
Sample records for daerah pertambangan emas

  1. Potensi Bencana Geologi Pada Penambangan Emas dan Lempung di Desa Cihonje Kecamatan Gumelar Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Asmoro Widagdo


    Full Text Available Desa Cihonje di Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas, memiliki sumber daya mineral seperti emas dan tanah liat kaolin. Kedua mineral ini telah dilakukaneksploitasi oleh masyarakat setempat. Pemanfaatan sumber daya ini telah memberikan kemakmuran bagi warga setempat. Namun, upaya pertambangan tidak dalam kondisi baik dan masih belum berlisensi. Penggalian emas dan tanah liat di sekitar area perumahan telah membawa dampak yang sangat mengkhawatirkan terhadap keselamatan para penambang dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini pada potensi bencana yang mungkin menjadi ancaman bagi masyarakat setempat dilakukan dengan pengamatan langsung. observasi lapangan ini dilakukan dengan memetakan lokasi operasi pertambangan, perubahan lingkungan dilakukan deskripsi, mengambil gambar dan wawancara dengan penduduk dan para penambang. pertambangan emas primer mengambil urat mineral dengan membuat sumur vertikal dan horizontal. sumur ini sangat dalam dan mencapai puluhan meter. Hal ini telah mengancam keselamatan para penambang, mengganggu penggunaan lahan sebagai daerah pertanian, yang mempengaruhi ketersediaan sumber air tanah, menyebabkan tanah longsor dan mencemari sumber air sungai. pertambangan emas sekunder pada deposito aluvial di tepi sungai telah menyebabkan kerusakan lahan pertanian, erosi sungai dan pencemaran air. Pertambangan tanah liat telah menyebabkan perubahan dalam pengaturan lingkungan dan potensi longsor.


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    Lukman Malanuang


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sektor pertambangan tembaga dan emas yang dioperasikan oleh PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara di Sumbawa Barat sangat dominan terhadap struktur perekonomian kabupaten tersebut sejak 2000-2006 dengan rata-rata 94,00 % dalam PDRB. Terkait dengan sifat sumberdaya mineral yang tidak terbarukan, deposit rnineral yang terbatas dan masa produksi pertambangan yang relatif pendek maka ketergantungan terhadap satu sektor (pertambangan dalam jangka menengah dan panjang akan berpengamh signifikan bagi pembangunan wilayah Sumbawa Barat. Untuk itu perlu solusi mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap tambang dengan melakukan transformasi struktur ekonomi dengan membangun rantai pohon industri pertanian lokal yang merupakan sumberdaya terbarukan dan ekowisata. Selain itu semakin berkurang dan habisnya pertambangan pada masa mendatang akan sangat beresiko terhadap kinerja pembangunan. Peran pemerintah daerah dalam mengalokasikan anggaran dengan tepat dan kerjasama antar daerah dalam memperbaiki dan mempertahankan kinerja pembangunan sangat penting dilakukan. Hasil analisis isi (content analysis peraturan perundangan sektor pertambangan belum mengarah pada tercapainya tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan.   ABSTRACT Copper and Gold mine sector that operated by PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara in West Sumbawa has dominated the regency economic structure since 2000-2006 with average share for Product Domestic Regional Bruto is 94,00 %. Regarding to mineral resources characteristic such as unrenewable, limited mineral deposit and relative short of long life project therfore dependency only on one sector (mining for long and medium terms will have significant effect on the development of West Sumbawa. Therefore, it‘s need a solution to reduce the dependency on the mine sector to tranform economic structure by means stablished local agro-industrial tree chain that characterized by renewable resources and ecotourism. In other hand, more reduction and exhaustment of mine production


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    Mrs. Heriamariaty


    Full Text Available The absence of Public Mining Area and continued use of mercury is responsible for the illegal gold mining and water pollution in Kahayan river. Efforts must be made to avoid and overcome environmental impact by strengthening coordination in central and regional level; empowering local community; and imposing sanction as law enforcement method. Belum adanya Wilayah Pertambangan Rakyat serta penggunaan merkuri mendorong terjadinya penambangan emas tanpa izin dan pencemaran air di Sungai Kahayan. Untuk mencegah dan menanggulangi pencemaran ini diperlukan koordinasi di tingkat pusat dan daerah; penyuluhan dan pendekatan di bidang sosial, ekonomi, budaya, hukum, dan teknologi; serta penegakan hukum secara tegas melalui penerapan sanksi.

  4. Pendugaan Model Sumber Anomali Magnetik Bawah Permukaan Di Area Pertambangan Emas Rakyat Desa Paningkaban, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas (Halaman 38 S.d. 42)


    -, Sehah; Anom Raharjo, Sukmaji; Wibowo, Okky


    Telah dilakukan survei magnetik dan pendugaan model sebaran sumber anomali magnetik bawah permukaan di kawasan pertambangan emas rakyat Desa Paningkaban, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas. Data awal yang diperoleh dalam survei magnetik adalah kuat medan magnetik total. Setelah dilakukan beberapa koreksi dan reduksi diperoleh data anomali magnetik residual. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan terhadap data anomali magnetik residual menggunakan perangkat lunak Mag2DC for Window pada lintasan AB, di...

  5. Pendugaan Model Sumber Anomali Magnetik Bawah Permukaan di Area Pertambangan Emas Rakyat Desa Paningkaban, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas (Halaman 38 s.d. 42)


    -, Sehah; Anom Raharjo, Sukmaji; Wibowo, Okky


    Telah dilakukan survei magnetik dan pendugaan model sebaran sumber anomali magnetik bawah permukaan di kawasan pertambangan emas rakyat Desa Paningkaban, Kecamatan Gumelar, Kabupaten Banyumas. Data awal yang diperoleh dalam survei magnetik adalah kuat medan magnetik total. Setelah dilakukan beberapa koreksi dan reduksi diperoleh data anomali magnetik residual. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan terhadap data anomali magnetik residual menggunakan perangkat lunak Mag2DC for Window pada lintasan AB, di...


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    Fahrul Rijal


     Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana interaksi aktor dalam perumusan kebijakan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif yang didukung dengan data kualitatif dalam bentuk tabel frekuensi. Populasi dalam penelitian sekaligus merupakan sampel sebanyak 20 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik berupa observasi, kuesioner serta dikembangkan dengan wawancara kepada responden. Data tersebut dianalisis secara Deskriptip kuantitatif yaitu menganalisis semua data yang berhasil dikumpulkan penulis, dan selanjutnya disajikan dalam bentuk tabulasi frekuensi dilengkapi dengan tanggapan responden yang diperoleh dari hasil Informan, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bagaimana interaksi aktor dalam perumusan kebijakan pengelolaan pertambangan dengan indikator: 1. Pola kerja sama (bar- gaining, Hubungan yang terjalin antara DPRD dan Pemerintah Daerah terjalin baik dan berhasil dilakukan, 2. Model persuasif (persuasion, a. ketepatan negosiasi tepat, b. persetujuan pemerintah daerah dan DPRD dalam mengkompromikan permasalahan yang terjadi banyak yang setuju. Faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi seperti faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat. Adapun faktor pendukung interaksi aktor dam perumusan kebijakan pengelolaan pertambangan di Kabupaten Kolaka Utara ialah: a. komunikasi. b. sumber daya pelaksana. Faktor penghambat interaksi aktor dalam perumusan kebijakan pengelolaan pertambangan di kabupaten kolaka utara. a. Komitmen. b. Struktur birokrasi.

  7. Konsep Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam dalam Penambangan Emas Ilegal


    Hikmawati, wahidin dan


    Pertambangan yang terletak di Kecamatan Kuantan Tengah ini berupa emas merupakan karunia dari tuhan yang harus dimanfaatkan bagi kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Tetapi pada realita, USAha penambangan emas ini banyak menimbulkan dampak negatif dibandingkan dampak positif.Hal ini terkait dengan ekonomi masyarakat, lingkungan hidup dan kehidupan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui USAha penambangan emas di Kecamatan Kuantan Tengah, untuk mengetahui dampak kegiatan penamban...

  8. Diversity and Abundance of Insects as Bioindicators of the Environmental Impacts of Tin Mining in Bangka Island, Indonesia


    Sulaiman, Norela; Sary, Nila; Abdullah, Maimon


    Satu kajian telah dijalankan untuk menentukan efek aktivitas pertambangan timah pada kelimpahan dan keragaman serangga dan memilih/menyaring kelompok taksonomi potensial sebagai kandidat potensial bagi bioindikator lingkungan yang baik. Pengambilan contoh dilakukan pada 28 Meiâˆ'12 Juni 2008 pada empat stasiun. Dua stasiun ditempatkan dalam daerah pertambangan (stasiun B1 dan B2) sementara dua stasiun control ditempatkan di sekitar daerah hutan lindung (stasiun B3 dan B4). Pengambilan contoh ...


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    Abdul Bakhirnudin


    Full Text Available Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Kawasan Banglor merupakan salah satu Kawasan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan yang paling rendah dan terletak jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kawasan lainnya. Diantara kawasan-kawasan lainnya hanya kawasan Banglor sajalah yang memiliki pertumbuhan di bawah 4 persen yaitu 3,5 dan hal tersebut terletak jauh dibawah rata-rata dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 4,89 persen pada tahun 2011. Sedangkan untuk kawasan lainnya memiliki pertumbuhan diatas 4 persen pada tahun 2011. Populasi penelitian ini adalah PDRB Kabupaten Rembang dan Blora atas dasar harga konstan tahun 2000, sedangkan sampel penelitian ini adalah PDRB Kab. Rembang dan Blora serta Jawa Tengah tahun 2007-2011 atas dasar harga konstan tahun 2000. Variabel yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini yaitu PDRB, pertumbuhan ekonomi, sektor-sektor ekonomi, penduduk, komponen Shift Share, dan SWOT. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan analisis SLQ, DLQ dan Shift Share guna menentukan potensi ekonomi daerah yang dapat dijadikan sektor basis atau sektor unggulan. Selain itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan mengetahui tingkat ketimpangan antar daerah dalam kawasan Banglor. Berdasarkan analisis LQ dan Shift Share dapat diketahui potensi ekonomi daerah di kabupaten dalam kawasan Banglor, yaitu sektor industri pengolahan, sektor pertambangan dan penggalian, sektor Listrik,Gas, dan Air bersih, sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran di Kabupaten Rembang. Sedangkan di Kabupaten Blora Potensi Ekonomi Daerahnya adalah sektor Pertambangan dan Penggalian, sektor Industri Pengolahan, sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran, sektor Keuangan, Persewaan dan jasa perusahaan serta sektor Listrik,Gas, dan Air bersih. Selanjutnya digunakan analisis SWOT guna menganalisis strategi kebijakan pengembangan sektor Industri Pengolahan, sektor Perdagangan



    Irzal nur


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tipe mineralisasi dan merekonstruksi model genetik primer dari endapan emas pada batuan metamorfik di daerah Gogorea dan Gunung Botak, Pulau Buru, Provinsi Maluku, berdasarkan studi mineralogi, geokimia, dan mikrotermometri inklusi fluida. Penelitian ini direncanakan dilaksanakan selama dua tahun, di mana pada tahun pertama dilakukan studi mineralogi dan geokimia untuk mendeterminasi karakteristik host rock metamorfik dan fasies metamorfismenya, alte...

  11. Model Revitalisasi Lahan Dampak Pertambangan Pasir Besi (Perspektif Implementasi Perda Kabupaten Cilacap Nomor 17 Tahun 2010

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    Lutfi Zaini Khakim


    Full Text Available Pertambangan pasir besi menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan yang menyebabkan kemunduran kualitas tanah dan kerusakan jalan. Di Kabupaten Cilacap banyak pihak penambang pasir besi yang tidak menjalankan kewajibannya dalam mereklamasi lahan bekas pertambangan pasir besi sehingga lahan bekas pertambangan tidak dapat dimanfaatkan sesuai peruntukannya. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan Implementasi Perda Kabupaten Cilacap Nomor 17 Tahun 2010 tentang Pengelolaan Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara dan Retribusi Penggantian Biaya Cetak Peta Informasi Pertambangan di Kabupaten Cilacap di lapangan dan menemukan model pelaksanaan yang digunakan untuk merevitalisasi lahan dampak pertambangan pasir besi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif, jenis penelitian yuridis sosiologis. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan studi tinjauan pustaka. Analisis data menggunakan Interactive Analysis Models. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pertambangan pasir besi menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan dan pelanggaran banyak terjadi terutama pada saat proses perijinan dan pascatambang. Model yang digunakan dalam merevitalisasi dampak pertambangan pasir besi adalah pasir tailing yang digunakan untuk menutup kembali lahan bekas pertambangan pasir besi dan penanaman bibit tanaman oleh pemilik lahan atas dana dari pihak penambang. Iron sand mining causes environmental damage soil quality deterioration and damage to roads. In Cilacap many iron sand miners who do not fulfill their obligations in reclaiming mined land so that the iron sand mined land can not be utilized according to its designation. Implementation research purposes to describe the Cilacap District Regulation No. 17 Year 2010 on Mineral and Coal Mining Management and Levies Map Information Mining in Cilacap on the field and find the model that is used to revitalize the implementation of land iron sand mining impacts. The method used in this study uses

  12. Strategi Pengembangan Daerah Growth Pole melalui Pemanfaatan Potensi Lokal

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    Rusdarti Rusdarti


    Full Text Available This research aims to determine the leading sectors that could be developed in each district in Cilacap Regency as a growth pole area. We use location quotient, shift share, and klassen typology as analysis methods. The research results show that not all of the district at Cilacap regency have a leading sector. Further, districts that have leading sectors are as follows. Wanareja only has a leading sector, i.e. agriculture. Secondly, Kawunganten has two leading sectors, agriculture and finance, rent, and company services. Thirdly, Agriculture becomes the only leading sector of Kampung Laut District. Fourthly, Mining and extraction are the leading sectors of Kesugihan District. Fifthly, Sampang District has buildings and finance sectors as the leading sectors. Sixthly, Kroya District leads in trade, hotel, and restaurant sectors. Seventhly, South Cilacap District leads in mining and extraction sectors. Eighthly, Central Cilacap District has manufacturing, electricity, gas and clean water, building and services as leading sectors. Lastly, North Cilacap District has electricity, gas and clean water, manufacturing, building and services as leading sectors. Abstrak   Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan sektor unggulan yang dapat dikembangkan di tiap kecamatan di Kabupaten Cilacap sebagai salah satu daerah growth pole. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu location quotient, shift share dan klassen typologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak semua kecamatan di kabupaten Cilacap memiliki sektor unggulan. Beberapa daerah yang memiliki sektor unggulan diantaranya adalah  Kecamatan Wanareja hanya memiliki satu sektor unggulan yaitu pertanian. Kedua adalah Kecamatan Kawunganten memiliki dua sektor unggulan yaitu sektor pertanian dan sektor keuangan, persewaan dan jasa perusahaan. Kecamatan Kampung Laut, dimana sektor pertanian pada kecamatan ini sangatlah unggul. Kecamatan kesugihan juga memiliki satu sektor unggulan yaitu


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    Muhammad Hasyimi


    Full Text Available Sejak bulan Oktober tahun 2011, di Kabupaten Buru, Maluku ada kegiatan penambangan emas di beberapa tempat yang mengakibatkan peningkatan mobilitas & migrasi penduduk yang bermakna. Sehingga berdampak pada perubahan tatanan sosial, ekonomi dan kesehatan lingkungan di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kekhawatiran jajaran kesehatan tentang dampak penambangan emas terhadap kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara terbuka dan diskusi kelompok (FGD untuk menggali pendapat informan berkenaan dengan dampaknya pada kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan. Informan terdiri dari unsur Dinas Kesehatan, Kepala Puskesmas, Kader Posyandu dan unsur pemerintah daerah (Pemda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambangan emas yang berjalan, berdampak negatif terhadap kesehatan masyarakat. Dampak negatif tersebut ditandai dengan munculnya penyakit yang tadinya belum pernah dilaporkan seperti demam berdarah dengue (DBD, kulit dan HIV /AIDS. Meningkatnya jumlah kasus penyakit tertentu, antara lain penderita malaria, diare dan infeksi saluran pernafasan akut (ISPA. Sebagian besar informan mengkhawatirkan menurunnya status kesehatan masyarakat kini dan mendatang karena merajalelanya penyakit menular dan pencemaran dari mercury (Hg dan cyanida, jika tidak ada intervensi pemerintah yang baik.   Kata kunci: Penambangan emas, jajaran kesehatan dan kekhawatiran

  14. EMAS in Germany. Evaluation 2012; EMAS in Deutschland. Evaluierung 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Since the 1990ies, the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is established in the European Union. Arqum GmbH (Munich, Germany) and Infra dimap (Berlin, Germany) performed the survey ''EMAS in Germany - Evaluation 2012'' at 573 EMAS organizations in the period between March 2012 and July 2012 in order to gain insight into the current EMAS practice in German organizations and to identify potentials for the future development of the EMAS system. The survey covered the following topics: (1) Reasons for participation of the companies and organizations with the EMAS system; (2) Cost-effectiveness of EMAS at the site of the organization; (3) Experiences with the environmental statement; (4) Experiences after the last EMAS amendment (EMAS III); (5) Experience with the environmental verifier and the validation process; (6) Evaluation of the continuation of the EMAS system; (7) Requests to the environmental policy. The main results of this survey are presented in the contribution under consideration.

  15. Kelayakan Ekonomi Dan Lingkungan Kegiatan Pertambangan Rakyat Di Kabupaten Sleman


    Afriani Astuti, Farida; Sungkowo, Andi


    Kabupaten Sleman memiliki 19 titik lokasi penambangan rakyat yang belum memiliki ijin dari pemerintah. Kegiatan penambangan menghasilkan dampak positif dan negatif bagi lingkungan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai kelayakan ekonomi dan lingkungan sebagai dasar untuk memberikan ijin bagi kegiatan pertambangan rakyat tersebut. Penentuan kelayakan ekonomi dan lingkungan menggunakan metode pengharkatan. Kelayakan ekonomi kegiatan penambangan menggunakan 3 parameter sebagai dasa...

  16. Kelayakan Ekonomi dan Lingkungan Kegiatan Pertambangan Rakyat di Kabupaten Sleman


    Afriani Astuti, Farida; Sungkowo, Andi


    Kabupaten Sleman memiliki 19 titik lokasi penambangan rakyat yang belum memiliki ijin dari pemerintah. Kegiatan penambangan menghasilkan dampak positif dan negatif bagi lingkungan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai kelayakan ekonomi dan lingkungan sebagai dasar untuk memberikan ijin bagi kegiatan pertambangan rakyat tersebut. Penentuan kelayakan ekonomi dan lingkungan menggunakan metode pengharkatan. Kelayakan ekonomi kegiatan penambangan menggunakan 3 parameter sebagai dasa...


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    Rosyafah Febiandani


    Full Text Available Adanya desentralisasi fiskal diharapkan dapat menciptakan kemandirian daerah dan dapat mengurangi ketergantungan pemerintah daerah terhadap pemerintah pusat. Kemandirian keuangan daerah dicerminkan dengan perbandingan besarnya PAD terhadap total pendapatan daerah. Sejak 10 tahun dilaksanakannya otonomi daerah sesuai UU No 32 Tahun 2004, kemandirian keuangan daerah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah masih berada di level yang kurang baik dibandingkan dengan provinsi lainnya di Pulau Jawa. Jumlah pengangguran dan jumlah penduduk miskin di Provinsi Jawa Tengah juga masih terhitung tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dari tingkat kemandirian keuangan daerah dan tingkat ketergantungan daerah terhadap tingkat pengangguran dan tingkat kemiskinan di kabupaten/kota Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2013. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Korelasi Kanonikal menggunakan bantuan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemandirian keuangan daerah mempunyi hubungan yang signifikan, kuat, dan tidak searah dengan pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Sedangkan hubungan antara ketergantungan daerah terhadap kemiskinan dan pengangguran mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan, tidak kuat, dan tidak searah. Peningkatan kemandirian keuangan daerah guna mengurangi tingkat ketergantungan terhadap pemerintah pusat dapat dilakukan dengan cara menggali dan mengelola sumber daya atau potensi daerah yang dimilikinya secara efektif dan efisien sebagai sumber utama pendapatan keuangan daerahnya. Fiscal decentralization is expected to create independency regional financial and to reduce the dependence of local governments to the central government. Independency regional financial can be result by the ratio of PAD to total local revenue. Since 10 years the implementation of regional autonomy based on UU No. 32 of 2004, independency regional financial in Central Java is still unwell compared to the other

  18. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD Dalam Perundang-Undangan Pemerintahan Daerah dan Lembaga Legislatif Daerah

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    Asmawi .


    Full Text Available Abstract: Local People's Representative Council (DPRD In Local Government Legislation and Regional Legislative Institutions. One of the most esential issues of democracy’s results in Indonesian constitutional platform is the local legislature, so popularly known as the Local People's Representative Council (DPRD. The key of the success in organizing local government is the capability of the Local People's Representative Council (DPRD in conducting the three basic functions and plus, namely legislating, budgeting, supervising, and plus representing, simultaneously, proportionally and continously. In the future times, it is urgent to strengthen the structure and institutional capacity of the Local People's Representative Council (DPRD by means of three agenda, that is (i to redefine and to consolidate the position of the Local People's Representative Council (DPRD as a legislature; (ii to reinforce the authority of the Local People's Representative Council (DPRD; and (iii to maximize the capacity of the Local People's Representative Council (DPRD in performing its all functions. To that end, it is urgent to take an effort in revising Law of 32/2004 and Law of 27/2009. Abstrak: Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD Dalam Perundangundangan Pemerintahan Daerah dan Lembaga Legislatif Daerah. Salah satu isu terpenting hasil demokrasi dalam pentas ketatanegaraan Indonesia ialah lembaga legislatif daerah, yang populer dikenal dengan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD. Kunci keberhasilan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah adalah kemampuan DPRD dalam menjalankan tiga plus fungsi utamanya-legislasi, anggaran dan pengawasan, dan plus representasi‐secara simultan, proporsional dan berkelanjutan. Di masa mendatang penting untuk memperkuat struktur dan kelembagaan DPRD melalui 3 (tiga agenda: (i memperjelas dan memperkuat kedudukan DPRD sebagai badan legislatif; (ii memperkuat kewenangan DPRD; dan (iii memperkuat kapasitas DPRD dalam menjalankan fungsi

  19. Economically motivated adulteration (EMA) of food: common characteristics of EMA incidents. (United States)

    Everstine, Karen; Spink, John; Kennedy, Shaun


    Economically motivated adulteration (EMA) of food, also known as food fraud, is the intentional adulteration of food for financial advantage. A common form of EMA, undeclared substitution with alternative ingredients, is usually a health concern because of allergen labeling requirements. As demonstrated by the nearly 300,000 illnesses in China from melamine adulteration of infant formula, EMA also has the potential to result in serious public health consequences. Furthermore, EMA incidents reveal gaps in quality assurance testing methodologies that could be exploited for intentional harm. In contrast to foodborne disease outbreaks, EMA incidents present a particular challenge to the food industry and regulators because they are deliberate acts that are intended to evade detection. Large-scale EMA incidents have been described in the scientific literature, but smaller incidents have been documented only in media sources. We reviewed journal articles and media reports of EMA since 1980. We identified 137 unique incidents in 11 food categories: fish and seafood (24 incidents), dairy products (15), fruit juices (12), oils and fats (12), grain products (11), honey and other natural sweeteners (10), spices and extracts (8), wine and other alcoholic beverages (7), infant formula (5), plant-based proteins (5), and other food products (28). We identified common characteristics among the incidents that may help us better evaluate and reduce the risk of EMA. These characteristics reflect the ways in which existing regulatory systems or testing methodologies were inadequate for detecting EMA and how novel detection methods and other deterrence strategies can be deployed. Prevention and detection of EMA cannot depend on traditional food safety strategies. Comprehensive food protection, as outlined by the Food Safety Modernization Act, will require innovative methods for detecting EMA and for targeting crucial resources toward the riskiest food products.


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    Suwarno Suwarno


    Full Text Available The aim of this research is for knowing the economic impacts of the policy of illegal logging and Illegal Mining ban to the economic society. The method chosen for exploring this study is qualitative method. The research was conducted from January up to August in 2009. The subject is the community of expansion area, Tumbang Samba. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the impact of issuing a policy of illegal logging and Illegal Mining ban is that a decline of income levels occurs, a lot of sawyers become unemployed, furniture and sawmill companies go bankrupt, the society has no longer become illegal gold miners, the ilegal gold mining companies are closed and there are not any immigrants who want to find gold. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai mengetahui dampak ekonomi kebijakan larangan illegal logging dan Illegal Mining terhadap ekonomi masyarakat. Metode yang dipilih untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut adalah kualitatif. Penelitian dilaku¬kan pada bulan Januari-Agustus 2009. Subyek penelitian adalah masyarakat daerah pemekaran Tumbang Samba. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut. Pertama, dam¬pak kebijakan larangan illegal logging dan Illegal Mining terhadap ekonomi masyarakat yaitu menurun¬nya tingkat pendapatan masyarakat. Kedua, banyak sekali tenaga penggergaji menjadi menganggur, perusahaan pengergajian tutup, pekerja industri mebelair tutup, masyarakat tidak lagi menjadi buruh tambang emas ilegal, perusahaan tambang emas ilegal tutup dan tidak ada lagi masyarakat pendatang yang ingin mencari emas.


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    Ridwan Mukti


    Full Text Available The amandement of Article 18 UUD 1945, has brought significant changes in the regional administration. One of the changes associated with  the position of head region, which previously  for this position and for the vice of head region  elected by the Legislative Council, Now it is elected trough election.  Article 18 paragraph (4 UUD 1945 states as follows : " Governor, Regent, and Mayor respectively as head of the provincial government, district, and city elected democratically. " Term " democratically elected " under Article 18 paragraph (4 UUD 1945 is implemented through the provisions of Article 56 paragraph (1 of Law No. 32 of 2004 on Regional Government, which stipulates that all regional heads both governors, regents and mayors elected as a pair of candidates directly by the people. In fact, the provisions of the law apply to all areas without considering the fact different areas , so it has attracted a wide range of issues. Though the constitution does not definitively establish that such electoral procedures. Similarly uniformity to diversity in terms of uniformity of areas including recruitment system or filling the post of regional head felt at odds with the fact of diversity in Indonesia. Keywords : Regional Head; Regional Diversity ABSTRAK Adanya perubahan ketentuan Pasal 18 UUD 1945, telah membawa perubahan yang cukup besar pada penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah. Salah satu perubahan itu terkait dengan pengisian jabatan kepala daerah, yang sebelumnya kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah dipilih oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, saat ini telah diubah dengan cara pemilihan secara demokratis. Pasal 18 ayat (4 UUD 1945 menyatakan sebagai berikut : “Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota masing-masing sebagai kepala pemerintah daerah provinsi, kabupaten, dan kota dipilih secara demokratis.“ Istilah  “dipilih secara demokratis “ berdasarkan Pasal 18 ayat (4 UUD 1945 tersebut  diimplementasikan melalui ketentuan Pasal 56 ayat

  2. Penerbitan Obligasi Daerah Guna Menunjang Ketahanan Ekonomi Daerah (Simulasi atas Penerbitan Obligasi Daerah Untuk Pendanaan Proyek Bus Rapid Trans (BRT pada Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Dian Insani Ambarwati


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT  Due to fiscal constraints, South Sulawesi Province Government needed to issued the  municipal bonds to built BRT project.. Municipal bonds could provide additional funds so that local governments might not depend on APBN.  BRT infrastructure was  built may create revenue for betterment of local government's financial performance. The BRT projects funded by municipal bonds would create employment, reduce unemployment and poverty, increase purchasing power parity, community savings and investment, as well as reducing income inequality that could support regional economic resilience ABSTRAK Karena keterbatasan fiskal yang dimiliki, Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan perlu menerbitkan obligasi daerah sebagai alternatif pembiayaan pembangunan khususnya untuk pembangunan BRT. Obligasi daerah dapat memberikan tambahan dana pembangunan sehingga pemerintah daerah tidak tergantung pada APBN.  Infrastruktur BRT yang dibangun dapat mendatangkan penerimaan daerah sehingga kinerja keuangan daerah semakin baik. Bagi masyarakat, adanya BRT  yang didanai dengan obligasi daerah dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja, mengurangi pengangguran dan kemiskinan, meningkatkan purchasing power parity, tabungan, dan investasi masyarakat, serta mengurangi ketimpangan pendapatan sehingga dapat mendukung terciptanya ketahanan ekonomi daerah.

  3. Ema Fatima

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Ema Fatima. Articles written in Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Volume 18 Issue 3 March 2013 pp 287-288 Research News. Venom Evolution - Genetic and External Factors · Ema Fatima · More Details Fulltext PDF ...


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    Helper Sahat P Manalu


    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang memiliki kekayaan sumber daya alam yaitu batubara yang memiliki nilai ekonomi yang cukup besar dan tersebar di berbagai kepulauan di Indonesia. Di sisi lain, kegiatan usaha pertambangan batubara memberikan dampak negatif dan positif terhadap kondisi sosial masyarakat sekitar perusahaan. Tujuan penulisan ini, untuk melihat sejauhmana kesiapan pemerintah daerah dalam rangka penanggulangan pencemaran akibat pertambangan batubara diwilayah penelitian. Metode penelitian ini eksploratif kualitatif, dilakukan dengan Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (DKT pada Instansi terkait. Sedangkan wawancara mendalam dilakukan dengan kepala puskesmas dan tokoh masyarakat. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis model kualitatif yaitu analisis domain/konten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah maupun pemerintah Kabupaten Muara Enim telah mempunyai seperangkat produk hukum untuk mengatasi dampak sosial maupun lingkungan, tetapi dalam pelaksanaan penegakan hukum belum optimal. Selain itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi kinerja pertambangan batubara sebagai dasar pemberian sanksi yang tegas kepada perusahaan maupun pada penambang liar yang tidak memenuhi kewajiban dalam melakukan proses eksploitasi yang menimbulkan dampak terhadap sosial ekonomi dan kerusakan lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disarankan untuk menilai dampak pertambangan batubara terhadap sosial ekonomi masyarakat dan kualitas lingkungan untuk menanggulangi pencemaran sesuai Analisis Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL yang telah di susun sebelumnya.   Kata kunci: Pemerintah, Pertambangan, Batubara, Pencemaran lingkungan





    2016 AJENG MAWADDAH PUYO, E 131 12 003, "Kebijakan Investasi Asing Dalam Bidang Pertambangan di Kabupaten Pohuwato Provinsi Gorontalo Kasus PT. Pani Dharma MAS", dibawah bimbingan Dr. H. Adi Suryadi B., MA selaku pembimbing I dan Pusparida Syahdan. S.sos., MSI, Departemen Ilmu Hubungan internasional, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Hasanuddin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran stakeholders dalam perumusan kebijakan investasi asing da...

  6. Logam Merkuri pada Pekerja Penambangan Emas Tanpa Izin

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    Arif Sumantri


    Full Text Available Potensi produksi pertambangan emas di Indonesia termasuk dalam kategori cukup besar dengan produksi rata-rata 113.720,4423 kg/tahun. Penggunaan merkuri pada proses pengolahan emas berpotensi menyebabkan terjadinya masalah kesehatan seperti keracunan merkuri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor risiko akumulasi merkuri pada rambut pekerja penambangan emas tanpa izin (PETI di Desa Cisarua, Nanggung, Bogor tahun 2013. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh pekerja PETI Desa Cisarua. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik accidental sampling sebanyak 40 pekerja. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan pengamatan. Pengukuran konsentrasi merkuri dalam rambut pekerja menggunakan AAS FIMS dengan Reverence Recovery Material 100%. Variabel bebas pada penelitian ini adalah umur, masa kerja, jam kerja dan konsumsi ikan dengan variabel terikatnya adalah akumulasi logam merkuri pada rambut pekerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata akumulasi logam merkuri dalam rambut pekerja antara 2,03 sampai 9,04 ppm atau terdapat 24 orang (60% mengalami keracunan merkuri lebih dari 2 ppm. Faktor masa kerja (nilai p = 0,000 memiliki korelasi dengan akumulasi logam merkuri pada sampel rambut pekerja yang menunjukan korelasi positif dengan kekuatan sedang (r = 0,552. Hasil analisis multivariat dijelaskan dalam model (akumulasi logam merkuri = -0,315 + 0,896*masa kerja dengan variabel Adjusted R Square masa kerja sebesar 52,6%. Indonesia has a quite large potential production of gold mining with average production 113.720,4423 kg/year. Gold mining production by mercury could cause health problems, such as mercury poisoning. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factor of mercury accumulation in hair samples from illegal gold mining (IGM workers in Cisarua, Nanggung, Bogor in 2013. This research was a quantitative study by cross sectional approach. The population in

  7. Penerapan Program Aplikasi Surfer di Bidang Pertambangan

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    Sri Widayati


    Full Text Available SMK Pertambangan of Indramayu is  a vocational school dedicated to provide skilled worker for mining purposes. Unfortunately, a previsit to the school has revealed a lack of facilities  and computer skill among students and school facilities.  This paper examines a training program held  by members of  Technical Faculty  of Unisba  to  fill the lack  of  skill. A training program focused on Microsoft Excel Application for topography mapping  was conducted.  After the program being held,  the  skill of training participants in acknowledging, comprehending, and applying Microsoft Excel Application for Topography Mapping was increasing 58.33%.  But  surfer  operating skill for topography mapping was still markedly low.

  8. EMAS statement: benign accountability or wishful thinking? Insights from the Greek EMAS registry. (United States)

    Skouloudis, Antonis; Jones, Keith; Sfakianaki, Eleni; Lazoudi, Eugenia; Evangelinos, Konstantinos


    Do organizations certified under the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) effectively discharge their environmental accountability through their statements? Is the EMAS statement a step forward for the transparency of environmental management and the empowerment of organizational stakeholders' decision-making? Drawing from the Greek EMAS registry we apply an evaluation method for the completeness and materiality of environmental statements. While the latest version of the EMAS Regulation has introduced a set of forward-looking - yet challenging - improvements, the application of the standard should be closely examined. With this in mind, the key objective of this research note is to provide - from a descriptive standpoint - insights on the content of EMAS-based environmental accountability and a basis for future research as well as fruitful policy debate. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. EMAS at Doel NPP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nolan, Peter; Thoelen, Els


    In October 1995, Doel NPP of Electrabel, Belgium opted to seek registration under the EC Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). A comprehensive environmental management system (EMS) has been introduced and implemented, encompassing all four PWRs and the supporting departments. A critical step was to seek certification from an accredited environmental auditing body against the International Standard ISO 14001. This provided the foundation for the publicly available environmental statement required by EMAS. The complications of achieving EMAS at a time when national and international standards were being re-formulated were successfully overcome and Doel NPP passed its EMAS audit in June 1997. (author)

  10. PlenadrEMA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boesen, Victor Brun; Christoffersen, Thea; Watt, Torquil


    , it is necessary to use repeated daily measurements, such as ecological momentary assessments (EMAs). This study aims to evaluate EMAs of fatigue as outcome in future large-scale randomised clinical trials. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The PlenadrEMA trial is an investigator-initiated open-label switch pilot trial...... outcome for future randomised clinical trials, and in addition, estimate the variability and difference in fatigue between the two treatments to perform power calculations. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The trial will be conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and has been approved...... by the Regional Scientific Ethical Committee in Copenhagen (ID: H-1-2014-073). All patients will receive written and verbal information about the trial and will give informed consent before enrolment. Findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at international conferences. TRIAL...


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    Retno Wuryandari


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kelayakan tanah dan air di lahan penambangan batubara untuk area pemukiman. Penelitian di lakukan di daerah pertambangan batubara PT. Kitadin di kabupaten Kutai Kertanegara, provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh dari survei lapangan dan sumber sekunder. Parameter yang dianalisis meliputi Soil Index Test, Grain Size Distribution, Density and Permeability. Parameter sample air meliputi pH, turbiditas, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS, Mangaan (Mn dan Besi (Fe. Data tersebut dibandingkan dengan kriteria penggunaan lahan untuk mengevaluasi kadar kelayakan/kesesuaian lahan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa daerah penelitian tertutup lempung dengan plastisitas kurang dari 50%. Akumulasi air dalam lubang daerah penambangan batubara tidak masam dan memadai untuk konsumsi publik pada masa yang akan datang. Secara umum, daerah penelitian di pertambangan memadai untuk daerah permukiman.   ABSTRACT Conducted in PT. Kitadin coal-mined area which is located in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Timur Province, the research aimed to evaluate the feasibility conditions of soils and water at the coal-mined lands for settlement area. Data for the research were obtained from both field survey and secondary sources. The soil parameters analysed were Soil Index Test. Grain Size distribution, Density and Permeability. Water sample parameters analysed covered: pH, Turbidity, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS, Manganese (mn and Iron (Fe. The data were compared with land use criteria to evaluate land feasibility class. The results showed that the study area is covered by clay with its plasticity less than 50%. Meanwhile, the accumulated water in the hole of coal-mined area is not acid and adequate for future public consumption the future. Therefore, in general, the study area is considered appropriate and feasible for settlement.

  12. Pendugaan Kedalaman Paisan dan Resistivitas Batuan dengan Metode Geolistrik di Daerah Temon Kabupaten Kulonprogo Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Rudi Hartono


    Full Text Available Intrusi air laut ke daratan (air tanah sering dijumpai di daerah-daerah pantai. Dengan terjadinya intrusi maka kualitas air tanah menjadi berubah dan mungkin tidak dapat lagi digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air rumah tanga. Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah Temon Kabupaten Kulonprogo DIY, yang merupakan daerah pantai, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui resistivitas (tahanan jenis dan kedalaman lapisan-lapisan batuannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode geolistrik Schlumberger dengan interprestasi datanya secara manual. Berdasarkan interprestasi data penelitian maka dapat diperkirakan bahwa lapisan batuan di daerah penelitian terdiri dari: (1 batuan lembab mengandung air tanah dangkal dengan kedalaman 1,5 meter dengan resistivitas 6,8 ohm/m; (2 lapisan batuan kedap air pada kedalaman 20 meter dengan resistivitas 22,0 ohm/m; (3 batuan/akifer mengandung air tanah dalam pada kedalaman 100 meter dengan resistivitas 6,8 ohm/m; dan (4 batuan/akifer mengandung air asin pada kedalaman 200 meter dengan resistivitas 2,5 ohm/m.

  13. Efektivitas Website Sebagai Media E-Government dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Elektronik Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Pada Website Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Jombang

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    Santy Nurina Aprilia


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang Penelitian ini adalah semakin berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, pemerintah dituntut untuk lebih meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan public khususnya pelayanan publik berupa layanan elektronik atau e-service, khususnya dalam hal ini adalah website, dimana website pemerintah daerah diharapkan dapat menjadi media e-government sebagai sarana interaksi antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat maupun mempermudah layanan elektronik. Penulisan Tesis dengan judul “Efektivitas Website Sebagai Media E-government dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Elektronik Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Pada Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Jombang” merupakan sebuah studi dimana dalam penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengetahui seberapa efektif website pemerintah daerah sebagai media e-government. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah: Untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis efektivitas website sebagai media e-government dalam meningkatkan pelayanan elektronik pemerintah daerah di Kabupaten Jombang; Untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis faktor pendukung efektivitas website sebagai media e-government dalam meningkatkan pelayanan elektronik pemerintah daerah di Kabupaten Jombang; Untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis faktor penghambat efektivitas website sebagai media e-government dalam meningkatkan pelayanan elektronik pemerintah daerah di Kabupaten Jombang. Hasil temuan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa website Pemerintah Kabupaten Jombang telah efektif sebagai media pemberi informasi kepada masyarakat, namun belum efektif sebagai media dalam memberikan pelayanan publik secara elektronik (e-service seperti mendownload blangko, formulir, dll. Kata kunci: Efektivitas, E-government, E-service, Media, Teknologi Informasi, Website

  14. Hubungan Kewenangan Pusat dan Daerah Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah

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    Yusdianto Yusdianto


    Full Text Available Abstrak Hubungan antara kewenangan pusat dengan daerah di Indonesia mengalami pasang surut sesuai rezim penyelenggaraan negara. Sejak reformasi, telah terdapat beberapa kali perubahan format otonomi daerah. Dalam Pasal 18 Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945 sebagai landasan konstitusi dan dasar instrumen pemerintahan daerah dalam pelaksanaannya selalu tidak konsisten mengenai dekonsentrasi, desentralisasi, dan medebewind. Setelah dilakukan penelaahan terhadap Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dapat diketahui beberapa pokok dalam undang-undang tersebut. Pertama, perumus dan pelaksana undang-undang berusaha menyeimbangkan kontekstualitas dan eksistensi pemerintah daerah lebih prudent atau sebaliknya kembali dalam skema shadow sentralisasi. Hal ini didukung dalam Pasal 9 menyebutkan urusan pemerintahan dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga yang terdiri atas urusan pemerintahan absolut, konkuren, dan umum. Bentuk negara kesatuan (unitary state diartikan sebagai penyeragaman daripada perbedaan. Kedua, lebih digunakannya konsep otonomi daerah melalui sistem rumah tangga materiil daripada sistem rumah tanggal formal dan nyata (riil. Sehingga, dengan dekonsentrasi maka suatu sistem pemerintah memiliki kewenangan luas dalam melaksanakan isu strategis di daerah. Ketiga, pemerintah pusat dengan provinsi diberikan kewenangan besar untuk mengawasi kotamadya atau kabupaten. Provinsi yang sebelumnya memiliki daya tawar lemah dan terbatas, diperkuat dengan penambahan fungsi dan kewenangan kepada gubernur. Keempat, efisiensi dan efektifitas lebih diutamakan dengan menggerus otonomi daerah yang luas, nyata dan bertanggung jawab. Prinsip-prinsip demokrasi, peran-serta masyarakat, pemerataan dan keadilan, serta memperhatikan potensi dan keanekaragaman daerah terabaikan. Abstract The relationship of central and local authorities in Indonesia have ups and downs in accordance regime implementation of the State. Since the reform, has many

  15. Ekonomi Politik Penyelesaian Konflik Batas Daerah Antara Kota Cirebon dan Kabupaten Cirebon

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    Agung Firmansyah


    Full Text Available Batas daerah menjadi isu yang sangat penting sejak era otonomi daerah berlangsung di Indonesia. Pemerintah daerah menjadi terdorong untuk mengetahui secara pasti batas-batas wilayah kewenangannya terutama yang memiliki potensi sumber daya yang mendukung pendapatan asli daerah dalam menjalankan otonomi daerah. Konflik batas daerah mengacu pada konflik yang terjadi antara pemerintah daerah pada tingkatan yang sama dalam rangka perebutan batas daerah. Konflik batas daerah antara Kabupaten Cirebon dan Kota Cirebon sudah berlangsung sejak tahun 1988. Berlarut-larutnya penyelesaian konflik batas daerah ini berkaitan dengan ekonomi politik yang ada di tujuh titik batas yang masih disengketakan. Permasalahan yang diteliti adalah asal mula/titik pangkal terjadinya konflik batas daerah dan perkembangan penyelesaian konflik batas daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan analisis data yang yang digunakan adalah model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lamanya penyelesaian konflik antara Kota Cirebon dan Kabupaten Cirebon disebabkan oleh faktor sumber daya khususnya aspek ekonomi di tujuh titik batas daerah yang disengketakan. Pada dasarnya asal mula/titik pangkal terjadinya konflik batas daerah ini disebabkan oleh perbedaan penafsiran pembentukan kota/kabupaten, undang-undang pembentukan kota/kabupaten yang tidak mencantumkan batas-batas daerahnya, kebijakan pelurusan sungai, perbedaan peta dasar acuan, tidak ada koordinasi antardaerah, ketiadaan regenerasi kepemimpinan yang baik, dan pengaruh pembangunan DKI Jakarta. Konflik menjadi rumit karena dipengaruhi beberapa faktor yaitu kepentingan, kebijakan, dan kelembagaan.


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    Abdul Rahim


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to determine the government's role in recommending permit for people based mining in the Borisallo village, Parangloe District of Gowa Regency and to know how the village government in providing guidance to the people in the village Borisallo mining Parangloe District of Gowa. The method used is qualitative. Data were collected using instruments such as: observation, documentation and developed with interviews with informants. Technical analysis of the data used in this study is a model of interactive analysis, namely : data collection, data reduction, data serving and withdrawal conclusions. The validity of the data in this study examined using triangulation techniques. These results indicate that the role of the village government is quite good in the management of people through the mechanism of recommendation and coaching. This method is an attempt to reduce illegal mining in the village Borisallo the daily increasing because of the lack of new jobs. Another policy that has been applied by the village government Borisallo in reducing adverse environmental impacts caused by the people themselves, by imposing a levy policy for improvement of the road maintenance.   Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu Untuk mengetahui peran pemerintah Desa dalam merekomendasikan perizinan pertambangan rakyat di Desa Borisallo Kecamatan Parangloe Kabupaten Gowa dan Untuk mengetahui cara pemerintah desa dalam memberikan pembinaan terhadap pertambangan rakyat di Desa Borisallo Kecamatan Parangloe Kabupaten Gowa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa : observasi, dokumentasi dan dikembangkan dengan wawancara terhadap informan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model analisa interaktif, yaitu: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini diperiksa dengan menggunakan teknik triangulasi


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    Felly Philipus Senewe


    regions. The prevalence of underweight in adults is quite high compared to otherregions. While the prevalence of overweight and obesity is still low compared with other regions.Environmental health status is poor 1 low (household access to clean water: 48.6%, household accesslatrine: 29.9%, density of occupancy: 75.9%, and the ground floor: 83.1% when compared with otherregions . In the border areas, the ratio of doctors (17.4/100 000 population below average, and the ratio ofdentists (4.8/100 000 population, manteri ratio of health personnel (55.6/100 000 population aboveaverage, even midwife ratio (76.4/100 000 population is more than twice the national average, but stilldoes not reach the target INA 2010, 100/100, 000. May be required as follows: more specific policies areneeded to improve the health of people living in border areas (DTPK, need special attention to reduce theincidence of infectious diseases. Nevertheless, the construction of health institutions in each region/city orhospital or border health center. Policies should be specialized in health workers and even a doctor to theborder area.Keywords: Morbidity status, nutrition, access to clean water, health facilities and personnel in the borderareas AbstrakDaerah Perbatasan merupakan kabupaten/wilayah geografis yang berhadapan dengan negaratetangga, dengan penduduk yang bermukim di wilayah tersebut disatukan melalui hubungan sosioekonomi,dan sosio budaya dengan cakupan wilayah administratif tertentu setelah ada kesepakatan antarNegara yang berbatasan. Status kesehatan masyarakat dapat diketahui dari status morbiditas atau penyakit,status mortalitas atau tingkat kematian penduduk atau status gizi pada penduduk dalam masyarakat. Statuskesehatan masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah perbatasan diperkirakan masih sangat rendah biladibandingkan dengan daerah yang lain. Berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2007, data Susenas 2007, dan dataPodes 2008, dilakukan kajian untuk mengetahui gambaran status kesehatan penduduk di


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    jolianis koto


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify and analyze: 1 the effect of household consumption, private investment, and development spending revenue to the regional economy, 2 the effect of private investment, construction spending, employment and regional economy on local income. This study is an exploration studies conducted throughout the Kabupaten/Kota is as much as 19 districts / cities in West Sumatra province. Years of the study period was 2005 to 2009 (5 years. The study found that: 1 household consumption, private investment, and development spending revenue simultaneously or partially significant effect on the regional economy regencies / cities in West Sumatra province. The higher the level of household consumption of a region, the allocation of development spending is high, the amount of private investment that invested in the area and the higher revenues will be able to improve the condition of the local economy. 2 Private investment, construction spending, employment and regional economy simultaneously and partially significant effect on revenue Kabupaten/Kota in West Sumatra province. A growing number of private parties to invest in the area, the size of the allocation of development funds for various public sector facilities, the more labor is absorbed by the sector of the economy will be able to increase local income. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis: 1 Pengaruh konsumsi rumah tangga, investasi swasta, belanja pembangunan dan pendapatan asli daerah terhadap perekonomian daerah, 2 Pengaruh investasi swasta, belanja pembangunan, tenaga kerja dan perekonomian daerah terhadap pendapatan asli daerah.

  19. Tata Kelola Publik Dan Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah Di Indonesia

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    Handoko A Hasthoro


      Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh penerapan tata kelola publik terhadap kinerja keuangan pemerintah daerah di Indonesia. Pelaksanaan pemerintahan umum diukur dengan menggunakan transparansi pemerintah daerah, akuntabilitas pemerintah daerah, budaya hukum, dan partisipasi masyarakat. Sejumlah lima puluh pemerintah daerah yang disurvei oleh Tansparency International Indonesia pada tahun 2010 digunakan sebagai sampel. Hasil dari analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa budaya hukum yang ditunjukkan oleh indeks persepsi korupsi, dan partisipasi masyarakat yang diwakili oleh jumlah pemilih pemilu memiliki pengaruh signifikan positif pada kinerja keuangan pemerintah daerah di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penegakan hukum dan pemilu yang adil mendorong kepercayaan masyarakat untuk membayar pajak yang meningkatkan pendapatan asli.

  20. Perumusan Kebijakan dan Peraturan Daerah Dengan Mekanisme Konsultasi Publik

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    Armen Yasir


    Full Text Available Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pentingnya ketersediaan mekanisme konsultasi publik dalam perumusan kebijakan dan peraturan ditingkat daerah. Berdasarkan tinjauan normatif, disimpulkan bahwa tersedianya mekanisme konsultasi publik sangat penting guna membangun keterlibatan masyarakat sekaligus membentuk keterbukaan lembaga publik. Kondisi yang demikian selaras dengan prinsip negara hukum. Guna menjamin efektifitas mekanisme tersebut, maka daerah perlu mengundangkan peraturan daerah yang mengatur akan hal itu.

  1. Hubungan Negara-Masyarakat dalam Proses Pembentukan Daerah Otonom di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur

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    Lukman Damopolii


    Full Text Available Tuntutan pembentukan daerah otonom di Indonesia dewasa ini semakin intensif dan masif. Seringkali diartikulasikan sebagai tuntutan politik tanpa melihat urgensi administratif sehingga cenderung mengesampingkan hakekat otonomi daerah dan tujuan desentralisasi. Otonomi daerah masih dipahami sebatas hak daerah memperoleh otonomi, tanpa memperhitungkan kapasitas daerah dalam berotonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis latar belakang tuntutan pembentukan, proses pembentukan, dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses pembentukan daerah otonom di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik analisa model Mills dan Huberman melalui langkah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; pertama, latar belakang tuntutan pembentukan sebagai upaya lokalisasi kekuasaan untuk menciptakan pusat kekuasaan baru di daerah dan faktor gerakan sosial yang dipicu konflik sosial berbasis etnik, gerakan reaksioner, pembandingan dengan pencapaian daerah lain, serta adanya peluang politik. Kedua, proses pembentukan terbagi dalam tiga tahap yakni sosialisasi dan konsolidasi elit, pemekaran desa dan kecamatan, serta pendekatan dan komunikasi politik di semua tingkatan. Pada aspek keterpenuhan syarat sebagaimana diatur UU 32/2004 dan PP 78/2007, daerah ini telah memenuhi syarat administratif dan fisik namun belum memenuhi syarat teknis. Ketiga, partisipasi masyarakat dilakukan dalam bentuk musyawarah, pengumpulan dana dan hibah tanah atau bangunan, serta pemasangan atribut pemekaran, sehingga secara keseluruhan telah ada pertanda partisipasi walaupun belum sampai pada derajat kendali warga. Kata kunci: Gerakan sosial, Lokalisasi kekuasaan, Partisipasi masyarakat, Pembentukan daerah otonom 


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    Haryanto Haryanto


    Full Text Available Satu hal yang paling penting dalam upaya peningkatan profit adalah dengan penambahan dan perluasan daerah pemasaran, serta adanya sistem informasi yang terpadu dari pusat ke tiap unit yang dimiliki. Perluasan daerah pemasaran dapat diwujudkan dengan adanya sistem telekomunikasi yang lancar dan dapat menjangkau di tiap daerah yang akan dijadikan sebagai daerah pemasaran. Sehingga hal ini diharapkan tidak akan menghambat proses pendistribusian produk maupun informasi dari tiap daerah tujuan. Intelligent Network (Jaringan Cerdas adalah suatu arsitektur jaringan telekomunikasi yang memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan framework sehingga kerja dari jaringan untuk implementasi, kontrol, dan management menjadi lebih efektif serta lebih ekonomis, dan lebih cepat proses kerjanya dibandingkan arsitektur jaringan yang digunakan saat ini. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas jaringan komunikasi memerlukan infrastruktur yang memadai. Tidak luput dari standar mengenai spesifikasi yang menyangkut mobile system yang akan digunakan. Sehingga perkembangan suatu teknologi akan dapat berefek terjangkaunya komunikasi di daerah-daerah yang terisolasi, sehingga meningkatkan perkembangan daerah tersebut, bahkan tidak menutup kemungkinan dengan adanya peningkatan jaringan komunikasi di daerah maka akan memunculkan daerah-daerah sentra produksi di bidang industri. Peningkatan mobilitas komponen usaha yang tidak diperkirakan sebelumnya, semakin menuntut kemampuan sistem jaringan komunikasi dan data, serta pengembangan jenis-jenis pelanggan baru. Dengan adanya peranan Intelligent Network sebagai konsep arsitektur jaringan, maka akan mendapatkan solusi yang lebih baik untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhan.

  3. Kinerja Keuangan Daerah dan Pembiayaan Belanja Modal Kabupaten Merangin

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    Elliya Agus


    Full Text Available Abstract. This research aimed to test and obtain empirical evidence of a direct effect of the components of financial performance of local governments to capital expenditure Merangin Regency in 2001-2015. The results showed that the degree of decentralization is still very low as the average over 15 years amounted to only 5.16% were categorized as very reendah. It is claimed that PAD Merangin Regency is still a major effect on revenues, seen from efectifivity PAD and PAD Merangin Regency efficiency has been very effective and efficient. The results of multiple linear regression with the variables DOF, effectiveness and efficiency of significant positive effect on capital spending. This suggests that any increase in the financial performance Capital expenditure will also rise. Keywords: Financial Performance, Capital Expenditures, Decentralization Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja anggaran keungan daerah Kabupaten Merangin menggunakan pendekatan rasio keuangan untuk mengukur derajat desentralisasi, tingkat efisiensi dan efektifitas keuagan daerah, serta mengetahui, menguji dan memperoleh bukti empiris pengaruh langsung komponen kinerja keuangan pemerintah daerah terhadap alokasi belanja modal Kabupaten Merangin tahun 2001-2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa derajat desentralisasi masih sangat rendah dimana rata-rata selama 15 tahun hanya sebesar 5,16 % yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat rendah.  Hal ini menyatakan bahwa Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD Kabupaten Merangin masih belum berpengaruh besar terhadap pendapatan daerah, dilihat dari efektifivitas  dan efisiensi Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Merangin sudah sangat efektif dan efisien. Hasil dari regresi linear berganda dengan variabel derajat otonomi fiskal, efektifitas dan efisiensi  keuangan daerah berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap belanja modal.  Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa setiap kenaikan Kinerja keuangan maka Belanja Modal juga akan ikut naik. Kata

  4. Tinjauan Konstitusional Terhadap Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah

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    - Widayati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berbagai ketentuan peraturan perundangan yang mengatur tentang pemilukada; menganalisis kesesuaian peraturan perundangan tentang pemilukada ditinjau dengan Konstitusi Indonesia (UUD tahun 1945 serta mendapatkan alternatif model pemilukada yang sesuai dengan Konstitusi Indonesia. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian yuridis normatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kepustakaan dan dokumentasi menggunakan bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemilihan kepala daerah langsung berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2007 tentang Penyelenggara Pemilu dan Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2008 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah telah dimasukkan ke dalam kategori pemilu. Apabila dikaji, maka hal tersebut tidak sesuai  dengan ketentuan Pasal 22E ayat (2 Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 yang menyatakan bahwa pemilihan umum diselenggarakan untuk memilih anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, Presiden dan Wakil Presiden, dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah. Dalam rumusan Pasal 22E tersebut tidak terdapat rumusan pemilihan umum untuk memilih Kepala Daerah. Pemilihan kepala daerah  langsung bukanlah satu-satunya model demokrasi. Pengaturan mengenai penyelenggaraan pemilihan kepala daerah seharusnya dituangkan dalam undang-undang tersendiri sebagaimana undang-undang tentang pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden This study aims to determine the various statutory provisions governing the election; analyze the suitability of the election laws are reviewed by the Indonesian Constitution (Constitution of 1945 as well as get an alternative model of elections in accordance with the Constitution of Indonesia. This research includes the study juridical normative data collection techniques through literature and documentation using primary and secondary legal materials. The results shows that the direct

  5. Kajian Produksi Bersih Proses Elektroplating Emas pada Perhiasan Imitasi

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    Surti Indriastuti


    Full Text Available Proses electroplating emas pada barang perhiasan imitasi adalah proses melpisi permukaan perhiasan imitasi yang berupa gelang tembaga dengan bahan pelapis emas, dengan bantuan arus litrik. Proses ini menggunakan media pelapisan larutan elaktrolit emas Kau(CN2. Tahapan proses electroplating meliputi: pencucian gelang tembaga, pembilasan awal, proses electroplating, pembilasan akhir, pengeringan.Kajian Produksi Bersih (PB yang dilakukan pada proses tersebut yaitu dengan mengganti  bahan masukan, memperpanjang umur larutan elektrolit emas dilakukan minimasi drag out, pengaturan proses dan peralatan. Mengganti bahan masukan meliputi: air alam diganti aquades, emas berkadar di bawah 24 karat diganti dengan emas berkadar 24 karat (murni, bahan pencuci HCl/H2SO4 diganti dengan asam jawa/lerak. Memperpanjang larutan elektrolit emas dengan jalan: penyaringan, penambahan unsur kimia, pengurangan drag in. Minimasi drag out dengan jalan: menampung drag out. Pengaturan proses dan peralatan meliputi penataan layout peralatan, pemisahan proses basah dan kering, pembuangan limbah langsung ke saluran pembuangan.Hasil kajian memberikan simpulan bahwa penerapan prouksi bersih pada proses electroplating barang perhiasan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas produk, mengurangi kuantitas dan meningkatkan kualitas limbah, menurunkan produk rejek dari 10% menjdai 5%. Kata kunci: electroplating, produksi bersih

  6. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This report summarizes EMaCC activities for fiscal year 1990 and describes the materials research programs of various offices and divisions within the department. The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department's materials programs and to further the effective use of materials expertise within the department. (JL)


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    Yoshia Christian


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jumlah ICCC yang diterima pemerintah daerah dan pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan di Indonesia. Penelitian mengembangkan suatu model statistik untuk melaporkan komentar dalam sistem pengendalian internal dan kepatuhan (ICCC yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia (BPK-RI berdasarkan audit pemerintah daerah di Indonesia dan menggunakan 454 sampel pemerintah daerah tahun 2011. Penelitian ini menggunakan data softcopy laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah yang diperoleh dari BPK dan media publikasi lainnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi berganda untuk menguji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jumlah ICCC yang diterima pemerintah daerah dan binary logistic regression untuk menguji pengaruh antara jumlah ICCC dengan kualitas laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah satu tahun setelahnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa opini wajar tanpa pengecualian, peringkat kinerja pemerintah daerah, dan latarbelakang pendidikan auditor berpengaruh terhadap jumlah ICCC yang diterima pemerintah daerah sementara ukuran pemerintah daerah, kapabilitas APIP dan sertifikasi profesi auditor tidak memiliki pengaruh. Penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa jumlah ICCC yang diterima pemerintah daerah berpengaruh negatif terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah satu tahun setelahnya. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa pemerintah daerah belum mampu melaksanakan rekomendasi auditor dengan baik.

  8. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC), Fiscal year 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    None, None


    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department's materials programs and to further the effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meetings/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. Four topical subcommittees are established and are continuing their own programs: Structural Ceramics, Electrochemical Technologies, Radioactive Waste Containment, and Superconductivity. In addition, the EMaCC aids in obtaining materialsrelated inputs for both intra- and inter-agency compilations. Membership in the EMaCC is open to any Department organizational unit; participants are appointed by Division or Office Directors. The current active membership is listed on the following four pages. The EMaCC reports to the Director of the Office of Energy Research in his capacity as overseer of the technical programs of the Department. This annual technical report is mandated by the EMaCC terms of reference. This report summarizes EMaCC activities for FY 1990 and describes the materials research programs of various offices and divisions within the Department. The Chairman of EMaCC for FY 1990 was Scott L. Richlen; the Executive Secretary was Dr. Jerry Smith.

  9. Development of environmental management accounting and EMAS over time

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    Petra Ptáčková Mísařová


    Full Text Available Environmental management accounting (EMA is a system that collects, records, evaluates and transmits information about environmentally induced financial impacts and environmental impacts of the given system. In 2006 and 2010 there were two questionnaire surveys. The first survey was carried out under the resolution of grant, which was funded by the Internal Grant Agency of the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, No. 68/2006, entitled “Development of the EMAS and environmental management accounting in the Czech Republic”. The second evaluated questionnaire survey was conducted in the study, which was made in connection with solution of the thesis of author‘s article. Group of 25 companies that had validated EMAS during the first questionnaire survey was subjected to a survey. The second questionnaire survey was carried out in the same companies in order to make evaluation of development over time. The aim of this paper is to create coherent conclusion about firms that had or have validated EMAS system and use a voluntary instrument EMA in its corporate practice. Partial aim is to evaluate the development of validated organizations and ‘sites’ with EMAS in time in EU countries. EMAS is a system of management of company and audits in terms of environmental protection. This system is applied within the European Union.


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    Rinda Asytuti


    Full Text Available Pembiayaan gadai emas di bank syariah mencuat ketika harga emas dunia mengalami fluktuasi yang cukup tajam. Hal ini mendorong masyarakat beralih kepada investasi emas. Diawali oleh BRI syariah membuka layanan gadai emas yang diidasarkan pada akad rahn dan ijaroh, namun pada praktiknya membuka prosedur layanan beli gadai yang disinyalir rentan dengan spekulasi yang dilarang oleh agama islam. Produk beli gadai selanjutnya dikenal dengan berkebun emas ini dibatasi oleh Bank Indonesia guna membatasi gerak spekulasi nasabah atas emas. Akan tetapi beberapa bank syariah seperti BNI dan BSM yang juga membuka layanan gadai emas tidak melakukan transaksi beli gadai sebagaimana BRI syariah melainkan hanya melayani gadai emas sebagaimana dalam fatwa DSN MUI No 26/DSN-MUI/III/2002. Namun transaksi gadai emas yang berjalan bukan berarti tanpa masalah ditilik dari fikih dan etika salah satunya adalah penetapan harga ijaroh yang didasarkan pada metode tiring dan taksasi pembiayaan yang diterima. Penetapan harga ijaroh dan transaksi gadai emas  dirasakan telah menyalahi konsepsi Rahn yang seharusnya didudukkan pada akad keterdesakan yang beresensi ta’awun tolong menolong. Untuk itu tulisan ini  membahas tentang praktik gadai emas di bank syariah dan metode penetapan ujroh pada produk gadai emas. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa penetapan tarif ijaroh yang saat ini ditetapkan oleh bank syariah rentan pada penggelinciran fungsi sesunguhnya yang kemudian jatuh pada konsepsi “hillah / Helah (al-hilah; al-tahayulyang termasuk upaya rasional yang manipulatif.  Di antara hillah tersebut adalah penggantian nama dan perubahan bentuk padahal substansinya sama. Yusuf al-Qardhawi berpendapat bahwa sebuah perubahan nama tidak diakui secara hukum apabila substansinya tetap, dan perubahan bentuk juga tidak diakui secara hukum apabila hakikatnya sama (la ‘ibrata bi taghayyur al-ism idza baqiya al- musamma, wa la bi taghayyur al-shurah idza baqiyat al-haqiqah

  11. Evaluation studies of EMA implementation’s barriers in business practice

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    Petra Mísařová


    Full Text Available Environmental Management Accounting (EMA is a system, which collects, records, evaluates and disseminates information about environmentally induced financial impacts and environmental impacts of the system itself. EMA is an important source of information for decision-making processes such as management of an organization, for EMS or environmental reporting. Identified barriers were included in the study which was conducted in three phases – in organizations espousing to Responsible Care, in selected companies with ISO 14000 and in companies with environmental management systems, validated by European EMAS. In early 2010 research was completed in the field of environmental management accounting and barriers defending the implemention of EMA to organization’s information system and the subsequent use of EMA. Primary data obtained from this study were subjected to cluster analysis and the results are presented in this scientific thesis. In practise there are many obstacles to full-fledged EMA implementation process into practice organization and its functioning. Findings of the study give answers to the question: „What barriers act as obstacles to the implementation of EMA into the practise of the organization and its functioning?“


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    Nilam Badriyah


    Full Text Available "The Application of Conspectus Method to Measure The Intensity of Acquisition for Monograph Collection at Badan Perpustakaan Daerah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta period 2003" is the main purpose of this study. The writer formulates three main problems, that is how to apply conspectus method, how to know the intensity of monograph collection, and how to understand strength and weakness of the monograph collection at Badan Perpustakaan Daerah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The type of this study is a quantitave description research. The main classification of monograph collection 000 — 900 period 2003 is as a subject and Badan Perpustakaan Daerah Propinsi DIY is as an object. The sampling was taken 50% from the total population. The variable researched is the distribution of classification, strength and weaknesses of the collection, the chronological and language analysis. The method of searching are field research, observation, interview guide and inside evaluator. Data analysis is the process to describe the collected data during this research. Then the result is applied toward conspectus method based on 1 — 5 and language code. Conspectus method is to value library collection based on subject area and to describe the srength and weaknesses of the collection, and to know collection level at library. The result of the study indicates that the Badan Perpustakaan Daerah Propinsi DIY has not applied yet the conspectus method to value strength and weakness of the monograph collection it only uses statistics of acquisition for monograph collection. The intensity of acquisition for the monograph collection is high, it is on classification 300 (social science and classification 000 (general literature the result of the inside evaluator is lb to 2a. la (Minimal Level means the library has a limited core literatur, however it has amount of literature written by main writers. 2a (basic Information Level means that core material is available

  13. Tingkat Ketergantungan, Kompleksitas Pemerintah, dan Tingkat Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah

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    Tiara Pandansari


      Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat pengungkapan dalam laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah di Jawa Tengah, serta menguji dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Tingkat pengungkapan diukur dengan menggunakan Modified LGA Index, sedangkan sebagai variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah tingkat ketergantungan daerah, dan kompleksitas pemerintahan. Sampel penelitian ini dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling method, sehingga diperoleh ukuran sampel yaitu 32 laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengungkapan pada masing-masing sampel. Rata-rata nilai pengungkapan sebesar 58,46  persen. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketergantungan terhadap Dana Alokasi Umum dan tingkat ketergantungan terhadap Dana Bagi Hasil berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pengungkapan,  tingkat ketergantungan terhadap Dana Alokasi Khusus, dan kompleksitas pemerintah tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pengungkapan dalam laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah.


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    Hery Susanto


    Full Text Available This research aims to analyze the regional finance capability in West Nusa Tenggara province. This research uses secondary data of primary source. The data are obtained from the government of West Nusa Tenggara Province in the form of data that has been processed and published and become a legitimate document such as calculation data of APBD in Budgetary Year of 2003-2007. The instruments are used in collecting the data is the analysis of the regional finance capability through Calculation and Work Analysis of PAD, which is the measurement of share and growth, thus classified the result with mapping the financial region capability based on quadrant method. This research draws some conclusions namely: (1 generally, contribution of PAD (share to the total region income of NTB Province TA 2003- 2007 was low, in spite of the growth of PAD was high; (2 based on the measurement of Index Financial Capability (IKK, NTB Province was in the scale index of 0,541. Furthermore, the classification based on the criteria level of regional finance capability, the regional finance capability in NTB Province in 2003 -2007 was a province with high financial capability. There are some suggestions that could be offered to the Government of NTB Province; first, improving PAD share in NTB Province through the excavation of PAD potential sources. Second, concerning with the region cost efficiency, considering that the proportion of PAD achievement was fairly small comparing to the allocation of Region Cost. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan keuangan daerah di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat . Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari sumber utama. Data diperoleh dari pemerintah Propinsi Nusa Tenggara dalam bentuk data yang telah diolah dan dipublikasikan dan menjadi dokumen yang sah seperti data perhitungan APBD Tahun Anggaran 2003-2007. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah analisis kemampuan keuangan daerah melalui Perhitungan dan

  15. Determinan penerimaan daerah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di Provinsi Jambi


    Zamzami, Zamzami; Hastuti, Dwi


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: (1) Kontribusi penerimaan daerah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, serta menganalisis perkembangan penerimaan daerah yang diwakilkan dari perkembangan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU), Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK), Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) dan juga menganalisis pengembangan laju pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi. (2) Penelitian ini di maksudkan untuk memperoleh jawaban atas seberapa besar pengaruh PAD, DAU, DAK, dan DB...


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    Su Ritohardoyo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pemilikan tanah sangat rawan terhadap terjadinya sengketa di masyarakat perkotaan maupun perdesaan. Konsekuensinya, pemilik tanah sangat mutlak memiliki sertifikat tanah. Namun demimian, banyak tanah di perdesaan belum atau tidak bersertifikat, akibat sebagian besar pemilik tanah menghadapi banyak kendala sosial ekonomi untuk mensertifikatkan tanah. Pemasalahan ini mendasari tujuan pene,itian untuk mengungkap keterkaitan dengan faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi pemegang hak tanah dengan minat penyertifikatan tanah yang dikuasai, antar daerah yang berbeda aksesbilitasnya terhadap kota. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Salam menggunakan metode survei. Responden penelitian adalah kepala keluarga (KK penguasa tanah baik yang sudah atau belum memiliki sertifikat tanah. Penentuan sampel secara quota sampling berdasar tingkat aksesbilitas desa terhadap kota. Jumlah sampel responden secara total 120 KK, yang diambil 60 KK di setiap sampel desa yang berbeda aksesbilitas. Data identitas sosial ekonomi rumah tangga, persepsi tentang sertifikat tanah, dan minat untuk mensertifikatkan tanah, dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik wawancara terstruktur. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistic analisi regresi ganda dan uji beda rata-rata yakni uji ‘t’. Hasil penelitian menunjukkah bahwa luas tanah hak rakyat yang bersertifikat baru sekitar 58 persen. Pelaksanaan program penyertifikatan tanah secara masal belum sepenuhnya berhasil, ditunjukkan dari tanah bersertifikat di daerah aksesbilitas rendah, lebih sedikit (29% daripada di daerah aksesbilitas tinggi (71%. Tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat tentang sertifikat tanah, sangat dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendidikan di setiap daerah yang berbeda aksesbilitas. Tingkat persepsi masyarakat terhadap biaya pengurusan dan waktu penyelesaian sertifikat tanah, secara keruangan bervariasi. Pengaruh tingkat pendidikan terhadap persepsi, hanya berlaku pada masyarakat di daerah aksesbilitas rendah; sedangkan pengaruh


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    Fendi Aji Purnomo


    Full Text Available Perkembangan administrasi setelah Orde Baru pemerintah telah menghapus tingkat Karesidenan di Indonesia termasuk Karesidenan Surakarta. Akibatnya nama Karesidenan Surakarta berubah menjadi Eks-Karesidenan Surakarta atau Wilayah Solo Raya. Wilayah Solo Raya terdiri dari tujuh Kabupaten tiga di antaranya berbatasan langsung dengan kota Solo yaitu Boyolali, Sukoharjo dan Karanganyar. Tiga yang lain tidak berbatasan langsung yaitu Wonogiri, Sragen dan Klaten. Masing-masing daerah memiliki slogan, tempat wisata dan makanan khas yang berbeda, namun masih banyak masyarakat yang kurang mengenalnya. Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan anak-anak usia sekolah dasar belum mengetahui daerah-daerah mana saja yang masuk dalam daerah Solo Raya. Saat ini teknologi semakin berkembang secara pesat dan penggunaan gadget dapat difungsikan sebagai media edukasi. Dalam penelitian ini telah dikembangkan Game Edukasi berjudul Petualangan Gembul untuk mengenal daerah di Solo Raya Berbasis Android. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembagan game ini adalah Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC Water Fall dimulai dari analisis, perancangan, pembuatan, pengujian dan pemeliharaan. Model permainan yang disajikan level pertama berupa adventure yang dilengkapi latar belakang daerah khas masing-masing, level kedua berupa kuis tanya jawab dan level ketiga berupa game puzzel yang berisi foto khas daerah untuk ditata ulang. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi pengujian perangkat terhadap 3 perangkat android yang berbeda spesifikasinya dan pengujian hasil pembuatan game melalui kuisioner dalam aspek penyampaian informasi dan desain visual game. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa 75% game tersebut memudahkan dalam mengenal daerah Solo Raya dan 79% menyebutkan bahwa tampilan game tersebut menarik. Kata kunci: game, android, anak, solo raya.



    -, MULIATI


    2014 Analisis Kontribusi Pajak Hotel terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Nunukan Analysis of The Contributions Tax on Hotel Againts Regional Renenue Nunukan District Muliati Haerial M. Christian Mangiwa Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi pajak hotel terhadap pendapatan asli daerah, mengetahui sistem pengawasan, dan potensi yang ada untuk meningkatkan pajak hotel, mengetahui sistem dan prosedur...


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    Adhitya Wardhono


    Full Text Available Dalam konsep otonomi daerah, pemerintah daerah memiliki peran penting dalam mengatur dan mengurus rumah tangga daerah termasuk pengelolaan keuangan daerah, seperti yang tertuang dalam UU No 32 dan 33 tahun 2004. Dengan lahirnya peraturan otonomi daerah tersebut pemerintah daerah diharapkan untuk lebih mampu menggali potensi sumber-sumber penerimaan daerah dalam membiayai segala aktivitas pembangunan daerah melalui peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD. Peningkatan sumber penerimaan PAD tersebut dapat dilakukan diantaranya melalui intensifikasi dan ekstensifikasi pajak dan retribusi daerah. Di Kabupaten Jember, potensi penerimaan pajak masih belum tergali secara optimal atau masih lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan penerimaan dari retribusi daerah. Realisasi penerimaan pajak daerah rata-rata tahun 2003-2006 sebesar 28,30% lebih rendah dibandingkan penerimaan retribusi yaitu 44,33% (APBD, 2003-2006. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan identifikasi optimalisasi potensi pajak daerah dengan evaluasi permasalahan yang selama ini terjadi, sehingga pada gilirannya dapat dirumuskan kebijakan pemerintah yang lebih sesuai dan tepat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis pajak yang sangat tidak berpotensi di Kabupaten Jember dengan tolak ukur hasil (yield adalah pajak hotel dan restoran, pajak hiburan, pajak reklame dan pajak penerangan jalan. Sedangkan pajak yang sangat berpotensi adalah pajak galian golongan C. Penilaian persepsi masyarakat mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi optimalisasi penerimaan pajak daerah adalah faktor kelembagaan sebesar 55% dengan kriteria faktor adalah masih rendahnya law of enforcement terhadap tindakan penyalahgunaan penerimaan pajak dan masih lemahnya sistem administrasi dalam pengelolaan penerimaan pajak daerah. Rekomendasi kebijakan adalah pentingnya pengelolaan pajak daerah yaitu 62% melalui peningkatan inovasi dalam sistem pemungutan pajak dan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan

  20. Transformasi Pengaturan Distribusi Urusan Pemerintahan dari Pemerintah Pusat kepada Pemerintahan Daerah

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    Dian Agung Wicaksono


    Full Text Available Abstrak Pasca berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa terdapat beberapa hal yang harus dicermati, terlebih dalam hal pengaturan distribusi urusan pemerintahan yang menjadi alas pelaksanaan kewenangan pemerintahan daerah. Apabila dibandingkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004, maka terdapat perubahan dalam distribusi urusan pemerintahan. Tulisan ini berusaha memberikan penjelasan terhadap pemahaman mengenai urusan pemerintahan dengan membandingkan dua undang-undang untuk membingkai kerangka pemikiran daerah dalam mengidentifikasi urusan pemerintahan. Pola distribusi urusan pemerintahan dalam politik hukum desentralisasi di Indonesia secara simultan melahirkan otonomi daerah, tidak sepatutnya hanya dimaknai sebagai strategi untuk mengelola hubungan kewenangan antara pemerintah pusat dan pemerintahan daerah. Desentralisasi yang sejatinya mendistribusikan urusan harus secara jernih dikaitkan dengan kewenangan sebagai alas pelaksanaan urusan karena konsep kewenangan dalam otonomi daerah tidak bisa ditukar pengertiannya dengan urusan yang kemudian hanya sekedar dimaknai dengan hubungan keuangan sebagaimana rezim Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah. Abstract After the enactment of Law Number 23 of 2014 Concerning Local Government and Law Number 6 of 2014 Concerning Village, there are several things to be observed, specifically regarding the regulations on the distribution of government affairs upon which the authority of local government is based. Concerning government affairs, there are several missing aspects in the Law Number 23 of 2014 Concerning Local Government and Law Number 32 of 2004 Concerning Local Government. This paper seeks to compare the two regulations to determine the distribution pattern of government affairs in Indonesia’s decentralized legal politics that simultaneously spawns local autonomy should not only be

  1. More efficient services with the new EMAS; Piu' possibilita' per i servizi con il nuovo EMAS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luciani, R; Andriola, L [ENEA, Casaccia, RM (Italy). Dipt. Ambiente


    The article discusses the new EMAS regulations, which are also applicable in the service sector. It has been described the pilot projects launched by ENEA (National Agency for New Technology, Energy and the Environment) in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Federturismo, Ministry of Environmental and the municipality of Modena, in the hotel sector and in public administration. [Italian] L'articolo discute il nuovo regolamanto EMAS che estende l'applicazione della certificazione ambientale anche all'area dei servizi. Si descrivono i progetti che l'ENEA ha condotto in collaborazione con il Ministero dell'Industria, il Ministero dell'Ambiente, Federturismo e il comune di Modena nel settore alberghiero e nella pubblica amministrazione.

  2. Pembuatan Aplikasi Pengembangan Sistem Pengawasan Kepatuhan Berbasis Web Pada Perusahaan Kontraktor Pertambangan

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    Talitha Almira


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat memungkinkan suatu data atau informasi dapat disimpan dan diperoleh dengan mudah dan cepat. Dari segi ukuran data, juga dapat dilakukan dalam skala yang besar. Bagi perusahaan bisnis, manfaat teknologi informasi ini umumnya di gunakan untuk mencatat, mengolah dan menyajikan data transaksi berdasarkan proses bisnis yang dijalankannya. Perancangan aplikasi system pengawasan kepatuhan pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang system pengawasan kepatuhan sebagai sarana untuk mengawasi tingkat kepatuhan perusahaan kontraktor pertambangan terhadap peraturan yang berlaku. Aplikasi ini berbasis web dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C# dan basisdata SQL Server Local Database. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, aplikasi dibangun dengan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak Rapid Application Development (RAD. Pengujian yang dilakukan pada aplikasi adalah dengan menggunakan metode whitebox. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada aplikasi sistem pengawasan kepatuhan berbasis website, aplikasi sudah mampu berjalan dengan cukup baik. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan berbagai fitur yang ada pada aplikasi ini dapat berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya.

  3. Sistem Pakar Otomatisasi Baku Mutu Limbah Pertambangan Nikel Menggunakan Algoritma Supervised Mechine

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    Komang Aryasa


    Full Text Available Metode buka tutup pintu pembuangan limbah secara manual  berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium  membutuhkan waktu relatif lama. Ketika hasil uji laboratorium menyatakan proses pembuangan harus dihentikan, limbah yang tidak memenuhi standar kelayakan sudah ikut terbuang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah  untuk merancang sistem pakar menggunakan algoritma Supervised Learning untuk otomatisasi standar baku limbah pertambangan nikel, algoritma ini digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan besaran nilai kandungan unsur dalam limbah, dan digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan proses penentuan kelayakan buang limbah. Algoritma ini bekerja setelah menerima data dalam bentuk nilai-nilai kandungan unsur yang dibangkitkan oleh sebuah aplikasi simulator yang mendeteksi kadar kandungan unsur dalam air limbah. Hasil analisis tersebut digunakan untuk menentukan kelayakan pembuangan limbah. Dari 11 unsur yang dianalisis tujuh unsur memiliki bobot nilai tertinggi dalam setiap pengukuran yaitu pH, TSS, Cu, Zn, Cr(6+, Cr Total, dan Fe., sementara Support Vector Machine hanya empat unsur yang memiliki nilai bobot tertinggi dari setiap pengukuran, yaitu unsur Cd, Pb, Ni dan Co.


