
Sample records for cooke em cafeeiros

  1. Desenvolvimento de gemas florais, florada, fotossíntese e produtividade de cafeeiros em condições de sombreamento.




    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do sombreamento, durante o período de desenvolvimento floral, sobre as gemas florais, florada, fotossíntese e produtividade de cafeeiros. Cafeeiros adultos IAPAR 59 cultivados em Londrina, PR, foram sombreados em diferentes épocas, com malhas de sombrite com 50% de porosidade, e comparados com cafeeiros cultivados a pleno sol. As coberturas foram colocadas sobre as plantas em intervalos mensais, de abril a agosto, e retiradas no início de out...

  2. Progresso da cercosporiose (Cercospora coffeicola Berkeley & Cooke em cafeeiros sob cultivos orgânico e convencional Progress of brown eye spot (Cercospora coffeicola Berkeley & Cooke in coffee trees in organic and conventional systems

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    Florisvalda da Silva Santos


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o progresso da cercosporiose em cafeeiros sob sistemas de produção orgânico e convencional no município de Santo Antônio do Amparo, MG, entre novembro/2003 e novembro/2005. As lavouras, que são vizinhas, encontravam-se sob condições similares de clima, solo e relevo e eram formadas por cafeeiros cv. Acaiá MG-474-19, de dez anos. A doença foi mais intensa no sistema de produção convencional, cuja média de dois anos consecutivos de avaliações demonstrou área abaixo da curva de progresso da cercosporiose maior (3,905 do que o orgânico (2,529. Isso ficou demonstrado também pela incidência máxima nas folhas, equivalente a 28% em 2004 e 29% em 2005, enquanto no sistema orgânico foi de 9% e 12%, respectivamente. Nos frutos, a incidência foi de 18,2% em 2004 e 22% em 2005, enquanto no orgânico foi de 11,5% e 15%, respectivamente. A maior suscetibilidade dos cafeeiros à cercosporiose no sistema convencional coincidiu com menores teores de cálcio e magnésio foliares nas fases de granação e maturação dos frutos comparados ao orgânico, conseqüência da maior carga pendente que resultou em uma produtividade superior em 26,8 sc/ha ao orgânico em 2004 (alta carga pendente. Em 2005 a produtividade foi estatisticamente semelhante em ambos os sistemas. Houve menor alternância entre a produtividade das duas safras consecutivas no sistema orgânico (34% menor em 2005 quando comparada à convencional (64% menor sugerindo uma tendência de menor efeito da doença sobre a safra seguinte dos cafeeiros no sistema orgânico de produção, comparado ao convencional.The progress of brown eye spot in coffee trees in both organic and conventional crop systems was evaluated in two neighboring fields, in Santo Antônio do Amparo city, MG, between nov./2003 and nov./2005. The fields are under similar weather, soil and relief conditions and made up of ten-year-old coffee trees cv. Acaiá MG-474-19. The incidence of brown eye spot was

  3. Acúmulo de nutrientes em frutos de cafeeiro em duas altitudes de cultivo: micronutrientes Nutrient accumulation in coffee fruits at two at two plantation altitudes: micronutrients

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    Bruno Galvêas Laviola


    Full Text Available Dado à importância de se conhecer a exportação de micronutrientes pelos frutos, bem como, as épocas em que são mais demandados pelo cafeeiro, estudou-se o acúmulo de B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn em frutos de Coffea arabica L da antese à maturação, em lavouras estabelecidas em duas altitudes. Estudou-se também a variação no teor desses elementos. Estudou-se o acúmulo de B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn em frutos de cafeeiro arábico da antese à maturação em duas altitudes, bem como a variação na concentração dos elementos em folhas dos ramos produtivos. O experimento foi constituído da variedade de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. Catuaí IAC 44 cultivada a 720 e 950 m de altitude, no município de Martins Soares-MG. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com três repetições, usando um esquema de parcela subdividida no tempo. O aumento da altitude influenciou o ciclo reprodutivo do cafeeiro, demandando maior tempo para formação dos frutos. O consumo de nutrientes pelos frutos, assim como o enchimento de grãos, foi mais crítico em condições de menor altitude, já que a planta necessitou completar esses processos em menor espaço de tempo. No estádio de expansão rápida, a percentagem de acúmulo de micronutrientes foi maior na altitude de 720 m, comparada à de 950 m. De modo geral, a altitude influenciou a variação das concentrações foliares de nutrientes, apesar de não se ter observado resposta-padrão da concentração foliar ao aumento da altitude. Conclui-se que a altitude teve influência na extensão do ciclo, bem como no acúmulo de micronutrientes em frutos e na variação, das concentrações foliares destes elementos em folhas de cafeeiro.In view of the importance of knowing fruit micronutrients export from the soil, and the season in which its coffee-plant demand is higher, the accumulation of B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in fruits as well as the variation in the leaf content of the elements in productive branches of

  4. Evolução da ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix) e da cercosporiose (Cercospora coffeicola) em agroecossistemas cafeeiros convencional, organo-mineral e orgânico.


    Lopes, Paulo Rogério; Ferraz, José Maria Guzman; Theodoro, Vanessa Christina; Lopes, Iara Maria


    A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a incidência de Hemileia vastatrix (ferrugem) e Cercospora coffeicola (cercosporiose) em agroecossistemas cafeeiros conduzidos sob manejo convencional, organo-mineral e orgânico no município de Poço-Fundo, sul de Minas Gerais. Para tanto, selecionou-se uma propriedade cafeeira que possuía os três sistemas de manejo evidenciados. As avaliações para determinação da incidência da ferrugem e da cercosporiose do cafeeiro foram realizadas mensalmente, ...

  5. Evapotranspiração e coeficiente de cultivo de cafeeiros adultos

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    Bruno Patias Lena


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a evapotranspiração (ET de cafeeiros adultos, irrigados por aspersão e gotejamento, e não irrigados, bem como os coeficientes de cultivo (Kc de cafeeiros sob os dois regimes hídricos. O experimento foi realizado em Londrina, PR, com cafeeiros da cultivar Iapar 59, com cinco e seis anos de idade, de setembro de 2006 a agosto de 2008. A evapotranspiração foi medida por cinco lisímetros de pesagem, dos quais dois irrigados por aspersão, um por gotejamento e os outros dois sem irrigação. A irrigação foi aplicada, em média, duas vezes por semana, para manter o solo com umidade próxima à de capacidade de campo. O coeficiente de cultivo foi determinado pela razão entre a ET das plantas dos tratamentos irrigados e a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo. Os cafeeiros adultos apresentaram valor médio de ET mais elevado no tratamento irrigado por aspersão (3,2 mm dia-1, em comparação aos de outros tratamentos, que apresentaram médias equivalentes entre si (2,8 mm dia-1. A mesma tendência foi observada para Kc, em razão da relação ET e ETo, com valor médio maior para o tratamento irrigado por aspersão (1 e menor para o gotejamento (0,88.

  6. Progresso da Ferrugem e da Cercosporiose em Cafeeiro na Transição dos Cultivos Convencional para Orgânico


    Botelho, Alex Oliveira


    O trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o progresso e o manejo da ferrugem e da cercosporiose do cafeeiro, na transição do cultivo convencional para o orgânico. O experimento foi conduzido em lavoura cafeeira da cultivar Catuaí Amarelo, em uma área de 2,2 ha da fazenda Baunilha, em Lavras, MG. O delineamento foi o látice balanceado 4x4, com cinco repetições e 16 parcelas, sendo cada parcela composta de 24 plantas, sendo 4 plantas úteis por linha. Dos dezesseis tratamentos, doze caracterizaram um...

  7. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: IV - Café Mundo Novo

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    A. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Em um conjunto de cafeeiros existentes em Mundo Novo, hoje Urupês, na região Araraquarense do Estado de São Paulo, foram feitas seleções de vários cafeeiros baseando-se no seu aspecto vegetativo, na produção existente na época da seleção e na provável produção do ano seguinte. Estudou-se a origem da plantação inicial desse café, tanto em Urupês como em Jaú, chegando-se à conclusão de que é provavelmente originário desta última localidade. Progênies do café "Mundo Novo", anteriormente conhecido por "Sumatra" e derivado de plantas selecionadas em Urupês e Jaú, acham-se em estudo em seis localidades do Estado : Campinas, Ribeirão Prêto, Pindorama, Mococa, Jaú e Monte Alegre do Sul. No presente trabalho são apenas aproveitados dados referentes à variabilidade morfológica e característicos da produção das progênies dos primeiros cafeeiros selecionados em Urupês e estudados em Campinas, Jaú, Pindorama e Mococa. Em tôdas as localidades, observou-se variação nos caracteres morfológicos das progênies, verificando-se a ocorrência de plantas quase improdutivas. A maioria das progênies, no entanto, se caracteriza por acentuado vigor vegetativo. Foram estudadas as produções totais das progénies e das plantas, no período 1946-1951, notando-se que algumas progénies se salientaram pela elevada produção em tôdas as localidades. Os tipos de sementes "moca", "concha" e "chato" foram determinados em amostras de tôdas as plantas, por um período de três anos, notando-se que a variação ocorrida é da mesma ordem que a encontrada em outros cafeeiros em seleção. Procurou-se eliminar, pela seleção, cafeeiros com elevada produção de frutos sem sementes em uma ou duas lojas, característico êsse que parece ser hereditário. Os resultados obtidos de cruzamento entre os melhores cafeeiros "Mundo Novo" de Campinas e plantas da variedade murta, indicaram que esses cafeeiros são do tipo bourbon. Provavelmente

  8. Desempenho do cafeeiro Icatu vermelho sob ação de biorregulador aplicado em fases reprodutivas da cultura

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    Nídia Raquel Costa


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do biorregulador Stimulate® aplicado em diferentes fases da cultura do cafeeiro durante seu ciclo reprodutivo, foi instalado o experimento em uma propriedade comercial localizada no município de Garça - SP, com plantio de café da variedade Icatu vermelho, com idade de 4 anos e espaçamento 4 x 2 m. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com 4 repetições, 10 plantas por parcela e 13 tratamentos. Foram marcados 4 ramos plagiotrópicos, de maneira aleatória em 5 plantas, no terço mediano das mesmas, para se proceder as avaliações desejáveis, desde o florescimento até a colheita do café. A aplicação de Stimulate® via foliar durante diferentes fases fenológicas do desenvolvimento reprodutivo do cafeeiro foi promissor para elevar parâmetros qualitativos e quantitativos, como porcentagem de pegamento de frutos após o florescimento, garantindo maior fixação até seu completo desenvolvimento; maior produção de nós nos ramos plagiotrópicos; maior crescimento de frutos e sementes; elevação da produtividade da cultura, além de alterar a maturação dos frutos, acelerando este processo com possibilidade de antecipação da colheita, com maior proporção de frutos tipo cereja, ideal para proporcionar melhor qualidade do café.

  9. Ação de produtos fitossanitários utilizados em cafeeiros sobre pupas e adultos de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae

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    Silva Rogério Antônio


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a ação de produtos fitossanitários usados em cafeeiros sobre pupas e adultos de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae. Os bioensaios foram conduzidos no Departamento de Entomologia da Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, Lavras, MG, Brasil. Os tratamentos avaliados, em g i.a.L-1 de água, foram: 1- endosulfan (Thiodan 350 CE - 1,75, 2- chlorpyrifos (Lorsban 480 CE -1,2, 3- betacyfluthrin (Turbo 50 CE - 0,013, 4- enxofre (Kumulus 800 PM - 4,0, 5- azocyclotin (Peropal 250 PM - 0,31, 6- oxicloreto de cobre (Cuprogarb 500 PM - 5,0 e 7- Testemunha (água. As pulverizações foram realizadas diretamente sobre pupas e adultos do crisopídeo por meio de torre de Potter. As pupas foram colocadas em tubos de vidro e os adultos em gaiolas de PVC, e mantidos em sala climatizada a 25 ? 2degreesC, UR de 70 ? 10% e fotofase de 12 horas. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com sete tratamentos e dez repetições, sendo cada parcela formada por quatro pupas ou um casal de C. externa. Os produtos foram distribuídos nas quatro classes de toxicidade conforme escala estabelecida pela IOBC. O chlorpyrifos mostrou-se levemente nocivo para pupas (classe 2, 30?E?79%, e os demais produtos foram inócuos (classe 1, E99%. Os produtos testados à base de endosulfan, enxofre, azocyclotin e oxicloreto de cobre podem ser recomendados em programas de manejo de pragas do cafeeiro em associação com C. externa, em função da baixa toxidade apresentada por esses compostos ao predador.

  10. Essential oils for rust control on coffee plants Óleos essenciais no controle da ferrugem em cafeeiro

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    Ricardo Borges Pereira


    Full Text Available Rust is considered the most important disease in coffee because it causes severe defoliation in plants and, consequently, reduction in productivity. This study evaluated the in vitro effect of essential oils of cinnamon, citronella, lemongrass, clove, tea tree, thyme, neem and eucalyptus on the germination of urediniospores of Hemileia vastatrix; the effectiveness of these oils to control rust on seedlings of coffee cultivars Catucaí 2SL, Catuaí IAC 62 and Mundo Novo 379/19 in the greenhouse; and the effect of more promising oils on urediniospores of H. vastatrix by transmission electron microscopy (TEM. All the essential oils inhibited the germination of urediniospores with increasing concentrations. All oils promoted partial control of the disease in the greenhouse. However, the oils of thyme, clove and citronella, at a concentration of 1000 µL L-1, were most effective in controlling the disease on cultivars Catucaí 2SL, Catuaí IAC 62 and Mundo Novo 379/19, respectively. The images generated in TEM showed that urediniospores exposed to oils of clove, citronella and thyme promoted cellular disorganization and cytoplasmic vacuolization, which was more pronounced in urediniospores exposed to citronella oil. The oils of thyme, clove and citronella are promising for the control of rust in coffee.A ferrugem é considerada a doença de maior importância no cafeeiro, pois causa acentuada desfolha nas plantas e, consequentemente, redução na produtividade. Este trabalho avaliou o efeito in vitro de óleos essenciais de canela, citronela, capim-limão, cravo-da-índia, árvore-de-chá, tomilho, nim e eucalipto na germinação de urediniósporos de Hemileia vastatrix; a eficácia desses óleos no controle da ferrugem em mudas de cafeeiro das cultivares Catucaí 2SL, Catuaí IAC 62 e Mundo Novo 379/19 em casa de vegetação; e o efeito dos óleos mais promissores sobre urediniósporos de H. vastatrix por meio de microscopia eletrônica de transmiss

  11. Growth curves of coffee fruits Obatã IAC 1669-20 in different alignments planting /Curvas de crescimento do fruto de cafeeiro cv. Obatã IAC 1669-20 em diferentes alinhamentos de plantio

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    Clovis Alberto Volpe


    Full Text Available The growth of the coffee fruit is highly dependent on physiological and environmental factors. Environmental factors that most influence the yield of coffee during the critical growth stages are the minimum and maximum temperatures of air, which are affected by solar radiation and depend on the apparent path of the sun. This research work correlated dry mass versus fresh mass, and, fresh and dry mass as function of days after flowering of fruit coffee cv. Obatã IAC 1669-20 planted in three different alignments based on the apparent trajectory of the sun, in Jaboticabal, SP. The planting was aligned according to the apparent path of the sun. There were three treatments with four replications, a total of twelve plots, each plot with one hundred plants of coffee, each treatment corresponded to an alignment of planting. The three alignments used showed no differences with respect the average fresh and dry mass. The growth rate of fruit, in fresh weight, was higher in the exponential phase, and in dry mass was higher in the linear stage. The dry weight (DW can be estimated from the fresh weight (FW using the model: . The sigmoidal model that represents the fruit growth in of coffee plants in fresh and/or dry mass in terms of days after flowering (DAF was: .O crescimento do fruto do cafeeiro é altamente dependente de fatores fisiológicos e ambientais. Os fatores ambientais que mais interferem na produtividade do cafeeiro durante os estádios fenológicos críticos são as temperaturas mínimas e máximas do ar, as quais são efeitos da radiação solar e dependente da trajetória aparente do sol. Este trabalho correlacionou massa seca versus massa fresca, e massas fresca e seca em função de dias após o florescimento, de fruto de cafeeiro cv. Obatã IAC 1669-20 plantados em três diferentes alinhamentos baseados na trajetória aparente do Sol, em Jaboticabal, SP. Foram três tratamentos, com quatro repetições, num total de doze parcelas, e cada

  12. Comportamento de cultivares de cafeeiro em diferentes densidades de plantio The behavior of coffee cultivars under different plant densities

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    Edison Martins Paulo


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se em Adamantina, na Região da Alta Paulista, em São Paulo, entre maio de 1995 e junho de 2000, o crescimento e quatro produções de cafeeiros das cultivares de porte baixo Catuaí Amarelo IAC 47 e Obatã IAC 1669-20 de Coffea arabica L., submetidas às densidades de plantio de 2.500, 5.000, 7.519 e 10.000 plantas ha-1, com uma planta por cova. Estudou-se também a população de 2.500 plantas.ha-1 em covas com duas plantas com 2,0 m de distância na linha de plantio. Adotou-se o delineamento estatístico de blocos ao acaso com três repetições, com parcelas subdivididas, onde as parcelas foram as populações e as subparcelas, as cultivares. Os resultados permitiram inferir que, no período estudado, o aumento da densidade influenciou positivamente a altura e negativamente o diâmetro do caule e da base da copa dos cafeeiros, mas não a altura da inserção do primeiro ramo plagiotrópico a partir do nível do solo. O aumento da população de cafeeiros acarretou menor produção de café beneficiado por planta, mas concorreu para o aumento da produtividade no período de 1997 a 2000. O plantio de duas mudas de café por cova acarretou também diminuição do diâmetro do caule e da produção individual dos cafeeiros. Observou-se na cultivar Catuaí Amarelo IAC 47 maior diâmetro da base da copa e maior crescimento em altura, enquanto a cv. Obatã IAC 1669-20 evidenciou seu maior diâmetro do caule. As cultivares Catuaí Amarelo IAC 47 e Obatã IAC 1669-20 não diferiram entre si quanto à produção individual e à produtividade de café beneficiado no quadriênio (1997-2000.This experiment was developed at Adamantina, west region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, during May of 1995 to June of 2000. The plant growth and productivity of two coffee cultivars Catuaí Amarelo IAC 47 and Obatã IAC 1669-20, were evaluated considering to plant densities of 2.500, 5.000, 7.519 and 10.000 plants ha-1. The density of 2500 also was

  13. Host colonization differences between citrus and coffee isolates of Xylella fastidiosa in reciprocal inoculation Diferenças em colonização do hospedeiro por isolados de Xylella fastidiosa de citros e cafeeiro em inoculações recíprocas

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    Simone de Souza Prado


    Full Text Available Citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC and coffee stem atrophy (CSA are important diseases in Brazil associated with closely-related strains of Xylella fastidiosa, but little is know about host aoverlappingnd importance of citrus and coffee as inoculum sources of these strains. In this study, reciprocal-inoculation experiments were performed to determine if CVC and CSA isolates are biologically similar within citrus and coffee plants. These two hosts were mechanically inoculated with a CVC and a CSA isolate of X. fastidiosa at four concentrations ranging between10³ and 10(9 colony forming units CFU mL-1. At two, four and eight months after inoculation, the infection efficiency and bacterial populations of the isolates in each host were determined by culturing. The CVC isolate infected both citrus and coffee plants, but developed lower populations in coffee. The CSA isolate did not colonize citrus. Inoculation of coffee plants with the CVC isolate resulted in low rates of infection and required an inoculum concentration ten-fold higher than that necessary to obtain a similar (25% rate of infection in citrus. The relatively low infection rates and bacterial numbers of the CVC isolate in coffee plants compared with those observed in citrus suggest that coffee is not a suitable host to serve as a source of inoculum of the CVC strain for primary spread to citrus or within coffee plantations.Clorose variegada dos citros (CVC e atrofia dos ramos do cafeeiro (ARC são doenças importantes no Brasil, associadas a estirpes de Xylella fastidiosa que são geneticamente próximas. Entretanto, pouco se sabe a respeito de plantas hospedeiras em comum e da importância de citros e cafeeiro como fontes de inóculo dessas estirpes. Neste estudo, realizaram-se experimentos de inoculação recíproca para determinar se isolados de X. fastidiosa de CVC e de ARC são biologicamente semelhantes em plantas de citros e café. Estes dois hospedeiros foram mecanicamente

  14. Fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA e aspectos fisiológicos em cafeeiros cultivados em sistema agroflorestal e a pleno sol Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and physiological aspects of coffee conducted in agroflorestal system and at full sun

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    Joice Andrade Bonfim


    Full Text Available O trabalho foi realizado em cafeeiros cultivados a pleno sol e consorciado com grevíleas em Vitória da Conquista (BA, em duas estações: seca e chuvosa, com objetivo de verificar a influência da arborização dos cafezais e da disponibilidade hídrica sobre a densidade de Fungos Micorrízicos Arbusculares (FMA e ainda relacionar tais fatores com aspectos fisiológicos do cafeeiro. O experimento foi realizado em campos de observação com dois tratamentos e seis repetições, sendo as médias comparadas pelo teste t (pThe work was performed aiming to check the influence of the agroforestry system and water availability on the density of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF, and to correlate these factors with physiological aspects of coffee. This study was conducted in a full sun coffee field, where coffee plants were associated with grevilea during dry and rainy seasons. The experiment had two treatments and six replicates, and the resulting averages were compared by a t test at 5% of probability, comparing the systems and seasons. There was a rise in spore number in the dry season. Also the rate of root colonization of AMF was higher in intercropped cultivation but it did not differ between seasons. The shading of coffee plants in dry season promoted a raise of leaf Spad index. In the rainy season the leaf water potential had higher absolute value.

  15. Propriedades físicas do solo em função de manejos em lavouras de cafeeiro conilon

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    Teóphilo André Maretto Effgen


    Full Text Available Os solos de uso agrícola estão sujeitos a modificações em suas propriedades, de acordo com o tipo de uso e sistemas de manejo adotados. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, em diferentes locais de amostragem, as propriedades físicas de solos cultivados com lavouras cafeeiras, sob distintos manejos, no sul do Estado do Espírito Santo. Foram realizadas amostragens nas camadas de 0,00-0,20 m e 0,20-0,40 m, na parte superior da projeção da "saia" do cafeeiro, em relação ao sentido de declive do terreno. Foram utilizadas, para o estudo, lavouras representativas da região sul do Estado, apresentando a mesma classe de solo (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, relevo forte ondulado, tendo os seguintes manejos: M1 - irrigação por gotejamento, calagem a cada dois anos, adubação, roçadas e uso da palha de café; M2 - adubação, roçadas e capinas; M3 - capinas e roçadas. Em cada manejo, foram avaliados os seguintes locais de amostragem: TS - terço superior, TM - terço médio; TI - terço inferior, ao longo do declive. As propriedades físicas avaliadas foram: densidade do solo, porosidade total, macroporosidade, microporosidade e resistência do solo à penetração. Para as condições experimentais, a resistência do solo à penetração, a macroporosidade e a microporosidade mostraram-se importantes indicadores físicos da qualidade do solo, influenciados pelo manejo, local de amostragem e camada avaliada.

  16. Proteção do cafeeiro contra cercosporiose por acibenzolar-S-metil e proteína harpina


    Galdeano,Diogo Manzano; Guzzo,Sylvia Dias; Patrício,Flávia Rodrigues Alves; Harakava,Ricardo


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em cafeeiro suscetível, a proteção contra a cercosporiose, pela aplicação da proteína harpina e acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM), e avaliar seu efeito na germinação de conídios e crescimento micelial in vitro. No primeiro experimento, cafeeiros tratados com ASM (25, 50, 100, 200 μg mL-1) receberam o inóculo de uma suspensão de conídios de Cercospora coffeicola, e a severidade da doença foi avaliada aos 30 e 60 dias após a inoculação. No segundo experimento...

  17. Detecção de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em raízes de cafeeiro e de crotalária cultivada na entrelinha Detection of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in roots of coffee plants and crotalaria cultivated between rows

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    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a ocorrência de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs no solo rizosférico e nas raízes de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. e de Crotalaria breviflora DC., cultivada na entrelinha como adubo verde. Amostras de solo rizosférico e raízes foram coletadas em julho de 1997, em parte de um experimento de longa duração conduzido no campo pelo Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, no município de Mirasselva, PR. Determinou-se a diversidade de FMAs, por meio da identificação morfológica dos esporos, a freqüência de ocorrência de populações de FMAs por meio da contagem direta de esporos no solo, e a colonização radicular. Extraiu-se DNA de raízes de cafeeiro colonizadas e não-colonizadas e de esporos de Acaulospora longula e Scutellospora gilmorei, coletados na rizosfera, realizando-se a PCR ("Polimerase chain reaction" com primers ITS ("Internal transcribed spacer" e comparando os perfis de bandas obtidos. O cultivo de crotalária na entrelinha do cafeeiro aumentou a concentração de esporos de FMAs na rizosfera do cafeeiro. A crotalária e o cafeeiro estimularam populações diferentes de FMAs. O gênero Acaulospora predominou na rizosfera do cafeeiro, e Scutellospora e Gigaspora na rizosfera da crotalária. Usando técnicas moleculares, foi possível caracterizar FMAs na rizosfera e nas raízes colonizadas do cafeeiro. O fungo micorrízico Scutellospora gilmorei, de ocorrência comum em cafeeiro e crotalária, não foi encontrado colonizando as raízes do cafeeiro. O uso de técnicas moleculares pode auxiliar no estudo da dinâmica populacional de FMAs no campo.The sporulation and occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF was evaluated in the coffee trees (Coffea arabica L. and Crotalaria breviflora DC. rhizosphere and roots. C. breviflora was intercropped for green manure of the coffee plants. Samples of rhizosphere soil and roots were collected in July of 1997 in a long-time experiment localized at the Instituto Agron

  18. Ensaio de desbaste de ramos inferiores do cafeeiro II

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    J. E. Teixeira Mendes


    Full Text Available Foi continuado o ensaio do desbaste dos ramos inferiores do cafeeiro, instalado na Estação Experimental Central de Campinas, em 1932. O ensaio compreende duas séries : a desbastada ; b não desbastada. Cada série se compõe de 5 repetições com 25 cafeeiros cada uma. A variedade em cultivo foi a Coffea arabica L. var. typica Cramer. A série desbastada foi mantida sem os ramos primários até uma altura de 50 cm do solo. Na série não desbastada não se interferiu de modo algum nessa parte da planta. As colheitas foram iniciadas em 1935. A série não desbastada produziu significativamente mais, no período todo examinado, isto é, em dezesseis safras (1935-1950. Não houve grande diferença no tamanho das sementes. A maturação foi um pouco apressada na série desbastada. O ensaio demonstra que não houve vantagem em se fazer esta operação.The experiment, begun at the Central Experiment Station at Campinas in 1932, on the pruning of the lower branches of coffee plants, has been continued. The trial contains two series, a pruned and b not pruned. Each series consists of five replicates, each with 25 coffee plants. The variety is Coffea arabica L. var. typica Cramer. The pruned trees were kept free from primary branches to a height of 50 cm. The unpruned trees were left entirely untouched in this region. Harvesting began in 1935. The unpruned trees have yielded significantly better (P = 5% over the period of the 16 years of the trial (1935-1950. There was no great difference in size of seeds. Ripening was advanced a little in the pruned trees. The experiment showed that there was no advantage to be gained by pruning ; on the contrary, the operation appears to be prejudicial to the yield.

  19. Formação de mudas de cafeeiro em substratos oriundos de diferentes métodos de desinfestação Coffee seedlings production potting mixtures from disinfestations methods

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    Gustavo Rabelo Botrel Miranda


    Full Text Available Objetivando verificar o desenvolvimento de cafeeiro oriundos de diferentes métodos de tratamento de substratos utilizados na produção de mudas em saquinhos de polietileno, instalou-se em maio/2004 em um viveiro na Universidade Federal de Lavras o presente experimento. Foram utilizados treze tratamentos para a desinfestação de substratos, sendo utilizado o padrão para mudas de café com solo coletado de uma lavoura cafeeira de 20 anos. Utilizou-se a cultivar paraíso H 419-1. Avaliou-se o crescimento das plantas de cafeeiro quando estavam com 5 pares de folhas verdadeiras, sendo: altura de plantas (cm, diâmetro de caule (mm, massa seca do sistema radicular (g, massa seca da parte aérea (g, número de nós da inserção foliar do ramo ortotrópico da muda e área foliar total (cm². Concluiu-se que o uso do coletor solar é promissor para a desinfestação de substratos por proporcionar bom desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro, a exemplo do brometo de metila.The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of coffee seedlings grown in bag mixture disinfested by different methods. The work was carried out in a high cover coffee nursery at Federal University of Lavras, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in May/2004. The bag mixture was prepared using soil from a 20 years old coffee field. Thirteen disinfestations methods were used in bag mixture. The cultivar paraíso H 419-1 was used in all treatments. The growth was evaluated when the plants had five pairs of mature leaves. The following parameters were analyzed: height (cm, girth diameter (mm, root and shoot dry weight (g, number of orthotropic nodes, and total leaf area (cm². It was concluded that methyl bromide promoted the best coffee seedlings development. The use of the solar collector was also considered promising for substrate disinfestations in commercial nurseries, as observed for the methyl bromide.

  20. Uso do teste Lercafé para a caracterização de danos em sementes de cafeeiro Characterization of injuries in coffee seeds through Lercafé test

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    João Batista Zonta


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização do teste Lercafé, para estimar a germinação e caracterizar diferentes tipos de danos em sementes de cafeeiro. Utilizaram-se sementes de cafeeiro arábica cultivar Catuaí IAC 44, submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: sementes sem dano, sementes com dano por secagem a 40 e 60ºC, e sementes brocadas. As sementes foram avaliadas pelos testes de germinação e Lercafé. Em relação aos dois tipos de danos, os resultados de germinação, estimada pelo Lercafé, apresentaram alta correlação com os obtidos pelo teste de germinação. O dano por secagem à alta temperatura caracterizou-se pelo aparecimento de manchas esverdeadas espalhadas, que atingiram parcial ou totalmente o endosperma da semente. O dano por broca caracterizou-se por uma depressão circundada por um anel de coloração verde. O teste Lercafé é eficiente para estimar a germinação e caracterizar os danos por secagem à alta temperatura e os causados por broca, em sementes de cafeeiro.The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of the Lercafé test for estimating the germination and characterizing different types of injuries in coffee seeds. Seeds of arabica coffee cultivar Catuaí IAC 44 were submitted to the following treatments: nondamaged seeds, heat damage (at 40 and 60ºC, and bug damage. Seeds were assessed by the tests of germination and Lercafé. The germination results estimated by Lercafé test had high correlation with the results from the germination test for the two types of injuries. The heat damage, by drying seeds at high temperatures, was characterized by scattered green stains, partially or totally covering the seed endosperm. A sunken lesion surrounded by a green ring characterized the damage by coffee berry borer. Lercafé test is efficient to estimate the germination and to characterize the injuries by heat and coffee berry borer, in coffee seeds.

  1. Formação de biofilme em gotejadores aplicando água residuária da despolpa dos frutos do cafeeiro = Formation of biofilm in drippers applying wastewater from pulping of the coffee fruits

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    Rafael Oliveira Batista


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a formação de biofilme em sistemas de irrigação por gotejamento aplicando água residuária da despolpa dos frutos do cafeeiro (ARC submetidas ou não à passagem em filtro orgânico. Para isso, foi montada uma estrutura hidráulica de avaliação, constituída de fitas gotejadores, não autocompensantes e posicionados no espaçamento de 0,3 m. Diante dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que: águas residuárias da despolpa de frutos do cafeeiro apresentaram severo risco de entupimento de gotejadores, mesmo quando submetidas a tratamento prévio em filtros orgânicos.This work objectified to analyze the formation of biofilm in drip irrigation systems applying wastewater from pulping of the coffee fruits (ARC with and without ticket in organic filter. For that, a hydraulic structure of evaluation, constituted of drip tape, non pressure compensating, positioned in the spacing of 0,3 m. In accordance with the results obtained can be concluded that: wastewater from pulping of the coffee fruits presented severe risk of clogging of emitters, same when submitted the treatment in organic filters.

  2. Frações oxidáveis do carbono orgânico de latossolo cultivado com cafeeiro em diferentes espaçamentos de plantio Oxidizible organic carbon fractions in a latosol cultivated with coffee at different planting spacings

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    Otacílio José Passos Rangel


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a suscetibilidade à oxidação pelo permanganato de potássio do carbono presente em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico, cultivado com cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L., em diferentes espaçamentos de plantio, em experimento localizado na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, em Machado (MG. Os tratamentos avaliados, instalados a campo em 1992, consistiram na combinação de quatro espaçamentos entre linhas (2,0, 2,5, 3,0 e 3,5 m, com três espaçamentos entre plantas (0,5, 0,75 e 1,0 m. Uma área de mata próxima ao experimento foi amostrada e usada como referência. Para a avaliação do grau de oxidação do carbono orgânico (CO, as amostras de solo foram coletadas na entrelinha (EL e na projeção da copa (PC do cafeeiro, nas camadas de solo de 0-0,05 e 0-0,1 m. Na camada superficial do solo (0-0,05 m, os teores de C lábil na entrelinha são, em geral, maiores do que os observados nas amostras coletadas na projeção da copa do cafeeiro. A amplitude de variação dos teores de C nas frações orgânicas obedece à seguinte ordem decrescente: C lábil> C não lábil > C orgânico, o que indica o maior potencial do C lábil em avaliar o impacto de diferentes sistemas de adensamento e manejo do cafeeiro, sobre os compartimentos de matéria orgânica. Os teores de C lábil e C não lábil não são influenciados pelo número de plantas por área, mas são dependentes da largura de rua do cafeeiro, da profundidade e do local de coleta das amostras de solo.The present work was carried out to evaluate soil carbon susceptibility to oxidation by potassium permanganate in adystroferric Red Latosol (Oxisol cultivated with coffee (Coffea arabica L. at different planting spacings. The experiment was installed in 1992 at the Experimental Farm of EPAMIG, in Machado (Minas Gerais State-Brazil. Treatments consisted of a combination of four row spacings (2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5 m with three spacings within the row (0.5, 0

  3. Constatação do “efeito sombra” e economia de recursos hídricos e de energia na irrigação do cafeeiro por meio de um pivô central convencional

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    Nara Cristina de Lima Silva


    Full Text Available O pivô central é um sistema de irrigação que possibilita a aplicação de água em toda a área plantada. A observação do funcionamento de um pivô central convencional em campo, ao irrigar uma lavoura de cafeeiros adultos, possibilitou identificar um acúmulo de água nas extremidades dos dosséis das plantas em detrimento da região central das entrelinhas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo comprovar a influência do cafeeiro na interceptação da lâmina de irrigação aplicada por meio de um pivô central convencional, o que foi denominado pelos autores de “efeito sombra”. Além disso, o trabalho buscou constatar a possibilidade de economia de recursos hídricos e de energia em função do “efeito sombra”. O experimento foi realizado em uma área de 115,33ha plantada com duas cultivares do cafeeiro arábica (Cofeea arabica onde foi coletada água aspergida pelo pivô central sob o dossel das plantas e nas entrelinhas. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por meio de análise descritiva e análise de variância, utilizando-se o software Action®. Os resultados mostraram que as lâminas médias coletadas sob os dosséis foram maiores do que as lâminas médias coletadas nas entrelinhas para ambas as cultivares, e a lâmina interceptada pelo cafeeiro foi, em média, 30,4% maior que a lâmina real aplicada pelo equipamento, comprovando-se o “efeito sombra” e, portanto, a possibilidade de economia de recursos hídricos e de energia.

  4. Estratificação ambiental e caracterização climática como ferramentas de apoio ao melhoramento genético do cafeeiro em Minas Gerais


    Corrêa, Luiza Vasconcelos Tavares


    Considerando-se a importância da cafeicultura para o estado de Minas Gerais e a necessidade da geração de novas tecnologias para enfrentar a competitividade e as mudanças climáticas preconizadas, este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de caracterizar e avaliar os efeitos diretos e indiretos de variáveis climáticas (temperatura, pluviosidade e índice de umidade de Thornthwaite) e da altitude sobre a produtividade do cafeeiro em locais estratégicos para a instalação de experimentos de avaliaç...

  5. Avaliação da suscetibilidade à Xylella fastidiosa em diferentes espécies de cafeeiro Susceptibity valuation to Xylella fastidiosa in different coffee species

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    Rachel Benetti Queiroz-Voltan


    Full Text Available A bactéria Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. foi detectada pela primeira vez em cafeeiro no Brasil, em 1995, entretanto acredita-se que a cultura foi infectada por essa bactéria há muitos anos, embora os sintomas fossem atribuídos a um estresse nutricional. Até o momento têm sido realizados estudos principalmente com espécies de C. arabica e C. canephora, porém, em outras espécies do gênero, somente foi detectada sua presença. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a proporção de elementos de vaso do xilema obstruídos, total e parcialmente, pela X. fastidiosa, naturalmente infectadas, em diferentes espécies de cafeeiro do Banco de Germoplasma do IAC, visando identificar material resistente a essa bactéria para ser utilizado no programa de melhoramento genético. Os acessos estudados foram: C. canephora (progenitora da 'Guarini', C. liberica var. liberica, os quatro acessos de C. liberica var. dewevrei (Ugandae, Dibowskii, Abeokutae, Excelsa e o híbrido interespecífico Piatã (C. arabica X C. liberica var. dewevrei. Todos eles mostraram-se menos suscetíveis à X. fastidiosa. A porcentagem de obstrução dos elementos de vasos na folha não foi maior que 0,6% na maioria dos acessos, com exceção de Excelsa e do híbrido Piatã com até 2% de obstrução, sendo bem menos suscetíveis a essa bactéria do que as cultivares de C. arabica. Trata-se, portanto, de materiais genéticos importantes para serem utilizados no programa de melhoramento do cafeeiro visando à resistência ao agente dessa doença.Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. bacteria was firstly detected in coffee plants in Brazil in 1995. However it is believed to be attacking this crop this time. Disease symptoms have been attributed mostly to nutritional unbalances. Up to date studies have comprised only the species C. arabica and C. canephora. However X. fastidiosa was also detected in other Coffea species, but without disease symptoms. Aiming to identify in the IAC

  6. Seletividade de fungicidas cúpricos e sistêmicos sobre o fungo Cladosporium cladosporioides em cafeeiro Selectivity of cupric and systemic fungicides on Cladosporium cladosporioides in coffee plants

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    Sára Maria Chalfoun


    Full Text Available A ocorrência do fungo Cladosporium sp. em frutos do cafeeiro é freqüente e coincide com o período de controle de doenças desta cultura. O fungo Cladosporium sp. tem sido relatado associado a cafés de boa qualidade portanto, é importante que os fungicidas sejam seletivos aos agentes antagonistas de fungos deletérios à qualidade do café sendo o Cladosporium sp incluído neste grupo. Deste modo, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi testar a seletividade de alguns produtos utilizados visando o controle de doenças do cafeeiro sobre o fungo Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fres. de Vries. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em uma lavoura da cultivar Acaiá Cerrado MG 1474, com 6 anos de idade no espaçamento adensado de 2,0 x 0,6 m, onde foram testados produtos preventivos, a base de cobre, e sistêmico, aplicados isoladamente e associados. Foram empregados como produtos cúpricos o oxicloreto de cobre (50% de cobre metálico e Calda Viçosa comercial e como sistêmico o epoxiconazole. A avaliação da incidência de C. cladosporioides foi realizada através de notas subjetivas, em quatro épocas, registrando em porcentagem a área com crescimento fúngico sobre os frutos do cafeeiro. Verificou-se que enquanto nos tratamentos com fungicida epoxiconazole aplicado isoladamente ou associado ao fungicida cúprico o fungo apresentava-se inicialmente com baixa incidência, aumentando progressivamente a partir do mês de maio, nos tratamentos com apenas fungicidas cúpricos a incidência do fungo mostrou-se elevada desde maio, indicando não ter sido afetada e/ou mesmo favorecida por pulverizações anteriores do produto.The occurrence of Cladosporium cladosporioides on coffee fruits is frequently and coincides with the control of others diseases in coffee plants. The fungus Cladosporium sp. has been found associated with coffee of good quality; therefore, it is important to use of selective fungicides to preserve it. On the study, six years old, coffee

  7. Avaliação da fertilidade dos solos de sistemas agroflorestais com cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. em Lavras-MG Evaluation of soil fertility in agroforest systems with coffee trees (Coffea arabica L. in Lavras-MG

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    Bruno Grandi Salgado


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a fertilidade dos solos em um sistema agroflorestal composto por cafeeiros (Coffea arábica L. - Mundo Novo, ingazeiros (Inga vera Willd e grevíleas (Grevilea robusta A. Cunn, situado em Lavras, Minas Gerais, foi instalado o presente experimento. Usou-se um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e sete repetições. Os tratamentos foram: a cafeeiros a pleno sol, b cafeeiros consorciados com ingazeiros e c cafeeiros consociados com grevílea. Os espaçamentos dos cafeeiros nos três sistemas foi 4 x 1 m, para o ingazeiro 8 m x 15 m e para a grevílea 12 m x 10 m. Aos 15 anos de idade do cafeeiro e do ingazeiro e aos 9 anos da grevílea foram avaliadas as seguintes características dos solos, pH, acidez potencial (H+Al, alumínio trocável (Al+3, bases trocáveis (Ca+2 e Mg+2, potássio disponível (K+, fósforo disponível(P, enxofre (S, CTC efetiva (T, soma de bases (SB, saturação de bases (V e matéria orgânica (MO. Os resultados foram submetidos à analise de variância e as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Scott-Knott. Após a análise dos dados, concluiu-se que, embora tenha havido diferenças entre alguns elementos estudados, as características químicas dos solos nos três sistemas não foram severamente afetadas.The objective of this wark was to evaluat e the soil fertility in an agroforest system using coffee trees (Coffea arabica L - Mundo Novo, inga trees (Inga vera Wild and grevillea trees (Grevillea robusta A Cunn situated in Lavras, Minas Geris. A completely randomized experimental design with tree treatments and seven replicates was utilized. The treatments were : a coffee trees in full sunshine; b coffee trees mixed with inga trees and c coffee trees mixed with grevillea trees. Tree spacings in the three systems were 4 x 1m for coffee, 8 m x 15 m for inga and 12 x 10 m for grevillea. With coffee and inga trees at 15 years of age and grevillea trees at 9 years of age

  8. Progresso da ferrugem e da cercosporiose do cafeeiro consorciado com grevílea, com ingazeiro e a pleno sol em Lavras - MG Progress of rust and coffee plant cercosporiose mixed with grevílea, with ingazeiro and in the full sunshine in Lavras - MG

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    Bruno Grandi Salgado


    Full Text Available Com o presente trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a incidência da ferrugem e da cercosporiose do cafeeiro em diferentes sistemas de cultivo, agroflorestais e a pleno sol, através da curva de progresso dessas doenças. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e sete repetições. Os tratamentos foram compostos por cafeeiros consorciados com ingazeiro, cafeeiros consorciados com grevílea e cafeeiros cultivados convencionalmente a pleno sol. As avaliações foram realizadas mensalmente no período de abril de 2001 a março de 2003. Realizou-se o cálculo da área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD, a qual foi submetida à análise de variância. Para a incidência da ferrugem do cafeeiro o consórcio cafeeiro x ingazeiro mostrou-se com maiores índices da doença, sendo que os tratamentos consórcio cafeeiro x grevílea e cafeeiro a pleno sol não diferiram entre si e apresentaram menores incidências da doença. Diminuição na luz solar direta e maior umidade podem ter favorecido a ferrugem no sistema cafeeiro x ingazeiro. Para a incidência de cercosporiose, os cafeeiros a pleno sol obtiveram maiores valores de incidência da doença, seguidos por cafeeiros x grevílea, e menores taxas da doença foram observadas no consórcio cafeeiros x ingazeiro. A incidência de radiação solar direta pode ter favorecido a maior incidência de cercosporiose nos cafeeiros a pleno sol.The present work aimed to evaluate the incidence of rust and coffee plant cercosporiose in different systems of agroforest cultivation and in the full sunshine through the progress curve of those diseases. The completely randomized design with three treatments and seven replicates was utilized. The treatments were made up of coffee plants mixed with ingazeiro, coffee plants mixed with grevílea and coffee plants cultivated conventionally in the full sunshine. The evaluations were performed monthly during the period of April 2001 to

  9. Efeito da poda do tipo decote no controle da xylella fastidiosa em cultivares de cafeeiro "Decote" type pruning effect upon xylella fastidiosa control in coffee cultivars

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    Rachel Benetti Queiroz-Voltan


    Full Text Available A bactéria Xylella fastidiosa causa prejuízos à cafeicultura e o emprego de produtos químicos, até o presente, não tem possibilitado o controle econômico dessa bactéria. O manejo adequado do cafezal, desde o plantio, com o uso de mudas isentas da bactéria e o controle das cigarrinhas vetoras, são medidas que atenuam a incidência da doença. A utilização de podas, que tem sido recomendada como medida de controle em citros e videiras, não tem ainda eficiência comprovada para o cafeeiro. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se estudar a eficácia do emprego da poda do tipo decote em cafeeiros arábica como controle de X. fastidiosa. Para tanto, após o emprego desse tipo de poda em cafeeiros infectados pela bactéria, quantificou-se a proporção de elementos de vaso do xilema obstruídos pela bactéria, e avaliou-se a severidade dos sintomas externos de infecção provocados pela X. fastidiosa. Oito meses após a aplicação da poda, no mês de junho de 2003 (período seco, observou-se que as plantas estavam com 4% dos elementos de vaso do pecíolo, 2% na nervura principal e 1% no caule obstruído pela X. fastidiosa. No período chuvoso, 14 meses após a poda, a proporção de obstrução dos elementos de vaso diminuiu para 2% no pecíolo, 1% no caule e na nervura principal. A prática da poda diminuiu ligeiramente a proporção de elementos de vaso obstruídos pela bactéria apenas no período seco, uma vez que foi observado antes da poda um máximo de 6% de obstrução no pecíolo. Os novos ramos que brotavam no cafeeiro, na estação chuvosa, pareciam compensar a obstrução dos ramos mais velhos, diminuindo a proporção de obstrução dos elementos de vaso na planta. Em 2003, não houve diferenças na severidade do sintoma externo entre os tratamentos nos dois períodos, seca e chuvoso. Entretanto, no período seco de 2004, as cultivares Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81 e Mundo Novo IAC 515-20, enxertadas sobre o porta-enxerto 'Apoatã IAC 2258

  10. Nitrogênio na adubação química do cafeeiro: doses e parcelamentos do nitrocálcio


    Cervellini,Genésio da Silva; Toledo,Sérgio Vasco de; Reis,Antonio Junqueira; Rocha,Túlio Ribeiro


    Nitrocálcio nas quantidades de 60, 120, 180 e 240 gramas de N por cafeeiro e por ano foi aplicado em parcelamentos diferentes, de acordo com os tratamentos e em três locais com início em 1973/74: Centro Experimental de Campinas, Estação Experimental de Mococa e Estação Experimental de Ribeirão Preto. Foram estudados os efeitos das quantidades crescentes e avaliadas as conveniências do parcelamento das doses de N aplicadas. Os acréscimos de produção com a elevação dessas doses foram bastante g...

  11. Trocas gasosas de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. e seringueiras (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. em diferentes sistemas de cultivo na região de larvas, MG Gas exchange in coffe (Coffea arabica L. and rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. in different crop systems in lavras, MG

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    Cláudio Roberto Meira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O uso de sistemas de cultivo agrícola que favorecem a conservação dos recursos naturais e a diversidade de produção representa uma alternativa para produtores que visam menores custos em uma produção sustentável. Dentre esses sistemas de cultivo, destaca-se o sistema de consórcio entre cafeeiros e seringueiras, que tem sido estudado na região sul de Minas Gerais. Nesse contexto, avaliaram-se características de trocas gasosas, fluorescência da clorofila e relações hídricas de cafeeiros e seringueiras, em monocultivo e consórcio, na fase de implantação dos cultivos, com o objetivo de verificar o comportamento dessas espécies em diferentes sistemas de cultivo. Os resultados apontaram que um ambiente caracterizado por níveis de radiação e temperatura menores favorece as trocas gasosas do cafeeiro, enquanto maior disponibilidade hídrica e valores elevados de radiação são favoráveis ao desenvolvimento da seringueira quando em sistemas consorciados.Crop systems that improve conservation of natural resources and diversity of production is a promising practice for farmers seeking low costs and a sustainable agriculture. The coffee - rubber tree intercropping has been studied in the south of Minas Gerais - Brazil. Within this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the characteristics gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and water relations of coffee and rubber tree in both intercropping and monocroping systems, in the early stage of the plantation establishment. The results showed that the reduction in radiation levels and temperature promote gas exchange increase in coffee, while higher photosynthetic radiation values and soil water availability are favorable to rubber tree in intercropping systems.

  12. Efeito da Xylella fastidiosa em cafeeiros em diferentes regiões edafoclimáticas Effect of Xylella fastidiosa in coffee plants at different edaphoclimatic regions

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    Rachel Benetti Queiroz-Voltan


    Full Text Available A bactéria Xylella fastidiosa vem causando problemas para a cafeicultura, uma vez que sua presença, associada a diversos fatores de estresse, provoca um decréscimo na produção devido à diminuição no número e tamanho dos frutos e à morte de alguns ramos. Este trabalho objetiva avaliar o efeito da X. fastidiosa sobre cultivares de Coffea arabica (enxertados ou não através da quantificação da proporção de vasos do xilema obstruídos pela bactéria, nas diferentes partes da planta e entre ramos com e sem sintoma da doença, em experimentos desenvolvidos em diferentes regiões edafoclimáticas. Avaliou-se também a distribuição das classes de infecção nas diferentes partes da planta nos materiais genéticos estudados. Os experimentos foram instalados em 1986 em Mococa e Garça (SP e as amostras para o estudo anatômico, retiradas em abril de 1998 e 2000 (período de estresse hídrico, respectivamente, das plantas de cafeeiros dessas áreas. Na região de Mococa, observou-se que a nervura principal e o pecíolo foram os tecidos com proporção maior de vasos do xilema obstruídos pela X. fastidiosa; na região de Garça, foram o pecíolo e o caule. Não houve diferenças significativas na obstrução de elementos de vaso do xilema do cafeeiro ocasionado pela bactéria entre as duas regiões estudadas. Não houve tolerância à bactéria nos materiais genéticos, havendo no entanto variação dentro de cada um deles. Na região de Garça, nas plantas de café, observou-se alta proporção de vasos obstruídos nas raízes (3%, entretanto, não houve dano maior na parte aérea.The Xylella fastidiosa bacterium causes problems to coffee cultivation because of a relationship with various stress factors, leading to reduction on coffee production by decreasing fruit number and size, as well as senescence of branches. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of Xylella fastidiosa to Coffea arabica cultivars (grafted or not through the

  13. Sourgrass densities affecting the initial growth and macronutrient content of coffee plants Densidades de capim-amargoso afetando o crescimento inicial e o teor de macronutrientes do cafeeiro

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    L.B Carvalho


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the coexistence effects of coffee (Coffea arabica with densities of sourgrass (Digitaria insularis on crop macronutrient content and plant growth. The experiment was conducted in plots where one coffee plant was maintained in coexistence with 0 (weed-free check, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 sourgrass plants, using a completely randomized design with three replicates. Reduction of coffee growth and macronutrient content, except P that increased, started when the coexistence occurred with sourgrass plants in a density of 1 plant per plot. In general, macronutrient content was reduced by 18-50%, while growth characteristics were reduced by 9-41%, when coffee plants coexisted with 16 plants of sourgrass. Thus, sourgrass competition for nutrients was a strong factor limiting coffee plant growth.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da convivência do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica com densidades de capim-amargoso (Digitaria insularis sobre o teor de macronutrientes e o crescimento das plantas da cultura. O experimento foi conduzido em caixas enterradas no solo, onde uma planta de café foi mantida em convivência com 0 (testemunha livre de plantas daninhas, 1, 2, 4, 8 e 16 plantas de capim-amargoso, usando o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições. A redução no crescimento e no teor de macronutrientes do cafeeiro - exceto P, que aumentou - iniciou-se quando a convivência ocorreu com plantas de capim-amargoso na densidade de uma planta por caixa. Em geral, o teor de macronutrientes foi reduzido em 10-50%, enquanto as características de crescimento foram reduzidas em 9-41%, quando o cafeeiro conviveu com 16 plantas de capim-amargoso. Assim, a competição de capim-amargoso por nutrientes foi um forte fator limitante para o crescimento das plantas de café.

  14. Faixas críticas de concentrações de nutrientes e avaliação do estado nutricional de cafeeiros em quatro regiões de Minas Gerais

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    Martinez Herminia Emilia Prieto


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram definir as faixas críticas de concentração de nutrientes e avaliar o estado nutricional das lavouras cafeeiras de alta, média e baixa produtividade em quatro regiões do Estado de Minas Gerais. Foram coletadas folhas em 312 unidades amostrais de 168 lavouras, tanto no ano de alta produtividade quanto no de baixa produtividade, conforme o ciclo bienal do cafeeiro. Nas folhas foram determinadas as concentrações de macronutrientes e dos micronutrientes Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn e boro. Com os resultados das análises foliares, estabeleceram-se as faixas críticas das concentrações dos nutrientes no ano de baixa e alta produtividade, em cada região estudada, utilizando como referência lavouras de alta produtividade (mais de 1.800 kg/ha de café beneficiado na média do biênio. Realizou-se ainda o diagnóstico do estado nutricional das lavouras nas regiões em estudo determinando-se as freqüências de nutrientes em níveis deficiente, adequado e excessivo. As faixas críticas não diferiram entre os anos amostrados, tampouco entre as regiões em estudo. Nas regiões amostradas predominam problemas com micronutrientes.

  15. Relações radiométricas no terço superior da copa de cafeeiro

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    Antonio Ribeiro da Cunha


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de obter os coeficientes de transmissão e de extinção da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa determinou-se o índice de área foliar e mediu-se a radiação fotossinteticamente ativa transmitida no terço superior da copa de cafeeiro variedade Obatã IAC 1669-20, com três diferentes alinhamentos de plantio, em função da trajetória aparente do Sol, em Jaboticabal (SP. Foram três tratamentos, com quatro repetições, no total de doze parcelas, e cada uma com cem cafeeiros; cada tratamento correspondeu a um alinhamento de plantio. O alinhamento 81º-261º, por ser o que mais se aproximava do movimento aparente do Sol desde o nascente até o poente, favoreceu um autossombreamento maior na linha, e assim, ocorre maior disponibilidade de radiação solar difusa, contribuindo para maior índice de área foliar. Os coeficientes de transmissão são menores e os de atenuação são maiores para o alinhamento 81º-261º, revelando maior eficiência na interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa no terço superior da copa desse alinhamento. Foi possível estimar o coeficiente de extinção (kRFA em função do índice de área foliar (IAF por meio do modelo exponencial: κRFA = A + B* exp(-IAF/C; e estimar o índice de área foliar em função da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa interceptada (RFAint pelo modelo polinomial quadrático: IAF = A(RFAint² + B(RFAint + C, onde A, B e C são parâmetros dos modelos.

  16. Bioprospecting endophytic bacteria for biological control of coffee leaf rust Bioprospecção de bactérias endofíticas como agentes de biocontrole da ferrugem do cafeeiro

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    Humberto Franco Shiomi


    Full Text Available Suppression of plant diseases due to the action of endophytic microorganisms has been demonstrated in several pathosystems. Experiments under controlled conditions involving endophytic bacteria isolated from leaves and branches of Coffea arabica L and Coffea robusta L were conducted with the objective of evaluating the inhibition of germination of Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br., race II, urediniospores and the control of coffee leaf rust development in tests with leaf discs, detached leaves, and on potted seedling of cv. Mundo Novo. The endophytic bacterial isolates tested proved to be effective in inhibiting urediniospore germination and/or rust development, with values above 50%, although the results obtained in urediniospore germination tests were inferior to the treatment with fungicide propiconazole. Endophytic isolates TG4-Ia, TF2-IIc, TF9-Ia, TG11-IIa, and TF7-IIa, demonstrated better coffee leaf rust control in leaf discs, detached leaves, and coffee plant tests. The endophytic isolates TG4-Ia and TF9-Ia were identified as Bacillus lentimorbus Dutky and Bacillus cereus Frank. & Frank., respectively. Some endophytic bacterial isolates were effective in controlling the coffee leaf rust, although some increased the severity of the disease. Even though a relatively small number of endophytic bacteria were tested, promising results were obtained regarding the efficiency of coffee leaf rust biocontrol. These selected agents appears to be an alternative for future replacement of chemical fungicide.Supressão de doenças de plantas por microrganismos endofíticos tem sido demonstrada em diversos patossistemas. Neste trabalho foram selecionados isolados de bactérias endofíticas de folhas e ramos de cafeeiro com potencial para o controle biológico da ferrugem do cafeeiro, pois é conhecido que esses microrganismos podem possuir essa característica. Bactérias endofíticas isoladas previamente de folhas e ramos de Coffea arabica L e Coffea

  17. Invertase and sucrose synthase activities in coffee plants sprayed with sucrose solution Atividade de invertases e sacarose sintase em plantas de cafeeiro pulverizadas com solução de sacarose

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    José Carlos da Silva


    Full Text Available One management practice of which the efficiency has not yet been scientifically tested is spraying coffee plants with diluted sucrose solutions as a source of carbon for the plant. This paper evaluates the effect of foliar spraying with sugar on the endogenous level of carbohydrates and on the activities of invertase and sucrose synthase in coffee (Coffea arabica L. seedlings with reduced (low and high (normal levels of carbon reserve. The concentrations used were 0.5 and 1.0% sucrose, and water as a control. The use of sucrose at 1.0% caused an increase in the concentration of total soluble sugars in depauperate plants, as well as increased the activity of the following enzymes: cell wall and vacuole acid invertase, neutral cytosol invertase and sucrose synthase. In plants with high level of carbon reserve, no increments in total soluble sugar levels or in enzymatic activity were observed. Regardless of treatments or plants physiological state, no differences in transpiration or stomatal conductance were observed, demonstrating the stomatal control of transpiration. Photosynthesis was stimulated with the use of 0.5 and 1.0 % sucrose only in depauperate plants. Coffee seedling spraying with sucrose is only efficient for depauperate plants, at the concentration of 1.0%.Uma prática cuja eficiência não foi ainda comprovada cientificamente, é a pulverização dos cafeeiros com solução diluída de sacarose, como fonte de carbono para as plantas. Este trabalho visou estudar o efeito da pulverização de açúcar via folha nos teores endógenos de carboidratos e na atividade das enzimas invertases e sacarose sintase em mudas de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. com baixo (baixo e alto (normal nível de reservas de carbono. As pulverizações ocorreram nas concentrações de 0,5 e 1% de sacarose utilizando-se água como testemunha. A aplicação de sacarose a 1% aumentou a concentração de açúcares solúveis totais (AST em plantas depauperadas, como


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    Full Text Available O armazenamento das sementes do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. pode ser feito por até seis meses, pois, a partir desse período, a viabilidade tende a declinar acentuadamente. As pesquisas realizadas, com a finalidade de contribuir para a definição de tecnologias capazes de prolongar o período de conservação, têm apresentado, a princípio, resultados discordantes, principalmente em relação ao grau de umidade das sementes. Visando analisar criticamente os resultados dessas pesquisas, elaborou-se esta revisão que, além de expor alguns aspectos referentes à longevidade e à qualidade inicial das sementes, concentrou a explanação nas condições de armazenamento. Desse modo, evidenciou-se que a relação entre o grau de umidade e a longevidade é, possivelmente, similar à verificada em sementes "ortodoxas" e que o armazenamento das sementes, com grau de umidade em torno de 10%, pode ser mais favorável à manutenção da viabilidade.

  19. Alterações morfofisiológicas em folhas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. consorciado com seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. Morphophysiological alternations in leaves of Cofeea arabica L. plants in consort with Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.

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    Erivaldo Alves do Nascimento


    Full Text Available O cultivo da seringueira em monocultivo ou consorciada com cafeeiro surge como alternativa promissora e uma opção para os cafeeicultores frente às constantes oscilações da produção e do mercado. Porém, a produtividade de ambas as culturas é fortemente afetada pelas variações climáticas e pelo sistema de cultivo adotado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da variação dos fatores do clima e dos sistemas de cultivo sobre as trocas gasosas, eficiência fotoquímica do fotossistema II (FV/FM e anatomia foliar do cafeeiro. Foram estudados quatro sistemas de cultivo: café em monocultivo (C, três fileiras de cafeeiros a cada fileira dupla de seringueira (SSCCCSS, uma fileira de cafeeiros a cada fileira de seringueira (SCS e três plantas de café a cada planta de seringueira na mesma fileira (SCSCS. As plantas dos sistemas (SSCCCSS, (SCS e (SCSCS apresentaram os menores valores de taxas fotossintéticas (A, condutância estomática (gs, transpiração (E e maiores valores para a razão Fv/Fm. As plantas de café em (C apresentaram médias superiores de espessura dos parênquimas paliçádico e lacunoso, do limbo foliar, além de maior índice estomático em relação aos demais sistemas de cultivo, apresentando, dessa forma, plasticidade anatômica para a espécie, quando comparada às plantas de sol e sombreadas pela seringueira.One alternative to reduce the effects of the production instability and of the insecurity of world budget over coffee growers is the cultivation of rubber tree intercropped with coffee. However, the productivity of both cultures is affected strongly by the climatic variations and for the crop system. The objective of this research was to perform evaluations of gas exchanges, chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm ratio and leaf anatomy of coffee trees in cropped in different systems with rubber tree and environment. Four intercropping systems were studied as described: full sun coffee (C, three coffee

  20. Correlação entre a ocorrência de Colletotrichum spp. e outras características agronômicas em cafeeiros Correlation among the Colletotrichum spp. incidence with some coffee agronomic traits

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    Gustavo Hiroshi Sera


    Full Text Available Têm-se observado diferentes espécies de fungos do gênero Colletotrichum atacando cafeeiros no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de correlacionar a ocorrência de Colletotrichum spp. com outras características agronômicas em cafeeiros. Foram avaliadas progênies F2 dos cruzamentos envolvendo os genótipos 'IAPAR-59' x ("Icatu" x "Catuaí" e 'IAPAR-59' x 'Mundo Novo IAC 376-4', na estação experimental do IAPAR, em Londrina, Paraná, Brasil, no espaçamento 2,5 m x 0,5 m e o plantio foi efetuado em maio de 1997. O experimento foi instalado com delineamento em blocos ao acaso, 56 tratamentos, 2 repetições e parcelas de 10 plantas. As avaliações do vigor vegetativo, precocidade de maturação dos frutos e porte da planta foram realizadas em maio de 2000. A avaliação da ocorrência de Colletotrichum spp. foi efetuada em dezembro de 2001. Essa avaliação foi feita por meio de notas subjetivas. As notas variaram de 1 a 5 para a ocorrência de Colletotrichum spp., maturação e porte da planta, sendo 1, plantas sem lesões, maturação mais tardia e plantas de menor porte respectivamente. As notas de vigor vegetativo variaram de 1 a 10, sendo 10, a planta com maior vigor. As correlações genotípicas estimadas entre a ocorrência de Colletotrichum spp. e maturação, porte e vigor vegetativo foram, respectivamente, +0,80, +0,89, -0,92. Os resultados sugerem que a ocorrência de Colletotrichum spp. aumenta em cafeeiros com maturação precoce, maior porte e menor vigor vegetativo.Different fungi species of the Colletotrichum have been reported as causing disease in coffee crop in Brazil. The aim of this research was to estimate the correlation coeficient among Colletotrichum spp. incidence with some coffee agronomic traits. F2 progenies of 'IAPAR-59' x ("Icatu" x "Catuaí" and 'IAPAR-59' x 'Mundo Novo IAC 376-4' were evaluated at IAPAR´s experimental station at Londrina, Paraná State, Brazil, in experiment installed in may 1997, by

  1. Lesão do colo do cafeeiro, causada pelo calor Collar injury- young coffe plants caused by heat

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    Coaracy M. Franco


    Full Text Available Tem sido observada ocasionalmente uma lesão no colo de cafeeiros novos ao nível do solo. .Estudos dc laboratório mostraram que o caule de cafeeiros novos foram danificados quando ao redor dêle se fêz circular água aquecida às temperaturas de 45 o 50ºC. O aquecimento da superfície do solo, compreendendo o colo de cafeeiro vegetando em laminados, com o auxílio de uma lâmpada de raios infravermelhos, resultou em lesão semelhante àquela observada nas culturas. Essa lesão apareceu em tratamentos cujas temperaturas estiveram entre 44 e 51°C. O fato dessas temperaturas serem freqüentemente observadas em solos expostos ao sol, sugere que a lesão do caule do cafeeiro, observada freqüentemente em cafèzais novos, seja conseqüência do aquecimento excessivo da superfície do solo pelos raios solares.A collar injury of young, field coffee plants at the soil level has been observed occasionally in the summer. The location of the abnormality and the season when it appears .suggested that excessive heating of the soil surface by the sun rays could be its cause. Two experiments were then conducted in the laboratory to investigate this bypothesis. The first experiment consisted in circulating water at the desired temperature around the stem ofyoung coffee plants, using the same apparatus described in a previous paper. In a second experiment the base of the stem and the soil around it was heated by means of a G. E. 250 watts infrared industrial reflector. By changing the distance between the heat source and the plant, different temperatures at the soil surface could be obtained. The results of the first experiment showed that 4 plants out of o that were treated at 45ºC showed injury; the other 2 plants survived without damage. From 5 plants that were treated at 50ºC, 2 showed injury and 3 died shortly after the treatment. All plants subjected to the temperature treatments at 35°C and 40ºC survived without damage, while those treated at 55º

  2. Extrato etanólico de própolis no controle da cercosporiose e no desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro.


    Pereira, Cassiano Spaziani; Souza, Fausto Lima Farias de; Godoy, Cícero Aparecido


    Objetivou-se, avaliar os efeitos do extrato etanólico de própolis (EEP) sobre a incidência de cercosporiose e o desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro cv. ‘Catuaí vermelho’. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com cinco repetições e dez plantas/parcela. O esquema experimental foi em fatorial 4 x 6. O primeiro fator foram quatro EEPs, confeccionados com diferentes porcentagens de própolis bruta (PB) na composição (1, 4, 7 e 10% de PB e o restante com etanol a 92%). O segundo fato...

  3. Metabolismo de nitrogênio em dois sistemas de cultivo de café sob veranico da estação úmida

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    Carmem Lacerda Lemos


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do veranico ocorrido na estação úmida sobre o metabolismo de nitrogênio em cafeeiros em sistema a pleno sol e associados com abacateiro (Persea americana Mill. e ingazeiro (Inga edulis Mart., foi realizado este experimento. O estudo foi conduzido em propriedade situada no município de Barra do Choça, BA, composto por plantas de café (Coffea arabica L., variedade Catuaí, sendo caracterizados dois campos experimentais (sistema sombreado x sistema a pleno sol. As avaliações foram realizadas em janeiro (período de veranico e março (final da estação úmida, em cinco repetições por campo experimental. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste t por meio do programa SAEG, versão 9.1. Maior teor de NO3 - foi verificado no sistema a pleno sol, tanto no período de veranico como no final da estação úmida. Em março foi observado maior acúmulo de N-orgânico no terço superior do cafeeiro a pleno sol e no terço médio do cafeeiro sombreado. Maiores teores de nitrogênio total e a tendência de maior atividade enzimática da redutase do nitrato foram verificados nos sistemas arborizados, quando avaliados dentro do mesmo terço do cafeeiro nas duas estações.

  4. Caracterização e dinâmica de colonização de Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresen. de vries em frutos do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. Characterization and dynamic of colonization of Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresen. de Vries in coffee fruits (Coffea arabica L.

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    Ricardo Tadeu Galvão Pereira


    Full Text Available A presença de fungos em associação natural com frutos do cafeeiro é considerada um fator importante influenciando a qualidade do café. A influência negativa de algumas espécies de Aspergillus é conhecida, comprometendo inclusive a segurança do produto. Os relatos de fungos influenciando positivamente a qualidade se resumem à ocorrência de Cladosporium sp. associados a grãos que originaram cafés de boa qualidade, porém informações exatas sobre a espécie e a sua dinâmica no campo são escassas. Objetivando caracterizar a espécie associada ao cafeeiro e sua dinâmica de colonização, 18 isolados de Cladosporium foram caracterizados e identificados. A dinâmica de colonização do fungo nas comunidades externa e interna do fruto do cafeeiro foi estudada ao longo do período de desenvolvimento do fruto. A espécie associada ao cafeeiro foi identificada como Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresen. de Vries. A dinâmica do fungo é característica de um fungo saprófita encontrado em intensidade máxima quando os frutos estão nos estágios de cereja.The natural occurrence of fungi in coffee fruits is considered an important factor influencing the quality of coffee. The negative effect of some Aspergillus species in coffee, which can also affect safety of the product, is well known. Otherwise, there are reports describing the positive influence of fungi in coffee quality, but they are limited to the occurrence of Cladosporium sp. in fruits, and its correlation with a product of good quality. Indeed, the exact information about the species involved and dynamics of colonization are not available. The objective of this work was to identify and characterize the species of Cladosporium, detected in coffee fruits, and study the dynamics of colonization of the fruits during the maturation process. The species found on coffee fruits was identified as Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresen. de Vries. and the dynamics of colonization showed the

  5. Efeitos de águas residuárias de café no crescimento vegetativo de cafeeiros em seu primeiro ano Effects of processing coffee wastewater on first year coffee plants growth

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    Moisés S. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Ao utilizar o solo como forma de tratamento e de disposição final de águas residuárias de café (ARC e essa como fonte de água e de nutrientes para os cafeeiros, solucionam-se problemas ambientais e diminuem-se os custos de produção para o cafeicultor. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos de diferentes doses de potássio aplicadas via ARC no crescimento vegetativo de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L., Catuaí' e Catucaí', em seu primeiro ano, bem como o incremento de potássio e a condutividade elétrica na solução do solo. O estudo foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Engenharia, na Universidade Federal de Lavras, no município de Lavras - MG. Os tratamentos foram definidos por diferentes doses de potássio (K+: 30 mg L-1; 65 mg L-1; 100 mg L-1; 135 mg L-1, aplicadas via ARC, e pela testemunha (água de irrigação e adubação convencional. ARC com concentrações até 135 mg L-1 de potássio contribui para o crescimento vegetativo do cafeeiro, especificamente, altura de planta e diâmetro do ramo ortotrópico, mostrando-se igualmente, ou melhor, que a água de irrigação e potássio por meio da adubação convencional. Além disso, o aumento na concentração de potássio do solo em todos os tratamentos não foi suficiente para aumentar a condutividade elétrica em níveis que possam afetar o crescimento da planta, no período avaliado.Using the soil as a form of treatment and final disposal for coffee wastewater(CW, considering its water and nutrient content to the coffee, solves environmental problems and reduces production costs for coffee growers. This research had the objective to evaluate the influence of different potassium levels from WC on the growth of (Coffea arabica L., Catuaí' and Catucaí' coffee varieties, in their fist year, as well the potassium increase and electrical conductivity in the soil solution. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse of the Engineering Department, of

  6. Seletividade fisiológica de inseticidas a vespidae predadores do bicho-mineiro-do-cafeeiro

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    Full Text Available Estudou-se, em laboratório, a seletividade dos inseticidas clorpirifós, deltametrina, dimetoato, ethion, monocrotofós e permetrina às vespas predadoras Apoica pallens Fab., Brachygastra lecheguana Latreille e Polistes versicolor versicolor Olivier (Hymenoptera: Vespidae em concentrações que correspondem a 50% e 100% da dosagem recomendada para o controle do bicho-mineiro-do-cafeeiro, Perileucoptera coffeella Guérin-Meneville (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae. Deltametrina foi seletivo em favor de P. versicolor versicolor e A. pallens. O ethion foi medianamente seletivo a A. pallens e P. versicolor versicolor, e seletivo em favor de B. lecheguana. Os demais inseticidas não foram seletivos às vespas predadoras. A ordem crescente de tolerância das vespas a deltametrina foi: P. versicolor versicolor > A. pallens > B. lecheguana. Para o ethion esta ordem foi: B. lecheguana > P. versicolor versicolor > A. pallens. O clorpirifós, deltametrina, dimetoato, monocrotofós e permetrina apresentaram semelhante toxicidade às vespas nas duas dosagens utilizadas. O ethion, por sua vez, reduziu seu impacto sobre A. pallens e P. versicolor versicolor quando aplicado em subdosagem.

  7. Acurácia e calibração de sonda de capacitância em Latossolo Vermelho cultivado com cafeeiro

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    Bruno Montoani Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a acurácia da sonda de multisensores de capacitância "Delta-T Profile probe PR2/6", na avaliação do conteúdo de água do solo com uso de calibrações padrão do fabricante, realizar a calibração para condições específicas de locais e profundidades de amostragem do solo e obter coeficientes de calibração para medições acuradas em tempo real. Em janeiro de 2010, foram coletadas amostras de solo com estrutura preservada a diferentes profundidades, nas linhas de plantio do cafeeiro e nas entrelinhas. As análises foram realizadas em laboratório, com o sensor ML2x Theta probe. Após a obtenção das leituras do sensor, o teor de água foi determinado por meio do método gravimétrico. Foram utilizadas amostras de Latossolo Vermelho distrófico muito argiloso. As calibrações padrão do fabricante (mineral e orgânica não não se mostraram adequadas para emprego nas condições de manejo (locais e profundidades de amostragem avaliadas. Na impossibilidade de averiguar a acurácia obtida pelo método recomendado pelo fabricante, o uso de ajustes de regressão linear ou da ferramenta Solver mostrou-se útil no processo de calibração. São necessárias apenas duas equações de calibração para avaliação do teor de água das situações contrastantes de manejo.

