
Sample records for corneales asociados al

  1. Infiltrados corneales asociados al uso de lentes de contacto Corneal infiltrates associated with contact lens wear

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    Vivian Padrón Álvarez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 15 pacientes que usan lentes de contacto rígidas, permeables al gas (LCRPG y lentes de contacto blandas (LCB que presentaron infiltrados corneales. Se realizó estudio microbiológico de las lesiones y seguimiento clínico de estos casos. En 3 de los casos estudiados el cultivo fue positivo a estafilococo aureus, el resto de los estudios microbiológicos fueron negativos. Todos los pacientes respondieron rápidamente al retirar la lente de contacto y al tratamiento con antibióticos tópicos y ninguno tuvo afectación permanente de la agudeza visual. El diagnóstico exacto y el manejo apropiado de los infiltrados corneales en pacientes que usan lentes de contacto es de gran importancia por la posibilidad de infección o de secuela visual permanente.15 patients wearing gas permeable rigid contact lenses (GPRCL and soft contanct lenses (SCL that presented corneal infiltrates were studied. A microbiological study of the injuries and a clinical follow-up of these cases were conducted. In 3 of the studied cases the culture was positive to Staphyloccocus aureus. The rest of the mircobiological studies were negative. All the patients responded rapidly to the contact lens removal and to the treatment with topical antibiotics. None of them had permanent affection of visual acuity. The accurate diagnosis and the appropiate management of the corneal infiltrates in patients wearing contact lenses is very important due to the possibility of infection or of permanent visual sequela.

  2. Cambios fisiológicos asociados al envejecimiento


    Dr. M. Felipe Salech; Dr. L. Rafael Jara; A. Luis Michea, DR, PHD


    La población envejece en forma acelerada, y la comprensión de los cambios fisiológicos asociados al envejecimiento es una herramienta importante para enfrentar las demandas biomédicas y sociales de ese grupo etario. El objetivo de la presente revisión es definir los principales cambios morfológicos y funcionales en los sistemas cardiovascular, renal, nervioso central, muscular y metabolismo de la glucosa asociados a la edad. La evidencia de estudios clínicos y experimentales muestra que...

  3. Cambios fisiológicos asociados al envejecimiento

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    Dr. M. Felipe Salech


    La evidencia disponible muestra importantes cambios morfológicos y funcionales asociados a la edad. El conocimiento de la población en edad media de la vida no debiera generalizarse a los adultos mayores. El reconocimiento de cambios debidos al envejecimiento normal es difícil por la gran variabilidad entre sujetos y la alta prevalencia de comorbilidad.

  4. Factores asociados al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso en pacientes con TB

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    Cecilia Navarro-Quintero


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar los factores asociados al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso, en pacientes de tuberculosis en los municipios de Cúcuta, Villa del Rosario y el Zulia. Materiales y Métodos: estudio cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo retrospectivo transversal de corte con dos muestras, donde se analizó una muestra de abandono al tratamiento (n=34 y otra que terminó el tratamiento antituberculoso (n=34. Se adoptó el instrumento “factores asociados al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso. Resultados: Los factores perceptivos cognitivos se establecieron como los principales determinantes directos de abandono al tratamiento antituberculoso, entre estos en primer lugar el desconocimiento de la importancia de adherencia al tratamiento (95.8%, seguido de mejoría del estado de salud (82.7%, desconocimiento de la duración del tratamiento (75%. En segundo lugar los factores fisiológicos y por último los factores de seguridad. Conclusiones: el estudio permitió identificar las variables asociadas al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso, clasificar los factores de riesgo y construir un instrumento al implementarse en los servicios de salud de la región, permitiría al personal de salud detectar oportunamente a los pacientes con un posible riesgo.

  5. Aspectos biopsicosociales asociados al embarazo adolescente

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    Regina Cogollo Jiménez


    Full Text Available Introducción: El embarazo en la adolescencia, es un evento inesperado, sorpresivo. Este artículo establece la importancia de identificar los aspectos biopsicosociales asociados al embarazo adolescente en las embarazadas asistentes al programa de Control Prenatal de una Empresa Social del Estado de nivel 1 en Montería en 2009, para comprender las actitudes y los comportamientos asociados a esta etapa tan temprana. Materiales y Métodos: Es un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, de corte transversal. Población y muestra: 30 adolescentes embarazadas asistentes al Programa, el muestreo por conveniencia. Se utilizó la encuesta y la observación directa, previa autorización del Director de la empresa. Resultados: Caracterización de la población: predominó la edad de 15 a 19 años (adolescencia tardía, uniones libres, baja escolaridad debido a la deserción escolar, ingreso económico menor al salario mínimo legal vigente. Aspectos Biológicos: la menarquía a temprana edad (9 a 14 años, y en ella la mitad de los embarazos. La mayoría de los segundos embarazos terminaron en parto, la minoría en cesárea y aborto. La captación para los controles prenatales fue tardía, algunas no cumplieron con las citas programadas. Aspectos Psicológicos: inestabilidad con la pareja al enterarse del embarazo, tuvieron soporte familiar moral y económico, abandonaron sus estudios y presentaron malestares como estrés, depresión y tristeza. Aspectos Sociales: predominó la convivencia con la familia extensa. Hubo aceptación en el colegio y en los amigos. Discusión y Conclusiones: Se plantean estrategias para disminuir estos aspectos: elaboración de una cartilla sobre “Cuidado de la adolescente embarazada”, creación de espacios de reflexión, jornadas lúdicas educativas, entre otros. (Rev Cuid 2012; 3(3:385-93.Palabras clave: Embarazo en Adolescencia, Bienestar Materno, Atención Prenatal. (Fuente: De

  6. Factores asociados a la adherencia al tratamiento de Malaria en Piura y Tumbes - Perú


    Llanos-Zavalaga, Fernando; Facultad de Salud Pública y Administración, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; Cotrina R, Armando; Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; Campana S, Pilar; Facultad de Salud Pública y Administración, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia


    La Organización Mundial de Salud considera al tratamiento temprano y adecuado como parte fundamental del programa mundial de control de la malaria. Un problema asociado a esta estrategia es la resistencia, especialmente de P. falciparum a las drogas antimaláricas. Objetivo: Determinar los factores sociales, culturales y de los servicios de salud asociados a la adherencia al tratamiento de malaria desde la perspectiva del usuario y del prestador, en poblados de los departamentos de Piura y Tum...

  7. Factores asociados al maltrato del adulto mayor de Antioquia, 2012


    Sara M. Cano; María O. Garzón; Ángela M. Segura; Doris Cardona


    Objetivo: determinar los factores asociados al maltrato del adulto mayor del departamento de Antioquia en el año 2012. Metodología: mediante estudio descriptivo transversal, se caracterizaron los factores demográficos, económicos y de salud mental de la población adulta mayor de Antioquia para el año 2012, con el fin de aportar al análisis de la situación de salud y condiciones de vida del adulto mayor. El estudio se basó en los resultados del instrumento aplicado por la Universidad ces a 4.2...

  8. Servicios auxiliares asociados al transporte marítimo


    Godes Gallardo, Daniel


    En este proyecto, mi intención es profundizar en los servicios auxiliares asociados al transporte marítimo, como su título indica. En él haré referencia a todos los servicios que el transporte marítimo en sí, y más en concreto los buques, utilizan cada vez que entran a puerto.En algunos casos, estos servicios no se prestan en las instalaciones del puerto, como pueden ser los servicios exclusivospara la explotación comercial del buque. Hay que tener en cuenta que, se podría hacer un trabajo...

  9. Factores asociados al desplazamiento activo en bicicleta al colegio en el Distrito Bogotá, Colombia. Estudio FUPRECOL


    Beltrán Ahumada, César Augusto


    Introducción: El transporte activo (TA) puede ser una oportunidad para incrementar los niveles de actividad física diarios de los niños y adolescentes, además de destacarse como una estrategia práctica, accesible y sostenible a largo plazo. Objetivos: El objetivo del presente estudio es doble: Analizar los patrones de desplazamiento activo en bicicleta al y desde el centro educativo, y b) Identificar los factores asociados al uso de la bicicleta como TA; en una muestra de niños...

  10. Factores asociados al uso de mosquiteros en el departamento de Piura, Perú.

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    Fernando Llanos-Zavalaga


    Full Text Available Objetivos: El presente estudio da a conocer los factores asociados al uso de mosquiteros en el departamento de Piura. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio cualitativo realizado en Febrero y Marzo del 2000 en el departamento de Piura, Perú. Los informantes clave fueron los prestadores de salud, promotores y pobladores seleccionados aleatoriamente de dos áreas (alta y mediana endemicidad, aplicándose 12 entrevistas en profundidad (EEP, una por establecimiento, bajo el principio de saturación. Según las EEP y grupos focales (GF realizados se elaboró un mapa de conocimientos. Resultados: Se identificaron como factores asociados al uso de mosquiteros: la percepción de efectividad tanto de mosquiteros convencionales como impregnados con insecticida y la educación y supervisión continua por prestadores y promotores de salud. Los factores asociados al no uso de mosquiteros fueron: la falta de conocimiento integral sobre la enfermedad, sensación de calor y asfixia para mosquiteros convencionales, efectos adversos (reacciones dérmicas y olor del insecticida, el costo de los mosquiteros y la falta de implantación de estrategias conjuntas con aspectos educativos, de soporte, participativas y de colaboración entre los servicios de salud y la comunidad. Conclusiones: No existe buen conocimiento de la enfermedad por parte de la población pero reconocen el mosquitero como una buena medida preventiva. El conocimiento en prestadores de salud, promotores y pobladores sobre los beneficios, uso adecuado y mantenimiento de los mosquiteros impregnados con insecticida fue insuficiente, siendo necesaria la capacitación continua de esta medida preventiva contra la malaria. (Rev Med Hered 2005;16:97-106.



    Luyo Marcellini, Delci Fiorella


    OBJETIVO: Determinar los factores individuales, familiares y sociales asociados al embarazo en adolescentes en el Centro de Salud Carlos Showing Ferrari del periodo de enero del 2014 a diciembre del 2015. METODOS Y TECNICA: El estudio fue observacional, longitudinal, retrospectivo. Con un diseño caso y control. La técnica utilizada fue el fichaje en base a la recolección de datos de fuentes secundarias. RESULTADOS: Dentro de los Factores individuales de riesgo asociados al embarazo en ...



    Yamalí Benites-Cóndor; Susy Bazán-Ruiz; Danai Valladares-Garrido


    Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud indica que diariamente fallecen alrededor de 800 mujeres por causas relacionadas al embarazo y parto, dentro de las cuales la preeclampsia ocupa el tercer lugar. Objetivo: identificar los factores asociados a preeclampsia en gestantes que fueron hospitalizadas en el Hospital de Apoyo II "Santa Rosa" de la ciudad de Piura durante el periodo junio 2010 - mayo 2011. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de casos y controles, e...

  13. Respuestas psicofisiológicas ante estímulos asociados al tabaco: Diferencias entre fumadores y no fumadores

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    Carlos Gantiva


    Full Text Available Las respuestas emocionales y motivacionales son fundamentales para explicar el inicio y mantenimiento del consumo de tabaco; sin embargo, las diferencias en fumadores y no fumadores de las respuestas psicofisiológicas que sirven como marcadores neurofisiológicos de procesos emocionales y motivacionales presentan resultados contradictorios. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar las diferencias en las respuestas psicofisiológicas ante estímulos asociados al tabaco en fumadores y no fumadores. Para esto se registró el reflejo de sobresalto y la respuesta galvánica de la piel mientras observaban imágenes apetitivas, neutrales, aversivas y asociadas al tabaco. Los resultados muestran que los fumadores inhiben el reflejo de sobresalto ante las imágenes asociadas al tabaco de forma similar que ante las imágenes apetitivas; así mismo, se encontró en los fumadores una mayor inhibición del reflejo de sobresalto ante las imágenes de tabaco. No se encontraron diferencias en la respuesta galvánica de la piel. Estos resultados sugieren que los fumadores activan el sistema motivacional apetitivo ante los estímulos asociados al tabaco.

  14. Factores asociados a la no adherencia al tratamiento anti tuberculosis

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    Laura Inés Plata-Casas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir los factores de riesgo asociados a la no adherencia al tratamiento en los pacientes adscritos al programa de tuberculosis en el Municipio de Villavicencio, cohorte 2012. Materiales y Métodos: se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con enfoque cuantitativo. Se obtuvieron datos de caracterización sociodemográfica sobre factores de riesgo de personas que abandonaron el tratamiento para la enfermedad- cohorte 2012- mediante la aplicación de un instrumento diseñado por el investigador y revisado por expertos. Los datos fueron tabulados y analizados mediante la herramienta Microsoft Excel® 2007 y Epi-info 7.0. Resultados: el 75% de los pacientes pertenecen al género masculino; el promedio de edad es de 30 años, el 63% pertenecen al régimen subsidiado de salud. Las principales causas de abandono fueron: efectos adversos a los medicamentos (58%, inadecuada atención del personal de salud (43%, dificultad de acceso al servicio (32%. Los factores sociales encontrados fueron hacinamiento 67% y desempleo 62%. Conclusiones: algunos factores no modificables como la edad y el género, así como factores modificables como estilos de vida inadecuados y efectos adversos; cuyo control mejoraría el cumplimiento; contribuyen al abandono del tratamiento. Las variables psicológicas y sociales deben ser evaluadas para que se conviertan en predictores de probables abandonos o irregularidades en el tratamiento antituberculoso.

  15. Factores asociados a la adherencia al tratamiento de Malaria en Piura y Tumbes-Perú

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    Fernando Llanos-Zavalaga


    Full Text Available La Organización Mundial de Salud considera al tratamiento temprano y adecuado como parte fundamental del programa mundial de control de la malaria. Un problema asociado a esta estrategia es la resistencia, especialmente de P. falciparum a las drogas antimaláricas. Objetivo: Determinar los factores sociales, culturales y de los servicios de salud asociados a la adherencia al tratamiento de malaria desde la perspectiva del usuario y del prestador, en poblados de los departamentos de Piura y Tumbes, Perú. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal cualitativo en comunidades de los departamentos de Piura y Tumbes durante Febrero, y Marzo del 2000, para ello se aplicaron grupos focales y entrevistas en profundidad, bajo el principio de saturación. Estos fueron grabados, transcritos, revisados y codificados considerando los temas de interés, utilizando el software Atlas-ti. Resultados y conclusiones: Existen factores que influencian positiva o negativamente en la adherencia al tratamiento antimalárico. Dentro de las primeras, se identificó la conciencia de enfermedad, la confianza en la efectividad de los medicamentos, el conocimiento del riesgo de presentar complicaciones, medicamentos de fácil y corta administración, tratamiento gratuito y supervisado, y la participación de promotores de salud. Por otro lado, la rápida recuperación de síntomas, aparición de efectos adversos, presencia de población migrante y predominancia de actividad agrícola, la pobre accesibilidad, la mala calidad de atención y la automedicación influencian negativamente en la adherencia al tratamiento.

  16. Frecuencia y factores asociados al acoso escolar en colegios públicos

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    Natalia Isabel Buendía Giraldo


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la frecuencia del acoso y ciberacoso escolar y los factores asociados en una muestra representativa de 475 estudiantes de secundaria en tres instituciones públicas del municipio de Chinchiná, en el departamento de Caldas, Colombia, en el año 2014. La población fue seleccionada mediante un muestreo probabilístico estratificado por grado y género. Aplicamos las escalas: APGAR familiar, CAGE (Cut, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye, Escala Hospitalaria de Ansiedad y Depresión (HAD, la SCOFF (Scik Control On Fast Food, el acoso escolar por medio de la encuesta sobre convivencia escolar para alumnos, y el ciberacoso por medio de Escala de Patchin. De acuerdo al cuestionario empleado se encontró una proporción del más alto nivel de acoso del 1.9%, 0.4% acosadores, 1.3% ciberacoso, 1.9% ciberacosadores, en rango medio, 14% acoso, 8.5% acosador, 5.5% ciberacoso, 4.9% ciberagresores. Se encontraron relaciones significativas entre nivel de acoso y funcionalidad familiar, consumo de alcohol, ansiedad, depresión, consumo de sustancias, nivel de ciberacoso también con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Los factores asociados con acoso y ciberacoso afectan por igual a acosados y acosadores, resultado también encontrado en otros estudios. En esta población se presentan principalmente niveles de acoso medio y bajo.

  17. Factores asociados al rendimiento académico tomando en cuenta el nivel socioeconómico: Estudio de regresión múltiple en estudiantes universitarios


    Guiselle María Garbanzo Vargas


    Recibido 15 de julio de 2013 • Corregido 9 de octubre de 2013 • Aceptado 1 de diciembre de 2013 La autora sistematiza una investigación cuantitativa sobre los factores asociados al rendimiento académico desde el nivel socioeconómico en estudiantes universitarios en la Universidad de Costa Rica; analiza, mediante modelos de regresión múltiple, los factores asociados  al rendimiento académico en estudiantes que por su condición socioeconómica se les asignó la máxima categoría de beca y estud...

  18. Factores asociados al estadio clínico avanzado en el inicio de la terapia antirretroviral

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    Eduardo Warley


    Full Text Available A fin de evaluar la frecuencia y posibles factores asociados a la presencia de estadio clínico avanzado al inicio de terapia antirretroviral (ECAITA, efectuamos un análisis retrospectivo de datos de dos cohortes prospectivas de pacientes infectados por HIV que iniciaron terapia antirretroviral (sin tratamiento anterior entre 2005 y 2009. Se analizaron las historias clínicas de 264 pacientes, 123 mujeres (46.6% y 141 hombres (53.4%. La mediana de edad fue de 37.7 años. Observamos ECAITA en 132 casos (50%, de los cuales 102 (77.2% se asociaron a diagnóstico tardío de infección por HIV y 30 (22.8% a pacientes con diagnóstico previo no retenidos en el cuidado clínico de la salud. La mediana de células CD4 fue 120/ml y de carga viral 58 038 copias/ml. El recuento de células CD4 era inferior a 200 cel/ml en 174 pacientes (71.3%. Los hombres presentaron ECAITA con mayor frecuencia que las mujeres (59.8% vs. 40.2%, en quienes el diagnóstico se realizó durante el control de un embarazo en el 25.2% de los casos. Consumo elevado de alcohol (p 0.006, ser soltero (p 0.04 y nivel de educación menor al secundario completo (p 0.008 se asociaron a ECAITA en el análisis bivariado. Ser de sexo masculino (p 0.003 fue el único factor asociado tanto en el análisis bivariado como en el multivariado. Nuestros datos refuerzan la necesidad de expandir el testeo para HIV y deberían impulsar a definir acciones programáticas que promuevan el ingreso precoz al cuidado de la infección por HIV.

  19. Factores de necesidad asociados al uso adecuado del control prenatal

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    Clarybel Miranda Mellado


    Full Text Available Introducción: Por las implicaciones sociales de la mortalidad y morbilidad materna es importante determinar los factores de necesidad que influyen en el uso adecuado del control prenatal en gestantes de Sincelejo. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio analítico de corte transversal, que incluyó 730 gestantes, seleccionadas mediante muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados, de las comunas de la ciudad. La información fue recolectada por medio de una encuesta sociodemográfica, una ficha de uso de control prenatal y un Cuestionario para evaluar los factores de necesidad  propuestos por el Modelo de Promoción de la Salud de Nola Pender. Las gestantes fueron contactadas en sus domicilios y diligenciaron los instrumentos. Los datos fueron analizados aplicando estadística descriptiva e inferencial para determinar las asociaciones entre variables. Resultados: El 97,7% (713 de las gestantes asistía al control prenatal, con una mediana de 4 controles prenatales. Un 2,3% (17 no lo habían iniciado al momento de la encuesta y 24,4% (178 hizo uso inadecuado. El 80,7% (589 de las gestantes califican su estado de salud como bueno o muy bueno, 94,8% (692 percibieron beneficios del control prenatal. Se encontró asociación significativa entre la percepción de beneficios y el uso adecuado de control prenatal [OR=5,5 (IC 95%: 2,8 - 10,8]. Discusión y Conclusiones: La percepción que las mujeres tienen sobre los buenos resultados que reporta la asistencia al control prenatal, es el principal factor que puede explicar la adherencia al control y el cumplimiento regular de las consultas. Cómo citar este artículo: Miranda C, Castillo IY. Factores de necesidad asociados al uso adecuado del control prenatal. Rev Cuid. 2016; 7(2: 1345-51.

  20. Factores de riesgo asociados al suicidio e intento de suicidio

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    Rafael Tuesca Molina


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgos asociados en la población de suicidas (consumados y no consumados en Barranquilla (Colombia durante 1999-2000. Participantes y Métodos: Estudio de casos y controles incidentes. 60 casos y 56 controles no apareados. Los casos: suicidios, proceden del registro departamental de necropsia del Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses y los intentos de suicidio proceden de dos hospitales de referencia del área metropolitana de la ciudad: Universitario de Barranquilla y Metropolitano. Los controles corresponden a población general y a personas que acudieron a estos hospitales al servicio de consulta externa, exceptuando consultantes a los servicios de psiquiatría y psicología. Se administró una encuesta estructurada de administración directa para identificar características sociodemográficas, trastornos del comportamiento y patología psiquiátrica. A fin de establecer la veracidad de la información de los familiares de los suicidas, se les aplicó otro instrumento denominado autopsia o necropsia psicológica, que permitió determinar y confirmar trastornos de la conducta y patología psiquiátrica. Mediciones y Resultados: Los trastornos del comportamiento asociado a los casos fue la ansiedad (OR= 7,33; p=0,00 y el temperamento explosivo (OR=3,48; p=0,00. La depresión como trastorno de tipo psiquiátrico afectó de manera importante los casos (89,8%, siendo éste un factor de riesgo significativo (OR=18,16 p=0,00. El evento de haber estado hospitalizado y padecer una enfermedad crónica se encuentra relacionado con la conducta suicida (OR= 2,81; p=0,00 y OR=8,31; p=0,00, respectivamente. Conclusiones: La ansiedad, la depresión, la presencia de enfermedades crónicas y la hospitalización son factores de riesgo del suicidio en Barranquilla

  1. Factores asociados a la no adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad en adultos infectados con el VIH-sida

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    Óscar Alvis


    Full Text Available Introducción: La no adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (Targa es la principal causa de fracaso terapéutico. Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la no adherencia al Targa en adultos infectados con el VIH-sida. Diseño: Estudio transversal. Institución: Servicio de Infectología, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Participantes: Pacientes infectados con el VIH que se encontraban recibiendo tratamiento antirretroviral. Intervenciones: A pacientes infectados con el VIH que se encontraban recibiendo tratamiento antirretroviral en el hospital, se aplicó un cuestionario estructurado, elaborado en función a instrumentos que evalúan la adherencia y factores asociados. Para determinar la asociación, se empleó las pruebas de chi cuadrado y t de student, se estableció un nivel de significación estadística p<0,05, y para calcular el riesgo se utilizó el OR, con intervalos de confianza de 95%. Se realizó análisis de regresión logística. Principales medidas de resultados: No adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad. Resultados: Se encuestó 465 personas; la edad promedio fue 36,8±9,1 años; 64,1% era varón. El 35,9% de los encuestados resultó ser no adherente. Los factores independientemente asociados a la no adherencia fueron: ser homosexual/bisexual (OR: 3,85, IC95% 1,98 a 7,51, tener una baja calidad de vida relacionada a la salud (OR: 6,22, IC95% 3,47 a 11,13, poco apoyo social (OR: 5,41, IC95% 3,17 a 9,22, no tener domicilio fijo (OR 3,34, IC95% 1,93 a 5,79, tener morbilidad psíquica (OR 2,93, IC95% 1,78 a 4,82 y tener mayor tiempo en tratamiento (OR 1,04, IC95% 1,02 a 1,07. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de no adherencia fue mayor a la reportada previamente en este mismo hospital, pero similar a la encontrada en diferentes estudios, pese a la heterogeneidad de los mismos. Los factores de tipo psicosocial fueron los que influyeron de forma más importante en la

  2. Factores asociados al diagnóstico tardío de pacientes con tuberculosis pulmonar en Lima Este, Perú

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    Delia Muñoz C


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al diagnóstico tardío de tuberculosis pulmonar en pacientes de Lima Este, Perú en el año 2000. Material y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles; los casos fueron los pacientes nuevos con tuberculosis pulmonar diagnosticados después de 30 días de iniciados los síntomas; los controles fueron los pacientes nuevos con tuberculosis pulmonar diagnosticados dentro de los 30 días de iniciados los síntomas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 176 casos y 212 controles. 48% fueron mujeres y 52% varones. De los casos, 93 (52,8% fueron varones, y de los controles 110 (51,9% (p0,05. 156 (88,6% casos y 176 (83,0% controles presentaron edades comprendida entre los 15 y 49 años. Se identificaron siete factores asociados al diagnóstico tardío: edad mayor a 15 años (OR=3,85 IC95%: 2,09-7,08, ser obrero o comerciante (OR=1,59 IC95%: 1,19-2,13, procedencia de un área rural (OR=4,48 IC95%: 2,08-9,67, automedicación (OR=1,698 IC95%: 1,21-2,83, percepción de un tiempo de espera prolongado (OR=1,53 IC95%: 1,14-2,04, percepción de un costo elevado (OR=1,530 IC95%: 1,105-2,11, y desconocimiento de la existencia de un programa para controlar la TBC (OR=1,65 IC95%:1,21-2,25. Conclusiones: Se identificaron siete factores asociados independientemente al diagnóstico tardío de tuberculosis pulmonar: edad mayor de 15 años, ser obrero o comerciante, residencia rural, automedicación, percepción de un tiempo de espera prolongado, percepción de un costo elevado, y el desconocimiento de un programa para controlar la TBC; los cuatro últimos potencialmente modificables mediante intervenciones educativas.

  3. Factores resilientes asociados al rendimiento académico en estudiantes pertenecientes a la Universidad de Sucre (Colombia)


    Sonia Carolina Peralta Díaz; Andrés Fernando Ramírez Giraldo; Hernando Castaño Buitrago


    El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar si existen factores resilientes asociados al rendimiento académico en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios. Dicha muestra estuvo compuesta por 345 estudiantes, distribuidos en 2 grupos, bajo rendimiento y alto rendimiento, entre los 16 y 38 años de edad. El instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario de resiliencia para estudiantes universitarios (cre-u). Los resultados, después de aplicar el modelo estadístico de regresión logí...

  4. Mecanismos de desgaste en refractarios de colada continua asociados al efecto Marangoni

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    Brandaleze, E.


    Full Text Available Nozzle wear during continuous casting process is caused by physical and chemical reasons and also by refractory quality. A post mortem study on a sample of Al2O3 - graphite nozzle with a ZrO2 insert allows to identify the present wear mechanisms. Different cyclic stages are carried out due to recurrent changes of interfacial tension and fluid convection. When the surface tension promote the refractory wetting by the steel, graphite of the nozzle surface is lost. Then, grains of ZrO2 and of Al2O3 are dissolved by slag contact. This type of wear is associated with the Marangoni effect. Light and electronic microscopy was used to observe the refractory structure and by a cathodoluminiscence technique phases transformations under process conditions are determined.

    Las buzas sumergidas se erosionan durante el proceso de la colada continua, debido a causas físicas, químicas y a la calidad del refractario. El estudio post mortem de una buza de Al2O3 -grafito con inserto de ZrO2 permite identificar los mecanismos de desgaste presentes, que ocurren por etapas debido a cambios cíclicos de tensión interfacial y convección de fluidos. Cuando la tensión superficial favorece la mojabilidad del refractario por el acero, la buza pierde grafito de la superficie. Luego, los granos de ZrO2 y de Al2O3 se disuelven al ser mojados por la escoria. Este desgaste está asociado al efecto Marangoni. Se observa la microestructura mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica y, por catodoluminiscencia, se determinan las transformaciones de fases ocurridas en condiciones de proceso.

  5. Internet y televisión educativa: Factores asociados a su uso y abuso

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    José Juan Machargo Díaz


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un análisis sobre el uso de internet y la televisión educativa en jóvenes y niños en edades comprendidas entre 7 y 17 años de edad. A partir de análisis documental desde un enfoque cualitativo tipo documental y una entrevista, se identifican variables asociadas al uso de internet y programas educativos. Conclusión: Factores asociados al uso de internet y la televisión educativa son factores personales, factores de apoyo familiar e institucional (maestro; factores actitudinales, factores sociales e impacto: positivo asociado a relaciones, aprendizaje, y negativos asociado a salud, adicciones, rendimiento académico negativo

  6. Cambios neuropsicológicos asociados al envejecimiento normal


    Román Lapuente, Francisco; Sánchez Navarro, Juan Pedro


    Esta revisión ofrece un marco neuropsicológico relacionado con las variaciones tanto a nivel neurobiológico como cognitivo durante el envejecimiento. En la actualidad se cuestiona si el envejecimiento en sí conlleva una serie de cambios neuropsicológicos o si estos cambios pueden estar asociados a diferentes condiciones de salud que tienden a presentarse con más frecuencia en las personas mayores. En general, los trabajos revisados sugieren que el envejecimient...

  7. Tromboembolismo pulmonar asociado al síndrome de la vena cava superior de origen trombótico


    Barrera-López, Ana Madeleine; Cortés-P., Luis Arcadio; Salazar-C., Erika María


    Se describe el caso de un paciente masculino de 32 años de edad, quien consulta al servicio de urgencias con historia clínica del síndrome de la vena cava superior, en el estudio de la angiotomografía pulmonar, se demuestra embolismo pulmonar izquierdo, trombosis de la vena yugular interna derecha y confluente yugulo subclavio. No hay evidencia de asociación con neoplasia, infecciones o enfermedades del tejido conectivo, siendo el único factor de riesgo asociado para la trombosis, hiperviscoc...

  8. Factores de riesgo asociados al estado nutricio en lactantes que son atendidos en guarderías


    Vásquez-Garibay, Edgar M; Ávila-Alonso, Eneida N; Contreras-Ramos, Tania; Cuellar-Espinosa, Luz A; Romero-Velarde, Enrique


    Introducción. Objetivo: identificar factores asociados al estado nutricio en lactantes de 3 a 12 meses de edad que acuden a guarderías en Guadalajara. Material y métodos. En un estudio transversal, se incluyeron 123 lactantes de 3 a 12 meses de edad de cinco guarderías del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social de Guadalajara. Se consideró déficit en índices de longitud/edad, peso/edad y peso/longitud con puntuación Z < -l desviación estándar (DE). Se exploraron variables sociodemográficas, eco...

  9. Factores de riesgo asociados al uso de drogas en estudiantes adolescentes

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    Osorio Rebolledo Ever Agustín


    Full Text Available Objetivo Identificar factores de riesgo asociados al uso de drogas lícitas e ilícitas en estudiantes adolescentes de ambos sexos cursantes de educación básica y diversificada de instituciones públicas diurnas. Métodos Con base a un estudio descriptiva, de campo y transversal fue realizado estudio en el año 2002 en el Municipio Naguanagua, Estado Carabobo, Venezuela. Se utilizo un cuestionario anónimo auto aplicado denominado Test Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI para adolescentes versión Venezuela, fue respondido por una muestra probabilística sistemática estratificada por año de estudio de estudiantes adolescentes de 12 a 17 años de edad de ambos sexos, de dos instituciones educativas públicas diurnas de educación básica y diversificada. Resultados Las áreas de riesgo alto asociadas al uso de drogas lícitas e ilícitas son las de familia y salud mental; mientras que en las de riesgo moderado se encuentran las áreas de recreación, conducta y escuela; y las de riesgo bajo pares, habilidades sociales y uso de drogas. Los resultados del Índice de Severidad Total, es alto. Esto es un indicador de que el adolescente venezolano presenta más riesgo de uso de drogas lícitas e ilícitas, pero al mismo tiempo presenta menos uso de drogas. Lo que pudiera indicar cómo la presencia de factores de protección interactúan con los factores de riesgo, para modificar el efecto de éstos.

  10. Factores de riesgo asociados al uso de drogas en estudiantes adolescentes

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    Ever Agustín Osorio Rebolledo

    Full Text Available Objetivo Identificar factores de riesgo asociados al uso de drogas lícitas e ilícitas en estudiantes adolescentes de ambos sexos cursantes de educación básica y diversificada de instituciones públicas diurnas. Métodos Con base a un estudio descriptiva, de campo y transversal fue realizado estudio en el año 2002 en el Municipio Naguanagua, Estado Carabobo, Venezuela. Se utilizo un cuestionario anónimo auto aplicado denominado Test Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI para adolescentes versión Venezuela, fue respondido por una muestra probabilística sistemática estratificada por año de estudio de estudiantes adolescentes de 12 a 17 años de edad de ambos sexos, de dos instituciones educativas públicas diurnas de educación básica y diversificada. Resultados Las áreas de riesgo alto asociadas al uso de drogas lícitas e ilícitas son las de familia y salud mental; mientras que en las de riesgo moderado se encuentran las áreas de recreación, conducta y escuela; y las de riesgo bajo pares, habilidades sociales y uso de drogas. Los resultados del Índice de Severidad Total, es alto. Esto es un indicador de que el adolescente venezolano presenta más riesgo de uso de drogas lícitas e ilícitas, pero al mismo tiempo presenta menos uso de drogas. Lo que pudiera indicar cómo la presencia de factores de protección interactúan con los factores de riesgo, para modificar el efecto de éstos.

  11. Factores asociados al no uso del condón: Estudio en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes de Chiclayo

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    Víctor Soto


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Precisar los factores asociados al no uso del condón en adolescentes y jóvenes en el distrito de Chiclayo y describir algunas características de su conducta sexual. Diseño: Transversal, mediante muestreo polietápico. Lugar: Distrito de Chiclayo, Perú. Pacientes: Trescientos noventa y tres adolescentes y jóvenes, 196 de ellos mujeres y 197 varones. Intervenciones: Se encuestó a adolescentes y jóvenes, usando cuestionario autoaplicado. Para el análisis estadístico, se utilizó chi cuadrado, odds ratio y regresión logística. Principales medidas de resultados: Uso del condón. Resultados: La conducta sexual presenta diferencia en cuanto a la primera relación coital, siendo más precoces los varones. El uso adecuado del condón en los últimos seis meses fue mínimo en ambos sexos; la proporción de mujeres que refirieron que nunca lo habían usado fue muy alta. Conclusiones: El análisis multivariado mostró que los factores asociados al no uso de condón en varones fueron la falta de disponibilidad, disminución del placer y relación amorosa. En las mujeres, pérdida de romanticismo, interferencia con la relación sexual y uso de otro método anticonceptivo.


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    L. Lareo


    Full Text Available Dada la importancia del receptor ionotrópico de glutamato activado por N-Metil-D-Aspartato en los procesos de aprendizaje y la formación de la memoria mediados por el transporte de calcio a través del canal asociado a dicho receptor resulta importante desarrollar modelos que permitan comprender la homeóstasis que le permite a la neurona manejar incrementos en el flujo de dicho catión sin llegar a desarrollar procesos necróticos ni apoptóticos. Este trabajo presenta una sencilla simulación de parte de los procesos metabólicos asociados al receptor como un paso inicial para comprender los mecanismos subyacentes al aprendizaje y memoria.

  13. Factores asociados al no uso del condón: Estudio en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes de Chiclayo


    Víctor Soto


    Objetivos: Precisar los factores asociados al no uso del condón en adolescentes y jóvenes en el distrito de Chiclayo y describir algunas características de su conducta sexual. Diseño: Transversal, mediante muestreo polietápico. Lugar: Distrito de Chiclayo, Perú. Pacientes: Trescientos noventa y tres adolescentes y jóvenes, 196 de ellos mujeres y 197 varones. Intervenciones: Se encuestó a adolescentes y jóvenes, usando cuestionario autoaplicado. Para el análisis estadístico, se utilizó chi cua...



    Rossy Morera-Montoya; Helga Blanco-Metzler


    El presente trabajo se efectuó con el objetivo de identificar microorganismos asociados al fruto de la guayaba en frutos embolsados de una plantación comercial en Carrillo de Poás, Alajuela, Costa Rica, durante la época seca y lluviosa del año 2007. Se realizaron aislamientos en el laboratorio para determinar la presencia y tipo de microorganismo asociado a los síntomas. Se utilizaron cuatro tipos diferentes de material para embolsar: papel encerado, tergal (bolsa de nylon), papel de director...

  15. Prevalencia y factores asociados al consumo de bebidas azucaradas en escolares de 9 a 17 años de Bogotá, Colombia: Estudio FUPRECOL


    Fuerte Celis, Juan Camilo


    Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al consumo de bebidas azucaradas en una población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en 8136 niños y adolescentes en edad escolar entre 9 y 17 años de Bogotá, Colombia. El peso, la estatura, el índice de masa corporal (IMC), la circunferencia de cintura y el porcentaje de grasa, se recogieron como marcadores antropométricos y de composición corpor...

  16. Factores asociados al maltrato del adulto mayor de Antioquia, 2012

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    Sara M. Cano


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar los factores asociados al maltrato del adulto mayor del departamento de Antioquia en el año 2012. Metodología: mediante estudio descriptivo transversal, se caracterizaron los factores demográficos, económicos y de salud mental de la población adulta mayor de Antioquia para el año 2012, con el fin de aportar al análisis de la situación de salud y condiciones de vida del adulto mayor. El estudio se basó en los resultados del instrumento aplicado por la Universidad ces a 4.215 adultos de sesenta años y más de edad, en el cual se indagó sobre percepción de maltrato, funcionamiento cognitivo, nivel de depresión, nivel de ansiedad, apoyo social, escala de recursos sociales, entre otras; los resultados se expandieron a 654.473 adultos del departamento. Resultados: el 72,8% de adultos del departamento son mujeres, 53,7% vive en Medellín, 55% tiene primaria incompleta, 72,9% pertenece a estratos socioeconómicos 1 y 2, 45,1% no registraron ingresos en el último mes, 26,3% tiene riesgo de depresión y 34,4% tiene riesgo de ansiedad, 2,5% reportó haber sufrido descuido, 5,0% necesidades afectivas ignoradas, 1,7% algún caso de agresión física, 0,4% agresión sexual y 1,3%, afirmó haber sufrido maltrato económico. Las variables estrato socioeconómico, tipo de vivienda, etnia, riesgo de depresión, riesgo de ansiedad, riesgo de deterioro cognitivo y red de apoyo fueron las que más ayudaron a explicar la presencia de maltrato. Conclusión: enfrentar este problema requiere de una atención integral a las necesidades de los adultos mayores, participación de todos los sectores de la sociedad y conciencia transgeneracional.

  17. Síndrome erosivo corneal recurrente enmascarado como queratitis epitelial herpética

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    Manuel A. de Alba-Castilla


    Conclusiones: Los rasgos distintivos del SECR son: inicio abrupto por la noche o madrugada al despertar, antecedente de trauma corneal o distrofia corneal anterior y ausencia de leucomas corneales. La semejanza sintomatológica y el desconocimiento del SECR incrementan la posibilidad de confundir el diagnóstico.

  18. Factores asociados al absentismo laboral en los empleados de una institución de salud de Medellín. Colombia, 2016

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    Edwin Alexis Cataño Saldarriaga

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Introducción: El absentismo laboral es una situación muy frecuentes en las empresas de salud de Colombia, sin embargo la empresa objeto de estudio no conoce los factores asociados a este. Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados al absentismo laboral en los empleados de una institución de salud. Materiales y métodos: Estudio empírico-analítico, cuantitativo de corte transversal. La población de estudio fueron los empleados de una institución prestadora de servicios de salud de Medellín, Colombia. Se aplicó una encuesta estructurada teniendo en cuenta variables demográficas, laborales, familiares, personales y sociales. Resultados: Se encuestaron 140 de los 898 empleados, con una proporción de absentismo del 8,4%. De los que presentaron absentismo laboral, el 84% fueron mujeres. En cuanto a la edad se identificó una media de 32 años; el nivel educativo técnico o menor tuvo una RP 3,2, el área laboral asistencial de 4,8 y el cargo laboral de apoyo de 2,3, variables que presentaron una asociación estadísticamente significativa con haber tenido absentismo laboral. Conclusiones: Los factores que se asocian al absentismo laboral en los empleados de la institución de salud de estudio, están dados por el bajo nivel educativo, tener un cargo laboral de apoyo y desempeñar funciones de asistencia.

  19. Factores asociados al pie diabético en pacientes ambulatorios. Centro de Diabetes Cardiovascular del Caribe. Barranquilla (Colombia

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    Mildred Rosales Amarís


    respectivamente, la neuropatía (OR = 10.14; p = 0.00 y la deformidad de los pies (OR = 10.02; p = 0.00 se asociaron significativamente al pie diabético. Se encontró como factor protector el autocuidado (OR = 0.21; p = 0.00000 y la educación relacionada con el control de factores de riesgo para la diabetes (OR = 0.32; p = 0.00007. Conclusión: La macroangiopatía, la microangiopatía, la neuropatía y la deformidad en los pies se comportaron como factores asociados a la presencia del pie diabético. El autocuidado contribuyó a la prevención del mismo.

  20. Prevalencia y factores asociados a dismenorrea en estudiantes de la Universidad del Rosario


    Bautista-Roa, Sandra-Johana; Bernal Herrera, Raúl Andrés; Yánez Montealegre, Natalia; Zamora Miramón, Irina Paola


    Antecedentes: la dismenorrea es el dolor asociado al ciclo menstrual. Presenta una prevalencia entre el 60 y 93%. Se han descrito factores asociados como: edad de la menarquía, índice de masa corporal, ejercicio, tabaquismo, antecedente de dismenorrea materna entre otros. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, basado en una encuesta anónima a 127 mujeres de la Universidad del Rosario pertenecientes a las facultades de Medicina y Psicología. Resultados: ee encontró u...

  1. Factores asociados al uso regular de fuentes de información en estudiantes de medicina de cuatro ciudades del Perú

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    Christian R Mejía

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar los factores asociados al uso regular de fuentes de información en estudiantes de Medicina de cuatro ciudades de Perú. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal analítico, se encuestó a estudiantes de Medicina de cuatro ciudades del Perú, recopilando información del uso de 14 fuentes de información y otras variables educativas e informáticas. Se definió uso frecuente de la fuente de información si accedía a ella mínimo una vez a la semana. Se obtuvieron los valores p mediante modelos lineales generalizados ajustando por la sede de cada encuestado. Resultados. Se encuestaron 2300 estudiantes con una mediana de edad de 21 años, el 53% fueron mujeres. El recibir una capacitación para el uso de las fuentes incrementó el uso en doce de las bases consultadas, no en SciELO (p=0,053 ni en la biblioteca universitaria (p=0,509. Cuando se añadió el ajuste por poseer una laptop/netbook se mantuvieron dichas asociaciones. Al ajustar también por poseer un smartphone se perdió la asociación con la base BVS Perú (p=0,067, lo mismo ocurrió al hacer el último ajuste, si había realizado alguna actividad de investigación. Conclusiones. El uso frecuente de las fuentes de la información está asociado con haber recibido capacitación, realizar investigación y el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Esto debe ser tomado en cuenta en programas de capacitación y mejora continua en el pre y posgrado.

  2. Papilomavirus humanos y otros factores asociados al desarrollo de lesiones cervicouterinas en mujeres cubanas

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    Yudira Soto Brito


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la circulación de genotipos de Papilomavirus humanos (PVH y los factores sociodemográficos, epidemiológicos y clínicos asociados con la presencia de lesiones intraepiteliales cervicales en un grupo de mujeres cubanas. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en población femenina de 4 municipios de La Habana. Se incluyeron 519 mujeres entre 15 y 59 años con una citología cervical negativa en los dos años anteriores al estudio. Se les realizó citología cervical y detección de PVH. Para la detección viral se realizó Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR empleando los oligonucleótidos MY09/11. El genotipado se realizó mediante hibridación Dot Blot. Resultados: El 41,6% de la población estudiada se diagnosticó con citología con citología positiva, de ellas el 58,8% con lesiones de alto grado. En el 66,3% de las mujeres estudiadas se detectó algún tipo de PVH, asociado significativamente con la citología positiva. Se identificaron 30 genotipos diferentes de PVH, con predominio de los genotipos oncogénicos PVH 16 (41,0%, 31 (11,6% y 18 (10,2%. Los predictores de riesgo para la infección con estos genotipos fueron: el inicio de las relaciones sexuales antes de los 15 años, la menarquía entre 10 y 14 años, el consumo de cigarrillos y de anticonceptivos orales. En mujeres menores de 20 años predominaron las lesiones de alto grado. Conclusiones: Los resultados del presente estudio apoyan el uso de la vacunación contra PVH y sugiere la realización de investigaciones basadas en estudios virológicos y citológicos en mujeres menores de 25 años.

  3. Factores asociados al inicio de la lactancia materna en mujeres dominicanas

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    Leonelo E. Bautista


    Full Text Available Las relaciones entre el inicio del amamantamiento y sus determinantes varían en distintas poblaciones, pero su conocimiento es fundamental para orientar los programas de promoción de la lactancia materna. Los datos de la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud de 1991 de la República Dominicana se usaron para identificar factores asociados con el inicio del amamantamiento en una muestra aleatoria de mujeres en edad fértil. Aproximadamente 93% de 2714 madres informaron haber iniciado el amamantamiento en su último niño nacido vivo menor de 5 años y no hubo cambios importantes en este porcentaje en los últimos 5 años. Se realizó un análisis de regresión logística mediante el cual se calcularon valores de la razón de posibilidades (u odds ratio (psi, en inglés como medidas de asociación. Las madres que tuvieron alguna enfermedad durante el embarazo (psi = 2,3, las que tuvieron niños con bajo peso al nacer (psi= 2,9, las primíparas (psi = 1,9 y las de nivel de ingresos medio (psi = 1,6 y alto (psi = 2,1 tuvieron un riesgo significativamente mayor de no iniciar el amamantamiento. Estas mujeres deberían constituir grupos prioritarios en los programas de promoción de la lactancia materna.

  4. Frecuencia y factores asociados al acoso escolar en colegios públicos


    Natalia Isabel Buendía Giraldo; José Jaime Castaño Castrillón; Sandra Constanza Cañón; Jhon Alexander Giraldo Acevedo; Lucia Marín Echeverri; Sebastián Sánchez Pacheco; Fabio Alexander Suarez Ruiz


    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la frecuencia del acoso y ciberacoso escolar y los factores asociados en una muestra representativa de 475 estudiantes de secundaria en tres instituciones públicas del municipio de Chinchiná, en el departamento de Caldas, Colombia, en el año 2014. La población fue seleccionada mediante un muestreo probabilístico estratificado por grado y género. Aplicamos las escalas: APGAR familiar, CAGE (Cut, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye), Escala Hospitalaria de An...

  5. Factores asociados a complicaciones de yeyunostomía

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    H. Medina-Franco


    Conclusiones: La yeyunostomía se asocia a una elevada frecuencia de complicaciones, tanto médicas como quirúrgicas. Si bien se ha establecido como una mejor alternativa a nutrición parenteral, deberá tomarse en cuenta la morbilidad asociada a la misma antes de establecer su utilización rutinaria como medio de aporte nutricional, particularmente en pacientes con factores asociados al desarrollo de las mismas.






  7. Injuria renal aguda, perfil epidemiológico intrahospitalario y factores asociados al riesgo de muerte

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    Cristian León


    Full Text Available La injuria renal aguda (IRA es un evento mórbido de gran impacto en la vida de las personas. La tasa de letalidad de la IRA ha sido un tema relevante y se han estudiado muchos factores relacionados. Objetivos: Determinar el perfil epidemiológico de los pacientes con IRA en un hospital de Lima y los factores asociados a la mortalidad durante el periodo de hospitalización. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de una cohorte de pacientes incidentes con diagnóstico de IRA. Se calculó la letalidad bruta y la ajustada a tiempo de permanencia hospitalaria. Se usó la regresión multivariante de Cox, así como el mejor modelo para regresión logística binaria asociada a letalidad. Se aceptó una significancia estadística de p<0,05. Resultados: Se identificaron 90 pacientes con IRA en los años 2002, 2003 y 2004 (incidencia de 30, 39 y 21 pacientes/año, respectivamente. Su permanencia hospitalaria fue 13,44 ± 1,66 (promedio±1ES días, la tasa bruta de letalidad 39% y la tasa ajustada 2,89 fallecidos/100 días de hospitalización. Las variables relacionadas al riesgo de muerte en el tiempo fueron el estado de shock, el diagnóstico de sepsis y la disfunción respiratoria al momento de la admisión. Conclusiones: La gravedad clínica como condición al momento de la admisión al centro hospitalario, el estado séptico y la presencia de disfunción respiratoria, fueron los factores que influenciaron en el pronóstico de supervivencia de pacientes con IRA.


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    Yamalí Benites-Cóndor


    Full Text Available Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud indica que diariamente fallecen alrededor de 800 mujeres por causas relacionadas al embarazo y parto, dentro de las cuales la preeclampsia ocupa el tercer lugar. Objetivo: identificar los factores asociados a preeclampsia en gestantes que fueron hospitalizadas en el Hospital de Apoyo II "Santa Rosa" de la ciudad de Piura durante el periodo junio 2010 - mayo 2011. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de casos y controles, en gestantes hospitalizadas entre junio del 2010 y mayo del 2011. Mediante un muestreo aleatorio se obtuvieron 39 casos de preeclampsia y 78 controles sin preeclampsia. Los datos fueron analizados con el paquete estadístico SPSS v19.0, en el cual se ejecutó un análisis de casos y controles no pareados aplicando la prueba Chi cuadrado. Resultados: Fueron variables significativamente asociadas con la preeclampsia: Edad 35 años (p=0,021, y número de controles prenatales mayor o igual a siete (p= 0,049. No resultaron significativos la primiparidad ni el sobrepeso. Interpretación: Se debe promover un control prenatal adecuado (traducido como siete o más controles durante la gestación, especialmente en aquellas mujeres que se encuentran en los extremos de la vida fértil.

  9. Factores resilientes asociados al rendimiento académico en estudiantes pertenecientes a la Universidad de Sucre (Colombia

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    Sonia Carolina Peralta Díaz


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar si existen factores resilientes asociados al rendimiento académico en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios. Dicha muestra estuvo compuesta por 345 estudiantes, distribuidos en 2 grupos, bajo rendimiento y alto rendimiento, entre los 16 y 38 años de edad. El instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario de resiliencia para estudiantes universitarios (cre-u. Los resultados, después de aplicar el modelo estadístico de regresión logística binaria (Oportunidad Relativa, indican que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas de los factores resilientes entre los estudiantes con alto y bajo rendimiento académico, y este último grupo es el que se encuentra en mayor riesgo debido a que existen menos factores que se asocian a él.

  10. Factores psicosociales, cognitivos y de personalidad asociados a la adherencia al tratamiento en comunidades terapéuticas

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    Miguel Ángel Hernández Serrano


    Full Text Available Diferentes investigaciones han relacionado la adherencia al tratamiento con el éxito y no éxito en la terapia, junto con características tales como el tiempo de permanencia, la motivación previa y estilos de afrontamiento más eficaces. Este estudio identificó factores psicosociales, cognitivos y de personalidad asociados a la adherencia al tratamiento en comunidades terapéuticas en Colombia. Muestra: 443 participantes (373 hombres y 70 mujeres, edad media de 18 años (D.E. 5.9; rango 11-50 años. Instrumentos: Escala de adherencia CMRS, Escala de acontecimientos vitales, Cuestionario de esquema YSQ, Cuestionario de creencias de trastornos de la personalidad CCE-TP, Escala de estrategias de afrontamiento EEC-M, Cuadro Toxicológico. Procedimiento: para el análisis estadístico se dividió el grupo en dos: alta adherencia y menor adherencia. Resultados: alta asociación de adherencia y tiempo de permanencia. La función discriminante predictora para alta adherencia estuvo compuesta por las siguientes variables: estrategia de búsqueda de apoyo profesional, personalidad obsesivo-compulsiva, reevaluación positiva, la edad, vulnerabilidad al daño y la enfermedad, solución de problemas y de manera negativa la autonomía.El porcentaje de pronóstico de la función discriminante fue del 67,72%.

  11. Factores asociados al ejercicio de la sexualidad de las y los adolescentes escolarizados de Cartagena – Colombia 2008

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    Carmen Elena Díaz Montes


    Full Text Available Title: Associated factors in the sexual practices of school adolescents of Cartagena- Colombia 2008Objetivo: Establecer las prácticas sexuales y los factores asociados al ejercicio de la sexualidad de las y los adolescentes escolarizados en Cartagena. Metodología: Estudio transversal, población 104.088 adolescentes estudiantes de secundaria en colegios oficiales y privados de Cartagena. Muestra 1.035 adolescentes, intervalo de confianza 95%, error 2%. Muestreo; multietapico. Se utilizaron una escala de conocimientos y actitudes y la escala Francis para valorar religiosidad. Resultados: La edad promedio de inicio de relaciones sexuales fue de 14.1 años, el 17% de los adolescentes ha tenido relaciones sexuales. Tener relaciones sexuales se asocia con ser varón, mayor grado de escolaridad, consumir cigarrillo, pertenecer a un grupo social, desigualdad de género, tener pareja y considerarla estable. Tener relaciones sexuales es más frecuente, en adolescentes de colegios públicos que privados. Conclusión: de los veintidós factores estudiados, ocho factores se mantuvieron fuertemente asociados al inicio de relaciones sexuales.AbstractObjective: To establish the sexual practices and the associated factors of the sexual behavior of school adolescents of Cartagena. Methodology: Transversal study, population 104.088 adolescent students of Secondary School of Public and private schools of Cartagena. Sample 1.035 adolescents, confidence level 95 %, and error 2 %. Sampling: multistage. Two scales of knowledge and attitudes were used, and the Francis scale. Results: The average age to start sexual relations was 14.1, 17% of the adolescents have had sexual relationships. To have sexual relations is associated significantly with the fact of being male, being in a higher grade, cigarette consumption, belonging to a social group, gender inequality, having a partner and considering him/her stable. Sexual relations are more common in public

  12. Factores asociados a la adherencia en el tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa

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    Carmen R. Gallardo


    Conclusiones: La tasa de cumplimiento del TIT fue elevada entre los que iniciaron tratamiento. Casi la mitad de los contactos con IT no iniciaron tratamiento y los factores asociados fueron: edad, relación social e induración de la PT. La pauta de tratamiento se asoció con mayor cumplimiento. Debemos conocer con precisión los factores asociados a la adherencia al tratamiento de la IT en cada área de salud y actuar sobre los grupos de riesgo, y de esta manera aproximar el control global de la tuberculosis.

  13. Prevalencia y factores asociados al asma en niños de 5 a 14 años de un área rural del sur del Perú

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    César V. Munayco


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al asma en niños de 5 a 14 años de una zona rural en la provincia de Ica, Perú. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal en niños de 5 a 14 años del distrito de Santiago, Ica, en el año 2004. Se visitaron a las madres de los niños seleccionados a través de un muestreo aleatorio sistemático y se aplicó un cuestionario basado en el ISAAC, asimismo, se evaluaron factores asociados al asma. Tomando el desarrollo de asma como variable de respuesta, se efectuó un modelo de regresión logística binaria a fin de identificar los factores que se le asocian de manera independiente. Resultados. De un total de 200 sujetos, 186 fueron encuestados, 25 de ellos cumplían la definición de asma, la prevalencia global de asma fue de 13,5% (IC95%: 8,8 - 19,8%, predominando ligeramente en los niños menores de 5 años (39% respecto al resto de grupos de edad (16 y 7% para 6 a 10 y 11 a 14 años respectivamente. Dentro de los factores asociados a tener asma se encontraron el antecedente de padecer rinitis, haber recibido antibióticos durante el primer año de vida y tabaquismo del padre en el primer año de vida. Los factores protectores fueron haber tenido diarrea durante el primer año de vida y haber sido vacunados con BCG. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de asma en una zona rural es comparable con la de otras ciudades en el mundo. Se le asocian factores que pueden ser modificados como el tratamiento antibiótico durante el primer año de vida y el tabaquismo paterno.

  14. Corneal Laceration

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Eye Health A-Z Symptoms Glasses & Contacts Tips & Prevention News Ask an Ophthalmologist Patient Stories Español Eye ... Causes Corneal Laceration? Corneal Laceration Diagnosis Corneal Laceration Treatment What Is Corneal Laceration? Leer en Español: ¿Qué ...

  15. Evaluación del desarrollo de Salíx humboldtiana, Erythrina edulis y Trichantera gigantea asociados al cultivo de mora sin espina (Rubus glaucus Benth)


    Guapacha, Cristiam Camilo; Mesa, Jhon Jairo; Patiño, Andrés Alfonso


    En el Municipio de Quinchía, Departamento de Risaralda (Colombia), se evaluó el desarrollo de los tutores vivos Salíx humboldtiana, Erythrina edulis y Trichantera gigantea asociados al cultivo de mora sin espina (Rubus glaucus Benth), también la incidencia de Peronospora sparsa y Oidium sp en plantas de mora asociadas a estos sistemas agroforestales. Se utilizo un diseño de bloques al azar con tres repeticiones cada uno. Los resultados indican que Erythrina edulis es el tutor con mejor adapta...

  16. Spontaneous Corneal Hydrops in a Patient with a Corneal Ulcer

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    Hatim Batawi


    Full Text Available Purpose: We report the case of a 77-year-old man with no history of keratoconus or other ectatic disorders who presented with corneal hydrops in the setting of a corneal ulcer. The risk factors, pathogenesis and treatment options of corneal hydrops are discussed. Method: This is an observational case report study. Results: A 77-year-old man presented with a 1-day history of severe pain, redness, mucous discharge and photophobia in the right eye. A slit-lamp examination of the right eye showed an area of focal corneal edema and protrusion. Within the area of edema and protrusion, there was an infiltrate with an overlying epithelial defect consistent with an infectious corneal ulcer. The Seidel test showed no leakage, so a clinical diagnosis of corneal hydrops associated with nonperforated corneal ulcer was made. With appropriate antibiotic treatment, the corneal ulcer and hydrops both resolved over a 1-month period. Conclusion: Corneal hydrops can occur in the setting of corneal infections.

  17. Corneal biomechanical properties from air-puff corneal deformation imaging (United States)

    Marcos, Susana; Kling, Sabine; Bekesi, Nandor; Dorronsoro, Carlos


    The combination of air-puff systems with real-time corneal imaging (i.e. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), or Scheimpflug) is a promising approach to assess the dynamic biomechanical properties of the corneal tissue in vivo. In this study we present an experimental system which, together with finite element modeling, allows measurements of corneal biomechanical properties from corneal deformation imaging, both ex vivo and in vivo. A spectral OCT instrument combined with an air puff from a non-contact tonometer in a non-collinear configuration was used to image the corneal deformation over full corneal cross-sections, as well as to obtain high speed measurements of the temporal deformation of the corneal apex. Quantitative analysis allows direct extraction of several deformation parameters, such as apex indentation across time, maximal indentation depth, temporal symmetry and peak distance at maximal deformation. The potential of the technique is demonstrated and compared to air-puff imaging with Scheimpflug. Measurements ex vivo were performed on 14 freshly enucleated porcine eyes and five human donor eyes. Measurements in vivo were performed on nine human eyes. Corneal deformation was studied as a function of Intraocular Pressure (IOP, 15-45 mmHg), dehydration, changes in corneal rigidity (produced by UV corneal cross-linking, CXL), and different boundary conditions (sclera, ocular muscles). Geometrical deformation parameters were used as input for inverse finite element simulation to retrieve the corneal dynamic elastic and viscoelastic parameters. Temporal and spatial deformation profiles were very sensitive to the IOP. CXL produced a significant reduction of the cornea indentation (1.41x), and a change in the temporal symmetry of the corneal deformation profile (1.65x), indicating a change in the viscoelastic properties with treatment. Combining air-puff with dynamic imaging and finite element modeling allows characterizing the corneal biomechanics in-vivo.

  18. Corneal Laceration

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Ophthalmology/Strabismus Ocular Pathology/Oncology Oculoplastics/Orbit Refractive ... Corneal Laceration Sections What Is Corneal Laceration? Corneal Laceration Symptoms What Causes ...

  19. Depósitos corneales de ciprofloxacino Corneal deposits of ciprofloxacin

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    Taimi Cárdenas Díaz


    Full Text Available Las fluoroquinolonas son ampliamente utilizadas para el tratamiento de infecciones oculares bacterianas, ya que tienen actividad tanto para grampositivos, como para gramnegativos. Son fármacos seguros, pero se han descrito depósitos blancos cristalinianos en pacientes con administración frecuente y prolongada;en la mayoría de los casos, ellos resuelven de forma lenta al interrumpir el tratamiento. Si esto no ocurre, los depósitos se deben desbridar. Se ilustran 3 casos operados de catarata que llevaron tratamiento con ciprofloxacino en el posoperatorio, en los cuales se presentaron depósitos corneales y aunque disminuyó la agudeza visual, esta se recuperó después de la queratectomía.Fluoroquinolones are broadly used for the treatment of bacterial ocular infections, since they can act upon both grampositive and gramnegative bacteria. They are safe drugs, but white corneal deposits have been described in patients who frequently take this drug for a long period of time. In most of the cases, the deposits disappear slowly after the treatment is interrupted. If this does not happen, the deposits should be eliminated. Three cases operated on from cataract were presented, who had been taken ciprofloxacin in the postoperative stage and had corneal deposits. Although their visual acuity decreased, it recovered after keratectomy.

  20. Factores de riesgo asociados a infección aguda por hepatitis B en población militar destacada al departamento de Amazonas, Perú


    César Cabezas; J. Jaime Miranda; Giovana Romero; Magna Suáre; Frine Samalvides; Juan Echevarría; Juan D. Valdivia; Walter A. Valdivia


    El Perú es considerado un país de endemicidad intermedia-alta para el virus de hepatitis B (VHB), con variaciones entre diferentes regiones. Existen pocos reportes del problema de infección por el VHB en personal militar. Objetivos. Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados con el desarrollo de infección por el VHB en un brote epidémico en personal militar destacado en Ampama, Amazonas, Perú. Material y métodos. Estudio caso-control en personal militar destacado al puesto de Ampama y a la b...

  1. Role of corneal collagen fibrils in corneal disorders and related pathological conditions

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    Hong-Yan Zhou


    Full Text Available The cornea is a soft tissue located at the front of the eye with the principal function of transmitting and refracting light rays to precisely sense visual information. Corneal shape, refraction, and stromal stiffness are to a large part determined by corneal fibrils, the arrangements of which define the corneal cells and their functional behaviour. However, the modality and alignment of native corneal collagen lamellae are altered in various corneal pathological states such as infection, injury, keratoconus, corneal scar formation, and keratoprosthesis. Furthermore, corneal recuperation after corneal pathological change is dependent on the balance of corneal collagen degradation and contraction. A thorough understanding of the characteristics of corneal collagen is thus necessary to develop viable therapies using the outcome of strategies using engineered corneas. In this review, we discuss the composition and distribution of corneal collagens as well as their degradation and contraction, and address the current status of corneal tissue engineering and the progress of corneal cross-linking.

  2. Factores asociados al desarrollo de preeclampsia en un hospital de Piura, Perú

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    Yamalí Benites-Condor


    Full Text Available Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud indica que diariamente fallecen alrededor de 800 mujeres por causas relacionadas al embarazo y parto, dentro de las cuales la preeclampsia ocupa el tercer lugar. Objetivo: identificar los factores asociados a preeclampsia en gestantes que fueron hospitalizadas en el Hospital de Apoyo II “Santa Rosa” de la ciudad de Piura durante el periodo junio 2010 - mayo 2011. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de casos y controles, en gestantes hospitalizadas entre junio del 2010 y mayo del 2011. Mediante un muestreo aleatorio se obtuvieron 39 casos de preeclampsia y 78 controles sin preeclampsia. Los datos fueron analizados con el paquete estadístico SPSS v19.0, en el cual se ejecutó un análisis de casos y controles no pareados aplicando la prueba Chi cuadrado. Resultados: Fueron variables significativamente asociadas con la preeclampsia: Edad 35 años  (p=0,021, y número de controles prenatales mayor o igual a siete (p= 0,049. No resultaron significativos la primiparidad ni el sobrepeso. Interpretación: Se debe promover un control prenatal adecuado (traducido como siete o más controles durante la gestación, especialmente en aquellas mujeres que se encuentran en los extremos de la vida fértil.

  3. Factores de riesgo reproductivo asociados al cáncer mamario, en mujeres colombianas

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    Patricia Olaya-Contreras


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: El cáncer de mama desde 1992 ha sido la segunda causa de muerte femenina en Colombia (tasa promedio anual de 4,5*100.000 hab. y se reporta una tendencia ascendente por este tipo de neoplasia, y la información sobre los potenciales factores de riesgo del cáncer de la mama en los países Latinoamericanos es escasa. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron probar la protección ofrecida por la lactancia materna, y establecer los factores reproductivos asociados al cáncer de mama en Colombia. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles hospitalarios pareados por edad (+ 2 años de Julio 1995 a Marzo 1996 en Bogotá. La población de estudio quedó constituída por 171 casos histopatológicamente definidos y 171 controles. La historia reproductiva y sociodemográfica fué recolectada a través de un cuestionario y se utilizó la técnica de regresión logística condicionada para el análisis estadístico de la información. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron como factores de riesgo: la nuliparidad , al contrario de las mujeres con paridades mayores de 3 hijos (OR=3,35 IC 1,4 - 8,0, la edad al primer nacimiento (>20 años vs. menores de 20. OR= 1,83 IC 0,7 - 4,8, el antecedente familiar de cáncer de mama y la lactancia al primer hijo (OR=0,09 IC 0,01-0,64 de 1-11 meses y OR= 0,01 IC 0,00-0,14 para los 12 meses y la lactancia acumulada por encima de los 24 meses (p=0,001 prueba de tendencia como principales factores protectores de la enfermedad. CONCLUSIONES: El estudio confirma la importancia de enfocarse en la promoción de la lactancia prolongada y ratifica que el nivel socioeconómico puede determinar los estilos de vida y los eventos reproductivos de las mujeres, explicando el aumento en la mortalidad por cáncer de mama en los países Latinoamericanos, con perfiles de fecundidad y factores de riesgo para el cáncer de mama, similares a los de los países desarrollados.

  4. Función endotelial y lipemia postprandial en adultos con presencia de criterios asociados a síndrome metabólico: efecto del estado nutricional

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    Diana Milena Díaz-Vidal


    Conclusión: Este estudio demuestra que los sujetos clasificados en sobrepeso y que presentan criterios asociados al síndrome metabólico, muestran un perfil cardiometabólico asociado con un mayor riesgo cardiovascular, tras una ingesta alta en grasas.

  5. Manifestaciones del acoso laboral, mobbing y síntomas asociados al estrés postraumático: estudio de caso

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    María Claudia Peralta Gómez


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe los factores asociados al acoso laboral, entendido como una situación de trabajo en la que una persona se encuentra expuesta a actos en contra de su dignidad. Se presenta un estudio de caso, de carácter exploratorio, a partir de entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a personas que han vivenciado acoso laboral. A partir del análisis cualitativo de la información, los resultados señalan que la exposición al acoso laboral genera síntomas asociadas con el estrés postraumático: re experimentación, activación fisiológica y evitación. Se propone el estudio de estas situaciones en mayor profundidad y se concluye que una de las formas de apoyo a las víctimas empieza con la comprensión que puedan lograr a partir de narrar su experiencia y de entenderla como una situación violenta en el lugar de trabajo, asociada a los enfoques de productividad y competencia.

  6. Factores asociados al rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios, una reflexión desde la calidad de la educación superior pública


    Guiselle María Garbanzo Vargas


    Este artículo presenta una revisión de los hallazgos de investigación consignados en la literatura que se señalan como posibles factores asociados al rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios, y su vinculación con la calidad de la educación superior pública en general, para lo que se apoya en estudios realizados en España, Colombia, Cuba, México y Costa Rica. Se agrupan en tres categorías: determinantes personales, determinantes sociales y determinantes in...

  7. Factores de riesgo asociados a infección aguda por hepatitis B en población militar destacada al departamento de Amazonas, Perú

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    César Cabezas


    Full Text Available El Perú es considerado un país de endemicidad intermedia-alta para el virus de hepatitis B (VHB, con variaciones entre diferentes regiones. Existen pocos reportes del problema de infección por el VHB en personal militar. Objetivos. Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados con el desarrollo de infección por el VHB en un brote epidémico en personal militar destacado en Ampama, Amazonas, Perú. Material y métodos. Estudio caso-control en personal militar destacado al puesto de Ampama y a la base El Milagro, departamento de Amazonas. Fueron evaluados HBsAg y posibles factores de riesgo asociados a un incremento de riesgo de adquirir el VHB. Resultados. Se estudió a 123 personas, repartidos en 41 sujetos en cada uno de los grupos (casos, control 1 y control 2. 73,2% de los casos tuvo confirmación de infección aguda por el VHB (IgM anti HBc positivo y anti Delta fue positivo en 1/37 (2,7% caso. Ninguno de los factores de riesgo evaluados mostró una asociación significativa con hepatitis B. Algunos factores de riesgo con posible asociación fueron contacto con personal con hepatitis B (OR 2,3; IC95% 0,9 - 5,7 y mordedura de murciélago (OR 1,6; IC95% 0,6 - 4,4. Conclusiones. Los factores de riesgo clásicos asociados con la transmisión del virus de la hepatitis B no fueron significativos. El personal militar es un grupo en riesgo para infectarse con el VHB.

  8. Relationships between central and peripheral corneal thickness in different degrees of myopia. (United States)

    Ortiz, Sara; Mena, Laura; Rio-San Cristobal, Ana; Martin, Raul


    To analyze the relationship between the central corneal thickness (CCT) and mid-peripheral corneal thickness (PCT) with the degree of myopia [axial length (AL) and spherical equivalent refractive error (SE)]. 175 right myopic eyes from 175 patients were divided according to the degree of SE: group #1 (n=76, 12.00 D). The CCT and PCT (3mm from the apex to the superior, inferior, nasal and temporal locations) were measured with the Orbscan-II. Relative peripheral index (RPI) was calculated by dividing the PCT by the CCT. The AL was measured with the IOL Master, and the SE was obtained with subjective refraction. AL was 25.18±1.16 mm, 26.59±1.26 mm and 29.45±2.58 mm and SE was -3.31±1.40 D, -8.32±1.64 D and -16.44±4.48 D for groups #1, #2 and #3, respectively. Non-statistically significant differences in central and peripheral corneal thickness were found between groups (P>0.05 ANOVA). Non-significant relationship was found between central and peripheral corneal thickness with the AL and SE in the three study groups and in the total sample (r0.05). The RPI values were similar between groups without significant difference between groups (P>0.05 ANOVA). Linear relationship was found between RPI superior location in group #2 (r=-0.23; P=0.04) and RPI nasal location in group #3 with the EE (r=0.41; P=0.03). There are no significant differences among low, moderate and extremely myopic eyes related to the CCT and PCT. Corneal thickness is very similar in myopic eyes with small differences that are not clinically relevant to myopic patient management. Copyright © 2012 Spanish General Council of Optometry. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  9. Corneal densitometry and its correlation with age, pachymetry, corneal curvature, and refraction. (United States)

    Garzón, Nuria; Poyales, Francisco; Illarramendi, Igor; Mendicute, Javier; Jáñez, Óscar; Caro, Pedro; López, Alfredo; Argüeso, Francisco


    To determine normative corneal densitometry values in relation to age, sex, refractive error, corneal thickness, and keratometry, measured using the Oculus Pentacam system. Three hundred and thirty-eight healthy subjects (185 men; 153 women) with no corneal disease underwent an exhaustive ocular examination. Corneal densitometry was expressed in standardized grayscale units (GSU). The mean corneal densitometry over the total area was 16.46 ± 1.85 GSU. The Pearson correlation coefficient for total densitometry was r = 0.542 (p  0.05). This is the first report of normative corneal densitometry values in relation to keratometry, corneal thickness, and spherical equivalent measured with the latest Oculus Pentacam software. Corneal densitometry increases with age, but corneal keratometry and refractive parameters do not affect light scattering in the human cornea.

  10. Effects of Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens Application on Corneal High-order Aberration and Visual Guality in Patients with Corneal Opacities

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    Sevda Aydın Kurna


    Full Text Available Pur po se: Evaluation of the corneal high-order aberrations and visual quality changes after application of silicone hydrogel contact lenses in patients with corneal opacities due to various etiologies. Ma te ri al and Met hod: Fifteen eyes of 13 patients with corneal opacities were included in the study. During the ophthalmologic examination before and after contact lens application, visual acuity was measured with Snellen acuity chart and contrast sensitivity - with Bailey-Lowie Charts in letters. Aberrations were measured with corneal aberrometer (NIDEK Magellan Mapper under a naturally dilated pupil. Spherical aberration, coma, trefoil, irregular astigmatism and total high-order root mean square (RMS values were recorded. Measurements were repeated with balafilcon A lenses (PureVision 2 HD, B&L on all patients. Re sults: Patient age varied between 23 and 50 years. Two eyes had subepithelial infiltrates due to adenoviral keratitis, 1 had nebulae due to previous infections or trauma, and 2 had Salzmann’s nodular degeneration. We observed a mean increase of 1 line in visual acuity and 5 letters in contrast sensitivity with contact lenses versus glasses in the patients. Mean RMS values of spherical aberration, irregular astigmatism and total high-order aberrations decreased significantly with contact lenses. Dis cus si on: Silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses may improve visual quality by decreasing the corneal aberrations in patients with corneal opacities. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2012; 42: 97-102

  11. Consumo de alcohol y drogas y factores psicosociales asociados en adolescentes de Lima

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    Eduardo Salazar


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del consumo de alcohol y drogas y los factores psicosociales asociados con dicho consumo en adolescentes de Lima. Diseño: Estudio analítico de corte transversal. Material y Métodos: Se estudió una muestra de 430 adolescentes de educación secundaria de un colegio de Lima. Se utilizó el Cuestionario Tamiz de Experiencias Personales (Personal Experience Screening Questionnaire - PESQ. Resultados: Se recibió 391 encuestas válidas. La prevalencia de consumo de alcohol o drogas fue 43%, de alcohol 42,2%, de marihuana 8,7% y de cocaína 3,1%. Se encontró problema de consumo de alcohol o drogas en el 10,7%, los factores psicosociales asociados fueron distrés psicológico severo (OR 4,58 IC 95% 1,60-13,05, pensamiento problemático severo (OR 2,63 IC 95% 1,15-6,01 y abuso físico (OR 2,31 IC 95% 1,19-4,49. Conclusiones: El factor psicosocial más asociado al problema de consumo de drogas fue el distrés psicológico severo. Asimismo, se encontró asociación entre el pensamiento problemático severo y el abuso físico con dicho problema. El acoso sexual sólo se encontró asociado en los adolescentes de segundo de secundaria.

