anomaly fields suggested that a positive temperature anomaly is visible above the Iberian Peninsula. A strong wind flow pattern from NE is observable in the North of Portugal and Galicia, in Spain. These two features may lead to an enhancement of the photochemical production and to the transport of pollutants from Spain to Portugal. In addition, the 3D mean back trajectories associated to the ozone episode days were analysed. A clustering method has been applied to the obtained back trajectories. Four main clusters of ozone-rich episodes were identified, with different frequencies of occurrence: north-westerly flows (11%); north-easterly flows (45%), southern flow (4%) and westerly flows (40%). Both analyses highlight the NE flow as a dominant pattern over the North of Portugal during summer. The analysis of the ozone concentrations for each selected cluster indicates that this northeast circulation pattern, together with the southern flow, are responsible for the highest ozone peak episodes. This also suggests that long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants is the main contributor to the ozone levels registered at Lamas d'Olo. This is also highlighted by the correlation of the ozone time-series with the meteorological parameters analysed in the frequency domain.

  18. Self Hypnosis for Elite Athletes. (United States)

    Davey, Colin P.

    A summary of the use of hypnosis in sport (Morgan 1980) has suggested that the evidence in this area is equivocal, particularly in strength, endurance, and psychomotor tasks. However, some experiments have demonstrated the potential use of hypnosis. This paper presents examples of two elite Australian athletes who achieve success using hypnosis or…

  19. Portugal unido y separado. Propaganda y discurso identitario entre Austrias y Braganzas

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    Pedro Cardim


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el tratado Portugal unido y separado…, escrito por Pedro de Valenzuela y publicado en Madrid en 1659. El prelado Pedro Valenzuela defiende la restauración de la soberanía habsbúrgica en Portugal (la corona portuguesa se había separado de la Monarquía de España en 1640 a través de una imagen profundamente influenciada por su lealtad política. La primera parte de este trabajo está, por lo tanto, dedicada al análisis del tratado de Valenzuela. En la segunda y última parte las ideas de Valenzuela son integradas en un contexto para demostrar que muchos de los asuntos que aparecen en su obra venían discutiéndose desde por lo menos finales del siglo XVI no solamente en Portugal, sino en varias partes de la Península Ibérica. Esta circunstancia evidencia que para captar el significado completo de los planteamientos de Valenzuela es indispensable tener en cuenta el marco ibérico.This article analyses the treatise Portugal unido y separado…, written by Pedro de Valenzuela and printed in Madrid in 1659. The clergyman Pedro Valenzuela supported the restoration of the Habsburg sovereignty in Portugal (the Portuguese crown had split from the Spanish Monarchy in 1640, and the picture he conveys is largely influenced by his political allegiance. The first part of this study is therefore dedicated to an analysis of Valenzuela’s treatise. In the second and final part of this article the ideas expressed by Valenzuela are set in context. It is then demonstrated that many of the issues raised in this book were being discussed since, at least, the late 16th century, not only in Portugal but also in various parts of the Iberian Peninsula. It is thus argued that, in order to capture the full meaning of the questions raised by Valenzuela, it is indispensable to take into account their Iberian context.

  20. The Study of Eating Disorders and Body Image Among Elite Martial Arts Athletes

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    Morteza Taheri


    Full Text Available Study objective: The competitive sports environment can enhance social and cultural pressure towards having ideal body weight in weight-sensitive sports. The close relationship between body image and performance makes the elite athletes vulnerable to eating disorders. Thus, the purpose of this research was to study eating disorders and body image among weight-class elite athletes. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with elite martial arts athletes (Karate, Taekwondo, and Judo who were considered to be of higher risk for eating disorders. 63 elite martial arts male athletes (18.59 ± 5.29 yrs, and 63 non-athlete persons (17.3 ± 3.4 yrs were recruited. Body Mass Index (BMI, Waist Hip Ratio (WHR, and Percent Body Fat (PBF were measured using caliper and meter. Eating Disorder Diagnosis Scale (EDDS and Body Image Rating Scale (BIRS were used to study eating disorders and body image among elite martial arts athletes. Results: no sign of clinical EDDS were found among the investigated athletes, and non-athletes. There were significant differences in total score of EDDS (p=0.001, eating disorder and weight concern subscales (respectively p=0.012, p=0.001 in athletes and non-athletes. Furthermore, compared with the non-athlete group, elite athlete group with middle, good, and great body images scored higher on total score and all subscales of EDDS (p ≤ 0.05. Conclusion: The results from our study show the presence of worriment about eating disorder especially body weight and eating concern in elite athletes and the early detection of it may prevent progression to severe eating disorders.

  1. Postural stability decreases in elite young soccer players after a competitive soccer match

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brito, João; Fontes, Ivo; Ribeiro, Fernando


    To investigate the effects of an official soccer match on postural stability in youth elite soccer players.......To investigate the effects of an official soccer match on postural stability in youth elite soccer players....

  2. Rickettsioses in Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal

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    Marcelo B. Labruna


    Full Text Available Data on genus and infectious by Rickettsia were retrospectively compiled from the critical review literature regarding all countries in Latin America, Caribbean islands, Portugal and Spain. We considered all Rickettsia records reported for human and/or animal hosts, and/or invertebrate hosts considered being the vector. In a few cases, when no direct detection of a given Rickettsia group or species was available for a given country, the serologic method was considered. A total of 13 Rickettsia species have been recorded in Latin America and the Caribbean. The species with the largest number of country confirmed records were Rickettsia felis (9 countries, R. prowazekii (7 countries, R. typhi (6 countries, R. rickettsii (6 countries, R. amblyommii (5 countries, and R. parkeri (4 countries. The rickettsial records for the Caribbean islands (West Indies were grouped in only one geographical area. Both R. bellii, R. akari, and Candidatus ‘R. andeane’ have been recorded in only 2 countries each, whereas R. massiliae, R. rhipicephali, R.monteiroi, and R. africae have each been recorded in a single country (in this case, R. africae has been recorded in nine Caribbean Islands. For El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua, no specific Rickettsia has been reported so far, but there have been serological evidence of human or/and animal infection. The following countries remain without any rickettsial records: Belize, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, and Paraguay. In addition, except for a few islands, many Caribbean islands remain without records. A total of 12 Rickettsia species have been reported in Spain and Portugal: R. conorii, R. helvetica, R. monacensis, R. felis, R. slovaca, R. raoultii, R. sibirica, R. aeschlimannii, R. rioja, R. massiliae, R. typhi, and R. prowazekii. Amongst these Rickettsia species reported in Spain and Portugal, only R. prowazekii, R. typhi, R. felis, and R. massiliae have also been reported in Latin America. This study summarizes

  3. Evaluation of ACE gene I/D polymorphism in Iranian elite athletes. (United States)

    Shahmoradi, Somayeh; Ahmadalipour, Ali; Salehi, Mansoor


    Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) is an important gene, which is associated with the successful physical activity. The ACE gene has a major polymorphism (I/D) in intron 16 that determines its plasma and tissue levels. In this study, we aimed to determine whether there is an association between this polymorphism and sports performance in our studied population including elite athletes of different sports disciplines. We investigated allele frequency and genotype distribution of the ACE gene in 156 Iranian elite athletes compared to 163 healthy individuals. We also investigated this allele frequency between elite athletes in three functional groups of endurance, power, and mixed sports performances. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was performed on intron 16 of the ACE gene. The ACE genotype was determined for each subject. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS 15, and results were analyzed by Chi-Square test. There was a significant difference in genotype distribution and allele frequency of the ACE gene in athletes and control group (P = 0.05, P = 0.03, respectively). There was also a significant difference in allele frequency of the ACE gene in 3 groups of athletes with different sports disciplines (P = 0.045). Proportion of the ACE gene D allele was greater in elite endurance athletes (37 high-distance cyclists) than two other groups. Findings of the present study demonstrated that there is an association between the ACE gene I/D polymorphism and sports performance in Iranian elite athletes.

  4. Disciplinary Elites and Qualitative Research. (United States)

    Parry, Odette; And Others

    Key aspects of the academic socialization of doctoral students in Britain are described by comparing and contrasting supervisors of Ph.D. candidates in a natural science and a social science discipline. The role of the supervisor in the production of academic elites is highlighted in the two very different academic research traditions. A total of…

  5. The Role of Elites in the Description of the Early Modern State

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Lars


    to a systems-theoretical position could provide for an enhanced theoretical reflection of the role of elites in both theory and empirical research. The presentation ends with a short discussion of a part of Luhmannian theory: why were elites removed their functional importance after the transition from...

  6. Access through the Ages at an Elite Boarding School: A Case Study of Phillips Academy (United States)

    Carney, Samantha


    This study is about access for low-income students at an elite boarding school. As "feeder schools" to elite colleges and universities, elite boarding schools play a significant role in determining which students will be in the upper class in America; however, little is known about the history of low-income students at these schools. The…

  7. Maculinea alcon exploits Myrmica aloba in Portugal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arnaldo, P.S.; Wynhoff, I.; Soares, P.


    Larvae of the obligate myrmecophilous social parasite Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) were found exclusively using Myrmica aloba (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) ant hosts in NE-Portugal. This is the first record of the host ant usage of any Maculinea species in Portugal, and of any Maculinea ...... using M. aloba nests. These results on such peripheral European populations confirm that knowledge of the local host ant species is crucial for the successful protection of these endangered butterflies, and vital for examining the evolution of such interactions...

  8. The yo-yo IR2 test: physiological response, reliability, and application to elite soccer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krustrup, Peter; Mohr, Magni; Nybo, Lars


    biopsies and blood samples were obtained, and heart rate was measured before, during, and after the Yo-Yo IR2 test. Additionally, 119 Scandinavian elite soccer players carried out the Yo-Yo IR2 test on two to four occasions. Results: Yo-Yo IR2 performance was 591 +/- 43 (320-920) m or 4.3 (2.6-7.9) min...... was better (P elite soccer players than for moderate elite players (1059 +/- 35 vs 771 +/- 26 m) and better (P elite soccer players...... turnover. Specifically, the Yo-Yo IR2 test was shown to be a sensitive tool to differentiate between intermittent exercise performance of soccer players in different seasonal periods and at different competitive levels and playing positions....

  9. Regulation, circulation and distribution of penicillin in Portugal (1944-1954). (United States)

    Bell, Victoria; Rui Pita, João; Pereira, Ana Leonor

    Portugal did not participate in World War II but was one of the first countries in the world to receive penicillin for civilian use. The Portuguese Red Cross began to import the antibiotic from the United States of America in 1944 and appointed a controlling committee to oversee its distribution, due to the small amount available. In 1945, as world production increased, penicillin began to be distributed through the normal channels. An important role in its regulation was played by the official department responsible for controlling pharmaceutical and chemical products in Portugal, the Comissão Reguladora dos Produtos Químicos e Farmacêuticos (Regulatory Committee for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products). Penicillin was imported as a raw material from 1947 and the first medicaments containing penicillin, prepared in Portugal, were released into the commercial circuit in 1948. A laboratory had been established in 1942 by the Comissão Reguladora for the analytical verification of medicaments and medicinal products with the aim of certifying their quality and minimizing the number of products with no attested therapeutic efficacy. The number of medicaments analysed by this laboratory increased substantially from 72 in the year of its foundation (1942) to 2478 in 1954, including, after 1948, medicaments containing penicillin. The aim of the present paper was to elucidate the role of the Comissão Reguladora dos Produtos Químicos e Farmacêuticos in regulating and controlling the distribution of penicillin in Portugal during the 1940s and 1950s.

  10. Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in Portugal

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    R. Nazareth


    Full Text Available Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA has recently emerged as a cause of community-acquired infections among individuals without risk factors. Community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA appears to be more virulent, causing superficial mild skin and soft tissue infections to severe necrotizing fasciitis, and in rare cases, pneumonia.Community-associated MRSA was first reported in Australia in the early 80s, after almost two decades in the USA, and then in several countries in Europe, Asia and South America. No data exists in Portugal.We report the first case of CA-MRSA infection in Portugal, in a young adult with severe necrotizing pneumonia, complicated with bilateral empyema and respiratory failure. Resumo: Recentemente assistiu-se à emergência de infeções na comunidade por Staphylococcus aureus meticilina-resistente (MRSA em indivíduos sem fatores de risco. O MRSA associado à comunidade (CA-MRSA parece ser mais virulento, causando desde infeções superficiais da pele e tecidos moles até fasceíte necrosante e, raramente, pneumonia.O CA-MRSA foi inicialmente identificado na Austrália no início da década de 80 e, após cerca de duas décadas, surgiu nos EUA e em vários países da Europa, Ásia e América do Sul. Não existe informação disponível acerca da prevalência em Portugal.Os autores reportam o primeiro caso de infeção por CA-MRSA em Portugal, num adulto jovem com pneumonia necrotizante grave complicada por empiema bilateral e insuficiência respiratória. Keywords: Community-associated, MRSA, Staphylococcus aureus, Necrotizing pneumonia, Empyema, Palavras-chave: comunidade associada, MRSA, Staphylococcus aureus, pneumonia necrosante, empiema

  11. La desestabilización de Portugal en 1891 y la posición española

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    Pascual Serrano Sirvent


    Full Text Available Entre 1890 y 1893 Portugal vivió, como consecuencia del ultimátum inglés del 11 de enero de 1890, una época de profunda inestabilidad política interna además de una fuerte crisis financiera que la agravó. En este momento, la Reina Viuda de Portugal, María Pía, con el conocimiento del Gobierno portugués, comenzó a hacer unas consultas a la Reina Regente María Cristina y el Gobierno español pidiendo una acción militar contra una posible revolución republicana con la aceptación de las primeras potencias europeas. Resultó que las primeras potencias europeas querían la permanencia del principio monárquico en Portugal, con una posible ayuga militar española al ejército de Portugal.Between 1890 and 1893, as a result of the English ultimátum of 11h January 1890, Portugal went through a period of great instability, and also a great financial crack that turned into a political crack. This caused Widow Queen María Pía, with some knowledge of thíe Portuguese Gouvernmwnt, to ask Regent Queen María Cristina and the Spanish Gouvernment to help the Spanish Army against a possible republican revolution in Portugal, with the agreement of the main European powers. As a result, the main European powers wanted to keep the monarchy in Portugal, with the possible aid of the Spanish Army.

  12. Portugal; Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility


    International Monetary Fund


    Portugal's economy faced severe crisis during the global economic and financial crisis. In this context, Portugal's authorities have put forward an economically well-balanced program that will focus on structural reforms to boost growth and employment, ensure balanced fiscal sustainability, safeguard financial stability, and prevent a credit crunch. The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund welcomed this step, and approved a three-year arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility...

  13. Specific Physical Training in Elite Male Team Handball. (United States)

    Wagner, Herbert; Gierlinger, Manuel; Adzamija, Nermin; Ajayi, Samuel; Bacharach, David W; von Duvillard, Serge P


    Wagner, H, Gierlinger, M, Adzamija, N, Ajayi, S, Bacharach, DW, and von Duvillard, SP. Specific physical training in elite male team handball. J Strength Cond Res 31(11): 3083-3093, 2017-Specific physical training in elite team handball is essential for optimal player's performance; however, scientific knowledge is generally based on temporary training studies with subelite athletes. Therefore, the aim of the study was to analyze the effects of specific physical training in an elite male handball team over the entire season. Twelve players of a male handball team from the First Austrian Handball League conducted a 1-year specific physical training program in addition to their normal (team handball techniques and tactics) weekly training. Performance was measured with 5 general and 4 specific tests as well as game statistics during competition. Repeated measures analysis of variances and paired sample t-test were used to analyze differences in performance during training. We found a significant increase in oxygen uptake, offense time, defense time, fast break time, and jump height in the specific tests. Game performance statistics revealed a lower throwing percentage in the hosting team (59%) compared with the rival teams (63%). Our results indicated that specific endurance and agility are an acceptable modality in elite male team handball. However, performance in competition is strongly influenced by specific techniques and tactics. We recommend to strength and conditioning professionals that they tailor strength and power training, coordination and endurance as specific as possible, using free weights, agility exercises that include change in direction and jumps as well as short (10-15 seconds) high-intensity intervals.

