
Sample records for con transplante cardiaco

  1. Rabdomioma cardiaco tratado quirúrgicamente con éxito y revisión de la literatura


    Cigarroa López,Ángel; García Jiménez,Yoloxóchitl; Yáñez Gutiérrez,Lucelly; Jiménez Arteaga,Santiago; Martínez Sánchez,Arturo; Ortegón Cardeña,José; David Gómez,Felipe; Sánchez Soberanes,Agustín; López Gallegos,Diana; Riera-Kinkel,Carlos; Alva Espinosa,Carlos


    Los tumores cardiacos primarios son raros, con incidencia variable en todas las edades del 0.005 al 0.05%. En pacientes pediátricos, la incidencia es del 0.27%. Los tumores más frecuentes durante la infancia son los rabdomiomas cardiacos, considerados como benignos. Aunque la expresión clínica es amplia, en la mayoría de los casos son asintomáticos y se detectan por la presencia de soplos. En la etapa prenatal se manifiestan con arritmias o hydrops fetalis. En algunos neonatos y lactantes se ...

  2. Trauma cardiaco cerrado

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    Camilo Alvarado


    Full Text Available El trauma cardiaco constituye una de las primeras causas de mortalidad en la población general. Requiere alto índice de sospecha en trauma cerrado severo, mecanismo de desaceleración y en presencia de signos indirectos como: equimosis, huella del volante o del cinturón en el tórax anterior. Las lesiones incluyen: conmoción cardiaca, ruptura cardiaca, lesión cardiaca indirecta como la trombosis coronaria aguda, lesión aórtica, lesión del pericardio y herniación cardiaca. Entre las manifestaciones clínicas están: la angina refractaria a nitratos, el dolor pleurítico, la hipotensión arterial, la taquicardia, la ingurgitación yugular que aumenta con la inspiración, el galope por tercer ruido, el frote pericárdico, los soplos de reciente aparición, los estertores crepitantes por edema pulmonar. El electrocardiograma es el primer eslabón en el algoritmo diagnóstico con hallazgos como: la taquicardia sinusal, los complejos ventriculares prematuros, la fibrilación auricular, el bloqueo de rama derecha y los bloqueos auriculoventriculares. La radiografía de tórax ayuda a descartar lesiones adicionales óseas y pulmonares. La troponina I tiene un valor predictivo negativo del 93% para el trauma cardiaco, otras enzimas como la creatina quinasa total y la creatina quinasa fracción MB son menos específicas. El ecocardiograma está indicado en caso de hipotensión persistente, electrocardiograma con alteraciones o falla cardiaca aguda. El tratamiento incluye la estabilización inicial y un manejo específico de las lesiones. Entre las complicaciones se incluyen: el taponamiento cardiaco, la contusión miocárdica, el síndrome coronario agudo, las arritmias cardíacas y la lesión aórtica. El pronóstico se determina en mayor medida por los signos vitales al ingreso y la presencia de paro cardiaco durante el abordaje inicial.

  3. Avaliação do peptídeo natriurético tipo B no diagnóstico de rejeição após transplante cardíaco pediátrico Evaluación del péptido natriurético tipo B en el diagnóstico de rechazo tras transplante cardiaco pediátrico B-type natriuretic peptide assessment in the diagnosis of rejection after pediatric heart transplant

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    Cristina de Sylos


    agudo diagnosticado por biopsia endomiocárdica en pacientes del grupo de transplante cardiaco pediátrico. MÉTODOS:Se recolectaron 50 muestras de BNP de 33 niños en postoperatorio de transplante cardiaco, y se analizaron datos como edad, sexo, color, grupo sanguíneo, cuadro inmunológico, tiempo de evolución tras el transplante, clase funcional, inmunosupresión utilizada y número de rechazos. RESULTADOS:Se seleccionaron a 33 niños con edad promedio de 10,13 años, predominio del sexo femenino (54% y de color blanca (78%. Al momento de la dosificación de BNP, el tiempo promedio de transplante fue de 4,25 años. La biopsia endomiocárdica diagnosticó nueve rechazos en ocho pacientes (27%, de ellos tres presentaron grado 3A, cinco grado 2 y uno rechazo humoral. Ya al momento de la biopsia, la mayoría de los pacientes se encontraba asintomática. El nivel sérico de BNP tuvo como promedio, 77,18 pg/ml; 144,22 pg/ml en el grupo con rechazo y 62,46 pg/ml en el grupo sin rechazo, con p = 0,02. CONCLUSIÓN: Niños asintomáticos pueden presentar rechazo agudo en el postoperatorio de transplante cardiaco. El nivel sérico de BNP presentó diferencia estadísticamente significante en el grupo con rechazo, lo que lo convierte en posible método adicional en el diagnóstico de rechazo cardiaco.BACKGROUND: Rejection is one of the major causes of mortality following pediatric heart transplant. B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP has been studied as a method for the diagnosis of acute rejection, especially in adult patients undergoing heart transplant. OBJECTIVE: To correlate serum BNP levels with acute rejection as diagnosed by endomyocardial biopsy in patients of the pediatric heart transplant group. METHODS: A total of 50 BNP samples were collected from 33 children in the postoperative period of heart transplant, and data on age, gender, skin color, blood group, immune panel, follow-up time after transplant, functional class, immunosuppressive regimen used and number of

  4. Rabdomioma cardiaco múltiple asociado a muerte intrauterina


    Morales-Quispe,Jorge A.; Espínola-Zavaleta,Nilda; Caballero-Caballero,Rocío; Brunner-Cruz,Guadalupe; Uribe Alcántara,Sergio


    El rabdomioma es el tumor más frecuentemente detectado en los niños desde la vida fetal, aunque su incidencia es muy baja. Este tumor es histológicamente benigno, pero puede provocar repercusión hemodinámica y manifestarse con datos de bajo gasto cardiaco, arritmias y excepcionalmente con muerte intrauterina, como en el presente caso, que fue detectado por medio de ultrasonido obstétrico, ecocardiograma fetal y se corroboró con el estudio histopatológico.

  5. Nuevos Patrones de Reconocimiento Visual en el Ciclo Cardiaco New Patterns of Visual Recognize in the Cardiac Cycle


    Estela Audelo; Fernando Beristain; Carlos Vázquez


    El objetivo de este trabajo es aplicar el análisis no lineal en el estudio del ciclo cardiaco. Se analizaron 30 series de tiempo con diferentes tipos de ritmo cardiaco (10 de sujetos en ritmo sinusal normal, 10 de sujetos con fibrilación atrial y 10 de sujetos con arritmia supraventricular), con las herramientas de análisis computacional, de la teoría del caos y la dinámica no lineal, para conocer la complejidad del sistema y encontrar patrones de reconocimiento visual. Se encontró que el cic...

  6. Prevalencia de anormalidades estructurales cardiacas en pacientes referidos para ecocardiografía con diagnóstico de soplo cardiaco / Prevalencia of structural cardiac abnormalities in patients with echocardiography referral with diagnosis of heart murmur


    Botero Arango, Andrés Federico


    La presencia de soplos cardiacos en la práctica médica diaria es común. Pueden ser patológicos o inocentes. El uso de la ecocardiografia, ha llevado a que la evaluación clínica por medio de la auscultación entre el desuso y gran parte de los pacientes quienes presentan soplo cardiaco y son referidos a este método diagnostico obtienen resultados normales. Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo de las ecocardiografías realizadas a los pacientes con diagnóstico de soplo cardiaco. Se a...

  7. Función de riesgo para la supervivencia en pacientes con trasplante cardiaco Risk function for survival in patients with heart transplant

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    Juan C Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Después de 20 años de experiencia y de 193 trasplantes cardiacos realizados, utilizando el modelo de riesgos proporcionales de Cox, fue posible evaluar las diferentes variables de riesgo, tanto pre como intra y post-operatorias, para construir un modelo de riesgo para la población sometida al procedimiento quirúrgico. Para determinar la significancia de cada una de las variables, se utilizó la ecuación de Breslow. Las variables identificadas como «de riesgo» fueron: enfermedad ácido-péptica, falla hepática, historia de tabaquismo, cirugía previa que comprometiera el pericardio, tiempo de ventilación prolongado, técnica quirúrgica de implantación, edad, sangrado asociado con anticoagulación y tiempo de inicio de la ciclosporina. Finalmente, las variables incluidas en el modelo de Cox fueron: presencia de enfermedad hepática, edad y tiempo de ventilación (mayor o igual a 48 horas. El modelo final es el siguiente: ht = h0(t Exp (1.377 x enf. hepática + 1.214 x t. de ventilación (0 60 añosAfter 20 years of experience with 193 heart transplants using the Cox model of proportional risks, it was possible to evaluate the different risk variables, both pre, intra and post-operatory, in order to construct a risk model for the population undergoing the surgical procedure. For determining the significance of each one of the variables, the Breslow equation was utilized. The variables identified as risky, were: peptic acid disease, liver failure, cigarette smoking, previous surgery with pericardial involvement, prolonged ventilation time, surgical implantation technique, age, bleeding associated to anticoagulation and cyclosporine starting time. Finally, the variables included in the Cox model were: presence of liver disease, age and ventilation time (greater or equal to 48 hours. The final model is the following: Ht = ho(t Exp (1.377 x hepatic disease + 1.214 x ventilation time (0 60 years].

  8. Capítulo 11. Paciente candidato a trasplante cardiaco

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    Juan E. Gómez


    Conclusión: La necesidad de trasplante cardiaco se plantea una vez se han agotado las terapias farmacológicas y no farmacológicas disponibles. Los candidatos potenciales debe ser remitidos de forma prioritaria para su evaluación y seguimiento en una clínica de falla cardiaca que cuente con esta alternativa.

  9. Derrame pericárdico con inminente taponamiento cardiaco secundario a inhibidor de la tirosina quinasa. Reporte de un caso

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    Andrés F. Buitrago, MD


    Full Text Available La leucemia es una enfermedad maligna que se caracteriza por una proliferación no controlada de una clona iniciada en una etapa precoz de la diferenciación linfoide. Es importante determinar si hay una alteración genética conocida como cromosoma Filadelfia, para pronóstico y tratamiento. El imatinib, un inhibidor de la tirosina kinasa, tiene buena respuesta terapéutica y pocos efectos adversos. Uno de frecuente aparición es la serositis manifestada como derrame pleural, aunque es de menor incidencia asociada con derrame pericárdico. El tratamiento se debe individualizar, pero en caso de inminente taponamiento cardiaco se realiza pericardiocentesis.

  10. Transplante cardíaco infantil: perspectivas e sentimentos maternos Trasplante cardiaco infantil: perspectivas y sentimientos maternos Heart transplant in children: maternal perspectives and feelings

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    Kiarelle Lourenço Penaforte


    Full Text Available Objetiva-se descrever as perspectivas maternas e sentimentos despertados pelo transplante cardíaco infantil. Estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido no Hospital do Coração, de Messejana, em Fortaleza-CE, no período de agosto a novembro de 2007. Os sujeitos foram sete mães de crianças transplantadas. Utilizaram-se como técnicas a entrevista semiestruturada e a análise dos prontuários. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo, em três etapas, segundo Bardin, organizados, analisados e interpretados à luz da literatura pertinente, vivência das pesquisadoras e experiência das entrevistadas. Da análise das falas, emergiram as unidades temáticas: necessidade do transplante; fonte de apoio; sentimentos externados pelas mães; a doação e perspectivas. Conclui-se que a doação é um momento de felicidade vivenciada por todas as mães, tratando-se da solução para vida de seus filhos, e a presença autêntica do enfermeiro nesta ocasião torna-se ainda mais essencial, pois humanizar faz parte do cuidar da enfermagem.El objetivo fue describir las perspectivas maternas y los sentimientos provocados por el trasplante cardiaco infantil. Estudio descriptivo con abordaje cualitativo, desarrollado en el Hospital del Corazón, de Messejana, en Fortaleza-CE, en el período de agosto a noviembre del 2007. Los sujetos del estudio fueron siete madres de niños con transplante . Se utilizó como técnica la entrevista semiestructurada y el análisis de los registros médicos. Los datos fueron sometidos al análisis del contenido, en tres etapas, según Bardin, siendo organizados, analizados e interpretados a la luz de la bibliografía pertinente, de la vivencia de las investigadoras y de la experiencia de las entrevistadas. Del análisis del discurso , surgieron las unidades temáticas la necesidad del trasplante; las fuente de ayuda; los sentimientos expresados por las madres; la donación y sus perspectivas. Se concluy

  11. Rabdomioma cardiaco como manifestación de esclerosis tuberosa: Presentación de dos casos y revisión de la literatura Cardiac rhabdomyoma as manifestation of tuberous sclerosis: Presentation of two cases and literature review

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    Rafael Lince


    Full Text Available Los rabdomiomas cardiacos son tumores benignos dependientes de las fibras musculares miocárdicas, los cuales usualmente son múltiples, pero tienden a disminuir tanto en número como en tamaño con el crecimiento, con una regresión espontánea en 90% de los casos. Hacen parte de los tumores cardiacos primarios, los cuales son poco frecuentes, con una incidencia que varía entre 0,0017% y 0,28%. El más frecuente de los tumores cardiacos primarios es el rabdomioma. Se describe asociación con esclerosis tuberosa hasta en 72% de los casos, razón por la cual ésta debe buscarse ante el hallazgo de rabdomioma cardiaco.Cardiac rhabdomyomas are benign tumors derived from cardiac muscle fibers. They are usually multiple, but tend to decrease both in number and size with growth, with spontaneous regression in 90% of cases. These lesions are part of the primary cardiac tumors, which are uncommon, and have a variable incidence between 0.0017 and 0.28%. The most common primary cardiac tumor is the rhabdomyoma. An association between rhabdomyoma and tuberous sclerosis has been described in up to 72% of cases. For this reason, a patient with cardiac rhabdomyoma should be investigated for tuberous sclerosis.

  12. Transplante cardiaco en niños: reporte del primer caso atendido en la Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia Cardiac transplantation in children: report of the first case treated in the Colombian Cardiovascular Foundation

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    Víctor R Castillo


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, el trasplante cardiaco ha mejorado sustancialmente la calidad de vida y la sobrevida de los niños con enfermedad cardiaca terminal. En la actualidad, es un procedimiento rutinario en centros especializados; sin embargo, pese a los numerosos avances, existen complicaciones a largo plazo, como el rechazo tardío, la enfermedad vascular del injerto y los desórdenes linfoproliferativos que limitan la sobrevida y la calidad de vida (2. Estas limitaciones podrían disminuirse con la identificación oportuna de los donantes potenciales, lo cual permite disponer de órganos de mejor calidad, el mejoramiento del soporte al donante, un adecuado sistema de transporte y de preservación de los órganos, la actualización y el mejoramiento de los protocolos de manejo, y la utilización de nuevos fármacos. La escasa disponibilidad de donantes obliga a la implementación de estrategias para sensibilizar a la comunidad en general sobre la necesidad de adoptar una cultura de donación de órganos. Para alcanzar las metas del tratamiento, ofrecer una rehabilitación integral y lograr la pronta reincorporación del paciente con trasplante a la sociedad, se requieren programas de educación y apoyo multidisciplinario no sólo para los mismos pacientes sino para sus familias.During the last years, cardiac transplantation has substantially improved survival and life quality in children with terminal heart disease. It is actually a routine procedure in specialized centers. Nevertheless, in spite of the numerous advances, there are long-term complications, such as late rejection, implant vascular disease and lymphoproliferative disorders that limit survival and life quality (2. These limitations could be diminished by an opportune identification of the potential donors, allowing best quality organs disposal, improvement of donor support, adequate transport and preservation system, updating and improvement of treatment protocols and new

  13. Trauma cardiaco cerrado


    Camilo Alvarado; Fernando Vargas; Fernando Guzmán; Alejandro Zárate; José L. Correa; Alejandro Ramírez; Diana M. Quintero; Erika M. Ramírez


    El trauma cardiaco constituye una de las primeras causas de mortalidad en la población general. Requiere alto índice de sospecha en trauma cerrado severo, mecanismo de desaceleración y en presencia de signos indirectos como: equimosis, huella del volante o del cinturón en el tórax anterior. Las lesiones incluyen: conmoción cardiaca, ruptura cardiaca, lesión cardiaca indirecta como la trombosis coronaria aguda, lesión aórtica, lesión del pericardio y herniación cardiaca. Entre las manifestacio...

  14. Role of stationary esophageal manometry in clinical practice: Manometric results in patients with gastroesophageal reflux, dysphagia or non-cardiac chest pain Papel de la manometría esofágica estacionaria en la práctica clínica: Resultados manométricos en pacientes con reflujo gastroesofágico, disfagia y dolor torácico no cardiaco

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    C. Ciriza de los Ríos


    Full Text Available The present study was carried out to evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of stationary esophageal manometry in 263 patients divided into three groups: 150 patients with reflux symptoms, 68 with dysphagia, and 45 with non-cardiac chest pain. Patients with endoscopic abnormalities were excluded. Standard manometry was performed following the station pull-through technique. In the group of patients with reflux symptoms 40.7% had a normal manometry and 57.3% had abnormalities, being the most frequent (43% hypotensive lower esophageal sphincter. In the dysphagia group, 20.6% of manometries were normal and 79.4% were abnormal, of which achalasia was the most frequent disorder (53.7%. In the case of non-cardiac chest pain, 42.2% of patients had a normal manometry and 57.8% an abnormal one, of which hypotensive lower esophageal sphincter was the most frequent abnormality. A significant higher proportion of manometric alterations were found in the dysphagia group compared to reflux symptoms and non-cardiac chest pain (p El presente estudio ha sido realizado para evaluar la utilidad diagnóstica de la manometría esofágica estacionaria en 263 pacientes divididos en 3 grupos: 150 pacientes con síntomas de reflujo gastroesofágico, 68 con disfagia y 45 con dolor torácico no cardiaco. Se excluyeron los pacientes con alteraciones endoscópicas. La manometría se realizó según la técnica de retirada estacionaria. Entre los pacientes con síntomas de reflujo gastroesofágico, el 40,7% tuvieron una manometría normal y el 57,3% presentaron alteraciones, siendo la presencia de un esfínter esofágico inferior hipotenso la alteración más frecuente (43%. En el grupo de disfagia, el 20,6% de las manometrías fueron normales y el 79,4% anormales, siendo la achalasia el trastorno motor más frecuente (53,7%. En el grupo con dolor torácico no cardiaco, el 42,2% de los pacientes tuvieron manometría normal y el 57,8% anormal, siendo esfínter esofágico inferior

  15. Cambios morfométricos cardiacos en adultos hipertensos luego de practicar la necropsia

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    Adys Castro Barberena


    Full Text Available Fundamento: la hipertensión arterial se asocia a tasas de morbilidad y mortalidad considerablemente elevadas. Aparecen cambios estructurales del corazón, que le sirven para adaptarse al funcionamiento de un entorno de tensión alta, que conlleva a un desproporcional crecimiento de sus compartimientos. Objetivo: determinar los cambios morfométricos de la víscera cardíaca en pacientes hipertensos luego de practicar la necropsia. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. El universo correspondió a la totalidad de fallecidos mayores de 18 años, con diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial, luego de practicar la necropsia en el periodo de enero 2014 a julio 2015 en el Hospital General Universitario Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima de Cienfuegos. Se consideraron las variables: sexo, edad, índice de masa corporal, tiempo de evolución de la hipertensión arterial, peso del corazón, espesor del ventrículo izquierdo y derecho, espesor del atrio izquierdo y diámetro de las arterias coronarias derecha e izquierda. La información recopilada se procesó en forma computarizada por medio del programa SPSS versión 11,5, para lo cual se realizó una base de datos. Los resultados se presentan en frecuencias absolutas y relativas, por medio de tablas y gráficos estadísticos, empleando medias, medianas y porcentajes para su desarrollo. Resultados: los cambios morfométricos cardiacos fueron mayores en los hipertensos a los que se les realizó la necropsia, del sexo masculino, mayores de 50 años y con más de diez años de evolución de la enfermedad, predominando en el ventrículo izquierdo, estenosis en ambas coronarias y un aumento del peso del corazón. Conclusiones: existe relación entre los cambios morfométricos cardiacos de los pacientes adultos hipertensos fallecidos luego de practicar la necropsia, con el sexo, la edad, el índice de masa corporal y tiempo de evolución de la hipertensión arterial.

  16. Fractalidad cardiaca en adolescentes tempranos: sus asociaciones con la sintomatología ansiosa y la sensibilidad al castigo

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    Alejandro de la Torre-Luque


    Full Text Available Introducción/Objetivo: Se ha asociado la existencia de sintomatología ansiosa con algunas propiedades lineales de la variabilidad cardiaca (VC, sin prestar demasiada atención a propiedades más esenciales del sistema cardiaco, como su naturaleza fractal. En este trabajo se pretendía evaluar si medidas de fractalidad (exponentes alométricos y medi - das de VC (potencia en la banda de altas frecuencias, AF permitían distinguir entre 24 adolescentes con alta sintomatología ansiosa y 26 adolescentes con baja. Además, se perseguía explorar las asociaciones de estas medidas con sensibilidad al castigo (SC, un factor de riesgo para ansiedad. Método: Se tomó la actividad cardiaca de los adolescen - tes en contexto ecológico y se calcularon dichas medidas sobre registros de 90 minutos. Resultados: Se encontraron exponentes alométricos significativamente mayores para los adolescentes con alta ansiedad ( p < 0,05, sin observarse diferencias significativas en potencia de AF ( p = 0,057. Además, sólo se encontraron correlaciones positivas significa - tivas entre los exponentes alométricos con SC, y dichos exponentes con varias escalas de ansiedad. Conclusiones: Estos resultados muestran que propiedades más básicas del sis - tema cardiaco parecen estar alteradas en adolescentes ansiosos más allá de la mera in - fluencia parasimpática. Estas propiedades pueden aportar información relevante para la detección y prevención de trastornos de ansiedad.

  17. Derrame pericárdico con inminente taponamiento cardiaco secundario a inhibidor de la tirosina quinasa: Reporte de un caso Pericardial effusion secondary to tyrosine kinase inhibitor with imminence of cardiac tamponade: case report

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    Andrés F Buitrago


    Full Text Available La leucemia es una enfermedad maligna que se caracteriza por una proliferación no controlada de una clona iniciada en una etapa precoz de la diferenciación linfoide. Es importante determinar si hay una alteración genética conocida como cromosoma Filadelfia, para pronóstico y tratamiento. El imatinib, un inhibidor de la tirosina kinasa, tiene buena respuesta terapéutica y pocos efectos adversos. Uno de frecuente aparición es la serositis manifestada como derrame pleural, aunque es de menor incidencia asociada con derrame pericárdico. El tratamiento se debe individualizar, pero en caso de inminente taponamiento cardiaco se realiza pericardiocentesis.Leukemia is a malignant disease characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of a clone initiated at an early stage of lymphoid differentiation. It is important to determine if there is a genetic disorder known as the Philadelphia chromosome, for both prognosis and treatment. Imatinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor has good therapeutic response and few adverse effects. An adverse event is the frequent occurrence of serositis manifested as pleural effusion, but its association with pericardial effusion has a lower incidence. Treatment should be individualized, but in case of imminent cardiac tamponade pericardiocentesis is performed.

  18. La configuración del tracto de salida cardiaco en los vertebrados pisciformes


    Rodríguez, Cristina; López-Unzu, Miguel A.; Lorenzale, Miguel; Soto-Navarrete, M. Teresa; Sans-Coma, Valentín; Durán, Ana C.


    La noción clásica relativa a la anatomía del corazón de los vertebrados pisciformes ha cambiado notablemente en los últimos años. Anteriormente se asumía que el tracto de salida cardiaco de los condrictios es estructuralmente diferente del de los teleósteos. En los primeros, el tracto de salida es de naturaleza miocárdica y se denomina cono arterioso, mientras que en los segundos se denomina bulbo arterioso y carece de musculatura cardiaca. Según esta noción clásica, en el curso de la evoluci...

  19. Análisis computarizado de registros fonocardiográficos para la detección de soplos cardiacos Computarized analysis of phonographic registers for the detection of heart murmurs

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    César G Castellanos

    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta algunos argumentos por los cuales se ha generado un interés en los últimos años para desarrollar investigaciones en señales de fonocardiografía digital, como apoyo al diagnóstico de los soplos cardiacos. Adicionalmente, se expone una metodología para la detección de soplos cardiacos causados por valvulopatías cardiacas mediante el análisis computarizado de registros fonocardiográficos, utilizando específicamente algoritmos de análisis acústico y técnicas de dinámica no lineal. Se compara la separación entre clases normal (ruidos cardiacos y patológica (soplos cardiacos, producto de las medidas obtenidas utilizando las dos técnicas mencionadas y realizando la detección mediante un algoritmo clasificador, tanto en condiciones donde se disminuyen las perturbaciones acústicas de estos registros como en aquellas donde permanecen este tipo de perturbaciones.The aim of this work is to present some arguments that during the last years have generated interest in the development of digital phonocardiography research, for supporting the diagnosis of heart murmurs. In addition, a methodology for the detection of heart murmurs caused by valvulopathies by means of computerized phonographic register analysis is exposed, using specifically acoustic algorhythms analysis and non-linear dynamic techniques. The separation between normal (heart sounds and pathologic (murmurs is compared through the measurements obtained by the already mentioned techniques and making the detection by means of a classifying algorhythm both in conditions where these acoustic perturbations are diminished as in those where these kind of perturbations remain.

  20. Non cardiopatic and cardiopatic beta thalassaemic patients: quantitative and qualitative cardiac iron deposition evaluation with MRI; Pazienti {beta} talassemici non cardiopatici e cardiopatici: valutazione quantitativa e qualitativa del deposito di ferro cardiaco con RM

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    Macarini, Luca; Marini, Stefania; Scardapane, Arnaldo [Bari Univ., Bari (Italy). DIMIMP-Sezione di Diagnostica per Immagini; Pietrapertosa, Anna [Bari Univ., Bari (Italy). MIDIM-Cattedra di Ematologia II; Ettore, Giovanni Carlo [Foggia Univ., Foggia (Italy). Cattedra di Radiologia


    thalassaemic groups, with more widespread distribution in cardiopatic patients. Conclusions: We found cardiac iron deposition also in non-cardiopatic {beta} thalassaemic patients and a qualitative difference in cardiac iron distribution between non-cardiopatic and cardiopatic patients. The qualitative evaluation of cardiac iron deposition was useful for an easier classification of the disease, bypassing the SI quantitative value which is affected by the extremely uneven distribution of iron deposition and by the sampling technique used. MR evaluation of non-cardiopatic thalassaemic patients may be useful to evaluate early iron deposition and to establish the most suitable chelation therapy. [Italian] Scopo: La cardiomiopatia e' una delle maggiori complicanze della {beta} talassemia major ed e' legata al sovraccarico di ferro conseguente alla necessaria terapia trasfusionale. Scopo del nostro studio e' quello di valutare con la RM se esistono differenze di intensita' di segnale o di distribuzione del deposito di ferro cardiaco tra pazienti affetti da {beta} talassemia non cardiopatici e pazienti con {beta} talassemia cardiopatici, per verificare se esiste un rapporto tra cardiopatia e deposito di ferro. Materiale e metodi: Abbiamo studiato 20 pazienti affetti da {beta} talassemia major, di cui 10 non cardiopatici e 10 cardiopatici, e 10 soggetti volontari sani, che hanno rappresentato il gruppo controllo. Nei pazienti talassemici sono stati considerati i valori di ferritina sierica e, con esame ecocardiografico, la frazione di eiezione del ventricolo sinistro. Tutti i pazienti sono stati studiati con apparecchiatura RM da 1,5 Tesla con sequenze cardio-sincronizzate GE cine-RM pesate in T2*, SE pesate in T1 e GE pesate in T2*. In tutti i casi, utilizzando una ROI di dimensioni adeguate, sono stete calcolate l'intensita' di segnale (SI) del miocardio e del muscolo scheletrico, il rapporto d'intensita' di segnale (SIR) miocardio

  1. Diclofenaco comparado con ibuprofeno para el cierre de Ductus arterioso persistente, en recién nacidos prematuros


    Pulzára Tiria, Adrian Fernando; Pineda Cubillos, Leydy Yineth; Hoyos Beltrán, Francisco José


    Introducción: El Ductus arterioso persistente (DAP), es uno de los defectos congénitos cardiacos más comunes, requiere manejo farmacológico y/o quirúrgico; presenta complicaciones hemodinámicas, respiratorias y muerte. Los medicamentos de elección para su manejo son indometacina e ibuprofeno, pero su costo y accesibilidad llevo al uso de diclofenaco como alternativa de manejo en algunos hospitales. Objetivo: Comparar respuesta al tratamiento con diclofenaco vs ibuprofeno en cierre de DAP. ...

  2. Cambios en el perfil hemodinámico al instaurar la ventilación mecánica en pacientes con cardiopatia isquemica y enfermedad coronaria. Medición con bioreactancia torácica


    Rodríguez, Ivon Johanna


    Introducción. La respiración puede afectar el rendimiento cardiaco, ciclo a ciclo a través de los efectos de la presión y del volumen intrapulmonar sobre las determinantes de la función cardiovascular. De esta manera, Las interacciones corazón-pulmón determinan el funcionamiento cardiovascular y la capacidad del corazón de adaptarse a nuevas condiciones de carga. Objetivo. Identificar los cambios en el perfil hemodinámico al instaurar la ventilación mecánica en pacientes con cardiopatía isqué...

  3. Pseudoaneurisma Ventricular Izquierdo en Cara Inferior con Flujo Bidireccional

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    Adrián J Da Silva-De Abreu


    Full Text Available Los pseudoaneurismas son complicaciones infrecuentes de los infartos del miocardio. Consisten en un saco pericárdico que comunica con la cavidad ventricular a través de un cuello de menor diámetro. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 68 años de edad, con DM II e HTA, sufre Infarto Agudo del Miocardio en Mayo del 2008, presentando disnea y tos por una semana, con diaforesis profusa de inicio súbito y síncope sin dolor precordial. El electrocardiograma reporta zonas de isquemia transmural y subendocárdica en caras inferolateral y lateral alta, respectivamente, y zona eléctricamente inactivable en cara inferior. El ecocardiograma transtorácico muestra el ventrículo izquierdo con dilatación severa, disminución de la fracción de eyección (25% y un pseudoaneurisma de la pared inferior con cuello de 3 mm a través del cual se evidencia flujo bidireccional, de entrada al ventrículo durante la diástole y salida al pseudoaneurisma en sístole. El flujo bidireccional y el gasto cardíaco disminuido contribuyen a evitar el taponamiento cardiaco, sin embargo, en condiciones de mayor demanda el pseudoaneurisma podría perforarse y ocasionar dicha entidad. De ello, la importancia del diagnostico diferencial con los aneurismas verdaderos, lo cual permite llevar a cabo la terapéutica adecuada y evitar tal complicación.

  4. Miocardiopatía Chagásica con taquicardia ventricular: Hospital Obrero Nº 2 “Caja Nacional de Salud”


    Dr. Raúl Arnez Terrazas; Condori Paxi Jiovana Mariela; Condori Pardo Nancy


    La miocardiopatía chagásica es la inflamación del músculo cardiaco producida por el Trypanosoma cruzi. Los parásitos que se encuentran en los excrementos de la vinchuca (Tripanosoma infestans) son transmitidos al organismo luego de la alimentación del vector. Afecta varias áreas del organismo humano como son los nervios periféricos y las paredes del intestino grueso entre otros, sin embargo el corazón es uno de los órganos que con mayor frecuencia es afectado una vez producida la infección. O...

  5. Pseudoaneurisma Ventricular Izquierdo en Cara Inferior con Flujo Bidireccional

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    Adrián J Da Silva-De Abreu


    Full Text Available Los pseudoaneurismas son complicaciones infrecuentes de los infartos del miocardio. Consisten en un saco pericárdico que comunica con la cavidad ventricular a través de un cuello de menor diámetro. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 68 años de edad, con DM II e HTA, sufre Infarto Agudo del Miocardio en Mayo del 2008, presentando disnea y tos por una semana, con diaforesis profusa de inicio súbito y síncope sin dolor precordial. El electrocardiograma reporta zonas de isquemia transmural y subendocárdica en caras inferolateral y lateral alta; respectivamente, y zona eléctricamente inactivable en cara inferior. El ecocardiograma transtorácico muestra el ventrículo izquierdo con dilatación severa, disminución de la fracción de eyección (25% y un pseudoaneurisma de la pared inferior con cuello de 3 mm a través del cual se evidencia flujo bidireccional: de entrada al ventrículo durante la diástole y salida al pseudoaneurisma en sístole. El flujo bidireccional y el gasto cardíaco disminuido contribuyen a evitar el taponamiento cardiaco, sin embargo, en condiciones de mayor demanda el pseudoaneurisma podría perforarse y ocasionar dicha entidad. De ello, la importancia del diagnostico diferencial con los aneurismas verdaderos, lo cual permite llevar a cabo la terapéutica adecuada y evitar tal complicación. Palabras claves: Pseudoaneurisma, Infarto del Miocardio, Diabetes.

  6. Travel for transplantation in iran: pros and cons regarding Iranian model. (United States)

    Ossareh, Shahrzad; Broumand, Behrooz


    Transplant tourism is one of the main unacceptable aspects of medical tourism, implicating travel to another country to receive an allograft. Organ shortages in wealthier countries have persuaded patients to preclude organ waiting lists and travel to other countries for getting organs especially kidneys. On the other hand, in many countries, there is no transplant program, and hemodialysis is expensive. Hence, patients with end-stage kidney disease may have to travel to get a kidney allograft for the sake of their lives. In Iran, a legal compensated and regulated living unrelated donor kidney transplant program has been adopted since 1988, in which recipients are matched with liveunrelated donors through the Iran Kidney Foundation and the recipients are compensated dually by the government and the recipient. In this model regulations were adopted to prevent transplant tourism: foreigners were not allowed to receive a kidney from Iranian donors or donate a kidney to Iranian patients; however, they could be transplanted from donors of their own nationality, after full medical workup, with the authorization of the Ministry of Health. This was first considered as a humanitarian assistance to patients of the countries with no transplant program and limited and low quality dialysis. However, the policy of "foreign nationality transplant" gradually established a spot where residents of many countries, where living-unrelated donor transplant was illegal, could bring their donors and be transplanted mainly in private hospitals, with high incentives for the transplant teams. By June 2014, six hundred eight foreign nationality kidney transplants were authorized by Ministry of Health for citizens for 17 countries. In this review, we examine the negative aspects of transplant for foreign citizens in Iran and the reasons that changed "travel for transplant" to "transplant tourism " in our country and finally led us to stop the program after more than 10 years.

  7. Varianti genetiche associate al rimodellamento inverso dopo terapia di resincronizzazione cardiaca


    De Maria, Renata; Lunati, M.; Landolina, M.; Gasparini, M.; Schmitz, Boris; Sanzo, A.; Galimberti, P.; Campolo, J.; Parolini, M.; Brand, S.M.; Parodi, O.


    In pazienti con scompenso cardiaco cronico sistolico (HF) la terapia di resincronizzazione cardiaca (CRT) determina effetti favorevoli sulle dimensioni e la funzione ventricolare noti come rimodellamento inverso (RR).

  8. Simulador cardiaco digital


    Plaza Guingla, Vicente; Santin Loayza, Manuel; Yapur Auad, Miguel Eduardo


    presente trabajo ha sido diseñado con la finalidad de proporcionar al estudiante un dispositivo que permita simular un patrón de onda cardíaca normal y además que permita variar la frecuencia cardíaca, de manera que se ponga en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos al estudiar esta señal, y las alteraciones que se pueden presentar. Este dispositivo podrá ser utilizado para diagnóstico, ya que permite determinar si la señal cardíaca simulada de la persona, tiene un ritmo cardíaco norm...

  9. Influencia de la reacticivad cardiovascular sobre la discriminación del latido cardíaco: implicaciones en la detección precoz de síntomas

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    Full Text Available Una respuesta metabólicamente exagerada en personas jóvenes ante situaciones de estrés es considerada como un marcador de riesgo de una futura hipertensión. Asimismo, los autores que investigan las diferencias individuales en la percepción de síntomas consideran que una mayor percepción visceral puede estar asociada con un mejor reconocimiento de síntomas en aquellas personas que padecen enfermedades crónicas con manifestaciones sutiles o vagas, como por ejemplo, la hipertensión esencial. En consecuencia, este estudio examina la relación entre reactividad cardiovascular y percepción del latido cardiaco. Una muestra de 42 sujetos participó en dos sesiones experimentales: en la primera de ellas realizaron una tarea evocadora de reactividad cardiovascular, en la segunda una tarea de discriminación del latido cardiaco mediante el método de los estímulos constantes. La reactividad cardiovascular fue definida como la diferencia en puntuación entre una condición de línea base y la condición de tarea. Las variables fisiológicas en las que se midió la reactividad cardiovascular fueron el periodo cardiaco (PC, la presión arterial sistólica (PAS y la presión arterial diastólica (PAD. Si bien en el total de la muestra se encontraron diferencias significativas en todas las variables fisiológicas entre la condición de línea base y la condición de tarea, el grupo que logró discriminar el latido cardiaco no mostró una reactividad cardiovascular más elevada que el grupo que no logró discriminarlo, al menos en cuanto al periodo cardiaco y a la presión arterial se refiere.

  10. Immunological response in cases of complicated and uncomplicated bartonellosis during pregnancy Respuesta inmunologica en casos de bartonelosis con y sin complicaciones durante el embarazo

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    Erick Huarcaya


    Full Text Available Bartonellosis (Carrion's Disease during pregnancy is associated with high rates of maternal and perinatal mortality. We report the immunological patterns in two cases of human bartonellosis during pregnancy. One patient had an uncomplicated course while the second patient developed life threatening anasarca and cardiac tamponade. The patient with a complicated course had a Th1 response with a higher elevation of IL-10. This elevation has been associated with poor outcome pregnancies during bacterial infections.Bartonelosis (Enfermedad de Carrión durante el embarazo esta asociado a una alta tasa de mortalidad maternal y perinatal. Reportamos el perfil inmunológico de dos casos de Bartonelosis humana en el embarazo. Una paciente tuvo un curso sin complicaciones, mientras la segunda presento complicaciones severas de anasarca y tamponamiento cardiaco. La paciente con curso complicado tuvo un patrón de repuesta Th1, con una elevación de IL-10, que se ha asociado a mal pronóstico en infecciones durante embarazo.

  11. Explanatory digital video disc with patients undergoing diagnostic cardiac catheterization Disco digital explicativo para pacientes sometidos al cateterismo cardiaco diagnóstico Digital video disc explicativo em pacientes submetidos ao cateterismo cardíaco diagnóstico

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    Sabrina Koehler Torrano


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate knowledge of patients before outpatient diagnostic cardiac catheterization after viewing an explanatory Digital Video Disc, in a cardiology reference hospital. This cross-sectional study was carried out with patients undergoing their first cardiac catheterization and was performed from May to June 2009 in the hemodynamic sector. An instrument was used with questions (12 regarding the patients' understanding of the procedure. The intervention was a five-minute video prepared by the researchers. The sample was composed of 94 patients, divided into an intervention group (45 and a control group (49, with a mean age of 55±9 years and predominantly male. The patients of the IG had a higher rate of correct answers (74.6±17.1 compared to the CG (31.6±18.8, P=.000. The results demonstrated the efficacy of the presentation of a guidance video for patients undergoing a hemodynamic procedure.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el conocimiento de los pacientes sometidos a cateterismo cardiaco tipo diagnóstico en ambulatorio después de ser presentado un DVD explicativo, en un hospital de referencia en cardiología. Se trata de un estudio transversal, con pacientes sometidos al primer cateterismo cardiaco, realizado de mayo a junio de 2009, en el sector de hemodinámica. Fue utilizado un instrumento con 12 preguntas referentes a la atención de los pacientes sobre el procedimiento. La intervención fue un vídeo con duración de cinco minutos elaborado por los investigadores. La muestra constituida de 94 pacientes, fue dividida en grupo intervención (45 y grupo control (49; la edad promedio fue de 55±9 años con predominancia del sexo masculino. Los pacientes del GI presentaron un mayor índice de aciertos (74,6±17,1, cuando comparados al GC (31,6±18,8, P=0,000. Los resultados demostraron la eficacia de la presentación de un vídeo de orientaciones para pacientes sometidos al procedimiento hemodin

  12. Reporte del primer caso de implante exitoso de asistencia ventricular izquierda HeartMate II como terapia de destino en Suramérica

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    Antonio Figueredo


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino de 55 años de edad, con insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva descompensada secundaria a cardiopatía dilatada idiopática y con contraindicación para trasplante cardiaco, en quien se implanta de manera exitosa el primer dispositivo de asistencia ventricular izquierda HeartMate II en Suramérica.

  13. Behavioral Evaluation of hMSC-GFP+ Transplantation in an Hemiparkinson Experimental Model in Wistar Rat

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    Jéssica Paola Alcázar Arzuza


    Full Text Available The effect of hMSCs-GFP+ transplantation was evaluated in an experimental model of Parkinson's disease (PD in 27 Wistar rats, or in three experimental groups: control (CON  n=7, injured (LES n=10 and transplanted (LES+T n=10. In order to evaluate the influence of the transplantation on the motor behavior, one month after the injury, rotation behavior induced by apomorphine, neurological test, transversal bar and SNpc cells positive to TH were developed. Using the Anova test, there was a decrease in the number of turns in transplanted animals (p=0.005 as well as in the neurological test (p=0.0004 and in the transverse bar that lead to this group in an intermediate position regarding LES and CON groups. There is a possible recovery of the transplantation-mediated nigroestriatal pathway of hMSC-GFP +.

  14. Aspectos ético legales del trasplante de corazón Ethical and legal aspects of heart transplant

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    Fernán del C Mendoza


    Full Text Available El trasplante cardiaco constituye el tratamiento de elección para los pacientes en falla cardiaca refractaria. Desde el punto de vista médico, existen claras indicaciones para realizar el trasplante, pero a nivel local y mundial hay problemas por el escaso número de donantes. Para que se realice un trasplante de corazón, el donante debe reunir criterios de muerte encefálica, la cual se diagnostica por ausencia irreversible de las funciones del tallo encefálico, determinadas por un examen clínico. A pesar de las controversias que existen acerca de cuándo muere una persona, cada vez hay más claridad en este hecho. Existen otros problemas bioéticos que se relacionan con el trasplante como la donación (algunas personas en vida manifiestan su voluntad y autonomía de servir como donantes y otras no, la distribución de órganos y el comercio de órganos y tejidos. Desde el punto de vista legal y ético, se prohíbe la gratificación o pago al donante vivo, a la familia del donante fallecido, al banco de tejidos o de médula ósea, a las clínicas y hospitales, y a las aseguradoras por la donación o suministro de órganos o tejidos humanos. La promoción de la donación y la obtención de componentes anatómicos deberán efectuarse denotando su carácter voluntario, altruista y desinteresado. Debe primar el principio de justicia y excluirse cualquier consideración no equitativa de índole geográfica, racial, sexual, religiosa, etc. Los órganos deben distribuirse con base en criterios médicos; así mismo debe buscarse la más idónea utilización del órgano donado, teniendo como fundamento el manejo equitativo y como principio el respeto por la vida y la dignidad humana.Cardiac transplant is the treatment of choice for patients with refractory cardiac failure. There are clear indications from the medical point of view to perform the transplant, but locally and world - wide there are problems due to the scarce number of donors. In order

  15. SMCa: Sistema de Monitoreo Móvil Cardiaco

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    Leonardo Juan Ramírez López


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades cardiovasculares siguen siendo una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo. Son numerosas las campañas de prevención, especialmente las soportadas en una alimentación saludable, en un ambiente confortable y en frecuente actividad física, como lo recomienda la Organización Mundial de Salud en su informe de Marzo del 2013. Así, gran parte de la responsabilidad recae en el autocuidado. En Colombia, especialmente desde el año 2008 se ha informado de este problema de salud pública a través de diferentes medios de comunicación visual, escrita y multimedial. El grupo de investigación en telemedicina de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, viene desarrollando aplicaciones que promuevan el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación en el autocuidado de la salud. En este trabajo se presenta una aplicación para dispositivos móviles sobre SO Android v.4 llamada SMCa que permite medir, registrar y comunicar los datos de frecuencia cardiaca de un usuario. Para validarlo, se seleccionan tres grupos cada uno de cinco voluntarios diferenciados por su índice de masa corporal (imc: el primer grupo normal con imc menor a 25, el segundo un grupo con sobrepeso con imc entre 25.1 y 30 y el tercero un grupo con obesidad con imc mayor a 30. El protocolo experimental fue dividido en estadios de una hora cada uno: un estadio fue desarrollado en un ambiente de gym, otro en aula de clase y el último en casa. Los resultados obtenidos permiten validar dos aspectos importantes del uso de la TIC en salud, el primero se refiere al soporte de resultados desde una base experimental científica dada por una alta correlación en los datos, obtenida durante las pruebas en gym de r=0.91 (p<0.05, en clase r=0.95 (p<0.05 y de r=0.92 (p<0.05; la segunda por nivel de aceptabilidad del sistema por los usuarios, causado por el buen confort y facilidad de uso de la aplicación.

  16. Transplante de órganos en pacientes con infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana: Actualización y recomendaciones Organ transplants in HIV infected patients: Update and recommendations

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    Laura Barcán


    Full Text Available Hasta hace pocos años la infección por HIV era una contraindicación absoluta para el trasplante de órganos. Desde la introducción del HAART y el aumento de la superivencia de los pacientes, comenzó a evidenciarse alta mortalidad por enfermedades terminales hepáticas y en menor grado renales. Por estos motivos los pacientes HIV+ hoy son reconsiderados para trasplante. En el año 2008, motivada por la creciente experiencia publicada sobre trasplantes renales y hepáticos en esta población, la Sociedad Argentina de Trasplantes (SAT y la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología (SADI decidieron conformar un Grupo de Trabajo para realizar una actualización del tema y emitir recomendaciones. La reunión inicial se llevó a cabo el 4 de diciembre de 2008. La principal conclusión de esta reunión fue que el status HIV+ no era una contraindicación para recibir un trasplante de órgano sólido. Posteriormente se revisó la experiencia acumulada y la bibliografía disponible que dieron lugar al documento actual. Los pacientes HIV+ candidatos a trasplante de órganos sólidos deben cumplir con una serie de requisitos clínicos, inmunológicos, virológicos y psicosociales. La supervivencia a corto y mediano plazo de los receptores HIV+ de trasplante renal y hepático es hoy comparable a la de los pacientes HIV negativos. Todavía no existen datos suficientes como para incluir pacientes HIV+ en lista de espera para trasplante de órganos intratorácicos. Las interacciones entre los inmunosupresores y los antirretrovirales (inhibidores de proteasas en especial son muy importantes y requieren una supervisión y vigilancia estrictas de los niveles sanguíneos de inmunosupresores.Until few years ago, HIV infection was an absolute contraindication to consider organ transplants. Since HAART introduction, patient survival increased dramatically, but high mortality due to liver and kidney diseases became evident. For these reasons, this group of patients is

  17. Uso de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca como marcador de los efectos cardiovasculares asociados con la contaminación del aire

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    Riojas-Rodríguez Horacio


    Full Text Available Estudios epidemiológicos han demostrado la relación entre los contaminantes atmosféricos y el incremento en la mortalidad por causas cardiovasculares, en especial en personas con enfermedad cardiopulmonar previa. Sin embargo, los mecanismos fisiopatológicos mediante los cuales estos padecimientos ocurren no son bien conocidos. Se ha sugerido que una de las vías mediante las cuales las partículas suspendidas respirables y otros contaminantes producen su efecto es alterar la regulación del corazón por el sistema nervioso autónomo. El análisis de los cambios en la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC es un indicador de efecto sobre este mecanismo. En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de las bases fisiológicas de este método, de sus ventajas y limitaciones y de los resultados que se obtienen al relacionarlo con la exposición a contaminantes atmosféricos. A partir del análisis de la literatura disponible, se sugieren alternativas relacionadas con el diseño de los estudios, la selección de poblaciones en riesgo, los métodos para evaluar la exposición y los métodos de análisis estadístico que pueden servir para utilizar mejor el análisis del registro electrocardiográfico ambulatorio en relación con los riesgos cardiacos por exposición a contaminantes atmosféricos.

  18. Trasplante después del Fontan. Aspectos quirúrgicos

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    Juan-Miguel Gil-Jaurena


    Conclusiones: Trasplantar a pacientes con Fontan previo es un reto. Podemos anticipar variantes en cada una de las 5 anastomosis previstas. Es recomendable obtener tejido extra del donante (aorta y arco, vena cava superior e innominada, pericardio. Los resultados pueden superponerse a otras series de trasplante cardiaco.

  19. Clinical and epidemiological aspects of cornea transplant patients of a reference hospital. (United States)

    Cruz, Giovanna Karinny Pereira; Azevedo, Isabelle Campos de; Carvalho, Diana Paula de Souza Rego Pinto; Vitor, Allyne Fortes; Santos, Viviane Euzébia Pereira; Ferreira, Marcos Antonio


    clinically characterizing cornea transplant patients and their distribution according to indicated and post-operative conditions of cornea transplantation, as well as estimating the average waiting time. a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study performed for all cornea transplants performed at a reference service (n=258). Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 20.0. the main indicator for cornea transplant was keratoconus. The mean waiting time for the transplant was approximately 5 months and 3 weeks for elective transplants and 9 days for urgent cases. An association between the type of corneal disorder with gender, age, previous surgery, eye classification, glaucoma and anterior graft failure were found. keratoconus was the main indicator for cornea transplant. Factors such as age, previous corneal graft failure (retransplantation), glaucoma, cases of surgeries prior to cornea transplant (especially cataract surgery) may be related to the onset corneal endothelium disorders. caracterizar clínicamente los pacientes trasplantados y su distribución, con descripción de las condiciones indicadoras y posoperatorias de los trasplantes de córneas, así como estimar el tiempo promedio en la fila de espera. estudio epidemiológico, transversal, descriptivo y analítico, realizado con todos los trasplantes de córnea realizados en un servicio de referencia (n=258). Los datos fueron analizados con el software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versión 20.0. la principal condición indicadora para el trasplante de córnea fue el queratocono. El tiempo promedio en fila de espera para realización del trasplante fue de aproximadamente 5 meses y tres semanas, para trasplantes electivos y de 9 días para los casos de urgencia. Existió asociación entre el tipo de disturbio de la córnea con: sexo, intervalo etario, cirugía previa, clasificación del ojo, glaucoma y rechazo del injerto anterior. el queratocono fue

  20. Miocarditis de células gigantes con bloqueo AV completo persistente: respuesta al tratamiento con resincronizador cardiaco Giant cell myocarditis with complete persistent A-V block: treatment response with cardiac resynchronization

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    Julián Aristizábal


    Full Text Available La miocarditis de células gigantes es una enfermedad grave y poco frecuente, cuya etiología, posiblemente autoinmune, se caracteriza por la presencia de células gigantes multinucleadas con infiltrado inflamatorio y necrosis extensa en la biopsia endomiocárdica. Es común su asociación con taquicardias ventriculares y con alteraciones de la conducción aurículo-ventricular, lo cual se resuelve algunas veces con tratamiento inmunosupresor. Dada la complejidad del pronóstico de esta entidad, el papel de los dispositivos de resincronización después de la estabilización de la falla cardíaca, no está claro. Aquí se reporta un caso en el cual el implante de uno de estos dispositivos fue parte fundamental de la terapia y recuperación del paciente.Giant cell myocarditis is an infrequent and serious illness, possibly of autoimmune etiology, characterized by the presence of multinucleated giant cells with inflammatory infiltrate and extensive necrosis in the endomyocardial biopsy. Its association with ventricular tachycardia is common and alterations in atrioventricular conduction are frequently solved through immunosuppressive treatment. Given the generally complex prognosis of this entity, the role of the resynchronization devices after the heart failure stabilization, is unclear. We reported a case in which the implant of one of these devices was a fundamental part of the therapy and patient recovery.

  1. Experiência com transplante cardíaco heterotópico em pacientes com resistência pulmonar elevada: seguimento tardio Experiencia con trasplante cardíaco heterotópico en pacientes con resistencia pulmonar elevada: seguimiento tardío Experience with heterotopic heart transplantation in patients with elevated pulmonary vascular resistance: late follow-up

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    Jose Henrique Andrade Vila


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Nos últimos anos o numero de artigos sobre transplante cardíaco heterotópico tem sido escasso na literatura, inclusive internacional, e em particular do seguimento de longo prazo destes pacientes, o que levou ao presente relato. OBJETIVO: Relatar a experiência clínica inicial e evolução tardia de quatro pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco heterotópico, sua indicação e principais complicações. MÉTODOS: As cirurgias ocorreram entre 1992 e 2001, sendo que a indicação de transplante heterotópico, em todas, foi pela RVP, variável de 4,8UW a 6.5UW, com gradiente transpulmonar acima de 15mmHg. No 3º paciente, foi realizada uma anastomose direta entre as artérias pulmonares sem emprego de tubo protético e, no coração nativo, foi realizada uma valvoplastia mitral e aneurismectomia de ventrículo esquerdo (VE. O esquema imunossupressor imediato foi duplo com ciclosporina e azatioprina nos três primeiros pacientes e ciclosporina e micofenolato mofetil no 4º paciente. RESULTADOS: Um óbito imediato por falência do enxerto, um óbito após dois anos e meio por endocardite em trombo intraventricular no coração nativo, e um terceiro óbito seis anos após o transplante, por complicações pós-operatórias de cirurgia na valva aórtica do coração nativo. O remanescente, 15 anos após o transplante, encontra-se bem, em classe funcional II (NYHA, seis anos após a oclusão cirúrgica da valva aórtica do coração nativo. CONCLUSÃO: O transplante cardíaco heterotópico é um procedimento com resultado inferior ao transplante cardíaco ortotópico, por apresentarem maior RVP. Os trombos intraventriculares no coração nativo, que exigem anticoagulação prolongada, bem como as complicações de válvula aórtica, também no coração nativo, podem exigir tratamento cirúrgico. Entretanto, em um paciente, a sobrevida de 15 anos mostrou a eficácia de longo prazo desse tipo de alternativa, para pacientes

  2. Ethics, Justice and the Sale of Kidneys for Transplantation Purposes

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    M Slabbert


    Full Text Available Living kidney donor transplantations are complex; add to that financial compensation to the donor and one enters an ethical maze. Debates on whether the buying and selling of kidneys should be allowed are mainly between utilitarians, deontologists and virtue ethicists as legal transplants are more common in the Western world. The pros and cons of each theory in relation to the sale of human organs are analysed, after which the foundational principles for all bio-ethical judgments; beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice are also scrutinised in seeking to justify the sale of human kidneys for transplantation purposes in a country with a human rights culture.

  3. Miocardiopatía dilatada y feocromocitoma Dilated myocardiopathy and pheochromocytoma

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    José Luis González González


    Full Text Available El feocromocitoma, un tumor de baja incidencia con un comportamiento benigno en la mayoría de los casos, puede ser el responsable de extensas manifestaciones cardiovasculares.Las manifestaciones sobre el miocardio pueden ser de profundas consecuencias, pues llegan a producir una miocardiopatía dilatada con insuficiencia cardiaca severa. La exéresis del tumor suele ser curativa en el 90 % de los casos y el manejo perioperatorio muy complejo. Se presenta un paciente joven portador de un feocromocitoma , que sometido a la larga acción de las catecolaminas llegó a desarrollar una miocardiopatía dilatada con criterio de trasplante cardiaco. La cirugía adrenal fue curativa en nuestro paciente.Pheochromocytoma, a low incidence tumor of benign behavior in most of cases, can cause extensive cardiovascular manifestations. These manifestations on the myocardium can have deep consequences since they may lead to dilated myocardiopathy with severe heart failure. The excision of tumor may be the curative solution for 90 % of cases but the perioperative management is very complex. This is the case of a young patient who carries pheochromocytoma and after a long-acting catecholemine-based treatment, he developed dilated myocardiopathy, and the medical criterion was that he required heart transplantation. The adrenal surgery was successfully healing in our patient.

