
Sample records for continuidad enero 2000

  1. Travelling Concepts : Text, Subjectivity, Hybridity : Amsterdam, 11, 12 y 13 de enero de 2000


    Barros, Claudia; Zusman, Perla Brígida


    La Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, Theory and Intepretation (ASCA) ha organizado, los días 11, 12 y 13 de enero del 2000, el evento: Travelling Concepts: Text, Subjectivity, Hybridity. A la luz del «giro cultural» que la geografía ha realizado a partir de la década de 1990, la participación en encuentros de esta índole resultan de interés para incentivar los intercambios entre el campo de la geografía y el de los estudios culturales. L'Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, Theory...

  2. Continuidad y desempeño exportador en la empresa peruana

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    Oscar Malca Guaylupo


    Full Text Available El presente artículo estudia la relación entre la continuidad de las empresas en los mercados internacionales y su desempeño exportador. Para ello, el estudio se centra en las empresas exportadoras peruanas durante el periodo 2000 a 2008, etapa en la cual las exportaciones peruanas tuvieron un crecimiento continuo. Se analizan los resultados alcanzados en los mercados internacionales, y a través del modelo LOGIT establece la relación probabilística entre su continuidad en dichos mercados y el resultado exportador medido en ventas de exportación.

  3. Modelos Y Prácticas de Maternidad: Continuidades y Cambios en dos Generaciones de Madres Platenses

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    María Victoria Castilla


    Full Text Available El objetivo de investigación que guió este trabajo consiste en analizar las continuidades y cambios en las prácticas de maternidad en dos generaciones de madres de nivel socioeconómico medio y los modelos de maternidad que están por detrás de las mismas; tomando como caso de estudio la ciudad de La Plata. Para ello, se analizaron 30 entrevistas en profundidad: 15 a mujeres que fueron madres en el 2000 y 15 que lo fueron en 1970. Del análisis surge la presencia de un entramado de elementos de continuidad y de cambio en las prácticas y sentidos de la maternidad. Esto es, a partir del resquebrajamiento de las prácticas "tradicionales" de cuidado de los hijos -a partir de un proceso de individualización creciente-, las madres comienzan a tener que decidirlas asumiendo los aciertos y los errores. Todo ello, junto con la continuidad del modelo que da ubica a la madre como la máxima responsable del cuidado y crianza de los hijos.

  4. Utilidad de la auditoría de casos en la reducción de la estancia hospitalaria prolongada en el servicio de medicina del Hospital II Vitarte durante enero 2012 - enero 2013


    Velazco Huamán, José Alfredo


    Objetivo: Determinar la utilidad de la auditoría de caso para reducir la estancia hospitalaria prolongada en el Servicio de Medicina del Hospital II Vitarte durante enero del 2012 a enero del 2013 Métodos: Estudio pre experimental longitudinal, se auditó 204 historias clínicas. Resultados: El 74.5% (152) de las auditorías realizadas en el Hospital II Vitarte Enero 2012-Enero 2013 fueron a pacientes mayores de 60 años. El 64% (130) de las auditorías realizadas fueron a pacientes de género ...

  5. Modelos Y Prácticas de Maternidad: Continuidades y Cambios en dos Generaciones de Madres Platenses


    María Victoria Castilla


    El objetivo de investigación que guió este trabajo consiste en analizar las continuidades y cambios en las prácticas de maternidad en dos generaciones de madres de nivel socioeconómico medio y los modelos de maternidad que están por detrás de las mismas; tomando como caso de estudio la ciudad de La Plata. Para ello, se analizaron 30 entrevistas en profundidad: 15 a mujeres que fueron madres en el 2000 y 15 que lo fueron en 1970. Del análisis surge la presencia de un entramado de elementos de ...

  6. El concepto de continuidad y sus obstáculos epistemológicos


    Crespo, Cecilia


    El concepto de continuidad está íntimamente ligado a los de infinito y límite. En este trabajo se presenta primeramente un breve recorrido por las ideas que influyeron históricamente en la construcción matemática del concepto de continuidad a lo largo de la historia del pensamiento humano y se analizan las concepciones que sobre este concepto tienen los alumnos a las distintas edades, con la finalidad de clarificar ideas y buscar nuevas estrategias didácticas para abordar el tema del continuo...

  7. Conocimiento sobre VIH/SIDA por adolescentes de la Parroquia 23 de Enero. Caracas, Venezuela Knowledge of HIV/AIDS of Adolescents from Parish 23 de Enero, Caracas, Venezuela

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    Rafael Antonio Broche Morera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, desde enero de 2007 hasta enero de 2008, con el objetivo de caracterizar los conocimientos sobre el VIH/SIDA en un grupo de adolescentes de la Parroquia 23 de Enero, del Municipio Libertador, en el Distrito Capital, de Venezuela. El universo estuvo constituido por 1256 sujetos, de entre los que se seleccionó una muestra de 450, que se encuestaron anónimamente. Los resultados arrojan precocidad en el inicio de las relaciones sexuales, así como un elevado diagnóstico de ITS. El grupo de edades más representativo en este sentido fue de 14 a 17 años. Se constató la escasa información sexual que reciben los adolescentes a través de los medios de comunicación, la escuela y la familia. Predominaron el nivel académico de primaria no terminada, estrato social bajo, tabaquismo y elevado consumo de bebidas alcohólicas. La categoría regular fue la más representada en la evaluación del conocimiento.A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out to characterize the knowledge of HIV/AIDS of adolescents from Parish 23 de Enero, Libertador Municipality, Capital District, Venezuela, from January 2007 to January 2008. Out of a universe of 1 256 adolescents, we selected a random sample of 450 to be later surveyed anonymously. Results showed early sexual relations, and an elevated number of STD's diagnoses. The group of age 14 - 17 was the most representative, with little information provided by the mass media, school, and family. An unfinished elementary education, an elevated intake of alcohol and tobacco, and lower stratum of society were predominant aspects. Knowledge was mostly categorized as regular.

  8. Síndrome pulmonar por hantavirus en población infantil. Chile: Regiones IX y X. 1998-2000




    El síndrome pulmonar por hantavirus (SPH) ha estado presente en Chile desde 1993 y ha sido detectado desde 1997 en la IX Región. Es una grave zoonosis con alta mortalidad, que afecta a gente joven incluyendo niños. Se ha estimado oportuno dar a conocer nuestra experiencia en la atención de 6 pacientes pediátricos, atendidos en las unidades de Cuidados Intensivos y Aislamiento en el Hospital Regional de Temuco, entre enero de 1998 y enero de 2000 mediante un estudio descriptivo de la experienc...

  9. Mortalidad en recién nacidos de extremo bajo peso al nacer en la unidad de neonatología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia entre enero 2000 y diciembre 2004.: January 2000 to December 2004

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    Pablo Lohmann Gandini-Billinghurst


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Identificar los factores demográficos y clínicos más frecuentes en recién nacidos con peso menor a 1 000g al nacimiento (extremo bajo peso fallecidos en la unidad de neonatología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Material y métodos: El estudio diseñado es una serie de casos. Se evaluaron las epicrisis y la base de datos NEOCOSUR de los pacientes con estas características, fallecidos durante la hospitalización, de enero 2000 a diciembre 2004. Resultados: Se encontraron 99 pacientes, con registros completos en 87 de ellos (88% de la muestra. La mortalidad en esta población fluctuó entre 70 y 85%, siendo las siguientes condiciones clínicas más frecuentes: control prenatal inadecuado, edad gestacional menor a 27 semanas, uso de corticoides prenatales, empleo de surfactante, enfermedad de membrana hialina-síndrome de distrés respiratorio y hemorragia intraventricular. Conclusiones: Los cuidados prenatales, el uso de corticoides prenatales y surfactante son factores modificables que tendrían impacto en la mortalidad. Síndrome de Distrés Respiratorio-membrana hialina, sepsis y hemorragia intraventricular, constituyen las entidades de morbilidad más frecuentes. El alcance de este estudio permite formular estas hipótesis. La evaluación de las mismas requiere estudios tipo observacionales y analíticos posteriores. (Rev Med Hered 2006;17:141-147.


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    Marcia Rohr Cruz


    Full Text Available Este estudo é resultado de uma investigação realizada, na forma de survey, a alunos de graduação de um determinado curso em uma instituição de ensino privada localizada no Rio Grande do Sul. Esta survey foi aplicada eletronicamente e foi composta por doze questões fechadas, através das quais os estudantes foram questionados com relação a suas expectativas de continuidade acadêmica e qual a importância para suas carreiras e para o desenvolvimento da região na qual atuam, com principal enfoque para os cursos de pós-graduação stricto sensu. Possíveis fatores que influenciam na continuidade dos estudos, tais como financeiros, de interesse pessoal e a falta de conhecimento com relação aos conceitos e programas de lato sensu e stricto sensu oferecidos localmente, também foram abordados. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, na amostra obtida, houve demonstração de interesse de 97% dos alunos na continuidade acadêmica sendo que 98,8% deles consideraram essa continuidade como fator fundamental para seu crescimento, porém observou-se 58,3% dos alunos não possui conhecimentos sobre o programa da instituição onde estão inseridos e que 88,4% dos mesmos citaram o alto investimento como um obstáculo.

  11. Comportamiento sexual riesgoso en adolescentes y sus actitudes hacia individuos con VIH en la Parroquia 23 de Enero, Caracas, Venezuela Risky Sexual Behavior and Attitudes towards People with HIV of Adolescents from Parish 23 de Enero, Caracas, Venezuela

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    Rafael Antonio Broche Morera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, desde enero de 2007 hasta enero de 2008, con el objetivo de caracterizar el comportamiento sexual de riesgo en un grupo de adolescentes de la Parroquia 23 de Enero, del Distrito Metropolitano de Caracas, así como las actitudes desarrolladas por los mismos hacia individuos contagiados con VIH. El universo estuvo constituido por 1256 sujetos, de entre los que se seleccionó una muestra de 450 que se encuestaron anónimamente. Los resultados demuestran un predominio del comportamiento sexual riesgoso en el grupo de edades comprendido entre los 14 y los 17 años, y el estrato social bajo. Las prácticas sexuales presentaron una tendencia a las calificaciones negativas. Existe correspondencia entre la evaluación de las actitudes desarrolladas hacia las personas contagiadas con VIH y el comportamiento sexual individual de los adolescentes.From January 2007 to January 2008, we carried out a cross-sectional descriptive study to characterize the risky sexual behavior and attitudes towards people with HIV of adolescents from Parish 23 de Enero, Metropolitan District of Caracas. Out of a universe of 1 256 adolescents, we selected a random sample of 450 who were surveyed anonymously. Results showed the risky sexual behavior of the group of age 14 - 17. Sexual practices trended towards negative evaluations. There is a correspondence between the evaluation of attitudes towards people with HIV and the individual sexual behavior of the adolescents.

  12. Fondos de conocimiento e identidad: Una vía sociocultural de continuidad educativa

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    Luis Fernando Brito Rivera


    Full Text Available El impacto de la globalización y la llamada sociedad de la información ponen en cuestión los parámetros tradicionales sobre los cuales hemos definido el aprendizaje: dónde se produce, con quién, cómo y para qué. Uno de los ejes sobre los que distintos estudios parecen estar de acuerdo es el carácter situado y distribuido que tienen los aprendizajes, y con ello la necesidad de establecer continuidades educativas entre las distintas experiencias de aprendizaje tanto dentro como fuera de la escuela. En este contexto, proponemos una relación teórico-metodológica entre los fondos de conocimiento e identidad y la historia oral para: a producir una continuidad, en el proceso educativo, a través de elementos socioculturales de alto significado para el alumnado de educación básica; b replantear la enseñanza como una actividad fundamentada en la interactividad sociocultural desde la misma formación inicial del profesorado. El trabajo deriva del primer ciclo de una investigación basada en el diseño desarrollada en una escuela normal en México con profesorado en formación. Las conclusiones preliminares apuntan a la posibilidad de establecer un proceso de formación inicial centrado en el desarrollo de continuidades educativas durante las experiencias de acercamiento a la práctica docente. Este ejercicio ha ayudado a ajustar la estrategia de investigación sobre lo que se ha denominado didáctica cultural inclusiva.

  13. Aspectos clínicos y endoscópicos del adenocarcinoma gástrico en pacientes de Las Tunas, enero de 2013 a enero de 2014

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    Liem Fonseca Chong


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, con el objetivo de caracterizar los pacientes atendidos por adenocarcinoma gástrico en el Hospital General Docente “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna” de provincia de Las Tunas, durante el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de enero de 2013 y el 1 de enero de 2014. El universo quedó constituido por todos los pacientes a los que se les realizó biopsia de estómago, por lesión sospechosa de adenocarcinoma gástrico, y la muestra por todos los pacientes con diagnóstico histológico de esta enfermedad. Para la obtención de los datos primarios se revisaron los expedientes clínicos de 23 pacientes con biopsia positiva. A partir de un cuestionario se recogieron y procesaron los datos y se interpretaron los resultados. Se encontró un predominio en el sexo masculino (69,5%, en los mayores de 51 años (30,4% y en la población de raza negra (47,8% con antecedentes de infección por helicobacter pylori (69,5%. El 43,4% de los pacientes debutó con una dispepsia prolongada, como síntoma predominante, y la imagen endoscópica más observada fue la úlcera cancerosa (12 casos, en relación con el patrón histológico difuso

  14. Saúde mental e a continuidade do cuidado em centros de saúde de Belo Horizonte, MG Salud mental y la continuidad del cuidado en centros de salud de una ciudad en Sudeste de Brasil Mental health and continuity of care in healthcare centers in a city of Southeastern Brazil

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    Graziella Lage Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores associados à continuidade do cuidado em saúde mental de pacientes encaminhados a centros de saúde. MÉTODOS: Foi conduzido um estudo de seguimento de 98 pacientes encaminhados a oito centros de saúde com equipe de saúde mental da área de abrangência de um centro de referência à saúde mental, em Belo Horizonte, MG, atendidos entre 2003 e 2004. Variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas e referentes à continuidade foram descritas e em seguida comparadas, utilizando o teste do qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: Após o encaminhamento, 35 pacientes não compareceram para o primeiro atendimento nos centros de saúde. Dos que o fizeram, 38 continuaram em tratamento. Retornar ao centro de referência para nova consulta após o encaminhamento e ter tido mais de dois encaminhamentos foram fatores facilitadores da continuidade do cuidado. Nenhuma característica individual esteve associada à continuidade. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados sugerem haver uma falha na proposta da linha de cuidado. A continuidade do tratamento parece estar mais relacionada a fatores referentes ao serviço do que a características do paciente.OBJETIVO: Analizar los factores asociados a la continuidad del cuidado en salud mental de pacientes encaminados a centros de salud. MÉTODOS: Fue realizado un estudio de seguimiento de 98 pacientes encaminados a ocho centros de salud con equipo de salud mental del área de alcance de un centro de referencia de salud mental, en Belo Horizonte, Sudeste de Brasil, atendidos entre 2003 e 2004. Variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y referentes a la continuidad fueron descritas y en seguida comparadas, utilizando el teste do qui-cuadrado. RESULTADOS: Después del encaminamiento, 35 pacientes no acudieron para la primera atención en centros de salud. De los que hicieron, 38 continuaron en tratamiento. Retornar al centro de referencia para nueva consulta después del encaminamiento haber tenido más de dos


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    José Gabriel Brauchy


    Full Text Available El discurso de la independencia (Ribeiro,1971; 1992; Roig, 1984, como expresión fundacional de la construcción de una identidad continental, puede ser abordado en tanto figura histórica y filosófica respecto de la ruptura y continuidad que esta empresa guarda con los principios que movilizaron la Conquista y Colonia (Subirats, 1994, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 develando, por una parte, las promesas de emancipación que subyace en ella y, por otra, elevando la utopía ilustrada europea, sus límites y contradicciones (una razón instrumental como un medio o poder coercitivo, Adorno y Horkheimer, 1969. Hispanoamérica construye así una emancipación no sólo como constelación histórica y filosófica cuyos contenidos responden a una razón cristiana y otra laica, sino asimismo, como un discurso que plasma la constelación continental...(Continúa

  16. Filosofia e pensamento social russo: continuidades depois da Revolução de Outubro

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    Galin Tihanov

    Full Text Available Resumo Neste ensaio estudo as continuidades que permeiam - frequentemente escondidas sob mudanças políticas dramáticas - o cenário da filosofia e do pensamento social no período soviético, da Revolução de Outubro, em 1917, à queda da URSS em 1991.

  17. Costos de la analgesia epidural de parto. Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal. Enero 2006


    Arias Lazarte, Silvia E.; Montes Ruiz, Celina H.; Arias Lazarte, Gladys C.


    Objetivo: Determinar el costo unitario y el costo operacional, para identificar los elementos y más importantes variables. Material y método: Diseño: retrospectivo, descriptivo y transversal. Los pacientes fueron 53 mujeres en trabajo de parto. Ellas reciberon analgesia epidural en enero de 2006 en el Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal INMP. El instrumento utilizado fue una encuesta para analizar los costos. Los tipos de costos fueron calculados por la metodología del sistema de"información...

  18. Cáncer gástrico temprano en varias instituciones de Medellín 1994-2000

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    Juan Góngora


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    El cáncer gástrico es la principal causa de muerte por cáncer en
    Colombia y su incidencia está en aumento y en especial los casos en
    etapa avanzada. Este estudio analizó la evolución postquirúrgica de 31 pacientes con cáncer gástrico temprano (CGT en seis diferentes instituciones hospitalarias de Medellín, entre enero de 1994 y diciembre de 2000.



  19. Notas a la gaviota libertada en el campo, 31 de enero de 1951


    Valverde Gómez, José Antonio, 1926-2003


    Notas a la Gaviota reidora (Larus ridibundus) libertada en el campo, cerca del Puente Colgante de Valladolid, el 31 de enero de 1951. Incluye observaciones de patos domésticos y Pavos reales (Pavo cristatus), y un pequeño esquema del enclave observado. Notes to the Common Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) released in the field, near the Puente Colgante of Valladolid, the 31st of January of 1951. Observations of domestic ducks and Indian Peafowls (Pavo cristatus) and a little map of the ...

  20. Educación sexual integral: cobertura, homogeneidad, integralidad y continuidad en escuelas de México

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    Rosalba Rojas


    relacionados con salud sexual y reproductiva; los menos tratados con derechos y relaciones. Los contenidos de educación sexual se trasmiten mayoritariamente durante la escuela secundaria. Conclusiones. Se requiere garantizar la integralidad, homogeneidad y continuidad de los contenidos de la ESI, asegurando que se imparta la totalidad de los temas planteados en recomendaciones nacionales e internacionales.

  1. Das neuroses atuais às neuroses traumáticas: continuidade e ruptura


    Cardoso,Marta Rezende


    Analisamos as vicissitudes da neurose traumática, partindo das contribuições de Freud. Propomos uma linha de continuidade - considerando também os pontos de ruptura - entre as neuroses traumáticas e as neuroses atuais, a partir de uma releitura da dimensão de "atual" em Freud, articulada com a de compulsão à repetição. Ampliamos a compreensão das neuroses traumáticas por meio da ideia da formação de enclaves no espaço psíquico, exterioridade interna radical que tende a se fazer sempre atual p...

  2. Continuidad y cambios en las actividades turísticas de Tijuana, 1920-1949


    José Alfredo Gómez Estrada; Josefina Elizabeth Villa


    El estudio sistemático del turismo en Baja California en la primera mitad del siglo XX es todavía una tarea por hacer. Este trabajo, basado en análisis documental, es un primer acercamiento al tema, aunque enfocado en Tijuana. La novedad es la utilización de la prensa estadounidense y mexicana como fuente principal, que se complementa con documentos históricos. Se establecen las características generales de las actividades turísticas en la localidad, se describe y se explica la continuidad y ...

  3. A questão da continuidade da política macroeconômica entre o governo Cardoso e Lula (1995-2006

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    José Marcos Nayme Novelli


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo é compreender a continuidade da política macroeconômica entre o governo Cardoso e o governo Lula. O artigo organiza-se em três seções. Na primeira, descreve-se sucintamente a política macroeconômica dos governos Cardoso e Lula. Na segunda, apresenta-se e discute-se o debate da literatura especializada a respeito da hipótese da continuidade da política macroeconômica entre os dois governos. Na terceira seção, é feito um mapeamento dos dirigentes estatais, em que ressaltamos certos aspectos que contribuíram para tal continuidade entre os dois governos. Sem desconsiderar a ação dos beneficiários últimos dos resultados de tal política, identificamos três fatores para explicar a manutenção da política macroeconômica: i a própria estrutura do capitalismo brasileiro e sua inserção na economia mundial; ii a força das idéias ortodoxas difundidas pela mídia e dominantes na equipe econômica (Ministério da Fazenda e Banco Central do Brasil, que foi recrutada no mesmo "campo"; iii a aceitação das "regras do jogo" da democracia pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT.

  4. Continuidad y longitudinalidad en medicina general en cuatro países europeos

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    Pastor-Sánchez Raimundo


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: El objetivo fue comparar la continuidad y longitudinalidad de la medicina general en cuatro países europeos del modelo público asalariado. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo y prospectivo. 63 médicos generales/de familia asalariados registraron todos los encuentros (directos/indirectos con sus pacientes durante una semana, en centros públicos y estatales de atención primaria de España, Finlandia, Portugal y Suecia. RESULTADOS: El 92% de los encuentros fueron en el despacho médico; fueron directos el 75%; la media de consultas por semana y médico fue de 103. El problema principal de salud fue crónico en el 42% de los casos y agudo en el 31%. El paciente había sido atendido previamente por ese problema en el 63% de los encuentros y por otro problema en el 79%. El médico conocía profesionalmente a algún familiar en el 66% de los pacientes atendidos. CONCLUSIONES: Los países estudiados presentan un grado variable de continuidad y longitudinalidad en medicina general (de mayor a menor: Portugal, España, Suecia y Finlandia. En España las consultas son de corta duración, y con un escaso uso de sistemas de prescripción repetida; en Portugal se forma lista de espera de pacientes, bloqueando la asistencia de los problemas agudos; en Finlandia falta el listado de pacientes, lo que despersonaliza la asistencia; y en Suecia también se forman listas de espera y se hace un mayor uso de la consulta indirecta (especialmente mediante el teléfono.

  5. Das neuroses atuais às neuroses traumáticas: continuidade e ruptura

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    Marta Rezende Cardoso


    Full Text Available Analisamos as vicissitudes da neurose traumática, partindo das contribuições de Freud. Propomos uma linha de continuidade - considerando também os pontos de ruptura - entre as neuroses traumáticas e as neuroses atuais, a partir de uma releitura da dimensão de "atual" em Freud, articulada com a de compulsão à repetição. Ampliamos a compreensão das neuroses traumáticas por meio da ideia da formação de enclaves no espaço psíquico, exterioridade interna radical que tende a se fazer sempre atual por sua repetição compulsiva.

  6. La continuidad en el delirio de las monjas muertas

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    Adriana González Navarro


    Full Text Available En este artículo presentamos una interpretación estética de la serie de grabados El delirio de lasmonjas muertas de Juan Antonio Roda. A partir de la triple continuidad del tiempo, el espacioy lo erótico queremos mostrar cómo la obra es un bloque de sensación. La investigación tuvoen cuenta, por un lado, la observación directa de los grabados finales de la serie, pruebas deestado y reproducciones existentes en diversos libros y catálogos de exposición; y por otro, laconsulta en diversas fuentes escritas (incluyendo casi todas las notas sobre el maestro Rodapublicadas en distintos medios. A partir de esto, encontramos aquellas posiciones críticasque determinaron por muchos años la mirada sobre la obra del artista y nos permitieron unaaproximación a esta como una cosa que se siente.

  7. Sobre la noción de continuidad puntual: un estudio de las formas discursivas utilizadas por estudiantes universitarios en contextos de geometría dinámica


    Aparicio, Eddie; Cantoral, Ricardo


    En este trabajo se aborda un problema de enseñanza ligado al aprendizaje de conceptos básicos del análisis matemático clásico, particularmente nos ocupamos del concepto de continuidad puntual de una función real de variable real que es enseñado al nivel universitario. Se analizan algunas de las formas discursivas y acciones gestuales utilizadas por los estudiantes cuando estos discurren sobre la noción de continuidad puntual. Para ello, nos valimos de un diseño experimental basado en la aprox...

  8. A importância da auditoria na análise ao pressuposto de continuidade


    Aires, Vanessa Alexandra Campos


    Mestrado em Auditoria A análise ao pressuposto de continuidade tem alcançado uma enorme relevância, nos últimos anos, tendo em consideração os inúmeros casos de falência e escândalos que têm ocorrido, como por exemplo, a Enron, a Worldcom e o BES. A insolvência de entidades que foram alvo de auditorias proporcionou inúmeras incertezas, aos utilizadores das demonstrações financeiras, que se questionam quanto à responsabilidade dos auditores relativamente a estas situações. O presente trabal...

  9. Cambios y continuidades en la obra de Émile Durkheim: El modelo explicativo durkheiminiano


    Díaz, Diego Alberto


    El escrito presenta un primer análisis de los cambios y continuidades que el modelo explicativo durkheimiano sufre a lo largo de la extensa obra del sociólogo francés. Rastreando el proceso que hacia fines del siglo XIX coloca al “fenómeno religioso” en el centro del proyecto teórico de Durkheim, veremos como esto impacta y transforma buena parte de sus primeras formulaciones presentadas, principalmente, en Las reglas del método sociológico [1895]. Haciendo foco en la pérdida de poder explica...

  10. Migraciones entre países del sur: Los cambios y las continuidades en los flujos limítrofes hacia Argentina

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    Eduardo León Bologna


    Este artículo observa las migraciones limítrofes hacia Argentina considerando que los cambios suceden bajo los efectos conjuntos de las coyunturas externas y de un proceso acumulativo que tiene sus propios tiempos, y que juntos determinan su continuidad o extinción.

  11. Aspectos discursivos y gestuales asociados a la noción de continuidad puntual


    Aparicio, Eddie; Cantoral, Ricardo


    En este artículo se analizan las formas discursivas de descripción, exposición, narración y argumentación, además de la gesticulación, que emplean estudiantes universitarios al momento de discurrir sobre la noción matemática de continuidad puntual de una función real de variable real. De manera específica, consideramos la dimensión gestual de las acciones de visualización a partir de un diseño experimental basado en la aproximación socioepistemológica a la investigación en Matemática Educativ...

  12. Criaderos y fauna de mosquitos en el área urbana de Armenia posterior al terremoto del 25 de enero de 1999

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    César A. Rodriguez


    Full Text Available Como resultado del terremoto del 25 de enero de 1999 en Armenia, se creó un ambiente favorable para la proliferación de mosquitos debido al colapso de edificaciones y a la reubicación de parte de la población en áreas donde se favoreció el contacto con posibles vectores de enfermedades. Con el fin de obtener información de base para el programa de control de vectores, se llevó a cabo un muestre0 entre los meses de septiembre de 1999 y febrero del 2000, para caracterizar la fauna de larvas de mosquitos en los criaderos encontrados en 14 de las 15 zonas en que fue organizada la ciudad para el proceso de reconstrucción. Se recolectaron 7 especies de mosquitos; Aedes aegyptifue la especie más abundante en los 7 tipos de criaderos determinados en el estudio en todas las zonas muestreadas. El indice de Breteau (10,92, el índice larvario (8,22 y el indice de depósito (9,44 determinados en este estudio, demuestran el alto riesgo de transmisión del dengue en la ciudad y, por ende, la necesidad de continuar e incrementar los esfuerzos de control del vector de la enfermedad.

  13. Capítulo 4. Política espacial argentina: rupturas y continuidades (1989-2012)


    Blinder, Daniel


    4. 1. ¿Seguridad o desarrollo? El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo entender las rupturas y continuidades en la política local e internacional de la Argentina entre la presidencia de Carlos Menem y la de Néstor Kirchner y Cristina Fernández de Kirchner en relación con la política espacial. En definitiva, se trata de comprender por qué la Argentina tiene una política de tecnología espacial. Los argentinos tienen políticas de desarrollo tecnológico y proyectos espaciales debido a que existió...

  14. Programas de continuidad de cuidados: el ejemplo del distrito de Chamartín de Madrid Continuity of care programs: the example of Madrid Chamartin district

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    Ana González Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se presenta el programa de continuidad de cuidados del Centro de Salud Mental de Chamartín en Madrid, para ilustrar con una experiencia fuera del ámbito anglosajón donde surgen estos programas, la teoría expuesta en la primera parte acerca del surgimiento, desarrollo y filosofía de los programas de continuidad de cuidados. Se describen los recursos sanitarios, sociales y personales de los que dispone la población a la que va dirigido y la forma de intervención, con el tipo de actuaciones que se realizan. Por último, se señalan algunos riesgos en el desarrollo y mantenimiento de los programas de continuidad de cuidados.The case management program of Chamartin Mental Health Center in Madrid is presented to illustrate with an experience outside the Anglo-Saxon context, where such programs arise, the theory advanced in the first part about the emergence, development and philosophy of continuity of care programs. Finally, some risks in the development and maintenance of continuity of care programs are pointed out. The health, social and staff resources are described, and also the population to be targeted, the form of intervention and the type of actions that are performed. Finally, we point out some risks in the development and maintenance of continuity of care programs.

  15. Um modelo de análise envoltória de dados para o estabelecimento de metas de continuidade do fornecimento de energia elétrica

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    José Francisco Moreira Pessanha


    Full Text Available Entre os aspectos da qualidade do fornecimento de energia elétrica destaca-se a continuidade, avaliada com base nos indicadores DEC e FEC que expressam, respectivamente, a duração e a freqüência das interrupções do fornecimento. Propõe-se uma nova implementação da regulação por comparação de desempenho na definição dos níveis toleráveis de DEC/FEC (metas de continuidade para as concessionárias de distribuição e seus conjuntos de unidades consumidoras. Na abordagem proposta combinam-se dois modelos de Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA em um processo com dois estágios: primeiro um modelo DEA clássico estabelece quanto cada distribuidora deve melhorar globalmente os seus indicadores de continuidade, em seguida, por meio de um modelo para alocação de recursos, baseado em DEA, comparam-se os desempenhos dos conjuntos em uma mesma distribuidora e definem-se as metas locais de continuidade para cada conjunto. Apresentam-se metas locais para os conjuntos das duas principais concessionárias que atendem o Estado do Rio de Janeiro.The main dimension of the electricity quality is the supply continuity. It is evaluated by indices SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index and SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index. This paper presents a new implementation of the yardstick competition that combines two Data Envelopment Analysis models (DEA to set the continuity standards for the electricity distribution utilities and their groups of consumption units. The approach has two stages. First, a classical DEA model performs a comparative analysis between utilities to define global continuity standards for each utility; next, based on global standards, a model for resource allocation based on DEA establishes the local continuity standards for groups of consumption units in the same utility. Local standards for the consumption units groups of the main distribution utilities in the Rio de Janeiro State are presented.





    Estudio descriptivo observacional, retrospectivo tipo serie de casos, realizado entre enero de 2007 y diciembre de 2009 en el Hospital Militar Central. Fueron tratados 21 pacientes con artrosis de la articulación tibio talar y subtalar de etiología diversa, con seguimiento mínimo de 6 meses. Se evaluó; la función pre operatoria y post operatoria por medio de la escala AOFAS, el dolor mediante la escala visual análoga, el tiempo de consolidación con controles radiográficos, el tipo de injerto ...

  17. El mundo del libro: [enero a diciembre] de 1980

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las siguientes reseñas de libros: -GUANO MALDITO-Por Joaquín Aguirre-Colección Andina-Bogotá-Ediciones Tercer Mundo-La Paz-Bogotá, Colombia. -El letrado español José María Alfaro y Polanco -FANTASMAS DE DOS MUNDOS-Por Arturo Uslar Pietri--Seix-Barral S. A. Barcelona- Caracas-México-Enero 1977-Avenida José Antonio-Madrid. -HOMENAJE A FERNANDO ANTONIO MARTÍNEZ-Estudios de Lingüística, filología, literatura e historia general-Publicaciones del Instituto Caro y Cuervo. LXVIII-Bogotá, 1979. -PROSAS-Por Jaime Barrera Parra- Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos - ECOPETROL - Editorial Andes, Bogotá. 1.347 páginas. -POESÍA-Por Rodolfo Moleiro -TENSO EN LA SOMBRA-Instituto de Cultura y Bellas Artes-Caracas, Venezuela. -REGRESO DEL VIENTO-Cuentos-Por Humberto Jaramillo Angel-Editorial Quin-Gráficas-Armenia, Colombia. -La poesía de Rafael Amaya -LA ÚLTIMA NOTICIA-Novela por Humberto Tafur Charry. -EL TRIUNFO DE LA MUERTE- Relatos-Por Gloria Nieto de Arias-Ediciones Tercer Mundo-Bogotá, Colombia. -COLOMBIA Y VENEZUELA-Integración-Por Manuel Roca Castellanos. -LOS ESPEJOS DEL TIEMPO-Por Eduardo Santa-Ediciones Príncipe-Bogotá, Colombia. -LOS OJOS DE LOS ENTERRADOS-Por Miguel Angel Asturias-Editorial Losada-Buenos Aires, Argentina. -APROXIMACIÓN A SIMÓN BOLÍVAR-Tema.

  18. El Socialista versus El debate (Enero-Septiembre 1933

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    Arbeloa, Víctor Manuel


    Full Text Available The author analyzes the first nine months of 1933 breakthrough year, and leave the judgment to the reader, the opinions and attitudes of two principal Spanish media-The Debate-Socialist and service, respectively, of the PSOE and the CEDA, concerning the Left and the Right, Socialism and political Catholicism, Fascism and Nazism, the socialist revolution, which is prepared in Spain, Orders and religious Congregations, whose law is discussed in Parliament, the “eternal issues” of the Spanish anticlericalism-antieclesialism: God, Jesus, the Church, the Pope, the bishops, clergy, Catholics...La lectura de El Socialista y de El Debate permite conocer mejor y interpretar las posiciones de la izquierda y de la derecha, del socialismo y del catolicismo político, entre enero y septiembre de 1933. En esos meses, se produce el ascenso del fascismo y del nazismo y un giro en la estrategia de la izquierda. La posición de la Santa Sede ante el Gobierno de México, reforzó la opción legalista de los católicos que dieron su sufragio a la CEDA. La línea de cada uno de los dos diarios, la confrontación entre ellos, enmarca y da fondo al bloque de los trabajos legislativos, a la solución de la crisis de junio, con la salida del Partido Radical, a la dimisión de Manuel Azaña en septiembre y a la convocatoria de elecciones legislativas, que dan paso a una nueva situación política.

  19. Plan de continuidad de los servicios críticos de red de la empresa Actuaria Consultores Cía. Ltda. Fundamentado en los estándares internacionales de Cobit, Itil e Iso 20000


    Ochoa Cevallos, Marco Antonio


    Actuaria Consultores Cía. Ltda. no cuenta con un Plan de Continuidad, razón por la cual la Presidencia Ejecutiva pidió que se lo realice de manera que asegure la continuidad en la prestación de sus servicios. La Tesis se sustentará en las prácticas que recomiendan ITIL, COBIT e ISO 20000, y en el juicio profesional de sus propios expertos. Estará alineada a los objetivos empresariales. Estas prácticas son poco conocidas y difundidas, por lo que esta tesis contribuirá con su ...

  20. Entre rupturas y continuidades: la política de Chávez al África


    Forite, Camille


    El presidente Chávez ha dado un nuevo rumbo a la política exterior de Venezuela, desde que, en el año 2005, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores entró bajo la guía del “Socialismo del Siglo XXI”. Con África, las relaciones han conocido un auge importante. Por ello, las nuevas líneas de la Casa Amarilla se fundan sobre bases heredadas de la tradición diplomática de la Cuarta República, ubicando la política africana de Hugo Chávez en las rupturas y continuidades con este períod...

  1. Carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC. Factores de riesgo, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, 1995-2000

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    Gonzálo Correa Arango


    Full Text Available

    Por estudios epidemiológicos sabemos que el CHC es el octavo
    cáncer más frecuente en el mundo; también que es 3 veces más
    frecuente en hombres que en mujeres tanto en el mundo como en
    Antioquia (1,2 y que se presentan 350.000 casos nuevos cada año.
    Nuestro objetivo es describir el comportamiento clínico y epidemiológico del CHC en la población usuaria del HPTU entre enero de 1995 y julio del 2000.



  2. Enero de 1999 a marzo del 2004

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    Juan Carlos Macías Herrera


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir el comportamiento epidemiológico de la leptospirosis en el departamento del Atlántico (Colombia, de enero de 1999 a marzo del 2004. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo. Se analizaron 970 muestras únicas de pacientes sospechosos de infecciones con Leptospira en el Laboratorio Departamental del Atlántico mediante Aglutinación Microscópica (MAT, usando como antígenos los serovares Icterohemorragiae, Pomona, Canícola, Hardjo, Grippotyphosa y Hardjo-bovis de Leptospira interrogans. Información adicional sobre la clínica de pacientes a través de fichas epidemiológicas y visitas a hospitales, además de datos de precipitación anual, fue obtenida. Resultados: El 9,7% de los casos fueron positivos para Leptospira, siendo los serovares Icterohaemorrhagiae (62% y Hardjo (12,8% los más frecuentes. La mayoría de casos (61%, se presentaron en hombres entre 15 y 45 años de edad y la clínica más común se asoció a fiebre (91,7%, mialgias (72,2%, vómito/nausea (70,8%, cefalea (68,1% e ictericia (63,9%. El 8.6% de los casos asociados a infecciones con el serovar Ictherohemorragiae fueron severos; la sintomatología coincidió con el síndrome de Weil, pero no se registraron fatalidades. En los años 2003(23, 2001(21 y 2002(18 se registró la mayor incidencia de casos, en meses de alta precipitación (Agosto-Noviembre. Los municipios con mayor número de casos fueron Barranquilla (46, Soledad (25, Puerto Colombia (6 y Galapa (6. Conclusiones: La leptospirosis debe tenerse en cuenta dentro del diagnóstico diferencial de otras entidades comunes en la región (fiebre de dengue. Un diligenciamiento completo de la ficha epidemiológica permitirá un estudio más detallado de esta patología, para desarrollar programas de vigilancia y prevención eficaces

  3. Continuidade temporal e unidade espacial em modelos digitais: a busca da eficiência do projeto de construções

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    Marcelo Eduardo Giacaglia


    Full Text Available Este trabalho introduz os requisitos da continuidade temporal e da unidade espacial, necessários para que se possa eliminar a redundância de informação nos projetos. A redundância de informação, em geral, e no projeto, em especial, além de resultar em maiores custos de manutenção (das cópias, favorece a ocorrência de erros de inconsistência. O requisito da continuidade temporal traduz-se pela capacidade de comunicar o modelo digital entre fases de um projeto e/ou entre diferentes aplicativos de um sistema CAD, sem ambigüidade ou perda de informação e de lidar com a crescente complexidade do projeto. O requisito da unidade espacial traduz-se pela capacidade de manipular o objeto do projeto como um modelo único e de representar, corretamente, os elementos de um projeto em função da vista e escala de apresentação. O sistema CAD ideal deve ser capaz de manipular um modelo único o qual possa ser gradualmente detalhado, desde a etapa criativa até a de detalhamento executivo. Deverá também permitir a correta representação de seus elementos em função da vista e escala de apresentação indicadas.



    Giorgio Forgiarini


    Pretende-se com o presente trabalho tratar sobre o padrão de racionalidade incorporado à Administração Pública brasileira pela reforma gerencial, iniciada pelo Presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso e, principalmente, sobre a sua continuidade ou não durante os mandatos de seu opositor e sucessor, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2005 e 2006-2009). Para a elaboração do trabalho, traçou-se, num primeiro momento, a partir do método da revisão bibliográfica, um escorço histórico acerca dos diferente...

  5. Paul Karl Feyerabend. En Defensa de la Continuidad de su Pensamiento

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    Teresa Gargiulo


    Full Text Available Entre los estudios críticos que existen en torno a la obra de Paul Feyerabend predominan aquellos que subrayan una discontinuidad radical entre la versión temprana y tardía de su pensamiento. Todo ello contribuye a que dispongamos de una visión fragmentada e incompleta de un pensador que evoluciono hasta el 1994, año de su fallecimiento. Nuestro propósito es ofrecer una explicación de su itinerario intelectual de tal modo que quedé patente su continuidad en la clave de sus críticas contra los falsos absolutos erigidos por el positivismo lógico y el racionalismo científico. Mostraremos las diversas cuestiones que Feyerabend aborda en las distintas épocas de su vida pero, al mismo tiempo, subrayaremos la unidad o coherencia lógica que existe en su revisión crítica de la racionalidad científica. Nos preocuparemos por entender las razones por las cuales nuestro filósofo de la ciencia va trasladando sus distintos focos de discusión o crítica.

  6. Intergeracionalidade de estilos educativos parentais : continuidade ou mudança? : concordância ou discordância?


    Marques, Joana Isabel Correia


    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicologia Clínica Sistémica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2012 O presente estudo exploratório, baseado numa abordagem qualitativa, tem como objectivo estudar a continuidade e concordância entre os Estilos Educativos Parentais dos Avós (Geração 1 – G1) e dos Pais (Geração 2 - G2), e a concordância e discordância na percepção dos Estilos Educativos Parentais (EEP) entre os Pais (G2) e Filh...

  7. Ciudad global y consumos culturales en Buenos Aires de fin de siglo XX: continuidades y rupturas del neoliberalismo

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    Margarita Ana Cristina Martínez


    Full Text Available Como muchas ciudades latinoamericanas, Buenos Aires, durante la década de 1990, fue escenario de una serie de cambios vertiginosos que se asociaron, con mayor o menor énfasis, al imperativo de entrar en un escenario global. Zonas que décadas atrás eran orgullo de la metrópolis y donde el auge constructor del siglo XIX había afincado el poderío de un Estado-Nación en crecimiento comenzaron a ser abandonadas en favor de barrios nuevos o reciclados que insinuaban una impronta estética y cultural. El neoliberalismo imprimió de esta manera sus signos en la ciudad: se produjo la formación, mpulsada por el Estado, de nuevos barrios (como Puerto Madero, el reciclaje de otros con una activa vida previa y en manos de emprendimientos privados (el barrio porteño de Palermo, el surgimiento de shoppings basados en la reconversión de antiguas estructuras industriales abandonadas, entre otros ejemplos. Después de la gran crisis argentina del año 2001, estos procesos fueron inscriptos en una oposición que sugería una ruptura entre la década neoliberal de los noventa y la década siguiente. Este artículo sostiene, por el contrario, que existe una continuidad cultural entre ambas décadas y que esa continuidad se expresa en la perpetuación y potenciación de espacios denominados "globales" y en las prácticas de consumo cultural que los caracterizan. As many cities in Latin America, during the 1990s Buenos Aires City was the scene of various dizzyng changes associated, with greater or lesser emphasis, to the imperative of entering on a global stage. Some areas that decades ago were the reason of the metropolis' pride, and where the nineteenth century, through the urban boom, had installed a symbol of the power of the emerging nation-state, began to be abandoned in favor of new or recycled neighborhoods that revealed an aesthetic or cultural mark. In this way, the neoliberalism succeeded in printing its signs in the city: the setting-up of new

  8. Etiología de la infección del sitio quirúrgico en pacientes egresados del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Joaquín Albarrán" Enero a marzo del 2000

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    Linet Alemán Mondeja


    Full Text Available Se reporta que las infecciones del sitio quirúrgico (ISQ constituyen formas frecuentes de infecciones nosocomiales, las cuales se originan por múltiples gérmenes (bacterias, virus, hongos. Se pretende mostrar la etiología de la ISQ de pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Joaquín Albarrán" en el período de enero a marzo del 2000, cuando se observó una elevación de estas infecciones. Se realiza un estudio de serie de casos de ISQ, reportados por el sistema local de vigilancia de infecciones nosocomiales, del cual se obtuvieron sus características generales, de los procederes quirúrgicos realizados y la causa de dichas infecciones. De los casos presentados se les realizaron estudios microbiológicos a 31 pacientes y 61 aislamientos de gérmenes. El 9,6 % de ellos falleció y el 61,9 % tuvo que ser reintervenido por complicaciones quirúrgicas. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes en los pacientes fueron la ancianidad (42,8 % y el hábito de fumar (47,6 %, anemia y alcoholismo en el 19 % de los casos respectivamente. Klebsiella pneumoniae (26,2 %, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (21,3 %, Escherichia coli (19,7 %, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (9,8 % y Staphylococcus aureus (8,2 %, fueron los gérmenes más detectados; todos mostraron niveles elevados de resistencia a los antibióticos disponibles. Se evidenció que los casos reportados fueron pacientes con alto riesgo de adquirir ISQ, y éstas fueron producidas básicamente por gérmenes gramnegativos multirresistentes a los antibióticos. Se requiere una evaluación preoperatoria del riesgo de adquirir ISQ, y la implementación de medidas de prevención y control de eficacia demostrada para estas infecciones.It is reported that surgical site infections (SSI are frequent forms of nosocomial infections, which are originated by multiple germs (bacteria, viruses, fungi. It is intended to show the etiology of SSI among patients attended at "Joaquin Albarrán" Clinical and

  9. Síndrome metabólico y calidad de vida en pacientes con psoriasis. Hospital Arzobispo Loayza Enero - Julio 2015.


    Castro Rodríguez, María del Carmen


    Determina la asociación entre la severidad de psoriasis con el síndrome metabólico y calidad de vida en los pacientes con dicha enfermedad que acudieron al Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, periodo enero a julio 2015. Se realizó un estudio analítico, observacional y transversal en 97 pacientes mayores de edad con diagnóstico de psoriasis, se evaluó la asociación del síndrome metabólico, calidad de vida y severidad de la psoriasis (criterios de la American Health...