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    Yusmilarso Yusmilarso


    Full Text Available Banyak arti kata paradigma Thomas Khun mengartikannya dalam tidak kurang dari 21 makna yang berbeda, sehingga sering menimbulkan kesalahfahaman. Dalam tulisan ini paradigma diartikan sebagai cara pandang yang fundamental berisikan konsep, teori, metodologi atau cara pendekatan yang dapat dipergunakan para teoritisi dan praktisi dalam menangani suatu masalah baik dalam kaitan pengembangan ilmu maupun dalam upaya pemecahan bagi kemajuan hidup dan kehidupan manusiaan. Di sini digunakan paradigma yang lazim digunakan dalam ilmu hukum yaitu paradigma ideologi, paradigma nilai, dan paradigma institusi. Seperti peraturan perundangan yang lain, peraturan perundangan bidang pemerintahan daerah juga tidak lepas dari perkembangan sosial politik waktu itu. Sampai pertengahan tahun 1970-an, setelah 30 tahun merdeka, dalam bidang pemerintahan daerah Indonesia masih bergelut dalam paradigma ideologi dan baru setelah itu mulai dengan paradigma baru, paradigma institusi.

  5. The European Regulation no. 761/2001 EMAS; Il Regolamento Europeo no.761/2001 EMAS: principi, obiettivi e principali esperenze in atto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andriola, L; Battellini, S [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Unita tecnico scientifica Protezione e Sviluppo dell' Ambiente e del Territorio, Tecnologie Ambientali


    The Regulation 761/2001 EMAS (Environmental Management and Audit Scheme), introduced by the 1836/93 Community regulation, is one of the tools activated by the European Union in order to apply the 5. and 6. Community Environmental Programme, in the field of firm-environment interactions at first (overcoming the old Command and Control logic), then by extending its applicability to ali Organisations. EMAS is a voluntary tool that enables Organisations to evaluate their own interaction with the Environment, to plan and check the yearly improvement of their environmental performance, providing the public documented relevant information. The report illustrates the procedure far applying this regulation, its implementation and new application trends in Italy and the advantages far firms. [Italian] II Regolamento n.761/2001 EMAS (Environmental Management and Audit Scheme), introdotto con il Regolamento Comunitario 1836/93, e uno degli strumenti che l'Unione europea ha attivato per l'applicazione del quinto e sesto Programma di Politica e Azione per l'Ambiente, inizialmente con particolare riferimento alle interazioni impresa-ambiente (superando la vecchia logica del Command and Control), e successivamente estendendone la possibilita di impiego a tutte le Organizzazioni. Lo strumento EMAS e uno strumento volontario che consente alle organizzazioni di analizzare la propria posizione rispetto all' Ambiente, pianificando e monitorando di anno in anno il miglioramento della propria prestazione ambientale, comunicandone alcune pertinenti informazioni di sintesi al pubblico in forma documentata. II rapporto illustra il percorso per l'applicazione del Regolamento, il suo stato di attuazione e le ultime tendenze applicative in Italia, i vantaggi di EMAS per le Organizzazioni.

  6. Dinamika Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA Bidang Pertambangan Umum di Indonesia

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    Ukar Wijaya Soelistijo


    Full Text Available During 1967 – 1988, seven generations of Contract of Work (COW were in lieu with foreign  capital  investment in the area of non-coal general mining,  followed by three generations of Coal Contract (CCOW in Indonesia.  An analysis toward details of COW showed that the contract requirements were transformed from time to time. At the first phase, tax holiday was offered. Meanwhile, the later generations reduced such facilities as complained by mining companies.  This research suggests the importance of regulation to manage  Indonesia’s income resulted from windfall profit of oil prices increase. Sepanjang periode 1967 – 1988, Indonesia telah menghasilkan  tujuh generasi Kontrak Kerja dalam investasi modal asing untuk bidang pertambangan umum non batubara, diikuti oleh tiga generasi Kontrak Batubara. Analisis terhadap rincian Kontrak Kerja tersebut memperlihatkan perubahan  persyaratan kontrak  dari waktu ke waktu. Pada fase pertama, Kontrak Kerja menawarkan fasilitas bebas pajak (tax holiday. Hal ini tidak berlaku lagi pada Kontrak Kerja selanjutnya, sebagaimana dikeluhkan perusahaan-perusahaan tambang. Riset ini merekomendasikan pentingnya regulasi untuk mengelola pendapatan Indonesia yang bisa diperoleh dari keuntungan tambahan (windfall profit akibat kenaikan harga minyak.

  7. Kelayakan Ekonomi dan Lingkungan Kegiatan Pertambangan Rakyat di Kabupaten Sleman

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    Farida Afriani Astuti


    Full Text Available Kabupaten Sleman memiliki 19 titik lokasi penambangan rakyat yang belum memiliki ijin dari pemerintah. Kegiatan penambangan menghasilkan dampak positif dan negatif bagi lingkungan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai kelayakan ekonomi dan lingkungan sebagai dasar untuk memberikan ijin bagi kegiatan pertambangan rakyat tersebut. Penentuan kelayakan ekonomi dan lingkungan menggunakan metode pengharkatan. Kelayakan ekonomi kegiatan penambangan menggunakan 3 parameter sebagai dasar evaluasi, baik untuk penambangan di bukit maupun di sungai. Parameter kegiatan penambangan di bukit adalah umur tambang, potensi pasar dan pemanfaatan bahan galian, dan benefit cost ratio (BCR. Sedangkan parameter kegiatan penambangan di sungai adalah perbandingan cadangan terhadap penggunaan bahan galian (PCPBG, potensi pasar dan pemanfaatan bahan galian, dan benefit cost ratio (BCR. Adapun parameter kelayakan lingkungan adalah jenis dampak yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan penambangan, yaitu Dampak Penting Hipotetik (DPH, Dampak Tidak Penting Hipotetik 1 (DTPH 1, dan Dampak Tidak Penting Hipotetik 2 (DTPH 2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari aspek kelayakan ekonomi terdapat 10 titik lokasi tidak layak, 5 titik lokasi kurang layak, dan 4 titik lokasi layak. Sedangkan dari aspek kelayakan lingkungan terdapat 12 titik lokasi tidak layak, 4 titik lokasi kurang layak, dan 3 titik lokasi layak.

  8. Pendekatan Grounded Theory untuk Memahami Strategi Pemerintah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dalam Menghadapi Era Otonomi Daerah dan Globalisasi

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    Fathul Himam


    Full Text Available This grounded theory research approach was directed to understand how Pemerintah Daerah developed its strategic process in dealing with local autonomy and globalization, both on the organizational level and individual level. In-depth interview was applied to 14 high level Pemerintah Daerah Officials. It was directed to understand their experiences in managing changing situations. The results showed that there were six major themes: (1 empowering the society; (2 restructuring the organization; (3 improving management system; (4 economic development; (5 developing the human resources; and (6 shifting the mindset. Reanalyzing these themes by using selective and axial coding, it was found that there were two emerging major functions of the strategy, i.e.(1 Maintaining the system; (2 adapting to environmental demands.Keywords: grounded theory, open coding, selective coding, axial coding, themes, strategy.


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    Mitra Sari


    Full Text Available Mitra Sari.2016.Thesis. Environmental Accounting Application Analysis On Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Daya Makassar. (Guided by Faridah, SE., M.Si., AK, CA as a consultant I and Setiawan S.Si., Psi, SE., MM consultant II. This research was conducted in June to July 2016 in the city of Makassar, Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Daya Makassar. Based on the state of the environment is getting worse, it is possible for service companies to disclose environmental activities closely related to medical waste and non-medical as additional report complements the financial statements are required, but the trend is happening in Indonesia is very rare to enter activism into additional reports were presented. The research methodology used was the comparative method as well as interviews with the parties involved, observation, searches of documents related to the placement of environmental costs, and literature study. Based on an evaluation of the implementation of environmental accounting in Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Daya Makassar, it can be concluded that Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Daya Makassar have done the identification, recognition, measurement, Recording, presentation, and disclosure are as described SAP 1 Year 2010 and has also implemented environmental controls on wastes, operating results are good enough, but there are still some weaknesses, among others: Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Daya Makassar has not revealed specifics about the presentation of accounting environment, in terms of recording the cost is still combined with other items that cognate.


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    Fitri Amalia


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify the flypaper effect on the country and city in Banten Province in 2010-2013. The main objective of this research is to provide empirical evidence for the occurrence of flypaper effect on General Allocation Fund (DAU and Local Revenue (PAD to Regional Expenditure (BD of country/city in Banten Province. In this case, the dependent variable used is the shopping area while the independent variable is PAD and DAU. Object of research include 8 counties and cities in Banten Province with data source Realisasi Budget Report 2010-2013. Design research using model hypothesis testing using secondary data in the form of panel data. The method of analysis of data used is multiple regression.This research result indicates that (1 PAD and DAU simultaneously influence significantly to regional expenditure, (2 PAD and DAU partially influential significantly against regional expenditure, (3 there is no flypaper effect on contry and city in Banten in the 2010-2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi terjadinya flypaper effect pada belanja daerah kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Banten tahun 2010-2013.Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan bukti empiris terjadinya flypaper effect pada Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU dan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD terhadap Belanja Daerah kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Banten. Dalam hal ini, variabel dependen yang digunakan adalah belanja daerah sedangkan variabel independennya adalah Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan Dana Alokasi Umum. Objek penelitian meliputi 8 kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Banten dengan sumber data yang diperoleh dari Laporan Realisasi APBD 2010-2013. Desain penelitian menggunakan model pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan data sekunder dalam bentuk data panel. Adapun metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1 PAD dan DAU secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Belanja Daerah, (2 PAD dan DAU secara parsial berpengaruh

  11. Kajian Dampak Kerusakan Lingkungan Akibat Kegiatan Penambangan Pasir Di Desa Keningar Daerah Kawasan Gunung Merapi


    Yudhistira, Y; Hidayat, Wahyu Krisna; Hadiyarto, Agus


    Pasir merupakan salah satu produk kegiatan Gunung Merapi yang, merupakan andalan pemerintah Kabupaten Magelang dalam meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan juga menyerap lapangan kerja. Selain mendatangkan manfaat penambangan pasir Merapi juga menimbulkan dampak lingkungan bagi daerah di lokasi penambangan dan juga bagi daerah di bawahnya Penelitian kajian dampak kerusakan lingkungan akibat kegiatan penambangan pasir bertujuan untuk mengkaji i) tingkat kerusakan lingkungan yang terjadi di...

  12. The European Regulation no. 761/2001 EMAS; Il Regolamento Europeo no.761/2001 EMAS: principi, obiettivi e principali esperenze in atto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andriola, L.; Battellini, S. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Unita tecnico scientifica Protezione e Sviluppo dell' Ambiente e del Territorio, Tecnologie Ambientali


    The Regulation 761/2001 EMAS (Environmental Management and Audit Scheme), introduced by the 1836/93 Community regulation, is one of the tools activated by the European Union in order to apply the 5. and 6. Community Environmental Programme, in the field of firm-environment interactions at first (overcoming the old Command and Control logic), then by extending its applicability to ali Organisations. EMAS is a voluntary tool that enables Organisations to evaluate their own interaction with the Environment, to plan and check the yearly improvement of their environmental performance, providing the public documented relevant information. The report illustrates the procedure far applying this regulation, its implementation and new application trends in Italy and the advantages far firms. [Italian] II Regolamento n.761/2001 EMAS (Environmental Management and Audit Scheme), introdotto con il Regolamento Comunitario 1836/93, e uno degli strumenti che l'Unione europea ha attivato per l'applicazione del quinto e sesto Programma di Politica e Azione per l'Ambiente, inizialmente con particolare riferimento alle interazioni impresa-ambiente (superando la vecchia logica del Command and Control), e successivamente estendendone la possibilita di impiego a tutte le Organizzazioni. Lo strumento EMAS e uno strumento volontario che consente alle organizzazioni di analizzare la propria posizione rispetto all' Ambiente, pianificando e monitorando di anno in anno il miglioramento della propria prestazione ambientale, comunicandone alcune pertinenti informazioni di sintesi al pubblico in forma documentata. II rapporto illustra il percorso per l'applicazione del Regolamento, il suo stato di attuazione e le ultime tendenze applicative in Italia, i vantaggi di EMAS per le Organizzazioni.

  13. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC): Fiscal year 1996. Annual technical report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department`s materials programs and to further effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meetings/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. In addition, EMaCC assists in obtaining materials-related inputs for both intra- and interagency compilations. The EMaCC reports to the Director of the Office of Energy Research in his or her capacity as overseer of the technical programs of the Department. This annual technical report is mandated by the EMaCC terms of reference. This report summarizes EMaCC activities for FY 1996 and describes the materials research programs of various offices and divisions within the Department.

  14. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC): Fiscal year 1996. Annual technical report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department's materials programs and to further effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meetings/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. In addition, EMaCC assists in obtaining materials-related inputs for both intra- and interagency compilations. The EMaCC reports to the Director of the Office of Energy Research in his or her capacity as overseer of the technical programs of the Department. This annual technical report is mandated by the EMaCC terms of reference. This report summarizes EMaCC activities for FY 1996 and describes the materials research programs of various offices and divisions within the Department


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    Andhy Hendro Wijaya


    analysis provides contribution of 19.46% towards professionalism while the career development variable 26.39%, and leadership variable 31.79%. The professionalism of job implementation was deeply demanded towards all of the Local Government apparatus. The implementation of the local autonomy need some talented and skillful workforces to overcome some emerging problems and meet some new ways to create the organization of the Local Government as a public organization with the main purpose to provide some services to society. The management process of apparatus resources will be expected to be conducted optimally and will be improved continually so that it will create the professional apparatus of the Local Government to implement their jobs.   Keywords: leadership, professionalism, apparature     ABSTRAK Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1 Apakah ada hubungan antara analisis jabatan terhadap profesionalisme pejabat Pemerintah Daerah; (2 Apakah ada hubungan antara pengembangan karier terhadap profesionalisme pejabat Pemerintah Daerah; (3 Apakah ada hubungan antara kepemimpinan terhadap profesionalisme pejabat Pemerintah Daerah; (4 Apakah ada hubungan antara analisis jabatan, pengembangan karier dan kepemimpinan secara bersama-sama terhadap profesionalisme pejabat Pemerintah Daerah sebagai tuntutan pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran secara utuh dan lengkap mengenai keberadaan kemampuan personil yang diukur berdasarkan keprofesionalannya di lingkungan Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Gresik dalam menyikapi tuntutan pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. Untuk memahami secara utuh Pengaruh Analisis Jabatan, Pengembangan Karier dan Kepemimpinan terhadap Profesionalisme Pejabat Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Gresik didekati secara (explanatory research dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan secara operasional konsep penelitian ini  dinyatakan sebagai berikut: (1  Proses manajemen sumber daya aparatur identik dengan konsep manajemen



    Supatmanto, Budi Darmawan; Yusuf, Sri Malahayati


    Daerah Tangkapan waduk Jatiluhur berada diantara 107011'36” - 107032'36" BT and 6029'50" - 6040'45" LS di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Area dengan luas 380 km2 merupakan 8% dari seluruh total area Hulu Sungai Citarum seluas 4500 km2. Fungsi dari daerah ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air untuk pertanian di Karawang dan Bekasi dan memenuhi kebutuhan air di Jakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk meneliti dampak dari perubahan ik (Climate Changes) terhadap hasil hidrologi di daerah tangkapan. Perubaha...


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    Siti Maziyah


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to know about the autonomy of Old Mataram’s Kingdom in the VIII-XI century, and to know the status and function of region autonomy at that time by the inscriptions. Furthermore, information about region autonomy can be used as comparison wit the current region autonomy. This research used historical method to find data and fact in the field. The first step was heuristic; second was critical sources; third was interpretation, and the last was historiography. Output of the research concludes that autonomy of the region in the Old Mataram’s Kingdom was similar with current era, that is there is tax free area, the region with right to manage itself and finance it self. This was especially for areas that can it self product tax.   Key words: autonomy; the Old Mataram’s Kingdom; tax. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang otonomi dari Kerajaannya Mataram lama pada XI abad VIII, untuk mengetahui status dan fungsi dari otonomi dari daerah di saat itu oleh catatan-catatan kuno. Lebih lanjut lagi, informasi tentang daerah otonom dapat digunakan sebagai perbandingan dengan masa otonomi di saat ini. Penelitian menggunakan metode sejarah untuk menemukan data dan fakta di lapangan. Langkah pertama adalah heuristik; kedua adalah kritik sumber; ketiga adalah penafsiran, dan terakhir adalah historiografi. Keluaran dari penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa otonomi dari daerah di Kerajaannya Mataram kuna adalah serupa dengan saat ini, yakni terdapat daerah bebas pajak, derah yang mengatur daerah tersebut secara mandiri dengan keuangan yang mandiri. Daerah ini terutama area yang menghasilkan pajak.   Kata kunci: otonomi; Kerajaannya Mataram kuna; pajak.  

  18. EMAS and regulatory relief in Europe: lessons from national experience

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lulofs, Kristiaan R.D.; Watzold, Frank; Bültman, Alexandra; Eames, Malcolm; Schucht, Simone


    Apart from in Germany and Austria, corporate participation in the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) has remained sluggish and far behind involvement in ISO14001. Given the lack of response in most EU member states, the key issue for the current EMAS revision is to increase incentives


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    Nasyiruddin Nasyiruddin


    Full Text Available This study reviewsthe strategyDisaster ManagementAgency(BPBD inresponse to floodsinBantaeng. The method usedin this research isqualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques inthis research is observation, interview, anddocumentationarecarried out directlyby the researchers. The results showed that:the construction of reservoirscarried out bythe Local GovernmentBantaengbeen implemented; greeningperformedas absorptionof waterfrom upstream areas(mountains toreducethe amount ofdischarge flowof watertodownstream areas; the construction ofthe walls ofthe coastasa breakwaterin coastal areashas not done well; the provision offacilities and infrastructureto support the establishmentof programs such asdam construction, reforestationandcoastalbuilding walls; raising community awarenessof flood preventionis still not good. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang strategi Dinas Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD dalam menanggulangi bencana banjir di Kabupaten Bantaeng.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif.Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi yang dilakukan secara langsung oleh peneliti.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: pembangunan waduk yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bantaeng sudah terlaksana; penghijauan yang dilakukan sebagai resapan air dari daerah hulu (pegunungan untuk mengurangi banyaknya aliran debit air kedaerah hilir;  pembangunan dinding pesisir pantai sebagai pemecah ombak di daerah pesisir belum terlaksana dengan baik; penyediaan sarana dan prasarana untuk mendukung tercapainya program-program seperti pembangunan waduk, penghijauan dan membangun dinding pesisir pantai; peningkatan kesadaran  masyarakat dalam penanggulangan banjir masih kurang baik.

  20. Artikel Kehormatan: Konstitusionalitas Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintah Daerah

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    Indra Perwira


    Full Text Available Abstrak Undang-Undang Pemerintahan Daerah yang baru merupakan salah satu Undang-Undang prioritas dalam Program Legislasi Nasional bersama dengan Rancangan Undang-Undang Desa dan Rancangan Undang-Undang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah, menggantikan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004. Kedudukannya sebagai undang-undang pelaksana perintah Pasal 18 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, tampak inkonsisten dengan paradigma desentralisasi. Tulisan ini menilai konstitusionalitas landasan pengaturan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dengan susdut pandang konstitusionalitas dan desentralisasi dalam arti sempit. Hasilnya, dapat ditunjukkan bahwa gagasan atau konsep yang mendasari kebijakan otonomi daerah dalam undang-undang tidak konstitusional atau tidak selaras dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Letak inkonstitusionalitas ada pada pertentangannya dengan Pasal 18, yang berjiwa desentralisasi dengan asas otonomi seluas-luasnya. Alih-alih melaksanakan Pasal 18, paradigma yang digunakan dalam Undang-Undang Pemerintahan Daerah yang baru ini berbasis sentralistis dari Pasal 4. Jika hendak disepakati pilihan kebijakan yang demikian, maka Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 perlu diubah dengan susbtansi bahwa perintah untuk membentuk Undang-Undang Pemerintahan Daerah (atau diubah menjadi Pemerintahan di Daerah ada pada Pasal 4, bukan Pasal 18. Abstract The new Law on Local Government is among the prioritized legislations within the National Legislation Program along with the Village Bill and Regional Election Bill, designed to replace/amend Law Number 32 of 2014. As an implemental legislation of Article 18 of the 1945 Constitution, this law seems inconsistent with the paradigm of decentralization. This article aims to review the constitutionality of the foundation of Law Number 23 of 2014 on Local Government by utilizing the perspective of constitutionality and decentralization in their narrow scope. The result shows that the principal concept of regional

  1. Why Companies Do Not Renew Their EMAS Registration? An Exploratory Research

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    Michele Preziosi


    Full Text Available The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS is the official Environmental Management System (EMS issued by the European Union (EU. Italy is the country where EMAS is most widespread, accounting for over 1000 registered organizations. Since entry into the force of the Regulation in 1997, the number of registrations has constantly grown until 2008, when the figures started to drop. The phenomena are due to both the decrease of the annual registration rate and the lack of renewals. According to the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA, in recent years, an increasing number of organizations decided to withdraw from EMAS registration. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the reasons of this negative trend. The first step consisted of a literature review concerning the main barriers, difficulties, and costs incurred by EMAS-registered organizations. Subsequently, this information was integrated with data about the evolution of EMAS registrations and the results of a previous survey, which involved the entire population of registered firms. The present exploratory research highlighted economic and operational domains concerning the cancellation trends that deserve a deeper investigation, which will be conducted through a questionnaire addressed to Italian firms that did not renew the registration in the last lustrum. The intended output will allow us to identify stakeholders’ priority intervention areas in order to suggest an operative strategy to reduce EMAS cancellation rates, addressed to Member States (MS Competent Bodies.


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    Wasiah Sufi


    Full Text Available AbstractThis research was conducted at the office of  the Badan Kepegawaian Daerah of Pekanbaru. Based on their initial observations of problems in implementing Employment Service Application System (SAPK Online at the Badan Kepegawaian Daerah of terms of human resources mampun Technology. This study focuses on the Implementation of E-Government through Employment Service Application System (SAPK Online: (1. To Knowing how the implementation of E-Government by using the Employment Service Application System (SAPK Online at the Badan Kepegawaian Daerah of Pekanbaru.. (2. For Knowing the factors inhibiting the implementation of E-Government by using the Employment Service Application System (SAPK Online at the Badan Kepegawaian Daerah of Pekanbaru.. This study is a qualitative study with the primary objective to describe and depict in detail and depth about how the implementation of E-Government in personnel administration through the Employment Service Application System (SAPK Online. Then the data analysis techniques used in this research was qualitative descriptive analysis, which is a technique that tries to describe things that are special to the data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation so that a qualitative data, to be analyzed further to become a conclusions according to the indicators that have been determined by the authors. Keywords: E-Government, SAPK Online, Personnel Administration. Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan di kantor Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Pekanbaru. Berdasarkan pengamatan awal mereka dari masalah dalam menerapkan Layanan Pekerjaan Application System (SAPK Online di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah dari hal sumber daya manusia mampun Teknologi. Penelitian ini berfokus pada Implementasi E-Government melalui Layanan Pekerjaan Application System (SAPK Online: (1. Untuk Mengetahui bagaimana penerapan E-Government dengan menggunakan Layanan Ketenagakerjaan Aplikasi System (SAPK Online


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    Desril - Tafria


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK   BAPPEDA adalah salah satu unsur/lembaga yang ada di daerah yang mempunyai fungsi penting dalam kegiatan perencanaan pembangunan di daerah. Begitu pentingnya fungsi lembaga ini maka dapat dikatakan bahwa berhasil tidaknya pelaksanaan Koordinasi Perencanaan pembangunan di daerah terutama di era otonomi daerah ditentukan oleh effektivitas Bappeda dalam menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya. Oleh karenanya peningkatan kualitas kinerja Bappeda Kota Padang perlu untuk dibenahi atau ditingkatkan dalam pengkoordinasian pada instansi terkait. Berangkat dari fenomena sebagaimana tersebut diatas, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1 mengetahui efektivitas Bappeda Kota Padang dalam menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya guna menyelenggarakan Koordinasi Perencanaan pembangunan di daerah : 2 mengetahui faktor-faktor penghambat efektivitas fungsi Bappeda  Kota Padang dalam menyelenggarakan koordinasi perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan di daerah dalam penyusunan program/proyek Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengambil setting atau lokasi penelitian di Kantor Bappeda Kota Padang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis dengan pola interaktif sebagaimana yang dikembangan oleh Miles dan Huberman (1992 yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan data atau verfikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa 1 Untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi Bappeda di era otonomi daerah dapat dilakukan dengan jalan mengefektivitaskan fungsi Bappeda dalam penyelenggaraan koordinasi perencanaan pembangunan di daerah, peningkatan penyusunan RAPBD serta pelaksanaan fungsi monitoring dan evalusi semua kegiatan; 2 Faktor-faktor penghambat efektivitas fungsi Bappeda dalam menyelenggarakan koordinasi pembangunan di daerah adalah kurangnya profesionalisme staf, kurangnya sarana dan prasarana, struktur dan prosedur kerja serta

  4. The European Regulation no. 761/2001 EMAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andriola, L.; Battellini, S.


    The Regulation 761/2001 EMAS (Environmental Management and Audit Scheme), introduced by the 1836/93 Community regulation, is one of the tools activated by the European Union in order to apply the 5. and 6. Community Environmental Programme, in the field of firm-environment interactions at first (overcoming the old Command and Control logic), then by extending its applicability to ali Organisations. EMAS is a voluntary tool that enables Organisations to evaluate their own interaction with the Environment, to plan and check the yearly improvement of their environmental performance, providing the public documented relevant information. The report illustrates the procedure far applying this regulation, its implementation and new application trends in Italy and the advantages far firms [it

  5. Implementasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Daerah Pariwisata Kota Semarang Berbasis Android dengan Global Positioning System (GPS

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    Richard RF Siahaan


    Full Text Available Pariwisata merupakan aspek yang berharga bagi suatu daerah, dengan adanya daerah wisata maka dapat memajukan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar. Kota Semarang memiliki daerah pariwisata yang sangat banyak, apabila sarana dan prasarana yang ada dikembangkan lebih lanjut maka dipastikan peningkatan parwisata di Kota Semarang akan semakin bertambah. Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi dapat memajukan daerah pariwisata, sehingga daerah pariwisata dapat dikenal oleh wisatawan yang ingin berkunjung ke Semarang. Sistem Informasi Geografis yang dibangun menggunakan platform android. Pada Tugas Akhir ini menggunakan Java sebagai bahasa pemorgraman dengan eclipse sebagai perangkat lunak pengembangan. Penggunaan Google Map API sebagai fungsi utama peta dalam menjalankan aplikasi serta PHP sebagai bahasa pemorgaraman sisi server dan MySQL dalam penggunaan basis data. Hasil dari perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Infomasi Geografis Kota Semarang berbasis Android ini nantinya akan memberikan informasi dalam bentuk peta yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung. Penggunaan Global Positioning System (GPS dalam aplikasi ini menjadi hal yang sangat penting dalam menentukan keberadaan wisatawan. Selain itu terdapat rute untuk menuju objek wisata yang dipilih, dalam aplikasi ini juga tersedia fasilitas-fasilitas umum seperti ATM dan Bank, Bandara, Mesjid, Gereja, Rumah Sakit dan lainnya.

  6. EMAS declaration 2010 of the Federal Office for Environment Protection in Bad Elser and the updated EMAS declaration 2010 for the sites Dessau-Rosslau, Berlin-Bismarckplatz, Berlin-Marienfelde, Langen and the house 23 in Berlin-Dahlem; EMAS-Umwelterklaerung 2010 des Umweltbundesamtes in Bad Elster und aktualisierte EMAS-Umwelterklaerung 2010 fuer die UBA-Standorte Dessau-Rosslau, Berlin-Bismarckplatz, Berlin-Marienfelde, Langen und das Haus 23 in Berlin-Dahlem

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huckestein, Burkhard (comp.)


    Since the Federal Office for Environment Protection (Dessau-Rosslau, Federal Republic of Germany) introduced the EMAS regulation in 2001, the environmental management system continuously developed further. Since 2008, five locations fulfil the requirements of EMAS. The contribution under consideration combines the various activities according to the introduction of the EMAS regulation to Bad Elster (Federal Republic of Germany). The most important developments are described on the basis of key environmental indicators. The environmentally relevant goals and the planned measures are stated for this site. Besides this, this contribution contains the updated environmental explanation for the remaining five EMAS locations of the Federal Office for Environment Protection including the new developments of our environmental management system altogether as well as of updated environmental indicators.

  7. Exoskeletal meal assistance system (EMAS II) for progressive muscle dystrophy patient. (United States)

    Hasegawa, Yasuhisa; Oura, Saori


    This paper introduces a 4-DOFs exoskeletal meal assistance system (EMAS II) for progressive muscle dystrophy patient. It is generally better for the patient to use his/her hands by himself in daily life because active works maintain level of residual functions, health and initiative of him/her. The EMAS II that has a new joystick-type user interface device and three-DOFs on a shoulder part is enhanced for an easier operation and more comfortable support on eating, as the succeeding model of the previous system that has two-DOFs on a shoulder. In order to control the 4-DOFs system by the simple user interface device, the EMAS II simulates upper limb motion patterns of a healthy person. The motion patterns are modeled by extracting correlations between the height of a user's wrist joint and that of the user's elbow joint at the table. Moreover, the EMAS II automatically brings user's hand up to his/her mouth or back to a table when he/she pushes a preset switch on the interface device. Therefore a user has only to control a position of his/her wrist to pick or scoop foods and then flip the switch to start automatic mode, while a height of the elbow joint is automatically controlled by the EMAS II itself. The results of experiments, where a healthy subject regarded as a muscle dystrophy patient eats a meal with EMAS II, show that the subject finished her meal in a natural way in 18 minutes 40 seconds which was within a recommended time of 30 minutes. © 2011 IEEE


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    Karmono Mangunsukardjo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan geomorfologi dalam perencanaan penggunaan lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai Oyo, Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Arahan perencanaan penggunaan lahan didasarkan pada kelas kemampuan lahan dengan satuan medan sebagai satuan evaluasi dan acuan petanya. Satuan medan yang disusun atas satuan bentuklahan, lereng, dan tanah, sedangkan untuk penentuan kelas kemampuan lahannya ditambang dengan factor batu di permukaan, airtanah, dan genangan. Evaluasi kemampuan lahan dilakukan dengan cara matching antara karakteristik lahan dalam setiap satuan medan terhadap persyaratan kelas kemampuan lahan dengan menggunakan system informasi geografis (SIG. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa satuan medan yang disusun berdasarkan kerangka dasar geomorfologi mampu memberikan penilaian kemampuan lahan dan arahan penggunaan lahan. Satuan medan pegunungan structural-denudasional (SP, perbukitan structural-denudasional (SB, mempunyai kelas kemampuan lahan VI, sehingga tidak boleh dimanfaatkan dan seharusnya dijadikan lahan konservasi. Satuan medan lain yang mempunyai kelas kemampuan lahan IV seperti SBk, KD, KDt dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pertanian sangat terbatas. Satuan medan yang berkelas kemampuan lahan III adalah FT, SI, KDa, dan KLb yang memungkinkan untuk lahan pertanian terbatas. Erosi dan sifat tanah merupakan faktor kendala lahan pertanian pada satuan medan dengan kelas kemampuan lahan III.

  9. Energy materials coordinating committee (EMaCC). Annual technical report, fiscal year 2003

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department's materials programs and to further effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meetings/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. In addition, EMaCC assists in obtaining materials-related inputs for both intra- and interagency compilations. Topical subcommittees of the EMaCC are responsible for conducting seminars and otherwise facilitating information flow between DOE organizational units in materials areas of particular importance to the Department. The EMaCC Terms of Reference were recently modified and developed into a Charter that was approved on June 5, 2003. As a result of this reorganization, the existing subcommittees were disbanded and new subcommittees are being formed.


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    Tuti Herawati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis respon para pemangku kepentingan di daerah terhadap kebijakan Hutan Tanaman Rakyat. Penelitian menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantifikasi data kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja dengan pertimbangan tingginya potensi pengembangan kegiatan HTR, yaitu di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dan Riau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat di Kalimantan Selatan, khususnya mereka yang telah terlibat dalam pengembangan tanaman kehutanan memiliki minat yang tinggi untuk menjadi peserta program HTR. Sedangkan masyarakat di Riau kurang berminat terhadap program penanaman tanaman kehutanan, disebabkan adanya pengalaman buruk di masa sebelumnya. Para pemangku kepentingan di tingkat kabupaten yang terdiri dari pihak pemerintah daerah dan swasta menyambut baik program tersebut, dan mendukung terselenggaranya program sebagai upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar hutan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis stakeholder diketahui bahwa terdapat sejumlah pemangku kepentingan di daerah yang memiliki posisi dan pengaruh penting untuk keberhasilan program. Hal ini berimplikasi bahwa para pengambil kebijakan di tingkat pusat harus mempertimbangkan aspirasi mereka untuk mewujudkan keberhasilan program HTR.

  11. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC): Annual technical report, Fiscal year 1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department's materials programs and to further the effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meetings/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. This annual technical report is mandated by the EMaCC terms of reference. This report summarizes EMaCC activities for FY 1987 and describes the materials research programs of various offices and divisions within the Department

  12. Testing EMA Indicator for the Currency Pair EUR / USD

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    Kolková Andrea


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to verify the effectiveness of EMA indicator according to selected time intervals. The underlying assumption is that, on longer timescales EMA is profitable and provides more relevant signals. The second objective of this paper is to test the signals of indicators in different months. It is believed that in September and January the number of trading signals on this indicator will increase. Testing will be done on the five-minute time frame. The test will be subjected to 65,000 rate values of the EUR / USD currency pair. Effectiveness of the analysis will be evaluated on the basis of digital (binary option. Business strategy is based on EMA crossover indicator of current exchange rate. By the contribution there were confirmed hypotheses about more profitable signals when selecting a greater timeframe breadth of moving average. There was also confirmed an increased amount of signals in September, but not in January.

  13. School, environment and sustainable development eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) applied to schools; Scuola, ambiente e sviluppo sostenibile. L'adesione degli istituti di istruzione al regolamento (CE) N. 761/2001 EMAS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andriola, L; Ceccacci, R [ENEA, Divisione Caratterizzazione dell' Ambiente e del Territorio, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The topic discussed in this report can be inserted within the context of the activities carried out by ENEA - Environment and Territory Division - in the field of the EC Environmental Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) promotion. EMAS, that is a voluntary environmental policy instrument, intend to replace the conflicting relationship between control authority and firm with a relationship focused on a conflicting relationship between control authority and firm with a relationship focused on a dialogue and action agreed upon by the parties, on the basis of impartial and reliable information. This report illustrates in a preliminary phase, contents and aims of the EDUCH-EMAS Pilot Project which could be used as a guideline for the application of Regulation n. 761/2000/EC to Schools in Italy. [Italian] L'argomento trattato nel presente lavoro e' stato sviluppato nell'ambito delle attivita' di promozione del Sistema comunitario di Ecogestione e Audit (EMAS), condotte dalla Divisione Caratterizzazione dell'Ambiente e del Territorio dell'ENEA. Lo strumento EMAS, che ha caratterre di volontarieta', intende sostituire un rapporto di tipo conflittuale tra autorita' di controllo ed impresa, con un rapporto centrato su un dialogo ed un'azione concentrata tra le parti, sulle basi di un'informativa obiettiva ed affidabile. Il presente rapporto, illustra in fase preliminare i contenuti e gli obiettivi del progetto Pilota EUDUCH EMAS, che si propone come sviluppo successivo di descrivere il percorso per l'applicazione del Regolamento CE N. 761/2000 (EMAS) alle strutture scolastiche italiane.

  14. The Barriers for Voluntary Environmental Management Systems—The Case of EMAS in Hospitals

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    Christin Seifert


    Full Text Available The adoption of formal environmental management systems (EMS according to EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme represents a voluntary approach that aims to increase corporate environmental performance. Though EMAS can offer several advantages for organizations, registration numbers are falling. In the hospital sector, the dissemination of EMAS is low. The question arises as to what hinders hospitals when planning, implementing, and maintaining such voluntary environmental management initiatives. The results from interviews with environmental managers in EMAS registered hospitals reveal problems such as high initial effort for creation of the required documents, or lacking knowledge and staff awareness. The barriers are presented in a model synthesizing the problems chronologically on the organizational, group, and individual level. The challenges for the adoption of EMAS as a voluntary environmental management approach in hospitals are discussed. This paper contributes by creating an understanding of the barriers organizations might face when implementing an EMS. Thus, measures to actively manage and overcome barriers can be developed by organizations, consultants, reviewers, policy makers, and researchers.

  15. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) Fiscal Year 1999 annual technical report

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    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department`s materials programs and to further effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meetings/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. In addition, EMaCC assists in obtaining materials-related inputs for both intra- and interagency compilations. This report summarizes EMaCC activities for FY 1999 and describes the materials research programs of various offices and divisions within the Department.


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    Andrian Syah Malik


    Full Text Available Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki tingkat keanekaragaman yang tinggi seperti suku bangsa, budaya, sumber daya alam, pendidikan, sosial dan ekonomi di setiap daerah. Untuk mengatur tingkat keanekaragaman tersebut, pembangunan di tingkat daerah diatur oleh pemerintah pusat dengan menjadikan Pulau Jawa sebagai pusat perekonomian nasional. Hal tersebut membuat provinsi-provinsi yang kaya sumber daya alam menuntut pemberian transfer anggaran yang lebih dan pemberian hak dan wewenang kepada tiap-tiap daerah untuk mengatur dan mengurus sendiri urusan pemerintahan di tingkat daerah. Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan yaitu pertama, mengindentifikasi tingkat konvergensi di Indonesia setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. Kedua, menganalisis pengaruh Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA, dana perimbangan dan  Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM terhadap pertumbuhan PDRB per kapita di Indonesia setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah tahun 2001-2012. Data penelitian  adalah data sekunder dari Badan Pusat Statistik dan Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia. Penghitungan konvergensi sigma menggunakan standar deviasi log PDRB per kapita antar provinsi, sementara penghitungan konvergensi beta menggunakan analisis regresi data panel dengan pendekatan fixed effect model. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa terjadi konvergensi sigma dan konvergensi beta setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah tahun 2001-2012. Variabel PMA, dana perimbangan dan IPM berpengaruh posittif terhadap pertumbuhan PDRB per kapita di Indonesia setelah pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. Indonesia is a country which has many kinds of ethnic groups, cultures, natural resources, educations, socials, and economics in every region. To manage the diversity, development at the local level is set by the central government by becoming the Island of Java as the center of the national economy. That problem makes the provinces which are rich in natural resources demand for more budget transfers and ask for grant rights and


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    Armaidy Armawi


    Full Text Available This study aims to disect Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2002 and the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 11 of 2006 by employing hermeneutic-juridical approach where we performed textual analysis of ‘legal aspirations’ and put it in the context of contemporary condition. We think fortification of the Local Intelligence Community must be attempted. Optimal coordination among Kominda members and coordination between security personnel and common society in responding to threats might affect the stability of local security. Synergic steps among several Kominda members are needed to improve their performance and strengthen the institution. Improvement of performance as well as reinforcement of Kominda members is needed to instill the sense of intelligence. Kajian ini bertujuan menelaah Instruksi Presiden Nomor 5 Tahun 2002 dan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri No. 11 Tahun 2006 dalam rangka penguatan Komunitas Intelijen Daerah. Dalam kajian ini digunakan metode hermeneutik yuridis. Menafsirkan ”kehendak hukum” terhadap makna teks dalam konteks suasana kekinian. Optimalisasi koordinasi di antara anggota Kominda dan adanya kerjasama yang baik antara masyarakat dan aparat keamanan dalam mengantisipasi ancaman, akan membawa dampak pada stabilitas keamanan daerah. Diperlukan langkah yang sinergis dari beberapa anggota Kominda untuk dapat memperbaiki kinerja dan penguatan institusi. Perbaikan kinerja dan penguatan anggota Kominda perlu dilakukan agar memiliki sense of intelligence.





    Analisis Potensi Pemungutan Pajak Hotel dalam Rangka Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kota Makassar Analysis of Hotels Tax Collection Potency in Makkasar???s Own-Source Revenue Increase Muhammad Try Dharsana Ambo Ala Andi Kusumawati Yulianus Sampe Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besar potensi pajak hotel dan seberapa jauh bentuk usaha yang di lakukan oleh pemerintah daerah dalam menggali potensi pajak hotel di kota Makassar. Untuk menghitung potensi, efektivi...

  19. Immunogenicity and antigenicity of the recombinant EMA-1 protein of Theileria equi expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris Imunogenicidade e antigenicidade da proteína recombinante EMA-1 de Theileria equi expressa em Pichia pastoris

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    Leandro Q. Nizoli


    Full Text Available The equine piroplasmosis caused by Theileria equi is one of the most important parasitic diseases of the equine, causing damage to animal health and economic losses. In T. equi, 2 merozoite surface proteins, equi merozoite antigen EMA-1 and EMA-2, have been identified as the most immunodominant antigens. This suggests that these antigens might be used as immunobiological tools. The EMA-1 of Theileria equi was cloned and expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris. The transformed yeast was grown at high cell density, expressing up to 389 mg.L-1 of recombinant protein. The protein was concentrated and detected in Dot blot. The recombinant product was antigenically similar to the native protein as determined using monoclonal antibodies, and polyclonal antibodies obtained from equines naturally infected with T. equi. The immunogenicity of rEMA-1 protein was demonstrated by IFAT using sera from recombinant-protein-immunized mice using aluminum hydroxide as adjuvant. All animals vaccinated with rEMA-1 developed a high specific antibody response. This results suggest that rEMA-1expressed in P. pastoris might be a strong candidate to be used as an antigen for immune diagnostics as well as a vaccine antigen.A piroplasmose equina causada por Theileria equi é uma das mais importantes doenças parasitárias de equídeos, causando danos a saúde animal e perdas econômicas. Em T. equi, 2 proteínas de superfície de merozoítos, equi merozoite antigen EMA-1 e EMA-2, têm sido identificadas como antígenos imunodominantes. Sugerindo que estes antígenos possam ser usados como produtos imunobiológicos. O gene EMA-1 de T. equi foi clonado e expressado na levedura Pichia pastoris. As leveduras transformadas foram cultivadas a altas densidades celulares expressando 389 mg.L-1 de proteína recombinante. A proteína foi concentrada e detectada em Dot blot. O produto recombinante foi antigenicamente similar à proteína nativa quando determinado usando anticorpo


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    H. M. Erham Amin


    Full Text Available The implementation of direct election toward District Head either in province level or regency level gets a constitutional legitimacy through the second amendment of UUD 1945. It is stated that a governor, regent, and mayor are the heads of province, regency, and city who are elected democratically. The understanding of �elected democratically� can be interpreted variously. However, UUD 1945 as the constitutional base regulates everything not in detail, only the outline. Thus, there must be a further explanation with the law as the organic regulation. As it is stated in UUD 1945, the stipulations of the articles in the constitution are implemented with the law as the operational base. So, the authority of constitution will explain the stipulations of the articles. Paying close attention to the role of political party in District Head Election (PILKADA, it needs to be paid attention that anybody who wins in Pilkada must have political debt to the parties that have supported him, so the parties will �explore and exploit� the position of the chosen District Head as the �rice barn�, and it is worried that the chosen District Head cannot act fairly, wisely, do not pay attention on the people�s interest, but tend to be the � instrument� of the political parties that have supported him with the reason as �the debt of honor�. In brief, It is because of the parties then he can get the position as the District Head.Bahwa pelaksanaan Pemilihan secara langsung terhadap Kepala Daerah baik pada tingkat provinsi maupun tingkat kabupaten/kota memperoleh legitimasi konstitusional melalui amandemen UUD 1945 yang kedua. Dinyatakan bahwa bahwa Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota masing-masing sebagai Kepala Pemerintahan Daerah Provinsi, Kabupaten, dan Kota dipilih secara demokratis. Pemahaman �dipilih secara demokratis� itu secara tersurat atau interpretasi gramatikal dapat diartikan macam-macam. Namun UUD 1945 sebagai landasan konstitusional

  1. Analisis Pengaruh Akuntabilitas Publik, Transparansi Publik dan Pengawasan Terhadap Kinerja Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah di Kabupaten Bungo

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    Harry Eka Setiawan


    Full Text Available Abstract. This research is intended to analyze the influence of public accountability, public transparency and control to the SKPD performance with the local financial management as a variable intervening. The population in this study is SKPD environment Bungo district government.  The simultaneous and partial test of the hypothesis is done with test “F” and test “t” using the path analysis method. Results shows that simultaneously public accountability, public transparency, control, and local financial management, affect the performance of SKPD in Bungo district government. Partially, public accountability, public transparency, control, and local financial management affect the performance of SKPD in Bungo district government. Results shows that simultaneously public accountability, public transparency, and control, affect to local financial management. Partially public accountability, pubic transparency and control affect on local financial management, so that local financial management is not an intervening variable in this study Keywords:  Public Accountability, Public Transparency, Local Financial Management,   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis  pengaruh akuntabilitas publik, transparansi publik, dan pengawasan terhadap kinerja SKPD dengan pengelolaan keuangan daerah sebagai variabel intervening. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah SKPD di dilingkungan  Pemerintah Kabupaten Bungo. Pengujian hipotesis secara simultan maupun parsial digunakan Uji F dan Uji t  dengan menggunakan metode analisis jalur. Hasil penilitan menunjukan bahwa secara simultan akuntabilitas publik, transparansi publik, pengawasan, dan pengelolaan keuangan daerah, berpengaruh terhadap kinerja SKPD pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Bungo. Secara parsial akuntabilitas publik, transparansi publik, pengawasan, dan pengelolaan keuangan daerah  berpengaruh terhadap kinerja SKPD pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Bungo. Secara simultan akuntabilitas publik

  2. School, environment and sustainable development eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) applied to schools; Scuola, ambiente e sviluppo sostenibile. L'adesione degli istituti di istruzione al regolamento (CE) N. 761/2001 EMAS

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    Andriola, L.; Ceccacci, R. [ENEA, Divisione Caratterizzazione dell' Ambiente e del Territorio, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The topic discussed in this report can be inserted within the context of the activities carried out by ENEA - Environment and Territory Division - in the field of the EC Environmental Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) promotion. EMAS, that is a voluntary environmental policy instrument, intend to replace the conflicting relationship between control authority and firm with a relationship focused on a conflicting relationship between control authority and firm with a relationship focused on a dialogue and action agreed upon by the parties, on the basis of impartial and reliable information. This report illustrates in a preliminary phase, contents and aims of the EDUCH-EMAS Pilot Project which could be used as a guideline for the application of Regulation n. 761/2000/EC to Schools in Italy. [Italian] L'argomento trattato nel presente lavoro e' stato sviluppato nell'ambito delle attivita' di promozione del Sistema comunitario di Ecogestione e Audit (EMAS), condotte dalla Divisione Caratterizzazione dell'Ambiente e del Territorio dell'ENEA. Lo strumento EMAS, che ha caratterre di volontarieta', intende sostituire un rapporto di tipo conflittuale tra autorita' di controllo ed impresa, con un rapporto centrato su un dialogo ed un'azione concentrata tra le parti, sulle basi di un'informativa obiettiva ed affidabile. Il presente rapporto, illustra in fase preliminare i contenuti e gli obiettivi del progetto Pilota EUDUCH EMAS, che si propone come sviluppo successivo di descrivere il percorso per l'applicazione del Regolamento CE N. 761/2000 (EMAS) alle strutture scolastiche italiane.

  3. Tempat Penampungan Air dan Kepadatan Jentik Aedes sp. di Daerah Endemis dan Bebas Demam Berdarah Dengue

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    Wanti Wanti


    Full Text Available Tingkat kepadatan jentik merupakan indikasi diketahuinya kepadatan nyamuk Aedes sp yang akan menularkan virus dengue sebagai penyebab penyakit demam berdarah dengue (DBD dan juga sebagai salah satu indikator keberhasilan kegiatan pengendalian vektor. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik tempat penampungan air (TPA dan perbedaan kepadatan jentik House Index, Container Index, Breatau Index (HI, CI, BI di Kelurahan Alak sebagai daerah endemis dan Kelurahan Belo sebagai daerah bebas DBD di Kota Kupang Tahun 2011. Penelitian observasional analitik ini menggunakan rancangan studi potong lintang. Variabel penelitian adalah jenis, kondisi, letak, bahan TPA dan kepadatan jentik Aedes sp. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi langsung pada TPA dan rumah terpilih. Data disajikan dalam bentuk tabel kemudian dianalisis dengan uji-t. Penelitian ini menemukan TPA positif jentik paling banyak adalah TPA untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, kondisi TPA tidak tertutup rapat, letak TPA di luar rumah, bahan TPA adalah bahan keramik, dan warna TPA adalah warna putih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai dari HI 0,887, CI 0,146 dan BI 0,080, yang artinya tidak ada perbedaan kepadatan jentik antara Kelurahan Alak (daerah endemis dengan Kelurahan Belo (daerah bebas. Disimpulkan tidak ada perbedaan kepadatan jentik (HI, CI, dan BI antara daerah endemis dan daerah bebas DBD. Kedua daerah sama-sama memiliki tingkat kepadatan jentik yang tinggi, sehingga disarankan pemberantasan sarang nyamuk tidak hanya diprioritaskan pada daerah endemis DBD tetapi juga daerah daerah bebas DBD. Water Container and the Aedes sp. Larvae Density in Endemic and Free Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever The larva density is an indication of the density of Aedes sp known to be capable of transmitting the dengue virus as the cause of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF and also as one of the indicators of the success of vector control activities. This study aimed to determine the difference of the water

  4. Determination of mandibular border and functional movement protocols using an electromagnetic articulograph (EMA). (United States)

    Fuentes, Ramon; Navarro, Pablo; Curiqueo, Aldo; Ottone, Nicolas E


    The electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) is a device that can collect movement data by positioning sensors at multiple points, measuring displacements of the structure in real time, as well as the acoustics and mechanics of speech using a microphone connected to the measurement system. The aim of this study is to describe protocols for the generation, measurement and visualization of mandibular border and functional movements in the three spatial planes (frontal, sagittal and horizontal) using the EMA. The EMA has transmitter coils that determine magnetic fields to collect information about movements from sensors located on different structures (tongue, palate, mouth, incisors, skin, etc.) and in every direction in an area of 300 mm. After measurement with the EMA, the information is transferred to a computer and read with the Visartico software to visualize the recording of the mandibular movements registered by the EMA. The sensors placed in the space between the three axes XYZ are observed, and then the plots created from the mandibular movements included in the corresponding protocol can be visualized, enabling interpretation of these data. Four protocols for the obtaining of images of the opening and closing mandibular movements were defined and developed, as well as border movements in the frontal, sagittal and horizontal planes, managing to accurately reproduce Posselt's diagram and Gothic arch on the latter two axes. Measurements with the EMA will allow more exact data to be collected in relation to the mandibular clinical physiology and morphology, which will permit more accurate diagnoses and application of more precise and adjusted treatments in the future.

  5. Determination of mandibular border and functional movement protocols using an electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) (United States)

    Fuentes, Ramon; Navarro, Pablo; Curiqueo, Aldo; Ottone, Nicolas E


    The electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) is a device that can collect movement data by positioning sensors at multiple points, measuring displacements of the structure in real time, as well as the acoustics and mechanics of speech using a microphone connected to the measurement system. The aim of this study is to describe protocols for the generation, measurement and visualization of mandibular border and functional movements in the three spatial planes (frontal, sagittal and horizontal) using the EMA. The EMA has transmitter coils that determine magnetic fields to collect information about movements from sensors located on different structures (tongue, palate, mouth, incisors, skin, etc.) and in every direction in an area of 300 mm. After measurement with the EMA, the information is transferred to a computer and read with the Visartico software to visualize the recording of the mandibular movements registered by the EMA. The sensors placed in the space between the three axes XYZ are observed, and then the plots created from the mandibular movements included in the corresponding protocol can be visualized, enabling interpretation of these data. Four protocols for the obtaining of images of the opening and closing mandibular movements were defined and developed, as well as border movements in the frontal, sagittal and horizontal planes, managing to accurately reproduce Posselt’s diagram and Gothic arch on the latter two axes. Measurements with the EMA will allow more exact data to be collected in relation to the mandibular clinical physiology and morphology, which will permit more accurate diagnoses and application of more precise and adjusted treatments in the future. PMID:26884903

  6. Analisis Potensi Daerah Melalui Metode Document Clustering Laporan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata-Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

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    Dyah Mustika


    Full Text Available Kuliah Kerja Nyata Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KKN-PPM adalah salah satu bentuk pengabdian UGM yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswanya kepada masyarakat secara langsung. Selama melaksanakan KKN, mahasiswa menyusun dan melaksanakan program kegiatan yang berguna bagi pemberdayaan masyarakat. Setelah selesai, mahasiswa diwajibkan membuat laporan tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan. Dokumen laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan KKN yang terkumpul sudah sangat banyak tetapi belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Laporan ini sebenarnya dapat menjadi sebuah sumber infromasi. Salah satu informasi yang bisa digali dari dokumen laporan tersebut adalah informasi tentang potensi daerah lokasi KKN. Penambangan informasi dari dokumen dapat dilakukan dengan text mining. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambang informasi tentang potensi daerah dari dokumen laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan KKN-PPM menggunakan salah satu metode pada text mining, yaitu document clustering. Clustering dilakukan dengan dua pendekatan yaitu, STC dan LINGO, menggunakan Carrot2 Workbench. Penggunaan dua algoritma ini dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh perbandingan algoritma yang memberikan hasil lebih baik dalam penggambaran potensi daerah lokasi KKN-PPM UGM. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa algoritma LINGO lebih baik dalam memberikan gambaran tentang potensi daerah dibandingkan algoritma STC. LINGO memunculkan label klaster yang bertema potensi daerah lebih banyak dibanding STC. Dari evaluasi pada penelitian ini, LINGO menghasilkan nilai F-Measure 70%, dua kali lebih tinggi daripada STC yang hanya 33%. Kata Kunci— KKN-PPM UGM, document clustering, STC, LINGO, Carrot2


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    Full Text Available Perda Kota Bandar Lampung Nomor 07 Tahun 2002 tentang Pajak Hotel dalam pelaksanaannya masih ada hambatan. Oleh karena itu diteliti mengenai aturan dan pelaksanaannya.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif (Dogmati Research. Pendekatan masalahnya menggunakan pendekatanperaturan perundang-undangan (Statue Approach. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan terdapat ketidaksinkronan pengaturan mengenai pajak hotel dalam Peraturan Daerah Kota Bandar Lampung Nomor 07 Tahun 2002  dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2009 tentang Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah.


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    Nurul Hidayat, Abdul Basid


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian dengan metode gravitasi pada tanggal 26 - 27 April 2011 di daerah Songgoriti Kota Batu dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pola anomali Bouguer dan struktur geologi bawah permukaan serta potensi panasbumi di daerah tersebut. Berdasarkan interpretasi kualitatif pada kontur anomali Bouguer  lengkap didapatkan variasi nilai anomali Bouguer antara  47,3 - 67,4 mGal dengan nilai anomali tinggi terdapat pada arah tenggara penelitian dan nilai anomali sedang pada arah tenggara-selatan dan timur laut daerah penelitian. Hampir 75% daerah penelitian didominasi oleh nilai anomali Bouguer rendah. Hasil interpretasi kuantitatif pada model penampang 2D lintasan AB dan CD, didapatkan tujuh lapisan batuan di bawah permukaan yaitu lapisan lapuk, tufa pasiran, anglomerat, lempung pasir, breksi tufaan terlempungkan, lava, dan breksi Vulkanik. Berdasarkan interpretasi kualitatif dan kuantitatif serta penelitian sebelumya dapat disimpulkan bahwa potensi geothermal di daerah penelitian sangat kecil.



    Raditya, Theresia Dyah Okta


    Desentralisasi fiskal merupakan salah satu kebijakan yang dilaksanakan pemerintah daerah untuk mengurangi ketimpangan wilayah sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat di suatu wilayah. Salah satu indikator sederhana untuk kesejahteraan rakyat adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi. Namun, kecenderungan yang terjadi di negara berkembang adalah ketimpangan wilayah meningkat searah dengan meningkatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kabupaten/kota di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta ...


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    Nina Queena Hadi Putri


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan novel Api Awan Asap karya Korrie Layun Rampan ditinjau dari (1 protes sosial, (2realisme sosial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode content analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya protes sosial yang ditujukan kepada masyarakat yang tidak mengetahui tradisi berhuma suku Dayak Benuaq;  perusahaan pertambangan, perusahaan perkebunan, HPH, dan HTI; perusahaan kelapa sawit, tebu, dan coklat; kepada “konglomerat”; perusahaan  penambangan emas dan batu bara. Bentuk realisme sosial menggambarkan masyarakat suku dayak Benuaq yang dituduh sebagai perusak alam; kerusakan lingkungan pada wilayah yang didiami oleh suku Dayak Benuaq; ketidaktahuan masyarakat mengenai hukum dan kepemilikan tanah; dan ketidaksiapan mental secara finansial masyarakat.

  11. [Flow cytometric test using eosin-5'-maleimide (EMA) labelling of red blood for diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis]. (United States)

    Wang, Jiying; Zheng, Bin; Zhao, Yuping; Chen, Xuejing; Liu, Yan; Bo, Lijin; Zheng, Yizhou; Zhang, Fengkui; Ru, Kun; Wang, Huijun


    To investigate the sensitivity and specificity of eosin-5'-maleimide (EMA)assay for the diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis (HS), and to verify the stability of reagent and samples. EMA flow cytometry test, NaCl-osmotic fragility test and acidified glycerol lysis test were performed using peripheral blood samples from 80 patients with HS and 44 patients with other blood diseases, the sensitivity and specificity of the three methods were compared, and the feasibility of EMA binding test was estimated. The stability of EMA reagent and HS samples stored at different temperatures were tested. Among the 124 tested samples, the sensitivity and specificity of EMA binding test was 0.925 and 0.954, that of NaCl-osmotic fragility test was 0.950 and 0.455, and that of acidified glycerol lysis test was 1.000 and 0.318, respectively. Although the sensitivity of NaCl-osmotic fragility test and acidified glycerol lysis test was a little higher than that of EMA binding test, the specificity of the former two methods was poor, they couldn't clearly distinguish whether spherocytosis is hereditary spherocytosis. The experiment results showed that EMA was sensitive to the temperature and should not be stored in a small aliquots at -80 ℃ over a period of 6 months. The stability of the HS sample was better, 6 days storage at 4 ℃ and 3 days storage at room temperature had no influence on the results. EMA binding test by flow cytometry showed good sensitivity and specificity for HS diagnosis. EMA reagent should be stored at-80 ℃ and the HS samples should be tested within 6 days storage at 4 ℃ and 3 days at room temperature.

  12. Uudised : Kõlas eesti koorilooming. Barokk-kontsert EMAs. Interpretatsioonipedagoogika konverents. 33. Balti muusikateaduse konverents / Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varblane, Reet, 1952-


    18. nov. esitas inglise koor Bristolis kava eesti muusikast. 21. nov. toimuvast barokkmuusikakontserdist EMAs. 12.-13. nov. EMAs toimunud teaduslik-metoodilisest konverentsist "Interpretatsioonipedagoogika probleemid I". 26.-28. nov. toimuva 33. Balti muusikateaduse konverentsi kavast

  13. Proses Penanganan Tata Kearsipan Daerah pada Kantor Perpustakaan Arsip dan Dokumentasi Deli Serdang

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    Lisnawati Lisnawati


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan manusia akan informasi begitu penting, beragamnya jenis media saluran informasi turut menambah kemudahan bagi siapa saja untuk mencari informasi tidak terkecuali bagi pemerintahan daerah sebagai penyelenggara pemerintahan memiliki peran penting untuk menyediakan sistem pengarsipan dalam mendukung kinerja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat bagaimanakah proses penanganan tata kearsipan daerah pada kantor perpustakaan arsip dan dokumentasi Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah berjenis kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dimana pencarian data menggunakan data primer dan data skunder. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan peralatan penyimpanan arsip masih mengunakan peralatan sederhana dan belum berbasis teknologi.

  14. Energy materials coordinating committee (EMaCC). Annual technical report, fiscal year 2002

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department's materials programs and to further effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meetings/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. In addition, EMaCC assists in obtaining materials-related inputs for both intra- and interagency compilations. Topical subcommittees of the EMaCC are responsible for conducting seminars and otherwise facilitating information flow between DOE organizational units in materials areas of particular importance to the Department. The EMaCC Terms of Reference were recently modified and developed into a Charter that was approved on June 5, 2003. As a result of this reorganization, the existing subcommittees were disbanded and new subcommittees are being formed. The EMaCC Charter and the memorandum approving it are presented in the Appendix of this report. The FY 2002 budget summary for DOE Materials Activities is presented on page 8. The distribution of these funds between DOE laboratories, private industry, academia and other organizations is presented in tabular form on page 10. Following the budget summary is a set of detailed program descriptions for the FY 2002 DOE Materials activities. These descriptions are presented according to the organizational structure of the Department. A mission statement, a budget summary listing the project titles and FY 2002 funding, and detailed project summaries are presented for each Assistant Secretary office, the Office of Science, and the National Nuclear Security Administration. The project summaries also provide DOE, laboratory, academic and industrial contacts for each project, as appropriate.

  15. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC): Annual technical report, fiscal year 1993

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department`s materials programs and to further effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meetings/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. In addition, EMaCC assists in obtaining materials-related inputs for both intra- and interagency compilations. This report summarizes EMaCC activities for FY 1993 and describes the materials research programs of various offices and divisions within the Department. The program descriptions consist of a funding summary for each Assistant Secretary office and the Office of Energy Research, and detailed project summaries with project goals and accomplishments. The FY 1993 budget summary table for DOE Materials Activities in each of the programs is presented.


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    Luh Putu Resti Mega Artantri


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran e-procurement terhadap pencegahan fraud pada pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah daerah di pulau Lombok. Kelompok responden merupakan seluruh anggota kelompok kerja Unit Layanan Pengadaan (ULP dan anggota Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (LPSE yang berjumlah 108 orang. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan model struktural dengan pendekatan Partial Least Squares (PLS. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa e-procurement memiliki peran untuk menekan fraud pada pengadaan barang/jasa pemerintah daerah di Pulau Lombok. E-procurement mampu meningkatkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas pada pengadaan barang/jasa sehingga celah kecurangan dapat dikurangi. Implikasi penelitian ini dapat menegaskan peran penting e-procurement sebagai inovasi dalam pengadaan barang/jasa dalam upaya untuk mencegah fraud pada pengadaan barang/jasa. Koordinasi lintas sektoral antara pemerintah daerah dengan aparat penegak hukum diperlukan untuk mendukung peran e-procurement dalam upaya pencegahan fraud pada pengadaan barang/jasa.

  17. Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Komunikasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja pada pegawai Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Medan


    Nasution, Muhammad Rizal


    This research aims to identify and analyze the influence of leadership style and communication on job satisfaction on employee in Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Medan. The population in this research are 68 people and all of them used as sample. Analitycal techniques used is multiple linier regression method with significance level of 5%. The result showed that simultaneously leadership style and communication has significant on job satisfaction on employee in Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Med...

  18. How many EMA-workshops are needed to collect a representative sample of events in a hospital ward?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edwards, Kasper


    The effect modifier assessment (EMA) method (Edwards & Winkel, 2016) is a method for assessing the impact of an intervention and modifiers on a desired outcome e.g. improved work environment. The EMA-method captures events (a change in work) in a ward and for each event asses 1) impact on work...... and diverse tasks. This poses a problem when using the EMA-method and raises the research question of this abstract: How many EMA-workshops are needed to generate a representative collection of events in a ward? Methods Six EMA-workshops each with a full surgical team of six people was conducted in a heart...... on surgery. The ward was organized in three specialties: Heart surgery, Lung surgery and Child heart surgery. Events differed between specialties and therefor it was expected that saturation would be reached after minimum three workshops. The heart center is comparable to other surgical units...


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    Rina Laksmi Hendrati


    Full Text Available Kementerian Kehutanan, melalui Badan Litbang Kehutanan yang dituangkan dalam Roadmap 2010-2025 telah mencanangkan kegiatan untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya perubahan iklim global. Berbagai Rencana Penelitian Integratif (RPI telah ditetapkan termasuk RPI Adaptasi Bioekologi dan Sosial Ekonomi Budaya terhadap Perubahan Iklim yang diinisiasi pada tahun 2010. Dalam RPI ini salah satu penelitian dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai spesies pohon dari berbagai provenans yang potensial untuk mengantisipasi perubahan iklim dengan penekanan untuk tujuan pengujian pada daerah kering. Pada makalah ini, hasil identifikasi dan seleksi yang dilakukan tahun 2010 didiskusikan. Identifikasi dari daerah bercurah hujan rendah (<1000-1500mm/tahun di Indonesia (Sulawesi, Madura, JawaTimurdanNusaTenggaraTimursertaseleksidenganmempertimbangkantampilansebagaipohon, manfaat, kemungkinannya untuk koleksi materi genetik, rekomendasi dan beberapa kriteria lain akhirnyamendapatkan29spesies potensialyangadaptifpadadaerahkeringuntukdiujilebihlanjut.


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    ali mahmudi


    Full Text Available Perhiasan emas dan perak, dari dulu sampai sekarang, sudah menjadi gaya hidup di masyarakat. Perhiasan dipakai sebagai penunjang penampilan maupun sebagai alat investasi. Dalam perkembanganya perhiasan dapat terbuat dari campuran bahan logam mulia seperti tembaga, perak dan emas. Sistem informasi ini dirancang untuk membantu proses penjualan di Toko Perhiasan Rejeki Denpasar-Bali. Applikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, database MySql dan MySql konector 6.1.3 sebagai konektor. Sistem informasi ini dilengkapi dengan aplikasi untuk menghitung kadar perhiasan. Di samping itu, aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi denganalat hitung untuk menentukan campuran emas, perak dan tembaga untuk membuat emas dengan kadar tertentu. Metode gosok batu adalah metode tradisional untuk mengetahui kadar perhiasan. Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara menggosokan perhiasan ke batu dan kemudian ditambahkan cairan kimia. Metode ini kurang akurat untuk menentukan kadar perhiasan. Oleh sabab itu, dibangunlah sistem informasi penjualan dan penghitungan kadar perhiasan. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah dalam pendataan penjualan dan pesanan perhiasan di Toko perhiasan Rejeki Denpasar-Bali. Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi Penjualan, Emas, aplikasi hitung kadar, perhiasan.

  1. Extended Monopole antenna Array with individual Shield (EMAS) coil: An improved monopole antenna design for brain imaging at 7 tesla MRI. (United States)

    Woo, Myung-Kyun; Hong, Suk-Min; Lee, Jongho; Kang, Chang-Ki; Park, Sung-Yeon; Son, Young-Don; Kim, Young-Bo; Cho, Zang-Hee


    To propose a new Extended Monopole antenna Array with individual Shields (EMAS) coil that improves the B1 field coverage and uniformity along the z-direction. To increase the spatial coverage of Monopole antenna Array (MA) coil, each monopole antenna was shielded and extended in length. Performance of this new coil, which is referred to as EMAS coil, was compared with the original MA coil and an Extended Monopole antenna Array coil with no shield (EMA). For comparison, flip angle, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and receive sensitivity maps were measured at multiple regions of interest (ROIs) in the brain. The EMAS coil demonstrated substantially larger flip angle and receive sensitivity than the MA and EMA coils in the inferior aspect of the brain. In the brainstem ROI, for example, the flip angle in the EMAS coil was increased by 45.5% (or 60.0%) and the receive sensitivity was increased by 26.9% (or 14.9%), resulting in an SNR gain of 84.8% (or 76.3%) when compared with the MA coil (or EMA). The EMAS coil provided 25.7% (or 24.4%) more uniform B1+ field distribution compared with the MA (or EMA) coil in sagittal. The EMAS coil successfully extended the imaging volume in lower part of the brain. Magn Reson Med 75:2566-2572, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC). Annual technical report, Fiscal Year 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    None, None


    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department's materials programs and to further effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meetings/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. In addition, EMaCC assists in obtaining materials-related inputs for both intra- and interagency compilations.

  3. Design of power electronics for TVC EMA systems (United States)

    Nelms, R. Mark


    The Composite Development Division of the Propulsion Laboratory at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is currently developing a class of electromechanical actuators (EMA's) for use in space transportation applications such as thrust vector control (TVC) and propellant control valves (PCV). These high power servomechanisms will require rugged, reliable, and compact power electronic modules capable of modulating several hundred amperes of current at up to 270 volts. MSFC has selected the brushless dc motor for implementation in EMA's. This report presents the results of an investigation into the applicability of two new technologies, MOS-controlled thyristors (MCT's) and pulse density modulation (PDM), to the control of brushless dc motors in EMA systems. MCT's are new power semiconductor devices, which combine the high voltage and current capabilities of conventional thyristors and the low gate drive requirements of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFET's). The commanded signals in a PDM system are synthesized using a series of sinusoidal pulses instead of a series of square pulses as in a pulse width modulation (PWM) system. A resonant dc link inverter is employed to generate the sinusoidal pulses in the PDM system. This inverter permits zero-voltage switching of all semiconductors which reduces switching losses and switching stresses. The objectives of this project are to develop and validate an analytical model of the MCT device when used in high power motor control applications and to design, fabricate, and test a prototype electronic circuit employing both MCT and PDM technology for controlling a brushless dc motor.


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    Justyna SŁONIMIEC


    Full Text Available The paper presents the implementation of the Environmental Management and Audit Scheme System (EMAS in Poland and the European Union. It analyzes the existing rules on the implementation and the process of its implementation. It also defines the benefits and costs arising from the registration of organizations in the system. The paper presents the current status of implementation of EMAS in the European Union.


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    Rohima Wahyu Ningrum


    Full Text Available Penelitian geofisika dengan menggunakan metode magnetik yaitu dengan alat Magnetometer Fluxgate. Luas daerah penyelidikan ± 1 km x 1 km, dibatasi oleh koordinat geografis antara 127° 27’ 42” s/d 127° 27’ 43” BT dan 0° 43’ 17” s/d 0° 43’ 19” LU . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi sumber prospek panas bumi di daerah Akesahu, Pulau Tidore berdasarkan data anomali medan magnet. Data medan magnet total yang terukur adalah medan utama, medan luar dan medan anomali. Untuk menghilangkan efek-efek anomali dari medan magnet luar dan anomali medan magnet utama dilakukan perhitungan koreksi variasi harian, koreksi drift (kesalahan alat, koreksi penyesuaian, koreksi IGRF, dan pemisahan anomali residual dan regional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, daerah Akesahu, Pulau Tidore memiliki potensi panas bumi yang masih cukup besar yang ditandai dengan adanya manifestasi panas bumi berupa mata air panas. Anomali medan magnet daerah Akesahu ditunjukkan dengan adanya anomali yang rendah (0.90 sampai dengan -2163.09 nT yang memanjang arah utara-selatan di bagian Timur Pulau Tidore. Disamping itu di sekitar mata air panas Akesahu secara geologis didukung dengan adanya empat buah sesar normal. Ini sebagai sistem pengontrol panas bumi yang lainnya di Pulau Tidore.

  6. Management Stategik Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD

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    Tavip Agus Rayanto


    Full Text Available As one of the potential source of local government revenue, it seems that the Local Government Owned Enterprise (Badan Usaha Milik Daerah BUMD have contributed very little to the whole Local Government Revenue (Pendapatan Asli Daerah. It is also ironic that insofar the existence of BUMD has been much rely on the government regulation and given monopoly in its business. The ambiguous mission of BUMD — between an agent of development and a profit center — proved to be the main obstacle for its management system. From the strategic management perspective and SWOT analysis, it is found out that BUMD should adopt a turn-around approach, to minimize its weaknesses and try to get maximum benefit of the wide-opened opportunities. The strategic issues to be tackled by the BUMD management are quite complex. But among the most important issues are: the lack of professional human resources, the inflexible organisational structure and the low product or service quality. To address these issues, it is recommended that BUMD would come up with strategic human resource development programs, to apply more adaptive and flat organisational structure, and to adopt Total Quality Management (TQM system in order to be more responsive to its customers.

  7. Kewenangan Legislasi Dewan Perwakilan Daerah dalam Reformasi Kelembagaan Perwakilan Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi

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    Khamami Zada


    Full Text Available Abstract: The authority of the Regional Representatives Council Legislation In Institutional Reform Legislative Following the Ruling of the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court's decision reflects the theoretical conception DPDformation which is intended to reform the structure of the Indonesian parliament into two chambers (bicameral consisting of DPR and DPD. With the bicameral structure of the legislative process is expected to be held by a double-check system that allows the representation of the interests of all the people in relative terms can be dispensed with broader social base. Parliament is a reflection of political representation, while the Council reflects the principle of territorial or regional representation. DPD legislative authority is still limited. DPD does not have the authority to establish laws, although it can propose draft laws relating to regional autonomy.  Abstrak: Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi mencerminkan konsepsi teoritis pembentukan DPD yang dimaksudkan dalam rangka mereformasi struktur parlemen Indonesia menjadi dua kamar (bikameral yang terdiri atas DPR dan DPD. Dengan struktur bikameral ini diharapkan proses legislasi dapat diselenggarakan berdasarkan sistem double-check yang memungkinkan representasi kepentingan seluruh rakyat secara relatif dapat disalurkan dengan basis sosial yang lebih luas. DPR merupakan cermin representasi politik (political representation, sedangkan DPD mencerminkan prinsip representasi teritorial atau regional (regional representation. Kewenangan legislasi DPD masih dibatasi DPD tidak memiliki kewenangan membentuk undang-undang dalam bentuk penetapan/pengesahan rancangan undang-undang, meskipun rancangan undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan otonomi daerah, hubungan pusat dan daerah, pembentukan dan pemekaran serta penggabungan daerah, pengelolaan sumber daya alam dan sumber daya ekonomi lainnya, serta yang berkaitan dengan perimbangan keuangan pusat dan daerah.   DOI: 10

  8. Pengawasan Pemerintahan Daerah Kabupaten Lingga terhadap Izin Pertambangan Bauksit Tahun 2011


    ", Isri; PUTRA, ARDI


    Indonesia is one of the largest archipelagic country in the world that is so large and has spread almost all over the country. One of these resources is the result of mining. Lingga regency is one area that is located in the province of Riau Islands which have the potential mining of natural resources is considerable potential as a source of local revenue and state. one of these is mining bauxite mining.This study aims to determine the District level Government oversight phallus against Bauxi...

  9. PEMAKNAAN PSAK NO. 59 “MUDHARABAH” DALAM PERSPEKTIF KEADILAN (Studi Pada Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Sidogiri Daerah Bangkalan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fauzan Adhim


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang bagaimana penerapan dari sistem pembiayaan mudharabah pada Baitul Maal wat Tamwil Sidogiri Daerah Bangkalan ditinjau dari Pernyataan Standar Akutansi Keuangan (PSAK No.59. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Interpretive-Phenomenologik. Pendekatan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji secara langsung melalui ungkapan-ungkapan mengenai fenomena yang sesungguhnya terjadi dalam lingkungan operasionalisasi Baitul Maal wat Tamwil Sidogiri Daerah Bangkalan, khususnya pada pembiayaan mudharabah dalam konteks pengakuaan, pengukuran, penyajian dan pengungkapan.Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pembiayaan mudharabah Baitul Maal wat Tamwil Sidogiri Daerah Bangkalan mencapai 80% dari seluruh total pembiayaan. Hal ini sangat berbeda dengan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada beberapa perbankan syari’ah ditanah air pada umumnya dominan pada pembiayaan murabaha/jual-beli (non-profit sharing yang berkisar rata-rata antara 65,66%. Dalam konteks pengakuan, pembiayaan muradhabah  diakui pada saat pembayaran kas atau penyerahan aktiva non-kas kepada pengelola dana, dan pembiayaan muradhabah yang diberikan secara bertahap diakui pada setiap tahap pembayaran atau penyerahan. Dalam hal pengukuran, pihak bank (mudharib tidak melakukan pencadangan pendapatan. Dalam konteks penyajian, pembiayaan mudharabah Baitul Maal wat Tamwil Sidogiri Daerah Bangkalan menekankan ketentuan dalam Al Quran surat Luqman ayat 34 yang artinya, “Dan tidak seorangpun yang dapat yang dapat mengetahui (dengan pasti apa yang diusahakan besok”. Sedangkan dalam konteks pengungkapan dalam pembiayaan mudharabah, Baitul Maal wat Tamwil Sidogiri Daerah Bangkalan  menekankan pada factor kejujuran dan transparasi terhadap seluruh elemen laporan keuangan yang tertuang dalam PSAK No.59.

  10. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) annual technical report, fiscal year 1984 with fiscal year 1985 data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Department of Energy funded about 374 million dollars of materials science and technology activities in both fiscal years 1984 and 1985. These funds and the commensurate program management responsibilities resided in 21 DOE program offices, each of which has its own mission and responsibilities. The Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) provides a formal mechanism to insure coordinated planning and maximum programmatic effectiveness for the Department's 374 million dollar per year materials effort. The EMaCC reports to the Director of the Office of Energy Research who in turn has oversight responsibilities for proper coordination of the technical programs of the Department. In carrying out this responsibility, EMaCC hosts meetings, organizes working groups, and publishes an annual technical report. This report is mandated by the EMaCC Terms of Reference. Its purpose is to disseminate information on the DOE materials programs for more effective coordination. It describes the materials research programs of various offices and divisions within the Department for FY 1984, contains funding information for FYs 1984 and 1985, and summarizes EMaCC activities for FY 1985.

  11. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) annual technical report, fiscal year 1984 with fiscal year 1985 data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Department of Energy funded about 374 million dollars of materials science and technology activities in both fiscal years 1984 and 1985. These funds and the commensurate program management responsibilities resided in 21 DOE program offices, each of which has its own mission and responsibilities. The Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) provides a formal mechanism to insure coordinated planning and maximum programmatic effectiveness for the Department's 374 million dollar per year materials effort. The EMaCC reports to the Director of the Office of Energy Research who in turn has oversight responsibilities for proper coordination of the technical programs of the Department. In carrying out this responsibility, EMaCC hosts meetings, organizes working groups, and publishes an annual technical report. This report is mandated by the EMaCC Terms of Reference. Its purpose is to disseminate information on the DOE materials programs for more effective coordination. It describes the materials research programs of various offices and divisions within the Department for FY 1984, contains funding information for FYs 1984 and 1985, and summarizes EMaCC activities for FY 1985

  12. Expression of nestin, mesothelin and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) in developing and adult human meninges and meningiomas. (United States)

    Petricevic, Josko; Forempoher, Gea; Ostojic, Ljerka; Mardesic-Brakus, Snjezana; Andjelinovic, Simun; Vukojevic, Katarina; Saraga-Babic, Mirna


    The spatial and temporal pattern of appearance of nestin, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) and mesothelin proteins was immunohistochemically determined in the cells of normal developing and adult human meninges and meningiomas. Human meninges developed as two mesenchymal condensations in the head region. The simple squamous epithelium on the surface of leptomeninges developed during mesenchymal to epithelial transformation. Nestin appeared for the first time in week 7, EMA in week 8, while mesothelin appeared in week 22 of development. In the late fetal period and after birth, nestin expression decreased, whereas expression of EMA and mesothelin increased. EMA appeared in all surface epithelial cells and nodules, while mesothelin was found only in some of them. In adult meninges, all three proteins were predominantly localized in the surface epithelium and meningeal nodules. In meningothelial meningiomas (WHO grade I), EMA was detected in all tumor cells except in the endothelial cells, mesothelin characterized nests of tumor cells, while nestin was found predominantly in the walls of blood vessels. The distribution pattern of those proteins in normal meningeal and tumor cells indicates that nestin might characterize immature cells, while EMA and mesothelin appeared in maturing epithelial cells. Neoplastic transformation of these specific cell lineages contributes to the cell population in meningiomas. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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    A Hendrawati


    Full Text Available Penggunaan merkuri yang tidak dikelola dengan baik pada pertambangan emas liar di Kecamatan Selogiri, Wonogiri berpotensi menimbulkan pencemaran di wilayah tersebut. Akumulasi pembuangan limbah merkuri dapat membahayakan lingkungan sekitar pertambangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penyebaran limbah merkuri di Desa Jendi Kecamatan Selogiri Kabupaten Wonogiri menggunakan metode geolistrik konfigurasi schlumberger. Pengolahan data menggunakan software Res3Dinv, RockWork, dan CorelDraw. Interpretasi difokuskan pada kedalaman, jumlah lapisan, serta resistivitas material bawah permukaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya indikasi endapan merkuri pada kedalaman 7,45 meter pada lokasi 1 dan 6,74 meter pada lokasi 2.The use of mercury were not managed properly on illegal gold mining in the district Selogiri, Wonogiri potential to cause pollution in the region. Accumulation of waste disposal of mercury can harm the environment around the mine. The aim of this study was to determine the spread of mercury waste in the village Jendi Selogiri District of Wonogiri, using geoelectric method Schlumberger configuration. Data processing using software Res3Dinv, rockwork, and CorelDraw. Interpretation focused on depth, number of layers, and the resistivity of the subsurface material. Results showed indications of deposition of mercury at a depth of 7.45 meters at the first location and 6.74 meters at the second location.