  14. Strength and Jump Biomechanics of Elite and Recreational Female Youth Soccer Players (United States)

    Chrisman, Sara P.; O'Kane, John W.; Polissar, Nayak L.; Tencer, Allan F.; Mack, Christopher D.; Levy, Marni R.; Schiff, Melissa A.


    Context Most researchers investigating soccer injuries have studied elite athletes because they have greater athletic-exposure hours than other athletes, but most youth participate at the recreational level. If risk factors for injury vary by soccer level, then recommendations generated using research with elite youth soccer players might not generalize to recreational players. Objective To examine injury risk factors of strength and jump biomechanics by soccer level in female youth athletes and to determine whether research recommendations based on elite youth athletes could be generalized to recreational players. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Seattle Youth Soccer Association. Patients or Other Participants Female soccer players (N = 92) aged 11 to 14 years were recruited from 4 randomly selected elite (n = 50; age = 12.5 years, 95% confidence interval [95% CI]) = 12.3, 12.8 years; height = 157.8 cm, 95% CI = 155.2, 160.3 cm; mass = 49.9 kg, 95% CI = 47.3, 52.6 kg) and 4 randomly selected recreational (n = 42; age = 13.2 years, 95% CI = 13.0, 13.5 years; height = 161.1 cm, 95% CI = 159.2, 163.1 cm; mass = 50.6 kg, 95% CI = 48.3, 53.0 kg) soccer teams. Main Outcome Measure(s) Players completed a questionnaire about demographics, history of previous injury, and soccer experience. Physical therapists used dynamometry to measure hip strength (abduction, adduction, extension, flexion) and knee strength (flexion, extension) and Sportsmetrics to measure vertical jump height and jump biomechanics. We compared all measurements by soccer level using linear regression to adjust for age and mass. Results Elite players were similar to recreational players in all measures of hip and knee strength, vertical jump height, and normalized knee separation (a valgus estimate generated using Sportsmetrics). Conclusions Female elite youth players and recreational players had similar lower extremity strength and jump biomechanics. This suggests that recommendations generated from

  15. Understanding differences in cervical cancer incidence in Western Europe: comparing Portugal and England. (United States)

    Mendes, Diana; Mesher, David; Pista, Angela; Baguelin, Marc; Jit, Mark


    Cervical cancer incidence has decreased over time in England particularly after the introduction of organized screening. In Portugal, where opportunistic screening has been widely available with only slightly lower coverage than that of the organized programme in England, rates of cervical cancer have been higher than in England. We compared the burden of cervical cancer, risk factors and preventive interventions over time in both countries, to identify elements hindering the further decline in incidence and mortality in Portugal. We used joinpoint regression to identify significant changes in rate time-trends. We also analyzed individual-level Portuguese data on sexual behaviour and human papillomavirus prevalence, and recent aggregate data on organized and opportunistic screening coverage. We compared published estimates of survival, risk factors and historical screening coverage for both countries. Despite stable incidence, cervical cancer mortality has declined in both countries in the last decade. The burden has been 4 cases and 1 death per 100 000 women annually higher in Portugal than in England. Differences in human papillomavirus prevalence and risk factors for infection and disease progression do not explain the difference found in cervical cancer incidence. Significant mortality declines in both countries followed the introduction of different screening policies, although England showed a greater decline than Portugal over nearly 2 decades after centralizing organized screening. The higher rates of cervical cancer in Portugal compared to England can be explained by differences in screening quality and coverage.

  16. Dinamika Elit Lokal Madura

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    Imam Zamroni


    Full Text Available The priyayi played a vital role in leading the Indonesian community during the colonial era. The same applies to Madura society. During the colonial era, power wielded by the priyayi was constricted on the basis of Madura culture and was strengthened by the bureaucratic power structure at both the village and district/ city level. This was manifested in such ways as serving as a klébun or bupati. However, the pattern of priyayi power, which was underpinned by feudalism waned, being replaced by Islamic religious leaders known as kiai. During the New Order regime, kiai in Madura played a very dominant role which was not only limited to the realm of religion, but also all aspects of life ranging from social, politics, economic, to culture. Nevertheless, with the dawn of the reformation era, economic elites have catapulted themselves to prominence, and there are growing signs that they are replacing the role which religious leaders used to play in Madura society in general and in the political domain in particular through forming shadow state as a tool used to exert control over Madura Political dynamics. This concise paper presents as discussion of ‘political fights’ among cultural, religious, bureaucratic, and economic elites in Madura.

  17. O Museu da Saúde em Portugal: um espaço físico, um espaço virtual

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    Inês Cavadas de Oliveira

    Full Text Available Resumo O Museu da Saúde em Portugal, baseado no duplo conceito de espaço físico polinucleado e espaço virtual, desenvolve o inventário do seu acervo, tendo, até ao momento, estudado mais aprofundadamente cinco das suas coleções – Tuberculose, Urologia, Psicologia, Medicamento e Malária. Neste artigo, o museu apresenta essas coleções, bem como a problemática do desenvolvimento da atividade museológica no espaço de um laboratório nacional, o Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, salientando as questões dos espaços de reserva e de exposição, o processo de inventário e as atividades de divulgação, atendendo aos desafios inerentes a uma atividade desenvolvida num espaço não museológico.

  18. The historical and recent distribution and status of mammals in Portugal

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    Margarida Santos-Reis


    Full Text Available Abstract Historical and recent data on Portuguese mammals are presented in this paper, occurring on the mainland and/or in the Azores and Madeira Atlantic islands. Nowadays, 95 species of mammals are known in Portugal, of which only one (Nyctalus azoreum is an endemic species and three others (Pipistrellus maderensis, Microtus cabrerae and Lynx pardina are exclusive for Portugal and Spain. Moreover, two other species, Mustela vison and Sciurus vulgaris are recent records for the Portuguese fauna, the first due to an accidental introduction and the second resulting from a recolonization by Spanish populations. Of the remaining species, around 50% (46 species are threatened in different degrees, 34.8% (16 species being considered endangered or vulnerable. Mammals extinct in Portugal are the Gerês goat (Capra pyrenaica lusitanica and the bear (Ursus arctos.

  19. Afonso Costa e as negociações do verão de 1916 sobre as condições financeiras de participação de Portugal na I Guerra Mundial. Na proto-história da integração europeia

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    Jorge Pais de Sousa


    Full Text Available A guerra naval atinge o seu ponto crítico no primeiro semestre de 1916. Os submarinos alemães infligem pesadas baixas na frota do império britânico, comercial e de guerra, ou seja, a maior marinha do mundo. É ao abrigo da aliança com o seu mais antigo aliado que, nesta conjuntura precisa da geopolítica militar, a Inglaterra pede ao governo português a requisição dos navios alemães surtos nos portos portugueses desde o início da I Guerra Mundial. Em resultado a Alemanha, a 9 de março de 1916, declara guerra a Portugal. Surge o convite do governo britânico para uma missão governamental, chefiada pelo ministro das Finanças Afonso Costa, se deslocar a Londres para negociar as condições financeiras e militares em que os navios serão alugados ao governo britânico, bem como as condições em que Portugal pode contrair em-préstimos para entrar na guerra.Palavras-chave: I Guerra Mundial, Diplomacia económica luso-britânica, Transportes Marí-timos, Afonso Costa_____________________Abstract: The naval war reached its peak during the first semester of 1916. The German submarines had inflicted a huge blow on the British Empire navy, the biggest in the world by that time, both at commercial and war levels. In this context, England asks the Portuguese government to require the German ships docked in Portugal since the beginning of World War I, under its oldest alliance that with Portugal. In result, Germany declares war on Portugal on the 9th of March 1916. The English government calls a governmental meeting with Portugal whereby Afonso Costa, the Minister Finance and head representative of Portugal, travels to London. Here, he negotiates the financial and military conditions under which the ships will be rented to the English government as well as the requirements for borrowing money to finance war.Keywords: World War I, Luso-British economic diplomacy, Maritime Transport, Afonso Costa

  20. Coaches' Coaching Competence in Relation to Athletes' Perceived Progress in Elite Sport (United States)

    Moen, Frode; Federici, Roger A.


    This article looks at whether higher levels of perceived coaching competencies focusing on relational issues, were associated with higher satisfaction among elite athletes with their progress in sport. In order to explore this, we investigated elite athletes' perceptions of their coaches' coaching competence (CCS) and how these perceptions related…

  1. Low seroprevalence of bartonella species in danish elite orienteers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schiellerup, Peter; Dyhr, Thomas; Rolain, Jean Marc


    participants were tested for antibodies against B. henselae, B. quintana and B. elizabethae using immunofluorescent antibody tests. Surprisingly, Bartonella antibodies were only detected in sera from 5 persons: B. henselae from 1 elite orienteer, 1 handball player and 1 blood donor. B. elizabethae antibodies...... were detected in 1 handball player and 1 basketball player. We found no association between elite orienteers and the prevalence of Bartonella antibody positivity. This is in contrast to the Swedish study, and might be explained by the use of different serological methods in the 2 studies; to determine...

  2. Improved genetic algorithms using inverse-elitism; Gyakuerito senryaku wo mochiita kairyo identeki algorithm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawanishi, H.; Hagiwara, M. [Keio University, Tokyo (Japan)


    Improved Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been proposed in this paper. We have directed our attention to `selection` and `crossover` in GAs. Novel strategies in selection and crossover are used in the proposed method. Various selecting strategies have been used in the conventional GAs such as Elitism, Tournament, Ranking, Roulette wheel, and Expected value model. These are not always effective, since these refer to only the fitness of each chromosome. We have developed the following techniques to improve the conventional GAs: `inverse-elitism` as a selecting strategy and variable crossover range as a crossover strategy. In the `inverse-elitism`, an inverse-elite whose gene values are reversed from those in the corresponding elite is produced. This strategy greatly contributes to diversification of chromosomes. As for the variable crossover range, we combine the following crossover techniques effectively: one is that range in crossover is varied from wide to narrow gradually to carry out global search in the beginning and local search in the ending; another is that range in crossover is varied from narrow to wide. We confirmed validity and superior performance of the proposed method by computer simulations. 18 refs., 9 figs., 3 tabs.

  3. Perceived parenting styles differ between genders but not between elite athletes and controls

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    Serge Brand


    Full Text Available Serge Brand1, Markus Gerber2, Johannes Beck1, Nadeem Kalak1, Martin Hatzinger1,3, Uwe Pühse2, Edith Holsboer-Trachsler11Depression and Sleep Research Unit, Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 2Institute of Exercise and Health Sciences, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 3Psychiatric Hospital, Solothurn, SwitzerlandAbstract: For adolescent elite athletes, parental financial and emotional support is crucial. However, parents of elite athletes may be critical and demanding. Moreover, there is evidence that girls report more favorable perceived parenting styles compared with boys. The aim of the present study was to investigate perceived parenting styles among female and male adolescent elite athletes and controls. We sampled 258 adolescent elite athletes (139 females, 119 males and 176 controls (139 females, 37 males. Participants completed a questionnaire to assess perceived parenting styles (support, commendation, reproach, restriction, inconsistency. Results showed that parenting styles did not differ between athletes and controls, except for restriction, for which athletes reported lower levels. Female adolescents had higher scores for positive and lower scores for negative perceived parenting styles.Keywords: parenting style, gender, elite athletes, controls

  4. Resting ECG findings in elite football players. (United States)

    Bohm, Philipp; Ditzel, Roman; Ditzel, Heribert; Urhausen, Axel; Meyer, Tim


    The purpose of the study was to evaluate ECG abnormalities in a large sample of elite football players. Data from 566 elite male football players (57 of them of African origin) above 16 years of age were screened retrospectively (age: 20.9 ± 5.3 years; BMI: 22.9 ± 1.7 kg · m(-2), training history: 13.8 ± 4.7 years). The resting ECGs were analysed and classified according to the most current ECG categorisation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) (2010) and a classification of Pelliccia et al. (2000) in order to assess the impact of the new ESC-approach. According to the classification of Pelliccia, 52.5% showed mildly abnormal ECG patterns and 12% were classified as distinctly abnormal ECG patterns. According to the classification of the ESC, 33.7% showed 'uncommon ECG patterns'. Short-QT interval was the most frequent ECG pattern in this group (41.9%), followed by a shortened PR-interval (19.9%). When assessed with a QTc cut-off-point of 340 ms (instead of 360 ms), only 22.2% would have had 'uncommon ECG patterns'. Resting ECG changes amongst elite football players are common. Adjustment of the ESC criteria by adapting proposed time limits for the ECG (e.g. QTc, PR) should further reduce the rate of false-positive results.

  5. Elitism and Stochastic Dominance


    Bazen, Stephen; Moyes, Patrick


    Stochastic dominance has typically been used with a special emphasis on risk and inequality reduction something captured by the concavity of the utility function in the expected utility model. We claim that the applicability of the stochastic dominance approach goes far beyond risk and inequality measurement provided suitable adpations be made. We apply in the paper the stochastic dominance approach to the measurment of elitism which may be considered the opposite of egalitarianism. While the...

  6. International migration among Egyptian elites: where they've been; where they're going? (United States)

    Sell, R R


    Aspects of the international migration of Egypt's urban educated elite are examined using data from a 1987 survey of 874 Egyptian university students. "Specific questions considered are: What has been the migration experience of these elites? In what ways has this experience changed over time and what changes are likely to occur in the future? What are some of the characteristics of the potential participants in these changes? How do answers to these questions vary among different segments of this elite and what can be inferred about the class nature of Egyptian migration processes?" excerpt



    Carvalho, Ana Branca; Oliveira, Ivo; Nogueira, Fernanda


    Abstract: The main purpose of this article, in the management and health, was to assess the contribution of family health and its role in local development in the context of economic recession and worsening poverty in Portugal. Material and Methods. Data were collected through the questionnaire, 1021 individuals were inquired in Portugal, with statistical treatment through inferential analysis, factorial and regression. They were asked to participate voluntarily in writing through email pa...

  8. Talent identification and selection in elite youth football: An Australian context. (United States)

    O'Connor, Donna; Larkin, Paul; Mark Williams, A


    We identified the perceptual-cognitive skills and player history variables that differentiate players selected or not selected into an elite youth football (i.e. soccer) programme in Australia. A sample of elite youth male football players (n = 127) completed an adapted participation history questionnaire and video-based assessments of perceptual-cognitive skills. Following data collection, 22 of these players were offered a full-time scholarship for enrolment at an elite player residential programme. Participants selected for the scholarship programme recorded superior performance on the combined perceptual-cognitive skills tests compared to the non-selected group. There were no significant between group differences on the player history variables. Stepwise discriminant function analysis identified four predictor variables that resulted in the best categorization of selected and non-selected players (i.e. recent match-play performance, region, number of other sports participated, combined perceptual-cognitive performance). The effectiveness of the discriminant function is reflected by 93.7% of players being correctly classified, with the four variables accounting for 57.6% of the variance. Our discriminating model for selection may provide a greater understanding of the factors that influence elite youth talent selection and identification.