  10. (Homosexualidad y familia: cambios y continuidades al inicio del tercer milenio (Homosexualidad y familia: cambios y continuidades al inicio del tercer milenio

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    José Ignacio Pichardo Galán


    Full Text Available Individual and collective practices, discourses and demands of people who have homosexual relations are generating important transformations in the conceptions of family in Spain. Questioning the heteronormativity of hegemonic conceptions of family is the main but not the only change. Conceptions of sexuality, the organization of biological and social reproduction, sexual division of labour and the organization of residence, material and economic live of people are affected too. In these change processes there is not a radical rupture with previous conceptions of family, but we can find important continuities. Family is the main referent for organizing everyday live in homosexual people’s lives.Las prácticas, discursos y demandas individuales y colectivas de las personas que mantienen relaciones homosexuales están generando importantes transformaciones en las concepciones de la familia en España. Los cambios se producen especialmente en el cuestionamiento de la heteronormatividad de la institución familiar pero afectan también a la concepción de la sexualidad, a la organización de la reproducción biológica y social, a la división sexual del trabajo y a la organización material, económica y residencial en la vida de estos actores sociales. En estos procesos de cambio no hay una ruptura radical con las concepciones previas de la familia, sino que se dan importantes continuidades, dado que la familia se mantiene como referente para la organización de la vida cotidiana de las personas homosexuales.

  11. Análise da continuidade da assistência à saúde de adolescentes portadores de diabetes Analysis of the continuity of health care provided to diabetic adolescents

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    Ederline Suelly Vanini de Brito


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: analisar a continuidade assistencial de adolescentes diabéticos nos serviços de saúde em Recife, na perspectiva de pacientes e profissionais envolvidos no cuidado. MÉTODOS: estudo qualitativo-descritivo. Realizaram-se 27 entrevistas entre mães de adolescentes e profissionais de saúde dos diferentes níveis de complexidade. Os dados foram analisados através da técnica de análise narrativa de conteúdo. RESULTADOS: na continuidade da gestão, os informantes consideram coerentes os objetivos e o tratamento realizado entre profissionais dos serviços especializados, embora não mencionassem a utilização de planos de cuidados ou protocolos. Na continuidade da informação, alguns entrevistados referiram haver comunicação entre profissionais especialistas, porém, inexiste comunicação entre profissionais da atenção básica. Como principais barreiras para a transfe-rência de informações estão a grande demanda dos serviços e a demora na entrega dos resultados. Finalmente, na continuidade da relação, todas as mães mencionaram a importância e a existência do vínculo e da confiança entre os profissionais e usuários, identificando como responsáveis pela assistência ao adolescente os profissionais especia-listas. CONCLUSÕES: a continuidade assistencial é mais percebida nos serviços de média e alta complexidade. Esses achados podem estar relacionados à qualificação dos profissionais e melhor infra-estrutura dos serviços especializados, indicando a necessidade de ampliar os investimentos na atenção básica como coordenadora da assistência.OBJECTIVES: to analyze the continuity of care for diabetic adolescents in health services in Recife, from the perspective of patients and professionals involved with the care. METHODS: a descriptive qualitative study. 27 interviews were conducted with the mothers of adolescents and a variety of health professionals responsible for different levels of care. The data was

  12. Vigilancia de la resistencia a los fármacos antituberculosos en Cuba, 2000-2009 Surveillance of resistance to antitubercular drugs in Cuba, 2000-2009

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    Ernesto Montoro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de la resistencia a los fármacos antituberculosos en Cuba en el decenio 2000-2009. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo longitudinal. El universo de trabajo estuvo constituido por un total de 2 285 aislamientos de Mycobacterium tuberculosis obtenidos de todo el país en el período comprendido entre el 1 de enero de 2000 y el 31 de diciembre de 2009. Se empleó el método de las proporciones en medio Löwenstein-Jensen con los fármacos de primera línea: isoniazida, estreptomicina, etambutol y rifampicina. RESULTADOS: La resistencia entre los casos nuevos y los pacientes con antecedente de tratamiento previo fue de 8,5% y 37,0%, respectivamente; para estas mismas categorías de caso, la multirresistencia fue de 0,4% y 8,8%, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: El presente estudio muestra baja prevalencia de cepas multirresistentes en Cuba. Estos resultados reflejan los avances logrados por el programa nacional de control, que trabaja en la actualidad hacia la eliminación de la tuberculosis como problema de salud pública en el país.OBJECTIVE: Determine the prevalence of resistance to antitubercular drugs in Cuba in the 2000-2009 decade. METHODS: A prospective longitudinal study was conducted. The sample group consisted of 2  285 Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates obtained from throughout the country in the period from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2009. The proportion method was used in Löwenstein-Jensen media with the first-line drugs: isoniazid, streptomycin, ethambutol, and rifampicin. RESULTS: In the new cases and patients with a history of previous treatment, resistance was 8.5% and 37.0%, respectively. In these case categories, multidrug resistance was 0.4% and 8.8%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows low prevalence of multidrug-resistant strains in Cuba. The results reflect the progress made by the national control program, which is currently working on the elimination of

  13. Contrato y Utopía: Continuidad y Discontinuidad de Los Mitos Libertarios de Anarquía, Estado y Utopía

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    Felipe Schwember Augier

    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El presente trabajo examina Anarquía, Estado y utopía de Robert Nozick a la luz de los mitos y ficciones sobre los cuales se construye. En este sentido, se sostendrá que es posible identificar dos mitos principales: el estado de naturaleza lockeano, cuyo principio se deja resumir en la máxima volenti non fit iniuria; y la meta-utopía libertaria, que se deja explicar como una aplicación de la teoría evolutiva de Hayek y de la epistemología de Popper a la construcción de una utopía. Se sostendrá además que existe una continuidad entre ambos mitos y que dicha continuidad viene dada por una intuición moral que Nozick formula al principio de la obra y que sirve también de inspiración al mito libertario: que la vida solo puede tener sentido cuando se deja a cada persona vivir la suya del modo en que estime conveniente. Dicha intuición, se concluirá, se traduce en el campo de la política y del derecho en el principio de que cada persona es dueña de sí misma y que, por consiguiente, esta forma particular de propiedad constituye el secreto hilo conductor de toda la obra.

  14. Determinantes da Intenção de Continuidade de Relacionamento entre Pequenos Varejistas e seus Fornecedores de Materiais de Construção Hidráulicos

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    Elias Frederico


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar os fatores determinantes da intenção de continuidade do relacionamento entre pequenos varejistas de materiais de construção e seus fornecedores, testando um modelo em que a confiança exerce um papel central. Método: Validação preliminar das escalas e posterior emprego de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais, para testar o efeito mediador da confiança na intenção de continuidade do relacionamento em 127 pequenos varejistas. Originalidade/Relevância:  Pouco se investigou do relacionamento de pequenos varejistas e grandes fornecedores de materiais de construção, apesar da relevância econômica do setor. Ainda, ressalta-se a dificuldade de se obter informantes no contexto B2B. Resultados: A confiança é uma variável mediadora para a continuidade do relacionamento e está associada ao papel do vendedor no atendimento e suporte (características do vendedor, a adequação do mix de produtos (competências do fornecedor e na preocupação do fabricante em entender as necessidades do segmento e demonstrar motivação para conduzir os conflitos de canal (sintonia com o fornecedor. Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Os resultados do estudo indicam concordância com os principais pressupostos teóricos, reforçando a utilização destes construtos em estudos futuros. Contribuições sociais / para a gestão:  O profissional de vendas se constitui no elo entre o pequeno varejista e o fabricante. Ressalte-se então, a relevância de ações de treinamento e capacitação para a equipe de vendas.

  15. O Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida na política habitacional brasileira : continuidades, inovações e retrocessos


    Alexandre José Romagnoli


    Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a Política Nacional de Habitação do governo Lula através do Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida (PMCMV). A análise se concentra nas continuidades, inovações ou eventuais retrocessos presentes no PMCMV comparativamente à Política de Habitação historicamente construída no Brasil. Partimos do pressuposto de que a questão habitacional é retomada no país com o início do governo Lula, que passa a viabilizar um processo de mudança na área, como, por exemplo, a cri...

  16. La enseñanza básica en Chile desde 1970 hasta 2009. Continuidades, cambiantes paradigmas e influencia extranjera en la escuela básica chilena

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cancino, Rita

    La enseñanza básica en Chile desde 1970 hasta 2009: Continuidades, cambiantes paradigmas e influencia extranjera en la escuela básica chilena. Palabras clave: Filosofía educacional, enseñanza básica pública, paradigmas, pedagogía Resumen: En esta ponencia nos proponemos analizar la enseñanza básica...... pública en el período que abarca el Gobierno de La Unidad Popular hasta el fin de los Gobiernos de la Concertación por la Democracia, es decir en distintos contextos políticos, sociales y culturales. Nuestra problemática a responder es en qué medida ha habido continuidad en la prolongada tradición de la...... escuela primaria chilena en sus aspectos centrales, y en qué medida los distintos regímenes políticos la han cambiado radicalmente o en su caso, han conservado sus rasgos históricos. Nos interesa también investigar los aportes de las tradiciones europeas y norteamericanas en la enseñanza básica en...

  17. Presiones para la continuidad en el contexto de la globalización

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    Neil Smelser


    Full Text Available El punto de partida de este artículo son dos afirmaciones que se encuentran repetidamente en la literatura sobre la "globalización", casi hasta e! punto que se vuelven tediosos: (1 los desarrollos anticipados y contemporáneos (económicos, tecnológicos, demográficos, políticos, sociales y culturales en e! mundo están creando una especie de sociedad internacional o global; (2 esta nueva sociedad está avanzando a costa de los Estado-nación, que van perdiendo control sobre su propia suerte. Estas afirmaciones son ciertas en un sentido general. Pero no estamos seguros en qué manera son ciertas, qué tan radicales o totales son estos cambios, y hasta qué grado la vida social organizada y la condición humana será afectada. En estas lineas espero contribuir a estas especificaciones. La intención general de! texto es la de contrarrestar e! punto de vista de "la totalidad de! nuevo mundo", enfatizando e! hecho de que hay varias fuentes de continuidad. Palabras claves: Globalización, Estado nación y pluralismo.

  18. Continuidade entre estética e investigação na teoria da arte deweyana: a educação entre arte e ciência, valor e método, ou entre o ideal e o real


    Ana Daniele de Godoy Dorsa


    A presente pesquisa, de natureza teórico-filosófica, argumenta descritivamente a teoria estética do filósofo americano John Dewey, em função do seu chamado \\"princípio de continuidade\\", próprio do sistema filosófico deweyano como um todo. Nessa empreitada, privilegiou-se o recorte da continuidade entre o estético e o científico, ou entre valor e investigação enquanto característica essencial de tal teoria estética. Na observação dos pressupostos filosóficos gerais do filósofo, verificou-se q...

  19. La cultura tributaria de las Asociaciones de Comerciantes Minoristas de la Bahia - FEDACOMIB y su incidencia en la continuidad de sus negocios.


    Basurto Alvarado, Maricela del Pilar


    El presente trabajo, tiene como propósito conocer la cultura tributaria de los comerciantes minoristas pertenecientes a la Federación Cantonal de Asociaciones de Comerciantes Minoristas de la Bahía de Guayaquil, a partir de la elaboración de estrategias y como esto infiere en la continuidad de sus negocios, Para lo cual, ha sido necesario identificar el universo de comerciantes y considerar una cantidad adecuada para la muestra, tomando como base, la ecuación del muestreo aleatori...

  20. Continuidade espacial da condutividade hidráulica saturada do solo na bacia hidrográfica do Alto Rio Grande, MG

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    Camila Cristina Alvarenga


    Full Text Available A distribuição espacial da condutividade hidráulica saturada (k0 é essencial para estudos relacionados a erosão do solo e escoamento superficial. Este trabalho objetivou estudar a continuidade espacial do atributo hidrológico do solo k o na Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Rio Grande, MG, e realizar seu mapeamento por meio de técnicas geoestatísticas, utilizando dados sem e com transformação logarítmica. Os modelos de semivariograma esférico e exponencial foram ajustados ao semivariograma experimental pelo método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO e Mínimos Quadrados Ponderados (MQP. Técnicas de validação cruzada e preditiva foram aplicadas para a escolha do melhor modelo. Os resultados indicaram que, ao se trabalhar com o logaritmo dos dados de k o, houve redução de pontos discrepantes e de anisotropia, entretanto os valores mais elevados de grau de dependência espacial foram observados nos dados sem transformação. O ajuste do modelo esférico, por meio do método MQO, foi o que produziu melhor desempenho na modelagem da continuidade espacial de k0. Os mapas gerados a partir dos dados sem e com transformação logarítmica não apresentaram o mesmo comportamento na distribuição espacial dos valores, e o mapa dos dados na forma transformada teve o melhor detalhamento da distribuição espacial.

  1. Critérios de admissão e continuidade de cuidados em centros de atenção psicossocial, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Criterios de admisión y continuidad de cuidados en centros de atención psicosocial, Rio de Janeiro, Sureste de Brasil Criteria for admission and continuity of health care in psychosocial healthcare services, City of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil

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    Maria Tavares Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os critérios de admissão, encaminhamento e continuidade de cuidado a pacientes utilizados pelas equipes dos centros de atenção psicossocial. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa qualitativa com avaliação participativa realizada em três centros de atenção psicossocial do município do Rio de Janeiro (RJ em 2006. Foram sorteados 15 casos admitidos e 15 casos encaminhados dentre os pacientes admitidos para tratamento nos seis meses anteriores ao início da pesquisa. Os critérios apontados pela equipe para a admissão do paciente para tratamento ou encaminhamento foram analisados a partir de um roteiro estruturado. A análise da continuidade de cuidados baseou-se em pesquisa em prontuário, informações da equipe e dos próprios pacientes e/ou familiares seis meses após a absorção ou encaminhamento do paciente. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes admitidos apresentavam diagnóstico de psicose (esquizofrenia, história de internações prévias, funcionamento social pobre e rede de apoio pequena e os pacientes encaminhados apresentavam transtornos ansiosos e depressivos, boa adesão a tratamento ambulatorial, bom funcionamento social e presença de rede social. Quanto à continuidade de cuidados, oito pacientes em 27 tiveram destino desconhecido. Quanto aos encaminhamentos, dos 13 pacientes encaminhados a ambulatórios da rede, sete permaneceram em tratamento, dois retornaram aos CAPS e quatro tiveram destino desconhecido. CONCLUSÕES: Os centros admitem pacientes que se encaixam na definição de um transtorno mental severo e persistente. A continuidade de cuidado foi apontada como problema, provavelmente devido à dificuldade de acompanhar os pacientes na comunidade.OBJETIVO: Analizar los criterios de admisión, encaminamiento y continuidad de cuidado a pacientes utilizados por los equipos de los centros de atención psicosocial. MÉTODOS: Investigación cualitativa con evaluación participativa realizada en tres centros de atenci

  2. El exilio y la política de la transición : una reflexión sobre la continuidad de la izquierda parlamentaria

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    Abdón Mateos


    Full Text Available El autor propone la tesis de continuidad respecto al exilio en la trayectoria de la izquierda parlamentaria durante la transición. No hubo ruptura con el exilio y, por tanto, refundación del PSOE y del PCE debido a la presencia cualificada de históricos de la guerra civil y de miembros de la segunda generación del exilio/primera clandestinidad en los círculos de poder interno de ambos partidos. Pero, sobre todo, no hubo refundación del PSOE tras Suresnes por la continuidad de aspectos claves de su política y por el peso de la conciencia histórica del franquismo en la cultura política de los socialistas.The author aims to show that the evolution of tehe Parliamnetary left wing is ultimately roots on the exile. PSOE anf PCE never broke their links with the exile and therefore were never refounded, due to the leading presence of persons who played a role in the civil war as well as of members of the second generation of the exile and the first underground movements in the core of both partios. Over all, the PSOE was never refounded after Suresnes as the key features of its politics remaied unchanged and historical conscience of francoism played a decisive part in the Socialist political culture.

  3. Determinantes de la continuidad en la contratación de la auditoría de forma voluntaria: evidencia para el caso de España

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    Estefanía Palazuelos Cobo


    Full Text Available En la Unión Europea se está viviendo actualmente un intenso debate en torno a la regulación de la auditoría de cuentas. Uno de los temas más relevantes y controvertidos es la definición del tamaño de las empresas obligadas a auditarse. Este trabajo está centrado en el estudio de la contratación voluntaria del servicio de auditoría. En concreto, se examinan los factores que determinan la continuidad del cliente cuando este deja de estar obligado a auditarse. Como metodología de investigación se realiza una encuesta a 275 pymes en España. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que la percepción de la mejora en la calidad de la información financiera y en el control de los registros contables internos es el principal factor que contribuye a continuar contratando de forma voluntaria el servicio. Además, dicha continuidad es más probable en las empresas que ya se auditan voluntariamente, en las auditadas por firmas internacionales y en las que mantienen una menor relación con las entidades de crédito y otros prestamistas.

  4. Auditoría por riesgos de la gestión de la continuidad de negocio para el Consejo de Transporte Público


    Esquivel Asenjo, Karla


    Tesis de maestría -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Posgrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Maestría Profesional en Auditoría de Tecnologías de Información, 2015 El presente estudio de auditoría evalúa la razonabilidad de la Gestión de la Continuidad del Negocio de acuerdo con las políticas y mejores prácticas aplicables para asegurar la disponibilidad de la información en el Consejo de Transporte Público. Los resultados del análisis efectuado, se realizan basados en el program...

  5. La enseñanza de la historia en la educación secundaria: innovación, cambio y continuidad


    Duarte Piña, Olga M.


    La innovación, el cambio y la continuidad de la enseñanza de la Historia para el nivel medio de la instrucción (segunda enseñanza, enseñanzas medias o enseñanza secundaria) es el objeto de esta investigación que tiene su base en varios trabajos del profesor Merchán Iglesias: en el libro Enseñanza, examen y control (2005), compendio de su tesis doctoral, en la memoria Innovación, reforma y práctica de la enseñanza (2006) y en un artículo titulado «Entre la utopía y el desencanto: innovación y ...

  6. Impacto social de la continuidad de estudios en escolares con retraso mental para su vida independiente

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    MSc. Nélida Tejeda Portell


    Full Text Available El trabajo aborda la problemática relacionada con el impacto social que trae consigo la continuidad de estudios de escolares con diagnóstico de Retraso Mental para el desarrollo de habilidades generales hacia una vida independiente. Se hace un análisis de las principales posiciones de los especialistas que abordan esta problemática y la respuesta que le ha dado el sistema de atención educativo. Los aspectos que se analizan responden a la necesidad de satisfacer las expectativas de calidad de vida en los escolares con necesidades educativas especiales. Por lo que se considera oportuno elevar el nivel de preparación de los escolares para el proceso del tránsito de la Educación Especial a la Escuela de Oficio, tarea científica en la que el autor se desempeña.

  7. Diseño y validación de un cuestionario para medir la continuidad asistencial entre niveles desde la perspectiva del usuario: CCAENA Design and validation of a questionnaire to measure continuity between care levels from the user's perspective

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    María José Letelier


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Diseñar y validar un instrumento que permita evaluar la continuidad asistencial entre niveles desde la perspectiva de los usuarios, para ser aplicado en cualquier sistema de salud que provea un continuo de servicios. Métodos: 1 Diseño de un cuestionario para medir la continuidad asistencial, a partir de la revisión de la bibliografía; 2 validación del cuestionario mediante discusión con un grupo de expertos, dos pretests y una prueba piloto en una muestra de 200 usuarios. Se analizaron la comprensibilidad y la validez de contenido del cuestionario, la carga para el entrevistador y la fiabilidad y la validez de constructo de la escala. Resultados: El cuestionario aborda los tres tipos de continuidad asistencial (gestión, información y relación y está dividido en dos apartados complementarios. El primero reconstruye la trayectoria y continuidad para un episodio concreto durante los últimos tres meses. El segundo apartado mide la percepción general de los usuarios sobre la continuidad. Hubo acuerdo entre los expertos en que todas las dimensiones de la continuidad estaban representadas, y los encuestados lo consideraron de fácil comprensión. El tiempo medio de aplicación fue de 33,9min. El valor alfa de Cronbach fue aceptable (>0,7 en todas las subescalas excepto en una, que fue eliminada. Los análisis de correspondencias múltiples mostraron asociación entre aquellos ítems teóricamente relacionados. Conclusiones: Se ha diseñado un cuestionario (CCAENA útil, válido y fiable para evaluar la continuidad asistencial entre niveles de manera integral y desde la perspectiva de los usuarios. Su aplicación en una muestra mayor aportará información adicional acerca de sus propiedades psicométricas.Objectives: To design and validate an instrument that measures continuity between levels of care from the user's perspective to be applied in any healthcare system providing a continuum of care. Methods: 1 A questionnaire for

  8. O futuro anterior: continuidades e rupturas nos movimentos estudantis do Brasil

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    Breno Bringel


    Full Text Available Durante o ano de 2008, multiplicaram-se, em todo o mundo, as reflexões sobre as lutas estudantis motivadas pelo 40º aniversário do Maio de 1968. No caso brasileiro, a questão mais paradigmática não foi tanto a discussão das lutas da década de 1960, mas sua "atualização" no contexto nacional, tendo como base possíveis rupturas que as lutas recentes dos estudantes universitários brasileiros, com vários protestos e ocupações entre 2007 e 2008, podem provocar no cenário dos movimentos estudantis no Brasil. Uma das hipóteses centrais propostas neste artigo é que esses movimentos se manifestam de acordo com dinâmicas cíclicas, e pela retroalimentação com outros movimentos sociais. Para observar essa dinâmica de continuidade e ruptura propõem-se alguns elementos para uma abordagem teórico-metodológica que interprete os movimentos estudantis como um movimento social sui generis. Realizase também uma análise cíclica das ações coletivas estudantis no Brasil e se avaliam, em perspectiva histórica e comparada com as dinâmicas de outros movimentos sociais, as principais características das lutas dos movimentos estudantis contemporâneos no País.


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    Taís Bleicher


    Full Text Available Ao analisar aspectos do evoluir do tratamento médico voltado à loucura na França, com ênfase na inovação pineliana do século XIX, o tratamento moral, e os modelos que surgiram em oposição ou em continuidade com este (as Colônias Agrícolas, que se opunham ao ambiente dos hospitais eas comunidades terapêuticas, com fins de ressocialização, objetiva-se perceber em quê estes modelos, anteriormente aplicado aos loucos, estão presentes nos atuais tratamentos para toxicômanos, tanto em Fazendas de Recuperação, como em grupos de ajudaque seguem a Filosofia dos Doze Passos e que não adotam o sistema de internação. A partir da teoria psicanalítica(com ênfase nos conceitos de narcisismo, narcisismo secundário, ideal de eu e pulsãoquestionaremos estas formas de tratamento (especialmente no que diz respeito ao recurso à religião, a infantilização dos pacientes, o julgamento perpétuo, o lugar dado aos relacionamentos, em nomede uma possibilidade de existência criativa e autônoma por parte do toxicômano.

  10. Continuidades y cambios en las opiniones y actitudes de los profesores de secundaria de Argentina en el período 2000-2010

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    Leandro Bottinelli


    Full Text Available El nivel de enseñanza secundario en Argentina está atravesando un período de debates y transformaciones. Sus profesores no están ajenos a este proceso. Mediante dos encuestas de alcance nacional realizadas en los años 2000 y 2010 se estudiaron los cambios en sus opiniones y actitudes frente a temas tan diversos como los problemas pedagógicos, las aspiraciones profesionales y las percepciones de su condición social, entre otros. Los resultados dan cuenta de una subjetividad docente que también se halla en proceso de transformación.

  11. Factores pronósticos del Cáncer de Mama en servicio de Oncología del Hospital General Camilo Cienfuegos. Enero 2007–2012

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    Yania Luisa Jiménez Madrigal


    Full Text Available Se analizaron 200 pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de mama, en un período de 5 años (Enero 2007 a Enero 2012 que fueron diagnosticados y tratados en la consulta especializada de mama en el Servicio de Oncología del Hospital Universitario de Sancti-Spíritus. Se estudiaron los factores pronósticos relacionados con el tumor primario, la presencia de ganglios metastásico, el tratamiento efectuado, el tiempo libre de enfermedad y el tiempo de sobrevida. Se comprobó en nuestra serie el predominio de pacientes con 60 años y más, con localización más frecuente en la mama izquierda, y el cuadrante superior-externo fue el sitio mamario más afectado. Los factores pronóstico significativos y de mayor relevancia en cuanto al tiempo libre de enfermedad y tiempo de sobrevida fueron: tamaño tumoral, status ganglionar, infiltración periganglionar y la determinación de la hormono dependencia. Se demostró que en la medida que aumenta el tamaño del tumor primario (T y la afectación ganglionar regional (N, la etapa clínica sea más avanzada y los ganglios axilares en la pieza quirúrgica metastásicos condicionan que exista mayor posibilidad de que ocurra recurrencia tumoral, con una incidencia mayor a presentar metástasis a distancia y que ocurra la muerte en estas pacientes.

  12. Consulta de Ginecología Infanto-Juvenil, 1999-2000

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    Elena Ávila Gálvez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, a 105 pacientes femeninas de 0 a 19 años de edad que asistieron a la consulta de Ginecología Infanto-Juvenil del Policlínico Docente "Wilfredo Pérez Pérez", de San Miguel del Padrón, de enero de 1999 a diciembre del 2000, con el objetivo de analizar su comportamiento y algunos aspectos relacionados con las niñas y adolescentes, mediante la utilización de algunas variables, y fueron sus principales resultados, el predominio de la adolescencia intermedia y adolescentes solteras con ayuda familiar. El principal diagnóstico definitivo fue la leucorrea-vulvovaginitis para el grupo de 0-10 años, y los trastornos menstruales en el de 11 a 19 años. Como aspectos relevantes aparecen la práctica de relaciones sexuales, la promiscuidad sexual y el no uso de anticonceptivos. Imperó la positividad de los exudados vaginales con cultivo, sobre todo en las niñas, y el estafilococo coagulasa positivo y la monilia fueron los gérmenes más frecuentes.A retrospective and descriptive study of 105 female patients aged 0-19 years, who went from January 1999 to December 2000 to the infantile and juvenile gynecology service of "Wilfredo Pérez Pérez in San Miguel del Padrón municipality, was carried out. The objective was to analyze their behavior and some aspects related to girls and adolescents by using certain variables; the principal results were the prevalence of intermediate adolescence and family-supported single adolescents. The main final diagnosis were leukorrhea-vulvovaginitis for 0-10 years-old group and menstruation disorders in the 11-19 age group. As relevant aspects we found sexual intercourse, promiscuity and the non-use of contraception. Vaginal smears with culture procedures were mostly positive in girls and positive Staphylococcus Coagulase and Candida albicans were the most frequent germs.

  13. Rupturas y continuidades de la extensión rural en Argentina (1973-1983

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    Cecilia Gárgano


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda continuidades y rupturas en las actividades de extensión rural realizadas entre 1973 y 1983 por el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA argentino, una de las principales agencias estatales. Dentro de este período, enmarcado por dos transiciones democráticas, se exploran los contenidos y enfoques de sus agendas de extensión rural, en conexión con transformaciones registradas en materia de políticas sectoriales, cambios socioeconómicos del ámbito rural e introducción de mecanismos represivos en el organismo. Se analiza el funcionamiento de la burocracia estatal del INTA durante dos reconfiguraciones institucionales: en 1973, en el marco de la primera transición democrática; y luego, en 1976 con el comienzo de la última dictadura militar. A partir de fuentes documentales y de entrevistas, se reconstruyen directivas institucionales, articulaciones con políticas agropecuarias de alcance nacional y experiencias protagonizadas por extensionistas del INTA, situadas primordialmente en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Se identifica la existencia, durante los años previos al inicio de la última dictadura, de diversas prácticas de contacto con la población rural alternativas al enfoque tradicional dominante, y se señalan sus limitaciones. Finalmente, se analiza la reorientación de las tareas de extensión rural del organismo durante su intervención militar (1976-1983.

  14. Intervención en la conducta sexual del adulto mayor. Holguín. Enero-Diciembre 2009.

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    Luisa María Seda Martínez


    Full Text Available Aborda el envejecimiento como un fenómeno universal, donde se analizó la conducta sexual de los gerontes en Holguín, Cuba, en el período enero-diciembre de 2009. El potencial estuvo compuesto por 371 pacientes de ambos sexos con 60 años o más y las mujeres fueron las que más presencia tuvieron en la investigación con el 52.56%. El grupo etareo predominante fue el de 60-74 años con 64.41 % para ambos sexos. Los factores biológicos y el mito de que en el hombre la capacidad sexual completa requiere de erección rápida y firme, afectaron la respuesta sexual. Menos de un tercio de los estudiados mantiene vida sexual activa, dominando los que tenían relaciones sexuales esporádicamente en un 50.67% y los que no la tenían, en un 27.76%. La masturbación no es considerada como actividad sexual y su práctica es ínfima. Después de la intervención, hubo cambios favorables con los mitos y la sexualidad, complacencia y adquisición de nuevos conocimientos.

  15. Examen de auditoría integral al componente primas por cobrar de Seguros Sucre S.A. correspondiente al periodo del 01 enero 2012 al 31 diciembre del 2012


    Merrill Ochoa, Yanina Alexandra


    La elaboración del presente trabajo comprende el desarrollo del examen de auditoría integral al componente primas por cobrar de Seguros Sucre S.A. correspondiente al periodo del 01 enero 2012 al 31 diciembre 2012. El examen se basa en la normativa aplicable al sector asegurador y documentación interna como manuales de políticas y procedimientos del proceso evaluado. Se podrán encontrar capítulos que generan una retrospectiva general del negocio de los seguros y cuál es la importancia del co...

  16. Los movimientos de protesta del Pueblo Mapuche en Chile, 2000-2011. Balance y perspectivas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cancino, Rita

    lengua, cultura e identidad subsumiéndolos en la identidad chilena. La irrupción de los movimientos mapuches al escenario histórico es por una parte la continuidad de una lucha de resistencia frente al Estado Nacional que nunca ha cesado y que hoy se hace perceptible en el contexto de las movilizaciones...

  17. Estilos de liderança de fundadores de empresas familiares do setor de transporte rodoviário de cargas no Brasil e a continuidade do negócio


    Cavicchioli, Gilberto


    A presente dissertação tem por finalidade analisar as relações entre os estilos de liderança e a continuidade do negócio na percepção dos fundadores de empresas familiares do setor de transportes de cargas no Brasil. Pretende-se contribuir no modo de avaliar aspectos da estrutura organizacional das empresas de transporte rodoviário de cargas, as ETCs, no sentido de averiguar como os fundadores ou principais gestores dessas empresas consideram que seus estilos de liderança sinalizam respaldos ...

  18. Avaliação da continuidade espacial de características dendrométricas em diferentes idades de povoamentos clonais de Eucalyptus sp. Evaluation of spatial continuity of dendrometric characteristics of clonal stands of Eucalyptus sp. at different ages

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    Honório Kanegae Junior


    Full Text Available O conhecimento da estrutura de continuidade espacial das características dendrométricas pode propiciar um eficiente controle de variação sobre as variáveis que se deseja estimar nos inventários sucessivos. Esse controle pode ser efetivado pelo uso de estratificadores baseados em mapas resultantes da krigagem estatística. Entretanto, o uso da krigagem carece de informações sobre a questão da continuidade espacial das variáveis descritoras dos povoamentos de Eucalyptus sp., assim como o comportamento dessas características no tempo. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a estrutura de continuidade espacial de três características dendrométricas de 23 povoamentos clonais de Eucalyptus sp. em três medições sucessivas, localizados em regiões distintas do Estado de São Paulo. Para cada povoamento, variável e medição, ajustaram-se semivariogramas experimentais pelo método dos Quadrados Mínimos Ponderados. Através do grau de dependência espacial obtido pelos semivariogramas experimentais, avaliou-se o comportamento da continuidade espacial das variáveis. Mais de 70% dos povoamentoss analisados apresentaram de média a forte dependência espacial para volume e 80% para as variáveis área basal e altura dominante. O alcance das variáveis apresentou variações de 300 a 3.000 m, dependendo do povoamento e da idade de medição. O porcentual de povoamentos com forte dependência espacial decresce com a idade, tendendo ao patamar de média dependência espacial, em todas as variáveis analisadas. O grau de dependência espacial ao longo de sucessivas medições variou de povoamento para povoamento e de medições para medições, podendo diminuir ou aumentar com o tempo, indicando que em cada povoamento e medição seja feita uma análise específica da continuidade espacial da variável de interesse.The knowledge on the structure of spatial continuity of dendrometric characteristics can provide an efficient control of

  19. La continuidad de los discursos y prácticas de la Hacienda en el contexto de la cooperación

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    Luis Alberto Tuaza Castro


    Full Text Available La historia de los pueblos indígenas de América Latina y del Ecuador está íntimamente asociada con el régimen de hacienda que territorialmente desapareció hace treinta y cinco años, sin embargo, subsiste de algún modo, en el contexto de la cooperación. El presente artículo analiza la continuidad de los imaginarios, de los discursos y prácticas propias de los tiempos de la hacienda en la interacción con los actores: organizaciones no gubernamentales de desarrollo, las instituciones del gobierno y los indígenas, a partir de la aproximación histórica y etnográfica a las comunidades indígenas situadas en lo que un día se les conocía como la Hacienda Totorillas en Guamote, Ecuador. Se argumenta que las políticas públicas y la ejecución de las mismas se establecen bajo lógicas de favor y gratitud, provenientes de la antigua hacienda.

  20. Aspectos clínicos endoscópicos, relacionados con la diverticulosis de colon. Las Tunas, enero 2011 – diciembre 2012

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    Liem Fonseca Chong


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de series de casos, en el Hospital “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna” de Las Tunas, con el objetivo de caracterizar los aspectos clínicos endoscópicos de la diverticulosis del colon, en el periodo comprendido desde enero 2011 a diciembre 2012. El universo quedó constituido por todos los pacientes a los que se les realizó colonoscopia, y la muestra por todos los pacientes con diagnóstico endoscópico de enfermedad diverticular. Para la obtención de los datos primarios se revisaron los expedientes clínicos de 101 pacientes con esta enfermedad, efectuando un cuestionario, en el cual se recogieron, analizaron y tabularon las variables, utilizando como medida de resumen el porcentaje. Se procesaron los datos y se interpretaron los resultados, concluyendo que en el grupo de pacientes estudiados predominaron las mujeres de más de 65 años, con dolor abdominal como síntoma principal y las hemorroides, como enfermedad que más se asoció a esta padecimiento, siendo el colon sigmoides el más afectado.


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    Amanda Chaparro


    Full Text Available Debido a la importancia mundial que ha adquirido Rotavirus A (RTV A, cómo agente infeccioso causante de diarrea en la población de niños menores de cinco años, en el presente trabajo se realizó un seguimiento epidemiológico para conocer la prevalencia de este virus en el Municipio de Facatativa - Cundinamarca, entre los meses de enero y diciembre de 2002. De 212 muestras analizadas, se encontraron 40 muestras positivas, con una tasa de prevalencia de 45.9 X 10.000 menores de cinco años. La zona urbana tuvo mayor número de casos por RTVA (28/148 que la zona rural (12/54. El mayor número de casos se presentó entre los 13 y 24 meses de edad, con igual proporción en niños y en niñas. La relación de la presencia de RTVA con las variables: disposición de basuras, excretas y consumo de agua no fue estadísticamente significativa. La presencia de diarrea, por RTVA, no tuvo ninguna relación con factores climáticos.

  2. Spatial and temporal variability in the temperature and precipitation records of MEXICO state (1978-2000

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    X. Antonio-Némiga


    Full Text Available Comprender la naturaleza y magnitud de las variaciones climáticas regionales es fundamental para el desarrollo de políticas de adaptación y mitigación. Por ello, se evalúan los registros de temperatura máxima y mínima y precipitación en 92 estaciones meteorológicas del estado de México durante el periodo comprendido entre 1978 y 2000. Para hacerlo se calcularon los valores promedio y los coeficientes de variación de los registros. En ellos se buscan tendencias lineales de comportamiento y se calcula para cada estación el coeficiente de variación para encontrar aquellas estaciones que presentan mayor variabilidad. La misma variabilidad es expresada cartográfi- camente para para entender su distribución en el espacio y buscar relación con otras variables. Se encontró una tendencia estadísticamente significativa de creciente variabilidad en los registros de temperatura máxima de los meses de enero, abril y mayo y en los registros de temperatura mínima de mayo, junio y septiembre; así como una posible correlación entre la ubicación de las estaciones donde se registran mayores variaciones de temperatura máxima y los frentes de deforestación.

  3. Determinantes de la precarización laboral en Argentina entre 2003-2013. Entre los cambios y las continuidades

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    Marcelo Delfini


    Full Text Available El crecimiento económico experimentado por Argentina desde 2003 ha tenido su correlato en la mejora de los indicadores laborales. No obstante, la precarización laboral se ha mantenido, luego de una baja importante, hasta 2007, en valores muy elevados. Partiendo de la idea central que la precarización constituye para el capital una reducción de costos, el objetivo de este artículo es dar cuenta de los determinantes de la informalidad entre los trabajadores asalariados y establecer continuidades y cambios durante 2003 y 2013. Para ello, utilizamos una metodología cuantitativa con fuentes secundarias de información, dde acuerdo con las cuales realizamos dos tipo de análisis: el primero de carácter descriptivo, a partir del cual se busca dar cuenta de las características del mercado de trabajo argentino durante 1990 y 2013, y el segundo se realiza por medio de una regresión logística binomial, que permite acercarnos a los determinantes de la precarización de las condiciones de trabajo. En este sentido, se pudo observar que durante 2003 y 2013 se consolidó una precarización laboral, cuyos determinantes no lograron modificarse sustancialmente durante los años de referencia



    Patricia Santa-Olalla Peralta; Marta Cortes García; Aurora Limia Sánchez; Josefa Andrés Prado; Isabel Pachón del Amo; Mª José Sierra Moros


    Fundamento: El análisis de los casos graves de gripe pandémica es necesario para identificar grupos de población vulnerables y adecuar las políticas de prevención y control. Se analizan las características clínicas y epidemiológicas así como los factores asociados a riesgo de muerte en los casos de infección por virus pandémico (H1N1) 2009 hospitalizados en unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) en España y notificados entre el 24 de abril de 2009 y el 31 de enero de 2010. Métodos: En el marco...


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    Full Text Available El objetivo fue analizar el perfil de los nacidos vivos en Maranguape-CE, registrados en el Sistema de Información sobre Nacidos Vivos (SINASC entre enero de 2000 y diciembre de 2003. Se analizaron 5.032 declaraciones de nacidos vivos (DN de madres residentes en el municipio. Las DN fueron introducidas en el Software SINASC del Ministerio de Salud Pública y los datos presentados en tablas. Predominó la edad materna entre 21 y 30 años, instrucción entre 4 y 11 años de estudio, hubo aumento en el porcentaje de madres solteras, índice de APGAR variando entre 4 y 7 y peso al nacer entre 2.500g y 3.999g. El número de gestación única preponderó, así como el aumento en el número de consultas de prenatal, reducción de nacimientos prematuros y aumento en el porcentaje de parto cesariano. Las informaciones del SINASC son fundamentales al tomar una decisión adecuada en la salud materno-infantil. Las dificultades relacionadas a la sustentación del sistema tienen que ser superadas por medio de supervisión y control de los registros.

  6. Caracterización de neonatos con peso inferior a 2000 g Characterization of newborns with a birth weight under 2000 g

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    Odalys Martín Blanco


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Los niños con bajo peso al nacer son 20 veces más propensos a morir y presentan mayor morbilidad que los nacidos con buen peso. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue caracterizar a los recién nacidos con peso inferior a 2000 g, nacidos entre el 1ro. de enero del 2005 y el 31 de diciembre del 2006 en el Hospital Universitario "América Arias". MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo-analítico, longitudinal y prospectivo, cuyo universo fueron los neonatos con peso inferior a 2000 g, nacidos en este período. En el análisis estadístico se utilizó la distribución de frecuencias, la media y la desviación estándar de la ganancia de peso, la talla, y las circunferencias cefálica y braquial. RESULTADOS. El 96,16 % de los pacientes estudiados nacieron con peso entre 1000 y 1999 g. El 93,27 % estuvo por debajo de las 36,6 semanas de gestación y en el 75,96 % de los casos el parto fue distócico. El 61,54 % de los neonatos tuvo peso adecuado para su edad gestacional. Predominaron los pacientes con factores de riesgo asociados. Más de la mitad presentó morbilidad asociada, principalmente por sepsis (25,96 %. Falleció el 10,58 % de los recién nacidos. CONCLUSIONES. Las principales causas del bajo peso de los recién nacidos fueron el embarazo múltiple y la enfermedad hipertensiva de la gestación. Las defunciones se comportaron por debajo de lo esperado. En los pacientes con crecimiento intrauterino retardado simétricos, la ganancia de peso y talla al alta fue significativamente mayor que en los asimétricos y adecuados para su edad gestacional.INTRODUCTION. Children with low birth weight are 20 times more prone to die and to have a greater morbidity than those with an adequate weight. The objective of this research was to characterize the newborn infants with a weight lower than 2000 g that were born between January 1st, 2005 and December 31st , 2006 in "America Arias" Children Hospital. METHODS

  7. ¿La escuela de antes era mejor? Continuidades y tensiones en las memorias de docentes neuquinas del período territoriano (1884-1957

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    Rolando Javier


    Full Text Available  Las memorias de viejas docentes del territorio neuquino presentan ciertas continuidades en algunas cuestiones, por ejemplo: cuando narran sobre Ias su forrnaci6n normalista y sus prácticas laborales; pero esta ortodoxia se fragmenta, se tensiona cuando indagamos en otras experiencias, como Ia maternidad y los recuerdos sobre el peronismo. Tratar de comprender y explicar Ias causas de estos procesos, constituyen los objetivos de este artículo.Palabras-clave: memoria, historia de la educación, Neuquén.   Abstract The memory of old teachers of Neuquén territory, present some continuities of some thematics, for example: when they talk about their normal formation and their labored practices; but this orthodox is broken, when they talk about some experiences in their life like be mother or remembers of peronismo. The objective of this paper is tried to make a comprehension and explain the causes of these processes. Keywords: memory, history of education, Neuquén.

  8. 2000 Annual report: synthesis; 2000 Resenia de actividades

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This synthesis of the Annual Report 2000 present information of the main activities on the scope of the radiation protection and nuclear safety of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) of the Argentina during 2000.

  9. Annual report 2000; Rapport annuel 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report presents the activities of the Cogema group, its reports on management and its financial situation for the year 2000: presentation of TOPCO, boards of directors, profile, main consolidated data, year 2000 highlights, group activities (mining-chemistry, enrichment, reprocessing-recycling, engineering, services, sustainable development, health and safety, quality policy, human resources, R and D, communication), organization chart of the consolidated Cogema group, financial statements, directory. (J.S.)

  10. Evaluación de las causas de los eventos adversos o incidentes que afectan la seguridad del paciente, en el hospital central de la policía de enero 2012 a diciembre 2013


    Alarcon Ruiz, Diego Jesus; Gil Vargas, Luis Fabio


    TITULO DEL TRABAJO: Evaluación de las causas de los eventos adversos o incidentes que afectan la seguridad del paciente, en el hospital central de la policía de enero 2012 a diciembre 2013. OBJETIVO: Determinar y analizar la causa raíz de los principales factores de riesgo que afectan la seguridad del paciente que puedan ocasionar eventos adversos en la atención de los pacientes, con el uso de la teoría de restricciones TOC en el Hospital Central de la Policía HOCEN. MATERIALES Y METODO: Se r...

  11. Determinantes de la precarización laboral en Argentina entre 2003-2013: entre los cambios y las continuidades

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    Marcelo Delfini


    Full Text Available El crecimiento económico experimentado por Argentina desde 2003 ha tenido su correlato en la mejora de los indicadores laborales. No obstante, la precarización laboral se ha mantenido, luego de una baja importante hasta el año 2007, en valores muy elevados. Partiendo de la idea central que la precarización constituye para el capital, una reducción de costos, el objetivo de este artículo es dar cuenta de los determinantes de la informalidad entre los trabajadores asalariados, estableciendo continuidades y cambios entre los años 2003 y 2013. Para ello utilizamos una metodología cuantitativa con fuentes secundarias de información, a partir de las cuales realizamos dos tipo de análisis, el primero de carácter descriptivo a partir del cual se busca dar cuenta de las características del mercado de trabajo argentino entre 1990 y 2013 y el segundo se realiza por medio de una regresión logística binomial, que permite acercarnos a los determinantes de la precarización de las condiciones de trabajo. En este sentido, se pudo observar que entre los años 2003 y 2013, se consolidó una precarización laboral, cuyos determinantes no lograron modificarse sustancialmente entre los años de referencia.

  12. JAS'2000

    CERN Multimedia


    Are you interested in beam dynamics? Do you work on the LHC injectors or CLIC or maybe feasibility studies fornew machines? Then this is for youJAS'2000: Joint CERN-Japan-JINR-Russia-US SchoolFrontiers of Accelerator Technology: High Quality Beams to be held on a river boat between St. Petersburg and Moscow 1 to 14 July 2000. For further information see either or

  13. Poverty Monitor 2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Original title: Armoedemonitor 2000. The Poverty Monitor 2000 (Armoedemonitor 2000) contains the most up-to-date figures on poverty in the Netherlands. The data were collected and analysed by the Netherlands Institute for Social Research/SCP and Statistics Netherlands (CBS). The extent of

  14. Pronóstico de los índices accionarios DAX y S&P 500 con redes neuronales diferenciales

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    Francisco Ortiz Arango


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se utiliza una red neuronal diferencial (RND para describir las series de valores de cierre diarios de los índices accionarios DAX de Alemania y S&P 500 de Estados Unidos entre el periodo del 3 de julio de 2000 y el 13 de enero de 2012. Con la RND se lleva a cabo el pronóstico de los valores de cierre diarios de esos índices durante un periodo de cuatro semanas (del 16 de enero al 10 de febrero de 2012. Los resultados obtenidos confirman el hecho de que las redes neuronales diferenciales pueden constituirse en una de las herramientas más poderosas y precisas para poder pronosticar valores futuros de activos financieros.

  15. Los medios y la privatización del ENTEL. El tratamiento noticioso del servicio telefónico argentino antes y después de su transferencia (agosto de 1990 – enero de 1991). Un estudio exploratorio


    Aruguete, Natalia


    Aruguete, N. (2015). Los medios y la privatización del ENTEL. El tratamiento noticioso del servicio telefónico argentino antes y después de su transferencia (agosto de 1990 – enero de 1991). Un estudio exploratorio (Tesis de Doctorado). Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Bernal, Argentina. El objetivo de esta Tesis es analizar el tratamiento y la percepción mediáticos de la última etapa de gestión estatal del servicio telefónico argentino (agosto – octubre de 1990) vis a vis la primera de ad...