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    Gevisioner Gevisioner


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThis study was aimed to asses the quality of food consumption and analyze the associated factors to improve the quality of food consumption of Riau Province, the food deficit region. A descriptive analytical study method was applied; and the data used in this research was secondary data. Descriptive and multiple regression analysis were applied for this study. The results showed that the food consumption quality was low which was dominated by food derived from grains, oils and fats and sugar. Food availability quality, income percapita, and food prices were not significantly associated with the food consumption quality. The strategies to improve the quality of food consumption are through developing a better institutions for food processing and marketing in rural in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of food distribution, and the value-added; increasing people knowledge on food and nutrition.Keywords: deficit region, food quality, food security, nutrition educationABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menilai kualitas konsumsi pangan penduduk daerah defisit pangan Provinsi Riau dan menganalisis faktor yang memengaruhinya. Pendekatan penelitian adalah deskriptif analitis. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder dan uji yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kualitas konsumsi pangan penduduk belum baik, karena masih didominasi oleh konsumsi pangan yang berasal dari kelompok padi-padian, minyak dan lemak serta gula. Ketersediaan pangan, pendapatan per kapita penduduk, harga pangan secara bersama-sama tidak memengaruhi secara signifikan terhadap kualitas konsumsi pangan penduduk. Peningkatan kualitas konsumsi pangan penduduk di daerah defisit pangan dapat dilakukan antara lain dengan mengembangkan kelembagaan pengolahan dan pemasaran di perdesaan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas distribusi pangan dan peningkatan pengetahuan pangan dan gizi masyarakat yang

  15. Energy materials coordinating committee (EMaCC). Annual technical report, fiscal year 2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    None, None


    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department's materials programs and to further effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meetings/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. In addition, EMaCC assists in obtaining materials-related inputs for both intra- and interagency compilations. Topical subcommittees of the EMaCC are responsible for conducting seminars and otherwise facilitating information flow between DOE organizational units in materials areas of particular importance to the Department. The EMaCC Terms of Reference were recently modified and developed into a Charter that was approved on June 5, 2003. As a result of this reorganization, the existing subcommittees were disbanded and new subcommittees are being formed. The FY 2004 budget summary for DOE Materials Activities is presented on page 8. The distribution of these funds between DOE laboratories, private industry, academia and other organizations is presented in tabular form on page 10. Following the budget summary is a set of detailed program descriptions for the FY 2004 DOE Materials activities. These descriptions are presented according to the organizational structure of the Department. A mission statement, a budget summary listing the project titles and FY 2004 funding, and detailed project summaries are presented for each Assistant Secretary office, the Office of Science, and the National Nuclear Security Administration. The project summaries also provide DOE, laboratory, academic and industrial contacts for each project, as appropriate.

  16. Energy materials coordinating committee (EMaCC). Annual technical report, fiscal year 2004

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department's materials programs and to further effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meetings/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. In addition, EMaCC assists in obtaining materials-related inputs for both intra- and interagency compilations. Topical subcommittees of the EMaCC are responsible for conducting seminars and otherwise facilitating information flow between DOE organizational units in materials areas of particular importance to the Department. The EMaCC Terms of Reference were recently modified and developed into a Charter that was approved on June 5, 2003. As a result of this reorganization, the existing subcommittees were disbanded and new subcommittees are being formed. The FY 2004 budget summary for DOE Materials Activities is presented on page 8. The distribution of these funds between DOE laboratories, private industry, academia and other organizations is presented in tabular form on page 10. Following the budget summary is a set of detailed program descriptions for the FY 2004 DOE Materials activities. These descriptions are presented according to the organizational structure of the Department. A mission statement, a budget summary listing the project titles and FY 2004 funding, and detailed project summaries are presented for each Assistant Secretary office, the Office of Science, and the National Nuclear Security Administration. The project summaries also provide DOE, laboratory, academic and industrial contacts for each project, as appropriate.


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    Muhammad Nurdin


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study to determine the role of local government in community empowerment Biringbulu corn farmers in the District of Gowa. This type of research used was descriptive research and data analysis is the analysis of qualitative data. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that: The role of local government in empowering communities corn farmers are already well underway; FeAs already carry corn farmer training went well, but not maximized in because there are many farmer groups have not received training; and local governments to provide assistance for seeds, fertilizers as well as savings and loan assistance. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat petani jagung di Kecamatan Biringbulu Kabupaten Gowa. Jenis penelitian yang di gunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dan analisis data adalah analisis data kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang di gunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Peran pemerintah daerah dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat petani jagung sudah berjalan dengan baik; penyuluh lapangan sudah melaksanakan pelatihan petani jagung berjalan dengan baik, akan tetapi belum maksimal di karenakan masih banyak kelompok tani belum mendapatkan pelatihan; dan pemerintah daerah memberikan bantuan bibit, pupuk serta bantuan simpan pinjam.


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    Sumarno .


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan kebutuhan pengembangan model evaluasi untuk mengembangkan manajemen berbasis pengetahuan pada pembangunan pendidikan daerah kabupaten/ kota. Asesmen kebutuhan ini dilakukan di lima kabupaten/kota di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, menggunakan teknik survei dan FGD. Sumber informasi adalah jajaran Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten/Kota. Kesimpulan penelitian ini: (1 umumnya jajaran dinas pendidikan melaporkan bahwa kinerja dinas dalam manajemen berbasis pengetahuan masih pada posisi kurang dan cukup; (2 pada kasus tertentu asesmen diri cenderung overestimate sehingga pada aspek yang lebih sederhana justru lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan aspek yang rumit. Untuk itu, disarankan perlunya peningkatan pemahaman wawasan mengenai manajemen berbasis pengetahuan dan peningkatan kinerja dinas pendidikan kabupaten/ kota yang dimulai dengan bantuan model asesmen diri kelembagaan yang objektif. Kata Kunci: manajemen berbasis pengetahuan, pembangunan pendidikan daerah NEEDS ASSESSMENT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE KNOWLEDGE-BASED MANAGEMENT IN THE DISTRICT EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT Abstract: This study aimed to assess the needs for establishing an evaluation model on knowledgebased management (KBM in the district education development. This needs assessment was carried out in five districts in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, using a survey method, and focused group discussion. This study concluded that: (1 District Education Office (DEO performances were at the poor and fair levels. (2 To a certain extent, the self-assessment tended to overestimate so that some simple aspects tended to be lower than the complicated ones. Therefore, it is strongly recommended: (1 to improve the DEO officials’ understanding on KBM; and (2 to strengthen the DEO performance in local education development, by providing a better and objective institutional assessment model. . Keywords: knowledge-based management, district education development


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    Yuliana Pinaringsih Kristiutami


    Full Text Available Abstract - Development of tourism in Indonesia is currently more important, not only in order to increase the revenue of the country, is expected also to expanding business opportunities, while providing new job opportunities as well as to reduce unemployment. Potential Village Tamanagung as industrial areas and areas of stone carving art craft. Production area of stone carving art has the potential and attraction of attraction so that built and developed as a worthy tourist destination. In the development of tourism in the area of production of stone sculpture studio and the government in cooperation with surrounding communities. The existence of cooperation between organizations institutions with studio owner. Human Resources Training and empowerment of the overall performance of the Department of Tourism. Involving the private sector role in tourism development and promotion is encouraged with the development of technology and information. Designing a stone sculpture gallery as container sales, promotion, recreation and exhibition of handicrafts is a strategy in the development of stone sculpture production region as one tourism destination. Keywords: Development, Stone Sculpture Area, Potential, Attractions, Tourist Destination   Abstrak - Pengembangan kepariwisataan di Indonesia saat ini semakin penting, tidak saja dalam rangka meningkatkan penerimaan devisa negara, diharapkan juga dapat memperluas kesempatan berusaha, disamping memberikan lapangan pekerjaan baru juga untuk mengurangi pengangguran. Potensi Desa Tamanagung sebagai daerah industri dan kawasan kerajinan seni pahat batu. Kawasan produksi seni pahat batu mempunyai potensi dan daya tarik wisata berupa atraksi sehingga layak dibangun dan dikembangkan sebagai daerah tujuan wisata. Dalam pengembangan pariwisata di kawasan produksi seni pahat batu pemerintah bekerjasama dengan sanggar dan masyarakat sekitar. Adanya kerjasama antara organisasi lembaga dengan pemilik sanggar

  20. Implementasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Daerah Pariwisata Kabupaten Temanggung Berbasis Android dengan Global Positioning System (GPS

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    Kartika Imam Santoso


    Full Text Available Pariwisata merupakan aspek yang berharga bagi suatu daerah, dan semakin banyak pengunjung maka dapat memajukan kesejahteraan masyarakat di sekitar obyek pariwisata. Kabupaten Temanggung memiliki banyak obyek pariwisata, penggunaan teknologi informasi seperti menggunakan aplikasi smartphone berbasis Android dapat digunakan untuk membantu wisatawan untuk mengenal daerah pariwisata dan mengetahui rute menuju ke obyek pariwisata yang diinginkan. Implementasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG di daerah wisata Temanggung bertujuan untuk membangun aplikasi Wisata Temanggung berbasis Android dan menerapkan layanan Google Maps Application Programming Interface (API untuk memudahkan wisatawan dalam memperoleh informasi pemetaan lokasi objek wisata, rute dan fasilitas pendukung wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Temanggung. Metode yang digunakan adalah model proses air terjun (waterfall. Implementasi Aplikasi Wisata Temanggung menggunakan pemrograman Javascript dengan Eclipse Luna, basis data SQLite, serta peta yang bersumber dari Google Maps API. Hasilnya berupa aplikasi Wisata Temanggung berbasis Android yang membantu memudahkan wisatawan dalam memperoleh informasi tentang obyek wisata alam, buatan, budaya, kuliner, hotel dan rute dari lokasi sekarang ke lokasi obyek wisata yang diinginkan di Kabupaten Temanggung dengan bantuan Global Positioning System (GPS.  

  1. Pemetaan daerah perikanan lampu (light fishing menggunakan data viirs day-night band di perairan Pandeglang Provinsi Banten

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    Adi Susanto


    Full Text Available Abstract. Light fishing in Pandeglang Banten has significantly developed in number of fishing fleet and using of lamp technology. The fishing ground of light fishing fleet dispersed from Labuan until Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon. The aim of this research is to map the fishing ground of light fishing using VIIRS-DNB data at August to November 2014. This research use descriptive analysis with case study on fishing ground of ligt fishing using VIIRS-DNB data in Pandeglang waters. The results show the fishing ground of light fishing at August to November spread from Lada Bay, Lesung Cape, Sumur District, selamat Datang Bay, until Panaitan Strait. In November, the numbers of fishing fleet have significantly decreased. The loft ofwind velocity in Sunda Strait caused big waves in Pandeglang waters. Moreover, light fishing fleet also move from coastal water to the sea to find the ideal depth.The fluctuation of fishing ground at August to November 2014 influenced by monsoon circulation that effectto current and water masses circulation there. It cause the changing of surface water fertility and influent to spreading of pelagic fish fishing ground as a main target of light fishing fleets in Pandeglang waters. Keyword: fishing ground; light fishing; Pandeglang; VIIRS-DNB Abstrak. Perikanan lampu di perairan Pandeglang Banten telah mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan baik dalam jumlah armada maupun teknologi lampu yang digunakan. Daerah penangkapan armada perikanan lampu tersebar mulai dari perairan Labuan hingga Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan daerah perikanan lampu di perairan Pandeglang menggunakan data VIIRS-DNB yang mampu mendeteksi radiasi yang dihasilkan oleh lampu yang digunakan untuk menarik perhatian ikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan studi kasus berupa sebaran daerah perikanan lampu di perairan Pandeglang menggunakan data VIIRS-DNB. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada Bulan

  2. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC). Annual Technical Report, Fiscal Year 2000

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    The Energy Materials Coordinating Committee Annual Report (attached, DOE/SC-0040) provides an annual summary of non-classified materials-related research programs supported by various elements within the Department of Energy. The EMaCC Annual Report is a useful working tool for project managers who want to know what is happening in other divisions, and it provides a guide for persons in industry and academia to the materials program within the Department. The major task of EMaCC this year was to make the Annual Report a more user-friendly document by removing redundant program information and shortening the project summaries.

  3. Biocatalytic Conversion of Avermectin to 4"-Oxo-Avermectin: Heterologous Expression of the ema1 Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase (United States)

    Molnár, István; Hill, D. Steven; Zirkle, Ross; Hammer, Philip E.; Gross, Frank; Buckel, Thomas G.; Jungmann, Volker; Pachlatko, Johannes Paul; Ligon, James M.


    The cytochrome P450 monooxygenase Ema1 from Streptomyces tubercidicus R-922 and its homologs from closely related Streptomyces strains are able to catalyze the regioselective oxidation of avermectin into 4"-oxo-avermectin, a key intermediate in the manufacture of the agriculturally important insecticide emamectin benzoate (V. Jungmann, I. Molnár, P. E. Hammer, D. S. Hill, R. Zirkle, T. G. Buckel, D. Buckel, J. M. Ligon, and J. P. Pachlatko, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71:6968-6976, 2005). The gene for Ema1 has been expressed in Streptomyces lividans, Streptomyces avermitilis, and solvent-tolerant Pseudomonas putida strains using different promoters and vectors to provide biocatalytically competent cells. Replacing the extremely rare TTA codon with the more frequent CTG codon to encode Leu4 in Ema1 increased the biocatalytic activities of S. lividans strains producing this enzyme. Ferredoxins and ferredoxin reductases were also cloned from Streptomyces coelicolor and biocatalytic Streptomyces strains and tested in ema1 coexpression systems to optimize the electron transport towards Ema1. PMID:16269733

  4. Persepsi Jajaran Kesehatan Tentang Dampak Kegiatan Penambangan Emas Di Kabupaten Buru Provinsi Maluku, Tahun 2012


    Hasyimi, Muhammad; Rahim, Yulianis; Betryon, Betryon


    Sejak bulan Oktober tahun 2011, di Kabupaten Buru, Maluku ada kegiatan penambangan emas di beberapa tempat yang mengakibatkan peningkatan mobilitas & migrasi penduduk yang bermakna. Sehingga berdampak pada Perubahan tatanan sosial, ekonomi dan kesehatan lingkungan di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kekhawatiran jajaran kesehatan tentang dampak penambangan emas terhadap kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara t...

  5. Sünnitades "Ema ja tütart" / Anna Hints

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hints, Anna, 1982-


    Tartu sünnitusmajale Toomemäel, naise eluringile ja põlvkondade järjepidevusele pühendatud "Ema ja tütar" kui koha, heli, foto ja rituaalse tegevuse koostoimel sündinud autori tajuvõrgustikku dekodeeriv pärimusliku ja isikliku taustaga kunstitöö


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    Windiani Windiani


    Full Text Available Penelitian tentang pengelolaan limbah domestik berbasis komunitas Di kawasan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS Tawing ini didasarkan pada fenomena bencana banjir yang terjadi hampir setiap tahun. Faktor penyebabnya tidak hanya karena faktor alam namun juga disebabkan adanya penurunan daya resap dan pendangkalan sungai di berbagai daerah. Hal ini terkait juga dengan kebiasaan, kesadaran, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat terhadap lingkungan yang masih rendah. Sebagian masyarakat di kawasan daerah aliran sungai Tawing masih membuang limbah domestiknya, baik kotoran maupun sampah rumah tangga ke sungai. Hal ini lebih disebabkan persepsi yang berkembang dalam masyarakat bahwa sungai berfungsi sebagai halaman belakang (backyard sehingga sungai digunakan sebagai tempat pembuangan limbah. Di sisi lain keberadaan komunitas pemuda pecinta lingkungan di daerah di Kabupaten Trenggalek berdampak positif jika peran dan kapasitas komunitas tersebut dikembangkan terutama terkait dengan upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam mengelola limbah domestiknya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan limbah domestik yang dilakukan adalah aplikasi 3R (Reuse, Reduce dan Recycle dengan kelompok sasaran: komunitas Ibu rumah tangga, Komunitas Petani, komunitas Guru dan pendamping dan Komunitas pemuda karang taruna. Strategi yang dikembangkan dalam pengelolaan limbah domestik meliputi: Perencanaan dan Program Pengembangan, Penguatan kelembagaan dan Pengembangan jaringan dan kerjasama. Hingga saat ini pengolahan limbah domestik menjadi pupuk organik, larangan meracuni sungai Tawing dan pemberian sanksi kepada masyarakat yang membuang sampah merupakan program yang sudah berjalan, namun dipandang perlu untuk dikembangkan dengan sasaran wilayah yang lebih luas. Sosialisasi secara intens dan pendampingan kepada kelompok sasaran perlu terus dilakukan agar terjadi keberlanjutan program.


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    Ruslan Abdul Rasyid


    Full Text Available Abstract Establishment of Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2006 on Road Infrastructure Investment And Landing Site Ex Pertamina Way East Barito Regency Government, influenced by the politics of law by forming the law (executive and legislative. Political implications of the law Regulation No. 5 of 2006 on Road Infrastructure Investment And Landing Site Ex Pertamina Way East Barito District Government towards wealth management area in East Barito Regency causing uncertainty about the asset management area in the district. East Barito. This local regulation, only juridical validity alone, but compliance enforced by the use of apparatus of state power is not the law anymore, but just a mere statement of power, so that the validity of the factual and moral force which can not result in the area of wealth management is not optimal and lead to investment climate minimal impact on local revenue Alone (PADS East Barito regency became maximal. Key words: local regulations, legal policy, legal implications   Abstrak Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah nomor 5 tahun 2006 tentang Investasi  Infrastruktur Jalan Dan Landing Site Eks Jalan Pertamina oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Barito Timur, dipengaruhi oleh adanya politik hukum oleh  para pembentuk Perda tersebut (eksekutif dan legislatif. Implikasi politik hukum Peraturan Daerah Nomor 5 Tahun 2006 Tentang Investasi Infrastruktur Jalan Dan Landing Site Eks Jalan Pertamina oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Barito Timur terhadap  pengelolaan kekayaan daerah di Kabupaten Barito Timur menyebabkan ketidakjelasan tentang pengelolaan asset daerah yang ada di Kab. Barito Timur. Peraturan daerah ini, hanya memiliki keberlakuan yuridikal saja, namun kepatuhannya dipaksakan dengan penggunaan aparat kekuasaan negara adalah bukan hukum lagi, melainkan hanya pernyataan kekuasaan belaka, sehingga secara keberlakuan faktual dan moral tidak bisa berlaku yang mengakibatkan pengelolaan kekayaan daerah tidak maksimal dan menyebabkan iklim

  8. Promotion of environmental managements systems (EMAS, ISO 14.000) in the Italian small and medium industries. The applied experiences achieved by ENEA; Promozione dei sistemi di gestione ambientale (EMAS, ISO 14.000) nelle piccole e medie imprese italiane. Le esperienze applicative dell `ENEA

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    Andriola, Luca; Brunetti, Nicola; Caropreso, Gaetano; Luciani, Roberto [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt. Ambiente


    EMAS (Environmental Management and Audit Scheme) introduced by the Regulation n. 1836/93, is one of the new tools activated by the European Community to overcome the old `Command and Control` philosophy and adopt an approaching policy in the `Moral suasion` logic. It is based on the sharing out of the responsibility, dialogue and action agreed upon by the concerned parties on the basis of impartial and reliable information. EMAS has voluntary character and presents many analogies with ISO 14.000 international system with which a deeper integration is being attempted for a revision of the Regulation. In the frame of present national and international situation, the report shows the recording path of an EMAS site and the experiences achieved up to now particularly by ENEA. [Italiano] L`EMAS (Environmental Management and Audit Scheme), introdotto con il Rergolamento n. 1836/93, rappresenta uno dei nuovi strumenti che la Comunita` Europea ha attivato per superare la vecchia logica del `Command and Control` (Imponi e Sorveglia) e passare ad una nuova filosofia di approccio nella logica della `Moral suasion` (persuasione morale) per un rapporto basato sulla ripartizione delle responsabilita` attraverso un dialogo e un`azione concertata tra le parti interessate sulla base di un`informazione obiettiva ed affidabile. Lo strumento EMAS ha carattere di volontarieta` e presenta profonde analogie con il sistema internazionale ISO 14.000 con il quale si sta tentando, a livello di revisione del Regolamento EMAS, una integrazione piu` profonda. Nel rapporto vengono illustrati, nel quadro dell`attuale situazione nazionale ed internazionale, il percorso di registrazione di un sito EMAS e le esperienza finora attuare con particolare riferimento a quelle dell`ENEA.

  9. BCL::EMAS — Enantioselective Molecular Asymmetry Descriptor for 3D-QSAR

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    Mariusz Butkiewicz


    Full Text Available Stereochemistry is an important determinant of a molecule’s biological activity. Stereoisomers can have different degrees of efficacy or even opposing effects when interacting with a target protein. Stereochemistry is a molecular property difficult to represent in 2D-QSAR as it is an inherently three-dimensional phenomenon. A major drawback of most proposed descriptors for 3D-QSAR that encode stereochemistry is that they require a heuristic for defining all stereocenters and rank-ordering its substituents. Here we propose a novel 3D-QSAR descriptor termed Enantioselective Molecular ASymmetry (EMAS that is capable of distinguishing between enantiomers in the absence of such heuristics. The descriptor aims to measure the deviation from an overall symmetric shape of the molecule. A radial-distribution function (RDF determines a signed volume of tetrahedrons of all triplets of atoms and the molecule center. The descriptor can be enriched with atom-centric properties such as partial charge. This descriptor showed good predictability when tested with a dataset of thirty-one steroids commonly used to benchmark stereochemistry descriptors (r2 = 0.89, q2 = 0.78. Additionally, EMAS improved enrichment of 4.38 versus 3.94 without EMAS in a simulated virtual high-throughput screening (vHTS for inhibitors and substrates of cytochrome P450 (PUBCHEM AID891.

  10. Tingkat Parasitasi Fopius arisanus (Hymenoptera : Braconidae pada Lalat Buah Belimbing di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Suputa Suputa


    Full Text Available Bactrocera carambolae was founf on carambola fruit in Yogyakarta Special Province and there were three species of parasitoids, i.e. Fopius arisanus, Agasnaspis sp., and Asobara sp. The population of Agasnaspis sp. and Asobara sp. were very low and was only found in Samas coastal area. F. arisanus was dominant and always found in all observation sites. There was no significant result on their parasitism (for region, F(2,35 = 0.057; p>0.005; for elevation, F(2,35= 0.704, p>0.05; for habitat, F(2,35= 0.215, p>0.05. Parasitism of F. arisanus on fruit fly in Yogyakarta Special Province was generally low, i.e. it ranged from 0.5495 ± 0.3843 (in Sleman, to 1.2935 ± 0.8206%. Evaluation of the existence of F. arisanus and augmentation efforts might be needed to improve its ability to parasitize fruit fly in Yogyakarta Special Province.   Lalat buah yang menyerang buah belimbing lokal di Daerah Yogyakarta adalah Bactrocera carambolae dan tidak ditemukan lalat buat spesies lain pada penelitian ini, sedangkan parasitoid yang menyerang lalat buah B. carambolae ada tiga spesies yaitu Fopius arisanus, Agasnaspis sp., dan Asobora sp. Populasi Agasnaspis sp. dan Asobara sp. sangat rendah dan hanya ditemukan di Kabupaten Bantul di daerah pesisir pantai Samas, sementara di lokasi pengamatan yang lain tidak ditemukan, sedangkan F. arisanus merupakan parasitoid yang selalu ditemukan pada berbagai lokasi pengamatan. Uji beda nyata menunjukkan bahwa tingkat parasitasi F. arisanus di Yogyakarta tidak berbeda secara nyata berdasarkan kategori daerah administrasi (F(2,35 = 0.057; p>0.005; ketinggian tempat, F(2,35= 0.704, p>0.05; dan habitat, F(2,35= 0.215, p>0.05. Tingkat parasitasi F, arisanus pada lalat buah di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta sangat rendah yaitu sekitar  0.5495 ± 0.3843 (di Sleman sampaidengan 1.2935 ± 0.8206%. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa di setiap kanupaten yang diamati, populasi lalat buah B. carambolae

  11. Analysis of the incentives and awards regulations for EMAS-organisations at European level and an assessment with respect to their feasibility at domestic level; Anreiz und Belohnungsregelungen fuer EMAS-Organisationen auf europaeischer Ebene und Bewertung hinsichtlich der nationalen Umsetzbarkeit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Behrens, C.; Heck, A.; Wirth, S.


    The research-and-development project aims at gathering, systemising and assessing the entirety as well as selected points concerning the promotion of participation to EMAS by the use of incentives and awards regulations as practised in the member states of the European Union. It intends, furthermore, to make proposals for measures and regulations to improve the situation. This research centres on the impact of environment-policy or environmental-law instruments as regulating incentives and awards. The survey involves three different, interlocking methodical approaches: the jurisprudential analysis and interpretation method, secondary analysis and empirical components in the form of polls. The concepts of 'incentive' and 'reward' are used as synonyms. Binding commitments, explicitly promising advantages to organisations applying EMAS are considered to be 'incentives and awards regulations'. Incentives and rewards regulations have - in part - already become an integral part of the EMAS Regulation in domestic Federal law, mainly in the shape of the EMAS-Privilege Regulation (EMAS-PrivilegV). The interpretation of the incentive and rewards regulations in the member states reveals striking similarities: there, one concentrates mainly on environmental information, reduction of fees as well as promotional programmes as instrument categories. Compared to this, the categories of environmental obligations and official handling still experienced a clear, though weaker, preference. Planning instruments, official handling, environmental agreements and most of economic instruments are either not used, marginally used, or little used. As it turns out, the exemplary registration of the public sector, in particular, strongly needs to be upgraded. The instrument of 'official handling' still contains valuable potential for the promotion of EMAS. There is still plenty of room for improvement in the use of the EMAS logo, in spite of the very


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    Ngakan Oka Pramundia


    Full Text Available GPON adalah sebuah teknologi berbasis fiber optik. PT.TELKOM menerapkan teknologi GPON sebagai jaringan access network untuk layanan IPTV Usee TV. Penelitian ini membahas kualitas jaringan GPON pada layanan IPTV di daerah Denpasar, Bali mengacu pada topologi dan standarisasi kualitas jaringan. Kualitas jaringan dikategorikan baik untuk 3 parameter yaitu Rx Power(Prx, Attenuatiion, dan Attainable Rate. Untuk Rx Power (Prx nilai berkisar antara -18 dBm sampai dengan -24 dBm. Pada Attenuation klasifikasi kualitas jaringannya termasuk pada kategori Excellent. Sedangkan untuk Attainable Rate-nya nilai downstream berkisar antara 2 Gbps sampai dengan 2.4 Gbps. Dengan nilai downstream tersebut dapat memenuhi kebutuhan layanan Usee TV. Hal ini menyatakan bahwa GPON PT.TELKOM sudah mampu melayani layanan IPTV UseeTV di daerah Denpasar, Bali dengan baik

  13. Multimodal speech data acquisition with the use of EMA, fast-speed video cameras and a dedicated microphone array

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Swiecinski, R.J.


    Electromagnetic Articulography (EMA) is a technology created over two decades ago. EMA enables to acquire spatiotemporal data from sensors placed on the tongue in order to obtain information about the positioning of the tongue, its shape and dynamics during vocalizations of various sounds of human

  14. Mean corpuscular volume of control red blood cells determines the interpretation of eosin-5'-maleimide (EMA) test result in infants aged less than 6 months. (United States)

    Ciepiela, Olga; Adamowicz-Salach, Anna; Bystrzycka, Weronika; Łukasik, Jan; Kotuła, Iwona


    Eosin-5'-maleimide (EMA) binding test is a flow cytometric test used to detect hereditary spherocytosis (HS). To perform the test sample from patients, 5-6 reference samples of red blood are needed. Our aim was to investigate how the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of red blood cells influences on the value of fluorescence of bounded EMA dye and how the choice of reference samples affects the test result. EMA test was performed in peripheral blood from 404 individuals, including 31 children suffering from HS. Mean fluorescence channel of EMA-RBCs was measured with Cytomics FC500 flow cytometer. Mean corpuscular volume of RBCs was assessed with LH750 Beckman Coulter. Statistical analysis was performed using Graph Pad Prism. The correlation Spearman coefficient between mean channel of fluorescence of EMA-RBCs and MCV was r = 0.39, p < 0.0001. Interpretation of EMA test depends on MCV of the reference samples. If reference blood samples have lower MCV than the patients MCV, EMA test result might be negative. Due to different MCV values of RBCs in infancy and ca. Three months later, EMA test in neonates might be interpreted falsely negative. Samples from children younger than 3 months old had EMA test result 86.1 ± 11.7 %, whereas same samples that analyzed 4.1 ± 2.1 later had results of 75.4 ± 4.5 %, p < 0.05. Mean fluorescence of EMA-bound RBC depends on RBC's volume. MCV of reference samples affects EMA test results; thus, we recommend selection of reference samples with MCV in range of ±2 fL compared to MCV of patient RBC's.


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    Helmi Setia Ritma Pamungkas


    Full Text Available The amalgamation in artisanal gold mining process in order to separate gold from the ore (gold-amalgam will produce mercury waste. Poor waste management of mercury can pollute the environment. This research aims to identify  a potential distribution pattern of mercury waste or tailing in Cisungsang village, Cibeber sub-district. Methods used are survei and spatial analysis. Samples taken from the research site are the gold miners (as subjects of research, sample of mercury waste, environmental samples (water, soil, fish, vegetables, and rice. The research results show that the use of mercury (100gr every tromol, every shift has strong correlation (r = 0,791 with mercury concentrations in the waste ponds. Mercury concentrations in the liquid of waste ponds are 0,083-0,265 ppm and mercury concentration in the tailing (sludge are 0,304-0,407 ppm. Researcher also develop a potential distribution pattern of mercury that consider slopes of 35% in the area, high precipitation, which can reach 4000 mm per year, and the condition of open waste ponds, which can speed up the   mercury disposal process in the environment. Mercury concentration in the environment has exceeded the quality standard. Test result on environmental samples show that mercury concentration in fish is 1,66 ppm, in spinach is 4,61 ppm, and soil 0,0127 ppm.

  16. De besluitvorming over werkzaamheid en veiligheid van rosiglitazon bij de FDA en de EMA. Wat zijn de lessen?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pouwels, Koen; Van Grootheest, Kees


    The rosiglitazone decision process at FDA and EMA. What should we learn? In September 2010 the EMA decided to suspend the market authorisation of rosiglitazone while the FDA decided to restrict its use. These actions were taken because rosiglitazone had been associated with an increased risk of

  17. Promoting Sustainability through EMS Application: A Survey Examining the Critical Factors about EMAS Registration in Italian Organizations

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    Roberto Merli


    Full Text Available One of the tools set by the European Community (EC to reduce the environmental impact of firms is EMAS Regulation (Regulation (EC No 1221/2009, setting up an Environmental Management System (EMS, which aims for a continuous improvement of environmental performances. Italy has the highest number of certified organization among all European Member States, accounting for over one thousand registrations. The paper presents the result of a survey conducted through a questionnaire about EMAS implementation and targeted to all Italian registered organizations. Of nearly 1000 organizations, over 500 answers were collected. The main goal is to understand how organizations experience the scheme, focusing on main drivers for its adoption, main difficulties encountered, and perceived benefits. In particular, survey results contribute to define a reflection on the difficulties regarding EMAS diffusion among European companies. Aspects identified as critical can lead to a contraction of registration requests, especially those formulated by SMEs, which constitute the majority of Italian companies. Moreover, perceived difficulties might affect the firms’ willingness to renew EMAS registration. Data provided by the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA recently highlighted the increasing rate of firms who decide to withdraw from registration. This study offers interesting inputs related to main critical issues in EMAS implementation, which can be the baseline for future research on companies that abandon the certification scheme, in order to provide suggestions for the improvement of its effectiveness both for national and communitarian institutions.

  18. Sistema Comunitario de Gestión y Auditoría Medioambientales (EMAS aplicado a empresas del sector cerámico

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    García Lara, R.


    Full Text Available Environmental concerns, growing public pressure and regulatory measures are changing the way people do business around the world. Consumers and shareholders are increasingly demanding environmentally-friendly ceramic products, as well as transparency in the environmental performance of the companies. Since its creation in 1995, The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS is a voluntary tool recognized as the most reliable environmental management system available in EU for organizations to evaluate, improve and report companies’ environmental performance. Regulation (EC No 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, known as EMAS III or Global EMAS, allows organizations outside EU to participate, making EMAS more attractive for ceramic companies that usually export. Ceramic companies that implement EMAS, achieve marketplace advantages and improve company image, as well as adding credibility and confidence with customers, stakeholders and public authorities. They also benefit of environmental legislation relief and other advantages as exception of financial insurance obligation included in new Environmental Responsibility legislation.

    El aumento de la conciencia medioambiental, la presión pública y normativa están cambiando la forma de hacer negocios. En esta línea, consumidores y partes interesadas demandan cada vez más productos cerámicos sostenibles, así como transparencia del comportamiento ambiental de las empresas. Desde su creación en 1995, el Sistema Comunitario de Gestión y Auditoría Ambientales (EMAS, es un sistema voluntario reconocido como el de mayor transparencia y credibilidad en los estados miembros de la UE, que permite a las organizaciones participantes evaluar y mejorar su comportamiento ambiental y difundir la información pertinente al público y otras partes interesadas. El vigente Reglamento (CE nº 1221/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, conocido como EMAS III o EMAS global, ha

  19. Contribution to Energy Management of the Main Standards for Environmental Management Systems: The Case of ISO 14001 and EMAS

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    Iker Laskurain


    Full Text Available The adoption of Energy Management Systems (EnMSs based on international standards has gained momentum since the ISO 50001 standard was launched in 2011. Before that, the potential to improve the energy management with Environmental Management Systems (EMSs based on ISO 14001 and EMAS was identified in the literature. However, no in-depth analysis reported in the literature has explored this claim. The need for research is now even more evident with the development of new versions of the standards for environmental management―ISO 14001:2015 and EMAS III. Since many companies that already have a certified EMSs might be uncertain whether to adopt an ISO 50001 based EnMSs, the present work aims to shed light on the contribution of ISO 14001:2015 and EMAS III to energy management. Furthermore, the work summarizes the results of an empirical exploratory study carried out in eight Spanish organizations, four with an EMS implemented and certified based on ISO 14001:2015 and four more with an EMS registered to EMAS III. The findings show that both ISO14001 and EMAS certified organizations carry out energy management practices, even though they have no formal EnMSs implemented. Implications for managers and policy makers are discussed, together with avenues for further research.

  20. Mu ema must roos : [luuletused] / S{u00E1ndor Cso̤ri

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Cso̤ri, S{u00E1ndor


    Sisu: Mu ema must roos ; Viinamägi, enne sõda ; Su lauba hämarusest ; Cantata profana ; Kolmandal päeval hakkas sadama lund ; Ema jutt ; Lume mälestus ; Lampide ja rusikate ette ; Kümnes õhtu ; Jutustab koit ; Oleksid kehv taevaelanik ; Päikesevalgus ja must öine põldmari ; Kiri põhjast ; Öösel koputab moon ; Keegi su sõber ; Rajan endale teed ; Ülestunnistus Linnale ; Lesknaised tantsivad ; Värvimata jäänud silmalaugude eleegia ; 1956. aasta novembri mälestuseks ; Vihane tund ; Sel ajal jaanuaris. Eluloolisi andmeid autori kohta lk. 389-391

  1. A bioinformatics prediction approach towards analyzing the glycosylation, co-expression and interaction patterns of epithelial membrane antigen (EMA/MUC1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalra, Rajkumar S.; Wadhwa, Renu


    Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA or MUC1) is a heavily glycosylated, type I transmembrane glycoprotein commonly expressed by epithelial cells of duct organs. It has been shown to be aberrantly glycosylated in several diseases including cancer. Protein sequence based annotation and analysis of glycosylation profile of glycoproteins by robust computational and comprehensive algorithms provides possible insights to the mechanism(s) of anomalous glycosylation. In present report, by using a number of bioinformatics applications we studied EMA/MUC1 and explored its trans-membrane structural domain sequence that is widely subjected to glycosylation. Exploration of different extracellular motifs led to prediction of N and O-linked glycosylation target sites. Based on the putative O-linked target sites, glycosylated moieties and pathways were envisaged. Furthermore, Protein network analysis demonstrated physical interaction of EMA with a number of proteins and confirmed its functional involvement in cell growth and proliferation pathways. Gene Ontology analysis suggested an involvement of EMA in a number of functions including signal transduction, protein binding, processing and transport along with glycosylation. Thus, present study explored potential of bioinformatics prediction approach in analyzing glycosylation, co-expression and interaction patterns of EMA/MUC1 glycoprotein

  2. A bioinformatics prediction approach towards analyzing the glycosylation, co-expression and interaction patterns of epithelial membrane antigen (EMA/MUC1)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kalra, Rajkumar S., E-mail:; Wadhwa, Renu, E-mail: [Cell Proliferation Research Group and DBT-AIST International Laboratory for Advanced Biomedicine, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST Central 4), 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8562 (Japan)


    Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA or MUC1) is a heavily glycosylated, type I transmembrane glycoprotein commonly expressed by epithelial cells of duct organs. It has been shown to be aberrantly glycosylated in several diseases including cancer. Protein sequence based annotation and analysis of glycosylation profile of glycoproteins by robust computational and comprehensive algorithms provides possible insights to the mechanism(s) of anomalous glycosylation. In present report, by using a number of bioinformatics applications we studied EMA/MUC1 and explored its trans-membrane structural domain sequence that is widely subjected to glycosylation. Exploration of different extracellular motifs led to prediction of N and O-linked glycosylation target sites. Based on the putative O-linked target sites, glycosylated moieties and pathways were envisaged. Furthermore, Protein network analysis demonstrated physical interaction of EMA with a number of proteins and confirmed its functional involvement in cell growth and proliferation pathways. Gene Ontology analysis suggested an involvement of EMA in a number of functions including signal transduction, protein binding, processing and transport along with glycosylation. Thus, present study explored potential of bioinformatics prediction approach in analyzing glycosylation, co-expression and interaction patterns of EMA/MUC1 glycoprotein.


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    Ira Irawati


    Full Text Available Daya saing wilayah menunjukkan kemampuan suatu wilayah menciptakan nilai tambah untuk mencapai kesejahteraan yang tinggi dan berkelanjutan dengan tetap terbuka pada persaingan domestik dan  internasional. Pengembangan wilayah di kota-kota dan kabupaten-kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi  Tenggara merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan daya saing tersebut, walaupun  dalam pengembangannya  menghadapi permasalahan-permasalahan yang antara lain disebabkan oleh kurang berkembangnya sumber  daya manusia yang diakibatkan oleh rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dan rendahnya kualitas hidup  masyarakat serta kurangnya prasarana dan sarana untuk menunjang kesejahteraan masyarakat.  Perbandingan relatif tingkat daya saing antar kota kabupaten tersebut; berdasarkan 3 (tiga variabel yaitu  tingkat  perekonomian daerah,  ketersediaan  infrastruktur  dan  sumber  daya  alam,  serta  ketersediaan  dan kualitas sumber daya manusia; dilakukan untuk melihat sejauh mana daerah-daerah tersebut memiliki  keunggulan  untuk  mengatasi  persamalahan-permasalahan  dalam pengembangan wilayahnya. Kata kunci: Pengembangan Wilayah, Daya Saing. Abstract The competitiveness of the region demonstrated the ability of an area to create added value to achieve a high and sustainable prosperity to remain open to domestic and international competition. Development areas in the cities and districts in Southeast Sulawesi is an effort to enhance the competitiveness, even in the face of development issues among others caused by the lack of development of human resources caused by low levels of education and poor quality of life and the lack of infrastructure and facilities to support the welfare of the community. Comparison of the relative level of competitiveness between the city districts; based on 3 (three variables, namely the level of the regional economy, the availability of infrastructure and natural resources, as well as the availability and quality of human resources


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    Messalina L Salampessy


    Full Text Available Watershed Management becomes an important aspect in supporting the conservation of the surrounding area. Upstream area functions as a water catchment area must be kept by maintaining the utilization of the area to avoid the carrying capacity beyond the environment. The role of people in the surrounding area becomes an important effort to maintain the continuity of the function of the Watershed. This study aims to analyze the potency of local institutional support in watershed management. The research method is a case study in which data are collected through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and participant observation. The data analysis is conducted by using situation framework approach - structure - behavior - performance. The results show that the utilization of watershednaturalresource is considered as a free open source access where everyone is free to exploit the natural resources in it. This is related to existing conditions which indicate the existence of interdependence between government, private sector and communities being involved in the utilization of shared resources. The behavior of the parties related to the utilization of the Watershed greatly affects the condition of the existing Watershed Areas; where the performance of sub management of Cisadane Upstream watershed has not provided maximum results because the management is still going on sectorally. Keywords: Local Institution; Watershed Managemen; sub management of Cisadane Upstream watershed Pengelolaan DAS menjadi aspek penting dalam menunjang pelestarian kawasan sekitarnya. Fungsi daerah hulu sebagai daerah tangkapan air harus dijaga dengan menjaga agar pemanfaatan kawasan agar terhindar dari daya dukung yang melebihi lingkungan. Peran masyarakat di daerah sekitarnya menjadi upaya penting untuk menjaga kelangsungan fungsi DAS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi dukungan kelembagaan lokal dalam pengelolaan DAS. Metode penelitian adalah studi


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    Bagus Ananda Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Abstrak Pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada langsung Jawa Timur putaran kedua sebentar lagi akan dimulai. Calon kepala daerah telah mempersiapkan diri dalam usaha untuk memenangkan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah. Beberapa metode telah dilakukan oleh kedua pasangan pemenang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah di Wilayah Jawa Timur ini. Usaha yang dilakukan tentu saja memiliki tujuan akhir agar mendapatkan suara dari masyarakat. Pada proses political marketing, ada empat hal yang harus diperhatikan kontestan yaitu, product (platform, karakter personal, janji-janji kampanye, price (biaya kampanye, lobi-lobi politik, place (basis massa, tim sukses, dan promotion (advertising, publicity, kampanye. Selain itu, dalam berkampanye kontestan juga harus memperhatikan banyak faktor yang dapat memengaruhi jumlah perolehan suara, seperti bentuk kelompok gaya hidup masyarakat yang beranekaragam, hal-hal yang mempengaruhi pemilih dalam memilih para kontestan, tipologi pemilih, serta segmentasi dan positioning politik. Hal lain yang menjadi perhatian dan pokok kajian pemikiran politik Tan Malaka dalam keyakinan politik adalah strategi dan taktik. Kata Kunci: Political Marketing, Demokrasi yang Berkualitas, pemikiran Politik dan Sosial Tan Malaka


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    Syahrida Ariani


    Full Text Available Kabupaten Balangan mempunyai sumber daya perairan yang cukup besar dan berpotensi meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah, diharapkan peran pemerintah Kabupaten Balangan yang mempunyai wewenang sebagai pelaksana eksplorasi dan pengelolaan kekayaan perairan harus bisa menggali potensi dari sektor perikanan agar lebih optimal dalam rangka pelaksanaan otonomi daerah.  Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan teknik perencanaan pembangunan wilayah Kabupaten Balangan.  Sedangkan secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan sektor perikanan terhadap perekonomian Kabupaten Balangan dan menetapkan alternatif strategi pengembangan sektor perikanan dalam rangka otonomi daerah di Kabupaten Balangan Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dan analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis keuntungan dan analisis SWOT (Isu Strategis & Identifikasi Masalah Berdasarkan hasil analisis SWOT dan perhitungan pembobotan dengan matriks QSP didapatkan alternatif strategi urutan prioritas untuk pengembangan sektor perikanan sebagai berikut : 1 Pemerintah daerah komitmen terhadap pengembangan sektor perikanan melalui alokasi anggaran, 2 Pemerintah daerah melalui Dinas PTPHPP meningkatkan peran BBI dan UPR untuk mengasilkan induk dan benih yang berkualitas dan memiliki sertifikasi, 3 Meningkatkan peran dan fungsi penyuluh perikanan, 4 Meningkatkan pemanfaatan potensi lahan budidaya dengan komoditas unggulan yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi, 5 Pemerintah daerah melalui dinas Pertanian TPHPP melakukan pembinaan dan pendampingan kepada masyarakat sehingga dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam penguasaan teknologi, 6 Memfasilitasi masyarakat untuk mengakses permodalan ke perbankan, 7 Perlu adanya regulasi kebijakan dan langkah nyata untuk mengatasi meningkatnya harga pakan, 8 Pemerintah Daerah melalui Dinas Perindustrian

  7. Teknik Penanaman Eboni (Diospyros Celebica Bakh.) Di Daerah Agak Kering


    Hendromono, Hendromono


    Pohon eboni sebagai penghasil kayu mewah merupakan jenis yang hanya tumbuh alami di Sulawesi. Harga kayu eboni yang mahal mengakibatkan pohonnya dieksploitasi secara berlebihan dihabitat alarnnya. Untuk mencegah eboni dari kepunahan diperlukan konservasi eboni secara in-situ dan ex-situ. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui teknik penanaman eboni di daerah tropik yang beriklim agak kering. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap berkelompok dalam percobaan faktorial 2 x 3. Perlaku...

  8. Identifikasi Urat (Vein) Sulfida Menggunakan Metode Induksi Polarisasi di Daerah Kemawi


    Wibowo, Alamsyah


    Metode induksi polarisasi merupakan pengembangan dari metode tahanan jenis yang didasarkan pada pengukuran efek polarisasi yang terjadi akibat induksi arus. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengolahan, analisis dan interpretasi data pengukuran induksi polarisasi untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran mineralisasi sulfida pada daerah Kemawi, Jawa Tengah. Data yang digunakan berjumlah 11 lintasan dengan spasi 200 meter antar lintasan dan spasi elektroda 50 meter. Pengukuran dilakukan dalam domain...

  9. Dampak Pertambangan Terhadap Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan dan Kesesuaian Peruntukan Ruang (Studi Kasus Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Wahyu Hidayat


    Full Text Available Abstrak. Penelitian tentang perubahan tutupan/penggunaan lahan dan kesesuaian peruntukan ruang sangat penting, karena perubahan tutupan/penggunaan lahan memiliki dampak terhadap lingkungan fisik dan kesesuaian peruntukan ruang memiliki dampak terhadap peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang mengatur tata ruang. Adapun tujuan artikel ini adalah mengetahui perubahan tutupan/penggunaan lahan dengan menggunakan data citra satelit, memprediksi tutupan/penggunaan lahan 10 tahun ke depan, dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya perubahan tutupan/penggunaan lahan. Lokasi studi penelitian adalah Kabupaten Luwu Timur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Land Change Modeler, Ca-Markov, Enter dan  Overlay. Hasil Analisis terhadap perubahan tutupan/penggunaan lahan menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi perubahan tipe penggunaan lahan tahun 2002 dan 2013. Penggunaan lahan terbuka yang disebabkan oleh perusahaan tambang mengalami perubahan  seluas 15. 375.93 ha. Kontribusi terbesar dari kelas lahan terbuka berasal dari kelas lahan hutan. Hasil prediksi tutupan/penggunaan lahan tahun 2024 menunjukkan bahwa lahan pemukiman akan bertambah sebesar  23 172.63 ha diikuti oleh lahan terbuka sebesar 19 947.56 ha. Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap perubahan lahan dari semua kelas tutupan/penggunaan lahan, perubahan penggunaan lahan hutan ke lahan terbuka dan perubahan lahan hutan ke lahan terbangun/permukiman adalah alokasi RTRW untuk kawasan, lokasi pertambangan dan lereng.Kata kunci. Perubahan tutupan/penggunaan lahan, kesesuaian peruntukan ruang, pertambanganAbstract. The studies of land use/cover changes (LUCC and suitability of land utilization are very important because the LUCC affects the physical environment and suitability of space utilization affects regulations and laws on spatial planning. This article aims to measure  LUCC by using satellite imaginery, to predict the results of LUCC 10 years on, to explain out factors affecting  LUCC and


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    Chris Wijayanti Puspita


    Full Text Available Regional economic development is basically a multisectoral involving many development actors, so it needs cooperation and coordination among all interested parties. The purpose of this study is (1 to determine the appropriate criteria in measuring competitiveness, (2 finding the leading sectors, (3 make appropriate recommendations in order to increase regional competitiveness Region Development of Malang. Data analysis techniques using Multi Sector Analysis (MSA. The results showed (1 there are eleven criteria for measuring competitiveness, (2 Regional Development One Malang superior in the industrial sector, (3 Recommendation prepared is to strengthen the public private partnership, infrastructure improvements, ensure the availability of electricity and water. Pembangunan ekonomi daerah pada dasarnya bersifat multisektoral dengan melibatkan banyak pelaku pembangunan sehingga diperlukan kerja sama dan koordinasi di antara semua pihak yang berkepentingan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1 menentukan kriteria yang tepat dalam mengukur daya saing, (2 menemukan sektor unggulan, (3 menyusun rekomendasi yang tepat dalam rangka  peningkatan daya saing daerah Wilayah Pengembangan satu Kabupaten Malang. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Multi Sector Analysis (MSA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1 terdapat sebelas kriteria untuk mengukur daya saing, (2 Wilayah Pengembangan Satu Kabupaten Malang unggul dalam sektor industri, (3 rekomndasi yang disusun adalah memperkuat kerjasama pemerintah dengn swasta, perbaikan infrastruktur, menjamin ketersediaan listrik dan air.


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    Ristiyanto -


    Full Text Available ENGLISHReservoir Reference Study Collection Disease, particularly rats have been conducted in several areas such as the enzootic plague area in the district of Nongkojajar, Pasuruan, East Java and Ciwidey district, Bandung regency, West Java. These were organized in May-October 2007. The method used for the collection and reference reservoir of disease is rodentia survey methods. Result of the reference collection reservoir of disease is the house rat Rattus tanezumi Nongkojajar found either in the of Pasuruan, East Java (3 rats and the District of Ciwidey (4 rats. Polynesian rat R. exulans, three rats were only found in the District Nongkojajar, whereas three rats R. tiomanicus, three rats were found in Ciwidey. In addition another types of mice were also found 1 Insectivora mice Suncus murinus in the District Ciwidey. Type of rats captured in habitat homes in the District Ciwidey Bandung regency, West Java and Pasuruan, East Java is the same type, namely house rat Rattus tanezumi. Types of mice caught in the habitat garden in the District Ciwidey Bandung regency, West Java (tiomanicus R. tree rats were different from mice found in Pasuruan, East Java (Polynesian rat R. exulans. Local environment in plague enzootic area in Pasuruan, East Java is mountainous and forest conservation area Bromo-Tengger, while District Ciwidey, Bandung is the highland tourism areas / mountainous and agricultural areas.INDONESIAKoleksi referensi reservoir penyakit khususnya tikus telah dilakukan di beberapa daerah enzootik pes seperti di Kecamatan Nongkojajar, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur dan Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Oktober 2007. Metode yang digunakan untuk koleksi dan referensi reservoir penyakit adalah metode survei rodensia. Hasil koleksi referensi reservoir penyakit adalah tikus rumah Rattus tanezumi ditemukan baik di Kecamatan Nongkojajar, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur (3 ekor maupun

  12. Composição e caracterização da fauna de mamíferos do Parque Nacional das Emas, Goiás, Brasil Composition and characterization of the mammal fauna of Emas National Park, Goiás, Brasil

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    Flávio H.G. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Emas National Park is a very importam Conservation Unit in the Cerrado Biome. Nevertheless the fauna of this region is still poorly known. In this study, a revised list of the mammal fauna of the Emas National Park with comments about the composition and the number of species surveyed is presented. Eighty six species of mammals were recorded in the Park and neighboring area, including several rare and threatened species, like the bush dog (Speothos venaticus (Lund, 1842, Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus (Illiger, 1815 and others. The giant rat (Kunsia tomentosus (Lichtenstein, 1830 was recorded for the first time in a conservation unit. On the other hand, species usually very common in the Cerrado biome, don't occur in Emas National Park: the brazilian rabbit (Sylvilagus brasiliensis (Linnaeus, 1758, marmosets (Callithrix spp., and the punaré (Thrichomys apereoides (Lund, 1841.

  13. Isa-ema maa : [luuletused] / Leelo Tungal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tungal, Leelo, 1947-


    Sisu: Isa-ema maa ; Vahetund ; Päkapikk võis näha ; Kodune jutt ; Koeruse mõõt ; mütsid ; Loomade laul ; Igal sügisel ; Väike jõulusoov ; Millal tuled, jõuluvana ; Paharet ; Suur õun ; Teiste laste mänguasjad ; Oi heldeke! ; Tere-tere ; Kui ma ... ; Magus tähestik ; Pluss ja miinus ; Pinalis ; Esimese klassi õpilane ; Teise klassi õpilane ; Miks on kana vana? ; Hommik ; Seitsme maa ja mere taga ; Köha pere ; Harjad ; Täna sügist mängib suvi ; Toas ; Laps jäi voodis magama ; Klassivennad ; Talvehommik ; Siili elu ; Hiirehernesupp ; Hundi lugemine ; Karu ärkamine ; Unelaul ; Salajutt ; Kooli eel ; Laiskvorsti elu ; Kindel plaan ; Oma kohal ; Puhkama ; Vana vahva lasteaed ; Sama laps ; Tüli


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    Elly Rosalina


    Full Text Available Kontribusi yang diberikan oleh retribusi daerah terhadap PAD di Kabupaten Kudus sudah cukup besar, namun masih belum optimal dan bahkan kecenderungan menurun, sehingga perlu ditemukan permasalahannya dan dipecahkan agar tidak memberikan gangguan bagi penerimaan asli daerah dan kinerja pemerintahan Kabupaten Kudus. Variabel-variabel penelitian yaitu jumlah rumah sakit dan puskesmas, penerbitan KTP dan akta catatan sipil, jumlah kendaraan bermotor bersama-sama merupakan penyumbang bagi penerimaan retribusi daerah dalam bentuk pos pungutan retribusi daerah. Berdasarkan analisis dapat diperoleh hasil bahwa jumlah rumah sakit dan puskesmas memberikan kontribusi bagi pos retribusi pelayanan kesehatan dengan rata-rata sebesar 66,3% per tahun yang tumbuh cenderung meningkat dari tahun 2001 hingga tahun 2011 dan menurun pada tahun 2012 dan 2013, jumlah penerbitan KTP dan akta catatan sipil memberikan kontribusi bagi pos retribusi ganti cetak KTP, KK dan akta catatan sipil dengan rata-rata sebesar 1,73% per tahun dengan pertumbuhan cenderung meningkat dari tahun 2001 hingga 2008 dan mengalami penurunan pada tahun 2009 hingga 2013, jumlah kendaraan diproyeksikan oleh pos penerimaan retribusi parkir di tepi jalan umum, retribusi pengujian kendaraan bermotor, retribusi terminal, retribusi tempat parkir dan retribusi ijin trayek dengan rata-rata sebesar 7,62% per tahun dengan pertumbuhan rata-rata 20% pertahun.  Retribution income in Kudus gives a big contribution into government self-income, but in the last years the retribution income of Kudus region is not significant and it tends to attenuate. Considering to this current background, it is necessary to ascertain and solve the issues, particularly in order to bear the governmental self-income and disrupt to the work of the regional government of Kudus. The research variables are the number of hospital and puskesmas, the number of civilian registration and the number of vehicle. These variables in the

  15. The rosiglitazone decision process at FDA and EMA : What should we learn?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pouwels, Koen B.; van Grootheest, Kees


    In September 2010 the EMA decided to suspend the market authorisation of rosiglitazone, while the FDA decided to restrict the use of rosiglitazone. These actions were taken approximately 10 years after the introduction of rosiglitazone, because rosiglitazone might be associated with an increased

  16. A model of care for healthy menopause and ageing : EMAS position statement

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stute, Petra; Ceausu, Iuliana; Depypere, Herman; Lambrinoudaki, Irene; Mueck, Alfred; Pérez-López, Faustino R.; van der Schouw, Yvonne T.; Senturk, Levent M.; Simoncini, Tommaso; Stevenson, John C.; Rees, Margaret


    Worldwide, the number of menopausal women is increasing. They present with complex medical issues that lie beyond the traditional scope of gynaecologists and general practitioners (GPs). The European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) therefore provides a holistic model of care for healthy


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    Nurul Nurul Khakim


    Penelitian ini tidak dimaksudkan sebagai penelitian yang bersifat detil, mengingat bahwa alat/receiver GPS yang dipakai adalah tipe navigasi yang mempunyai tingkat kesalahan posisi atau EPE (Estimated Position Error dalam orde meter. Meskipun demikian dari hasil penelitian ini dapat dipakai suatu pijakan atau awal pengembangan survei pemetaan suatu daerah dan bahan pemikiran bahwa pelaksanaan survei pemetaan suatu daerah pada masa-masa mendatang akan dapat dilakukan secara lebih efisien, efektif, dan fleksibel dengan hasil yang cukup teliti dengan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi yang ada. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah peta kontur (2D dan peta relief rupabumi (3D dengan berbagai variasi pemodelannya.

  18. Dinamika Gerakan Pembentukan Daerah Otonom Baru Kabupaten Mandau-Riau

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    Muhammad Ashsubli


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the dynamics of the movement forming a new autonomous region in the district of Mandau. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis. Sources of data in this study are primary data the authors obtained from interviews with informants and secondary data obtained from the nature of the documents, archives, and other results are available. The results found that the dynamics of the social movements of tangible movement collectivity of people in it to carry or resist change. All that could happen due to the nature of the people themselves who want change it is marked on the organizing societies Mandau and Pinggir were struggling collectively to realize combustion Mandau regency or Duri City. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa dinamika gerakan pembentukan daerah otonomi baru di Kabupaten Mandau. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Analisis Deskriptif Kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang penulis peroleh dari hasil wawancara dengan informan serta data sekunder yang didapat dari dokumen-dokemen, arsip-arsip, dan hasil lain yang tersedia. Hasil penelitian menemukan adanya dinamika gerakan sosial yang berwujud gerakan kolektifitas orang-orang di dalamnya untuk membawa atau menentang perubahan. Semua itu bisa terjadi disebabkan sifat masyarakat itu sendiri yang menginginkan perubahan hal ini ditandai dari pengorganisasian masyarakat-masyarakat Mandau dan Pinggir yang berjuang secara kolektif untuk mewujudkan pemekaran daerah Kabupaten Mandau atau Kota Duri.

  19. Simulation Study of Using High-Z EMA to Suppress Recoil Protons Crosstalk in Scintillating Fiber Array for 14.1 MeV Neutron Imaging (United States)

    Jia, Qinggang; Hu, Huasi; Zhang, Fengna; Zhang, Tiankui; Lv, Wei; Zhan, Yuanpin; Liu, Zhihua


    This paper studies the effect of a high-Z extra mural absorber (EMA) to improve the spatial resolution of a plastic (polystyrene) scintillating fiber array for 14.1 MeV fusion neutron imaging. Crosstalk induced by recoil protons was studied, and platinum (Pt) was selected as EMA material, because of its excellent ability to suppress the recoil protons penetrating the fibers. Three common fiber arrays (cylindrical scintillating fibers in square and hexagonal packing arrangements and square scintillating fibers) were simulated using the Monte Carlo method for evaluating the effect of Pt-EMA in improving spatial resolution. It is found that the resolution of the 100 μm square fiber array can be improved from 1.7 to 3.4 lp/mm by using 10- μm-thick Pt-EMA; comparatively, using an array with thinner square fibers (50 μm) only obtains a resolution of 2.1 lp/mm. The packing fraction decreases with the increase of EMA thickness. Our results recommend the use of 10 μm Pt-EMA for the square and the cylindrical (hexagonal packing) scintillating fiber arrays with fibers of 50-200 μm in the cross-sectional dimension. Besides, the dead-zone material should be replaced by high-Z material for the hexagonal packing cylindrical fiber array with fibers of 50-200 μm in diameter. Tungsten (W) and gold (Au) are also used as EMA in the three fiber arrays as a comparison. The simulation results show that W can be used at a lower cost, and Au does not have any advantages in cost and resolution improvement.

  20. Audit Media Relations Humas Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah untuk Peningkatan Publisitas


    Farhatiningsih, Lizzatul; Pradekso, Tandiyo; Naryoso, Agus


    Nama : Lizzatul FarhatiningsihNIM : D2C009011Judul : Audit Media Relations Humas Sekretariat Daerah ProvinsiJawa Tengah untuk Peningkatan PublisitasABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena kurang berperannya Biro HumasSetda Jawa Tengah dalam melakukan fungsi kehumasan terhadap PemerintahProvinsi Jawa Tengah. Humas telah melakukan banyak kegiatan namun efeknyapada pemberitaan tentang Pemerintah Provinsi yang muncul belum terasa. Namunkesesuaian melakukan banyak kegiatan tersebut belum dii...


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    Fikri Haikal Akbar


    Full Text Available Artikel ini membahas perjuangan masyarakat Paseban untuk melakukan konservasi terhadap lingkungan. Permasalahan yang dikaji pada artikel ini adalah faktor penyebab masyarakat melakukan perjuangan untuk menolak pertambangan serta upaya yang dilakukan masyarakat untuk menolak tambang. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori konstruksi sosial dan pendekatan antropologi. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi non partisipasi dengan teknik wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Paseban merupakan wilayah dipesisir pantai selatan jawa yang memiliki kandungan pasir besi dan direncanakan sebagai daerah penambangan. Dampak rencana penambangan yakni dalam bidang ekonomi, sosial budaya dan lingkungan. Masyarakat menggunakan kearifan lokal untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan di Paseban. Upaya yang dilakukan antara lain dengan cara sosial budaya yakni selametan perempatan, larung sesaji, dan tanggap wayangan. Selain itu dilakukan pula upaya penanaman tanaman mangrove, pemanfaatan sebagai tempat wisata, lahan perkebunan dan penggunaan alat tradisional sebagai kearifan lokal masyarakat. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa ada upaya dari masyarakat untuk menjaga agar wilayah pesisir tetap lestari.

  2. Uudised : Duo Veski ئ Kalluste Londonis. Rahvusvaheline seminar EMAs. Heliloojate suaree / Igor Garshnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    Duo Veski ئ Kalluste annab 5. nov. kontserdi Londoni kuninglikus muusikakolledzhis VI Briti saksofonikongressi raames. 23. ja 24. okt. toimus EMAs "Tempuse" programmi raames seminar "Public relations and Fundraising". 30. okt. toimunud Heliloojate Liidu töökoosolekust

  3. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC), fiscal year 1985. Annual technical report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department's materials programs and to further the effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meeting/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. Four topical subcommittees on Structural Ceramics, Batteries and Fuel Cells, Radioactive Waste Containment, and Steel are established and are continuing their own program. The FY 1985 and FY 1986 meeting program is given. The EMaCC aids in obtaining materials-related inputs for both intra- and inter-agency compilations. Brief summaries of the materials research programs associated with each office and division are presented, including tables listing individual projects and the FY 1985 budgets for each. More details on the individual projects within the divisions and the specific tasks or subcontracts within the various projects are given in the paragraph descriptions

  4. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC), fiscal year 1985. Annual technical report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The DOE Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC) serves primarily to enhance coordination among the Department's materials programs and to further the effective use of materials expertise within the Department. These functions are accomplished through the exchange of budgetary and planning information among program managers and through technical meeting/workshops on selected topics involving both DOE and major contractors. Four topical subcommittees on Structural Ceramics, Batteries and Fuel Cells, Radioactive Waste Containment, and Steel are established and are continuing their own program. The FY 1985 and FY 1986 meeting program is given. The EMaCC aids in obtaining materials-related inputs for both intra- and inter-agency compilations. Brief summaries of the materials research programs associated with each office and division are presented, including tables listing individual projects and the FY 1985 budgets for each. More details on the individual projects within the divisions and the specific tasks or subcontracts within the various projects are given in the paragraph descriptions.

  5. System of ecological monitoring and assessment (EMA) for nuclear power plant site areas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vorob'ev, E.I.; Oleinikov, N.F.; Reznichenko, V.Yu.


    The goal of the EMA program is to improve the utilization of the natural and labor resources of the city of Sosnovyi Bor due to the opportune discovery of negative changes in the state of the surrounding environment and human health and to predict and assess the possible consequences of implementing technological and economic decisions and their optimization from the point of view of ecology with regard to reactor siting and sizing. The EMA system provides monitoring means and a data bank on the environment and health of workers and the population, a packet of programs for processing and analyzing data, and a set of models to describe and predict the condition of the object/environment/man system. The system monitors contamination sources, monitors and assesses aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and accounts for meteorological and biosolar factors which impact on reactor siting


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    Ingrid Panjaitan


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik tujuan anggaran dan penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi terhadap kinerja aparat pemerintah daerah serta tingkat desentralisasi sebagai pemoderasi. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Kradenan dan Gabus, Kabupaten Grobogan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS sebagai alat uji. Responden penelitian adalah aparat pemerintah di kecamatan dan kelurahan, dengan sampel sebanyak 60 responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel karakteristik tujuan anggaran dan desentralisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja aparat pemda. Sedangkan variabel sistem informasi akuntansi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja aparat pemda, dan desentralisasi tidak dapat memoderasi pengaruh karakteristik tujuan anggaran dan sistem informasi akuntansi terhadap kinerja aparat pemerintah daerah.


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    Bayu Wijanarko


    Full Text Available Status  gizi  merupakan  salah  satu tolok  ukur  yang  sering  digunakan  untuk  menilai  perkembangan  dan pertumbuhan individu. Salah satu indikator penilaian status gizi adalah pertumbuhan tinggi badan pada anak-anak.  Tinggi  badan  sering  digunakan  sebagai  indikator  karena  mudah  diukur  dan  diamati.  Tinggi badan  merupakan  hasil  penambahan  tinggi  duduk  dan  panjang  tungkai.  Pertumbuhan  indikator  ini dipengaruhi  oleh  beberapa  faktor  diantaranya  lingkungan  tempat  tinggal  dan  status  ekonomi.  Daerah rural,  umumnya  memiliki  tingkat  aktivitas  yang  tinggi  dan  mempunyai  penghasilan  rata-rata  yang  lebih rendah  dibandingkan  daerah  urban.  Penelitian  bertujuan  mengkaji  perbedaan  pola  pertumbuhan  tinggi badan, tinggi duduk, dan indeks skelik pada anak-anak rural dan urban di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan  crosssectional. Rata-rata tinggi badan, tinggi duduk, dan indeks  skelik pada anak rural dibandingkan dengan anak  urban  untuk  mengetahui  signifikansi  perbedaannya.  Analisis  data  yang  digunakan  adalah  ANOVA satu arah dengan menggunakan program olah data SPSS. Sebelum dilakukan tes ANOVA, terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji normalitasan distribusi data sampel penelitian. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pada anak urban memiliki rata-rata tinggi badan dan tinggi duduk yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak rural (p<0,05. Rata-rata  indeks  skelik  pada  anak  urban  lebih  besar dibandingkan  anak  rural.  Lonjakan  pertumbuhan terjadi  paling  cepat  pada  saat  pubertas,  dan  anak  urban  memiliki  onset  terjadinya  pubertas  yang  lebih cepat  dibandingkan  rural.  Kesimpulan:  Pada  studi  ini  adalah  anak  urban  memiliki  onset  pubertas  yang lebih cepat dibandingkan anak rural. Hal ini

  8. Motivasi Dan Perilaku Penggemar K-pop Di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA


    Irmanto, Vania Rosalin; Tjiptono, Fandy


    Korean Pop (K-Pop) has been a huge sensation all around the world. Te current study investigated motivation and behavior of K-Pop fans in Daerah Istimewa Yog yakarta (DIY ). Specifcally, it addressed four main issues: (1) why do youths in DIY love K-Pop? (2) how did the K-Pop communities emerge in DIY? (3) what have the members done in their K-Pop communities? and (4) how strong is the emotional bond among the K-Pop community members?Te present study employed exploratory qualitative research ...



    Safitri, Dian Prima; Edison, Edison; Kurniasih, Fitri


    Penelitian ini mengkaji persoalan respond pemerintah daerah khususnya terkait sikap pemerintah dalam dimensi Sound Governance terhadap Non Government Organization (NGO) yang sangat aktif melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat pesisir. Kegiatan pemberdayan tersebut dilakukan di Kabupaten Bintan Kepulauan Riau (Kepri). Setting penelitian ini di lokasi Kampung Wisata Panglong di Desa Berakit Kabupaten Bintan. Penelitian ini menerapkan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dip...

  10. Motivasi, Persepsi dan Konflik Peran Pekerjaan-keluarga Entrepreneur Perempuan Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA


    Harmain, Ummu; Hartono, Slamet; Rahayu W, Lestari; Dwidjono H.D, Dwidjono H.D


    This research is conducted to determine the motivations, perceptions and work-family role conflict of women entrepreneurs. Respondents are about 159 women entrepreneur of processed food in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis. The results show that most of their motivations to be entrepreneur are because of external factors in which financial pressure as the main reason. All the business environments observed, namely access to capital and credit, ...

  11. Karakter Pemukiman Lahan Basah Abad VI - XV Masehi di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS Barito

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    nfn Sunarningsih


    Full Text Available One of the great rivers that flow in Kalimantan region is Barito River, precisely in the southeast region. Barito drainage basin crosses two different provinces, namely South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. Archaeological researches of wetland ancient settlements on Barito Basin are mainly in the downstream area. The result of this research obtained a varied data, such as artifacts, settlement form, and environmental supports. There seemed to be such character differences in each site. Therefore, this article examine the factors that influence the character differences of each wetland site. The research use descriptive analytic, with inductive reasoning. The result shows that there are some characters of wetland residential sites in the Barito basin, which is influenced by the function of site, the mastery of technology, environmental carrying capacity, and the intensity interaction with outside community. Salah satu sungai besar yang mengalir di wilayah Kalimantan adalah Sungai Barito, tepatnya di wilayah Kalimantan bagian Tenggara. Daerah Aliran Sungai Barito melintasi dua wilayah propinsi yang berbeda, yaitu Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian arkeologi terhadap pemukiman lahan basah (abad ke 6-15 M di Daerah Aliran Sungai Barito berada terutama di daerah hilir. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut didapatkan data yang beragam, baik dari artefak, bentuk pemukimannya, dan lingkungan pendukungnya. Tampaknya ada karakter yang berbeda dari masing-masing situs. Oleh karena itu, tulisanini berusaha untuk mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya perbedaan karakter dari masing-masing situs di lahan basah tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-analisis, dengan penalaran induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa macam karakter dari situs pemukiman lahan basah di DAS Barito, yang dipengaruhi oleh fungsi situs, penguasaan teknologi, daya dukung lingkungan, dan intensitas terjadinya interaksi dengan masyarakat


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    Agus Aan Jiwa Permana


    Full Text Available Setiap saat Indonesia mengalami ancaman bencana alam. Hal ini sudah dibuktikan dengan adanya bencana alam yang beruntun menimpa negara ini. Mulai dari tsunami, gunung meletus, banjir, tanah longsor, dan gempa. Dengan adanya hal-hal semacam ini, terpikirkan bagaimana caranya untuk melakukan pencegahan awal agar dampak kerugian material dan korban yang ditimbulkan dapat lebih diminimalisir. Misalnya saja bencana tanah longsor sering terjadi di Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Hal ini terjadi karena penambangan dan minimnya daerah tangkapan air sehingga menjadi penyebab maraknya kasus-kasus longsor di Kulon Progo baik karena aktivitas penambangan yang dilakukan legal atau ilegal. Khusus daerah yang menjadi sasaran penambangan emas di Yogya adalah Kecamatan Kokap. Sehingga menyebabkan banyak kejadian tanah longsor di daerah tersebut. Dengan kondisi daerah yang sering mengalami bahaya longsor, nampaknya perlu dikembangkan sebuah sistem informasi geografis yang dapat membantu dalam manajemen resiko bencana tanah tanah longsor yang terjadi di Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Sehingga nantinya jika sistem ini dapat dikembangkan, dapat membantu melakukan analisis resiko dari dampak bencana tanah longsor di era cyber seperti saat ini. Lokasi yang menjadi titik rawan bencana, diharapkan dapat dideteksi dan hasilnya dapat dianalisis untuk kepentingan lebih lanjut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sudah dapat menghasilkan peta bahaya longsor dalam tiga kategori yaitu tinggi, sedang, dan rendah.   Kata-kata kunci: Tanah Longsor,  Bencana Alam,  Sistem Informasi Geografis.


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    Taufik Muhtarom


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1 mengetahui perbedaan budaya sekolah di SDSN dan SD Eks RSBI DIY, (2 memaparkan perbedaan masing-masing aspek budaya sekolah antara SDSN dengan SD Eks RSBI. Jenis penelitian ini adalah komparasi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua kepala sekolah, guru, dan staf SDSN dan SD RSBI di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 797 orang untuk SDSN dan 155 orang untuk SD Eks RSBI. Sampel dari SDSN berjumlah 256 orang dan sampel dari SD Eks RSBI sebanyak 116 orang ditentukan menggunakan teknik proportional sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat, bivariat, dan uji-t. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1 tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara budaya sekolah SDSN dengan SD Eks RSBI di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta; (2 ditemukan perbedaan skor dari masing-masing aspek budaya sekolah di SDSN dan SD Eks RSBI DIY. Aspek budaya sekolah yang lebih baik di SDSN adalah kolaborasi profesional, hubungan kolegial, self determination, visi-misi, konsensus, dan disiplin. Sedangkan aspek budaya sekolah yang lebih unggul pada SD Eks RSBI adalah aspek komitmen, hormat, empati, bebas bullying dan artefak fisik. Kata kunci: budaya sekolah, SDSN, SD Eks RSBI


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    Nur Laili Marufah


    Full Text Available This research was conducted to study the elements and value chain of milk-processing cluster industry in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The respondent in this study consisted of cow and goats milk processing industry, dairy cooperative and related institution. The data consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected through observation and interviews, while secondary data obtained from statistical data from Department of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives, Agricultural Service of Agriculture Department and LPPOM MUI DIY. Descriptive analysis were used in this study to analyzed the data. Respondent and locations were determined using purposive sampling methods lead to be analyse descriptively. The results showed that stakeholders involved as important elements of milkprocessing cluster industry were milk suppliers (farmer, dairy groups, and cooperative, core industry (small-medium scale processor of cow’s and goat milk, supporting industry (sugar, packaging and tools, supporting institution (bank, university, and government agencies, related industry (food chain, bakery, and coffee shop, and also buyers (retailer, distributor, end user or consumer. Their main products are pasteurized cow’s and goat milk, yoghurt of cow’s milk, and goat milk powder. The long chains to produce milk product since the raw milk have indicated some added values on economy and involvement of man powers leading to local economic development as well as of technology innovation or industry. It has been concluded that milk-processing cluster industry could be used as a locomotive for regional economics development. (Key words: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Elements, Milk-processing cluster industry, Regional economic development, Value chain


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    Yohana Lilis Handayani


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Peningkatan aliran puncak dan volume runoff dari flood hydrograph dapat disebabkan oleh konversi penggunaan lahan. Fenomena ini terjadi di cekungan hulu sungai Ciliwung sebagai daerah konservasi. DAS ini memiliki peran penting dalam memelihara ketersediaan air di cekungan Ciliwung dan untuk pengendalian banjir di daerah hilir. Berdasarkan data yang dicatat dari 1993 sampai dengan 1996, 14,6% kejadian banjir di daerah hilir disebabkan oleh banjir kiriman. Evaluasi konversi penggunaan lahan di daerah hulu Ciliwung dilakukan dengan membandingkan penggunaan lahan tahun 1989 dan 1998. Optimasi tata guna lahan dilakukan dengan optimasi linier untuk meminimasi nilai koefisien composite runoff. Pendekatan teknis dan penerapan rekayasa teknik digunakan untuk simulasi penurunan aliran puncak dan volume runoff dari flood hydrograph. Perlakuan ini meliputi terracing dan normalisasi kolam detensi (detention pond. Simulasi dilakukan untuk periode banjir 10 tahunan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam periode 10 tahun (1989-1998 penggunaan lahan dikonversi secara signifikan. Konversi ini menyebabkan peningkatan aliran puncak dan volume runoff masing-masing 18,97% dan 18,87%.   ABSTRACT The risk of peak flow and runoff volume of a flood hydrograph may be caused by land use conversion. This phenomenon had happened in upstream of Ciliwung basin. As a conversation area, this catchment has an important role in maintaining the water availability of Ciliwung basin and for flood control in downstream area. Based on the collected flood data recorded from 1993 to 1996, 14.6% of flood events in downstream of Ciliwung basin were caused by delivery flood from upstream area. Evaluation of land use conversion in upstream of Ciliwung basin was carried out by comparing land use in 1989 and in 1998. Land use optimization was done using linear optimization to minimize the value of composite runoff coefficient. Technical approach of engineering treatment was used to

  16. Thermal modal analysis of novel non-pneumatic mechanical elastic wheel based on FEM and EMA (United States)

    Zhao, Youqun; Zhu, Mingmin; Lin, Fen; Xiao, Zhen; Li, Haiqing; Deng, Yaoji


    A combination of Finite Element Method (FEM) and Experiment Modal Analysis (EMA) have been employed here to characterize the structural dynamic response of mechanical elastic wheel (ME-Wheel) operating under a specific thermal environment. The influence of high thermal condition on the structural dynamic response of ME-Wheel is investigated. The obtained results indicate that the EMA results are in accordance with those obtained using the proposed Finite Element (FE) model, indicting the high reliability of this FE model applied in analyzing the modal of ME-Wheel working under practical thermal environment. It demonstrates that the structural dynamic response of ME-Wheel operating under a specific thermal condition can be predicted and evaluated using the proposed analysis method, which is beneficial for the dynamic optimization design of the wheel structure to avoid tire temperature related vibration failure and improve safety of tire.

  17. A method for Effect Modifier Assessment in ergonomic intervention research – The EMA method

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edwards, Kasper; Winkel, Jørgen


    Introduction: Ergonomic intervention research includes studies in which researchers arrange (or follow) changes in working conditions to determine the effects in risk factors and/or health. Often this research takes place at workplaces and not in a controlled environment of a laboratory. The effe......Introduction: Ergonomic intervention research includes studies in which researchers arrange (or follow) changes in working conditions to determine the effects in risk factors and/or health. Often this research takes place at workplaces and not in a controlled environment of a laboratory...... of the literature revealed lack of or poor consideration of effect modifiers in ergonomic intervention research. We present a method that has been developed over the course of several years parallel to intervention studies in healthcare. Material and methods: The EMA method is a type of group interview including 3...... sources. Conclusion: The EMA method seems to offer a feasible procedure to obtain significant knowledge on potential effect modifiers in ergonomic intervention research. However, further development and validation is suggested....


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    Muhammad Syukur


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to determine the Local Government Strategy for the Development of Agribusiness Market in the Simillan Village District of Allla, Regency of Enrekang. The method used is qualitative. Data were collected using instruments such as: observation, documentation and developed with interviews with informants. Technical analysis of the data used in this study is a model of interactive analysis, namely: data collection, data reduction, data serving and withdrawal conclusions. The validity of the data in this study examined using triangulation techniques. These results indicate that counseling and assistance to agricultural and plantation actors government acting through the provision of guidance and direction that intensive and effective to the community as an effort to develop business systems in marketing promotion of agricultural products, the government plays as an agent that accelerates the development of regional potential strategies local governments in the development of the excellent potential in this case of vegetables and fruits by using SWOT analysis so far has been the maximum in the running srtategi maximum for use on the public especially in agriculture and plantations.   Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui Strategi Pemerintah Daerah dalam Pengembangan Pasar Agribisnis di Desa Sumillan Kecamatan Allla Kabupaten Enrekang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa observasi, dokumentasi dan dikembangkan dengan wawancara terhadap informan. Tehnik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model analisa interaktif, yaitu: Pengumpulan Data, Reduksi Data, Sajian Data, dan Penarikan Simpulan. Keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini diperiksa dengan menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Penyuluhan dan pendampingan kepada pelaku pertanian dan perkebunan pemerintah berperan melalui pemberian bimbingan

  19. Design of power electronics for TVC and EMA systems (United States)

    Nelms, R. Mark; Bell, J. Brett; Shepherd, Michael T.


    The Component Development Division of the Propulsion Laboratory at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is currently developing a class of electromechanical actuators (EMA's) for use in space transportation applications such as thrust vector control (TVC) and propellant control valves (PCV). These high power servomechanisms will require rugged, reliable, and compact power electronic modules capable of modulating several hundred amperes of current at up to 270 volts. MSFC has selected the brushless dc motor for implementation in EMA's. A previous project performed by Auburn University examined the use of the resonant dc link (RDCL) inverter, pulse density modulation (PDM), and mos-controlled thyristors (MCT's) for speed control of a brushless dc motor. The speed of the brushless dc motor is proportional to the applied stator voltage. In a PDM system, the control system determines the number of resonant voltage pulses which must be applied to the stator to achieve a desired speed. The addition of a waveshaping circuit to the front end of a standard three-phase inverter yields a RDCL inverter; the resonant voltage pulses are produced through the action of this wave shaping circuit and the inverter. This project has focused on the implementation of a system which permits zero-voltage switching with the bus voltage clamped at the input voltage level. In the same manner as the RDCL inverter, the inverter selected for this implementation is a combination of waveshaping circuit and a standard three-phase inverter. In addition, this inverter allows a pulse-width modulated (PWM)-like control scheme instead of a PDM scheme. The operation of waveshaping circuit will be described through analysis and waveforms. Design relationships will also be presented.