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    Benedict Tan


    Full Text Available This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study describing the physiological responses during competitive matches and profile of elite exponents of an emerging martial art sport, pencak silat. Thirty exponents (21 males and 9 females were involved in the study. Match responses (i.e. heart rate (HR throughout match and capillary blood lactate concentration, [La], at pre-match and at the end of every round were obtained during actual competitive duels. Elite silat exponents' physiological attributes were assessed via anthropometry, vertical jump, isometric grip strength, maximal oxygen uptake, and the Wingate 30 s anaerobic test of the upper and lower body, in the laboratory. The match response data showed that silat competitors' mean HR was > 84% of estimated HR maximum and levels of [La] ranged from 6.7 - 18.7 mMol-1 during matches. This suggests that competitive silat matches are characterised by high aerobic and anaerobic responses. In comparison to elite taekwondo and judo athletes' physiological characteristics, elite silat exponents have lower aerobic fitness and grip strength, but greater explosive leg power (vertical jump. Generally, they also possessed a similar anaerobic capability in the lower but markedly inferior anaerobic capability in the upper body

  10. Regulation of clinical research and bioethics in Portugal. (United States)

    Carvalho, Fatima Lampreia


    This article presents an overview of the Portuguese transposition of the European Directive on Good Clinical Practice (2001/20/E) concerning scientific and academic debates on bioethics and clinical investigation. Since the Directive was transposed into Portuguese law by its National Assembly, the bureaucracy of clinical trials has been ever more complex. Despite demands for swift application processes by the Pharmaceutical industry, supported by the European Parliament, the Directive's transcription to the national law has not always delivered the expected outcome. However, this has led to an increased number of applications for clinical trials in Portuguese hospitals. In this article I revise bioethical publications and decree-laws enabling an informed appraisal of the anxieties and prospects for the implementation of the clinical trials Directive in Portugal. This article also places the European Directive in the field of sociology of bioethics, arguing that Portuguese bioethical institutions differ from those of the US, and also from Northern European counterparts. The main divergence is that those people in Portugal who claim expertise in 'legal' bioethics do not dominate either the bureaucratic structure of research or ethics committees for health. Even experts in the applied ethics field now claim that 'professional bioethicists do not exist'. The recent creation of a national Ethics Committee for Clinical Investigation (CEIC) in line with the European Directive on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) will not change the present imbalance between different professional jurisdictions in the national bioethical debate in Portugal.

  11. Portugal takes step back on abortion legalization. (United States)


    According to international press reports, a law that would have allowed Portuguese women abortions through the 10th week of pregnancy and into the 16th week if their physical or mental health was at risk has been rescinded after a referendum to determine the statute's future was voided because of low voter turnout. Passed in February, the law was a liberalization of Portugal's strict anti-abortion laws, which ban all abortions except for narrowly defined medical reasons or in the case of rape (and those are permitted only until the 12th week of pregnancy). Because the issue is such a controversial one, politicians had turned to a national referendum asking Portuguese voters to overturn or ratify the new law. The referendum was the first in the country since the end of its right-wing dictatorship in 1974, and 50% participation was required. Only 31.5% of the country's 8.5 million eligible voters went to the polls on June 28. Of those voting, 50.9% voted against the liberalized new legislation. Sunny weather and World Cup soccer matches were both pointed to as reasons for the low turnout. Officials estimate there are some 20,000 illegal abortions annually in Portugal. Abortion-rights activists in the mostly Roman-Catholic country say hospitals see roughly 10,000 women a year suffering from complications from illegal abortions, and that at least 800 women die each year from the procedure. In the next day's Diario de Noticias, a daily paper in Portugal, the entire front page was filled with a giant question mark. "What now, lawmakers?" the headline read. full text

  12. The World Anti-Doping Code: can you have asthma and still be an elite athlete?

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    Ken Fitch


    The World Anti-Doping Code (the Code has not prevented asthmatic individuals from becoming elite athletes. This review examines those sections of the Code that are relevant to respiratory physicians who manage elite and sub-elite athletes with asthma. The restrictions that the Code places or may place on the prescription of drugs to prevent and treat asthma in athletes are discussed. In addition, the means by which respiratory physicians are able to treat their elite asthmatic athlete patients with drugs that are prohibited in sport are outlined, along with some of the pitfalls in such management and how best to prevent or minimise them.

  13. Social media intelligence versus inteligência competitiva - os dados das redes sociais na informação empresarial: o caso da ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal, S.A


    Pereira, José Alberto Sardo Ramos


    Nos anos recentes, observou-se um rápido desenvolvimento das redes sociais virtuais, que se tornaram ubíquas e passaram a desempenhar um papel importante na vida das pessoas. Como consequência, uma larga quantidade de conteúdos gerados pelos utilizadores está agora disponível nas redes sociais. O rápido incremento dos dados das redes sociais evoluiu para um problema, porque muitas organizações não têm a capacidade e os esquemas para processar tamanhas quantidades de dados em tempo oportuno...

  14. To Perceive and to Be Perceived: Challenges of Ethnography in Elite Schools (United States)

    Mercader, Patricia; Weber, Rebecca; Durif-Varembont, Jean-Pierre


    Drawing on a larger study on "Gender practices and violence between peers: the stakes of mixed-sex education", this paper examines the methodological challenges specific to carrying out ethnography in an elite high school. The researcher's subjective experience in the field reveals the power dynamics at play in the elite setting. We also…

  15. Alterations in redox homeostasis in the elite endurance athlete. (United States)

    Lewis, Nathan A; Howatson, Glyn; Morton, Katie; Hill, Jessica; Pedlar, Charles R


    The production of reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen species (RNS) is a fundamental feature of mammalian physiology, cellular respiration and cell signalling, and essential for muscle function and training adaptation. Aerobic and anaerobic exercise results in alterations in redox homeostasis (ARH) in untrained, trained and well trained athletes. Low to moderate doses of ROS and RNS play a role in muscle adaptation to endurance training, but an overwhelming increase in RNS and ROS may lead to increased cell apoptosis and immunosuppression, fatigued states and underperformance. The objectives of this systematic review are: (a) to test the hypotheses that ARH occur in elite endurance athletes; following an acute exercise bout, in an endurance race or competition; across a micro-, meso- or macro-training cycle; following a training taper; before, during and after altitude training; in females with amenorrhoea versus eumenorrhoea; and in non-functional over-reaching (NFOR) and overtraining states (OTS); (b) to report any relationship between ARH and training load and ARH and performance; and (c) to apply critical difference values for measures of oxidative stress/ARH to address whether there is any evidence of ARH being of physiological significance (not just statistical) and thus relevant to health and performance in the elite athlete. Electronic databases, Embase, MEDLINE, and SPORTDiscus were searched for relevant articles. Only studies that were observational articles of cross-sectional or longitudinal design, and included elite athletes competing at national or international level in endurance sports were included. Studies had to include biomarkers of ARH; oxidative damage, antioxidant enzymes, antioxidant capacity, and antioxidant vitamins and nutrients in urine, serum, plasma, whole blood, red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs). A total of 3,057 articles were identified from the electronic searches. Twenty-eight articles met the inclusion criteria

  16. The elite sport and Christianity debate: shifting focus from normative values to the conscious disregard for health. (United States)

    Lee Sinden, Jane


    Scholars and theologians continue to debate whether or not God's intended purpose of elite sport violates the creational normativity for elite sport. However, while it is important to be aware of the contradictions between elite sport and Christianity, there is a need for more deep-seated discussions about emotions and health problems in elite sport and why so many Christian athletes continue to train for their sport at the expense of their health. This paper summaries the present debate regarding elite sport and Christianity and then shifts the reader to an exploration of the normalization of emotion, and the consequence of emotional suppression on athletes health. In doing so, the author presents the disregard of health problems as a more concrete measure of how far athletes should push themselves in elite sport. The author makes recommendations for emotion education and suggests directions for future research and practice.

  17. Facipulation and Elite Formation: Community Resource Management in Southwestern Ghana

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    Manali Baruah


    Full Text Available Despite their stated commitment to democratic processes, the Government of Ghana and international authorities presume the accountability and ability of NGOs to represent local interests in forest resource management. This article scrutinises elite formation and elite capture through the case of a Community Resource Management Area (CREMA in western Ghana. NGOs and the forestry department promotes commercial tree planting on farmlands at this CREMA site. This article shows how institutional mandates, technical and managerial priorities are used by higher-level authorities to rationalise the omission of accountability and representation in CREMA activities. Disregard for democratic processes thus centralise decision making and render political processes apolitical at the cost of effective local participation and control over forest resources. Also, the legal and administrative framework of the CREMA tended to empower the traditional elites. In addition, the recognition of a local NGO by state authorities to oversee natural resource management infringed upon the CREMA's mandate and encouraged the formation of new elites. Further, the higher-level authorities' promotion of tree-tenure privatisation reduced public engagement by enclosing and thus discounting the public forest domain. The combination of these factors compromise the accountability and equitable sharing of benefits in CREMAs. Nevertheless, the CREMAs have been endorsed by the government as an innovative institutional structure for implementing REDD+ projects in Ghana.

  18. Performance Motivation of Elite Athletes, Recreational Athletes and Non-Athletes

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    Šmela Pavel


    Full Text Available The aim of the paper is to widen knowledge about motivation of elite, recreational athletes and non-athletes. Participants from the elite athletes group (n = 35, 16.7 ± .70 years old were football players of the Slovak national team. Recreational athletes (n = 31, 16.8 ± .80 years old and non-athletes (n = 29, 15.7 ± .60 years old are visiting Grammar School in Zvolen. D-M-V standardized questionnaire was used to determine performance motivation. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov's test disconfirmed the null hypothesis on the normality of data. We used the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests to determine the statistical significance of the differences. The results showed that there were significant (p .0.01 differences with large effect size (η2 ≥ .14 in all the three (the performance motives scale, the anxiety inhibiting performance scale and the anxiety supporting performance scale dimensions among the research groups. The motivation of elite athletes is significantly higher (p = .048; r = .25 compared to the recreational athletes. Also, compared to the non-athletes, the level of performance motivation is significantly higher (p = .002; r = .51 in the elite athletes. Based on the results of the study we can formulate the statement that the level of performance motivation is contingent on the level of sport activity.

  19. Governo colonial, distância e espera nas minas e capitania de Goiás

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    Fernando Lobo Lemes

    Full Text Available A temporalidade da espera associada aos intervalos impostos pelas distâncias geográficas à burocracia do governo colonial instala a vida dos habitantes de Goiás num ambiente transitório, constituído de eventos provisórios, onde os protagonistas devem fazer face às incertezas, enquanto esperam pelas decisões do rei de Portugal. Com a morte súbita do capitão-general João Manoel de Melo, a formação de um governo provisório aparece como estratégia das elites locais para controlar o tempo de espera e preencher o vazio de poder deixado pela ausência do governador. Neste cenário, os acontecimentos são percebidos como interações de força, cujas tensões podem transformar, ainda que transitoriamente, as relações estabelecidas na hierarquia dos poderes do império.

  20. Electricity consumption and economic growth nexus in Portugal using cointegration and causality approaches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shahbaz, Muhammad; Tang, Chor Foon; Shahbaz Shabbir, Muhammad


    The aim of this paper is to re-examine the relationship between electricity consumption, economic growth, and employment in Portugal using the cointegration and Granger causality frameworks. This study covers the sample period from 1971 to 2009. We examine the presence of a long-run equilibrium relationship using the bounds testing approach to cointegration within the Unrestricted Error-Correction Model (UECM). Moreover, we examine the direction of causality between electricity consumption, economic growth, and employment in Portugal using the Granger causality test within the Vector Error-Correction Model (VECM). As a summary of the empirical findings, we find that electricity consumption, economic growth, and employment in Portugal are cointegrated and there is bi-directional Granger causality between the three variables in the long-run. With the exception of the Granger causality between electricity consumption and economic growth, the rest of the variables are also bi-directional Granger causality in the short-run. Furthermore, we find that there is unidirectional Granger causality running from economic growth to electricity consumption, but no evidence of reversal causality. - Highlights: → We re-examine the relationship between electricity consumption, economic growth, and employment in Portugal. → The electricity consumption and economic growth is causing each other in the long-run. → In the short-run, economic growth Granger-cause electricity consumption, but no evidence of reversal causality. → Energy conservation policy will deteriorate the process of economic growth in the long-run. → Portugal should increase investment on R and D to design new energy savings technology.

  1. Segregação residencial e discriminação na área metropolitana de Lisboa: o olhar das crianças

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    Maria João Leote de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Como representam as crianças os bairros onde vivem foi a questão orientadora a que a pesquisa apresentada neste artigo procurou responder, com base numa técnica visual (desenho e tendo por contexto seis bairros de realojamento na área metropolitana de Lisboa, Portugal. Na análise das perceções de 312 crianças sobre os bairros, observa-se que a segregação residencial é representada como uma forma de violência: física, pelas limitações que impõe; simbólica, pelos efeitos nas relações sociais. As lógicas de segregação territorial e as dinâmicas sócio espaciais estruturam as relações entre pares e com adultos e a etnização dos laços e redes sociais das crianças, manifestada em várias formas de discriminação relativamente a outros grupos, é um fenômeno multidirecional.

  2. Health in elite sports from a salutogenetic perspective: athletes' sense of coherence.

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    Jochen Mayer

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Considering the high number of stressors encountered in the context of elite sports, a high sense of coherence (SOC is crucial to allow athletes to maintain their health from both short- and long-term perspectives. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate SOC in a population of elite athletes, focusing on identification of subsets of athletes with particularly high and low SOC scores, and any related predictors. The elite athletes' SOC scores were also evaluated for differences with those of the general population of Germany; whether a correlation between SOC and subjective health existed was additionally examined. METHOD: In total, 698 male and female elite athletes, drawn from Germany's highest-level national track and field squads, and first and second division handball teams, completed a survey that included the SOC-L9 Scale and measures of subjective health, sociodemographic information, and the number of injury lay-offs experienced during the athletes' careers to date. RESULTS: Classification tree analysis reveals six contrast groups with varying SOC scores. Several interacting factors determine the group to which an athlete belongs. Together with overuse injuries, additional factors are age, gender, and completed/not completed apprenticeship/degree. Female athletes aged between 19 and 25, who had already been subject to lay-offs due to overuse injuries, comprise the group with the lowest SOC scores. Overall, the SOC of elite athletes is slightly lower than in the general population. In accordance with other studies, a stronger SOC is also correlated significantly with better global subjective health. CONCLUSION: The identification of contrast groups with varying SOC scores contributes to the development of more targeted salutogenetic health promotion programs. Such programs would ideally include learning modules pertaining to coping with overuse injuries, as well as social support systems aiming to effectively

  3. Etudes sur le Portugal au Temps de l'Humanisme

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    J. Cruz Costa


    Full Text Available BATAILLON (Marcel. — Etudes sur le Portugal au Temps de l'Humanisme.  Acta Universitatis Conimbrigencis, 1952, 309 pp. (Primeiro Parágrafo do Artigo O Prof. Marcel Bataillon, erudito dos mais inteligentes da França atual, autor de uma obra que é hoje impr:scindível para quem pretenda estudar o humanismo renascentista na Espanha ou em Portugal, diríamos melhor, talvez: para quem pretenda estudar o Humanismo e a Renascença, — acaba de publicar, na coleção Acta Universitatis Conimbrigencis, êste volume no qual reune alguns trabalhos da mais alta importância para o conhecimento de muitos aspectos da vida espiritual portuguêsa do século XVI.