  16. Television brands. The treatment of the continuity in the Spanish television media /Marcas televisivas. La gestión de la continuidad en el medio televisivo español

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    Dr. Carlos Fanjul Peyró


    Full Text Available Abstract: This work attempts to offer a study about the management of the television continuity that the professionals of the way realize inside the Spanish context. The aims resides in analyzing how across the continuity there are promoted values of brand of a certain television channel to position her before the audiences. The television brands, on having treated itself about an audio-visual way, need of a specific treatment that it’s combines both the image and the audio, and both focused under the criteria of Identity and of Brand image that has each of the television channels. The approximation towards your concept, your strategic management, the links with the programs as well as a classification of the pieces that agglutinate under this concept, are some of the main conclusions that are extracted after doing of this study among the Spanish television channels.Resumen: La presente investigación trata de ofrecer un diagnóstico sobre el estado de la gestión de la continuidad televisiva que realizan los profesionales del medio dentro del contexto español. El objetivo reside en analizar cómo a través de la continuidad se potencian valores de marca de una determinada cadena de televisión para posicionarla ante la audiencia. Las marcas televisivas, al tratarse de un medio audiovisual, requieren de un tratamiento específico que combine tanto la imagen como el audio, y ambos enfocados bajo los criterios de Identidad y de Imagen de marca que tiene cada una de las cadenas de televisión. La aproximación hacia su concepto, su gestión estratégica, la vinculación con la programación así como una clasificación de las piezas que se aglutinan bajo este término, son algunas de las principales conclusiones que se extraen después de la realización de este análisis entre las cadenas de televisión españolas.

  17. Technical Report 2000; Memoria Tecnica 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The technical memory 2000 of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) of the Argentine Republic, compile the papers published in the subject on radiation protection and nuclear safety, safeguards and physical protection, and presented in congress or meetings of these specialities by personnel of the mentioned institution during 2000. In this edition the documents are presented on: Nuclear safety; Radiobiology; Occupational doses; Radiochemical; Environmental studies; Emergency plans; Radiation accidents; and International safeguards. Some of them are realized by agreements between the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Argentina, universities and other national and international organizations.

  18. Programas de continuidad de cuidados: éxitos, fracasos y retos futuros Case management programs: successes, failures and future challenges

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    Ana González Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Los programas de continuidad de cuidados surgen a finales de los años 70 en EEUU, en respuesta a los problemas detectados durante del proceso de desintitucionalización de los hospitales psiquiátricos. Desde entonces, se han extendido por todo el mundo, con variaciones y peculiaridades según las regiones, convirtiéndose en piedra angular de la atención a las personas con enfermedad mental grave y persistente. En este artículo se revisa el origen de estos programas, su desarrollo a lo largo de más de treinta años, la filosofía que los ha guiado en su devenir, así como los éxitos y fracasos en su desarrollo.The case management programs arise in the late 70's in the U.S., in response to problems identified during the process of deinstitutionalization of psychiatric hospitals. Since then, the case management and the assertive community treatment programs have spread throughout the world, with variations and particularities in different regions, becoming the cornerstone of the community care for people with severe and persistent mental illness. This article reviews the origins of these programs in U.S., their development for over thirty years around the world, the philosophy and objectives that have guided its evolution, as well as successes and failures in their development.

  19. Modelo de atención familiar en salud bucal a los afiliados del dispensario del Seguro Social campesino la cantera, Parroquia San Plácido, Cantón Portoviejo, Provincia de Manabí. Septiembre/2013-Enero/2014


    Palma Tejena, Juan Carlos


    En la parroquia San Plácido-Portoviejo, se ejecutó un proyecto de investigación, denominado “Modelo de atención familiar en salud bucal a los afiliados del dispensario del Seguro Social Campesino La Cantera, Parroquia San Plácido, Cantón Portoviejo, Provincia de Manabí. Septiembre/2013-Enero 2014” cuyo objetivo principal fue desarrollar una propuesta de modelo de atención domiciliaria en salud bucal, a fin de mejorar las coberturas de atención odontológica. Fue una investigación de tipo expl...

  20. Annual Report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document describes the research and development projects carried out at CIEMAT in the areas that form the basis of our activities; energy and environment, along with the objectives, scope and most significant results; information on human resources, as well as direct and indirect expenditures and cost of personnel is included for each project in order to given an idea of its real dimensions. The results complied here correspond to 2000 achievements. Finally, the predicted dedication of personnel with degrees presented in the general data for each project corresponds to the year 2000. We hope that this information will be of use to persons and institutions interested in CIEMAT activities and that it will stimulate collaboration with other researchers, technology centres and companies interested in the same and related subjects. Annex I and II compile some general data on CIEMAT FOR 2000: A flowchart, 2000 collaboration, financial and human resources (i), and a bibliography of articles published in national and international journals during 2000. (Author)

  1. Epidemiología de las lesiones por presión en los pacientes internados en el Hospital de Niños Dr. Roberto Gilbert Elizalde desde el mes de enero del 2013 a junio del 2014.


    Neira Morante, Martha Leticia


    Determinar la epidemiología de las lesiones por presión en los pacientes internados en el hospital de niños Dr. Roberto Gilbert E. desde enero de 2013 a junio de 2014. -Objetivos Específicos. ¿ Identificar la causa de las lesiones por presión ¿ Establecer la edad, sexo, tipo y ubicación de la lesión más frecuentes. ¿ Relacionar el estado nutricional de los pacientes y la aparición de lesiones por presión. ¿ Describir la respuesta al tratamiento empleado Método. Estudio pr...

  2. Estudio de intervención en gestantes sobre el conocimiento de las infecciones de transmisión sexual. Joyabaj Guatemala agosto 2010–enero 2011

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bárbara Teresa Calderón-Badía


    Full Text Available Se realizó una intervención educativa con el objetivo de aumentar los conocimientos que en relación a las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS posee un grupo de gestantes en el distrito de salud de Joyabaj, departamento de Quiché durante los meses de agosto de 2010 a enero de 2011. En las pacientes estudiadas predominó la vulvovaginitis por Candida (69.2%, Trichomoniasis (23% y con dilomas (19.1%. Antes de la intervención educativa el 73% de las gestantes no identificó adecuadamente las ITS, el 76.9% no conocía las principales formas de prevención, el 80.7% desconocía el uso adecuado del preservativo como medio de protección, el 50% se informó sobre el tema por medio de amigos. Posterior a la realización de la capacitación se lograron altos niveles de conocimientos sobre los temas evaluados y el 100% de las participantes consideró de gran utilidad el programa para su aprendizaje.

  3. Thermal regulation 2000: one year later; RT 2000: un an apres

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This meeting, organized by the research center of Gaz de France (Cegibat), aims at drawing up a progress status of the French thermal regulation (RT 2000), one year after its enforcement on June 1, 2000: status, experience feedback and recommendations; Gaz de France assistance and solutions; tools at the disposition of designers (labelling of equipments, simulation softwares..); practical examples of implementation of the RT 2000 in office buildings, residential buildings and sport complexes. (J.S.)

  4. Mortalidad por enfermedades neoplásicas en la infancia: Enero de 1988 a diciembre de 1998

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    Sonia Pérez García


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, en el que el universo de trabajo lo constituyó el total de pacientes menores de 15 años, diagnosticados con una enfermedad neoplásica en la provincia de Cienfuegos, en el período comprendido de enero de 1988 a diciembre de 1998. La base de datos se obtuvo en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente Provincial "Paquito González Cueto" de Cienfuegos y en los centros de referencia nacionales para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de estas enfermedades de la provincia, con el objetivo de realizar una caracterización de la mortalidad por cáncer infantil. Para el análisis de los datos se obtuvieron las tasas por 100 000 habitantes menores de 15 años en la provincia y según variables. La tasa media anual de mortalidad fue de 5, 06 ´ 105 habitantes; el grupo de 1 a 4 años fue el más afectado (7,43 ´ 105 habitantes, el sexo femenino (5,21 ´ 105 habitantes y los no blancos tuvieron la mayor letalidad (64 %.A descriptive study was conducted among all the patients under 15 who were diagnosed a neoplastic disease in the province of Cienfuegos from January to December, 1988. The data base was obtained at "Paquito Gonzalez Cueto" Provincial Pediatric Teaching Hospital of Cienfuegos, and at the national reference centers for the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases in the provinces in order to characterize mortality from infantile cancer. Data were analyzed according to the rates per 100 000 inhabitants under 15 in the province and to the variables. The mean annual mortality rate was 5.06 x 105 inhabitants. The group aged 1-4 was the most affected (7.43 x 105 inhabitants, as well as the females (5.21 x 105 inhabitants and the coloured patients had the highest lethality (64 %.

  5. FTS2000 network architecture (United States)

    Klenart, John


    The network architecture of FTS2000 is graphically depicted. A map of network A topology is provided, with interservice nodes. Next, the four basic element of the architecture is laid out. Then, the FTS2000 time line is reproduced. A list of equipment supporting FTS2000 dedicated transmissions is given. Finally, access alternatives are shown.

  6. Empiema pleural no tuberculoso: resultados en el Hospital «Abel Santamaría Cuadrado» (2000 a 2004 Non-tuberculous pleural empyema: results in “Abel Santamaría Cuadrado” Hospital (2000-2004

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    Ivanis Ruizcalderón Cabrera


    Full Text Available El empiema pleural es una enfermedad infecciosa de incidencia moderada en nuestro medio, de diagnóstico fácil y de tratamiento exitoso cuando se logra descubrir a tiempo. Sin embargo, su persistencia determina la aparición de secuelas con impacto importante en la morbilidad y mortalidad del paciente. Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo en el que se hace una evaluación del tratamiento de los pacientes con empiema pleural no tuberculoso tratados en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital «Abel Santamaría Cuadrado» entre enero de 2000 y diciembre de 2004. En una muestra de 34 pacientes fueron estudiadas las variables: edad, sexo, causa, gérmenes, tratamiento adoptado. Se observó que el grupo de edad más afectado fue el de 41 a 60 años (17 pacientes; 50 % y sobre todo, los pacientes del sexo masculino (82,4 %, con una relación de 3,8:1. En el 61,8 % de los pacientes se encontraron enfermedades pulmonares asociadas y los gérmenes patógenos más frecuentes fueron el Staphylococcus aureus (29,4 % y el Streptococcus pneumoniae(20,6 %. El mayor porcentaje de los casos fue resuelto mediante cirugía torácica videoasistida (32,4 %. La mayoría de los pacientes llegó a los servicios quirúrgicos en las fases avanzadas de la afección y se apreció un incremento de los cultivos mixtos de gérmenes patógenos. El tratamiento más agresivo de las colecciones purulentas fue el de mejor resultado

  7. European Stirling forum 2000. Proceedings; Europaeisches Stirling Forum 2000. Tagungsband

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document comprises all 42 papers presented at the 'European Stirling Forum 2000', held in Osnabrueck on February 22-24, 2000. Among others, the following subjects were discussed: Thermodynamics, new developments, Stirling engines, free piston heat pumps, flow optimisation of regenerators for Stirling engines, simulation for modelling of flow and heat transfer in the gas cycle of Stirling engines, design and performance, Stirling refrigerators, economic efficiency of biomass Stirling engines, power control of a Stirling CHP system, a Stirling refrigerator for ultralow temperatures in the refrigeration industry. [German] Das vorliegende Dokument enthaelt alle (42) Beitraege der Referenten des 'Europaeischen Stirling Forums 2000', das vom 22. bis 24. Februar 2000 in Osnabrueck stattgefunden hat. Einige der behandelten Themenschwerpunkte im Zusammenhang mit der Stirling-Maschine waren die Thermodynamik, neue Entwicklungen des Kreisprozesses, Heissgasmotoren, Freikolben-Waermepumpe, stroemungstechnische Optimierung von Regeneratoren fuer Stirling-Maschinen, Simulation zur Modellierung der Stroemung und Waermeuebertragung im Gaskreislauf von Stirling-Maschinen, Entwurf und Betriebsverhalten, Stirling-Kaeltemaschine, Wirtschaftlichkeit von Biomasse-Stirlingmotoren, Leistungsregelung eines Stirling-Blockheizkraftwerks, Anwendung eines Stirling-Kuehlers, zum Ultratiefkuehlen in der Kuehlindustrie. (AKF)

  8. Rapport du congrès EUROCALL 2000 et du symposium InSTIL 2000 (Dundee, Ecosse

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    Pierre Machu


    Full Text Available Le congrès annuel de EUROCALL (2000 (European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning s'est déroulé du 31 août au 2 septembre 2000 à l'Université d'Abertay-Dundee et avait pour thème : Innovations dans l'apprentissage des langues au troisième millénaire - Réseaux pour la formation continue, interdisciplinarité et réponse intelligente de la machine (voir le site EUROCALL 2000 (2000. Environ 230 délégués provenant de 30 pays se sont rassemblés à Dundee. Les séances plénières et les communications (présentation de recherches ou démonstrations s'articulaient par conséquent autour de sous-thèmes tels que recherche en acquisition d'une langue seconde et ALAO, exploitation ou conception de matériaux pour la toile, communication médiatisée par ordinateur, centres de langues et apprentissage des langues de spécialité, traitement du language naturel et technologie de la parole. La technologie de la parole était également au coeur des préoccupations et travaux des 80 participants au symposium d'InSTIL 2000 (2000 (Intégration des technologies de la parole dans l'apprentissage des langues qui s'est déroulé durant les deux jours précédant le congrès EUROCALL 2000. InSTIL 2000 était organisé par le groupe d'intérêts spéciaux (GIS InSTIL (2000, (Integrating Speech Technology in Language Learning issu des trois associations CALICO (2000 (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium, EUROCALL (2000 et ISCA (2000 (International Speech Communication Association.

  9. Veebruarikuus 2000 lahkunuid / Aare Ermel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ermel, Aare, 1957-2013


    Surid : Autant-Lara, Claude prantsuse režissöör (5.08.1903-5.02.2000), Vadim, Roger ukraina päritolu prantsuse režissöör (26.01.1928-11.02.2000), Kedrova, Lila vene päritolu prantsuse näitlejanna (1918-16.02.2000), Martelli, Otello itaalia filmioperaator (19.05.1903-20.02.2000)

  10. A satisfação e a intenção de continuidade de uso em servços de e-learning:validação empírica de um modelo aplicado no serviço público


    Pereira, Fernando Antônio de Melo


    Este estudo busca investigar os construtos da Escala de Prontidão Tecnológica (TRI) e da Teoria da Desconfirmação da Expectativa (EDT) como determinantes da satisfação e da intenção de continuidade de uso em serviços de e-learning. É proposto um modelo teórico que busque mensurar o fenômeno adequado às necessidades das organizações públicas que oferecem cursos de capacitação à distância com uso de plataformas virtuais para seus funcionários. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir...

  11. Reconstrução da continuidade ventrículo-pulmonar (conexão VD-TP: técnicas e táticas cirúrgicas

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    ANIJAR Alberto Mauro


    Full Text Available Os autores revisam as técnicas cirúrgicas utilizadas para a reconstrução da continuidade ventrículo direito (VD e o tronco pulmonar (TP, dando ênfase às diferentes técnicas e associação, dependendo das formas anatômicas de cada lesão. Apresentam, para ilustração, 2 casos, operados com o uso de um novo conceito de prótese biológica produzida com a valva pulmonar e o tronco pulmonar suíno, preservados em glutaraldeído mediante dois modelos: retalho bivalvulado e tubo valvulado na experiência atual. No período de maio/91 e junho/95, foram operados 48 pacientes, em 43 foi usado retalho bivalvulado e, em 5 casos, prótese tubular valvulada. Houve 5 (10,4% óbitos imediatos e 2 (4,6% tardios. Este novo conceito de reconstrução da valva pulmonar e via de saída do ventrículo direito, usando heteroenxertos valvulados evita a insuficiência pulmonar significativa e apresenta baixa incidência de calcificação. É uma técnica facilmente reprodutível.

  12. Annual report 2000; Rapport annuel 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report presents the industrial activities and the financial results of the Framatome group (Framatome-SA) in 2000. and Siemens have merged their nuclear activities and have created Framatome-ANP (advanced nuclear power) owned by Framatome (66%) and Siemens (34%). This new society represents a turnover of 3 millions Euros and a staff of 13.000 employees. In the sector of connectors, FCI (Framatome Connectors International) has reinforced its second position in the world, FCI has enjoyed a high growth in the sector of telecommunication and has created a department dealing with optic fibers. 32% of the activities of Framatome-SA have been performed in France, 26% in North America and 42% in the rest of the world. In 2000 the trading results after having paid taxes reached 306 millions Euros, it represents 6.1% of the turnover. (A.C.)

  13. Growth speed in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing to renal transplantation between 2000 and 2009 in the Hospital Nacional de Ninos: research protocol; Velocidad de crecimiento en pacientes con insuficiencia renal cronica sometidos a trasplante renal entre el ano 2000 y el 2009 en el Hospital Nacional de Ninos: protocolo de investigacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arroyo Molina, Ana Victoria


    The growth speed was investigated in children with chronic renal failure after renal transplantation, in the Hospital Nacional de Ninos during the study period January 2000-December 2009. Factors that have influenced are analyzed: age of onset of renal disease, etiology of renal disease, metabolic acidosis, anemia, renal osteodystrophy, episodes of infection and rejection. Besides, on the growth rate and expected family size, to intervene or prevent them in future cases. Also, the use that has given in the hospital to growth hormone, before and after renal transplantation is determined to eventually use parallel therapies to the transplantation. An echocardiographic study is recommended to perform as part of the treatment of chronic renal failure to identify the existence of left ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure, which may occur as a result of complications of the failure [Spanish] La velocidad del crecimiento fue investigada en ninos con insuficiencia renal cronica despues del transplante renal, en el Hospital Nacional de Ninos durante el periodo de estudio enero 2000-diciembre 2009. Factores que han influido son analizados: edad de inicio de la enfermedad renal, etiologia de la enfermedad renal, la acidosis metabolica, la anemia, la osteodistrofia renal, los episodios de infecciones y rechazos. Ademas, sobre la velocidad de crecimiento y la talla familiar esperada, para intervenir en ellos o prevenirlos en casos futuros. Tambien, el uso que se ha dado en el hospital a la hormona de crecimiento, tanto antes como despues del transplante renal es determinado para eventualmente utilizar terapias paralelas al transplante, fueron determinadas. Un estudio ecocardiografico es recomendado realizar como parte del tratamiento de la insuficiencia renal cronica para identificar la existencia de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda e insuficiencia cardiaca, que pueden ocurrir como consecuencia de las complicaciones de la insuficiencia.

  14. Tratamiento de la obesidad con catgupuntura y diagnóstico oriental en el hospital “Dr. Ernesto Guevara” de Las Tunas, enero- diciembre del 2012

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    Alejandro Cervantes Palomino


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo longitudinal en el Hospital “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna”,  en el período comprendido de enero a diciembre del 2013, con un universo y muestra de 286 pacientes, que acudieron a la consulta de Medicina Natural y Tradicional de forma voluntaria, o que  fueron remitidos por otras especialidades médicas con diagnóstico de obesidad y podían o no estar acompañados de otra patología (asma, diabetes mellitus, gota, hipertensión arterial, etc.. A estos pacientes se les realizó diagnóstico oriental, para posterior tratamiento con catgupuntura, la que se aplicó en los puntos escogidos al efecto. Del total de los pacientes (193 femeninas, 93 masculinos evolucionaron de forma satisfactoria 178 y no así el resto. El grupo de edades que más acudió fue el de 26 a 35 años y este mismo grupo etario fue el que mejor respuesta al tratamiento tuvo,  poniéndose de manifiesto la efectividad de la terapia aplicada, a la que se le conjugaron dietoterapia y ejercicios.

  15. R-2000 home health study : Homeowner health in R-2000 and new conventional homes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parekh, A.


    A field study was conducted by Health Canada and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to evaluate self-reported health symptoms by residents of R-2000 and conventional homes in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. It involved 52 energy efficient R-2000 and 50 conventionally built houses. Health Canada collected and analyzed data concerning changes in occupant health after moving into R-2000 houses and similar conventional houses. Definite trends in improvements of respiratory symptoms of occupants in R-2000 houses were revealed, compared to the results obtained for occupants of conventional houses. New occupants of R-2000 houses reported significant improvement in indoor air quality in 94 per cent of cases, while only 77 per cent of conventional homeowners reported similar results. Fifty six per cent of the occupants of R-2000 homes reported a general improvement in their health, compared to 32 per cent in conventional houses. The testing of houses in other regions is being planned by Health Canada. tabs

  16. International nuclear power status 2000; International kernekraftstatus 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lauritzen, B.; Majborn, B.; Nonboel, E.; Oelgaard, P.L. [eds.


    This report is the seventh in a series of annual reports on the international development of nuclear power with special emphasis on reactor safety. For 2000, the report contains: 1. General trends in the development of nuclear power. 2. Deposition of low-level radioactive waste. 3. Statistical information on nuclear power production (in 1999). 4. An overview of safety-relevant incidents in 2000. 5. The development in Sweden. 6. The development in Eastern Europe. 7. The development in the rest of the world. 8. Trends in the development of reactor types. 9. Trends in the development of the nuclear fuel cycle. (au)

  17. Implementación de los sistemas de gestión de riesgo operacional, seguridad de información y continuidad de negocios para la autorización del método estándar alternativo por la SBS en un banco


    Mesía Vásquez, Martín; Mesía Vásquez, Martín


    El principal problema presentado para el Banco en Estudio es la implementación de los Sistemas de Gestión de Riesgo Operacional, Seguridad de Información y continuidad de Negocios, ya que los accionistas no están dispuestos a inyectar más patrimonio en el Banco lo cual reflejaría una mala gestión de la Gerencia General. Para poder Solucionar el problema de la mejor manera hemos diseñado este documento de tal manera que el lector pueda tener una referencia y guía del paso a paso para la imp...

  18. Application of Auto CAD 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyeong Jun


    This book deals with basic of AutoCAD, beginning AutoCAD 2000, using design center of AutoCAD 2000, adding drawing element with design center, drawing lines, using 2D edit command, making layer, hatching, dimensioning, entering letters on the floor plan, making 3D object, practice of 3D command, edition of 3D object, making solid, rendering object, and using internet in AutoCAD 2000. This book is introduction of AutoCAD 2000 for beginner.

  19. International Youth Nuclear Congress 2000. Film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    OST Film Production Studio; YDRNS Information Technology Services, Ltd.


    This CD-ROM contains 28 minutes 30 seconds of video-film about programme of International Youth Nuclear Congress 2000 (IYNC 2000). There is documentary video-film about IYNC 2000, also presented are: the Opening panel of the IYNC 2000, every day work of IYNC 2000, Congress people; the fun run; Entertainment excursion in Bratislava, about excursion in Mochovce NPP as well as in IAEA

  20. Consolidated results 2000. Forecasts 2001; Resultats consolides 2000. Perspectives 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document presents an economic analysis of the Group Gaz De France consolidated results for the year 2000. The main topics are the evolution of the energy market, the great economic growth for the five businesses of the Group (exploration-production, trade, transport, distribution and services), financial results affected by the supply costs increase, the position reinforcement among the gas leaders in Europe and the highlights of 2000. (A.L.B.)

  1. [Quality system Vision 2000]. (United States)

    Pasini, Evasio; Pitocchi, Oreste; de Luca, Italo; Ferrari, Roberto


    A recent document of the Italian Ministry of Health points out that all structures which provide services to the National Health System should implement a Quality System according to the ISO 9000 standards. Vision 2000 is the new version of the ISO standard. Vision 2000 is less bureaucratic than the old version. The specific requests of the Vision 2000 are: a) to identify, to monitor and to analyze the processes of the structure, b) to measure the results of the processes so as to ensure that they are effective, d) to implement actions necessary to achieve the planned results and the continual improvement of these processes, e) to identify customer requests and to measure customer satisfaction. Specific attention should be also dedicated to the competence and training of the personnel involved in the processes. The principles of the Vision 2000 agree with the principles of total quality management. The present article illustrates the Vision 2000 standard and provides practical examples of the implementation of this standard in cardiological departments.

  2. René Andioc tenía razón: la Continuación del Semanario de Salamanca (1800

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    Full Text Available Este trabajo está destinado a resolver uno de los «enigmas histórico- literarios» que René Andioc planteó en uno suyo de 1992. Había indicios de que el Semanario de Salamanca, publicación supuestamente concluida en 1798 (no se conocían ejemplares posteriores, había tenido una continuidad posterior, puesto que esos indicios sugerían que un artículo relacionado con Moratín se había publicado en el número del 19 de abril de 1800 de dicho periódico. Aquí se da a conocer la existencia de tres ejemplares (uno de ellos de desigual extensión frente a los otros dos de una Continuación del Semanario de Salamanca (enero a junio de 1800, en cuyo número del 19 de abril figura, en efecto, un escrito firmado por «P. OzerínJáuregui y Z.» que es una réplica al Examen en que Cristóbal Cladera había criticado la traducción del Hamlet por Moratín

  3. 2000 Annual report: synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This synthesis of the Annual Report 2000 present information of the main activities on the scope of the radiation protection and nuclear safety of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) of the Argentina during 2000

  4. Comportamiento clínico epidemiológico de las lesiones bucales en pacientes VIH/SIDA. Artemisa. Enero-Abril 2015

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    Arahí Gómez Casañas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Caracterizar el comportamiento clínico epidemiológico de las lesiones bucales en los pacientes con diagnóstico serológico confirmado de VIH/SIDA, para determinar la prevalencia de lesiones bucales en la población estudiada. Caracterizar la población de estudio según sexo, edad, tiempo de diagnóstico, presencia y tipo de lesiones bucales. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, con los pacientes diagnosticados con VIH/SIDA que acudieron a su consulta de seguimiento del policlínico Tomás Romay, Artemisa en el período de Enero -Abril de 2015, el universo fue de 69 pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de VIH/SIDA, se tomó una muestra de 25 pacientes que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Se les realizó un exhaustivo interrogatorio y examen clínico bucal, previo consentimiento informado de los pacientes. Resultados: Del total de pacientes estudiados, el 64% presentó alguna lesión bucal; el 72% de la muestra perteneció al sexo masculino y al grupo de edad de 26 a 35 años; las lesiones bucales predominantes fueron la candidiasis bucal (24.0% seguido del eritema gingival lineal (12.0% ubicándose el mayor número de pacientes con estas lesiones (16%, en el grupo de más de 5 años de diagnóstico. Conclusiones: Se encontró una elevada prevalencia de lesiones bucales en la población objeto de estudio, con predominio del sexo masculino, en el grupo de edad de 26 a 35 años, siendo la candidiasis bucal y el eritema gingival lineal, las dos lesiones más frecuentemente encontradas en la muestra.

  5. Building 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Den Ouden, C.; Steemers, T.C.


    This is the first volume of Building 2000, a pilot project of the Commission's R and D-programme 'Solar Energy Applications to Buildings' with the purpose of encouraging the adoption of solar architecture in large buildings. In this first rich illustrated volume the results of the design studies illustrating passive solar architecture in buildings in the European Community are presented in particular for the building categories as mentioned in the subtitle. In a second volume, a similar series of studies is presented for the building categories: office buildings, public buildings and hotels and holiday complexes. Several Design Support Workshops were organized during the Building 2000 programme during which Building 2000 design teams could directly exchange ideas with the various design advice experts represented at these workshops. In the second part of the Building 2000 final report a summary of a selection of many reports is presented (15 papers), as produced by Design Support experts. Most of the design support activities resulted in changes of the various designs, as have been reported by the design teams in the brochures presented in the first part of this book. It is to be expected that design aids and simulation tools for passive solar options, daylighting concepts, comfort criteria etc., will be utilized more frequently in the future. This will result in a better exchange of information between the actual design practitioners and the European R and D community. This technology transfer will result in buildings with a higher quality with respect to energy and environmental issues

  6. Building 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Den Ouden, C.; Steemers, T.C.


    This is the second volume of Building 2000, a pilot project of the Commission's R and D-programme 'Solar Energy Applications to Buildings' with the purpose of encouraging the adoption of solar architecture in large buildings. In this second rich illustrated volume the results of the design studies illustrating passive solar architecture in buildings in the European Community are presented in particular for the building categories as mentioned in the subtitle. In the first volume, a similar series of studies is presented for the building categories: schools, laboratories and universities, and sports and educational centres. Several Design Support Workshops were organized during the Building 2000 programme during which Building 2000 design teams could directly exchange ideas with the various design advice experts represented at these workshops. In the second part of the Building 2000 final report a summary of a selection of many reports is presented (11 papers), as produced by Design Support experts. Most of the design support activities resulted in changes of the various designs, as have been reported by the design teams in the brochures presented in the first part of this book. It is to be expected that design aids and simulation tools for passive solar options, daylighting concepts, comfort criteria etc., will be utilized more frequently in the future. This will result in a better exchange of information between the actual design practitioners and the European R and D community. This technology transfer will result in buildings with a higher quality with respect to energy and environmental issues

  7. Building 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Den Ouden, C [EGM Engineering BV, Dordrecht (Netherlands); Steemers, T C [Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium)


    This is the second volume of Building 2000, a pilot project of the Commission's R and D-programme 'Solar Energy Applications to Buildings' with the purpose of encouraging the adoption of solar architecture in large buildings. In this second rich illustrated volume the results of the design studies illustrating passive solar architecture in buildings in the European Community are presented in particular for the building categories as mentioned in the subtitle. In the first volume, a similar series of studies is presented for the building categories: schools, laboratories and universities, and sports and educational centres. Several Design Support Workshops were organized during the Building 2000 programme during which Building 2000 design teams could directly exchange ideas with the various design advice experts represented at these workshops. In the second part of the Building 2000 final report a summary of a selection of many reports is presented (11 papers), as produced by Design Support experts. Most of the design support activities resulted in changes of the various designs, as have been reported by the design teams in the brochures presented in the first part of this book. It is to be expected that design aids and simulation tools for passive solar options, daylighting concepts, comfort criteria etc., will be utilized more frequently in the future. This will result in a better exchange of information between the actual design practitioners and the European R and D community. This technology transfer will result in buildings with a higher quality with respect to energy and environmental issues.

  8. Building 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Den Ouden, C [EGM Engineering BV, Dordrecht (Netherlands); Steemers, T C [Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium)


    This is the first volume of Building 2000, a pilot project of the Commission's R and D-programme 'Solar Energy Applications to Buildings' with the purpose of encouraging the adoption of solar architecture in large buildings. In this first rich illustrated volume the results of the design studies illustrating passive solar architecture in buildings in the European Community are presented in particular for the building categories as mentioned in the subtitle. In a second volume, a similar series of studies is presented for the building categories: office buildings, public buildings and hotels and holiday complexes. Several Design Support Workshops were organized during the Building 2000 programme during which Building 2000 design teams could directly exchange ideas with the various design advice experts represented at these workshops. In the second part of the Building 2000 final report a summary of a selection of many reports is presented (15 papers), as produced by Design Support experts. Most of the design support activities resulted in changes of the various designs, as have been reported by the design teams in the brochures presented in the first part of this book. It is to be expected that design aids and simulation tools for passive solar options, daylighting concepts, comfort criteria etc., will be utilized more frequently in the future. This will result in a better exchange of information between the actual design practitioners and the European R and D community. This technology transfer will result in buildings with a higher quality with respect to energy and environmental issues.


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    Enrique Luis Muñoz Vélez


    Full Text Available El trabajo se inspira en las conversaciones con Paulino Salgado Valdez. Entrevistas con Batata III en Bogotá, 1998 y en Cartagena en el 2000 en el marco del Encuentro de los países andinos. Batata III nace el 29 de mayo de 1927 en el Palenque de San Basilio en el departamento de Bolívar, muere en Bogotá el viernes 23 de enero del 2004.

  10. END-OF-YEAR-CLOSURE 2000/2001

    CERN Document Server

    Human Resources Division


    As announced in Weekly Bulletin Nº 3/2000, the Laboratory will be closed from Saturday 23 December 2000 to Sunday 7 January 2001 inclusive. This period consists of 16 days: 4 days' official holiday, i.e. 24, 25 and 31 December 2000 and 1 January 2001; 6 days' special paid leave in accordance with Article R II 4.34 of the Staff Regulations, i.e. 27, 28 and 29 December 2000 and 3, 4 and 5 January 2001; 3 Saturdays, i.e. 23 and 30 December 2000 and 6 January 2001; 2 days, 26 December 2000 to compensate for 24 December 2000 and 2 January 2001 to compensate for 31 December 2000 (Article R II 4.33 of the Staff Regulations); 1 Sunday, i.e. 7 January 2001. The first working day in the New Year will be Monday 8 January 2001. Further information will be available from Division Secretariats, specifically concerning the conditions applicable to members of the personnel who are required to work during this period.

  11. Annual report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the activities of the Cogema group, its reports on management and its financial situation for the year 2000: presentation of TOPCO, boards of directors, profile, main consolidated data, year 2000 highlights, group activities (mining-chemistry, enrichment, reprocessing-recycling, engineering, services, sustainable development, health and safety, quality policy, human resources, R and D, communication), organization chart of the consolidated Cogema group, financial statements, directory. (J.S.)

  12. Environmental taxes 1991 - 2000 (2001)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The statistics presents statements of environmental taxes for the period 1991-2000 (and budget figure for 2001). Environmental taxes is a collective concept for pollution, energy, transportation and resource related taxes. Income of the government from environmental taxes have increased from 30,0 billions DDK in 1991 to 60,6 billions DDK in 2000 - a little more than a doubling. The environmental taxes' part of the total taxes has increased from 7,5% in 1991 to 9,7% in 2000. In 2000 the energy taxes are 55%, the transportation taxes 38% and the pollution and resource taxes 7% of the environmental taxes. (EHS)

  13. Births: preliminary data for 2000. (United States)

    Martin, J A; Hamilton, B E; Ventura, S J


    This report presents preliminary data for 2000 on births in the United States. U.S. data on births are shown by age, race, and Hispanic origin of mother. Data on marital status, prenatal care, cesarean delivery, and low birthweight are also presented. Data in this report are based on more than 96 percent of births for 2000. The records are weighted to independent control counts of births received in State vital statistics offices in 2000. Comparisons are made with 1999 final data. The number of births rose 3 percent between 1999 and 2000. The crude birth rate increased to 14.8 per 1,000 population in 2000, 2 percent higher than the 1999 rate. The fertility rate rose 3 percent to 67.6 per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years between 1999 and 2000. The birth rate for teenagers, which has been falling since 1991, declined 2 percent in 2000 to 48.7 births per 1,000 females aged 15-19 years, another historic low. The rate for teenagers 15-17 years fell 4 percent, and the rate for 18-19 year olds was down 1 percent. Since 1991, rates have fallen 29 percent for teenagers 15-17 years and 16 percent for teenagers 18-19 years. Birth rates for all of the older age groups increased for 1999-2000: 1 percent among women aged 20-24 years, 3 percent for women aged 25-29 years, and 5 percent for women in their thirties. Rates for women aged 40-54 years were also up for 2000. The birth rate for unmarried women increased 2 percent to 45.2 births per 1,000 unmarried women aged 15-44 years in 2000, but was still lower than the peak reached in 1994. The number of births to unmarried women was up 3 percent, the highest number ever reported in the United States. However, the number of births to unmarried teenagers declined. The proportion of women who began prenatal care in the first trimester of pregnancy (83.2 percent) did not improve for 2000, nor did the rate of low birthweight (7.6 percent). The total cesarean rate rose for the fourth consecutive year to 22.9 percent, the result of both a

  14. Validating year 2000 compliance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A. van Deursen (Arie); P. Klint (Paul); M.P.A. Sellink


    textabstractValidating year 2000 compliance involves the assessment of the correctness and quality of a year 2000 conversion. This entails inspecting both the quality of the conversion emph{process followed, and of the emph{result obtained, i.e., the converted system. This document provides an

  15. Continuidades y cambios en las relaciones de Colombia con sus países vecinos: 2008-2009, año crítico con Ecuador y Venezuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha Ardila


    Full Text Available Este artículo hace un balance de las principales características que inciden en los nuevos matices de la inserción de Colombia a nivel vecinal, principalmente con Ecuador y Venezuela, entre los años 2008-2009. Se trata de demostrar que son varios los cambios -y también continuidades- que tienden a aislar a Colombia del escenario regional. Los temas "intermésticos" de la agenda, la política exterior colombiana como instrumento de la política doméstica, la relación con Estados Unidos y sus efectos en la subregión, la ideologización y securitización de la agenda exterior colombiana frente a sus vecinos, la inserción negativa internacional como "país problema", las repercusiones de la regionalización del con- flicto interno, el liderazgo del Ministerio de Defensa en temas de seguridad y la diplomacia paralela; son las tendencias que se studiarán para llegar a proponer escenarios de inserción regional de Colombia como tema prioritario del próximo gobierno.

  16. TMAP2000 Use

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Longhurst, G.R.; Merrill, B.J.; Jones, J.L.


    The TMAP Code was written in the late 1980s as a tool for safety analysis of systems involving tritium. Since then it was upgraded to TMAP4 and used in numerous applications including experiments supporting fusion safety predictions for advanced systems such as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), and estimates involving tritium production technologies. Its further upgrade to TMAP2000 was accomplished in response to several needs. TMAP and TMAP4 had the capacity to deal with only a single trap for diffusing gaseous species in solid structures. TMAP2000 has been revised to include up to three separate traps and to keep track separately of each of up to 10 diffusing species in each of the traps. A difficulty in the original code dealing with heteronuclear molecule formation such as HD and DT has been removed. Under equilibrium boundary conditions such as Sieverts' law, TMAP2000 generates heteronuclear molecular partial pressures when solubilities and partial pressures of the homonuclear molecular species and the equilibrium stoichiometry are provided. A further sophistication is the addition of non-diffusing surface species and surface binding energy dynamics options. Atoms such as oxygen or nitrogen on metal surfaces are sometimes important in molecule formation with diffusing hydrogen isotopes but do not themselves diffuse appreciably in the material. TMAP2000 will accommodate up to 30 such surface species, allowing the user to specify relationships between those surface concentrations and populations of gaseous species above the surfaces. Additionally, TMAP2000 allows the user to include a surface binding energy and an adsorption barrier energy and includes asymmetrical diffusion between the surface sites and regular diffusion sites in the bulk. All of the previously existing features for heat transfer, flows between enclosures, and chemical reactions within the enclosures have been retained, but the allowed problem size and complexity have

  17. Report about the agricultural situation in Austria 2000; Gruener Bericht 2000. Bericht ueber die Lage der oesterreichischen Landwirtschaft 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poschacher, G; Panholzer, L; Hofer, O; Moravec, K; Fehrer, R; Brier, K [eds.


    In 2000 economic growth in Austria amounted to 3.2 %. The inflation rate rose from 0.6 % in 1999 to 2.3 % in 2000. Apart from the increase in crude oil price the rise in indirect taxes contributed as well to the upward trend of prices. According to Eurostat the unemployed rate went down to 3.7 %. According to the agricultural accounts agricultural incomes were rising again in 2000 for the first time since 1995 (+1.6 %). The final production of agriculture and forestry amounted to ATS 62.9 billion (+0.4 %, of which agriculture ATS 50.3 billion, and forestry ATS 12.6 billion). Whereas the yields in plant production decreased in particular due to the drought (-6.1 %), the gross yield from animal husbandry increased by 8.1 %. this rise is in particular due to the recovery of the pig market. According to the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (Wirtschafts-forschungsinstitut WIFO) direct payments rose compared to the year before by ATS 0.5 billion to ATS 17.8 billion. The share of agriculture and forestry in the GDP decreased to 1.3 %. According to WIFO the number of persons working full-time in the agricultural sector totalled 140,000 in 2000. The agricultural quota amounted to 4.0 %. In agricultural trade a rise was recorded again in exports (15.6 %) as well as in imports (14.7 %) in 2000 compared to the year 1999. Exports of agricultural goods totalled almost ATS 47 billion, of which two thirds were exports to EU member countries. Agricultural imports amounted to almost ATS 61 billion, of which three quarters came from EU member countries. The agricultural trade balance decreased to - ATS 14 billion. In 2000 the food industry was severely hi in particular by the current meat crises. European consumers organizations and associations call for the rethinking in the subsidisation policy and a promotion of organic farming. The core elements of the European foodstuffs model should be in particular security and safety, quality, origin, and diversity. In 2000 Austrian

  18. Ondas gravitacionales y teoría de cuerdas


    Fernández-Alonso, M. Carmen; Platón, María


    Cartel anunciador de la charla; Presentación del ciclo de charlas “Jam Science-Divulgación Científica” celebradas en el Moe Club (Alberto Alcocer, 32, Madrid) el penúltimo martes de cada mes de 20.00 a 22.00h, desde enero de 2015.Ponente: Dr.Fernando Marchesano. Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT-UAM-CSIC). Grabación y edición de los vídeos: Agora Mundi.

  19. A Marte a través del cine. Ficción y realidad


    Fernández-Alonso, M. Carmen; Platón, María


    Cartel anunciador de la charla; Presentación del ciclo de charlas “Jam Science-Divulgación Científica” celebradas en el Moe Club (Alberto Alcocer, 32, Madrid) el penúltimo martes de cada mes de 20.00 a 22.00h, desde enero de 2015. Ponente:Dr. Jesús Martínez Frías-Instituto de Geociencias IGEO (CSIC-UCM).Grabación y edición de los vídeos: DC SciComm

  20. Stockholm, veebruar 2000 / Mati Laos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laos, Mati


    9.-13. veebruarini 2000 Stockholmis toimunud Rootsi rahvusvahelisest mööblimessist ja valgustimessist Lightning 2000, kus oli ka Estoplasti valgusti "Valguse pooltoonid" (koostöös Hollandi ja Venemaa firmaga)

  1. Dilemmas and discourses on the continuity of the Indian towns of La Rioja's jurisdiction under the Bourbon reforms Dilemas y discursos sobre la continuidad de los pueblos de indios de la jurisdicción de La Rioja bajo las reformas borbónicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roxana Boixadós


    Full Text Available The work approaches the challenges to the continuity of the towns of raised Indians of the Rioja from the speeches of civil employees, neighborsand you cure parish priests who marked the old native corporation like a "problem" throughout century XVIII. The policies implemented by the borbónica management aimed to obtain greater fiscal collection through periodic empadronamientos and you revisit that they on a par categorizaban to the population that evaluated of critical way the chaste relation between the tributary one and the rights to earth. Diverse proposals of transfers of population, "depopulated" earth leasing or closing threatened the continuity of the towns of Indians and generated different alternatives from chaste answer on the part of the tributary one.El trabajo aborda los desafíos a la continuidad de los pueblos de indios de La Rioja, planteados a partir de los discursos de funcionarios, vecinos y curas párrocos que marcaban a la antigua corporación nativa como un "problema" a lo largo del siglo XVIII. Las políticas implementadas por la gestión borbónica apuntaron a lograr mayor recaudación fiscal a través de periódicos empadronamientos y revisitas que categorizaban a la población, a la par que evaluaban de manera crítica la relación entre la casta tributaria y los derechos a las tierras. Propuestas diversas de traslados de población, arriendo o remate de tierras “despobladas” amenazaron la continuidad de los pueblos de indios y generaron distintas alternativas de respuesta por parte de la casta tributaria.

  2. El lugar de visigodos y omeyas en la historiografía de los siglos XIX y XX. Aportaciones a un debate sobre continuidad y ruptura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salvatierra Cuenca, Vicente


    Full Text Available This text aims to analyze the evolution during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries paradigms of the historical division between Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages and its impact on Spanish archeology. In a special will be described how and when the concept of late antiquity was introduced, replacing the previous paradigms. Also we try to analyze whether the continuity and process elements connected thereto affect the origins of al-Andalus, discussing the existence of an abrupt and sharp cut from the Arab and Berber invasion.Este texto pretende analizar la evolución durante los siglos XIX-XX de algunos paradigmas en la división histórica entre la Antigüedad y la Alta Edad Media y su repercusión en la Arqueología española. De forma especial se describirá el modo y el momento en que se introdujo el concepto de Antigüedad tardía que desplaza a los anteriores paradigmas. Asímismo se trata de analizar si los elementos de continuidad y proceso conectados al mismo afectan a los orígenes de al-Andalus, discutiéndose si existió un corte brusco y tajante a partir de la invasión árabe y bereber.

  3. Energy situation. August 2000; Conjoncture energetique. Aout 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report makes a statement of the French energy consumption, demand, import and export since January 1998 and up to August 2000. Details are given separately for primary energy, solid mineral fuels, petroleum products, natural gas and electric power. (J.S.)

  4. Technical Report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The technical memory 2000 of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) of the Argentine Republic, compile the papers published in the subject on radiation protection and nuclear safety, safeguards and physical protection, and presented in congress or meetings of these specialities by personnel of the mentioned institution during 2000. In this edition the documents are presented on: Nuclear safety; Radiobiology; Occupational doses; Radiochemical; Environmental studies; Emergency plans; Radiation accidents; and International safeguards. Some of them are realized by agreements between the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Argentina, universities and other national and international organizations

  5. Bookshelf 2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard Price


    Full Text Available [First paragraph] Another year, another monumental stack of new books with Caribbeanist interest of one sort or another. NWIG reviewers have been contributing full essays on more than seventy such books each year, but that still leaves well over one hundred others deserving of mention in this residual wrap-up of the 2000 season. We are deeply grateful to those scholars who have taken the time to provide reviews. And we are pleased to announce that the 2000 edition of the Caribbeanist Hall of Shame (created for scholars who commit themselves to reviews but then neither provide them nor relinquish the book so someone else can take on the task has shrunk from a membership of 15 (in 1993, its inaugural year to just two (identified, as has become our custom, by first and last initials. Despite our gentle reminders, J—e F—s failed to review The Dominican Republic and the United States: From Imperialism to Transnationalism, edited by G. Pope Atkins & Larman C. Wilson (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1998, paper, US$ 20.00 and B—a S—i never came through with a review of Constructing a Colonial People: Puerto Rico and the United States, 1898-1932, by Pedro A. Caban (Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1999, cloth US$ 60.00.

  6. TIGER 2000 (United States)

    Kansas Data Access and Support Center — As suggested by the GIS Technical Advisory Committees DASC subcommittee, the DASC staff has imported and converted the U.S. Bureau of Census 2000 TIGER Line files...