  20. Konsep ABG (Academic-Business-Government dalam Rencana Sistem Industri Berbasis Potensi Daerah Kabupaten Sleman dan Gunung Kidul

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    Muhammad Prasanto Bimantio


    Full Text Available Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY mempunyai potensi industri yang cukup tinggi, baik industri kecil, menengah, maupun besar. Namun daya saing produk industri pengolahan di DIY rendah karena beberapa faktor, yakni masih lemahnya keterkaitan antar industri, keterbatasan produksi barang setengah jadi dan komponen di dalam negeri, keterbatasan industri berteknologi tinggi, kesenjangan kemampuan ekonomi antardaerah, serta ketergantungan ekspor pada beberapa komoditas tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat rancangan konsep kawasan industri berbasis potensi daerah (Domestic Based Industry/ DBI menggunakan pendekatan sinergi Academic-Business-Government (ABG. Pendekatan ini dilakukan dengan fokus pada pemanfaatan bahan baku, sumber daya manusia, dan pemenuhan permintaan pasar lokal. Hasil kajian ini menghasilkan tiga konsep kawasan DBI yang diusulkan: (i pengolahan produk turunan salak pondoh di Turi Sleman, (ii pengolahan zeolit di Gedangsari Gunungkidul, dan (iii pengolahan limbah produk biogas di Cangkringan Sleman. Ketiga konsep kawasan industri pengolahan tersebut saling terkait dan akan membentuk jejaring yang terintegrasi mulai dari bahan baku hingga produk, baik dengan industri rancangan baru maupun dengan industri yang sudah ada.

  1. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC), Fiscal year 1992. Annual technical report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The DOE EMaCC serves to coordinate the department`s materials programs and to further effective use of materials expertise within the department. This document presents summaries of budgets and of research projects, arranged according to the offices of energy efficiency and renewable energy, energy research, environmental restoration and waste management, nuclear energy, civilian radioactive waste management, defense, and fossil energy. A directory and a keyword index are included.


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    Meri Oposma


    Full Text Available Human resources is a factor that determines the success of an organization in achieving a goal. Efforts should be made to improve the performance of employees, among others, with good leadership and motivation in the workplace is high. Attainable goal of this study was to determine, influence or leadership and motivation on employee performance in Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM Kota Padang. Object of study the research is employee to Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM Kota Padang with population a mean 113 people employee. This study used a sample of 85 people selected by random cluster sampling technique. Analysis technique used is path analysis. Obtained in a partial amount of leadership influence on job motivation employee amount 0,231 with significant meaning hypotheses 0,034 positive and significant effect between leadership variables to job motivation, obtained in a number of partial influence of leadership on employee performance is equal to 0.291 with a mean of 0.007 significant positive and significant effect hypothesis between the variables of leadership on employee performance, obtained in a number of partial influence of work motivation on the performance of employees is equal to 0.212 with a mean of 0.045 significant positive and significant effect hypothesis between the variables of job motivation on employee performance and obtained in a number of partial influence of leadership and job motivation on employee performance with a value of 7.692 with a significant F value of 0.001 means that a positive and significant effect hypothesis between the variables of leadership and job motivation on employee performance. To achieve high employee performance and motivation of the employees' leadership at the Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM Kota Padang must be improved.

  3. Penyaluran kredit usaha rakyat bagi kinerja bank pembangunan daerah

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    Naasyiatul Lailaa


    Full Text Available Pemerintah melakukan pemutusan izin penyaluran Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR bagi 26 Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD pada tahun 2015. Tetapi pada tahun yang sama, pemerintah mengizinkan BPD mengajukan diri untuk menjadi penyalur KUR dengan syarat memiliki Non Performing Loan (NPL di bawah lima persen dan membangun sistem online dengan perusahaan penjaminan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan analisis yang dapat diimplementasikan BPD sebagai pertimbangan untuk mengajukan lagi sebagai penyalur KUR. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah metode purposive sampling. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif komparasi, dengan pengujian independent t test dan paired sample t test atas perubahan profitabilitas dan NPL pada lima BPD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa BPD tidak mengalami  perbedaan NPL dan profitabilitas yang signifikan  antara sebelum dan menjadi penyalur KUR.

  4. Production of recombinant EMA-1 protein and its application for the diagnosis of Theileria equi using an enzyme immuno assay in horses from São Paulo State, Brazil Produção da proteína recombinante EMA-1 e sua aplicação para o diagnóstico baseadono imuno ensaio enzimático de Theileria equi em equinos do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Cristiane Divan Baldani


    Full Text Available The erythrocytic-stage surface protein, Equi Merozoite Antigen 1 (EMA-1, is a major candidate for the development of a diagnostic antigen for equine piroplasmosis. In order to establish an effective diagnostic method for practical use, the gene encoding the entire EMA-1 of Theileria equi Jaboticabal strain was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli as a histidine-tagged protein (His6-EMA1. The expressed EMA-1 reacted with specific antibodies in Western blot and had an apparent molecular mass of 34 kDa which was largely consistent with its theoretical value. The nucleotide sequence of the EMA-1 gene of Jaboticabal strain was comparatively analyzed with other published sequences. The results indicated a high degree of homology with EMA-1 genes of all other strains isolated from various countries. The recombinant purified His6-EMA1 protein was tested in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA for the detection of antibodies anti-T. equi in horses. The ELISA clearly differentiated T. equi-infected from Babesia caballi-infected horse sera or normal horse sera. Field serum samples collected from horses in the State of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, were examined for the diagnosis of T. equi infection by ELISA. Of 170 samples analyzed, 95.88% (163/170 were positive for T. equi infection. These results suggest that the His6-EMA1 protein expressed in E. coli could be a reliable immunodiagnostic antigen for ELISA test and that T. equi infection is a serious concern in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.A proteína de superfície eritrocitária, Antígeno 1 do Merozoíta de Theileria equi (EMA-1, é um potencial candidato para o desenvolvimento de antígenos de valor diagnóstico para a piroplasmose equina. Com o objetivo de estabelecer um método de diagnóstico efetivo e prático, o gene EMA-1 da amostra Jaboticabal - SP de T. equi foi clonado e expresso em Escherichia coli contendo uma cauda de poli-histidina (His6-EMA1. O EMA-1 expresso reagiu com



    Hadiyanto, Hadiyanto; Wulandari, Sovia


    Hal yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini adalah pentingnya untuk mendokumentasikan penggunaan istilah oleh masyarakat kerinci dalam budaya agraris bidang persawahan sebagai bentuk pelestarian bahasa daerah. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventarisasi, mengklasifikasi, dan mendeskripsikan bentuk penggunaan istilah oleh masyarakat kerinci dalam budaya agraris bidang persawahan sesuai dengan kelas kata. Metode atau pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitat...


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    Noer Endah Pracoyo


    dicegah dengan imunisasi. Imunisasi diberikan pada  saat bayi umur 0-11 bulan sebanyak tiga kali dan imunisasi lanjutan (booster, yakni imunisasi satu kali pada anak usia sekolah kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar yang dilaksanakan pada Bulan Imunisasi AnakSekolah. Untuk  mengetahui  adanya titer antibodi  difteri  maka dilakukan penelitian serosurvei titer antibodi terhadap difteri pada anak sekolah usia 6 tahun sampai 17 tahun.  Penelitian ini membandingkan titer antibodi anti difteri pada anak  di daerah yang melaporkan  adanya  kasus  difteri  dan  tidak  ada  kasus difteri.Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2010 sampai Desember 2010. Penelitian untuk mengukur titer antibodi anak sekolah di daerah kasus dan bukan daerah kasus. Penelitian  merupakan  kasus  kontrol yang dipadankan.  Sampel berupa  serum  responden yang diperiksa titer antibodi terhadap difteri. Pemeriksaan titer antibodi  dengan  cara  Elisa, (Enzyme Imunosorben assay Penelitian mendapatkan izin etik dari Komisi Etik Badan  Litbang Kesehatan. Jumlah sampel kasus  sebanyak 225 sampel dan kontrol 225 sampel. Analisis data dengan menggunakan soft ware (SPSS16.00. Responden yang tinggal di daerah kasus berisiko terinfeksi 2,3 kali lebih besar dibandingkan responden yang tinggal di daerah bukan kasus. Imunisasi penting dilakukan untuk pembentukan kekebalan dalam tubuh.Kata kunci : Titer antibodi difetri, Daerah Kasus Luar Biasa (KLB

  7. European responses to the Ebola crisis- Part I: Initiatives at the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Minssen, Timo


    to potential new medicines to counter Ebola outbreaks. In a statement announced by the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) in September 2014, regulators around the world led by the FDA and the EMA have vowed to collaborate in supporting accelerated evaluation of experimental new...

  8. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC). Annual technical report, fiscal year 1983

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The following text briefly describes the materials research programs of the Department of Energy. It is organized by office and organizational charts are provided to allow easy identification of the materials research programs of each office. These program descriptions have been prepared from inputs submitted by many different EMaCC members. This report is not a comprehensive summary of the Department's programs, but rather a compilation of the programs of those offices that submitted inputs

  9. Dynamic behaviour studies of a vertical axis wind turbine blade using Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) and Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Najafi, Nadia; Schmidt Paulsen, Uwe; Belloni, F.


    Dynamic behavior of a modified blade fitted onto a small 1 kW vertical-axis wind turbine is studied by two different approaches: Classical modal analysis (EMA) is carried out to validate the results of Operational Modal Analysis (OMA). In traditional modal analysis (EMA) one axis accelerometers...... it is excited by random and wind forces. The cameras are programmed in LabView to take pictures at the same time with 180 fps and store them on a high speed hard disk. The output deflection will be investigated in frequency domain by peak picking method, and then AR (Autoregressive) model is applied to describe...


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    Yanuar Yoga Prasetyawan


    Full Text Available AbstractInformation is major requirement for individuals in the information age. Individuals need information to improve their quality of life. For individuals who have limited access to information, it can be considered has the potential bad quality of life. Therefore, it behooves the government to provide the institutions that collect and disseminate information for free of charge regardless of social status, economic, and education, it is  public library. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of Perpustakaan Umum Daerah Jawa Tengah (Central Java Province Public Librariy through the bookmobile service, against forms of social exclusion. This research used a qualitative method with case study approach. The results showed that the public library have should be a social inclusion institution. With such an inclusive label then anyone can go into the library and enjoy a free library service. But there are still some of the community groups who judge the library is an unfriendly place to visit. Seeing the reality, Perpustakaan Umum Daerah Jawa Tengah provides pro-active service by visiting the patron who are far away from the information centre and have limited access to information due to social , economic or education status. The Places were visited include the penitentiary, the brothel, and even the base of the refugee community banned organization. Through bookmobile service  tried to attend as a remover form of social exclusion by providing access to information to the public.Keyword: Public Library; Social Exclussion; Bookmobile LibraryAbstrakKomoditas atau kebutuhan  utama bagi individu di era informasi seperti saat ini adalah informasi. Individu tersebut membutuhkan informasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Bagi individu yang memiliki keterbatasan untuk mengakses informasi, maka dapat ditengarai individu tersebut berpotensi memiliki kualitas hidup yang tidak baik. Oleh karena itu sudah sepatutnya pemerintah menyediakan

  11. Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC). Annual technical report, fiscal year 1983

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The following text briefly describes the materials research programs of the Department of Energy. It is organized by office and organizational charts are provided to allow easy identification of the materials research programs of each office. These program descriptions have been prepared from inputs submitted by many different EMaCC members. This report is not a comprehensive summary of the Department's programs, but rather a compilation of the programs of those offices that submitted inputs.

  12. Environmental Management Accounting (EMA: Reflection of Environmental Factors in the Accounting Processes through the Identification of the Environmental Costs Attached to Products, Processes and Services

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    Cleopatra Sendroiu


    Full Text Available EMA can be defined as the identification, collection, estimation, analysis, internal reporting, and use of materials and energy flow information, environmental cost information, and other cost information for both conventional and environmental decision-making within an organization. Thus EMA incorporates and integrates two of the three building blocks of sustainable development – environment and economics – as they relate to an organization’s internal decision-making. EMA is a relatively new tool in environmental management. Decades ago environmental costs were very low, so it seemed wise to include them in the overhead account for simplicity and convenience. Recently there has been a steep rise in all environmental costs, including energy and water prices as well as liabilities.

  13. Environmental Management Accounting (EMA: Reflection of Environmental Factors in the Accounting Processes through the Identification of the Environmental Costs Attached to Products, Processes and Services

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    Costantin Roman


    Full Text Available EMA can be defined as the identification, collection, estimation, analysis, internal reporting, and use of materials and energy flow information, environmental cost information, and other cost information for both conventional and environmental decision-making within an organization. Thus EMA incorporates and integrates two of the three building blocks of sustainable development – environment and economics – as they relate to an organization’s internal decision-making. EMA is a relatively new tool in environmental management. Decades ago environmental costs were very low, so it seemed wise to include them in the overhead account for simplicity and convenience. Recently there has been a steep rise in all environmental costs, including energy and water prices as well as liabilities.

  14. Perencanaan Penerapan Konsep Zero run-off dan Agroforestri Berdasarkan Kajian Debit Sungai di Sub DAS Belik, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Arnellya Fitri


    Full Text Available Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS Belik merupakan salah satu Daerah Tampungan Air (DTA yang berada di daerah perkotaan Kabupaten Sleman. Akibat alih fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi lahan pemukiman yang padat menyebabkan semakin berkurangnya area resapan air hujan. Kurangnya area resapan air hujan menyebabkan kapasitas saluran drainase Sub Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS Belik pada saat hujan  tidak mampu menampung air sehingga banjir di sekitar saluran drainase terjadi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberikan solusi dengan menggunakan konsep zero run-off  dalam upaya  mencegah genangan banjir di perkotaan yang kurang memiliki ruang terbuka hijau dan area resapan air hujan. Kajian debit banjir yang dilakukan pada sungai Belik menggunakan metode rasional dan metode SCS CN yaitu metode yang digunakan dalam penentuan debit puncak pada satu kejadian hujan. Perhitungan debit diperlukan untuk mengetahui besar limpasan maksimum pada drainase saluran DAS Belik. Metode hidrograf  SCS CN  menggunakan parameter tekstur tanah, tebal hujan, CN wilayah, retensi potensial maksimum air oleh tanah, dan kedalaman hujan efektif. Sedangkan metode rasional menggunakan parameter koefesien aliran, intensitas hujan, dan luas daerah pengaliran dalam menghitung debit limpasan. Keseluruhan hasil perhitungan kedua metode melebihi besar debit pengukuran langsung menggunakan Metode Slope Area, artinya keseluruhan hasil menunjukkan banjir atau limpasan permukaan yang melebihi kapasitas drainase.Kata kunci. Limpasan permukaan, metode SCS CN, metode rasional, zero run-off Belik Watershed is one of the Water Catchment Areas  located in urban areas of Sleman District. Land conversion from agricultural to residential area cause the descending of rain water catchment area. Lack of rain water catchment area can cause drainage channel capacity of Belik sub zone cannot hold rain water, so that flooding occurred around the drainage channel. The aim of this research is to give a way out to


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    Teuku Ferijal


    Full Text Available This study aimed to model watershed area of Keliling Reservoir using SWAT model. The reservoir is located in Aceh Besar District, Province of Aceh. The model was setup using 90m x 90m digital elevation model, land use data extracted from remote sensing data and soil characteristic obtained from laboratory analysis on soil samples. Model was calibrated using observed daily reservoir volume and the model performance was analyzed using RMSE-observations standard deviation ratio (RSR, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE and percent bias (PBIAS. The model delineated the study area into 3,448 Ha having 13 subwatersheds and 76 land units (HRUs. The watershed is mostly covered by forest (53% and grassland (31%. The analysis revealed the 10 most sensitive parameters i.e. GW_DELAY, CN2, REVAPMN, ALPHA_BF, SOL_AWC, GW_REVAP, GWQMN, CH_K2 and ESCO. Model performances were categorized into very good for monthly reservoir volume with ENS 0.95, RSR 0.23, and PBIAS 2.97. The model performance decreased when it used to analyze daily reservoir inflow with ENS 0.55, RSR 0.67, and PBIAS 3.46. Keywords: Keliling Reservoir, SWAT, Watershed   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk memodelkan daerah tangkapan air Waduk Keliling dengan menggunakan Model SWAT. Waduk Keliling terletak di Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Propinsi Aceh. Dalam penelitian ini Model SWAT dikembangkan berdasarkan data digital elevasi model resolusi 90 m x90 m, tata guna lahan yang diperoleh dari intepretasi citra satelit dan data soil dari hasil analisa sampel tanah yang diperoleh di daerah penelitian. Model dikalibrasi dengan data volume waduk dan kinerja model dianalisa menggunakan parameter rasio akar rata-rata kuadrat error dan standard deviasi observasi (RSR, efesiensi Nash-Sutcliffe (NSE dan persentase bias (PBIAS. Hasil deleniasi untuk daerah penelitian menghasilkan suatu DAS dengan luas 3,448 Ha dan memiliki 13 Sub DAS yang dikelompokkan menjadi 76 unit lahan. Sebagian besar wilayah study

  16. Kinerja Reproduksi Ternak Kuda Kerja di Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Reproductive Performances of Working Mare at Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province

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    Arif Setyobudi


    experiment were that the reproductive performances of working horse at Bantul Regency in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta is generally less than the normal performances reproductive of horse. (Key words: Reproduction performance, Working horse, Bantul Regency

  17. Plankton And Heavy Metal Correlation From Commercial Vessels In Port Of Tanjung Emas Semarang (United States)

    Tjahjono, Agus; Bambang, Aziz Nur; Anggoro, Sutrisno


    The commercial vessels activity have a big role to increase the flow of number of cargoes from a port to another port. However, the impact of these activities are the disposal of ballast water from port area to the destination port. The purpose of this research was to analyze the correlation of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and heavy metal which were contained inside the ballast water of commercial vessel towards in waters of the port of Tanjung Emas Semarang. The concentration of heavy metal either from commercial vessels or the waters in port area analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The result showed that the correlation of zooplankton and phytoplankton in the water ballast at commercial vessels have a medium correlation to zooplankton and phytoplankton in waters of Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang (PTES) were 48.9% and 58.3%. Correlation of heavy metal Cd, Zn, Cu, Zn and Pb in ballast water of commercial vessel toward each metal in waters of PTES area has a strong correlation in contribution were 76.7%, 75.6%, 71.4% and 73.8%. It showed us that the loading activity of commercial vessels in port are contributed towards the pollution in waters.

  18. Toxoplasmosis Prevalence in Sheep in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    W Nurcahyo


    Full Text Available Abstract. A research on toxoplasmosis prevalence in sheep was conducted in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The objective of the research was to understand the prevalence level of toxoplasmosis in sheep using skin test method by taking the membrane protein of tachyzoit produced in vivo. The research was initiated by producing the tachyzoit membrane protein at the testing animals, later the obtained protein was prepared and used in the skin test method. At the end of the research agglutination test was conducted to confirm the diagnosis using card agglutination test. An optimal dosage of tachyzoit membrane protein used in sheep as the basic material of the skin test was 1.5 mg/ml/head. Result showed the reaction of skin was thickening and the duration after being injected intradermally varied from 12 to 30 minutes in various sizes from 8 to 19 millimetres. The skin test method showed that the prevalence level of toxoplasmosis in Yogyakarta was more than 70%. Key Words: toxoplasmosis, prevalence, skin test


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    Tevi Leviany


    Full Text Available Abstract. The Audit Board of The Republic Indonesia in implementing audit on Local Government Financial Reports  to assess the accountability of regional financial not only gave assessment on the qualification of audit report in forms of auditors’ opinion but also inside the audit of Local Government Financial Reports. The auditors also assess the effectiveness of internal control system which applied in regional government and compliance towards the laws. The problem was the weakness of financial accountability that occurred in government of Kabupaten Musi Rawas Provinsi Sumatera Selatan year 2015 acquired Qualified Opinion. The purpose of this research was to do deeper analysis towards Audit Reports on Regional Government Financial Statement of Kabupaten Musi Rawas by using content analysis to get complete description of Regional Government Financial Statement Accountability condition in Kabupaten Musi Rawas, especially observed from the effectiveness of internal control system. According to the result of analysis, it was concluded that the problem of effectiveness of government internal control of Kabupaten Musi Rawas was most found related with the weakness of Control Environment , Risk Assessment and Monitoring. Keywords: Financial Accountability; Audit Report; Internal Control System   Abstrak. BPK – RI dalam pelaksanaan audit atas LKPD (Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah untuk menilai akuntabilitas keuangan daerah tidak hanya melalukan penilaian atas kewajaran laporan keuangan dalambentuk pernyataan opini auditor saja, namun  lebih dari itu dalam kerangka audit LKPD tersebut, auditor juga melakukan penilaian atas efektivitas sistem pengendalian intern yang diterapkan pemerintah daerah tersebut serta kepatuhannya terhadap peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. Permasalahan lemahnya akuntabilitas keuangan juga terjadi pada pemerintah kabupaten Musi Rawas Provinsi Sumatera Selatan yang untuk tahun 2015 memperoleh Wajar dengan

  20. FUNGSI BAK AIR CIGAROKROK DAN PASIRGOMBONG KAITANNYA DENGAN TAMBANG EMAS COKOTOK ABAD XX The Function of Cigarokrok and Pasirgombong Water Tubs and Its Relation with the History of Cikotok Gold Mining in 20th Century

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    Effie Latifundia


    Abstrak Tujuan tulisan ini berupaya mengungkap dan mendokumentasikan bak air Cigarokrok dan bak air Pasirgombong yang dibangun pada masa kolonial dikaitkan dengan sejarah tambang emas Cikotok. Data diperoleh berdasarkan hasil penelitian  arkeologis tentang  pola persebaran situs-situs di kawasan Kecamatan Cibeber, Kabupaten Lebak, Provinsi Banten pada tahun 2007 dengan metode survei yang dilengkapi studi kepustakaan dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dua bak penampung dan pembagi air ini dibangun zaman Belanda bersamaan dengan pembangunan pabrik tambang emas Cikotok. Kedua bak air memiliki nilai sejarah dan arkeologi yang masih terus berfungsi dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sampai saat ini. Fungsi bangunan bak air Cigarokrok adalah tempat atau wadah penampung dan pembagi air untuk kebutuhan air bersih sehari-hari bagi warga yang ada di kompleks perumahan dinas perusahaan tambang emas Cikotok, perkantoran tambang emas Cikotok, dan masyarakat sekitar. Sedang fungsi bak air Pasirgombong merupakan bak atau kolam penampung air untuk dialirkan ke mesin (turbin pembangkit listrik tenaga air (PLTA, dan kemudian aliran listrik tersebut disalurkan untuk penggerak mesin-mesin yang terdapat di pabrik tambang emas Cikotok. Selain itu, listrik tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk penerang rumah-rumah penduduk masyarakat Cikotok dan sekitarnya. Bak air Cigarokrok dan bak air Pasirgombong menjadi bukti fisik bangunan masa kejayaan tambang emas Cikotok yang dibangun masa kolonial dengan bentuk dan fungsi masih bertahan dan berlanjut hingga sekarang ini sebagai warisan budaya yang perlu dilestarikan untuk dipelihara dan dilindungi.   Kata Kunci: air, bak air, tambang emas, kawasan Cikotok

  1. The application of the EMAS-ordinance to small hydro-power-plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patek, R.


    The application of the eco-management and audit scheme ordinance to small hydro-power-plants deals with the possibility to take an environmental-relevant audition on sites of small hydro-power-plants to achieve the environmental EMAS-certificate. Within the realization of the acquired improvement steps also the efficiency of the power plants should be increased that the audit also becomes interesting in economic matters. Contents: after explaining the legal frame being prescribed by the European Community, its interpretation and relevance for the sites of SHP, common impacts of these on the environment are particularized. From these facts a valuation-catalogue has been developed, which will be used by the power plant-owners for the assessment of their sites to take part in the EMAS-system. This catalogue is split up into six modules, which comprise all possible valuation areas which can appear concerning the different kinds of plants. These modules are: MODUL A: backwater area; MODUL B: weir; MODUL C: powerhouse; MODUL D: tail water area; MODUL E: diversion channel / penstock; MODUL F: diversion section. Furthermore three submodules to gather common data concerning plant and river have been created. At the development of the catalogue there was particularly attached importance to a user-friendly application. The goal was to realize the valuation by the plant owners to minimize costs. To take objectiveness into account the module-catalogue was created in a way that auditors (the power plant owners) must not formulate specifications by themselves; the possible assessments only have to be marked with a cross at the corresponding parameters, which have been listed up. (author)


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    Dian Taufik Ramadhan


    Full Text Available Konflik antara PT. SMM, masyarakat Kecamatan Naga Juang, dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, berakar pada hubungan ekonomi yang menyangkut pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan komoditi emas. Penelitian ini berupaya melihat relasi di antara ketiga stakeholder tersebut. Melihat hal-hal yang menjadi sebab konflik, mengurai struktur dan dinamika konfik serta merumuskan strategi resolusi konflik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dimensi sebab konflik disebabkan oleh dimensi ekonomi atas pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan komoditi emas, dimensi struktur dan dinamika sangat dipengaruhi oleh peran aktor yang mendorong peningkatan ketegangan dan eskalasi konfik. Resolusi konflik yang dirumuskan yaitu strategi akomodatif. Strategi akomodatif adalah strategi yang mengakomodir kepentingan dan espektasi dari dua stakeholder kunci yaitu, Pemkab Madina dan masyarakat Kecamatan Naga Juang. Conflict between PT. SMM, Naga Juang district community, and the government of Mandailing Natal Regency, rooted in economic relations that concern to the management and utilization of gold’s commodity.  This research attempt to see the relationship between the three stakeholders, see the causes of conflict, analyze the structure and dynamics of conflict, and also formulate strategies of conflict resolution. The results showed, the economic dimension of the conflict caused by the management and utilization of gold commodity, structural and dynamics dimensions are strongly influenced by the role of actors which encouraged tension escalation and conflicts. The formulation of conflict resolution is an accommodative strategic which is a strategy that accommodates the interests and expectations of two key stakeholders, namely Mandailing Natal regencial government, and Naga Juang district community.

  3. Studi Potensi Sumberdaya Andesit Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Di Daerah Kokap, Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Eko Bayu Purwasatriya


    Full Text Available The study of andesite resources was carried out in Hargowilis village, Kokap sub-district, Kulonprogo regency, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta province using geoelectrical data with Schlumberger configuration, as much as 14 point which is spreading on 8 hectares area. Based on regional geological map of Yogyakarta area, study area include on intrusive rock lithology’s unit compose of hipersten andesite to augite-hornblende andesite and trachiandesite. Geoelectrical method is one of geophysical method that used to observed geological condition in subsurface based on rock’s electrical properties. Andesite is one type of igneous rock which have contrast electrical properties with its surrounding rock, generally sedimentary rocks, makes it suitable for geoelectrical method to identify the presence of andesite in subsurface and also estimate its thickness to calculate the resources. Geoelectrical configuration used is 1D Schlumberger configuration where this method have advantage more accurate to calculate the thickness of rock layer especially in shallow area. The result of geoelectrical survey showing that it consist 2 layer of andesite, there are shallow layer and deep layer. This result indicate that the igneous rock in study area not only intrusion type, but also lava flow type. Resources potential of andesite both shallow and deep layer are 5,072,354 tons and resources potential of shallow andesite only is 3,162,566 tons.

  4. A new incentive for energy audit EMAS development according to regulation 1836; Un nuovo incentivo alla diagnosi energetica sviluppo dell`EMAS secondo il regolamento 1836

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Degli Atti, F [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt. Energia


    Environment`s respect is nowadays a primary requirement for industries because it affects manufacture`s costs and efficiency for what is regarding production, confrontation with social classes, with workers and resident for what is regarding environmental impact, improving moreover corporate and product`s image. On this basis european common rules are necessary and European Commission issued Regulation 1836/93 known also as EMAS - Environmental Management and Audit Scheme-that is proposing to industries a voluntary adhesion to it. Rational Use of Energy can be integrated in this Management and Audit scheme because of his direct effect on emission and resources` consumption. Therefore energy efficiency is a primary need for an industry not only for its social aspect but also for its strategic impact on market success.


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    Salamah Wahyuni


    Full Text Available AbstractThe paper investigates the relationship between voting power of political party in local parliament and auditor opinion of local government financial statement. Using a 2009 dataset consisting of 383 local government financial statements, the paper borrows agency framework to advancing a testable hypotheses predicting that voting power affects the auditor opinion. The analysis fails to gain empirical confirmation to support hypotheses. All voting variables are insignificantly related auditor opinion. Yet some findings are worth of future research. First, the incident of learning factor seems to exist on political party. Secondly, the local government in Java is less likely to have fair opinion that contradicts the monitoring argument from geographical point of view. However, the analysis might suffer from linearity and endogeneity issues so that a due care is required to interpret the finding of the results.Keyword: voting right, blockholder, political party, local government, agency theory, auditor opinion.AbstraksiPenelitian ini membahas hubungan antara kekuatan suara partai politik di dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah dan opini auditor atas laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah. Dengan menggunakan data set tahun 2009 yang berisi 383 laporan keuangan pemda, penelitian ini merujuk pada agensi teori sebagai dasar pembentukan hipotesis yang memprediksi bahwa kekuatan suara partai politik akan mempengaruhi laporan keuangan. Hasil analisa gagal dalam mendukung hipotesis karena semua variabel voting secara insignifikan mempengaruhi opini. Namun demikian terdapat beberapa petunjuk yang berharga untuk dijadikan dasar dalam penelitian selanjutnya. Pertama, terdapat faktor pembelajaran dalam partai politik. Ke dua, pemda yang berada di jawa lebih mungkin mendapatkan opini selain wajar. Hal in tentu saja berlawanan dengan perkiraan yang bersumber dari hipotesis monitoring. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini meninggalkan masalah linearitas dan endogenitas dan

  6. The economical impact and the environmental efficiency of the ISO 14001/EMAS certification of industrial companies; L'impact economique et l'efficacite environnementale de la certification ISO 14001/EMAS des entreprises industrielles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Backer, P. de


    The 1836/93 EMAS is the European regulation on environmental management and auditing scheme. Its aim is to answer the precise requirements of a standard for the management of the environmental impacts of industrial activities. The ISO 14001 standard defines the requirements of an environmental management policy at the international scale. The aim of this study is to make a statement of the enforcement of the ISO 14001 and EMAS environmental management systems in France in terms of results and with respect to the help provided by public authorities. The following aspects are analyzed successively: the aim of the study (context, global goal, hypotheses, cost-benefit analysis, qualitative appraisal); the methodological aspects (selection of sites, sectoral distribution, geographical, legal and financial aspects, data collection, analysis and synthesis); the motivation of companies (sectoral analysis, business aspects, reduction of operation costs, personnel motivation); the objectives of the environmental management system (conformability analysis, environmental goals, effluents, soil pollution, energy and water conservation, wastes, consumption of raw materials, noise and other pollutants); economical aspects (cost, personnel training, audits, benefits, minimization of environmental impacts, reduction of energy, water and materials consumption); cost-benefit evaluation; environmental efficiency of the environmental management system; attitude of other companies; comparison with other European countries; synthesis and proposals. (J.S.)

  7. Pengaruh Kompetensi Sumberdaya Manusia, Perangkat Pendukung dan Peran Auditor Internal terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Kerinci

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    Freddie Lasmara


    Full Text Available Abstract. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the competence of human resources, support tools and the role of the internal auditor of the quality of local government financial statements Kerinci. The method used is quantitative, criteria respondents in this study those concerned and involved technically in financial management, evaluating financial, and preparation of financial reporting in local government agencies Kerinci of 27 SKPD each SKPD researchers took four respondents consist of Subsection Head of Finance, Kasubbag Program, Evaluation and Reporting, Spending Treasurer and Treasurer Storage of Goods. Data processed by using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study demonstrate that the competence of human resources, support tools and the role of internal auditors jointly positive effect on the quality of financial reports of local government Kerinci district, the dominant factor is the competence of human resources this caused that for the preparation of financial statements required human resources who understand the financial management procedures. Keywords: Human Resources, Financial Management, Role of Internal Auditor   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kompetensi sumber daya manusia, perangkat pendukung dan peran auditor internal terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Kerinci. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif, Kriteria responden dalam penelitian ini mereka yang berkaitan dan terlibat langsung secara teknis dengan pengelolaan keuangan, pengevaluasian keuangan, dan penyusunan pelaporan keuangan di instansi pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Kerinci dari 27 SKPD masing-masing SKPD peneliti mengambil 4 orang responden terdiri dari Kasubbag Keuangan, Kasubbag Program, Evaluasi dan Pelaporan, Bendahara Pengeluaran, dan Bendahara Penyimpan Barang. Data diolah dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa

  8. Paradigma Baru Peningkatan Kinerja Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD

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    Syafaruddin Alwi


    Full Text Available The Regional Autonomy policy of the government in Indonesia will give a crucial impact for a regional enterprise owned by the regional government (in short BUMD. In the context of regional autonomy era, the BUMD will be playing a very important role in increasing of financial contribution to the real regional income of the region. The problems are, how will this mission be achieved, and what is the business strategy for improving the regional enterprise performance? By aligning human resource strategy, to business strategy, these problems will be analyzed. Strategic business goals should never be considered without linking them with human resource strategy. Based on human resource perspective, the BUMD will therefore be successful to achieve the mission, when it is managed by professional managers and skilled employees. The BUMD must consider to change organization structure, redesigning job, replace unskilled employee, in order to develop organizational performance. Key words: Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD, regional enterprise performance

  9. Pelaksanaan Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Pertambangan Emas Liar Golongan B di Wilayah Hukum Kepolisian Sektor Kampar Kiri


    Saputra, Rian Prayudi; Indra, Mexsasai; Edorita, Widia


    Criminal acts of illegal gold mining is a criminal act or a crime is classified into a specific crime that is growing from year to year so that the negative impact for the community and the environmentPerpetrators of the crime of illegal gold mining is not only a legal entity, but is also done by people around the gold mine. in combating illegal gold mining, the police take some action that preventive and repressive measures to combat the crime of illegal gold mining.Based on the description ...


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    Wayan Gede Supartha


    tenaga kerja pada perusahaan garmen di Kota Denpasar, maka ada berbagai variabel yang dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas tenaga kerja, baik variabel internal maupun variabel eksternal. Berdasarkan analisis model persamaan struktural dengan menggunakan SPSS ver. 10. dan AMOS ver. 4.1, di dapat kesimpulan, yakni: (1 Kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Disiplin Tenaga Kerja pada perusahaan garmen. (2 Kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja pada perusahaan garmen. (3 Kebijakan Ketenagakerjan Pemerintah Daerah berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Disiplin Tenaga Kerja pada perusahaan garmen. (4 Kebijakan Ketenagakerjaan Pemerintah Daerah berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja pada perusahaan garmen. (5 Disiplin Tenaga Kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja pada perusahaan garmen. (6 Peningkatan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja perusahaan garmen, dapat dilakukan melalui peningkatan Disiplin Tenaga Kerja dan adanya Kebijakan Ketenagakerjaan Pemerintah Daerah yang kondusif serta pemantapan pelaksanaan Kepemimpinan Perusahaan Garmen. (7 Dari keenam kesimpulan tersebut dapat disusun kesimpulan umum bahwa: peningkatan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja, dapat dilakukan melalui peningkatan Disiplin Tenaga Kerja serta Peningkatan Disiplin Tenaga Kerja dapat dilakukan melalui pelaksanaan Kebijakan Ketenagakerjaan Pemerintah Daerah, dan memantapkan Kepemimpinan (transformational leadership. Untuk itu disarankan: (1 Disiplin Tenaga Kerja harus ditingkatkan melalui penciptaan kebijakan ketenagakerjaan yang kondusif serta adanya kepemimpinan transformasional. (2 Masing – masing perusahaan garmen harus menciptakan dan membangun disiplin kerja yang kuat. (3 Untuk setiap pimpinan perusahaan dan seluruh tenaga kerja hendaknya diberikan sosialisasi tentang Kebijakan Ketenagakerjaan Pemerintah Daerah, sehingga manajemen perusahaan dapat melaksanakan fungsi manajemen


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    I Made Arnawa


    Full Text Available In this modern era, the development of technology is growing so fast, as well as electronic games such as playstation especially in Denpasar wich not have a license from the government yet. As we know, this arcade games wich is called playstation have been set in “ Local Regulation No 11 2001” of Recreation and Public Entertainment. Legal research methods that used for this study is empirical laws, and the purpose is to find out what the requirements that must be owned by the businessman and how the government controls and enforce these regulation. There is many playstation businesses in Denpasar unlicensed is caused by less socialization, less awareness to the rule of law and lack of traction on law enforcement. Pada zaman modern seperti saat ini, perkembangan teknologi semakin berkembang dengan pesat, begitu pula dengan game elektronik seperti playstation yang berada di Kota Denpasar banyak belum memiliki surat izin dari pemerintah. Permainan ketangkasan jenis playstation ini telah diatur dalam Peraturan Daerah Nomor 11 Tahun 2001 tentang Usaha Rekreasi Dan Hiburan Umum. Metode penelitian hukum dalam penulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris, adapun tujuan dari penulisan ini untuk mengetahui persyaratan yang wajib dimiliki pengusaha playstation dan bagaimana bentuk pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Denpasar dalam penegakan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 11 Tahun 2001 tentang Usaha Rekreasi dan Hiburan Umum di Kota Denpasar. Kurangnya sosialisasi, kesadaran masyarakat terhadap budaya tertib hukum dan kurang tegas nya aparat penegak  hukum Peraturan Daerah ini menyebabkan masih banyaknya usaha playstation di Kota Denpasar yang tidak memiliki izin.

  12. Squamate reptiles from Parque Nacional das Emas and surroundings, Cerrado of Central Brazil


    Valdujo, Paula; Nogueira, Cristiano; Baumgarten, Leandro; Rodrigues, Flavio; Brandão, Reuber; Eterovic, André; Ramos-Neto, Mário; Marques, Otavio


    We present a list of squamate reptiles from Parque Nacional da Emas (PNE), ten neighbor private properties and Parque Estadual Nascentes do Rio Taquari, states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, and Mato Grosso do Sul. The study area encompasses the headwaters of Araguaia and Taquari river basins and part of Paranaíba River Basin, resulting in significant habitat heterogeneity. Inside PNE, we recorded 74 squamate species: 47 snakes, 21 lizards and six amphisbaenians. If we consider also the neighboring a...


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    Roni Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Berkaitan dengan pentingnya informasi tentang gelombang laut, terutama bagi keselamatan beragam kegiatan di laut, berdasarkan data periode tahun 2000-2010, dilakukan studi tentang gelombang tinggi di perairan Indonesia. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa variasi spasial dan temporal tinggi gelombang dan frekuensi terjadinya gelombang tinggi mempunyai pola yang berasosiasi dengan siklus angin monsunal, periode monsun Australia (Desember, Januari, Februari dan monsoon Australia (Juni, Juli, Agustus. Daerah rawan gelombang tinggi pada periode monsun Asia umumnya lebih luas daripada pada periode monsun Australia. Pada periode peralihan antar monsun, sebagian besar wilayah perairan Indonesia tidak rawan gelombang tinggi. Daerah rawan gelombang tinggi pada periode peralihan antar monsun umumnya lebih sempit dan terdapat di perairan Indonesia yang menjadi bagian dari Laut Cina Selatan, Samudera Pasifik dan Samudera Hindia, terutama selatan Jawa sampai Bengkulu. Meskipun korelasinya tidak signifikan, berlangsungnya El- Nino menyebabkan meningkatnya tinggi gelombang di wilayah perairan Indonesia bagian timur, terutama utara ekuator dan berlangsungnya La-Nina menyebabkan meningkatnya tinggi gelombang di perairan Indonesia yang berada di Samudera Hindia terutama di selatan Jawa. Sedangkan terjadinya IODM negatif menyebabkan meningkatnya tinggi gelombang di perairan barat Sumatera sebelah utara ekuator.   Related to the importance of information about ocean waves, especially for the safety of a variety activities at sea, based on data in the period 2000-2010 obtained by numerical wave model, conducted a study of high waves in the Indonesian waters.The study shows that the spatial and temporal variations in wave height and frequency of high waves have a pattern associated with monsunal wind cycle, Australia monsoon period (December, January, February and the Australian monsoon (June, July, August. High waves prone areas in the period of monsoon Asia are


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    Sugiharti Sugiharti


    Full Text Available Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD is a disease that become the tenth on top ten global burden of disease, and also the tenth as the non-communicable disease’s  cause of death on hospital inpatient. Muara Enim, is one of the districts in the South Sumatra Province which has the largest coal mine in Indonesia, located in the sub-district of Tanjung Enim. There are variety of adverse effects caused by the dredging of coal in the mining area in Muara Enim, including the occurrence of COPD. The study design was cross-sectional. The sample was 469 individual sample in household  in the designated area and 504 in the non-designated area. The aim of this study was to describe COPD in the district of Muara Enim, South Sumatra Province. The results shown that the symptoms based cases of COPD is higher in the designated area (1,07% rather than non-designated area (0,20%, as well as symptoms/diagnosed is higher in the designated area (2,35%. Outdoor and indoor air quality based on the average value of S02, NO2 and PM10 was higher on the designated area, and the habit of smoking more than 1 month is higher in designated area (35,8%. In conclusion, based on the symptoms and the symptoms/diagnosed, the COPD prevalence was higher in the designated area than non-designated area.

  15. No haste, more taste: An EMA study of the effects of stress, negative and positive emotions on eating behavior. (United States)

    Reichenberger, Julia; Kuppens, Peter; Liedlgruber, Michael; Wilhelm, Frank H; Tiefengrabner, Martin; Ginzinger, Simon; Blechert, Jens


    Stress and emotions alter eating behavior in several ways: While experiencing negative or positive emotions typically leads to increased food intake, stress may result in either over- or undereating. Several participant characteristics, like gender, BMI and restrained, emotional, or external eating styles seem to influence these relationships. Thus far, most research relied on experimental laboratory studies, thereby reducing the complexity of real-life eating episodes. The aim of the present study was to delineate the effects of stress, negative and positive emotions on two key facets of eating behavior, namely taste- and hunger-based eating, in daily life using ecological momentary assessment (EMA). Furthermore, the already mentioned individual differences as well as time pressure during eating, an important but unstudied construct in EMA studies, were examined. Fifty-nine participants completed 10days of signal-contingent sampling and data were analyzed using multilevel modeling. Results revealed that higher stress led to decreased taste-eating which is in line with physiological stress-models. Time pressure during eating resulted in less taste- and more hunger-eating. In line with previous research, stronger positive emotions went along with increased taste-eating. Emotional eating style moderated the relationship between negative emotions and taste-eating as well as hunger-eating. BMI moderated the relationship between negative as well as positive emotions and hunger-eating. These findings emphasize the importance of individual differences for understanding eating behavior in daily life. Experienced time pressure may be an important aspect for future EMA eating studies. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



    Priyono, Nuwun


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kota Magelang Periode Tahun 2001-2010. Penelitian berlokasi di Kota Magelang Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Data yang dipakai adalah data sekunder, yang diperoleh melalui website Direktorat jenderal perimbangan keuangan dan Kantor Litbang Kota Magelang, serta datang langsung ke Kantor Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Magelang.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kausalitas dibant...

  17. Muusika : Tiit Kuusik 90. Wagneri ooperid EMA-le. Eva Märtsoni laulukonkurss Tallinnas. USA tantsijad tõlgendavad Pärti. Sumera luigelaul salves. WGT Baltimaade kultuurifestivalil. Paul Mägi tagasi Malmös. / Martti Raide

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raide, Martti


    11.IX möödus 90 aastat Tiit Kuusiku sünnist. Eesti Richard Wagneri Ühingu vahendusel anti EMA raamatukogule üle Wagneri ooperite 32 CD-le salvestatud kogumik. 25.IX ئ 2.X toimus EMA-s saksa lauluprofessori Eva Märtsoni meistrikursus. 1.ئ10.X külastab Eestit Ohio osariigist pärit moderntantsutrupp Antaeus Dance. ERSO ja Paavo Järvi salvestavad Lepo Sumera viimaseid heliteoseid. Weekend Guitar Trio on ringreisil Soomes. Paul Mägi kutsuti Malmo Sümfooniaorkestrit juhatama. Põltsamaa linnavalitsuses arutati 2002. a. oktoobris toimuva Põhja- ja Baltimaade puhkpillilaagri korraldamisega seonduvat.


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    Hubullah Fuadzy


    Full Text Available Abstract. High mobility amongst mining workers, demanding officer of Cineam Public Health Center can perform rapid diagnosis to the workers. Nowadays, many techniques are developed to detect the early transmission of malaria, begins from the clinical to the molecular, one of that techniques are Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs. This research has been conducted in the village of Pasirmukti district Cineam, Tasikmalaya in 2012. Objective of this paper is description RDT utilities as rapid diagnosing efforts on families who have family members as mine worker malaria endemic areas. Inclusion criteria for this study were family who have and do not have family members were working as workers in malaria-endemic areas at 2011 or 2012. Respondents were willing to participate in this study would be taken for examination RDT. Respondents were willing to participate in this study amounted to 256 people, and 5 of them positive Plasmodium malaria based on RDTs screening. Respondents who positive for malaria on RDTs test were 4 women with lower education background and work as a housewife, then a men with a background of secondary school education and are currently still as student. RDT is one of the malaria parasite tools which suitable for use in the Pasirmukti Village district Cineam - Tasikmalaya. However, keep in mind on how to storage and use in order to avoid errors both false-positive and false negatives test results.   Keywords: rapid diagnostic tests, malaria, Tasikmalaya Abstrak. Mobilitas yang tinggi penduduk Cineam  menuju wilayah pertambangan emas diluar pulau Jawa, menuntut tenaga kesehatan di Puskesmas Cineam dapat melakukan diagnosa dini penyakit malaria terhadap para pekerja tambang tersebut. Saat ini, banyak dikembangkan teknik untuk mendeteksi penularan penyakit malaria secara dini, mulai dari yang bersifat klinis hingga molekuler, diantaranya adalah Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs. Untuk mengetahui gambaran pemanfaatan RDT di Cineam perlu

  19. Ichthyofauna from the Emas National Park region: composition and structure

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    E. Benedito-Cecilio

    Full Text Available The relationship between habitats and the ichthyofauna composition in the Parque Nacional das Emas (PNE and adjacent areas (the Araguaia and Sucuriú rivers are provided and could be applied in determining the Park's future zoning. Samples of the ichthyofauna and limnological parameters were obtained during both dry (September 1999 and wet (December 1999 seasons. Ichthyofauna collections resulted in the capture of 4,740 specimens of 22 species. The most abundant species in the Araguaia River during the two sampling seasons were Astyanax sp. 2 and Hasemania sp. In the Sucuriú River and PNE, Astyanax scabripinnis cf. paranae and Hoplias aff. malabaricus were the most frequent species. The largest number of species and diversity index were recorded for the Araguaia River. However, sound management policies require more detailed studies on the fish communities of the Cerrado biome.





    2012 Analisis Pengaruh LDR, NPL, dan ROA terhadap CAR Pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) Se-Indonesia Tahun 2007-2011 Analysis of Effect of Loan to Deposit Ratio, Non Performing Loan, and Return On Assets to the Capital Adequacy Ratio of the Regional Development Banks In Indonesia Period 2007-2011 Fatwal Sam Cepi Pahlevi Gamalca Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel LDR, NPL dan ROA terhadap CAR. Data yang digunakan adalah publikasi laporan tahun...

  1. Analisis Vegetasi di Hutan Mbeji Daerah Wonosalam Jombang

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    Anita Munawwaroh


    Full Text Available Analisis vegetasi terhadap hutan perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hayati yang terdapat di hutan tersebut sehingga mempermudah didalam melakukan pemeliharaan dan pemberdayaan hutan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hayati dan struktur vegetasi (frekuensi, kerapatan, dominansi, dan Indeks Nilai Penting di hutan mbeji, Wonossalam, Jombang. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode point centered quarter. Pennelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2015. Hasil penelitian menujukkan padaHutan Mbeji terdapat 11 jenis pohon yang teridentifikasi dan 15 spesies tumbuhan, dimana ada 10 spesies yang telah teridentifikasiNilai penting  tumbuh-tumbuhan di Hutan Mbeji di daerah Wonosalam Jombang  pada tingkat pohon paling tinggi adalah pohon randu (Ceiba petandra  sebesar 57,42 % sedangkan nilai INP paling rendah dari jenis pohon andong (Rhadamnia cinerea yaitu sebesar 6,06 %. Pada sapling nilai penting yang paling tinggi adalah talas (Colocasia esculenta yaitu sebesar 49,23 %. Sedangkan, nilai INP paling rendah dari jenis nanas (Ananas comosus, nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus, tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber, semak A, semak B, semak C, semak E, dan semak F yaitu sebesar 6,35 %. Tingginya nilai INP menunjukkan bahwa jenis-jenis tersebut dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan sekitarnya yang lebih baik dibanding jenis lainnya.

  2. Perilaku Pengendalian Tikus di Daerah Berisiko Penularan Leptospirosis

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    Tri Isnani


    Full Text Available Abstrak Tikus merupakan binatang yang mempunyai daya adaptasi dan daya kembang biak yang tinggi sehingga bisa hidup di semua tempat.  Dampak tikus bagi manusia antara lain tikus sebagai hama pertanian dan menularkan penyakit seperti pes dan leptospirosis.  Berbagai pengendalian tikus telah dilakukan baik secara tradisional yang telah ada sejak nenek moyang maupun cara-cara modern.  Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi perilaku masyarakat dalam usaha pengendalian serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dilakukannya cara-cara tersebut.  Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif desain deskriptif.  Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terarah pada 5 informan dan 2 kelompok Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (DKT.  Lokasi penelitian di sebuah desa di Nanggulan, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat beberapa cara dalam pengendalian tikus yaitu gropyokan, burung hantu, lem, racun tikus, pengemposan, menggunakan pewangi pakaian, dengan makanan umpan, kucing, dan dengan slametan.  Ada pengendalian tikus dengan mengusirnya saja atau tidak membunuhnya, dan ada pengendalian dengan membunuhnya.  Terdapat mitos dan kepercayaan terhadap tikus.  Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa perilaku dalam pengendalian tikus dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang pengetahuan dan kepercayaan.   kata kunci :  perilaku; pengendalian tikus; mitos dan kepercayaan


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    Bambang Sriyanto Prakoso


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisa dinamika dan variasi perkembangan sistem kota-kota dan karakter kekotaan, guna memilih atau menentukan alternatif pengembangan pusat pusat baru di Propinsi sehingga pembangunan lebih merata. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptifianalitis dengan analisis data sekunder. Lingkup daerah penelitian meliputi seluruh desa di Propinsi DIY, sejumlah 438 desa yang tersebar di lima Kabupaten. Variabel yang digunakan meliputi variabel demografis untuk menganalisa sistem dan hirarki kota-kota dan variabel karakter kekotaan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Index primacy, Analisis Faktor, Crosstab dan Korelasi, Pembuatan Tipologi Wilayah. Sedangkan analisis spasial atau pemetaan dengan program Arc View. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dinamika sistem kota-kota di Propinsi DIY sepanjang tahun 1960-2002 memperlihatkan gejala primacy atau pemusatan perkembangan di Kota Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya (pinggiran. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan adanya kesenjangan perkembangan wilayah dan beban kota semakin meningkat. Semakin tinggi peringkat wilayah, semakin dinamis perubahan yang terjadi, sena semakin tinggi karakter kekotaan yang dimilikinya. Fenomena pemusatan perkembangan yang tedadi di kota Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya merupakan bukti empiris pemusatan sistem perkotaan. Berdasarkan analisis yang komprehensif, ditetapkan kluster pusat pertumbuhan baru di lima Kabupaten Kota, yaitu Kluster Sentolo (Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Kluster Srandakan-Galur (Kabupaten Bantul, Kluster Playen-Patuk (Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Kluster Tempel-Sleman (Kabupaten Sleman, dan Kluster Giwangan (Kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian merekomendasikan redistribusi hasil-hasil pembangunan melalui pengembangan dan penguatan pusat pertumbuhan baru, pembentukan tata ruang perwilayahan dan sistem perkotaan yang fungsional. Pusat pertumbuhan baru harus `mandiri. dan diintegrasikan dengan wilayah belakangnya (hinterland, sehingga tercipta keterkaitan fisik

  4. Evidence of high inbreeding in a population of the endangered giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Myrmecophagidae, from Emas National Park, Brazil

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    Rosane G. Collevatti


    Full Text Available We report the genetic structure, relatedness and mating structure of a population of the endangered giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758 in the Emas National Park, Brazil, based on variability at five microsatellite loci. Additionally, we addressed the hypothesis that the M. tridactyla population studied has low levels of polymorphism and high levels of inbreeding and relatedness and that animals with overlapping home range are highly related. All five microsatellite loci displayed low levels of polymorphism and of expected and observed heterozygosity. The low level of polymorphism and high inbreeding showed by the population studied may be the outcome of high mortality and reduction in population size due to recurrent fire events in the Emas National Park, as reported in 1994. The reduction in population size may have led to a higher frequency of mating between closely related animals, augmented by the isolation of the population in the park because of the expansion of agricultural land and fragmentation of the Cerrado environment. The natural history of M. tridactyla and the phylopatric (sex-biased dispersal behavior of females should increase the effects of isolation and bottlenecking, decreasing gene flow and increasing inbreeding. However, the low levels of polymorphism found in this population may simply be due to the natural history and evolution of M. tridactyla as reported for other species. The genetic structure and dynamics of this population needs to be investigated more profoundly in order to provide sound data for the design of conservation strategies for M. tridactyla in the Emas National Park.


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    Maksurotul Laili


    Full Text Available Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengelolaan arsip dinamis, kendala apa saja yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan arsip dinamis, dan bagaimana usaha dalam mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan arsip dinamis pada Kantor Perpustakaan Umum dan Arsip Daerah Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini sebagai informan yaitu Pengelola Arsip, Kepala TU, dan Arsiparis Bagian Arsip Daerah. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisisi data meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian meliputi, penciptaan arsip berupa penerimaan dan pembuatan arsip. Penggunaan arsip meliputi kegiatan pelayanan peminjaman dan temu kembali. Peminjaman arsip belum menggunakan kartu pinjam arsip. Pemeliharaan meliputi pemberkasan, penataan, penyimpanan, dan alih media. Penyusutan meliputi kegiatan pemindahan dan pemusnahan arsip. Penyusutan arsip belum melakukan jadwal retensi arsip. The purpose of this study was to determine how the management of records , any obstacles encountered in the implementation of records management , and how the effort to overcome the obstacles encountered in the implementation of records management in the Office of Archives and Public Library in Semarang. It was a qualitative research. The data sources – as the informant – were the Archive Manager, the Head of Administration, the Archivists of the Regional Archivessection. The data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis were performed by means of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the creation of the archive consists of two forms; they are acceptance and archiving. The use of the archive includes lending and retrieval services, the archives lending


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    Dafiuddin Salim


    Full Text Available Makalah ini menilai efektivitas manajemen di Marine Sanctuary (Daerah Perlindungan Laut atau DPL dari Mattiro Labangeng Kabupaten Village-Pangkep. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dampak dan efektivitas proses manajemen dinilai menggunakan indikator, termasuk indikator biofisik, sosial ekonomi dan institusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada dampak positif dalam beberapa indikator ekologi (karang, ikan dan benthos, sosio-ekonomi dan institusi. The increasion total persen tutupan karang diikuti oleh kelompok meningkatkan ikan karang (indikator, target dan jurusan dan benthos organisme di DPL. Dari sudut ekonomi ini pandangan, nilai-nilai ekonomi terumbu karang sumber daya dari kegiatan perikanan sebelum dan sesudah DPL adalah Rp 42,635,910.51/ha/tahun dan Rp 52,084,390.18/ha/tahun, masing-masing. Efektivitas DPL ini ditunjukkan oleh grafik teknik Amoeba dan hasil yang disajikan nilai-nilai positif. Ringkasan adalah nilai indikator saat ini lebih besar dari nilai ambang batas kritis / CTV.Kata Kunci: CTV, efektivitas, indikator, perlindungan laut, teknik amubaTHE EFFECTIVITY OF MARINE SANCTUARY MANAGEMENT (CASE STUDY OF MATTIRO VILLAGE OF LABANGENG PANGKEP DISTRICTABSTRAKThis paper is assessing management effectiveness in Marine Sanctuary (Daerah Perlindungan Laut or DPL of Mattiro Labangeng Village-Pangkep Regency. It is showed that impacts and effectiveness of the management process was assessed using indicators, includes biophysical, socio-economic and institution indicators. The results showed that there are positive impacts in some indicators of ecology (corals, fish and benthos, socio-economic and institution. The increasion in percent total of coral cover was followed by the increasing groups of reef fish (indicators, targets, and majors and benthos organisms in DPL. From economic’s point of views, the economic values of coral reefs resource from fisheries activities before and after DPL were Rp 42,635,910.51/ha/year and Rp 52,084,390.18/ha

  7. Pola Penghidupan Masyarakat di Daerah Perdesaan pada Strata Rumahtangga yang Berbeda

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    Kationo Udin


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian pola penghidupan di daerah perdesaan perlu dilakukan mengingat daerah perdesaan merupakan bagian integral dari wilayah pembangunan yang perlu mendapat perhatian pemeritah melalui berbagai kebijakan pemberdayaan masyarakat perdesaan dalam konteks pembangunan daerah perdesaan. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji (1 strategi penghidupan rumahtangga dan (2 faktor penentu, serta (3 menyusun arahan pengembangan strategi penghidupan yang efektif pada tiap strata ekonomi rumahtangga dalam rangka peningkatan pendapatan di lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Desa Karang Jaya Kabupaten Buru dengan unit penelitian pada strata rumahtangga. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan wawancara dalam pengambilan data. Dengan adanya strata rumahtangga maka Teknik sampel menggunakan stratifield random sampling dengan penentuan besar sampel secara proportional. Jumlah sampel strata ekonomi lemah 65 rumahtangga, strata ekonomi menengah 34 rumahtangga dan strata ekonomi kuat 6 rumahtangga. Analisa data dilakukan secara kua ntitatif dengan menggunakan tabel frekuensi dan tabel silang serta dilengkapi dengan indepth interview. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strata rumahtangga ekonomi lemah sebagian besar menerapkan strategi pemanfaatan sumberdaya rumahtangga untuk meningkatkan hasil pertanian. Sementara strata rumahtangga ekonomi menengah menerapkan strategi pemanfaatan sumberdaya rumahtangga, diversifikasi pekerjaan dan optimalisasi hasil pertanian. Strata rumahtangga ekonomi kuat lebih fokus pada strategi investasi modal usaha. Adapun yang menjadi faktor penentu dalam penerapan strategi di atas adalah modal fisikal dan modal finansial yang berbeda dari segi dominasi kepemilikan pada tiap strata ekonomi. Untuk itu perlu adanya pengembangan strategi yang lebih efektif melalui peningkatan keahlian/ketrampilan anggota rumahtangga, membentuk kelompok tani/usaha kecil

  8. Strategi Komunikasi Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah (Kpid) Riau dalam Mengoptimalkan Program Literasi Media terhadap Pemirsa Televisi di Riau


    Lubis, Evawani Elysa; Sari, Yesi Ratna


    The television show is not only have a positive impact, but also the negative impact if not filtered properly, the impact would affect the behavior of television viewers. The majority of television shows are currently only prioritize entertainment, and the exclusion of education inside them. KPID has been have some strategys to bring the desired goals. This research aims to determine how the communication strategy communication of Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah (KPID) Riau in optimizing me...

  9. An EMA Analysis of the Effect of Increasing Word Length on Consonant Production in Apraxia of Speech: A Case Study (United States)

    Bartle, Carly J.; Goozee, Justine V.; Murdoch, Bruce E.


    The effect of increasing word length on the articulatory dynamics (i.e. duration, distance, maximum acceleration, maximum deceleration, and maximum velocity) of consonant production in acquired apraxia of speech was investigated using electromagnetic articulography (EMA). Tongue-tip and tongue-back movement of one apraxic patient was recorded…


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    Suandi -


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh modal sosial terhadap kesejahteraan ekonomi keluarga di daerah perdesaan Kabupaten Kerinci. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Kerinci dengan memilih dua kecamatan, yaitu: Kecamatan Keliling Danau, dan Kecamatan Batang Merangin. Waktu penelitian secara keseluruhan dilakukan dari bulan Juni sampai dengan bulan Nopember 2012. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 132 keluarga atau 10 persen dari populasi (1.316 keluarga yang diambil secara berturut-turut dengan cara cluster, purposive, dan simple random sampling. Variabel penelitian: (1 kesejahteraan ekonomi keluarga (kesejahteraan objektif, dan kesejahteraan subjektif, dan (2 Modal sosial (asosiasi lokal dan karakter masyarakat. Analisis data menggunakan model Structural Equation Modelling (SEM melalui program LISREL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal sosial (asosiasi lokal dan karakter masyarakat responden tergolong kuat. Mengacu kepada alokasi pengeluaran, tingkat ekonomi petani di daerah penelitian tergolong relatif kaya dengan distribusi keluarga yang tergolong pada kelompok sejahtera mencapai 78,8 persen, sedangkan kelompok miskin hanya 21,2 persen. Modal sosial (asosiasi lokal dan karakter masyarakat baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung berpengaruh positif sangat nyata terhadap kesejahteraan ekonomi keluarga. The objectives of this study is to analyze the effect of social capital on family economic well-being in rural areas of Kerinci regency. The research design is cross sectional and was carried out  in Batang Merangin and Keliling Danau districts from June to Nopember 2012. Variables used are social capital (local associations and community character, and family economic well-being  both objective and subjective economic well-being. 132 household samples are chosen using cluster, purposive and random sampling methods. Data were collected using survay, indepth interview, and Focus Group Discussion


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    Beny Harjadi


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to get the distribution of erosion tolerance value (T-value in KedungOmbo Dam Catchment Area. The KedungOmbo Dam Catchment Area is located in Boyolali area as a food granary with the main supply of vegetables and rice producers. This situation requires soil conditions to be maintained and no land degradation or erosion that exceeds the limits of erosion or erosion tolerance allowed. The method used to calculate the T-value is the survey and by the calculation of raster analysis with satellite imagery. The parameter collected in the field includes soil conditions (soil solum and crop conditions (effective root depth. Based on T-value calculation formula with 300 years life resource, this will get the amount of erosion allowed in KedungOmbo Dam Catchment Area. Areas with low T values should be maintained for land conditions because mild erosion will be a serious threat. The erosion tolerance in the KedungOmbo Dam Catchment Area is 59%, which is dominated by high T-values, with an area of 34,092 ha and a very high 24% or an area of 14,136 ha. Keywords: Land degradation; Sheet erosion; Value-T; Land productivity Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan sebarannilai toleransi erosi (nilai-T di Daerah Tangkapan Waduk (DTW Kedung Ombo. Mengingat DTW Kedung Ombo termasuk wilayah Boyolali sebagai lumbung pangan dengan pasokan utama sayuran dan juga produsen padi. Situasi ini membutuhkan kondisi tanah harus dipertahankan dan tidak ada degradasi lahan atau erosi yang melebihi batas toleransi erosi atau erosi diperbolehkan. Metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung nilai-T dengan cara survei dan dibantu dengan perhitungan analisis raster dengan citra satelit. Parameter yang dikumpulkan di lapangan meliputi kondisi tanah (solum tanah dan kondisi tanaman (kedalaman perakaran efektif. Dari rumus perhitungan nilai-T dengan resource life 300 tahun akan mendapatkan besarnya erosi yang diperbolehkan di seluruh DTW Kedung Ombo

  12. PREFACE: EMAS 2011: 12th European Workshop on Modern Developments in Microbeam Analysis (United States)

    Brisset, François; Dugne, Olivier; Robaut, Florence; Lábár, János L.; Walker, Clive T.


    This volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering contains papers from the 12th Workshop of the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, which took place from the 15-19 May 2011 in the Angers Congress Centre, Angers, France. The primary aim of this series of workshops is to assess the state-of-the-art and reliability of microbeam analysis techniques. The workshops also provide a forum where students and young scientists starting out on a career in microbeam analysis can meet and discuss with the established experts. The workshops have a very specific format comprising invited plenary lectures by internationally recognized experts, poster presentations by the participants and round table discussions on the key topics led by specialists in the field. This workshop was organized in collaboration with GN-MEBA - Groupement National de Microscopie Electronique à Balayage et de microAnalysis, France. The technical programme included the following topics: the limits of EPMA, new techniques, developments and concepts in microanalysis, microanalysis in the SEM, and new and less common applications of micro- and nanoanalysis. As at previous workshops there was also a special oral session for young scientists. The best presentation by a young scientist was awarded with an invitation to attend the 2012 Microscopy and Microanalysis meeting at Phoenix, Arizona. The prize went to Pierre Burdet, of the Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL), for his talk entitled '3D EDS microanalysis by FIB-SEM: enhancement of elemental quantification'. The continuing relevance of the EMAS workshops and the high regard in which they are held internationally can be seen from the fact that 74 posters from 18 countries were on display at the meeting, and that the participants came from as far away as Japan, Canada and the USA. A selection of participants with posters were invited to give a short oral

  13. How do the EMA and FDA decide which anticancer drugs make it to the market? A comparative qualitative study on decision makers' views. (United States)

    Tafuri, G; Stolk, P; Trotta, F; Putzeist, M; Leufkens, H G; Laing, R O; De Allegri, M


    The process leading to a regulatory outcome is guided by factors both related and unrelated to the data package, defined in this analysis as 'formal and informal factors', respectively. The aim of this qualitative study was to analyse which formal and informal factors drive the decision-making process of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators with regard to anticancer drugs, using in-depth semi-structured interviews with regulators of the two agencies. In line with the theory and practice of qualitative research, no set sample size was defined a priori. Respondent enrolment continued until saturation and redundancy were reached. Data were collected through means of in-depth semi-structured interviews conducted either in a face-to-face setting or via Skype(®) with each regulator. The interviews were audio-recorded and verbatim transcribed. The analysis was manually carried out on the transcribed text. Data were independently coded and categorized by two researchers. Interpretation of the findings emerged through a process of triangulation between the two. Seven EMA and six FDA regulators, who had extensive experience with making decisions about anticancer medicines, were interviewed between April and June 2012. There is an open dialogue between the FDA and EMA, with the two moving closer and exchanging information, not opinions. Differences in decision-making between the agencies may be due to a different evaluation of end points. Different interaction modalities with industry and patients represent an additional source of divergence with a potential impact on decision-making. The key message of our respondents was that the agencies manage uncertainty in a different way: unlike the EMA, the FDA has a prevailing attitude to take risks in order to guarantee quicker access to new treatments. Although formal factors are the main drivers for regulatory decisions, the influence of informal factors plays an important role in

  14. Uudised : EMA uus barokkorel. Olari Elts Soome Raadio SO ees. "Supreme Silence" Saksamaal. Kangro muusika Lätis ja Leedus / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    EMA vastvalminud barokkoreli avamispidustustest. O.Elts juhatas 30. apr. Finlandia-talos toimunud kontserdil Soome Raadio SO-d. P.Vähi teos "Supreme Silence" kõlas kahel muusikafestivalil Saksamaal. Läti klaveriduo esitas rahvusvahelisel klaveriduode festivalil Lätis ja Leedus R.Kangro pala "O Sancta Simplicitas!"


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    Riris Ardhanariswari


    Full Text Available Solution of Raperda in regional parliament has entangled governmental element, parliament and society. Involvement of society assessed before existence of formal solution of Raperda is at hearing public process and empirical facts analysis by SKPD. When solution of Raperda, society can follow to involve actively at level I, II and of IV in plenary meeting. Besides that, after perda have done, society still enabled to involve in public test. In this case, legal status between woman and men is same.  The women's involvement in making of regional law, especially in Banyumas, still experience of various constraint. In this case, role of woman (generally still assumed lower or not yet maximal. Opportunity have been given by government but woman still not yet earned the rights maximally. There are role of woman in attendance  but role in input form is not yet maximal. In general, arising out constraint to women involvement in making regional law is come from society mindset concerning woman, cultural and quality of the Human Resources.   Kata Kunci : Keterlibatan Perempuan, Produk Hukum Daerah

  16. High Voltage EEE Parts for EMA/EHA Applications on Manned Launch Vehicles (United States)

    Griffin, Trent; Young, David


    The objective of this paper is an assessment of high voltage electronic components required for high horsepower electric thrust vector control (TVC) systems for human spaceflight launch critical application. The scope consists of creating of a database of available Grade 1 electrical, electronic and electromechanical (EEE) parts suited to this application, a qualification path for potential non-Grade 1 EEE parts that could be used in these designs, and pathfinder testing to validate aspects of the proposed qualification plan. Advances in the state of the art in high power electric power systems enable high horsepower electric actuators, such as the electromechnical actuator (EMA) and the electro-hydrostatic actuator (EHA), to be used in launch vehicle TVC systems, dramaticly reducing weight, complexity and operating costs. Designs typically use high voltage insulated gate bipolar transistors (HV-IGBT). However, no Grade 1 HV-IGBT exists and it is unlikely that market factors alone will produce such high quality parts. Furthermore, the perception of risk, the lack of qualification methodoloy, the absence of manned space flight heritage and other barriers impede the adoption of commercial grade parts onto the critical path. The method of approach is to identify high voltage electronic component types and key parameters for parts currently used in high horsepower EMA/EHA applications, to search for higher quality substitutes and custom manufacturers, to create a database for these parts, and then to explore ways to qualify these parts for use in human spaceflight launch critical application, including grossly derating and possibly treating hybrid parts as modules. This effort is ongoing, but results thus far include identification of over 60 HV-IGBT from four manufacturers, including some with a high reliability process flow. Voltage ranges for HV-IGBT have been identified, as has screening tests used to characterize HV-IGBT. BSI BS ISO 21350 Space systems Off


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    Sunarto Sunarto


    Full Text Available Kepuasan merupakan perasaan seseorang mengenai kesenangan atau kekecewaan sebagai hasil membandingkan antara kinerja dan harapan. Jumlah kunjungan Puskesmas tahun 2007 sebesar 3.094.027 pasien yang terdiri dari 3.076442 rawat jalan dan 17.585 rawat inap. Penelitian untuk mengentahui gambaran tingkat kepuasan dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kepuasan dan harapan pasien yang mendapatkan pelayanan Puskemas dan rumah sakit menurut wilayah Kabupatet / Kota di Propinsi DIY Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan rancangan cros sectional. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuisioner dengan 35 item pernyataan yang diambil dari atribut-atribut SERVQUAL dalam 5 dimensi. Total sampel untuk lima Kabupaten Kota sebanyak 1000, masing-masing Kabupaten Kota 200. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap pasien yang menerima pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit Daerah di Kabupaten-Kota Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penilaian tingkat kepuasan pasien ketika mereka berobat ke Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit di Propinsi DIY, dengan menggunakan skala O sampai 4. Hasilnya adalah dimensi tangibles, rata-rata kepuasan pasien (2,96 cukup dan harapan pasien (3,38 pada dimensi reliability, rata-rata kepuasan pasien (3,01 bagus dan harapan pasien (3,40. Pada dimensi responsiveness, rata-rata kepuasan pa-sien (3,07 bagus dan harapan pasien (3,42. Dimensi assurance, rata-rata kepuasan pasien (3, 1 0 bagus dan harapan pasien (3 ,42. pada dimensi emphaty, rata-rata kepuasan pasien (3,02 bagus dan harapan pasien (3,35. Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai p > 0.05, berarti pada alpha 5%, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan tingkat kepuasan diantara kelima wilayah kabupaten/kota di DIY. Penilaian tingkat kepuasan pasien, ketika mereka berkunjung ke Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit di DIY secara rata-rata bagus dan tidak ada perbedaan tingkat kepuasan menurut wilayah Kabupaten-Kota di Propinsi DIY. Kata Kunci : Kepuasan, harapan

  18. Kajian Klasifikasi Berbasis Obyek untuk Pemetaan Bangunan yang Berisiko Gempabumi di Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Lewi Ristiyono


    Full Text Available Bencana gempabumi mengakibatkan kerusakan bangunan dan infrastruktur. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya pemetaan bangunan dan infrastruktur yang menjadi elemen berisiko gempabumi. Dikarenakan daerah yang terdampak gempabumi di indonesia sangatlah luas maka pemetaan bangunan dan infrastruktur memerlukan teknologi penginderaan jauh. Teknologi penginderaan jauh dengan klasifikasi penggunaan lahan mampu memetakan bangunan dan infrastruktur lebih efisien. Klasifikasi penggunaan lahan dengan pendekatan berbasis piksel memiliki kelemahan yaitu mengabaikan aspek spasial, munculnya “salt and papper” dan kurang menunjukan otomatis ketika diintegrasikan dengan SIG. Kelemahan klasifikasi berbasis piksel tersebut dilengkapi pada klasifikasi berbasis objek. Penelitian ini bertujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji kemampuan klasifikasi berbasis objek dengan menggunakan citra ALOS pansharpening dalam memetakan bangunan dan infrastruktur yang berisiko gempabumi. Metode yang digunakan dalam klasifikasi berbasis objek dengan klasifikasi hierarkis rule-based dengan segmentasi multiresolusi. Metode ini memanfaatkan algoritma hierarchical classification dan logika fuzzy yang disusun dalam rule-set ditiap kelas penggunaan lahan. Logika fuzzy digunakan untuk menentukan nilai keanggotaan fitur-fitur objek yang digunakan dalam identifikasi objek dalam citra. Fitur-fitur objek yang digunakan adalah gabungan dari aspek spektral dan tekstur atau GLCM. Nilai fitur-fitur objek diekstrak dari sempel area berdasarkan segmentasi multiresolusi dengan citra multispektral AVNIR-2 pansharpening. Selanjutnya hasil klasifikasi penggunaan lahan diseleksi subkelas area terbangunan dimanfaatkan untuk mengetahui distribusi spasial bangunan yang berisiko gempabumi. Hasil dari klasifikasi menunjukan tingkat akurasi yang rendah dimana akurasi keseluruhan yang dihasilkan adalah 65.4% dan akurasi klasifikasi untuk subkelas area terbangun juga rendah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurang efektiknya

  19. Marketing Regulatory Oversight of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) in Europe: The EMA/CAT Perspective. (United States)

    Salmikangas, Paula; Schuessler-Lenz, Martina; Ruiz, Sol; Celis, Patrick; Reischl, Ilona; Menezes-Ferreira, Margarida; Flory, Egbert; Renner, Matthias; Ferry, Nicolas


    With the release of Regulation 1394/2007, a new framework for gene and cell therapy medicinal products and tissue-engineered products was established in the European Union. For all three product classes, called advanced therapy medicinal products, a centralised marketing authorisation became mandatory. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) together with its Committee for Advanced Therapies, Committee for Human Medicinal Products and the network of national agencies is responsible for scientific evaluation of the marketing authorisation applications. For a new application, data and information relating to manufacturing processes and quality control of the active substance and the final product have to be submitted for evaluation together with data from non-clinical and clinical safety and efficacy studies. Technical requirements for ATMPs are defined in the legislation, and guidance for different products is available through several EMA/CAT guidelines. Due to the diversity of ATMPs, a tailored approach for regulating these products is considered necessary. Thus, a risk-based approach has been introduced for ATMPs allowing flexibility for the regulatory requirements. Since the regulatory framework for ATMPs was established, five products have been licenced in the European Union. However, the pipeline of new ATMPs is much bigger, as seen from the significant numbers of different products discussed by the CAT in scientific advice and classification procedures. In 2013, a public consultation on the ATMP Regulation was conducted by the European Commission, and the results were published in 2014. The report proposes several improvements for the current framework and established procedures for the regulation of ATMPs.


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    Wisnu Arya Gemilang


    Full Text Available Sebagian wilayah pesisir Pademawu dan sekitarnya, Pamekasan, dijumpai adanya air tanah payau hingga asin dengan pelamparan yang cukup luas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan sebaran air tanah asin hingga payau tersebut, baik pada akuifer dangkal maupun akuifer dalam dan juga untuk mengetahui penyebab keasinan air tanah tersebut. Sebaran air tanah asin dipetakan berdasarkan nilai daya hantar listrik (DHL dengan kriteria tingkat keasinan sebagaimana ditetapkan oleh Panitia Ad Hoc Intrusi Air Asin Jakarta. Sedangkan penyebab keasinan air tanah dianalisa berdasarkan fasies hidrokimia dengan diagram Trilinier Piper. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada akuifer dangkal air tanah agak payau hingga asin dengan nilai DHL > 15.000 µS/cm – 50.000 µS/cm dijumpai pada bagian Selatan Pademawu sepanjang pesisir pantai meliputi Padelegan, Jumiang, Tanjung, Manjungan dan Pademawu Timur. Sedangkan untuk air tanah dalam seluruhnya dalam kondisi tawar dengan nilai DHL < 1500 µS/cm, berada pada bagian Utara dari daerah penelitian meliputi kecamatan Tlanakan, Galis, Pamekasan dan  Larangan. Berdasarkan nilai DHL bahwa daerah bagian Utara penelitian tidak terdeteksi adanya proses penyusupan air laut pada air tanah.INDICATION OF SEA WATER INTRUSION IN COASTAL PADELEGAN, PADEMAWU AREAIn the part of Pademawu coastal areas, Pamekasan, was found brackish groundwater that spreading progressively. The purpose of this study was to map the distribution of salt to brackish groundwater, both in the shallow aquifer and the deep aquifer and also to find out the cause of the salinity of the ground water. Salt groundwater distribution was mapped based on the electrical conductivity (EC with a salinity level criteria as established by Panitia Ad Hoc Intrusi Air Asin Jakarta. While the causes of groundwater salinity were analyzed based on hydrochemical facies with Trilinier Piper diagram. The results showed that the shallow groundwater aquifers slightly brackish to

  1. Sustainability and EMAS: Impact of Motivations and Barriers on the Perceived Benefits from the Adoption of Standards

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    José Álvarez-García


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to analyze the influence of the sources of motivation that lead companies to adopt a global standard of the Environmental Management System and the barriers found in the process, on the perceived benefits of the implementation and certification of the standard. To achieve the objectives proposed, primary data were collected using a survey questionnaire that was administered to a representative sample of companies certified as EMAS-Eco-Management and Audit Scheme of the Autonomous Community of Galicia (sample of 114 of the 255 companies. An extensive review of the academic literature published on ISO 14001 and EMAS about motivations, barriers and benefits was carried out in order to establish the working hypotheses that are analyzed using structural equation models as the statistical tool. The findings of this study show that the motivations positively affect the benefits derived from implementation, noting that the internal motivations (related to efficiency; improved performance, productivity and profitability have a stronger influence on the benefits than the external motivations (related to stakeholders’ social pressure. In addition, the motivations also affect the perceived barriers, and these affect the benefits negatively, i.e., the higher the barriers encountered, the lower the perceived benefits. The results obtained allow us to identify important implications for managers, which will help them establish management strategies in the field of environmental management.