  8. Influência do zinco na incidência de doenças do cafeeiro Zinc influence on coffee diseases

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    Vicente Luiz de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Em cafeeiros, poucos estudos foram feitos relacionando aumento ou diminuição da resistência das plantas às doenças, com alteração dos níveis de nutrientes utilizados. Com este trabalho, objetivou-se estudar os efeitos do sulfato de zinco aplicado isoladamente, e associado com fungicidas e cloreto de potássio sobre a ferrugem, cercosporiose e manchas foliares do cafeeiro. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em uma lavoura de café em produção, onde foram testados oxicloreto de cobre, tebuconazole, sulfato de zinco + cloreto de potássio e sulfato de zinco e nas subparcelas foram realizadas diferentes concentrações de sulfato de zinco: ausência, 0,3 %, 0,6 % e 1,2 %. Verificou-se que os tratamentos com oxicloreto de cobre e tebuconazole reduziram a incidência e severidade de ferrugem, a incidência de cercosporiose, de manchas foliares (phoma e ascochyta e a desfolha, independente das concentrações de sulfato de zinco utilizadas. Concentrações de sulfato de zinco na faixa de 0,6 % - 0,75 % apresentaram menor severidade da ferrugem e o aumento nas concentrações de sulfato de zinco aumentou a incidência de cercosporiose, manchas foliares e a desfolha dos cafeeiros.The are few studies have been done related to the increase or decrease of disease resistance in coffee plants, with alteration from plant nutrient levels. The ain of this work was to verify the effect of zinc sulfate, applied either alone or in association with fungicides, and the effect of potassium chloride on coffee leaf rust, brown-eyes and leaf stains in coffee plants. Copper oxichloride, tebuconazole, sulfate of zinc + potassium chloride and sulfate of zinc were applied on plots and concentrations of zinc sulfate (0,0 %, 0,3 %, 0,6 % and 1,2 % were applied on sub plot. Treatments with copper and tebuconazole reduced the incidence and severity of rust, the incidence of brown-eyes and stains leaf (phoma and ascochyta and the defoliate independent of the zinc sulfate

  9. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: V - Melhoramento por hibridação

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    C. A. Krug


    Full Text Available A hibridação como método de melhoramento do cafeeiro, oferece amplas possibilidades que ainda se acham pouco exploradas. Para o caso da espécie C. arabica, a hibridação entre suas variedades, além de fornecer dados seguros sôbre a constituição genética, permite também a verificação de ocorrência da heterose, o melhoramento sem mudança dos caracteres das variedades, ou sintetização de estruturas genéticas novas. Os cruzamentos interespecíficos poderão contribuir decisivamente para a solução do problema da melhoria da qualidade do produto e dar indicações a respeito das relações das várias espécies e da reação dos fatôres genéticos de uma espécie em ambientes genéticos diversos. Cêrca de 2500 híbridos se acham em estudo na Secção de Genética, envolvendo plantas da mesma variedade, plantas de variedades diferentes e cafeeiros pertencentes a espécies distintas. As diversas possibilidades dêsses cruzamentos no melhoramento do cafeeiro são indicadas, chamando-se especial atenção para os híbridos interespecíficos, principalmente aquêles que envolvem a espécie tetraplóide C. arabica e outras espécies diplóides, como C. canephora, C. Dewevrei e C. congensis. Êstes híbridos triplóides, após duplicação do número de cromosômios, poderão constituir fonte de novas formas de Coffea, permitindo a expansão do cultivo do café era São Paulo.Artificial hybridization in coffee breeding offers possibilities that are still unexplored. Inter-varietal hybridization has been used in Coffea arabica in order to get information about the genetic constitution of the varieties, and occurrence of heterosis, to breed without changing the morphological characters of the varieties and also to synthesize new genetic types of economic value. Inter-specific hybridization has been employed for improvement of cup quality and to furnish data about the relationship of various coffee species and the behaviour of known

  10. Efeitos de variáveis ambientais, irrigação e vespas predadoras sobre Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) no cafeeiro


    Fernandes, Flávio L; Mantovani, Everardo C; Bonfim Neto, Hermes; Nunes, Victor De V


    A densidade populacional do bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville) pode ser afetada por variáveis ambientais em agroecossistemas irrigados e vespas predadoras tais como Vespidae. Assim, objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar os efeitos das variáveis ambientais, de lâminas de irrigação via gotejamento, e da predação por vespas na densidade populacional de L. coffeella. O experimento foi conduzido entre os anos de 2004 e 2005, em lavoura de Coffea arabica L. no município...

  11. Estoque e frações da matéria orgânica de Latossolo cultivado com cafeeiro em diferentes espaçamentos de plantio Storage and fractions of organic matter of an Oxisol under coffee plantations with different plant spacings

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    Otacílio José Passos Rangel


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de espaçamentos de plantio do cafeeiro sobre os estoques de carbono e nitrogênio e sobre os teores e distribuição de C em frações da matéria orgânica de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico. Foi avaliado um experimento conduzido durante 11 anos na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, em Machado (MG, cujos tratamentos consistiram da combinação de quatro espaçamentos entre linhas (2,0, 2,5, 3,0 e 3,5 m com três espaçamentos entre plantas (0,5, 0,75 e 1,0 m de cafeeiro. Uma área sob mata nativa próxima ao experimento foi utilizada como referência. Para avaliação dos estoques de C orgânico (CO e N total (NT e realização do fracionamento físico-densimétrico da matéria orgânica, as amostras de solo foram coletadas na entrelinha (EL e na projeção da copa (PC do cafeeiro. Os estoques de CO e os teores de C-FL na entrelinha do cafeeiro são iguais ou superiores àqueles determinados para as amostras da projeção da copa. Os estoques totais de CO e de NT e as outras frações da matéria orgânica do solo avaliadas não são influenciados pelo espaçamento entre plantas e entre linhas, pela área de planta e pela população de cafeeiro.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of coffee planting spacing on soil carbon and nitrogen storage and on the contents and distribution of organic matter fractions (light and heavy of a dystroferric Red Latosol (Oxisol. An experiment installed 11 years ago on an experimental farm of EPAMIG in Machado (Minas Gerais State, Brazil was evaluated. The treatments consisted of the combination of four spacings between rows (2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 m with three spacings between plants (0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 m. As reference, soil samples were also colleted in a native forest area adjacent to the experiment. For the evaluation of organic carbon (OC, total nitrogen (TN storage and density fractions of organic matter, soil samples were collected in

  12. Razão de perdas de terra e fator C da cultura do cafeeiro em cinco espaçamentos, em Pindorama (SP Soil loss ratio and C factor for coffee plantations in five spacings in Pindorama, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Daniel Prochnow


    Full Text Available hídrica em culturas perenes, embora tais dados sejam imprescindíveis ao planejamento conservacionista e estudos de modelagem de erosão. Dados de um experimento de perdas de terra e água sob chuva natural em Pindorama (SP, de julho de 1960 a junho de 1972, foram usados para o cálculo da razão de perdas de terra (RPT e do fator C da equação universal de perdas de solo, em cinco espaçamentos na cultura do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.. Foram estabelecidas parcelas com espaçamentos de 3,0 x 0,5 m, 3,0 x 1,0 m, 3,0 x 2,0 m, 3,0 x 3,0 m e 4,0 x 2,0 m em um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo eutrófico textura arenosa/média com declividade média de 0,100 m m-1. O ciclo da cultura foi dividido em dois estádios: do plantio aos 60 meses e dos 60 aos 144 meses. Os resultados mostraram que: (a as perdas anuais de terra e água para a cultura do cafeeiro foram de 4 Mg ha-1 e 18 mm respectivamente; (b os valores de RPT para o cafeeiro foram de 0,1346, 0,0883, 0,1015, 0,1422 e 0,1001 Mg ha-1 Mg-1 ha, para os espaçamentos 3,0 x 0,5 m, 3,0 x 1,0 m, 3,0 x 2,0 m, 3,0 x 3,0 m e 4,0 x 2,0 m respectivamente; (c a magnitude do fator C, para os referidos espaçamentos, foi, respectivamente, de 0,1354, 0,0866, 0,0995, 0,1412 e 0,1004 Mg ha-1 Mg-1 ha; (d as RPTs e os fatores C variaram amplamente entre os espaçamentos, bem como e, mais expressivamente, entre os estádios da cultura, indicando forte efeito do espaçamento e da cobertura vegetal; (e o espaçamento 3,0 x 1,0 mostrou-se mais eficiente na redução da erosão hídrica na cultura do cafeeiro.Brazilian literature lacks data on soil and water loss by water erosion in perennial crops although such data would be essential for conservation planning and erosion modeling studies. Data of soil and water loss under natural rainfall (July 1960 to June 1972 in Pindorama, State of São Paulo, Brazil, were used to calculate the soil loss ratio (SLR and C factor for the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE in coffee

  13. Stomatal behavior and components of the antioxidative system in coffee plants under water stress Comportamento estomático e componentes do sistema antioxidante em cafeeiros sob estresse hídrico

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    Sidnei Deuner


    não foi estudada. Avaliou-se o movimento estomático e a capacidade antioxidante em mudas de cafeeiro sob diferentes regimes hídricos. Mudas de cafeeiro cv. Catuaí IAC 99, com oito meses de idade, foram submetidas à capacidade de campo, suspensão gradativa e suspensão total da irrigação por um período de 21 dias. Foram realizadas avaliações do potencial hídrico (Ψw foliar na antemanhã e resistência estomática, taxa transpiratória e déficit de pressão de vapor foram avaliados as 10h00 e 17h00. As determinações bioquímicas e enzimáticas foram realizadas em folhas coletadas às 17h00. Todas as avaliações e coletas foram realizadas em intervalos de três dias. Nas plantas em capacidade de campo não houve variação no Ψw durante o período de avaliação. Para a suspensão gradativa da irrigação, houve queda expressiva a partir dos 12 dias, chegando próximo a -2,5 Mpa, ao final do experimento. Já nas plantas em suspensão total da irrigação observou-se queda no Ψw a partir do sexto dia, chegando a -2,5 MPa aos 15 dias. A queda no Ψw para as plantas em suspensão gradual e total da irrigação refletiu em aumentos na resistência estomática e diminuição da taxa transpiratória, ocasionando aumento na formação de peróxido de hidrogênio e nos períodos finais, aumentos na peroxidação de lipídios. Em conseqüência obervaram-se aumentos na atividade das enzimas antioxidantes, bem como nos teores de ascorbato e dehidroascorbato, atuando na detoxificação dos radicais livres formados em função do estresse.

  14. Características fisiológicas e de crescimento de cafeeiro sombreado com guandu e cultivado a pleno sol Physiological characteristics and growth of coffee plants grown under shade of pigeonpea and unshaded

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    Heverly Morais


    Full Text Available O conhecimento dos efeitos do sombreamento sobre a fisiologia de cafeeiros é importante para se determinar níveis ótimos de radiação e temperatura, bem como para subsidiar estudos sobre o crescimento de plantas sombreadas, a fim de determinar a arquitetura ideal do cafeeiro que maximize a captura da radiação solar disponível em ambientes sombreados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar características fisiológicas e de crescimento de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. cultivados sob sombreamento denso com guandu (Cajanus cajan (L. Millsp. e a pleno sol. O baixo nível de radiação incidente sobre os cafeeiros sombreados com guandu resultou em decréscimos na taxa fotossintética e na transpiração, maior altura de planta, folhas maiores e com menor quantidade de matéria seca. Esses resultados indicam que o excesso de sombra afeta drasticamente a fisiologia e morfologia de C. arabica.The characterization of shade effects on the physiology of coffee is important to determine optimum levels of radiation and temperature, as well as to subsidize studies on growth of shaded plants aiming at determining the ideal coffee plant architecture that maximizes the capture of the available solar radiation in shaded environments. The objective of this work was to evaluate physiological and growth characteristics of coffee (Coffea arabica L. shaded with pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L. Millsp. and under full sun. The low level of incident radiation on the coffee shaded with pigeonpea caused decreases in the photosynthetic rate and transpiration, increased plant height and leaf size, but diminished leaf dry matter. These results indicate that the excess of shade drastically affects the physiology and morphology of C. arabica.

  15. Modelo matemático para previsão da produtividade do cafeeiro

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    José M. Miranda


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, a criação de um modelo matemático, prático e eficiente para a previsão antecipada de safras com base em alguns atributos fenológicos da planta: altura, número de frutos no 4º e 5º internódios dos ramos plagiotrópicos, comprimento em metros das linhas de café e diâmetro medido na região inferior das plantas. O experimento foi montado nos cafezais do IFSULDEMINAS - Campus Machado, em que quatro cultivares de diferentes portes tiveram sua produtividade analisada durante a safra 2010/2011: Catucaí, Mundo Novo, Rubi e Topázio, cada uma se constituiu em unidade experimental na qual, por sua vez, foram amostradas 10 plantas aleatoriamente sendo 6 ramos amostrados em cada planta (três do lado do sol nascente e três do lado do sol poente, sendo dois no terço superior, outros dois na região intermediária e os dois últimos na região inferior de cada planta. Os dados foram colhidos no final do mês de fevereiro de 2011. O modelo que considera a proporção do volume de copa do cafeeiro tentando aproximar-se mais da arquitetura real da planta foi o mais significativo apresentando coeficiente de determinação de 0,83.

  16. Comparison and validation of diagrammatic scales for brown eye spots in coffee tree leaves Comparação e validação de escalas diagramáticas para cercosporiose em folhas de cafeeiro

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    Adriano Augusto de Paiva Custódio


    Full Text Available A diagrammatic scale with six levels (0.1-3.0; 3.1-6.0; 6.1-12.0; 12.1-18.0;18.1-30.0; 30.1-49.0% was developed, compared, and evaluated along with two other scales to measure the severity of brown eye spots in coffee trees leaves. The scale was designed based on two others already in use in order to increase the efficiency of evaluation and for estimation values to approach as close as possible to their actual values. Two evaluations were performed using each of the three diagrammatic scales and one was performed without a diagrammatic scale, in seven day intervals. Using the proposed scale, the evaluators demonstrated better precision levels, accuracy, reproducibility, and repeatability in the estimations, when compared to the evaluators who did not use the diagrammatic scale, or who used existing scales. The proposed diagrammatic scale provided a reliable estimation to evaluate brown eye spot severity on coffee tree leaves.Foi desenvolvida, comparada e avaliada com outras duas escalas uma escala diagramática com seis níveis (0,1-3,0; 3,1-6,0; 6,1-12,0; 12,1-18,0; 18,1-30,0; 30,1-49,0%, para medir a severidade da cercosporiose em folhas de cafeeiro. A escala foi construída baseada em outras duas já existentes, procurando aumentar a eficiência da avaliação e aproximar os valores estimados o mais próximo dos valores reais. Foram realizadas duas avaliações com a utilização de cada uma das três escalas diagramáticas e uma avaliação sem o seu auxílio, em intervalos de sete dias. Com o emprego da escala proposta, os avaliadores apresentaram melhores níveis de precisão, acurácia, reprodutibilidade e repetibilidade nas estimativas, quando comparados aos avaliadores que não utilizaram a escala diagramática, ou que utilizaram as escalas existentes. A escala diagramática proposta demonstrou fornecer uma estimativa confiável para avaliar a severidade da cercosporiose em folhas de cafeeiro.

  17. Influência de bioativadores e bioestimulantes na produção de mudas de cafeeiros

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    Bruno Manoel Rezende de Melo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito dos produtos thiamethoxan, triadimenol e Stimulate® no crescimento e desenvolvimento das mudas de cafeeiro. O experimento foi desenvolvido no Setor de Cafeicultura, Produção de Mudas, do Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia Sul de Minas Gerais, Câmpus Inconfidentes, realizado no período 3/7/12 a 8/01/13. O ensaio foi realizado em blocos casualizado (DBC com quatro repetições e cinco tratamentos: thiamethoxam (250 g.Kg-1 com Stimulate®, thiamethoxam (250 g.Kg-1 sem stimulate®, triadimenol (250 g.L-1 e imidacloprido (175 g.L-1 com Stimulate®, 4º triadimenol (250 g.L-1 e imidacloprido (175 g.L-1 sem Stimulate® e testemunha, ausência de aplicação de bioestimulante ou bioativadores. Cada parcela foi composta por trinta plantas sendo as oito centrais consideradas úteis. Aos 155 dias após a semeadura foi retirada a cobertura e aos 189 as mudas foram avaliadas pelos seguintes parâmetros: comprimento da parte aérea, número de folhas verdadeiras, diâmetro de caule, comprimento de raízes, área foliar, biomassa seca e fresca das raízes e parte aérea. Conclui-se, portanto que, a utilização de thiamethoxam, triadimenol e Stimulate® não demonstraram promover o desenvolvimento das mudas de cafeeiro, entretanto os tratamentos com thiamethoxam associado ou não ao Stimulate® apresentaram menor concentração de água na biomassa fresca do sistema radicular podendo este resultado ter relação com o teor salino do produto. Desta forma mais estudos são necessários para demonstrar a ação destes produtos no desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro.

  18. Eliminação de linhas em cafeeiros adensados por meio semimecanizado Elimination of dense coffee-lines by semi mechanized ways

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    Ezequiel de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Buscando obter maior produtividade inicial da lavoura cafeeira é comum fazer plantio adensado, porém devido ao adensamento e outras causas a produtividade reduz-se a partir da quarta ou quinta colheita, sendo uma das causas o "fechamento" da copa das plantas, necessitando assim fazer a eliminação de linhas de café. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência operacional e viabilidade econômica de diferentes métodos de eliminação das linhas de cafeeiros adensados. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Município de Lavras, MG, em área de 1 ha, sendo os ensaios realizados utilizando o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições, em parcelas aleatórias com 50 m de comprimento. Os tratamentos foram: palitamento e arranquio usando trator com gancho, palitamento com foice e corte com motosserra e palitamento com foice e corte com serra circular. O tratamento palitamento com foice e corte com serra circular, apresentou melhor eficiência operacional de campo, sendo 41,8 % mais eficiente que o tratamento palitamento e arranquio usando trator com gancho. O uso palitamento com serra circular ou motosserra é técnica e economicamente mais viável que o uso do palitamento e arranquio usando trator com gancho. No caso da venda dos troncos como lenha, os três métodos de eliminação das linhas dos cafeeiros resultaram em receitas líquidas, sendo maior para o palitamento e corte usando serra circular, chegando ao valor de R$ 624,98 ha-1.In order to obtain a larger initial productivity of coffee plantation it is very common to dense it, however this procedure reduces the productivity from the fourth or fifth crops on, because of the "closing" of plants tops, therefore it is necessary to eliminate some streets. The purpose of this work is evaluating the operational and economic performance of different methods of elimination of dense coffee-lines. The rehearsals were accomplished in LavrasMG considering aleatory

  19. Comparações sazonais do efeito da Xylella fastidiosa em cultivares de cafeeiro Seasonal comparactions of Xylella fastidiosa effect in coffee cultivars

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    Rachel Benetti Queiroz-Voltan


    Full Text Available Há muitos anos, o cafeeiro vem apresentando problemas de atrofia e seca dos ramos, atribuídos a um esgotamento nutricional devido às altas taxas de produção. Entretanto, hoje sabe-se que esse problema é causado pela presença da bactéria Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. cujos sintomas estão relacionados a fatores de estresse. Embora essa bactéria tenha sido muito estudada nos Estados Unidos, devido aos danos causados à videira, pouco se conhece sobre a relação patógeno-hospedeiro-vetor nas diferentes culturas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar a obstrução de elementos de vaso do xilema nas diferentes partes da planta, em ramos com e sem sintomas externos de infecção, de cultivares de cafeeiro (porta-enxertados ou pé-franco, em duas épocas do ano, a fim de verificar o efeito da bactéria na estrutura da planta e na sua nutrição. Foi utilizado um experimento instalado em 1986, em Garça (SP, sendo as amostras retiradas em 2000. Para o estudo anatômico foram obtidas amostras em dois períodos: abril/maio (estação seca e novembro/dezembro (estação chuvosa e para as análises foliar e edáfica foram retiradas amostras em abril. A proporção de obstrução de elementos de vaso do xilema devido ao efeito ocasionado pela bactéria foi maior na estação seca, no período de estresse hídrico, do que na estação chuvosa. O órgão que apresentou uma proporção maior de obstrução de elementos de vaso foi o caule, seguido do pecíolo, limbo e raiz. Não houve diferença significativa na proporção de elementos de vaso obstruídos entre os tratamentos nos dois períodos do ano; também, não houve diferença significativa na composição nutricional foliar nas condições do estudo, porém as amostras retiradas dos ramos com sintoma de infecção, de alguns tratamentos, apresentaram menores concentrações de alguns elementos químicos em relação àquelas amostras retiradas de ramos sem sintoma da presença da bact

  20. Fontes e proporção de material orgânico para a produção de mudas de cafeeiro em tubetes Sources and proportions of organic components for production of coffee tree seedling (Coffea arabica L. in small plastic containers

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    Ricardo Dias


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade das mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. produzidas em tubetes com substrato artificial suplementado com fontes de material orgânico em diferentes proporções. O experimento foi conduzido sob delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 3 x 6, com quatro repetições em parcelas formadas por seis tubetes. O primeiro fator correspondeu às fontes de material orgânico (esterco bovino, húmus de minhoca e cama de peru e o segundo, suas proporções (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100% no substrato artificial (BioPlant-café fertilizado com osmocote® (NPK 15-09-12. As características avaliadas foram: altura da muda, diâmetro de caule, número de pares de folhas, área foliar e massa seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular. Pode-se concluir que o húmus de minhoca adicionado ao substrato artificial na proporção de 80% ou em uso exclusivo (100% aumentou a área foliar das mudas de cafeeiro e, como conseqüência proporcionou um maior acúmulo de massa seca da parte aérea. O uso de esterco bovino (acima de 30% e a cama de peru não alterou ou reduziu as características vegetativas das mudas de cafeeiro (altura da muda, diâmetro de caule, número de pares de folhas e área foliar e diminuiu o acúmulo de massa seca.This work aimed to evaluate the quality of coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica L. produced in small plastic containers with artificial substrate supplemented with sources of organic components in different proportions. The experiment was carried out using the randomized block design, in a 3 x 6 factorial structure, with four replications in plots composed of small plastic containers. The first factor corresponded to the sources (cattle manure, earthworm casting, and turkey manure and the second to the proportions (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% in the artificial substrate (BioPlant-café® fertilized with osmocote® (NPK 15-09-12. The characteristics evaluated were

  1. Produtividade do cafeeiro e cultivos intercalares sob diferentes regimes hídricos Coffe and intercropping productivities under different water regimes

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    Rogério Teixeira de Faria


    Full Text Available O efeito de diferentes regimes hídricos na produtividade do cafeeiro e cultivos intercalares foi determinado em um experimento em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, em Londrina, PR, durante sete anos. Os tratamentos consistiram de aplicação de irrigação para manter a camada de solo de 0,7 m com mais de 50% da água disponível (40 kPa a 0,25 m e 30% de água disponível (70 kPa a 0,25 m, além de um tratamento não irrigado. Após o terceiro ano de implantação da lavoura, na fase reprodutiva do cafeeiro, a camada de manejo de irrigação foi aumentada para 1 m e os tratamentos irrigados foram desdobrados em dois tratamentos: com irrigação durante o ano todo e com irrigação de setembro a março. Durante os dois anos iniciais de formação da lavoura, foram cultivados feijão, seguido de arroz, intercalares ao cafeeiro. Em média, a irrigação aumentou a produtividade de café de 15% a 22%, em relação à testemunha, quando aplicada no período de setembro-março, e em cerca de 10%, quando aplicada durante o ano todo. A maturação, porém, foi mais desuniforme e não se eliminou o efeito bienal de variação da produção de café. Além de proporcionar produtividade significativamente superior à testemunha, com a irrigação aplicada de setembro a março, mantendo-se o solo com umidade acima de 30% da água disponível (tensões menores que 70 kPa a 0,25m, houve menor consumo de água que nos demais tratamentos irrigados. Para as culturas intercalares, a irrigação aumentou a produtividade de 240% a 300% para o feijão e em cerca de 50% para o arroz.The effect of soil water regimes on coffee yield and intercropping species were assessed by an experiment conducted in a red dark Latosol, in Londrina, State of Paraná, Brazil. Treatments consisting on application of irrigation for maintaining soil moisture in the 0-0.7m depth above 50% soil available water (40 kPa at 0.25 m and 70% soil available water (70 kPa at 0.25 m, in addition

  2. Efeitos do grau de cozimento na qualidade de cortes de Supraspinatus acondicionado a vácuo em embalagem cook-in Effects of cooking degree on quality of vacuum-packed Supraspinatus cuts

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    José Ricardo Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Foi estudado o efeito do grau de cozimento na cor, perda de peso e força de cisalhamento em cortes no músculo Supraspinatus. Os músculos foram excisados de 18 meias-carcaças de Nelore e pesados antes e após retirada do excesso de tecido conjuntivo externo para cálculo de rendimento (porção comestível. Em cada corte foram medidos o pH final e a cor, fazendo-se, individualmente, o acondicionamento em embalagens tipo cook-in. O cozimento foi feito em tacho com água observando-se as temperaturas internas finais (ponto frio correspondentes ao cozimento "mal-passado", "ao ponto" e "bem-passado" e tempos de cozimento estimados, previamente, para promover a pasteurização (respectivamente, 60-62 ºC/300min, 70-72 ºC/120min. e 75-77 ºC/90min. Para cada tratamento foram destinados 6 músculos de pesos similares. Os dados obtidos indicam que a cor produto "mal-passado" foi ligeiramente mais vermelha que a do produto "ao ponto", mas o produto "bem-passado" foi fortemente afetado pelo tratamento. Como era esperado, o produto "bem-passado" apresentou maior perda de peso na cocção em relação aos produtos "ao ponto" e "mal-passado" (34,07, 24,83, e 21,66%, respectivamente. Os valores da força de cisalhamento aumentaram do produto "malpassado" para o "bem-passado" (4,71, 5,57, e 6,03kgf, respectivamente, sendo o "mal-passado" classificado como macio.The effects of the degree of cooking on color, cooking weight loss and shear force of beef supraspinatus muscle was evaluated. The muscles were extracted from eighteen Nellore carcasses sides without trimming. Each muscle was weighed before and after trimming to estimate the yield. The ultimate pH and color were achieved in the fresh cuts. The cuts were individually vacuum packed into cook-in bags and placed in a water bath in order to obtain the rare, medium and welldone final temperatures (coldest point and pasteurized products. Each treatment was performed on groups of six muscles of similar

  3. Fungos micorrízicos arbusculares na formação de mudas de cafeeiro, em substratos orgânicos comerciais Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the development of coffee plantlets using different organic substrates

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    Fabrício Sales Massafera Tristão


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um experimento, em casa de vegetação, em arranjo fatorial 9 x 4, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de substratos orgânicos comerciais e inoculação de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs no desenvolvimento de mudas de cafeeiro, cultivar 'Catuaí Amarelo', IAC 62. Utilizaram-se substratos à base de fibra de coco (Golden Mix 11, Golden Mix 47 e Golden Mix 80, casca de pinus (Rendmax, Vida Verde com adubação, Vida Verde sem adubação e Terra do Paraíso, solo puro e solo + esterco (70% e 30%,v/v, inoculando-se os FMAs Glomus intraradices, Glomus etunicatum e Gigaspora margarita. Manteve-se um tratamento sem inoculação. Aos 200 dias após transplante avaliaram-se: altura, diâmetro do caule, número de folhas, matéria seca da parte aérea, matéria fresca da raiz, teor de fósforo na parte aérea, colonização radicular, comprimento do micélio externo, atividade da fosfatase ácida e teores de pigmentos fotossintetizantes nas folhas do cafeeiro. Independentemente da micorrização, o melhor crescimento das mudas foi obtido no substrato Vida Verde sem adubação. Os melhores efeitos da micorrização foram constatados nas plantas colonizadas por G. margarita e crescidas nos substratos convencional (solo + esterco e Vida Verde com adubação, nas quais se verificaram mais eficácia na utilização de P, o que reverteu em maior crescimento e produção de biomassa, resultando em maior eficiência simbiótica. No substrato solo + esterco, a micorrização favoreceu a concentração de pigmentos fotossintetizantes e diminuiu a atividade da fosfatase ácida nas folhas do cafeeiro.A greenhouse experiment with an alleatory factorial 9 x 4 scheme was carried out to evaluate the effects of different substrates and species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF on the development of coffee plants, cultivar Catuaí Amarelo, IAC 62. Nine substrates were used: seven commercial organic substrates - four substrates containing composted

  4. Capital cafeeiro paulista : apropriação de terras devolutas e relações de trabalho nas fazendas de café do Oeste Paulista (1850-1930)


    Gustavo Machado Cavarzan


    Resumo:O objetivo do presente trabalho é fornecer uma contribuição à análise do desenvolvimento histórico do capitalismo no Brasil. Para tanto, busca-se analisar as condições de formação do mercado de terras e do mercado de trabalho em torno do complexo cafeeiro de São Paulo entre 1850 e 1930. Em um primeiro momento é realizada uma revisão das condições que levaram a economia cafeeira paulista a alcançar o papel de principal centro dinâmico do Brasil no decorrer do século XIX. Destaca-se tamb...

  5. Crescimento vegetativo e produção de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. recepados em duas épocas, conduzidos em espaçamentos crescentes Vegetative growth and yield of coffee plants (Coffea arabica L. in two different pruning times, conducted at different spacings

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    Sérgio Parreiras Pereira


    Full Text Available O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda Experimental da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais - EPAMIG em Machado, Sul de Minas Gerais, em 1992, com o objetivo de avaliar as conseqüências da redução dos espaçamentos entre as linhas e entre as plantas na linha de plantio sobre a produção e a fenologia do cafeeiro(Coffea arabica L.. O delineamento experimental foi o blocos casualizados - DBC, em um arranjo fatorial 4 x 3 com parcela subdividida, sendo quatro distâncias entre as linhas (2,0; 2,5; 3,0 e 3,5 m e três distâncias entre as plantas na linha de plantio (0,5; 0,75; 1,0 m, e duas épocas de poda (uma precoce feita logo após a colheita em de julho 2002 e a outra tardia em de janeiro de 2003, totalizando 24 tratamentos com três repetições. Em julho de 2002 e em janeiro de 2003 foi realizada a poda tipo "recepa", na qual foram conduzidas duas brotações por planta. Em agosto de 2004, avaliou-se o crescimento dos componentes vegetativos e a produção das parcelas. Os espaçamentos adotados não influenciaram o crescimento de nenhum dos componentes vegetativos das brotações no período avaliado. Todas as características vegetativas foram influenciadas positivamente pela adoção da poda precoce, assim como a produtividade da primeira colheita realizada após a poda, que foi também influenciada positivamente pela adoção de espaçamentos mais adensados. Os cafeeiros que foram submetidos à poda tardia não produziram, em julho de 2004, como aqueles podados precocemente.The experiment was established in the Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais - Epamig Experiment Station, located in the city of Machado, south of the Minas Gerais state, Brazil, in the year of 1992, with the objective of evaluating the consequences of the reduction on planting spaces among rows and among plants, upon beans yield and plant phenology (Coffea arabica L.. The experimental design used was a 4x 3 factorial with split plot at

  6. Efeito do tipo de substrato e da presença de adubação suplementar sobre o crescimento vegetativo, nutrição mineral, custo de produção e intensidade de cercosporiose em mudas de cafeeiro formadas em tubetes Effects of substrate type and supplementary fertilization on vegetative growth, mineral nutrition, production costs, and brown eye spot of coffee seedlings in stiff plastic containers

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    Adélia Aziz Alexandre Pozza


    Full Text Available A utilização de tubetes para produzir mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. tornou-se uma realidade. Objetivando avaliar o uso de substratos adubados ou não com fertilizante de liberação gradual e seus efeitos na nutrição, na formação, na cercosporiose e nos custos de produção de mudas de cafeeiro em tubetes, conduziu-se um experimento em viveiro, em esquema fatorial (4x2 com quatro substratos combinados com duas adubações, tendo quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por 16 tubetes de 120 mL, considerando-se como plantas úteis as seis centrais. Os tratamentos consistiram dos substratos S1= Substrato comercial I, S2 = Substrato comercial II, S3 = Substrato de eucalipto e S4 = 80% esterco de curral + 20% terra de subsolo, todos com e sem adubação com fertilizante de liberação gradual. No geral, os melhores substratos para formação de mudas de cafeeiro em tubetes foram os substratos não comerciais ou orgânicos, independentemente de receberem ou não adubação suplementar. Observou-se redução da cercosporiose com a nutrição mineral, principalmente com o cálcio. Com a utilização de todos os substratos houve ganho econômico em relação ao custo por milheiro de mudas. A maior economia foi obtida com o substrato S4, seguida do substrato S3, com melhor relação custo/benefício.The utilization of stiff plastic containers for producing coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica L. is a reality. Aiming to evaluate the effects of substrate type enriched or not with slow-release fertilizer on vegetative growth, mineral nutrition, production cost and, brown eye spot of coffee seedlings, an experiment was conducted in the plant nursery. The experimental design was a factorial scheme with four substrates in the presence and absence of supplementary fertilization, with four replicates. The plots were made of 16 containers of 120 ml, using six central plants for evaluation. The treatments consisted of S1 = Commercial Substrate

  7. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: XXIX - Produtividade de cafeeiros de porte reduzido Coffee breeding: XXIX - Productivity of dwarf coffee cultivars

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    C.S. Novaes Antunes


    Full Text Available Os cultivares de porte pequeno mais promissores da coleção de cafeeiros da Seção de Genética foram plantados em um ensaio comparativo, instalado em 1954, em Campinas. Os dados de sete anos de colheitas dêsse ensaio revelaram que a progênie de prefixo C 1039-48 do cultivar 'São Bernardo' foi a de melhor produção, e a de prefixo C 1034-4 'San Ramon', a de produção mais reduzida. Outras observações foram efetuadas atinentes à altura das plantas, resistência à geada, tipos de sementes produzidas e tamanho das sementes do tipo chato, analisadas pela peneira média, a fim de melhor caracterizar êsses cultivares. Os resultados colhidos dão informações úteis para o trabalho de melhoramento, indicando plantas e progênies a serem utilizadas principalmente nas hibridações com outros cultivares selecionados.The increasing cost of labor is leading the breeders to select coffee strains with low height which give high yield per area and facilitate the harvesting operation. The present paper refers to a trial established to compare the yielding ability of twelve dwarf coffee progenies of 'Caturra Amarelo', 'Caturra Vermelho', 'San Ramon', 'San Ramon x Bourbon', 'San Ramon x Maragogipe' and 'São Bernardo'. After seven consecutive harvests the total weight of coffee cherries was analysed. It was found that only the progeny 'São Bernardo' - C 1039-48 had a significant higher yield than the tester 'Caturra Vermelho' - C 477-8. The two 'Caturra Amarelo' progenies were in the same group of C 1039-48. Small variation was noticed in connection with bean size and percentages of flat, peaberry and elephant beans. The progenies of cultivar 'São Bernardo' had the largest beans and the highest percentages of normal flat beans. Concerning frost resistance some variation was observed in the susceptibility of the progenies to low temperatures. Only the progeny C 1036-36 revealed to be resistant. The best plants selected in this trial will be used in

  8. International competitiveness of brazilian and paraná state`s coffe complex / Competitividade internacional do complexo cafeeiro brasileiro e paranaense

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    Marcela Vasques Cintra


    Full Text Available The objective of this article is to analyze the determinants aspects of the competitiveness of the exportations of the coffee complex in Paraná State between 1990 and 2003 . The study intends to systematize: the recent literature on the subject, focusing the competitiveness of the main products of the brazilian guideline of exportations. A critical review of literature was made about the theories of international trade and competitiveness. It was characterized the dynamics of the complex of Brazilian coffee. The article identifies the competitive advantages of the Paraná coffee (green, roasted, soluble and special in relation to the competing countries; discusses the barriers to imports imposed to the brazilian coffee by the importing countries, and ends with the possible public and private policies favorable to the competitiveness of the coffee exportations.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os determinantes da competitividade das exportações do complexo cafeeiro paranaense entre 1990 e 2003. O estudo pretende sistematizar: a literatura recente sobre o tema, enfocando a competitividade de um dos principais produtos da pauta de exportações brasileira e do Paraná. Realizou-se a revisão crítica da literatura das teorias do comércio internacional e da competitividade e em seguida, caracterizou-se a dinâmica do complexo cafeeiro do brasileiro e paranaense. O artigo identifica as vantagens competitivas do café paranaense (verde, torrado, solúvel e especial em relação aos países concorrentes; discute as barreiras às importações impostas ao café brasileiro pelos países importadores; e finaliza com as possíveis políticas públicas e privadas favoráveis à competitividade das exportações de café.

  9. Disponibilidade hídrica e distinção de ambientes para cultivo de cafeeiros Water availability and landscape distinction for coffee cultivation

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    Milson E. Serafim


    Full Text Available Este estudo foi realizado nos municípios de São Roque de Minas e Vargem Bonita, MG, com o objetivo de distinguir ambientes cultivados com cafeeiros quanto à disponibilidade hídrica para a cultura. A umidade de oito glebas de cafeeiro foi monitorada e em cinco delas determinadas a disponibilidade de água para as plantas e a densidade do solo. As glebas estão situadas em áreas de Latossolo e Cambissolo e em uma gleba de cada classe foi realizado estudo da distribuição do sistema radicular do café no perfil do solo. A umidade foi monitorada no período de abril de 2008 a fevereiro de 2009, com frequência de 30 a 40 dias, amostradas as profundidades de 0,2; 0,4; 0,8; 1,2 e 1,6 m nas posições linha e entrelinha da cultura. Observou-se que a umidade do solo é menor na linha da cultura em relação à entrelinha. A classe de solo e a idade da lavoura também influenciaram a umidade do solo e a disponibilidade de água para as plantas. O sistema radicular do cafeeiro atingiu a camada de 1,5 a 1,7 m de profundidade de ambas as classes de solo estudadas. Por meio da análise de componentes principais separaram-se os 50 tratamentos em 4 grupos referentes à classe de solo e ao manejo.This study was conducted in the districts of São Roque de Minas and Vargem Bonita, MG, with the aim to distinguish landscapes for coffee growing, with higher water available to the crop. Soil moisture was monitored in eight plots of coffee, and in five of them being also determined water availability for plants and soil bulk density. The plots are located in areas of Latosols and Cambisols. In one plot of each soil class, the distribution of the root system of coffee in the soil profile was studied. Soil moisture was monitored from April 2008 to February 2009, in the interval of 30 to 40 days. The soil depths of 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 m were sampled, in line and between the lines of the coffee. The combination of the five plots, two sampling positions (line

  10. High coffee population density to improve fertility of an oxisol Densidade populacional de cafeeiros para melhorar a fertilidade de um latossolo

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    Marcos Antonio Pavan


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of coffee (Coffea arabica L. population densities on the chemical and microbiological properties of an Oxisol. The work was carried out on soil samples of 0-20 cm depth originated from an experimental site which had been used for coffee tree spacing studies during 15 years, in Paraná State, Brazil. Eight coffee tree populations were evaluated: 7143, 3571, 2381, 1786, 1429, 1190, 1020, and 893 trees/ha. Increasing plant population increased soil pH, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, extractable P, organic carbon, moisture content and coffee root colonization by vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and decreased exchangeable Al and microbial biomass. Such results were attributed to better erosion control, improved plant residue management and nutrient cycling, and decreased leaching losses. Increasing coffee tree population per unit of area has shown to be an important reclamation recuperation strategy for improving fertility of the acid soils in Paraná, Brazil.O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar os efeitos de diferentes densidades de população de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. nas propriedades químicas, físicas e microbiológicas do solo. Amostras de um Latossolo foram coletadas na profundidade 0-20 cm em um experimento de campo onde estavam sendo avaliadas diferentes populações de cafeeiros. Os tratamentos foram 7.143, 3.571, 2.381, 1.786, 1.429, 1.190, 1.020 e 893 covas/ha. Os resultados demonstraram que o aumento da população de plantas por unidade de área aumentou o pH, o Ca, o Mg e o K trocáveis, o P disponível, o carbono orgânico, o teor de umidade e a colonização radicular por micorrizas, e diminuiu o Al trocável e a biomassa microbiana. Foram considerados como causas da melhoria da fertilidade do solo, sob cafeeiros adensados, o adequado controle da erosão, o correto manejo dos resíduos vegetais e a baixa lixiviação dos íons. O manejo da população de cafeeiros pode

  11. Equações para a estimativa do índice de área foliar do cafeeiro

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    Favarin José Laércio


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de estudar a variação temporal do índice de área foliar (IAF da cultura de café, utilizando um método simples e não-destrutivo, foi instalado um experimento no Departamento de Produção Vegetal, da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, da Universidade de São Paulo. Utilizou-se a cultivar Mundo Novo IAC 388-17, enxertada sobre a cultivar Apoatã IAC 2258 (de 15 até 35 meses de idade, no espaçamento de 2,5 x 1,0 m. Foram coletadas todas as folhas de duas plantas de café, em intervalos de 60 a 150 dias, para a mensuração da área foliar com o equipamento LI-COR (modelo 3100. Para obter a relação funcional entre IAF e diferentes variáveis de crescimento (altura da planta, número e massa total de folhas e área foliar e arquitetura da copa (área da seção inferior, média e superior do dossel, área lateral do dossel, diâmetro inferior, médio e superior do dossel, volume do dossel da planta e altura do primeiro par de ramos, assumiu-se que a parte aérea do cafeeiro tem a forma cônica. O diâmetro da seção inferior do dossel (primeiro par de ramos e a altura da planta podem ser utilizadas para estimar o índice de área foliar do cafeeiro.

  12. Seleção de progênies do cruzamento entre cultivares de cafeeiros Icatu e Catuaí

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    Cristiano de Andrade Gomes


    Full Text Available Os programas de melhoramento devem ser dinâmicos e contínuos, de modo a disponibilizarem sempre novos cultivares de cafeeiros, com fatores de resistência complexos, que se constituam em eficientes barreiras para as novas raças fisiológicas do fungo H. vastatrix. Por essa razão, objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o comportamento agronômico, a resistência à ferrugem e a ocorrência de cercosporiose em progênies, provenientes do cruzamento dos grupos de cultivares Catuaí e Icatu, em dois ambientes de Minas Gerais. Os experimentos foram implantados nas Fazendas Experimentais da EPAMIG, em São Sebastião do Paraíso e Três Pontas - MG. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o látice quadrado 6 x 6, com 3 repetições. Nos dois ambientes, foram realizadas avaliações de produtividade, vigor vegetativo, percentagem de grãos com peneira 17 acima e reação à ferrugem e à cercosporiose, nos anos agrícolas 2009/2010 e 2010/2011. O desempenho das progênies avaliadas, para produtividade, em Três Pontas, foi superior quando comparado ao de São Sebastião do Paraíso. A progênie H 6-47-10 Cova 3 destacou-se entre as mais promissoras, sugerindo boas possibilidades de progresso genético na seleção.

  13. Compactação causada pelo manejo de plantas invasoras em latossolo vermelho-amarelo cultivado com cafeeiros

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    Paula Sant'Anna Moreira Pais


    Full Text Available O manejo de plantas invasoras é considerado uma das principais atividades que promovem degradação da estrutura do solo em lavouras cafeeiras, devido à compactação do solo causada pelas operações de controle de plantas invasoras. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga para o manejo de plantas invasoras sem capina, bem como, utilizando esse modelo, qual manejo de plantas invasoras causa menor ou maior compactação do solo. Este estudo foi realizado em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (LVA cultivado com cafeeiros da cutivar Topázio MG 1190 desde 2006, localizado na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, na comunidade Farias, em Lavras-MG. Os manejos de plantas invasoras avaliados foram: na linha de tráfego da entrelinha - grade de discos, herbicida de pós-emergência, herbicida de pré-emergência, roçadora e trincha; e no centro da entrelinha, onde não houve tráfego - amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi, braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens, capina manual, crotalária (Crotalaria juncea e soja (Glicine max L. A amostragem consistiu de duas etapas: uma para determinar o modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga para o manejo de plantas invasoras sem capina; e outra para avaliar a compactação promovida pelos outros manejos de plantas invasoras. A fim de determinar o modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga para o manejo sem capina, foram coletadas no centro da entrelinha 20 amostras com estrutura indeformada nas profundidades de 0-3, 10-13 e 25-28 cm, totalizando 60 amostras. Essas amostras foram submetidas ao ensaio de compressão uniaxial para obter as pressões de pré-consolidação e as umidades volumétricas, que foram usadas para determinar o modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga. Para determinar a compactação causada pelos manejos de plantas invasoras, realizados por meio do controle mecânico, foram coletadas em janeiro de 2010, nas linhas de tráfego das entrelinhas, 180 amostras com

  14. Avaliação microscópica da endogenia microbiana em reatores UASB concêntricos, tratando água residuária do processamento dos frutos do cafeeiro por via úmida - doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v33i2.8291

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    Júlia Ferreira da Silva


    Full Text Available Com a utilização de duas técnicas de microscopia, eletrônica de varredura (MEV e de epifluorescência, objetivou-se investigar o processo de endogenia da biomassa presente em reatores de manta de lodo e fluxo ascendente (UASB, do inglês upflow anaerobic sludge blancket. Dois reatores UASB concêntricos, funcionando em série, inseridos em um sistema-piloto de tratamento de águas residuárias do processamento dos frutos do cafeeiro por via úmida, foram monitorados quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos. Os reatores UASB operaram em campo, com oscilação de temperatura ambiente entre 16,5 e 38,8°C; as temperaturas do afluente e efluente dos reatores variaram de 16,3 a 27,3°C, respectivamente. Os dados iniciais obtidos para a demanda química de oxigênio (DQO foram de 1.349 e 1.173 mg L-1, sendo, ao final do monitoramento atingido os valores de 120 e 102 mg L-1 para os reatores 1 e 2, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que a microscopia aplicada ao perfil de sólidos dos reatores é muito importante e deve ser empregada como parâmetro de qualificação do lodo cultivado em reatores UASB, especialmente quando do decaimento bacteriano.

  15. Comportamento do herbicida metribuzin, aplicado isolado e em mistura com outros herbicidas, no controle de plantas daninhas em cafeeiros novos por dois anos consecutivos Effect of metribuzin, sprayed alone or in mixture with another herbicides, for weed control on young coffee trees, during two years

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    L.S.P. Cruz


    Full Text Available Para se conhecer o comportamento do herbicida metribuzin, aplicado isolaso ou em mistura com outros herbicidas residuais (napropamide, pendimethalin, alchlor, oryzalin e diuron no controle de plantas daninhas que comumente infestam cafeeiros em formação, foi conduzido um experimento de campo onde esse herbicida a 0,28; 0,42; 0,56 e 0,70 kg/ha em mistura com napropamide a 4,00 kg/ha pendimethalin a 1,00 kg/ha, alachlor a 2,40kg/ha, oryzalin a 1,50 kg/ha ou com diuron a 1,20 kg/ha, comparado com duas testemunhas , onde, em uma, o mato foi mantido a níveis não competitivos com a cultura, por meios mecânicos, e outra onde o mato foi deixado desenvolver-se naturalmente, sem nenhuma interferência. Foi incluído também um tratamento com diuron a 1,20 kg/ha. A infestação natural de plantas daninhas da área do experimento era formada pelas gramínas, capim-de-colçhão (Digitaria sanguinalis (L. Scop, capim - marmelada (Brachiaria plantaginea (Link. Hitch capim-pé-de-galinha (Elcusine indica (L. Gaertn., Capim-favorito (Rhynchelitrum roseum (Nees Stapf eet Hubb, e pelas dicotiledôneas beldroega (Portulaca oleracea L., picão-branco (Galinsoga parviflora Cav., caruru-de-mancha (Amarantus virides L., amendoim bravo (Euphorbia heterophylla L., picão-preto (Bidens pilosa L., mentruz (Lepidium virginicum L., quebra-pedra (Phyllantus cordovadensis, Muell Arg. e falsa-serralha (Emilia sachifolia DC. Os resultados dos dois anos foram semelhantes para cada tratamento. Metribuzin a 0,28 kg/ha em mistura com napropamide a 4,00 kg/ha, apresentam períodos de ação maior, seguidos da mistura de metribuzin, naquela mesma dose, com oryzalin a 1,50 kg/ha. Não foi contatado a presença de qualquer sintoma de intoxicação nos cafeeiros, em todos os tratamentos, até a última observação, realizada 210 dias após a segunda aplicação dos herbicidas.This paper reports on two years field trials carried out in Araras, SP, Brazil, on coffee tress with twenty

  16. Distribuição espacial do sistema radicular do cafeeiro fertirrigado por gotejamento em Campinas Root distribution of fertirrigated coffee trees in Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Carlos Vinícius Garcia Barreto


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da fertirrigação por gotejamento, utilizando-se emissores com diferentes espaçamentos (0,50 ou 0,80 m e profundidades de instalação (superficial, 0,10 e 0,20 m, na distribuição espacial do sistema radicular do cafeeiro. Observaram-se no cafeeiro irrigado e adubado de forma convencional diferentes condições de desenvolvimento radicular, variando conforme os tratamentos impostos. Para as plantas irrigadas por tubogotejadores com emissores espaçados a cada 0,50 m, a profundidade radicular efetiva foi menor (média de 0,63 m do que a observada para as plantas irrigadas por emissores posicionados a cada 0,80 m (média de 0,70 m. No manejo nutricional por fertirrigação observou-se menor desigualdade na profundidade radicular efetiva entre os tratamentos, bem como, em um aumento médio de 51,1% de densidade de raízes. Houve tendência de manutenção do volume radicular na região próxima aos emissores, enquanto nos pontos mais distantes do desenvolvimento do bulbo úmido, o crescimento radicular foi de 77%. A irrigação das plantas por tubogotejadores enterrados a 0,10 m de profundidade proporcionou maior desenvolvimento radicular em resposta à fertirrigação.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the drip fertirrigation system, by using emitters with different arranging of spaces (0.50 or 0.80 m and depths of installation (superficial, 0.10 or 0.20 m on the ground, over the root spatial distribution of coffee tree. The coffee tree conventionally irrigated and fertilized presented different conditions of root development, varying according to the treatment imposed. For plants irrigated by emitters spaced every 0.50 m, the effective root depth was smaller (mean of 0.63 m than that observed for plants irrigated by emitters spaced every 0.80 m (mean of 0.70 m. The fertirrigation nutritional management allowed an uniform effective root depth among the treatments, as well as an increase

  17. Derriçadora portátil na colheita total e seletiva de frutos do cafeeiro Portable harvester in the total and selective harvesting of coffee fruits

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    Cristiano Márcio Alves de Souza


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de derriçadoras portáteis durante a colheita seletiva e total dos frutos, em dois sistemas de colheita. Foram determinados a carga pendente da planta, a capacidade de derriça, o índice de desfolha, a eficiência de derriça, o índice de frutos verdes no produto, o nível de ruído e o consumo horário e específico de combustível. O sistema de colheita, utilizando-se duas derriçadoras portáteis, simultaneamente na mesma fileira de cafeeiros, apresentou melhor desempenho. A colheita seletiva foi muito influenciada pela porcentagem de frutos maduros e carga pendente do cafeeiro.The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of a portable coffee harvester to mountain areas. Two procedures were tested: harvesting all fruits in only one operation, and the selective harvesting. Coffee yield, harvesting capacity, index of leaves taken during harvesting process, harvesting efficiency, noise level and fuel consumption were measured. The harvesting system with two portable harvester presented better performance than with only one machine. Selective harvesting was highly influenced by the percentage of ripen fruits and by coffee yield.

  18. Sobre o condicionamento alimentar na cochonilha-branca, Planococcus citri (Risso (Hemiptera: pseudococcidae

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    Lenira Viana Costa Santa-Cecília


    Full Text Available Estudos do comportamento alimentar mediante a técnica de "Electrical Penetration Graphs" (EPG das cochonilhas-farinhentas (Pseudococcidae provenientes de um hospedeiro de criação alternativo têm mostrado que esses insetos não atingem ou demoram cerca de 9 horas para alcançar a fase floemática. Por outro lado, aqueles provenientes do hospedeiro-fonte atingem a fase floemática mais rapidamente e apresentam maior frequência de alimentação nos vasos crivados. Esses resultados indicam a presença do fenômeno de condicionamento alimentar, ainda não demonstrado em cochonilhas. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a existência desse fenômeno em Planococcus citri (Risso (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae. Foram realizados testes de livre escolha, monitoramento eletrônico (EPG e estudos de alguns parâmetros biológicos. Em todos os experimentos, o cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L., os citros (Citrus sinensis L. e abóbora (Cucurbita maxima L. foram utilizados como substratos de criação (fonte da cochonilha, sendo os tratamentos constituídos pela combinação entre os hospedeiros-fonte e os hospedeiros receptores (café e citros. O teste de escolha entre cafeeiro e citros nas primeiras 72 horas mostrou que as cochonilhas criadas em cafeeiro apresentaram preferência pelo cafeeiro; aquelas originadas dos citros mostraram uma tendência, embora não significativa, em selecionar os citros em relação ao cafeeiro e aquelas criadas em abóbora não mostraram preferência por nenhum dos hospedeiros. Os estudos do comportamento alimentar mediante o monitoramento eletrônico (EPG mostraram que a fase floemática, considerada como a fase de aceitação do hospedeiro, foi mais frequente em cafeeiro, seja com cochonilhas oriundas deste substrato, seja de citros. Aqueles insetos mantidos em abóbora e transferidos para o cafeeiro ou citros apresentaram excepcionalmente ou não apresentaram nenhuma fase floemática, respectivamente. A

  19. Determinação das propriedades geométricas, físicas e mecânicas do sistema fruto-pedúnculo-ramo do cafeeiro

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    Andre L. de F. Coelho


    Full Text Available O método de elementos finitos tem sido empregado no projeto de máquinas e para o estudo do comportamento dinâmico do cafeeiro. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, determinar as propriedades geométricas, físicas e mecânicas do sistema fruto-pedúnculo-ramo do cafeeiro. As dimensões foram determinadas por meio de processamento de imagens, as massas e os volumes mensurados utilizando-se balança e proveta, respectivamente. Os módulos de elasticidade foram determinados por meio de ensaios mecânicos de compressão, tração e flexão, para os frutos, pedúnculos e ramos, respectivamente. Os coeficientes de Poisson foram determinados a partir das deformações longitudinais e transversais dos frutos e pedúnculos. A razão de amortecimento foi determinada por meio das curvas de decaimento utilizando-se o método de decremento logaritmo. Concluiu-se que as dimensões e a massa dos frutos apresentaram tendência de aumento na medida em que seu estádio de maturação evoluiu. Os módulos de elasticidade dos frutos e dos pedúnculos no estádio de maturação verde foram superiores aos valores para o estádio de maturação cereja.

  20. Crescimento inicial do cafeeiro Rubi em resposta a doses de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio e a regimes hídricos Initial growth of Rubi coffee plant in response to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and water regimes

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    Rodrigo Barbosa Nazareno


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento da parte aérea do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. cultivar Rubi MG 1192 submetido a três doses de N, P e K e dois regimes hídricos durante o primeiro ano após o transplante, em 20 de novembro de 2000. O crescimento da planta foi avaliado aos 134, 196, 236, 284, 334 e 383 dias após o transplante (dat. Houve resposta ao N e ao K no crescimento em número de ramos plagiotrópicos por planta, ao passo que no número de nós com gemas por planta, observou-se resposta apenas ao nitrogênio. Não houve resposta ao N, P e K no aumento da massa seca da parte aérea e no índice de área foliar. Além de mostrar efeito significativo no crescimento do cafeeiro, a irrigação antecipou o rápido crescimento para julho (236 dat proporcionando plantas mais vigorosas. Nas plantas não-irrigadas, o rápido crescimento ocorreu em meados de outubro (334 dat. Entretanto, a irrigação não impediu a queda na taxa de crescimento durante o inverno. O desenvolvimento das gemas em frutos ou ramos secundários nas plantas não-irrigadas alterou a distribuição de matéria seca e reduziu o crescimento do caule, ramos e folhas.The objective of this work was to evaluate shoot growth of coffee trees (Coffea arabica L. cultivar Rubi MG 1192 under three N, P and K doses and two water regimes during the first year after transplanting, starting on the 20th November 2000. The growth was evaluated at 134, 196, 236, 284, 334 and 383 days after transplanting (DAT. Nitrogen and K affected the number of plagiotropic branches per plant. Nevertheless, only N affected the number of nodes with axillary buds. There was no growth response to N, P, and K in terms of the total shoot dry mass and leaf area index during the experimental period. Irrigated treatments presented the best plant growth results, provided more vigorous plants and anticipated the fast growth phase to July (236 DAT, but could not avoid growth rate decrease during

  1. Marcadores moleculares derivados de sequências expressas do genoma café potencialmente envolvidas na resistência à ferrugem

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    Samuel Mazzinghy Alvarenga


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar marcadores moleculares relacionados à resistência do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica à ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix. Foram identificadas sequências de DNA potencialmente envolvidas na resistência do cafeeiro a doenças, por meio de análise "in silico", a partir das informações geradas pelo Projeto Brasileiro do Genoma Café. A partir das sequências mineradas, foram desenhados 59 pares de iniciadores para amplificá-las. Os 59 iniciadores foram testados em 12 cafeeiros resistentes e 12 susceptíveis a H. vastatrix. Vinte e sete iniciadores resultaram em bandas únicas e bem definidas, enquanto um deles amplificou fragmento de DNA em todos os cafeeiros resistentes, mas não nos suscetíveis. Esse marcador molecular polimórfico amplificou uma região do DNA que corresponde a uma janela aberta de leitura parcial do genoma de C. arabica que codifica uma proteína de resistência a doenças. O marcador CARF 005 é capaz de diferenciar os cafeeiros analisados em resistentes e susceptíveis a H. vastatrix.

  2. Dinâmica dos micronutrientes em cafeeiros enxertados

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    André Dominghetti Ferreira


    Full Text Available As respostas à disponibilidade dos nutrientes variam entre espécies distintas dentro de um mesmo gênero, por causa, principalmente, das exigências nutricionais variáveis, capacidade de absorção, translocação e utilização dos nutrientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de absorção, translocação e uso dos micronutrientes por diferentes cultivares de Coffea arabica L., enxertados em Apoatã IAC 2258 (Coffea canephora. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se o método de cultivo em solução nutritiva. Foi utilizado um fatorial 7 x 3 + 2, sendo sete cultivares de Coffea arabica L. (Palma II, Catucaí 2 SL, Oeiras MG 6851, Obatã IAC 1669-20, Acauã, Topázio MG 1190 e Paraíso MG H 419-1, três tipos de mudas (pé franco, autoenxertada e enxertada sobre o cultivar Apoatã IAC 2258 e duas testemunhas (Apoatã autoenxertado e Apoatã pé franco. O porta-enxerto utilizado influenciou negativamente na absorção de boro, ferro e manganês. A translocação dos micronutrientes boro e cobre obteve maiores índices nas mudas enxertadas. O cultivar Palma II, quando enxertado, apresentou o maior índice de utilização dos nutrientes, mostrando-se passível de ser enxertado. O porta-enxerto utilizado mostrou-se apto para a enxertia, por não sofrer influência negativa, tanto pela enxertia, quanto pelos cultivares utilizados.

  3. Proteção do cafeeiro contra cercosporiose por acibenzolar-S-metil e proteína harpina Protection of coffee plants against brown eye spot by acibenzolar-S-methyl and harpin protein

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    Diogo Manzano Galdeano


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em cafeeiro suscetível, a proteção contra a cercosporiose, pela aplicação da proteína harpina e acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM, e avaliar seu efeito na germinação de conídios e crescimento micelial in vitro. No primeiro experimento, cafeeiros tratados com ASM (25, 50, 100, 200 μg mL-1 receberam o inóculo de uma suspensão de conídios de Cercospora coffeicola, e a severidade da doença foi avaliada aos 30 e 60 dias após a inoculação. No segundo experimento, cafeeiros foram aspergidos com harpina (7,5, 15, 30, 60, 120 μg mL-1, tendo-se utilizado o mesmo procedimento. No terceiro experimento, plantas aspergidas previamente com ASM (200 μg mL-1 ou harpina (15 μg mL-1 foram tratadas novamente com esses produtos, aos 30 dias após terem recebido inóculo do patógeno. ASM e harpina protegeram os cafeeiros contra cercosporiose 30 dias após a inoculação com C. coffeicola. Entretanto, 60 dias após a inoculação, apenas o ASM (200 μg mL-1, com uma ou duas aplicações, protegeu as plantas contra C. coffeicola. Os cafeeiros foram protegidos contra cercosporiose, em reaplicação de harpina, 30 dias após o primeiro tratamento com essa proteína. Harpina e acibenzolar-S-metil não inibiram o desenvolvimento micelial nem a germinação in vitro dos conídios do patógeno.The objective of this work was to evaluate the protective effect of harpin protein and acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM against brown eye spot, in coffee plants, and its effect on in vitro conidial germination and mycelial growth of Cercospora coffeicola. In the first assay, plants treated with ASM (25, 50, 100, 200 μg mL-1 received the inoculum of a C. coffeicola conidial suspension, and the disease severity was evaluated 30 and 60 days after inoculation. In the second assay, plants were sprayed with harpin (7.5, 15, 30, 60, 120 μg mL-1 following the same procedure. In a third trial, plants previously sprayed with ASM (200 μg mL-1 or

  4. Avaliação e seleção de progênies F3 de cafeeiros de porte baixo com o gene SH3 de resistência a Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br. Evaluation and selection of Coffea arabica F3 progenies with low height and the leaf-rust SH3 resistence gene

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    Albano Silva da Conceição


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar e selecionar progênies F3 de cafeeiros de porte baixo com o gene SH3 de resistência à ferrugem, foram estudadas 36 progênies de cafeeiros tipo arábica (Coffea arabica L. , em geração F3, resultantes dos cruzamentos dirigidos entre as cultivares Catuaí Vermelho IAC 46 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81 com o acesso IAC 1110 (BA-10. Esse último, originário da Índia, é fonte dos genes SH2SH3 que conferem resistência a Hemileia vastatrix. O experimento, estabelecido em 1988 no Centro Experimental do Instituto Agronômico, em Campinas (SP, no delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso com seis repetições, duas plantas por parcela e no espaçamento 3,0 x 1,8 m, utilizou como testemunha a cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81, totalizando 37 tratamentos. Avaliaram-se no campo, a produção de café (média de sete colheitas, vigor vegetativo, resistência à ferrugem, porte da planta, coloração das folhas novas e maturação dos frutos. Os frutos das plantas mais produtivas foram analisados em laboratório quanto ao rendimento, tipos de sementes, peneira média e massa de 1000 grãos. A análise da variância dos dados de produção das progênies evidenciou que houve diferenças significativas entre as progênies, ao nível de 1% de probabilidade, pelo teste F. Foram selecionadas 11 progênies com média superior à testemunha e dentro dessas, 39 cafeeiros. Das 25 progênies restantes foram selecionados mais 15 cafeeiros produtivos e resistentes ao agente da ferrugem. Desses 54 cafeeiros, foram selecionados os 18 que apresentaram peneira média acima de 15,5 e maior freqüência de grãos normais do tipo chato. As progênies dessas plantas selecionadas foram avaliadas na geração F4, em fase de mudas, quando se verificou que dez delas estavam em homozigoze para porte baixo. Com as 18 plantas, o Programa de Melhoramento do Café, no IAC, terá continuidade como progênies F4, visando à obtenção de nova cultivar de

  5. Alterações morfofisiológicas em folhas de Coffea arabica L. cv. "Oeiras" sob influência do sombreamento por Acacia mangium Willd Morphophysiological alterations in leaves of Coffea arabica L. cv. 'Oeiras' shaded by Acacia mangium Willd

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    Inês Angélica Cordeiro Gomes


    Full Text Available Diferenças na disponibilidade de radiação podem causar modificações na estrutura e função das folhas do cafeeiro, que podem responder de maneira diferencial à radiação por alterações morfológicas, anatômicas, de crescimento e na taxa fotossintética. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar características morfofisiológicas de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. cv. "Oeiras" sombreados por acácia (Acacia mangium Willd. na época seca e chuvosa no sul de Minas Gerais. As maiores taxas fotossintéticas e maiores espessuras da epiderme adaxial foram observadas na estação chuvosa nas linhas de cafeeiros a pleno sol. O sombreamento influenciou em menor espessura das folhas e em espaços intercelulares maiores no tecido esponjoso. Foi também verificada mudança na forma dos cloroplastos, os quais apresentaram-se mais alongados em folhas de cafeeiros a pleno sol quando relacionados aos arborizados.Light availability is one of the most important environmental factors affecting leaf structure and functions in coffee plants that can respond differently to radiation by changes in leaf anatomy, morphology, growth and photosynthetic rate. The objective of this research was evaluate some morphophysiological aspects in leaves of coffee (Coffea arabica L. cv. 'Oeiras' cropped under shelter trees in the south of Minas Gerais during the rainy and dry season. The shade caused lower leaves thickness and higher intercellular spaces in spongious tissue. There was also verified a change in chloroplast shape, which showed more elongated in coffee tree kept at full sunlight in relation to that ones maintained on shading.

  6. Avaliação de produtividade de progênies de cafeeiro em dois sistemas de plantio Yield evaluation of coffee plant (Coffea arabica L. progenies in two tillage systems

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    Gladyston Rodrigues Carvalho


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho analisar a influência do sistema de plantio (adensado e convencional e a produtividade de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L., resultantes do cruzamento de Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 com Mundo Novo IAC 379-19. Foram utilizadas 29 progênies, na 4ª geração por autofecundação do 2º retrocruzamento de Catuaí Vermelho com Mundo Novo desenvolvidas pelo programa de Melhoramento Genético do Cafeeiro em Minas Gerais, coordenado pela EPAMIG. Utilizou-se como testemunha 13 cultivares, Topázio MG-1189 e 1189 SL, Catuaí Vermelho IAC-15, IAC-99 e IAC-144, Catuaí Amarelo MG-17, Rubi MG-1192 e 1192SL, Acaiá Cerrado MG-1474 e 1474 SL, Mundo Novo IAC379-19, IAC-376-4 e 376-4 SL. O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, em São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG em janeiro de 1996 no espaçamento de 3,50 x 1,00 m (sistema convencional e 1,80 x 0,60 m (sistema adensado. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, sendo os tratamentos compostos por 42 progênies/cultivares com três repetições e seis plantas por parcela com a análise de variância, em parcelas subdivididas, onde cada biênio (agrupamento de colheita foi considerado como uma subparcela. Avaliou-se a produção de grãos em sacas de 60 kg de café beneficiado/ha. Verificou-se nos resultados que a produtividade inicial no sistema adensado foi maior que no sistema convencional, porém com base no desenvolvimento das plantas essa diferença tendeu a diminuir. Para ambos os sistemas de plantio, pode-se utilizar qualquer uma das cultivares uma vez que as mesmas comportaram-se de forma semelhante. As cultivares utilizadas como testemunha que apresentaram as maiores produtividades foram Topázio MG-1189 e 1189 SL, Rubi MG-1192 e 1192SL, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 15 e IAC 144 e Mundo Novo IAC-376-4 e 376-4SL.The present work was carried out in order to analyze the planting system (high and low plant stand influence on coffee trees (Coffea

  7. Modelagem para a estimativa da orientação de linhas de plantio de cafeeiros Modelling for estimating the orientation of coffee planting rows

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    Klerisson M. G. Oliveira


    Full Text Available A quantidade de radiação solar interceptada por uma cultura é uma importante variável meteorológica que determina o crescimento e o desenvolvimento de uma cultura agrícola e, dentre os sistemas de produção, a orientação das linhas de plantio poderá ser um componente bastante relevante quanto à interceptação da radiação solar direta (Rd em ambas as faces. Portanto, este trabalho propõe como objetivo um modelo para recomendar a orientação adequada das linhas de cafeeiro na implantação, baseando-se naquela a proporcionar uma uniformidade na quantidade de Rd interceptada e acumulada durante o ciclo agrícola da cultura, em ambas as faces da linha de plantio. Para o teste do modelo, foram coletados dados de produção em uma área experimental de café irrigado por pivô central, na Fazenda São Thomé, em Pirapora-MG, em plantas alinhadas nas seguintes orientações, em relação ao norte geográfico, positivo no sentido horário e negativo ao contrário: -90º, -45º, 0º e 45º. Os resultados indicaram que as melhores orientações para a produtividade foram, sucessivamente, as de -45º e 0º, enquanto o modelo proposto estimou a orientação de -24º 16' como sendo a melhor para o plantio das linhas de cafeeiro.The quantity of solar radiation intercepted by a crop is an important meteorological variable that determines the growth and development of a crop and among the production systems, the orientation of planting rows could be a very important component regarding the interception of direct solar radiation (Rd on both faces. Thus the objective of this study proposes a model to recommend the adequate orientation of the planting rows of coffee in the deployment, based on that providing uniformity in quantity of intercepted and accumulated Rd during the crop cycle on both faces of the planting row. In order to test the model, production data were collected in an experimental area of the coffee crop irrigated by a center pivot

  8. Estratégia para uniformização da maturação de frutos do cafeeiro

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    Felipe Santinato


    Full Text Available A desuniformidade de maturação do cafeeiro é um dos principais problemas para realização eficiente da colheita mecanizada. Isto pois, dependendo do sistema de colheita adotado, eleva a quantidade de frutos verdes colhidos ou a quantidade de frutos secos caídos naturalmente. Uma das estratégias para driblar esta dificuldade é a utilização de “maturadores” capazes de retardar ou acelerar o processo do amadurecimento, visando maior uniformidade na maturação dos frutos. O presente estudo objetivou determinar a correta forma de utilização do retardador da biossíntese do etileno, quanto à dose e ao modo de aplicação, avaliando a uniformidade da maturação dos frutos, a eficiência de colheita e a quantidade de frutos no estádio cereja colhidos. Os tratamentos foram dispostos no esquema fatorial 3 x 2 + 1, delineados em blocos casualisados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram três modos de aplicação do produto Mathury® (planta inteira, 50% e 30% da parte superior da planta, duas doses (10,0 e 5,0 L ha-1, além de uma testemunha em que não aplicou-se o produto. O retardador deve ser aplicado em toda a planta, na dose de 5,0 L ha-1,pois eleva a porcentagem de frutos cereja na planta e colhidos, e a eficiência de colheita.

  9. Progress of rust and coffee plant cercosporiose mixed with grevílea, with ingazeiro and in the full sunshine in Lavras - MG


    Salgado, Bruno Grandi; Macedo, Renato Luiz Grisi; Carvalho, Vicente Luiz de; Salgado, Mirian; Venturin, Nelson


    Com o presente trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a incidência da ferrugem e da cercosporiose do cafeeiro em diferentes sistemas de cultivo, agroflorestais e a pleno sol, através da curva de progresso dessas doenças. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e sete repetições. Os tratamentos foram compostos por cafeeiros consorciados com ingazeiro, cafeeiros consorciados com grevílea e cafeeiros cultivados convencionalmente a pleno sol. As avaliações foram realizad...

  10. Adubação orgânica, nutrição e progresso de cercosporiose e ferrugem-do-cafeeiro Organic fertilization, nutrition and the progress of brown eye spot and rust in coffee trees

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    Florisvalda da Silva Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de fontes nutricionais orgânicas, no progresso da cercosporiose e da ferrugem-do-cafeeiro, entre novembro/2003 e novembro/2005. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e seis tratamentos: palha de café + chorume suíno (PC+CS; torta de mamona + crotalária (TM+Cr; palha de café (PC; esterco bovino + crotalária (EB+Cr; palha de café + torta de mamona (PC+TM; e composto orgânico, torta de mamona, chorume suíno e crotalária (testemunha. A maior área abaixo da curva de progresso da incidência da cercosporiose e da ferrugem foi registrada no tratamento PC (respectivamente 62 e 38% superiores à testemunha. O maior progresso das doenças coincidiu com a elevação no teor de K e redução nos teores de Ca foliares no tratamento PC, comparado às demais fontes de adubação, e resultou em maior desfolha e menor produtividade. Os tratamentos PC+TM e PC+CS reduziram a incidência da cercosporiose em 38% e da ferrugem em 31 e 21%, respectivamente, e aumentou o teor de Ca foliar ao final da fase de granação do cafeeiro, em comparação ao tratamento PC. O equilíbrio nutricional desses cafeeiros conferiu-lhes maior resistência e reduziu o efeito da bienalidade nas safras 2003/2004 e 2004/2005.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of organic nutrional sources on the progress of brown eye spot and coffee rust in coffee plants, between November 2003 and November 2005. The experimental design adopted was the randomized blocks, with four replications and six treatment plots: coffee fruit peel + swine waste (CP+SW; castor bean presscake + crotalaria (CBP+Cr; coffee fruit peel (CP; bovine manure + crotalaria (BM+Cr; coffee fruit peel + castor bean presscake (CP+CBP; and standard fertilization used in the farm, which combines compost, castor bean presscake, swine waste and crotalaria (control. The higher area under the incidence progress curves of brown eye

  11. Metodologia para avaliação do tempo de cozimento e características tecnológicas associadas em diferentes cultivares de mandioca Methodology for cooking and technologies analyses in different cassava's varieties

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    Marcelo Alvares de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O consumo culinário de raízes de mandioca é bastante generalizado em todo o mundo, sendo essa raiz amplamente utilizada na forma cozida, assada, frita ou integrando pratos mais complexos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir metodologia, avaliar o tempo de cozimento e algumas características associadas a este processo em 26 cultivares de mandiocas. Avaliaram-se os seguintes parâmetros avaliados foram cor da entrecasca; cor da polpa; dificuldade de soltar a entrecasca; dificuldade de palitar; porcentagem de água absorvida/perdida em relação ao peso dos toletes durante o processo de cozimento; cor dos toletes cozidos; formações de pontuações brancas no interior do tolete; formação de gel em volta dos toletes e tempo de cozimento observado para cozimento de 13 palitos. Ao final da avaliação concluiu-se que as melhores cultivares para utilização como mandioca de mesa foram a SRT-1105 (Mico, Milagrosa RG, Mantiqueira, IAC 522-30, IAC 576-70, sendo a última a que apresentou melhor resultado no teste de cozimento.The cassava roots are consumed cooked, fritted or integrating more complex foods. This work had a purpose to evaluate the cooking time and some characteristics associated to the process in 26 varieties of cassava. The parameters analyzed were color of the skin without external pellicle, color of the pulp, difficulty of peeling, difficulty of cutting, percentage of water absorbed/losted in relation to the weight of the peaces during the cooking process, color of the cooked peaces, formations of white punctuations inside the peaces, gel formation in turn of the peaces and cooking time observed to delay 13 toothpicks. The best varieties selected for use were SRT-1105 (Mico, Mantiqueira, Milagrosa RG, IAC 522-30, IAC 576-70. The IAC 576-70 showed the best results in test of cooking time.