  12. Factores asociados al cumplimiento del control de crecimiento y desarrollo del niño menor de un año en establecimientos de salud de Amazonas, Loreto y Pasco

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    Elena Gonzales-Achuy

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Identificar los factores asociados al cumplimiento del control de crecimiento y desarrollo (CRED del niño menor de 1 año, en establecimientos de salud del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA de Amazonas, Loreto y Pasco, Perú, de enero a diciembre de 2012. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de casos-controles pareados. Se definió como caso al niño que no completó 11 controles CRED hasta cumplir 11 meses de edad, y como control, aquel niño con 11 controles CRED para la misma edad. La relación entre cada factor con el cumplimiento del CRED se estableció mediante la prueba de McNemar (p<0,05 y como medida de fuerza de asociación el odds ratio (OR para muestras pareadas (IC 95%. Resultados. Siete factores, luego del control de diversas variables, están asociados significativamente al cumplimiento de los controles CRED. El factor común, en las tres regiones, fue que se dejó de atender alguna vez al niño; lo que se asoció, de tres a cinco veces, con la chance de no cumplir los controles CRED en Loreto y Pasco, mientras que en Amazonas se presentó un efecto opuesto (OR 0,58; IC 95% 0,41-0,81. Conclusiones. Existen factores relacionados con el cumplimiento del CRED en niños menores de un año que varían según región. Uno de los principales obstáculos identificados son las múltiples funciones que deben desarrollar los profesionales que laboran en CRED, por lo que se pierden oportunidades de atención al niño; en tal sentido debe garantizarse la dotación suficiente de personal e inculcar permanentemente el buen trato que debe brindarse a los pacientes.

  13. Progress of research on corneal collagen cross-linking for corneal melting

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    Ke-Ren Xiao


    Full Text Available Corneal collagen cross-linking(CXLcould increase the mechanical strength, biological stability and halt ectasia progression due to covalent bond formed by photochemical reaction between ultraviolet-A and emulsion of riboflavin between collagen fibers in corneal stroma. Corneal melting is an autoimmune related noninfectious corneal ulcer. The mechanism of corneal melting, major treatment, the basic fundamental of ultraviolet-A riboflavin induced CXL and the clinical researches status and experiment in CXL were summarized in the study.

  14. Prevalencia de tabaquismo durante el embarazo y factores asociados en Andalucía 2007-2012

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    Pedro M. Mateos-Vílchez


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: El tabaquismo durante la gestación constituye el principal problema prevenible de salud perinatal. El objetivo es establecer la prevalencia de tabaquismo de las mujeres gestantes en distintos momentos del embarazo así como explorar factores asociados al mismo. Métodos: Estudio transversal. La población diana fueron las mujeres cuyo control de embarazo se realizaba en centros de salud públicos. Muestra aleatoria representativa de 40 centros estratificados según número de embarazos. Participaron 1.813 mujeres seleccionadas en 3 muestras independientes (inicio y final del embarazo y posparto. La exposición se midió mediante cotinina en orina, autodeclaración y monóxido de carbono. Se registraron variables sociodemográficas, de tabaquismo y clínico-obstétricas. Se realizó una regresión logística para identificar los factores asociados al tabaquismo. Resultados: La prevalencia media fue 21,6%, menor al final del embarazo (15,6% y en el puerperio (16,7% y mayor en el principio del embarazo (30,3%. Las mujeres fumadoras diarias pasaron del 56,3% antes del embarazo al 14% al final (autodeclaración. El 21,8% de los abandonos se produjo antes del embarazo y el 23,6% cuando las mujeres supieron que estaban embarazadas. La ocultación del consumo fue 19,6% . Fueron factores asociados ser joven (OR: 0,956; IC: 0,92-0,99, estar expuesta al tabaco en el hogar (OR: 3,48; IC: 2,6-4,7, consumo pregestacional alto (6-10 OR: 13,1 IC: 3-56,9; >10 OR: 25,1 IC: 5,8-109,6, mayor edad gestacional en la medición (al final OR: 0,5 IC: 0,4-0,8; posparto inmediato OR: 0,4 IC: 0,3-0,6 y menor nivel de estudios (sin estudios y primer grado comparadas con universitarias OR: 1,98; IC: 1,22-3,22. Conclusiones: El perfil de la mujer gestante fumadora es el de una mujer joven con bajo nivel educativo, expuesta al humo de tabaco en el hogar y con alto consumo pregestacional.





    El propósito de la investigación es evaluar la relación entre la percepción de inseguridad laboral y el desempeño asociado al rol, las conductas de ciudadanía corporativa dirigidas a la organización y las conductas de ciudadanía corporativa dirigidas a los individuos, considerando los efectos moderadores de la atribución de justicia en los procedimientos y la percepción de apoyo del supervisor, y el efecto de la brecha del contrato psicológico como variable mediadora. La muestr...

  16. Intraocular pressure, corneal thickness, and corneal hysteresis in Steinert's myotonic dystrophy

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    Carlos Alexandre de A. Garcia Filho


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Low intraocular pressure (IOP measured by Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT is one of the ocular manifestations of Steinert's myotonic dystrophy. The goal of this study was to evaluate the corneal-compensated IOP as well as corneal properties (central corneal thickness and corneal hysteresis in patients with myotonic dystrophy. METHODS: A total of 12 eyes of 6 patients with Steinert's myotonic dystrophy (dystrophy group and 12 eyes of 6 age-, race-, and gender-matched healthy volunteers (control group were included in the study. GAT, Dynamic Contour Tonometry (DCT-Pascal and Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA were used to assess the IOP. Central corneal thickness was obtained by ultrasound pachymetry, and corneal hysteresis was analyzed using the ORA device. In light of the multiplicity of tests performed, the significance level was set at 0.01 rather than 0.05. RESULTS: The mean (standard deviation [SD] GAT, DCT, and corneal-compensated ORA IOP in the dystrophy group were 5.4 (1.4 mmHg, 9.7 (1.5 mmHg, and 10.1 (2.6 mmHg, respectively. The mean (SD GAT, DCT, and corneal-compensated ORA IOP in the control group was 12.6 (2.9 mmHg, 15.5 (2.7 mmHg, and 15.8 (3.4 mmHg, respectively. There were significant differences in IOP values between dystrophy and control groups obtained by GAT (mean, -7.2 mmHg; 99% confidence interval [CI], -10.5 to -3.9 mmHg; P<0.001, DCT (mean, -5.9 mmHg; 99% CI, -8.9 to -2.8 mmHg; P<0.001, and corneal-compensated ORA measurements (mean, -5.7 mmHg; 99% CI, -10.4 to -1.0 mmHg; P=0.003. The mean (SD central corneal thickness was similar in the dystrophy (542 [31] µm and control (537 [11] µm groups (P=0.65. The mean (SD corneal hysteresis in the dystrophy and control groups were 11.2 (1.5 mmHg and 9.7 (1.2 mmHg, respectively (P=0.04. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with Steinert's myotonic dystrophy showed lower Goldmann and corneal-compensated IOP in comparison with healthy individuals. Since central corneal thickness and

  17. Frecuencia de los hongos asociados al desarrollo de mohos poscosecha en el pedúnculo de la piña en dos zonas de Costa Rica


    Johanny Castro Chinchilla; Gerardina Umaña Rojas


    La piña es uno de los principales cultivos de exportación en Costa Rica y la presencia de moho en el pedúnculo afecta su calidad en los mercados internacionales. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar en frutos de piña, en la cera aplicada sobre la fruta y en el aire de las cámaras de enfriamiento, la frecuencia de los principales hongos asociados al desarrollo de mohos en el pedúnculo. Se realizó un muestreo mensual de abril de 2012 a marzo de 2013 en empacadoras de Sarapiquí y Pun...

  18. Frecuencia de los hongos asociados al desarrollo de mohos poscosecha en el pedúnculo de la piña en dos zonas de Costa Rica


    Castro Chinchilla, Johanny; Umaña Rojas, Gerardina


    ResumenLa piña es uno de los principales cultivos de exportación en Costa Rica y la presencia de moho en el pedúnculo afecta su calidad en los mercados internacionales. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar en frutos de piña, en la cera aplicada sobre la fruta y en el aire de las cámaras de enfriamiento, la frecuencia de los principales hongos asociados al desarrollo de mohos en el pedúnculo. Se realizó un muestreo mensual de abril de 2012 a marzo de 2013 en empacadoras de Sarapiqu...

  19. Dynamic ultra high speed Scheimpflug imaging for assessing corneal biomechanical properties

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    Renato Ambrósio Jr


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To describe a novel technique for clinical characterization of corneal biomechanics using non-invasive dynamic imaging. METHODS: Corneal deformation response during non contact tonometry (NCT is monitored by ultra-high-speed (UHS photography. The Oculus Corvis ST (Scheimpflug Technology; Wetzlar, Germany has a UHS Scheimpflug camera, taking over 4,300 frames per second and of a single 8mm horizontal slit, for monitoring corneal deformation response to NCT. The metered collimated air pulse or puff has a symmetrical configuration and fixed maximal internal pump pressure of 25 kPa. The bidirectional movement of the cornea in response to the air puff is monitored. RESULTS: Measurement time is 30ms, with 140 frames acquired. Advanced algorithms for edge detection of the front and back corneal contours are applied for every frame. IOP is calculated based on the first applanation moment. Deformation amplitude (DA is determined as the highest displacement of the apex in the highest concavity (HC moment. Applanation length (AL and corneal velocity (CVel are recorded during ingoing and outgoing phases. CONCLUSION: Corneal deformation can be monitored during non contact tonometry. The parameters generated provide clinical in vivo characterization of corneal biomechanical properties in two dimensions, which is relevant for different applications in Ophthalmology.

  20. Factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico entre los años 2013 a 2016: estudio de casos y controles

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    Juan-David Vega P.


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico en el servicio de urgencias de la Clínica Especializada Los Andes, de la ciudad de Tunja, entre los años 2013 a 2016. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles; los casos correspondieron a 97 pacientes con ataque cerebrovascular isquémico (infarto cerebral isquémico y accidente isquémico transitorio y los controles a 291 pacientes sin ataque cerebrovascular isquémico que ingresaron a urgencias entre los años 2013 a 2016. Resultados: El sexo femenino correspondió al 56,7% (55 de los casos y al 54,6% de los controles (154 (p = 0,069. La media de edad en el grupo caso fue de 73,7 años [DE: 10,5 años] y en los controles de 64,5 años [DE: 11,3 años]. Los factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico fueron: antecedente de ataque cerebrovascular isquémico [OR 7,7 IC 95% 3,2; 18 p= 0,000], tabaquismo [OR 4,4 IC 95% 1,1; 18 p= 0,022], dislipidemia [OR 3 IC 95% 1,2; 7,5 p= 0,017], edad igual o mayor a 70 años [OR 2,3 IC 95% 1,3; 4,1 p= 0,002] e hipertensión arterial [OR 1,8 IC 95% 1,06; 3,3 p= 0,029]. Conclusiones: Los factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico fueron, en orden de importancia, antecedente de ataque cerebrovascular isquémico, tabaquismo, dislipidemia, edad igual o mayor a 70 años e hipertensión arterial. Abstract: Objective: To determine the factors associated with ischaemic cerebrovascular accidents (ICVA in the Emergency Department of the Andes Specialist Clinic of the city of Tunja, between the years 2013 and 2016. Patients and methods: A case-control study was conducted in which the cases consisted of 97 patients with ICVA (ischaemic cerebral infarction and transient ischaemic accident, and the controls were 291 patients with no ICVA, who were admitted to the Emergency Department between the years 2013 and 2016. Results: There were 56.7% (55

  1. Intrastromal corneal ring implants for corneal thinning disorders: an evidence-based analysis. (United States)


    The purpose of this project was to determine the role of corneal implants in the management of corneal thinning disease conditions. An evidence-based review was conducted to determine the safety, effectiveness and durability of corneal implants for the management of corneal thinning disorders. The evolving directions of research in this area were also reviewed. SUBJECT OF THE EVIDENCE-BASED ANALYSIS: The primary treatment objectives for corneal implants are to normalize corneal surface topography, improve contact lens tolerability, and restore visual acuity in order to delay or defer the need for corneal transplant. Implant placement is a minimally invasive procedure that is purported to be safe and effective. The procedure is also claimed to be adjustable, reversible, and both eyes can be treated at the same time. Further, implants do not limit the performance of subsequent surgical approaches or interfere with corneal transplant. The evidence for these claims is the focus of this review. The specific research questions for the evidence review were as follows: SafetyCorneal Surface Topographic Effects:Effects on corneal surface remodellingImpact of these changes on subsequent interventions, particularly corneal transplantation (penetrating keratoplasty [PKP])Visual AcuityRefractive OutcomesVISUAL QUALITY (SYMPTOMS): such as contrast vision or decreased visual symptoms (halos, fluctuating vision)Contact lens toleranceFunctional visual rehabilitation and quality of lifePatient satisfaction:Disease Process:Impact on corneal thinning processEffect on delaying or deferring the need for corneal transplantation TARGET POPULATION AND CONDITION Corneal ectasia (thinning) comprises a range of disorders involving either primary disease conditions such as keratoconus and pellucid marginal corneal degeneration or secondary iatrogenic conditions such as corneal thinning occurring after LASIK refractive surgery. The condition occurs when the normally round dome-shaped cornea

  2. Intraoperative corneal thickness measurements during corneal collagen cross-linking with isotonic riboflavin solution without dextran in corneal ectasia. (United States)

    Cınar, Yasin; Cingü, Abdullah Kürşat; Sahin, Alparslan; Türkcü, Fatih Mehmet; Yüksel, Harun; Caca, Ihsan


    Abstract Objective: To monitor the changes in corneal thickness during the corneal collagen cross-linking procedure by using isotonic riboflavin solution without dextran in ectatic corneal diseases. The corneal thickness measurements were obtained before epithelial removal, after epithelial removal, following the instillation of isotonic riboflavin solution without dextran for 30 min, and after 10 min of ultraviolet A irradiation. Eleven eyes of eleven patients with progressive keratoconus (n = 10) and iatrogenic corneal ectasia (n = 1) were included in this study. The mean thinnest pachymetric measurements were 391.82 ± 30.34 µm (320-434 µm) after de-epithelialization of the cornea, 435 ± 21.17 µm (402-472 µm) following 30 min instillation of isotonic riboflavin solution without dextran and 431.73 ± 20.64 µm (387-461 µm) following 10 min of ultraviolet A irradiation to the cornea. Performing corneal cross-linking procedure with isotonic riboflavin solution without dextran might not induce corneal thinning but a little swelling throughout the procedure.

  3. Factores perinatales asociados al desarrollo de alergia a las proteínas de la leche de vaca

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    E.M. Toro Monjaraz


    Conclusión: Los factores asociados estadísticamente significativos fueron la duración de la lactancia materna y el uso de antibióticos durante la etapa gestacional, lo que obliga a realizar estudios prospectivos.

  4. Prevalencia y factores asociados a macrosomía en Perú, 2013

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    Antonio José Ledo Alves da Cunha

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia de macrosomía y factores asociados en Perú, y describir la ocurrencia de complicaciones durante el parto y posparto. Materiales y métodos. Los pesos al nacer de los niños menores de cinco años fueron analizados usando datos de la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar (ENDES 2013, llevada a cabo por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática. Los niños con un peso mayor a 4000 g al nacer fueron considerados como macrosómicos. Se empleó un análisis de regresión logística para establecer la asociación independiente de factores sociodemográficos con la macrosomía. Resultados. La muestra estuvo constituida por 6121 niños. La prevalencia de macrosomía fue 5,3% (intervalo de confianza al 95%: 4,8 a 5,9. El sexo masculino, un orden de nacimiento mayor, la obesidad materna y una mayor estatura materna estuvieron independientemente asociados con la macrosomía. Los partos por cesárea fueron más frecuentes en niños macrosómicos (43,9% vs 26,9%. Las complicaciones durante el parto y posparto fueron frecuentes, pero no estadísticamente asociadas con la macrosomía. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de macrosomía en Perú es relativamente baja comparada con otros países de ingresos bajos o medios. Los factores asociados con la macrosomía fueron principalmente no modificables, con excepción de la obesidad materna. Los niños macrosómicos nacieron más frecuentemente por cesárea. La reducción del peso y la prevención de la obesidad en mujeres en edad fértil en Perú podrían potencialmente reducir la macrosomía y las tasas de cesáreas.

  5. Comparison of corneal power obtained from VERION image-guided surgery system and four other devices

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    Lin HY


    Full Text Available Hung-Yuan Lin,1,* Hsin-Yang Chen,1,2,* Han Bor Fam,3 Ya-Jung Chuang,1 Ronald Yeoh,4 Pi-Jung Lin5 1Universal Eye Center, Zhongli Branch, Zhongli County, TaoYuan City, Taiwan, Republic of China; 2Ophthalmology Department, Ningbo First Hospital, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China; 3Ophthalmology Department, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Jalan Tan Tock Seng, 4Ophthalmology Department, Eye and Retina Surgeons, Camden Medical Centre, Singapore; 5Universal Eye Center, Xinnan Branch, Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work Purpose: To assess the corneal keratometric values obtained using the VERION image-guided surgery system and other devices.Methods: This study evaluated the right eyes of 115 cataract patients before intraocular lens (IOL implantation through consecutive tests using 5 devices: VERION Reference Unit , Placido-based corneal topography (OPD-Scan III, monochromatic light-emitting diodes (LenStar LS900 and AL-Scan, and rotary prism technology (auto kerato-refractometer KR-8800. Analyzed parameters were corneal steep and flat keratometric values (Ks and Kf and corneal astigmatism and axis. These parameters were evaluated using the one-sample two-tailed t-test and the 95% limits of agreement (95% LOAs between the devices.Results: The mean corneal cylinder value measurements were -0.97±0.63 D, -0.88± 0.60 D, -0.90±0.69 D, -0.90±0.67 D, and -0.83±0.60 D with VERION, LenStar, AL-Scan (2.4 mm, OPD III, and KR-8800, respectively. Only KR-8800 showed a significant difference from VERION in the corneal cylinder value (P<0.05. The mean differences in the Kf and Ks of VERION compared to those of OPD III were 0.18±0.45 D and 0.17±0.38 D (P<0.05, respectively. The 95% LOAs of Bland–Altman analysis for the corneal astigmatism axis of the VERION with LenStar, AL-Scan (2.4 mm, OPD III, and KR-8800 were -26.25° to 58.71°, -20.61° to 47.44°, -25.03° to 58.98°, and -27.85

  6. Cobertura de los sistemas de pensiones y factores asociados al acceso a una pensión de jubilación en México (United States)

    Murillo-López, Sandra; Venegas-Martínez, Francisco


    Resumen Objetivos: obtener estimaciones de indicadores de cobertura de las pensiones por jubilación o retiro para la población mexicana de 65 y más años, y evaluar el impacto que tienen los sistemas de pensiones en las transiciones al retiro de los adultos en edades medias y avanzadas en México. Para ello se utilizan datos microeconómicos provenientes de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento. Mediante análisis econométrico se identifican los factores sociodemográficos, económicos, laborales e institucionales que están asociados al acceso a una pensión de jubilación, o bien, a la dependencia de otras fuentes de ingresos. Se encontró que, en México, las transiciones al retiro del mercado de trabajo en las etapas avanzadas del ciclo de vida son limitadas debido a las características eminentemente contributivas de los esquemas de pensiones, los cuales favorecen a la población con trayectorias laborales formales y más estables asociadas a: características de género, oportunidades educativas y posibilidades de inserción en el mercado laboral. PMID:27524936

  7. Factores asociados al bullying en instituciones de educación superior

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    Mawency Vergel Ortega


    Full Text Available El artículo es el resultado de la fase I del proyecto de investigación "Impacto de la comunidad de aprendizaje en el desarrollo de competencias e indicadores de innovación en la enseñanza", adelantado por la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Colombia. El objetivo es analizar los factores que inciden en el bullying en estudiantes de instituciones de educación superior. La investigación sigue un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño transversal, con técnica de análisis factorial y red neuronal. La muestra la constituyen 571 estudiantes de universidades del departamento de Norte de Santander. Resultados: con una media de edad de 19,62±0,96 años, la prevalencia del bullying identificada en el estudio fue de 11,11%, y resultó más frecuente en el género femenino, en alumnos más jóvenes, homosexuales. Los factores de riesgo para las víctimas fueron: características físicas y sicológicas (χ2=21,59, p=0,000, OR2,86, IC95% 1,82-4,5, tipo y forma de acoso (χ2=31,23, p=0,000, OR5,79, IC95% 2,9-11,4; las causas del bullying con mayor frecuencia de victimización se relacionan con orientación sexual (28,6%, apariencia del cuerpo (16,2%, raza (6,8%, religión (2,5%, región de origen (1,7%. Conclusión: los factores asociados al bullying en universidades son: tipo y forma de acoso, programas de prevención institucional, perfil de la víctima, causas que generan la situación de acoso y percepciones hacia el bullying; el género y la orientación sexual explican la presencia de acoso en instituciones de educación superior en Norte de Santander.

  8. Caracterización de algunos factores de riesgo asociados al intento suicida en adolescentes

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    Idelis Fedeslinda Arias de la Torre


    Full Text Available El intento suicida es un problema de salud frecuente en los adolescentes, su manejo en muchas ocasiones resulta complejo y desalentador, por el riesgo de suicidio. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, con el objetivo de caracterizar algunos de los factores de riesgo asociados al intento suicida en los adolescentes del municipio de Bayamo en el año 2014. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por los 108 adolescentes que presentaron intento suicida, notificados por tarjeta de enfermedad de declaración obligatoria (EDO, en el departamento de Estadística de dicho municipio, en el período de estudio. Se estudiaron las variables edad, sexo, área de salud, antecedentes patológicos personales de enfermedades o sintomatologías psiquiátricas, conflictos personales, conflictos familiares y el método empleado de suicidio. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS, mostrados en tablas, expresados en números y porcientos. En la población de estudio predominó el sexo femenino (78,70 %, el grupo de edad de 14 a 16 años (50 %, el área de salud del policlínico Bayamo Oeste (tasa 74,9 x 10 000 habitantes, los deseos de hacerse daño (100 %, las malas relaciones con los padres (63,9 % y la ingestión de tabletas (92,7 %

  9. Factores Asociados al Estado de Desnutrición Subsecuente en Niños Menores de 5 años Atendidos en el Hospital Goyeneche. Arequipa 2017


    Ponce Vilca, Patricia


    La desnutrición de los niños/as menores de 5 años a nivel nacional, es uno de los problemas de salud latentes, debido a diversos factores causantes de desnutrición, que van desde estilos de vida de la familia, madres adolescentes, nivel educativo de los padres y el más predeterminante el nivel económico familiar que limita el acceso a los alimentos. Arequipa no escapa a esa realidad, en razón a esta problemática, se planteó: Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al estado de desnutri...

  10. Frecuencia y factores asociados al acoso escolar en colegios de Chinchiná (Colombia), 2014


    Natalia Isabel, Buendía Giraldo; Castaño Castrillón, José Jaime M.Sc.; Cañón, Sandra Constanza MGTH; Giraldo Acevedo, Jhon Alexander; Echeverri, Lucia Marín; Sánchez Pacheco, Sebastián; Suarez Ruiz, Fabio Alexander


    Objetivo. Identificar la frecuencia de acoso y ciberacoso escolar y los factores asociados en una muestra representativa de 475 estudiantes de secundaria en 3 instituciones públicas de Chinchiná (Colombia) en el año 2014. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal que se realiza en tres instituciones educativas públicas de Chinchiná-Caldas. La población está constituida por 2 330 estudiantes de secundaria, muestra 475 estudiantes. Se aplican las escalas APGAR familiar, CAG...

  11. Factores asociados al empleo de varios antibióticos en pacientes clínicos

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    Ioanna Mir Narbona


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar factores asociados con el empleo de varios antibióticos en pacientes clínicos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en pacientes con infección, egresados de los servicios clínicos en el Hospital Docente Clínicoquirúrgico "Joaquín Albarrán" entre mayo de 2008 y diciembre de 2011. Se consideró caso al paciente que utilizó tres o más antibióticos. Se obtuvo la siguiente información: edad, sexo, antecedentes patológicos personales, tiempo de inicio de los síntomas sugestivos de un proceso infeccioso, uso previo de antibióticos, signos vitales y estado de conciencia al ingreso, resultados de estudios hematológicos y de química sanguínea, estudios radiográficos de tórax, diagnóstico de infección nosocomial y uso inadecuado de antimicrobianos. Se compararon las frecuencias mediante las pruebas de homogeneidad y prueba exacta de Fisher, pruebas t y de Wilcoxon. Se empleó la regresión logística para la identificación de los factores de riesgo. Resultados: Se estudiaron 92 casos y 184 controles. El riesgo de empleo de varios antibióticos se incrementó 2,68 veces por cada grado centígrado que se encontró elevada la temperatura del paciente (OR= 2,68; IC 95 % 1,21-5,94, 7 veces si existió alteración del nivel de conciencia (OR= 7,32; IC 95 % 1,88-28,55, 3,88 veces si se diagnosticó infección nosocomial y 9,98 veces si se consideró inadecuado el uso de antimicrobianos. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo para el uso de varios antibióticos identificados pueden contribuir a elaborar estrategias de control de la calidad de prescripción de antimicrobianos.

  12. Equine corneal stromal abscesses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, M. D. L.; Andersen, P. H.; Plummer, C. E.


    The last 30 years have seen many changes in the understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment of equine corneal stromal abscesses (SAs). Stromal abscesses were previously considered an eye problem related to corneal bacterial infection, equine recurrent uveitis, corneal microtrauma and corneal....... Medical and surgical treatments are now directed towards elimination of fungal and bacterial infections, reduction and replacement of diseased corneal stroma, and suppression of iridocyclitis. If the abscess and anterior uveitis do not respond satisfactorily to medical therapy, full thickness or split...

  13. Dynamic corneal deformation response and integrated corneal tomography

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    Marcella Q Salomão


    Full Text Available Measuring corneal biomechanical properties is still challenging. There are several clinical applications for biomechanical measurements, including the detection of mild or early forms of ectatic corneal diseases. This article reviews clinical applications for biomechanical measurements provided by the Corvis ST dynamic non contact tonometer

  14. Trastorno neurocognitivo asociado al virus de inmunodeficiencia humana

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    Erik Guevara-Silva


    Full Text Available El trastorno neurocognitivo asociado a VIH (TNAV es una complicación poco conocida pero de elevada prevalencia e impacto en los pacientes con VIH. El término TNAV agrupa un espectro de complicaciones progresivas del sistema nervioso central (SNC, desde un compromiso neurocognitivo asintomático y un trastorno neurocognitivo leve hasta una demencia asociada a VIH (DAV. Mientras que la incidencia de DAV ha disminuido significativamente con el tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA, las formas más leves de TNAV se han incrementado. En esta revisión, describimos la nomenclatura actualizada y definiciones de caso para orientar el diagnóstico del TNAV. También, resumimos las manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico y recomendaciones para el tratamiento. Finalmente, mientras que el deterioro cognitivo es típicamente diagnosticado con una evaluación neuropsicológica completa, la interpretación de los resultados se basa en la comparación entre el rendimiento del paciente con valores normalizados en poblaciones ajustados culturalmente y según edad; así, los resultados de estas pruebas son válidos solo si existen datos representativos normalizados adecuadamente para un paciente. Por lo tanto, proponemos un grupo de pruebas neuropsicológicas breves validadas en nuestra población peruana, que pueden ser utilizadas para la detección temprana del TNAV no solo por los neurólogos sino también por el médico tratante del paciente con VIH o en centros de escasos recursos.

  15. Factores asociados a síntomas depresivos en trabajadoras sexuales

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    Ingrid Mercedes Bohórquez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las condiciones de trabajo y la violencia ejercida contra las trabajadoras sexuales han sido relacionadas con el incremento de las tasas de infecciones de transmisión sexual. Sin embargo, también se encuentran enfermedades que afectan su salud mental. Objetivos: Determinar la magnitud de síntomas depresivos y factores asociados en trabajadoras sexuales. Diseño: Estudio transversal-analítico. Lugar: Centro de salud referencial para la prevención y control de infecciones de transmisión sexual. Participantes: Trabajadoras sexuales. Intervenciones: A 117 trabajadoras sexuales, que fueron atendidas durante los meses de mayo y junio del 2010, se aplicó el test de Beck para medir la sintomatología depresiva y una encuesta para medir los siguientes factores: socio-demográficos, sociales (antecedentes de maltrato físico, psicológico y sexual en el trabajo y hábitos nocivos: alcohol y drogas, conductas sexuales de riesgo y características del trabajo (edad de inicio, años de trabajo, satisfacción con el trabajo. Principales medidas de resultados: Porcentaje de síntomas depresivos y fuerza de asociación entre los factores y la presencia de síntomas depresivos. Resultados: El 56,4% de las trabajadoras sexuales presentó algún nivel de sintomatología depresiva. El nivel de síntomas depresivos graves estuvo presente en 23,9%. Los factores que se encontraron asociados a depresión, independiente del nivel, fue el antecedente de maltrato físico frecuente, con OR=9,46, IC95% 1,05 a 85,07; p=0,045. Los factores asociados a nivel de síntomas depresivos graves fueron: ingreso económico menor a S/. 1 000.00, tener hijos, haberse iniciado en el trabajo sexual antes de los 18 años y consumo de drogas (p<0,05. Conclusiones: Más de 50% de trabajadoras presentó algún nivel de síntomas depresivos, que estuvieron asociados al antecedente de maltrato físico. Para el nivel síntomas depresivos graves, los factores asociados

  16. Aplicación de microorganismos asociados a biopelículas

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    Sergio Olarte Avellaneda


    Full Text Available Las biopelículas son comunidades microbianas y su formación ocurre por un sistema de comunicación celular conocido como Quorum sensing en el cual conforman una matriz que les confiere una mayor resistencia frente al medio; por eso, el estudio de los microorganismos asociados a biopelícula se postula como una estrategia interesante para ser utilizados en procesos de biorremediación y en este caso en la búsqueda de alternativas para la consolidación de un tratamiento secundario de aguas residuales.

  17. Ocular dimensions, corneal thickness, and corneal curvature in quarter horses with hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia. (United States)

    Badial, Peres R; Cisneros-Àlvarez, Luis Emiliano; Brandão, Cláudia Valéria S; Ranzani, José Joaquim T; Tomaz, Mayana A R V; Machado, Vania M; Borges, Alexandre S


    The aim of this study was to compare ocular dimensions, corneal curvature, and corneal thickness between horses affected with hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia (HERDA) and unaffected horses. Five HERDA-affected quarter horses and five healthy control quarter horses were used. Schirmer's tear test, tonometry, and corneal diameter measurements were performed in both eyes of all horses prior to ophthalmologic examinations. Ultrasonic pachymetry was performed to measure the central, temporal, nasal, dorsal, and ventral corneal thicknesses in all horses. B-mode ultrasound scanning was performed on both eyes of each horse to determine the dimensions of the ocular structures and to calculate the corneal curvature. Each corneal region examined in this study was thinner in the affected group compared with the healthy control group. However, significant differences in corneal thickness were only observed for the central and dorsal regions. HERDA-affected horses exhibited significant increases in corneal curvature and corneal diameter compared with unaffected animals. The ophthalmologic examinations revealed mild corneal opacity in one eye of one affected horse and in both eyes of three affected horses. No significant between-group differences were observed for Schirmer's tear test, intraocular pressure, or ocular dimensions. Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia-affected horses exhibit decreased corneal thickness in several regions of the cornea, increased corneal curvature, increased corneal diameter, and mild corneal opacity. Additional research is required to determine whether the increased corneal curvature significantly impacts the visual accuracy of horses with HERDA. © 2014 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.

  18. Diseño de dos metodologías moleculares para la rápida identificación de aislamientos de Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina asociados a la comunidad en Colombia

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    Javier Antonio Escobar


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los aislamientos de Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado a la comunidad (SARM-AC, están aumentando la frecuencia de infecciones en personas sanas de la comunidad y en pacientes hospitalizados. En Colombia y en la región andina estos aislamientos tienen un componente genético relacionado con el clon pandémico USA300. Objetivo. Diseñar y estandarizar dos metodologías para la diferenciación rápida de aislamientos colombianos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado a la comunidad de los asociados al hospital (SARM-AH. Materiales y métodos. Se estandarizaron dos metodologías moleculares para la identificación de aislamientos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado a la comunidad. La primera se basa en la digestión diferencial con tres enzimas de restricción de los genes cinasa de carbamato (arcC y cinasa de guanilato (gmk para los tipos de secuencia 5 (ST5 y 8 (ST8, correspondientes a aislamientos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado al hospital y asociado a la comunidad, respectivamente. La segunda se basa en la amplificación por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa de cinco factores de virulencia que se encuentran de manera diferencial en estos aislamientos. Las dos metodologías fueron validadas en 237 aislamientos clínicos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina. Resultados. Con la primera metodología se identificaron el 100 % y 93,2 % de los aislamientos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado a la comunidad y asociado al hospital, respectivamente. Con la segunda metodología se identificaron correctamente los dos tipos de aislamientos. Conclusiones. Estas dos metodologías son una buena alternativa en términos de ahorro en tiempo y dinero comparadas con otras técnicas, como la electroforesis en campo pulsado y la tipificación de secuencias multilocus para la rápida identificación de aislamientos de S. aureus resistente a la meticilina asociado a la

  19. Efficacy of Tectonic Corneal Patch Graft for Progressive Peripheral Corneal Thinning

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    Cafer Tanrıverdio


    Full Text Available Objectives: To report the results of tectonic corneal patch graft (TCPG in patients with progressive peripheral corneal thinning (PCT. Materials and Methods: In this study, we included 8 patients who underwent TCPG for PCT or perforated corneal ulceration at Ankara Training and Research Hospital. Results: We performed TCPG in 7 patients for PCT and in 1 patient for perforated corneal ulceration. Mean age was 57.2±16.7 (38- 82 years. Postoperative follow-up time ranged from 6 to 24 months (mean 13.9±6.7. Possible etiologies leading to progressive PCT were trachoma, infectious corneal ulcer, and rheumatoid arthritis-severe dry eye in 2 patients each. Other 2 patients had a progressive PCT following ocular surgery. One of the patients with infectious corneal ulcer also had a trauma caused by a scissor. Amnion membrane transplantation was performed in 3 patients prior to TCPG. While the anatomic success was achieved in all 8 patients, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA was 0.1 or better in 4 patients (50%. Postoperative BCVA was better than preoperative BCVA in 6 patients (75%. Local peripheral anterior synechiae developed in two eyes. Conclusion: TCPG is a useful therapeutic option in selected cases of corneal thinning and perforations because it effectively restores the integrity of the globe and allows acceptable visual results. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2014; 44: 440-4

  20. Construction of a human corneal stromal equivalent with non-transfected human corneal stromal cells and acellular porcine corneal stromata. (United States)

    Diao, Jin-Mei; Pang, Xin; Qiu, Yue; Miao, Ying; Yu, Miao-Miao; Fan, Ting-Jun


    A tissue-engineered human corneal stroma (TE-HCS) has been developed as a promising equivalent to the native corneal stroma for replacement therapy. However, there is still a crucial need to improve the current approaches to render the TE-HCS equivalent more favorable for clinical applications. At the present study, we constructed a TE-HCS by incubating non-transfected human corneal stromal (HCS) cells in an acellular porcine corneal stromata (aPCS) scaffold in 20% fetal bovine serum supplemented DMEM/F12 (1:1) medium at 37 °C with 5% CO2in vitro. After 3 days of incubation, the constructed TE-HCS had a suitable tensile strength for transplantation, and a transparency that is comparable to native cornea. The TE-HCS had a normal histological structure which contained regularly aligned collagen fibers and differentiated HCS cells with positive expression of marker and functional proteins, mimicking a native HCS. After transplantation into rabbit models, the TE-HCS reconstructed normal corneal stroma in vivo and function well in maintaining corneal clarity and thickness, indicating that the completely biological TE-HCS could be used as a HCS equivalent. The constructed TE-HCS has promising potentials in regenerative medicine and treatment of diseases caused by corneal stromal disorders. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Corneal Laceration

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Tips & Prevention News Ask an Ophthalmologist Patient Stories Español Eye Health / Eye Health A-Z Corneal Laceration ... Laceration Treatment What Is Corneal Laceration? Leer en Español: ¿Qué es una laceración de la córnea? Written ...

  2. Factores de riesgo asociados al sexting como umbral de diversas formas de victimización. Estudio de factores correlacionados con el sexting en una muestra universitaria

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    Jose R. Agustina


    Full Text Available

    En los últimos años, la irrupción del fenómeno del sexting ha generado una significativa preocupación mediática y social. La práctica del sexting se ha revelado problemática, en tanto que puede producir graves consecuencias psicológicas y jurídicas, especialmente en adolescentes. La aparición de tales consecuencias ha puesto de manifiesto la urgente necesidad de desarrollar estrategias de prevención adecuadas. Más aún, mediante el envío de mensajes, imágenes o vídeos de sexting, menores (y también adultos cruzan inadvertidamente un umbral de riesgo que los expone sin vuelta atrás a diversas formas de victimización (chantajes, venganzas o simples indiscreciones altamente perjudiciales. Asimismo, puede suponer el inicio de delitos sexuales iniciados a través de las TIC (Wolak et al., 2004.


    En un primer momento, la mayoría de las investigaciones realizadas se centraron en analizar la prevalencia del fenómeno y los motivos que decían tener los encuestados para obrar de este modo. A pesar de las diferencias en los diversos estudios —en función del tipo de muestra y de los parámetros para definir las conductas objeto de cuantificación—, las investigaciones realizadas apuntan sin duda hacia la presencia global de un fenómeno similar. Sin embargo, la investigación apenas ha iniciado la exploración de posibles factores asociados al sexting. El presente estudio pretende —más allá de medir la prevalencia del fenómeno o describir los motivos aparentes de los encuestados— contrastar algunas hipótesis sobre factores asociados al sexting basándose en una muestra de 149 estudiantes universitarios en Barcelona (España. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una tasa relativamente alta de comportamientos de sexting en jóvenes-adultos y sugieren una relación positiva significativa con los siguientes factores: bajos estándares de

  3. Keratocyte apoptosis and corneal antioxidant enzyme activities after refractive corneal surgery. (United States)

    Bilgihan, K; Bilgihan, A; Adiguzel, U; Sezer, C; Yis, O; Akyol, G; Hasanreisoglu, B


    Refractive corneal surgery induces keratocyte apoptosis and generates reactive oxygen radicals (ROS) in the cornea. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the correlation between keratocyte apoptosis and corneal antioxidant enzyme activities after different refractive surgical procedures in rabbits. Rabbits were divided into six groups. All groups were compared with the control group (Group 1), after epithelial scraping (Group 2), epithelial scrape and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) (traditional PRK: Group 3), transepithelial PRK (Group 4), creation of a corneal flap with microkeratome (Group 5) and laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK, Group 6). Terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-digoxigenin nick-end labelling assay (to detect DNA fragmentation in situ) and light microscopy were used to detect apoptosis in rabbit eyes. Glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities of the corneal tissues were measured with spectrophotometric methods. Corneal Gpx and SOD activities decreased significantly in all groups when compared with the control group (P<0.05) and groups 2, 3 and 6 showed a significantly higher amount of keratocyte apoptosis (P<0.05). Not only a negative correlation was observed between corneal SOD activity and keratocyte apoptosis (cc: -0.3648) but Gpx activity also showed negative correlation with keratocyte apoptosis (cc: -0.3587). The present study illustrates the negative correlation between keratocyte apoptosis and corneal antioxidant enzyme activities. This finding suggests that ROS may be partly responsible for keratocyte apoptosis after refractive surgery.

  4. Axial Length/Corneal Radius of Curvature Ratio and Refractive ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dec 5, 2017 ... variously described as determined by the ocular biometric variables. There have been many studies on the relationship between refractive error and ocular axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth, corneal radius of curvature (CR), keratometric readings as well as other ocular biometric variables such as ...

  5. Prevalencia y factores asociados al síndrome de sobrecarga del cuidador primario de ancianos*


    Doris Cardona A; Ángela M. Segura C; Dedsy Y. Berbesí F; María A. Agudelo M


    El síndrome de sobrecarga del cuidador de los adultos mayores es un estado de angustia que amenaza la salud física y mental por la dificultad persistente de cuidar a un familiar. Objetivo: identificar la prevalencia y factores asociados a sobrecarga en el cuidador primario de ancianos. Metodología: estudio descriptivo transversal, con 310 cuidadores principales de adultos mayores de 65 años y más de edad, seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple y entrevistados telefónicamente. Se calculó ...

  6. Prevalencia y factores asociados al síndrome de sobrecarga del cuidador primario de ancianos


    Cardona A., Doris; Segura C., Ángela M.; Berbesí F., Dedsy Y.; Agudelo M., María A.


    El síndrome de sobrecarga del cuidador de los adultos mayores es un estado de angustia que amenaza la salud física y mental por la dificultad persistente de cuidar a un familiar. OBJETIVOS: identificar la prevalencia y factores asociados a sobrecarga en el cuidador primario de ancianos. METODOLOGIA:estudio descriptivo transversal, con 310 cuidadores principales de adultos mayores de 65 años y más de edad, seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple y entrevistados telefónicamente. Se calculó ...


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    Karin Silvestri


    cincuenta empresas en el sector de los químicos similares y conexas existentes en la Región Zuliana ubicadas en la Costa Oriental y Occidental del Lago, arrojando una muestra de veinte compañías a través de un muestreo probabilístico–aleatorio; aplicándoles el instrumento denominado cuestionario que permita el análisis, descripción e identificación exhaustiva de los factores mencionados asociados al éxito gerencial, a través de conductas gerenciales que permitan impulsar virtualmente un programa detallado de éxito tanto para él como para la organización que dirige, a través de las estrategias que involucran las fuerzas que deben ser utilizadas; las limitaciones que deben ser minimizadas; las oportunidades que deben ser aprovechadas y las amenazas que deben ser controladas.

  8. Factores asociados al control de la hipertension arterial en personas mayores de 60 años en España

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    Rafael Tuesca-Molina


    Full Text Available Fundamento: En la última década se ha observado una mejora en el control de la hipertensión arterial en España. Dicho control repercute en la disminución de la morbimortalidad cardiovascular. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar los factores asociados al control de la hipertensión arterial en varones y mujeres hipertensos diagnosticados que reciben tratamiento farmacológico. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, realizado a partir de los datos del estudio: «Hipertensión arterial y otros factores de riesgo en la población de 60 años y más de España». La muestra, incluyó a 1.461 hipertensos diagnosticados tratados farmacológicamente, seleccionados por muestreo probabilístico y polietápico. La información se obtuvo por entrevista en el domicilio sobre el control de la hipertensión arterial, variables sociodemográficas, estilo de vida, uso de servicios de salud y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Resultados: No se observaron diferencias de genero en el control de la hipertensión (p=0,09. El control en varones se relaciona con residir en área rural (OR=1,83; IC al 95%: 1,06-3,14; ser soltero (OR=3,40; IC al 95%: 1,32-8,74 y realizar actividad física (OR=1,69; IC al 95%:1,06-2,69. Las mujeres que consumen alcohol de forma moderada controlan mejor la hipertensión (OR=1,63; IC al 95% 1,14-2,33. Conclusiones: Esta investigación determina según el género algunos factores relacionados con el control de la hipertensión en hipertensos diagnosticados y tratados farmacológicamente. En varones, el control se asoció significativamente con: residir en área rural, ser soltero y realizar alguna actividad física. Mientras, que en las mujeres el control se asoció con consumir alcohol de forma moderada.

  9. Laser thermokeratoplasty after lamellar corneal cutting. (United States)

    Ismail, M M; Pérez-Santonja, J J; Alió, J L


    To evaluate the effect of laser thermokeratoplasty (LTK) in eyes that previously had a lamellar corneal cut. University of Al-Azhar, Cairo, Egypt, and Instituto Oftalmológico de Alicante, Spain. In 15 eyes (10 patients), noncontact LTK was applied 6 to 8 weeks after a lamellar corneal cut had been made. Central pachymetry, keratometry, and videokeratography were performed and uncorrected visual acuity, best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA), and manifest and cycloplegic refractions measured before and 1, 6, 12, and 18 months after LTK. Mean follow-up was 19.13 months. Mean refraction was +5.93 diopters (D) +/- 1.9 (SD) before LTK and -0.43 +/- 1.5 D at 1 month, +1.63 +/- 1.6 D at 6 months, 1.91 +/- 1.41 at 12 months, and +2.01 +/- 1.5 D at the end of the study. Total regression did not occur in any case. Mean BSCVA before LTK was 0.66 +/- 0.2, and spontaneous visual acuity at the end of the study was 0.58 +/- 0.18. No patient lost any lines of preoperative BSCVA. There was no significant difference between the results at 12 months and at the end of the study. Corneal lamellar cutting appeared to improve the magnitude of the refractive effect of noncontact LTK and to decrease the amount of regression.


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    Nelson David Purizaca Rosillo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar los principales factores de riesgo en recién nacidos asociados a la presencia de síndrome de aspiración meconial (SAM. Métodos: Estudio de casos y controles realizado en el Hospital José Cayetano Heredia EsSALUD - Piura. La población estuvo conformada por el registro de las historias clínicas de los años 2009-2011. Se definió como caso a los recién nacidos con diagnóstico de SAM y como controles a los 3 recién nacidos siguientes inmediatos al caso que hayan presentado líquido amniótico meconial en el parto. Las variables consideradas fueron las características del líquido meconial, datos del recién nacido (género, peso al nacer, edad gestacional, apgar al minuto y frecuencia cardiaca, datos del parto(tipo de parto, presencia de patología obstétrica y datos de la madre(edad, paridad y grado de instrucción. Se utilizó el OR con un intervalo de confianza del 95% para la medición de riesgo, se aplicó la prueba de chi cuadrado. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el software SPSS 18.0. Resultados: Las variables con significancia estadística asociados a SAM fueron: presencia de líquido amniótico meconial espeso (OR=12, IC95% 3.91 - 36.83, Apgar 4 (OR=6.18, IC95% 1.34-28.48. Conclusión: Los factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de SAM fueron: líquido meconial espeso, Apgar 4. Se recomienda un mayor registro de todos los datos no sólo del recién nacido, sino también del parto y la madre.

  11. Corneal tissue welding with infrared laser irradiation after clear corneal incision. (United States)

    Rasier, Rfat; Ozeren, Mediha; Artunay, Ozgür; Bahçecioğlu, Halil; Seçkin, Ismail; Kalaycoğlu, Hamit; Kurt, Adnan; Sennaroğlu, Alphan; Gülsoy, Murat


    The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of infrared lasers for corneal welding to seal corneal cuts done in an experimental animal model. Full-thickness corneal cuts on freshly enucleated bovine eyes were irradiated with infrared (809-nm diode, 980-nm diode, 1070-nm YLF, and 1980-nm Tm:YAP) lasers to get immediate laser welding. An 809-nm laser was used with the topical application of indocyanine green to enhance the photothermal interaction at the weld site. In total, 60 bovine eyes were used in this study; 40 eyes were used in the first part of the study for the determination of optimal welding parameters (15 eyes were excluded because of macroscopic carbonization, opacification, or corneal shrinkage; 2 eyes were used for control), and 20 eyes were used for further investigation of more promising lasers (YLF and Tm:YAP). Laser wavelength, irradiating power, exposure time, and spot size were the dose parameters, and optimal dose for immediate closure with minimal thermal damage was estimated through histological examination of welded samples. In the first part of the study, results showed that none of the applications was satisfactory. Full-thickness success rates were 28% (2 of 7) for 809-nm and for 980-nm diode lasers and 67% (2 of 3) for 1070-nm YLF and (4 of 6) for 1980-nm Tm:YAP lasers. In the second part of the study, YLF and Tm:YAP lasers were investigated with bigger sample size. Results were not conclusive but promising again. Five corneal incisions were full-thickness welded out of 10 corneas with 1070-nm laser, and 4 corneal incisions were partially welded out of 10 corneas with 1980-nm laser in the second part of the study. Results showed that noteworthy corneal welding could be obtained with 1070-nm YLF laser and 1980-nm Tm:YAP laser wavelengths. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo studies will shed light on the potential usage of corneal laser welding technique.

  12. Clinical applications of corneal confocal microscopy

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    Mitra Tavakoli


    Full Text Available Mitra Tavakoli1, Parwez Hossain2, Rayaz A Malik11Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Manchester and Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK; 2University of Southampton, Southampton Eye Unit, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UKAbstract: Corneal confocal microscopy is a novel clinical technique for the study of corneal cellular structure. It provides images which are comparable to in-vitro histochemical techniques delineating corneal epithelium, Bowman’s layer, stroma, Descemet’s membrane and the corneal endothelium. Because, corneal confocal microscopy is a non invasive technique for in vivo imaging of the living cornea it has huge clinical potential to investigate numerous corneal diseases. Thus far it has been used in the detection and management of pathologic and infectious conditions, corneal dystrophies and ecstasies, monitoring contact lens induced corneal changes and for pre and post surgical evaluation (PRK, LASIK and LASEK, flap evaluations and Radial Keratotomy, and penetrating keratoplasty. Most recently it has been used as a surrogate for peripheral nerve damage in a variety of peripheral neuropathies and may have potential in acting as a surrogate marker for endothelial abnormalities.Keywords: corneal confocal microscopy, cornea, infective keratitis, corneal dystrophy, neuropathy

  13. Factores de riesgo asociados al aislamiento de Escherichia coli o Klebsiella pneumoniae productoras de betalactamasas de espectro extendido en un hospital de cuarto nivel en Colombia

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    Adriana Jiménez


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE son un fenómeno de resistencia emergente de particular incidencia en América Latina. En Colombia existe poca información sobre los factores de riesgo asociados con su adquisición. Objetivo. Determinar los factores de riesgo que están asociados a la infección o colonización por Escherichia coli o Klebsiella pneumoniae productoras de BLEE en pacientes mayores de 18 años. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de casos y controles con relación 1:1 en pacientes con aislamientos de E. coli o K. pneumoniae productoras de BLEE en cualquier tipo de muestra durante el periodo de enero de 2009 a noviembre de 2011 en el Hospital Universitario de San José. Resultados. Se estudiaron 110 casos y 110 controles; 62,7 % correspondió a E. coli y 37,3 %, a K. pneumoniae. Como factores de riesgo independiente en el análisis multivariado se encontraron la insuficiencia renal crónica (OR=2,99; IC95%, 1,10-8,11; p=0,031, la cirugía urológica (OR=4,78; IC95%, 1,35-16,87; p=0,015, el antecedente de uso de antibióticos en los tres meses anteriores (OR=2,24; IC95%, 1,09-4,60; p=0,028, el origen hospitalario de la infección (OR=2,92; IC95%, 1,39-6,13; p=0,004 y la hospitalización previa (OR=1,59; IC95%, 1,03-2,46; p=0,036. Conclusión. Anticiparse al patrón de resistencia del microorganismo que infecta a un paciente con base en los factores de riesgo asociados permitiría la elección de un tratamiento antibiótico empírico apropiado, con el fin de lograr la disminución de la morbimortalidad de los pacientes.

  14. Neurotrophic corneal and conjunctival xerosis

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    Svetlana Gennadyevna Zhurova


    Full Text Available Purpose: to develop a method of surgical treatment of patients with corneal ulcers of xerotic etiology and evaluate its efficacy in different time periods after operation. Materials and methods: 68 patients (86 eyes with severe dry eye syndrome complicated by xerotic corneal ulcers were examined. In all patients, the ulcer defect was covered with conjunctiva and amniotic membrane. The operation was combined with an outer tarsorrhaphy and temporary blepharorraphy. Results: All 86 eyes (100% achieved total closure of the ulcer defect, sealing of any perforation and maintaining of corneal transparency beyond the ulcer defect. Conclusion: Surgical closure of corneal ulcers with conjunctiva is an effective method of treatment of xerotic corneal ulcers. It could be recommended in patients with corneal perforation and tendency of descemetocele formation.

  15. La vigilancia de factores vinculados al desarrollo, el aprendizaje y la salud en la primera infancia


    Ojeda del Valle, Mayra


    Se desarrollaron tres investigaciones entre 1997-2007 con el objetivo de perfeccionar la vigilancia de los factores vinculados al desarrollo, el aprendizaje y la salud en la primera infancia. Fueron identificados factores asociados al desarrollo y a la respuesta adaptativa de los niños asistentes a instituciones infantiles, se evaluaron indicadores del neurodesarrollo infantil asociados al aprendizaje escolar en la Atención Primaria y se realizó la pesquisa de factores de riesgo en niños pree...

  16. Edad y nivel educativo asociados al conocimiento sobre signos de alarma para infecciones respiratorias en madres adolescentes

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    Regina Domínguez Anaya


    Full Text Available Introducción: La identificación de señales de alarma durante la Infección Respiratoria Aguda (IRA, es fundamental para disminuir el impacto de la enfermedad y la mortalidad asociada. El objetivo del estudio fue estimar la relación entre la edad y el nivel educativo al conocimiento sobre signos de alarma de IRA, en madres adolescentes. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal, con una muestra aleatoria de 120 madres adolescentes adscritas a una fundación privada de la ciudad de Cartagena, a quienes se aplicó el cuestionario de Prácticas Claves sobre IRA propuesto por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Resultados: El promedio de edad de las participantes fue 17 ± 1.3 años. Se encontró que ser mayor de 17 años aumenta la probabilidad de reconocer por lo menos tres signos alarma [OR: 2.8 (IC 95%: 1.3 - 6.1]. Asimismo, las adolescentes con un mayor nivel de escolaridad tienen más probabilidad de reconocer tres signos de alarma para la enfermedad [OR: 3.2 (IC 95%: 1.5 - 6.9], que aquellas con menor nivel educativo. Discusión y Conclusiones: Determinantes personales como una mayor edad y escolaridad impactan de forma positiva en los conocimientos de las madres sobre los signos de alarma de IRA. Es importante el fortalecimiento de los programas de educación en salud para el cuidado de los niños entre esta población. Cómo citar este artículo: Domínguez R, Tapia E, Hernández J, Castillo IY. Edad y nivel educativo asociados al conocimiento sobre signos de alarma para infecciones respiratorias en madres adolescentes. Rev Cuid. 2017; 8(2: 1628-37.

  17. Corneal markers of diabetic neuropathy. (United States)

    Pritchard, Nicola; Edwards, Katie; Shahidi, Ayda M; Sampson, Geoff P; Russell, Anthony W; Malik, Rayaz A; Efron, Nathan


    Diabetic neuropathy is a significant clinical problem that currently has no effective therapy, and in advanced cases, leads to foot ulceration and lower limb amputation. The accurate detection, characterization and quantification of this condition are important in order to define at-risk patients, anticipate deterioration, monitor progression, and assess new therapies. This review evaluates novel corneal methods of assessing diabetic neuropathy. Two new noninvasive corneal markers have emerged, and in cross-sectional studies have demonstrated their ability to stratify the severity of this disease. Corneal confocal microscopy allows quantification of corneal nerve parameters and noncontact corneal esthesiometry, the functional correlate of corneal structure, assesses the sensitivity of the cornea. Both these techniques are quick to perform, produce little or no discomfort for the patient, and are suitable for clinical settings. Each has advantages and disadvantages over traditional techniques for assessing diabetic neuropathy. Application of these new corneal markers for longitudinal evaluation of diabetic neuropathy has the potential to reduce dependence on more invasive, costly, and time-consuming assessments, such as skin biopsy.

  18. Factores asociados al hallazgo de lesiones preneoplásicas detectadas en citología vaginal: estudio de casos y controles

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    Lida Yoana Cifuentes


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar factores socioculturales asociados a la presencia de lesiones preneoplásicas en mujeres residentes en un municipio de predominio rural en Boyacá, Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico, retrospectivo de casos y controles. De un registro institucional, mediante muestreo aleatorio secuencial, se seleccionó una muestra de 168 mujeres: 42 casos y 126 controles, apareadas por edad y estrato socioeconómico, a quienes mediante encuesta se evaluaron los antecedentes y los factores familiares y culturales, posiblemente asociados a la presencia de lesiones preneoplásicas en la citología vaginal. Resultados: Rango de edad entre 16 y 71 años; promedio de edad 42,2 años (SD = 14,57 años; el 79,2% se encontraba con pareja estable; el 90,0% cursó educación primaria o menos; el 11,3% fumaba; la edad promedio de menarquia fue de 13,8 años (SD = 1,38 y el 17,9% la presentó a los 12 años o antes. Todas las mujeres encuestadas han tenido al menos una gestación y el 66,1% ha tenido 3 o más. La edad media de la primera gestación es de 19,7 años (SD = 3,45 y el rango de edad de la primera gestación oscila entre los 15 y 29 años. En el 35,7% de los casos el primer embarazo ocurrió antes de los 18 años. El 31,5% de las mujeres estudiadas tiene antecedente familiar de cáncer. Los siguientes factores se encontraron significativamente asociados con la presencia de lesión preneoplásica en la citología vaginal: historia de dos o más parejas sexuales (OR = 85,0; primer embarazo antes de los 18 años (OR = 40,0; antecedente familiar de cáncer (OR = 23,9; consumo de cigarrillo (OR = 12,1; inicio sexual antes de los 17 años (OR = 11,8; consumo de bebidas alcohólicas (OR = 10,8; antecedente de infecciones vaginales (OR = 10,1; 3 o más gestaciones (OR = 5,2; ningún grado de escolaridad (OR = 3,49; antecedente de aborto (OR = 2,87. Conclusión: Se encontaron factores de riesgo susceptibles de

  19. Topical thrombin-related corneal calcification. (United States)

    Kiratli, Hayyam; Irkeç, Murat; Alaçal, Sibel; Söylemezoğlu, Figen


    To report a highly unusual case of corneal calcification after brief intraoperative use of topical thrombin. A 44-year-old man underwent sclerouvectomy for ciliochoroidal leiomyoma, during which 35 UNIH/mL lyophilized bovine thrombin mixed with 9 mL of diluent containing 1500 mmol/mL calcium chloride was used. From the first postoperative day, corneal and anterior lenticular capsule calcifications developed, and corneal involvement slightly enlarged thereafter. A year later, 2 corneal punch biopsies confirmed calcification mainly in the Bowman layer. Topical treatment with 1.5% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid significantly restored corneal clarity. Six months later, a standard extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens placement improved visual acuity to 20/60. This case suggests that topical thrombin drops with elevated calcium concentrations may cause acute corneal calcification in Bowman layer and on the anterior lens capsule.

  20. Estigma relacionado a VIH/SIDA asociado con adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral en pacientes de un hospital de Lima, Perú 2014

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    Jessica Hanae Zafra-Tanaka

    Full Text Available Objetivos.Determinar el nivel de estigma relacionado a VIH/SIDA y su asociación con la adherencia al tratamientoantirretroviral (TARV en pacientes de un hospital nacional de Lima, Perú. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal que incluyó a pacientes adultos que seguían el programa de TARV con un mínimo de seis meses. Se consideró el estigma como la desvalorización de la persona por tener la infección de VIH y se midió con la escala de Berger para estigma relacionado a VIH, la adherencia a la toma adecuada de los medicamentos fue medida con la encuesta Simplified medication adherence questionaire (SMAQ. Para evaluar los factores asociados a estigma se calcularon razones de prevalencia (RP usando la regresión de Poisson. Resultados. Se analizaron 339 encuestas, la mediana de edad fue 39 años (RIC: 16 donde 74,0% eran hombres. Se halló un estigma alto en 25,4% y moderado en 47,5% de los encuestados. Una reducción de 10 puntos en la escala de estigma relacionado a VIH/SIDA se asoció a un aumento de 5% de adherencia al TARV en hombres (RPa 0,95, IC95%: 0,91-0,99 y un aumento del 7% en mujeres (RPa 0,93, IC95%: 0,87-0,98. Conclusiones. Existe un alto nivel de estigma relacionado a VIH/SIDA y se asocia a la falta de adherencia al tratamiento con diferencias de acuerdo al sexo. Se recomiendan intervenciones dirigidas a reducir el estigma relacionado a divulgación de estatus en las mujeres y el relacionado a actitudes públicas en hombres.

  1. Corneal Transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjortdal, Jesper Østergaard

    with less risk of rejection episodes. Besides covering updated chapters on penetrating keratoplasty, and anterior and posterior lamellar procedures, this textbook also gives a thorough overview of the history of corneal transplantation and a detailed presentation of the microstructural components...... and to assist fellows and corneal surgeons in their advice and selection of patients for the best surgical procedure considering benefi ts and risks....

  2. Ácaros (Arahcnida: Acari asociados a escarabajos pasálidos (Coleóptera: Passalidae de Colombia

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    José Orlando Combita Heredia


    Full Text Available Se determinaron taxonómicamente a nivel de familia y en algunos casos a género, los ácaros asociados a escarabajos de la familia Passalidae de Colombia. Se hallaron 23  morfoespecies de ácaros, se identificaron ocho géneros correspondientes a 11 familias, la gran mayoría pertenecen al suborden Mesostigmata, cohorte Monogynaspida; la familia Uropodidae fue la más predominante. El género Heterocheylus se encontró asociado exclusivamente al género Passalus. Todos los individuos revisados en este trabajo presentaron evidencias de una asociación forética con los pasálidos. Fueron detectadas para algunas morfoespecies y géneros una distribución específica sobre el cuerpo del escarabajo y una repartición de los microhábitats en las superficies de adhesión del pasálido. Se hace el primer registro para Colombia de las familias Diplogynidae y Anoetidae, se proporciona una clave ilustrada para familias de América con algunos comentarios sobre las familias presentes en Colombia y se aporta una colección de referencia.

  3. Corneal biomechanical changes in diabetes mellitus and their influence on intraocular pressure measurements. (United States)

    Sahin, Afsun; Bayer, Atilla; Ozge, Gökhan; Mumcuoğlu, Tarkan


    To investigate possible corneal biomechanical changes in patients with diabetes mellitus and understand the influence of such changes on intraocular pressure measurements. The study group was composed of 120 eyes from 61 healthy control subjects and 81 eyes from 43 diabetic subjects. IOP was measured first with an ocular response analyzer (ORA) and subsequently with a Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT). Central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured with an ultrasonic pachymeter attached to the ORA. Axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD), and keratometry readings were acquired with partial coherence laser interferometry during the same visit before all IOP and CCT determinations were made. Corneal hysteresis (CH) was found to be significantly lower in diabetic patients when compared with healthy control subjects (9.51 +/- 1.82 mm Hg vs. 10.41 +/- 1.66 mm Hg, P < 0.0001). There was no significant difference in terms of corneal resistance factor (CRF; P = 0.8). Mean CCT, GAT IOP, Goldmann-correlated IOP (IOPg), and corneal-compensated IOP (IOPcc) were significantly higher in diabetic patients than in healthy control subjects (P = 0.01 for CCT, P < 0.0001 for GAT IOP, IOPg, and IOPcc). Diabetes affects corneal biomechanics and results in lower CH values than those in healthy control subjects, which may cause clinically relevant high IOP measurements independent of CCT.

  4. Applications of corneal topography and tomography: a review. (United States)

    Fan, Rachel; Chan, Tommy Cy; Prakash, Gaurav; Jhanji, Vishal


    Corneal imaging is essential for diagnosing and management of a wide variety of ocular diseases. Corneal topography is used to characterize the shape of the cornea, specifically, the anterior surface of the cornea. Most corneal topographical systems are based on Placido disc that analyse rings that are reflected off the corneal surface. The posterior corneal surface cannot be characterized using Placido disc technology. Imaging of the posterior corneal surface is useful for diagnosis of corneal ectasia. Unlike corneal topographers, tomographers generate a three-dimensional recreation of the anterior segment and provide information about the corneal thickness. Scheimpflug imaging is one of the most commonly used techniques for corneal tomography. The cross-sectional images generated by a rotating Scheimpflug camera are used to locate the anterior and posterior corneal surfaces. The clinical uses of corneal topography include, diagnosis of corneal ectasia, assessment of corneal astigmatism, and refractive surgery planning. This review will discuss the applications of corneal topography and tomography in clinical practice. © 2017 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

  5. Effects of artificial tear treatment on corneal epithelial thickness and corneal topography findings in dry eye patients. (United States)

    Çakır, B; Doğan, E; Çelik, E; Babashli, T; Uçak, T; Alagöz, G


    To investigate the effects of artificial tear treatment on central corneal epithelial thickness, and central, mid-peripheral and peripheral corneal thicknesses in patients with dry eye disease (DED). Patients with DED underwent ocular examinations, including Schirmer-2 test, slit lamp examination for tear break-up time (BUT), corneal topography (CT) for measuring mean central, mid-peripheral and peripheral corneal thickness values and anterior segment optic coherence tomography (AS-OCT) for obtaining central corneal epithelial thickness. After artificial tear treatment (carboxymethylcellulose and sodium hyaluronate formulations) for one month, patients were examined again at a second visit and the results were compared. Sixty-one eyes of 33 female dry eye patients (mean age: 38.3±5.7 years) were enrolled. The mean follow-up time was 36.4±3.3 days. The mean tear BUT and Schirmer-1 tests revealed significant improvement after treatment (P=0.000, P=0.000, respectively). Central corneal epithelium and mean mid-peripheral corneal thicknesses measured significantly higher after treatment (P=0.001, P=0.02). Changes in central and peripheral corneal thicknesses were not statistically significant. Artificial tear treatment in dry eye patients seems to increase central corneal epithelial and mid-peripheral corneal thicknesses. Measurement of corneal epithelial thickness can be a useful tool for evaluation of treatment response in dry eye patients. Further long-term prospective studies are needed to investigate this item. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  6. Topical Drug Formulations for Prolonged Corneal Anesthesia (United States)

    Wang, Liqiang; Shankarappa, Sahadev A.; Tong, Rong; Ciolino, Joseph B.; Tsui, Jonathan H.; Chiang, Homer H.; Kohane, Daniel S.


    Purpose Ocular local anesthetics (OLA’s) currently used in routine clinical practice for corneal anesthesia are short acting and their ability to delay corneal healing makes them unsuitable for long-term use. In this study, we examined the effect on the duration of corneal anesthesia of the site-1 sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX), applied with either proparacaine or the chemical permeation enhancer OTAB. The effect of test solutions on corneal healing was also studied. Methods Solutions of TTX, proparacaine, and OTAB, singly or in combination were applied topically to the rat cornea. The blink response, an indirect measure of corneal sensitivity, was recorded using a Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometer, and the duration of corneal anesthesia calculated. The effect of test compounds on the rate of corneal epithelialization was studied in vivo following corneal debridement. Results Combination of TTX and proparacaine resulted in corneal anesthesia that was 8–10 times longer in duration than that from either drug administered alone, while OTAB did not prolong anesthesia. The rate of corneal healing was moderately delayed following co-administration of TTX and proparacaine. Conclusion Co-administration of TTX and proparacaine significantly prolonged corneal anesthesia but in view of delayed corneal re-epithelialization, caution is suggested in use of the combination. PMID:23615270

  7. Evaluation of intraocular pressure according to corneal thickness before and after excimer laser corneal ablation for myopia. (United States)

    Hamed-Azzam, Shirin; Briscoe, Daniel; Tomkins, Oren; Shehedeh-Mashor, Raneen; Garzozi, Hanna


    Intraocular pressure is affected by corneal thickness and biomechanics. Following ablative corneal refractive surgery, corneal structural changes occur. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between the mean central corneal thickness (CCT) and the change in intraocular pressure measurements following various corneal ablation techniques, using different measurement methods. Two hundred myopic eyes undergoing laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) or photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) were enrolled into a prospective, non-randomized study. Corneal parameters examined included full ocular examination, measurement of CCT, corneal topography, corneal curvature and ocular refractivity. Intraocular pressure measurements were obtained using three different instruments-non-contact tonometer, Goldmann applanation tonometer and TonoPen XL (TonoPen-Central and TonoPen-Peripheral). All measurements were performed pre-operatively and 4 months post-operatively. Post-operative intraocular pressure was significantly lower than pre-operative values, with all instruments (p value tonometer and non-contact tonometer (p value < 0.001, ANOVA). Intraocular pressure readings are significantly reduced following corneal ablation surgery. We determined in our myopic patient cohort that the TonoPen XL intraocular pressure measurement method is the least affected following PRK and LASIK as compared to other techniques.

  8. Trifluoperazine: corneal endothelial phototoxicity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hull, D.S.; Csukas, S.; Green, K.


    Trifluoperazine is used for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Perfusion of corneal endothelial cells with trifluoperazine-HC1 concurrent with exposure to long wavelength ultraviolet light resulted in a corneal swelling rate greater than that found in perfused corneas not exposed to ultraviolet light. Exposure of endothelial cells to 25 W incandescent light during perfusion with trifluoperazine-HC1 did not result in a higher corneal swelling rate compared to those perfused in the dark. The increased corneal swelling rate could be produced by pre-exposure of the trifluoperazine-HC1 perfusing solution to ultraviolet light suggesting the production of toxic photoproducts during exposure of trifluoperazine-HC1 to ultraviolet light. Perfusion of corneal endothelial cells with non-ultraviolet illuminated trifluoperazine-HC1 had no effect on endothelial cell membranes or ultrastructure. This is in contrast to cells perfused with trifluoperazine-HC1 that had been exposed to ultraviolet light in which there was an alteration of mitochondria and a loss of cytoplasmic homogeneity. The data imply that the trifluoperazine-HC1 photoproduct had an adverse effect on cellular transport mechanisms. The study also further demonstrates the value of the corneal endothelial cell model for identifying the physiological and anatomical changes occuring in photo-induced toxic reactions. (author)

  9. Corneal surface temperature change as the mode of stimulation of the non-contact corneal aesthesiometer. (United States)

    Murphy, P J; Morgan, P B; Patel, S; Marshall, J


    The non-contact corneal aesthesiometer (NCCA) assesses corneal sensitivity by using a controlled pulse of air, directed at the corneal surface. The purpose of this paper was to investigate whether corneal surface temperature change was a component in the mode of stimulation. Thermocouple experiment: A simple model corneal surface was developed that was composed of a moistened circle of filter paper placed on a thermocouple and mounted on a glass slide. The temperature change produced by different stimulus pressures was measured for five different ambient temperatures. Thermal camera experiment: Using a thermal camera, the corneal surface temperature change was measured in nine young, healthy subjects after exposure to different stimulus air pulses. Pulse duration was set at 0.9 s but was varied in pressure from 0.5 to 3.5 millibars. Thermocouple experiment: An immediate drop in temperature was detected by the thermocouple as soon as the air flow was incident on the filter paper. A greater temperature change was produced by increasing the pressure of the incident air flow. A relationship was found and a calibration curve plotted. Thermal camera experiment: For each subject, a drop in surface temperature was detected at each stimulus pressure. Furthermore, as the stimulus pressure increased, the induced reduction in temperature also increased. A relationship was found and a calibration curve plotted. The NCCA air-pulse stimulus was capable of producing a localized temperature change on the corneal surface. The principal mode of corneal nerve stimulation, by the NCCA air pulse, was the rate of temperature change of the corneal surface.


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    Full Text Available A corneal ulcer caused by infection is one of the major causes of blindness worldwide. One of the recent health concerns is the increasing incidence of corneal ulcers associated with contact lens user especially if the users fail to follow specific instruction in using their contact lenses. Risk factors associated with increased risk of contact lens related corneal ulcers are:overnight wear, long duration of continuous wear, lower socio-economic classes, smoking, dry eye and poor hygiene. The presenting symptoms of contact lens related corneal ulcers include eye discomfort, foreign body sensation and lacrimation. More serious symptoms are redness (especially circum-corneal injection, severe pain, photophobia, eye discharge and blurring of vision. The diagnosis is established by a thorough slit lamp microscopic examination with fluorescein staining and corneal scraping for Gram stain and culture of the infective organism. Delay in diagnosing and treatment can cause permanent blindness, therefore an early referral to ophthalmologist and commencing of antimicrobial therapy can prevent visual loss.

  11. Correlations between corneal and total wavefront aberrations (United States)

    Mrochen, Michael; Jankov, Mirko; Bueeler, Michael; Seiler, Theo


    Purpose: Corneal topography data expressed as corneal aberrations are frequently used to report corneal laser surgery results. However, the optical image quality at the retina depends on all optical elements of the eye such as the human lens. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the correlations between the corneal and total wavefront aberrations and to discuss the importance of corneal aberrations for representing corneal laser surgery results. Methods: Thirty three eyes of 22 myopic subjects were measured with a corneal topography system and a Tschernig-type wavefront analyzer after the pupils were dilated to at least 6 mm in diameter. All measurements were centered with respect to the line of sight. Corneal and total wavefront aberrations were calculated up to the 6th Zernike order in the same reference plane. Results: Statistically significant correlations (p the corneal and total wavefront aberrations were found for the astigmatism (C3,C5) and all 3rd Zernike order coefficients such as coma (C7,C8). No statistically significant correlations were found for all 4th to 6th order Zernike coefficients except for the 5th order horizontal coma C18 (p equals 0.003). On average, all Zernike coefficients for the corneal aberrations were found to be larger compared to Zernike coefficients for the total wavefront aberrations. Conclusions: Corneal aberrations are only of limited use for representing the optical quality of the human eye after corneal laser surgery. This is due to the lack of correlation between corneal and total wavefront aberrations in most of the higher order aberrations. Besides this, the data present in this study yield towards an aberration balancing between corneal aberrations and the optical elements within the eye that reduces the aberration from the cornea by a certain degree. Consequently, ideal customized ablations have to take both, corneal and total wavefront aberrations, into consideration.

  12. Case Study: Contact Lens Fitting in the Presence of Corneal Ectasia ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Keratoglobus (KG) is a bilateral corneal ectasia characterised by overall protrusion of the cornea associated with diffuse thinning from limbus to limbus. Differen al diagnosis includes pellucid marginal degenera on. (PMD) and keratoconus (KC). KG is rare in comparison to the prevalence of KC and PMD. Refrac ve error.

  13. Corneal Toxicity Following Exposure to Asclepias Tuberosa. (United States)

    Mikkelsen, Lauge Hjorth; Hamoudi, Hassan; Gül, Cigdem Altuntas; Heegaard, Steffen


    To present a case of corneal toxicity following exposure to milky plant latex from Asclepias tuberosa. A 70-year-old female presented with blurred vision and pain in her left eye after handling an Ascepias tuberosa . Clinical examination revealed a corneal stromal oedema with small epithelial defects. The corneal endothelium was intact and folds in Descemets membrane were observed. The oedema was treated with chloramphenicol, dexamethasone and scopolamine. The corneal oedema had appeared after corneal exposure to the plant, Asclepias tuberosa , whose latex contains cardenolides that inhibit the Na + / K + -ATPase in the corneal endothelium. The oedema resolved after 96 hours. After nine months the best corrected visual acuity was 20/20. Corneal toxicity has previously been reported for plants of the Asclepias family. This is a rare case describing severe corneal toxicity caused by exposure to latex from Asclepias tuberosa . Handling of plants of the Asclepias family should be kept as a differential diagnosis in cases of acute corneal toxicity.

  14. Distrofia corneal de Schnyder

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    Michel Guerra Almaguer

    Full Text Available La principal entidad hereditaria con depósitos de lípidos en el estroma corneal es la distrofia cristalina central, conocida como distrofia de Schnyder, quien la describió en Suiza en 1927. Se caracteriza por depósitos blanco-amarillentos en el estroma corneal central y superficial. Se presenta un paciente de 28 años, del sexo masculino y piel negra, con antecedente de salud anterior. Acudió a consulta y refirió una disminución de la visión y cambio de coloración progresiva de ambos ojos, de años de evolución. En la exploración oftalmológica de ambos ojos se apreciaron lesiones blanquecinas anulares a nivel del estroma corneal, con ligera turbidez corneal central. Los estudios refractivos realizados constataron un astigmatismo hipermetrópico simple. El resto del examen oftalmológico fue negativo. Para el diagnóstico de certeza se empleó el microscopio confocal. Se concluye que el caso presenta una distrofia corneal estromal de tipo cristalina, de Schnyder.