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    Erwin - Sudradjat


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Otonomi daerah memberikan peluang yang lebih besar untuk kemajuan daerah tantangan kepada daerah disebabkan kinerja aparatur pemerintah daerah yang masih relatif rendah. Pengembangan sumberdaya aparatur, yang intinya adalah pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi aparatur, mutlak dilakukan dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa pelaksanaan program pengembangan sumberdaya aparatur di Kabupaten Ketapang serta dampaknya terhadap kinerja aparatur di daerah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Proses analisa data mengikuti model analisa yang dikemukakan oleh Miles dan Huberman (1992 dengan model interaktif, meliputi tiga alur kegiatan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data  dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan hal-hal: (1 Pelaksanaan diklatpim tingkat IV di Kabupaten Ketapang ternyata masih dirasakan banyak kekurangan dan kendala. Kekurangan yang sangat dirasakan dari segi penyelenggaraan  diklat adalah mengenai materi diklat dirasakan terlalu luas, kurangnya kemampuan pelatih dalam menciptakan suasana kelas yang mampu membuat peserta tertarik untuk mengikuti kegiatan di kelas, serta sarana dan prasarana diklat yang kurang memadai; dan (2 Tujuan pelaksanaan diklatpim tingkat IV di Kabupaten Ketapang belum sepenuhnya tercapai. Alumni diklatpim tingkat IV di Kabupaten Ketapang tahun 2003 banyak yang menanggapi bahwa sebenarnya diklatpim tingkat IV tidak terlalu dirasakan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam bekerja. Tidak begitu nyatanya dampak pelaksanaan diklat terhadap peningkatan kinerja juga dirasakan oleh atasan langsung yang dalam hal ini merupakan pengguna langsung alumni diklatpim tingkat IV tersebut. Saran yang dapat diberikan dari penelitian adalah : (1 perlu dipelajari tentang kemungkinan pembentukan lembaga tersendiri yang khusus menangani kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan dalam lembaga pemerintah Kabupaten Ketapang


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    Yayik Kartika Sari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa keadaan pertumbuhan ekonomi, pengembangan sektor basis ekonomi, dan faktor yang memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora tahun 1990-2013 dengan menggunakan alat analisis basis ekonomi dan persamaan simultan dengan metode Two Stage Least Squared (2SLS. Variabel endogen dalam penelitian ini adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi, pendapatan asli daerah, dan upah minimum, sedangkan variabel eksogennya adalah angkatan kerja, tabungan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah, dan jumlah penduduk. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 sektor basis ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora yang diperoleh dari analisis basis ekonomi yaitu sektor pertambangan dan galian; sektor pertanian; dan sektor keuangan, persewaan, dan jasa perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil uji persamaan simultan menunjukkan bahwa variabel tabungan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah, upah minimum, dan jumlah penduduk merupakan faktor yang memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah Kabupaten Blora harus mengembangkan ketiga sektor basis ekonomi dan faktor yang berpengaruh dominan tersebut serta harus melakukan proteksi terutama untuk sektor basis ekonomi, sehingga dapat membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Blora.  The purpose of this research was to determine and analyze the condition of economic growth, the economic base sector for development, and factors which have a dominant influence on the economic growth in Blora years 1990-2013 and used analysis of the economic base and the analysis of simultaneous equations with Two Stage Least Square method (2SLS. The rate of economic growth, regional income, and the minimum wage is an endogenous variable, while the labor force, savings, regional government expenditure, and resident are exogenous variable. The results showed that there are three sectors of the economic base in Blora

  4. Suplementasi Besi Mampu Memperbaiki Kadar Hormon TSH Anak Sekolah di Daerah Endemik GAKI

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    Yusi Dwi Nurcahyani


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Multiple nutritional and environmental influences contribute to the prevalence and severity of IDDs in iodine deficient areas, including iron. In many developing countries, children are at high risk of both goiter and iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency adversely affects thyroid metabolism and may reduce the efficacy of iodized salt. The aim of this study was to investigate whether iron supplementation can improve thyrothrophin hormone in school children in iodine deficient areas. A trial of iron supplementation was carried out in an area of endemic goiter in Kertek Wonosobo (n = 35, another group given placebo (n = 35. At baseline, anthropometri, TSH, ferritin, urinary iodine excretion and level of iodized salt were measured. After 13 weeks supplementation, the same data collecting was conducted. Supplement’s compliance during the study reached 100%. Two subject were excluded from from the analysis because they have extreme bio chemical data than the overall average. Statistical test showed no differences in age and gender proportion between groups. There were no significant difference in nutritional status, level of EIU, and level of iodine in salt between groups after the intervention, but there was a significant increase in ferritin level in the iron group (31.0 vs 44.8 μg/l, p<0.05. There were a significant difference in protein and iron intake, but no significant different in energy intake.These two group did not differ in TSH level change. After taking into account the modification variable effect of adequate protein > 70% RDA, the effect of iron supplementation was proved to be effective in changing TSH level (p <0.05. Our result indicate that increase in iron status can improve TSH hormone after considering adequate protein intake (RDA. Keywords : IDD, iron supplementation, thyroid function.   ABSTRAK Di daerah yang kekurangan iodium, pengaruh gizi dan lingkungan berkontribusi pada prevalensi dan tingkat keparahan GAKI


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    Luthfi Muta'ali


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi dan perkembangan wilayah kawasan lereng Merapi yang dikalikan dengan peruntukan fungsi tata ruang. Lingkup wilayah dan unit analisis adalah seluruh desa di kawasan pengembangan Lereng Merapi, yaitu sejumlah 206 desa yang tersebar di Kabupaten Sleman, Kota Yogyakarta, dan Kabupaten Banta Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif analitis, dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Potensi perkembangan wilayah diidentifikasi dengan indikator demografis, karakteristik social ekonomi, penggunaan lahan dan infrastruktur, dan aksesibilitas. Sedangkan data peruntukan ruang dikelompokkan dalam peruntukan fungsi kawasan lindung dan kawasan budidaya. Teknik analisis yang digunakan antara lain stalistik deskriptip, penentuan tipologi wilayah, analisis deskriminan, shift analysis, dan pemetaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pola perkembangan wilayah di kawasan lereng Merapi terkonsentrasi di bagian tengah (kota Yogyakarta dan pinggirannya dan menuju kearah lereng atas (Kabupaten Sleman. Pada fungsi budidaya, sebagian besar wilayah bertipe 1: (besar tumbuh berada di daerah perkotaan dan perluasannya, sedangkan wilayah ripe 1l (kecil tumbuh urnumnya berfungsi sebagai daerah pertanian lahan basah. Pada peruntukan fungsi lindung, khususnya lindung bawahan (resapan air, terdapat 36,7% (18 desa yang berpotensi berkembang pesat. Analisis basis ekonomi juga menunjukkan bahwa potensi perkembangan wilayah tinggi, akan diiringi oleh pergeseran menguatnya peran sektor non pertanian. Tipologi wilayah menurut fungsi kawasan dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dalam determinasi perkembangan wilayah, karena memiliki tingkat perbedaan yang signifikan antara fungsi lindung dan budidaya. Gejala potensi perkembangan wilayah yang tinggi di lereng bagian tengah dan atas yang berfungsi sebagai kawasan lindung dan resapan tidak menguntungkan dart sisi ekologis, dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini

  6. Perkembangan Kualitas Pelayanan Perkeretaapian Sebagai Angkutan Publik Dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Transportasi Berkelanjutan (Studi Pada PT Kereta Api Indonesia Daerah Operasi 8 Surabaya)


    Pramyastiwi, Deasy Elfarischa


    : The Development of Railway Service Quality as Public Transportation to Achieve Sustainable Transportation (Case Study in PT Kereta Api Indonesia Daerah Operasi VIII Surabaya). This research based on transportation problems in some big city in Indonesia caused by increasing number of car and motorbike transport without structured transportation system. Sustainable transportation is a concept to solve that problems. One way we can do to solve the problems is develop environmentally friendly t...

  7. Mendengkur pada Anak: kapan waktu yang tepat untuk dilakukan tonsiloadenoidektomi?

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    Bambang Supriyatno


    Full Text Available Mendengkur atau mengorok adalah suara nyaring yang keluar dari saluran respiratori atas sebagai hasil getaran palatum molle dan uvula. Mendengkur bukanlah suatu diagnosis, melainkan gejala yang harus dicari diagnosisnya. Mendengkur perlu diwaspadai karena dapat menimbulkan masalah respiratori di kemudian hari, dan terbagi dalam dua kelompok besar, yaitu occasional snoring dan habitual snoring. Spektrum mendengkur terdiri dari ringan hingga berat, yaitu primary snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome, obstructive hypoventilation, dan obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS. Pemeriksaan baku emas untuk membedakan spektrum mendengkur tersebut adalah polisomnografi (PSG, namun pemeriksaan ini belum merata di seluruh daerah. Sebagai alternatif, pemeriksaan lain yang dapat dilakukan adalah poligrafi, pulse-oximetri, rekaman video, dan tape recorder. Faktor risiko utama OSAS pada anak adalah hipertrofi tonsil dan/atau adenoid, dengan demikian kecenderungan tata laksana saat ini adalah tonsiloadenoidektomi (TA. Sebelum tindakan TA, kortikosteroid intranasal, selama 4-8 minggu, dapat diberikan untuk menurunkan ukuran tonsil dan/atau adenoid. Indikasi TA adalah OSAS sedang dan berat pada anak, tonsilitis akut yang berulang, abses peritonsil, dan tersangka keganasan. Pada daerah dengan fasilitas terbatas, TA dapat dipertimbangkan pada habitual snoring yang tidak respons dengan pemberian kortikosteroid intranasal selama 8 minggu. Setelah dilakukan TA, pemantauan lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk melihat proses catch up terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak


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    S Fauziyah


    Full Text Available Energi geothermal merupakan salah satu kekayaan sumber daya alam yang sedang dikembangkan. Salah satu kawasan geothermal tersebut adalah kawasan wisata mata air panas Krakal, Kebumen. Sumber daya alam geothermal tersebut dikembangkan sebagai objek wisata. Dalam pengembangannya, belum ada informasi struktur bawah permukaan daerah wisata tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran struktur bawah permukaan daerah mata air panas Krakal. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode geolistrik konfigurasi schlumberger pada 5 lintasan dengan 3 titik sounding tiap lintasan. Pengolahan data menggunakan software Progress dan Surfer 10.  Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan struktur bawah permukaan tersusun oleh 3 lapisan batuan yaitu batu pasir dengan kisaran nilai resistivitas kurang dari 10 Ωm dan ketebalan hingga 20 meter, batu lempung berpasir  dengan rentang nilai resistivitas 10-50 Ωm dan ketebalan mencapai 20 meter, dan batu lempung gamping dengan kisaran resistivitas 50-65 Ωm dan ketebalan 20 meter. Anomali resistivitas rendah mengindikasikan adanya akuifer air panas dan air dingin yang muncul ke permukaan.  Geothermal energy is one of the wealth of natural resources that are being developed. One such area is the tourist area of geothermal hot springs Krakal, Kebumen. Natural geothermal resources were developed as a tourist attraction. In its development, no information on subsurface structure of the tourist area. This study aims to reveal the subsurface structure of the Hot Springs area Krakal. Data collection was performed by Schlumberger configuration geoelectric method in five 3-point sounding track with each track. Data processing using the software Surfer Progress and 10. The results of the processing of the data showed subsurface structure is composed of 3 layers of rock is sandstone with a range of resistivity values of less than 10 Ωm and a thickness of up to 20 meters, sandy clay stone with a range of values of

  9. EMA: a developmentally regulated cell-surface glycoprotein of CNS neurons that is concentrated at the leading edge of growth cones. (United States)

    Baumrind, N L; Parkinson, D; Wayne, D B; Heuser, J E; Pearlman, A L


    To identify cell-surface molecules that mediate interactions between neurons and their environment during neural development, we used monoclonal antibody techniques to define a developmentally regulated antigen in the central nervous system of the mouse. The antibody we produced (2A1) immunolabels cells throughout the central nervous system; we analyzed its distribution in the developing cerebral cortex, where it is expressed on cells very soon after they complete mitosis and leave the periventricular proliferative zone. Expression continues into adult life. The antibody also labels the epithelium of the choroid plexus and the renal proximal tubules, but does not label neurons of the peripheral nervous system in the dorsal root ganglia. In dissociated cell culture of embryonic cerebral cortex, 2A1 labels the surface of neurons but not glia. Immunolabeling of neurons in tissue culture is particularly prominent on the edge of growth cones, including filopodia and the leading edge of lamellipodia, when observed with either immunofluorescence or freeze-etch immunoelectron microscopy. Immunopurification with 2A1 of a CHAPS-extracted membrane preparation from brains of neonatal mice produces a broad (32-36 kD) electrophoretic band and a less prominent 70 kD band that are sensitive to N-glycosidase but not endoglycosidase H. Thus the 2A1 antibody recognizes a developmentally regulated, neuronal cell surface glycoprotein (or glycoproteins) with complex N-linked oligosaccharide side chains. We have termed the glycoprotein antigen EMA because of its prominence on the edge membrane of growth cones. EMA is similar to the M6 antigen (Lagenaur et al: J. Neurobiol. 23:71-88, 1992) in apparent molecular weight, distribution in tissue sections, and immunoreactivity on Western blots, suggesting that the two antigens are similar or identical. Expression of EMA is a very early manifestation of neuronal differentiation; its distribution on growth cones suggests a role in mediating the


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    Budi S Purnomo


    Full Text Available This research aims to empirically examine the effect of the internal control system and the coercive force of the quality of local government financial reports. The method used is descriptive method of verification. While the technique of data analysis using correlation coefficient analysis and coefficient of determination. Quantitative data is secondary and primary data. Secondary data in the form of examination reports on the financial statements of local government district / city in the first Bogor region of West Java province in 2012 were obtained from Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK. Sementara data primer dikumpulkan dari kepala seksi akuntansi pada pemerintah daerah kabupaten/ kota di wilayah I Bogor provinsi Jawa Barat. The results showed that the internal control system is not a positive influence on the quality of financial reports of local governments while the coercive power of positive influence on the quality of local government financial reports.

  11. EMA-qPCR to monitor the efficiency of a closed-coupled solar pasteurization system in reducing Legionella contamination of roof-harvested rainwater. (United States)

    Reyneke, B; Dobrowsky, P H; Ndlovu, T; Khan, S; Khan, W


    Solar pasteurization is effective in reducing the level of indicator organisms in stored rainwater to within drinking water standards. However, Legionella spp. were detected at temperatures exceeding the recommended pasteurization temperatures using polymerase chain reaction assays. The aim of the current study was thus to apply EMA quantitative polymerase chain reaction (EMA-qPCR) to determine whether the Legionella spp. detected were intact cells and therefore possibly viable at pasteurization temperatures >70°C. The BacTiter-Glo™ Microbial Cell Viability Assay was also used to detect the presence of ATP in the tested samples, as ATP indicates the presence of metabolically active cells. Chemical analysis also indicated that all anions and cations were within the respective drinking water guidelines, with the exception of iron (mean: 186.76 μg/L) and aluminium (mean: 188.13 μg/L), which were detected in the pasteurized tank water samples at levels exceeding recommended guidelines. The BacTiter-Glo™ Microbial Cell Viability Assay indicated the presence of viable cells for all pasteurized temperatures tested, with the percentage of ATP (in the form of relative light units) decreasing with increasing temperature [70-79°C (96.7%); 80- 89°C (99.2%); 90-95°C (99.7%)]. EMA-qPCR then indicated that while solar pasteurization significantly reduced (p0.05) in the mean copy numbers was detected with an increase in the pasteurization temperature, with 6 × 10(3) genomic copies/mL DNA sample obtained at 95°C. As intact Legionella cells were detected in the pasteurized tank water samples, quantitative microbial risk assessment studies need to be conducted to determine the potential health risk associated with using the water for domestic purposes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Pendekatan One Village One Product (OVOP untuk Mengembangkan Potensi Kerajinan Daerah. Studi Kasus: Kerajinan Gerabah di Kecamatan Plered, Kabupaten Purwakarta

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    Meirina Triharini


    Full Text Available One Village One Product (OVOP adalah suatu pendekatan pembangunan daerah yang bertujuan untuk memajukan ekonomi daerah tersebut.  Konsep OVOP berasal dari Oita, Jepang dan diadopsi oleh berbagai negara di dunia. Indonesia melalui Kementerian Perindustrian sejak tahun 2008 melaksa-nakan program OVOP yang bertujuan untuk memajukan potensi industri kecil dan menengah kerajinan di sepuluh wilayah di Indonesia, termasuk Purwakarta dengan potensi kerajinan gerabah dan keramik hias. Penerapan OVOP dalam rangka memajukan industri kerajinan memerlukan strategi yang sesuai dengan prinsip mendasar OVOP dan dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh industri produk kerajinan di daerah sasaranPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penerapan OVOP di Indonesia yang telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2008 dan menyusun sebuah rekomendasi bagi pengembangan potensi produk kerajinan dengan pendekatan OVOP dengan mengambil studi kasus di Plered, Purwakarta. Rekomendasi ditujukan bagi pemerintah sebagai pemangku kebijakan, masyarakat sebagai pelaksana, dan pihak swasta, khususnya akademisi desain atau desainer professional.Selain pentingnya konsistensi pemerintah dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam melaksanakan dan mengawasi berjalannya program yang telah disusun, pengembangan desain produk kerajinan memegang peranan yang sangat penting. Diperlukan peran desainer yang sangat kuat untuk dapat mengembangkan desain yang dapat memahami kebutuhan pasar sekaligus mempertahankan nilai-nilai tradisional kerajinan dan menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh industri.Kata kunci: gerabah; kerajinan; keramik; OVOP; Purwakarta.One Village One Product (OVOP is a regional development approach that aims to promote the economy of a region. The concept of OVOP was origined from Oita, Japan, and adopted by various countries in the world. Indonesia through the Ministry of Industry since 2008 implementing OVOP program that aims to promote the potential of small and medium

  13. Sistem Informasi Manajemen Surat pada Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah Kabupaten Pati

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    Hayu Andarwati


    Full Text Available Abstract - Documents handling at Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah Kabupaten Pati was done manually and was not computerized. Because of that, it is needed to build documents management information system to automate the document control activity at department include the function of documents recording, documents making, and documents tracking. For gaining the purpose, a research must be done. That research used Framework for Application System Thinking (FAST with eight phase, that is scope definition, problem analyst, requirement analyst, logical design, decision analyst, physical design and integration, construction and testing, and also installation and delivery. This research was implemented by using PHP, HTML, and Javascript as programming language and MySQL as database. System testing was done by using black box testing method. The result from this research is documents management information system.

  14. Variações fenológicas das espécies do cerrado em Emas - Pirassununga, SP Phenological variations of the cerrado species in Emas (Pirassununga, SP

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    Marco Antonio Batalha


    Full Text Available Foi estudada a flora vascular de uma área de cerrado, situada no distrito de Emas, município de Pirassununga, Estado de São Paulo (aproximadamente, 22º02'S e 47º30'W. Entre abril de 1994 e abril de 1995, realizou-se um levantamento florístico, em que foram amostradas 358 espécies. A partir dos dados deste levantamento, estudaram-se as variações fenológicas das espécies, procurando analisá-las como estratégias adaptativas. Os componentes herbáceo-subarbustivo e arbustivoarbóreo comportaram-se de maneira distinta. As espécies arbustivo-arbóreas floresceram principalmente no início da estação chuvosa, enquanto que as herbáceo-subarbustivas produziram flores, de modo geral, apenas no final da estação úmida, após período de acúmulo de carboidratos. As espécies do componente herbáceo-subarbustivo tiveram pico de frutificação no final da estação chuvosa, qualquer que fosse a síndrome de dispersão de seus diásporos. Já as espécies do componente arbustivo-arbóreo apresentaram comportamentos distintos, conforme a síndrome de dispersão. As espécies zoocóricas frutificaram ao longo de toda estação úmida, enquanto que as anemocóricas e autocóricas produziram frutos, principalmente no início da estação seca.The vascular flora of the cerrado in Emas district, Pirassununga municipality, São Paulo State (approximately 22º02'S and 47º30'W was studied. Between April 1994 and April 1995 a floristic survey was carried out, when 358 species, representing 227 genera and 78 families, were found. During this survey, the phenologycal variations were observed and analysed as adaptive strategies. The woody and herbaceous components had distinct behaviours. The woody species flowered mainly at the beginning of the rainy season, while the herbaceous ones produced flowers generally at the end of that season, after a period of carbohydrate accumulation. The herbaceous species produced fruits specially at the end of the

  15. Penerapan INLISlite (Integrated Library System di Kantor Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah Kabupaten Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Abdul Hamid


    Full Text Available Information and communication technology (ICT has been undoubtly applied in all fields of life. It provides variety of services in which it is dependent on user needs. The Kantor Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah (the District Library and Archieve of Pangkep has been implementing ICT to enhance its services to the citizens of Pangkep. INSLISLite was choosen as its automted library system. The current study investigates how INLIS lite has been implemented in the library, what were the challanges the library faced, and the floating library services of KPAD. The data were collected throughout the representative informans. The study found that INLIS lite needed to be more optimized, the challenges were human resources and budgetary, and the floating library has played important roles to educate the Pangkep island citizens.

  16. Squamate Reptiles from Parque Nacional das Emas and surroundings, Cerrado of Central Brazil

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    Valdujo, P. H.


    Full Text Available We present a list of squamate reptiles from Parque Nacional da Emas (PNE, ten neighbor private properties andParque Estadual Nascentes do Rio Taquari, states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, and Mato Grosso do Sul. The study areaencompasses the headwaters of Araguaia and Taquari river basins and part of Paranaíba River Basin, resulting insignificant habitat heterogeneity. Inside PNE, we recorded 74 squamate species: 47 snakes, 21 lizards and sixamphisbaenians. If we consider also the neighboring areas, richness value raises to 87 species: 54 snakes, 27 lizards andsix amphisbaenians. From these, 52 % of the lizards, 19 % of the snakes and 33 % of the amphisbaenians are Cerradoendemics. Forest-specialist species are more common outside than inside PNE. Additional species are expected to occurin the PNE region, in view of their known geographical ranges.

  17. Regulatory/Scientific Supports for Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) With Medicinal Products Provided by the PMDA and EMA. (United States)

    Kondo, Hideyuki; Shibatsuji, Masayoshi; Yasuda, Naoyuki


    Micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been considered as key players who can bring innovative medicinal products and/or technologies into the field. However, they may need much regulatory/scientific supports to provide their products, technologies, or services to the market in a timely way. Both the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), regulatory authorities for medicinal products in Japan and the EU, respectively, have prepared supportive measures for SMEs from the early phase of product/technology development to the postmarketing phase. With respect to supports for SMEs, both agencies have provided similar SME-specific supportive activities, including routine administrative assistance, consultations about product development strategy from an early phase, as well as specific regulatory/scientific issues and fee incentives. In addition, there is a system to register SME status in the EU, which can be a tool for regulators to know how much potential SME-driven activities have and with whom they should communicate to provide necessary supports. Furthermore, as new technologies and novel products from SMEs are not limited to the region where they are developed, close communication about these topics between the PMDA and the EMA will contribute to advancing patients' access to necessary medicinal products.


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    I Made Marthana Yusa


    Full Text Available Abstrak Merkuri adalah salah satu jenis logam berat yang banyak ditemukan di alam dan tersebar dalam batuan, tanah, air dan udara sebagai senyawa anorganik dan organik. Merkuri dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai bidang industri, salah satunya industri emas. Pengelolaan limbah hasil industri pengolahan emas yang tidak sesuai dengan prosedur yang baik dan benar akan menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan. Merkuri yang telah mengontaminasi lingkungan dalam jangka waktu panjang akan membawa dampak buruk bagi kesehatan manusia yang sering berinteraksi dengan bahan merkuri ini. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan perancangan video berbasis animasi 2 dimensi, sebagai salah satu rekomendasi solusi edukasi, untuk pencegahan dampak kesehatan, akibat pencemaran lingkungan oleh merkuri di Lombok Tengah. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan fakta bahwa responden yang terdiri dari staf Konservasi dan Sumber Daya Alam serta staf Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Lingkungan Kantor Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Lombok Tengah menilai video edukasi berbasis animasi 2 dimensi yang dihasilkan sangat baik dari segi desain maupun penyampaian informasinya. Video ini juga bermanfaat untuk mengedukasi masyarakat penambang emas di Lombok Tengah agar lebih mewaspadai merkuri dan bahayanya, juga menghargai kesehatan diri dan keselamatan kerja. Kata Kunci: Animasi 2 Dimensi, Bahaya Merkuri, Merkuri, Metil Merkuri, Video Edukasi Abstract Mercury is one of the heavy metals found in nature and spread in rocks, soil, water and air as inorganic and organic compounds. Mercury can be utilized in various industrial fields, one of which is the gold industry. Waste management of gold processing industry that is not in accordance with good and correct procedures will cause environmental pollution. Mercury that has been contaminating the environment over the long term will have adverse effects on human health that often interact with these mercury ingredients. A 2-dimensional animation based video has been

  19. Evidence of high inbreeding in a population of the endangered giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla (Myrmecophagidae), from Emas National Park, Brazil


    Collevatti, Rosane G.; Leite, Kelly C.E.; Miranda, Guilherme H.B. de; Rodrigues, Flavio H.G.


    We report the genetic structure, relatedness and mating structure of a population of the endangered giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758 in the Emas National Park, Brazil, based on variability at five microsatellite loci. Additionally, we addressed the hypothesis that the M. tridactyla population studied has low levels of polymorphism and high levels of inbreeding and relatedness and that animals with overlapping home range are highly related. All five microsatellite loci dis...

  20. Implementasi Desentralisasi dan Otonomi Daerah Tingkat II Masa Orde Baru

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    Warsito Utomo


    Full Text Available Act No. 5 of 1974 on the Principles of Administration in Indonesian Local Government stipulates fundamental effort for decentralization – or more commonly known as local autonomy. This analysis shows, however, that insofar the implementation of the government act encourages more centralization instead of decentralization. It means that the Central Government has been dominantly rules nearly all aspects of local government during the New Order period. It is obvious that the implementation of decentralization policy or local autonomy is mostly determined by the existing political system and structure. On the Second Stage of local (Daerah Tingkat II, there are various local or internal factors which appears to be very influential for the effectiveness of such policy implementation. A descriptive analysis of the two Second Stage of local governments (Cilacap and Kudus indicates there are significant policy implementation differences. The very fact that there are local condition differences, specific handicaps confronted by local government, and some variance in human resources capability implies that the idea of uniformity in most of administrative procedure might not favourable for the future of decentralization and local outonomy policy. This is particularly important if we analyze all aspects related to such policy implementation. The above things do get sufficient attention in nearly all of this paper.

  1. PREFACE: EMAS 2013 Workshop: 13th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis (United States)

    Llovet, Xavier, Dr; Matthews, Mr Michael B.; Brisset, François, Dr; Guimarães, Fernanda, Dr; Vieira, Professor Joaquim M., Dr


    This volume of the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering contains papers from the 13th Workshop of the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis which took place from the 12th to the 16th of May 2013 in the Centro de Congressos do Alfândega, Porto, Portugal. The primary aim of this series of workshops is to assess the state-of-the-art and reliability of microbeam analysis techniques. The workshops also provide a forum where students and young scientists starting out on a career in microbeam analysis can meet and discuss with the established experts. The workshops have a very specific format comprising invited plenary lectures by internationally recognized experts, poster presentations by the participants and round table discussions on the key topics led by specialists in the field. This workshop was organized in collaboration with LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia and SPMICROS - Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia. The technical programme included the following topics: electron probe microanalysis, future technologies, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), particle analysis, and applications. As at previous workshops there was also a special oral session for young scientists. The best presentation by a young scientist was awarded with an invitation to attend the 2014 Microscopy and Microanalysis meeting at Hartford, Connecticut. The prize went to Shirin Kaboli, of the Department of Metals and Materials Engineering of McGill University (Montréal, Canada), for her talk entitled ''Plastic deformation studies with electron channelling contrast imaging and electron backscattered diffraction''. The continuing relevance of the EMAS workshops and the high regard in which they are held internationally can be seen from the fact that 74 posters from 21 countries were on display at the meeting and that the participants came from as far away as Japan, Canada and the USA. A


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    Willy Permana Putra


    Full Text Available Pada saat masyarakat ingin mengadukan atau komplain tentang adanya tindak kriminalitas kepada pihak kepolisian sering mendapatkan kesulitan dikarenakan  untuk mendapatkan nomor kontak dari masing-masing polsek dari daerah yang sedang terjadi kriminal. Aplikasi media informasi e-complaint kriminal ini memudahkan untuk masyarakat khususnya diwilayah Indramayu untuk melakukan pengaduan dari setiap kriminal yang pada daerahnya masing-masing dengan cepat agar dari pihak kepolisian dapat memproses lebih lanjut dan dapat mempersempit jalur kriminalitas pada wilayah indramayu. Dengan menyediakan aplikasi ini masyarakat dapat mengadu kepada kepolisian kapanpun dan dimanapun. Sistem ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan aplikasi gammu, PHP, dan database server MySQL. Pengujian sistem dilakukan diantaranya user melakukan sms dengan format pengaduan. Dari hasil pengujian sistem dimana pembangunan komponen-komponen pokok sebuah sistem. Dari sistem cukup mudah digunakan dan sudah memenuhi dari user requirement. Selain itu aplikasi ini dapat membantu masyarakat untuk mendapatkan informasi ataupun mengadukan kejadian kriminal dimanapun dan kapanpun secara real-time.Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa aplikasi media informasi e-complaint ini sangat membantu masyarakat dalam mendapatkan informasi dan pengaduan.Kata Kunci : media informasi e-complaint kriminal, Informasi, PengaduanPHP, MySQL, Gammu.

  3. Koreografi Lingkungan’ Masyarakat Plempoh, Prambanan, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Hendro Martono


    Full Text Available Desa Plempoh, yang berada di wilayah Prambanan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta,diharapkan sebagai penyangga pariwisata situs purbakala candi Boko. Akan tetapi,kenyataannya desa yang terletak di lereng bukit Boko menjelang masuk area candi,tidak menampilkan wujud sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Untuk itu, penulisdan sekaligus koreografer menawarkan alternatif solusi yang dapat memenuhikepentingan masyarakat. Masyarakat diberdayakan dalam pelatihan seni tari,nyanyi, dan teater. Metode yang digunakan adalah ‘Koreografi Lingkungan’,yaitu sebuah proses kreatif bekerja bersama antara tim perancangan seni denganmasyarakat untuk mewujudkan sebuah tari rakyat yang mengangkat legendasetempat, yaitu Jonggrang. Koreografinya mengungkapkan kearifan lokal denganpendekatan masa kini dan menggunakan versi rakyat yang membedakannya dengansendratari Rara Jonggrang yang sudah seringkali ditampilkan selama ini. Environmental Choreography of Plempoh society, Prambanan, Yogyakarta.Plempoh village, located in the region of Prambanan Yogyakarta, is expected as a bufferof Boko temple archaeological tourism sites. However, the fact that the village is locatedon the hillside of the entrance of the temple area, does not display the form as it isexpected. Therefore, the writer, also a choreographer, offers an alternative solution to meetthe interests of the community. The people of this society were empowered by the trainingsof dancing, singing, and theater. The method used in the research was ‘EnvironmentalChoreography’ which was a creative process of group working between the design teamand the society to create a public art with a folk dance which raised the local legend,Jonggrang. The choreography revealed the local wisdom with the present approach, andused the version distinguishing people with Rara Jonggrang ballet that has often beenshown lately.

  4. Adequacy of Current Equivalent Margins Analysis (EMA) Guidance, Data and Methodologies for 60+ Years of Operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Server, W.; Hardin, T.; Cipolla, R.; Hall, B.


    In order to assure the structural integrity of reactor pressure vessels (RPVs), the fracture toughness of the ferritic steels used to fabricate the RPV must be shown to be adequate during their entire operating life, including extended license life. The Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact test has been used in the nuclear industry since it uses a small test specimen that can be irradiated in surveillance programs and provides an indirect way of assessing the fracture toughness of RPV steels. The effects of embrittlement typically are characterized by changes to the average Charpy curves measured before and after irradiation: shift of the 30 ft-lb (41 J) index temperature, and decrease in the CVN upper shelf energy (USE). Requirements in the USA for the USE of RPV belt-line materials are codified in Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50 (10 CFR 50), Appendix G. Before irradiation, USE in the transverse (T-L) orientation for base materials and crack extension in the welding direction for weld materials must be greater than or equal to 75 ft-lb (102 J), and it is not to become less than 50 ft-lb (68 J) due to radiation embrittlement throughout the license of the RPV. If the projected USE of any RPV belt-line steel falls below 50 ft-lb (68 J), the projected value must be demonstrated to provide a margin of safety against ductile fracture equivalent to that required by Appendix G of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI. The analytical evaluation method used is called an equivalent margin analysis (EMA). This paper reviews the current status of EMAs and recommends improvements and clarifications that can be made to meet the needs of extended license life to 80 years. Focus is placed on analytical methodology, material property needs and proper implementation. (authors)

  5. Personal Influence Model of Public Relations: A Case Study in Indonesia’s Mining Industry

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    Gregoria Arum Yudarwati


    Full Text Available Abstract: Studi kasus di industri pertambangan Indonesia dipilih sebagai jendela untuk memahami fungsi public relations (PR di era paska Suharto. Partisipan memandang era reformasi yang memungkinkan kebebasan berpendapat dan sistem desentralisasi sebagai pemicu untuk menyusun strategi public relations (PR yang baru dalam menjalin hubungan dengan publik. Personal relationship model of PR ditemukan sebagai model PR yang dominan di industri pertambangan Indonesia. Model ini dipilih sebagai strategi untuk membangun hubungan baik dengan orangorang kunci di komunitas yang dipahami sebagai masyarakat kolektif. Temuan ini mendukung proposisi yang menyatakan adanya pengaruh budaya setempat dan nilai-nilai lokal terhadap paktekPR.

  6. Pencemaran merkuri di perairan dan karakteristiknya: suatu kajian kepustakaan ringkas

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    M. Adlim


    Full Text Available Abstract. The issue of mercury pollution in Aceh waters, Indonesiadue to gold mining activities hasbeen a polemic in local media and Aceh Local Government and the communities have much concern on this case. The impact of mercury pollution in the Teunom and Tangse (Acehrivers was often assumed that it has similarity with Minamatapollution in Japan. This article intends to enlighten the characteristic mercury either as elements or compounds including methyl mercury which is highly toxic. Gold mining using elemental mercury is poorly soluble in water, the solubility is only 0.06 g per ton of mercury but the solubility can increase indark the sea-bed and ina lot of dissolved oxygen. Based on the properties of solubility, it is understood that the mercury levels in the Teunom and Tangse rivers still below the tolerance limit, but the gold mining activities still bringsthe risk of environmental damage especially inadequate supervision. Many researchers were trying to prove the natural conversionfrom mercury into methyl mercury (biomethylation but they usedthe salt instead of the elemental mercury in their experiments. Methyl mercury is found in nature, but the process mercury conversion into methyl mercury compound is still controversial and it has not obtained adequate evidence for the natural alteration,therefore gold pollution which is due to releasing elemental mercury into environment might not be analogue to Minamata case. Keywords: Aceh; Methyl-mercury; Minamata; Mining; Gold   Abstrak. Informasi pencemaran merkuri di perairan Aceh dan kaitannya dengan aktivitas pertambangan emas telah menjadi polemik sehingga menjadi perhatian Pemda Aceh dan Masyarakat. Dampak pencemaran merkuri di Sungai Teunom dan Tangse sering dianalogikan dengan kasus pencemaran merkuri di teluk Minamata, Jepang. Artikel ini bermaksud memberi pencerahan kharakteristik merkuri baik sebagai unsur maupun sebagai senyawa seperti metil merkuri yang sangat beracun. Penambangan

  7. Kinerja Efisiensi Teknis Bank Pembangunan Daerah: Pendekatan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA

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    Zaenal Abidin


    Full Text Available This research utilises the non-parametric frontier approach, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA to analyze technical efficiency of the regional development banks (BPD. The data was during 2006-2007 covering 26 BPD in Indonesia. The result of study indicated that the regional of development bank did not achieve technical efficiency at the level of maximum (100%. On avarege, the big-asset of BPD are found to be more efficient than the middle and small asset. The study has important implications such as guiding the BPD policy regarding merger and bank intermediary. Since the study pinpoints the sources of inefficiency , it would also help banks with strategic planning Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia:Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan non-parametrik Data Envelopment Analysis untuk menganalisis efisiensi teknis Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD. Data yang digunakan selama 2006-2007 yang meliputi 26 bank BPD seluruh Indonesia. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa kinerja efisiensi teknis bank BPD belum mencapai tingkat efisiensi optimal 100 persen. Secara rata-rata, bank BPD beraset lebih besar lebih efisien daripada bank BPD beraset menengah dan kecil. Penelitian ini memiliki implikasi penting dalam rangka mengoptimalkan kinerja efisiensi maka bank kecil dan menengah harus melakukan merger dan meningkat fungsi intermediasi perbankan. 


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    Bowo Susilo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor perekonomian yang masih menjadi unggulan di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, menempatkan sektor ini sebagai aktivitas utama ekonomi masyarakat dan juga sumber penguatan perekonomian rakyat. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan jangka panjang yaitu untuk mengembangkan model integrasi antar faktor fisik dan sosial ekonomi dalam menentukan prioritas arahan pengembangan di sektor pertanian, terutama untuk menentukan jenis komoditas yang paling sesuai pada suatu satuan lahan atau wilayah tertentu yang menjadi daerah basis pertanian. Selain itu juga mengukur keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulan kompetitif daerah basis pertanian DIY ditinjau dari sub sektor tanaman pangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan di Provinsi DIY yang sangat sesuai untuk tanaman padi sebesar 25,4%, sedangkan untuk tanaman kacang tanah lebih kecil lagi yaitu 16% dan untuk tanaman jagung hanya 2%. Faktor yang membatasi tingkat kesesuaian lahan pada 3 jenis tamanan pangan tersebut adalah kondisi perakaran tanaman, ketersediaan unsur hara, retensi hara dan medan atau lokasi. Lahan yang mampu diusahakan untuk aktivitas pertanian dan sesuai dengan kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman pangan adalah di Ledok Wonosari, Lereng Tengah Merapi, Lereng Bawah Merapi dan Batur Agung.   ABSTRACT The agricultural sector is a sector of the economy is still seeded in various regions in Indonesia, putting this sector as the main economic activity of society and also the source of strengthening the economy of the people. This research has a long-term goal is to develop a model of integration between the physical and socio-economic factors in determining the priority direction of development in the agricultural sector, especially to determine the most appropriate types of commodities on a unit of land or a particular region of the local agricultural base. It also measures the comparative advantage and competitive advantage DIY agricultural base area in terms of

  9. Economic valuation of the Emas waterfall, Mogi-Guaçu River, SP, Brazil

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    Janice Peixer


    Full Text Available The Emas waterfall in Mogi-Guaçu River is regionally recognized as an important fishing spot and touristic place. The first reports of the professional and sport fishing there date back from the 30's, which is the same period when the tourism took place. The present paper provides an environmental valuation of this place and an assessment of the differences among the major groups of people using the area. During 2006 we interviewed 33 professional fishers, 107 sport fishers, 45 tourists and 103 excursionists in order to estimate the Willingness to Pay (WTP for each category and to analyze the influence of socioeconomic factors by means of logistic regressions and ANCOVAs. The WTP of professional fisher was significantly influenced by age and education, and the WTP for the sport fishers was influenced by the family income. The variables that influenced the tourists' and excursionists' WTP were sex and education. The total annual aggregated value to maintain the waterfall in the current conditions was estimated in US$ 11.432.128, and US$ 55.424.283 to restore it.A Cachoeira de Emas, no Rio Mogi-Guaçu, é reconhecida regionalmente como um importante local para a pesca e o turismo. Os primeiros registros da pesca profissional e esportiva no local datam da década de 30, que é o mesmo período em que a atividade do turismo teve seu início. O presente artigo fornece uma valoração ambiental deste local e identifica as diferenças entre os principais grupos de pessoas que o frequentam. Durante o ano de 2006 nós entrevistamos 33 pescadores profissionais, 107 pescadores esportivos, 45 turistas e 103 excursionistas para estimar a Disposição a Pagar ( P de cada categoria e para analisar a influência de fatores socioeconômicos através de regressões logísticas e ANCOVAs. A DAP dos pescadores profissionais foi significativamente influenciada pela idade e escolaridade e a DAP dos pescadores esportivos foi significativamente influenciada pela renda


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    Samsul Kamal


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Pemanfaatan energi angin di Indonesia, khususnya untuk pembangkit listrik masih berskala sangat kecil. Penggunaan energi angin saat ini masih terbatas terutama untuk tujuan penelitian yang sifatnya sporadis. Pemanfaatan energi angin untuk pembangkit listrik guna keperluan masyarakat, masih terkendala oleh tidak cukupnya pengetahuan tentang sejauh mana teknologi turbin angin telah berkembang hingga sekarang, serta masih sangat terbatasnya pengetahuan dan informasi akan tempat-tempat yang mempunyai potensi energi angin yang tinggi. Pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Tengah melalui Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Purworejo merencanakan untuk mendorong penggunaan energi yang bersih atau bersahabat dengan lingkungan untuk penyediaan energi listrik yaitu menggunakan sumber energi angin. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mencari daerah dengan potensi energi angin yang tinggi. Berdasar pada pengukuran kecepatan, arah dan pola angin di Kertojayan yang berlokasi di 67"49'49,5" LS dan 109'49'45,6" BT, menunjukkan bahwa angin di daerah tersebut mempunyai prospek yang baik untuk sumber energi listrik. Data yang terkumpul menunujukkan bahwa energi angin yang tersedia di daerah tersebut mempunyai potensi yang baik untuk menjadikannya sebagai daerah pembangkit energi listrik tenaga angin. Kecepatan angin rerata tahunan tercatat 6,06 m/dtk. yang memberikan rerata rapat daya sebesar 300,045 W/m2. Berdasar pada data yang ada dianjurkan untuk menggunakan mesin turbin angin berskala medium 100 kW setiap mesinnya dengan konstruksi arah tetap, guna memanfaatkan energi angin yang tersedia secara ekonomis.    ABSTRACT  The use of wind energy in Indonesia, especially for electricity generation, is of a very small scale.  Current application today is limited mainly in sporadic experimental purposes. The use of wind energy in electricity generation for public uses is hindered by lack of awareness in the current level of wind turbine technology as well as inadequate knowledge and

  11. Banks, environment and sustainable development. EMAS regulation n. 761/2001/EC applied to the financial institutions; Banche, ambiente e sviluppo sostenibile l'adesione degli istituti finanziari al regolamento EMAS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andriola, L; Ingrisano, G; Sampognaro, G [ENEA, Divisione Caratterizzazione dell' Ambiente e del Territorio, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The purpose of this work is to characterize the role of the financial institutions in achieving sustainable development meaning a process of development which leaves at least the same amount of capital, natural and man-made, to future generations as current generations have access to. This makes it clear that sustainable development is about capital allocation and thus should be at the core of financial markets activity. On a more practical level the different ways banks affect environment are analyzed: as investors - supplying the investments with environmental perspective; as lenders - developing new financial products to encourage sustainable development; as valuers - estimating risks and opportunities in project-financing; as powerful stake holders - as shareholders and lenders they can exercise considerable influence over companies; - as polluters - while not dirty industries, financial institutions do consume natural resources. By the study of these environmental aspects it comes out that bank should introduce the environmental variable in internal management to reduce their own impacts and, above all, in credit assessment, in development of new financial products to encourage businesses to invest in duty technologies and adopt environmental management systems (EMAS, ISO 14001), and in helping small shareholders in deciding how to invest their own money, for example advising Green funds. [Italian] Lo scopo del presente lavoro e' individuare il ruolo delle istituzioni finanziarie nel perseguire uno sviluppo sostenibile ossia un processo di sviluppo che lasci alle generazioni future lo stesso capitale, naturale e creato dall'uomo, di cui dispone l'attuale generazione. Da tale affermazione risulta evidente che lo sviluppo sostenibile e' relazionato alle scelte di investimento e dovrebbe dunque essere il core-business dei mercati finanziari. Piu' in dettaglio vengono analizzati i differenti modi con cui la banca influenza l'ambiente: come investitori - sostenendo

  12. Eksistensi Dewan Perwakilan Daerah Dalam Sistem Bikameral di Indonesia

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    Miki Pirmansyah


    Full Text Available Abstract: The DPD existence of Bicameral System in Indonesia. Bicameral system of representation is a term consisting of two chambers, in Indonesia known as the House of Representatives and the DPD aims to achieve good governance as well as the achievement of checks and balances between state institutions, especially in the legislature, which is one of the most important elements in the implementation of the State. This institution has the main function in the setting and monitoring budgets. Thus, there are two rooms in the legislature is expected to achieve two controls in each policy issued, so it will tend to have a positive impact for the progress of the State and will ultimately achieved good governance as the ultimate goal of a state. Abstrak: Eksistensi Dewan Perwakilan Daerah Dalam Sistem Bikameral Di Indonesia. Bikameral merupakan istilah sistem perwakilan yang terdiri dari dua kamar (cembers,di Indonesia dikenal dengan istilah DPR RI dan DPD RI yang bertujuan untuk mencapai pemerintahan yang baik (good gavernment serta tercapainya check and balances antara lembaga negara khususnya di lembaga legislatif, yang merupakan salah satu unsur terpenting dalam penyelenggaraan Negara. Lembaga ini mempunyai fungsi utama dalam pengaturan, anggaran, dan pengawasaan. Dengan demikian, adanya dua kamar dalam lembaga legislatif diharapkan tercapainya dua kontrol dalam setiap kebijakan yang dikeluarkan, sehingga akan cenderung berdampak positif bagi kemajuan negara dan pada akhirnya akan tercapai pemerintahan yang baik sebagai tujuan akhir dari sebuah negara DOI: 10.15408/jch.v1i1.1461


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    Devi Permatasari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keinginan berpindah auditor dari Kantor Akuntan Publik, yaitu faktor-faktor gaya kepemimpinan, konflik peran, ambiguitas peran, kesempatan promosi, kepuasan gaji, kebutuhan untuk berkembang, komitmen organisasi, dan kepuasan kerja. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua auditor yang bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 127 responden yang bekerja sebagai auditor di Kantor Akuntan Publik yang tersebar di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, yaitu kota Semarang, Surakarta, Purwokerto, dan Yogyakarta. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis regresi menggunakan teknik multivariat Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa keinginan berpindah auditor dari Kantor Akuntan Publik banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor, seperti gaya kepemimpinan, konflik peran, ambiguitas peran, kesempatan promosi, kepuasan gaji, dan kebutuhan untuk berkembang yang dimediasi oleh variabel komitmen organisasi dan kepuasan kerja The objective of this research is to investigate the factors of auditor’s turnover intention at public accountant firms, there are leadership style, role conflict, role ambiguity, promotion opportunities, pay satisfaction, personal growth needs, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Population of the research is all of auditors who have been working at public accountant firms in Central Java and DIY. Whereas the sample is 127 respondents who have been working as an auditor at public accountant firms, spread in Central Java and DIY, there are Semarang, Surakarta, Purwokerto, and Yogyakarta. The hypothesis test was done by regression analysis using multivariate techniques Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. Based on the results of hypothesis test, then the conclusions are auditor’s turnover


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    Femmy Roosje Kawuwung


    Full Text Available Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone sebelumnya bernama Dumoga Bone. Nani Wartabone seorang pahlawan yang terkenal di daerah Gorontalo, untuk mengenang pahlawan tersebut maka namanya diabadikan pada nama Taman Nasional. Pada tahun 1982 luas 300.000 hektar dinyatakan Menteri Pertanian. Ditunjuk Menteri Kehutanan, SK No. 731/Kpts-II/1992 luas 287.115 hektar. Propinsi Gorontalo dengan ketinggian tempat 50 – 2.000 meter dpl. Posisi 1o– 4o LS, 120o – 124o BT. Permasalahan; terjadinya fragmentasi, perladangan berpindah, pertanian, illegal logging, pemukiman, pertambangan, dan pencurian spesies flora dan fauna. Tujuan mengetahui potensi Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone, permasalahan dan upaya konservasi.Potensi Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone adalah; Flora terdiri dari 400 jenis pohon, 241 jenis tumbuhan tinggi, 120 jenis efifit dan terdapat 24 jenis anggrek. Tumbuhan endemik yaitu; palem matayangan, kayu hitam dan bunga bangkai(Amophaphallus compamulatus. Tumbuhan yang umum adalah cempaka, kenanga, agates, dan tanaman hias.Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone memiliki 24 jenis mamalia, 64 jenis aves, 11 jenis reptile. Mamalia (satwa endemik : monyet hitam/yaki (Macaca nigra, Monyet Dumoga Bone, babirusa, kelelawar bone, kus-kus besar (Palanger ursinus, anoa kecil (B.quarlesi. Di Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone tercatat 200 – 225 jenis burung. Reptil : ular kobra, king kobra (N. hammah, ular belang, katak pohon (Rhacophorus monticola, ikan : ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio, bekicot (Achatina fulica. Upaya konservasi adalah pada tingkat pengembangan dan pengawasan. Dalam upaya konservasi harus ada kerja sama dari pemerintah dan masyarakat sekitar kawasan.

  15. Banks, environment and sustainable development. EMAS regulation n. 761/2001/EC applied to the financial institutions; Banche, ambiente e sviluppo sostenibile l'adesione degli istituti finanziari al regolamento EMAS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andriola, L.; Ingrisano, G.; Sampognaro, G. [ENEA, Divisione Caratterizzazione dell' Ambiente e del Territorio, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The purpose of this work is to characterize the role of the financial institutions in achieving sustainable development meaning a process of development which leaves at least the same amount of capital, natural and man-made, to future generations as current generations have access to. This makes it clear that sustainable development is about capital allocation and thus should be at the core of financial markets activity. On a more practical level the different ways banks affect environment are analyzed: as investors - supplying the investments with environmental perspective; as lenders - developing new financial products to encourage sustainable development; as valuers - estimating risks and opportunities in project-financing; as powerful stake holders - as shareholders and lenders they can exercise considerable influence over companies; - as polluters - while not dirty industries, financial institutions do consume natural resources. By the study of these environmental aspects it comes out that bank should introduce the environmental variable in internal management to reduce their own impacts and, above all, in credit assessment, in development of new financial products to encourage businesses to invest in duty technologies and adopt environmental management systems (EMAS, ISO 14001), and in helping small shareholders in deciding how to invest their own money, for example advising Green funds. [Italian] Lo scopo del presente lavoro e' individuare il ruolo delle istituzioni finanziarie nel perseguire uno sviluppo sostenibile ossia un processo di sviluppo che lasci alle generazioni future lo stesso capitale, naturale e creato dall'uomo, di cui dispone l'attuale generazione. Da tale affermazione risulta evidente che lo sviluppo sostenibile e' relazionato alle scelte di investimento e dovrebbe dunque essere il core-business dei mercati finanziari. Piu' in dettaglio vengono analizzati i differenti modi con cui la banca influenza l

  16. Dampak Sosial Ekonomi dan Peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam Perkembangan Teknologi Pitalebar di Indonesia [Social Economy Impact and Local Government Initiative relating to Broadband Technology Development in Indonesia

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    Wirianto Pradono


    Full Text Available Indonesia memiliki aset yang berperan penting bagi pembangunan nasional termasuk sosial dan ekonomi antara lain sumber daya manusia dan industri dalam negeri. TIK khususnya internet pitalebar merupakan salah satu kunci dalam pembangunan sosial ekonomi di suatu negara. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana dampak pemanfaatan internet pitalebar di Indonesia terhadap aspek sosial ekonomi masyarakat serta mengidentifikasi apakah langkah yang telah dilakukan pemerintah daerah dalam mendorong pemanfaatan internet pitalebar telah dilakukan secara optimal. Data yang diperoleh melalui penelitian dianalisis menggunakan metode Matthew B Miles dan A Michael Huberman, (2007. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan internet pitalebar di Indonesia meningkat dengan signifikan dan memberikan dampak positif terhadap pertumbuhan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Namun demikian pemanfaatan internet pitalebar tersebut belum dilakukan secara optimal terutama untuk tujuan yang bersifat produktif. Pemerintah daerah telah melakukan sejumlah langkah strategis untuk mendorong pemanfaatan internet pitalebar di Indonesia seperti penggelaran ducting untuk kabel serat optik, pelatihan bidang TIK, penyediaan akses internet WiFi di fasilitas publik. Namun, langkah yang dilakukan pemerintah daerah perlu lebih diintensifkan guna memperluas penetrasi internet pitalebar untuk peningkatan dan pemerataan pertumbuhan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat Indonesia.*****Indonesia has invaluable assets which are important to the national development. Those assets need to be managed properly in order to deliver significant contribution to the national development, especially in social and economy aspects. Nowadays, Information and Communication Technology (ICT, especially broadband internet, is one of some key points in social economy development in a country. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used in this study to capture broadband internet utilization in Indonesia and identify

  17. Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Malaria Di Wilayah Pertambangan Emas tanpa Izin (PETI Kecamatan Mandor Kabupaten Landak Propinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    Maulidiyah Salim


    5.211, the usage of mesh on the house ventilations (p = 0.034; OR = 5.714; CI 95 95% = 1.201 – 7.192, the habit of using mosquito net (p = 0.004; OR = 5.378; CI 95 95% = 1.700 – 7.014, the habit of using mosquito repellent (p = 0.000; OR = 6.5; CI 95 95% = 2.935 – 4.394, and the habit of going out of the house at night (p = 0.006; OR = 7.849; CI 95 95% = 1.695 – 6.341.From the multivariate analysis by binary logisticregression, the risk factors influencing on the malaria cases were found: the use of mosquito net, the use of mesh on the house ventilations, the use of mosquito repellent, and the habit of going out of the house at night. The most dominant factor was the use of mosquito repellent with p = and CI 95% = 3.048 – 18.033. Based on the analysis results, it can be found that the use of mosquito net, the use of mesh on the house ventilations, the use of mosquito repellent, and the habit of going out of the house at night have the probability of the risk of having malaria is as much as 95.5%. Keywords : endemic area, malaria, risk factors, area of gold mining

  18. KEBERADAAN FUNGI MIKORIZA ARBUSKULA DI KAWASAN TAILING TAMBANG EMAS TIMIKA SEBAGAI UPAYA REHABILITASI LAHAN RAMAH LINGKUNGAN (The Presence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Tailings of Mining Gold Timika as An Attempt of Environmentally Friendly

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    Suharno Suharno


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Fungi mikoriza arbuskula (FMA berperan penting dalam menunjang rehabilitasi lahan terdegradasi, termasuk lahan tailing. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keberadaan FMA lokal di lahan tailing tambang emas Timika – Papua, Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan mengisolasi FMA dari rhizosfer beberapa jenis tumbuhan dominan di kawasan daerah pengendapan pasir sisa tambang. Pengecatan akar untuk melihat infeksi oleh FMA dilakukan dengan trypane blue, sedangkan perhitungan persen infeksinya dilakukan dengan metode slide. Keberadaan spora FMA dilakukan dengan metode wet sieving. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat FMA di lahan tailing di kawasan pengendapan Modified Ajkwa Deposition Area (ModADA. Persentase infeksi tertinggi (>50% diketahui pada jenis tumbuhan Ficus adenosperma (86,7%, Brachiaria sp (73,3%, Amomum sp (66,7%, Bidens pilosa (63,3%, dan Musaenda frondosa (56,7%, sedangkan beberapa jenis lain mempunyai persen infeksi yang lebih rendah. Jumlah spora pada rhizosfer tumbuhan Brachiaria sp., F. adenosperma, dan Amomum sp., merupakan yang tertinggi dibanding dengan tumbuhan lain yakni 17, 13, dan 11 spora per 10 g tanah.  ABSTRACT Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF has an important role in supporting the rehabilitation of degraded land such as tailings. The purpose of this research was to reveal the existence of indigenous AMF in tailing area of gold mine in Timika – Papua, Indonesia. The method was a survey by isolating some types of AMF from rhizosphere of dominant plant in the deposit area of mine sand residue. To define the AMF infected roots was conducted painting roots using trypane blue, where as the calculation of percent infection was carried out using slide methods. The presence of spores of AMF was done by wet sieving method. The results showed that AMF was found in tailings deposition on the Modified Ajkwa Deposition Area (ModADA. The highest percentage infections (>50% was found under


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    Anik Juniwati Santoso


    Full Text Available Glazing elemen of the high-rise building plays an importan role in determining energy performance of the building . Apart from aesthetic consideration, glazing provides view outside and allows internal spaces to be lit naturally. In tropical climate, however, this can be disadvantage as it brings heat inside. Using computer simulation, the present study invitigates these two conctradictory function in terms of energi consumption in four cases of high-rise building in Surabaya. It appears from the study that provision of thermally good glazing contributes more in energy saving than that of glazing for daylighting. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Bidang kaca sebagai elemen fasad bangunan tinggi ikut menentukan karakter arsitektur dan kinerja energi sebuah bangunan. Bidang kaca disamping diperlukan untuk penyediaan pemandangan juga untuk untuk penerangan alami. Fungsi yang disebut terakhir sering kali disertai oleh peningkatan panas pada bangunan, khususnya di daerah beriklim tropis lembab. Penyelidikan konsekuensi energi akibat bidang kaca ini dilakukan dengan simulasi komputer pada empat bangunan bertingkat di Surabaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penghematan energi dengan jalan peningkatan kemampuan termal kaca lebih besar dibanding dengan peningkatan kemampuan untuk pencahayaan almi. Kata kunci: bangunan tinggi, bidang kaca, energi, iklim tropis lembab.

  20. Kandungan Komponen Fenolat, Kadar Fenolat Total, dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Madu dari Beberapa Daerah di Jawa dan Sumatera

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    Ichda Chayati


    Full Text Available KANDUNGAN KOMPONEN FENOLAT, KADAR FENOLAT TOTAL, DAN AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN MADU DARI BEBERAPA DAERAH DI JAWA DAN SUMATERA Study of Phenolic Compounts, Total Phenolic, and Antioxidant Activities of Monofloral Honeys from Some Areas in Java and Sumatera ABSTRACT Background. Many diseases resulted from degenerative processess which can be inhibited by antioxidant systems. Honey is one of food with antioxidant activity. Objective. This study aims to investigate antioxidant activities of several types of monofloral honey from Java and Sumatera. Method. A laboratory experimental study, conducted on 4 types of floral honeys: coffee, palm trees, cottonwoods and rambutan. Determination of phenolic compounds was performed with High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC and measurement of total phenolic contents performed with Folin-Ciocalteu’s reagent. Antioxidant activity was conducted in two ways, those were by 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrasyl (DPPH free radical scavenging method and linoleic acid peroxidation method using butylated hydroxytoluene(BHT as a standard. Data were analyzed using Analysis of varian (Anova and continued with Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT. Result. Four types of Javanese and Sumateranese honeys contained some phenolic compounds. Those are chlorogenic acid, cafeic acid, ρ-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, pinobanksin, quercetin, luteolin, pinocembrin and chrysin while the dominant fenolic compound varies between honeys. Total phenolic contents from four types of honey were between 2.000 to 4.400 ppm. The highest phenolic content was in honey from cottonwoods, but the best antioxidant activity was found in honey from coffee. Antioxidant activities were found in honey which come from the following order: coffee, cottonwoods, palm trees, and rambutan honey. Antioxidant activities did not correlated with total phenolic content. Conclusion. Javanese and Sumateranese honey contained nine active substances that varies in total

  1. Di Bawah Bayang-Bayang Kota: Penataan Daerah di Provinsi Banten dari Zaman Kolonial sampai Zaman Reformasi

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    Radjimo Sastro Wijono


    Full Text Available Artikel ini membahas reformasi wilayah yang berlangsung di provinsi termuda di Indonesia yaitu Banten sejak zaman penjajahan Belanda sampai masa reformasi. Reformasi wilayah yang terjadi di daerah ini sangat menarik untuk dipelajari. Situasi politik-ekonomi merupakan faktor utama terjadinya reformasi wilayah di Banten. Dengan menggunakan metode sejarah, perubahan pengaturan wilayah Banten diketahui telah terjadi beberapa kali sejak masa penguasa tradisional (kesultanan yang dilumpuhkan oleh pemerintah kolonial pada abad ke-19 hingga masa reformasi. Pada masa kolonial, Gubernur Jenderal Daendles mereformasi wilayah Banten menjadi tiga kabupaten yaitu Banten Hulu, Banten Hilir, dan Anyer. Sementara itu, pada masa kolonial Inggris wilayah Banten dibagi menjadi empat kabupaten yaitu Banten Lor, Banten Kulon, Banten Tengah, dan Banten Kidul. Perubahan kebijakan reformasi teritorial itu tentu saja membawa dampak dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, dan budaya. Regulasi penataan wilayah di Banten tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh bayang-bayang situasi politik dan ekonomi dari Jakarta dan Bandung, tetapi juga berdasar pada aspek ekologis serta kepentingan umum masyarakat yang multikultur.


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    I Made Pageh


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1 memahami latar belakang sejarah Enclave Nyama Bali–Nyama Selam di Bali; (2 menganalisis faktor integratif Enclave Nyama Bali-Nyama Selam, untuk mengembangkan kerukunan antarumat beragama di Bali; (3 mendapatkan materi penenulisan Model Buku Panduan integrasi sosial pada Enclave Nyama Selam-Nyama Bali di Era Otonomi Daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian ilmu sosial dengan pendekatan sejarah sosial. Dengan demikian prosedur penelitian ini mengikuti prosedur ilmu sosial (etnografi koneksitas antar situs, dari penentuan informan, pengumpulan data sampai analisis data,  dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan. latar belakang sejarah kearifan enclave Nyama Bali- Nyama Selam, terutama yang berkaitan dengan menumbuhkembangkan integrasi dan harmoni sosial di era otonomi daerah, tidak dapat dilepaskan dari sejarah masuknya agama Islam ke Bali terkait perdagangan di pinggir pantai, seperti Islam di pinggir pelabuhan Buleleng, Sangsit, Temukus kemudian menyebar ke pedalaman bertani seperti Islam di Pancasari, Tegalinggah, dan Batu Gambir, beberapa islam di pedalaman Karangasem. Enclave Islam  terkait dengan politik kerajaan, tinggal di sekitar kerajaan dan atau di pedalaman membentuk enclave tersendiri (Nyama Selam Pegarayaman, Karangasem, Kepaon, Serangan, Loloan Negara, hubungan nyama selam dengan kerajaan adalah hubungan “patro-klient, tautan kaula gusti. dan migrasi berantai dalam perdagangan sektor informal. Faktor Integratif Enclaves Nyama Bali- Nyama Islam dengan kerajaan, dapat dipahami dari latar belakang sejarah politik kerajaan, dengan menempatkan penduduk muslim mengelilingi puri, sebagai benteng, kasus ini dapat dijumpai pada masa kerajaan Karangasem, Klungkung, Badung, Buleleng dan Jemberana, diikuti dengan perkawinan politik (kasus badung dengan enclave Kepaon. Bentuknya di Bidang Sosial (Perkawinan lintas agama, meminjam identitas etnik magibung, ngejot


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    Ibrahim Fikma Edrisy


    Full Text Available Abstract The implementation of rehabilitation on underage narcotics users based on state regulation of narcotics, an addicts narcotics users is obliged to take a rehabilitation process, but this policy has never been applied, most of the underage narcotics users were sentenced to be put in jail than taking rehabilitation. The formulation of the problem in this thesis is: why is the implementation of rehabilitation on underage narcotics users so low. What is the problem with implementing rehabilitation on underage narcotics users? What do the police at Polda Lampung do on underage narcotics users? The result of the research show that the implementation of rehabilitation on underage narcotics users is not in line with state regulations, they are government policy, policy of health minister on technical regulation on medical rehabilitation for the drugs addicts, drugs users, and victim of drugs users, which stated that the underage narcotics users is supposed to be put in rehabilitation but this rule has never been applied on, most of the underage narcotics users were put in jail than on rehabilitation. The problem on rehabilitation is affected by some factors like law structure of Direktorat Narkoba Polda Lampung on the implementation of rehabilitation is not optimal, law culture on the level of obedience of the society about the law is not optimal, and the effort of Kepolisian Daerah Lampung in solving the underage narcotics users is through preemptive, preventive, and repressive way. Keywords: Rehabilitation, Under Age, Narcotics Abstrak Pelaksanaan rehabilitasi pengguna narkotika di bawah umur berdasarkan peraturan negara narkotika, pengguna pecandu narkotika wajib mengambil proses rehabilitasi, tetapi kebijakan ini belum pernah diterapkan, sebagian besar narkotika di bawah umur pengguna dihukum untuk diletakkan di penjara daripada mengambil rehabilitasi. Rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini adalah: mengapa pelaksanaan rehabilitasi pada narkotika


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    Sri Rahayu


    menjadi dua, yaitu pengelompokan untuk pemahaman dan pengelompokan untuk penggunaan.Metode K-Means merupakan metode untuk teknik clustering yang paling sederhana dan umum.K-Means merupakan salah satu metode pengelompokan data nonhirarki (sekatan yang berusaha mempartisi data yang ada ke dalam bentuk dua atau lebih kelompok. Metode ini mempartisi data ke dalam kelompok sehingga data berkarakteristik sama dimasukkan ke dalam satu kelompok yang sama dan data yang berkarakteristik berbeda dikelompokkan ke dalam kelompok yang lain. Tujuan dari pengelompokan ini adalah untuk meminimalkan fungsi objektif yang diset dalam proses pengelompokan, yang pada umumnya berusaha meminimalkan variasi di dalam suatu kelompok dan memaksimalkan variasi antar kelompok.Data yang ditambang untuk clustering penentuan potensi kejahatan daerah di kota Banjarbaru yaitu data kejahatan yang dimiliki oleh kepolisian Polres di kota Banjarbaru.Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tahapan teknik clustering dan membangun clustering penentuan potensi kejahatan daerah di kota Banjarbaru. Kata kunci:Clustering, Data mining,K-Means, K-Means Clustering

  5. Pengaruh Desentralisasi Fiskal dan Kinerja Terhadap Akuntabilitas Pelaporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah di Indonesia: Efek Moderasi dari Kinerja

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    Kurniatul Mudhofar


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of fiscal decentralization which is proxied by independence of local government, dependence on the central government, effectiveness of regional revenue realization, and performance toward local government financial reporting accountability. The sample using 698 district/city are listed in the Dirjen Perimbangan Keuangan Pusat dan Daerah Kementrian Dalam Negeri. The analysis technique used for Hypotheses testing is ordinal logistic regression. The results reveal independence of local government and performance influence degree of local government financial reporting accountability. Two variables i.e. dependence on the central government and effectiveness do not influence local government financial reporting accountability. While the performance as the moderating variable only influence on the relationship between dependence on the central government and local government financial reporting accountability and has no influence on the relation between region's autonomy relation and local government financial reporting accountability. 

  6. Electric Service Areas, Electric Servic Area - given to us from GA power and Planters Electric - distributed by the EMA Director, Val Ashcraft, Published in 2008, 1:2400 (1in=200ft) scale, Effingham County Government. (United States)

    NSGIC Local Govt | GIS Inventory — Electric Service Areas dataset current as of 2008. Electric Servic Area - given to us from GA power and Planters Electric - distributed by the EMA Director, Val...

  7. PlenadrEMA: effect of dual-release versus conventional hydrocortisone on fatigue, measured by ecological momentary assessments: a study protocol for an open-label switch pilot study. (United States)

    Boesen, Victor Brun; Christoffersen, Thea; Watt, Torquil; Borresen, Stina Willemoes; Klose, Marianne; Feldt-Rasmussen, Ulla


    Patients with adrenal insufficiency have impaired health-related quality of life (QoL). The dual-release hydrocortisone preparation, Plenadren, has been developed to mimic the physiological cortisol release more closely than conventional hydrocortisone treatment. Plenadren has been shown to improve QoL, in particular fatigue, in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency. However, the effect has not been investigated in patients with secondary adrenal insufficiency; furthermore, no study has taken the diurnal variation of fatigue into account. To assess diurnal variations, it is necessary to use repeated daily measurements, such as ecological momentary assessments (EMAs). This study aims to evaluate EMAs of fatigue as outcome in future large-scale randomised clinical trials. The PlenadrEMA trial is an investigator-initiated open-label switch pilot trial of the effect of Plenadren versus conventional hydrocortisone on fatigue in patients with secondary adrenal insufficiency. The trial will include 30 participants. After 5 weeks on their usual hydrocortisone treatment, patients will be shifted to Plenadren for 16 weeks. Fatigue will be assessed using momentary versions of the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20). Items will be administered to participants via a smartphone application four times daily during 20 days. Assessments will be performed before treatment shift and repeated after 12.5 weeks on Plenadren. The study will identify the best suited outcome for future randomised clinical trials, and in addition, estimate the variability and difference in fatigue between the two treatments to perform power calculations. The trial will be conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and has been approved by the Regional Scientific Ethical Committee in Copenhagen (ID: H-1-2014-073). All patients will receive written and verbal information about the trial and will give informed consent before enrolment. Findings will be published in peer


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    Agus Rahmat


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan pemerintah Indonesia atas Humas pemerintah tidak lagi dalam tataran wacana atau sekedar konsep secara keIlmuan, keberadaan Humas pemerintah didorong atas kebutuhan pemerintah untuk menjelaskan apa yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah kepada ,asyarakat guna memperoleh dukungan dan untuk menerangkan apa dan bagaimana yang dilakukan pemerintah sehingga lingkungan masyarakat dalam dan masyarakat luar percaya. sudah sejak lama pemerintah di Indonesia termasuk pemerintah daerah memiliki Humas pemerintah, bahkan khusus di lingkungan pemerintah, profesi ini tergabung dalam wadah BakoHumas. Fakta yang ada dan berkembang mengisyaratkan sekaligus mempertanyakan mengenai kinerja Humas Pemerintah selama ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsi kinerja Humas pemerintah khususnya Humas Pemerintah kabupaten dan kota di Jawa Barat. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran angket. Temuan dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa: pertama, kinerja Humas pemerintah lebih banyak menerimaan teguran dibanding pujian/penghargaan atas hasil kerja; kedua, pegawai di bagian Humas pemerintah sangat sedikit yang berlatar belakang pendidikan formal komunikasi, terlebih lulusan keHumasan selain itu pegawai juga jarang mendapat pendidikan non formal bidang keHumasan; ketiga, aktivitas Humas pemerintah lebih tertumpu pada kegiatan rutin berupa penyediaan informasi bagi media. Konsekuens dari temuan penelitian ini adalah perlunya pengembangan kompetensi pegawai Humas pemerintah melalui linieritas bidang kerja dan pendidikan bagi pegawai baru dan pelatihan bidang keHumasan bagi petugas yang sudah ada. DOI: 10.24198/jkk.vol4n2.2


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    Mokhamad Taufan Zulmi


    Full Text Available Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengelolaan arsip dinamis, kendala apa saja yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan arsip dinamis, dan bagaimana usaha dalam mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan arsip dinamis pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Pekalongan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisisi data meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian meliputi, penciptaan arsip berupa penerimaan dan pembuatan arsip. Penggunaan arsip meliputi kegiatan pelayanan peminjaman dan temu kembali. Peminjaman arsip belum menggunakan kartu pinjam arsip. Pemeliharaan meliputi pemberkasan, penataan, penyimpanan, dan alih media. Penyusutan meliputi kegiatan pemindahan dan pemusnahan arsip. Penyusutan arsip belum melakukan jadwal retensi arsip. The purpose of this study was to determine how the management of records , any obstacles encountered in the implementation of records management , and how the effort to overcome the obstacles encountered in the implementation of records management Ni the local water company of Pekalongan. It was a qualitative research. The data sources – as the informant – were the Archive Manager, the Head of Administration, the Archivists of the Regional Archives section. The data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis were performed by means of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the creation of the archive consists of two forms; they are acceptance and archiving. The use of the archive includes lending and retrieval services, the archives lending did not use the archive card yet, the maintenance of the archieves includes filing, organization, storage, and transfer of media, the depreciation

  10. Implementasi Kebijakan Pembiayaan Pendidikan pada Era Otonomi Daerah (Studi Kasus Implementasi Dana BOS dan BKM Pada Sekolah yang Terpilih di Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Panuntun Nur Karomah


    Full Text Available Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan pembiayaan pendidikan pada era otonomi daerah studi di Kabupaten Kebumen dilihat dari aspek pelaksanaan, sumber-sumber dan alokasi anggaran pendidikan. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan data adalah triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan BOS diimplementasikan berdasarkan RAKS dan RAPBS, dan BKM berdasarkan penjaringan dari pihak sekolah. Dana BOS bersumber dari APBN (pemerintah pusat, BKM bersumber dari APBD Kabupaten (pemerintah daerah dan sumbangan sukarela bersumber dari masyarakat. Alokasi dana BOS setiap sekolah berbeda-beda, yang mempengaruhi hal itu adalah perbedaan jenjang sekolah, banyaknya jumlah siswa yang ada di sekolah, perbedaan letak sekolah. Hal ini, karena setiap sekolah mempunyai perbedaan kebutuhan operasional sekolah dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan sekolah. Sumbangan sukarela untuk memenuhi kekurangan biaya yang diperlukan sekolah. Alokasi dana BKM tepat sasaran, namun waktu alokasi pencairannya kurang efektif .  This research aims to determine the education funding policy implementation at the regional autonomy in Kebumen, seen from the aspect implementation, resources and the education budget allocation for education. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. Test the validity of the data is triangulation. The results of this study are the implementation of BOS based RAKS and RAPBS, and BKM based networking from the school. BOS funds from the state budget (central government, BKM sourced from district budget (local government and voluntary contributions provided by the community. BOS funding is in each school different, the casue of difference in levels of schooling, the amount of students in the school, the school location. This is because each school has different operational needs and the activities. Voluntary donations for meet defiency from BOS. Allocation of

  11. Behavioural responses of captive-born greater rheas Rhea americana Linnaeus (Rheiformes, Rheidae submitted to antipredator training Respostas comportamentais de emas cativas Rhea americana Linnaeus (Rheiformes, Rheidae submetidas a treinamentoanti-predação

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    Cristiano S. de Azevedo


    Full Text Available Human activities have been diminishing greater rhea Rhea americana (Linnaeus, 1758 populations throughout their natural distribution. The reintroductions of captive-born greater rheas have been tried but without success; since the individuals reintroduced were killed by predators. Captive-born animals that have been isolated from predators for many generations can lose their predator recognition abilities. To enhance the survival rates of the reintroduced animals, researchers are now using antipredator training techniques. We studied the response of 15 zoo-borne greater rheas to antipredator training. The animals were divided into three groups: two test groups and one control group. We ran 15 antipredator tests and four control testes with each group. Antipredator tests consisted of pairing a taxidermized predator model or a real predator (domestic dog with a simulation of a capture procedure. Control tests consisted of presenting the predator model (jaguar to the birds, after training but not associating it with an aversive event and recording behavioural responses. All tests were video-recorded and analysed a posteriori. Results showed that the trained rheas responded appropriately to the predators, becoming more vigilant and that there was considerable individual differences in response to antipredator training. The results demonstrated that antipredator training is effective and therefore an invaluable tool for reintroduction projects involving greater rheas. Furthermore, the methods employed in this research project should be applicable to other species of flightless birds.As atividades humanas têm diminuído as populações de emas Rhea americana (Linnaeus, 1758 por toda sua área de distribuição. Reintroduções de emas nascidas em cativeiro têm sido tentadas, mas sem sucesso, uma vez que os indivíduos reintroduzidos são mortos por predadores. Animais nascidos em cativeiro que foram isolados de seus predadores por várias gera

  12. Analisa Penerapan Aplikasi Pelaporan Kepegawaian Berbasis Web Pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kabupaten Cilacap

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    Rina Mediaswati


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini mendiskusikan tentang penerapan Aplikasi Pelaporan Kepegawaian (APK berbasis Web pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD di Kabupaten Cilacap. Penilaian sistem pelaporan kepegawaian melalui Web ini penting untuk dikaji karena dari sistem SIMPEG yang digunakan sebelumnya dinilai masih kurang optimal. Mixed method research digunakan sebagai studi pendekatan kualitatif dengan indepth interviewdan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan survei digunakan untuk mengambarkan secara rinci hasil penerapan aplikasi pelaporan kepegawaian berbasis Web tersebut dari sisi pengguna (SDM. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dalam penerapan Aplikasi Pelaporan Kepegawaian (APK berbasis Web menunjukkan bahwa yang menjadi faktor pendukung keberhasilan SIMPEG adalah adanya pemikiran serta komitmen pemimpin dan anggaran yang cukup memadai. Belum adanya ketersediaan infrastruktur berupa sarana dan prasarana teknologi yang memadai menjadi faktor kendalanya. Sementara itu, pengukuran dari sisi pengguna (SDM dengan pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM menunjukkan bahwa penerimaan pengguna APK berbasis Web memiliki perilaku, minat, dan persepsi yang baik. Hal ini dapat ditunjukkan hasil pengukuran rerata variabel tertinggi yaitu Performance Expectancy sebesar 4,29 dan terendah yaitu variabel Image sebesar 3,32. Namun, masih banyaknya pengguna yang mempunyai tugas rangkap dengan beban kerja yang tinggi (work load pada SKPD-SKPD menyebabkan kesulitan untuk mengupdate data secara tepat menjadi kendala dalam pemutakhiran data kepegawaian pada sistem Web tersebut.

  13. EMA beamline at SIRIUS: extreme condition X-ray methods of analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza Neto, Narcizo


    Full text: The EMA beamline (Extreme condition X-ray Methods of Analysis) is one of the hard x-ray undulator beamlines within the first phase of the new synchrotron source in Brazil (Sirius project). This beamline is thought to make a difference where a high brilliance (high flux of up to 2 x 10 14 photons/sec with beam size down to 0.5 x 0.5 μm 2 ) is essential, which is the case for extreme pressures that require small focus and time-resolved that require high photon flux. With that in mind we propose the beamline to have two experimental hutches to cover most of the extreme condition techniques today employed at synchrotron laboratories worldwide. These two stations are thought to provide the general infrastructure for magnets and lasers experiments, which may evolve as new scientific problems appear. In addition to the hutches, support laboratories will be strongly linked and supportive to the experiments at the beamline, covering high pressure instrumentations using diamond anvil cells and pump-and-probe requirements for ultrafast and high power lasers. Along these lines, we will describe the following techniques covered at this beamline: magnetic spectroscopy (XMCD) and scattering (XRMS) under high pressure and very low temperature in order to fully probe both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials and the dependence with pressure; extreme pressure and temperature XRD and XAS experiments using very small diamond culet anvils and high power lasers. (author)

  14. EMA beamline at SIRIUS: extreme condition X-ray methods of analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souza Neto, Narcizo, E-mail: [Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais (CNPEM), Campinas, SP (Brazil)


    Full text: The EMA beamline (Extreme condition X-ray Methods of Analysis) is one of the hard x-ray undulator beamlines within the first phase of the new synchrotron source in Brazil (Sirius project). This beamline is thought to make a difference where a high brilliance (high flux of up to 2 x 10{sup 14} photons/sec with beam size down to 0.5 x 0.5 μm{sup 2}) is essential, which is the case for extreme pressures that require small focus and time-resolved that require high photon flux. With that in mind we propose the beamline to have two experimental hutches to cover most of the extreme condition techniques today employed at synchrotron laboratories worldwide. These two stations are thought to provide the general infrastructure for magnets and lasers experiments, which may evolve as new scientific problems appear. In addition to the hutches, support laboratories will be strongly linked and supportive to the experiments at the beamline, covering high pressure instrumentations using diamond anvil cells and pump-and-probe requirements for ultrafast and high power lasers. Along these lines, we will describe the following techniques covered at this beamline: magnetic spectroscopy (XMCD) and scattering (XRMS) under high pressure and very low temperature in order to fully probe both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials and the dependence with pressure; extreme pressure and temperature XRD and XAS experiments using very small diamond culet anvils and high power lasers. (author)

  15. PREFACE: Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop of the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis (United States)


    This volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering contains papers from the 11th Workshop of the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis which took place from 10-14 May 2009 in the Hotel Faltom, Gdynia, Poland. The primary aim of this series of workshops is to assess the state-of-the-art and reliability of microbeam analysis techniques. The workshops also provide a forum where students and young scientists starting out on careers in microbeam analysis can meet and discuss with the established experts. The workshops have a very distinct format comprising invited plenary lectures by internationally recognized experts, poster presentations by the participants and round table discussions on the key topics led by specialists in the field. For this workshop EMAS invited speakers on the following topics: EPMA, EBSD, fast energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, three-dimensional microanalysis, and micro-and nanoanalysis in the natural resources industry. The continuing relevance of the EMAS workshops and the high regard in which they are held internationally can be seen from the fact that 69 posters from 16 countries were on display at the meeting and that the participants came from as far away as Japan and the USA. A number of participants with posters were invited to give short oral presentations of their work in two dedicated sessions. As at previous workshops there was also a special oral session for young scientists. Small cash prizes were awarded for the three best posters and for the best oral presentation by a young scientist. The prize for the best poster went to the contribution by G Tylko, S Dubchak, Z Banach and K Turnau, entitled Monte Carlo simulation for an assessment of standard validity and quantitative X-ray microanalysis in plant. Joanna Wojewoda-Budka of the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Krakow, received the prize for the best oral presentation by a

  16. Updated EMAS declaration of the Federal Office for Environment Protection 2009 for the sites Dessau-Rosslau, Berlin-Bismarckplatz, Berlin-Marienfelde, Langen and the house 23 in Berlin-Dahlem; Aktualisierte EMAS-Umwelterklaerung des Umweltbundesamtes 2009 fuer die Standorte Dessau-Rosslau, Berlin-Bismarckplatz, Berlin-Marienfelde, Langen und das Haus 23 in Berlin-Dahlem. Der Zukunft verpflichtet - ein Zeichen setzen

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    The environmental certificate under consideration describes the state of the art of the environmental targets and the most important developments in the environmental management system of the Federal Office for Environment Protection (Dessau-Rosslau, Federal Republic of Germany). Moreover, the most important environmental characteristic values are updated. Thus, the Federal Office for Environment Protection fulfills the formal EMAS regulation and documents the high requirement for the enhanced claim of the environmental management.


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    Pujianik Mulyani


    Full Text Available This research examines the role and function of internal control system of government institutions in minimalizing accounting misstatement. Using qualitative descriptive research method, the object of this study incorporates the local government of Kabupaten Bojonegoro for the financial statements of year 2007-2009. The results shows that the increase quality of the Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK opinion about financial statements of Kabupaten Bojonegoro were influenced by the improvement of internal control system function and optimalization of internal auditor role in every Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD in Kabupaten Bojonegoro. This research supports previous findings that internal control system has significant function and role in minimalizing accounting misstatement.