  12. Hidrogel como substituto da irrigação complementar em viveiro telado de mudas de cafeeiro Hydrogel as a substitute for irrigation in screened seed nursery coffee

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    Patricia Angélica Alves Marques


    Full Text Available O cafeeiro, em sua fase inicial de mudas, requer um adequado suprimento de água, pois o estresse hídrico pode causar reduções no crescimento e subsequentemente na produção em campo. A hipótese deste trabalho foi que o uso do hidrogel como substituto da irrigação de mudas de café cv. 'Iapar 59' proporciona mudas de qualidade igual ou superior àquelas irrigadas. O experimento foi conduzido em viveiro telado (50% sombrite em Presidente Prudente - SP - de fevereiro a outubro de 2008. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos (sem polímero e irrigado diariamente; 0,0; 1,0; 2,0 e 3,0g por saco de polietileno sem irrigação e 20 repetições. Realizaram-se seis avaliações periódicas: número de folhas (NF, matéria seca da parte aérea (MSPA e raízes (MSR; comprimento da parte aérea (CPA e raízes (CR e MSPA/MSR. Para as condições do ensaio, o uso do hidrogel na dose de 2g por saco de polietileno proporcionou mudas de mesma qualidade que aquelas irrigadas. A relação MSPA/MSR foi superior para o tratamento irrigado.The coffee seedlings require an adequate water supply because the water stress can cause reductions in growth and subsequently in the production field. The hypothesis of this research was that the hydrogel used as a substitute for the irrigation of seedlings of 'Iapar 59' coffee provides quality equal or higher seedling irrigated. The experiment was conducted in a screened seed nursery (50 shading in Presidente Prudente city, São Paulo State, Brazil, since February to October 2008. The statistical design was completely randomized, with 5 treatments (without polymer and without irrigation; 0.0; 1.0; 2.0 and 3.0g of hydrogel per polythene bag without irrigation and 20 repetitions. We conducted six periodic evaluations: number of leaves (NF, dry matter of aerial part (MSPA and roots (MSR; length of aerial part (CPA and roots (CR and the MSPA/MSR. Under test conditions, the use of hydrogel

  13. Efeitos de misturas de napropamide e simazine no controle de mono e dicotiledoneas em cafeeiros novos Effects of napropamide and simazine mixtures on the control of mono and dicotyledon on new coffee trees

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    L.S.P. Cruz


    Full Text Available Com a finalidade de se conhecer a ação de misturas de napropamide e simazine no controle de plantas daninhas mono e dicotiledôneas em cafee iros com dois anos de idade, foi conduzido um experimento de campo em Araras, SP, em 1979/80. 0 delineamento foi o de blocos ao acaso com nove tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: napropamide a 2,00 kg e 3,00 kg/ha; simazine a 0,50 kg e 0,75 kg/ha; e, misturas de 2,00 kg/ha de napropamide com 0,50 kg e 0,75 kg/ha de simazine, e de 3,00 kg/ha de napropamide também com 0,50 kg e 0,75 kg/ha de simaz ine . Constou do experimento ainda, uma testemunha sem herbicida. Aos 45 dias após a aplicação dos herbicidas foi feita uma contagem das plantas daninhas, e a cada 15 dias, até aos 90 dias da aplicação, foram realizadas observações visuais de porcentagem de infestação do mato. Nestas mesmas épocas também foram realizadas observações sobre sintomas de fi totoxicidade causados pelos herbicidas aos cafeeiros. As plantas daninhas presentes em maior número no ensaio foram as monocotiledôneas capim - de-colchão - Digitaria horizontalis Willd e capimpé -de-galinha Eleusine indica (L.1 Gaertn, e as dicotiledôneas carurú-de-mancha - Amaranthus viridis L. e picão-preto - Bidens pilosa L. Como era esperado, as misturas foram superiores aos tratamentos com herbicidas isolados. sendo bastante eficientes no controle das mono e dicotiledõneas que incidiram no experimento. Todos os tratamentos com 0.75 k ' ha de simazine apresentaram leves sintomas de fitotoxicidade, limitados a algumas folhas dos cafeeiros. até a última observação realizada.A field experiment was conducted in Araras in 1979/80 with the purpose to study the effects of mixture of napropamide and simazine on the control of mono and dicotyledons weeds in two years old coffee trees. The experiment was in randomised blocks with nine treatments and four repplications. The treatments were the following

  14. Trocas gasosas e fluorescência da clorofila em seis cultivares de cafeeiro sob estresse de alumínio Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in six coffee cultivars under aluminum stress

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    Maria Luiza Freitas Konrad


    Full Text Available Em experimento desenvolvido em casa de vegetação e em câmara de crescimento avaliou-se o efeito do alumínio (Al na fotossíntese de seis cultivares de cafeeiro. As plantas foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva aerada continuamente, contendo duas concentrações de Al, 0 e 0,148 mmol L-1, fornecidas como Al2(SO43. Após 97 dias mediram-se as taxas de assimilação de CO2 (A e transpiração (E, a condutância estomática (gs, a concentração interna de CO2 (Ci, eficiência instantânea de carboxilação (fic e variáveis de fluorescência da clorofila. Em todas as cultivares, a presença de Al causou quedas significantes em A, gs, fic, ocorrendo aumento em Ci. Também se observou aumento significativo na fluorescência basal (Fo e queda na eficiência quântica máxima do fotossistema II (Fv/Fm, sugerindo injúrias na estrutura dos tilacóides causadas pelo Al. Na curva de indução de fotossíntese, observou-se que o Al causou queda no coeficiente de extinção fotoquímica da fluorescência e aumento no coeficiente de extinção não fotoquímico. Os resultados desse estudo indicaram que a queda de A foi devida à queda da condutância estomática, nas atividades bioquímicas e fotoquímicas.Experiments were carried out under greenhouse and growth chamber to evaluate the effects of aluminum (Al on several photosynthetic characteristics in six coffee cultivars. Plants were grown in nutrient solution aerated continuously, containing two Al concentration, 0 and 0.148 mmol L-1, supplied as Al2(SO43. After 97 days of treatament, measurements of CO2 assimilation rate (A, transpiration rate (E, stomatal conductance (gs, internal CO2 concentration (Ci, instantaneous carboxylation efficiency (phic and chlorophyll fluorescence related characteristics were performed. All six cultivars showed decrease in A, gs and phic and increase in Ci. The basal chlorophyll fluorescence yield (Fo increased and the maximum quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm decreased

  15. Desempenho de derriçadora portátil de frutos do cafeeiro Performance of fruits portable harvester in the detachment of coffee plants

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    Cristiano M. A. de Souza


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou o desempenho de uma derriçadora portátil para cafeicultura de montanha durante a colheita de frutos de cafeeiros Catucaí e Catuaí, em vários estádios de desenvolvimento. Foram determinados as características dos cafeeiros, as curvas características do motor da derriçadora, a capacidade e a eficiência de derriça, o consumo de energia, a desfolha e o nível de ruído emitido pela máquina. A derriçadora portátil teve desempenho satisfatório por apresentar baixa desfolha e número de galhos quebrados, capacidade de derriça regular, baixo consumo específico de energia e elevada eficiência de derriça. O nível de ruído aumentou com o aumento da potência requerida na derriça.The portable harvester performance was evaluated for mountain coffee during the detachment of the fruits in different ages of the plants. The performance evaluation of the portable harvester was accomplished with four ages of plants and two coffee varieties. The coffee plant characteristics, the curve characteristics of the portable harvester engine, the detachment capacity and efficiency, the specific energy consumption, the mechanical damage and the noise level emitted by the machine were evaluated. The portable harvester held out a satisfactory performance by presenting less mechanical damage and number of broken branches, a regular detachment capacity, low specific energy consumption and high detachment efficiency. The noise level increased with the increasing of the power requirement.

  16. Integration of cooking and vacuum cooling of carrots in a same vessel Integração dos processos de cozimento e resfriamento a vácuo de cenouras em um mesmo tanque

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    Luiz Gustavo Gonçalves Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Cooked vegetables are commonly used in the preparation of ready-to-eat foods. The integration of cooking and cooling of carrots and vacuum cooling in a single vessel is described in this paper. The combination of different methods of cooking and vacuum cooling was investigated. Integrated processes of cooking and vacuum cooling in a same vessel enabled obtaining cooked and cooled carrots at the final temperature of 10 ºC, which is adequate for preparing ready-to-eat foods safely. When cooking and cooling steps were performed with the samples immersed in boiling water, the effective weight loss was approximately 3.6%. When the cooking step was performed with the samples in boiling water or steamed, and the vacuum cooling was applied after draining the boiling water, water loss ranged between 15 and 20%, which caused changes in the product texture. This problem can be solved with rehydration using a small amount of sterile cold water. The instrumental textural properties of carrots samples rehydrated at both vacuum and atmospheric conditions were very similar. Therefore, the integrated process of cooking and vacuum cooling of carrots in a single vessel is a feasible alternative for processing such kind of foods.Para a preparação de refeições rápidas é comum o uso de legumes cozidos. A integração dos processos de cozimento e resfriamento de cenouras em um mesmo tanque pelo uso do resfriamento a vácuo é descrito neste artigo. A combinação de diferentes métodos de cozimento e resfriamento a vácuo foi investigada. O processo integrado de cozimento-resfriamento a vácuo em um mesmo tanque permitiu obter cenouras cozidas-resfriadas com temperaturas finais de 10 ºC, o que é adequado à preparação de refeições rápidas com segurança. Quando o processo de cozimento-resfriamento foi realizado com amostras imersas em água de cozimento, a perda efetiva de massa foi de aproximadamente 3,6%. Quando o processo de cozimento-resfriamento foi

  17. Métodos de controle de plantas daninhas e seus impactos na qualidade microbiana de solo sob cafeeiro Methods of weed control and their impacts on microbial quality of soil under coffee

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    Rogério Melloni


    Full Text Available Minas Gerais destaca-se como o Estado que mais produz café no Brasil. Essa cultura é extremamente suscetível à presença de plantas daninhas, que podem ser manejadas por meio de métodos manuais, mecanizados e, ou, químicos, com impacto nos custos da produção e qualidade do solo. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito exercido por diferentes métodos de controle de plantas daninhas na linha e entrelinha de cafeeiro, sobre a microbiota do solo e seus processos, que destacadamente têm sido utilizados em virtude de sua extrema sensibilidade e baixo custo. Para isto, amostras de solo foram retiradas em abril de 2010, em Latossolo Roxo distrófico da fazenda experimental da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG, em São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG, na profundidade de 0-10 cm, no centro da rua (entrelinha do café, e a 20 cm do caule da planta do café (linha, para determinar os atributos: densidade de bactérias e fungos totais, solubilizadores de fosfato, celulolíticos, amonificantes, bactérias diazotróficas não simbióticas, carbono da biomassa e atividade microbianas, quociente metabólico (qCO2 e atividade enzimática pela hidrólise de diacetato de fluoresceína. O cafeeiro foi submetido a sete métodos de controle de plantas daninhas: roçadora, grade, enxada rotativa, herbicida pós-emergência, herbicida pré-emergência, capina manual e sem capina. Os resultados evidenciaram a complexidade dos efeitos desses diferentes métodos na microbiota do solo e seus processos, com menores impactos para capina manual e enxada rotativa. Os impactos dos métodos roçadora, grade, sem capina e aplicação de herbicidas de pré-emergência foram considerados intermediários, enquanto a aplicação de herbicidas de pós-emergência, na entrelinha do cafeeiro, promoveu os maiores impactos negativos nos atributos avaliados. Esses impactos devem ser considerados quando houver avaliação e escolha do método a ser

  18. Progresso da ferrugem do cafeeiro irrigado em diferentes densidades de plantio pós-poda Progress of rust in coffee plants in various densities of cultivation in irrigated planting after pruning

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    Bernardo Reis Teixeira Lacerda Paiva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar o efeito de diferentes critérios para manejo da irrigação em quatro densidades de plantio, sob sistema de gotejamento na incidência e severidade da ferrugem do cafeeiro e avaliar a influência do enfolhamento na curva de progresso dessa doença. Conduziu-se, o experimento, em área experimental da Universidade Federal de Lavras MG, utilizando a cultivar Rubi MG-1192 com seis anos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por quatro parcelas representadas pelas densidades de plantio (convencionais e adensados: 2500 (4,0x1,0 m, 3333 (3,0x1,0 m, 5000 (2,0x1,0 m, 10000 (2,0x0,5 m plantas ha-1, quatro subparcelas sendo: irrigações quando a tensão da água no solo atingiu valores de 20 e 60kPa; irrigações utilizando o manejo do balanço hídrico (calculado através do software IRRIPLUS, com turnos de irrigação fixos de três dias por semana e uma testemunha sem irrigação, perfazendo um total de 16 tratamentos. Cada subparcela foi constituída por 10 plantas, sendo consideradas como plantas úteis as seis centrais. Foram avaliadas a incidência e severidade da ferrugem e a porcentagem de enfolhamento das plantas de cafeeiros. Após análise estatística, os dados foram convertidos em área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença e do crescimento. Verificou-se que os critérios para manejo da irrigação influenciaram a curva de progresso do crescimento, porém, não interferiu na curva de progresso da incidência e da severidade da ferrugem. Os sistemas de plantios adensados favoreceram a incidência da ferrugem. Mas as densidades de plantio não interferiram no enfolhamento.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different irrigation controls implemented in four planting densities on a system of drip on the incidence and severity of rust and to assess the influence of leaf growth on the progress curve of this

  19. Cooking process evaluation on mercury content in fish Influência do processo de cocção no teor de mercúrio em peixes

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    Luciana Aparecida Farias


    Full Text Available This study evaluated different cooking processes (roasted, cooked and fried on total mercury (Hg content in fish species most consumed by Manaus residents and surrounding communities, Amazon region. The results obtained for total Hg in natura and after the three types of preparation (roasted, cooked and fried for 12 fish species showed a significant Hg concentration variation. In the present study the cooked and frying processes resulted in higher Hg losses for Pacu, Pescada, Jaraqui, Curimatã, Surubin and Aruanã fish species, most of them presenting detritivorous and carnivorous feeding habits. The higher Hg losses in the roasting process occurred for Sardinha, Aracu, Tucunaré, Pirapitinga, Branquinha and Tambaqui fish species, most of them being omnivorous and herbivorous fish species. Some micronutrients (Ca, Fe, K, Na, Se and Zn in fish species in natura were also determined in order to perform a nutritional evaluation regarding these micronutrients.O presente estudo avaliou três diferentes processos de cocção (assado, cozido e frito e sua relação com o teor de mercúrio total (Hg em espécies de peixes comumente consumidas pela população de Manaus e comunidades vizinhas da região Amazônica. Os resultados obtidos para Hg total in natura (antes e após os três tipos de preparo (assado, cozido e frito para as 12 espécies de peixes selecionadas apresentaram uma significativa variação na concentração. Os processos de cozimento e fritura resultaram em maiores perdas de Hg para as espécies Pacu, Pescada, Jaraqui, Curimatã, Surubin e Aruanã sendo a maioria delas classificadas como espécies detritívoras e carnívoras. As maiores perdas de Hg no processo assado ocorreram para as espécies Sardinha, Aracu, Tucunaré, Pirapitinga, Branquinha e Tambaqui, a maioria classificadas como espécies omnivoras e herbivoras. Alguns micronutrientes (Ca, Fe, K, Na, Se e Zn nas espécies de peixes in natura foram determinados com o objetivo

  20. Crescimento vegetativo e produtividade de cafeeiros Conilon propagados por estacas em tubetes Vegetative growth and productivity of Conilon coffee-trees proceeding from seedlings produced of deep-rooted cuttings in plastic tubes

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    José Augusto Teixeira do Amaral


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o crescimento vegetativo e a produtividade de cafeeiros conilon (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner, oriundos de mudas produzidas por estacas plantadas inicialmente em tubetes plásticos de 50 cm³ de capacidade. O experimento foi constituído de cinco tratamentos, que corresponderam aos tempos de permanência das estacas nos tubetes: 0; 15; 30; 45 e 60 dias. Transcorridos esses tempos as mudas foram, sucessivamente, transplantadas para sacos de polietileno, contendo mistura de terra, esterco de curral e adubo químico, enviveiradas em um viveiro coberto com sombrite (50%, provido de micro aspersão automática. As mudas permaneceram no viveiro com micro aspersão automática por 150 dias, quando então foram transferidas para o viveiro de aclimatação, onde ficaram por mais 30 dias. Após esse período, em setembro de 1999, as mudas foram plantadas em condições de campo, na área experimental do CCA-UFES, em Alegre, Sul do Estado do Espírito Santo. Foram feitas as seguintes medições: crescimento de ramos ortotrópicos e plagiotrópicos no segundo ano após o plantio e as quatro primeiras colheitas. A produção inicial de mudas de café conilon em tubetes não afetou o crescimento vegetativo, tampouco a produção de frutos.The objective of this work was to evaluate the vegetative growth and productivity of conilon coffee-tree (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner, proceeding from seedlings produced of deep-rooted cuttings initially in plastic tubes with capacity of 50 cm³. The treatments were constituted of permanence period in plastic tube for 0; 15; 30; 45 and 60 days. After these periods the plants were transplanted for polyethylene bags filled with substrate (soil + sand + manure bovine and chemical fertilization maintained on the greenhouse with environment under shading canvas (50% and automatic micro aspersion during 150 days. After this time the plants were maintained during 30 days in

  1. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: XXIII - Novos dados sôbre a variabilidade em linhas isogênicas de café Coffee breeding: XXIII variability in isogenic lines of cofeea arabica

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    L. C. Mônaco


    Full Text Available Os resultados apresentados e discutidos neste trabalho referem-se a informações adicionais sôbre a variabilidade no vigor vegetativo e na produção de plantas de um ensaio de progênies de cafeeiros da Seção de Genética. Várias características foram estudadas, porém, neste trabalho, consideraram-se apenas os dados de produção e a altura dos cafeeiros. A análise dos dados no período 1953-1958 revelou que as progênies J 24 ('Bourbon Amarelo' e C 959 (variação do 'Bourbon Vermelho', foram as mais produtivas e alcançaram as maiores alturas médias em 1958. Três linhas isogênicas de café 'Bourbon Vermelho' incluídas neste ensaio, duas linhas puras e o híbrido entre elas, foram estudadas com mais detalhes a fim de verificar se a capacidade homeostática estaria associada à heterozigosidade neste cultivar de Coffea arabica. No que concerne à altura das plantas nas linhas isogênicas, o híbrido revelou-se estatisticamente semelhante aos pais, mostrando que não existe manifestação heterótica para essa característica. Quanto à produção total, o híbrido F1 se mostrou pouco mais produtivo do que os pais. O coeficiente de variação e os valores das variâncias do híbrido revelaram-se mais próximos ao pai, com menor variabilidade, no que se refere à altura das plantas e à produção. A análise da variação da produtividade, para cada um dos seis anos separadamente, mostrou que em apenas um ano a variância do híbrido se apresentou maior que a de um dos pais. Nos demais, revelou-se menor ou intermediária, porém as diferenças não foram estatisticamente significativas.Sixteen strains of different cultivars of Coffea arabica were evaluated for yielding capacity, vigor and plant height. The data collected after six cumulative harvests have indicated that the high yielding progenies (J 24ex 'Bourbon Amarelo' and C 959 'Bourbon Vermelho' had also better vigor and were taller than the other progenies. Attention was

  2. Processamento do presunto "cook-in" de cordeiros Processing of cook-in ham of lambs

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    Eliane Mattos Monteiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver tecnologia para produto curado (presunto "cook-in", com pernis de cordeiros cruza Texel x Corriedale em associação com tratamentos tecnológicos (massagem em "tumbler" e processo "cook-in". O estudo foi desenvolvido pela EMBRAPA/CPPSUL e Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Após as análises da composição química, a carne foi injetada manualmente com 20 % de salmoura composta por água + gelo 79%, cloreto de sódio 7,52%, condimento para presunto 4,70%, fosfatos 1,97%, sais de cura 1,88%, sacarose 3,38% e glutamato monossódico 0,19 %. Os presuntos foram avaliados quanto à composição química (umidade, proteína, gordura, cinzas, pigmentos totais e pH, parâmetros sensoriais (cor, aroma, sabor, textura e aceitabilidade e rendimento. Uma das principais características dos presuntos obtidos com pernil de cordeiros cruza Texel x Corriedale foi o baixo conteúdo de gordura associado ao bom rendimento e à excelente aceitabilidade.The aim of this study was to develop technology for the curing lambs (cook-in hams which were manufactured from the legs of crossbred Texel x Corriedale lambs in association with technologic treatment (massaging in tumbler and cook-in process. The experiment was conducted at the EMBRAPA-CPPSUL/ UFSM, RS, Brazil. After the evaluation of the chemical composition, the meat was injected with it manually - 20 % of brine containing water 79%, salt 7.52%, curing salts 1.88%, sucrose 3.38%, ham condiments 4.70%, phosphate 1.97% and sodium glutamate 0.19%. The ham quality was evaluated by analysis of its chemical composition (moisture, protein, ash, fat, pH, sensory properties (color, aroma, texture, acceptability and yield. The main characteristics of lamb hams were low fat contents associated with excellent acceptability and good yield.

  3. Efeito do caseinato de sódio nas propriedades sensoriais do presunto "cook-in" Effect of sodium caseinate in the sensory properties of "cook-in" ham

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    Jicela Elsa Morales Udaeta


    Full Text Available Realizou-se o estudo do efeito das diferentes concentrações de caseinato de sódio nos atributos sensoriais do presento "cook-in". Em cada uma das quatro repetições, vinte presuntos foram designados ao acaso num dos cinco tratamentos, nos quais a formulação da salmoura de cura foi injetada a 20% em relação ao peso da carne em todos os tratamentos. A composição básica da salmoura correspondeu a 0,5% fosfato; 2,0% sal; 0,4% sais de cura; 0,66% condimento para presunto e 0,25% ascorbato, as condições de processamento foram as mesmas para todos os tratamentos, mas foram utilizados diferentes concentrações de caseinato de sódio em cada tratamento (0,0%; 0,5%; 1,0% e 1,5%. Foram retiradas amostras para medir o pH. Calculou-se as perdas no tambleamento e no cozimento e o rendimento. As propriedades sensoriais do presunto "cook-in" também foram avaliadas quanto a cor, aroma, coesividade, fatiamento, sabor e textura. O pH não apresentou efeito significativo, devido à salmoura ter sido ajustada para pH 9,0 para todos os tratamentos. Os presuntos com 1,0% caseinato de sódio apresentaram uma ótima aceitabilidade, mas apresentaram também a maior perda no cozimento. Os presuntos com 0,5% de caseinato de sódio apresentaram a menor perda no cozimento e uma razoável aceitabilidade das propriedades sensoriais.The effect of different concentrations of sodium caseinate in the sensory properties of "cook-in" ham was studied. In each of four replications, twenty ''cook-in" hams were randomly designed to one of five treatment groups in which the curing brine formulation was pumped 20% of their respectivo weights for all treatments. The basic brine composition was 0.5% phosphate; 2.0% salt; 0.4% curing salts; 0.66% ham condiment and 0.25% ascorbate, the processing conditions were the same for all treatments, but there was used different concentrations of sodium caseinate. (0.0%; 0.5%; 1.0% and 1.5%. Samples were removed for pH analysis. Tumbling

  4. Estrangulamento do caule do cafeeiro, causado pelo frio Low temperature-induced stem strangulation of young coffee plants

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    Coaracy M. Franco


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de investigar se o estrangulamento do caule de cafeeiros novos, observado em alguns anos de inverno rigoroso, poderia ser conseqüência do acúmulo de camadas de ar frio nas proximidades do solo, tratou-se com temperaturas baixas a haste de plantas com cêrca de seis meses de idade. O tratamento consistiu em se fazer circular salmoura refrigerada ao redor do caule, sem, entretanto, entrar em contato com êste. Obteve-se o estrangulamento com o emprêgo de vários tratamentos que incluiam temperaturas de - 2 a - 6º C. Uma planta tratada com temperatura de - 5 a - 7º C morreu duas semanas após o tratamento. Plantas tratadas por duas horas com as temperaturas de 0 a - 2º C não exibiram estrangulamento nem qualquer outro sintoma de anormalidade.A strangulation of the stem of young coffee plants a few inches above ground has been observed in some years after a cold winter. To know if this strangulation could be caused by the action of a layer of cold air that had settled over the surface of the soil as has been suggested (1, an experiment was carried out wich consisted of circulating cold water around the stem for a certain period of time. To accomplish this a special apparatus was mode using plexiglass. To obtain temperatures below the freezing point, pre-chilled salt water was used. To avoid an injurious direct contact of brine with the stem, this was wrapped with aluminum foil which was made waterproof. Two plants subjected to temperature treatments of 0° to - 2° C survived without damage. All treatments with temperatures below - 2° C resulted in strangulation and in the case of the coldest treatment used (- 5 to - 7° C in the death of the plant.

  5. Cobertura da pulverização e maturação de frutos do cafeeiro com ethephon em diferentes condições operacionais Spraying coverage and maturation uniformity with ethephon in coffee tree fruit under different operational conditions

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    Fábio Scudeler


    Full Text Available A arquitetura trapezoidal do cafeeiro, dependendo da variedade, constitui sério entrave à aplicação de agroquímicos que precisam atingir diretamente o alvo, nesse caso, os frutos. Com o propósito de avaliar e comparar a distribuição e o depósito de uma solução traçadora, bem como a eficiência do regulador de crescimento ethephon na maturação dos frutos do cafeeiro, quando aplicados com diferentes pulverizadores e condições operacionais, foram desenvolvidos dois experimentos em plantio comercial dessa cultura. O uso de papel hidrossensível e de uma escala visual de notas para diferentes níveis de fluorescência emitida pela solução traçadora possibilitaram a avaliação da distribuição da pulverização. A avaliação quantitativa dos depósitos do traçador foi feita através de espectrofotometria e a eficiência do ethephon, pela porcentagem relativa de frutos verdes e cereja nos diferentes tratamentos. Maiores depósitos na parte inferior das plantas foram obtidos com o turboatomizador Arbus 400, equipado com as pontas HC-02 e JA-2. Melhor distribuição da pulverização foi obtida em frutos localizados na parte inferior e frontalmente ao direcionamento da pulverização. Com o equipamento Arbus 400, equipado com pontas HC-02, em menores pressões de trabalho, pode-se constatar maiores porcentagens de frutos maduros, porém não foi suficiente para reduzir o percentual de furtos verdes além dos 20%, aos 59 dias após a aplicação do ethephon.The coffee tree trapezoidal design has been a serious obstacle to agrochemical use which is supposed to reach the fruits directly. Depending on the coffee variety this problem can become even greater. This experiment aimed to evaluate and compare a tracer solution distribution and deposition as well as to verify the efficacy of the ethephon growth regulator on coffee fruit ripening. Different operational conditions and sprayers were used. Water-sensitive paper and a visual grade

  6. Coffee leaf and stem anatomy under boron deficiency Anatomia de ramos e folhas de cafeeiro sob feficiência de boro

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    Ciro Antonio Rosolem


    Full Text Available Boron deficiency in coffee is widely spread in Brazilian plantations, but responses to B fertilizer have been erratic, depending on the year, form and time of application and B source. A better understanding of the effects of B on plant physiology and anatomy is important to establish a rational fertilization program since B translocation within the plant may be affected by plant anatomy. In this experiment, coffee plantlets of two varieties were grown in nutrient solutions with B levels of 0.0 (deficient, 5.0 µM (adequate and 25.0 µM (high. At the first symptoms of deficiency, leaves were evaluated, the cell walls separated and assessed for B and Ca concentrations. Scanning electron micrographs were taken of cuts of young leaves and branch tips. The response of both coffee varieties to B was similar and toxicity symptoms were not observed. Boron concentrations in the cell walls increased with B solution while Ca concentrations were unaffected. The Ca/B ratio decreased with the increase of B in the nutrient solution. In deficiency of B, vascular tissues were disorganized and xylem walls thinner. B-deficient leaves had fewer and deformed stomata.A deficiência de B é muito comum nos cafezais brasileiros, mas as respostas do cafeeiro ao B têm sido erráticas, dependendo do ano, do modo e época de aplicação e, ainda, da fonte de B empregada. Um melhor entendimento dos efeitos do B na fisiologia e anatomia do cafeeiro é importante para o desenvolvimento de um programa racional de adubação boratada, uma vez que a anatomia da planta pode influenciar a translocação do nutriente. Neste experimento, plantas de dois cultivares foram cultivadas em soluções nutritivas com 0,0 (deficiente, 5,0 (adequado e 25,0 µM (alto de B. Quando os primeiros sintomas de deficiência apareceram, as folhas foram cortadas e tiveram suas paredes celulares isoladas e analisadas quanto aos teores de B e Ca. Cortes foram feitos em folhas novas e no ápice de

  7. What does cooking mean to you?: Perceptions of cooking and factors related to cooking behavior. (United States)

    Wolfson, Julia A; Bleich, Sara N; Smith, Katherine Clegg; Frattaroli, Shannon


    Despite the importance of cooking in American life and evidence suggesting that meals cooked at home are healthier, little is known about perceptions of what it means to cook in the United States. The objective of this study was to describe perceptions of cooking and factors important to how cooking is perceived and practiced among American adults. Seven focus groups (N = 53; 39 female; 35 Black, 16 White, 2 Asian) were conducted from November 2014 to January 2015 in Baltimore City, Maryland. Participants were recruited from two neighborhoods; one with higher median income and access to healthy food and the other with lower income and low access to healthy food. Focus groups were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Participants' perceptions of cooking varied considerably, regardless of neighborhood income or food access, and spanned a continuum from all scratch cooking to anything made at home. Perceptions of cooking incorporated considerations of whether or how food was heated and the degree of time, effort and love involved if convenience foods were used. Key barriers to cooking included affordability, lack of time, and lack of enjoyment. Key facilitators of frequent cooking included extensive organization and time management to enable participants to incorporate cooking into their daily lives. Cooking is a complex concept and not uniformly understood. Efforts to encourage healthy cooking at home should consider the broad spectrum of activities Americans recognize as cooking as well as the barriers and facilitators to preparing food at home. Public health messages to encourage more frequent cooking should account for the heterogeneity in perspectives about cooking. More research should explore differences in perceptions about cooking in other diverse populations. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Citronella essential oil in the control and activation of coffee plants defense response against rust and brown eye spot Óleo essencial de citronela no controle e na ativação de respostas de defesa do cafeeiro contra a ferrugem e cercosporiose

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    Ricardo Borges Pereira


    controle de doenças em plantas, em alternativa ao uso de fungicidas. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o óleo essencial de citronela no controle da ferrugem e cercosporiose e na ativação de respostas de defesa em cafeeiro. Plantas com 12 meses foram pulverizadas com o óleo de citronela 1.000 µL L-1, acibenzolar-S-metil 200 mg L-1 e fungicida tebuconazole 200 mg L-1 e inoculadas com Hemileia vastatrix e Cercospora coffeicola sete dias após. Repetiu-se a aplicação após 30 dias. Plantas com cinco meses foram pulverizadas com os mesmos tratamentos para avaliar as respostas de defesa induzidas. O óleo de citronela controlou a ferrugem e a cercosporiose com eficácias de 47.2% e 29,7%, respectivamente, enquanto tebuconazole apresentou controles de 96,5% e 90,5%, respectivamente. Acibenzolar-S-metil reduziram em 55,9% a cercosporiose da ferrugem e não apresentou controle significativo da ferrugem. O óleo de citronela aumentou as atividades de peroxidase e quitinase em mudas de cafeeiro 336 e; 24 e 336 horas após pulverização, respectivamente. Acibenzolar-S-metil aumentou as atividades de peroxidase, quitinase e β-1,3-glucanase 192, 288 e 336 e; 24 e; 240 horas após pulverização, respectivamente. Os tratamentos não promoveram aumento de fenóis, mas aumento significativo no teor de lignina foi observado em plantas pulverizadas com óleo de citronela.

  9. Carbono orgânico e nitrogênio total do solo e suas relações com os espaçamentos de plantio de cafeeiro Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen as related with coffee spacing

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    Otacílio José Passos Rangel


    Full Text Available A densidade de plantio e o arranjo das plantas exercem influência sobre a produção de resíduos vegetais nos agroecossistemas cafeeiros. Esse aporte diferenciado de resíduos regula os teores de C e N do solo. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os teores de C orgânico e de N total em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico cultivado com cafeeiro com diversos espaçamentos de plantio. O experimento foi conduzido no período de 1992 a 2004 na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, em Machado (MG. Os tratamentos avaliados consistiram da combinação de quatro espaçamentos entre linhas (2,0; 2,5; 3,0; e 3,5 m, três espaçamentos entre plantas (0,5; 0,75; e 1,0 m e dois sistemas de manejo dos resíduos culturais (entrelinha - EL e projeção da copa - PC, totalizando 24 tratamentos, dispostos no campo em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4 x 3 x 2, com três repetições. Foram avaliados os teores de C orgânico (CO e de N total do solo (NT, além da relação CO/NT. Nas amostras de solo da EL, os teores de CO e NT foram maiores do que os da PC. O espaçamento de plantio influenciou os teores de CO, com os maiores valores, em geral, no espaçamento de 3,5 m entre as linhas de plantio, quando a distância entre plantas foi de 0,5 e 0,75 m, na profundidade de 0-0,05 m. O maior acúmulo de resíduos vegetais, o menor revolvimento do solo e, conseqüentemente, os maiores teores de matéria orgânica favorecem a ocorrência de maiores teores de CO e NT na EL. A retirada da mata e o cultivo do solo com cafeeiro por 11 anos resultou em decréscimo nos teores de CO de 26 % a 38 % na EL e na PC, respectivamente, e diminuição média de 25 % nos teores de NT.The density and arrangement of trees influences the production of plant residues in coffee agroecosystems. This differentiated input of biomass regulates the contents of soil-C and -N. This study aimed to evaluate the contents of organic C and total N in a Typic Hapludox, in different spacings of (Coffea arabica

  10. Estimativa da transpiração em cafeeiros utilizando-se sensores de dissipação térmica Estimation of transpiration in coffee crop using heat dissipation sensors

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    Jussálvia da S. Pimentel


    Full Text Available Alguns métodos são capazes de determinar diretamente a quantidade de água consumida por uma planta, entre eles o "método de dissipação de calor" ou método de Granier. Neste trabalho se propôs, como objetivo, construir e calibrar sensores de dissipação térmica, avaliar a transpiração em função da posição de inserção do sensor na planta (Norte, Sul, Leste ou Oeste e comparar os resultados com os elementos meteorológicos e a evapotranspiração de referência. Em 24 cafeeiros se instalaram sensores de dissipação térmica, adaptados de Granier (1985, em que o conjunto termopar e resistência foi inserido na agulha. Obteve-se a densidade de fluxo de seiva a partir da variação da diferença de temperatura entre as sondas e se acompanhou a transpiração, em função da transição entre os períodos diurno e noturno. O experimento foi avaliado em 3 períodos: antecedente à floração, na floração e no início da frutificação. Não houve diferença significativamente entre os ângulos de inserção para o fluxo de seiva. Quanto aos elementos meteorológicos, a radiação e a umidade relativa foram os fatores mais determinantes da transpiração obtendo-se, por análises de regressão coeficientes r² entre 0,84 e 0,80.Some methods are capable of directly determining the amount of water consumed by a plant, among them, the "heat dissipation method" or Granier method. This study aimed to: build and calibrate sensors of thermal dissipation; to evaluate the transpiration as a function of the position of insertion of the sensor in the plant (North, South, East or West and to compare the results with the meteorological elements and the evapotranspiration of reference. In 24 coffee plants, thermal dissipation sensors adapted from Granier (1985 were installed, where the whole thermocouple and resistance were inserted into the needle. Density of the sap flow was obtained from the variation of the difference in temperature between

  11. Progresso da ferrugem e da cercosporiose em cafeeiro (coffea arabica l. Com diferentes épocas de início e parcelamentos da fertirrigação Progress of coffee rust and brown eye spot with differents periods at initial irrigation and fertirrigation time

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    Viviane Talamini


    Full Text Available Avaliações da incidência da ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br. e da cercosporiose (Cercospora coffeicola Berk. & Cooke foram realizadas em experimento com a cultura do café cultivar 'Catuai', com 12 anos de cultivo. Os objetivos foram avaliar o efeito da irrigação e da fertirrigação na incidência da ferrugem e da cercosporiose, analisar a curva de progresso dessas doenças e sua correlação com as variáveis climáticas. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com 4 tratamentos de diferentes parcelamentos de adubação (1: 12 aplicações manuais, 2: 12 aplicações via fertirrigação, 3: 24 aplicações fertirrigado, 4: 36 aplicações fertirrigado. As parcelas foram divididas em 3 subparcelas com diferentes épocas de início de irrigação (subparcelas A: 1º de junho, B: 15 de julho, C: 1º de setembro e 2 tratamentos adicionais (testemunhas: tratamento adicional 1- fertirrigação parcelada em 4 vezes e não irrigado; tratamento adicional 2- adubação convencional, não irrigado. Observou-se a incidência de ambas as doenças em 6 folhas por planta a cada 14 dias durante o período de 21 de março de 1998 a 6 de fevereiro de 1999. Calculou-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD, procedendo-se à análise de variância e teste de Tukey a 5%. Para a ferrugem do cafeeiro, nenhum tratamento foi significativo, e as incidências máximas foram nos meses de julho a setembro. Houve correlação significativa entre todos os tratamentos e as variáveis climáticas, com exceção da temperatura máxima. Para a cercosporiose, observou-se nas parcelas, maior AACPD para os tratamentos 2 e 4. O tratamento adicional 1 apresentou maior AACPD, seguida pelo tratamento adicional 2 . De acordo com as curvas de progresso da doença, a incidência máxima foi entre maio a setembro. Houve correlação significativa da incidência da cercosporiose com as variáveis climáticas na maioria dos tratamentos

  12. Estudos histoplásticos da interação Colletotrichum gloeosporioides: cafeeiro Histopathological studies of the interaction Colletotrichum gloeosporioides: coffee tree

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    Igor Souza Pereira


    Full Text Available Nos estudos envolvendo a interação Colletotrichum gloeosporioides-cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L., poucas são as informações a respeito do modo de penetração e colonização deste patógeno. Estudou-se por meio da microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV, os eventos de pré-penetração e penetração de C. gloeosporioides em hipocótilos de cafeeiros e a colonização natural de ramos e frutos provenientes de plantas com mancha manteigosa. Realizaram-se três ensaios. No primeiro, fez-se a observação dos eventos de pré-penetração de C. gloeosporioides inoculados em hipocótilos de plântulas da cv. Acaiá Cerrado com e sem ferimentos; no segundo, observou-se a colonização de ramos enfermos em que havia murcha drástica e necrose local e, no terceiro, a colonização de frutos enfermos. A germinação dos conídios nos hipocótilos feridos ocorreu 6 horas após a inoculação, com a formação de um ou dois tubos germinativos terminais e a adesão dos conídios nas depressões dos hipocótilos. Apressórios globosos a subglobosos e de contorno regular surgiram 12 horas após a inoculação. Até 72 horas, não foi possível observar a formação de acérvulos sobre os tecidos submetidos à inoculação. Nos ramos observava-se colonização nos vasos floema e parênquima cortical. Nos frutos em diferentes estádios de maturação foi observada a colonização do tecido próximo à epiderme e colapso dos estômatos na área lesionada.In studies involving the interaction Colletotrichum gloeosporioides - coffee trees (Coffea arabica L. there is little information regarding the pre-penetration, penetration and colonization pathways of this pathogen. The objectives of this work were: 1. to study through scanning electron microscopy (SEM the pre-penetration and penetration events of C. gloeosporioides in hypocotyls of coffee plantlets; 2. to observe the colonization of Colletotrichum spp. in branches and fruits of coffee trees with blister

  13. Influence of infrared final cooking on color, texture and cooking characteristics of ohmically pre-cooked meatball. (United States)

    Yildiz Turp, Gulen; Icier, Filiz; Kor, Gamze


    The objective of the current study was to improve the quality characteristics of ohmically pre-cooked beef meatballs via infrared cooking as a final stage. Samples were pre-cooked in a specially designed-continuous type ohmic cooker at a voltage gradient of 15.26 V/cm for 92 s. Infrared cooking was then applied to the pre-cooked samples at different combinations of heat fluxes (3.706, 5.678, and 8.475 kW/m(2)), application distances (10.5, 13.5, and 16.5 cm) and application durations (4, 8, and 12min). Effects of these parameters on color, texture and cooking characteristics of ohmically pre-cooked beef meatballs were investigated. The appearance of ohmically pre-cooked meatball samples was improved via infrared heating. A dark brown layer desired in cooked meatballs formed on the surface of the meatballs with lowest application distance (10.5 cm) and longest application duration (12 min). The texture of the samples was also improved with these parameters. However the cooking yield of the samples decreased at the longest application duration of infrared heating. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Full Text Available Estudaram-se as alterações anatômicas em folhas e caules de ramos de cafeeiros infectados com X. fastidiosa visando compreender as causas dos seus distúrbios fisiológicos. Analisaram-se amostras dos cultivares comerciais de Coffea arabica L. - Catuaí Vermelho IAC H 2077-25-81 e Mundo Novo 515-20 enxertados sobre a progênie IAC 2258 de C. canephora - e de Catuaí Vermelho IAC H 2077-25-81 sem enxertia (pé franco. As amostras foram coletadas no campo, no Núcleo Experimental de Campinas, IAC, em cafezais onde foi detectada a presença da bactéria. Analisou-se também a estrutura da folha e do caule de ramos com e sem sintomas visuais da bactéria, sendo estimada a porcentagem de obstrução dos vasos do xilema do caule. Os ramos infectados apresentaram um encurtamento dos entrenós e, com o agravamento da doença, senescência foliar precoce na sua base, resultando em pequeno número de folhas no ápice. O número e a posição dos ramos por indivíduo com tais sintomas variaram entre as plantas, sendo mais freqüentes na região basal. Esses ramos também mostraram pecíolos e área foliar reduzidos e frutos menores e agrupados, em vista de um encurtamento dos pedicelos e dos entrenós, além de uma deposição de "goma" nos vasos do xilema do caule, pecíolo e folha, assim como divisões celulares anormais no xilema, floema e córtex daquelas partes. As células do mesofilo das folhas afetadas apresentaram número reduzido de cloroplastos, associado a maior concentração de cristais de oxalato de cálcio. Sugere-se que a presença da bactéria esteja induzindo a senescência foliar que se relaciona a um ou mais fatores de estresse.Leaf and stem anatomical changes were studied in coffee plants infected with X. fastidiosa looking for the causes of the observed physiological disturbances. Samples of commercial cultivars of Coffea arabica L. were analysed - Catuaí Vermelho IAC H 2077-25-81 and Mundo Novo 515-20 grafted on the progenie IAC

  15. Produtividade do cafeeiro Mundo Novo enxertado e submetido à adubação verde antes e após recepa da lavoura Productivity of grafted coffee during intercropping with five leguminous species in the western region of São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Edison Martins Paulo


    Full Text Available Estudaram-se a produção e o crescimento do cafeeiro Mundo Novo (Coffea arabica L. enxertado sobre o Apoatã IAC 2258 (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner submetido à adubação verde com as seguintes espécies leguminosas: crotalária espectábilis (Crotalaria spectabilis Roth., crotalária júncea (Crotalaria juncea L., guandu [Cajanus cajan (L. Millsp.], mucuna anã (Stizolobium deeringeanum Bort. e soja IAC 9 [Glycine max (L. Merril] e um tratamento testemunha sem plantas leguminosas. As leguminosas foram semeadas a 50 cm da projeção da copa dos cafeeiros e incorporadas no florescimento. O experimento foi desenvolvido no Pólo Regional de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico dos Agronegócios da Alta Paulista, em Adamantina, no período de 1989 a 1995. Adotou-se o delineamento estatístico de blocos ao acaso com seis tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os adubos verdes crotalária espectábilis, crotalária júncea, mucuna anã e soja, durante o período experimental, e a crotalária espectábilis após a recepa, não diminuíram a produção do cafeeiro. O guandu, embora tenha aumentado o teor de matéria orgânica do solo, foi a única leguminosa que diminuiu a produção e o diâmetro do caule dos cafeeiros. O guandu e a crotalária júncea, respectivamente, produziram as maiores quantidades de fitomassa seca. A produção do café se correlacionou inversamente com a fitomassa seca das leguminosas e positivamente com altura e diâmetro do caule do cafeeiro.Yield of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica of grafted onto robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner Apoatã IAC 2258 was evaluated during six years of intercropping with five leguminous species: sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L., Crotalaria spectabilis Roth., dwarf velvet bean (Stizolobium deeringeanum Bort., soybean Glycine max (L. Merryl] and pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L. Millsp.] in the Western region of São Paulo State, Brazil, from 1989 to 1995. Leguminous species were sown 50 cm

  16. Enzymatic activity and mineralization of carbon and nitrogen in soil cultivated with coffee and green manures Atividade enzimática e mineralização do carbono e nitrogênio sob solo cultivado com adubos verdes na cultura do cafeeiro

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    Elcio Liborio Balota


    cafeeiro. Foram feitas amostragens em um experimento de campo de longa duração instalado em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico em Miraselva, PR, na profundidade de 0-10 cm, na projeção da copa e na entrelinha, nos seguintes tratamentos: testemunha, leucena (Leucaena leucocephala, Crotalaria spectabilis, Crotalaria breviflora, amendoim-cavalo (Arachis hypogaea tipo virginia, mucuna-cinza (Mucuna pruriens, mucuna-anã (Mucuna deeringiana e caupi (Vigna unguiculata. As amostragens de solo foram feitas em quatros estádios de desenvolvimento dos adubos verdes: pré-plantio (setembro, pós-plantio (novembro, florescimento (fevereiro e pós-incorporação (abril, de 1997 a 1999. O cultivo de adubos verdes influenciou a atividade das enzimas do solo (urease, arilsulfatase e fosfatase e a mineralização do C e N tanto na projeção da copa como na entrelinha. O cultivo da leucena aumentou a atividade da fosfatase ácida e da arilsulfatase e a mineralização de C e N na projeção da copa e na entrelinha do cafeeiro. O cultivo de leucena aumentou a atividade da urease na projeção da copa, enquanto C. breviflora incrementou a atividade da urease na entrelinha.

  17. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: XIX - Pesquisas sôbre o café semperflorens Coffee breeding: XIX - Researches on the semperflorens coffee

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    Célio S. Novaes Antunes


    Full Text Available O propósito do presente trabalho é relatar os resultados obtidos no estudo sobre as características de produção da variedade semperflorens que se distingue das demais variedades de C. arabica por apresentar um florescimento quase contínuo e, conseqüentemente, conter frutos em vários estados de desenvolvimento durante todo o ano. Visou a presente pesquisa determinar o possível interêsse econômico que esta variedade pudesse oferecer para a instalação de pequenas lavouras intensivas de café. Analisaram-se os dados obtidos da colheita individual de 486 cafeeiros existentes nas estações experimentais de Campinas, de Pindorama e de Ribeirão Preto, respectivamente nos períodos de 1940-1951, 1945-1950 e 1939-1941. Os resultados indicaram que as produções médias por planta em Campinas foram maiores do que as de Ribeirão Prêto, e pouco superiores às de Pindorama. Encontraram-se dois máximos de produção de frutos maduros, que ocorreram em torno dos meses de abril - comum às três localidades - e novembro, somente para Campinas e Ribeirão Preto, e dezembro a janeiro, em Pindorama. O café semperflorens mostrou-se menos produtivo do que o bourbon vermelho. Limites médios extremos de 188 a 271 dias encontraram-se para o período de amadurecimento dos frutos. Os máximos de amplitude observados se têm em conta de condições desfavoráveis ao desenvolvimento dos frutos. Evidenciou-se que os períodos mais curtos de maturação, de modo geral, se enquadraram na época normal de florescimento dos demais cafeeiros. Em observações sôbre a incidência da broca do café, em frutos maduros, em Campinas, constatou-se maior ataque nos meses de julho e agôsto, e menor em janeiro e fevereiro. Verificou-se grande surto da broca nos anos de 1947 e 1948. Relativamente às dimensões das sementes, esiudadas através da peneira média, pôde-se observar que elas são menores do que as das variedades typica e bourbon vermelho. Verificou

  18. Effects of cooking method, cooking oil, and food type on aldehyde emissions in cooking oil fumes. (United States)

    Peng, Chiung-Yu; Lan, Cheng-Hang; Lin, Pei-Chen; Kuo, Yi-Chun


    Cooking oil fumes (COFs) contain a mixture of chemicals. Of all chemicals, aldehydes draw a great attention since several of them are considered carcinogenic and formation of long-chain aldehydes is related to fatty acids in cooking oils. The objectives of this research were to compare aldehyde compositions and concentrations in COFs produced by different cooking oils, cooking methods, and food types and to suggest better cooking practices. This study compared aldehydes in COFs produced using four cooking oils (palm oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil), three cooking methods (stir frying, pan frying, and deep frying), and two foods (potato and pork loin) in a typical kitchen. Results showed the highest total aldehyde emissions in cooking methods were produced by deep frying, followed by pan frying then by stir frying. Sunflower oil had the highest emissions of total aldehydes, regardless of cooking method and food type whereas rapeseed oil and palm oil had relatively lower emissions. This study suggests that using gentle cooking methods (e.g., stir frying) and using oils low in unsaturated fatty acids (e.g., palm oil or rapeseed oil) can reduce the production of aldehydes in COFs, especially long-chain aldehydes such as hexanal and t,t-2,4-DDE. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Efeito de métodos de cocção sobre a composição química e colesterol em peito e coxa de frangos de corte Effect of cooking methods on carcass chemical composition and cholesterol of poultry breast and thight meat

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    Fabiana Cordeiro Rosa


    Full Text Available Neste experimento, objetivou-se comparar os efeitos dos métodos de cocção: cozimento em água (CA; em óleo (FO; em grelha (GR; em forno convencional (FC e em forno de microondas (MO, sobre a perda no cozimento (PPC, composição centesimal (CC, taxas de retenção aparente, taxa de retenção verdadeira da gordura e colesterol dos cortes peito e coxa de frangos. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos e 5 repetições, totalizando 25 parcelas experimentais. Os métodos de cocção influenciaram (PIn this work, the aim was to compare the effects of the cooking methods: boiling (BO, pan frying (PF, broiling (BR, conventional oven (CO, microwave oven (MO on cooking loss (CL, proximate composition (CC, apparent retention rate of fat, true retention rate of fat and cholesterol level of chicken's breast and thigh meat. In the statistical analyses was used a completely randomized design, with 5 treatments and 5 repetitions, totaling 25 experimental portions. The cooking methods influenced (P<0,05 the CL, filets roasted on the microwave oven showed lost of 32,49%, higher then lost on the methods: BO, CO, PF, and BR (28.40, 27.04, 29.18 and 23.46%, respectively. The PF treatment showed, in the natural matter, higher values of fat on the breast (2.49% and thigh (7.85%, when compared with the treatments BO, CO, PF, MO (breast, with averages of 1.06 to 1.35 and thigh with averages of 5.06 to 6.27. The cooking methods without oil resulted in lost o fat from the samples, while the cuts submitted to frying, absorbed oil. The cut breast absorbed more fat than thigh.

  20. Eventos do processo de infecção de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides inoculados em folhas de Coffea arabica L

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    Josimar Batista Ferreira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo obter informações sobre os eventos de pré-penetração, penetração e colonização de isolados de C. gloeosporioides, obtidos de mangueira e cafeeiro, quando inoculados em folhas de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. da cultivar Catucaí Vermelho. As folhas foram selecionadas, padronizadas e lavadas, demarcando-se áreas circulares de 0,5 cm de diâmetro na face abaxial, inoculando-se uma alíquota de 20 µL da suspensão de conídios. Utilizou-se um isolado obtido de mangueira e dois isolados obtidos de cafeeiro com mancha manteigosa. Realizaram-se avaliações com 3, 6, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 144 e 240 horas após a inoculação (hai. Todos os materiais foram processados e observados em microscópico eletrônico de varredura. Os conídios de todos os isolados aderiram freqüentemente nas depressões das células da epiderme e células-guarda dos estômatos, formando septo antes da germinação. A penetração, na maior parte, se deu por via direta e algumas vezes por estômatos. Isolados de cafeeiro germinaram em folhas de 6 a 8 hai, produzindo apressórios 12 hai e acérvulos de 96 a 144 hai. O isolado de mangueira germinou de 6 a 8 hai com formação de apressório de 8 a 12 hai e produziu novos conídios diretamente em hifas conidiogênicas. Não foi observada a formação acérvulos para este isolado.The present study was carried out with the objective to provide information on the pre-penetration, penetration and colonization events of isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from mango and coffee, when inoculated in coffee leaves. The cultivar Catucaí Vermelho was used in all experiments. Coffee leaves were selected, standardized and washed in sterile water. After that, circular areas of 0.5 cm in diameter were marked on the undersurface of the leaves. In the center of each circular area, 20 µL of spore suspension was deposited. One isolate from mango and two from coffee presenting blister

  1. Diagnose nutricional de cafeeiros da região do Alto Jequitinhonha (MG: normas dris e faixas críticas de nutrientes Nutritional diagnosis of coffee plantations in the Upper Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais State, Brazil: dris norms and critical nutrient ranges

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    Múcio Mágno de Melo Farnezi


    Full Text Available As normas do Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação (DRIS ainda não foram estabelecidas para a cultura do café do Alto Jequitinhonha, MG, o que impede que o DRIS seja aplicado nos cafeeiros da região. A diagnose foliar, mediante o uso do DRIS e de faixas críticas de referência, destaca-se entre as ferramentas potenciais que permitem usar eficientemente os fertilizantes. Desse modo, este trabalho objetiva estabelecer as normas DRIS, bem como estimar os valores das faixas críticas dos nutrientes de referência para a diagnose nutricional de cafeeiros da região do Alto Jequitinhonha, por meio do DRIS. Determinaram-se os teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn em 52 lavouras cafeeiras, em duas safras (2005 e 2006. Foram selecionadas, para estabelecer as normas DRIS, 23 lavouras em cada safra com produtividade maior e igual a 30 sacas de grãos de café por hectare. As faixas críticas obtidas do DRIS, determinando-se a frequência com que o teor de cada nutriente das lavouras nas duas safras foi deficiente, adequado ou excessivo em relação aos padrões mencionados e teores considerados adequados pela literatura. As normas DRIS foram estabelecidas para cafeeiros da região do Alto Jequitinhonha e utilizadas para propor faixas críticas adequadas. Para isso, foram estabelecidos os valores para N (2,25-2,79 dag kg-1, P (0,18-0,22 dag kg-1, K (1,72-2,10 dag kg-1, Ca (1,26-1,51 dag kg-1, Mg (0,29-0,35 dag kg-1, S (0,13-0,32 dag kg-1, B (83,8-96,3 mg kg-1, Cu (5,7-9,3 mg kg-1, Fe (67,5-116,2 mg kg-1, Mn (219-422 mg kg-1 e Zn (17,4-30,0 mg kg-1, e faixas críticas adequadas para diagnose nutricional de cafeeiros da região do Alto Jequitinhonha, no Estado de Minas Gerais. Os cafezais da região em desequilíbrio apresentaram deficiência em P, K, S, B, Cu, Mn e Zn e excesso de Ca, Mg e Fe.In the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS, norms for coffee in the Upper Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil

  2. Sobre o condicionamento alimentar na cochonilha-branca, Planococcus citri (Risso (Hemiptera: pseudococcidae Regarding to host conditioning in citrus mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso (Hemiptera: pseudococcidae

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    Lenira Viana Costa Santa-Cecília


    Full Text Available Estudos do comportamento alimentar mediante a técnica de "Electrical Penetration Graphs" (EPG das cochonilhas-farinhentas (Pseudococcidae provenientes de um hospedeiro de criação alternativo têm mostrado que esses insetos não atingem ou demoram cerca de 9 horas para alcançar a fase floemática. Por outro lado, aqueles provenientes do hospedeiro-fonte atingem a fase floemática mais rapidamente e apresentam maior frequência de alimentação nos vasos crivados. Esses resultados indicam a presença do fenômeno de condicionamento alimentar, ainda não demonstrado em cochonilhas. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a existência desse fenômeno em Planococcus citri (Risso (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae. Foram realizados testes de livre escolha, monitoramento eletrônico (EPG e estudos de alguns parâmetros biológicos. Em todos os experimentos, o cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L., os citros (Citrus sinensis L. e abóbora (Cucurbita maxima L. foram utilizados como substratos de criação (fonte da cochonilha, sendo os tratamentos constituídos pela combinação entre os hospedeiros-fonte e os hospedeiros receptores (café e citros. O teste de escolha entre cafeeiro e citros nas primeiras 72 horas mostrou que as cochonilhas criadas em cafeeiro apresentaram preferência pelo cafeeiro; aquelas originadas dos citros mostraram uma tendência, embora não significativa, em selecionar os citros em relação ao cafeeiro e aquelas criadas em abóbora não mostraram preferência por nenhum dos hospedeiros. Os estudos do comportamento alimentar mediante o monitoramento eletrônico (EPG mostraram que a fase floemática, considerada como a fase de aceitação do hospedeiro, foi mais frequente em cafeeiro, seja com cochonilhas oriundas deste substrato, seja de citros. Aqueles insetos mantidos em abóbora e transferidos para o cafeeiro ou citros apresentaram excepcionalmente ou não apresentaram nenhuma fase floemática, respectivamente. A

  3. Faixas críticas de teores foliares de macronutrientes em mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. produzidas em tubetes Critical ranges of macronutrient content in leaves of coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica L. grown in plastic pots

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    Sergio Moraes Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de determinar os teores foliares de macronutrientes em mudas de cafeeiro produzidas em tubetes. O experimento foi conduzido em viveiro localizado no Setor de Cafeicultura do Departamento de Agricultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA, no período de maio de 2003 a janeiro de 2004. Foi utilizado o delineamento de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial simples 6 x 3 com quatro blocos, sendo seis níveis de adubação do substrato (50, 75, 100, 125, 150 e 200% da dose padrão de Osmocote por m³ de substrato e três estádios de desenvolvimento das plantas: 3, 4 e 5 pares de folhas. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: altura de planta (cm, diâmetro de caule (mm, área foliar (cm², massa seca de raiz (g, massa seca de caule (g, massa seca das folhas (g, massa seca de parte aérea (g, massa seca total (g e concentrações foliares de: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S. As faixas críticas de teores obtidas para macronutrientes são as seguintes: nitrogênio (2,26 a 2,62 dag/Kg; fósforo (0,22 a 0,25 dag/Kg; potássio (2,59 a 2,92 dag/Kg; cálcio (0,69 a 0,76 dag/Kg; magnésio (0,11 a 0,12 dag/Kg; enxofre (0,15 a 0,24 dag/Kg. Além disso, constatou-se que o estádio de 4 pares de folhas verdadeiras é o ideal para a coleta de folhas visando à avaliação do estado nutricional das mudas.The aim of this study was to determinate the macronutrient content in leaves of coffee seedlings grown in plastic pots. The experiment was carried out at a greenhouse located in the coffee research area at the Agronomy Department of Lavras Federal University from May 2003 to January 2004. We used a block design in a sample factorial 6 x 3 with four blocks, where the substrate was treated with six levels of fertilization (50, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 200% of standard fertilization with Osmocote for m³ substrate and the evaluations were performed at three stages of development (sampling times: three, four, and five pairs of

  4. Efeito de recipientes e substratos utilizados na produção de mudas de cafeeiro no desenvolvimento inicial em casa de vegetação, sob estresse hídrico Effect of different recipients and substrata used in the production of coffee tree seedlings in the initial development in greenhouse under water stress

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    Haroldo Silva Vallone


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de recipientes e substratos no desenvolvimento inicial de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. plantados em vasos dentro de casa de vegetação, sob diferentes níveis de estresse hídrico, foi conduzido um experimento no Setor de Cafeicultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, no período de janeiro a maio de 2004. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados (DBC em esquema fatorial (3 x 3 x 4, sendo o primeiro fator constituído de três recipientes utilizados na produção das mudas, tubetes de polietileno rígido de 50 mL; tubetes de 120 mL; e saquinhos de polietileno, nas dimensões de 20 cm de altura por 10 cm de largura e capacidade volumétrica, aproximada, de 700 mL; o segundo fator constituído de três substratos utilizados na produção das mudas, substrato alternativo, composto por 65% de casca de arroz carbonizada + 35% de substrato comercial; substrato comercial Plantmax hortaliças HT; e substrato padrão, composto por 70% de terra + 30% de esterco bovino peneirados e o terceiro fator foi constituído por quatro intervalos entre irrigações, 2, 6, 10 e 14 dias. Observa-se que os recipientes de capacidades volumétricas diferentes e os substratos utilizados influenciam, significativamente, o desenvolvimento dos cafeeiros, sendo que, após 120 dias do transplante das mudas para vasos em casa de vegetação com diferentes níveis de estresse hídrico, as plantas provenientes de mudas produzidas em saquinhos de polietileno e tubetes de 120 mL contendo substratos alternativo e comercial apresentaram melhor desenvolvimento.With the aim of evaluating the effects of different recipients and substrata in the production of coffee tree seedlings (Coffea arabica L., planted in pots inside the greenhouse, under different water stress levels, an experiment was carried out in the Section of Coffee of Department of Agriculture of Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, in the period from

  5. Cooking and Society


    Teplá, Hedvika


    The bachelor thesis "Cooking and Society" focuses on cooking, a process of food preparation. The thesis analyzes cooking as a leisure activity, type of housework and it also discusses the relation between cooking and cultural identity. It focuses on the importance of national and ethnic cuisine and deals with the differences in cooking influenced by religion and social stratification. The thesis also deals with the acquisition of cooing skills and transgeneral transfer of cooking skills. It d...

  6. Toxicidade de extratos de nim (Azadirachta indica ao ácaro-vermelho-do-cafeeiro Oligonychus ilicis Toxicity of neem extracts (Azadirachta indica to the coffee red mite Oligonychus ilicis

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    Sheila Abreu Mourão


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a toxicidade aguda e crônica de extratos de óleo de torta, de sementes e de folhas de Azadirachta indica A. Juss (nim a fêmeas do ácaro-vermelho-do-cafeeiro Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor (Acari: Tetranychidae. A mortalidade e a taxa instantânea de crescimento populacional de fêmeas adultas desse ácaro foram avaliadas em discos de folhas de cafeeiro com 3,5 cm de diâmetro, impregnados com resíduo seco dos extratos de nim e flutuando em água. As concentrações dos extratos de óleo de torta, sementes e folhas de nim que mataram 50% e 99% dos indivíduos de O. ilicis, após 72 horas de exposição, foram de 0,02, 15,9 e 121,4 mg/mL e de 10,9, 520,9 e 277,4 mg/mL, respectivamente. A taxa instantânea de crescimento populacional de O. ilicis diminuiu, linearmente, com o aumento da concentração dos extratos de óleo de torta, sementes e folhas de nim até 0,075, 15 e 144 mg/mL, respectivamente, a partir das quais as populações desse ácaro foram extintas.The objective of this work was to study the toxicity of extracts of oil cake, seeds and leaves of Azadirachta indica A. Juss (neem to the coffee red mite Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor (Acari: Tetranychidae. Concentration-mortality and instantaneous rate of populational growth were determined for adult females of the red mite on disks of coffee with 3.5 cm diameter, floating on water and impregnated with dry residues of the neem extracts. Concentrations of these extracts which caused 50% mortality of the individuals of O. ilicis were 0.02, 15.9 and 121.4 mg/mL; while 99% mortality of this mite was reached with 10.9, 520.9 and 277.4 mg/mL for oil cake, seeds and leaves extracts, respectively. The instantaneous rate of populational growth of O. ilicis dropped as the extract doses increased up to 0.075, 15 and 144 mg/mL for oil cake, seeds and leaves extracts, respectively.

  7. Source-sink manipulations in Coffea arabica L. and its effect on growth of shoots and root system Manipulação da relação fonte-dreno em Coffea arabica L. e seu efeito no crescimento da parte aérea e do sistema radicular

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    José Donizeti Alves


    Full Text Available This paper investigated changes in growth and carbohydrate content of shoots and root systems in response to source-sink manipulation in field-grown coffee trees. The source-sink manipulations were carried out using manual de-fruiting. Two plots of trees were established: in one group, the fruit was left on the tree, while in the second group all fruits were removed manually. Similar results were obtained for coffee trees with and without fruit in terms of height, stem and skirt diameter and branch lengths. A biochemical evaluation of the roots showed that no differences were found between the levels of carbohydrates. In the leaves, levels of soluble sugars and reducing sugars were higher in plants with fruit. The starch concentration in leaves and roots did not vary between the plots. Root length density did not vary between plants with and without fruit in the 0 - 0.4 m soil layer. However, plants without fruit had a higher root length density than plants with a full fruit load. These results contrast with results published by others on source-sink relationships of coffee plants. The joint data analysis shows that young trees, with a moderate fruit load, and with good nutritional and health status, produce carbohydrates in sufficient quantities to maintain vegetative and reproductive growth, without harming root system growth.Foram investigadas as alterações no crescimento e nos teores de carboidratos da parte aérea e sistema radicular em resposta à manipulação fonte-dreno em cafeeiros cultivados em condições de campo. Essas manipulações foram realizadas mediante desfrutificação manual. Dois grupos de plantas foram estabelecidos: em um grupo, a produção de frutos foi mantida, enquanto no segundo grupo, todos os frutos foram retirados manualmente. Cafeeiros, com e sem frutos apresentaram resultados semelhantes em termos de altura, diâmetro do caule e saia e comprimentos de ramos. Nas avaliações bioquímicas nas raízes n

  8. Fontes e doses de fósforo no desenvolvimento e produção do cafeeiro, em um solo originalmente sob vegetação de cerrado de Patrocínio - MG Sources and doses of phosphorus on coffee development and production on soil originally under savannah vegetation of Patrocínio - MG

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    Benjamim de Melo


    Full Text Available Conduziu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes fontes e doses de fósforo no desenvolvimento e na produção do cafeeiro, cultivar Acaiá Cerrado, linhagem MG-1474, em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, da Fazenda Experimental de Patrocínio, da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG. O experimento foi instalado no espaçamento de 3,50 x 0,70 m, segundo o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4 x 5, com quatro repetições. Utilizaram-se como fontes de fósforo, o fosfato de Araxá, o termofosfato magnesiano, o fosfato de Arad e o superfosfato triplo, aplicados em cinco doses, correspondentes a: 0 (zero, 125, 250, 500 e 1.000 g de P2O5 total por metro de sulco. Cada parcela experimental foi constituída por uma linha com oito plantas, sendo adotadas como plantas úteis as quatro centrais. Aos trinta e aos quarenta e um meses após o plantio foram avaliadas as seguintes características: altura de planta (m, diâmetros de caule (mm e de copa (m, e produtividade (sc/ha. As fontes de fósforo testadas comportaram-se de forma semelhante quanto às características de desenvolvimento do cafeeiro, aos 30 e aos 41 meses após o plantio; aos 30 meses, as maiores produtividades foram obtidas quando se utilizou o superfosfato triplo e o termofosfato magnesiano; aos 41 meses, as maiores produtividades foram observadas quando se utilizou os fosfatos de Araxá, de Arad e o termofosfato magnesiano; as doses de P2O5 influenciaram o desenvolvimento vegetativo do cafeeiro, sendo os melhores resultados observados na faixa compreendida pelas doses 618,8 a 674,4 g de P2O5 por metro de sulco; as melhores produtividades, foram obtidas nas doses compreendidas entre 539,7 a 855,0 g de P2O5 por metro de sulco, de acordo com o fertilizante utilizado, à exceção do superfosfato triplo, aos 41 meses após o plantio, em que a dose máxima de P2O5 testada foi insuficiente para se obter um m

  9. Public perceptions of cooking and the implications for cooking behaviour in the USA. (United States)

    Wolfson, Julia A; Smith, Katherine Clegg; Frattaroli, Shannon; Bleich, Sara N


    Despite the importance of cooking in modern life, public perceptions about what it means to cook are unknown. We aimed to examine perceptions of cooking and their association with cooking confidence, attitudes and behaviours in the USA. We designed and fielded a nationally representative survey among US adults (n 1112) in April 2015. We used factor analysis to identify perceptions about cooking and multivariate ordered logit and Poisson models to explore associations between those perceptions and cooking confidence, attitudes and behaviours. Nationally representative web-based survey of US adults. US adults aged ≥18 years. Americans conceptualized cooking in three ways: the use of scratch ingredients, convenience foods and not using heat. Respondents who perceived cooking as including convenience foods were less confident in their ability to cook from scratch (OR=0·52, Pcooking (OR=0·68, P=0·01) than those who did not. Although individuals who perceived cooking as including only scratch ingredients reported cooking dinner (4·31 times/week) and using packaged/boxed products (0·95 times/week) the least frequently, few notable differences in the frequency of cooking meals were observed. Cooking frequency is similar among US adults regardless of how they perceive cooking, but cooking confidence and enjoyment are lowest among Americans who perceive cooking as including the use of convenience foods. These insights should inform the development of more specific measures of cooking behaviour as well as meaningful and targeted public health messages to encourage healthier cooking.

  10. Aplicabilidade dos modelos de precificação para as opções sobre contratos futuros de café arábica na BM&FBOVESPA


    Tonin, Julyerme Matheus


    O setor cafeeiro, além da reconhecida importância histórica, se destaca pela incorporação de tecnologia no processo produtivo e pelas recentes transformações em âmbito institucional. A abertura comercial e a desregulamentação do setor criaram uma nova dinâmica para esse setor, em que a redução da regulação estatal fez com que a busca de novos instrumentos para a gestão de risco se tornasse uma preocupação permanente dos agentes envolvidos com o setor cafeeiro. Nesse sentido, o expressivo aume...

  11. Crescimento inicial do cafeeiro irrigado com água salina e salinização do solo Initial growth of coffee plants irrigated with saline water and soil salinization

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    Vladimir B. Figueirêdo


    Full Text Available A cultura do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. vem-se expandindo para regiões ainda pouco exploradas, em que o uso da irrigação com água salina possa ser fator limitante. Nesse contexto, avaliou-se o crescimento inicial do cafeeiro, conduzido em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Engenharia da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA, submetendo-o a níveis crescentes de salinidade da água de irrigação. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com 6 tratamentos (S0 = 0,0 dS m-1, S1 = 0,6 dS m-1, S2 = 1,2 dS m-1, S3 = 1,8 dS m-1, S4 = 2,4 dS m-1 e S5 = 3,0 dS m-1 e 4 repetições. A reposição de água foi realizada com base na curva característica do solo, pela leitura da tensão de água por blocos de resistência, retornando o conteúdo de água à capacidade de campo. Verificou-se que os tratamentos influenciaram significativamente as características da planta e que a salinidade da água a partir de 1,2 dS m-1 prejudicou o crescimento e, em alguns casos, provocou a morte das plantas. A área foliar foi a variável mais prejudicada. Ao final do experimento o solo foi classificado como salino-sódico.The coffee crop is expanding to new areas with not enough studies about its response to saline irrigation water. The initial growth of coffee plant was evaluated, in greenhouse at the Engineering Department of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA, under different levels of irrigation water salinity. The completely randomized design was used with 6 treatments (S0 = 0.0 dS m-1, S1 = 0.6 dS m-1, S2 = 1.2 dS m-1, S3 = 1.8 dS m-1, S4 = 2.4 dS m-1 and S5 = 3.0 dS m-1 and 4 replications. The irrigation was accomplished according to soil water retention curve and resistance block reading, restoring the soil water content to its field capacity. It was verified that water salinity affected the plants characteristics significantly. The water salinity above 1.2 dS m-1 caused damage to plant development resulting, in some cases, in death of

  12. Spatial-temporal analysis of water requirements of coffee crop in Minas Gerais State, Brazil Análise espaço-temporal da demanda hídrica do cafeeiro, no Estado de Minas Gerais

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    Luis C. de A. Lemos Filho


    Full Text Available Scientific investigations about crop water requirements are of fundamental importance to the irrigation process. The main objective of this paper is to analyze and to map water requirements of coffee crop in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Potential evapotranspiration values (ET0 were estimated by the Penman-Monteith-FAO method, using daily data sets available for 42 National Meteorology Institute (INMET stations for a period of 17 years. The crop coefficient values (kc considered were extracted from literature. The results were analyzed by means of geostatistical tools. The theoretical semi-variograms were fitted by the Maximum Likelihood method, considering spherical, exponential and Gaussian models. The maps were created using the ordinary kriging method. In a general way, the results have showed that the coffee crop evapotranspiration (ETc presents high variability in Minas Gerais State. The largest variations, both spatial and temporal, have been observed in the northern part of the State. January and June, respectively, presented the highest and the smallest water requirements of coffee crop. Based on this, we can conclude that due to the coffee crop evapotranspiration (ETc data distinction in different regions of Minas Gerais, a good estimate of the ETc values for each locality will bring many benefits to the coffee growers regarding irrigation scheduling.O conhecimento de informações que expressam a demanda hídrica das plantas, é fundamental para a irrigação. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi analisar a demanda hídrica para o cafeeiro em Minas Gerais. Os valores de ET0, estimados pelo método de Penman-Monteith-FAO a partir de dados diários originados de registros de 42 estações climatológicas do INMET, se referem a um período de 17 anos. Os valores de coeficiente de cultura (kc adotado no estudo, são os citados por Allen et al. (1998 e Doorenbos & Pruitt (1997. As análises dos resultados são feitas através da geoestat

  13. Cooking in prison – from crook to cook

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjær Minke, Linda


    thinking about, purchasing, and preparing food. Overall, prisoners reported being very pleased with self-catering systems. Prisoners also stressed the importance of making healthy food although some prisoners felt they lacked cooking skills. In addition, study data describe and explores prisoner food...... groups, which are formed for economic and social reasons. The food-groups are understood as arenas for group solidarity, and opportunities to measure access, or lack thereof, to capital and resources. Self-catering supports prisoners’ responsibility, need for autonomy and improves prisoners’ cooking...... abilities and personal resources. During incarceration few roles are available for prisoner. The self-catering system offers the role as a cook which offers an opportunity for identity realignment from crook to cook....

  14. Cooking without salt (United States)

    ... this page: // Cooking without salt To use the sharing features on ... other dishes to add zest. Try Salt-free Cooking Explore cooking with salt substitutes. Add a splash ...

  15. Recuperação do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. após recepa, submetido a diferentes lâminas de água e parcelamentos da adubação = Recovery of coffee tree (Coffea arabica L. after pruning under different irrigation depths

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    Kelte Resende Arantes


    Full Text Available Visando reduzir o período de recuperação das lavouras após a recepa, neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar a influência de diferentes lâminas de irrigação e do parcelamento da adubação sobre o crescimento do cafeeiro. Foram utilizadas quatro diferentes lâminas de irrigação (0, 40, 80 e 120% da ECA-Precipitação e três parcelamentos da adubação com N e K (quatro, oito e 12 vezes. O experimento foi conduzido no Sul de Minas Gerais, com o cafeeiro (Coffea arabica cv. Topázio MG-1190, plantado no espaçamento de 1,8 x 0,7 m e recepado 65 meses após o plantio. O delineamentoexperimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas. Os parâmetros avaliados foram altura da planta, diâmetro do ramo ortotrópico, número de internódios e diâmetro da copa. O crescimento do cafeeiro foi influenciado pela irrigação, mas não foi influenciado pelo parcelamento da adubação. A lâmina de 120% do saldo do balanço ECA - P proporcionou maior crescimento.In order to reduce the recovery period of the orchard coffeeafter pruning, this work was carried out with the objective of evaluating the influence of different irrigation depths and splitting of N and K with fertirrigation on the growth of coffee plants. The experiment was carried out in southern Minas Gerais State with coffeaarabica cv. Topázio MG-1190 implanted with 1.8 x 0.7 m spacing. Irrigations corresponded to 0, 40, 80 and 120% of the evaporation from a Class A pan – precipitation (ECA-P and N and K split in 4, 8 and 12 applications. A randomized block design with four replicationswas used. Plant height, diameter of orthotropic branches, number of internodes and crown diameter were evaluated. The fertilizer splitting was found not to provide any increase in growth of the coffee plant. The depth of 120%*ECA-P provided the greatest growth ofcoffee plants when compared to others.

  16. Fontes e doses de nitrogênio na adubaçâo química do cafeeiro I: latossolo roxo transição para latossolo vermelho-amarelo, orto Nitrogen fertilizers for coffee - I: red latosol transition to clay red yellow latosol

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    F. R. Pupo de Moraes


    Full Text Available Nitrocálcio, salitre-do-chile, sulfato de amônio e uréia, nas doses de 75, 150, 225 e 300 quilogramas de N por hectare, foram estudados comparativamente em um experimento de adubação química nitrogenada em café mundo novo, instalado em latossolo roxo transição para latossolo vermelho-amarelo, orto da região de Campinas, SP, em março de 1957, tendo sido efetuadas 11 colheitas de 1959 a 1969, inclusive. O nitrogênio foi aplicado parceladamente em 2, 4, 5 e 9 fracionamentos anuais durante a fase inicial do ensaio ou seja, até o ano agrícola 1963/64. A partir de então o esquema do parcelamento passou a 1, 2, 3 e 4 fracionamentos por ano. Após a colheita de 1969, os cafeeiros foram cortados a 50 cm do solo, efetuando-se em 1972 uma série de amostragens de solo e de folhas de cafeeiros, para a avaliação dos efeitos decorrentes da aplicação continuada das várias fontes de nitrogênio aplicadas. As produções de café obtidas durante todo o transcorrer do ensaio revelaram uma reação altamente significativa e positiva para as doses crescentes de nitrogênio. O Nitrocálcio e o sulfato de amônio foram as melhores fontes de nitrogênio, tendo diferido significativamente da uréia e do salitre-do-chile. O sulfato de amônio foi inicialmente superior ao Nitrocálcio sendo, entretanto, superado por este na parte final do experimento. Da colheita obtida no ano de 1961 foram separadas amostras de frutos provenientes das várias fontes de N estudadas, para determinação dos teores de macro e micronutrientes. Foram observadas diferenças no teor de N entre os tratamentos que receberam esse elemento e o controle não adubado. Foram observadas também diferenças nos teores de Fe e Mn nos frutos, entre as fontes de N utilizadas. No final do experimento foi observado um efeito acidificante sobre o solo, em decorrência do emprego do sulfato de amônio, da uréia e do Nitrocálcio. Observou-se aumento significativo nos teores de manganês e

  17. Especificidade alimentar: em busca de um caráter taxonômico para a diferenciação de duas espécies crípticas de cochonilhas do gênero Planococcus (Hemíptera: Pseudococcidae

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    Ana Luiza Viana de Sousa


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar uma possível especificidade alimentar de duas espécies crípticas de cochonilhas do gênero Planococcus, refletida em seu desenvolvimento em frutos de cacaueiro, cafeeiro e citros. A cochonilha Planococcus minor (Maskell, obtida de frutos de cacau (Theobroma cacao L. cv. Comum, e Planococcus citri (Risso, de lavoura de café (Coffea arabica L. cv. Mundo Novo e de mudas de citros (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck cv. Bahia, foram criadas em abóboras (Cucurbita maxima L., em laboratório. Rosetas com frutos de café foram mantidas sobre uma lâmina de 5 mm de ágar-água em placas de Petri, vedadas com filme plástico de polietileno. Em frutos de citros e cacau foram utilizadas gaiolas plásticas cilíndricas (1,5 cm x 3,0 cm, vedadas com voile na parte superior, as quais foram fixadas nos frutos por meio de um elástico. Os bioensaios foram conduzidos em câmaras climatizadas a 25 ± 1ºC, 70 ± 10% UR e 12 horas de fotofase, utilizando-se de 30 repetições. Para as cochonilhas provenientes de cafeeiro, o substrato café proporcionou o maior período ninfal de fêmeas (20,8 dias e maior longevidade (31,7 dias. Para fêmeas oriundas de cacau, o substrato cacau promoveu o menor período ninfal (21,1 dias e maior longevidade (25,0 dias. Para aquelas oriundas de citros, o substrato cacau promoveu o menor período ninfal (18,4 dias, e o substrato citros, a maior longevidade (32,0 dias. As maiores porcentagens de mortalidade (50% foram obtidas das ninfas oriundas de frutos de cacau e citros, criadas em café e cacau, e as menores foram das ninfas oriundas de frutos de café, independentemente do substrato em que foram criadas. A cochonilha P. minor mostra uma associação mais estreita com o cacau e, eventualmente, café, em relação ao citros, o que explicaria sua maior ocorrência em cacau. No entanto, P. citri não evidencia nenhuma especificidade para os três substratos testados.