  7. Learning power point 2000 easily

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mon, In Su; Je, Jung Suk


    This book introduces power point 2000, which gives descriptions what power point is, what we can do with power point 2000, is it possible to install power point 2000 in my computer? Let's run power point, basic of power point such as new presentation, writing letter, using text box, changing font size, color and shape, catching power user, insertion of word art and creating of new file. It also deals with figure, chart, graph, making multimedia file, presentation, know-how of power point for teachers and company workers.

  8. National Wood-fuel Programme 2000-2006. Activity Report 2000-2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    When ADEME launched its Wood-fuel programme throughout all of France in late 1999, its aim was to guide this resource supply chain to maturity and stable development in all user sectors: domestic, multi-family housing, commercial/institutional and industrial applications. To this end the Wood-fuel Programme 2000-2006 was assigned objectives and endowed with significant financial means for studies and coordination in order to support and carry out general-interest projects, piloted by ADEME. The stated goal was to replace fossil fuels, avoid carbon emissions and establish quality assurance standards for household firewood and wood-fired devices. This report presents: 1 - the Wood Energy stakes for the environment, for employment, and for the economy, the biomass energy net benefits; 2 - the Wood Energy key figures: Production and consumption, Single-family homes and wood heating, Breakdown of types of devices used, Sales of wood-fired devices, Number of housing/institutional boilers in use, Number of industrial boilers in use; 3 - the Wood Energy objectives: Domestic heating, Industrial boiler plants, District heating for housing/institutional/commercial uses; 4 - the Wood Energy program operation: Program coordination by ADEME, Partnerships and State-Region planning agreements, 2000-2006 funding system (modified in 2004) and Other financial instruments; 5 - the 2000-2006 assessment: Main results, Conclusions and recommendations, Evaluation contributions: five key points, Evaluation of employment in the solid biofuels supply chain, Supply for community, institutional and commercial boilers; 6 - Information and communication: Initiatives supported or accompanied by ADEME between 2000 and 2004, Publications supported by ADEME. In appendix: fuels and energy content, regional assessments, national research program on bio-energies - PNRB 2006 (Review and stakes, PNRB results in 2006), wood heating R and D, studies funded by ADEME, 2006 ADEME's correspondents, glossary

  9. Gestión de Riesgos tecnológicos basada en ISO 31000 e ISO 27005 y su aporte a la continuidad de negocios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandra Ramírez Castro


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta una metodología para gestionar riesgos tecnológicos cuya base son los estándares ISO (International Organization for Standardization 31000 e ISO/IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission 27005, teniendo en cuenta que estos indican ‘que’ se requiere para la gestión de riesgos más no indican ‘como’ se puede realizar esta gestión. Además incluye recomendaciones y buenas prácticas de otros estándares y guías internacionales para manejo de riesgos, seguridad y gestión de servicios. La metodología se desarrolla para riesgo tecnológico dado que el aumento en el uso de tecnologías de la información puede posibilitar puntos de quiebre o fisuras en aspectos de seguridad con respecto a su utilización, por ello se presenta una forma de aseguramiento y control sobre la infraestructura (nivel físico, los sistemas de información (nivel lógico y las medidas organizacionales (factor humano desde la perspectiva tecnológica. Como segunda parte se presenta una forma de integración de la metodología a la gestión de continuidad de negocios, como sustento al análisis de impacto sobre negocios y el desarrollo de estrategias en lo que respecta a procesos de base tecnológica.

  10. IFP. Annual report 2000; IFP. Rapport annuel 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This annual report presents the highlights of the year 2000 activities of the Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP): petroleum exploration, drilling and production, refining and petrochemistry, automotive engines and cogeneration turbines, natural gas technologies, environmental research, training activity, industrial partnerships, industrialization of processes, ISIS group. (J.S.)

  11. Predominio de violencia en la población del cantón de Tibás: enero, 2012 a julio, 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauren Araya Solís


    Full Text Available Introducción: El objetivo de la presente investigación es identificar el predominio de violencia en la población del cantón de Tibás, de enero del año 2012 a julio, del 2014. La violencia implica posibilidad de daño o daño en sí, lo cual afecta negativamente la salud de las personas ya sea como indiviuos o como grupo, razón por la que es esencial identificar y describir sus manifestaciones en la comunidad, para así poder tomar medidas concretas contra ella, reducir su impacto y mejorar la salud de las personas. Metodología: El estudio consiste en una investigación epidemiológica de tipo descriptiva y transversal, basada en datos recolectados en el Área Rectora de Salud del Cantón de Tibás mediante la boleta de notificación obligatoria VE-01. Resultados: Se determinó que la violencia es una situación que afecta en su mayoría a niños y niñas de 0-9 años, el tipo más común es la negligencia o abandono. En cuanto a las zonas más afectadas, se destaca Cinco Esquinas, seguida de León XIII, además el género femenino es el más afectado, datos que concuerdan con la literatura revisada. Conclusión: Se concluye que la violencia es un problema de salud pública, un fenómeno con múltiples repercusiones y que dentro de las poblaciones más vulnerables se encuentran las mujeres, personas adultas mayores, niños y niñas, sin dejar de lado que todas las personas están expuestas a sufrir algún tipo de violencia. 

  12. CLC2000 land cover database of the Netherlands; monitoring land cover changes between 1986 and 2000


    Hazeu, G.W.


    The 1986 CORINE land cover database of the Netherlands was revised and updated on basis of Landsat satellite images and ancillary data. Interpretation of satellite images from 1986 and 2000 resulted in the CLC2000, CLC1986rev and CLCchange databases. A standard European legend and production methodology was applied. Thirty land cover classes were discerned. Most extended land cover types were pastures (231), arable land (211) and complex cultivation patterns (242). Between 1986 and 2000 aroun...


    CERN Document Server


    A demonstration of the new supported Windows environment for all the CERN personal computers (PC) will be given which is based on Windows 2000. This presentation will assume little or no familiarity with the PC, or NICE, and will concentrate on the services being offered to the users of PCs at CERN. How NICE 2000 can facilitate the work of all users, eventually becoming the key access point to all activities in the laboratory will be demonstrated. Date Title Language Location Speaker Fri 1/6 10:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F IT Auditorium (31/3-004) Alberto Pace Tue 5/6 10:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F LHC Auditorium (30/7th floor) Frederic Hemmer Tue 5/6 14:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F SL Auditorium (864/1s floor) Michel Bornand Tue 5/6 14:00 An introduction to Windows 2000 at CERN E IT Auditorium (31/3-004) Andreas Wagner Wed 6/6 14:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F SL ...

  14. Annual Report 2000; Rapport annuel 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This annual report gives the activities during the year 2000 and information about the General Direction of the Energy and Raw Materials (DGEMP) in France. The highlights of the year are discussed in the main following topics: public utilities, the Erika oil slick, the petroleum products prices increase, the energy efficiency national program, Eole 2005, the nuclear industry management. The french energy accounting, the publications and the organization of the DGEMP are also provided. (A.L.B.)

  15. Barreras de acceso administrativo a los servicios de salud en población Colombiana, 2013

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Martín Rodríguez Hernández


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como propósito caracterizar las principales barreras que sufre la población colombiana al intentar acceder a los servicios de salud. Es un observacional descriptivo exploratorio que emplea técnicas tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas; se basó en los registros de Peticiones, Quejas, Reclamos y Sugerencias que llegaron a la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud de Colombia entre enero-2102 y Junio-2013; además, empleó entrevistas a profundidad a usuarios de los servicios de salud, a funcionarios de las Empresas Promotoras de Salud de Bogotá y de Puntos por el Derecho a la Salud de la Secretaría de Salud de Bogotá. Los usuarios de este estudio evidenciaron limitaciones desde la entrada y búsqueda de la atención por fallas en la comunicación para acceder a los Servicios de Salud; en la continuidad del servicio, se encuentran con barreras derivadas por las autorizaciones, falta de oportunidad para citas médicas especializadas, procedimientos quirúrgicos y entrega de medicamentos. Con base a los hallazgos se puede concluir que las barreras que perciben los usuarios generan percepciones negativas y efectos perjudiciales tanto para éstos, como para sus familias.

  16. Meson 2000 Conference Summary lite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnes, T.


    This short contribution is a late MESON2000 conference summary. As appropriate for the 600th anniversary of the Jagiellonian University, it begins with a brief summary of the last 600 years of European history and its place in hadron physics. Next a ''physicist chirality'' order parameter PC is introduced. When applied to MESON2000 plenary speakers this order parameter illustrates the separation of hadron physicists into disjoint communities. The individual plenary talks in MESON2000 are next sorted according to the subconference associated with each of the 36 plenary speakers. Finally, I conclude with a previously unreported Feynman story regarding the use of models in hadron physics. (author)

  17. Career development. Opportunity 2000. (United States)

    Adams, J

    Opportunity 2000 is an initiative designed to increase the role of women in the workforce and to promote equal opportunities in the workplace. The NHS Management Executive has set up a women's unit to put Opportunity 2000 into practice and to develop more 'women-friendly' working practices. The unit has produced a good practice handbook. The article discusses the eight goals produced by the NHSME to be achieved by health authorities and trusts by this year.

  18. Tax Information Series, December 2000 (United States)


    to serve as an in-depth review or explanation of each topic discussed, rather its intent is to inform readers about updates in tax numerology and... NUMEROLOGY Tax Rates The 2000 federal income tax rates are: 15%, 28%, 31%, 36%, and 39.6%. The 2000 tax rates by filing status are

  19. Annual report 2000; Rapport annuel 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This year 2000 annual report of the CEA (atomic energy commissariat) gives a general overview of the CEA activities and organization in the domains of the defence, the nuclear energy the technological research and the fundamental research. It is presented in seven main parts: contribution to national defence, civil nuclear research, technological research for the industry, pushing back the frontiers of scientific knowledge in physics and life science, mastery of installations; institute for protection and nuclear safety, research resources. (A.L.B.)

  20. Strategisch beheer C2000 : kiezen voor slagkracht

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verdonck, Klooster & Associates (VKA); Het Expertice Centrum (HEC); WODC


    De invoering van C2000 heeft ertoe geleid dat er één landelijk systeem wordt gebruikt voor (groeps)communicatie voor en door de hulpdiensten. Daarnaast kent C2000 nog vele andere gebruikers zoals Defensieonderdelen, Douane, Kustwacht etc. C2000 moet in zowel de normale dag/dagelijkse

  1. Plant safety in France 2000 until 2010; Anlagensicherheitspolitik in Frankreich 2000 bis 2010

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vallee, Agnes; Affeltranger, Bastien; Descourriere, Sandrine; Oger, Florence; Duval, Christophe; Gaucher, Rodolphe [Institut National de l' Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS), 60 - Verneuil-en-Halatte (France)


    The study on the safety of industrial plants on France covers the following issues: The explosion in the operational area of AZF (plant Grande Paroisse) and the consequences; classified installations; the players of accident risks in France; realization of the accident prevention policy in France from 2000 to 2010; prevention of natural risks and consideration of these risks on the level of classified installations (NATECH accidents) in France from 2000 to 2010; further specific topics; actual activities and developments.

  2. SAFARI 2000 PAR Measurements, Kalahari Transect, Botswana, Wet Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Ceptometer data from a Decagon AccuPAR (Model PAR-80) were collected at four sites in Botswana during the SAFARI 2000 Kalahari Transect Wet Season Campaign (March,...

  3. Praga, una suburbanización semidirigida


    Welch Guerra, Max


    Índice Praga: breve perfil urbanístico. Nuevos factores para el desarrollo espacial desde 1989. Dos nuevos planes para la ciudad en su conjunto. Una suburbanización semidirigida. Entrevistas a expertos realizadas entre enero y julio de 2000. Bibliografía.ResumenDesde hace alrededor de 10 años se producen en Europa centrooriental transformaciones sociales profundas que abren un nuevo capítulo en la historia del urbanismo. A causa de muy diversos factores, en las estructuras urbanas de las gran...

  4. Revisión de 451 casos de poliglobulia neonatal


    Sehlke C., Paula; Mühlhausen M., Germán


    Objetivo: Describir las características de la poliglobulia neonatal en el Servicio de Neonatología, Hospital San José, Santiago, por su alta incidencia. Método: Estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo realizado entre Enero 2000 y Diciembre 2001, evaluando factores maternos, datos del recién nacido y patologías asociadas a poliglobulia. Resultados: Hubo 451 casos de poliglobulia neonatal (2,4% del total de RN y 15,6% de los RN hospitalizados), destacando los antecedentes de hipertensión del embara...

  5. IAEA releases nuclear power statistics for 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    According to data reported to the IAEA Power Reactor Information System, a total of 438 NPPs were operating around the world at the end of 2000. The total installed power from NPPs was 351 GWe. During 2000, six plants were connected to the grid, construction of three new nuclear reactors started, bringing the total number of reactors under construction to 31. Worldwide in 2000, total nuclear generated electricity increased to 2447.53 terawatt-hours. Cumulative worldwide operating experience from civil nuclear power reactors at the end of 2000 exceeded 9800 reactor years

  6. SAFARI 2000 MODIS Airborne Simulator Data, Southern Africa, Dry Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This dataset contains the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Airborne Simulator (MAS) multispectral data collected during the SAFARI 2000 project....

  7. Year 2000 awareness

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holmes, C.


    This report contains viewgraphs on the challenges business face with the year 2000 software problem. Estimates, roadmaps, virtual factory software, current awareness, and world wide web references are given.

  8. Eventos adversos supuestamente atribuidos a la vacunación o inmunización. Isla de la Juventud, Cuba, enero/2013-octubre/2016

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sayli González Fiallo


    Full Text Available Todo programa de inmunización tiene como meta alcanzar el más alto grado de protección contra las enfermedades inmunoprevenibles, con las más bajas tasas de reacciones adversas; constituyendo la vacunación un instrumento fundamental para la salud pública. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar los eventos adversos supuestamente atribuidos a la vacunación en la Isla de la Juventud, Cuba, entre enero/2013 y octubre/2016. Se realizó una investigación observacional descriptiva de corte transversal, puesta en práctica mediante la vigilancia pasiva. Se utilizó como fuente primaria para la recolección de datos la encuesta epidemiológica en los 507 pacientes que presentaron eventos adversos. Se comprobó que los años 2014 y 2015 superaron la tasa global para ese período: 34,6 por 10000 dosis administrada (DA, mientras que el área de salud “Leonilda Tamayo Matos” fue quien aportó la mayor tasa de eventos: 197 (39,7 por 10000 DA. Las vacunas con mayores notificaciones de reactogenicidad fueron: Pentavalente 280 (252,0 por 10000 DA, DPT 66 (168,4 por 10000 DA y la Antimeningocócica-BC: 86 (92,6 por 10000 DA. Se evidenció la mayor tasa de eventos adversos en el año 2014, predominando el área de salud “Leonilda Tamayo Matos”. Los eventos adversos más comunes fueron la fiebre y las reacciones locales. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran las bajas tasas de eventos adversos graves. Se demostró una vez más la confiabilidad del sistema y seguridad de las vacunas en Cuba.

  9. SAFARI 2000 Physical and Chemical Properties of Aerosols, Dry Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — SAFARI 2000 provided an opportunity to study aerosol particles produced by savanna burning. We used analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM), including...


    CERN Multimedia


    A demonstration of the new supported Windows environment for all the CERN personal computers (PC) will be given which is based on Windows 2000. This presentation will assume little or no familiarity with the PC, or NICE, and will concentrate on the services being offered to the users of PCs at CERN. How NICE 2000 can facilitate the work of all users, eventually becoming the key access point to all activities in the laboratory will be demonstrated. Information: Date Title Language Location Speaker Fri 1/6 10:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F IT Auditorium (31/3-004) Alberto Pace Tue 5/6 10:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F LHC Auditorium (30/7th floor) Frederic Hemmer Tue 5/6 14:00 Une introduction à Windows 2000 au CERN F SL Auditorium (864/1s floor) Michel Bornand Tue 5/6 14:00 An introduction to Windows 2000 at CERN E IT Auditorium (31/3-004) Andreas Wagner ...

  11. Distribución y abundancia de Ateles belzebuth E. Geoffroy y Ateles chamek Humboldt (Cebidae: Primates en la Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria, Perú

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    Rolando Aquino


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se dan a conocer las observaciones sobre el hábitat, las asociaciones inter-específicas, tamaño de grupo y densidad poblacional de las dos especies de Ateles que habitan en la Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria. Los datos fueron colectados mediante inventarios y censos por transecto en los periodos de enero de 1997 a febrero de 1999, setiembre -– octubre 2000, agosto -– setiembre, 2002 y enero 2003. En la margen izquierda del Río Samiria, Ateles belzebuth E. Geoffryoy y Ateles chamek Humboldt comparten el hábitat formando grupos mixtos. El tamaño promedio de grupo para A. belzebuth fue 5,1 individuos/grupo y para Ateles chamek 7,3 individuos/grupo. La densidad poblacional estimada para A. belzebuth fue 1,02 individuos/km2 y para A. chamek 0,51 individuos/km2 . Se discuten y analizan los factores que habrían influido para la drástica reducción de ambas poblaciones.

  12. An industry response to recycle 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Motl, G.P.; Loiselle, V.


    The US DOE is expected to issue a policy early this year articulating DOE's position on the recycle of DOE radioactive scrap metal. In anticipation of this 'Recycle 2000' initiative, the nuclear industry has formed a new trade association called the Association of Radioactive Metal Recyclers (ARMR). This article describes the Recycle 2000 initiative, provides some background on the ARMR and its membership, and identifies industry views on the actions to be taken and issues to be resolved in Recycle 2000 is to become a reality

  13. Risøs virksomhedsregnskab 2000. Opfølgning på planerne for året 2000

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosendahl, L.; Aabling-Thomsen, E.; Kjems, J.K.(eds.)


    Risøs Virksomhedsregnskab 2000 er en opfølgning på planerne for Risøs virksomhed i 2000. Risøs bestyrelse skal som led i resultatkontrakten med IT- og Forskningsministeriet aflægge årlige rapporter om opfyldelsen af de fastlagte resultatkrav. Nærværenderapport indeholder data til brug for denne v...

  14. NST Quarterly - April 2000 issue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    NST Quarterly reports current development in Nuclear Science and Technology in Malaysia. In this issue it highlights MINT activities in genetic engineering. The articles summarized the improvement of orchids and tulips through genetic engineering and generating new varieties for the floriculture industry. It also reported, MINT won gold and silver at the International Invention 2000, 12-16 April 2000, Geneva

  15. CLC2000 land cover database of the Netherlands; monitoring land cover changes between 1986 and 2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hazeu, G.W.


    The 1986 CORINE land cover database of the Netherlands was revised and updated on basis of Landsat satellite images and ancillary data. Interpretation of satellite images from 1986 and 2000 resulted in the CLC2000, CLC1986rev and CLCchange databases. A standard European legend and production

  16. Estimación de reservas en un yacimiento de cromita con poca continuidad geológica de los cuerpos de cromitas

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    José L. Ibarra-Velázquez


    Full Text Available En las zonas limítrofes de los lentes de cromitas podiformes del yacimiento Merceditas, localizado hacia la parte oriental de Cuba, disminuye la continuidad de los cuerpos de cromititas, la cantidad de información disponible y, con ello, la posibilidad de emplear el método clásico de correlación geológica para contornear los cuerpos minerales y calcular el volumen de los recursos minerales. A fin de resolver este problema se emplearon métodos que permitieran conocer la probabilidad de ocurrencia de cada litología en un punto o volumen del espacio, y la estimación robusta del error o grado de incertidumbre con que se determinó dicha probabilidad para clasificar los recursos y las reservas. Se utilizó kriging indicador ordinario de variables categóricas; las categorías las definieron los tres tipos litológicos fundamentales: peridotitas, dunitas y cromitas. Se efectuó una corrección de los datos con el objetivo de que las estimaciones se encontrasen en el intervalo [0,1] y su sumatoria fuese uno. Se obtuvo un modelo de bloques con información de las posibles proporciones de cada tipo litológico y los contenidos de varios elementos químicos estimados por inverso de la distancia, en aquellos bloques donde la probabilidad de ocurrencia de cromitas fue mayoritaria. Para determinar el grado de incertidumbre en función de la información existente y el comportamiento de la variabilidad en el espacio se realizó la simulación indicatriz por el método secuencial; como criterio de incertidumbre se tomó la desviación estándar de las simulaciones, siendo más representativa del grado de incertidumbre que la varianza de estimación del kriging indicador.

  17. Vinculación hospital-áreas de salud: Un enfoque práctico

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    Isidoro A Páez Prats


    Full Text Available Se expone la experiencia del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico "Miguel Enríquez" en la vinculación con sus áreas de salud. Se destaca la importancia de la continuidad de la asistencia médica a la población, con la vinculación de los niveles de atención primaria y secundaria, mediante la discusión y análisis de fallecidos priorizados en los objetivos, propósitos y directrices del MINSAP para mejorar el estado de salud de la población en el año 2000. Como producto de esa vinculación se relacionan actividades docente-asistenciales que se fueron incorporando. Se destaca la importancia de dar continuidad a la atención de egresados portadores de enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles e intento suicida.The experience of the "Miguel Enríquez" Clinical and Surgical Hospital on linking with its health areas is exposed here. It is stressed the importance of the continuity of medical assistance to the population, connecting the primary and secondary health care levels, and discussing and analysing those deaths which are a priority for the objectives, purposes and guidelines of the Ministry of Public Health in order to improve the health status of the population by 2000. As a result of this link, the teaching and medical activities are connected. Is is underlined the importance of continuig giving attention to the discharged patients who carry non transmissible chronic diseases and to those who have attempted suicide.


    CERN Multimedia

    Division des ressources humaines


    (Application of Articles RÉII 4.33 and RÉII 4.34 of the Staff Regulations)Official holidays in 2000 (in addition to the end-of-year holidays): Friday, 21st April (Good Friday) Monday, 24th April (Easter Monday) Monday, 1st May Thursday, 1st June (Ascension Day)Monday, 12th June (Whit Monday) Thursday, 7th September ('Jeûne genevois')Annual closure of the site of the Organization and day of special leave granted by the Director-GeneralThe Laboratory will be closed from Saturday, 23rd December 2000 to Sunday, 7th January 2001 inclusive (without deduction of annual leave). The first working day in the New Year will be Monday, 8th January 2001.Human Resources DivisionTel. 74128

  19. CDMA2000 Y WCDMA

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    Jaime Sánchez García


    Full Text Available Este artículo ofrece un panorama general de los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles celulares de tercera generación (3G que han tenido una mayor aceptación (CDMA2000 y WCDMA en el mercado, y una comparación basada en los puntos principales donde los sistemas difieren que indica las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno. Los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles celulares 3G ofrecen mayores capacidades de transmisión a los de segunda generación (2G, y permiten brindar, además de los tradicionales servicios de telefonía celular, servicios de comunicación de datos a velocidades más altas que los de 2G. Las redes CDMA2000 y WCDMA forman parte del estándar IMT-2000 definido por la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (ITU para sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricas de tercera generación; éstas son redes de banda ancha que ofrecen mayores velocidades de transmisión de datos, servicios de internet y aplicaciones multimedia

  20. EMPATH 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arta Lorenta, I.


    The electric motor is a core element in each and every plant. EMPATH 2000 enables online monitoring of electric motors, thus detecting failures at an early stage. Since a plants unexpected shutdown due to an electric motors failure is out of the question, the use of online monitoring devices strikes as an absolute requirement. (Author)

  1. Year 2000 assessment report, Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weir, D.


    The purpose of this report is to advise managers on the status of Year 2000 readiness at the Laboratory and provide a summary of critical issues to be addressed in order to ensure that the Year 2000 date rollover will not disrupt Laboratory Operations. The Laboratory`s Year 2000 council members are in the first phase of Year 2000 plans: gathering data and assessing the status of their divisions or programs. This first snapshot of the Laboratory Year 2000 readiness assessment is expected to grow and change over time as more refined assessments, plans, and schedules are developed and as more information becomes available. Here are findings to date: (1) Embedded systems` status not known. (2) Preliminary cost estimates for Year 2000 repairs, testing, and implementation are estimated to be at least $5.9 million, not including embedded systems. (3) The Laboratory is required to make unavoidable purchases of Year 2000-compliant products. (4) The Year 2000 short-term issue forces some long-term transition plans to be set aside. (5) The Laboratory is at risk for the following consequences if they can`t demonstrate an active Year 2000 program: risk of system failures; potential funding freezes by the OMB and DOE; legal liabilities; and risk to the UC contract. (6) The deadline for this project is immutable. (7) DOE is continually increasing reporting requirements, expanding from only DOE mission-essential to all operations. (7) DOE audit criticizes the Laboratory`s mission-essential systems planning.

  2. Circo, educação e continuidade: a criação da escola nacional e a formação do artista no Brasil entre 1975-1984

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    Gláucia Andreza Kronbauer


    Full Text Available O circo é um espetáculo que congrega sob a lona, em um picadeiro circular, diversas manifestações artísticas produzidas pela humanidade ao longo de sua história. Sua organização tem na família elemento central, na itinerância um modo de vida, e na criança a garantia de sobrevivência. Durante a história das mulheres, homens e crianças circenses no Brasil, os distintos modos de fazer circo eram transmitidos de geração para geração no seio familiar, em processos de continuidade. Em certo contexto, no entanto, começaram a surgir instituições escolares específicas para a formação de artistas, como é o caso da Escola Nacional de Circo (ENC. De caráter estatal e primeira do tipo na América Latina, foi inaugurada no dia 13 de maio de 1982, no Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as transformações nos modos de vida no circo e, consequentemente, nos processos educativos do artista que condicionaram a criação da Escola Nacional de Circo na década de 1980.

  3. SAFARI 2000 TOMS Aerosol Index Data, Southern Africa, Dry Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — ABSTRACT: Daily Aerosol Index (AI) data from Earth Probe (EP) Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) for the period of August 12-September 25, 2000 were processed...

  4. Annual report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document provides information on the activities of the Cea-Industry Group during the year 2000. The following topics are presented: the profile of the Cea-Industry Group, keys data for 2000, the nuclear fuel cycle, the nuclear power plants and nuclear services, the biomedical, the semiconductors, the financial aspects and the management report of the board of directors. A special interest is given to the new organization which has been set up and which will give birth to an industrial group of global dimension, named Topco for the present. By combining the activities of Cogema, Framatome ANP and their subsidiaries, the ''nuclear technologies'' business Topco, will regroup french expertise in the atom, from the fuel cycle to cleanup and dismantling, from services to engineering. (A.L.B.)

  5. Annual report of JMTR, No.15. FY2000. April 1, 2000-March 31, 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    During the FY2000 (April 2000 to March 2001), the JMTR (Japan Materials Testing Reactor) was operated in 6 operation cycles (130 days) for irradiation studies on the IASCC of the LWR materials, development of actinide contained uranium-hydride fuels, development of fusion blanket materials, and so on. The total number of capsules and hydraulic rabbis irradiated were 132 and 79, respectively. Technology development programs were conducted in the following fields. As concerning to the utilization of JMTR, a irradiation facility for the IASCC studies, irradiation capsules for RPV surveillance specimen and automatic temperature control system for irradiation capsules were developed. New efficient production process was developed for pebble type tritium breeder material for fusion reactor blanket, and tritium generation/recovery behavior under irradiation was investigated using pebble packed test piece. This report summarizes these activities performed in the department of JMTR during the FY2000. (author)

  6. Toward the year 2000. (United States)


    If the world population continues to grow at its present rate, in only about 35 more years there will be an additional 3.5 billion people. Although it is likely that the growth rate will slow down in the future, there will be an increase of between 2.3-3.5 billion people by the year 2000. At that time the Asian, African, and Latin American regions of the world will account for between 81-84% of world population, regardless of whether there is a fertility decline. Simultaneously, the populations of Europe and North America will decrease from 26 to between 16-19%. The People's Republic of China is now working to contain population increase, but despite the efforts for every 10 Chinese alive in 1970 there will be 15 in the year 2000. For the other 9 most populous less developed countries, there will be nearly 20 persons for every 10. As this figure is 12 in the year 2000 for every 10 Russians or Americans in 1970, a significant reduction in the growth rate of population in the 10 largest less developed countries would do much to reduce the world's population problems. The number of children born between now and the year 2000 depends on the fertility of all women in the childbearing ages during that period. Finally, as the population of the world continues to increase, there will be a marked concentration of the world's children in the poorer nations, and this will be a major problem in these developing countries.

  7. Consolidated results 2000. Forecasts 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document presents an economic analysis of the Group Gaz De France consolidated results for the year 2000. The main topics are the evolution of the energy market, the great economic growth for the five businesses of the Group (exploration-production, trade, transport, distribution and services), financial results affected by the supply costs increase, the position reinforcement among the gas leaders in Europe and the highlights of 2000. (A.L.B.)

  8. Resistencia bacteriana:sinergismo in vitro y eficacia clínica del tratamiento antimicrobiano en neonatos sépticos


    Espino Hernández, María Hildelisa


    Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la etiología y susceptibilidad de los agentes causales de sepsis neonatal y la eficacia clínica del tratamiento antimicrobiano por pruebas de sinergismo in vitro, en el Hospital Ginecobstétrico Universitario "América Arias", durante el periodo comprendido desde enero de 1993 a diciembre 2000. Se definieron los patrones de resistencia de 533 cepas aisladas de los recién nacidos frente a los ß-lactámicos y aminoglucósidos, y se evaluó, por el método de...

  9. Factores de riesgo para mortalidad en gangrena de Fournier


    Azolas M,Rodrigo


    Introducción: La Gangrena de Fournier fue descrita por Fournier en 1883, es una fasceitis necrotizan-te que afecta la región perianal y genital. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los factores de riesgo de mortalidad en pacientes portadores de Gangrena de Fournier y su relación con el score pronóstico FGSI (Fournier Gangrene Severity Index Score). Material y Método: Estudio prospectivo entre enero de 2000 y diciembre de 2007 en el Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau, que incluyó 31 pacient...

  10. Endometriosis e infertilidad = Endometriosis and infertility


    Restrepo Cano, Gustavo Adolfo


    Objetivo: revisar la literatura sobre endometriosis en cuanto se relaciona con la infertilidad.Metodología: búsqueda en PubMed / Medline, Hinari y Cochrane con los términos Infertilidad, Endometriosis, Endometrioma, Laparoscopia y Cistectomía. Se seleccionaron investigaciones originales, artículos de revisión y meta-análisis, en inglés, francés y español, publicados entre enero de 2000 y diciembre de 2010. Se eligieron los que evaluaban la fisiopatología, etiología, diagnóstico y tratamiento ...

  11. 2000 LEPC Survey (United States)

    This is the summary report of the 1999 nationwide Local Emergency Planning Committee survey, released in May 2000. It measured their levels of compliance and proactivity, roles in prevention and counter-terrorism, communication, and response plans.


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    Pablo Alabarces


    Full Text Available Proponemos, como presentación de este dossier, introducir un mapa de los estudios del deporte en los últimos años, haciendo especial hincapié en la antropología, aunque mostrando diálogos temáticos y enfoques que impiden el encorsetamiento disciplinar. Ante la manifiesta imposibilidad de abarcar en estas páginas la totalidad de las investigaciones realizadas (en ya más de treinta años de despliegue, optamos por centrarnos en la producción local –con la ineludible mención a la labor pionera de Da Matta-, producción continuamente en diálogo con los múltiples y excelentes trabajos de los colegas latinoamericanos. Mostraremos, para finalizar, las áreas de vacancia de este campo de investigación proponiendo una agenda, una entre las tantas posibles.

  13. SAFARI 2000 C-130 Aerosol and Meteorological Data, Dry Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — ABSTRACT: The Met Office C-130 research aircraft was based at Windhoek, Namibia, between September 5-16, 2000, where it conducted a series of flights over Namibia as...

  14. Union Gas Limited 2000 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Financial information from Union Gas was presented along with a review of their operations throughout 2000. Union Gas is a major Canadian natural gas utility providing energy services to more than 1.1 million residential, commercial and industrial customers in more than 400 communities in Ontario. The company also provides natural gas storage and transportation services for other utilities and energy market participants in Ontario, Quebec and the United States. Revenue for 2000 was reported to be $1.6 billion, net income was $113 million and assets totaled $3.9 billion. Total throughput for 2000 was 35.8 billion cubic meters. Union Gas is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Westcoast Energy Inc. of Vancouver, British Columbia. In 2000, progress was made toward the introduction of performance-based regulation to replace the cost of service regulation currently in use. This initiative will enable the company to provide competitively priced services to customers, allowing them, along with shareholders to benefit from efficiency enhancements and new service offerings. tabs., figs

  15. LULI 2000 activity report; LULI rapport annuel 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document gathers the main results obtained by scientists from the LULI (laboratory for the use of intense lasers) unit in 2000. It is made up of 58 short articles and is organized into 6 topics: 1) laser-matter interaction, 2) hydrodynamics, shocks, equations of state, 3) atom physics, X-ray lasers, 4) material treatment, 5) progress in optics for power lasers, and 6) instrumentation and other advances.

  16. SAFARI 2000 C-130 Aerosol and Meteorological Data, Dry Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Met Office C-130 research aircraft was based at Windhoek, Namibia, between September 5-16, 2000, where it conducted a series of flights over Namibia as part of...

  17. HAMMLAB 2000 overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kvalem, J.


    In the form of a collection of overheads, this is an overview of HAMMLAB 2000. It also covers project organization, advisory groups, research agenda, status of simulators, status of software systems, VR Centre, Petro Hammlab and physical planning

  18. Dinámica poblacional de los estadios inmaduros del vector del dengue Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae: un estudio longitudinal (1996-2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María V Micieli


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de la variación estacional de una población de estadios inmaduros de A. aegypti en La Plata, Argentina, durante cuatro años. Se colocaron 36 recipientes plásticos con 700 ml de agua declorinada y se agregó, en cada uno, una tira de papel de filtro rodeando el perímetro interno como sitio para la ovipostura. Los huevos, larvas y pupas se cuantificaron semanalmente desde septiembre de 1996 hasta agosto de 2000. Tras cuantificar el número de huevos, los papeles fueron sumergidos en cada recipiente para facilitar la eclosión y se agregó un nuevo papel. La presencia de estados inmaduros de A. aegypti fue registrada desde diciembre-enero hasta junio durante los cuatro años de estudio. En 1997 se registraron 13 105 huevos, 7 978 larvas y 1 476 pupas con un 54.7 % de recipientes positivos; en 1998, 8 194 huevos, 668 larvas y 142 pupas y un 28.3 % de recipientes positivos para este mosquito. En 1999 se obtuvieron 13 510 huevos, 3 690 larvas y 743 pupas y un 56.7 % de recipientes con A. aegypti. Para el año 2000 se registraron 16 327 huevos, 4 669 larvas y 715 pupas y un porcentaje de recipientes positivos de 59.3 %. El número de huevos y el porcentaje de eclosión se redujo drásticamente en 1998 donde las temperaturas durante el período diciembre-mayo fueron entre uno y 2.5 ºC más bajas que durante los otros tres años de estudio. Estas temperaturas menores fueron consecuencia del fenómeno climático corriente El Niño.Population dynamics of the immature stages of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae, vector of dengue: a longitudinal study (1996-2000. A four year study was conducted on a natural population of immature stages of Aedes aegypti after the re-invasion of Argentina by this vector in 1987. Thirty six plastic containers with 700 ml of dechlorinated water were placed in the La Plata Zoological Garden, La Plata, Argentina. A strip of filter paper around each container was added to facilitate egg counting. Eggs

  19. Yearly energy balance sheets 2000-2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The total supply of energy during the year 2001 rose by 7 per cent compared with the year 2000, from 588 TWh to 630 TWh. The supply of nuclear power increased by 27 per cent, whereas electricity from waterpower has remained still at approximately 80 TWh. During the year 2001 Sweden exported 18,5 TWh electricity and the import was 11,1 TWh. The use of petroleum products for electricity production was nearly the same, 3,5 TWh during 2001 compared with 3,6 TWh during 2000. The production of heat from petroleum products increased from 3,2 TWh 2000 to 4,3 TWh 2001. The explanation to that is mainly the large increasing of heavy fuel oil in district heating plants. The use of energy during the year 2001 increased by nearly 1 per cent compared with the year 2000, from 391 TWh to 394 TWh. The use of coal, coke, biomass fuels and petroleum products decreased a little between the years, whereas the use of gases, district heating and electricity rises. The industrial sectors energy use decreases a bit from 156 TWh for the year 2000 to 152 TWh the year 2001. An increasing use of gases and district heating can nevertheless be seen. The energy use within transport sector rises from 87 TWh to 88 TWh. Within the household sector there is an increasing use of energy between the years with a total of 3 TWh, from 91 TWh to 94 TWh. The households continue to reduce their use of petroleum products. The use of electricity and district heating increases, by 6 per cent and 15 per cent respectively, between year 2000 and 2001

  20. Annual report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the industrial activities and the financial results of the Framatome group (Framatome-SA) in 2000. and Siemens have merged their nuclear activities and have created Framatome-ANP (advanced nuclear power) owned by Framatome (66%) and Siemens (34%). This new society represents a turnover of 3 millions Euros and a staff of 13.000 employees. In the sector of connectors, FCI (Framatome Connectors International) has reinforced its second position in the world, FCI has enjoyed a high growth in the sector of telecommunication and has created a department dealing with optic fibers. 32% of the activities of Framatome-SA have been performed in France, 26% in North America and 42% in the rest of the world. In 2000 the trading results after having paid taxes reached 306 millions Euros, it represents 6.1% of the turnover. (A.C.)

  1. Programme wood/energy 2000-2006. Activity Report for 2000-2004; Programme national Bois-Energie 2000-2006. Rapport d'activites 2000-2004

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    When ADEME launched its Wood fuel programme throughout all of France in late 1999, its aim was to guide this resource supply chain to maturity and stable development in all user sectors: domestic, multi-family housing, commercial/institutional and industrial applications. To this end the Wood fuel Programme 2000-2006 was assigned objectives and endowed with significant financial means for studies and coordination in order to support and carry out general-interest projects, piloted by ADEME. The stated goal was to replace fossil fuels, avoid carbon emissions and establish quality assurance standards for household firewood and wood-fired devices. This report makes a status of ADEME's Wood fuel programme for the 2000-2004 era: - Domestic heating: After a drop during the 1990's, figures since 1999 of sales of wood-fuel domestic heating equipment (closed heaters, glass-door fires and stoves) have shown a significant rise. On average over 30 years, wood consumption has risen to 7.2 million TOE (40 million cubic metres) per year; - Industry: It is thought there are 1000 wood-fired heaters (above 1 megawatt) used in French industry. These are found mainly in timber-based industries and in timber crushing plants. This amounts to a total power output of 2.5 gigawatts. In the primary and secondary wood processing industries, the increase in the number of wood-fired boilers and energy produced has reached 5% per year Results of a call for carbon energy projects (APEC) was 61 submitted of which 52 were selected; 9 projects pending (166.5 K of aid from ADEME); and 35 projects begun (1,649 K of aid from ADEME). - Local authority and service sector wood-fired heating systems: At the end of 2004, the number of local authority active boilers was 641, producing 430 megawatts. This is an increase of an average of 13% year on year since 2000. By the end of 2004, the target had already been met for the number of boilers being financed (1,090). By 2006 however we still need to

  2. The Indigenous World, 1999-2000 = El Mundo Indigena, 1999-2000. (United States)

    Erni, Christian, Comp.; Parellada, Alejandro, Comp.

    This annual publication (published separately in English and Spanish) examines political, social, environmental, and educational issues concerning indigenous peoples around the world during 1999-2000. Part 1 highlights news events and ongoing situations in specific countries in nine world regions: the Arctic, North America, Mexico and Central…

  3. Beatlestudies 3, Proceedings of the Beatles 2000 Conference


    Beatles 2000; Beatles 2000 Conference


    This book contains a selection of papers presented at the BEATLES 2000 Conference, held at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, from 15 to 18 June, 2000. The conference was organized by the Department of Music at the University of Jyvaskyla, the BEATLES 2000 research project, and Confennia Ltd.

  4. Dynamic code block size for JPEG 2000 (United States)

    Tsai, Ping-Sing; LeCornec, Yann


    Since the standardization of the JPEG 2000, it has found its way into many different applications such as DICOM (digital imaging and communication in medicine), satellite photography, military surveillance, digital cinema initiative, professional video cameras, and so on. The unified framework of the JPEG 2000 architecture makes practical high quality real-time compression possible even in video mode, i.e. motion JPEG 2000. In this paper, we present a study of the compression impact using dynamic code block size instead of fixed code block size as specified in the JPEG 2000 standard. The simulation results show that there is no significant impact on compression if dynamic code block sizes are used. In this study, we also unveil the advantages of using dynamic code block sizes.

  5. Meningen over abortus in West-Europa, 1981-2000 [Abortion attitudes in Western Europe, 1981-2000


    Need, A.; Ultee, W.C.; Levels, M.; Tienen, M. van


    Summary Abortion attitudes in Western Europe, 1981-2000 This article answers descriptive and explanatory questions about abortion attitudes in Western Europe between 1981 and 2000. It explains country differences and trends in these attitudes with abortion laws of states, with the norms that prevail in churches and schools, and with opinions and behaviour of others in a society. Using the European and World Value Surveys, complemented with abortion statistics and information about abortion la...

  6. The Indigenous World, 2000/2001 = El mundo indigena, 2000/2001. (United States)

    Molbech, Anette, Ed.

    This annual publication (published separately in English and Spanish) examines political, social, environmental, and educational issues concerning indigenous peoples around the world in 2000-01. Part 1 describes current situations and events in 11 world regions: the Arctic; North America; Mexico and Central America; South America; Australia and…

  7. European Communities (Drinking water) Regulations, 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    These Regulations were adopted as Statutory Instrument No. 439 of 2000 on 18 December 2000 and come in to operation on 1 January 2004. The regulations give effect to provisions of EU Council Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption.. They prescribe quality standards to be applied in relation to certain supplies of drinking water. S.I. 439 of 2000 stipulates that the radiation dose arising from one year's consumption of drinking water should not exceed 0.1 mSv. It further stipulates that the dose calculation should include contributions from all natural and artificial radionuclides with the exception of tritium, potassium-40, radon and radon decay products

  8. Year 2000 Tropical Cyclones of the World (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Year 2000 Tropical Cyclones of the World poster. During calendar year 2000, forty-five tropical cyclones with sustained surface winds of at least 64 knots were...

  9. SAFARI 2000 PAI Estimates from Hemispherical Photography, Kalahari Transect (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — ABSTRACT: This data set was collected during February-March 2000 wet season and September 2000 dry season field campaigns of SAFARI 2000. Mongu in Zambia and...

  10. Research and Development. Annual Report 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report discusses the research and development activities in which NVE has been involved in 2000. These activities fall into three categories: watercourse research, hydrological research and energy related research. The HYDRA research programme, which studied flooding and human intervention, is discussed in particular. The report includes a list of research and development reports that were published in 2000.

  11. Determinación de Listeria monocytogenes en quesos frescos de producción artesanal que se expenden en los mercados del distrito de Ica, enero - marzo 2003

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Espinoza M


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la presencia de L. monocytogenes en quesos frescos de producción artesanal expendidos en los mercados de Ica durante el periodo enero - marzo de 2003. Material y Métodos: De la totalidad de los puestos que expenden queso fresco artesanal en los mercados Santo Domingo, Alejandro Toledo, San Antonio y Modelo, se evaluaron 74 muestras teniendo como unidad muestral 200 g según la Norma Técnica Peruana ISO 28329-1. El procesamiento, aislamiento e identificación se realizó de acuerdo con la metodología recomendada por el manual de bacteriología analítica de la Food and Drug Administration (FDA. Resultados: De las 74 muestras, 3 (4,05% presentaban L. monocytogenes, y de ellas, una muestra correspondió al mercado Alejandro Toledo y 2 muestras al mercado Modelo. Se logró aislar 28 cepas de las cuales 6 (21,4% correspondieron a L. monocytogenes, y 22 (78,6% a otros microorganismos como Lactococcus lactis ss lactis, Enterococcus spp. y Bacillus spp. No se logró aislar L. monocytogenes en los mercados Santo Domingo y San Antonio; sin embargo, en el mercado Alejandro Toledo se aisló una cepa y en el mercado Modelo, se aislaron 5 cepas, lo cual demuestra la presencia significativa de L. monocytogenes sólo en el mercado Modelo. Conclusiones: Existe L. monocytogenes en quesos frescos de producción artesanal, representando un riesgo potencial para la población consumidora.

  12. SAFARI 2000 TOMS Tropospheric Ozone Data, Southern Africa Subset, Dry Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Tropical Tropospheric Ozone (TTO) data from Earth Probe (EP) Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) for the period of August 8-September 29, 2000 were processed and...

  13. SAFARI 2000 PAI Estimates from Hemispherical Photography, Kalahari Transect (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data set was collected during February-March 2000 wet season and September 2000 dry season field campaigns of SAFARI 2000. Mongu in Zambia and Pandematenga (aka...

  14. Global biofuel use, 1850-2000 (United States)

    Fernandes, Suneeta D.; Trautmann, Nina M.; Streets, David G.; Roden, Christoph A.; Bond, Tami C.


    This paper presents annual, country-level estimates of biofuel use for the period 1850-2000. We estimate that global biofuel consumption rose from about 1000 Tg in 1850 to 2460 Tg in 2000, an increase of 140%. In the late 19th century, biofuel consumption in North America was very high, ˜220-250 Tg/yr, because widespread land clearing supplied plentiful fuelwood. At that time biofuel use in Western Europe was lower, ˜180-200 Tg/yr. As fossil fuels became available, biofuel use in the developed world fell. Compensating changes in other parts of the world, however, caused global consumption to remain remarkably stable between 1850 and 1950 at ˜1200 ± 200 Tg/yr. It was only after World War II that biofuel use began to increase more rapidly in response to population growth in the developing world. Between 1950 and 2000, biofuel use in Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia grew by 170%, 160%, and 130%, respectively.

  15. Annual Statistical Supplement, 2000 (United States)

    Social Security Administration — The Annual Statistical Supplement, 2000 includes the most comprehensive data available on the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs. More than...

  16. Swiss energy statistics 2000; Schweizerische Gesamtenergiestatistik 2000/Statistique globale suisse de l'energie 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This comprehensive report presents the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2000. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The article also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2000 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Finally, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable sources of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power.

  17. Annual report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Article VI.J of the Agency's Statute requires the Board of Governors to submit 'an annual report to the General Conference concerning the affairs of the Agency and any projects approved by the Agency'. This report covers the period 1 January to 31 December 2000

  18. Marketing program for R2000 in Ontario

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Killins, B.L.