  18. The Identification of Land Subsidance by Levelling Measurement and GPR Data at Tanjung Emas Harbour, Semarang

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    Purnomo Raharjo


    Full Text Available Recently, the main problem in Semarang City is flood. This area has low relief that consists of coastal alluvial deposits, swamp and marine sediments. The coastline is characterized by muddy, sandy, and rocky coasts, and mangrove coast. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR records, show that subsurface geological condition of northern part of Semarang is coastal alluvial deposit and in the south is volcanic rocks. The aims of this this research is to determine land subsidence by levelling measurement in 2005 in Tanjung Emas Harbour area built on 1995. During ten years, there are various land subsidance in this area: in Coaster Street (21 – 41 cm, container wharf (62 – 94 cm, north breakwater (64 – 79 cm, west breakwater (74 – 140 cm, east groin (76 – 89 cm, and stacking area ( 77 – 109 cm. According to this research, it is concluded that one reason causes of flooding in this area is land subsidence.

  19. Soil chemical factors and grassland species density in Emas National Park (central Brazil). (United States)

    Amorim, P K; Batalha, M A


    Studies of grasslands on specific soil types suggest that different nutrients can limit biomass production and, hence, species composition and number. The Brazilian cerrado is the major savanna region in America and once covered about 2 million km(2), mainly in the Brazilian Central Plateau, under seasonal climate, with wet summer and dry winter. In view of the importance of soil chemical factors in the distribution of the vegetation forms within the Cerrado domain and which may influence the number of species, we analyzed some soil characteristics in three herbaceous vegetation forms -- hyperseasonal cerrado, seasonal cerrado, and wet grassland -- in Emas National Park, a core cerrado site, to investigate the relationship between number of species and soil characteristics. We collected vegetation and soil samples in these three vegetation forms and submitted the obtained data to multiple linear regression. We found out that aluminum and pH were the best predictors of species density, the former positively related to species density and the latter negatively related. Since the predictable variation in species density is important in determining areas of conservation, we can postulate that these two soil factors are indicators of high species density areas in tropical grasslands, which could be used in selecting priority sites for conservation.

  20. Kinerja Sistem Komunikasi FSO (Free Space Optics Menggunakan Cell-site Diversity di Daerah Tropis

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    Octiana Widyarena


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan masyarakat akan adanya layanan komunikasi multimedia seperti video conference, high speed internet, video streaming, dan lain sebagainya, saat ini terus meningkat. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut, perlu adanya suatu sistem komunikasi nirkabel dengan kecepatan tinggi. Salah satunya yaitu dengan menggunakan FSO (Free Space Optics. FSO merupakan sistem komunikasi yang memungkinkan memiliki koneksi layaknya serat optik, namun media transmisi yang digunakan yaitu melalui atmosfer. Penggunaan FSO di daerah tropis memiliki kendala yang cukup serius yaitu tingginya intensitas curah hujan yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja dari FSO. Semakin tinggi intensitas curah hujan, maka nilai redaman hujan juga semakin besar. Untuk mengatasi dampak redaman hujan tersebut, maka digunakan teknik cell-site diversity dengan selection combining. Penerapan teknik cell-site diversity pada sistem komunikasi FSO menggunakan variasi panjang lintasan 0,5 km, 1 km, 1,5 km, dan 2 km serta variasi sudut antar link sebesar 45°, 90°, 135°, dan 180°. Hasil dari penerapan teknik cell-site diversity menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan kualitas sinyal FSO, dalam hal ini yaitu nilai SNR. Peningkatan nilai SNR terbesar didapatkan pada panjang lintasan 2 km dengan sudut antar link 180° serta pada link availability 99,9 %. Untuk konfigurasi cell-site diversity terbaik didapatkan pada sudut antar link sebesar 90° dan 180°.

  1. PEMBANGUNAN DAERAH DAN PENANGGULANGAN KEMISKINAN (Studi Kasus Implementasi Proyek Pembinaan Peningkatan Pendapatan Petani Dan Nelayan Kecil (P4K di Kabupaten Jombang

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    Affandi - -


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK   Pentingnya program pemberdayaan dalam rangka menanggulangi kemiskian, salah satunya Program P4K adalah agar lingkaran setan kemiskinan dapat diputus sehingga kemakmuran dan implementasi pembangunan menampakkan hasil yang nyata. Dalam pembangunan di Indonesia, penanggulangan kemiskinan dan pemberdayaan telah dijadikan titik sentral, dimana program tersebut dijalankan secara serentak dan terkoordinir di daerah-daerah yang dikenal dengan kegiatan Pembinaan Peningkatan Pendapatan Petani dan Nelayan Kecil (P4K. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pembangunan Pemerintah Daerah (Program P4K dilaksanakan dalam rangka penanggulangan kemiskinan dan bagaimana pembangunan dalam memberdayakan petani dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan petani serta upaya-upaya dan hambatan-hambatan apa saja yang dihadapi Pemerintah dalam melaksanakan Program P4 dalam rangka penanggulangan kemiskinan di Kabupaten Jombang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1 mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pembangunan (Program P4K dalam rangka penanggulangan kemiskinan; (2 mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pembangunan dalam memberdayakan petani sehingga dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan petani, serta mengetahui upaya-upaya dan hambatan-hambatan pelaksanaan Program P4K dalam rangka penanggulangan kemiskinan di Kabupaten Jombang. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa, Program P4K sebagai upaya pemberdayaan kaum miskin pedesaan dengan pemberian bantuan modal, banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat desa untuk membuka usaha baru dan industri kecil lokal. Keberhasilan Program P4K di Kabupaten Jombang memiliki ciri khas tersendiri, yaitu Program P4K banyak diikuti kaum perempuan petani, sehingga kemampuan petani dalam memanfaatkan dan menyerap dana bantuan P4K sangat tinggi ditunjukkan banyak KPK yang antri untuk memperoleh bantuan atau peningkatan dana bantuan. Orientasi

  2. Testing some of Benjamin Graham’s Stock Selection Criteria: A Case of the FTSE Bursa Malaysia EMAS Index from Year 2000 to 2009

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    Desmond Chang


    Full Text Available Benjamin Graham, also known as the “father of value investing” proposed that investment in the stock exchange can be a safe endeavor while receiving gains that outperform the market if the investor makes carefully thought out purchases. This study aims to determine if the use of some of Benjamin Graham’s stock selection criteria is able to generate returns that are significantly greater than the returns in the stock exchange of Malaysia, particularly, the comprehensive FTSE Bursa Malaysia EMAS Index. This study collected secondary data regarding fundamentals of companies listed in the FTSE Bursa Malaysia EMAS Index from the year 2000 to 2009. Five criteria were set up in this research based on one or a combination of price-to-earnings ratio, price-to-book value, current ratio and dividend yield. The listed companies were screened using those criteria. An equally weighted portfolio was created using the screened companies and their one-year and two-year returns calculated. The returns were compared to the market return. Hypotheses of this research were tested using t-test statistic to determine the significance of the data. This research found that most of the screening criteria used generated returns that were higher than the market return in almost every year they were tested in. Benjamin Graham’s stock selection criteria although have been conceived over 80 years ago is still applicable today in the Malaysian market. Further research can be conducted with different criteria with varying holding periods and in different markets.

  3. Meningkatkan Daya Saing Daerah Melalui Peningkatan Kinerja Bisnis Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah di Provinsi Jambi

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    Ade Octavia


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to test the model orientation influence entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial training, market orientation with business performance and management skill of SME’s. The approach used is the sample survey with quantitative methods. Based on the survey against 200 SME’s  found that there were no significant effects of market orientation on performance of the business. However there are significant effects between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance against management capabilities. To improve the competitiveness of the area required the role of Government and the private sector to be able to improve the SME’s business performance Key words: entrepreneurial orientations, market orientation, business performance Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji model pengaruh orientasi kewirausahaan, pelatihan kewirausahaan, orientasi pasar dengan kemampuan manajemen dan kinerja bisnis UMKM. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah survey sampel dengan metode kuantitatif. Berdasarkan survey terhadap 200 UMKM ditemukan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan orientasi pasar terhadap kinerja bisnis. Namun terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara orientasi kewirausahaan dan kemampuan manajemen terhadap kinerja bisnis. Untuk menigkatkan daya saing daerah maka diperlukan peran pemerintah dan swasta untuk dapat meningkatkan kinerja bisnis UMKM  Kata Kunci: orientasi kewirausahaan, orientasi pasar, kinerja bisnis.


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    Chairul Irawan


    Full Text Available Activity of gold mining in Kalimantan potentially can give waste that include into “Bahan Beracun Berbahaya (B3” such as mercury. An effort to make out this contamination is adsorption method. Eleocharis dulcis contain high amount of cellulose, about 40,92% so it can be used as an adsorbent. The purpose of this research are studying the capability of eleocharis dulcis as a natural adsorbent, studying the process of biocomposite making from eleocharis dulcis with iron oxide nanoparticle, and studying the influent of result iron oxide nanoparticle added to biocomposite in order to make a lower amount of heavy metal mercury (Hg, Total Suspended Solid (TSS dan Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD in waste water of gold mining. Eleocharis dulcis (PT through delignification process use 1% NaOH solution and then the PT-D is made to become biocomposite with iron oxide nanoparticle apply “one-pot solvothermal reaction” method. The biocomposite have two variation: without amina cluster added (PT-M and with amina cluster added (PT-MA. It’s characterization are consist of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD. Adsorption process is applied for 8 hours with mixing rate is 150 rpm. Analysis after adsorption process including three methods: AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer method for Hg analysis, titrimetric method for COD, and gravimetric method for TSS. The result of adsorption process for mercury (Hg, COD, and TSS are optimally at pH 7 which the value of their effectiveness are 65,04%, 80%, and 81,25%. The maximum amount of Hg adsorption capacity for PT-D, PT-M, and PT-MA respectively are 6,504 mg/g, 6,984 mg/g, and 6,911 mg/g. The addition of iron oxide nanoparticle can increase adsorben capability of eleocharis dulcis.


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    Damar Tri Boewono


    Dinas Kesehatan. Walaupun demikian, kasus malaria masih banyak ditemukan beberapa tahun lalu. Penelitian komprehensif telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui distribusi spasial kasus malaria dengan pemetaan menggunakaan geographical information system (GIS sehubungan dengan distribusi breeding habitat positip jentik nyamuk vektor. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menentukan strategi pengendalian vektor malaria spesifik, berdasarkan beberapa faktor bionomik, distribusi spasial kasus malaria dan breeding habitat positip jentik nyamuk vektor  dengan pemetaan GIS dan analisis indek jarak (distance index analyses dan status kerentanan vektor malaria terhadap insektisida.  Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa tiga spesies nyamuk dicurigai sebagai vektor malaria seperti: Anopheles balabacensis dan Anopheles maculatus (daerah pegunungan di pedalaman, seperti Desa Sungai Limau and Lapio, sebagai breeding habitat adalah air sumur/perigi, kolam dan parit. Daerah pantai, Desa Sungai Nyamuk dan Liang Bunyu, kolam dan lagoon/goba air payau ditemukan sebagai breeding habitat nyamuk Anopheles sundaicus (dicurigai sebagai vektor malaria. Vektor malaria (An. balabacensis and An. maculatus, ditemukan sudah resisten terhadap insektisida Permetrin dan Lambdacyhalotrin tetapi masih toleran terhadap Malation. Insektisida alternatif perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pengendalian vektor malaria.  Analisis spasial diketahui bahwa kasus malaria tersebar mengelompok clumped/cluster, buffer zones terhadap breeding habitat (< 400 meter sebagai indikasi penularan lokal/setempat (indigenous sehubungan dengan perilaku vektor  dan kurang disebabkan  mobititas manusia.  Pengendalian vektor malaria di Desa Sungai Limau (daerah endemis perlu diperhatikan secara khusus,  Manajemen vektor secara terpadu baik aplikasi dalam rumah  (indoors treatment seperti indoor residual spraying/IRS (penyemprotan insektisida pada dinding rumah, atau distribusi kelambu berinsektisida (LLIN dan aplikasi breeding habitat jentik nyamuk

  6. Tracking Young Adults' Attitudes Toward Tobacco Marketing Using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA). (United States)

    Roberts, Megan E; Lu, Bo; Browning, Christopher R; Ferketich, Amy K


    Decades of research demonstrate the pernicious effects of targeted cigarette marketing on young people. Now, with tobacco marketing shifting toward greater incorporation of alternative products, it is critical to identify current attitudes toward the new landscape of tobacco advertisements. The purpose of this study was to understand the present landscape of tobacco marketing to which young adults are exposed, and to assess how they respond to it. During 2015-2016, we used ecological momentary assessment (EMA), in which 44 young adults (aged 18-28) carried smartphones equipped with a survey app. Seventy-seven percent were ever-users of tobacco and 29.5% were intermittent users of tobacco (someday users of cigarettes and/or those who used another tobacco product >5 times within the past year). For ten days, participants were prompted at three random times/day to complete a brief survey about their exposures and responses to tobacco-related advertising. Analyses used t-test and multilevel modeling. Intermittent users reported greater exposure than non-intermittent users to tobacco advertising. Further, both intermittent and ever-users reported more positive attitudes toward the tobacco advertising. Of the tobacco advertisements reported, 22% were for products unregulated by the FDA at the time of data collection. Conclusions/Importance: These findings indicate that young adults, and especially young adults who use tobacco, are exposed to a fair amount of tobacco advertising on a weekly basis. As the tobacco users in our sample were largely experimental and occasional users, these marketing exposures could put young adults at risk for progression toward regular use.

  7. Diversitas Genetik Anopheles balabacensis, Baisas di Berbagai Daerah Indonesia Berdasarkan Sekuen Gen ITS 2 DNA Ribosom

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    Widiarti Widiarti


    dilaporkan sebagai spesies kompleks di berbagai negara, akan tetapi belum banyak dilaporkan di Indonesia. Penanggulangan malaria agar lebih efektif perlu adanya perbaikan dan pendekatan strategi dalam pengendalian vektor, termasuk sangat diperlukan adanya pemahaman terhadap spesies dan bioekologinya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk : a. Mengidentifikasi secara molekuler nyamuk An. balabacensis yang dicurigai sebagai spesies kompleks berdasarkan sekuen ITS2 DNA ribosom, b. Mengetahui diversitas genetik nyamuk An. balabacensis dari daerah endemis dan non endemis dengan jarak geografis yang berbeda, c. Mengetahui kekerabatan genetik (jarak taksonomi nyamuk An. balabacensis dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia dengan merekonstruksi pohon filogenetik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa An. balabacensis di Indonesia merupakan spesies kompleks simpatrik dan allopatrik. Ada perbedaan kekerabatan genetikyang cukup jauh diantara populasi An. balabacensis di Pusuk Lestari, wilayah Puskesmas Meninting, Lombok Barat, NTB yang merupakan simpatrik kompleks. Berdasarkan hubungankekerabatan An. leucosphyrus group, An. balabacensis dari Berjoko, Kabupaten Nunukan menunjukkan kecenderungan terpisah cukup jauh dibandingkan dengan An. balabacensiskompleks lainnya yang berasal dari Jawa Tengah dan Lombok, NTB.Kata kunci : An. balabacensis, variasi genetik, ITS2 DNA ribosom


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    Abdul Basid


    Full Text Available Meningkatnya kebutuhan energi listrik, berkurangnya produksi dan meningkatnya harga minyak, memacu banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada pada minyak dengan cara memanfaatkan energi panas bumi. Dari hasil survey dilaporkan bahwa di Indonesia terdapat 217 prospek panasbumi, yaitu di sepanjang jalur vulkanik mulai dari bagian Barat Sumatera, terus ke Pulau Jawa, Bali, Nusatenggara dan kemudian membelok ke arah utara melalui Maluku dan Sulawesi. Jika dihitung potensi daya yang dihasilkan mencapai ±27.000 MWe. Daya sebesar ini membuat Indonesia merupakan Negara yang memiliki 40% potensi panas bumi dunia, tetapi baru 3%. dari potensi panas bumi tersebut dimanfaatkan. Salah satu penelitian untuk mengetahui potensi sebaran panas bumi dilakukan di Desa Lombang Kecamatan Batang Batang Kabupaten Sumenep dengan menggunakan metode Geolistrik konfigurasi dipole-dipole dan Self Potensial (SP. Hasil penelitian dengan metode Geolistrik konfigurasi dipole-dipole menunjukkan bahwa letak air tanah berada pada kedalaman + 15 dan + 20 m di bawah permukaan tanah. Menurut teori gradient geothermal, semakin ke dalam pusat bumi, maka temperaturnya semakin tinggi pula. Demikian dengan prinsip hidrotermal yang seharusnya semakin ke bawah nilai resistivitas air semakin kecil karena konduktivitas air semakin besar. Dengan metode SP diperoleh sebaran data potensial daerah penelitian dengan nilai tertinggi mencapai 90 mV dan terendah -100 mV serta rata-ratanya 0,47 mV. Berdasarkan peta kontur isopotensial yang diperoleh dapat diinterpretasi bahwa daerah penelitian merupakan zona konduktif, yang diduga berasal dari mineral sulfida dalam fluida panas. Hal ini terindikasi dengan rendahnya nilai potensial yang terukur, yang secara numerik bernilai negatif dan aliran air panas dari reservoir cenderung mengalir dari barat ke timur. Dari kajian geologi, lokasi penelitian sama sekali tidak berhubungan dengan aktivitas geologi vulkanik. Panas bumi yang


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    Muhani Muhani


    Full Text Available The study aims to describe the leadership of school principals in a remote area in SDN 2 Bakalan and SDN 2 Kepyar Purwantoro, Wonogiri. This study used descriptive qualitative approach with multiple case study design. Data collection techniques with interviews, non-participant observation, and study documentation. The data analysis consisted of analysis of individual cases and cross-case analysis. Checking the validity of the data using the test credibility, transferability, dependability, and testing confirmability The results are the first to use the leadership style is the style of participation and delegation. Second, application of force participation in the main tasks of teachers, being force delegation on additional duties of teachers. Third, support the leadership of school principals in remote areas obtained from external and internal. External support namely: special allowances for teachers, school support committee, and teacher competence and harmonious atmosphere. Internal support are: experience of organizing, provision of education, self-reliance and innovativeness principal. Fourth, barriers to leadership comes from the geographical conditions of schools, provision of science and the demands of society. Fifth, efforts to overcome the barriers that the special allowance equalization policy, strengthen personal relationships, and intensive communication with the committee and parents Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dasar di daerah terpencil di SDN 2 Bakalan dan SDN 2 Kepyar Purwantoro Wonogiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan rancangan studi multi kasus. Teknik pengambilan data dengan wawancara, observasi non participant, dan study dokumentasi. Analisis data terdiri dari analisis kasus individu dan analisis lintas kasus. Pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan uji credibility, transferability, dependability, dan pengujian confirmability Hasil penelitian, yaitu

  10. Budaya Hukum sebagai Faktor Pendorong Terwujudnya Reformasi Birokrasi Daerah di Indonesia

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    Jamiat Akadol


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is to know the legal culture as the driving factor of the realization of regional bureaucracy reform in Indonesia. The method used is the method of normative juridical research with conceptual approaches, legislation, and case approach. Various cases of corruption and very bad service in investment activities have hindered and even damaged the image of the Indonesian nation even in today's highly dynamic world. The bureaucratic legal culture is considered the main factor causing such bad bureaucratic behavior. The legal culture of the royal heritage that is only devoted to highways is difficult to remove from bureaucratic behavior. Cultural heritage, was fertile in the new order era, even in the current reform era. Through the optimization of local culture combined with the autonomy and decentralization policy implemented with the principle of autonomy as widely as possible, it can be attempted to overcome the negative culture of bureaucratic culture into a bureaucracy that eventually can be realized good governance. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui budaya hukum sebagai faktor pendorong terwujudnya reformasi birokrasi daerah di Indonesia. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan-pendekatan konseptual, perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus. Berbagai kasus korupsi dan pelayanan yang sangat buruk dalam kegiatan investasi telah menghambat dan bahkan merusak citra bangsa Indonesia bahkan di tingkat dunia yang sangat dinamis saat ini. Budaya hukum birokrasi dianggap sebagai faktor utama yang menyebabkan perilaku birokrasi yang buruk tersebut. Budaya hukum warisan kerajaan yang hanya mengabdi kepada raya ternyata sulit untuk dihilangkan dari perilaku birokrasi. Kultur warisan, ternyata subur di zaman orde baru, bahkan di zaman reformasi saat ini. Melalui optimalisasi kultur lokal yang dipadukan dengan kebijakan otonomi dan desentralisasi yang dilaksanakan dengan


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    Basrin Melamba


    Full Text Available This paper describes the growth of Kolaka city in Bone in XX century. In early XX century, Kolaka became the capital of onderafdeeling Kolaka since 1911. In 1912 indirectly the influence of this policy was the development and repair of city facilities in the form of port medium, warehouse, office of toll and duty, and road network in Kolaka. Those settlement growths in Kolaka affected the economic activity and commerce. The settlement and physical region got much better especially after Dutch government settled the resident settlement with the settlement model following the centripetal roadway pattern with the village (kampung pattern (o’kambo. The resident settlement pattern also followed the coastline of Mekongga and Bone Bay. Exploiting the nickel mine yielded the urban symptom in the center of area of nickel mining. Key words: growth, settlement, Kolaka city  Makalah ini menjelaskan tentang pertumbuhan Kota Kolaka di Bone pada abad XX. Pada awal abad XX, Kolaka menjadi ibukota daerah setingkat kabupaten (onderafdeeling Kolaka sejak tahun 1911. Pada tahun 1912 secara tidak langsung pengaruh dari kebijakan ini adalah adanya pengembangan dan perbaikan fasilitas kota dalam bentuk sarana pelabuhan, gudang, kantor tol dan pajak, serta jaringan jalan di Kolaka. Pertumbuhan pemukiman di Kolaka tersebut mempengaruhi kegiatan ekonomi dan perdagangan. Pemukiman dan fisik wilayah menjadi jauh lebih baik terutama setelah Pemerintah Belanda menyelesaikan pemukiman penduduk dengan model pemukiman yang mengikuti pola jalan sentripetal dengan pola kampung (o'kambo. Pola pemukiman penduduk juga mengikuti garis pantai Teluk Mekongga dan Bone. Memanfaatkan tambang nikel juga menghasilkan gejala urban di tengah area pertambangan nikel.Kata kunci: pertumbuhan, pemukiman, kota Kolaka

  12. Do captive-born greater rheas Rhea americana Linnaeus (Rheiformes, Rheidae remember antipredator training? Emas Rhea americana Linnaeus (Rheiformes, Rheidae se lembram do treinamento anti-predação?

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    Cristiano S. de Azevedo


    Full Text Available The antipredator training is a powerful tool now being used to help the reintroduced animals to recognise and escape from their predators. Testing the memory capacity of the animals after antipredator training is important to evaluate if the application of the training is worthwhile. A group of 15 captive-born greater rheas was studied at Belo Horizonte Zoo. Eight birds were antipredator trained and seven birds were not. After the end of the antipredator training sessions, we run four memory tests at 40, 55, 70 and 88 days after training was completed. The memory tests consisted of showing a predator model to the rheas and recording their behavioural responses. It was measured the capacity of antipredator information storage, the influence of the group size on the behaviour of the birds and the influence of the antipredator training on the elicitation of the correct behavioural responses of the birds when confronted by a predator. The results showed that the rheas retained predator recognition for almost three months, that the group size affected the responses of the birds (more defence behaviours expressed when tested alone and that the antipredator training is essential to elicit the adequate antipredatory responses, since untrained birds behaved in a tranquil manner when confronted by a predator model. We concluded that antipredator training is worthwhile for future reintroduction programs for greater rheas, since their memory capacity is considerable.O treinamento anti-predação é uma ferramenta poderosa usada atualmente para ajudar os animais reintroduzidos a reconhecer e escapar de seus predadores. Testar a capacidade de memória dos animais após o treinamento é importante para se avaliar a validade de sua aplicação. Um grupo de 15 emas nascidas em cativeiro foi estudado no zoológico de Belo Horizonte. Oito aves foram treinadas contra predadores e sete não. Após o término dos treinamentos, foram realizados quatro testes de mem

  13. Meningkatkan Daya Saing Daerah Melalui Peningkatan Kinerja Bisnis Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah di Provinsi Jambi

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    Ade Octavia


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to test the model orientation influence entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial training, market orientation with business performance and management skill of SME’s. The approach used is the sample survey with quantitative methods. Based on the survey against 200 SME’s  found that there were no significant effects of market orientation on performance of the business. However there are significant effects between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance against management capabilities. To improve the competitiveness of the area required the role of Government and the private sector to be able to improve the SME’s business performance  Key words: entrepreneurial orientations, market orientation, business performance    Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji model pengaruh orientasi kewirausahaan, pelatihan kewirausahaan, orientasi pasar dengan kemampuan manajemen dan kinerja bisnis UMKM. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah survey sampel dengan metode kuantitatif. Berdasarkan survey terhadap 200 UMKM ditemukan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan orientasi pasar terhadap kinerja bisnis. Namun terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara orientasi kewirausahaan dan kemampuan manajemen terhadap kinerja bisnis. Untuk menigkatkan daya saing daerah maka diperlukan peran pemerintah dan swasta untuk dapat meningkatkan kinerja bisnis UMKM  Kata Kunci: orientasi kewirausahaan, orientasi pasar, kinerja bisnis.

  14. Strategi pencapaian pelanggan pitalebar bergerak di daerah perdesaan tahun 2019 [The strategy of mobile broadband subscriber achievement in rural areas in 2019

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    Sri Wahyuningsih


    Full Text Available Pemerintah Indonesia memiliki target untuk memberikan akses internet kepada seluruh rakyat Indonesia, termasuk di daerah perdesaan. Daerah perdesaan bagi penyelenggara telekomunikasi kurang memberikan keuntungan karena jumlah pelanggan tidak sebanding dengan biaya investasi yang dikeluarkan. Survei dalam penelitian ini dilakukan di empat desa yaitu Cangkringan, Hambalang, Purwosari dan Kondasatu untuk mengetahui hubungan kondisi masyarakat dengan internet. Hasil survei menunjukkan penggunaan handphone adalah 18,14% untuk telepon, 16,88% untuk SMS dan hanya 3,80% untuk internet. Analisis deskriptif dari data tersebut adalah masyarakat di desa masih belum menggunakan layanan internet secara optimal. Alasannya adalah keterbatasan infrastruktur dan belum ada kesadaran masyarakat. Sudut pandang operator telekomunikasi, mastel Indonesia dan BRTI diperoleh melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD. Triangulasi data survei dan hasil FGD menghasilkan strategi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan swasta melalui pengembangan ekosistem untuk masyarakat perdesaan. Selain itu, pemerintah dapat memberikan intervensi melalui optimasi penggunaan Biaya Hak Penggunaan Frekuensi untuk pengembangan mobile broadband dan melalui skema dana Universal Service Obligation (USO.*****Indonesian government has a target to provide internet access to all Indonesian people, including in rural areas. For telecommunication provider, rural areas is less profitable because of the number of customers are not comparable with the investment cost incurred. This study was conducted by doing survey in four villages namely Cangkringan, Hambalang, Purwasari, and Kondasatu to determine the condition of the people associated with the development of the internet. The results of the survey showed that 18.14% people use the mobile phone for voice communication, 16.88% for SMS, and only 3.80% for using internet. Villagers have not used the internet service optimally yet. The reason is lack of

  15. Status gizi dan motivasi belajar sebagai faktor risiko terhadap kemampuan kognitif anak sekolah dasar di daerah endemik GAKY

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    Dian Agnesia


    ability.Conclusion: Children with cognitive ability above average had nutritional status (height/ age, learning motivation, and academic achievement (Indonesia and mathematics better than those with cognitive ability below average.KEYWORDS: cognitive, nutritionl status, learning motivation, academic achievement, iodine deficiency disorderABSTRAKLatar belakang: Lebih dari 200 juta anak di bawah 5 tahun di negara berkembang tidak terpenuhi potensi perkembangannya. Potensi perkembangan anak dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu faktor biologis, psikososial, fisik, sosial budaya serta, sosial ekonomi. Masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah defisiensi iodium memiliki intelligent quotient (IQ hingga 13,5 point lebih rendah dibandingkan masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah cukup yodium. Hasil pemantauan garam beryodium oleh Dinas Kesehatan Sleman menunjukkan total goitre rate (TGR anak sekolah di Kecamatan Cangkringan Kabupaten Sleman adalah 39,5%, yang tergolong dalam endemik berat.Tujuan: Mengetahui bahwa status gizi (antropometri, prestasi belajar, dan motivasi belajar sebagai faktor risiko terhadap kemampuan kognitif anak sekolah dasar di daerah endemik GAKY.Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah studi kasus kontrol. Jumlah subjek penelitian yaitu kelompok kasus 107 anak dengan kemampuan kognitif di bawah rata-rata (skor IQ<90 dan kontrol 198 anak dengan kemampuan kognitif di atas rata-rata (skor IQ>90. Pengumpulan data kemampuan kognitif dengan menggunakan culture fair intelligence test (CFIT, pengukuran antropometri untuk status gizi, nilai murni Bahasa Indonesia dan matematika untuk prestasi belajar dan kuesioner untuk motivasi belajar anak. Data diolah secara deskriptifanalitik menggunakan uji chi-square dan uji beda t-test.Hasil: Prevalensi status gizi pendek sebesar 25,9%. Terdapat hubungan signifi kan antara status gizi (TB/U (p=0,046, motivasi belajar (p=0,03, dan prestasi belajar (Bahasa Indonesia, p=0,00, matematika, p=0,00 dengan kemampuan kognitif. Tidak



    Margo Hadi Pura, S.H., M.H.


    State of Indonesia is one country in the world that has natural resources that are very much whether it is renewable and can not be renewed (or unerewable). Examples of non-renewable wealth of the mining sector, among others, one of them a gold mine. Not all parts of Indonesia has a potential gold mine that has one gold mine is in the western part of Mount Pongkor Kab. Bogor, West Java. Until now, the hunt for gurandil (designation illegal gold miners) and traditional gold mining in this regi...


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    Margo Hadi Pura, S.H., M.H.


    Full Text Available State of Indonesia is one country in the world that has natural resources that are very much whether it is renewable and can not be renewed (or unerewable. Examples of non-renewable wealth of the mining sector, among others, one of them a gold mine. Not all parts of Indonesia has a potential gold mine that has one gold mine is in the western part of Mount Pongkor Kab. Bogor, West Java. Until now, the hunt for gurandil (designation illegal gold miners and traditional gold mining in this region occurred since a dozen years ago. Traditional gold mining has been causing pollution and casualties. The problems to be discussed in this issue is, how the criminal law policy in tackling criminal activity in the mining of gold panning traditionally causing pollution and casualties and how the preventive and repressive criminal law in tackling the crime of mining of gold panning traditionally resulting in pollution and fatalities. This research is normative where descriptive data types used are primary data obtained through field studies and secondary data obtained through library. The results of these discussions the government has made policies by monitoring conducted by the Forest Police Rapid Response in tackling gold mining has traditionally and the government has made prevention and action illegal mining of them, by the extension of the dangers of mines traditionally, the deprivation of the means of panning, tightening security and inspection in the area Pongkor mountain region, providing security and raids, seizing and coaching gurandil and undertake community empowerment program development.

  18. Kinerja Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi

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    Raina Damarsari


    Full Text Available Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1 menganalisis peringkat kinerja pembangunan antar kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jambi, dan (2 mengkategorikan kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jambi berdasarkan kinerja pembangunan ekonomi, sumber daya manusia, dan infrastruktur. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder dari 2009-2012 dari Badan Pusat Statistik, terdiri dari delapan indikator untuk menilai kinerja pembangunan ekonomi, lima indikator untuk menilai kinerja pembangunan sumber daya manusia, dan delapan indikator untuk menilai kinerja pembangunan infrastruktur. Metode analisis untuk mencapai tujuan pertama adalah analisis komponen utama (PCA dan analisis faktor serta untuk tujuan ketiga adalah analisis kluster. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1 Kota Jambi menempati peringkat pertama dalam kinerja pembangunan secara keseluruhan, diikuti oleh dari Tanjab Barat dan Kabupaten Batang Hari, (2 Empat kelompok kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jambi terbentuk berdasarkan kinerja pembangunan, yaitu: cluster I (Kerinci, Merangin, dan Tebo memiliki kinerja yang pembangunan daerah paling rendah, klaster II (Tanjab Timur memiliki kinerja pembangunan di atas rata-rata, klaster III (Sarolangun, Batang Hari, Muaro Jambi, Tanjab Barat, Bungo Kabupaten, dan Kota Sungai Penuh memiliki kinerja pembangunan rata-rata (menengah, dan kelompok IV ( Kota Jambi memiliki kinerja pembangunan paling tinggi. Kata kunci : Analisis Faktor, Analisis Klaster, Pembangunan Ekonomi, Sumberdaya Manusia, Infrastruktur.   Abstract This study aims (1 to analyze the performances among regencies/ cities in Jambi Province, and (2 to categorize the regencies/ cities in Jambi Province based on economic, human resources, and infrastructure development performances. Datas used in this study are secondary data of 2009-2012 from Statistics Indonesia, consists of eight component indicators to assess the performance of economic development, the five component indicators to assess the

  19. Ticks associated with armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus) and anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) of Emas National Park, State of Goias, Brazil. (United States)

    Bechara, Gervasio H; Szabo, M P J; Almeida Filho, W V; Bechara, J N; Pereira, R J G; Garcia, J E; Pereira, Marcelo C


    This study was conducted in October 1998 and November 1999 in the Emas National Park (131,868 ha), a savanna-type cerrado region situated in the far south of Goias State, Brazil, near the geographic center of South America (15 degrees -23 degrees S; 45 degrees -55 degrees W). Animals were captured with the aid of nets and anesthetized (15 mg/kg ketamine + 1 mg/kg xylasine) in order to collect ticks for identification and to establish laboratory colonies. They included giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) (n = 4) and yellow armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus) (n = 6). Free-living ticks (larvae, nymphs, and adults) were collected from the field by using a 1 x 2-m flannel cloth. Free-living ticks were identified as Amblyomma sp., A. cajennense, and A. triste. Adult ticks collected from anteaters were identified as Amblyomma cajennense and A. nodosum and from armadillos as A. pseudoconcolor and A. nodosum. The relevance of these host-tick relationships to possible mechanisms underlying emergence of tick-borne pathogens of importance to public health is discussed.

  20. Determination of rare earth elements in Solanum lycocarpum in `Cerrado de Emas`- Pirassununga, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, by neutron activation analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piorino-Maria, S.; Figueiredo, A.M.G.; Ticianelli, R.B. [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Ceccantini, G. [Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas (IPT), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    In the present work, the rare earth elements concentration (REE) in plant leaves of the species Solanum lycocarpum from `Cerrado de Emas`, Pirassununga, Sao Paulo, and the soil where they have grown up, was determined by using instrumental neutron activation analysis. The obtained values for most of the light REE (La, Ce, Nd) were higher than the reference values for REE in plants. These results suggest that the light REE are more available in the soil than the heavy REE. The concentration of REE in the plant and the soil were normalized to chondrite contents, showing in the soil diagram a negative anomaly for the concentration of Eu and a positive anomaly for the concentration of Ce, which were not observed in the plant diagram. (author). 11 refs., 1 fig., 2 tabs.

  1. Determination of rare earth elements in Solanum lycocarpum in 'Cerrado de Emas'- Pirassununga, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, by neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piorino-Maria, S.; Figueiredo, A.M.G.; Ticianelli, R.B.; Ceccantini, G.


    In the present work, the rare earth elements concentration (REE) in plant leaves of the species Solanum lycocarpum from 'Cerrado de Emas', Pirassununga, Sao Paulo, and the soil where they have grown up, was determined by using instrumental neutron activation analysis. The obtained values for most of the light REE (La, Ce, Nd) were higher than the reference values for REE in plants. These results suggest that the light REE are more available in the soil than the heavy REE. The concentration of REE in the plant and the soil were normalized to chondrite contents, showing in the soil diagram a negative anomaly for the concentration of Eu and a positive anomaly for the concentration of Ce, which were not observed in the plant diagram. (author). 11 refs., 1 fig., 2 tabs

  2. Prinsip Kehati-Hatian di Bidang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dalam Peraturan Daerah Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi Maluku

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    La Ode Angga


    Full Text Available Prinsip Kehati-Hatian di Bidang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dalamPeraturan Daerah Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi Maluku bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakekat prinsip kehati-hatian dalam Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah di Provinsi Maluku.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap azas-azas hukum, kaedah-kaedah hukum dalam arti nilai (norma peraturan hukum konkrit dan sistem hukum.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pendekaan filosofis (philosophicalapproach, pendekatan konseptual (conseptual approach, pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa prinsip kehati-hatian dalam Perda RTRW Provinsi Maluku No. 16 Tahun 2013 dilakukan pencegahan secara dini, pencegahan antisipatif, kehati-hatian (Prudential Principles terhadap perlindungan dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam dan lingkungan hidup serta penataan ruang. Filosofis pengaturan prinsip kehati-hatian dalam Perda RTRW Provinsi Maluku bahwa mengingat fungsi ruang sebagai tempat manusia dan makhluk hidup lain, melakukan kegiatan, dan memelihara kelangsungan hidupnya, pada dasarnya ketersediaannya tidak tak terbatas. Berkaitan itu untuk mewujudkan rencana tata ruang wilayah Provinsi Maluku yang aman, nyaman, produktif, dan berkelanjutan perlu dilakukan rencana tata ruang wilayah yang dapat mengharmonisasi lingkungan alam dan lingkungan buatan  mampu mewujudkan keterpaduan penggunaan sumber daya alam dan sumber daya buatan, serta dapat memberikan perlindungan terhadap fungsi ruang dan pencegahan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan hidup akibat pemanfaatan ruang. 

  3. DAMPAK LIMBAH CAIR HASIL PENGOLAHAN EMAS TERHADAP KUALITAS AIR SUNGAI DAN CARA MENGURANGI DAMPAK DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN ZEOLIT (The Impact of Liquid Waste of Gold Processing in the River Water Quality and The Method for Minimizing the Impact by Using Zeolite

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    Candra Agus


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Kegiatan penambangan emas oleh masyarakat di desa Jendi telah dilakukan sejak 1993. Meskipun telah menyediakan lapangan kerja untuk masyarakat lokal, kegiatan tersebut menurunkan kualitas lingkungan, khususnya sungai, karena penggunaan merkuri. Dalam hal ini penggunaan merkuri dalam proses pengambilan emas murni dari batuan telah mempengaruhi air sungai sehingga memiliki kandungan 0,002-1 mg/l Hg;0,05 mg/l Pb; 0,4 mg/l Cu and 28,39 mg/l Fe. Berdasarkan peraturan -pemerintah No. 822001 tentang pengelolaan kualitas air dan air irigasi, konstituen metal tersebut telah melebihi baku mutu air. Penggunaan mineral zeolite sebagai adsorben pada proses penambangan emas tradisional menunjukkan bahwa zeolit dengan ukuran 80- 100 mesh dapat mengurangi kadar hg sehingga masuk ke dalam baku mutu air.   ABSTRACT The gold mine activity of people in jendi village has been conducted since 1993. Even though this activity provide job for the local people. It will degrade the environmental quality especially river, because of Mercury use. The use of Mercury in the process to extract natural gold from concentrate of rock mill affects river water because it contains 0.002-1 mg/l Hg; 0,05 mg/l Pb; 0,4 mg/l Cu and 28,39 mg/l Fe. Based on the Government Regulation No. 82/2001 Concerning the Management of Water Quality and Irrigation water, those metal constituents have already been above the water standard quality. Using mineral zeolite as adsorbent on the traditional gold processing showed that zeolite with size 80-100 mesh could reduce the content of Hg, Pb, Cu, and Fe, which fall within the water standard quality.

  4. Evaluatie proefcursus Educatieve Maatregel Alcohol en verkeer : evaluatie van enkele onderdelen van de Educatieve Maatregel Alcohol en vervoer EMA die zijn opgenomen in een bestaande Alcohol Verkeer Cursus AVC. In opdracht van Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijnolst, D.M.


    From June, 1, 1996 the Dutch Minister of Transport and Public Works is empowered to subject motor vehicle drivers who are stopped and found to have a certain breath or blood alcohol content to the Measure for Alcohol and Traffic (EMA). The persons involved are obliged to cooperate with this



    Ani Solihat


    ABSTRAK   Pemerintah daerah Indonesia, dewasa ini mulai meninjau ulang pendekatan dan cara pandang dalam mengelola daerah dengan memberikan otonomi untuk membangun sarana dan prasarana dalam mendukung pembangunan ekonomi, sosial, manajemen tata ruang dan lingkungan bagi daerah, termasuk diantaranya Jawa Barat khususnya Kota Bandung. Pelaksanaan otonomi daerah yang seluas-luasnya bagi Kota Bandung merupakan suatu tantangan yang berat, karena adanya tuntutan untuk mewujudkan kemandirian ...

  6. P(MMA-EMA Random Copolymer Electrolytes Incorporating Sodium Iodide for Potential Application in a Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell

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    Nurul Akmaliah Dzulkurnain


    Full Text Available Polymer electrolytes based on 90 wt% of methyl methacrylate and 10 wt% of ethyl methacrylate (90MMA-co-10EMA incorporating different weight ratios of sodium iodide were prepared using the solution casting method. The complexation between salt and copolymer host has been investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The ionic conductivity and thermal stability of the electrolytes were measured using impedance spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of the polymer electrolytes. The ionic conductivity and glass transition temperature increased up to 20 wt% of sodium iodide (5.19 × 10−6 S·cm−1 and decreased with the further addition of salt concentration, because of the crosslinked effect. The morphology behavior of the highest conducting sample also showed smaller pores compared to the other concentration. The total ionic transference number proved that this system was mainly due to ions, and the electrochemical stability window was up to 2.5 V, which is suitable for a dye-sensitized solar cell application. This sample was then tested in a dye-sensitized solar cell and exhibited an efficiency of 0.62%.

  7. The Assessment of Biological and Pollution Index of Estuaries Around Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang (United States)

    Tjahjono, A.; Wahyuni, O.; Purwantini, S.


    Estuary is a place of accumulation of the population’s actitivites produced by domestic, industry or agriculture. This research was conducted to three of estuary of the rivers around the waters of Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang (PTES). They were estuaries of Baru river, Banjir Kanal Timur (BKT) and Siangker in west monsoon from October to December 2015. The purpose of this research was to analyze pollution index, the abundance of microorganisms either phytoplankton or zooplankton, the content of heavy metal in sediment and sea water, biological index that included diversity (H), uniformity (e), dominance (D), Saprobik Index (SI), and the Total of Saprobik Index (TSI) in the waters either HTL (High Tide Level) or LTL (Low Tide Level). The concentration of heavy metal in both sea water and sediments were analyzed by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The result obtained from 12 parameters which were tested showed that the three waters can be categorized at heavily polluted condition at each value from 12.52 to 24.98. The concentration of heavy metal at sea water during HTW and LTW ranging from Cd is around 0.033 and 0. 048 mg/kg, Cu 0.047 and 0.07 mg/kg, Pb 0.48 and 0.71 mg/kg, and Zn 0.043 and 0.057 mg/kg. The saprobity value index based on the existence of phytoplankton or zooplankton was ranging of Oligosaprobik at low pollution or has not been polluted yet.

  8. Pendekatan Hot-Fit Framework dalam Generalized Structural Component Analysis pada Sistem Informasi Manajemen Barang Milik Daerah: Sebuah Pengujian Efek Resiprokal

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    Shofana Erimalata


    Full Text Available This study aims to examines the determinant of the information quality of fixed assets on the accrual-based balance sheet using HOT-Fit Framework approach with Generalized Structural Component Analysis (GeSCA method. The study using questionnaire with 90 respondents who represented all the local government agencies of Mataram City Government. Data anaylisis employs structural equation model (SEM. The study revelas there is a reciprocal relation between organizational controling and the information quality of fixed assets. The study also indicates that the software quality of Sistem Informasi Manajemen Barang Milik Daerah/Management Information System for Local Government’s Goods (SIMDA BMD affecting the user satisfaction and organizational controling. The implications of these results can be used as consideration in adjusting the Mataram City Government accounting policy regarding fixed assets administration in order to produce quality information on fixed assets for the local government accrual-based balance sheet. Then, users of information system are needs to trained in order to increase competence to conduct the administration of fixed assets accrual based, so it can contribute to improve the quality of fixed asset information presented on the accrual based balance sheet.

  9. Hubungan Kadar Ft4 Dengan Kejadian Tirotoksikosis berdasarkan Penilaian Indeks New Castle Padawanita Dewasa di Daerah Ekses Yodium

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    Harsa Rusda


    Full Text Available AbstrakTirotoksikosis merupakan manifestasi klinis yang terjadi akibat peningkatan kadar hormon tiroid dalam darah. Kelebihan yodium merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya tirotoksikosis. Ini ditandai dengan hasil pemeriksaan kadar Ekskresi Yodium Urin (EYU > 199 μg/L. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar FT4 dengan kejadian tirotoksikosis berdasarkan penilaian indeks New Castle pada wanita dewasa di daerah ekses yodium. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan secara Cross Sectional Study terhadap 37 wanita dewasa menggunakan metoda total sampling di Nagari Koto Salak, Kecamatan Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya yang merupakan daerah ekses yodium (median EYU 323,5 μg/L. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan penilaian Indeks New Castle dan pengambilan darah untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar FT4 dalam serum. Hasil: Analisis univariat didapatkan jumlah penduduk wanita dewasa dengan kadar FT4 meningkat sebanyak 14 persen dan nilai rata-rata 1,71 ng/dl. Penilaian indeks New Castle dalam kategori doubtful 16 persen dan tidak ditemukan penduduk yang termasuk dalam kategori toxic. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik Chi-square, didapatkan p value=1. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar FT4 dalam serum dengan kejadian tirotoksikosis pada wanita dewasa di derah ekses yodium. Saran: Perlu dilakukan penyuluhan mengenai asupan yodium kepada masyarakat dan diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi masukan kepada pemerintah dalam mengambil kebijakan terhadap pemberian kapsul yodium serta melakukan kontrol kadar EYU secara teratur dan berkala.Kata kunci: FT4, tirotoksikosis, indeks New Castle, wanita, ekses yodium, tiroidAbstractThyrotoxicosis is a clinical manifestation that occurs due to elevated levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. Iodine excess is one of the causes of thyrotoxicosis. This is indicated by the results of urine iodine excretion levels (EYU

  10. Democracy leadership (study approach of bureaucrats leadership at sub bagian tata usaha badan perencanaan pembangunan daerah, East Java province) (United States)

    Lestari, Y.; Rosdiana, W.; Noviyanti


    The main key to organizational success depends on the success of a leadership. Each organization’s progress will require the ability of a leader to transformed the organization. The emergence of the democratic-leadership is one of the most humane style of leadership. Democratic leadership positioned people as the most important factor in the leadership exercised by the orientation and emphasis on relationships with members of the organization. This study raised that the democratic-leadership in government agencies to study the leadership approach of bureaucrats at Sub Bagian Tata Usaha Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah East Java Province. The data collection techniques used descriptive research with qualitative approach, then the techniques were interviews, observation and documentation. While, the research data analysis used interactive analysis model approach of Miles and Huberman, which includes: (1) data reduction; (2) the presentation of the data; and (3) conclusion. Based on Nawawi theory’s [1], this study showed that (1) Leaders are very obedient to the rules/procedures work, (2) Leaders look more autocratic, (3) leaders make familiarity with subordinates, (4) leaders develop kinship situation and teamwork, (5) the leaders seem monotonous work and do not like a modification, (6) Leaders seem slow in decision making, and (7) leaders are accustomed to low-risk jobs with less survival trends.


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    Nurandani Hardyanti


    Full Text Available The port of Tanjung Emas Semarang was located at the coast needed more clean water for shipping,industries and the communities. The production process of PLTU Indonesia Power produced waste wateras cooling water that caused thermal pollution. Considering the quality, quantity, and continuity of thatwaste water used as one of alternative source of clean water. It treated using by multistageflash recycleddistillation method. The purpose of this plant to fulfill clean water for shipping and port of Tanjung Emasarea with production capacity was 50 liters per seconds for duration planning about 15 years. The locationof this plant was next to PT. SRIBOGA with area 8000 m2, wherein the intake on the Canal of PLTUIndonesia Power. In order to fulfill the quality of water, this plant used oil separator and antiscalant aspretreatment. Production cost of distillation plant was Rp 13.647 per m3. This cost was too expensive so itrequired to be done crossed subsidy. The price of clean water was Rp 2000 /m3 for public, Rp 5500 per m3for industries and Rp 3000 per m3 for governmental office.


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    Meutia Farida


    Full Text Available Daerah Ralla terletak di Kabupaten Barru Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, tersusun atas batuan karbonat dan vulkanik. Salah satu komponen utama penyusun batuan ini adalah kandungan fosil foraminifera baik planktonik maupun bentonik yang jumlahnya melimpah. Penentuan umur dan lingkungan pengendapan purba (paleobathymetry, menggunakan foraminifera sebagai proksi iklim purba (paleoclimate yang baik. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode Penampang Stratigrafi Terukur (Measuring Section pada singkapan napal dan batugamping dengan ketebalan mencapai 748,16 sentimeter yang terdiri dari 23 lapisan batuan. Hasil identifikasi dan determinasi fosil foraminifera menunjukkan bahwa pada sampel terdapat 46 spesies bentonik dan 28 spesies planktonik, dengan kisaran umur batuan adalah Eosen Bawah bagian atas (P9 – Eosen Tengah bagian tengah (P11, perubahan batimetri dengan siklus pengendapan inner neritic – upper bathyal - outer neritic. Jumlah spesies yang beragam dan sangat melimpah serta ukuran fosil yang besar menunjukkan nutrisi pada saat itu sangat berlimpah, dengan temperatur 0⁰– 27⁰C sebagai kondisi iklim hangat (warm water. Ralla area is located in Barru District, South Sulawesi Province which consisted of carbonate and volcanic rocks. One of the main components of these rocks is foraminifera fossils, include planktonic and bentonic which founded to be abundance. In determining the age and depositional environment (paleobathymetry, foraminifera fossils could be used as a good paleoclimate proxy. The research was conducted by Stratigraphy Measured (Measuring Section method in marl and limestone outcrop with a thickness of up to 748.16 centimeters which consists of 23 rock layers. Identification and determination of foraminifera fossils suggests that there are 46 bentonic and 28 planktonic species on samples, which are estimated the age of the rocks range from the end of lower Eocene (P9 till the middle of Middle Eocene (P11, bathymetry changes


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    Lim Boo Liat


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan sebagian dari survey biomedis yang dilakukan di daerah transmigrasi Baturaja-Martapura (Sumatera Selatan dan Mulyorejo, Way Abung III Lampung pada bulan September dan Oktober 1977. Tikus2 liar ditangkap dan dipelajari untuk mengetahui peranannya sebagai penyebar penyakit. R.r. diardii merupakan spesies yang lebih banyak ditemukan didaerah perumahan dikedua daerah transmigrasi tersebut. Hasil pemeriksaan parasitologis menunjukkan bahwa pengerahan spesies ini tidak terbatas didaerah perumahan saja. Diladang sekitar perumahan dikedua daerah tersebut R. tiomanicus lebih banyak ditemukan dari pada R. exulans dan R. argentiventer. Kertas kerja ini menyimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya hoepes dan vektor yang tepat di daerah-daerah tersebut ada kemungkinan akan timbulnya penyakit demam semak (scrub typhus dan mungkin juga eosinophilic meningo encephalitis dikalangan para transmigrasi, selain penyakit arbovirus yang lain.


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    Armen Yasir


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Kajian Tioritis dan Praktik Empiris, Landasan Filosofis, Sosiologis dan Yuridis, Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Yang Terkait, Jangkauan, Arah Pengaturan dan Ruang Lingkup Materi Muatan Peraturan Daerah Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Hutan Di Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara teoritis dan praktis pengelolaan sumber daya hutan adalah berbasis pada kewenangan daerah yang bersumber pada peraturan perundang-undangan. Landasan filosofis bersandar pada nilai-nilai kearifan pemanfaat sumber daya hutan, sedangkan landasan sosiologis bersumber pada perilaku publik dan landasan yuridis secara hirarkis struktural bersumber dari norma atau peraturan perundang-undangan dari tingkat terendah sampai pada derajat konstitusi. Adapun peraturan perundang-undangan terkait meliputi bidang konesrvasi alam, kehutanan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Adapun Jangkauan, Arah Pengaturan Dan Ruang Lingkup Materi Muatan Peraturan Daerah Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Hutuan Di Kabupaten Lampung Barat adalah mencakup materi muatan peraturan daerah yang diperintah oleh peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi, atau yang sederajat maupun dalam rangka menjalankan urusan otonomi daerah. Kata kunci : Pengelolaan, Sumberdaya Hutan dan Otonomi Daerah.


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    Yoti Komara Murti


    Full Text Available Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB di Kabupaten Sragen relatif rendah diantara Karesidenan Surakarta.  Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor penyumbang PDRB terbesar diantara sektor-sektor yang lain di Kabupaten Sragen, melalui sektor pertanian ini diharapkan dapat menaikkan angka PDRB dengan dilakukan perencaaan pengembangan komoditas tanaman bahan makanan. Data yang digunakan yaitu data sekunder dan merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitaif. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis Loqation Quotient, Shift Share, Klassen Typologi, Skalogram, Overlay serta Proyeksi Kecenderungan atau Time Trend. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode Loqation Quotient (LQ Shift Share (SSdan metode analisis Typologi Klassen, hanya daerah komoditas pada komoditas ubi jalar yang tidak terdapat kecamatan yang unggul. Atas dasar analisis overlay, area pengembangan pada komoditas padi terdapat di 2 kecamatan, komoditas jagung terdapat di 2 kecamatan, komoditas kedelai terdapat di 1 kecamatan, komoditas kacang tanah terdapat di 2 kecamatan, komoditas kacang hijau terdapat di 1 kecamatan, komoditas ubi kayu terdapat di 1 kecamatan, dan komoditas ubi jalar terdapat di 1 kecamatan. Berdasarkan analisis dengan menggunakan Proyeksi Kecenderungan atau Time Trend, selama 5 tahun ke depan subsektor tanaman bahan makanan dalam hasil produksi mengalami peningkatan, kecuali pada komoditas kedelai mengalami penurunan.  Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP in Sragen relatively low among Surakarta. The agricultural sector is the sector's largest contributor to GDP among other sectors in Sragen, through the agricultural sector is expected to raise GDP figures to do planning is the development of food crops. The data used is secondary data and the type of quantitative research. Methods of data analysis using analysis Loqation Quotient, Shift Share, Klassen Typologi, schallogram, Overlay and trend projections or Time Trend. Based on the results of studies using methods

  16. Perencanaan Kegiatan Wisata Pendidikan Dalam Kawasan Geopark Rinjani Lombok Berbasis Daya Dukung Lingkungan (Studi Daerah Aik Berik

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    Dwi Hardoyo


      ABSTRACT Aik Berik is a tourist destination within Geopark Rinjani Lombok. In this area there is a geological site that can be used as an education mean through educational tours for school children, but it is necessary to study environment carrying capacity so that these activities do not cause disturbance to the ecosystem as well as maintaining students activity comfort. The aim of this study was to determine Aik Berik carrying capacity that can be used to determine the best times in conducting educational tours. The method used based on modified environment carrying capacity formula calculation, the Physical Carrying Capacity (PCC,  Real Carrying Capacity (RCC and Effective Carrying Capacity (ECC. Data collected through observation/field surveys, literature, and interviews. The results showed that Aik Berik area  has value of physical carrying capacity (PCC 18.665 person/day and the Real carrying capacity (RCC 3,863 person/day. On Sunday the real carrying capacity has not been reached, approximately 19.9% of RCC or 767 person/day. Implementation of the educational tour can be done on a weekday (Monday-Friday by internship activities together or by allocating scheduled time in teaching and learning activities. Keywords:  Geopark Rinjani Lombok,  Educational Tourism, Carrying Capacity Cara sitasi: Hardoyo  ,D., Muhammad, F., dan Taruna, T. (2016. Perencanaan Kegiatan Wisata Pendidikan Dalam Kawasan Geopark Rinjani Lombok Berbasis Daya Dukung Lingkungan (Studi Daerah Aik Berik. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan,14(2,103-107, doi:10.14710/jil.14.2.103-107

  17. Disputas pela legitimação de lógicas de uso e apropriação do meio natural: conservação ambiental, representações e conflitos no entorno do Parque Nacional das Emas – GO Disputes for the legitimisation of logics of use and ownership of the natural environment: environmental conservation, representations and conflicts in the surroundings of Emas National Park - GO Disputas por la legitimación de lógicas de uso y apropiación del medio natural: conservación ambiental, representaciones y conflictos en el entorno del Parque Nacional de las Emas – GO

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    Lorena Cândido Fleury


    Full Text Available PortuguêsEste artigo visa discutir reconfigurações nas dinâmicas sociais a partir da incorporação de demandas provenientes da “questão ambiental”, tomando por base empírica o conflito no entorno do Parque Nacional das Emas, unidade de conservação ambiental localizada na divisa entre os estados de Goiás, Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul. Após observação direta, pesquisa documental, técnicas de associações livres de palavras e entrevistas semiestruturadas com 51 agentes na área de estudo, constata-se que a vivência coletiva da unidade de conservação possibilita uma atualização dos conflitos anteriormente existentes, podendo-se concluir que, nos embates pela apropriação do ambiente, estão em disputa sentidos culturais, pautados não apenas pelos interesses objetivos, mas também pelos significados que os distintos grupos sociais projetam para a construção comum do mundo ao seu redor.EnglishThis article aims to discuss reconfigurations in social dynamics starting from the incorporation of demands from "environmental issues", taking, on an empirical base, the conflict in the surroundings of EMAS National Park, environmental conservation unit located on the border of the States of Goiás, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. After direct observation, desk research, techniques of free associations of words and semi structured interviews with 51 agents in the area of study, it is noted that the collective experience of the conservation unit enables an update of previously existing conflicts. One can therefore conclude that in collisions by ownership of the environment, cultural senses are in dispute, guided not only by objective interests, but also by the meanings that different social groups design for the collective construction of the world around them.EspañolEste artículo visa discutir reconfiguraciones en las dinámicas sociales a partir de la incorporación de demandas provenientes de la “cuestión ambiental


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    Susintowati Susintowati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Amalgamasi pada proses penggelondongan emas tradisional di muara sungai Lampon menggunakan Merkuri (Hg. Limbah dibuang langsung ke muara dan lingkungan sekitar. Walaupun aktivitas penggelondongan emas telah dihentikan, efek cemar Merkuri terhadap lingkungan termasuk biota terus berlangsung. Bioakumulasi Merkuri dapat ditelusuri menggunakan bioindikator anggota Gastropoda. Penelusuran bioakumulasi Merkuri menggunakan spesimen Terebralia sulcata yang hidup di hutan mangrove sekitar lokasi penggelondongan, dan Nerita argus yang hidup di muara pantai. Analisis Merkuri berdasar metode SNI 06-6992.2-2004 menggunakan perangkat Mercury Analyzer. Hepatopankreas sebagai organ detoksifikasi Merkuri digunakan sebagai parameter patologis. Hepatopankreas masing-masing spesimen dipreparasi dengan metode parafin, diwarnai dengan Hematoksilin Ehrlich’s-Eosin untuk pengamatan struktur mikroskopis. Bioakumulasi Merkuri dalam tubuh T. sulcata hingga 3,10 ppm, sedangkan dalam tubuh N. argus hingga 3,03 ppm. Tampak banyak vesikula residu diduga berisi inklusi pemadatan elektron dan metalotionin sebagai dampak detoksifikasi ion logam Merkuri dalam hepatopankreas. Tubulus hepatopankreas N. argus mengalami disintegrasi dan atropi cukup parah. Walaupun tambang emas di Lampon berskala kecil dan telah ditutup, efek patologis pencemaran Merkuri terhadap biota terutama Gastropoda sangat signifikan.   ABSTRACT Traditional gold mining at Lampon Banyuwangi district was used mercury amalgamation. Tailings are discharged to waters, that caused mercury pollution. Mercury accumulation can be trace in sediments and benthic organisms such as Gastropods. Although the gold mining has been ceased, the impact of mercury pollution can be traced. The purposes of this study are to know the mercury accumulation in sediments, to know mercury bioaccumulation in the soft body of Gastropod bioindicators, to know mercury pathological effect in hepatopancreas. Terebralia sulcata and


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    S. Gunawan


    Full Text Available Penyakit taeniasis dan cysticercosis diperkirakan baru masuk ke daerah Paniai dalam tahun 1970. Kasus-kasus pertama telah ditemukan dalam tahun 1971 diantara penderita yang dirawat di RSU F.narotali. Insidensnya terus meningkat sejak waktu itu dan dalam tahun 1975 sejumlah 60-100 penderita dilaporkan setiap bulan dari poliklinik RSU Knarotali. Survey yang diadakan dalam tahun 1973 di kampung-kampung sekitar F.narotali menemukan prevalensi 8 persen taeniasis dan 4,25 persen untuk cysticercosis. Survey ulangan dalam tahun 1975 menemukan suatu prevalensi sebesar 8,2 persen untuk cysticerosis, dan 3,5 persen epilepsi. Meningkatnya jumlah penderita epilepsi di daerah ini kemungkinan besar disebabkan cysticercosis cerebral. Meningkatnya jumlah penderita luka bakar juga berhubungan dengan epilepsi akibat cysticercosis ini. Usaha-usaha untuk memberantas penyakit ini melalui penyuluhan kesehatan, pembangunan jamban keluarga dan pengawasan pemotongan babi sangat sukar dijalankan karena hambatan-hambatan di bidang sosial budaya. Penyakit ini pada babi telah menjalar ke daerah-daerah lain di pegunungan dan kenimbulkan ketegangan-ketegangan sosial. Penelitian lebih lanjut amat dibutuhkan, supaya suatu program pemberantasan yang lebih efektif dapat segera dilaksanakan untuk melindungi penduduk daerah Paniai dan daerah lainnya terhadap penyakit yang cukup berbahaya ini.

  20. Food cravings in everyday life: An EMA study on snack-related thoughts, cravings, and consumption. (United States)

    Richard, Anna; Meule, Adrian; Reichenberger, Julia; Blechert, Jens


    Food craving refers to an intense desire to consume a specific food and is regularly experienced by the majority of individuals. Yet, there are interindividual differences in the frequency and intensity of food craving experiences, which is often referred to as trait food craving. The characteristics and consequences of trait and state food craving have mainly been investigated in questionnaire-based and laboratory studies, which may not reflect individuals' behavior in daily life. In the present study, sixty-one participants completed the Food Cravings Questionnaire-Trait-reduced (FCQ-T-r) as measure of trait food craving, followed by seven days of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA), during which they reported snack-related thoughts, craving intensity, and snack consumption at five times per day. Results showed that 86 percent of reported snacks were high-caloric, with chocolate-containing foods being the most often reported snacks. Individuals with high FCQ-T-r scores (high trait food cravers, HCs) thought more often about high-calorie than low-calorie snacks whereas no differences were found in individuals with low FCQ-T-r scores (low trait food cravers, LCs). Further, the relationship between craving intensity and snack-related thoughts was stronger in HCs than in LCs. Higher craving intensity was associated with more consumption of snacks and again this relationship was stronger in HCs than in LCs. Finally, more snack-related thoughts were related to more frequent consumption of snacks, independent of trait food craving. Thus, HCs are more prone to think about high-calorie snacks in their daily lives and to consume more snack foods when they experience intense cravings, which might be indicative of a heightened responding towards high-calorie foods. Thus, trait-level differences as well as snack-related thoughts should be targeted in dietary interventions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Tingkat pendapatan dan pola makan berhubungan dengan status gizi balita di Daerah Nelayan Distrik Jayapura Utara Kota Jayapura

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    Vonny Persulessy


    status of underfives, fisherman areaABSTRAKLatar belakang: Secara nasional, prevalensi balita gizi buruk dan kurang menurun sebanyak 0,5% menjadi 17,9%. Prevalensi gizi buruk dan kurang Provinsi Papua menurut Riskesdas tahun 2010 sebanyak 16,3%. Data neraca bahan makanan (NBM Provinsi Papua secara kuantitas menunjukkan rata-rata peningkatan produksi bahan makanan di antaranya beras, jagung, umbi-umbian. Secara kualitas, energi dan protein melebihi angka kecukupan gizi (AKG, tetapi status gizi buruk dan kurang di Kota Jayapura mencapai 21,2% yang dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, yaitu tingkat pendapatan, pola makan, pengetahuan ibu, jumlah anggota dalam keluarga.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat pendapatan dan pola makan dengan status gizi balita di daerah nelayan Distrik Jayapura Utara, Kota Jayapura.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 162 balita (usia 12-59 bulan dan ibu balita sebagai responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner tingkat pendapatan, pola makan anak dalam keluarga menggunakan food frequency questionnaire (FFQ, status gizi diukur menggunakan antropometri berdasarkan BB/U standar baku WHO 2005. Analisis data bivariat menggunakan chi-square, sedangkan analisis multivariat menggunakan multiple logistic regression.Hasil: Tingkat pendapatan dengan status gizi menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna dengan nilai (p=0,000. Pola makan dengan status gizi menunjukkan hubungan yang bemakna yaitu (p= 0,010. Variabel luar pengetahuan ibu dengan status gizi, jumlah anggota keluarga dengan status gizi tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna, yaitu p>0,05.Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat pendapatan dengan status gizi, pola makan dengan status gizi.Tetapi tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan ibu dengan status gizi, dan jumlah anggota keluarga dengan status gizi.KATA KUNCI: tingkat pendapatan, pola makan, status gizi



    Umi Marfuah


    Salah satu daerah Jakarta yang memiliki tingkat mobilitas yang cukup sibuk yaitu di daerah Pulogadung yang merupakan kawasan industri dan di daerah Dukuh Atas sekitar Sudirman, yang merupakan kawasan perkantoran di pusat kota. Minat masyarakat akan transportasi busway sebagai sarana transportasi umum dalam kegiatan hari – harinya sangat besar. Hal tersebut menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah pengguna busway setiap tahunnya, namun Unit Pengelola Transjakarta Busway belum dapat memaksimalkan pelaya...

  3. Migration of the curimbatá Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1836) (Pisces, Prochilodontidae) at the waterfall "Cachoeira de Emas" of the Mogi-Guaçu river--São Paulo, Brazil. (United States)

    Capeleti, A R; Petrere, M


    In this paper, we counted the ascending curimbatás at the fish ladder at the Cachoeira de Emas from October, 1992 to September, 1993 in one whole day (24 h period) per month at different observation points in the dam for 5 min every hour. Most of the fish (80%) were counted not in the fish ladder itself, but in two adjacent spillways at its left, perhaps due to the comparatively increased flow as they are narrower than the ladder. The bulk of the migration occurred in September/October. We inspected the degree of injury of the fish in order to examine the hypothesis that larger fish are less injured, however no conclusion was reached. The degree of injury varied between different points and in different months of the year.

  4. Migration of the curimbatá Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1836 (Pisces, Prochilodontidae at the waterfall "Cachoeira de Emas" of the Mogi-Guaçu river - São Paulo, Brazil

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    A. R. Capeleti

    Full Text Available In this paper, we counted the ascending curimbatás at the fish ladder at the Cachoeira de Emas from October, 1992 to September, 1993 in one whole day (24 h period per month at different observation points in the dam for 5 min every hour. Most of the fish (80% were counted not in the fish ladder itself, but in two adjacent spillways at its left, perhaps due to the comparatively increased flow as they are narrower than the ladder. The bulk of the migration occurred in September/October. We inspected the degree of injury of the fish in order to examine the hypothesis that larger fish are less injured, however no conclusion was reached. The degree of injury varied between different points and in different months of the year.

  5. Seni Ukir Tradisional Sebagai Sumber Inspirasi Penciptaan Batik Khas Baturaja


    Irfa'ina Rohana Salma


    ABSTRAKPada saat ini kota Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatera Selatan belum mempunyai motif batik khas daerah. Oleh karena itu perlu diciptakan desain motif batik khas daerah yang sumber inspirasinya digali dari kekayaan seni tradisional daerah setempat yaitu seni ukir. Tujuan penciptaan seni ini adalah untuk menghasilkan motif batik yang unik, kreatif dan inovatif yang mempunyai ciri khas kota Baturaja. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengumpulan data, pengamatan mendalam terhadap motif-motif ...

  6. Asupan Yodium, Ekskresi Yodium Urine, dan Goiter pada Wanita Usia Subur di Daerah Endemis Defisiensi Yodium

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    Mutalazimah Mutalazimah


    Full Text Available Rendahnya asupan yodium berhubungan dengan ekskresi yodium urine (EYU yang tidak normal. Asupan yodium yang terlalu rendah juga menyebabkan kelenjar tiroid tidak mampu mempertahankan sekresi hormon yang adekuat sehingga timbul hipertrofi tiroid yang menimbulkan goiter. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji hubungan asupan yodium, EYU, dan goiter pada wanita usia subur (WUS di daerah endemis defisiensi yodium. Penelitian observasional potong lintang ini dilakukan pada 115 WUS di Kecamatan Prambanan Sleman yang dipilih secara random. Asupan yodium diukur menggunakan metode food recall 24 jam, EYU diukur dengan metode acid digestion, dan goiter diukur dengan cara palpasi. Hubungan antarvariabel dianalisis dengan uji kai kuadrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan subjek dengan asupan yodium kurang sebanyak 83,5% dan asupan yodium cukup sebanyak 16,5%. Subjek dengan goiter sebanyak 13% dan tanpa goiter sebanyak 87%. Subjek defisiensi yodium sebanyak 15,7% (tingkat berat 2,6%; tingkat sedang 3,5%; tingkat ringan 9,6%, yang normal sebanyak 31,3%, sedangkan yang lebih sebanyak 20,8% dan ekses sebanyak 32,2%. Asupan yodium berhubungan dengan EYU, tetapi goiter tidak berhubungan dengan asupan yodium dan EYU. The low iodine intake, associated with insufficiency of urinary iodine concentration (UIC. Iodine intake is too low, also causes the thyroid gland is unable to maintain adequate hormone secretion, influence the thyroid hypertrophy that causes goitre. This study aimed to examine the relationship of iodine intake, UIC, and goiter on women of childbearing age in endemic areas of iodine deficiency. This cross-sectional observational study was performed 115 randomly selected women of childbearing age at sub-district of Prambanan, Sleman Regency. Iodine intake was measured using 24-hour food recall method, UIC measured by acid digestion method, and goiter measured by palpation method.The association between variables


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    Nono Supriatna


    Full Text Available Abstract. This research is intended to know the influence. This research is conducted because it is still related to the fraud and inefficiency of government apparatus performance in Bandung. This study uses a sample of Organization of Local Government of Bandung City Government in the form of agency and agency. This research uses descriptive verification method with hypothesis test using simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that in Bandung City has done very well. In addition, the performance performance of Bandung City Government apparatus has also been in accordance with the principle of good governance. The results also show a positive influence. H0 rejected and Ha accepted.   Keywords: Internal Control System, Performance, Good Governance.   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh implementasi sistem pengendalian internal terhadap kinerja instansi pemerintah. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena masih adanya indikasi terkait dengan kecurangan dan inefisiensi kinerja aparatur pemerintah di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan sample Organisasi Perangkat Daerah Pemerintah Kota Bandung yang berbentuk dinas dan badan sejumlah 23 sample. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif verifikatif dengan uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan sistem pengendalian internal di pemerintah Kota Bandung telah terlaksana dengan sangat baik. Selain itu, pelaksanaan kinerja aparatur Pemerintah Kota Bandung juga telah sesuai dengan prinsip good governance. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif antara implementasi sistem pengendalian internal terhadap kinerja instansi pemerintah. Sehingga H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima   Kata Kunci: Sistem Pengendalian Internal, Kinerja, Good Governance

  8. Perbedaan Fungsi-Fungsi Public Relations dalam Sosialisasi Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada “Kasus di KPUD Yogyakarta dan KPUD Bantul”

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    Emma Octavia Purwandari


    Full Text Available Abstract: This research attempts to analyze the differences of Public Relations (PR function in local election (Pilkada. Pilkada is a democratic process in Indonesia. Government needs big participation of society, as one successful point of pilkada is participation of society. Effort to bring public politics participation cannot be separate from politics socialization process. Socialization process is public attitude establishment and politics orientation process. Pilkada socialization carried out by KPUD (Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah as executor. To make an effective socialization to public, KPUD needs to use specific function called Public Relation. Communication activity between organization and its public divided into some part of PR function, including publicity, advertising, press agentry, lobbying, issue management, investor relation and public affair. Basically, implementation of PR function in the process of PILKADA may be different in each region. It becomes the reason why author want to compare KPUD Yogyakarta and Bantul. Governance system differences among both regions would affect in government’s socialization policy. Those differences depend on population, social classes, demographic condition and personal motivation. It is also effecting in PR function held by government, as in media and in society as target operation


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    S. Gandahusada


    Full Text Available Dari tahun 1979 sampai dengan 1981 dilaksanakan penelitian epidemiologi malaria disuatu daerah hypo-endemis di Kalimantan Selatan. Sebagian dari penelitian yang dilaporkan di sini, menilai hasil pe­nyemprotan rumah dengan DDT yang dilaksanakan secara rutin oleh Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi serta menilai intervensi yang diadakan atas dasar epidemiologi setempat. Daerah transmigrasi Batutungku di­semprot  secara rutin dan hasilnya dibandingkan dengan Panyipatan, suatu desa yang tidak disemprot. Hasil surveillance menunjukkan bahwa incidence rate tiap tahun selama tiga tahun penelitian di kedua daerah turunnya sama : di Batutungku dari 10,20/00 menjadi 8,70/00 pada tahun 1980 dan 5,30/00 pada tahun 1981, dan di Panyipatan dari 16,60/00 menjadi 14,60/00 pada tahun 1980 dan 7,70/00 pada tahun 1981. Fluktuasi kepadatan An. nigerrimus dan An. peditaeniatus, dua species anopheles yang paling banyak tertangkap di daerah penelitian, juga tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan di kedua dae­rah. Dengan incidence rate dan data entomologis ini, dibuktikan bahwa penyemprotan rumah-rumah di Batutungku tidak efektif. Bahwa di kedua daerah incidence rate tiap tahun menurun, disebabkan oleh ''radical treatment' yang dimulai di kedua daerah sejak Oktober 1979. ''Mass treatment "di dua R W di Batutungku di mana incidence malaria per bulan lebih tinggi daripada lain-lain R W, dapat menekan malaria transmisi.

  10. Perawatan Ortodontik Kaninus Kiri Maksil Impaksi di Daerah Palatal dengan Alat Cekat Teknik Begg

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    E. Emil


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang: ketidakharmonisan ukuran rahang dengan gigi merupakan salah satu bentuk etiologi maloklusi yang diturunkan dan akan mempengaruhi susunan dan posisi gigi di dalam rahang. Impaksi gigi seperti molar ketiga atau gigi kaninus sering kita temui akibat tidak adanya ruang untuk gigi tersebut erupsi dan menyusun diri di dalam lengkung yang baik. Gigi kaninus memiliki peran penting di dalam mulut, selain untuk mastikasi, gigi ini juga memiliki peran menentukan dalam estetika susunan gigi. Senyum yang menarik tidak akan didapatkan tanpa adanya gigi kaninus di dalam lengkung. Kasus impaksi kaninus dapat dirawat menggunakan teknik Begg dengan proses windowing yang dilakukan oleh ahli bedah mulut. Tujuan: membantu erupsi gigi kaninus dengan bantuan alat orto cekat teknik Begg. Kasus: laki-laki 19 tahun mengeluhkan gigi depan rahang atas protusif langit-langit tergigit oleh gigi depan rahang bawah. Diagnosis: maloklusi Angle kelas II dengan hubungan skeletal kelas I disertai kondisi berjejal di daerah anterior dan gigitan dalam. Perawatan: menggunakan alat cekat teknik Begg dan windowing dengan pencabutan dua premolar pertama rahang atas serta prosedur windo. Kesimpulan: hasil menunjukkan gigi kaninus kiri rahang atas dapat erupsi dengan baik dan bisa diposisikan ke dalam lengkung dalam 5 bulan.   Background: Discrepancy in size between jaw and teeth is one of the etiology factor of malocclusion that genetically inherited and will affect teeth allignment and position within the jaw. Third molar and canine impaction frequently found because there is not enough space for theme to erupt and align themselfes in a good alignment. Canine have an important role in mastication as it is in facial aesthetic. Canine impaction can be treated with Begg technique and windowing process performed by oral surgeon. Purpose: to help impacted canine to erupt using fixed Begg appliance technique and windowing process. Case: 19 years old man complained of crowded

  11. Penyebaran Batuan Situs Purbakala Candi Palgading di Dusun Palgading, Desa Sinduharjo, Kecamatan Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dengan Menggunakan Metode Resistivitas Dipole Dipole

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    Usmardin Usmardin


    Full Text Available Candi Palgading yang terletak di Desa Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, D.I.Yogyakarta tanggal 1 Juli 2009 sampai 4 Juli 2009 dengan menggunakan alat Resistivitymeter. Pemetaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran dan kedalaman batuan penyusun candi pada Situs Candi Palgading serta sebagai sumber informasi bagi usaha penemuan benda-benda purbakala yang terpendam dalam tanah. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan 8 lintasan ukur, dan mencakup luas daerah pengukuran ±1000 m2. Lintasan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 dan 8 mengambil jarak rentang elektroda (a = 3 m sedangkan lintasan 7 jarak rentang elektrodanya (a = 2 m. Keseluruhan lintasan menggunakan n = 1 sampai dengan n = 7. Pengolahan data menggunakan software Res2dinv dan surfer. Nilai resistivitas yang digunakan untuk menentukan batuan penyusun candi adalah nilai resistivitas batu andesit. Hasilnya menunjukkan profil nilai resistivitas batuan penyusun candi 750 Ohm-m sampai 5000 Ohm-m yang berada hingga kedalaman rata-rata 4,5 m sebagai batu andesit. Terdapat 7 lokasi yang diduga merupakan batu andesit penyusun Candi Palgading sedangkan salah satu lokasi yang lain merupakan batuan andesit bukan penyusun candi. Batuan candi pada ketujuh lokasi tersebut salah satunya telah tersingkap yakni di lokasi 4 sedangkan lokasi yang lain batuan candinya masih terpendam.

  12. MONITORING KADAR NITRIT DAN NITRAT PADA AIR SUMUR DI DAERAH CATUR TUNGGAL YOGYAKARTA DENGAN METODE SPEKTROFOTOMETRI UV-VIS (Monitoring of Nitrite and Nitrate Content in Ground Water of Catur Tunggal Region of Yogyakarta by UV-VIS Spectrophotometry

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    Setiowati Setiowati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Metode analisis nitrit dan nitrat perlu dikembangkan untuk memonitor kualitas air minum. Kualitas air sumur untuk parameter nitrit dan nitrat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan dan kedalaman air sumur.Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis nitrit dan nitrat menggunakan asam p-aminobenzoat (PABA pada air sumur di daerah perkotaan Yogyakarta. Analisis nitrit didasarkan pada reaksi antara ion nitrit dengan PABA yang membentuk senyawa azo dengan panjang gelombang maksimum 546 nm. Kedalaman air sumur di daerah Catur Tunggal rata-rata > 10 m. Kadar nitrit dan nitrat pada air sumur adalah 0,05-0,09 dan 8,22-36,58 mg/L. Kadar nitrit dan nitrat tersebut memenuhi baku mutu dan aman untuk dikonsumsi. Konsentrasi nitrit dan nitrat pada air RO adalah 0,05 dan 2,72-59,57 mg/L. Kadar nitrit pada air RO tidak memenuhi baku mutu sedangkan kadar nitrat memenuhi baku mutu kecuali RO 5. ABSTRACT The method for analysis nitrite and nitrate had to developed to monitor the drinking water quality. The well water quality, especially for nitrite and nitrate were influenced by environmental conditions and depth of well. This study aims to analyze nitrite and nitrate using p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA in ground water at urban areas of Yogyakarta. The analysis was based on the reaction between nitrite ions with PABA which form azo compounds with a maximum wavelength of 546 nm. The depth of wells at Catur Tunggal were more than 10 m. Concentration of nitrite and nitrate in well water were 0.05 to 0.09 and 8.22 to 36.58 mg / L. The concentrations met the standard for drinking water quality and was safe for consumption. The concentration of nitrite and nitrate in reverse osmosis (RO water were 0.05 and 2.72 to 59.57 mg / L. The concentration of nitrite did not meet the standard for drinking water quality while the concentration of nitrate met the standard for drinking water quality except RO 5.