  18. A Cooking Curriculum. (United States)

    Wright, Wynn D., Ed.

    This cooking curriculum, issued by the Washington District Early Childhood Council, details specific ways in which language arts, math, science, and social studies may be taught through cooking specific recipes. Cooking activities and recipes are presented for the fall, winter, and spring months, and guidelines are provided for preparing…

  19. Avaliação da redução de potássio em hortaliças submetidas a diferentes métodos de cocção para possível utilização na dietoterapia renal Evaluation of potassium in vegetables submitted to different cooking methods and their possible use in renal diet

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    Cristiane Copetti


    Full Text Available Objetivo Julgou-se relevante avaliar a concentração de potássio em vegetais crus submetidos ao remolho e cozidos sob diferentes formas - ebulição, micro-ondas e sob pressão - a fim de verificar se o remolho e as técnicas de cocção têm eficácia na redução da concentração desse mineral. Métodos O experimento foi realizado em delineamento casualizado, com esquema fatorial 3x5 (3 vegetais x 5 proce-dimentos e 3 repetições nas análises. As hortaliças - batata, cenoura e brócolis - foram submetidas à análise dos teores de potássio por fotometria de chama IL, e compararam-se os tratamentos: cru, remolho em água, cocção em ebulição, micro-ondas e sob pressão. Resultados Nas amostras analisadas, para a batata o método remolho (232,2mg/g, ebulição (197,3mg/g, micro-ondas (170,3mg/g e pressão (187,2mg/g não diferiram de forma estatisticamente significativa entre si, da mesma forma para a cenoura, que obteve os valores de redução de 315,0mg/g, 309,9mg/g, 243,3mg/g e 210,6mg/g, respectivamente para remolho, ebulição, micro-ondas e pressão. Entretanto, para os brócolis, pode-se observar que os métodos de preparo em micro-ondas (280,1mg/g e pressão (167,3mg/gdiferiram estatisticamente em relação aos outros métodos, mostrando-se mais eficazes na redução dos teores de potássio dessa hortaliça. Conclusão O remolho e os métodos de cocção mostraram-se eficazes na redução dos teores de potássio nas hortaliças, no entanto fatores como tempo, temperatura, recipiente, potência e frequência das ondas eletromagnéticas do micro-ondas podem influenciar os diferentes tipos de cocção.Objective This study assessed the concentration of potassium in raw and macerated raw vegetables and vegetables cooked by different methods - boiling, microwave and pressure-cooking - to verify if maceration and different cooking methods can effectively reduce the concentration of this mineral. Methods This experiment had a random 3x

  20. Observações anatômicas em plantas de Coffea arabica L. obtidas por enraizamento de estacas

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    Adriana Madeira Santos Jesus


    Full Text Available Uma forma para se obter diminuição significativa de tempo e recursos despendidos nos programas de melhoramento de Coffea arabica L. é a clonagem de híbridos F1 por meio de estacas caulinares. Alguns estudos, em diferentes instituições, foram realizados buscando-se definir um método eficiente para esse tipo de clonagem. Com o objetivo de verificar-se a presença de barreiras anatômicas ao enraizamento de estacas caulinares do cafeeiro e a origem das raízes adventícias, bem como compara-las às raízes provenientes de plantas obtidas por semeadura, foram realizadas análises anatômicas no Departamento de Biologia da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA, Lavras, MG. Utilizaram-se estacas caulinares de cafeeiro dos cultivares Acaiá e Rubi e mudas obtidas por semeadura direta e por estaquia. Os cortes realizados nas estacas caulinares mostraram não existirem barreiras anatômicas ao enraizamento adventício. Nas estacas enraizadas, a origem do primórdio radicular foi próxima aos tecidos vasculares. Cortes histológicos nas raízes formadas nas estacas e nas raízes de mudas obtidas por semeadura confirmaram que elas apresentam as mesmas estruturas primárias.

  1. Efeito de três fertilizantes acidificantes sobre a concentração de alumínio e de manganês em folhas e raízes de cafeeiros Effect of three acidifying fertilizers on the concentration of aluminum and manganese on coffee leaves and roots

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    Ferdinando Roberto Pupo de Moraes


    Full Text Available Foi determinada a concentração de alumínio e de manganês em folhas de cafeeiros cultivados em vasos com três solos diferentes e com aplicação de três fertilizantes nitrogenados acidificantes (nitrato de amônio, uréia e sulfato de amônio e um não acidificante (salitre-do-chile, além de dois tratamentos extras com corretivos de acidez e um com enxofre. Nas raízes estes elementos foram também determinados para os tratamentos que receberam uréia, uréia mais enxofre e o controle sem nitrogênio. Nos três solos determinou-se o efeito dos tratamentos sobre o pH e a concentração de A1(3+ e Mn3+. A análise foliar revelou diferenças significativas entre tratamentos na concentração de alumínio e manganês das folhas e em todos os três solos estudados. Alguns sintomas específicos observados nas folhas e raízes estiveram associados à presença de níveis elevados de manganês nessas partes vegetais.There were determined concentrations of aluminum and manganese in leaves of coffee trees cultivated in pots with 3 different soils fertilized with acidifying nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, urea and ammonium sulphate and non acidifying nitrogen fertilizer (chilean nitrate and 3 other treatments (urea plus calcium carbonate, urea plus lime and urea plus sulfur. Aluminum and manganese were determined in coffee roots of pots fertilized with urea, urea plus sulfur and a control without nitrogen. The relation of pH and concentration of Al3+ and Mn2+ are discussed for the soils utilized. Leaves analysis showed significant differences in aluminum and manganese concentration in the leaves among treatments and among the 3 soils types. Symptoms correlated with high levels of manganese in the leaves and roots of the coffee trees were observed.

  2. Cooking crisis: What crisis?


    Caraher, M.


    Cooking has long been a topic of discussion and concern among those arguing for a healthy diet. Chadwick, the great public health reformer, in 1842 called for cooking education.\\ud \\ud The Obama administration has heartedly endorsed cooking, mainly through the First Lady and a program called Cooking Matters, to address the obesity problem in the United States ( \\ud \\ud Changing practices in cooking and food preparation and the way we eat some argue are driven by a ...

  3. Evapotranspiração e coeficientes de cultivo de cafeeiros em fase de formação Evapotranspiration and crop coeficients of coffee trees during crop formation

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    Danilton Luiz Flumignan


    Full Text Available A quantificação do consumo hídrico das culturas é fundamental para diversas aplicações na agricultura. Neste estudo, lisímetros de pesagem instalados em Londrina (PR, foram usados para determinar a evapotranspiração (ET de cafeeiros da cultivar IAPAR 59, não irrigado e irrigado por aspersão e gotejamento, durante dois anos após a implantação da lavoura. O coeficiente de cultivo (Kc foi obtido nos tratamentos irrigados a partir da razão entre ET e a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo estimada pelo método Penman-Monteith. Os valores de ET e Kc dos tratamentos analisados variaram em função do método de irrigação, frequência de chuvas, demanda da atmosfera e evolução da área foliar. O tratamento irrigado por aspersão foi aquele com os maiores valores médios anuais de ET (3,1 e 3,4 mm dia-1 para o primeiro e segundo ano, respectivamente, seguido do gotejamento (2,9 mm dia-1 para o segundo ano e do não-irrigado (2,2 e 2,5 mm dia-1 para o primeiro e segundo ano, respectivamente. O valor médio anual de Kc foi maior para o tratamento irrigado por aspersão (0,99 e 1,03 para o primeiro e segundo ano, respectivamente e menor para o irrigado por gotejamento (0,92 para o segundo ano.Quantifying crop water consumption is essential for many applications in agriculture. Evapotranspiration (ET of coffee trees, cultivar IAPAR 59, under sprinkler and drip irrigation and no irrigation, were determined by weighing lysimeters in an experiment conducted in Londrina, Paraná State, Brazil, during two years after crop installation. The crop coefficient (Kc values were determined for the irrigated treatments by the ratio between ET and reference evapotranspiration (ETo estimated with the Penman-Monteith method. The values of ET and Kc were influenced by irrigation method, rainfall frequency, atmospheric demand and leaf area evolution. The sprinkler irrigated treatment presented the higher mean annual ET values (3.1 and 3.4 mm day-1 for

  4. Controle massal da broca-do-café com armadilhas de garrafa Pet vermelha em cafeeiro

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    Flávio Lemes Fernandes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia de armadilha de garrafa Pet vermelha contendo compostos voláteis alcoólicos atrativos, no controle massal da broca-do-café (Hypothenemus hampei. As avaliações foram realizadas em quatro lavouras de café, durante dois anos. Foram distribuídas 900 armadilhas de garrafa Pet, pintadas de vermelho, em três das quatro lavouras; uma lavoura sem armadilhas foi usada como controle. O broqueamento dos frutos (% foi determinado nessas lavouras. Houve redução do broqueamento de frutos nas lavouras com armadilhas, da safra 2007/2008 para a safra 2008/2009. As maiores densidades da broca-do-café nas armadilhas foram observadas nos estádios de floração e de frutos chumbinho. A armadilha de garrafa Pet vermelha é eficaz no controle massal da população da broca-do-café, por reduzir a percentagem de frutos broqueados em 57%; entretanto, essa redução não é suficiente para manter as densidades da broca abaixo do nível de controle.

  5. Avaliação das propriedades físicas de um latossolo vermelho distroférrico sob diferentes sistemas de manejo em Lavras, MG

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    Kaio Gonçalves de Lima Dias


    metro médio ponderado (DMP e diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG de agregados estáveis em água decresceram na ordem pastagem>mata>café, porém não houve diferença em DMP entre os três sistemas quando se pré-umedeceu as amostras. O ensaio de Proctor demonstrou que o solo sob pastagem apresentou a maior densidade do solo máxima e a menor umidade ótima de compactação dentre os três sistemas. A pressão de pré-consolidação a baixas umidades, não diferiu entre a mata e a pastagem, mas foi significativamente maior para solos sob a linha de tráfego de máquinas no cafeeiro.

  6. Efeito do caseinato de sódio nas propriedades sensoriais do presunto "cook-in"


    Udaeta,Jicela Elsa Morales; Terra,Nelcindo Nascimento


    Realizou-se o estudo do efeito das diferentes concentrações de caseinato de sódio nos atributos sensoriais do presento "cook-in". Em cada uma das quatro repetições, vinte presuntos foram designados ao acaso num dos cinco tratamentos, nos quais a formulação da salmoura de cura foi injetada a 20% em relação ao peso da carne em todos os tratamentos. A composição básica da salmoura correspondeu a 0,5% fosfato; 2,0% sal; 0,4% sais de cura; 0,66% condimento para presunto e 0,25% ascorbato, as condi...

  7. Selection of F4 coffee progenies, obtained from Icatu x Catimor cross


    Botelho, César Elias; Mendes, Antônio Nazareno Guimarães; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Bartholo, Gabriel Ferreira; Carvalho, Samuel Pereira


    Com o objetivo de selecionar progênies de cafeeiros produtivos e resistentes à ferrugem foi instalado e conduzido um experimento em Machado,MG. Foram avaliadas 29 progênies selecionadas pelo programa de melhoramento genético do cafeeiro, coordenado pela EPAMIG, obtidas a partir do cruzamento Icatu e Catimor. O cultivar Rubi MG 1192 foi utilizado como testemunha. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Foram analisados a produção de café beneficia...

  8. Effect of Stewing in Cooking Step on Textural and Morphological Properties of Cooked Rice

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    Full Text Available Stewing of rice grains by steam after boiling in excess water can be used for cooking rice perfectly. The effects of this procedure in cooking of three varieties of Iranian rice (Sang Tarom, Domsiyah and Fajr on textural and morphological properties of cooked rice grains were investigated. The results showed that this step in rice cooking reduced the hardness and increased the adhesiveness of rice grains significantly. By the use of the scanning electron microscopy, it was shown that the outer surface of cooked rice stewed by steam had less porosity and closer pores due to the modification during cooking, and better gelatinization and more expansion of starch granules compared to non-stewed samples. The use of this procedure in rice cooking to provide a fully cooked and gelatinized, softer and stickier final product is recommended.

  9. A Família no Processo de Construção Social do Mercado de Trabalho Livre dos Latifúndios Cafeeiros de São Carlos (1907

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    Rogério da Palma


    Full Text Available As relações familiares adquiriram importância fundamental no processo de trabalho da economia cafeeira do oeste paulista durante a virada do século XIX para o século XX. Ainda não se conhecem, entretanto, estudos sistemáticos sobre como as famílias atuaram na inserção ocupacional de italianos e brasileiros negros, duas categoriais sociais que passaram por experiências distintas no período abordado. Por meio de consulta a um recenseamento municipal, o presente artigo possui como propósito a análise da configuração familiar de italianos e brasileiros negros situados nos latifúndios cafeeiros de São Carlos durante o início do século XX. Com base na ideia de que os mercados são construções sociais e, consequentemente, relações sociais que adquirem uma multiplicidade de formatos nos mais variados contextos, acredita-se que tal estudo possa auxiliar na compreensão da formação histórica do mercado de trabalho em questão. De acordo com as informações levantadas, pode-se perceber, de forma parcial, que os italianos possuíam uma estratégia familiar mais centrada em torno do colonato, enquanto nas famílias formadas por brasileiros negros a permanência nessa ocupação parece dividir espaço com outras estratégias de trabalho.

  10. Great apes prefer cooked food. (United States)

    Wobber, Victoria; Hare, Brian; Wrangham, Richard


    The cooking hypothesis proposes that a diet of cooked food was responsible for diverse morphological and behavioral changes in human evolution. However, it does not predict whether a preference for cooked food evolved before or after the control of fire. This question is important because the greater the preference shown by a raw-food-eating hominid for the properties present in cooked food, the more easily cooking should have been adopted following the control of fire. Here we use great apes to model food preferences by Paleolithic hominids. We conducted preference tests with various plant and animal foods to determine whether great apes prefer food items raw or cooked. We found that several populations of captive apes tended to prefer their food cooked, though with important exceptions. These results suggest that Paleolithic hominids would likewise have spontaneously preferred cooked food to raw, exapting a pre-existing preference for high-quality, easily chewed foods onto these cooked items. The results, therefore, challenge the hypothesis that the control of fire preceded cooking by a significant period.

  11. Genética de Coffea. XVIII - Variegação no cafeeiro Leaf variegation in coffee plants

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    A. Carvalho


    Full Text Available A variegação das fôlhas do cafeeiro tanto em plantas novas como em plantas adultas tem sido freqüentemente observada. Plantas variegadas podem ocorrer espontaneamente nas progénies das diversas variedades de Coffea arabica L., motivo porque não devem constituir variedade distinta dessa espécie, como foi proposto por Cramer. As plantas variegadas em estudo puderam ser agrupadas em duas categorias, isto é, aquelas em que a variegação não se acha associada com anomalias na forma e textura das folhas e aquelas nas quais a variegação é acompanhada dessas anomalias. No primeiro grupo o padrão de variegação não é uniforme para tôdas as fôlhas, enquanto no segundo grupo o padrão é semelhante para tôda a planta. Usualmente apenas alguns ramos das plantas do primeiro grupo são variegados. Observou-se algumas vezes que as duas fôlhas do mesmo verticilo têm padrões semelhantes de variegação. Encontraram-se também fôlhas variegadas nas quais a metade da lâmina é variegada ou mesmo albina, enquanto a outra metade apresenta a côr verde normal. Os dados genéticos obtidos, embora preliminares para a maioria das plantas variegadas em investigação, permitiram concluir que o padrão de variegação da planta 180, pertencente ao primeiro grupo, é herdado pelo citoplasma e não é transmitido pelo pólen. O padrão de variegação da planta 253-21, pertencente ao segundo grupo, no entanto, parece ser transmitido pelo polen.Leaf variegation in coffee plants is a relatively common abnormality, and variegated seedlings have been found to occur spontaneously in progenies of most varieties of Coffea arabica L. For this reason it is thought that variegated types should not be described as distinct varieties, as it was done before by Cramer. Variegated coffee plants can be grouped in two categories : first, those in which variegated leaves are normal in shape and texture, but do not show a uniform variegation pattern; and second, those

  12. Look who's cooking. Investigating the relationship between watching educational and edutainment TV cooking shows, eating habits and everyday cooking practices among men and women in Belgium. (United States)

    De Backer, Charlotte J S; Hudders, Liselot


    Television (TV) cooking shows have evolved from focusing on educating to focusing on entertaining, as well. At present, educational TV cooking shows focus on the transfer of cooking knowledge and skills, whereas edutainment TV cooking shows focus on entertaining their viewers. Both types of shows are ongoing success stories. However, little is known regarding the shows' links with the cooking and eating habits of their audiences. Therefore, the current study investigates the relationship between watching an educational or edutainment TV cooking show and one's cooking and eating habits. Given public health concerns regarding the decline in cooking behaviors and the simultaneous increase in caloric intake from food outside the home, this study suggests a promising intervention. The results of a cross-sectional survey in Belgium (n = 845) demonstrate that the audiences of educational and edutainment TV cooking shows do not overlap. Although there is little connection between watching specific shows and eating behavior, the connection between watching shows and cooking behaviors varies across gender and age lines. Behaviors also differ depending on whether the viewer is watching an educational or edutainment cooking show. For example, men of all ages appear to cook more often if they watch an educational show. However, only older men (above 38 years) seem to cook more often if they watch an edutainment TV show. The results demonstrate that the relationship between watching TV cooking shows and cooking habits warrants further investigation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Solar cooking (United States)

    Over two billion people face fuel wood shortages, causing tremendous personal and environmental stress. Over 4 million people die prematurely from indoor air pollution. Solar cooking can reduce fuel wood consumption and indoor air pollution. Solar cooking has been practiced and published since th...

  14. Adubação orgânica, nutrição e progresso de cercosporiose e ferrugem-do-cafeeiro.




    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de fontes nutricionais orgânicas, no progresso da cercosporiose e da ferrugem-do-cafeeiro, entre novembro/2003 e novembro/2005. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e seis tratamentos: palha de café + chorume suíno (PC+CS); torta de mamona + crotalária (TM+Cr); palha de café (PC); esterco bovino + crotalária (EB+Cr); palha de café + torta de mamona (PC+TM); e composto orgânico, torta de mamona, chorume suíno e crot...

  15. Validation of feasibility and quality of chicken breast meat cooked under various water-cooking conditions. (United States)

    Chumngoen, Wanwisa; Chen, Hsin-Yi; Tan, Fa-Jui


    Under laboratory conditions, the qualities of boneless chicken breasts are commonly determined by placing them in a bag and cooking them in a water bath. The results are often applied as references for comparing the influences of cooking techniques. However, whether a sample cooked under this "laboratory" condition actually represents the meat cooked under the "real-life" condition in which meat is frequently cooked directly in water without packaging remains unclear. Whether the two cooking conditions lead to comparable results in meat quality should be determined. This study evaluated the influence of cooking conditions, including "placed-in-bag and cooked in a water bath (BC)" and "cooked directly in hot water (WC)" conditions, on the quality of chicken meat. The results reveal that BC samples had a longer cooking time. Deboned-and-skinless BC samples had a higher cooking loss and lower protein solubility (P < 0.01). BC samples with bone and skin had a higher lightness in both skin and muscle. No significant differences were observed in attributes, including shear force, collagen solubility, microstructures, redness, yellowness and descriptive sensory characteristics between treatments. Based on the results, considering the quality attributes that might be influenced, is critical when conducting relevant research. © 2016 Japanese Society of Animal Science.

  16. Avaliação da perda de mercúrio total em peixe antes e após os processos de fritura e cocção Determination of mercury losses in fish after cooking

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    Aricelso Maia LIMAVERDE FILHO


    Full Text Available A perda de mercúrio contido em músculo de peixes (Piraíba, Brachyplatystoma ssp; Traíra, Hoplias malabaricus submetidos a dois distintos processos de cozimento foi investigada. Os resultados mostraram perdas variando entre 0 e 30% (base seca, indicando que a maior parte do mercúrio foi retida. Assim, tais processos não protegem as populações, que deles se utilizam, contra a exposição por ingestão ao mercúrio originariamente contido na amostra "in natura".Mercury losses from flesh fish after two cooking process were investigated. Results showed losses ranging from 0 to 30% (dry weight basis. Such result indicates that fish consuming populations are not protected from mercury exposition by the studied cooking processes.

  17. Cooking rice in excess water reduces both arsenic and enriched vitamins in the cooked grain. (United States)

    Gray, Patrick J; Conklin, Sean D; Todorov, Todor I; Kasko, Sasha M


    This paper reports the effects of rinsing rice and cooking it in variable amounts of water on total arsenic, inorganic arsenic, iron, cadmium, manganese, folate, thiamin and niacin in the cooked grain. We prepared multiple rice varietals both rinsed and unrinsed and with varying amounts of cooking water. Rinsing rice before cooking has a minimal effect on the arsenic (As) content of the cooked grain, but washes enriched iron, folate, thiamin and niacin from polished and parboiled rice. Cooking rice in excess water efficiently reduces the amount of As in the cooked grain. Excess water cooking reduces average inorganic As by 40% from long grain polished, 60% from parboiled and 50% from brown rice. Iron, folate, niacin and thiamin are reduced by 50-70% for enriched polished and parboiled rice, but significantly less so for brown rice, which is not enriched.

  18. Influence of cooking method on arsenic retention in cooked rice related to dietary exposure. (United States)

    Rahman, M Azizur; Hasegawa, H; Rahman, M Arifur; Rahman, M Mahfuzur; Miah, M A Majid


    Arsenic concentration in raw rice is not only the determinant in actual dietary exposure. Though there have been many reports on arsenic content in raw rice and different tissues of rice plant, little is known about arsenic content retained in cooked rice after being cooked following the traditional cooking methods employed by the people of arsenic epidemic areas. A field level experiment was conducted in Bangladesh to investigate the influence of cooking methods on arsenic retention in cooked rice. Rice samples were collected directly from a severely arsenic affected area and also from an unaffected area, to compare the results. Rice was cooked according to the traditional methods employed by the population of subjected areas. Arsenic concentrations were 0.40+/-0.03 and 0.58+/-0.12 mg/kg in parboiled rice of arsenic affected area, cooked with excess water and 1.35+/-0.04 and 1.59+/-0.07 mg/kg in gruel for BRRI dhan28 and BRRI hybrid dhan1, respectively. In non-parboiled rice, arsenic concentrations were 0.39+/-0.04 and 0.44+/-0.03 mg/kg in rice cooked with excess water and 1.62+/-0.07 and 1.74+/-0.05 mg/kg in gruel for BRRI dhan28 and BRRI hybrid dhan1, respectively. Total arsenic content in rice, cooked with limited water (therefore gruel was absorbed completely by rice) were 0.89+/-0.07 and 1.08+/-0.06 mg/kg (parboiled) and 0.75+/-0.04 and 1.09+/-0.06 mg/kg (non-parboiled) for BRRI dhan28 and BRRI hybrid dhan1, respectively. Water used for cooking rice contained 0.13 and 0.01 mg of As/l for contaminated and non-contaminated areas, respectively. Arsenic concentrations in cooked parboiled and non-parboiled rice and gruel of non-contaminated area were significantly lower (p<0.01) than that of contaminated area. The results imply that cooking of arsenic contaminated rice with arsenic contaminated water increases its concentration in cooked rice.

  19. The energetic significance of cooking. (United States)

    Carmody, Rachel N; Wrangham, Richard W


    While cooking has long been argued to improve the diet, the nature of the improvement has not been well defined. As a result, the evolutionary significance of cooking has variously been proposed as being substantial or relatively trivial. In this paper, we evaluate the hypothesis that an important and consistent effect of cooking food is a rise in its net energy value. The pathways by which cooking influences net energy value differ for starch, protein, and lipid, and we therefore consider plant and animal foods separately. Evidence of compromised physiological performance among individuals on raw diets supports the hypothesis that cooked diets tend to provide energy. Mechanisms contributing to energy being gained from cooking include increased digestibility of starch and protein, reduced costs of digestion for cooked versus raw meat, and reduced energetic costs of detoxification and defence against pathogens. If cooking consistently improves the energetic value of foods through such mechanisms, its evolutionary impact depends partly on the relative energetic benefits of non-thermal processing methods used prior to cooking. We suggest that if non-thermal processing methods such as pounding were used by Lower Palaeolithic Homo, they likely provided an important increase in energy gain over unprocessed raw diets. However, cooking has critical effects not easily achievable by non-thermal processing, including the relatively complete gelatinisation of starch, efficient denaturing of proteins, and killing of food borne pathogens. This means that however sophisticated the non-thermal processing methods were, cooking would have conferred incremental energetic benefits. While much remains to be discovered, we conclude that the adoption of cooking would have led to an important rise in energy availability. For this reason, we predict that cooking had substantial evolutionary significance.

  20. Influence of cooking process on protein fractions in cooked ham and mortadella

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    G. Vonghia


    Full Text Available The mortadella is a pork meat sausage (in natural or artificial bowel accurately triturated and mixed with little backfat cubes, salt, sodium nitrate and nitrite, spices and peppercorns, and then cooked in oven for many hours. The cooked ham is obtained from an anatomically completed piece of meat; the working process provides the addiction of salt and spices, the brine, the bones removal, the churning and the pressing, so the cured meat is first packed in a mould provided for this purpose, then cooked and after cooled and packed. The meat cooking is the last step in the cooked sausage production technology, and let us obtain a stable and eatable product. The effect of the heat and the lenght of processing are the main responsibles for modifications in water- and salt-soluble protein fractions. Indeed myofibrils denature themselves after cooking and consequently their solubility decreases; particularly the denaturation begins over 30°C in the myosin chain, instead the actin solubility begins to decrease over 60°C, being the actin more stable than myosin (Barbieri et al., 1997...

  1. Healthy Cooking Techniques (United States)

    Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition and healthy eating Healthy-cooking techniques capture the flavor and nutrients of food without extra fat or salt. By Mayo Clinic Staff Healthy cooking doesn't mean that ...

  2. Doses de gesso em cafeeiro: influência nos teores de cálcio, magnésio, potássio e ph na solução de um latossolo vermelho distrófico

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    Bárbara Zini Ramos


    Full Text Available O desbalanço entre Ca2+, Mg2+ e K+ no solo como consequência das aplicações elevadas de gesso deve-se às relações de tamanho (raio iônico e densidades de cargas (relação carga/raio de cada espécie iônica. Quanto maior a densidade de carga, mais intensa será a ligação iônica do cátion com íons de cargas opostas como OH- e SO4-2. Dessa maneira, o uso excessivo de gesso agrícola, sem considerar o balanço de cargas das partículas do solo; o equilíbrio iônico; e a CTC podem resultar em expressiva lixiviação ao longo do perfil do solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de elevadas doses de gesso (0, 7 e 56 t ha-1 nos teores de Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ e pH na solução de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico cultivado com cafeeiro, obtida pelo método adaptado do extrato aquoso. O solo foi amostrado nas profundidades de 0,15-0,25; 0,35-0,45; 0,75-0,85; 1,15-1,25 e 2,35-2,45 m na linha de plantio, em quatro tratamentos: G-0 - gesso no preparo (aplicação ocorreu em setembro de 2008, distribuído a lanço, na quantidade de 2 t ha-1 e sem gesso na linha de plantio; G-7 - gesso adicionado durante a preparação do solo (2 t ha-1, na mesma condição do G-0 e 7,0 t ha-1 de gesso na linha de plantio; G-56 - gesso adicionado durante a preparação do solo (2 t ha-1, na mesma condição do G-0 e 56 t ha-1 de gesso na linha de plantio (nessas parcelas experimentais as entrelinhas de plantio foram cobertas com braquiária; e CV-7: ausência de braquiária na entrelinha, com gesso no preparo e 7 t ha-1 de gesso na linha, com três repetições distribuídas em blocos ao acaso, totalizando 60 amostras. Após 16 meses da adição de gesso, observou-se redução do pH na solução do solo nas profundidades de 0,15-0,25; 0,35-0,45 e 0,75-0,85 m. A aplicação de gesso agrícola foi eficiente na melhoria do ambiente radicular no subsolo, aumentou a concentração de Mg2+ e Ca2+ na solução do solo, mas reduziu o K+ em profundidade, a partir

  3. Biotecnologia aplicada ao melhoramento genético do cafeeiro Biotechnology applied to the genetic improvement of coffee plant

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    Tâmara Prado de Morais


    Full Text Available O melhoramento genético do cafeeiro mediante técnicas convencionais é trabalhoso e demorado. A biotecnologia oferece estratégias alternativas para auxiliar na multiplicação e no desenvolvimento de novas variedades com resistência a estresses bióticos e abióticos, melhor qualidade de bebida e maturação mais uniforme dos frutos. As técnicas de cultura de tecidos têm possibilitado a obtenção de grande número de plantas e a garantia da uniformidade genética do material. O emprego de marcadores moleculares, principalmente através da seleção assistida, facilitou o rápido progresso do melhoramento genético da cultura, assim como a transformação genética, via cultura e fusão de protoplastos, biobalística ou mediada por Agrobacterium sp. Esta revisão objetiva sumarizar o histórico, situação atual e perspectivas da biotecnologia no melhoramento genético do cafeeiro.Genetic improvement of coffee through classical breeding is laborious and time consuming. Biotechnology offers alternative strategies to assist multiplication and development of new and improved coffee varieties, including those resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses, with better cup quality, and with uniform fruit maturation. Tissue culture techniques have enabled the production of a large number of plants with genetic uniformity. The use of molecular markers, especially through assisted selection, led to rapid progress of coffee plant breeding, as well as the use of genetic transformation by protoplasts culture and fusion, biobalistics, or Agrobacterium-mediated. This review provides a summary of biotechnology history, current situation and directions applied to the genetic improvement of coffee plant.

  4. Concentration of Umami Compounds in Pork Meat and Cooking Juice with Different Cooking Times and Temperatures. (United States)

    Rotola-Pukkila, Minna K; Pihlajaviita, Seija T; Kaimainen, Mika T; Hopia, Anu I


    This study examined the concentrations of umami compounds in pork loins cooked at 3 different temperatures and 3 different lengths of cooking times. The pork loins were cooked with the sous vide technique. The free amino acids (FAAs), glutamic acid and aspartic acid; the 5'-nucleotides, inosine-5'-monophosphate (IMP) and adenosine-5'-monophosphate (AMP); and corresponding nucleoside inosine of the cooked meat and its released juice were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Under the experimental conditions used, the cooking temperature played a more important role than the cooking time in the concentration of the analyzed compounds. The amino acid concentrations in the meat did not remain constant under these experimental conditions. The most notable effect observed was that of the cooking temperature and the higher amino acid concentrations in the released juice of meat cooked at 80 °C compared with 60 and 70 °C. This is most likely due to the heat induced hydrolysis of proteins and peptides releasing water soluble FAAs from the meat into the cooking juice. In this experiment, the cooking time and temperature had no influence on the IMP concentrations observed. However, the AMP concentrations increased with the increasing temperature and time. This suggests that the choice of time and temperature in sous vide cooking affects the nucleotide concentration of pork meat. The Sous vide technique proved to be a good technique to preserve the cooking juice and the results presented here show that cooking juice is rich in umami compounds, which can be used to provide a savory or brothy taste. © 2015 Institute of Food Technologists®

  5. 46 CFR 121.220 - Cooking equipment. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cooking equipment. 121.220 Section 121.220 Shipping... SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Cooking and Heating § 121.220 Cooking equipment. (a) Doors on a cooking appliance... cooking appliance must be installed to prevent movement in heavy seas. (c) For a grill or similar type of...

  6. Energy-efficient cooking methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De, Dilip K. [Department of Physics, University of Jos, P.M.B. 2084, Jos, Plateau State (Nigeria); Muwa Shawhatsu, N. [Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Yola, P.M.B. 2076, Yola, Adamawa State (Nigeria); De, N.N. [Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 (United States); Ikechukwu Ajaeroh, M. [Department of Physics, University of Abuja, Abuja (Nigeria)


    Energy-efficient new cooking techniques have been developed in this research. Using a stove with 649{+-}20 W of power, the minimum heat, specific heat of transformation, and on-stove time required to completely cook 1 kg of dry beans (with water and other ingredients) and 1 kg of raw potato are found to be: 710 {+-}kJ, 613 {+-}kJ, and 1,144{+-}10 s, respectively, for beans and 287{+-}12 kJ, 200{+-}9 kJ, and 466{+-}10 s for Irish potato. Extensive researches show that these figures are, to date, the lowest amount of heat ever used to cook beans and potato and less than half the energy used in conventional cooking with a pressure cooker. The efficiency of the stove was estimated to be 52.5{+-}2 %. Discussion is made to further improve the efficiency in cooking with normal stove and solar cooker and to save food nutrients further. Our method of cooking when applied globally is expected to contribute to the clean development management (CDM) potential. The approximate values of the minimum and maximum CDM potentials are estimated to be 7.5 x 10{sup 11} and 2.2 x 10{sup 13} kg of carbon credit annually. The precise estimation CDM potential of our cooking method will be reported later.

  7. Analyzing the Cooking Behavior of Sophomore Female Students : In relation to the ability for preparation of cooking


    Imakawa, Shinji


    The aim of this study was to clarify the Dandori-ryoku (the ability for preparation in cooking) by analyzing the practical cooking behavior of sophomore female students. Ten sophomore female students were participated in the experiment to cook three kinds of food (cooking rice, making miso soup and fried vegetables). The behavior of the participants during cooking were videotaped and analyzed in detail later especially in relation to Dandori-ryoku. Such behaviors as “starting from cooking ric...

  8. Inibição da tripsina de bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro por um fator não-protéico presente em extratos de folhas de mamona Coffee leaf miner trypsin inhibition with castor bean leaf extracts mediated by a non-protein agent

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    Guilherme Duarte Rossi


    Full Text Available Inibidores de tripsina representam uma estratégia de controle de insetos e, por isso, a identificação e caracterização desses inibidores são etapas muito importantes para que novas formas de controle de pragas sejam desenvolvidas. Os inibidores de tripsina atuam na digestão primária de proteínas e comprometem o processo digestivo por completo, reduzindo a disponibilidade de aminoácidos ao inseto. A incorporação de inibidores de tripsina na dieta de insetos-praga é uma forma de controle cuja eficácia foi verificada por diferentes autores. Este projeto foi conduzido a fim de se observar a eficiência de extratos de folhas de mamona na inibição "in vitro" de proteinases do tipo tripsina do bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro. Após testes realizados com os extratos de folhas de mamona não-fervidos e fervidos com e sem a adição de β-mercaptoetanol 0,2% (v/v e mediante precipitações com acetona, verificou-se que o inibidor é uma molécula termoresistente e não-protéica. Desta forma, iniciou-se um processo de purificação da molécula inibidora por meio de cromatografia de adsorção com posterior análise em espectrômetro de massas. Os resultados dos testes de inibição indicaram a presença de um inibidor de tripsina eficaz contra o bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro nos extratos de folhas de mamona capaz de inibir 2,48 + 0,15 UTI, o que representa aproximadamente 40% de inibição. Em testes realizados com tripsina bovina observou-se que o extrato de folhas de mamona não apresenta poder de inibição sobre essa enzima.Trypsin inhibitors stand for a strategy of insect control and, therefore, the identification and characterization of these inhibitors are very important steps for new forms of pest control to be developed. Trypsin inhibitors act in the primary digestion of proteins and endanger the digestive process wholly, reducing the availability of aminoacids to the insect. The incorporation of trypsin inhibitors in the diet of pest

  9. Butter, margarine, and cooking oils (United States)

    ... gov/ency/patientinstructions/000095.htm Butter, margarine, and cooking oils To use the sharing features on this ... these oils when possible. What to Use When Cooking When you cook, solid margarine or butter is ...

  10. Increased levels of oxidative DNA damage attributable to cooking-oil fumes exposure among cooks. (United States)

    Ke, Yuebin; Cheng, Jinquan; Zhang, Zhicheng; Zhang, Renli; Zhang, Zhunzhen; Shuai, Zhihong; Wu, Tangchun


    Previous investigations have indicated that cooks are exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from cooking-oil fumes. However, Emission of PAH and their carcinogenic potencies from cooking oil fumes sources have not been investigated among cooks. To investigate the urinary excretion of a marker for oxidative DNA damage, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), in different groups of cooks and different exposure groups, and to study the association between 8-OHdG and 1-hydroxypyrene(1-OHP), a biological marker for PAH exposure. Urine samples were collected from different groups of cooks (n = 86) and from unexposed controls (n = 36); all were male with similar age and smoking habits. The health status, occupational history, smoking, and alcohol consumption 24 h prior to sampling was estimated from questionnaires. The urine samples were frozen for later analyses of 8-OHdG and 1-OHP levels by high-performance liquid chromatography. Excretion in urine of 8-OHdG was similar for controls (mean 1.2micromol/mol creatinine, n = 36), and for those who had been in the kitchen with an exhaust-hood operating (mean 1.5micromol/mol creatinine, n = 45). Cooks exposed to cooking-oil fumes without exhaust-hood operation had significantly increased excretion of 8-OHdG (mean 2.3micromol/mol creatinine, n = 18), compared with controls. The urinary levels of ln 1-OHP and ln 8-OHdG were still significantly correlated in a multiple regression analysis. The results indicate that exposure to PAH or possibly other compounds in cooking-oil fumes may cause oxidative DNA damage.

  11. Influence of infrared final cooking on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in ohmically pre-cooked beef meatballs. (United States)

    Kendirci, Perihan; Icier, Filiz; Kor, Gamze; Onogur, Tomris Altug


    Effects of infrared cooking on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) formation in ohmically pre-cooked beef meatballs were investigated. Samples were pre-cooked in a specially designed-continuous type ohmic cooking at a voltage gradient of 15.26V/cm for 92s. Infrared cooking was applied as a final cooking method at different combinations of heat fluxes (3.706, 5.678, 8.475kW/m(2)), application distances (10.5, 13.5, 16.5cm) and application durations (4, 8, 12min). PAHs were analyzed by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) equipped with a fluorescence detector. The total PAH levels were detected to be between 4.47 and 64μg/kg. Benzo[a] pyrene (B[a]P) and PAH4 (sum of B[a]P, chrysene (Chr), benzo[a]anthracene (B[a]A) and benzo[b]fluoranthene (B[b]F)) levels detected in meatballs were below the EC limits. Ohmic pre-cooking followed by infrared cooking may be regarded as a safe cooking procedure of meatballs from a PAH contamination point of view. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Microclimatic characterization and productivity of coffee plants grown under shade of pigeon pea in Southern Brazil Caracterização microclimática e produtividade de cafeeiros sombreados com guandu no Sul do Brasil

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    Heverly Morais


    Full Text Available Recent studies on coffee (Coffea arabica L. cultivation in agroforestry systems in Southern Brazil have shown the potential of partial shading to improve management of this crop. The objective of this work was to evaluate microclimatic conditions and their effects on coffee production of plants shaded with pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan in comparison to unshaded ones, from May 2001 to August 2002 in Londrina, State of Paraná, Brazil. The appraised microclimatic characteristics were: global radiation, photosynthetic and radiation balance; air, leaf and soil temperatures; and soil humidity. Shading caused significant reduction in incident global solar radiation, photosynthetically active radiation and net radiation, and attenuated maximum leaf, air and soil temperatures, during the day. Shade also reduced the rate of cooling of night air and leaf temperatures, especially during nights with radiative frost. Soil moisture at 0-10 cm depth was higher under shade. The shaded coffee plants produced larger cherries due to slower maturation, resulting in larger bean size. Nevertheless, plants under shade emitted less plagiotropic branches, with smaller number of nodes per branch, and fewer nodes with fruits, resulting in a large reduction in coffee production. These results show the need to find an optimal tree density and management that do not compromise coffee production and protect against extreme temperatures.Recentes estudos sobre cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. cultivados em sistemas agroflorestais no Sul do Brasil têm mostrado o potencial do sombreamento parcial no manejo desta cultura. O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as condições do microclima e seus efeitos na produção de café sombreado com guandu (Cajanus cajan, em comparação ao cultivado a pleno sol, no período de maio de 2001 a agosto de 2002 em Londrina, PR. As características microclimáticas avaliadas foram: radiação global, fotossintética e saldo de radiação; temperaturas

  13. 9 CFR 315.2 - Carcasses and parts passed for cooking; utilization for food purposes after cooking. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Carcasses and parts passed for cooking; utilization for food purposes after cooking. 315.2 Section 315.2 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND... PARTS PASSED FOR COOKING § 315.2 Carcasses and parts passed for cooking; utilization for food purposes...

  14. Influence of pre-cooking protein paste gelation conditions and post-cooking gel storage conditions on gel texture. (United States)

    Paker, Ilgin; Matak, Kristen E


    Gelation conditions affect the setting of myofibrillar fish protein gels. Therefore the impact of widely applied pre-cooking gelation time/temperature strategies and post-cooking period on the texture and color of final protein gels was determined. Four pre-cooking gelation strategies (no setting time, 30 min at 25 °C, 1 h at 40 °C or 24 h at 4 °C) were applied to protein pastes (fish protein concentrate and standard functional additives). After cooking, texture and color were analyzed either directly or after 24 h at 4 °C on gels adjusted to 25 °C. No-set gels were harder, gummier and chewier (P cooking. Gel-setting conditions had a greater (P cooking stored gels in texture and color, depending on the pre-cooking gelation strategy. Pre-cooking gelation conditions will affect final protein gel texture and color, with gel stability benefiting from a gel-setting period. However, post-cooking storage may have a greater impact on final gels, with textural attributes becoming more consistent between all samples. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry.

  15. 46 CFR 184.220 - Cooking equipment. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cooking equipment. 184.220 Section 184.220 Shipping...) VESSEL CONTROL AND MISCELLANEOUS SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Cooking and Heating § 184.220 Cooking equipment. (a) Doors on a cooking appliance must be provided with hinges and locking devices to prevent...

  16. Modo de aplicação de esterco e de fertilizantes minerais no cafeeiro Method of application of manure and mineral fertilizers in coffee plants

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    Genésio da Silva Cervellini


    Full Text Available Foram comparados, em experimentos fatoriais 3 x 2 x 2, os efeitos do esterco de curral, fósforo e potássio aplicados em cobertura ou enterrados em sulco, na produção de cafeeiros do cultivar Mundo Novo linhagem CP 379-19 plantados no espaçamento de 3 x 2 m, em três tipos de solo: latossolo roxo - transição para latossolo vermelho-amarelo orto, da região de Campinas; latossolo roxo da região de Jaú, e podzólico vermelho-amarelo orto da região de Mococa. Foram aplicados anualmente 40 litros de esterco, 200 g de superfosfato simples, 200 g de cloreto de potássio e 800 g de Nitrocálcio por cova. Nos tratamentos onde se associaram esterco e fertilizantes minerais, foi empregada a metade dessas quantidades. As produções analisadas correspondem ao período 1966-69. A análise da produção de café, referente ao quadriênio 1966/69, do experimento de Campinas, mostrou que o uso dos fertilizantes minerais elevou a produção e que, quando aplicados sem o esterco, com as doses completas, a elevação de produção foi maior. Em Jaú e Mococa, o efeito dos fertilizantes químicos foi muito pequeno em comparação com, a aplicação de 40 litros de esterco. O modo de aplicação por incorporação mostrou-se melhor para esterco e fósforo nos três locais. O potássio em cobertura apresentou melhor efeito em Campinas e Jaú, não diferindo do incorporado em Mococa.The effect of method application of manure, phosphorus and potassium incorporated to soil or applied on the soil surface was evaluated by means of 3 x 2 x 2 factorial experiments in three soils of State of São Paulo, Brazil: (1 a Latossolic B transition to a Red Yellow Latossolic at Campinas region; (2 a Latossolic B "Terra Roxa" at Jaú region; and (3 a Red Yellow Podzolic at Mococa region. Forty liters of manure, 200 g of normal superphosphate, 200 g of potassium chloride and 800 g of ammonium nitrate per plant were applied yearly in the coffee variety Mundo Novo CP 379

  17. Cognitive capacities for cooking in chimpanzees. (United States)

    Warneken, Felix; Rosati, Alexandra G


    The transition to a cooked diet represents an important shift in human ecology and evolution. Cooking requires a set of sophisticated cognitive abilities, including causal reasoning, self-control and anticipatory planning. Do humans uniquely possess the cognitive capacities needed to cook food? We address whether one of humans' closest relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), possess the domain-general cognitive skills needed to cook. Across nine studies, we show that chimpanzees: (i) prefer cooked foods; (ii) comprehend the transformation of raw food that occurs when cooking, and generalize this causal understanding to new contexts; (iii) will pay temporal costs to acquire cooked foods; (iv) are willing to actively give up possession of raw foods in order to transform them; and (v) can transport raw food as well as save their raw food in anticipation of future opportunities to cook. Together, our results indicate that several of the fundamental psychological abilities necessary to engage in cooking may have been shared with the last common ancestor of apes and humans, predating the control of fire. © 2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.

  18. 9 CFR 166.7 - Cooking standards. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Cooking standards. 166.7 Section 166.7... HEALTH PROTECTION SWINE HEALTH PROTECTION General Provisions § 166.7 Cooking standards. (a) Garbage shall...) Garbage shall be agitated during cooking, except in steam cooking equipment, to ensure that the prescribed...

  19. Efeito da adição de suco de maracujá e tempo de cozimento sobre a qualidade de doces do albedo de maracujá em calda Effect of the addition of passion fruit juice and cooking time on the quality of passion fruit albedo preserves

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    Luisa Pereira Figueiredo


    Full Text Available O Brasil gera toneladas de resíduos de cascas e sementes de maracujá amarelo que podem ser aproveitados na alimentação humana. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar os efeitos dos parâmetros do processo (volume do suco de maracujá empregado e tempo de cozimento dos albedos sobre as propriedades físico-químicas (pH, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável e açúcares totais de doces em calda elaborados com a casca do maracujá, bem como sua aceitação sensorial pelos consumidores, visando o reaproveitamento dos resíduos gerados na indústria de alimentos. Utilizou-se um planejamento fatorial 2² completo para avaliação dos parâmetros e respostas. Avaliou-se a aceitação sensorial dos doces, utilizando-se escala hedônica de 9 pontos, e intenção de compra, usando-se escala de 5 pontos. Valores mais baixos de pH foram alcançados em volumes de suco e tempo de cozimento mais altos, tanto para o albedo como para a calda do doce. Maiores valores de sólidos solúveis no albedo foram encontrados em tempos de cozimento altos e em menores volumes de suco empregado. Resultados globais indicaram como condições adequadas, ao processamento do albedo de maracujá em calda, tempo de cozimento superior a 10 minutos e concentração mais elevada de suco de maracujá.Brazil produces tons of yellow passion fruit skin and seed residues that could be used for human consumption. The objective of this work was to determine the effects of the process parameters (volume of passion fruit juice used and cooking time of the albedos, on the physicochemical properties (pH, soluble solids, titratable acidity and total sugars of compote prepared with passion fruit skin, and the sensory acceptance by consumers aiming to use the residues produced by food industries. A complete 2² factorial design was used to evaluate the parameters and responses. The sensory acceptance of the preserves was evaluated using a 9-point hedonic scale and buying intention

  20. Future Smart Cooking Machine System Design

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    Dewi Agushinta R.


    Full Text Available There are many tools make human task get easier. Cooking has become a basic necessity for human beings, since food is one of basic human needs. Until now, the cooking equipment being used is still a hand tool. However everyone has slightly high activity. The presence of cooking tools that can do the cooking work by itself is now necessary. Future Smart Cooking Machine is an artificial intelligence machine that can do cooking work automatically. With this system design, the time is minimized and the ease of work is expected to be achieved. The development of this system is carried out with System Development Life Cycle (SDLC methods. Prototyping method used in this system is a throw-away prototyping approach. At the end of this research there will be produced a cooking machine system design including physical design engine and interface design.

  1. Cooking utensils and nutrition (United States)

    ... this page: // Cooking utensils and nutrition To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Cooking utensils can have an effect on your nutrition. ...

  2. Soup Cooking by Thermal Insulation Method


    佐藤, 辰江; 根本, 勢子; サトウ, タツエ; ネモト, セイコ; TATSUE, SATO; SEIKO, NEMOTO


    In order to examine the thermal insulation method of soup cooking, we cooked two kinds of soup. The soup cooked by thermal insulation method was compared with the soup cooked by standard boiling method. ln sensory test, it was more aromatic and palatable than the soup by boiling, and some panels commented that it was rather mild. The measured values of pH, specific gravity, acidity and amount of dry weight of souble solids, total-N, formal-N of the soup cooked by the two methods mentioned abo...

  3. Condensed tannins in traditional wet-cooked and modern extrusion-cooked sorghum porridges

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Dlamini, NR


    Full Text Available the quantity and profile of condensed tannins in traditional wet-cooked and modern ready-to-eat extrusion-cooked sorghum porridges. CT were analyzed using normal-phase HPLC with fluorescence detection and their content was compared to CT and total phenols...

  4. Yield performance and leaf nutrient levels of coffee cultivars under different plant densities Produtividade e níveis foliares de nutrientes em cultivares de café sob diferentes populações de plantas

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    Edison Martins Paulo


    Full Text Available Coffee (Coffea Arabica L. plantations using adapted cultivars to regional environmental conditions with optimal plant population density and adequate nutrition are expected to show high yield responses. The triennial production and leaf macronutrient concentrations of four coffee cultivars were studied under different plant population densities. Catuaí Amarelo (IAC 47, Obatã (IAC 1669-20, Acaiá (IAC 474-19 and Icatu Amarelo (IAC 2944 were planted in densities of 2,500; 5,000; 7,519; and 10,000 plants ha-1 with one plant per hole and two plants per hole in the 2,500 plant ha-1. Plants were homogeneously fertilized without liming. As the population density increased the triennial coffee productivity increased, the yield per plant decreased, and leaf concentrations of phosphorus (P, potassium (K and sulfur (S increased. Coffee plants under dense systems presented equal or higher leaf macronutrient concentrations compared to the plants under conventional population. Taller cultivars presented the highest nutrient concentration values, and Obatã, a dwarf cultivar, the lowest values. Higher coffee yields and lower leaf P, Ca and S concentrations were observed in plots with one plant compared to the plots with two plants. In general, the coffee cultivars had leaf N and S concentrations above the reference limits reported in the literature, but leaf concentrations of other macronutrients were within adequate ranges.Cultivares de cafeeiro (Coffea Arabica L. adaptadas às regiões de cultivo, com população de plantas otimizada e adequado estado nutricional são premissas para a obtenção de produções elevadas de café. Estudou-se a produção trienal de café e o teor foliar de macronutrientes de cultivares de cafeeiro em função das densidades de plantio. Foram utilizados os cultivares Catuaí Amarelo (IAC 47, Obatã (IAC 1669-20, Acaiá (IAC 474-19 e Icatu Amarelo (IAC 2944 nas populações de 2.500 plantas ha-1 com duas plantas por cova; e, 5

  5. Applying Creativity Research to Cooking (United States)

    Beghetto, Ronald A.; Kaufman, James C.; Hatcher, Ryan


    What, if any, benefit might there be to applying creativity research to cooking? The purpose of this paper was to address this question. Specifically, we draw on concepts and theories from creativity research to help clarify what is meant by creative cooking. This includes exploring creative cooking through the lens of the 4-C and Propulsion…

  6. Cooking and palatability traits of beef longissimus steaks cooked with a belt grill or an open hearth electric broiler. (United States)

    Wheeler, T L; Shackelford, S D; Koohmaraie, M


    The objective of this experiment was to compare the effects of belt grill and Open Hearth electric broiler cookery on palatability and cooking traits of longissimus steaks. The longissimus thoracis from carcasses of grain-fed steers or heifers was used. Duplicate measurements were made for Warner-Bratzler shear force at 3 and at 14 d after slaughter (n = 180) and trained sensory evaluation at 14 d after slaughter (n = 91) using both cooking methods. Belt grill-cooked samples had lower (P<.01) percentage of cooking losses (21.5 vs 25.8%) and higher (P<.01) shear force values (4.6 vs 4.3 kg) than electric broiler-cooked samples. Repeatability of duplicate measurements was higher for cooking losses (.58 vs .23) and shear force values (.85 vs .64) for belt grill than for electric broiler cooked samples. Belt grilled steaks had lower (P<.01) cooking losses (20.2 vs 29.8%); higher (P<.01) tenderness (7.0 vs 6.7) and juiciness (6.0 vs 5.1); and lower (P<.02) connective tissue amount (7.7 vs 7.8), beef flavor intensity (5.0 vs 5.1), and off-flavor (3.2 vs 3.3) ratings than steaks cooked with the electric broiler. Belt grill cooking increased the repeatability of duplicate sensory measurements for tenderness (.87 vs .71), connective tissue amount (.66 vs .30), and juiciness (.51 vs .08) ratings, and cooking losses (.63 vs .18) compared with cooking with the electric broiler. Belt grill cooking increased the precision for measurements of cooking, Warner-Bratzler shear force, and palatability traits of beef longissimus thoracis.

  7. Low-temperature cooking of beef

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Louise Mørch

    . The third group showed a different behaviour; in this group time and temperature worked in different directions. Thus, the results showed three dominant behaviours in sensory properties. Two sensory properties, tenderness and juiciness, are very important in cooked meat according to both consumers and chefs......Molecular gastronomy is a new scientific field concerned with domestic and restaurant cooking, perception of food, and other factors relevant for cooking and meals. Most available gastronomic knowledge is based on experience and handed-down procedures from cookbooks and recipes. This inductive way......-time sous-vide-cooking of meat. This method is increasingly used, especially in high-end restaurants, where it receives much praise from leading chefs worldwide. Sous-vide-cooking uses vacuum-packaging of the meat and preparation in thermostated water-baths at temperatures between 54°C and 65°C for periods...

  8. Influência da nutrição mineral na intensidade da mancha-de-olho-pardo em mudas de cafeeiro Influence of the mineral nutrition on intensity of brown-eye spot in young coffee plants

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    Adélia Aziz Alexandre Pozza


    Full Text Available Objetivando avaliar a intensidade da mancha-de-olho-pardo do cafeeiro, variedade Catuaí Vermelho, com relação ao estado nutricional das plantas quanto a N e K, realizou-se um experimento no viveiro da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, em Viçosa, MG, utilizando solução nutritiva circulante. Empregaram-se 16 tratamentos, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições e duas plantas por parcela, em esquema fatorial com quatro doses de K (3, 5, 7 e 9mmol/L e quatro doses de N (3, 7, 11 e 15mmol/L. Após sete inoculações de conídios, e avaliações, colheram-se as plantas. A produção de matéria seca total, a área foliar total, e a área abaixo da curva de progresso (AACP do número total de folhas não foram influenciadas pelas doses de K, mas aumentaram com o incremento das doses de N. Observou-se elevação, na AACP, do número de lesões por folha, e na desfolha com o aumento das doses de K e a redução das doses de N. A elevação nas doses de K promoveu redução nos teores foliares de Ca e Cu. Osteores foliares de P, Mg, Mn e Fe não foram influenciados pelas doses de K e tiveram pequena redução com o aumento de N na solução, elevando-se a seguir.The experiment was carried out at the coffee nursery of the Universide Federal de Viçosa, in Viçosa, MG, Brazil, using nutrient circulating solution to evaluate the intensity of brown-eye spot (Cercospora coffeicola, variety Catuaí Vermelho, as a function of N and K. Acompletely randomized design with 16 treatments, three replicates, and two plants per plot was used in a factorial with four levels of K (3, 5, 7 and 9mmol/L combined with four levels of N (3, 7, 11 and 15mmol/L. After seven inoculations and evaluations, the plants were picked. Total dry matter production, total leaf area, and the area below the curve of progress (AACP for the total number of leaves were not influenced by the levels of K, but increased with increasing levels of N. There was increase

  9. Cognitive capacities for cooking in chimpanzees


    Warneken, Felix; Rosati, Alexandra G.


    The transition to a cooked diet represents an important shift in human ecology and evolution. Cooking requires a set of sophisticated cognitive abilities, including causal reasoning, self-control and anticipatory planning. Do humans uniquely possess the cognitive capacities needed to cook food? We address whether one of humans' closest relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), possess the domain-general cognitive skills needed to cook. Across nine studies, we show that chimpanzees: (i) prefer...

  10. Fotossíntese, relações hídricas e crescimento de cafeeiros jovens em relação à disponibilidade de fósforo Photosynthesis, water relations and growth of young coffee plants according to phosphorus availability

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    Leandro da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar de que maneira a alta disponibilidade de fósforo no solo afeta a fotossíntese e o crescimento de mudas de cafeeiro arábica (Coffea arabica. Mudas da cultivar Ouro Verde com aproximadamente quatro meses de idade, cultivadas com boa disponibilidade hídrica, foram submetidas a três tratamentos quanto à disponibilidade de fósforo: quantidade recomendada de P, na literatura (PA; duas vezes a dosagem utilizada em PA (P+; e sem adição de P ao solo (P-. Após 70 dias da aplicação dos tratamentos, foram avaliados: as trocas gasosas, a atividade fotoquímica, o potencial de água da folha, a condutância hidráulica da planta (K L, a partição de matéria seca na planta, os teores de pigmentos e carboidratos, e a composição química das folhas. O tratamento P- influenciou negativamente a fotossíntese, e levou à restrição do crescimento das plantas. As plantas do tratamento P+ apresentaram maior teor foliar de P (~1,9 g kg-1, com incrementos na assimilação de CO2, na eficiência instantânea de carboxilação e na atividade fotoquímica - maior eficiência do fotossistema II e maior transporte aparente de elétrons - em relação às plantas do tratamento PA. Houve aumento em K L, maior teor de carboidratos foliares e maior teor de clorofila nas plantas que receberam o dobro da dose recomendada de P, as quais apresentaram maior produção de matéria seca em relação às de PA e P-.The objective of this work was to evaluate how high soil phosphorus (P availability affects the photosynthesis and growth of young coffee arabica plants (Coffea arabica. Four months old coffee seedlings of the Ouro Verde cultivar, cultivated in good hydric conditions, were exposed to three P availability treatments: P dosage recommended in the literature (RP; two times the recommended dosage (P+; and without P (P-. Seventy days after treatment application, evaluations of leaf gas exchange, photochemical activity, leaf

  11. Studies on Tasar Cocoon Cooking Using Permeation Method (United States)

    Javali, Uday C.; Malali, Kiran B.; Ramya, H. G.; Naik, Subhas V.; Padaki, Naveen V.


    Cocoon cooking is an important process before reeling of tasar silk yarn. Cooking ensures loosening of the filaments in the tasar cocoons thereby easing the process of yarn withdrawal during reeling process. Tasar cocoons have very hard shell and hence these cocoons need chemical cooking process to loosen the silk filaments. Attempt has been made in this article to study the effect of using vacuum permeation chamber for tasar cocoon cooking in order to reduce the cooking time and improve the quality of tasar silk yarn. Vacuum assisted permeation cooking method has been studied in this article on tasar daba cocoons for cooking efficiency, deflossing and reelability. Its efficiency has been evaluated with respect to different cooking methods viz, traditional and open pan cooking methods. The tasar silk produced after reeling process has been tested for fineness, strength and cohesion properties. Results indicate that permeation method of tasar cooking ensures uniform cooking with higher efficiency along with better reeling performance and improved yarn properties.

  12. Transferência de fatores genéticos de resistência a Hemileia vastatrix para o cultivar mundo novo Transference of the genes SH2 and SH3 for resistance to Hemileia vastatrix to the mundo novo cultivar of C. arabica

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    A. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Cafeeiros portadores dos fatores genéticos SH2 ou SH2 e SH3, simultaneamente, que conferem resistência a várias raças de Hemileia vastatrix, foram cruzados com plantas selecionadas do cultivar mundo novo de Coffea arabica a fim de se obter, em F2, recombinações com resistência a esse patógeno e elevada produtividade. Analisaram-se 14 populações F2 segregando apenas para o fator SH2, oito para os fatores SH2 e HS3, e três populações que dão, em sua descendência, plantas do grupo A, resistentes a todas as raças do patógeno até agora conhecidas. De 22.356 cafeeiros originalmente plantados em ensaio, a duas mudas por cova, em parcelas casualizadas, fez-se uma primeira seleção deixando apenas um cafeeiro por cova, reduzindo-se para 11.178 as plantas em estudo. Com base no aspecto vegetativo, na produtividade, na ausência de defeitos nos frutos e na reação de resistência ao agente causal da ferrugem, realizaram-se sucessivas seleções escolhendo-se finalmente, apenas 100 cafeeiros do tipo mundo novo e resistentes a H. vastatrix para derivação das populações F2 e prosseguimento da seleção.Coffee trees homozygous for the alleles SH2 or SH2 and SH3 which confer resistance to several physiological races of Hemileia vastatrix, were crossed to selected plants of Mundo Novo cultivar of Coffea arabica and the F2 generations were studied aiming to develop new high yielding and resistant coffee recombinations. A complete randomized field trial was stablished including 14 F2 populations segregating for SH2, eight populations segregating for SH2 and SH3 genes, and three populations segregating for plants of the A group of reaction to the H. vastatrix attack. A total of 22,356 F2 plants were analysed. Based on the plant vigor, yield capacity, percentage of normal developed seeds and resistance reaction to H. vastatrix, three successive series of selection were undertaken leaving only 100 coffee trees for development of F3 populations

  13. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: XIII - Café bourbon amarelo Coffee breeding: XIII - yellow bourbon coffee

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    A. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Um conjunto de 30 plantas matrizes de Bourbon Amarelo foi selecionado em 1945, em Jaú, na propriedade "Fazendinha". As progênies dêsses cafeeiros foram plantadas nas Estações Experimentais do Instituto Agronômico em Campinas, Ribeirão Preto, Pindorama, Mococa e Jaú, em linhas de 20 plantas. Diversas observações foram feitas relativas ao desenvolvimento dos cafeeiros, produção e tipos de sementes. De maneira geral o desenvolvimento foi considerado muito bom, com exceção de Mococa, onde as plantas apresentaram porte e produção menores devido ao terreno mais pobre onde foram plantadas. Embora tenha havido variações acentuadas no comportamento das progênies quanto à produção, verificou-se que as de n. J 30, J 3, J 8, J 10, J 11 e J 24 classificaram-se como as melhores nas cinco localidades, ao fim de oito anos seguidos de produção. As melhores plantas das boas progênies já foram incluídas em campos de aumento e suas sementes vêm sendo distribuídas aos lavradores. Notou-se acentuada variação de produção anual do conjunto de progênies, principalmente a partir do quarto ano de colheita. As produções bienais cresceram até o terceiro biênio, estacionando ou diminuindo no quarto. Notou-se que algumas progénies são tardias na produção, de modo que não será aconselhável a seleção precoce de progênies de Bourbon Amarelo eliminando-se as menos produtivas logo após o primeiro biênio de produção. Verificou-se, também, que as plantas de maior produção total pertencem, em grande parte, a progênies que apresentam produção média geral elevada, as quais, por sua vez, possuem variabilidade menor de produção. A curva de distribuição da produção total das plantas individuais mostrou-se variável.nas diferentes localidades; em tôdas verificou-se a ocorrência de plantas muito pouco produtivas, com produções médias inferiores à média geral subtraída de 2,57 vezes o desvio padrão geral do lote. A

  14. Crescimento inicial de duas cultivares de cafeeiro em diferentes regimes hídricos e dosagens de fertirrigação Initial growth of two coffee cultivars in different hydric regimes and fertigation dosages

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    Roberto Rezende


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido no Centro Técnico de Irrigação (CTI, Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM, tendo como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de diferentes regimes hídricos (irrigado e não irrigado e fertirrigação, combinados com diferentes doses de adubo para N (15; 30; 45 e 60 g m-1, P (3; 6; 9 e 12 g m-1 e K (15; 30; 45 e 60 g m-1, na fase de crescimento inicial de duas cultivares de café, na região noroeste do Paraná. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis de crescimento da cultura: diâmetro de copa, altura de planta e número de ramos plagiotrópicos totais. Observou-se que a fertirrigação e a irrigação influenciaram no desenvolvimento inicial do cafeeiro, aumentando os valores de todas as variáveis avaliadas. A interação entre regimes hídricos e fertirrigação versus doses de NPK foi significativa para algumas variáveis de crescimento, porém esses resultados não apresentaram tendência comum, que permitisse constatar qual a dose mais indicada para cada regime hídrico na fase de crescimento inicial do cafeeiro.The experiment was conducted at the Technical Center for Irrigation, Maringá State University. The objective was to evaluate the effects of different water regimes (irrigation and no irrigation and fertilization-irrigation, combined with different manure doses for N (15; 30; 45 and 60 g m-1, P (3; 6; 9 and 12 g m-1 and K (15; 30; 45 and 60 g m-1, during the initial growth phase of two coffee cultivars, in the north-western region of the state of Paraná. The following culture growth variables were evaluated: top diameter, height of plant and number of total plagiotropic branches. Fertilization-irrigation and irrigation affected the initial development of coffee, increasing the values of all evaluated variables. Interaction between water regimes and fertilization-irrigation with NPK doses was significant for certain growth variables, however results didn't present a common trend, that would indicate which

  15. 46 CFR 169.703 - Cooking and heating. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cooking and heating. 169.703 Section 169.703 Shipping... Control, Miscellaneous Systems, and Equipment § 169.703 Cooking and heating. (a) Cooking and heating... cooking, heating or lighting is prohibited on all vessels. (c) The use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or...

  16. Perspectives on learning to cook and public support for cooking education policies in the United States: A mixed methods study. (United States)

    Wolfson, Julia A; Frattaroli, Shannon; Bleich, Sara N; Smith, Katherine Clegg; Teret, Stephen P


    Declines in cooking skills in the United States may contribute to poor diet quality and high obesity rates. Little is known about how Americans learn to cook or their support for cooking education policies. The objective of this study was to examine how Americans learn to cook, attributions of responsibility for teaching children how to cook, and public support for policies to teach cooking skills. We used a concurrent, triangulation mixed-methods design that combined qualitative focus group data (from 7 focus groups in Baltimore, MD (N = 53)) with quantitative survey data from a nationally representative, web-based survey (N = 1112). We analyzed focus group data (using grounded theory) and survey data (using multivariable logistic regression). We find that relatively few Americans learn to cook from formal instruction in school or community cooking classes; rather, they primarily learn from their parents and/or by teaching themselves using cookbooks, recipe websites or by watching cooking shows on television. While almost all Americans hold parents and other family members responsible for teaching children how to cook, a broad majority of the public supports requiring cooking skills to be taught in schools either through existing health education (64%) or through dedicated home economics courses (67%). Slightly less than half of all Americans (45%) support increasing funding for cooking instruction for participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Broad public support for teaching cooking skills in schools suggests that schools are one promising avenue for policy action. However, school-based strategies should be complemented with alternatives that facilitate self-learning. More research is needed to identify effective means of teaching and disseminating the key cooking skills and knowledge that support healthy eating. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Cook It Up! A community-based cooking program for at-risk youth: overview of a food literacy intervention

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    Thomas Heather MC


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In Canada, there are limited occasions for youth, and especially at-risk youth, to participate in cooking programs. The paucity of these programs creates an opportunity for youth-focused cooking programs to be developed, implemented, and evaluated with the goal of providing invaluable life skills and food literacy to this potentially vulnerable group. Thus, an 18-month community-based cooking program for at-risk youth was planned and implemented to improve the development and progression of cooking skills and food literacy. Findings This paper provides an overview of the rationale for and implementation of a cooking skills intervention for at-risk youth. The manuscript provides information about the process of planning and implementing the intervention as well as the evaluation plan. Results of the intervention will be presented elsewhere. Objectives of the intervention included the provision of applied food literacy and cooking skills education taught by local chefs and a Registered Dietitian, and augmented with fieldtrips to community farms to foster an appreciation and understanding of food, from 'gate to plate'. Eight at-risk youth (five girls and three boys, mean age = 14.6 completed the intervention as of November 2010. Pre-test cooking skills assessments were completed for all participants and post-test cooking skills assessments were completed for five of eight participants. Post intervention, five of eight participants completed in-depth interviews about their experience. Discussion The Cook It Up! program can provide an effective template for other agencies and researchers to utilize for enhancing existing programs or to create new applied cooking programs for relevant vulnerable populations. There is also a continued need for applied research in this area to reverse the erosion of cooking skills in Canadian society.

  18. Factors influencing internal color of cooked meats. (United States)

    Suman, Surendranath P; Nair, Mahesh N; Joseph, Poulson; Hunt, Melvin C


    This manuscript overviews the pertinent research on internal color of uncured cooked meats, biochemical processes involved in meat cookery, and fundamental mechanisms governing myoglobin thermal stability. Heat-induced denaturation of myoglobin, responsible for the characteristic dull-brown color of cooked meats, is influenced by a multitude of endogenous (i.e., pH, muscle source, species, redox state) and exogenous (i.e., packaging, ingredients, storage) factors. The interactions between these factors critically influence the internal cooked color and can confuse the consumers, who often perceive cooked color to be a reliable indicator for doneness and safety. While certain phenomena in cooked meat color are cosmetic in nature, others can mislead consumers and result in foodborne illnesses. Research in meat color suggests that processing technologies and cooking practices in industry as well as households influence the internal cooked color. Additionally, the guidelines of many international public health and regulatory authorities recommend using meat thermometers to determine safe cooking endpoint temperature and to ensure product safety. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Usability analysis of industrial cooking equipment. (United States)

    Calado, Alexana Vilar Soares; Soares, Marcelo Márcio


    This paper refers to the comparative study of the equipment used for cooking in commercial of kitchens restaurants that use the system of traditional cooking and those ones which use the system called smart cooking (combination oven). The study investigates the usability issues concerning to the two systems, analyzing comparatively the aspects related to anthropometry, dimensional variables, the use of the product and also the product safety, as well as issues of information related to operation of the new concepts of cooking in intelligent systems.

  20. Importance of cooking skills for balanced food choices. (United States)

    Hartmann, Christina; Dohle, Simone; Siegrist, Michael


    A cooking skill scale was developed to measure cooking skills in a European adult population, and the relationship between cooking skills and the frequency of consumption of various food groups were examined. Moreover, it was determined which sociodemographic and psychological variables predict cooking skills. The data used in the present study are based on the first (2010) and second (2011) surveys of a yearly paper-and-pencil questionnaire (Swiss Food Panel). Data from 4436 participants (47.2% males) with a mean age of 55.5 years (SD=14.6, range 21-99) were available for analysis. The cooking skills scale was validated using a test-retest analysis, confirming that this new scale is a reliable and consistent instrument. Cooking enjoyment was the most important predictor for cooking skills, especially for men. Women had higher cooking skills in all age groups. Cooking skills correlated positively with weekly vegetable consumption, but negatively with weekly convenience food consumption frequency, even while holding the effect of health consciousness related to eating constant. In summary, cooking skills may help people to meet nutrition guidelines in their daily nutrition supply. They allow people to make healthier food choices. It is, therefore, important to teach children and teenagers how to cook and to encourage them to develop their cooking skills. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Efeito dos métodos de cocção na composição centesimal e colesterol do peito de frangos de diferentes linhagens Effect of cooking methods on the chemical composition and cholesterol of the breast in different chickens strains

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    Josye Oliveira e Vieira


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito dos métodos de cocção: cozimento em água (CA, fritura em óleo de soja (FO, assado em forno convencional (FC e assado em microondas (MO sobre perda de peso por cocção (PPC, composição química e colesterol em peitos de frangos das linhagens Super pesadão (Sp, Carijó (Cr e Cobb (Cb. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, utilizando 3 linhagens, 5 métodos de cocção e 4 repetições, totalizando 60 parcelas experimentais. A PPC mais elevada foi verificada no método MO (52,35%, seguida pelo método FC (30,59%, FO (22,98% e CA (19,99. A composição centesimal foi influenciada pelos métodos de cocção. Os peitos de frangos assados em MO apresentaram a menor umidade (56,18% e médias mais elevadas de proteína (40,22%, cinzas (1,64% e colesterol (63,89 mg/100 g, quando comparados aos demais métodos, comportamento observado em todas as linhagens. Os percentuais de gordura foram maiores no método FO, (3,23%; 2,53% e 1,94%, para as linhagens Sp, Cr e Cb, respectivamente. Peitos de frango assados em microondas mostram as perdas mais elevadas e as modificações mais severas com relação à composição química, enquanto a cocção em água é a forma de cocção que menos altera a composição centesimal de peitos de frangos.The present work evaluated the effects of the cooking methods: boiling (BO, pan frying (PF, roasted in conventional oven (CO and roasted in microwaves oven (MO on the cooking loss, chemical composition, cholesterol in breast in different chickens strains: Heavy weight (Hw, Carijó (Cr and Cobb (Cb. The completely randomized design by using 3 strains, 5 cooking methods and 4 repetitions and a total of 60 experimental parcel unit was used. The higher cooking loss most was showed in the method MO (52.35%, followed by the method CO (30.59%, PF (22.98% and BO (19.99%. The centesimal composition was influenced by the cooking methods. The breast of

  2. Dinâmica dos micronutrientes em cafeeiros enxertados Dynamics of micronutrient in grafted coffee

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    André Dominghetti Ferreira


    Full Text Available As respostas à disponibilidade dos nutrientes variam entre espécies distintas dentro de um mesmo gênero, por causa, principalmente, das exigências nutricionais variáveis, capacidade de absorção, translocação e utilização dos nutrientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de absorção, translocação e uso dos micronutrientes por diferentes cultivares de Coffea arabica L., enxertados em Apoatã IAC 2258 (Coffea canephora. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se o método de cultivo em solução nutritiva. Foi utilizado um fatorial 7 x 3 + 2, sendo sete cultivares de Coffea arabica L. (Palma II, Catucaí 2 SL, Oeiras MG 6851, Obatã IAC 1669-20, Acauã, Topázio MG 1190 e Paraíso MG H 419-1, três tipos de mudas (pé franco, autoenxertada e enxertada sobre o cultivar Apoatã IAC 2258 e duas testemunhas (Apoatã autoenxertado e Apoatã pé franco. O porta-enxerto utilizado influenciou negativamente na absorção de boro, ferro e manganês. A translocação dos micronutrientes boro e cobre obteve maiores índices nas mudas enxertadas. O cultivar Palma II, quando enxertado, apresentou o maior índice de utilização dos nutrientes, mostrando-se passível de ser enxertado. O porta-enxerto utilizado mostrou-se apto para a enxertia, por não sofrer influência negativa, tanto pela enxertia, quanto pelos cultivares utilizados.Responses to availability of nutrients vary between different species within the same genus, mainly because the different nutritional requirements, absorption capacity, translocation and use of nutrients, The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of absorption, translocation and use of micronutrients by different cultivars of Coffea arabica L. grafted into Apoatã IAC 2258 (Coffea canephora. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using cultivation in nutrient solution in a 7 x 3 + 2 factorial design: seven cultivars of Coffea arabica L. (Palma II, Catuca

  3. Cook's Carteaux: Trends in nuclear training

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The following Nuclear News interview, conducted by associate editor Gregg M. Taylor, is with Paul F. Carteaux, training superintendent at Indiana/Michigan Power Company's Cook nuclear power plant. The site has two Westinghouse pressurized water reactors. Cook-1, rated 1020-MWe (net), started commercial operation in August 1975, and the 1060-MWe Cook-2 began operation in July 1978

  4. Fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers during cooking of fish in a new model cooking apparatus and a household microwave. (United States)

    Bendig, Paul; Hägele, Florian; Blumenstein, Marina; Schmidt, Jasmin; Vetter, Walter


    Fish is a major source of human exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Because fish is mainly consumed after cooking, this measure may alter the pattern and amounts of PBDEs that are finally consumed. To investigate this issue, we developed a model cooking apparatus consisting of a small glass bowl and a beaker glass with an exhaust fitted with a polyurethane foam filter connected to a water jet pump. In this model cooking apparatus, fish (1 g) and/or sunflower oil (0.2/0.4 g) spiked with three PBDE congeners was cooked for 30 min. Small amounts of the semi-volatile PBDEs were evaporated from the fish (BDE-47 cooking apparatus proved to be well-suited to study the fate of polyhalogenated compounds in fish during cooking.