  4. Primeras evidencias de arte mueble paleolítico en el sur de Portugal

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    Simón Vallejo, María D.


    Full Text Available This paper presents the first evidence for Palaeolithic portable art in Southern Portugal. This include two plaques, dated between 20,500 and 19,500 BP from Solutrean levels from the site of Vale Boi, Western Algarve (Portugal. One of the pieces is a small engraved schist plaque (14,6 × 8,1 mm with abstract lines on one side. The other artefact is an 8 × 5 cm schist plaque. One side is an oxide natural deposit, used to produce dye; the other side has three aurochs and a probable cervid. Stilistic information and the engraving sequence indicate probably production by a single artist. The stylistic characteristics are in full agreement withi those from late Gravettian and early Solutrean art known from Valencia, Andalucia (Spain and the Côa valley (Portugal, thus confirming the absolute AMS dates from the Vale Boi Levels.

    En este trabajo presentamos la primera evidencia de arte mueble paleolítico en el sur de Portugal: dos plaquetas de pizarra procedentes de niveles solutrenses del yacimiento de Vale Boi, zona occidental del Algarve (Portugal. La primera de las piezas es una pequeña placa (14,6 × 8,1 mm que presenta sobre una de sus caras un ideomorfo grabado. La segunda (8 × 5 cm cuenta con una superficie ocupada por óxido de hierro natural de color amarillento, tiene claros indicios de extracción de mineral para producir colorantes. En la superficie opuesta han sido grabados tres uros y una posible cierva. El estilo y secuencia de los grabados apuntan a un solo artista. Las características estilísticas de los zoomorfos concuerdan bien con los rasgos comunes del arte del ciclo Gravetiense final y Solutrense antiguo del País Valenciano, Andalucía y Valle de Côa (Portugal. Esta afinidad sintoniza asimismo con las fechas AMS de los niveles solutrenses de Vale Boi, datados entre ca. 20.500 y 19.500 BP.

  5. Aproximações à medicina monástica em Portugal na Idade Média

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    Dulce O. Amarante dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este texto investiga os indícios da existência de uma medicina monástica no reino de Portugal na Idade Média, antes e depois da fundação da Universidade em 1290, realizada por D. Dinis. O corpus de fontes analisado inclui regras beneditinas e agostinianas, costumeiros ou liber ordinis, catálogo das livrarias de mão do mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra, legislação conciliar. Assinala dois momentos basilares nessa história, sendo o primeiro a criação da regra beneditina no IV século, que resultou na criação de dois espaços próprios para o exercício da medicina monástica associados à prática da virtude da caridade: a enfermaria e o hospital. O segundo momento, no século XIII, constitui-se na institucionalização da escolástica médica e, ao mesmo tempo, nas tentativas de coibir a prática médica pelos religiosos nos sínodos regionais e no IV Concílio de Latrão (1215.

  6. Migration, Quality of Life And Health of Brazilian Immigrants in Portugal

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    Eliany Nazaré Oliveira


    Full Text Available Background: Immigrants face many challenges when settling in a foreign country, numerous factors influence this immigrant experience including the resources they bring with them and those they find in the host society. The literature has indicated that a significant number of individuals migrate in search of a better quality of life. In this context, the objective of the study was to analyze the quality of life and health of Brazilian immigrants living in Portugal, using the "Medical Outcomes Study: 36-Item Short Form Survey" (SF-36. Methods and Results: A cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach developed under the project titled: Health status and quality of life of Brazilian immigrants in Portugal conducted in the first half of 2016, with 682 Brazilian immigrant women over 18 living in Portugal. This study adopted as reference SF-36, a generic instrument for the evaluation of Quality of Life. It can be affirmed that the quality of life and health of Brazilian immigrants living in Portugal is good, since all dimensions presented values above 50%. It was evidenced that Brazilian immigrants who live alone have lower levels of quality of life and health than those who live with someone and, that Brazilian immigrants who are unemployed, have low levels of quality of life and health compared to those who are in another employment situation, and Brazilian immigrants entering the labor market with a workload of more than 40 hours per week present similar levels of quality of life and health compared to those who work fewer hours. Conclusion: In general, one can affirm that the quality of life and health of Brazilian immigrants living in Portugal is good, but due to the particularities of the migration process in the current political and international context, a systematic monitoring of living conditions and health of this population is necessary. Keywords: Emigrants and Immigrants; Quality of life; Women, Mental health

  7. Health related physical fitness of school children (6 to 10 years from Azores Islands, Portugal

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    Francisco Pina de Morais


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The purposes of this research were: (1 to investigate health related physical fitness (HPF of school children (6 to 10 years from Azores islands, Portugal, and to (2 analyse sex differences in each age. The sample comprised 3742 children of both sexes, residents in Azores islands, Portugal. Twenty-five percent of the children in each gender and age in each island were evaluated with FITNESSGRAM: 1-mile run/walk, curl-ups, push-ups, trunk lift and body mass index (BMI (kg/m-2. Data were analysed as follow: χ2 to test the differences in ratio of success/failure in each age group; factorial ANOVA gender*age to test the differences between age groups and gender; discriminant function to test the presence of multivariate profiles of HPF in age natural groups. The ratios of success in both boys and girls were low. In girls there was a substantial decrease of ratio of success between 6 and 10 years of age. Among 10-year-old girls the global ratio of success was only 18%. In boys, the ratios of success had also a tendency to decrease along age. Among 10-years-old boys the global ratio of success was 39%. Boys had better performance in all tests than girls of all ages. Discriminant function analyses indicated that there were a low percentage of children classified in their natural age groups. Although there were children with HPF level advanced for their natural age groups, there were a considerable number of children with HPF level lower than the expected for their own age. RESUMO Pretendeu-se (1 conhecer os níveis da aptidão física associada à saúde (ApFS da população escolar de 6 a 10 anos de idade do arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal e (2 analisar as diferenças entre os sexos ao longo da idade. A amostra foi constituída por 3742 crianças, de ambos os sexos, residentes no arquipélago dos Açores. A avaliação da ApFS foi efectuada de acordo com a bateria de testes FITNESSGRAM: corrida/marcha da milha, curl-ups, push-ups, trunk

  8. Starting Off on the Wrong Foot : Elite Influences in Multi-Ethnic Democratization Settings

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krebs, Lutz F.


    Elite manipulation theories, particularly the idea of diversionary war, have played a substantial role in the analysis of ethnic civil wars. Some, as Gagnon (2004), argue that political elites have shaped the perceptions of their population to create the illusion of a threatening outside world.

  9. The structure of political elite networks in the Republic of Poland in 1993—2013

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    Fidrya Efim


    Full Text Available To identify the structure of network ties within Polish political elites; to study the features of network ties formation and the impact that both primary and labour socialisation periods and diaspora characteristics have on this process; to describe the structural features of the resultant network structures over different periods of time and analyse the structural dynamics of political elites for the purpose of forecasting major trends in the structural transformation of Polish political elites. In the course of the study, biographical data on the presidents, ministers, advisors, and party leaders of the Republic of Poland was collected and processed. The work follows the network analysis paradigm and identifies the dynamics of the key network parameters: distance, density, transitivity, and compactness. The author analyses the dynamics of representation in the structure of political territorial diaspora elites, business community members, and ‘moral politicians’. The article identifies two periods of formation of political party networks in Poland: the first period (1993—2007 saw a transition from rather weakly integrated systems to high density and cohesion networks as early as the second electoral cycle, after which a gradual decrease in the key indices of network integration was registered. A new peak of network cohesion and integration was reached in 2007—2011; however, the death of some key members of political elites in a plane crash resulted in a decrease in the network integration indices to the level of 2001—2005. On the whole, the network structure of Polish political elite is characterised by unstable dynamics relating to the crisis events of the past. However, it is established that the elites have a pronounced diaspora core and an unstable periphery; the share of businesspeople directly participating in political processes is decreasing, whereas ‘moral politicians’ usually take an active part in the formation of

  10. PO-EX: a poética como acontecimento sob a noite que o fascismo salazarista impôs a Portugal

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    Edwar de Alencar Castelo Branco


    Full Text Available O ano de 2014 assinala o quadragésimo aniversário da Revolução dos Cravos, acontecimento que pôs fim ao Estado Novo Salazarista, uma das mais longevas ditaduras de toda a Europa Ocidental. A pretexto dessa efeméride, o artigo procura tomar o PO-EX - movimento literário experimental que renovou a poesia portuguesa entre as décadas de 1960 e 1970 - como signo de uma época em que a linguagem, não apenas em Portugal mas em boa parte do mundo, tornou-se um problema de ordem histórica. Teoricamente o artigo é suportado pela ideia de que a linguagem constitui um dos lugares de acontecimento da história, enquanto do ponto de vista empírico o trabalho se apropria, basicamente, de textos teóricos e de documentos da Poesia Experimental Portuguesa.

  11. Perfil epidemiológico e genotípico da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B no Norte de Portugal

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    Ana Mota


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVO: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico e genotípico da infecção crônica pelo vírus da hepatite B na Região Norte de Portugal. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 358 indivíduos oriundos das consultas de especialidade que apresentavam resultados positivos para o antígeno da hepatite B durante pelo menos seis meses em dois hospitais do Norte de Portugal em 2008 e 2009. Os dados foram obtidos a partir dos processos clínicos, determinações laboratoriais feitas quando da genotipagem do vírus, ecografia e/ou ultra-sonografia e biópsia hepática. As características demográficas, marcadores víricos, carga viral e genótipos, e severidade da doença hepática foram avaliadas e comparadas entre sexos. RESULTADOS: Os genótipos A e D predominaram. A transmissão intrafamiliar ocorreu predominantemente nas mulheres. Um terço das mulheres apresentava ingestão alcoólica superior a 20 g/dia, aumentando para 58,9% nos homens. A ausência do AgHBe foi semelhante nos dois sexos (p = 0,662. Os parâmetros bioquímicos em geral apresentaram-se com valores mais altos nos homens, assim como nos estágios necro-inflamatório e de esteatose hepática (p = 0,003. CONCLUSÕES: As diferenças relativas às vias de transmissão da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite B entre homens e mulheres podem ser conseqüência de comportamentos de risco associadas ao género. A ingestão excessiva de álcool é predominante nos indivíduos do sexo masculino, assim como maior severidade da doença hepática em relação às mulheres.

  12. Anthropometric, physiological and performance characteristics of elite team-handball players. (United States)

    Chaouachi, Anis; Brughelli, Matt; Levin, Gregory; Boudhina, Nahla Ben Brahim; Cronin, John; Chamari, Karim


    The objective of this study was to provide anthropometric, physiological, and performance characteristics of an elite international handball team. Twenty-one elite handball players were tested and categorized according to their playing positions (goalkeepers, backs, pivots, and wings). Testing consisted of anthropometric and physiological measures of height, body mass, percentage body fat and endurance (VO(2max)), performance measures of speed (5, 10, and 30 m), strength (bench press and squat), unilateral and bilateral horizontal jumping ability, and a 5-jump horizontal test. Significant differences were found between player positions for some anthropometric characteristics (height and percentage body fat) but not for the physiological or performance characteristics. Strong correlations were noted between single leg horizontal jumping distances with 5-, 10-, and 30-m sprint times (r = 0.51-0.80; P team-handball players appear to be very similar. Single leg horizontal jumping distance could be a specific standardized test for predicting sprinting ability in elite handball players.

  13. The patellar tendon in junior elite volleyball players and an Olympic elite weightlifter


    Gisslén, Karl


    The principal aim of the present thesis was to prospectively follow (clinical status and ultrasound + Doppler findings) the patellar tendons in the young elite volleyball players at the Swedish National Centre for high school volleyball in Falköping. In an Olympic weightlifter with chronic painful jumper´s knee, the effects of treatment with sclerosing injections followed by early instituted very heavy weightlifting training, was also evaluated. First, in a prevalence study, we demonstrated t...

  14. The application of the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance level 2 test to elite female soccer populations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bradley, P S; Bendiksen, M; Dellal, A


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the application of the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test level 2 (Yo-Yo IE2) to elite female soccer populations. Elite senior (n = 92), youth (n = 42), domestic (n = 46) and sub-elite female soccer players (n = 19) carried out the Yo-Yo IE2 test on numerous...... occasions across the season. Test-retest coefficient of variation (CV) in Yo-Yo IE2 test performance in domestic female players was 4.5%. Elite senior female players' Yo-Yo IE2 test performances were better (P ... 1490 ± 447, 1261 ± 449, and 994 ± 373 m). For elite senior female players, wide midfielders (2057 ± 550 m) had a higher Yo-Yo IE2 test performance (P 

  15. Psychosocial concomitants of loneliness among students of Cape Verde and Portugal. (United States)

    Neto, F; Barros, J


    This research is an examination of the relationship between loneliness and a number of psychosocial variables (e.g., affective state, cultural issues, gender, age) among adolescents and young adults from Cape Verde and Portugal. Two studies are presented. The participants in the first study were 285 adolescents from Cape Verde and 202 from Portugal, and in the second study there were 134 college students from Cape Verde and 112 from Portugal. The following instruments were administered to all the participants in both studies: The Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (D. Russell, L. Peplau, & C. Cutrona, 1980), the Neuroticism Scale (J. Barros, 1999), the Optimism Scale (J. Barros, 1998), the Social Anxiety subscale (A. Fenigstein, M. Scheier, & A. Buss, 1975), and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (E. Diener, R. Emmons, R. Larsen, & S. Griffin, 1985). No ethnic or gender differences were found for loneliness between the two groups. For both groups, the most prominent predictors of loneliness were neuroticism and dissatisfaction with life. However, as expected, the adolescent group recorded higher scores for loneliness than did the college students.

  16. Why nature prevails over nurture in the making of the elite athlete. (United States)

    Georgiades, Evelina; Klissouras, Vassilis; Baulch, Jamie; Wang, Guan; Pitsiladis, Yannis


    While the influence of nature (genes) and nurture (environment) on elite sporting performance remains difficult to precisely determine, the dismissal of either as a contributing factor to performance is unwarranted. It is accepted that a complex interaction of a combination of innumerable factors may mold a talented athlete into a champion. The prevailing view today is that understanding elite human performance will require the deciphering of two major sources of individual differences, genes and the environment. It is widely accepted that superior performers are endowed with a high genetic potential actualised through hard and prodigious effort. Heritability studies using the twin model have provided the basis to disentangle genetic and environmental factors that contribute to complex human traits and have paved the way to the detection of specific genes for elite sport performance. Yet, the heritability for most phenotypes essential to elite human performance is above 50% but below 100%, meaning that the environment is also important. Furthermore, individual differences can potentially also be explained not only by the impact of DNA sequence variation on biology and behaviour, but also by the effects of epigenetic changes which affect phenotype by modifying gene expression. Despite this complexity, the overwhelming and accumulating evidence, amounted through experimental research spanning almost two centuries, tips the balance in favour of nature in the "nature" and "nurture" debate. In other words, truly elite-level athletes are built - but only from those born with innate ability.