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    Agung Yudhi Pramono


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan, rasio ketergantungan penduduk dan pendapatan perkapita terhadap pembangunan manusia yang diukur dengan IPM. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari 35 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, menggunakan data sekunder dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Biro Keuangan Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam periode 2009 sampai 2013. Variabel penelitian ini indeks pembangunan manusia, pengeluran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan, rasio ketergantungan penduduk, dan pendapatan perkapita. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi data panel model efek tetap (FEM dengan metode Generalized Least Square (GLS. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, rasio ketergantungan penduduk berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, sementara pendapatan perkapita tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap IPM. This research has purpose to analyze how much influence of the local government expenditure in educational sector, local government expenditure in health sector, dependency ratio, and per capita income of a human development measured by HDI. the population of this research consists of 35 regionals in Central Java and region bureau money secretary of Central Java province among 2009 and 2013 period. the variables used in this research are HDI, local government expenditure in educational sector, local government expenditure in health sector, dependency ratio, and per capita income. in this research, quantitative and regression analysis of Fixed Effect Model is used as well as

  14. Identificación y localización geográfica de especies del género Anastrepha Schiner (Diptera: Tephritidae en Cundinamarca (Colombia

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    Martínez Javier Orlando


    Full Text Available

    Este artículo inicia con una introducción sobre la morfología y la taxonomía del género Anas­trepha, para apoyar el reconocimiento taxonómico de los grupos de especies y las especies de este género en Cundinamarca. A tal fin se examinaron nueve co­lecciones en distintas instituciones universitarias y de investigación en este departamento. Para identificar el material depositado en las colecciones se procedió de la siguiente manera con los especímenes: se extra­jeron y prepararon los genitales para microscopía; se tomaron medidas micrométricas de los ovipositores; se compararon por claves taxonómicas; se compara­ron con material de referencia del museo entomoló­gico UNAB y se sistematizaron los respectivos datos de colección. Como resultados se reconocieron 14 especies contenidas en seis grupos de especies y una especie de ubicación incierta: 1 grupo mucronota: <em>A. mucronota Stone, <em>A. nunezae Steyskal; 2 grupo grandis: <em>A. grandis (Macquart; 3 grupo spatulata: <em>A. manihoti Lima; 4 grupo pseudoparallela: <em>A. limae Stone, <em>A. palli­dipennis Greene; 5 grupo serpentina: <em>A. ornata Aldrich, <em>A. serpentina (Wiedemann, <em>A. striata Schiner; 6 grupo fraterculus: <em>A. bahiensis Lima, <em>A. distincta Greene, <em>A. fra­terculus (Wiedemann, <em>A. obliqua (Macquart; Incertae sedis: <em>A. rheediae Stone. Asimismo, en este estudio se recopilaron datos de localización geográfica del gé­nero para 22 municipios; también se reportan por primera vez para Cundinamarca <em>A. grandis, <em>A. mani­hoti, A. mucronota, A. limae, A. ornata y <em>A. serpentina.

  15. CITRA PERUSAHAAN DALAM BERITA KRISIS PERUSAHAAN: Konstruksi Citra Perusahaan Daerah Taman Satwa (PDTS Kebun Binatang Surabaya dalam Teks Berita Kematian Michael di Harian Jawa Pos dan Sindo

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    Theresia Intan Putri Hartiana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana Harian Jawa Pos dan Sindo membentuk citra Perusahaan Daerah Taman Satwa (PDTS Kebun Binatang Surabaya (KBS dikonstruksikan dalam berita krisis kematian Michael. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah framing Entman dengan merujuk pada pemberian definisi, penelasan, evaluasi, dan rekomendasi acana untuk melihat penekanan pada kerangka berpikir terhadap peristiwa yang dicanangkan. Citra PDTS KBS dalam Harian Jawa Pos memperlihatkan adanya kondisi Kebun Binatang Surabaya sudah tidak layak bagi satwanya dan kesengajaan keterlibatan orang dalam menjadi penyebab kematian Singa KBS mati tergantung. Citra PDTS KBS oleh Koran Sindo ditampilkan sebagai pihak yang harus bertanggungjawab atas kelalaian dan kecerobohannya dalam memelihara satwa sehingga mengakibatkan terjadi kematian satwa yang tidak wajar. Hal tersebut terlihat dari analisis makrostruktur teks yang memaparkan bahwa kepolisian dilibatkan untuk menyelidiki singa yang mati tergantung akibat kelalaian PDTS KBS dalam pengelolaan satwa. Pemberitaan yang dimunculkan oleh media massa patut menjadi perhatian oleh praktisi Public Relations. Berita yang dikonstruksi negatif secara terus menerus dapat memberikan pengaruh negatif pula di dalam benak pembaca. Beberapa pernyataan negatif yang muncul dalam teks pemberitaan dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar perencanaan bagi humas PDTS KBS dalam penanganan krisis dan perbaikan citra setelah krisis.


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    Yopi Ilhamsyah


    Full Text Available Studi simulasi keseimbangan energi permukaan di Jakarta dan daerah sekitarnya menggunakan model numerik Fifth-Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5 telah dilakukan. Empat domain dengan resolusi spasial 9 km yang menggambarkan daerah Jakarta dan sekitarnya disimulasikan selama 5 hari pada tanggal 04-08 Agustus 2004 untuk memperoleh hubungan radiasi dan keseimbangan energi di wilayah tersebut. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keseimbangan energi lebih tinggi pada siang hari terjadi di perkotaan dibandingkan daerah lainnya. Sementara itu, komponen energi seperti fluks bahang terindera dan laten di permukaan masing-masing menunjukkan bahwa wilayah laut dan perkotaan lebih tinggi daripada daerah lainnya. Sebaliknya, fluks bahang tanah menunjukkan daerah rural di bagian timur Jakarta lebih tinggi dibandingkan daerah lainnya. Secara umum, keseimbangan radiasi dan energi pada siang hari lebih tinggi daripada malam hari di seluruh daerah. Rasio Bowen di wilayah kota yang mencerminkan kawasan bangunan dan perkotaan lebih tinggi daripada di daerah rural yang didominasi oleh lahan pertanian beririgasi. Hal ini sesuai dengan perubahan sifat fisik tutupan lahan seperti albedo, kelembaban tanah dan karakteristik bahang.    A study of surface energy balance simulation in Jakarta and surrounding areas by using Fifth-Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5 numerical model was done. Four domains that presented the outermost and the innermost of Jakarta and surrounding areaswere utilized. All domains have spatial resolutions of 9 km. Model was simulated for 5 days on August 4-8, 2004. The relation of radiation and energy balance at the surface were derived from model output. The result showed that energy balance was higher in the city during daytime. Meanwhile, energy component, i.e., surface sensible and latent heat flux showed that sea and city were higher than others, respectively. Moreover, ground flux showed eastern rural areawas higher than others


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    Sudomo M.


    Full Text Available Beberapa daerah di Propinsi Jambi akan dikembangkan menjadi daerah transmigrasi, satu di antara­nya adalah daerah Kumpeh yang terletak berdekatan dengan daerah endemik filariasis malayi. Desa yang paling dekat dengan lokasi transmigrasi tersebut adalah desa Puding. Penelitian pendahuluan tentang penyakit filariasis telah dikerjakan di desa Puding untuk mengetahui tingkat endemisitas, periodisitas B. malayi, fauna nyamuk, jenis nyamuk yang potensial menjadi vektor filariasis, hospes reservoir dan keadaan sosial-ekonomi-budaya penduduk setempat. Mf rate pada penduduk desa Puding adalah 18,7% dan dari B. malayi jenis subperiodiknokturna. Nyamuk yang tertangkap terdiri dari enam genera yaitu genus Anopheles, Aedes, Culex, Coquilletidia, Mansonia dan Tripteroides. Dari enam genera tersebut yang potensial untuk menjadi vektor filariasis adalah genus Mansonia dan ini didukung dengan diketemukannyd larva stadium L3 (infektif Brugia sp di tubuh nyamuk tersebut. Keadaan sosial-ekonomi-budaya, khususnya menyangkut adat istiadat dan kebiasaan penduduk setempat, telah dipelajari.

  18. Early MR abnormality indicating functional recovery from spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fumeya, Hiroshi; Hideshima, Hiroshi [Hideshima Hospital, Musashino, Tokyo (Japan)


    Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging as an indicator of recovery from hemiparesis was evaluated in 60 patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. T{sub 2}-weighted MR images revealed early MR abnormality (EMA) of the corticospinal tract within 1 week of ictus. Most patients without EMA recovered beyond Brunnstrom's Recovery Stage 3 while only a few patients with EMA did so. Patients with EMA cannot regain motor function because EMA is almost always followed by complete tract degeneration. EMA in the brainstem and poor motor function recovery are closely correlated. (author).

  19. Early MR abnormality indicating functional recovery from spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fumeya, Hiroshi; Hideshima, Hiroshi (Hideshima Hospital, Musashino, Tokyo (Japan))


    Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging as an indicator of recovery from hemiparesis was evaluated in 60 patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. T{sub 2}-weighted MR images revealed early MR abnormality (EMA) of the corticospinal tract within 1 week of ictus. Most patients without EMA recovered beyond Brunnstrom's Recovery Stage 3 while only a few patients with EMA did so. Patients with EMA cannot regain motor function because EMA is almost always followed by complete tract degeneration. EMA in the brainstem and poor motor function recovery are closely correlated. (author).

  20. Mobile Phone-Based Unobtrusive Ecological Momentary Assessment of Day-to-Day Mood: An Explorative Study. (United States)

    Asselbergs, Joost; Ruwaard, Jeroen; Ejdys, Michal; Schrader, Niels; Sijbrandij, Marit; Riper, Heleen


    Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is a useful method to tap the dynamics of psychological and behavioral phenomena in real-world contexts. However, the response burden of (self-report) EMA limits its clinical utility. The aim was to explore mobile phone-based unobtrusive EMA, in which mobile phone usage logs are considered as proxy measures of clinically relevant user states and contexts. This was an uncontrolled explorative pilot study. Our study consisted of 6 weeks of EMA/unobtrusive EMA data collection in a Dutch student population (N=33), followed by a regression modeling analysis. Participants self-monitored their mood on their mobile phone (EMA) with a one-dimensional mood measure (1 to 10) and a two-dimensional circumplex measure (arousal/valence, -2 to 2). Meanwhile, with participants' consent, a mobile phone app unobtrusively collected (meta) data from six smartphone sensor logs (unobtrusive EMA: calls/short message service (SMS) text messages, screen time, application usage, accelerometer, and phone camera events). Through forward stepwise regression (FSR), we built personalized regression models from the unobtrusive EMA variables to predict day-to-day variation in EMA mood ratings. The predictive performance of these models (ie, cross-validated mean squared error and percentage of correct predictions) was compared to naive benchmark regression models (the mean model and a lag-2 history model). A total of 27 participants (81%) provided a mean 35.5 days (SD 3.8) of valid EMA/unobtrusive EMA data. The FSR models accurately predicted 55% to 76% of EMA mood scores. However, the predictive performance of these models was significantly inferior to that of naive benchmark models. Mobile phone-based unobtrusive EMA is a technically feasible and potentially powerful EMA variant. The method is young and positive findings may not replicate. At present, we do not recommend the application of FSR-based mood prediction in real-world clinical settings. Further

  1. Longitudinal study of the feasibility of using ecological momentary assessment to study teacher stress: Objective and self-reported measures. (United States)

    McIntyre, Teresa M; McIntyre, Scott E; Barr, Christopher D; Woodward, Phillip S; Francis, David J; Durand, Angelia C; Mehta, Paras; Kamarck, Thomas W


    There is a lack of comprehensive research on Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) feasibility to study occupational stress, especially its long-term sustainability. EMA application in education contexts has also been sparse. This study investigated the feasibility of using EMA to study teacher stress over 2 years using both objective compliance data and a self-reported feasibility survey. It also examined the influence of individual and school factors on EMA feasibility. Participants were 202 sixth through eighth grade teachers from 22 urban middle schools in the southern United States. EMA was implemented via an iPod-based Teacher Stress Diary (TSD). Teachers recorded demands, stress responses, and resources during 12 days (6 waves) over 2 years. Feasibility was assessed via compliance data generated by the TSD (e.g., entry completion) and an EMA Feasibility Survey of self-reported user-friendliness and EMA interference. The results showed high compliance regarding entry and item completion, and completion time, which was sustained over time. User-friendliness was appraised as very high and EMA interference as low. Initial difficulties regarding timing and length of assessments were addressed via EMA method refinement, resulting in improved feasibility. Teachers' ethnicity, age, marital status, grade/course taught, class size, class load, and daily workload impacted feasibility. The results supported the feasibility of using EMA to study work stress longitudinally and the value of continued feasibility monitoring. They also support EMA use to study teacher stress and inform EMA implementation in schools. Some teacher and school factors need to be taken into consideration when deciding on EMA implementation in education contexts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  2. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AT KUNING RIVER COURSE IN MERAPI VOLCANO YOGYAKARTA SPECIAL REGION (Pengelolaan Lingkungan Alur Kali Kuning di Gunungapi Merapi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Darmakusuma Darmanto


    alur sungai akibat pemanfaatan sedimen, air dan lahan dan (c evaluasi terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan alur sungai dan mencari arahan untuk meminimalisasi dampak yang terjadi. Selain Gunungapi Merapi merupakan yang teraktif di dunia, juga telah dipilih menjadi Taman Nasional karena mempunyai spesies yang cukup banyak.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi: 1 pengukuran geometri dari Kali Kuning meliputi kedalaman dan lebar lembah sungai dikaitkan dengan material sedimen yang meliputi: diameter, berat jenis dan persentase bongkah, (2 deterrninasi terhadap aspek lingkungan fisik (vegetasi dan persentase tutupan lahan dan (3 survei sosial-ekonomi untuk melihat ,peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan penghasilan serta sosiolisasi terhadap bahaya sedimen termasuk penambangannya. Ketiga analisis ini dirangkum melalui pendekatan ekologi dan spasial.Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini: 1 material erupsi Merapi yang terusmenerus mengakibatkan perkembangan geometri alur sungai menjadi tidak normal secara ekologis, sehingga fungsinya sebagai: penyimpan, penimbun dan pengaliran air dan sedimen kurang optimal: 2 pemanfaatan alur sungai untuk air bersih, pertanian dan khususnya penambangan pasir, batu dan bongkah dapat dibuat tata ruangnya, sehingga mempermudah untuk mendapatknnnya dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan daerah: dan 3 arahan pengelolaan pada daerah aliran sungai maupun pada alur sungai belum terlihat, sehingga diperlukan pengelolaan berdasarkan peraturan yang telah ada dan perlu memperhatikan karakteritik Gunungapi Merapi seperti lahar dingin, awan panas dan penduduk yang Padat.

  3. Symposium on Electromagnetic Launcher Technology, 5th, Sandestin, FL, Apr. 3-5, 1990, Proceedings (United States)

    Gooden, Clarence E.


    The present conference on electromagnetic accelerators (EMAs) and railguns (RGs) discusses active-current management for four-rail RGs, the design of a compulsator-drive 60-caliber RG, EMA studies with augmented rails, muzzle-shunt augmentation of conventional RGs, effect of in-bore gas on RG performance, the distributed-energy store RG, plasma diagnostics for high power ignitron development, a review of EMA armature research, RG hybrid armatures, a new solid-armature design concept, and the electrodynamics of RG plasma armatures. Also discussed is RG modeling at speed using three-dimensional finite elements, power supply technology for EMAs, rotating machine power supplies for next-generation EMAs, advanced EMA power supplies with magnetic-flux compression, metal-to-metal switches for large currents, lightweight high-effiency energy-storage transformers, hypervelocity projectile development for EMAs, structural design issues for EMA projectiles, stiff RGs, a reinforced Al conductor for cryogenic applications, mass-stabilized projectile designs for EMA launch, indictively-commutated coilguns, an actively switched pulsed induction accelerator, a plasma gun-augmented electrothermal accelerator, a symmetrical rail accelerator, and a travelling-wave synchronous coil gun.


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    Hezron Sabar Rotua Tinambunan


    Peran masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan untuk tercapainya pembangunan, karena keberhasilan pembangunan di suatu negara adalah bagaimana pemerintah menentukan model pemberdayaan kepada masyarakatnya. Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam pembangunan memiliki andil dengan melakukan upaya-upaya serius. Lebih lagi Indonesia menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA pada tahun 2016, yang bertujuan sebagai salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan stabilitas perekonomian di kawasan ASEAN. Kesinambungan antara pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat guna menghadapi tantangan MEA sangat diperlukan. Pemerintah daerah harus membuat regulasi terkait sistem resi gudang guna memangkas jalur tengkulak yang sangat mematikan hasil usaha nelayan dalam menjamin ketersediaan modal usaha untuk produksi yang berkelanjutan dan menstabilkan harga komoditi.

  5. PREFACE: European Microbeam Analysis Society's 14th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis (EMAS 2015), Portorož, Slovenia, 3-7 May 2015 (United States)

    Llovet, Xavier; Matthews, Michael B.; Čeh, Miran; Langer, Enrico; Žagar, Kristina


    This volume of the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering contains papers from the 14th Workshop of the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis which took place from the 3rd to the 7th of May 2015 in the Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia. The primary aim of this series of workshops is to assess the state-of-the-art and reliability of microbeam analysis techniques. The workshops also provide a forum where students and young scientists starting out on a career in microbeam analysis can meet and discuss with the established experts. The workshops have a unique format comprising invited plenary lectures by internationally recognized experts, poster presentations by the participants and round table discussions on the key topics led by specialists in the field.This workshop was organized in collaboration with the Jožef Stefan Institute and SDM - Slovene Society for Microscopy. The technical programme included the following topics: electron probe microanalysis, STEM and EELS, materials applications, cathodoluminescence and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), and their applications. As at previous workshops there was also a special oral session for young scientists. The best presentation by a young scientist was awarded with an invitation to attend the 2016 Microscopy and Microanalysis meeting at Columbus, Ohio. The prize went to Shirin Kaboli, of the Department of Metals and Materials Engineering of McGill University (Montréal, Canada), for her talk entitled "Electron channelling contrast reconstruction with electron backscattered diffraction". The continuing relevance of the EMAS workshops and the high regard in which they are held internationally can be seen from the fact that 71 posters from 16 countries were on display at the meeting and that the participants came from as far away as Japan, Canada, USA, and Australia. A selection of participants with posters was invited

  6. Momentary assessment of adults’ physical activity and sedentary behavior: Feasibility and validity

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    Genevieve Fridlund Dunton


    Full Text Available Introduction: Mobile phones are ubiquitous and easy to use, and thus have the capacity to collect real-time data from large numbers of people. Research tested the feasibility and validity of an Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA self-report protocol using electronic surveys on mobile phones to assess adults’ physical activity and sedentary behaviors. Methods: Adults (N = 110 (73% female, 30% Hispanic, 62% overweight/obese completed a four-day signal-contingent EMA protocol (Sat. - Tues. with eight surveys randomly spaced throughout each day. EMA items assessed current activity (e.g., Watching TV/Movies, Reading/Computer, Physical Activity/Exercise. EMA responses were time-matched to minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA and sedentary activity (SA measured by accelerometer immediately before and after each EMA prompt. Results: Unanswered EMA prompts had greater MVPA (±15 min. than answered EMA prompts (p = .029 for under/normal weight participants, indicating that activity level might influence the likelihood of responding. The 15-min. intervals before vs. after the EMA-reported physical activity (n = 296 occasions did not differ in MVPA (p > .05, suggesting that prompting did not disrupt physical activity. SA decreased after EMA-reported sedentary behavior (n = 904 occasions (p < .05 for overweight and obese participants. As compared with other activities, EMA-reported physical activity and sedentary behavior had significantly greater MVPA and SA, respectively, in the ±15 minutes of the EMA prompt (p’s < .001, providing evidence for criterion validity. Conclusions: Findings generally support the acceptability and validity of a four-day signal contingent EMA protocol using mobile phones to measure physical activity and sedentary behavior in adults. However, some MVPA may be missed among underweight and normal weight individuals, and EMA may disrupt sedentary behavior among overweight/obese individuals.

  7. Pengaruh pemupukan dan vegetasi terhadap keberadaan jamur tanah di lahan bekas penambangan emas yang direklamasi pada daerah Cimanggu dan Bojong Pari Jampang Sukabumi

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    Titin Yulinaeri


    Full Text Available In order to know the effect of vegetation and fertilizer on the occurrence of soil fungi, a study was conducted in reclamated gold mining land both in Cimanggu and Bojong Pari, Jampang, Sukabumi. Soil fungi were isolated by dilution plate method, using a “tauge sucrose agar� medium with 50 ppm antibiotic and incubated at room temperature for 2-3 days. Fungi identification follows Domsch et al (1980, Samson et al (1981, and Barnet (1969.The effect of vegetation and fertilizer on the composition of soil fungi in reclamated land both Cimanggu and Bojong Pari were not quite different. Aspergillys, Eupenicillium, and Pennicillium maybe dominant fungi in these areas. These fungi were probably involved in reclamation of land. To obtain faster reclamation process, the fungi are better involved as one of introduced microorganism besides Rhizobium and Mychorizal fungi or mixed inoculants. Besides election of suitable flora and fauna, soil fungi are expected to be able recover degraded land into original ecosystem.

  8. Analisis Zona Permeabel Fluida Sistem Panas Bumi Gunungapi Slamet Berdasarkan Analisis Kerapatan Kelurusan Citra SRTM Dan Struktur Geologi

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    Sachrul Iswahyudi


    Full Text Available Keberadaan manifestasi panasbumi di sekitar Gunungapi Slamet tidak dapat dipisahkan dari zona-zona permeabilitas yang berkembang. Lokasi-lokasi lulus air tersebut (zona permeabel yang memungkinkan terbentuknya sirkulasi fluida tempat air masuk untuk mengisi reservoir panas bumi dan air keluar ke permukaan bumi sebagai manifesatasi mata air panasbumi di sekitar Gunungapi Slamet. Publikasi yang berupa hasil penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi zona-zona permeabel tersebut berdasarkan anaslisis kerapatan kelurusan yang terekam dalam citra SRTM. Identifikasi kelurusan-kelurusan pada citra berdasarkan komponen-komponen interpretasi citra, yaitu tona, tekstur, pola, bentuk dan relief. Hasil analisis tersebut dikompilasi dengan data struktur geologi regional yang sebelumnya telah diidentifikasi dan data lapangan berupa manifestasi mata air panas. Lokasi-lokasi dengan kerapatan kelurusan yang tinggi pada citra SRTM umumnya bersesuaian dengan zona struktur geologi regional keberadaan manifestasi mata air panas. Daerah tersebut memanjang relatif utara-selatan di bagian barat dan timur-barat di bagian selatan peta. Daerah-daerah inilah yang merupakan daerah lulus air tempat fluida bersirkulasi membentuk sistem panasbumi Gunungapi Slamet.

  9. Kualitas Air Hujan dan Faktor Lingkungan yang Mempengaruhinya

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    S Sudarmadji


    Full Text Available Hujan merupakan masukan dalam sistem hidrologi. Ditinjau dari kualitasnya dibandingkan dengan air aami lainnya, air hujan merupakan air paling murni dalam arti komposisinya hampir mendekati H2O. Namun demikian, pada hakekatnya tidak pernah dijumpai air hujan yang betul-betul hanya tersusun atas H2O saja, berbagai faktor lingkungan telah mempengaruhi kualitas air hujan tersebut. Pencemaran udara yang terjadi di kota-kota besar, baik yang berupa buangan gas maupun emisi dari kendaraan bermotor. Serta buangan gas dari pabrik telah mempengaruhi kualitas air hujan yang jatuh di daerah kota. Air hujan di daerah pantai juga terpengaruh oleh laut dengan segala aktifitas dan komposisi airnya. Di daerah gunung api yang masih aktif air hujan juga dipengaruhi oleh aktifitas tersebut. Masing-masing lingkungan tersebut di atas mempengaruhi komposisi air hujan. Kajian kualitas air hujan dilakukan dengan mengambil hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti sebelumnya di daerah pulau Jawa, namun demikian hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di luar negeri juga digunakan sebagai pembanding.

  10. A Framework for Disaster Vulnerability in a Small Island in the Southwest Pacific: A Case Study of Emae Island, Vanuatu

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Guy Jackson; Karen McNamara; Bradd Witt


    The societal costs of disasters around the world are continuing to increase and Pacific Island countries are considered some of the most vulnerable.This is primarily due to a combination of high hazard exposure coupled with a range of social,economic,physical,and political vulnerabilities.This article contributes to the growing body of work that aims to understand the causal factors of disaster vulnerability,but with a specific focus on small island developing states.The article first develops a framework for understanding disaster vulnerability,drawing on extensive literature and the well-established Methods for the Improvement of Vulnerability in Europe (MOVE) framework,and second,applies this adapted framework using empirically-derived data from fieldwork on Emae Island,Vanuatu to provide a working understanding of the causal elements of disaster vulnerability.Drawn from a significant body of scholarship at the time,the MOVE framework was primarily developed as a heuristic tool in which disaster vulnerability is considered to be a function of exposure,susceptibility (socially,economically,physically,culturally,environmentally,institutionally),and a lack of resilience.We posit that this adapted framework for small islands should also include historical susceptibility,and we prefer livelihood resilience (as capabilities,social capital,knowledge,participation,and human rights) over lack of resilience.We maintain that understanding disaster vulnerability holistically,which is inclusive of both strengths and drawbacks,is crucial to ensure that limited resources can target the causal factors that produce vulnerability and help safeguard and improve livelihoods in both the short and long term.

  11. Studi Perbandingan Proses Pengelasan Smaw Pada Lingkungan Darat dan Bawah Air Terhadap Ketahanan Uji Bending Weld Joint Material A36

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    Safira Dwi Anggraeni


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan nilai kekuatan uji bending,  dan kekerasan pada sambungan weld joint plat baja A36 pada proses pengelasan SMAW di lingkungan darat dan bawah air. Penelitian ini menggunakan Baja A36 dengan variasi lingkungan pengelasan yakni di darat dan di bawah air dengan menggunakan las SMAW dan memakai elektroda E7018 diameter 3,2 mm. Spesimen dilakukan pengujian bending berupa face bend dan root bend, pengujian kekerasan dan foto mikro. Pada pengujian bending pengelasan di darat tidak menghasilkan cacat yang berarti, sedangkan untuk hasil pengujian bending face dan root pada pengelasan bawah air terdapat cacat sepanjang daerah lasan sebesar 38 mm, hal ini tidak dapat diterima karena ukuran cacat lebih besar dari persyaratan yang ada pada ASME Section IX edisi 2015. Pada pengujian kekerasan, nilai kekerasan tertinggi pada pengelasan di darat adalah 200,5 HVN sedangkan nilai kekerasan teritinggi pada pengelasan bawah air adalah 290,2 HVN. Hasil pengujian kekerasan tertinggi pada pengelasan bawah air lebih rendah dari persyaratan AWS D3.6M – Underwater Welding Code, sehinga nilai kekerasan memenuhi persyaratan standar. Hasil foto mikro pada pengelasan di darat pada daerah base metal, persentase struktur mikro untuk ferit adalah 75,44% dan perlit adalah 24,56%. Pada daerah HAZ, persentase struktur mikro untuk ferit adalah 70,11% dan perlit adalah 28,89%. Pada daerah weld metal, persentase struktur mikro untuk ferit adalah 61,11% dan perlit adalah 38,89%. Sedangkan untuk hasil foto mikro pada pengelasan di bawah air pada daerah base metal, persentase struktur mikro untuk ferit adalah 74,89% dan perlit adalah 25,11%. Pada daerah HAZ, persentase struktur mikro untuk martensit adalah 46,11%,   struktur mikro ferit adalah 18,22% dan struktur mikro perlit adalah 35,67%. Pada daerah weld metal, persentase struktur mikro untuk ferit adalah 48,9% dan struktur mikro perlit adalah 51,1%. 



    JABM Vol 1


    INDEKS SUBYEKAHP, 75analisis implementasi, 118ANP, 34bank syariah, 75Bapertarum-PNS, 46BI Rate, 23Biaya, 108budaya perusahaan,1 CFA, 1chi-square, 88corporate social responsibility (CSR), 118credit analyst, 23eksekusi strategi, 46EOQ, 108faktor organisasi, 56faktor psikologi, 56frekuensi, 108green value stream mapping,65indeks produktivitas hijau, 65industri pertambangan, 118IPA, 118job demands, 12job resources, 12kinerja karyawan, 1kinerja PNS faktor individu, 56korespondensi, 88kredit macet,...

  13. Institutional Entrepreneurs or Heterogeneous Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Georg, Susse


    Based on a study of the emergence of EMA as a new managerial domain and of how EMA costs the environment, the paper examines the institutionalisation of EMA. This is accomplished by linking EMA to the broader discourse of economic efficiency. Moreover, the paper contends that the institutionalisa...

  14. Kalimat Majemuk Bahasa Melayu Dialek Deli Medan : Suatu Kajian Transformasi Generatif


    Rozanna Mulyani


    Bahasa Melayu Dialek Deli Medan (BMDDM) adalah salah satu bahasa daerah di Indonesia. Penutur BMDDM adalah suku Melayu yang tinggal di daerah Deli Serdang dan Medan, Sumatera Utara. Kawasan kawasan penutur BMDDM Deli Serdang meliputi kawasan Tanjung Morawa, Percut Sungai Tuan dan Lubuk pakam, oleh Rozanna Mulyani D0300043

  15. Jalan Terjal Kebijakan Desentralisasi di Indonesia di Era Reformasi

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    Mudiyati Rahmatunnisa


    Full Text Available Abstrak Indonesia memasuki era baru sejak berakhirnya rezim Orde Baru pada pertengahan tahun 1998. Salah satu aspek yang mengalami perubahan adalah hubungan antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Momentum tersebut dimulai dengan diluncurkannya Paket Undang-Undang Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintah Daerah yang berimplikasi pada perubahan signifikan hubungan pusat-daerah, sehingga kabupaten/kota memperoleh limpahan hampir semua urusan pemerintahan yang sebelumnya berada di tangan pusat atau provinsi. Secara normatif, perubahan ini dipandang radikal dan revolusioner sehingga pemberlakuan Paket Undang-Undang Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah ini dianggap sebagai awal perubahan sistem pemerintahan yang sentralisk ke desentralisk. Saat ini, proses reformasi yang telah bergulir lebih dari satu dekade ternyata menunjukkan kebijakan desentralisasi di Indonesia dibuat dan dilaksanakan dengan tidak terbebas dari pengaruh politik. Kontroversi dan proses revisi serta lahirnya berbagai peraturan yang berimplikasi pada pasang surut derajat otonomi yang dimiliki daerah, merupakan salah satu indikator kuatnya pengaruh politik terhadap keberadaan kebijakan desentralisasi di Indonesia. Tulisan ini berupaya untuk membahas secara kritis permasalahan yang muncul dari kelahiran Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah terkait perubahan normatif dalam undang-undang, dampak terhadap tatanan pemerintahan daerah, serta potensi untuk membuat proses-proses politik dan pemerintahan daerah menjadi lebih otonom. Abstract Indonesia has entered a new era since the collapse of the New Order in the mid-1998. Iniated by the implementaon of Legislaon Package of 1999, relationship between central and regional governments has significantly changed. Per the change, regional governments especially on district/municipality levels are given extensive authority that previously only belonged to either central or provincial governments. Normatively, such change is


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    Rini Pebrianti


    menunjukkan bahwa peran Dinas dalam penyuluhan pemeliharaan ayam broiler adalah memberikan pendidikan kepada peternak , memberikan pendampingan teknis kepada peternak, sebagai fasilitator bagi para peternak, serta membantu meningkatkan sumber daya dan produktivitas peternak. Penyuluhan pemeliharaan ayam broiler dapat meningkatkan hasil peternakan ayam broiler disebabkan oleh penyuluhan mampu mendorong meningkatnya produksi dan produktivitas peternakan ayam broiler, mendorong ketersedian ayam broiler selalu stabil di pasar. Pemerintah daerah mendorong meningkatnya pendapatan dan kesejahteraan peternak ayam broiler serta membantu pemasaran ayam broiler yang semakin meluas.

  17. Studi Pemanfaatan Digital Dividend Untuk Layanan Long Term Evolution (LTE

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    Sri Ariyanti


    Full Text Available Sesuai dengan Permen kominfo No. 22/PER/M/KOMINFO/11/2011 tentang Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran Televisi Digital Terestrial Penerimaan Tetap Tidak Berbayar (Free To Air, pada tahun 2018 semua TV analog migrasi secara penuh ke TV digital. Dengan demikian ada alokasi tersisa sebesar 2 x 45 Mhz FDD yang disebut sebagai digital dividend. Frekuensi tersebut rencananya akan digunakan untuk teknologi LTE. Namun sebelum digelar teknologi LTE pada frekuensi digital dividend tersebut maka perlu dikaji bagaimana penggunaan digital dividend untuk layanan LTE. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil perhitungan link budget frekuensi 700 MHz untuk LTE, mengetahui perbandingan kapasitas user pada daerah tipe dense-urban, urban, sub-urban dan rural, mengetahui estimasi jumlah pelanggan LTE, mengetahui jumlah operator LTE optimum dan pembagian bandwidthnya.  Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan studi literatur. Kajian ini menggunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif deskriptif.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jangkauan paling besar yaitu daerah rural kemudian disusul berturut-turut daerah sub urban, dense urban dan urban. Kapasitas user per site dalam 1 Km2 dari urutan terbesar ke kecil berturut-turut yaitu daerah rural, sub urban, urban dan dense urban. Estimasi jumlah pelanggan LTE di Indonesia paling besar yaitu di daerah dense-urban yaitu mencapai 500 user/Km2 pada tahun ke 8. Jumlah operator LTE-700 MHz paling optimum sebanyak 3 operator dengan pembagian bandwidth masing-masing 15 MHz.

  18. Kajian Tanah di Kawasan Penyangga (Buffer Zone) Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser Kecamatan Sei Bingei Kabupaten LangkatBerdasarkan Toposekuen




    Penelitian dilaksanakan di daerah penyangga (buffer zone) Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser tepatnya di daerah Pamah Semilir Keeamatan Sei Bingei Kabupaten Langkat. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklasifIkasikan tanah yang terdapat di kawasan penyangga (buffer zone) Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser pada toposekuen menurut Soil Taxonomy USDA 1998 sampai tingkat sub grup. 950303003

  19. Kajian Kondisi dan Nilai Ekonomi Manfaat Ekosistem Terumbu Karang di Pantai Wediombo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Heriawan Maulana


      ABSTRACT Bodies Wediombo Gunung Kidul regency which has been designated as a Local Backup Water Conservation Area in 2013. Utilization Wediombo Turkish territory by the public as a fish landing site and tourism resulted in increased pressure on aquatic ecosystems, especially coral reefs. As common property, damage to coral reefs is not perceived as economic losses so that the exploitation of the benefits of coral reef ecosystems had become unmanageable. Wediombo Coastal management is a challenge for stakeholders to be able to optimize the use of environmental services for the welfare of society. One component management efforts is by monitoring the condition of coral reefs in Wediombo Beach. Economic valuation of coral ecosystems termbu is an instrument to assess the products and services produced by a coral reef ecosystems. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of coral reef ecosystems are represented by percent cover of coral reefs and coral reef ecosystems benefit value represented by the fishery products produced from coral reef ecosystems Wediombo Beach. The method used is a survey method. Methods of data collection coral reef condition refers to a method Line Intercept Transect (LIT. while the economic value of coral reef ecosystem benefits are calculated using methods Effect on Productivity. In the research results the percentage of coral reef cover in Turkish Wediombo of 25.29% with a damaged condition status. the true economic value of coral reef ecosystems Wediombo Coast of Rp. 634 553 504, -, while the value of current benefits of coral reef ecosystems Wediombo Coast of Rp. 20,304,872, -. Keywords:  Coral Reef Ecosystems, Economic Valuation, Turkish Wediombo Cara sitasi: Maulana, H., Anggoro, S., Yulianto, B. (2016. Kajian Kondisi dan Nilai Ekonomi Manfaat Ekosistem Terumbu Karang di Pantai Wediombo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan,14(2,82-87, doi:10.14710/jil.14.2.82-87

  20. Penentuan Batas Pengelolaan Wilayah Laut Antara Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Provinsi Bali Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2014

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    Rainhard Sumarto Simatupang


    Full Text Available Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah merupakan pembaharuan dari undang-undang sebelumnya yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 dikarenakan beberapa hal yang sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan perkembangan keadaan pada saat ini[1]. Beberapa perubahan peraturan dalam hal penentuan batas wilayah pengelolaan laut daerah yang terkandung dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 dari undang-undang sebelumnya yaitu mengenai penentuan garis pantai, batas wilayah bagi hasil kabupaten/kota, serta kewenangan setiap daerah baik provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota. Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 ditetapkan bahwa batas maksimal wilayah laut provinsi sejauh 12 mil laut, sedangkan batas bagi hasil kelautan kabupaten/kota maksimal sejauh 4 mil laut. Apabila wilayah laut antar provinsi tidak mencapai batas maksimal masing-masing, maka batas akan dibagi sama jarak dengan prinsip garis tengah (median line. Penelitian ini merupakan bentuk pengaplikasian Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 dalam memperbaharui penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut daerah. Dalam penelitian ini  dibahas bagaimana menentukan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut daerah serta dilakukan analisa dari hasil penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut. Lokasi Penelitian ini adalah Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Provinsi Bali tepatnya perbatasan pada Kabupaten Banyuwangi (Jawa Timur dan Kabupaten Buleleng (Bali sampai Kabupaten Jembrana (Bali. Penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut dilakukan dengan metode kartometrik menggunakan data Citra Satelit SPOT 7 2015 dan data Peta Lingkungan Pantai Indonesia (LPI 2002. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan median line sepanjang 40,3 km yang dibentuk oleh 41 titik, serta diperoleh luas wilayah pengelolaan laut Provinsi Jawa Timur sebesar 233,37 km2 dan Provinsi Bali sebesar 233,77 km2 (sesuai batasan lokasi dengan selisih sebesar 0,4 km2 serta batas wilayah bagi hasil kelautan untuk kabupaten/kota. Dihasilkan juga peta batas


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    Feri Wongso


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sistem Pencatatan  pajak reklame terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan mengetahui perkembangan realisasi pajak reklame, Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan pengaruh Penerimaan Pajak Reklame terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah.Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1 Mengetahui Sistem Pencatatan pajak reklame dalam meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah pada Dinas Pendapatan (2 Mengetahui kontribusi pencatatan pajak reklame dalam meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah pada Dinas Pendapatan.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Penelitian Kepustakaan merupakan metode yang dilakukan dengan cara mempelajari, meneliti, dan menelaah berbagai literatur. Data yang digunakan adalah Realisasi Pajak Reklame dan Realisasi Dinas Pendapatan Kota pekanbaru tahun 2016. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah penelitian lapangan dengan cara observasi.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pencatatan pajak reklame sebaiknya menggunakan Program Ms. Visual Basic Sehingga pencatatan pajak reklame tidak ada lagi kesalahan dan dapat meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah. Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the advertisement tax Registration System to Local Revenue and know the progress of realization advertisement tax, regional revenue and the effect of Advertisement Tax Revenue to Local Revenue.The purpose of this study was to: (1 Determine the advertisement tax Recording System in increasing revenue at the Department of Revenue (2 Knowing the contribution of advertisement tax record in increasing revenue at the Department of Revenue.The method used is the literature research method is a method that is done by studying, researching, and studying literature. The data used is the realization of advertisement tax and Actual Revenue Service pekanbaru 2016. The data collection technique is a field research conducted by observation.The results of this study indicate that the recording should use the advertising tax Program


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    Adam Haris


    Full Text Available Gempabumi merupakan peristiwa alam yang sangat merusak dalam hitunggan waktu yang sangat singkat. Sebagai contoh gempabumi Yogyakarta yang terjadi pada tanggal 27 Mei 2006 dengan kekuatan  6,4 SR. Gempa tersebut banyak sekali memakan harta dan korban jiwa. Penelitian ini  bertujuan  untuk  menganalisa dan  mengetahui sebaran  nilai  percepatan  getaran  tanah  daerah Yogyakarta  dan  untuk  mengetahui  tingkat  risiko  kerusakan  yang  diakibatkan  gempa  di  daerah tersebut periode 1980-2010. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumbert dari USGS dengan skala magnitudo ≥ 4 SR, pada batasan 110°04 BT - 110°08 BT dan 7°5 LS - 8°2 LS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode  atenuasi Patwardhan. Metode  ini dipilih karena lebih sesuai dengan   hasil verifikasi   riil di lapangan   sebagaimana telah dilaporkan oleh Sucipto, 2010 bahwa  gempa    merusak yang    terjadi    di  Yogyakarta tercatat rata -rata  memiliki intensitas antara V-VII   MMI. Metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis nilai percepatan getaran tanah dan nilai intensitas gempabumi sebagai acuan untuk mengetahui daerah yang rawan mengalami kerusakan akibat gempa. Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran data USGS diketahui bahwa   sebagian besar wilayah Yogyakarta didominasi gempa berskala  5  SR  dengan tingkat seismisitas yang tinggi, dimana  gempa-gempa berskala menengah ke atas sering terjadi di wilayah ini. Selanjutnya, setelah dilakukan analisa data dengan menghitung  nilai percepatan getaran tanah  diketahui bahwa  nilai percepatan getaran tanah maksimum di daerah ini berkisar antara  50-60 gal. Sebaran daerah yang rawan mengalami kerusakan akibat gempa berkonsentrasi di kabupaten Bantul serta beberapa daerah Kulon Progo dan Gunung Kidul.


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    Syamsu Rosid


    Full Text Available Air lindi merupakan limbah sampah organik yang biasanya diproduksi dari sampah rumah tangga. Pencemaran air tanah (groundwater oleh air lindi menjadi ancaman yang serius bagi masyarakat. Penduduk Bantar Gebang, Bekasi merasa terancam kehidupannya dengan adanya tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA sampah yang dikirim dari DKI Jakarta. Beberapa penduduk di sekitar TPA mengeluhkan bahwa air sumurnya agak bau dan tidak lagi terasa segar. Untuk mengetahui seperti apa polusi air lindi yang terjadi, ke arah mana dan sudah sejauh mana sebarannya, dan memetakan daerah resiko tinggi terkena polusi maka telah dilakukan pengukuran geolistrik metoda self potential (SP di sebelah Tenggara dan Selatan daerah TPA Bantar Gebang, Bekasi. Dari data SP diketahui bahwa aliran air tanah bawah permukaan di daerah tersebut berarah Selatan ke Utara. Meskipun lokasi TPA berada di Utara daerah penelitian, limbah air lindi diduga telah mencemari air tanah bawah permukaan hingga radius ratusan meter dari lokasi TPA. Penyebaran air limbah ini  diperkirakan melalui proses osmosis, mekanisme kapilaritas dan proses elektrokinetik.   Kata kunci: air lindi, metoda SP, TPA Bantar Gebang.


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    Lim Boo Liat


    Full Text Available Scrub typhus merupakan penyakit yang endemis di Indonesia. Akan tetapi laporan mengenai hal tersebut sangat sedikit. Penelusuran hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum tahun 1945 pernah dilaporkan hasil isolasi Rickettsia tsutsugamushi dari penderita demam di beberapa tempat di Indonesia. Setelah tahun 1970 beberapa penelitian seroepidemiologi dilakukan di beberapa daerah di Indonesia terutama daerah transmigrasi dengan hasil prevalensi antibodi terhadap scrub typhus tertinggi di daerah Biak dan Owi, Irian Jaya dan yang terendah di Flores dan Jakarta. Selain itu dilakukan pula penelitian mengenai vektor scrub typhus dan hospesnya dengan hasil di­temukannya 7 species tungau Leptotrombidium termasuk 2 jenis yang merupakan vektor. Saran untuk penelitian di masa yang akan datang diberikan dalam laporan ini.

  5. How do we diagnose and treat epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures (Doose syndrome)? Results of the Pediatric Epilepsy Research Consortium survey. (United States)

    Nickels, Katherine; Thibert, Ronald; Rau, Stephanie; Demarest, Scott; Wirrell, Elaine; Kossoff, Eric H; Joshi, Charuta; Nangia, Srishti; Shellhaas, Renee


    To obtain and assess opinions on EMAS diagnostic criteria, recommended investigations, and therapeutic options, from a large group of physicians who care for children with EMAS. The EMAS focus group of PERC created a survey to assess the opinions of pediatric neurologists who care for children with EMAS regarding diagnosis and treatment of this condition, which was sent to members of PERC, AES, and CNS. A Likert scale was used to assess the respondents' opinions on the importance of diagnostic and exclusion criteria (five point scale), investigations (four point scale), and treatment (six point scale) of EMAS. Inclusion/exclusion criteria were then classified as critical, strong, or modest. Investigations were classified as essential, recommended, or possible. Therapies were classified as first line, beneficial, indeterminate benefit, or contraindicated. Survey results from the 76 participants determined the following: EMAS inclusion criteria: history suggestive of MAS (critical), recorded or home video suggestive of MAS, generalized discharges on inter-ictal EEG, normal neuroimaging, normal development prior to seizure onset (strong). EMAS exclusionary criteria: epileptic spasms, abnormal neuroimaging, focal abnormal exam, seizure onset six years (strong). EEG and MRI (essential), amino acids, organic acids, fatty acid/acylcarnitine profile, microarray, genetic panel, lactate/pyruvate, CSF and serum glucose/lactate (strong). Valproic acid (first line), topiramate, zonisamide, levetiracetam, benzodiazepines, and dietary therapies (beneficial). To date, no similar surveys have been published, even though early syndrome identification and initiation of effective treatment have been associated with improved outcome in EMAS. Medications that exacerbate seizures in EMAS have also been identified. This survey identified critical and preferred diagnostic electro clinical features, investigations, and treatments for EMAS. It will guide future research and is a crucial

  6. Monitoring dietary intake and physical activity electronically: feasibility, usability, and ecological validity of a mobile-based Ecological Momentary Assessment tool. (United States)

    Spook, Jorinde Eline; Paulussen, Theo; Kok, Gerjo; Van Empelen, Pepijn


    Despite the growing body of research on complex lifestyle behaviors (eg, Dietary Intake [DI] and Physical Activity [PA]), monitoring of these behaviors has been hampered by a lack of suitable methods. A possible solution to this deficiency is mobile-based Ecological Momentary Assessment (mEMA), which enables researchers to collect data on participants' states in real-time by means of a smartphone application. However, feasibility, usability, and ecological validity need to be anticipated and managed in order to enhance the validity of mEMA. To examine the feasibility, usability, and ecological validity of a mEMA application (app) with regard to DI and PA among Dutch vocational education students. The students (n=30) participated in the mEMA study for seven consecutive days. They downloaded the mEMA app on their smartphone. Feasibility and usability of the mEMA app were evaluated by completing an online evaluation after seven days of participation. Ecological validity was measured by assessing the degree to which the content of the mEMA app approximated the real-world setting that was being examined, through several multiple-choice questions. Compliance rates, as registered by the mEMA app, declined 46% over a seven-day period, while self-reported compliance, as measured with an online evaluation questionnaire afterwards, indicated a smaller decrease in compliance (29%). The students evaluated the mEMA app as feasible and usable. Ecological validity analyses showed that all DI and almost all PA multiple-choice options were covered with the compound response categories. The mEMA app offers the opportunity to assess complex health behaviors (eg, DI and PA) in real-time settings, in which specifically routinized behaviors are involved. However, the mEMA app faced several challenges that needed to be overcome in order to improve its validity. Overall, the present study showed that the mEMA app is a usable and ecologically valid tool to measure DI and PA behaviors among

  7. Biocatalytic Conversion of Avermectin to 4"-Oxo-Avermectin: Characterization of Biocatalytically Active Bacterial Strains and of Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase Enzymes and Their Genes (United States)

    Jungmann, Volker; Molnár, István; Hammer, Philip E.; Hill, D. Steven; Zirkle, Ross; Buckel, Thomas G.; Buckel, Dagmar; Ligon, James M.; Pachlatko, J. Paul


    4"-Oxo-avermectin is a key intermediate in the manufacture of the agriculturally important insecticide emamectin benzoate from the natural product avermectin. Seventeen biocatalytically active Streptomyces strains with the ability to oxidize avermectin to 4"-oxo-avermectin in a regioselective manner have been discovered in a screen of 3,334 microorganisms. The enzymes responsible for this oxidation reaction in these biocatalytically active strains were found to be cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs) and were termed Ema1 to Ema17. The genes for Ema1 to Ema17 have been cloned, sequenced, and compared to reveal a new subfamily of CYPs. Ema1 to Ema16 have been overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified as His-tagged recombinant proteins, and their basic enzyme kinetic parameters have been determined. PMID:16269732

  8. Flow cytometric osmotic fragility test and eosin-5'-maleimide dye-binding tests are better than conventional osmotic fragility tests for the diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis. (United States)

    Arora, R D; Dass, J; Maydeo, S; Arya, V; Radhakrishnan, N; Sachdeva, A; Kotwal, J; Bhargava, M


    Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is the most common inherited hemolytic anemia with heterogeneous clinico-laboratory manifestations. We evaluated the flow-cytometric tests: eosin-5'-maleimide (EMA) and flow-cytometric osmotic fragility test (FOFT) and the conventional osmotic fragility tests (OFT) for the diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis (HS). One hundred two suspected HS patients underwent EMA, FOFT, incubated OFT (IOFT), and room temperature OFT (RT-OFT). In addition, 10 cases of immune hemolytic anemia (IHA) were included, and performance of the above 4 tests was evaluated. For EMA and FOFT, 5 normal controls were assessed together with the patients and cutoffs were calculated using receiver-operator-characteristics curve (ROC) analysis. The best cutoff for %EMA decrease was 12.5%, and for FOFT, %residual red cells (%RRC) was 25.6%. The sensitivity and specificity of RT-OFT was 62.06% and 86.3%, respectively, while that of IOFT was 79.31% and 87.67%, respectively. Both flow cytometric tests performed better. Sensitivity and specificity of EMA was 86.2% and 93.9% respectively, and that of FOFT was 96.6% and 98.63%, respectively. The combination of the FOFT with IOFT or EMA dye-binding test yields a sensitivity of 100%, but with EMA, it had a higher specificity. Hb/MCHC was a predictor of the severity of the disease while %EMA decrease and %RRC did not correlate with severity of the disease. Flow-cytometric osmotic fragility test is the best possible single test followed by EMA for diagnosis of HS. A combination of FOFT and EMA can correctly diagnose 100% patients. These tests are likely to replace conventional OFTs in future. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Sistem Perdagangan Risiko Bencana dalam Pengelolaan Banjir Antar-Wilayah

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sakinah Fathrunnadi Shalihati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Tujuan diteliti ini adalah: 1 Untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis perbedaan mutlak antara daerah menurut kabupaten / kota di Bengawan Solo DAS tahun 2007, (2 Untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis risiko banjir pada tahun 2007 di wilayah dalam administratif di Bengawan Solo Daerah Aliran Sungai , 3 Untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis keseimbangan risiko perdagangan bencana spasial dalam pengelolaan banjir antar-wilayah di Bengawan Solo DAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Aspek perbedaan mutlak antar-daerah dan ketinggian wilayah diambil sebagai data. Data berdasarkan perbedaan mutlak aspek antar-daerah (nilai positif adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi dan produk domestik regional bruto per kapita. Data yang didasarkan pada daerah ketinggian (nilai negatif yang Images SRTM, frekuensi banjir dan hasil dari kerugian banjir. Untuk menganalisis neraca perdagangan dari risiko banjir dengan menganalisis hasil nilai-nilai positif dan negatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan mutlak di antar-wilayah administratif dalam Bengawan Solo Daerah Aliran Sungai tahun 2007 menjadi yang parameter dilakukan dengan menganalisis hasil penilaian kemampuan daerah berdasarkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan produk daerah gros domestik nilai kapita per dalam manajemen sumber daya, sedangkan analisis risiko banjir Tahun 2007 menjadi adalah parameter dilakukan dengan menganalisis hasil dari kemampuan daerah yang memiliki potensi banjir berisiko tinggi atau tidak memiliki potensi banjir berisiko tinggi. Perbedaan mutlak di daerah antar analisis risiko banjir administrasi dan wilayah menghasilkan risiko wilayah banjir shceme dari perdagangan memisahkan menjadi dua shemes; subsidi penerima dan pemasok hulu / hilir, di mana hulu dan hilir dapat complet tanpa batas topografi pertimbangkan.   ABTRACT The objectives of this researched are: 1 To identify and to analyze absolute difference

  10. Identifikasi Struktur Bawah Permukaaan Pada Lapangan Panasbumi X Dengan Menggunakan Metode Audio Magnetotelurik Dan Magnetotelurik


    Dewi, Cinantya Nirmala; Maryanto, Sukir; Gaffar, Eddy Z


    Penelitian geofisika dengan menggunakan metode audio magnetotelurik dan magnetotelurik telah dilaksanakan di lapangan panasbumi X. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur bawah permukaan dan menentukan sistem panasbumi di daerah penelitian. Daerah penelitian terdiri dari 3 lintasan dengan jumlah titik pengukuran sebanyak 24 titik. Pengolahan data dilakukan hingga didapatkan peta kontur resistivitas. Hasil pengolahan data 2D menunjukkan bahwa nilai resistivitas lapisan bawah p...

  11. Penyajian Data Komoditi Batik Kabupaten Sukoharjo Dengan Google Earth


    Ukhti Ikhsani Larasati; Much Aziz Muslim


    Kabupaten Sukoharjo memiliki banyak potensi daerah yang merupakan komoditi unggulan kabupaten yaitu komoditi mebel kayu, mebel rotan, batik, tekstil dan produk tekstil, kaca grafir, kerajinan kulit/tatah sungging (wayang), kerajinan gitar, kerajinan gamelan, shuttlecock, jamu tradisional, emping mlinjo, sarung goyor, beras, dan alkohol. Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan kabupaten Sukoharjo adalah salah satu pelaksana urusan Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Sukoharjo di bidang perindustrian dan p...

  12. Kajian Panjang Jalan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perkembangan Wilayah


    Lubis, Indra Husein


    Dengan terbitnya Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 12 tahun 1998 dan disahkan pada tanggal 23 Nopember 1998 tentang pembentukan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal maka Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan dimekarkan menjadi 2 Kabupaten, yaitu Kabupaten Mandailing Natal (Ibukota Panyabungan) dengan jumlah daerah Administrasi 8 Kecamatan dan Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan (Ibukotanya Padangsidimpuan) dengan jumlah daerah administrasi 16 Kecamatan. Perkembangan pembangunan kabupaten Mandailing Natal selama ± 11 ...

  13. Stability of eosin-5'-maleimide dye used in flow cytometric analysis for red cell membrane disorders. (United States)

    Mehra, Simmi; Tyagi, Neetu; Dorwal, Pranav; Pande, Amit; Jain, Dharmendra; Sachdev, Ritesh; Raina, Vimarsh


    The eosin-5'-maleimide (EMA) binding test using flow cytometry is a common method to measure reduced mean channel fluorescence (MCF) of EMA-labeled red blood cells (RBCs) from patients with red cell membrane disorders. The basic principle of the EMA-RBC binding test involves the covalent binding of EMA to lysine-430 on the first extracellular loop of band 3 protein. In the present study, the MCF of EMA was analyzed for samples derived from 12 healthy volunteers (controls) to determine the stability (i.e., the percentage decrease in fluorescence) of EMA over a period of 1 year. Comparison of periodical MCF readings over time, that is, at 2-month intervals, showed that there were no significant changes in mean channel fluorescence for up to 6 months; however, there was a significant decrease in MCF at 8 months. For optimal dye utilization, EMA remained stable only for up to 6 months. Therefore, we recommend reconstitution of the dye every 6 months when implementing this test and storage at -80℃ in dark conditions.

  14. Three-dimensional Locomotion and Drilling Microrobot Using Electromagnetic Actuation System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Girl; Choi, Hyun Chul; Cha, Kyoung Rae; Jeong, Se Mi; Park, Jong Oh; Park, Suk Ho


    In this study, a novel electromagnetic microrobot system with locomotion and drilling functions in three dimensional space was developed. Because of size limitations, the microrobot does not have actuator, battery, and controller. Therefore, an electromagnetic actuation (EMA) system was used to drive the robot. The proposed EMA system consists of three rectangular Helmholtz coil pairs in x-, y- and z-axes and a Maxwell coil pair in the z-axis. The magnetic field generated in the EMA coil system could be controlled by the input current of the EMA coil. Finally, through various experiments, the locomotion and drilling performances of the proposed EMA microrobot system were verified

  15. Three-dimensional Locomotion and Drilling Microrobot Using Electromagnetic Actuation System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Girl; Choi, Hyun Chul; Cha, Kyoung Rae; Jeong, Se Mi; Park, Jong Oh; Park, Suk Ho [Chonnam National University, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    In this study, a novel electromagnetic microrobot system with locomotion and drilling functions in three dimensional space was developed. Because of size limitations, the microrobot does not have actuator, battery, and controller. Therefore, an electromagnetic actuation (EMA) system was used to drive the robot. The proposed EMA system consists of three rectangular Helmholtz coil pairs in x-, y- and z-axes and a Maxwell coil pair in the z-axis. The magnetic field generated in the EMA coil system could be controlled by the input current of the EMA coil. Finally, through various experiments, the locomotion and drilling performances of the proposed EMA microrobot system were verified.

  16. Numerical simulation of dynamics of brushless dc motors for aerospace and other applications. Volume 1: Model development and applications, part A (United States)

    Demerdash, N. A. O.; Nehl, T. W.


    The development, fabrication and evaluation of a prototype electromechanical actuator (EMA) is discussed. Application of the EMA as a motor for control surfaces in aerospace flight is examined. A mathematical model of the EMA is developed for design optimization. Nonlinearities which complicate the mathematical model are discussed. The dynamics of the EMA from the underlying physical principles are determined and a discussion of similating the control logic by means of equivalent boolean expressions is presented.


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    Dian Novianto


    Full Text Available Ikan hiu buaya (Pseudocarcharias kamoharai merupakan salah satu jenis hiu yang tertangkap secara tidak sengaja pada perikanan rawai tuna (tuna longline. Ikan hiu buaya dalam penanganannya selalu dibuang di laut karena ukuran tubuhnya yang kecil dan tidak memiliki pasar diantara ikan non target (by-catch lainnya. Penelitian tentang komposisi ukuran, nisbah kelamin dan daerah penyebaran hiu buaya dilakukan pada tahun 2010 – 2011 di perairan WPP 573 – 572 Samudera Hindia dengan mengikuti kapal longline yang berbasis di Benoa dan Bungus. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi dalam rangka pengelolaan dan konservasi hiu buaya. Hiu buaya memiliki kisaran panjang tubuh 37 – 96 cm FL dengan panjang maksimal 96 cm FL untuk jenis betina dan 94 cm FL untuk jenis jantan dan modus pada kisaran 85 – 89 cm FL untuk jenis betina dan 75 – 79 cm FL untuk jenis jantan. Perbandingan jenis kelamin ikan jantan dan betina adalah 1 : 1,33, menunjukkan bahwa rasio ikan jantan dan betina tidak seimbang. Ikan hiu buaya terdistribusi tidak merata, hanya terdapat di 77 posisi setting pada 1120 – 1220 Bujur Timur dan 090 – 150 Lintang Selatan dari 256 jumlah setting selama periode penelitian ini.   Crocodile shark (Pseudocarcharias kamoharai is one of sharks species caught accidentally in tuna longline fisheries. Crocodile shark handling is always discarded at sea because of it is small size and is not economics value among others non-target fish (by-catch. Research on the biology of crocodile shark was conducted in 2010 – 2011 at Fisheries management Areas (FMA 572 (Indian Ocean – west Sumatera and 573 (South of Java – East Nusa Tenggara following longline vessels based in Benoa and Bungus. The purpose of research was to investigate data and information on the crocodile shark for management and conservation purposes. Crocodile shark has a range of body length of 37-96 cm FL with a maximum length of 96 cm FL for females and 94 cm

  18. Ecological Momentary Assessment in Behavioral Research: Addressing Technological and Human Participant Challenges. (United States)

    Burke, Lora E; Shiffman, Saul; Music, Edvin; Styn, Mindi A; Kriska, Andrea; Smailagic, Asim; Siewiorek, Daniel; Ewing, Linda J; Chasens, Eileen; French, Brian; Mancino, Juliet; Mendez, Dara; Strollo, Patrick; Rathbun, Stephen L


    Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) assesses individuals' current experiences, behaviors, and moods as they occur in real time and in their natural environment. EMA studies, particularly those of longer duration, are complex and require an infrastructure to support the data flow and monitoring of EMA completion. Our objective is to provide a practical guide to developing and implementing an EMA study, with a focus on the methods and logistics of conducting such a study. The EMPOWER study was a 12-month study that used EMA to examine the triggers of lapses and relapse following intentional weight loss. We report on several studies that informed the implementation of the EMPOWER study: (1) a series of pilot studies, (2) the EMPOWER study's infrastructure, (3) training of study participants in use of smartphones and the EMA protocol and, (4) strategies used to enhance adherence to completing EMA surveys. The study enrolled 151 adults and had 87.4% (132/151) retention rate at 12 months. Our learning experiences in the development of the infrastructure to support EMA assessments for the 12-month study spanned several topic areas. Included were the optimal frequency of EMA prompts to maximize data collection without overburdening participants; the timing and scheduling of EMA prompts; technological lessons to support a longitudinal study, such as proper communication between the Android smartphone, the Web server, and the database server; and use of a phone that provided access to the system's functionality for EMA data collection to avoid loss of data and minimize the impact of loss of network connectivity. These were especially important in a 1-year study with participants who might travel. It also protected the data collection from any server-side failure. Regular monitoring of participants' response to EMA prompts was critical, so we built in incentives to enhance completion of EMA surveys. During the first 6 months of the 12-month study interval, adherence to


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    Wahyudi Rahmat


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini mencoba menerapkan Kaba Minangkabau sebagai media pemertahanan bahasa ibu, kesusastraan dan pengajaran dalam keluarga di Minangkabau. Pengajaran ini bermakna bahwa dengan terus mempertahankan eksistensi Kaba dalam masyarakat, maka secara otomatis pelestarian bahasa ibu juga akan terus bertahan dalam perkembangan zaman. Bahasa amai atau ibu yang ada dalam kaba Minangkabau jika terus dipertahankan sebagai sebuah inovasi akan menjadikannya sebuah bahasa yang lebih mulia. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa bahasa daerah  atau bahasa Minangkabau adalah sebuah bentuk kekayaan budaya yang dapat dimanfaatkan, bukan hanya sebagai sebuah kepentingan pengembangan  melainkan sebagai sebuah eksistensi bahasa itu sendiri. Penerapan Kaba Minangkabau  sebagai media pelestarian bahasa ibu ini sudah lama diterapkan pada proses belajar dan mengajar di program studi Sastra Daerah Universitas Andalas Sumatera Barat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebagian besar mahasiswa Sastra Daerah menggunakan bahasa Minangkabau dalam berkomunikasi dan dalam situasi komunikasi ini mahasiswa Sastra Daerah mampu mengembangkan pengalaman empiris untuk pengembangan kearifan hidup dalam kaba baik secara individual maupun secara kolektif di kampus ataupun di masyarakat. Secara tidak langsung juga bahasa amai atau ibu yang ada dalam kaba Minangkabau dapat terus dipertahankan sebagai sebuah inovasi akan menjadikannya sebuah bahasa yang lebih mulia.

  20. Towards onions and shallots (Allium cepa L.) resistant to beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua Hübner) by transgenesis and conventional breeding

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zheng, S.J.


    Onion ( Allium cepa L. group Common Onion) and shallot ( <em>A. cepa L. group Aggregatum) are two subspecies of <em>A. cepa . Both onion and shallot together with other Allium species like garlic ( <em>A.

  1. Detection of Legionella species in environmental water by the quantitative PCR method in combination with ethidium monoazide treatment. (United States)

    Inoue, Hiroaki; Takama, Tomoko; Yoshizaki, Miwa; Agata, Kunio


    We detected Legionella species in 111 bath water samples and 95 cooling tower water samples by using a combination of conventional plate culture, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and qPCR combined with ethidium monoazide treatment (EMA-qPCR) methods. In the case of bath water samples, Legionella spp. were detected in 30 samples by plate culture, in 85 samples by qPCR, and in 49 samples by EMA-qPCR. Of 81 samples determined to be Legionella-negative by plate culture, 56 and 23 samples were positive by qPCR and EMA-qPCR, respectively. Therefore, EMA treatment decreased the number of Legionella-positive bath water samples detected by qPCR. In contrast, EMA treatment had no effect on cooling tower water samples. We therefore expect that EMA-qPCR is a useful method for the rapid detection of viable Legionella spp. from bath water samples.

  2. Aspek Hukum Pengadaan Tanah bagi Pelaksanaan Pembangunan untuk Kepentingan Umum

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    Hardianto Djanggih


    Full Text Available Tanah adalah karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa bagi rakyat, bangsa dan Negara Indonesia, yang harus diusahakan, dimanfaatkan, dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat. Artikel ini menganalisis tentang pengadaan tanah yang berorientasi pada terciptanya kepastian hukum pengadaan tanah bagi pemerintah daerah. Metode Penelitian digunakan Metode penelitian normatif dengan Pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach dan Pendekatan analisis/konsep (analytical or conceptual approach. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintahan daerah berhak serta berwenang mengatur dan mengurus sendiri urusan pemerintahan daerahnya menurut prinsip-prinsip otonomi daerah, terutama dalam hal pengadaan tanah bagi pelaksanaan pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum. Namun kewenangan yang diberikan kepada setiap pemerintah daerah, aplikasinya harus bersinergi dengan program pemerintah pusat. Jika eksistensi pemerintah daerah tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pemerintah pusat. Land is a gift of God Almighty for the people, the nation and the State of Indonesia, which must be cultivated, utilized, and used for the greatest prosperity of the people. This article examines the land procurement oriented to the creation of legal certainty of land procurement for local government. Methods Research used normative research methods with statutory approach and analytical or conceptual approach. The results of research indicate that local government has the right and authority to arrange and manage its own regional government affairs according to the principles of regional autonomy, especially in terms of land acquisition for the implementation of development for the public interest. However, the authority given to each local government, the application must be in synergy with the central government program. If the existence of local government can not be separated from the central government.

  3. Keragaman dan Peran Biologi Arthrophoda pada Sawah Irigasi dan Tegalan


    Suwarno, Suwarno


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman arthropoda dan peran biologinya pada tanah sawah irigasi dan tegalan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di daerah persawahan di daerah Sragen pada bulan Maret – Mei 2016. Metode Penelitian dengan menggunakan pitfall trap atau perangkap jebakan yang diletakkan area persawahan dan tegalan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Sampel arthropoda yang diperoleh diidentifikasi dan dianalisis di Laboratorium pendidikan Biologi. ...

  4. Analisis Finansial dan Strategi Pengembangan USAha Pengolahan Sabut Kelapa Menjadi Serat Kelapa (Coco Fiber) (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Batang Kuis, Kabupaten Deli Serdang)


    Sitohang, Adolf Paskaris; Ayu, Salmiah, Sri Fajar


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menjelaskan bagaimana proses produksi USAha serat kelapa (coco fiber), menganalisis USAha serat kelapa (coco fiber) sudah layak atau tidak, dan menjelaskan strategi pengembangan yang cocok untuk USAha serat kelapa (coco fiber) di daerah penelitian. Daerah penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive) berdasarkan pertimbangan tertentu, yaitu di Kecamatan Batang Kuis, Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan metode teknik purposive sampli...



    Basir, Muhammad; Sani, Yamin; Pawennari; Yahya


    Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menggabarkan bagaimana pemahaman budaya sensitif dalam kaitannya dengan hubungan antar sukubangsa di Sulawesi Selatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pemahaman dalam kaitannya dengan hubungan antar sukubangsa, agar bisa dijadikan sebagai referensi bagi pengambil kebijakan, yakni terkait dengan regulasi yang mungkin bisa dibuat dan diterapkan di daerah-daerah yang multi etnik. Sehingga hubungan antar sukubangsa bisa damai dan harmonis, dan sudah ten...



    Muhammad Basir; Yamin Sani; Pawennari Hijjang; Yahya


    Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menggabarkan bagaimana model keserasian sosial dalam kaitannya dengan hubungan antar sukubangsa di perkotaan dengan wilayah penelitian di Kota Makassar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat dan mendapatkan model keserasian sosial dalam kaitannya dengan hubungan antar sukubangsa, agar bisa dijadikan sebagai referensi bagi pengambil kebijakan, yakni terkait dengan regulasi yang mungkin bisa dibuat dan diterapkan di daerah-daerah yang multi etnik. Sehingga hubungan a...

  7. Pasca Gempa Kerinci Tahun 1995 dan Rencana Kontigensi (Contingency Planning)


    Naryanto, Heru Sri; Santoso, Eko Widi


    Gempa Kerinci tahun 1995 menimbulkan banyak korban baik jiwa maupun harta. Gempa ini juga telah melumpuhkan gerak nadi perekonomian di Kabupaten Dati Il Kerinci. Pembangunan kembali (recovery) telah dilakukan bersama-sama balk oleh pemerintah daerah, pemerintah pusat dari semua instansi terkait maupun swadaya masyarakat setempat. Berdasarkan asumsi bahwa daerah yang pernah terjadi gempa, dimungkinkan terjadi lagi gempa ditempat tersebut. Sehingga Pasca Gempa Kerinci tahun 1995 perlu ditindakl...

  8. Analisis Spasial Kejadian Filariasi di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah


    Nurjazuli Nurjazuli; Hanan Lanang Dangiran; Asty Awiyatul Bari'ah


    Latar Belakang: Filariasis merupakan salah satu penyakit tular vektor yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian, termasuk kelompok Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). Kabupaten Demak merupakan salah satu wilayah di Propinsi Jawa Tengah  yang merupakan daerah endemis filarisis (mf rate>1%). Kejadian filarisis di daerah ini diduga berkaitan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik dan biologis (nyamuk) yang mempunyai peran penting dalam penyebaran penyakit filarisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan ada...

  9. Carbon Stocks in Mangrove Ecosystems of Musi and Banyuasin Estuarine, South Sumatra Province (Stok Karbon Ekosistem Mangrove di Estuarin Musi dan Banyuasin, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan)


    Melki Melki; Isnaini Isnaini


    Hutan mangrove di daerah estuari mampu menghasilkan stok karbon yang sangat besar sebagai daerah perlindungan dan pemulihan yang efektif sebagai strategi mitigasi perubahan iklim yang efektif. Pemilihan ekosistem pesisir dalam strategi mitigasi memerlukan kuantifikasi stok karbon untuk menghitung emisi atau penyerapan berdasarkan waktu. Penelitian ini menghitung stok karbon pada ekosistem Musi Estuari Waters (MEW) dan Banyuasin Estuari Water (BEW), Provinsi Sumatera Selatan pada tipe vegetasi...

  10. Feasibility and Acceptability of Smartphone Assessment in Older Adults with Cognitive and Emotional Difficulties. (United States)

    Ramsey, Alex T; Wetherell, Julie Loebach; Depp, Colin; Dixon, David; Lenze, Eric

    Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) has several advantages in clinical research yet little is known about the feasibility of collecting EMA data with mobile technologies in older adults, particularly those with emotional or cognitive difficulties. The aim of this feasibility study was to assess perceived acceptability, adherence rates, and reasons for non-adherence to smartphone-based EMA. At two sites, participants ( n =103) aged 65 years or older with a DSM-IV-defined anxiety or depressive disorder and cognitive concerns responded three times daily to smartphone-based EMA questions assessing clinical outcomes for two 10-day periods. Quantitative and qualitative measures assessed acceptability, adherence, and reasons for non-adherence following both 10-day EMA periods. Participants were moderately satisfied with and comfortable using smartphone-based EMA. Overall, 76% of participants completed surveys on ≥10 of the 20 assessment days, and 70% of participants completed at least 30% of the total surveys. Reasons for non-adherence included technical (malfunction), logistical (competing demands), physiological (hearing difficulties), and cognitive (forgetting) issues. Smartphone-based EMA is feasible in older adults with cognitive and emotional difficulties. EMA tools should be responsive to the needs and preferences of participants to ensure adequate acceptability and adherence in this population. Our findings can inform the design, development, and implementation of mobile technologies in older adults in research and clinical contexts.

  11. Rancang Bangun Auto Switch PID pada Sistem ILFM (In Line Flash Mixing Untuk Proses Netralisasi pH

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    Hariadi Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Perubahan nilai pH larutan asam terhadap penambahan larutan basa memiliki sifat nonlinier. Pada umumnya pengendalian PID digunakan pada proses yang linier. Namun demikian, pada pengendalian pH yang merupakan proses nonlinier  ini akan diterapkan auto switch PID sebagai solusinya. Sistem ILFM merupakan  pengembangan dari sistem CSTR (Continous Stirred Tank Reactor yang mengasumsikan reaksi asam-basa terjadi secara cepat. Pada sistem ILFM laju aliran asam dibuat konstan sedangkan laju aliran basa dapat dikontrol. Pompa DC 12V digunakan untuk mengalirkan larutan asam dan basa. Alat ukur pH yang digunakan adalah pH meter YK-2001PH. Software LabVIEW digunakan sebagai penanaman algoritma autoswitch PID dan HMI pada tugas akhir ini. Auto switch PID akan bekerja sesuai dengan daerah linier yang telah dibagi. Daerah linier tersebut didapatkan berdasarkan hasil kurva eksperimen titrasi larutan CH3COOH 0,1M, 16,25ml dengan NaOH 0,1M, 20 ml.  Terdapat tiga daerah linier pada kurva titrasi, yaitu 3,5≤pH≤6,21, 6,22≤pH≤10,73 dan 10,74≤pH≤11,9. Pada uji closed loop,untuk setpoint pH5 didapatkan nilai karateristik respon maximum overshoot sebesar 19,6 %,Ess (error steady state sebesar 0,04% dan Ts (Time Settling sebesar 6s. Pada uji setpoint 6 didapatkan maximum overshoot 3,3%, Ess 3% dan Ts 13s. Pada uji nilai setpoint pH 11 didapatkan maximum overshoot sebesar 6 %,Ess sebesar 2,7% dan Ts sebesar 20s. Pada tracking turun nilai setpoint pH 11-5 didapatkan maximum overshoot 1,6%,Ess sebesar  1% dan Ts sebesar 8s. Pada daerah linier 2 tidak dapat tercapainya SP yang diinginkan. Hal ini dikarenakan daerah linier 2 adalah  daerah kritis dengan penambahan 1ml/s akan mengubah nilai pH menjadi 2 kali semula sedangkan resolusi pompa melibihi dari 1mL/s.


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    K. C. Megawe


    Full Text Available Suatu survai terhadap tikus dan pinjal telah diselenggarakan di daerah pelabuhan Cilacap dan Panjang, pada November 1985 sampai Maret 1986. Dalam survai itu diidentifikasi empat spesies tikus, yaitu Rattus r. diardii, R. norregicus, Bandicota indica, dan Mus musculus, serta seekor insektivora, Suncus murinus. Kepadatan polusi binatang-binatang ini rendah di dalam pelabuhan dan sedang di perkampungan sekitarnya. R.r. diardii terbukti merupakan tikus yang terbanyak dijumpai baik di pelabuhan maupun di perkampungan sekitar. Kepadatan Xenopsylla cheopis ternyata rendah baik pada tikus-tikus maupun insektivora di kedua daerah pelabuhan. Indeks pinjal spesifik tertinggi didapatkan pada R.r. diardii. Tes kerentanan X. cheopis terhadap insektisida dengan menggunakan DDT 4%, melathion 0,5% dan fenit rothion 1% menunjukkan bahwa pinjal itu lebih sensitif terhadap melathion dan fenitrothion dibanding terhadap DDT, di kedua daerah pelabuhan.


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    Panji Irawan Yogyadipratama


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1 mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan tingkat ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi Provinsi Jawa Tengah menurut Indeks Williamson; (2 mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh angkatan kerja terhadap tingkat pembangunan ekonomi Provinsi Jawa Tengah; dan (3 mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh alokasi dana bantuan pembangunan kabupaten/kota terhadap pembangunan ekonomi Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan digunakan data panel, data time series (tahun 2002-2011 dan cross section (35 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis regresi linier berganda data panel dengan metode FEM digunakan alat bantu software Eviews 7. Hasil penelitian adalah menunjukan(1 ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi antar daerah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang dihitung dengan menggunakan indeks Williamson selama periode 2008-2011 menunjukkan ketimpangan semakin melebar; (2 alokasi dana bantuan pembangunan dari pemerintah pusat yang tidak merata dan daerah yang mendapat bantuan terlalu besar dapat meningkatkan tingkat ketimpangan antar daerah. Hal ini akibat pembangunan yang terkonsentrasi dengan daerah-daerah yang sudah maju dibandingkan daerah yang masih tertinggal, karena daerah yang maju memiliki fasilitas lebih baik dari daerah yang belum maju; dan (3 nilai R2 sebesar 0,9949 artinya variasi variabel ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel angkatan kerja dan alokasi dana pembangunan daerah sebesar 95,5% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 0,05% dijelaskan faktor-faktor lainnya di luar model. The purpose of this study were (1 to know how the development level of inequality of economic development in Central Java Province according to Williamson Index; (2 determine the extent of the influence of the labor force to the

  14. Associations between Retrospective versus Ecological Momentary Assessment Measures of Emotion and Eating Disorder Symptoms in Anorexia Nervosa (United States)

    Lavender, Jason M.; De Young, Kyle P.; Anestis, Michael D.; Wonderlich, Stephen A.; Crosby, Ross D.; Engel, Scott G.; Mitchell, James E.; Crow, Scott J.; Peterson, Carol B.; Le Grange, Daniel


    This study examined the unique associations between eating disorder symptoms and two emotion-related constructs (affective lability and anxiousness) assessed via distinct methodologies in anorexia nervosa (AN). Women (N=116) with full or subthreshold AN completed baseline emotion and eating disorder assessments, followed by two weeks of ecological momentary assessment (EMA). Hierarchical regressions were used to examine unique contributions of baseline and EMA measures of affective lability and anxiousness in accounting for variance in baseline eating disorder symptoms and EMA dietary restriction, controlling for age, body mass index, depression, and AN diagnostic subtype. Only EMA affective lability was uniquely associated with baseline eating disorder symptoms and EMA dietary restriction. Anxiousness was uniquely associated with baseline eating disorder symptoms regardless of assessment method; neither of the anxiousness measures was uniquely associated with EMA dietary restriction. Affective lability and anxiousness account for variance in global eating disorder symptomatology; AN treatments targeting these emotion-related constructs may prove useful. PMID:23880601

  15. Assessment of environmental management accounting at South African universities: Case of Tshwane University of Technology

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    Cosmas M Ambe


    Full Text Available The overall objective of the paper is to assess the application of environmental management accounting (EMA at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT as a service organization and examine how the institution manages, account and report environmental cost. Data was collected by means of exploratory and explanatory research techniques using two data sets; documentary and fourteen in-depth individual face-to-face interviews employing a semi-structured questionnaire with closed and open ended questions to collect primary data. The results indicate that; the implementation of EMA and general governance for environmental responsibility and accountability is extremely weak. The potential use of EMA is neglected and, as such, EMA implementation is not considered a priority. Three barriers to the adoption of EMA within TUT were identified as: institutional pressures, a low profile of accounting for the environment, and management’s attitudes. A general ledger model and action plan for the implementation of EMA at TUT utilizing the use of activity based costing has been suggested.

  16. Pemanfaatan Augmented Reality Pada Sistem Informasi Geografis Kampus Di Bali


    Atmojo, Yohanes Priyo; Darma Paramartha, I Gusti Ngurah


    Bali adalah daerah tujuan wisata yang mempunyai banyak tempat yang bisa dikunjungi oleh wisatawan. Selain sebagai daerah pariwisata, Bali juga memiliki banyak institusi pendidikan atau kampus dengan berbagai disiplin ilmu. Namun, tidak semua kampus-kampus di Bali diketahui oleh masyarakat Bali maupun luar Bali karena kurangnya informasi tentang kampus yang ada di Bali. Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang pesat, masyarakat menginginkan sebuah solusi yang praktis dalam segala permasalahan, seper...

  17. Experience sampling and ecological momentary assessment studies in psychopharmacology: A systematic review. (United States)

    Bos, Fionneke M; Schoevers, Robert A; aan het Rot, Marije


    Experience sampling methods (ESM) and ecological momentary assessment (EMA) offer insight into daily life experiences, including symptoms of mental disorders. The application of ESM/EMA in psychopharmacology can be a valuable addition to more traditional measures such as retrospective self-report questionnaires because they may help reveal the impact of psychotropic medication on patients' actual experiences. In this paper we systematically review the existing literature on the use of ESM/EMA in psychopharmacology research. To this end, we searched the PsycInfo and Medline databases for all available ESM/EMA studies on the use of psychotropic medication in patients with DSM-III-R and DSM-IV disorders. Dissertations were excluded. We included 18 studies that applied ESM/EMA to study the effects of medication on patients with major depressive disorder, substance use disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, psychotic disorder, and anxiety disorder. We found that ESM/EMA may allow researchers and clinicians to track patients during different phases of treatment: before treatment to predict outcome, during treatment to examine the effects of treatment on symptoms and different aspects of daily life experience, and after treatment to detect vulnerability for relapse. Moreover, ESM/EMA can potentially help determine how long and in what contexts medications are effective. Thus, ESM/EMA may benefit both researchers and clinicians and might prove to be an effective tool for improving the treatment of psychiatric patients. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.