  4. Ecocardiografia por Doppler tecidual no diagnóstico de rejeição após transplante cardíaco Ecocardiografía con Doppler tisular en el diagnóstico de rechazo después de transplante cardíaco Tissue doppler echocardiography in the diagnosis of heart transplantation rejection

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    Marcos Valério Coimbra Resende


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A biópsia endomiocárdica (BEM é o método padrão-ouro para o diagnóstico de rejeição celular (RC após transplante cardíaco (TC. OBJETIVO: Testar a hipótese de que o exame de imagem por Doppler tecidual (IDT pode detectar RC > 3A e agregar informação diagnóstica, comparado ao Doppler convencional. MÉTODOS: Cinquenta e quatro pacientes com TC foram submetidos à BEM e estudo ecocardiográfico através de IDT em até 24 horas. Comparamos os pacientes com TC e RC > 3A com pacientes com TC e RC 3A em 39/129 (30,2% das BEM. O melhor preditor isolado para o diagnóstico de RC foi a a'LAT, com sensibilidade de 76,3%, especificidade de 73,8% (p = 0,001. Na análise multivariada, a a'LAT (p = 0,001, a'SEP (p = 0,002, relação e'/a' LAT (p = 0,006, relação e'Mitral/ e'LAT (p = 0,014, SINF (p = 0,009 foram preditores de RC > 3A. Obtivemos um escore com sensibilidade de 88,2%, acurácia de 79,6%, e valor preditivo negativo de 92,9% para diagnosticar RC > 3A. O Doppler convencional (fluxo mitral e pulmonar venoso não foi relevante para predizer a RC > 3A. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo de IDT agregou informação diagnóstica para predizer RC > 3A quando comparado ao Doppler convencional. O modelo baseado em IDT pode ser tornar um método em potencial para detectar RC > 3A após TC.FUNDAMENTO: La biopsia endomiocárdica (BEM es el método gold standard para el diagnóstico de rechazo celular (RC después de transplante cardíaco (TC. OBJETIVO: Testear la hipótesis de que el examen de imagen con Doppler tisular (IDT puede detectar RC > 3A y agregar información diagnóstica, comparado al Doppler convencional. MÉTODOS: Cincuenta y cuatro pacientes con TC fueron sometidos a BEM y estudio ecocardiográfico a través de IDT en hasta 24 horas. Comparamos los pacientes con TC y RC > 3A con pacientes con TC y RC 3A en 39/129 (30,2% de las BEM. El mejor predictor aislado para el diagnóstico de RC fue la a'LAT, con sensibilidad de 76

  5. Tumor intracardiaco en el recién nacido

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    Yanett Sarmiento Portal


    Full Text Available Introducción: los tumores primarios cardiacos son raros durante la infancia y en su mayoría benignos, siendo los rabdomiomas los más comunes, asociándose en más del 60% de los casos con esclerosis tuberosa. La mayoría de ellos tienden a involucionar, pero algunos, según su localización y manifestaciones clínicas, requerirán tratamiento quirúrgico. Caso clínico: recién nacido del sexo femenino, hija de madre de 34 años. Nace producto de cesárea iterada a las 40 semanas, Apgar 9-9 y peso al nacer 2800 gramos. Tuvo seguimiento por Genética Clínica durante el embarazo por detectarse en ultrasonido prenatal la presencia de tumoración intracardiaca, la cual se confirma al realizar ecografía postnatal, con un área tumoral de 3,5mm. Se diagnostica Rabdomioma intracardiaco que no obstruye el tracto de salida, con seguimiento clínico y ecocardiográfico mensual y evolución favorable. Conclusiones: los tumores cardiacos fetales son extraordinariamente raros. Se pueden diagnosticar por ecografía desde la vida intrauterina. La actitud recomendada es expectante por la posibilidad de regresión espontánea, excepto en aquellos casos con repercusión clínica. En el seguimiento se debe descartar la presencia de esclerosis tuberosa por su elevada asociación con esta entidad.



    Muzzo B, Santiago; Cordero, Jaime; Ceresa, Sergio; Buchel, Erwin; Gajardo L, Hector; Leiva B, Laura


    La insuficiencia hepática (IH) crónica altera la mineralización ósea (MO) de acuerdo a la etiología de la IH, debido a los problemas nutricionales agregados y por el tratamiento post transplante con inmunosupresores y glucocorticoides. El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer la mineralización ósea en niños con insuficiencia hepática secundaria a atresia de vías biliares y la dinámica ósea. La mineralización ósea se determinó en columna lumbar (L2-L4) mediante un densitómetro Lunar radiol...

  7. Sarcoma de Kaposi en un adulto con trasplante renal Kaposi's sarcoma in an adult with renal transplantation

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    Enrique Emilio Jiménez López


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente con trasplante renal, atendido en el Hospital Provincial Docente "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, que a los 12 meses de operado comenzó a presentar lesiones eritematosas en la piel. Los resultados de los exámenes complementarios, incluida la biopsia, confirmaron que se trataba de un sarcoma de Kaposi. El afectado egresó y continuó su seguimiento por consulta externa. A los 3 meses, la dermatopatía había desaparecido totalmente y disminuido a 50 % el índice de filtración glomerular.The case report of a patient with renal transplantion, attended in the «Saturnino Lora Torres» Teaching Provincial Hospital from Santiago de Cuba who, after 12 months of his surgery, began to present erythematous lesions in the skin is presented. The results of the additional tests, including the biopsy, confirmed that it was a Kaposi's sarcoma. He was discharged and continued his follow up through the out patient department. After 3 months, the dermatopathy had totally disappeared and the glomerular filtration index decreased to 50%.

  8. Avaliação da segurança do teste de caminhada dos 6 minutos em pacientes no pré-transplante cardíaco Evaluación de la seguridad de la test de marcha de 6 minutos en pacientes en el pre-transplante cardiaco Analysis of 6-minute walk test safety in pre-heart transplantation patients

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    Gerson Cipriano Jr


    ínico y el pronóstico cardiovascular. La seguridad y el impacto metabólico son poco descritos en la literatura, principalmente en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca severa e indicación clínica para transplante cardiovascular Objetivo: Evaluar la ocurrencia de arritmias y alteraciones cardiovasculares durante el TM6m. Correlacionar el desempeño en el TM6m con el estadiamiento clínico y el pronóstico cardiovascular. MÉTODOS: Un total de 12 pacientes, 10 varones, con edad de 52 ± 8 años, fueron sometidos a evaluación inicial. Realizaron el TM6m con monitoreo electrocardiográfico por telemetría, señales vitales y lactato. Se siguieron a los individuos por 12 meses. RESULTADOS: Los pacientes recorrieron 399,4 ± 122,5 (D, m, alcanzando un esfuerzo percibido (EP de 14,3 ± 1,5 y variación del 34% en la frecuencia cardiaca basal. Dos pacientes presentaron arritmia de mayor severidad pre-TM6m y no mostraron empeoramiento ante el esfuerzo; cuatro tuvieron elevación significativa en los niveles de lactato sanguíneo (>5 mmol/dl, y tres interrumpieron el examen. La distancia recorrida evidenció correlación con la fracción de eyección (% y la clasificación funcional (NYHA. Tras 12 meses de seguimiento, tres pacientes murieron, y siete se reinternaron por descompensación cardiaca. La relación (D/EP y frecuencia cardiaca de recuperación en el segundo minuto (FCR2, lpm fueron inferiores en el grupo óbito. CONCLUSIÓN: El comportamiento clínico y electrocardiográfico sugiere que el método es seguro, pero se puede considerarlo de alta intensidad para algunos pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca severa. Variables relacionadas al desempeño en el TM6m pueden estar asociadas con la mortalidad en el seguimiento de un año.BACKGROUND: The 6-minute walk test (6WT has been used as a means of assessment of the functional capacity, clinical staging and cardiovascular prognosis. Its safety and metabolic impact have not been frequently described in the literature

  9. Adherence to immunosuppressive therapy following liver transplantation: an integrative review. (United States)

    Oliveira, Ramon Antônio; Turrini, Ruth Natália Teresa; Poveda, Vanessa de Brito


    diferentes bases, até a data limite de 10 de fevereiro de 2015, empregando-se os descritores controlados e não controlados: liver transplantation, hepatic transplantation, liver orthotopic transplantation, medication adherence, medication non-adherence, medication compliance e patient compliance. foram localizadas 191 investigações, das quais 10 atenderam aos objetivos do estudo e foram agrupadas em quatro categorias, a saber: processo educativo e ocorrência de não adesão; não adesão relacionada ao número de doses diárias dos medicamentos imunossupressores; métodos de detecção da não adesão e efeitos colaterais da terapêutica. verificou-se a existência de fatores de risco relacionados ao serviço de saúde, como controle e redução do número de doses; relacionados ao indivíduo, como ser do sexo masculino, divorciado, usuário de álcool ou outras substâncias, expostos a menor suporte social e portadores de transtorno mental. investigar la evidencia disponible en la literatura sobre la falta de adherencia a la terapia inmunosupresora en los pacientes sometidos a trasplante hepático. revisión integradora de la literatura, que incluye investigaciones cuya muestra estaba constituida por pacientes mayores de 18 años sometidos a trasplante hepático. Se excluyeron aquellos que tenían pacientes sometidos a trasplantes de varios órganos. Para la selección de los artículos fueron consultadas las bases Medline / Pubmed, CINAHL, LILACS, Scopus y Embase. El período de búsqueda determinado correspondió a la fecha inicial de indexación de las diferentes bases, con fecha límite de 10 de febrero de 2015, usándose descriptores controlados y no controlados: liver transplantation, hepatic transplantation, liver orthotopic transplantation, medication adherence, medication non-adherence, medication compliance e patient compliance. se localizaron 191 investigaciones, de los cuales 10 cumplieron con los objetivos del estudio y se agruparon en cuatro categor

  10. Perfil dos pacientes na Lista Única de Espera para transplante cardíaco no estado do Ceará Perfil de los pacientes en la lista única de espera para transplante cardíaco en el estado de Ceará Profile of patients in the Unified Waiting List for heart transplantation in state of Ceará

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    Francisca Elisângela Teixeira Lima


    descriptivo, documental y retrospectivo, con abordaje cuantitativo. Desarrollado en la Central de Transplante del Estado de Ceará, con 156 pacientes incluidos en la Lista Única de Espera del año 1999 al 2006. Los datos fueron organizados en figuras. RESULTADOS: Fueron encontrados: 80% del sexo masculino; 22,4% adultos jóvenes (20 a 40 años y 56,4% adultos de media edad (40 a 64 años, con una media de 36 años; 79% procedentes de Fortaleza-CE; 91% tenían miocardiopatía como causa del transplante cardíaco. Entre esos pacientes 102 (69% fueron transplantados; 37 (25% evolucionaron a óbito antes del transplante; y 8 (6% fueron excluidos por mejoría o empeoramiento del cuadro clínico. CONCLUSIÓN: Los pacientes de la Lista Única de Espera para transplante cardíaco en el Estado de Ceará, en el período de 1999 a 2006, eran del sexo masculino (80%, con franja etaria variando de 1 a 71 años, con predominio de miocardiopatía dilatada (53,4%, y el tiempo medio de espera fue de 136 días hasta el día del transplante cardíaco.BACKGROUND: Organ transplants have increased considerably in recent years because of technological developments and society's awareness for organ donation. OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics of the single list of patients waiting for heart transplantation; to identify the main heart diseases; and determine the average time a patient stays in the list until the surgery. METHODS: This is a descriptive, documentary and retrospective study with a quantitative approach. It was developed at the Transplant Center of the State of Ceará, with 156 patients included in Unified Waiting List from 1999 to 2006. Data were organized into figures. RESULTS: There were: 81% males; 22.4% of young adults (20 to 40 years old and 56.4% middle-aged adults (40 to 64 years old, averaging 36 years old; 79% from Fortaleza-CE; 91% with cardiomyopathy as a cause of heart transplantation. Among these, 102 patients (69% were transplanted; 37 (25% died before

  11. Choice of fluids in the perioperative period of kidney transplantation

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    Alejandro Gonzalez-Castro


    Full Text Available Normal saline has traditionally been the resuscitation fluid of choice in the perioperative period of kidney transplantation over balanced potassium solutions. However, the problems arising from hyperchloraemia triggered by the infusion of normal saline have led to studies being conducted that compare this solution with balanced solutions. From this narrative review it can be concluded that the use of balanced crystalloids containing potassium in the perioperative period of kidney transplantation can be considered safe. These solutions do not affect serum potassium levels any more than normal saline, whilst maintaining a better acid–base balance in these patients. Resumen: El suero salino normal (SSN ha sido clásicamente el fluido de resucitación elegido en el periodo perioperatorio del trasplante renal frente a aquellas soluciones balanceadas con potasio. Sin embargo, los problemas derivados de la hipercloremia desencadenada por la infusión de SSN han llevado a la realización de estudios que comparaban esta solución con los fluidos equilibrados. Mediante la presente revisión narrativa se deduce que el uso de cristaloides balanceados con contenido de potasio en su formulación, en el perioperatorio de trasplante renal, puede considerarse seguro. Estas soluciones no provocan una alteración del potasio sérico mayor que la provocada por el SSN y mantienen mejor el equilibrio ácido-base en estos enfermos. Keywords: Kidney transplantation, Normal saline, Balanced solutions, Hyperchloraemia, Hyperkalaemia, Palabras clave: Trasplante renal, Suero salino normal, Soluciones balanceadas, Hipercloremia, Hiperpotasemia

  12. Varicela y herpes zóster en una paciente con trasplante renal Chickenpox and herpes zoster in a patient with kidney transplant

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    Enrique Emilio Jiménez López


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de una adolescente de 13 años de edad, con trasplante renal, que reingresó a los 10 meses de operada por presentar fiebre, dolor en el costado izquierdo desde el borde esternal de ese lado hasta la columna dorsal y lesiones maculopapulosas sobre una base eritematosa, localizadas en tronco, cuello y cara, que se extendieron primeramente a los miembros inferiores y superiores; pero luego, mientras unas se convirtieron en pústulas y costras típicas de un herpes zóster, las restantes evolucionaron como una varicela. Tratada oportunamente, la paciente mejoró su estado general y egresó con función renal normal a su entorno cotidiano.The clinical report of a 13 years-old adolescent with kidney transplant is described. He was readmitted ten months after the surgery due to fever, pain in the left side from the sternal margin to the thoracic spine and macular-papular injuries over erythematous base, located in the trunk, neck and face that were first spread to the lower and upper limbs, but then, while ones became into pustules and scales typical of herpes zoster, the remaining progressed as chickenpox. Treated at the appropriate time, the patient improved her general condition and she was discharged with normal kidney function to her daily environment.

  13. Desarrollo de un detector de soplos cardiacos


    Brenes Porras, Irene; Miranda, Francisco; Casares, Adrián; Montero, Pablo


    Dentro de las afectaciones cardíacas más normales están los “soplos”, los cuales se definencomo ruidos anormales del corazón. Actualmente solamente un médico especialista conayuda de equipos especializados pueden dar un diagnóstico certero. De aquí la necesidadde contar con un dispositivo sencillo, práctico, económico y efectivo para detectar estetipo de defectos, de forma que esté disponible para la población en lugares de atención médica primaria.

  14. Effect of moderate- versus high-intensity exercise on vascular function, biomarkers and quality of life in heart transplant recipients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dall, Christian H; Gustafsson, Finn; Christensen, Stefan B


    BACKGROUND: Growing evidence in long-term treatment of heart transplant (HTx) recipients indicates effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on several parameters, including oxygen uptake, vascular function and psychological distress. In this study we compare the effect of HIIT vs...... continued moderate training (CON) on vascular function, biomarkers and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in HTx recipients. METHODS: A randomized, controlled crossover trial of stable HTx recipients >12 months after transplantation was done on patients with 12 weeks of HIIT or 12 weeks of CON, followed...... by a 5-month washout and crossover. Outcomes included endothelial function, arterial stiffness, biomarkers, HRQoL and markers of anxiety and depression. RESULTS: Sixteen HTx recipients (mean age 52 years, 75% male) completed the study. HIIT increased VO2peak more than CON (between-group difference, p

  15. Uso de la estreptoquinasa recombinante cubana: Atención de enfermería


    Arcia Lumpuy, Sofía; López Pedrosa, Gloria L


    Se realizan estudios y aplicación de agentes trombolíticos en las primeras horas de diagnosticado e instalado el infarto, con el objetivo de recuperar la reperfusión coronaria y preservar el músculo cardiaco. Se analiza el empleo de la estreptoquinasa recombinante cubana (heberkinasa) en ésta, que es la cuarta investigación sobre ella y su aplicación en los pacientes infartados.

  16. Some considerations on the current debate about typing resolution in solid organ transplantation. (United States)

    Vogiatzi, Paraskevi


    The shortage of suitable organs and achieved tolerance are uncontested main concerns in transplantation. Long waiting lists for deceased donors and limited numbers of living donors are the current scenarios. Kidney grafts from living donors have better overall survival compared to cadaveric and require less aggressive immunosuppressive regimens. The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) labs have the key role to test the recipient and donors compatibility based on typing and antibody profile. The current standard molecular procedure in solid organ transplantation is low-resolution typing, at the antigen level. In this commentary, the merits of high versus low degree of typing resolution in solid organ transplantation are discussed. Critical questions and reasons to bring high-resolution typing as a routine test in health system are considered. Specifically, with the introduction of the next-generation sequencing (NGS) in HLA, the pros and cons in living donation and benefits after deceased donation are critically evaluated. NGS has the potential to improve the transplant rates and the overall graft survival. Alternative strategies to increase in demanding the number of transplants are briefly highlighted.

  17. Cardiovascular system aging


    Ocampo, José M; Gutiérrez, Javier


    El envejecimiento del sistema cardiovascular está asociado con un número característico de cambios a nivel bioquímico, histológico y morfológico. Sin embargo, no todas las modificaciones presentadas se asocian con deterioro en la función. Entre los cambios a nivel cardiaco se tienen: disminución en el número de miocitos y en las células del sistema de conducción cardiaca, desarrollo de fibrosis, cambios en el transporte de calcio a través de las membranas y disminución del cronotropismo, inot...

  18. Estado del arte en hipertensión pulmonar y cateterismo cardiaco derecho

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    Rubén Dueñas V.


    Full Text Available La definición universalmente aceptada de hipertensión pulmonar corresponde a todos los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar media igual o mayor a 25 mm Hg en reposo, medida por cateterismo cardíaco derecho, sin olvidar que la presión promedio normal de la arteria pulmonar es de máximo 20 mm Hg, lo cual obliga a seguir a los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar media entre 20 y 24 mm Hg. También cabe recordar ser claros al diferenciar entre hipertensión pulmonar e hipertensión arterial pulmonar. La hipertensión pulmonar incluye cinco grupos, entre los cuales la hipertensión arterial pulmonar constituye el grupo 1. El concepto de hipertensión arterial pulmonar inducida por el ejercicio puede definirse como todos los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar por encima de los 30 mm Hg a un gasto cardíaco menor de 10 l, o una resistencia pulmonar total de más de 3 unidades Wood. La hipertensión pulmonar inducida por el ejercicio es un campo de investigación hasta ahora poco explorado. La clasificación continúa con los cinco grupos, y es dinámica de acuerdo con el progreso en entender la fisiopatología de cada enfermedad.

  19. Effect of moderate- versus high-intensity exercise on vascular function, biomarkers and quality of life in heart transplant recipients: A randomized, crossover trial. (United States)

    Dall, Christian H; Gustafsson, Finn; Christensen, Stefan B; Dela, Flemming; Langberg, Henning; Prescott, Eva


    Growing evidence in long-term treatment of heart transplant (HTx) recipients indicates effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on several parameters, including oxygen uptake, vascular function and psychological distress. In this study we compare the effect of HIIT vs continued moderate training (CON) on vascular function, biomarkers and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in HTx recipients. A randomized, controlled crossover trial of stable HTx recipients >12 months after transplantation was done on patients with 12 weeks of HIIT or 12 weeks of CON, followed by a 5-month washout and crossover. Outcomes included endothelial function, arterial stiffness, biomarkers, HRQoL and markers of anxiety and depression. Sixteen HTx recipients (mean age 52 years, 75% male) completed the study. HIIT increased VO(2peak) more than CON (between-group difference, p HIIT patients (p = 0.02) and borderline increased in CON patients (p = 0.07), whereas there was no significant effect of exercise on the mental component. Depression score decreased significantly in HIIT patients (p = 0.04) with no change in CON patients (p = 0.75), whereas anxiety score decreased significantly in both HIIT (p 0.05). Arterial stiffness and biomarkers were not changed, nor did endothelial function change after HIIT (p = 0.08) or CON (p = 0.68). HIIT and CON are both well tolerated and induce similar improvements in physical components of HRQoL and in markers of anxiety. Effects of either training modality on vascular function and biomarkers could not be confirmed. Copyright © 2015 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Transplante de intestino delgado Small intestine transplantation

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    Flávio Henrique Ferreira Galvão


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Avanços da biotecnologia e o desenvolvimento de novas drogas imunossupressoras melhoraram os resultados do transplante de intestino delgado. Esse transplante é atualmente indicado para casos especiais da falência intestinal. OBJETIVO: A presente revisão realça os recentes desenvolvimentos na área do transplante de intestino delgado. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Mais de 600 publicações de transplante de intestino delgado foram revisadas. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa, novas estratégias de imunossupressão, monitorização do enxerto e do receptor, e avanços na técnica cirúrgica são discutidos. RESULTADOS: Realizaram-se cerca de 700 transplante de intestino delgado em 55 centros: 44% intestino-fígado, 41% enxerto intestinal isolado e 15% transplante multivisceral. Rejeição e infecção são as principais limitações desse transplante. Sobrevida de 5 anos na experiência internacional é de 46% para o transplante de intestino isolado, 43% para o intestino-fígado e de cerca de 30% para o transplante multivisceral. Sobrevidas prolongadas são mais freqüentes nos centros com maior experiência. Em série de 165 transplantes intestinais na Universidade de Pittsburgh, PA, EUA, foi relatada sobrevida do paciente maior do que 75% no primeiro ano, 54% em 5 anos e 42% em 10 anos. Mais de 90% desses pacientes assumem dieta oral irrestrita. CONCLUSÃO: O transplante de intestino delgado evoluiu de estratégia experimental para uma alternativa viável no tratamento da falência intestinal permanente. Promover o refinamento da terapia imunossupressora, do manejo e prevenção de infecções, da técnica cirúrgica e da indicação e seleção adequada dos pacientes é crucial para melhorar a sobrevida desse transplante.BACKGROUND: Significant progress has been made in clinical small bowel transplantation over the last decade mainly due advances in biotechnology and new immunosuppressive regiments. This transplantation has now been indicated

  1. The dilemma of "to be or not to be": developing electronically e-health & cloud computing documents for overseas transplant patients from Taiwan organ transplant health professionals' perspective. (United States)

    Shih, F-J; Fan, Y-W; Chiu, C-M; Shih, F-Ji; Wang, S-S


    The development of mutually accessible e-health documents (ehD) and cloud computing (CC) for overseas organ transplant health professionals (OTHP) in two medical parties (domestic and overseas) would ensure better quality of care. This project attempted to compare pro and con arguments from the perspective of Taiwan's OTHP. A sample was obtained from three leading medical centers in Taiwan. Eighty subjects including transplant surgeons (n = 20), registered nurses (RN; n = 30), coordinating nurses (OTCN; n = 15), and e-health information and communication technologies experts (ehICTs; n = 15) participated in this research. The pros of developing ehD were: (1) better and continuous care through communication and cooperation in two parties (78%); (2) better collaborative efforts between health professionals, information technology experts in two medical parties is (74%); (3) easier retrieval and communication of personal health documents with the trustworthy OTHP in the different countries (71%); and (4) CC may help develop transplant patients medical cloud based on the collaboration between medical systems in political parties of Taiwan and mainland China (69%). The cons of developing ehD and CC included: (1) inadequate knowledge of benefits and manuals of developing ehD and CC (75%); (2) no reliable communication avenues in developing ehD and CC (73%); (3) increased workload in direct care and documentation in developing new ehD and CC (70%); (4) lack of coaching and accreditation systems in medical, electronic, and law aspects to settle discrepancies in medical diagnosis and treatment protocols between two parties (68%); and (5) lacking systematic ehD and CC plans developed by interdisciplinary teams in two parties (60%). In this initial phase, the establishment of an interdisciplinary team including transplant leaders, transplant surgeon, RN, OTCN, ehICTs, and law experts from two parties might be helpful in working out developing plans with careful monitoring

  2. Liver transplant (United States)

    Hepatic transplant; Transplant - liver; Orthotopic liver transplant; Liver failure - liver transplant; Cirrhosis - liver transplant ... The donated liver may be from: A donor who has recently died and has not had liver injury. This type of ...

  3. Hair Transplants (United States)

    ... Search Skin Experts Skin Treatments Hair Transplants Share » HAIR TRANSPLANTS Before (left) and after (right) - front of ... transplant. Photo courtesy of N. Sadick What are hair transplants? In punch transplanting, a plug containing hair ...

  4. Immediate re-transplantation following early kidney transplant thrombosis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Phelan, Paul J


    Allograft thrombosis is a devastating early complication of renal transplantation that ultimately leads to allograft loss. We report here on our experience of nine cases of immediate re-transplantation following early kidney transplant thrombosis at a single centre between January 1990 and June 2009. The mean age was 42.9 years at time of transplant. For seven patients, the allograft thrombosis was their first kidney transplant and seven of the nine cases had a deceased donor transplant. The initial transplants functioned for a mean of 1.67 days and the patients received a second allograft at a mean of 3.1 days after graft failure. All of the re-transplants worked immediately. Four allografts failed after a mean of 52.5 months (2-155 months). Two of these died with a functioning allograft, one failed owing to chronic allograft nephropathy and one owing to persistent acute cellular rejection. The remaining five patients still have a functioning allograft after a mean of 101.8 months (7-187 months). One year allograft and patient survival after re-transplantation were 87.5% and 100% respectively (after 5 years, both were 57%). Immediate re-transplantation following early kidney transplant thrombosis can be a success. It may be considered in selected cases after allograft thrombosis.

  5. Immediate re-transplantation following early kidney transplant thrombosis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Phelan, Paul J


    Allograft thrombosis is a devastating early complication of renal transplantation that ultimately leads to allograft loss. We report here on our experience of nine cases of immediate re-transplantation following early kidney transplant thrombosis at a single centre between January 1990 and June 2009. The mean age was 42.9 years at time of transplant. For seven patients, the allograft thrombosis was their first kidney transplant and seven of the nine cases had a deceased donor transplant. The initial transplants functioned for a mean of 1.67 days and the patients received a second allograft at a mean of 3.1 days after graft failure. All of the re-transplants worked immediately. Four allografts failed after a mean of 52.5 months (2-155 months). Two of these died with a functioning allograft, one failed owing to chronic allograft nephropathy and one owing to persistent acute cellular rejection. The remaining five patients still have a functioning allograft after a mean of 101.8 months (7-187 months). One year allograft and patient survival after re-transplantation were 87.5% and 100% respectively (after 5 years, both were 57%). Immediate re-transplantation following early kidney transplant thrombosis can be a success. It may be considered in selected cases after allograft thrombosis.

  6. Complications of central venous catheter in patients transplanted with hematopoietic stem cells in a specialized service. (United States)

    Barretta, Lidiane Miotto; Beccaria, Lúcia Marinilza; Cesarino, Cláudia Bernardi; Pinto, Maria Helena


    to identify the model, average length of stay on site and complications of central venous catheter in patients undergoing transplant of hematopoietic stem cells and verify the corresponding relationship between the variables: age, gender, medical diagnosis, type of transplant, implanted catheter and insertion site. a retrospective and quantitative study with a sample of 188 patients transplanted records between 2007 and 2011. the majority of patients used Hickman catheter with an average length of stay on site of 47.6 days. The complication fever/bacteremia was significant in young males with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma undergoing autologous transplant, which remained with the device for a long period in the subclavian vein. nurses should plan with their team the minimum waiting time, recommended between the catheter insertion and start of the conditioning regimen, as well as not to extend the length of time that catheter should be on site and undertake their continuing education, focusing on the prevention of complications. identificar o modelo, tempo médio de permanência e complicações de cateter venoso central em pacientes submetidos ao transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas e verificar a relação de correspondência entre as variáveis: idade, sexo, diagnóstico médico, tipo de transplante, cateter implantado e local de inserção. retrospectivo, quantitativo, com amostra de prontuários de 188 pacientes transplantados, entre 2007 e 2011. a maioria dos pacientes utilizou o cateter de Hickman com permanência média de 47,6 dias. A complicação febre/bacteremia foi significante em jovens do sexo masculino, com linfoma não Hodgkin, submetidos ao transplante autólogo, que permaneceram com o dispositivo por longo período, em veia subclávia. os enfermeiros devem planejar com a equipe o aguardo do tempo mínimo preconizado entre o implante do cateter e início do regime de condicionamento, assim como não estender o período de permanência e realizar

  7. Doação e transplante de órgãos: produção científica da enfermagem brasileira Donación y transplante de órganos: producción científica de la enfermería brasileña Organ donation and transplantation: Brazilian nursing publications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilia Aparecida Cicolo


    Full Text Available Estudo bibliográfico cujos objetivos foram identificar e caracterizar as produções científicas de enfermagem em doação e transplante de órgãos, no período de 1997 a 2007. Realizou-se busca das publicações nacionais nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF, PERIENF E DEDALUS, com as palavras-chave: "enfermagem e transplante" e "enfermagem e doação". Os 30 artigos encontrados foram analisados sob diversos aspectos, obtendo-se como resultados principais: a maioria originou-se do Sudeste, teve abordagem qualitativa, foi da autoria de enfermeiros assistenciais e abordou o tema transplante, especialmente renal e hepático. Conclui-se que se faz necessário um maior número de estudos científicos, desenvolvidos pela enfermagem de todo o país, sobre os diversos aspectos da doação e transplante de órgãos.Estudio bibliográfico cuyos objetivos fueron identificar y caracterizar las producciones científicas de enfermería sobre donación y trasplante de órganos, en el período de 1997 a 2007. Se buscaron publicaciones en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF, PERIENF Y DEDALUS, con las palabras clave: "enfermería y trasplante" y "enfermería y donación", identificándose 30 artículos. Los resultados encontrados mostraron que los trabajos se originaron principalmente en el Sudeste, el enfoque cualitativo fue el más utilizado, los enfermeros fueron los autores principales y los temas utilizados con más frecuencia fueron el trasplante renal y el hepático. Se concluye que es necesario más publicaciones de enfermería brasileña sobre donación y trasplante de órganos.The objectives of this bibliographic study were to identify and to characterize nursing scientific productions of organ donation and transplantation since 1997 to 2007. The LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF, PERIENF AND DEDALUS databases were searched using the following keywords: "nursing and transplantation" and "nursing and donation", identifying 30 articles. The results

  8. Anti-inflammatory profile of paricalcitol in kidney transplant recipients

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    Javier Donate-Correa


    este estudio exploratorio, hemos evaluado el perfil antiinflamatorio del paricalcitol en receptores de trasplante renal. Métodos: Treinta y un pacientes trasplantados con hiperparatiroidismo secundario completaron 3 meses de terapia con paricalcitol oral (1 μg/día. Se determinaron las concentraciones séricas y los niveles de expresión génica de citocinas inflamatorias en células mononucleares de sangre periférica al inicio y al final del estudio. Resultados: El paricalcitol provocó una disminución significativa en los niveles de hormona paratiroidea, sin cambios en los de calcio y fósforo. Además, indujo una reducción en las concentraciones séricas de la interleucina (IL-6 y del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNF-α, con reducciones porcentuales respecto al estado basal de un 29% (p < 0,05 y de un 9,5% (p < 0,05, respectivamente. Los niveles de expresión génica de la IL-6 y del TNF-α en células mononucleares de sangre periférica experimentaron un descenso de un 14,1% (p < 0,001 y de un 34,1% (p < 0,001, respectivamente. La proporción entre las citocinas proinflamatorias (TNF-α e IL-6 y la antiinflamatoria IL-10, tanto para los niveles séricos como para los de expresión génica, también disminuyó significativamente. Conclusiones: La administración del paricalcitol a receptores de trasplante renal se asocia con efectos beneficiosos sobre su estado inflamatorio, lo que podría asociarse a un potencial beneficio clínico. Keywords: Kidney transplantation, Paricalcitol, Inflammatory cytokines, Palabras clave: Trasplante renal, Paricalcitol, Citocinas inflamatorias

  9. Pre-liver transplant psychosocial evaluation predicts post-transplantation outcomes. (United States)

    Benson, Ariel A; Rowe, Mina; Eid, Ahmad; Bluth, Keren; Merhav, Hadar; Khalaileh, Abed; Safadi, Rifaat


    Psychosocial factors greatly impact the course of patients throughout the liver transplantation process. A retrospective chart review was performed of patients who underwent liver transplantation at Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center between 2002 and 2012. A composite psychosocial score was computed based on the patient's pre-transplant evaluation. Patients were divided into two groups based on compliance, support and insight: Optimal psychosocial score and Non-optimal psychosocial score. Post-liver transplantation survival and complication rates were evaluated. Out of 100 patients who underwent liver transplantation at the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center between 2002 and 2012, 93% had a complete pre-liver transplant psychosocial evaluation in the medical record performed by professional psychologists and social workers. Post-liver transplantation survival was significantly higher in the Optimal group (85%) as compared to the Non-optimal group (56%, p = .002). Post-liver transplantation rate of renal failure was significantly lower in the Optimal group. No significant differences were observed between the groups in other post-transplant complications. A patient's psychosocial status may impact outcomes following transplantation as inferior psychosocial grades were associated with lower overall survival and increased rates of complications. Pre-liver transplant psychosocial evaluations are an important tool to help predict survival following transplantation.

  10. Experiência de pais e outros familiares no cuidado à criança e ao adolescente após o transplante de medula óssea Experiencia de padres y otros familiares en el cuidado al niño y al adolescente después del transplante de medula ósea Experience of parents and other family members in the care to children and adolescents after bone marrow transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jane Cristina Andres


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever como os pais e outros familiares de crianças e adolescentes submetidos ao Transplante de medula Óssea (TMO vivenciam esta experiência, especialmente na fase pós operatória. Participaram do estudo treze responsáveis por onze pacientes menores de dezoito anos. Utilizamos como instrumento de coleta de dados a entrevista semi-estruturada com os responsáveis. Para a análise dos dados recorremos a abordagem qualitativa. Através das entrevistas identificamos os seguintes temas: impacto do transplante e cotidiano familiar. Os resultados indicam que pela complexidade do TMO é indispensável o conhecimento da realidade familiar do paciente pois esta tem papel fundamental na sua qualidade de vida. Assim identificar condições, vivências e modo de vida das famílias permite trabalhar com base em suas reais necessidades, respeitando suas possibilidades e limites.El objetivo de este trabajo es describir como los padres y otros familiares de niños y adolescentes sometidos al Transplante de Médula Ósea vivencian esa experiencia, especialmente después del transplante. Participaron del estudio trece responsables por once pacientes con menos de 18 años. Utilizamos como instrumento de recolección de datos la entrevista semi-estructurada con los responsables. Para el análisis de datos fue utilizado el abordaje cualitativo. A través de entrevistas fueron identificados los siguientes temas: impacto del transplante y cotidiano familiar. Los resultados indican que por la complejidad del Transplante de Médula Ósea es indispensable el conocimiento de la realidad familiar del paciente pues esta tiene un papel fundamental en su calidad de vida. Así, identificar condiciones, vivencias y el modo de vida de las familias permite trabajar con base en sus reales necesidades, respetando sus posibilidades y limites.The purpose of this study is to describe how parents and other family members of children and adolescents

  11. Three-year post-transplant medicare payments in kidney transplant recipients: Associations with pre-transplant comorbidities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerardo Machnicki


    Full Text Available Little is known about the influence of pre-transplant comorbidities on post-transplant expenditures. We estimated the associations between pre-transplant comorbidities and post-transplant Medicare costs, using several comorbidity classification systems. We included recipients of first-kidney deceased donor transplants from 1995 through 2002 for whom Medicare was the primary payer for at least one year pre-transplant (N = 25,175. We examined pre-transplant comorbidities as classified by International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9-CM codes from Medicare claims with the Clinical Cla-ssifications Software (CCS and Charlson and Elixhauser algorithms. Post-transplant costs were calcu-lated from payments on Medicare claims. We developed models considering Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN variables plus: 1 CCS categories, 2 Charlson, 3 Elixhauser, 4 num-ber of Charlson and 5 number of Elixhauser comorbidities, independently. We applied a novel regression methodology to account for censoring. Costs were estimated at individual and population levels. The comorbidities with the largest impact on mean Medicare payments included cardiovascular disease, ma-lignancies, cerebrovascular disease, mental conditions and functional limitations. Skin ulcers and infec-tions, rheumatic and other connective tissue disease and liver disease also contributed to payments and have not been considered or described previously. A positive graded relationship was found between costs and the number of pre-transplant comorbidities. In conclusion, we showed that expansion beyond the usually considered pre-transplant comorbidities with inclusion of CCS and Charlson or Elixhauser comorbidities increased the knowledge about comorbidities related to augmented Medicare payments. Our expanded methodology can be used by others to assess more accurately the financial implications of renal transplantation to Medicare and individual transplant centers.

  12. Manejo de los seis grandes del trauma de tórax: Segunda parte


    Lombardo Vaillant, Tomás Ariel


    Las lesiones torácicas que amenazan la vida se producen por el daño a las estructuras vitales que se encuentran en su interior. Con el propósito de exponer el diagnóstico y las medidas terapéuticas en entidades como la obstrucción de vía aérea, el taponamiento cardiaco y el tórax inestable, apoyado en las mejores pruebas encontradas en la literatura mediante una búsqueda en el periodo de junio de 2005 a octubre de 2006 realizada con el localizador de información en salud en las bases de datos...

  13. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder following kidney transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maksten, Eva Futtrup; Vase, Maja Ølholm; Kampmann, Jan


    after long-term post-transplantation follow-up. A retrospective population-based cohort study including all kidney transplant recipients at two Danish centres (1990-2011; population covered 3.1 million; 2175 transplantations in 1906 patients). Pathology reports were reviewed for all patient biopsies...

  14. Rechazo y retrasplante corneal Corneal rejection and re-transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel O Mokey Castellanos


    Full Text Available Se efectuó una investigación observacional análítica retrospectiva, sobre los transplantes corneales efectuados en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital "Hermanos Ameijeiras. Rechazaron 76 pacientes, que se compararon con un control de 89 pacientes, que en un período similar no tuvieron rechazo. El queratocono fue la afección corneal que predominó. El primer lugar en los rechazos correspondió a queratoherpes (43,5 %. El menor índice de rechazo fue para el queratocono (8,8 %. Se analizó la multiplicidad de rechazos; y fue frecuente que se presentara un solo rechazo, aunque sí hubo congruencia entre el número de rechazos y la necesidad de retrasplantes. Se encontró que los resultados de la conducta médica o quirúrgica se relacionaban con la causa. Se calcula un índice de supervivencia (Kaplan-Meier, que concluye que en los primeros dos años existe menos posibilidad de aparición de rechazoAn retrospective observational analytical research was conducted on corneal transplants performed at Ophthalmological Service in “Hermanos Ameijeiras” hospital . Seventy six patients had graft rejection and were compared to a control group of 89 patients that did not present rejection in the same period of time. Keratoconus was the prevailing corneal problem. The highest rejection rate corresponded to keratoherpes (43,5% whereas the lowest rate was for keratoconus (8,8%. Multiplicity of rejections was analyzed and it was found that mostly one graft rejection occured, but number of rejections was associated with the need of re-transplantation. It was found that the results of medical or surgical performance were related to the cause of graft rejection. A survival index (Kaplan-Meier was estimated, which showed that occurence of graf rejection is less probable in the first two years

  15. Economic analysis of the intercropping of lettuce and tomato in different seasons under protected cultivation Análise econômica de consórcios de alface e tomate estabelecidos em diferentes épocas em ambiente protegido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arthur Bernardes Cecílio Filho


    IP of 85%.A alface e o tomate são hortaliças que, em determinadas condições, podem ser cultivadas em ambiente protegido. Sob esta condição de cultivo, consorciá-las é uma alternativa para otimizar custos. Avaliou-se a viabilidade econômica de quatro cultivos consorciados de alface e tomate, em ambiente protegido, na UNESP, em Jaboticabal-SP. Os consórcios foram estabelecidos pelo transplante de alface 0, 10, 20 e 30 dias após o transplante (DAT do tomate e vice-versa, em duas épocas (abril a setembro de 2003 e janeiro a junho de 2004, assim como monoculturas das duas hortaliças. Quando a alface foi transplantada 0, 10 e 20 dias após o transplante (DAT do tomate, na primeira época de cultivo, e 0 DAT, na segunda época, os lucros operacionais (LO foram superiores ao observado nas monoculturas. As taxas de retorno (TR, no primeiro cultivo, apresentaram o mesmo comportamento de LO, enquanto, na segunda época, TR dos consórcios foram inferiores às das monoculturas. Consórcios com o transplante do tomate após alface, na primeira e segunda época de cultivo, apresentaram LO superiores aos das monoculturas. TR de consórcios foram superiores às de monoculturas, independentemente da época em que foram estabelecidos. Os índices de lucratividade (IL da monocultura de tomate foram muito próximos aos do consórcio e maiores do que os da monocultura de alface. Os consórcios e monoculturas da primeira época apresentaram maiores TR, IL e LO do que na segunda época. Os indicadores econômicos ratificaram a viabilidade produtiva (expressa pelo índice de uso eficiente da área dos consórcios com transplante de alface e tomate simultaneamente, nas duas épocas; alface 10 e 20 DAT após tomate, na primeira época e; todos os consórcios com transplante de tomate após a alface. O melhor resultado econômico foi obtido no plantio de abril a setembro com transplantes das duas culturas na mesma data. Para essa condição, foram obtidos os maiores índices: LO m

  16. Effect of high-intensity training versus moderate training on peak oxygen uptake and chronotropic response in heart transplant recipients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dall, C H; Snoer, M; Christensen, S


    In heart transplant (HTx) recipients, there has been reluctance to recommend high-intensity interval training (HIIT) due to denervation and chronotropic impairment of the heart. We compared the effects of 12 weeks' HIIT versus continued moderate exercise (CON) on exercise capacity and chronotropic...... response in stable HTx recipients >12 months after transplantation in a randomized crossover trial. The study was completed by 16 HTx recipients (mean age 52 years, 75% males). Baseline peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak ) was 22.9 mL/kg/min. HIIT increased VO2peak by 4.9 ± 2.7 mL/min/kg (17%) and CON by 2.6 ± 2.......2 mL/kg/min (10%) (significantly higher in HIIT; p HIIT, systolic blood pressure decreased significantly (p = 0.037) with no significant change in CON (p = 0.241; between group difference p = 0.027). Peak heart rate (HRpeak ) increased significantly by 4.3 beats per minute (p = 0...

  17. Capítulo 12. Dispositivos de asistencia ventricular: una realidad en Colombia


    Echeverría, Luis E.; Salazar, Leonardo; Torres, Ángela; Figueredo, Antonio


    Introducción: La insuficiencia cardiaca es una de las causas prevalentes de morbimortalidad en el mundo. A pesar de la mejoría en la terapia médica y los dispositivos de estimulación cardiaca, existe un porcentaje de pacientes que progresan a falla cardiaca refractaria y sus opciones se reducen a inotrópicos, trasplante cardiaco y dispositivos de asistencia ventricular. Objetivo: Presentar las alternativas actuales de asistencia ventricular disponibles para los pacientes con falla cardiaca...

  18. Kidney transplant (United States)

    ... always take your medicine as directed. Alternative Names Renal transplant; Transplant - kidney Patient Instructions Kidney removal - discharge Images Kidney anatomy Kidney - blood and urine flow Kidneys Kidney transplant - ...

  19. Pancreatic Islet Cell Transplantation: A new era in transplantation


    Warnock, Garth L.; Rajotte, Ray V.


    Transplantation of insulin-producing tissue offers a physiologic approach to restoration of glycemic control. Whereas transplantation of vascularized pancreatic grafts has recently achieved encouraging results, pancreatic islet cell transplantation holds the promise of low morbidity and reduced requirements for agressive immunosuppression for recipients. Islet cell transplantation was recently demonstrated to induce euglycemia with insulin independence.

  20. Intestine Transplant (United States)

    ... After the transplant Preventing rejection Post-transplant medications Types of immunosuppressants Switching immunosuppressants Side effects Other medications Generic and brand name drugs Post-transplant tests Infections and immunity Lifestyle changes Health concerns Back to work or ...

  1. Morbilidad y mortalidad de los pacientes con síndrome de distress respiratorio agudo/injuria pulmonar aguda por Influenza A H1N1 que requirieron soporte cardiopulmonar en un hospital general

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Zegarra


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la morbilidad y mortalidad de los pacientes con síndrome de distress respiratorio agudo (SDRA/injuria pulmonar aguda (IPA por Influenza A H1N1 que requirieron soporte cardiopulmonar en un hospital general. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, tipo serie de casos. Se revisaron las historias clínicas, las hojas de monitoreo ventilatorio y hemodinámico de los pacientes con SDRA/IPA secundario a Influenza A H1N1 atendidos en el Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos Generales (SCIG del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia entre mayo y setiembre de 2009. El diagnóstico de Influenza A H1N1 se realizó por PCR-RT. Resultados: Se atendieron 99 pacientes con Influenza A H1N1, 9 ingresaron al SCIG por SDRA/IPA; cinco requirieron ventilación mecánica invasiva (VMI, tres ventilación mecánica no invasiva y uno no requirió soporte ventilatorio. La edad promedio fue 43,3 ± 18,3 años; el tiempo de enfermedad 8 ± 3 días. Al ingreso, el 100% tuvo fiebre y disnea, el score APACHE II fue 10,5 ± 4,1 y el SOFA 5,6 ± 3,2; el Pa02/Fi02 96,74 ± 28,6. En 4/5 pacientes en VMI el Pa02/Fi02 a las 12 h y al final de la ventilación mecánica fue < 200. La presión en cuña estimada fue 15,69 ± 3,6 y el índice cardiaco por doppler esofágico 2,4 ± 0,34. La TGO fue 160 ± 152,15, DHL 2366,33 ± 1862,13 y CPK 216 ± 298,25. Todos los pacientes recibieron Oseltamivir 150 mg cada 12 h por 10 días. Cuatro pacientes fallecieron. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con SDRA/IPA por Influenza A H1 N1, fueron adultos jóvenes, con tiempo de enfermedad prolongado; con fiebre, disnea y linfopenia; sin compromiso cardiovascular y con hipoxemia refractaria como causa de muerte.

  2. Islet alloautotransplantation: Allogeneic pancreas transplantation followed by transplant pancreatectomy and islet transplantation. (United States)

    Nijhoff, M F; Dubbeld, J; van Erkel, A R; van der Boog, P J M; Rabelink, T J; Engelse, M A; de Koning, E J P


    Simultaneous pancreas-kidney (SPK) transplantation is an important treatment option for patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Due to complications, in up to 10% of patients, allograft pancreatectomy is necessary shortly after transplantation. Usually the donor pancreas is discarded. Here, we report on a novel procedure to rescue endocrine tissue after allograft pancreatectomy. A 39-year-old woman with T1D and ESRD who had undergone SPK transplantation required emergency allograft pancreatectomy due to bleeding at the vascular anastomosis. Islets were isolated from the removed pancreas allograft, and almost 480 000 islet equivalents were infused into the portal vein. The patient recovered fully. After 3 months, near-normal mixed meal test (fasting glucose 7.0 mmol/L, 2-hour glucose 7.5 mmol/L, maximal stimulated C-peptide 3.25 nmol/L, without insulin use in the preceding 36 hours) was achieved. Glycated hemoglobin while taking a low dose of long-acting insulin was 32.7 mmol/mol hemoglobin (5.3%). When a donor pancreas is lost after transplantation, rescue β cell therapy by islet alloautotransplantation enables optimal use of scarce donor pancreata to optimize glycemic control without additional HLA alloantigen exposure. © 2017 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

  3. Mini-review. Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma

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    V. Visag-Castillo


    Full Text Available Liver transplantation is the gold standard treatment for end stage liver disease, including patients with cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma falling within Milan criteria. HCC is the sixth most common cancer around the world, and leading cause of death among cirrhotic patients. Diagnosis is based upon radiological characteristics and rarely biopsy results; the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer staging system is the most used guideline for treatment. With several treatment options available transplantation and resection continue to be the major curative therapeutic option for this patients. However treatment must be individualized to each patient to improve recurrences and outcomes. The aim of this paper is to review the present role of liver transplantation in the management of hepatocarcinoma. Resumen: El trasplante hepático es el estándar de oro en el tratamiento de enfermedad hepática avanzada, incluyendo pacientes cirróticos que han desarrollado hepatocarcinoma pero que se encuentran dentro de los criterios de Milán. El hepatocarcinoma es el sexto tumor más común alrededor del mundo y es la principal causa de muerte en pacientes cirróticos. El diagnóstico se basa principalmente en las características radiológicas del tumor y raras veces en resultados de patología. El sistema de estatificación desarrollado por el Clinic de Barcelona es la guía más usada para el tratamiento. Existen diferentes opciones terapéuticas para el hepatocarcinoma; sin embargo, el trasplante y la resección quirúrgica siguen siendo la opción curativa con mejores resultados. El tratamiento debe de ser individualizado para cada paciente con el fin de mejorar los resultados y minimizar recurrencias. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar el rol actual del trasplante hepático en el manejo del hepatocarcinoma. Keywords: Chronic hepatitis C, End stage liver disease, Recurrence, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Cirrhosis, Palabras clave: Hepatitis C cr

  4. Transplant tourism among kidney transplant patients in Eastern Nigeria. (United States)

    Okafor, U H


    Transplant tourism entails movement of recipient, donor or both to a transplant centre outside their country of residence. This has been reported in many countries; and has variously been associated with organ trade. The objective of this study is to determine the frequency and pattern of transplant tourism among transplant patients in Eastern Nigeria. This is a non randomized cross sectional study. All kidney transplant patients who presented at Enugu State University Teaching Hospital Parklane Enugu and Hilton Clinics Port Harcourt in Nigeria were recruited. The clinical parameters including the transplant details of all the patients were documented. The data obtained was analysed using SPSS package. A total of one hundred and twenty six patients were studied, 76.2% were males with M:F ratio of 3.2:1 and mean age of 46.9 ± 13.3 years. Fifty four and 58.7% of the patients were managed in a tertiary hospital and by a nephrologist respectively before referral for kidney transplant. Only 15.8% of the patients had their kidney transplant without delay: finance, lack of donor, logistics including delay in obtaining travelling documents were the common causes of the delay. Ninety percent of the patients had their transplant in India with majority of them using commercial donors. India was also the country with cheapest cost ($18,000.00). 69.8% were unrelated donors, 68.2% were commercial donors and 1.6% of the donors were spouse. All the commercial donors received financial incentives and each commercial donor received mean of 7580 ± 1280 dollars. Also 30.2% of the related donors demanded financial incentive. Transplant tourism is prevalent in eastern Nigeria.

  5. Utilidad del cateterismo cardiaco en fisiología y terapéutica cardiovascular

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    Luis M. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se estudian las técnicas que se emplean para hacer el cateterismo del corazón en los casos que se presentan, su empleo para facilitar el diagnóstico de las enfermedades adquiridas cardiovasculares, para facilitar su tratamiento, tanto médico como quirúrgico, también para el estudio de las enfermedades congénitas en las cuales hay perturbaciones de la química sanguínea, con una disminución de la concentración del O, menor de un 93 por ciento, con o sin hipertensión pulmonar que facilita el diagnóstico y la clasificación de las enfermedades congénitas, en cianóticas con hipertensión pulmonar, en cianóticas sin hipertensión pulmonar, en no cianóticas con hipertensión pulmonar y en no cianóticas sin hipertensión pulmonar. Se estudian las curvas de presión intracavitarias de aurícula, ventrículo derecho, arteria pulmonar, de las ramas y de los capilares arteriales pulmonares, del trazo de la aorta en su porción descendente. Se hace un análisis de las curvas de presión en las enfermedades congénitas cianóticas y no cianóticas, indicando el trayecto que el catéter sigue dentro de las cavidades cardíacas y que sirve para diferenciar una lesión de otra.

  6. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in liver transplant recipients

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    Mercedes Rubio-Manzanares-Dorado

    Full Text Available Introduction: Post-transplant lymphoproliferative syndrome (PTLD is a rare and potentially life-threatening complication after liver transplantation. The aim of this study was to analyze the clinicopathologic features related to PTLD in a single institution after liver transplantation. Methods: Observational study where we have retrospectively analyzed 851 cases who underwent liver transplantation. Ten cases have developed PTLD. Their clinical-pathological characteristics and the treatment received have been analyzed. Results: PTLD incidence was 1.2% (10/851. The mean time from liver transplantation to PTLD diagnosis was 36 months (range 1.2 to 144 months. PTLD localization was extranodal in all cases, the most frequent location being intestinal. Seven cases showed a monomorphic lymphoma which in all cases was differentiated B cell lymphomas. Fifty per cent of the series were seropositive for Epstein-Barr virus. Five patients were alive at the time of the review. Among these patients, we observed three cases of complete remission and two cases of disease stabilization. The death rate was higher in the first year after diagnosis of PTLD. Conclusion: PTLD is a rare complication after liver transplantation, but it may pose a threat to the life of a liver transplant recipient. It is essential to identify patients at risk, to establish an early diagnosis and treatment that can change the outcome of the disease.

  7. Pre-transplant history of mental health concerns, non-adherence, and post-transplant outcomes in kidney transplant recipients. (United States)

    Gumabay, Franz Marie; Novak, Marta; Bansal, Aarushi; Mitchell, Margot; Famure, Olusegun; Kim, S Joseph; Mucsi, Istvan


    The association between pre-transplant mental health concerns and non-adherence and post-transplant outcomes after kidney transplantation is not fully established. We examined the relationship between a pre-transplant history of mental health concerns and non-adherence and post-transplant outcomes among kidney transplant recipients. In this retrospective single center cohort study of adult kidney transplant recipients (n=955) the associations between the history of mental health concerns or non-adherence and the time from kidney transplant to biopsy proven acute rejection; death-censored graft failure and total graft failure were examined using Cox proportional hazards models. Mean (SD) age was 51 (13) years, 61% were male and 27% had a history of diabetes. Twenty-two and 11% of patients had mental health concerns and non-adherence, respectively. Fifteen percent of the patients had acute rejection, 5.6% had death-censored graft failure and 13.0% had total graft failure. The history of mental health concerns was not associated with acute rejection, death-censored graft failure or total graft failure. Patients with versus without a history of non-adherence tended to have higher cumulative incidence of acute rejection (23.3% [95% CI: 16.1, 33.2] vs. 13.6% [95% CI: 11.4, 16.2]) and death-censored graft failure (15.0% [95% CI: 6.9, 30.8] vs. 6.4% [95% CI: 4.7, 8.7]) (log rank p=0.052 and p=0.086, respectively). These trends were not significant after multivariable adjustment. In summary, a history of pre-transplant mental health concerns or non-adherence is not associated with adverse outcomes in patients who completed transplant workup and received a kidney transplant. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Organ donation and transplantation in Mexico. A transplantation health professionals’ perspective

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    Luis Eduardo Hernández-Ibarra


    Full Text Available Objective. We aimed to explore organ donation and transplantation in Mexico from the point of view of transplantation health professionals. Materials and methods. A qualitative study was carried out. Twenty six organ transplantation health professionals from seven states of Mexico participated. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted mainly in hospital settings. Critical discourse analysis was performed. Results. According to participants, living organ transplantation offers benefits for recipients as well as for donors. Several factors influence the field of transplantation negatively, among them the scarcity of resources that impedes the incorporation of new health personnel, as well as conflicts between transplantation teams with diverse health professionals and authorities. Conclusion. Besides increasing economic resources, transplantation health personnel should be sensitized to find solutions in order to avoid conflicts with different health professionals. Studies on organ donation and transplants also should include other social actors’ viewpoint.