  15. Anterior corneal profile with variable asphericity. (United States)

    Rosales, Marco A; Juárez-Aubry, Montserrat; López-Olazagasti, Estela; Ibarra, Jorge; Tepichín, Eduardo


    We present a corneal profile in which the eccentricity, e(Q=-e(2)), has a nonlinear continuous variation from the center outwards. This nonlinear variation is intended to fit and reproduce our current experimental data in which the anterior corneal surface of the human eye exhibits different values of e at different diameters. According to our clinical data, the variation is similar to an exponential decay. We propose a linear combination of two exponential functions to describe the variation of e. We then calculate the corneal sagittal height by substituting e in the first-order aspherical surface equation to obtain the corneal profile. This corneal profile will be used as a reference to analyze the resultant profiles of the customized corneal ablation in refractive surgery.

  16. History of corneal transplantation in Australia. (United States)

    Coster, Douglas J


    Corneal transplantation is a triumph of modern ophthalmology. The possibility of corneal transplantation was first raised in 1797 but a century passed before Zirm achieved the first successful penetrating graft in 1905. Gibson reported the first corneal graft in Australia from Brisbane in 1940 and English established the first eye bank there a few years later. Corneal transplantation evolved steadily over the twentieth century. In the second half of the century, developments in microsurgery, including surgical materials such as monofilament nylon and strong topical steroid drops, accounted for improvements in outcomes. In 2013, approximately 1500 corneal transplants were done in Australia. Eye banking has evolved to cope with the rising demands for donor corneas. Australian corneal surgeons collaborated to establish and support the Australian Corneal Graft Registry in 1985. It follows the outcomes of their surgery and has become an important international resource for surgeons seeking further improvement with the procedure. © 2014 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

  17. Glaucoma after corneal replacement. (United States)

    Baltaziak, Monika; Chew, Hall F; Podbielski, Dominik W; Ahmed, Iqbal Ike K

    Glaucoma is a well-known complication after corneal transplantation surgery. Traditional corneal transplantation surgery, specifically penetrating keratoplasty, has been slowly replaced by the advent of new corneal transplantation procedures: primarily lamellar keratoplasties. There has also been an emergence of keratoprosthesis implants for eyes that are high risk of failure with penetrating keratoplasty. Consequently, there are different rates of glaucoma, pathogenesis, and potential treatment in the form of medical, laser, or surgical therapy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Turning the tide of corneal blindness

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    Matthew S Oliva


    Full Text Available Corneal diseases represent the second leading cause of blindness in most developing world countries. Worldwide, major investments in public health infrastructure and primary eye care services have built a strong foundation for preventing future corneal blindness. However, there are an estimated 4.9 million bilaterally corneal blind persons worldwide who could potentially have their sight restored through corneal transplantation. Traditionally, barriers to increased corneal transplantation have been daunting, with limited tissue availability and lack of trained corneal surgeons making widespread keratoplasty services cost prohibitive and logistically unfeasible. The ascendancy of cataract surgical rates and more robust eye care infrastructure of several Asian and African countries now provide a solid base from which to dramatically expand corneal transplantation rates. India emerges as a clear global priority as it has the world′s largest corneal blind population and strong infrastructural readiness to rapidly scale its keratoplasty numbers. Technological modernization of the eye bank infrastructure must follow suit. Two key factors are the development of professional eye bank managers and the establishment of Hospital Cornea Recovery Programs. Recent adaptation of these modern eye banking models in India have led to corresponding high growth rates in the procurement of transplantable tissues, improved utilization rates, operating efficiency realization, and increased financial sustainability. The widespread adaptation of lamellar keratoplasty techniques also holds promise to improve corneal transplant success rates. The global ophthalmic community is now poised to scale up widespread access to corneal transplantation to meet the needs of the millions who are currently blind.

  19. Analysis of the horizontal corneal diameter, central corneal thickness, and axial length in premature infants

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    Ozdemir Ozdemir


    Full Text Available Purpose: To determine the horizontal corneal diameter, central corneal thickness, and axial length in premature infants. Methods: Infants with a birth weight of less than 2,500 g or with a gestation period of less than 36 weeks were included in the study. Infants with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP were allocated to Group 1 (n=138, while those without ROP were allocated to Group 2 (n=236. All infants underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination, including corneal diameter measurements, pachymetry, biometry, and fundoscopy. Between-group comparisons of horizontal corneal diameter, central corneal thickness, and axial lengths were performed. Independent sample t-tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: Data was obtained from 374 eyes of 187 infants (102 female, 85 male. The mean gestational age at birth was 30.7 ± 2.7 weeks (range 25-36 weeks, the mean birth weight was 1,514 ± 533.3 g (range 750-1,970 g, and the mean postmenstrual age at examination was 40.0 ± 4.8 weeks. The mean gestational age and the mean birth weight of Group 1 were statistically lower than Group 2 (p0.05. Conclusions: The presence of ROP in premature infants does not alter the horizontal corneal diameter, central corneal thickness, or axial length.

  20. Corneal Toxicity Following Exposure to Asclepias Tuberosa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Lauge Hjorth; Hamoudi, Hassan; Gül, Cigdem Altuntas


    PURPOSE: To present a case of corneal toxicity following exposure to milky plant latex from Asclepias tuberosa. METHODS: A 70-year-old female presented with blurred vision and pain in her left eye after handling an Ascepias tuberosa. Clinical examination revealed a corneal stromal oedema with small...... epithelial defects. The corneal endothelium was intact and folds in Descemets membrane were observed. The oedema was treated with chloramphenicol, dexamethasone and scopolamine. RESULTS: The corneal oedema had appeared after corneal exposure to the plant, Asclepias tuberosa, whose latex contains cardenolides...... that inhibit the Na+/ K+-ATPase in the corneal endothelium. The oedema resolved after 96 hours. After nine months the best corrected visual acuity was 20/20. CONCLUSION: Corneal toxicity has previously been reported for plants of the Asclepias family. This is a rare case describing severe corneal toxicity...

  1. Brote de norovirus en Mallorca asociado al consumo de ostras Norovirus outbreak in Majorca (Spain associated with oyster consumption

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    Antònia Galmés Truyols


    Full Text Available Se describe la investigación de un brote de gastroenteritis por norovirus asociado al consumo de ostras. Se encuestaron 346 expuestos (266 afectados. Solamente se enviaron 14 muestras de heces de pacientes al Centro Nacional de Microbiología. Se mandaron ostras recogidas en el lugar de producción al Centro Nacional de Alimentación. Las ostras cumplían los parámetros microbiológicos de calidad aplicables antes de la comercialización, que no incluyen investigación de virus. El análisis epidemiológico asoció la aparición de la enfermedad al consumo de ostras (odds ratio [OR]=60,4; intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]: 26,2-139,3 y de navajas (OR=3,13; IC95%: 1,4-6,9. Los análisis microbiológicos identificaron norovirus en los afectados, pero no en las ostras que habían estado sometidas a un tiempo mayor de depuración que las consumidas. Es necesario un control riguroso de los alimentos de especial riesgo para la transmisión de norovirus y disponer de recursos de laboratorio para investigar brotes alimentarios por norovirus.We describe investigation into an outbreak of norovirus gastroenteritis associated with oyster consumption. A survey was conducted in 346 exposed persons, 266 of whom were cases. Only 14 feces samples from patients were sent to the National Microbiology Laboratory. Oysters collected at the production site were sent to the National Food Center. The oysters met the microbiological quality standard required before sale, which did not include virus investigation. Epidemiological analysis showed an association between gastroenteritis and consumption of oysters (OR=60.4; 95% CI: 26.2-139.3 and razor shells (OR=3.13; 95% CI: 1.4-6.9. Microbiological analysis confirmed norovirus in affected individuals but not in the oysters that had been tested after a longer purification period than those consumed. Food with a special risk of norovirus transmission should be strictly monitored. Investigators should dispose of the

  2. Instillation of Sericin Enhances Corneal Wound Healing through the ERK Pathway in Rat Debrided Corneal Epithelium

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    Noriaki Nagai


    Full Text Available Sericin is a major constituent of silk produced by silkworms. We previously found that the instillation of sericin enhanced the proliferation of corneal epithelial cells, and acted to promote corneal wound healing in both normal and diabetic model rats. However, the mechanisms by which sericin promotes the proliferation of corneal cells have not been established. In this study, we investigated the effects of sericin on Akt and ERK activation in a human corneal epithelial cell line (HCE-T cells and rat debrided corneal epithelium. Although Akt phosphorylation was not detected following the treatment of HCE-T cells with sericin, ERK1/2 phosphorylation was enhanced. The growth of HCE-T cells treated with sericin was significantly increased, with the cell growth of sericin-treated HCE-T cells being 1.7-fold higher in comparison with vehicle-treated HCE-T cells. On the other hand, both of an ERK inhibitor U0126 (non-specific specific inhibitor and SCH772984 (specific inhibitor attenuated the enhanced cell growth by sericin, and the growth level in the case of co-treatment with sericin and ERK1/2 inhibitor was similar to that of cells treated with ERK1/2 inhibitor alone. In an in vivo study using rat debrided corneal epithelium, the corneal wound healing rate was enhanced by the instillation of sericin, and this enhancement was also attenuated by the instillation of U0126. In addition, the corneal wound healing rate in rats co-instilled with sericin and U0126 was similar to that following the instillation of U0126 alone. In conclusion, we found that the instillation of sericin enhanced cell proliferation via the activation of the MAPK/ERK pathway, resulting in the promotion of corneal wound healing in rat eyes. These findings provide significant information for designing further studies to develop potent corneal wound-healing drugs.

  3. Factores biológicos asociados al retardo primario del lenguaje en niños menores de cinco años

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    Ileana Valdivia Álvarez

    Full Text Available Introducción: el retardo primario del lenguaje está presente entre 6 y 10 % de niños menores de 6 años, y constituye un frecuente motivo de consulta pediátrica, sobre el que se puede actuar, una vez conocidos los factores de riesgo. Objetivos: identificar factores biológicos o personales asociados al retardo primario del lenguaje, en niños entre 18 meses y 5 años de edad. Metodos: estudio analítico caso-control, en niños entre 18 meses y 5 años, atendidos en la Consulta de Neuropediatría del Hospital Pediátrico "Juan Manuel Márquez", por retardo del lenguaje, entre enero de 2010 y julio de 2011, en relación con un grupo control de niños sanos. Resultados: el retardo primario del lenguaje es más frecuente en varones a razón de 1:4,6, que son diagnosticados a una edad media de 3,05 (+0,95 años, con antecedentes familiares de retardo de lenguaje (p= 0,001 y enfermedades neuropsiquiátricas (p= 0,012. Presentaron más antecedentes de malformaciones, traumas y distermia al nacer (p= 0,007, y también mayor retardo en el desarrollo de la lateralidad (p= 0,025. Conclusiones: se consideran factores de riesgo para el retardo primario del lenguaje, el género masculino, los antecedentes familiares de trastornos del lenguaje y enfermedades neuropsiquiátricas, la lateralidad demorada y los eventos posnatales patológicos.

  4. Lack of evidence for protein AA reactivity in amyloid deposits of lattice corneal dystrophy and amyloid corneal degeneration. (United States)

    Gorevic, P D; Rodrigues, M M; Krachmer, J H; Green, C; Fujihara, S; Glenner, G G


    Amyloid fibrils occurring in primary and myeloma-associated (AL), secondary (AA), and certain neuropathic hereditary forms of systemic amyloidosis can be distinguished biochemically or immunohistologically as being composed of immunoglobulin light chain, protein AA, or prealbumin respectively. All types of systemic and several localized forms of amyloidosis contain amyloid P component (protein AP). We studied formalin-fixed tissue from eight cases of lattice corneal dystrophy by the immunoperoxidase method using antisera to proteins AA and AP, to normal serum prealbumin and prealbumin isolated from a case of hereditary amyloidosis, and to light-chain determinants; additional cases were examined by indirect immunofluorescence of fresh-frozen material. We found weak (1:10 dilution) staining with anti-AP, but no reactivity with other antisera. Congo red staining was resistant to pretreatment of sections with potassium permanganate, a characteristic of non-AA amyloid. Two-dimensional gels of solubilized proteins from frozen tissue from two cases of lattice corneal dystrophy resembled those obtained from normal human cornea. Western blots of two cases of polymorphous amyloid degeneration and solubilized protein from normal cornea did not react with radioactive iodine-labeled anti-AA or anti-AP with purified protein AP and unfixed protein AA amyloid tissue as controls. We were unable to corroborate the presence of protein AA in the amyloid deposits of lattice corneal dystrophy. Although staining with antiserum to protein AP was demonstrable, the molecular configuration of this protein in stromal deposits remains to be defined.

  5. Human corneal epithelial subpopulations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Chris Bath


    Corneal epithelium is being regenerated throughout life by limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs) believed to be located in histologically defined stem cell niches in corneal limbus. Defective or dysfunctional LESCs result in limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) causing pain and decreased visual acuity...... subpopulations in human corneal epithelium using a combination of laser capture microdissection and RNA sequencing for global transcriptomic profiling. We compared dissociation cultures, using either expansion on γ-irradiated NIH/3T3 feeder cells in serum-rich medium or expansion directly on plastic in serum...

  6. Corneal collagen crosslinking and pigment dispersion syndrome. (United States)

    LaHood, Benjamin R; Moore, Sacha


    We describe the case of a keratoconus patient with pigment dispersion syndrome (PDS) who was treated for progressive corneal ectasia with corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL). Pigment dispersion syndrome has been shown to have associated morphologic changes of the corneal endothelium. Corneal CXL has the potential to cause toxicity to the corneal endothelium, and adjacent pigment might increase the likelihood of damage. In this case, the presence of PDS had no detrimental effect on the outcome of treatment, and no complications were observed at 12 months follow-up, indicating that it may be safe to perform corneal CXL in the setting of PDS. This is an important observation as the number of indications for corneal CXL grows. Copyright © 2017 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Corneal melanosis successfully treated using topical mitomycin-C and alcohol corneal epitheliectomy: a 3-year follow-up case report

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    Mehmet Balcı


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTWe report a case of primary acquired corneal melanosis without atypia associated with corneal haze in a patient with a history of limbal malignant melanoma and the effect of mitomycin-C. A 75-year-old woman with a history of limbal malignant melanoma presented with loss of vision in right eye. Corneal examination showed a patchy melanotic pigmentation with a central haze. Topical mitomycin-C improved visual acuity and corneal haze. However, the pigmented lesions persisted, and they were removed with alcohol corneal epitheliectomy. Histopathological examination demonstrated primary acquired melanosis without atypia. The lesions were successfully removed, and there were no recurrences during the follow-up period of 36 months. The association of conjunctival and corneal melanosis without atypia is a rare condition. In addition, co-existence of central corneal haze and melanosis may decrease visual acuity. Topical mitomycin-C and alcohol corneal epitheliectomy can be useful treatments in this condition.

  8. Healed corneal ulcer with keloid formation. (United States)

    Alkatan, Hind M; Al-Arfaj, Khalid M; Hantera, Mohammed; Al-Kharashi, Soliman


    We are reporting a 34-year-old Arabic white female patient who presented with a white mass covering her left cornea following multiple ocular surgeries and healed corneal ulcer. The lesion obscured further view of the iris, pupil and lens. The patient underwent penetrating keratoplasty and the histopathologic study of the left corneal button showed epithelial hyperplasia, absent Bowman's layer and subepithelial fibrovascular proliferation. The histopathologic appearance was suggestive of a corneal keloid which was supported by further ultrastructural study. The corneal graft remained clear 6 months after surgery and the patient was satisfied with the visual outcome. Penetrating keratoplasty may be an effective surgical option for corneal keloids in young adult patients.

  9. Current status of accelerated corneal cross-linking

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    Michael Mrochen


    Full Text Available Corneal cross-linking with riboflavin is a technique to stabilize or reduce corneal ectasia, in diseases such as keratoconus and post-laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK ectasia. There is an interest by patient as well as clinicians to reduce the overall treatment time. Especially, the introduction of corneal cross-linking in combination with corneal laser surgery demands a shorter treatment time to assure a sufficient patient flow. The principles and techniques of accelerated corneal cross-linking is discussed.

  10. Modificaciones de la curvatura posterior corneal después de la cirugía refractiva láser Modifications in the corneal posterior curve after laser refractive surgery

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    Lorelei Ortega Díaz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir las modificaciones de la curvatura posterior corneal en pacientes sometidos a cirugía refractiva láser en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" en el período de mayo a octubre de 2010. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo, con un universo de 257 pacientes (504 ojos sometidos a cirugía refractiva láser. La muestra quedó conformada por 31 pacientes (59 ojos. Se analizaron variables como edad, sexo, equivalente esférico, paquimetría preoperatoria, cantidad de ablación, estroma residual y diferencia de elevación posterior corneal, esta última obtenida del mapa de diferencia del topógrafo Galilei, con medición preoperatoria al mes y a los tres meses de la cirugía. Mediante análisis de regresión múltiple fueron valorados dichos cambios de la paquimetría, la cantidad de ablación y el estroma residual. RESULTADOS: El equivalente esférico, la paquimetría, la cantidad de ablación y el estroma residual se encontraron dentro de los parámetros de seguridad establecidos. La diferencia promedio de la elevación corneal posterior fue de 15,62 µm al mes y de 11,78 µm a los tres meses, con disminución significativa con el tiempo (p= 0,000. Se observó asociación con la paquimetría preoperatoria y el estroma residual, y se encontró una correlación inversa entre este último y la elevación corneal posterior a los tres meses. CONCLUSIONES: La cirugía refractiva láser induce un aumento precoz en la elevación corneal posterior, con disminución progresiva hacia el tercer mes. Los factores que más influyeron en estos cambios fueron el estroma residual y la paquimetría preoperatoria.OBJECTIVES: To describe the modifications in the corneal posterior curve in patients underwent laser refractive surgery in the "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from May to October, 2020. METHODS: A prospective, longitudinal and descriptive study was conducted

  11. Corneal Regeneration After Photorefractive Keratectomy: A Review

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    Javier Tomás-Juan


    Full Text Available Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK remodels corneal stroma to compensate refractive errors. The removal of epithelium and the ablation of stroma provoke the disruption of corneal nerves and a release of several peptides from tears, epithelium, stroma and nerves. A myriad of cytokines, growth factors, and matrix metalloproteases participate in the process of corneal wound healing. Their balance will determine if reepithelization and stromal remodeling are appropriate. The final aim is to achieve corneal transparency for restoring corneal function, and a proper visual quality. Therefore, wound-healing response is critical for a successful refractive surgery. Our goal is to provide an overview into how corneal wounding develops following PRK. We will also review the influence of intraoperative application of mitomycin C, bandage contact lenses, anti-inflammatory and other drugs in preventing corneal haze and post-PRK pain.

  12. Evaluation of subbasal nerve morphology and corneal sensation after accelerated corneal collagen cross-linking treatment on keratoconus. (United States)

    Ozgurhan, Engin Bilge; Celik, Ugur; Bozkurt, Ercument; Demirok, Ahmet


    The aim of this study was to report on the evaluation of corneal nerve fiber density and corneal sensation after accelerated corneal collagen cross-linking on keratoconus patients. The study was performed on 30 keratoconus eyes (30 participants: 16 M, 14 F; 17-32 years old) treated with accelerated collagen cross-linking for disease stabilization. Mean outcome measures were corneal sensation evaluation by Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometry and subbasal nerve fiber density assessment by corneal in vivo confocal microscopy. All corneal measurements were performed using scanning slit confocal microscopy (ConfoScan 4, Nidek Technologies, Padova, Italy). The accelerated corneal collagen cross-linking procedure was performed on 30 eyes of 30 patients (19 right, 63.3%; 11 left, 27.7%). The mean age was 23.93 ± 4. The preoperative mean keratometry, apex keratometry and pachymetry values were 47.19 ± 2.82 D, 56.79 ± 5.39 and 426.1 ± 25.6 μm, respectively. Preoperative mean corneal sensation was 56.3 ± 5.4 mm (with a range from 40 to 60 mm), it was significantly decreased at 1st and 3rd month visit and increased to preoperative values after 6th month visit. Preoperative mean of subbasal nerve fiber density measurements was 22.8 ± 9.7 nerve fiber/mm(2) (with a range of 5-45 mm), it was not still at the preoperative values at 6th month (p = 0.0001), however reached to the preoperative values at 12th month (p = 0.914). Subbasal nerve fibers could reach the preoperative values at the 12th month after accelerated corneal collagen cross-linking treatment although the corneal sensation was improved at 6th month. These findings imply that the subjective healing process is faster than the objective evaluation of the keratoconus patients' cornea treated with accelerated corneal collagen cross-linking.

  13. Corneal Reinnervation and Sensation Recovery in Patients With Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus: An In Vivo and Ex Vivo Study of Corneal Nerves. (United States)

    Cruzat, Andrea; Hamrah, Pedram; Cavalcanti, Bernardo M; Zheng, Lixin; Colby, Kathryn; Pavan-Langston, Deborah


    To study corneal reinnervation and sensation recovery in Herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO). Two patients with HZO were studied over time with serial corneal esthesiometry and laser in vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM). A Boston keratoprosthesis type 1 was implanted, and the explanted corneal tissues were examined by immunofluorescence histochemistry for βIII-tubulin to stain for corneal nerves. The initial central corneal IVCM performed in each patient showed a complete lack of the subbasal nerve plexus, which was in accordance with severe loss of sensation (0 of 6 cm) measured by esthesiometry. When IVCM was repeated 2 years later before undergoing surgery, case 1 showed a persistent lack of central subbasal nerves and sensation (0 of 6). In contrast, case 2 showed regeneration of the central subbasal nerves (4786 μm/mm) with partial recovery of corneal sensation (2.5 of 6 cm). Immunostaining of the explanted corneal button in case 1 showed no corneal nerves, whereas case 2 showed central and peripheral corneal nerves. Eight months after surgery, IVCM was again repeated in the donor tissue around the Boston keratoprosthesis in both patients to study innervation of the corneal transplant. Case 1 showed no nerves, whereas case 2 showed new nerves growing from the periphery into the corneal graft. We demonstrate that regaining corneal innervation and corneal function are possible in patients with HZO as shown by corneal sensation, IVCM, and ex vivo immunostaining, indicating zoster neural damage is not always permanent and it may recover over an extended period of time.

  14. Corneal Regeneration After Photorefractive Keratectomy: A Review. (United States)

    Tomás-Juan, Javier; Murueta-Goyena Larrañaga, Ane; Hanneken, Ludger


    Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) remodels corneal stroma to compensate refractive errors. The removal of epithelium and the ablation of stroma provoke the disruption of corneal nerves and a release of several peptides from tears, epithelium, stroma and nerves. A myriad of cytokines, growth factors, and matrix metalloproteases participate in the process of corneal wound healing. Their balance will determine if reepithelization and stromal remodeling are appropriate. The final aim is to achieve corneal transparency for restoring corneal function, and a proper visual quality. Therefore, wound-healing response is critical for a successful refractive surgery. Our goal is to provide an overview into how corneal wounding develops following PRK. We will also review the influence of intraoperative application of mitomycin C, bandage contact lenses, anti-inflammatory and other drugs in preventing corneal haze and post-PRK pain. Copyright © 2014 Spanish General Council of Optometry. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  15. Cefalea por uso excesivo de analgésicos en Bucaramanga, Colombia: Prevalencia y factores asociados


    Rueda-Sánchez, Mauricio


    Introducción : el uso de analgésicos es frecuente en pacientes con cefalea; sin embargo no hay datos sobre la prevalencia de la cefalea por uso excesivo de medicaciones (CUEM) en Colombia. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de CUEM en Bucaramanga-Colombia y los factores asociados a este consumo. Se realizó un estudio de prevalencia mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado en habitantes de Bucaramanga seleccionados al azar. Las comparaciones se realizaron mediante la prueba t o el chi (χ2)i ...

  16. Corneal laceration caused by river crab

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    Vinuthinee N


    Full Text Available Naidu Vinuthinee,1,2 Anuar Azreen-Redzal,1 Jaafar Juanarita,1 Embong Zunaina2 1Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar, 2Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Malaysia Abstract: A 5-year-old boy presented with right eye pain associated with tearing and photophobia of 1-day duration. He gave a history of playing with a river crab when suddenly the crab clamped his fingers. He attempted to fling the crab off, but the crab flew and hit his right eye. Ocular examination revealed a right eye corneal ulcer with clumps of fibrin located beneath the corneal ulcer and 1.6 mm level of hypopyon. At presentation, the Seidel test was negative, with a deep anterior chamber. Culture from the corneal scrapping specimen grew Citrobacter diversus and Proteus vulgaris, and the boy was treated with topical gentamicin and ceftazidime eyedrops. Fibrin clumps beneath the corneal ulcer subsequently dislodged, and revealed a full-thickness corneal laceration wound with a positive Seidel test and shallow anterior chamber. The patient underwent emergency corneal toileting and suturing. Postoperatively, he was treated with oral ciprofloxacin 250 mg 12-hourly for 1 week, topical gentamicin, ceftazidime, and dexamethasone eyedrops for 4 weeks. Right eye vision improved to 6/9 and 6/6 with pinhole at the 2-week follow-up following corneal suture removal. Keywords: corneal ulcer, pediatric trauma, ocular injury

  17. Obesidad pediátrica y factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos asociados

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    Lourdes María Pérez Clemente

    Full Text Available Introducción: la obesidad está asociada a eventos cardiovasculares fundamentalmente en adultos, sin embargo, los factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos, a menudo, están presentes desde la infancia y la adolescencia. Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos en niños y adolescentes obesos. Métodos: se presenta un estudio observacional, prospectivo en 202 niños y adolescentes obesos procedentes de consultas de Endocrinología de los hospitales pediátricos de La Habana, remitidos a consulta de referencia del Hospital Pediátrico Centro Habana, durante el periodo enero-2010 a enero-2012. Al total de pacientes se les realizó una encuesta de antecedentes, factores de riesgo y mediciones físicas (peso, talla, circunferencia de cintura y tensión arterial. Se determinaron niveles séricos de colesterol, triglicéridos, colesterol transportado por lipoproteínas de alta densidad, glucemia e insulina en ayunas. Se determinó microalbuminuria como marcador de daño vascular. Se identificaron los factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos, y se correlacionaron con la microalbuminuria. Se empleó el programa estadístico SPSS 13.0 para su análisis. Resultados: se encontró que los niveles bajos de colesterol transportado por lipoproteínas de alta densidad, el síndrome metabólico, la resistencia insulínica, la hipertrigliceridemia, la hipertensión arterial y la hipercolesterolemia fueron los factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos más frecuentemente asociados a la obesidad. El factor de riesgo asociado de manera significativa a la microalbuminuria fue la hipertensión arterial. Conclusiones: los factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos asociados a la obesidad pueden ser identificados en edades tempranas de la vida.

  18. Visual outcome after corneal transplantation for corneal perforation and iris prolapse in 37 horses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Michala de Linde; Plummer, C. E.; Mangan, B.


    We wanted to investigate the visual outcome of horses presented with iris prolapse and treated with corneal transplantation.......We wanted to investigate the visual outcome of horses presented with iris prolapse and treated with corneal transplantation....

  19. Corneal iron ring after conductive keratoplasty. (United States)

    Kymionis, George D; Naoumidi, Tatiana L; Aslanides, Ioannis M; Pallikaris, Ioannis G


    To report formation of corneal iron ring deposits after conductive keratoplasty. Observational case report. Case report. A 54-year-old woman underwent conductive keratoplasty for hyperopia. One year after conductive keratoplasty, iron ring pattern pigmentation was detected at the corneal epithelium of both eyes. This is the first report of the appearance of corneal iron ring deposits following conductive keratoplasty treatment in a patient. It is suggested that alterations in tear film stability, resulting from conductive keratoplasty-induced changes in corneal curvature, constitute the contributory factor for these deposits.

  20. Explore the full thick layer of corneal transplantation in the treatment of pseudomonas aeruginosa corneal ulcer infection

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    Xin Wang


    Full Text Available AIM: To explore the feasibility, safety and effect of the full-thickness lamellar keratoplasty for the treatment of pseudomonas aeruginosa corneal ulcer. METHODS: Based on a retrospective non-controlled study, 25 patients were given the full-thickness lamellar keratoplasty for clinical diagnosis of pseudomonas aeruginosa infection and corneal ulcer medication conventional anti-gram-negative bacteria. Routine follow-up were carried out at postoperative 1wk; 1, 3, 6, 12, 18mo to observe the situation of corneal epithelial healing, recurrent infection, immune rejection, graft transparency and best corrected visual acuity, etc. At the 6 and 12mo postoperative, corneal endothelial cell density was reexamined.RESULTS: No patients because of Descemet's membrane rupture underwent penetrating keratoplasty surgery: One only in cases of bacterial infection after 1mo, once again did not cultivate a culture of bacteria pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the remaining 24 cases average follow-up 14±6mo, corneal graft were transparent, the cure rate was 96%. At the sixth month after surgery, there were 16 cases of eye surgery best corrected visual acuity ≥4.5, of which 3 cases ≥4.8. At the sixth month after surgery, the average corneal endothelial cell density 2 425±278/mm2; At 12mo postoperatively, it was 2 257± 326/mm2.CONCLUSION: Full-thickness lamellar keratoplasty is an effective method of pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in the treatment of corneal ulcers, corneal drying material glycerol can be achieved by visual effects.

  1. Contact Lens Related Corneal Ulcer


    Loh, KY; Agarwal, P


    A corneal ulcer caused by infection is one of the major causes of blindness worldwide. One of the recent health concerns is the increasing incidence of corneal ulcers associated with contact lens user especially if the users fail to follow specific instruction in using their contact lenses. Risk factors associated with increased risk of contact lens related corneal ulcers are: overnight wear, long duration of continuous wear, lower socio-economic classes, smoking, dry eye and poor hygiene. Th...

  2. Riboflavin for corneal cross-linking. (United States)

    O'Brart, D P S


    Corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) with riboflavin and ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation is the first therapeutic modality that appears to arrest the progression of keratoconus and other corneal ectasias. Riboflavin is central to the process, acting as a photosensitizer for the production of oxygen singlets and riboflavin triplets. These free radicals drive the CXL process within the proteins of the corneal stroma, altering its biomechanical properties. Riboflavin also absorbs the majority of the UVA radiation, which is potentially cytotoxic and mutagenic, within the anterior stroma, preventing damage to internal ocular structures, such as the corneal endothelium, lens and retina. Clinical studies report cessation of ectatic progression in over 90% of cases and the majority document significant improvements in visual, keratometric and topographic parameters. Clinical follow-up is limited to 5-10 years, but suggests sustained stability and enhancement in corneal shape. Sight-threatening complications are rare. The optimal stromal riboflavin dosage for CXL is as yet undetermined. Copyright 2016 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.

  3. Chlorpromazine-induced corneal endothelial phototoxicity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hull, D.S.; Csukas, S.; Green, K.


    Chlorpromazine, which has been used extensively for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, is known to accumulate in the posterior corneal stroma, lens, and uveal tract. Because it is a phototoxic compound, the potential exists for it to cause cellular damage after light exposure. Specular microscopic perfusion of corneal endothelial cells in darkness with 0.5 mM chlorpromazine HCl resulted in a swelling rate of 18 +/- 2 micrometer/hr, whereas corneas exposed to long-wavelength ultraviolet light for 3 min in the presence of 0.5 mM chlorpromazine swelled at 37 +/- 9 micrometer/hr (p less than 0.01). Preirradiation of 0.5 mM chlorpromazine solution with ultraviolet light for 30 min and subsequent corneal perfusion with the solution resulted in a corneal swelling rate of 45 +/- 19 micrometer/hr. Cornea endothelial cells perfused with 0.5 mM chlorpromazine that was preirradiated with ultraviolet light showed marked swelling on scanning electron microscopic examination, whereas those perfused with nonirradiated chlorpromazine were flat and showed a normal mosaic pattern. Combining either 500 U/ml catalase or 290 U/ml superoxide dismutase with chlorpromazine did not alter photoinduction of corneal swelling. The data suggest that corneal endothelial chlorpromazine phototoxicity is secondary to cytotoxic products resulting from the photodynamically induced decomposition of chlorpromazine and is not caused by hydrogen peroxide or superoxide anion generated during the phototoxic reaction

  4. Corneal Neurotoxicity Due to Topical Benzalkonium Chloride


    Sarkar, Joy; Chaudhary, Shweta; Namavari, Abed; Ozturk, Okan; Chang, Jin-Hong; Yco, Lisette; Sonawane, Snehal; Khanolkar, Vishakha; Hallak, Joelle; Jain, Sandeep


    Topical application of benzalkonium chloride (BAK) to the eye causes dose-related corneal neurotoxicity. Corneal inflammation and reduction in aqueous tear production accompany neurotoxicity. Cessation of BAK treatment leads to recovery of corneal nerve density.

  5. Corneal thickness in dry eyes in an Iraqi population


    Ali,Noora Mauwafak; Hamied,Furkaan M; Farhood,Qasim K


    Noora Mauwafak Ali,1 Furkaan M Hamied,1 Qasim K Farhood2 1Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Al-Qadisiya University, Diwaniyah, 2Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Babylon, Hillah, Iraq Background: Dry eye disorder is a multifactorial disease of the tears and ocular surface that results in discomfort and visual disturbance. Corneal pachymetry becomes increasingly important in refractive surgery, for the accurate assessment of intraocular pressure, and in the ...

  6. Long-term outcomes of wedge resection at the limbus for high irregular corneal astigmatism after repaired corneal laceration

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    Jun Du


    Full Text Available AIM: To evaluate the clinical value of wedge resection at corneal limbus in patients with traumatic corneal scarring and high irregular astigmatism. METHODS: Patients with traumatic corneal astigmatism received wedge resection at least 6mo after suture removal from corneal wound. The uncorrected distance visual acuities (UCVA and best corrected distance visual acuities (BCVA, pre- and post-operation astigmatism, spherical equivalent (SE, safety and complications were evaluated. RESULTS: Ten eyes (10 patients were enrolled in this study. Mean follow-up time after wedge resection was 37.8±15.4mo (range, 20-61mo. The mean UCVA improved from +1.07±0.55 logMAR to +0.43±0.22 logMAR (P=0.000 and the mean BCVA from +0.50±0.30 logMAR to +0.15±0.17 logMAR (P=0.000. The mean astigmatism power measured by retinoscopy was -2.03±2.27 D postoperatively and -2.83±4.52 D preoperatively (P=0.310. The mean SE was -0.74±1.61 D postoperatively and -0.64±1.89 D preoperatively (P=0.601. Two cases developed mild pannus near the sutures. No corneal perforation, infectious keratitis or wound gape occurred. CONCLUSION: Corneal-scleral limbal wedge resection with compression suture is a safe, effective treatment for poor patients with high irregular corneal astigmatism after corneal-scleral penetrating injury. Retinoscopy can prove particularly useful for high irregular corneal astigmatism when other measurements are not amenable.

  7. Induction of corneal collagen cross-linking in experimental corneal alkali burns in rabbits

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    Marcello Colombo-Barboza


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the effect of riboflavin-ultraviolet-A-induced cross-linking (CXL following corneal alkali burns in rabbits. Methods: The right corneas and limbi of ten rabbits were burned using a 1N solution of NaOH and the animals were then divided into two groups: a control group submitted to clinical treatment alone and an experimental group that was treated 1 h after injury with CXL, followed by the same clinical treatment as administered to the controls. Clinical parameters were evaluated post-injury at 1, 7, 15, and 30 days by two independent observers. Following this evaluation, the corneas were excised and examined histologically. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in clinical parameters, such as hyperemia, corneal edema, ciliary injection, limbal ischemia, secretion, corneal neovascularization, symblepharon, or blepharospasm, at any of the time-points evaluated. However, the size of the epithelial defect was significantly smaller in the CXL group (p<0.05 (day 15: p=0.008 and day 30: p=0.008 and the extent of the corneal injury (opacity lesion was also smaller (day 30: p=0.021. Histopathology showed the presence of collagen bridges linking the collagen fibers in only the CXL group. Conclusions: These results suggest that the use of CXL may improve the prognosis of acute corneal alkali burns.

  8. Construction of Anterior Hemi-Corneal Equivalents Using Nontransfected Human Corneal Cells and Transplantation in Dog Models. (United States)

    Xu, Bin; Song, Zhan; Fan, Tingjun


    Tissue-engineered human anterior hemi-cornea (TE-aHC) is a promising equivalent for treating anterior lamellar keratopathy to surmount the severe shortage of donated corneas. This study was intended to construct a functional TE-aHC with nontransfected human corneal stromal (ntHCS) and epithelial (ntHCEP) cells using acellular porcine corneal stromata (aPCS) as a carrier scaffold, and evaluate its biological functions in a dog model. To construct a TE-aHC, ntHCS cells were injected into an aPCS scaffold and cultured for 3 days; then, ntHCEP cells were inoculated onto the Bowman's membrane of the scaffold and cultured for 5 days under air-liquid interface condition. After its morphology and histological structure were characterized, the constructed TE-aHC was transplanted into dog eyes via lamellar keratoplasty. The corneal transparency, thickness, intraocular pressure, epithelial integrity, and corneal regeneration were monitored in vivo, and the histological structure and histochemical property were examined ex vivo 360 days after surgery, respectively. The results showed that the constructed TE-aHC was highly transparent and composed of a corneal epithelium of 7-8 layer ntHCEP cells and a corneal stroma of regularly aligned collagen fibers and well-preserved glycosaminoglycans with sparsely distributed ntHCS cells, mimicking a normal anterior hemi-cornea (aHC). Moreover, both ntHCEP and ntHCS cells maintained positive expression of their marker and functional proteins. After transplantation into dog eyes, the constructed TE-aHC acted naturally in terms of morphology, structure and inherent property, and functioned well in maintaining corneal clarity, thickness, normal histological structure, and composition in dog models by reconstructing a normal aHC, which could be used as a promising aHC equivalent in corneal regenerative medicine and aHC disorder therapy. © 2017 International Center for Artificial Organs and Transplantation and Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Diversidad de los Hongos Micorrízicos Arbusculares asociados a plantas de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.), en un agroecosistema del Estado de Michoacán.




    Se realizó un estudio para identificar las especies de hongos micorrizógenos arbusculares (HMA) asociados al suelo y al interior de las raíces de plantas de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) en una huerta denominada las Parrillas en la región aguacatera del Estado de Michoacán, México. Cinco árboles de aguacate establecidos en un diseño completamente al azar fueron muestreados, mostrando altos porcentajes de colonización micorrízica al interior de las raíces (>94%) sin prese...

  10. Corneal Toxicity Following Exposure to Asclepias Tuberosa


    Mikkelsen, Lauge Hjorth; Hamoudi, Hassan; G?l, Cigdem Altuntas; Heegaard, Steffen


    PURPOSE: To present a case of corneal toxicity following exposure to milky plant latex from Asclepias tuberosa.METHODS: A 70-year-old female presented with blurred vision and pain in her left eye after handling an Ascepias tuberosa. Clinical examination revealed a corneal stromal oedema with small epithelial defects. The corneal endothelium was intact and folds in Descemets membrane were observed. The oedema was treated with chloramphenicol, dexamethasone and scopolamine.RESULTS: The corneal ...

  11. Corneal hydrops induced by Bell’s paralysis in a case of corneal ectasia

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    Lokman Aslan


    Full Text Available An 18-year-old male patient presented with suddenly decreased vision, itching, corneal edema and an inability to close the left eye. They had left Bell’s paralysis for two weeks and had used high diopter glasses for five years. The best corrected visual acuity was 0.4 in their right eye and counting fingers in the left eye. Biomicroscopic examination revealed thinning and steepening of the cornea in the right eye and anterior protrusion of the cornea, stromal edema and punctate disruption of the epithelium in the left eye. Topographic image of the right eye was consistent with keratoconus. Six months later, stromal edema gradually regressed and a corneal scar ensued. This case presentation emphasizes that Bell’s palsy may induce disease progression in a patient with preexisting corneal ectasia and results in corneal hydrops. [Arch Clin Exp Surg 2017; 6(3.000: 165-167

  12. Factores asociados a síndrome de aspiracion meconial en el hospital José Cayetano Heredia. Piura-Perú

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    Nelson David Purizaca Rosillo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar los principales factores de riesgo en recién nacidos asociados a la presencia de síndrome de aspiración meconial (SAM. Métodos: Estudio de casos y controles realizado en el Hospital José Cayetano Heredia EsSALUD – Piura. La población estuvo conformada por el registro de las historias clínicas de los años 2009-2011. Se definió como caso a los recién nacidos con diagnóstico de SAM y como controles a los 3 recién nacidos siguientes inmediatos al caso que hayan presentado líquido amniótico meconial en el parto. Las variables consideradas fueron las características del líquido meconial, datos del recién nacido (género, peso al nacer, edad gestacional, apgar al minuto y frecuencia cardiaca, datos del parto(tipo de parto, presencia de patología obstétrica y datos de la madre(edad, paridad y grado de instrucción. Se utilizó el OR con un intervalo de confianza del 95% para la medición de riesgo, se aplicó la prueba de chi cuadrado. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el software SPSS 18.0. Resultados: Las variables con significancia estadística asociados a SAM fueron: presencia de líquido amniótico meconial espeso (OR=12, IC95% 3.91 - 36.83, Apgar  7 (OR=22.48, IC95% 6.62 - 76.31 y número de partos > 4 (OR=6.18, IC95% 1.34-28.48. Conclusión: Los factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de SAM fueron: líquido meconial espeso, Apgar 4. Se recomienda un mayor registro de todos los datos no sólo del recién nacido, sino también del parto y la madre.

  13. Corneal modeling for analysis of photorefractive keratectomy (United States)

    Della Vecchia, Michael A.; Lamkin-Kennard, Kathleen


    Procedurally, excimer photorefractive keratectomy is based on the refractive correction of composite spherical and cylindrical ophthalmic errors of the entire eye. These refractive errors are inputted for correction at the corneal plane and for the properly controlled duration and location of laser energy. Topography is usually taken to correspondingly monitor spherical and cylindrical corneorefractive errors. While a corneal topographer provides surface morphologic information, the keratorefractive photoablation is based on the patient's spherical and cylindrical spectacle correction. Topography is at present not directly part of the procedural deterministic parameters. Examination of how corneal curvature at each of the keratometric reference loci affect the shape of the resultant corneal photoablated surface may enhance the accuracy of the desired correction. The objective of this study was to develop a methodology to utilize corneal topography for construction of models depicting pre- and post-operative keratomorphology for analysis of photorefractive keratectomy. Multiple types of models were developed then recreated in optical design software for examination of focal lengths and other optical characteristics. The corneal models were developed using data extracted from the TMS I corneal modeling system (Computed Anatomy, New York, NY). The TMS I does not allow for manipulation of data or differentiation of pre- and post-operative surfaces within its platform, thus models needed to be created for analysis. The data were imported into Matlab where 3D models, surface meshes, and contour plots were created. The data used to generate the models were pre- and post-operative curvatures, heights from the corneal apes, and x-y positions at 6400 locations on the corneal surface. Outlying non-contributory points were eliminated through statistical operations. Pre- and post- operative models were analyzed to obtain the resultant changes in the corneal surfaces during PRK

  14. Factores Asociados a la Dismenorrea Primaria en Mujeres Atendidas en el Hospital de la Solidaridad de San Juan de Lurigancho 2014.


    Ticlla Vargas, Mery


    Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a la dismenorrea primaria en mujeres atendidas en el Hospital de la Solidaridad de San Juan de Lurigancho, 2014. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional, corte transversal, colección de los datos tipo retrospectivo, al nivel explicativo, tipo de diseño caso-control, en el cual participaron 40 mujeres atendidas en el Hospital de la Solidaridad de San Juan de Lurigancho, 2014 basado en una encuesta anónima aplicada a la una muestra al...

  15. Late onset corneal ectasia after LASIK surgery. (United States)

    Said, Ashraf; Hamade, Issam H; Tabbara, Khalid F


    To report late onset corneal ectasia following myopic LASIK. A retrospective cohort case series. Nineteen patients with late onset corneal ectasia following LASIK procedure were examined at The Eye Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Patients underwent LASIK for myopia with spherical equivalent ranging from -1.4 to -13.75 diopters. Age and gender, history of systemic or local diseases, and time of onset of corneal ectasia were recorded. Eye examination and corneal topographical analyses were done before and after LASIK surgery. Nineteen patients (29 eyes) with late onset corneal ectasia were identified from 1998 to 2008 in 13 male and six female patients. The mean follow-up period was 108 ± 23 months (range 72-144 months). No patient had pre-operative identifiable risk factors for corneal ectasia and the mean time of onset was 57 ± 24 months (range 24-120 months after LASIK). The pre-operative values included mean central pachymetry 553 ± 25 μm, mean keratometry reading of 42.9 ± 1.5 diopters, average oblique cylinder of 1.4 ± 1.2 diopters, posterior surface elevation of 26 ± 2.1 diopters, corneal flap thickness of 160 μm, mean spherical equivalent of -5.6 ± 3.6 diopters, and calculated residual corneal stromal bed thickness was 288 ± 35 μm. Three (5 eyes) patients developed ectasia after pregnancy. Three (4 eyes) patients developed corneal ectasia following severe adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis and had positive PCR for adenovirus type 8. Corneal ectasia may develop many years after LASIK surgery and symptoms could go undetected for some time. Pregnancy and adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis occurred post-operatively in six patients.

  16. Trastornos temporomandibulares en adictos al qat


    Orlando Guerra Cobián; Raúl J Pupo Triguero; Humberto Sarracent Pérez; Kirenia M Rabilero Salgado


    Introducción: los trastornos temporomandibulares se asocian frecuentemente al hábito de masticar qat, pero se carece de estudios que detallan sus particularidades, por lo que se realiza este trabajo, con los objetivos de determinar la prevalencia de trastornos temporomandibulares en pacientes adictos al qat, identificar los hallazgos clínicos- radiográficos asociados y clasificar los trastornos temporomandibulares presentes en la población estudiada. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo...

  17. Designing Hydrogel Adhesives for Corneal Wound Repair (United States)

    Grinstaff, Mark W.


    Today, corneal wounds are repaired using nylon sutures. Yet there are a number of complications associated with suturing the cornea, and thus there is interest in an adhesive to replace or supplement sutures in the repair of corneal wounds. We are designing and evaluating corneal adhesives prepared from dendrimers – single molecular weight, highly branched polymers. We have explored two strategies to form these ocular adhesives. The first involves a photocrosslinking reaction and the second uses a peptide ligation reactions to couple the individual dendrimers together to from the adhesive. These adhesives were successfully used to repair corneal perforations, close the flap produced in a LASIK procedure, and secure a corneal transplant. PMID:17889330

  18. Granular corneal dystrophy Groenouw type I (GrI) and Reis-Bücklers' corneal dystrophy (R-B). One entity? (United States)

    Møller, H U


    This paper maintains that Reis-Bücklers' corneal dystrophy and granular corneal dystrophy Groenouw type I are one and the same disease. Included are some of the technically best photographs of Reis-Bücklers' dystrophy found in the literature, and these are compared with photographs from patients with granular corneal dystrophy examined by the author. It is argued that most of the histological and ultrastructural findings on Reis Bücklers' dystrophy described in the literature are either congruent with what is found in granular corneal dystrophy or unspecific.

  19. Using corneal confocal microscopy to track changes in the corneal layers of dry eye patients after autologous serum treatment. (United States)

    Mahelkova, Gabriela; Jirsova, Katerina; Seidler Stangova, Petra; Palos, Michalis; Vesela, Viera; Fales, Ivan; Jiraskova, Nada; Dotrelova, Dagmar


    In vivo corneal confocal microscopy allows the examination of each layer of the cornea in detail and the identification of pathological changes at the cellular level. The purpose of this study was to identify the possible effects of a three-month treatment with autologous serum eye-drops in different corneal layers of patients with severe dry eye disease using corneal confocal microscopy. Twenty-six patients with dry eye disease were included in the study. Corneal fluorescein staining was performed. The corneas of the right eyes were examined using in vivo corneal confocal microscopy before and after a three-month treatment with autologous serum drops. The densities of superficial and basal epithelial cells, Langerhans cells, the keratocytes and activated keratocytes, the density of endothelial cells and the status of the sub-basal nerve plexus fibres were evaluated. A significant decrease in corneal fluorescein staining was found after the three-month autologous serum treatment (p = 0.0006). The basal epithelial cell density decreased significantly (p = 0.001), while the density of superficial epithelial cells did not change significantly (p = 0.473) nor did the number of Langerhans cells or activated keratocytes (p = 0.223; p = 0.307, respectively). There were no differences in the other corneal cell layers or in the status of the nerve fibres. The results demonstrate the ability of corneal confocal microscopy to evaluate an improvement in the basal epithelial cell layer of the cornea after autologous serum treatment in patients with dry eye disease. More studies with longer follow-up periods are needed to elucidate the suitability of corneal confocal microscopy to follow the effect of autologous serum treatment on nerve fibres or other corneal layers in dry eye disease patients. © 2016 Optometry Australia.

  20. Factores de riesgo asociados a osteopenia del prematuro en una terapia intensiva neonatal de referencia


    MP Ríos-Moreno; MP Salinas-López ,; NB Pérez-Ornelas ,; TL Barajas-Serrano; JC Barrera-de León


    INTRODUCCIÓN: la enfermedad ósea metabólica del prematuro resulta de la desmineralización ósea. Existen factores que deben vigilarse con la finalidad de realizar diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano. OBJETIVO: determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a osteopenia en prematuros. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: estudio transversal comparativo de octubre del 2011 a octubre del 2013. Se incluyeron 120 prematuros < 37 semanas gestacionales, ≤ 1,500 gramos al nacer y ≥ 21 días. Diagnóstico de la enf...

  1. Incidencia y factores asociados al síndrome sibilante del lactante, Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga, Colombia Incidence and associated factors to wheezing in infants, Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area, Colombia

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    Sandra Janneth Moreno


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los cuadros broncoobstructivos en lactantes son causa frecuente de consulta a servicios ambulatorios, acudir a urgencias u hospitalización. Se presentan en forma recurrente o recidivante, con secuelas a largo plazo. Objetivo: Establecer la incidencia y los factores asociados para desarrollar síndrome sibilante (SS y su recurrencia durante los dos primeros años de vida. Metodología: Estudio retrospectivo de cohorte. Se indagó sobre presencia de sibilancias, edad de la primera crisis, eventos en los primeros dos años de vida, y aspectos reconocidos previamente como factores de riesgo. Se estimó tasa de incidencia y probabilidad de estar libre de SS a los dos años, así como los factores asociados con la presencia de SS recurrente y no recurrente. Resultados: Se estudiaron 139 varones y 159 niñas residentes en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga, Colombia. La tasa de incidencia a dos años es de 1,22 episodios/100 meses-persona (IC95% 0,97-1,47, con probabilidad de llegar al segundo cumpleaños sin SS es 67,0% (IC95% 60,7 a 72,4%. Los factores asociados con SS no recurrente fueron historia familiar de rinitis (RR 2,56 o asma (RR 2,11, y convivir con fumadores (RR 2,00; SS recurrente fueron historia familiar de rinitis (RR 8,79 o asma (RR 3,43, consumo de alimentos alergénicos (RR 6,82, asfixia perinatal (RR 6,36, asistir al jardín infantil (RR 3,37 y convivir con menores de 10 años (RR 1,63. Discusión: La incidencia de SS es similar a la encontrada en países desarrollados. Muchos factores asociados son prevenibles, que de intervenirse ayudaría a disminuir el riesgo de que los lactantes enfermen o que recurran. Salud UIS 2011; 43 (2: 131-140Introduction: Bronchoobstructive disease in infants is frequent cause of assistance to primary and emergency services, and hospitalization, too. These are recurrent or non-recurrent, with long-term sequelae. Objective: To establish the incidence and associated factors for

  2. Anatomical characterization of central, apical and minimal corneal thickness

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    Federico Saenz-Frances


    Full Text Available AIM: To anatomically locate the points of minimum corneal thickness and central corneal thickness (pupil center in relation to the corneal apex.METHODS: Observational, cross-sectional study, 299 healthy volunteers. Thickness at the corneal apex (AT, minimum corneal thickness (MT and corneal thickness at the pupil center (PT were determined using the pentacam. Distances from the corneal apex to MT (MD and PT (PD were calculated and their quadrant position (taking the corneal apex as the reference determined:point of minimum thickness (MC and point of central thickness (PC depending on the quadrant position. Two multivariate linear regression models were constructed to examine the influence of age, gender, power of the flattest and steepest corneal axes, position of the flattest axis, corneal volume (determined using the Pentacam and PT on MD and PD. The effects of these variables on MC and PC were also determined in two multinomial regression models.RESULTS: MT was located at a mean distance of 0.909 mm from the apex (79.4% in the inferior-temporal quadrant. PT was located at a mean distance of 0.156 mm from the apex. The linear regression model for MD indicated it was significantly influenced by corneal volume (B=-0.024; 95%CI:-0.043 to -0.004. No significant relations were identified in the linear regression model for PD or the multinomial logistic regressions for MC and PC.CONCLUSION: MT was typically located at the inferior-temporal quadrant of the cornea and its distance to the corneal apex tended to decrease with the increment of corneal volume.

  3. Progress in corneal wound healing (United States)

    Ljubimov, Alexander V.; Saghizadeh, Mehrnoosh


    Corneal wound healing is a complex process involving cell death, migration, proliferation, differentiation, and extracellular matrix remodeling. Many similarities are observed in the healing processes of corneal epithelial, stromal and endothelial cells, as well as cell-specific differences. Corneal epithelial healing largely depends on limbal stem cells and remodeling of the basement membrane. During stromal healing, keratocytes get transformed to motile and contractile myofibroblasts largely due to activation of transforming growth factor-β system. Endothelial cells heal mostly by migration and spreading, with cell proliferation playing a secondary role. In the last decade, many aspects of wound healing process in different parts of the cornea have been elucidated, and some new therapeutic approaches have emerged. The concept of limbal stem cells received rigorous experimental corroboration, with new markers uncovered and new treatment options including gene and microRNA therapy tested in experimental systems. Transplantation of limbal stem cell-enriched cultures for efficient re-epithelialization in stem cell deficiency and corneal injuries has become reality in clinical setting. Mediators and course of events during stromal healing have been detailed, and new treatment regimens including gene (decorin) and stem cell therapy for excessive healing have been designed. This is a very important advance given the popularity of various refractive surgeries entailing stromal wound healing. Successful surgical ways of replacing the diseased endothelium have been clinically tested, and new approaches to accelerate endothelial healing and suppress endothelial-mesenchymal transformation have been proposed including Rho kinase (ROCK) inhibitor eye drops and gene therapy to activate TGF-β inhibitor SMAD7. Promising new technologies with potential for corneal wound healing manipulation including microRNA, induced pluripotent stem cells to generate corneal epithelium, and

  4. Preliminary study of the correlation between refractive error and corneal refractive power, corneal asphericity in myopic eye

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    Qi-Chao Han


    Full Text Available AIM: To investigate the correlation between myopic refractive error and relative factors, including the corneal refractive power, posterior refractive power, axial length, corneal asphericity coefficient Q value, central cornea thickness(CCTand intraocular pressure(IOP. METHODS:According to the degree of myopia measured by subjective refraction, 138 myopia patients were divided into three subgroups: mild group(-1.00D--3.00D, moderate group(-3.25D--6.00D, high group(>6.00D. The Pentacam anterior segment tomographer(Germany, Oculus Companywas used to measure the corneal refractive power, posterior refractive power, and corneal asphericity in the right eye. IOP, CCT and axial length were measured by a non-contact tonometer and A-scan ultrasonic, respectively. The data was analyzed with a Pearson correlation analysis and one-way ANOVA. RESULTS: The myopic refractive error was negatively correlated with the axial length(r=-0.682, Pr=0.009, P=0.925. The axial length was negatively correlated with corneal refractive power(r=-0.554, Pr=0.674, Pr=-0.375, P=0.01. There was no significantly correlation between the myopic refractive error and CCT, IOP(r=-0.138, P=0.141; r=-0.121, P=0.157. CONCLUSION:The corneal refractive power plays the role of emmetropization during the development of myopia. There is clinic significance for the correlation between Q value and refractive error, IOP to guide the corneal refractive surgery.

  5. Application of Novel Drugs for Corneal Cell Regeneration

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    Sang Beom Han


    Full Text Available Corneal transplantation has been the only treatment method for corneal blindness, which is the major cause of reversible blindness. However, despite the advancement of surgical techniques for corneal transplantation, demand for the surgery can never be met due to a global shortage of donor cornea. The development of bioengineering and pharmaceutical technology provided us with novel drugs and biomaterials that can be used for innovative treatment methods for corneal diseases. In this review, the authors will discuss the efficacy and safety of pharmacologic therapies, such as Rho-kinase (ROCK inhibitors, blood-derived products, growth factors, and regenerating agent on corneal cell regeneration. The promising results of these agents suggest that these can be viable options for corneal reconstruction and visual rehabilitation.

  6. Factores asociados al bajo peso al nacer

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    Georgina J Peraza Roque


    Full Text Available El bajo peso al nacer (BPN ha constituido un enigma en la ciencia a través de los tiempos. Múltiples son las investigaciones realizadas acerca de las causas que lo producen y las consecuencias que provoca. Su importancia no solo radica en lo que significa en la morbilidad y la mortalidad infantil, sino que estos niños tienen habitualmente múltiples problemas posteriores. El Programa para la Reducción del BPN señala que los niños nacidos con un peso inferior a los 2 500 g presentan riesgo de mortalidad 14 veces mayor durante el primer año de vida, en comparación con los niños que nacen con un peso normal a término. Dentro de los factores de riesgo del BPN se han encontrado con mayor frecuencia en estudios realizados por diferentes autores, los siguientes: el embarazo en la adolescencia, la desnutrición en la madre, el hábito de fumar, la hipertensión arterial durante el embarazo, la sepsis cervicovaginal, la anemia y los embarazos gemelares, entre otros. Es innegable la influencia que el BPN tiene sobre las futuras generaciones, por lo que debe constituir la diana de los esfuerzos que el médico y la enfermera deben desarrollar en su prevención, sobre todo en la comunidadLow birth weight has been an enigma for Science through times. A lot of research works have been carried out about its causes and consequences. The importance of LBW not only lies in its meaning for infant mortality and morbidity but also in the many problems that low birth weight children regularly face in the future. The program for the reduction of LBW points out that newborns weighing under 2500g have during his/her first year of life a mortality risk 14 times higher than newborns with a normal weight at term. Among the low birth weight risk factors, a number of studies by various authors have frequently found the following; pregnancy at adolescence; undernourishment in mothers, smoking, blood hypertension during pregnancy, cervix-vaginal sepsis; anemia, twin

  7. Prevalencia y factores asociados a desnutrición hospitalaria en un hospital general: Perú, 2012


    L. E. Veramendi-Espinoza; J. H. Zafra-Tanaka; O. Salazar-Saavedra; J. E. Basilio-Flores; E. Millones-Sánchez; G. A. Pérez-Casquino; L. M. Quispe-Moore; M. E. Tapia-Vicente; D. I. Ticona-Rebagliati; N. B. Asato; L. Quispe-Calderón; H. J. Ruiz García; A. Chia-Gil; D. E. Rey-Rodríguez; B. T. Surichaqui


    Introducción: La desnutrición hospitalaria es un problema prevalente que genera mayor morbi-mortalidad, peor respuesta al tratamiento, mayor estancia y costo hospitalario. Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y factores asociados a desnutrición hospitalaria en un hospital general peruano. Métodos: Estudio analítico transversal de 211 pacientes en servicios de Medicina y Cirugía. Se analizó variables demográficas, clínicas e indicadores antropométricos. El análisis multivariado fue de regresió...

  8. Marcadores moleculares asociados a la Capacidad de Retención de Agua (CRA) en carne de Bos indicus y sus cruces


    Leal Gutiérrez, Joel David


    La Capacidad de Retención de Agua (CRA) es una de las características de la carne con mayor efecto sobre la rentabilidad del sector, al estar asociada a las mermas y a la jugosidad. Los objetivos principales son: resaltar la importancia de la CRA de la carne de bovino, evaluar el desempeño de estos parámetros según los factores tiempo de maduración y cruce de los animales y establecer polimorfismos en genes candidatos asociados al parámetro evaluado. Varios genes y sus polimorfismos han sido ...

  9. Generation of corneal epithelial cells from induced pluripotent stem cells derived from human dermal fibroblast and corneal limbal epithelium.

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    Ryuhei Hayashi

    Full Text Available Induced pluripotent stem (iPS cells can be established from somatic cells. However, there is currently no established strategy to generate corneal epithelial cells from iPS cells. In this study, we investigated whether corneal epithelial cells could be differentiated from iPS cells. We tested 2 distinct sources: human adult dermal fibroblast (HDF-derived iPS cells (253G1 and human adult corneal limbal epithelial cells (HLEC-derived iPS cells (L1B41. We first established iPS cells from HLEC by introducing the Yamanaka 4 factors. Corneal epithelial cells were successfully induced from the iPS cells by the stromal cell-derived inducing activity (SDIA differentiation method, as Pax6(+/K12(+ corneal epithelial colonies were observed after prolonged differentiation culture (12 weeks or later in both the L1B41 and 253G1 iPS cells following retinal pigment epithelial and lens cell induction. Interestingly, the corneal epithelial differentiation efficiency was higher in L1B41 than in 253G1. DNA methylation analysis revealed that a small proportion of differentially methylated regions still existed between L1B41 and 253G1 iPS cells even though no significant difference in methylation status was detected in the specific corneal epithelium-related genes such as K12, K3, and Pax6. The present study is the first to demonstrate a strategy for corneal epithelial cell differentiation from human iPS cells, and further suggests that the epigenomic status is associated with the propensity of iPS cells to differentiate into corneal epithelial cells.

  10. Corneal topography with an aberrometry-topography system. (United States)

    Mülhaupt, Michael; Dietzko, Sven; Wolffsohn, James; Bandlitz, Stefan


    To investigate the agreement between the central corneal radii and corneal eccentricity measurements generated by the new Wave Analyzer 700 Medica (WAV) compared to the Keratograph 4 (KER) and to test the repeatability of the instruments. 20 subjects (10 male, mean age 29.1 years, range 21-50 years) were recruited from the students and staff of the Cologne School of Optometry. Central corneal radii for the flat (r c/fl ) and steep (r c/st ) meridian as well as corneal eccentricity for the nasal (e nas ), temporal (e temp ), inferior (e inf ) and superior (e sup ) directions were measured using WAV and KER by one examiner in a randomized order. Central radii of the flat (r c/fl ) and steep (r c/st ) meridian measured with both instruments were statically significantly correlated (r = 0.945 and r = 0.951; p  0.05). Limits of agreement (LoA) indicate a better repeatability for the KER compared to WAV. Corneal topography measurements captured with the WAV were strongly correlated with the KER. However, due to the differences in measured corneal radii and eccentricities, the devices cannot be used interchangeably. For corneal topography the KER demonstrated better repeatability. Copyright © 2018 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Rechazo y retrasplante corneal Corneal rejection and re-transplantation

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    Miguel O Mokey Castellanos


    Full Text Available Se efectuó una investigación observacional análítica retrospectiva, sobre los transplantes corneales efectuados en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital "Hermanos Ameijeiras. Rechazaron 76 pacientes, que se compararon con un control de 89 pacientes, que en un período similar no tuvieron rechazo. El queratocono fue la afección corneal que predominó. El primer lugar en los rechazos correspondió a queratoherpes (43,5 %. El menor índice de rechazo fue para el queratocono (8,8 %. Se analizó la multiplicidad de rechazos; y fue frecuente que se presentara un solo rechazo, aunque sí hubo congruencia entre el número de rechazos y la necesidad de retrasplantes. Se encontró que los resultados de la conducta médica o quirúrgica se relacionaban con la causa. Se calcula un índice de supervivencia (Kaplan-Meier, que concluye que en los primeros dos años existe menos posibilidad de aparición de rechazoAn retrospective observational analytical research was conducted on corneal transplants performed at Ophthalmological Service in “Hermanos Ameijeiras” hospital . Seventy six patients had graft rejection and were compared to a control group of 89 patients that did not present rejection in the same period of time. Keratoconus was the prevailing corneal problem. The highest rejection rate corresponded to keratoherpes (43,5% whereas the lowest rate was for keratoconus (8,8%. Multiplicity of rejections was analyzed and it was found that mostly one graft rejection occured, but number of rejections was associated with the need of re-transplantation. It was found that the results of medical or surgical performance were related to the cause of graft rejection. A survival index (Kaplan-Meier was estimated, which showed that occurence of graf rejection is less probable in the first two years

  12. Granular corneal dystrophy


    Castillo Pérez, Alexeide de la C; Vilches Lescaille, Daysi; Noriega, Justo Luis; Martínez Balido, Daneel; León Balbón, Bárbaro Ramón; León Bernal, Danysleidi


    Las distrofias corneales constituyen un conjunto de enfermedades que presentan, en su mayoría, una baja incidencia y se caracterizan por acúmulo de material hialino o amiloide que disminuyen la transparencia corneal. La distrofia granular es una enfermedad autosómica dominante que presenta opacidades grises en el estroma superficial central de la córnea y se hacen visibles en la primera y segunda décadas de la vida, lo que provoca disminución de la visión más significativa cerca de los 40 año...

  13. Prevalence and causes of corneal blindness. (United States)

    Wang, Haijing; Zhang, Yaoguang; Li, Zhijian; Wang, Tiebin; Liu, Ping


    The study aimed to assess the prevalence and causes of corneal blindness in a rural northern Chinese population. Cross-sectional study. The cluster random sampling method was used to select the sample. This population-based study included 11 787 participants of all ages in rural Heilongjiang Province, China. These participants underwent a detailed interview and eye examination that included the measurement of visual acuity, slit-lamp biomicroscopy and direct ophthalmoscopy. An eye was considered to have corneal blindness if the visual acuity was blindness and low vision. Among the 10 384 people enrolled in the study, the prevalence of corneal blindness is 0.3% (95% confidence interval 0.2-0.4%). The leading cause was keratitis in childhood (40.0%), followed by ocular trauma (33.3%) and keratitis in adulthood (20.0%). Age and illiteracy were found to be associated with an increased prevalence of corneal blindness. Blindness because of corneal diseases in rural areas of Northern China is a significant public health problem that needs to be given more attention. © 2013 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

  14. Two cases of corneal perforation after oral administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: oral NSAID-induced corneal damage. (United States)

    Masuda, Ikuya; Matsuo, Toshihiko; Okamoto, Kazuo; Matsushita, Kyoko; Ohtsuki, Hiroshi


    To report 2 cases of corneal perforation associated with the use of oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In a 62-year-old woman and a 79-year-old woman, corneal perforation occurred after 7 days and 5 months of oral NSAIDs administration, respectively. After NSAIDs were discontinued, the cornea epithelialized and the anterior chamber formed within 14 and 10 days, respectively. It is well known that topical NSAIDs cause corneal perforation. Observations in the present cases suggest that the oral administration of NSAIDs may also cause corneal damage, and hence, medical professionals should consider the risk of damage to the cornea when administering these drugs orally.

  15. Applanation optical coherence elastography: noncontact measurement of intraocular pressure, corneal biomechanical properties, and corneal geometry with a single instrument (United States)

    Singh, Manmohan; Han, Zhaolong; Nair, Achuth; Schill, Alexander; Twa, Michael D.; Larin, Kirill V.


    Current clinical tools provide critical information about ocular health such as intraocular pressure (IOP). However, they lack the ability to quantify tissue material properties, which are potent markers for ocular tissue health and integrity. We describe a single instrument to measure the eye-globe IOP, quantify corneal biomechanical properties, and measure corneal geometry with a technique termed applanation optical coherence elastography (Appl-OCE). An ultrafast OCT system enabled visualization of corneal dynamics during noncontact applanation tonometry and direct measurement of micro air-pulse induced elastic wave propagation. Our preliminary results show that the proposed Appl-OCE system can be used to quantify IOP, corneal biomechanical properties, and corneal geometry, which builds a solid foundation for a unique device that can provide a more complete picture of ocular health.

  16. Risk factors for corneal ectasia after LASIK. (United States)

    Tabbara, Khalid F; Kotb, Amgad A


    To establish a grading system that helps identify high-risk individuals who may experience corneal ectasia after LASIK. Retrospective, comparative, interventional case series. One hundred forty-eight consecutive patients (148 eyes) were included in this study. Thirty-seven patients who underwent LASIK at other refractive centers experienced corneal ectasia in 1 eye after LASIK. One hundred eleven eyes of 111 patients who underwent successful LASIK during the same period were age and gender matched and served as controls. All patients underwent preoperative and postoperative topographic analysis of the cornea. The follow-up period in both groups of patients ranged from 2 to 5 years, with a mean follow-up of 3.6 years. All patients underwent LASIK for myopia (spherical equivalent, -4.00 to -8.00 diopters). Corneal keratometry, oblique cylinder, pachymetry, posterior surface elevation, difference between the inferior and superior corneal diopteric power, and posterior best sphere fit (BSF) over anterior BSF were given a grade of 1 to 3 each. An ectasia grading system was established, and the cumulative risk score was assessed. Patients who had a grade of 7 or less showed no evidence of corneal ectasia, whereas 16 (59%) of 27 patients who had a grade of 8 to 12 had corneal ectasia. Twenty-one (100%) of 21 patients with a grade of more than 12 had corneal ectasia after LASIK (P<0.0001). A risk score may help in the prediction of patients who are at risk of experiencing corneal ectasia after LASIK. A prospective clinical study is needed to assess the validity of these risk factors.

  17. Customized toric intraocular lens implantation for correction of extreme corneal astigmatism due to corneal scarring

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    R Bassily


    Full Text Available R Bassily, J LuckOphthalmology Department, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath, UKAbstract: A 76-year-old woman presented with decreased visual function due to cataract formation. Twenty-five years prior she developed right sided corneal ulceration that left her with 10.8 diopters (D of irregular astigmatism at 71.8° (steep axis. Her uncorrected visual acuity was 6/24 and could only ever wear a balanced lens due to the high cylindrical error. Cataract surgery was planned with a custom designed toric intraocular lens (IOL with +16.0 D sphere inserted via a wound at the steep axis of corneal astigmatism. Postoperative refraction was -0.75/+1.50 × 177° with a visual acuity of 6/9 that has remained unchanged at six-week follow-up with no IOL rotation. This case demonstrates the value of high power toric IOLs for the correction of pathological corneal astigmatism.Keywords: intraocular lens, corneal ulceration, visual acuity, scarring

  18. Pharmacologic strategies in the prevention and treatment of corneal transplant rejection. (United States)

    Tabbara, Khalid F


    Corneal transplantation remains one of the most successful organ transplantation procedures in humans. The unique structure of the cornea, with its absence of blood vessels and corneal lymphatic, allows the survival of corneal allograft. Recent advances in sutures, storage media, microsurgical instrumentation, and new pharmacological strategies have greatly improved the success of corneal transplantation and the prevention of corneal allograft rejection. Our strategies in the management and prevention of corneal graft rejection can modify and improve the survival of corneal allografts. Preoperative evaluation, understanding the risk factors, and management of ocular surface disorders may greatly improve the survival of the corneal transplant. Early recognition of corneal allograft rejection and aggressive treatment may improve the survival of the corneal graft. Furthermore, patients who undergo corneal transplantation should be maintained under close ophthalmic surveillance and patients should be informed to report immediately whenever symptoms of corneal graft rejection occur. The mainstay of therapy is topical corticosteroids. In severe cases, periocular, intravenous, and oral corticosteroids therapy can be rendered. New therapeutic modalities such as cyclosporine, tacrolimus, daclizumab, mycophenolate mofetil, leflunomide, rapamycin, and others may prove to be of help in the prevention and treatment of corneal graft rejection. Early recognition of corneal graft rejection and prompt treatment are mandatory for the successful survival of the corneal allograft.

  19. Study on the establishment of corneal alkali chemical injury on rats

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    Nan Hu


    Full Text Available AIM:To investigate the appropriate methods to establish corneal alkali chemical injury on rats. METHODS:The rats(n=87were randomly divided into three groups. Corneal alkali injury was induced by placing 1mol/L NaOH soaked filter paper on the limbus of right cornea for 20 seconds(group A, n=34or 40 seconds(group B, n=23, and on the central axis of the right cornea for 40 seconds(group C, n=30respectively. Corneal transparency, corneal ulceration, and corneal neovascularization were observed and recorded under slit- lamp biomicroscope on day 7 post-operation. RESULTS: Incidence of corneal ulceration, corneal perforation and positive rate of corneal fluorescein staining in limbal corneal injury groups(group A and Bwere significantly higher than that of central corneal injury group(group C(P<0.05. Incidence of corneal ulceration and corneal perforation in group B was significantly higher than group A(P<0.05. Corneal neovascularization was observed in all three groups. CONCLUSION: Corneal alkali burns induced by 3mm diameter central cornea injury are fit for the study of corneal neovascularization, while those induced by limbus injury for 20 seconds are fit for the study on limbal stem cells deficiency.

  20. Punctiform and Polychromatophilic Dominant Pre-Descemet Corneal Dystrophy. (United States)

    Lagrou, Lisa; Midgley, Julian; Romanchuk, Kenneth Gerald


    To describe the slit-lamp appearance and corneal confocal microscopy of autosomal dominant punctiform and polychromatophilic pre-Descemet corneal dystrophy in 3 members of the same family. Slit-lamp examination of a 9-year-old boy showed bilateral polychromatophilic corneal opacities in a pre-Descemet membrane location evenly deposited limbus to limbus, both horizontally and vertically, with an intervening clear cornea. The corneal endothelium was normal on corneal confocal microscopy, with hyperreflective opacities of various sizes located pre-Descemet membrane. Slit-lamp examination of the patient's father and brother revealed identical crystalline deposition in the pre-Descemet corneal stroma. The remainders of the eye examinations were otherwise normal in all 3 individuals, and all were asymptomatic. The general physical examination and laboratory investigations of the patient were all normal, as were the laboratory investigations of the other 2 family members. There was no progression in the corneal findings over 6 months of follow-up. These patients likely illustrate a rare autosomal dominant pre-Descemet crystalline keratopathy that has been reported only once previously.

  1. Recovery of Corneal Endothelial Cells from Periphery after Injury.

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    Sang Ouk Choi

    Full Text Available Wound healing of the endothelium occurs through cell enlargement and migration. However, the peripheral corneal endothelium may act as a cell resource for the recovery of corneal endothelium in endothelial injury.To investigate the recovery process of corneal endothelial cells (CECs from corneal endothelial injury.Three patients with unilateral chemical eye injuries, and 15 rabbit eyes with corneal endothelial chemical injuries were studied. Slit lamp examination, specular microscopy, and ultrasound pachymetry were performed immediately after chemical injury and 1, 3, 6, and 9 months later. The anterior chambers of eyes from New Zealand white rabbits were injected with 0.1 mL of 0.05 N NaOH for 10 min (NaOH group. Corneal edema was evaluated at day 1, 7, and 14. Vital staining was performed using alizarin red and trypan blue.Specular microscopy did not reveal any corneal endothelial cells immediately after injury. Corneal edema subsided from the periphery to the center, CEC density increased, and central corneal thickness decreased over time. In the animal study, corneal edema was greater in the NaOH group compared to the control at both day 1 and day 7. At day 1, no CECs were detected at the center and periphery of the corneas in the NaOH group. Two weeks after injury, small, hexagonal CECs were detected in peripheral cornea, while CECs in mid-periphery were large and non-hexagonal.CECs migrated from the periphery to the center of the cornea after endothelial injury. The peripheral corneal endothelium may act as a cell resource for the recovery of corneal endothelium.