  5. Cooking frozen and thawed roasts: beef, pork, and lamb cuts. (United States)

    Fulton, C; Davis, C


    Cooking time, yield, and palatability of paired beef, pork, and lamb roasts cooked from the frozen and thawed states were compared. Cooking time for all roasts averaged from 3 to 22 min. per pound longer for meat cooked from the frozen state. The longer cooking time from the frozen state. The longer cooking time from the frozen state was greater for roasts with a large amount of bone and for cuts cooked by braising than for less bony roasts and cuts cooked by roasting. Except for thawed beef rump roasts, which had a higher yield of cooked lean meat, yield of cooked lean meat from the various cuts of beef, pork, and lamb was not affected by the state at the start of cooking. Collectively, all pork roasts had a higher yield of cooked lean meat when cooked from the frozen state. Juiciness and natural flavor of the roasts were not affected by the state at the start of cooking. Lamb leg and rib roasts were more tender when cooked from the thawed state.

  6. Kraft cooking of gamma irradiated wood, (1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inaba, Masamitsu; Meshitsuka, Gyosuke; Nakano, Junzo


    Studies have been made of kraft cooking of gamma irradiated wood. Beech (Fagus crenata Blume) wood meal suspended in aqueous alkaline alcohol was irradiated up to 1.5 KGy (0.15 Mrad) with gamma rays from a Co-60 source in the presence or absence of oxygen. The irradiated wood meals were washed thoroughly with fresh water, air dried and cooked under the ordinary cooking conditions. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Pre-irradiation in aqueous alkali have negligible effect on kraft cooking. (2) In the case of ethanol addition (50 g/l), pre-irradiation in vacuo shows acceleration of delignification and stabilization of carbohydrates during kraft cooking. Cooked yield gain by pre-irradiation was about 1.2% in all over the range of delignification from 80 to 90%. Aqueous ethanol without alkali also shows positive but smaller effect than that with alkali. (3) Propanol, iso-propanol and butanol show positive but smaller effects than ethanol. However, methanol does not show any positive effect. (4) Irradiation in the presence of oxygen does not show any attractive effect on kraft cooking. (author)

  7. Formação para merendeiras: uma proposta metodológica aplicada em escolas estaduais atendidas pelo programa nacional de alimentação escolar, em Salvador, Bahia Professional training for school lunch cooks: a methodological experiment done in state schools supported by the National School Feeding Program in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

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    Catarina Lima Leite


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever uma experiência de formação desenvolvida para merendeiras de escolas atendidas pelo Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, cujo objeto de análise foi um curso realizado para merendeiras de 97 escolas estaduais, em Salvador (BA. A definição e a implementação da formação apresentou três etapas: sondagem de conteúdos e metodologias junto às merendeiras, desenvolvimento das atividades de formação e avaliação da metodologia do curso pelas merendeiras. RESULTADOS: A consulta às merendeiras possibilitou a indicação dos conteúdos de maior interesse e a metodologia a ser utilizada. O curso teve duração de 20 horas, em turmas de aproximadamente 35 pessoas, e foi realizado em unidades escolares. O programa da atividade apresentou conteúdos diferenciados, incluindo: o Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar, a merendeira no sistema da alimentação escolar, princípios de nutrição e alimentação e boas práticas de produção. Como recursos metodológicos foram adotados: teatro, exposição dialogada, oficinas, gincana, experiências práticas, jogos interativos, atividades em grupo, aplicação de formulários e um módulo que contemplava todas as apresentações. Ao final do evento, as merendeiras avaliaram o curso segundo os seguintes aspectos: explicação dos conteúdos, recursos utilizados, ritmo das atividades, atendimento às perguntas, apreensão dos conteúdos, aspectos positivos e negativos e sugestões. CONCLUSÃO: A experiência evidenciou a possibilidade de orientar a construção de um novo modelo de formação, mediante a contribuição e a valorização da consulta ao público-alvo, o que permitiu uma ressignificação das práticas tradicionais de formação e proporcionou maior chance de êxito, devido às demandas específicas apresentadas pelos próprios participantes.OBJECTIVE: This study reports a professional training experiment


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    Tiago Roberto Wehr


    Full Text Available

    Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o coeficiente de cultura (kc, a resistência difusiva de vapor de água e o potencial hídrico foliar em cafeeiro, cultivar Catucaí, nas fases de floração e de formação dos grãos, sob dois sistemas de manejo da irrigação. Utilizou-se o balanço de água no solo para se determinar a evapotranspiração do cafeeiro, sendo a evapotranspiração de referência estimada pelo método de Penman-Monteith (FAO-56. Os tempos de aplicação das lâminas de água foram determinados levando-se em consideração dois sistemas de manejo: com base na porcentagem da área molhada (P e no coeficiente de localização (Kl. Os resultados permitem concluir que o manejo da irrigação empregando o coeficiente de localização proporcionou um aumento do tempo de irrigação e, conseqüentemente, da lâmina de irrigação. Isso elevou os valores dos coeficientes de cultivo, que, em média, atingiu 1,12. Para o sistema de manejo baseado na porcentagem da área molhada, o valor médio do coeficiente de cultivo, no período avaliado, foi de 1,06. Os valores médios da resistência difusiva de vapor de água e os potenciais hídricos foliares foram inferiores quando se adotou o sistema baseado em Kl, que proporcionou aumento da transpiração e, conseqüentemente, do kc.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Evapotranspiração; resistência difusiva; potencial hídrico foliar.

    The objective of this

  9. Cooking with Kids Positively Affects Fourth Graders' Vegetable Preferences and Attitudes and Self-Efficacy for Food and Cooking (United States)

    Lohse, Barbara


    Abstract Background: Cooking with Kids (CWK), an experiential school-based food education program, has demonstrated modest influence on fruit and vegetable preference, food and cooking attitudes (AT), and self-efficacy (SE) among fourth-grade, mostly low-income Hispanic students in a quasiexperimental study with an inconsistent baseline. Effect was notably strong for boys and those without previous cooking experience. The aim of this project was to assess the effect of CWK with a mostly non-Hispanic white sample that assured no previous CWK exposure. Methods: The randomized, controlled assessment of CWK effect on fourth graders was conducted with 257 students in 12 classes in four public schools. CWK included a 1-hour introductory lesson, three 2-hour cooking classes, and three 1-hour fruit and vegetable tasting sessions led by trained food educators during the school day for one semester. Fruit preference, vegetable preference, and cooking AT and SE were assessed with a tested 35-item measure, shown to have test-retest reliability. Univariate analyses considered gender and previous cooking experience. Results: Intervention efficacy was confirmed in this mostly white sample (75%; 79% with previous cooking experience; 54% girls). Increases in vegetable preference, AT, and SE were all significantly greater in CWK students with ηp 2 of 0.03, 0.02, and 0.06, respectively. CWK most strongly improved AT and SE for boys without previous cooking experience. Conclusions: CWK significantly improved fourth-grade students' vegetable preferences, AT, and SE toward food and cooking, which are factors important to healthful eating and obesity prevention. Noncookers, especially boys, benefitted from this intervention. PMID:24320723

  10. Caracterização e oxidação de compostos orgânicos nas águas residuárias da despolpa úmida dos frutos do cafeeiro


    Gonçalves, Maraísa


    A despolpa úmida dos frutos do cafeeiro é uma das atividades agrícolas geradoras de grande carga poluidora, sua grande desvantagem é o grande volume de água utilizada que, geralmente, volta ao meio com qualidade muito inferior. O presente estudo teve como objetivo estudar a composição orgânica desse efluente, preparar e testar catalisadores para a oxidação dos possíveis compostos nele presentes. Foram realizadas três coletas do efluente, duas na fazenda experimental da EPAMIG (Machado, MG) e ...

  11. 20 CFR 654.413 - Cooking and eating facilities. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Cooking and eating facilities. 654.413... Cooking and eating facilities. (a) When workers or their families are permitted or required to cook in their individual unit, a space shall be provided and equipped for cooking and eating. Such space shall...

  12. Potential of essential oils for the control of brown eye spot in coffee plants Potencial de óleos essenciais no controle da cercosporiose-do-cafeeiro

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    Ricardo Borges Pereira


    Full Text Available The objectives of this work were to assess the in vitro effect of essential oils extracted from cinnamon, citronella, lemon grass, India clove, tea tree, thyme, neem and eucalyptus on the conidia germination and on mycelial growth of Cercospora coffeicola, and their efficacy to control the brown eye spot in coffee seedlings (cultivars Catucaí 2SL, Catuaí IAC 62 and Mundo Novo 379/19 in a greenhouse, as well as their effects on the initial germination and infection events by scanning electron microscopy. All essential oils promoted the inhibition of conidia germination with increasing concentrations. India clove, cinnamon, neem, thyme and lemon grass oils inhibited the mycelial growth of C. coffeicola. The cinnamon and citronella oils were the most promising for brown eye spot control in all cultivars. In scanning electron microscopy, the cinnamon and citronella oils reduced germination and mycelial development of C. coffeicola in vivo, eight and 16 hours after inoculation, promoting, in some cases, the leakage of the cellular content. Essential oils of cinnamon and citronella reduced the incidence and severity of brown eye spot, in addition to presenting direct toxicity to the pathogen.Este trabalho avaliou o efeito in vitro de óleos essenciais extraídos de canela, citronela, capim-limão, cravo-da-índia, árvore-de-chá, tomilho, nim e eucalipto na germinação de conídios e no crescimento micelial de Cercospora coffeicola, a eficácia destes óleos no controle da cercosporiose-do-cafeeiro em mudas das cultivares Catucaí 2SL, Catuaí IAC 62 e Mundo Novo 379/19 em casa de vegetação; e seus efeitos sobre os eventos iniciais de germinação e infecção do patógeno in vivo por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Todos os óleos essenciais inibiram a germinação dos conídios com o aumento das concentrações. Os óleos de cravo-da-índia, canela, nim, tomilho e capim-limão inibiram o crescimento micelial de C. coffeicola. Os

  13. The structural features of hemicelluloses dissolved out at different cooking stages of active oxygen cooking process. (United States)

    Shi, Jianbin; Yang, Qiulin; Lin, Lu


    This work described the morphologic changes of corn stalk and the structural characterization of its hemicelluloses dissolved in yellow liquor at different cooking stages. The results showed that active oxygen cooking process was an efficient method to depolymerize the corn stalk into cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin as a pretreatment of biomass conversion. This cooking process can also be divided into three phases: bulk delignification, extended delignification, and residual delignification. During the heating-up period 57.67% of hemicelluloses and 62.31% of lignin were removed from the raw material. However, only 15% of hemicelluloses and 23.21% of lignin were removed during at temperature' period. The hemicelluloses from the corn stalk and yellow liquor were composed of (1→4)-β-D-xylopyranose backbones substituted with α-l-arabinofuranosyl, 4-O-methyl-α-D-glucuronic acid, and some methoxyl residues. The backbones of hemicelluloses were gradually cleaved during the cooking process. The acetyl groups substituted with xylopyranosyl residues were completely cleaved during the cooking process. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Cooking breakfast after a brain injury


    Tanguay, Annick N.; Davidson, Patrick S. R.; Guerrero Nuñez, Karla V.; Ferland, Mark B.


    Acquired brain injury (ABI) often compromises the ability to carry out instrumental activities of daily living such as cooking. ABI patients' difficulties with executive functions and memory result in less independent and efficient meal preparation. Accurately assessing safety and proficiency in cooking is essential for successful community reintegration following ABI, but in vivo assessment of cooking by clinicians is time-consuming, costly, and difficult to standardize. Accordingly, we exam...

  15. Cooking breakfast after a brain injury


    Annick N. Tanguay; Patrick S. R. Davidson; Patrick S. R. Davidson; Patrick S. R. Davidson; K. Vanessa eGuerrero Nuñez; Mark B. Ferland; Mark B. Ferland; Mark B. Ferland


    Acquired brain injury (ABI) often compromises the ability to carry out instrumental activities of daily living such as cooking. ABI patients’ difficulties with executive functions and memory result in less independent and efficient meal preparation. Accurately assessing safety and proficiency in cooking is essential for successful community reintegration following ABI, but in vivo assessment of cooking by clinicians is time-consuming, costly, and difficult to standardize. Accordingly, we exa...

  16. Effect of electrical stimulation and cooking temperature on the within-sample variation of cooking loss and shear force of lamb. (United States)

    Lewis, P K; Babiker, S A


    Electrical stimulation decreased the shear force and increased the cooking loss in seven paired lamb Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscles. This treatment did not have any effect on the within-sample variation. Cooking in 55°, 65° and 75°C water baths for 90 min caused a linear increase in the cooking loss and shear force. There was no stimulation-cooking temperature interaction observed. Cooking temperature also had no effect on the within-sample variation. A possible explanation as to why electrical stimulation did not affect the within-sample variation is given. Copyright © 1983. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  17. Ruoanvalmistuspaperi Cook and chill prosessissa


    Sarjohalme, Sirkka; Helin, Inga


    Opinnäytetyö lähti liikkeelle opinnäytetyön tilaajan, Metsä Tissuen, toiveesta tutkia Cook and chill -ruoanvalmistuspaperin soveltuvuutta Cook and chill -tuotantotapaan ammattikeittiöissä. Uudet toimintamenetelmät eroavat perinteisistä menetelmistä käytännössä näkyvimmin siinä, että ruoanvalmistus ei ole sidottu tarjoilupaikkaan ja ruoan tarjoilun ei tarvitse välttämättä tapahtua valmistuspäivänä. Tähän perustuu myös Cook and chill -tuotantotapa. Tutkimusyhteistyötä tehtiin Pirkkalan tuotanto...

  18. Cooking in Crisis: Lessons from the UK.


    Caraher, Martin


    The concern with low levels of cooking skills among the British population can be traced back to the 1780s coinciding with the start of urbanisation of the English rural classes. Modern concerns with the lack of cooking skills, since the 1980s, have focused on the links to healthy food choice and preparation. This has resulted in a number of initiatives but little policy development to support cooking in any structured way. Cooking was de-facto removed from the educational experience in schoo...

  19. Streptomycetes antagonism against Cladosporium fulvum Cooke and Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. lycopersici Antagonismo de estreptomicetos a Cladosporium fulvum Cooke e Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. lycopersici

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    Ana Cristina Fermino Soares


    Full Text Available This research aimed to evaluate the secondary effects of secondary metabolites produced by streptomycetes on spore germination and mycelial growth of the phytopathogenic fungi Cladosporium fulvum Cooke and Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. lycopersici from tomato plants. Metabolites produced by streptomycete isolates codified as AC-147 and AC-92 caused 94.1% inhibition of C. fulvum while AC-95 isolate caused 33.9% inhibition. AC-92 was the most efficient for F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, causing 94.2% inhibition of spore germination. For mycelial growth, AC-26 and AC-92 were the most efficient in inhibiting C. fulvum growth by 46.6% and F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici by 29.9%. These streptomycetes are potential agents for biocontrol development methods of these tomato plant pathogenic fungi.Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de metabólitos secundários produzidos por estreptomicetos na germinação de esporos e no crescimento micelial dos fungos Cladosporium fulvum Cooke e Fusarium oxysporum sp. f. lycopersici da cultura do tomateiro. Metabólitos produzidos pelos isolados AC-147 e AC-92 causaram 94,1% de inibição da germinação de esporos de C. fluvum, enquanto que o isolado AC-95 causou 33,9% de inibição. O AC-92 foi o mais eficiente para F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, causando 94,2% de inibição na germinação de esporos. Para o crescimento micelial, AC-26 e AC-92 foram os mais eficientes na inibição dos fungos C. fulvum, em 46,6%, e F. oxysporum f. sp. Lycopersici, em 29,9%. Esses estreptomicetos são potenciais agentes para o desenvolvimento de métodos de controle biológico desses fungos fitopatogênicos do tomateiro.

  20. Comparison of Biodiesel Obtained from Virgin Cooking Oil and Waste Cooking Oil Using Supercritical and Catalytic Transesterification

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    Jeeban Poudel


    Full Text Available Comparative analysis of transesterification of virgin cooking oil (VCO and waste cooking oil (WCO in catalyzed and supercritical transesterification process using methanol and ethanol as solvents has been conducted in this study. The luminous point of this research was the direct comparison of catalytic and supercritical process using the ester composition obtained from virgin cooking oil and waste cooking oil transesterification. Oil to alcohol molar ratio of 1:6 and reaction condition of 65 °C and 1 bar pressure were considered for the catalytic process, while 260 °C and high pressure (65 and 75 bar for methanol and ethanol, respectively were accounted for the supercritical process. Distinct layer separation was observed for both processes. Ester, fatty acid and glycerol composition was studied for both the upper and lower layers separately, from which 100% ester composition in the upper layer and a mixture of ester and other composition in the lower layer was obtained for the catalytic process owing to succeeding filtration and washing. However, mixture of ester (>75% and other composition was obtained in both layers for the supercritical process where purification process was not implemented. The similarity in the result obtained demonstrates the superiority of waste cooking oil compared to virgin cooking oil, taking cost into consideration.

  1. 76 FR 2708 - Porcelain-on-Steel Cooking Ware From Taiwan; Top-of-the-Stove Stainless Steel Cooking Ware From... (United States)


    .... 701- TA-267 and 731-TA-304 (Third Review)] Porcelain-on-Steel Cooking Ware From Taiwan; Top-of-the-Stove Stainless Steel Cooking Ware From Korea AGENCY: United States International Trade Commission...-steel cooking ware from Taiwan and the antidumping and countervailing duty orders on imports of top-of...

  2. 75 FR 62144 - Porcelain-on-Steel Cooking Ware From China and Taiwan; Top-of-the-Stove Stainless Steel Cooking... (United States)


    ...); (Investigation Nos. 701-TA-267 and 731-TA-304 (Third Review))] Porcelain-on-Steel Cooking Ware From China and Taiwan; Top-of- the-Stove Stainless Steel Cooking Ware From Korea AGENCY: United States International... porcelain-on-steel cooking ware from China and Taiwan and the antidumping and countervailing duty orders on...

  3. Cooking up a Culinary Career. (United States)

    Kongshem, Lars


    A program to introduce inner-city students to the fundamentals of French cooking has spread to more than 100 schools in 6 cities. The program awarded $400,000 in scholarships nationwide this year. Highlights a cooking competition of 10 juniors and seniors from the District of Columbia public schools. (MLF)

  4. Determination of several families of phytochemicals in different pre-cooked convenience vegetables: effect of lifetime and cooking. (United States)

    Alarcón-Flores, M Isabel; Hernández-Sánchez, Francisco; Romero-González, Roberto; Plaza-Bolaños, Patricia; Martínez Vidal, J Luis; Garrido Frenich, Antonia


    Phytochemicals content, including several families such as phenolic acids, isoflavones, flavones, flavonols, isothiocyanates, and glucosinolates, was determined in pre-cooked convenience vegetables by ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS). It was observed that there is not a common behavior of the individual concentration of phytochemicals during the lifetime and cooking of the matrix, and compounds change their concentration without a specific trend. It was observed that neither lifetime nor cooking process have significant effects on the total content of phytochemicals except in broccoli, although some changes in the individual content of the target compounds were observed, suggesting that interconversion processes could be performed during the lifetime and/or cooking process of the product.

  5. Patogenicidade cruzada de Ceratobasidium spp. do caquizeiro (Diospyros kaki e do chá(Camellia sinensis e reação de cultivares de caqui ao patógeno Cross pathogenicity of Ceratobasidium spp. from kaki (Diospyros kaki and tea (Camellia sinensis and reaction of kaki varieties to the pathogen

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    Elaine Costa Souza


    Full Text Available O fungo Ceratobasidium spp. é o agente causal da doença mal-do-fio ou queima-do-fio em várias plantas frutíferas, em cafeeiro e em chá. Esta doença ocorre com maior freqüência em zonas de alta precipitação e temperaturas elevadas, típicas de regiões de florestas tropicais como a Amazônica e a Mata Atlântica. Em São Paulo, o primeiro relato do mal-do-fio em caquizeiro ocorreu na região de Mogi das Cruzes. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a patogenicidade cruzada de isolados de Ceratobasidium spp. de caquizeiro e chá para ambas as culturas e também para o cafeeiro e citros. Avaliou-se, também, a reação de oito cultivares de caquizeiro, sob condições controladas, a isolados de Ceratobasidium spp. obtidos da mesma cultura. Constatou-se que os isolados de caquizeiro e de chá, embora filogeneticamente distintos, foram patogênicos para ambas as culturas, além de afetarem cafeeiro e citros. Não foram verificados indícios de reação de resistência aos isolados de Ceratobasidium spp. para as oito cultivares de caquizeiro testadas.The fungus Ceratobasidium spp. causes the white-thread blight disease, which affects several fruit trees, coffee and tea crops. This disease frequently occurs in zones of high precipitation and temperatures, typical of the tropical forest regions such as the Amazon and the Atlantic Forests. In São Paulo State, Brazil, this disease was reported by the first time affecting kaki plants in Mogi das Cruzes county. The objective of this study was to test the cross-pathogenicity of Ceratobasidium spp. isolates from kaki and tea to both host plants and also to coffee and citrus. This study also aimed to determine the reaction of local kaki varieties to Ceratobasidium spp. isolates from kaki under controlled conditions. Although phylogenetically distinct, kaki- and tea-infecting isolates were cross-pathogenic to both hosts, besides infecting coffee and citrus. There was no indication of resistance reaction

  6. Cooking Appliances Using High-Frequency Heating


    木村, 秀行; Hideyuki, KIMURA; (株)日立製作所機械研究所


    We have produced a guide suitable for people with no technical knowledge of cooking appliances that use high-frequency heating. In general, cooking appliances that use an electric heat source are popular since, they are simple to use because the offer easy heat control, are safe because they do not have naked flames, and do not make kitchens dirty because there is no exhaust. In recent years, high-efficiency cooking appliances using high-frequency heating technology have surged in popularity....

  7. Influence of cooking methods on bioactive compounds in beetroot

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    Juliana Arruda Ramos


    Full Text Available Beetroot is rich in bioactive compounds that may provide health benefits. However, vegetable tissues are physically and chemically damaged by cooking, causing major changes to compounds in cell membranes. The current study aimed to evaluate the influence of several cooking methods on bioactive compounds in beetroot. Four heat treatments were carried out: steam cooking, pressure cooking, baking in an oven, and boiling in water. Beets were matched in uniformity of size, color, and absence of defects. They were washed thoroughly in running water to remove dirt. Next, one of the four cooking methods was applied. After cooking, beets were peeled by hand. Analysis was carried out on both uncooked and cooked beets to evaluate antioxidant activity, content of phenolic compounds, pigments, flavonoids, and betalains. The experiment was completely randomized design (CRD and carried out in triplicate. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (F test, p < 0.05 and mean values compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. There was no change in antioxidant activity or total phenolic and anthocyanin content by any of the cooking methods compared to that in raw beetroots. However, pressure-cooking resulted in lower carotenoid levels compared to that in raw beet. Furthermore, flavonoid and betalain content decreased by all the cooking methods.

  8. Teaching Basic Cooking Skills: Evaluation of the North Carolina Extension "Cook Smart, Eat Smart" Program (United States)

    Dunn, Carolyn; Jayaratne, K. S. U.; Baughman, Kristen; Levine, Katrina


    Cook Smart, Eat Smart (CSES) is a 12-hour cooking school that teaches participants to prepare nutritious, delicious food using simple, healthy preparation techniques, basic ingredients, and minimal equipment. The purpose of this evaluation was to examine the impact of CSES on food preparation and meal consumption behavior. Program outcomes include…

  9. Produtividade e rendimento do cafeeiro nas cinco primeiras safras irrigado por pivô central em Lavras, MG Coffee yield and production during the initial five harvests under irrigation with center pivot in Lavras, MG

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    Luiz Antônio Lima


    foi de 225,6 sc e a média anual de 45,12 sc ha-1, com acréscimo de 119% na produtividade do cafeeiro quando comparada ao tratamento não irrigado, que produziu, em média, 24 sc ha-1 ano-1. O grau de maturação, no momento da colheita, influenciou o rendimento dos tratamentos, sendo os frutos nos estádios cereja e seco, os que mais interferiram no rendimento.Search for sustainability on agricultural exploration and incorporation of new technologies impose the necessity for knowledge and management of main factors related to production, such as irrigation. This experiment evaluated the irrigation effect on yield and production efficiency (amount of beans to produce a bag of 60Kg of coffee irrigated by center pivot in Lavras-MG, Brazil. The experiment was planted with the cultivar Rubi MG-1192, planted on March, 1999. spaced 3.5 meters between rows and 0.8 meters between plants. The experimental design was the one of randomized blocks, with six treatment levels and three replicates. The irrigation was applied at intervals of 2 or 3 days, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, based on the amount estimated by the water blance considering the class A pan evaporation (ECA and rain depths. The irrigation was calculated as 0% of the difference between ECA and rain depth - 0% ECA (T1, non irrigated, 60% ECA (T2, 80% ECA (T3, 100% ECA (T4, 120% ECA (T5 and 140% ECA (T6. After harvesting the coffee grains from the experimental plots, coffee samples were packed in ventilated plastic bags and dried on wood benches exposed to air long enough to decrease its moisture content between 11 and 12%, gravimetric water content. After drying, the beans were unpeeled and weighed to calculate the yield and production efficiency. Irrigation increased the yield of irrigated plots compared to non irrigated. Although non significant difference was statistically observed when comparing annual yields, the differences were statistically significant when the total production was compared among

  10. Métodos de controle de plantas invasoras na cultura do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. e componentes da acidez do solo Weed control methods and soil acidity components in coffee plantation (Coffea arabica L.

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    Elifas Nunes Alcântara


    Full Text Available Em lavouras perenes, como na cultura do cafeeiro, o controle de plantas invasoras tem sido feito por meio de métodos manuais, mecanizados, químicos e associações destes. De modo geral, têm-se avaliado os diferentes métodos sob o ponto de vista de eficiência e de custo no controle das plantas invasoras; no entanto, a influência deles sobre as condições químicas do solo, praticamente, não tem sido estudada, principalmente a longo prazo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes métodos de controle de plantas invasoras na cultura do cafeeiro sobre os componentes da acidez de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico da região de São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG. Sete tratamentos de controle de plantas invasoras foram avaliados: roçadora (RÇ, grade (GR, enxada rotativa (RT, herbicida de pós-emergência (HC, herbicida de pré-emergência (HR, capina manual (CM e testemunha sem capina (SC, dispostos em blocos casualizados com três repetições. Amostras de solo, em cada tratamento, foram coletadas a cada dois anos, a partir de 1980, nas camadas de 0-0,15 e 0,15-0,30 m, para avaliação de pH, Al3+, acidez potencial (H + Al e saturação por Al3+ (m. O sistema HR aumentou o teor e a saturação por Al3+ e a acidez potencial e diminuiu o pH, quando comparado com os demais métodos de controle de plantas invasoras, principalmente com a testemunha (SC. O tratamento SC mostrou efeito contrário ao do HR, aumentando os valores de pH e diminuindo o teor de Al3+ e a saturação por Al3+, em ambas as camadas de solo. O RÇ foi o tratamento que mais se aproximou do SC, e os demais tratamentos, no geral, não apresentaram comportamento diferenciado.In perennial agriculture, such as coffee plantation, weeds are controlled by hand, mechanized, and chemical weeding and their combinations. Methods that differ in terms of efficiency and costs have been evaluated; however, the influence of these methods on the soil chemical conditions has

  11. Variação sazonal do potencial da água nas folhas de cafeeiro em Mococa, SP Seasonal changes in coffee leaf water potential in Mococa, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Emilio Seigui Kobayashi


    Full Text Available Para avaliar o potencial da água nas plantas de Coffea arabica L., foi desenvolvido um experimento em Mococa (SP, de agosto de 2005 a julho de 2006, com as cultivares Mundo Novo (MN, Obatã (OB e Ouro-Verde (OV. As cultivares OB e OV tinham oito anos de idade, e as plantas do MN haviam sido recepadas há cinco anos. Os espaçamentos entre as plantas de MN, OB e OV foram de 3,6 x 1,0 m; 2,5 x 1,0 m e 3,5 x 0,74 m respectivamente. As avaliações dos potenciais da água das plantas na antemanhã (ψam foram realizadas a cada duas semanas. O potencial da água na folha durante o período diurno (ψa foi medido no final de abril. Os dados de ψam na folha variaram em função da quantidade de água no solo, com as oscilações decorrentes da precipitação pluvial sazonal. Os valores de ψam foram de -1,29; -1,60 e -1,68 MPa nos meses de estiagem e -0,06; -0,07 e -0,07 MPa nos meses de maiores precipitações para MN, OB e OV respectivamente. Esses valores são importantes para caracterizar o estado hídrico das folhas do cafeeiro ao longo do ano agrícola, visto que o período de estresse hídrico coincidiu com a fase de indução (fevereiro a junho e maturação das gemas florais, bem como o período de maiores volumes de precipitação pluvial com a granação e maturação dos frutos.In order to assess the xylem water potential in Coffea arabica L. plants, a field experiment was carried out in Mococa, São Paulo State, Brazil, from August 2005 to July 2006 with the following cultivars: Mundo Novo (MN, Obatã (OB and Ouro-Verde (OV. The OB and OV cultivars were eight years old, and MN plants had been topped five years ago. Spacing among the plants were 3.6 x 1.0 m, 2.5 x 1.0 m and 3.5 x 0.75 m, respectively. Predawn leaf water potential (ψam was measured each 15 days. Xylem water potential along the day (ψa was measured at the end of April. Data concerning leaf ψam varied according to the soil water profile as affect by seasonal rainfall.

  12. Learning cooking skills at different ages: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Lavelle, Fiona; Spence, Michelle; Hollywood, Lynsey; McGowan, Laura; Surgenor, Dawn; McCloat, Amanda; Mooney, Elaine; Caraher, Martin; Raats, Monique; Dean, Moira


    Cooking skills are increasingly included in strategies to prevent and reduce chronic diet-related diseases and obesity. While cooking interventions target all age groups (Child, Teen and Adult), the optimal age for learning these skills on: 1) skills retention, 2) cooking practices, 3) cooking attitudes, 4) diet quality and 5) health is unknown. Similarly, although the source of learning cooking skills has been previously studied, the differences in learning from these different sources has not been considered. This research investigated the associations of the age and source of learning with the aforementioned five factors. A nationally representative (Northern/Republic of Ireland) cross-sectional survey was undertaken with 1049 adults aged between 20-60 years. The survey included both measures developed and tested by the researchers as well as validated measures of cooking (e.g. chopping) and food skills (e.g. budgeting), cooking practices (e.g. food safety), cooking attitudes, diet quality and health. Respondents also stated when they learnt the majority of their skills and their sources of learning. The data was analysed using ANOVAs with post-hoc analysis and Chi 2 crosstabs with a significance level of 0.05. Results showed that child (skills, cooking practices, cooking attitudes, diet quality (with the exception of fibre intake where adult learners were higher) and health. Mother was the primary source of learning and those who learnt only from this source had significantly better outcomes on 12 of the 23 measures. This research highlights the importance of learning cooking skills at an early age for skill retention, confidence, cooking practices, cooking attitude and diet quality. Mother remained the primary source of learning, however, as there is a reported deskilling of domestic cooks, mothers may no longer have the ability to teach cooking skills to the next generation. A focus on alternative sources including practical cooking skills education starting

  13. Modeling emission rates and exposures from outdoor cooking (United States)

    Edwards, Rufus; Princevac, Marko; Weltman, Robert; Ghasemian, Masoud; Arora, Narendra K.; Bond, Tami


    Approximately 3 billion individuals rely on solid fuels for cooking globally. For a large portion of these - an estimated 533 million - cooking is outdoors, where emissions from cookstoves pose a health risk to both cooks and other household and village members. Models that estimate emissions rates from stoves in indoor environments that would meet WHO air quality guidelines (AQG), explicitly don't account for outdoor cooking. The objectives of this paper are to link health based exposure guidelines with emissions from outdoor cookstoves, using a Monte Carlo simulation of cooking times from Haryana India coupled with inverse Gaussian dispersion models. Mean emission rates for outdoor cooking that would result in incremental increases in personal exposure equivalent to the WHO AQG during a 24-h period were 126 ± 13 mg/min for cooking while squatting and 99 ± 10 mg/min while standing. Emission rates modeled for outdoor cooking are substantially higher than emission rates for indoor cooking to meet AQG, because the models estimate impact of emissions on personal exposure concentrations rather than microenvironment concentrations, and because the smoke disperses more readily outdoors compared to indoor environments. As a result, many more stoves including the best performing solid-fuel biomass stoves would meet AQG when cooking outdoors, but may also result in substantial localized neighborhood pollution depending on housing density. Inclusion of the neighborhood impact of pollution should be addressed more formally both in guidelines on emissions rates from stoves that would be protective of health, and also in wider health impact evaluation efforts and burden of disease estimates. Emissions guidelines should better represent the different contexts in which stoves are being used, especially because in these contexts the best performing solid fuel stoves have the potential to provide significant benefits.

  14. Stainless steel leaches nickel and chromium into foods during cooking. (United States)

    Kamerud, Kristin L; Hobbie, Kevin A; Anderson, Kim A


    Toxicological studies show that oral doses of nickel and chromium can cause cutaneous adverse reactions such as dermatitis. Additional dietary sources, such as leaching from stainless steel cookware during food preparation, are not well characterized. This study examined stainless steel grades, cooking time, repetitive cooking cycles, and multiple types of tomato sauces for their effects on nickel and chromium leaching. Trials included three types of stainless steels and a stainless steel saucepan, cooking times of 2-20 h, 10 consecutive cooking cycles, and four commercial tomato sauces. After a simulated cooking process, samples were analyzed by ICP-MS for Ni and Cr. After 6 h of cooking, Ni and Cr concentrations in tomato sauce increased up to 26- and 7-fold, respectively, depending on the grade of stainless steel. Longer cooking durations resulted in additional increases in metal leaching, where Ni concentrations increased 34-fold and Cr increased approximately 35-fold from sauces cooked without stainless steel. Cooking with new stainless steel resulted in the largest increases. Metal leaching decreases with sequential cooking cycles and stabilized after the sixth cooking cycle, although significant metal contributions to foods were still observed. The tenth cooking cycle resulted in an average of 88 μg of Ni and 86 μg of Cr leached per 126 g serving of tomato sauce. Stainless steel cookware can be an overlooked source of nickel and chromium, where the contribution is dependent on stainless steel grade, cooking time, and cookware usage.

  15. Stainless Steel Leaches Nickel and Chromium into Foods During Cooking (United States)

    Kamerud, Kristin L.; Hobbie, Kevin A.; Anderson, Kim A.


    Toxicological studies show that oral doses of nickel and chromium can cause cutaneous adverse reactions such as dermatitis. Additional dietary sources, such as leaching from stainless steel cookware during food preparation, are not well characterized. This study examined stainless steel grades, cooking time, repetitive cooking cycles, and multiple types of tomato sauces for their effects on nickel and chromium leaching. Trials included three types of stainless steels and a stainless steel saucepan; cooking times of 2 to 20 hours, ten consecutive cooking cycles, and four commercial tomato sauces. After a simulated cooking process, samples were analyzed by ICP-MS for Ni and Cr. After six hours of cooking, Ni and Cr concentrations in tomato sauce increased up to 26- and 7-fold respectively, depending on the grade of stainless steel. Longer cooking durations resulted in additional increases in metal leaching, where Ni concentrations increased 34 fold and Cr increased approximately 35 fold from sauces cooked without stainless steel. Cooking with new stainless steel resulted in the largest increases. Metal leaching decreases with sequential cooking cycles and stabilized after the sixth cooking cycle, though significant metal contributions to foods were still observed. The tenth cooking cycle, resulted in an average of 88 μg of Ni and 86 μg of Cr leached per 126 g serving of tomato sauce. Stainless steel cookware can be an overlooked source of nickel and chromium, where the contribution is dependent on stainless steel grade, cooking time, and cookware usage. PMID:23984718

  16. Advanced glycation end products, physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of cooked lamb loins affected by cooking method and addition of flavour precursors. (United States)

    Roldan, Mar; Loebner, Jürgen; Degen, Julia; Henle, Thomas; Antequera, Teresa; Ruiz-Carrascal, Jorge


    The influence of the addition of a flavour enhancer solution (FES) (d-glucose, d-ribose, l-cysteine and thiamin) and of sous-vide cooking or roasting on moisture, cooking loss, instrumental colour, sensory characteristics and formation of Maillard reaction (MR) compounds in lamb loins was studied. FES reduced cooking loss and increased water content in sous-vide samples. FES and cooking method showed a marked effect on browning development, both on the meat surface and within. FES led to tougher and chewier texture in sous-vide cooked lamb, and enhanced flavour scores of sous-vide samples more markedly than in roasted ones. FES added meat showed higher contents of furosine; 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural did not reach detectable levels. N-ε-carboxymethyllysine amounts were rather low and not influenced by the studied factors. Cooked meat seems to be a minor dietary source of MR products, regardless the presence of reducing sugars and the cooking method. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Malignant pleural mesothelioma in bakers and pastry cooks. (United States)

    Ascoli, V; Calisti, R; Carnovale-Scalzo, C; Nardi, F


    The occurrence of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) among bakers and pastry cooks has never been documented. We detected eight cases of MPM in bakers, pastry cooks, and biscuit cooks engaged in making, baking/cooking, and selling pastry/bread in two hospital-based series (Rome and Orbassano/Turin, Italy; period 1990-1997; 222 cases). Field-investigations revealed asbestos-containing material (ACM) in ovens for baking bread, that were manufactured prior to the 1980s. It is suggested that there is a possible new association of the risk of having worked as a baker or pastry cook and MPM. Presumptive source of exposure to asbestos was the use of asbestos-insulated ovens. Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  18. Fate of enniatins and deoxynivalenol during pasta cooking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijs, de Monique; Top, van den Hester; Stoppelaar, de Joyce; Lopez Sanchez, Patricia; Mol, Hans


    The fate of deoxynivalenol and enniatins was studied during cooking of commercially available dry pasta in the Netherlands in 2014. Five samples containing relatively high levels of deoxynivalenol and/or enniatins were selected for the cooking experiment. Cooking was performed in duplicate on

  19. Advanced glycation end products, physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of cooked lamb loins affected by cooking method and addition of flavour precursors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roldan, Mar; Loebner, Jürgen; Degen, Julia


    The influence of the addition of a flavour enhancer solution (FES) (d-glucose, d-ribose, l-cysteine and thiamin) and of sous-vide cooking or roasting on moisture, cooking loss, instrumental colour, sensory characteristics and formation of Maillard reaction (MR) compounds in lamb loins was studied....... FES reduced cooking loss and increased water content in sous-vide samples. FES and cooking method showed a marked effect on browning development, both on the meat surface and within. FES led to tougher and chewier texture in sous-vide cooked lamb, and enhanced flavour scores of sous-vide samples more...

  20. Syndrome surveillance of fentanyl-laced heroin outbreaks: Utilization of EMS, Medical Examiner and Poison Center databases. (United States)

    Moore, P Quincy; Weber, Joseph; Cina, Steven; Aks, Steven


    Describe surveillance data from three existing surveillance systems during an unexpected fentanyl outbreak in a large metropolitan area. We performed a retrospective analysis of three data sets: Chicago Fire Department EMS, Cook County Medical Examiner, and Illinois Poison Center. Each included data from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. EMS data included all EMS responses in Chicago, Illinois, for suspected opioid overdose in which naloxone was administered and EMS personnel documented other criteria indicative of opioid overdose. Medical Examiner data included all deaths in Cook County, Illinois, related to heroin, fentanyl or both. Illinois Poison Center data included all calls in Chicago, Illinois, related to fentanyl, heroin, and other prescription opioids. Descriptive statistics using Microsoft Excel® were used to analyze the data and create figures. We identified a spike in opioid-related EMS responses during an 11-day period from September 30-October 10, 2015. Medical Examiner data showed an increase in both fentanyl and mixed fentanyl/heroin related deaths during the months of September and October, 2015 (375% and 550% above the median, respectively.) Illinois Poison Center data showed no significant increase in heroin, fentanyl, or other opioid-related calls during September and October 2015. Our data suggests that EMS data is an effective real-time surveillance mechanism for changes in the rate of opioid overdoses. Medical Examiner's data was found to be valuable for confirmation of EMS surveillance data and identification of specific intoxicants. Poison Center data did not correlate with EMS or Medical Examiner data. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Diferentes níveis de cálcio e o desenvolvimento de plantas de estilosantes (Stylosanthes guyanensis (Aubl. Sw. cv "Cook" Growth of stylo plants as affected by calcium levels (Stylosanthes guyanensis (Aubl. Sw. cv "Cook"

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    J.D. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O presente experimento teve como finalidade estudar os efeitos de níveis de cálcio no desenvolvimento de plantas de Stylosanthes guyanensis (Aubl. Sw. cv "Cook", em sua fase vegetativa, através dos parâmetros que compõem a análise fisiológica de crescimento e de que forma estes parâmetros se alteram, em função dos tratamentos utilizados. Delinearam-se quatro tratamentos, a saber: T1 (200 mg de cálcio/litro; T2 (133,33 mg de cálcio/litro; T3 (66,66 mg de cálcio/litro; T4 (omisso em cálcio. O experimento foi instalado em cultivo hidropônico, empregando-se solução nutritiva n° 1 de Hoagland & Arnon (1950 e conduzido em casa de vegetação. O experimento, inteiramente casualizado, obedeceu ao delineamento de parcelas sub-divididas, considerando-se as cinco coletas, realizadas a intervalos de 14 dias como parcelas, sendo os tratamentos empregados definidos como sub-parcelas. A influência dos diferentes tratamentos, foi avaliada através da área foliar (AF, área foliar específica (AFE, razão de massa foliar (RMF e razão de área foliar (RAF. Dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que plantas de estilosantes, durante a fase de crescimento vegetativo, alcançaram melhor desenvolvimento em níveis de 200 mg de cálcio/litro de solução nutritiva.The influence of calcium levels on the growth of Stylosanthes guyanensis (Aubl. SW. c v "Cook" plants was studied under the following treatments: T1 (200 mg of calcium/litre; T2 (133.33 mg of calcium/litre; T3 (66.66 mg of calcium/litre and T4 (without calcium. The study was carried out in a hydroponic media with Hoagland & Arnon's number one nutrient solution. The experiment was designed as a completely randomized split-plot design, considering the five samplings performed in 14 day intervals as main plots. The influence of different treatments was evaluated through leaf area (LA, specific leaf area (SLA, leaf weight ratio (LWR, and leaf area ratio (LAR. The results obtained indicated

  2. 9 CFR 381.150 - Requirements for the production of fully cooked poultry products and partially cooked poultry... (United States)


    ... fully cooked poultry products and partially cooked poultry breakfast strips. 381.150 Section 381.150... ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Entry of Articles Into Official Establishments; Processing...

  3. Getting healthier : creating interactive cooking tools for kids

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spermon, M.; Bruns, M.; Zampollo, F.; Smith, C.


    Cooking lessons are believed to be the basis for a healthy lifestyle for both children and adults. However, while children learn their eating habits during childhood, most people only learn to cook from the age of sixteen onwards. Therefore, it is suggested that people should learn to cook during

  4. Quality factors in beef, pork, and lamb cooked by microwaves. (United States)

    Korschgen, B M; Baldwin, R E; Snider, S


    Three cooking treatments were applied to the longissimus muscle of beef and of pork and to deboned leg of lamb. Cooking treatments included: Intermittent energy application (3-min. cycle) with a microwave range operated at 220V and intermittent energy application (6-min. cycle) with a microwave range operated at 115V. Control roasts were cooked in a conventional gas oven (163+/-3 degrees C.). Cooking was adjusted so that roasts achieved an internal temperature of 70 degrees C. when cut for analyses. Cooking losses were significantly greater for microwave than for conventionally cooked beef. However, microwave cooking resulted in beef, pork, and lamb roasts with flavor of interior portions similar to those prepared conventionally. Flavor differences in samples from the edge of the slices of lamb and of pork and tenderness of lamb appeared to be related to cooking method. For these attributes, meat cooked conventionally was superior. In contrast, patterns in significant differences in tenderness and juiciness of beef and of pork were not consistent and were not related solely to method of cookery. Neither creatine nor creatinine was a good index of flavor of meat cooked by these methods. Aside from the time-saving aspect of microwave heating, there was no major advantage of one method of cooking over another. Thus, either high- or low- powered microwave equipment, operated at 2450 MHz, can be used satisfactorily for cooking tender cuts of beef, pork, and lamb.

  5. Nitrogênio na adubação química do cafeeiro: doses e parcelamentos do nitrocálcio Nitrogen fertilizer for coffee: rates and splitted applications of lime ammonium nitrate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Genésio da Silva Cervellini


    Full Text Available Nitrocálcio nas quantidades de 60, 120, 180 e 240 gramas de N por cafeeiro e por ano foi aplicado em parcelamentos diferentes, de acordo com os tratamentos e em três locais com início em 1973/74: Centro Experimental de Campinas, Estação Experimental de Mococa e Estação Experimental de Ribeirão Preto. Foram estudados os efeitos das quantidades crescentes e avaliadas as conveniências do parcelamento das doses de N aplicadas. Os acréscimos de produção com a elevação dessas doses foram bastante grandes até 120g, passando, a partir dessa quantidade, a aumentos menores. Os efeitos residuais do sulfato de amônio, Nitrocálcio, uréia e salitre-do-chile aplicados quatro anos antes do início do experimento ainda afetaram as produções, passados dez anos das últimas aplicações, reduzindo-as mais para as correspondentes ao salitre-do-chile e uréia. Os parcelamentos utilizados não favoreceram dados consistentes para conclusões, devendo seu estudo ter continuidade em novas séries de ensaios.Three experiments were carried out beginning in 1973/74 in a Red Latosol transition to Clay Red Yellow Latosol at the Centro Experimental of Campinas, in a Red-Yellow Podzolic Soil at Estação Experimental of Mococa, and on a Ortho Red Latosol at Estação Experimental of Ribeirão Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in order to study nitrogen application on the coffee tree. Lime ammonium nitrate was applied at rates of 60, 120, 180, and 240g of N per plant in splitted applications as follows: in just one time by October and by December; in two times, by January and February; and in four times by October, December, January, and February. High yield increases were obtained with N applications rates up to 120g of N per plant. With higher rates further yield increments were about 5 or 10%. The residual effects of ammonium sulfate, lime ammonium nitrate, Chilean nitrate and urea were still present ten years after the last application. The data on

  6. The Factors Influencing on Consumption of Palm Cooking Oil in Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ermy Teti


    Full Text Available Cooking oil is one of the most sensitive basic needs in Indonesia. The aims of the researchare to analyze factors influencing consumption of cooking oil, the cooking oil price, and theCrude Palm Oil price in Indonesia. Using simultaneous equation model, the study show thatpalm cooking oil consumption is significantly affected by domestic palm cooking oil priceand number of population. Whilst palm cooking oil price is significantly influenced by thecooking palm oil production and the domestic Crude Palm Oil price. Finally, the domesticCrude Palm Oil is significantly affected by international Crude Palm Oil price.Keywords: consumption, cooking oil price, crude palm oil price and cooking oil

  7. Individuals with severe mental illnesses have improved eating behaviors and cooking skills after attending a 6-week nutrition cooking class. (United States)

    Clark, Alena; Bezyak, Jill; Testerman, Nora


    This study assessed current meal planning/cooking behaviors and dietary intake of individuals with severe mental illnesses and determined differences after a 6-week nutrition education cooking class. Eighteen individuals with severe mental illnesses participated in a 6-week nutrition education cooking class and completed pre- and posttest 24-hr recalls and a postretrospective survey. Paired samples t tests were used. Participants met their calories needs, but they consumed high amounts of sodium and fat and low amounts of fiber. Significant increases in calcium, vitamin D, grains, and fruit occurred from pre- to posttest (p cooking and grocery shopping skills improved. Participants desire nutrition education programming that includes simple messages, hands-on cooking demonstrations, and health-related incentives. More research is needed to determine how nutrition education programs lead to sustained knowledge and behavior change within this specialized population. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  8. Biobased lubricant from used cooking oils (United States)

    As more and more people look for healthy alternatives for cooking and frying oils, the opportunity to develop high-value products from these waste streams increases. Cooking oils that are often described as healthier contain higher levels of monounsaturated fats. NuSun® sunflower oil is an example o...

  9. Hot-boning enhances cook yield of boneless skinless chicken thighs. (United States)

    Zhuang, H; Bowker, B C; Buhr, R J; Brambila, G Sanchez


    Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of postmortem deboning time on cook yield of boneless skinless chicken thighs. In experiment 1, chicken thigh meat was deboned at 0.75 (hot-bone), 2, and 24 h postmortem (PM) and trimmed to obtain mainly iliotibialis muscle. Samples were cooked directly from a frozen state. Cook yield of the muscle was significantly influenced by PM deboning time. Hot-boned thighs exhibited a 7% greater cook yield than the samples deboned at 24 h. In experiment 2, boneless skinless chicken thighs were deboned at 0.3, 2, and 24 h PM and cooked directly from a fresh, never-frozen state at 24 h PM. Cook yield of the hot-boned thighs was significantly higher than those of the 2 and 24 h deboned samples, which did not differ from each other. In experiment 3, whole legs (thigh + drumstick) were cut from the carcass backbone at 0.3 (hot-cut), 2, and 24 h PM. Thighs were separated from the legs (drumsticks) at either the same time the whole legs were removed from the carcasses or at 24 h PM. Intact thighs (bone in) were cooked fresh at 24 h PM. Color of fresh thigh muscles, cook yield, and Warner-Bratzler shear force of cooked samples were measured. Cook yield of the thighs cut from the backbone before chilling was significantly higher than those cut from the carcasses at 2 and 24 h PM, which did not differ from each other. The PM time at which intact thighs were separated from the leg (drumstick) did not influence cook yield. These results demonstrate that postmortem deboning time can significantly affect cook yield of boneless skinless chicken thigh products. Deboning chicken thighs after chilling reduces the cook yield. Differences in the cook yield of thighs may also result from the removal of whole chicken legs from the carcass backbone. Poultry Science Association Inc.

  10. The impact of video technology on learning: A cooking skills experiment. (United States)

    Surgenor, Dawn; Hollywood, Lynsey; Furey, Sinéad; Lavelle, Fiona; McGowan, Laura; Spence, Michelle; Raats, Monique; McCloat, Amanda; Mooney, Elaine; Caraher, Martin; Dean, Moira


    This study examines the role of video technology in the development of cooking skills. The study explored the views of 141 female participants on whether video technology can promote confidence in learning new cooking skills to assist in meal preparation. Prior to each focus group participants took part in a cooking experiment to assess the most effective method of learning for low-skilled cooks across four experimental conditions (recipe card only; recipe card plus video demonstration; recipe card plus video demonstration conducted in segmented stages; and recipe card plus video demonstration whereby participants freely accessed video demonstrations as and when needed). Focus group findings revealed that video technology was perceived to assist learning in the cooking process in the following ways: (1) improved comprehension of the cooking process; (2) real-time reassurance in the cooking process; (3) assisting the acquisition of new cooking skills; and (4) enhancing the enjoyment of the cooking process. These findings display the potential for video technology to promote motivation and confidence as well as enhancing cooking skills among low-skilled individuals wishing to cook from scratch using fresh ingredients. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Cooking utensil with improved heat retention (United States)

    Potter, T.F.; Benson, D.K.; Burch, S.D.


    A cooking utensil with improved heat retention includes an inner pot received within an outer pot and separated in a closely spaced-apart relationship to form a volume or chamber there between. The chamber is evacuated and sealed with foil leaves at the upper edges of the inner and outer pot. The vacuum created between the inner and outer pot, along with the minimum of thermal contact between the inner and outer pot, and the reduced radiative heat transfer due to low emissivity coatings on the inner and outer pot, provide for a highly insulated cooking utensil. Any combination of a plurality of mechanisms for selectively disabling and re-enabling the insulating properties of the pot are provided within the chamber. These mechanisms may include: a hydrogen gas producing and reabsorbing device such as a metal hydride, a plurality of metal contacts which can be adjusted to bridge the gap between the inner and outer pot, and a plurality of bimetallic switches which can selectively bridge the gap between the inner and outer pot. In addition, phase change materials with superior heat retention characteristics may be provided within the cooking utensil. Further, automatic and programmable control of the cooking utensil can be provided through a microprocessor and associated hardware for controlling the vacuum disable/enable mechanisms to automatically cook and save food. 26 figs.

  12. Cooking utensil with improved heat retention (United States)

    Potter, Thomas F.; Benson, David K.; Burch, Steven D.


    A cooking utensil with improved heat retention includes an inner pot received within an outer pot and separated in a closely spaced-apart relationship to form a volume or chamber therebetween. The chamber is evacuated and sealed with foil leaves at the upper edges of the inner and outer pot. The vacuum created between the inner and outer pot, along with the minimum of thermal contact between the inner and outer pot, and the reduced radiative heat transfer due to low emissivity coatings on the inner and outer pot, provide for a highly insulated cooking utensil. Any combination of a plurality of mechanisms for selectively disabling and re-enabling the insulating properties of the pot are provided within the chamber. These mechanisms may include: a hydrogen gas producing and reabsorbing device such as a metal hydride, a plurality of metal contacts which can be adjusted to bridge the gap between the inner and outer pot, and a plurality of bimetallic switches which can selectively bridge the gap between the inner and outer pot. In addition, phase change materials with superior heat retention characteristics may be provided within the cooking utensil. Further, automatic and programmable control of the cooking utensil can be provided through a microprocessor and associated hardware for controlling the vacuum disable/enable mechanisms to automatically cook and save food.

  13. Onsite LLW storage at Cook

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MacRae, W.T.


    The Donald C. Cook nuclear plant has gained much experience through the onsite storage of low-level radioactive waste. Owned and operated by the Indiana Michigan Power Company, which is owned by American Electric Power, the plant is located in Bridgman, Michigan, on the southeast side of Lake Michigan, about 50 miles from Chicago. In November 1990, waste generators in the state of Michigan were denied access to licensed low-level waste disposal sites because of a lack of progress by the state in developing its own disposal site. Because of this lack, wastes from the Cook plant have been stored onsite for three years. This article covers four issues related to the Cook nuclear plant's experience in the low-level waste storage: storage capacity and waste generation rates, waste form and packages, regulatory issues, and the monitoring of the waste

  14. The Factors Influencing on Consumption of Palm Cooking Oil in Indonesia


    Teti, Ermy; Hutabarat, Sakti; Nofionna, Asriati


    Cooking oil is one of the most sensitive basic needs in Indonesia. The aims of the researchare to analyze factors influencing consumption of cooking oil, the cooking oil price, and theCrude Palm Oil price in Indonesia. Using simultaneous equation model, the study show thatpalm cooking oil consumption is significantly affected by domestic palm cooking oil priceand number of population. Whilst palm cooking oil price is significantly influenced by thecooking palm oil production and the domestic ...

  15. The Factors Influencing on Consumption of Palm Cooking Oil in Indonesia


    Teti, Ermy; Hutabarat, Sakti; Nofionna, Asriati


    Cooking oil is one of the most sensitive basic needs in Indonesia. The aims of the researchare to analyze factors influencing consumption of cooking oil, the cooking oil price, and theCrude Palm Oil price in Indonesia. Using simultaneous equation model, the study show thatpalm cooking oil consumption is significantly affected by domestic palm cooking oil priceand number of population. Whilst palm cooking oil price is significantly influenced by thecooking palm oil production and the domestic ...

  16. Concentrações salinas combinadas com tempos de hidratação: efeito no tempo de cocção em feijão Salts concentrations in combination with soaking time: effect in bean cooking time

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliano Garcia Bertoldo


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar o efeito da adição de diferentes doses de NaCl na água de hidratação, durante diferentes tempos, buscando uma redução no tempo de cocção. O Brasil, embora seja considerado um grande produtor e um dos maiores consumidores de feijão, está reduzindo gradativamente o consumo. Sendo assim, é necessário dispor de técnicas que facilitem o preparo do feijão, podendo dessa forma reverter a tendência de consumo e como consequência incentivar a produção. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental do Instituto de Melhoramento e Genética Molecular da UDESC - IMEGEM, em Lages - SC. Foram avaliados os efeitos de três concentrações de NaCL (0, 50 e 125 g.L-1 em dois genótipos de feijão (Pérola e IPR Uirapuru hidratados durante três tempos (0,5, 9 e 18 horas. Os resultados revelaram um efeito significativo das doses de NaCl na redução do tempo de cocção. A adição de 56,50 g.L-1 de NaCl foi suficiente para reduzir significativamente o tempo de cocção. A hidratação dos grãos de feijão propiciou a redução no tempo de cocção, sendo necessárias 12,5 horas para a máxima hidratação, independente dos genótipos avaliados.This study aimed to investigate the effect of adding different doses of NaCl in hydration water, during different times, in order to reduce cooking time. Although considered a major producer and one of the largest bean consumers, Brazil has been experiencing a gradual decrease in consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to facilitate the preparation of beans to increase its consumption and production. This study was conducted at the experimental area of the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Plant Breeding at UDESC - IMEGEM, in the city of Lages, SC-Brazil. We evaluated the effect of three doses of NaCL (0, 50 e 125 g L-1 in two genotypes of beans (Pérola and IPR Uirapuru, hydrated at three different times (0.5, 9, and 18 hours. The results revealed a

  17. Determination of advanced glycation endproducts in cooked meat products. (United States)

    Chen, Gengjun; Smith, J Scott


    Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), a pathogenic factor implicated in diabetes and other chronic diseases, are produced in cooked meat products. The objective of this study was to determine the AGE content, as measured by Nε-carboxymethyllysine (CML) levels, in cooked chicken, pork, beef and fish (salmon and tilapia) prepared by three common cooking methods used by U.S. consumers: frying, baking, and broiling. The CML was detected in all the cooked samples, but the levels were dependent on types of meat, cooking conditions, and the final internal temperature. Broiling and frying at higher cooking temperature produced higher levels of CML, and broiled beef contained the highest CML content (21.8μg/g). Baked salmon (8.6μg/g) and baked tilapia (9.7μg/g) contained less CML as compared to the other muscle food samples. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Cooking frequency may enhance survival in Taiwanese elderly. (United States)

    Chen, Rosalind Chia-Yu; Lee, Meei-Shyuan; Chang, Yu-Hung; Wahlqvist, Mark L


    To investigate the association between cooking behaviour and long-term survival among elderly Taiwanese. Cohort study. The duration of follow-up was the interval between the date of interview and the date of death or 31 December 2008, when censored for survivors. Information used included demographics, socio-economic status, health behaviours, cooking frequencies, physical function, cognitive function, nutrition knowledge awareness, eating out habits and food and nutrient intakes. These data were linked to death records. Cox proportional-hazards models were used to evaluate cooking frequency on death from 1999 to 2008 with related covariate adjustments. Elderly Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan, 1999-2000. Nationally representative free-living elderly people aged ≥65 years (n 1888). During a 10-year follow-up, 695 participants died. Those who cooked most frequently were younger, women, unmarried, less educated, non-drinkers of alcohol, non-smokers, without chewing difficulty, had spouse as dinner companion, normal cognition, who walked or shopped more than twice weekly, who ate less meat and more vegetables. Highly frequent cooking (>5 times/week, compared with never) predicted survival (hazard ratio (HR) = 0·47; 95 % CI, 0·36, 0·61); with adjustment for physical function, cognitive function, nutrition knowledge awareness and other covariates, HR was 0·59 (95 % CI, 0·41, 0·86). Women benefited more from cooking more frequently than did men, with decreased HR, 51 % v. 24 %, when most was compared with least. A 2-year delay in the assessment of survivorship led to similar findings. Cooking behaviour favourably predicts survivorship. Highly frequent cooking may favour women more than men.

  19. An evidence-based conceptual framework of healthy cooking

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    Margaret Raber


    Full Text Available Eating out of the home has been positively associated with body weight, obesity, and poor diet quality. While cooking at home has declined steadily over the last several decades, the benefits of home cooking have gained attention in recent years and many healthy cooking projects have emerged around the United States. The purpose of this study was to develop an evidence-based conceptual framework of healthy cooking behavior in relation to chronic disease prevention. A systematic review of the literature was undertaken using broad search terms. Studies analyzing the impact of cooking behaviors across a range of disciplines were included. Experts in the field reviewed the resulting constructs in a small focus group. The model was developed from the extant literature on the subject with 59 studies informing 5 individual constructs (frequency, techniques and methods, minimal usage, flavoring, and ingredient additions/replacements, further defined by a series of individual behaviors. Face validity of these constructs was supported by the focus group. A validated conceptual model is a significant step toward better understanding the relationship between cooking, disease and disease prevention and may serve as a base for future assessment tools and curricula.

  20. Alternative Fuels Data Center: Recycled Cooking Oil Powers Biodiesel (United States)

    Vehicles in Vermont Recycled Cooking Oil Powers Biodiesel Vehicles in Vermont to someone by E -mail Share Alternative Fuels Data Center: Recycled Cooking Oil Powers Biodiesel Vehicles in Vermont on Facebook Tweet about Alternative Fuels Data Center: Recycled Cooking Oil Powers Biodiesel Vehicles in

  1. Development and Performance Evaluation of Charcoal-Fired Cooking Stoves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ndirika, V. I. O.


    Three different sizes of cooking stoves which utilizes charcoal as source of fuel with fuel capacities 15.7 kg, 10.6 kg and 3.5 kg for the large, medium and small stoves respectively were designed and fabricated for domestic cooking of food by the rural communities. The stoves were evaluated for performance in terms of fuel efficiency, fuel consumption rate, cooking efficiency and boiling time during testing operation with water. From the result it was revealed that the rate of fuel consumption for the large, medium and small cooking stove were 7.2 kg/h, 5.9 kg/h and 2.3 kg/h respectively, and their fuel efficiencies were 88%, 86% and 82% respectively. Also the cooking efficiencies of these stoves were 94%, 83% and 72% respectively. A comparative evaluation of the cooking efficiencies, fuel efficiencies, fuel consumption rate and cooking time between the three types of stoves and the traditional three stone open fire system, reveals that the cooking efficiencies and fuel efficiencies obtained were greater than the values obtained with the traditional three stone open fire system. But the values of the fuel consumption rate and boiling time obtained for the three stoves were lower than the values obtained with the traditional system. And the difference between their means was statistically significant at 5 % level of significance

  2. Characterization of volatile organic compounds from different cooking emissions (United States)

    Cheng, Shuiyuan; Wang, Gang; Lang, Jianlei; Wen, Wei; Wang, Xiaoqi; Yao, Sen


    Cooking fume is regarded as one of the main sources of urban atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and its chemical characteristics would be different among various cooking styles. In this study, VOCs emitted from four different Chinese cooking styles were collected. VOCs concentrations and emission characteristics were analyzed. The results demonstrated that Barbecue gave the highest VOCs concentrations (3494 ± 1042 μg/m3), followed by Hunan cuisine (494.3 ± 288.8 μg/m3), Home cooking (487.2 ± 139.5 μg/m3), and Shandong cuisine (257.5 ± 98.0 μg/m3). The volume of air drawn through the collection hood over the stove would have a large impact on VOCs concentration in the exhaust. Therefore, VOCs emission rates (ER) and emission factors (EF) were also estimated. Home cooking had the highest ER levels (12.2 kg/a) and Barbecue had the highest EF levels (0.041 g/kg). The abundance of alkanes was higher in Home cooking, Shandong cuisine and Hunan cuisine with the value of 59.4%-63.8%, while Barbecue was mainly composed of alkanes (34.7%) and alkenes (39.9%). The sensitivity species of Home cooking and Hunan cuisine were alkanes, and that of Shandong cuisine and Barbecue were alkenes. The degree of stench pollution from cooking fume was lighter.

  3. System and technique for ultrasonic determination of degree of cooking

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bond, Leonard J [Richland, WA; Diaz, Aaron A [W. Richland, WA; Judd, Kayte M [Richland, WA; Pappas, Richard A [Richland, WA; Cliff, William C [Richland, WA; Pfund, David M [Richland, WA; Morgen, Gerald P [Kennewick, WA


    A method and apparatus are described for determining the doneness of food during a cooking process. Ultrasonic signal are passed through the food during cooking. The change in transmission characteristics of the ultrasonic signal during the cooking process is measured to determine the point at which the food has been cooked to the proper level. In one aspect, a heated fluid cooks the food, and the transmission characteristics along a fluid-only ultrasonic path provides a reference for comparison with the transmission characteristics for a food-fluid ultrasonic path.

  4. Effect of added phosphate and type of cooking method on physico-chemical and sensory features of cooked lamb loins. (United States)

    Roldán, Mar; Antequera, Teresa; Pérez-Palacios, Trinidad; Ruiz, Jorge


    This study evaluated the effect of brining with phosphates on the physico-chemical and sensory features of sous-vide and roasted cooked lamb. Lamb loins (n=48) were injected with either 10% w/w of distilled water or a solution containing 0.2% or 0.4% (w/v) of a mixture of phosphate salts. After injection, samples were either sous-vide cooked (12h-60°C) or oven roasted (180°C until 73°C of core temp.). Expressible moisture, cooking loss, instrumental color, pH, water holding capacity, instrumental texture and sensory properties were evaluated. Brining with phosphates led to lower cooking loss in both sous-vide and oven roasted samples, but only the former showed significantly higher moisture content. Phosphates increased instrumental hardness and shear force values in sous-vide samples, while this effect was not as evident in roasted ones. Toughness was reduced and juiciness was improved as a consequence of phosphate addition. Overall, injection of a phosphate solution appears as a potential procedure for improving sensory textural features of cooked lamb whole cuts. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Magdaléna Lacko - Bartošová


    Full Text Available At present, there are limited and incomplete data on the ability of spelt to produce alimentary pasta of suitable quality. Noodles are traditional cereal-based food that is becoming increasingly popular worldwide because of its convenience, nutritional qualities, and palatability. It is generally accepted that texture is the main criterion for assessing overall quality of cooked noodles. We present selected indicators of noodle texture of three spelt cultivars – Oberkulmer Rotkorn, Rubiota and Franckenkorn grown in an ecological system at the locality of Dolna Malanta near Nitra. A texture analyzer TA.XT PLUS was used to determine cooked spelt wheat noodle firmness (N (AACC 66-50. The texture of cooked spelt wheat noodles was expressed also as elasticity (N and extensibility (mm. Statistical analysis showed significant influence of the variety and year of growing on the firmness, elasticity and extensibility of cooked noodles. The wholemeal spelt wheat noodles were characterized with lower cutting firmness than the flour noodles. Flour noodles were more tensile than wholemeal noodles. The best elasticity and extensibility of flour noodles was found in noodles prepared from Rubiota however from wholemeal noodles it was Oberkulmer Rotkorn. Spelt wheat is suitable for noodle production, however also here it is necessary to differentiate between varieties. According to achieved results, wholemeal noodles prepared from Oberkulmer Rotkorn can be recommended for noodle industry due to their consistent structure and better texture quality after cooking.

  6. Determinants of market production of cooking banana in Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The factors that influence farmers' decisions to produce cooking banana for market in southeast Nigeria were examined. Data were collected from a ... Results of the study indicate that about 80% of the farmers interviewed produce cooking banana both for household consumption and for sale. The proportion of cooking ...

  7. Professional cooking: new approaches; Restauration professionnelle: nouvelles approches

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Cegibat, the information-recommendation agency of Gaz de France for building engineering professionals, has organized this conference meeting on professional cooking to present the existing gas solutions to manage together the space heating, the air conditioning, the refrigeration and the cooking: evolution of markets with new consumer habits, natural gas technologies and innovations, architecture of cooking rooms: esthetics and functionality, opening of energy markets and new gas supplying contracts. (J.S.)

  8. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: XIV - Competição de variedades comerciais em Monte Alegre do Sul Coffee breeding: XIV - Comparative trial of commercial varieties of coffee in Monte Alegre do Sul

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Antunes Filho


    Full Text Available Em fins de 1949 foi plantado na Estação Experimental de Monte Alegre do Sul um ensaio de variedades comerciais de café, cujos resultados, abrangendo seis anos de produção, são analisados e discutidos neste trabalho. A Estação Experimental de Monte Alegre do Sul situa-se em solo do tipo massapê-salmourão e apresenta a topogrofía acidentado que caracteriza extensa região cafeeira dos Estados de São Paulo e de Minas Gerais. A finalidade do ensaio é a de verificar o comportamento de diversas variedades, em comparação ao café Nacional, que ainda hoje é a variedade predominante nas fazendas que conservaram parte dos seus antigos cafèzais. As seguintes variedades acham-se representadas no experimento: Nacional, Amarelo de Botucatu, Bourbon Vermelho, Bourbon Amarelo, Mundo Novo, Caturra Vermelho, Caturra Amarelo, Laurina, Moragogipe A. D. e Semperflorens. Com exclusão do café Nacional, representado pela descendência de plantas típicos encontrados na própria Estação Experimental, as demais voriedades são formadas pela mistura de progênies de cafeeiros selecionados pela Seção de Genética do Instituto Agronômico, em Campinas. Como delineamento experimental adotou-se o de blocos incompletos com seis repetições. Ao fim de seis anos de colheitas a análise estatística revelou que a variedade Mundo Novo produziu significativamente mais do que as nove restantes. Em segundo plano classificou-se o Bourbon Amarelo, cuja produção, porém, não difere de modo significativo das que se verificaram para o Bourbon Vermelho, Caturra Amarelo e Caturra Vermelho. As quatro variedades com as maiores produções totais, em kg de frutos maduros (Mundo Novo, Bourbon Amarelo, Bourbon Vermelho e Caturra Amarelo, produziram significativamente mais do que as variedades antigas, como o Nacional e Amarelo de Botucatu, e mais tambem do que os variedades de menor interêsse comercial, como Maragagipe A. D., Laurina e Semperflorens. Os resultados s

  9. Increasing intention to cook from basic ingredients: A randomised controlled study. (United States)

    Lavelle, Fiona; Hollywood, Lynsey; Caraher, Martin; McGowan, Laura; Spence, Michelle; Surgenor, Dawn; McCloat, Amanda; Mooney, Elaine; Raats, Monique; Dean, Moira


    The promotion of home cooking is a strategy used to improve diet quality and health. However, modern home cooking typically includes the use of processed food which can lead to negative outcomes including weight gain. In addition, interventions to improve cooking skills do not always explain how theory informed their design and implementation. The Behaviour Change Technique (BCT) taxonomy successfully employed in other areas has identified essential elements for interventions. This study investigated the effectiveness of different instructional modes for learning to cook a meal, designed using an accumulating number of BCTs, on participant's perceived difficulty, enjoyment, confidence and intention to cook from basic ingredients. 141 mothers aged between 20 and 39 years from the island of Ireland were randomised to one of four conditions based on BCTs (1) recipe card only [control condition]; (2) recipe card plus video modelling; (3) recipe card plus video prompting; (4) recipe card plus video elements. Participants rated their enjoyment, perceived difficulty, confidence and intention to cook again pre, mid and post experiment. Repeated one-way factorial ANOVAs, correlations and a hierarchical regression model were conducted. Despite no significant differences between the different conditions, there was a significant increase in enjoyment (P cook from basics again (P cook from basics pre-experiment, and confidence and enjoyment (both pre and post experiment) significantly contributed to the final regression model explaining 42% of the variance in intention to cook from basics again. Cooking interventions should focus on practical cooking and increasing participants' enjoyment and confidence during cooking to increase intention to cook from basic ingredients at home. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Evaluation of Cooking Oil as Processing Addtive for Natural Rubber

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    Y. M. SYAMIN


    Full Text Available It was reported recently that high amount of aromatic ring  or number of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds found in aromatic oil are carcinogenic. This paper discusses the work to evaluate the Malaysian cooking oil as an alternative option to be used as process oil since cooking oil is safe to use and non-toxic. The performance of cooking oil is compared againstaromatic and paraffinioils. The results showed that rubber compounds containing cooking oil produced almostsimilar cure characteristicsas those produced by aromatic and paraffinioils indicating that it did not interfere with the vulcanization reaction. The physical properties of the vulcanizates containing cooking oil were almostsimilar to those of vulcanizates containing aromatic and paraffinioils, except the rebound resilience. The vulcanizates containing cooking oil gave higher resilience than vulcanizates containing aromatic and paraffinioils. High resilience is one of the desired features for a low rolling resistance tyre. Cooking oil provided this extra advantage.

  11. 46 CFR 169.685 - Electric heating and cooking equipment. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Electric heating and cooking equipment. 169.685 Section... More on Vessels of Less Than 100 Gross Tons § 169.685 Electric heating and cooking equipment. (a) Each...) All electric cooking equipment, attachments, and devices, must be of rugged construction and so...

  12. PM2.5 in Dutch dwellings due to cooking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jacobs, P.; Borsboom, W.A.; Kemp, R.E.J.


    Cooking emissions have long been seen as an odour problem. However recent studies showed that Particulate Matter (PM) is the main health risk of indoor air and cooking can be a major source. A small field study within 9 Dutch dwellings indicates that depending on the conditions cooking can have a

  13. Physicochemical changes in nontraditional pasta during cooking (United States)

    Changes in biochemical components of non-traditional spaghetti during cooking were reflected in the quality of the cooked product. Spaghetti samples were made from traditional and non-traditional formulations including semolina 100%, whole wheat flour 100%, semolina-whole wheat flour (49:51), semol...