  9. Qualidade de vida de pacientes submetidos ao transplante cardíaco: aplicação da escala Whoqol-Bref Calidad de vida de pacientes sometidos a transplante cardíaco: aplicación de la escala Whoqol-Bref Quality of life of patients that had a heart transplant: application of Whoqol-Bref scale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Isis Freire de Aguiar


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O sucesso do transplante cardíaco significa garantir a sobrevida dos pacientes com cardiopatia e permitir-lhes desenvolver suas atividades diárias. O transplante cardíaco apresenta-se como a primeira opção de tratamento na falência cardíaca, representando um aumento de sobrevida e qualidade de vida dos transplantados. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida de pacientes submetidos ao transplante cardíaco através da aplicação de uma escala padronizada (Whoqol-Bref. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório descritivo de abordagem quantitativa, realizado com 55 pacientes submetidos ao transplante cardíaco, em um período entre o terceiro e o 103º mês, que realizam acompanhamento na Unidade de Transplante e Insuficiência Cardíaca em um Hospital de Referência em Cardiologia na cidade de Fortaleza, CE. Os dados foram coletados no período de fevereiro a abril de 2009, por meio da aplicação de um questionário padronizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde e utilização de dados constantes nos prontuários. RESULTADOS: Com relação ao domínio físico, 62,8% e 58,3% dos pacientes, dos sexos masculino e feminino, respectivamente, estão satisfeitos. No domínio psicológico, dentre pacientes do sexo masculino, 65,1% apresentam satisfação quanto à qualidade de vida e, no sexo feminino, 58,3% encontram-se satisfeitas. No domínio das relações sociais, observou-se que, no sexo masculino, 53,5% estão muito satisfeitos, e apresentou-se um nível de satisfação de 100% no sexo feminino. No domínio do meio ambiente, 65,1% do sexo masculino encontram-se satisfeitos, e no sexo feminino, 83,3% estão satisfeitas. CONCLUSÃO: O transplante cardíaco teve bastante influência na qualidade de vida dos pacientes transplantados, pois os resultados mostram-se estatisticamente significantes no pós-transplante.FUNDAMENTO: El éxito del transplante cardíaco significa garantizar la sobrevida de los pacientes con cardiopatía y permitirles

  10. Thoracic organ transplantation. (United States)

    Pierson, Richard N; Barr, Mark L; McCullough, Keith P; Egan, Thomas; Garrity, Edward; Jessup, Mariell; Murray, Susan


    This article presents an overview of factors associated with thoracic transplantation outcomes over the past decade and provides valuable information regarding the heart, lung, and heart-lung waiting lists and thoracic organ transplant recipients. Waiting list and post-transplant information is used to assess the importance of patient demographics, risk factors, and primary cardiopulmonary disease on outcomes. The time that the typical listed patient has been waiting for a heart, lung, or heart-lung transplant has markedly increased over the past decade, while the number of transplants performed has declined slightly and survival after transplant has plateaued. Waiting list mortality, however, appears to be declining for each organ and for most diseases and high-severity subgroups, perhaps in response to recent changes in organ allocation algorithms. Based on perceived inequity in organ access and in response to a mandate from Health Resources and Services Administration, the lung transplant community is developing a lung allocation system designed to minimize deaths on the waiting list while maximizing the benefit of transplant by incorporating post-transplant survival and quality of life into the algorithm. Areas where improved data collection could inform evolving organ allocation and candidate selection policies are emphasized.

  11. Dialysis Facility Transplant Philosophy and Access to Kidney Transplantation in the Southeast. (United States)

    Gander, Jennifer; Browne, Teri; Plantinga, Laura; Pastan, Stephen O; Sauls, Leighann; Krisher, Jenna; Patzer, Rachel E


    Little is known about the impact of dialysis facility treatment philosophy on access to transplant. The aim of our study was to determine the relationship between the dialysis facility transplant philosophy and facility-level access to kidney transplant waitlisting. A 25-item questionnaire administered to Southeastern dialysis facilities (n = 509) in 2012 captured the facility transplant philosophy (categorized as 'transplant is our first choice', 'transplant is a great option for some', and 'transplant is a good option, if the patient is interested'). Facility-level waitlisting and facility characteristics were obtained from the 2008-2011 Dialysis Facility Report. Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine the association between the dialysis facility transplant philosophy and facility waitlisting performance (dichotomized using the national median), where low performance was defined as fewer than 21.7% of dialysis patients waitlisted within a facility. Fewer than 25% (n = 124) of dialysis facilities reported 'transplant is our first option'. A total of 131 (31.4%) dialysis facilities in the Southeast were high-performing facilities with respect to waitlisting. Adjusted analysis showed that facilities who reported 'transplant is our first option' were twice (OR 2.0; 95% CI 1.0-3.9) as likely to have high waitlisting performance compared to facilities who reported that 'transplant is a good option, if the patient is interested'. Facilities with staff who had a more positive transplant philosophy were more likely to have better facility waitlisting performance. Future prospective studies are needed to further investigate if improving the kidney transplant philosophy in dialysis facilities improves access to transplantation.

  12. Carinal transplantation. (United States)

    Ueda, H; Shirakusa, T


    BACKGROUND: Current techniques of management of carinal lesions are not always satisfactory. Carinal transplantation, if feasible, would be valuable in certain circumstances. METHODS AND RESULTS: Carinal transplantation experiments were performed in dogs. In early cross transplant experiments there were problems in controlling ventilation and in obtaining satisfactory anastomoses, and the animals failed to live for even a few days. In seven subsequent experiments the carinal graft was removed from one dog and transplanted into a second dog. Two dogs lived for over four months with immunosuppression. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that carinal transplantation can succeed if (1) the calibre of the graft is matched with that of the recipient; (2) there is an abundant blood supply to the graft; (3) appropriate immunosuppression is provided; (4) ventilation is adequate during surgery. Images PMID:1465758

  13. Rosiglitazone attenuates transplant arteriosclerosis after allogeneic aorta transplantation in rats

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Onuta, Geanina; Rienstra, Heleen; de Boer, Jan Freark; Boer, Mark Walther; Roks, Anton J. M.; Klatter, Flip A.; Uges, Donald R. A.; Navis, Gerjan; Rozing, Jan; Hillebrands, Jan-Luuk


    Background. Transplant arteriosclerosis is a leading cause of chronic transplant dysfunction and is characterized by occlusive neointima formation in intragraft arteries. Development of transplant arteriosclerosis is refractory to conventional immunosuppressive drugs and adequate therapy is not

  14. Transplante de bexiga: estudo piloto Bladder transplant: pilot study

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    Frederico Teixeira Brandt


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Desenvolver um modelo biológico que seja viável para o estudo sistemático do transplante de bexiga. MÉTODOS: Cães mestiços vivos são usados como doadores e receptores do segmento supra-trigonal da bexiga. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes tansplantados só fizeram uso de imunossupressão por 15 dias, estão vivos e sadios com 18 meses de transplante. Desde o primeiro mês de transplante os cães apresentam controle funcional da micção, inclusive sem urina residual importante. CONCLUSÃO: Transplante de bexiga em cães é um modelo viável, fisiológico e simples.PURPOSE: Our aim was to study the feasible of bladder transplants. METHODS: Alive mongrel dogs are being used as trigone bladder segment donators and receptors RESULTS: The transplanted patients had 15 days of immunosuppression and so far an 18-months satisfactory post-operative outcome. Since a month after surgery, the dogs have been presenting full functional control of micturition and the evaluations have been showing normal bladder storage and contraction capacities. CONCLUSION: bladder transplants in dogs its a possible, physiological and simple model.

  15. Capítulo 2. Introducción, epidemiología de la falla cardiaca e historia de las clínicas de falla cardiaca en Colombia


    Efraín Gómez


    Introducción: La edad de la población, tanto mundial como colombiana, y la prolongación de la vida con reducción de la mortalidad de los pacientes cardiacos, han llevado a un incremento de la falla cardiaca. Durante los últimos diez años se han creado varias clínicas de falla cardiaca y de esta manera se ha logrado avanzar en las alternativas de tratamiento para la enfermedad. Objetivo: Describir las características de las diferentes clínicas de falla cardiaca que funcionan actualmente en ...

  16. Agenesia pulmonar y riñón en herradura en la edad adulta: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura


    Navarro Vergara, D.I.; Moreira Meyer, A.; Cícero Sabido, R.; Núñez Pérez-Redondo, C.; Garrido Alarcón, E.


    La agenesia pulmonar es una malformación congénita rara que se define como la ausencia total de parénquima pulmonar, bronquios y vasculatura. En la literatura se encuentran pocos casos de esta malformación en la edad adulta, debido a la presencia de otras malformaciones coincidentes, como desplazamiento mediastinal y cardiaco severos. La mayoría de los casos mueren prematuramente en los primeros 5 años de vida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 31 años de edad con agenesia pulmonar izquie...

  17. Protocolo y necesidad de kit para toxicidad sistémica por anestésicos locales


    Berrío Valencia, Marta Inés; Vargas Silva, Juan Felipe


    La intoxicación sistémica por anestésicos locales es una de las complicaciones más temidas en la anestesia regional por su potencial tóxico cardiaco, neurológico y principalmente por el riesgo de desencadenar paro cardiorrespiratorio de difícil manejo, aun en pacientes sanos. La prevención como la primera meta, seguida de un rápido reconocimiento y tratamiento oportuno basado en diversas medidas generales y luego del tratamiento específico con las emulsiones lipídicas al 20%, permiten mejorar...

  18. Evolution of the role of the transplant pharmacist on the multidisciplinary transplant team. (United States)

    Alloway, R R; Dupuis, R; Gabardi, S; Kaiser, T E; Taber, D J; Tichy, E M; Weimert-Pilch, N A


    Transplant pharmacists have been recognized as an essential part of the transplant team by their colleagues along with several governing and professional organizations. The specific education, training and responsibilities of the transplant pharmacist have not been clearly delineated in the literature. Various pharmacists across the country have been called upon to serve on the transplant team necessitating standardization of their fundamental and desirable activities. Therefore, the purpose of this manuscript is to describe the training and role of a transplant pharmacist on the patient care team and provide a roadmap to implementation of novel transplant pharmacy services. ©2011 The Authors Journal compilation©2011 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

  19. Intraparenchymal intracranial pressure monitoring in patients with acute liver failure Monitoreo intraparenquimatoso de presión intracraneana en pacientes con falla hepática aguda

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    Alejandra T. Rabadán


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Elevated intracranial pressure (ICP is a common cause of death in acute liver failure (ALF and is determinant for decision-making regarding the timing of liver transplantation. The recommended type ICP monitoring device is controversial in ALF patients. Epidural devices had less risk of hemorrhagic complications, but they are less reliable than intraparenchymal ones. METHOD: Twenty-three patients with ALF were treated, and 19 of them received a liver transplant. Seventeen patients had ICP monitoring because of grade III-IV encephalopathy. All patients received fresh plasma (2-3 units before and during placing the intraparenchymal device. RESULTS: Eleven cases (64.7% had elevated ICP, and 6 patients (35.2% had normal values. One patient (5.9% had an asymptomatic small intraparenchymal haemorrhage ANTECEDENTES: La presión intracraneana elevada (PIC es una causa frecuente de muerte en la falla hepática aguda (FHA y es determinante para la toma de decisiones respecto del momento del transplante hepático. El tipo de dispositivo para el monitoreo de OIC es controversial em los pacientes em FHA. Los dispositivos epidurales tienen menos riesgo de complicaciones hemorrágicas, pero son menos confiables que los intraparenquimatosos. MÉTODO: Veintitrés pacientes con FHA fueron tratados, y 19 de ellos recibieron un transplante hepático. diecisiete pacientes tuvieron monitoreo de PIC debido a encefalopatía grado III-IV. Todos los pacientes recibieron plasma fresco (2-3 unidades antes y durante la colocación de la fibra intraparenquimatosa. RESULTADOS: Once casos (64.7% tuvieron PIC elevada, y 6 pacientes (35.2% tuvieron valores normales. Un paciente (5.9% tuvo una pequeña hemorragia intraparenquimatosa asintomática <1cm³ en TAC, la cual no impidió el transplante hepático. CONCLUSIÓN: En nuestra experiencia, el monitoreo intraparenquimatoso de presión intracraneana en pacientes con FHA parece ser un método preciso y con bajo riesgo

  20. Pancreatic islet transplantation

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    Corrêa-Giannella Maria


    Full Text Available Abstract Background No formulation of exogenous insulin available to date has yet been able to mimic the physiological nictemeral rhythms of this hormone, and despite all engineering advancements, the theoretical proposal of developing a mechanical replacement for pancreatic β cell still has not been reached. Thus, the replacement of β cells through pancreas and pancreatic islet transplantation are the only concrete alternatives for re-establishing the endogenous insulin secretion in type 1 diabetic patients. Since only 1 to 1.5% of the pancreatic mass corresponds to endocrine tissue, pancreatic islets transplantation arises as a natural alternative. Data from the International Islet Transplant Registry (ITR from 1983 to December 2000 document a total of 493 transplants performed around the world, with progressively worse rates of post-transplant insulin independence. In 2000, the "Edmonton Protocol" introduced several modifications to the transplantation procedure, such as the use of a steroid-free immunosuppression regimen and transplantation of a mean islet mass of 11,000 islet equivalents per kilogram, which significantly improved 1-year outcomes. Although the results of a 5-year follow-up in 65 patients demonstrated improvement in glycemic instability in a significant portion of them, only 7.5% of the patients have reached insulin independence, indicating the need of further advances in the preservation of the function of transplanted islet. In addition to the scarcity of organs available for transplantation, islets transplantation still faces major challenges, specially those related to cell loss during the process of islet isolation and the losses related to the graft site, apoptosis, allorejection, autoimmunity, and immunosuppression. The main strategies to optimize islet transplantation aim at improving all these aspects. Conclusion Human islet transplantation should be regarded as an intervention that can decrease the frequency of

  1. Cerebral Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder Occurring after Renal Transplantation: A Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suh, Jang Ho; Byun, Woo Mok; Kim, Hong Chul; Hwang, Min Su [Dept. of Radiology, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of)


    Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a complication of organ transplantation and immunosuppression. A 36-year-old woman with a history of renal transplantation visited the hospital complaining of headache and on pathology was diagnosed with cerebral PTLD manifesting as multiple rim enhanced masses in both hemispheres. We report here a case of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder involving the cerebrum occurring after renal transplantation, and describe the MRI findings for this patient

  2. Cerebral Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder Occurring after Renal Transplantation: A Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suh, Jang Ho; Byun, Woo Mok; Kim, Hong Chul; Hwang, Min Su


    Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a complication of organ transplantation and immunosuppression. A 36-year-old woman with a history of renal transplantation visited the hospital complaining of headache and on pathology was diagnosed with cerebral PTLD manifesting as multiple rim enhanced masses in both hemispheres. We report here a case of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder involving the cerebrum occurring after renal transplantation, and describe the MRI findings for this patient

  3. Cord stem-cell transplantation in Ontario: do we need a public bank? (United States)

    Gassas, A


    It has been 21 years since the first successful use of umbilical cord blood as a source of donor cells for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Over those years, cord blood transplantation (CBT) has shown marked success as an effective modality in the treatment of children and adults with hematologic malignancies, marrow failure, immunodeficiency, hemoglobinopathy, and inherited metabolic diseases. Furthermore, transplantation without full human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matching is possible and, despite a lower incidence of graft-versus-host disease, graft-versus-leukemia effect is preserved. More than 20,000 cbts have been performed worldwide. Ontario is the most populated province in Canada, and its cbt numbers have increased dramatically in recent years, but most of the umbilical cord blood units are purchased from unrelated international registries. There is no public cord bank in Ontario, but there is a private cord banking option, and notably, Ontario has the largest number of live births in Canada [approximately 40% of all Canadian live births per year occur in Ontario (Statistics Canada, 2007)]. In this brief review, the pros and cons of private and public cord banking and the feasibility of starting an Ontario public cord bank are discussed.

  4. After the Transplant (United States)

    ... After the transplant Preventing rejection Post-transplant medications Types of immunosuppressants Switching immunosuppressants Side effects Other medications Generic and brand name drugs Post-transplant tests Infections and immunity Lifestyle changes Health concerns Back to work or ...

  5. Stem Cell Transplant (United States)

    ... Graft-versus-host disease: A potential risk when stem cells come from donors If you receive a transplant ... medications and blood products into your body. Collecting stem cells for transplant If a transplant using your own ...

  6. Cardiac transplantation in South Carolina: 300 transplants. (United States)

    Crumbley, A J; Odom, Sylvia; Van Bakel, Adrian B; Pereira, Naveen; Ikonomidis, John S; Bradley, Scott; Kratz, John M; Sade, Robert M; Uber, Walt; Stroud, Martha R; Crawford, Fred A


    For nearly 20 years, the Medical University's Heart Transplant Program has been providing the citizens of South Carolina with excellent results with a minimum of delay. We present here the results of our first 300 heart transplants, spanning the first 18 years of the Cardiac Transplant Program at the Medical University. Overall survival has been very good, with one, five and ten year survival rates in the adults being 92 +/- 2%, 78 +/- 3%, and 58 +/- 4%. The children's group showed survival rates of 94 +/- 5%, 79 +/- 11%, and 79 +/- 11% over the same lengths of time. Most recently, the federally sponsored Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (, July 2005) reports for MUSC a one-year survival of 97.67% and three-year survival of 90.74%; both leading the Southeast. We attribute this success to the dedicated work of health care workers at all levels who believe in attention to detail and that the patient always comes first. It is our hope that we will be able to continue to provide expert, state-of-the-art, cardiac transplant services long into the future, while continuing to expand our heart failure management program as dictated by further developments in this rapidly evolving specialty.

  7. Organ Transplants in Kazakhstan. (United States)

    Baigenzhin, Abay; Doskaliyev, Zhaksylyk; Tuganbekova, Saltanat; Zharikov, Serik; Altynova, Sholpan; Gaipov, Abduzhappar


    The Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the fastest developing countries in the world and has a health care system that is unique in Central Asia. Its organ transplant services are also developing rapidly. We aimed to analyze and briefly report on the current status of organ transplant in the Republic of Kazakhstan. We analyzed organ transplant activities in that country for the period 2012 to 2014. All data were collected from the official database of the National Transplant Coordinating Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the end of 2014, the number of transplant centers had increased to 10, three of which could perform multiorgan transplants; during the same period, the number of deceased-donor organ-donating hospitals increased up to 37. By 2013, the transplant activity rate for all centers had reached 9.22 per million population. During the previous 3 years (2012-2014), there was a 3-fold increase in the number of living donors and an 18-fold increase in the number of kidney transplants. Between 2012 and 2014, the number of living-donor liver transplants increased from 17 to 25, and the number of deceased-donor transplants increased from 3 to 7. During the last 3 years (2012-2014), the number of heart transplants increased to 7 cases. During the last 3 years (2012-2014), Kazakhstan achieved a significant improvement in the organization of its transplant services, and a noticeable upward trend in the system continues.

  8. Carinal transplantation.


    Ueda, H; Shirakusa, T


    BACKGROUND: Current techniques of management of carinal lesions are not always satisfactory. Carinal transplantation, if feasible, would be valuable in certain circumstances. METHODS AND RESULTS: Carinal transplantation experiments were performed in dogs. In early cross transplant experiments there were problems in controlling ventilation and in obtaining satisfactory anastomoses, and the animals failed to live for even a few days. In seven subsequent experiments the carinal graft was removed...

  9. [Transplant Surgeon Meets Nephrologist: Important Nephrological Aspects Before and After Kidney or Liver Transplantation]. (United States)

    Vondran, F W R; Wintterle, S; Bräsen, J H; Haller, H; Klempnauer, J; Richter, N; Lehner, F; Schiffer, M


    In cases of chronic renal insufficiency, successful kidney transplantation is the method of choice to restore patients' health, well-being and physical fitness. The interdisciplinary collaboration of nephrologists and transplant surgeons has always been a prerequisite for the successful pre-, peri- and post-transplant care of renal transplant patients. The same holds true for liver transplant patients. Here the nephrologist is often involved in cases requiring pre- or post-transplant dialysis as well as in decision making for combined liver-kidney transplantation. This review focuses on nephrological aspects in patient care before and after kidney and liver transplantation. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  10. Too poor for transplant: finance and insurance issues in transplant ethics. (United States)

    Laurentine, Kyle Alexander; Bramstedt, Katrina A


    Donor organs are a scarce gift. Additionally, transplantation is very expensive and the United States lacks universal health insurance for all citizens. These facts combine to make personal finance and insurance some of the criteria for wait listing at US transplant centers. Previous research has shown that the poor and the uninsured (as well as women and nonwhites) are less likely to receive a transplant. Living donor candidates are also limited by the US insurance system. To determine the effect of finance and insurance variables on access to transplant and living donation. A qualitative descriptive study of ethics consultation data contained in a research registry approved by the institutional review board at California Pacific Medical Center. This study analyzes research registry data from a large community hospital in Northern California that serves patients from California, Oregon, and Nevada. The registry data are derived from transplant ethics consultations occurring between January 1, 2007, and June 30, 2009. This study explores the restriction of access to transplantation and of participation in living donation. More than a quarter of all transplant ethics consultation reports described the restriction of transplant-related treatment for reasons rooted in finance or insurance. Individuals on the recipient side and on the donor side were hindered with regard to access. Insurance status and personal ability to pay significantly affect access to transplantation in the United States, and this theme is a frequent feature of ethics consultations at California Pacific Medical Center.

  11. History of Lung Transplantation. (United States)

    Dabak, Gül; Şenbaklavacı, Ömer


    History of lung transplantation in the world can be traced back to the early years of the 20 th century when experimental vascular anastomotic techniques were developed by Carrel and Guthrie, followed by transplantation of thoracic organs on animal models by Demikhov and finally it was James Hardy who did the first lung transplantation attempt on human. But it was not until the discovery of cyclosporine and development of better surgical techniques that success could be achieved in that field by the Toronto Lung Transplant Group led by Joel Cooper. Up to the present day, over 51.000 lung transplants were performed in the world at different centers. The start of lung transplantation in Turkey has been delayed for various reasons. From 1998 on, there were several attempts but the first successful lung transplant was performed at Sureyyapasa Hospital in 2009. Today there are four lung transplant centers in Turkey; two in Istanbul, one in Ankara and another one in Izmir. Three lung transplant centers from Istanbul which belong to private sector have newly applied for licence from the Ministry of Health.

  12. Perspectives of Older Kidney Transplant Recipients on Kidney Transplantation. (United States)

    Pinter, Jule; Hanson, Camilla S; Chapman, Jeremy R; Wong, Germaine; Craig, Jonathan C; Schell, Jane O; Tong, Allison


    Older kidney transplant recipients are susceptible to cognitive impairment, frailty, comorbidities, immunosuppression-related complications, and chronic graft failure, however, there has been limited focus on their concerns and expectations related to transplantation. This study aims to describe the perspectives of older kidney transplant recipients about their experience of kidney transplantation, self-management, and treatment goals to inform strategies and interventions that address their specific needs. Face-to-face semistructured interviews were conducted with 30 kidney transplant recipients aged 65-80 years from five renal units in Australia. Transcripts were analyzed thematically. Six themes were identified: restoring vitality of youth (with subthemes of revived mindset for resilience, embracing enjoyment in life, drive for self-actualization); persisting through prolonged recovery (yielding to aging, accepting functional limitations, pushing the limit, enduring treatment responsibilities); imposing sicknesses (combatting devastating comorbidities, painful restrictions, emerging disillusionment, anxieties about accumulating side effects, consuming treatment burden); prioritizing graft survival (privileged with a miracle, negotiating risks for longevity, enacting a moral duty, preserving the last opportunity); confronting health deterioration (vulnerability and helplessness, narrowing focus to immediate concerns, uncertainty of survival); and value of existence (purpose through autonomy, refusing the burden of futile treatment, staying alive by all means). Older kidney transplant recipients felt able to enjoy life and strived to live at their newly re-established potential and capability, which motivated them to protect their graft. However, some felt constrained by slow recuperation and overwhelmed by unexpected comorbidities, medication-related side effects, and health decline. Our findings suggest the need to prepare and support older recipients for self

  13. Síndrome de encefalopatía posterior reversible secundaria a tacrolimus

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    María J. Rodríguez-González


    Full Text Available Los inhibidores de la calcineurina, la ciclosporina y el tacrolimus han jugado un papel preponderante en la prevención de los episodios de rechazo y de la enfermedad de injerto contra el huésped en pacientes tratados mediante el trasplante de órgano sólido y de la médula ósea. No obstante, el tacrolimus presenta efectos adversos relacionados con la neurotoxicidad, siendo el síndrome de encefalopatía posterior reversible la consecuencia más severa de dicha neurotoxicidad. El reporte de nuestro caso es de una mujer de 30 años de edad, con 2 días de evolución de cefalea intensa en la frente, náuseas, emesis, hiporexia y epigastralgia, afebril. Antecedente de un trasplante cardiaco 45 días antes, en tratamiento inmunosupresor con tacrolimus y micofenolato mofetilo. Se documentan niveles de tacrolimus adecuados (12,1 ng/ml, los estudios imagenológicos normales y los resultados de laboratorio negativos para infección, lo que permite descartar las causas vasculares e infecciosas y la neurotoxicidad por el tacrolimus. Sin embargo, ante el desarrollo de alteraciones neuropsiquiátricas, y a pesar de niveles de tacrolimus < 5,5 ng/ml, se realiza nueva resonancia nuclear magnética cerebral con hallazgos que indican síndrome de leucoencefalopatía posterior reversible. Se suspende el tacrolimus y se inicia tratamiento con everolimus, lográndose remisión total. Este sería el primer caso reportado en el cual las alteraciones imagenológicas asociadas al síndrome de encefalopatía posterior reversible se desarrollaron en una paciente intervenida de trasplante cardiaco con niveles de tacrolimus < 10 ng/ml. El reporte de este caso permitirá a los grupos médicos tratantes considerar este diagnóstico a pesar de niveles de tacrolimus en rango terapéutico, de manera que se realice un reconocimiento y tratamiento oportuno, evitando así el desarrollo de complicaciones o secuelas neurológicas.

  14. Consórcios de pepino e alface em cultivo protegido: viabilidade agroeconômica


    Rezende, Bráulio Luciano Alves [UNESP


    Com o objetivo de avaliar a produtividade e rentabilidade dos consórcios de pepino, em duas densidades populacionais, com dois grupos de alface (crespa e americana), em ambiente protegido, realizados em duas épocas de cultivo, agosto a novembro de 2005 e fevereiro a maio de 2006, foram realizados oito experimentos na Unesp, Campus de Jaboticabal-SP. Cada experimento constou de nove tratamentos, resultante de quatro cultivos consorciados (estabelecidos em quatro épocas de transplante da alface...

  15. Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant? (United States)

    ... Topics / Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant Also known as Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant , Hematopoietic ... person, called a donor, it is an allogeneic transplant. Blood or bone marrow transplants most commonly are used to treat ...

  16. Miocarditis en Pediatría

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    John H. Camacho


    Full Text Available La miocarditis es una enfermedad inflamatoria del músculo cardiaco no asociada a anormalidades valvulares y en ausencia de enfermedad isquémica. Su prevalencia e incidencia se desconocen, ya que se presenta de manera subaguda o con síntomas iniciales inespecíficos. Su fisiopatología consta de tres fases: aguda ( 15 días–aclaramiento viral insuficiente y perpetuación del proceso inflamatorio, que conduce a remodelamiento cardiaco y falla cardiaca. Como agente etiológico más frecuente se describe el Parvovirus B19 y el herpes virus humano 6. Entre las manifestaciones clínicas: dolor torácico, arritmias, en lactantes (letargo, taquipnea, dificultad respiratoria leve, etc., puede iniciar con pródromo viral, disfunción ventricular o muerte súbita. Tiene cuatro posibles presentaciones clínicas: asintomático, miocarditis aguda, fulminante o miocardiopatía crónica dilatada. El electrocardiograma detecta anormalidades entre el 93 al 100%; la resonancia magnética nuclear cardiovascular con gadolinio es de mayor uso, principalmente en la biopsia endomiocárdica. El tratamiento se basa en la monitorización hemodinámica del paciente, la evaluación de la necesidad de diuréticos, inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina, betabloqueadores no selectivos, soporte inotrópico, antiarrítmicos o, en casos severos, el requerimiento de soporte mecánico cardiovascular. Se evalúa el uso de inmunoglobulina y, de manera controversial, el de inmunosupresor y antiviral. El pronóstico es variable y depende de factores inherentes al ambiente y al huésped. Se realizó una revisión actualizada de la literatura.

  17. Infección por Polyoma virus en un paciente con transplante renal: A propósito de un caso

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    Reyner Loza Munarriz


    Full Text Available La nefropatia por polyoma virus (NVBK esta siendo reconocida como causa importante de falla del injerto, usualmente confundido con rechazo agudo. A la fecha, no se han reportado casos en el Perú. Se presenta el caso de un niño trasplantado, 17 años de edad, quien presentó elevación persistente de la creatinina sérica en el primer mes postrasplante. Fue tratado como rechazo agudo. Al no presentar mejoría se realizó biopsia renal que mostró marcado daño del epitelio tubular con necrosis parcial y desprendimiento hacia la luz tubular y la presencia de células atípicas con escaso citoplasma e inclusiones intranucleares basofilicas, hallazgos compatibles con infección por virus BK. No se evidenció signos de rechazo. Además, en el papanicolao de orina, se encontró Decoy cells. La carga viral de virus BK fue elevada en sangre y en orina. Se suspendió el tratamiento con mofetil micofenolato, se redujo la dosis de tacrolimus y se inició el tratamiento con leflunomide 40 mg/dia. Seis meses después la función renal del paciente se estabilizó, pero sin mejoría completa quedando con una depuración de creatinina de 30 ml/min/1,73 m² SC. (Rev Med Hered 2008;19:123-127

  18. Kaposi's sarcoma in organ transplant recipients. The Collaborative Transplantation Research Group of Ile de France. (United States)

    Farge, D


    Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS) is a tumour of multicentric origin with increased frequency after organ transplantation. To date, only North American data from the Cincinnati Transplant Tumor Registry have given some information about this disease in organ transplant recipients, but its true prevalence still has to be determined. In order to analyze Kaposi's sarcoma after kidney, liver and heart transplantation, we performed a retrospective study using the oldest registry of organ transplant recipients in Europe. Among all 7923 organ transplant recipients recorded in the Groupe Collaboratif de Recherche en Transplantation de l'Ile de France (GCIF) registry from 1968 to 1990, we analyzed the prevalence and the clinical characteristics of Kaposi's sarcoma in 6229 kidney, 727 liver and 967 heart transplant recipients. In the subgroup of kidney transplant recipients, we assessed the role of cyclosporine on disease evolution. Overall prevalence of Kaposi's sarcoma after organ transplantation was 0.52%, but it was significantly higher among liver (1.24%) than among kidney (0.45%) and heart (0.41%) transplant recipients. Chronic hepatitis B surface antigen carriers were more frequent in liver than in kidney transplant recipients who developed Kaposi's sarcoma (66% vs 21%, p < 0.03). Following kidney transplantation, Kaposi's sarcoma was more severe in patients receiving cyclosporine (n = 16) when compared with those under conventional immunosuppression (n = 12). True prevalence of Kaposi's sarcoma among European transplant recipients is high (0.52%) and appeared significantly higher in liver compared with other organ transplant recipients. Cyclosporine seems to increase severity of the disease among kidney transplant recipient.

  19. Opportunities to deter transplant tourism exist before referral for transplantation and during the workup and management of transplant candidates. (United States)

    Gill, Jagbir; Diec, Olivier; Landsberg, David N; Rose, Caren; Johnston, Olwyn; Keown, Paul A; Gill, John S


    Transplant tourism is a global issue, and physicians in the developed world may be in a position to actively deter this practice. To examine such opportunities, we identified 93 residents of British Columbia, Canada who had a kidney graft through tourism and determined their previous interactions with our transplant programs. These patients were mainly ethnic minorities (90%) who traveled to their country of origin for transplantation. Many tourists were transplanted early in their disease course, with 27 having a preemptive transplant. Among the 65 tourists referred for transplant, 33 failed to complete the evaluation. All tourists who completed an evaluation were placed on a waiting list in British Columbia and, after waiting a median of 2 years, pursued tourism. Most of these patients (62%) had a potential living donor, but none had an approved donor, with 13 donors found medically unsuitable, 8 ABO incompatible, and 12 who did not complete their evaluation. Thus, strategies to deter tourism should start before the development of end-stage renal disease and should be part of pretransplant workup and wait-list management, focusing on patients not progressing through their evaluation, those with a declined living donor, and those facing longer wait times, as these groups appear to be at higher risks for transplant tourism. Further studies are needed to identify individuals at risk for transplant tourism and to define effective strategies to deter these individuals.

  20. Transplant tourism: Outcomes of United States residents who undergo kidney transplantation overseas. (United States)

    Canales, Muna T; Kasiske, Bertram L; Rosenberg, Mark E


    Although international commerce in kidney transplantation is a reality, little is known about U.S. residents who travel abroad for kidney transplantation. We retrospectively reviewed the clinical outcomes of patients who were evaluated at the University of Minnesota Medical Center or Hennepin County Medical Center, but then surreptitiously underwent kidney transplantation overseas. We identified 10 patients who underwent kidney transplantation outside the United States between September 16, 2002 and June 30, 2006 and then returned for care in our programs. Eight were transplanted in Pakistan (all Somali), one was transplanted in China (Chinese), and one was transplanted in Iran (Iranian). All but one had a living donor. Mean age was 36.8+/-12.5 years with median follow-up of 2.0 years (range 0.4-3.7). Three patients communicated their intent to travel abroad before transplantation. Induction immunosuppressive therapy (if any) was available in 3/10, and initial maintenance immunosuppression was known in 5/10. Complications were primarily infectious, with six potentially life-threatening infections in four patients. At last follow-up, mean serum creatinine was 1.13+/-0.34 mg/dL, acute rejection occurred in 2/10, 1/10 grafts failed due to acute rejection, and 9/10 patients were alive. Kidney function and graft survival were generally good after surreptitious overseas kidney transplantation. Major problems included incomplete perioperative information communicated to the posttransplant care facility and a high incidence of posttransplant infections. Longer follow-up and detailed cost analysis are needed to better understand the implications of the growing phenomenon of transplant tourism.

  1. Evaluation of contributing factors of post transplant erythrocytosis in renal transplant patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmed, S.; Ahmed, E.; Naqvi, R.; Qureshi, S.


    Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and contributing factors causing post transplant erythrocytosis in renal transplant patients. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted on live related renal transplant patients at SIUT. The records of all transplant recipients transplanted between April 2008 and December 2008 and who had at least 24 months follow up were studied. Patients in whom haematocrit exceeded 51% and those who received treatment for it were classified into post transplant erythrocytosis group. Results: Out of 200 renal transplant patients who had functioning graft at the time of analysis, 40 (20%) developed post transplant erythrocytosis (HCT >51%) after a mean interval of 9.5+- 2.5 months. Patients with erythrocytosis were mostly males (95% in PTE group vs 73.75% in non PTE group) ,had a shorter period on dialysis before undergoing renal transplantation (9.28 months in PTE group vs 14.56 months in non PTE group) and had relatively better graft function at the onset of erythrocytosis as judged by serum creatinine (S. Creatinine of 1.06+-0.29 mg/dl in PTE group vs 1.37 +- 0.51 mg/dl in non PTE group). No thrombotic complications were observed. All patients with erythrocytosis were treated with enalapril (ACE inhibitors) and 28 out of 40 required phlebotomy in addition to ACE inhibitors. The mean HCT at the time of last follow up in treated patients was 48.61+-1.85%. Conclusion: Post transplant erythrocytosis generally occurs in male patients with good graft function, thrombotic complications are of rare occurrence and response to ACE inhibitors is good. (author)

  2. Syngeneic transplantation in aplastic anemia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gerull, Sabine; Stern, Martin; Apperley, Jane


    Aplastic anemia is usually treated with immunosuppression or allogeneic transplant, depending on patient and disease characteristics. Syngeneic transplant offers a rare treatment opportunity with minimal transplant-related mortality, and offers an insight into disease mechanisms. We present here...... a retrospective analysis of all syngeneic transplants for aplastic anemia reported to the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Between 1976 and 2009, 88 patients received 113 transplants. Most transplants (n=85) were preceded by a conditioning regimen, 22 of these including anti-thymocyte globulin...

  3. What can happen after lung transplantation and the importance of the time since transplantation: radiological review of post-transplantation complications. (United States)

    Daimiel Naranjo, I; Alonso Charterina, S


    Lung transplantation is the best treatment option in the final stages of diseases such as cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Better surgical techniques and advances in immunosuppressor treatments have increased survival in lung transplant recipients, making longer follow-up necessary because complications can occur at any time after transplantation. For practical purposes, complications can be classified as early (those that normally occur within two months after transplantation), late (those that normally occur more than two months after transplantation), or time-independent (those that can occur at any time after transplantation). Many complications have nonspecific clinical and radiological manifestations, so the time factor is key to narrow the differential diagnosis. Imaging can guide interventional procedures and can detect complications early. This article aims to describe and illustrate the complications that can occur after lung transplantation from the clinical and radiological viewpoints so that they can be detected as early as possible. Copyright © 2016 SERAM. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  4. Lesión celular del miocardio y actividad de la ATPsintasa mitocondrial en ratas infectadas con una cepa colombiana de Trypanosoma cruzi


    Dairo Alonso Rendón; Carlos M. Genes; Omar Triana


    Introducción. La enfermedad de Chagas es la principal causa de cardiomiopatía crónica en regiones endémicas de Latinoamérica. Alteraciones en el metabolismo energético mitocondrial cardiaco causadas por Trypanosoma cruzi pueden estar involucradas en el desarrollo de esta cardiomiopatía. Objetivo. En este trabajo se investigó la lesión celular del miocardio de ratas durante una infección por la cepa colombiana Mg8 de Trypanosoma cruzi y la actividad de la ATPsintasa mitocondrial para correl...

  5. Lesión celular del miocardio y actividad de la ATPsintasa mitocondrial en ratas infectadas con una cepa colombiana de Trypanosoma cruzi


    Rendón, Dairo Alonso; Genes, Carlos M; Triana, Omar


    Introducción. La enfermedad de Chagas es la principal causa de cardiomiopatía crónica en regiones endémicas de Latinoamérica. Alteraciones en el metabolismo energético mitocondrial cardiaco causadas por Trypanosoma cruzi pueden estar involucradas en el desarrollo de esta cardiomiopatía. Objetivo. En este trabajo se investigó la lesión celular del miocardio de ratas durante una infección por la cepa colombiana Mg8 de Trypanosoma cruzi y la actividad de la ATPsintasa mitocondrial para correlaci...

  6. Bioethics of organ transplantation. (United States)

    Caplan, Arthur


    As the ability to transplant organs and tissues has grown, the demand for these procedures has increased as well--to the point at which it far exceeds the available supply creating the core ethical challenge for transplantation--rationing. The gap between supply and demand, although large, is worse than it appears to be. There are two key steps to gaining access to a transplant. First, one must gain access to a transplant center. Then, those waiting need to be selected for a transplant. Many potential recipients do not get admitted to a program. They are deemed too old, not of the right nationality, not appropriate for transplant as a result of severe mental impairment, criminal history, drug abuse, or simply because they do not have access to a competent primary care physician who can refer them to a transplant program. There are also financial obstacles to access to transplant waiting lists in the United States and other nations. In many poor nations, those needing transplants simply die because there is no capacity or a very limited capacity to perform transplants. Although the demand for organs now exceeds the supply, resulting in rationing, the size of waiting lists would quickly expand were there to suddenly be an equally large expansion in the number of organs available for transplantation. Still, even with the reality of unavoidable rationing, saving more lives by increasing organ supply is a moral good. Current public policies for obtaining organs from cadavers are not adequate in that they do not produce the number of organs that public polls of persons in the United States indicate people are willing to donate.

  7. Effectiveness of Multimedia for Transplant Preparation for Kidney Transplant Waiting List Patients. (United States)

    Charoenthanakit, C; Junchotikul, P; Sittiudomsuk, R; Saiyud, A; Pratumphai, P


    A multimedia program could effectively advise patients about preparing for transplantation while on the waiting list for a kidney transplant. This study aimed to compare knowledge about transplant preparation for patients on a kidney transplant waiting list before and after participating in a multimedia program, and to evaluate patient satisfaction with the multimedia program. Research design was quasiexperimental with the use of 1 group. Subjects were 186 patients on the kidney transplant waiting list after HLA matching in Ramathibodi Hospital. The questionnaires were developed by the researchers. The statistical tools used were basic statistics, percentage, average, standard deviation, and the difference of score between before and after participation in the multimedia program (t test). The evaluation knowledge for transplant preparation for kidney transplant waiting list patients after participating in the multimedia program averaged 85.40%, and there was an increased improvement of score by an average 3.27 out of a possible full score of 20 (P multimedia program had good average, 4.58. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Key issues in transplant tourism. (United States)

    Akoh, Jacob A


    Access to organ transplantation depends on national circumstances, and is partly determined by the cost of health care, availability of transplant services, the level of technical capacity and the availability of organs. Commercial transplantation is estimated to account for 5%-10% (3500-7000) of kidney transplants performed annually throughout the world. This review is to determine the state and outcome of renal transplantation associated with transplant tourism (TT) and the key challenges with such transplantation. The stakeholders of commercial transplantation include: patients on the waiting lists in developed countries or not on any list in developing countries; dialysis funding bodies; middlemen, hosting transplant centres; organ-exporting countries; and organ vendors. TT and commercial kidney transplants are associated with a high incidence of surgical complications, acute rejection and invasive infection which cause major morbidity and mortality. There are ethical and medical concerns regarding the management of recipients of organs from vendors. The growing demand for transplantation, the perceived failure of altruistic donation in providing enough organs has led to calls for a legalised market in organ procurement or regulated trial in incentives for donation. Developing transplant services worldwide has many benefits - improving results of transplantation as they would be performed legally, increasing the donor pool and making TT unnecessary. Meanwhile there is a need to re-examine intrinsic attitudes to TT bearing in mind the cultural and economic realities of globalisation. Perhaps the World Health Organization in conjunction with The Transplantation Society would set up a working party of stakeholders to study this matter in greater detail and make recommendations.

  9. Inmunidad celular en la patogénesis de la cardiopatía chagásica crónica

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    Joel I. Klahr


    Full Text Available La cardiopatía chagásica crónica se presenta en un 30% de las personas infectadas con Trypanosoma cruzi. Aunque el parásito puede ser controlado por la respuesta inmune después de la fase aguda, su detección se hace difícil en la fase crónica a pesar de la persistencia de éste en los tejidos de los individuos infectados. Dado que solo un porcentaje de estos individuos crónicamente infectados desarrolla el daño tisular, se sugiere la existencia de factores asociados que predicen la aparición de la sintomatología crónica: a la genética del hospedero (moléculas del HLA, cuyo papel aún no se ha dilucidado, b factores dependientes del parásito cómo la variabilidad de los genotipos (TcI a TcVI, su asociación con tropismo y daño tisular; y c otros factores como la cantidad del inóculo, la reexposición constante a vectores infectados, las diferentes vías de infección y el estado inmunológico del hospedero. Varias teorías han sido implicadas en el compromiso cardiaco, como la persistencia del T. cruzi en los tejidos, la autoinmunidad inducida y el daño tisular producido por la respuesta inmune. En esta revisión se pretende emitir una hipótesis respecto a la disfunción celular inmune producida por la persistencia parasitaria en los tejidos y su papel en la patogénesis de la enfermedad. Se consideran aspectos como el pronóstico de los pacientes con cardiopatía chagásica llevados a trasplante de corazón por falla cardiaca avanzada comparado con otras causas de falla que conducen a trasplante y la posible organización de los infiltrados inflamatorios en el tejido cardiaco, el cual podría funcionar como un tejido linfoide terciario.

  10. Mielinólise pontina central após transplante hepático: o sódio é o único vilão? Relato de caso Mielinólisis pontina central después del transplante hepático: ¿es el sodio el único villano? Relato de caso Central pontine myelinolysis after liver transplantation: is sodium the only villain? Case report

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    Bruno Salomé de Morais


    transplante hepático y discutir su fisiopatología. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente del sexo femenino, 29 años, sometida a transplante hepático debido a un fracaso hepático fulminante. En el postoperatorio, presentó un cuadro neurológico característico de Síndrome Locked In y lesiones compatibles con la mielinólisis pontina central a la resonancia nuclear magnética. La paciente no presentó oscilaciones exageradas del sodio plasmático, que es el ión frecuentemente acusado de ser el agente causador, y evolucionó con una mejoría significativa en algunas semanas. CONCLUSIONES: La mielinólisis pontina central tiene una etiología multifactorial, y una atención especial debe dársele al grupo de pacientes con mayor riesgo, tales como los sometidos a alteraciones abruptas de la natremia, transplantados de hígado, etilistas crónicos y desnutridos. Es importante reconocer, que los síndromes de desmielinización osmósticos pueden surgir en pacientes con niveles séricos de sodio bajo, normal o elevado, evidenciando la contribución de otros factores desencadenantes.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Critically ill patients frequently develop neurologic symptoms, which frequently become a clinical challenge. Described approximately 50 years ago, pontine neuronal demyelination is a pathologic change associated with neurologic and psychiatric problems after liver transplantation. The objective of this report was to present a case of central pontine myelinolysis diagnosed after liver transplantation and to discuss its pathophysiology. CASE REPORT: A 29 years old female patient underwent liver transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure. Postoperatively, she developed neurologic symptoms characteristic of the Locked In Syndrome and the MRI showed changes compatible with central pontine myelinolysis. The patient did not develop dramatic changes in sodium plasma levels, which is frequently incriminated as the causal agent, and improved considerably within a few weeks. CONCLUSIONS

  11. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network/Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients 2014 Data Report: Intestine. (United States)

    Cai, Junchao; Wu, Guosheng; Qing, Annie; Everly, Matthew; Cheng, Elaine; Terasaki, Paul


    As of September 19, 2014, 2441 cases of intestinal transplantation have been performed in 46 centers (2400 deceased, 41 living). Eight centers did more than 100 transplants. Annual case numbers peaked in 2007 (N = 198) and steadily decreased to 109 cases in 2013. Short gut syndrome (68%) and functional bowel problems (15%) are two major indications for intestinal transplantation. The 3 major types of transplants involving the intestine include: isolated intestine transplant (I); simultaneous intestine, liver, and pancreas transplant (I+L+P); and, combined intestine and liver (I+L) transplant. Graft survival has significantly improved in recent years, mainly due to improved first year graft survival. The 1-, 5-, and 10-year graft survivals were: 74%, 42%,and 26%, respectively (I); 70%, 50%, and 40%, respectively (I+L+P); and 61%, 46%, and 40%, respectively (I+L). The longest graft survivals for I, l+L+P, and l+L were 19 years, 16 years, and 23 years, respectively. Steroids, Thymoglobulin, and rituximab are 3 major induction agents used in recent years. Prograf, steroids, and Cellcept are 3 major maintenance agents. Induction recipients (68% of all patients) had a significantly lower acute rejection rate than nonrecipients before discharge (60% versus 75%, p compatible transplants. ABO identical transplant recipients had a significantly higher 5-year graft survival rate than ABO compatible recipients (39% versus 21%, p compatible (N = 188, 11%) than in the early decade (p compatible transplants were lower than those of ABO identical transplants. However, the difference did not reach statistical significance (46% versus 49%, p = 0.07). The effect of ABO compatibility on graft outcome was further confirmed by Cox Analysis. ABO incompatible transplants are still rarely performed (N = 4) in intestine. In conclusion, annual case numbers of intestinal transplants have been decreasing, regardless of improved graft survival. ABO compatible intestinal transplants previously

  12. [Liver transplantation]. (United States)

    Pompili, Maurizio; Mirante, Vincenzo Giorgio; Rapaccini, Gian Ludovico; Gasbarrini, Giovanni


    Liver transplantation represents the first choice treatment for patients with fulminant acute hepatitis and for patients with chronic liver disease and advanced functional failure. Patients in the waiting list for liver transplantation are classified according to the severity of their clinical conditions (evaluated using staging systems mostly based on hematochemical parameters related to liver function). This classification, together with the blood group and the body size compatibility, remains the main criterion for organ allocation. The main indications for liver transplantation are cirrhosis (mainly HCV-, HBV- and alcohol-related) and hepatocellular carcinoma emerging in cirrhosis in adult patients, biliary atresia and some inborn errors of metabolism in pediatric patients. In adults the overall 5-year survival ranges between 60 and 70%, in both American and European series. Even better results have been reported for pediatric patients: in fact, the 5-year survival rate for children ranges between 70 and 80% in the main published series. In this study we evaluated the main medical problems correlated with liver transplantation such as immunosuppressive treatment, acute and chronic rejection, infectious complications, the recurrence of the liver disease leading to transplantation, and cardiovascular and metabolic complications.

  13. ESPAMACS: el nuevo Registro Español de Asistencia Mecánica Circulatoria

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    Paloma Martínez Cabeza


    Full Text Available ESPAMACS es el nuevo Registro Español de Asistencia Mecánica Circulatoria, que ha sido creado en el seno del Grupo de Trabajo de Asistencia Mecánica Circulatoria y Trasplante Cardiaco de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Torácica-Cardiovascular (GRUTAT-SECTCV con el objetivo de registrar todas las asistencias, tanto de corto como de largo plazo, que se implanten en España. Técnicamente, es una base de datos «on-line» que permite a los usuarios introducir datos a tiempo real desde cualquier puesto con acceso a Internet. Está operativa desde octubre del 2014, sustituyendo a la anterior base de datos en formato Microsoft Excel en la que se recogieron los dispositivos implantados entre 2007 y 2012. En el presente artículo se justifica la necesidad de este registro en el actual escenario de tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca, caracterizado por la progresión de la asistencia mecánica circulatoria y la limitada disponibilidad del trasplante cardiaco. Asimismo, se describen las características y el funcionamiento de ESPAMACS: propiedad, modo de acceso, planificación y desarrollo, financiación, objetivos, aspectos éticos, requisitos para participar, selección de pacientes, dispositivos incluidos, diseño, variables registradas, sistema de extracción de datos para su análisis estadístico y posterior elaboración de estudios científicos y control de calidad.

  14. Bone metabolism dynamics in the early post-transplant period following kidney and liver transplantation. (United States)

    Schreiber, Peter W; Bischoff-Ferrari, Heike A; Boggian, Katia; Bonani, Marco; van Delden, Christian; Enriquez, Natalia; Fehr, Thomas; Garzoni, Christian; Hirsch, Hans H; Hirzel, Cédric; Manuel, Oriol; Meylan, Pascal; Saleh, Lanja; Weisser, Maja; Mueller, Nicolas J


    Bone disease contributes to relevant morbidity after solid organ transplantation. Vitamin D has a crucial role for bone metabolism. Activation of vitamin D depends on the endocrine function of both, liver and kidney. Our study assessed key markers of bone metabolism at time of transplantation and 6 months after transplantation among 70 kidney and 70 liver recipients. In 70 kidney recipients 25-OH vitamin D levels did not differ significantly between peri-transplant (median 32.5nmol/l) and 6 months post-transplant (median 41.9nmol/l; P = 0.272). Six months post-transplant median 1, 25-(OH)2 vitamin D levels increased by >300% (from 9.1 to 36.5ng/l; Ptransplantation and of intact parathyroid hormone 6 months post-transplant. Among 70 liver recipients, 25-OH vitamin D, 1, 25-(OH)2 vitamin D and intact parathyroid hormone levels were not significantly altered between peri-transplant and 6 months post-transplant. Contrary to kidney recipients, median CTx increased by 60.0% (from 0.45 to 0.72 ng/ml; P = 0.002) and P1NP by 49.3% (from 84.0 to 125.4ng/ml; P = 0.001) in the longitudinal course. Assessed biomarkers didn't differ between liver recipients with and without fractures. To conclude, the assessed panel of biomarkers proved highly dynamic after liver as well as kidney transplantation in the early post-transplant period. After kidney transplantation a significant gain in 1, 25-(OH)2 vitamin D combined with a decline in iPTH, CTx and P1NP, whereas after liver transplantation an increase in CTx and P1NP were characteristic.

  15. Pancreatic Islet Cell Transplantation (United States)

    Warnock, Garth L.; Rajotte, Ray V.


    Transplantation of insulin-producing tissue offers a physiologic approach to restoration of glycemic control. Whereas transplantation of vascularized pancreatic grafts has recently achieved encouraging results, pancreatic islet cell transplantation holds the promise of low morbidity and reduced requirements for agressive immunosuppression for recipients. Islet cell transplantation was recently demonstrated to induce euglycemia with insulin independence. Imagesp1656-a PMID:21221366

  16. Transplante cardíaco: complicações apresentadas por pacientes durante a internação Trasplante de corazón: complicaciones que presentan los pacientes durante la hospitalización Heart Transplantation: complications presented by patients during the hospitalization

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    Elaine Araújo da Silva


    Full Text Available Com o avanço da ciência, a insuficiência cardíaca tem como possibilidade de intervenção o transplante cardíaco. Este trabalho teve como objetivos traçar o perfil demográfico dos pacientes submetidos ao transplante cardíaco e identificar as complicações apresentadas durante a internação. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quantitativo, realizado com 44 prontuários de pacientes submetidos a transplante de junho/2006 a julho/2009 em um Hospital Universitário de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. O projeto atendeu às recomendações da Resolução 196/96. Pelos resultados, a maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino, casada, escolaridade de nível fundamental e idade média de 45,2 anos. A miocardiopatia chagásica foi a principal causa de insuficiência cardíaca. As complicações predominantes foram alteração da glicemia, insuficiência renal e infecções. A taxa de mortalidade na internação foi de 20,4%. Além das complicações biológicas só foram registradas ansiedade e depressão. São necessárias pesquisas sobre o tema nos âmbitos psicossociais e espirituais, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento científico.Hoy día, con los avances de la medicina y de la tecnología para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca irreversible, se ha utilizado como última intervención el trasplante cardíaco. Este trabajo se desarrolló con los objetivos de delinear el perfil demográfico de los pacientes sometidos a trasplante cardíaco e identificar las complicaciones presentadas por ellos después del trasplante de corazón. Estudio descriptivo y cuantitativo, realizado en conjunto con los registros de 44 pacientes sometidos a trasplante de corazón desde Jun/2006 hasta Jul/2009, en un Hospital Universitario de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. El proyecto cumplió con las recomendaciones de la Resolución 196/96. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los pacientes eran del sexo masculino, casados, con educaci

  17. Changing Patterns of Foreigner Transplants in Korea and Overseas Organ Transplants Among Koreans. (United States)

    Ahn, Hyung Joon; Kim, Hwi Won; Han, Miyeun; Jeon, Hee Jung; Kwon, Oh Jung; Ahn, Curie


    This study aimed to estimate the numbers of foreign patients seeking organ transplantation (OT) in Korea and to examine the relationship between the trend of deceased donors in Korea and number of Korean patients seeking OT overseas since 2000. Data on foreigners who received a transplant in Korea were obtained from the Korean Network for Organ Sharing. Data on overseas transplants were obtained from 42 transplant centers surveyed through transplant coordinators. A total of 336 foreigners underwent OT (kidney transplantation [KT], 174; liver transplantation [LT], 162) in Korea between 2006 and 2016. The Mongolians were the most common foreigners who undergo KTs (32%), followed by the Chinese (18%), Americans (9%), and Emiratis (7%). Among foreigners undergoing LTs, the most common country of origin was Mongolia (39%), followed by United Arab Emirates (23%), China (13%), and the United States (6%). A total of 2206 Korean patients underwent overseas OT (KT, 977; LT, 1229) between 2000 and 2016. In 97% of overseas KT cases (n = 942) and 98% (n = 1205) of overseas LT cases, the transplantations were performed in China. The relationship between the number of deceased donors in Korea and the number of overseas transplants after 2006 indicates a highly negative correlation. (ρ = -0.988, P tourism.

  18. Heart transplantation from older donors

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    V. N. Poptsov


    Full Text Available In the current situation of the shortage of suitable donor organs, heart transplantation from older donors is one of the ways to increase the performance of more heart transplants, particularly, in patients with urgent need of transplantation. While planning a heart transplantation from older donor one should consider increased risk of early cardiac allograft dysfunction, preexisting coronary artery disease, accelerated transplant vasculopathy which may adversely affect early and long-term survival of recipients. Subject to careful selection of donor–recipient pairs, effective prevention and treatment of early cardiac allograft dysfunction, pre-existing atherosclerosis and transplant vasculopathy the early and long-term survival of heart transplant recipients from older donors is comparable to heart transplantation from young donors.