  17. Consentir incertezas: o consentimento informado e a (desregulação das tecnologias de reprodução assistida Consenting to uncertainties: informed consent and (deregulation of assisted reproductive technologies

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    Susana Manuela Ribeiro Dias da Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo visa a analisar os contornos locais de criação e utilização dos autoconhecimentos de médicos e "leigos" envolvidos em processos de procriação medicamente assistida a partir do confronto das práticas discursivas destes atores sociais em torno das expectativas, das incertezas e das responsabilidades associadas a estas técnicas em Portugal. Os médicos avaliam as (incertezas das aplicações dessas técnicas com base em categorias de caráter naturalista e essencialista. Mais, esses critérios são instrumentalizados para eclipsar a ausência de explicação "científica" para os (insucessos, reproduzindo a crença no caráter "miraculoso" do progresso científico e tecnológico. A compreensão profana dos benefícios e das limitações dessas técnicas reflete uma atitude reverencial face à medicina e ao paradigma racionalista da perspectiva biomédica, ainda que seja possível vislumbrar alguns espaços de autonomia e resistência face às propostas médicas. As eventuais incertezas dessas técnicas são perspectivadas como efeitos excepcionais e intrínsecos à prática da medicina, aos quais têm de se submeter de forma individual. As mulheres, em particular, identificam-se como as principais responsáveis pela maximização da probabilidade de "sucesso" dessas técnicas.This article aims to analyze the characteristics in the creation and utilization of self-knowledge by physicians and "laypersons" involved in assisted reproductive technologies, based on a comparison of their respective discursive practices concerning expectations, uncertainties, and responsibilities associated with these techniques in Portugal. Physicians evaluate the (uncertainties in the application of these techniques based on naturalist and essentialist categories. However, such arguments are then used as an ideological instrument to disguise the lack of a "scientific" explanation for the failures, thereby reproducing the belief in the "miraculous

  18. Incidence, etiology, and symptomatology of upper respiratory illness in elite athletes. (United States)

    Spence, Luke; Brown, Wendy J; Pyne, David B; Nissen, Michael D; Sloots, Theo P; McCormack, Joseph G; Locke, A Simon; Fricker, Peter A


    Upper respiratory illness (URI) is the most common medical condition affecting elite athletes. The aims of this study were to identify and evaluate the incidence, pathogenic etiology, and symptomatology of acute URI during a 5-month training and competition period. Thirty-two elite and 31 recreationally competitive triathletes and cyclists, and 20 sedentary controls (age range 18.0-34.1 yr) participated in a prospective surveillance study. Nasopharyngeal and throat swabs were collected from subjects presenting with two or more defined upper respiratory symptoms. Swabs were analyzed using microscopy, culture, and PCR testing for typical and atypical respiratory pathogens. The Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey (WURSS-44) was used to assess symptomatology and functional impairment. Thirty-seven URI episodes were reported in 28 subjects. Incidence rate ratios for illness were higher in both the control subjects (1.93, 95% CI: 0.72-5.18) and elite athletes (4.50, 1.91-10.59) than in the recreationally competitive athletes. Infectious agents were identified in only 11 (two control, three recreationally competitive, and six elite) out of 37 illness episodes. Rhinovirus was the most common respiratory pathogen isolated. Symptom and functional impairment severity scores were higher in subjects with an infectious pathogen episode, particularly on illness days 3-4. The results confirm a higher rate of URI among elite athletes than recreationally competitive athletes during this training and competition season. However, because pathogens were isolated in fewer than 30% of URI cases, further study is required to uncover the causes of unidentified but symptomatic URI in athletes. Despite the common perception that all URI are infections, physicians should consider both infectious and noninfectious causes when athletes present with symptoms.

  19. [Cerebrovascular mortality in Portugal: are we overemphasizing hypertension and neglecting atrial fibrillation?]. (United States)

    Providência, Rui; Gonçalves, Lino; Ferreira, Maria João


    Cerebrovascular disease has long been the leading cause of death in Portugal. Despite improvements in the treatment of hypertension and the resulting decrease in associated mortality, the progressive aging of the population and increased prevalence of atrial fibrillation have prevented the incidence of stroke from falling as much as desired. The authors review the evidence on the situation in Portugal and propose an intervention plan. Copyright © 2013 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  20. Finance and economic and social reproduction: prospects for financialised futures in Portugal


    Rodrigues, João; Santos, Ana C.; Teles, Nuno


    Portugal is a semi-peripheral country within the EU that has partially followed similar processes as those of most financialised core countries, and that has been particularly hard-hit by the GFC. This paper reflects on the factors that have shaped economic and social reproduction in Portugal, drawing on previous research examining the involvement of households with finance and the systems of provision for housing, pensions and water conducted for WP5 and WP8 of FESSUD. Based on the Portugues...

  1. Does elite sport develop mass sport? : a Norwegian case study


    Skille, Eivind Å.; Hanstad, Dag Vidar


    The original publication is available at: The notion that elite sport generates mass sport,seems to be a social fact among many and influential members of the society. The issue is, however, under-researched, and the little research which actually exists does not confirm a causal link. In this article, we take as a point of departure the case of Norwegian biathlon, and its development, both as elite sp...

  2. Use of nutritional supplements by Danish elite athletes and fitness customers. (United States)

    Solheim, S A; Nordsborg, N B; Ritz, C; Berget, J; Kristensen, A H; Mørkeberg, J


    The nutritional supplement (NS) industry is one of the fastest growing in the world, and NS use in Denmark is among the highest in Europe. However, the exact use in elite athletes and fitness customers targeted for doping control is unknown. Information from 634 doping control forms obtained in 2014 was evaluated (elite athletes: n = 361; fitness customers: n = 273). The majority of female (92.6%) and male (85.0%) elite athletes and female (100.0%) and male (94.0%) fitness customers declared using one or more NS. The use of non-ergogenic NS was more prevalent in women than in men and in younger (15-34 years) compared with older (35-49 years) subjects, but it was less prevalent in intermittent compared with endurance and power/strength sports. Additionally, fitness customers who tested positive for doping also reported using more NS than subjects testing negative, indicating an association between NS and doping abuse. The present results demonstrate a very high prevalence of NS usage in both elite athletes and fitness customers. This highlights the importance of a strong national regulation of NS to avoid contamination of NS with doping substances. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Concepts of Health in Nursing Education in Undergraduate Schools of Brazil and Portugal Concepciones de la salud en la educación de enfermería en escuelas de graduación de Brasil y Portugal Concepções de saúde na educação em enfermagem em escolas de graduação do Brasil e Portugal

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    Cláudia Regina Lima Duarte da Silva


    Nacionales y existe un énfasis dirigido a reflexionar sobre el Sistema Único de Salud; en cuanto en la ciudad de Porto, en Portugal, esas concepciones siguen los Planos de Estudios de los cursos de Enfermería y se enfatiza el cuidado de Enfermería tanto a la persona saludable como a la enferma. Los datos revelan, también, una preocupación en la construcción del concepto de salud centrado en las personas.Este artigo representa um recorte de pesquisa de doutorado a respeito das concepções de saúde, presentes em escolas de graduação em enfermagem do Brasil e de Portugal. O objetivo foi compreender como as concepções de saúde estão explícitas nos documentos dos cursos de graduação e de que forma se expressam nos discursos dos professores e estudantes de enfermagem. Para tanto, utilizou-se análise de conteúdo temática sobre a educação profissional dos enfermeiros e sobre as concepções de saúde presentes nos cursos de enfermagem. A apresentação dos resultados foi realizada através do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Os resultados apontaram que, no Estado de Santa Catarina, no Brasil, as concepções de saúde seguem as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais e há ênfase dirigida à reflexão sobre o Sistema Único de Saúde; enquanto na cidade do Porto, em Portugal, tais concepções seguem os Planos de Estudos dos Cursos de Enfermagem e se enfatiza o cuidado de Enfermagem tanto à pessoa saudável quanto à doente. Os dados revelam, ainda, preocupação na construção do conceito de saúde centrado na pessoa.

  4. International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project (IUREP) orientation phase mission summary report: Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A report has recently been published which describes the findings of the International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project (IUREP) mission to Portugal. The IUREP Orientation Phase mission to Portugal estimates that the Speculative Resources of that country fall within the range 20,000 to 80,000 tonnes uranium. The majority of this potential is expected to be located in intergranitic vein deposits and in pre-Ordovician schists, but other favourable geological environments include episyenites and Meso-Cainozoic continental sediments. The mission recommends that approximately US$25 million be spent on exploration in Portugal over the next 10 years. The majority of this ($18 million) would be spent on drilling, with a further $7 million on surface surveys and airborne radiometric surveys. It is the opinion of the IUREP Orientation Phase Mission that the considerable funding required for the outlined programme would most suitably be realized by inviting national or foreign commercial organisations to participate in the exploration effort under a partnership or shared production arrangements. (author)

  5. Hormonal and biochemical profile in elite sportsmen during the preparation season


    Fatemeh Islami; Abbas Ghanbar Niaki; Aliakbar Sharifiyan; Ramezanali Arabameri


    Concerns have been raised regarding the effects of short time intensive training on adolescent athletes. The aim of the present study was to investigate six weeks of volleyball training on hormonal and biochemical profile in elite high school male volleyball players in Golestan province (Iran) in preparation season to take part in global competitions of champion school in France. Subjects of training group consisted of 12 elite volleyball players in premier league students a...

  6. Elite Repudiation of the R-Word and Public Opinion About Intellectual Disability. (United States)

    Lyle, Monique L; Simplican, Stacy Clifford


    Part of the motivation for encouraging elite stakeholders—like governments, professionals, and advocacy groups—to replace the language of "mental retardation" with "intellectual disability" (ID) is the belief that elite endorsement could undermine negative attitudes and influence the public to follow suit. We examine the veracity of this expectation empirically with an experiment that exposed individuals to information about endorsements of the terminology change made by the federal government, Special Olympics, or professional psychologists. We subsequently measured attitudes about persons with ID and the language used to describe ID. Results indicate that exposure to information about elite endorsement of the terminological shift either exacerbated negative attitudes or had no effect, suggesting that other factors may have primacy over "expert" opinion.

  7. Atmospheric circulation classification comparison based on wildfires in Portugal (United States)

    Pereira, M. G.; Trigo, R. M.


    Atmospheric circulation classifications are not a simple description of atmospheric states but a tool to understand and interpret the atmospheric processes and to model the relation between atmospheric circulation and surface climate and other related variables (Radan Huth et al., 2008). Classifications were initially developed with weather forecasting purposes, however with the progress in computer processing capability, new and more robust objective methods were developed and applied to large datasets prompting atmospheric circulation classification methods to one of the most important fields in synoptic and statistical climatology. Classification studies have been extensively used in climate change studies (e.g. reconstructed past climates, recent observed changes and future climates), in bioclimatological research (e.g. relating human mortality to climatic factors) and in a wide variety of synoptic climatological applications (e.g. comparison between datasets, air pollution, snow avalanches, wine quality, fish captures and forest fires). Likewise, atmospheric circulation classifications are important for the study of the role of weather in wildfire occurrence in Portugal because the daily synoptic variability is the most important driver of local weather conditions (Pereira et al., 2005). In particular, the objective classification scheme developed by Trigo and DaCamara (2000) to classify the atmospheric circulation affecting Portugal have proved to be quite useful in discriminating the occurrence and development of wildfires as well as the distribution over Portugal of surface climatic variables with impact in wildfire activity such as maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation. This work aims to present: (i) an overview the existing circulation classification for the Iberian Peninsula, and (ii) the results of a comparison study between these atmospheric circulation classifications based on its relation with wildfires and relevant meteorological

  8. Crise econômica e retorno dos imigrantes brasileiros em Portugal

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    Carolina Nunan

    Full Text Available A crise econômica internacional desencadeada em 2008 produziu enormes efeitos sobre as migrações mundiais. Alguns estudos têm sido dedicados a esta temática. O objetivo deste artigo é refletir e discutir sobre a existência de um possível fluxo de retorno dos imigrantes brasileiros em Portugal ao país de origem. Os resultados desta investigação apontam para uma desaceleração do fluxo de entrada em Portugal, uma propensão significativa ao retorno, mas um volume efetivo de retorno inferior ao que seria teoricamente de esperar.

  9. Energy taxation in Southern Europe: The case of Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Modesto, L.


    It is investigated whether or not the imposition of a common EC energy tax will penalize more the poorer Southern European economies and if this will harm convergence at the EC level. The existing studies and empirical evidence are briefly surveyed. Then the results obtained when using the macroeconometric HERMES models to stimulate the introduction of an energy tax are exploited. The conclusions, however, have limited value, since the authors only have HERMES results for one Southern European economy: Portugal. Finally, the convergence in Europe and the effects of energy taxation on convergence are investigated. It is concluded that energy taxation will harm growth all over the EC, penalizing more one of the less developed countries (in this case Portugal), and having most probably adverse effects on convergence. 5 figs., 6 tabs., 22 refs

  10. Jewish immigration to Brazil and anti-semitism in the discourse of elite groups.

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    Natália Dos Reis Cruz


    Full Text Available This article looks at anti-semitism in Brazil from the 1920s to 40s, placing emphasis on the imaginary of Brazilian elites regarding Jews. The persecution of the Jews in Europe contributed to immigration to Brazil, leading to the creation of Jewish neighborhoods in several Brazilian cities. Elite discourse of the period took up a defense of the “theory of whitening”, based on racial and cultural miscegenation and the negation of racial problems in the country, turning Jews into one of the targets of a politics of nationalization and intolerance on the part of the Brazilian state. Keywords: anti-semitism, nationalism, racism, intolerance, elites.