    In the Ontario new housing market, Ontario Hydro's goal is to reduce the demand for electricity, increase the utility's visibility in this market, and increase customer satisfaction. Analyses have demonstrated that it costs less to construct new houses according to R-2000 insulation standards than to install new power production and transmission facilities. Research has also shown that R-2000 houses have better air quality and energy efficiency than ordinary houses. Nevertheless, most home builders have little enthusiasm for R-2000 houses; the strictness of airtightness standards, the slowness of certification, excessive paperwork, and a lack of promised marketing support are cited as the reasons for this. Ontario Hydro and builders' associations have signed a cooperative agreement for certifying new houses with the object of self-financing the program. The program intends to see construction of 1,000 R-2000 houses in 1990. To carry out this objective, some elements have been added to Ontario Hydro's marketing program in order to make potential customers aware of the advantages of the R-2000 house. Field staff will receive rigorous training in order to prepare them for helping the diverse types of builders. A mail campaign, focusing on areas not served by natural gas where significant numbers of new houses are being built, intends to bring home builders and buyers together. In February 1990, Ontario Hydro signed agreements with four major housing manufacturers to construct a significant proportion of the R-2000 housing stock

  19. 2000 Scientific Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The report summarises the status and main achievements of various programmes at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in the year 2000. The report is structured along four main fields of activity: Radioactive Waste and Clean-up, Reactor Safety, the BR2 Reactor and Radiation Protection.

  20. 2000 Scientific Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report summarises the status and main achievements of various programmes at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in the year 2000. The report is structured along four main fields of activity: Radioactive Waste and Clean-up, Reactor Safety, the BR2 Reactor and Radiation Protection

  1. The 14th European Immunology Meeting--EFIS 2000. 23-27 September 2000, Poznañ, Poland. (United States)

    Wysocki, P J; Nawrocki, S; Mackiewicz, A


    The 14th European Immunology Meeting--EFIS 2000, held in Poznan, Poland on 23-27 September 2000, was the last major meeting of European immunologists in the second millennium. This conference was intended to summarise past achievements and to present future prospects in immunology. The philosophy of the scientific program was to fuse fundamental and clinical immunology and give a chance for basic scientists and clinicians to discuss mutual topics in a general view. There were eight state-of-art lectures, 12 'meet an expert' sessions, 20 plenary sessions and 46 workshops. More than 900 works were presented. Significant interest was focused on several aspects of cancer immunology and immunotherapy. EFIS 2000 was accompanied by six pre-congress satellite symposia held in various Polish cities. The topics were, 'Heat shock proteins: immune, stress response and apoptosis' (Gdansk), 'Infectious immunity and vaccines' (Kazimierz Dolny), 'Mononuclear phagocytes in basic and clinical immunology' (Cracow), 'Immunology of reproduction' (Poznan), 'Primary immunodeficiencies' (Warsaw) and 'Glycoimmunology' (Wroclaw).

  2. Important notice for Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 computers

    CERN Multimedia

    The NICE Team


    Microsoft is ending support for Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, which was introduced in 2002. As a consequence, computers running Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (or older versions1)) must be updated. It is recommended that Windows 2000 computers be re-installed with Windows XP Service Pack 2 (see If this is not possible for compatibility reasons, Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 must be installed to ensure the computers continue to receive security patches (see In the next few days, NICE 2000 computers requiring an update will receive a pop-up window with instructions. Users requiring help with the update can contact or call 78888. If your computer needs to be updated you are recommended to read the additional information available at The NICE Team 1) To determine your Windows service pack version, use the ‘Start' button and select ‘Run'. In the new window that open...

  3. Important notice for Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 computers

    CERN Multimedia

    The NICE Team


    Microsoft is ending support for Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, which was introduced in 2002. As a consequence, computers running Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (or older versions1) ) must be updated. It is recommended that Windows 2000 computers be re-installed with Windows XP Service Pack 2 (see If this is not possible for compatibility reasons, Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 must be installed to ensure the computers continue to receive security patches (see In the next few days, NICE 2000 computers requiring an update will receive a pop-up window with instructions. Users requiring help with the update can contact or call 78888. If your computer needs to be updated you are recommended to read the additional information available at The NICE Team 1) To determine your Windows service pack version, use the ‘Start' button and select ‘Run'. In the new window that opens, type ‘wi...

  4. 2000 Annual report; 2000 Informe anual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This annual report presents information of the main activities on the scope of radiation protection and nuclear safety of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) of the Argentina during 2000. The following activities and developed topic in this report describe: the Argentine regulatory system; the evolution of the nuclear regulatory activities in the Argentina since the beginnings in the National Atomic Energy Commission (NAEC) of Argentina; the nuclear regulatory laws and standards; the safeguards and inspection of the nuclear facilities and nuclear power plants; the radiological emergency systems; the environmental monitoring; the institutional relations with national and international organizations; the biological and physics dosimetry; the training courses and meetings; the economic and human recourses.

  5. Cambio y continuidad en las elecciones municipales del Estado de México, 1996-2015 /Change and Continuity in 1996-2015 State of Mexico Municipal Elections

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Cedillo Delgado


    Full Text Available El propósito del trabajo es comparar el proceso de cambio y continuidad ocurrido en las elecciones municipales del Estado de México; al mismo tiempo se analiza el avance en la representación política de las mujeres en los ayuntamientos. De manera comparativa y a través de un análisis interpretativo de los resultados electorales, se argumenta que en las elecciones municipales se pasa de un ambiente competitivo, plural y con elevada alternancia (1996-2006 a uno poco competitivo, de baja pluralidad y con un partido dominante (2006-2015. En materia del voto ciudadano, la teoría del condicionamiento sociodemográfico ha dejado de ser útil para explicar la distribución del voto, y en la integración de los ayuntamientos hay una evidente inequidad en la representación política de las mujeres. / The purpose of this article is to compare the changes and continuity in State of Mexico municipal elections. It also analyzes how much women’s political representation in municipalities has moved forward. The author compares and analyzes the electoral results, arguing that State of Mexico municipal elections have transitioned from a competitive, plural electoral environment with high levels of alternation in office from 1996 to 2006, to an atmosphere of less competition and pluralism with a single dominant party from 2006 to 2015. Socio-demographic conditioning theory no longer explains the distribution of balloting in mayoral elections, where women’s inequality of political representation is clear.

  6. Integração e continuidade do cuidado em modelos de rede de atenção à saúde para idosos frágeis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renato Peixoto Veras


    Full Text Available Foi realizada revisão crítica da literatura sobre modelos que tenham avaliado a efetividade de redes assistenciais integradas e coordenadas para a população idosa. Foram pesquisadas as seguintes bases bibliográficas: Pubmed, The Cochrane Library, Lilacs, Web of Science, Scopus e SciELO. Doze artigos sobre cinco modelos diferentes foram incluídos para a discussão. A análise da literatura mostrou que a prestação de serviços pautava-se na atenção básica incluindo serviços domiciliares. Os usuários contavam com a integração de atenção primária, hospitalar, centros dia, serviços domiciliares e serviços sociais. O plano de cuidados e a gestão de caso foram elementos chaves para a continuidade de cuidado. Essa abordagem mostrou-se efetiva nos estudos, reduzindo o uso da atenção hospitalar, o que resultou em economia para o sistema financiador. Houve redução da prevalência de perda funcional, melhora na satisfação e na qualidade de vida dos usuários e de seus familiares. A análise da literatura reforça a necessidade de se modificar a abordagem de assistência à saúde dos idosos, e a integração e coordenação dos serviços são formas eficientes para iniciar essa mudança.

  7. Doktoritööd : [2000

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    6. okt. 2000 TPÜ-s ökoloogia doktorikraadi kaitsmisnõukogu koosolekul tuleb kaitsmisele Tiiu Alliksaare doktoritöö "Spatial and temporal variability of the distribution of spherical fly-ash particles in sediments in Estonia". 15. dets. 2000 kaitsevad Mart Kivimäe TPÜ kultuuriajaloo doktoritööde kaitsmisnõukogu koosolekul doktoritööd "Dialoogiline historism. Ajaloomõtlemise kolm strateegiat ja nende dialoogisuhted minevikuga saksa teaduskultuuri näitel (R. Kosselleck, J. Rüsen, E. Nolte)" ja Hannes Walter doktoritööd "Eesti teenetemärgid"

  8. Aquatic Environment 2000

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, L. M.; Bijl, L. van der; Boutrup, S.

    The report summarizes the results of the Danish Aquatic Monitoring and Assessment Programme 1998-2003. Danish Environmental Protection Agency 2000: NOVA-2003. Programbeskrivelse for det nationale program for overvågning af vandmiljøet 1998-2003. 397 pp. - Redegørelse fra Miljøstyrelsen nr. 1 (in...




    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar la situación epidemiológica de la tuberculosis (TB) en la Región Sanitaria V (RSV), provincia de Buenos Aires. El estudio de tendencia permitió conocer un valor promedio de las variaciones de la tasa de incidencia (TI), calculadas por regresión lineal simple y expresadas como variación anual promedio (VAP). Se analizaron el número de casos notificados y TI por 100 000 habitantes de todas las formas de TB, los casos de TB pulmonar (TBP) y TBP confirmados por bacteriología, total casos por grupos de edad: 0 – 14; 15 – 29 y mayores de 64 años, entre el 1° de enero de 2000 al 31 de diciembre de 2011. La declinación de la TI fue menor al 5% para todas las formas de TB e inferior en las TBP confirmadas bacteriológicamente. Los casos de TBP y TI más elevadas, se concentraron en el grupo de 15 a 29 años, con tendencia estable o ligeramente ascendente de la TI en la TBP bacilífera. El mismo comportamiento presentaron los casos de TBP infantil con confirmación bacteriológica. La mayor velocidad de descenso en la TI de la TBP se produjo en este grupo de edad, mientras que en mayores de 64 años, el descenso fue sostenido en el tiempo. La TB persiste como un riesgo de salud en la RSV, con casos en edades jóvenes, por lo que sigue siendo necesario fortalecer el control de la TB en esta región. PMID:26117604

  10. JAERI TANDEM annual report 2000. April 1, 2000 - March 31, 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takeuchi, Suehiro; Ikezoe, Hiroshi; Chiba, Satoshi; Nagame, Yuichiro; Sataka, Masao; Iwamoto, Akira [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment] (eds.)


    This annual report describes research activities which have been performed with the JAERI tandem accelerator and the Van de Graaff accelerator from April 1, 2000 to March 31, 2001. Summary reports of 46 papers, and lists of publication, personnel and cooperative research with universities are contained. (author)

  11. Nuclear safety review for the year 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The nuclear safety review for the year 2000 reports on worldwide efforts to strengthen nuclear and radiation safety, including radioactive waste safety. It is in three parts: Part 1 describes those events in 2000 that have, or may have, significance for nuclear, radiation and waste safety worldwide. It includes developments such as new initiatives in international cooperation, events of safety significance and events that may be indicative of trends in safety; Part 2 describes some of the IAEA efforts to strengthen international co-operation in nuclear, radiation and waste safety during 2000. It covers legally binding international agreements, non-binding safety standards, and provisions for the application of safety standards. This is done in a very brief manner, because these issues are addressed in more detail in the Agency's Annual Report for 2000; Part 3 presents a brief look ahead to some issues that are likely to be prominent in the coming year(s). The topics covered were selected by the IAEA Secretariat on the basis of trends observed in recent years, account being taken of planned or expected future developments. A draft of the Nuclear Safety Review for the Year 2000 was presented to the March 2001 session of the IAEA Board of Governors. This final version has been prepared taking account of the discussion in the Board. In some places, information has been added to describe developments early in 2001 that were considered pertinent to the discussion of events during 2000. In such cases, a note containing the more recent information has been provided in the form of a footnote

  12. University of Washington Participation in SAFARI-2000 (United States)

    Hobbs, Peter V.


    This report presents a summary, of the participation in the 6-week field study in southern Africa. During the field study there were flown 119.02 research hours (31 research flights). In these flights the researchers obtained many unique data sets for evaluating the effects of biomass burning and other sources of particles and gases on the climate of southern Africa, and obtained simultaneous measurements with NASA ER-2 and Terra overflights. They also analyzed portions of the large data sets acquired in SAFARI-2000. They attended several SAFARI-2000 workshops, national and international conferences to present SAFARI-2000 results.

  13. ISO 9001 2000 : the quality management process

    CERN Document Server

    Tricker, Ray


    With the publication of ISO 9001:2000, there is now a single quality management ?requirements? standard that is applicable to all organisations, products and services. ISO 9001:2000 is the only standard that can be used for the certification of a QMS and its generic requirements can be used by any organisation.ISO 9001:2000 applies to all types or organisations. It is the quality standard which specifies the requirements of quality management systems for use where organisations need to demonstrate their capability to provide products and services which meet both customer needs and relevant reg

  14. The year 2000 problem as seen by manufacturers; Das Jahr-2000-Problem in deutschen Kernkraftwerken. Aus der Sicht der Hersteller

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Graf, A. [Siemens AG, Erlangen (Germany). Bereich KWU


    The Y2K problem has many facets due mainly to two reasons: The extremely wide use of microcomputers, and the complexity of automation in modern industrial plants. For the past two years, Siemens AG has been checking the Y2K conformity of its products. The result of these investigations is this: All automation equipment, almost without exception, is in conformity with the year 2000 requirements as it works without the date function causing the errors. A few occasional malfunctions were discovered in older computer-supported operating and monitoring stations and in process computer applications. However, malfunctions are not going to cause failures of the system but only make its use more difficult. (orig.) [German] Ursache des Jahr-2000-Problems ist die Unfaehigkeit gewisser aelterer Software, das Jahresdatum 2000 beim Uebergang der letzten beiden Ziffern von '99' auf '00' richtig zu verarbeiten. Potenziell betroffen sind alle Geraete und Systeme, die in irgendeiner Form Rechner oder Mikrorechner enthalten. Das Jahr-2000-Problem ist sehr vielschichtig. Dies resultiert im Wesentlichen aus zwei Gruenden: Der extrem weiten Verbreitung von Mikrorechnern und der Komplexitaet der Automatisierung moderner Industrieanlagen. Die Siemens AG ueberprueft seit zwei Jahren die 2000-Jahr-Konformitaet ihrer Produkte. Ergebnis der Untersuchungen ist: Automatisierungsgeraete sind fast ausnahmslos Jahr-2000 konform, da sie ohne die fehlerverursachenden Datumsfunktionen auskommen. Vereinzelte Fehlfunktionen wurden in aelteren rechnergestuetzten Bedien- und Beobachtungssystemen sowie in Prozessrechneranwendungen gefunden. Fehlfunktionen fuehren jedoch meist nicht zum Versagen des Systems, sondern erschweren nur dessen Nutzung. In den sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen der Kernkraftwerke werden ausschliesslich die vom Jahr-2000-Problem nicht betroffenen Automatisierungsgeraete eingesetzt. (orig.)

  15. SAFARI 2000 Aerosol Fatty Acid and Stable Isotope Data, Mongu, Dry Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — ABSTRACT: The Southern African Regional Science Initiative (SAFARI 2000) was conducted in part to investigate the impacts of the large-scale transport and deposition...

  16. SAFARI 2000 Aerosol Fatty Acid and Stable Isotope Data, Mongu, Dry Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Southern African Regional Science Initiative (SAFARI 2000) was conducted in part to investigate the impacts of the large-scale transport and deposition of...

  17. Proceedings Workshop on Generic Programming (WGP2000)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jeuring, J.T.


    This report contains the papers selected for presentation at the 2nd Workshop on Generic Programming (WGP2000), which was held on July 6, 2000 in Ponte de Lima, Portugal. Generic programming is about making programs more adaptable by making them more general. Generic programs often embody

  18. 12 CFR 7.2000 - Corporate governance procedures. (United States)


    ... OPERATIONS Corporate Practices § 7.2000 Corporate governance procedures. (a) General. A national bank proposing to engage in a corporate governance procedure shall comply with applicable Federal banking... 12 Banks and Banking 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Corporate governance procedures. 7.2000 Section...

  19. Annual Site Environmental Report, 2000 (ASER)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Russak, Hillary M.


    This report provides information about environmental programs and compliance with environmental regulations during 2000 at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). In addition, updates that may be of special interest, which occurred beyond 2000, are included. The most noteworthy information in this report is summarized in this section. This summary demonstrates the effective application of SLAC environmental management systems in meeting the site's Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) goals.

  20. Monitoring of radiation exposure. Annual report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rantanen, E.


    At the end of 2000, there were 1,779 valid safety licenses in Finland for the use of radiation. In addition, there were 2,038 responsible parties for dental x-ray diagnostics. The registry Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) listed 13,754 radiation sources and 270 radionuclide laboratories. In the year 2000 360 inspections were made concerning the safety licences and 53 concerning dental x-ray diagnostics. The import of radioactive substances amounted to 175,836 GBq and export to 74,420 GBq. Short-lived radionuclides produced in Finland amounted to 55,527 GBq. In the year 2000 there were 10,846 workers monitored for radiation exposure at 1,171 work sites. Of these employees, 27% received an annual dose exceeding the recording level. The annual effective dose limit was not exceeded. The total dose recorded in the dose registry(sum of the individual dosemeter readings) was 6.5 Sv in 2000

  1. PR Bibliography, 2000. (United States)

    Hiebert, Ray E., Ed.


    This annotated bibliography presents an overview of journal articles and books on public relations that can be helpful to teachers and students as well as to practitioners and managers. Categories for this 2000 edition correspond to knowledge needed by public relations undergraduate majors, as determined in a study conducted by the 1999 Commission…

  2. Update: outbreak of acute febrile illness among athletes participating in Eco-Challenge-Sabah 2000--Borneo, Malaysia, 2000. (United States)


    During September 7-11, 2000, CDC was notified by the Idaho Department of Health, the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, and the GeoSentinel Global Surveillance Network of at least 20 cases of acute febrile illness in three countries; all ill patients had participated in the Eco-Challenge-Sabah 2000 multisport expedition race in Borneo, Malaysia, during August 21-September 3, 2000. Participants included athletes from 29 U.S. states and 26 countries. This report updates the ongoing investigation of this outbreak through December 2, which suggests that Leptospira were the cause of illness and that water from the Segama River was the primary source of infection. Participants in adventure sports and exotic tourism should be aware of potential exposure to unusual and emerging infectious agents.

  3. LEAP2000: tools for sustainable energy analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heaps, C.; Lazarus, M.; Raskin, P. [SEU-Boston, Boston, MA (USA)


    LEAP2000 is a collaborative initiative, led by the Boston Center for the Stockholm Environment Institute, to create a new suite of analytical software and databases for integrated energy-environment analysis. The LEAP2000 software and the Technology and Environmental Database (TED) are described. 5 refs., 5 figs.

  4. International nuclear power status 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lauritzen, B.; Majborn, B.; Nonboel, E.; Oelgaard, P.L.


    This report is the seventh in a series of annual reports on the international development of nuclear power with special emphasis on reactor safety. For 2000, the report contains: 1. General trends in the development of nuclear power. 2. Deposition of low-level radioactive waste. 3. Statistical information on nuclear power production (in 1999). 4. An overview of safety-relevant incidents in 2000. 5. The development in Sweden. 6. The development in Eastern Europe. 7. The development in the rest of the world. 8. Trends in the development of reactor types. 9. Trends in the development of the nuclear fuel cycle. (au)

  5. Programme wood/energy 2000-2006. Activity Report for 2000-2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    When ADEME launched its Wood fuel programme throughout all of France in late 1999, its aim was to guide this resource supply chain to maturity and stable development in all user sectors: domestic, multi-family housing, commercial/institutional and industrial applications. To this end the Wood fuel Programme 2000-2006 was assigned objectives and endowed with significant financial means for studies and coordination in order to support and carry out general-interest projects, piloted by ADEME. The stated goal was to replace fossil fuels, avoid carbon emissions and establish quality assurance standards for household firewood and wood-fired devices. This report makes a status of ADEME's Wood fuel programme for the 2000-2004 era: - Domestic heating: After a drop during the 1990's, figures since 1999 of sales of wood-fuel domestic heating equipment (closed heaters, glass-door fires and stoves) have shown a significant rise. On average over 30 years, wood consumption has risen to 7.2 million TOE (40 million cubic metres) per year; - Industry: It is thought there are 1000 wood-fired heaters (above 1 megawatt) used in French industry. These are found mainly in timber-based industries and in timber crushing plants. This amounts to a total power output of 2.5 gigawatts. In the primary and secondary wood processing industries, the increase in the number of wood-fired boilers and energy produced has reached 5% per year Results of a call for carbon energy projects (APEC) was 61 submitted of which 52 were selected; 9 projects pending (166.5 K of aid from ADEME); and 35 projects begun (1,649 K of aid from ADEME). - Local authority and service sector wood-fired heating systems: At the end of 2004, the number of local authority active boilers was 641, producing 430 megawatts. This is an increase of an average of 13% year on year since 2000. By the end of 2004, the target had already been met for the number of boilers being financed (1,090). By 2006 however we still need to generate a

  6. Etiology of fetal and neonatal death is multifactorial


    Huiza, Lilia; Pacora, Percy; Ayala, Máximo; Buzzio, Ytala


    Objetivo: Identificar los factores etiopatogénicos asociados a la muerte fetal y neonatal de una población de la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Lugar: Hospital San Bartolomé en Lima, entre 1 de enero de 1996 y 31 de diciembre de 2000. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de todos los casos de muerte fetal mayor de 20 semanas de gestación y muerte neonatal antes de los 28 días de nacimiento sometidos a estudio de autopsia y anatomía patológica. Resultados: La prevalencia de muerte fetal fue 1,68% ...

  7. La muerte fetal y la muerte neonatal tienen origen multifactorial


    Lilia Huiza; Percy Pacora; Máximo Ayala; Ytala Buzzio


    Objetivo: Identificar los factores etiopatogénicos asociados a la muerte fetal y neonatal de una población de la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Lugar: Hospital San Bartolomé en Lima, entre 1 de enero de 1996 y 31 de diciembre de 2000. Material y Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de todos los casos de muerte fetal mayor de 20 semanas de gestación y muerte neonatal antes de los 28 días de nacimiento sometidos a estudio de autopsia y anatomía patológica. Resultados: La prevalencia de muerte fetal fue 1,68% ...

  8. Caracterización química del material particulado atmosférico del centro urbano de Huancayo, Perú


    Suárez-Salas, Luis; Álvarez Tolentino, Daniel; Bendezú, Yéssica; Pomalaya, José


    La ciudad de Huancayo, ubicada en los Andes centrales del Perú, presenta problemas de calidad del aire, siendo el principal contaminante el material particulado (MP). Por ello, el objetivo del presente artículo fue caracterizar la composición química del MP atmosférico colectados en una estación ubicada en el centro urbano de Huancayo. Se colectó MP en agosto del 2007, y enero, abril y mayo del 2008 con un equipo de bajo volumen (PARTISOL FRM 2000) y filtros de 47 mm. Se determinó la concentr...

  9. Tumores gástricos malignos en el Hospital San Juan de Dios y la Clínica Carlos Lleras Restrepo de Bogotá


    Viviana L. Arias; Mauricio A. Paláu; Juan José Yunis; Diana Palacios; Orlando Ricaurte


    Se revisaron 9.349 informes de estudios de especímenes quirúrgicos del archivo del Departamento de Patología del Hospital San Juan de Dios y la Clínica Carlos Lleras Restrepo de Bogotá en el tiempo comprendido entre enero 1 de 1999 y mayo 31 de 2000. Se seleccionaron los especímenes con diagnóstico de tumores gástricos que correspondieron al 8,61% de los casos; 2,41% fueron tumores benignos y 6,2% malignos De éstos 91,67% fueron adenocarcinomas, 2,78 % linfomas, 1,85% tumores carcinoides y 1,...

  10. Comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgos asociados a la aparición del cáncer cervicouterino en un área de salud


    Amaro Hernández, Francisco; Polo Cardoso, Katia; Mendoza del Pino, Mario; Pi Pareta, Leidy; Cardoso Nuñez, Oscarlyns


    Se realizó un estudio analítico y retrospectivo de casos y controles pareados sobre el comportamiento de algunos factores de riesgo asociados a la aparición del cáncer cervicouterino en el Policlínico Docente Rural X Aniversario, Camalote. La investigación se efectuó desde el 1 de enero de 1998 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2000. El universo para la toma de la muestra estuvo representado por el total de pacientes que se realizaron la citología orgánica en este período, lo que obedeció al progra...

  11. Husky Energy Inc. : 2000 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Financial information from Husky Energy Inc. was presented in this first annual report and a review of their 2000 operations was made available for the benefit of shareholders. Husky Energy is an integrated energy and energy-related company. With the acquisition of Renaissance Energy Ltd. in August 2000, Husky Energy became one of Canada's largest petroleum companies in terms of production and the value of its asset base. Upstream activities were focused in Western Canada, offshore Eastern Canada and in China. Sales and operating revenues in 2000 were $5,090 million, up 82 per cent from 1999. Strong commodity prices increased production volumes from new developments and acquisitions. The midstream business contributed to the profitability of the company. The acquisition of Renaissance Energy provided proved reserves of 390 million boe. The acquisition cost of reserves was about $6.50 per boe on a proved plus half-probable basis. Annual production volumes in 2000 averaged 176,800 boe per day, up considerably from 1999 due to the acquisition of the Valhalla and Wapiti properties in Western Canada. This report summarized the company's energy resource activities and presented an operations review as well as consolidated financial statements, and common share information. Revenue and expenditure statements were summarized by source. tabs., figs

  12. SAFARI 2000 Leaf Area Measurements at the Mongu Tower Site, Zambia, 2000-2002 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — ABSTRACT: Data from the LAI-2000 instrument were processed to determine the leaf area index (LAI) at the EOS Validation Core Site in Kataba Local Forest,...

  13. CTBTO Annual Report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report provides coverage of the achievements during the year 2000 in the implementation of the Commission's seven Major Programmes: International Monitoring System; International Data Centre; Communications; On-Site Inspection; Evaluation; Policy-Making Organs; and Administration, Coordination and Support. In regard to the International Monitoring System (IMS), the responsibilities of the Preparatory Commission include establishing a worldwide network of 321 stations (170 seismic, 60 infrasound, 11 hydroacoustic and 80 radionuclide stations) supported by 16 radionuclide laboratories. This network will be capable of registering vibrations underground, in the air and in the sea, as well as detect- ing radionuclides released into the atmosphere from a nuclear explosion. Much progress has been made in the IMS programme: about 31% of the stations have been installed or substantially meet the required specifications (compared with about 16% at the end of 1999); and 21 stations already send data to the International Data Centre over the Global Communications Infrastructure. A significant milestone was reached in 2000 with the first certification of stations as meeting all the technical requirements for IMS stations. By the end of 2000, the PTS had certified 11 stations. The main function of the International Data Centre (IDC) is to continuously monitor the data received from IMS stations for events that have characteristics of nuclear explosions and to send the results to all States Signatories for their final analysis. The Global Communications Infrastructure (GCI) provides for a two way transmission of data through a satellite communications network between the IMS stations, the IDC in Vienna and the National Data Centres (NDCs) of States Signatories. The plan for the establishment of the IDC is based on the experience of the prototype IDC in Arlington, Virginia, USA, and the PTS has benefited extensively from working in close cooperation with the prototype IDC to

  14. Fisheries Disaster Survey, 2000 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Responses to selected questions from the Social and Economic Survey administered in spring and summer 2000 to recipients of the second round (Round II) of financial...

  15. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Annual Program Review 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This book is submitted as one written part of the 2000 Annual DOE High Energy Physics Program Review of Fermilab, scheduled March 22-24, 2000. In it are Director's Overview, some experimental highlights, discussions of several projects, and descriptions of the functions and activities of the four laboratory divisions. This book should be read in conjunction with the 2000 Fermilab Workbook and the review presentations (both in formal sessions and at the poster session).

  16. Natura 2000 loob võrgustiku / Tiit Kändler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kändler, Tiit, 1948-


    Natura 2000 on EL looduskaitsepoliitika keskne vahend. Tegemist on võrgustikuga, mille moodustavad liikmesriikide kõige väärtuslikumad loodusalad. 2001. aastal on Lihula Euroopa looduskaitsevõrgustiku Natura 2000 pealinn Eestis

  17. Natura 2000 sai tuule tiibadesse Raplamaal / Ain Aivela

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aivela, Ain


    Natura 2000 idee jõudis Eestisse 2000. aastal, mil pilootprojekti raames ning Taani riigi rahalisel toel alustati Natura-võrgustiku eelvalikualade mahamärkimist Lääne- ja Raplamaal. Kommenteerinud Aleksei Lotman

  18. Energetic situation. January 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report makes a statement of the French energy consumption, demand, import and export in January 2000. Details are given separately for primary energy, solid mineral fuels, petroleum products, natural gas and electric power. (J.S.)

  19. SAFARI 2000 JRA Aerocommander Trace Gas, Aerosol, and CCN Data, Dry Season 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — As part of the 3rd Intensive Campaign of SAFARI 2000, the South African Weather Bureau Aerocommander, JRA, flew 19 missions, for a total of 28 separate flights...

  20. Efectos de la reforma contable en el patrimonio neto consolidado a 1 de enero de 2008 de los grupos españoles que no aplican normativa NIIF

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Legaz Ortiz


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza el efecto de los cambios en las políticas y criterios contables sobre el patrimonio neto consolidado a 1 de enero de 2008 de los grupos españoles, no cotizados, que no aplicaron las NIIF como consecuencia de la adaptación de la normativa contable, instrumentada a través del nuevo PGC y la nota explicativa del ICAC sobre las normas de formulación de cuentas anuales consolidadas. Asimismo, se evalúan los efectos de la transición a la nueva normativa teniendo en cuenta el tamaño de los grupos. Con este objetivo, se examinaron las cuentas anuales consolidadas de los 100 mayores grupos españoles formuladas de acuerdo con la normativa española, buscando diferencias significativas entre los patrimonios netos bajo ambas normativas. Los resultados obtenidos ofrecen evidencia sobre la ausencia de impacto significativo en el patrimonio neto consolidado de estos grupos españoles en la transición a las nuevas normas contables del ejercicio 2007 al 2008 y, con ello, de que la información resulta útil para los usuarios en cuanto a su comparabilidad. Por consiguiente, el hecho de que el Gobierno permitiera para los grupos (y empresas españoles que no aplican NIIF no presentar información comparativa, puede considerarse finalmente una decisión acertada, pues ha facilitado la transición a las nuevas normas sin coste de comparabilidad y sin problemas de presentación y conversión de las cifras anteriores.

  1. Annual Report 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) is an international research center using neutrons to probe the microscopic structure and dynamics of a broad range of materials. This annual report presents the ILL activities in 2000: the scientific highlights, the Millennium programme and the new developments, the workshops organized by the ILL, the experimental programme and the publications. (A.L.B.)

  2. Annual Report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) is an international research center using neutrons to probe the microscopic structure and dynamics of a broad range of materials. This annual report presents the ILL activities in 2000: the scientific highlights, the Millennium programme and the new developments, the workshops organized by the ILL, the experimental programme and the publications. (A.L.B.)

  3. Natura2000 : information and communication on the designation and management of Natura2000 sites : main report 3: towards integrated management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kruk, R.W.; Blust, de G.; Apeldoorn, van R.C.; Bouwma, I.M.; Sier, A.R.J.


    Natura2000 : information and communication on the designation and management of Natura2000 sites. For all member states information will be collected describing the necessary management approaches, their legal framework, public consultation procedures as well as timing, structure and content of

  4. LMHC/TWRS year 2000 equipment project renovation and contingency plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    ADAMS, M.R.


    A program has been completed to assess, renovate and document tank farm field equipment year 2000 compliance. A communication plan has also been prepared (see section 8.0). The objective of the program was to assure that no adverse effects occur in tank farm operations as a result of equipment malfunction due to the advent of year 2000. The purposes of this document are to: describe the process used to assess field equipment; document items found to be compliant; document items found to be non-compliant including options for making the equipment year 2000 functional and/or tolerant; describe location and management of field equipment year 2000 documentation; assess overall vulnerability of TWRS field equipment with regard to year 2000 problems and describe plans to communicate year 2000 equipment review results and corrective actions

  5. Swiss electricity statistics 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication by the Association of Swiss Electricity Enterprises for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) provides statistical information on electricity production, trading and consumption in Switzerland in 2000. Apart from a general overview of the Swiss electricity supply that includes details on power generation, energy transfer with neighbouring countries and data on prices, average consumption and capital investment, the publication also includes graphical representations of electrical energy flows in and out of Switzerland. Tables of data give information on electricity production, import and export for the years 1950 to 2000, the data being supplied for each hydrological year and the summer and winter seasons respectively. The production of power in Switzerland is examined in detail. Details are given on the development of production capacities and the various means of production together with their respective shares of total production. Further tables and diagrams provide information on power production in various geographical regions and on the management of pumped storage hydro-electricity schemes. A further chapter deals in detail with the consumption of electricity, its growth between 1984 and 2000 and its use in various sectors. A fifth chapter examines electricity consumption, generation, import and export on single, typical days, presenting data in tables and diagrams. The next chapter examines energy transfer with foreign countries and the trading structures involved. The final two chapters cover new and future power generation capacities and the economic considerations involved in the supply of electricity

  6. CSIR Technology Impact 2000

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This millennium issue of Technology Impact celebrates the CSIR's contributions during the transitional 1999/2000 year. It presents a rich canvas portrays technology solutions and information which have touched the lives of people both within...

  7. Wind energy report Germany 1999/2000. Annual evaluation of WMEP; Windenergie Report Deutschland 1999/2000. Jahresauswertung des WMEP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Durstewitz, M.; Ensslin, C.; Hahn, B.; Hoppe-Klipper, M.; Rohrig, K. (comps.)


    The 1999/2000 issue of the annual evaluations of the scientific measurement and evaluation programme (WMEP) is the tenth regular publication of operational results from the wind turbines included in the ''250 MW Wind'' funding programme. Besides depicting the current state of the technology, a reflection on the long-term and successful development of this still young technology is offered. With the approval of a fourth project phase (2000 - 2004) it has been ensured that, also in coming years, particular attention can be paid to long-term behaviour in regard to reliability, life span and operational costs. (orig.) [German] Die vorliegende Jahresauswertung 1999/2000 des ''wissenschaftlichen mess- und evaluierungsprogramms'' (WMEP) stellt bereits die zehnte Ausgabe der regelmaessigen Veroeffentlichung von Betriebsergebnissen der Windenergieanlagen im Foerderprogramm ''250 MW Wind'' dar. Sie bietet damit neben der Darstellung des aktuellen Stands der Technik auch einen Rueckblick auf die langjaehrige und erfolgreiche Entwicklung dieser noch jungen Technologie. Mit dem Auftrag einer vierten Projektphase (zunaechst 2000 bis 2002) ist sichergestellt, dass auch in den kommenden Jahren besonders auf das Langzeitverhalten hinsichtlich Zuverlaessigkeit, Lebensdauer und Betriebskosten eingegangen werden kann. (orig.)

  8. Presentación clínica de tuberculosis en pacientes VIH+ atendidos en el Hospital Santo Tomás, Panamá. Enero a julio del 2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardino Denis


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir las presentaciones clínicas de la tuberculosis en los pacientes VIH+ atendidos en el Hospital Santo Tomás de enero a julio de 2009. Metodología: se trata de un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo que consistió en la revisión de expedientes clínicos de los pacientes que presentaron coinfección de tuberculosis y VIH en el Hospital Santo Tomás durante el primer semestre del año 2009. Se analizó el universo de pacientes. Se utilizó un formulario para la recolección de los datos y para el análisis de los datos se calcularon frecuencias, modas, medianas y promedios. Se utilizo el programa EpiInfo 3.5.1 y se realizaron los gráficos con Microsoft Office Excel. Resultados: La relación hombres : mujeres fue de 3 : 1. Se observó una mayor frecuencia de pacientes procedentes del corregimiento de Juan Díaz (13,5% Calidonia (10,4% Santa Ana (10,4%. La presentación clínica predominante fue la pulmonar (64,4% seguida por la mixta (20% y la extrapulmonar (15,6%; entre las formas extrapulmonares la más frecuente fue la ganglionar (37,5%. Conclusiones: La presentación clínica pulmonar reporta es de 64,4%; extrapulmonar, 15,6%; y mixta, 20,0%. Entre las presentaciones extrapulmonares, la presentación ganglionar se reporta en 37,5%. El método clínico radiológico es el medio diagnóstico más usado (76% a diferencia de otros estudios.

  9. ITER council proceedings: 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    No ITER Council Meetings were held during 2000. However, two ITER EDA Meetings were held, one in Tokyo, January 19-20, and one in Moscow, June 29-30. The parties participating in these meetings were those that partake in the extended ITER EDA, namely the EU, the Russian Federation, and Japan. This document contains, a/o, the records of these meetings, the list of attendees, the agenda, the ITER EDA Status Reports issued during these meetings, the TAC (Technical Advisory Committee) reports and recommendations, the MAC Reports and Advice (also for the July 1999 Meeting), the ITER-FEAT Outline Design Report, the TAC Reports and Recommendations both meetings), Site requirements and Site Design Assumptions, the Tentative Sequence of technical Activities 2000-2001, Report of the ITER SWG-P2 on Joint Implementation of ITER, EU/ITER Canada Proposal for New ITER Identification

  10. Land-use trends related to Natura2000 sites in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levin, Gregor; Nainggolan, Doan; Frederiksen, Pia


    EU-member states are obliged to designate Natura2000 sites for habitat protection. Natura2000 sites comprise approximately 18 percent of the terrestrial area of the EU. On average, around 22 percent of Natura2000 sites are covered by agricultural land use, such as intensive cropland and more...... extensively managed land. Particularly in regions with high proportions of agricultural land use in Natura2000 sites, habitat protection is closely linked with the intensity of agricultural land use. Thus, it is important to understand dynamics between intensive and extensive land use. Denmark, where Natura......2000 sites comprise approximately 8 percent of the terrestrial area, is the EU member state with the highest proportion of agricultural land use in Natura2000 sites. The Habitat Directive (HD) was implemented in Denmark in 2003. This implied increased focus from authorities on extensification...

  11. Energy situation. November 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report makes a status of the French energy consumption, demand, import and export since January 1998 and up to November 2000. Details are given separately for primary energy, solid mineral fuels, petroleum products, natural gas and electric power. (J.S.)

  12. Energy situation. September 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report gives a status of the French energy consumption, demand, import and export since January 1998 and up to September 2000. Details are given separately for primary energy, solid mineral fuels, petroleum products, natural gas and electric power. (J.S.)

  13. Energy situation. July 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report makes a status of the French energy consumption, demand, import and export since January 1998 and up to July 2000. Details are given separately for primary energy, solid mineral fuels, petroleum products, natural gas and electric power. (J.S.)

  14. Energy situation. May 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report makes a statement of the French energy consumption, demand, import and export since January 1998 and up to May 2000. Details are given separately for primary energy, solid mineral fuels, petroleum products, natural gas and electric power. (J.S.)

  15. Net Carbon Emissions from Deforestation in Bolivia during 1990-2000 and 2000-2010: Results from a Carbon Bookkeeping Model. (United States)

    Andersen, Lykke E; Doyle, Anna Sophia; del Granado, Susana; Ledezma, Juan Carlos; Medinaceli, Agnes; Valdivia, Montserrat; Weinhold, Diana


    Accurate estimates of global carbon emissions are critical for understanding global warming. This paper estimates net carbon emissions from land use change in Bolivia during the periods 1990-2000 and 2000-2010 using a model that takes into account deforestation, forest degradation, forest regrowth, gradual carbon decomposition and accumulation, as well as heterogeneity in both above ground and below ground carbon contents at the 10 by 10 km grid level. The approach permits detailed maps of net emissions by region and type of land cover. We estimate that net CO2 emissions from land use change in Bolivia increased from about 65 million tons per year during 1990-2000 to about 93 million tons per year during 2000-2010, while CO2 emissions per capita and per unit of GDP have remained fairly stable over the sample period. If we allow for estimated biomass increases in mature forests, net CO2 emissions drop to close to zero. Finally, we find these results are robust to alternative methods of calculating emissions.

  16. Proceedings of the IRI task force activity 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radicella, Sandro M.


    This internal report of the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) contains presentations delivered during the International Reference Ionosphere Task Force Activity 2000 which took place at the Abdus Salam ICTP during July 2000. The 2000 Task Force Activity is the seventh successful encounter of specialists organized by the URSI-COSPAR IRI Working Group and the Aeronomy and Radiopropagation Laboratory of the ICTP of Trieste, Italy. The main topic of this task force activity was the modeling of the topside ionosphere and the development of strategies for modeling of ionospheric variability

  17. Turundustegu 2000 : ego pani end maksma / Margo Kokerov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kokerov, Margo, 1978-


    Marketingi Instituudi, Turunduskeskuse ja Emori korraldatud konkursist Eesti Turundustegu 2000. Ülevaade finaaltöödest - A. Le Coq'i turuosa kasv, Dynamo kõnepakett, Eesti väljapanek Expo 2000-1, Hiirte juust ja Ego järelmaksukaart

  18. LEGO Koncern 2000 - 2003 - en årsagsanalyse


    Rosenberg, Morten; Özbudak, Devrim; Møller, Mads; Herneth, Daniel


    Denne rapport omhandler LEGO Koncernens økonomiske krise i årene 2000-2003. Vores videnskabsteoretiske er Kritisk realisme og vi bruger i projektet; en regnskabsanalyse, komparativ rapport og en PEST-analyse Denne rapport omhandler LEGO Koncernens økonomiske krise i årene 2000-2003. Vores videnskabsteoretiske er Kritisk realisme og vi bruger i projektet; en regnskabsanalyse, komparativ rapport og en PEST-analyse

  19. Indicaciones del meprobamato en personas de 60 años de edad y más en Ciudad de La Habana, 2000-2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Julia García Milian


    Full Text Available Teniendo en cuenta las evidencias de un consumo elevado del meprobamato (10,4 % de los pacientes de la tercera edad lo consumen y es el 4,2 % del total de los medicamentos consumidos por ellos, además de un aumento en el consumo nacional del medicamento expresado en DDD (1996-3,4 a 1999-4,2/1 000 habitantes. Se decidió realizar un estudio de utilización de medicamentos indicación-prescripción que permitiera identificar los diagnósticos más frecuentes que motivaron la prescripción del medicamento y las especialidades que lo prescriben en Ciudad de La Habana en el período de septiembre de 2000 a enero de 2001. Se encuestó el 86,6 % de la muestra y se identificó la indicación del meprobamato en 11 afecciones; la hipertensión arterial constituyó la más frecuente y la Medicina General Integral la especialidad que más lo prescribe. Se recomienda la realización de una intervención sobre hipertensión arterial en Atención Primaria de Salud y educar a la población en el tratamiento de dicha enfermedad, así como los usos y riesgos del meprobamato.Taking into account the evidences of an elevated consumption of meprobamate (10.4 % of the patients at the third age take it, and it accounts for 4.2 % of the total of drugs consumed by them, and an increase in the national consumption of the drug expressed in DDD (from 1996-3.4 to 1999-4.2/1 000 inhabitants, it was decided to carry out a study on the use of indication-prescription drugs that allowed to identify the most frequent diagnoses leading to the prescription of drugs and the specialties of the physicians prescribing it in Havana City, from September, 2000, to January, 2001. 86.6 % of the sample were surveyed and the indication of meprobamate was found in 11 affections. Arterial hypertension was the most common affection and General Comprehensive Medicine was the specialty prescribing it the most. It was recommended to make an intervention on arterial hypertension in Primary Health

  20. Magnetismo 2000 (United States)

    Cardús, J. O.; Curto, J. J.; Sanclement, E.; Torta, J. M.

    This CD-ROM presents the digital version of the Boletin del Observatorio del Ebro Magnetismo. It contains data obtained in the Magnetic Station of the Ebre Observatory during the year 2000. The structure of the CD-ROM consists of one directory numbered with the year of the measurement. There, it could be found the bulletin as printable sheets (Year.pdf) generate with Adobe Acrobat and data files in plain ASCII text (Year.wdc) readable with any text editor. These data files were compiled according to the data exchange format recommended by the IAGA-2002.

  1. Tribology in 2000 and beyond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prashad, H.


    The proceeding of Second International Conference on Industrial Tribology with a theme of Tribology in 2000 and beyond offers a platform to focus the achievements of tribology by 2000 and the future advancement of this discipline in the 21st Century. The conference dealt with the use of synthetic, environment friendly, multigrade lubricants, friction modifiers, increased wear resistant surface treatment, use of magnetic bearings and optimum energy saving bearing design to enhance the performance of the equipment. The papers included in this proceeding is of interest to industries like steel, petroleum, engineering, power generation as well as for academic institutions and research laboratories from India and abroad. Papers relevant to INIS are indexed separately

  2. Migration towards Windows 2000/XP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gal, J.


    The article deals with interesting technical solutions used in the project 'Migration towards Windows 2000/XP', which was introduced by the company AITEN, Plc for companies SE Plc, SEPS Plc and TEKO, Plc in the period 2002 and 2003. The contents of the project was migration of about 100 servers and more than 4 000 PC to the Windows 2000 and XP environs. The result of the project is a unified and documented system in the field of file, print and small application servers and PC. It has enabled to increase the system reliability and availability, to decrease the total costs for administration and operation and to establish the steady environs for users of the applications. (author)

  3. Nuclear power: Year 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siegel, J.R.


    This paper offers a contrary view on the future of nuclear power in the U.S. Contrarian, in that it argues that it is quite possible that the installed U.S. nuclear capacity in the year 2000 will be in the range of 250GWe. This projection is based on the longer view - a 20-30 year picture - of the price trends of the fuels commercially available to make electricity. And on the belief that other projections of nuclear capacity for the year 2000, while generally acknowledging the need to add significant amounts of new electricity capacity, are essentially discounting nuclear power. And thus, are ignoring fundamental economics. The logic for the projected 250 GWe follows: The demand for electricity is continuing to grow, albeit at a slower rate than that experienced prior to 1973; The excess generating capacity in the construction pipeline, which developed during the 1970s as economic growth rates came in at half the projections made in 1973, has been worked off; in fact, the pendulum has swung past the mid-point; U.S. utilities need to order an additional 200-350 GWe of capacity for service between 1992 and 2000; The real capital costs of plants, particularly nuclear plants, ordered in the 1980s will be less than that being completed today, as this new plant will be completed on a more expedient basis for reliability reasons, and built in an improved financial climate for utilities; Owing primarily to more favorable economics, but also to environmental considerations, at least half of new generating capacity will be nuclear

  4. Activity report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document draws out an overview of the actions carried out by the Andra (the French national agency of radioactive wastes) during the year 2000 in the framework of its three main missions: the warranty of radioactivity confinement, the scientific research on radioactive waste management and the development of the public information in this domain. The management report of the agency is given in appendix. (J.S.)