  19. Diagnóstico de enfermagem de pacientes em pós-operatório de transplante hepático por cirrose etílica e não-etílica Diagnósticos de enfermería de pacientes en pos operatorio de transplante hepático por cirrosis etílica y no etílica Nursing diagnosis of post surgical patients of liver transplantation by alcoholic and non alcoholic cirrhosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daclé Vilma Carvalho


    Full Text Available Os transplantes em algumas áreas passaram a ser opção curativa, e o enfermeiro deve incorporar demandas dessa especialidade. Dentre estas, destaca-se o diagnóstico de enfermagem, objeto deste estudo, que teve como objetivo comparar os diagnósticos de enfermagem, segundo Horta, de pacientes que sofreram transplante de fígado decorrente de cirrose etílica com os de cirrose não-etílica. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, quantitativo, realizado em um hospital universitário de Belo Horizonte. Foram analisados 37 históricos de enfermagem de pacientes transplantados no período de primeiro de setembro de 2005 a 30 de setembro de 2006. Destes, 8 (21,6% eram pacientes portadores de cirrose etílica, e os demais (29-78,4%, de não-etílica. Foram identificadas 25 necessidades afetadas: psicobiológicas (83,6%, psicossociais (12,7% e psicoespirituais (3,7%. Ficou evidente que as necessidades psicobiológicas e espirituais não diferem entre os dois grupos. Porém, as necessidades de auto-imagem e autoconceito foram identificadas somente nos pacientes portadores de cirrose etílica.Los transplantes en algunas zonas pasó a considerarse una opción curativa y el enfermero está incluido en las demandas de esta especialidad. Entre estas especialidades tenemos el diagnóstico de enfermería, tema de este estudio, que tiene como objetivo equiparar los diagnósticos de enfermería, según Horta, de pacientes portadores de Cirrosis alcohólica con los de Cirrosis no alcohólica. Es un estudio retrospectivo con abordaje cuantitativo realizado en un Hospital Universitario de Belo Horizonte-MG. Para tal, fueron analizados 37 registros de enfermería referentes a pacientes transplantados de hígado con fecha de primero de septiembre 2005 hasta 30 de septiembre de 2006, con los siguientes resultados: 8 (21.62% eran pacientes con Cirrosis alcohólica y los demás 29 (79.38% con Cirrosis no alcohólica. Fueron detectadas 25 necesidades, diferenciadas en

  20. The impact of repeated mismatches in kidney transplantations performed after nonrenal solid organ transplantation. (United States)

    Côté, J M; Zhang, X; Dahhou, M; Sapir-Pichhadze, R; Foster, B; Cardinal, H


    The aim of this study was to determine whether kidney transplantations performed after previous nonrenal solid organ transplants are associated with worse graft survival when there are repeated HLA mismatches (RMM) with the previous donor(s). We performed a retrospective cohort study using data from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients. Our cohort comprised 6624 kidney transplantations performed between January 1, 1990 and January 1, 2015. All patients had previously received 1 or more nonrenal solid organ transplants. RMM were observed in 35.3% of kidney transplantations and 3012 grafts were lost over a median follow-up of 5.4 years. In multivariate Cox regression analyses, we found no association between overall graft survival and either RMM in class 1 (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.97, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.89-1.07) or class 2 (HR: 0.95, 95% CI 0.85-1.06). Results were similar for the associations between RMM, death-censored graft survival, and patient survival. Our results suggest that the presence of RMM with previous donor(s) does not have an important impact on allograft survival in kidney transplant recipients who have previously received a nonrenal solid organ transplant. © 2017 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

  1. Imaging in pancreatic transplants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heller, Matthew T; Bhargava, Puneet


    Pancreatic transplantation, performed alone or in conjunction with kidney transplantation, is an effective treatment for advanced type I diabetes mellitus and select patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Following advancements in surgical technique, postoperative management, and immunosuppression, pancreatic transplantation has significantly improved the length and quality of life for patients suffering from pancreatic dysfunction. While computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have more limited utility, ultrasound is the preferred initial imaging modality to evaluate the transplanted pancreas; gray-scale assesses the parenchyma and fluid collections, while Doppler interrogation assesses vascular flow and viability. Ultrasound is also useful to guide percutaneous interventions for the transplanted pancreas. With knowledge of the surgical anatomy and common complications, the abdominal radiologist plays a central role in the perioperative and postoperative evaluation of the transplanted pancreas

  2. Surgical site infection in patients submitted to heart transplantation. (United States)

    Rodrigues, Jussara Aparecida Souza do Nascimento; Ferretti-Rebustini, Renata Eloah de Lucena; Poveda, Vanessa de Brito


    to analyze the occurrence and predisposing factors for surgical site infection in patients submitted to heart transplantation, evaluating the relationship between cases of infections and the variables related to the patient and the surgical procedure. retrospective cohort study, with review of the medical records of patients older than 18 years submitted to heart transplantation. The correlation between variables was evaluated by using Fisher's exact test and Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test. the sample consisted of 86 patients, predominantly men, with severe systemic disease, submitted to extensive preoperative hospitalizations. Signs of surgical site infection were observed in 9.3% of transplanted patients, with five (62.5%) superficial incisional, two (25%) deep and one (12.5%) case of organ/space infection. There was no statistically significant association between the variables related to the patient and the surgery. there was no association between the studied variables and the cases of surgical site infection, possibly due to the small number of cases of infection observed in the sample investigated. analisar a ocorrência e os fatores predisponentes para infecção de sítio cirúrgico em pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco e verificar a relação entre os casos de infecção e as variáveis referentes ao paciente e ao procedimento cirúrgico. estudo de coorte retrospectivo, com exame dos prontuários médicos de pacientes maiores de 18 anos, submetidos a transplante cardíaco. A correlação entre variáveis foi realizada por meio dos testes exato de Fischer e de Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon. a amostra foi constituída por 86 pacientes, predominantemente homens, com doença sistêmica grave, submetidos a internações pré-operatórias extensas. Apresentaram sinais de infecção do sítio cirúrgico 9,3% dos transplantados, sendo cinco (62,5%) incisionais superficiais, duas (25%) profundas e um (12,5%) caso de infecção de órgão/espaço. Não houve associa

  3. Design of transplanting mechanism for system of rice intensification (SRI) transplanter in Kedah, Malaysia (United States)

    Imran, M. S.; Manan, M. S. Abdul; Khalil, A. N. M.; MdNaim, M. K.; Ahmad, R. N.


    There is a demand to develop transplanter specifically for system of rice intensification (SRI) cultivation in Malaysia. This SRI transplanter is different from conventional transplanter as it is required special requirements for transplanting. The work focused on transplanting mechanism design which can be later attached to SRI transplanter. The mechanical design was established using linkage mechanism, having a wheel that act as timing wheel that will control the distance between transplanted seedlings. The linkage mechanism also control the opening of the flapper that allow the seedling together with its nursery soil to be dropped, and control the stopper to prevent next seedling from sliding down the tray. The use of simple mechanism will have low cost for fabrication. The design was analysed using motion analysis software. Results show the design is perfectly good and can be fabricated without any problem. The animation successfully shows the perfect movement of the mechanism and transplanting process.

  4. Breast Reconstruction After Solid Organ Transplant. (United States)

    Koonce, Stephanie L; Giles, Brian; McLaughlin, Sarah A; Perdikis, Galen; Waldorf, James; Lemaine, Valerie; TerKonda, Sarvam


    Solid organ transplant patients frequently develop posttransplant malignancies including breast cancer. They may desire breast reconstruction after mastectomy, which could potentially be complicated by their transplant status, immunosuppressive regimen, and previous operations. We review our experience with patients who have undergone solid organ transplant and subsequent breast reconstruction after mastectomy After institutional review board approval, we queried our prospective breast reconstruction and solid organ transplant databases for corresponding patients. Inclusion criteria comprised breast reconstruction after solid organ transplant. A chart review was conducted of identified patients. Seventeen patients were identified: 1 pulmonary transplant, 4 cardiac transplants, 2 liver transplants, 1 pancreas transplant, 2 combined kidney/pancreas transplants, and 7 kidney transplants. Indications for mastectomy included posttransplant malignancy and prophylaxis. Median time from transplant to completion of reconstruction was 186 months (range, 11-336 months). Median age at transplant was 34.5 years (range, 21-65 years) with the median age of the patients at reconstructive surgery 51.5 years (range, 34-71 years). Median body mass index was 25.3 (range, 21.3-46.5). No significant complications were noted after reconstructive surgery. All patients were on full immunosuppression at time of reconstruction. Breast reconstruction is a viable option for transplant patients after mastectomy and should not be refused based on their transplant status. Close coordination with the transplant team and careful preoperative planning is essential for optimal outcomes.

  5. Choosing a Transplant Center (United States)

    ... however you can Daughter's dying wish became mother's motivation Be The Match Blog Stories Anna, transplant recipient ... for transplant costs. Location – You might have to travel to receive a transplant. Consider how far the ...

  6. La mortalidad por enfermedades del corazón y por reumatismo en la ciudad de Bogotá

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    Jorge Bejarano


    Estos dispensarios tendrían ante todo una misión que es preciso prever en el porvenir del cardiaco: la profesión. Cambiarla de un día al otro, no deja de ser un grave trastorno para quien ha ejercido determinado oficio. Esa orientación acorde con la enfermedad cardiaca, puede darla tempranamente el consultorio o centro diagnóstico. Buscar para el enfermo oficios o profesión que no le sean perjudiciales y buscarlos desde la niñez, debe ser una de las altas misiones sociales que linearían estos centros de higiene cardiaca.

  7. Relación entre la condición física y la correcta realización de maniobras de reanimación cardiopulmonar por adultos jóvenes


    López González, Ángel


    La reanimación cardiopulmonar básica (RCP) en la que la combinación de compresiones torácicas externas (CTE), con ventilaciones en una relación 30:2, son potencialmente eficaces para la supervivencia de las personas que sufren paro cardiaco (PC). Es necesario conseguir flujos sanguíneos adecuados y para ello se precisa una profundidad de compresión entre 5 y 6 cm, ciclos de proporción compresión/descompresión del 50:50 conseguidos al comprimir en el centro del tórax a una frecuencia de 100¿12...

  8. Ecografía fast en la evaluación de pacientes traumatizados


    Felipe Catán, G.; Diva Villao, M.; Cristián Astudillo, D.


    El manejo inicial de los pacientes politraumatizados es uno de los mayores desafíos de la práctica clínica, ya que se requiere tomar decisiones muy rápidas basadas principalmente en criterios clínicos. La ecografía FAST ha demostrado ser útil para la detección de sangrado en el tórax y el abdomen, además de permitir detectar taponamiento cardiaco en paciente con trauma torácico penetrante y sospechar la presencia de neumotórax. Esto la ha transformado en una herramienta valiosa para la toma d...

  9. Appraisal of transplant-related stressors, coping strategies, and psychosocial adjustment following kidney transplantation. (United States)

    Pisanti, Renato; Lombardo, Caterina; Luszczynska, Aleksandra; Poli, Luca; Bennardi, Linda; Giordanengo, Luca; Berloco, Pasquale Bartolomeo; Violani, Cristiano


    This study examined the relations between appraisal of transplant-related stressors, coping, and adjustment dimensions following kidney transplantation (KT). Two models were tested: (1) the main effects model proposing that stress appraisal and coping strategies are directly associated with adjustment dimensions; and (2) the moderating model of stress proposing that each coping strategy interacts with stress appraisal. Importantly, there is a lack of research examining the two models simultaneously among recipients of solid organ transplantation. A total of 174 KT recipients completed the questionnaires. Predictors of post-transplant adjustment included appraisal of transplant-related stressors and coping strategies (task-, emotion-, and avoidance-focused). Adjustment dimensions were psychological distress, worries about the transplant, feelings of guilt, fear of disclosure of transplant, adherence, and responsibility for the functioning of the new organ. The main and moderating effects were tested with regression analyses. Appraisal of transplant-related stressors and emotion-oriented coping were related to all adjustment dimensions, except of adherence and responsibility. Task-oriented coping was positively related to responsibility. Avoidance-oriented coping was negatively correlated with adherence. Only 1 out of 18 hypothesized interactive terms was significant, yielding a synergistic interaction between appraisal of transplant-related stressors and emotion-oriented coping on the sense of guilt. The findings have the potential to inform interventions promoting psychosocial adjustment among KT recipients. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  10. Split-liver transplantation : An underused resource in liver transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rogiers, Xavier; Sieders, Egbert


    Split-liver transplantation is an efficient tool to increase the number of liver grafts available for transplantation. More than 15 years after its introduction only the classical splitting technique has reached broad application. Consequently children are benefiting most from this possibility.

  11. Analysis of hemodialysis patients’ thoughts about kidney transplantation and the national organ transplant system in terms of organ transplantation services management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yasin Uzuntarla


    Results: It was determined that the hemodialysis patients responding to the survey were in the 20-95 age group with an average age of 58,64±15,64 years. 87,9% of the patients reported that they had been briefed about kidney transplants, 32,2% of those had been briefed said that the information had been delivered by the dialysis physician, 77,7% stated that they wanted a kidney transplant from a cadaver, 49,5% did not want a kidney transplant from a live donor and 35,5% indicated that the national organ transplant system operated adequately. Furthermore, it was noted that 50,9% of the responders were registered on the waiting lists of kidney transplant centers. Conclusions: It was concluded that it is necessary to provide sufficient information to hemodialysis patients about kidney transplants and the national organ transplant system to steer them to transplant centers. It is anticipated that the results of this study will assist officers of the Ministry of Health, politicians involved in health issues, decision makers and health professionals. [Arch Clin Exp Surg 2017; 6(1.000: 33-37

  12. The lived experience of autologous stem cell-transplanted patients: Post-transplantation and before discharge. (United States)

    Alnasser, Qasem; Abu Kharmah, Salahel Deen; Attia, Manal; Aljafari, Akram; Agyekum, Felicia; Ahmed, Falak Aftab


    To explore the lived experience of the patients post-haematopoietic stem cell transplantation and specifically after engraftment and before discharge. Patients post-stem cell transplantation experience significant changes in all life aspects. Previous studies carried out by other researchers focused mainly on the postdischarge experience, where patients reported their perceptions that have always been affected by the life post-transplantation and influenced by their surroundings. The lived experience of patients, specifically after engraftment and prior to discharge (the "transition" phase), has not been adequately explored in the literature. Doing so might provide greater insight into the cause of change post-haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. This study is a phenomenological description of the participants' perception about their lived experience post-haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The study used Giorgi's method of analysis. Through purposive sampling, 15 post-haematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients were recruited. Data were collected by individual interviews. Data were then analysed based on Giorgi's method of analysis to reveal the meaning of a phenomenon as experienced through the identification of essential themes. The analysis process revealed 12 core themes covered by four categories that detailed patients lived experience post-haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The four categories were general transplant experience, effects of transplantation, factors of stress alleviation and finally life post-transplantation. This study showed how the haematopoietic stem cell transplantation affected the patients' physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. Transplantation also impacted on the patients' way of thinking and perception of life. Attending to patients' needs during transplantation might help to alleviate the severity of the effects and therefore improve experience. Comprehensive information about transplantation needs

  13. Integración de sistemas electrónicos de una plataforma de rehabilitación locomotora con simulación en ANFIS

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    Adolfo Avila Barón


    Full Text Available Los dispositivos para la rehabilitación locomotora son usados por un gran número de personas alrededor del mundo; la confiabilidad en estos dispositivos, su óptimo funcionamiento y la calidad del equipo son un interesante tema para los diseñadores y sus usuarios. Este documento muestra como el diseño de hardware y software de una plataforma de rehabilitación de la locomoción contribuyen a la confiabilidad de su uso, describe también como la programación embebida es aplicada en el sistema de monitoreo de esta plataforma. Los dispositivos médicos de rehabilitación de la locomoción son usados para ejecutar tratamientos no invasivos en los pacientes, estos pueden lograr efectos tanto positivos como negativos en la recuperación; pero un adecuado seguimiento en el control y monitoreo de éstos dispositivos es determinante hacia la recuperación. Este documento contiene información sobre el desarrollo de sistemas de redes neuronales y sistemas difusos combinados en el control y monitoreo de la plataforma de rehabilitación locomotora, también relaciona variables como la descarga de peso, la velocidad de una caminadora, el ritmo cardiaco ECG de los pacientes; aspectos que involucran, la integración de las partes, mediante la simulación con el software ANFIS de MATLAB y su aplicación de software embebido usando procesadores digitales DSPS.

  14. Understanding the pros and cons of organ donation decision-making: Decisional balance and expressing donation intentions among African Americans. (United States)

    Flemming, Shauna St Clair; Redmond, Nakeva; Williamson, Dana Hz; Thompson, Nancy J; Perryman, Jennie P; Patzer, Rachel E; Arriola, Kimberly Jacob


    Increasing public commitment to organ donation is critical to improving donor kidney availability for end-stage renal disease patients desiring transplant. This study surveyed ( N = 1339) African Americans, measuring perceived pros relative to cons of organ donation, to evaluate an existing Transtheoretical Model decisional balance scale and associations between decisional balance and expressing donation intentions. Findings supported the existing scale structure. More positive decisional balance ratios were associated with 1.76 times the odds of expressing intentions (95% confidence interval = 1.52-2.04). Pros were more strongly linked to donation intentions than cons. Greater understanding of organ donation decision-making is valuable for informing interventions that encourage donation.

  15. Donor transplant programme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abu Bakar Sulaiman


    The transplantation of organs and tissues from one human to another human has become an essential and well established form of therapy for many types of organ and tissue failure. In Malaysia, kidney, cornea and bone marrow transplantation are well established. Recently, liver, bone and heart transplanation have been performed. Unfortunately, because of the lack of cadaveric organ donation, only a limited number of solid organ transplantation have been performed. The cadaveric organ donor rate in Malaysia is low at less than one per million population. The first tissue transplanted in Malaysia was the cornea which was performed in the early 1970s. At that time and even now the majority of corneas came from Sri Lanka. The first kidney transplant was performed in 1975 from a live related donor. The majority of the 629 kidney transplants done at Hospital Kuala Lumpur to date have been from live related donors. Only 35 were from cadaver donors. Similarly, the liver transplantation programme which started in 1995 are from live related donors. A more concerted effort has been made recently to increase the awareness of the public and the health professionals on organ and tissue donation. This national effort to promote organ and tissue donation seems to have gathered momentum in 1997 with the first heart transplant successfully performed at the National Heart Institute. The rate of cadaveric donors has also increased from a previous average of I to 2 per year to 6 per year in the last one year. These developments are most encouraging and may signal the coming of age of our transplantati on programme. The Ministry of Health in conjunction with various institutions, organizations and professional groups, have taken a number of proactive measures to facilitate the development of the cadaveric organ donation programme. Efforts to increase public awareness and to overcome the negative cultural attitude towards organ donation have been intensified. Equally important are efforts

  16. Pulmonary rehabilitation in lung transplant candidates. (United States)

    Li, Melinda; Mathur, Sunita; Chowdhury, Noori A; Helm, Denise; Singer, Lianne G


    While awaiting lung transplantation, candidates may participate in pulmonary rehabilitation to improve their fitness for surgery. However, pulmonary rehabilitation outcomes have not been systematically evaluated in lung transplant candidates. This investigation was a retrospective cohort study of 345 pre-transplant pulmonary rehabilitation participants who received a lung transplant between January 2004 and June 2009 and had available pre-transplant exercise data. Data extracted included: 6-minute walk tests at standard intervals; exercise training details; health-related quality-of-life (HRQL) measures; and early post-transplant outcomes. Paired t-tests were used to examine changes in the 6MW distance (6MWD), exercise training volume and HRQL during the pre-transplant period. We evaluated the association between pre-transplant 6MWD and transplant hospitalization outcomes. The final 6MWD prior to transplantation was only 15 m less than the listing 6MWD (n = 200; p = 0.002). Exercise training volumes increased slightly from the start of the pulmonary rehabilitation program until transplant: treadmill, increase 0.69 ml/kg/min (n = 238; p volumes are well preserved among lung transplant candidates participating in pulmonary rehabilitation, even in the setting of severe, progressive lung disease. Participants with greater exercise capacity prior to transplantation have more favorable early post-transplant outcomes. Copyright © 2013 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. PHENOMENON OF DEMIKHOV. "Transplantation of vital organs In experiment" (1960. Transplantation immunity, artifi cial circulation in organ transplantation

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    S. P. Glyantsev


    Full Text Available The article (the fourth of five presents the analysis of the 4th and 5th chapters from V.P.Demikhov's monograph "Transplantation of vital organs in experiment" (MedGIz Publisher, Moscow, 1960, where he described his studies of transplantation immunity in originally created models and his use of artificial blood-circulation systems in experimental organ transplantation. It has been shown that V.P.Demikhov changed his views on the tissue biological incompatibility in homoplastic transplants and turned from the Michurin-Pavlov's concepts (1946–1953 to natural-scientific views (1959. Meanwhile, his multiple attempts to study both the morphological and humoral immunological response to transplanted organs did not give conclusive results because of lacking the experience of such studies even in the country's leading scientists and due the imperfection of their techniques. Realizing that the retrieval of a beating heart from a human would have created further problems for its subsequent transplantation, V.P. Demikhov attempted to reanimate human hearts in corpses by means of extracorporeal devices to provide artificial circulation. Methodologically, those devices were based on S.S.Bryukhonenko's research and his "auto-injector" pump modified by V.P.Demikhov. However, by 1960, those studies had not come beyond the experiments.

  18. Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica: atualização e assistência de enfermagem Cardiomiopatía Hipertrófica: actualización y atención de enfermería Hypertrophic Cardiomyophaty: update and nursing assistance

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    Samanta Mariano


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma atualização cujo objetivo foi descrever aspectos da fisiopatologia da Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica (CMH e suas terapêuticas, relacionando-as com a assistência de enfermagem. A fonte de dados considerou a Base de Dados LILACS, usando-se como expressão de pesquisa os unitermos "miocardiopatia hipertrófica" e "cuidados de enfermagem". A CMH é uma doença que surge a partir de alteração cromossômica causando hipertrofia do ventrículo esquerdo, tendo progressão rápida e podendo ocasionar insuficiência cardíaca classe funcional III e IV. O tratamento consiste do uso de medicações paliativas ou outros procedimentos como o implante de Marca-Passo, ventriculoplastia e transplante cardíaco. A assistência de enfermagem baseada em Diagnósticos e Intervenções de Enfermagem são apresentadas.Tratase de una actualización que objetivó describir algunos aspectos fisiopatológicos sobre la Cardiomioplatía Hipertófica y corelacionar con la atención de enfermería. La basis para la recogida de datos fue la basis de datos bibliograficos LILACS usandose la expresión de busqueda "Cardiomiopatía Hipertrófica" y "atención de enfermería". La CMH es una enfermedad que empeza con alteraciones cromosómicas teniendo rápida progresión y podiendo causar insuficiencia cardiaca clase funcional III o IV. El tratamiento consiste del uso de medicaciones paliativas o otros procedimientos como el implante de Marca-Paso, ventriculoplastia y transplante cardiaco. La atención de enfermería basada en Diagnósticos y Intervenciones de Enfermería son presentadas.This is an update that aimed to describe some aspects of physiopathology of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM and its therapeutics correlating them to nursing assistance. Data source was based on LILACS bibliographical database using the search expression "hypertrophic cardiomiopathy" and "nursing care". The HCM is a disease that appears from cromossomic alterations that causes

  19. Educational intervention for liver transplantation candidates Intervención educativa para candidatos al trasplante de hígado Intervenção educativa para candidatos ao transplante de fígado

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    Karina Dal Sasso Mendes


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The objective in this study was to analyze candidates' knowledge on the liver transplantation process before and after putting in practice an educational intervention. METHOD: A quasi-experimental, one-group pretest-posttest research design was adopted. The final sample included 15 subjects. Research data were collected between January and March 2010 in three phases, which were: pretest, implementation of the educational intervention (two meetings and posttest. RESULTS: The results evidenced significant cognitive gains after the intervention, with improvements in the participants' performance . CONCLUSIONS: The research presents evidence that putting in practice a patient education strategy can enhance candidates' knowledge on the liver transplantation process and consequently contribute to a successful treatment.OBJETIVO: El objetivo del estudio fue analizar el conocimiento de candidatos sobre el proceso de trasplante de hígado, antes y después de la implementación de una intervención educativa. MÉTODO: Se trata de un estudio con diseño casi experimental, del tipo grupo único, antes y después. La muestra final abarcó a 15 sujetos. La recolecta de datos de la investigación, con duración de enero a marzo del 2010, fue llevada a cabo en tres etapas, que son: pre-test, implementación de la intervención educativa (dos encuentros y post-test. RESULTADOS: Los resultados evidenciaron ganancia cognitiva significativa tras la intervención, con mejora en el desempeño de los participantes. CONCLUSIONES: El estudio evidencia que la implementación de una estrategia dirigida a la educación del paciente puede aumentar el conocimiento de candidatos sobre el proceso de trasplante de hígado y consecuentemente contribuir al éxito del tratamiento.OBJETIVO: o estudo teve como objetivo analisar o conhecimento de candidatos sobre o processo de transplante de fígado, antes e depois da implementação de intervenção educativa. M

  20. Pre-transplantation glucose testing for predicting new-onset diabetes mellitus after renal transplantation. (United States)

    Ramesh Prasad, G V; Huang, M; Bandukwala, F; Nash, M M; Rapi, L; Montada-Atin, T; Meliton, G; Zaltzman, J S


    New-onset diabetes after renal transplantation (NODAT) adversely affects graft and patient survival. However, NODAT risk based on pre-transplant blood glucose (BG) levels has not been defined. Our goal was to identify the best pre-transplant testing method and cut-off values. We performed a case-control analysis of non-diabetic recipients who received a live donor allograft with at least 6 months post-transplant survival. Pre-transplant glucose abnormalities were excluded through 75 g oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) and random BG (RBG) measurement. NODAT was defined based on 2003 Canadian Diabetes Association criteria. Multivariate logistic and Cox regression analysis was performed to determine independent predictor variables for NODAT. Receiver-operating-characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed to determine threshold BG values for diabetes risk. 151 recipients met initial entry criteria. 12 had pre-transplant impaired fasting glucose and/or impaired glucose tolerance, among who 7 (58%) developed NODAT. In the remaining 139, 24 (17%) developed NODAT. NODAT risk exceeded 25% for those with pre-transplant RBG > 6.0 mmol/l and 50% if > 7.2 mmol/l. Pre-transplant RBG provided the highest AUC (0.69, p = 0.002) by ROC analysis. Increasing age (p = 0.025), acute rejection (p = 0.011), and RBG > 6.0 mmol/l (p = 0.001) were independent predictors of NODAT. Pre-transplant glucose testing is a specific marker for NODAT. Patients can be counseled of their incremental risk even within the normal BG range if the OGTT is normal.

  1. Stem-cell-activated organ following ultrasound exposure: better transplant option for organ transplantation. (United States)

    Wang, Sen; Li, Yu; Ji, Ying-Chang; Lin, Chang-Min; Man, Cheng; Zheng, Xiao-Xuan


    Although doctors try their best to protect transplants during surgery, there remain great challenges for the higher survival rate and less rejection of transplants after organ transplantation. Growing evidence indicates that the stem cells could function after injury rather than aging, implying that suitable injury may activate the stem cells of damaged organs. Furthermore, it has been revealed that stem cells can be used to induce tolerance in transplantation and the ultrasound has great biological effects on organs. Basing on these facts, we hypothesize that the stem cells within the transplants can be activated by ultrasound with high-frequency and medium-intensity. Therefore, the stem-cell-activated organs (SCAO) can be derived, and the SCAO will be better transplant option for organ transplantation. We postulate the ultrasound can change the molecular activity and/or quantity of the stem cells, the membrane permeability, the cell-cell junctions, and their surrounding microenvironments. As a result, the stem cells are activated, and the SCAO will acquire more regenerative capacity and less rejection. In the paper, we also discuss the process, methods and models for verifying the theory, and the consequences. We believe the theory may provide a practical method for the clinical application of the ultrasound and stem cells in organ transplantation.

  2. [Serum soluble HLA-G, soluble CD30 is correlated to the time after transplantation in renal transplant recipients]. (United States)

    Jin, Zhankui; Xu, Cuixiang; Duan, Wanli; Yang, Jiangcun; Tian, Puxun


    Objective To investigate the expressions of serum soluble human leukocyte antigen G (sHLA-G) and soluble CD30 (sCD30) in renal transplant recipients at different time after transplantation, and explore the relationship between the expressions of serum sHLA-G, sCD30 and the time after renal transplantation. Methods Eleven kidney transplant recipients and 10 healthy donors were selected, in which the dynamic changes of serum sHLA-G and sCD30 were detected by ELISA before transplantation and 1 year after transplantation; 33 kidney transplant recipients with normal renal graft were selected and divided into three groups: 1-5 years, 5-10 years and 10 years post-transplantation. The expressions of serum sHLA-G and sCD30 in the recipients were tested over one year after transplantation. Results The level of serum sHLA-G before transplantation was not significantly different from that of the control group. There was no significant difference between pre-transplantation, 1 week and 1 month after transplantation. Serum sHLA-G level of renal transplant recipients at 3 months after transplantation was higher than that 1 month after transplantation. There was no significant change in serum sHLA-G level among 3, 6 and 12 months after transplantation. The level of serum sHLA-G in the group of transplant time >10 years was significantly higher than that in the group of transplant time ≤5 years. The serum sHLA-G level was significantly associated with the time after renal transplantation. The level of serum sCD30 before transplantation was higher than that in the control group and decreased in 1 week after transplantation. There were no significant differences in sCD30 level between 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after transplantation, and similarly, there were also no significant differences between the groups of transplant time ≤5 years, 5-10 years and 10 years after transplantation. The level of sCD30 was significantly associated with the time within 1 month after renal

  3. Microsurgical techniques for experimental kidney transplantation and general guidelines to establish studies about transplantation immunology Técnicas microcirúrgicas para transplante renal experimental e condutas para estabelecer experimentos sobre imunologia do transplante

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    Paulo Ney Aguiar Martins


    Full Text Available Experimental models of organ transplantation played a crucial role to establish the principles of transplantation immunology. The renal transplantation in rodents became the most used model to study the mechanisms of allograft rejection. To perform it, it is necessary to master the microsurgery techniques and the research group should cooperate with other specialists in the field. In this article we review the surgical techniques employed in rats, and we draw guidelines to establish studies about transplantation immunology.Os princípios da imunologia do transplante estabeleceram-se após o surgimento de modelos experimentais. Esses modelos foram fundamentais para descoberta de mecanismos de tolerância imunológica e as bases genéticas da reação de rejeição. Transplante renal em roedores utilizando técnicas de microcirurgia tornou-se o modelo ideal, e abriu um novo horizonte para condução de pesquisas sobre imunologia e fisiologia de transplantes. Neste artigo revisamos as técnicas de transplante renal, e esboçamos diretrizes para elaboração de estudos imunológicos em modelos de rejeição.

  4. Pediatric Liver Transplantation: Our Experiences. (United States)

    Basturk, Ahmet; Yılmaz, Aygen; Sayar, Ersin; Dinçhan, Ayhan; Aliosmanoğlu, İbrahim; Erbiş, Halil; Aydınlı, Bülent; Artan, Reha


    The aim of our study was to evaluate our liver transplant pediatric patients and to report our experience in the complications and the long-term follow-up results. Patients between the ages of 0 and 18 years, who had liver transplantation in the organ transplantation center of our university hospital between 1997 and 2016, were included in the study. The age, sex, indications for the liver transplantation, complications after the transplantation, and long-term follow-up findings were retrospectively evaluated. The obtained results were analyzed with statistical methods. In our organ transplantation center, 62 pediatric liver transplantations were carried out since 1997. The mean age of our patients was 7.3 years (6.5 months-17 years). The 4 most common reasons for liver transplantation were: Wilson's disease (n=10; 16.3%), biliary atresia (n=9; 14.5%), progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (n=8; 12.9%), and cryptogenic cirrhosis (n=7; 11.3%). The mortality rate after transplantation was 19.6% (12 of the total 62 patients). The observed acute and chronic rejection rates were 34% and 4.9%, respectively. Thrombosis (9.6%) was observed in the hepatic artery (4.8%) and portal vein (4.8%). Bile leakage and biliary stricture rates were 31% and 11%, respectively. 1-year and 5-year survival rates of our patients were 87% and 84%, respectively. The morbidity and mortality rates in our organ transplantation center, regarding pediatric liver transplantations, are consistent with the literature.

  5. Concurrent validity of kidney transplant questionnaire in US renal transplant recipients

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    Chisholm-Burns MA


    Full Text Available Marie A Chisholm-Burns1,2, Steven R Erickson3, Christina A Spivey1, Rainer WG Gruessner2, Bruce Kaplan4 1Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Tucson, AZ; 2Department of Surgery, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ; 3Department of Clinical Sciences, University of Michigan College of Pharmacy, Ann Arbor, MI; 4Department of Medicine, The University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson, AZ, USA Background: Valid instrumentation in the assessment of health-related quality of life (HQoL in renal transplant recipients is critical to identifying particular nuances and determinants of HQoL in this population. Therefore, the validity of disease-specific instruments to measure HQoL in renal transplant recipients, such as the Kidney Transplant Questionnaire (KTQ, needs further investigation. The objective of this study was to assess the concurrent validity of the KTQ in adult US renal transplant recipients using the well established SF-12 Health Survey version 2 (SF-12v2 as the comparison instrument. Methods: One hundred and fourteen renal transplant recipients met the following inclusion criteria for this study, ie, were at least 21 years of age, more than two years post-transplant, and receiving immunosuppressant therapy. Subjects were asked to complete a series of HQoL instruments, ie, the KTQ and the SF-12v2 (physical component summary [PCS-12] and mental component summary [MCS-12]. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and correlational analyses were conducted to examine the concurrent validity of the HQoL instruments. Results: Among 100 participants (87.7% response rate, the majority of participants were male (52%, had deceased donor transplants (63%, and received Medicare benefits (84%. PCS-12 was positively correlated with three of five KTQ subscales (P < 0.05, ie, KTQ-physical (r = 0.43, KTQ-fatigue (r = 0.42, and KTQ-uncertainty/fear (r = 0.2. MCS-12 was positively correlated

  6. Enfoque de la hipertensión pulmonar en el paciente pediátrico

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    Lina María Caicedo-Cuenca


    Full Text Available Si bien la enfermedad vascular pulmonar hipertensiva en niños comparte similitudes con la de los adultos, difiere de manera relevante en cuanto a fisiopatología, presentación y tratamientos, ya que se ven involucrados aspectos del desarrollo, perinatales y etiologías múltiples. Solo recientemente se dispone de guías y consensos específicos que se discuten en este artículo, la mayoría con menor nivel de evidencia que los de adultos, como es usual en la edad pediátrica. Se presentan algoritmos diagnósticos específicos para el grupo etario, dadas las patologías más frecuentes, con énfasis en la importancia del cateterismo cardiaco idealmente como último estudio diagnóstico. El tratamiento se enfoca según el grupo etiológico, pero, a diferencia del de los adultos, el flujograma no se establece por clase funcional sino por escala de riesgo.

  7. Immune System and Kidney Transplantation. (United States)

    Shrestha, Badri Man


    The immune system recognises a transplanted kidney as foreign body and mounts immune response through cellular and humoral mechanisms leading to acute or chronic rejection, which ultimately results in graft loss. Over the last five decades, there have been significant advances in the understanding of the immune responses to transplanted organs in both experimental and clinical transplant settings. Modulation of the immune response by using immunosuppressive agents has led to successful outcomes after kidney transplantation. The paper provides an overview of the general organisation and function of human immune system, immune response to kidney transplantation, and the current practice of immunosuppressive therapy in kidney transplantation in the United Kingdom.

  8. Clinical pancreatic islet transplantation. (United States)

    Shapiro, A M James; Pokrywczynska, Marta; Ricordi, Camillo


    Clinical pancreatic islet transplantation can be considered one of the safest and least invasive transplant procedures. Remarkable progress has occurred in both the technical aspects of islet cell processing and the outcomes of clinical islet transplantation. With >1,500 patients treated since 2000, this therapeutic strategy has moved from a curiosity to a realistic treatment option for selected patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (that is, those with hypoglycaemia unawareness, severe hypoglycaemic episodes and glycaemic lability). This Review outlines the techniques required for human islet isolation, in vitro culture before the transplant and clinical islet transplantation, and discusses indications, optimization of recipient immunosuppression and management of adjunctive immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory strategies. The potential risks, long-term outcomes and advances in treatment after the transplant are also discussed to further move this treatment towards becoming a more widely available option for patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and eventually a potential cure.

  9. Biomarcadores cardíacos: Presente y futuro

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    Eduardo Fernández, MD


    Fruto de estas investigaciones, en los últimos treinta años se ha producido un avance importante en el desarrollo de biomarcadores cardiacos. Entre ellos están los recién desarrollados ensayos de troponinas ultrasensibles para diagnóstico temprano, la medición de la albúmina modificada por isquemia que cuenta con alto valor predictivo negativo para la detección de isquemia miocárdica, el ligando de CD40 soluble para la clasificación e individualización del tratamiento, la utilidad de la proteína C reactiva como marcador de riesgo de enfermedad coronaria y las diversas técnicas de alto rendimiento como la proteómica, que permite la detección de múltiples biomarcadores potenciales. A pesar de ello, aún no se dispone de evidencia suficiente para sustituir los marcadores que recomiendan las asociaciones científicas por los nuevos marcadores que se han ido desarrollando, y continúa el debate sobre qué combinación utilizar para alcanzar mayor rendimiento diagnóstico, pronostico y terapéutico. A continuación se revisan los avances actuales en biomarcadores cardiacos y su potencial integración a la práctica clínica habitual.

  10. ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schousboe, Karoline; Titlestad, Kjell; Baudier, Francois


    INTRODUCTION: Kidney transplantation is the optimal treatment for many patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Due to shortage of donor kidneys in Denmark, there is a need to expand the possibilities for donation. At the Odense University Hospital (OUH), we have introduced ABO......-incompatible kidney transplantation. We used antigenspecific immunoadsorptions to remove blood group antibodies and anti-CD20 antibody (rituximab) to inhibit the antibody production. The aim of introducing the ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation at the OUH was to increase the rate of living donor kidney...... transplantation without increasing rejection or mortality rates. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective evaluation. Eleven patients received ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation. The patients were followed for 3-26 months. RESULTS: One patient had an antibody-mediated rejection, one patient suffered T...

  11. Pre-transplant reversible pulmonary hypertension predicts higher risk for mortality after cardiac transplantation. (United States)

    Butler, Javed; Stankewicz, Mark A; Wu, Jack; Chomsky, Don B; Howser, Renee L; Khadim, Ghazanfar; Davis, Stacy F; Pierson, Richard N; Wilson, John R


    Pre-transplant fixed pulmonary hypertension is associated with higher post-transplant mortality. In this study, we assessed the significance of pre-transplant reversible pulmonary hypertension in patients undergoing cardiac transplantation. Overall, we studied 182 patients with baseline normal pulmonary pressures or reversible pulmonary hypertension, defined as a decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) to 50 mm Hg had a higher risk of death (odds ratio [OR] 5.96, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.46 to 19.84 as compared with PAS 4.0 WU, but patients with TPG > or =16 had a higher risk of mortality (OR 4.93, 95% CI 1.84 to 13.17). PAS pressure was an independent predictor of mortality (OR 1.04, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.06). Recipient body mass index, history of sternotomy; and donor ischemic time were the other independent predictors of mortality. Pre-transplant pulmonary hypertension, even when reversible to a PVR of < or =2.5 WU, is associated with a higher mortality post-transplant.

  12. Chronic hepatitis C treatment in a cystic fibrosis patient in the pulmonary pre-transplant stage Tratamiento de hepatitis crónica C en un paciente con fibrosis quística en situación de pretrasplante pulmonar

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    L. Adán Merino


    Full Text Available The standard treatment of chronic hepatitis C, pegylated interferon and ribavirin (pegI/R, has many limitations in both effectiveness and secondary effects, which makes it unsuitable or even contraindicated for some patients. In hepatitis C virus-infected cystic fibrosis patients this treatment could increase respiratory infections with subsequent pulmonary function deterioration. On the contrary, hepatitis C virus (HCV infection may make lung transplant (LT unfeasible. We present the case of a cystic fibrosis-young man diagnosed with HCV infection during LT assessment who was treated with pegI/R. In spite of the lung function worsening and respiratory infections, he managed to complete treatment and even sustained virological response (SVR. At present he is on LT waiting list.El tratamiento estándar de la hepatitis crónica C, interferón pegilado (INF-peg y ribavirina (RBV, puede ser inadecuado o incluso estar contraindicado en algunos pacientes debido a sus limitaciones en cuanto a eficacia y efectos adversos. En pacientes con fibrosis quística infectados por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC el tratamiento antiviral podría aumentar las infecciones respiratorias con el consiguiente empeoramiento de la función pulmonar. Por contra, la infección por VHC podría desestimar a estos pacientes para un necesario trasplante pulmonar. Presentamos el caso de un varón con fibrosis quística diagnosticado de infección VHC durante su evaluación previa al trasplante pulmonar. El paciente fue tratado con INF-peg y RBV. A pesar del empeoramiento en la función pulmonar y numerosas infecciones respiratorias intercurrentes, logró completar el tratamiento y obtener respuesta viral sostenida, encontrándose actualmente en lista de espera.

  13. Fecal microbiota transplant (United States)

    ... page: // Fecal microbiota transplant To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) helps to replace some of the " ...

  14. Renal transplantation at the Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Transplant Center. (United States)

    Montgomery, Robert A; Cooper, Matthew; Kraus, Edward; Rabb, Hamid; Samaniego, Milagros; Simpkins, Christopher E; Sonnenday, Christopher J; Ugarte, Richard M; Warren, Daniel S; Zachary, Andrea A


    A stagnant supply of transplantable organs in the face of a relentless burgeoning of transplant waiting lists has created a crisis. Necessity continues to be the mother of invention and as the crisis has deepened it has served as a crucible for the development of new ways to think about perennial problems. Our program has taken a 2-pronged approach to increasing the organ supply for our patients. First, through innovations like the laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, ABO-incompatible and positive-crossmatch transplantation protocols, unconventional paired kidney exchanges, and the use of altruistic donors we have more than doubled our utilization of live donor organs. At the same time, we have developed algorithms and interrogative techniques to enhance the intelligent use of kidneys from expanded criteria donors for patients who do not have an available live donor. The laparoscopic nephrectomy has proven to be a safe and effective way of removing a significant barrier to live donation. Our results from 100 ABOi, (+)XM, and PKE transplants are similar to national statistics for compatible live donor transplants, suggesting that existing paradigms of compatibility can be safely expanded. These encouraging early outcomes and the savings they transmit to the health care system have allowed us to obtain insurance coverage for the InKTP programs, setting the stage for further expansion of these opportunities to broaden the options for patients with end-stage renal disease.

  15. Growth speed in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing to renal transplantation between 2000 and 2009 in the Hospital Nacional de Ninos: research protocol; Velocidad de crecimiento en pacientes con insuficiencia renal cronica sometidos a trasplante renal entre el ano 2000 y el 2009 en el Hospital Nacional de Ninos: protocolo de investigacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arroyo Molina, Ana Victoria


    The growth speed was investigated in children with chronic renal failure after renal transplantation, in the Hospital Nacional de Ninos during the study period January 2000-December 2009. Factors that have influenced are analyzed: age of onset of renal disease, etiology of renal disease, metabolic acidosis, anemia, renal osteodystrophy, episodes of infection and rejection. Besides, on the growth rate and expected family size, to intervene or prevent them in future cases. Also, the use that has given in the hospital to growth hormone, before and after renal transplantation is determined to eventually use parallel therapies to the transplantation. An echocardiographic study is recommended to perform as part of the treatment of chronic renal failure to identify the existence of left ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure, which may occur as a result of complications of the failure [Spanish] La velocidad del crecimiento fue investigada en ninos con insuficiencia renal cronica despues del transplante renal, en el Hospital Nacional de Ninos durante el periodo de estudio enero 2000-diciembre 2009. Factores que han influido son analizados: edad de inicio de la enfermedad renal, etiologia de la enfermedad renal, la acidosis metabolica, la anemia, la osteodistrofia renal, los episodios de infecciones y rechazos. Ademas, sobre la velocidad de crecimiento y la talla familiar esperada, para intervenir en ellos o prevenirlos en casos futuros. Tambien, el uso que se ha dado en el hospital a la hormona de crecimiento, tanto antes como despues del transplante renal es determinado para eventualmente utilizar terapias paralelas al transplante, fueron determinadas. Un estudio ecocardiografico es recomendado realizar como parte del tratamiento de la insuficiencia renal cronica para identificar la existencia de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda e insuficiencia cardiaca, que pueden ocurrir como consecuencia de las complicaciones de la insuficiencia.

  16. [Kidney transplantation epidemiology in France]. (United States)

    Hiesse, Christian


    Kidney transplantation activity in France is among the most important worldwide: in 2011, 2976 transplants have been performed (47.5 per million population), and the number of patients living with a functional graft is estimated around 30,000, representing 44.7% of all patients (n = 67,270) treated for end-stage renal failure. However, the rate of preemptive kidney transplants remains very low, only 3.3% of incident patients starting renal replacement therapy. The analysis of demand showed a progressive increase in recent years, as demonstrated by the registration rate on the kidney transplantation waiting list, increasing by 5% yearly between 2006 and 2010, but with huge differences according to age categories and regional registration areas, reflecting discrepant appreciations in indications for kidney transplantation. The median waiting time between registration and transplantation increased progressively in recent years, reaching 22.3 months with considerable variations according to regional areas and transplantation teams. Kidney transplantation activity, while increasing continuously, is far to cover the rising demand, and inexorably patients accumulate on the waiting list (around 9000 patients were registered by January 2012). This situation is the consequence of insufficient organ procurement activity. The deceased organ procurement rate remained high: 1572 harvested donors in 2011 (24.1 per million population), but the proportion of older donors rose in recent years, to reach the rate of 26% of donors older than 65 years in 2011. The procurement activity of donors after cardiac arrest was reintroduced in 2006, but increased slowly: 65 transplants were performed in 2011 using kidney procured in non heart-beating donors. The living donor kidney transplantation activity has markedly increased recently: 302 living donor transplantations were performed in 2011, representing 10.1% of the kidney transplantations. Facing the predictable increase in the number of

  17. Liver transplantation in the Nordic countries - An intention to treat and post-transplant analysis from The Nordic Liver Transplant Registry 1982-2013

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fosby, Bjarte; Melum, Espen; Bjøro, Kristian


    AIM AND BACKGROUND: The Nordic Liver Transplant Registry (NLTR) accounts for all liver transplants performed in the Nordic countries since the start of the transplant program in 1982. Due to short waiting times, donor liver allocation has been made without considerations of the model of end-stage...

  18. Transplant tourism: a growing phenomenon. (United States)

    Cohen, David J


    Medical tourism is increasing owing to high costs of care, lack of availability or long waits for procedures, and improvements in technology and standards of care in many countries. Transplant tourism is one example of medical tourism that has been attracting increasing attention because of concerns over poor treatment and outcomes of both donors and recipients. Most such cases involve vended kidneys obtained from vulnerable populations, and both donors and recipients receive inferior care by US standards. This commentary discusses a paper by Gill et al. that compared outcomes of 33 transplant tourists with those of patients transplanted at a US center. Fewer complications and better outcomes were seen in patients transplanted in the US center than among transplant tourists. Large transplant centers with long waiting times are increasingly likely to see patients return newly transplanted from overseas; such patients require urgent attention, with particular consideration to infectious complications.

  19. Doença coronária obstrutiva em hepatopatas crônicos que aguardam transplante hepático Enfermedad coronaria obstructiva en hepatópatas crónicos que aguardan trasplante hepático Obstructive coronary disease in patients with chronic liver disease awaiting liver transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moacir Fernandes de Godoy


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A insuficiência hepática avançada (IHA geralmente cursa com hipocolesterolemia. Apesar disso, uma parcela dos pacientes com IHA desenvolve coronariopatia obstrutiva de grau importante com consequente aumento de risco ou até contraindicação para transplante hepático. OBJETIVO: Analisar a contribuição dos fatores de risco clássicos para doença arterial coronariana (DAC em pacientes portadores de IHA com e sem coronariopatia obstrutiva. MÉTODOS: Avaliação dos fatores de risco para DAC em 119 pacientes, em um serviço de referência para transplante hepático, com as seguintes características: mais de 40 anos de idade, portadores de IHA e submetidos a cinecoronariografia. RESULTADOS: Coronariopatia obstrutiva foi detectada em 21 (17,6% dos casos. Esses pacientes apresentavam realmente níveis baixos de colesterol, sendo de 129,0 ± 53,5 mg/dl com mediana de 117,0 mg/dl nos hepatopatas com coronárias normais e 135,4 ± 51,7 mg/dl com mediana de 122,0 mg/dl nos hepatopatas com coronariopatia obstrutiva (P=0,8215. Na regressão logística multivariada, a idade, o sexo, o índice de massa corporal, bem como as presenças de diabete, de tabagismo e de etilismo não tiveram significância estatística isolada na diferenciação entre os grupos. Também não houve associação com a etiologia da IHA. Por sua vez, a hipertensão arterial mostrou-se relevante na associação com DAC (P=0,0474. CONCLUSÃO: Apenas a hipertensão arterial foi fator de risco com significância estatística para o desenvolvimento de DAC em pacientes com IHA aguardando transplante hepático. Por ser um fator de risco modificável, esse achado orienta a prática de atitudes terapêuticas na tentativa de evitar ou retardar o desenvolvimento da DAC nesses pacientes.FUNDAMENTO: La insuficiencia hepática avanzada (IHA generalmente cursa con hipocolesterolemia. A pesar de eso, una parcela de los pacientes con IHA desarrolla coronariopatía obstructiva de

  20. Risk factors for Epstein-Barr virus-related post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. (United States)

    Uhlin, Michael; Wikell, Helena; Sundin, Mikael; Blennow, Ola; Maeurer, Markus; Ringden, Olle; Winiarski, Jacek; Ljungman, Per; Remberger, Mats; Mattsson, Jonas


    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a successful treatment for hematologic malignancies and a variety of genetic and metabolic disorders. In the period following stem cell transplantation, the immune-compromised milieu allows opportunistic pathogens to thrive. Epstein-Barr virus-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease can be a life-threatening complication for transplanted patients because of suppressed T-cell-mediated immunity. We analyzed possible risk factors associated with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in a cohort of over 1,000 patients. The incidence of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease was 4%. Significant risk factors identified by multivariate analysis were: human leukocyte antigen-mismatch (PEpstein-Barr virus mismatch recipient-/donor+ (Pdisease grade II to IV (P=0.006), pre-transplant splenectomy (P=0.008) and infusion of mesenchymal stromal cells (P=0.015). The risk of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease has increased in more recent years, from less than 2% before 1998 to more than 6% after 2011. Additionally, we show that long-term survival of patients with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease is poor despite initial successful treatment. The 3-year survival rate among the 40 patients with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease was 20% as opposed to 62% among patients without post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (Pdisease after transplantation in need of pre-emptive measures.

  1. The incidence of post-transplant cancer among kidney transplant recipients is associated with the level of tacrolimus exposure during the first year after transplantation. (United States)

    Lichtenberg, Shelly; Rahamimov, Ruth; Green, Hefziba; Fox, Benjamin D; Mor, Eytan; Gafter, Uzi; Chagnac, Avry; Rozen-Zvi, Benaya


    Immunosuppressive therapy plays a major role in the development of post-transplant cancer. In this nested case-control study of kidney transplant recipients (KTRs), we investigated whether the incidence of post-transplant cancer is associated with the level of tacrolimus exposure over time. We screened the Rabin Medical Center database for adults who received kidney transplants between 2001 and 2014 and developed post-transplant cancer (excluding basal and squamous cell skin cancers). They were matched against KTRs without cancer. All patients received a maintenance immunosuppressive treatment with tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids. The degree of exposure to tacrolimus was estimated as the time-weighted average (tTWA) value of tacrolimus blood levels. The tTWA was calculated as the area under the curve divided by time at 1, 6, and 12 months after transplantation and at time of cancer diagnosis. Thirty-two cases were matched against 64 controls. tTWA values above 11 ng/mL at 6 and 12 months after transplantation were associated with odds ratio (OR) of 3.1 (95% CI 1.1-9) and 11.7 (95% CI = 1.3-106), respectively, for post-transplant cancer; and with OR of 5.2 (95% CI 1.3-20.5) and 14.1 (95% CI = 1.5-134.3), respectively, for cancer diagnosed more than 3 years after transplantation. Exposure to a tacrolimus time-weighted average level above 11 ng/mL at 6 or 12 months after kidney transplantation is associated with an increased risk of developing cancer.

  2. What's hot, what's new in clinical organ transplantation: report from the American Transplant Congress 2015. (United States)

    Sung, R S


    Innovative and exciting advances in the clinical sciences in organ transplantation were presented at the American Transplant Congress 2015. The full spectrum of transplantation was covered, with important developments in many topics. Key areas covered by presentations included living donor outcomes, optimal utilization and allocation of deceased donors, new immunosuppression regimens, antibody-mediated rejection and tolerance induction. This review highlights some of the most interesting and noteworthy clinical presentations from the meeting. © Copyright 2015 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

  3. Exchange donor transplantation: ethical option for living renal transplantation. (United States)

    Gürkan, A; Kaçar, S; Varılsuha, C; Tilif, S; Turunç, V; Doǧan, M; Dheir, H; Sahin, S


    Taking in consideration the opinion of our team, which necessitates obligation of a relative relation between donors and recipients (genetic or matrimonial), we performed donor exchanges as an ethical alternative in living donor transplantations. We reviewed the outcomes of our exchange series. Between July 2003 and August 2010 we performed 110 exchange donor transplantations in four hospitals: one four-way, two three-way, and 100 two-way cases. Donors were mostly spouses (n = 71) or mothers (n = 15). The mean age of the donors was 48.8 (range = 23-69) and the recipients 41.4 years (range = 5-66). Two were transplanted preemptively and the others had a mean dialysis duration of 43 months (range = 1-120). Among 110 patients, three compatible pairs joined the group voluntarily; 71, due to ABO incompatibility and 36, due to crossmatch positivity. Induction therapy was used in 92 patients. HLA mismatches (MM) were: one MM in three; two MM in three; three MM in 18, four MM in 36; five MM in 34; and six MM in 18. Among 90 patients tested for panel-reactive antibodies PRA, five showed class I and 10, class II positivity. In 11 patients, B-cell positivity was detected by flow cytometry. Delayed graft function (n = 2), acute rejection (n = 11), BK virus infection (n = 1), and cytomegalovirus infection (n = 3) were seen postoperatively. Three (2.7%) patients died due to sepsis. Five patients returned to dialysis program due to interstitial fibrosis tubular atrophy (IFTA) (n = 2), renal vein thrombosis (n = 1), de novo glomerulopathy (n = 1), or primary nonfunction (n = 1). The 1- and 5-year patient and graft survival rates were 96% and 96%, 95% and 89%, respectively. We believe that exchange donor transplantation is as successful as direct transplants; it is a good, ethical alternative to unrelated living transplantations. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Identifying Barriers to Preemptive Kidney Transplantation in a Living Donor Transplant Cohort

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ryan A. Helmick, MD


    Conclusions. Even among a patient population that is primarily white, educated, and has a spouse or first-degree relative donor, PreKTx rates remain concerningly low. Increased time between diagnosis or education and transplant are predictors of PreKTx. Greater emphasis on transplant education earlier in the stages of chronic kidney disease and community outreach from transplant centers may help to increase the rate of PreKTx.

  5. Carcinoma of the tongue in a renal transplant recipient: A rare post-transplant malignancy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jai Prakash


    Full Text Available Current immunosuppression improved long-term outcome of transplant patients, but it also increased the incidence of de novo malignancy. Organ transplant recipients have a threeto four-fold increased risk of developing carcinoma in comparison with the general population. Common malignancies encountered after transplantation include cancer of the skin, lips, post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease, ano-genital carcinoma and Kaposi sarcoma. Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue is very rare. We report here a case of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue in an adult male patient who developed it 11 years post-transplant. He underwent right hemiglossectomy and his graft function remained stable.

  6. Association between pre-transplant dialysis modality and patient and graft survival after kidney transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kramer, Anneke; Jager, Kitty J; Fogarty, Damian G


    Previous studies have found inconsistent associations between pre-transplant dialysis modality and subsequent post-transplant survival. We aimed to examine this relationship using the instrumental variable method and to compare the results with standard Cox regression.......Previous studies have found inconsistent associations between pre-transplant dialysis modality and subsequent post-transplant survival. We aimed to examine this relationship using the instrumental variable method and to compare the results with standard Cox regression....

  7. Employment 12 months after kidney transplantation: An in-depth bio-psycho-social analysis of the Swiss Transplant Cohort.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brigitta Danuser

    Full Text Available Return to work with or after a chronic disease is a dynamic process influenced by a variety of interactions between personal, work, societal and medical resources or constraints. The aim of this study was to identify predictors for employment 12 months after transplantation in kidney patients, applying a bio-psycho-social model.All kidney patients followed in the Swiss Transplant Cohort between May 2008 and December 2012, aged 18 to 65 were assessed before, 6 and 12 months after transplantation.Of the 689 included patients, 56.2% worked 12 months post- transplantation compared to 58.9% pre-transplantation. Age, education, self-perceived health (6 months post- transplantation, pre- transplantation employment and receiving an organ from a living donor are significant predictors of employment post- transplantation. Moreover, while self-perceived health increased post- transplantation, depression score decreased only among those employed 12 months post- transplantation. Pre- transplantation employment status was the main predictor for post- transplantation employment (OR = 18.6 and was associated with sex, age, education, depression and duration of dialysis. An organ from a living donor (42.1% was more frequent in younger patients, with higher education, no diabetes and shorter waiting time to surgery.Transplantation did not increase employment in end-stage kidney disease patients but helped maintaining employment. Pre-transplantation employment has been confirmed to be the most important predictor of post-transplantation employment. Furthermore, socio-demographic and individual factors predicted directly and indirectly the post-transplantation employment status. With living donor, an additional predictor linked to social factors and the medical procedure has been identified.