  2. Evaluation of corneal symmetry after UV corneal crosslinking for keratoconus

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    Mofty H


    Full Text Available Hanan Mofty,1,2 Khaled Alzahrani,2 Fiona Carley,3 Sophie Harper,3 Arun Brahma,3 Leon Au,3 Debbie Morley,3 M Chantal Hillarby2 1Optometry Department, College of Applied Medical Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; 2Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, The University of Manchester, 3Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester, UK Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess UV corneal crosslinking (CXL treatment outcomes for keratoconus by evaluating the corneal regularity in patients through follow-up using the Oculus Pentacam.Patients and methods: A total of 18 eyes from CXL patients with keratoconus were studied before and after CXL treatment, and six eyes from six patients who were not treated with CXL served as controls. Treated patients had Pentacam images taken before CXL treatment and regularly 3 months post treatment up to the 12th month. Controls were imaged during their first appointment and after 12 months. Symmetry and asphericity were evaluated and correlated with both best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA and maximum K-readings.Results: In the CXL-treated group, there was a significant improvement in the index of symmetrical variation (ISV and keratoconus index (KI at 3 months and in the index of height asymmetry (IHA and minimum radius of curvature (Rmin at 9 months post treatment. On the contrary, the untreated group’s indices showed some significant worsening in ISV, KI, central keratoconus index (CKI, and Rmin. A novel finding in our study was a slight positive shift of anterior asphericity in the 6 mm, 7 mm, and 8 mm 3 months after treatment, which had a correlation with BCVA (R2=0.390, p=0.053 and a strong correlation with maximum K-reading (R2=0.690, p=0.005. However, the untreated group had no significant changes after 1 year.Conclusion: The corneal asymmetrical shape is associated with the spherical aberration alteration

  3. Corneal Collagen Crosslinking Combined with Phototherapeutic Keratectomy and Photorefractive Keratectomy for Corneal Ectasia after Laser in situ Keratomileusis. (United States)

    Zhu, Wei; Han, Yunfei; Cui, Changxia; Xu, Wenwen; Wang, Xuan; Dou, Xiaoxiao; Xu, Linlin; Xu, Yanyun; Mu, Guoying


    The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of corneal crosslinking (CXL) combined with phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) in halting the progression and improving the visual function of corneal ectasia after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). PTK-PRK-CXL was performed on 14 eyes of 14 patients who developed corneal ectasia after LASIK. The visual acuity, spherical refraction and cylinder, corneal topography indices, thinnest corneal thickness (TCT), and endothelial cell count were evaluated at baseline and at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. The mean uncorrected visual acuity improved significantly from 0.64 ± 0.36 logMAR preoperatively to 0.19 ± 0.12 logMAR at 12 months of follow-up (p 0.05) beyond 6 months after treatment. PTK-PRK-CXL is a promising procedure to halt the progression of post-LASIK keratectasia with significant visual quality improvement. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  4. Research on mouse model of grade II corneal alkali burn

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    Jun-Qiang Bai


    Full Text Available AIM: To choose appropriate concentration of sodium hydroxide (NaOH solution to establish a stable and consistent corneal alkali burn mouse model in grade II. METHODS: The mice (n=60 were randomly divided into four groups and 15 mice each group. Corneal alkali burns were induced by placing circle filter paper soaked with NaOH solutions on the right central cornea for 30s. The concentrations of NaOH solutions of groups A, B, C, and D were 0.1 mol/L, 0.15 mol/L , 0.2 mol/L, and 1.0 mol/L respectively. Then these corneas were irrigated with 20 mL physiological saline (0.9% NaCl. On day 7 postburn, slit lamp microscope was used to observe corneal opacity, corneal epithelial sodium fluorescein staining positive rate, incidence of corneal ulcer and corneal neovascularization, meanwhile pictures of the anterior eyes were taken. Cirrus spectral domain optical coherence tomography was used to scan cornea to observe corneal epithelial defect and corneal ulcer. RESULTS: Corneal opacity scores ( were not significantly different between the group A and group B (P=0.097. Incidence of corneal ulcer in group B was significantly higher than that in group A (P=0.035. Incidence of corneal ulcer and perforation rate in group B was lower than that in group C. Group C and D had corneal neovascularization, and incidence of corneal neovascularization in group D was significantly higher than that in group C (P=0.000. CONCLUSION: Using 0.15 mol/L NaOH can establish grade II mouse model of corneal alkali burns.

  5. Factores familiares asociados a codependencia en enfermeras de un hospital de Cancún, Quintana Roo, México


    Ramírez-Amaro, Margarita; Martínez-Torres, Jorge; Ureña Bogarín, Enrique Leobardo


    Objetivo: Identificar los factores familiares asociados a la presencia de codependencia en las enfermeras de un hospital regional en Cancún, Quintana Roo, México. Diseño: Estudio transversal, comparativo. Emplazamiento: Ciudad de Cancún (México). Participantes: Mediante un muestreo aleatorizado se seleccionaron 200 enfermeras que cumplieron los criterios de selección (tener pareja de más de un año, acudir a trabajar el día de la entrevista, tener contrato laboral al momento del estud...

  6. Factores de riesgo en pacientes con sospecha de úlcera corneal micótica en Pinar del Río Risk factors found in patients with possible diagnosis of mycotic corneal ulcer in Pinar del Río province

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    Janet González Sotero


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Identificar los principales factores de riesgo en pacientes con sospecha de úlcera corneal micótica en la provincia Pinar del Río. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una investigación observacional, analítica de tipo caso-control. La información fue obtenida a través de la revisión de historias clínicas de los pacientes que ingresaron en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" con impresión diagnóstica de úlcera corneal micótica en el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de enero de 2004 y el 30 de noviembre de 2007. Se emplearon como variables edad, sexo, ocupación, tipo de lugar de residencia, antecedente reciente de trauma corneal con materia vegetal, trauma corneal, uso de lentes de contacto, uso de esteroides tópicos, enfermedades sistémicas inmunosupresoras, cirugía ocular previa y enfermedades crónicas de la superficie ocular. Se emplearon medidas de frecuencia y asociación. RESULTADOS: Se determinó que la ocupación, el tipo de lugar de residencia y el antecedente de trauma corneal con materia vegetal constituyen posibles factores de riesgo de la úlcera corneal micótica en esa provincia. La frecuencia de la úlcera corneal micótica fue de un 27 % con respecto al total de pacientes ingresados con diagnóstico de úlcera corneal. El sexo más afectado fue el masculino y el grupo etario el de 38 a 57 años. CONCLUSIONES: El antecedente de trauma corneal con materia vegetal, el lugar de residencia rural y las actividades laborales relacionadas con la manipulación directa de plantas constituyeron factores de riesgo de úlcera corneal micótica en los pacientes estudiados. La frecuencia de la úlcera corneal micótica en el estudio se correspondió con el patrón observado en países con clima cálido y húmedo, especialmente cerca del ecuador. La úlcera corneal micótica es más común en hombres en edades laboralmente activas.OBJECTIVE: To identify the main risk factors in

  7. Corneal Laceration

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... to Full Corneal Transplantation Nov 29, 2016 Follow The Academy Professionals: Education Guidelines News Multimedia Public & Patients: Contact Us About the Academy Jobs at the Academy Financial Relationships with Industry ...

  8. Brote de legionelosis asociado a un balneario

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    I. Santa Marina Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En 1998 el inicio de la temporada de actividad de un balneario en Gipuzkoa coincidió con la detección de un brote de legionelosis asociado al mismo, lo cual condujo al cierre de la instalación y al estudio epidemiológico -casos y controles- y ambiental oportunos. Se definió como caso toda persona que durante su estancia en el balneario o durante los 10 días siguientes presentará neumonía o un cuadro febril compatible con fiebre de Pontiac.El estudio ambiental incluyó la inspección del balneario y entorno y muestreos de los sistemas sanitarios de agua y de los elementos de hidroterapia.De las 287 personas encuestadas de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca, el 12.5% cumplían con la definición de caso; 9 casos presentaron neumonía y 26 fiebre de Pontiac. La curva epidémica se inició el 7 de mayo, alcanzando un pico los días 14 y 15 de mayo y finalizando el día 20. El riesgo de enfermar ajustado por edad, sexo y consumo de tabaco se asoció con la duración de la estancia en el balneario (OR=118.5, 95% I.C: 18.7-750.2 y con el uso de una piscina (OR=10.5, 95% I.C: 1.3-82.6. Se detecto L. pneumophila serogrupo1 en recuentos superiores a 103 ufc/l en diversos puntos de la red de hidroterapia y en la ducha de la habitación de uno de los enfermos. El análisis por electroforesis en campos pulsados de una muestra biológica y muestras ambientales permitió la confirmación genotípica. El establecimiento se abrió al público tras realizar un tratamiento de choque y comprobar que transcurridos 15 días no se detectó L. pneumophila en las muestras ambientales.

  9. Using corneal topography design personalized cataract surgery programs

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    Jin-Ou Huang


    Full Text Available AIM:To investigate how to design personalized cataract surgery programs to achieve surgical correction of preoperative corneal astigmatism with surgical astigmatism under the guidance of corneal topography, improve postoperative visual quality and reduce the cost of treatment. METHODS: Totally 202 cases(226 eyescataract patients were divided into randomized treatment group and individualized treatment group. According to the method and location of the incision, randomized treatment group were divided into 8 groups. Surgical astigmatism after different incision were calculated with the use of preoperative and postoperative corneal astigmatism through vector analysis method. Individualized treatment groups were designed personably for surgical method with reference of every surgically induced astigmatism, the surgical method chooses the type of surgical incision based on close link between preoperative corneal astigmatism and surgically induced astigmatism, and the incision was located in the steep meridian. The postoperative corneal astigmatism of individualized treatment group was observed. RESULTS: Postoperative corneal astigmatism of individualized treatment group were lower than that of 3.0mm clear corneal tunnel incision in the randomized treatment group, there were statistically significance difference, while with 3.0mm sclera tunnel incision group there were no statistically significance difference. After 55.8% of patients with the use of individualized surgical plan could undergo the operation of extracapsular cataract extraction with relatively low cost and rigid intraocular lens implantation, the per capita cost of treatment could be reduced. CONCLUSION: Personalized cataract surgery programs are designed to achieve surgical correction of preoperative corneal astigmatism under the use of corneal topography, improve postoperative visual quality and reduce the cost of treatment.

  10. Crystalline Subtype of Pre-Descemetic Corneal Dystrophy

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    Rosa Dolz-Marco


    Full Text Available Purpose: To report corneal findings in a familial case of the crystalline subtype of pre- Descemetic corneal dystrophy. Case Report: A 19-year-old girl and her 44-year-old mother were found to have asymptomatic, bilateral, punctiform and multi-colored crystalline opacities across the whole posterior layer of the corneas. Endothelial specular microscopy revealed the presence of white round flecks located at different levels anterior to the endothelium. No systemic abnormalities or medications could be related to account for these findings. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the third familial report of this rare corneal disorder. Differential diagnosis may include Schnyder corneal dystrophy, cystinosis, Bietti΄s dystrophy and monoclonal gammopathy.

  11. Crystalline Subtype of Pre-Descemetic Corneal Dystrophy (United States)

    Dolz-Marco, Rosa; Gallego-Pinazo, Roberto; Pinazo-Durán, María Dolores; Díaz-Llopis, Manuel


    Purpose To report corneal findings in a familial case of the crystalline subtype of pre-Descemetic corneal dystrophy. Case Report A 19-year-old girl and her 44-year-old mother were found to have asymptomatic, bilateral, punctiform and multi-colored crystalline opacities across the whole posterior layer of the corneas. Endothelial specular microscopy revealed the presence of white round flecks located at different levels anterior to the endothelium. No systemic abnormalities or medications could be related to account for these findings. Conclusion To the best of our knowledge, this is the third familial report of this rare corneal disorder. Differential diagnosis may include Schnyder corneal dystrophy, cystinosis, Bietti´s dystrophy and monoclonal gammopathy. PMID:25279130

  12. Riesgo suicida y factores asociados en adolescentes de tres colegios de la ciudad de Manizales (Colombia, 2013

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    Diana Carolina Aguirre Flórez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Ésta investigación pretende determinar el factor de riesgo suicida según la escala de Plutchik y factores asociados en estudiantes de octavo a once grado de bachillerato de tres colegios de Manizales (Colombia.  Materiales y métodos: Estudio  de corte transversal con una población de 322 estudiantes de tres colegios de estrato social II y III de la ciudad de Manizales, que cursaban los grados octavo a once de bachillerato. Se aplicó el cuestionario de Plutchik para riesgo suicida, se aplicaron otros cuestionarios para factores asociados. Resultados: El 16,5% presentaron factor de riesgo suicida según la escala de Plutchik, el acoso entre partes presentó un índice de intensidad entre alta y muy alta de 58,1%, el 38,5% tuvo buena funcionalidad familiar, el 18% presentó depresión, la baja autoestima fue de 19,6%, el 11,8% presentaron dependencia alcohólica, el 23,3% mostraron trastorno de conducta alimentaria, el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y cigarrillo fue de 31,4% y 13,4% respectivamente. Los siguientes factores asociados presentaron relación significativa: funcionalidad familiar (p=0,000, depresión (p=0,000, dependencia alcohólica (p=0,001, autoestima (p=0,000, trastornos de conducta alimentaria (p=0,000, acoso escolar (p=0,000, consumo de cigarrillo (p=0,000 y consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (p=0,001. Conclusiones: El estudio muestra FR suicida según Plutchik superior al de otras poblaciones similares, además se encontraron factores asociados entre los cuáles sobresalen, la depresión y la disfuncionalidad familiar. Un hallazgo muy importante fue el acoso entre pares, el cual aumenta en gran proporción el riesgo suicida. No se encontró relación significativa entre FR suicida y estrato social.

  13. Topical Ranibizumab as a Treatment of Corneal Neovascularization (United States)

    Ferrari, Giulio; Dastjerdi, Mohammad H.; Okanobo, Andre; Cheng, Sheng-Fu; Amparo, Francisco; Nallasamy, Nambi; Dana, Reza


    Purpose To examine the effect of topical ranibizumab on clinically stable corneal neovascularization (NV). Methods This was a prospective, open-label, monocentric, uncontrolled, non-comparative study. Ten eyes of 9 patients with corneal NV received topical ranibizumab (1%) 4 times a day for 3 weeks with a follow-up of 16 weeks. The main corneal neovascularization outcome measures were: neovascular area (NA), the area occupied by the corneal neovessels; vessel caliber (VC), the mean diameter of the corneal neovessels; and invasion area (IA), the fraction of the total cornea area covered by the vessels. This study was conducted at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA, USA. Results Statistically significant decreases in NA (55.3%, P<0.001), which lasted through 16 weeks, and VC (59%, P<0.001), which continued to improve up to week 16, were observed after treatment. No significant decrease was observed in IA (12.3%, P=0.49). There was no statistically significant change in visual acuity or intraocular pressure. No adverse events ascribed to the treatment were noted. Conclusions Topical application of ranibizumab is effective in reducing the severity of corneal NV in the context of established corneal NV, mostly through decrease in VC rather than IA. PMID:23407316

  14. Corneal changes with accommodation using dual Scheimpflug photography. (United States)

    Sisó-Fuertes, Irene; Domínguez-Vicent, Alberto; del Águila-Carrasco, Antonio; Ferrer-Blasco, Teresa; Montés-Micó, Robert


    To assess whether corneal parameters and aberrations are affected by accommodation. Optics Department, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Prospective cross-sectional study. The Galilei G4 dual Scheimpflug device was used to obtain data on the anterior and posterior axial curvatures, total corneal power (TCP), and corneal pachymetry from 3 corneal zones (central: 0.0 up to 4.0 mm; paracentral or mid: 4.0 up to 7.0 mm; peripheral: 7.0 up to 10.0 mm) in young emmetropic eyes in the unaccommodated and 4 accommodated states (from -1.0 to -4.0 diopters [D] in 1.0 D steps). The 2nd-, 3rd-, and 4th-order aberrations as well as the root mean square (RMS) were also determined for the entire cornea at the same accommodative demands. The study evaluated 7 subjects (12 eyes). No significant changes in any measured parameter were found during accommodation for any corneal zone (P > .05). Statistically significant differences were found in the various corneal zones when it was assumed they were constant with accommodation (P the high standard deviation values. Different parameters in various zones of the cornea as well as corneal aberrations were stable during accommodation. Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Corneal Biomechanics in Ectatic Diseases: Refractive Surgery Implications (United States)

    Ambrósio, Jr, Renato; Correia, Fernando Faria; Lopes, Bernardo; Salomão, Marcella Q.; Luz, Allan; Dawson, Daniel G.; Elsheikh, Ahmed; Vinciguerra, Riccardo; Vinciguerra, Paolo; Roberts, Cynthia J.


    Background: Ectasia development occurs due to a chronic corneal biomechanical decompensation or weakness, resulting in stromal thinning and corneal protrusion. This leads to corneal steepening, increase in astigmatism, and irregularity. In corneal refractive surgery, the detection of mild forms of ectasia pre-operatively is essential to avoid post-operative progressive ectasia, which also depends on the impact of the procedure on the cornea. Method: The advent of 3D tomography is proven as a significant advancement to further characterize corneal shape beyond front surface topography, which is still relevant. While screening tests for ectasia had been limited to corneal shape (geometry) assessment, clinical biomechanical assessment has been possible since the introduction of the Ocular Response Analyzer (Reichert Ophthalmic Instruments, Buffalo, USA) in 2005 and the Corvis ST (Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) in 2010. Direct clinical biomechanical evaluation is recognized as paramount, especially in detection of mild ectatic cases and characterization of the susceptibility for ectasia progression for any cornea. Conclusions: The purpose of this review is to describe the current state of clinical evaluation of corneal biomechanics, focusing on the most recent advances of commercially available instruments and also on future developments, such as Brillouin microscopy. PMID:28932334

  16. Corneal and refractive astigmatism in a sample of 3- to 5-year-old children with a high prevalence of astigmatism. (United States)

    Dobson, V; Miller, J M; Harvey, E M


    To examine the relation between corneal and refractive astigmatism in a sample of pre-school-age Native American children with a high prevalence of astigmatism. Subjects were 250 Tohono O'Odham children, 3 to 5 years of age. Each child had corneal astigmatism measured with the Marco Nidek KM-500 portable autokeratometer without pupil dilation, and with the Nikon Retinomax K-Plus portable autorefractor/autokeratometer without and with pupil dilation. Refractive astigmatism was measured using the Retinomax K-Plus, with cycloplegia, confirmed by retinoscopy. Corneal astigmatism exceeded refractive astigmatism, with a median vector dioptric difference of 0.88 D for the KM-500, 0.76 D for the Retinomax K-Plus without dilation, and 0.75 for the Retinomax K-Plus with dilation. The relation between corneal and refractive astigmatism was adequately described by the modification by Grosvenor et al. of Javal's rule, but not by laval's rule. The results are in agreement with data reported previously for older Native American and non-Native American populations. The modified laval's rule adequately describes the relation between corneal and refractive astigmatism in a population; however, this rule does not provide accurate prediction of refractive astigmatism in individual children or adults.

  17. Corneal biomechanical properties in healthy children measured by corneal visualization scheimpflug technology. (United States)

    He, Miao; Ding, Hui; He, Hong; Zhang, Chi; Liu, Liangping; Zhong, Xingwu


    The aim of this study was to evaluate corneal biomechanical properties in a population of healthy children in China using corneal visualization Scheimpflug technology (CST). All children underwent complete bi-ocular examinations. CST provided intraocular pressure (IOP) and corneal biomechanical parameters, including time, velocity, length and deformation amplitude at first applanation (A1T, A1V, A1L, A1DA), at second applanation (A2T, A2V, A2L, A2DA), highest concavity time (HCT), maximum deformation amplitude (MDA), peak distance (PD), and radius of curvature (RoC). Pearson correlation analysis was used to assess the impacts of demographic factors, central corneal thickness (CCT), spherical equivalent (SE), and IOP on corneal biomechanics. One hundred eight subjects (32 girls and 76 boys) with the mean age of 10.80 ± 4.13 years (range 4 to18 years) were included in the final analyses. The right and left eyes were highly symmetrical in SE (p = 0.082), IOP (p = 0.235), or CCT (p = 0.210). Mean A1T of the right eyes was 7.424 ± 0.340 ms; the left eyes 7.451 ± 0.365 ms. MDA was 0.993 ± 0.102 mm in the right eyes and 0.982 ± 0.100 mm in the left eyes. Mean HCT of the right eyes was 16.675 ± 0.502 ms; the left eyes 16.735 ± 0.555 ms. All CST parameters of both eye were remarkably symmetrical with the exception of A2L (p = 0.006), A1DA (p = 0.025). The majority of CST parameters of both eyes were significantly correlated with CCT and IOP (p children eyes. Several CST biomechanical parameters in children are modified by CCT and IOP.

  18. Determinantes sociales y alimentarios asociados al crecimiento lineal del niño juarense en edad preescolar

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    Abraham Wall Medrano


    Full Text Available En la región norte, se cree que hay más población con talla alta. Sin embargo, la continua mezcla genética y el fenómeno migratorio parece haber afectado la prevalencia de talla alta con baja. Objetivo. Estudiar los factores socioeconómicos y alimentarios asociados de manera diferencial a la talla alta (TA en preescolares de Ciudad Juárez en comparación a la talla baja (TB. Métodos. Estudio transversal retrospectivo en 295 niños 2DE y bajos (Z-T/E>2DE. Resultados. La prevalencia de TA y TB fue de 4.1 y 11.2, superiores a la media estatal. En comparación a la talla normal, la talla alta se relacionó a una complexión delgada (emaciación, mayor alimentación alergénica en el primer año de vida, tener dos padres originarios de Chihuahua (χ2>4.0, p<0.05. Percibir menos de 5 salarios mínimos en el hogar, pero menor probabilidad de inseguridad alimentaria, también se asoció con la talla alta. Con excepción de la proporción de padres de chihuahua y el haber recibido alimentación alergénica en el primer año, todas las demás variables (más desviaciones nutricionales negativas e inseguridad alimentaria familiar, pero menor percepción económica justificaron la presencia de talla baja. Tanto la talla baja como la alta se asociaron a menor proporción de niños alimentados exclusivamente al seno materno. Conclusiones. Los factores socioeconómicos y alimentarios aquí estudiados parecen tener influencia sobre la talla de los niños, mismas que pueden ser directamente modificables por los padres o por el sistema económico.

  19. Corneal Laceration

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... by something sharp flying into the eye. It can also be caused by something striking the eye ... If the corneal laceration is deep enough it can cause a full thickness laceration. This is when ...

  20. In Vivo Corneal Biomechanical Properties with Corneal Visualization Scheimpflug Technology in Chinese Population

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    Ying Wu


    Full Text Available Purpose. To determine the repeatability of recalculated corneal visualization Scheimpflug technology (CorVis ST parameters and to study the variation of biomechanical properties and their association with demographic and ocular characteristics. Methods. A total of 783 healthy subjects were included in this study. Comprehensive ophthalmological examinations were conducted. The repeatability of the recalculated biomechanical parameters with 90 subjects was assessed by the coefficient of variation (CV and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC. Univariate and multivariate linear regression models were used to identify demographic and ocular factors. Results. The repeatability of the central corneal thickness (CCT, deformation amplitude (DA, and first/second applanation time (A1/A2-time exhibited excellent repeatability (CV% ≤ 3.312% and ICC ≥ 0.929 for all measurements. The velocity in/out (Vin/out, highest concavity- (HC- radius, peak distance (PD, and DA showed a normal distribution. Univariate linear regression showed a statistically significant correlation between Vin, Vout, DA, PD, and HC-radius and IOP, CCT, and corneal volume, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that IOP and CCT were negatively correlated with Vin, DA, and PD, while there was a positive correlation between Vout and HC-radius. Conclusion. The ICCs of the recalculated parameters, CCT, DA, A1-time, and A2-time, exhibited excellent repeatability. IOP, CCT, and corneal volume significantly influenced the biomechanical properties of the eye.

  1. Alloimmunity and Tolerance in Corneal Transplantation. (United States)

    Amouzegar, Afsaneh; Chauhan, Sunil K; Dana, Reza


    Corneal transplantation is one of the most prevalent and successful forms of solid tissue transplantation. Despite favorable outcomes, immune-mediated graft rejection remains the major cause of corneal allograft failure. Although low-risk graft recipients with uninflamed graft beds enjoy a success rate ∼90%, the rejection rates in inflamed graft beds or high-risk recipients often exceed 50%, despite maximal immune suppression. In this review, we discuss the critical facets of corneal alloimmunity, including immune and angiogenic privilege, mechanisms of allosensitization, cellular and molecular mediators of graft rejection, and allotolerance induction. Copyright © 2016 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  2. Úlceras corneales en el Hospital San Vicente de Arauca 2011 – 2012, estudio descriptivo

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    Carlos Eduardo Mestre-Aristizábal


    Full Text Available Introducción: En la consulta oftalmológica es común encontrar úlceras corneales relacionadas al uso de lentes de contacto, trauma, enfermedades propias del ojo. La consecuencia es la discapacidad visual si no se realiza un tratamiento adecuado. Objetivo: Identificar los agentes infecciosos presentes en las úlceras corneales de los pacientes que fueron atendidos en el Hospital de San Vicente de Arauca (Colombia entre los años 2011 y 2012. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de historias clínicas de los pacientes que asistieron a la consulta de oftalmología en el Hospital San Vicente de Arauca (Colombia entre 2011-2012. Se incluyeron los pacientes con diagnóstico de úlcera corneal, a quienes se les haya realizado toma de muestras de raspado bajo visión biomicroscópica para procesamiento de Gram, KOH y cultivos. Se excluyeron los que recibieron tratamiento previo. Resultados: 29 pacientes fueron incluidos en el estudio: el 62.1% eran hombres, la edad promedio fue de 41.4 años, el 48.3% tenían trauma ocular. Aislamiento bacteriano fue del 34.4%, micótico el 20.6%; y mixto el 31%. El 55.2% predominó el S. epidermidis. Conclusiones: El trauma ocular es el principal factor predisponente para el desarrollo de úlceras corneales. El S. epidermidis se encuentra con más frecuencia en las úlceras corneales bacterianas. Los hongos filamentosos se encontraron con más frecuencia en las de infecciones micóticas. [Mestre-Aristizábal CE, Urquiza-Suárez YL, Montero-Gil JO. Úlceras corneales en el Hospital San Vicente de Arauca 2011 – 2012, estudio descriptivo. MedUNAB 2017; 19(3: 203-210

  3. Úlceras corneales en el Hospital San Vicente de Arauca 2011 – 2012, estudio descriptivo

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    Carlos Eduardo Mestre Aristizábal


    Full Text Available En la consulta oftalmológica es común encontrar úlceras corneales relacionadas al uso de lentes de contacto, trauma, enfermedades propias del ojo. La consecuencia es la discapacidad visual si no se realiza un tratamiento adecuado. Objetivo: Identificar los agentes infecciosos presentes en las úlceras corneales de los pacientes que fueron atendidos en el Hospital de San Vicente de Arauca (Colombia entre los años 2011 y 2012. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de historias clínicas de los pacientes que asistieron a la consulta de oftalmología en el Hospital San Vicente de Arauca (Colombia entre 2011-2012. Se incluyeron los pacientes con diagnóstico de úlcera corneal, a quienes se les haya realizado toma de muestras de raspado bajo visión biomicroscópica para procesamiento de Gram, KOH y cultivos. Se excluyeron los que recibieron tratamiento previo. Resultados: 29 pacientes fueron incluidos en el estudio: el 62.1% eran hombres, la edad promedio fue de 41.4 años, el 48.3% tenían trauma ocular. Aislamiento bacteriano fue del 34.4%, micótico el 20.6%; y mixto el 31%. El 55.2% predominó el S. epidermidis. Conclusiones: El trauma ocular es el principal factor predisponente para el desarrollo de úlceras corneales. El S. epidermidis se encuentra con más frecuencia en las úlceras corneales bacterianas. Los hongos filamentosos se encontraron con más frecuencia en las de infecciones micóticas. [Mestre-Aristizábal CE, Urquiza-Suárez YL, Montero-Gil JO. Úlceras corneales en el Hospital San Vicente de Arauca 2011 – 2012, estudio descriptivo. MedUNAB 2017; 19(3: 203-210

  4. Corneal thickness: measurement and implications. (United States)

    Ehlers, Niels; Hjortdal, Jesper


    The thickness of the cornea was reported in more than 100-year-old textbooks on physiological optics (Helmholtz, Gullstrand). Physiological interest was revived in the 1950s by David Maurice, and over the next 50 years, this 'simple' biological parameter has been studied extensively. Several techniques for its measurement have been described and physiological and clinical significance have been studied. In this review, the different methods and techniques of measurement are briefly presented (optical, ultrasound). While the corneal thickness of many animals are the same over a considerable part of the surface, in the human cornea anterior and posterior curvature are not concentric giving rise to a problem of definition. Based on this the precision and accuracy of determining the central corneal thickness are discussed. Changes in corneal thickness reflects changes in function of the boundary layers, in particular the endothelial barrier. The absolute value of thickness is of importance for the estimation of IOP but also in diagnosis of corneal and systemic disorders. Finally it is discussed to what extent the thickness is a biometric parameter of significance, e.g. in the progression of myopia or in the development of retinal detachment.

  5. Corneal surface reconstruction - a short review

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    Madhavan H N


    /progenitor cells, we found that single murine limbal cells exhibited clonal growth and generated stratified epithelial sheets. 12 Dogru et al determined the barrier function and cytologic features of ocular surface epithelium after autologous cultivated oral mucosal epithelial transplantation in a prospective observational study. Cultivated oral mucosal epithelial cells were observed to survive for more than 1 year after transplantation, with gradual replacement by conjunctival epithelium in some cases. Decreased barrier function of the transplanted epithelium may have prognostic implications, suggesting the presence of oral mucosal epithelium long after surgery. 13 Oral epithelial sheets cultivated in autologous serum (AS and fetal bovine serum-supplemented media were similar in morphology, and both formed basement membrane assembly proteins important for maintaining graft integrity. Complete corneal epithelialization was achieved within 2 to 5 days postoperatively. The successful use of an AS-derived oral epithelial equivalent to treat severe ocular surface disease represents an important advance in the pursuit of completely autologous xenobiotic-free bioengineered ocular equivalents for clinical transplantation. 14Since most of these studies used heterologous carrier for growth of corneal limbal cells with attendant likely complications, we developed a novel method of cultivation of human limbal cells in a synthetic material as a culture substrate and the material we chose was Mebiol Gel (Provided by Mebiol Inc., Japan through Nichi-In Bio Sciences PVT Ltd, Chennai, India.Mebiol Gel is a copolymer composed of thermo responsive polymer block [poly (Nisopropylacrylamide-co-n-butyl methacrylate (poly NIPAAm-co-BMA] and the hydrophilic polymer block [polyethylene glycol (PEG]. This polymer block is hydrophilic at temperatures below 20oC and hydrophobic at temperatures above 20°C forming cross-linking points and homogenous three dimensional (3-D network of Mebiol Gel in water

  6. Generation of Femtosecond Laser-Cut Decellularized Corneal Lenticule Using Hypotonic Trypsin-EDTA Solution for Corneal Tissue Engineering

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    Man-Il Huh


    Full Text Available Purpose. To establish an optimized and standardized protocol for the development of optimal scaffold for bioengineering corneal substitutes, we used femtosecond laser to process human corneal tissue into stromal lenticules and studied to find the most efficient decellularization method among various reagents with different tonicities. Methods. The decellularization efficacy of several agents (0.1%, 0.25%, and 0.5% of Triton X-100, SDS, and trypsin-EDTA (TE, resp. with different tonicities was evaluated. Of all protocols, the decellularization methods, which efficiently removed nuclear materials examined as detected by immunofluorescent staining, were quantitatively tested for sample DNA and glycosaminoglycan (GAG contents, recellularization efficacy, and biocompatibilities. Results. 0.5% SDS in hypertonic and isotonic buffer, 0.25% TE in hypotonic buffer, and 0.5% TE in all tonicities completely decellularized the corneal lenticules. Of the protocols, decellularization with hypotonic 0.25 and 0.5% TE showed the lowest DNA contents, while the GAG content was the highest. Furthermore, the recellularization efficacy of the hypotonic TE method was better than that of the SDS-based method. Hypotonic TE-treated decellularized corneal lenticules (DCLs were sufficiently transparent and biocompatible. Conclusion. We generated an ideal protocol for DCLs using a novel method. Furthermore, it is possible to create a scaffold using a bioengineered corneal substitute.

  7. Intervención psicosocial y educativa para prevención de riesgos asociados a procesos migratorios


    Pinillos, Mónica


    Con este artículo se trata de describir los principales modelos teóricos formulados para analizar la vinculación entre el proceso migratorio y los factores de riesgo para la salud psíquica asociados al mismo. Se describen los trastornos que pueden surgir y se presentan unas pautas de prevención e intervención. Se propone una intervención integral a través de un modelo multivariado, con programas comunitarios y de atención psicológica. Se insiste en la necesidad de tener presentes los factores...

  8. Treatment Results of Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking Combined with Riboflavin and 440 Nm Blue Light for Bacterial Corneal Ulcer in Rabbits. (United States)

    Wei, Shufang; Zhang, Cuiying; Zhang, Shaoru; Xu, Yanyun; Mu, Guoying


    To study the treatment effect of corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) combined with 440 nm blue light and riboflavin on bacterial corneal ulcer using animal experiments. A total of 21 New Zealand white rabbits that developed Staphylococcus aureus corneal ulcer were randomly divided into three groups. Seven rabbits were used as blank control groups; seven rabbits were treated with CXL combined with riboflavin and 440 nm blue light; and seven rabbits were treated with CXL combined with riboflavin and 370 nm ultraviolet A light. Necrotic tissues or secretions from the ulcer surface, eye secretions, conjunctival hyperemia, hypopyon, corneal infiltration, and pathological changes of the cornea were all observed. The 1st, 3th, and 7th day after CXL treatment, a statistically significant difference was found among the inflammation scores of the three groups. The scores of 440 and 370 groups decreased gradually, significantly lower than that of the control group. Bacterial cultures of 440 and 370 groups turned to be negative while that of the control group remained positive. After 1 day of CXL treatment, pathology pictures of the three groups all showed loss of corneal epithelia with many inflammatory cells in deep stroma. After 7 days of CXL treatment, abscess formed in almost all corneal area in the control group, while in 440 and 370 groups, multilayer healing of corneal epithelia, neovascularization, and many inflammatory cells within ulcers and proliferation of a small amount of fibroblast were seen. CXL combined with riboflavin and 440 nm blue light is effective in treating S. aureus corneal ulcer.

  9. Factores asociados al asma en los niños y adolescentes de la zona rural de Navarra (España

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    Itsaso Elizalde-Beiras


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivos: Conocer los factores asociados al asma y síntomas relacionados con asma en la población infantil y adolescente en la zona rural de Navarra (España a través de la validación del cuestionario ISAAC. Participantes y métodos: Estudio transversal mediante la realización del cuestionario ISAAC y variables adicionales por 797 niños y adolescentes, a través del cual se obtuvieron datos de prevalencia sobre síntomas de asma y factores asociados sin realizar ninguna prueba diagnóstica adicional. Emplazamiento: Marco de atención primaria. A través de las zonas básicas de salud se hizo la selección de la muestra y en los centros educativos de dichas zonas se realizó el cuestionario. Mediciones y resultados: El análisis estadístico se hizo a través de regresión logística, chi cuadrado e intervalo de confianza al 95%. La prevalencia asma referida es del 11,7% en niños y del 13,4% en adolescentes. En cuanto a los factores relacionados, según los valores de OR destacan: OR = 9,5 entre sibilancias y asma, y OR = 3,5 entre rinitis recientes y asma. Respecto a las sibilancias recientes, hallamos un OR = 11,5 entre despertares y sibilancias recientes, y un OR = 3,4 entre rinitis recientes y sibilancias recientes. Conclusiones: El asma referida es una enfermedad prevalente ligeramente superior en la adolescencia y la población femenina de los escolares de la zona rural. Rinitis y otros síntomas de asma están relacionados con el asma y con las sibilancias, así como la utilización de los servicios de urgencias en el caso del asma y la bronquitis con las sibilancias. Abstract: Objectives: To determine the factors associated with asthma and asthma-related symptoms in children and adolescents in rural areas of Navarre (Spain. Participants and methods: A cross-sectional study using the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC questionnaire, as well as additional variables, was conducted on 797

  10. Human tears reveal insights into corneal neovascularization. (United States)

    Zakaria, Nadia; Van Grasdorff, Sigi; Wouters, Kristien; Rozema, Jos; Koppen, Carina; Lion, Eva; Cools, Nathalie; Berneman, Zwi; Tassignon, Marie-José


    Corneal neovascularization results from the encroachment of blood vessels from the surrounding conjunctiva onto the normally avascular cornea. The aim of this study is to identify factors in human tears that are involved in development and/or maintenance of corneal neovascularization in humans. This could allow development of diagnostic tools for monitoring corneal neovascularization and combination monoclonal antibody therapies for its treatment. In an observational case-control study we enrolled a total of 12 patients with corneal neovascularization and 10 healthy volunteers. Basal tears along with reflex tears from the inferior fornix, superior fornix and using a corneal bath were collected along with blood serum samples. From all patients, ocular surface photographs were taken. Concentrations of the pro-angiogenic cytokines interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein 1 (MCP-1) and Fas Ligand (FasL) were determined in blood and tear samples using a flow cytometric multiplex assay. Our results show that the concentration of pro-angiogenic cytokines in human tears are significantly higher compared to their concentrations in serum, with highest levels found in basal tears. Interestingly, we could detect a significantly higher concentration of IL- 6, IL-8 and VEGF in localized corneal tears of patients with neovascularized corneas when compared to the control group. This is the first study of its kind demonstrating a significant difference of defined factors in tears from patients with neovascularized corneas as compared to healthy controls. These results provide the basis for future research using animal models to further substantiate the role of these cytokines in the establishment and maintenance of corneal neovascularization.

  11. Artrópodos asociados a Jatropha curcas Linnaeus. Funciones y estrategia para su manejo

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    O Alonso

    Full Text Available En la actualidad, Jatropha curcas Linnaeus constituye una de las plantas más investigadas a nivel mundial debido a su potencial como productora de aceite, el cual se puede transformar en biodiesel. Sin embargo, aún no se dispone de suficiente información sobre sus interacciones ecológicas con otros vegetales y animales; por lo que el conocimiento referente a los artrópodos asociados al piñón nombre común por el que se le conoce» es un requisito indispensable para el manejo adecuado del cultivo. El objetivo de este artículo es exponer los resultados de una recopilación realizada acerca de dichos organismos (insectos, ácaros y arañas, fundamentalmente, para lograr una mejor explotación de las plantaciones de este cultivo energético en Cuba. Dentro del grupo de los fitófagos se encontraron 151 especies de insectos, entre las que sobresalen las del orden Hemiptera, por ejemplo: Pachycoris klugii Burmeister (Scutelleridae y Leptoglossus zonatus (Dallas; además de cuatro de ácaros. Entre los benéficos se hallaron 90 especies de insectos, cinco de ácaros y 13 de arañas depredadoras. En cuanto a las estrategias de manejo de plagas, se hace un mayor énfasis en las medidas de control químico y en algunas acciones de tipo cultural. Teniendo en cuenta estos antecedentes, en Cuba es imprescindible conocer los principales organismos asociados a dicha planta, con vistas a incorporar con mayor precisión el componente agroecológico en el manejo de las plagas, y con ello contribuir al mantenimiento de las capacidades productivas de los agroecosistemas y a su resiliencia.

  12. Clinical Validation of Point-Source Corneal Topography in Keratoplasty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vrijling, A C L; Braaf, B.; Snellenburg, J.J.; de Lange, F.; Zaal, M.J.W.; van der Heijde, G.L.; Sicam, V.A.D.P.


    Purpose. To validate the clinical performance of point-source corneal topography (PCT) in postpenetrating keratoplasty (PKP) eyes and to compare it with conventional Placido-based topography. Methods. Corneal elevation maps of the anterior corneal surface were obtained from 20 post-PKP corneas using

  13. Corneal donations in South Africa: A 15-year review. (United States)

    York, Nicholas J; Tinley, Christopher


    Corneal pathology is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness in South Africa (SA). A corneal transplant can restore or significantly improve vision in most cases. However, in SA there is a gross shortage of corneal tissue available to ophthalmologists. Little has been published describing the magnitude of the problem. To describe trends in the number of corneal donors per year in SA, the number of corneal transplants performed each year, the origin of donors, the allocation of corneas to the public or private sector, and the demographics of donors. This was a retrospective review of all corneal donations to SA eye banks over the 15-year period 1 January 2002 - 31 December 2016. There was a progressive year-on-year decline in corneal donors over the study period, from 565 per year in 2002 to 89 in 2016. As a direct result, there has been an 85.5% decrease in the number of corneal transplants performed per year using locally donated corneas, from 1 049 in 2002 to 152 in 2016. Of the donors, 48.8% originated from mortuaries, 39.0% from private hospitals and 12.2% from government hospitals; donors from mortuaries showed the most significant decline over the 15-year period, decreasing by 94.8%. Of donated corneas, 79.3% were allocated to the private sector and 21.7% to the public sector. Males comprised 69.1% of donors, while 77.2% were white, 14.0% coloured, 6.3% black and 2.5% Indian/Asian. Donor age demonstrated a bimodal peak at 25 and 55 years. The number of corneal donations in SA has declined markedly, causing the burden of corneal disease requiring transplantation to rise steadily. Population groups with a low donor rate may have cultural and other objections to corneal donation, which should be a major focus of future research and initiatives aimed at reversing the current trends.

  14. Effect of Cycloplegia on Corneal Biometrics and Refractive State. (United States)

    Bagheri, Abbas; Feizi, Mohadeseh; Shafii, Aliakbar; Faramarzi, Amir; Tavakoli, Mehdi; Yazdani, Shahin


    To determine changes in refractive state and corneal parameters after cycloplegia with cyclopentolate hydrochloride 1% using a dual Scheimpflug imaging system. In this prospective cross-sectional study patients aged 10 to 40 years who were referred for optometric evaluation enrolled and underwent autorefraction and corneal imaging with the Galilei dual Scheimpflug system before and 30 minutes after twice instillation of medication. Changes in refraction and astigmatism were investigated. Corneal biometrics including anterior and posterior corneal curvatures, total corneal power and corneal pachymetry were compared before and after cycloplegia. Two hundred and twelve eyes of 106 subjects with mean age of 28 ± 5 years including 201 myopic and 11 hyperopic eyes were evaluated. Mean spherical equivalent refractive error before cycloplegia was -3.4 ± 2.6 D. A mean hyperopic shift of 0.4 ± 0.5 D occurred after cycloplegia ( P biometrics should be considered before cataract and refractive surgeries.

  15. Surgically induced astigmatism after phacoemulsification by temporal clear corneal and superior clear corneal approach: a comparison

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    Nikose AS


    Full Text Available Archana Sunil Nikose, Dhrubojyoti Saha, Pradnya Mukesh Laddha, Mayuri Patil Department of Ophthalmology, N.K.P. Salve Institute and LMH, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Introduction: Cataract surgery has undergone various advances since it was evolved from ancient couching to the modern phacoemulsification cataract surgery. Surgically induced astigmatism (SIA remains one of the most common complications. The introduction of sutureless clear corneal incision has gained increasing popularity worldwide because it offers several advantages over the traditional sutured limbal incision and scleral tunnel. A clear corneal incision has the benefit of being bloodless and having an easy approach, but SIA is still a concern.Purpose: In this study, we evaluated the SIA in clear corneal incisions with temporal approach and superior approach phacoemulsification. Comparisons between the two incisions were done using keratometric readings of preoperative and postoperative refractive status.Methodology: It was a hospital-based prospective interventional comparative randomized control trial of 261 patients conducted in a rural-based tertiary care center from September 2012 to August 2014. The visual acuity and detailed anterior segment and posterior segment examinations were done and the cataract was graded according to Lens Opacification Classification System II. Patients were divided for phacoemulsification into two groups, group A and group B, who underwent temporal and superior clear corneal approach, respectively. The patients were followed up on day 1, 7, 30, and 90 postoperatively. The parameters recorded were uncorrected visual acuity, best-corrected visual acuity, slit lamp examination, and keratometry. The mean difference of SIA between 30th and 90th day was statistically evaluated using paired t-test, and all the analyses were performed using SPSS 18.0 (SPSS Inc. software.Results: The mean postoperative SIA in group A was 0.998 D on the 30th day, which

  16. El gobierno corporativo en la cooperativa de trabajo asociado Recuperar CTA

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    Carlos Mario Toro Orozco


    Full Text Available En la cooperativa de trabajo asociado Recuperar (CTA se ha logrado demostrar, a través de esta investigación, la efectividad de la concertación entre el gobierno corporativo y la vinculación de los asociados a la solución eficaz y eficiente de un problema social prioritario para una ciudad, como ha sido el reciclaje de las basuras. Es por ello que en este artículo se evidencia cómo, a partir del Gobierno Corporativo , esta organización ha logrado una proyección económica y social que le ha permitido cumplir las necesidades de los asociados, estableciendo una cultura gerencial y de resultados, por medio de lo cual se ha logrado la permanencia de dicha organización en el sector solidario, como un ejemplo de gestión y proyección social. La metodología utilizada es un estudio de corte cualitativo a partir del análisis de los diferentes aspectos para establecer los mecanismos de Gobierno Corporativo. Los resultados permiten observar que su crecimiento y permanencia en el tiempo se ha obtenido, a través de la coherencia con los valores cooperativos, la igualdad y la solidaridad con las exigencias del mercado; la participación y el control democrático; de igual forma la identidad, autonomía e independencia por parte de sus asociados.

  17. Análisis de micromatrices de ADN revela genes asociados a metástasis en líneas celulares de cáncer de próstata de rata

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    Ismael Reyes


    Conclusiones. Se identificaron genes con expresión alterada asociados al fenotipo metastásico del cáncer de próstata. La subsiguiente validación de estos genes en tejido prostático humano pudiera revelar su utilidad como marcadores biológicos para esta enfermedad.

  18. Effects of two different incision phacoemulsification on corneal astigmatism

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    Lu Huo


    Full Text Available AIM:To compare the effect of different incision in corneal astigmatism after phacoemulsification. METHODS: Totally 88 cases(122 eyeswith pure cataract were randomly divided into two groups. Forty cases(60 eyeswere clarity corneal incision in group A, and 48 cases(62 eyeswere sclera tunnel incision in group B. Mean corneal astigmatism, surgically induced astigmatism(SIA, uncorrected visual acuity(UCVAand best correct vision acuity(BCVAwere observed in pre- and post-operation at 1d; 1wk; 1mo.RESULTS: The mean astigmatism had statistically significant difference between two groups at 1d; 1wk; 1mo after operation(PPP>0.05. UCVA≥0.5 and BCVA≥0.8 had statistically significant difference at 1d; 1wk(PP>0.05.CONCLUSION: Phacoemulsification with scleral tunnel incision remove combined intraocular lens(IOLimplantation has small changes to corneal astigmatism. By selecting personalized corneal incision according to the corneal topography might be more beneficial.

  19. Incidencia de factores de riesgo asociados a la anemia ferropénica en niños menores de cinco años

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    Mercedes Silva Rojas


    Full Text Available Se estima que más de 2 mil millones de personas en el mundo presentan déficit de hierro, más de la mitad está anémica y que la población infantil es más susceptible, por tener escasos depósitos y un crecimiento acelerado. Con el objetivo de identificar la presencia de factores de riesgo asociados a la anemia en niños de seis meses a cinco años de edad, en un Consultorio Médico de Familia (CMF del municipio Güines, provincia Mayabeque, se realizó esta investigación. Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal, del 1ro de abril al 30 de septiembre de 2013, con el universo de niños de este grupo de edad, pertenecientes al CMF No1 del Policlínico Docente “Luis Li Trigent” del referido municipio y provincia; y la muestra quedó conformada por 32 niños, a los que se les diagnosticó anemia. El 46,9 % de los niños de seis a 23 meses de edad presentaron anemia con ligero predominio en el sexo masculino (53,1 %. Los factores de riesgo asociados más frecuentes en la muestra de estudio fueron: la anemia materna, 75 %; la no profilaxis a los niños con sales de hierro, 71,9 %; la no lactancia materna exclusiva hasta los seis meses de edad (65,7 % y las infecciones, 81,2 %. La anemia ligera fue más frecuente, 90,6 %. Estos resultados permiten identificar la incidencia de factores de riesgo asociados a la anemia, paso previo para realizar acciones que los modifiquen

  20. Efectividad del crosslinking del colágeno corneal en el tratamiento del queratocono Effectiveness of the corneal collagen crosslinking in the treatment of keratoconus

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    Madelyn Jareño Ochoa


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la efectividad del tratamiento de crosslinking del colágeno corneal en pacientes con queratocono progresivo en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer". Métodos: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, en 30 pacientes (30 ojos con queratocono progresivo que se les realizó el crosslinking del colágeno corneal. Se recogieron los datos en el preoperatorio, al mes, 3 meses, 6 meses y al año. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, sexo, estadio del queratocono, mejor agudeza visual corregida, equivalente esférico, queratometría máxima topográfica, algunos índices topográficos de diagnóstico de queratocono, el coma y la paquimetría óptica. Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino, grupo de 20 a 29 años de edad y el estadio II del queratocono. La mejor agudeza visual corregida se incrementa de 0,65 ±0,25 en el preoperatorio a 0,74 ±0,23 al año. El equivalente esférico disminuye de -7,25 ±4,48 a -6,39 ±4,20 dioptrías. La queratometría máxima topográfica de 50,76 ±3,81 a 49,26 ±3,31 dioptrías. Los índices topográficos disminuyeron sus valores. El error cuadrático medio del coma se modificó de 0,59 ±0,43 a 0,45 ±0,32 micras. La paquimetría óptica del centro de la pupila varió de 494 ±39,75 a 466 ±44,24 micras y la de la posición más delgada de 484 ±45,86 a 450 ±51,12 micras. Todos los resultados al año mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Conclusiones: el crosslinking es un tratamiento efectivo para el queratocono progresivo que permite detener la evolución de esta enfermedad ectásica.Objective: to determine the effectiveness of corneal collagen crosslinking in patients with progressive keratoconus performed at “Ramón Pando Ferrer” Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology. Methods: a retrospective and descriptive study was performed in 30 patients (30 eyes with progressive keratoconus, who underwent the corneal collagen crosslinking. Data were collected


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    Francesca Sánchez-Martínez


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: El sobrepeso y la obesidad infantil han aumentado progresivamente en las últimas décadas, especialmente en países del sur de Europa. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar la prevalencia de sobrepeso, obesidad y sus determinantes en escolares de 8-9 años de Barcelona. Métodos: Estudio transversal descriptivo de una muestra representativa de 3.262 escolares en 2011. Se calculó el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC siguiendo los criterios establecidos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (z-scores. Se estudiaron variables sobre conducta alimentaria, actividad física y uso de nuevas tecnologías mediante 2 cuestionarios. Se ajustaron modelos de regresión logística, obteniendo odds ratio ajustadas e intervalos de confianza (95%. Resultados: La prevalencia de sobrepeso fue del 24,0% y de obesidad del 12,7%. La obesidad fue significativamente mayor en niños que en niñas (14,8% vs. 10,8%. No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas según IMC en el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de práctica de actividad física ni uso de nuevas tecnologías. Los factores asociados a la obesidad en niños fueron asistir a escuela situada en barrios de nivel socioeconómico desfavorable [ORa=1,88 (1,35-2,63], pertenecer a familia inmigrante [ORa=1,57 (1,12- 2,20], no comer en el colegio [ORa=1,76 (1,20-2,59] y hacer alguna comida solo [ORa=1,95 (1,27-3,00]. En niñas fueron pertenecer a familia monoparental [ORa=1,58 (1,06-2,34] y familia inmigrante [ORa=1,53 (1,07-2,18]. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de obesidad infantil en Barcelona es alta. Es más frecuente en niños, siendo los determinantes sociales los factores asociados de mayor relevancia.

  2. Factores escolares asociados al desarrollo socio-afectivo en Iberoamérica. [School factors associated with socio-emotional development in Latin American Countries].

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    Murillo, F. Javier


    Full Text Available We present the results of an international research that intends to identify key factors associated with school and classroom socio-emotional achievement of Primary Education Students in Latin America countries. This Multilevel Study has been conducted with 4 analysis levels; we studied 5,603 students from 248 classrooms from 98 schools in 9 countries. We worked with 4 product socio-affective variables (self-concept, academic behaviour, social interaction and satisfaction with the school. The results showed a series of classroom and school factors that explain the socio-emotional development, consistent with those found in research on school effectiveness to cognitive factors. Se presentan los resultados de una investigación internacional que pretende identificar los factores de escuela y de aula asociados al logro socio-afectivo de los estudiantes de Educación Primaria en Iberoamérica. Se realizó un estudio Multinivel con 4 niveles de análisis, se analizaron 5.603 alumnos de 248 aulas correspondientes a 98 escuelas de 9 países. Se trabajó con cuatro variables de producto socio-afectivo (Autoconcepto, Comportamiento académico, Convivencia social y Satisfacción con la escuela. Los resultados arrojaron una serie de factores de aula y escuela que explican el desarrollo socio-afectivo, coherentes con los hallados en la investigación sobre eficacia escolar con factores cognitivos.

  3. The Role of Titanium Surface Microtopography on Adhesion, Proliferation, Transformation, and Matrix Deposition of Corneal Cells. (United States)

    Zhou, Chengxin; Lei, Fengyang; Chodosh, James; Paschalis, Eleftherios I


    Titanium (Ti) is an excellent implantable biomaterial that can be further enhanced by surface topography optimization. Despite numerous data from orthopedics and dentistry, the effect of Ti surface topography on ocular cells is still poorly understood. In light of the recent adaptation of Ti in the Boston Keratoprosthesis artificial cornea, we attempted to perform an extended evaluation of the effect of Ti surface topography on corneal cell adhesion, proliferation, cytotoxicity, transformation, and matrix deposition. Different surface topographies were generated on medical grade Ti-6Al-4V-ELI (extra-low interstitial), with linearly increased roughness (polished to grit blasted). Biological response was evaluated in vitro using human corneal limbal epithelial (HCLE) cells, stromal fibroblasts (HCF), and endothelial cells (HCEnC). None of the Ti surface topographies caused cytotoxicity to any of the three corneal cell types. However, rough Ti surface inhibited HCLE and HCF cell adhesion and proliferation, while HCEnC proliferation was unaffected. Long-term experiments with HCF revealed that rough Ti surface with R(a) (the arithmetic average of the profile height from the mean line) ≥ 1.15 μm suppressed HCF focal adhesion kinase phosphorylation, changed fibroblast morphology, and caused less aligned and reduced deposition of collagen matrix as compared to smooth Ti (R(a) ≤ 0.08 μm). In the presence of transforming growth factor β1 (TGFβ1) stimulation, rough Ti inhibited alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) expression and collagen deposition, leading to decreased myofibroblast transformation and disorganization of the collagen fibrils as compared to smooth Ti. This study suggests that Ti surface topography regulates corneal cell behavior in a tissue-dependent manner that varies across the corneal strata. Contrary to the accepted paradigm, smooth surface topography can enhance cell adhesion and proliferation and increase matrix deposition by corneal cells.

  4. Prevalencia de displasia y cáncer cervicouterino y factores asociados en el Hospital Central de Chihuahua, México


    Ivonne Salas-Urrutia; Eyra Alejandra Villalobos; Brenda Lizeth Ramírez-Vega


    Objetivos: Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron determinar la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo asociados a cáncer cervicouterino en; las mujeres que acuden al Hospital Central de Chihuahua en el 2004 ya que no se cuenta registros de esta entidad en la ciudad de Chihuahua.; Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, transversal, donde se incluyó a mujeres que demandaron realizarse la citología; cervical en el Hospital Central del Estado de Chihuahua, en el año 2...

  5. Effects of genipin corneal crosslinking in rabbit corneas. (United States)

    Avila, Marcel Y; Narvaez, Mauricio; Castañeda, Juan P


    To evaluate the effect of genipin, a natural crosslinking agent, in rabbit eyes. Department of Ophthalmology, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Centro de Tecnologia Oftalmica, Bogotá, Colombia. Experimental study. Ex vivo rabbit eyes (16; 8 rabbits) were treated with genipin 1.00%, 0.50%, and 0.25% for 5 minutes with a vacuum device to increase corneal permeability. Penetration was evaluated using Scheimpflug pachymetry (Pentacam). In the in vivo model (20 rabbits; 1 eye treated, 1 eye with vehicle), corneas were crosslinked with genipin as described. Corneal curvature, corneal pachymetry, and intraocular pressure (IOP) assessments as well as slitlamp examinations were performed 0, 7, 30, and 60 days after treatment. In the ex vivo model, Scheimpflug pachymetry showed deep penetration in the rabbit corneas with an increase in corneal density and a dose-dependent relationship. Corneal flattening was observed in treated eyes (mean 4.4 diopters ± 0.5 [SD]) compared with the control eyes. Pachymetry and IOP were stable in all evaluations. No eye showed toxicity in the anterior chamber or in the lens. Corneal crosslinking induced by genipin produced significant flattening of the cornea with no toxicity in rabbit eyes. This crosslinking could be useful in the treatment of corneal ectasia and in the modification of corneal curvature. None of the authors has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2016 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Diferencias de personalidad, autoconcepto, ansiedad y trastornos de alimentación en deportistas de musculación: patrones psicológicos asociados a la vigorexia


    Castro-López, Rosario


    [ES] La investigación que se presenta tiene por objetivo fundamental la detección de indicadores psicológicos que puedan encontrarse asociados a la Vigorexia como una de las variables dependientes del estudio. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio de aproximación al perfil de diversos deportistas de musculación de la provincia de Jaén al ser el colectivo más susceptible a la aparición de este trastorno, analizando numerosos factores comportamentales y de personalidad, tales como autoconcepto, ...

  7. Airbag induced corneal ectasia. (United States)

    Mearza, Ali A; Koufaki, Fedra N; Aslanides, Ioannis M


    To report a case of airbag induced corneal ectasia. Case report. A patient 3 years post-LASIK developed bilateral corneal ectasia worse in the right eye following airbag deployment in a road traffic accident. At last follow up, best corrected vision was 20/40 with -4.00/-4.00 x 25 in the right eye and 20/25 with -1.25/-0.50 x 135 in the left eye. This is a rare presentation of trauma induced ectasia in a patient post-LASIK. It is possible that reduction in biomechanical integrity of the cornea from prior refractive surgery contributed to this presentation.

  8. Changes in corneal endothelial cell density and the cumulative risk of corneal decompensation after Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation. (United States)

    Kim, Kyoung Nam; Lee, Sung Bok; Lee, Yeon Hee; Lee, Jong Joo; Lim, Hyung Bin; Kim, Chang-Sik


    To evaluate changes in the corneal endothelial cell density (ECD) and corneal decompensation following Ahmed glaucoma valve (AGV) implantation. This study was retrospective and observational case series. Patients with refractory glaucoma who underwent AGV implantation and were followed >5 years were consecutively enrolled. We reviewed the medical records, including the results of central corneal specular microscopy. Of the 127 enrolled patients, the annual change in ECD (%) was determined using linear regression for 72 eyes evaluated at least four times using serial specular microscopic examination and compared with 31 control eyes (fellow glaucomatous eyes under medical treatment). The main outcome measures were cumulative risk of corneal decompensation and differences in the ECD loss rates between subjects and controls. The mean follow-up after AGV implantation was 43.1 months. There were no cases of postoperative tube-corneal touch. The cumulative risk of corneal decompensation was 3.3%, 5 years after AGV implantation. There was a more rapid loss of ECD in the 72 subject eyes compared with the 31 controls (-7.0% and -0.1%/year, respectively; p<0.001). However, the rate of loss decreased over time and statistical significance compared with control eyes disappeared after 2 years postoperatively: -10.7% from baseline to 1 year (p<0.01), -7.0% from 1 year to 2 years (p=0.037), -4.2% from 2 years to 3 years (p=0.230) and -2.7% from 3 years to the final follow-up (p=0.111). In case of uncomplicated AGV implantation, the cumulative risk of corneal decompensation was 3.3%, 5 years after the operation. The ECD loss was statistically greater in eyes with AGV than in control eyes without AGV, but the difference was significant only up to 2 years post surgery. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  9. Corneal manifestations in systemic diseases


    Zarranz-Ventura, J.; Nova, E. De; Moreno-Montañés, J.


    Un gran número de enfermedades sistémicas presentan manifestaciones corneales dentro de su espectro de enfermedad. El estudio detallado de todos los cuadros que asocian patología corneal resulta inabarcable, por ello se presentan las enfermedades más prevalentes o características. Este estudio contempla las enfermedades pulmonares y conectivopatías (colagenosis, enfermedades reumatológicas y enfermedades inflamatorias idiopáticas), las enfermedades dermatológicas, cardiovasculares, hematológi...

  10. Acute corneal hydrops in keratoconus

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    Prafulla K Maharana


    Full Text Available Acute corneal hydrops is a condition characterized by stromal edema due to leakage of aqueous through a tear in descemet membrane. The patient presents with sudden onset decrease in vision, photophobia, and pain. Corneal thinning and ectasias combined with trivial trauma to the eye mostly by eye rubbing is considered as the underlying cause. With conservative approach self-resolution takes around 2 to 3 months. Surgical intervention is required in cases of non-resolution of corneal edema to avoid complications and for early visual rehabilitation. Intracameral injection of air or gas such as perflouropropane is the most common surgical procedure done. Recent investigative modality such as anterior segment optical coherence tomography is an extremely useful tool for diagnosis, surgical planning, and postoperative follow up. Resolution of hydrops may improve the contact lens tolerance and visual acuity but most cases require keratoplasty for visual rehabilitation.

  11. Spontaneous Healing of Corneal Perforation after Temporary Discontinuation of Erlotinib Treatment

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    Naoyuki Morishige


    Full Text Available Purpose: To report a case of corneal perforation associated with oral administration of erlotinib and its spontaneous healing after temporary discontinuation of drug treatment. Case Report: A 65-year-old man with metastatic lung cancer was treated with erlotinib (150 mg/day, a specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor of the epidermal growth factor receptor. He was referred to our corneal service for the treatment of bilateral corneal disorders, diagnosed with mild aqueous-deficient dry eye, and treated by insertion of punctal plugs. His corneal epithelial disorders initially improved, but subsequently worsened, as manifested by the development of bilateral corneal ulceration with corneal perforation in the right eye. The oral administration of erlotinib was interrupted in preparation for tectonic keratoplasty, but 2 days later the corneal perforation of the right eye and the bilateral epithelial defects had healed spontaneously. Treatment with erlotinib was resumed at half the initial dose, and the cornea of both eyes has remained apparently healthy. Discussion: Erlotinib may be secreted into tear fluid and thereby adversely affect the corneal epithelium. The development of corneal epithelial disorders in patients receiving this drug may be reversed by reducing its dose.

  12. Management of corneal bee sting

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    Razmjoo H


    Full Text Available Hassan Razmjoo1,2, Mohammad-Ali Abtahi1,2,4, Peyman Roomizadeh1,3, Zahra Mohammadi1,2, Seyed-Hossein Abtahi1,3,41Medical School, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (IUMS; 2Ophthalmology Ward, Feiz Hospital, IUMS; 3Isfahan Medical Students Research Center (IMSRC, IUMS; 4Isfahan Ophthalmology Research Center (IORC, Feiz Hospital, IUMS, Isfahan, IranAbstract: Corneal bee sting is an uncommon environmental eye injury that can result in various ocular complications with an etiology of penetrating, immunologic, and toxic effects of the stinger and its injected venom. In this study we present our experience in the management of a middle-aged male with a right-sided deep corneal bee sting. On arrival, the patient was complaining of severe pain, blurry vision with acuity of 160/200, and tearing, which he had experienced soon after the injury. Firstly, we administered conventional drugs for eye injuries, including topical antibiotic, corticosteroid, and cycloplegic agents. After 2 days, corneal stromal infiltration and edema developed around the site of the sting, and visual acuity decreased to 100/200. These conditions led us to remove the stinger surgically. Within 25 days of follow-up, the corneal infiltration decreased gradually, and visual acuity improved to 180/200. We suggest a two-stage management approach for cases of corneal sting. For the first stage, if the stinger is readily accessible or primary dramatic reactions, including infiltration, especially on the visual axis, exist, manual or surgical removal would be indicated. Otherwise, we recommend conventional treatments for eye injuries. Given this situation, patients should be closely monitored for detection of any worsening. If the condition does not resolve or even deteriorates, for the second stage, surgical removal of the stinger under local or generalized anesthesia is indicated.Keywords: bee sting, stinger, cornea, removal, management, surgery

  13. Impact of Facial Conformation on Canine Health: Corneal Ulceration (United States)

    Packer, Rowena M. A.; Hendricks, Anke; Burn, Charlotte C.


    Concern has arisen in recent years that selection for extreme facial morphology in the domestic dog may be leading to an increased frequency of eye disorders. Corneal ulcers are a common and painful eye problem in domestic dogs that can lead to scarring and/or perforation of the cornea, potentially causing blindness. Exaggerated juvenile-like craniofacial conformations and wide eyes have been suspected as risk factors for corneal ulceration. This study aimed to quantify the relationship between corneal ulceration risk and conformational factors including relative eyelid aperture width, brachycephalic (short-muzzled) skull shape, the presence of a nasal fold (wrinkle), and exposed eye-white. A 14 month cross-sectional study of dogs entering a large UK based small animal referral hospital for both corneal ulcers and unrelated disorders was carried out. Dogs were classed as affected if they were diagnosed with a corneal ulcer using fluorescein dye while at the hospital (whether referred for this disorder or not), or if a previous diagnosis of corneal ulcer(s) was documented in the dogs’ histories. Of 700 dogs recruited, measured and clinically examined, 31 were affected by corneal ulcers. Most cases were male (71%), small breed dogs (mean± SE weight: 11.4±1.1 kg), with the most commonly diagnosed breed being the Pug. Dogs with nasal folds were nearly five times more likely to be affected by corneal ulcers than those without, and brachycephalic dogs (craniofacial ratio dogs. A 10% increase in relative eyelid aperture width more than tripled the ulcer risk. Exposed eye-white was associated with a nearly three times increased risk. The results demonstrate that artificially selecting for these facial characteristics greatly heightens the risk of corneal ulcers, and such selection should thus be discouraged to improve canine welfare. PMID:25969983

  14. Study on phototherapeutic keratotomy for bacterial corneal lesions in rabbit

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    Xin Zhou


    Full Text Available AIM: To study the effect of phototherapeutic keratectomy(PTKon rabbit bacterial corneal ulcer model and explore the clinical potential of this method. METHODS: Totally 48 eyes from all the 24 New Zealand rabbits were inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus and bacterial corneal ulcer model was established successfully. At 1d after inoculation, 48 eyes were given levofloxacin eye drops when corneal ulcer was confirmed. Then slit lamp inspection and optical coherence tomography(OCTwere performed to measure the central corneal ulcer depth. All the rabbits right eyes were treated with PTK, as an observation group, left eyes were not treated as a control group. The eye section were observed by slit lamp and central thickness of corneal ulcer was measured by OCT at 3 and 7d after this operation. Rabbits were sacrificed and the cornea was removed for pathological section 7d later. RESULTS: The corneal ulcers in both groups had a tendency to heal, showing a decrease in ulcer area and smoothness of the surface. There was no significant difference in the depth of corneal ulcer between the observation group and the control group before PTK(t=0.706, P=0.484. The difference between the two groups of eyes at 3 and 7d after PTK was obviously(PCONCLUSION: PTK can effectively cure rabbit Staphylococcus aureus corneal ulcer and promote ulcer wound healing, which may be used for clinical treatment of patients with bacterial corneal lesions.

  15. Crosslinking and corneal cryotherapy in acanthamoeba keratitis -- a histological study. (United States)

    Hager, Tobias; Hasenfus, A; Stachon, T; Seitz, B; Szentmáry, N


    Acanthamoeba keratitis is rare, but difficult to treat. Penetrating keratoplasty is performed in therapy-resistant cases. Nevertheless, subsequent recurrences occur in 40 % of the cases. In addition to triple-topical therapy (polyhexamid, propamidinisoethionat, neomycin), treatment alternatives are corneal cryotherapy and/or crosslinking (CXL). The aim of our present histological study was to analyze the persistence of acanthamoebatrophozoites and cysts, the persistence of bacteria, and activation of keratocytes in corneas of acanthamoeba keratitis patients following corneal cryotherapy and/or CXL. We analyzed histologically corneal buttons (from penetrating keratoplasties) of nine patients with acanthamoeba keratitis, following corneal cryotherapy (two patients) or a combination of crosslinking and corneal cryotherapy (seven patients), using haematoxilin–eosin, periodic acid Schiff (PAS), Gram and alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) stainings. Acanthamoeba trophozoites persisted in three corneas after cryotherapy and CXL. Cysts persisted in one of two corneas following corneal cryotherapy and in six of seven corneas after a combination of CXL and cryotherapy. One cornea showed positive Gram staining, but there were no alpha-SMA positive keratocytes in any of the corneas. Crosslinking and corneal cryotherapy have only limited impact on killing of acanthamoeba trophozoites, cysts, or bacteria. Corneal cryotherapy and CXL did not stimulate myofibroblastic transformation of keratocytes.

  16. Corneal topography

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, J.; Koch-Jensen, P.; Østerby, Ole


    The central corneal zone is depicted on keratoscope photographs using a small target aperture and a large object distance. Information on the peripheral area is included by employing a hemispherical target with a dense circular and radial pattern. On a 16 mm (R = 8 mm) reference steel sphere the ...

  17. Prevalence and associated factors of corneal blindness in Ningxia in northwest China

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    Xun-Lun Sheng


    Full Text Available AIM:To describe the prevalence and demographic characteristics of corneal blindness in an urban and rural region of Ningxia, located in the northwest part of China.METHODS:A stratified, randomized sampling procedure was employed in the study, including urban and rural area of all age group. Visual acuity, anterior segment and ocular fundus were checked. Related factor of corneal disease, including age, gender, education status, ethnic group, location and occupation, were identified according to uniform customized protocol. An eye was defined to be corneal blindness if the visual acuity was <20/400 due to a corneal disease.RESULTS:Three thousand individuals (1290 from urban area and 1710 from rural area participated in the investigation, with a response rate of 80.380%. The prevalence of corneal blindness was 0.023% in both eyes and 0.733% in at least one eye. The blindness in at least one eye with varied causes was present in 106 participants (3.533% and in bilateral eyes in 34 participants (1.133%. The corneal diseases accounted for 20.754% of blindness in at least one eye and 20.588% of bilateral blindness. The prevalence of corneal disease was higher in older and Han ethnic group, especially those who occupied in agriculture and outdoor work. People with corneal blindness were more likely to be older and lower education. Rural population were more likely to suffer from bilateral corneal blindness than the urban population in ≥59-year group (χ2=6.716, P=0.019. Infectious, trauma and immune corneal disease were the three leading causes of corneal disease. Trauma corneal disease was more likely leading to blindness in one eye. However, infectious and immune corneal diseases make more contribution to the bilateral corneal blindness.CONCLUSION: Corneal blindness is a significant burden of in Ningxia population, encompassing a variety of corneal infections and trauma; the majority of those were avoidable. Health promotion strategies and good

  18. CMPK1 and RBP3 are associated with corneal curvature in Asian populations. (United States)

    Chen, Peng; Miyake, Masahiro; Fan, Qiao; Liao, Jiemin; Yamashiro, Kenji; Ikram, Mohammad K; Chew, Merywn; Vithana, Eranga N; Khor, Chiea-Chuen; Aung, Tin; Tai, E-Shyong; Wong, Tien-Yin; Teo, Yik-Ying; Yoshimura, Nagahisa; Saw, Seang-Mei; Cheng, Ching-Yu


    Corneal curvature (CC) measures the steepness of the cornea and is an important parameter for clinically diseases such as astigmatism and myopia. Despite the high heritability of CC, only two associated genes have been discovered to date. We performed a three-stage genome-wide association study meta-analysis in 12 660 Asian individuals. Our Stage 1 was done in multiethnic cohorts comprising 7440 individuals, followed by a Stage 2 replication in 2473 Chinese and Stage 3 in 2747 Japanese. The SNP array genotype data were imputed up to the 1000 Genomes Project Phase 1 cosmopolitan panel. The SNP association with the radii of CC was investigated in the linear regression model with the adjustment of age, gender and principal components. In addition to the known genes, MTOR (also known as FRAP1) and PDGFRA, we discovered two novel genes associated with CC: CMPK1 (rs17103186, P = 3.3 × 10(-12)) and RBP3 (rs11204213 [Val884Met], P = 1.1 × 10(-13)). The missense RBP3 SNP, rs11204213, was also associated with axial length (AL) (P = 4.2 × 10(-6)) and had larger effects on both CC and AL compared with other SNPs. The index SNPs at the four indicated loci explained 1.9% of CC variance across the Stages 1 and 2 cohorts, while 33.8% of CC variance was explained by the genome-wide imputation data. We identified two novel genes influencing CC, which are related to either corneal shape or eye size. This study provides additional insights into genetic architecture of corneal shape. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  19. Iris en sayuela signo clínico nuevo asociado al síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior: a new clinical sign associated to the anterior segment toxic syndrome Iris in underskirt

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    Iván Hernández López


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Presentar un nuevo signo clínico como resultado del desprendimiento gigante del epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris en el curso de un síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior tras una cirugía de catarata. MÉTODOS: Presentamos un paciente intervenido de catarata mediante facoemulsificación con implante de lente intraocular de cámara posterior plegable, sin incidencias ni complicaciones transoperatorias. Se le realizó evaluación biomicroscópica en el posoperatorio inmediato diagnosticándosele un síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior asociado a un desprendimiento gigante del epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris. Se tomaron fotos durante la evolución del paciente para documentar este raro signo clínico. RESULTADOS: Al provocar la dilatación pupilar farmacológica nos encontramos con la retracción de todas las capas anteriores del iris, mostrando por debajo al epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris sinequiado al lente intraocular y tan extensamente desprendido que simulaba un segundo iris. No encontramos este hallazgo clínico reportado en la literatura revisada. Denominamos este signo como iris en sayuela. CONCLUSIONES: El desprendimiento del epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris constituye un hallazgo clínico que puede aparecer raramente asociado al síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior y cuando es muy extenso puede presentarse de forma insólita como el signo del iris en sayuela.OBJECTIVE: To present a new clinical sign as a result of a huge posterior pigmented epithelium detachment of the iris in the course of at toxic anterior segment syndrome after a successful cataract surgery. METHOD: A patient who had undergone a cataract surgery by phacoemulsification with posterior chamber foldable intraocular lens implantation, without any incidence or transoperative complication. He was evaluated through biomicroscopy in the immediate postoperative period where a huge posterior pigmented epithelium detachment of the iris

  20. Corneal Biomechanical Properties after FS-LASIK with Residual Bed Thickness Less Than 50% of the Original Corneal Thickness

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    Haixia Zhang


    Full Text Available Background. The changes in corneal biomechanical properties after LASIK remain an unknown but important topic for surgical design and prognostic evaluation. This study aims to observe the postoperative corneal biomechanical properties one month after LASIK with amount of corneal cutting (ACC greater than 50% of the central corneal thickness (CCT. Methods. FS-LASIK was performed in 10 left rabbit eyes with ACC being 60% (L60 and 65% (L65 of the CCT, while the right eyes (R were the control. After 4 weeks, rabbits were executed and corneal strip samples were prepared for uniaxial tensile tests. Results. At the same strain, the stresses of L65 and L60 were larger than those of R. The elastic moduli of L60 and L65 were larger than those of R when the stress was 0.02 MPa, while they began to be less than those of R when stress exceeds the low-stress region. After 10 s relaxation, the stress of specimens L65, L60, and R increased in turn. Conclusion. The elastic moduli of the cornea after FS-LASIK with ACC greater than 50% of the CCT do not become less under normal rabbit IOP. The limit stress grows with the rise of ACC when relaxation becomes stable.