  11. What Is an Elite Boarding School? (United States)

    Gaztambide-Fernandez, Ruben


    This article brings attention to the rarefied world of elite boarding schools. Despite their reputation for excellence, these unique educational institutions remain largely outside the gaze of educational researchers and the scope of public debates about education. One reason for this absence is a lack of knowledge about what exactly defines an…

  12. Exercise physiology and nutritional perspectives of elite soccer refereeing. (United States)

    Schenk, K; Bizzini, M; Gatterer, H


    Referees are an integral part of soccer, and their performance is fundamental for regular match flow, irrespective of the competition level or age classes. So far, scientific interest was mainly limited to aspects of exercise physiology and match performance of soccer referees, whereas recommendations for nutrition were adopted from active professional soccer. In contrast to elite soccer players, most referees are non-professional and engaged in different occupations. Furthermore, elite referees and soccer players differ in regard to age, body composition, aerobic capacity, and training load. Thus, referees' caloric needs and recommended daily carbohydrate intake may generally be lower compared to active soccer players, with higher intakes limited to periods of increased training load and match days or for referees engaged in physical demanding occupations. With respect to fluid intake, pre-match and in-match hydration strategies generally valid in sports are recommended also for referees to avoid cognitive and physical performance loss, especially when officiating in extreme climates and altitude. In contrast to elite soccer, professional assistance concerning nutrition and training is rarely available for national elite referees of most countries. Therefore, special attention on education about adequate nutrition and fluid intake, about the dietary prevention of deficiencies (iron in female referees, vitamin D irrespective of sex and age), and basic precautions for travels abroad is warranted. In conclusion, the simple adoption of nutritional considerations from active soccer for referees may not be appropriate. Recommendations should respect gender differences, population-specific physical characteristics, and demands just as well as individual characteristics and special needs. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Las relaciones financieras entre España y Portugal, 1563-1580

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Las economías de Castilla y Portugal durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI estaban estrechamente ligadas por vínculos financieros. Un espacio económico en desarrollo, el del Atlántico septentrional, comprendía ambos territorios y se organizaba a partir de los grandes centros feriales de Amberes, Lyon y Medina. El gran tráfico mercantil transoceánico se hacía presente en este escenario europeo gracias a la intervención de España y Portugal, pero con papeles bien distintos: España, incontinente, drenando el oro y la plata americanos hacia Europa, Portugal suministrando las apreciadas mercancías orientales. Las ferias de Medina del Campo y los mercaderes castellanos como Simón Ruiz se convierten en colaboradores necesarios de los mercaderes portugueses, pues a través de éstos negociaban los reembolsos o inversiones financieras en las plazas europeas; sin embargo, para ello era preciso un buen conocimiento de los negocios cambiarlos y su oportunidad, atendiendo a la cotización de las distintas monedas y a demanda de dinero en las ferias europeas. De la mano del mercader medinense entran los lisboetas en las grandes finanzas y la concertación de asientos con la Corona, aunque tal vez sin la pujanza que Felipe II hubiese deseado.ABSTRACT: The correspondence studied shows the importance that had, for this period of time (1563-1580, the relationship between Castille and Portugal. The vigorous economic space of the Northern Atlantic, the space in which were inscribed both territories, was organised from the three great market centres of Amberes, Lyon and Medina del Campo. The big transoceanic commercial trade was present in this European scenery thanks to the supervision of Spain an Portugal, but playing a very different role: Spain, draining gold and silver to Europe; and Portugal, supplying the appreciated oriental goods. The fairs of Medina and the Castilian merchants, like Simon Ruiz, were converted in necessary

  14. The Afrotropical Miomantiscaffra Saussure 1871 and Miomantispaykullii Stal 1871: first records of alien mantid species in Portugal and Europe, with an updated checklist of Mantodea in Portugal (Insecta: Mantodea). (United States)

    Marabuto, Eduardo


    The recent growing interest on the Mantodea fauna of southern Europe and Portugal in particular, has enabled the discovery of two geographically separated populations of hitherto unknown species in Europe. Analysis of specimens shows that they belong to two Afrotropical mantids: Miomantiscaffra Saussure, 1871 and Miomantispaykullii Stal, 1871, thus raising the number of known species in Europe to 39 and in Portugal to 11. While these are remarkable findings, they also represent the first alien mantis species recorded from this continent. As yet, these species appear to be confined to artificial humanised gardened areas but call for more attention to the problem of biological invasions and the need for better bio-security measures for the conservation of natural ecosystems. In the absence of recent revisionary work on the Mantodea of Portugal and given the need to provide an accessible identification tool, both a checklist and a key to species are provided for all species in the country.

  15. Kalyan Das

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Kalyan Das. Articles written in Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Volume 5 Issue 12 December 2000 pp 76-76 Book Review. Linear Algebra and Linear Models · Kalyan Das · More Details Fulltext PDF ...

  16. Intervenções Comportamentais de Prevenção da Obesidade Infantil: Estado da Arte em Portugal

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    Jessica Filipe


    Full Text Available ObjetivoA prevenção do excesso de peso e obesidade infantis em Portugal é prioritária e tem sido alvo de vários programas de intervenção. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal desenvolver um registo nacional, caracterizando as intervenções implementadas.MétodoIncluíram-se programas de promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis implementados em Portugal, identificados através do “Google” e de websites Institucionais, que visavam contribuir direta ou indiretamente para a prevenção e controlo da obesidade infantil. A seleção foi realizada pela leitura dos títulos e informação disponibilizada nos websites, e foram depois extraídas informações sobre cada projeto.ResultadosForam incluídos na análise 29 programas de promoção de alimentação saudável (n = 19, atividade física (n = 2 ou ambos (n = 8, realizados entre 2001 e 2015. À exceção de um programa, as atividades realizadas são descritas, mas o racional teórico e as técnicas de mudança comportamental utilizadas não são explicitadas. Apenas 16 programas foram avaliados, disponibilizando online os resultados obtidos.ConclusãoA maioria dos programas não fornece dados relativamente à sua fundamentação teórica e empírica, nem informação detalhada sobre as atividades realizadas e avaliação. Futuros programas devem fornecer maior detalhe sobre o racional teórico e as técnicas de modificação comportamental utilizadas, e a avaliação da eficácia na mudança do comportamento-alvo.

  17. AMAZÔNIA E A CARREIRA DAS ÍNDIAS: navegação para o norte da América portuguesa na época da Monarquia Hispânica

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    Cardoso, Alírio


    Full Text Available The old State of Maranhão and Pará Grão, now equivalent to the current states of the Brazilian Amazon, did not belong to the shipping lanes to the State of Brazil. Throughout the first half of the seventeenth century the Portuguese who inhabited that region raised participate in the Carrera de Indias leveraging the ease of navigation to the Viceroyalty of Peru and the Caribbean. This article aims to analyze the reaction of the Portuguese border areas for the integration of Portugal in the Spanish Monarchy (1580-1640. For this work, we use sources on the various proposals of Portuguese participation in the breadcrumb Spanish-Peruvian different files found today in Portugal, Brazil and Spain.El antiguo Estado de Maranhão y Grão Pará, hoy equivalente a los actuales estados de la Amazonia brasileña, no pertenecía a las rutas de navegación hacia el Estado de Brasil. Durante la primera mitad del siglo XVII los portugueses que habitaban esa región se plantearon participar en la Carrera de Indias aprovechando la facilidad de navegación hacia el Virreinato del Perú y el Caribe. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la reacción de los portugueses de las zonas de frontera respecto a la integración de Portugal en la Monarquía Hispánica (1580-1640. Para este trabajo, utilizamos fuentes sobre las diversas propuestas de participación portuguesa en la ruta de navegación hispano-peruana encontradas hoy en diferentes archivos portugueses, brasileños y españoles. [pt] O antigo Estado do Maranhão e Grão-Pará, hoje equivalente aos atuais estados da Amazônia brasileira, não pertencia às rotas de navegação para o Estado do Brasil. Durante a primeira metade do século XVII, os portugueses que habitavam essa região planejaram participar da Carreira das Índias aproveitando a facilidade de navegação até o Vice-Reinado do Peru e para o Caribe. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a reação dos portugueses das zonas de fronteira com

  18. Migration Flow and Its Impact on Tuberculosis Notification in Portugal. (United States)

    Dias, Ana; Gaio, Rita; Sousa, Pedro; Gomes, Marta; Oliveira, Olena; Duarte, Raquel


    Tuberculosis notification in Portugal has decreased in the last few years. As a consequence of the economic crisis, emigration has increased and immigration has decreased. Immigrants are a risk group for tuberculosis. Most emigrants are 20-44 years old and belong to the age group most affected by tuberculosis. To describe the decrease in tuberculosis notification in Portugal over the last years from a demographical point of view. Mathematical analysis was performed to quantify the effect of the migration movements (separately and simultaneously) on tuberculosis notification in Portugal from 2008 to 2014. We calculated the estimated tuberculosis notification for each year during the period of study: 1) fixing immigration rate and tuberculosis rate in immigrants at 2008 values; 2) fixing emigration rate and tuberculosis rate in emigrants at 2008 values; 3) fixing both phenomenons at 2008 values. The differences between the observed and the estimated numbers were small (≤0.5 cases/100000 inhabitants). Impact of the migration movements on tuberculosis notification rate does not seem to be significant when analyzed for each phenomenon individually and simultaneously, by our model. This might mean that we have to concentrate our efforts in other risk factors for tuberculosis. Copyright © 2017 SEPAR. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. The Uses of Equality in an Elite School in India: Enterprise and Merit (United States)

    Sriprakash, Arathi; Qi, Jing; Singh, Michael


    This article examines the different uses of equality in one elite international school in India. We focus on how conceptions of equality can be enrolled into particular scripts of benevolence and gifting through which elite distinctions are constituted and enacted. Our analysis of interviews with students, teachers and parents in the school…

  20. Internationalising Practices and Representations of the "'Other" in Second-Level Elite Schools in Ireland (United States)

    Courtois, Aline


    While Irish elite schools have adopted some internationalising practices, international students are often erased from their "public faces". Based on interviews and analysis of schools' websites, this paper argues that Brooks and Waters' [2014. "The Hidden Internationalism of Elite English Schools." "Sociology,"…

  1. Self-Regulation of Practice Behavior Among Elite Youth Soccer Players : An Exploratory Observation Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Toering, Tynke; Elferink-Gemser, Marije; Jordet, Geir; Jorna, Casper; Pepping, Gert-Jan; Visscher, Chris


    This study aimed to measure behavioral correlates of self-regulation in elite youth soccer players. Behaviors regarded as indicative of self-regulated learning were identified by interviewing six expert youth soccer coaches. These behaviors were observed during practice of eight elite youth soccer

  2. Livros do Brasil e a edição de romances brasileiros em Portugal nos anos 1940

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    Thiago Mio Salla


    Full Text Available Enquanto esforço de historiografia literária e editorial, o presente artigo tem como objetivo lançar luz sobre as edições portuguesas de romances brasileiros realizadas pela editora Livros do Brasil, casa fundada em Lisboa, em 1944, por António de Sousa Pinto. A partir da recuperação de fontes primárias (com destaque para cartas e contratos, examinam-se, sobretudo, as negociações travadas entre Sousa Pinto e José Olympio no que diz respeito à edição, em Portugal, de títulos de dois importantes autores de nossa chamada geração de 1930: José Lins do Rego e Rachel de Queiroz. Mais especificamente, recupera-se o embate travado entre a atitude interventiva do editor luso, que defendia a necessidade de se ajustar o texto das obras de ambos os escritores à variante europeia do idioma, de modo a aproximá-las do leitorado português, e a recusa inicial dos romancistas, que exigiam o respeito estrito aos “brasileirismos” por eles empregados.

  3. Education, State, and Society in Portugal, 1926-1981. (United States)

    Stoer, Stephen R.; Dale, Roger


    Examines the relationship between the state and education in Portugal during periods of modernization, dictatorship, revolution, and democratization from 1926-81. Discusses the role of education, problems faced by education and other ideological systems, and the relationship between education and national development in each historical period. (SV)

  4. Critical analysis of documentary sources for Historical Climatology of Northern Portugal (17th-19th centuries) (United States)

    Amorim, Inês; Sousa Silva, Luís; Garcia, João Carlos


    Critical analysis of documentary sources for Historical Climatology of Northern Portugal (17th-19th centuries) Inês Amorim CITCEM, Department of History, Political and International Studies, U. of Porto, Portugal. Luís Sousa Silva CITCEM, PhD Fellowship - FCT. João Carlos Garcia CIUHCT, Geography Department, U. of Porto, Portugal. The first major national project on Historical Climatology in Portugal, called "KLIMHIST: Reconstruction and model simulations of past climate in Portugal using documentary and early instrumental sources (17th-19th centuries)", ended in September 2015, coordinated by Maria João Alcoforado. This project began in March 2012 and counted on an interdisciplinary team of researchers from four Portuguese institutions (Centre of Geographical Studies, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, University of Porto, and University of Évora), from different fields of knowledge (Geography, History, Biology, Climatology and Meteorology). The team networked and collaborated with other international research groups on Climate Change and Historical Climatology, resulting in several publications. This project aimed to reconstruct thermal and rainfall patterns in Portugal between the 17th and 19th centuries, as well as identify the main hydrometeorological extremes that occurred over that period. The basic methodology consisted in combining information from different types of anthropogenic sources (descriptive and instrumental) and natural sources (tree rings and geothermal holes), so as to develop climate change models of the past. The data collected were stored in a digital database, which can be searched by source, date, location and type of event. This database, which will be made publically available soon, contains about 3500 weather/climate-related records, which have begun to be studied, processed and published. Following this seminal project, other initiatives have taken place in Portugal in the area of Historical Climatology, namely a Ph

  5. Investigation of Management Models in Elite Athlete Injuries

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    Shen-Kai Chen


    Full Text Available This cross-sectional study investigated management models among elite athletes participating in sports including baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, tennis, softball, football, handball, track and field, swimming, judo, tae-kwon-do, gymnastics, archery, and weight lifting at the Tsoying National Sport Training Center. Data were collected by questionnaire. Of the 393 athletes investigated, 56% were male and 44% were female, with an average age of 20.9 years and average length of athletic experience of 9.8 years. At the time of the survey, 74.8% had sporting injuries and were being treated with Chinese and/or Western medicine. Among injured athletes, 14.5% chose Western treatment, 8.1% chose Chinese medicine, and 75.4% received combined treatment. There were various reasons for choosing the management model. Most athletes had ordinary self-recognition of sports injury prevention. Their qualified ability for sports injury prevention was 70%. This ability was significantly correlated with age, education, and sports experience. Within Taiwan's current medical and social environment, elite athletes prefer a combination of Eastern and Western treatments for sports injuries. Each of the medical approaches are widely accepted by elite athletes and their coaches. Doctors trained in Western medicine should learn these alternative treatment methods and apply them effectively in athletes, so that a better medical network can be established.

  6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Portugal: Pneumobil (1995 and 2002 Prevalence Studies revisited

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    J. Cardoso


    para alertar para os sintomas respiratórios negligenciados e sensibilizar para os rastreios espirométricos. Em 2002, foram criadas novas normas consensuais de diagnóstico e o reconhecimento de que a prevalência da DPOC depende dos critérios de definição de obstrução das vias aéreas. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisitar estes 2 estudos e publicar alguns dos resultados e respetivas metodologias. Métodos: Dos 12,684 indivíduos que constavam da base de dados do Pneumobil, apenas os indivíduos com 40 e mais anos (n = 9061 foram considerados para esta análise. No estudo de 2002 foi incluída uma amostra aleatorizada e representativa de 1384 indivíduos, com idades entre os 35 e os 69 anos. Resultados: A prevalência da DPOC foi de 8.96% no estudo Pneumobil e de 5.34% no estudo de 2002. Em ambos os estudos, a presença da DPOC foi superior no sexo masculino, tendo-se verificado uma associação positiva entre a presença da DPOC e os grupos etários mais velhos. Nos fumadores e ex-fumadores encontrou-se maior proporção de casos com DPOC. Conclusões: A prevalência em Portugal é mais baixa do que noutros países europeus, o que pode estar relacionado com uma menor prevalência de tabagismo. De um modo geral, os fatores de risco mais importantes que mostraram a associação com a DPOC foram a idade maior do que 60 anos, o sexo masculino e a exposição tabágica. Todos os aspetos e as limitações que se referem a diferentes critérios de definição e a metodologias de recrutamento realçam a necessidade de métodos padronizados para determinar a prevalência da DPOC e os fatores de risco associados, cujos resultados possam ser comparados entre países, como acontece no projeto BOLD. Keywords: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevalence, Pneumobil, Airway obstruction, Portugal, Palavras-chave: Doença pulmonar obstrutiva

  7. Consideration on the technical service quality and the Portugal situation; Consideracoes sobre a qualidade tecnica de servico e caracterizacao da situacao em Portugal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santana, J.; Afonso, Jose [Entidade Reguladora do Sector Electrico (ERSE), XX (Portugal)


    This paper presents some considerations on the technical quality of power supply for the consumption and, for the specific characterization of the Portugal electric sector, a summary analysis of the energy production, transport and distribution activities.