  8. Development of the National Transplant Program Has Significantly Decreased but Not Ended Transplant Tourism in Montenegro. (United States)

    Ratkovic, M; Basic Jukic, N; Kastelan, Z; Radunovic, D; Kavaric, P; Brezak, J; Topalovic Grkovic, M; Hudolin, T; Prelevic, V


    Organ transplantation has prolonged and improved the lives of many patients around the world. However, a widespread shortage of donors remains the main factor that has led to organ trafficking and transplant tourism. To stop transplant tourism and to provide optimal treatment for its citizens with end-stage renal disease, Montenegro started performing renal transplantations in September 2012. Thirty-five transplantations have been performed since that time, 34 from living donors and only 1 from a deceased donor. This practice has significantly decreased but not ended transplant tourism in Montenegro. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Thoracic organ transplantation: laboratory methods. (United States)

    Patel, Jignesh K; Kobashigawa, Jon A


    Although great progress has been achieved in thoracic organ transplantation through the development of effective immunosuppression, there is still significant risk of rejection during the early post-transplant period, creating a need for routine monitoring for both acute antibody and cellular mediated rejection. The currently available multiplexed, microbead assays utilizing solubilized HLA antigens afford the capability of sensitive detection and identification of HLA and non-HLA specific antibodies. These assays are being used to assess the relative strength of donor specific antibodies; to permit performance of virtual crossmatches which can reduce the waiting time to transplantation; to monitor antibody levels during desensitization; and for heart transplants to monitor antibodies post-transplant. For cell mediated immune responses, the recent development of gene expression profiling has allowed noninvasive monitoring of heart transplant recipients yielding predictive values for acute cellular rejection. T cell immune monitoring in heart and lung transplant recipients has allowed individual tailoring of immunosuppression, particularly to minimize risk of infection. While the current antibody and cellular laboratory techniques have enhanced the ability to manage thoracic organ transplant recipients, future developments from improved understanding of microchimerism and graft tolerance may allow more refined allograft monitoring techniques.

  10. Lung transplantation in children. Specific aspects. (United States)

    Moreno Galdó, Antonio; Solé Montserrat, Juan; Roman Broto, Antonio


    Lung transplantation has become in recent years a therapeutic option for infantswith terminal lung disease with similar results to transplantation in adults.In Spain, since 1996 114 children lung transplants have been performed; this corresponds to3.9% of the total transplant number.The most common indication in children is cystic fibrosis, which represents between 70-80% of the transplants performed in adolescents. In infants common indications areinterstitial lung disease and pulmonary hypertension.In most children a sequential double lung transplant is performed, generally with the help ofextracorporeal circulation. Lung transplantation in children presents special challenges in monitoring and follow-up, especially in infants, given the difficulty in assessing lung function and performing transbronchial biopsies.There are some more specific complications in children like postransplant lymphoproliferative syndrome or a greater severity of respiratory virus infections .After lung transplantation children usually experiment a very important improvement in their quality of life. Eighty eight per cent of children have no limitations in their activity after 3 years of transplantation.According to the registry of the International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) survival at 5 years of transplantation is 54% and at 10 years is around 35%. Copyright © 2013 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  11. Farmacodinâmica do cisatracúrio no transplante renal Farmacodinámica del cisatracúrio en el transplante renal Cisatracurium pharmacodynamics in renal transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ismar Lima Cavalcanti


    del cisatracúrio, especialmente en los enfermos con insuficiencia orgánica, parece ser benéfica, debido a su eliminación órgano independiente de Hofmann y menor tendencia a liberar histamina. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar, en enfermos portadores de insuficiencia renal crónica, la farmacodinámica del cisatracúrio durante el transplante renal. MÉTODO: Fueron estudiados 30enfermos divididos en dos grupos, 15 con función renal normal sometidos a cirugía bucomaxilo-facial y 15 portadores de insuficiencia renal crónica sometidos a transplante renal bajo anestesia general con etomidato, sufentanil y sevoflurano en concentraciones entre 0,5 y 1% de fracción expirada. Recibieron dosis venosa de 0,15 de cisatracúrio en la inducción y 0,05 todas las veces que T1 recuperaba 25%. La función neuromuscular fue monitorizada de forma continua por aceleromiografia utilizando el patrón de estimulación secuencia de cuatro estímulos, a través de la estimulación supramáxima del nervio ulnar. RESULTADOS: Los resultados referentes a la farmacodinámica del cisatracúrio muestran que el inicio de acción (4,1 y 4,9 min, la duración clínica (68,9 y 75,4 min y el índice de recuperación (20,2 y 28 min fueron semejantes entre los grupos normal e insuficiencia renal, respectivamente. Los tiempos para la relación T4/T1 llegar a 0,7 (34,3 y 51,4 min y 0,9 (49,7 y 68,6 min a partir del último 25% de T1 presentaron diferencia estadísticamente significante entre los grupos, con los mayores valores en el grupo de insuficiencia renal. La razón de acumulación fue igual a 1,08. CONCLUSIONES: El inicio de acción, la duración clínica y el índice de recuperación son semejantes entre los dos grupos, el tiempo para la relación T4/T1 llegar a 0,7 ó 0,9 fue mayor en el grupo de insuficiencia renal de que en el grupo normal y el cisatracúrio no presentó efecto acumulativo en el grupo de insuficiencia renal.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES

  12. Cell transplantation for Parkinson's disease

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Jia Liu; Hongyun Huang


    OBJECTIVE: The motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) can be improved by cell transplantation,which has caught general attention from the field of the therapy for PD recently. In this paper, we summarize the cell-based therapy for PD.DATA SOURCES: A search for English literature related to the cellular transplantation of PD from January 1979to July 2006 was conducted in Medline with the key words of "Parkinson's disease, cell transplantation,embryonic stem cells, neural stem cells".STUDY SELECTTON: Data were checked in the first trial, and literatures about PD and cell transplantation were selected. Inclusive criteria: ① PD; ② Cell transplantation. Exclusive criteria: repetitive researches.DATA EXTRACTTON: A total of 100 papers related to cellular transplant and PD were collected and 41literatures were in accordance with the inclusive criteria.DATA SYNTHESIS: PD is a neural degeneration disease that threatens the health of the aged people, and most traditional therapeusis cannot delay its pathological proceeding. Cell transplantation is becoming popular as a new therapeutic tool, and the cells used to transplant mainly included dopamine-secreting cells, fetal ventral mesencephalic cells, embryonic stem cells and neural stem cells up to now. Animal experiment and clinical test demonstrate that cell transplantation can relieve the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease obviously, but there are some problems need to be solved.CONCLUSTON: Cell transplantation has visible therapeutic efficacy on PD. Following the improvement of technique, and we have enough cause to credit that cell therapy may cure PD in the future.

  13. Intellectual and Academic Outcomes After Pediatric Liver Transplantation: Relationship with Transplant-Related Factors. (United States)

    Afshar, Soheil; Porter, Melanie; Barton, Belinda; Stormon, Michael


    As survival rates for pediatric liver transplantation continue to increase, research attention is turning towards long-term functional consequences, with particular interest in whether medical and transplant-related factors are implicated in neurocognitive outcomes. The relative importance of different factors is unclear, due to a lack of methodological uniformity, inclusion of differing primary diagnoses, variable transplant policies, and organ availability in different jurisdictions. This cross-sectional, single-site study sought to address various methodological limitations in the literature and the paucity of studies conducted outside of North America and Western Europe by examining the intellectual and academic outcomes of Australian pediatric liver transplant recipients (N = 40). Participants displayed significantly poorer intellectual and mathematical abilities compared to the normative population. Greater time on the transplant waitlist was a significant predictor of poorer verbal intelligence, working memory, mathematical abilities and reading, but only when considering the subgroup of children with biliary atresia. These findings support reducing the time children wait for a transplant as a priority. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  14. Customizing Fair Use Transplants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter K. Yu


    Full Text Available In the past decade, policymakers and commentators across the world have called for the introduction of copyright reform based on the fair use model in the United States. Thus far, Israel, Liberia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Taiwan have adopted the fair use regime or its close variants. Other jurisdictions such as Australia, Hong Kong and Ireland have also advanced proposals to facilitate such adoption. This article examines the increasing efforts to transplant fair use into the copyright system based on the U.S. model. It begins by briefly recapturing the strengths and weaknesses of legal transplants. The article then scrutinizes the ongoing effort to transplant fair use from the United States. Specifically, it identifies eight modalities of transplantation. This article concludes with five lessons that can be drawn from studying the ongoing transplant efforts.

  15. Islet transplantation using donors after cardiac death: report of the Japan Islet Transplantation Registry. (United States)

    Saito, Takuro; Gotoh, Mitsukazu; Satomi, Susumu; Uemoto, Shinji; Kenmochi, Takashi; Itoh, Toshinori; Kuroda, Yoshikazu; Yasunami, Youichi; Matsumoto, Shnichi; Teraoka, Satoshi


    This report summarizes outcomes of islet transplantation employing donors after cardiac death (DCD) between 2004 and 2007 as reported to the Japan Islet Transplantation Registry. Sixty-five islet isolations were performed for 34 transplantations in 18 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, including two patients who had prior kidney transplantation. All but one donor (64/65) was DCD at the time of harvesting. Factors influencing criteria for islet release included duration of low blood pressure of the donor, cold ischemic time, and usage of Kyoto solution for preservation. Multivariate analysis selected usage of Kyoto solution as most important. Of the 18 recipients, 8, 4, and 6 recipients received 1, 2, and 3 islet infusions, respectively. Overall graft survival defined as C-peptide level more than or equal to 0.3 ng/mL was 76.5%, 47.1%, and 33.6% at 1, 2, and 3 years, respectively, whereas corresponding graft survival after multiple transplantations was 100%, 80.0%, and 57.1%, respectively. All recipients remained free of severe hypoglycemia while three achieved insulin independence for 14, 79, and 215 days. HbA1c levels and requirement of exogenous insulin were significantly improved in all patients. Islet transplantation employing DCD can ameliorate severe hypoglycemic episodes, significantly improve HbA1c levels, sustain significant levels of C-peptide, and achieve insulin independence after multiple transplantations. Thus, DCD can be an important resource for islet transplantation if used under strict releasing criteria and in multiple transplantations, particularly in countries where heart-beating donors are not readily available.

  16. Validation of the Dutch version of the transplant effects questionnaire in liver transplant recipients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Annema, Coby; Roodbol, Petrie F.; Stewart, Roy E.; Ranchor, Adelita V.

    Little is known about the extent to which transplant recipients face emotional problems with the receipt of a transplanted organ. The Transplant Effects Questionnaire (TxEQ) enables the quantification of these problems. This study evaluates the psychometric properties of the Dutch translation of the

  17. About the Operation: Heart Transplant (United States)

    ... After the transplant Preventing rejection Post-transplant medications Types of immunosuppressants Switching immunosuppressants Side effects Other medications Generic and brand name drugs Post-transplant tests Infections and immunity Lifestyle changes Health concerns Back to work or ...

  18. Organ Transplantation: Frequently Asked Questions (United States)

    ... After the transplant Preventing rejection Post-transplant medications Types of immunosuppressants Switching immunosuppressants Side effects Other medications Generic and brand name drugs Post-transplant tests Infections and immunity Lifestyle changes Health concerns Back to work or ...

  19. Análisis in vivo de la vasculopatía arterial pulmonar mediante ultrasonido intravascular (IVUS) en pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria crónica evaluados para trasplante pulmonar


    Acosta Vélez, Juan Gabriel


    El objetivo del estudio es evaluar el remodelado estructural y funcional de las arterias pulmonares asociado a insuficiencia respiratoria crónica severa, mediante ecografía intravascular (IVUS). Se incluyeron 80 pacientes en estudio pretrasplante pulmonar a los que se les realizó cateterismo cardiaco derecho e IVUS de una arteria pulmonar de mediano calibre. A través del IVUS se determinó el módulo elástico, pulsatilidad y porcentaje de fibrosis arterial. La insuficiencia respiratoria crónica...

  20. Radionuclide evaluation of renal transplants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Hong; Zhao Deshan


    Radionuclide renal imaging and plasma clearance methods can quickly quantitate renal blood flow and function in renal transplants. They can diagnose acute tubular necrosis and rejection, renal scar, surgical complications such as urine leaks, obstruction and renal artery stenosis after renal transplants. At the same time they can assess the therapy effect of renal transplant complications and can also predict renal transplant survival from early post-operative function studies

  1. Allogeneic and Autologous Bone-Marrow Transplantation


    Deeg, H. Joachim


    The author of this paper presents an overview of the current status of bone marrow transplantation, including indications, pre-transplant considerations, the transplant procedure, acute and delayed transplant-related problems, results currently attainable, and a short discussion of possible future developments.

  2. Socioeconomic aspects of heart transplantation. (United States)

    Evans, R W


    Heart transplantation is an established treatment modality for end-stage cardiac disease. Unfortunately, relative to other health care priorities, heart transplantation has fallen into disrepute. Efforts to reform the health care system have focused on three fundamental issues--cost, quality, and access. On each count, heart transplantation is vulnerable to criticism. Managed care is an incremental approach to health care reform that imposes fiscal constraint on providers. This constraint is expressed in the form of capitation which, in turn, requires providers to assume risk and accept economic responsibility for clinical decisions. While the need for transplantation is considerable, there are both clinical and economic factors limiting the overall level of activity. In 1993, over 2200 heart transplants were performed in the United States on people who were dying of end-stage cardiac disease. The total demand for heart transplantation was estimated to be about 5900 persons, which was not met due to an insufficient supply of donor hearts. Absent donors, the fiscal consequences of heart transplantation are minimized. In 1993, actuaries estimated that the total charge per heart transplant was $209,100. By designating centers based on price and quality considerations, managed care plans have reduced this per procedure expense to less than $100,000. While the benefits of transplantation are noteworthy, there are still concerns. Sixty percent of patients report that they are able to work, but only 30% do so. Employers hope to improve upon this record by expanding the designated center approach. In conclusion, the future of heart transplantation is unclear. Opportunities for innovation are limited, although the management of heart failure is an area of increased interest.

  3. Bone-marrow transplant - series (image) (United States)

    Bone-marrow transplants are performed for: deficiencies in red blood cells (aplastic anemia) and white blood cells (leukemia or ... Bone-marrow transplants prolong the life of patients who might otherwise die. As with all major organ transplants, however, ...

  4. Sporotrichosis in Renal Transplant Patients

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    Paulo Gewehr


    Full Text Available The current report describes two renal transplant recipients who presented with sporotrichosis. In addition, the authors review the general aspects of sporotrichosis in renal transplant recipients reported in the literature. Sporotrichosis is a rare fungal infection in transplant patients and has been reported primarily in renal transplant recipients not treated with antifungal prophylaxis. Extracutaneous forms of sporotrichosis without skin manifestations and no previous history of traumatic injuries have been described in such patients and are difficult to diagnose. Renal transplant recipients with sporotrichosis described in the present report were successfully treated with antifungal therapy including amphotericin B deoxycholate, lipid amphotericin B formulations, fluconazole and itraconazole.

  5. Imaging in transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bankier, A.A.


    This book covers all topics related to the imaging of organ transplantation. An introductory section addresses such issues as organ procurement, patient selection, immune responses, and ethical and economic considerations. The main part of the book then offers in-depth coverage of heart, renal, liver, lung, bone marrow and pancreatic and intestinal transplantation. Each of these topics is discussed firstly in a clinical chapter and then in a radiological chapter. The clinical chapters detail the epidemiology, clinical background, and surgical procedures, as well as any clinically relevant issues of which the radiologist should be aware. The radiological chapters describe and depict the imaging manifestations of specific organ transplantations, document the normal radiological appearance of transplanted organs and consider both early and late complications. This is a unique, superbly illustrated volume that will be of great assistance to all who work in this field. (orig.)

  6. Multimodality postoperative imaging of liver transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zamboni, Giulia A.; Pedrosa, Ivan; Kruskal, Jonathan B.; Raptopoulos, Vassilios


    Liver transplantation is the only effective and definitive treatment for patients with end-stage liver disease. The shortage of cadaveric livers has lead to the increasing use of split-liver transplantation and living-donor liver transplantation, but the expansion of the donor pool has increased the risk for postoperative vascular and biliary complications. Early recognition of the imaging appearances of the various postoperative complications of liver transplantation is crucial for both graft and patient survival. This review describes the imaging findings of normal and abnormal transplanted liver parenchyma and of vascular and biliary post-transplantation complications. (orig.)

  7. How Should Social Media Be Used in Transplantation? A Survey of The American Society of Transplant Surgeons. (United States)

    Henderson, Macey L; Adler, Joel T; Van Pilsum Rasmussen, Sarah E; Thomas, Alvin G; Herron, Patrick D; Waldram, Madeleine M; Ruck, Jessica M; Purnell, Tanjala S; DiBrito, Sandra R; Holscher, Courtenay M; Haugen, Christine E; Alimi, Yewande; Konel, Jonathan M; Eno, Ann K; Garonzik Wang, Jacqueline M; Gordon, Elisa J; Lentine, Krista L; Schaffer, Randolph L; Cameron, Andrew M; Segev, Dorry L


    Social media platforms are increasingly used in surgery and have shown promise as effective tools to promote deceased donation and expand living donor transplantation. There is growing need to understand how social media-driven communication is perceived by providers in the field of transplantation. We surveyed 299 members of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) about their use of, attitudes toward, and perceptions of social media and analyzed relationships between responses and participant characteristics. Respondents used social media to communicate with: family and friends (76%), surgeons (59%), transplant professionals (57%), transplant recipients (21%), living donors (16%), and waitlisted candidates (15%). Most respondents (83%) reported using social media for at least one purpose. While most (61%) supported sharing information with transplant recipients via social media, 42% believed it should not be used to facilitate living donor-recipient matching. Younger age (p=0.02) and fewer years of experience in the field of transplantation (p=0.03) were associated with stronger belief that social media can be influential in living organ donation. Respondents at transplant centers with higher reported use of social media had more favorable views about sharing information with transplant recipients (psocial media. Transplant center involvement and support for social media may influence clinician perceptions and practices. Increasing use of social media among transplant professionals may provide an opportunity to deliver high quality information to patients.

  8. In Utero Hepatocellular Transplantation in Rats

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    Emma Muñoz-Sáez


    Full Text Available This work represents a step forward in the experimental design of an in utero hepatocellular transplantation model in rats. We focused on the enrichment optimization of isolated fetal hepatocytes suspension, arranging the surgery methodology of in utero transplantation, monitoring the biodistribution of the transplanted hepatocytes, and assessing the success of the transplants. Rat fetuses have been transplanted at the 17th embryonic day (ED17 with fetal hepatocytes isolated from rats at the end of pregnancy (ED21. We assessed possible differences between lymphocyte population, CD4 positive, CD8 positive, double-positive T-cells, and anti-inflammatory cytokines interleukins 4 and 10 (IL4 and IL10 as well. Cellular viability reached the rates of 90–95%. Transplanted groups had a limited success. Transplanted hepatocytes were not able to pass through the hematoplacental barrier. The hepatocytes injected were primarily located in the liver. There was an upward trend in the whole amount of T CD4 and T CD8 cells. There was an increased IL4 in the transplanted groups observed in the pregnant rats. The possibility to induce tolerance in fetuses with a hepatocyte transplant in utero could be a key point to avoid the immunosuppression treatments which must be undergone by transplanted patients.

  9. Motion Transplantation Techniques: A Survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Basten, Ben; Egges, Arjan


    During the past decade, researchers have developed several techniques for transplanting motions. These techniques transplant a partial auxiliary motion, possibly defined for a small set of degrees of freedom, on a base motion. Motion transplantation improves motion databases' expressiveness and

  10. Psychological rejection of the transplanted organ and graft dysfunction in kidney transplant patients

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    Látos M


    Full Text Available Melinda Látos,1 György Lázár,1 Zoltán Horváth,1 Victoria Wittmann,1 Edit Szederkényi,1 Zoltán Hódi,1 Pál Szenohradszky,1 Márta Csabai2 1Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, 2Psychology Institute, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary Abstract: Interdisciplinary studies suggest that the mental representations of the transplanted organ may have a significant effect on the healing process. The objective of this study was to examine the representations of the transplanted organ and their relationship with emotional and mood factors, illness perceptions, and the functioning of the transplanted organ. One hundred and sixty-four kidney transplant patients were assessed using the Spielberger Anxiety Inventory, the Beck’s Depression Scale, the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire, and the Transplanted Organ Questionnaire. Medical parameters were collected from the routine clinical blood tests (serum creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate levels and biopsy results. Our most outstanding results suggest that kidney-transplanted patients’ illness representations are associated with health outcomes. The Transplanted Organ Questionnaire “psychological rejection” subscale was connected with higher serum creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate levels. Logistic regression analysis showed that psychological rejection subscale, Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire, and Posttraumatic Growth Questionnaire total scores were associated with graft rejection. These results may serve as a basis for the development of complex treatment interventions, which could help patients to cope with the bio-psycho-social challenges of integrating the new organ as part of their body and self. Keywords: anxiety, depression, illness representations, posttraumatic growth, psychological rejection, renal transplantation

  11. Cardiopatía reumática

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    Nicolás Collazos R.


    Full Text Available La cardiopatía reumática comprende cuantas formas de trastorno cardiaco derivan del reumatismo. El ataque de la fiebre reumática a las estructuras cardiacas ocurre en el noventa, por ciento de los casos, según las estadísticas de la Universidad de Tulane. Es un hecho de importancia el que apenas el cincuenta por cierto de los casos de cardiopatía reumática da síntomas en la fase activa; el otro cincuenta por ciento se descubre mas tardíamente, de ordinario, con motivo de una insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva, consecuencial a una valvulopatía antigua ignorada.

  12. Agenesia pulmonar y riñón en herradura en la edad adulta: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura

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    D.I. Navarro Vergara


    Full Text Available La agenesia pulmonar es una malformación congénita rara que se define como la ausencia total de parénquima pulmonar, bronquios y vasculatura. En la literatura se encuentran pocos casos de esta malformación en la edad adulta, debido a la presencia de otras malformaciones coincidentes, como desplazamiento mediastinal y cardiaco severos. La mayoría de los casos mueren prematuramente en los primeros 5 años de vida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 31 años de edad con agenesia pulmonar izquierda asociada a malformación genitourinaria: riñón en herradura.

  13. Soluble CD30 levels in recipients undergoing heart transplantation do not predict post-transplant outcome. (United States)

    Ypsilantis, Efthymios; Key, Timothy; Bradley, J Andrew; Morgan, C Helen; Tsui, Stephen; Parameshwar, Jayan; Taylor, Craig J


    The pre-transplant serum level of soluble CD30 (sCD30), a proteolytic derivative of the lymphocyte surface receptor CD30, has been suggested as a biomarker for immunologic risk after organ transplantation. Pre-transplant serum sCD30 levels were determined in 200 consecutive adult heart transplant recipients undertaken at a single center. Transplant outcome (acute rejection in the first 12 months and patient survival up to 5 years post-transplant) was determined. Patients treated with a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) prior to transplantation (n = 28) had higher levels of sCD30 (median 64 U/ml, range 12 to 112 U/ml) than those (n = 172) with no LVAD (median 36 U/ml, range 1 to 158 U/ml, p sCD30 levels were "low" (lower quartile, 58 U/ml, n = 50). Neither acute rejection nor recipient survival differed according to sCD30 level, with values (mean +/- SEM) of 0.30 +/- 0.04, 0.23 +/- 0.03 and 0.30 +/- 0.05 acute rejection episodes per 100 days in the low, intermediate and high groups, respectively, with recipient survival rates at 1 year of 77.7%, 84.9% and 86% and at 5 years of 73.6%, 67.9% and 75.8%, respectively. Pre-transplant serum sCD30 level does not predict acute allograft rejection or recipient survival after heart transplantation, although sCD30 levels are increased by LVAD, possibly as a result of biomaterial-host immune interaction.

  14. Risk factors of post renal transplant hyperparathyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jahromi, Alireza Hamidian; Roozbeh, Jamshid; Raiss-Jalali, Ghanbar Ali; Dabaghmanesh, Alireza; Jalaeian, Hamed; Bahador, Ali; Nikeghbalian, Saman; Salehipour, Mehdi; Salahi, Heshmat; Malek-Hosseini, Ali


    It is well recognized that patients with end stage renal diseases (ESRD) have hyper-plastic parathyroid glands. In most patients, a decrease in parathyroid hormone (PTH) occurs by about 1 year after renal transplantation. However, some renal transplant recipients continue to have elevated level of PTH. We prospectively evaluated 121 patients undergoing renal transplantation between August 2000 and 2002. The duration of dialysis, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), albumin, creatinine and iPTH levels were recorded prior to transplantation and three months and one year after transplantation. These 121 patients were on dialysis for an average period of 17.4 months prior to transplantation. An increase in the serum Ca and a decrease in serum P and iPTH level was seen in the patients after transplantation (P< 0.001). Hyperparathyroidism was in 12 (9.9%) and 7 (5.7%) patients three months and one year after transplantation respectively. Elderly patients and patients with longer duration on dialysis had an increased risk of developing post transplant hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia in the first year post transplant (P< 0.05). In conclusion age and duration on dialysis before transplantation seems to be important risk factors for post transplant hyperparathyroidism. (author)

  15. Gaming the Liver Transplant Market


    Jason Snyder


    The liver transplant waiting list is designed to allocate livers to the sickest patients first. Before March 1, 2002, livers were allocated to patients based on objective clinical indicators and subjective factors. In particular, a center placing a prospective transplant recipient in the intensive care unit (ICU) leads to a higher position on the liver transplant waiting list. After March 1, 2002, a policy reform mandated that priority on the liver transplant waiting list no longer be influen...

  16. [Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in transplant patients]. (United States)

    Coelho, Júlio Cezar Uili; Contieri, Fabiana L C; de Freitas, Alexandre Coutinho Teixeira; da Silva, Fernanda Cristina; Kozak, Vanessa Nascimento; da Silva Junior, Alzemir Santos


    This study reviews our experience with laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the treatment of cholelithiasis in transplant patients. Demographic data, medications used, and operative and postoperative data of all transplant recipients who were subjected to laparoscopic cholecystectomy for cholelithiasis at our hospital were obtained. A total of 15 transplant patients (13 renal transplantation and 2 bone marrow transplantation) underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. All patients were admitted to the hospital on the day of the operation. The immunosuppressive regimen was not modified during hospitalization. Clinical presentation of cholelithiasis was biliary colicky (n=12), acute cholecystitis (n=2), and jaundice (n=1). The operation was uneventful in all patients. Postoperative complications were nausea and vomiting in 2 patients, prolonged tracheal intubation in 1, wound infection in 1 and large superficial hematoma in 1 patient. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is associated to a low morbidity and mortality and good postoperative outcome in transplant patients with uncomplicated cholecystitis.

  17. Predicting Alloreactivity in Transplantation

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    Kirsten Geneugelijk


    Full Text Available Human leukocyte Antigen (HLA mismatching leads to severe complications after solid-organ transplantation and hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. The alloreactive responses underlying the posttransplantation complications include both direct recognition of allogeneic HLA by HLA-specific alloantibodies and T cells and indirect T-cell recognition. However, the immunogenicity of HLA mismatches is highly variable; some HLA mismatches lead to severe clinical B-cell- and T-cell-mediated alloreactivity, whereas others are well tolerated. Definition of the permissibility of HLA mismatches prior to transplantation allows selection of donor-recipient combinations that will have a reduced chance to develop deleterious host-versus-graft responses after solid-organ transplantation and graft-versus-host responses after hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. Therefore, several methods have been developed to predict permissible HLA-mismatch combinations. In this review we aim to give a comprehensive overview about the current knowledge regarding HLA-directed alloreactivity and several developed in vitro and in silico tools that aim to predict direct and indirect alloreactivity.

  18. Does hypertension remain after kidney transplantation?

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    Gholamreza Pourmand


    Full Text Available Hypertension is a common complication of kidney transplantation with the prevalence of 80%. Studies in adults have shown a high prevalence of hypertension (HTN in the first three months of transplantation while this rate is reduced to 50- 60% at the end of the first year. HTN remains as a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, lower graft survival rates and poor function of transplanted kidney in adults and children. In this retrospective study, medical records of 400 kidney transplantation patients of Sina Hospital were evaluated. Patients were followed monthly for the 1st year, every two months in the 2nd year and every three months after that. In this study 244 (61% patients were male. Mean ± SD age of recipients was 39.3 ± 13.8 years. In most patients (40.8% the cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD was unknown followed by HTN (26.3%. A total of 166 (41.5% patients had been hypertensive before transplantation and 234 (58.5% had normal blood pressure. Among these 234 individuals, 94 (40.2% developed post-transplantation HTN. On the other hand, among 166 pre-transplant hypertensive patients, 86 patients (56.8% remained hypertensive after transplantation. Totally 180 (45% patients had post-transplantation HTN and 220 patients (55% didn't develop HTN. Based on the findings, the incidence of post-transplantation hypertension is high, and kidney transplantation does not lead to remission of hypertension. On the other hand, hypertension is one of the main causes of ESRD. Thus, early screening of hypertension can prevent kidney damage and reduce further problems in renal transplant recipients.

  19. Influenza in solid organ transplant recipients. (United States)

    Martin, Spencer T; Torabi, Mina J; Gabardi, Steven


    To review available data describing the epidemiology, outcomes, prevention, and treatment of influenza virus in the solid organ transplant population and to evaluate the strengths and limitations of the current literature, with a focus on literature reviewing annual influenza strains and the recent pandemic novel influenza A/H1N1 strain. A systematic literature search (July 1980-June 2011) was performed via PubMed using the following key words: influenza, human; influenza; novel influenza A H1/N1; transplantation; solid organ transplantation; kidney transplant; renal transplant; lung transplant; heart transplant; and liver transplant. Papers were excluded if they were not written in English or were animal studies or in vitro studies. Data from fully published studies and recent reports from international conferences were included. The influenza virus presents a constant challenge to immunocompromised patients and their health care providers. The annual influenza strain introduces a highly infectious and pathogenic risk to solid organ transplant recipients. In 2009, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic as a result of a novel influenza A/H1N1 strain. The pandemic introduced an additional viral threat to solid organ transplant patients at increased risk for infectious complications. The mainstay for prevention of influenza infection in all at-risk populations is appropriate vaccination. Antiviral therapies against influenza for chemoprophylaxis and treatment of infection are available; however, dosing strategies in the solid organ transplant population are not well defined. The solid organ transplant population is at an increased risk of severe complications from influenza infection. Identifying risks, preventing illness, and appropriately treating active infection is essential in this patient population.

  20. Attitude and Impact Factors Toward Organ Transplantation and Donation Among Transplantation Nurses in China. (United States)

    Xie, J-F; Wang, C-Y; He, G-P; Ming, Y-Z; Wan, Q-Q; Liu, J; Gong, L-N; Liu, L-F

    Health workers' awareness and knowledge of transplantation medicine can improve people's sensitivity and reduce their degree of opposition to donations. The medical literature contains numerous examples of attitudes toward organ transplantation and donation aimed at university students or medical staff members, but rarely for transplantation nurses. The purposes of the study were to investigate the attitudes toward organ transplantation and donation among transplantation nurses and to explore the impact factors. The study was conducted in 37 transplantation surgery wards in 22 hospitals using cross-sectional approach. SPSS (International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, New York, USA) 7.0 software was used to analysis descriptive and inferential statistics for data. Five hundred thirty-six effective questionnaires were received and the effective rate was 89.33%. Nurses' mean age was 28.40 years with a mean service length of 6.54 years. Among these nurses, 66.6% and 78.0% were willing to accept organ transplantation surgery for themselves and their relatives, respectively. Of these nurses, 33.4% would donate their organs after death; whereas 39.9% were uncertain. Only 38.2% were willing to register in the national organ donation system. Of these nurses, 28.2% were willing to sign the organ donation consent forms when their relatives became potential organ donors, and 45.7% were uncertain. Eight independent variables that affected nurses' attitudes toward donating their organs from most to least significant were: ratio of nurse to bed, title, employment form, age, length of service, position, monthly income, and the highest educational degree earned. Pearson correlation analysis showed a significant correlation among nurses' attitudes toward organ transplantation, organ donation, and online registration. The attitude toward donation and transplantation in the hospitals was not too optimistic, and an improvement in the training regarding transplantation and

  1. Liver transplantation for nontransplant physicians

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    Amany AbdelMaqsod Sholkamy


    Full Text Available Many of the nontransplant physicians who manage hepatic patients (internists and hepatologists keep asking about liver transplantation. The purpose of this article is to highlight important topics a nontransplant colleague may require in his practice. There are many topics in this respect; however, three most important topics need to be highlighted; those are; the time of referral to transplantation, the indications and contraindications and the metabolic issues regarding a transplanted patient. Still, there are no clear guidelines for the management of many of the metabolic issues regarding liver transplanted patients. And this why, collaborative efforts of transplant and nontransplant physicians are needed to conduct multicenter, long term randomized controlled trials and proper follow up programs.

  2. Nanoparticle delivery of donor antigens for transplant tolerance in allogeneic islet transplantation. (United States)

    Bryant, Jane; Hlavaty, Kelan A; Zhang, Xiaomin; Yap, Woon-Teck; Zhang, Lei; Shea, Lonnie D; Luo, Xunrong


    Human islet cell transplantation is a promising treatment for type 1 diabetes; however, long-term donor-specific tolerance to islet allografts remains a clinically unmet goal. We have previously shown that recipient infusions of apoptotic donor splenocytes chemically treated with 1-ethyl-3-(3'-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide (donor ECDI-SP) can mediate long-term acceptance of full major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-mismatched murine islet allografts without the use of immunosuppression. In this report, we investigated the use of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) particles in lieu of donor ECDI-SP as a synthetic, cell-free carrier for delivery of donor antigens for the induction of transplant tolerance in full MHC-mismatched murine allogeneic islet transplantation. Infusions of donor antigen-coupled PLG particles (PLG-dAg) mediated tolerance in ∼20% of recipient mice, and the distribution of cellular uptake of PLG-dAg within the spleen was similar to that of donor ECDI-SP. PLG-dAg mediated the contraction of indirectly activated T cells but did not modulate the direct pathway of allorecognition. Combination of PLG-dAg with a short course of low dose immunosuppressant rapamycin at the time of transplant significantly improved the tolerance efficacy to ∼60%. Furthermore, altering the timing of PLG-dAg administration to a schedule that is more feasible for clinical transplantation resulted in equal tolerance efficacy. Thus, the combination therapy of PLG-dAg infusions with peritransplant rapamycin represents a clinically attractive, biomaterials-based and cell-free method for inducing long-term donor-specific tolerance for allogeneic cell transplantation, such as for allogeneic islet transplantation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Terapia nutricional no transplante hepático Nutritional therapy in liver transplantation

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    Mônica Beatriz PAROLIN


    Full Text Available Racional - Deficiências nutricionais, por vezes graves, são comuns em pacientes com insuficiência hepática, candidatos a transplante de fígado. A terapia nutricional pode corrigir total ou parcialmente tais deficiências, melhorando as condições clínicas e o prognóstico desses indivíduos, frente ao grande desafio do transplante hepático. Objetivos - Breve revisão do papel do fígado no metabolismo dos diversos nutrientes. Descrição dos métodos de avaliação do estado nutricional, traçando-se as bases da terapia nutricional segundo condições hepáticas diversas, no pré e pós-transplante, em relação às necessidades calóricas e dos diversos nutrientes. Apresentação de intervenções nutricionais, no controle das complicações metabólicas resultantes do uso de drogas imunossupressoras. Conclusão - A terapia nutricional é valiosa aliada no tratamento clínico de pacientes candidatos ou já submetidos ao transplante hepático, contribuindo para um prognóstico favorável e para a melhora da qualidade de vida desses indivíduos.Background - Malnutrition, sometimes severe is common in patients with chronic hepatic diseases who are candidates for liver transplantation. Nutritional therapy can induce partial or total correction of such deficiencies, improving clinical conditions and prognosis of patients who face the great defiance of liver transplantation. Aims - Brief revision of hepatic role in the metabolism of several nutrients. Description of available methods of dietary therapy and its application both under different abnormal hepatic conditions and pre and post-transplant periods. The role of nutritional intervention in metabolic side effects due to immunosuppressive drugs. Conclusion - Nutritional therapy is a valuable adjuvant resource to the clinical treatment of candidates and submitted patients to hepatic transplantation providing better prognosis and improved life quality.

  4. MR Imaging of renal transplants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gremo, L.; Avataneo, T.; Potenzoni, F.; Colla, L.; Segoloni, G.


    The authors report their experience in the study of renal transplant recipients by MR, in order to determine its clinical potentials. The main purpose of this work is to focus on MR patterns in relation to clinical findings of rejector or normally fuctioning kidney. Twenty-four patients were examined with a 0.5 T superconductive magnete, body coil, spin-echo pulse sequence (SE) and inversion-recovery (IR). MRI patterns could be seen in normally functioning kidneys and transplant rejections, while variable MRI findings were observed in transplants with acute tubular necrosis (ATN). In the normally functioning transplanted kidney there is a clear corticomedullary differentiation (CMD), and the extent of vascular penetration into the renal parenchyma is clearly seen. In transplant rejection, CMD is either diminished or absent, and there is no vascular penetration into the parenchyma; to differentiate acute from chronic rejections, the increase/decrease in renal size and the change in renal shape (spherical shape in acute transplant rejection) respectively must be observed. MRI proves thus to be useful in the study of renal transplants, even in case of questionable clinical findings, and in patients in whom renal biopsy is contraindicated

  5. Spironolactone ameliorates transplant vasculopathy in renal chronic transplant dysfunction in rats

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Waanders, Femke; Rienstra, Heleen; Boer, Mark Walther; Zandvoort, Andre; Rozing, Jan; Navis, Gerjan; van Goor, Harry; Hillebrands, Jan-Luuk

    Waanders F, Rienstra H, Walther Boer M, Zandvoort A, Rozing J, Navis G, van Goor H, Hillebrands JL. Spironolactone ameliorates transplant vasculopathy in renal chronic transplant dysfunction in rats. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 296: F1072-F1079, 2009. First published February 25, 2009;

  6. Outcomes of Technical Variant Liver Transplantation versus Whole Liver Transplantation for Pediatric Patients: A Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Ye, Hui; Zhao, Qiang; Wang, Yufang; Wang, Dongping; Zheng, Zhouying; Schroder, Paul Michael; Lu, Yao; Kong, Yuan; Liang, Wenhua; Shang, Yushu; Guo, Zhiyong; He, Xiaoshun


    To overcome the shortage of appropriate-sized whole liver grafts for children, technical variant liver transplantation has been practiced for decades. We perform a meta-analysis to compare the survival rates and incidence of surgical complications between pediatric whole liver transplantation and technical variant liver transplantation. To identify relevant studies up to January 2014, we searched PubMed/Medline, Embase, and Cochrane library databases. The primary outcomes measured were patient and graft survival rates, and the secondary outcomes were the incidence of surgical complications. The outcomes were pooled using a fixed-effects model or random-effects model. The one-year, three-year, five-year patient survival rates and one-year, three-year graft survival rates were significantly higher in whole liver transplantation than technical variant liver transplantation (OR = 1.62, 1.90, 1.65, 1.78, and 1.62, respectively, ptechnical variant liver transplantation. Continuing efforts should be made to minimize surgical complications to improve the outcomes of technical variant liver transplantation.

  7. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  8. The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study's framework for assessing lifelong psychosocial factors in solid-organ transplants. (United States)

    De Geest, Sabina; Burkhalter, Hanna; Berben, Lut; Bogert, Laura Jane; Denhaerynck, Kris; Glass, Tracy R; Goetzmann, Lutz; Kirsch, Monika; Kiss, Alexander; Koller, Michael T; Piot-Ziegler, Chantal; Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno


    Understanding outcomes after transplant requires a biopsychosocial model that includes biomedical and psychosocial factors. The latter, to date, are assessed only in a limited way as part of transplant registries or cohort studies. The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS) is a nationwide open cohort study (starting May 2008) to systematically and prospectively assess psychosocial factors. This article describes the framework underpinning STCS's psychosocial assessment. The STCS framework was adapted from the multidimensional conceptual perspective of Dew et al to describe transplant psychosocial domains and specific outcomes by adding a time perspective, a system perspective, and interaction among domains. We propose a multidimensional, multilevel biopsychosocial framework representing mutually influencing domains from before to after transplant, and exemplify each domain by factors included in STCS and their measurement. The transplant patient, centrally positioned, is described by clinical and sociodemographic characteristics (eg, socioeconomic status, educational, professional, and relationship status). The following psychosocial domains further describe the patient: (1) physical/functional (eg, perceived health status, sleep quality, daytime sleepiness), (2) psychological (eg, depression, stress), (3) behavioral (eg, medication adherence, smoking, drug use, physical activity, sun protection), (4) social (eg, work capacity/return to work), and (5) global quality of life. Factors associated with health care system level (eg, trust in transplant team) are also included in the model. The STCS's psychosocial framework provides a basis for studying the interplay of biomedical, sociodemographic, psychosocial, behavioral, and health care system factors in view of transplant outcomes and therefore has the potential to guide biopsychosocial transplant research.

  9. [History of kidney transplantation surgery]. (United States)

    Timsit, M O; Kleinclauss, F; Thuret, R


    To perform a state of the art about the history of kidney transplantation. An exhaustive systematic review of the scientific literature was performed in the Medline database ( and Embase ( using different associations of the following keywords (MESH): kidney transplantation, history, vascular anastomosis. From the first vascular ligations to the discovery of ciclosporin, the history of organ transplantation was made of surgical bets and medical discoveries, such as blood group, HLA-system, immunity, etc. The audacity of some surgeons led to the onset of renal transplantation as the treatment of choice for end stage renal disease. This article aims to describe the first surgical methods for vascular anastomosis and renal transplantation. Through a comprehensive search within the archives of the French National Library, the authors provide a precise description of the first renal transplantations performed, the technique that have been used and their authors. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  10. Association Between GLCCI1 Promoter Polymorphism (Rs37972 and Post-Transplant Hypertension in Renal Transplant Recipients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aki Mafune Hamada


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Post-transplant hypertension is highly prevalent in renal transplant recipients and is a risk factor for graft loss, cardiovascular disease and death. Glucocorticoid is used to prevent rejection, but simultaneously increases the risk of post-transplant hypertension. The glucocorticoid-induced transcript 1 (GLCCI1 promoter polymorphism (rs37972 has been reported to be associated with response to glucocorticoid therapy in asthma. We therefore examined the association between GLCCI1 promoter polymorphism and post-transplant hypertension in renal transplant recipients. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of renal transplantation at a single university hospital from October 2003 to January 2014. Fifty consecutive adult recipients were analyzed, with clinical data retrieved from a prospectively collected database. Genotyping was carried out using genomic DNA derived from recipient’s blood. GLCCI1 immunoreactivity in vascular endothelial cells was quantitatively analyzed by immunohistochemical staining of recipients’ native kidney biopsy-specimens. The primary outcome measure was post-transplant hypertension. Results: Post-transplant hypertension was observed in 14/17 (82% of recipients with CC, 18/20 (90% with CT, and 2/13 (15% with TT genotype. CC/CT genotype was significantly associated with post-transplant hypertension, even after adjustment for covariates (odds ratio, 10.6; 95% confidence intervals, 1.32 to 85.8; P = 0.026. In addition, we observed that GLCCI1 immunoreactivity in arteriolar endothelial cells was higher in kidney specimens obtained from recipients with a CC/CT genotype than a TT genotype (P = 0.021. Conclusion: GLCCI1 promoter polymorphism rs37972 may be associated with post-transplant hypertension.

  11. Post-transplant outcomes in pediatric ventricular assist device patients: A PediMACS-Pediatric Heart Transplant Study linkage analysis. (United States)

    Sutcliffe, David L; Pruitt, Elizabeth; Cantor, Ryan S; Godown, Justin; Lane, John; Turrentine, Mark W; Law, Sabrina P; Lantz, Jodie L; Kirklin, James K; Bernstein, Daniel; Blume, Elizabeth D


    Pediatric ventricular assist device (VAD) support as bridge to transplant has improved waitlist survival, but the effects of pre-implant status and VAD-related events on post-transplant outcomes have not been assessed. This study is a linkage analysis between the PediMACS and Pediatric Heart Transplant Study databases to determine the effects of VAD course on post-transplant outcomes. Database linkage between October 1, 2012 and December 31, 2015 identified 147 transplanted VAD patients, the primary study group. The comparison cohort was composed of 630 PHTS patients without pre-transplant VAD support. The primary outcome was post-transplant survival, with secondary outcomes of post-transplant length of stay, freedom from infection and freedom from rejection. At implant, the VAD cohort was INTERMACS Profile 1 in 33 (23%), Profile 2 in 89 (63%) and Profile 3 in 14 (10%) patients. The VAD cohort was older, larger, and less likely to have congenital heart disease (p < 0.0001). However, they had greater requirements for inotrope and ventilator support and increased liver and renal dysfunction (p < 0.0001), both of which normalized at transplant after device support. Importantly, there were no differences in 1-year post-transplant survival (96% vs 93%, p = 0.3), freedom from infection (81% vs 79%, p = 0.9) or freedom from rejection (71% vs 74%, p = 0.87) between cohorts. Pediatric VAD patients have post-transplant outcomes equal to that of medically supported patients, despite greater pre-implant illness severity. Post-transplant survival, hospital length of stay, infection and rejection were not affected by patient acuity at VAD implantation or VAD-related complications. Therefore, VAD as bridge to transplant mitigates severity of illness in children. Copyright © 2017 International Society for the Heart and Lung Transplantation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Long-term effects of islet transplantation. (United States)

    Holmes-Walker, D Jane; Kay, Thomas W H


    Islet transplantation has made great progress in recent years. This is a remarkable technical feat but raises the question of what the long-term benefits and risks are for type I diabetes recipients. Graft survival continues to improve, and recent multicenter studies show that islet transplantation is particularly effective to prevent hypoglycemic events even in those who do not become insulin-independent and to achieve excellent glycemic control. Concerns include histocompatability leucocyte antigen (HLA) sensitization and other risks including from immunosuppression that islet transplantation shares with other forms of allotransplantation. Reversal of hypoglycemia unawareness and protection from severe hypoglycemia events are two of the main benefits of islet transplantation and they persist for the duration of graft function. Islet transplantation compares favorably with other therapies for those with hypoglycemia unawareness, although new technologies have not been tested head-to-head with transplantation. HLA sensitization increases with time after transplantation especially if immunosuppression is ceased and is a risk for those who may require future transplantation as well as being associated with loss of graft function.

  13. The Economics of Organ Transplantation. (United States)

    Altınörs, Nur; Haberal, Mehmet


    To determine the cost effectiveness of transplantation, we analyzed the financial economics of the organ and tissue transplant process. We compared the cost of this process with traditional modalities for treating endstage liver and kidney disease. Medical, surgical, legal, social, ethical, and religious issues are important in organ transplant procedures. Government, health insurance companies, and uninsured individuals are affected by the financial economics of organ transplantation. The distribution of financial burden differs among countries and is dependent on the unique circumstances of each country.

  14. Infrastructure, logistics and regulation of transplantation: UNOS. (United States)

    Heimbach, Julie K


    Organ transplantation has evolved into the standard of care for patients with end-stage organ failure. Despite considering increasingly complex transplant recipients for organs recovered from donors with increasing comorbid conditions, 1-year patient survival following kidney transplantation is 97% in the United States, whereas liver transplant recipient 1-year survival is 90%. There were 16,485 kidney recipients in the United States in 2012, and 6256 patients who underwent liver transplantation. The intent of this review is to highlight the logistics required for transplantation as well as reviewing the current oversight of transplantation. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Screening retinal transplants with Fourier-domain OCT (United States)

    Rao, Bin


    Transplant technologies have been studied for the recovery of vision loss from retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In several rodent retinal degeneration models and in patients, retinal progenitor cells transplanted as layers to the subretinal space have been shown to restore or preserve vision. The methods for evaluation of transplants are expensive considering the large amount of animals. Alternatively, time-domain Stratus OCT was previously shown to be able to image the morphological structure of transplants to some extent, but could not clearly identify laminated transplants. The efficacy of screening retinal transplants with Fourier-domain OCT was studied on 37 S334ter line 3 rats with retinal degeneration 6-67 days after transplant surgery. The transplants were morphologically categorized as no transplant, detachment, rosettes, small laminated area and larger laminated area with both Fourier-domain OCT and histology. The efficacy of Fourier-domain OCT in screening retinal transplants was evaluated by comparing the categorization results with OCT and histology. Additionally, 4 rats were randomly selected for multiple OCT examinations (1, 5, 9, 14 and 21days post surgery) in order to determine the earliest image time of OCT examination since the transplanted tissue may need some time to show its tendency of growing. Finally, we demonstrated the efficacy of Fourier-domain OCT in screening retinal transplants in early stages and determined the earliest imaging time for OCT. Fourier-domain OCT makes itself valuable in saving resource spent on animals with unsuccessful transplants.

  16. Lung Transplantation for Lymphangioleiomyomatosis in Japan (United States)

    Ando, Katsutoshi; Okada, Yoshinori; Akiba, Miki; Kondo, Takashi; Kawamura, Tomohiro; Okumura, Meinoshin; Chen, Fengshi; Date, Hiroshi; Shiraishi, Takeshi; Iwasaki, Akinori; Yamasaki, Naoya; Nagayasu, Takeshi; Chida, Masayuki; Inoue, Yoshikazu; Hirai, Toyohiro; Seyama, Kuniaki; Mishima, Michiaki


    Background Lung transplantation has been established as the definitive treatment option for patients with advanced lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). However, the prognosis after registration and the circumstances of lung transplantation with sirolimus therapy have never been reported. Methods In this national survey, we analyzed data from 98 LAM patients registered for lung transplantation in the Japan Organ Transplantation Network. Results Transplantation was performed in 57 patients as of March 2014. Survival rate was 86.7% at 1 year, 82.5% at 3 years, 73.7% at 5 years, and 73.7% at 10 years. Of the 98 patients, 21 had an inactive status and received sirolimus more frequently than those with an active history (67% vs. 5%, p<0.001). Nine of twelve patients who remained inactive as of March 2014 initiated sirolimus before or while on a waiting list, and remained on sirolimus thereafter. Although the statistical analysis showed no statistically significant difference, the survival rate after registration tended to be better for lung transplant recipients than for those who awaited transplantation (p = 0.053). Conclusions Lung transplantation is a satisfactory therapeutic option for advanced LAM, but the circumstances for pre-transplantation LAM patients are likely to alter with the use of sirolimus. PMID:26771878

  17. Pre-transplant soluble CD30 in combination with total DSA but not pre-transplant C1q-DSA predicts antibody-mediated graft loss in presensitized high-risk kidney transplant recipients. (United States)

    Schaefer, S M; Süsal, C; Opelz, G; Döhler, B; Becker, L E; Klein, K; Sickmüller, S; Waldherr, R; Macher-Goeppinger, S; Schemmer, P; Beimler, J; Zeier, M; Morath, C


    Presensitized kidney transplant recipients are at high-risk for early antibody-mediated rejection. We studied the impact of pre- and post-transplant donor-specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies (DSA) and T-cell-activation on the occurrence of antibody-mediated rejection episodes (AMR) and graft loss (AMR-GL) in a unique cohort of 80 desensitized high-risk kidney transplant recipients. Patients with pre-transplant DSA demonstrated more AMR episodes than patients without DSA, but did not show a significantly increased rate of AMR-GL. The rates of AMR and AMR-GL were not significantly increased in patients with complement split product (C1q)-binding pre-transplant DSA. Pre-transplant C1q-DSA became undetectable post-transplant in 11 of 13 (85%) patients; 2 (18%) of these 11 patients showed AMR but no AMR-GL. In contrast, the post-transplant presence of C1q-DSA was associated with significantly higher rates of AMR (86 vs 33 vs 0%; P transplant DSA without C1q-binding or the absence of DSA. Patients with both pre-transplant DSA and evidence of pre-transplant T-cell-activation as indicated by soluble CD30-positivity showed a significantly increased risk for AMR-GL [HR = 11.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.68-73.4; log-rank P = 0.013]. In these high-risk patients, AMR-GL was associated with total DSA in combination with T-cell-activation pre-transplant, and de novo or persistent C1q-binding DSA post-transplant. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Liver transplantation in the Nordic countries – An intention to treat and post-transplant analysis from The Nordic Liver Transplant Registry 1982–2013 (United States)

    Fosby, Bjarte; Melum, Espen; Bjøro, Kristian; Bennet, William; Rasmussen, Allan; Andersen, Ina Marie; Castedal, Maria; Olausson, Michael; Wibeck, Christina; Gotlieb, Mette; Gjertsen, Henrik; Toivonen, Leena; Foss, Stein; Makisalo, Heikki; Nordin, Arno; Sanengen, Truls; Bergquist, Annika; Larsson, Marie E.; Soderdahl, Gunnar; Nowak, Greg; Boberg, Kirsten Muri; Isoniemi, Helena; Keiding, Susanne; Foss, Aksel; Line, Pål-Dag; Friman, Styrbjörn; Schrumpf, Erik; Ericzon, Bo-Göran; Höckerstedt, Krister; Karlsen, Tom H.


    Abstract Aim and background. The Nordic Liver Transplant Registry (NLTR) accounts for all liver transplants performed in the Nordic countries since the start of the transplant program in 1982. Due to short waiting times, donor liver allocation has been made without considerations of the model of end-stage liver disease (MELD) score. We aimed to summarize key outcome measures and developments for the activity up to December 2013. Materials and methods. The registry is integrated with the operational waiting-list and liver allocation system of Scandiatransplant ( and accounted at the end of 2013 for 6019 patients out of whom 5198 were transplanted. Data for recipient and donor characteristics and relevant end-points retransplantation and death are manually curated on an annual basis to allow for statistical analysis and the annual report. Results. Primary sclerosing cholangitis, acute hepatic failure, alcoholic liver disease, primary biliary cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma are the five most frequent diagnoses (accounting for 15.3%, 10.8%, 10.6%, 9.3% and 9.0% of all transplants, respectively). Median waiting time for non-urgent liver transplantation during the last 10-year period was 39 days. Outcome has improved over time, and for patients transplanted during 2004–2013, overall one-, five- and 10-year survival rates were 91%, 80% and 71%, respectively. In an intention-to-treat analysis, corresponding numbers during the same time period were 87%, 75% and 66%, respectively. Conclusion. The liver transplant program in the Nordic countries provides comparable outcomes to programs with a MELD-based donor liver allocation system. Unique features comprise the diagnostic spectrum, waiting times and the availability of an integrated waiting list and transplant registry (NLTR). PMID:25959101

  19. Pancreas transplantation: an overview

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    Andre Ibrahim David


    Full Text Available Pancreas transplantation is the only treatment able to reestablish normal glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels in insulin-dependent diabetic patients without the use of exogenous insulin. The evolution of pancreas transplantation in treatment of diabetes was determined by advances in the fields of surgical technique, organ preservation and immunosuppressants. The main complication leading to graft loss is technical failure followed by acute or chronic rejection. Technical failure means graft loss within the first three months following transplantation due to vascular thrombosis (50%, pancreatitis (20%, infection (18%, fistula (6.5% and bleeding (2.4%. Immunological complications still affect 30% of patients, and rejection is the cause of graft loss in 10% of cases. Chronic rejection is the most common late complication. Cardiovascular diseases are the most common causes of late mortality in pancreas transplantation, so it remains the most effective treatment for type 1 diabetes patients. There is a significant improvement in quality of life and in patient’s survival rates. The development of islet transplantation could eliminate or minimize surgical complications and immunosuppression.

  20. Risk factors of post renal transplant anaemia among Sudanese patients, a study in three renal transplant centres

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    Elmusharaf Khalifa


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There is a relative lack of recent information about late post kidney transplantation anaemia (PTA, especially in the developing countries; data are scarce about the prevalence and risk factors of PTA. Sudan was a leading country in Africa and Arab world in kidney transplantation. The first kidney transplantation in Sudan was in 1973. Methods This is a cross-sectional hospital analytic study enrolling all kidney transplanted recipients following in the transplant referral clinics at Ahmed Gassim, Selma and Ibn Sina Hospitals, Khartoum/Sudan, in the period from 1/8/2010 to 1/9/2010, clinical and laboratory data were obtained from 114 patients, anaemia was defined as Hb levels of Results The study showed that 39.5% of the patients were anaemic. Univariate analysis showed that late PTA is significantly associated with not using Erythropoietin (EPO in the pre-transplant period (p = Conclusion The study concluded that late PTA is common and under recognized. Risk factors for late PTA include renal dysfunction, history of rejection, longer duration of transplantation and not using EPO in the pre-transplant period. Renal dysfunction and not using EPO in the pre-transplant period are major predictors of late PTA.