  1. Temporary corneal stem cell dysfunction after radiation therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiroshi, Fujishima; Kazuo, Tsubota


    Radiation therapy can cause corneal and conjuctival abnormalities that sometimes require surgical treatment. Corneal stem cell dysfunction is described, which recovered after the cessation of radiation. Methods - A 44-year-old man developed a corneal epithelial abnormality associated with conjuctival and corneal inflammation following radiation therapy for maxillary cancer. Examination of brush cytology samples showed goblet cells in the upper and lower parts of the cornea, which showed increased fluorescein permeability, and intraepithelial lymphocytes. Impression cytology showed goblet cells in the same part of the cornea. Specular microscopy revealed spindle type epithelial cells. Patient follow up included artificial tears and an antibiotic ophthalmic ointment. The corneal abnormalities resolved after 4 months with improved visual acuity without any surgical intervention, but the disappearance of the palisades of Vogt did not recover at 1 year after radiation. Radiation therapy in this patient caused temporary stem cell dysfunction which resulted in conjunctivalisation in a part of the cornea. Although limbal stem cell function did not fully recover, this rare case suggested that medical options should be considered before surgery. (Author)

  2. Comportamientos de riesgo para la salud en adolescentes estudiantes: prevalencia y factores asociados

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    Adalberto Campo-Arias


    Resultados: La edad promedio del grupo fue 14,8 años (DE=1,6, 51,3 % varones y escolaridad promedio de 8,5 años (DE=1,6. El 21,2 % (IC95 % 17,6-24,8 presentaba un PCRS. Se observó que los síntomas depresivos con importancia clínica (OR=2,74; IC95 % 1,46-5,16, ser varón (OR=2,35; IC95 % 1,47-3,78 y baja religiosidad (OR=1,93; IC95 % 1,24-3,02 se asociaban significativamente al PCRS. Conclusiones: EL PCRS se presenta en uno de cada cinco estudiantes de esta institución y está asociado a síntomas depresivos con importancia clínica, sexo masculino y baja religiosidad.

  3. Altered corneal biomechanical properties in children with osteogenesis imperfecta. (United States)

    Lagrou, Lisa M; Gilbert, Jesse; Hannibal, Mark; Caird, Michelle S; Thomas, Inas; Moroi, Sayoko E; Bohnsack, Brenda L


    To evaluate biomechanical corneal properties in children with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). A prospective, observational, case-control study was conducted on children 6-19 years of age diagnosed with OI. Patients with OI and healthy control subjects underwent complete ophthalmic examinations. Additional tests included Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA) and ultrasonic pachymetry. Primary outcomes were central corneal thickness (CCT), corneal hysteresis (CH), and corneal resistance factor (CRF). Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured directly by either iCare or Goldmann applanation and indirectly by the ORA (Goldmann-correlated and corneal-compensated IOP). Statistically significant differences between OI and control groups were determined using independent samples t test. A total of 10 of 18 OI cases (mean age, 13 ± 4.37 years; 8 males) and 30 controls (mean age, 12.76 ± 2.62 years; 16 males) were able to complete the corneal biomechanics and pachymetry testing. Children with OI had decreased CH (8.5 ± 1.0 mm Hg vs 11.6 ± 1.2 mm Hg [P < 0.001]), CRF (9.0 ± 1.9 mm Hg vs 11.5 ± 1.5 [P < 0.001]) and CCT (449.8 ± 30.8 μm vs 568 ± 47.6 μm [P < 0.001]) compared to controls. The corneal-compensated IOP was significantly higher in OI cases (18.8 ± 3.1 mm Hg) than in controls (15.0 ± 1.6 mm Hg, P < 0.004), but there was no significant difference in Goldmann-correlated IOP (16.3 ± 4.2 mm Hg vs 15.8 ± 2.2 mm Hg). Collagen defects in OI alter corneal structure and biomechanics. Children with OI have decreased CH, CRF, and CCT, resulting in IOPs that are likely higher than measured by tonometry. These corneal alterations are present at a young age in OI. Affected individuals should be routinely screened for glaucoma and corneal pathologies. Copyright © 2018 American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Regulation of corneal stroma extracellular matrix assembly. (United States)

    Chen, Shoujun; Mienaltowski, Michael J; Birk, David E


    The transparent cornea is the major refractive element of the eye. A finely controlled assembly of the stromal extracellular matrix is critical to corneal function, as well as in establishing the appropriate mechanical stability required to maintain corneal shape and curvature. In the stroma, homogeneous, small diameter collagen fibrils, regularly packed with a highly ordered hierarchical organization, are essential for function. This review focuses on corneal stroma assembly and the regulation of collagen fibrillogenesis. Corneal collagen fibrillogenesis involves multiple molecules interacting in sequential steps, as well as interactions between keratocytes and stroma matrix components. The stroma has the highest collagen V:I ratio in the body. Collagen V regulates the nucleation of protofibril assembly, thus controlling the number of fibrils and assembly of smaller diameter fibrils in the stroma. The corneal stroma is also enriched in small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPs) that cooperate in a temporal and spatial manner to regulate linear and lateral collagen fibril growth. In addition, the fibril-associated collagens (FACITs) such as collagen XII and collagen XIV have roles in the regulation of fibril packing and inter-lamellar interactions. A communicating keratocyte network contributes to the overall and long-range regulation of stromal extracellular matrix assembly, by creating micro-domains where the sequential steps in stromal matrix assembly are controlled. Keratocytes control the synthesis of extracellular matrix components, which interact with the keratocytes dynamically to coordinate the regulatory steps into a cohesive process. Mutations or deficiencies in stromal regulatory molecules result in altered interactions and deficiencies in both transparency and refraction, leading to corneal stroma pathobiology such as stromal dystrophies, cornea plana and keratoconus. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Dextran Preserves Native Corneal Structure During Decellularization. (United States)

    Lynch, Amy P; Wilson, Samantha L; Ahearne, Mark


    Corneal decellularization has become an increasingly popular technique for generating scaffolds for corneal regeneration. Most decellularization procedures result in tissue swelling, thus limiting their application. Here, the use of a polysaccharide, dextran, to reduce swelling and conserve the native corneal structure during decellularization was investigated. Corneas were treated with 1% Triton X-100, 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate, and nucleases under constant rotation followed by extensive washing. To reduce swelling, decellularization solutions were supplemented with 5% dextran either throughout the whole decellularization process or during the washing cycles only. Quantitative analysis of DNA content showed a 96% reduction after decellularization regardless of the addition of dextran. Dextran resulted in a significant reduction in swelling from 3.85 ± 0.43 nm without to 1.94 ± 0.29-2.01 ± 0.37 nm (p dextran must be present throughout the decellularization protocol to preserve the native corneal architecture, anisotropy analysis demonstrated comparable results (0.22 ± 0.03) to the native cornea (0.24 ± 0.02), p > 0.05. Dextran can counteract the detrimental effects of decellularizing agents on the biomechanical properties of the tissue resulting in similar compressive moduli (mean before decellularization: 5.40 ± 1.18 kPa; mean after decellularization with dextran: 5.64 ± 1.34 kPa, p > 0.05). Cells remained viable in the presence of decellularized scaffolds. The findings of this study indicate that dextran not only prevents significant corneal swelling during decellularization but also enhances the maintenance of the native corneal ultrastructure.

  6. Comparison of the Keratometric Corneal Astigmatic Power after Phacoemulsification: Clear Temporal Corneal Incision versus Superior Scleral Tunnel Incision

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    Yongqi He


    Full Text Available Objective. This is prospective randomized control trial to compare the mean keratometric corneal astigmatism diopter power (not surgical induced astigmatism among preop and one-month and three-month postop phacoemulcification of either a clear temporal corneal incision or a superior scleral tunnel Incision, using only keratometric astigmatic power reading to evaluate the difference between the two cataract surgery incisions. Methods. 120 patients (134 eyes underwent phacoemulcification were randomly assigned to two groups: Group A, the clear temporal corneal incision group, and Group B, the superior scleral tunnel incision group. SPSS11.5 Software was used for statistical analysis to compare the postsurgical changes of cornea astigmatism on keratometry. Results. The changes of corneal astigmatic diopter in Groups A and B after 3 month postop from keratometric reading were 1.04 + 0.76 and 0.94 + 0.27, respectively (=.84>.05, which showed no statistic significance difference. Conclusion. The incision through either temporal clear cornea or superior scleral tunnel in phacoemulcification shows no statistic difference in astigmatism change on keratometry 3-month postop.

  7. Analysis of corneal topography in patients with pure microphthalmia in Eastern China. (United States)

    Hu, Pei-Hong; Gao, Gui-Ping; Yu, Yao; Pei, Chong-Gang; Zhou, Qiong; Huang, Xin; Zhang, Ying; Shao, Yi


    To determine the typical corneal changes in pure microphthalmia using a corneal topography system and identify characteristics that may assist in early diagnosis. Patients with pure microphthalmia and healthy control subjects underwent corneal topography analysis (Orbscan IIZ® Corneal Topography System; Bausch and Lomb, Bridgewater, NJ, USA) to determine degree of corneal astigmatism (mean A), simulation of corneal astigmatism (sim A), mean keratometry (mean K), simulated keratometry (sim K), irregularities in the 3 - and 5-mm zone, and mean thickness of nine distinct corneal regions. Patients with pure microphthalmia (n = 12) had significantly higher mean K, sim K, mean A, sim A, 3.0 mm irregularity and 5.0 mm irregularity, and exhibited significantly more false keratoconus than controls (n = 12). There was a significant between-group difference in the morphology of the anterior corneal surface and the central curvature of the cornea. Changes in corneal morphology observed in this study could be useful in borderline situations to confirm the diagnosis of pure microphthalmia. © The Author(s) 2015.

  8. Congenital Corneal Anesthesia and Neurotrophic Keratitis: Diagnosis and Management

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    Flavio Mantelli


    Full Text Available Neurotrophic keratitis (NK is a rare degenerative disease of the cornea caused by an impairment of corneal sensory innervation, characterized by decreased or absent corneal sensitivity resulting in epithelial keratopathy, ulceration, and perforation. The aetiopathogenesis of corneal sensory innervation impairment in children recognizes the same range of causes as adults, although they are much less frequent in the pediatric population. Some extremely rare congenital diseases could be considered in the aetiopathogenesis of NK in children. Congenital corneal anesthesia is an extremely rare condition that carries considerable diagnostic and therapeutic problems. Typically the onset is up to 3 years of age and the cornea may be affected in isolation or the sensory deficit may exist as a component of a congenital syndrome, or it may be associated with systemic somatic anomalies. Accurate diagnosis and recognition of risk factors is important for lessening long-term sequelae of this condition. Treatment should include frequent topical lubrication and bandage corneal or scleral contact lenses. Surgery may be needed in refractory cases. The purpose of this review is to summarize and update data available on congenital causes and treatment of corneal hypo/anesthesia and, in turn, on congenital NK.

  9. Analysis of corneal esthesia in patients undergoing photorefractive keratectomy

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    Elmar Torres Neto


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Purpose: To quantitatively analyze corneal esthesia in patients undergoing photorefractive keratectomy (PRK surgery. Methods: Forty-five patients selected for PRK in one eye underwent corneal esthesia using a Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometer preoperatively and 30 and 90 days postoperatively. Patients with a refractive diopter error of 4 or greater received intraoperative 0.02% mitomycin C for 20 s. Results: Twenty-four (53.3% of the 45 eyes received intraoperative 0.02% mitomycin. Decreased sensitivity was observed on postoperative day 30. By postoperative day 90, corneal esthesia had normalized but remained 14.9% lower than preoperative levels. In the mitomycin group, no recovery of corneal esthesia to normal sensitivity levels was observed. The mean esthesiometer level was 39.2 mm on postoperative day 90 (P<0.001. Conclusions: The results of the present study demonstrate recovery of corneal esthesia to normal levels at 90 days postoperatively in patients who did not receive mitomycin C. In patients administered mitomycin C, a 23.59% reduction in the corneal touch threshold was observed compared with preoperative levels indicating a failure of recovery to normal levels.

  10. Corneal conjunctivalization management with high Dk RGP contact lenses. (United States)

    Martin, Raul


    To describe the management of corneal conjunctivalization with a high Dk RGP contact lens (CL) fitting. A high Dk RGP CL (Menicon Z-alpha Dk=189, Japan) was fitted, after temporary suspension of CL wear (6 months and 3 weeks), in two patients (a 36-year-old female and a 38-year-old male) who had corneal conjunctivalization secondary to low Dk soft CL wear. Both patients had worn their soft CLs 12-14 h per day without symptoms for the previous 18-20 years. After 9-15 months of high Dk RGP wear, all signs of corneal conjunctivalization had disappeared (corneal vascularization, late fluorescein stain, etc.) and patients wore their RGP CL comfortably. Corneal conjunctivalization was resolved with non-invasive procedures (temporary discontinuation, preservative-free artificial tears and high Dk RGP CL fitting) and thus other treatments (topical or surgical treatments such as limbus transplantation, amniotic membrane transplant or others) were not necessary. Short temporary suspension of CL wear (3 weeks), preservative-free artificial tears and refitting with high oxygen permeability RGP CL may be an alternative for the management of corneal conjunctivalization secondary to CL wear.

  11. Bioactive self-assembled peptide nanofibers for corneal stroma regeneration. (United States)

    Uzunalli, G; Soran, Z; Erkal, T S; Dagdas, Y S; Dinc, E; Hondur, A M; Bilgihan, K; Aydin, B; Guler, M O; Tekinay, A B


    Defects in the corneal stroma caused by trauma or diseases such as macular corneal dystrophy and keratoconus can be detrimental for vision. Development of therapeutic methods to enhance corneal regeneration is essential for treatment of these defects. This paper describes a bioactive peptide nanofiber scaffold system for corneal tissue regeneration. These nanofibers are formed by self-assembling peptide amphiphile molecules containing laminin and fibronectin inspired sequences. Human corneal keratocyte cells cultured on laminin-mimetic peptide nanofibers retained their characteristic morphology, and their proliferation was enhanced compared with cells cultured on fibronectin-mimetic nanofibers. When these nanofibers were used for damaged rabbit corneas, laminin-mimetic peptide nanofibers increased keratocyte migration and supported stroma regeneration. These results suggest that laminin-mimetic peptide nanofibers provide a promising injectable, synthetic scaffold system for cornea stroma regeneration. Copyright © 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Pirfenidone nanoparticles improve corneal wound healing and prevent scarring following alkali burn.

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    Sushovan Chowdhury

    Full Text Available To evaluate the effects of pirfenidone nanoparticles on corneal re-epithelialization and scarring, major clinical challenges after alkali burn.Effect of pirfenidone on collagen I and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA synthesis by TGFβ induced primary corneal fibroblast cells was evaluated by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry. Pirfenidone loaded poly (lactide-co-glycolide (PLGA nanoparticles were prepared, characterized and their cellular entry was examined in primary corneal fibroblast cells by fluorescence microscopy. Alkali burn was induced in one eye of Sprague Dawley rats followed by daily topical treatment with free pirfenidone, pirfenidone nanoparticles or vehicle. Corneal re-epithelialization was assessed daily by flourescein dye test; absence of stained area indicated complete re-epithelialization and the time for complete re-epithelialization was determined. Corneal haze was assessed daily for 7 days under slit lamp microscope and graded using a standard method. After 7 days, collagen I deposition in the superficial layer of cornea was examined by immunohistochemistry.Pirfenidone prevented (P<0.05 increase in TGF β induced collagen I and α-SMA synthesis by corneal fibroblasts in a dose dependent manner. Pirfenidone could be loaded successfully within PLGA nanoparticles, which entered the corneal fibroblasts within 5 minutes. Pirfenidone nanoparticles but not free pirfenidone significantly (P<0.05 reduced collagen I level, corneal haze and the time for corneal re-epithelialization following alkali burn.Pirfenidone decreases collagen synthesis and prevents myofibroblast formation. Pirfenidone nanoparticles improve corneal wound healing and prevent fibrosis. Pirfenidone nanoparticles are of potential value in treating corneal chemical burns and other corneal fibrotic diseases.

  13. Corneal iron ring after hyperopic photorefractive keratectomy. (United States)

    Bilgihan, K; Akata, F; Gürelik, G; Adigüzel, U; Akpinar, M; Hasanreisoğlu, B


    To report the incidence and course of corneal iron deposition after hyperopic photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Gazi University, Medical School, Department of Ophthalmology, Ankara, Turkey. Between January 1995 and December 1997, 62 eyes had PRK to correct hyperopia. Nine eyes developed corneal iron ring 5 to 8 months (mean 6.25 months +/- 1.3 [SD]) after PRK for hyperopia. The rings persisted during the mean follow-up of 19 +/- 11.09 months. The ring-shaped iron deposition after PRK for hyperopia must be differentiated from the Fleischer ring. Our results suggest that the slitlamp findings of peripheral corneal iron deposition in hyperopic PRK patients correlate with achieved correction.

  14. Corneal collagen crosslinking for keratoconus. A review

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    M. M. Bikbov


    Full Text Available Photochemical crosslinking is widely applied in ophthalmology. Its biochemical effect is due to the release of singlet oxygen that promotes anaerobic photochemical reaction. Keratoconus is one of the most common corneal ectasia affecting 1 in 250 to 250 000 persons. Currently, the rate of iatrogenic ectasia following eximer laser refractive surgery increases due to biomechanical weakening of the cornea. Morphologically and biochemically, ectasia is characterized by corneal layers thinning, contact between the stroma and epithelium resulting from Bowman’s membrane rupture, chromatin fragmentation in keratocyte nuclei, phagocytosis, abnormal staining and arrangement of collagen fibers, enzyme system disorders, and keratocyte apoptosis. In corneal ectasia, altered enzymatic processes result in the synthesis of abnormal collagen. Collagen packing is determined by the activity of various extracellular matrix enzymes which bind amines and aldehydes of collagen fiber amino acids. In the late stage, morphological changes of Descemet’s membrane (i.e., rupture and detachment develop. Abnormal hexagonal-shaped keratocytes and their apoptosis are the signs of endothelial dystrophy. The lack of analogs in domestic ophthalmology encouraged the scientists of Ufa Eye Research Institute to develop a device for corneal collagen crosslinking. The parameters of ultraviolet (i.e., wavelength, exposure time, power to achieve the desired effect were identified. The specifics of some photosensitizers in the course of the procedure were studied. UFalink, a device for UV irradiation of cornea, and photosensitizer Dextralink were developed and adopted. Due to the high risk of endothelial damage, this treatment is contraindicated in severe keratoconus (CCT less than 400 microns. Major effects of corneal collagen crosslinking are the following: Young’s modulus (modulus of elasticity increase by 328.9 % (on average, temperature tolerance increase by 5

  15. [The status quo and expectation of corneal research in China]. (United States)

    Shi, Weiyun; Xie, Lixin


    In China, corneal disease is currently the second leading cause of blindness. Severe donor shortage, insufficient technique supports and promotion, and the lack of corneal disease specialists due to poor systematic training are all urgent problems to be resolved. The last 5 years have witnessed a considerable progress in basic and clinical researches of corneal disease. Investigations on the pathogenesis and treatment of fungal keratitis have won an international reputation. Results from the study of corneal reconstruction with tissue-engineered and acellular matrix corneas have been tested in clinical trials with good preliminary performance. Moreover, the clinical researches of corneal refractive surgery have kept pace with the latest international progresses. However, Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty needs further promotion, and the development and application of keratoprosthesis remains a blank. Although keratoprosthesis and corneal collagen cross-linking have been widely applied in Europe with satisfactory clinical efficacy, they are still under assessment by China Food and Drug Administration for approval of use.

  16. Corynebacterium macginleyi isolated from a corneal ulcer

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    Kathryn Ruoff


    Full Text Available We report the isolation of Corynebacterium macginleyi from the corneal ulcer culture of a patient, later enrolled in the Steroids for Corneal Ulcer Trial (SCUT. To our knowledge this is the first published report from North America of the recovery of C. macginleyi from a serious ocular infection.

  17. 21 CFR 886.4070 - Powered corneal burr. (United States)


    ...) MEDICAL DEVICES OPHTHALMIC DEVICES Surgical Devices § 886.4070 Powered corneal burr. (a) Identification. A powered corneal burr is an AC-powered or battery-powered device that is a motor and drilling tool intended to remove rust rings from the cornea of the eye. (b) Classification. Class I (general controls). When...

  18. Comparative analysis of corneal morphological changes after transversal and torsional phacoemulsification through 2.2 mm corneal incision. (United States)

    Assaf, Ahmed; Roshdy, Maged Maher


    This paper compares and evaluates the corneal morphological changes occurring after cataract surgery through a 2.2 mm corneal incision. We use two platforms for comparison and evaluation, transversal and torsional phacoemulsification. This study includes 139 consecutive cataractous eyes (nuclear color 2-4, according to the Lens Opacities Classification System III [LOCSIII]) of 82 patients undergoing cataract surgery through a 2.2 mm corneal incision. Two different phacoemulsification platforms were used and assigned randomly: we used the WhiteStar Signature(®) system with the Ellips™ FX transversal continuous ultrasound (US) mode for group I (mean age: 65.33 ± 6.97 years), and we used the Infiniti(®) system with the OZil(®) Intelligent Phaco (IP) torsional US mode for group II (mean age: 64.02 ± 7.55 years). The corneal endothelium and pachymetry were evaluated preoperatively and at 1 month postoperatively. Incision size changes were also evaluated. All surgeries were uneventful. Before intraocular lens implantation, the mean incision size was 2.24 ± 0.06 mm in both groups (P = 0.75). In terms of corneal endothelial cell density, neither preoperative (I vs II: 2304.1 ± 122.5 cell/mm(2) vs 2315.6 ± 83.1 cell/mm(2), P = 0.80) nor postoperative (I vs II: 2264.1 ± 124.3 cell/mm(2) vs 2270.3 ± 89.9 cell/mm(2), P = 0.98) differences between the groups were statistically significant. The mean endothelial cell density loss was 1.7% ± 1.6% and 2.0% ± 1.4% in groups I and II, respectively. Furthermore, no significant differences between groups I and II were found preoperatively (P = 0.40) and postoperatively (P = 0.68) in central pachymetry. With surgery, the mean increase in central pachymetry was 28.1 ± 23.6 μm and 24.0 ± 24.0 μm in groups I and II, respectively (P = 0.1). Ellips™ FX transversal and OZil(®) IP torsional phacoemulsification modes are safe for performing cataract surgery, inducing minimal corneal thickness and endothelial changes.

  19. Topical administration of orbital fat-derived stem cells promotes corneal tissue regeneration. (United States)

    Lin, Ko-Jo; Loi, Mei-Xue; Lien, Gi-Shih; Cheng, Chieh-Feng; Pao, Hsiang-Yin; Chang, Yun-Chuang; Ji, Andrea Tung-Qian; Ho, Jennifer Hui-Chun


    Topical administration of eye drops is the major route for drug delivery to the cornea. Orbital fat-derived stem cells (OFSCs) possess an in vitro corneal epithelial differentiation capacity. Both the safety and immunomodulatory ability of systemic OFSC transplantation were demonstrated in our previous work. In this study, we investigated the safety, therapeutic effect, and mechanism(s) of topical OFSC administration in an extensive alkali-induced corneal wound. Corneal injury was created by contact of a piece of 0.5 N NaOH-containing filter paper on the corneal surface of a male Balb/c mouse for 30 s. The area of the filter paper covered the central 70% or 100% of the corneal surface. OFSCs (2 × 10(5)) in 5 μl phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) were given by topical administration (T) twice a day or by two intralimbal (IL) injections in the right cornea, while 5 μl of PBS in the left cornea served as the control. Topical OFSCs promoted corneal re-epithelialization of both the limbal-sparing and limbal-involved corneal wounds. In the first three days, topical OFSCs significantly reduced alkali-induced corneal edema and stromal infiltration according to a histopathological examination. Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence staining revealed that transplanted cells were easily detectable in the corneal epithelium, limbal epithelium and stroma, but only some of transplanted cells at the limbal epithelium had differentiated into cytokeratin 3-expressing cells. OFSCs did not alter neutrophil (Ly6G) levels in the cornea, but significantly reduced macrophage (CD68) infiltration and inducible nitrous oxide synthetase (iNOS) production during acute corneal injury as quantified by a Western blot analysis. Continuous topical administration of OFSCs for seven days improved corneal transparency, and this was accompanied by diffuse stromal engraftment of transplanted cells and differentiation into p63-expressing cells at the limbal area. The therapeutic effect of the

  20. Topical administration of orbital fat-derived stem cells promotes corneal tissue regeneration (United States)


    Introduction Topical administration of eye drops is the major route for drug delivery to the cornea. Orbital fat-derived stem cells (OFSCs) possess an in vitro corneal epithelial differentiation capacity. Both the safety and immunomodulatory ability of systemic OFSC transplantation were demonstrated in our previous work. In this study, we investigated the safety, therapeutic effect, and mechanism(s) of topical OFSC administration in an extensive alkali-induced corneal wound. Methods Corneal injury was created by contact of a piece of 0.5 N NaOH-containing filter paper on the corneal surface of a male Balb/c mouse for 30 s. The area of the filter paper covered the central 70% or 100% of the corneal surface. OFSCs (2 × 105) in 5 μl phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) were given by topical administration (T) twice a day or by two intralimbal (IL) injections in the right cornea, while 5 μl of PBS in the left cornea served as the control. Results Topical OFSCs promoted corneal re-epithelialization of both the limbal-sparing and limbal-involved corneal wounds. In the first three days, topical OFSCs significantly reduced alkali-induced corneal edema and stromal infiltration according to a histopathological examination. Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence staining revealed that transplanted cells were easily detectable in the corneal epithelium, limbal epithelium and stroma, but only some of transplanted cells at the limbal epithelium had differentiated into cytokeratin 3-expressing cells. OFSCs did not alter neutrophil (Ly6G) levels in the cornea, but significantly reduced macrophage (CD68) infiltration and inducible nitrous oxide synthetase (iNOS) production during acute corneal injury as quantified by a Western blot analysis. Continuous topical administration of OFSCs for seven days improved corneal transparency, and this was accompanied by diffuse stromal engraftment of transplanted cells and differentiation into p63-expressing cells at the limbal area. The

  1. The Correlation Analysis between Corneal Biomechanical Properties and the Surgically Induced Corneal High-Order Aberrations after Small Incision Lenticule Extraction and Femtosecond Laser In Situ Keratomileusis

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    Wenjing Wu


    Full Text Available Background. To investigate the correlation between corneal biomechanics and the surgically induced corneal high-order aberrations (HOAs after small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE and femtosecond laser in situ keratomileusis (FS-LASIK. Methods. A total of 150 right myopic eyes that underwent SMILE or FS-LASIK surgery were included in this retrospective study, 75 eyes in each group. The corneal hysteresis (CH and the corneal resistance factor (CRF with the corneal HOAs of the anterior, posterior, and total cornea were assessed preoperatively and three months postoperatively. Multivariate linear regression was applied to determine the correlations. Results. The preoperative CRF was significantly correlated with the induced 3rd–6th-order HOAs and spherical aberration of the anterior surface and the total cornea after SMILE and FS-LASIK surgeries (P<0.05, postoperatively. The CRF was significantly correlated with the induced vertical coma of the anterior and posterior surfaces and the total cornea after SMILE surgery (P<0.05. There was a significant correlation between the CRF and the induced posterior corneal horizontal coma after FS-LASIK surgery (P=0.013. Conclusions. The corneal biomechanics affect the surgically induced corneal HOAs after SMILE and FS-LASIK surgery, which may be meaningful for screening the patients preoperatively and optimizing the visual qualities postoperatively.

  2. Corneal graft reversal: Histopathologic report of two cases


    Qahtani, Abdullah A.; Alkatan, Hind M.


    Graft reversal is a rare cause for failed PKP. In this case report we are presenting 2 graft failure cases in which the corneal grafts were reversed unintentionally. The onset of signs of graft failure, however was variable. We have included their clinical course and the histopathologic findings of the removed corneal grafts. A total of 6 cases including ours have been reported so far. The aim of this report is to attract the attention of corneal surgeons to an additional rare cause for faile...

  3. Nematodos agalladores asociados al cultivo de papaya (Carica papaya L. en el departamento de Córdoba, Colombia

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    Jaraba Juan de Dios


    Full Text Available

    El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar los nematodos agalladores asociados al cultivo de papaya (Carica papaya L. en los municipios de Tierralta, Valencia, Lorica, Montería y Montelíbano que constituyen el área productora de papaya en Córdoba. Se evaluaron variables morfológicas y morfométricas en hembras, machos y juveniles de segundo estadío (J2. En las muestras de suelo se determinó pH, contenido de materia orgánica (MO, conductividad eléctrica (CE y textura, a fin de correlacionarlas con la presencia de especies nematodas. Se encontraron Meloidogyne javanica,M. incognita y M. arenaria, siendo M. incognita la especie más frecuente. Las tres especies se encontraron mezcladas en 37,5% de los individuos;M. incognita y M. arenaria en 50%, mientras que M. incognita y M. javanica no se encontraron mezcladas. Las especies se encontraron en pH de 4,9 a 6,4; CE de 0,1 a 0,45 dS· m-1; MO de 1,2 % a 2,5 % y la textura fue arenosa, franca y franco arenosa. El pH, el contenido de arena y la CE correlacionan de manera positiva con la presencia de los nematodos, mientras la MO mostró correlación negativa. Se reporta por primera vez la ocurrencia de M. javanica, M. incognita, M. arenaria, así como la mezcla de M. incognita y M. arenaria, en papayas de Colombia.

  4. Contact lens rehabilitation following repaired corneal perforations (United States)

    Titiyal, Jeewan S; Sinha, Rajesh; Sharma, Namrata; Sreenivas, V; Vajpayee, Rasik B


    Background Visual outcome following repair of post-traumatic corneal perforation may not be optimal due to presence of irregular keratometric astigmatism. We performed a study to evaluate and compare rigid gas permeable contact lens and spectacles in visual rehabilitation following perforating corneal injuries. Method Eyes that had undergone repair for corneal perforating injuries with or without lens aspiration were fitted rigid gas permeable contact lenses. The fitting pattern and the improvement in visual acuity by contact lens over spectacle correction were noted. Results Forty eyes of 40 patients that had undergone surgical repair of posttraumatic corneal perforations were fitted rigid gas permeable contact lenses for visual rehabilitation. Twenty-four eyes (60%) required aphakic contact lenses. The best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of ≥ 6/18 in the snellen's acuity chart was seen in 10 (25%) eyes with spectacle correction and 37 (92.5%) eyes with the use of contact lens (p < 0.001). The best-corrected visual acuity with spectacles was 0.20 ± 0.13 while the same with contact lens was 0.58 ± 0.26. All the patients showed an improvement of ≥ 2 lines over spectacles in the snellen's acuity chart with contact lens. Conclusion Rigid gas permeable contact lenses are better means of rehabilitation in eyes that have an irregular cornea due to scars caused by perforating corneal injuries. PMID:16536877

  5. Indications for Corneal Transplantation at a Tertiary Referral Center in Tehran

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    Mohammad Zare


    Full Text Available Purpose: To report the indications and techniques of corneal transplantation at a tertiary referral center in Tehran over a 3-year period. Methods: Records of patients who had undergone any kind of corneal transplantation at Labbafinejad Medical Center, Tehran, Iran from March 2004 to March 2007 were reviewed to determine the indications and types of corneal transplantation. Results: During this period, 776 eyes of 756 patients (including 504 male subjects with mean age of 41.3±21.3 years underwent corneal transplantation. The most common indication was keratoconus (n=317, 40.8% followed by bullous keratopathy (n=90, 11.6%, non-herpetic corneal scars (n=62, 8.0%, infectious corneal ulcers (n=61, 7.9%, previously failed grafts (n=61, 7.9%, endothelial and stromal corneal dystrophies (n=28, 3.6%, and trachoma keratopathy (n=26, 3.3%. Other indications including Terrien′s marginal degeneration, post-LASIK keratectasia, trauma, chemical burns, and peripheral ulcerative keratitis constituted the rest of cases. Techniques of corneal transplantation included penetrating keratoplasty (n=607, 78.2%, deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (n=108, 13.9%, conventional lamellar keratoplasty (n=44, 5.7%, automated lamellar therapeutic keratoplasty (n=8, 1.0%, and Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty (n=6, 0.8% in descending order. The remaining cases were endothelial keratoplasty and sclerokeratoplasty. Conclusion: In this study, keratoconus was the most common indication for penetrating keratoplasty which was the most prevalent technique of corneal transplantation. However, deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty is emerging as a growing alternative for corneal pathologies not involving the endothelium.

  6. factores psicosociales asociados

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    María Teresa Varela Arévalo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas [SPA] ilegales en jóvenes y los factores psicosociales de riesgo y de protección asociados. Participaron 763 estudiantes (46,5% hombres y 52,4% mujeres de una universidad privada de Cali, quienes diligenciaron el cuestionario de factores de riesgo y protección para el consumo de drogas. Los resultados muestran que la marihuana fue la droga de mayor consumo; y que existe una fuerte asociación entre el consumo de las cuatro SPA ilegales (marihuana, opiáceos, cocaína y éxtasis y los factores psicosociales de riesgo y/o protección, principalmente, las habilidades de autocontrol, los preconceptos y valoración de las SPA, la relación con personas consumidoras y los comportamientos perturbadores.

  7. Longitudinal changes in corneal curvature and its relationship to axial length in the Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial (COMET cohort

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    Mitchell Scheiman


    Conclusions: Differences in average corneal curvature by age, gender, and ethnicity observed in early childhood remain consistent as myopia progresses and stabilizes. This study also demonstrates increases in the AL/CR ratio as myopia progresses and then stabilizes, supporting observations from previous cross-sectional data.

  8. Factores asociados al desempeño en organismos operadores de agua potable en México

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    Alejandro Salazar Adams


    Full Text Available en este estudio se investigan los factores asociados con el desempeño de los organismos operadores de agua en México, mediante el análisis de la estructura de correlación de los principales indicadores para una muestra de 106 de ellos. Se clasificaron a partir de un análisis de cluster sobre componentes más importantes, para identificar patrones de eficiencia relacionados con variables contextuales. Los resultados indican que el volumen de agua no contabilizada es mayor en organismos con más empleados, por cada mil tomas. Esto también se correlaciona con bajos costos de producción y tasas elevadas de precipitación. Las ciudades más grandes y desarrolladas tienen mejor acceso a los servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado; aunque la cobertura tiende a ser menor en las que crecen con mayor rapidez. El porcentaje de recaudación y el ingreso promedio por metro cúbico son mayores en localidades con micromedición alta, donde también la relación ingreso-costo es mejor.

  9. Clinical correlates of common corneal neovascular diseases:a literature review

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    Nizar Saleh Abdelfattah


    Full Text Available A large subset of corneal pathologies involves the formation of new blood and lymph vessels (neovascularization, leading to compromised visual acuity. This article aims to review the clinical causes and presentations of corneal neovascularization (CNV by examining the mechanisms behind common CNV-related corneal pathologies, with a particular focus on herpes simplex stromal keratitis, contact lenses-induced keratitis and CNV secondary to keratoplasty. Moreover, we reviewed CNV in the context of different types of corneal transplantation and keratoprosthesis, and summarized the most relevant treatments available so far.

  10. The Steroids for Corneal Ulcers Trial (United States)

    Srinivasan, Muthiah; Mascarenhas, Jeena; Rajaraman, Revathi; Ravindran, Meenakshi; Lalitha, Prajna; Glidden, David V.; Ray, Kathryn J.; Hong, Kevin C.; Oldenburg, Catherine E.; Lee, Salena M.; Zegans, Michael E.; McLeod, Stephen D.; Lietman, Thomas M.; Acharya, Nisha R.


    Objectives To provide comprehensive trial methods and baseline data for the Steroids for Corneal Ulcers Trial and to present epidemiological characteristics such as risk factors, causative organisms, and ulcer severity. Methods Baseline data from a 1:1 randomized, placebo-controlled, double-masked clinical trial comparing prednisolone phosphate, 1%, with placebo as adjunctive therapy for the treatment of bacterial corneal ulcers. Eligible patients had a culture-positive bacterial corneal ulcer and had been taking moxifloxacin for 48 hours. The primary outcome for the trial is best spectacle-corrected visual acuity at 3 months from enrollment. This report provides comprehensive baseline data, including best spectacle-corrected visual acuity, infiltrate size, microbio-logical results, and patient demographics, for patients enrolled in the trial. Results Of 500 patients enrolled, 97% were in India. Two hundred twenty patients (44%) were agricultural workers. Median baseline visual acuity was 0.84 logMAR (Snellen, 20/125) (interquartile range, 0.36-1.7; Snellen, 20/50 to counting fingers). Baseline visual acuity was not significantly different between the United States and India. Ulcers in India had larger infiltrate/scar sizes (P=.04) and deeper infiltrates (P=.04) and were more likely to be localized centrally (P=.002) than ulcers enrolled in the United States. Gram-positive bacteria were the most common organisms isolated from the ulcers (n=366, 72%). Conclusions The Steroids for Corneal Ulcers Trial will compare the use of a topical corticosteroid with placebo as adjunctive therapy for bacterial corneal ulcers. Patients enrolled in this trial had diverse ulcer severity and on average significantly reduced visual acuity at presentation. PMID:21987581

  11. Corneal graft reversal: Histopathologic report of two cases. (United States)

    Qahtani, Abdullah A; Alkatan, Hind M


    Graft reversal is a rare cause for failed PKP. In this case report we are presenting 2 graft failure cases in which the corneal grafts were reversed unintentionally. The onset of signs of graft failure, however was variable. We have included their clinical course and the histopathologic findings of the removed corneal grafts. A total of 6 cases including ours have been reported so far. The aim of this report is to attract the attention of corneal surgeons to an additional rare cause for failed penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) which is donor graft reversal.

  12. Fluorouracil as a treatment for corneal papilloma in a Malayan tapir. (United States)

    Karpinski, Lorraine G; Miller, Christine L


    A 26-year-old, wild caught, male Malayan tapir at the Miami Metrozoo with bilateral corneal papillomas was serially immobilized and given subconjunctival injections of fluorouracil. Over the course of 17 weeks five bilateral injections of 25 mg fluorouracil were given. This treatment caused regression of the corneal lesions as evidenced by decreased lesion diameter, decreased corneal vascularity, increased corneal clarity, and improved visual function. No adverse drug effects were observed.

  13. Evaluation of corneal higher order aberrations in normal topographic patterns

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    Ali Mirzajani


    Conclusions: Based on results in this study, there were a good correlation between corneal topographic pattern and corneal HOAs in normal eyes. These results indicate that the corneal HOAs values are largely determined by the topographic patterns. A larger sample size would perhaps have been beneficial to yield in more accurate outcomes.

  14. Algorithm for Correcting the Keratometric Error in the Estimation of the Corneal Power in Keratoconus Eyes after Accelerated Corneal Collagen Crosslinking

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    David P. Piñero


    Full Text Available Purpose. To analyze the errors associated to corneal power calculation using the keratometric approach in keratoconus eyes after accelerated corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL surgery and to obtain a model for the estimation of an adjusted corneal refractive index nkadj minimizing such errors. Methods. Potential differences (ΔPc among keratometric (Pk and Gaussian corneal power (PcGauss were simulated. Three algorithms based on the use of nkadj for the estimation of an adjusted keratometric corneal power (Pkadj were developed. The agreement between Pk1.3375 (keratometric power using the keratometric index of 1.3375, PcGauss, and Pkadj was evaluated. The validity of the algorithm developed was investigated in 21 keratoconus eyes undergoing accelerated CXL. Results. Pk1.3375 overestimated corneal power between 0.3 and 3.2 D in theoretical simulations and between 0.8 and 2.9 D in the clinical study (ΔPc. Three linear equations were defined for nkadj to be used for different ranges of r1c. In the clinical study, differences between Pkadj and PcGauss did not exceed ±0.8 D nk=1.3375. No statistically significant differences were found between Pkadj and PcGauss (p>0.05 and Pk1.3375 and Pkadj (p<0.001. Conclusions. The use of the keratometric approach in keratoconus eyes after accelerated CXL can lead to significant clinical errors. These errors can be minimized with an adjusted keratometric approach.

  15. Ultraviolet induced lysosome activity in corneal epithelium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cullen, A.P.


    A 5.000 W Xe-Hg high pressure lamp and a double monochromator were used to produce a 3.3 nm half-bandpass ultraviolet radiation at 295 nm. Pigmented rabbit eyes were irradiated with radiant exposures from 140 Jm -2 to 10.000 Jm -2 and evaluated by slit-lamp biomicroscopy, light and electron microscopy. Corneal threshold (Hsub(c) was 200 Jm -2 and lens threshold (Hsub(L)) was 7.500 Jm -2 . The most repeatable and reliable corneal response to these levels of UV was the development of corneal epithelial granules. Histological changes included a loss of superficial epithelial cells and selective UV induced autolysis of the wing cells. It is suggested that the biomicroscopically observed granules are the clinical manifestation of the secondary lysosomes revealed by light and electron microscopy. It is proposed that UV breaks down the primary lysosome membranes to release hydrolytic enzymes which in turn form the secondary lysosomes during autolysis. Extreme levels of radiant exposure at 295 nm result in indiscriminate destruction of all layers of the corneal epithelium, but the posterior cornea was spared. (orig.) [de

  16. Alteraciones corneales en pacientes diabéticos

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    Iraisi Hormigó Puertas

    Full Text Available La diabetes mellitus, afección frecuente a nivel mundial, tiene gran impacto en la sociedad no solo por su alta prevalencia, sino por sus complicaciones crónicas y su alta mortalidad. Afecta a unos 180 millones de personas en el mundo. La prevalencia de la diabetes (tipos I y II se estima en el 13 % en pacientes mayores de 60 años. La estructura corneal sufre modificaciones en los pacientes diabéticos; la hiperglucemia afecta la hidratación de la córnea, y con esto varía el espesor corneal y aparecen cambios queratométricos visibles mediante topografía corneal. Las córneas de los pacientes con diabetes presentan alteraciones epiteliales, estromales y endoteliales. Además, existe una disminución de la permeabilidad endotelial durante la fase de hipoxia, que relacionan estos efectos de la diabetes en las células endoteliales. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es abordar las diferentes alteraciones corneales en los pacientes diabéticos.

  17. Queratopatía cristalina: diagnóstico clínico y microbiológico de una infección corneal infrecuente causada por el grupo Streptococcus mitis

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    Gustavo J Galperín


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente informe es describir un caso de queratopatía cristalina causada por microorganismos pertenecientes al grupo Streptococcus mitis en una paciente que concurrió a la consulta oftalmológica por molestias en su ojo derecho. Al examen oftalmológico presentó un punto de sutura interrumpida de nylon 10-0 sin tensión y con secreciones mucosas adheridas. El punto flojo fue retirado bajo normas de asepsia. Se indicó colirio de moxifloxacina al 0,5 %; el ojo tuvo una evolución adecuada, con una correcta epitelización. Sin embargo, luego de 15 días desarrolló un infiltrado blanquecino arboriforme. Se tomó una muestra en el quirófano, enhebrando el trayecto intraestromal de la sutura retirada con sutura de vicryl 7-0. Se indicaron colirios de vancomicina con 50 mg/ml. El infiltrado se mantuvo estable durante 45 días, luego se incrementó el tamaño y se produjo necrosis tisular con peligro de perforación corneal. Se realizó un recubrimiento conjuntival bipediculado. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente y luego de la retracción espontánea del recubrimiento, se observó leucoma cicatrizal y neovasos corneales.Crystalline keratopathy: an infrequent corneal infection produced by the Streptococcus mitis group. The objective of this report is to describe a case of crystalline keratopathy caused by the Streptococcus mitis group corresponding to a patient who attended hospital for discomfort in his right eye. The ophthalmological examination showed an interrupted stitch of 10-0 nylon suture without tension and with attached mucus secretions. The loose suture was removed under aseptic conditions. Moxifloxacin 0.5 % eye drops were topically indicated. The treated eye successfully epithelialized and evolved favorably. However, after 15 days, a white tree-shaped infiltrate developed. A corneal sample was taken in the operating room, threading the intrastromal path of the removed stitch with a 7-0 vicryl suture. Vancomycin 50

  18. Effect of Viscous Agents on Corneal Density in Dry Eye Disease. (United States)

    Wegener, Alfred R; Meyer, Linda M; Schönfeld, Carl-Ludwig


    To investigate the effect of the viscous agents, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), carbomer, povidone, and a combination of HPMC and povidone on corneal density in patients with dry eye disease. In total, 98 eyes of 49 patients suffering from dry eye and 65 eyes of 33 healthy age-matched individuals were included in this prospective, randomized study. Corneal morphology was documented with Scheimpflug photography and corneal density was analyzed in 5 anatomical layers (epithelium, bowman membrane, stroma, descemet's membrane, and endothelium). Corneal density was evaluated for the active ingredients HPMC, carbomer, povidone, and a combination of HPMC and povidone as the viscous agents contained in the artificial tear formulations used by the dry eye patients. Data were compared to the age-matched healthy control group without medication. Corneal density in dry eye patients was reduced in all 5 anatomical layers compared to controls. Corneal density was highest and very close to control in patients treated with HPMC containing ocular lubricants. Patients treated with lubricants, including carbomer as the viscous agent displayed a significant reduction of corneal density in layers 1 and 2 compared to control. HPMC containing ocular lubricants can help to maintain physiological corneal density and may be beneficial in the treatment of dry eye disease.


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    Full Text Available Con el fin de establecer la estructura de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados asociados a las raíces del mangle rojo Rizophora mangle en la ciénaga La Boquilla, se muestreó cuatro veces en cinco estaciones entre febrero y agosto de 1999. En cada estación, se retiraron de dos a cinco raíces y cuantificó el número y la cobertura de los macroinvertebrados asociados. En general, en la ciénaga La Boquilla se mantienen temperaturas altas con ligeras fluctuaciones a través del tiempo. En forma similar, la salinidad permaneció en niveles superiores a 30 UPS con sólo ligeras fluctuaciones. En total se capturaron 33 morfoespecies, la mayoría de origen marino y con un marcado carácter estenohalino. Entre las especies encontradas, los bivalvos presentaron las mayores áreas de cubrimiento y abundancia, en general, la composición de la comunidad asociada a las raíces no varió significativamente en el tiempo y en el espacio. El número de especies y la diversidad fueron bajos en comparación con otros ambientes lagunares del Caribe colombiano.

  20. Healed corneal ulcer with keloid formation


    Alkatan, Hind M.; Al-Arfaj, Khalid M.; Hantera, Mohammed; Al-Kharashi, Soliman


    We are reporting a 34-year-old Arabic white female patient who presented with a white mass covering her left cornea following multiple ocular surgeries and healed corneal ulcer. The lesion obscured further view of the iris, pupil and lens. The patient underwent penetrating keratoplasty and the histopathologic study of the left corneal button showed epithelial hyperplasia, absent Bowman’s layer and subepithelial fibrovascular proliferation. The histopathologic appearance was suggestive of a co...

  1. Prevalencia y factores asociados a ruptura prematura de membranas en gestantes del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso, Cuenca-Ecuador, noviembre 2011-noviembre 2012


    Cuenca Condoy, Elsa María


    Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de ruptura prematura de membranas y factores asociados en gestantes del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Cuenca-Ecuador, durante el periodo enero a julio 2012. -Método y técnicas: Estudio transversal de prevalencia, en 657 gestantes que acudieron al Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. - Hipótesis: La Ruptura prematura de membranas es más frecuente cuando se asocian factores como antecedente de infección del tracto urinario, bacteriuria, amenaza de parto pretér...

  2. Corneal thickness changes during corneal collagen cross-linking with UV-A irradiation and hypo-osmolar riboflavin in thin corneas

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    Belquiz Amaral Nassaralla


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the thinnest corneal thickness changes during and after corneal collagen cross-linking treatment with ultraviolet-A irradiation, using hypo-osmolar riboflavin solution in thin corneas. METHODS: Eighteen eyes of 18 patients were included in this study. After epithelium removal, iso-osmolar 0.1% riboflavin solution was instilled to the cornea every 3 minutes for 30 minutes. Hypo-osmolar 0.1% riboflavin solution was then applied every 20 seconds for 5 minutes or until the thinnest corneal thickness reached 400 µm. Ultraviolet-A irradiation was performed for 30 minutes. During irradiation, iso-osmolar 0.1% riboflavin drops were applied every 5 minutes. Ultrasound pachymetry was performed at approximately the thinnest point of the cornea preoperatively, after epithelial removal, after iso-osmolar riboflavin instillation, after hypo-osmolar riboflavin instillation, after ultraviolet-A irradiation, and at 1, 6 and 12 months after treatment. RESULTS: Mean preoperative thinnest corneal thickness was 380 ± 11 µm. After epithelial removal it decreased to 341 ± 11 µm, and after 30 minutes of iso-osmolar 0.1% riboflavin drops, to 330 ± 7.6 µm. After hypo-osmolar 0.1% riboflavin drops, mean thinnest corneal thickness increased to 418 ± 11 µm. After UVA irradiation, it was 384 ± 10 µm. At 1, 6 and 12 months after treatment, it was 372 ± 10 µm, 381 ± 12.7, and 379 ± 15 µm, respectively. No intraoperative, early postoperative, or late postoperative complications were noted. CONCLUSIONS: Hypo-osmolar 0.1% riboflavin solution seems to be effective for swelling thin corneas. The swelling effect is transient and short acting. Corneal thickness should be monitored throughout the procedure. Larger sample sizes and longer follow-up are required in order to make meaningful conclusions regarding safety.

  3. CD147 required for corneal endothelial lactate transport. (United States)

    Li, Shimin; Nguyen, Tracy T; Bonanno, Joseph A


    CD147/basigin is a chaperone for lactate:H(+) cotransporters (monocarboxylate transporters) MCT1 and MCT4. We tested the hypothesis that MCT1 and -4 in corneal endothelium contribute to lactate efflux from stroma to anterior chamber and that silencing CD147 expression would cause corneal edema. CD147 was silenced via small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA) transfection of rabbit corneas ex vivo and anterior chamber lenti-small hairpin RNA (shRNA) pseudovirus in vivo. CD147 and MCT expression was examined by Western blot, RT-PCR, and immunofluorescence. Functional effects were examined by measuring lactate-induced cell acidification, corneal lactate efflux, [lactate], central cornea thickness (CCT), and Azopt (a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) sensitivity. In ex vivo corneas, 100 nM CD147 siRNA reduced CD147, MCT1, and MCT4 expression by 85%, 79%, and 73%, respectively, while MCT2 expression was unaffected. CD147 siRNA decreased lactate efflux from 3.9 ± 0.81 to 1.5 ± 0.37 nmol/min, increased corneal [lactate] from 19.28 ± 7.15 to 56.73 ± 8.97 nmol/mg, acidified endothelial cells (pHi = 6.83 ± 0.07 vs. 7.19 ± 0.09 in control), and slowed basolateral lactate-induced acidification from 0.0034 ± 0.0005 to 0.0012 ± 0.0005 pH/s, whereas apical acidification was unchanged. In vivo, CD147 shRNA increased CCT by 28.1 ± 0.9 μm at 28 days; Azopt increased CCT to 24.4 ± 3.12 vs. 12.0 ± 0.48 μm in control, and corneal [lactate] was 47.63 ± 6.29 nmol/mg in shCD147 corneas and 17.82 ± 4.93 nmol/mg in paired controls. CD147 is required for the expression of MCT1 and MCT4 in the corneal endothelium. Silencing CD147 slows lactate efflux, resulting in stromal lactate accumulation and corneal edema, consistent with lactate efflux as a significant component of the corneal endothelial pump. Copyright 2014 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.

  4. Case Report: Corneal Pyogenic Granuloma: Rare Complication of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Slit lamp examination showed vascularized central corneal mass with surrounding stromal infiltrates. The mass was excised, and histopathological examination confirmed pyogenic granuloma of the cornea. Conclusion: Corneal pyogenic granuloma could be a rare complication of infectious keratitis. Therefore, it should be ...


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    E. Ramadevi


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Corneal disease is responsible for less than 2% of blindness in children in industrialised countries. In poor countries of the world, corneal scarring occurs due to vitamin A deficiency, measles and ophthalmia neonatorum. Thus, corneal disease is an important cause of blindness among children living in developing nations, which already carry a major burden of blindness. The aim of the study is to study the1. Prevalence of corneal blindness in the paediatric age group. 2. Causes of corneal blindness in the paediatric age group. 3. Morbidity of corneal blindness in the paediatric age group. MATERIALS AND METHODS It was cross-sectional observational study. Study Period- December 2014 to August 2016. Study Done- Government General Hospital, Kakinada. Sample Size- 50 patients. Inclusion Criteria- Children of age group 6 to 12 years with corneal blindness who have attended the outpatient department during the study period. Exclusion Criteria- Children with childhood blindness other than corneal pathology. Study Tools- Predesigned, semi-structured questionnaire regarding age, sex and age of onset of visual loss, laterality, history of ocular injury, vitamin A immunisation, family history of consanguinity and place of residence and socioeconomic status was taken. Visual acuity was measured using an E optotype and Landolt broken C chart with best corrected vision. Visual loss was classified according to the WHO categories of visual impairment. Ophthalmic examination was done by slit lamp and B scan. RESULTS Ocular trauma and corneal ulcers are most common cause of corneal blindness. 84% of corneal blindness cases were preventable and curable. CONCLUSION Trauma was the commonest cause of corneal blindness followed by infectious keratitis. 84% of corneal blindness was preventable and curable. Most causes of corneal blindness were avoidable.

  6. Alternatives to eye bank native tissue for corneal stromal replacement. (United States)

    Brunette, Isabelle; Roberts, Cynthia J; Vidal, François; Harissi-Dagher, Mona; Lachaine, Jean; Sheardown, Heather; Durr, Georges M; Proulx, Stéphanie; Griffith, May


    Corneal blindness is a major cause of blindness in the world and corneal transplantation is the only widely accepted treatment to restore sight in these eyes. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for eye banks to meet the increasing demand for transplantable tissue, which is in part due to population aging. Donor tissue shortage is therefore a growing concern globally and there is a need for alternatives to human donor corneas. Biosynthetic corneal substitutes offer several significant advantages over native corneas: Large-scale production offers a powerful potential solution to the severe shortage of human donor corneas worldwide; Good manufacturing practices ensure sterility and quality control; Acellular corneal substitutes circumvent immune rejection induced by allogeneic cells; Optical and biomechanical properties of the implants can be adapted to the clinical need; and finally these corneal substitutes could benefit from new advances in biomaterials science, such as surface coating, functionalization and nanoparticles. This review highlights critical contributions from laboratories working on corneal stromal substitutes. It focuses on synthetic inert prostheses (keratoprostheses), acellular scaffolds with and without enhancement of endogenous regeneration, and cell-based replacements. Accent is put on the physical properties and biocompatibility of these biomaterials, on the functional and clinical outcome once transplanted in vivo in animal or human eyes, as well as on the main challenges of corneal stromal replacement. Regulatory and economic aspects are also discussed. All of these perspectives combined highlight the founding principles of the clinical application of corneal stromal replacement, a concept that has now become reality. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina asociado a la comunidad: aspectos epidemiológicos y moleculares

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    Daniel Angel Luján Roca


    Full Text Available El Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina asociado a la comunidad (SARM-AC está ampliamente diseminado en el mundo. Es epidémico en algunos países y posee dos marcadores moleculares característicos: el SCCmec IV y la leucocidina de Panton-Valentine, ambos escasamente encontrados en el SARM asociado a la asistencia médica.

  8. Excimer laser corneal surgery and free oxygen radicals. (United States)

    Bilgihan, K; Bilgihan, A; Akata, F; Hasanreisoğlu, B; Türközkan, N


    Corneal photoablation with 193 nm argon fluoride excimer laser is a new technique for the treatment of refractive errors and for removing corneal opacities and irregularities. Ultraviolet radiation and thermal injury induce free radical formation in the tissues. The aim of this study was to confirm the production of free radicals by excimer laser photoablation in rabbits. The thermal changes of the posterior corneal surface were recorded during excimer laser photoablation. The lipid peroxide (LPO) levels and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities of aqueous humour were measured after excimer laser keratectomy. The aqueous LPO levels were not changed after excimer laser ablation, but both the thermal increase in the cornea during the photoablation and the decreased aqueous SOD activities suggest that free radicals are formed in the cornea during excimer laser keratectomy, and that they may be responsible for some of the complications of excimer laser corneal surgery.

  9. Distrofia corneal granular

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    Alexeide de la C Castillo Pérez

    Full Text Available Las distrofias corneales constituyen un conjunto de enfermedades que presentan, en su mayoría, una baja incidencia y se caracterizan por acúmulo de material hialino o amiloide que disminuyen la transparencia corneal. La distrofia granular es una enfermedad autosómica dominante que presenta opacidades grises en el estroma superficial central de la córnea y se hacen visibles en la primera y segunda décadas de la vida, lo que provoca disminución de la visión más significativa cerca de los 40 años de edad. Presentamos dos casos clínicos de distrofia granular en pacientes hermanos de diferentes sexos, quienes acudieron a la consulta y refirieron visión nublada. El estudio de la historia familiar nos ayuda en el correcto diagnóstico y la biomicroscopia constituye el elemento más importante.

  10. Adenopatía supraclavicular como forma de presentación de un carcinoma de cérvix asociado al complejo esclerosis tuberosa con linfangioleiomiomatosis


    Pablo López Mato; Alfonso Varela Fariña; Elena Seco Hernández; Antonio J. Chamorro Fernández


    La linfangioleiomiomatosis es una proliferación del tejido muscular broncovascular que recientemente se ha definido como una expresión incompleta de la entidad “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”, una facomatosis a la que se asocian diversas neoplasias. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma de cérvix con metástasis supraclaviculares y cervicales, asociado a linfangioleiomiomatosis en el contexto de un “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”.

  11. Factores asociados a la infección por Ehrlichia canis en perros infestados con garrapatas en la ciudad de Huánuco, Perú

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    Edward Huerto-Medina

    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la frecuencia y factores asociados a la infección por Ehrlichia canis en perros. Se recolectaron muestras de sangre de 150 perros infestados con garrapatas en 10 consultorios veterinarios de la ciudad de Huánuco en Perú, los perros fueron seleccionados al azar sin distinción de raza, edad ni sexo. Se detectó anticuerpos contra Ehrlichia canis mediante inmunoensayo cromatográfico. El 51,3% de perros estuvieron infectados por Ehrlichia canis. En el análisis multivariado se encontraron asociados a la presencia Ehrlichia canis, el mal estado de salud del perro (p=0,049, un promedio mayor de infestación por garrapatas (p=0,018, perros de edad adulta (p=0,038. La frecuencia de Ehrlichia canis en perros de esta ciudad es alta. Se recomienda el control de la garrapata marrón del perro (Rhipicephalus sanguineus vector de la Ehrlichia canis

  12. Microorganismos asociados al ciclo del nitrógeno en suelos bajo tres sistemas de uso: cultivo de papa, ganadería y páramo, en el Parque Los Nevados, Colombia

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    Roger Guillermo Cañón-Cortázar


    Full Text Available En la vereda El Bosque del Parque Nacional Natural de Los Nevados (PNNN, Colombia, se estimó la densidad poblacional de microorganismos asociados con el metabolismo de nitrógeno (N en suelos bajo tres sistemas de uso: cultivo de papa, ganadería y zonas poco intervenidas (páramo. Indirectamente se cuantificaron microorganismos amonificantes (AMO, proteolíticos (PRO, oxidantes del amonio (BOA, oxidantes del nitrito (BON y denitrificantes (DEN en suelos de tres fincas ubicadas a diferente altitud y en épocas seca y lluviosa. Se realizó la prueba no-paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis por pares, con un nivel de significancia P < 0.05, para detectar diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las diferentes abundancias de grupos funcionales de microorganismos. Luego, se realizó análisis de componentes principales (ACP para evaluar las relaciones entre las diferentes variables estudiadas. Los resultados mostraron diferencias para los grupos evaluados, siendo menor la densidad de microorganismos en suelos de páramo. Los PRO fueron más abundantes en todos los tipos de suelos, seguido de los DEN con mayor densidad en el ecosistema páramo. La densidad poblacional microbiana no fue afectada por la altitud, sin embargo se presentaron algunas diferencias que no mostraron un patrón único de comportamiento. Se observaron diferencias como resultado de la época climática, siendo mayor en la época seca para los grupos PRO, AMO, BOA y BON, y en época de lluvias para los DEN. Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento de las relaciones que existen entre el uso del suelo y la presencia de los microorganismos asociados con el ciclo de nitrógeno.

  13. The theory and art of corneal cross-linking. (United States)

    McQuaid, Rebecca; Cummings, Arthur B; Mrochen, Michael


    Before the discovery of corneal cross-linking (CXL), patients with keratoconus would have had to undergo corneal transplantation, or wear rigid gas permeable lenses (RGPs) that would temporarily flatten the cone, thereby improving the vision. The RGP contact lens (CL) would not however alter the corneal stability and if the keratoconus was progressive, the continued steepening of the cone would occur under the RGP CL. To date, the Siena Eye has been the largest study to investigate long term effects of standard CXL. Three hundred and sixty-three eyes were treated and monitored over 4 years, producing reliable long-term results proving long-term stability of the cornea by halting the progression of keratoconus, and proving the safety of the procedure. Traditionally, CXL requires epithelial removal prior to corneal soakage of a dextran-based 0.1% riboflavin solution, followed by exposure of ultraviolet-A (UV-A) light for 30 min with an intensity of 3 mW/cm2. A series of in vitro investigations on human and porcine corneas examined the best treatment parameters for standard CXL, such as riboflavin concentration, intensity, wavelength of UV-A light, and duration of treatment. Photochemically, CXL is achieved by the generation of chemical bonds within the corneal stroma through localized photopolymerization, strengthening the cornea whilst minimizing exposure to the surrounding structures of the eye. In vitro studies have shown that CXL has an effect on the biomechanical properties of the cornea, with an increased corneal rigidity of approximately 70%. This is a result of the creation of new chemical bonds within the stroma.

  14. Comparison of parametric methods for modeling corneal surfaces (United States)

    Bouazizi, Hala; Brunette, Isabelle; Meunier, Jean


    Corneal topography is a medical imaging technique to get the 3D shape of the cornea as a set of 3D points of its anterior and posterior surfaces. From these data, topographic maps can be derived to assist the ophthalmologist in the diagnosis of disorders. In this paper, we compare three different mathematical parametric representations of the corneal surfaces leastsquares fitted to the data provided by corneal topography. The parameters obtained from these models reduce the dimensionality of the data from several thousand 3D points to only a few parameters and could eventually be useful for diagnosis, biometry, implant design etc. The first representation is based on Zernike polynomials that are commonly used in optics. A variant of these polynomials, named Bhatia-Wolf will also be investigated. These two sets of polynomials are defined over a circular domain which is convenient to model the elevation (height) of the corneal surface. The third representation uses Spherical Harmonics that are particularly well suited for nearly-spherical object modeling, which is the case for cornea. We compared the three methods using the following three criteria: the root-mean-square error (RMSE), the number of parameters and the visual accuracy of the reconstructed topographic maps. A large dataset of more than 2000 corneal topographies was used. Our results showed that Spherical Harmonics were superior with a RMSE mean lower than 2.5 microns with 36 coefficients (order 5) for normal corneas and lower than 5 microns for two diseases affecting the corneal shapes: keratoconus and Fuchs' dystrophy.

  15. Unilateral corneal leukoplakia without limbal involvement

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    Hirano K


    Full Text Available Koji Hirano,1 Mihoko Koide,2 Yoshikazu Mizoguchi,3 Yasuhiro Osakabe,4 Kaoru-Araki Sasaki5 1Department of Ophthalmology, Ban Buntane Hotokukai Hospital, School of Medicine, Fujita Health University, Nagoya, Japan; 2Koide Internal Medicine and Eye Clinic, Nagoya, Japan; 3Department of Pathology, Ban Buntane Hotokukai Hospital, School of Medicine, Fujita Health University, Nagoya, Japan; 4Department of Molecular Pathology, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan; 5Department of Ophthalmology, Japan Health Care Organization, Hoshigaoka Medical Center, Hirakata, Japan Purpose: Leukoplakia is the term given to a white patch or plaque that is found mainly on the oral mucus membrane. It can occasionally be seen on the corneal surface. We report our clinical and histopathological findings in a case of unilateral corneal leukoplakia. Methods: A 26-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of a white patch on her right cornea that continued to expand. She first noticed the white patch when she was 20 years old, and the white patch had expanded to cover the pupillary area affecting her vision. After plastic surgery on both eyelids for bilateral entropion to alleviate the pain caused by the eyelashes rubbing the cornea, the white corneal patch decreased in size. Because of this reduction, we performed surgery to remove the patch with microforceps under topical anesthesia. The plaque was removed easily and completely, and submitted for histopathological examination. Results: Histopathological examination showed that the specimen had characteristics of epidermis with a basal cell layer, spinous cell layer, granular cell layer, and horny layer with hyperkeratosis. She was diagnosed with leukoplakia of the corneal surface. The basic structure of the squamous cell layer was preserved, and there were no signs of metaplasia. Six months after the removal of the leukoplakia, no recurrence was seen and her corrected decimal visual acuity recovered to 1

  16. Influence of eye biometrics and corneal micro-structure on noncontact tonometry.

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    Danilo A Jesus

    Full Text Available Tonometry is widely used as the main screening tool supporting glaucoma diagnosis. Still, its accuracy could be improved if full knowledge about the variation of the corneal biomechanical properties was available. In this study, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT speckle statistics are used to infer the organisation of the corneal micro-structure and hence, to analyse its influence on intraocular pressure (IOP measurements.Fifty-six subjects were recruited for this prospective study. Macro and micro-structural corneal parameters as well as subject age were considered. Macro-structural analysis included the parameters that are associated with the ocular anatomy, such as central corneal thickness (CCT, corneal radius, axial length, anterior chamber depth and white-to-white corneal diameter. Micro-structural parameters which included OCT speckle statistics were related to the internal organisation of the corneal tissue and its physiological changes during lifetime. The corneal speckle obtained from OCT was modelled with the Generalised Gamma (GG distribution that is characterised with a scale parameter and two shape parameters.In macro-structure analysis, only CCT showed a statistically significant correlation with IOP (R2 = 0.25, p<0.001. The scale parameter and the ratio of the shape parameters of GG distribution showed statistically significant correlation with IOP (R2 = 0.19, p<0.001 and R2 = 0.17, p<0.001, respectively. For the studied group, a weak, although significant correlation was found between age and IOP (R2 = 0.053, p = 0.04. Forward stepwise regression showed that CCT and the scale parameter of the Generalised Gamma distribution can be combined in a regression model (R2 = 0.39, p<0.001 to study the role of the corneal structure on IOP.We show, for the first time, that corneal micro-structure influences the IOP measurements obtained from noncontact tonometry. OCT speckle statistics can be employed to learn about the corneal micro

  17. Influence of eye biometrics and corneal micro-structure on noncontact tonometry. (United States)

    Jesus, Danilo A; Majewska, Małgorzata; Krzyżanowska-Berkowska, Patrycja; Iskander, D Robert


    Tonometry is widely used as the main screening tool supporting glaucoma diagnosis. Still, its accuracy could be improved if full knowledge about the variation of the corneal biomechanical properties was available. In this study, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) speckle statistics are used to infer the organisation of the corneal micro-structure and hence, to analyse its influence on intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements. Fifty-six subjects were recruited for this prospective study. Macro and micro-structural corneal parameters as well as subject age were considered. Macro-structural analysis included the parameters that are associated with the ocular anatomy, such as central corneal thickness (CCT), corneal radius, axial length, anterior chamber depth and white-to-white corneal diameter. Micro-structural parameters which included OCT speckle statistics were related to the internal organisation of the corneal tissue and its physiological changes during lifetime. The corneal speckle obtained from OCT was modelled with the Generalised Gamma (GG) distribution that is characterised with a scale parameter and two shape parameters. In macro-structure analysis, only CCT showed a statistically significant correlation with IOP (R2 = 0.25, p<0.001). The scale parameter and the ratio of the shape parameters of GG distribution showed statistically significant correlation with IOP (R2 = 0.19, p<0.001 and R2 = 0.17, p<0.001, respectively). For the studied group, a weak, although significant correlation was found between age and IOP (R2 = 0.053, p = 0.04). Forward stepwise regression showed that CCT and the scale parameter of the Generalised Gamma distribution can be combined in a regression model (R2 = 0.39, p<0.001) to study the role of the corneal structure on IOP. We show, for the first time, that corneal micro-structure influences the IOP measurements obtained from noncontact tonometry. OCT speckle statistics can be employed to learn about the corneal micro-structure and

  18. Successful transplantation of in vitro expanded human corneal endothelial precursors to corneal endothelial surface using a nanocomposite sheet

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    Parikumar P


    Full Text Available Background: Though the transplantation of in vitro expanded human corneal endothelial precursors in animal models of endothelial damage by injecting into the anterior chamber has been reported, the practical difficulties of accomplishing such procedure in human patients have been a hurdle to clinical translation. Here we report the successful transplantation of in vitro expanded human corneal precursor cells to an animal eye using a transparent Nano-composite sheet and their engraftment.Materials and Methods: Human Corneal endothelial cells (HCEC were isolated from human cadaver eyes with informed consent and expanded in the lab using a sphere forming assay in a novel Thermoreversible Gelation Polymer (TGP for 26 days. HCEC obtained by sphere forming assay were seeded in a novel Nano-composite sheet, which was made of PNIPA-NC gels by in-situ, free-radical polymerization of NIPA monomer in the presence of exfoliated clay (synthetic hectorite “Laponite XLG” uniformly dispersed in aqueous media. After a further seven days in vitro culture of HCEC in the Nano-composite sheet, cells were harvested and transplanted on cadaver-bovine eyes (n=3. The cells were injected between the corneal endothelial layer and the Nano-composite sheet that had been placed prior to the injection in close proximity to the endothelial layer. After three hours, the transplanted Nano-composite sheets were removed from the bovine eyes and subjected to microscopic examination. The corneas were subjected to Histo-pathological studies along with controls. Results: HCEC formed sphere like colonies in TGP which expressed relevant markers as confirmed by RT-PCR. Microscopic studies of the Nanosheets and histopathological studies of the cornea of the Bull’s eye revealed that the HCEC got engrafted to the corneal endothelial layer of the bovine eyes with no remnant cells in the Nanosheet. Conclusion: Transplantation of in vitro expanded donor human corneal endothelial cells

  19. Corneal elastosis within lattice dystrophy lesions. (United States)

    Pe'er, J; Fine, B S; Dixon, A; Rothberg, D S


    Corneal buttons of two patients with lattice corneal dystrophy were studied by light and electron microscopy. They showed elastotic degeneration within the amyloid deposits. The amyloid deposits displayed characteristic staining; the elastotic material (elastin) within the deposits stained positive with Verhoeff-van Gieson and Movat pentachrome stains and showed autofluorescence. The characteristic ultrastructural findings of amyloid and elastotic material were also demonstrated. The possibility of the associations of these two materials in the cornea is discussed. Images PMID:3258531

  20. Factores asociados a la infestación intradomiciliaria por Aedes aegypti en el distrito de Tambogrande, Piura 2004

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    Edwar J. Pozo


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar los factores asociados para la infestación de las viviendas por Aedes aegypti en el distrito de Tambogrande, Piura. Materiales y métodos: Realizamos un estudio de casos y controles en la capital del distrito de Tambogrande, en diciembre de 2004. Consideramos como vivienda-caso (Vc a la vivienda positiva a la infestación por Ae. aegypti, y vivienda-control (Vo a la vivienda negativa a la infestación por Ae. aegypti en por lo menos un año, de acuerdo a los registros de las actividades de control larvario. Por cada caso consideramos dos controles. La encuesta incluyó factores ambientales, sociales y culturales, y se aplicó a la persona encargada del cuidado de la vivienda. Los factores asociados con un valor de p<0,10 en el análisis bivariado, fueron ingresados a un modelo de regresión logística para estimar los OR ajustados y los intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC. Resultados: Encuestamos 60 Vc y 124 Vo. Los factores asociados encontrados en modelo logístico múltiple fueron la presencia de botellas dentro de la vivienda (OR: 7,66; IC: 2,95-19,84, vivienda ubicada a menos de 200 m de una llantería (OR: 2,90; IC: 1,13-7,48, vivienda ubicada a menos de 200 m. de una maderera (OR: 2,76; IC: 1,14-6,66 y tener un jardín en el interior de la vivienda (OR: 2.31; IC: 0,98-7,48. Tener una trabajadora del hogar en la vivienda fue un factor protector (OR: 0,07; IC: 0,014- 0,37. Conclusiones: Los factores identificados deben ser tomados en cuenta para el desarrollo de programas de control vectorial en Tambogrande.

  1. Do topical antibiotics help corneal epithelial trauma?


    King, J. W.; Brison, R. J.


    Topical antibiotics are routinely used in emergency rooms to treat corneal trauma, although no published evidence supports this treatment. In a noncomparative clinical trial, 351 patients with corneal epithelial injuries were treated without antibiotics. The infection rate was 0.7%, suggesting that such injuries can be safely and effectively managed without antibiotics. A comparative clinical trial is neither warranted nor feasible.

  2. Factores asociados al tiempo de ocurrencia de los eventos adversos, en 2 instituciones de tercero y cuarto nivel, Bogotá, D.C.


    Manrique Téllez, Diana M.; Ibáñez-Pinilla, Milcíades; Robayo, Robayo


    Introducción: la priorización de la seguridad del paciente debe estar encaminada a minimizar los eventos adversos ocasionados durante la atención, para lo cual es indispensable identificar los factores asociados y los tiempos de estancia hospitalaria relacionadas a la aparición de eventos adversos. Metodología: estudio observacional de eventos adversos ocurridos en los pacientes que ingresaron a 2 instituciones privadas en Bogotá durante los años 2008 y 2009. Resultados: el porcentaje de ocur...