  8. The political elite recruitment in the Baltic: the role of the ethnic factor

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    Smirnov Vadim


    Full Text Available The role of the ethnic factor in political processes in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia has been rather significant since these countries’ independence. The author investigates the assumption that after the completion of major Eurointegration procedures, the ethnic factor — which became especially important in the Baltics after independence — relegated to the periphery of political life. After a period of ‘independence-induced euphoria’ faded, Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian power groups had to tackle the problem of civil society formation and the development of a political regime based on democratic procedures. In these countries the processes of elite recruitment were largely affected by the factor of ethic homogeneity of the social structure. This article analyses the process of elite group formation in the Baltics through the lens of the ethnic factor. By applying the ethnopolitical approach, the author concludes that the de facto barriers to non-titular population groups entering power structures, which exist in Latvia and Estonia, “freeze” the system of elite recruitment. In the conditions of increasing social unrest, it may have an adverse effect on the overall political stability in these countries. The results obtained can be used for research, educational, and practical purposes. In the field of research and education, they can be employed in further research on the transformation of the elite structure in the Baltics in view of the ethnopolitical factor, including comparative analysis of the elite re-grouping processes, as well as in developing corresponding university courses. As to the practical aspect, the results obtained can be used by the authorities of the Russian Federation in making decisions regarding interaction with the representatives of Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian political elites.

  9. Monitores de diagnóstico em Mamografia : (Os 5MP em Portugal)


    Timóteo, Maria Teresa


    O carcinoma da mama é o mais comum nas mulheres, em Portugal morrem cerca de 1500 mulheres por ano devido a esta patologia. Serviu o presente estudo para investigar se os Hospitais da Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo estão equipados, com monitores de diagnóstico em mamografia, que correspondam com as guidelines europeias. O serviço de Mamografia, em Portugal rege-se por estas guidelines, em que é referenciado que para um correcto diagnóstico, com toda a sensibilidade e especific...

  10. Fatigue-induced change in corticospinal drive to back muscles in elite rowers. (United States)

    Fulton, Rick C; Strutton, Paul H; McGregor, Alison H; Davey, Nick J


    This study examined post-exercise changes in corticospinal excitability in five 'elite' rowers and six nonrowers. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was delivered to the motor cortex and bilateral electromyographic (EMG) recordings were made from erector spinae (ES) muscles at L3/L4 spinal level and from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle of the dominant hand. Each subject completed two exercise protocols on a rowing ergometer: a light exercise protocol at a sub-maximal output for 10 min and an intense exercise protocol at maximum output for 1 min. A trial of ten magnetic stimuli was delivered before each of the protocols and, on finishing exercise, further trials of ten stimuli were delivered every 2 min for a 16 min period. Amplitudes of motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) in each of the three test muscles were measured before exercise and during the recovery period after exercise. The non-rowers showed a brief facilitation of MEPs in ES 2 min after light and intense exercise that was only present in the elite rowers after intense exercise. In the period 4-16 min after light exercise, the mean (+/- S.E.M.) MEP amplitude (relative to pre-exercise levels) was less depressed in the elite rowers (79.4 +/- 2.1%) than in the non-rowers (60.9 +/- 2.5%) in the left ES but not significantly so in the right ES. MEP amplitudes in FDI were significantly larger in the elite rowers, averaging 119.0 +/- 3.1% pre-exercise levels, compared with 101.2 +/- 5.8% in the non-rowers. Pre-exercise MEP latencies were no different in the two groups. After light exercise MEP latencies became longer in the elite rowers (left ES, 16.1 +/- 0.5 ms; right ES, 16.1 +/- 0.4 ms; dominant FDI, 23.4 +/- 0.2 ms) than in the non-rowers (left ES, 15.0 +/- 0.3 ms; right ES, 15.2 +/- 0.3 ms; dominant FDI, 21.5 +/- 0.2 ms). There were no differences in MEP depression or latency between elite rowers and non-rowers after intense exercise. We conclude that the smaller degree of MEP depression in the

  11. A Critical Study of Selected Political Elites' Discourse in English

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    Biook Behnam


    Full Text Available This study explored how political elites can contribute to power enactment through using language. It started with a theoretical overview of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA, and then presented a corpus consisting of speeches of eight political elites, namely, Malcolm X, Noam Chomsky, Martin Luther King, Josef Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Winston Churchill, J.F. Kennedy and Adolph Hitler. This study analyzed speeches in terms of figures of' speech, and interpreted them from the point of view of CDA using the framework introduced by Fairclough (1989 as a three-dimensional approach to the study of discourse (Description, Interpretation, Explanation and van Dijk (2004 as the theory of critical context analysis.. Speech figures are classified in this study into six main categories as Comparison, Grammar, Meaning, Parenthesis, Repetition and Rhetoric. The result of analyses reveals that while there are differences in the type and degree of speech figures employed by our selected individual political elites, there is one striking pattern which is common among all speeches: the frequent use of figures of Grammar, Repetition and Rhetoric

  12. Clinically relevant magnetic resonance imaging (MRI findings in elite swimmers’ shoulders

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    Arno Celliers


    Objective: To assess clinically relevant MRI findings in the shoulders of symptomatic and asymptomatic elite swimmers. Method: Twenty (aged 16–23 years elite swimmers completed questionnaires on their swimming training, pain and shoulder function. MRI of both shoulders (n = 40 were performed and all swimmers were given a standardised clinical shoulder examination. Results: Both shoulders of 11 male and 9 female elite swimmers (n = 40 were examined. Eleven of the 40 shoulders were clinically symptomatic and 29 were asymptomatic. The most common clinical finding in both the symptomatic and asymptomatic shoulders was impingement during internal rotation, with impingement in 54.5% of the symptomatic shoulders and in 31.0% of the asymptomatic shoulders. The most common MRI findings in the symptomatic and asymptomatic shoulders were supraspinatus tendinosis (45.5% vs. 20.7%, subacromial subdeltoid fluid (45.5% vs. 34.5%, increased signal in the AC Joint (45.5% vs. 37.9% and AC joint arthrosis (36.4% vs. 34.5%. Thirty-nine (97.5% of the shoulders showed abnormal MRI features. Conclusion: MRI findings in the symptomatic and asymptomatic shoulders of young elite swimmers are similar and care should be taken when reporting shoulder MRIs in these athletes. Asymptomatic shoulders demonstrate manifold MRI abnormalities that may be radiologically significant but appear not to be clinically significant.

  13. The elite young athlete: strategies to ensure physical and emotional health

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    Sabato TM


    Full Text Available Todd M Sabato, Tanis J Walch, Dennis J Caine Department of Kinesiology and Public Health Education, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, USA Abstract: This article presents a current review of the risk of physical and psychological injury associated with participation in elite youth sport, and suggests strategies to ensure the physical and emotional health of these young athletes. Although there is lack of epidemiological data, especially with regard to psychological injury, preliminary data suggest that the risk of injury is high in this population. While there is lack of incident and follow-up data, there is also concern regarding burnout, disordered eating, and the long-term consequences of injury. Modifiable injury risk factors identified include postural control, competition anxiety, life events, previous injury, and volume of training. There are presently no studies designed to determine the effectiveness of injury prevention measures in elite youth sports. However, there is adequate evidence arising from injury prevention studies of youth sports participants – including neuromuscular training, protective equipment, mental training to enhance self-esteem, and sport rules modification – to prevent injuries in elite youth sports settings. Although not tested, psychosocial prevention strategies such as adoption of task-oriented coping mechanisms, autonomous support from parents, and a proactive organizational approach also show promise in injury prevention. Keywords: elite, young athlete, athletic injury, psychological, risk factors, injury prevention

  14. History of Astronomy in Portugal: Theories, Institutions and Practices (United States)

    Saraiva, Luis


    In Portugal, throughout its history, astronomy was developed in the context of the mathematical sciences. During the times of Portugal's Maritime Discoveries, astronomical navigation was based on spherical trigonometry, and therefore it was the mathematicians who taught astronomy to the pilots. During the 17th century, basic notions of astronomy were taught in mathematical courses in the University and in the main Jesuit colleges. This tradition continued in the 18th century, so it is no wonder that one of the most influent Portuguese astronomers during this period was the mathematician José Monteiro da Rocha. During the 19th century the new centres of science teaching, as the Polytechnic School in Lisbon, or the Polytechnic Academy in Oporto, developed astronomy teaching and research in the context of the mathematics subjects. The inheritors of these 19th century institutions, respectively the Faculties of Sciences of Lisbon and Oporto, upheld this tradition until the final decades of 20th century and continued to consider astronomy as a subject to be taught in their mathematics departments. This Meeting aims at outlining several perspectives on the history of astronomy in Portugal, particularly analysing its ties with mathematical sciences and astronomy applications. The Meeting is organised by the Museum of Science of the University of Lisbon (MCUL) with CMAF, CMUC, CMUP and the CIUHCT, and is included in CIM events. It is integrated in the commemorations of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009).

  15. Changes in blood values in elite cyclist

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørkeberg, J S; Belhage, B; Damsgaard, R


    samples were obtained from 28 elite, male cyclists. Blood was analyzed for hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) and % reticulocytes. Seventy-six percent of all samples were collected out-of-competition (OOC). From December 2006 to September 2007, the average Hct and [Hb] decreased by 4...

  16. The Policy Gap. Global Mental Health in a Semi-Peripheral Country (Portugal, 1998-2016

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    Tiago Pires Marques


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes the impact of the hegemonic paradigm of global mental health (GMH on Portugal. We specifically argue that GMH in Portugal has effected a change of priorities in health policies, favoring the prevention and treatment of common mental disorders to the detriment of the deinstitutionalizing process. Diffused through the media, this model has negative effects, such as the medicalization of social suffering, the reorganization of mental health policy areas according to utilitarian criteria, and the risk of greater invisibility of users with serious psychiatric diagnoses. However, the GMH approach, bringing to the frontline the impact of all social policies on mental health, represents a new opportunity to politically address social suffering. Characterized as a semi-peripheral country, Portugal may be representative of observable trends in similar countries.

  17. Early Childhood Education and Care Policy in Portugal = A Educacao Pre-Escolar e os Cuidados para a Infancia em Portugal. (United States)

    Ministry of Education, Lisbon (Portugal).

    Based on the view that the rapid expansion and development of preschool education requires careful scrutiny of both educational policy and practices, this book presents information on current early childhood education and care policy in Portugal. Section 1 of the book provides a historical framework for the development of early childhood education…

  18. Cutaneous leishmaniosis in a horse from northern Portugal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gama, Adelina; Elias, Joana; Ribeiro, Ana J.; Alegria, Nuno; Schallig, Henk D. F. H.; Silva, Filipe; Santarém, Nuno; Cardoso, Luís; Cotovio, Mário


    The first case of cutaneous leishmaniosis in a horse from the north of Portugal, with a 1.5 cm in diameter ulcerated nodular lesion on the left face, is reported. The skin nodule was surgically excised and assessed by histopathology, including an immunohistochemistiy method applied for the first

  19. Flora-On: Occurrence data of the vascular flora of mainland Portugal. (United States)

    Pereira, Ana Júlia; Francisco, Ana; Porto, Miguel


    The Flora-On dataset currently includes 253,310 occurrence records for the class Embryopsidae (vascular plants), comprising data collated via the platform relating to observation records of vascular plants across mainland Portugal. Observations are uploaded directly to the database primarily by experienced botanists and naturalists, typically on a weekly basis, and consist of geo-referenced data points for species (or infraspecific taxa) along with their date of observation and phenological state. The Flora-On project aims to compile and make publicly accessible chorological, ecological, morphological and photographic information for the entire vascular flora of Portugal. The project's website offers powerful query and visualization capabilities, of which we highlight the probabilistic bioclimatic and phenological queries which operate based on the empirical density distributions of species in those variables. Flora-On was created and continues to be maintained by volunteers who are Associate members of Sociedade Portuguesa de Botânica (Botanical Society of Portugal). Given its focus on research-grade and current data, the Flora-On project represents a significant contribution to the knowledge of the present distribution and status of the Portuguese flora.

  20. Post-fire vegetation recovery in Portugal based ewline on spot/vegetation data

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    C. Gouveia


    Full Text Available A procedure is presented that allows identifying large burned scars and the monitoring of vegetation recovery in the years following major fire episodes. The procedure relies on 10-day fields of Maximum Value Composites of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (MVC-NDVI, with a 1 km×1 km spatial resolution obtained from the VEGETATION instrument. The identification of fire scars during the extremely severe 2003 fire season is performed based on cluster analysis of NDVI anomalies that persist during the vegetative cycle of the year following the fire event. Two regions containing very large burned scars were selected, located in Central and Southwestern Portugal, respectively, and time series of MVC-NDVI analysed before the fire events took place and throughout the post-fire period. It is shown that post-fire vegetation dynamics in the two selected regions may be characterised based on maps of recovery rates as estimated by fitting a monoparametric model of vegetation recovery to MVC-NDVI data over each burned scar. Results indicated that the recovery process in the region located in Central Portugal is mostly related to fire damage rather than to vegetation density before 2003, whereas the latter seems to have a more prominent role than vegetation conditions after the fire episode, e.g. in the case of the region in Southwestern Portugal. These differences are consistent with the respective predominant types of vegetation. The burned area located in Central Portugal is dominated by Pinus Pinaster whose natural regeneration crucially depends on the destruction of seeds present on the soil surface during the fire, whereas the burned scar in Southwestern Portugal was populated by Eucalyptus that may quickly re-sprout from buds after fire. Besides its simplicity, the monoparametric model of vegetation recovery has the advantage of being easily adapted to other low-resolution satellite data, as well as to other types of vegetation

  1. As viagens ferroviárias em Portugal (1845-1896

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    Hugo Silveira Pereira


    Full Text Available Between 1852 and 1893 more than two thousand kilometres of railway were built in Portugal, changing the way people travelled across the Kingdom. Before that, travel only took place by river, by sea along the coast or by land where the lack of obstacles allowed it. This new form of transportation shortened distances and thus gave Portuguese travellers more time. Based on contemporary parliamentary debates, the technical opinions of Portuguese engineering (both manuscript in the records of the Ministry of Public Works and published in technical journals and contemporary fictional literature, this study aims to describe and explain some of the changes to travelling habits in Portugal. We shall see that new habits were brought on by the railway, as well as new concerns and new opportunities, and it quickly became a widely-used public service.

  2. Elite futsal refereeing: Activity profile and physiological demands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rebelo, António N.; Ascensão, António A.; Magalhães, José F.


    Rebelo, AN, Ascensão, AA, Magalhães, JF, Bischoff, R, Bendiksen, M, and Krustrup, P. Elite futsal refereeing: activity profile and physiological demands. J Strength Cond Res 24(X): 000-000, 2010-The purpose of this study was to determine the physiological demands and to establish the relationship...... between activity profile and endurance capacity of futsal referees. Eighteen elite futsal referees (33.0 ± 5.1 years, 173 ± 5 cm, and 73.2 ± 8.4 kg) were studied. Video filming (n = 18) and heart rate (HR) recordings were performed throughout games. Blood lactate (n = 14) was determined at rest and after....... Considering the data obtained in the present study, the use of match-specific intermittent fitness tests to evaluate futsal referees seems to be required....

  3. Nutrition and Supplements for Elite Open-Weight Rowing. (United States)

    Boegman, Susan; Dziedzic, Christine E


    Competitive rowing events are raced over 2,000 m requiring athletes to have highly developed aerobic and anaerobic systems. Elite rowers therefore undertake training sessions focused on lactate tolerance, strength and power as well as aerobic and anaerobic capacity development, that can amount to a 24-h training week. The training stimuli and consequent metabolic demands of each session in a rowing training program differ depending on type, length, and intensity. Nutrition guidelines for endurance- and power-based sports should be drawn upon; however, individualized and flexible nutrition plans are critical to successfully meet the daily, weekly, and cyclic nutrient requirements of a rower. This review will provide an overview of key nutritional strategies to optimize training and enhance adaptation, and briefly discuss supplement strategies that may support health and enhance performance in elite rowing.