  14. Capacidade de suporte de carga e umidade crítica de um Latossolo induzida por diferentes manejos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cezar Francisco Araujo-Junior


    Full Text Available Os diferentes manejos de plantas invasoras em lavouras cafeeiras têm promovido alterações estruturais aos solos, comprometendo a sua qualidade física. Assim, o conhecimento da capacidade de suporte de carga do solo sob diferentes sistemas de manejo de plantas invasoras é essencial para o manejo sustentável do solo de lavouras cafeeiras. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: (a avaliar a influência da adoção, durante 30 anos, de diferentes sistemas de manejo de plantas invasoras na capacidade de suporte de carga de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico (LVdf cultivado com cafeeiros e localizado na Fazenda da Epamig em São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG (Latitude de 20 º 55 ' 00 " S e Longitude 47 º 07 ' 10 " W ; b determinar a tensão máxima (σmax aplicada ao solo por um trator; e c estabelecer as umidades volumétricas críticas (θcrítica para o tráfego de um trator. Os manejos de plantas invasoras avaliados foram: sem capina (SCAP; capina manual (CAPM; herbicida de pós-emergência (HPOS; roçadora (ROÇA; enxada rotativa (ENRT; grade (GRAD; e herbicida de pré-emergência (HPRE. Em cada sistema de manejo, 15 amostras indeformadas de solo foram coletadas aleatoriamente no centro das entrelinhas dos cafeeiros, nas profundidades de 0-3, 10-13 e 25-28 cm, totalizando 315 amostras. Em uma mata nativa (MATA sob LVdf, adjacente à área de estudo, foram coletadas 15 amostras adicionais por profundidade, as quais serviram de referência dos atributos avaliados. Os equipamentos utilizados no manejo da lavoura cafeeira foram tracionados por um trator cafeeiro Valmet® modelo 68. Para determinar a θcrítica para o tráfego do trator, foram consideradas apenas aquelas tensões que não excedem a resistência interna do solo expressa pela pressão de preconsolidação. As amostras indeformadas foram utilizadas para determinar a pressão de preconsolidação (σp em diferentes umidades volumétricas (θ e obtenção da densidade do solo (Ds. A

  15. More than preparing a meal? Concerning the meanings of home cooking. (United States)

    Daniels, Sarah; Glorieux, Ignace; Minnen, Joeri; van Tienoven, Theun Pieter


    Cooking is one of the basic activities in our lives. However, people frequently feel they fall short of time to cook when facing problems with the temporal organization of daily life. How people think about home cooking is considered to be important for the time they spend on preparing meals. It is assumed that the meaning of cooking differs for different people, depending on the temporal and social context. This contribution allows us to clarify how the meaning of cooking varies according to individual and household characteristics and the cooking occasion. By using the pooled time-diary data from the Flemish time-use surveys from 1999 and 2004 we can examine people's views on cooking in order to understand how people use time for food preparation. Although the results suggest that people consider cooking primarily as a household chore, preparing food can also be a way to please others, as well as themselves. It seems that feelings of time pressure and the family situation are clearly related to men's and women's cooking experiences. Furthermore, the meaning of cooking also tends to be clearly influenced by the meal situation and (the moment of) the day. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Influence of a School-Based Cooking Course on Students' Food Preferences, Cooking Skills, and Confidence. (United States)

    Zahr, Rola; Sibeko, Lindiwe


    A quasi-experimental study was conducted to evaluate the influence of Project CHEF, a hands-on cooking and tasting program offered in Vancouver public schools, on students' food preferences, cooking skills, and confidence. Grade 4 and 5 students in an intervention group (n = 68) and a comparison group (n = 32) completed a survey at baseline and 2 to 3 weeks later. Students who participated in Project CHEF reported an increased familiarity and preference for the foods introduced through the program. This was statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) for broccoli, swiss chard, carrots, and quinoa. A higher percentage of students exposed to Project CHEF reported a statistically significant increase (P ≤ 0.05) in: cutting vegetables and fruit (97% vs 81%), measuring ingredients (67% vs 44%), using a knife (94% vs 82%), and making a balanced meal on their own (69% vs 34%). They also reported a statistically significant increase (P ≤ 0.05) in confidence making the recipes introduced in the program: fruit salad (85% vs 81%), minestrone soup (25% vs 10%), and vegetable tofu stir fry (39% vs 26%). Involving students in hands-on cooking and tasting programs can increase their preferences for unpopular or unfamiliar foods and provide them with the skills and cooking confidence they need to prepare balanced meals.

  17. Adolescent Cooking Abilities and Behaviors: Associations With Nutrition and Emotional Well-Being. (United States)

    Utter, Jennifer; Denny, Simon; Lucassen, Mathijs; Dyson, Ben


    To determine the relationship between cooking and selected indicators of diet quality, mental well-being, and family relationships. Data were collected as part of Youth'12, a nationally representative health and well-being survey. Secondary schools in New Zealand. A total of 8,500 students. Cooking ability and frequency of cooking, nutritional behaviors, mental well-being, depressive symptoms, and family connections. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the relationships between cooking ability/frequency and indicators of health and well-being, controlling for the sociodemographic characteristics of students. Approximately 80% of students reported that they can cook a meal from basic ingredients either fairly or very easily. Reported cooking ability was positively associated with better nutritional indicators, better mental health indicators, and stronger family connections (P = .01). For example, adolescents reporting the greatest cooking abilities were approximately twice as likely to meet the recommendations for fruits and vegetables (odds ratio, 2.1; 95% confidence interval, 1.6-2.8). Likewise, adolescents reporting the greatest cooking abilities also reported lower levels of depressive symptoms (P cooking ability. However, greater cooking ability was also associated with higher body mass index (P cooking, although not for young people who cook most days. Learning to cook and having the opportunity to cook may provide a unique means for adolescents to develop life skills and contribute positively to their families. Future research examining the relationships between cooking and health may include measures beyond nutrition, such as social relationships and emotional well-being. Copyright © 2016 Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Improvement of cassava cooking quality through mutation breeding

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asare, E; Safo-Kantanka, O [Department of Crop Science, Univ. of Science and Technology, Kumasi (Ghana)


    Many high-yielding cassava varieties do not have the desired cooking quality. The objective of this project was to induce mutations to produce varieties with improved cooking quality while maintaining the disease-resistance and high-yielding characteristics. A cassava mutant (ISU-W) was obtained after irradiation of a variety from IITA with gamma rays and selection. Cuttings of the mutant were grown for 12 months in a field trial and investigated for tuber yield and cooking quality. Pest and disease incidence were monitored during the entire growth period. The results showed that the mutant retained the high-yield and disease resistant characters of the parent, and had improved cooking quality based on increased smoothness, mealiness and elasticity of the flour. (author). 7 refs, 5 tabs.

  19. Improvement of cassava cooking quality through mutation breeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asare, E.; Safo-Kantanka, O.


    Many high-yielding cassava varieties do not have the desired cooking quality. The objective of this project was to induce mutations to produce varieties with improved cooking quality while maintaining the disease-resistance and high-yielding characteristics. A cassava mutant (ISU-W) was obtained after irradiation of a variety from IITA with gamma rays and selection. Cuttings of the mutant were grown for 12 months in a field trial and investigated for tuber yield and cooking quality. Pest and disease incidence were monitored during the entire growth period. The results showed that the mutant retained the high-yield and disease resistant characters of the parent, and had improved cooking quality based on increased smoothness, mealiness and elasticity of the flour. (author). 7 refs, 5 tabs

  20. 7 CFR 58.728 - Cooking the batch. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Cooking the batch. 58.728 Section 58.728 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards... Procedures § 58.728 Cooking the batch. Each batch of cheese within the cooker, including the optional...

  1. Aspectos anatômicos da variegação na folha do cafeeiro Anatomical features of leaf variegation in coffee plants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. M. Dedecca


    Full Text Available Dois casos de variegação da fôlha do cafeeiro são estudados sob o ponto de vista anatômico, descrevendo-se, sobretudo, as diferenças histológicas que ocorrem em relação à constituição anatômica das fôlhas verdes, normais. No primeiro caso, as fôlhas variegadas são regulares na forma e na textura e embora exibam os mais diversos tipos de variegação, a sua constituição histológica é bastante idêntica à das fôlhas verdes das plantas normais. A variegação parece ser, então, devida a certos distúrbios no mecanismo da formação da clorofila, resultando no aparecimento de cloroplastos grandes, verdes e normais e cloroplastos pequenos, amarelados e anormais. Os diferentes tipos de variegação observados podem ser atribuídos à distribuição ao acaso de células contendo uma das duas categorias de cloroplastos citados. No segundo exemplo, sòmente um tipo de variegação ocorre em tôda a planta, e o fenômeno mostra-se muito mais complexo, pois as fõlhas além de variegação apresentam diversas irregularidades na forma e na textura da lâmina foliar. Neste caso, o estudo anatômico revelou que os cloroplastos são sempre normais, podendo a variegação ser atribuída à presença de uma hipoderme hialina, constituída de uma a três camadas de células, aparecendo logo abaixo da epiderme superior ou adaxial da fôlha. As anormalidades na forma e na textura do limbo foliar, por sua vez, seriam causadas pela ausência de um verdadeiro parênquima paliçádico, que nas diversas regiões da fôlha exibe todos os graus de desorganização, desde a sua completa ausência até à sua presença sob a forma de pequenos massiços de células paliçádicas. Como explicação para o fenômeno sugere-se que distúrbios de qualquer espécie, ocorridos durante o desenvolvimento ontogenético da folha, determinaram a divisão das células do protoderma segundo planos periclinais, disso originando-se a hipoderme hialina já mencionada

  2. Spent brewer's yeast extract as an ingredient in cooked hams. (United States)

    Pancrazio, Gaston; Cunha, Sara C; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Loureiro, Mónica; Meireles, Sónia; Ferreira, Isabel M P L V O; Pinho, Olívia


    This work describes the effect of the incorporation of 1% spent yeast extract into cooked hams. Physical/chemical/sensorial characteristics and changes during 12 and 90days storage were evaluated on control and treated cooked hams processed for 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 or 3h. Spent yeast extract addition increased hardness, chewiness, ash, protein and free amino acid content. Similar volatile profiles were obtained, although there were some quantitative differences. No advantages were observed for increased cooking time. No significant differences were observed for physical and sensorial parameters of cooked hams with spent yeast extract at 12 and 90days post production, but His, aldehydes and esters increased at the end of storage. This behaviour was similar to that observed for control hams. The higher hardness of cooked ham with 1% yeast extract was due to the stronger gel formed during cooking and was maintained during storage. This additive acts as gel stabilizer for cooked ham production and could potentially improve other processing characteristics. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Effect of cooking on radionuclide concentrations in waterfowl tissues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halford, D.K.


    Twenty-four commercially raised mallar ducks (Anas platyrhyncos) were released at the Test Reactor Area radioactive leaching ponds, and subsequently collected 56 to 188 days later. Liver, gizzard, and carcass were analyzed for radionuclide concentrations before and after cooking. Significant decreases (P 137 Cs, 134 Cs, 60 Co, 140 La and /sup 110m/Ag concentrations in carcass and liver samples occurred after cooking. Radionuclide concentrations in gizzard showed no significant change in radionuclide concentrations after cooking. Cesium-134 and 137 Cs concentrations decreased by 27% in carcass after cooking and reduced the dose commitment to man by that amount

  4. 46 CFR 130.220 - Design of equipment for cooking and heating. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Design of equipment for cooking and heating. 130.220... Design of equipment for cooking and heating. (a) Doors on each cooking appliance must be provided with heavy-duty hinges and locking-devices to prevent accidental opening in heavy weather. (b) Each cooking...

  5. Optimization of the Quality and Safety of Cooked Seafood Products


    Brookmire, Lauren


    Seafood products are a common consumer choice and a variety of cooking methods are used in seafood preparation. Although often cooked, products such as shrimp and salmon remain some of the most common carriers of foodborne disease. Cooking these products at elevated temperatures efficiently reduces foodborne disease causing pathogens to a safe level, but applying too much heat to seafood products can produce an overcooked, low quality food. It is necessary to investigate the cooking proces...

  6. Cooking activity for patients with Alzheimer’s disease: a review


    Shang-Qun Gong; Chu-Yun Cui; Hui Zhang; Fan-Jie Meng


    As a degenerative nervous system disease, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), can damage memory and cognitive function. Cooking activity, an instrumental activity of daily life, is one of the non-pharmacological therapies with positive effect on AD. Here, we review the effectiveness of cooking activity on AD. This paper shows that cooking activity can not only improve patient’s emotional state and alleviate the conduct disorder, but also ease the burden of professional caregiver. Cooking activity also ...

  7. Effect of Dietary Fiber Enrichment and Different Cooking Methods on Quality of Chicken Nuggets. (United States)

    Pathera, Ashok K; Riar, C S; Yadav, Sanjay; Sharma, D P


    The effect of dietary fiber enrichment (wheat bran) and cooking methods (oven, steam and microwave) on functional and physico-chemical properties of raw nuggets formulation as well as nutritional, color and textural properties of chicken nuggets were analyzed in this study. Among different cooking methods used for nuggets preparation, steam cooked nuggets had significantly ( p cooking yield (97.16%) and total dietary fiber content (4.32%) in comparison to oven and microwave cooked nuggets. The effect of cooking methods and wheat bran incorporation was also noticed on textural properties of the nuggets. Hardness, firmness and toughness values of oven and steam cooked nuggets were significantly ( p cooked nuggets. Among nuggets prepared by different cooking methods, cohesiveness of microwave cooked nuggets was found to be significantly ( p cooked nuggets had significantly ( p cooked nuggets were found to be better among all nuggets due to their higher cooking yield and dietary fiber content.

  8. 36 CFR 13.320 - Preference to Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated. (United States)


    ... Region, Incorporated. 13.320 Section 13.320 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL PARK SERVICE... to Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated. (a) The Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated (CIRI), in cooperation with village corporations within the Cook Inlet region when appropriate, will have a right of first...

  9. Cooking breakfast after a brain injury

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    Annick N. Tanguay


    Full Text Available Acquired brain injury (ABI often compromises the ability to carry out instrumental activities of daily living such as cooking. ABI patients’ difficulties with executive functions and memory result in less independent and efficient meal preparation. Accurately assessing safety and proficiency in cooking is essential for successful community reintegration following ABI, but in vivo assessment of cooking by clinicians is time-consuming, costly, and difficult to standardize. Accordingly, we examined the usefulness of a computerized meal preparation task (the Breakfast Task; Craik & Bialystok, 2006 as an indicator of real life meal preparation skills. Twenty-two ABI patients and 22 age-matched controls completed the Breakfast Task and the Rehabilitation Activities of Daily Living Survey (RADLS; Salmon, 2003. Patients also prepared actual meals, and were rated by members of the clinical team. As expected, the ABI patients had significant difficulty on all aspects of the Breakfast Task (failing to have all their foods ready at the same time, over- and under-cooking foods, setting fewer places at the table, and so on relative to controls. Surprisingly, however, patients’ Breakfast Task performance was not correlated with their in vivo meal preparation. These results indicate caution when endeavoring to replace traditional evaluation methods with computerized tasks for the sake of expediency.

  10. Electric paralyzation and reduction of weight loss in the processing of round-cooked spiny lobsters Paralisação elétrica da lagosta e redução da perda de peso no processamento de lagosta inteira-cozida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masayoshi Ogawa


    Full Text Available This study proposes alternatives to the current methods of processing round-cooked lobster. The paralyzation of lobsters with direct electric shock consumes 10.526 x 10-3 kWh, which is significantly less than the 11 kWh required by the traditional thermal-shock method (based on 60 kg of lobsters. A better weight gain was obtained by immersion of paralyzed lobsters in brine before cooking. Systematic trials combining 3, 6, or 9% brine concentrations with immersion periods of 15, 30, or 45 minutes were performed in order to determine the best combinations. A mathematical model was designed to predict the weight gain of lobsters of different sizes in any combination of treatments. For small lobsters, a 45 minutes immersion in 6% brine gave the best response in terms of weight gain (4.7% and cooking produced a weight loss of only 1.34% in relation to fresh lobster weight. For medium-sized lobsters, a 45 minutes immersion in 9% brine produced a weight gain of 2.64%, and cooking a weight gain of 1.08%. For large lobsters, a 45 minutes immersion in 6% brine produced a weight gain of 3.87%, and cooking a weight gain of 1.62%.O presente estudo propõe alternativas aos métodos convencionais de processamento da lagosta inteira-cozida. Para a paralisação de 60 kg de lagosta com aplicação de choque elétrico, foram consumidos 10,526 x 10-3 kWh, valor significativamente inferior aos 11 kWh requeridos pelo método tradicional de choque térmico. Um maior ganho de peso foi obtido pela imersão de lagostas paralisadas em salmoura antes do cozimento. Experimentos combinando as concentrações de salmoura a 3, 6 e 9% com os tempos de imersão de 15, 30 ou 45 minutos foram realizados. Um modelo matemático foi ajustado para predizer o rendimento de peso de lagostas de diferentes tamanhos para as combinações de tratamentos testadas. Para lagostas pequenas, um tempo de imersão de 45 minutos em salmoura a 6% apresentou a melhor resposta em termos de ganho de

  11. Poda de raízes e adubação para crescimento do cafeeiro cultivado em colunas de solo Root pruning and fertilization for growth of coffee plants cultivated in soil columns

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    Víctor Hugo Alvarez V.


    Full Text Available Em casa de vegetação, foram estudados os efeitos de níveis de fertilidade, poda de raízes e adubação localizada sobre o crescimento da parte aérea e do sistema radicular de plantas de cafeeiro cultivar Catuaí Vermelho. Amostras subsuperficiais (30 a 70 cm de um LVA de Viçosa-MG foram acondicionadas em colunas de PVC compostas por três anéis de 15 cm de altura e 20 cm de diâmetro. Quatro tratamentos com três níveis de fertilidade [baixo (FB; médio (FM; alto (FA e médio sem corte de raízes, em apenas dois anéis (FM2], foram instalados antes do plantio, utilizando três níveis de calagem e três doses de esterco de galinha. As doses de P e K aplicadas no plantio foram inversamente proporcionais aos níveis de fertilidade propostos. Oito meses após o plantio, o anel inferior foi retirado, podando-se o sistema radicular. As amostras de solo do anel inferior foram substituídas por novas amostras nas quais foram aplicadas quatro adubações localizadas [baixa (AB; média (AM; alta (AA e média mais esterco de galinha (AM2]. Dezessete meses após o plantio, foram feitas avaliações da parte aérea e do sistema radicular. A altura das plantas e o número de ramos decresceram linearmente com o nível de fertilidade, em razão das menores doses de P e K adicionadas na adubação de plantio. Esta tendência também foi observada na produção de matéria seca da parte aérea; entretanto, o crescimento do sistema radicular não foi afetado. A poda de raízes não influiu no crescimento e na produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, exceto quando se adicionou esterco de galinha na adubação localizada no nível de fertilidade média, promovendo, neste caso, efeito negativo. As adubações localizadas no nível de fertilidade baixo não afetaram o crescimento da parte aérea nem do sistema radicular; no nível médio, verificou-se efeito quadrático positivo e, no nível alto, observou-se aumento linear no crescimento

  12. Energy Efficient Cooking - The EffiCooker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schjær-Jacobsen, Jørgen


    Substantial energy savings in moist heat cooking may be achieved by employing a pan with integrated electric heating element rather than an ordinary pan on a conventional electric range. The electric pan should be thermally insulated and equipped with an "intelligent" controller and timer....... A working prototype of a saucepan, dubbed the EffiCooker, has been constructed according to these guidelines. The EffiCooker has demonstrated energy savings in the range from 28% to 81% compared to conventional equipment when performing ordinary cooking tasks. The user need not be particularly aware...... of energy conservation to realize such savings; even those who are more concerned with their culinary achievements than with energy efficiency are likely to benefit. Besides being energy efficient the EffiCooker is user friendly. Many cooking tasks, once initiated, are performed automatically without any...

  13. Used cooking oil as a green chemical admixture in concrete

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salmia, B; Sidek, L M; Hidayah, B; Muda, Zakaria Che; Alam, Md Ashraful


    According to National Statistics Approximately 1.35 billion gallons of used oil are generated yearly. With the increasing of the concrete usage, a more cost effective and economic new type of admixtures may give positive impacts on the Malaysian construction building as well as worldwide concrete usage. To objective of this is study is to investigate the effect of used cooking oil in terms of slump test, compressive strength test and rebound hammer. By adding the used cooking oil to the concrete, it increases the slump value from 4% to 72%. And the compressive strength have an increment from 1% to 16.8%. The used cooking oil obtains the optimum contribution to the concrete mix proportion of containing used cooking oil of 1.50% from the cement content. The result of used cooking oil from experimental program of slump value and compressive strength proved that used cooking oil have positive effects on replacement of commercially available superplasticizer.

  14. Métodos de controle de plantas daninhas no cafeeiro afetam os atributos químicos do solo Effects of weed control methods on coffee crop on soil chemical attributes

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    Elifas Nunes de Alcântara


    Full Text Available Nos ecossistemas agrícolas sob cafeeiro, nos quais o manejo do solo se resume, basicamente, à aplicação de corretivos, fertilizantes e controle de plantas daninhas, faz com que alternativas de manejo que preservam ou aumentam os teores de matéria orgânica no solo, a exemplo de alguns métodos de controle de plantas daninhas, sejam consideradas, quando se busca a sustentabilidade da cultura. Neste estudo o objetivo foi avaliar o efeito de alguns métodos comumente utilizadas na cultura do cafeeiro sobre os atributos químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico sob cafeeiro, durante 15 anos. Os tratamentos avaliados consistiram de sete métodos de controle, envolvendo o uso de roçadora (RC, grade (GR, enxada rotativa (ER, herbicida de pré-emergência (HPRE, herbicida de pós-emergência (HPOS, capina manual (CM e uma testemunha sem capina (TEST. Foram determinados, nas profundidades de 0-0,15m e 0,15-0,30m, os teores de P, K+, Ca2+ + Mg2+, soma de bases (SB, saturação por bases (V, CTC efetiva (t e potencial (T. Os resultados mostraram que o tratamento sem capina (TEST influenciou, positivamente, os teores de P, K+, Ca2+ + Mg2+, valores de CTC efetiva, potencial e V, enquanto o HPRE exerceu um efeito contrário, ou seja, de redução nos valores das variáveis analisadas. Demais métodos RC, GR, ER, HPOS e CM apresentam um comportamento intermediário entre os métodos TEST e HPRE sobre as condições de fertilidade do solo.In agricultural ecosystems under coffee cultivation, soil management is based on liming, fertilizers and weed control. Alternatives that preserve or increase soil organic matter content are considered when the sustainability is the goal. This study was conducted to evaluate the chemical attributes of a dystroferric Red Latosol (Oxisols under coffee cultivation submitted to 15 years of weed control methods. Seven interrows coffee plant weed control methods were used; a mower (RC, tanden disk harrow (GR, rotative

  15. Efeito de épocas de irrigação e de parcelamento de adubação sobre a produtividade do cafeeiro 'Catuaí' Effect of times of irrigation and splitting of fertilizer on the productivity of 'Catuaí' coffee plant

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    Gilberto Coelho


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar o efeito de épocas de irrigação e de parcelamentos de adubação sobre a produtividade do cafeeiro. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdividas em faixas. O experimento foi composto por 4 blocos (repetições, cada bloco foi dividido em 4 parcelas, que receberam o efeito de diferentes parcelamentos de adubação (4, 12, 24 e 36 aplicações de fertilizantes, as parcelas foram subdivididas em 5 subparcelas, correspondentes às diferentes épocas de irrigação: "A" entre 01/06 e 30/09, "B" entre 15/07 e 30/09, "C" de 01 a 30/09, "D" entre 01/06 e 30/09 com adubação manual e "E" não irrigada. Promoveu-se análise de variância sobre os dados de produtividade, identificando-se que houve efeito apenas do fator épocas de irrigação sobre a mesma. O teste de comparação de médias possibilitou concluir que a irrigação entre 01/06 e 30/09, seja com o uso de fertirrigação ou com aplicação manual de fertilizantes, proporcionou as melhores médias de produtividade.This work aimed to evaluate the irrigation time and fertilizer splitting effects on coffee crop productivity. Random blocks with parcels subdivided into strips were the experimental design applied. The blocks had four replications and were divided into four plots. These plots (4, 12, 24 and 36 fertilizer applications were subdivided into five subplots associated to different irrigation times: "A" between 06/01 and 09/30, "B" between 07/15 and 09/30, "C" between 09/01 and 09/30, "D" between 06/01 and 09/30 with manual application of fertilizer and "E" without irrigation. Analysis of variance was applied to evaluate the coffee crop productivity, which showed that only the irrigation time factor was effective. The mean comparison test allowed concluding that irrigation between 06/01 and 09/30, with fertigation or with manual application of fertilizer, produced the best productivity means.

  16. Measurement of emissions of fine particulate organic matter from Chinese cooking (United States)

    He, Ling-Yan; Hu, Min; Huang, Xiao-Feng; Yu, Ben-De; Zhang, Yuan-Hang; Liu, De-Quan

    Cooking emissions may contribute significantly to atmospheric organic particles in urban environment in China, and thus need to be examined first for its chemical compositions and characteristics. The particulate organic emissions of the two cooking styles of Chinese cuisine, that is, Hunan Cooking and Cantonese Cooking, were characterized in Shenzhen. More than half of the PM 2.5 mass is due to organic compounds, and over 90 species of organic compounds were identified and quantified, accounting for 26.1% of bulk organic particle mass and 20.7% of PM 2.5. Fatty acids, diacids and steroids were the major organic compounds emitted from both styles of cooking. Of the quantified organic mass, over 90% was fatty acids. The mass of organic species, and the molecular distribution of n-alkanes and PAHs indicated the dissimilarities between the two different cooking styles, but generally the major parts of the organic particulate emissions of the two restaurants were similar, showing less difference than between Chinese and American cooking.

  17. Physicochemical properties of foal meat as affected by cooking methods. (United States)

    Lorenzo, José M; Cittadini, Aurora; Munekata, Paulo E; Domínguez, Rubén


    The present study deals with the effect of four different cooking techniques (roasting, grilling, microwave baking and frying with olive oil) on physicochemical parameters (cooking loss, WHC, texture and colour) and lipid oxidation (by TBARS measurement) of foal meat. Thermal treatments induced water loss (Pcooked in the grill (25.8%) and higher in foal samples cooked in the microwave (39.5%). As it was expected, all the cooking methods increased TBARS index, since high temperature during cooking seems to cause an increase of the lipid oxidation in foal steaks. Statistical analysis displayed that WHC was affected (Pcooking led to an increase of L*-value (lightness) and b*-value (yellowness), while a*-value (redness) markedly decreased in all samples. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Cooking activity for patients with Alzheimer’s disease: a review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shang-Qun Gong


    Full Text Available As a degenerative nervous system disease, Alzheimer’s disease (AD, can damage memory and cognitive function. Cooking activity, an instrumental activity of daily life, is one of the non-pharmacological therapies with positive effect on AD. Here, we review the effectiveness of cooking activity on AD. This paper shows that cooking activity can not only improve patient’s emotional state and alleviate the conduct disorder, but also ease the burden of professional caregiver. Cooking activity also has certain positive effects on patient’s cognition, autonomy and memory function. Now, as one of the instrumental activities of daily life, cooking activity has developed as a useful tool in the intervention trials, serious game, virtual reality training and assessment of daily living activities.

  19. Efeito de isolados de Paecilomyces lilacinus no desenvolvimento de cafezais e na população de Meloidogyne paranaensis Effect of isolates of Paecilomyces lilacinus on the development of coffee plantations and on the population of Meloidogyne paranaensis

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    Marina Capparelli Cadioli


    Full Text Available Com a finalidade de diminuir as perdas causadas pelos nematóides do gênero Meloidogyne (Goeldi, 1887 na cultura do cafeeiro, dentre as diversas medidas de manejo, o controle biológico com o fungo Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom., 1910 Samson, 1974 se destaca como uma alternativa de controle vantajosa, quer dos pontos de vista ecológico ou econômico. Assim, neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de 10 isolados de Paecilomyces lilacinus no controle de Meloidogyne paranaensis em cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L. cv. Icatú, em casa-de-vegetação. No experimento I, as mudas de cafeeiro foram transplantadas em solo onde foram, anteriormente, cultivados tomateiros para multiplicação de M. paranaensis mais 50 g de arroz colonizado com os 10 isolados. No segundo experimento, mudas de cafeeiro foram transplantadas para substrato solo e areia (1:1 juntamente com 50 g de arroz colonizado com os isolados. Em seguida, as mudas foram inoculadas com ± 5000 ovos de M. paranaensis. Nos dois experimentos, após 15 dias procedeu-se aplicação por cobertura de 50 g dos isolados. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com 12 tratamentos. Após 90 dias, foram feitas as avaliações. Os isolados de P. lilacinus não afetaram o diâmetro do caule de cafeeiro. No experimento I, os isolados Pae 22, 24 e 28 promoveram o crescimento dos cafeeiros; todos os isolados reduziram a população de ovos no sistema radicular; e os isolados Pae 3 e 12 reduziram a população de J2 de M. paranaensis no solo. No experimento II, os isolados Pae 03, 10, 12 e 13 favoreceram o crescimento das plantas, mas reduziram o peso fresco do sistema radicular; todos os isolados reduziram a população de J2 no solo; e os isolados Pae 3, 10, 13, 18, 22 e 24 reduziram as malformações causadas por M. paranaensis nas raízes.In order to reduce the losses caused by nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne (Goeldi, 1887 in coffee plantation, among several management measures, biological

  20. Restaurant Cooking Trends and Increased Risk for Campylobacter Infection. (United States)

    Jones, Anna K; Rigby, Dan; Burton, Michael; Millman, Caroline; Williams, Nicola J; Jones, Trevor R; Wigley, Paul; O'Brien, Sarah J; Cross, Paul


    In the United Kingdom, outbreaks of Campylobacter infection are increasingly attributed to undercooked chicken livers, yet many recipes, including those of top chefs, advocate short cooking times and serving livers pink. During 2015, we studied preferences of chefs and the public in the United Kingdom and investigated the link between liver rareness and survival of Campylobacter. We used photographs to assess chefs' ability to identify chicken livers meeting safe cooking guidelines. To investigate the microbiological safety of livers chefs preferred to serve, we modeled Campylobacter survival in infected chicken livers cooked to various temperatures. Most chefs correctly identified safely cooked livers but overestimated the public's preference for rareness and thus preferred to serve them more rare. We estimated that 19%-52% of livers served commercially in the United Kingdom fail to reach 70°C and that predicted Campylobacter survival rates are 48%-98%. These findings indicate that cooking trends are linked to increasing Campylobacter infections.

  1. Energy conservation options for cooking with biomass in Ghana

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Per Sieverts; Næraa, Rikke; Karlsson, Kenneth


    Cooking is the main energy consuming activity in Ghana. This is mainly due to a generally low material standard of living, but also because the cooking process itself is energy inefficient. The fuel for cooking in Ghana is mainly biomass either in the form of wood, agricultural residues or charcoal....... An energy chain for the cooking process is established and the possible conservation options are surveyed in kitchen performance tests in Abodom in the tropical zone of Ghana. The energy consumption for the food preparation has been measured and energy saving options have been determined for some parts...... point has been reached. Most cooks tend to continue using a high heat supply even though it is not necessary. This process is often carried out without lid on the pot even though the use of lid will reduce the energy loss considerably. It is also concluded that the average fuelwood consumption in Abodom...

  2. The cost of cooking a meal. The case of Nyeri County, Kenya (United States)

    Fuso Nerini, Francesco; Ray, Charlotte; Boulkaid, Youssef


    Energy for cooking is considered essential in achieving modern energy access. Despite this, almost three billion people worldwide still use solid fuels to meet their cooking needs. To better support practitioners and policy-makers, this paper presents a new model for comparing cooking solutions and its key output metric: the ‘levelized cost of cooking a meal’ (LCCM). The model is applied to compare several cooking solutions in the case study area of Nyeri County in Kenya. The cooking access targets are connected to the International Workshop Agreement and Global Tracking Framework’s tiers of cooking energy access. Results show how an increased energy access with improved firewood and charcoal cookstoves could reduce both household’s LCCMs and the total costs compared to traditional firewood cooking over the modelling period. On the other hand, switching to cleaner cooking solutions, such as LPG- and electricity, would result in higher costs for the end-user highlighting that this transition is not straightforward. The paper also contextualizes the results into the wider socio-economic context. It finds that a tradeoff is present between minimizing costs for households and meeting household priorities, thus maximizing the potential benefits of clean cooking without dismissing the use of biomass altogether.

  3. 46 CFR 147.50 - Fuel for cooking, heating, and lighting. (United States)


    ... cargo vessels. (b) Fluid alcohol is prohibited for cooking, heating, or lighting on ferry vessels. Fluid... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Fuel for cooking, heating, and lighting. 147.50 Section... SHIPS' STORES Stowage and Other Special Requirements for Particular Materials § 147.50 Fuel for cooking...

  4. Captain Cook Chased a Chook

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    Katrina Schlunke


    Full Text Available How can we write the contemporary 'histories' of Captain Cook when they include such textual and material diversity? When that diversity ranges from children's rhymes to convenience stores as well as journals now claimed as iconic documents of the enlightenment? How might the insights of Bruno Latour into how the 'experimental' is produced in the laboratory be helpful in showing how Cook is produced in a settler culture? How does revealing the 'experimental' (the material and textual ethnography of history show us new ways of 'doing' history that engages with its textual as well as its material diversity.

  5. [Risk assessment for food preparation, cooking and service]. (United States)

    Cottica, Danilo; Grignani, Elena


    The restaurant and food preparation, cooking and distribution sector includes hotels, restaurants, catering, fast food, ecc. The restaurant and food preparation, cooking and distribution sector form a significant part of the Italian economy; they provide employment for a large number of people, both direct employees as well as part-time and contract staff. In this sector there are many hazards that can lead to a broad range of injuries and/or diseases to the workers. For the safety these hazards principally are slick floors, open flames, high temperature cooking surfaces, steam, knives and other cutting instruments and machineries. For the health: cleaning and disinfecting chemicals substances, cooking fumes and vapors, biological agents, heavy loads handling, thermal comfort, ecc. The paper presents an overview of the hazards in the sector and then make a focus on chemical risks identification and assessment to evaluate the workers' exposure (by skin adsorption and inhalation).

  6. [Cooking quality of pastas supplemented with rice bran]. (United States)

    Sangronis, E; Cafiero, J; Mosqueda, M


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality during and after cooking of four pastas spaghetti type. Rice bran was used as ingredient in order to increase protein and dietetic fiber content. In two of the four formulation, semolina durum was supplemented with 10 and 20% rice bran. In the other two formulation granular flour was supplemented with 10 and 20% rice bran. Time cooking, water absorbtion, solid loss, color and hardness, (instrumental and sensory), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) and Apparent Digestibility in vivo were determined. Acceptability was evaluated by a 35-member consumer panel. Rice bran improved solid loss during cooking and increased cooking time, PERs were not affected significantly but Apparent Digestibility decreased when rice bran was increased. Sensory quality was affected because rice bran made pastas hard and dark but they were comparable to high fiber pasta existing in market.

  7. Culinary Education in Food and Cooking Research Societies Organized by Professional Cooks and Cookery Lovers in the Mid-Meiji Era, Report 1


    今井, 美樹; Miki, IMAI; 昭和女子大学初等教育学科


    This study examines the magazine Hocho-Ambai(Wielding Your Kitchen Knives, all 37 issues published from 1886 to 1891)to explore the activities of societies of culinary education for food and cooking in the mid-Meiji era. The author, from the viewpoint of gender, reviewed, selected and analyzed articles describing the activities of the Society of Art of Cooking Research and the Society of Food Research organized by professional cooks and cookery lovers in the period. The following results were...

  8. Levels of polychlorinated biphenyls and pesticides in bluefish before and after cooking. (United States)

    Trotter, W J; Corneliussen, P E; Laski, R R; Vannelli, J J


    Similar levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides, and fat were found in 20 correlated uncooked and cooked (baked) bluefish fillets. Fillets averaged 2.5 ppm PCBs as Aroclor 1254 (whole basis) before cooking; after cooking, with the oil drippings and skin discarded, the average PCB level was 2.7 ppm. Although PCBs, lipophilic pesticides, and fat were lost along with oil drippings and skin that were discarded after cooking, the moisture loss in the fillets during cooking compensated for these weight losses almost completely. After the fillets were cooked and the oil drippings and skin were discarded, the PCB content of the fillets was 27% lower on the average.

  9. Cooking with Quadratics (United States)

    Bryan, Luajean N.


    A project that mixes algebra with data collection, uses technology, extends into data analysis, and cooks marshmallows can excite both teachers and students. This article describes a project that intends to pique students' interest in higher mathematics, incorporate their knowledge of parabolas, and offer a meaningful mathematics experience. Using…

  10. The role of donor organisations in promoting energy efficient cook stoves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kees, Marlis; Feldmann, Lisa


    This article focuses on cooking energy and the role of donor organisations in the introduction and dissemination of improved stoves. After presenting some basic facts on cooking energy, the article discusses the cooking energy–poverty nexus and possible reasons for the often neglect of this topic in the context of development cooperation. Clean and efficient technologies for cooking are presented and a short introduction to different dissemination approaches shows the changes that occurred in the last years. The importance of public sector investments to increase the supply and use of clean cooking energy technologies in developing countries is analysed and underlined by GTZ’s experiences in this field. The case study of Uganda finally demonstrates how cooking energy interventions work in the field and points out that investment pays off. - Highlights: ► Cooking energy is a neglected topic in the context of development cooperation. ► Political frameworks do not reflect social and economic relevance of biomass energy. ► Scaling up the dissemination of cookstoves requires public sector investment. ► Investments in efficient and clean stoves pay-off.

  11. Psychosocial Benefits of Cooking Interventions: A Systematic Review (United States)

    Farmer, Nicole; Touchton-Leonard, Katherine; Ross, Alyson


    Objectives: Cooking interventions are used in therapeutic and rehabilitative settings; however, little is known about the influence of these interventions on psychosocial outcomes. This systematic review examines the research evidence regarding the influence of cooking interventions on psychosocial outcomes. Methods: A systematic review of the…

  12. Effect of Pre-cooking and Addition of Phosphate on the Quality of Catfish Fillets Cooked in Pouch in Boiling Water (United States)

    Cooking or reheating food in a vacuum sealed bag has been a common method of preparing vegetables, meat and poultry products. There are very few examples of vacuum sealed bags designed for cooking or reheating catfish fillets. The objective of the present study was to examine the properties of raw f...

  13. Exposure to organic compounds during heat treatment of cooking oils

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    Marzena Zaciera


    Full Text Available Fumes from cooking oils were found to be genotoxic in several short-term tests. Epidemiological research among Taiwanese and Chinese women has shown high incidence of lung cancer. These women were not smoking or rarely smoking , but they cooked meals every day. A lot of organic compounds have been identified from cooking oils including PAH.

  14. Arsenic species in raw and cooked rice: Implications for human health in rural Bengal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Halder, Dipti, E-mail: [KTH-International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group, Division of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 76, SE-100 44 Stockholm (Sweden); Department of Chemistry, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, 741 235, West Bengal (India); Biswas, Ashis [KTH-International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group, Division of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 76, SE-100 44 Stockholm (Sweden); Department of Chemistry, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, 741 235, West Bengal (India); Šlejkovec, Zdenka [Environmental Sciences Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Chatterjee, Debashis [Department of Chemistry, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, 741 235, West Bengal (India); Nriagu, Jerome [Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, 109 Observatory Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029 (United States); Jacks, Gunnar; Bhattacharya, Prosun [KTH-International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group, Division of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 76, SE-100 44 Stockholm (Sweden)


    This study compares the concentrations of total and different species of arsenic (As) in 29 pairs of raw and cooked rice samples collected from households in an area of West Bengal affected by endemic arsenicism. The aim is to investigate the effects of indigenous cooking practice of the rural villagers on As accumulation and speciation in cooked rice. It is found that inorganic As is the predominant species in both raw (93.8%) and cooked rice (88.1%). Cooking of rice with water low in As (< 10 μg L{sup −1}) significantly decreases the total and inorganic As content in cooked rice compared to raw rice. Arsenic concentration is mainly decreased during boiling of rice grains with excess water. Washing of rice grains with low As water has negligible effect on grain As concentration. The study suggests that rice cooking with low As water by the villagers is a beneficial risk reduction strategy. Despite reductions in As content in cooked rice because of cooking with low As water, the consumption of cooked rice represents a significant health threat (in terms of chronic As toxicity) to the study population. - Highlights: • Pairs of raw and cooked rice samples are collected from households. • Total and different species of As in raw and cooked rice samples are compared. • Cooking with As safe water reduces total and inorganic As contents in cooked rice. • Inorganic As is the predominant species in both raw (93.8%) and cooked rice (88.1%). • Risks of As exposure from cooked rice consumption exceed the safety standards.

  15. Arsenic species in raw and cooked rice: Implications for human health in rural Bengal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halder, Dipti; Biswas, Ashis; Šlejkovec, Zdenka; Chatterjee, Debashis; Nriagu, Jerome; Jacks, Gunnar; Bhattacharya, Prosun


    This study compares the concentrations of total and different species of arsenic (As) in 29 pairs of raw and cooked rice samples collected from households in an area of West Bengal affected by endemic arsenicism. The aim is to investigate the effects of indigenous cooking practice of the rural villagers on As accumulation and speciation in cooked rice. It is found that inorganic As is the predominant species in both raw (93.8%) and cooked rice (88.1%). Cooking of rice with water low in As (< 10 μg L −1 ) significantly decreases the total and inorganic As content in cooked rice compared to raw rice. Arsenic concentration is mainly decreased during boiling of rice grains with excess water. Washing of rice grains with low As water has negligible effect on grain As concentration. The study suggests that rice cooking with low As water by the villagers is a beneficial risk reduction strategy. Despite reductions in As content in cooked rice because of cooking with low As water, the consumption of cooked rice represents a significant health threat (in terms of chronic As toxicity) to the study population. - Highlights: • Pairs of raw and cooked rice samples are collected from households. • Total and different species of As in raw and cooked rice samples are compared. • Cooking with As safe water reduces total and inorganic As contents in cooked rice. • Inorganic As is the predominant species in both raw (93.8%) and cooked rice (88.1%). • Risks of As exposure from cooked rice consumption exceed the safety standards

  16. Household cooking fuels and technologies in developing economies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foell, Wesley; Pachauri, Shonali; Spreng, Daniel; Zerriffi, Hisham


    A major energy challenge of the 21st century is the health and welfare of 2.7 billion people worldwide, who currently rely on burning biomass in traditional household cooking systems. This Special Issue on Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies in Developing Economies builds upon an IAEE workshop on this subject, held in Istanbul in 2008. It includes several papers from that workshop plus papers commissioned afterwards. The major themes of that workshop and this Special Issue are: •Analytical and decision frameworks for analysis and policy development for clean cooking fuels. •Making energy provisioning a central component of development strategies. •Strategies/business models of suppliers of modern fuels and technologies. •Analysis of successes/failures of past policies and programs to improve access to clean cooking. This introductory paper serves as a preamble to the 11 papers in this Special Issue. It provides a brief background on household cooking fuels and technologies, including: (1) their implications for sustainable development, health and welfare, gender impacts, and environment/climate issues; (2) options and scenarios for improved household cooling systems; and (3) discussions of institutions, programs and markets. It closes with “Research and Action Agendas”, initially developed during the 2008 workshop.

  17. Occurrence of heterocyclic amines in cooked meat products. (United States)

    Puangsombat, Kanithaporn; Gadgil, Priyadarshini; Houser, Terry A; Hunt, Melvin C; Smith, J Scott


    Heterocyclic amines (HCAs), potent mutagens and a risk factor for human cancers, are produced in meats cooked at high temperature. The aim of this study was to determine the HCA content in cooked meat products (beef, chicken, pork, fish) prepared by various cooking methods (pan frying, oven broiling, and oven baking at 170 to 230°C) that are preferred by U.S. meat consumers. The primary HCAs in these samples were PhIP (2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4,5-b]pyridine) (1.49-10.89ng/g), MeIQx (2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo [4,5-f]quinoxaline) (not detected-4.0ng/g), and DiMeIQx (2-amino-3,4,8-trimethyl-imidazo [4,5-f]quinoxaline) (not detected-3.57ng/g). Type and content of HCAs in cooked meat samples were highly dependent on cooking conditions. The total HCA content in well-done meat was 3.5 times higher than that of medium-rare meat. Fried pork (13.91ng/g) had higher levels of total HCAs than fried beef (8.92ng/g) and fried chicken (7.00ng/g). Among the samples, fried bacon contained the highest total HCA content (17.59ng/g). Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Folatos em brócolis convencional e orgânico e perdas no processo de cocção em água Folates in conventional and organic broccoli and losses during cooking

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Azevedo Lima-Pallone


    Full Text Available Broccoli is a vegetable consumed in many countries and a possible source of folates, which are water-soluble vitamins active during DNA synthesis. The folates found in the samples analyzed were 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and 5-formyltetrahydrofolate. The vitamin content varied between 413.7 and 742.2 µg/100 g for 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and from 4.8 to 12.8 µg/100 g for 5-formyltetrahydrofolate. In organic broccoli the amount of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate was significantly higher than in the same vegetable cultivated by traditional methods, for the commercial samples analyzed. The losses of these folates after cooking in water were of approximately 68%, most of it (53% found in the cooking water.

  19. Cooking does not decrease hydrophilic antioxidant capacity of wild blueberries. (United States)

    Murphy, Rebecca Ree; Renfroe, Michael H; Brevard, Patricia Bowling; Lee, Robert E; Gloeckner, Janet W


    The present study examined the effects of domestic cooking methods on the hydrophilic antioxidant activity (HAA) of wild blueberries. Baked, microwaved, simmered, and pan-fried frozen wild blueberries, and a thawed uncooked control, were analyzed for HAA using an ABTS/H(2)O(2)/HRP decoloration method. All cooking treatments were derived from recipes using wild blueberries, and were performed in triplicate. A randomized block design was used to determine whether there were statistical differences in antioxidant content after cooking and between each of the trials. There were no statistically significant decreases after cooking the thawed berries. On both a fresh weight and a dry weight basis, pan-fried blueberries had significantly higher HAA than baked, simmered, and control blueberries (Pcooked berries retained significant HAA. Cooked wild blueberries can be recommended as a good source of dietary antioxidants.

  20. Soft condensed matter approach to cooking of meat

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sman, van der R.G.M.


    We have viewed cooking meat from the perspective of soft condensed physics and posed that the moisture transport during cooking can be described by Flory-Rehner theory of swelling/shrinking polymer gels. This theory contains the essential physics to describe the transport of liquid moisture due to

  1. A Study on the Relationship between Cooking Properties of Adzuki Bean and Storage Conditions


    Hayakawa, Isao; Breene, William M.; 早川, 功


    Adzuki bean (Phaseolus angularis) has been used for many cooking purposes in Japan. The basic method for adzuki bean cooking is heating in the presence of moisture, it seems that the differences of moisture content between the beans before cooking and between cooking methods have influence on the qualities of cooking products. But there is a general complaint about the poor cooking properties of these beans. Since the cooking properties depend, both on the moisture contents of bean before coo...

  2. Investigation on Furan Levels in Pressure-Cooked Foods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana P. Arisseto


    Full Text Available Furan is a food processing contaminant classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans. As the occurrence of furan has been reported in a variety of foods processed in sealed containers, the objective of this work was to investigate if the contaminant can be found in home-cooked foods prepared in a pressure cooker. For that, several foods including beans, soy beans, whole rice, beef, pork, potato, and cassava were pressure-cooked and analyzed for the furan content by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry preceded by a headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME-GC/MS. Furan was not found above the limit of quantification in the pressure-cooked samples. No furan has either been found in reheated samples after 24 hours under cold storage. Although levels up to 173 μg/kg were already reported for commercial canned/jarred foods, it seems that the cooking in a pressure cooker may not represent a concern in relation to the occurrence of furan in foods.

  3. Effects of pan cooking on micropollutants in meat. (United States)

    Planche, Christelle; Ratel, Jérémy; Blinet, Patrick; Mercier, Frédéric; Angénieux, Magaly; Chafey, Claude; Zinck, Julie; Marchond, Nathalie; Chevolleau, Sylvie; Marchand, Philippe; Dervilly-Pinel, Gaud; Guérin, Thierry; Debrauwer, Laurent; Engel, Erwan


    This work presents the effects of pan cooking on PCBs, PCDD/Fs, pesticides and trace elements in meat from a risk assessment perspective. Three different realistic cooking intensities were studied. A GC×GC-TOF/MS method was set up for the multiresidue analysis of 189 PCBs, 17 PCDD/Fs and 16 pesticides whereas Cd, As, Pb and Hg were assayed by ICP-MS. In terms of quantity, average PCB losses after cooking were 18±5% for rare, 30±3% for medium, and 48±2% for well-done meat. In contrast, average PCDD/F losses were not significant. For pesticides, no loss occurred for aldrin, lindane, DDE or DDD, whereas losses exceeding 80% were found for dieldrin, sulfotep or phorate. Losses close to the margin of error were observed for trace elements. These results are discussed in light of the physicochemical properties of the micropollutants as well as of water and fat losses into cooking juice. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Stability of vitamin D in foodstuffs during cooking

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Jette; Knuthsen, Pia


    We investigated the retention of vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in eggs, vitamin D3 in margarine, and vitamin D3 and vitamin D2 in bread. Our set-up illustrated the cooking methods usually performed in households i.e. boiling, frying in pan and oven, and baking. All experiments were performed...... three times independently of one another. The retention of vitamin D compounds in eggs and margarine during heat treatment in an oven for 40min at normal cooking temperature showed retention at 39–45%, while frying resulted in retention at 82–84%. Boiled eggs were found to have a similar level...... of vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in eggs was shown. Cooking may cause detrimental loss of vitamin D, but it depends on the actual foodstuffs and the heating process. Further research is needed to optimise cooking procedures to enhance retention of vitamin D. Vitamin D retention should be taken...

  5. Study on the physiological activities of gamma-irradiated seafood cooking drips

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jo, Eu Ri; Kim, Yeon Joo; Choi, Jong Il; Sung, Nak Yun; Jung, Pil Moon; Kim, Jae Hun; Song, Beom Seok; Yoon, Yo Han; Lee, Ju Woon; Lee, Ju Yeoun


    Cooking drips which were obtained as by-product after seafood processing in the food industries, still contain lost of proteins, carbohydrates, and other functional materials. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of gamma irradiation on the biological activities of seafood cooking drips. When the cooking drips of Hizikia fusiformis, Enteroctopus dofleini and Thunnus thynnus were irradiated, the antioxidant activities, whitening effect, and angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibition activity of the ethanol extract from seafood cooking drips were all increased by gamma irradiation. This was because of the increased extraction efficiency of available compounds by irradiation. These results suggested that the seafood cooking drips, wasted as by-products, can be used as functional compounds with gamma irradiation treatment

  6. Study on the physiological activities of gamma-irradiated seafood cooking drips

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jo, Eu Ri; Kim, Yeon Joo; Choi, Jong Il; Sung, Nak Yun; Jung, Pil Moon; Kim, Jae Hun; Song, Beom Seok; Yoon, Yo Han; Lee, Ju Woon [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Ju Yeoun [Chonbuk National University, Jeonju (Korea, Republic of)


    Cooking drips which were obtained as by-product after seafood processing in the food industries, still contain lost of proteins, carbohydrates, and other functional materials. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of gamma irradiation on the biological activities of seafood cooking drips. When the cooking drips of Hizikia fusiformis, Enteroctopus dofleini and Thunnus thynnus were irradiated, the antioxidant activities, whitening effect, and angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibition activity of the ethanol extract from seafood cooking drips were all increased by gamma irradiation. This was because of the increased extraction efficiency of available compounds by irradiation. These results suggested that the seafood cooking drips, wasted as by-products, can be used as functional compounds with gamma irradiation treatment.

  7. Cook & Chill - Rapid Chilling of Food 'in situ'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paul, Joachim


    for a given product and process and to compare different cooling fluids and methods. Chilling of hot products in professional cooking kettles immediately after cooking is achieved best by using Binary Ice. The paper gives an equation, which describes the cooling velocity for such kettles and other products...

  8. The curiously long absence of cooking in evolutionary thought. (United States)

    Wrangham, R


    Beran et al. (2015, p. 1) characterized the idea that "cooked food was integral in human evolution" as a "long-held hypothesis" favored by Darwin and Engels. In fact, however, although Darwin and Engels considered the use of cooked food to be an important influence on behavior and society, neither of them suggested that its effects were evolutionary in the sense of affecting biology. Explicit discussion of the possible evolutionary impacts of cooking did not begin until the twentieth century.

  9. Efeito dos métodos de cocção sobre a composição química e perfil lipídico de filés de Tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus 1757 Effects of cooking method on chemical composition and fat profile of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1757 fillets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milena Wolff Ferreira


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho foi avaliado o efeito de métodos de cocção na composição química, teor de colesterol e totais de ácidos graxos de filés de Tilápias do Nilo. Os tratamentos foram cozimento em água (CA, fritura em óleo de soja (FO, assado em forno elétrico (FE, assado em forno microondas (MO, e um grupo testemunha (filés crus. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, cada tratamento com 7 peixes e a unidade experimental foi um peixe (2 filés. Houve aumento (PIn this work, the effects of different cooking methods of Nile tilapia fillets on their chemical composition, cholesterol content and total fatty acids, were studied. Cooking methods evaluated were water boiling (WB, frying in soybean oil (SO, broiling in an electric oven (EO, cooking in a microwave oven (MO and a control group (raw fillets. The experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design, with the fish (two fillets/fish considered as the experimental unit, and seven experimental units were used per treatment. Dry matter increased (P<0.05 in cooked fillets (23.27 % WB, 25.44 % EO, 31.93 % MO and 33.44 % SO when compared with raw fillets (20.61 %. Total lipids were higher (P<0.05 in SO fillets (17.36 %, than in all the other treatments (6.94 % WB, 9.80 % EO, 8.66 % MO and 5.92 % raw fillets. All cooking methods increased (P<0.05 cholesterol content of the fillets (46.89 mg/100g WB, 46.46 mg/100g EO, 54.78 mg/100g SO and 57.28 mg 100g-1 MO when compared with raw fillets (33.00 mg/100 g. Relative to all the other treatments, FO fillets had (P<0.05 lower values for saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, and a higher percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Overall, water boiling results in an increase in dry matter due to water loss in the cooking process, with higher concentration of the remaining constituents. Cooking by oil frying leads to the incorporation of oil in the fillets, with an increase in total lipids and a change of the fatty acid profile

  10. Transfer of 137Cs from cooking water to some green-stuffs samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malek, M.A.


    The radionuclide in contaminated freshwater may directly gain access to the human body by drinking fresh water and cooking food with such water. During cooking, the radionuclide present in the water may be transferred to the various ingredients of the cooked food. The ratio of the concentration of the radionuclide absorbed in the individual ingredients to the concentration in the cooking water can be designated as the Transfer factor in cooking (TFC). The TFC's of 137 Cs in some green-stuffs have been determined and reported in this paper. (author)

  11. Validation of cooking methods using shell eggs inoculated with Salmonella serotypes Enteritidis and Heidelberg. (United States)

    Davis, A L; Curtis, P A; Conner, D E; McKee, S R; Kerth, L K


    Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis has long been associated with eggs, and more recently, Salmonella enterica serotype Heidelberg has also become associated with eggs. This study was undertaken to determine whether Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Heidelberg are effectively eliminated from eggs by various cooking methods. Seven cooking methods were chosen--hard and soft cooked, scrambled, over easy, sunny-side up, poached, and free poached--and a pan insert and the free-flowing method were used. Shell eggs, purchased from a grocery store, were inoculated with Salmonella and cooked. The cooked eggs were analyzed by USDA-approved methods for Salmonella recovery. Findings indicated that existing cooking methods for the hard-cooked, soft-cooked, and poaching methods were safe. However, the same was not true for the current sunny-side-up, over-easy, and scrambled egg cooking methods.

  12. A solar oven for intertropical zones: Evaluation of the cooking process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hernandez-Luna, G.; Huelsz, G.


    The construction and the evaluation of the cooking process of a solar oven prototype are presented, the optogeometrical design of this oven was optimized for the intertropical zone. The cooking tests demonstrated that the oven prototype, which needs only four simple movements throughout the year, is suitable to cook three basic Mexican meals: beans, nixtamal, and corncobs. The potential quantity of wood savings per year if this oven would be used to cook meals in a rural zone of Mexico is estimated

  13. Development and quality evaluation of quick cooking dhal-A convenience product. (United States)

    Sethi, Shruti; Samuel, D V K; Khan, Islam


    Owing to rapid urbanization and more women joining the workforce, use of ready-to-eat and ready-to-use convenience foods is gaining increasing popularity. Women require dhal that cooks fast and increases in volume when cooked. In an attempt to prepare quick cooking dhal from pigeon pea, variety UPAS 120 was milled, pre-treated with sodium chloride solution (1%), flaked and dried. The quick cooking dhal was packed in three packaging materials, namely, high molecular weight high density polyethylene (HMHDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and laminated pouches. The quality evaluation of the prepared flakes with respect to the cooking quality attributes, changes in proximate composition, free fatty acid (FFA) and peroxide value (PV) were carried out during storage at ambient temperature (8-36°C) at regular intervals for a period of 10 months. During storage, quick cooking dhal packed in laminated pouches performed better than samples stored in other pouches with respect to the changes in the overall quality and acceptability of the product.

  14. Cooking Chicken Breast Reduces Dialyzable Iron Resulting from Digestion of Muscle Proteins

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aditya S. Gokhale


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research was to study the effect of cooking chicken breast on the production of dialyzable iron (an in vitro indicator of bioavailable iron from added ferric iron. Chicken breast muscle was cooked by boiling, baking, sautéing, or deep-frying. Cooked samples were mixed with ferric iron and either extracted with acid or digested with pepsin and pancreatin. Total and ferrous dialyzable iron was measured after extraction or digestion and compared to raw chicken samples. For uncooked samples, dialyzable iron was significantly enhanced after both extraction and digestion. All cooking methods led to markedly reduced levels of dialyzable iron both by extraction and digestion. In most cooked, digested samples dialyzable iron was no greater than the iron-only (no sample control. Cooked samples showed lower levels of histidine and sulfhydryls but protein digestibility was not reduced, except for the sautéed sample. The results showed that, after cooking, little if any dialyzable iron results from digestion of muscle proteins. Our research indicates that, in cooked chicken, residual acid-extractable components are the most important source of dialyzable iron.

  15. Cooking Chicken Breast Reduces Dialyzable Iron Resulting from Digestion of Muscle Proteins. (United States)

    Gokhale, Aditya S; Mahoney, Raymond R


    The purpose of this research was to study the effect of cooking chicken breast on the production of dialyzable iron (an in vitro indicator of bioavailable iron) from added ferric iron. Chicken breast muscle was cooked by boiling, baking, sautéing, or deep-frying. Cooked samples were mixed with ferric iron and either extracted with acid or digested with pepsin and pancreatin. Total and ferrous dialyzable iron was measured after extraction or digestion and compared to raw chicken samples. For uncooked samples, dialyzable iron was significantly enhanced after both extraction and digestion. All cooking methods led to markedly reduced levels of dialyzable iron both by extraction and digestion. In most cooked, digested samples dialyzable iron was no greater than the iron-only (no sample) control. Cooked samples showed lower levels of histidine and sulfhydryls but protein digestibility was not reduced, except for the sautéed sample. The results showed that, after cooking, little if any dialyzable iron results from digestion of muscle proteins. Our research indicates that, in cooked chicken, residual acid-extractable components are the most important source of dialyzable iron.

  16. Biodiesel from waste cooking oils via direct sonication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gude, Veera Gnaneswar; Grant, Georgene Elizabeth


    Highlights: • Thermal effects of direct sonication on transesterification reaction were studied. • Ultrasonics may effectively transesterify waste oils without external heating. • Intense mixing with temperature rise completes transesterification instantly. • Plug flow process reactor design with ultrasound may prove energy efficient. • Process optimization and biodiesel conversion analysis was presented. - Abstract: This study investigates the effect of direct sonication in conversion of waste cooking oil into biodiesel. Waste cooking oils may cause environmental hazards if not disposed properly. However, waste cooking oils can serve as low-cost feedstock for biodiesel production. Ultrasonics, a non-conventional process technique, was applied to directly convert waste cooking oil into biodiesel in a single step. Ultrasonics transesterify waste cooking oils very efficiently due to increased mass/heat transfer phenomena and specific thermal/athermal effects at molecular levels. Thus, energy and chemical consumption in the overall process is greatly reduced compared to conventional biodiesel processes. Specific to this research, thermal effects of ultrasonics in transesterification reaction without external conventional heating along with effects of different ultrasonic, energy intensities and energy density are reported. Optimization of process parameters such as methanol to oil ratio, catalyst concentration and reaction time are also presented. It was observed that small reactor design such as plug-flow or contact-type reactor design may improve overall ultrasonic utilization in the transesterification reaction due to increased energy density and ultrasonic intensity

  17. 40 CFR 81.54 - Cook Inlet Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. (United States)


    ... Quality Control Regions § 81.54 Cook Inlet Intrastate Air Quality Control Region. The Cook Inlet Intrastate Air Quality Control Region (Alaska) consists of the territorial area encompassed by the boundaries... 40 Protection of Environment 17 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Cook Inlet Intrastate Air Quality...

  18. Arquitetura residencial urbana: Espírito Santo do Pinhal, 1880-1930


    Camila Corsi Ferreira


    Estuda a arquitetura residencial urbana em Espírito Santo do Pinhal, região paulista de economia cafeeira. Insere-se no contexto de produção de casarões urbanos patrocinados pela riqueza acumulada pelo café, edificados no final do século XIX e início do século XX, constituindo importante acervo arquitetônico do ecletismo e da história do ciclo cafeeiro no estado de São Paulo. A abordagem teórica apóia-se especialmente em autores como Maria Cecília N. Homem; Nestor Goulart Reis Filho; Carlos L...

  19. Detection of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in roots of coffee plants and crotalaria cultivated between rows




    Avaliou-se a ocorrência de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs) no solo rizosférico e nas raízes de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) e de Crotalaria breviflora DC., cultivada na entrelinha como adubo verde. Amostras de solo rizosférico e raízes foram coletadas em julho de 1997, em parte de um experimento de longa duração conduzido no campo pelo Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, no município de Mirasselva, PR. Determinou-se a diversidade de FMAs, por meio da identificação morfológica dos esporos,...

  20. Outdoorsman: Outdoor Cooking. (United States)

    Alberta Dept. of Agriculture, Edmonton.

    This Outdoor Cookery manual provides information and instruction on the basic outdoor skills of building suitable cooking fires, handling fires safely, and storing food. The necessity of having the right kind of fire is stressed (high flames for boiling, low for stewing, and coals for frying and broiling). Tips on gauging temperature, what types…

  1. Insulated Solar Electric Cooking – Tomorrow's healthy affordable stoves?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. Watkins

    Full Text Available We present a cooking technology consisting of a solar panel directly connected to an electric heater inside of a well-insulated chamber. Assuming continued decrease in solar panel prices, we anticipate that in a few decades Solar Electric Cooking (SEC technologies will be the most common cooking technology for the poor. Appropriate use of insulation reduces the power demand making low-power Insulated Solar Electric Cooking (ISEC systems already cost competitive. We present a $100 prototype and preliminary results of two implementations in Uganda.

  2. Sensibilidade de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (mancha manteigosa do cafeeiro a diferentes concentrações de fungicidas Sensibility of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (coffee blister spot to different fungicide concentrations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josimar Batista Ferreira


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência de alguns fungicidas sobre Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, agente etiológico da mancha manteigosa do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L., testes in vitro foram conduzidos no Laboratório de Diagnose e Controle/UFLA. Utilizou-se o método de incorporação de fungicidas ao meio de cultura MEA 2% para a avaliação da inibição do crescimento micelial e em lâmina escavada contendo água com fungicida para a germinação de conídios. Os fungicidas, tetraconazol, triadimenol, chlorotalonil e mancozeb foram testados quanto à inibição do crescimento do micelial (nas concentrações de 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500 e 1.000 mg L-1 e quanto à inibição da germinação de conídios (nas concentrações de 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 e 100 mg L-1. Os fungicidas tetraconazol e triadimenol apresentaram alta eficiência na inibição do crescimento micelial. Os fungicidas chlorotalonil e mancozeb mostraram baixa eficiência e ineficiência, respectivamente. Quanto à germinação dos conídios, os fungicidas que demonstraram maior eficiência em baixas concentrações foram o chlorotalonil e o tetraconazol.With the aim of assessing the effect of selected fungicides on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the cause of coffee blister spot, in vitro tests were carried out in the Laboratory of Diagnosis and Control/UFLA, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil. In the in vitro experiments the fungicides were incorporated into malt extract medium (MEA 2% to evaluate the effect on the fungus growth rate, and concavity slides containing water plus fungicide to assess the conidia germination. The fungicides tetraconazol, triadimenol, chlorothalonil and mancozeb were tested on the mycelial growth inhibition (in the concentrations of 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500 and 1.000 mg L-1 and on the inhibition conidia germination (in the concentrations of 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 e 100 mg L-1. The fungicides tetraconazol and triadimenol showed high efficiency on the

  3. Cooking Banana Consumption Patterns in the Plantain-growing Area of Southeastern Nigeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tshiunza, M.


    Full Text Available Cooking bananas (Musa spp., ABB genome were intro-duced into Southeastern Nigeria by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA in the mid-1980s as an interim measure to reduce the incidence of black sigatoka disease (caused by the fungus Mycosphaerel-la fijiensis Morelet on plantain. However, the people of this region were not familiar with their utilisation methods. To address this lack of the knowledge and thereby sustain cooking banana cultivation, IITA, in collaboration with the Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC and the Nigeria Agip OU Company (NAOC commenced a training campaign on cooking banana processing methods. This study examined the patterns of utilisation of cooking bananas ten years after the training took place and compared them with plantain. About 95 % of the households interviewed are consuming cooking banana, indicating a broad acceptance of the crop in the region. Overall, two ripening stages termed green and ripe are the most popular ripening stages for the consumption of both plantain and cooking banana, followed by partially ripe maturity stage. The most common forms of consumption for green plantain are, in decreasing order of importance, pottage, boiled, roasted, and fried. Green cooking banana is also mostly eaten in pottage and boiled forms, and less frequently in fried and pounded forms. Ripe plantain is mostly eaten in fried and pottage forms, while ripe cooking banana is mostly eaten in fried and raw forms. Partially ripe plantain is mostly eaten in pottage, fried, boiled, and roasted forms, while partially ripe cooking banana is eaten in fried, pottage and boiled forms. These results indicate that the consumption patterns of plantain and cooking banana are very similar. This similarity has greatly contributed to the rapid integration of cooking banana within the existing plantain consumption and cropping systems.

  4. Indoor air pollution from gas cooking and infant neurodevelopment. (United States)

    Vrijheid, Martine; Martinez, David; Aguilera, Inma; Bustamante, Mariona; Ballester, Ferran; Estarlich, Marisa; Fernandez-Somoano, Ana; Guxens, Mònica; Lertxundi, Nerea; Martinez, M Dolores; Tardon, Adonina; Sunyer, Jordi


    Gas cooking is a main source of indoor air pollutants, including nitrogen dioxide and particles. Because concerns are emerging for neurodevelopmental effects of air pollutants, we examined the relationship between indoor gas cooking during pregnancy and infant neurodevelopment. Pregnant mothers were recruited between 2004 and 2008 to a prospective birth cohort study (INfancia y Medio Ambiente) in Spain during the first trimester of pregnancy. Third-trimester questionnaires collected information about the use of gas appliances at home. At age 11 to 22 months, children were assessed for mental development using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Linear regression models examined the association of gas cooking and standardized mental development scores (n = 1887 mother-child pairs). Gas cookers were present in 44% of homes. Gas cooking was related to a small decrease in the mental development score compared with use of other cookers (-2.5 points [95% confidence interval = -4.0 to -0.9]) independent of social class, maternal education, and other measured potential confounders. This decrease was strongest in children tested after the age of 14 months (-3.1 points [-5.1 to -1.1]) and when gas cooking was combined with less frequent use of an extractor fan. The negative association with gas cooking was relatively consistent across strata defined by social class, education, and other covariates. This study suggests a small adverse effect of indoor air pollution from gas cookers on the mental development of young children.

  5. Smart Substitutions for Healthy Cooking (United States)

    ... Check Recipe Certification Program Nutrition Requirements Heart-Check Professional Resources Contact the Heart-Check Certification Program Simple Cooking and Recipes Dining Out Choosing a Restaurant Deciphering ...

  6. Genetic Evidence of Human Adaptation to a Cooked Diet. (United States)

    Carmody, Rachel N; Dannemann, Michael; Briggs, Adrian W; Nickel, Birgit; Groopman, Emily E; Wrangham, Richard W; Kelso, Janet


    Humans have been argued to be biologically adapted to a cooked diet, but this hypothesis has not been tested at the molecular level. Here, we combine controlled feeding experiments in mice with comparative primate genomics to show that consumption of a cooked diet influences gene expression and that affected genes bear signals of positive selection in the human lineage. Liver gene expression profiles in mice fed standardized diets of meat or tuber were affected by food type and cooking, but not by caloric intake or consumer energy balance. Genes affected by cooking were highly correlated with genes known to be differentially expressed in liver between humans and other primates, and more genes in this overlap set show signals of positive selection in humans than would be expected by chance. Sequence changes in the genes under selection appear before the split between modern humans and two archaic human groups, Neandertals and Denisovans, supporting the idea that human adaptation to a cooked diet had begun by at least 275,000 years ago. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.

  7. Residential Cooking Behavior in the United States: Data Collected from a Web-Based Survey

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang, Y. W; Andrew, E. E; Hu, T. C; Singer, B. C; Ding, L.; Logue, J. M


    Cooking has a significant impact on indoor air quality. When cooking occurs, how foods are cooked, and the types of food that are cooked have all been shown to impact the rate at which occupants are exposed to pollutants. Home occupancy characteristics impact how concentrations in the home translate into exposures for the occupants. With the intent of expanding our understanding of cooking behavior in the U.S., we developed and advertised an online survey to collect household cooking behavior for the 24 hrs prior to taking the survey. The survey questions were designed to address gaps in knowledge needed to predict the impact of cooking on indoor concentrations of PM2.5 and other pollutants. The survey included the following questions: 1) which meals households ate at home; 2) number of household members at home during cooking; 3) the type of oil used for cooking; 4) the type of foods cooked at each meal; 5) the type of cooking devices used; and 6) the methods selected for food preparation. We also collected information on household characteristics such as their location (zip code), ethnicity, and ages of family members. We analyzed the variability in home cooking characteristics for households in different climate zones and with four different types of family compositions: 1 senior living alone, 1 adult living alone, 2 or more adults/seniors, and families with children. We used simple statistical tests to determine if the probability of certain cooking behaviors differed between these subgroups.

  8. Microwave Cooking Practices in Minnesota Food Service Establishments. (United States)

    Hedeen, Nicole; Reimann, David; Everstine, Karen


    Uneven cooking due to consumer use of microwave ovens to cook food products that have been prepared but are not ready to eat has been a documented risk factor in several foodborne disease outbreaks. However, the use of microwave ovens in restaurants and other food service establishments has not been well documented. The aim of this study was to describe the types of food service establishments that use microwave ovens, how these ovens are used, types of foods heated or cooked in these ovens, types of microwave ovens used in food service establishments, and the level of compliance with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines. From 2008 to 2009, the Minnesota Department of Health collected data from a convenience sample of 60 food establishments within the state. Facility types included fast-food restaurants, sit-down restaurants, school food service, nursing homes, hotels and motels, and daycare centers. Food preparation practices were classified as prep-serve, cookserve, or complex. Minnesota environmental health specialists administered a study questionnaire to managers during routine inspections. Establishments included in this study reported using microwave ovens primarily to warm commercial ready-to-eat products (67%) and to warm foods for palatability (50%). No minimum temperatures are required for these processes because these foods do not require pathogen destruction. However, food establishments using complex preparation practices more often reported using microwave ovens for multiple processes and for processes that require pathogen destruction. For establishments that did report microwave oven use for food requiring pathogen destruction, the majority of managers reported following most FDA recommendations for cooking and reheating for hot-holding potentially hazardous foods, but many did not report letting food stand for 2 min after cooking. Additional training on stand time after microwave cooking could be beneficial because of low reporting

  9. Effect of cooking time on the degradation of 14C maneb in tomato

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sennaoui, Z.; Bennaceur, M.


    The behavior of 14C maneb was studied after cooking of fresh tomato at different times 15mn, 30mn, 45mn, and 60mn. More the time of cooking water is increased, more the migration in cooking water is importement (67% after 15mn and 97% after 60mn). Amount of internals residues decreases with time. Cooking stimulates the formation of ETU. More the time of cooking is increased, more the amount of ETU is important

  10. Chemistry Cook-Off (United States)

    McCormick, Cynthia


    For this activity, high school chemistry students compete in a cooking contest. They must determine the chemical and physical changes that occur in the food they prepare, present their recipe as a step-by-step procedure similar to a lab procedure, identify chemicals in the food, and present all measurements in both metric and English units. The…

  11. 9 CFR 310.6 - Carcasses and parts passed for cooking; marking. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Carcasses and parts passed for cooking... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POST-MORTEM INSPECTION § 310.6 Carcasses and parts passed for cooking; marking. Carcasses and parts passed for cooking shall be marked conspicuously on the surface tissues thereof by a...

  12. Evaluation of texture differences among varieties of cooked quinoa (United States)

    Texture is one of the most significant factors for consumers’ experience of foods. Texture difference of cooked quinoa among thirteen different varieties was studied. Correlations between the texture and seed composition, seed characteristics, cooking qualities, flour pasting properties and flour th...

  13. Extrusion Cooking Systems and Textured Vegetable Proteins

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Many fabricated foods are cooked industrially and are given desired textures, shapes, density and rehydration characteristics by an extrusion cooking process. This relatively new process is used in the preparation of “engineered” convenience foods: textured vegetable proteins, breakfast cereals, snacks, infant foods, dry soup mixes, breading, poultry stuffing, croutons, pasta products, beverage powders, hot breakfast gruels, and in the gelatinization of starch or the starchy component of foods.

  14. The emergence of cooking in Southwest Asia


    Wright, Katherine


    There has been surprisingly little systematic study by prehistorians of how in the distant past people cooked and consumed food. There are many unanswered questions. For example, how did cooking emerge and affect human evolution, how did it change with the advent of farming, when did kitchens first appear and who built the earliest known ovens? Research on Palaeolithic and Neolithic food preparation and consumption is now beginning to suggest answers to such questions.

  15. Integration of cooking and vacuum cooling of carrots in a same vessel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Gustavo Gonçalves Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Cooked vegetables are commonly used in the preparation of ready-to-eat foods. The integration of cooking and cooling of carrots and vacuum cooling in a single vessel is described in this paper. The combination of different methods of cooking and vacuum cooling was investigated. Integrated processes of cooking and vacuum cooling in a same vessel enabled obtaining cooked and cooled carrots at the final temperature of 10 ºC, which is adequate for preparing ready-to-eat foods safely. When cooking and cooling steps were performed with the samples immersed in boiling water, the effective weight loss was approximately 3.6%. When the cooking step was performed with the samples in boiling water or steamed, and the vacuum cooling was applied after draining the boiling water, water loss ranged between 15 and 20%, which caused changes in the product texture. This problem can be solved with rehydration using a small amount of sterile cold water. The instrumental textural properties of carrots samples rehydrated at both vacuum and atmospheric conditions were very similar. Therefore, the integrated process of cooking and vacuum cooling of carrots in a single vessel is a feasible alternative for processing such kind of foods.