  3. Applications of biomaterials in corneal wound healing

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    I-Lun Tsai


    Full Text Available Disease affecting the cornea is a common cause of blindness worldwide. To date, the amniotic membrane (AM is the most widely used clinical method for cornea regeneration. However, donor-dependent differences in the AM may result in variable clinical outcomes. To overcome this issue, biomaterials are currently under investigation for corneal regeneration in vitro and in vivo. In this article, we highlight the recent advances in hydrogels, bioengineered prosthetic devices, contact lenses, and drug delivery systems for corneal regeneration. In clinical studies, the therapeutic effects of biomaterials, including fibrin and collagen-based hydrogels and silicone contact lenses, have been demonstrated in damaged cornea. The combination of cells and biomaterials may provide potential treatment in corneal wound healing in the future.

  4. Comparative analysis of corneal morphological changes after transversal and torsional phacoemulsification through 2.2 mm corneal incision

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    Assaf A


    Full Text Available Ahmed Assaf, Maged Maher RoshdyOphthalmology Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, EgyptPurpose: This paper compares and evaluates the corneal morphological changes occurring after cataract surgery through a 2.2 mm corneal incision. We use two platforms for comparison and evaluation, transversal and torsional phacoemulsification.Patients and methods: This study includes 139 consecutive cataractous eyes (nuclear color 2–4, according to the Lens Opacities Classification System III [LOCSIII] of 82 patients undergoing cataract surgery through a 2.2 mm corneal incision. Two different phacoemulsification platforms were used and assigned randomly: we used the WhiteStar Signature® system with the Ellips™ FX transversal continuous ultrasound (US mode for group I (mean age: 65.33 ± 6.97 years, and we used the Infiniti® system with the OZil® Intelligent Phaco (IP torsional US mode for group II (mean age: 64.02 ± 7.55 years. The corneal endothelium and pachymetry were evaluated preoperatively and at 1 month postoperatively. Incision size changes were also evaluated.Results: All surgeries were uneventful. Before intraocular lens implantation, the mean incision size was 2.24 ± 0.06 mm in both groups (P = 0.75. In terms of corneal endothelial cell density, neither preoperative (I vs II: 2304.1 ± 122.5 cell/mm2 vs 2315.6 ± 83.1 cell/mm2, P = 0.80 nor postoperative (I vs II: 2264.1 ± 124.3 cell/mm2 vs 2270.3 ± 89.9 cell/mm2, P = 0.98 differences between the groups were statistically significant. The mean endothelial cell density loss was 1.7% ± 1.6% and 2.0% ± 1.4% in groups I and II, respectively. Furthermore, no significant differences between groups I and II were found preoperatively (P = 0.40 and postoperatively (P = 0.68 in central pachymetry. With surgery, the mean increase in central pachymetry was 28.1 ± 23.6 µm and 24.0 ± 24.0 µm in groups I and II, respectively (P = 0.1.Conclusion: Ellips™ FX transversal and OZil® IP torsional

  5. Inhibition of Corneal Neovascularization by Topical and Subconjunctival Tigecycline

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    Sertan Goktas


    Full Text Available Objective. To investigate the effects of topical and subconjunctival tigecycline on the prevention of corneal neovascularization. Materials and Methods. Following chemical burn, thirty-two rats were treated daily with topical instillation of 1 mg/mL tigecycline (group 1 or subconjunctival instillation of 1 mg/mL tigecycline (group 3 for 7 days. Control rats received topical (group 2 or subconjunctival (group 4 0.9% saline. Digital photographs of the cornea were taken on the eighth day after treatment and analyzed to determine the percentage area of the cornea covered by neovascularization. Corneal sections were analyzed histopathologically. Results. The median percentages of corneal neovascularization in groups 1 and 3 were 48% (95% confidence interval (CI, 44.2–55.8% and 33.5% (95% CI, 26.6–39.2%, respectively. The median percentages of corneal neovascularization of groups 1 and 3 were significantly lower than that of the control group (P=0.03 and P<0.001, resp.. Histologic examination of samples from groups 1 and 3 showed lower vascularity than that of control groups. Conclusion. Topical and subconjunctival administration of tigecycline seems to be showing promising therapeutic effects on the prevention of corneal neovascularization. Furthermore, subconjunctival administration of tigecycline is more potent than topical administration in the inhibition of corneal neovascularization.

  6. Thick keratoconic cornea associated with posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy. (United States)

    Zaarour, K; Slim, E; Antoun, J; Waked, N


    We herein report a case of bilateral unusually thick non-edematous keratoconic corneas with associated endothelial features of posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy (PPCD). We report the case of a 27-year-old myopic woman who presented for refractive surgery. Slit lamp exam showed bilateral corneal protrusion with diffuse deep stromal and endothelial vesicular opacities and small paracentral bands. Topography showed generalized advanced corneal steepening in both eyes with increased anterior and posterior central corneal elevations in comparison to the best fit sphere. Ultrasound pachymetry showed central corneal thickness of 605μm (RE) and 612μm (LE). On specular biomicroscopy, cell density of 2503 cells/mm 2 RE and 1526 cells/mm 2 LE with significant cellular pleomorphism and polymegathism were noted. Clinical and paraclinical findings together suggest the presence of simultaneous keratoconus and PPCD. The literature has suggested an association between PPCD and steep cornea. Moreover, many reports have also described cases of associated PPCD and keratoconus with characteristic thinning and ectasia, in comparison to the unusual thick corneas noted in our patient, despite the absence of edema. Identification of genetics factors is further needed to clarify this association. This case describes a patient whose corneas present features of both keratoconus and PPCD and is unique due to the presence of increased corneal thickness despite the absence of edema. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  7. Influence of different phacoemulsification incision on postoperative corneal astigmatism for cataract patients

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    Zhao-Rong Zeng


    Full Text Available AIM: To compare the effect of different phacoemulsification incision on postoperative corneal astigmatism for cataract patients. METHODS: The cataract patients were selected in our hospital. The patients were divided into control group(corneal limbus opposite curved scleral tunnel incision groupand observation group(above the top of cornea or temporal transparent corneal incision grouprandomly. At 1wk; 1 and 3mo after surgery, the change of corneal astigmatism and vision of the patients in two groups were compared and analyzed. RESULTS:Compared with control group, 1wk; 1 and 3mo after surgery, the average corneal astigmatism and surgically induced corneal astigmatism of the patients in observation group were decreased significantly. The visual acuity and corrected visual acuity were increased significantly. There was statistically significant(PPCONCLUSION: Center distance and small incision corneal phacoemulsification can reduce postoperative astigmatism and improve postoperative visual acuity for cataract patients. It provides guarantee for further strengthen the clinical treated effect for cataract patients.

  8. An experimental model of mycobacterial infection under corneal flaps

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    C.B.D. Adan


    Full Text Available In order to develop a new experimental animal model of infection with Mycobacterium chelonae in keratomileusis, we conducted a double-blind prospective study on 24 adult male New Zealand rabbits. One eye of each rabbit was submitted to automatic lamellar keratotomy with the automatic corneal shaper under general anesthesia. Eyes were immunosuppressed by a single local injection of methyl prednisolone. Twelve animals were inoculated into the keratomileusis interface with 1 µl of 10(6 heat-inactivated bacteria (heat-inactivated inoculum controls and 12 with 1 µl of 10(6 live bacteria. Trimethoprim drops (0.1%, w/v were used as prophylaxis for the surgical procedure every 4 h (50 µl, qid. Animals were examined by 2 observers under a slit lamp on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th, 16th, and 23rd postoperative days. Slit lamp photographs were taken to document clinical signs. Animals were sacrificed when corneal disease was detected and corneal samples were taken for microbiological analysis. Eleven of 12 experimental rabbits developed corneal disease, and M. chelonae could be isolated from nine rabbits. Eleven of the 12 controls receiving a heat-inactivated inoculum did not develop corneal disease. M. chelonae was not isolated from any of the control rabbits receiving a heat-inactivated inoculum, or from the healthy cornea of control rabbits. Corneal infection by M. chelonae was successfully induced in rabbits submitted to keratomileusis. To our knowledge, this is the first animal model of M. chelonae infection following corneal flaps for refractive surgery to be described in the literature and can be used for the analysis of therapeutic responses.

  9. The Favorable Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment on the Antioxidant Protective Mechanism in the Corneal Epithelium and Renewal of Corneal Optical Properties Changed after Alkali Burns (United States)

    Cejka, Cestmir; Holan, Vladimir; Trosan, Peter; Zajicova, Alena; Javorkova, Eliska; Cejkova, Jitka


    The aim of this study was to examine whether mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and/or corneal limbal epithelial stem cells (LSCs) influence restoration of an antioxidant protective mechanism in the corneal epithelium and renewal of corneal optical properties changed after alkali burns. The injured rabbit corneas (with 0.25 N NaOH) were untreated or treated with nanofiber scaffolds free of stem cells, with nanofiber scaffolds seeded with bone marrow MSCs (BM-MSCs), with adipose tissue MSCs (Ad-MSCs), or with LSCs. On day 15 following the injury, after BM-MSCs or LSCs nanofiber treatment (less after Ad-MSCs treatment) the expression of antioxidant enzymes was restored in the regenerated corneal epithelium and the expressions of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), and vascular endothelial factor (VEGF) were low. The central corneal thickness (taken as an index of corneal hydration) increased after the injury and returned to levels before the injury. In injured untreated corneas the epithelium was absent and numerous cells revealed the expressions of iNOS, MMP9, α-SMA, TGF-β1, and VEGF. In conclusion, stem cell treatment accelerated regeneration of the corneal epithelium, restored the antioxidant protective mechanism, and renewed corneal optical properties. PMID:27057279

  10. The Favorable Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment on the Antioxidant Protective Mechanism in the Corneal Epithelium and Renewal of Corneal Optical Properties Changed after Alkali Burns. (United States)

    Cejka, Cestmir; Holan, Vladimir; Trosan, Peter; Zajicova, Alena; Javorkova, Eliska; Cejkova, Jitka


    The aim of this study was to examine whether mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and/or corneal limbal epithelial stem cells (LSCs) influence restoration of an antioxidant protective mechanism in the corneal epithelium and renewal of corneal optical properties changed after alkali burns. The injured rabbit corneas (with 0.25 N NaOH) were untreated or treated with nanofiber scaffolds free of stem cells, with nanofiber scaffolds seeded with bone marrow MSCs (BM-MSCs), with adipose tissue MSCs (Ad-MSCs), or with LSCs. On day 15 following the injury, after BM-MSCs or LSCs nanofiber treatment (less after Ad-MSCs treatment) the expression of antioxidant enzymes was restored in the regenerated corneal epithelium and the expressions of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), and vascular endothelial factor (VEGF) were low. The central corneal thickness (taken as an index of corneal hydration) increased after the injury and returned to levels before the injury. In injured untreated corneas the epithelium was absent and numerous cells revealed the expressions of iNOS, MMP9, α-SMA, TGF-β1, and VEGF. In conclusion, stem cell treatment accelerated regeneration of the corneal epithelium, restored the antioxidant protective mechanism, and renewed corneal optical properties.

  11. The Favorable Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment on the Antioxidant Protective Mechanism in the Corneal Epithelium and Renewal of Corneal Optical Properties Changed after Alkali Burns

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    Cestmir Cejka


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to examine whether mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs and/or corneal limbal epithelial stem cells (LSCs influence restoration of an antioxidant protective mechanism in the corneal epithelium and renewal of corneal optical properties changed after alkali burns. The injured rabbit corneas (with 0.25 N NaOH were untreated or treated with nanofiber scaffolds free of stem cells, with nanofiber scaffolds seeded with bone marrow MSCs (BM-MSCs, with adipose tissue MSCs (Ad-MSCs, or with LSCs. On day 15 following the injury, after BM-MSCs or LSCs nanofiber treatment (less after Ad-MSCs treatment the expression of antioxidant enzymes was restored in the regenerated corneal epithelium and the expressions of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS, α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA, transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1, and vascular endothelial factor (VEGF were low. The central corneal thickness (taken as an index of corneal hydration increased after the injury and returned to levels before the injury. In injured untreated corneas the epithelium was absent and numerous cells revealed the expressions of iNOS, MMP9, α-SMA, TGF-β1, and VEGF. In conclusion, stem cell treatment accelerated regeneration of the corneal epithelium, restored the antioxidant protective mechanism, and renewed corneal optical properties.

  12. Dynamic Corneal Surface Mapping with Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (United States)

    Iqbal, S.; Gualini, M. M. S.


    In view of the fast advancement in ophthalmic technology and corneal surgery, there is a strong need for the comprehensive mapping and characterization techniques for corneal surface. Optical methods with precision non-contact approaches have been found to be very useful for such bio measurements. Along with the normal mapping approaches, elasticity of corneal surface has an important role in its characterization and needs to be appropriately measured or estimated for broader diagnostics and better prospective surgical results, as it has important role in the post-op corneal surface reconstruction process. Use of normal corneal topographic devices is insufficient for any intricate analysis since these devices operate at relatively moderate resolution. In the given experiment, Pulsed Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry has been utilized along with an excitation mechanism to measure the dynamic response of the sample cornea. A Pulsed ESPI device has been chosen for the study because of its micron-level resolution and other advantages in real-time deformation analysis. A bovine cornea has been used as a sample in the subject experiment. The dynamic response has been taken on a chart recorder and it is observed that it does show a marked deformation at a specific excitation frequency, which may be taken as a characteristic elasticity parameter for the surface of that corneal sample. It was seen that outside resonance conditions the bovine cornea was not that much deformed. Through this study, the resonance frequency and the corresponding corneal deformations are mapped and plotted in real time. In these experiments, data was acquired and processed by FRAMES plus computer analysis system. With some analysis of the results, this technique can help us to refine a more detailed corneal surface mathematical model and some preliminary work was done on this. Such modelling enhancements may be useful for finer ablative surgery planning. After further experimentation


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    Francisco Javier Prado-Galbarro


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La insuficiencia cardiaca (IC es un importante problema de salud pública debido a su creciente prevalencia y la descompensación que conlleva un ingreso hospitalario representa un aumento del riesgo de muerte. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar varios métodos para modelizar la variable hospitalizaciones y determinar el efecto de los factores asociados con los ingresos hospitalarios en casos incidentes de IC. Método: Se realizó un estudio de cohortes restrospectivo con información extraída de la historia clínica electrónica de Atención Primaria (AP. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 24 años que habían realizado al menos 1 consulta en AP durante el año 2006. Se analizaron las hospitalizaciones registradas de casos incidentes de IC entre 2006 y 2010 o hasta su fallecimiento y se compararon modelos de regresión de Poisson, Binomial Negativa (BN, inflados con ceros y de Hurdle para identificar factores asociados a las hospitalizaciones. Resultados: Se identificó a 3.061 personas con IC en una cohorte de 227.984 pacientes. Respecto a los factores asociados con las hospitalizaciones y según el modelo de regresión BN inflado con ceros, los pacientes con valvulopatías (OR=2,01; IC95%: 1,22-3,30 o en tratamiento con antitrombóticos (OR=3,45; IC95%: 1,61-7,42 o diuréticos (OR=2,28; IC95%:1,13-4,58 tuvieron mayor probabilidad de hospitalización. Los factores asociados a una mayor tasa de ingresos fueron tener valvulopatías (IRR=1,37; IC95%: 1,03-1,81 o diabetes mellitus (IRR=1,38, 1,07-1,78 y estar en tratamiento con calcioantagonistas (IRR=1,35; IC95%: 1,05-1,73 o IECAS (IRR=1,43; IC95%:1,06- 1,92. Haber tenido derivaciones a cardiología tuvo efecto protector (IRR=0,86; IC95%: 0,76-0,97. Conclusión: El modelo de regresión que tiene mejor ajuste es el BN inflado con ceros. Según este modelo los factores asociados con un incremento en los ingresos hospitalarios son las valvulopatías, la diabetes mellitus y el

  14. Ultraviolet induced lysosome activity in corneal epithelium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cullen, A.P.


    A 5.000 W Xe-Hg high pressure lamp and a double monochromator were used to produce a 3.3 nm half-bandpass ultraviolet radiation at 295 nm. Pigmented rabbit eyes were irradiated with radiant exposures from 140 Jm/sup -2/ to 10.000 Jm/sup -2/ and evaluated by slit-lamp biomicroscopy, light and electron microscopy. Corneal threshold (Hsub(c) was 200 Jm/sup -2/ and lens threshold (Hsub(L)) was 7.500 Jm/sup -2/. The most repeatable and reliable corneal response to these levels of UV was the development of corneal epithelial granules. Histological changes included a loss of superficial epithelial cells and selective UV induced autolysis of the wing cells. It is suggested that the biomicroscopically observed granules are the clinical manifestation of the secondary lysosomes revealed by light and electron microscopy. It is proposed that UV breaks down the primary lysosome membranes to release hydrolytic enzymes which in turn form the secondary lysosomes during autolysis. Extreme levels of radiant exposure at 295 nm result in indiscriminate destruction of all layers of the corneal epithelium, but the posterior cornea was spared.

  15. Factores de riesgo asociados a la mortalidad por hemorragia digestiva alta en pacientes de un hospital público: Estudio caso control


    Corzo Maldonado, Manuel Alejandro; Guzmán Rojas, Patricia; Bravo Paredes, Eduar Alban; Gallegos López, Roxana Consuelo; Huerta Mercado-Tenorio, Jorge; Surco Ochoa, Yolanda; Prochazka Zárate, Ricardo; Piscoya Rivera, Alejandro; Pinto Valdivia, José; De los Ríos Senmache, Raúl


    Objetivo: Determinar y establecer los factores de riesgo asociados a la mortalidad por hemorragia digestiva alta (HDA) a los 30 días posteriores al episodio en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Perú. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico caso-control retrospectivo con una proporción caso: control de 1:3, analizando 180 pacientes, siendo 135 los controles y 45 los casos. Se determinó por plausibilidad biológica como posibles factores de riesgo a 14 vari...

  16. Adenopatía supraclavicular como forma de presentación de un carcinoma de cérvix asociado al complejo esclerosis tuberosa con linfangioleiomiomatosis

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    Pablo López Mato


    Full Text Available La linfangioleiomiomatosis es una proliferación del tejido muscular broncovascular que recientemente se ha definido como una expresión incompleta de la entidad “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”, una facomatosis a la que se asocian diversas neoplasias. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma de cérvix con metástasis supraclaviculares y cervicales, asociado a linfangioleiomiomatosis en el contexto de un “complejo esclerosis tuberosa”.

  17. The theory and art of corneal cross-linking

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    Rebecca McQuaid


    Full Text Available Before the discovery of corneal cross-linking (CXL, patients with keratoconus would have had to undergo corneal transplantation, or wear rigid gas permeable lenses (RGPs that would temporarily flatten the cone, thereby improving the vision. The RGP contact lens (CL would not however alter the corneal stability and if the keratoconus was progressive, the continued steepening of the cone would occur under the RGP CL. To date, the Siena Eye has been the largest study to investigate long term effects of standard CXL. Three hundred and sixty-three eyes were treated and monitored over 4 years, producing reliable long-term results proving long-term stability of the cornea by halting the progression of keratoconus, and proving the safety of the procedure. Traditionally, CXL requires epithelial removal prior to corneal soakage of a dextran-based 0.1% riboflavin solution, followed by exposure of ultraviolet-A (UV-A light for 30 min with an intensity of 3 mW/cm2. A series of in vitro investigations on human and porcine corneas examined the best treatment parameters for standard CXL, such as riboflavin concentration, intensity, wavelength of UV-A light, and duration of treatment. Photochemically, CXL is achieved by the generation of chemical bonds within the corneal stroma through localized photopolymerization, strengthening the cornea whilst minimizing exposure to the surrounding structures of the eye. In vitro studies have shown that CXL has an effect on the biomechanical properties of the cornea, with an increased corneal rigidity of approximately 70%. This is a result of the creation of new chemical bonds within the stroma.

  18. Effect of corneal cross-linking on contact lens tolerance in keratoconus. (United States)

    Ünlü, Metin; Yüksel, Erdem; Bilgihan, Kamil


    The aim was to investigate changes in corneal sensation and rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lens tolerance after corneal cross-linking (CXL) on patients with keratoconus. Thirty eyes of 30 patients, who were RGP lens intolerant, were treated with CXL. The main outcome measures were corneal sensation evaluation by Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometry, sub-basal nerve fibre assessment by corneal in vivo confocal microscopy and RGP contact lens tolerance evaluation with the Likert scale and wearing time. All eyes were evaluated preoperatively and post-operatively at one, three and six months after CXL procedure. The mean age was 25.3 ± 6.2 years. Preoperatively, the maximum keratometry (Kmax) in study eyes was 56.89 ± 4.60 D. Six months after CXL, it reduced to 56.03 ± 4.85 D (p = 0.01). Preoperative mean corneal sensation was 0.44 ± 0.05 g/mm 2 , (range: 0.40 to 0.55); it was significantly decreased at the first month and increased to preoperative values after six months. The sub-basal nerve plexus could not be visualised in 90 per cent of the patients by confocal microscopy at one month post-operatively. Gradual restoration of corneal innervation with almost similar preoperative levels at post-operative month six was noted. There were significant differences in Likert scores between preoperative and third and sixth months after CXL. Likert scale scores correlated significantly with corneal sensitivity. It can be concluded that increased RGP contact lens tolerance after CXL may be associated with the potential role of decreased corneal sensitivity and corneal flattening after CXL. © 2016 Optometry Australia.

  19. Transepithelial Riboflavin Absorption in an Ex Vivo Rabbit Corneal Model. (United States)

    Gore, Daniel M; O'Brart, David; French, Paul; Dunsby, Chris; Allan, Bruce D


    To measure depth-specific riboflavin concentrations in corneal stroma using two-photon fluorescence microscopy and compare commercially available transepithelial corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) protocols. Transepithelial CXL riboflavin preparations--MedioCross TE, Ribocross TE, Paracel plus VibeX Xtra, and iontophoresis with Ricrolin+--were applied to the corneal surface of fresh postmortem rabbit eyes in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations for clinical use. Riboflavin 0.1% (VibeX Rapid) was applied after corneal epithelial debridement as a positive control. After riboflavin application, eyes were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. Corneal cross sections 35-μm thick were cut on a cryostat, mounted on a slide, and imaged by two-photon fluorescence microscopy. Mean (SD) concentrations were calculated from five globes tested for each protocol. Peak riboflavin concentration of 0.09% (± 0.01) was observed within the most superficial stroma (stromal depth 0-10 μm) in positive controls (epithelium-off). At the same depth, peak stromal riboflavin concentrations for MedioCross TE, Ricrolin+, Paracel/Xtra, and Ribocross TE were 0.054% (± 0.01), 0.031% (0.003), 0.021% (± 0.001), and 0.015% (± 0.004), respectively. At a depth of 300 μm (within the demarcation zone commonly seen after corneal cross-linking), the stromal concentration in epithelium-off positive controls was 0.075% (± 0.006), while at the same depth MedioCross TE and Ricrolin+ achieved 0.018% (± 0.006) and 0.016% (0.002), respectively. None of the remaining transepithelial protocols achieved concentrations above 0.005% at this same 300-μm depth. Overall, MedioCross TE was the best-performing transepithelial formulation. Corneal epithelium is a significant barrier to riboflavin absorption into the stroma. Existing commercial transepithelial CXL protocols achieve relatively low riboflavin concentrations in the anterior corneal stroma when compared to gold standard epithelium-off absorption

  20. Selective corneal optical aberration (SCOA) for customized ablation (United States)

    Jean, Benedikt J.; Bende, Thomas


    Wavefront analysis still have some technical problems which may be solved within the next years. There are some limitations to use wavefront as a diagnostic tool for customized ablation alone. An ideal combination would be wavefront and topography. Meanwhile Selective Corneal Aberration is a method to visualize the optical quality of a measured corneal surface. It is based on a true measured 3D elevation information of a video topometer. Thus values can be interpreted either using Zernike polynomials or visualized as a so called color coded surface quality map. This map gives a quality factor (corneal aberration) for each measured point of the cornea.

  1. Implicaciones de la política económica en el riesgo asociado a la banca comercial y universal venezolana. Período 1998-2002

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    Antonio Soto


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se centra en determinar el impacto de las políticas económicas en el riesgo asociado a la banca comercial y universal venezolana durante el período 1998-2002, específicamente en lo referente al riesgo de liquidez, sectorial y cambiario. A través de una investigación de tipo descriptivo-observacional, los resultados revelan que este importante segmento del sector financiero presentó una exposición al riesgo sectorial; mientras que los riesgos de liquidez y cambiario fueron controlados dada la efectividad de la política económica.

  2. Factores asociados a la prevalencia de tuberculosis en el distrito de Cartagena

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    Irma Yolanda Castillo Ávila


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar los factores asociados a la prevalencia de tuberculosis en el Distrito de Cartagena. Metodología: se realizó un estudio analítico de casos y controles. La población objeto de estudio estuvo constituida por 240 personas diagnosticadas con tuberculosis en Cartagena. Se definió como caso toda persona ingresada al programa de control de tuberculosis del Distrito. Se realizó control comunitario a vecinos cercanos en la misma localidad, del mismo sexo, con más o menos cinco años de edad que el caso, quienes nunca habían padecido la enfermedad y sin síntomas respiratorios. Se almacenó los datos en el programa estadístico SPSSS versión 20.0, se calcularon razones de disparidad para estimar la relación entre variables. Resultados: participaron del estudio 303 personas (101 casos y 202 controles. Con un promedio de edad de 35.7 años (DE=17.9, para casos y 40.3 años (DE=20.3 para controles. Se encontraron como factores asociados a la presencia de tuberculosis el estado de vacunación con BCG (OR=0.11 IC 95% 0.05 - 0.22, tener pareja estable (OR= 0.54 IC 95% 0.30 - 0.96 y el antecedente familiar de Tuberculosis. (OR=20.97 IC 95%: 6.26 - 70.24. Conclusiones: el fortalecimiento de los programas de promoción y prevención de tuberculosis a nivel comunitario y familiar, puede mejorar el estado de salud de los individuos. La aplicación de prácticas como la vacunación de niños y niñas y las medidas preventivas en el hogar son necesarias para prevenir la aparición de la enfermedad.

  3. Análisis multinivel de los factores asociados al rendimiento académico en el Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica


    Moreira-Mora, Tania Elena


    5402-1580-0601 El rendimiento académico y la deserción de los estudiantes ha sido una preocupación constante de las autoridades y equipos docentes de las distintas escuelas del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Por ello, el área temática de esta investigación se engloba en los factores de contexto, entrada y procesos asociados con el rendimiento académico en Matemática General de los estudiantes que ingresaron en el 2010 a esta institución.

  4. [Corneal manifestations in systemic diseases]. (United States)

    Zarranz Ventura, J; De Nova, E; Moreno-Montañés, J


    Systemic diseases affecting the cornea have a wide range of manifestations. The detailed study of all pathologies that cause corneal alteration is unapproachable, so we have centered our interest in the most prevalent or characteristic of them. In this paper we have divided these pathologies in sections to facilitate their study. Pulmonar and conective tissue (like colagen, rheumatologic and idiopathic inflamatory diseases), dermatologic, cardiovascular, hematologic, digestive and hepatopancreatic diseases with corneal alteration are described. Endocrine and metabolic diseases, malnutrition and carential states are also studied, as well as some otorhinolaryngologic and genetic diseases that affect the cornea. Finally, a brief report of ocular toxicity induced by drugs is referred.

  5. Excimer laser-assisted anterior lamellar keratoplasty for keratoconus, corneal problems after laser in situ keratomileusis, and corneal stromal opacities. (United States)

    Bilgihan, Kamil; Ozdek, Sengül C; Sari, Ayça; Hasanreisoğlu, Berati


    To evaluate excimer laser-assisted anterior lamellar keratoplasty to augment thin corneas as in keratoconus ( .05). This technique presents a different modality for the treatment of keratoconus, post-LASIK corneal problems, and other corneal stromal opacities with anterior lamellar keratoplasty. Additional studies with more patients and longer follow-up will help determine the role of this technique as a substitute for penetrating keratoplasty in these patients.

  6. Research on inhibition of corneal neovascularization

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    Zhang-Hui Yang


    Full Text Available Corneal transparency is the basis of the normal physiological functions.However, corneal neovascularization(CNVmay occur in the infection, mechanical and chemical injury or under other pathological conditions,which make the cornea lose original transparency and severe visual impairment. In recent years, along with the development of immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry and other disciplines, there is more in-depth understanding on the CNV, and clinical treatment of CNV has made new breakthroughs. This article provides an overview of the inhibition of CNV.

  7. Differentiation of mild keratoconus from corneal warpage according to topographic inferior steepening based on corneal tomography data

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    Lia Florim Patrão

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT We report two cases of suspicious asymmetric bow tie and inferior steepening on topographic evaluations with reflection (Placido and projection (Scheimpflug. Rotating Scheimpflug corneal and anterior segment tomography (Oculus Pentacam HR, Wetzlar, Germany® was performed in the first case, with a maximal keratometric value (Kmax of 43.2 D and an overall deviation value from the Belin/Ambrósio Enhanced Ectasia Display (BAD-D of 1.76, which was observed in the study eye (OD. BAD-D was 6.59 in the fellow eye, which had clinical findings that were consistent with keratoconus stage 2. The second case presented with a Kmax of 45.3 D and BAD-D of 0.76 in OD and 1.01 in OS. This patient had discontinued wearing soft contact lens less than 1 day prior to examination. Corneal tomographic data enabled us to distinguish mild or forme fruste keratoconus from contact lens-induced corneal warpage, and similar findings were observed on curvature maps.

  8. Reactivation of Herpes Zoster Keratitis With Corneal Perforation After Zoster Vaccination. (United States)

    Jastrzebski, Andre; Brownstein, Seymour; Ziai, Setareh; Saleh, Solin; Lam, Kay; Jackson, W Bruce


    We present a case of reactivated herpes zoster keratouveitis of 6 years duration with corneal perforation requiring penetrating keratoplasty shortly after inoculation with herpes zoster vaccine (Zostavax, Merck, Quebec, Canada). Retrospective case report. A 67-year-old woman with a 5-year history of recurrent unilateral herpes zoster keratouveitis in her right eye presented with another recurrence 2 weeks after Zostavax vaccination. Three months later, she developed descemetocele and 2 months afterward, corneal perforation, which was managed by penetrating keratoplasty. Immunohistopathological examination disclosed positive staining for varicella zoster virus in most of the keratocytes adjacent to the descemetocele and perforation, most vividly in the deeper two-thirds of the stroma where the keratocytes were most dense, but not in corneal epithelium or endothelium. Electron microscopic examination showed universally severely degenerated corneal keratocytes in the corneal stroma adjacent to the perforation with variable numbers of herpes virus capsids present in half of these cells. Only a rare normal-appearing keratocyte was identified in the more peripheral corneal stroma. We present a case of reactivation of herpes keratouveitis shortly after vaccination with Zostavax in a patient with previous herpes zoster ophthalmicus. We demonstrate, for the first time, ultrastructural evidence consistent with inactive virus capsids in diffusely degenerated keratocytes in the extracted corneal tissue.

  9. Evaluation of corneal changes after myopic LASIK using the Pentacam®

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    Khairat YM


    Full Text Available Yehia M Khairat, Yasser H Mohamed, Ismail ANO Moftah, Narden N Fouad Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, El-Minya University, Egypt Background: In this study, we used a Pentacam® device to evaluate the corneal changes that occur after laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK. Methods: Our study included 60 eyes of 32 patients. All patients were treated for myopia and myopic astigmatism using LASIK. The eyes were examined preoperatively and 3 months postoperatively using a Pentacam to assess corneal changes with regard to curvature, elevation, and asphericity of the cornea. Results: A statistically significant decrease in mean keratometric power of the anterior corneal surface (P = 0.001 compared with its pre-LASIK value was detected after 3 months, but there was no significant change in keratometric power of the posterior surface (P = 0.836. Asphericity (Q-value of the anterior and posterior surfaces increased significantly after LASIK (P = 0.001. A significant forward bulge of the anterior corneal surface 4 mm and 7 mm from the central zone was detected 3 months post-LASIK (P = 0.001 for both, but there was no significant increase in posterior elevation at 4 mm and 7 mm from the center (P = 0.637 and P = 0.26, respectively. No cases of post-LASIK ectasia were detected. Correlation between different parameters of the corneal surface revealed an indirect relation between changes in pachymetry and anterior corneal elevation at 4 mm and 7 mm from the central zone (r = −0.27, P = 0.13, and r = −0.37, P = 0.04, respectively, and a direct proportion between changes in pachymetry and mean keratometric power of the anterior and posterior corneal surfaces (r = 0.7, P = 0.001 and r = 0.4, P = 0.028, respectively. Conclusion: LASIK causes significant changes at the anterior corneal surface but the effect is subtle and insignificant at the posterior surface. Keywords: LASIK, laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, Pentacam®, corneal

  10. A Clinical Microbiological Study of Corneal Ulcer Patients at Western Gujarat, India

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    Nilesh Dhanjibhai Patel


    Full Text Available Corneal ulcer is a major cause of blindness throughout the world. When the cornea is injured by foreign particles, there are chances of infection by the organism and development of ulcer. Bacterial infection in the cornea is invariably an alteration of the defense mechanism of the outer eye. It is essential to determine the local etiology within a given region when planning a corneal ulcer management strategy. Laboratory evaluation is necessary to establish the diagnosis and to guide the antibiotic therapy. One hundred corneal ulcer patients were studied by collecting their corneal scraping samples and processing at Clinical Microbiology department of Shree Meghaji Petharaj Shah Medical College, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India during a period of 17 months. All clinical microbiology laboratory procedures followed standard protocols described in the literature. 40 (40% patients from the age group of 20-70 years had been confirmed as - any organism culture positive - within the corneal ulcer patient population. Fungi were isolated from 26 (26% corneal ulcer patients. The bacterial etiology was confirmed in 14 (14% corneal ulcer patients. The major risk factors for mycotic keratitis were vegetative injury (16, (62%, followed by conjunctivitis (4, (15%, and blunt trauma (3, (11%. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most commonly isolated bacterium (6, (43%, followed by Proteus spp. (4, (29%. Corneal Infections due to bacteria and filamentous fungi are a frequent cause of corneal damage. Microbiological investigation is an essential tool in the diagnosis of these infections. The frequency of fungal keratitis has risen over the past 20 to 30 years. Prognosis of bacterial corneal infection has improved since the introduction of specific antibacterial therapy.

  11. A clinical microbiological study of corneal ulcer patients at western Gujarat, India.

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    Rajesh Somabhai Katara


    Full Text Available Corneal ulcer is a major cause of blindness throughout the world. When the cornea is injured by foreign particles, there are chances of infection by the organism and development of ulcer. Bacterial infection in the cornea is invariably an alteration of the defense mechanism of the outer eye. It is essential to determine the local etiology within a given region when planning a corneal ulcer management strategy. Laboratory evaluation is necessary to establish the diagnosis and to guide the antibiotic therapy. One hundred corneal ulcer patients were studied by collecting their corneal scraping samples and processing at Clinical Microbiology department of Shree Meghaji Petharaj Shah Medical College, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India during a period of 17 months. All clinical microbiology laboratory procedures followed standard protocols described in the literature. 40 (40% patients from the age group of 20-70 years had been confirmed as - any organism culture positive - within the corneal ulcer patient population. Fungi were isolated from 26 (26% corneal ulcer patients. The bacterial etiology was confirmed in 14 (14% corneal ulcer patients. The major risk factors for mycotic keratitis were vegetative injury (16, (62%, followed by conjunctivitis (4, (15%, and blunt trauma (3, (11%. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most commonly isolated bacterium (6, (43%, followed by Proteus spp. (4, (29%. Corneal Infections due to bacteria and filamentous fungi are a frequent cause of corneal damage. Microbiological investigation is an essential tool in the diagnosis of these infections. The frequency of fungal keratitis has risen over the past 20 to 30 years. Prognosis of bacterial corneal infection has improved since the introduction of specific antibacterial therapy.

  12. Corneal complications and visual impairment in vernal keratoconjunctivitis patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arif, A.S.; Aaqil, B.; Siddiqui, A.; Nazneen, Z.; Farooq, U.


    Vernal kerato-conjunctivitis (VKC) is an infrequent but serious form of allergic conjunctivitis common in warm and humid areas where air is rich in allergens. It affects both eyes asymmetrically. Although VKC is a self-limiting disease but visions affecting corneal complications influence the quality of life in school children. The aim of this study was to list the corneal complications due to this condition and to find out the extent of visual impairment among VKC patients. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the department of Ophthalmology, Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Hospital on 290 eyes of diagnosed cases of VKC. The diagnosis of VKC was made on the basis of history and examination. Visual acuity was recorded using Snellen's notation and visual impairment was classified according to World Health Organization classification for visual disabilities. Results: The mean age of presentation was 10.83+-6.13 years. There were 207 (71.4%) males and 83 (28.6%) females. Corneal scarring was observed in 59 (20.3%) eyes. Keratoconus was found to be in 17 (5.9%) eyes. Shield ulcer was detected in 09 (3.1%) eyes while 07 (2.4%) eyes had corneal neovascularization. Majority of the patients with visual loss had corneal scarring and the complication that led to severe visual loss in most of the eyes was Keratoconus. Conclusion: Vernal kerato-conjunctivitis in the presence of corneal complications is a sight threatening disease and can lead to severe visual impairment. (author)

  13. Corneal biomechanical properties after laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis and photorefractive keratectomy

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    Hwang ES


    Full Text Available Eileen S Hwang,1 Brian C Stagg,1 Russell Swan,1 Carlton R Fenzl,1 Molly McFadden,2 Valliammai Muthappan,1 Luis Santiago-Caban,1 Mark D Mifflin,1 Majid Moshirfar1,3 1Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, John A. Moran Eye Center, 2Department of Internal Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 3HDR Research Center, Hoopes Vision, Draper, UT, USA Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK on corneal biomechanical properties.Methods: We used the ocular response analyzer to measure corneal hysteresis (CH and corneal resistance factor (CRF before and after refractive surgery.Results: In all, 230 eyes underwent LASIK and 115 eyes underwent PRK without mitomycin C (MMC. Both procedures decreased CH and CRF from baseline. When MMC was used after PRK in 20 eyes, it resulted in lower corneal biomechanical properties at 3 months when compared to the other procedures, but all three procedures had similar values at 12 months.Conclusion: Significant but similar decreases in corneal biomechanical properties after LASIK, PRK without MMC, and PRK with MMC were noted. Keywords: corneal biomechanics, photorefractive keratectomy, laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, corneal hysteresis, corneal resistance factor, mitomycin C

  14. Changes in corneal sensitivity following cross-linking for progressive early-stage keratoconus

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    Anelise de Medeiros Lago


    Full Text Available Purpose: To evaluate changes in corneal sensitivity following corneal cross-linking (CXL in patients with progressive earlier stage keratoconus. Methods: Thirty-eight eyes of 19 patients (11 women, 8 men were included in a prospective, nonrandomized clinical study. The mean patient age was 22 years (range, 18-26 years. Inclusion criteria were early stage bilateral progressive keratoconus, a transparent cornea, and a thickness of ≥440 µm in the thinnest area of the cornea. Using the Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometer, central corneal sensitivity was measured before surgery, 7 days after surgery, and once a month thereafter until recovery of baseline preoperative levels. Central corneal sensitivity >40 mm was considered normal. Results: Corneal sensitivity gradually returned to preoperative levels in all treated eyes. The mean central corneal sensitivity was 52.2, 24.0, 38.2, 42.5, 50.0, and 52.5 mm before surgery, 7 days after surgery, and at 1, 2, 3, and 4 months after surgery, respectively. Normal levels of corneal sensation, but not baseline (preoperative levels, were observed 2 months after surgery. The preoperative levels were observed 3 months after surgery. Conclusions: Our results suggest that central corneal sensitivity can be decreased for as long as 3 months after CXL for progressive earlier stage keratoconus.

  15. A Rare Form of Corneal Opacity Associated with Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita

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    Yuichiro Ishida


    Full Text Available A 13-year-old Japanese female diagnosed with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SEDC was referred for ophthalmologic evaluation. Examination with slit-lamp and optical coherence tomography revealed bilateral thin cornea with diffuse corneal opacity which was localised at the posterior stromal depth in the central cornea. Unlike the two previously reported cases of diffuse and nodular patterns of corneal opacity in SEDC, the current case exhibited a rare form of corneal opacity. SEDC is one of the type II collagenopathies, characterised by dwarfism because the mutations in COL2A1 prevent bone growth. Although the existence of type II collagen has not been reported in the human corneal stroma, the aetiology of the opacity in the corneal stroma in SEDC type II collagenopathy is of interest.

  16. Femtosecond laser-assisted keratoplasty in a child with corneal opacity:case report

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    E. Yu. Markova


    Full Text Available Corneal opacities are the fourth cause of blindness world-wide. Over the past two centuries, various corneal transplantation (i.e., keratoplasty methods have been developed and improved. Nowadays, femtolaserssisted keratoplasty is one of most promising techniques. Femtosecond laser have several advantages that provide additional surgical benefits. Among them, no thermal injury, the ability to cut deeply on a single plane and to perform various corneal profiles should be mentioned. In children, corneal disorders are of special importance while femtosecondassisted keraatoplasty case reports are rare. Here, we describe femtosecond laserssisted penetrating keratoplasty in a girl with a rough central corneal opacity.

  17. Factores asociados al consumo de tabaco en una población de adultos Risk factors associated with tobacco consumption in an adult population

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    Virginia Corina Samaniego


    Full Text Available Esta investigación se planteó identificar factores asociados a la adicción al tabaco. El abordaje se basó en una articulación entre el paradigma transteorético de Prochaska y la perspectiva comunitaria de la salud pública. El universo lo constituyeron los integrantes de escuelas estatales para adultos del Partido de Avellaneda, Provincia de Buenos Aires. El total de la muestra fue de 888 sujetos. Se trabajó por censo. Se evaluaron los factores que se asociaban al consumo de tabaco en la población diana y de las variables que definían la fase en que se encontraban los sujetos según el modelo Transteorético de Prochaska. En nuestra población a diferencia de lo encontrado por Prochaska, existe una proporción mayor de sujetos en etapa de precontemplación (51,8%. Además, dentro del síndrome de abstinencia, predomina el síntoma de ansiedad. Por último, son las situaciones de afecto negativo las que provocan mayor tentación de fumar.The aim of this research was to identify the risk factors associated with tobacco addiction in an adult popu-lation. It was the first stage of a broader intervention field study. It was based in the articulation between the Transtheoretical Model of Change of Prochaska and the Public Health Community Perspective. The population were members of Public Schools for adults settled on the Avellaneda's district, in Buenos Aires province, 888 individuals composed the whole sample. We worked by census. A meaningful result is that in our population there is a bigger proportion of individuals in the Precontemplation stage (51,8% than in the U.S.A. Prochaska had demonstrated that approximately 40% of smokers were in this stage in that country. Another finding has been that within the abstinence syndrome, the anxiety symptom prevails. Lastly, negative emotion situations are the ones that tempts people to smoke more.

  18. Edge detection and mathematic fitting for corneal surface with Matlab software. (United States)

    Di, Yue; Li, Mei-Yan; Qiao, Tong; Lu, Na


    To select the optimal edge detection methods to identify the corneal surface, and compare three fitting curve equations with Matlab software. Fifteen subjects were recruited. The corneal images from optical coherence tomography (OCT) were imported into Matlab software. Five edge detection methods (Canny, Log, Prewitt, Roberts, Sobel) were used to identify the corneal surface. Then two manual identifying methods (ginput and getpts) were applied to identify the edge coordinates respectively. The differences among these methods were compared. Binomial curve (y=Ax 2 +Bx+C), Polynomial curve [p(x)=p1x n +p2x n-1 +....+pnx+pn+1] and Conic section (Ax 2 +Bxy+Cy 2 +Dx+Ey+F=0) were used for curve fitting the corneal surface respectively. The relative merits among three fitting curves were analyzed. Finally, the eccentricity (e) obtained by corneal topography and conic section were compared with paired t -test. Five edge detection algorithms all had continuous coordinates which indicated the edge of the corneal surface. The ordinates of manual identifying were close to the inside of the actual edges. Binomial curve was greatly affected by tilt angle. Polynomial curve was lack of geometrical properties and unstable. Conic section could calculate the tilted symmetry axis, eccentricity, circle center, etc . There were no significant differences between 'e' values by corneal topography and conic section ( t =0.9143, P =0.3760 >0.05). It is feasible to simulate the corneal surface with mathematical curve with Matlab software. Edge detection has better repeatability and higher efficiency. The manual identifying approach is an indispensable complement for detection. Polynomial and conic section are both the alternative methods for corneal curve fitting. Conic curve was the optimal choice based on the specific geometrical properties.

  19. Corneal topography measurements for biometric applications (United States)

    Lewis, Nathan D.

    The term biometrics is used to describe the process of analyzing biological and behavioral traits that are unique to an individual in order to confirm or determine his or her identity. Many biometric modalities are currently being researched and implemented including, fingerprints, hand and facial geometry, iris recognition, vein structure recognition, gait, voice recognition, etc... This project explores the possibility of using corneal topography measurements as a trait for biometric identification. Two new corneal topographers were developed for this study. The first was designed to function as an operator-free device that will allow a user to approach the device and have his or her corneal topography measured. Human subject topography data were collected with this device and compared to measurements made with the commercially available Keratron Piccolo topographer (Optikon, Rome, Italy). A third topographer that departs from the standard Placido disk technology allows for arbitrary pattern illumination through the use of LCD monitors. This topographer was built and tested to be used in future research studies. Topography data was collected from 59 subjects and modeled using Zernike polynomials, which provide for a simple method of compressing topography data and comparing one topographical measurement with a database for biometric identification. The data were analyzed to determine the biometric error rates associated with corneal topography measurements. Reasonably accurate results, between three to eight percent simultaneous false match and false non-match rates, were achieved.

  20. The application of excimer lasers for corneal sculpturing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, M.C.


    Of the broad selection of lasers available for surgery, the argon fluoride excimer laser offers a set of attributes that make it uniquely suited for the removal of corneal tissue. With ultraviolet radiation at 193mm, the energy of an individual photon (6.3 electron volts) is sufficient to break bonds in protein molecules without generating molecular vibration (heat). A single laser pulse is capable of removing 0.25 microns of corneal tissue over a well defined area 80 mm 2 in extent. This excision with a lateral precision to a fraction of a micron causes no discernible damage to neighboring cells. The smooth surface left after the tissue is removed promotes a quick and predictable regrowth of the epithelium. The penetration of radiation into the underlying tissue is the order of a micron so there is no potential harm to the lens or retinal tissue. Insignificant mutagenesis or unscheduled DNA synthesis has been detected as a result of tissue irradiation at this wavelength. In the past few years major progress has been made towards developing ophthalmic procedures which utilize the unique properties of this laser. To date there are FDA IDE's (Investigational Device Exemptions) for the following procedures: Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) or corneal reshaping for correcting near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism without the need for eye glasses, contact lenses or conventional refractive surgery (Radial Keratotomy); Partial Excimer Trabeculectomy for relieving the pressure build-up caused by glaucoma; T-Excisons for reducing astigmatism; Myopic Keratomileusis (MKM) for the refractive correction of severe myopia; superficial Keratectomy (corneal smoothing) for treating various corneal scars, dystrophies, recurrent corneal erosion etc. In this paper the fundamentals of beam tissue interaction at 193nm will be discussed

  1. 21 CFR 886.1450 - Corneal radius measuring device. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Corneal radius measuring device. 886.1450 Section 886.1450 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES... corneal size by superimposing the image of the cornea on a scale at the focal length of the lens of a...

  2. Corneal-Wavefront guided transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy after corneal collagen cross linking in keratoconus

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    Massimo Camellin


    Conclusions: Corneal-Wavefront guided transepithelial PRK ablation profiles after conventional CXL yields to good visual, optical, and refractive results. These treatments are safe and efficacious for the correction of refracto-therapeutic problems in keratoconic patients.

  3. Comparison of Changes in Central Corneal Thickness During Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking, Using Isotonic Riboflavin Solutions With and Without Dextran, in the Treatment of Progressive Keratoconus. (United States)

    Zaheer, Naima; Khan, Wajid Ali; Khan, Shama; Khan, M Abdul Moqeet


    To compare intraoperative changes in central corneal thickness (CCT) during corneal cross-linking, using 2 different isotonic riboflavin solutions either with dextran or with hydroxy propyl methylcellulose, in the treatment of progressive keratoconus. In this retrospective study, we analyzed records of corneal thickness measurements, taken during various steps of cross-linking. Cross-linking was performed using either isotonic riboflavin with dextran (group A) or isotonic riboflavin with hydroxy propyl methylcellulose (without dextran) (group B). CCT measurements were recorded before and after epithelial removal, after saturation with respective isotonic riboflavin solution, after use of hypotonic riboflavin in selected cases, and after ultraviolet A (UV-A) application. A mixed-way analysis of variance was conducted on CCT readings within each group and between both groups, and p dextran causes a significant decrease in corneal thickness, whereas dextran-free isotonic riboflavin causes a significant increase in corneal thickness, thus facilitating the procedure.

  4. Factor de riesgo para suicidio según dos cuestionarios y factores asociados en población estudiantil de la Universidad de Manizales (Colombia, 2011

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    Sandra Constanza Cañón


    según la Escala de Beck, además de los anteriores factores asociados, se encontró la asociación significativa con raza (p=0,003, estado civil (p=0,007, espiritualidad (p=0,000 y el programa de pregrado que se encuentre cursando el estudiante (p=0,000. El Factor de Riesgo para Suicidio, según Escala de Plutchik, es parecido al encontrado en otras poblaciones análogas. Las escalas de Plutchik y de Beck, aunque relacionadas, no son equivalentes.


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    Full Text Available El proceso de modernización del agro de las dos últimas décadas, incide directamente en un sujeto social de la cuenca lechera santafesina. 1990 genera nueva legislación que enmarca el trabajo y la vida del tambero y su familia, reconfi gurando este sujeto social fundamental. La metodología cualitativa utilizada fue Estudio de Caso sobre el Departamento las Colonias. Los resultados presentados en este artículo demuestran que los cambios ocurridos por la nueva fi gura legal del tambero, impactan en sus condiciones de vida. A pesar que la nueva legislación convierte al empleado tambero en productor asociado, no provoca mejoras en su situación socioeconómica. El trabajo completo es un proceso de articulación entre actividad científi ca y desarrollo rural, donde se identificaron y sistematizaron los contextos de ambas situaciones legales y los cambios en las condiciones de vida del tambero y su familia, suministrando conocimientos para orientar la tarea de extensión relacionada al desarrollo rural.

  6. Effect of the Regenerative Agent Poly(Carboxymethylglucose Sulfate) on Corneal Wound Healing After Corneal Cross-Linking for Keratoconus. (United States)

    Kymionis, George D; Liakopoulos, Dimitrios A; Grentzelos, Michael A; Tsoulnaras, Konstantinos I; Detorakis, Efstathios T; Cochener, Béatrice; Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis K


    To evaluate the effect of a regenerative agent (RGTA) [Cacicol20-poly(carboxymethyl glucose sulfate); OTR3, Paris, France] on corneal reepithelialization and pain after corneal cross-linking (CXL) for keratoconus. In this prospective comparative (contralateral) clinical study, patients with bilateral progressive keratoconus underwent CXL treatment. The corneal epithelium during CXL was removed using transepithelial phototherapeutic keratectomy (Cretan protocol). One eye of each patient was randomly instilled with an RGTA (Cacicol20) once a day (study group), whereas the fellow eye was instilled with artificial tears (control group). Patients were examined daily until complete reepithelialization. Postoperative examinations included slit-lamp biomicroscopy to assess the epithelial defect size and subjective evaluation of pain. The study enrolled 18 patients (36 eyes). The mean epithelial defect size for study and control groups was 19.6 ± 4.2 mm versus 21.5 ± 2.8 mm, respectively, at day 1 (P = 0.019) and 6.4 ± 3.4 mm versus 7.9 ± 4.3 mm, respectively, at day 2 (P = 0.014). At day 3 postoperatively, 61.1% of study eyes were fully reepithelialized, compared with 11.1% of control eyes (P = 0.002). RGTA (Cacicol20) instillation seems to result in faster corneal reepithelialization after CXL in this study. However, there was no significant effect in subjective pain/discomfort.

  7. Chronic pesticide exposure and consequential keratectasia & corneal neovascularisation. (United States)

    Sanyal, Shalini; Law, Atrayo; Law, Sujata


    Ocular toxicity as a consequence of chronic pesticide exposure is one of the health hazards caused due to extended exposure to pesticides. The cornea, due to its position as the outer ocular layer and its role in protecting the internal layers of the eye; is gravely affected by this xenobiotic insult to the eye, leading to ocular irritation and damage to normal vision. The deleterious effects of chronic pesticide exposure on the various corneal layers and the ocular risks involved therein, were explored by mimicking the on-field scenario. Cytological, histological and flowcytometric parameters were taken into consideration to determine the enhanced risk of corneal neovascularisation and keratectasia, specifically, keratoconus. Chronic exposure to pesticides leads to heightened ocular morbidity wherein there were visible pathophysiological changes to the ocular surface. The cornea was found to be adversely affected with visible protuberance in a cone-like shape, characteristic of keratoconus in a majority of the experimental animals. Further analyses revealed a detrimental impact on all the corneal layers and an amplified expression of inflammation markers such as TNF-α, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1. Additionally, it was found that post pesticide exposure, the corneal surface developed hypoxia, leading to a significant increase of angiogenesis promoting factors and consequential neovascularisation. Apart from ocular toxicity, chronic exposure to pesticides significantly increases the risks of keratectasia and corneal neovascularisation; disorders which lead to diminished vision and if untreated, blindness. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. New therapeutic modality for corneal endothelial disease using Rho-associated kinase inhibitor eye drops. (United States)

    Koizumi, Noriko; Okumura, Naoki; Ueno, Morio; Kinoshita, Shigeru


    Corneal endothelial dysfunction accompanied by visual disturbance is a primary indication for corneal endothelial transplantation. However, despite the value and potential of endothelial graft surgery, a strictly pharmacological approach for treating corneal endothelial dysfunction remains an attractive proposition. Previously, we reported that the selective Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) inhibitor Y-27632 promotes cell adhesion and proliferation, and inhibits the apoptosis of primate corneal endothelial cells in culture. These findings have led us to develop a novel medical treatment for the early phase of corneal endothelial disease using ROCK inhibitor eye drops. In rabbit and monkey models of partial endothelial dysfunction, we showed that corneal endothelial wound healing was accelerated via the topical application of ROCK inhibitor to the ocular surface, resulting in the regeneration of a corneal endothelial monolayer with a high endothelial cell density. Based on these animal studies, we are now attempting to advance the clinical application of ROCK inhibitor eye drops for patients with corneal endothelial dysfunction. A pilot clinical study was performed at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, and the effects of Y-27632 eye drops after transcorneal freezing were evaluated in 8 patients with corneal endothelial dysfunction. We observed a positive effect of ROCK inhibitor eye drops in treating patients with central edema caused by Fuchs corneal endothelial dystrophy. We believe that our new findings will contribute to the establishment of a new approach for the treatment of corneal endothelial dysfunction.

  9. Exponential Decay Metrics of Topical Tetracaine Hydrochloride Administration Describe Corneal Anesthesia Properties Mechanistically. (United States)

    Ethington, Jason; Goldmeier, David; Gaynes, Bruce I


    To identify pharmacodynamic (PD) and pharmacokinetic (PK) metrics that aid in mechanistic understanding of dosage considerations for prolonged corneal anesthesia. A rabbit model using 0.5% tetracaine hydrochloride was used to induce corneal anesthesia in conjunction with Cochet-Bonnet anesthesiometry. Metrics were derived describing PD-PK parameters of the time-dependent domain of recovery in corneal sensitivity. Curve fitting used a 1-phase exponential dissociation paradigm assuming a 1-compartment PK model. Derivation of metrics including half-life and mean ligand residence time, tau (τ), was predicted by nonlinear regression. Bioavailability was determined by area under the curve of the dose-response relationship with varying drop volumes. Maximal corneal anesthesia maintained a plateau with a recovery inflection at the approximate time of predicted corneal drug half-life. PDs of recovery of corneal anesthesia were consistent with a first-order drug elimination rate. The mean ligand residence time (tau, τ) was 41.7 minutes, and half-life was 28.89 minutes. The mean estimated corneal elimination rate constant (ke) was 0.02402 minute. Duration of corneal anesthesia ranged from 55 to 58 minutes. There was no difference in time domain PD area under the curve between drop volumes. Use of a small drop volume of a topical anesthetic (as low as 11 μL) is bioequivalent to conventional drop size and seems to optimize dosing regiments with a little effect on ke. Prolongation of corneal anesthesia may therefore be best achieved with administration of small drop volumes at time intervals corresponding to the half-life of drug decay from the corneal compartment.

  10. Factores asociados al fracaso académico en estudiantes universitarios de Barranquilla (Colombia

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    Katherine Contreras


    Full Text Available El fracaso académico es un problema que afrontan los estudiantes quepresentan un rendimiento académico deficiente, lo cual los lleva en pocotiempo a desertar o son expulsados del sistema educativo. Se considera que es un problema multicausal, pero para afrontarlo es necesario indagar desde los mismos estudiantes qué es lo que más los puede estar afectando.Para indagar sobre los factores asociados a este problema se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo con estudiantes de psicología en una universidad privada de Barranquilla (Colombia. Se entrevistó a 38 estudiantes que asistían a un programa exclusivo para aquellos con muy bajo rendimiento académico y que estaban en riesgo de salir del programa o habían sido remitidos por los profesores. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes no recibieron una orientación vocacional adecuada antes de ingresar a los estudios superiores que les permitiera analizar sus capacidades y habilidades con respecto a una carrera profesional. Además manifiestan limitaciones en sus competencias de concentración y atención, en la distribución del tiempo, en la deficiente utilización de técnicas de estudio, y en la poca asistencia a clases por la baja motivación en las actividades académicas. La relación con su familia la consideraron satisfactoria. Se observa que las acciones para reducir el fracaso deben ser emprendidas antes del ingreso a la universidad, con estrategias de estudio y afrontamiento que les brinden a los jóvenes las mejores opciones entre sus intereses y capacidades con las oportunidades que les ofrece la sociedad en la cual vivirán.


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    J. A. Mendoza


    Full Text Available Se determinó la prevalencia de mastitis, los microorganismos asociados y los factores de riesgo relacionados en explotaciones lecheras de municipios pertenecientes a la provincia de Pamplona (Norte de Santander, Colombia. Se realizó la prueba de California Mastitis Test (CMT a 1.208 cuartos provenientes de 302 animales ubicados en 108 predios. De los cuartos positivos (de trazas a 3+, se obtuvo una muestra de leche y se realizó aislamiento microbiológico. Mediante un cuestionario se analizaron 64 variables relacionadas con las condiciones y sistema de ordeño en los predios y su correlación con la presencia de la enfermedad utilizando tablas de contingencia y la prueba chi cuadrado ( χ 2. Se determinó una prevalencia individual de 54,6% (165/302 (95% CI 48,8-60,3 animales positivos al CMT. En 67,6% (73/108 (95% CI 58,3-75,7 de los predios se presentó al menos un animal positivo, mientras que un total de 21,6% (260/1.208 (95% CI 19,3-23,9 de los cuartos presentaron reactividad al CMT. De las muestras en las cuales se pudo realizar aislamiento y caracterización microbiológica, en 74,4% se aisló Staphylococcus aureus , 12,3% Streptococcus agalactiae y 13,3% coliformes. Un total de 17 características se asociaron a la presencia de mastitis, mientras la totalidad de estos factores se relacionaron con la ausencia de buenas prácticas de ordeño. La presencia, principalmente de microorganismos asociados a mastitis contagiosas, evidencian la necesidad de capacitación y asesoramiento para implementar buenas prácticas de ordeño y mejorar la competitividad del sector en la región, lo que redundará en un aumento en la producción.

  12. Corneal Graft Rejection: Incidence and Risk Factors

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    Alireza Baradaran-Rafii


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    PURPOSE: To determine the incidence and risk factors of late corneal graft rejection after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP. METHODS: Records of all patients who had undergone PKP from 2002 to 2004 without immunosuppressive therapy other than systemic steroids and with at least one year of follow up were reviewed. The role of possible risk factors such as demographic factors, other host factors, donor factors, indications for PKP as well as type of rejection were evaluated. RESULTS: During the study period, 295 PKPs were performed on 286 patients (176 male, 110 female. Mean age at the time of keratoplasty was 38±20 (range, 40 days to 90 years and mean follow up period was 20±10 (range 12-43 months. Graft rejection occurred in 94 eyes (31.8% at an average of 7.3±6 months (range, 20 days to 39 months after PKP. The most common type of rejection was endothelial (20.7%. Corneal vascularization, regrafting, anterior synechiae, irritating sutures, active inflammation, additional anterior segment procedures, history of trauma, uncontrolled glaucoma, prior graft rejection, recurrence of herpetic infection and eccentric grafting increased the rate of rejection. Patient age, donor size and bilateral transplantation had no significant influence on graft rejection. CONCLUSION: Significant risk factors for corneal graft rejection include

  13. Corneal erosions, bacterial contamination of contact lenses, and microbial keratitis. (United States)

    Willcox, Mark D P; Naduvilath, Thomas J; Vaddavalli, Pravin K; Holden, Brien A; Ozkan, Jerome; Zhu, Hua


    To estimate the rate of corneal erosion coupled with gram-negative bacterial contamination of contact lenses and compare this with the rate of microbial keratitis (MK) with contact lenses. The rate of corneal erosion and contact lens contamination by gram-negative bacteria were calculated from several prospective trials. These rates were used to calculate the theoretical rate of corneal erosion happening at the same time as wearing a contact lens contaminated with gram-negative bacteria. This theoretical rate was then compared with the rates of MK reported in various epidemiological and clinical trials. Corneal erosions were more frequent during extended wear (0.6-2.6% of visits) compared with daily wear (0.01-0.05% of visits). No corneal erosions were observed for lenses worn on a daily disposable basis. Contamination rates for lenses worn on a daily disposable basis were the lowest (2.4%), whereas they were the highest for low Dk lenses worn on an extended wear basis (7.1%). The estimated rate of corneal erosions occurring at the same time as wearing lenses contaminated with gram-negative bacteria was the lowest during daily wear of low Dk lenses (1.56/10,000 [95% CI: 0.23-10.57]) and the highest during extended wear of high Dk lenses (38.55/10,000 [95% CI: 24.77-60.04]). These rates were similar in magnitude to the rates reported for MK of different hydrogel lenses worn on differing wear schedules. The coincidence of corneal erosions during lens wear with gram-negative bacterial contamination of lenses may account for the relative incidence of MK during lens wear with different lens materials and modes of use.

  14. Central corneal thickness and related factors in an elderly American Chinese population. (United States)

    Wang, Dandan; Singh, Kuldev; Weinreb, Robert; Kempen, John; He, Mingguang; Lin, Shan


    To assess central corneal thickness and related factors in an elderly American Chinese population residing in San Francisco. Cross-sectional community based study. American Chinese aged 40 years and older were enrolled using random cluster sampling and volunteer screening in the Chinatown district of San Francisco. The following data were obtained: central corneal thickness by ultrasound pachymetry, intraocular pressure by Goldmann applanation tonometry, axial length by A-scan biometry, refractive status and corneal curvature by autorefractor. History of systemic and ocular diseases was collected via standard questionnaire. Central corneal thickness. Of 311 eligible subjects, 274 consented to study participation, and 228 phakic eyes were analyzed. Mean corneal thickness was 524.1 ± 31.1 µm, 545.5 ± 30.9 µm and 538.9 ± 31.8 µm in the sampling cluster, volunteer group and all subjects, respectively. A multiple linear regression model showed corneal thickness to be negatively associated with age (standardized regression coefficient [SRC] = -0.21; P = 0.016) and corneal curvature (SRC = -0.19; P = 0.018) but positively correlated with intraocular pressure (SRC = 0.20; P = 0.023). The distribution of central corneal thickness among this American Chinese population is similar to that reported in studies from East Asia. The independent factors associated with thinner corneas included older age, lower intraocular pressure and greater corneal curvature. While descendents of Chinese immigrants in America have, on average, thicker corneas than their ancestors, this phenomenon is potentially impacted by the level of intraocular pressure. © 2011 The Authors. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology © 2011 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

  15. Evaluation of central and peripheral corneal thicknesses in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Alime Gunes


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTPurpose:To evaluate central corneal thickness (CCT and peripheral corneal thickness (PCT in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA and to assess the relationships among the corneal parameters, dry eye disease, and clinical variables of RA.Methods:A total of 58 RA patients and 58 control subjects participated in this study. A detailed ophthalmological examination was performed on each subject. Dry eye evaluation was performed using Schirmer’s test, tear break-up time (TBUT, corneal fluorescein staining, and Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI. Corneal thickness at the apex point, the center of the pupil, the thinnest point, and PCT (3 mm from the apex to the superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal locations were evaluated using Scheimpflug imaging (Pentacam®. Additionally, the relative peripheral index (RPI was calculated by dividing the PCT by the CCT. The disease severity and quality of life were evaluated with DAS28 and HAQ, respectively. The laboratory evaluation comprised ESR and CRP.Results:The mean corneal thicknesses at the apex point, the center of the pupil, the thinnest point, and the superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal points were significantly thinner in RA patients than controls. Schirmer’s test scores and TBUT were significantly lower, and corneal staining and OSDI scores were significantly higher in RA patients. There were no significant correlations between the corneal parameters and the clinical variables of RA or dry eye tests.Conclusion:The CCT and PCT were thinner in RA patients compared to those in control subjects. However, there were no significant correlations between the corneal parameters and the clinical variables of RA or dry eye tests.

  16. Management of Corneal Bee Sting Injuries. (United States)

    Rai, Ruju R; Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Luis A; Papakostas, Thanos D; Siracuse-Lee, Donna; Dunphy, Robert; Fanciullo, Lisa; Cakiner-Egilmez, Tulay; Daly, Mary K


    To review the management of keratitis after corneal bee stings and to report a case of deep stromal corneal infiltrate secondary to a retained bee stinger managed conservatively in a patient who presented three days after unsanitary manipulation of the stinger apparatus. Case report and review of literature. A 57-year-old male beekeeper was evaluated for pain, blurry vision, and photosensitivity after a corneal bee sting. Of note, the venom sac had been removed with dirty tweezers three days prior to his visit. On exam, a focal infiltrate with diffuse edema was seen surrounding a retained bee stinger in the peripheral cornea. Trace cells in the anterior chamber were also noted. Based on a high suspicion for infectious keratitis, a conservative treatment strategy was elected. Administration of broad-spectrum topical antibiotics with concomitant abstention of corticosteroids led to rapid resolution of the symptoms. Over 16 months of follow-up, the stinger has remained in situ without migration and the patient has maintained 20/20 visual acuity without complications. There is debate on the preferred method for the management of corneal injury secondary to bee stings, especially when it is associated with a retained stinger. We herein present our findings in our appraisal of reported cases. In the aftermath of an ocular bee sting, close surveillance for inflammation and infection is essential. Individual manifestations of these injuries vary in timing, type, and severity; therefore, the accessibility of the stinger and the evolving clinical picture should guide therapeutic decisions.

  17. Conjunctival-corneal melt in association with carotid artery stenosis

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    Rosalind MK Stewart


    Full Text Available Rosalind MK Stewart1, Say Aun Quah1, Dan Q Nguyen2, Stephen B Kaye11Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, UK; 2Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristol, UKPurpose: To report a case of severe conjunctival-corneal melt in association with carotid artery stenosis.Methods: Observational case report.Results: A 76-year-old man with a history of bilateral severe carotid artery occlusion and nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy developed a spontaneous bulbar conjunctival defect. Despite intensive lubrication, and attempts at surgical closure including an amniotic membrane patch graft, it progressed with subsequent adjacent corneal perforation. Thorough investigations revealed no underlying disease, except markedly delayed episcleral vessel filling on anterior segment fluorescein angiography.Conclusions: Neovascularisation is a known factor in the inhibition of ulceration. In light of the findings in this report, ocular ischemia should be considered as a cause or contributing factor in the differential diagnosis of conjunctival-corneal melt.Keywords: conjunctival melt, corneal melt, ocular ischemia, carotid artery stenosis

  18. Keratoprostheses for corneal blindness: a review of contemporary devices (United States)

    Avadhanam, Venkata S; Smith, Helen E; Liu, Christopher


    According to the World Health Organization, globally 4.9 million are blind due to corneal pathology. Corneal transplantation is successful and curative of the blindness for a majority of these cases. However, it is less successful in a number of diseases that produce corneal neovascularization, dry ocular surface and recurrent inflammation, or infections. A keratoprosthesis or KPro is the only alternative to restore vision when corneal graft is a doomed failure. Although a number of KPros have been proposed, only two devices, Boston type-1 KPro and osteo-odonto-KPro, have came to the fore. The former is totally synthetic and the latter is semi-biological in constitution. These two KPros have different surgical techniques and indications. Keratoprosthetic surgery is complex and should only be undertaken in specialized centers, where expertise, multidisciplinary teams, and resources are available. In this article, we briefly discuss some of the prominent historical KPros and contemporary devices. PMID:25945031

  19. An experimental study of BIGH3 gene mutations in the patients with corneal dystrophies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jin Tao; Zou Liuhe; Yang Ling


    Objective: To evaluate BIGH3 gene mutations in Chinese patents with corneal dystrophies. Methods: 2ml peripheral venous blood was collected from 15 patients with granular corneal dystrophies and 5 normal subjects. Leucocytes DNA was extracted with standard method. With two pairs of oligonucleotide primers, exon 4 and exon 12 of the BIGH3 gene were amplified using the polymerase chain reaction. Amplified DNA fragments were purified and sequenced directly. Results: Mutations in BIGH3 gene were detected in all the patients with corneal dystrophies. BIGH3 gene mutations were not found in normal subjects. 12 patients with Avellino corneal dystrophy had the missense mutation R124H in the BIGH3 gene. 3 patients with granular corneal dystrophy had the missense mutation R555W in the BIGH3 gene. Conclusion: R124H and R555W mutations in BIGH3 gene were also found in the Chinese patients with Avellino and granular corneal dystrophies. In China, Avellino corneal dystrophy associated with the R124H mutation is the most common form in the corneal dystrophies resulted by BIGH3 gene mutions. Condon 124 and 555 are also the hot spots for the mutations in the BIGH3 gene in the Chinese patients with corneal dystrophies. Molecular genetic analysis may be repuired for proper diagnosis and subclassification of corneal dystrophies. (authors)

  20. Corneal Endothelial Safety of Intracameral Preservative-free 1% Xylocaine

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    Shah Alpesh


    Full Text Available Purpose : To evaluate the effect of intracameral preservative-free 1% xylocaine on the corneal endothelium as an adjuvant to topical anaesthesia during phacoemulsification and Acrysof foldable IOL implantation. Material & Methods: This is a prospective, controlled, randomised, double-masked study. 106 patients with soft to moderately dense (Grade 1-3 senile cataract and corneal endothelial cell density of >1500/mm2 were randomised to the xylocaine group (n=53 and control group(n=53. Central endothelial specular microscopy and ultrasound corneal pachymetry were performed preoperatively. On the first postoperative day the eyes were evaluated for corneal oedema and Descemet′s folds. Ultrasound corneal pachymetry was performed at 1, 3 and 12 months. Specular microscopy was performed at 3 and 12 months. Cell loss was expressed as a percentage of preoperative cell density. Six patients could not complete one year follow-up. Chi-square and paired t test (2 tail statistical tests were applied for analysis. Results: Four (7.54% patients in the xylocaine group and 5 (9.43% in the control group had a few Descemet′s folds associated with mild central stromal oedema. Corneal thickness increased from 549.3µ ± 37.2µ to 555.5µ ± 36.5µ in the xylocaine group and from 553.1µ ± 36.2µ to 559.3µ ± 40.5µ in the control group at the one-month postoperative visit. Thickness returned to the preoperative level in xylocaine group 549.6µ ± 34.5µ and control group 554.7µ ± 41.1µ at three months. (P=0.484 The percentage of cell loss was 4.47 ± 2.53% in the xylocaine group and 4.49 ± 3.09 % in the control group at one year. (P=0.97 Conclusion: Intracameral preservative-free 1% xylocaine does not appear to affect corneal endothelium adversely during phacoemulsification.

  1. Validation of Na,K-ATPase pump function of corneal endothelial cells for corneal regenerative medicine. (United States)

    Hatou, Shin; Higa, Kazunari; Inagaki, Emi; Yoshida, Satoru; Kimura, Erika; Hayashi, Ryuhei; Tsujikawa, Motokazu; Tsubota, Kazuo; Nishida, Kohji; Shimmura, Shigeto


    Tissue-engineering approaches to cultivate corneal endothelial cells (CECs) or induce CECs from stem cells are under investigation for the treatment of endothelial dysfunction. Before clinical application, a validation method to determine the quality of these cells is required. In this study, we quantified the endothelial pump function required for maintaining the corneal thickness using rabbit CECs (RCECs) and a human CEC line (B4G12). The potential difference of RCECs cultured on a permeable polyester membrane (Snapwell), B4G12 cells on Snapwell, or B4G12 cells on a collagen membrane (CM6) was measured by an Ussing chamber system, and the effect of different concentrations of ouabain (Na,K-ATPase specific inhibitor) was obtained. A mathematical equation derived from the concentration curve revealed that 2 mM ouabain decreases pump function of RCECs to 1.0 mV, and 0.6 mM ouabain decreases pump function of B4G12 on CM6 to 1.0 mV. Ouabain injection into the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes at a concentration of pump function >1.0 mV is required to maintain the corneal thickness. These results can be used for standardization of CEC pump function and validation of tissue-engineered CEC sheets for clinical use.

  2. Effects of edible bird's nest (EBN on cultured rabbit corneal keratocytes

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    Hun Lee


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There has been no effective treatment or agent that is available for corneal injury in promoting corneal wound healing. Previous studies on edible bird's nest extract (EBN had reported the presence of hormone-like substance; avian epidermal growth factor that could stimulate cell division and enhance regeneration. This study aimed to investigate the effects of EBN on corneal keratocytes proliferative capacity and phenotypical changes. Methods Corneal keratocytes from six New Zealand White Rabbits were isolated and cultured until Passage 1. The proliferative effects of EBN on corneal keratocytes were determined by MTT assay in serum-containing medium (FDS and serum-free medium (FD. Keratocytes phenotypical changes were morphologically assessed and gene expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH, collagen type 1 and lumican were determined through RT-PCR. Results The highest cell proliferation was observed when both media were supplemented with 0.05% and 0.1% EBN. Cell proliferation was also consistently higher in FDS compared to FD. Both phase contrast micrographs and gene expression analysis confirmed the corneal keratocytes retained their phenotypes with the addition of EBN. Conclusions These results suggested that low concentration of EBN could synergistically induce cell proliferation, especially in serum-containing medium. This could be a novel breakthrough as both cell proliferation and functional maintenance are important during corneal wound healing. The in vitro test is considered as a crucial first step for nutri-pharmaceutical formation of EBN-based eye drops before in vivo application.