  1. Transplant organizational structures: viewpoints from established centers. (United States)

    Abouljoud, M; Klintmalm, G; Whitehouse, S


    This personal viewpoint report summarizes the responses of a survey targeting established transplant programs with a structured framework, such as center, institute, or department, and stability of leadership to assure valuable experiential observations. The 18-item survey was sent to 20 US institutions that met inclusion criteria. The response rate was 100%. Seventeen institutions had a distinct transplant governance structure. A majority of respondents perceived that their type of transplant structure was associated with enhanced recognition within their institution (85%), improved regulatory compliance (85%), transplant volume growth (75%), improved quality outcomes (75%) and increased funding for transplant-related research (75%). The prevailing themes in respondents' remarks were the perceived need for autonomy of the transplant entity, alignment among services and finances and alignment of authority with responsibility. Many respondents suggested that a dialogue be opened about effective transplant infrastructure that overcomes the boundaries of traditional academic department silos. © Copyright 2012 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

  2. Management of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in adult solid organ transplant recipients - BCSH and BTS Guidelines. (United States)

    Parker, Anne; Bowles, Kristin; Bradley, J Andrew; Emery, Vincent; Featherstone, Carrie; Gupte, Girish; Marcus, Robert; Parameshwar, Jayan; Ramsay, Alan; Newstead, Charles


    A joint working group established by the Haemato-oncology subgroup of the British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH) and the British Transplantation Society (BTS) has reviewed the available literature and made recommendations for the diagnosis and management of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in adult recipients of solid organ transplants. This review details the therapeutic options recommended including reduction in immunosuppression (RIS), transplant organ resection, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Effective therapy should be instituted before progressive disease results in declining performance status and multi-organ dysfunction. The goal of treatment should be a durable complete remission with retention of transplanted organ function with minimal toxicity.

  3. Competitive Market Analysis of Transplant Centers and Discrepancy of Wait-Listing of Recipients for Kidney Transplantation


    Cho, P. S.; Saidi, R. F.; Cutie, C. J.; Ko, D. S. C.


    Background: There are over 250 kidney transplant programs in the USA. Objective: To determine if highly competitive regions, defined as regions with a higher number of transplant centers, will approve and wait-list more end-stage renal disease (ESRD) candidates for transplant despite consistent incidence and prevalence of ESRD nationwide. Methods: ESRD Network and OPTN data completed in 2011 were obtained from all transplant centers including listing data, market saturation, market share, org...

  4. Stem Cell Transplantation from Bench to Bedside

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Table of contents. Stem Cell Transplantation from Bench to Bedside · Slide 2 · Slide 3 · Slide 4 · Principles of an allogeneic stem cell transplant · Principle of an allogeneic stem cell transplant · Principle of an autologous Stem Cell Transplant · Slide 8 · Conditioning · Slide 10 · Slide 11 · Stem Cell Transplantation · Slide 13.

  5. A Study on the Directed Living Non-Related Donor Kidney Transplantation Submitted to the Hospital Transplant Ethics Committee at the National Kidney and Transplant Institute. (United States)

    Suguitan, G; Arakama, M-H I; Danguilan, R


    In the latter part of 2009, the Department of Health of the Philippines prohibited kidney transplantation with non-related kidney donors. Hence, the National Kidney and Transplant Institute created a Hospital Transplant Ethics Committee. This study describes directed non-related kidney donation at the National Kidney and Transplant Institute. This retrospective study reviewed the profiles of recipients and directed living non-related kidney transplant donors submitted to the Hospital Transplant Ethics Committee. A total 74 recipients and donors were reviewed by the Hospital Transplant Ethics Committee in 2014. Donors initiated the talks about being a donor (75%) to repay the good deeds that were done by the recipient for them or their families; examples of which are: sometime in their lives they needed financial assistance for hospitalization for their relatives and it was the patient who paid the hospital bill; or because they pitied the recipient, whom they found to be a good person, thus they would want to give one of their kidneys. Seventy-four (100%) said that they were not expecting anything in return for this act but wanted to be of help to the recipient. Of these 74 cases, 70 cases (95%) were approved and the others were disapproved. With a Hospital Transplant Ethics Committee in place, directed kidney donation is a valuable tool as an additional source of kidney donor without violating any ethical issues. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  6. Face time: educating face transplant candidates. (United States)

    Lamparello, Brooke M; Bueno, Ericka M; Diaz-Siso, Jesus Rodrigo; Sisk, Geoffroy C; Pomahac, Bohdan


    Face transplantation is the innovative application of microsurgery and immunology to restore appearance and function to those with severe facial disfigurements. Our group aims to establish a multidisciplinary education program that can facilitate informed consent and build a strong knowledge base in patients to enhance adherence to medication regimes, recovery, and quality of life. We analyzed handbooks from our institution's solid organ transplant programs to identify topics applicable to face transplant patients. The team identified unique features of face transplantation that warrant comprehensive patient education. We created a 181-page handbook to provide subjects interested in pursuing transplantation with a written source of information on the process and team members and to address concerns they may have. While the handbook covers a wide range of topics, it is easy to understand and visually appealing. Face transplantation has many unique aspects that must be relayed to the patients pursuing this novel therapy. Since candidates lack third-party support groups and programs, the transplant team must provide an extensive educational component to enhance this complex process. As face transplantation continues to develop, programs must create sound education programs that address patients' needs and concerns to facilitate optimal care.

  7. Use of hematopoietic cell transplants to achieve tolerance in patients with solid organ transplants


    Strober, Samuel


    The goals of tolerance in patients with solid organ transplants are to eliminate the lifelong need for immunosuppressive (IS) drugs and to prevent graft loss due to rejection or drug toxicity. Tolerance with complete withdrawal of IS drugs has been achieved in recipients of HLA-matched and mismatched living donor kidney transplants in 3 medical centers using hematopoietic cell transplants to establish mixed or complete chimerism.

  8. The perception of sleep quality in kidney transplant patients during the first year of transplantation

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    Dnyelle Souza Silva


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Poor sleep quality is one of the factors that adversely affects patient quality of life after kidney transplantation, and sleep disorders represent a significant cardiovascular risk factor. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of changes in sleep quality and their outcomes in kidney transplant recipients and analyze the variables affecting sleep quality in the first years after renal transplantation. METHODS: Kidney transplant recipients were evaluated at two time points after a successful transplantation: between three and six months (Phase 1 and between 12 and 15 months (Phase 2. The following tools were used for assessment: the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; the quality of life questionnaire Short-Form-36; the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale; the Karnofsky scale; and assessments of social and demographic data. The prevalence of poor sleep was 36.7% in Phase 1 and 38.3% in Phase 2 of the study. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between patients with and without changes in sleep quality between the two phases. We found no changes in sleep patterns throughout the study. Both the physical and mental health scores worsened from Phase 1 to Phase 2. CONCLUSION: Sleep quality in kidney transplant recipients did not change during the first year after a successful renal transplantation.

  9. Autogenous transplantation of maxillary and mandibular molars. (United States)

    Reich, Peter P


    Autogenous tooth transplantation has been used as a predictable surgical approach to correct malocclusion and replace edentulous areas. This article focuses on the surgical approach and technique for molar transplantation. Thirty-two patients aged between 11 and 25 years underwent 44 autogenous molar transplantations. The procedure involved transplantation of impacted or newly erupted third molars into the extraction sockets of nonrestorable molars and surgical removal and replacement of horizontally impacted molars into their proper vertical alignment. Five basic procedural concepts were applied: 1) atraumatic extraction, avoiding disruption of the root sheath and root buds; 2) apical contouring of bone at the transplantation site and maxillary sinus lift via the Summers osteotome technique, when indicated, for maxillary molars; 3) preparation of a 4-wall bony socket; 4) avoidance of premature occlusal interferences; and 5) stabilization of the tooth with placement of a basket suture. All 32 patients successfully underwent the planned procedure. To date, 2 patients have had localized infection that resulted in loss of the transplant. The remaining 42 transplants remain asymptomatic and functioning, with a mean follow-up period of 19 months. No infection, ankylosis, loss of the transplant, or root resorption has been noted. In addition, endodontic therapy has not been necessary on any transplanted teeth. Autogenous tooth transplantation has been discussed and described in the literature previously, with a primary focus on cuspid and bicuspid transplantation. The molar transplant is infrequently discussed in today's literature, possibly because of the preponderance of titanium dental implants. Autogenous molar transplantation is a viable procedure with low morbidity and excellent functional and esthetic outcomes. This report shows the successful transplantation of 42 of 44 molars in 32 patients with a mean follow-up period of 19 months.

  10. Four decades of kidney transplantation in Cuba. (United States)

    Alfonzo, Jorge P


    This article describes the background, beginnings, development, evolution and outcomes of kidney transplantation in Cuba. Nephrology as a medical specialty in Cuba began in 1962 and was formalized in 1966. Conditions were created to implement renal replacement therapy (including transplants), bring nephrology care to the entire country and train human resources who would assume this responsibility, making Cuba one of the first countries with a comprehensive program for renal patient care. After three unsuccessful cadaveric-donor kidney transplantations in 1968-69, the ensuing history of kidney transplantation can be summarized in the following three stages. 1970-1975: In January 1970, cadaveric-donor kidney transplantation began at the Nephrology Institute. That year, 17 kidney transplantations were performed; four of these patients lived with functional kidneys for 15-25 years; 10-year graft survival was 23.5% (Kaplan-Meier survival curve); HLA typing began in 1974. By December 1975, 170 grafts had been done in three hospitals. 1976-1985: Seven transplantation centers performed 893 grafts during this period. HLA-DR typing was introduced in 1976 and the National Histocompatibility Laboratory Network was founded in 1978. The first related living-donor kidney transplantation was done in 1979. 1986-2011: The National Kidney Transplantation Coordinating Center and the National Kidney Transplantation Program were created in 1986; the first combined kidney-pancreas transplantation was performed the same year. In 1990, cyclosporine and the Cuban monoclonal antibody IOR-T3 were introduced for immunosuppression to prevent rejection, as were other Cuban products (hepatitis B vaccine and recombinant human erythropoietin) for transplant patients. By December 2011, the cumulative number of transplants was 4636 (384 from related living donors). With over 40 years of experience, kidney transplantation is now well established in Cuba; it is free and universally accessible, on the

  11. Manipulating transplant morphology to advance post-transplant growth and yield in strawberry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reekie, J.Y.


    Two methods were developed to enhance transplant success and minimize water use of strawberry transplants harvested in Canadian nurseries for use in the annual strawberry production system in the Southern United States: mechanical leaf removal by mowing, and chemical control of growth and

  12. International Transplant Nurses Society (United States)

    ... Expanded and updated to reflect today's thinking, this brand-new edition offers crucial, real-life direction on ... reduced rates in countries with emerging economies • Build awareness of World Organ Day, Transplant Games, and Transplant ...

  13. Four-Way Kidney Exchange Transplant With Desensitization Increases Access to Living-Donor Kidney Transplant: First Report From India. (United States)

    Kute, Vivek B; Patel, Himanshu V; Shah, Pankaj R; Modi, Pranjal R; Shah, Veena R; Kasat, Govind S; Patil, Mayur V; Patel, Jaydeep C; Kumar, Deepak P; Trivedi, Hargovind L


    This study reports our experience of the first 4-way kidney exchange transplant combined with desensitization in India, which allows increased access to living-donor kidney transplant for sensitized patients. Four-way kidney exchange transplant procedures were approved by the ethics committee of our institution and the Organ Transplantation Authorization Committee of state governments of India (as per the Transplantation of Human Organs Act of India). The protocols conformed to Declaration of Istanbul principles and the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Helsinki Declaration. Written informed consent was obtained from patients, donors, and their guardians. In April 2016, our transplant team completed simultaneous 4-way kidney exchange transplant procedures without any medical (rejection and infections) or surgical complications. Reasons for being included for kidney exchange transplant were ABO incom-patible (2 recipients) and sensitization (2 recipients). All 4 recipients had stable graft function with no proteinuria and donor-specific antibody at 11-month follow-up on standard triple immunosup-pression. Patient and graft survival rates were both 100%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first single-center report of 4-way kidney exchange transplant combined with desensitization from India. This procedure has the potential to expand living-donor kidney transplant in disadvantaged groups (eg, sensitized patients). Recipients who are hard to match due to high panel reactive antibody and difficult to desensitize due to strong donor-specific antibodies can receive a transplant with a combination of kidney exchange and desensitization. Our study suggests that 4-way kidney exchange transplant can be performed in developing countries (India) similar to that shown in programs in developed countries with team work, kidney exchange registry, and counseling.

  14. Entrevista familiar no processo de doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplante Entrevista familiar en el proceso de donación de órganos y tejidos para transplante Family interview in the process of donating organs and tissues for transplantation

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    Marcelo José dos Santos


    entrevistado y al local de la entrevista, además de preguntas éticas y legales. También evidencian la necesidad de capacitación profesional para conocer, identificar y lidiar con factores que facilitan o dificultan el diálogo con los familiares.OBJECTIVE: To understand the meaning attributed to the family interview by professionals working in Services Procurement of Organs and Tissues, to the process of donating organs and tissues for transplantation. METHODS: Qualitative research from the phenomenological angle, according to the modality "structure of the situated phenomenon." Study participants were 12 professionals. RESULTS: After analysis of the interviews, the meaning attributed by the professionals was unveiled at a meeting. CONCLUSIONS: The statements that emerged revealed that the family interview is an important step, because it addresses the possibility of donating organs and tissues to save and / or improve the quality of life of people needing a transplant. This procedure is complex, since it involves aspects related to interviewer, the interviewee and the interview location, as well as ethical and legal questions. It also highlights the need for professional training to know, identify and cope with factors that facilitate or hinder the dialogue with the family members.

  15. Lung transplantation: overall approach regarding its major aspects (United States)

    de Camargo, Priscila Cilene León Bueno; Teixeira, Ricardo Henrique de Oliveira Braga; Carraro, Rafael Medeiros; Campos, Silvia Vidal; Afonso, José Eduardo; Costa, André Nathan; Fernandes, Lucas Matos; Abdalla, Luis Gustavo; Samano, Marcos Naoyuki; Pêgo-Fernandes, Paulo Manuel


    ABSTRACT Lung transplantation is a well-established treatment for patients with advanced lung disease. The evaluation of a candidate for transplantation is a complex task and involves a multidisciplinary team that follows the patient beyond the postoperative period. Currently, the mean time on the waiting list for lung transplantation in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, is approximately 18 months. For Brazil as a whole, data from the Brazilian Organ Transplant Association show that, in 2014, there were 67 lung transplants and 204 patients on the waiting list for lung transplantation. Lung transplantation is most often indicated in cases of COPD, cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis, and pulmonary hypertension. This comprehensive review aimed to address the major aspects of lung transplantation: indications, contraindications, evaluation of transplant candidates, evaluation of donor candidates, management of transplant recipients, and major complications. To that end, we based our research on the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation guidelines and on the protocols used by our Lung Transplant Group in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. PMID:26785965

  16. The transplant team's support of kidney transplant recipients to take their prescribed medications: a collective responsibility. (United States)

    Williams, Allison; Low, Jac Kee; Manias, Elizabeth; Crawford, Kimberley


    To obtain an understanding of how health professionals support the kidney transplant patient to take their medications as prescribed long term. Kidney transplantation requires stringent adherence to complex medication regimens to prevent graft rejection and to maintain general well-being. Medication nonadherence is common in kidney transplantation, emerging in the first few months post-transplantation, leading to poor patient outcomes. Exploratory qualitative design. Five focus groups were conducted with a total of seven renal nurse transplant coordinators, two renal transplant nurse unit managers, seven nephrologists, seven pharmacists, four social workers, and one consumer representative representing all five hospitals offering adult kidney transplantation in Victoria, Australia in 2014. The views of two general practitioners who were unable to attend the focus groups were incorporated into the data set. All data underwent thematic analysis. Analysis revealed that adherence was a collective responsibility involving the whole of the transplant team and the patient via education blitz in hospital, identifying and managing nonadherence, promotion of self-advocacy, and the partnership between the patient and health professional. Patients were directed how to take their complex medications to be self-empowered, yet the partnership between the patient and health professional limited the patient's voice. Although medication adherence was a collective responsibility, communication was often one-way chiefly as a result of staffing and time constraints, hindering effective partnerships necessary for medication adherence. Expert skills in communication and adherence counselling are necessary to identify barriers affecting medication adherence. Patients need to be systematically screened, prepared and supported long-term within an accommodating healthcare system for the reality of caring for their transplanted kidney. Kidney transplant recipients require systematic

  17. The UNOS renal transplant registry. (United States)

    Cecka, J M


    The shortage of cadaver kidneys relative to increasing demand for transplantation has lead to a remarkable rise in transplantation from living donors. Based upon data reported to UNOS, the number of living donor kidneys transplanted in 2000 (5,106) nearly equaled the number of cadaver kidneys from preferred donors aged 6-50. HLA-mismatched siblings, offspring, spouses and other genetically unrelated donors accounted for nearly 80% of increased living donor transplantation during 1994-2000. Despite the increased use of poorly HLA-matched living donor kidneys, the actuarial 10-year graft survival rates for transplants between 1988-2000 were clustered between 53-57% for HLA-mismatched living donor grafts, except for offspring-to-parent transplants (49%) when the recipients were generally older. The 10-year survival rate for 96,053 cadaver grafts was 38% during the same period. The 5-year graft survival rates for more recent (1996-2000) cadaver donor transplants were 66%, 62% and 56% for recipients of first, second and multiple grafts, respectively (p < 0.001). The comparable results among recipients of living donor kidneys were 67%, 66% and 59% (p = ns). The 5-year graft survival rates for HLA-matched first grafts were 7% higher than those for HLA-mismatched transplants when the kidney was from a living or cadaver donor. HLA-identical sibling transplants provided the best long-term graft survival (85% at 5 years and a 32 year half-life). Even with improved crossmatch tests and stronger immunosuppression, sensitization was associated with 8% lower graft survival at 5 years and with a higher rate of late graft loss among first cadaver kidney recipients. Sensitization also was associated with an increase in delayed graft function from 22% of unsensitized first transplant recipients to as much as 36% among multiply retransplanted patients. Recipient race was a key factor in long-term graft survival of both living and cadaver donor kidneys. The rate of late graft loss was

  18. Lung transplantation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liou TG


    Full Text Available Theodore G Liou, Sanjeev M Raman, Barbara C CahillDivision of Respiratory, Critical Care and Occupational Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USAAbstract: Patients with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD comprise the largest single lung disease group undergoing transplantation. Selection of appropriate candidates requires consideration of specific clinical characteristics, prognosis in the absence of transplantation, and likely outcome of transplantation. Increased availability of alternatives to transplantation for end-stage patients and the many efforts to increase the supply of donor organs have complicated decision making for selecting transplant candidates. Many years of technical and clinical refinements in lung transplantation methods have improved survival and quality of life outcomes. Further advances will probably come from improved selection methods for the procedure. Because no prospective trial has been performed, and because of confounding and informative censoring bias inherent in the transplant selection process in studies of the existing experience, the survival effect of lung transplant in COPD patients remains undefined. There is a lack of conclusive data on the impact of lung transplantation on quality of life. For some patients with end-stage COPD, lung transplantation remains the only option for further treatment with a hope of improved survival and quality of life. A prospective trial of lung transplantation is needed to provide better guidance concerning survival benefit, resource utilization, and quality of life effects for patients with COPD.Keywords: outcomes, emphysema, COPD, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, survival, single lung transplant, bilateral sequential single lung transplant, lung volume reduction, referral, guidelines, health related quality of life

  19. Viral infections in transplant recipients. (United States)

    Razonable, R R; Eid, A J


    Solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients are uniquely predisposed to develop clinical illness, often with increased severity, due to a variety of common and opportunistic viruses. Patients may acquire viral infections from the donor (donor-derived infections), from reactivation of endogenous latent virus, or from the community. Herpes viruses, most notably cytomegalovirus and Epstein Barr virus, are the most common among opportunistic viral pathogens that cause infection after solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The polyoma BK virus causes opportunistic clinical syndromes predominantly in kidney and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. The agents of viral hepatitis B and C present unique challenges particularly among liver transplant recipients. Respiratory viral illnesses due to influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, and parainfluenza virus may affect all types of transplant recipients, although severe clinical disease is observed more commonly among lung and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Less common viral infections affecting transplant recipients include those caused by adenoviruses, parvovirus B19, and West Nile virus. Treatment for viruses with proven effective antiviral drug therapies should be complemented by reduction in the degree of immunosuppression. For others with no proven antiviral drugs for therapy, reduction in the degree of immunosuppression remains as the sole effective strategy for management. Prevention of viral infections is therefore of utmost importance, and this may be accomplished through vaccination, antiviral strategies, and aggressive infection control measures.

  20. Clinical outcome of combined conjunctival autograft transplantation and amniotic membrane transplantation in pterygium surgery


    Tejsu Malla; Jing Jiang; Kai Hu


    AIM: To compare long-term outcome of primary and recurrent pterygium surgery with three different techniques: combined conjunctival autograft and overlay amniotic membrane transplantation (CAT with AMT), conjunctival autograft transplantation (CAT) alone and amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) alone. METHODS: In this retrospective study, 142 eyes of 142 pterygium patients (104 primary, 38 recurrent) who underwent CAT (group A), AMT (group B) or CAT with AMT (group C) respectively follo...

  1. Proteinuria in Egyptian renal transplant recipients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Essam Khedr


    Full Text Available To evaluate the prevalence, risk factors, possible etiology, prognosis and management of proteinuria in renal transplant recipients, we studied 435 adult renal transplant recipient patients randomly selected from our center; 394 patients were reviewed retrospectively and 41 patients were followed-up prospectively for a period of one year. The patients were classified into three groups according to the results of urinalysis and spot urinary albumin creatinine ratio: Group A patients with normoalbuminuria; Group B patients with microalbuminuria; and Group C patients with macroalbuminuria. Persistent post-transplantation proteinuria was detected in 125 (28.8% patients. The etiology of post-transplantation proteinuria included chronic allograft dysfunction in 44 (35.2% patients, acute rejection in 40 (32% patients, transplant glomerulopathy in eight (6.4% patients, glomerular disease in 16 (12.8% patients and other etiology in 17 (13.6% patients. Proteinuric patients demonstrated significantly lower graft survival rates than did those without proteinuria (48.3% versus 51.7%, respectively; P = 0.017; Risk Ratio = 0.403; 95% confidence interval 0.188-0.862. We conclude that proteinuria is prevalent after kidney transplant in our population, and that it is most commonly associated with chronic allograft nephropathy, transplant glomerulopathy, glomerulonephritis and acute rejection. Post-transplant proteinuria is associated with decreased allograft survival.

  2. [Danish experience with physical and occupational rehabilitation after heart transplantation. The heart transplantation group at Rigshospitalet]. (United States)

    Aldershvile, J; Boesgaard, S; Kirchoff, G; Arendrup, H; Høyer, S


    Heart transplantations have been carried out for one year (1.9.1990-1.9.1991) in Denmark. Twenty-three out of 27 patients survived at the end of this period. Prior to transplantation, all of the patients were in NYHA groups III or IV. On discharge, all of the patients could manage a 45-60 minutes training programme followed by a stair test (two to six floors up). Prior to transplantation, 17 patients received financial aid in one form or another and one child received special schooling. On an average 165 days (1.9.1991) after transplantation, nine patients were in full or part-time employment, two were students, seven received financial aid and five were still in hospital. A correlation between the duration of financial aid before transplantation and return to work after transplantation was found. In addition, age was found to be of significance. It is concluded that physical status and return to work are satisfactory.

  3. Growth in pediatric renal transplant recipients. (United States)

    Vasudevan, A; Phadke, K


    One of the fundamental challenges in managing pediatric renal transplant recipient is to ensure normal growth and development. The goal of renal transplant is not just to prolong life but to optimize quality of life. Short stature during childhood may be associated with academic underachievement and development of comorbidities such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disability, and mood disorders. The most important factors affecting growth are use of corticosteroids, allograft function, and age and height deficit at the time of transplant. Aggressive conservative management of chronic renal failure and early use of growth hormone therapy will help in optimizing height at time of transplant. Early transplant, steroid minimization or withdrawal, and growth hormone therapy will help in achieving normal adult height in a majority of renal post transplant population. Steroid avoidance to achieve good growth still needs to be validated.

  4. Fibrilación auricular en el período posoperatorio precoz de la cirugía de revascularización coronaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maikel Rodulfo García


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 73 pacientes con fibrilación auricular de nueva aparición en las primeras 72 horas del periodo posoperatorio de revascularización coronaria, intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el Servicio de Cirugía Cardiovascular del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero de 2010 hasta igual período de 2013. En la serie, los mayores de 60 años fueron los más afectados (71,2%, con un aumento en la frecuencia a medida que avanzó la edad. Primaron el sexo masculino (74,3 % y el hábito de fumar (86,0 %. Entre los factores más notables figuraron: antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, fracción de eyección ventricular izquierda por debajo de 55,0 %, revascularización incompleta y uso del bypass de apoyo. Aunque esta arritmia se relacionó con otras complicaciones posoperatorias, el bajo gasto cardiaco y los accidentes vasculares encefálicos predominaron en esta investigación.

  5. Impaired exercise performance and muscle Na(+),K(+)-pump activity in renal transplantation and haemodialysis patients. (United States)

    Petersen, Aaron C; Leikis, Murray J; McMahon, Lawrence P; Kent, Annette B; Murphy, Kate T; Gong, Xiaofei; McKenna, Michael J


    We examined whether abnormal skeletal muscle Na(+),K(+)-pumps underlie impaired exercise performance in haemodialysis patients (HDP) and whether these are improved in renal transplant recipients (RTx). Peak oxygen consumption ( O(2peak)) and plasma [K(+)] were measured during incremental exercise in 9RTx, 10 HDP and 10 healthy controls (CON). Quadriceps peak torque (PT), fatigability (decline in strength during thirty contractions), thigh muscle cross-sectional area (TMCSA) and vastus lateralis Na(+),K(+)-pump maximal activity, content and isoform (α(1)-α(3), β(1)-β(3)) abundance were measured. O(2peak) was 32 and 35% lower in RTx and HDP than CON, respectively (P Na(+),K(+)-pump activity was 28 and 31% lower in RTx and HDP, respectively than CON (P Na(+),K(+)-pump activity (r = 0.45, P = 0.02). O(2peak) and muscle Na(+),K(+)-pump activity were depressed and muscle fatigability increased in HDP, with no difference observed in RTx. These findings are consistent with the possibility that impaired exercise performance in HDP and RTx may be partially due to depressed muscle Na(+),K(+)-pump activity and relative TMCSA.

  6. Antibody induction therapy for lung transplant recipients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Penninga, Luit; Møller, Christian H; Penninga, Ida Elisabeth Irene


    Lung transplantation has become a valuable and well-accepted treatment option for most end-stage lung diseases. Lung transplant recipients are at risk of transplanted organ rejection, and life-long immunosuppression is necessary. Clear evidence is essential to identify an optimal, safe and effect...... and effective immunosuppressive treatment strategy for lung transplant recipients. Consensus has not yet been achieved concerning use of immunosuppressive antibodies against T-cells for induction following lung transplantation....

  7. Inflammatory Response in Islet Transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mazhar A. Kanak


    Full Text Available Islet cell transplantation is a promising beta cell replacement therapy for patients with brittle type 1 diabetes as well as refractory chronic pancreatitis. Despite the vast advancements made in this field, challenges still remain in achieving high frequency and long-term successful transplant outcomes. Here we review recent advances in understanding the role of inflammation in islet transplantation and development of strategies to prevent damage to islets from inflammation. The inflammatory response associated with islets has been recognized as the primary cause of early damage to islets and graft loss after transplantation. Details on cell signaling pathways in islets triggered by cytokines and harmful inflammatory events during pancreas procurement, pancreas preservation, islet isolation, and islet infusion are presented. Robust control of pre- and peritransplant islet inflammation could improve posttransplant islet survival and in turn enhance the benefits of islet cell transplantation for patients who are insulin dependent. We discuss several potent anti-inflammatory strategies that show promise for improving islet engraftment. Further understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in the inflammatory response will provide the basis for developing potent therapeutic strategies for enhancing the quality and success of islet transplantation.

  8. Inflammatory Response in Islet Transplantation (United States)

    Kanak, Mazhar A.; Kunnathodi, Faisal; Lawrence, Michael C.; Levy, Marlon F.


    Islet cell transplantation is a promising beta cell replacement therapy for patients with brittle type 1 diabetes as well as refractory chronic pancreatitis. Despite the vast advancements made in this field, challenges still remain in achieving high frequency and long-term successful transplant outcomes. Here we review recent advances in understanding the role of inflammation in islet transplantation and development of strategies to prevent damage to islets from inflammation. The inflammatory response associated with islets has been recognized as the primary cause of early damage to islets and graft loss after transplantation. Details on cell signaling pathways in islets triggered by cytokines and harmful inflammatory events during pancreas procurement, pancreas preservation, islet isolation, and islet infusion are presented. Robust control of pre- and peritransplant islet inflammation could improve posttransplant islet survival and in turn enhance the benefits of islet cell transplantation for patients who are insulin dependent. We discuss several potent anti-inflammatory strategies that show promise for improving islet engraftment. Further understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in the inflammatory response will provide the basis for developing potent therapeutic strategies for enhancing the quality and success of islet transplantation. PMID:24883060

  9. Use of hematopoietic cell transplants to achieve tolerance in patients with solid organ transplants. (United States)

    Strober, Samuel


    The goals of tolerance in patients with solid organ transplants are to eliminate the lifelong need for immunosuppressive (IS) drugs and to prevent graft loss due to rejection or drug toxicity. Tolerance with complete withdrawal of IS drugs has been achieved in recipients of HLA-matched and mismatched living donor kidney transplants in 3 medical centers using hematopoietic cell transplants to establish mixed or complete chimerism. © 2016 by The American Society of Hematology.

  10. MELD score measured day 10 after orthotopic liver transplantation predicts death and re-transplantation within the first year

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rostved, Andreas A; Lundgren, Jens D; Hillingsø, Jens


    -transplantation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective cohort study on adults undergoing orthotopic deceased donor liver transplantation from 2004 to 2014. The MELD score was determined prior to transplantation and daily until 21 days after. The risk of mortality or re-transplantation within the first year was assessed...... day 1 the MELD score significantly diversified and was higher in the poor outcome group (MELD score quartile 4 versus quartile 1-3 at day 10: HR 5.1, 95% CI: 2.8-9.0). This association remained after adjustment for non-identical blood type, autoimmune liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma...... (adjusted HR 5.3, 95% CI: 2.9-9.5 for MELD scores at day 10). The post-transplant MELD score was not associated with pre-transplant MELD score or the Eurotransplant donor risk index. CONCLUSION: Early determination of the MELD score as an indicator of early allograft dysfunction after liver transplantation...

  11. Heart transplantation and arterial elasticity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Colvin-Adams M


    Full Text Available Monica Colvin-Adams,1 Nonyelum Harcourt,1 Robert LeDuc,2 Ganesh Raveendran,1 Yassir Sonbol,3 Robert Wilson,1 Daniel Duprez11Cardiovascular Division, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 2Division of Biostatistics University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 3Cardiovascular Division, St Luke's Hospital System, Sugar Land, TX, USAObjective: Arterial elasticity is a functional biomarker that has predictive value for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in nontransplant populations. There is little information regarding arterial elasticity in heart transplant recipients. This study aimed to characterize small (SAE and large (LAE artery elasticity in heart transplant recipients in comparison with an asymptomatic population free of overt cardiovascular disease. A second goal was to identify demographic and clinical factors associated with arterial elasticity in this unique population.Methods: Arterial pulse waveform was registered noninvasively at the radial artery in 71 heart transplant recipients between 2008 and 2010. SAEs and LAEs were derived from diastolic pulse contour analysis. Comparisons were made to a healthy cohort of 1,808 participants selected from our prevention clinic database. Multiple regression analyses were performed to evaluate associations between risk factors and SAE and LAE within the heart transplant recipients.Results: LAE and SAE were significantly lower in heart transplant recipients than in the normal cohort (P <0.01 and P < 0.0001, respectively. Female sex and history of ischemic cardiomyopathy were significantly associated with reduced LAE and SAE. Older age and the presence of moderate cardiac allograft vasculopathy were also significantly associated with reduced SAE. Transplant duration was associated with increased SAE.Conclusion: Heart transplants are associated with peripheral endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffness, as demonstrated by a significant reduction in SAE and LAE when compared with a

  12. Post-transplantation Infections in Bolivia. (United States)

    Arze, S; Arze, L; Abecia, C


    Over 26 years, we found 46 infectious episodes in 350 kidney transplant recipients. Fifteen were urinary tract infections, recurrent in 4 patients. There were 8 cytomegalovirus infections, three of them fatal when intravenous (IV) ganciclovir was not available. Seven patients had a reactivation of tuberculosis (TB) in the pleura, cervical spine, lumbar spine, knee, ankle, skin and peritoneum, respectively, and were all resolved satisfactorily with conventional anti-TB therapy. Three patients transplanted before routine prophylaxis with the use of acyclovir developed an extensive herpes zoster infection in the 1st 6 months after transplantation, which was resolved with the use of oral acyclovir, and 1 had a disseminated herpes simplex infection resolved with the use of IV acyclovir. Three patients transplanted before routine prophylaxis with trimethoprim sulfa developed Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in the 1st 6 months after transplantation, which was fatal in one of them. In 2 patients, we found a Nocardia infection, confined to the lung, which was cured in one of the cases and systemic and fatal in the other. Two patients transplanted before routine prophylaxis with the use of nystatin developed esophageal candidiasis in the 1st 6 months after transplantation. One patient developed infective endocarditis in a stenotic bicuspid aortic valve and died 10 years later after another incident of infective endocarditis at the prosthetic aortic valve. Two patients developed an extensive condyloma at the penis, perianal region, and perineum owing to human papillomavirus, requiring extensive surgical resection and podophyllin applications. Another patient developed fatal post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disease due to Epstein-Barr virus infection 15 years after transplantation. One patient developed a severe and fatal mucocutaneous leishmaniasis with no response to conventional antimonial therapy. It is interesting to note that despite Chagas disease being endemic

  13. De novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation in Japan. (United States)

    Tomimaru, Y; Ito, T; Marubashi, S; Kawamoto, K; Tomokuni, A; Asaoka, T; Wada, H; Eguchi, H; Mori, M; Doki, Y; Nagano, H


    Long-term immunosuppression is associated with an increased risk of cancer. Especially, the immunosuppression in pancreas transplantation is more intensive than that in other organ transplantation because of its strong immunogenicity. Therefore, it suggests that the risk of post-transplant de novo malignancy might increase in pancreas transplantation. However, there have been few studies of de novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation. The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence of de novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation in Japan. Post-transplant patients with de novo malignancy were surveyed and characterized in Japan. Among 107 cases receiving pancreas transplantation in Japan between 2001 and 2010, de novo malignancy developed in 9 cases (8.4%): post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders in 6 cases, colon cancer in 1 case, renal cancer in 1 case, and brain tumor in 1 case. We clarified the incidence of de novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation in Japan. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Beta-Cell Replacement: Pancreas and Islet Cell Transplantation. (United States)

    Niclauss, Nadja; Meier, Raphael; Bédat, Benoît; Berishvili, Ekaterine; Berney, Thierry


    Pancreas and islet transplantation are 2 types of beta-cell replacement therapies for type 1 diabetes mellitus. Since 1966, when pancreas transplantation was first performed, it has evolved to become a highly efficient procedure with high success rates, thanks to advances in surgical technique and immunosuppression. Pancreas transplantation is mostly performed as simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation in patients with end-stage nephropathy secondary to diabetes. In spite of its efficiency, pancreas transplantation is still a major surgical procedure burdened by high morbidity, which called for the development of less invasive and hazardous ways of replacing beta-cell function in the past. Islet transplantation was developed in the 1970s as a minimally invasive procedure with initially poor outcomes. However, since the report of the 'Edmonton protocol' in 2000, the functional results of islet transplantation have substantially and constantly improved and are about to match those of whole pancreas transplantation. Islet transplantation is primarily performed alone in nonuremic patients with severe hypoglycemia. Both pancreas transplantation and islet transplantation are able to abolish hypoglycemia and to prevent or slow down the development of secondary complications of diabetes. Pancreas transplantation and islet transplantation should be seen as two complementary, rather than competing, therapeutic approaches for beta-cell replacement that are able to optimize organ donor use and patient care. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  15. Liver transplantation:Yesterday,today and tomorrow

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Osman Abbasoglu


    With the advances in technical skills,management of postoperative complications and improvements in immunosuppressive drugs,liver transplantation is the standard treatment for many patients with chronic liver disease.Today,shortage of donor organs seems to be the major limiting factor for the application of liver transplantation.This review focuses on five issues that are challenging to clinical practice of liver transplantation and relevant to gastroenterologists.These include living donor liver transplantation,recurrent viral hepatitis,non-heart-beating donors,hepatocellular carcinoma,and ABO incompatible livertransplantation.Living donor and non-heart beating donor transplantations were initiated as a solution to increase the donor organ pool and it is expected that there will be an increase in the number of these donors.Recurrent hepatitis C and hepatocellular carcinoma following liver transplantation are among major problems and ongoing research in these diseases may lead to better outcomes in these recipients.

  16. Pediatric renal transplant practices in India. (United States)

    Sethi, Sidharth Kumar; Sinha, Rajiv; Rohatgi, Smriti; Kher, Vijay; Iyengar, Arpana; Bagga, Arvind


    Limited access to tertiary-level health care, limited trained pediatric nephrologists and transplant physicians, lack of facilities for dialysis, lack of an effective deceased donor program, non-affordability, and non-adherence to immunosuppressant drugs poses a major challenge to universal availability of pediatric transplantation in developing countries. We present the results of a survey which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first such published attempt at understanding the current state of pediatric renal transplantation in India. A designed questionnaire formulated by a group of pediatric nephrologists with the aim of understanding the current practice of pediatric renal transplantation was circulated to all adult and pediatric nephrologists of the country. Of 26 adult nephrologists who responded, 16 (61.5%) were involved in pediatric transplantation, and 10 of 15 (66.6%) pediatric nephrologists were involved in pediatric transplantation. Most of the centers doing transplants were private/trust institution with only three government institutions undertaking it. Induction therapy was varied among pediatric and adult nephrologists. There were only a few centers (n=5) in the country routinely doing >5 transplants per year. Preemptive transplants and protocol biopsies were a rarity. The results demonstrate lower incidence of undertaking pediatric transplants in children below 6 years, paucity of active cadaveric programs and lack of availability of trained pediatric nephrologists and staff. In contrast to these dissimilarities, the immunosuppressant use seems to be quite similar to Western registry data with majority favoring induction agent and triple immunosuppressant (steroid, mycophenolate mofetil and tacrolimus) for maintenance. The survey also identifies major concerns in availability of this service to all regions of India as well as to all economic segments. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. [Personalized medicine in transplantation therapy]. (United States)

    Nakatani, Kaname


    Personalized medicine based on pharmacogenomics is being developed at the clinical stage. Various evidence is accumulating in transplantation therapy. Tacrolimus, a calcineurin inhibitor, is usually used for immunosuppressive therapy after transplantation. Tacrolimus is mainly metabolized by cytochrome P450 isozymes, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5, expressed in the intestine as well as in the liver. Recent studies of pharmacogenomics have reported that several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CYP3A5 are correlated with gene expression and enzyme activity. Phenotypes of CYP3A5 are typed as expressors (*1/*1 and *1/*3) or non-expressors (*3/*3) . In living-donor liver transplantation, CYP3A5 phenotypes could predict the blood concentration of tacrolimus. In particular, preoperative assessment of CYP3A5 genotypes in both recipients (intestine) and donors (graft liver) is required for predicting tacrolimus pharmacokinetics. In kidney transplantation, blood tacrolimus concentrations were significantly different between expressors and non-expressors. Genotyping and phenotyping of recipients were useful to predict blood tacrolimus levels in early phase of post-transplantation. Furthermore, phenotypes of CYP3A5 could predict the initial dose of tacrolimus. Combination therapy was performed after bone marrow transplantation to prevent complications. Genotyping and phenotyping of metabolic enzymes for combination dugs would be useful for predicting drug actions. In conclusion, phenotyping based on pharmacogenomics supports personalized medicine in transplantation therapy. In future, multiplex testing should be developed to support personalized medicine in various fields.

  18. Predicting adherence to health care recommendations using health promotion behaviours in kidney transplant recipients within 1-5 years post-transplant. (United States)

    Lin, Su-Yueh; Fetzer, Susan J; Lee, Po-Chang; Chen, Ching-Huey


    This study examined health promotion behaviours of kidney transplant recipients, 1-5 years after transplant and identified the risk factors predicting non-adherence to post-transplant recommendations. Non-adherence to health care recommendations and health promotion behaviours is one of the top three reasons for graft loss following kidney transplantation. A cross-sectional study. Kidney transplant recipients (n=101) in southern Taiwan completed a self reported survey, the Kidney Transplant Health Promotion Behavior and Healthcare Provider Support survey. Kidney transplant patients had better adherence with medication and least adherence with regular exercise health promotion behaviours. Age, post kidney transplant time, health care provider support and financial satisfaction accounted for 37·2% of the explained variance in monitoring and management for rejection and infection. Marital status, post kidney transplant time and gender accounted for 16·2% of the explained variance in infection prevention. Age was the sole predictor of exercise (odds ratio=1·08, p=0·025). Health promotion behaviours declined with time and perceived healthcare provider support decreased at the third (p=0·04) post kidney transplant year. In this study, young, single, males were identified as requiring specific strategies to improve post kidney transplant health promotion behaviours. The need for health promotion must be continually reinforce by healthcare providers throughout the lifespan of a kidney transplant recipient. Understanding the changes of health behaviours of post kidney transplant recipients and their risk factors, healthcare providers can be more aware of the needs of patients in maintaining health promotion behaviours. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  19. Pancreas transplants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandra, J.; Phillips, R.R.; Boardman, P.; Gleeson, F.V.; Anderson, E.M.


    Cadaveric, whole pancreas transplantation has proved an effective therapy in the treatment of long-standing type 1 diabetes mellitus and is capable of achieving an insulin-independent eugyclaemic state. As a result, this procedure is being increasingly performed. However, the surgical procedure is complex and unfamiliar to many radiologists. Imaging with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) gives excellent results and can be used confidently to diagnose vascular, enteric, and immune-mediated complications. We present a review of the normal post-transplantation appearance and the features of early and late complications.

  20. Pancreas transplants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chandra, J.; Phillips, R.R.; Boardman, P.; Gleeson, F.V. [Department of Radiology, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford (United Kingdom); Anderson, E.M. [Department of Radiology, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford (United Kingdom)], E-mail:


    Cadaveric, whole pancreas transplantation has proved an effective therapy in the treatment of long-standing type 1 diabetes mellitus and is capable of achieving an insulin-independent eugyclaemic state. As a result, this procedure is being increasingly performed. However, the surgical procedure is complex and unfamiliar to many radiologists. Imaging with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) gives excellent results and can be used confidently to diagnose vascular, enteric, and immune-mediated complications. We present a review of the normal post-transplantation appearance and the features of early and late complications.

  1. Neurologic Complications of Transplantation. (United States)

    Dhar, Rajat


    Neurologic disturbances including encephalopathy, seizures, and focal deficits complicate the course 10-30% of patients undergoing organ or stem cell transplantation. While much or this morbidity is multifactorial and often associated with extra-cerebral dysfunction (e.g., graft dysfunction, metabolic derangements), immunosuppressive drugs also contribute significantly. This can either be through direct toxicity (e.g., posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome from calcineurin inhibitors such as tacrolimus in the acute postoperative period) or by facilitating opportunistic infections in the months after transplantation. Other neurologic syndromes such as akinetic mutism and osmotic demyelination may also occur. While much of this neurologic dysfunction may be reversible if related to metabolic factors or drug toxicity (and the etiology is recognized and reversed), cases of multifocal cerebral infarction, hemorrhage, or infection may have poor outcomes. As transplant patients survive longer, delayed infections (such as progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy) and post-transplant malignancies are increasingly reported.

  2. Employment outcomes following successful renal transplantation. (United States)

    Eng, Mary; Zhang, Jie; Cambon, Alexander; Marvin, Michael R; Gleason, John


    Data on employment outcomes after successful renal transplantation are few. We conducted this study to identify favorable factors for employment after transplantation. Adult patients rate was obtained where 56% of respondents were employed after transplantation. Race, marital status, previous transplant, and complicated post-operative course did not influence employment. Favorable factors include male gender (p=0.04), younger age (employment (pemployment was 4.9±6.3 months (median three months). Common reasons for unemployment were disability (59%) and retirement (27%). Finally, 7% correctly responded that Medicare benefits end 36 months following transplantation. Potentially modifiable factors to improve employment are earlier referral and better education regarding Medicare eligibility. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  3. Extravascular complications following abdominal organ transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Low, G.; Jaremko, J.L.; Lomas, D.J.


    A variety of transplants have been performed in the abdomen including liver, kidney, pancreas and islet, bowel, and multivisceral transplants. Imaging plays an important role in graft surveillance particularly to exclude post-transplant complications. When complications occur, therapeutic image-guided interventions are invaluable as these may be graft-saving and even life-saving. Vascular complications following transplantation have been extensively reported in recent reviews. The focus of this review is to discuss post-transplant complications that are primarily extravascular in location. This includes biliary, urological, intestinal, malignancy, infections, and miscellaneous complications. Familiarity with the imaging appearances of these complications is helpful for radiologists as accurate diagnosis and expedient treatment has an impact on graft and patient survival

  4. Current issues in allogeneic islet transplantation. (United States)

    Chang, Charles A; Lawrence, Michael C; Naziruddin, Bashoo


    Transplantation of allogenic pancreatic islets is a minimally invasive treatment option to control severe hypoglycemia and dependence on exogenous insulin among type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients. This overview summarizes the current issues and progress in islet transplantation outcomes and research. Several clinical trials from North America and other countries have documented the safety and efficacy of clinical islet transplantation for T1D patients with impaired hypoglycemia awareness. A recently completed phase 3 clinical trial allows centres in the United States to apply for a Food and Drug Administration Biologics License for the procedure. Introduction of anti-inflammatory drugs along with T-cell depleting induction therapy has significantly improved long-term function of transplanted islets. Research into islet biomarkers, immunosuppression, extrahepatic transplant sites and potential alternative beta cell sources is driving further progress. Allogeneic islet transplantation has vastly improved over the past two decades. Success in restoration of glycemic control and hypoglycemic awareness after islet transplantation has been further highlighted by clinical trials. However, lack of effective strategies to maintain long-term islet function and insufficient sources of donor tissue still impose limitations to the widespread use of islet transplantation. In the United States, wide adoption of this technology still awaits regulatory approval and, importantly, a financial mechanism to support the use of this technology.

  5. Transplantation tolerance after total lymphoid irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Strober, S.; Slavin, S.; Fuks, Z.; Kaplan, H.S.; Gottlieb, M.; Bieber, C.; Hoppe, R.T.; Grumet, F.C.


    We have presented an animal model of tissue transplantation tolerance using the unusual effects of TLI on the immune system. The application of TLI to bone marrow and whole-organ transplantation in humans merits further study, since TLI offers several advantages over presently used therapeutic modalities. Current regimens used to prepare patients for marrow transplantation are lethal in the absence of allogeneic marrow engraftment, and marrow donors are restricted to HLA-matched siblings due to the danger of GHVD. On the other hand, TLI is a nonlethal procedure that has been used successfully in animals to transplant allogeneic marrow from unmatched donors without the development of GHVD. Thus, TLI might allow for marrow transplantation in all patients with a single sibling, whereas conventional procedures are feasible in only one of four such cases (probability of finding a single HLA-matched sibling). In addition, the induction of transplantation tolerance with TLI would obviate the requirement for the use of maintenance immunosuppressive drugs after whole-organ transplantation. Systemic infections associated with the use of these drugs currently account for the majority of deaths in heart transplant patients. Serious infectious complications associated with TLI are rare; thus this therapeutic regimen may offer considerable improvement in the long-term survival of organ graft recipients as compared to that presently obtained with immunosuppressive drugs.

  6. Transplantation in autoimmune liver diseases

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Marcus Mottershead; James Neuberger


    Liver transplantation remains an effective treatment for those with end-stage disease and with intractable liver-related symptoms.The shortage of organs for transplantation has resulted in the need for rationing.A variety of approaches to selection and allocation have been developed and vary from country to country.The shortage of donors has meant that new approaches have to be adopted to make maximal use of the available organs;these include splitting grafts,use of extended criteria livers,livers from nonheart-beating donors and from living donors.Post transplantation, most patients will need life-long immunosuppression,although a small proportion can have immunosuppression successfully withdrawn.Newer immunosuppressive drugs and different strategies may allow a more targeted approach with a reduction in sideeffects and so improve the patient and graft survival.For autoimmune diseases, transplantation is associated with significant improvement in the quality and length of life.Disease may recur after transplantation and may affect patient and graft survival.

  7. Nutritional Therapy in Liver Transplantation

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    Ahmed Hammad


    Full Text Available Protein-energy malnourishment is commonly encountered in patients with end-stage liver disease who undergo liver transplantation. Malnutrition may further increase morbidity, mortality and costs in the post-transplantation setting. The importance of carefully assessing the nutritional status during the work-up of patients who are candidates for liver replacement is widely recognized. The metabolic abnormalities induced by liver failure render the conventional assessment of nutritional status to be challenging. Preoperative loss of skeletal muscle mass, namely, sarcopenia, has a significant detrimental impact on post-transplant outcomes. It is essential to provide sufficient nutritional support during all phases of liver transplantation. Oral nutrition is preferred, but tube enteral nutrition may be required to provide the needed energy intake. Herein, the latest currently employed perioperative nutritional interventions in liver transplant recipients are thoroughly illustrated including synbiotics, micronutrients, branched-chain amino acid supplementation, immunonutrition formulas, fluid and electrolyte balance, the offering of nocturnal meals, dietary counselling, exercise and rehabilitation.

  8. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Europe 2014: more than 40 000 transplants annually. (United States)

    Passweg, J R; Baldomero, H; Bader, P; Bonini, C; Cesaro, S; Dreger, P; Duarte, R F; Dufour, C; Kuball, J; Farge-Bancel, D; Gennery, A; Kröger, N; Lanza, F; Nagler, A; Sureda, A; Mohty, M


    A record number of 40 829 hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in 36 469 patients (15 765 allogeneic (43%), 20 704 autologous (57%)) were reported by 656 centers in 47 countries to the 2014 survey. Trends include: continued growth in transplant activity, more so in Eastern European countries than in the west; a continued increase in the use of haploidentical family donors (by 25%) and slower growth for unrelated donor HSCT. The use of cord blood as a stem cell source has decreased again in 2014. Main indications for HSCT were leukemias: 11 853 (33%; 96% allogeneic); lymphoid neoplasias; 20 802 (57%; 11% allogeneic); solid tumors; 1458 (4%; 3% allogeneic) and non-malignant disorders; 2203 (6%; 88% allogeneic). Changes in transplant activity include more allogeneic HSCT for AML in CR1, myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) and aplastic anemia and decreasing use in CLL; and more autologous HSCT for plasma cell disorders and in particular for amyloidosis. In addition, data on numbers of teams doing alternative donor transplants, allogeneic after autologous HSCT, autologous cord blood transplants are presented.

  9. Intravenous versus oral iron supplementation for correction of post-transplant anaemia in renal transplant patients

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    Mudge David W


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Post-transplant anaemia remains a common problem after kidney transplantation, with an incidence ranging from nearly 80% at day 0 to about 25% at 1 year. It has been associated with poor graft outcome, and recently has also been shown to be associated with increased mortality. Our transplant unit routinely administers oral iron supplements to renal transplant recipients but this is frequently accompanied by side effects, mainly gastrointestinal intolerance. Intravenous iron is frequently administered to dialysis patients and we sought to investigate this mode of administration in transplant recipients after noticing less anaemia in several patients who had received intravenous iron just prior to being called in for transplantation. Methods This study is a single-centre, prospective, open-label, randomised, controlled trial of oral versus intravenous iron supplements in renal transplant recipients and aims to recruit approximately 100 patients over a 12-month period. Patients will be randomised to receive a single dose of 500 mg iron polymaltose (intravenous iron group or 2 ferrous sulphate slow-release tablets daily (oral iron group. The primary outcome is time to normalisation of haemoglobin post-transplant. Prospective power calculations have indicated that a minimum of 48 patients in each group would have to be followed up for 3 months in order to have a 90% probability of detecting a halving of the time to correction of haemoglobin levels to ≥110 g/l in iron-treated patients, assuming an α of 0.05. All eligible adult patients undergoing renal transplantation at the Princess Alexandra Hospital will be offered participation in the trial. Exclusion criteria will include iron overload (transferrin saturation >50% or ferritin >800 μg/l, or previous intolerance of either oral or intravenous iron supplements. Discussion If the trial shows a reduction in the time to correction of anaemia with intravenous iron or less side

  10. T cell depleted haploidentical transplantation: positive selection

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    Franco Aversa


    Full Text Available Interest in mismatched transplantation arises from the fact that a suitable one-haplotype mismatched donor is immediately available for virtually all patients, particularly for those who urgently need an allogenic transplant. Work on one haplotype-mismatched transplants has been proceeding for over 20 years all over the world and novel transplant techniques have been developed. Some centres have focused on the conditioning regimens and post transplant immune suppression; others have concentrated on manipulating the graft which may be a megadose of extensively T celldepleted or unmanipulated progenitor cells. Excellent engraftment rates are associated with a very low incidence of acute and chronic GVHD and regimen-related mortality even in patients who are over 50 years old. Overall, event-free survival and transplant-related mortality compare favourably with reports on transplants from sources of stem cells other than the matched sibling.

  11. Ethnic Disparities in Liver Transplantation


    Kemmer, Nyingi


    End-stage liver disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among ethnic minorities. In the United States, ethnic minorities comprise approximately 30% of all adult liver transplantations performed annually. Several studies have suggested that ethnic populations differ with respect to access and outcomes in the pre- and post-transplantation setting. This paper will review the existing literature on ethnic variations in the adult liver transplantation population.

  12. Challenges in renal transplantation in Yemen. (United States)

    El-Nono, Ibrahiem H; Telha, Khaled A; Al-Alimy, Gamil M; Ghilan, Abdulilah M; Abu Asba, Nagieb W; Al-Zkri, Abdo M; Al-Adimi, Abdulilah M; Al-Ba'adani, Tawfiq H


    Background Renal replacement therapy was first introduced in Yemen in 1978 in the form of hemodialysis. Twenty years later, the first renal transplantation was performed. Kidney transplantations were started in socially and financially challenging circumstances in Yemen in 1998. A structured program was established and has been functioning regularly since 2005. A pediatric transplantation program was started in 2011. Material and Methods This was a prospective study of 181 transplants performed at the Urology and Nephrology Center between May 1998 and 2012. All transplants were from living related donors. The immunosuppressive protocol consisted initially of double therapy with steroid and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF). Subsequently, triple therapy with addition of a calcineurin inhibitor was introduced. Primary graft function was achieved in 176 (97.2%) recipients. Results Cold ischemia time was 48-68 min. Episodes of acute rejection in 12 patients were treated with high-dose steroids. Anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) was used in cases of vascular or steroid-resistant rejection in 2 patients. The post-transplant complications, either surgical or medical, were comparable to those recorded in the literature. Conclusions Renal transplantation is a good achievement in our country. The patients and graft survival rates are comparable to other reports.