  5. 2000-2006 National Wood Energy Programme. 2000-2005 Activities Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    component in developing wood energy. In this context, wood energy will be a key part of the fight against climate change and the development of renewable sources of energy. This report presents: 1 - the Wood Energy issues, advantages and key figures, and the evaluation of resources; 2 - The 2000-2006 Programme: objectives (domestic heating, industrial heating systems, urban, public and tertiary heating), operation (ADEME programme leadership (2000-2005), partnerships and State Region planning contracts, the funding system for Wood Energy projects (2000-2005, modified in November 2004 and the other financial instruments (FOGIME/FIDEME); 3 - 2000-2005 Assessment: results by sector (domestic wood-fired heating, industrial, public and tertiary sectors); supply development and structuring (supply systems and regional diversity, growth in suppliers, supply structuring, emergence of new players in the market, biomass resources and forestry work, developing the use of wood chips, the impact of collecting slash); Information and communication (leadership and promotion, publications supported by ADEME); Appendixes: fuels and energy content, detailed report, studies funded by ADEME; ADEME's presentation; 2005 R and D projects

  6. Wind energy in Canada: an action plan to 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The role of the CanWEA (Canadian Wind Energy Association) is to promote the development and application of wind energy technology, products and services. CanWEA has established targets with regard to the future development of wind energy. Present targets include (1) the installation of 500 MW of wind generated electric capacity by the year 2000, and at least 5,000 MW by the year 2010, (2) the installation or export of 15,000 wind powered water pumping systems by the year 2000, (3) the installation of 2,500 micro-wind systems by the year 2000, and (4) the development of a Canadian wind energy industry which generates $200 million in annual sales by the year 2000

  7. Meningen over abortus in West-Europa, 1981-2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Need, Ariana; Ultee, Wouter; Levels, Mark; Tienen, Marike van


    Summary Abortion attitudes in Western Europe, 1981-2000 This article answers descriptive and explanatory questions about abortion attitudes in Western Europe between 1981 and 2000. It explains country differences and trends in these attitudes with abortion laws of states, with the norms that prevail

  8. CORINE Land Cover 2000 (IandCLC2000)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novacek, J.


    Remote Sensing for the Earth is one of the method for obtaining of information about objects of the Earth surface. Satellite snapshots were basic source of information for this project. Slovak Environmental Agency was the coordinator of this project to the Slovak Republic and co-research organisation was Geographic Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences. Interpretation of satellite snapshots enabled to obtain information about position and area of natural ranges of 44 classes of landscape cover of Europe, from which in the Slovakia occurs 31 classes. Resulting thematic layers of landscape cover of the Slovakia during the years 1990 and 2000 are significant for analysis of trends, reasons and implications of nature and social processes which proceeds in the time and place of given territory

  9. The Presidential Sweepstakes 2000. (United States)

    Doyle, Denis P.


    In the 2000 presidential campaigns, both Vice-President Al Gore and Texas Governor George W. Bush want to enlarge the federal role in education. In separate essays, Bush and Gore explain their plans to invest more federal dollars in improving poor children's educational progress and opportunities. (MLH)

  10. LD in AD 2000. (United States)

    Smith, Bert Kruger

    The author discusses potential problems and benefits for learning disabled (LD) students in the year 2000. Considered are developments in three areas: human engineering (such as the role of amniocentesis in prevention of disabilities), education (including new audiovisual technology and a restructuring of secondary education), and human…

  11. Swisswoodhouse -a building for the 2000-Watt Society; Swisswoodhouse - ein Gebaeude fuer die 2000-Watt-Gesellschaft - Synthesebericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Menz, T.; Wallbaum, H.; Hardziewski, R.; Graf, S.; Trachsel-Gerber, N.; Koschenz, M.; Guentert, P.


    This report deals with a building conceived to meet the requirements of the Swiss '2000-Watt Society' concept. The aims of the project are discussed which feature the demonstration of a forward-looking architectural layout, comfortable and healthy living, environmentally compatible and low resource consumption, standardisation and cost reduction. The report contains seven sections: Basics of the '2000-Watt Society' concept, optimisation of the whole building system, investor-orientated rating, use-oriented monitoring system, the development of the building, standardised building technology and, finally, a description of this pilot project.

  12. Globex Resources Ltd. : annual report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Financial information from Globex Resources Ltd. was presented and a review of their 2000 operations was made available for the benefit of shareholders. The company's core oil and gas business activities include exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas in Western Canada. The company plans to continue to increase its reserves and production base in Canada through exploration and development drilling and through strategic acquisitions. Globex is also planning a high impact project in Atlantic Canada, in New Brunswick for the medium- to long-term. In 2000, revenues more than doubled and cash flow tripled to $4.1 million. Earnings also increased nearly 8 times to $2.4 million. Net asset value per share also doubled and production increased by 16 per cent to 713 boe/day. In 2000, Globex Resources acquired 5 per cent of Corridor Resources Inc. This report summarized the company's energy resource activities and presented an operations review as well as consolidated financial statements, and common share information. Revenue and expenditure statements were summarized by source. tabs., figs

  13. Dossier 'thermal regulation 2000'. Reconciling building and environment; Dossier RT 2000. Reconcilier batiment et environnement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grumel, N.


    The works that led to the setup of the new French thermal regulation (TR 2000) for buildings started in 1997 and were carried out by the general direction of urbanism, accommodation and construction (DGUHC) of the ministry of equipment, transport and accommodation, by the agency of environment and energy mastery (Ademe) and by the scientific and technical committee of building trade. The different steps of buildings construction have been reviewed with specialists, industrialists, energy suppliers, design offices, federation of companies and other professional organisms, in order to reduce the energy consumption of buildings and their impact on the environment. The new regulation is based on the determination of the 'C coefficient', the conventional energy consumption coefficient, and of reference values for the six steps of the elaboration of a construction project. The TR 2000 will be enforced in June 1, 2001. Today, the air conditioning is not concerned by the TR 2000, but will be included in 2003. This dossier presents the different aspects of the new thermal regulation. (J.S.)

  14. Global Mangrove Forests Distribution, 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Global Mangrove Forests Distribution, 2000 data set is a compilation of the extent of mangroves forests from the Global Land Survey and the Landsat archive with...

  15. Diagnóstico molecular del Cáncer de mama por el oncogén HER-2/NEU mediante la técnica de Fish para el Departamento del Cauca (Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Osorio


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la presencia del gen Her2-/neu en una muestra de 28 pacientes con diagnóstico decáncer de mama a quienes se les realizaron biopsias o mastectomías desde enero de 2000 afebrero de 2002. Las láminas embebidas en parafina fueron suministradas por la Compañía dePatólogos del Cauca y el Departamento de Patología del Hospital Universitario San Joséde Popayán; Cauca. Se utilizó la técnica de Hibridización in situpor Fluorescencia (FISH paravisualizar copias del gen Her-2/neu.

  16. Land-use trends related to Natura2000 sites in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levin, Gregor; Nainggolan, Doan; Frederiksen, Pia


    EU-member states are obliged to designate Natura2000 sites for habitat protection. Natura2000 sites comprise approximately 18 percent of the terrestrial area of the EU. On average, around 22 percent of Natura2000 sites are covered by agricultural land use, such as intensive cropland and more...... and change in area of extensive land use for two periods: From 2000 to 2003, before the implementation of the HD and from 2003 to 2013, after its implementation. In order to control for the influences of biophysical constraints on agricultural intensity, we included information on slopes and peat soil...... extensively managed land. Particularly in regions with high proportions of agricultural land use in Natura2000 sites, habitat protection is closely linked with the intensity of agricultural land use. Thus, it is important to understand dynamics between intensive and extensive land use. Denmark, where Natura...

  17. Global Estimated Net Migration Grids by Decade: 1970-2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Global Estimated Net Migration by Decade: 1970-2000 data set provides estimates of net migration over the three decades from 1970 to 2000. Because of the lack of...

  18. Potential Environmental Justice (EJ) areas in Region 2 based on 2000 Census [EPA.EJAREAS_2000 (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Potential Environmental Justice (EJ) areas in Region 2 . This dataset was derived from 2000 census data and based on the criteria setforth in the Region 2 Interim...

  19. Increasing educational disparities in premature adult mortality, Wisconsin, 1990-2000. (United States)

    Reither, Eric N; Peppard, Paul E; Remington, Patrick L; Kindig, David A


    Public health agencies have identified the elimination of health disparities as a major policy objective. The primary objective of this study is to assess changes in the association between education and premature adult mortality in Wisconsin, 1990-2000. Wisconsin death records (numerators) and US Census data (denominators) were compiled to estimate mortality rates among adults (25-64 years) in 1990 and 2000. Information on the educational status, sex, racial identification, and age of subjects was gathered from these sources. The effect of education on mortality rate ratios in 1990 and 2000 was assessed while adjusting for age, sex, and racial identification. Education exhibited a graded effect on mortality rates, which declined most among college graduates from 1990 to 2000. The relative rate of mortality among persons with less than a high school education compared to persons with a college degree increased from 2.4 to 3.1 from 1990-2000-an increase of 29%. Mortality disparities also increased, although to a lesser extent, among other educational groups. Despite renewed calls for the elimination of health disparities, evidence suggests that educational disparities in mortality increased from 1990 to 2000.

  20. Authorship Trends in Spine Publications from 2000 to 2015. (United States)

    Haws, Brittany E; Khechen, Benjamin; Movassaghi, Kamran; Yom, Kelly H; Guntin, Jordan A; Cardinal, Kaitlyn L; Shoshana, Noah B; Singh, Kern


    Literature review. To examine changes in authorship characteristics for Spine publications from the year 2000-2015. Scientific publications are considered an indication of academic achievement for physicians. Recently, authorship trends have been investigated, however, limited information is available on this topic within spine-specific literature. Original research articles published in Spine in the years 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 were evaluated. Authorship characteristics were collected for each article, including the number of authors and institutions per publication, first and last author gender, publication origin, and highest degree held by the first and last author. Trends over time were analyzed using numeric and visual descriptive analyses including percentages, means, standard deviations, and graphs. An average of 506 articles per year were published in Spine during the years 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015. The number of articles written by ≥ 10 authors increased during this time (0.9% to 14.4%). There was a substantial increase in the number of multiple institutional affiliations (33.6% to 68.7%) and articles originating from outside North America (47.6% to 55.7%) from 2000 to 2015. The percentage of first authors with bachelor's degrees was higher in 2015 (6.6%) as compared to 2000 (1.4%), and more last authors were identified as MD/PhDs in 2015 (19.2%) than in 2000 (10.0%). Similar female representation was noted for first and last authorship for all years evaluated. The results of this study demonstrate increases in authors per article published in Spine from 2000 to 2015. Additionally, first authors were more likely to hold bachelor's degrees over time. This may be attributed to increasing competition in spine-related fields, necessitating earlier research exposure to aid in academic achievement. Interestingly, the percentage of female authorship has not changed significantly over time, in contrast with much of the previous literature. 2.

  1. Toiduainetööstuse TOP 100 aastal 2000

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Toiduainetööstuse käibe TOP 75; Toiduainetööstuse käibekasvu TOP 60; Toiduainetööstuse kasumi TOP 80; Kahjumi TOP 15; Toiduainetööstuse kasumi kasvu TOP 60; Rentaabluse TOP 50; varade tootlikkuse TOP 50; Toiduainetööstuse finantsandmed aastal 2000; Toiduainetööstuse üldandmed aastal 2000

  2. Colfax County 2000 Census Tracts (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  3. Otero County 2000 Census Tracts (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  4. Socorro County 2000 Census Tracts (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  5. Catron County 2000 Census Tracts (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  6. POPULATION Total Population CTs 2000 (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  7. Sierra County 2000 Census Tracts (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  8. Curry County 2000 Census Tracts (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  9. Harding County 2000 Census Blocks (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  10. POPULATION Total Population BGs 2000 (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  11. POPULATION Total Population COS 2000 (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  12. Bernalillo County 2000 Census Tracts (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  13. Eddy County 2000 Census Tracts (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  14. Indian Ocean Near Real-Time Temperature Profile Data from the GTSPP project from 01 January 2000 to 31 December 2000 (NODC Accession 0000584) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Physical data were collected from XBT casts from the Indian Ocean. Data were collected from 01 January 2000 to 31 December 2000. Data were submitted by the...

  15. Annual Report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report gives the activities during the year 2000 and information about the General Direction of the Energy and Raw Materials (DGEMP) in France. The highlights of the year are discussed in the main following topics: public utilities, the Erika oil slick, the petroleum products prices increase, the energy efficiency national program, Eole 2005, the nuclear industry management. The french energy accounting, the publications and the organization of the DGEMP are also provided. (A.L.B.)

  16. FBCOT: a fast block coding option for JPEG 2000 (United States)

    Taubman, David; Naman, Aous; Mathew, Reji


    Based on the EBCOT algorithm, JPEG 2000 finds application in many fields, including high performance scientific, geospatial and video coding applications. Beyond digital cinema, JPEG 2000 is also attractive for low-latency video communications. The main obstacle for some of these applications is the relatively high computational complexity of the block coder, especially at high bit-rates. This paper proposes a drop-in replacement for the JPEG 2000 block coding algorithm, achieving much higher encoding and decoding throughputs, with only modest loss in coding efficiency (typically Coding with Optimized Truncation).

  17. 1995-2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Toledo


    Full Text Available El trabajo analiza el proceso mediante el cual los individuos desempleados obtienen una nueva ocupación, prestando particular atención al tema del capital social individual. Para ello se estima un modelo de datos ordenados para la probabilidad de empleo utilizando datos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH para el periodo 1995-2000. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el capital social individual es un factor importante para garantizar una reinserción laboral no precaria. Sin embargo, es muy claro que la solución al problema del desempleo y la precariedad resulta ser sumamente compleja e involucra otro conjunto de factores relevantes.

  18. 30. IX kuni 31. XII 2000 toimus Makedoonia Vabariigis...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    III rahvusvaheline graafikatriennaal "Bitola 2000" teemadel "2000 aastat kristlust" ja "Metamorfoos". Eestist osalesid Peeter Allik, Sirje Eelma, Kelli Kagovere, Avo Keerend, Ilmar Kruusamäe, Raul Meel, Benjamin Vasserman. Peapreemia - poola graafiku Mira Boczniowiczi töö "Empire Sign".


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leo Willyanto Santoso


    Full Text Available All sectors of society including softwere industry, have a big concern about quality, both of product quality and service quality. The need to manage risk, has a strong relation with quality and increases system complexity. Standarization in determining quality, ISO is a must for all software developer. If we study further, ISO 9001:2000 still has some weakness especially for implementation in software product. This paper presents a comparative analysis of quality approaches to risk management. This paper also provide a general overview of all the risks aspects treated in ISO 9001:2000 standards and CMMI model version 1.1. In this research, we obtain a strategy to implement ISO 9001:2000 and CMMI together when we make a planing to increase software process. Besides it produces analysis how to change position from ISO 9001:2000 to CMMI. In the implementation on software industry PT 'X', obtain get various benefits that has never been obtained before. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Semua hal dalam hidup ini selalu memperhatikan masalah kualitas, baik itu berupa kualitas produk ataupun kualitas layanan. Pada industri perangkat lunak, hal ini tidak dibedakan, kebutuhan untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas akan meningkatkan kekompleksan dari sebuah sistem. Standarisasi dalam penentuan kualitas, ISO sudah menjadi keharusan bagi para pengembang perangkat lunak. Apabila diteliti lebih lanjut, ISO 9001:2000 masih mempunyai banyak kekurangan, khususnya untuk diaplikasikan dalam produk perangkat lunak.Pada penelitian ini, akan dibahas analisis perbandingan dengan melakukan pendekatan kualitas untuk meningkatkan proses perangkat lunak dengan melakukan mapping antara ISO 9001:2000 dengan CMMI. Hal-hal yang dibahas berupa aspek-aspek dari standard ISO dan CMMI versi 1.1. Pada penelitian ini, dapat diperoleh strategi untuk menerapkan ISO 9001:2000 dan CMMI secara sinergi ketika merencanakan untuk melakukan peningkatan proses perangkat lunak. Selain itu

  20. HANDI 2000 project execution plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The HANDI 2000 project will meet some of the major objectives and goals of the PHMC Management and Integration Plan, HNF-MP-00/Rev. 11, by integrating the major Hanford business processes and their supporting information systems

  1. Las puntas y rejas prehispánicas de metal en los Andes y su continuidad hasta el presente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Les pointes et les socs préhispaniques en métal dans les Andes et leur continuité jusqu’à aujourd’hui Résumé: Cet article tente de montrer la continuité entre les instruments à usages multiples composés de pointes et des socs en cuivre arsenical insérés sur des manches en bois qui ont été élaborés à partir de 900 d. C. par les Sicán de Batán Grande, département de Lambayeque (Pérou, et certains instruments en acier utilisés actuellement dans les Andes du nord du Pérou et du sud de l’Équateur : les barretas, barretillas, barretones et les petites pelles. Il s’agit d’indiquer, sur la base d’informations ethnographiques, la relation entre ces instruments et les allachus, kituchis et chaquitacllas dont se servent les paysans des hautes terres du centre et du sud du Pérou, ceci dans le but de contribuer à l’élaboration d’une histoire de la technologie andine. Este artículo intenta, por un lado, mostrar la continuidad entre las herramientas multiusos elaboradas a partir de 900 d.C. por los sicanes de Batán Grande, departamento de Lambayeque (Perú, compuestas por puntas y rejas de cobre arsenical insertadas en cabos de madera y algunos de los instrumentos de acero utilizados actualmente en los Andes del norte del Perú y del sur del Ecuador: barretas, barretillas, barretones y pequeñas lampas. Y por otro, indicar, en base a datos etnográficos, la relación entre estos instrumentos y los allachus, kituchis y chaquitacllas que emplean los campesinos de las tierras alto andinas del centro y el sur del Perú. Esto con la finalidad de abogar para la elaboración de una historia de la tecnología andina. Prehispanic metal points and ploughshares in the Andes and their continuity until the present Abstract: This article shows the continuity in the production of multiple use tools that where made beginning AD 900 by the Sicán people of Batán Grande, in the Department of Lambayeque, Peru. These tools are arsenical cooper

  2. 21 CFR 177.2000 - Vinylidene chloride/methyl acrylate/methyl methacrylate polymers. (United States)


    ... methacrylate polymers. 177.2000 Section 177.2000 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF...: POLYMERS Substances for Use as Basic Components of Single and Repeated Use Food Contact Surfaces § 177.2000 Vinylidene chloride/methyl acrylate/methyl methacrylate polymers. The vinylidene chloride/methyl acrylate...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a relação e a continuidade espacial de características dendrométricas de pinus (Pinus pinaster Aiton e de atributos do solo. As amostragens foram realizadas em uma área de 0,25 ha cultivada com Pinus pinaster em Muras (Província de Lugo, Galícia, Espanha. Os atributos amostrados foram: o diâmetro da base das árvores (DB; o diâmetro a 0,30 m acima da base (D30; o diâmetro a altura do peito (a 1,3 m de altura, DAP, altura das árvores (ALT, profundidade do perfil do solo (PROF e a condutividade elétrica aparente do solo a 0,3 m de profundidade (CEa-H e a 1,5 m de profundidade (CEa-V. O uso da geoestatística permitiu caracterizar a variabilidade espacial de todos os atributos em estudo, com exceção da profundidade da rocha que apresentou efeito pepita puro. Os dados apresentaram moderada razão de dependência espacial entre amostras. Os mapas de variabilidade espacial não demonstram uma relação entre os mapas dos atributos de solo e planta estudados.Palavras-Chave: geoestatística; silvicultura de precisão; condutividade elétrica aparente do solo.

  4. Necesidad de la tradición, tiranía de la tradición


    Martí Pérez, Josep


    La idea de tradición hace referencia directa al factor "tiempo" e implica, por tanto, una cierta continuidad de determinados elementos culturales a través de la historia. De hecho, tradición es algo más que costumbre. Una costumbre puede devenir tradición cuando recibe de manera añadida a aquello que es una valoración positiva tanto por su continuidad a través del tiempo como por las significaciones que se asocian a ella. Tradición implica continuidad en el tiempo, pero ello no equivale a es...

  5. Annual review 2000-2001; Rapport d'activite 2000-2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report reviews the activities of the LAPP (particle physics laboratory of Annecy-le-Vieux) for the years 2000-2001. The central themes of research are: 1) the standard model and its extension, 2) the study of CP violation (contribution to the experiments BABAR and LHCb), 3) the search for the Higgs'boson (contribution to the experiments ALEPH, L3, ATLAS and CMS), 4) physics of neutrinos (contribution to the experiments NOMAD and OPERA), 5) the study of anti-matter and cosmic radiation (contribution to the experiment AMS and to the project EUSO embarked on the international spatial station), and 6) the search for gravitational waves (contribution to the experiment VIRGO)

  6. Annual report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This year 2000 annual report of the CEA (atomic energy commissariat) gives a general overview of the CEA activities and organization in the domains of the defence, the nuclear energy the technological research and the fundamental research. It is presented in seven main parts: contribution to national defence, civil nuclear research, technological research for the industry, pushing back the frontiers of scientific knowledge in physics and life science, mastery of installations; institute for protection and nuclear safety, research resources. (A.L.B.)

  7. Estonie 2000-2001 : La fin des consensus politiques? / Celine Bayou, Matthieu Chillaud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bayou, Celine


    Ülevaade Eesti poliitikast ja majandusest aastal 2000-2001. Tabelid: Eesti majandusnäitajad 1993-2000; poliitiliste sündmuste kronoloogia 2000-2001 mai; Eesti erakonnad; valitsuse koosseis juuni 2001

  8. Landelijk Meetnet Regenwatersamenstelling - Meetresultaten 2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stolk AP; LLO


    This report presents the results of the chemical composition measurements of precipitation in the Netherlands in 2000. Measurements were performed on four-weekly samples obtained from the National Precipitation Chemistry Monitoring Network. Samples from 15 stations were analysed for main components

  9. Annual report of Kansai Research Establishment 2000. April 1, 2000 - March 31, 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harami, Taikan; Hamaya, Nozomu; Mizuki, Jun-ichiro [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Kizu, Kyoto (Japan). Kansai Research Establishment; and others


    This report is the second issue of the annual report of Kansai Research Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. It covers status reports of R and D and results of experiments conducted at the Advanced Photon Research Center and the Synchrotron Radiation Research Center during the period from April 1, 2000 to March 31, 2001. (author)

  10. Inspector-2000. A DSP-based, portable, multi-purpose MCA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koskelo, M.J.; Sielaff, W.A.; Hall, D.L.; Kastner, M.H.; Jordanov, V.T.


    Various in-situ gamma-spectroscopy applications need a versatile, multi-purpose, portable multi-channel analyzer (MCA). Recently, Canberra has introduced the Inspector-2000 for this purpose. It uses digital signal processing (DSP) technology and weighs only about 1.2 kg. It also supports CdTe, NaI and Ge detectors. Due to its use of DSP technology, the Inspector-2000 also provides a longer battery life, a better detector resolution and a better temperature stability than most portable MCAs. A short description of the Inspector-2000 MCA is included and its performance characteristics compared to an analog MCA. (author)

  11. Training survey -- educational profile for Hanford HANDI 2000 project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilson, D.


    Fluor Daniel Hanford, Inc. (FDH) is currently adopting streamlined business processes through integrated software solutions. Replacing the legacy software (current/replacement systems, attached) also avoids significant maintenance required to resolve Year 2000 issues. This initiative is being referred to as `HANDI 2000`. The software being implemented in the first phase of this project includes Indus International`s PASSPORT Software, Peoplesoft and Primavera P3 Software. The project, which encompasses all the system replacements that will occur, has been named `HANDI 2000.` The PASSPORT applications being implemented are Inventory Management, Purchasing, Contract Management, Accounts Payable, and MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets).

  12. Regional energy and environment exploration in Belgium 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ciujpers, C.


    The prospects for energy consumption and related emission of NO x , SO 2 , and CO 2 gases for the year 2000 are reported for three regions (the Flanders, Brussels Metropolitan, and Wallonie region) in Belgium. Two scenarios were developed: a reference scenario in which the policy of 1990 is continued on the one hand and a policy making scenario in which the energy and carbon taxes, proposed by the European Commission are introduced on the other hand. This methodology allows to estimate the impact of the energy and carbon taxes on energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gases. In conclusion is stated that at continued policy, primary energy consumption in Belgium will rise 22.4 percent from 1990 to 2000. The introduction of energy and carbon taxes will result in a reduction of the primary energy consumption with 5.9 percent. At a continued policy NO X , SO 2 emissions will reduce respectively 27.2 percent, 18.8 percent while CO 2 emissions will increase 21.4 percent from 1990 till 2000. Compared to the continued scenario, the introduction of energy and carbon taxes in Belgium will lead to additional NO X and CO 2 emissions of respectively 6.5 and 13.6 percent, while the CO 2 emission will be reduced by 9.5 percent in 2000. It is concluded that the proposed energy and carbon taxes are important impulses for the realization of the Belgian objective to reduce the CO 2 -emission from 1990 to 2000 by five percent. (A.S.) 5 Figs. 9 Tabs

  13. Psicoterapia Analítico-Funcional y Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso: teoría, aplicaciones y continuidad con el análisis del comportamiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert J. Kohlenberg


    Full Text Available El análisis funcional del comportamiento verbal de tradición skinneriana ha encontrado desarrollos recientes en modelos de intervención conductual que son objeto de exposición y análisis en el presente estudio teórico. La Psicoterapia Analítico- Funcional (PAF se fundamenta en el análisis y moldeamiento del comportamiento verbal del paciente en tiempo real durante las sesiones de intervención. En este caso, la relación terapéutica se considera un modelo de relación interpersonal a generalizar a la vida diaria del cliente. La PAF ofrece un análisis conductual de la relación terapeuta-paciente y de su importancia en el proceso clínico, así como un marco teórico para el análisis de los efectos sinérgicos derivados de su combinación con terapias cognitivas o cognitivo-conductuales tradicionales. Por otro lado, la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT aborda los trastornos del comportamiento y las emociones enfatizando el análisis de la evitación de eventos privados aversivos (por ejemplo, evitación experiencial como función de una pluralidad de comportamientos de topografía «psicopatológica». Estos procesos pueden verse coadyuvados por el seguimiento de reglas verbales relativas al control estricto de emociones y cogniciones. La ACT ofrece varias herramientas clínicas para desmontar los procesos de evitación y de seguimiento de reglas asociados al problema del paciente. Finalmente, ambos modelos son analizados en términos de su continuidad teórica con el análisis funcional del comportamiento y el análisis de conducta tradicionales.

  14. Effects of the 2000 southern Mozambique floods on a marginal coral ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In early 2000 the southern part of Mozambique suffered the worst flooding in 50 years, causing fatalities and considerable material loss. This study aimed to investigate the impact of this flood on the coral communities in Xai-Xai lagoon. Benthic cover was assessed in January 2000 (before the floods) and September 2000 ...

  15. Activities and cooperation in nuclear data field in China during 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhuang Youxiang


    The paper includes follow contents: 1. meetings held in China in 2000, 2. the international meetings and workshops in nuclear data field attended by staffs of CNDC in 2000, 3. the foreign scientists in nuclear data field visited CNDC/CIAE in 2000, 4. staff of CNDC worked in or visited foreign country

  16. Ontario Energy Board : 2000-2001 annual report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Fiscal 2000-2001 was a busy period for the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) as it was preparing for Ontario's new, competitive electricity market. The OEB's roles and responsibilities have been changing in recent years in preparation for more administrative responsibilities in the deregulated electricity market. In 2000, the OEB distributed a proposed gas distribution access rule for comment by industry and other stakeholders. Another major highlight of the year's work was the development of the 2000 Model Gas Franchise Agreement. The OEB also assumed a leadership role in the electricity sector to ensure the readiness of retail participants in Ontario's competitive electricity market. The Market Readiness Task Force was instrumental in this activity. This Task Force was led by the Independent Electricity Market Operator. Various rules, codes, handbooks and guidelines were also developed, based on the advise of various stakeholders. The Board also continued its work to improve the efficiency of its regulatory procedures and processes by encouraging electronic business transactions and paperless hearings. These efficient ways of doing business should contribute to the cost-effectiveness of the Board. In 2000 the Board began its review of the first unbundled rate applications from electricity distributors and approved 69 out of 114 applications for mergers and acquisition in the electricity sector. The customary consolidated financial statement including balance sheets, assets, liabilities and capital were also included in this report. tabs., figs.

  17. SANS-1 Experimental reports of 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Willumeit, R.; Haramus, V.


    The instrument SANS-1 at the Geesthacht neutron facility GeNF was used for scattering experiments in 2000 at 196 of 200 days of reactor and cold source operation. The utilisation was shared between the in-house R and D program and user groups from different universities and research centers. These measurements were performed and analysed either by guest scientists or GKSS staff. The focus of the work in 2000 at the experiment SANS-1 was the structural investigation of hydrogen containing substances such as biological macromolecules (ribosomes, protein-RNA-complexes, protein solutions, glycolipids and membranes), molecules which are important in the fields of environmental research (refractoric organic substances) and technical chemistry (surfactants, micelles). (orig.) [de

  18. Summary Staging Manual 2000 - SEER (United States)

    Access this manual of codes and coding instructions for the summary stage field for cases diagnosed 2001-2017. 2000 version applies to every anatomic site. It uses all information in the medical record. Also called General Staging, California Staging, and SEER Staging.

  19. Water temperature data from expendable bathythermographs by vessels participating in NOAA's SEAS program from 03 May 2000 to 21 November 2000 (NODC Accession 0000352) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Water temperature and other data were collected from multiple ships in a world-wide distribution from May 3, 2000 to November 21, 2000. Data were submitted by...

  20. Atmosfærisk deposition 2000

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ellermann, T.; Hertel, O.; Hovmand, M. F.

    Denne rapport sammenfatter de vigtigste konklusioner fra dette års rapportering af atmosfæredelen af NOVA 2003 og opsummerer ovedresultaterne vedrørende måling og beregning af koncentrationer af atmosfæriske kvælstof-, fosfor-, svovlforbindelser og tungmetaller samt deposition til danske hav- og...... landområder for år 2000. Igen i 2000 blev koncentrationer og depositioner bestemt på basis af en kombination af målinger og modelberegninger for derved at udnytte fordelene ved de to metoder bedst muligt. Konklusioner vedrørende: - aktuelle koncentrationsniveauer ved målestationerne, - depositionen ved...... målestationerne, - sæsonvariationer og - udviklingstendenser for koncentrationer og depositioner er således hovedsageligt baseret på målingerne, som også er anvendt til vurdering af resultaterne fra modelberegningerne. Beregninger og konklusioner vedrørende: - depositioner til de enkelte farvands- og landområder...

  1. 2000--the year of the "super CFO". (United States)

    Silver, A P


    Just as the financial manager of today bears little resemblance to the hospital bookkeeper of 20 years ago, the CFO in the year 2000 will differ from today's CFO. In 2000 the CFO will have to be a combined expert in finance, economics, accounting, business law, health law and risk management, as well as people motivation. The evolutionary process will take the CFO through the hospital maze as we know it today, and on into the world of insurance, medical transportation and hotel management--possibly even shopping centers and spaghetti factories.

  2. Warm weather conditions moderated the increase of power consumption in Finland in 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kangas, H.


    Year 2000 was exceptionally warm in Finland. The amount of rainfalls in Northern Finland was larger than in 1999. This is shown clearly in the production of hydroelectric power. The wind conditions were also better, so the wind power generation doubled in 2000. The increase in power consumption in 2000 was only 1.7%. The power consumption rate was slightly over 79 TWh. The power consumption of household and agricultural sectors decreased by nearly 2% and in the public sector by 0.2%. The industrial power consumption increased by nearly 3%. Year 2000 was excellent for the industrial sector. The industrial production increased by 11%. The increment of power demand in heavy metal industry, chemical industry and forest industry was 5-7%. Power demand of process industry in 2000 exceeded 43.4 TWh, of which the share of building industry was more than 200 GWh. Process industry use about 55% of the total power consumption in Finland in 2000. The power demand of forest industry was 26.3 TWh, which is about 2% higher than in 1999. The corresponding figures for metal industry were 7.1 TWh and growth rate 3%. Chemical industry used in 2000 about 5.9 TWh of electric power. The growth rate was more that 4% higher in 2000 than in 1999. Power consumption of other industrial sectors in 2000 increased about 3% being now about 3.9 TWh. Hydroelectric power generation in 2000 was nearly 14.4 TWh, which is nearly 14.4 % higher than in 1999. The share of hydroelectric power generation of the total power consumption in Finland in 2000 was 18%. The wind power generation in 2000 was nearly 80 GWh, which are about 60% higher than in 1999. The number of wind power plants is 63, and the capacity of them 38 MW. The production of nuclear power in 2000 decreased by about 2% because of the longer and more thorough maintenance stoppages in the Loviisa 1 reactor. The utilisation rates of Finnish nuclear power plants in 2000 were high, Loviisa 1 by nearly 85%, Loviisa 2 by 91%, Olkiluoto 1 by 96


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ridwan Malik


    Full Text Available During the period before fiscal year 1996197, there were several activities have been done relate to national health financing such as data collection, analyses, research, and report in Indonesia. The activities was done without coordination by many agencies, it were conducted by National Institute of Health Research and Development-MOH (NIHRD, Bureau of Planning, Bureau of Finance-MOH, Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS, Universities, beside by International Agencies (World Bank, WHO, UNDP etc. The data and report document was an-uniform base on the objective of the activities. Since year 2001 have been established National Health Account Team which under coordination by Bureau of Finance-MOH. The task of the team is to collect national data on health finance, to analyze it and make a report for National and International purposes. It is expected in the future the health financing data and report will be uniform. Regarding In the year 2002 it was conducted the activities of Trend Analyses of Health Sector included the health financing as one of the subsystem of the health system. It has been completely analyzed the health financing and expenditures in the period between year 1990 to year 2000. The methods to collect and analyses of the data were base on existing secondary data. The sources of data to be analyzed are: (1 the data which collected by NHA team: (2 the research report has been published; (3 conducted a new research; (4 recounting by estimation method if the data was not available. The important results as follows: In the period between years 1990 to year 2000 the national health expenditure in nominal price was increased 10 times from Rp3,442,041 million in year 1990 to Rp35,416,959 million in year 2000. However, by using the fixed price the increasing will much lowest. Unfortunately analyses by using the fixed price was not conducted at this report due the fixed price in the period of 1990 to 2000 still in the process of data

  4. STUK research projects 1998-2000; Saeteilyturvakeskuksen tutkimushankkeet 1998-2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salomaa, S; Eloranta, E; Heimbuerger, H; Jokela, K; Jaervinen, H


    The primary goal of STUK, the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, is to prevent and limit the harmful effects of radiation. The research conducted by STUK yields new information related to the use, occurrence and effects of radiation and promotes the supervision of nuclear safety. STUK research projects 1998 - 2000 summarizes STUK`s own research projects and commissioned research designed to promote the supervision of nuclear safety. Information on the research projects and related publications is also available on STUK`s WWW pages at The work done on the safe use of nuclear power and nuclear waste management mainly comprises commissioned research projects which derive from the needs of authorities, and are funded and directed by STUK. This research is conducted by organizations outside STUK, but supervised by STUK experts. In some cases, STUK personnel are also involved. The goal of this research work is to produce the information needed for decision-making, to develop supervisory methods and to ensure that recent developments in science and technology are taken into account in action to promote safe use of nuclear power. STUK`s own research focuses on radiation protection and the health effects of radiation. During 1998 - 2000, the main emphasis will be on projects supporting the Finnish national environmental health action plan, the health risks of radiation, emergency preparedness and cooperation with neighbouring CEE areas. EU directives on radiation protection and medical exposure to radiation also influence the course taken by research carried out at STUK. STUK`s research activities are now more international than ever; the institute is involved in more then 20 research projects funded by EU. Apart from the EU and the Nordic countries, STUK`s main partners are to be found in Russia, Estonia and the USA. (orig.)

  5. NOVA Fall 2000 Teacher's Guide. (United States)

    Ransick, Kristina; Rosene, Dale; Sammons, Fran Lyons; Sammons, James

    This teacher's guide complements six programs that aired on the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) in the fall of 2000. Programs include: (1) "Lincoln's Secret Weapon"; (2) "Hitler's Lost Sub"; (3) "Runaway Universe"; (4) "Garden of Eden"; (5) "Dying to Be Thin"; and (6) "Japan's Secret…

  6. Natura 2000 and spatial planning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grift-Simeonova, van der V.S.; Bouwma, I.M.; Grift, van der E.A.; Sunyer, Carlos; Manteiga, Lola; Külvik, Mart; Suškevičs, Monika; Dimitrov, S.; Dimitrova, Ana


    Spatial planning which reconciles nature conservation with other policies' objectives can be a useful tool for implementing the EU nature legislation. However, a thorough exploration of the potential role of spatial planning and its instruments for the implementation of Natura 2000 has not yet been

  7. Report 2000 RTE, year 1; Rapport 2000 RTE, An 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document presents the first annual report of the Group RTE, as an independent society of Electric Power Transport. Since its separation with the Group EDF in july 2000, the society organized its management. This report presents this organization and the first results of the group. The first part presents the new staff and the actions after the storm of 1999. The second part presents the missions of RTE and the juridical frame. The part three is devoted to the customer relations. The parts four and five detail the management and the objectives of the Group. (A.L.B.)

  8. Sharing Year 2000 Testing Information on DOD Information Technology Systems

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    The audit objective was to determine whether planning for year 2000 testing is adequate to ensure that mission critical DoD information technology systems will continue to operate properly after the year 2000...

  9. Zure depositie in Nederland: Scenarioresultaten voor 1994 en 2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schutter MAA; de Leeuw FAAM


    By means of an atmospheric transport model estimates have been made of the total potential acid deposition in the Netherlands for the years 1980, 1985, 1994 and 2000. Spatial resolution of the calculation was 5 x 5 km2. Emission inventories appied for 1994 and 2000 are based on the emission

  10. KPI Graduate Executive Summary Report, Summer 2000-Winter 2001. (United States)

    Sheridan Coll. (Ontario).

    Summarizes findings from the Key Performance Indicator Satisfaction Survey administered by Sheridan College in the summer 2000, fall 2000, and winter 2001 terms. This survey was administered in compliance with the Ontario government's efforts to increase the accountability of the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology through the measurement of…


    CERN Multimedia


    LEP running The Director-General announced that on 14 September, in accordance with a recommendation by the CERN Research Board on the proposal of the LEP Experiments Committee, he had taken the decision to extend the LEP experimental run until 2 November 2000 following the appearance of events in late August hinting at a new state at a mass of about 114 GeV (see report in Weekly Bulletin No. 39/2000 for details). He explained that, while the extra month’s running would mean postponing the start-up of LEP dismantling to 6 November, it should not have an impact on the LHC completion date, and that the associated costs, amounting to some 8 MCHF including electricity, would be covered inside the existing budget. The data collected during the extended period of operation would be presented to the LEP Experiments Committee on 3 November. S. Myers, Leader of SL Division, presented a brief status report on the performance of LEP in 2000, which had been very impressive. Some technical problems in recent days had cau...

  12. [Community antibiotic consumption in Chile, 2000-2008]. (United States)

    Bavestrello F, Luis; Cabello M, Angela


    The Chilean Ministry of Health has implemented regulatory rules for the consumption of anti-biotics since September 1999, with sales restriction limited only with medical prescription. To analyze the impact of established regulatory measures from 2000 to 2008. A retrospective analysis of antibiotics sales in pharmacies from 2000 to 2008 was performed. The information was obtained from the International Marketing System (IMS Health), an auditing system of pharmacy sales. The consumption unit used was the Defined Daily Dose per 1000 inhabitants/day (DDD). From 2000 to 2002 the regulatory rules had a great impact, but since 2002 the antibiotic consumption increased, especially amoxicillin, returning to similar levéis observed in 1998. The regulatory measures had an initial impact, but there was not reinforcement in the time and there was no further control. It is necessary to assume a permanent task and support of the authorities of health to edúcate the population about the implications of the inadequate use of antimicrobials and his effect on the microbial ecology.

  13. Application of ISO 9001:2000 in a Nuclear Medicine Department

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rayo, J.I.; Serrano, J.; Martin, R.; Corral, C.


    Since 1947 ISO has been developing voluntary technical standards over almost all sectors of business, industry, and technology. The ISO 9000 standards were published in 1987, and new versions of the standards saw daylight in 1994 and 2000. The highlights of ISO 9001:2000 are: quality management system, management responsibility, resource management, product realization and measurement, analysis and improvement. Aim: Application of ISO 9001:2000 to a Nuclear Medicine Department for provides the organization with a model to follow, customer focus, people will understand the goals of the organization and are motivated to work for objectives and lower costs and shorter cycle times through effective use of resources. Conclusion: ISO 9001:2000 focuses on continual improvement of business processes that should be a permanent objective of the Nuclear Medicine Department

  14. Fish Passage Center 2000 annual report.; ANNUAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fish Passage Center


    The year 2000 hydrosystem operations illustrated two main points: (1) that the NMFS Biological Opinion on the operations of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) fish migration measures could not be met in a slightly below average water year, and; (2) the impacts and relationships of energy deregulation and volatile wholesale energy prices on the ability of the FCRPS to provide the Biological Opinion fish migration measures. In 2000, a slightly below average water year, the flow targets were not met and, when energy ''emergencies'' were declared, salmon protection measures were reduced. The 2000 migration year was a below average runoff volume year with an actual run off volume of 61.1 MAF or 96% of average. This year illustrated the ability of the hydro system to meet the migration protection measures established by the NMFS Biological Opinion. The winter operation of storage reservoirs was based upon inaccurate runoff volume forecasts which predicted a January-July runoff volume forecast at The Dalles of 102 to 105% of average, from January through June. Reservoir flood control drafts during the winter months occurred according to these forecasts. This caused an over-draft of reservoirs that resulted in less volume of water available for fish flow augmentation in the spring and the summer. The season Biological Opinion flow targets for spring and summer migrants at Lower Granite and McNary dams were not met. Several power emergencies were declared by BPA in the summer of 2000. The first in June was caused by loss of resources (WNP2 went off-line). The second and third emergencies were declared in August as a result of power emergencies in California and in the Northwest. The unanticipated effects of energy deregulation, power market volatility and rising wholesale electricity prices, and Californian energy deregulation reduced the ability of the FCRPS to implement fish protection measures. A Spill Plan Agreement was implemented in the FCRPS. Under this

  15. JPEG vs. JPEG2000: benchmarking with dermatological images. (United States)

    Guarneri, F; Vaccaro, M; Guarneri, C; Cannavò, S P


    Despite the importance of images in the discipline and the diffusion of digital imaging devices, the issue of image compression in dermatology was discussed only in few studies, which yielded results often not comparable, and left some unanswered questions. To evaluate and compare the performance of the JPEG and JPEG2000 algorithms for compression of dermatological images. Nineteen macroscopic and fifteen videomicroscopic images of skin lesions were compressed with JPEG and JPEG2000 at 18 different compression rates, from 90% to 99.5%. Compressed images were shown, next to uncompressed versions, to three dermatologists with different experience, who judged quality and suitability for educational/scientific and diagnostic purposes. Moreover, alterations and quality were evaluated by calculation of mean 'distance' of pixel colors between compressed and original images and by peak signal-to-noise ratio, respectively. JPEG2000 was qualitatively better than JPEG at all compression rates, particularly highest ones, as shown by dermatologists' ratings and objective parameters. Agreement between raters was high, but with some differences in specific cases, showing that different professional experience can influence judgement on images. In consideration of its high qualitative performance and wide diffusion, JPEG2000 represents an optimal solution for the compression of digital dermatological images. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Tulevikuennustus - mood aastal 2000 / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Pariisi moekuninga Paul Poiret' ennustus 1936. aastal 2000. a. moe kohta: moekunstnikke pole, riie on kadunud, inimesed kannavad tehiskatet, millel vahetub värv, kingade asemel rulluiskude sarnased sandaalid jne

  17. Veterans and agent orange: update 2000

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Committee to Review the Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides (Third Biennial Update), Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


    Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 2000 examines the state of the scientific evidence regarding associations between diseases and exposure to dioxin and other chemical compounds in herbicides used in Vietnam...

  18. Annual Report 2000; Informe Anual 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Annual Report 2000 of the Technological Research Direction at the National Institute of Nuclear Research (ININ) of Mexico presents its activities during year 2000. It is described a work plan and budget for the exercise in 2001. The projects, services and work programs of those different management offices adscripted to this Direction were revised and evaluated. The Technological Innovation Management office is formed by two departments, the one of Control and the one Evaluation and Linking. The projects which form the Management office comprise: Neutron activation analysis, Environmental radiation surveillance, gamma spectroscopy, archaeometry, nuclear application studies and support to priority projects. The Radiological Safety management office provides internal and external services in matter of radiation protection and radioactive waste negotiation to fulfil with the applicable standardization. This management office realizes the link function with the National Commission of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards (CNSNS) as for the licenses, authorizations and permissions for nuclear and radioactive facilities and for those activities which are involucrated with the use of radioactive material and devices generators of ionizing radiation in the National Institute of Nuclear Research. The Nuclear Technology management office is composed of two departments: Chemical Analysis wherever analytical studies are realized to fulfil with national standards and international codes to providing services at different enterprises and the Reactor wherever an aging negotiation program is established for him (thirty operation years) which allows to mitigate or to correct those effects by aging in facilities. The Health Nuclear applications management office consists of two departments: Metrology which obtains the authorization from the Commerce and Industrial Fomentation Secretary (SECOFI) of the national standards of beta particles, neutrons and coincidences, as well as the

  19. Ictus cerebral e ingreso en el hogar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clara Raisa Vera Miyar


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo en pacientes que egresaron con el diagnóstico de ictus cerebral de la unidad de cuidados intermedios de adultos del hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Mártires del 9 de abril" de Sagua la Grande, en el período comprendido de enero de 1999 a enero de 2000. Fueron ingresados en el hogar después de encontrarse estabilizados, se analizaron datos generales y epidemiológicos, y se concluyó que en la muestra existió un predominio de ictus isquémico. La hipertensión arterial, el hábito de fumar y los ictus previos, fueron los factores de riesgo más frecuentes, y las parálisis y los trastornos del lenguaje y esfinterianos los síntomas invalidantes predominantes al ser egresados del hospital. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los isquémicos y los hemorrágicos, con una evolución satisfactoria en su mayoría al ser ingresados en el hogar y con un ahorro de $ 10 932.A descriptive and prospective study was conducted among patients with the diagnosis of cerebral ictus that were discharged from the unit of intermediate care of "Mártires del 9 de Abril" Clinical and Surgical Teaching Hospital from January, 1999, to January, 2000. They were admitted at home after being stabilized. General and epidemiological data were analyzed and it was concluded that there was a predominance of ischemic ictus in the sample. Arterial hypertension, smoking and previous ictus were the most common risk factors whereas paralysis and speech and sphincter disorders were the prevailing disabling symptoms on discharge. There were no significant differences between the ischemic and the hemorrhagic ictus. A satisfactory evolution was observed in most of the patients on being admitted at home, which represented a saving of $10 932.