  3. Corneal regeneration by induced human buccal mucosa cultivated on an amniotic membrane following alkaline injury. (United States)

    Man, Rohaina Che; Yong, Then Kong; Hwei, Ng Min; Halim, Wan Haslina Wan Abdul; Zahidin, Aida Zairani Mohd; Ramli, Roszalina; Saim, Aminuddin Bin; Idrus, Ruszymah Binti Hj


    Various clinical disorders and injuries, such as chemical, thermal, or mechanical injuries, may lead to corneal loss that results in blindness. PURPOSE : The aims of this study were to differentiate human buccal mucosa (BMuc) into corneal epithelial-like cells, to fabricate engineered corneal tissue using buccal mucosal epithelial cells, and to reconstruct a damaged corneal epithelium in a nude rat model. BMuc were subjected to 10 d of induction factors to investigate the potential of cells to differentiate into corneal lineages. Corneal stem cell markers β1-integrin, C/EBPδ, ABCG2, p63, and CK3 were upregulated in the gene expression analysis in induced BMuc, whereas CK3 and p63 showed significant protein expression in induced BMuc compared to the uninduced cells. BMuc were then left to reach 80% confluency after differential trypsinization. The cells were harvested and cultivated on a commercially available untreated air-dried amniotic membrane (AM) in a Transwell system in induction medium. The corneal constructs were fabricated and then implanted into damaged rat corneas for up to 8 weeks. A significant improvement was detected in the treatment group at 8 weeks post-implantation, as revealed by slit lamp biomicroscopy analysis. The structure and thickness of the corneal layer were also analyzed using histological staining and time-domain optical coherence tomography scans and were found to resemble a native corneal layer. The protein expression for CK3 and p63 were continuously detected throughout the corneal epithelial layer in the corneal construct. In conclusion, human BMuc can be induced to express a corneal epithelial-like phenotype. The addition of BMuc improves corneal clarity, prevents vascularization, increases corneal thickness and stromal alignment, and appears to have no adverse effect on the host after implantation.

  4. Corneal collagen cross-linking and liposomal amphotericin B combination therapy for fungal keratitis in rabbits

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    Zhao-Qin Hao


    Full Text Available AIM: To observe the therapeutic effect of corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL in combination with liposomal amphotericin B in fungal corneal ulcers. METHODS: New Zealand rabbits were induced fungal corneal ulcers by scratching and randomly divided into 3 groups, i.e. control, treated with CXL, and combined therapy of CXL with 0.25% liposomal amphotericin B (n=5 each. The corneal lesions were documented with slit-lamp and confocal microscopy on 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28d after treatment. The corneas were examined with transmission electron microscopy (TEM at 4wk. RESULTS: A rabbit corneal ulcer model of Fusarium was successfully established. The corneal epithelium defect areas in the two treatment groups were smaller than that in the control group on 3, 7, 14 and 21d (P<0.05. The corneal epithelium defect areas of the combined group was smaller than that of the CXL group (P<0.05 on 7 and 14d, but there were no statistical differences on 3, 21 and 28d. The corneal epithelium defects of the two treatment groups have been healed by day 21. The corneal epithelium defects of the control group were healed on 28d. The diameters of the corneal collagen fiber bundles (42.960±7.383 nm in the CXL group and 37.040±4.160 nm in the combined group were thicker than that of the control group (24.900±1.868 nm, but there was no difference between the two treatment groups. Some corneal collagen fiber bundles were distorted and with irregular arrangement, a large number of fibroblasts could be seen among them but no inflammatory cells in both treatment groups. CONCLUSION: CXL combined with liposomal amphotericin B have beneficial effects on fungal corneal ulcers. The combined therapy could alleviate corneal inflammattions, accelerate corneal repair, and shorten the course of disease.


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    Iñigo Etxebarria-Foronda


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: La intervención quirúrgica en las fracturas de cadera suele demorarse varios días. Nuestro trabajo tiene dos objetivos. Estudiar la estancia preoperatoria de los pacientes ingresados por fractura de cade- ra en los hospitales vascos durante el año 2010 y medir su posible asocia- ción con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria, y estimar el coste económico que supone la estancia preoperatoria. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional analizando los siguien- tes datos del Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos (CMBD: hospital, edad, sexo, estancia preoperatoria, estado al alta, diagnósticos asociados y pro- cedimiento quirúrgico. Además, se estudió el índice de comorbilidad de Charlson y se calculó el coste unitario de la estancia pre y postoperatoria mediante modelos de regresión múltiple. Resultados. Se analizó una muestra de 1.856 intervenciones. La es- tancia preoperatoria fue de 2,7 días y la postoperatoria de 9,7 días. El cos- te medio por ingreso fue de 12.552,12 euros. El coste medio de la estan- cia preoperatoria fue de 1295,5 euros. La mortalidad fue del 5%. Conclusiones. La estancia preoperatoria no es un factor estadística- mente asociado con la mortalidad, aunque aumenta significativamente el coste total. No encontramos una asociación entre la demora quirúrgica y la mortalidad, aunque sí tiene una clara influencia en el coste total del proceso. La reducción del tiempo prequirúrgico permite ahorrar costes.

  6. Confocal Cornea Microscopy Detects Involvement of Corneal Nerve Fibers in a Patient with Light-Chain Amyloid Neuropathy Caused by Multiple Myeloma: A Case Report

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    Dietrich Sturm


    Full Text Available Changes in the subbasal corneal plexus detected by confocal cornea microscopy (CCM have been described for various types of neuropathy. An involvement of these nerves within light-chain (AL amyloid neuropathy (a rare cause of polyneuropathy has never been shown. Here, we report on a case of a patient suffering from neuropathy caused by AL amyloidosis and underlying multiple myeloma. Small-fiber damage was detected by CCM.

  7. Factores asociados a mortalidad perinatal en el hospital general de Chiapas, México

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    Rivera Leonor


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: El objetivo del estudio es identificar factores socioeconómicos, gineco-obstétricos y del producto asociados a mortalidad perinatal. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles pareado. Se consideró caso a los nacidos vivos o muertos que nacieron y fallecieron entre las 28 semanas de gestación a los 7 días de vida extrauterina. y control al producto nacido vivo entre las 28 semanas de gestación y los 7 días de vida extrauterina. Los datos se obtuvieron de los expedientes clínicos hospitalarios. Se estudiaron 99 casos y 197 controles. Se hizo un análisis estadístico utilizando Stata 6.0. RESULTADOS La media de edad de la madre fue de 24.82 años y del producto de 37.78 semanas de gestación. El promedio de peso del producto fue de 2,760 gramos. Los factores asociados a mortalidad perinatal fueron: ocupación del padre agricultor (RM ajustada 3,31; IC 95% 1,26-8,66; índice de riesgo obstétrico alto (RM ajustada 10,57; IC 95% 2,82-39,66, antecedente de cesárea (RM ajustada 2,75; IC 95% 1,37-5,51; cinco y más consultas prenatales (RM ajustada 4,43; IC 95% 1.86-10,54; producto pretérmino (RM ajustada 9,20; IC 95% 4,39-19,25. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados muestran que es necesario implementar medidas de prevención y control que aseguren la identificación del riesgo en las mujeres embarazadas, con el fin de abatir la incidencia de mortalidad perinatal.

  8. Factores asociados a mortalidad perinatal en el hospital general de Chiapas, México

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    Leonor Rivera


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: El objetivo del estudio es identificar factores socioeconómicos, gineco-obstétricos y del producto asociados a mortalidad perinatal. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles pareado. Se consideró caso a los nacidos vivos o muertos que nacieron y fallecieron entre las 28 semanas de gestación a los 7 días de vida extrauterina. y control al producto nacido vivo entre las 28 semanas de gestación y los 7 días de vida extrauterina. Los datos se obtuvieron de los expedientes clínicos hospitalarios. Se estudiaron 99 casos y 197 controles. Se hizo un análisis estadístico utilizando Stata 6.0. RESULTADOS La media de edad de la madre fue de 24.82 años y del producto de 37.78 semanas de gestación. El promedio de peso del producto fue de 2,760 gramos. Los factores asociados a mortalidad perinatal fueron: ocupación del padre agricultor (RM ajustada 3,31; IC 95% 1,26-8,66; índice de riesgo obstétrico alto (RM ajustada 10,57; IC 95% 2,82-39,66, antecedente de cesárea (RM ajustada 2,75; IC 95% 1,37-5,51; cinco y más consultas prenatales (RM ajustada 4,43; IC 95% 1.86-10,54; producto pretérmino (RM ajustada 9,20; IC 95% 4,39-19,25. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados muestran que es necesario implementar medidas de prevención y control que aseguren la identificación del riesgo en las mujeres embarazadas, con el fin de abatir la incidencia de mortalidad perinatal.

  9. Comparison of stromal corneal nerves between normal and keratoconus patients using confocal microscopy. (United States)

    Ramírez Fernández, M; Hernández Quintela, E; Naranjo Tackman, R


    To evaluate the differences in stromal corneal nerves between normal patients and keratoconus patients. A total of 140 eyes of 70 normal patients (group A) and 122 eyes of 87 keratoconus patients (group B) were examined with the confocal microscope, with a central scan of the total corneal thickness being taken. The morphology and thickness of the corneal stromal nerves were evaluated by using the Navis v. 3.5.0. software. Nerve thickness was obtained from the mean between the widest and the narrowest portions of each stromal nerve. Corneal stromal nerves were observed as irregular linear hyper-reflective structures with wide and narrow portions in all cases. Mean corneal stromal nerves thickness in group A was 5.7±1.7 (range from 3.3 to 10.4 μ), mean corneal stromal nerves thickness in group B was 7.2±1.9 (range from 3.5 to 12.0 μ). There was a statistical significant difference (P<.05) in stromal corneal nerves thickness between group A and group B. Stromal corneal nerves morphology was similar in both groups, but stromal nerves were thicker in keratoconus patients. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Oftalmología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  10. Efficient Generation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Corneal Endothelial Cells by Directed Differentiation.

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    Kathryn L McCabe

    Full Text Available To generate human embryonic stem cell derived corneal endothelial cells (hESC-CECs for transplantation in patients with corneal endothelial dystrophies.Feeder-free hESC-CECs were generated by a directed differentiation protocol. hESC-CECs were characterized by morphology, expression of corneal endothelial markers, and microarray analysis of gene expression.hESC-CECs were nearly identical morphologically to primary human corneal endothelial cells, expressed Zona Occludens 1 (ZO-1 and Na+/K+ATPaseα1 (ATPA1 on the apical surface in monolayer culture, and produced the key proteins of Descemet's membrane, Collagen VIIIα1 and VIIIα2 (COL8A1 and 8A2. Quantitative PCR analysis revealed expression of all corneal endothelial pump transcripts. hESC-CECs were 96% similar to primary human adult CECs by microarray analysis.hESC-CECs are morphologically similar, express corneal endothelial cell markers and express a nearly identical complement of genes compared to human adult corneal endothelial cells. hESC-CECs may be a suitable alternative to donor-derived corneal endothelium.

  11. Central Corneal Thickness And Its Relationship To Intra-ocular And Epidemiological Determinants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tayyab, A.; Masrur, A.


    Objective: To measure central corneal thickness in Pakistani population and determine its relationship to intra-ocular pressure, age, gender and ethnicity. Study Design: Cross-sectional observation study. Place and Duration of Study: Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan, between December 2013 and February 2015. Methodology: The right eyes of 1000 cases (496 males and 504 females) were recruited for this study. Inclusion criteria were Pashtun or Punjabi ethnicity, intra-ocular pressure < 22 mmHg, gonioscopically open angles, cup-disk-ratio < 0.5, and age matched normal visual fields. Cases with prior ocular surgery, contact lens use, corneal pathologies, myopia or hypermetropia > ±3.0 diopters, astigmatism of > ±1.0 diopters were excluded. Central corneal thickness was measured using a TopCon non-contact specular microscope. Intra-ocular pressure was measured using Goldmann applanation tonometer. Frequency distribution, test of significance, and regression analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20.0. Result: Mean age was 47.31 ±11.78 years. Ethnic composition was 51.6 percentage (n=516) Pashtun and 48.4 percentage (n=484) Punjabi. The mean central corneal thickness was 503.96 (±12.47) meu m, while the mean intra-ocular pressure was 15.61 (±2.68) mmHg. Regression analysis showed a significant association between central corneal thickness and intra-ocular pressure (p=0.00) and age (p=0.00). A ±100 μ change in central corneal thickness was associated with change in IOP of ±3.30 mmHg, whereas central corneal thickness decreased by 0.12 meu m per year. No significant association could be established between central corneal thickness and ethnicity (p=0.19). Conclusion: Central corneal thickness of the studied races was comparable to non-Caucasians which affects intra-ocular pressure measurements, and decreases with increasing age. No relationship was observed between central corneal thickness and

  12. Factores asociados al estadio clínico avanzado en el inicio de la terapia antirretroviral Factors associated to late clinical stage at the initiation of antiretroviral therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Warley


    Full Text Available A fin de evaluar la frecuencia y posibles factores asociados a la presencia de estadio clínico avanzado al inicio de terapia antirretroviral (ECAITA, efectuamos un análisis retrospectivo de datos de dos cohortes prospectivas de pacientes infectados por HIV que iniciaron terapia antirretroviral (sin tratamiento anterior entre 2005 y 2009. Se analizaron las historias clínicas de 264 pacientes, 123 mujeres (46.6% y 141 hombres (53.4%. La mediana de edad fue de 37.7 años. Observamos ECAITA en 132 casos (50%, de los cuales 102 (77.2% se asociaron a diagnóstico tardío de infección por HIV y 30 (22.8% a pacientes con diagnóstico previo no retenidos en el cuidado clínico de la salud. La mediana de células CD4 fue 120/ml y de carga viral 58 038 copias/ml. El recuento de células CD4 era inferior a 200 cel/ml en 174 pacientes (71.3%. Los hombres presentaron ECAITA con mayor frecuencia que las mujeres (59.8% vs. 40.2%, en quienes el diagnóstico se realizó durante el control de un embarazo en el 25.2% de los casos. Consumo elevado de alcohol (p 0.006, ser soltero (p 0.04 y nivel de educación menor al secundario completo (p 0.008 se asociaron a ECAITA en el análisis bivariado. Ser de sexo masculino (p 0.003 fue el único factor asociado tanto en el análisis bivariado como en el multivariado. Nuestros datos refuerzan la necesidad de expandir el testeo para HIV y deberían impulsar a definir acciones programáticas que promuevan el ingreso precoz al cuidado de la infección por HIV.In order to evaluate the frequency of a late clinical stage in HIV infected patients at onset of antiretroviral therapy (LART and to identify possible associated factors, we performed a retrospective analysis of data reported in two prospective cohorts of HIV infected patients who started antiretroviral therapy for the first time between 2005 and 2009. Medical records of 265 patients -123 women (46.6% and 141 men, median age 37.7 years old- were analyzed. LART was

  13. The Influence of Lamellar Orientation on Corneal Material Behavior: Biomechanical and Structural Changes in an Avian Corneal Disorder (United States)

    Elsheikh, Ahmed; Kassem, Wael; Kamma-Lorger, Christina S.; Hocking, Paul M.; White, Nick; Inglehearn, Chris F.; Ali, Manir; Meek, Keith M.


    Purpose. Retinopathy, globe enlarged (RGE) is an inherited genetic disease of chickens with a corneal phenotype characterized by loss of tissue curvature and changes in peripheral collagen fibril alignment. This study aimed to characterize the material behavior of normal and RGE chicken corneas under inflation and compare this with new spatial- and depth-resolved microstructural information to investigate how stromal fibril architecture determines corneal behavior under intraocular pressure (IOP). Methods. Six RGE chicken corneas and six age-matched normal controls were tested using trephinate inflation and their stress-strain behavior determined as a function of posterior pressure. Second harmonic generation mulitphoton microscopy was used to compare the in-plane appearance and degree of through-plane interlacing of collagen lamellae between normal and mutant corneas. Results. RGE corneas displayed a 30–130% increase in material stiffness [Etangent(RGE) = 0.94 ± 0.18 MPa to 3.09 ± 0.66 MPa; Etangent(normals) = 0.72 ± 0.13 MPa to 1.34 ± 0.35 MPa] (P ≤ 0.05). The normal in-plane disposition of anterior collagen in the peripheral cornea was altered in RGE but through-plane lamellar interlacing was unaffected. Conclusions. This article demonstrates changes in corneal material behavior in RGE that are qualitatively consistent with microstructural collagen alterations identified both herein and previously. This study indicates that, in general, changes in stromal fibril orientation may significantly affect corneal material behavior and thereby its response to IOP. PMID:21051696

  14. Las cooperativas de trabajo asociado en Colombia: balance de la política gubernamental 2002-2007

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    Stephano Farné


    Full Text Available En los ��ltimos años ha habido un gran crecimiento del sector cooperativo asociado en Colombia. Muchas empresas públicas y privadas contratan mediante Cooperativas de Trabajo Asociado (CTA debido a las economías provenientes de la tercerización y a los beneficios y exenciones de que gozan las CTA. Estas ventajas del cooperativismo asociado han llevado a la proliferación de pseudo CTA, que reemplazan la solidaridad y la autogestión por la búsqueda de menores costos laborales y mayores ganancias para sus falsos “propietarios” y las empresas-clientes, a costa de los derechos y del bienestar de los asociados. Hasta ahora, la actitud del Gobierno ha sido ambigua. Por un lado, ha ejercido controles laxos, y estimulado su creación, especialmente en el sector de la salud y en empresas públicas reestructuradas. Por otro lado, ha intentado reducir los incentivos económicos existentes en la legislación laboral, con poco éxito. Debido a esta ambigüedad se carece de una reglamentación seria que dé un tratamiento realista y técnico a la problemática del sector, y que haga la distinción necesaria entre CTA y pseudo CTA.



    García-Fernández, Laura


    El trastorno por déficit de atención con o sin hiperactividad es abordado aquí valorando la comorbilidad asociada al mismo. Principalmente nos centramos en el trastorno de ansiedad por ser uno de los más frecuentes dentro de este grupo. Además de dar a conocer la sintomatología de ambas problemáticas y la relación que entre ellas existe, se propone un programa de intervención dirigido a la infancia, para disminuir la ansiedad asociada al TDAH. Para llegar a este punto primero se realiza un re...

  16. Inhibition of erythropoietin siRNA on corneal neovascularization of rabbit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu-Shun Xue


    Full Text Available AIM: To observe the expression of erythropoietin(EPOon the corneal of rabbit and evaluate the inhibition effect of EPO siRNA on corneal neovascularization(CNV. METHODS: Totally 22 healthy rabbits were randomly divided into 2 groups, which were experimental group and normal control group. Both eyes of rabbits in experimental group were chosen to establish corneal neovascularization model by alkali burn. The morphologic change of corneal was observed with slit lamp microscope and the area of CNV was calculated every day. After alkali burn, the right eye of the experimental group was accepted EPO siRNA injection under the conjunctiva, and the left eye was assigned to be experimental control group. The corneal with CNV was collected for immunohistochemistry at 3d, 7d, 14d, 21d after alkali burn, and the expression of EPO was measured. RESULTS: CNV began growing at the 3d after alkali burn in experimental group, and it was vigorous growing at 7d-14d period. The result of immunohistochemistry shows that the expression of EPO increased after the operation. Compared with experimental group, the rabbits who were treated by EPO siRNA was found with less neovascularization on their corneal, and the expression of EPO decreased. There were statistical significance between the two group at different time(PCONCLUSION: EPO is likely to play an important role on CNV growth, and EPO siRNA can inhibit the growth of CNV by restraining the expression of EPO.

  17. Healing of corneal epithelial wounds in marine and freshwater fish. (United States)

    Ubels, J L; Edelhauser, H F

    The corneal epithelium of a fish is in direct contact with the aquatic environment and is a barrier to movement of ions and water into and through the cornea. This tissue layer is thus important in maintenance of corneal transparency. When the epithelium is wounded, its protective function is lost and corneal transparency remains compromised until the epithelial barrier is re-established. This study was undertaken to investigate the healing response of the fish cornea to epithelial abrasion. Wounds were stained with fluorescein and photographed during healing. Wound areas were measured by planimetry. The cornea of the sculpin, a marine teleost, becomes edematous after wounding and heals at 2.54 to 3.42 mm2/hr. Nonswelling corneas of the elasmobranchs--dogfish shark and skate--heal at 1.29 mm2/hr, respectively. The wounded eye of the rainbow trout, a freshwater teleost, is stressed by the low osmolality of the environment. Severe corneal edema and cataracts develop following epithelial wounding, and the cornea heals at 0.64 mm2/hr. Although the healing rates in teleosts differ from those in mammals, histology shows that the corneal healing mechanism is essentially the same in fish and mammals.

  18. Fusarium dimerum Species Complex (Fusarium penzigii) Keratitis After Corneal Trauma. (United States)

    do Carmo, Anália; Costa, Esmeralda; Marques, Marco; Quadrado, Maria João; Tomé, Rui


    We report a case of a keratitis associated with a Fusarium penzigii-a Fusarium dimerum species complex (FDSC)-in a 81-year-old woman after a corneal trauma with a tree branch. At patient admittance, slit lamp biomicroscopy revealed an exuberant chemosis, an inferior corneal ulcer with an associated inflammatory infiltrate, a central corneal abscess, bullous keratopathy and posterior synechiae. Corneal scrapes were obtained for identification of bacteria and fungi, and the patient started antibiotic treatment on empirical basis. Few days later, the situation worsened with the development of hypopyon. By that time, Fusarium was identified in cultures obtained from corneal scrapes and the patient started topical amphotericin B 0.15 %. Upon the morphological identification of the Fusarium as a FDSC, and since there was no clinical improvement, the treatment with amphotericin B was suspended and the patient started voriconazole 10 mg/ml, eye drops, hourly and voriconazole 200 mg iv, every 12 h for 1 month. The hypopyon resolved and the inflammatory infiltrate improved, but the abscess persisted at the last follow-up visit. The molecular identification revealed that the FDSC was a F. penzigii.

  19. Determination of corneal elasticity coefficient using the ORA database. (United States)

    Avetisov, Sergei E; Novikov, Ivan A; Bubnova, Irina A; Antonov, Alexei A; Siplivyi, Vladimir I


    To propose a new approach for the study of corneal biomechanics using the Reichert Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA) database, which is based on changes in velocity retardation in the central cornea at the peak of flattening. The ORA applanation curve was analyzed using a mathematical technique, which allowed calculation of the elasticity coefficient (Ke), which is primarily characteristic of the elastic properties of the cornea. Elasticity coefficient values were obtained in patients with presumably different biomechanical properties of the cornea: "normal" cornea (71 eyes, normal group), keratoconus (34 eyes, keratoconus group), LASIK (36 eyes, LASIK group), and glaucoma with elevated and compensated intraocular pressure (lOP) (38 eyes, glaucoma group). The mean Ke value in the normal group was 11.05 +/- 1.6, and the corneal thickness correlation coefficient r2 was 0.48. In the keratoconus group, the mean Ke value was 4.91 +/- 1.87 and the corneal thickness correlation coefficient r2 was 0.47. In the LASIK group, Ke and r2 were 5.99 +/- 1.18 and 0.39, respectively. In the glaucoma group, the same eyes that experienced a two-fold reduction in lOP developed a statistically significant reduction in the Ke (1.06 times lower), whereas their corneal hysteresis value increased 1.25 times. The elasticity coefficient calculated using the ORA applanation curve can be used in the evaluation of corneal biomechanical properties.

  20. The Evaluation of Corneal Fragility After UVA/Riboflavin Crosslinking. (United States)

    Li, Zhiwei; Wang, Yumeng; Xu, Yanyun; Jhanji, Vishal; Zhang, Chunxiao; Mu, Guoying


    To evaluate the fragility of cornea after UVA/riboflavin crosslinking (CXL). Sixty New Zealand rabbits received UVA/riboflavin crosslinking treatment (wavelength 365 nm, irradiance 3.0 mW/cm, and total dose 5.4 J/cm) on right eyes. Animals were sacrificed before and immediately after treatment (day 0), day 1, 3, 7, and 28 after treatment. A 4×10 mm corneal strip for biomechanical evaluation was harvested after sacrifice. The corneal fragility was evaluated by measurement of elongation rate, whereby the elongation rate equals elongation length/baseline length. The Youngs modulus and maximal stress were 1.41±0.51 MPa and 5.56±1.84 MPa before CXL, and increased to 2.31±0.68 MPa (P=0.008) and 9.25±2.74 MPa (P=0.04), respectively, on day 0, then maintained a stable level within a 28 days follow-up. The elongation rate was 62.04±9.34% before CXL and decreased to 48.95%±8.24% (P=0.02) on day 0, then maintained a stable level within a 28 days follow-up. This study showed an increase in the corneal fragility after UVA/riboflavin crosslinking along with an increase in the corneal stiffness. A long-term follow-up should be taken to evaluate the potential deleterious effect of the increasing corneal fragility after UVA/riboflavin crosslinking.

  1. Mechanisms of allograft rejection of corneal endothelium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tagawa, Y.; Silverstein, A.M.; Prendergast, R.A.


    The local intraocular graft-vs.-host (GVH) reaction, involving the destruction of the corneal endothelial cells of the rabbit host by sensitized donor lymphoid cells, has been used to study the mechanism of corneal allograft rejection. Pretreatment of donor cells with a specific mouse monoclonal hybridoma anti-T cell antibody and complement suppresses the destructive reaction, suggesting that a cellular-immune mechanism is primarily involved. Pretreatment of donor cells with mitomycin-C completely abolishes the local GVH reaction, indicating that the effector lymphocytes must undergo mitosis within the eye before they can engage in target cell destruction. Finally, studies of the local GVH reaction in irradiated leukopenic recipients or in preinflamed rabbit eyes suggest that host leukocytes may contribute nonspecifically to enhance the destructive process. These studies show that the local ocular GVH reaction may provide a useful model for the study of the mechanisms involved in the rejection of corneal allografts

  2. Características poblacionales y factores asociados a embarazo en mujeres adolescentes de Tuluá, Colombia


    Sánchez Valencia,Yessica Alexandra; Mendoza Tascón,Luis Alfonso; Grisales López,Mónica Beatriz; Ceballos Molina,Leidy Yohanna; Bustamente Farfan,Johanna Catalina; Castañeda,Edgar Muriel; Chaverra,Luis Alberto; Acuña Polo,Maria Eulalia


    Antecedentes: El embarazo en adolescentes es un problema social, con múltiples determinantes asociados. Colombia tiene una tasa elevada de embarazo adolescente. Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a embarazo en mujeres adolescentes. Métodos: Estudio de casos y controles, con 151 mujeres adolescentes de 19 años o menos, embarazadas, con hijos o antecedente de embarazo y 302 adolescentes controles con actividad sexual (AS) sin historia de embarazo. Las asociaciones se determin...

  3. Changes in corneal epithelial layer inflammatory cells in aqueous tear-deficient dry eye. (United States)

    Lin, Hui; Li, Wei; Dong, Nuo; Chen, Wensheng; Liu, Jing; Chen, Lelei; Yuan, Hongxia; Geng, Zhixin; Liu, Zuguo


    To investigate the morphology, distribution, and density of inflammatory cells in the corneal epithelium of aqueous tear-deficient dry eye. Thirty-two patients with non-Sjögren's syndrome (NSS) dry eye, 14 patients with Sjögren's syndrome (SS) dry eye, and 33 healthy volunteers were studied. In vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy was used to investigate both Langerhans cell (LCs) and leukocyte distribution and density in the peripheral and central corneal epithelium. LC morphology was also evaluated. Multifactor regression analysis assessed whether there is a correlation between clinical manifestations and inflammatory cell densities. LCs were present in both central (34.9 +/- 5.7 cells/mm(2)) and peripheral (90.7 +/- 8.2 cells/mm(2)) parts of the normal corneal epithelium. Moreover, LC density increased dramatically in the central corneal epithelium in patients with NSS (89.8 +/- 10.8 cells/mm(2)) and SS (127.9 +/- 23.7 cells/mm(2)). The ratio of LCs with obvious processes was much higher in patients with dry eye than in healthy volunteers. LC density also increased in peripheral corneal epithelium in patients with SS, but not in those with NSS. Leukocyte density in normal corneal epithelium was very low, whereas it increased in the central corneal epithelium (4.6 +/- 1.0 cells/mm(2)) in NSS and in both central (49.0 +/- 12.9 cells/mm(2)) and peripheral (84.2 +/- 36.8 cells/mm(2)) corneal epithelium in SS. Densities of LCs and leukocytes showed significant correlation with the severity found in clinical evaluation. The LC and leukocyte changes in the corneal epithelium suggest their involvement in aqueous tear-deficient dry eye pathophysiology. In vivo dynamic assessment of central corneal inflammatory cell density may serve as an indicator of dry eye severity and provide new insight for dry eye treatment.

  4. Corneal endothelial cell loss and corneal biomechanical characteristics after two-step sequential or combined phaco-vitrectomy surgery for idiopathic epiretinal membrane

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hamoudi, Hassan; Christensen, Ulrik Correll; La Cour, Morten


    with non-contact specular microscopy. Pachymetry [central cornea thickness (CCT)], keratometry and cornea volume (CV) were measured with Pentacam Scheimpflug camera. Primary outcome was change in CED after 12 months; secondary outcomes were changes in CCT and CV after 12 months. RESULTS: Sixty-two eyes......PURPOSE: To assess the impact of sequential and combined surgery [cataract surgery and 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with peeling] on corneal endothelium cell density (CED) and corneal biomechanical characteristics. METHODS: Phakic eyes with epiretinal membrane (ERM) were prospectively...... allocated to (i) cataract surgery and subsequent PPV (CAT group), (ii) PPV and subsequent cataract surgery (VIT group) or (iii) phacovitrectomy (COMBI group). Eyes were examined at baseline, 1 month after each surgery, and at 3 and 12 months follow-up. Corneal endothelium cell density (CED) was assessed...

  5. Crustáceos decápodos asociados a ensamblajes macroalgales en el litoral rocoso de Córdoba, Caribe colombiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Néstor Hernando Campos


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la estructura de las poblaciones de crustáceos decápodos asociados a ensamblajes algales en el litoral rocoso del departamento de Córdoba. Materiales y métodos. Para la recolección de los especímenes se delimitó con un cuadrante de 625 cm2, un área con cinco repeticiones dispuestas al azar en cada estación. Para la separación de las macroalgas desde su disco de fijación en el sustrato, se empleó una espátula metálica. En un recipiente plástico se separaron los crustáceos decápodos del resto del material y se conservaron en alcohol al 70%. Resultados. Se identificaron representantes de 50 especies asociadas a los céspedes algales, agrupadas en 16 familias y 29 géneros. Especies como Acanthonyx petiverii, Epialtus bituberculatus, Eurypanopeus abbreviatus y Pachycheles serratus, presentaron un rango amplio de distribución, siendo características en las dos ecorregiones de estudio. Los cambios en cobertura de algas rojas como Gracilaria mammillaris, Hypnea musciformis y Acanthophora muscoides, determinaron la mayor asociación de crustáceos decápodos en la ecorregión Morrosquillo, mientras que los cambios en cobertura de G. damaecornis y Padina gymnospora, fueron las que determinaron la mayor asociación de crustáceos decápodos en el Darién cordobés. Conclusiones. Los resultados indicaron que las especies de crustáceos decápodos asociados a ensamblajes macroalgales, no se encontraron distribuidas de forma similar en las dos ecorregiones estudiadas, siendo P. armatus la especie con mayor porcentaje de abundancia en la ecorregión Morrosquillo, y E. bituberculatus en el sector comprendido entre los municipios de Moñitos y Los Córdobas.

  6. Ocular forward light scattering and corneal backward light scattering in patients with dry eye. (United States)

    Koh, Shizuka; Maeda, Naoyuki; Ikeda, Chikako; Asonuma, Sanae; Mitamura, Hayato; Oie, Yoshinori; Soma, Takeshi; Tsujikawa, Motokazu; Kawasaki, Satoshi; Nishida, Kohji


    To evaluate ocular forward light scattering and corneal backward light scattering in patients with dry eye. Thirty-five eyes in 35 patients with dry eye and 20 eyes of 20 healthy control subjects were enrolled. The 35 dry eyes were classified into two groups according to whether superficial punctate keratopathy in the central 6-mm corneal zone (cSPK) was present or not. Ocular forward light scattering was quantified with a straylight meter. Corneal backward light scattering from the anterior, middle, and posterior corneal parts was assessed with a corneal densitometry program using the Scheimpflug imaging system. Both dry eye groups had significantly higher intraocular forward light scattering than the control group (both Pdry eye group with cSPK had significantly higher values in anterior and total corneal backward light scattering than the other two groups. Moderate positive correlations were observed between the cSPK score and corneal backward light scattering from the anterior cornea (R=0.60, Pdry eyes than in normal eyes. Increased corneal backward light scattering in dry eye at least partially results from cSPK overlying the optical zone. Copyright 2014 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.

  7. Desarrollo de la competencia resolución de problemas en el área de matemática en el nivel educativo primario de Uruguay. Factores asociados


    Luaces Bernasconi, Oscar A.


    La ponencia se basa en la tesis, presentada por quien suscribe, para la obtención del título de Maestría en Evaluación de Políticas Públicas, en la Universidad ORT de Uruguay, en el mes de abril del año 2004. El desarrollo de la investigación estuvo dirigido al área de Educación y analizó la incidencia de factores asociados al desarrollo, en el área de Matemática, de la competencia Resolución de Problemas. La investigación partió de un modelo teórico de función de producción educativ...


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    E. A. Kasparova


    Full Text Available Aim. To improve the treatment of early infectious corneal ulcers by combining microdiathermocoagulation (MDC, external autocytokinotherapy, and antiviral and/or antibacterial therapy. patients and methods. The study enrolled 2 groups of outpatients (a total of 112 patients, 112 eyes who either showed no improvement or deteriorated under 7-day to 1.5-month therapeutic treatment. Group I included 70 patients (70 eyes with superficial corneal ulcers due to herpes virus infection under antiviral therapy (instillations and periocular injections of Poludan (PolyA:PoliU as well as Zovirax 3% ophthalmic ointment, group II — 42 patients (42 eyes with early-stage purulent corneal ulcers under instillations of modern antibiotics (current-generation fluoroquinolones. results and discussion. The combination of MDC and external autocytokinotherapy is the most effective treatment for torpid herpetic ulcerative keratitis that allows a reliable reduction in the recovery period: from 24.1±2.2 days (therapeutic treatment only down to 9.2±1.3 days (both methods plus antiviral therapy. Moreover, MDC is the treatment of choice in outpatients with purulent corneal ulcer in its early stage. The healing period in this case can be also reliably reduced (р<0.05 from 18.6±1.9 days (MDC plus antibacterial therapy. Hence, MDC is a highly effective urgent method of treatment available to ambulatory care patients with herpetic keratitis and early-stage purulent corneal ulcers. External autocytokinotherapy shows a pronounced anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect. When applied together, MDC and external autocytokinotherapy act synergistically and provide twice as short treatment periods. MDC as well as its combination with external autocytokinotherapy, if started early, allow to avoid keratoplasty in most patients with herpetic keratitis and early-stage purulent corneal ulcers.

  9. Does Dry Eye Affect Repeatability of Corneal Topography Measurements?

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    Aysun Şanal Doğan


    Full Text Available Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the repeatability of corneal topography measurements in dry eye patients and healthy controls. Materials and Methods: Participants underwent consecutive corneal topography measurements (Sirius; Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici, Florence, Italy. Two images with acquisition quality higher than 90% were accepted. The following parameters were evaluated: minimum and central corneal thickness, aqueous depth, apex curvature, anterior chamber volume, horizontal anterior chamber diameter, iridocorneal angle, cornea volume, and average simulated keratometry. Repeatability was assessed by calculating intra-class correlation coefficient. Results: Thirty-three patients with dry eye syndrome and 40 healthy controls were enrolled to the study. The groups were similar in terms of age (39 [18-65] vs. 30.5 [18-65] years, p=0.198 and gender (M/F: 4/29 vs. 8/32, p=0.366. Intra-class correlation coefficients among all topography parameters within both groups showed excellent repeatability (>0.90. Conclusion: The anterior segment measurements provided by the Sirius corneal topography system were highly repeatable for dry eye patients and are sufficiently reliable for clinical practice and research.

  10. Does Dry Eye Affect Repeatability of Corneal Topography Measurements? (United States)

    Doğan, Aysun Şanal; Gürdal, Canan; Köylü, Mehmet Talay


    The purpose of this study was to assess the repeatability of corneal topography measurements in dry eye patients and healthy controls. Participants underwent consecutive corneal topography measurements (Sirius; Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici, Florence, Italy). Two images with acquisition quality higher than 90% were accepted. The following parameters were evaluated: minimum and central corneal thickness, aqueous depth, apex curvature, anterior chamber volume, horizontal anterior chamber diameter, iridocorneal angle, cornea volume, and average simulated keratometry. Repeatability was assessed by calculating intra-class correlation coefficient. Thirty-three patients with dry eye syndrome and 40 healthy controls were enrolled to the study. The groups were similar in terms of age (39 [18-65] vs. 30.5 [18-65] years, p=0.198) and gender (M/F: 4/29 vs. 8/32, p=0.366). Intra-class correlation coefficients among all topography parameters within both groups showed excellent repeatability (>0.90). The anterior segment measurements provided by the Sirius corneal topography system were highly repeatable for dry eye patients and are sufficiently reliable for clinical practice and research.

  11. [E-PTFE Membrane for the Management of Perforated Corneal Ulcer]. (United States)

    Pahor, D; Pahor, A


    Purpose: To present the surgical management of perforated corneal ulcer using PRECLUDE® Pericardial Membrane, composed of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE; GORE-TEX®), as an alternative surgical procedure in patients at high risk of graft rejections and to evaluate side effects for a prolonged period. Patients and Methods: The study included all patients who were admitted to our department and underwent surgical repair of perforated corneal ulcer with the e-PTFE membrane between 2010 and 2015. In total, 8 patients (8 eyes) were enrolled. Medical records of all patients were retrospectively reviewed. The operation was performed under peribulbar anaesthesia. Non-absorbable, microporous, watertight 0.1 mm thick e-PTFE membrane was used to close the corneal ulcer. The membrane was cut to overlap the defect adequately and to achieve the desired tissue attachment without preparing the conjunctiva or superficial trephination of the cornea. The membrane was fixed to the healthy cornea with several non-absorbable sutures (Prolene® 10.0), in order to achieve the proper stress without wrinkling. Results: Five of 8 patients were treated for systemic immunological diseases. Sjögren's syndrome was diagnosed in 2 patients, granulomatosis with polyangiitis in one, vasculitis with a history of previous sclerokeratitis in one and systemic lupus erythematosus in one. In 2 patients, corneal perforation was observed as a complication of corneal infection and in one patient as a late complication of a severe chemical burn. Corneal perforations were successfully covered with e-PTFE membrane in all patients. E-PTFE membrane was well tolerated in all patients and the eye was always preserved. After 3 to 4 months, the membrane was removed in 7 patients. The underlying cornea was thin, firm, stable and vascularised. In one patient with Sjögren's syndrome, the e-PTFE membrane is still in place. Conclusion: Surgical management of perforated corneal ulcer using E-PTFE membrane

  12. Resolution of persistent corneal erosion after administration of topical rebamipide

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    Kashima T


    Full Text Available Tomoyuki Kashima,1,2 Hideo Akiyama,1 Fumihide Miura,2 Shoji Kishi11Department of Ophthalmology, Gunma University School of Medicine, Maebashi, Japan; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Saku Central Hospital, Saku, JapanAbstract: Rebamipide is an antiulcer agent used to treat gastric ulcer and gastritis. Biological effects of rebamipide include cytoprotection, wound healing, and anti-inflammatory properties that are known to be universal for a variety of tissues in addition to gastrointestinal mucosa. The therapeutic effects of rebamipide eye drops are due to its ability to increase corneal and conjunctival mucin-like substances and improve corneal and conjunctival injury in vivo. In this paper, we report a case of Sjögren's syndrome with complete disappearance of corneal erosion after administration of rebamipide eye drops. This was observed even though corneal erosion had not improved for 6 months after punctal occlusion surgery. The patient was a 33-year-old female, diagnosed with Sjögren's syndrome by a salivary gland biopsy. The corneal and conjunctival surfaces were filled with dense erosions, which did not improve with topical drugs. Punctal plugs were applied several times; however, the plugs were repeatedly shed. All four puncta of both eyelids were surgically occluded, and both corneal and conjunctival erosion was clearly improved. However, the erosion in the inferior cornea of both eyes had not improved for 6 months after surgery. We used the newly approved topical rebamipide for treatment of this patient. The corneal erosion gradually improved and completely disappeared 4 weeks after administration of the drug. Dry eye sensation disappeared at the same time. Both membrane-associated mucin and secreted mucin in the ocular surface are thought to be essential for maintenance of the tear film. Induction of mucin from ocular surface epithelium could be an effective treatment in cases of dry eye caused by mucin deficiency. Through its various

  13. Animal study on transplantation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells for corneal endothelial decompensation

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    Li Cui


    Full Text Available AIM: To explore the feasibility of culturing human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVECon acellular corneal stroma and performing the posterior lamellar endothelial keratoplasty(PLEKtreating corneal endothelial decompensation.METHODS: Thirty New-Zealand rabbits were divided into three groups randomly, 10 rabbits for experimental group, 10 for stroma group and 10 for control group. Corneal endothelial cells were removed to establish animal model of corneal endothelial failure. PLEK was performed on the rabbits of experimental group and stroma group, and nothing was transplantated onto the rabbits of control group with the deep layer excised only. Postoperative observation was taken for 3mo. The degree of corneal edema and central corneal thickness were recorded for statistical analysis.RESULTS: Corneas in experimental group were relieved in edema obviously compared with that in stroma group and the control group, and showed increased transparency 7d after the operation. The average density of endothelial cells was 2 026.4±129.3cells/mm2, and average central corneal thickness was 505.2±25.4μm in experimental group, while 1 535.6±114.5μm in stroma group and 1 493.5±70.2μm in control group 3mo after operation.CONCLUSION:We achieved preliminary success in our study that culturing HUVEC on acellular corneal stroma and performing PLEK for corneal endothelial decompensation. HUVEC transplanted could survive in vivo, and have normal biological function of keeping cornea transparent. This study provides a new idea and a new way clinically for the treatment of corneal endothelial diseases.

  14. Prevalencia de Caries Temprana de la Infancia y sus Factores Asociados en Niños Chilenos de 2 y 4 Años


    Zaror Sánchez, Carlos; Pineda Toledo, Patricia; Orellana Cáceres, Juan José


    Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal durante el año 2008 con una muestra 301 niños de 2 y 4 años que asisten por primera vez al servicio dental del Hospital de Calbuco, cuyo objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia de caries temprana de la infancia (CTI), severa caries temprana de la infancia (CTI-S) y sus factores asociados. El diagnóstico de caries siguió los criterios establecidos por la OMS, considerando a las caries incipientes dentro del componente caries. Además se investigó su rel...

  15. Discovery of molecular markers to discriminate corneal endothelial cells in the human body

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yoshihara, Masahito; Ohmiya, Hiroko; Hara, Susumu; Kawasaki, Satoshi; Hayashizaki, Yoshihide; Itoh, Masayoshi; Kawaji, Hideya; Tsujikawa, Motokazu; Nishida, Kohji; Clevers, J.C.; van de Wetering, M.L.


    The corneal endothelium is a monolayer of hexagonal corneal endothelial cells (CECs) on the inner surface of the cornea. CECs are critical in maintaining corneal transparency through their barrier and pump functions. CECs in vivo have a limited capacity in proliferation, and loss of a significant

  16. Discovery of Molecular Markers to Discriminate Corneal Endothelial Cells in the Human Body

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yoshihara, Masahito; Ohmiya, Hiroko; Hara, Susumu; Kawasaki, Satoshi; Hayashizaki, Yoshihide; Itoh, Masayoshi; Kawaji, Hideya; Tsujikawa, Motokazu; Nishida, Kohji; Forrest, Alistair R. R.; Rehli, Michael; Baillie, J. Kenneth; de Hoon, Michiel J. L.; Haberle, Vanja; Lassmann, Timo; Kulakovskiy, Ivan V.; Lizio, Marina; Andersson, Robin; Mungall, Christopher J.; Meehan, Terrence F.; Schmeier, Sebastian; Bertin, Nicolas; Jørgensen, Mette; Dimont, Emmanuel; Arner, Erik; Schmidl, Christian; Schaefer, Ulf; Medvedeva, Yulia A.; Plessy, Charles; Vitezic, Morana; Severin, Jessica; Semple, Colin A.; Ishizu, Yuri; Francescatto, Margherita; Alam, Intikhab; Albanese, Davide; Altschuler, Gabriel M.; Archer, John A. C.; Arner, Peter; Babina, Magda; Baker, Sarah; Balwierz, Piotr J.; Beckhouse, Anthony G.; Pradhan-Bhatt, Swati; Blake, Judith A.; Blumenthal, Antje; Bodega, Beatrice; Bonetti, Alessandro; Briggs, James; Geijtenbeek, Teunis B.


    The corneal endothelium is a monolayer of hexagonal corneal endothelial cells (CECs) on the inner surface of the cornea. CECs are critical in maintaining corneal transparency through their barrier and pump functions. CECs in vivo have a limited capacity in proliferation, and loss of a significant

  17. Factores familiares asociados al embarazo adolecente reincidente de pacientes de 15 a 19 años atendidas en el Hospital Sergio E. Bernales - Lima - 2014


    Luís Osorio, Laura


    Objetivo. Determinar los factores familiares que están asociados con el embarazo reincidente en las adolescentes de 15 a 19 años. Métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio correlacional compuesto por 98 adolescentes gestantes, procedentes del Hospital Sergio E. Bernales del distrito de Comas – Lima 2014. Se utilizaron un cuestionario para medir los factores familiares y el embarazo reincidente. Para el análisis inferencial se utilizó la Prueba Chi cuadrado. Resultados. ...

  18. Corneal Epithelial Remodeling and Its Effect on Corneal Asphericity after Transepithelial Photorefractive Keratectomy for Myopia

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    Jie Hou


    Full Text Available Purpose. To evaluate the changes in epithelial thickness profile following transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy (T-PRK for myopia and to investigate the effect of epithelial remodeling on corneal asphericity. Methods. Forty-four patients (44 right eyes who underwent T-PRK were retrospectively evaluated. Epithelial thickness was measured using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography at different corneal zones (central, 2 mm; paracentral, 2–5 mm; and mid-peripheral, 5-6 mm preoperatively and at 1 week and 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively. The correlation between the changes in corneal epithelial thickness (ΔCET and postoperative Q-value changes (ΔQ was analyzed 6 months postoperatively. Results. Epithelial thickness at 6 months showed a negative meniscus-like lenticular pattern with less central thickening, which increased progressively toward the mid-periphery (3.69±4.2, 5.19±3.8, and 6.23±3.9 μm at the center, paracenter, and mid-periphery, resp., P<0.01. A significant positive relationship was observed between epithelial thickening and ΔQ 6 months postoperatively (r=0.438, 0.580, and 0.504, resp., P<0.01. Conclusions. Significant epithelial thickening was observed after T-PRK and showed a lenticular change with more thickening mid-peripherally, resulting in increased oblateness postoperatively. Epithelial remodeling may modify the epithelial thickness profile after surface ablation refractive surgery for myopia.

  19. A genome-wide association study of corneal astigmatism: The CREAM Consortium


    Shah, Rupal L.; Li, Qing; Zhao, Wanting; Tedja, Milly S.; Tideman, J. Willem L.; Khawaja, Anthony P.; Fan, Qiao; Yazar, Seyhan; Williams, Katie M.; Verhoeven, Virginie J.M.; Xie, Jing; Wang, Ya Xing; Hess, Moritz; Nickels, Stefan; Lackner, Karl J.


    Purpose To identify genes and genetic markers associated with corneal astigmatism. Methods: A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of corneal astigmatism undertaken for 14 European ancestry (n=22,250) and 8 Asian ancestry (n=9,120) cohorts was performed by the Consortium for Refractive Error and Myopia. Cases were defined as having >0.75 diopters of corneal astigmatism. Subsequent gene-based and gene-set analyses of the meta-analyzed results of European ancestry cohorts we...

  20. A genome-wide association study of corneal astigmatism: The CREAM Consortium


    Shah, Rupal L.; Li, Qing; Zhao, Wanting; Tedja, Milly S.; Tideman, J. Willem L.; Khawaja, Anthony P.; Fan, Qiao; Yazar, Seyhan; Williams, Katie M.; Verhoeven, Virginie J.M.; Xie, Jing; Wang, Ya Xing; Hess, Moritz; Nickels, Stefan; Lackner, Karl J.


    Purpose To identify genes and genetic markers associated with corneal astigmatism. Methods A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of corneal astigmatism undertaken for 14 European ancestry (n=22,250) and 8 Asian ancestry (n=9,120) cohorts was performed by the Consortium for Refractive Error and Myopia. Cases were defined as having >0.75 diopters of corneal astigmatism. Subsequent gene-based and gene-set analyses of the meta-analyzed results of European ancestry cohorts wer...

  1. A genome-wide association study of corneal astigmatism: The CREAM Consortium.


    Shah, Rupal L; Li, Qing; Zhao, Wanting; Tedja, Milly S; Tideman, J Willem L; Khawaja, Anthony P; Fan, Qiao; Yazar, Seyhan; Williams, Katie M; Verhoeven, Virginie J M; Xie, Jing; Wang, Ya Xing; Hess, Moritz; Nickels, Stefan; Lackner, Karl J


    Purpose To identify genes and genetic markers associated with corneal astigmatism. Methods A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of corneal astigmatism undertaken for 14 European ancestry (n=22,250) and 8 Asian ancestry (n=9,120) cohorts was performed by the Consortium for Refractive Error and Myopia. Cases were defined as having >0.75 diopters of corneal astigmatism. Subsequent gene-based and gene-set analyses of the meta-analyzed results of European ancestry...

  2. A genome-wide association study of corneal astigmatism : The CREAM Consortium


    Shah, Rupal L.; Li, Qing; Zhao, Wanting; Tedja, Milly S.; Tideman, J. Willem L.; Khawaja, Anthony P.; Fan, Qiao; Yazar, Seyhan; Williams, Katie M.; Verhoeven, Virginie J.M.; Xie, Jing; Wang, Ya Xing; Hess, Moritz; Nickels, Stefan; Lackner, Karl J.


    Purpose: To identify genes and genetic markers associated with corneal astigmatism. Methods: A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of corneal astigmatism undertaken for 14 European ancestry (n=22,250) and 8 Asian ancestry (n=9,120) cohorts was performed by the Consortium for Refractive Error and Myopia. Cases were defined as having >0.75 diopters of corneal astigmatism. Subsequent gene-based and gene-set analyses of the meta-analyzed results of European ancestry cohor...

  3. A genome-wide association study of corneal astigmatism:The CREAM consortium


    Shah, Rupal L.; Li, Qing; Zhao, Wanting; Tedja, Milly S.; Tideman, J. Willem L.; Khawaja, Anthony P.; Fan, Qiao; Yazar, Seyhan; Williams, Katie M.; Verhoeven, Virginie J.M.; Xie, Jing; Wang, Ya Xing; Hess, Moritz; Nickels, Stefan; Lackner, Karl J.


    Purpose: To identify genes and genetic markers associated with corneal astigmatism. Methods: A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of corneal astigmatism undertaken for 14 European ancestry (n=22,250) and 8 Asian ancestry (n=9,120) cohorts was performed by the Consortium for Refractive Error and Myopia. Cases were defined as having >0.75 diopters of corneal astigmatism. Subsequent gene-based and gene-set analyses of the meta-analyzed results of European ancestry cohort...

  4. Applications of Biomaterials in Corneal Endothelial Tissue Engineering. (United States)

    Wang, Tsung-Jen; Wang, I-Jong; Hu, Fung-Rong; Young, Tai-Horng


    When corneal endothelial cells (CECs) are diseased or injured, corneal endothelium can be surgically removed and tissue from a deceased donor can replace the original endothelium. Recent major innovations in corneal endothelial transplantation include replacement of diseased corneal endothelium with a thin lamellar posterior donor comprising a tissue-engineered endothelium carried or cultured on a thin substratum with an organized monolayer of cells. Repairing CECs is challenging because they have restricted proliferative ability in vivo. CECs can be cultivated in vitro and seeded successfully onto natural tissue materials or synthetic polymeric materials as grafts for transplantation. The optimal biomaterials for substrata of CEC growth are being investigated. Establishing a CEC culture system by tissue engineering might require multiple biomaterials to create a new scaffold that overcomes the disadvantages of single biomaterials. Chitosan and polycaprolactone are biodegradable biomaterials approved by the Food and Drug Administration that have superior biological, degradable, and mechanical properties for culturing substratum. We successfully hybridized chitosan and polycaprolactone into blended membranes, and demonstrated that CECs proliferated, developed normal morphology, and maintained their physiological phenotypes. The interaction between cells and biomaterials is important in tissue engineering of CECs. We are still optimizing culture methods for the maintenance and differentiation of CECs on biomaterials.

  5. Outcome of corneal transplantation in a private institution in Saudi Arabia

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    Omar N


    Full Text Available Nazri Omar,1,2 Charbel T Bou Chacra,1 Khalid F Tabbara1,3,4 1The Eye Center and The Eye Foundation for Research in Ophthalmology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia; 3Department of Ophthalmology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 4The Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA Background: The aim of this work was to describe the indications, complications, and outcomes of penetrating keratoplasty (PKP in Saudi Arabia. Methods: In a retrospective, noncomparative interventional case series, the medical records of patients who underwent PKP from January 2000 to December 2008 and had a minimum follow-up of 6 months were reviewed. All corneas were obtained from eye banks in the US. Indications, complications, and outcomes of surgery were recorded. This study was approved by the institutional review board. Results: Eighty-five consecutive eyes were included in this study. There were 52 (61.2% males and 33 (38.8% females. The median age was 35.0 years (range 3–85 years, and the median follow-up period was 24 months (range 6–108 months. The indications for PKP were keratoconus, bullous keratopathy, corneal scars, corneal dystrophy, and corneal regraft. The overall graft survival time was 88.9 months ± 4.9 months (mean ± standard error of mean, 95% confidence interval [CI] 79.4 months -98.4 months while the 3-year and 5-year cumulative survival rates were 90.7% and 84.3%, respectively. Surgical indication (P = 0.038, immune rejection (P < 0.001, preoperative corneal vascularization (P = 0.022, and perioperative high intraocular pressure (P = 0.032 were associated significantly with corneal graft failure in univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis reduced these significant associations to rejection (P < 0.001 and vascularization (P = 0.009. Relative risk for failure in rejected cornea was 16.22 (95% CI 4.99–52.69 and

  6. Correlation between Corneal Thickness and Degree of Myopic Refractory Error

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    A Mortazavi


    Full Text Available Background: corneal thickness is an important factor in refractive surgeries such as Radial Keratotomy (RK, Photo Refractive Keratotomy (PRK and Laser Insitu Keratomileusis (LASIK. This study evaluated the correlation between this factor and the degree of myopic refractory error. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 224 myopic eyes (112 patients which had undergone LASIK operation were assessed. These patients had referred to Aban Eye Clinic, Isfahan, Iran, during August and September 2002. Corneal thickness was measured by ORB SCAN Topoghraphy, and cycloplegic refraction was performed with autorefratometery and retinoscopy. Suspected keratoconus cases and hyperopic patients were excluded. Results: The patients' age was 27.2 ± 1.36 in men (N = 35 and 30.13 ± 1.04 in women (N = 77. Mean value of myopic refractory error in male patients was 5.1 ± 0.24D and in female patients was 3.8 ± 0.36D. Mean of corneal thickness was 540 ± 5.25 µM and 530 ± 5.88 µM in male and female patients respectively. There was no correlation between the degree of myopia and corneal thickness in any of the patients. Also in this research, no relations between the age and myopia were found. Right eye (P > 0.5, r = 0.124 Left eye (P > 0.5, r = 0.104. Conclusion: Based on our findings, corneal thickness and myopic refectory error do not seem to have any relations. (r = 0.039, p = 0.684. Keywords: Corneal Thickness, Cornea, Myopia, LASIK, Refractory Error

  7. p53 protein expression in corneal squamous cell carcinomas of dogs

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    Lucas Bahdour Cossi


    Full Text Available Ocular tumors play an increasing concern in veterinary ophthalmology. Corneal squamous cell carcinoma is unfrequent in dogs, and by this way it has little studies. Studies that investigated the carcinogenesis mechanisms wich could help to the development of ocular squamous cell carcinoma (SCC in dog are rare. The aim of this work was to identify by immunohistochemical techniques, the p53 protein expression in the spontaneous dog corneal SCC. For this work, were used five cases of corneal SCC and one case of actinic keratitis. The sections were obtained from paraffin-wax blocks and submitted to histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis. All the six samples showed immunolabeling to cytokeratin and p53 protein. These results support the conclusions that the immunoreactivity of p53 protein by immunohistochemistry is present in canine corneal SCC suppporting its role in carcinogenesis of this tumor, but not provides prognostic indicators in cases of SCC corneal in dog; and can be a association of exposure to solar radiation with the possible mutation of the TP53 gene.

  8. Host immune cellular reactions in corneal neovascularization

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    Nizar S. Abdelfattah


    Full Text Available Corneal neovascularization (CNV is a global important cause of visual impairment. The immune mechanisms leading to corneal heme- and lymphangiogenesis have been extensively studied over the past years as more attempts were made to develop better prophylactic and therapeutic measures. This article aims to discuss immune cells of particular relevance to CNV, with a focus on macrophages, Th17 cells, dendritic cells and the underlying immunology of common pathologies involving neovascularization of the cornea. Hopefully, a thorough understanding of these topics would propel the efforts to halt the detrimental effects of CNV.

  9. [New international classification of corneal dystrophies and clinical landmarks]. (United States)

    Lisch, W; Seitz, B


    The International Committee on Classification of Corneal Dystrophies, briefly IC (3)D, was founded with the sponsorship of the American Cornea Society and the American Academy of Ophthalmology in July 2005. This committee consists of 17 corneal experts (1) from USA, Asia and Europe. The goal of this group was to develop a new, internationally accepted classification of corneal dystrophies (CD) based on modern clinical, histological and genetical knowledge. The aim of the new classification should be to avoid wrong interpretations and misnomers of the different forms of CD. The IC (3)D extensive manuscript is in press as Supplement publication in the journal "Cornea". The 25 different CD are divided in four categories by clinical and genetical knowledge. Additionally, templates for each type of CD are included. Finally, many typical color slit-lamp photos are presented in the publication together with essential references and current genetical results in tabular form. As members of IC (3)D the authors present a clinical landmark survey of the different corneal dystrophies. The ophthalmologist is the first to examine and to diagnose a new patient with a probable CD at the slit-lamp. Our elaborated table of landmarks is supposed to be a "bridge" for the ophthalmologist to precisely define the corneal opacities of a presumed CD. This "bridge" makes it easier for them to study the IC (3)D Supplement publication and to get more information including adequate differential diagnosis.

  10. Assessment of corneal epithelial thickness in dry eye patients. (United States)

    Cui, Xinhan; Hong, Jiaxu; Wang, Fei; Deng, Sophie X; Yang, Yujing; Zhu, Xiaoyu; Wu, Dan; Zhao, Yujin; Xu, Jianjiang


    To investigate the features of corneal epithelial thickness topography with Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) in dry eye patients. In this cross-sectional study, 100 symptomatic dry eye patients and 35 normal subjects were enrolled. All participants answered the ocular surface disease index questionnaire and were subjected to OCT, corneal fluorescein staining, tear breakup time, Schirmer 1 test without anesthetic (S1t), and meibomian morphology. Several epithelium statistics for each eye, including central, superior, inferior, minimum, maximum, minimum - maximum, and map standard deviation, were averaged. Correlations of epithelial thickness with the symptoms of dry eye were calculated. The mean (±SD) central, superior, and inferior corneal epithelial thickness was 53.57 (±3.31) μm, 52.00 (±3.39) μm, and 53.03 (±3.67) μm in normal eyes and 52.71 (±2.83) μm, 50.58 (±3.44) μm, and 52.53 (±3.36) μm in dry eyes, respectively. The superior corneal epithelium was thinner in dry eye patients compared with normal subjects (p = 0.037), whereas central and inferior epithelium were not statistically different. In the dry eye group, patients with higher severity grades had thinner superior (p = 0.017) and minimum (p dry eye corneal epithelium was thinner than normal eyes in the superior region. In more severe dry eye disease patients, the superior and minimum epithelium was much thinner, with a greater range of map standard deviation.

  11. Tissue and cellular biomechanics during corneal wound injury and repair. (United States)

    Raghunathan, Vijay Krishna; Thomasy, Sara M; Strøm, Peter; Yañez-Soto, Bernardo; Garland, Shaun P; Sermeno, Jasmyne; Reilly, Christopher M; Murphy, Christopher J


    Corneal wound healing is an enormously complex process that requires the simultaneous cellular integration of multiple soluble biochemical cues, as well as cellular responses to the intrinsic chemistry and biophysical attributes associated with the matrix of the wound space. Here, we document how the biomechanics of the corneal stroma are altered through the course of wound repair following keratoablative procedures in rabbits. Further we documented the influence that substrate stiffness has on stromal cell mechanics. Following corneal epithelial debridement, New Zealand white rabbits underwent phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) on the right eye (OD). Wound healing was monitored using advanced imaging modalities. Rabbits were euthanized and corneas were harvested at various time points following PTK. Tissues were characterized for biomechanics with atomic force microscopy and with histology to assess inflammation and fibrosis. Factor analysis was performed to determine any discernable patterns in wound healing parameters. The matrix associated with the wound space was stiffest at 7days post PTK. The greatest number of inflammatory cells were observed 3days after wounding. The highest number of myofibroblasts and the greatest degree of fibrosis occurred 21days after wounding. While all clinical parameters returned to normal values 400days after wounding, the elastic modulus remained greater than pre-surgical values. Factor analysis demonstrated dynamic remodeling of stroma occurs between days 10 and 42 during corneal stromal wound repair. Elastic modulus of the anterior corneal stroma is dramatically altered following PTK and its changes coincide initially with the development of edema and inflammation, and later with formation of stromal haze and population of the wound space with myofibroblasts. Factor analysis demonstrates strongest correlation between elastic modulus, myofibroblasts, fibrosis and stromal haze thickness, and between edema and central corneal

  12. In-vivo corneal pulsation in relation to in-vivo intraocular pressure and corneal biomechanics assessed in-vitro. An animal pilot study. (United States)

    Rogala, Maja M; Danielewska, Monika E; Antończyk, Agnieszka; Kiełbowicz, Zdzisław; Rogowska, Marta E; Kozuń, Marta; Detyna, Jerzy; Iskander, D Robert


    The aim was to ascertain whether the characteristics of the corneal pulse (CP) measured in-vivo in a rabbit eye change after short-term artificial increase of intraocular pressure (IOP) and whether they correlate with corneal biomechanics assessed in-vitro. Eight New Zealand white rabbits were included in this study and were anesthetized. In-vivo experiments included simultaneous measurements of the CP signal, registered with a non-contact method, IOP, intra-arterial blood pressure, and blood pulse (BPL), at the baseline and short-term elevated IOP. Afterwards, thickness of post-mortem corneas was determined and then uniaxial tensile tests were conducted leading to estimates of their Young's modulus (E). At the baseline IOP, backward stepwise regression analyses were performed in which successively the ocular biomechanical, biometric and cardiovascular predictors were separately taken into account. Results of the analysis revealed that the 3rd CP harmonic can be statistically significantly predicted by E and central corneal thickness (Models: R 2  = 0.662, p biomechanics in-vitro was confirmed. In particular, spectral analysis revealed that higher amplitude and power of the 3rd CP harmonic indicates higher corneal stiffness, while the 1st CP harmonic correlates positively with the corresponding harmonic of the BPL signal. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. IκB kinase β regulates epithelium migration during corneal wound healing.

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    Liang Chen


    Full Text Available The IKKβ is known to regulate transcription factor NF-κB activation leading to inflammatory responses. Recent gene knockout studies have shown that IKKβ can orchestrate local inflammatory responses and regulate homeostasis of epithelial tissues. To investigate whether IKKβ has an intrinsic role in epithelial cells, we established an in vivo system in the immune privileged corneal epithelium. We generated triple transgenic Krt12(rtTA/rtTAt/tet-O-Cre/Ikkβ(F/F (Ikkβ(ΔCE/ΔCE mice by crossing the Krt12-rtTA knock-in mice, which express the reverse tetracycline transcription activator in corneal epithelial cells, with the tet-O-Cre and Ikkβ(F/F mice. Doxycycline-induced IKKβ ablation occurred in corneal epithelial cells of triple transgenic Ikkβ(ΔCE/ΔCE mice, but loss of IKKβ did not cause ocular abnormalities in fetal development and postnatal maintenance. Instead, loss of IKKβ significantly delayed healing of corneal epithelial debridement without affecting cell proliferation, apoptosis or macrophage infiltration. In vitro studies with human corneal epithelial cells (HCEpi also showed that IKKβ was required for cytokine-induced cell migration and wound closure but was dispensable for cell proliferation. In both in vivo and in vitro settings, IKKβ was required for optimal activation of NF-κB and p38 signaling in corneal epithelial cells, and p38 activation is likely mediated through formation of an IKKβ-p38 protein complex. Thus, our studies in corneal epithelium reveal a previously un-recognized role for IKKβ in the control of epithelial cell motility and wound healing.

  14. Corneal aldehyde dehydrogenase and glutathione S-transferase activity after excimer laser keratectomy in guinea pigs. (United States)

    Bilgihan, K; Bilgihan, A; Hasanreisoğlu, B; Turkozkan, N


    The free radical balance of the eye may be changed by excimer laser keratectomy. Previous studies have demonstrated that excimer laser keratectomy increases the corneal temperature, decreases the superoxide dismutase activity of the aqueous, and induces lipid peroxidation in the superficial corneal stroma. Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) are known to play an important role in corneal metabolism, particularly in detoxification of aldehydes, which are generated from free radical reactions. In three groups of guinea pigs mechanical corneal de-epithelialisation was performed in group I, superficial corneal photoablation in group II, and deep corneal photoablation in group III, and the corneal ALDH and GST activities measured after 48 hours. The mean ALDH and GST activities of group I and II showed no differences compared with the controls (p > 0.05). The corneal ALDH activities were found to be significantly decreased (p < 0.05) and GST activities increased (p < 0.05) in group III. These results suggest that excimer laser treatment of high myopia may change the ALDH and GST activities, metabolism, and free radical balance of the cornea.

  15. Treatment with mPEG-SPA improves the survival of corneal grafts in rats by immune camouflage. (United States)

    Wang, Shuangyong; Li, Liangliang; Liu, Ying; Li, Chaoyang; Zhang, Min; Wang, Bowen; Huang, Zheqian; Gao, Xinbo; Wang, Zhichong


    We investigated the immune camouflage effects of methoxy polyethylene glycol succinimidyl propionate (mPEG-SPA) on corneal antigens and explored a novel approach for reducing corneal antigenicity, thereby decreasing corneal graft rejection. Importantly, this approach did not alter normal local immunity. Corneal grafts were treated with mPEG-SPA 5KD or 20KD (3% W/V), which could shield major histocompatibility antigen class I molecules (RT1-A) of corneal grafts. Skin grafts of Wistar rats were transplanted to SD rats. Then the splenic lymphocytes were isolated from SD rats. Subsequently, the lymphocytes were co-cultured with autologous corneal grafts or untreated corneal grafts and PEGylated grafts treated with mPEG-SPA 5KD or 20KD obtained from the counterpart skin donors, which were used as autologous control, allogeneic control, mPEG-SPA 5KD group and mPEG-SPA 20KD group, respectively. Lymphocyte proliferation was lower in mPEG-SPA 5KD group and mPEG-SPA 20KD group than in the allogeneic control. SD rats with corneal neovascularisation were used as recipients for high-risk corneal transplantation and were randomly divided into four groups: autologous control, allogeneic control, mPEG-SPA 5KD group and mPEG-SPA 20KD group. The recipients received corneal grafts from Wistar rats. Corneal graft survival was prolonged and graft rejection was reduced in the mPEG-SPA 5KD group and the mPEG-SPA 20KD group compared to the allogeneic control. Thus, we think that mPEG-SPA could immunologically camouflage corneal antigens to prolong corneal grafts survival in high-risk transplantation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Evaluation of Corneal Topography and Biomechanical Parameters after Use of Systemic Isotretinoin in Acne Vulgaris

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    Yusuf Yildirim


    Full Text Available Purpose. We report the effect of isotretinoin on corneal topography, corneal thickness, and biomechanical parameters in patients with acne vulgaris. Method. Fifty-four eyes of 54 patients who received oral isotretinoin for treatment of acne vulgaris were evaluated. All patients underwent a corneal topographical evaluation with a Scheimpflug camera combined with Placido-disk (Sirius, ultrasonic pachymetry measurements, and corneal biomechanical evaluation with an ocular response analyzer at baseline, in the 1st, 3rd, and 6th months of treatment, and 6 months after isotretinoin discontinuation. Results. The thinnest corneal thickness measured with Sirius differed significantly in the 1st, 3rd, and 6th months compared with the baseline measurement; there was no significant change in ultrasonic central corneal thickness measurements and biomechanical parameters (corneal hysteresis and corneal resistance factor throughout the study. Average simulated keratometry and surface asymmetry index increased significantly only in the first month of treatment according to the baseline. All changes disappeared 6 months after the end of treatment. Conclusion. Basal tear secretion and corneal morphologic properties were significantly influenced during the systemic isotretinoin treatment and the changes were reversible after discontinuation. No statistical important biomechanical differences were found to be induced by isotretinoin.

  17. Factores asociados a la convivencia escolar en adolescentes


    Clara López de Mesa-Melo; César Andrés Carvajal-Castillo; María Fernanda Soto-Godoy; Pedro Nel Urrea-Roa


    El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre las condiciones y factores asociados a la convivencia escolar. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la convivencia escolar, mediante un estudio descriptivo y transversal en 9 instituciones educativas de 5 municipios de Cundinamarca, Colombia, en el año 2011. Participaron 1091 estudiantes y 101 profesores, los instrumentos utilizados incluyeron variables como clima escolar, agresión, factores de apoyo y riesgo, autoestima, funcional...

  18. The Favorable Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment on the Antioxidant Protective Mechanism in the Corneal Epithelium and Renewal of Corneal Optical Properties Changed after Alkali Burns


    Cejka, Cestmir; Holan, Vladimir; Trosan, Peter; Zajicova, Alena; Javorkova, Eliska; Cejkova, Jitka


    The aim of this study was to examine whether mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and/or corneal limbal epithelial stem cells (LSCs) influence restoration of an antioxidant protective mechanism in the corneal epithelium and renewal of corneal optical properties changed after alkali burns. The injured rabbit corneas (with 0.25 N NaOH) were untreated or treated with nanofiber scaffolds free of stem cells, with nanofiber scaffolds seeded with bone marrow MSCs (BM-MSCs), with adipose tissue MSCs (Ad-MSC...


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    J. Garduño-González


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue estimar la producción de biomasa, rendimiento y algunos de sus componentes de dos cultivares de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L. con potencial ejotero ('Acerado' y 'Criollo', en unicultivo y asociado con dos cultivares de girasol (Helianthus annuus L. ('Sunbright' y 'Victoria'. El estudio se realizó durante el ciclo primavera verano 2006 bajo condiciones de temporal en Tenancingo, Méx. Las variables evaluadas fueron: índice de área foliar (IAF, tasa de asimilación neta (TAN, biomasa total (BT, diámetro de vaina (DV, longitud de vaina (LV, número de vainas·m-2 (NV y rendimiento de vaina·m-2 (RV; las cuales fueron analizadas en arreglo factorial, bajo un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Para estimar el grado de asociación, entre las variables estudiadas y el rendimiento de vainas, se realizó un análisis de correlación lineal simple. En el factor cultivares se detectaron diferencias estadísticas significativas para la TAN y DV; para el factor sistemas de siembra hubo diferencias significativas para BT, DV, NV y RV. La interacción cultivares * sistema de siembra fue significativa en todas las variables, excepto en la TAN. En ese sentido, las asociaciones 'Criollo' + 'Sunbright', 'Acerado' + 'Victoria' y 'Acerado' en unicultivo, presentaron el mayor RV. Las variables IAF, BT y NV se correlacionaron positiva y significativamente con el rendimiento de vaina. Los resultados indican que 'Criollo' y 'Acerado', asociados con 'Sunbright' y 'Victoria', respectivamente, responden positivamente a la asociación, constituyendo una buena opción para los productores de la región de Tenancingo, México.

  20. Desarrollo de una escala para evaluar recursos de personalidad asociados a la resiliencia infantil

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    Viviana Lemos

    Full Text Available Resumen El estudio de la resiliencia, capacidad humana para sobreponerse a las adversidades, construir sobre ellas y salir fortalecido, posee una gran relevancia, dadas las implicancias que tiene en la prevención y promoción positiva del desarrollo humano. En este sentido, el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar de manera válida y confiable algunos de los recursos de personalidad asociados comúnmente por la literatura a la resiliencia infantil: autocontrol, empatía, prosocialidad, autoeficacia y creatividad. Se realizaron dos estudios para analizar diferentes aspectos complementarios de las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento. El primer estudio (E1 se desarrolló con una muestra intencional de 216 niños de ambos sexos, de 9 a 12 años, de tres provincias de la República Argentina. El segundo estudio (E2, con una muestra de 479 niños de características semejantes al E1. Se realizó un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio y uno Confirmatorio, se estudió el poder discriminativo de los ítems, la consistencia interna del instrumento y diferentes análisis de validez de constructo convergente y discriminante. Los resultados de ambos estudios permiten indicar que la versión final del instrumento cumple con los criterios esperados de validez y confiabilidad. La escala desarrollada permite obtener, a partir de una prueba psicológica breve y de sencilla aplicación, un perfil de recursos de personalidad asociados a la resiliencia infantil. Teniendo en cuenta que dichos recursos constituyen sólo un aspecto a considerar en la evaluación de este importante constructo, se sugiere complementar esta información con la evaluación de los riesgos y las competencias en otros ámbitos del desarrollo psicológico.