  18. Kejadian Leptospirosis pada Anjing di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (CASE OF CANINE LEPTOSPIROSIS IN THE CITY OF YOGYAKARTA

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    Guntari Titik Mulyani


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which is caused by Leptospira interrogans. The incidence of leptospirosis in dogs varies according to region and season, and is considered as emerging infectious diseases in humans. Clinical symptoms of leptospirosis in dogs vary greatly, some dogs are asymptomatic, with mild symptoms, and others progress to severe illness until death. The study aims to determine cases of canine leptospirosis in Yogyakarta, and identify the serovar that infect them. A total of 20 dogs without symptoms, with mild symptoms, to severe symptoms of leptospirosis were collected their serum and further tested using Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT conducted at the Center for Veterinary Research (BBLitvet Bogor. History of vaccination is recorded as a consideration in interpreting the MAT results. The results showed that three out of the 20 samples were positive leptospirosis. Of the three positive samples, one was identified as serovar bataviae, another one as serovar bataviae and tarrasovi, and the last as serovar bataviae, tarrasovi, ichterohaemorrhagiae, canicola, celledoni, pyrogenes, cynopteri, and rachmati, respectively. The three dogs with leptospirosis showed similar clinical symptoms i.e. Anorexia, lethargy, and fever. It can be concluded that there are cases of canine leptospirosis in Yogyakarta which is predominantly caused by Leptospira interrogans serovar bataviae. ABSTRAK Leptospirosis adalah penyakit zoonosis, yang disebabkan oleh Leptospira interrogans. Kejadian leptospirosis pada anjing bervariasi menurut wilayah dan musim, dan dianggap sebagai penyakit menular yang muncul pada manusia. Gejala klinis leptospirosis pada anjing sangat bervariasi, beberapa anjing tanpa menunjukkan gejala, dengan gejala ringan, dan yang lain melanjut menjadi penyakit yang parah sampai kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kasus leptospirosis pada anjing di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan mengidentifikasi

  19. Muusika : Juubelikontserdid "ERSO 75". Tüür uuel CD-l. Muusikakonverentsid Tallinnas. Highlightsi festivalist "Eduard Tubin ja tema aeg". Hermanni päev / Vardo Rumessen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rumessen, Vardo, 1942-2015


    ERSO saab detsembris 75. aastaseks ja sel puhul on kavas kontserdid nii Tartus kui Tallinnas. Ansambel Piano Circus on välja antud uue CD, millele annab nime avateos ئ Erkki-Sven Tüüri "Transmission". Eesti Muusikateaduse Selts korraldab 3.XII EMA-s sümpoosioni teemal Beethoveni muusika. 1. ja 2. XII EMA-s toimub konverents "Interpretatsioonipedagoogika probleeme II". Põhjamaade muusikaajakirja Highlights XI numbris ilmus ülevaade rahvusvahelisest muusikafestivalist "Eduard Tubin ja tema aeg". Eesti teatri- ja muusikamuuseumis toimub helilooja, ajakirjaniku, muusika- ja keeleteadlase, dr. Karl August Hermanni päev


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    Andrew V Limas


    Full Text Available Hadirnya Jakarta sebagai salah satu kota metropolitan yang berkembang di dunia, menjadikan Jakarta sebagai salah satu kota yang harus diperhitungkan konsistensinya. Letaknya yang berada di daerah tropis serta memiliki angka kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi menciptakan sebuah masalah serius bagi bangunan perkantoran dan perumahan di dalamnya, polemik yang dimaksud adalah adanya “efek pemanasan di daerah perkotaan”. Artikel ini akan membahas definisi dan aplikasi dari sistem “atap hijau” bersamaan dengan keuntungan dan keunikannya dalam menjawab kebutuhan dalam mengurangi tingginya temperatur pada pusat perkantoran dan daerah perumahan di kota Jakarta. Kata Kunci : efek pemanasan daerah perkotaan, kepadatan penduduk, sistem atap hijau Abstract Considering Jakarta as one of the developing metropolitan cities in the world creates, the need to reckon it’s consistency has emerged. Located in a tropical area with  high population density creates a serious problem to its city planning, in other words an urban heat island effect. This paper will discuss the definition and application of a green roof system along with its advantages or uniqueness to answer the need to reduce high temperature in central business district and residental areas for city of Jakarta in particular. Keywords : urban heat island effect, population density, green roof system


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    Rinda Asytuti


    Abstract: Warung Tegal (Warteg adalah salah satu bentuk usaha mikro yang memiliki keterkaitan kedaerahan, dimana pemilik usaha ini berasal dari sebuah daerah yang bernama Tegal. Sebagai sebuah daerah memiliki nilai, norma dan kebudayaan tertentu yang berbeda dengan daerah lain di Indoesia. Sebagai sebuah usaha, keberadaan warteg sangat erat dengan budaya migran di Jakarta. Warteg tidak hanya sebagai sarana memenuhi kebutuhan makan dan minum melainkan juga sebagai wadah mencari informasi dimana masyarakat bercerita mulai hal sepele hingga politik. Disisi lain bisnis ini tidak hanya dimiliki secara pribadi melainkan secara kongsi diantara keluarga secara bergantian. Inilah salah satu faktor yang menarik bagi peneliti menelaah lebih dalam tentang modal sosial di masyarakat warteg di daerah Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat modal sosial di kalangan pengusaha warung tegal di Jakarta dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dimana modal sosial diukur melalu variabel tingkat kohesitas, kepercayaan, norma dan jaringan dengan penguatan ekonomi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara variabel modal sosial yakni tingkat kohesitas, kepercayaan, norma dan jaringan terhadap penguatan ekonomi pengusaha Warung Tegal sebesar 54,8 %. Sedangkan sisanya dapat dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain diluar variabel yang dipilih. Hasil pengujian hipotesis untuk masing masing variabel, menyimpulkan bahwa faktor tingkat kohesitas dan networkinglah yang paling signifikan mempengaruhi penguatan ekonomi pengusaha Warung Tegal di Jakarta.

  2. SIFAT MEKANIS BAMBU BETUNG (Dendrocalamus asper

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    Fengky S. Yoresta


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan nilai kekakuan dan kekuatan lentur maksimum bambu betung (Dendrocalamus asper dengan posisi kulit bambu yang berbeda, serta untuk menentukan nilai kekuatan tarik sejajar serat bambu betung. Kekakuan, kekuatan lentur maksimum, dan kekuatan tarik sejajar serat berturut-turut dinyatakan dalam MOE (modulus of elastcity, MOR (modulus of rupture, dan σtr// (maximum tensile strength. Bambu betung yang berumur +­ 4 tahun digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sepuluh spesimen uji masing-masing digunakan untuk pengujian lentur dengan posisi kulit bambu di serat atas/daerah tekan, di serat bawah/daerah tarik, dan pengujian tarik sejajar serat. Pengujian dilaboratorium dilakukan berdasarkan ASTM D143-05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa posisi kulit bambu mempengaruhi nilai MOE dan MOR. Bambu dengan posisi kulit di serat atas/daerah tekan cenderung memiliki nilai MOE dan MOR lebih tinggi dibandingkan bambu dengan posisi kulit di serat bawah/daerah tarik. Bambu dengan posisi kulit di serat atas memiliki nilai MOE = 62118,90 kg/cm2dan MOR = 826,36 kg/cm2, sedangkan bambu dengan posisi kulit di serat bawah memiliki nilai MOE = 51563,20 kg/cm2dan MOR = 633,38 kg/cm2. Kekuatan tarik sejajar serat bambu diperoleh sebesar 2309,00 kg/cm2. Kata Kunci: Kekakuan, Kekuatan Lentur, MOE, MOR, Kekuatan Tarik

  3. Estimating the Reliability of Aggregated and Within-Person Centered Scores in Ecological Momentary Assessment (United States)

    Huang, Po-Hsien; Weng, Li-Jen


    A procedure for estimating the reliability of test scores in the context of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) was proposed to take into account the characteristics of EMA measures. Two commonly used test scores in EMA were considered: the aggregated score (AGGS) and the within-person centered score (WPCS). Conceptually, AGGS and WPCS represent…

  4. Analisis Perbandingan Risiko Nilai Tukar Kurs Dinar (Emas, Dolar AS, Euro dan Yuan (Periode 2010 – 2015

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    Andi Triyawan


    Full Text Available Money is a tool intermediary humans to perform the transaction  payment  is national or international. In its development money undergoes several changes. Similarly, in the development of the world economy, there has been a financial crisis that hit in various countries, such as the global economic crisis. Crisis economic global is the crisis that occurred as a result of the problems of economic markets in the whole world who make entire sectors of the economy markets experienced a collapse and the impact on other sectors . Which becomes a problem in terms of this is the risk of the value of the exchange currency money and the occurrence of fluctuations in the value of exchange currency money internationally which led to a decrease in the value of the exchange currency for money in countries developing. That is, because the use of fiat money system based only on the belief of its value without any intrinsic value in fiat money form . The purpose of this research is to know how big is the risk of the value of exchange and volatility that is generated in the use of value exchange currency currency exchange rate of Dinar ( Gold , Dollars USA, Euro and Yuan as the eyes of money internationally. This research is a study of Library Research with quantitative research type, by obtaining secondary data from site Internet. By taking samples as much as 60 months of each exchange Dinar Gold, Dollars USA, Euro and Yuan by way of purposive sampling and using the Analysis Time Series with Eviews 7.2. The results of the research of this is that the volatility of the value of the exchange currency for money top is Dinar Emas with value of 0.036590, while the volatility of most small is the value of the exchange currency Yuan with a value of 0.018472. Dinar Gold has a value of volatility and risk value of the exchange of the most high , so that when the dinar gold is used in terms of trade internationally and the company would have borne the risk of market


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    Putri Nilam Sari


    Full Text Available Pencemaran lingkungan menyebabkan meningkatnya penyebaran penyakit, mengurangi estetika lingkungan, dan berdampak pada pemanasan global. Di Kecamatan Banuhampu sebagian besar sampah masih dibuang sembarangan yang berpotensi merusak lingkungan sekitar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan informan penelitian berjumlah 9 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan belum adanya perencanaan khusus dalam pengelolaan sampah karena tidak adanya tempat pengelolaan sampah. Untuk pelaksanaan pengelolaan sampah, di daerah pinggir kota telah terdapat masyarakat yang bekerjasama dengan Kota Bukittinggi dan di daerah pedesaan telah ada masyarakat yang mengelola sampah dengan membuat kompos, tetapi sebagian besar sampah masih dibuang sembarangan. Diperlukan perwakilan BPLH untuk memanajemen pengelolaan sampah di Kecamatan Banuhampu, membuat Peraturan Daerah khusus sampah, pengembangan metode pengelolaan sampah dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat untuk melaksanakan 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle sehingga jumlah sampah dapat diminimalisir.   Kata Kunci: perilaku, pengelolaan sampah, sampah padat


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    Umi Marfuah


    Full Text Available Salah satu daerah Jakarta yang memiliki tingkat mobilitas yang cukup sibuk yaitu di daerah Pulogadung yang merupakan kawasan industri dan di daerah Dukuh Atas sekitar Sudirman, yang merupakan kawasan perkantoran di pusat kota. Minat masyarakat akan transportasi busway sebagai sarana transportasi umum dalam kegiatan hari – harinya sangat besar. Hal tersebut menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah pengguna busway setiap tahunnya, namun Unit Pengelola Transjakarta Busway belum dapat memaksimalkan pelayanan yang dapat diberikan sehingga terjadi penumpukkan penumpang pada halte Pulogadung dan Dukuh Atas, terutama pada hari – hari  kerja di jam sibuk. Penelitian ini didasari pada perbaikan sistem antrian yang ada pada saat ini, sehingga didapatkan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah antrian pada kedua halte tersebut dengan efisien waktu pelayanan sebesar 13%. Model antrian yang digunakan yaitu Single Phase-Single Channel dengan analisis perbaikaanya disimulasikan dengan Promodel.   Kata kunci : Sistem, Antrian, Promodel.

  7. Popularitas Tari Piring sebagai Identitas Budaya Minangkabau

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    Indrayuda -


    ABSTRAK   Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan keberadaan Tari Piring sebagai identitas bu- daya masyarakat Minangkabau, baik yang berada di daerah asal maupun di daerah peran- tauan. Tari Piring merupakan warisan budaya tradisional masyarakat Minangkabau yang digunakan dan dilestarikan oleh masyarakat Minangkabau dalam kehidupannya sehingga menjadi identitas budaya Minangkabau. Sebagai jati diri masyarakat Minangkabau, Tari Piring mampu mengungkapkan sikap dan prilaku serta karakteristik orang Minangkabau. Tari Piring dapat berperan sebagai cerminan dari corak kehidupan sosial budaya masyara- kat Minangkabau. Melalui pertunjukan Tari Piring, masyarakat luar dapat memahami orang Minangkabau dan budayanya. Oleh karena itu, sampai saat ini Tari Piring semakin melekat dengan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat maupun di daerah perantauan. Dengan semangat kebersamaan, masyarakat Minangkabau mampu mempertahankan keberadaan Tari Piring sebagai identitas dan warisan budayanya hingga masa kini.   Kata kunci : Tari Piring, budaya Minangkabau

  8. Providing experiential information on early medical abortion: a qualitative evaluation of an animated personal account, Lara's Story. (United States)

    Sherman, Sarah; Harden, Jeni; Cattanach, Dawn; Cameron, Sharon T


    An animated film has been created to provide information to women requesting early medical abortion (EMA). The 9 min film, Lara's Story , was created using one woman's personal account of her experience. This study evaluated the views of women who had recently undergone EMA on the film and its potential usefulness in providing experiential information to women requesting EMA. Women who had undergone EMA within the past month were recruited. They were shown the film and interviewed in a semi-structured style. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. They were analysed using cross-sectional indexing and thematic analysis with an inductive approach. 13 women were interviewed. All reported that the film gave a realistic account of EMA and most agreed that they would have wanted to watch it before EMA had it been available. Some said that it might help women who were struggling with decision-making with regard to EMA and all said that there should be unrestricted access to the film from the website of the abortion service. The women commented that the animated style of the film allowed all groups of women to relate to the story. Some commented that Lara's experience of pain, bleeding and side effects such as nausea differed from their own and therefore felt that it would be useful to make more than one woman's account available. The availability of animated audiovisual films recounting women's experiences of EMA might be a valuable adjunct to clinical information for women seeking EMA. © Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  9. Pengaruh Tingkat Kepadatan Tanah terhadap Daya Dukung Tanah


    Martini, Martini


    Untuk mendapatkan lahan yang datar pada daerah perbukitan adalah dengan melakukan “cut and fill”, sehingga kemungkinan bangunan dilatakan pada daerah “cut and fill”. Perbedaan kepadatan tanah asli dengan tanah timbunan akan berpengaruh pada daya dukung tanahnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan, kepadatan tanah timbunan lebih rendah 13% - 39% dari kepadatan tanah ditempat, daya dukung tanah timbunan lebih rendah hingga 50% dari daya dukung tanah asli. Tetapi bila kepadatan tanah timbunan lebih...

  10. Rubber elasticity for percolation network consisting of Gaussian chains

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nishi, Kengo, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:; Noguchi, Hiroshi; Shibayama, Mitsuhiro, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8581 (Japan); Sakai, Takamasa, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Bioengineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 (Japan)


    A theory describing the elastic modulus for percolation networks of Gaussian chains on general lattices such as square and cubic lattices is proposed and its validity is examined with simulation and mechanical experiments on well-defined polymer networks. The theory was developed by generalizing the effective medium approximation (EMA) for Hookian spring network to Gaussian chain networks. From EMA theory, we found that the ratio of the elastic modulus at p, G to that at p = 1, G{sub 0}, must be equal to G/G{sub 0} = (p − 2/f)/(1 − 2/f) if the position of sites can be determined so as to meet the force balance, where p is the degree of cross-linking reaction. However, the EMA prediction cannot be applicable near its percolation threshold because EMA is a mean field theory. Thus, we combine real-space renormalization and EMA and propose a theory called real-space renormalized EMA, i.e., REMA. The elastic modulus predicted by REMA is in excellent agreement with the results of simulations and experiments of near-ideal diamond lattice gels.

  11. Rubber elasticity for percolation network consisting of Gaussian chains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishi, Kengo; Noguchi, Hiroshi; Shibayama, Mitsuhiro; Sakai, Takamasa


    A theory describing the elastic modulus for percolation networks of Gaussian chains on general lattices such as square and cubic lattices is proposed and its validity is examined with simulation and mechanical experiments on well-defined polymer networks. The theory was developed by generalizing the effective medium approximation (EMA) for Hookian spring network to Gaussian chain networks. From EMA theory, we found that the ratio of the elastic modulus at p, G to that at p = 1, G 0 , must be equal to G/G 0 = (p − 2/f)/(1 − 2/f) if the position of sites can be determined so as to meet the force balance, where p is the degree of cross-linking reaction. However, the EMA prediction cannot be applicable near its percolation threshold because EMA is a mean field theory. Thus, we combine real-space renormalization and EMA and propose a theory called real-space renormalized EMA, i.e., REMA. The elastic modulus predicted by REMA is in excellent agreement with the results of simulations and experiments of near-ideal diamond lattice gels

  12. Linear Extended State Observer-Based Motion Synchronization Control for Hybrid Actuation System of More Electric Aircraft

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    Xingjian Wang


    Full Text Available Moving towards the more electric aircraft (MEA, a hybrid actuator configuration provides an opportunity to introduce electromechanical actuator (EMA into primary flight control. In the hybrid actuation system (HAS, an electro-hydraulic servo actuator (EHSA and an EMA operate on the same control surface. In order to solve force fighting problem in HAS, this paper proposes a novel linear extended state observer (LESO-based motion synchronization control method. To cope with the problem of unavailability of the state signals required by the motion synchronization controller, LESO is designed for EHSA and EMA to observe the state variables. Based on the observed states of LESO, motion synchronization controllers could enable EHSA and EMA to simultaneously track the desired motion trajectories. Additionally, nonlinearities, uncertainties and unknown disturbances as well as the coupling term between EHSA and EMA can be estimated and compensated by using the extended state of the proposed LESO. Finally, comparative simulation results indicate that the proposed LESO-based motion synchronization controller could reduce significant force fighting between EHSA and EMA.

  13. Linear Extended State Observer-Based Motion Synchronization Control for Hybrid Actuation System of More Electric Aircraft (United States)

    Liao, Rui; Shi, Cun; Wang, Shaoping


    Moving towards the more electric aircraft (MEA), a hybrid actuator configuration provides an opportunity to introduce electromechanical actuator (EMA) into primary flight control. In the hybrid actuation system (HAS), an electro-hydraulic servo actuator (EHSA) and an EMA operate on the same control surface. In order to solve force fighting problem in HAS, this paper proposes a novel linear extended state observer (LESO)-based motion synchronization control method. To cope with the problem of unavailability of the state signals required by the motion synchronization controller, LESO is designed for EHSA and EMA to observe the state variables. Based on the observed states of LESO, motion synchronization controllers could enable EHSA and EMA to simultaneously track the desired motion trajectories. Additionally, nonlinearities, uncertainties and unknown disturbances as well as the coupling term between EHSA and EMA can be estimated and compensated by using the extended state of the proposed LESO. Finally, comparative simulation results indicate that the proposed LESO-based motion synchronization controller could reduce significant force fighting between EHSA and EMA. PMID:29068392


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    Raharni Raharni


    govermentAbstrakPermasalahan periklanan kosmetika adalah adanya klaim yang berlebihan, tidak rasional, tidak punya ijin edar, tidak ada persetujuan iklan, pembagian kewenangan pusat dan daerah yang belum jelas. Dalam rangka otonomi daerah belum ada kejelasan tentang kewenangan di pusat dan di daerah terkait periklanan kosmetika.Untuk melindungi masyarakat konsumen terhadap sediaan kosmetika yang tidak memenuhi syarat dan periklanan yang tidak benar dan menyesatkan, telah dilakukan kajian kebijakan periklanan sediaan kosmetika. Pengumpulan datanya dengan diskusi kelompok terarah dan wawancara mendalam di institusi yang terkait dengan periklanan dan informasi kosmetika yaitu Ditjen Binfar dan Alkes Kemkes RI, Badan POM, Balai Besar POM, Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi, dan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota di Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Medan dan Banjarmasin. Disamping itu dilakukan identifikasi peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan periklanan kosmetika baik di pusat maupun di daerah serta kewenangan pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Analisis data dilakukan berdasarkan tema dan analisis isi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa peraturan perundang - undangan terkait periklanan kosmetika hanya ada ditingkat pusat, periklanan kosmetika masih mengacu pada Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 386/Menkes/SK/IV/1994 yang perlu segera direvisi terkait otonomi daerah. Sedangkan peraturan daerah terkait periklanan kosmetika baik di provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota belum ada, belum ada kejelasan pembagian kewenangan di pusat dan daerah terkait periklanan kosmetika. Kewenangan dan kegiatan pengawasan iklan kosmetika dilakukan oleh Badan POM, sedangkan perijinan produksi kosmetika oleh Dirjend Binfar Alkes, Kemkes RI. Penyimpangan iklan kosmetika masih banyak ditemukan di Jakarta, Bali, Medan dan Banjarmasin.Kata Kunci : Periklanan Kosmetika, Kewenangan, Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah


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    Yusuf Hanafi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengembangkan modul pendidikan berorientasi pengakuan hukum untuk menghindari praktik pernikahan anak di bawah umur, terutama di Madura Sub-Budaya Masyarakat di daerah tapal kuda. Hasilnya adalah modul pendidikan yang terdiri atas tiga paket. Paket I berisi istilah perkawinan dan anak-anak di bawah usia sahnya dalam perspektif hukum Islam, hukum nasional dan hak asasi manusia internasional. Paket II resiko dan bahaya pernikahan anak di bawah umur, baik fisik, psikologis, medis dan seksual. Paket III berisi rencana kebijakan dan rencana aksi untuk pencegahan praktik pernikahan anak di bawah umur yang dirancang secara sinergis di segala bidang, baik hukum, politik, pendidikan, agama dan sosial-ekonomi. Bahan Modul dikembangkan berdasarkan pendekatan kompetensi. Seperti biasa bahan berbasis kompetensi, maka modul adalah hasil dari perkembangan ini akan terdiri dari: standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, indikator, tema, strategi, media, penilaian, dan alokasi waktu ABSTRACT This research tried to develop educational module orientated in law recognition to avoid the practice of child marriage under age, especially in Madura Sub-Culture Community in Horseshoe Area. The result is an educational module which consist three packages. Package I contains the terms marriage and children under the age of legality in the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, national laws and international human rights. Package II risks and dangers of the marriage of child marriage under age, whether physical, psychological, medical and sexual. Package III contains policy plan and action plan for the prevention of child marriage practices designed underage synergistically in all fields, whether legal, political, educational, religious and socio-economic. The materials module was developed based on the competency approach. As usual competency-based material, then the module is the result of this development will consist of: competency standards

  16. Ecological Momentary Assessment Methodology in Chronic Pain Research: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    May, Marcella; Junghaenel, Doerte U; Ono, Masakatsu; Stone, Arthur A; Schneider, Stefan


    Self-reported pain intensity assessments are central to chronic pain research. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) methodologies are uniquely positioned to collect these data, and are indeed being used in the field. However, EMA protocols are complex, and many decisions are necessary in the design of EMA research studies. A systematic literature review identified 105 articles drawing from 62 quantitative EMA research projects examining pain intensity in adult chronic pain patients. Study characteristics were tabulated to summarize and describe the use of EMA, with an emphasis placed on various dimensions of decision-making involved in executing EMA methodologies. Most identified studies considered within-person relationships between pain and other variables, and a few examined interventions on chronic pain. There was a trend toward the use of smartphones as EMA data collection devices more recently, and completion rates were not reported in nearly one third of studies. Pain intensity items varied widely with respect to number of scale points, anchor labels, and length of reporting period; most used numeric rating scales. Recommendations are provided for reporting to improve reproducibility, comparability, and interpretation of results, and for opportunities to clarify the importance of design decisions. Studies that use EMA methodologies to assess pain intensity are heterogeneous. Aspects of protocol design, including data input modality and pain item construction, have the potential to influence the data collected. Thorough reporting on design features and completion rates therefore facilitates reproducibility, comparability, and interpretation of study results. Copyright © 2018 The American Pain Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Reactivity to smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment of depressive symptoms (MoodMonitor: protocol of a randomised controlled trial

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    Wouter van Ballegooijen


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Ecological momentary assessment (EMA of mental health symptoms may influence the symptoms that it measures, i.e. assessment reactivity. In the field of depression, EMA reactivity has received little attention. We aim to investigate whether EMA of depressive symptoms induces assessment reactivity. Reactivity will be operationalised as an effect of EMA on depressive symptoms measured by a retrospective questionnaire, and, secondly, as a change in response rate and variance of the EMA ratings. Methods This study is a 12-week randomised controlled trial comprising three groups: group 1 carries out EMA of mood and completes a retrospective questionnaire, group 2 carries out EMA of how energetic they feel and completes a retrospective questionnaire, group 3 is the control group, which completes only the retrospective questionnaire. The retrospective questionnaire (Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale; CES-D assesses depressive symptoms and is administered at baseline, 6 weeks after baseline and 12 weeks after baseline. We aim to recruit 160 participants who experience mild to moderate depressive symptoms, defined as a Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9 score of 5 to 15. This study is powered to detect a small between-groups effect, where no clinically relevant effect is defined as the effect size margin −0.25< d <0.25. Discussion To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate whether self-rated EMA of depressive symptoms could induce assessment reactivity among mildly depressed individuals. Trial registration Netherlands Trial Register NTR5803. Registered 12 April 2016. .


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    Yozi Aulia Rahman


    Full Text Available Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi merupakan kondisi utama bagi kelangsungan pembangunan ekonomi daerah. Untuk mengukur kemajuan perekonomian daerah dengan mengamati seberapa besar laju pertumbuhan ekonomi yang dicapai daerah tersebut yang tercermin dari kenaikan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB. PDRBKabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah selama tahun 2008- 2012 mengalami pertumbuhan karena banyak yang mempengaruhinya, seperti: Tabungan, Kredit, PAD dan Belanja Daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa besar faktor-faktor tersebut mempengaruhi tingkat PDRB kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah selama tahun 2008-2012. Variabel dependen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah PDRB, sedangkan variabel-variabel independen yaitu Tabungan, Kredit, Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD dan Belanja Daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda melalui metode OLS dengan menggunakan data    time series 2008  –2012 dan data crosssection 35 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah atau yang dimaksud dengan data panel. Pengujian model dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode FixedEffect. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisis regresi pada α=5%menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial  variabel tabungan   dan kredit berpengaruh signifikan, sedangkan variabel PAD, dan Belanja Daerah tidak signifikan terhadap PDRB kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2008–2012. High economic growth is the main condition for the continuation of regional economic development. To measure the progress of the regional economy, observation on the economyc growth rate in each area can be conducted. It is reflected in the increase of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP. The increase of GDP of regency/city in Central Java during the year of 2008- 2012 was influenced by several factors such as savings, credit, local generated revenue (PAD, and Expenditure. This study intends to analyze the affect of these factors to the level of GDP on districts

  19. 'I Got it off my Chest': An Examination of how Research Participation Improved the Mental Health of Women Engaging in Transactional Sex. (United States)

    Felsher, Marisa; Wiehe, Sarah E; Gunn, Jayleen K L; Roth, Alexis M


    Ecologic momentary assessment (EMA) is a form of close-ended diary writing. While it has been shown that participating in a study that incorporates EMA improves mental health of participants, no study to date has examined the pathways through which benefits may occur. For 4-weeks, twice-daily EMAs and weekly interviews captured mood, daily activities and HIV risk behavior of 25 women who engage in transactional sex. Qualitative analysis of exit interviews was performed to examine how participation impacted women's mental health. The majority of participants felt that EMAs heightened awareness of emotions and behavior. Most reported experiencing catharsis from the interviews; specifically, from having a non-judgmental, trusting listener. Participants felt responsible for completing tasks, a sense of accomplishment for completing the study, and altruism. This study demonstrates there are direct benefits associated with participation in an EMA and interview study.


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    Ahmad Shidiq


    Full Text Available Fenomena migrasi sangat mewarnai di beberapa negara berkembang, termasuk di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Di Indonesia terutama banyak tenaga kerja yang berasal dari daerah pedesaan mengalir ke daerah perkotaan, Salah satunya dari Kabupaten Demak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan migrasi commuter di Kecamatan Karangtengah Kabupaten Demak antara lain adalah pendapatan pendidikan, pekerjaan daerah asal, jumlah tanggungan serta status perkawinan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data primer melalui instrumen kuesioner terhadap sampel yaitu sebanyak 89 responden, dan menggunakan data sekunder yaitu data dari instansi-instansi terkait serta literatur buku. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Karangtengah Kabupaten Demak. Analisi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah binary logistic regression. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan migrasi commuter, pendidikan berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap keputusan migrasi commuter, pekerjaan di daerah asal berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap keputusan migrasi commuter, jumlah tanggungan daerah asal berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap keputusan migrasi commuter, status perkawinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan migrasi commuter. The phenomenon of migration is very coloring in some developing countries , including in the various regions in Indonesia . In Indonesia especially many workers coming from rural regions flowed into the urban area, One of Demak District. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the decision of commuter migration in Sub Karangtengah Demak district include the earnings of education, employment areas of origin, number of dependents and marital status. In this research, using primary data through a questionnaire on the sample of 89 respondents, and using secondary data is data from relevant


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    Muhammad Amin, S.H. M.H


    Full Text Available One form of state ownership rights, namely in the field of mining. Definition of "Mining" based on Law Number 4 Year 2009, affirmed as part or all phases of activity in the framework of research, management and exploitation of minerals or coal covering general investigation, exploration, feasibility study, construction, mining, processing and refining, transportation And sales and post mining activities. More specifically affirming the authority of regional governments in granting coal mining permits in Berau District before and after the coming into effect of Law No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining. Obstacles and solutions in the granting of coal mining permits in Berau District after the enactment of Berau District Regulation No. 17 of 2011 on Mining and Coal. The research method used in this research is normative juridical and method of comparative law approach. The normative juridical approach is the approach by prioritizing the discussion on secondary data in the form of legal materials both primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The results of the discussion confirm that mineral and coal energy resources as assets to meet the needs of present and future generations as mandated in the Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 XIV National Economic and Social Welfare Article 33 paragraph (3 and Article 33 Paragraph (4 where mining management does not entitle rights to control over natural resources, but the right to limited utilization is based on permission and is temporary with the understanding that natural resources are owned by all Indonesian people and used for the greatest prosperity of the people.

  2. [Correlation of the degree of band 3 protein absence on erythrocyte membrane by eosin-5'-maleimide binding test and clinical phenotype in hereditary spherocytosis]. (United States)

    Peng, G X; Yang, W R; Jing, L P; Zhang, L; Zhou, K; Li, Y; Ye, L; Li, Y; Li, J P; Fan, H H; Song, L; Zhao, X; Wu, Z J; Yang, Y; Xiong, Y Z; Wang, H J; Zhang, F K


    Objective: To investigate the relationship between the eosin-5'-maleimide (EMA) binding test and the clinical severity of hereditary spherocytosis (HS). Methods: A total of 258 un-splenectomize HS patients were consecutively enrolled. Correlation of hemoglobin concentration, hemolytic parameters, compensating erythropoiesis and the EMA binding test were evaluated. Results: 258 (128 male and 130 female) patients were included in this study, including 91 compensatory hemolysis patients, 53 patients with mild anemia, 78 patients with moderate anemia and 36 patients with severe anemia. The median age at diagnosis was 23 (2-70) years. The median decreased fluorescence intensity of EMA binding test was 29.97% (16.09%-47.34%) and the average intensity was (29.70±6.28) % of 258 HS patients. The decreased EMA binding fluorescence intensity correlated with MCV ( r =-0.343, P <0.001) and MCHC ( r =0.223, P <0.001). There was no relationship between EMA fluorescence intensity and absolute reticulocyte count ( r =0.080, P =0.198) , reticulocyte percentile ( r =-0.015, P =0.813) , IBIL levels ( r =-0.009, P =0.902) , HGB levels ( r =-0.067, P =0.280). Evaluated as a quartile variable, EMA fluorescence intensity was not correlated with anemia severity ( C =0.150, P =0.746). Conclusion: EMA binding test does not related to anemia levels and has no major clinical implications for disease severity in HS.


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    Siti Sapardiyah Santoso


    Full Text Available Penelitian "Penyuluhan yang Tepat Guna bagi Masyarakat Daerah Endemis Malaria di Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta" dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran karakteristik kelompok sasaran, tentang pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku kelompok sasaran sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. dan mendapatkan penyuluhan yang tepat guna untuk masyarakat kelompok sasaran. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan pada awal sebelum dilakukan intervensi dan pada akhir setelah dilakukan intervensi. lntervensi dilakukan dengan cara tatap muka, diskusi, dan alat bantu media penyuluhan sebanyak tiga kali. Subyek penelitian adalah ibu, bapak, tokoh masyarakat (Toma, dan remaja yang dipilih berdasarkan cara sampling acak sederhana. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan kuesioner. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menggali informasi pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku secara kuantitatif. Dan, diskusi kelompok terarah (DKT menggali informasi pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku, termasuk keyakinan, dan harapan masyarakat secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan perubahan pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku secara bermakna pada kelompok intervensi. Peningkatan persentase pada kelompok sasaran berkisar, antara 10% sampai 80%. Sedang pada daerah kontrol hanya sekitar 5% sampai 40%, terutama pengetahuan tentang nyamuk malaria. Peningkatan yang terjadi pada kelompok kontrol kemungkinan karena adanya difusi dari daerah intervensi atau program rutin yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Kesehatan. Penyuluhan yang dilakukan dengan tatap muka, diskusi dengan alat bantu media tentang malaria dapat dilakukan secara mudah dan praktis, dibandingkan dengan menggunakan film atau video, serta dapat dilakukan secara interpersonal maupun kelompok. Guna penerapan di daerah lain diperlukan tenaga yang secara teratur melakukan tatap muka dan diskusi dengan kelompok masyarakat. Penyuluhan tersebut harus terintegrasi dengan strategi advokasi, bina suasana dan gerakan (ABG

  4. Allometric and Isometric variations in the Italian Apodemus sylvaticus and Apodemus flavicollis with respect to the conditions of allopatry and sympatry / Variazioni allometriche e isometriche in Apodemus sylvaticus e Apodemus flavicollis italiani, rispetto alle condizioni di allopatria e simpatria

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    Giovanni Amori


    Full Text Available Abstract In Italy there are two species of Apodemus (Sylvaemus: Apodemus sylvaticus on the mainland and the main island, and Apodemus flavicollis only on the mainland. The trend of some morphometric characters of the skull (incisive foramen length - FI; interorbital breadth = IO; length of palatal bridge = PP; upper alveolar length = $M^1M^3$ was analized and some theoretical models verified for <em>A. sylvaticus. If one considers the sympatric population of <em>A. sylvaticus and <em>A. flavicollis simultaneously the characters PP, IO and $M^1M^3$ appear significantly isometric being directly correlated ($P leq O.O1$, while FI character results allometric with respect to the previous ones, as expected. If one considers the sympatric populations of each of the species separately, the scenario is different. For <em>A. sylvaticus only PP and $M^1M^3$ are isometric ($P leq 0.05$. For <em>A. flavicollis only $M^1M^3$ and FI appear to be correlated, although not as significantly as for <em>A. sylvaticus ($P le 0.05$; one tail. The insular populations of <em>A. sylvaticus do not show significant correlations, except for FI and $M^1M^3$ ($P le 0.05$. On the contrary, considering all populations, sympatric and allopatric, of <em>A. sylvaticus at the same time are significant correlations ($P le 0.05$ in all combinations of characters, except for those involving the IO. We suggest that the isometric relations in sympatric assemblages are confined within a morphological range available to the genus Apodemus. In such a space, the two species are split in two different and innerly homogeneous distributions. We found no evidence to confirm the niche variation hypothesis. On the contrary, the variability expressed as SO or CV's appears higher in the sympatric populations than in the allopatric ones, for three of the four characters, confirming previous results

  5. Feasibility and reliability of a mobile tool to evaluate exposure to tobacco product marketing and messages using ecological momentary assessment. (United States)

    Hébert, Emily T; Vandewater, Elizabeth A; Businelle, Michael S; Harrell, Melissa B; Kelder, Steven H; Perry, Cheryl L


    Existing measures of tobacco marketing and messaging exposure are limited, relying on recall, recognition, or proxy measures. This study aimed to determine the feasibility and reliability of a mobile application for the measurement of tobacco and e-cigarette marketing and message exposure using ecological momentary assessment (EMA). Young adults from Austin, TX (n=181, ages 18-29) were instructed to use a mobile application to record all sightings of marketing or social media related to tobacco (including e-cigarettes) in real-time for 28days (Event EMAs). Tobacco product use and recall of message encounters were assessed daily using an app-initiated EMA (Daily EMAs). The mobile app was a feasible and acceptable method to measure exposure to tobacco messages. The majority of messages (45.0%) were seen on the Internet, and many were user-generated. Thirty-day recall of messages at baseline was poorly correlated with messages reported via Event EMA during the study period; however, the correlation between post-study 30-day recall and Event EMA was much stronger (r=0.603 for industry-sponsored messages, r=0.599 for user-generated messages). Correlations between Daily EMAs and 30-day recall of message exposure (baseline and post-study) were small (baseline: r=0.329-0.389) to large (post-study: r=0.656-0.766). These findings suggest that EMA is a feasible and reliable method for measuring tobacco message exposure, especially given the prevalence of messages encountered online and on social media. Recall measures are limited in their ability to accurately represent marketing exposure, but might be improved by a period of priming or clearer response categories. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Thermodynamic Compatibility, Crystallizability, Thermal, Mechanical Properties and Oil Resistance Characteristics of Nanostructure Poly (ethylene-co-methyl acrylate/Poly(acrylonitrile-co-butadiene Blends

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    Murugan N.


    Full Text Available This paper addresses the compatibility, morphological characteristics, crystallization, physico-mechanical properties and thermal stability of the melt mixed EMA/NBR blends. FTIR spectroscopy reveals considerable physical interaction between the polymers that explain the compatibility of the blends. DSC results confirm the same (compatibility and reveals that NBR hinders EMA crystallization. Mechanical and thermal properties of the prepared EMA/NBR blends notably enhance with increasing the fraction of EMA in the blends. Morphology study exhibit the dispersed particles in spherical shape in the nanometer level. Swelling and oil resistance study have also been carried out in details to understand the performance behaviour of these blends at service condition


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    Tri Ramadhani


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTRat is a rodent (rodensia which cannot be separated from parasitic organism attacks the ectoparasites(fleas. In the presence of fleas plague focus areas need to watch out, for no increase in cases of plague(outbreak. Pest is a zoonosis in rat that can be transmitted to humans through the bite of fleas Xenopsyllacheopsis containing Yersinia pestis. Boyolali District is one of the plague focus areas in Central Java. Thisstudy aims to identify the species of rats and fleas, trap succes, flea infestation in rats and flea index as anindicator of vulnerability to transmission of plague. The study is a descriptive survey with cross sectionaldesign. The population is all the rats and fleas in Boyolali district. Samples are rats and fleas that werecaught using live trap with coconut roasted and salted fish is placed inside and outside the home (each 2trap. Rat combed for fleas. The results showed the number of mouses caught were 245. There are 4 speciesrats and small mammals found in R. tanezumi, R. tiomanicus, R. exulans, N. fulvescens and S.murinus withsucces trap at 5.71%. Only 3 species and S.murinus of infected fleas. Species of flea is X. cheopis and S.cognatus. Specific flea index: Xenopsylla cheopis by 1.67; flea index cognatus Stavilus common flea indexof 0.88 and 2.55. Based on the warning system indicator about the bubonic plague spreading,which isspecific flea index of X.cheopis >1 and fleas index >2, Selo sub distric should be aware to the spreading ofbubonic plague in its area, so that it is important to carry out the controlling of rat and flea population.Keyword: ectoparasite, reservoir, fleas, plague. ABSTRAK Tikus adalah hewan mengerat (rodensiayang tidak lepas dari serangan organisme parasit yaitu ektoparasit (pinjal.Pada daerah fokus pestt keberadaan pinjal perlu diwaspadai,agar tidak terjadi peningkatan kasus pestt (KLB. Pest merupakan zoonosispada tikusyang dapat ditularkan kepada manusia melalui gigitan pinjal Xenopsylla


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    Hubullah Fuadzy


    Desember. Malaria tidak ditemukan pada kelompok usia 0-14 tahun, tetapi ditemukan kasus malaria pada kelompok usia produktif (15-44 tahun = 83%, 45-59 tahun = 14%, 2: 60 tahun = 3%, kemudian seluruh penderita bekerja sebagai pekerja tambang emas di daerah endemis malaria (Aceh, Bangka, Jambi, Kalimantan, Medan, Papua, Riau, dan Sumbawa. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa diduga malaria di Simpenan merupakan kasus impor. Kata Kunci: malaria, kasus impor, Simpenan


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    Jacquline M.S. Waworundeng


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat Aplikasi pengontrolan robot pemantau dari udara berbasis Android untuk memantau daerah yang berbahaya atau daerah dengan ketinggian tertentu yang sulit dijangkau oleh manusia. Hardware yang digunakan berupa Helicopter R/C yang dimodifikasi dengan menambahkan kamera IP serta remote control yang terhubung dengan Arduino Uno dan Arduino Ethernet Shield.  Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan aplikasi pengontrolan robot dan kamera untuk melakukan pemantauan dan proses pengambilan gambar dengan menggunakan jaringan wireless. Jaringan wireless berfungsi sebagai media transmisi data berupa gambar dan dapat menampilkan hasil pemantauan object kepada user, melalui layar tablet-PC yang menggunakan sistem operasi mobile berbasis Android. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan aplikasi pengontrolan ini adalah metode prototype, dengan bahasa pemrograman untuk pengembangan aplikasi yaitu Java Android dan bahasa pemrograman C yang digunakan untuk pengembangan perangkat pengontrol. Hardware dan software dalam penelitian ini dapat berfungsi sesuai dengan rancangan. Dengan aplikasi pengontrolan robot pemantau dari udara berbasis android ini dapat membantu user untuk melakukan observasi di suatu daerah.


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    Eva Lestari


    Full Text Available Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus Dengue dan ditularkan oleh nyamukAedes aegypti. Kota Semarang merupakan daerah endemis DBD dengan jumlah kasus sebanyak 5.538 kasus,IR 36,75/10.000 penduduk dan CFR 0,8% (tahun 2010. Data kepadatan vektor dapat digunakan untuk menentukan tindakanpengendalian vektor yang tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung HI, CI, BI, DF, dan Angka Bebas Jentik(ABJ Aedes sp. di daerah endemis, sporadis dan potensial DBD. Jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan crosssectional. Metode pelaksanaan survei jentik dengan single larva. Populasi adalah seluruh rumah di KelurahanSendangmulyo, Terboyo Wetan, dan Pesantren. Pengambilan sampel penelitian menggunakan metode purposif. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa angka HI (53,75%, CI (30,77%, BI (75%, dan DF (7 tertinggi di Kelurahan TerboyoWetan (sporadis. Angka ABJ di semua lokasi penelitian < 95%. Kepadatan jentik daerah sporadis lebih tinggi dibandingdaerah endemis DBD. Kepadatan jentik tidak berkorelasi dengan stratifikasi endemisitas wilayah DBD.Kata kunci: kepadatan jentik, endemis, sporadis, potensial, DBD

  11. UANG DAN FUNGSINYA (Sebuah Telaah Historis dalam Islam

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    Wahyuddin Wahyuddin


    Full Text Available Konsep uang dalam ekonomi Islam berbeda dengan ekonomi konvensional. Dalam ekonomi Islam, konsep uang sangat jelas dan tegas bahwa uang adalah uang, uang bukan capital. Sebaliknya, konsep uang yang dikemukakan dalam ekonomi konvensional tidak jelas. seringkali istilah uang dalam perspektif ekonomi konvensional diartikan secara bolak-balik, yaitu uang sebagai uang dan uang sebagai capital. Kata nuqud (uang tidak terdapat dalam Al-Qur’an maupun hadist Nabi saw, karena bangsa Arab umumnya tidak menggunakan kata nuqud untuk menunjukan harga. Mereka menggunakan kata dinar untuk menunjukan mata uang yang terbuat dari emas, kata dirham untuk menunjukan alat tukar yang terbuat dari perak. Mereka juga menggunakan kata wariq untuk menunjukan dirham perak, kata ‘ain untuk menunjukan dinar emas. Sedang kata fulus (uang tembaga adalah alat tukar tambahan yang digunakan untuk membeli barang-barang murah. Bahwa uang yang digunakan oleh umat islam pada masa Rasulullah adalah dirham perak Persia dan dinar emas Romawi dalam bentuk aslinya, tanpa mengalami pengubahan atau pemberian tanda tertentu. Rasulullah pun tidak pernah membuat uang khusus untuk umat Islam. Dengan kata lain, pada masa itu belum ada apa yang disebut dengan “uang Islam”. Sejarah mencatat bahwa selain uang emas dan perak murni berlaku pula jenis uang lain, yaitu uang emas dan perak campuran, fulus, dan uang kertas. Uang campuran tersebut pada mulanya beredar secara terbatas, kemudian beredar secara luas terutama setelah Khalifah al-Mutawakkil dan memberlakukannya secara resmi. Namun demikian mata uang emas dan perak murni tetap berlaku sebagai mata uang resmi dan paling banyak beredar. Selanjutnya, sejalan dengan perkembangan kehidupan ekonomi dan keterbatasan persediaan emas dan perak, umat Islam sedikit demi sedikit meninggalkan emas dan perak beralih menggunakan uang campuran dan akhirnya menggunakan fulus

  12. Pengoptimuman Portofolio dengan Kendala Karakteristik Perusahaan Emiten

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    Ezra Putranda Setiawan


    Full Text Available Diversifikasi saham merupakan salah satu cara yang dilakukan investor untuk memperkecil risiko investasi. Pada umumnya, diversifikasi mengacu pada hasil perhitungan matematis berdasarkan nilai pengembalian (return masing-masing saham, misalnya pada model mean-variance. Dalam penelitian ini dibahas modifikasi model mean-variance yakni dengan menambahkan kriteria yang berkaitan dengan perusahaan emiten, misalnya bidang usaha, status perusahaan, dan sebagainya. Sebagai contoh, investor dapat menentukan bahwa portofolio yang dibentuk hanya melibatkan sejumlah saham dari sektor pertambangan, sejumlah saham dari sektor perdagangan, dan sebagainya. Penyelesaian masalah pengoptimuman portofolio ini ditentukan dengan metode algoritma genetika. Studi kasus dilakukan pada sejumlah saham yang diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia.


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    Rizanda Machmud


    Full Text Available Kemiskinan merupakan hulu dari berbagai permasalahn yang ada seperti tingginya angka kesakitan dan kematian, pengangguran, gizi buruk , rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia. Upaya menghilangkan kemiskinan dirasakan selama ini masih dalam bentuk parsial, belum secara holistik. Pada makalah ini diberikan suatu pemikiran pentingnya keunggulan bersaing suatu daerah (yang merupakan tipikal masing masing daerah dengan melakukan clustering, dalam memajukan kabupaten tersebut. Tidak ada pola satu resep untuk penanggulangan kemiskinan ini, penanganan kemajuan suatu kabupaten harus sesuai dengan pola individualistik kabupaten masing-masing.

  14. The implementation of national and European environmental legislation in Germany: three case studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bueltmann, A.; Waetzold, F. [UFZ - Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig (Germany). Sektion Oekonomie, Soziologie und Recht


    This report traces the implementation of the EMAS Regulation in Germany, i.e. it describes what kind of an institutional setting was chosen, in what way it was established and how it is working in practice. Moreover, the outcome of the implementation process is analysed in terms of efficiency and environmental effectiveness. To gain the relevant data and information we conducted expert interviews, reviewed the relevant literature and carried out a questionnaire survey. Chapter 2 provides some background information about EMAS, including the main contents of the EMAS Regulation and the political process that preceded the adoption of the EMAS Regulation and the implementation requirements imposed on the Member States. Chapter 3 describes the implementation of the EMAS Regulation and companies' motives to participate in the scheme. In chapter 4 the outcome of the implementation process is assessed in terms of the attainment of the Regulation's environmental goals and efficiency. To this end the criteria of efficiency (allocative, productive and administrative efficiency) and environmental effectiveness are adapted to the case of EMAS and indicators are developed for their assessment. Finally, data for the indicators are provided for Germany. Chapter 5 develops some hypotheses on how goal attainment and efficiency have been influenced by specific features of the implementation process. (orig.)

  15. Implementation of a Modelica library for simulation of electromechanical actuators for aircraft and helicopters


    Linden, Franciscus van der; Schlegel, Clemens; Christmann, Markus; Regula, Gergely; Hill, Christopher Ian; Giangrande, Paolo; Maré, Jean-Charles; Egaña, Imanol


    The goal of the A2015 library presented in this paper is to develop a Modelica based, tool-independent standard for electromechanical actuators (EMA). This will contribute to the establishment of a "common language" throughout the development of EMAs for aircraft and helicopters and through the supply chain. All stages of the design and validation process (conceptual design, specification, development and validation) are covered. The modeling ap-proach addresses specific aspects of the EMA de...

  16. INOVASI DAERAH (Refleksi dan Pengaturan Inovasi Daerah di Indonesia

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    Made Gde Subha Karma Resen


    Full Text Available Regional Innovation is an important factor to encourage competitiveness and prosperity in the region. Innovation is a collaborative process to improve effectiveness and efficiency in the Region. Innovation cannot run sporadically and partially, particularly at the level of regulation and governance. Reflection on experience shows, government apprehensive to innovate in the Region. Criminalization of policy, euphoria of corruption eradication causing poor innovation in the Region, so it should be given the rule that provides the flexibility to innovate without diminishing accountability or in formulating innovation policy, should be based on the principles in the running of innovation. Through the juridical analysis of substance of the Law 23/2014, have been set related to regional innovation. There is the possibility of expanding the activities of government, with narrowing of the risk of criminal prosecution.


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    Abdur Rahman


    Full Text Available Telah terjadi terjadi kerusakan habitat lingkungan mangrove, abrasi dan akresi yang menyebabkan semakin tingginya muka air  di sepanjang DAS Sungai Barito (DAS Martapura, DAS Alalak dan DAS Kuin, sebab erjadinya proses abrasi dan akresi  yang terjadi di sepanjang garis pantai, terutama DAS Martapura, DAS Alalak dan DAS Kuin. Klasifikasi pemanfaatan lahan dan konversinya serta perubahan pesisir berupa akresi dan abrasi di sepanjang pantai area penelitian di analisis dengan memanfaatkan informasi dari data citra satelit Landsat multi temporal yang di peroleh pada tanggal 29 Juni tahun 1985, dan 03 September 2006. Dominasi pemanfaatan lahan berupa HPH, pertambangan dan pemukiman dengan konversi lahan pada hutan untuk pemanfaatan lain memberikan dampak erosi yang cukup besar dengan ditunjukannya wilayah pesisir yang mengalami peningkatan akresi terutama pada bagian muara sungai (delta. Tren perubahan yang terlihat pada kawasan pesisir di area penelitian selama 21 tahun adalah abrasi sebesar 294,55 m2 di daerah Muara S. Martapura, 75,53 m2 di sekitar muara S. Alalak. Dan perubahan Abrasi sebesar 177,42 m2 , dan akresi sebesar 610,86 m2 di sekitar Muara S. Barito/Kuin. Have happened happened damage of environmental habitat of mangrove, and abrasi of akresi causing its excelsior of face irrigate alongside DAS River of Barito (DAS Martapura, DAS Alalak and of DAS Kuin, because the happening of process of abrasi and of akresi that happened alongside coastline, especially DAS Martapura, DAS Alalak and  DAS Kuin. Classification exploiting of farm and its conversion and also change of coastal area in the form of and akresi of abrasi alongside research area coast in analysis by exploiting information of satellite image data of Landsat temporal multi which in obtaining on 29 June year 1985, and 03 September 2006. Domination exploiting of farm in the form of HPH, settlement and mining with farm conversion at forest for other exploiting give big enough


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    Rusiyanto Rusiyanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui nilai kekerasan Vickers material Baja EMS-45 sebelum proses pengelasan dan setelah dilakukan proses pengelasan tanpa post weld heat treatment annealing, Untuk mengetahui berapakah suhu optimal post weld heat treatment annealing untuk material baja EMS-45 dengan variasi suhu yang digunakan 350 o C, 550 o C, dan 750 C. Untuk mengetahui struktur mikro dari material baja EMS-45 akibat variasi suhu post weld heat treatment annealing pada proses pengelasan dengan menggunakan metode pengelasan shielded metal arc welding. Bahan atau material dasar yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Baja EMS-45 dengan ketebalan pelat 10 mm, lebar pelat 20 mm dan panjang 100 mm. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian nilai kekerasan tertinggi setelah proses pengelasan terletak pada daerah Logam Las. Pengelasan non PWHT memiliki nilai kekerasan paling tinggi setelah proses pengelasan yaitu sebesar 183,2 VHN. Suhu optimal Post Weld Heat Treatment Annealing untuk material baja EMS-45 adalah pada suhu 750 C. Karena pada PWHT pada suhu tersebut mengalami penurunan kekerasan yang besar yaitu sebesar 127,2 VHN, sehingga material baja EMS-45 dapat memperbaiki sifat mampu mesinnya. Struktur mikro dari material baja EMS-45 sebelum proses pengelasan berupa grafit serpih, perlit dan ferit, setelah dilakukan proses pengelasan mempunyai struktur mikro berupa matrik ferit dan grafit pada daerah logam las, matrik perlit kasar dan grafit serpih pada daerah HAZ dan struktur perlit, grafit serpih dan ferit pada daerah logam induk o o


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    Thomas Triadi Putranto


    Full Text Available Air tanah sebagai air bersih merupakan salah satu kebutuhan primer manusia yang dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai kepentingan manusia serta untuk air minum. Airtanah memiliki kualitas dimana salah satu parameter fisiknya adalah daya hantar listrik (DHL. Dalam suatu Cekungan Airtanah (CAT, airtanah memiliki keberagaman nilai daya hantar listrik yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor infiltrasi dan lingkungan. Nilai DHL dapat dijadikan suatu acuan mengenai kelayakan suatu airtanah sebagai air minum. Sebagai salah satu sumber yang paling diminati masyarakat, maka masyarakat juga perlu untuk mengetahui kualitas dari airtanah tersebut melalui parameter daya hantar listrik sehingga peta daya hantar listrik daerah CAT Sumowono dapat menjadi suatu informasi bagi masyarakat yang menggunakan airtanah dari CAT Sumowono tersebut. Maka dari itu perlu adanya pembuatan peta daya hantar listrik daerah CAT Sumowono agar masyarakat merasa nyaman dan aman dalam memanfaatkan airtanah. Metode interpolasi data DHL menggunakan analisis geostatistik yang terdapat pada perangkat lunak ArcGIS 10.3. Metode interpolasi yang digunakan adalah Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW, Radial Basis Functions (RBF dan Empirical Bayesian Kriging (EBK. Dari keseluruhan data yang terinterpolasi, didapatkan dua kelas kualitas airtanah berdasarkan nilai DHL, yaitu Sangat Baik (<250 μS/cm dan Baik (250-750 μS/cm. Metode interpolasi yang dinilai paling seimbang adalah metode RBF. Melalui peta DHL hasil interpolasi metode RBF diketahui persebaran daerah dengan kelas sangat baik pada daerah CAT Sumowono mencakup 52,8% dari luas CAT dan 47,2% masuk ke dalam kelas baik.

  20. Using smartphones to decrease substance use via self-monitoring and recovery support: study protocol for a randomized control trial. (United States)

    Scott, Christy K; Dennis, Michael L; Gustafson, David H


    Alcohol abuse, other substance use disorders, and risk behaviors associated with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) represent three of the top 10 modifiable causes of mortality in the US. Despite evidence that continuing care is effective in sustaining recovery from substance use disorders and associated behaviors, patients rarely receive it. Smartphone applications (apps) have been effective in delivering continuing care to patients almost anywhere and anytime. This study tests the effectiveness of two components of such apps: ongoing self-monitoring through Ecological Momentary Assessments (EMAs) and immediate recovery support through Ecological Momentary Interventions (EMIs). The target population, adults enrolled in substance use disorder treatment (n = 400), are being recruited from treatment centers in Chicago and randomly assigned to one of four conditions upon discharge in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Participants receive (1) EMAs only, (2) EMIs only, (3) combined EMAs + EMIs, or (4) a control condition without EMA or EMI for 6 months. People in the experimental conditions receive smartphones with the apps (EMA and/or EMI) specific to their condition. Phones alert participants in the EMA and EMA + EMI conditions at five random times per day and present participants with questions about people, places, activities, and feelings that they experienced in the past 30 min and whether these factors make them want to use substances, support their recovery, or have no impact. Those in the EMI and EMA + EMI conditions have continual access to a suite of support services. In the EMA + EMI condition, participants are prompted to use the EMI(s) when responses to the EMA(s) indicate risk. All groups have access to recovery support as usual. The primary outcome is days of abstinence from alcohol and other drugs. Secondary outcomes are number of HIV risk behaviors and whether abstinence mediates the effects of EMA, EMI, or EMA + EMI on HIV


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    Febrian Wahyu Christanto


    Full Text Available Salah satu manfaat dari Sistem Informasi Geografis adalah untuk memperkenalkan daerah yang berada di permukaan bumi dalam bentuk peta digital. Sistem ini bertujuan untuk mengubah peta tradisional ke dalam bentuk sistem bersama dengan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh pemakainya. Mengacu pada kegunaan Sistem Informasi Geografis ini, penelitian bertujuan untuk membuat sistem informasi geografis untuk pariwisata di Kabupaten Semarang untuk lebih memperkenalkan objek wisata di daerah ini. Dengan dukungan teknologi, internet, dan aplikasi lainnya, diharapkan aplikasi ini dapat bekerja dengan baik sesuai dengan kegunaannya untuk memperkenalkan semua obyek wisata di Kabupaten Semarang.

  2. Disease Incidence of Melon Leaf Curl in East Java and Special Province of Yogyakarta

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    Ignatius Julijantono


    Infeksi penyebab penyakit yang disebabkan oleh geminivirus telah menyebabkan kerugian secara ekonomi berbagai jenis tanaman penting yang dibudidayakan. Kejadian penyakit pada tanaman melon telah diamati sejak tahun 2004, dan tersebar secara luas di pusat penanaman melon di Jawa Timur maupun Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY. Di Jawa Timur dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY, pada tahun 2008 kejadian penyakit daun keriting melon mencapai 100% dan 14,3%. Penyebab penyakit telah dideteksi menggunakan teknik polymerase chain reaction. Amplifikasi Fragmen DNA virus dari tanaman yang terinfeksi dihasilkan dengan ukuran 770 bp menggunakan sepasang primer CPA5 dan CPA2.


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    Sudomo M.


    Full Text Available Dalam penelitian mengenai nyamuk Mansonia spp. di desa Gunung Agung dan Keban Agung, Beng­kulu Selatan ternyata nyamuk Ma. bonneae dan Ma. annulata lebih banyak ditangkap daripada Ma. dives dan Ma. uniformis. Habitat nyamuk ini adalah rawa-rawa buatan atau daerah-daerah pinggiran hutan. Secara umum tidak ada hubungan antara curah hujan dan kepadatan nyamuk jenis Mansonia spp. Dari penelitian distribusi vertikal ternyata Ma. bonneae dan Ma. dives lebih banyak tertangkap di tempat yang tinggi sedangkan Ma. uniformis dan Ma. annulata di tempat yang rendah.

  4. Assessment of parental discipline in daily life.


    Passini Christina Moses; Pihet Sandrine; Favez Nicolas; Schoebi Dominik


    The use of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) for studying parenting has been rare. We examined the psychometric properties and structural validity of an EMA Parenting Scale based on 32 mothers' reports of their parenting over a period of 10 consecutive days and explored the acceptance of the scale and compliance with the procedure. The results suggested that the EMA Parenting Scale was well accepted for the assessment of daily parenting and that it consistently captured the overreactive a...

  5. Oligonucleic Acid Drug List: monrd0030 [Oligonucleic Acid Drug Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available u/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/medicines/human/medicines/000711/human_med_000806.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058001d124, htt...nes/human/medicines/000711/human_med_000806.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058001d124, ... P10415 1G5M ...c_assessment_report/human/000711/WC500070766.pdf,

  6. Amor meus, Cruxifixus est! / Teresa Perciaccante ; tõlk. Anne Kalling

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Perciaccante, Teresa


    Kevadisest kriisist Petlemmas, mil Iisraeli armee piiras Jeesus Kristuse sünnikirikut. Ema Teresa Perciaccante kiri Pühima Päästja Püha Birgitta ordu ülemaabtissile Ema Tekla Famigliettile Rooma

  7. Cirrus Cloud Optical and Microphysical Property Retrievals from eMAS During SEAC4RS Using Bi-Spectral Reflectance Measurements Within the 1.88 micron Water Vapor Absorption Band (United States)

    Meyer, K.; Platnick, S.; Arnold, G. T.; Holz, R. E.; Veglio, P.; Yorks, J.; Wang, C.


    Previous bi-spectral imager retrievals of cloud optical thickness (COT) and effective particle radius (CER) based on the Nakajima and King (1990) approach, such as those of the operational MODIS cloud optical property retrieval product (MOD06), have typically paired a non-absorbing visible or near-infrared wavelength, sensitive to COT, with an absorbing shortwave or midwave infrared wavelength sensitive to CER. However, in practice it is only necessary to select two spectral channels that exhibit a strong contrast in cloud particle absorption. Here it is shown, using eMAS observations obtained during NASAs SEAC4RS field campaign, that selecting two absorbing wavelength channels within the broader 1.88 micron water vapor absorption band, namely the 1.83 and 1.93 micron channels that have sufficient differences in ice crystal single scattering albedo, can yield COT and CER retrievals for thin to moderately thick single-layer cirrus that are reasonably consistent with other solar and IR imager-based and lidar-based retrievals. A distinct advantage of this channel selection for cirrus cloud retrievals is that the below cloud water vapor absorption minimizes the surface contribution to measured cloudy TOA reflectance, in particular compared to the solar window channels used in heritage retrievals such as MOD06. This reduces retrieval uncertainty resulting from errors in the surface reflectance assumption, as well as reduces the frequency of retrieval failures for thin cirrus clouds.

  8. Delayed Measurement of Eosin-5'-Maleimide Binding May Affect the Test Results of Highly Hemolyzed Samples In Vivo and In Vitro-A Case Study. (United States)

    Ciepiela, Olga; Adamowicz-Salach, Anna; Zdziechowicz, Izabela; Kotuła, Iwona


    Diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is based on clinical evaluation and eosin-5'-maleimide (EMA) test. A decrease in EMA fluorescence compared with healthy individuals is typical for HS and serves as a basis for HS diagnosis. Sensitivity and specificity of the test is high and false-positive results rarely occur. Studies have shown that anticoagulated blood sample when stored at 4°C for 7 days do not affect the test results. This case study is about an autoimmune hemolytic anemia patient who showed a primary positive result for EMA test (decrease in EMA fluorescence-47% compared with 100% for samples of healthy individual), when the test was performed in the sample stored for 48 hours after venipuncture and before staining. An irrelevant decrease (92.5% compared with 100% for samples of healthy individual) was found when freshly collected sample was analyzed. On the basis of the results obtained, it is recommended that EMA staining should be performed on the same day of blood collection for patients with significant hemolysis.

  9. Kualitas Air Tanah di Tiga Ibu Kota Kecamatan (Kutowinangun, Prembun dan Kutoarjo dan Kaitannya dengan Sanitasi Lingkungan Sekitar

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    S Sudarmadji


    Full Text Available Air tanah masih merupakan sumber air untuk keperluan sehari-hari bagi penduduk perkotaan, lebih-lebih kota kecil pada umumnya. Sumber daya air menunjukkan gejala penurunan kualitas yang disebabkan oleh dampak berbagai macam kegiatan yang menghasilkan limbah dan sistem sanitasi lingkungan yang kurang baik. Daerah-daerah perkotaan yang terletak di dataran alluvial pantai dapat merupakan daerah yang rawan terhadap pencemaran air tanah. Tiga ibu kota kecamatan, yaitu Kutowinangun dan Prembun, Kabupaten Kebumen dan Kutoarjo Kabupaten Purworejo yang terletak saling berdekatan diteliti untuk mengetahui kualitas air tanah yang merupakan sumber air domestik penduduknya dalam kaitannya dengan kondisi sanitasi lingkungan serta persepsi masyarakat terhadap pencemaran sumber air tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengadakan pengamatan di lapangan wawancara dengan penduduk serta analisis laboratorium terhadap sampel air tanah yang diambil. Hasil analisis laboratorium menunjukkan gejala kualitas air di tiga kota tersebut sudah memperlihatkan gejala penurunan, walaupun belum sampai melampaui ambang batas baku mutu air Golongan B. Penurunan tersebut terlibat dengan tingginya kadar NO2, SO4, Cl, COD dan bakteri coli. Diperkirakan bahwa tingginya kadar zat tersebut terkait dengan masalah limbah yang dibuang, yang didukung oleh sanitasi lingkungan yang masih belum baik. Kadar NO2 dan NO3 cenderung lebih tinggi di daerah pusat kota yang merupakan pusat aktivitas penduduk, dibandingkan dengan daerah pinggir kota. Limbah dari aktivitas kegiatan penduduk di pusat-pusat pelayanan umum, termasuk juga dari sarana transportasi di jalan raya dapat merupakan sumber pencemar air tanah. Bakteri coli pada umumnya tinggi di ketiga kota yang diteliti, melebihi 2400 MPN/100ml. Angka COD yang tinggi teramati didalam air tanah Kutowinangun dan Prembun, lebih dari 25% sampel di kedua kota ini memiliki COD diatas 10 mg/l, sedangkan di Kutoarjo relatif lebih rendah. Hal yang


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    Achsien Hidajat


    Full Text Available Colonialism periode in Indonesia left many old buildings especially in North Jakarta which they were put into a conservation buildings`s area by gouverment of Jakarta at present time. The arrival of the colonialism brought architectural styles to the buildings that they build. Also the buildings styles that were influenced at past time in Europe. More than 3 centuries of colonialism in Nusantara left many buildings with many buildings`s conceptional and design which represent the time. Architectural designing with 4 seasons of Europe brings differences to architectural design with 2 seasons of Nusantara. Tropical area such as Jakarta which has wet-hot season gives sun-shine and rains along the year. It means high temperature and humidity at the same time will really influence the buildings. Concerns to local`s wise in designing the buildings at colonialsm periode, we could read the architecs`s conceptional to gain the adaptive and compromized design with local climate. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Periode kolonialisasi di daerah Jakarta khususnya banyak meninggalkan jejak yang dapat dilihat pada beberapa gedung di kawasan Jakarta Utara, yang mana pada saat ini oleh pemerintah setempat dijadikan kawasan konservasi kota. Kedatangan kaum kolonial tersebut membawa serta pengaruh-pengaruh langgam arsitektur yang saat itu sedang berkembang di benua Eropa. Masa kolonialisasi lebih dari 3 abad selain meninggalkan banyak gedung di seantero Nusantara, meninggalkan juga jejak aneka konsep dan disain Langgam arsitektur dari Eropa yang berhawa dingin dengan 4 musim akan sangat berbeda dengan keadaan daerah berhawa panas dan lembab (tropis-lembab seperti daerah Jakarta yang beriklim tropis-lembab. Daerah beriklim tropis-lembab- seperti pada umumnya di Nusantara- ditandai dengan melimpahnya cahaya matahari serta hujan sepanjang tahun. Hal ini berarti daerah tropis-lembab akan selalu mengalami suhu panas dibarengi kelembaban yang tinggi pula. Dikaitkan dengan

  11. Fostering EMA's transparency policy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Banzi, Rita; Bertele', Vittorio; Demotes-Mainard, Jacques


    The European Medicines Agency has opened a window to access clinical trial data. This is an important step forward which deserves attention, support, and advice from all the stakeholders. Regulatory agencies are the most comprehensive repositories of clinical trial data on drugs and can also prom...

  12. Association between anti-endomysial antibody and total intestinal villous atrophy in children with coeliac disease.

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    Ozgenc F


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: There is growing evidence to suggest that detection of anti-gliadin antibody (AGA and anti-endomysial antibody (EmA can serve as sensitive markers of the degree of histological abnormalities in patients with coeliac disease. AIM: To evaluate the association between the presence of AGA and EmA and villous atrophy in intestinal biopsies of children with suspected coeliac disease. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Intestinal samples of 46 children with failure to thrive, chronic diarrhoea, malabsorption and short stature with either AGA and/or EmA positivity were evaluated, retrospectively. The diagnosis of coeliac disease was based on ESPGHAN criteria. METHODS AND MATERIAL: Patients with total villous atrophy who fulfilled the ESPGHAN criteria for the diagnosis of coeliac disease were diagnosed to have coeliac disease. Nine patients without villous atrophy were taken as negative controls for this study. AGA-IgA was measured both by immunoflourescence (IF and ELISA and EmA-IgA by IF while patients were on normal diet. Relationship between autoantibody positivity and intestinal total villous atrophy was evaluated. RESULTS: Overall positivity for AGA IgA was 85% (39/46 by IF+ELISA and EmA positivity was 85% (39/46 by IF within the study group. Histological examination revealed total villous atrophy with lymphocyte infiltration and crypt hyperplasia in 37 (80% patients. AGA IgA was positive in 14 (38% and 31 (84% of these children by ELISA and IF, respectively. EmA positivity was detected in 35/37 (95% cases with atrophy and 4/9 (44% without atrophy (p=0.002. Thirty out of 37 (81% patients with villous atrophy had both AGA IgA (IF and EmA positivity (p=0.186. All of the sixteen patients that had both positive AGA IgA (ELISA+IF and EmA had total villous atrophy (p=0.037. CONCLUSION: A significant association between total villous atrophy and EmA positivity has been documented in this study.

  13. Oral medicines for children in the European paediatric investigation plans.

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    Diana A van Riet-Nales

    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Pharmaceutical industry is no longer allowed to develop new medicines for use in adults only, as the 2007 Paediatric Regulation requires children to be considered also. The plans for such paediatric development called Paediatric Investigation Plans (PIPs are subject to agreement by the European Medicines Agency (EMA and its Paediatric Committee (PDCO. The aim of this study was to evaluate the key characteristics of oral paediatric medicines in the PIPs and the changes implemented as a result of the EMA/PDCO review. METHODS: All PIPs agreed by 31 December 2011 were identified through a proprietary EMA-database. PIPs were included if they contained an agreed proposal to develop an oral medicine for children 0 to 11 years. Information on the therapeutic area (EMA classification system; target age range (as defined by industry and pharmaceutical characteristics (active substance, dosage form(s as listed in the PIP, strength of each dosage form, excipients in each strength of each dosage form was extracted from the EMA website or the EMA/PDCO assessment reports. RESULTS: A hundred and fifty PIPs were included corresponding to 16 therapeutic areas and 220 oral dosage forms in 431 strengths/compositions. Eighty-two PIPs (37% included tablets, 44 (20% liquids and 35 (16% dosage forms with a specific composition/strength that were stored as a solid but swallowed as a liquid e.g. dispersible tablets. The EMA/PDCO review resulted in an increase of 13 (207 to 220 oral paediatric dosage forms and 44 (387 to 431 dosage forms with a specific composition/strength. For many PIPs, the target age range was widened and the excipient composition and usability aspects modified. CONCLUSION: The EMA/PDCO review realized an increase in the number of requirements for the development of oral dosage forms and a larger increase in the number of dosage forms with a specific composition/strength, both targeting younger children. Changes to their pharmaceutical

  14. Prevalence of serological markers for celiac disease (IgA and IgG class antigliadin antibodies and IgA class antiendomysium antibodies in patients with autoimmune rheumatologic diseases in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil Pesquisa de anticorpos antigliadina (classes IgA e IgG e anticorpos antiendomísio classe IgA, em pacientes com doenças reumatológicas autoimunes em Belo Horizonte, Brasil

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    Victor de Barros Koehne


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Patients with autoimmune rheumatologic conditions and celiac disease tend to have a variety of autoantibodies, many of which have no clear pathogenic role. The literature contains frequent reports of celiac disease being more prevalent in patients with rheumatologic diseases, although this remains controversial. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the prevalence of positive serum tests for celiac disease, particularly IgA and IgG antigliadin (AGA antibodies and IgA antiendomysium antibodies (EmA in patients with autoimmune rheumatologic diseases. A second aim was to correlate positive serum tests with prednisone and immunosuppressant medication. METHODS: A total of 190 adults and pediatric patients with a variety of autoimmune rheumatologic diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthrophathies were evaluated and tested for IgA and IgG antigliadin-antibodies and IgA antiendomysium antibodies. Patients with positive serum tests underwent endoscopic duodenal biopsies for pathology studies. RESULTS: There were four positive sera (2.1% for AGA IgA, all of which tested negative for AGA IgG and EmA. Three sera (1.6% tested positive for AGA IgG; all were negative for AGA IgA and EmA. The EmA test at a 1:2.5 serum dilution tested positive in 94 patients (49.5%; at a 1:5 serum dilution it was positive in 41 patients (21.6%. Eleven subjects tested positive for EmA at 1:40 dilution; and all of these tested negative for IgA tissue antitransglutaminase (tTG antibodies. Nine of the 11 EmA-positive patients and all 7 patients with positive antigliadin antibodies tests underwent duodenal endoscopic biopsies, and no significant changes were demonstrated in their duodenal mucosa. A positive EmA was associated with elevated optical density AGA IgA readings; however, there was no relationship between positive EmA and AGA IgG optical density readings. Prednisone and immunosuppressant use were unrelated

  15. Effective mass approximation versus full atomistic model to calculate the output characteristics of a gate-all-around germanium nanowire field effect transistor (GAA-GeNW-FET) (United States)

    Bayani, Amir Hossein; Voves, Jan; Dideban, Daryoosh


    Here, we compare the output characteristics of a gate-all-around germanium nanowire field effect transistor (GAA-GeNW-FET) with 2.36 nm2 square cross-section area using tight-binding (TB) sp3d5s∗ model (full atomistic model (FAM)) and effective mass approximation (EMA). Synopsys/QuantumWise Atomistix ToolKit (ATK) and Silvaco Atlas3D are used to consider the TB model and EMA, respectively. Results show that EMA predicted only one quantum state (QS) for quantum transport, whereas FAM predicted three QSs. A cosine function behavior is obtained by both methods for the first quantum state. The calculated bandgap value by EMA is almost twice smaller than that of the FAM. Also, a fluctuating current is predicted by both methods but in different oscillation values.

  16. Resonant mode controllers for launch vehicle applications (United States)

    Schreiner, Ken E.; Roth, Mary Ellen


    Electro-mechanical actuator (EMA) systems are currently being investigated for the National Launch System (NLS) as a replacement for hydraulic actuators due to the large amount of manpower and support hardware required to maintain the hydraulic systems. EMA systems in weight sensitive applications, such as launch vehicles, have been limited to around 5 hp due to system size, controller efficiency, thermal management, and battery size. Presented here are design and test data for an EMA system that competes favorably in weight and is superior in maintainability to the hydraulic system. An EMA system uses dc power provided by a high energy density bipolar lithium thionyl chloride battery, with power conversion performed by low loss resonant topologies, and a high efficiency induction motor controlled with a high performance field oriented controller to drive a linear actuator.


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    Wisnu Jatmiko


    Full Text Available Paper ini akan membahas tahap awal (prototipe pengembangan jaringan komunikasi-robot multihop terdistribusi, yaitu suatu aplikasi yang diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan pada lingkungan yang minim infrastruktur dan fasilitas komunikasi. Pada bagian awal paper disebutkan kondisi yang dapat menerapkan aplikasi jaringan komunikasi multihop ini, yaitu pada daerah bencana alam yang mengalami kerusakan sarana komunikasi, pada daerah terpencil karena faktor alam yang sulit untuk diadakan fasilitas komunikasi, ataupun daerah berbahaya untuk didatangi manusia ataupun kawasan konflik dan peperangan. Salah satu karakteristik yang diharapkan dari aplikasi ini adalah proses penyebaran informasi secara cepat dan mudah, bahkan walaupun tidak tersedia infrastruktur memadai sebelumnya. Selain itu, sistem ini bersifat terdistribusi sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan beberapa keuntungan, baik saat diimplementasikan maupun kinerja di lapangan nantinya. Paper ini kemudian membahas pengembangan algoritma penyelesaian masalah, yang dilanjutkan dengan verifikasi dan analisis pada level simulasi perangkat lunak. Selanjutkan, algoritma ini diterapkan pada level simulasi perangkat keras dengan menggunakan modul robot Lego Mindstorm NXT. Untuk penyederhanaan masalah, pada tahap ini lingkungan yang digunakan masih bersifat statis dan terbatas sebagai salah satu asumsi.

  18. Energy management systems in the practice. ISO 50001. A guideline for companies and institutions; Energiemanagementsysteme in der Praxis. ISO 50001. Leitfaden fuer Unternehmen und Organisationen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kohlenborn, Walter; Kabisch, Sibylle; Klein, Johanna; Richter, Ina; Schuermann, Silas


    The guideline under consideration is an updated version of the guideline to the regulation EN 16001 and amended to ISO 50001. This contribution supports institutes in the implementation of an energy management system according to ISO 50001. The differences and commonalities to the European environment management system EMAS as well as to the regulation ISO 14001 are described. EMAS certified companies fulfil regularly all conditions of an energy management system. A practised energy management system is an excellent platform for the implementation of EMAS.

  19. The Impact of the AFTA Tariff Reduction on Districs Economic Growth in Indonesia

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    Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang


    Full Text Available Abstrak. Saat ini telah banyak upaya pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui liberalisasi perdagangan dan integrasi ekonomi. Melalui kedua upaya ini diharapkan dapat mendorong pembangunan daerah melalui peningkatan keterkaitan ekonomi lokal dengan perdagangan global. Dalam dua dekade terakhir, Indonesia telah terlibat aktif dalam perdagangan bebas ASEAN (ASEAN Free Trade Area/AFTA sebagai perjanjian perdagangan multilateral antar negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Artikel ini mengkaji dampak liberalisasi perdagangan AFTA terhadap inklusifitas pembangunan ekonomi kabupaten/kota pada era otonomi daerah. Artikel ini menganalisis dampak AFTA terhadap pembangunan kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa dampak AFTA masih pada pusat kegiatan industri manufaktur dan daerah maju. Selanjutnya, artikel ini berpendapat bahwa peran dominan pemerintah pusat tetap diperlukan untuk menjamin manfaat AFTA bagi pembangunan daerah.Kata kunci. ASEAN FTA, konvergensi wilayah, Tarif CEPTAbstract. Trade liberalization and economic integration have been globally adopted to accelerate the collective economic growth. Specifically trade liberalization is viewed as a crucial economic factor that promotes local economic development through promoting local economy into the global trade. This phenomenon is also found in Indonesia with its involvement in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA as a multilateral agreement that selected specific industry sectors for trade inclusion. This article reviews the impact of AFTA trade liberalization on districts economic growth in the context of Indonesia’s decentralised domestic political system. The article argues that the persistent dominant role of central government is still needed to ensure the AFTA’s benefits for the district development.Keywords. ASEAN FTA, regional convergence, tariff CEPT

  20. New hominin fossils from Kanapoi, Kenya, and the mosaic evolution of canine teeth in early hominins

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    J. Michael Plavcan


    Full Text Available Whilst reduced size, altered shape and diminished sexual dimorphism of the canine–premolar complex are diagnostic features of the hominin clade, little is known about the rate and timing of changes in canine size and shape in early hominins. The earliest Australopithecus, Australopithecus anamensis, had canine crowns similar in size to those of its descendant Australopithecus afarensis, but a single large root alveolus has suggested that this species may have had larger and more dimorphic canines than previously recognised. Here we present three new associated dentitions attributed to <em>A. anamensis, recently recovered from the type site of Kanapoi, Kenya, that provide evidence of canine evolution in early Australopithecus. These fossils include the largest mandibular canine root in the hominin fossil record. We demonstrate that, although canine crown height did not differ between these species, <em>A. anamensis had larger and more dimorphic roots, more like those of extant great apes and Ardipithecus ramidus, than those of <em>A. afarensis. The canine and premolar occlusal shapes of <em>A. anamensis also resemble those of Ar. ramidus, and are intermediary between extant great apes and <em>A. afarensis. <em>A. afarensis achieved Homo-like maxillary crown basal proportions without a reduction in crown height. Thus, canine crown size and dimorphism remained stable during the early evolution of Australopithecus, but mandibular root dimensions changed only later within the <em>A. anamensis–afarensis lineage, coincident with morphological changes in the canine–premolar complex. These observations suggest that selection on canine tooth crown height, shape and root dimensions was not coupled in early hominin evolution, and was not part of an integrated adaptive package.