  20. Síndrome de Brown: A propósito de 12 casos Brown's syndrome: Apropos of 12 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alina Pedroso Llanes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de 12 pacientes con diagnóstico de síndrome de Brown, que asistieron a la Consulta de Oftalmología Pediátrica y Estrabismo del Hospital Oftalmológico Docente "Ramón Pando Ferrer" desde enero del 1999 a enero de 2000 con los objetivos de precisar la frecuencia del ojo afectado y el grado de severidad del síndrome, identificar los síntomas presentes que motivaron la consulta, determinar los criterios que decidieron la intervención quirúrgica y describir las desviaciones horizontales y verticales asociadas. En la muestra estudiada el 50 % de los pacientes tenían afectación del ojo derecho, el 70 % de los casos presentaban un estadio ligero de la enfermedad, la limitación de la elevación en aducción estuvo presente en el 100 % de los casos, el 30 % de los pacientes tuvieron criterio quirúrgico y el 90 % presentaban desviaciones asociadasA descriptive retrospective study was conducted among 12 patients that were diagnosed Brown's syndrome and who were seen at the Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Office of "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Ophthalmological Teaching Hospital from January 1999 to January 2000 in order to determine the frequency of the affected eye and the severity degree, to identify the symptoms that motivated the visit, to determine the criteria that decided the surgical procedure and to describe the associated horizontal and vertical deviations. In the studied sample, 50 % of the patients had the right eye affected and 70 % of the cases presented a mild state of the disease. The limitation of the elevation in abduction was present in 100 % of the cases, 30 % of the cases had surgical criterion and 90 % presented associated deviations

  1. Meningen over abortus in West-Europa, 1981-2000 [Abortion attitudes in Western Europe, 1981-2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Need, A.; Ultee, W.C.; Levels, M.; Tienen, M. van


    This article answers descriptive and explanatory questions about abortion attitudes in Western Europe between 1981 and 2000. It explains country differences and trends in these attitudes with abortion laws of states, with the norms that prevail in churches and schools, and with opinions and

  2. Energy Report Netherlands 2000 (EVN)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruijn, A.


    An overview of developments and events in the Netherlands in 2000 in the field of energy is presented. This edition comprises three parts. In the first part (Chronicle) a chronological overview is given of events in 2000 regarding governmental and energy policy, developments in the sectors natural gas and petroleum exploration, refineries and petroleum products, electric power production and the natural gas industry, the energy distribution sector, renewable energy and energy conservation. In part 2 (Focus) three items, which have been in particular important for the energy sector or for the Dutch society, are discussed in more detail. Attention is paid to the high oil prices, the Dutch climate policy in an international perspective, energy labels and energy bonuses. The final part (3, Trends) is based on statistical data and presents trends with regard to energy prices, energy demand, energy supply, energy-related emissions, and the market development of energy technologies and energy efficient products. 36 refs

  3. Space power systems--''Spacecraft 2000''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faymon, K.A.


    The National Space programs of the 21st century will require abundant and relatively low cost power and energy produced by high reliability-low mass systems. Advancement of current power system related technologies will enable the U.S. to realize increased scientific payload for government missions or increased revenue producing payload for commercial space endeavors. Autonomous, unattended operation will be a highly desirable characteristic of these advanced power systems. Those space power-energy related technologies, which will comprise the space craft of the late 1990's and the early 2000's, will evolve from today's state-of-the-art systems and those long term technology development programs presently in place. However, to foster accelerated development of the more critical technologies which have the potential for high-payoffs, additional programs will be proposed and put in place between now and the end of the century. Such a program is ''Spacecraft 2000'', which is described in this paper

  4. Year 2000 problem impact on nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauck, J.L.


    US Nuclear Regulatory commission began consideration of Year 2000 problem in nuclear power plants in 1996. It was found that no Year 2000 problem exists in safety related (reactor protection) instrumentation and control systems. Other important but not safety related systems needed for safe operation are impacted, namely security, emergency response data collection, radiation monitoring and control, surveillance tracking, control of feedwater, control rods, turbine as well as externals (communication, parts supply)

  5. Microsoft Windows 2000 Router Configuration Guide

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Richburg, Florence


    The purpose of this guide is to provide technical guidance to network administrators of small to medium size networks in the configuration and integration of Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Router features...

  6. 2000 Pilot Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The 2000 Pilot Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) is an exploratory effort to construct an index that measures the ability of a nation's economy to achieve...

  7. Crescimento pró-pobre no nordeste do Brasil: uma análise dos períodos (1991-2000 e 2000-2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raul da Mota Silveira Neto


    Full Text Available Este trabalho examina o crescimento econômico na região Nordeste do Brasil nos período 1991-2000 e 2000-2010, investigando, especificamente, em que medida a dinâmica da renda desta região tem sido relativamente mais favorável aos indivíduos mais pobres desta região, até o presente, residência de mais da metade das pessoas em situação de extrema pobreza no país. A partir de um indicador que considera tanto a redução da extrema pobreza, como o crescimento relativo da renda das pessoas nesta condição, os resultados são analisados para os estados da região e suas 42 mesorregiões, considerando-se tanto a renda total, como a renda do trabalho. As evidências obtidas indicam que os períodos 1991-2000 e 2000-2010 são bastante diferentes com respeito à natureza do crescimento da renda total. Quando o foco é na dinâmica da renda do trabalho, o trabalho destaca as trajetórias mais favoráveis paras as mesorregiões correspondentes às Regiões Metropolitanas do Nordeste.

  8. Emissions of greenhouse gases in Norway 1990 to 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    According to this article, the emissions of NOX from Norway in 1990 to 2000 were at a higher level than expected. Calculations show, however, that from 1999 to 2000 the emissions were reduced by seven percent. This is mainly due to reduced emission from shipping and road traffic. The SO 2 (sulphur dioxide) emissions have been halved since 1990 because of cleaner industrial emissions, replacement of fossil fuel with electricity, use of light oil and less sulphur in oil products and reducing agents. The emissions of NMVOCs (Non-methane volatile organic components) must be almost halved from 2000 to 2010 if Norway is to meet the requirements of the Gothenburg Protocol. The emissions of climate gases were reduced by one percent in 2000, despite the fact that the CO 2 emissions from the offshore petroleum activities increased by twelve percent. The emissions of methane and dioxins are going down. There is considerable uncertainty in the figures for dioxins. Calculations show that on the local community level the greatest emissions come from industry, road traffic, agriculture and land fills

  9. Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Architecture Guide

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Bartock, Paul


    The purpose of this guide is to inform the reader about the services that are available in the Microsoft Windows 2000 environment and how to integrate these services into their network architecture...

  10. Report about the agricultural situation in Austria 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poschacher, G.; Panholzer, L.; Hofer, O.; Moravec, K.; Fehrer, R.; Brier, K.


    In 2000 economic growth in Austria amounted to 3.2 %. The inflation rate rose from 0.6 % in 1999 to 2.3 % in 2000. Apart from the increase in crude oil price the rise in indirect taxes contributed as well to the upward trend of prices. According to Eurostat the unemployed rate went down to 3.7 %. According to the agricultural accounts agricultural incomes were rising again in 2000 for the first time since 1995 (+1.6 %). The final production of agriculture and forestry amounted to ATS 62.9 billion (+0.4 %, of which agriculture ATS 50.3 billion, and forestry ATS 12.6 billion). Whereas the yields in plant production decreased in particular due to the drought (-6.1 %), the gross yield from animal husbandry increased by 8.1 %. this rise is in particular due to the recovery of the pig market. According to the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (Wirtschafts-forschungsinstitut WIFO) direct payments rose compared to the year before by ATS 0.5 billion to ATS 17.8 billion. The share of agriculture and forestry in the GDP decreased to 1.3 %. According to WIFO the number of persons working full-time in the agricultural sector totalled 140,000 in 2000. The agricultural quota amounted to 4.0 %. In agricultural trade a rise was recorded again in exports (15.6 %) as well as in imports (14.7 %) in 2000 compared to the year 1999. Exports of agricultural goods totalled almost ATS 47 billion, of which two thirds were exports to EU member countries. Agricultural imports amounted to almost ATS 61 billion, of which three quarters came from EU member countries. The agricultural trade balance decreased to - ATS 14 billion. In 2000 the food industry was severely hi in particular by the current meat crises. European consumers organizations and associations call for the rethinking in the subsidisation policy and a promotion of organic farming. The core elements of the European foodstuffs model should be in particular security and safety, quality, origin, and diversity. In 2000 Austrian

  11. New Horizons in Education, 2000. (United States)

    Ho, Kwok Keung, Ed.


    This document contains the May and November 2000 issues of "New Horizons in Education," with articles in English and Chinese. The May issue includes the following articles: "A Key to Successful Environmental Education: Teacher Trainees' Attitude, Behaviour, and Knowledge" (Kevin Chung Wai Lui, Eric Po Keung Tsang, Sing Lai…

  12. Bit Plane Coding based Steganography Technique for JPEG2000 Images and Videos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Geeta Kasana


    Full Text Available In this paper, a Bit Plane Coding (BPC based steganography technique for JPEG2000 images and Motion JPEG2000 video is proposed. Embedding in this technique is performed in the lowest significant bit planes of the wavelet coefficients of a cover image. In JPEG2000 standard, the number of bit planes of wavelet coefficients to be used in encoding is dependent on the compression rate and are used in Tier-2 process of JPEG2000. In the proposed technique, Tier-1 and Tier-2 processes of JPEG2000 and Motion JPEG2000 are executed twice on the encoder side to collect the information about the lowest bit planes of all code blocks of a cover image, which is utilized in embedding and transmitted to the decoder. After embedding secret data, Optimal Pixel Adjustment Process (OPAP is applied on stego images to enhance its visual quality. Experimental results show that proposed technique provides large embedding capacity and better visual quality of stego images than existing steganography techniques for JPEG2000 compressed images and videos. Extracted secret image is similar to the original secret image.

  13. A dual pressurized water reactor producing 2000 MWe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, K. M.; Suh, K. Y.


    The Dual Unit Optimizer 2000 MWe (DUO2000) is proposed as a new design concept for large nuclear power plant. DUO is being designed to meet economic and safety challenges facing the 21. century green and sustainable energy industry. DUO2000 has two nuclear steam supply systems (NSSSs) of the Unit Nuclear Optimizer (UNO) pressurized water reactor (PWR) in a single containment so as to double the capacity of the plant. UNO is anchored to the Optimized Power Reactor 1000 MWe (OPR1000). The concept of DUO can be extended to any number of PWRs or pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs), or even boiling water reactor (BWRs). Once proven in water reactors, the technology may even be expanded to gas cooled, liquid metal cooled, and molten salt cooled reactors. In particular, since it is required that the Small and Medium sized Reactors (SMRs) be built as units, the concept of DUO2000 will apply to SMRs as well. With its in-vessel retention external reactor vessel cooling (IVR-ERVC) as severe accident management strategy, DUO can not only put the single most querulous PWR safety issue to end, but also pave ways to most promising large power capacity dispensing with huge redesigning cost for Generation III+ nuclear systems. Also, the strengths of DUO2000 include reducing the cost of construction by decreasing the number of containment buildings from two to one, minimizing the cost of NSSS and control systems by sharing between the dual units, and lessening the maintenance cost by uniting the NSSS. Two prototypes are presented for the DUO2000, and their respective advantages and drawbacks are considered. The strengths include, but are not necessarily limited to, reducing the cost of construction by decreasing the number of containment buildings from two to one, minimizing the cost of NSSS and control systems by sharing between the dual units, and lessening the maintenance cost by uniting the NSSS, just to name the few. The Coolant Unit Branching Apparatus (CUBA) is proposed

  14. La desaparición de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Federal: otra "vuelta de tuerca" en la Política de Seguridad del Estado mexicano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo López Betancourt


    Full Text Available Se describen las modificaciones en las instituciones federales de seguridad pública realizadas en México durante el período 2000-2013. El análisis de estos cambios institucionales permite apreciar una falta de continuidad en la política pública en la materia, la toma de decisiones de acuerdo con posiciones partidistas y la primacía de una estrategia represiva. Se concluye haciendo hincapié en la necesidad de consolidar una política de seguridad que privilegie la planeación a largo plazo con sustento científico, las acciones de prevención del delito, el fortalecimiento de las instituciones locales y la vigencia de los derechos humanos, según el enfoque de la seguridad ciudadana.

  15. TIARA annual report 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saidoh, Masahiro; Toraishi, Akio; Namba, Hideki [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Takasaki, Gunma (Japan). Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Research Establishment; and others


    This annual report describes research and development activities which have been performed with the JAERI TIARA (Takasaki Ion Accelerators for Advanced Radiation Application) facilities from April 1, 2000 to March 31, 2001. Summary reports of 103 papers and brief descriptions on the status of TIARA in the period are contained. A list of publications, the type of research collaborations and organization of TIARA are also given as appendices. (author)

  16. 2000 FIRST Robotics Competition (United States)

    Purman, Richard


    The New Horizons Regional Education Center (NHREC) in Hampton, VA sought and received NASA funding to support its participation in the 2000 FIRST Robotics competition. FIRST, Inc. (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is an organization which encourages the application of creative science, math, and computer science principles to solve real-world engineering problems. The FIRST competition is an international engineering contest featuring high school, government, and business partnerships.

  17. LULI 2000 activity report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document gathers the main results obtained by scientists from the LULI (laboratory for the use of intense lasers) unit in 2000. It is made up of 58 short articles and is organized into 6 topics: 1) laser-matter interaction, 2) hydrodynamics, shocks, equations of state, 3) atom physics, X-ray lasers, 4) material treatment, 5) progress in optics for power lasers, and 6) instrumentation and other advances

  18. IAEA Newsbriefs. V. 15, no. 2(87). Apr-May 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue gives information about the following topics: meeting of states for review of global nuclear non-proliferation treaty, status of signatures of Additional Protocols for strengthened safeguards system as of April 2000, IAEA participation in projects on water resources in relation to the world water day 2000, IAEA's programmes and activities for technology transfer, IAEA international symposia and seminars, safety of radioactive waste management, joining international conventions in nuclear field by more states, status of nuclear power around the world as of April 2000, and other short information

  19. International Decommissioning Symposium 2000 (IDS 2000). Final Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebadian, M.A.


    The purpose of IDS 2000 was to deliver a world-class conference on applicable global environmental issues. The objective of this conference was to publicize environmental progress of individual countries, to provide a forum for technology developer and problem-holder interaction, to facilitate environmental and technology discussions between the commercial and financial communities, and to accommodate information and education exchange between governments, industries, universities, and scientists. The scope of this project included the planning and execution of an international conference on the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, and the providing of a business forum for vendors and participants sufficient to attract service providers, technology developers, and the business and financial communities. These groups, when working together with attendees from regulatory organizations and government decision-maker groups, provide an opportunity to more effectively and efficiently expedite the decommissioning projects

  20. The Halden Reactor Project workshop on HAMMLAB 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sebok, Angelia L.; Grini, Rolf-Einar; Larsen, Marit; Ness, Eyvind; Soerensen, Aimar


    A workshop on HAMMLAB 2000 was organised in Halden, May 26-27, 1997. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss and make recommendations on requirements for the design of HAMMLAB 2000 and to discuss the future research agenda. The workshop began with several presentations summarising the status of the current HAMMLAB 2000 project. Three invited speakers with expertise in human-machine laboratories and simulators delivered presentations of their experiences. Later, the workshop was divided into five working groups that discussed the following issues in parallel: (1) Technical Studies, Research Agenda; (2) Human Factors Research Agenda; (3) Data Collection; (4) Synergy with Other Industries; (5) Virtual Reality. Each group produced specific recommendations that were summarised by the group's facilitator in a joint session of the workshop. This report summarises the presentation of the invited speakers, and the discussions and recommendations of the individual working groups. (author)

  1. Diseño y metodología de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2000 National Health Survey 2000: design and methodology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Sepúlveda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Como parte del Sistema de Encuestas Nacionales de Salud, durante los últimos meses de 1999 y los primeros tres del año 2000 se realizó la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de México (ENSA 2000. Se estudió la accesibilidad, calidad, utilización y cobertura de los Servicios de Salud; de modo adicional se actualizaron los marcadores serológicos de enfermedades infecciosas prevenibles por vacunación, infecciones de transmisión sexual y hepatitis. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Para la ENSA 2000 se seleccionaron tres grupos etarios y a los utilizadores de los servicios de salud. Se captó la información mediante entrevista directa y se tomaron muestras biológicas para análisis clínicos y medidas de parámetros biológicos y somatométricos. El diseño muestral de la ENSA 2000 fue probabilístico, polietápico, estratificado y de conglomerados. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 1 470 viviendas por estado, para un total de 47 040 viviendas a nivel nacional; los factores de expansión se modificaron por la falta de respuesta y la posestratificación. El personal operativo se capacitó y estandarizó para mantener una alta respuesta, en especial para las muestras de sangre. RESULTADOS: En total se obtuvieron 83 157 muestras de sangre de las 94 000 esperadas (respuesta de 88% que se mantuvieron refrigeradas en tanto se ubicaron en el laboratorio del Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública donde se prepararon cuatro alícuotas y se congelaron a -150° C hasta el análisis.OBJECTIVE: The 2000 Mexican National Health Survey (NHS was created as part of the System for National Health Surveys conducted during the last months of 1999 and the first three of 2000. The 2000 NHS is a probabilistic survey of households from which users of health services were selected according to three age groups. Information was gathered through direct interviews with appropriate informants. Biological samples were taken for clinical tests as well as for measuring biological and

  2. Awareness of the Japanese Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension (JSH 2000) and compliance to its recommendations: surveys in 2000 and 2004. (United States)

    Ikeda, N; Hasegawa, T; Hasegawa, T; Saito, I; Saruta, T


    Clinic physicians' awareness of the Japanese hypertension guideline (JSH 2000) and compliance with its recommendations were assessed to derive policy implications for effective blood pressure control. Data were obtained from two postal questionnaire surveys conducted in 2000 and 2004, and subjects were 896 and 1425 clinic physicians, respectively, who were engaged in general internal medicine. Recognition rates of JSH 2000 were 63.1% (n = 822) before its announcement in 2000 and 94.4% (n = 1400) in 2004. Rates of access, familiarity and utilisation of JSH 2000 were 87.0, 81.6 and 68.9%, respectively (n = 1400) in 2004. As for major management strategies for low-risk hypertension: in 2000, for patients with 140-149/90-94 mmHg, 81.5% of 812 respondents performed lifestyle modification, and 11.2% prescribed medicines, whereas for patients with 150-159/95-99 mmHg, 71.7% of 807 respondents prescribed medicines, and 24.3% conducted lifestyle modification; in 2004, 90.0% of 1384 respondents conducted lifestyle modification, 22.6% prescribed medicines, 2.5% referred patients to other facilities, and 6.4% did nothing. In 2004, 68.9% of 1388 respondents agreed with the new definition of hypertension, whereas 17.1% preferred 160/95 mmHg. Respondents' age (Phypertensives in daily patient load (Phypertension management. One of the strategies for further enhancement in their compliance with JSH 2004 would be its dissemination to those who are old and/or do not see hypertensive patients so frequently.

  3. INEX 2000 exercise evaluation report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Nuclear Energy Agency has a long tradition of supporting its Member countries in improving efficiency and effectiveness in nuclear emergency preparedness and management. As an integral part of this tradition, the NEA has established an international nuclear emergency exercises culture through the organisation of the INEX series of international exercises. The INEX series of international exercises has proved successful in the testing and developing of arrangements for responding to nuclear emergencies. The first series, INEX 1 (table-top exercise) brought together participants from across the world to separately consider the issues raised by a fictitious emergency at a fictitious nuclear power plant and affecting fictitious countries. Follow-up workshops to the INEX 1 exercises were hosted by NEA and addressed common experiences and issues as well as identifying areas for future development work. The second series of exercises, INEX 2, built upon the foundations laid from INEX 1 and permitted a number of individual countries to host simulated nuclear incidents at nuclear power plants within their borders in order to test specific aspects of both the national and international arrangements. All of these exercises considered primarily the emergency phase issues (alert and notification) and immediate countermeasure strategies available to decision makers. The INEX 2 exercises could commonly be described as 'command post' or 'command and control' exercises. A major follow-up of the INEX 2 exercise series was the development of evolved Monitoring and Data Management Strategies for Nuclear Emergencies (OECD/NEA, Paris, 2000). In order to test the evolved communication and information technologies described in this NEA report, the NEA organised the INEX 2000 exercise hosted by France at the Gravelines NPP, 22-23 May 2001. This international nuclear emergency exercise was similar to the four INEX 2 exercises as a command-post real-time notification and communication

  4. The year 2000 (Y2k) Programme at AECL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pauksens, J.; Jung, D.


    In the nuclear industry we make, in total, very extensive use of digital computers and equipment. While use of dates in our application may not be quite so extensive as in other businesses such as banking or insurance, dates are nonetheless employed, and are important in a variety of applications. Furthermore, date-related problems can sometimes propagate into overall system failures or computer crashes. Digital system or digital infrastructure failure can have serious potential consequences in a power plant, utility, or engineering design office. This in turn can have potential impact on public safety or the reliability of power production and delivery of electrical power to the public. A concerted effort is needed, and is underway by nuclear design organizations, and the nuclear utilities in order to identify and fix or avoid the problems in the short time that remains between now and the Year 2000. AECL have a substantial Year 2000 programme underway, addressing both the infrastructure systems at AECL, and AECL's products and services. High priority is placed, in the programme, on assisting AECL's customers with the Year 2000 issue. The programme, and some of the lesson learned to date, are described in this paper. The relationship to equipment vendors' and customers' Year 2000 programs is explained, and the importance of Year 2000 programmes conducted by the customers, to address systems and equipment which are under their control, is highlighted. (authors)

  5. MISR activities at SAFARI 2000 (United States)

    Helmlinger, M.; Bruegge, C.; Gaitley, B.


    SAFARI 2000 is an international regional science initiative being developed for Southern Africa to explore, study and address linkages between land-atmosphere processes and the relationship of biogenic, pyrogenic or anthropogenic emissions and the consequences of their deposition to the functioning of the biogeophysical and biogeochemical systems of southern Africa.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The 2GHz Schottky system was a powerful diagnostic during RHIC 2000 commissioning. A continuous monitor without beam excitation, it provided betatron tune, chromaticity, momentum spread relative emittance, and synchrotron tune. It was particularly useful during transition studies. In addition, a BPM was resonated at 230MHz for Schottky measurements

  7. Swordfish Stomach Content Data, 1989-2000 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Stomach contents were tabulated for 734 swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the central North Pacific from 1989 to 2000 (most from 1994-1998). The swordfish were...

  8. Design Of Toyota Home Service Applications For AUTO2000 Based On Android


    Aswin, Arief Rahmadian


    AUTO2000 is a network of sales services, maintenance, repair and supply of spare parts Toyota that was established in 1975 under the name Astra Motor Sales, in 1989 changed its name to AUTO2000 with management that has been handled entirely by PT. Astra International Tbk. Services provided by AUTO2000 one of which is a service of Toyota Home Service, a service provided by the service vehicle Auto 2000 where customers can service their vehicles without having to come to the dealership Auto 200...

  9. Energy Efficiency in Norway 1990-2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosenberg, Eva


    This is the national report for Norway in the EU/SAVE project ''Indicators for Energy Efficiency Monitoring and Target setting (ODYSSEE)''. The report deals with energy use and energy efficiency in Norway 1990-2000 (2001 for overall energy use). Final energy use per Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was reduced by approximately 1.9% pr year in the period 1990 to 2001. The energy efficiency improvement has been calculated to 0.6% pr year, while the role of structural changes has been 1.3% pr year. A detailed sector analysis has been done, applying Laspeyres indices to attribute changes in energy use to activity, structure or intensity (efficiency). Aggregating sectors, we have found a total efficiency improvement of approximately 11 TWh from 1990 to 2000. (author)

  10. [ISO 9001-2000 certification for refractive laser treatment]. (United States)

    Lebuisson, D A; Arson, B; Abenhaïm, A; Albou-Ganem, C; Assouline, M; Chong Sit, D; Danan, A; Montefiore, G; Montin, J-F; Nguyen-Khoa, J-L; Pietrini, D; Saragoussi, J-J; Trong, Th; Amar, R


    To obtain ISO 9001-2000 certification for laser corneal refractive treatment, never before sought in Europe. The consulting firm Veritas led the certification process with the clinic's staff manager. This ISO norm is dedicated to the implementation of a quality management system. We assessed and optimized all necessary resources, evaluating customer satisfaction using patient and referring-physician surveys. We started quality rounds including surgeons, nurses, and technicians. Based on this preparation, we redefined and explained all processes including staff responsibilities and necessary resources in the quality manual. The procedure lasted 14 months with substantial involvement on the part of the management. Unconditional ISO 9001-2000 certification was granted by the independent audit firm, BVQI, in december 2003 for refractive laser treatment. The 2000 version of the new ISO 9001-2000 seeks to meet the demand for improving health care delivery in this field, most particularly by establishing a clear procedural orientation. Such certification enhances team work, stabilizes methodologies, and reinforces cohesion and self-audit. Patients notice that the center follows a consistent quality policy and are assured that the clinic respects rules and regulations. Certification is an advantageous alternative when accreditation cannot be considered. Our article discusses the steps taken in upper management, quality management, procedural guidance, as well as customer and staff counselling. It also discusses the project's cost/benefit ratio for the organization.

  11. Swiss energy statistics 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This comprehensive report presents the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2000. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The article also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2000 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Finally, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable sources of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power

  12. Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme 1999 and 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryan, T.P.; Sequeira, S.; Smith, V.


    The Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland continued to monitor levels of radioactivity in air, drinking water and foodstuffs in 1999 and 2000 and the results are presented in this report, the sixth in a series dealing with the terrestrial environment. Radioactivity is present in the terrestrial environment due to natural processes, the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, accidents such as the Chernobyl accident and the routine discharge of radionuclides from nuclear installations. The Institute monitored airborne radioactivity at ten stations throughout the country. One site was equipped to detect the presence of krypton-85, a radionuclide which is released into the environment primarily as a result of the reprocessing of nuclear fuel at installations such as Sellafield in the UK and La Hague in France. Both in 1999 and 2000, levels of radionuclides in airborne particulates were low and consistent with measurements in previous years. Public water supplies are sampled from each county at least every four years with supplies to certain major population centres sampled annually. Water supplies from eleven counties were sampled between 1999 and 2000 and all of the waters tested were found to be within legal requirements for water quality from a radiological point of view. The levels of artificial radioactivity in milk and other foodstuffs such as milk products, baby foods, beef, lamb, poultry and vegetables continued to be very low in 1999 and 2000 and, for the majority of samples, below the detection limits. External gamma dose rates were monitored continuously at twelve locations around the country. The dose rate was recorded every twenty minutes and the readings transmitted automatically to the Institute's computer database at Clonskeagh (Dublin). No abnormally high levels were observed at any of the twelve stations in either 1999 or 2000. The data presented in this report demonstrate that the levels of artificial radioactivity in the Irish

  13. Environmental radioactivity surveillance programme. 1999 and 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryan, T.; Sequeira, S.; Smith, V.


    The Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland continued to monitor levels of radioactivity in air, drinking water and foodstuffs in 1999 and 2000 and the results are presented in this report, the sixth in a series dealing with the terrestrial environment. Radioactivity is present in the terrestrial environment due to natural processes, the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, accidents such as the Chernobyl accident and the routine discharge of radionuclides from nuclear installations. The Institute monitored airborne radioactivity at ten stations throughout the country. One site was equipped to detect the presence of krypton-85, a radionuclide which is released into the environment primarily as a result of the reprocessing of nuclear fuel at installations such as Sellafield in the UK and La Hague in France. Both in 1999 and 2000, levels of radionuclides in airborne particulates were low and consistent with measurements in previous years. Public water supplies are sampled from each county at least every four years with supplies to certain major population centres sampled annually. Water supplies from eleven counties were sampled between 1999 and 2000 and all of the waters tested were found to be within legal requirements for water quality from a radiological point of view. The levels of artificial radioactivity in milk and other foodstuffs such as milk products, baby foods, beef, lamb, poultry and vegetables continued to be very low in 1999 and 2000 and, for the majority of samples, below the detection limits. External gamma dose rates were monitored continuously at twelve locations around the country. The dose rate was recorded every twenty minutes and the readings transmitted automatically to the Institute's computer database at Clonskeagh (Dublin). No abnormally high levels were observed at any of the twelve stations in either 1999 or 2000. The data presented in this report demonstrate that the levels of artificial radioactivity in the Irish

  14. 2000 Cayuga County New York Lidar (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — These data were collected in April of 2000 for the Cayuga County New York Department of Planning and Economic Development. Elevation points were sampled at densities...

  15. Kajian SNI 01-2886-2000 Makanan Ringan Ekstrudat


    Oktavia, Devi Ambarwaty


    Extruded snack are a product that produce from a tools call extruder by high temperature and short time. Standard quality of extruded snack which required on SNI 01-2886-2000 has not listed odor, taste and colour quantitatively. SNI 01-2886-2000 has not listed yet protein content, calcium content, zinc and total dietary fiber. Improving Indonesian standard for extruded snack advised then the quality of extruded snack will be better. In order to improve Indonesian standard of extruded snack, l...

  16. Kirik aastaks 2000 / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Katoliku kirik tahab aasta 2000 kirikuga tähistada kolmanda kristliku aastatuhande algamist. Rooma äärelinna Tor Tre Testesse planeeritava kiriku konkursi võitis R. Meier. Lihtsa ristkülikulise saaliga kiriku dominandiks on kolm üksteise taga asuvat kaarduvat seina (kolmainsus!), mille klaasitud 'õhuvahed' toimivad valgusallikaina, klaasist on ka katus.

  17. Danish electricity supply. Statistics 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Association of Danish Electric Utilities each year issues the statistical yearbook 'Danish electricity supply'. By means of brief text, figures, and tables a description is given of the electric supply sector. The report presents data for the year 2000 for consumption, prices of electric power; power generation and transmission, and trade. (ln)

  18. Risø annual report 2000

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    of Governors in November 2000. The new strategy serves as a beacon for the transformation process Risø is undergoing in 2001. This Annual Report shows that we produce ahealthy return on the research funds invested in us, and it is our ambition for this return to grow over the next few years....

  19. Annual Report 2000-2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The annual report for the year 2000-2001 has been compiled, which offers concise description of tasks achieved and status of on going efforts pertaining to PAEC (Pakistan Atomic Commission) programme. The tasks description are as: highlights of various projects, nuclear power plants, physical sciences and engineering, biosciences, nuclear minerals, human resource development, projects, international relations. At the end of this report financial position of PAEC and list of publication is also available. (A.B.)

  20. Annual Report 2000-2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The annual report for the year 2000-2001 has been compiled, which offers concise description of tasks achieved and status of on going efforts pertaining to PAEC (Pakistan Atomic Commission) programme. The tasks description are as: highlights of various projects, nuclear power plants, physical sciences and engineering, biosciences, nuclear minerals, human resource development, projects, international relations. At the end of this report financial position of PAEC and list of publication is also available. (A.B.)

  1. Unequal Error Protected JPEG 2000 Broadcast Scheme with Progressive Fountain Codes


    Chen, Zhao; Xu, Mai; Yin, Luiguo; Lu, Jianhua


    This paper proposes a novel scheme, based on progressive fountain codes, for broadcasting JPEG 2000 multimedia. In such a broadcast scheme, progressive resolution levels of images/video have been unequally protected when transmitted using the proposed progressive fountain codes. With progressive fountain codes applied in the broadcast scheme, the resolutions of images (JPEG 2000) or videos (MJPEG 2000) received by different users can be automatically adaptive to their channel qualities, i.e. ...

  2. GENDER Persons by Sex SDs 2000 (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — The New Mexico 2000 Unified School Districts layer was derived from the TIGER Line files from the US Census Bureau. The districts are clipped to the state...

  3. Santa Fe County 2000 Census Blocks (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  4. McKinley County 2000 Census Tracts (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  5. Sandoval County 2000 Census Block Groups (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  6. GENDER Persons by Sex COS 2000 (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  7. Lea County 2000 Census Block Groups (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  8. Bernalillo County 2000 Census Block Groups (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  9. Taos County 2000 Census Block Groups (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  10. HOUSEHOLDS Households by Type COS 2000 (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  11. GENDER Persons by Sex BGs 2000 (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  12. 2000 Census Urban Areas and Clusters (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  13. San Miguel County 2000 Census Blocks (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  14. Catron County 2000 Census Block Groups (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  15. Santa Fe County 2000 Census Tracts (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  16. Los Alamos County 2000 Census Blocks (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  17. Otero County 2000 Census Block Groups (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...

  18. GENDER Persons by Sex CTs 2000 (United States)

    Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico — TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected...


    This Bulletin is a brief description of the AIR2000 technology developed by KSE, Inc., of Amherst, MA. The AIR2000 unit treats air streams containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The demonstration occurred at the Stamina Mills superfund site in North Smithfield, RI from Aug...

  20. INES 2000 ja Läänemere ülikool / Annika Tenno

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tenno, Annika


    Läänemere Ülikooli programmiga (The Baltic University Programme) seotud õppejõududel oli võimalus osaleda INES 2000 konverentsil Stockholmis 14.-18. juunil̀2000, peateemaks "Challenges for Science and Engineering in the 21st Century". Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli esindajaks oli Tiina Elvisto

  1. Norauto. Environment report 2000; Norauto. Environnement rapport 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Norauto is the French leader of auto repair centers. It is today an international company dealing with car maintenance and parts and established in seven countries. For several years, the company has participated in the fight against pollution linked to motor vehicle activity with the contribution to the sorting, collection and re-use of wastes relating to vehicles. This environmental report takes stock of Norauto's recycling activity in the domain of batteries, tires, lubrication oils, oil and fuel filters, packaging (casks and cans), cooling liquid, and small and telephone batteries and electronic wastes. New waste management channels have been established in 2000 and concern the selective sorting of paper, the recycling of rags and the maintenance of storm sewer systems of Norauto centers. Specific fountains have been designed for the cleaning of breaking systems and to avoid the release of aerosol products to the atmosphere. (J.S.)

  2. Scientific papers presented at the European Congress of Radiology 2000: publication rates and characteristics during the period 2000-2004

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miguel-Dasit, Alberto [La Plana de Vila-Real Hospital, Resonancia Magnetica Section, Castellon (Spain); Marti-Bonmati, Luis [Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset, Resonancia Magnetica, Servicio de Radiologia, Valencia (Spain); Sanfeliu, Pilar [Cardenal Herrera-CEU University, Valencia (Spain); Aleixandre, Rafael [University of Valencia-CSIC, Institute of History of Science and Documentation Lopez Pinero, Valencia (Spain)


    To determine the rate at which abstracts orally presented at the ECR 2000 were published between 2000-2004, and to identify predictive factors of publication and differences between abstracts and subsequently published papers. Specific search profiles were devised to retrieve items from the Medline database. From 1020 abstracts originating from 39 countries, 479 articles (publication rate 47%) were subsequently published in 139 Medline-indexed journals, most frequently in European Radiology (14%). Country of origin statistically (P<0.0001) influences the subsequent publication of the abstract, Germany having the highest number of presentations (n=343) and derived articles (publication rate 54%). Abstracts presented by authors from the USA (n=21) had the highest publication rate (76%). Most papers were published within the first 3 years after the meeting, as original articles and in English-language journals. Both the study sample size and the first author frequently changed. Chest and cardiac studies had the highest publication rates (56%, both). In summary, abstracts presented at the ECR 2000 had a high publication rate in Medline-indexed journals. Country of origin and subspecialty of presentation appeared to influence subsequent full publication. More articles were published in European Radiology than in other journal. (orig.)

  3. Scientific papers presented at the European Congress of Radiology 2000: publication rates and characteristics during the period 2000-2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miguel-Dasit, Alberto; Marti-Bonmati, Luis; Sanfeliu, Pilar; Aleixandre, Rafael


    To determine the rate at which abstracts orally presented at the ECR 2000 were published between 2000-2004, and to identify predictive factors of publication and differences between abstracts and subsequently published papers. Specific search profiles were devised to retrieve items from the Medline database. From 1020 abstracts originating from 39 countries, 479 articles (publication rate 47%) were subsequently published in 139 Medline-indexed journals, most frequently in European Radiology (14%). Country of origin statistically (P<0.0001) influences the subsequent publication of the abstract, Germany having the highest number of presentations (n=343) and derived articles (publication rate 54%). Abstracts presented by authors from the USA (n=21) had the highest publication rate (76%). Most papers were published within the first 3 years after the meeting, as original articles and in English-language journals. Both the study sample size and the first author frequently changed. Chest and cardiac studies had the highest publication rates (56%, both). In summary, abstracts presented at the ECR 2000 had a high publication rate in Medline-indexed journals. Country of origin and subspecialty of presentation appeared to influence subsequent full publication. More articles were published in European Radiology than in other journal. (orig.)

  4. Risø årsberetning 2000

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    År 2000 blev mere skelsættende for Risø, end man kunne forudse ved årets start. Den altoverskyggende begivenhed var beslutningen om at lukke forskningsreaktor DR3 og planerne om at videreføre forskningen ved det svejtsiske Paul Scherrer Institut. En andenvigtig begivenhed er planen om at overføre...

  5. Plan 2000. The electricity companies plan for electricity conservation in the millennium; Plan 2000. Elselskabernes plan for elbesparelser i det nye aartusinde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Plan 2000 presents an account of the activities in the years 1997 and 1998 and a budget for the year 2000 and forwards. The report includes all 82 electricity companies in Denmark. Furthermore a number of particular analyses of relevance to electricity conservation are presented. All electricity companies work to promote electricity conservation. All consumption sizes and sections are covered. The activities in the individual companies are supported by a number of common campaigns. In Plan 2000 those activities are presented and the economics is analysed. The activities in the first year of the plan are expected to result in conservation corresponding 4% of the present electricity consumption. 80% of the conservation comes from activities, which are measurable. Technical counselling of trade customers is one of the essential activities. Others are e.g. telephone counselling, theme arrangements and teaching of pupils. (EHS)

  6. PV Working with Industry, 2nd Quarter, 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poole, L.; Moon, S.


    NREL PV Working With Industry is a quarterly newsletter devoted to the research, development, and deployment performed by NREL staff in concert with their industry and university partners. The Second Quarter, 2000, issue is titled ``Our Shared PV Future''. It contains a review of several important PV-related meetings held in the prior three months: the NCPV Program Review, the 16 European PV Conference, and year-2000 Earth Day activities in Denver, CO. The editorialist is Paul Maycock, Publisher of PV News.

  7. dos museus da USP (1895 - 2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa Cristina Toledo de Paula


    Full Text Available The text presents all the original published contents on textiles and conservation as issues of interest and research by the present museums of São Paulo University (USP in the period of 1895 to 2000.

  8. Advanced Light Source Activity Report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greiner, A.; Moxon, L.; Robinson, A.; Tamura, L.


    This is an annual report, detailing activities at the Advanced Light Source for the year 2000. It includes highlights of scientific research by users of the facility as well as information about the development of the facility itself

  9. Advanced Light Source Activity Report 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Greiner, A.; Moxon, L.; Robinson, A.; Tamura, L.


    This is an annual report, detailing activities at the Advanced Light Source for the year 2000. It includes highlights of scientific research by users of the facility as well as information about the development of the facility itself.

  10. Fiscal 2000 report on result of the full-length cDNA structure analysis; 2000 nendo kanzen cho cDNA kozo kaiseki seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper explains the results of research on full-length cDNA structure analysis for the period from April, 2000 to March, 2001. The outline of human genome sequence was published in June, 2000. In Japan, human gene analysis was such that, as the basic technology of the bio industry, a millennium project was decided in the budget of fiscal 2000. The full-length cDNA structure analysis is the core of the project. The libraries of cDNA were prepared using full-length and more than 4-5kbp-long cDNAs by oligo-capping method. It began from determining partial sequence data at end cDNA, and then, with new clones selected therefrom, full-length human cDNA sequence data were determined. The partial sequence data determined by fiscal 2000 were 1,035,000 clones while the full-length sequence data were 12,144 clones. The sequence data obtained were analyzed by homology search and translated into amino acid coding sequences, with predictions conducted on protein functions. A clustering method was examined that selects new clones from partial sequences. Database was constructed on gene expression profiles and disease-related gene sequence data. (NEDO)

  11. Influência do dimensionamento da equipe de enfermagem na qualidade do cuidado ao paciente crítico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gelena Lucinéia Gomes da Silva Versa


    Full Text Available Se trata de un estudio de revisión integral, con el fin de analizar la influencia del cálculo del personal de enfermería intensivista en lo que se refiere a la calidad de la atención al paciente adulto en estado crítico. Sólo se incluyeron las publicaciones científicas, de las principales bases de datos electrónicas, difundidas en acceso abierto y electrónico, referentes a la última década (enero de 2000 hasta enero de 2010, en inglés, portugués y español. Se obtuvo un total de diez publicaciones, tres de ellas, evaluaron la incidencia de mortalidad y la extubación accidental en el postoperatorio, tres calificaron los reflejos en la atención derivada de la reducción en el número de enfermeras, dos calificaron la aparición de infecciones, y en un artículo se evaluó la incidencia de caídas y de neumonía asociada al ventilador. Los estudios indican la relación entre la infravaloración del personal de enfermería y un aumento en las tasas de infección, mortalidad, caídas, neumonía asociada al ventilador y la extubación accidental.

  12. Year 2000 Certification of Mission-Critical DoD Information Technology Systems

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    Our objective was to determine whether the year 2000 certification process is adequate to ensure that mission critical DoD information technology systems will continue to operate properly after the year 2000...

  13. IMT-2000 Satellite Standards with Applications to Mobile Air Traffic Communications Networks (United States)

    Shamma, Mohammed A.


    The International Mobile Telecommunications - 2000 (IMT-2000) standard and more specifically the Satellite component of it, is investigated as a potential alternative for communications to aircraft mobile users en-route and in terminal area. Its application to Air Traffic Management (ATM) communication needs is considered. A summary of the specifications of IMT-2000 satellite standards are outlined. It is shown via a system research analysis that it is possible to support most air traffic communication needs via an IMT-2000 infrastructure. This technology can compliment existing, or future digital aeronautical communications technologies such as VDL2, VDL3, Mode S, and UAT.

  14. Annual report of department of research reactor, 2000. April 1, 2000 - March 31, 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Department of Research Reactor is responsible for the operation, Maintenance, utilization of the JRR-3 and the JRR-4 and for the related R and D. Besides RI production including its R and D are carried out. This report describes the activities of the department in fiscal year of 2000 and it also includes some of the technical topics on the works mentioned above. As for the research reactors, we carried out the operation, maintenance, the utilization of irradiation and neutron beam experiments, technical management including fuels and water chemistry, radiation monitoring as related R and D works. RI Production and its R and D works were conducted as well. The international cooperations between the developing countries and the department were also made concerning the operation, utilization and safety analysis for research reactors. Although the term 'JRR-3M' was used to denote the JRR-3M modified 1990 until the 2000 annual report of the Department of Research Reactor, the term 'JRR-3' will be used from this annual report because the JRR-3 has been operated for about 10 years since the modification and is now under further modification and upgrading study. (author)

  15. Annual review 2000-2001; Rapport d'activite 2000-2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report reviews the activities of the LAPP (particle physics laboratory of Annecy-le-Vieux) for the years 2000-2001. The central themes of research are: 1) the standard model and its extension, 2) the study of CP violation (contribution to the experiments BABAR and LHCb), 3) the search for the Higgs'boson (contribution to the experiments ALEPH, L3, ATLAS and CMS), 4) physics of neutrinos (contribution to the experiments NOMAD and OPERA), 5) the study of anti-matter and cosmic radiation (contribution to the experiment AMS and to the project EUSO embarked on the international spatial station), and 6) the search for gravitational waves (contribution to the experiment VIRGO)

  16. A coherent Ising machine for 2000-node optimization problems (United States)

    Inagaki, Takahiro; Haribara, Yoshitaka; Igarashi, Koji; Sonobe, Tomohiro; Tamate, Shuhei; Honjo, Toshimori; Marandi, Alireza; McMahon, Peter L.; Umeki, Takeshi; Enbutsu, Koji; Tadanaga, Osamu; Takenouchi, Hirokazu; Aihara, Kazuyuki; Kawarabayashi, Ken-ichi; Inoue, Kyo; Utsunomiya, Shoko; Takesue, Hiroki


    The analysis and optimization of complex systems can be reduced to mathematical problems collectively known as combinatorial optimization. Many such problems can be mapped onto ground-state search problems of the Ising model, and various artificial spin systems are now emerging as promising approaches. However, physical Ising machines have suffered from limited numbers of spin-spin couplings because of implementations based on localized spins, resulting in severe scalability problems. We report a 2000-spin network with all-to-all spin-spin couplings. Using a measurement and feedback scheme, we coupled time-multiplexed degenerate optical parametric oscillators to implement maximum cut problems on arbitrary graph topologies with up to 2000 nodes. Our coherent Ising machine outperformed simulated annealing in terms of accuracy and computation time for a 2000-node complete graph.

  17. Natura 2000 beheerplannen: binnen Nederlandse kaders samenwerken aan Europese natuur

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pelk, M.L.H.; Lammers, M.T.; Schipper, P.C.