  1. Uso de la mitomicina C en la prevención del haze corneal Use of mitomycin-C in prevention of corneal haze

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    Oslay Mijail Tirado Martínez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Evaluar resultados visuales y aparición de haze en pacientes sometidos a LASEK con Mitomicina C intraoperatoria. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal prospectivo, tipo serie de casos, en el servicio de cirugía refractiva del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer", con pacientes operados entre septiembre y diciembre de 2008, y seguimiento por 12 meses. La muestra fue de 92 ojos con miopía o astigmatismo miópico. Se analizó la agudeza visual mejor corregida y sin corrección, así como la refracción manifiesta pre y posoperatoria. Se cuantificó el haze corneal y se determinaron los índices de efectividad, seguridad, predictibilidad y estabilidad. Se utilizaron técnicas de estadísticas descriptivas para el análisis de los resultados. RESULTADOS: La edad promedio fue 30,11 ± 7,00 años. El sexo femenino representó el 58,82 %. La mejor agudeza visual sin corrección media preoperatoria fue 0,12 ± 0,07 y la mejor agudeza visual corregida media fue 0,89 ± 0,15. Al año de operados, la mejor agudeza visual sin corrección y la mejor corregida fueron 0,9 ± 0,01 (R: 0,5 a 1,0. El haze corneal grado 1 apareció en dos ojos (2,17 %. El índice de efectividad fue 1,01; el índice de seguridad: 1,02; el índice de predictibilidad: 90,22 % de los ojos en±0,50 dioptrías. Hubo estabilidad de la refracción después del tercer mes posoperatorio. CONCLUSIONES: Hubo mejoría de agudeza visual sin corrección en posoperatorio con mantenimiento de agudeza visual mejor corregida preoperatoria. La aparición del haze corneal fue mínima. Los índices de efectividad, seguridad, predictibilidad y estabilidad mostraron valores similares a estándares internacionales.OBJECTIVES: To assess the visual results and the appearance of haze in patients underwent LASEK with intraoperative mitomycin-c. METHODS: A prospective and longitudinal and cases series type was conducted in the service of refractive surgery of the "Ram

  2. Isolated corneal papilloma-like lesion associated with human papilloma virus type 6. (United States)

    Park, Choul Yong; Kim, Eo-Jin; Choi, Jong Sun; Chuck, Roy S


    To report a case of a corneal papilloma-like lesion associated with human papilloma virus type 6. A 48-year-old woman presented with a 2-year history of ocular discomfort and gradual visual deterioration in her right eye. Ophthalmic examination revealed an elevated, semitranslucent, well-defined vascularized mass approximately 4 × 2.5 mm in size localized to the right cornea. The surface of the mass appeared smooth and many small, shallow, and irregular elevations were noted. An excisional biopsy was performed. The underlying cornea was markedly thinned, and fine ramifying vasculature was also noted on the exposed corneal stroma. Typical koilocytic change was observed on the histopathologic examination. Polymerase chain reaction revealed the existence of human papilloma virus type 6 DNA. Here we describe a case of an isolated corneal papilloma-like lesion. Although the corneal extension of the limbal or the conjunctival papillomas has been commonly observed, an isolated corneal papilloma-like lesion with underlying stromal destruction has only rarely been reported.

  3. Thermal and infrared-diode laser effects on indocyanine-green-treated corneal collagen (United States)

    Timberlake, George T.; Patmore, Ann; Shallal, Assaad; McHugh, Dominic; Marshall, John


    It has been suggested that laser welds of collagenous tissues form by interdigitation and chemical bonding of thermally 'unraveled' collagen fibrils. We investigated this proposal by attempting to weld highly collagenous, avascular corneal tissue with an infrared (IR) diode laser as follows. First, the temperature at which corneal collagen shrinks and collagen fibrils 'split' into subfibrillary components was determined. Second, since use of a near-IR laser wavelength necessitated addition of an absorbing dye (indocyanine green (ICG) to the cornea, we measured absorption spectra of ICG-treated tissue to ensure that peak ICG absorbance did not change markedly when ICG was present in the cornea. Third, using gel electrophoresis of thermally altered corneal collagen, we searched for covalently crosslinked compounds predicted by the proposed welding mechanism. Finally, we attempted to weld partial thickness corneal incisions infused with ICG. Principal experimental findings were as follows: (1) Human corneal (type I) collagen splits into subfibrillary components at approximately 63 degree(s)C, the same temperature that produces collagen shrinkage. (2) Peak ICG absorption does not change significantly in corneal stroma or with laser heating. (3) No evidence was found for the formation of novel compounds or the loss of proteins as a result of tissue heating. All tissue treated with ICG, however, exhibited a novel 244 kD protein band indicating chemical activity between collagen and corneal stromal components. (4) Laser welding corneal incisions was unsuccessful possibly due to shrinkage of the sides of the incision, lack of incision compression during heating, or a less than optimal combination of ICG concentration and radiant exposure. In summary, these experiments demonstrate the biochemical and morphological complexity of ICG-enhanced IR laser-tissue welding and the need for further investigation of laser welding mechanisms.

  4. In vivo human corneal hydration control dynamics: A new model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Odenthal, M.T.P.; Nieuwendaal, C.P.; Venema, H.W.; Oosting, J.; Kok, J.H.C.; Kijlstra, A.


    PURPOSE. To introduce a new model describing human in vivo corneal deswelling after hypoxic contact lens wear, based on a damped harmonic oscillator, which can describe an overshoot in corneal deswelling, to compare this new model with the currently used exponential model, and also to test whether a

  5. In vivo human corneal hydration control dynamics: a new model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Odenthal, M. T.; Nieuwendaal, C. P.; Venema, H. W.; Oosting, J.; Kok, J. H. C.; Kijlstra, A.


    PURPOSE: To introduce a new model describing human in vivo corneal deswelling after hypoxic contact lens wear, based on a damped harmonic oscillator, which can describe an overshoot in corneal deswelling, to compare this new model with the currently used exponential model, and also to test whether a

  6. Las actividades físico-deportivas en el medio natural y sus efectos sobre la salud y la calidad de vida : factores psicológicos asociados


    Palmi i Guerrero, Joan; Martín, A.


    Este trabajo presenta una análisis de los factores psicológicos asociados a un tipo concreto de actividad físico-deportiva que en los últimos años ha sufrido un importante auge: Las actividades físicodeportivas desarrolladas en un entorno natural. Tomando inicialmente, como punto de partida algunos planteaminetos teóricos desarrollados al respecto en la literatura especializada (Martin y Priest, 1986), efectuamos un estudio teórico-conceptual en referencia a las implicaciones de la práctica d...

  7. Comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgos asociados a la aparición del cáncer cervicouterino en un área de salud


    Amaro Hernández, Francisco; Polo Cardoso, Katia; Mendoza del Pino, Mario; Pi Pareta, Leidy; Cardoso Nuñez, Oscarlyns


    Se realizó un estudio analítico y retrospectivo de casos y controles pareados sobre el comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgo asociados a la aparición del cáncer cervicouterino en el Policlínico Docente Rural X Aniversario, Camalote. La investigación se efectuó desde el 1 de enero de 1998 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2000. El universo para la toma de la muestra estuvo representado por el total de pacientes que se realizaron la citología orgánica en este período, lo que obedeció al progra...

  8. Corticosteroids for bacterial keratitis: the Steroids for Corneal Ulcers Trial (SCUT). (United States)

    Srinivasan, Muthiah; Mascarenhas, Jeena; Rajaraman, Revathi; Ravindran, Meenakshi; Lalitha, Prajna; Glidden, David V; Ray, Kathryn J; Hong, Kevin C; Oldenburg, Catherine E; Lee, Salena M; Zegans, Michael E; McLeod, Stephen D; Lietman, Thomas M; Acharya, Nisha R


    To determine whether there is a benefit in clinical outcomes with the use of topical corticosteroids as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of bacterial corneal ulcers. Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-masked, multicenter clinical trial comparing prednisolone sodium phosphate, 1.0%, to placebo as adjunctive therapy for the treatment of bacterial corneal ulcers. Eligible patients had a culture-positive bacterial corneal ulcer and received topical moxifloxacin for at least 48 hours before randomization. The primary outcome was best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) at 3 months from enrollment. Secondary outcomes included infiltrate/scar size, reepithelialization, and corneal perforation. Between September 1, 2006, and February 22, 2010, 1769 patients were screened for the trial and 500 patients were enrolled. No significant difference was observed in the 3-month BSCVA (-0.009 logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution [logMAR]; 95% CI, -0.085 to 0.068; P = .82), infiltrate/scar size (P = .40), time to reepithelialization (P = .44), or corneal perforation (P > .99). A significant effect of corticosteroids was observed in subgroups of baseline BSCVA (P = .03) and ulcer location (P = .04). At 3 months, patients with vision of counting fingers or worse at baseline had 0.17 logMAR better visual acuity with corticosteroids (95% CI, -0.31 to -0.02; P = .03) compared with placebo, and patients with ulcers that were completely central at baseline had 0.20 logMAR better visual acuity with corticosteroids (-0.37 to -0.04; P = .02). We found no overall difference in 3-month BSCVA and no safety concerns with adjunctive corticosteroid therapy for bacterial corneal ulcers. Adjunctive topical corticosteroid use does not improve 3-month vision in patients with bacterial corneal ulcers. Identifier: NCT00324168.

  9. Hyaluronan protection of corneal endothelial cells against extracellular histones after phacoemulsification. (United States)

    Kawano, Hiroki; Sakamoto, Taiji; Ito, Takashi; Miyata, Kazunori; Hashiguchi, Teruto; Maruyama, Ikuro


    To determine the effect of histones on corneal endothelial cells generated during cataract surgery. Kagoshima University Hospital, Kagoshima, Japan. Experimental study. Standard phacoemulsification was performed on enucleated pig eyes. Histones in the anterior segment of the eye were determined by immunohistochemistry. Cultured human corneal endothelial cells were exposed to histones for 18 hours, and cell viability was determined by 2-(2-methoxy-4-nitrophenyl)-3-(4-nitro-phenyl)-5-(2,4-disulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, monosodium salt assay. The concentration of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the culture medium of human corneal endothelial cells was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The effects of signal inhibitors U0126, SB203580, and SP600125 were evaluated. The protective effect of hyaluronan against histones was evaluated in human corneal endothelial cells with and without hyaluronan. Cellular debris containing histones was observed in the anterior chamber of pig eyes after phacoemulsification. Exposure of human corneal endothelial cells to 50 μg/mL of histones or more led to cytotoxic effects. The IL-6 concentration was significantly increased dose dependently after exposure of human corneal endothelial cells to histones (Phistone-induced IL-6 production was significantly decreased by extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 and p-38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors (Phistones caused formation of histone aggregates, decreased the cytotoxic effects of the histones, and blocked the increase in IL-6 (PHistones were released extracellularly during phacoemulsification and exposure of human corneal endothelial cells to histones increased the IL-6 secretion. The intraoperative use of hyaluronan may decrease the cytotoxic effects of histones released during cataract surgery. No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2014 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in healthy Turkish eyes. (United States)

    Arıcı, Ceyhun; Arslan, Osman Sevki; Dikkaya, Funda


    Purpose. To describe the normative values of corneal endothelial cell density, morphology, and central corneal thickness in healthy Turkish eyes. Methods. Specular microscopy was performed in 252 eyes of 126 healthy volunteers (M : F, 42 : 84). Parameters studied included mean endothelial cell density (MCD), mean cell area (MCA), coefficient of variation (CV) in cell size, percentage of hexagonal cells, and central corneal thickness (CCT). Results. The mean age of volunteers was 44.3 ± 13.5 (range, 20 to 70) years. There was a statistically significant decrease in MCD (P Filipino eyes and higher than that described in Indian, Thai, and Iranian eyes.

  11. Clinical observation of cryotherapy and amniotic membrane transplantation in the management of Fusarium corneal ulcer

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    Qiong Xie


    Full Text Available AIM:To examine the efficacy and safety of cryotherapy in the management of Fusarium corneal ulcer. METHODS: Retrospective contract analysis of the clinical data of 41 patients(41 eyeswho infected with Fusarium corneal ulcer. All of them underwent focal lesion keratectomy combined with amniotic membrane transplantation between January 2010 and May 2013. The cryotherapy treatment group of 22 cases(22 eyes, non-cryotherapy group of 19 cases(19 eyes. All the cases were followed up for 3~12mo. We analyzed the healing of corneal ulcer, corneal neovascularization, postoperative visual acuity, complications and ulcer recurrences. RESULTS: There were no significant difference for the two groups at the cure rate and the recovery rate, the corneal neovascularization and postoperative visual acuity(P>0.05. The total effective rate and corneal healing time in cryotherapy group was significantly higher than that in non-cryotherapy group(PPCONCLUSION: Cryotherapy is an effective and safe method for the treatment of Fusarium corneal ulcer.

  12. Corneal Vibrations during Intraocular Pressure Measurement with an Air-Puff Method

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    Robert Koprowski


    Full Text Available Introduction. The paper presents a commentary on the method of analysis of corneal vibrations occurring during eye pressure measurements with air-puff tonometers, for example, Corvis. The presented definition and measurement method allow for the analysis of image sequences of eye responses—cornea deformation. In particular, the outer corneal contour and sclera fragments are analysed, and 3D reconstruction is performed. Methods. On this basis, well-known parameters such as eyeball reaction or corneal response are determined. The next steps of analysis allow for automatic and reproducible separation of four different corneal vibrations. These vibrations are associated with (1 the location of the maximum of cornea deformation; (2 the cutoff area measured in relation to the cornea in a steady state; (3 the maximum of peaks occurring between applanations; and (4 the other characteristic points of the corneal contour. Results. The results obtained enable (1 automatic determination of the amplitude of vibrations; (2 determination of the frequency of vibrations; and (3 determination of the correlation between the selected types of vibrations. Conclusions. These are diagnostic features that can be directly applied clinically for new and archived data.

  13. Effects of Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating (GM-CSF Factor on Corneal Epithelial Cells in Corneal Wound Healing Model.

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    Chang Rae Rho

    Full Text Available Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF is a pleiotropic cytokine that activates granulocyte and macrophage cell lineages. It is also known to have an important function in wound healing. This study investigated the effect of GM-CSF in wound healing of human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs. We used human GM-CSF derived from rice cells (rice cell-derived recombinant human GM-CSF; rhGM-CSF. An in vitro migration assay was performed to investigate the migration rate of HCECs treated with various concentrations of rhGM-CSF (0.1, 1.0, and 10.0 μg/ml. MTT assay and flow cytometric analysis were used to evaluate the proliferative effect of rhGM-CSF. The protein level of p38MAPK was analyzed by western blotting. For in vivo analysis, 100 golden Syrian hamsters were divided into four groups, and their corneas were de-epithelialized with alcohol and a blade. The experimental groups were treated with 10, 20, or 50 μg/ml rhGM-CSF four times daily, and the control group was treated with phosphate-buffered saline. The corneal wound-healing rate was evaluated by fluorescein staining at the initial wounding and 12, 24, 36, and 48 hours after epithelial debridement. rhGM-CSF accelerated corneal epithelial wound healing both in vitro and in vivo. MTT assay and flow cytometric analysis revealed that rhGM-CSF treatment had no effects on HCEC proliferation. Western blot analysis demonstrated that the expression level of phosphorylated p38MAPK increased with rhGM-CSF treatment. These findings indicate that rhGM-CSF enhances corneal wound healing by accelerating cell migration.

  14. Treatment of Corneal Neovascularization Using Anti-VEGF Bevacizumab

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    Deli Krizova


    Full Text Available Purpose. To evaluate antiangiogenic effect of local use of bevacizumab (anti-VEGF antibody in patients with corneal neovascularization. Methods. Patients were divided into two groups. All patients suffered from some form of corneal neovascularization (NV. Patients in group A received 0.2–0.5 mL of bevacizumab solution subconjunctivally (concentration 25 mg/mL in a single dose. Group A included 28 eyes from 27. Patients in group B applied bevacizumab eye drops twice daily (concentration 2.5 mg/mL for two weeks. Group B included 38 eyes from 35 patients. We evaluated the number of corneal segments affected by NV, CDVA, and the incidence of complications and subjective complaints related to the treatment. The minimum follow-up period was six months. Results. By the 6-month follow-up, in group A the percentage reduction of the affected peripheral segments was 21.6% and of the central segments was 9.6%; in group B the percentage reduction of the central segments was 22.7% and of the central segments was 38.04%. In both groups we noticed a statistically significant reduction in the extent of NV. Conclusion. The use of bevacizumab seems to be an effective and safe method in the treatment of corneal neovascularization, either in the subconjunctival or topical application form.

  15. Intrastromal corneal ring segments for management of keratoconus

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    Sri Ganesh


    Full Text Available Keratoconus is a progressive corneal ectasia, which can be managed both by conservative measures like glasses or contact lenses in non-progressive cases or surgical procedures like collagen crosslinking (CXL with or without adjuvant measures like intrastromal corneal rings segments (ICRS or topography guided ablation. Various kinds of ICRS are available to the surgeon, but it is most essential to be able to plan the implantation of the ring to optimize outcomes. Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the visual outcome and progression in patients of keratoconus implanted with ICRS. Materials and Methods: Two different types of ICRS-Intacs (Addition Technology and Kerarings (Mediphacos Inc. were implanted in 2 different cohorts of patients and were followed-up to evaluate the outcome of the procedure. All patients underwent a complete ocular examination including best spectacle corrected visual acuity, slit lamp examination fundus examination, corneal topography and pachymetry. The ICRS implantation is done with CXL to stop the progression of the disease. Improvement in uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA, best spectacle corrected visual acuity and topographic changes were analyzed. Results: A significant improvement in keratometry and vision was seen in both groups. Conclusion: ICRS have been found to reduce corneal irregularity and flatten keratometry with improvement in UCVA and best corrected visual acuity.

  16. The Impact of Pterygium Excision on Corneal Astigmatism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, F. A.; Niazi, S. P. K.; Khan, D. A.


    Objective: To compare the corneal astigmatism before and after the excision of pterygium and also to determine the correlation of pterygium size with the postoperative corneal astigmatism. Study Design: Cross-sectional interventional study. Place and Duration of Study: Eye Department, Combined Military Hospital, Abbottabad, from May 2011 to March 2012. Methodology: Thirty patients underwent pterygium excision. Pre-operatively Snellen visual acuity, manifest refraction and slit lamp examination was done. The size of the pterygium was recorded in mm by projecting a horizontal slit lamp beam from the limbus to the apex. All the pterygium were equal to or greater than 2.5 mm. Keratometry was performed with an automated keratometer. Keratometric data was recorded pre-operatively and at 28 days postoperatively. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for comparing the pre-operative and the postoperative corneal astigmatism. Spearman's rank order was calculated to observe correlation of pterygium size with the postoperative astigmatism. Results: The median (mean rank) pre-operative astigmatism of 2.25 (15.50) reduced to a median (mean rank) postoperative astigmatism of 1.30 (14.96). This decrease in the postoperative astigmatism was statistically significant (p < 0.001). There was a statistically non-significant correlation between the postoperative astigmatism and the pterygium size (rs = -0.29, p = 0.12). Conclusion: Pterygium excision caused significant reduction in corneal astigmatism. (author)

  17. Advanced glycation end products delay corneal epithelial wound healing through reactive oxygen species generation. (United States)

    Shi, Long; Chen, Hongmei; Yu, Xiaoming; Wu, Xinyi


    Delayed healing of corneal epithelial wounds is a serious complication in diabetes. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are intimately associated with the diabetic complications and are deleterious to the wound healing process. However, the effect of AGEs on corneal epithelial wound healing has not yet been evaluated. In the present study, we investigated the effect of AGE-modified bovine serum albumin (BSA) on corneal epithelial wound healing and its underlying mechanisms. Our data showed that AGE-BSA significantly increased the generation of intracellular ROS in telomerase-immortalized human corneal epithelial cells. However, the generation of intracellular ROS was completely inhibited by antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC), anti-receptor of AGEs (RAGE) antibodies, or the inhibitor of NADPH oxidase. Moreover, AGE-BSA increased NADPH oxidase activity and protein expression of NADPH oxidase subunits, p22phox and Nox4, but anti-RAGE antibodies eliminated these effects. Furthermore, prevention of intracellular ROS generation using NAC or anti-RAGE antibodies rescued AGE-BSA-delayed epithelial wound healing in porcine corneal organ culture. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that AGE-BSA impaired corneal epithelial wound healing ex vivo. AGE-BSA increased intracellular ROS generation through NADPH oxidase activation, which accounted for the delayed corneal epithelial wound healing. These results may provide better insights for understanding the mechanism of delayed healing of corneal epithelial wounds in diabetes.


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    Nishat Sultana K


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Angle closure is characterised by apposition of the peripheral iris against the trabecular meshwork resulting in obstruction of aqueous outflow. Acute angle-closure glaucoma is characterised by pain, redness and blurred vision. The pain is typically a severe deep ache that follows the trigeminal distribution and maybe associated with nausea, vomiting, bradycardia and profuse sweating. The blurred vision, which is typically marked maybe caused by stretching of the corneal lamellae initially and later oedema of the cornea as well as a direct effect of the IOP on the optic nerve head. The modifications in corneal endothelial cell density after a crisis of angle-closure glaucoma is being evaluated. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The objective of the study is to assess the corneal endothelial cell count (density by specular microscopy in patients presenting with acute angle-closure glaucoma. METHODS Corneal endothelial cell counts of 20 eyes of patients with PACG with an earlier documented symptomatic acute attack unilaterally were compared with 20 fellow eyes. Evaluation of patient included visual acuity, intraocular pressure, gonioscopy, disc findings and specular microscopy. RESULTS The mean endothelial cell density was 2104 cells/mm2 in the eye with acute attack and 2615 cells/mm2 in the fellow eye. The average endothelial cell count when the duration of attack lasted more than 72 hours was 1861 cells/mm2 . CONCLUSION Corneal endothelial cell density was found to be significantly reduced in eyes following an acute attack of primary angle closure glaucoma.

  19. Development and Effects of FTY720 Ophthalmic Solution on Corneal Allograft Survival


    Zhaochuan Liu; Haotian Lin; Chulong Huang; Wan Chen; Wu Xiang; Yu Geng; Weirong Chen


    Fingolimod (FTY720), a novel class of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor modulators, has received special interest among ophthalmologists, particularly given that oral administration of FTY720 has proven to effectively treat corneal graft rejection in animal models. However, no studies have examined the performance of FTY720 as an ophthalmic solution in reducing corneal rejection in high-risk corneal rejection models, and the stability and ocular irritation profile of FTY720 ophthalmic solution...

  20. A new multiple noncontinuous puncture (pointage technique for corneal tattooing

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    Jin Hyoung Park


    Full Text Available AIM:To assess the safety and cosmetic efficacy of a new multiple noncontinuous transepithelial puncture technique for tattooing a decompensated cornea.METHODS:It was anon-comparative clinical case series study.The study examines 33 eyes in 33 patients with total corneal opacity due to corneal decompensation, which developed following intraocular surgery.Corneal tattooing was performed using the multiple noncontinuous transepithelial puncture technique (i.e. pointage. The safety of this new surgical strategy was assessed by occurrence of adverse events for the follow-up period. The cosmetic efficacy was determined by the patient’s cosmetic satisfaction and independent observer’s opinion about patient appearance.RESULTS:Seven women and 26 men were included in the study. The mean age was 46.4±17.5y (range:7-67. In total, 30 of 33 patients (91% reported cosmetic satisfaction within the follow-up period. Only 3 patients (9% required additional tattooing due to cosmetic unsatisfaction. Cosmetic outcomes were analyzed and classified as excellent or good in 13 (39% and 17 (52% patients, respectively. No serious adverse events developed, except delayed epithelial healing in 3 cases.CONCLUSION:The cosmetic outcomes of the multiple noncontinuous transepithelial puncture technique for corneal tattooing were good. The safety of this method is higher than conventional procedures. This new procedure also provides improved cost-effectiveness and safety over current corneal tattooing techniques.

  1. Prevalence of corneal astigmatism before cataract surgery in northeast China

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    Zuo-Feng Guo


    Full Text Available AIM:To analyze the prevalence and presentation patterns of corneal astigmatism in cataract surgery candidates of Shenyang in northeast China.METHODS:A retrospective survey was used to study the corneal astigmatism which were measured by intraocular lens(IOLMaster optical biometer before cataract surgery between Jan. 1st, 2014 and Dec. 31st, 2014. Descriptive statistics of corneal astigmatism data were analyzed.RESULTS:The keratometric data from 4 543 eyes from 3 821 patients with a mean age of 66.36±10.38y(SD. In 10.50% of eyes, corneal astigmatism was between 0.5 diopters(Dor less; in 30.05% of eyes, it was 0.5-1.0 D; in 23.60%, it was 1.0-1.5 D; in 13.19%, it was 1.5-2.0 D; in 7.68%, it was 2.0-2.5 D; in 6.41%, it was 2.5-3.0 D; in 8.58%, it was 3.0 D or higher. With-the-rule astigmatism was found in 27.69% of eyes, while against-the-rule was found in 53.84% of eyes.CONCLUSION:About 59.46% of eyes in this study had preoperative corneal astigmatism equal to or above 1.0 D. Findings indicated more surgical techniques or toric intraocular lenses to meet the potential demand of the cataract surgery candidates.

  2. Cornea stress test--evaluation of corneal endothelial function in vivo by contact lens induced stress

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    Saini Jagjit


    Full Text Available Reliable and valid assessment of corneal endothelial function is a critical input for diagnosing, prognosticating and monitoring progression of disorders affecting corneal endothelium. In 123 eyes, corneal endothelial function was assessed employing data from the corneal hydration recovery dynamics. Serial pachometric readings were recorded on Haag-Striet pachometer with Mishima-Hedbys modification before and after two hours of thick soft contact lens wear. Percentage Recovery Per Hour (PRPH was derived from raw data as an index of endothelial function. Assessed PRPH in pseudophakic corneal oedema and Fuchs′ endothelial dystrophy eyes (35.9 +/- 9.8% was significantly lower than normal controls (61.9 +/- 10.5%. On employing receiver operation characteristics curve analysis the tested results demonstrated high sensitivity (87% and specificity (92% for detection of low endothelial function at PRPH cut off of 47.5%. Using this PRPH cut off, 80% of Fuchs′ endothelial dystrophy and 93.3% of pseudophakic corneal oedema eyes could be demonstrated to have low endothelial function. A total of 66.7% of diabetic eyes also demonstrated PRPH of lower than 47.5%. Clear corneal grafts demonstrated PRPH values of 24.6% to 73.0%. Of 6 corneal grafts that demonstrated initial PRPH of lower than 47.5%, 4 failed within 4 to 6 months. Our data demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity of this corneal stress test. PRPH index was useful in quantifying endothelial function in clinical disorders including diabetes mellitus. The index PRPH was demonstrated to be useful in monitoring and prognosticating outcome of corneal grafts.

  3. Evaluation of corneal thickness alterations during menstrual cycle in productive age women

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    Negar Amiri Ghahfarokhi


    Full Text Available Purpose: To determine the change in corneal thickness through different phases of menstrual cycle in women who are in their productive age. Materials and Methods: Fifty healthy women with normal past medical history were enrolled in this prospective study. Central corneal thickness was measured with ultrasound pachymeter three times during a menstrual cycle: Beginning of the cycle (days 1-3, ovulation time, and at the end of cycle (days 27-32. We confirmed ovulation time with determining a peak in luteinizing hormone in urine. To avoid the diurnal variation of the corneal thickness which is well recognized, we checked all our subjects at 10 in the morning. Results: In days 1 to 3 of menstruation, mean corneal thickness was 541.40±11.36 and 540.82±11.70 microns for left and right eyes respectively. At ovulation time the mean thickness changed to 556.50±7.11 and 555.98±7.26 microns for left and right eyes respectively, and at the end of the cycle, the corneal thickness turned in to 536.38±12.83 and 535.48±13.08 microns for left and right eyes respectively. The difference of corneal thickness was statistically significant relating to the different stages of menstrual cycle. Conclusion: The thickest cornea during the menstruation cycle is achieved at the ovulation time and the thinnest at the end of the cycle and this should be taken in to account whilst plan to do a corneal refractive surgery.

  4. Therapeutic effects of zerumbone in an alkali-burned corneal wound healing model. (United States)

    Kim, Jong Won; Jeong, Hyuneui; Yang, Myeon-Sik; Lim, Chae Woong; Kim, Bumseok


    Cornea is an avascular transparent tissue. Ocular trauma caused by a corneal alkali burn induces corneal neovascularization (CNV), inflammation, and fibrosis, leading to vision loss. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Zerumbone (ZER) on corneal wound healing caused by alkali burns in mice. CNV was induced by alkali-burn injury in BALB/C female mice. Topical ZER (three times per day, 3μl each time, at concentrations of 5, 15, and 30μM) was applied to treat alkali-burned mouse corneas for 14 consecutive days. Histopathologically, ZER treatment suppressed alkali burn-induced CNV and decreased corneal epithelial defects induced by alkali burns. Corneal tissue treated with ZER showed reduced mRNA levels of pro-angiogenic genes, including vascular endothelial growth factor, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and 9, and pro-fibrotic factors such as alpha smooth muscle actin and transforming growth factor-1 and 2. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that the infiltration of F4/80 and/or CCR2 positive cells was significantly decreased in ZER-treated corneas. ZER markedly inhibited the mRNA and protein levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in human corneal fibroblasts and murine peritoneal macrophages. Immunoblot analysis revealed that ZER decreased the activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3), with consequent reduction of MCP-1 production by these cells. In conclusion, topical administration of ZER accelerated corneal wound healing by inhibition of STAT3 and MCP-1 production. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  5. Hevin plays a pivotal role in corneal wound healing.

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    Shyam S Chaurasia

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Hevin is a matricellular protein involved in tissue repair and remodeling via interaction with the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM proteins. In this study, we examined the functional role of hevin using a corneal stromal wound healing model achieved by an excimer laser-induced irregular phototherapeutic keratectomy (IrrPTK in hevin-null (hevin(-/- mice. We also investigated the effects of exogenous supplementation of recombinant human hevin (rhHevin to rescue the stromal cellular components damaged by the excimer laser. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Wild type (WT and hevin (-/- mice were divided into three groups at 4 time points- 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks. Group I served as naïve without any treatment. Group II received epithelial debridement and underwent IrrPTK using excimer laser. Group III received topical application of rhHevin after IrrPTK surgery for 3 days. Eyes were analyzed for corneal haze and matrix remodeling components using slit lamp biomicroscopy, in vivo confocal microscopy, light microscopy (LM, transmission electron microscopy (TEM, immunohistochemistry (IHC and western blotting (WB. IHC showed upregulation of hevin in IrrPTK-injured WT mice. Hevin (-/- mice developed corneal haze as early as 1-2 weeks post IrrPTK-treatment compared to the WT group, which peaked at 3-4 weeks. They also exhibited accumulation of inflammatory cells, fibrotic components of ECM proteins and vascularized corneas as seen by IHC and WB. LM and TEM showed activated keratocytes (myofibroblasts, inflammatory debris and vascular tissues in the stroma. Exogenous application of rhHevin for 3 days reinstated inflammatory index of the corneal stroma similar to WT mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Hevin is transiently expressed in the IrrPTK-injured corneas and loss of hevin predisposes them to aberrant wound healing. Hevin (-/- mice develop early corneal haze characterized by severe chronic inflammation and stromal fibrosis that can be rescued

  6. Minocycline inhibits alkali burn-induced corneal neovascularization in mice.

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    Ou Xiao

    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of minocycline on alkali burn-induced corneal neovascularization (CNV. A total of 105 mice treated with alkali burns were randomly divided into three groups to receive intraperitoneal injections of either phosphate buffered saline (PBS or minocycline twice a day (60 mg/kg or 30 mg/kg for 14 consecutive days. The area of CNV and corneal epithelial defects was measured on day 4, 7, 10, and14 after alkali burns. On day 14, a histopathological examination was performed to assess morphological change and the infiltration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs. The mRNA expression levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF and its receptors (VEGFRs, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs, interleukin-1α, 1β, 6 (IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6 were analyzed using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 proteins was determined by gelatin zymography. In addition, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to analyze the protein levels of VEGFR1, VEGFR2, IL-1β and IL-6. Minocycline at a dose of 60 mg/kg or 30 mg/kg significantly enhanced the recovery of the corneal epithelial defects more than PBS did. There were significant decreases of corneal neovascularization in the group of high-dosage minocycline compared with the control group at all checkpoints. On day 14, the infiltrated PMNs was reduced, and the mRNA expression of VEGFR1, VEGFR2, bFGF, IL-1β, IL-6, MMP-2, MMP-9, -13 as well as the protein expression of VEGFR2, MMP-2, -9, IL-1β, IL-6 in the corneas were down-regulated with the use of 60 mg/kg minocycline twice a day. Our results showed that the intraperitoneal injection of minocycline (60 mg/kg b.i.d. can significantly inhibit alkali burn-induced corneal neovascularization in mice, possibly by accelerating corneal wound healing and by reducing the production of angiogenic factors, inflammatory cytokines and MMPs.


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    Rekha Gyanchand


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Requirement of donor cornea is essential to target the corneal blind. The best method to procure such corneas is from any major hospitals, which has a mortuary facility. The eye donation with hanging as the cause of death is very common in a mortuary setup. Some factors that are concerning regarding corneas procured from death due to hanging is the prolonged exposure of the cornea at the time of death, the exact time of death is not known, most of the cadavers are refrigerated for investigations as these arrive at the mortuary usually at night. Due to these reasons, the corneal surgeons are hesitant to use corneas procured from death due to hanging for corneal transplantation. Analysing these corneas would contribute to a great extent to the donor cornea pool in providing sight to the corneal blind, especially as majority are young individuals who commit suicide by hanging. In this study, the donor corneas were analysed with regards to corneal epithelial defect, endothelial cell morphology and utilisation of these corneas for transplantation. The aim of the HCRP study is to analyse the effect of death due to hanging on donor cornea. 1. Corneal epithelial status. 2. Corneal endothelial cell morphology. 3. Utilisation of corneas for transplantation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Donor corneas from 22 donors who died due to hanging were procured from hospital mortuary. All the 44 corneas were transplanted. Various parameters like demography, death to enucleation time, cadaver preservation in cold storage, endothelial cell density and utilisation of cornea for transplantation were noted. Design- Retrospective study. Statistical Analysis- Descriptive statistics, Pearson and Spearman correlation and Chi-square test were used to test the hypotheses. RESULTS Out of the 44 corneas analysed, 75% of the donors were refrigerated as a part of medicolegal investigations protocol. The average DTP time was 12 hours in refrigerated group and 5 hours in non

  8. Assessment of refractive astigmatism and simulated therapeutic refractive surgery strategies in coma-like-aberrations-dominant corneal optics. (United States)

    Zhou, Wen; Stojanovic, Aleksandar; Utheim, Tor Paaske


    The aim of the study is to raise the awareness of the influence of coma-like higher-order aberrations (HOAs) on power and orientation of refractive astigmatism (RA) and to explore how to account for that influence in the planning of topography-guided refractive surgery in eyes with coma-like-aberrations-dominant corneal optics. Eleven eyes with coma-like-aberrations-dominant corneal optics and with low lenticular astigmatism (LA) were selected for astigmatism analysis and for treatment simulations with topography-guided custom ablation. Vector analysis was used to evaluate the contribution of coma-like corneal HOAs to RA. Two different strategies were used for simulated treatments aiming to regularize irregular corneal optics: With both strategies correction of anterior corneal surface irregularities (corneal HOAs) were intended. Correction of total corneal astigmatism (TCA) and RA was intended as well with strategies 1 and 2, respectively. Axis of discrepant astigmatism (RA minus TCA minus LA) correlated strongly with axis of coma. Vertical coma influenced RA by canceling the effect of the with-the-rule astigmatism and increasing the effect of the against-the-rule astigmatism. After simulated correction of anterior corneal HOAs along with TCA and RA (strategies 1 and 2), only a small amount of anterior corneal astigmatism (ACA) and no TCA remained after strategy 1, while considerable amount of ACA and TCA remained after strategy 2. Coma-like corneal aberrations seem to contribute a considerable astigmatic component to RA in eyes with coma-like-aberrations dominant corneal optics. If topography-guided ablation is programmed to correct the corneal HOAs and RA, the astigmatic component caused by the coma-like corneal HOAs will be treated twice and will result in induced astigmatism. Disregarding RA and treating TCA along with the corneal HOAs is recommended instead.

  9. Corneal wound healing is compromised by immunoproteasome deficiency.

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    Deborah A Ferrington

    Full Text Available Recent studies have revealed roles for immunoproteasome in regulating cell processes essential for maintaining homeostasis and in responding to stress and injury. The current study investigates how the absence of immunoproteasome affects the corneal epithelium under normal and stressed conditions by comparing corneas from wildtype (WT mice and those deficient in two immunoproteasome catalytic subunits (lmp7(-/-/mecl-1(-/-, L7M1. Immunoproteasome expression was confirmed in WT epithelial cells and in cells of the immune system that were present in the cornea. More apoptotic cells were found in both corneal explant cultures and uninjured corneas of L7M1 compared to WT mice. Following mechanical debridement, L7M1 corneas displayed delayed wound healing, including delayed re-epithelialization and re-establishment of the epithelial barrier, as well as altered inflammatory cytokine production compared to WT mice. These results suggest that immunoproteasome plays an important role in corneal homeostasis and wound healing.

  10. Modificaciones del endotelio corneal en cirugía de catarata simultánea con vitrectomía Changes of the corneal endothelium in cataract surgery combined with vitrectomy

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    Zucell Ana Veitía Rovirosa


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento del endotelio corneal en pacientes sometidos a cirugías simultáneas de vítreo y catarata. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y prospectivo. El universo lo constituyó 15 pacientes (15 ojos sometidos a cirugías de catarata y vítreo de forma simultánea. El estudio se efectúo en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" de enero a noviembre de 2010. Resultados: la mayoría de los pacientes fueron hombres entre 53 y 67 años de edad. Las principales causas de indicación quirúrgica de vitrectomía pars plana fueron el desprendimiento de retina y la hemorragia vítrea. La densidad celular promedio antes de la cirugía y después de esta mostró una pérdida de 634 células (26,8 %. La ausencia de polimegatismo y sus formas leves predominaron en el preoperatorio, hubo un incremento hacia formas moderadas y severas en el posoperatorio. El pleomorfismo se comportó de forma similar al polimegatismo. Las complicaciones posquirúrgicas fueron hipertensión ocular, síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior y uveítis anterior. Conclusiones: valorar el estado del endotelio antes de la cirugía permite trazar una estrategia quirúrgica encaminada a proteger esta importante capa corneal y establecer un pronóstico visual del paciente. De esta forma permite evaluar su comportamiento en el posoperatorio.Objective: to determine the corneal endothelium behavior in the cataract surgery and vitrectomy performed simultaneously. Methods: a prospective, descriptive and observational research was carried out in “Ramón Pando Ferrer” Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from January to November 2010. The sample was made up of 15 eyes from 15 patients, who had undergone cataract surgery and vitrectomy simultaneously. Results: most of the patients were men aged 53 to 67 years. The main causes to indicate the pars plana vitrectomy were retinal detachment and vitreous hemorrhage. Before

  11. Outcome of corneal transplantation in a private institution in Saudi Arabia. (United States)

    Omar, Nazri; Bou Chacra, Charbel T; Tabbara, Khalid F


    The aim of this work was to describe the indications, complications, and outcomes of penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) in Saudi Arabia. In a retrospective, noncomparative interventional case series, the medical records of patients who underwent PKP from January 2000 to December 2008 and had a minimum follow-up of 6 months were reviewed. All corneas were obtained from eye banks in the US. Indications, complications, and outcomes of surgery were recorded. This study was approved by the institutional review board. Eighty-five consecutive eyes were included in this study. There were 52 (61.2%) males and 33 (38.8%) females. The median age was 35.0 years (range 3-85 years), and the median follow-up period was 24 months (range 6-108 months). The indications for PKP were keratoconus, bullous keratopathy, corneal scars, corneal dystrophy, and corneal regraft. The overall graft survival time was 88.9 months ± 4.9 months (mean ± standard error of mean, 95% confidence interval [CI] 79.4 months -98.4 months) while the 3-year and 5-year cumulative survival rates were 90.7% and 84.3%, respectively. Surgical indication (P = 0.038), immune rejection (P < 0.001), preoperative corneal vascularization (P = 0.022), and perioperative high intraocular pressure (P = 0.032) were associated significantly with corneal graft failure in univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis reduced these significant associations to rejection (P < 0.001) and vascularization (P = 0.009). Relative risk for failure in rejected cornea was 16.22 (95% CI 4.99-52.69) and in vascularized cornea was 3.89 (95% CI 1.36-11.09). At last visit following PKP, 34 (40%) eyes had best spectacle-corrected visual acuity of 20/40 or better, and 51 (60.0%) eyes had 20/80 or better. Best spectacle-corrected visual acuity was worse than 20/400 in 15 (17.6%) eyes. The overall corneal graft survival in a private setting in Saudi Arabia can be excellent. Thorough preoperative evaluation and comprehensive postoperative management are

  12. Traumatic corneal flap displacement after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). (United States)

    Tsai, Tsung-Han; Peng, Kai-Ling; Lin, Chien-Jen


    Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is the most common and popular procedure performed for the correction of refractive errors in the last two decades. We report a case of traumatic flap displacement with flap folding which occurred 3 years after LASIK was performed. Previous literature suggests that vision prognosis would be closely related to proper and prompt management of traumatic flap displacement with flap folding 3 years after LASIK. A 23-year-old female presented to our hospital who had undergone uneventful LASIK in both eyes 3 years prior. Unfortunately, she had suffered a blunt trauma in her right eye in a car accident. A late onset of corneal flap displacement was found with upper and lower portion of the flap being folded inside the corneal bed. Surgical intervention for debridement with subsequent reposition of corneal flap was performed as soon as possible in the operating room. A bandage contact lens was placed, and topical antibiotic and corticosteroids were given postoperatively. Two days after the operation, the displaced corneal flap was found to be well attached smoothly on the corneal bed without folds. The best-corrected visual acuity was 6/6 with refraction of -0.75 D to 1.0 D ×175° in her right eye 1 month later. We reviewed a total of 19 published cases of late-onset traumatic flap dislocations or displacements after LASIK with complete data from 2000 to 2014. Traumatic displacement of corneal flaps after LASIK may occur after blunt injury with specific direction of force to the flap margin, especially tangential one. According to the previous literature, late-onset traumatic flap displacement may happen at any time after LASIK and be caused by various types of injuries. Fortunately, good visual function could mostly be restored with immediate and proper management.

  13. Corneal Deformation Response and Ocular Geometry: A Noninvasive Diagnostic Strategy in Marfan Syndrome. (United States)

    Beene, Lauren C; Traboulsi, Elias I; Seven, Ibrahim; Ford, Matthew R; Sinha Roy, Abhijit; Butler, Robert S; Dupps, William J


    To evaluate corneal air-puff deformation responses and ocular geometry as predictors of Marfan syndrome. Prospective observational clinical study. Sixteen investigator-derived, 4 standard Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA), and geometric variables from corneal tomography and optical biometry using Oculus Pentacam and IOL Master were assessed for discriminative value in Marfan syndrome, measuring right eyes of 24 control and 13 Marfan syndrome subjects. Area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was assessed in univariate and multivariate analyses. Six investigator-derived ORA variables successfully discriminated Marfan syndrome. The best lone disease predictor was Concavity Min (Marfan syndrome 47.5 ± 20, control 69 ± 14, P = .003; AUROC = 0.80). Corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor (CRF) were decreased (Marfan syndrome CH 9.45 ± 1.62, control CH 11.24 ± 1.21, P = .01; Marfan syndrome CRF 9.77 ± 1.65, control CRF 11.03 ± 1.72, P = .01) and corneas were flatter in Marfan syndrome (Marfan syndrome Kmean 41.25 ± 2.09 diopter, control Kmean 42.70 ± 1.81 diopter, P = .046). No significant differences were observed in central corneal thickness, axial eye length, or intraocular pressure. A multivariate regression model incorporating corneal curvature and hysteresis loop area (HLA) provided the best predictive value for Marfan syndrome (AUROC = 0.85). This study describes novel biodynamic features of corneal deformation responses in Marfan syndrome, including increased deformation, decreased bending resistance, and decreased energy dissipation capacity. A predictive model incorporating HLA and corneal curvature shows greatest potential for noninvasive clinical diagnosis of Marfan syndrome. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Mª Belén Cobacho Tornel


    cigarrillos en el caso de los hombres, y 54 euros para las mujeres (euros año 2000. Conclusiones: El coste por mortalidad prematura por paquete de cigarrillos que se obtiene sobrepasa con creces su precio de venta al público.

  15. Rapid, automated mosaicking of the human corneal subbasal nerve plexus. (United States)

    Vaishnav, Yash J; Rucker, Stuart A; Saharia, Keshav; McNamara, Nancy A


    Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) is an in vivo technique used to study corneal nerve morphology. The largest proportion of nerves innervating the cornea lie within the subbasal nerve plexus, where their morphology is altered by refractive surgery, diabetes and dry eye. The main limitations to clinical use of CCM as a diagnostic tool are the small field of view of CCM images and the lengthy time needed to quantify nerves in collected images. Here, we present a novel, rapid, fully automated technique to mosaic individual CCM images into wide-field maps of corneal nerves. We implemented an OpenCV image stitcher that accounts for corneal deformation and uses feature detection to stitch CCM images into a montage. The method takes 3-5 min to process and stitch 40-100 frames on an Amazon EC2 Micro instance. The speed, automation and ease of use conferred by this technique is the first step toward point of care evaluation of wide-field subbasal plexus (SBP) maps in a clinical setting.

  16. Differentiation and molecular profiling of human embryonic stem cell-derived corneal epithelial cells. (United States)

    Brzeszczynska, J; Samuel, K; Greenhough, S; Ramaesh, K; Dhillon, B; Hay, D C; Ross, J A


    It has been suggested that the isolation of scalable populations of limbal stem cells may lead to radical changes in ocular therapy. In particular, the derivation and transplantation of corneal stem cells from these populations may result in therapies providing clinical normality of the diseased or damaged cornea. Although feasible in theory, the lack of donor material in sufficient quantity and quality currently limits such a strategy. A potential scalable source of corneal cells could be derived from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). We developed an in vitro and serum-free corneal differentiation model which displays significant promise. Our stepwise differentiation model was designed with reference to development and gave rise to cells which displayed similarities to epithelial progenitor cells which can be specified to cells displaying a corneal epithelial phenotype. We believe our approach is novel, provides a robust model of human development and in the future, may facilitate the generation of corneal epithelial cells that are suitable for clinical use. Additionally, we demonstrate that following continued cell culture, stem cell-derived corneal epithelial cells undergo transdifferentiation and exhibit squamous metaplasia and therefore, also offer an in vitro model of disease.

  17. Factores sociales asociados con la utilización de los servicios de atención prenatal en Ecuador

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    Amaya Sánchez-Gómez

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivos La atención prenatal es uno de los pilares de la salud pública y permite el acceso a intervenciones tales como la prevención de la transmisión materno-infantil del VIH y de la sífilis congénita. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir los factores sociales asociados con la utilización de los servicios de atención prenatal en Ecuador. Métodos Entre 2011 y 2012, se realizó un análisis de la información procedente de las historias clínicas y de la entrevista a las participantes, que integraron una muestra probabilística a nivel nacional de 5 998 mujeres atendidas por parto o aborto en 15 servicios sanitarios en Ecuador con el objetivo de estimar la prevalencia de VIH, sífilis, enfermedad de Chagas y la cobertura de atención prenatal. Resultados El estudio mostró que 94,1% de las mujeres había acudido a algún control prenatal, pero la asistencia al menos a cuatro controles fue 73,1%. Se encontró que el menor nivel educativo, el mayor número de embarazos, la ocupación en el sector agrícola o ganadero y la pertenencia a los grupos étnicos indígena, afroecuatoriano u otros minoritarios fueron factores asociados con la falta de uso (ningún control prenatal o al uso inadecuado de la atención prenatal (menos de cuatro controles o primer control después de las 20 semanas de gestación en Ecuador. Conclusiones Estos resultados apuntan a la persistencia de desigualdades marcadas en el acceso y en la utilización de servicios de atención prenatal atribuibles a factores socioeconómicos y a la necesidad de fortalecer las estrategias para su abordaje para alcanzar la meta de la cobertura universal de atención prenatal.

  18. A circum-corneal conjunctival nevus in a child

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svahn, T.F.; Heegaard, Steffen; Prause, Jan Ulrik


    An amelanotic, circum-corneal nevus in a 2-year-old child is described. The nevus presented at birth as a red spot in the nasal conjunctiva that subsequently enlarged to completely encircle the cornea. The tumour was partially removed three times, but at the age of 6 years, the nevus still covers...... the entire limbal region. The case illustrates that circum-corneal redness in a child may be caused by a nevus and that a conjunctival limbal nevus in a child tend to recur after incomplete excision....

  19. Factores asociados y consecuencias clínicas de la anemia post trasplante renal

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    Mónica Freiberg


    Full Text Available Un porcentaje considerable de pacientes presentan anemia post trasplante renal. Su origen es multifactorial y sus principales etiologías dependen de la etapa post trasplante que se considere. Estudiamos en un grupo de 134 pacientes los factores asociados con anemia tardía (6 meses post trasplante y sus implicaciones clínicas a mediano plazo. En el análisis de regresión múltiple, la duración de la oliguria post trasplante y el número de episodios de rechazo fueron las variables significativamente asociadas con esta complicación. La supervivencia del órgano mostró una diferencia significativa a los 36 meses entre los grupos (83% en los anémicos versus 96% de los no anémicos p < 0.01. No observamos diferencias en mortalidad o eventos cardiovasculares. Concluimos que la presencia de anemia al sexto mes post trasplante renal está independiente y significativamente asociada con factores que condicionan la masa renal funcionante que explicarían además la menor supervivencia del injerto renal observada en estos pacientes.

  20. Effects of dehydration on corneal tissue absorption of topical azithromycin in rabbits. (United States)

    Tabbara, Khalid F; Kotb, Amgad A; Hammouda, Ehab F; Elkum, Naser


    To assess the corneal tissue absorption of azithromycin in desiccated and normal eyes of rabbits. A total of 25 New Zealand Albino rabbits weighing 2-3 kg each were included. One eye of each rabbit was desiccated. The other eye was left as control. Azithromycin 1.5% topical eyedrops were instilled in both eyes. Five rabbits were sacrificed at each of the following time points: 30 min, 3 hr, 6 hr, and 12 hr. Corneal tissues specimens were subjected to high-performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. A paired t test was used to evaluate the statistical difference in corneal tissue absorptions of azithromycin at each time point. The mean corneal tissue levels of azithromycin in dry eyes were 66.3 microg/ml, 92.6 microg/ml, 117.5 microg/ml, and 179.9 microg/ml, and the mean corneal tissue levels of azithromycin in normal eyes were 42.0 microg/ml, 43.4 microg/ml, 43.3 microg/ml, and 80.0 microg/ml at 30 min, 3 hr, 6 hr, and 12 hr respectively. Both groups showed increase in corneal tissue absorption overtime (p < 0.0001). Significantly higher levels of azithromycin were noted in dry eyes at each time point except at the 30-min time point. This study demonstrated that corneas exposed to desiccation showed statistically significant increase in azithromycin level compared to normal eyes.

  1. Traumatic corneal flap displacement after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK

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    Tsai TH


    Full Text Available Tsung-Han Tsai,1 Kai-Ling Peng,1 Chien-Jen Lin2 1Department of Ophthalmology, 2Department of Radiology, Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan Background: Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK is the most common and popular procedure performed for the correction of refractive errors in the last two decades. We report a case of traumatic flap displacement with flap folding which occurred 3 years after LASIK was performed. Previous literature suggests that vision prognosis would be closely related to proper and prompt management of traumatic flap displacement with flap folding 3 years after LASIK.Case presentation: A 23-year-old female presented to our hospital who had undergone uneventful LASIK in both eyes 3 years prior. Unfortunately, she had suffered a blunt trauma in her right eye in a car accident. A late onset of corneal flap displacement was found with upper and lower portion of the flap being folded inside the corneal bed. Surgical intervention for debridement with subsequent reposition of corneal flap was performed as soon as possible in the operating room. A bandage contact lens was placed, and topical antibiotic and corticosteroids were given postoperatively. Two days after the operation, the displaced corneal flap was found to be well attached smoothly on the corneal bed without folds. The best-corrected visual acuity was 6/6 with refraction of −0.75 D to 1.0 D ×175° in her right eye 1 month later.Literature review: We reviewed a total of 19 published cases of late-onset traumatic flap dislocations or displacements after LASIK with complete data from 2000 to 2014.Conclusion: Traumatic displacement of corneal flaps after LASIK may occur after blunt injury with specific direction of force to the flap margin, especially tangential one. According to the previous literature, late-onset traumatic flap displacement may happen at any time after LASIK and be caused by various types of injuries. Fortunately, good visual function could

  2. Corneal Endothelial Alterations in Chronic Renal Failure. (United States)

    Sati, Alok; Jha, Ashok; Moulick, P S; Shankar, Sandeep; Gupta, Sandeep; Khan, M A; Dogra, Manu; Sangwan, Virender S


    To evaluate the corneal endothelial changes in patients with chronic renal failure. A total of 128 corneas of 128 subjects were studied, and 3 groups were formed. The first, the dialyzed group, composed of 32 corneas of 32 patients; the second, the nondialyzed group, composed of 34 corneas of 34 patients; and the third, the age-matched control group, composed of 64 corneas of 64 healthy subjects were examined by a specular microscope and the endothelial parameters were compared. The dialyzed group (enhanced level of toxins in the blood) was further analyzed to assess the influence of blood urea, serum creatinine, serum calcium, and serum phosphorus including the duration of dialysis on corneal endothelium. On comparing the 3 groups using analysis of variance and posthoc tests, a significant difference was found in the central corneal thickness (CCT) and endothelial cell density (CD) between the control (CCT: 506 ± 29 μm, CD: 2760 ± 304 cells/mm) and dialyzed groups (CCT: 549 ± 30 μm, CD: 2337 ± 324 cells/mm) [P chronic renal failure, more marked in patients undergoing hemodialysis and with raised blood urea level.

  3. Interference figures of polarimetric interferometry analysis of the human corneal stroma.

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    Rodolfo Mastropasqua

    Full Text Available A rotating polarimetric 90°-cross linear-filter interferometry system was used to detect the morphological characteristics and features of interference patterns produced in in-vivo corneal stroma in healthy human corneas of 23 subjects. The characteristic corneal isogyres presenting with an evident cross-shaped pattern, grossly aligned with the fixation axis, were observed in all patients with centers within the pupillary dark area, impeding the exact determination of the center point. During the rotational scan in 78.3% of the eyes the cross-shaped pattern of the isogyre gradually separated to form two distinct hyperbolic arcs in opposite quadrants, reaching their maximal separation at 45 degrees with respect to angle of cross-shaped pattern formation. The corneal cross and hyperbolic-pattern repeated every 90° throughout the 360° rotational scan. While the interpretation of the isogyres presents particular difficulties, two summary parameters can be extracted for each cornea: the presence/orientation of a single or two dark areas in post-processed images and isochromes. However, the development of dedicated software for semi-quantitative analysis of these parameters and enantiomorphism may become available in the near future. The possible application of polarimetric interferometry in the field of both corneal pathologies and corneal surgery may be of great interest for clinical purposes.

  4. Multiquadrant Subtenon Triamcinolone Injection for Acute Corneal Graft Rejection: A Case Report

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    Sunali Goyal


    Full Text Available Background: We report a case of reversal of an acute corneal graft rejection following multiquadrant subtenon triamcinolone injection. Case Presentation: A 19-year-old woman who had acute corneal graft rejection failed to show resolution of the graft rejection after standard treatment with systemic, intravenous, and topical steroids. The graft rejection, however, responded to injection of triamcinolone in multiple subtenon quadrants. Conclusions: For corneal graft rejection, multiquadrant subtenon triamcinolone injections may be a safe adjunct to systemic treatment.

  5. Incidencia y factores asociados con las reacciones adversas del tratamiento antirretroviral inicial en pacientes con VIH

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    Juan Astuvilca


    Full Text Available La alta incidencia de reacciones adversas medicamentosas (RAMA al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA en pacientes con VIH/SIDA puede afectar la calidad de vida y adherencia al tratamiento. Objetivos: Determinar la incidencia de RAMA del TARGA inicial e identificar los factores asociados con la ocurrencia de RAMA al recibir dicha terapia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte histórica con todos los pacientes VIH (+ mayores de 18 años que recibieron TARGA por primera vez en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, con un seguimiento de 360 días desde la primera prescripción. Se recabó las RAMA de las historias clínicas y tarjetas de control. Resultados: Se incluyeron 353 pacientes, se encontró una incidencia acumulada de 66,7% de efectos adversos al TARGA inicial y una densidad de incidencia de 9,1 eventos de RAMA por 10 personas año de seguimiento (IC95%: 8,1-10,1. Anemia (23,4%, náuseas (20,6% y rash (17,2% fueron las RAMA más frecuentes. El uso de drogas (OR 2,40; IC95% 1,01-5,67; consumo de alcohol (OR 0.32; IC95%: 0,19-0,55 y estadio SIDA (OR 0,20; IC95%: 0,04-0,95 estuvieron asociadas con la presencia de RAMA. Conclusiones: Existe un alta incidencia de RAMA, siendo la anemia la más frecuente. El uso de drogas es un factor de riesgo para presentar RAMA.

  6. Influence of corneal parameters in keratoconus on IOP readings obtained with different tonometers. (United States)

    Firat, Penpe Gul; Orman, Gozde; Doganay, Selim; Demirel, Soner


    Accurate intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement is important but of unsure reliability in patients with keratoconus. Different types and models of tonometers are available. This study investigated the influence of corneal parameters on IOP readings obtained by a Goldmann applanation tonometer, a non-contact tonometer and a dynamic contour tonometer. IOP readings with the Goldmann applanation, non-contact and dynamic contour tonometers were obtained from 52 patients with keratoconus and from 50 normal subjects and their corneal parameters were measured using a Pentacam. The mean IOP measurements in keratoconus obtained with the Goldmann applanation, non-contact and dynamic contour tonometers were statistically significantly different from the mean IOP measurements in the normal subjects (p contact tonometers but not on the dynamic contour tonometer. In the control group, thinnest and central corneal thicknesses had a significant effect on findings with the Goldmann and non-contact tonometers but not on the dynamic contour tonometer. The corneal volume (CV) had no significant effect on the three tonometers in both groups. The corneal parameters affecting the IOP readings of the Goldmann applanation tonometers, non-contact tonometers and the dynamic contour tonometers are not the same. While the Goldmann applanation and non-contact tonometers were significantly affected by the corneal parameters that were measured, the dynamic contour tonometer was not affected by any of these corneal parameters. © 2013 The Authors. Clinical and Experimental Optometry © 2013 Optometrists Association Australia.

  7. Investigation of Overrun-Processed Porous Hyaluronic Acid Carriers in Corneal Endothelial Tissue Engineering.

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    Jui-Yang Lai

    Full Text Available Hyaluronic acid (HA is a linear polysaccharide naturally found in the eye and therefore is one of the most promising biomaterials for corneal endothelial regenerative medicine. This study reports, for the first time, the development of overrun-processed porous HA hydrogels for corneal endothelial cell (CEC sheet transplantation and tissue engineering applications. The hydrogel carriers were characterized to examine their structures and functions. Evaluations of carbodiimide cross-linked air-dried and freeze-dried HA samples were conducted simultaneously for comparison. The results indicated that during the fabrication of freeze-dried HA discs, a technique of introducing gas bubbles in the aqueous biopolymer solutions can be used to enlarge pore structure and prevent dense surface skin formation. Among all the groups studied, the overrun-processed porous HA carriers show the greatest biological stability, the highest freezable water content and glucose permeability, and the minimized adverse effects on ionic pump function of rabbit CECs. After transfer and attachment of bioengineered CEC sheets to the overrun-processed HA hydrogel carriers, the therapeutic efficacy of cell/biopolymer constructs was tested using a rabbit model with corneal endothelial dysfunction. Clinical observations including slit-lamp biomicroscopy, specular microscopy, and corneal thickness measurements showed that the construct implants can regenerate corneal endothelium and restore corneal transparency at 4 weeks postoperatively. Our findings suggest that cell sheet transplantation using overrun-processed porous HA hydrogels offers a new way to reconstruct the posterior corneal surface and improve endothelial tissue function.

  8. Tectonic corneal graft for conjunctival rhinosporidiosis with scleral melt

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    Pushpa Jacob


    Full Text Available A 16 year old girl presented with irritation and watering of the right eye for 3 months. On examination, the superior perilimbal sclera was ectatic with incarcerated uveal tissue covered by conjunctiva. The conjunctiva showed discreet, yellow white mucoid spots. Excision biopsy of the conjunctiva showed subepithelial spherules of sporangia containing numerous endospores, suggestive of rhinosporidiosis. Diathermy was applied to flatten the staphyloma. The ectatic area was covered with a corneal patch graft. The patient was started on prednisolone acetate eye drops and oral dapsone for 6 months. Corneal graft was well incorporated and conjunctivalized by 3 months. Since the graft was not seen within the palpebral aperture, there was good cosmetic result. The corneal graft had the added advantage of transparency which allowed visualization of the underlying tissue to diagnose early recurrence. There was no recurrence at 6 months.

  9. Bioactive Antimicrobial Peptides as Therapeutics for Corneal Wounds and Infections. (United States)

    Griffith, Gina L; Kasus-Jacobi, Anne; Pereira, H Anne


    Significance: More than 2 million eye injuries and infections occur each year in the United States that leave civilians and military members with reduced or complete vision loss due to the lack of effective therapeutics. Severe ocular injuries and infections occur in varied settings including the home, workplace, and battlefields. In this review, we discuss the potential of developing antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) as therapeutics for the treatment of corneal wounds and infections for which the current treatment options are inadequate. Recent Advances: Standard-of-care employs the use of fluorescein dye for the diagnosis of ocular defects and is followed by the use of antibiotics and/or steroids to treat the infection and reduce inflammation. Recent advances for treating corneal wounds include the development of amniotic membrane therapies, wound chambers, and drug-loaded hydrogels. In this review, we will discuss an innovative approach using AMPs with the dual effect of promoting corneal wound healing and clearing infections. Critical Issues: An important aspect of treating ocular injuries is that treatments need to be effective and administered expeditiously. This is especially important for injuries that occur during combat and in individuals who demonstrate delayed wound healing. To overcome gaps in current treatment modalities, bioactive peptides based on naturally occurring cationic antimicrobial proteins are being investigated as new therapeutics. Future Directions: The development of new therapeutics that can treat ocular infections and promote corneal wound healing, including the healing of persistent corneal epithelial defects, would be of great clinical benefit.

  10. Response of human corneal fibroblasts on silk film surface patterns. (United States)

    Gil, Eun Seok; Park, Sang-Hyug; Marchant, Jeff; Omenetto, Fiorenzo; Kaplan, David L


    Transparent, biodegradable, mechanically robust, and surface-patterned silk films were evaluated for the effect of surface morphology on human corneal fibroblast (hCF) cell proliferation, orientation, and ECM deposition and alignment. A series of dimensionally different surface groove patterns were prepared from optically graded glass substrates followed by casting poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) replica molds. The features on the patterned silk films showed an array of asymmetric triangles and displayed 37-342 nm depths and 445-3 582 nm widths. hCF DNA content on all patterned films were not significantly different from that on flat silk films after 4 d in culture. However, the depth and width of the grooves influenced cell alignment, while the depth differences affected cell orientation; overall, deeper and narrower grooves induced more hCF orientation. Over 14 d in culture, cell layers and actin filament organization demonstrated that confluent hCFs and their cytoskeletal filaments were oriented along the direction of the silk film patterned groove axis. Collagen type V and proteoglycans (decorin and biglycan), important markers of corneal stromal tissue, were highly expressed with alignment. Understanding corneal stromal fibroblast responses to surface features on a protein-based biomaterial applicable in vivo for corneal repair potential suggests options to improve corneal tissue mimics. Further, the approaches provide fundamental biomaterial designs useful for bioengineering oriented tissue layers, an endemic feature in most biological tissue structures that lead to critical tissue functions.

  11. Vessel cauterization as a therapeutic adjunct in persistent disciform corneal stromal edema

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    Lasisi Akinola Muideen


    Full Text Available This is a case report of a symptomatic non-clearing, vascularized, disciform, corneal stromal edema with a feeder vessel that has remained refractory to medical therapy of antiviral, steroid, and antibiotics, for a period of three weeks, but showed a rapid improvement in visual acuity of 0.1 Log mar within five days of feeder vessel cauterization, together with improvement of two psychometric scales in corneal cloudiness on a scale range of 0 to 3, clinical evidence of resolution of corneal edema, and subjective resolution of the patient′s symptoms. Cauterization was done under magnification with a ball cautery point warmed in a spirit lamp following topical anesthesia. This intervention may become handy in difficult non-clearing corneal edema and prevent blinding consequences, in a low-resource facility, in selected applicable cases.

  12. Postoperative influences of the torsional phacoemulsification on foveal thickness and corneal edema

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    Lei Li


    Full Text Available AIM: To report the influences onfoveal thickness and corneal edema after torsional phacoemulsification.METHODS: Totally 52 patients(52 eyeswith age-related cataract were randomly assigned to phacoemulsification using torsional mode(26 eyesor conventional ultrasound mode(26 eyes. The foveal thickness examined by optical coherence tomography(OCTafter surgery at 1, 4 and 12wk and corneal edema was examined by slit lamp after surgery at 1d.RESULTS: The postoperative averagefoveal thickness datas of the two groups, comparing with corresponding preoperative datas, were significantly augmented at 1, 4 and 12wk(PPP>0.05. The effects of corneal edema in torsional group were slighter(PCONCLUSION: The postoperative influences onfoveal thickness and corneal edema with torsional mode are slighter than that with ultrasound mode, and the postoperative reactions with torsional mode are efficiently reduced.

  13. Factores asociados a la colonización por Streptococcus del grupo B en mujeres embarazadas de Los Altos, Chiapas

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    Ocampo-Torres Moisés


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de colonización por Streptococcus del grupo B (SGB en mujeres embarazadas de Los Altos, Chiapas, y analizar factores asociados a la misma. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Es un estudio transversal realizado de febrero a septiembre de 1999 en tres hospitales públicos de segundo nivel en San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. A 910 mujeres que acudieron para atención de parto a dichos hospitales, se les tomaron muestras (vaginal y perianal para detección de SGB por cultivo e identificación de grupo y serotipo mediante aglutinación en látex. El análisis de factores asociados a la colonización se realizó medianteji² y modelos log-lineales. RESULTADOS: La colonización por SGB fue de 8.6% (IC 95% 6.8 - 10.5. Las mujeres con mayor probabilidad de colonización fueron las de > o = 5 embarazos, residentes de municipios marginados, de ocupación diferente al hogar y con jefe/jefa de familia agrícola (26.8%, RM= 7.25, IC 95% 1.83 - 28.67. CONCLUSIONES: Es necesario que las acciones para la prevención y control de infección por SGB se dirijan principalmente a la población de mayor riesgo de colonización en el área de estudio, con el fin de disminuir la transmisión perinatal de SGB.

  14. Loci asociados con enfermedades genéticas y calidad de carne en bovinos Charolais Mexicanos

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    Ana María Sifuentes Rincón


    Full Text Available Se determinaron las frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas de ocho marcadores localizados en los genes calpaína (CAPN, 4 751 y 316, calpastatina (CASTT1 y tiroglobulina (TG5, asociados a calidad de carne, y en los genes, m iost atina (MSTN, Q204X, arginino succinato sintasa (ASS, monofosfato sintasa (UMPS y miofosforilasa (PYGM, asocia dos a enfermedade s genéticas de ganado bovino. Se muestrearon 493 animales Charolais de registro de dos hatos ubicado s en Sonora (n=157 y tres en Nuevo León (n=336. No se encontraron portadores de los alelos T-ASS y T-UM PS, pero sí portadores del alelo Q204X del gen MSTN en frecuencias de  1 % en las poblaciones de Sonora y de 8.6 a 14.4 % en las de Nuevo León. Además, se identificaron portadores del marcador del gen PYGM, en frecuencias del 6.5 y de 1.0 % para un hato de Sonora y otro de Nuevo León, respectivamente. El análisis de diferenciación génica p areado entre las poblaciones y con los cuatro loci mostró que hay diferencias altamente significativas dentro de pobl aciones del noroeste ( P <0.0001 y entre éstas y las del noreste ( P <0.001, la cual es explicada principalmente por los loci CAPN-316 y TG5. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos se recomienda el monitoreo del marcador del gen PYGM y del ale lo Q204X del gen MSTN, así como también implementar estrategias para confirmar la utilidad de los marcadores asociado s a calidad y productividad como herramienta para complementar los progra mas de mejoramiento genético.

  15. Chronic migraine is associated with reduced corneal nerve fiber density and symptoms of dry eye. (United States)

    Kinard, Krista I; Smith, A Gordon; Singleton, J Robinson; Lessard, Margaret K; Katz, Bradley J; Warner, Judith E A; Crum, Alison V; Mifflin, Mark D; Brennan, Kevin C; Digre, Kathleen B


    We used in vivo corneal confocal microscopy to investigate structural differences in the sub-basal corneal nerve plexus in chronic migraine patients and a normal population. We used a validated questionnaire and tests of lacrimal function to determine the prevalence of dry eye in the same group of chronic migraine patients. Activation of the trigeminal system is involved in migraine. Corneal nociceptive sensation is mediated by trigeminal axons that synapse in the gasserian ganglion and the brainstem, and serve nociceptive, protective, and trophic functions. Noninvasive imaging of the corneal sub-basal nerve plexus is possible with in vivo corneal confocal microscopy. For this case-control study, we recruited chronic migraine patients and compared them with a sex- and age-similar group of control subjects. Patients with peripheral neuropathy, a disease known to be associated with a peripheral neuropathy, or prior corneal or intraocular surgery were excluded. Participants underwent in vivo corneal confocal microscopy using a Heidelberg Retinal Tomography III confocal microscope with a Rostock Cornea Module. Nerve fiber length, nerve branch density, nerve fiber density, and tortuosity coefficient were measured using established methodologies. Migraine participants underwent testing of basal tear production with proparacaine, corneal sensitivity assessment with a cotton-tip applicator, measurement of tear break-up time, and completion of a validated dry eye questionnaire. A total of 19 chronic migraine patients and 30 control participants completed the study. There were no significant differences in age or sex. Nerve fiber density was significantly lower in migraine patients compared with controls (48.4 ± 23.5 vs. 71.0 ± 15.0 fibers/mm2 , P dry eye syndrome. We found that in the sample used in this study, the presence of structural changes in nociceptive corneal axons lends further support to the hypothesis that the trigeminal system plays a critical role

  16. Análisis de los factores asociados a la calidad de vida del paciente hipertenso


    Cristina Nolasco Monterroso; Lucía Navas Santos; Cristina Elena Carmona Moriel; Mª Dolores López Zamorano; Rafael Santamaría Olmo; Rodolfo Crespo Montero


    Introducción: En la Hipertensión Arterial (HTA) existen una serie de factores asociados a la misma que inciden en la Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud (CVRS) de la población en general, como es el caso de la Diabetes Mellitus, el hábito tabáquico, alimentación, etc. Objetivo: Analizar la CVRS y los factores asociados a ésta, en pacientes con HTA controlados en la Unidad de Hipertensión de la Unidad de Gestión Clínica (UGC) Nefrología del Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía (HURS) de Cór...

  17. Effect of pirfenidone on the proliferation of rat corneal stromal cells

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    Jun-Jie Chen


    Full Text Available AIM: To investigate the effects of pirfenidone(PFDon the proliferation and transfomring growth factor-β1(TGF-β1expression in vitro culture rat corneal stromal cells. METHODS: Corneal stromal cells from 8 to 10wk SD rats were isolated, cultured and treated with different concentrations of PFD 0mg/mL(control group, 0.15mg/mL(experimental group Ⅰ, 0.3mg/mL(experimental group Ⅱ, 1mg/mL(experimental group Ⅲfor 48h. CCK-8 assay was performed to assess cell proliferation, while immunocytochemistry and Western Blot were used to detect the expression of ki-67 and TGF-β1 expression, respectively. RESULTS: Compared with control group, PFD significantly inhibited the proliferation in a dose-dependent manner(all P1 in a dose-dependent manner(PCONCLUSION: Pirfenidone can significantly inhibit the proliferation of rat corneal stromal cell by down regulating TGF-β1 expression, therefore, it has potential prospect in lightening the corneal wound healing reaction.

  18. Preoperative corneal astigmatism among adult patients with cataract in Northern Nigeria

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    Mohammed Isyaku


    Full Text Available The prevalence and nature of corneal astigmatism among patients with cataract has not been well-documented in the resident African population. This retrospective study was undertaken to investigate preexisting corneal astigmatism in adult patients with cataract. We analyzed keratometric readings acquired by manual Javal-Schiotz keratometry before surgery between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011. There were 3,169 patients (3286 eyes aged between 16 and 110 years involved with a Male to female ratio of 1.4:1. Mean keratometry in diopters was K1 = 43.99 and K2 = 43.80. Mean corneal astigmatism was 1.16 diopter and a majority (45.92% of eyes had astigmatism between 1.00 and 1.99 diopters. Two-thirds of the eyes (66.9% in this study had preoperative corneal astigmatism equal to or above 1.00 diopter. Findings will help local cataract surgeons to estimate the potential demand for toric intraocular lenses.

  19. Evaluation of Corneal Neovascularization Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Patients With Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency. (United States)

    Oie, Yoshinori; Nishida, Kohji


    Detection of the exact area of corneal neovascularization using slit-lamp photography is often difficult. Thus, we evaluated corneal neovascularization in patients with limbal stem cell deficiency using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). Five patients with 5 eyes showing partial or total limbal stem cell deficiency were enrolled. Three eyes had severe corneal scarring. Five 6- × 6-mm images (frontal, upper, lower, nasal, and temporal) were obtained by OCTA. Slit-lamp photography was performed for all patients on the same day. OCTA has 2 advantages over slit-lamp photography for clear demonstration of corneal neovascularization. First, OCTA can show neovascularization in cases with severe corneal opacification. Second, OCTA can detect not only large vessels but also small vessels that cannot be seen by slit-lamp photography. OCTA is a powerful tool for objective evaluation of vascularization in the anterior and posterior segments of the eye. We have demonstrated that OCTA can visualize corneal neovascularization in patients with corneal diseases more clearly than slit-lamp photography.


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    S. V. Trufanov


    Full Text Available Recurrent corneal erosion (RCE syndrome is characterized by episodes of recurrent spontaneous epithelial defects. Main clinical symptoms (pain, redness, photophobia, lacrimation occurred at night. Corneal lesions revealed by slit lamp exam vary depending on the presence of corneal epithelium raise, epithelial microcysts or epithelial erosions, stromal infiltrates and opacities. Microtraumas, anterior corneal dystrophies, and herpesvirus give rise to RCE. Other causes or factors which increase the risk of RCE syndrome include meibomian gland dysfunction, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, diabetes, and post-LASIK conditions. Basal membrane abnormalities and instability of epithelial adhesion to stroma play a key role in RCE pathogenesis. Ultrastructural changes in RCE include abnormalities of basal epithelial cells and epithelial basal membrane, absence or deficiency of semi-desmosomes, loss of anchor fibrils. Increase in matrix metalloproteinases and collagenases which contribute to basal membrane destruction results in recurrent erosions and further development of abnormal basal membrane. The goals of RCE therapy are to reduce pain (in acute stage, to stimulate re-epithelization, and to restore «adhesion complex» of basal membrane. In most cases, RCE responds to simple conservative treatment that includes lubricants, healing agents, and eye patches. RCEs that are resistant to simple treatment, require complex approach. Non-invasive methods include long-term contact lens use, instillations of autologous serum (eye drops, injections of botulinum toxin (induces ptosis, antiviral agent use or oral intake of metalloproteinase inhibitors. Cell membrane stabilizers, i.e., antioxidants, should be included into treatment approaches as well. Antioxidant effect of Emoxipine promotes tissue reparation due to the prevention of cell membrane lipid peroxidation as well as due to its anti-hypoxic, angioprotective, and antiplatelet effects. If conservative therapy