  4. Parasites of marine, freshwater and farmed fishes of Portugal: a review

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    Jorge da Costa Eiras

    Full Text Available Abstract An extensive literature review is made of the parasites in marine and freshwater fish in mainland Portugal, the Portuguese archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira, as well as in farmed fish. The host(s of each parasite species, its location in the host, site of capture of the host, whenever possible, and all the available bibliographic references are described. The economic importance of some parasites and the zoonotic relevance of some parasitic forms are discussed. A general overview of the data is provided, and some research lines are suggested in order to increase and complement the current body of knowledge about the parasites of fish from Portugal.

  5. Aerobic fitness and performance in elite female futsal players

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    JC Barbero-Alvarez


    Full Text Available Despite its growing popularity, few studies have investigated specific physiological demands for elite female futsal. The aim of this study was to determine aerobic fitness in elite female futsal players using laboratory and field testing. Fourteen female futsal players from the Venezuelan National team (age =21.2±4.0 years; body mass =58.6±5.6 kg; height =161±5.0 cm performed a progressive maximal treadmill test under laboratory conditions. Players also performed a progressive intermittent futsal-specific field test for endurance, the Futsal Intermittent Endurance Test (FIET, until volitional fatigue. Outcome variables were exercise heart rate (HR, VO2, post-exercise blood lactate concentrations ([La]b and running speeds (km • h -2 . During the treadmill test, VO2max, maximal aerobic speed (MAS, HR and peak [La]b were 45.3±5.6 ml • kg-1 • min-1, 12.5±1.77 km • h -2 , 197±8 beats • min-1 and 11.3±1.4 mmol • l-1, respectively. The FIET total distance, peak running velocity, peak HR and [La]b were 1125.0±121.0 m, 15.2±0.5 km • h -2 , 199±8 beats • min-1 and 2.5±2.2 mmol • l-1, respectively. The FIET distance and peak speed were strongly associated (r= 0.85-87, p<0.0001 with VO2max and MAS, respectively. Peak HR and [La]b were not significantly different between tests. Elite female futsal players possess moderate aerobic fitness. Furthermore, the FIET can be considered as a valid field test to determine aerobic fitness in elite level female futsal players.

  6. A crise da Liga das Nações de 1926: realismo neoclássico, multilateralismo e a natureza da política externa brasileira The League of Nations crisis of 1926: neoclassical realism, multilateralism, and the nature of Brazilian foreign policy

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    Braz Baracuhy


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a natureza da política externa brasileira na crise da Liga das Nações (1926, a partir de modelo teórico do realismo neoclássico. As dinâmicas por posições de poder nos tabuleiros geopolítico e multilateral do sistema internacional e as percepções e estratégias diplomáticas da elite de política externa brasileira são consideradas no estudo teórico.The article analyzes the nature of Brazilian foreign policy in the crisis of the League of Nations (1926 from a neoclassical-realist theoretical perspective. Within this theoretical framework, the dynamics of power positioning in the geopolitical and multilateral chessboards of the international system and the perceptions and diplomatic strategies of the Brazilian foreign-policy elite are taken into account.

  7. La Psicología Feminista Crítica en el suroeste semiperiférico europeo: el intrigante caso de Portugal


    Oliveira, J. M.; Neves, S.; Saavedra, L.; Nogueira, C.


    Buscamos explorar en este texto los desarrollos en el campo de la psicología crítica feminista en Portugal. Haciendo uso de una narrativa figura-fondo, pondremos en contraste estos desarrollos con la hegemonía de la psicología mainstream en Portugal. En la primera sección, contextualizamos la psicología en Portugal histórica y sociológicamente. En la segunda, exploramos las que están consideradas como las mejores prácticas en la investigación en este campo en Portugal, usando algunos textos m...

  8. An Enhanced Differential Evolution with Elite Chaotic Local Search

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    Zhaolu Guo


    Full Text Available Differential evolution (DE is a simple yet efficient evolutionary algorithm for real-world engineering problems. However, its search ability should be further enhanced to obtain better solutions when DE is applied to solve complex optimization problems. This paper presents an enhanced differential evolution with elite chaotic local search (DEECL. In DEECL, it utilizes a chaotic search strategy based on the heuristic information from the elite individuals to promote the exploitation power. Moreover, DEECL employs a simple and effective parameter adaptation mechanism to enhance the robustness. Experiments are conducted on a set of classical test functions. The experimental results show that DEECL is very competitive on the majority of the test functions.

  9. A very economical Elite - The case of the Danish CEO

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk, Martin D.; Ellersgaard, Christoph; Larsen, Anton Grau

    habitus is the core principle of admission according to Michael Hartmann. Adding to the German case, even less formal educational qualifications are possessed by Danish CEO’s where the time spend in the economic field appears to be a necessary part of the managers’ qualifications. A certain trajectory...... to a position within the upper echelons of management in Britain, France, Germany and Denmark. Strong preparatory schools appear to be the most important institutions mediating the reproduction of the economic elite in the UK. Elite universities perform the same role in France. In Germany the class specific...

  10. S Das

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. S Das. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 25 Issue 6 November 2002 pp 557-560. 3-D mapping with ellipsometrically determined physical thickness/refractive index of spin coated sol–gel silica layer · S Das P Pal S Roy S Chakraboarty P K Biswas.

  11. Anaerobic work capacity in elite wheelchair athletes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Woude, L H; Bakker, W H; Elkhuizen, J W; Veeger, DirkJan (H. E. J.); Gwinn, T


    To study the anaerobic work capacity in wheelchair athletes, 67 elite wheelchair athletes (50 male) were studied in a 30-second sprint test on a computer-controlled wheelchair ergometer during the World Championships and Games for the Disabled in Assen (1990). The experimental set-up (ergometer,

  12. Decomposição de agulhas de Pinus pinaster e de folhas de Eucalyptus globulus em regiões do interior e do litoral de Portugal Decomposition of needle litter of Pinus pinaster and leaf litter of Eucalyptus globulus in the littoral and inland areas of Portugal

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    C. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Estudou-se, pela metodologia dos litter-bags, a decomposição de agulhas de Pinus pinaster (PP e de folhas de Eucalyptus globulus (EG, considerando a taxa de decomposição e a dinâmica de libertação dos nutrientes mais relevantes para a sustentabilidade dos sistemas florestais. Os estudos decorreram no litoral da Região Centro (Furadouro, Óbidos, quer com folhas de EG quer com agulhas de PP, no interior da Região Norte (Vila Pouca de Aguiar, com agulhas de PP, e numa situação intermédia com folhas de EG (Pegões e Rio Maior. Para igual período, a taxa de decomposição das agulhas de PP, estimada pelo modelo exponencial simples, foi inferior à determinada para as folhas de EG, sendo a diferença mais acentuada na fase inicial da decomposição (6 meses, em que a perda de peso das agulhas de PP foi cerca de metade da observada para as folhas de EG. Durante a fase inicial decomposição, tanto das folhas de EG como das agulhas de PP, ocorreu uma assinalável libertação de P, K e de Mg. A libertação do N dependeu da taxa de decomposição, observando- -se imobilização para as agulhas de PP com mais baixa taxa de decomposição, e libertação rápida para as folhas de EG com mais elevada taxa de decomposição. No caso do Ca o factor diferenciador foi a espécie, sendo a respectiva libertação baixa para as agulhas de PP, mas acentuada para as folhas de EG. As folhas verdes de resíduos de abate de EG decompuseram-se e libertaram os nutrientes mais rapidamente do que as folhas senescentes da mesma espécie.Decomposition of needle litter of Pinus pinaster (PP and leaf litter of Eucalyptus globulus (EG was assessed using the litterbag methodology. Decomposition rate of these residues and release dynamics of nutrients with more relevance to the sustainability of forest systems were measured. The study was carried out in the litoral of Central Portugal (Furadouro,Óbidos, using both PP and EG, in inland of North Portugal (Vila Pouca

  13. Building monument materials during the 3rd-4rd millennium (Portugal) (United States)

    Moita, Patricia; Pedro, Jorge; Boaventura, Rui; Mataloto, Rui; Maximo, Jaime; Almeida, Luís; Nogueira, Pedro


    Dolmens are the most conspicuous remains of the populations of the 4th and first half of 3rd millennia BCE. These tombs are impressive not only for their monumentality, but also because of the socioeconomic investment they represent for those Neolithic communities, namely from the Central-South of Portugal, who built them. Although dolmens have been studied for their funerary content and typologies, an interdisciplinary approach toward the geological characterization and sourcing of stones used in these constructions has not received enough attention from researchers. With MEGAGEO project a multidisciplinary group of geologist and archaeologists intends to assess the relationship between the distribution of dolmens in Central-South Portugal, their source materials, and the geological landscape. GIS will map the information gathered and will be used to analyse these relationships. The selection of the areas, with distinctive geologies (limestone vs granite), will allow to verify if human patterns of behaviour regarding the selection of megaliths are similar or different regionally. Geologically the first target area (Freixo, Alentejo) is dominated by a small intrusion of gabbro mingled/mixed within a granodioritic intrusion both related with variscan orogeny. Granodiorite exhibit several enclaves of igneous and metamorphic nature attesting the interaction between both igneous rocks as well with enclosing gneisses. Despite Alentejo region have a reduced number of outcrops the granodiorite provides rounded to tabular metric blocks. The gabbro is very coarse grained, sometimes with a cumulate texture, and their fracturing and weathering provide very fresh tabular blocks. The five studied dolmens (Quinta do Freixo #1 to #5) are implanted in a large granodioritic intrusion, around the gabbroic rocks, within an area of approximately 9km2. The medium grained granodiorite is ubiquity in all the dolmens slabs and occasionally it can be observed features of mixing and

  14. How the Gold Standard Functioned in Portugal: An Analysis of Some Macroeconomic Aspects


    António Portugal Duarte; João Sousa Andrade


    The purpose of this study is to improve understanding of the gold standard period in Portugal through comparison with other monetary systems that were operated afterwards. Portugal was the first country in Europe to join Great Britain in the gold standard, in 1854, and it adhered to it for quite a long time. The principle of free gold convertibility of the Portuguese currency at a fixed price was abandoned in 1891, even though the classical gold standard as an international monetary system ...

  15. Career drop outs of young elite athletes

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    Petra Fišer


    Full Text Available The main problem of the study was to examine the characteristics of sports career drop outs of young elite sportswomen and their adaptation to the post-sport life. The sample included 20 ex-young elite sportswomen, who had brought their successful sport careers to an end before the age of 19. We used a modified interview about sports career termination (Cecić Erpič, 1998 for the investigation of the characteristics of their sports careers. To examine the caracteristics of sport careers we used frequency analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that the participants mostly stated more than one reason for the termination of their career. The most common reasons for career termination were: lack of motivation, bad relations with trainers or co-competitors and dedication to school or education. After the end of a sports career most of the young sportswomen stayed actively in touch with sport, either as trainers, judges, or they remained engaged in sports for recreation.

  16. Social housing in Portugal and in the municipality of São Paulo : Comparison of space standards

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Costa Branco De Oliveira Pedro, J.A.; Boueri, J.J.


    This paper compares the space standards for social housing in Portugal and in São Paulo, and seeks explanations for differences in the socio-economic context of both territories. The Controlled Cost Housing (CCH) in Portugal and the housing built within the program My Home My Life (MHML) in São

  17. Elites técnicas, Estado e desenvolvimento regional em Minas Gerais na Era Vargas

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    Daniel Henrique Diniz Barbosa

    Full Text Available Este texto aborda o processo de desenvolvimento regional encetado em Minas Gerais, com particular ênfase na participação do corpo técnico regional ao longo das décadas de 1930 e 1940. Trata-se de um período de relevantes transformações no âmbito do poder público, sobretudo no tocante ao papel desempenhado pela ideologia e prática do planejamento e intervencionismo do Estado na esfera econômica, o que permitiu, no caso mineiro, a ascensão da categoria profissional do engenheiro às arenas decisórias do Estado, com repercussão na elaboração e tentativa de implantação de projetos voltados para o desenvolvimento econômico regional, notadamente nas áreas de agricultura e siderurgia. Este texto priorizará, para tanto, dois grupos específicos dentre essa elite técnica mineira: os ex-alunos da Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto e os alunos e professores da Escola Superior de Agricultura e Veterinária, de Viçosa.

  18. The Tourism Potential of Northern Portugal and Its Relevance for a Regional Branding Strategy

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    Eduardo OLIVEIRA


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to explore a potential regional branding strategy for the northern part of Portugal, emphasizing the regional tourism potential. Furthermore, it aims to clarify the answers of the following research questions: i is tourism a strategic domain with the potential to integrate a branding strategy at the regional level? ii is a regional branding strategy an engine by which to enable economic and social transformation in the region, thus responding to the contemporary challenges such as weak economic confidence and unemployment? To answer these questions, a content analysis on the policy documents: i Northern Portugal Strategic Guidelines 2014-2020 and ii National Strategic Plan for Tourism 2013-2015 has been performed. In addition, the article details the results of in-depth interviews conducted with two regional entities: i Tourism of Porto and the North of Portugal (TPNP, in charge of national tourism planning and promotion and ii North Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDRN, involved in regional planning and development. The findings reinforce the importance of tourism as a strategic domain to boost the economy and create momentum in Northern Portugal. Moreover, tourism is seen by the respondents as a key objective in a regional branding strategy.

  19. Asymmetry of Muscle Strength in Elite Athletes (United States)

    Drid, Patrik; Drapsin, Miodrag; Trivic, Tatjana; Lukac, Damir; Obadov, Slavko; Milosevic, Zoran


    "Study aim": To determine muscle strength variables in elite judoists and wrestlers since thigh muscle strength and bilaterally balanced flexor-to-extensor ratio minimise injury risk and are desirable for achieving sport successes. "Material and methods": Judoists, wrestlers and untrained subjects, 10 each, were subjected to isokinetic strength…

  20. The management of bovine reproduction in elite herds. (United States)

    Sheldon, I Martin; Wathes, D Claire; Dobson, Hilary


    The management of bovine reproduction is the cornerstone of health provision in elite herds. Aims and objectives for reproductive performance should be herd specific and data to monitor progress should not only be frequently collected, but also analysed and reported. Strategic monitoring of animals should include a vaginal examination for evidence of uterine disease, as well as transrectal ultrasonography of the genital tract. There has been considerable advancement in our ability to intervene in the reproduction of cattle during the last 50 years. However, it is salutary to note that during this time fertility has consistently declined, despite increasing veterinary intervention. Most elite herds use artificial insemination and success depends on accurate detection of oestrus expression, but this appears to be less overt than 25 years ago. In addition, half the cattle have abnormal oestrous cycles after parturition and conception rates are decreasing by 1% per year. Risk factors for abnormal oestrous cycles include puerperal problems, negative energy balance, which can be evaluated by body condition scoring, and uterine disease. Bacterial contamination of the uterus is ubiquitous after parturition in cattle and disease disrupts ovarian follicle growth and function. Reproduction is also disrupted by stress associated with clinical disease, pain or a sub-optimal environment. The challenge for veterinarians providing reproduction control programmes to elite herds is to transfer our knowledge of the problems underlying subfertility to the farm, in order to provide effective solutions.