  13. Programa Nordeste para transplante cardiaco "NE-Tx": experiência atual NE-Tx North East Brazil heart transplant program: current-experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Lima


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam a presente experiência clínica do programa NE-Tx, que é integrado por quatro diferentes Centros, bem como suas peculiaridades regionais. Foi idealizado um programa com baixo custo e integração regional. Na investigação pré-operatória, foi valorizado o nível social e intelectual do receptor e sua relação com os familiares. A busca de órgão à distância foi suprimida, com o deslocamento do receptor até o local da disponibilidade do órgáo. No pós-operatório não se utilizou dosagem sérica de ciclosporina, tendo os pacientes sido controlados com monitorização seriada da função renal. Com essa estratégia, foram operados 7 pacientes, no período compreendido entre 19.7.86 e 1.11.91., em três diferentes Centros Integrados. Todos eram do sexo masculino e a idade variou de 17 a 50 anos. Três (42,8% pacientes eram portadores de miocardiopatiachagásica, 2 (28,5% de miocardiopatiaidiopática, 1 (14,3% de miocardiopatia hipertrófica e 1 (14,3% de miocardiopatia reumática. Três (42,8% pacientes vieram de Centros diferentes: 1 de Natal para Recife, 1 de Maceió para Aracaju e um terceiro de Aracaju para Maceió. Dois (28,6% pacientes faleceram: um no período de pós-operatório imediato, de maneira ignorada e outro no pós-operatório tardio, devido a crise de rejeição. A mortalidade imediata foi de 14,3% e a tardia de 14,3%. Os restantes 5 (71,4% pacientes encontram-se evoluindo bem, tendo o follow-up variado de 2 a 48 meses. A incidência de infecção, rejeição e demais problemas relacionados com o pós-operatório tardio é superponível com outros Centros. O programa mostrou-se eficiente, prático, compatível com nossa realidade e reproduz resultados de outras experiências.The authors report their current clinical experience with the "NE-Tx" program, which covers four different centres, as well as its regional peculiarities. The program was designed to be of low cost and regionally integrated. In the preoperative investigation the social and intellectual level of the recipient and his relationship with family members were assessed. The need to send for an organ from elsewhere was eliminated by providing for the recipient to be transported to the place where the appropriate organ is available. No serous dosages of cyclosporine were used postoperatively, all pacients having been through periodic monitoring of renal funcion. By means of this strategy, seven patients were operated on between 19.07.86 and 01.11.91 in three diferent integrated centres. All were males, with ages ranging from 17 to 50 years. Three (42.8% of the pacients were suffering from Chagas's disease, two (28.5% from idiopathic myocardiopathology, one (14.3% from hipertrophic myocardiopathology and one (14.3% from rheumatic myocardiopathology. Three (42.8% pacientes came from different Centres: one from Natal to Recife, another from Maceió to Aracaju and a third from Aracaju to Maceio. Two (28.6% pacients died: one shortly after surgery from an unknown cause, the other in the late postoperative period from a rejection crisis. Early mortality was 14,3% and late mortality also 14.3%. The remaining five (71.4% pacients are progressing well, their follow-up ranging from 2 to 48 months. The incidence of infection, rejection and other problems related to the late follow-up is comparable with that of others Centres. The program has proved to be efficient, practical, compatible with our actual situation, and reproduces the results of others experiences.

  14. Pre-transplant and post-transplant soluble CD30 for prediction and diagnosis of acute kidney allograft rejection. (United States)

    Nafar, Mohsen; Farrokhi, Farhat; Vaezi, Mohammad; Entezari, Amir-Ebrahim; Pour-Reza-Gholi, Fatemeh; Firoozan, Ahmad; Eniollahi, Behzad


    Serum levels of soluble CD30 (sCD30) have been considered as a predictor of acute kidney allograft rejection. We have evaluated the pre-transplant and post-transplant levels of sCD30 with the aim of determining its value in predicting and diagnosing kidney rejection. We measured sCD30 serum levels before kidney transplantation, 5 days post-operatively, and at creatinine elevation episodes. The predictive value of sCD30 for diagnosing acute rejection (AR) within the first 6 post-operative months was assessed in 203 kidney recipients from living donors. Pre-transplant and post-operative levels of serum sCD30 were 58.10 +/- 52.55 and 51.55 +/- 49.65 U/ml, respectively (P = 0.12). Twenty-three patients experienced biopsy-proven acute rejection, and 28 had acute allograft dysfunction due to non-immunologic diseases. The pre-transplant sCD30 level was not different between patients with and without AR. However, post-transplant sCD30 was higher in the AR group. The median serum level of post-transplant sCD30 was 52 U/ml in the AR group and 26.3 U/ml in a control group (P sCD30 on day 5 were higher in patients with AR (P = 0.003). Based on post-transplant sCD30 levels, we were able to differentiate between kidney recipients who experienced an AR within 6 months post-surgery and those without an AR (cutoff value 41 U/ml; sensitivity 70%; specificity 71.7%). The level of sCD30 during periods of elevated serum creatinine was not independently associated with the diagnosis of AR. Post-transplant sCD30 levels and their relative changes are higher in patients experiencing AR. We propose further studies on the post-transplant trend of this marker for the prediction of AR.

  15. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a cardiac transplant recipient. (United States)

    Pandya, Seema R; Paranjape, Saloni


    An increasing number of cardiac transplants are being carried out around the world. With increasing longevity, these patients present a unique challenge to non-transplant anesthesiologists for a variety of transplant related or incidental surgeries. The general considerations related to a cardiac transplant recipient are the physiological and pharmacological problems of allograft denervation, the side-effects of immunosuppression, the risk of infection and the potential for rejection. A thorough understanding of the physiology of a denervated heart, need for direct vasoactive agents and post-transplant morbidities is essential in anesthetic management of such a patient. Here, we describe a case of a heart transplant recipient who presented for a cholecystectomy at our center.

  16. Pediatric liver transplantation in 31 consecutive children

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    SHEN Zhong-yang; WANG Zi-fa; ZHU Zhi-jun; ZANG Yun-jin; ZHENG Hong; DENG Yong-lin; PAN Cheng; CHEN Xin-guo


    Background Although liver transplantation has become a standard therapy for end-stage liver diseases, the experience of pediatric liver transplantation is limited in China. In this article we report our experience in pediatric liver transplantation, and summarize its characters in their indications, surgical techniques, and postoperative managements. Methods Thirty-one children (≤18 years old) underwent liver transplantation in our centers. The mean age at transplantation was 12.4 years old (ranged from 5 months to 18 years) with 7 children being less than 4 years of age at transplantation. The most common diagnosis of patients who underwent liver transplantation were biliary atresia, Wilson's disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, glycogen storage disease, hepatoblastoma, urea cycle defects, fulminant hepatic failure, etc. The surgical procedures included 12 standard (without venovenous bypass), 6 pigyback, 6 reduced-size, 3 split, 3 living donor liver transplantation, and 1 Domino liver transplantation. The triple-drug (FK506, steroid, and mycophenolate mofetil) immunosuppressive regimen was used in most of patients. Patients were followed up for a mean of 21.8 months. Results Five of the 31 patients died during perioperative time; mortality rate was 16.1%. The reasons of death were infections, primary non-function, heart failure, and hypovolemic shock. Postoperative complications in 10 patients included biliary leakage, acute rejection, abdominal infection, hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, and pulmonary infection. Overall patient cumulative survival rate at 1-, 3-, and 5-year was 78.1%, 62.6%, 62.6%, respectively.Conclusions The most common indications of pediatric liver transplantation were congenital end-stage liver diseases. According to patients' age and body weight, standard, piggyback, reduced-size, split, or living donor liver transplantation should be performed. Pediatric liver transplantation especially requires higher

  17. Renal transplant scintigraphy (Part 1)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chew, Ghee


    Renal transplantation is the most effective mode of renal replacement therapy for correction of renal failure. Renal donors can either be: a. a deceased person - the kidneys being removed when brain death or absence of cerebral cortical function / perfusion is confirmed - the cadaveric kidney is packed in ice and nutrient solution and transplanted within 24 hours of removal ('cold ischemia') ob. a living donor - the donor may or may not be related to the recipient. Due to the limited length of the renal vessels and ureter of the donor kidney, it is implanted close to the bladder of the recipient. The donor vessels are anastomosed to the iliac artery and vein of the recipient. Transplant variants: a. 2 kidneys maybe transplanted because: - an old donor with less kidney reserve from atrophy due to age or disease (e.g. hypertension) - an infant donor when both kidneys are removed en bloc, b. Donor kidneys with more than 1 artery, vein or ureter. c. Donor horse shoe kidney d. Combined renal and pancreas transplant for type I diabetics -a short segment of duodenum transplanted with the pancreas maybe implanted into the bladder. Copyright (2005) The Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine

  18. Função sistólica de pacientes com infarto miocárdico submetidos a transplante autólogo da medula óssea Función sistólica de pacientes con infarto miocárdico sometidos a transplante autólogo de la médula ósea Systolic function of patients with myocardial infarction undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Belloni dos Santos Nogueira


    través del ecocardiograma la función sistólica de pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio tras el Transplante Autólogo de Células Mononucleares da Médula Ósea (TACMMO a través de dos vías inyección: intracoronaria e intravenosa. MÉTODOS: Estudio abierto, prospectivo, randomizado. Se incluyeron a pacientes admitidos por infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM con supradesnivelamiento del segmento ST y sometidos a la reperfusión mecánica o química, dentro de 24 horas tras el inicio de los síntomas, que presentaban al ecocardiograma una reducción de la contractilidad segmentar y defecto fijo de la perfusión relacionada a la arteria responsable del IAM. Se llevó a cabo la aspiración de la médula ósea antóloga de la cresta ilíaca posterior bajo sedación y analgesia, en los pacientes randomizados para el grupo tratado. Tras la manipulación laboratorial, se inyectaron 100 millones de células mononucleares por vía intracoronaria o intravenosa. Utilizamos el ecocardiograma (Vivid 7 para evaluar la función ventricular antes y tras tres y seis meses de la infusión de células. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron a 30 pacientes, 14 en el grupo arterial (GA, 10 en el grupo venoso (GV y 6 en el grupo control (GC. No hubo diferencia estadística de los parámetros ecocardiográficos estudiados entre los grupos. CONCLUSIÓN: El transplante antólogo de células mononucleares de la médula ósea no demostró mejora de los parámetros ecocardiográficos de la función sistólica.BACKGROUND: Several studies have been published on the effect of bone-marrow stem cells on the left ventricle when acting on post- acute myocardial infarction remodeling. However, the results have been controversial. OBJECTIVE: To carry out an echocardiographic analysis of the systolic function of patients with acute myocardial infarction after autologous mononuclear bone marrow cell transplantation (AMBMCT as performed via the intracoronary and intravenous routes. METHODS: This is an open

  19. Sociological and ethical issues in transplant commercialism. (United States)

    Epstein, Miran


    'Global transplant commercialism' (practices and policies involving international trade in organs from living vendors, e.g., 'transplant tourism') is currently subjected to unprecedented criticism. In parallel, the debate around 'local transplant commercialism' (practices and policies that confine trade in organs from living vendors to national markets or economic unions) is heating up. In an attempt to assess the potential outcomes of these trends, this article reviews and discusses some sociological and ethical issues, ending with a proposal for a reinvigorated anticommercialist strategy. The current international campaign against global transplant commercialism is conducted by an ad hoc alliance between strange bedfellows, proponents of local transplant commercialism on the one hand and opponents of any transplant commercialism on the other. Disparities in the rigor of the respective ethical discourses, the expanding list of precedents of legitimized commerce in the human body, and the political economy of transplantation, all suggest that the former have the upper hand. Recent achievements in the struggle against international organ trafficking may not herald the abolition of transplant commercialism but rather presage its reconfiguration in deglobalized forms. In light of such a prospect, those who wish to prevent the pervasive commodification of the human body from entering the gates of transplant medicine should consider devising a new, perhaps more radical, strategy.

  20. [Lung transplantation: supply and demand in France]. (United States)

    Stern, M; Souilamas, R; Tixier, D; Mal, H


    For a decade lung transplantation has suffered from a lack of donor organs which aroused a national debate and led to planned action in collaboration with The French National Agency for Transplantation. Analysis of the stages of the process from potential donor to lung transplantation identified lung procurement as the main priority. An increase in the number of potential lung donors and revision of the acceptance criteria led to a doubling of the annual rate of lung transplantation in less than two years. In the near future we may solve the problem of donor family refusals and establish scientifically based criteria for lung acceptance to increase the rate of lung transplantation. Transplantation from non heart-beating donors and the reconditioning of ex vivo non acceptable lungs might supply additional organs to fulfill demand in the long term. The rate of lung transplantation activity in France doubled as the result of a dramatic increase of donor lung proposals. The current improvement in the results of lung transplantation might create new demands and generate future difficulties in the supply of donor lungs. New approaches, such as transplantation from non heart-beating donors and reconditioning ex vivo non acceptable lungs, should be examined in the near future.

  1. Diabetic Foot Complications Despite Successful Pancreas Transplantation. (United States)

    Seo, Dong-Kyo; Lee, Ho Seong; Park, Jungu; Ryu, Chang Hyun; Han, Duck Jong; Seo, Sang Gyo


    It is known that successful pancreas transplantation enables patients with diabetes to maintain a normal glucose level without insulin and reduces diabetes-related complications. However, we have little information about the foot-specific morbidity in patients who have undergone successful pancreas transplantation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and predisposing factors for foot complications after successful pancreas transplantation. This retrospective study included 218 patients (91 males, 127 females) who had undergone pancreas transplantation for diabetes. The mean age was 40.7 (range, 15-76) years. Diabetes type, transplantation type, body mass index, and diabetes duration before transplantation were confirmed. After pancreas transplantation, the occurrence and duration of foot and ankle complications were assessed. Twenty-two patients (10.1%) had diabetic foot complications. Fifteen patients (6.9%) had diabetic foot ulcer and 7 patients (3.2%) had Charcot arthropathy. Three patients had both diabetic foot ulcer and Charcot arthropathy. Three insufficiency fractures (1.4%) were included. Mean time of complications after transplantation was 18.5 (range, 2-77) months. Creatinine level 1 year after surgery was higher in the complication group rather than the noncomplication group ( P = .02). Complications of the foot and ankle still occurred following pancreas transplantation in patients with diabetes. Level III, comparative study.

  2. Trasplante no mieloablativo de células hematopoyéticas Nonmyeloablative transplantation of haematopoietic cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valia Pavón Morán


    Full Text Available El trasplante de células hematopoyéticas es una opción terapéutica para muchas enfermedades. Los tratamientos preparatorios convencionales están asociados con una alta morbimortalidad por toxicidad sobre órganos y tejidos, lo que limita su indicación a individuos jóvenes y con un estado de salud competente. El papel beneficioso del efecto injerto contra tumor y ante la evidencia de inducción de una nueva remisión con infusión de linfocitos del donante, en pacientes que recayeron después de un trasplante alogénico, sentaron las bases para el desarrollo de tratamientos preparatorios menos agresivos, no mieloablativos, pero sí intensamente inmunosupresores, que permitieran lograr la toma del injerto y un estado de quimerismo mixto que pudiera ser modulado a un estado de quimera total. Los resultados demuestran que puede lograrse el implante después de un tratamiento no mieloablativo. Actualmente están por determinarse los esquemas ideales, así como la terapia inmunosupresora postraThe transplantation of haematopoietic cells is a therapeutic option for many diseases. The conventional preparatory treatments are associated with a high morbimortality due to toxicity over organs and tissues, which limits their indications to young individuals and with a competent health status.The beneficial role of the graft versus tumor effect and the evidence of induction of a new remission with infusion of lymphocytes from the donor in patients that relapsed after an allogeneic transplant, laid the foundations for the development of less aggressive and nonmyeloablative but intensively immunosupressor preparatory treatments that would allow the taking of the graft and a state of mixed chimerism that may be modulated by a state of total chimera. The results show that the implant may be attained after a nonmyeloablative treatment. At present, the ideal schemes, as well as the posttransplant immunosupressor therapy are to be determined

  3. Astroglial Activation by an Enriched Environment after Transplantation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Enhances Angiogenesis after Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury

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    Sung-Rae Cho


    Full Text Available Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs has paracrine effects; however, the effects are known to be largely limited. Here we investigated the combination effects of cell transplantation and enriched environment (EE in a model of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Brain damage was induced in seven-day-old mice by unilateral carotid artery ligation and exposure to hypoxia (8% O2 for 90 min. At six weeks of age, the mice were randomly assigned to four groups: phosphate-buffered saline (PBS-control (CON, PBS-EE, MSC-CON, and MSC-EE. Rotarod and grip strength tests were performed to evaluate neurobehavioral functions. Histologic evaluations were also performed to confirm the extent of astrocyte activation and endogenous angiogenesis. An array-based multiplex ELISA and Western blot were used to identify growth factors in vivo and in vitro. Two weeks after treatment, levels of astrocyte density and angiogenic factors were increased in MSC-EE mice, but glial scarring was not increased. Eight weeks after treatment, angiogenesis was increased, and behavioral outcomes were synergistically improved in the MSC-EE group. Astrocytes co-cultured with MSCs expressed higher levels of angiogenic factors than astrocytes cultured alone. The mechanisms of this synergistic effect included enhanced repair processes, such as increased endogenous angiogenesis and upregulation of angiogenic factors released from activated astrocytes.

  4. An examination of photoacclimatory responses of Zostera marina transplants along a depth gradient for transplant-site selection in a disturbed estuary (United States)

    Li, Wen-Tao; Kim, Seung Hyeon; Kim, Jae Woo; Kim, Jong-Hyeob; Lee, Kun-Seop


    Growth and photosynthetic responses of Zostera marina transplants along a depth gradient were examined to determine appropriate transplanting areas for seagrass restoration. Seagrass Z. marina was once widely distributed in the Taehwa River estuary in southeastern Korea, but has disappeared since the 1960s due to port construction and large scale pollutant inputs from upstream industrial areas. Recently, water quality has been considerably improved as a result of effective sewage treatment, and the local government is attempting to restore Z. marina to the estuary. For seagrass restoration in this estuary, a pilot transplantation trial of Z. marina at three water depths (shallow: 0.5 m; intermediate: 1.5 m; deep: 2.5 m relative to MLLW) was conducted in November 2008. The transplant shoot density increased gradually at the intermediate and deep sites, whereas the transplants at the shallow site disappeared after 3 months. To find the optimal transplantation locations in this estuary, the growth and photosynthetic responses of the transplants along a depth gradient were examined for approximately 4 months following transplantation in March 2009. In the 2009 experimental transplantation trial, shoot density of transplants at the shallow site was significantly higher than those at the intermediate and deep sites during the first 3 months following transplantation, but rapidly decreased approximately 4 months after transplantation. The chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency (α), and maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) of the transplants were significantly higher at the deep site than at the shallow site. Shoot size, biomass and leaf productivity were also significantly higher at the deep site than at the shallow site. Although underwater irradiance was significantly lower at the deep site than at the shallow site, transplants at the deep site were morphologically and physiologically acclimated to the low light. Transplants at the shallow site exhibited high

  5. Bone marrow transplantation immunology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trentin, J.J.; Kiessling, R.; Wigzell, H.; Gallagher, M.T.; Datta, S.K.; Kulkarni, S.S.


    Tests were made to determine whether genetic resistance (GR) to bone marrow transplantation represents a natural lymphoma-leukemia defense mechanism, as follows: (C57 x AKR) F 1 hybrid mice show GR to C57 parental bone marrow cells, but not to AKR parental bone marrow cells (C3H x AKR) F 1 hybrids show no GR to bone marrow transplantation from either parental strain. However, transplantation of AKR lymphoma cells into lethally irradiated ''resistant'' (C57 x AKR) F 1 and ''nonresistant'' (C3H x AKR) F 1 hybrids produced lymphomatous spleen colonies in ''nonresistant'' hybrids but not in ''resistant'' hybrids. Thus ''resistant'' (C57 x AKR) F 1 hybrids can recognize and reject AKR lymphoma cells, but not normal AKR bone marrow cells. A normal biologic role of leukemia-lymphoma surveillance was postulated for genetic resistance to marrow transplantation, directed at antigens which, like TL, are expressed on normal hemopoietic cells of some strains, but only on leukemic cells of other strains

  6. Clinical aspects of bone marrow transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shmitts, N.; Gassmann, V.; Leffler, G.


    Experience of bone marrow transplantation into patients with myeloproliferative syndromes, myelodysplasias and highly malignant lymphomas is presented. Side early and late effects of transplantation are described. The frequency and severity of complications of bone marrow transplantation depend sufficiently on the disease as well as on patient's age and general condition

  7. Medicine non-adherence in kidney transplantation. (United States)

    Williams, Allison Fiona; Manias, Elizabeth; Gaskin, Cadeyrn J; Crawford, Kimberley


    The increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease, the relative shortage of kidney donors and the economic- and health-related costs of kidney transplant rejection make the prevention of adverse outcomes following transplantation a healthcare imperative. Although strict adherence to immunosuppressant medicine regimens is key to preventing kidney rejection, evidence suggests that adherence is sub-optimal. Strategies need to be developed to help recipients of kidney transplants adhere to their prescribed medicines. This review has found that a number of factors contribute to poor adherence, for example, attitudes towards medicine taking and forgetfulness. Few investigations have been conducted, however, on strategies to enhance medicine adherence in kidney transplant recipients. Strategies that may improve adherence include pharmacist-led interventions (incorporating counselling, medicine reviews and nephrologist liaison) and nurse-led interventions (involving collaboratively working with recipients to understand their routines and offering solutions to improve adherence). Strategies that have shown to have limited effectiveness include supplying medicines free of charge and providing feedback on a participant's medicine adherence without any educational or behavioural interventions. Transplantation is the preferred treatment option for people with end-stage kidney disease. Medicine non-adherence in kidney transplantation increases the risk of rejection, kidney loss and costly treatments. Interventions are needed to help the transplant recipient take all their medicines as prescribed to improve general well-being, medicine safety and reduce healthcare costs. © 2014 European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association/European Renal Care Association.

  8. Small Bowel Transplantation: Current Clinical Status

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Sigalet


    Full Text Available With recent refinements in immunosuppression techniques, the first successful reports of small bowel transplantation in humans have now been made, increasing interest in bowel transplantation among clinicians and patients alike. This article reviews recent developments in understanding of the functional capabilities and requirements for effective immune suppression in bowel transplantation. Both experimental and clinical experience with transplantation are discussed, as are the areas which appear to offer the most promise for future developments. Finally guidelines for consideration of patient selection for this procedure are reviewed.

  9. Social participation after successful kidney transplantation. (United States)

    van der Mei, Sijrike F; van Sonderen, Eric L P; van Son, Willem J; de Jong, Paul E; Groothoff, Johan W; van den Heuvel, Wim J A


    To explore and describe the degree of social participation after kidney transplantation and to examine associated factors. A cross-sectional study on 239 adult patients 1-7.3 years after kidney transplantation was performed via in-home interviews on participation in obligatory activities (i.e., employment, education, household tasks) and leisure activities (volunteer work, assisting others, recreation, sports, clubs/associations, socializing, going out). Kidney transplantation patients had a lower educational level, spent less time on obligatory activities, had part-time jobs more often, and participated less in sports compared to a control group from the general population. No difference was found in socializing, church attendance, volunteer work and going out. Multivariate regression analysis showed a negative association of age and a positive association of educational status and time since transplantation with obligatory participation. Multivariate logistic regression showed positive associations of education and time since transplantation with volunteer work; age was negatively and education positively associated with sports and going out, whereas living arrangement was also associated with going out. Although kidney transplantation patients participate less in employment and sports, they do participate in household tasks, volunteer work, going out, socializing and other leisure activities. Participation is associated with factors as age, educational status and time since transplantation.

  10. Pulmonary Infection In Renal Transplant Recipients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rassulineiad M


    Full Text Available Renal transplantation is ideal treatment of chronic renal failure. Pulmonary infection is a common and serious post transplant infection requiring hospitalization and is associated with high mortality. Increased susceptibility to infection is due to a decrease in the patients' immunological response caused by immunosuppression through drug administration, and by other influences."nMaterials and Methods: This study was case series and prospective, from July 2001 to July 2002 in Imam Khomeini hospital of Tehran."nResults: 164 renal transplant recipients were studied, 14 patients (8.5% had pulmonary infection, 11 of them (78.6% were female and 3 (21.4% were male. The mean age of them was 42.6 years. The patients were followed up for 9 to 12 months. All patients were on triple immunosuppressive regimens. The interval between transplantation and the appearance of pneumonia was 2 months to 10 years. The time of beginning infection in 3 cases (21.4% was between 1 to 6 months post transplantation, 11 cases (78.6% were occurred beyond 6 months after transplantation. In 7 cases (50%, pulmonary infection was occurred during first year after transplantation. None of the 14 patients developed pulmonary infection in first month after transplantation. BAL were used in 6 cases (42.8% of pulmonary infection, and organism were detected in 5 of them (83.3%. The most common clinical feature was fever. Six cases were due to mycobacterium tuberculosis (42.9%, this organism was the most common ethiology of pneumonia. In this study tuberculosis was seen in 3.6% of renal transplant recipients. One patient had pulmonary mucormycosis. All patients with pulmonary TB were cured, and other cases with unknown case, were cured with empirical treatment."nConclusion: Our finding indicate the invasive diagnostic procedures are required in order to earlier and reliable diagnosis and then better outcome of transplantation."n"n"n"n"n"n"n 

  11. Appraisal of the coordinator-based transplant organizational model. (United States)

    Filipponi, F; De Simone, P; Mosca, F


    In 1999, the Italian Parliament passed a law aimed at setting the standards of practice and quality in organ, tissue and cell donation, and transplantation. For the first time in the history of Italian transplantation, a coordinator-based model reproducing some of the basic principles of the Spanish system was officially enacted by the Parliament, bringing to an end years of lacking regulation. What differentiates those coordinator-based systems adopted in Southern Europe from Northern European national and multinational transplant organizations is the functional integration of donor and transplant care activities enacted by national governments. The Italian model of transplant health care consists of four levels of transplant coordination: local, regional, interregional, and national. The latter is represented by Centro Nazionale Trapianti (CNT; the Italian National Center for Transplantation). CNT objectives consist of ensuring equitable access to donation and transplant care for all citizens according to the principles of the Italian National Health System. In achieving these goals, CNT acts in cooperation with three interregional transplant agencies: the Nord Italia Transplant program, the Associazione InterRegionale Trapianti, and the Organizzazione Centro Sud Trapianti. Whereas local and interregional coordinators are at the front line of all donation and transplant activities, regional and national coordinators function to monitor, direct, and plan donation and transplant health care activities. Based on the increase in donation and transplant activities recently achieved in those countries that have adopted a governmental coordinator-based transplant care model, we believe that such a system is appropriate to serve patients' interests according to the principles of subsidiary and equity. However, it should further be improved by expansion of the governance model throughout Europe, through implementation of current standards of care, and by adopting the

  12. An economic assessment of contemporary kidney transplant practice. (United States)

    Axelrod, David A; Schnitzler, Mark A; Xiao, Huiling; Irish, William; Tuttle-Newhall, Elizabeth; Chang, Su-Hsin; Kasiske, Bertram L; Alhamad, Tarek; Lentine, Krista L


    Kidney transplantation is the optimal therapy for end-stage renal disease, prolonging survival and reducing spending. Prior economic analyses of kidney transplantation, using Markov models, have generally assumed compatible, low-risk donors. The economic implications of transplantation with high Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI) deceased donors, ABO incompatible living donors, and HLA incompatible living donors have not been assessed. The costs of transplantation and dialysis were compared with the use of discrete event simulation over a 10-year period, with data from the United States Renal Data System, University HealthSystem Consortium, and literature review. Graft failure rates and expenditures were adjusted for donor characteristics. All transplantation options were associated with improved survival compared with dialysis (transplantation: 5.20-6.34 quality-adjusted life-years [QALYs] vs dialysis: 4.03 QALYs). Living donor and low-KDPI deceased donor transplantations were cost-saving compared with dialysis, while transplantations using high-KDPI deceased donor, ABO-incompatible or HLA-incompatible living donors were cost-effective (<$100 000 per QALY). Predicted costs per QALY range from $39 939 for HLA-compatible living donor transplantation to $80 486 for HLA-incompatible donors compared with $72 476 for dialysis. In conclusion, kidney transplantation is cost-effective across all donor types despite higher costs for marginal organs and innovative living donor practices. © 2018 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

  13. HLA in bone marrow transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuji, Kimiyoshi


    It has been well understood that human major histocompatibility antigen system, HLA is the most important role in the allo transplantation. Therefore, the structure of HLA genes was presented by the recent information (1987). Moreover, their functions in vitro and in vivo also were described. Finally, bone marrow transplantation and HLA network system in Japan against HLA mismatched case was proposed. It is eagerly expected that functional and clinical bone marrow transplantation in Japan could be succeeded. (author)

  14. Inserción velamentosa de cordón y desaceleración variable en el monitoreo cardiaco fetal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Díaz Herrera


    Full Text Available La inserción velamentosa de cordón es una patología inusual de la inserción de cordón, el cual carece de gelatina de Wharton. Presentamos el caso de una paciente que ingresó con diagnóstico presuntivo de corioamnionitis que presentó desaceleración variable (DIP III durante el monitoreo fetal. La paciente fue operada sin estar en labor de parto y con membranas integras; el diagnóstico post cesárea fue inserción velamentosa de cordón.

  15. Transplantation of Hearts Donated after Circulatory Death

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christopher W. White


    Full Text Available Cardiac transplantation has become limited by a critical shortage of suitable organs from brain-dead donors. Reports describing the successful clinical transplantation of hearts donated after circulatory death (DCD have recently emerged. Hearts from DCD donors suffer significant ischemic injury prior to organ procurement; therefore, the traditional approach to the transplantation of hearts from brain-dead donors is not applicable to the DCD context. Advances in our understanding of ischemic post-conditioning have facilitated the development of DCD heart resuscitation strategies that can be used to minimize ischemia-reperfusion injury at the time of organ procurement. The availability of a clinically approved ex situ heart perfusion device now allows DCD heart preservation in a normothermic beating state and minimizes exposure to incremental cold ischemia. This technology also facilitates assessments of organ viability to be undertaken prior to transplantation, thereby minimizing the risk of primary graft dysfunction. The application of a tailored approach to DCD heart transplantation that focuses on organ resuscitation at the time of procurement, ex situ preservation, and pre-transplant assessments of organ viability has facilitated the successful clinical application of DCD heart transplantation. The transplantation of hearts from DCD donors is now a clinical reality. Investigating ways to optimize the resuscitation, preservation, evaluation, and long-term outcomes is vital to ensure a broader application of DCD heart transplantation in the future.

  16. The ethics of uterus transplantation. (United States)

    Catsanos, Ruby; Rogers, Wendy; Lotz, Mianna


    Human uterus transplantation (UTx) is currently under investigation as a treatment for uterine infertility. Without a uterus transplant, the options available to women with uterine infertility are adoption or surrogacy; only the latter has the potential for a genetically related child. UTx will offer recipients the chance of having their own pregnancy. This procedure occurs at the intersection of two ethically contentious areas: assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and organ transplantation. In relation to organ transplantation, UTx lies with composite tissue transplants such as face and limb grafts, and shares some of the ethical concerns raised by these non-life saving procedures. In relation to ART, UTx represents one more avenue by which a woman may seek to meet her reproductive goals, and as with other ART procedures, raises questions about the limits of reproductive autonomy. This paper explores the ethical issues raised by UTx with a focus on the potential gap between women's desires and aspirations about pregnancy and the likely functional outcomes of successful UTx. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  17. Post-transplant survival in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients concurrently listed for single and double lung transplantation. (United States)

    Chauhan, Dhaval; Karanam, Ashwin B; Merlo, Aurelie; Tom Bozzay, P A; Zucker, Mark J; Seethamraju, Harish; Shariati, Nazly; Russo, Mark J


    Lung transplantation is a widely accepted treatment for patients with end-stage lung disease related to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). However, there are conflicting data on whether double lung transplant (DLT) or single lung transplant (SLT) is the superior therapy in these patients. The purpose of this study was to determine whether actuarial post-transplant graft survival among IPF patients concurrently listed for DLT and SLT is greater for recipients undergoing the former or the latter. The United Network for Organ Sharing provided de-identified patient-level data. Analysis included lung transplant candidates with IPF listed between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2009 (n = 3,411). The study population included 1,001 (29.3%) lung transplant recipients concurrently listed for DLT and SLT, all ≥18 years of age. The primary outcome measure was actuarial post-transplant graft survival, expressed in years. Among the study population, 433 (43.26%) recipients underwent SLT and 568 (56.74%) recipients underwent DLT. The analysis included 2,722.5 years at risk, with median graft survival of 5.31 years. On univariate (p = 0.317) and multivariate (p = 0.415) regression analyses, there was no difference in graft survival between DLT and SLT. Among IPF recipients concurrently listed for DLT and SLT, there is no statistical difference in actuarial graft survival between recipients undergoing DLT vs SLT. This analysis suggests that increased use of SLT for IPF patients may increase the availability of organs to other candidates, and thus increase the net benefit of these organs, without measurably compromising outcomes. Copyright © 2016 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Technology and outcomes assessment in lung transplantation. (United States)

    Yusen, Roger D


    Lung transplantation offers the hope of prolonged survival and significant improvement in quality of life to patients that have advanced lung diseases. However, the medical literature lacks strong positive evidence and shows conflicting information regarding survival and quality of life outcomes related to lung transplantation. Decisions about the use of lung transplantation require an assessment of trade-offs: do the potential health and quality of life benefits outweigh the potential risks and harms? No amount of theoretical reasoning can resolve this question; empiric data are needed. Rational analyses of these trade-offs require valid measurements of the benefits and harms to the patients in all relevant domains that affect survival and quality of life. Lung transplant systems and registries mainly focus outcomes assessment on patient survival on the waiting list and after transplantation. Improved analytic approaches allow comparisons of the survival effects of lung transplantation versus continued waiting. Lung transplant entities do not routinely collect quality of life data. However, the medical community and the public want to know how lung transplantation affects quality of life. Given the huge stakes for the patients, the providers, and the healthcare systems, key stakeholders need to further support quality of life assessment in patients with advanced lung disease that enter into the lung transplant systems. Studies of lung transplantation and its related technologies should assess patients with tools that integrate both survival and quality of life information. Higher quality information obtained will lead to improved knowledge and more informed decision making.

  19. Predictors of hyperparathyroidism in renal transplant recipients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Houssaini, T.S.; Arrayahani, M.; Rhou, H.; Amar, Y.; Benamar, L.; Ouzeddoun, N.; Bayahia, R.


    The changes in parathyroid hormone secretion after successful renal transplantation remain to be clearly elucidated. Our study was aimed at identifying the predictors of hyperparathyroidism in renal transplant recipients. A retrospective single center study involving 37 renal transplant recipients, with a follow-up of at least one year, was performed. All transplants were performed using kidneys from living related donors. The average age of study patients was 30+-10 years, with a male-female ratio of 1.31. The mean duration on hemodialysis (HD) prior to transplantation was 25+-18 months. All the grafts but one were functional after a mean follow-up of 41+-21 months. We noted a rapid reduction of the mean parathyroid hormone (iPTH) level from 383+-265 pg/ml before transplantation to 125+-67 pg/ml at one year and 108+-66 pg/ml at two years after transplantation (p=0.01). Bivariate analysis revealed that the level of iPTH obtained during follow-up correlated with the duration on HD (p=0.03), the serum creatinine at 24-months (p=0.013), and to the level of iPTH in the first year post transplantation (P=<0.001). Other clinical or laboratory parameters were not predictive of hyperparathyroidism after kidney transplantation. Liner regression showed that only the serum creatinine at 24-months independently correlated with the level of iPTH at last follow-up (p=0.02). Our study suggests that short duration on HD and a functional graft are the main predictors of correction of hyperparathyroidism after renal transplantation. (author)

  20. Native kidney reincarnation following a failed transplant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mansberg, R.; Roberts, J.M.


    Full text: A 51-year-old woman with end stage renal failure secondary to Haemolytic Uraemic syndrome underwent a cadaveric renal transplant. A routine post transplant DTPA scan was performed which demonstrated satisfactory renal transplant perfusion and function. Incidental note was made of tracer uptake in the pelvis in the mid-line, which was suspected to be a uterine fibroid. This was confirmed on ultrasonography and at surgery. One week post transplantation the patient became acutely unwell and at laparotomy a perforated diverticular abscess was drained. Intraoperatively the transplant kidney was examined and the surgeon thought there was a area of infarction. This was confirmed on biopsy. As the patient's creatinine was rising a repeat DTPA study was performed. Perfusion and function of the transplant kidney was virtually absent while Doppler studies showed no flow. The patient however continued to produce urine and the creatinine was stable. Subsequently a mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG) 3 study was performed which again confirmed absent perfusion and function by the the transplanted kidney as well as the previous noted uterine fibroid. The native kidneys however demonstrated good perfusion and function. The patient's renal function remained stable and she did not require dialysis. A necrotic infarcted transplant kidney was removed uneventfully. This case illustrates the importance of imaging the native kidneys as well as the transplant kidney when there are puzzling clinical features. The presumed cause of the recovery of native renal function was the immunosuppression given for the transplant. Copyright (2002) The Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine Inc

  1. Faecal microbiota transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Simon M D; Hansen, Mette Mejlby; Erikstrup, Christian


    BACKGROUND: Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is currently being established as a second-line treatment for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. FMT is further being considered for other infectious and inflammatory conditions. Safe and reproducible methods for donor screening, laborat......BACKGROUND: Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is currently being established as a second-line treatment for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. FMT is further being considered for other infectious and inflammatory conditions. Safe and reproducible methods for donor screening...

  2. [Melanoma in organ transplant patients]. (United States)

    Lévêque, L; Dalac, S; Dompmartin, A; Louvet, S; Euvrard, S; Catteau, B; Hazan, M; Schollhamer, M; Aubin, F; Dreno, B; Daguin, P; Chevrant-Breton, J; Frances, C; Bismuth, M J; Tanter, Y; Lambert, D


    The incidence of cutaneous melanoma has rapidly increased in the white population over the last decades. It has been estimated that the incidence doubles world-wide every 10 years. Different risk factors have been identified, including immunosuppression. The aim of our study-was to determine the relative risk of developing melanoma in the organ transplant population and the clinical and histological features of their melanomas. This retrospective study was conducted with the collaboration of 9 University Hospital Centers: Besançon, Brest, Caen, Dijon, Lille, Lyon, Nantes, Paris (Pitié-Salpétrière) and Rennes. A questionnaire was sent to the different departments of dermatology of these hospitals to obtain information on patients who had presented a melanoma after a transplantation between 1971 and 1997. During this period, there were 12,477 organ transplant recipients in the transplantation units of these 9 hospitals. Average follow-up for these patients was about 5 years and the average duration of immunosuppressive therapy was about 4.5 years. Among 12,477 organ transplant recipients, we found 17 cases of melanoma but no data could be obtain on one case: 14 occurred in renal transplant recipients and 3 in cardiac transplant recipients. Clinical and histological data were only available in 16 patients. The average time between transplantation and diagnosis of melanoma was 63 months, but it was 5 times shorter for 2 patients who had a past history of melanoma before transplantation. Two patients had a mucosal melanoma; for the cutaneous melanomas, 2 appeared on Dubreuilh melanosis, 2 were in situ melanomas, 7 were superficial spreading melanomas and 3 were nodular melanomas. The histological review of 11 cutaneous melanomas revealed a precursor nevus in 6 cases and a weak or no stroma reaction in 7/7 cases. Complete excision of the melanoma was performed in all patients except one with anorectal melanoma. Four patients died of visceral metastasis within a mean

  3. Post-transplantation Development of Food Allergies. (United States)

    Newman, Erik N; Firszt, Rafael


    The development of food allergies is increasingly being recognized as a post-solid organ transplant complication. In this article, we review the spectrum of post-transplant food allergy development and the proposed mechanisms for de novo food allergies and the clinical significance they pose. The development of new food allergies is disproportionately associated with pediatric liver transplants, where it occurs in up to 38% of select populations. The mechanism of food allergy development is not completely understood; however, it is likely promoted by unbalanced immune suppression. De novo food allergy development is a common complication of solid organ transplants with the highest risk occurring in pediatric liver transplant recipients. There are likely multiple mechanisms for food allergy development including passive transfer of membrane-bound IgE and lymphocytes from donor to recipient, as well as loss of food tolerance and active development of new food allergies. The optimal management of food allergies following organ transplants has not been well researched but may include changing the immune suppression regimen if the food allergy does not resolve without intervention.

  4. Overview of marrow transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, E.D.


    Bone marrow transplantation is now an accepted form of therapy for many hematologic disorders including aplastic anemia, genetically determined diseases and malignant diseases, particularly leukemia, and for rescue of patients given intensive chemoradiotherapy for malignant disease. The donor may be a healthy identical twin, a family member or even an unrelated person. Selection is made on the basis of human leukocyte antigen tissue typing. Intensive chemoradiotherapy is used to suppress patients' immune systems to facilitate engraftment and destroy diseased marrow. Transfusion of platelets, erythrocytes and granulocytes (or all of these), antibiotic coverage and protection from infection are necessary during the pancytopenic period. Survival rates vary considerably depending on a patient's disease, clinical state and age. Patients with aplastic anemia transplanted early in the course of their disease have a survival rate of approximately 80%. Patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia are usually transplanted in a second or subsequent remission and have a survival rate of 25% to 40%. Patients with acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia in remission have survivals ranging from 45% to 70%. More than 200 patients in the chronic phase of chronic granulocytic leukemia have been transplanted with survival ranging from 50% to 70%. Complications of marrow transplantation include marrow graft rejection, graft-versus-host disease, immunologic insufficiency and the possibility of recurrence of the leukemia. 14 references

  5. Depression and Liver Transplant Survival. (United States)

    Meller, William; Welle, Nicole; Sutley, Kristen; Thurber, Steven

    Patients who underwent liver transplantation and experienced clinical depression have heretofore evinced lower survival rates when compared to nondepressed counterparts. To investigate the hypothesis that transplant patients who seek and obtain medical treatment for depression would circumvent the prior reduced survival findings. A total of 765 patients with liver transplants were scrutinized for complications following transplantation. Further, 104 patients experienced posttransplant depression as manifested by diagnosis and treatment by medical personnel. Survival analyses were conducted comparing hazard and survival curves for these selected individuals and the remainder of transplant patients. Contrary to prior data and consistent with the aforementioned hypothesis, median survival durations, survival curves, and hazard functions (controlling for age and prolonged posttransplant survival for the depressed patients were better. The improved survival for the depressed patients may simply be related to an amelioration of depressed symptoms via antidepressant medications. However, this interpretation would only be congruent with reduced hazard, not elevated survival, beyond the norm (median) for other transplant participants. Assuming the reliability and generalization of our findings, perhaps a reasonable and compelling interpretation is that combined with the effectiveness of antidepressant medications, the seeking and receiving treatment for depression is a type of proxy measure of a more global pattern of adherence to recommended posttransplant medical regimens. Copyright © 2017 The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Impact of cytomegalovirus reactivation on relapse and survival in patients with acute leukemia who received allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in first remission


    Yoon, Jae-Ho; Lee, Seok; Kim, Hee-Je; Jeon, Young-Woo; Lee, Sung-Eun; Cho, Byung-Sik; Lee, Dong-Gun; Eom, Ki-Seong; Kim, Yoo-Jin; Min, Chang-Ki; Cho, Seok-Goo; Min, Woo-Sung; Lee, Jong Wook


    Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-reactivation is associated with graft-vs-leukemia (GVL) effect by stimulating natural-killer or T-cells, which showed leukemia relapse prevention after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). We enrolled patients with acute myeloid leukemia (n = 197) and acute lymphoid leukemia (n = 192) who underwent allogeneic-HSCT in first remission. We measured RQ-PCR weekly to detect CMV-reactivation and preemptively used ganciclovir (GCV) when the titer increased twice cons...

  7. Bone Marrow Transplantation: MedlinePlus Health Topic (United States)

    ... marrow transplant - discharge (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish Topic Image MedlinePlus Email Updates Get Bone Marrow Transplantation ... transplant - slideshow Graft-versus-host disease Related Health Topics Bone Marrow Diseases Stem Cells National Institutes of ...

  8. Liver Transplantation: Evolving Patient Selection Criteria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andy S Yu


    Full Text Available The widespread recognition of the success of liver transplantation as a treatment for most types of acute and chronic liver failure has led to increased referrals for transplantation in the setting of a relatively fixed supply of cadaver donor organs. These events have led to a marked lengthening of the waiting time for liver transplantation, resulting in increased deaths of those on the waiting list and sicker patients undergoing transplantation. Nearly 5000 liver transplantations were performed in the United States in 2000, while the waiting list grew to over 17,000 patients. The mounting disparity between the number of liver transplant candidates and the limited supply of donor organs has led to reassessment of the selection and listing criteria for liver transplantation, as well as revision of organ allocation and distribution policies for cadaver livers. The development of minimal listing criteria for patients with chronic liver disease based on a specific definition for decompensation of cirrhosis has facilitated the more uniform listing of patients at individual centres across the United States. The United Network for Organ Sharing, under pressure from transplant professionals, patient advocacy groups and the federal government, has continuously revised allocation and distribution policies based on the ethical principles of justice for the individual patient versus optimal utility of the limited organ supply available annually. Beginning in 2002, it is likely that the Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD score will be implemented to determine disease severity and direct donor organs to the sickest patients rather than to those with the longest waiting times.

  9. Types of Cancer Associated with Transplant Recipients (United States)

    ... After the transplant Preventing rejection Post-transplant medications Types of immunosuppressants Switching immunosuppressants Side effects Other medications Generic and brand name drugs Post-transplant tests Infections and immunity Lifestyle changes Health concerns Back to work or ...

  10. Validez de criterio y confiabilidad del “Four by One Day Physical Activity Questionnaire” en población adolescente española

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan José Soler Sarradell


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio de confiabilidad y validez del cuestionario “Four by One-Day Physical Activity Questionnaire” en 37 sujetos de (13,6  1,13 años. Para validarlo, comparamos el gasto energético medio diario en METs, derivado de las actividades moderadas o vigorosas, obtenido mediante el cuestionario, con la media de pasos diarios y con los minutos registrados en diferentes límites de FC, que corresponden a actividades de carácter moderado o vigoroso. Los valores obtenidos en test-retest oscilan entre r = 0,84 y r = 0,93 (p < 0,05, para las diferentes tipologías de cuestionarios. Este cuestionario está modesta pero significativamente correlacionado (p = 0,01 con los minutos por encima del 50% de la frecuencia cardiaca de reserva (r = 0,578, con los minutos por encima del 60% del índice cardiaco máximo (r = 0,596, con los minutos por encima de 140 pul/min (r = 0,625 y con los pasos medios diarios (r = 0,672. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que este cuestionario puede ser una medida válida y fiable para conocer los niveles de AF de la población adolescente española.

  11. A Metabolomic Approach (1H HRMAS NMR Spectroscopy) Supported by Histology to Study Early Post-transplantation Responses in Islet-transplanted Livers


    Vivot, Kevin; Benahmed, Malika A.; Seyfritz, Elodie; Bietiger, William; Elbayed, Karim; Ruhland, Elisa; Langlois, Allan; Maillard, Elisa; Pinget, Michel; Jeandidier, Nathalie; Gies, Jean-Pierre; Namer, Izzie-Jacques; Sigrist, S?verine; Reix, Nathalie


    Intrahepatic transplantation of islets requires a lot of islets because more than 50% of the graft is lost during the 24 hours following transplantation. We analyzed, in a rat model, early post-transplantation inflammation using systemic inflammatory markers, or directly in islet-transplanted livers by immunohistochemistry. 1H HRMAS NMR was employed to investigate metabolic responses associated with the transplantation. Inflammatory markers (Interleukin-6, ?2-macroglobulin) are not suitable t...

  12. Young transplant surgeons and NIH funding. (United States)

    Englesbe, M J; Sung, R S; Segev, D L


    Transplant surgeons have historically been instrumental in advancing the science of transplantation. However, research in the current environment inevitably requires external funding, and the classic career development pathway for a junior investigator is the NIH K award. We matched transplant surgeons who completed fellowships between 1998 and 2004 with the NIH funding database, and also queried them regarding research effort and attitudes. Of 373 surgeons who completed a fellowship, only 6 (1.8%) received a K award; of these, 3 subsequently obtained R-level funding. An additional 5 individuals received an R-level grant within their first 5 years as faculty without a K award, 3 of whom had received a prior ASTS-sponsored award. Survey respondents reported extensive research experience during their training (78.8% spent median 24 months), a high proportion of graduate research degrees (36%), and a strong desire for more research time (78%). However, they reported clinical burdens and lack of mentorship as their primary perceived barriers to successful research careers. The very low rate of NIH funding for young transplant surgeons, combined with survey results that indicate their desire to participate in research, suggest institutional barriers to access that may warrant attention by the ASTS and the transplant surgery community. ©2010 The Authors Journal compilation©2010 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

  13. Optical Coherence Tomography in Kidney Transplantation (United States)

    Andrews, Peter M.; Wierwille, Jeremiah; Chen, Yu

    End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is associated with both high mortality rates and an enormous economic burden [1]. The preferred treatment option for ESRD that can extend patients' lives and improve their quality of life is kidney transplantation. However, organ shortages continue to pose a major problem in kidney transplantation. Most kidneys for transplantation come from heart-beating cadavers. Although non-heart-beating cadavers represent a potentially large pool of donor kidneys, these kidneys are not often used due to the unknown extent of damage to the renal tubules (i.e., acute tubular necrosis or "ATN") induced by ischemia (i.e., lack of blood flow). Also, ischemic insult suffered by kidneys awaiting transplantation frequently causes ATN that leads to varying degrees of delayed graft function (DGF) after transplantation. Finally, ATN represents a significant risk for eventual graft and patient survival [2, 3] and can be difficult to discern from rejection. In present clinical practice, there is no reliable real-time test to determine the viability of donor kidneys and whether or not donor kidneys might exhibit ATN. Therefore, there is a critical need for an objective and reliable real-time test to predict ATN to use these organs safely and utilize the donor pool optimally. In this review, we provided preliminary data indicating that OCT can be used to predict the post-transplant function of kidneys used in transplantation.

  14. [Transplantation-associated infections]. (United States)

    Würzner, R


    Transplantation-associated infections are caused by an infected transplanted organ or the endogenic or exogenic environment of the recipient in a state of induced immunodeficiency. The best therapy would be to reconstitute the immunodeficiency, but this is usually impossible as it endangers the transplanted organ. Thus, a specific, standardised anti-infectious therapy is needed even in the absence of clearly identified micro-organisms [bacteria (in two thirds gram-positive rods), parasites (in central Europe predominantly Toxoplasma), fungi (especially Candida spp. or Aspergillus spp.) or viruses (such as Parvovirus B19 and Cytomegalovirus)]. Origins of infection (e.g., hygiene), types of infection (e.g., reactivation), typical localisations, diagnostic tools (e.g., blood cultures, antigenic tests, PCR, CT, advantages and disadvantages of antibody assays) and possible therapies are briefly discussed. The take home messages are to avoid economy measures in microbial diagnostics and to use CMV-seronegative donors whenever possible.

  15. Infection in the bone marrow transplant recipient and role of the microbiology laboratory in clinical transplantation.


    LaRocco, M T; Burgert, S J


    Over the past quarter century, tremendous technological advances have been made in bone marrow and solid organ transplantation. Despite these advances, an enduring problem for the transplant recipient is infection. As immunosuppressive regimens have become more systematic, it is apparent that different pathogens affect the transplant recipient at different time points in the posttransplantation course, since they are influenced by multiple intrinsic and extrinsic factors. An understanding of ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. V. Gautier


    Full Text Available Since 2008 up to 2010 eight ABO-incompatible liver transplantations have been performed in our center: one of them was urgent liver transplantation to adult patient from deceased donor, other seven were transplantations of left lateral segment to children from living relative donors. Own experience, as well as world one, proves, that barrier of ABO-incompatibility can be overcome more successfully in liver transplantation, particularly in pediatric population, that in other solid organs transplantation. Good results can be achieved even with less ag- gressive immunosuppressive therapy. Recipient conditioning before operation can significantly improve results of ABO-incompatible liver transplantation, but as own experience has shown, often there’s no need to hold some special preparation of children, because their anti-ABO antibodies are very low or absent before transplantation and do not increase after it. Thereby ABO-incompatible liver transplantation is reasonable in urgent cases and in pediatric population because of the limited pull of living relative donors for children. 

  17. Osteonecrosis or spontaneous fractures following renal transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andresen, J.; Nielsen, H.E.; Aarhus Univ.


    31 renal transplant recipients with posttransplant development of osteonecrosis or spontaneous fractures were evaluated with regard to age, duration of dialysis before transplantation. Determination of metacarpal bone mass at the time of transplantation and registration of bone resorption and soft tissue calcification at the time of transplantation and at the time of onset of osteonecrosis and spontaneous fractures were made. Apart from the increased mean age in patients with spontaneous fractures no difference was seen between the groups. Osteonecrosis and spontaneous fractures occurred in areas of trabecular bone. It seems most likely that after renal transplantation the patients show bone complications of different localization. (orig.) [de

  18. Cross-border quest: the reality and legality of transplant tourism. (United States)

    Ambagtsheer, Frederike; Zaitch, Damián; van Swaaningen, René; Duijst, Wilma; Zuidema, Willij; Weimar, Willem


    Background. Transplant tourism is a phenomenon where patients travel abroad to purchase organs for transplants. This paper presents the results of a fieldwork study by describing the experiences of Dutch transplant professionals confronted by patients who allegedly purchased kidney transplants abroad. Second, it addresses the legal definition and prohibition of transplant tourism under national and international law. The final part addresses the legal implications of transplant tourism for patients and physicians. Methods. The study involved seventeen interviews among transplant physicians, transplant coordinators and policy-experts and a review of national and international legislation that prohibit transplant tourism. Results. All Dutch transplant centers are confronted with patients who undergo transplants abroad. The estimated total number is four per year. Transplant tourism is not explicitly defined under national and international law. While the purchase of organs is almost universally prohibited, transplant tourism is hardly punishable because national laws generally do not apply to crimes committed abroad. Moreover, the purchase of organs (abroad) is almost impossible to prove. Conclusions. Transplant tourism is a legally complex phenomenon that warrants closer research and dialogue. The legal rights and obligations of patients and physicians confronted with transplant tourism should be clarified.

  19. Uterine transplantation: Review in human research. (United States)

    Favre-Inhofer, A; Rafii, A; Carbonnel, M; Revaux, A; Ayoubi, J M


    Uterine transplantation is the solution to treat absolute uterine fertility. In this review, we present the historical, medical, technical, psychological and ethical perspectives in human uterine transplantation research. We reviewed the PubMed database following PRISMA guidelines and added data presented by several research teams during the first international congress on uterine transplantation. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  20. [Hepatic cell transplantation: a new therapy in liver diseases]. (United States)

    Pareja, Eugenia; Cortés, Miriam; Martínez, Amparo; Vila, Juan José; López, Rafael; Montalvá, Eva; Calzado, Angeles; Mir, José


    Liver transplantation has been remarkably effective in the treatment in patients with end-stage liver disease. However, disparity between solid-organ supply and increased demand is the greatest limitation, resulting in longer waiting times and increase in mortality of transplant recipients. This situation creates the need to seek alternatives to orthotopic liver transplantation.Hepatocyte transplantation or liver cell transplantation has been proposed as the best method to support patients. The procedure consists of transplanting individual cells to a recipient organ in sufficient quantity to survive and restore the function. The capacity of hepatic regeneration is the biological basis of hepatocyte transplantation. This therapeutic option is an experimental procedure in some patients with inborn errors of metabolism, fulminant hepatic failure and acute and chronic liver failure, as a bridge to orthotopic liver transplantation. In the Hospital La Fe of Valencia, we performed the first hepatocyte transplantation in Spain creating a new research work on transplant program. Copyright 2009 AEC. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    stage ... renal artery thrombosis, renal vein thrombosis, ureteric leak or stenosis ... alternative organ source for patients with end-stage renal disease. Kidney ... status.27,28 Post-transplant acute tubular necrosis is caused by ischaemic injury to the ...

  2. Blood pressure control in hypertensive pediatric renal transplants: role of repeated ABPM following transplantation. (United States)

    Krmar, Rafael T; Berg, Ulla B


    Hypertension in pediatric renal transplants is a widespread condition associated with high mortality risk in early adult life. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was found to be superior to office blood pressure (BP) in identifying true hypertensive and responders to treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of repeated ABPM, performed at yearly intervals following transplantation, in the assessment and decision-making processes of post-transplant hypertension. Thirty-seven recipients (23 males; aged 10.5 +/- 4.3 years) who were followed for 4.3 +/- 2.2 years (range 2-9) after transplantation were eligible for analysis. The mean follow-up time between the baseline (1 year post-transplantation) and the most recent ABPM examination was 3.3 +/- 2.2 years (range 1-8). Throughout the follow-up period, antihypertensive therapy was either started or intensified in 27 recipients. These interventions were decided based on ABPM results obtained on 40 of 44 occasions. At last follow-up, 24 of 29 treated hypertensive recipients displayed controlled BP. This figure was significantly higher compared to our historical hypertensive control recipients in whom ABPM was applied for the first time in treatment at 6 +/- 3.3 years (range 2-15) after transplantation, while therapeutic decisions were driven by office BP measurements (95 % confidence interval (95% CI) for the difference between proportions (80.6-32 %) 36-60 %, P = 0.001). Our study shows that, in a population with high risk for hypertension, repeated ABPM may significantly help to improve BP control.