    De Natura 2000-beheerplannen zijn een belangrijk middel om in goede samenwerking met alle betrokkenen afspraken te maken over de verdere uitwerking van de Natura 2000-doelen in omvang, ruimte en tijd en over beheer én gebruik van de gebieden. Belangrijke opgave daarbij is om maatregelen zodanig te

  18. New record in import of electric power in 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In spite of the mild weather in the year 2000 the electric power consumption in Finland increased by nearly 2%. The electric power consumption would be twice as high if the temperatures would have been the same as usually. Hydroelectric power generation in Norway, Sweden and Finland in 2000 was about 40 TWh higher than in 1999. The retained import of electric power in the year 2000 reached a new record, being 11.9 TWh, corresponding to 15% of the annual power consumption in Finland. The GNP in Finland increased in 2000 by 5.7%, and the estimate for 2001 is 4.5%. Total power consumption in Finland in 2000 was 79.1 TWh, which is 1.7% higher than in 1999. About 60% of the increase were covered by import of electric power and 40 % by increasing own power generation. The share of CHP production was 31% of the total power consumption, the share of nuclear power being 27%, the share of hydroelectric power 18% and that of coal and other common condensing power about 8%. The share of retained electric power import was 15%. The Finnish hydroelectric power plants generated 14.4 TWh electric power, which is nearly 15% more than in 1999. Due to the increased production of hydroelectric power and power import the production of coal and other condensing power decreased nearly 9%. The wind power generation increased rapidly being, however, only about 0.1% of the electric power consumption. Industrial power consumption was about 55% of the total, the share of households and agriculture being nearly 24%, and those of services and public sector over 17%. Power transmission and delivery losses were less than 4%. The electric power consumption of households decreased by nearly 2% due to the worm end of the year. The share of other consumers increased by nearly 3%. About 13 000 households acquired electric heating, so the number of electrically heated houses in Finland is 593 000 households. The industrial electric power consumption increased in 2000 by 2.7% up to 43.2 TWh. The share of

  19. The Hunt for the Higgs Exhibition LEPFest 2000

    CERN Multimedia


    On 5 September 2000,a number of events compatible with the production of a Higgs boson with mass around 114-115 GeV was reported in the combined results of the four LEP experiments,ALEPH,DELPHI,L3 and OPAL.However, these events are also compatible with originating from other known Standard Model processes.As a consequence, it is at present impossible either to rule out or confirm the existence of a 114-115 GeV Higgs boson.The prolongation of LEP running through October 2000 is the response to this tantalizing situation.

  20. Antimony recycling in the United States in 2000 (United States)

    Carlin, James F.


    The importance of recycling has become more obvious as concerns about the environment and import dependence have grown in recent years. When materials are recycled, fewer natural resources are consumed, and less waste products go to landfills or pollute the water and air. This study, one of a series of reports on metals recycling in 2000, discusses the flow of antimony from mining through its uses and disposal with emphasis on recycling. In 2000, the recycling efficiency for antimony was estimated to be 89 percent, and the recycling rate was about 20 percent.

  1. Color Image Quality Assessment Based on CIEDE2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang Yang


    Full Text Available Combining the color difference formula of CIEDE2000 and the printing industry standard for visual verification, we present an objective color image quality assessment method correlated with subjective vision perception. An objective score conformed to subjective perception (OSCSP Q was proposed to directly reflect the subjective visual perception. In addition, we present a general method to calibrate correction factors of color difference formula under real experimental conditions. Our experiment results show that the present DE2000-based metric can be consistent with human visual system in general application environment.

  2. IAEA preparations for the year 2000 compliance of safeguards equipment systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aparo, M.; Barnes, B.; Lewis, W.; Hsiung, Sue


    The Department of Safeguards, IAEA, has used equipment systems for acquiring relevant data to support safeguards evaluation and verification activities. Typically an equipment system consists of EPROM (embedded system), a connecting personal computer with instrument software for data acquisition, and may include data evaluation software. Complementing the equipment systems is a collection of general evaluation software systems (application software) which support the analysis of the acquired data. In preparing for the year 2000 compliance of all safeguards systems, SGTS (Safeguards Division of Technical Services) in IAEA, must ascertain the equipment systems and the evaluation software authorised for inspection use can properly operate through the passage of year 2000. We present the year 2000 challenge for these systems, the approach we use to tackle the problem, and the status of our year 2000 project. (author)

  3. Environmental research concept for the period 2000 - 2003; Forschungskonzept Umwelt fuer die Jahre 2000 bis 2003

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document published by the Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape (SAEFL) describes the concept for environmental research in Switzerland during the period 2000 - 2003. In a first part, the general state of environmental research is examined and the various public and private institutions involved are introduced. In the second part, the priorities for the period 2000 - 2003 are stated. The main points of focus, including the protection of the diversity of biological and landscape resources and their sustainable use, the protection of mankind and the environment from harmful substances and organisms, human behaviour, economical incentives and teaching systems, are discussed. Also, the targets of international agreements on environmental protection and the instruments to be used to implement them are examined. Finally, the report discusses the implementation of the declared research priorities and introduces the commission that is to watch over these activities. Figures are quoted on the funding necessary for the work and the importance of interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary co-operation is stressed.

  4. Census 2000 Places (cen00pl02) (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — Census 2000 Place Names provides a seamless statewide GIS layer of places, including census designated places (CDP), consolidated cities, and incorporated places,...

  5. [Drug expenditures of pensioners in 1997-2000]. (United States)

    Swistak, Piotr; Błońska-Fajfrowska, Barbara


    The general purpose of the study, carried out in the group of pensioners was to determine the relation between drug prices, household income and amounts of money spent on drugs in the years 1997-2000. The study was based on representative data gathered from annual household budgets review by Polish Statistical Office and data from pharmaceutical market published in 'Vitamina C++' magazine. The used method combined descriptive, comparative, table-descriptive analysis with graphical analysis. During studied period the real value of expenses on drugs in pensioners' households rose by 39.3% and available income decreased by 5.8%. Increased expenses on drugs caused the rise of the proportion of on spending on drugs in total household expenditure. It rose from 3.9% in 1997 to 5.2% in 2000. Throughout this time period the drug prices increased in real terms: the highest growth (approx. 49%) was noticed in patients' co-payment to reimbursed drugs. Despite rise in spending on drugs, due to the increase in drug retail prices and increasing patients co-payment, pensioners in comparison with 1997, could buy only approx. 93% units of reimbursed drugs in 2000. The possibility of buying drugs within OTC group increased by 18%.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mardi Wiyono


    Full Text Available Abstract: The implementation of ISO 9001:2000 quality management system in vocational school. The needs of quality products and services is largerly expanded in various organizations including education. Recently, the vocational schools also realize how important the quality product and service is. For achieving the quality product or service, some organizations implement the concept of ISO 9001:2000 quality management system. In 2006/2007 it is reported that there are some vocational schools have been certified with ISO 9001:2000. ISO 9001 is a serial document consists of Quality Management System Standard which has been refised from its previous standard. ISO 9001:2000 gives a number of prerequisites for organizations having business initialized by design and development, production, installations, and services. The vocational schools which have been certified with ISO 9001:2000, have to be re-accredited after three years of implementation.

  7. Modelling UK energy demand to 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, S.D.


    A recent long-term demand forecast for the UK was made by Cheshire and Surrey. (SPRU Occasional Paper Series No.5, Science Policy Research Unit, Univ. Of Sussex, 1978.) Although they adopted a sectoral approach their study leaves some questions unanswered. Do they succeed in their aim of making all their assumptions fully explicit. How sensitive are their estimates to changes in assumptions and policies. Are important problems and 'turning points' fully identified in the period up to and immediately beyond their time horizon of 2000. The author addresses these questions by using a computer model based on the study by Cheshire and Surrey. This article is a shortened version of the report, S.D. Thomas, 'Modelling UK Energy Demand to 2000', Operational Research, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 1979, in which full details of the author's model are given. Copies are available from the author. (author)

  8. Modelling UK energy demand to 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomas, S D [Sussex Univ., Brighton (UK)


    A recent long-term demand forecast for the UK was made by Cheshire and Surrey. (SPRU Occasional Paper Series No.5, Science Policy Research Unit, Univ. Of Sussex, 1978.) Although they adopted a sectoral approach their study leaves some questions unanswered. Do they succeed in their aim of making all their assumptions fully explicit. How sensitive are their estimates to changes in assumptions and policies. Are important problems and 'turning points' fully identified in the period up to and immediately beyond their time horizon of 2000. The author addresses these questions by using a computer model based on the study by Cheshire and Surrey. This article is a shortened version of the report, S.D. Thomas, 'Modelling UK Energy Demand to 2000', Operational Research, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 1979, in which full details of the author's model are given. Copies are available from the author.

  9. Mass communication for energy efficiency. Experiences from energy efficiency campaigns in Schleswig-Holstein 2000-2000. Final report; Massenkommunikation fuer Energieffizienz. Erfahrungen aus landesweiten Energieeffizienz-Kampagnen in Schleswig-Holstein 2000-2002. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wortmann, K.; Moehring-Hueser, W.


    The report sums up the experience gained with energy efficiency pilot campaigns in Schleswig-Holstein (Schoeth et al., to appear, and Wortman et al., 2000, 2001). The information is to help other actors in this field to develop and optimize their own campaigns. [German] Dieser Bericht resuemiert die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen mit wirkungsvoller Umweltwerbung auf Basis der ausfuehrlichen Werbewirkungskontrollen zu den Energieeffizienz-Pilotkampagnen in Schleswig-Holstein (vgl. ausfuehrlicher Schoetz et al., im Druck sowie Wortmann et al., 2000, 2001). Die abschliessenden Abschnitte 'Empfehlungen' und 'Ausblick' kennzeichnen den aktuellen Stand des Wissens und sollen anderen Akteuren mit gleicher oder aehnlicher Zielsetzung Hilfestellung und Anregung fuer die optimierte eigene Planung von Kampagnen geben. (orig.)

  10. Cyberstalking on Twitter @triomacan2000 at Election 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christiany Juditha


    Full Text Available The use of Twitter is open up the space for freedom of expression and opinion. But also raised a new phenomenon called cyberstalking (bullying. Acts of bullying (violence/intimidation are also occur in cyberspace. People are free to commit violence and intimidate others without  either use a personal account, institutional and anonymous. Especially when  the Election arrives. This action is more intense uncontrolled. This study was carried out to get an overview of the phenomenon of cyberstalking on Twitter in 2014 elections that carried the account @ TrioMacan2000. The method used is a qualitative content analysis of the unit of analysis is the whole message (tweet on account @ TrioMacan2000 during the legislative election campaign period opens March 16 to April 5, 2014. The study concluded that most of the tweets are also pictures posted on the account @ TrioMacan2000 throughout the campaign period of election legislation, cyberstalking entered in all categories studied, namely the desire to hurt; post power imbalance; repetition, as well as the pleasure that is felt by the perpetrators.

  11. Energy: global prospects 1985-2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, C.L.


    The results from the evaluation of global energy resources up to year 2000, done by the Group of Energetic Strategy of Energy Studies are presented. The studies were concentrated in the fuel supply and demand for the next 25 years, such as: petroleum, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy. The national and international energy policy are studied. (E.G.) [pt

  12. Year 2000 Contingency Planning and Cost Reporting at the Defense Finance and Accounting Service

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    ...: complied with the requirements of the DoD Year 2000 Management Plan, prepared adequate Year 2000 system-level contingency plans, and reported complete and reliable Year 2000 system cost estimates...

  13. Mortality trends for tuberculosis in European Union countries, 2000-2010. (United States)

    Al-Rahamneh, Moad J; Al-Rahamneh, Anas; Guillén-Grima, Francisco; Arnedo-Pena, Alberto; Aguinaga-Ontoso, Inés

    The objective of this study was to update and analyze tuberculosis (TB) mortality data in the European Union between 2000 and 2010 separately for men and women and try to detect if there have been any changes in trends in each country and the association with the economic situation and inequalities. Data were extracted for tuberculosis deaths in 2000-2010 for 29 European Union countries and for Switzerland, via the World Health Organization (WHO) European detailed mortality database (DMDB), using the Mortality tabulation list 1 (MTL1) codes for men and women separately for one age group (20-85+). We estimated age-standardised mortality rates, and analyzed data using the Joinpoint Regression Program for men and women separately in the European Union overall and by individual country for each year. Between 2000 and 2010, there were 68,771 recorded tuberculosis deaths in the European Union and the mortality rates were higher for men than women in the entire study zone. Overall, TB mortality rates declined linearly for both genders, but more in women than in men (from 5.43/100,000 in 2000 to 2.59/100,000 in 2010 in men and from 1.37/100,000 in 2000 to 0.51/100,000 in 2010 in women). There was decline in both genders for the entire study period, with a significant Estimated Annual Percentage Change (EAPC) of -8.1 for women and -7 for men when alphaEuropean Union decreased overall in 2000-2010 for both genders. Men have higher TB mortality rates than women in all countries. Our findings were consistent with the downward TB mortality trend in many other countries worldwide. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. All rights reserved.

  14. Germany 1918-1819: A Revolution in Violence | Alemania 1918-1919: la revolución de la violencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark Jones


    Full Text Available This article examines the role of violence in the German revolution of 1918-1919, after the defeat of Germany in the First World War. It demonstrates that the brutal violence employed by the new social democratic government against the revolutionary left was a turning point in the history of the German state. The period between November 1918 and mid-January 1919 was marked by the persistence of war mentalities that allowed for the use of violence in politics. However, government violence was not only a simple product of the war experience. It had a performative role: demonstrating and reinforcing the authority of the new state. | Este artículo examina el papel de la violencia en la revolución alemana de 1918-1919, que siguió a la derrota del país en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Se demuestra que el brutal uso de la violencia por parte del nuevo gobierno socialdemócrata para aplacar a la izquierda supuso un punto de inflexión en la historia de la violencia del estado alemán, y se argumenta que el periodo entre noviembre de 1918 y mediados de enero de 1919 se caracterizó por las persistencia de mentalidades bélicas sobre las que se basó el extendido recurso a la violencia. No obstante, La violencia gubernamental, más que entenderse como simple producto de continuidades en las prácticas violentas procedentes de la guerra, tuvo la importante función: demostrar e imponer la autoridad del nuevo estado emergente.

  15. High Efficiency EBCOT with Parallel Coding Architecture for JPEG2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chiang Jen-Shiun


    Full Text Available This work presents a parallel context-modeling coding architecture and a matching arithmetic coder (MQ-coder for the embedded block coding (EBCOT unit of the JPEG2000 encoder. Tier-1 of the EBCOT consumes most of the computation time in a JPEG2000 encoding system. The proposed parallel architecture can increase the throughput rate of the context modeling. To match the high throughput rate of the parallel context-modeling architecture, an efficient pipelined architecture for context-based adaptive arithmetic encoder is proposed. This encoder of JPEG2000 can work at 180 MHz to encode one symbol each cycle. Compared with the previous context-modeling architectures, our parallel architectures can improve the throughput rate up to 25%.

  16. Swedish wind energy research program VKK, Annual report 2000/2001; Vindkraftsprogrammet VKK. Laegesrapport verksamhetsaaret 2000/2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thor, S.E.


    This report describes the results that have been achieved during the period July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001, the last year in the three-year period of the present research programme financed by the Swedish Energy Administration. The yearly budget amounts to 15.6 MSEK (about 1.5 MUSD)

  17. The Savannah River Site's Groundwater Monitoring Program First Quarter 2000 (January through March 2000)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dukes, M.


    This report summarizes the Groundwater Monitoring Program conducted by SRS during first quarter 2000. It includes the analytical data, field data, data review, quality control, and other documentation for this program; provides a record of the program's activities; and serves as an official record of the analytical results.

  18. The Savannah River Site's Groundwater Monitoring Program Third Quarter 2000 (July through September 2000)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dukes, M.D.


    This report summarizes the Groundwater Monitoring Program conducted by SRS during third quarter 2000. It includes the analytical data, field data, data review, quality control, and other documentation for this program; provides a record of the program's activities; and serves as an official record of the analytical results.

  19. The Savannah River Site's Groundwater Monitoring Program Second Quarter 2000 (April through June 2000)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dukes, M.D.


    This report summarizes the Groundwater Monitoring Program conducted by SRS during second quarter 2000. It includes the analytical data, field data, data review, quality control, and other documentation for this program; provides a record of the program's activities; and serves as an official record of the analytical results.

  20. 2000 Honor List: A Hopeful Bunch. (United States)

    Nilsen, Alleen Pace; Donelson, Ken; Blasingame, James, Jr.


    Presents 11 titles selected for the 2000 Honor List for young adult literature. Notes that the books were selected by combining their favorites with the best-book list compiled by the editors of such publications as "School Library Journal,""Booklist," and "Horn Book." (SG)

  1. Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge: 2000 Academic Award (United States)

    Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge 2000 award winner, Professor Chi-Huey Wong, developed reactions with enzymes and safer solvents that can replace traditional reactions done with toxic metals and hazardous solvents.

  2. IAEA preparations for the year 2000 compliance of safeguards information systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, P.M.


    The year-2000 (Y2K) problem affects both information systems and equipment systems. This paper describes the work which has been done, and is currently underway, to make the information systems of the Department of Safeguards year-2000 compliant. (author)

  3. 702AZ aging waste ventilation facility year 2000 test procedure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Winkelman, W.D.


    This test procedure was developed to determine if the 702AZ Tank Ventilation Facility system is Year 2000 Compliant. The procedure provides detailed instructions for performing the operations necessary and documenting the results. This verification procedure will document that the 702AZ Facility Systems are year 2000 compliant and will correctly meet the criteria established in this procedure


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivete Manetzeder Keil


    Full Text Available This study problematizes the power discourse present in the TV classes of the First Grade History Program of Telecurso 2000, produced and aired by Globo Network Television, seeking to register points that influence subject’s production and their world visions. In this context, it emphasizes television as a learning space that privileges a despolitized teaching of history. The First Grade History Program of Telecurso 2000, in that it does not present a critical history and despolitizes the facts that are aired, produces an artificial world that becomes the dominators´ stage for their actions and discourse.

  5. Puerto Rico Above Ground Biomass Map, 2000 (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This image dataset details the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico above-ground forest biomass (AGB) (baseline 2000) developed by the United States (US) Environmental...

  6. Solar-assisted district heating systems: The Solarthermie 2000-programme; Solarunterstuetzte Nahwaermeversorgung: Programm Solarthermie-2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lottner, V. [Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH (Germany). Projekttraeger Biologie, Energie, Umwelt (BEO)


    In Germany, utilisation of solar energy for thermal energy supply has a considerable technical and economic potential in terms of substitution of fossil fuels and reduction of CO{sub 2} emission. If appropriate technologies are used, solar-assisted district heat supply systems can be a cost-efficient concept for thermal utilisation of solar energy. The BMBF -programme `Solarthermie 2000` supports a number of pilot and demonstration plants in order to test and develop the most promising systems and storage facilities under real conditions. Long-term measuring programmes generate reliable data on thermal performance and cost of the plant concepts and create a solid basis for a technical and economic evaluation. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Nutzung von Solarenergie fuer die Waermeversorgung bietet in Deutschland ein grosses technisches und wirtschaftliches Potential zur Substitution fossiler Energietraeger und Reduzierung der CO{sub 2} Emissionen in die Atmosphaere. Solarunterstuetzte Nahwaermesysteme stellen unter guenstigen technischen Bedingungen ein kostenguenstiges Konzept der thermischen Nutzung der Solarenergie dar. In dem BMBF-Programm Solarthermie-2000 werden Pilot- und Demonstrationsanlagen gefoerdert, so dass die aussichtsreichsten System- und Speicherkonzepte in der Praxis erprobt und gezielt weiterentwickelt werden koennen. Mit Langzeit-Messprogrammen werden belastbare Werte der thermischen Leistung und Kosten der Anlagenkonzepte ermittelt und eine zuverlaessige Grundlage fuer die technisch-wirtschaftliche Bewertung geschaffen. (orig.)

  7. Annual report of department of research reactor, 2000. April 1, 2000 - March 31, 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Department of Research Reactor is responsible for the operation, Maintenance, utilization of the JRR-3 and the JRR-4 and for the related R and D. Besides RI production including its R and D are carried out. This report describes the activities of the department in fiscal year of 2000 and it also includes some of the technical topics on the works mentioned above. As for the research reactors, we carried out the operation, maintenance, the utilization of irradiation and neutron beam experiments, technical management including fuels and water chemistry, radiation monitoring as related R and D works. RI Production and its R and D works were conducted as well. The international cooperations between the developing countries and the department were also made concerning the operation, utilization and safety analysis for research reactors. Although the term 'JRR-3M' was used to denote the JRR-3M modified 1990 until the 2000 annual report of the Department of Research Reactor, the term 'JRR-3' will be used from this annual report because the JRR-3 has been operated for about 10 years since the modification and is now under further modification and upgrading study. (author)

  8. OIT Times Newsletter: Volume 3, Number 1, Winter 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sousa, L.


    The Winter 2000 edition of the OIT Times newsletter, a quarterly publication produced by the Office of Industrial Technologies, highlights the 1999 start-up projects, announces the OIT solicitation schedule for FY2000, and features the success of the Ohio diecasting showcase. One of the quarterly highlights was Secretary Richardson's presentation of a Certificate of Partnership to Malden Mills CEO Aaron Feuerstein at the dedication of the plant's new, advanced cogeneration system.

  9. Comprehensive College Plan for 2000-2001. (United States)

    San Antonio Coll., TX.

    The document describes San Antonio College's (Texas) strategic goals and objectives for 2000-2001. San Antonio College's comprehensive planning and evaluation process monitors the achievement of college-wide goals and initiatives supporting the college's Vision and Mission Statement and the Alamo Community College District's Strategic Plan. The…

  10. Dual pressurized light water reactor producing 2000 M We

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The dual unit optimizer 2000 M We (Duo2000) is proposed as a new design concept for large nuclear power plant. Duo is being designed to meet economic and safety challenges facing the 21 century green and sustainable energy industry. Duo2000 has two nuclear steam supply systems (NSSS) of the unit nuclear optimizer (Uno) pressurized water reactor (PWR) in a single containment so as to double the capacity of the plant. Uno is anchored to the optimized power reactor 1000 M We (OPR1000) of the Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. The concept of Duo can be extended to any number of PWRs or pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWR s), or even boiling water reactor (BWRs). Once proven in water reactors, the technology may even be expanded to gas cooled, liquid metal cooled, and molten salt cooled reactors. In particular, since it is required that the small and medium sized reactors (SMRs) be built as units, the concept of Duo2000 will apply to SMRs as well. With its in-vessel retention as severe accident management strategy, Duo can not only put the single most querulous PWR safety issue to end, but also pave ways to most promising large power capacity dispensing with huge redesigning cost for generation III + nuclear systems. The strengths of Duo2000 include reducing the cost of construction by decreasing the number of containment buildings from two to one, minimizing the cost of NSSS and control systems by sharing between the dual units, and lessening the maintenance cost by uniting NSSS. The technology can further be extended to coupling modular reactors as dual, triple, or quadruple units to increase their economics, thus accelerating the commercialization as well as the customization of SMRs. (Author)

  11. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant CY 2000 Site Environmental Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westinghouse TRU Solutions, LLC; Environmental Science and Research Foundation, Inc.


    The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Carlsbad Field Office and Westinghouse TRU Solutions, LLC (WTS) are dedicated to maintaining high quality management of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) environmental resources. DOE Order 5400.1, General Environmental Protection Program, and DOE Order 231.1, Environmental, Safety, and Health Reporting, require that the environment at and near DOE facilities be monitored to ensure the safety and health of the public and the environment. This Waste Isolation Pilot Plant 2000 Site Environmental Report summarizes environmental data from calendar year (CY) 2000 that characterize environmental management performance and demonstrate compliance with federal and state regulations. This report was prepared in accordance with DOE Order 5400.1, DOE Order 231.1, the Environmental Regulatory Guide for Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance (DOE/EH-0173T), and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Environmental Protect ion Implementation Plan (DOE/WIPP 96-2199). The above orders and guidance documents require that DOE facilities submit an Annual Site Environmental Report to DOE Headquarters, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health. The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive description of operational environmental monitoring activities, to provide an abstract of environmental activities conducted to characterize site environmental management performance to confirm compliance with environmental standards and requirements, and to highlight significant programs and efforts of environmental merit at WIPP during CY 2000. The format of this report follows guidance offered in a June 1, 2001 memo from DOE's Office of Policy and Guidance with the subject ''Guidance for the preparation of Department of Energy (DOE) Annual Site Environmental Reports (ASERs) for Calendar Year 2000.'' WIPP received its first shipment of waste on March 26, 1999. In 2000, no evidence was found of any adverse

  12. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant CY 2000 Site Environmental Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Westinghouse TRU Solutions, LLC; Environmental Science and Research Foundation, Inc.


    The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Carlsbad Field Office and Westinghouse TRU Solutions, LLC (WTS) are dedicated to maintaining high quality management of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) environmental resources. DOE Order 5400.1, General Environmental Protection Program, and DOE Order 231.1, Environmental, Safety, and Health Reporting, require that the environment at and near DOE facilities be monitored to ensure the safety and health of the public and the environment. This Waste Isolation Pilot Plant 2000 Site Environmental Report summarizes environmental data from calendar year (CY) 2000 that characterize environmental management performance and demonstrate compliance with federal and state regulations. This report was prepared in accordance with DOE Order 5400.1, DOE Order 231.1, the Environmental Regulatory Guide for Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance (DOE/EH-0173T), and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Environmental Protect ion Implementation Plan (DOE/WIPP 96-2199). The above orders and guidance documents require that DOE facilities submit an Annual Site Environmental Report to DOE Headquarters, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health. The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive description of operational environmental monitoring activities, to provide an abstract of environmental activities conducted to characterize site environmental management performance to confirm compliance with environmental standards and requirements, and to highlight significant programs and efforts of environmental merit at WIPP during CY 2000. The format of this report follows guidance offered in a June 1, 2001 memo from DOE's Office of Policy and Guidance with the subject ''Guidance for the preparation of Department of Energy (DOE) Annual Site Environmental Reports (ASERs) for Calendar Year 2000.'' WIPP received its first shipment of waste on March 26, 1999. In 2000, no

  13. Preliminary conceptual studies of REX 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merchie, F.; Baas, C.; Ballagny, A.; Chagrot, M.; Farny, G.; Barnier, M.; Pattou, A.


    Nuclear R and D programs are, to some extent, completely dependent on research reactors availability. In France and others european countries, the major materials testings reactors were built in the sixties and are consequently ageing and reaching the end of their life, some of them having already been shut down. A situation with not a single large research reactor available in first half of next century cannot be imagined, given all the benefits drawn from the use of research reactors. The CEA has therefore started to evaluate the needs for neutron sources in the next four or five decades so as to design the most suitable new facilities to take over from the existing ones. REX 2000 is a new dedicated reactor project intended to meet the needs for fuels and materials testings after the year 2000. The preliminary conceptual studies which have been carried out along the last 18 months are presented and commented. (author)

  14. 2000 Annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report presents information of the main activities on the scope of radiation protection and nuclear safety of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) of the Argentina during 2000. The following activities and developed topic in this report describe: the Argentine regulatory system; the evolution of the nuclear regulatory activities in the Argentina since the beginnings in the National Atomic Energy Commission (NAEC) of Argentina; the nuclear regulatory laws and standards; the safeguards and inspection of the nuclear facilities and nuclear power plants; the radiological emergency systems; the environmental monitoring; the institutional relations with national and international organizations; the biological and physics dosimetry; the training courses and meetings; the economic and human recourses


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirela STANCIU


    Full Text Available This paper presents the benefits of the local communities across Natura 2000 sites. Human activities in these areas should take into account the economic, social, cultural, and environmental protection. It examines the most common problems encountered in forests, pastures and hayfields in the area of Natura 2000 sites. There are some examples of good practice exemplified by the activities of farmers living on the radius of Natura 2000 sites in different European countries. Natura 2000 sites are suitable for development of eco-tourism and agro-tourism based on tradition and organic products, which may lead to a brand. Tourism and specifically eco-friendly tourism industries (ecotourism, agrotourism, etc. are encouraging development areas at regional and national Natura 2000 sites as a sustainable opportunity for people and nature.

  16. Prospectus 2000 (United States)

    Holmes, Jon L.; Gettys, Nancy S.


    We begin 2000 with a message about our plans for JCE Software and what you will be seeing in this column as the year progresses. Floppy Disk --> CD-ROM Most software today is distributed on CD-ROM or by downloading from the Internet. Several new computers no longer include a floppy disk drive as "standard equipment". Today's software no longer fits on one or two floppies (the installation software alone can require two disks) and the cost of reproducing and distributing several disks is prohibitive. In short, distribution of software on floppy disks is no longer practical. Therefore, JCE Software will distribute all new software publications on CD-ROM rather than on disks. Regular Issues --> Collections Distribution of all our software on CD-ROM allows us to extend our concept of software collections that we started with the General Chemistry Collection. Such collections will contain all the previously published software that is still "in print" (i.e., is compatible with current operating systems and hardware) and any new programs that fall under the topic of the collection. Proposed topics in addition to General Chemistry currently include Advanced Chemistry, Instrument and Laboratory Simulations, and Spectroscopy. Eventually, all regular issues will be replaced by these collections, which will be updated annually or semiannually with new programs and updates to existing programs. Abstracts for all new programs will continue to appear in this column when a collection or its update is ready for publication. We will continue to offer special issues of single larger programs (e.g. Periodic Table Live!, Chemistry Comes Alive! volumes) on CD-ROM and video on videotape. Connect with Your Students outside Class JCE Software has always offered network licenses to allow instructors to make our software available to students in computer labs, but that model no longer fits the way many instructors and students work with computers. Many students (or their families) own a

  17. Tennessee Valley Region: a year 2000 profile

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A study was undertaken to determine the potential radiological implications of nuclear facilities in the combined watersheds of the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, an area covering portions of 7 states of varied topography. The regional population in 1970 was about 4.6 million and is expected to increase to about 7 million by the year 2000. A 1973 projection estimated the installed electric generating capacity of the region to increase from a 1970 value of 45,000 megawatts to a total of 222,000 megawatts by the year 2000. In that year, about 144,000 megawatts were projected to be nuclear plants. The profile of the Tennessee Valley Region in the year 2000, as drawn from this report, contains the essential data for calculation of the radiological dose from operation of nuclear facilities in that year. Those calculations are reported in the companion document, DOE/ET-0064/2. Specifically, Volume I establishes the parameters describing where the people live, what they eat, the activities in which they engage, and the environmental surroundings that enable an evaluation of the potential radiation dose to the population. Airborne radionuclides from nuclear facilities in this zone may enter the study area and be deposited on the ground, on growing food, and on water surfaces. Consideration was not given to waterborne radionuclides external to the study region. 17 references. (MCW)

  18. Tennessee Valley Region: a year 2000 profile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A study was undertaken to determine the potential radiological implications of nuclear facilities in the combined watersheds of the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, an area covering portions of 7 states of varied topography. The regional population in 1970 was about 4.6 million and is expected to increase to about 7 million by the year 2000. A 1973 projection estimated the installed electric generating capacity of the region to increase from a 1970 value of 45,000 megawatts to a total of 222,000 megawatts by the year 2000. In that year, about 144,000 megawatts were projected to be nuclear plants. The profile of the Tennessee Valley Region in the year 2000, as drawn from this report, contains the essential data for calculation of the radiological dose from operation of nuclear facilities in that year. Those calculations are reported in the companion document, DOE/ET-0064/2. Specifically, Volume I establishes the parameters describing where the people live, what they eat, the activities in which they engage, and the environmental surroundings that enable an evaluation of the potential radiation dose to the population. Airborne radionuclides from nuclear facilities in this zone may enter the study area and be deposited on the ground, on growing food, and on water surfaces. Consideration was not given to waterborne radionuclides external to the study region. 17 references

  19. Trends in radiology in Finland between 1995 and 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hakanen, Arvi; Jaervinen, Hannu; Soimakallio, Seppo


    The aim of this study was to demonstrate the applicability of a joint nomenclature, i.e., the examination coding system used in Finland, for making a nationwide summary of the radiological examinations and interventional procedures. Another objective was to find trends in radiological practices in Finland between 1995 and 2000 by comparing the nationwide summaries made by Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK). An inquiry for the numbers of radiological examinations performed in 2000 was sent to 473 medical radiation users, i.e., safety license holders obtained from the registry maintained by STUK. In 2000, the proportions of plain radiography, contrast-enhanced radiography, angiography, computed tomography and radiological interventional procedures were approximately 91.1, 1.4, 0.9, 5.0, and 1.5%, respectively (distribution of medical examinations). Between 1995 and 2000, the number of medical X-ray examinations showed a slight decrease from ca. 4.2 million to ca. 4.1 million. During the investigated five years period the frequency of contrast enhanced radiography diminished ca. 50% while the frequency of computed tomography increased ca. 20%. The reported number of ultrasonographic examinations showed a slight increase to approximately 0.5 million, whereas the reported number of MRI examinations increased approximately twofold to approximately 0.1 million. The observed trends in radiological practices are useful in attempts to optimize the resources of STUK in the field of radiological protection. (orig.)

  20. Family, immigration and the wait

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vitalina Alfonso


    Full Text Available A lo largo de la historia de la sociedad cubana salir de la Isla ha sido una de las soluciones adoptadas ante las crisis, lo cual constituye un detonante significativo en la dispersión continua de la estructura familiar desde hace ya varias décadas. El eco literario en la Isla de este proceso se ha hecho muy visible a partir de los años 2000, fundamentalmente en la novelística escrita por mujeres y también en una porción de autoras de origen cubano residentes en los EEUU. De ello da cuenta este estudio en el que se trazan líneas de coincidencias y de continuidades en todo el conjunto para articular un corpus narrativo de ineludible significación.

  1. JPEG2000 and dissemination of cultural heritage over the Internet. (United States)

    Politou, Eugenia A; Pavlidis, George P; Chamzas, Christodoulos


    By applying the latest technologies in image compression for managing the storage of massive image data within cultural heritage databases and by exploiting the universality of the Internet we are now able not only to effectively digitize, record and preserve, but also to promote the dissemination of cultural heritage. In this work we present an application of the latest image compression standard JPEG2000 in managing and browsing image databases, focusing on the image transmission aspect rather than database management and indexing. We combine the technologies of JPEG2000 image compression with client-server socket connections and client browser plug-in, as to provide with an all-in-one package for remote browsing of JPEG2000 compressed image databases, suitable for the effective dissemination of cultural heritage.

  2. U.S. Monthly Climate Normals (1971-2000) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — U.S. Monthly Climate Normals (1971-2000) (DSI-9641C) include climatological normals based on monthly maximum, minimum, and mean temperature and monthly total...

  3. Parameters of the CGCS 2000 Ellipsoid and Comparisons with GRS 80 and WGS 84

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    CHENG Pengfei


    Full Text Available According to the definition of China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000(CGCS 2000 and defined constants of the ellipsoid adopted by CGCS 2000,the other geometrical and physical parameters of this ellipsoid are derived and compared with that from GRS 80 and WGS 84,respectively.Meanwhile the coordinates and normal gravity on the CGCS 2000 ellipsoid are compared with that on WGS 84 and GRS 80.The difference between the normal gravity on CGCS 2000 ellipsoid and that on GRS 80 is about -143.54×10-8 m/s2,while it is 0.02×10-8 m/s2 compared to WGS 84.The longitudes of a point on these three ellipsoids are the same,but the maximum difference of latitude between CGCS 2000 and GRS 80 is 8.26×10-11 arc seconds,which is about 2.5×10-6 mm,and the maximum difference of latitude between CGCS 2000 and WGS 84 is 3.6×10-6 arc seconds,which is about 0.11 mm.

  4. Step of quality assurance preparation on ISO 9001:2000 toward certification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    ISO 9001:2000 is the International Standard for the quality management system that stipulate requirement and recommendation provided for design until product. The standard is also regulated the implementation and evaluation from management system point of view the objective to assure organization will meet specified requirement product. To propose ISO 9001:2000 certification, many steps of action should be carried out. There are 5 primary sections of the quality management system requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Quality Management system, Management responsibility, Resource management, Product realization and Measurement, Analysis and improvement, in which all will be begun with training until evaluation (author)

  5. Determination of the IGRF 2000 model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Nils; Sabaka, T.J.; Tøffner-Clausen, Lars


    The IGRF 2000 has been estimated from magnetic measurements taken by the Orsted sattelite in summer 1999. For this purpose, three models have been derived: The first two models were estimated using a few geomagnetic quiet days in May and September 1999, respectively. The third model, called Oerst...

  6. Atmospheric deposition 2000. NOVA 2003; Atmosfaerisk deposition 2000. NOVA 2003

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ellermann, T.; Hertel, O.; Hovmand, M.F.; Kemp, K.; Skjoeth, C.A.


    This report presents measurements and calculations from the atmospheric part of NOVA 2003 and covers results for 2000. It summarises the main results concerning concentrations and depositions of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur compounds related to eutrophication and acidification. Depositions of atmospheric compounds to Danish marine waters as well as land surface are presented. Measurements: In 2000 the monitoring program consisted of eight stations where wet deposition of ammonium, nitrate, phosphate (semi quantitatively) and sulphate were measured using bulk precipitation samplers. Six of the stations had in addition measurements of atmospheric content of A, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur compounds in gas and particulate phase carried out by use of filter pack samplers. Filters were analysed at the National Environmental Research Institute. Furthermore nitrogen dioxide were measured using nitrogen dioxide filter samplers and monitors. Model calculations: The measurements in the monitoring program were supplemented with model calculations of concentrations and depositions of nitrogen and sulphur compounds to Danish land surface, marine waters, fjords and bays using the ACDEP model (Atmospheric Chemistry and Deposition). The model is a so-called trajectory model and simulates the physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere using meteorological and emission data as input. The advantage of combining measurements with model calculations is that the strengths of both methods is obtained. Conclusions concerning: 1) actual concentration levels at the monitoring stations, 2) deposition at the monitoring stations, 3) seasonal variations and 4) long term trends in concentrations and depositions are mainly based on the direct measurements. These are furthermore used to validate the results of the model calculations. Calculations and conclusions concerning: 1) depositions to land surface and to the individual marine water, 2) contributions from different emission

  7. A neutron radiography facility on the IRT-2000 reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khadduri, I.Y.


    A neutron radiography facility has been constructed on the thermal neutron channel of the IRT-2000 reactor. A collimated thermal neutron beam exposure area of 10 cm diameter is obtained with an L/D ratio of 48.8. The film used is cellulose nitrate coated with lithium tetraborate which is insensitive to gamma and beta radiation. Some pictures with good contrast and resolution have been obtained. Pictures of parts of an IRT-2000 reactor fuel pin have also been recorded. (orig) [de

  8. OHVT technology roadmap [2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bradley, R.A.


    The OHVT Technology Roadmap for 2000 presents the multiyear program plan of the U.S. DOE's Office of Heavy Vehicle Technologies (OHVT). It is an update of the 1997 plan, reflecting changes in regulations and ongoing discussions with DOE's heavy vehicle customers. The technical plan covers three classes of trucks: (1) class 7-8 (large, on-highway trucks); (2) class 3-6 (medium duty trucks); (3) class 1-2 (pickups, vans, and sport utility vehicles) as well as enabling and supporting technologies. The Roadmap documents program goals, schedules, and milestones.

  9. Annual Report 1999-2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Research / development and other activities of various PAEC (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission) Departments for the year 1999-2000 are presented in this report. The various constituent unit of PAEC nuclear research centres, nuclear power plants, biotechnology, nuclear medical sciences, nuclear materials etc. These activities are described under the headings: highlights of various projects, nuclear power plants, physical sciences and engineering, biosciences, nuclear minerals, human resource development, projects, international relations. At the end of this report financial position of PAEC and list of publication is also available. (A.B.)

  10. Annual Report 1999-2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research / development and other activities of various PAEC (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission) Departments for the year 1999-2000 are presented in this report. The various constituent unit of PAEC nuclear research centres, nuclear power plants, biotechnology, nuclear medical sciences, nuclear materials etc. These activities are described under the headings: highlights of various projects, nuclear power plants, physical sciences and engineering, biosciences, nuclear minerals, human resource development, projects, international relations. At the end of this report financial position of PAEC and list of publication is also available. (A.B.)

  11. Delayed XBT data collected from the FRANKLIN and other platforms by Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) from 25 February 2000 to 4 December 2000 (NODC Accession 0000430) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — XBT data were collected in the Indian Ocean from multiple platforms from 25 February 2000 to 4 December 2000. Data were collected by the CommonWealth Scientific...

  12. Harju street 1944-2000 / Teddy Böckler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Böckler, Teddy, 1930-2005


    Harju tänavast läbi aastakümnete ja selle renoveerimise plaanidest. Artikli lõpus Harju tänavaga seotud kronoloogia aastatel 1944-2000, sisaldab ka viiteid renoveerimise projektidele ja nende autoritele.

  13. Twin Cities Metro Hybrid Landcover 2000 (Raster) (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — The Hybrid Landcover is an attempt to clean up the University of Minnesota Remote Sensing Lab's 2000 LandSat Land Cover for the Twin Cities 7-county metropolitan...

  14. Beach Nourishment History (1920s to 2000) (United States)

    California Natural Resource Agency — This is a dataset of beach nourishment history for the California Coastline from the 1920s to 2000. The original data was in tabular form (an Excel spreadsheet) and...

  15. CURRICULUM MATTERS: Physics 2000: a personal view (United States)

    Field, R. J.


    The author expresses his personal views of how Physics for A-level should develop towards the year 2000. These cover: the historical treatment of core topics, syllabus structure and the relevance of practical physics.

  16. MODFLOW-2000, the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Ground-Water Model--Documentation of the SEAWAT-2000 Version with the Variable-Density Flow Process (VDF) and the Integrated MT3DMS Transport Process (IMT) (United States)

    Langevin, Christian D.; Shoemaker, W. Barclay; Guo, Weixing


    SEAWAT-2000 is the latest release of the SEAWAT computer program for simulation of three-dimensional, variable-density, transient ground-water flow in porous media. SEAWAT-2000 was designed by combining a modified version of MODFLOW-2000 and MT3DMS into a single computer program. The code was developed using the MODFLOW-2000 concept of a process, which is defined as ?part of the code that solves a fundamental equation by a specified numerical method.? SEAWAT-2000 contains all of the processes distributed with MODFLOW-2000 and also includes the Variable-Density Flow Process (as an alternative to the constant-density Ground-Water Flow Process) and the Integrated MT3DMS Transport Process. Processes may be active or inactive, depending on simulation objectives; however, not all processes are compatible. For example, the Sensitivity and Parameter Estimation Processes are not compatible with the Variable-Density Flow and Integrated MT3DMS Transport Processes. The SEAWAT-2000 computer code was tested with the common variable-density benchmark problems and also with problems representing evaporation from a salt lake and rotation of immiscible fluids.

  17. Seed technology training in the year 2000

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    McDonald M.B.


    Full Text Available Seed quality will remain the centerpiece of successful agricultural programs in the year 2000. As new changes occur in agriculture driven by advancements in biotechnology, seed enhancement technologies, a more diverse seed user clientele, and communication technologies, successful seed companies will require a knowledgeable and informed workforce to assure high seed quality. A new approach to seed technology training is professed that relies on the establishment of a three-institution consortium to achieve this objective. Advantages of the consortium are identified that emphasize the unique strengths of each institution, their geographic advantages representing major climactic/agricultural zones in the world, and differing approaches to seed technology training that are facilitated by increasing ease of global communication. This may be a better way to conduct seed technology training in the year 2000.

  18. Union Gas Limited Year 2000 progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoey, P.


    Union Gas Ltd., a subsidiary of Westcoast Energy Inc., serves approximately 1.1 million customers in more than 400 communities in Ontario. The company has $3.6 billion worth of assets including distribution, storage and transmission facilities. This report outlines the company's Year 2000 (Y2K) preparedness efforts. The company does not see any Year 2000 challenges which would impede the flow of natural gas. Union Gas has contingency plans in place to provide business continuity in the event of any internal system failures. Currently, the following systems are 100 per cent Y2K ready: (1) gas flow and control systems, (2) information technology, (3) telecommunications systems, and (4) the billing system. The remaining systems are expected to be Y2K ready by mid-1999

  19. Environmental and effluent monitoring at ANSTO sites, 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoffmann, E L; Loosz, T; Mokhber-Shahin, L [Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Menai, NSW (Australia)


    Results are presented of environmental surveillance and effluent monitoring conducted in the calendar year 2000 at the two sites owned and operated by ANSTO, at the Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre (LHSTC) and the National Medical Cyclotron (NMC). All low-level liquid and gaseous effluent discharges complied with existing discharge authorisations and relevant environmental regulations. Potential effective doses to the general public from LHSTC controlled airborne discharges were estimated for 2000 using the PC-Cream atmospheric dispersion and dosimetry code. The potential effective doses to the public in 2000 were estimated to be less than 0.01 mSv/year for all receptor locations on the LHSTC 1.6 km buffer zone boundary or beyond. This value represents 1 % of the 1 milli sievert (mSv) per year dose limit for long term exposure that is recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council and 3.3% of the LHSTC site dose constraint of 0.3 mSv/year. It is concluded that there is no impact on the health of the community, staff or the environment as a consequence of operations at the Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre or the National Medical Cyclotron.

  20. Environmental and effluent monitoring at ANSTO sites, 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoffmann, E.L.; Loosz, T.; Mokhber-Shahin, L.


    Results are presented of environmental surveillance and effluent monitoring conducted in the calendar year 2000 at the two sites owned and operated by ANSTO, at the Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre (LHSTC) and the National Medical Cyclotron (NMC). All low-level liquid and gaseous effluent discharges complied with existing discharge authorisations and relevant environmental regulations. Potential effective doses to the general public from LHSTC controlled airborne discharges were estimated for 2000 using the PC-Cream atmospheric dispersion and dosimetry code. The potential effective doses to the public in 2000 were estimated to be less than 0.01 mSv/year for all receptor locations on the LHSTC 1.6 km buffer zone boundary or beyond. This value represents 1 % of the 1 milli sievert (mSv) per year dose limit for long term exposure that is recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council and 3.3% of the LHSTC site dose constraint of 0.3 mSv/year. It is concluded that there is no impact on the health of the community, staff or the environment as a consequence of operations at the Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre or the National Medical Cyclotron