  16. Effect of conventional cooking methods on lipid oxidation indices in lamb meat

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    A Pourkhalili


    Full Text Available Lipid oxidation is one of the most deteriorative reactions occurred in foodstuff which has harmful impacts on the both food quality and consumer's health. This study was designed to speculate the influence of three conventional cooking methods including boiling, frying and grilling on lipid oxidation parameters in cooked lamb meat. Sections of lamb meat from longissimus dorsi muscle, taken from native Lori-Bakhtiary sheep species were cut into uniform pieces and cooked using boiling, frying and roasting methods according to the cooking routine and tradition in Iranian society, in terms of temperature and time. Proximate compositions (moisture, lipid, ash and protein in the raw and cooked meat were determined using the standard methods of analysis. Moreover, weight loss was measured after each treatment. Lipid oxidation parameters such as peroxide value, conjugated diene and TBARS indices were measured in the raw and cooked samples. Evaluation of lipid oxidation parameters showed that peroxide value was significantly decreased in all cooked samples. In contrast, conjugated diene value was significantly increased in the fried and grilled samples (p

  17. 46 CFR 25.45-2 - Cooking systems on vessels carrying passengers for hire. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Cooking systems on vessels carrying passengers for hire... REQUIREMENTS Cooking, Heating, and Lighting Systems § 25.45-2 Cooking systems on vessels carrying passengers for hire. (a) No fuel may be used in any cooking system on any vessel carrying passengers for hire...

  18. Chemical characteristics of fine particles emitted from different gas cooking methods (United States)

    See, Siao Wei; Balasubramanian, Rajasekhar

    Gas cooking is an important indoor source of fine particles (PM 2.5). The chemical characteristics of PM 2.5 emitted from different cooking methods, namely, steaming, boiling, stir-frying, pan-frying and deep-frying were investigated in a domestic kitchen. Controlled experiments were conducted to measure the mass concentration of PM 2.5 and its chemical constituents (elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), metals and ions) arising from these five cooking methods. To investigate the difference in particle properties of different cooking emissions, the amount and type of food, and the heat setting on the gas stove were kept constant during the entire course of the experiments. Results showed that deep-frying gave rise to the largest amount of PM 2.5 and most chemical components, followed by pan-frying, stir-frying, boiling, and steaming. Oil-based cooking methods released more organic pollutants (OC, PAHs, and organic ions) and metals, while water-based cooking methods accounted for more water-soluble (WS) ions. Their source profiles are also presented and discussed.

  19. Effects of cooking method and final core-temperature on cooking loss, lipid oxidation, nucleotide-related compounds and aroma volatiles of Hanwoo brisket

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    Dicky Tri Utama


    Full Text Available Objective This study observed the effects of cooking method and final core temperature on cooking loss, lipid oxidation, aroma volatiles, nucleotide-related compounds and aroma volatiles of Hanwoo brisket (deep pectoralis. Methods Deep pectoralis muscles (8.65% of crude fat were obtained from three Hanwoo steer carcasses with 1+ quality grade. Samples were either oven-roasted at 180°C (dry heat or cooked in boiling water (moist heat to final core temperature of 70°C (medium or 77°C (well-done. Results Boiling method reduced more fat but retained more moisture than did the oven roasting method (p<0.001, thus no significant differences were found on cooking loss. However, samples lost more weight as final core temperature increased (p<0.01. Further, total saturated fatty acid increased (p = 0.02 while total monounsaturated fatty acid decreased (p = 0.03 as final core temperature increased. Regardless the method used for cooking, malondialdehyde (p<0.01 and free iron contents (p<0.001 were observed higher in samples cooked to 77°C. Oven roasting retained more inosinic acid, inosine and hypoxanthine in samples than did the boiling method (p<0.001, of which the concentration decreased as final core temperature increased except for hypoxanthine. Samples cooked to 77°C using oven roasting method released more intense aroma than did the others and the aroma pattern was discriminated based on the intensity. Most of aldehydes and pyrazines were more abundant in oven-roasted samples than in boiled samples. Among identified volatiles, hexanal had the highest area unit in both boiled and oven-roasted samples, of which the abundance increased as the final core temperature increased. Conclusion The boiling method extracted inosinic acid and rendered fat from beef brisket, whereas oven roasting intensified aroma derived from aldehydes and pyrazines and prevented the extreme loss of inosinic acid.

  20. Household energy preferences for cooking in urban Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ouedraogo, Boukary


    An extensive survey on household expenditures in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, was used to analyze the factors determining urban household energy choices using a multinomial logit model. Wood-energy remains the preferred fuel of most urban households in the country; though rational, the choice is not sustainable as it portends a threat to the savanna woodlands and the economy. Many important policies have been adopted by public authorities to minimize household wood-energy consumption and to substitute it by alternative fuel. Despite the magnitude of all these policies, the depletion rate of the forest resource is increasing. A kind of inertia is thus observed for household preferences for cooking fuel. This model analyzes the sociological and economic variables of household energy preferences for cooking in Ouagadougou. The analyses show that the inertia of household cooking energy preferences are due to poverty factors such as low income, poor household access to electricity for primary and secondary energy, low house standard, household size, high frequency of cooking certain meals using woodfuel as cooking energy. The descriptive analyses show that the domestic demand for wood-energy is strongly related to household income. The firewood utilization rate decreases with increasing household income. In other words, this fuel appears as a 'transition good' for these households which aim for other sources of energy for cooking that are more adapted for urban consumption. This implies that a price subsidy policy for liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and its cook stoves could significantly decrease the utilization rate of wood-energy

  1. Gas cooking, kitchen ventilation, and exposure to combustion products

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Willers, SM; Brunekreef, B; Oldenwening, M; Smit, HA; Kerkhof, M; De Vries, H

    We evaluated a questionnaire-based system for classifying homes into groups with distinctly different chances of accumulating combustion products from cooking appliances. The system was based on questions about type of cooking appliance, type and use of ventilation provisions, and kitchen size.

  2. Cooking Can Be Profitable; Commercial Cooking and Baking 1:9193.03. (United States)

    Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL.

    The course outline is prepared as a guide for the 10th grade student in Commercial Cooking and Baking or Food Management Production and Service. The course introduces the student to effective production of high quality foods and develops an understanding of high standards in quality food service. Totaling 90 hours of instruction, nine blocks of…

  3. Stability and retention of micronutrients in fortified rice prepared using different cooking methods. (United States)

    Wieringa, Frank T; Laillou, Arnaud; Guyondet, Christophe; Jallier, Vincent; Moench-Pfanner, Regina; Berger, Jacques


    Fortified rice holds great potential for bringing essential micronutrients to a large part of the world population. However, it is unknown whether differences in cooking methods or in production of rice premix affect the final amount of micronutrient consumed. This paper presents a study that quantified the losses of five different micronutrients (vitamin A, iron, zinc, folic acid, and vitamin B12) in fortified rice that was produced using three different techniques (hot extrusion, cold extrusion, and coating) during cooking and five different cooking methods (absorption method with or without soaking, washing before cooking, cooking in excess water, and frying rice before cooking). Fortified rice premix from six different producers (two for each technique) was mixed with normal rice in a 1:100 ratio. Each sample was prepared in triplicate, using the five different cooking methods, and retention of iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B12, and folic acid was determined. It was found that the overall retention of iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and folic acid was between 75% and 100% and was unaffected by cooking method, while the retention of vitamin A was significantly affected by cooking method, with retention ranging from 0% (excess water) to 80% (soaking), depending on the cooking method and producer of the rice premix. No systematic differences between the different production methods were observed. We conclude that different cooking methods of rice as used in different regions of the world do not lead to a major loss of most micronutrients, with the exception of vitamin A. The factors involved in protecting vitamin A against losses during cooking need to be identified. All production techniques of rice premix yielded similar results, showing that coating is not inferior to extrusion techniques. Standard overages (50%) for vitamin B12 and folic acid are too high. © 2014 New York Academy of Sciences.

  4. Cooking decreases observed perfluorinated compound concentrations in fish. (United States)

    Del Gobbo, Liana; Tittlemier, Sheryl; Diamond, Miriam; Pepper, Karen; Tague, Brett; Yeudall, Fiona; Vanderlinden, Loren


    Dietary intake is a major route of exposure to perfluorinated compounds (PFCs). Although fish and seafood contribute significantly to total dietary exposure to these compounds, there is uncertainty with respect to the effect of cooking on PFC concentrations in these foods. Eighteen fish species purchased from markets in Toronto, Mississauga, and Ottawa, Canada were analyzed for perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSAs)-based fluorochemicals and perfluorinated acids (PFAs) in raw and cooked (baked, boiled, fried) samples. Of 17 analytes, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) was detected most frequently; concentrations ranged from 0.21 to 1.68 ng/g ww in raw and cooked samples. PFOSAs were detected only in scallops at concentrations ranging from 0.20 ng/g ww to 0.76 ng/g ww. Total concentrations of PFAs in samples were 0.21 to 9.20 ng/g ww, respectively, consistent with previous studies. All cooking methods reduced PFA concentrations. Baking appeared to be the most effective cooking method; after baking samples for 15 min at 163 C (325 degrees F), PFAs were not detected in any of the samples. The margin of exposures (MOE) between the toxicological points of reference and the dietary intake of perfluorocarboxylates (PFCAs) and PFOS in fish and seafood muscle tissue were greater than 4 orders of magnitude. This indicates that reducing consumption of fish muscle tissue is not warranted on the basis of PFC exposure concerns at the reported levels of contamination, even for high fish consuming populations.

  5. Genotype x year interaction for cooking time and its correlation with mass and imbibition percentage on food type soybean/ Interação genótipo x ano para tempo de cozimento e sua correlação com a massa e percentagem de embebição em soja tipo alimento

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    Anderson Paranzini Faria


    Full Text Available Brazil is second in soybean world production and it is responsable for 26.8% of the global production. Soybean grains have 40% of protein and 20% of oil. Soybean grains are rich in isoflavones, which prevent degenerative cronic diseases. With the increasing use of soybean for human consumption, there is necessity to study how the environment effects the grain technological characteristics. Many technological processes in soybean industrialization involve imbibition and cooking. The objective of this work was to select soybean genotypes for human consumption, by determining cooking time and its correlation with mass and grain imbibition percentages, taking into consideration genotype, agricultural year and their interaction. The following traits were determined: weight of one hundred seeds, imbibition percentage and cooking time. Cooking time was measured by a modified Mattson Machine. Significant differences (O Brasil é o segundo produtor mundial de soja (Glycine Max (L. Merrill, sendo responsável por 26,8% da safra global. A soja possuí 40% de proteína e 20% de óleo. A soja é rica em isoflavonas, as quais atuam na prevenção de doenças crônicas degenerativas. Com o crescente uso da soja na alimentação humana, há necessidade de se estudar como o ambiente influencia nas características tecnológicas do grão. Muitos dos processos tecnológicos de industrialização da soja possuem como ponto inicial a hidratação e posterior cozimento da soja. O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar genótipos de soja para o consumo humano, através da determinação do tempo de cozimento e sua correlação com a massa e percentagem de embebição dos grãos, levando-se em consideração genótipo, ano agrícola e sua interação. Foram determinados os seguintes caracteres: massa de cem grãos, percentagem de embebição e tempo de cozimento. O tempo de cozimento foi determinado por meio da Máquina de Mattson adaptada. Foram encontradas diferen

  6. Study of sugar cooking degree to sugar obtention using gamma attenuation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holanda Cavalcanti, J. de.


    The application of gamma radiation attenuation methodology in the determination of sugar cooking degree is studied. Several experiments with samples of vacuum equipment during the cooking were made, based on beam intensity variations of a radioactive source of Americium 241. One sensible difference between the sirup emergent radiation and the cooked mass was observed. (M.A.C.) [pt

  7. Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in cooking oil fumes. (United States)

    Li, S; Pan, D; Wang, G


    Various samples of cooking oil fumes were analyzed to an effort to study the relationship between the high incidence of pulmonary adenocarcinoma in Chinese women and cooking oil fumes in the kitchen. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in samples of cooking oil fumes were extracted, chromatographed, and measured by fluorescence spectrophotometer. The samples included oil fumes from three commercial cooking oils and fumes from three catering shops. All samples contained benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and dibenzo (a,h)anthracene (DBahA). In addition, the concentration of DBahA was 5.7 to 22.8 times higher than that of BaP in the fume samples. Concentrations of BaP and DBahA were, respectively, 0.463 and 5.736 micrograms/g in refined vegetable oil, 0.341 and 3.725 micrograms/g in soybean oil, and 0.305 and 4.565 micrograms/g in vegetable oil. Investigation of PAH concentrations at three catering shops showed that the level of BaP at a Youtiao (deep-fried twisted dough sticks) shop was 4.18 micrograms/100 m3, 2.28 micrograms/100 m3 at a Seqenma (candied fritters) workshop, and 0.49 micrograms/100 m3 at a kitchen of a restaurant; concentrations of DBahA were 33.80, 14.41, and 3.03 micrograms/100 m3, respectively. The high concentration of carcinogens, such as BaP and DBahA, in cooking oil fumes might help explain why Chinese women, who spend more time exposed to cooking oil fumes than men, have a high incidence of pulmonary adenocarcinoma.

  8. Effect of cooking on14 C-tetrachlorvinphos residues in faba beans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farghaly, M.; Zayed, S.M.A.D.


    The effect of cooking on 14 C-tetrachlorvinphos in stored vicia faba beans was studied. The results indicated that over 50% of the dose originally present inside the grains (37 ppm), could be recovered in the aqueous extract of the cooked grains. Considerable portion of radioactivity (About 22%) was associated with the grains in a non-extractable from. Residues in cooked beans included, in addition to a small amount of the parent insecticide, desmethyl tetrachlorvinphos, mono methyl phosphate and dimethyl phosphate. The results obtained indicate that tetrachlorvinphos residues are not appreciably affected by cooking. 1 tab

  9. The emergence of cooking in Southwest Asia

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    Katherine Wright


    Full Text Available There has been surprisingly little systematic study by prehistorians of how in the distant past people cooked and consumed food. There are many unanswered questions. For example, how did cooking emerge and affect human evolution, how did it change with the advent of farming, when did kitchens first appear and who built the earliest known ovens? Research on Palaeolithic and Neolithic food preparation and consumption is now beginning to suggest answers to such questions.

  10. A Cooking Recipe Recommendation System with Visual Recognition of Food Ingredients

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    Keiji Yanai


    Full Text Available In this paper, we propose a cooking recipe recommendation system which runs on a consumer smartphone as an interactive mobile application. The proposed system employs real-time visual object recognition of food ingredients, and recommends cooking recipes related to the recognized food ingredients. Because of visual recognition, by only pointing a built-in camera on a smartphone to food ingredients, a user can get to know a related cooking recipes instantly. The objective of the proposed system is to assist people who cook to decide a cooking recipe at grocery stores or at a kitchen. In the current implementation, the system can recognize 30 kinds of food ingredient in 0.15 seconds, and it has achieved the 83.93% recognition rate within the top six candidates. By the user study, we confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed system.

  11. Assessment of nutritional quality of cooked Swazi leafy vegetables ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Brassica oleracea and Spinacia oleracea were also analysed and compared with other vegetables. Sampled vegetables were divided into two categories. All vegetables in category one were cooked without any additives. In category two Hibiscus escolentus and Corchorius olitorus were cooked with bicarbonate of soda ...

  12. γ-ray irradiation of cooked dishes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin Ruotai; Cheng Wei; Wen Shengli; Xiong Guangquan; Ye Lixiu; Chen Yuxia; Zhang Jinmu; He Jianjun; Lin Yong; Zhan Hanping


    Ready-to-eat cooked dishes, including stir-fried dishes, steamed dishes, roast meat, deep dried dishes, shrimps and seashells, and dishes of local flavor, etc were irradiated with 60 Co γ-rays, and the decontamination effects were studied. The results showed that most of the cooked dishes are suitable for irradiation. The effective dose is 4 kGy to 8 kGy. Index of microbe of the irradiated dishes was conformed to the National Food-Health standards, and no significant sensory changes was observed with the irradiated dishes. The quality guarantee period (0-5 degree C) is 60 days. (authors)

  13. Effect of gamma irradiation on the amino acid contents of seafood cooking drips

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Ju Woon; Kim, Yeon Joo; Choi, Jong Il; Kim, Yun Joo; Kim, Jae Hun; Kim, Jin Kyu; Byun, Myung Woo; Kwon, Joong Ho; Ahn, Dong Hyun; Chun, Byung Soo


    In this study, the effects of gamma irradiation on the change of structural and free amino acids contents of cooking drips from Hizikia fusiformis (HF) and Enteroctopus dofleini (ED) were investigated. The main structural amino acids were glutamic acid in HF cooking drip, and glutamic acid, glycine, arginine and aspartic acid in ED cooking drip, respectively. The concentrations of structural amino acids in both cooking drip extracts were decreased by the gamma irradiation at the dose of 10 kGy. Especially, the sulfur-containing amino acids were severely degraded by the irradiation. In free amino acid, ED cooking drip extract was contained the larger amount of free amino acid than that of HF cooking drip affecting its rich flavor. The free amino acid concentrations of cooking drips extracts from HF and ED were both increased by irradiation, and it explained the higher protein content by the irradiation

  14. [Impact of cooking on the content of fish mercury]. (United States)

    Gremiachikh, V A; Tomilina, I I; Komov, V T


    Changes in the levels of mercury in the fish inhabiting the water reservoirs of Russia were studied after cooking it in a variety of ways (boiling for different time periods, roasting, and smoking). To have a general idea of the impact of various procedures for cooking the fish on its mercury amount, the authors measured mercury concentrations in smoked perch and manufactured and homemade canned salt-and fresh-water fishes. The absolute content of mercury in the fish is shown to be unchanged during its cooking and not to depend on the procedure and duration of the latter.

  15. Short term exposure to cooking fumes and pulmonary function

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    Qvenild Torgunn


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Exposure to cooking fumes may have different deleterious effects on the respiratory system. The aim of this study was to look at possible effects from inhalation of cooking fumes on pulmonary function. Methods Two groups of 12 healthy volunteers (A and B stayed in a model kitchen for two and four hours respectively, and were monitored with spirometry four times during twenty four hours, on one occasion without any exposure, and on another with exposure to controlled levels of cooking fumes. Results The change in spirometric values during the day with exposure to cooking fumes, were not statistically significantly different from the changes during the day without exposure, with the exception of forced expiratory time (FET. The change in FET from entering the kitchen until six hours later, was significantly prolonged between the exposed and the unexposed day with a 15.7% increase on the exposed day, compared to a 3.2% decrease during the unexposed day (p-value = 0.03. The same tendency could be seen for FET measurements done immediately after the exposure and on the next morning, but this was not statistically significant. Conclusion In our experimental setting, there seems to be minor short term spirometric effects, mainly affecting FET, from short term exposure to cooking fumes.

  16. Indoor acrolein emission and decay rates resulting from domestic cooking events (United States)

    Seaman, Vincent Y.; Bennett, Deborah H.; Cahill, Thomas M.


    Acrolein (2-propenal) is a common constituent of both indoor and outdoor air, can exacerbate asthma in children, and may contribute to other chronic lung diseases. Recent studies have found high indoor levels of acrolein and other carbonyls compared to outdoor ambient concentrations. Heated cooking oils produce considerable amounts of acrolein, thus cooking is likely an important source of indoor acrolein. A series of cooking experiments were conducted to determine the emission rates of acrolein and other volatile carbonyls for different types of cooking oils (canola, soybean, corn and olive oils) and deep-frying different food items. Similar concentrations and emission rates of carbonyls were found when different vegetable oils were used to deep-fry the same food product. The food item being deep-fried was generally not a significant source of carbonyls compared to the cooking oil. The oil cooking events resulted in high concentrations of acrolein that were in the range of 26.4-64.5 μg m -3. These concentrations exceed all the chronic regulatory exposure limits and many of the acute exposure limits. The air exchange rate and the decay rate of the carbonyls were monitored to estimate the half-life of the carbonyls. The half-life for acrolein was 14.4 ± 2.6 h, which indicates that indoor acrolein concentrations can persist for considerable time after cooking in poorly-ventilated homes.

  17. Climate and mortality changes due to reductions in household cooking emissions (United States)

    Bergman, Tommi; Mielonen, Tero; Arola, Antti; Kokkola, Harri


    Household cooking is a significant cause for health and environmental problems in the developing countries. There are more than 3 billion people who use biomass for fuel in cooking stoves in their daily life. These cooking stoves use inadequate ventilation and expose especially women and children to indoor smoke. To reduce problems of the biomass burning, India launched an initiative to provide affordable and clean energy solutions for the poorest households by providing clean next-generation cooking stoves. The improved cooking stoves are expected to improve outdoor air quality and to reduce the climate-active pollutants, thus simultaneously slowing the climate change. Previous research has shown that the emissions of black carbon can be decreased substantially, as much as 90 % by applying better technology in cooking stoves. We have implemented reasonable (50% decrease) and best case (90% decrease) scenarios of the reductions in black and organic carbon due to improved cooking stoves in India into ECHAM-HAMMOZ aerosol-climate model. The global simulations of the scenarios will be used to study how the reductions of emissions in India affect the pollutant concentrations and radiation. The simulated reductions in particulate concentrations will also be used to estimate the decrease in mortality rates. Furthermore, we will study how the emission reductions would affect the global climate and mortality if a similar initiative would be applied in other developing countries.

  18. Alterações químicas e nutricionais do grão-de-bico (Cicer arietinum L. cru irradiado e submetido à cocção Nutritional and chemical alteration of raw, irradiated and cooked chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.

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    Andréa Cristina Penati Ferreira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivos analisar, em grãos não submetidos à irradiação, a composição centesimal e mineral, para verificar as alterações provocadas pela cocção. Em grãos crus e cozidos, não irradiados (controle e irradiados (doses de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 kGy, foram realizadas também as análises de: disponibilidade de ferro in vitro, digestibilidade da proteína in vitro e perfil de aminoácidos. Os resultados das análises dos minerais demonstraram que ocorreu diminuição significativa (pThe work objective was analyzing, in chickpea seeds not irradiated, the centesimal and mineral composition to verifying the alterations on the nutritional characteristics caused by the cooking process. Also were carried out analysis of the iron availability in vitro, protein digestibility in vitro and the profile of amino acids in the raw and cooked in the control and irradiated seeds (doses of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 kGy. The results of the mineral analysis showed that only phosphorus decrease significantly (p<0.05 with cooking process. At the centesimal composition, ash and carbohydrates available decreased significantly (p<0,05. In the control and in the doses of 4 and 6 kGy the cooking hasn't influenced the digestibility of the protein, but the treatments that received radiation doses of 2, 8 and 10 kGy were influenced. The cooked chickpea has shown better digestibility in higher doses of radiation although the treatments have shown low digestibility. The raw chickpea presented a better dialysis of iron in the control and in the doses 2 and 4 kGy and the cooked chickpea presented improvement according to the increase of radiation doses. In relation to essential amino acids, chickpea has presented an adequate nutritional value, except for methionine.

  19. Meat cooking habits and risk of colorectal cancer in Córdoba, Argentina. (United States)

    Navarro, Alicia; Muñoz, Sonia E; Lantieri, María J; del Pilar Diaz, María; Cristaldo, Patricia E; de Fabro, Sofía P; Eynard, Aldo R


    Colorectal cancer is the third cause of death among women and the fifth among men in Córdoba, Argentina. We previously reported colorectal cancer to be associated with a high intake of fatty meats and bovine viscera and inversely associated with dietary fiber intake. In this study, we investigated the role of method of cooking meat and preferences in browned surfaces in the risk of colorectal cancer. A case-control retrospective study was carried out by interviewing 296 patients and 597 control subjects with a food-frequency questionnaire. Meat consumption and preferred cooking procedures (boiled, roasted, barbecued, cooked in a flat iron-pan without fat, and fried) were investigated. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were obtained by unconditional logistic regression analysis. Barbecuing was the cooking method preferred by men, whereas iron-pan cooking was favored by women; frying was the least favored method. Fatty beef, sausages, and bovine viscera were preferentially barbecued or boiled, whereas lean beef was mainly roasted, iron-pan cooked, or fried. Chicken was barbecued or roasted. The multivariate relative risks (adjusted by age, sex, social stratum, and total energy intake) for preferring darkly browned surfaces were significantly associated with an increased risk for all cooking procedures (odds ratio, 4.57; 95% confidence interval, 3.10 to 6.73). No associations were found for red roasted or for boiled meats. Increased risk seems to be related to cooking temperature and close contact of the food to the heating source, because higher risks were observed for heavily browned surfaces when meats were barbecued or iron-pan cooked.

  20. Impact of the degree of cooking on starch digestibility of rice - An in vitro study. (United States)

    Tamura, Masatsugu; Singh, Jaspreet; Kaur, Lovedeep; Ogawa, Yukiharu


    The impact of cooking degree on the starch digestibility of a non-waxy, cooked rice was examined through a simulated gastro-small intestinal in vitro digestion model. The starch hydrolysis of both non-homogenised and homogenised cooked rice samples during simulated digestion was also compared in order to examine the impact of grain structure on starch digestibility. Polished rice grains were cooked in boiling water for 10min (partially cooked) and 20min (fully cooked) to obtain samples of different cooking degree. No significant differences in the equilibrium starch hydrolysis (%) were observed among the partially and fully cooked grains, although significant differences were observed among the uncooked and cooked samples. The equilibrium starch hydrolysis (%) of homogenised rice was higher than its non-homogenised counterpart. These results showed that rice starch digestibility should not be affected by the cooking degrees related to starch gelatinisation, but was influenced by the modification/destruction of the grain structure during mechanical processing. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Evaluation of a cooking skills programme in parents of young children--a longitudinal study. (United States)

    Garcia, Ada L; Vargas, Elisa; Lam, Po S; Shennan, David B; Smith, Fiona; Parrett, Alison


    To evaluate longitudinally the effectiveness of a cooking programme on self-reported confidence about cooking skills and food consumption patterns in parents of young children. An evaluation of cooking programmes delivered by National Health Service (NHS) community food workers using a single group pre-test/post-test repeated measures design. A shortened version of a validated questionnaire at baseline, post intervention and 1-year follow-up determined confidence in cooking using basic ingredients, following a simple recipe, tasting new foods, preparing and cooking new foods on consumption of ready meals, vegetables and fruit. Deprived communities in Ayrshire and Arran, Scotland. Parents of nursery age children, 97 % were female and cooking increased significantly from baseline to post intervention (P recipe and preparing and cooking new foods. Improved food consumption patterns were reported from baseline to post intervention (ready-meal consumption reduced from 2-4 times/week to 1 time/week, P cooking programmes appeared to improve cooking confidence and food consumption patterns in the target group and some of these changes were retained after 1 year.

  2. Exposure to airborne ultrafine particles from cooking in Portuguese homes. (United States)

    Bordado, J C; Gomes, J F; Albuquerque, P C


    Cooking was found to be a main source of submicrometer and ultrafine aerosols from gas combustion in stoves. Therefore, this study consisted of the determination of the alveolar deposited surface area due to aerosols resulting from common domestic cooking activities (boiling fish, vegetables, or pasta, and frying hamburgers and eggs). The concentration of ultrafine particles during the cooking events significantly increased from a baseline of 42.7 microm2/cm3 (increased to 72.9 microm2/cm3 due to gas burning) to a maximum of 890.3 microm2/cm3 measured during fish boiling in water and a maximum of 4500 microm2/cm3 during meat frying. This clearly shows that a domestic activity such as cooking can lead to exposures as high as those of occupational exposure activities. The approach of this study considers the determination of alveolar deposited surface area of aerosols generated from cooking activities, namely, typical Portuguese dishes. This type of measurement has not been done so far, in spite of the recognition that cooking activity is a main source of submicrometer and ultrafine aerosols. The results have shown that the levels of generated aerosols surpass the outdoor concentrations in a major European town, which calls for further determinations, contributing to a better assessment of exposure of individuals to domestic activities such as this one.

  3. Nutrients and antinutrients composition of raw, cooked and sun ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nutrients and antinutrients composition of raw, cooked and sun-dried sweet potato leaves. ... African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development ... This study aimed to determine nutrient (iron, calcium, vitamin A and ascorbic acid) and anti-nutrient (oxalates and polyphenols) contents in raw, cooked and dried ...

  4. Effect of cooking on functional properties of germinated black glutinous rice (KKU-ULR012

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    Thapanan Konwatchara


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to investigate the changes in functional properties of germinated black glutinous rice (KKU-ULR012 after cooking. Black glutinous rice grains were obtained from Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. The rough grains were soaked for 12 hrs, then germinated for 30 hrs at 35±2°C (95%RH, dried at 45±2°C for 8 hrs, dehusked and cooked either using a microwave oven or a pressure cooker. The cooked grains were dehydrated in two stages, 85±2°C for 1 hr and 45±2°C for 12 hrs until the final moisture content was 10±2%wb. The antioxidant activity, anthocyanins, GABA and -oryzanol contents, and the microstructure of the dehydrated grains were then characterized. Germination process induced a 2.55 fold increase in GABA content compared to non-germinated KKU-ULR012. The germinated KKU-ULR012 gave DPPH value, anthocyanins and -oryzanol contents of 33.74±0.15 mgTrolox/100gdb, 182.89±0.48 mg/100gdb and 37.72±0.16 mg/100gdb, respectively. Anthocyanins in cooked germinated KKU-ULR012 diminished almost 88-89% after cooking. The cooking methods employed strongly influenced the antioxidant activity and anthocyanins content that the pressure cooking tended to prevent loss of anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity. The GABA, -oryzanol and antho-cyanins contents and antioxidant activity of germinated grains cooked in the pressure cooker were higher than the samples cooked in the microwave oven (p<0.05. For pressure cooking, the cooked grains gave DPPH, ABTS, anthocyanins and -oryzanol contents of 9.89±0.35 mgTrolox/100gdb, 1.79±0.04 mgTrolox/100gdb, 21.60±0.14 mg/100gdb and 37.16±0.70 mg/100gdb, respectively. The rice grains cooked by pressure cooking were more moist and sticky than the grains cooked by microwave cooking. The microstructure examined by SEM showed that the center of the dehydrated cooked rice grain was smooth indicating starch gelatinization whereas the surface revealed

  5. Effect of domestic cooking methods on egg yolk xanthophylls. (United States)

    Nimalaratne, Chamila; Lopes-Lutz, Daise; Schieber, Andreas; Wu, Jianping


    Xanthophylls are a class of bioactive compounds known to play an important role in preventing age-related macular degeneration. Egg yolk is a rich source of highly bioavailable xanthophylls including lutein and zeaxanthin. The effects of domestic cooking methods (boiling, frying, microwaving) on egg yolk xanthophyll content were investigated. A LC-(APCI)-MS/MS method was used to identify and quantify all-E- and Z-isomers of lutein, zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, and β-apo-8'-carotenoic acid ethyl ester in fresh and cooked egg yolks. Both fresh and cooked yolks showed similar xanthophyll profiles but with higher contents of Z-isomers in cooked samples. All-E-lutein was the most affected, with 22.5%, 16.7%, and 19.3% reductions in boiled, microwaved, and fried yolk extracts, respectively. Total xanthophyll losses ranged from 6% to 18%. The results presented here could be useful in calculating the dietary intake of xanthophylls and also in assessing the xanthophyll profiles and contents of egg-containing products.

  6. Screening for heterocyclic amines in chicken cooked in various ways. (United States)

    Solyakov, A; Skog, K


    Chicken cooked under well-controlled conditions and commercial chicken products were screened for heterocyclic amines (HAs). Chicken samples were boiled, deep-fried, pan-fried, oven-roasted, cooked in an unglazed clay pot or in a roasting bag in the oven, and oven broiled. 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx), 2-amino-3,4,8-trimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (4,8-DiMeIQx), 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), 1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole (harman) and 9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole (norharman) were identified in several samples. Chicken cooked at low temperatures contained low amounts of HAs. In pan-fried chicken breasts, MeIQx was detected in amounts below 2 ng/g, 4,8-DiMeIQx below 0.6 ng/g, and PhIP in amounts up to 38 ng/g. Harman and norharman were detected in almost all samples (below 15 ng/g). In skin from a commercially barbecued chicken, MeIQx, 4,8-DiMeIQx and PhIP were detected, while only traces of MeIQx were detected in the meat. MeIQx was detected in a commercial chicken flavour, 0.1 ng/ml. No HAs were detected in pan-fried chicken liver. The results show that the content of HAs in chicken cooked in various ways is low if prepared at low temperatures, and increases with increasing cooking temperature. PhIP formation seems to start accelerating at cooking temperatures around or above 200 degrees C. Colour development increases with cooking temperature, but no correlation with HA content was observed.

  7. Modelagem da capacidade de suporte de carga e quantificação dos efeitos das operações mecanizadas em um Latossolo Amarelo cultivado com cafeeiros Modelling the load support capacity and quantification of mechanized operation effects on a Yellow Latosol under coffee plantations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arystides Resende Silva


    Full Text Available O Estado de Minas Gerais é o maior produtor de café do Brasil, com mais de 50 % da produção total, sendo grande parte da área cultivada originalmente ocupada por vegetação de cerrado. Essa região é destaque na cafeicultura em razão da alta tecnologia empregada na mecanização, que submete o solo ao tráfego de máquinas, tornando preocupante a possibilidade de disseminação da compactação do solo. Objetivou-se com este estudo: (a propor modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga de um Latossolo Amarelo distrófico típico (LAd cultivado com cafeeiro em função da pressão de preconsolidação e da umidade, (b determinar, com o uso destes modelos, em três profundidades e em duas épocas de amostragem, a influência das operações de manejo na estrutura do Latossolo Amarelo nas estações: seca e chuvosa. As amostragens foram realizadas em três camadas (0-3, 10-13 e 25-28 cm, sendo 30 amostras coletadas no local onde não houve tráfego e 10 amostras na linha de tráfego para cada equipamento, coletadas nos meses de agosto de 2002 e março de 2003 para quantificar seu efeito na estrutura do solo nas duas épocas: seca e chuvosa, respectivamente. As amostras indeformadas foram utilizadas nos ensaios de compressão uniaxial. Foram determinados também granulometria, matéria orgânica, densidade de partículas, limite de contração e limite de plasticidade do solo. O modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga do LAd é expresso pela equação sigmap = 10(2,72-1,17U, em que sigmap significa a pressão de preconsolidação e U a umidade. Os efeitos das operações mecanizadas na lavoura cafeeira foram quantificados com o modelo de capacidade de suporte de carga e com o seu uso foi possível quantificar a influência das operações de manejo na estrutura do Latossolo Amarelo distrófico típico.Minas Gerais state is the largest coffee producer in Brazil. The state contributes with over 50 % of the total production, which is for the

  8. Induction stoves as an option for clean cooking in rural India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banerjee, Manjushree; Prasad, Rakesh; Rehman, Ibrahim H; Gill, Bigsna


    As part of a programme on ‘access to clean cooking alternatives in rural India’, induction stoves were introduced in nearly 4000 rural households in Himachal Pradesh, one of the few highly electrified states in India. Analysis of primary usage information from 1000 rural households revealed that electricity majorly replaced Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), generally used as a secondary cooking fuel, but did not influence a similar shift from traditional mud stoves as the primary cooking technology. Likewise, the shift from firewood to electricity as a primary cooking fuel was observed in only 5% of the households studied. Country level analysis indicates that rural households falling in lower monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) classes have lesser access to electricity and clean cooking options than those falling in higher MPCE classes. Again, only three states in India with high levels of rural household electrification report consumption statuses more than 82 kWh per month (the estimated mean for electricity consumption by induction stoves). Overall, the results of the study indicate that induction stoves will have limited potential in reducing the consumption of firewood and LPG if included in energy access programmes, that too only in regions where high levels of electrification exist. - Highlights: • Primary survey of induction stove users was conducted in 1000 rural households. • In 84% households, electricity replaced LPG as the secondary cooking fuel. • In only 5% households, electricity replaced firewood as the primary cooking fuel. • Electricity as a cooking fuel for rural India still needs massive investments. • Currently, induction stoves are only able to reduce consumption of firewood and LPG.

  9. Radiotreatment of dishes cooked : Royal cutlets of chickens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bousselmi, Mehrez


    The cooked dishes often present themselves as the complex products of microbiological, biochemival view point and organoleptic.However, the demand of the local and international market stops showing a tendency toward use increased of these cooked dishes of which problems to get round are very delicate. The ionization can be an alternative of conservation since it is characterized bye one fashion of action fundamentally different of the classic techniques: it is about exposing during a determined length, of the wrapped food commodities or in a jumble to doses of ionising radiance carefully controlled in order to get the sought-after effect. The irradiation showed a big efficiency therefore on the plan microbiology.Indeed the dose 1 KGy destroyed all present microorganisms in dishes cooked pasteurized. whereas, for dishes cooked non pasteurized, a dose of 2 KGy destroyed completely the flora of contamination. Besides, the irradiation entails a light reduction of the biochemical composition, while keeping qualities intact organoleptic for all analyzed samples. As a conclusion, the irradiation increases the length of conservation, what confirms the reliability of such a process, in addition of his/her/its weak energizing cost. (author)

  10. Simplification of Home Cooking and Its Periphery


    小住, フミ子; 北崎, 康子; Fumiko, OZUMI; Yasuko, KITAZAKI


    Sence of home cooking has been changing with the times. Various topics, which make us conscious of health and dietary habits, such as delicatessen, half-ready-made foods, eating out, and utilization of home delivery service and food imports are involved in those of simplification of cooking. We requested 64 students to fill in a questionnaire in three parts. The recovery was 96.4%. The results are as follows : The main reason for purchasing delicatessen or half-ready-made foods was that "they...

  11. Chemicals in Meat Cooked at High Temperatures and Cancer Risk (United States)

    ... Services Directory Cancer Prevention Overview Research Chemicals in Meat Cooked at High Temperatures and Cancer Risk On ... hydrocarbons, and how are they formed in cooked meats? What factors influence the formation of HCA and ...

  12. Environmental exposure to cooking oil fumes and cervical intraepithelial neoplasm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, M.-T.; Lee, L.-H.; Ho, C.-K.; Wu, S.-C.; Lin, L.-Y.; Cheng, B.-H.; Liu, C.-L.; Yang, C.-Y.; Tsai, H.-T.; Wu, T.-N.


    The fumes from cooking oil, similar to cigarette smoke, contain numerous carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines, nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, etc. In this study, we examined the association between exposure to cooking oil fumes and the risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasm. The study population in this nested case-control study consisted of women above the age of 19 years living in Chia-Yi County, located in the southwestern Taiwan, who had received pap smear screening between October, 1999, and December, 2000 (n=32,466). The potential cases were women having lesions greater than cervical intraepithelium neoplasm II (≥CIN2) reconfirmed by cervical biopsy (n=116). The potential controls (case: control=1:2) were age-matched (±2 years) and residence-matched women who had normal pap smears within 6 months of the cases. In total, 100 cases and 197 controls were completely interviewed by public health nurses about cooking methods, ventilation, and other potential risk factors. Women who cooked at home in a kitchen (n=269) without the presence of a fume extractor at least once a week between the ages of 20 and 40 had a 2.29 times higher risk [95% confidence interval (CI)=1.08-4.87] of developing cervical intraepithelial neoplasm than those who did not cook once a week in such a kitchen during the same age span, after adjusting for other potential confounders. This finding was further strengthened by the finding that women who did not use the fume extractors had a 2.47 times higher risk (95% CI=1.15-5.32) of developing cervical intraepithelial neoplasm than women who cooked in kitchens with fume extractors that were always switched on while cooking. We also found a joint protective effect of fume extractor use among women older than 40 years (n=202) if they used the extractors during both age spans of their lives, ages 20-40 and >40 years. Comparing our findings on women more than 40 years old who used fume extractors during

  13. Evaluation of owner experiences and adherence to home-cooked diet recipes for dogs. (United States)

    Johnson, L N; Linder, D E; Heinze, C R; Kehs, R L; Freeman, L M


    To evaluate owner experiences and adherence to home-cooked diet recipes for dogs. Clients of a veterinary teaching hospital clinical nutrition service who had a home-cooked diet recipe formulated for their dogs between March 2011 and December 2013 were given a survey by email, postal mail and telephone. Survey questions addressed motivations, positive and negative aspects of feeding home-cooked diets and current feeding practices. Responses were compared to animals' medical records to determine adherence. Of the 93 owners who were contacted, 53 (57%) completed the survey. Of the 53 respondents, 43 owners (81%) reported that they were still feeding an home-cooked diet or had fed an home-cooked diet until the time of their dogs' deaths. The most common motivation for feeding a home-cooked diet was suitability for specific medical needs. Of the 30 surveys that included a complete diet history, only four (13%) demonstrated exact adherence to home-cooked diet recipes. Most respondents liked and continued to feed a home-cooked diet, but few owners adhered to prescribed recipes and many dogs required recipe modifications. It is important to counsel dog owners about benefits and drawbacks of feeding home-cooked diets, importance of recipe adherence and necessity for follow-up after diet formulation with a board-certified veterinary nutritionist. © 2015 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.

  14. Infestação por bicho-mineiro e teores foliares de açúcares solúveis totais e proteína em cafeeiros orgânicos


    Theodoro, Vanessa Cristina de Almeida; Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso - campus de Nova Xavantina -Departamento de Agronomia; Guimarães, Rubens José; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Mendes, Antonio Nazareno Guimaraes


    O experimento foi instalado em agosto de 2004 em uma lavoura cafeeira, cultivar ‘Catuaí amarelo’, espaçamento 4,0 x 0,7 m e idade de 6 anos), no primeiro ano de transição agroecológica. Empregou-se o delineamento látice balanceado 4x4, com cinco repetições em fatorial 3x2x2, mais quatro tratamentos adicionais. Foram testados dezesseis tratamentos de acordo com as normas de agricultura orgânica: três adubos orgânicos (farelo de mamona, o esterco bovino, a cama de aviário), com ou sem palha de ...

  15. Fontes e doses de nitrogênio na adubação química do cafeeiro em latossolo roxo e podzólico vermelho-amarelo orto


    Moraes,Ferdinando Roberto Pupo de; Lazzarini,Walter; Cervellini,Genesio da Silva; Toledo,Sergio Vasco de; Moraes,Mario Vieira de; Reis,Antonio Junqueira; Rocha,Túlio Ribeiro; Conagin,Armando


    Uréia, sulfato de amônio, salitre-do-chile e Nitrocálcio, nas doses de 75, 150, 225 e 300kg de nitrogênio por hectare, foram aplicados em experimentos com café Mundo-Novo, instalados em Latossolo Roxo da região de Ribeirão Preto e em Podzólico Vermelho- Amarelo orto da região de Mococa (SP). As produções foram crescentes com os aumentos de nitrogênio aplicado, sendo que as respostas para suas maiores quantidades foram maiores no Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo orto. O sulfato de amônio, o Nitrocál...

  16. Evaluation of cooking energy cost, efficiency, impact on air pollution and policy in Nigeria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anozie, A.N.; Bakare, A.R.; Sonibare, J.A.; Oyebisi, T.O.


    This study evaluated the cooking energy costs and efficiencies, the air pollution impacts of cooking energy consumption and the impact of the energy policy in the cooking energy sector in Nigeria. Water boiling and cooking experiments using the common cooking energy sources (fuel wood, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and electricity) and common food items (water, yam and beans) were carried out. Energy surveys were carried out to determine the cooking energy use patterns in the urban and rural areas. It was found that fuel wood is the least expensive cooking energy source and LPG is the most expensive. Energy use efficiencies for boiling water were estimated at 25%, 46%, 73%, 79%, 66% and 90% for fuel wood, kerosene, gas, electric immersion coil, electric heating coil and electric hot plate, respectively. Energy intensity was found to be a comparative measure of energy efficiency. The impacts of air pollution from household cooking suggested a possibility of significant air pollutants contribution to the ambient environment using any of the energy carriers considered except electricity. The cooking energy use patterns showed that fuel wood is the predominant energy source for cooking in the rural areas while kerosene is the predominant energy source in the urban areas, revealing that the energy policy in the country had made no impact in the cooking energy sector. Recommendations for improving the energy supply situation were given and for removing the barriers that prevent the implementation of the recommendations

  17. Outlook for modern cooking energy access in Central America (United States)


    The Central American nations of Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua are among the poorest in the Americas. While the fraction of population dependent on solid fuels has declined in these nations over the last 25 years, the number of people using them has risen. Here, we first assess current patterns of cooking energy use in these nations. We then apply a discrete model of household cooking choices and demand to simulate future pathways of clean cooking uptake and the outlook for achieving target 7.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which aims to ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services by 2030. We find that by 2030, ensuing income growth is likely to enable 90% of urban populations in these nations to switch to using modern cooking energy services. However, without supporting policies, between 40% to 50% of rural Guatemalans and Hondurans, while over two-thirds of rural Nicaraguans, are likely to find clean fuels or stoves unaffordable in 2030. A targeted subsidy on modern fuels, like liquid petroleum gas (LPG), is the most effective policy mechanism we studied that could provide such support. A 50% subsidy policy on LPG targeted to the rural and urban poor population could, by 2030, make cooking with LPG affordable to an additional 7.3 million people in these countries. We estimate that such a policy would cost about $250 million per year and would have negligible greenhouse gas emissions impacts. Such a policy could also have significant health benefits, preventing about 8,890 premature deaths annually from reduced exposure to cooking-related household pollution in 2030. PMID:29883457

  18. Fitoseídeos (Acari: Phytoseiidae associados a cafezais e fragmentos florestais vizinhos Phytoseiids (Acari: Phytoseiidae associated to coffee plantations and adjacent forest fragments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ester Azevedo Silva


    Full Text Available Existem poucas informações sobre a fauna de ácaros predadores (Phytoseiidae em ambientes naturais brasileiros adjacentes a agroecossistemas cafeeiros (Coffea spp. ou sobre a influência que essa vegetação exerce como reservatório de ácaros predadores. Neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a diversidade destes organismos em cafeeiros e fragmentos florestais adjacentes. Coletaram-se amostras das espécies Calyptranthes clusiifolia (Miq. O. Berg (Myrtaceae, Esenbeckia febrifuga (A. St.-Hil. A. Juss. ex Mart. (Rutaceae, Metrodorea stipularis Mart. (Rutaceae e Allophylus semidentatus (Miq. Radlk. (Sapindaceae, em oito fragmentos florestais, de 5 a 51 ha, e cafezais adjacentes, nos meses de junho (final período chuvoso e outubro (final período seco nos anos 2004 e 2005, na região Sul do Estado de Minas Gerais. Ácaros foram extraídos das folhas, utilizando o método de lavagem e, em seguida, montados em lâminas de microscopia em meio de Hoyer, para identificação específica. No total foram identificados 2.348 fitoseídeos, sendo 2.090 nos fragmentos florestais e 258 espécimes nos cafezais adjacentes, pertencentes a 38 espécies. Servindo-se de análise faunística, a espécie Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma, 1972 apresentou os melhores índices no agroecossistema cafeeiro, sendo muito frequente e constante nas épocas estudadas. Nos fragmentos florestais Amblyseius herbicolus Chant, 1959, Iphiseiodes affs. neonobilis Denmark & Muma, 1978, Leonseius regularis DeLeon, 1965 e Euseius alatus DeLeon, 1966 foram dominantes, muito abundantes, muito frequentes e constantes nas épocas estudadas. Podemos concluir que a vegetação nativa abriga ácaros predadores, inimigos naturais de ácaros-praga, que ocorrem na cultura cafeeira, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de programas de manejo ecológico com áreas de vegetação natural e agroecossistemas cafeeiros adjacentes.There is little information about the fauna of predatory mites

  19. An Experiential Cooking and Nutrition Education Program Increases Cooking Self-Efficacy and Vegetable Consumption in Children in Grades 3-8. (United States)

    Jarpe-Ratner, Elizabeth; Folkens, Stephanie; Sharma, Sonika; Daro, Deborah; Edens, Neilé K

    Evaluate the effect of a community-based, experiential cooking and nutrition education program on consumption of fruits and vegetables and associated intermediate outcomes in students from low-income families. Quasi-experimental program evaluation by pre-post survey of participating students and their parents. Underserved elementary and middle schools in Chicago. Students (n = 271; 65% girls, 44% Hispanic, 32% African American; 94% eligible for free/reduced price lunch) in grades 3-8 selected by school staff to participate by variable inclusion criteria. 59% of students who applied returned both pre- and post-surveys. Ten-week (2 h/wk) chef-instructor-led program held in cafeteria kitchens after school. Changes in student nutrition knowledge, cooking self-efficacy, fruit and vegetable liking and consumption, and communication to family about healthy eating. Changes from beginning to end of program were analyzed with paired t test. Results were considered significant at P cooking self-efficacy score from 3.2 to 3.6, and vegetable consumption score from 2.2 to 2.4 (all P cooking and nutrition education programs led by chef-instructors may be effective ways to improve nutrition in low-income communities. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Go Cook - de første 10 år

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Boris

    Med henvisning til evalueringens datagrundlag udpeges i arbejdsrapportens indsatsområder for fremtidens Go Cook (Go Cook er et landsdækkende tilbud til understøttelse af madkundskabs- og madlæringsaktiviter i grundskolen). De bliver tematiseret som følger: 1. Med henblik på at udvikle de didaktis...

  1. Antioxidant activity in cooked and simulated digested eggs. (United States)

    Remanan, M K; Wu, J


    The avian egg is an excellent source of nutrients consisting of components with beneficial properties but there is limited knowledge on the effect of cooking methods and gastrointestinal digestion on the antioxidant activity of eggs. The present study was focused on the effect of cooking and simulated gastrointestinal digestion on antioxidant activity of eggs using ORAC, ABTS and DPPH assays. The results suggest that fresh egg yolk has higher antioxidant activity than fresh egg white and whole eggs. Cooking reduced whereas simulated gastrointestinal digestion increased the antioxidant activity of eggs. Boiled egg white hydrolysate showed the highest antioxidant activity; a total of 63 peptides were identified, indicative of the formation of novel antioxidant peptides upon simulated gastrointestinal digestion. This study suggests the potential role of eggs as a dietary source of antioxidants.

  2. Parabolic solar cooker: Cooking with heat pipe vs direct spiral copper tubes (United States)

    Craig, Omotoyosi O.; Dobson, Robert T.


    Cooking with solar energy has been seen by many researchers as a solution to the challenges of poverty and hunger in the world. This is no exception in Africa, as solar coking is viewed as an avenue to eliminate the problem of food insecurity, insufficient energy supply for household and industrial cooking. There are several types of solar cookers that have been manufactured and highlighted in literature. The parabolic types of solar cookers are known to reach higher temperatures and therefore cook faster. These cookers are currently being developed for indoor cooking. This technology has however suffered low cooking efficiency and thus leads to underutilization of the high heat energy captured from the sun in the cooking. This has made parabolic solar cookers unable to compete with other conventional types of cookers. Several methods to maximize heat from the sun for indirect cooking has been developed, and the need to improve on them of utmost urgency. This paper investigates how to optimize the heat collected from the concentrating types of cookers by proposing and comparing two types of cooking sections: the spiral hot plate copper tube and the heat pipe plate. The system uses the concentrating solar parabolic dish technology to focus the sun on a conical cavity of copper tubes and the heat is stored inside an insulated tank which acts both as storage and cooking plate. The use of heat pipes to transfer heat between the oil storage and the cooking pot was compared to the use of a direct natural syphon principle which is achieved using copper tubes in spiral form like electric stove. An accurate theoretical analysis for the heat pipe cooker was achieved by solving the boiling and vaporization in the evaporator side and then balancing it with the condensation and liquid-vapour interaction in the condenser part while correct heat transfer, pressure and height balancing was calculated in the second experiment. The results show and compare the cooking time, boiling

  3. Linking biomass fuel consumption and improve cooking stove: A study from Bangladesh

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sohel, Md. Shawkat Islam; Rana, Md. Parvez; Akhter, Sayma


    The study determines the biomass fuel consumption pattern and environmental consequences of biomass fuel usage in the traditional and improve cooking stove. The introduction of improved cooking stove minimizes people's forest dependence by reducing the amount of fuelwood required to meet their household needs. Firewood was the most frequently used biomass fuel. It has been figured out that the incomplete combustion of biomass in the traditional cooking stove poses severe epidemiological consequences to human health and contributes to global warming. While improve cooking stove help to reduce such consequences.

  4. Glycaemic index values and physicochemical properties of five brown rice varieties cooked by different domestic cooking methods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Madan Kumar Chapagai


    Full Text Available Background: The prevalence of diabetes has increased dramatically in recent decades in the regions where people excessively consume white rice. Due to higher nutritional values and bioactive components, low to medium glycaemic index (GI brown rice could be a potential alternative to white rice in these regions. Methods: Five varieties, Chiang (CH, Sungyod (SY, Lepnok (LP from Thailand, Long grain specialty 1 (LS 1 and Long grain specialty 2 (LS 2 from Malaysia were tested for GI. Ten test foods were prepared from 5 varieties by 2 cooking techniques (pressure cooker, PC and rice cooker, RC. Overnight fasted 10 healthy subjects were fed with 25 g glucose as a reference food (RF on 3 occasions and amount equivalent to 25 g available carbohydrate portion of test food (TF on 1 occasion in separate days. Fasting and post-prandial capillary blood glucose was measured via finger-prick methods at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min, and the incremental area under curve (iAUC was determined. The GI of each TF was calculated as percentage of incremental area under curve (iAUC of TF over RF. Results: The mean GI values of SY (72 – 81, high, CH and LP (59 – 65, medium and LS 1 and LS 2 (64 – 73, medium to high for cooking were discovered by PC and RC methods. The GI did not vary significantly (p>0.05 among varieties as well as between cooking methods. GI showed a significant negative correlation with the amylose content (r = –0.70, p<0.05 and significant positive correlation with cold peak viscosity (r = 0.80, p<0.01. Conclusions: All five rice varieties irrespectively of the cooking method used are classified as medium to high GI foods. Medium GI varieties could have potential of being used in diabetic diet. Cooking methods did not significantly alter the glycaemic characteristics of the studied varieties. Amylose content and pasting properties can be used for predicting GI of brown rice. It is urgent to explore low GI brown rice varieties in these

  5. The concept of cooking skills: A review with contributions to the scientific debate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuela Mika JOMORI

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This paper aimed to conduct a literature review about the concept of cooking skills to contribute to the scientific debate about the subject. A systematic search was performed in the Scopus, PubMed/MedLine and Web of Science databases as well as the periodicals of the Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education in Brazil Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior website, using the following Portuguese and English keywords: cooking skills, cooking and food/meal preparation. We also consulted references cited by these papers, electronic dictionaries (in Portuguese, English and French, technical documents found on public and private institutional websites, as well as books. Basic, etymological/vernacular and systematic definitions for cooking were identified, including historical global and national contexts. To conceptualize cooking skills, categories related to food and individuals were established, purposing a conceptual model. The category related to food referred to the use of unprocessed/minimal processed foods (which require procedures prior to their preparation, and/or processed/ultra-processed foods (which need a little or no preparation, such as re-heating. The category related to individuals involved dimensions such as confidence, attitudes, behavior, and individual knowledge used to prepare foods. The historical definitions of cooking allowed us to clarify the concept of cooking skills. Considering the global context of valuing and recovering cooking for the promotion of healthy eating, this review can contribute to the scientific discussion about the concept of cooking skills. The purposed conceptual model enables parameters to be established for further investigations, allowing cooking interventions to be directed toward promoting healthy eating.

  6. Effects of different traditional cooking methods on nutrients and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The objective of this research was to determine the effect of cooking using two different methods of preparing okra soup in Ondo state on nutrient, mineral content including zinc bioavailability of okra, Abelmoschus esculentus. The okra fruits were grated and divided into four lots; two lots were cooked with other ingredients of ...

  7. What’s Cooking, Man?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leer, Jonatan


    : 1) rechefisation, 2) the TV chef as a moral entrepreneur, 3) the TV chef and the revitalisation of the national myth and 4) cooking as masculine escapism. The article concludes that the innovation of the masculine identity that was launched in The Naked Chef has not continued; rather, the genre has...

  8. Development of thermoacoustic engine operating by waste heat from cooking stove (United States)

    Chen, B. M.; Abakr, Y. A.; Riley, P. H.; Hann, D. B.


    There are about 1.5 billion people worldwide use biomass as their primary form of energy in household cooking[1]. They do not have access to electricity, and are too remote to benefit from grid electrical supply. In many rural communities, stoves are made without technical advancements, mostly using open fires cooking stoves which have been proven to be extremely low efficiency, and about 93% of the energy generated is lost during cooking. The cooking is done inside a dwelling and creates significant health hazard to the family members and pollution to environment. SCORE ( is an international collaboration research project to design and build a low-cost, high efficiency woodstove that uses about half amount of the wood of an open wood fire, and uses the waste heat of the stove to power a thermoacoustic engine (TAE) to produce electricity for applications such as LED lighting, charging mobile phones or charging a 12V battery. This paper reviews on the development of two types of the thermoacoustic engine powered by waste heat from cooking stove which is either using Propane gas or burning of wood as a cooking energy to produce an acceptable amount of electricity for the use of rural communities.

  9. Influence of coffee pruning on the severity of frost damage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armando Androcioli Filho


    Full Text Available Frost damages in a field experiment of pruning types and systems for the cultivars of Coffea arabica Catuaí and Mundo Novo, were evaluated at Londrina (23º22’S, 52º10´W, State of Parana, southern Brazil, during the winter of 1990 and 1994. Pruning types evaluated were ‘esqueletamento’ (cutting off all plagiotropic branches at 20-30 cm from the orthotropic branch, ‘decote’ (cutting off the orthotropic branch at 1.5 m and 2.0 m above ground and ‘recepa’ (cutting off the orthotropic branch at 0.8 m above ground, performed on all rows and on alternate rows, and on different sections of the plant. Results indicated that frost damage could increase according to the type and height of pruning. The pruning type ‘esqueletamento’ and prunings at higher levels were more suitable for regions with frost risk. Under severe frost condition, pruning type did not affect the damage in anyone of the treatments evaluated.Foram avaliados os danos causados pelas geadas ocorridas em 1990 e 1994 em cafeeiros de duas cultivares de Coffea arabica L., Catuaí e Mundo Novo, conduzidos em Londrina-PR. Os tipos e sistemas de podas aplicados foram o esqueletamento a 20-30 cm do tronco, decote a 1,5 m e 2,0 m de altura e recepa a 0,80 m de altura. As podas foram feitas em área total e em linhas alternadas e em diferentes partes da planta. Os dados obtidos indicaram que os danos por geada podem ser intensificados em função do tipo e altura da poda. A poda do tipo esqueletamento e as podas altas são mais indicadas para o manejo das lavouras nas regiões mais sujeitas ao fenômeno de geada. No caso de geada severa, todos os cafeeiros foram afetados, independente do tipo de poda.

  10. Weight maintenance through behaviour modification with a cooking course or neurolinguistic programming. (United States)

    Sørensen, Lone Brinkmann; Greve, Tine; Kreutzer, Martin; Pedersen, Ulla; Nielsen, Claus Meyer; Toubro, Søren; Astrup, Arne


    We compared the effect on weight regain of behaviour modification consisting of either a gourmet cooking course or neurolinguistic programming (NLP) therapy. Fifty-six overweight and obese subjects participated. The first step was a 12-week weight loss program. Participants achieving at least 8% weight loss were randomized to five months of either NLP therapy or a course in gourmet cooking. Follow-up occurred after two and three years. Forty-nine participants lost at least 8% of their initial body weight and were randomized to the next step. The NLP group lost an additional 1.8 kg and the cooking group lost 0.2 kg during the five months of weight maintenance (NS). The dropout rate in the cooking group was 4%, compared with 26% in the NLP group (p=0.04). There was no difference in weight maintenance after two and three years of follow-up. In conclusion, weight loss in overweight and obese participants was maintained equally efficiently with a healthy cooking course or NLP therapy, but the dropout rate was lower during the active cooking treatment.

  11. Rethinking Rice Preparation for Highly Efficient Removal of Inorganic Arsenic Using Percolating Cooking Water. (United States)

    Carey, Manus; Jiujin, Xiao; Gomes Farias, Júlia; Meharg, Andrew A


    A novel way of cooking rice to maximize the removal of the carcinogen inorganic arsenic (Asi) is presented here. In conventional rice cooking water and grain are in continuous contact, and it is known that the larger the water:rice cooking ratio, the more Asi removed by cooking, suggesting that the Asi in the grain is mobile in water. Experiments were designed where rice is cooked in a continual stream of percolating near boiling water, either low in Asi, or Asi free. This has the advantage of not only exposing grain to large volumes of cooking water, but also physically removes any Asi leached from the grain into the water receiving vessel. The relationship between cooking water volume and Asi removal in conventional rice cooking was demonstrated for the rice types under study. At a water-to-rice cooking ratio of 12:1, 57±5% of Asi could be removed, average of 6 wholegrain and 6 polished rice samples. Two types of percolating technology were tested, one where the cooking water was recycled through condensing boiling water steam and passing the freshly distilled hot water through the grain in a laboratory setting, and one where tap water was used to cook the rice held in an off-the-shelf coffee percolator in a domestic setting. Both approaches proved highly effective in removing Asi from the cooking rice, with up to 85% of Asi removed from individual rice types. For the recycled water experiment 59±8% and 69±10% of Asi was removed, on average, compared to uncooked rice for polished (n=27) and wholegrain (n=13) rice, respectively. For coffee percolation there was no difference between wholegrain and polished rice, and the effectiveness of Asi removal was 49±7% across 6 wholegrain and 6 polished rice samples. The manuscript explores the potential applications and further optimization of this percolating cooking water, high Asi removal, discovery.

  12. Maagiliste momentide mütoloogia : intervjuu Peter Cook'iga / Peter Cook ; interv. Vilen Künnapu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Cook, Peter


    5. Põhja- ja Baltimaade Arhitektuuritriennaalil esinenud inglise arhitekt P. Cook endast, oma loomingust, rühmitusest Archigram, mis pälvis 2002. a. RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) kuldmedali, Tallinnast jm. Kommenteerinud Triin Ojari

  13. Ohmic cooking of whole beef muscle--evaluation of the impact of a novel rapid ohmic cooking method on product quality. (United States)

    Zell, Markus; Lyng, James G; Cronin, Denis A; Morgan, Desmond J


    Cylindrical cores of beef semitendinosus (500g) were cooked in a combined ohmic/convection heating system to low (72 degrees C, LTLT) and high (95 degrees C, HTST) target end-point temperatures. A control was also cooked to an end-point temperature of 72 degrees C at the coldest point. Microbial challenge studies on a model meat matrix confirmed product safety. Hunter L-values showed that ohmically heated meat had significantly (pHTST)) relative to the control (56.85). No significant texture differences (p>/=0.05) were suggested by Warner-Bratzler peak load values (34.09, 36.37 vs. 35.19N). Cook loss was significantly (pHTST and the control were more comparable (6.09 and 7.71, respectively). These results demonstrate considerable potential for this application of ohmic heating for whole meats. Copyright (c) 2010 The American Meat Science Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Influencia local em modelos de series temporais


    Bruno Reis dos Santos


    Resumo: Nesta dissertação é discutido o uso da metodologia de diagnóstico de Influência Local em modelos de séries temporais. Especificamente, serão estudados os modelos autoregressivos de ordem um, os modelos de regressão com erros autoregressivos de ordem um e modelos de longa-memória. As medidas de influência local consideradas são: Inclinação de Billor e Loynes e Curvatura de Cook. As principais contribuições nesta dissertação são duas. Primeiro, a utilização da metodologia de limiares (b...

  15. Empowered to cook: The crucial role of 'food agency' in making meals. (United States)

    Trubek, Amy B; Carabello, Maria; Morgan, Caitlin; Lahne, Jacob


    What makes an individual, on any given occasion, able and willing to prepare a meal for themselves: that is, to cook? As home cooking has increasingly become the focus of public-health, nutrition, and policy interventions and campaigns, the need for a better understanding has become apparent. It is clear that cooking is not merely a matter of mechanical skill or rote training; beyond this, it is difficult to explain why similar individuals have such different capacities for setting and achieving food-related goals. This paper proposes a new paradigm for cooking and food provisioning - termed "food agency" - that attempts to describe how an individual's desires form and are enacted in correspondence with social environments: broadly, agency emerges from the complex interplay of individual technical skills and cognitive capacities with social and cultural supports and barriers. Drawing on a close reading of anthropological and sociological research into cooking, the authors propose that an individual's ability to integrate such complexity in regard to provisioning - to possess 'food agency' - is crucial. This argument is supplemented by empirical case studies from a large body of ethnographic observations and interviews with home cooks from the United States, conducted over the last decade. Overall, more food agency means the cook is more empowered to act. Adopting the paradigm of food agency into the consideration of everyday cooking practices has the potential to support transdisciplinary food scholarship integrating individual actions within a food system and thus inform nutrition and public health interventions related to meal preparation. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Significance of Cooking Oil to Bioaccessibility of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Raw and Cooked Fish: Implications for Human Health Risk. (United States)

    Mi, Xiu-Bo; Su, Yang; Bao, Lian-Jun; Tao, Shu; Zeng, Eddy Y


    The present study examined the bioacessibility of DDTs and PBDEs in cooked fish (yellow grouper; Epinephelus awoara) with and without heating using the colon extended physiologically based extraction test. The bioaccessibility of DDTs and PBDEs increased from 60 and 26% in raw fish to 83 and 63%, respectively, after the addition of oil to raw fish. However, they decreased from 83 to 66% and from 63 to 40%, respectively, when oil-added fish were cooked. Human health risk assessment based on bioaccessible concentrations of DDTs and PBDEs in fish showed that the maximum allowable daily fish consumption rates decreased from 25, 59, and 86 g day -1 to 22, 53, and 77 g day -1 for children, youths, and adults, respectively, after fish were cooked with oil. These findings indicated that the significance of cooking oil to the bioaccessibility of DDTs and PBDEs in food should be considered in assessments of human health risk.

  17. The replacement value of groundnut cake with cooked Bambara ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Seventy five day-old Anak 2000 broiler chicks were randomly allotted to five dietary treatments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in which groundnut cake (GNC) was replaced by cooked bambara groundnut meal (CBGM) at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels of inclusion for both starter and finisher phases. Replacement levels of cooked bambara ...

  18. Determination of optimum oven cooking procedures for lean beef products. (United States)

    Rodas-González, Argenis; Larsen, Ivy L; Uttaro, Bethany; Juárez, Manuel; Parslow, Joyce; Aalhus, Jennifer L


    In order to determine optimum oven cooking procedures for lean beef, the effects of searing at 232 or 260°C for 0, 10, 20 or 30 min, and roasting at 160 or 135°C on semimembranosus (SM) and longissimus lumborum (LL) muscles were evaluated. In addition, the optimum determined cooking method (oven-seared for 10 min at 232°C and roasted at 135°C) was applied to SM roasts varying in weight from 0.5 to 2.5 kg. Mainly, SM muscles seared for 0 or 10 min at 232°C followed by roast at 135°C had lower cooking loss, higher external browning color, more uniform internal color, and were more tender and flavorful (P searing is the recommended oven cooking procedure; with best response from muscle roast weight ≥1 kg.

  19. Barriers and facilitators to cooking from 'scratch' using basic or raw ingredients: A qualitative interview study. (United States)

    Lavelle, Fiona; McGowan, Laura; Spence, Michelle; Caraher, Martin; Raats, Monique M; Hollywood, Lynsey; McDowell, Dawn; McCloat, Amanda; Mooney, Elaine; Dean, Moira


    Previous research has highlighted an ambiguity in understanding cooking related terminology and a number of barriers and facilitators to home meal preparation. However, meals prepared in the home still include convenience products (typically high in sugars, fats and sodium) which can have negative effects on health. Therefore, this study aimed to qualitatively explore: (1) how individuals define cooking from 'scratch', and (2) their barriers and facilitators to cooking with basic ingredients. 27 semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants (aged 18-58 years) living on the island of Ireland, eliciting definitions of 'cooking from scratch' and exploring the reasons participants cook in a particular way. The interviews were professionally transcribed verbatim and Nvivo 10 was used for an inductive thematic analysis. Our results highlighted that although cooking from 'scratch' lacks a single definition, participants viewed it as optimal cooking. Barriers to cooking with raw ingredients included: 1) time pressures; (2) desire to save money; (3) desire for effortless meals; (4) family food preferences; and (5) effect of kitchen disasters. Facilitators included: 1) desire to eat for health and well-being; (2) creative inspiration; (3) ability to plan and prepare meals ahead of time; and (4) greater self-efficacy in one's cooking ability. Our findings contribute to understanding how individuals define cooking from 'scratch', and barriers and facilitators to cooking with raw ingredients. Interventions should focus on practical sessions to increase cooking self-efficacy; highlight the importance of planning ahead and teach methods such as batch cooking and freezing to facilitate cooking from scratch. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Remoção de sólidos em suspensão na água residuária da despolpa de frutos do cafeeiro em filtros constituídos por pergaminho de grãos de café submetido a compressões Removal of suspended solids in the wastewater of the coffee shrub cherry pulping by filters constituted by parchment of the coffee beans subjected to compressions

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    Antonio T. de Matos


    Full Text Available A remoção de sólidos em suspensão é fundamental para que se possa aplicar a água residuária gerada na despolpa de frutos do cafeeiro (ARC na fertirrigação de culturas agrícolas. Dentre as opções disponíveis para efetuar a remoção de SS da ARC, está o uso de filtros orgânicos. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do grau de compressão na redução do volume e na eficiência do pergaminho, utilizado como material filtrante, na remoção de sólidos em suspensão (SS na ARC. Numa primeira etapa, foram realizados ensaios nos quais corpos-de-prova de pergaminho triturado (retido entre as peneiras de 2,5 e 3 mm e não-triturado (na condição em que é produzido foram submetidos a diferentes compressões para a redução do volume das colunas filtrantes em 5; 10; 15; 20; 25 e 28%. Numa segunda etapa, os corpos-de-prova foram utilizados como material filtrante da ARC para a avaliação da sua capacidade de remoção de SS presentes nessa água residuária. O pergaminho triturado ofereceu maior resistência à compressão e proporcionou, para as mesmas reduções volumétricas no material filtrante, maior eficiência na remoção de SS da ARC do que o pergaminho não-triturado. Reduções na faixa de 10% a 15% no volume do filtro constituído por pergaminho triturado foram suficientes para obter satisfatórias eficiências na remoção de SS da ARC, enquanto, para filtros constituídos de pergaminho não-triturado, as reduções de volume devem ser superiores a 25%.The removal of suspended solids (SS is fundamental to apply the wastewater from the coffee shrub cherry pulping (ARC on agricultural crops fertigation. Among the available options for the removal of SS from ARC is the use of organic filters. This study was carried out to evaluate the influence of the compression degree on either volume reduction or parchment efficiency, when used as medium filter for the removal of suspended solids (SS in

  1. Optimisation of FAME production from waste cooking oil for biodiesel use


    Bautista, Luis Fernando; Vicente, Gemma; Rodríguez, Rosalía; Pacheco, María


    This study consists of the development and optimisation of the potassium hydroxide-catalysed synthesis of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) from waste cooking oil. A factorial design of experiments and a central composite design have been used. The variables chosen were fatty acid concentration in the waste cooking oil, temperature and initial catalyst concentration by weight of waste cooking oil, while the responses were FAME purity and yield. The initial catalyst concentration is the most imp...

  2. New strategy for evaluating grain cooking quality of progenies in dry bean breeding programs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruna Line Carvalho


    Full Text Available The methodology available for evaluating the cooking quality of dry beans is impractical for assessing a large number of progenies. The aims of this study were to propose a new strategy for evaluating cooking quality of grains and to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters using a selection index. A total of 256 progenies of the 13thcycle of a recurrent selection program were evaluated at three locations for yield, grain type, and cooked grains. Samples of grains from each progeny were placing in a cooker and the percentage of cooked grains was assessed. The new strategy for evaluating cooking quality was efficient because it allowed a nine-fold increase in the number of progenies evaluated per unit time in comparison to available methods. The absence of association between grain yield and percentage of cooked grains or grain type indicated that it is possible to select high yielding lines with excellent grain aspect and good cooking properties using a selection index.

  3. Volatile compound profile of sous-vide cooked lamb loins at different temperature-time combinations. (United States)

    Roldán, Mar; Ruiz, Jorge; Del Pulgar, José Sánchez; Pérez-Palacios, Trinidad; Antequera, Teresa


    Lamb loins were subjected to sous-vide cooking at different combinations of temperature (60 and 80°C) and time (6 and 24h) to assess the effect on the volatile compound profile. Major chemical families in cooked samples were aliphatic hydrocarbons and aldehydes. The volatile compound profile in sous-vide cooked lamb loin was affected by the cooking temperature and time. Volatile compounds arising from lipid oxidation presented a high abundance in samples cooked at low or moderate cooking conditions (60°C for 6 and 24h, 80°C for 6h), while a more intense time and temperature combination (80°C for 24h) resulted on a higher concentration of volatile compounds arising from Strecker degradations of amino acids, as 2-methylpropanal and 3-methylbutanal. Therefore, sous-vide cooking at moderately high temperatures for long times would result in the formation of a stronger meaty flavor and roast notes in lamb meat. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. A Touching and Contagious Captain Cook: Thinking History through Things

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    Stephen Muecke


    What, then, is Cook when he is displaced from ‘western’ history and spread around cultures like a virus? How precarious or robust, then, are the historical certainties associated with Cook-monumentalised Kurnell and its place in time as ‘the birthplace of modern Australia’?

  5. The effect of cooking on the phytochemical content of vegetables

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Palermo, M.; Pellegrini, N.; Fogliano, V.


    Cooking induces many chemical and physical modifications in foods; among these the phytochemical content can change. Many authors have studied variations in vegetable nutrients after cooking, and great variability in the data has been reported. In this review more than 100 articles from indexed

  6. Experiential Cooking Programs for Low-Income Adults: Strategies for Success (United States)

    Franck, Karen; Vineyard, Michelle; Olson, Ann; Peterson, Ashley


    Experiential cooking classes for low-income adults can help improve healthy nutrition behaviors. However, nutrition educators and Extension professionals can face challenges in successful implementation of these programs such as difficulties recruiting and retaining participants. Drawing upon lessons learned from a cooking intervention with…

  7. Cooked blueberries: anthocyanin and anthocyanidin degradation and their radical-scavenging activity. (United States)

    Oliveira, Carla; Amaro, L Filipe; Pinho, Olivia; Ferreira, Isabel M P L V O


    This study examined anthocyanin and anthocyanidin composition and radical-scavenging activity of three cultivars of blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L., cv. Bluecrop, Bluetravel, and Ozarkblue) before and after cooking. A total of 13 anthocyanins were separated and monitored in methanolic extracts of raw fruits by high-performance liquid chromatography/diode array detector (HPLC/DAD). Principal component analysis using the anthocyanin profile as variables revealed differences according to cultivar origin. Of the six common anthocyanidins, four were identified and quantified in the hydrolysates, namely, malvidin, the most abundant, followed by cyanidin, petunidin, and delphynidin. A systematic evaluation of the degradation of anthocyanins and anthocyanidins of blueberries cooked in stuffed fish was performed. The percentage of anthocyanin degradation in cooked blueberries (by progressive heating from 12 to 99 °C for 60 min) ranged between 16 and 30% for Bluecrop, 30-42% for Bluetravel, and 12-41% for Ozarkblue. However, cooked blueberries maintained or increased radical-scavenging activity when evaluated by the 1,1'-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Overall, results show that cooked blueberries can serve as a good source of bioactive phytochemicals.

  8. Physicochemical properties and starch digestibility of Chinese noodles in relation to optimal cooking time. (United States)

    Ye, Xiaoting; Sui, Zhongquan


    Changes in the physicochemical properties and starch digestibility of white salted noodles (WSN) at different cooking stage were investigated. The noodles were dried in fresh air and then cooked for 2-12 min by boiling in distilled water to determine the properties of cooking quality, textural properties and optical characteristic. For starch digestibility, dry noodles were milled and sieved into various particle size classes ranging from 0.5 mm to 5.0 mm, and hydrolyzed by porcine pancreatic α-amylase. The optimal cooking time of WSN determined by squeezing between glasses was 6 min. The results showed that the kinetics of solvation of starch and protein molecules were responsible for changes of the physicochemical properties of WSN during cooking. The susceptibility of starch to α-amylase was influenced by the cooking time, particle size and enzyme treatment. The greater value of rapidly digestible starch (RDS) and lower value of slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) were reached at the optimal cooking stage ranging between 63.14-71.97%, 2.47-10.74% and 23.94-26.88%, respectively, indicating the susceptibility on hydrolysis by enzyme was important in defining the cooked stage. The study suggested that cooking quality and digestibility were not correlated but the texture greatly controls the digestibility of the noodles. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Genotoxicological safety of the ethanol extract from seafood cooking drips by gamma irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyun Joo; Choi, Jong Il; Lee, Hee Sub; Kim, Jae Hun; Byun, Myung Woo; Chun, Byung Soo; Ahn, Dong Hyun; Yook, Hong Sun; Kim, Kee Hyuk


    Although seafood cooking drips were the byproducts from the fishery industry it was known that the cooking drips had many nutrients and could be used as functional materials. Previously, the physiological properties of cooking drips were shown to be increased by a gamma irradiation. But, there was no report on the safe for the genotoxicity on the irradiation. In this study, the genotoxicity of the cooking drips from Hizikia fusiformis, Enteroctopus dofleni and Thunnus thynnus was evaluated by the Ames test (Salmonella typhimurium reversion assay) and the SOS chromotest. The results from all samples were negative in the bacterial reversion assay with S. typhimurium TA98, TA100. No mutagenicity was detected in the assay, both with and without metabolic activation. The SOS chromotest also indicated that the gamma-irradiated seafood cooking drips did not show any mutagenicity. Therefore, this study indicated that gamma irradiation could be used for the hygiene, functional properties and processibility of seafood cooking drips

  10. Anthocyanin, phenolics and antioxidant activity changes in purple waxy corn as affected by traditional cooking. (United States)

    Harakotr, Bhornchai; Suriharn, Bhalang; Tangwongchai, Ratchada; Scott, Marvin Paul; Lertrat, Kamol


    Antioxidant components, including anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, and their changes during traditional cooking of fresh purple waxy corn were investigated. As compared to the raw corn, thermal treatment caused significant (p⩽0.05) decreases in each antioxidant compound and antioxidant activity. Steam cooking preserved more antioxidant compounds than boiling. Boiling caused a significant loss of anthocyanin and phenolic compounds into the cooking water. This cooking water is a valuable co-product because it is a good source of purple pigment. By comparing levels of antioxidant compounds in raw and cooked corn, we determined that degradation results in greater loss than leaching or diffusion into cooking water. Additionally, separation of kernels from the cob prior to cooking caused increased loss of antioxidant compounds. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Indoor NO2 air pollution and lung function of professional cooks

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    M.A. Arbex


    Full Text Available Studies of cooking-generated NO2 effects are rare in occupational epidemiology. In the present study, we evaluated the lung function of professional cooks exposed to NO2 in hospital kitchens. We performed spirometry in 37 cooks working in four hospital kitchens and estimated the predicted FVC, FEV1 and FEF25-75, based on age, sex, race, weight, and height, according to Knudson standards. NO2 measurements were obtained for 4 consecutive days during 4 different periods at 20-day intervals in each kitchen. Measurements were performed inside and outside the kitchens, simultaneously using Palm diffusion tubes. A time/exposure indicator was defined as representative of the cumulative exposure of each cook. No statistically significant effect of NO2 exposure on FVC was found. Each year of work as a cook corresponded to a decrease in predicted FEV1 of 2.5% (P = 0.046 for the group as a whole. When smoking status and asthma were included in the analysis the effect of time/exposure decreased about 10% and lost statistical significance. On predicted FEF25-75, a decrease of 3.5% (P = 0.035 was observed for the same group and the inclusion of controllers for smoking status and asthma did not affect the effects of time/exposure on pulmonary function parameter. After a 10-year period of work as cooks the participants of the study may present decreases in both predicted FEV1 and FEF25-75 that can reach 20 and 30%, respectively. The present study showed small but statistically significant adverse effects of gas stove exposure on the lung function of professional cooks.

  12. Indoor NO2 air pollution and lung function of professional cooks. (United States)

    Arbex, M A; Martins, L C; Pereira, L A A; Negrini, F; Cardoso, A A; Melchert, W R; Arbex, R F; Saldiva, P H N; Zanobetti, A; Braga, A L F


    Studies of cooking-generated NO2 effects are rare in occupational epidemiology. In the present study, we evaluated the lung function of professional cooks exposed to NO2 in hospital kitchens. We performed spirometry in 37 cooks working in four hospital kitchens and estimated the predicted FVC, FEV1 and FEF(25-75), based on age, sex, race, weight, and height, according to Knudson standards. NO2 measurements were obtained for 4 consecutive days during 4 different periods at 20-day intervals in each kitchen. Measurements were performed inside and outside the kitchens, simultaneously using Palm diffusion tubes. A time/exposure indicator was defined as representative of the cumulative exposure of each cook. No statistically significant effect of NO2 exposure on FVC was found. Each year of work as a cook corresponded to a decrease in predicted FEV1 of 2.5% (P = 0.046) for the group as a whole. When smoking status and asthma were included in the analysis the effect of time/exposure decreased about 10% and lost statistical significance. On predicted FEF(25-75), a decrease of 3.5% (P = 0.035) was observed for the same group and the inclusion of controllers for smoking status and asthma did not affect the effects of time/exposure on pulmonary function parameter. After a 10-year period of work as cooks the participants of the study may present decreases in both predicted FEV1 and FEF(25-75) that can reach 20 and 30%, respectively. The present study showed small but statistically significant adverse effects of gas stove exposure on the lung function of professional cooks.

  13. Evaluation of the cooking power in three different solar cookers box-type

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terres, H; Lizardi, A; Chávez, S; López, R; Vaca, M


    In the present work calculations for the cooking power in three different solar cookers are shown. The designs considered for the solar cookers are square, rectangular and octagonal. Agree to the results, a solar cooker with larger area for the solar radiation inlet has the biggest cooking power. The cooking powers obtained for the solar cookers are 4.04 W (0.49 m 2 ), 2.06 W (0.15 m 2 ) and 0.88 W (0.19 m 2 ) which correspond to square, rectangular and octagonal designs respectively. For the evaluation, the standard ASAE S580 JAN03 was considered to evaluate the cooking power in the solar cookers. Following the method established in this standard was possible to calculate the cooking power and evaluate the solar cookers at the same time. This activity except for what has been done in the standard, have not been done in other works. (paper)

  14. Cooking Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Rice-Barley Mix at Different Cooking Method and Mixing Ratio. (United States)

    Woo, Koan Sik; Kim, Hyun-Joo; Lee, Ji Hae; Ko, Jee Yeon; Lee, Byong Won; Lee, Byoung Kyu


    This study aimed to compare the phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of barley at different proportion (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20%), and using different cooking methods. The grains used in this experiment are barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Huinchalssal) and Samkwang rice. The rice-barley mixture was cooked using general and high pressure cooking methods with and without fermented alcohol. The quality characteristics such as water binding capacity, pasting characteristic, water solubility, and swelling power of different proportions of barley were evaluated. The antioxidant characteristics evaluated are total polyphenol, flavonoid contents, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and 2,2-azinobis(3-ethylbenothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) diammonium salt radical scavenging activities. Results showed that peak [195.0~184.0 rapid visco units (RVU)], trough (130.0~116.2 RVU), final (252.0~221.8 RVU), and setback viscosity (57.0~37.5 RVU) decreased correspondingly with the increase in the amount of barley. Water binding capacity (187.31~136.01%) and swelling power (162.37~127.58%) decreased as amounts of barley increases, however the water solubility (5.35~6.89%) increased. Moreover, the total polyphenol and flavonoid, and the DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities contents increased as the amounts of barley in the mixture increases. This study generally aims to provide useful information for the manufacturing of processed products.

  15. Impact of Time Expenditure on Household Preferences for Cooking Fuels

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Das, Karabee; Hiloidhari, Moonmoon; Baruah, Deben C; Nonhebel, Sanderine


    Access to energy for cooking is one of the major challenges that rural India faces. Most of the rural households of North-Eastern India rely heavily upon fuelwood and traditional open-fire cookstoves for cooking activities. And everyday collection of fuelwood is time-consuming. Hence, women often


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    Maurício da Cunha Müller


    Full Text Available Cooking using steam, at an industrial level, should be a reliable and safe process regarding operational repeatability of pre-set parameters. This work aims to implement an automatic system for direct steam injection , for cooking salamis at an industry of Rio Grande do Sul. Costs of losses of cold cuts have been measured before and after the implementation of the project and also calculations of transfer of heat and mass have been performed - application of letters of Heisler - to obtain the correct time and temperatures for this kind of food, resulting in a project of a vapor distributor with temperature and time controls, guaranteeing a product with uniform cooking and, therefore, quality. The realignment of the project proposed in this study resulted in the reduction of direct losses of discarded products at 98 % , with consequent reduction in operational and energy costs.

  17. Domestic cooking methods affect the nutritional quality of red cabbage. (United States)

    Xu, Feng; Zheng, Yonghua; Yang, Zhenfeng; Cao, Shifeng; Shao, Xingfeng; Wang, Hongfei


    The aim of this work is to investigate the effects of domestic cooking methods, including steaming, microwave heating, boiling and stir-frying on the nutritional quality of red cabbage. Compared with fresh-cut red cabbage, all cooking methods were found to cause significant reduction in anthocyanin and total glucosinolates contents. Moreover, steaming resulted in significantly greater retention of vitamin C and DPPH radical-scavenging activity, while stir-frying and boiling, two popular Chinese cooking methods, led to significant losses of total phenolic, vitamin C, DPPH radical-scavenging activity, and total soluble sugar as well as reducing sugars. Normally, red cabbage consumed fresh in salads could maintain the highest nutrition. However, considering the habits of Asian cuisine, it is recommended to use less water and less cooking time, such as steaming based on our present results, so as to retain the optimum benefits of the health-promoting compounds. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Nutritional value and digestion rate of rhea meat proteins in association with storage and cooking processes. (United States)

    Filgueras, Renata S; Gatellier, Philippe; Ferreira, Claude; Zambiazi, Rui C; Santé-Lhoutellier, Véronique


    The nutritional value of proteins was investigated after the storage and cooking of rhea M. Gastrocnemius pars interna. Oxidation of basic and aromatic amino acids, surface hydrophobicity and aggregation state of proteins, were determined in raw and cooked meat. In addition, myofibrillar proteins were exposed in vitro to proteases of the digestive tract. Cooking markedly affected the protein surface hydrophobicity. The BBP bound content was three times greater in cooked than in fresh rhea meat. A small increment in tryptophan content after cooking was observed. Storage influenced Schiff bases formation indicating the presence of protein-aldehyde adducts after cooking. High content of Schiff bases was found after cooking of samples stored for 5 days, demonstrating a probable implication of free amino groups, most likely from lysine. Cooking decreased the myofibrillar protein susceptibility to pepsin activity. After cooking, the proteolysis rate by pancreatic enzymes increased. Our findings support the importance of protein aggregation in the nutritional value of meat proteins. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Soil organic carbon stocks in coffee plantations under different weed control systemsEstoques de carbono orgânico do solo em cafezais sob diferentes sistemas de controle de plantas invasoras

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    Franciane Diniz Cogo


    Full Text Available Soil organic carbon (COS is an important indicator of soil quality, as its levels and stocks can change by soil preparation. This study aimed to evaluate COS stocks on a clayey Oxisol cultivated with coffee and subject to different weed control systems in southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, and weed control systems were: no weeding, manual weeding, pre-emergence herbicide, post-emergence herbicide, rotary tiller, rotary mowers and disk harrow. Undisturbed soil samples were collected at two positions in the coffee plantation (tire tracks and planting line, at depths of 0-3, 10-13, and 25-28 cm. A nearby native forest was sampled as a reference. A higher bulk density of soils under coffee plantations occurred compared to soil under the forest. There was little difference between COS concentrations in the plating line in relation to the native forest, but for the tire track position, the amount of COS was generally lower. After correction for soil compaction, it was estimated a loss of ca. 20% in SOC stock for te 0-30 cm depth for herbicide post-emergence, rotary tiller, manual weeding and disk barrow, and a 35% loss when using herbicide pre-emergence. SOC stocks under no weeding and rotary mowers did not differ from native forest (37 M-1g ha COS, indicating that the rotary mower, which allows temporary growth of weeds and does not disrupt soil structure, is the most appropriate weed control for the preservation of COS in coffee plantations.O carbono orgânico no solo (COS é um importante indicador da qualidade do solo, pois seus teores e estoques podem ser alterados conforme o sistema de preparo do solo. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar os estoques de COS em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico argiloso cultivado com cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L e submetido a diferentes manejos de plantas invasoras no sul de Minas Gerais. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, sendo os tratamentos os

  20. Simply Great Cooking Instruction. A Manual for Teaching Cooking to Non-Reading Students. (United States)

    Sesto, Cameron

    This manual presents a method of teaching cooking to nonreaders. The language of the method consists of visual symbols, such as drawings of bowls, spoons, and ingredients, and color. The "Simply Great" method consists of three basic formats: the one-step booklet, the full-page format, and the simply written for the student with some…

  1. Change in digestibility of gamma-irradiated starch by low temperature cooking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kume, T.; Ishigaki, I.; Rahman, S.


    Combination effect of irradiation and low temperature cooking on starch digestibility has been investigated as a basic research for application of radiosterilization on starch fermentation. The digestion of corn starch by glucoamylase after cooking at low temperature was enhanced by γ-irradiation and the required cooking temperature was decreased from 75-80 0 C to 65 0 C by 25 kGy. Gelatinization of starches except tapioca starch was enhanced by irradiation and it corresponds to the digestibility. The digestibility of potato starch which has a high viscosity was especially enhanced at low temperature cooking because the viscosity was markedly decreased by irradiation. These results show that the irradiation of starches is useful not only for the sterilization of fermentation broth but also for the enhancement of digestion. (orig.) [de

  2. Change in digestibility of gamma-irradiated starch by low temperature cooking

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kume, T.; Ishigaki, I.; Rahman, S.


    Combination effect of irradiation and low temperature cooking on starch digestibility has been investigated as a basic research for application of radiosterilization on starch fermentation. The digestion of corn starch by glucoamylase after cooking at low temperature was enhanced by ..gamma..-irradiation and the required cooking temperature was decreased from 75-80/sup 0/C to 65/sup 0/C by 25 kGy. Gelatinization of starches except tapioca starch was enhanced by irradiation and it corresponds to the digestibility. The digestibility of potato starch which has a high viscosity was especially enhanced at low temperature cooking because the viscosity was markedly decreased by irradiation. These results show that the irradiation of starches is useful not only for the sterilization of fermentation broth but also for the enhancement of digestion.

  3. Controle de Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939 e Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor, 1917 (Acari: Tenuipalpidae, Tetranychidae em cafeeiro e o impacto sobre ácaros benéficos: II - Spirodiclofen e Azocyclotin Control of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939 and Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor, 1917 (Acari: Tenuipalpidae, Tetranychidae in coffee plants and the impact on beneficial mites: II - Spirodiclofen and Azocyclotin

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    Paulo Rebelles Reis


    Full Text Available O ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes é importante em cafeeiro (Coffea spp. por ser o vetor do vírus da mancha-anular, doença responsável por queda de folhas e má qualidade da bebida do café, e o ácaro-vermelho Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor por reduzir a área foliar de fotossíntese. Ácaros da família Phytoseiidae, de várias espécies, são eficientes predadores associados aos ácaros-praga. Conduziu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de estudar o controle dos ácaros-praga com spirodiclofen e azocyclotin, e o impacto sobre fitoseídeos. Em laboratório foram estudados os efeitos ovicida, tópico, residual, tópico mais residual e a seletividade fisiológica aos fitoseídeos; em casa-de-vegetação foi avaliada a persistência no controle às duas espécies de ácaros-praga; e em campo foi avaliada a eficiência apenas no controle de B. phoenicis. Os bioensaios foram realizados em arenas de folhas destacadas. O efeito ovicida foi avaliado em ovos no início e final de incubação. Os efeitos residual, tópico e tópico mais residual foram avaliados pela mortalidade de larvas, ninfas e adultos aos oito dias, e a persistência até 30 dias após a aplicação. A seletividade aos fitoseídeos foi avaliada, pelo efeito na mortalidade e reprodução de fêmeas adultas, em teste residual em superfície de vidro. Spirodiclofen e azocyclotin (SC mostraram eficiente ação ovicida, principalmente para ovos de B. phoenicis no início de incubação. Para ovos de O. ilicis, somente o spirodiclofen apresentou efeito ovicida. Em geral, os efeitos tópico e residual associados melhoraram a eficiência dos produtos no controle das fases pós-embrionárias de ambas as espécies. O spirodiclofen apresentou seletividade aos ácaros predadores, já o azocyclotin foi nocivo. Em campo, ambos os acaricidas mostram-se altamente eficientes na redução de todas as fases pós-embrionárias do ácaro B. phoenicis, principalmente nas folhas.The mite Brevipalpus

  4. Supersymmetry in the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klein, W.; Batrouni, G.G.


    We demonstrate that the early stage of spinodal decomposition and continuous ordering is supersymmetric in systems with long-range interactions. Indeed, the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook linear theory can be described equivalently as an evolution of the order parameter (bosons) or objects that obey an exclusion principle (fermions). Coupled with a cluster representation of the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook theory, supersymmetry suggests a new physical picture of the early stage of spinodal decomposition and continuous ordering that provides a greater understanding of early-stage morphology, and could provide a basis for an improved description of the nonlinear regime

  5. Broken rice kernels and the kinetics of rice hydration and texture during cooking. (United States)

    Saleh, Mohammed; Meullenet, Jean-Francois


    During rice milling and processing, broken kernels are inevitably present, although to date it has been unclear as to how the presence of broken kernels affects rice hydration and cooked rice texture. Therefore, this work intended to study the effect of broken kernels in a rice sample on rice hydration and texture during cooking. Two medium-grain and two long-grain rice cultivars were harvested, dried and milled, and the broken kernels were separated from unbroken kernels. Broken rice kernels were subsequently combined with unbroken rice kernels forming treatments of 0, 40, 150, 350 or 1000 g kg(-1) broken kernels ratio. Rice samples were then cooked and the moisture content of the cooked rice, the moisture uptake rate, and rice hardness and stickiness were measured. As the amount of broken rice kernels increased, rice sample texture became increasingly softer (P hardness was negatively correlated to the percentage of broken kernels in rice samples. Differences in the proportions of broken rice in a milled rice sample play a major role in determining the texture properties of cooked rice. Variations in the moisture migration kinetics between broken and unbroken kernels caused faster hydration of the cores of broken rice kernels, with greater starch leach-out during cooking affecting the texture of the cooked rice. The texture of cooked rice can be controlled, to some extent, by varying the proportion of broken kernels in milled rice. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry.

  6. Comunidades de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares associados ao amendoim forrageiro em pastagens consorciadas no Estado do Acre, Brasil Communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with peanut forage in mixed pastures in the state of Acre, Brazil

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    Elias Melo de Miranda


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e estimar a diversidade de comunidades de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs autóctones associados ao amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi, em monocultivo e consorciado com outras forrageiras. A amostragem foi realizada em sete áreas, em Rio Branco, AC, sendo coletadas quatro amostras de solo em cada área, na profundidade de 0-10 cm, nas estações seca (junho de 2004 e chuvosa (janeiro de 2005. As áreas cultivadas com A. pintoi foram: monocultivo, consórcio com pastagens de gramíneas e outras leguminosas e como cobertura do solo em cafeeiro, além de capoeira e mata adjacentes como testemunhas. Foi verificada a ocorrência de 21 espécies de FMAs nas duas estações, sendo 18 espécies no período seco e 16 no chuvoso. As espécies foram distribuídas em cinco gêneros: Acaulospora, Entrophospora, Gigaspora, Glomus e Scutellospora. A densidade de esporos foi maior no consórcio A. pintoi x Brachiaria brizantha x Pueraria phaseoloides e a menor nas áreas de A. pintoi x cafeeiro, capoeira e mata. As colonizações radiculares foram maiores na estação chuvosa (15 a 63% do que na estação seca (5 a 37%. Os índices de diversidade no monocultivo foram semelhantes aos das demais áreas avaliadas, indicando que o amendoim serve como hospedeiro de diferentes espécies de FMAs e que o seu cultivo pode aumentar a presença desses organismos nos sistemas produtivos, melhorando a qualidade biológica do solo.The purpose of this study was to identify the autochthonous communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF associated with Arachis pintoi and estimate its diversity. Samples of soil were collected in a Field at Rio Branco, AC. The sampling was carried out in seven areas, being collected four samples from soil in each area, in a depth of 0-10cm, in dry season (June 2004 and rainy season (January 2005. The areas cultivated with A. pintoi were: monoculture, grass pasture and others legumes

  7. ENUMERATION OF Bacillus cereus IN “FUBÁ” OF CORN (Zea mays. L. ENUMERAÇÃO DE Bacillus cereus EM FUBÁ DE MILHO (Zea mays L.

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    Albenones José de Mesquita


    Full Text Available

    A hundred (100 samples of “fubá” were examined, in relation to the incidence of Bacillus cereus, obtained by different technological processes (common “fubá” and previously cooked “fubá” and sold in the retail market in Goiânia - GO. The results of the examination showed that 23% of the samples was contaminated, of this percentual, 39.1% of the contaminations occurred in samples of previously cooked “fubá” and 60.9% in samples of common “fubá”. This in relation of the two products clearly showed the more accurate technological process that the previously cooked “fubá” was brought under. It was also observed that the totality of the analyzed samples showed enumerations below the limit established by the Brazilian microbiologic standard that establishes a limit of 10³ cells of Bacillus cereus for a gram of the food.

    Foram examinadas 100 amostras de fubá de milho, em relação à incidência de Bacillus cereus, obtidas através de processamentos tecnológicos diferentes (fubá comum e fubá pré-cozido e comercializadas no mercado varejista de Goiânia - GO. Os resultados revelaram que 23% das amostras estavam contaminadas, deste percentual, 39,1% das contaminações ocorreram em amostras de fubá pré-cozido e 60,9%, em amostras de fubá comum. Esta considerável diferença, observada em termos percentuais em relação aos dois produtos evidenciou o processamento tecnológico mais rigoroso a que foi submetido o fubá pré-cozido. Observou-se, também, que a totalidade das amostras analisadas apresentou enumerações abaixo do limite estabelecido pelo padrão microbiológico brasileiro que determina um limite de 10³ células de B. cereus por gama do alimento.

  8. Assessment of carotenoids in pumpkins after different home cooking conditions

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    Lucia Maria Jaeger de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Carotenoids have antioxidant activity, but few are converted by the body into retinol, the active form of vitamin A. Among the 600 carotenoids with pro-vitamin A activity, the most common are α- and β-carotene. These carotenoids are susceptible to degradation (e.g., isomerization and oxidation during cooking. The aim of this study was to assess the total carotenoid, α- and β-carotene, and 9 and 13-Z- β-carotene isomer contents in C. moschata after different cooking processes. The raw pumpkin samples contained 236.10, 172.20, 39.95, 3.64 and 0.8610 µg.g- 1 of total carotenoids, β-carotene, α-carotene, 13-cis-β-carotene, and 9-Z-β-carotene, respectively. The samples cooked in boiling water contained 258.50, 184.80, 43.97, 6.80, and 0.77 µg.g- 1 of total carotenoids, β-carotene, α-carotene, 13-Z-β-carotene, and 9-Z-β-carotene, respectively. The steamed samples contained 280.77, 202.00, 47.09, 8.23, and 1.247 µg.g- 1 of total carotenoids, β-carotene, α-carotene,13-Z-β-carotene, and 9-Z-β-carotene, respectively. The samples cooked with added sugar contained 259.90, 168.80, 45.68, 8.31, and 2.03 µg.g- 1 of total carotenoid, β-carotene, α-carotene, 13-Z- β-carotene, and 9-Z- β-carotene, respectively. These results are promising considering that E- β-carotene has 100% pro-vitamin A activity. The total carotenoid and carotenoid isomers increased after the cooking methods, most likely as a result of a higher availability induced by the cooking processes.

  9. Kraft cooking of gamma irradiated wood, (1). Effect of alcohol additives on pre-irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Inaba, M; Meshitsuka, G; Nakano, J [Tokyo Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Agriculture


    Studies have been made of kraft cooking of gamma irradiated wood. Beech (Fagus crenata Blume) wood meal suspended in aqueous alkaline alcohol was irradiated up to 1.5 KGy (0.15 Mrad) with gamma rays from a Co-60 source in the presence or absence of oxygen. The irradiated wood meals were washed thoroughly with fresh water, air dried and cooked under the ordinary cooking conditions. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Pre-irradiation in aqueous alkali have negligible effect on kraft cooking. (2) In the case of ethanol addition (50 g/l), pre-irradiation in vacuo shows acceleration of delignification and stabilization of carbohydrates during kraft cooking. Cooked yield gain by pre-irradiation was about 1.2 in all, over the range of delignification from 80 to 90%. Aqueous ethanol without alkali also shows positive but smaller effect than that with alkali. (3) Propanol, iso-propanol and butanol show positive but smaller effects than ethanol. However, methanol does not show any positive effect. (4) Irradiation in the presence of oxygen does not show any attractive effect on kraft cooking.

  10. Effects of freezing-thawing on sensory descriptive profiles of cooked poultry breast meat

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    ZHUANG Hong


    Full Text Available Freezing is a common method used by consumers to extend meat shelf life and by researchers to allow for subsequent meat quality assessments and processing.However,the effects of freezing on the sensory quality of cooked poultry breast meat are not well documented.The objective of this study was to compare sensory quality profiles of fresh and frozen/thawed chicken breast fillets (pectoralis major.Breast fillets were removed from carcasses within 24 h postmortem and either cooked from a fresh state or placed in a -20℃ freezer.Frozen samples were thawed by three different methods:thawing during cooking directly from a frozen state (0 h,thawing in 20℃ water for 2 h prior to cooking (2 h,or thawing at 4℃ for 24 h prior to cooking (24 h.A control treatment with fillets cooked directly from a fresh state was used.Fillets were cooked to an endpoint temperature of 78℃ and sensory quality was evaluated by trained descriptive panelists using 0~15 universal intensity scales.Results show that there were not treatment differences (P>0.05 in the average intensity scores for any of the descriptive flavor attributes or for 5 of the descriptive texture attributes (cohesiveness,hardness,juiciness,wad size,and wetness of wad.However,the intensity scores for cohesiveness of mass,rate of breakdown,and chewiness were significantly different among the treatments (P<0.05.Cohesiveness of mass intensity scores for 0h and 24 h fillets were significantly higher than 2 h samples.Fillets cooked directly from a frozen state (0 h had significantly higher intensity scores for rate of breakdown and chewiness than fresh controls and 2 h samples,respectively.These results indicate that freezing-thawing does not affect sensory flavor quality;however,it may change the texture attributes of cooked chicken breast meat products.The effects on meat texture depend on thawing methods prior to cooking.

  11. A longitudinal study of resolution of allergy to well-cooked and uncooked egg. (United States)

    Clark, A; Islam, S; King, Y; Deighton, J; Szun, S; Anagnostou, K; Ewan, P


    Egg allergy is common and although resolution to uncooked egg has been demonstrated, there is lack of evidence to guide reintroduction of well-cooked egg. To examine the rate of resolution to well-cooked, compared with uncooked egg in children, and safety of egg challenges. A longitudinal study of egg-allergic children from 2004 to 2010, who underwent challenge with well-cooked and if negative, uncooked egg. Participants underwent repeat annual challenges and egg-specific IgE measurement. One hundred and eighty-one open egg challenges were performed in 95 children whose median age of allergy onset was 12 months. Fifty-three of 95 (56%) had at least one annual repeat challenge. Pre-study historical reactions occurred to baked egg in five (5%), lightly cooked in 58 (61%) and uncooked in nine (9%); respiratory reactions occurred in 11 (12%) and seven (7%) had anaphylaxis; adrenaline was used during five reactions. There were 77 well-cooked and 104 uncooked egg challenges. Tolerance was gained twice as rapidly to well-cooked than uncooked egg (median 5.6 vs. 10.3 years; Pcooked egg at 3 years and 2/3 at 6 years. Of 28/77 (37%) positive well-cooked egg challenges, 65% had cutaneous symptoms, 68% gastrointestinal and 39% rhinitis, with no other respiratory reactions. Adrenaline was not required. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE RESOLUTION: of egg allergy takes place over many years, with children outgrowing allergy to well-cooked egg approximately twice as quickly as they outgrow allergy to uncooked egg. There were no severe reactions to well-cooked egg challenge, and adrenaline was not required. Our data support initiation of home reintroduction of well-cooked egg from 2 to 3 years of age in children with previous mild reactions and no asthma. Resolution continues to occur in older children, so that despite an earlier positive challenge, attempts at reintroduction should be continued. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  12. High-pressure effects on cooking loss and histological structure of beef muscle (United States)

    Liu, Anjun; Zhan, Hu; Zheng, Jie; Liu, Dongyue; Jia, Peiqi


    In this study, we investigate the effects of high pressures (up to 600 MPa) applied at room temperature for 10 min on beef cooking loss and structure. The data on cooking loss, pH and protein solubility, as well as the electron microscopy, illustrate the changes in cooking loss and structure with high pressure processing (HPP). There is a significant reduction in cooking loss of beef with HPP. When the beef sample is imposed upon by 300 or 400 MPa, the cooking loss reduction is about 12%. Further, the pH of beef is dramatically increased as the pressure increases, and the pH increases by about 5% when imposed upon by 500 MPa. When a high pressure was applied at room temperature, the structure of the beef tissue apparently changed. Muscle fiber fragments gradually became slender and sarcomeres became lengthened. Our data indicated that high-pressure treatment on beef leads to stretching of the muscle fiber and an increase in the water-holding capacity.

  13. Digital Materials Related to Food Science and Cooking Methods for Preparing Eggs


    沼田, 貴美子; 渡邉, 美奈; ヌマタ, キミコ; ワタナベ, ミナ; Numata, Kimiko; Watanabe, Mina


    We studied methods that were effective for teaching cooking to elementary school pupils using home economics materials. The subject was "Iritamago (scrambled eggs)". We researched the relationship between cookery science and experimental methods of making Iritamago. The various differences in condition and texture of Iritamago were compared among the different cooking utensils, conditions, and preparations of eggs. We created digital materials related to cookery science and the cooking method...

  14. Applying intercultural markers obtained from cooking in the design process

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bruns, M.; Tomico Plasencia, O.; Kint, J.M.L.; Zampollo, F.; Smith, C.


    In post-modern society industrial design has lost many of its cultural values as products are directed to a global market and everybody can understand and use them in the same way. In contrast to the globalization of design, cooking is an activity that is very much embedded in culture. Cooking

  15. 77 FR 49063 - Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Residential Dishwashers and Cooking Products (United States)


    ... Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Residential Dishwashers and Cooking Products; Proposed...-AC01 Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Residential Dishwashers and Cooking Products... procedures for both dishwashers and conventional cooking products for the measurement of energy use in fan...

  16. Validation of a combi oven cooking method for preparation of chicken breast meat for quality assessment. (United States)

    Zhuang, H; Savage, E M


    Quality assessment results of cooked meat can be significantly affected by sample preparation with different cooking techniques. A combi oven is a relatively new cooking technique in the U.S. market. However, there was a lack of published data about its effect on quality measurements of chicken meat. Broiler breast fillets deboned at 24-h postmortem were cooked with one of the 3 methods to the core temperature of 80 degrees C. Cooking methods were evaluated based on cooking operation requirements, sensory profiles, Warner-Bratzler (WB) shear and cooking loss. Our results show that the average cooking time for the combi oven was 17 min compared with 31 min for the commercial oven method and 16 min for the hot water method. The combi oven did not result in a significant difference in the WB shear force values, although the cooking loss of the combi oven samples was significantly lower than the commercial oven and hot water samples. Sensory profiles of the combi oven samples did not significantly differ from those of the commercial oven and hot water samples. These results demonstrate that combi oven cooking did not significantly affect sensory profiles and WB shear force measurements of chicken breast muscle compared to the other 2 cooking methods. The combi oven method appears to be an acceptable alternative for preparing chicken breast fillets in a quality assessment.

  17. The acceptance of gamma irradiated pre-cooked processed chicken meat products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seri Chempaka Mohd Yusof; Muhamad Lebai Juri; Foziah Ali; Salahbiah Abdul Majida; Mariani Deraman; Ros Anita Ahmad Ramli; Rohaizah Ahmad; Zainab Harun; Abdul Salam Babji


    A study was carried out to determine suitable dose, microbiological counts including pathogens and sensory evaluation of pre-cooked chicken meat products in assessing the acceptability of irradiated pre-cooked chicken meat products. Packed pre-cooked chicken sausages and burger samples (sealed individually in plastic-polyethylene pouches) were irradiated at the following doses: 2.5 kGy, 3.5 kGy and 5.5 kGy using 60 Co gamma irradiation at MINTec-Sinagama. Acceptability of the sausages was determined through sensory evaluation by 30 members of untrained panelists comprising staff of Malaysian Nuclear Agency. A 5-points hedonic rating scale was used. The attributes evaluated were taste, texture, chewiness, juiciness, aroma, colour, shape and overall acceptance. Samples irradiated with dose of 5.5 kGy were the most acceptable, followed by samples irradiated at 3.5 kGy and 10 kGy. Irradiation at doses up to 3.5 kGy render undetectable microorganisms/fungi and pathogens (faecal coliforms, Salmonella sp., Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) in pre-cooked chicken sausages, and doses up to 5.5 kGy for pre-cooked chicken burgers

  18. Burden of diseases estimates associated to different red meat cooking practices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berjia, Firew Lemma; Poulsen, Morten; Nauta, Maarten


    . The aim of this study is to compare the burden of disease estimate attributed to red meat consumption processed using different cooking practices.The red meat cooking practices were categorized into three: (A) barbecuing/grilling; (B) frying/broiling and (C) roasting/baking. The associated endpoints......, affected population, intake and dose–response data are obtained by literature survey. The selected endpoints are four types of cancer: colorectal, prostate, breast and pancreatic. The burden of disease per cooking practice, endpoint, sex and age is estimated in the Danish population, using disability...... adjusted life years (DALY) as a common health metric.The results reveal that the consumption of barbecued red meat is associated with the highest disease burden, followed by fried red meat and roasted red meat.The method used to quantify the difference in disease burden of different cooking practices can...

  19. Therapeutic efficacy of a therapeutic cooking group from the patients' perspective. (United States)

    Hill, Kimberly H; O'Brien, Kimberly A; Yurt, Roger W


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of the cooking group from the burn survivors' perspective. By incorporating concepts of kitchen skills, energy conservation, and desensitization techniques, the cooking group can assist patients with the functional use of their hands, standing tolerance, return to former vocational activities, and socialization with other patients. A questionnaire was developed based on commonly expressed benefits of cooking group. Areas of interest included decreasing anxiety in the kitchen, distraction from their burns, socializing with other burn survivors, and the physical benefits of participating in the group. The results of this study indicate that participants regard the therapeutic cooking group as a valuable treatment modality that effectively combines functional activities with socialization to decrease burn related anxiety and increase motion in a supportive environment for patients with burns.

  20. Frequency of inadequate chicken cross-contamination prevention and cooking practices in restaurants. (United States)

    Green Brown, Laura; Khargonekar, Shivangi; Bushnell, Lisa


    This study was conducted by the Environmental Health Specialists Network (EHS-Net) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The purpose was to examine restaurant chicken preparation and cooking practices and kitchen managers' food safety knowledge concerning chicken. EHS-Net members interviewed managers about chicken preparation practices in 448 restaurants. The study revealed that many restaurants were not following U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Code guidance concerning cross-contamination prevention and proper cooking and that managers lacked basic food safety knowledge about chicken. Forty percent of managers said that they never, rarely, or only sometimes designated certain cutting boards for raw meat (including chicken). One-third of managers said that they did not wash and rinse surfaces before sanitizing them. Over half of managers said that thermometers were not used to determine the final cook temperature of chicken. Only 43% of managers knew the temperature to which raw chicken needed to be cooked for it to be safe to eat. These findings indicate that restaurant chicken preparation and cooking practices and manager food safety knowledge need improvement. Findings from this study could be used by food safety programs and the restaurant industry to target training and intervention efforts to improve chicken preparation and cooking practices and knowledge concerning safe chicken preparation.

  1. assessment of household energy utilized for cooking in ikeja, lagos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ... of employment affects the choice of fuel used for cooking and the type preferred. ... In India, use of biomass. Nigerian Journal of ... of poverty in Nigeria which has favoured the choice of firewood energy ... The analytical tools employed for the study were descriptive ... cooking energy and the value of men or women's time.

  2. Microbiological quality and safety of cooking butter in Beni-Suef ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Cooking butter is one of the most popular types of fat consumed in Egyptian houses. It is produced in villages by rural women that are usually using their traditional knowledge during manufacturing. Objective: To study the rate of contamination and hygienic quality of cooking butter Methods: A total of 60 random ...

  3. Mechanistic insight into softening of Canadian wonder common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) during cooking. (United States)

    Chigwedere, Claire Maria; Olaoye, Taye Foyeke; Kyomugasho, Clare; Jamsazzadeh Kermani, Zahra; Pallares Pallares, Andrea; Van Loey, Ann M; Grauwet, Tara; Hendrickx, Marc E


    The relative contributions of cotyledons and seed coats towards hardening of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) were investigated and the rate-limiting process which controls bean softening during cooking was determined. Fresh or aged whole beans and cotyledons were soaked and cooked in demineralised water or 0.1 M NaHCO 3 solution, and texture evolution, microstructure changes and thermal properties were studied. Fresh and aged whole beans cooked in demineralised water had significantly different softening rate constants and so did fresh and aged cotyledons. The comparable softening rate constants of aged whole beans and cotyledons indicated an insignificant role of the seed coat in hardening during storage. All samples cooked faster in 0.1 M NaHCO 3 solution. Disintegration of cooked tissues followed by microscopic examination revealed a transition from cell breakage through a phase of cell breakage and separation to complete cell separation with increased cooking time wherefore texture decayed. Therefore, progressive solubilization of pectin in the middle lamella greatly promoted texture decay. While residual birefringence even after substantial cooking time suggested some molecular order of the starch, calorimetric analyses revealed complete starch gelatinisation before complete cell separation occurred. This implies an insignificant role of starch in texture decay during cooking but its hindered uncoiling into a viscous gel after gelatinisation due to the restricting cell wall could promote its retrogradation. Therefore, we suggest that the rate-determining process in bean softening relates to cell wall/middle lamella changes influencing pectin solubilization. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    M. A. DONK


    Full Text Available The author concludes that Pellicularia Cooke is to be regarded as the name ofan inseparable mixtum compositum (nomen confusum and hence as illegitimate (im-priorable. He believes that, apart from a hypothetical gelatinous medium, Cooke'soriginal material consisted of the combination of the vegetative hyphae of a resupinatehymenomycete and the spores of a pervading imperfect fungus. If one of these con-stituent elements were to be selected as type, the choice would be the spores ratherthan the vegetative hyphae selected by Rogers.

  5. Impact of prehistoric cooking practices on paleoenvironmental proxies in shell midden constituents (United States)

    Müller, Peter; Staudigel, Philip; Murray, Sean T.; Westphal, Hildegard; Swart, Peter K.


    Paleoenvironmental proxy records such as oxygen isotopes of calcareous skeletal structures like fish otoliths or mollusk shells provide highest-resolution information about environmental conditions experienced by the organism. Accumulations of such skeletal structures by ancient coastal populations in so called "shell midden" deposits provide us with sub-seasonally resolved paleoclimate records covering time spans up to several millennia. Given their high temporal resolution, these deposits are increasingly used for paleoclimate reconstructions and complement our understanding of ancient climate changes. However, gathered as comestibles, most of these skeletal remains were subject to prehistoric cooking methods prior to deposition. The associated alteration of the chemical proxy signatures as well as the subsequent error for paleoenvironmental reconstructions remained almost entirely neglected so far. Here, we present clumped isotope, conventional oxygen and carbon isotopes as well as element:Ca ratios measured in modern bivalve shells after exposing them to different prehistoric cooking methods. Our data show that most cooking methods considerably alter commonly used paleoclimate proxy systems which can lead to substantial misinterpretations of ancient climate conditions. Since the magnitude of chemical alteration is not distinguishable from natural temperature variability in most coastal settings, the alteration of shell midden constituents by prehistoric cooking remains likely unnoticed in most cases. Thus, depending on the cooking method, pre-depositional heating might have introduced considerable errors into previous paleoclimate studies. However, our data also show that clumped isotope thermometry represents a suitable diagnostic tool to detect such pre-depositional cooking events and also allows differentiating between the most commonly applied prehistoric cooking methods.

  6. Food, nutrition or cooking literacy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benn, Jette


    similarities and differences concerning the understanding of food literacy, ranging from a narrow r understanding of food literacy as the ability to read food messages to broader interpretations aimed at empowerment and self-efficacy concerning food and nutrition and from simple cooking skills to life skills...

  7. A Sociocultural Analysis of Social Interaction and Collaboration within the Cooking Practices of Children (United States)

    Bligh, Caroline Adele; Fathima, Monalisa


    This article applies sociocultural theorizing as a tool to analyze children's collaborative cooking practices through the key sociocultural concepts of social interaction and collaboration within a school cooking club. The "everyday" activity of cooking is examined using field notes gathered through participant observations, diary…

  8. Determination of the optimum dietary levels of cracked and cooked ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A 35-day feeding trial was conducted to determine the optimal dietary level(s) of cracked and cooked (CAC) jackbean meal for finisher broilers. Five diets were formulated such that they contained cracked and cooked jackbean meal al 0%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% levels respectively. Each diet was fed to group of 45 ...

  9. Archaea como componentes da microbiota endofítica de frutos do cafeeiro


    Oliveira, Marcelo Nagem Valério de


    Este é o primeiro estudo de diversidade genética da comunidade de Archaea associada a frutos de café (Coffea arabica L.). Ele foi realizado em amostras de frutos no estádio cereja das cultivares Bourbon Amarelo, Bourbon Vermelho, Catuaí Amarelo, Catuaí Vermelho e Catucaí Vermelho, em diferentes altitudes. A diversidade de arqueas presentes durante a secagem natural de grãos despolpados em terreiro revestido com cimento também foi estudada. A adição de proteases durante a etapa de lise celular...

  10. Effect of different cooking methods on total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities of four Boletus mushrooms. (United States)

    Sun, Liping; Bai, Xue; Zhuang, Yongliang


    The influences of cooking methods (steaming, pressure-cooking, microwaving, frying and boiling) on total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities of fruit body of Boletus mushrooms (B. aereus, B. badius, B. pinophilus and B. edulis) have been evaluated. The results showed that microwaving was better in retention of total phenolics than other cooking methods, while boiling significantly decreased the contents of total phenolics in samples under study. Effects of different cooking methods on phenolic acids profiles of Boletus mushrooms showed varieties with both the species of mushroom and the cooking method. Effects of cooking treatments on antioxidant activities of Boletus mushrooms were evaluated by in vitro assays of hydroxyl radical (OH·) -scavenging activity, reducing power and 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals (DPPH·) -scavenging activity. Results indicated the changes of antioxidant activities of four Boletus mushrooms were different in five cooking methods. This study could provide some information to encourage food industry to recommend particular cooking methods.

  11. Capture Efficiency of Cooking-Related Fine and Ultrafine Particles by Residential Exhaust Hoods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lunden, Melissa M.; Delp, William W.


    Effective exhaust hoods can mitigate the indoor air quality impacts of pollutant emissions from residential cooking. This study reports capture efficiencies (CE) measured for cooking generated particles for scripted cooking procedures in a 121-m3 chamber with kitchenette. CEs also were measured for burner produced CO2 during cooking and separately for pots and pans containing water. The study used four exhaust hoods previously tested by Delp and Singer (Environ. Sci. Technol., 2012, 46, 6167-6173). For pan-frying a hamburger over medium heat on the back burner, CEs for particles were similar to those for burner produced CO2 and mostly above 80percent. For stir-frying green beans in a wok (high heat, front burner), CEs for burner CO2 during cooking varied by hood and airflow: CEs were 34-38percent for low (51?68 L s-1) and 54?72percent for high (109?138 L s-1) settings. CEs for 0.3?2.0 ?m particles during front burner stir-frying were 3?11percent on low and 16?70percent on high settings. Results indicate that CEs measured for burner CO2 are not predictive of CEs of cooking-generated particles under all conditions, but they may be suitable to identify devices with CEs above 80percent both for burner combustion products and for cooking-related particles.

  12. 137Cs absorption factors (AFs) from contaminated cooking water to some vegetable and protein samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malek, M.A.


    The radionuclide in contaminated freshwater may directly gain access to the human body through two major routes: drinking and cooking food with fresh water. During cooking, the radionuclide present in the water may be transferred to the various ingredients of the cooked food. The degree of contamination of food during cooking depends both on absorption power of the individual ingredients and the level of radionuclide present in the water. The ratio of the concentration of the radionuclide absorbed in the individual ingredients to the concentration in the cooking water can be designated as 'Absorption factor' (AF). AF can be used to predict the radionuclide absorbed by the ingredients cooked with contaminated water, to assess the internal radiation dose to the consumer and radionuclide transfer from the cooking water to the ingredients. A better understanding of the variables that affect the AF in various ingredients during cooking is central to deriving the contamination level of the ingredients. 10 kinds of greens and vegetable and 3 kinds of animal protein were boiled with 37 Cs contaminated freshwater and corresponding AFs were determined in both hot and cooled condition

  13. Contribution to the understanding of the cooking quality of cassava (Manihot esculenta L. Crantz)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Safo-Kantanka, O; Owusu-Nipah, J; Osei-Minta, M; Aubyn, A; Quansah, C [Crop Science Dept. Univ. of Science and Technology, Kumasi (Ghana); Acquistucci, R [National Nutrition Inst., Rome (Italy)


    Cassava cooking quality was investigated from the mealiness of the cooked roots, and elasticity and freedom from lumpiness of the pounded paste. Microscopic study of the cells of raw and cooked roots showed that the cooking quality was related to the size of the starch granules, and the difference between varieties could be explained on the basis of cell disorganization. Dry matter and starch content were related to the differences in mealiness, and amylose content of the starch to the elasticity and smoothness of the pounded paste. Fibre content was negatively correlated with cooking quality. The loss in cooking quality during rainy season was due more to the reduction of dry matter than starch content. Changes in the gelatinization properties of the starch were also related to the loss in cooking quality. Addition of common salt to fufu paste reduced the retrogradation tendency of the starch and made fufu acceptable for consumption long after its preparation. Application of mulch during the dry season minimized soil temperature fluctuations, maintained high soil moisture, which in turn reduced changes in tuber composition. (author). 16 refs, 6 tabs.

  14. Contribution to the understanding of the cooking quality of cassava (Manihot esculenta L. Crantz)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Safo-Kantanka, O.; Owusu-Nipah, J.; Osei-Minta, M.; Aubyn, A.; Quansah, C.; Acquistucci, R.


    Cassava cooking quality was investigated from the mealiness of the cooked roots, and elasticity and freedom from lumpiness of the pounded paste. Microscopic study of the cells of raw and cooked roots showed that the cooking quality was related to the size of the starch granules, and the difference between varieties could be explained on the basis of cell disorganization. Dry matter and starch content were related to the differences in mealiness, and amylose content of the starch to the elasticity and smoothness of the pounded paste. Fibre content was negatively correlated with cooking quality. The loss in cooking quality during rainy season was due more to the reduction of dry matter than starch content. Changes in the gelatinization properties of the starch were also related to the loss in cooking quality. Addition of common salt to fufu paste reduced the retrogradation tendency of the starch and made fufu acceptable for consumption long after its preparation. Application of mulch during the dry season minimized soil temperature fluctuations, maintained high soil moisture, which in turn reduced changes in tuber composition. (author). 16 refs, 6 tabs

  15. Mutagenicity of basic fractions derived from lamb and beef cooked by common household methods. (United States)

    Barrington, P J; Baker, R S; Truswell, A S; Bonin, A M; Ryan, A J; Paulin, A P


    Mutagen production was examined in lamb and beef in relation to certain common household cooking methods. Mutagenicity was assessed, after extraction of the basic fraction of cooked meat samples, using Salmonella typhimurium strain TA1538 with added rat-liver S-9 homogenate. Little or no mutagenicity was found in barbecued lamb chops, in microwave-cooked lamb chops, sirloin steak, leg of lamb, or rolled beef loaf, in roasted leg of lamb or rolled beef loaf, in stewed blade steak or in boiled chuck steak. However, the basic fraction from well-done, edible fried or grilled meat contained mutagenic activity equivalent to approximately 30,000 TA1538 revertants/100 g cooked meat. It was found tht the mutagenic activity of grilled lamb chops, sirloin and rump steaks was directly related to the average surface temperatures attained during cooking. Use of butter as a frying medium was particularly associated with higher mutagenicity in meat samples. Fried meats (rump and fillet steaks) generally yielded higher mutagenic activity than did grilled meats (rump steak, lamb chops) at comparable temperatures of the cooking medium. Using similar cooking procedures, lamb did not differ markedly from beef in mutagenic activity.

  16. Effect of irradiation on microbiological safety of chilled cooked dumpling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jia Chunfeng; Jia Yingmin; Gao Meixu; Sun Baozhong


    Chinese Dumplings are popular ethnic prepared meal in China. The effects of irradiation on the survival of Salmonella enteritidis, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus, which are possible pathogenic bacteria in the chilled and cooked dumpling with vacuum package, were studied. The results showed that the D 10 values of Sal. enteritidis, Staph. aureus and L. monocytogenes were 0.31, 0.44 and 0.45 kGy, respectively. After 4 kGy irradiation, the hygienic and safe characters of the chilled and cooked dumpling were acceptable according to our national industrial standard. So the vacuum packaging and 4 kGy irradiation treatment might insure the safety of the chilled and cooked dumpling. (authors)

  17. Biodiesel from waste cooking oil via base-catalytic and supercritical methanol transesterification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demirbas, Ayhan


    In this study, waste cooking oil has subjected to transesterification reaction by potassium hydroxide (KOH) catalytic and supercritical methanol methods obtaining for biodiesel. In catalyzed methods, the presence of water has negative effects on the yields of methyl esters. In the catalytic transesterification free fatty acids and water always produce negative effects since the presence of free fatty acids and water causes soap formation, consumes catalyst, and reduces catalyst effectiveness. Free fatty acids in the waste cooking oil are transesterified simultaneously in supercritical methanol method. Since waste cooking oil contains water and free fatty acids, supercritical transesterification offers great advantage to eliminate the pre-treatment and operating costs. The effects of methanol/waste cooking oils ratio, potassium hydroxide concentration and temperature on the biodiesel conversion were investigated

  18. Stability of vitamin D in foodstuffs during cooking. (United States)

    Jakobsen, Jette; Knuthsen, Pia


    We investigated the retention of vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in eggs, vitamin D3 in margarine, and vitamin D3 and vitamin D2 in bread. Our set-up illustrated the cooking methods usually performed in households i.e. boiling, frying in pan and oven, and baking. All experiments were performed three times independently of one another. The retention of vitamin D compounds in eggs and margarine during heat treatment in an oven for 40 min at normal cooking temperature showed retention at 39-45%, while frying resulted in retention at 82-84%. Boiled eggs were found to have a similar level of retention (86-88%). For bread baked, as recommended in the recipe, the retention of vitamin D3 in rye bread at 69% was lower than the retention in wheat bread at 85%. A similar observation was made for vitamin D2, although the retention was slightly higher, 73% and 89%. No difference between retention of vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in eggs was shown. Cooking may cause detrimental loss of vitamin D, but it depends on the actual foodstuffs and the heating process. Further research is needed to optimise cooking procedures to enhance retention of vitamin D. Vitamin D retention should be taken into account in future calculations of dietary intake of vitamin D. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Quality of charcoal produced using micro gasification and how the new cook stove works in rural Kenya (United States)

    Njenga, Mary; Mahmoud, Yahia; Mendum, Ruth; Iiyama, Muyiki; Jamnadass, Ramni; Roing de Nowina, Kristina; Sundberg, Cecilia


    Wood based energy is the main source of cooking and heating fuel in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its use rises as the population increases. Inefficient cook stoves result in fuel wastage and health issues associated with smoke in the kitchen. As users are poor women, they tend not to be consulted on cook stove development, hence the need for participatory development of efficient woodfuel cooking systems. This paper presents the findings of a study carried out in Embu, Kenya to assess energy use efficiency and concentrations of carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter from charcoal produced using gasifier cook stoves, compared to conventional wood charcoal. Charcoal made from Grevillea robusta prunings, Zea mays cob (maize cob) and Cocos nucifera (coconut shells) had calorific values of 26.5 kJ g-1, 28.7 kJ g-1 and 31.7 kJ g-1 respectively, which are comparable to conventional wood charcoal with calorific values of 33.1 kJ g-1. Cooking with firewood in a gasifier cook stove and use of the resultant charcoal as by-product to cook another meal in a conventional charcoal stove saved 41% of the amount of fuel compared to cooking with firewood in the traditional three stone open fire. Cooking with firewood based on G. robusta prunings in the traditional open fire resulted in a concentration of fine particulate matter of 2600 μg m-3, which is more than 100 times greater than from cooking with charcoal made from G. robusta prunings in a gasifier. Thirty five percent of households used the gasifier for cooking dinner and lunch, and cooks preferred using it for food that took a short time to prepare. Although the gasifier cook stove is energy and emission efficient there is a need for it to be developed further to better suit local cooking preferences. The energy transition in Africa will have to include cleaner and more sustainable wood based cooking systems.

  20. Atributos físico-hídricos de um latossolo de cerrado em diferentes posições de amostragem na lavoura cafeeira Physical-hydric attributes of an oxisol from the cerrado region under coffee plantation as affected by the sampling position

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivoney Gontijo


    Full Text Available A compactação do solo, ocasionada por diferentes intensidades de tráfego, pode provocar danos à estrutura do solo, limitando a produção em lavouras cafeeiras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga para um Latossolo sob Cerrado, cultivado com cafeeiros, bem como investigar os efeitos do manejo da lavoura cafeeira na distribuição de poros e na retenção de água, em diferentes posições na lavoura cafeeira. O estudo foi realizado em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico localizado nas coordenadas de 18 º 59 ' 15 '' S e 46 º56 ' 47 '' W, cultivado com cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. em espaçamento de 4 x 1 m, implantado no ano de 19no mu95 nicípio de Patrocínio, MG. As diferentes posições de amostragem na lavoura cafeeira foram: projeção da saia (PS, linha de tráfego (LT e centro da entrelinha (EL. Além disso, amostras indeformadas também foram coletadas na mata nativa (MN para obter os modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga. Em cada posição de amostragem foram coletadas amostras deformadas e indeformadas na profundidade de 10-13 cm, para avaliação dos seguintes atributos físico-hídricos: pressão de preconsolidação (σp, umidade gravimétrica (U, densidade do solo (Ds, porosidade total (PT, macroporosidade (Ma, microporosidade (Mi, curva de retenção de água no solo, teor de matéria orgânica (MO, textura, densidade de partículas e limites de liquidez, plasticidade e contração. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a capacidade de suporte de carga do Latossolo decresceu na seguinte ordem: LT > MN = PS > EL. O solo sob a posição EL foi mais suscetível à compactação em virtude da menor capacidade de suporte de carga, devido a uma subsolagem realizada meses antes da amostragem, reduzindo a sua resistência mecânica. O solo sob MN e a PS apresentaram mesma capacidade de suporte de carga, indicando a manutenção de uma estrutura favorável para o crescimento do

  1. Cooking processes increase bioactive compounds in organic and conventional green beans. (United States)

    Lima, Giuseppina Pace Pereira; Costa, Sergio Marques; Monaco, Kamila de Almeida; Uliana, Maira Rodrigues; Fernandez, Roberto Morato; Correa, Camila Renata; Vianello, Fabio; Cisneros-Zevallos, Luis; Minatel, Igor Otavio


    The influence of cooking methods on chlorophyl, carotenoids, polyamines, polyphenols contents and antioxidant capacity were analyzed in organic and conventional green beans. The initial raw material had a higher content of chlorophyl and total phenolics in conventional green beans, whereas organic cultive favored flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity. Polyamines and carotenoids were similar for the two crop systems. After the cooking process, carotenoids (β-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin) increased. Microwave heating favored the enhancement of some polar compounds, whereas pressure cooking favored carotenoids. When we used the estimation of the radical scavenging activity by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, a reduction of the DPPH radical signal in the presence of green bean extracts was observed, regardless of the mode of cultivation. The highest reduction of the ESR signal ocurred for microwave cooking in organic and conventional green beans, indicating a higher availability of antioxidants with this type of heat treatment.

  2. Quantitative Detection of Horse Contamination in Cooked Meat Products by ELISA. (United States)

    Thienes, Cortlandt P; Masiri, Jongkit; Benoit, Lora A; Barrios-Lopez, Brianda; Samuel, Santosh A; Cox, David P; Dobritsa, Anatoly P; Nadala, Cesar; Samadpour, Mansour


    Concerns about the contamination of meat products with horse meat and new regulations for the declaration of meat adulterants have highlighted the need for a rapid test to detect horse meat adulteration. To address this need, Microbiologique, Inc., has developed a sandwich ELISA that can quantify the presence of horse meat down to 0.1% (w/w) in cooked pork, beef, chicken, goat, and lamb meats. This horse meat authentication ELISA has an analytical sensitivity of 0.000030 and 0.000046% (w/v) for cooked and autoclaved horse meat, respectively, and an analytical range of quantitation of 0.05-0.8% (w/v) in the absence of other meats. The assay is rapid and can be completed in 1 h and 10 min. Moreover, the assay is specific for cooked horse meat and does not demonstrate any cross-reactivity with xenogeneic cooked meat sources.

  3. Effect of conventional cooking methods on lipid oxidation indices in lamb meat


    A Pourkhalili; M Mirlohi; E Rahimi; M Hojatoleslami


    Lipid oxidation is one of the most deteriorative reactions occurred in foodstuff which has harmful impacts on the both food quality and consumer's health. This study was designed to speculate the influence of three conventional cooking methods including boiling, frying and grilling on lipid oxidation parameters in cooked lamb meat. Sections of lamb meat from longissimus dorsi muscle, taken from native Lori-Bakhtiary sheep species were cut into uniform pieces and cooked using boiling, frying a...

  4. The addition of pineapple flesh and pineapple peels extracts to increase the quality of used cooking oil (United States)

    Kusumawardani, R.; Hasanah, N.; Sukemi


    In Indonesia, reuse of cooking oil is high and common. Heating process and reuse of the cooking oil causes a change in its chemical constituents and decrease its qualities. This research aimed to investigate the addition of pineapple flesh extract (PFE) and pineapple peel extract (PPE) on the increment of the quality of oxidized (used) cooking oil. The cooking oil has been used three times. Treatment was done by mixing the used cooking oil with the extract (2:1) at 50°C. Peroxide value, FFA and iodine number of treated and untreated used cooking oils were measured by using titration method. The result showed that the treatment could increase the quality of the used cooking oils. PPE was better than PFE to increase the quality of the used cooking oil.

  5. Nutritious Meal Planning; Commercial Cooking and Baking I: 9193.02. (United States)

    Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL.

    This 90 clock hour course has been prepared as a guide for the tenth grade student in commercial cooking and baking or food management, production and services. It has been divided into six blocks of instruction (menu planning, recipes, condiments and their uses, introduction to cooking, food cost and accounting), and a Quinmester post-test. As a…

  6. Science of Food and Cooking: A Non-Science Majors Course (United States)

    Miles, Deon T.; Bachman, Jennifer K.


    Recent emphasis on the science of food and cooking has been observed in our popular literature and media. As a result of this, a new non-science majors course, The Science of Food and Cooking, is being taught at our institution. We cover basic scientific concepts, which would normally be discussed in a typical introductory chemistry course, in the…

  7. Chemical characteristic of PM2.5 emission and inhalational carcinogenic risk of domestic Chinese cooking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Nan; Han, Bin; He, Fei; Xu, Jia; Zhao, Ruojie; Zhang, Yujuan; Bai, Zhipeng


    To illustrate chemical characteristic of PM 2.5 emission and assess inhalational carcinogenic risk of domestic Chinese cooking, 5 sets of duplicate cooking samples were collected, using the most used 5 types of oil. The mass abundance of 14 elements, 5 water-soluble ions, organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and 11 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were calculated; the signature and diagnostic ratio of cooking in the domestic kitchen were analyzed; and carcinogenic risks of heavy metals and PAHs via inhalation were assessed in two scenarios. The analysis showed that OC was the primary composition in the chemical profile; Na was the most abundant element that might be due to the usage of salt; Cr and Pb, NO 3 − and SO 4 2- , Phe, FL and Pyr were the main heavy metals/water-soluble ions/PAHs, respectively. Phe and FL could be used to separate cooking and stationary sources, while diagnostic ratios of BaA/(BaA + CHR), BaA/CHR, BaP/BghiP and BaP/BeP should be applied with caution, as they were influenced by various cooking conditions. Carcinogenic risks of heavy metals and PAHs were evaluated in two scenarios, simulating the condition of cooking with no ventilation and with the range hood on, respectively. The integrated risk of heavy metals and PAHs was 2.7 × 10 −3 and 5.8 × 10 −6 , respectively, during cooking with no ventilation. While with the usage of range hood, only Cr(VI), As and Ni might induce potential carcinogenic risk. The difference in the chemical abundance in cooking sources found between this and other studies underlined the necessity of constructing locally representative source profiles under real conditions. The comparison of carcinogenic risk suggested that the potentially adverse health effects induced by inorganic compositions from cooking sources should not be ignored. Meanwhile, intervention methods, such as the operation of range hood, should be applied during cooking for health protection. - Highlights: • PM 2

  8. Biocontrol del moho foliar del tomate Cladosporium fulvum empleando cuatro hongos antagonistas Biocontrole do mofo foliar em tomateiro empregando quatro fungos antagonistas Biocontrol of leaf mold of tomato Cladosporium fulvum (Cooke 1883 employing four antagonistic fungi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Torres


    Full Text Available El moho foliar Cladosporium fulvum (Cooke 1883 produce una enfermedad que ataca el cultivo de tomate en invernadero en el Perú. Como alternativa al control de este patógeno se probó la eficiencia bajo condiciones in vitro e invernadero de cuatro hongos antagonistas: Hansfordia pulvinata (Berk y Curt 1958, Trichoderma harzianum (Rifai 1969, T. viride (Persoon 1821 y T. virens (Miller, Giddens y Foster 1963. El cultivo y crecimiento de los hongos se realizó en Agar Sabouraud para Trichoderma spp. y en Agar Jugo V8 para H. pulvinata. El bioensayo empleado fue el de placas precolonizadas propuesto por Krauss. En condiciones in vitro se observó que a 24 ºC y 72 h, el crecimiento de T. harzianum fue estadísticamente diferente de las otras tres especies ensayadas, y a 28 ºC fue similar a T. viride. A 24 ºC y a las 120 h, T. virens fue diferente de todas las especies evaluadas. A las 168 h el crecimiento de las tres especies de Trichoderma fue estadísticamente similar, diferenciándose de H. pulvinata. A 28 ºC a las 120 h y 168 h los resultados fueron estadísticamente similares para las tres especies de Trichoderma, pero diferentes de H. pulvinata. El mecanismo de acción más común para los hongos antagonistas fue el micoparasitismo. Finalmente, T. harzianum fue más eficiente debido a que redujo la severidad de la enfermedad en un 19,35 % bajo condiciones de invernadero.O mofo foliar Cladosporium fulvum (Cooke, 1883 produz uma enfermidade que ataca o cultivo do tomateiro em casa de vegetação no Peru. Como alternativa ao controle desse patógeno, testou-se a eficiência, sob condições in vitro e casa de vegetatção, de quatro fungos antagonistas: Hansfordia pulvinata (Berk y Curt 1958, Trichoderma harzianum (Rifai 1969, T. viride (Persoon 1821 y T. virens (Miller, Giddens y Foster 1963. O cultivo e crescimento dos fungos foi realizado em Agar Sabouraud para Trichoderma spp. e em Agar Suco V8 para H. pulvinata. O bioensaio empregado


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    Full Text Available Tuna cooking processing plants generate large amount of cooking juice containing a significant content of protein. Recovery and concentrating process of this valuable compound together with a low energy consumption process are of interest regarding full utilization concept and green process approach. Forward osmosis (FO was employed in this work to recover and concentrate tuna cooking juice. FO process could increase the protein concentration up to 9% with an average permeate flux of 2.54 L/m2h. The permeate flux however tended to decrease as protein concentration increased due to the impact of osmotic pressure of the feed and fouling on the membrane surface. Since tuna cooking juice consists of protein and minerals, membrane analyses indicated that fouling was more severe compared to the fouling caused by standard bovine serum albumin pure protein. However, the presence of minerals rendered it a quicker and lower energy process by comparison. These results indicated that FO is a promising technique in the recovery and concentration of tuna cooking juice protein.

  10. From Solar Cookers Towards Viable Solar Cooking Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahmad, Bashir


    A broader concept of technology encompassing the technical and the societal aspects is introduced. Viability of technology and technological development process from a socio-technical view- point is discussed. Based on the above, the question of securing viability of solar cooking technology...... is taken up. It is discussed that actor- approach can operationally relate the abstract societal factors with those of technical aspects. Some concrete measures regarding application of solar cooker projects are drawn from the discussion: solar cooking projects should a) be based on user and producer...

  11. When cooking fish wreaks havoc in Danish kitchens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Maria Kümpel


    Ignorance about the purchase and cooking of fish hampers consumption of fish in Denmark. A new research project shows that this ignorance is likely to produce many chaotic incidents in Danish kitchens, but also that relatively simple measures can combat the lack of knowhow.......Ignorance about the purchase and cooking of fish hampers consumption of fish in Denmark. A new research project shows that this ignorance is likely to produce many chaotic incidents in Danish kitchens, but also that relatively simple measures can combat the lack of knowhow....

  12. Genética de Coffea: XV - Hereditariedade dos característicos principais de Coffea arabica L. Var. semperflorens K.M.C.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Carvalho


    Full Text Available No planalto de São Paulo, o cafeeiro normalmente floresce duas a quatro vezes por ano, nos períodos compreendidos entre fins de julho a novembro. Raramente floresce mais vêzes, e um pouco além dessa estação. Em 1934, foram encontrados alguns cafeeiros da espécie C. arabica, caracterizados por seu florescimento quase que continuamente durante o ano. A êsse mutante foi dada a denominação de semperflorens. Os resultados da análise genética apresentados indicam que os característicos principais do semperflorens, a forma da planta, tipo de ramificação e florescimento quase que contínuo, são controlados por um par de fatôres genéticos recessivos. Êsse fator genético tem por símbolo sf sf, correspondente à abreviação da palavra semperflorens. Os resultados dos cruzamentos entre o semperflorens e as variedades murta e nana indicam que o semperflorens deve ter-se originado como uma mutação recessiva do bourbon. Apesar de terem sido encontrados cafeeiros semperflorens quase que simultâneamente em Ribeirão Prêto e Campinas, é mais provável que a mutação tenha ocorrido em Ribeirão Preto, onde o café bourbon foi cultivado pela primeira vez em São Paulo. Além de apresentar o semperflorens interêsse do ponto de vista fisiológico, tem também valor econômico, por ser produtivo e possuir boa resistência à sêca, motivo pelo qual numerosas progênies dêsse cafeeiro vêm sendo estudadas, visando o isolamento de linhagens ainda mais produtivas.Under normal environmental conditions coffee plants in the State of São Paulo flower two to four times during the period of July to November. Only rarely do they flower beyond these limits. In 1934 a few coffee plants of the species C. arabica were found which flower almost at any period of the year. This mutant was named semperflorens. The results of the gene tical analysis here presented indicate that the characteristics of this mutant are controled by one pair of recessive

  13. Radiation hydrolysate of tuna cooking juice with enhanced antioxidant properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Jong-il; Sung, Nak-Yun; Lee, Ju-Woon


    Tuna protein hydrolysates are of increasing interest because of their potential application as a source of bioactive peptides. Large amounts of tuna cooking juice with proteins and extracts are produced during the process of tuna canning, and these cooking juice wastes cause environmental problems. Therefore, in this study, cooking juice proteins were hydrolyzed by irradiation for their utilization as functional additives. The degree of hydrolysis of tuna cooking juice protein increased from 0% to 15.1% at the absorbed doses of 50 kGy. To investigate the antioxidant activity of the hydrolysate, it was performed the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay, and the lipid peroxidation inhibitory and superoxide radical scavenging activities were measured. The FRAP values increased from 1470 μM to 1930 μM and IC 50 on superoxide anion was decreased from 3.91 μg/mL to 1.29 μg/mL at 50 kGy. All of the antioxidant activities were increased in the hydrolysate, suggesting that radiation hydrolysis, which is a simple process that does not require an additive catalysts or an inactivation step, is a promising method for food and environmental industries. - Highlights: ► Radiation was applied for the hydrolysis of tuna cooking juice protein. ► The degree of hydrolysis were increased by irradiation and the antioxidant activity of hydrolysate was higher than protein. ► This result suggest that radiation is useful method for the hydrolysis of protein.

  14. Experimentally validated modification to Cook-Torrance BRDF model for improved accuracy (United States)

    Butler, Samuel D.; Ethridge, James A.; Nauyoks, Stephen E.; Marciniak, Michael A.


    The BRDF describes optical scatter off realistic surfaces. The microfacet BRDF model assumes geometric optics but is computationally simple compared to wave optics models. In this work, MERL BRDF data is fitted to the original Cook-Torrance microfacet model, and a modified Cook-Torrance model using the polarization factor in place of the mathematically problematic cross section conversion and geometric attenuation terms. The results provide experimental evidence that this modified Cook-Torrance model leads to improved fits, particularly for large incident and scattered angles. These results are expected to lead to more accurate BRDF modeling for remote sensing.

  15. Integrity of nuclear genomic deoxyribonucleic acid in cooked meat: Implications for food traceability. (United States)

    Aslan, O; Hamill, R M; Sweeney, T; Reardon, W; Mullen, A M


    It is essential to isolate high-quality DNA from muscle tissue for PCR-based applications in traceability of animal origin. We wished to examine the impact of cooking meat to a range of core temperatures on the quality and quantity of subsequently isolated genomic (specifically, nuclear) DNA. Triplicate steak samples were cooked in a water bath (100 degrees C) until their final internal temperature was 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, or 100 degrees C, and DNA was extracted. Deoxyribonucleic acid quantity was significantly reduced in cooked meat samples compared with raw (6.5 vs. 56.6 ng/microL; P 800 bp) were observed only when using DNA from raw meat and steak cooked to lower core temperatures. Small amplicons (food authentication, it is less abundant, and results suggest that analyses should be designed to use small amplicon sizes for meat cooked to high core temperatures.

  16. Cassava varietal screening for cooking quality: relationship between dry matter, starch content, mealiness and certain microscopic observations of the raw and cooked tuber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Safo-Kantanka, O.; Owusu-Nipah, J.


    Thirteen cassava (Manihot esculenta L Crantz) varieties from three successive annual harvests were screened for the mealiness of the cooked tuber, and the elasticity and smoothness of the pounded paste. Six were selected for further studies based on their mealiness and the starch and dry matter contents were determined. The diameter of the starch granules of the selected varieties and those of an irradiated M1V2 population were measured. Microscopic examinations of the raw and cooked cells of the irradiated M1V2 population were made. Correlations among all the parameters were studied. Varietal and seasonal differences in cooking quality were observed. There was no consistent relationship between mealiness of the boiled tuber and the elasticity and smoothness of the pounded paste. Varieties that were mealy were high in dry matter and starch content. The starch granules of mealy varieties were larger than those of nonmealy ones. There were no differences between mealy and non-mealy varieties in the arrangement of the cells or ‘cell condition’, of the raw tubers. However, the cells of the cooked tubers were held less cohesively, ie there was more ‘cell disorganisation’, in mealy varieties than in non-mealy ones

  17. Fluidised bed cereal cooking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenkins, Simon Anthony


    Man has been cooking food for thousands of years for a number of reasons: to improve flavour and palatability, sterilise, increase digestibility, improve texture and colour. Increasingly more advanced techniques are employed today in food production plants to engineer foods with many different properties. With this in mind manufacturers are constantly seeking to improve processing techniques and apply new or different technologies (such as microwaves, RF and extrusion) to develop foods with new properties (like puffed texture starches) and to increase process efficiencies (energy efficiency, water reduction). This thesis reports on work undertaken to demonstrate the potential to achieve high temperature starch conversion of whole wheat grains in a fluidised bed, thereby reducing the amount of water required and processing time. Specifically, wheat from the farm at 14% water content is cooked in a fluidised bed. The fluidised bed heats the wheat quickly by convective heating. In addition, energy can be delivered directly to the grain by microwave heating during fluidisation. Degree of starch conversion is determined by measuring the reduction in size of endotherm of reaction as observed by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. The fluidising gas, processing temperature and starting moisture content were varied in order to investigate their effect on the cooking process. A mathematical model based on energy and species concentration equations was developed to help understand the internal grain processes. The model coupled the thermal energy equation with water diffusion. The effect of water evaporation was represented as a thermal sink in the energy equation. Popular kinetic models from literature were adapted to predict the degree of starch conversion. The model gives solutions consistent with experimental data and physical intuition. A commercial computational fluid dynamics package was used to study simple airflow and particle tracks in the fluidisation column. A

  18. Identifying Factors Related to Food Agency: Cooking Habits in the Spanish Adult Population—A Cross-Sectional Study (United States)

    García-González, Ángela; Varela-Moreiras, Gregorio


    This study focuses on understanding factors that influence food agency in the Spanish population, specifically with regard to cooking habits, knowledge, and determinants and their possible relationship with body weight. A cross-sectional telephone survey was conducted. Individuals were asked about their cooking responsibilities, how they learned to cook, factors that affect their food choices, and their preferred cooking techniques. Anthropometric data were also recorded. Participants were randomly selected, and we finally had 2026 respondents aged ≥18 years (60% women, 40% men). A total of 90.5% of participants stated that they had cooking skills. Women were mainly responsible for cooking tasks (p cook” in comparison with groups over 50 years. Regardless of age, most participants learned to cook either by practice (43.3%) or from a family member (42.2%). Men tended to be more autodidactic, whereas women reported learning from family. No relation was found between weight status and the evaluated factors investigated. In conclusion, women bear the responsibility for the entire cooking process in families, indicating a gender gap in the involvement of men in cooking responsibilities and competence. More research is needed to assess the influence of cooking knowledge on obesity prevention. PMID:29462887

  19. Cooking Chicken Breast Reduces Dialyzable Iron Resulting from Digestion of Muscle Proteins


    Gokhale, Aditya S.; Mahoney, Raymond R.


    The purpose of this research was to study the effect of cooking chicken breast on the production of dialyzable iron (an in vitro indicator of bioavailable iron) from added ferric iron. Chicken breast muscle was cooked by boiling, baking, sautéing, or deep-frying. Cooked samples were mixed with ferric iron and either extracted with acid or digested with pepsin and pancreatin. Total and ferrous dialyzable iron was measured after extraction or digestion and compared to raw chicken samples. For u...

  20. Effect of different antioxidants on lipid oxidation of irradiated cooked streaky pork

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Shuzhen; Ha Yiming; Zhang Haiwei; Wang Feng; Liu Shuliang


    The effects of antioxidants on lipid oxidation of vacuum packaged irradiated cooked streaky pork were studied. The cooked streaky pork were added with 0.02% TeaPolyphenols (TP), rosemary, Tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and vitamin E separately, then were irradiated with 6 kGy, and stored at 4 degree C. The results showed that antioxidants can reduce the value of TBA, POV value of irradiated cooked streaky pork, and the effects of TBHQ and TP were better, than other antiatidins. (authors)