  3. Diagnosis of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in solid organ transplant recipients - BCSH and BTS Guidelines. (United States)

    Parker, Anne; Bowles, Kristin; Bradley, J Andrew; Emery, Vincent; Featherstone, Carrie; Gupte, Girish; Marcus, Robert; Parameshwar, Jayan; Ramsay, Alan; Newstead, Charles


    A joint working group established by the Haemato-oncology subgroup of the British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH) and the British Transplantation Society (BTS) has reviewed the available literature and made recommendations for the diagnosis and management of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) in adult recipients of solid organ transplants. This review details the risk factors predisposing to development, initial features and diagnosis. It is important that the risk of developing PTLD is considered when using post transplant immunosuppression and that the appropriate investigations are carried out when there are suspicions of the diagnosis. These must include tissue for histology and computed tomography scan to assess the extent of disease. These recommendations have been made primarily for adult patients, there have been some comments made with regard to paediatric practice.

  4. Pancreas transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snider, J.F.; Hunter, D.W.; Castaneda-Zuniga, W.R.; Letourneau, J.G.


    Pancreas transplantation can be complicated by vascular thrombosis, stenosis, or anastomotic leak, complications that predispose to transplant pancreatectomy. The relative roles of noninvasive radiologic studies in such vascular complications have been correlated with angiographic or pathologic data. The results of 54 scintigraphic studies, 25 CT studies, 16 sonograms, and 23 color Doppler examinations have been correlated with those of 40 angiograms and 28 pathologic studies in a population of 185 recipients. CT (sensitivity, 100%; specificity, 75%; accuracy, 92%) and US (sensitivity, 88%; specificity, 80%; accuracy, 85%) were most helpful in noninvasive screening for vascular complications, while angiography remains nearly definite in the radiographic diagnosis of these problems

  5. Stem Cell Transplants (For Teens) (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Stem Cell Transplants KidsHealth / For Teens / Stem Cell Transplants What's ... Take to Recover? Coping Print What Are Stem Cells? As you probably remember from biology class, every ...


    Loeb, L


    1. Serial transplantation of tumors made it possible in 1901 and following years to draw the conclusion that various mammalian tissues have potential immortality. Serial transplantations of normal tissues did not succeed at first, because the homoioreaction on the part of the lymphocytes and connective tissue of the host injures the transplant. 2. In continuation of these experiments we found that cartilage of the rat can be transplanted serially to other rats at least for a period of 3 years. At the end of that time great parts of the transplanted cartilage and perichondrium are alive. 3. Not only the cartilage of young rats can be homoiotransplanted, but also the cartilage of very old rats which are nearing the end of life. By using such animals we have been able to obtain cartilage and perichondrium approaching an age of 6 years which is almost double the average age of a rat. 4. We found that cartilage can be homoiotransplanted more readily than other tissues for the following reasons: (a) While in principle the homoioreaction towards cartilage is the same as against other tissues, cartilage elicits this reaction with less intensity; (b) cartilage is better able to resist the invasion of lymphocytes and connective tissue than the majority of other tissues; (c) a gradual adaptation between transplant and host seems to take place in the case of cartilage transplantation, as a result of which the lymphocytic reaction on the part of the host tissue decreases progressively the longer the cartilage is kept in the strange host. 5. At time of examination we not only found living transplanted cartilage tissue, but also perichondrial tissue, which in response to a stimulus apparently originating in the necrotic central cartilage, had been proliferating and replacing it. These results suggest that it may perhaps be possible under favorable conditions to keep cartilage alive indefinitely through serial transplantations. 6. At the same time these experiments permit the

  7. Decreased cerebral blood flow in renal transplant recipients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamano, Chisako; Komaba, Yuichi; Sakayori, Osamu; Iino, Yasuhiko; Katayama, Yasuo


    We performed single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) to investigate the influence of renal transplantation on cerebral blood flow (CBF). Fifteen renal transplant recipients and twelve normal subjects underwent cerebral SPECT with N-isopropyl-p-[ 123 I] iodoamphetamine ( 123 I-IMP). All transplant recipients received prednisolone and cyclosporine (CyA). Regional CBF (rCBF) was measured by defining regions of interest in the cerebral cortex, deep white matter, striatum, thalamus, and cerebellum. In transplant recipients, correlations to the mean overall cortical CBF were assessed using the interval from transplantation to measurement of SPECT, as well as the serum creatinine concentration. Moreover, to investigate the influence of CyA on CBF, the correlation between mean overall cortical CBF and CyA trough concentrations was assessed. In all regions, CBF in renal transplant recipients was significantly lower than in normal subjects. No significant correlation was seen between serum creatinine, interval from transplantation, or CyA trough concentrations and mean overall cortical CBF. Renal transplant recipients demonstrated a decrease in CBF, that can have an associated secondary pathology. Therefore, renal transplant recipients may benefit from post-operative MRI or CT. (author)

  8. De novo malignancy is associated with renal transplant tourism. (United States)

    Tsai, Meng-Kun; Yang, Ching-Yao; Lee, Chih-Yuan; Yeh, Chi-Chuan; Hu, Rey-Heng; Lee, Po-Huang


    Despite the objections to transplant tourism raised by the transplant community, many patients continue travel to other countries to receive commercial transplants. To evaluate some long-term complications, we reviewed medical records of 215 Taiwanese patients (touring group) who received commercial cadaveric renal transplants in China and compared them with those of 321 transplant recipients receiving domestic cadaveric renal transplants (domestic group) over the same 20-year period. Ten years after transplant, the graft and patient survival rates of the touring group were 55 and 81.5%, respectively, compared with 60 and 89.3%, respectively, of the domestic group. The difference between the two groups was not statistically significant. The 10-year cumulative cancer incidence of the touring group (21.5%) was significantly higher than that of the domestic group (6.8%). Univariate and multivariate stepwise regression analyses (excluding time on immunosuppression, an uncontrollable factor) indicated that transplant tourism was associated with significantly higher cancer incidence. Older age at transplantation was associated with a significantly increased cancer risk; however, the risk of de novo malignancy significantly decreased with longer graft survival. Thus, renal transplant tourism may be associated with a higher risk of post-transplant malignancy, especially in patients of older age at transplantation. © 2011 International Society of Nephrology

  9. Renal transplantation: Sonography and Doppler assessment of transplanted kidneys in adult Sudanese patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moawia Gameraddin


    Full Text Available Background Every year, thirty-five thousand patients receive renal transplants worldwide. Kidney transplant provides better quality of life and reduced morbidity. Doppler and sonography were the best imaging modalities for evaluation. Aims To assess the sonographic findings of renal allograft and to determine the correlation between Doppler resistive index and size of allograft and echogenicity. Methods This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Khartoum State from January to August 2016. A total of 86 patients with known transplanted kidneys were scanned with ultrasound using 3MHz and 5MHz transducers. The age was categorized into four groups and so the Doppler indices. Descriptive statistics used to analyse quantitative and qualitative variables (percent and means ± SD. Spearman's rho test was used to find the correlation between RI of renal vessels and allograft size. The Qui-square test was used to find an association between RI and echogenicity of the graft. Results Renal transplantation was common at the age of 20 to 50 years. The mean Doppler index of the renal artery was 0.68±0.11 in renal allografts. Renal transplantation was common in professionals and homemakers (30.2 per cent and 20.93 per cent respectively. Hypertension and diabetes were the most common causes (44.1 per cent and 18.6 per cent. A significant correlation was found between RI and allograft size (p-value=0.012. There was no statistical association between RI and echogenicity of allograft (pvalue=0.106. Conclusion The Doppler resistive index is significantly correlated with allograft size and had no association with echogenicity. Patients with enlarged allograft had raised resistive indices. The study recommended that Duplex ultrasound should be used in the initial assessment and follow-up of renal transplant.

  10. Stem Cell Transplants (For Parents) (United States)

    ... of Transplants Transplantation Recovery Coping Print en español Trasplantes de células madre Stem cells are cells in ... finding a match is called tissue typing (or HLA [human leukocyte antigen] typing). HLA is a protein ...

  11. Waiting narratives of lung transplant candidates. (United States)

    Yelle, Maria T; Stevens, Patricia E; Lanuza, Dorothy M


    Before 2005, time accrued on the lung transplant waiting list counted towards who was next in line for a donor lung. Then in 2005 the lung allocation scoring system was implemented, which meant the higher the illness severity scores, the higher the priority on the transplant list. Little is known of the lung transplant candidates who were listed before 2005 and were caught in the transition when the lung allocation scoring system was implemented. A narrative analysis was conducted to explore the illness narratives of seven lung transplant candidates between 2006 and 2007. Arthur Kleinman's concept of illness narratives was used as a conceptual framework for this study to give voice to the illness narratives of lung transplant candidates. Results of this study illustrate that lung transplant candidates expressed a need to tell their personal story of waiting and to be heard. Recommendation from this study calls for healthcare providers to create the time to enable illness narratives of the suffering of waiting to be told. Narrative skills of listening to stories of emotional suffering would enhance how healthcare providers could attend to patients' stories and hear what is most meaningful in their lives.

  12. Waiting Narratives of Lung Transplant Candidates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria T. Yelle


    Full Text Available Before 2005, time accrued on the lung transplant waiting list counted towards who was next in line for a donor lung. Then in 2005 the lung allocation scoring system was implemented, which meant the higher the illness severity scores, the higher the priority on the transplant list. Little is known of the lung transplant candidates who were listed before 2005 and were caught in the transition when the lung allocation scoring system was implemented. A narrative analysis was conducted to explore the illness narratives of seven lung transplant candidates between 2006 and 2007. Arthur Kleinman’s concept of illness narratives was used as a conceptual framework for this study to give voice to the illness narratives of lung transplant candidates. Results of this study illustrate that lung transplant candidates expressed a need to tell their personal story of waiting and to be heard. Recommendation from this study calls for healthcare providers to create the time to enable illness narratives of the suffering of waiting to be told. Narrative skills of listening to stories of emotional suffering would enhance how healthcare providers could attend to patients’ stories and hear what is most meaningful in their lives.

  13. Perception of Hair Transplant for Androgenetic Alopecia. (United States)

    Bater, Kristin L; Ishii, Masaru; Joseph, Andrew; Su, Peiyi; Nellis, Jason; Ishii, Lisa E


    Hair transplant is among the most common cosmetic services sought by men, with more than 11 000 procedures performed in 2014. Despite its growing popularity, the effect of hair transplant on societal perceptions of youth, attractiveness, or facets of workplace and social success is unknown. To determine whether hair transplant improves observer ratings of age, attractiveness, successfulness, and approachability in men treated for androgenetic alopecia and to quantify the effect of hair transplant on each of these domains. A randomized controlled experiment was conducted from November 10 to December 6, 2015, using web-based surveys featuring photographs of men before and after hair transplant. One hundred twenty-two participants recruited through various social media platforms successfully completed the survey. Observers were shown 2 side-by-side images of each man and asked to compare the image on the left with the one on the right. Of 13 pairs of images displayed, 7 men had undergone a hair transplant procedure and 6 had served as controls. Observers evaluated each photograph using various metrics, including age, attractiveness, successfulness, and approachability. A multivariate analysis of variance was performed to understand the effect of hair transplant on observer perceptions. Planned posthypothesis testing was used to identify which variables changed significantly as a result of the transplant. Observer ratings of age (in number of years younger) and attractiveness, successfulness, and approachability (on a scale of 0 to 100; scores higher than 50 indicate a positive change). Of the 122 participants in the survey, 58 were men (47.5%); mean (range) age was 27.1 (18-52) years. The initial multivariate analysis of variance revealed a statistically significant multivariate effect for transplant (Wilks λ = 0.9646; P hair transplant on observers' perceptions of age (mean [SD] number of years younger, 3.6 [2.9] years; P hair transplant. Participants also

  14. [Early human transplants: 60th anniversary of the first successful kidney transplants]. (United States)

    Gentili, Marc E


    First kidney transplant attempts begin with the 20th century: improving vascular sutures, understanding the phenomena of rejection or tolerance, then progress in HLA groups enable early success in the second half of the century. Definition of brain death, use of corticosteroids, radiotherapy and prime immunosuppressors promote the development of transplants. Discover of cyclosporine in the 1980s, and legislative developments augur a new era. Many advances are arising: use of stem cells from the donor, enhancement of Maastricht 3 donor or living donation. Finally organ transplantation remains an immense human adventure, but also scientific and ethic. Copyright © 2015 Association Société de néphrologie. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  15. Imaging in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, A.; Steward, C.G.; Lyburn, I.D.; Grier, D.J.


    Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (SCT) is used to treat a wide range of malignant and non-malignant haematological conditions, solid malignancies, and metabolic and autoimmune diseases. Although imaging has a limited role before SCT, it is important after transplantation when it may support the clinical diagnosis of a variety of complications. It may also be used to monitor the effect of therapy and to detect recurrence of the underlying disease if the transplant is unsuccessful. We present a pictorial review of the imaging of patients who have undergone SCT, based upon 15 years experience in a large unit performing both adult and paediatric transplants

  16. Imaging in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Evans, A.; Steward, C.G.; Lyburn, I.D.; Grier, D.J


    Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (SCT) is used to treat a wide range of malignant and non-malignant haematological conditions, solid malignancies, and metabolic and autoimmune diseases. Although imaging has a limited role before SCT, it is important after transplantation when it may support the clinical diagnosis of a variety of complications. It may also be used to monitor the effect of therapy and to detect recurrence of the underlying disease if the transplant is unsuccessful. We present a pictorial review of the imaging of patients who have undergone SCT, based upon 15 years experience in a large unit performing both adult and paediatric transplants.

  17. Bone marrow transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Storb, R.; Santos, G.W.


    Bone marrow transplantation has been increasingly used to treat patients with severe combined immunodeficiency diseases, severe aplastic anemia, and malignant hematologic diseases, especially leukemia. At the Workshop a number of problems were discussed, e.g., conditioning regimens aimed at overcoming the problem of marrow graft rejection and reducing the incidence of recurrent leukemia, prevention of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), possible mechanisms involved in stable graft-host tolerance, graft-versus-leukemia effect in mice, and finally, the possible use of autologous marrow transplantation

  18. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in India-2017 Annual Update. (United States)

    Naithani, Rahul


    There has been a steady rise in number of transplant centers in India over last few years. This year many papers related to bone marrow transplants were presented in annual conference of Indian society of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine. All oral and poster presentations which were published were reviewed. There were many publications on autologous transplant, allogeneic transplant and lab aspects of transplant. Centers shared their data on autologous transplants in newly set-up units with resource constraints with good outcomes. Encouraging data from across India is likely to boost more centers to set up transplant centers.

  19. Renal transplantation in high cardiovascular risk patients. (United States)

    Bittar, Julio; Arenas, Paula; Chiurchiu, Carlos; de la Fuente, Jorge; de Arteaga, Javier; Douthat, Walter; Massari, Pablo U


    Current transplant success allows recipients with previous contraindications to transplant to have access to this procedure with more frequency and safety. The concept of high-risk patient has changed since the first stages of transplantation. In the first studies, the high-risk concept was based on probability of early graft failure or on a patient's clinical condition to cope with high perioperatory morbimortality. Later on, this concept implied immunological factors that were crucial to ensure transplant success because hypersensitized or polytransfused patients experienced a higher risk of acute rejection and subsequent graft loss. Afterward, the presence of various comorbidities would redefine the high-risk concept for renal transplant mainly considering recipient's clinical aspects. Currently, the change in epidemiological characteristics of patients starting dialysis causes that we now deal with a greater increase of elderly patients, diabetic patients, and patients with history of cardiovascular disease. Today, high-risk patients are those with clinical features that predict an increase in the risk of perioperative morbimortality or death with functioning graft. In this review, we will attempted to analyze currents results of renal transplant outcomes in terms of patients and graft survival in elderly patients, diabetic patients, and patients with previous cardiovascular disease from the most recent experiences in the literature and from experiences in our center. In any of the groups previously analyzed, survival offered by renal transplant is significantly higher compared to dialysis. Besides, these patients are the recipient group that benefit the most with the transplant because their mortality while remaining on dialysis is extremely high. Hence, renal transplantation should be offered more frequently to older patients, diabetic patients, and patients with pretransplant cardiac and peripheral vascular disease. A positive attitude toward renal

  20. Reação anafilática durante transplante renal intervivos em criança alérgica ao látex: relato de caso Reacción anafiláctica durante transplante renal intervivos en niño alérgico al látex: relato de caso Anaphylaxis during renal transplantation of live donor graft in a child with latex allergy: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Glória Maria Braga Potério


    a menudo a pacientes y a profesionales de la salud. El objetivo de este relato, fue presentar un caso de niño alérgico al látex que debutó con una crisis anafiláctica durante la anestesia para transplante renal, y destacar algunas conductas multiprofesionales usadas para reducir el riesgo de choque anafiláctico después de la reperfusión del transplante. RELATO DEL CASO: Niño del sexo masculino, con 5 años y 10 meses, P3 por la clasificación de la ASA, con historial de alergia al látex diagnosticado después de haber tenido contacto con globos de fiesta y confirmado por tests Rast específico para el látex y Prick test. Se le sometió a transplante renal intervivos, por insuficiencia renal terminal, como consecuencia de una malformación urológica. Los cuidados para evitar la exposición del niño al látex, secundaron los Protocolos para paciente Alérgico al Látex, adoptados por el Servicio de Anestesia y de Enfermería del Hospital de las Clínicas de la UNICAMP. Esos cuidados fueron iniciados en la víspera de la operación, con la limpieza terminal de las salas quirúrgicas, y el reemplazo de todos los productos médico hospitalarios, por productos exentos de látex. Los equipos y materiales utilizados durante el procedimiento poseían un laudo técnico, de exención completa de látex, suministrado por el fabricante. La operación fue realizada bajo anestesia general con ventilación controlada mecánica. Al final de la operación, necesitó una transfusión de concentrado de hematíes, administrado con la ayuda de presurizador, presentando rash cutáneo, se suspendió la transfusión, se le administró hidrocortisona y se le aumentó la infusión de cristaloides. La respuesta al tratamiento fue satisfactoria e inmediata. CONCLUSIONES: La alergia al látex se convirtió en un problema de salud pública y el conocimiento de conductas terapéuticas específicas, posibilita la rápida atención y un menor riesgo para los pacientes.BACKGROUND AND

  1. Other women's wombs: uterus transplants and gestational surrogacy (United States)

    Robertson, John A.


    The birth of a child after uterus transplant from a living donor in Sweden in October, 2013 has spurred reproductive and transplant physicians in Europe and North America to investigate whether uterus transplants, from living or cadaveric donors, will be a safe and effective therapy for women with uterine insufficiency. While progress with uterus transplant depends on medical factors, there are also important ethical and legal concerns. Uterus transplant is essential for women without access to surrogacy. It may also be sought by infertile women who dislike surrogacy. This article examines medical, ethical, legal, and policy issues that arise with womb transplant, including the role of surrogacy policies that make them necessary. The conclusion is that there is a clear ethical path for either surrogacy or uterus transplant to be used by women with uterine insufficiency. PMID:27774233

  2. Other women's wombs: uterus transplants and gestational surrogacy. (United States)

    Robertson, John A


    The birth of a child after uterus transplant from a living donor in Sweden in October, 2013 has spurred reproductive and transplant physicians in Europe and North America to investigate whether uterus transplants, from living or cadaveric donors, will be a safe and effective therapy for women with uterine insufficiency. While progress with uterus transplant depends on medical factors, there are also important ethical and legal concerns. Uterus transplant is essential for women without access to surrogacy. It may also be sought by infertile women who dislike surrogacy. This article examines medical, ethical, legal, and policy issues that arise with womb transplant, including the role of surrogacy policies that make them necessary. The conclusion is that there is a clear ethical path for either surrogacy or uterus transplant to be used by women with uterine insufficiency.

  3. Laparoscopic robot-assisted pancreas transplantation: first world experience. (United States)

    Boggi, Ugo; Signori, Stefano; Vistoli, Fabio; D'Imporzano, Simone; Amorese, Gabriella; Consani, Giovanni; Guarracino, Fabio; Marchetti, Piero; Focosi, Daniele; Mosca, Franco


    Surgical complications are a major disincentive to pancreas transplantation, despite the undisputed benefits of restored insulin independence. The da Vinci surgical system, a computer-assisted electromechanical device, provides the unique opportunity to test whether laparoscopy can reduce the morbidity of pancreas transplantation. Pancreas transplantation was performed by robot-assisted laparoscopy in three patients. The first patient received a pancreas after kidney transplant, the second a simultaneous pancreas kidney transplantation, and the third a pancreas transplant alone. Operations were carried out through an 11-mm optic port, two 8-mm operative ports, and a 7-cm midline incision. The latter was used to introduce the grafts, enable vascular cross-clamping, and create exocrine drainage into the jejunum. The two solitary pancreas transplants required an operating time of 3 and 5 hr, respectively; the simultaneous pancreas kidney transplantation took 8 hr. Mean warm ischemia time of the pancreas graft was 34 min. All pancreatic transplants functioned immediately, and all recipients became insulin independent. The kidney graft, revascularized after 35 min of warm ischemia, also functioned immediately. No patient had complications during or after surgery. At the longer follow-up of 10, 8, and 6 months, respectively, all recipients are alive with normal graft function. We have shown the feasibility of laparoscopic robot-assisted solitary pancreas and simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation. If the safety and feasibility of this procedure can be confirmed by larger series, laparoscopic robot-assisted pancreas transplantation could become a new option for diabetic patients needing beta-cell replacement.

  4. Transplanting oligodendrocyte progenitors into the adult CNS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franklin, R.J.M.; Blakemore, W.F.; Cambridge Univ.


    This review covers a number of aspects of the behaviour of oligodendrocyte progenitors following transplantation into the adult CNS. First, an account is given of the ability of transplanted oligodendrocyte progenitors, grown in tissue culture in the presence of PDGF and bFGF, to extensively remyelinate focal areas of persistent demyelination. Secondly, we describe how transplanted clonal cell lines of oligodendrocyte progenitors will differentiate in to astrocytes as will oligodendrocytes following transplantation into pathological environments in which both oligodendrocytes and astrocytes are absent, thereby manifesting the bipotentially demonstrable in vitro but not during development. Finally, a series of studies examining the migratory behaviour of transplanted oligodendrocyte progenitors (modelled using the oligodendrocyte progenitor cell line CG4) are described. (author)

  5. The significance of renoscintigraphy for renal transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oei Hong Yoe.


    The aim of the study reported here was to evaluate the contribution of renoscintigraphy performed frequently and systematically, for differentiation between the various complications occurring after renal transplantation. Relevant complications of renal transplantation are described, with special attention to the diagnostic methods available at present, and the methods used for radionuclide investigations in renal transplantation are reviewed. The abnormalities seen on the sequential images in ten cases complicated by urine leakage or urinary tract obstruction are described. These are illustrated by the scintigrams and the corresponding radiograms. The results in eight patients whose transplant did not show Hippuran uptake are also described. Transplant failure in five of these eight patients was clearly demonstrated by perfusion scintigraphy. (Auth.)

  6. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection following Kidney Transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karima Boubaker


    Full Text Available Introduction and Aims. Post-transplant tuberculosis (TB is a problem in successful long-term outcome of renal transplantation recipients. Our objective was to describe the pattern and risk factors of TB infection and the prognosis in our transplant recipients. Patients and Methods. This study was a retrospective review of the records of 491 renal transplant recipients in our hospital during the period from January 1986 to December 2009. The demographic data, transplant characteristics, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, treatment protocol, and long-term outcome of this cohort of patients were analyzed. Results. 16 patients (3,2% developed post-transplant TB with a mean age of 32,5 ± 12,7 (range: 13–60 years and a mean post-transplant period of 36,6months (range: 12,3 months–15,9 years. The forms of the diseases were pulmonary in 10/16 (62,6%, disseminated in 3/16 (18,7%, and extrapulmonary in 3/16 (18,7%. Graft dysfunction was observed in 7 cases (43,7% with tissue-proof acute rejection in 3 cases and loss of the graft in 4 cases. Hepatotoxicity developed in 3 patients (18,7% during treatment. Recurrences were observed in 4 cases after early stop of treatment. Two patients (12.5% died. Conclusion. Extra pulmonary and disseminated tuberculosis were observed in third of our patients. More than 9months of treatment may be necessary to prevent recurrence.

  7. Local expansion in circulatory death kidney transplant activity improves wait-listed outcomes and addresses inequities of access to transplantation


    Mirshekar-Syahkal, Bahar; Summers, Dominic; Bradbury, Lisa L; Aly, Mohamed; Bardsley, Victoria; Berry, Miriam; Norris, Joseph M; Torpey, Nick; Clatworthy, Menna Ruth; Bradley, J Andrew; Pettigrew, Gavin John


    In the UK, circulatory death (DCD) kidney transplant activity has increased rapidly, but marked regional variation persists. We report how increased DCD kidney transplant activity influenced wait-listed outcomes for a single centre. Between 2002/03 and 2011/12, 430 (54%) DCD and 361 (46%) DBD kidney-only transplants were performed in the Cambridge Transplant Centre, with a higher proportion of DCD donors fulfilling expanded criteria status (41% DCD vs 32% DBD; $\\small \\textit{P}$=0.01). Compa...

  8. Organ transplantation and replacement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cerilli, G.J.


    This book contains 49 chapters. Some of the titles are: Molecular, Genetic, and Clinical Aspects of the HLA System; The Normal Immune Response; Significance of the ABO Antigen System; The Role of Dialysis in the Management of End-Stage Renal Disease; Access for Dialysis; Patient Selection for Renal Transplantation; The Living Donor in Kidney Transplantation; and Kidney Preservation by Cold Storage.

  9. Restoration of vision after transplantation of photoreceptors. (United States)

    Pearson, R A; Barber, A C; Rizzi, M; Hippert, C; Xue, T; West, E L; Duran, Y; Smith, A J; Chuang, J Z; Azam, S A; Luhmann, U F O; Benucci, A; Sung, C H; Bainbridge, J W; Carandini, M; Yau, K-W; Sowden, J C; Ali, R R


    Cell transplantation is a potential strategy for treating blindness caused by the loss of photoreceptors. Although transplanted rod-precursor cells are able to migrate into the adult retina and differentiate to acquire the specialized morphological features of mature photoreceptor cells, the fundamental question remains whether transplantation of photoreceptor cells can actually improve vision. Here we provide evidence of functional rod-mediated vision after photoreceptor transplantation in adult Gnat1−/− mice, which lack rod function and are a model of congenital stationary night blindness. We show that transplanted rod precursors form classic triad synaptic connections with second-order bipolar and horizontal cells in the recipient retina. The newly integrated photoreceptor cells are light-responsive with dim-flash kinetics similar to adult wild-type photoreceptors. By using intrinsic imaging under scotopic conditions we demonstrate that visual signals generated by transplanted rods are projected to higher visual areas, including V1. Moreover, these cells are capable of driving optokinetic head tracking and visually guided behaviour in the Gnat1−/− mouse under scotopic conditions. Together, these results demonstrate the feasibility of photoreceptor transplantation as a therapeutic strategy for restoring vision after retinal degeneration.

  10. Transplantation with positive complement-dependent microcytotoxicity crossmatch in contemporary kidney transplantation: Practice patterns and associated outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ralph J Graff


    Full Text Available We analyzed clinical factors and graft survival associated with complement-dependent microcytotoxicity (CDC crossmatch (XM positive (+ kidney transplants in 1995 to 2009 United Network of Sharing (UNOS registry data. CDCXM negative (- transplants were selected from centers and years in which at least one CDCXM+ transplant was performed at a given center in a given year. CDCXM+ and CDCXM- results were compared with bivariate and multivariate survival analysis. Our observations are as follows: (1 The risk of graft loss with CDCXM+ vs. CDCXM- results was markedly lower than the risk observed historically, e.g., living donor (LD-CDCXM+ absolute all-cause graft survival reductions were 0.7% at 24 hours (P=0.007, 2.9% at one year (P <0.0001, 3.7% at five years (P<0.0001; deceased donor (DD-CDCXM+ absolute graft survival reductions were 0.7% at 24 hours (P=0.02, 3.5% at one year (P <0.0001, 2.7% at five years (P=0.0009. On covariate adjustment, the only significant association of CDCXM+ vs. CDCXM- results was with one-year graft loss risk: LD aHR 1.44 (95% CI 1.05-1.96, DD aHR 1.33 (CI 1.10-1.61. (2 CDCXM+ transplantation was more commonly performed among groups disadvantaged with respect to transplant access, including sensitized, previously transplanted women and black recipients. (3 In CDCXM+ recipients, there was a high percentage of flow cytometry (FC XM- and autoXM+ results. After removing these groups, outcomes with CDCXM+ results were relatively good. (4 CDCXM+/FCXM+ vs. CDCXM-/FCXM- graft loss risk was observed only in LD recipients transplanted at centers performing fewer than 10 such transplants during the study period: 11.0% reduction (P<0.0001 and aHR of 2.86 (CI 1.18-6.94 at one year; 14.7% reduction (P<0.0001 and aHR of 1.77 (CI 0.88-3.58 at five years. Although using CDCXM+ as a contraindication to transplantation has been associated with virtual elimination of hyperacute rejection, the negative effect of a CDCXM+ in contemporary

  11. Artificial organs and transplantation. (United States)

    Splendiani, G; Cipriani, S; Vega, A; Casciani, C U


    Nowadays artificial devices are not able to totally and undefinitely replace the loss of function of all vital organs and artificial organs can be used only to bridge the time to transplantation, which must be considered the first choice in the therapeutical approach for many chronic diseases. Since general population aging process is leading to an increase of organ demand, the gap between performed and requested transplantation is hard to fill. Xenotransplantation is nowadays only an experimental alternative solution and we have to do our best using available artificial organs to increase and improve the survival of patients waiting for transplantation. In this meeting we particularly dealt about organ function replacing therapy, especially regarding the kidney, heart, liver, pancreas and ear.

  12. Investigation of Growth and Survival of Transplanted Plane and Pine Trees According to IBA Application, Tree Age, Transplanting Time and Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. Etemadi


    Full Text Available The major problems in transplanting the landscape trees are high level of mortality and low establishment rate of transplanted trees, especially in the first year. In order to achieve the best condition for successful transplanting of pine and plane trees in Isfahan landscape, the present study was carried out based on a completely randomized block design with four replicates and three treatments including transplanting method (balled and burlapped and bare root, tree age (immature and mature and IBA application (0 and 150 mg/L. Trees were transplanted during 2009 and 2010 in three times (dormant season, early and late growing season. Survival rate and Relative Growth Rate index based on tree height (RGRH and trunk diameter (RGRD were measured during the first and second years. Trees transplanted early in the growing season showed the most survival percentage during the two years, as compared to other transplanting dates. Survival of Balled and burlapped and immature transplanted trees was significantly greater than bare root or mature trees. The significant effect of age treatment was continued in the second year. IBA treatment had no effect on survival rate of the studied species. Balled and burlapped and immature transplanted pine trees also had higher RGRH and RGRD compared to bare root or mature trees. According to the results of this study, early growing season is the best time for transplanting pine and plane trees. Also, transplanting of immature trees using balled and burlapped method is recommended to increase the survival and establishment rate.

  13. Transplant results in adults with Fanconi anaemia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bierings, Marc; Bonfim, Carmem M.; Peffault De Latour, Regis; Aljurf, Mahmoud; Mehta, Parinda A.; Knol, Cora; Boulad, Farid; Tbakhi, Abdelghani; Esquirol, Albert; Mcquaker, Grant; Sucak, Gulsan A.; Othman, Tarek B.; Halkes, Constantijn J.M.; Carpenter, Ben; Niederwieser, Dietger; Zecca, Marco; Kro¨ger, Nicolaus; Michallet, Mauricette; Risitano, Antonio M.; Ehninger, Gerhard; Porcher, Raphael; Dufour, Carlo

    The outcomes of adult patients transplanted for Fanconi anaemia (FA) have not been well described. We retrospectively analysed 199 adult patients with FA transplanted between 1991 and 2014. Patients were a median of 16 years of age when diagnosed with FA, and underwent transplantation at a median

  14. Chronic transplant dysfunction: Etiological and pathophysiological aspects

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    E.A. Kouwenhoven (Ewout)


    textabstractOrgan transplantation has saved the life of many people throughout the world, who suffered from end·stage organ failure. The University Hospital Rotterdam·Dijkzigt, is one of the Dutch organ transplant centers, in which kidney, heart and liver transplantation are performed. In close

  15. Post-transplantation diabetes mellitus: an overview

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Igor Aleksandrovich Sklyanik


    Full Text Available This review presents an analysis of clinical and experimental studies related to post-transplantation diabetes mellitus (PTDM – a specific complication after solid organ transplantation.A search of the databases eLibrary, PubMed and Scopus using the keywords «posttransplantation diabetes mellitus», «new onset diabetes after transplantation», «transplantation» and «immunosuppression» yielded in 523 results, including four from Russian literature (one original research manuscript. The analysis included original research, reviews, meta-analyses and monographs published not before 2005 in Russian and English. A total of 60 relevant original researches and reviews were included in this review.Diagnostic criteria, disease risk factors and potential pathogenic mechanisms were all considered. The mechanisms of the diabetogenic effect of modern immunosuppressive drugs were analysed. The principles of pre- and post-transplantation screening for PTDM and optimal management strategies for patients with PTDM are presented. The current controversial issues concerning the various aspects of PTDM are discussed.

  16. Suicidal hanging donors for lung transplantation (United States)

    Ananiadou, Olga; Schmack, Bastian; Zych, Bartlomiej; Sabashnikov, Anton; Garcia-Saez, Diana; Mohite, Prashant; Weymann, Alexander; Mansur, Ashham; Zeriouh, Mohamed; Marczin, Nandor; De Robertis, Fabio; Simon, Andre Rüdiger; Popov, Aron-Frederik


    Abstract In the context of limited donor pool in cardiothoracic transplantation, utilization of organs from high risk donors, such as suicidal hanging donors, while ensuring safety, is under consideration. We sought to evaluate the outcomes of lung transplantations (LTx) that use organs from this group. Between January 2011 and December 2015, 265 LTx were performed at our center. Twenty-two recipients received lungs from donors after suicidal hanging (group 1). The remaining 243 transplantations were used as a control (group 2). Analysis of recipient and donor characteristics as well as outcomes was performed. No statistically significant difference was found in the donor characteristics between analyzed groups, except for higher incidence of cardiac arrest, younger age and smoking history of hanging donors (P donor cause of death is not associated with poor mid-term survival or chronic lung allograft dysfunction following transplantation. These results encourage assessment of lungs from hanging donors, and their consideration for transplantation. PMID:29620623


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    Anke Iman Bouzenita


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Biotechnology has opened a new chapter with the advent of mitochondria transplantation for cell-based therapy. Mitochondrial transplantation was successfully led to birth; however, cytoplasmic transplantation has caused apprehension, since the mixing of human ooplasm from two different maternal sources may generate mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA heteroplasmy in the offspring. Islamic legal verdicts on human cloning and somatic cell transfer have been overweighing explicit as to its prohibition, due to the change of creation, mixing of lineage and other evaluations. Is mitochondria transplantation equivalent to human cloning in that genetic information is proliferated and does it, therefore, take the same legal rule? Are there possible benefits (masalih for medical treatment that may render mitochondria transplantation permissible, or are possible harms (mafasid overweighing? Or is it a completely different procedure, taking a different rule? The paper will investigate into these questions and discuss the dimensions of Islamic ethics on the issue.

  18. Clinical Allogeneic and Autologous Islet Cell Transplantation: Update

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shinichi Matsumoto


    Full Text Available Islet cell transplantation is categorized as a β-cell replacement therapy for diabetic patients who lack the ability to secrete insulin. Allogeneic islet cell transplantation is for the treatment of type 1 diabetes, and autologous islet cell transplantation is for the prevention of surgical diabetes after a total pancreatectomy. The issues of allogeneic islet cell transplantation include poor efficacy of islet isolation, the need for multiple donor pancreata, difficulty maintaining insulin independence and undesirable side effects of immunosuppressive drugs. Those issues have been solved step by step and allogeneic islet cell transplantation is almost ready to be the standard therapy. The donor shortage will be the next issue and marginal and/or living donor islet cell transplantation might alleviate the issue. Xeno-islet cell transplantation, β-cell regeneration from human stem cells and gene induction of the naïve pancreas represent the next generation of β-cell replacement therapy. Autologous islet cell transplantation after total pancreatectomy for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis with severe abdominal pain is the standard therapy, even though only limited centers are able to perform this treatment. Remote center autologous islet cell transplantation is an attractive option for hospitals performing total pancreatectomies without the proper islet isolation facilities.

  19. Neuromuscular diseases after cardiac transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mateen, Farrah J.; van de Beek, Diederik; Kremers, Walter K.; Daly, Richard C.; Edwards, Brooks S.; McGregor, Christopher G. A.; Wijdicks, Eelco F. M.


    BACKGROUND: Cardiac transplantation is a therapeutic option in end-stage heart failure. Peripheral nervous system (PNS) disease is known to occur in cardiac transplant recipients but has not been fully characterized. METHODS: This retrospective cohort review reports the PNS-related concerns of 313

  20. Food allergies developing after solid organ transplant. (United States)

    Needham, J M; Nicholas, S K; Davis, C M


    The development of food allergy is an increasingly recognized form of morbidity after solid organ transplant. It occurs more commonly in liver transplant recipients, although it has also been reported in heart, lung, kidney, and intestinal transplants. Pediatric transplant recipients are more likely to develop symptoms compared to adults, and reports of frequency vary widely from 5% to 38% in pediatric liver transplant recipients. Multiple mechanisms have been proposed in the literature, although no single mechanism can yet account for all reported observations. As food allergy can have at worst potentially fatal consequences, and at best require lifestyle adjustment through food avoidance, it is important for recipients to be aware of the donor's food allergies and particularly in pediatrics, the possibility of completely de novo allergies. This review explores the recent reports surrounding food allergy after solid organ transplant, including epidemiology, proposed mechanisms, and implications for practice. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Xenon-computed tomography of kidney transplants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mutze, S.; Reichmuth, B.; Suess, C.; Lippert, J.; Ewert, R.


    Xenon-CT is an established method for determining cerebral perfusion, while applications in other organs are rare. We evaluated the diagnostic potential of measuring the regional Renal Blood Flow (rRBF) in 10 patients with transplanted kidneys by xenon-CT. We found significant differences in the rRBF between the renal medulla and the cortex. There were no differences between normal renal transplants and transplants with chronic rejection. (orig.) [de

  2. Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer in Nonwhite Organ Transplant Recipients. (United States)

    Pritchett, Ellen N; Doyle, Alden; Shaver, Christine M; Miller, Brett; Abdelmalek, Mark; Cusack, Carrie Ann; Malat, Gregory E; Chung, Christina Lee


    Organ transplant recipients have a higher incidence of skin cancer. This risk is magnified over time and with continued exposure to immunosuppression. Skin cancer in nonwhite patients is associated with greater morbidity and mortality owing to diagnosis at a more advanced stage, which suggests that nonwhite organ transplant recipients are at even higher risk. To describe demographic and clinical factors and the incidence of skin cancer in nonwhite organ transplant recipients. We performed a retrospective medical record review of patients who were organ transplant recipients (154 were white and 259 nonwhite [black, Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander]) seen from November 1, 2011, to April 18, 2016 at an academic referral center. Variables were analyzed and compared between racial groups, including sex, age, race/ethnicity, Fitzpatrick type, type and location of skin cancer, type of organ transplanted, time to diagnosis of skin cancer after transplantation, and history of condyloma acuminata and/or verruca vulgaris. Most of the 413 patients (62.7%) evaluated were nonwhite organ transplant recipients; 264 were men, and 149 were women. Their mean (SD) age was 60.09 (13.59) years. Nineteen skin cancers were identified in 15 patients (5.8%) representing 3 racial/ethnic groups: black (6 patients), Asian (5), and Hispanic (4). All squamous cell carcinomas in blacks were diagnosed in the in situ stage, located on sun-protected sites, and occurred in patients whose lesions tested positive for human papilloma virus (HPV) and/or who endorsed a history of condyloma acuminata or verruca vulgaris. Most skin cancers in Asians were located on sun-exposed areas and occurred in individuals who emigrated from equatorial locations. Nonwhite organ transplant recipients are at risk for developing skin cancer posttransplantation. Follow-up in a specialized transplant dermatology center and baseline total-body skin examination should be part of posttransplantation care in all organ

  3. Impact of fixed pulmonary hypertension on post-heart transplant outcomes in bridge-to-transplant patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alba, Ana Carolina; Rao, Vivek; Ross, Heather J


    Fixed pulmonary hypertension (FPH) is considered a contraindication to cardiac transplantation. Ventricular assist device (VAD) therapy through prolonged left ventricular unloading may reverse FPH. Our aim was to assess post-transplant outcomes and survival in patients with and without FPH...

  4. A German survey of the abdominal transplantation surgical work force. (United States)

    Thomas, Michael N; Nadalin, Silvio; Schemmer, Peter; Pascher, Andreas; Kaiser, Gernot M; Braun, Felix; Becker, Thomas; Nashan, Björn; Guba, Markus


    This manuscript reports the results of a nationwide survey of transplant surgeons in Germany, including the demographics, training, position, individual case loads, center volumes, program structure, professional practice, grade of specialization, workload, work hours, salary, and career expectations. We contacted all 32 German transplant centers that perform liver, kidney, and pancreas transplantation. Surgeons engaged in transplantation were asked to reply to the survey. Eighty-five surgeons responded, with a mean age of 44 ± 8 years, 13% of whom were female. The median transplant frequency per active transplant surgeon was relatively low, with 16 liver transplants, 15 kidney transplants, and three pancreas transplants. The median reported center volumes were 45 liver transplants, 90 kidney transplants, and five pancreas transplants per year. Most of the surgeons reported a primary focus on hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery, and only 10% of effective work time was actually dedicated to perform transplant surgeries. The majority of respondents estimated their weekly work hours to be between 55 and 66 h. When asked about their career satisfaction and expectations, most respondents characterized their salaries as inappropriately low and their career prospects as inadequate. This survey provides a first impression of the transplant surgery work force in Germany. © 2015 Steunstichting ESOT.

  5. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Activity and Trends at a Pediatric Transplantation Center in Turkey During 1998-2008

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Volkan Hazar


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to document hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT activity and trends at our treatment center. METHODS: Data collected over a 10-year period were retrospectively analyzed, concentrating primarily on types of HSCT, transplant-related mortality (TRM, stem cell sources, indications for HSCT, and causes of death following HSCT. RESULTS: In total, 222 allogeneic (allo-HSCT (87.4% and 32 autologous (auto-HSCT (12.6% procedures were performed between 1998 and 2008. Stem cells obtained from unrelated donors were used in 22.6% (50/222 of the allo- HSCTs. Cord blood was the source of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC in 12.2% of all transplants. The most common indication for allo-HSCT was hemoglobinopathy (43.2%, versus neuroblastoma (53.1% for auto-HSCT. The TRM rate 1 year post transplantation was 18.3% ± 2.5% for all transplants, but differed according to transplantation type (23.5% ± 7.9% for auto-HSCT and 17.5% ± 2.6% for allo-HSCT. The most common cause of death 1 year post HSCT was infection (35.9%. CONCLUSION: The TRM rate in the patients that underwent allo-HSCT was similar to that which has been previously reported; however, the TRM rate in the patients that underwent auto-HSCT was higher than previously reported in developed countries. The selection of these patients to be transplanted must be made attentively.

  6. Physicians attitudes toward living non-related renal transplantation (LNRRT). The Living non-Related Renal Transplant Study Group. (United States)


    Renal transplantation is considered now the definitive treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Unfortunately, the worldwide shortage of kidneys remains the most important obstacle to transplantation. In developing countries, including those of the Middle East, the shortage is even more dramatic. Despite great efforts to establish and maintain successful transplant centers, the number of kidneys that have been transplanted in the last few years has actually declined. The lack of a dependable kidney source played well into the hands of unscrupulous entrepreneurs who started brokerage of organs for profit. In this practice, patients with ESRD travel to India and other countries to purchase kidneys from living genetically non-related poor donors. Patient care was therefore relegated to the laws of the marketplace and both patients and donors were exploited to maximize profit. Additionally, reported results of this type of transplantation were inferior to those of other types of transplantation. Not unexpectedly, these issues have created intense controversy among transplant physicians and the general public in which moral, ethical and medical issues were debated. To investigate these issues, we conducted a large multicenter study in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt. In the first phase of this study, we surveyed 50 institutions regarding their attitude toward LNRRT, of which 22 responded. The results of our survey clearly show that patients with ESRD take the initiative in seeking LNRRT despite physician discouragement and significant financial burden.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  7. Islet transplantation as safe and efficacious method to restore glycemic control and to avoid severe hypoglycemia after donor organ failure in pancreas transplantation. (United States)

    Gerber, Philipp A; Hochuli, Michel; Benediktsdottir, Bara D; Zuellig, Richard A; Tschopp, Oliver; Glenck, Michael; de Rougemont, Olivier; Oberkofler, Christian; Spinas, Giatgen A; Lehmann, Roger


    The aim of this study was to assess safety and efficacy of islet transplantation after initial pancreas transplantation with subsequent organ failure. Patients undergoing islet transplantation at our institution after pancreas organ failure were compared to a control group of patients with pancreas graft failure, but without islet transplantation and to a group receiving pancreas retransplantation. Ten patients underwent islet transplantation after initial pancreas transplantation failed and were followed for a median of 51 months. The primary end point of HbA1c islet transplantation and in all three patients in the pancreas retransplantation group, but by none of the patients in the group without retransplantation (n = 7). Insulin requirement was reduced by 50% after islet transplantation. Kidney function (eGFR) declined with a rate of -1.0 mL ± 1.2 mL/min/1.73 m 2 per year during follow-up after islet transplantation, which tended to be slower than in the group without retransplantation (P = .07). Islet transplantation after deceased donor pancreas transplant failure is a method that can safely improve glycemic control and reduce the incidence of severe hypoglycemia and thus establish similar glycemic control as after initial pancreas transplantation, despite the need of additional exogenous insulin. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Kidney transplantation and hyperparathyroidism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O. N. Vetchinnikova


    Full Text Available Successful kidney transplantation eliminates endocrine and metabolic disorders that predispose to the development of hyperparathyroidism, the complication typical for the chronic kidney disease; but the process of recovery from mineral and bone disorders is slowed down. The highest incidence of post-transplant hyperparathyroidism is recorded in the first postoperative year. The risk factors for its development or persistence include the high blood levels of parathyroid hormone, calcium, phosphorus, and/or alkaline phosphatase, a prolonged dialysis therapy, severe hyperparathyroidism in the preoperative period, vitamin D deficiency, a suboptimal transplanted kidney function, and also the recipient's previous history of subtotal or incomplete parathyroidectomy. The characteristic clinical and laboratory signs of posttransplant hyperparathyroidism are bone lesions, kidney graft abnormalities, hypercalcemia, and hypophosphatemia. The diagnostic algorithm includes monitoring the markers of mineral and bone metabolism, determining the bone mineral density, and imaging of thyroid glands. Correction of post-transplant hyperparathyroidism is performed surgically or pharmacologically. The article specifies the indications to, the extent and timing of parathyroidectomy, discusses the use of native vitamin D formulations, its analogues, and calcimimetics.

  9. In Vivo Imaging of Transplanted Pancreatic Islets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Donghee Kim


    Full Text Available The beta-cells in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas secrete insulin and play an important role in glucose homeostasis. Diabetes, characterized by hyperglycemia, results from an absolute or a relative deficiency of the pancreatic beta-cell mass. Islet transplantation has been considered to be a useful therapeutic approach, but it is largely unsuccessful because most of the transplanted islets are lost in the early stage of transplantation. To evaluate the efficacy of intervention methods for the improvement of islet survival, monitoring of the functional islet mass is needed. Various techniques to image and track transplanted islets have been investigated to assess islets after transplantation. In this review, recent progresses in imaging methods to visualize islets are discussed.

  10. Pancreatic islet transplantation. Experimental and clinical aspects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yderstræde, Knud Bonnet


    interest has been shown in transplantation of isolated islets either directly, introduced intraportally, intramuscularly, inter alia, or encapsulated in artificial devices providing an immuno-isolation. Clinical application has revealed promising results concerning the immunological aspects. However......, quantitative assessment points to a difficulty in achieving satisfactory amounts of islets to attain normoglycaemia. Work with fetal pancreata has shown these to possess a growth potential in vitro thus, possibly, aiding the quantification of islets in transplantation models. In the field of pancreatic islet...... transplantation, future models include microencapsulation and hybrid artificial devices, both of which provide immuno-isolation - thus the ability of allo- as well as xeno-transplantation. The obvious advantage of immuno-isolated islet transplant, as opposed to segmentally engrafted pancreas, is stressed...


    Fonseca-Neto, Olival Cirilo Lucena da; Lima, Heloise Caroline de Souza; Melo, Paulo Sérgio Vieira de; Lemos, Roberto; Leitão, Laércio; Amorim, Américo Gusmão; Lacerda, Cláudio Moura


    Appendicitis is a common cause of emergency surgery that in the population undergoing organ transplantation presents a rare incidence due to late diagnosis and treatment. To report the occurrence of acute appendicitis in a cohort of liver transplant recipients. Retrospective analysis in a period of 12 years among 925 liver transplants, in witch five cases of acute appendicitis were encountered. Appendicitis occurred between three and 46 months after liver transplantation. The age ranged between 15 and 58 years. There were three men and two women. The clinical presentations varied, but not discordant from those found in non-transplanted patients. Pain was a symptom found in all patients, in two cases well located in the right iliac fossa (40%). Two patients had symptoms characteristic of peritoneal irritation (40%) and one patient had abdominal distention (20%). All patients were submitted to laparotomies. In 20% there were no complications. In 80% was performed appendectomy complicated by suppuration (40%) or perforation (40%). Superficial infection of the surgical site occurred in two patients, requiring clinical management. The hospital stay ranged from 48 h to 45 days. Acute appendicitis after liver transplantation is a rare event being associated with a high rate of drilling, due to delays in diagnosis and therapy, and an increase in hospital stay.


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    Luca Laurenti


    Full Text Available Even if Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL often has an indolent behavior with good responsiveness to cytoreductive treatment, about 20% of the patients, so called "poor-risk" patients, show an aggressive course and die within a few years despite early intensive therapies. Criteria for poor-risk disease according to the European Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT CLL Transplant Consensus are: purine analogue refractoriness, early relapse after purine analogue combination therapy, CLL with p53 lesion requiring treatment. Allogeneic transplant has potential curative role in CLL, however burden with very  high transplant related mortality (TRM rates of 38-50%: A major advance in reducing the short-term morbidity and mortality of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT has been the introduction of non-myeloablative or reduced intensity conditioning (RIC regimens to allow engraftment of allogeneic stem cells. There is no doubt that the crucial therapeutic principle of allo-SCT in CLL is graft versus leukemia (GVL activity. The major complications of allogeneic SCT in CLL are: chronic graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD affecting quality of life, high graft rejection and infection rates rates correlated with preexisting immunosuppression. Disease relapse remains the major cause of failure after RIC allo-HCT in CLL patients. Sensitive minimal residual disease (MRD quantification has strong prognostic impact after transplant.

  13. The Global Role of Kidney Transplantation

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    Guillermo Garcia Garcia


    Full Text Available World Kidney Day on March 8 th 2012 provides a chance to reflect on the success of kidney transplantation as a therapy for end stage kidney disease that surpasses dialysis treatments both for the quality and quantity of life that it provides and for its cost effectiveness. Anything that is both cheaper and better, but is not actually the dominant therapy, must have other drawbacks that prevent replacement of all dialysis treatment by transplantation. The barriers to universal transplantation as the therapy for end stage kidney disease include the economic limitations which, in some countries place transplantation, appropriately, at a lower priority than public health fundamentals such as clean water, sanitation and vaccination. Even in high income countries the technical challenges of surgery and the consequences of immunosuppression restrict the number of suitable recipients, but the major finite restrictions on kidney transplantation rates are the shortage of donated organs and the limited medical, surgical and nursing workforces with the required expertise. These problems have solutions which involve the full range of societal, professional, governmental and political environments. World Kidney Day is a call to deliver transplantation therapy to the one million people a year who have a right to benefit.

  14. Bilateral Psoas Haematomata Complicating Renal Transplantation

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    Jacob A. Akoh


    Full Text Available Background. The challenge in managing patients undergoing renal transplantation is how to achieve optimum levels of anticoagulation to avoid both clotting and postoperative bleeding. We report a rare case of severe postoperative retroperitoneal bleeding including psoas haematomata complicating renal transplantation. Case Report. SM, a 55-year-old female, had a past history of aortic valve replacement, cerebrovascular event, and thoracic aortic aneurysm and was on long-term warfarin that was switched to enoxaparin 60 mg daily a week prior to her living donor transplantation. Postoperatively, she was started on a heparin infusion, but this was complicated by a large retroperitoneal bleed requiring surgical evacuation on the first postoperative day. Four weeks later, she developed features compatible with acute femoral neuropathy and a CT scan revealed bilateral psoas haematomata. Following conservative management, she made steady progress and was discharged home via a community hospital 94 days after transplantation. At her last visit 18 months after transplantation, she had returned to full fitness with excellent transplant function. Conclusion. Patients in established renal failure who require significant anticoagulation are at increased risk of bleeding that may involve prolonged hospitalisation and more protracted recovery and patients should be carefully counselled about this.

  15. Effects of delaying transplanting on agronomic traits and grain yield of rice under mechanical transplantation pattern.

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    Qihua Liu

    Full Text Available A delay in the mechanical transplantation (MT of rice seedlings frequently occurs in Huanghuai wheat-rice rotation cropping districts of China, due to the late harvest of wheat, the poor weather conditions and the insufficiency of transplanters, missing the optimum transplanting time and causing seedlings to age. To identify how delaying transplanting rice affects the agronomic characteristics including the growth duration, photosynthetic productivity and dry matter remobilization efficiency and the grain yield under mechanical transplanting pattern, an experiment with a split-plot design was conducted over two consecutive years. The main plot includes two types of cultivation: mechanical transplanting and artificial transplanting (AT. The subplot comprises four japonica rice cultivars. The results indicate that the rice jointing, booting, heading and maturity stages were postponed under MT when using AT as a control. The tiller occurrence number, dry matter weight per tiller, accumulative dry matter for the population, leaf area index, crop growth rate, photosynthetic potential, and dry matter remobilization efficiency of the leaf under MT significantly decreased compared to those under AT. In contrast, the reduction rate of the leaf area during the heading-maturity stage was markedly enhanced under MT. The numbers of effective panicles and filled grains per panicle and the grain yield significantly decreased under MT. A significant correlation was observed between the dry matter production, remobilization and distribution characteristics and the grain yield. We infer that, as with rice from old seedlings, the decrease in the tiller occurrence, the photosynthetic productivity and the assimilate remobilization efficiency may be important agronomic traits that are responsible for the reduced grain yield under MT.

  16. Transplant Biology at a Crossroads


    Sedwick, Caitlin


    Despite major advances in transplantation biology, allowing transplants not just of critical organs like heart and kidney but also of limbs and faces, researchers are still struggling to minimize the risks from achieving the level of immunosuppression needed to make the body accept foreign tissues.

  17. Side Effects of Transplant Immunosuppressive Therapy in Post Renal Transplant Recipients, Mazandaran, Northern Iran

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    Abazar Akbarzadeh Pasha


    Full Text Available Background Post-kidney transplant survival relies on patient adherence to the intake of immunosuppressive medication. This study was performed to investigate complications associated with immunosuppressive therapy in renal transplantation. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted on 188 transplanted patients in Shahid Beheshti hospital of Babol in 2013. Check list and demographic questionnaire for data collecting were used. Then the data using were analyzed in SPSS.18 software by using chi-square test. Results A total of 188 transplanted patients, 115 (61.2% was male and mean age was 12.9 ± 42.9 years. 181 (96.3% of the subjects had at least one complication. The most common complication in 142 cases (75.5% was “excessive hair growth” and after this complication “increased blood sugar” had higher frequency and 119 (63.3% had this complication. Severe form of gingival overgrowth in women was significantly that more than men (22 (30.1, 14 (12.2, P = 0.004, and the other side effect was not significant difference between men and women or different age groups (P > 0.05 Conclusions Finding show that nearly all transplanted recipients suffered from one complication which need to recognize, control and treatment. It suggested that period visiting for early diagnosis and education to patient was recommend.

  18. [The kidney transplantation from the ABO-incompatible donors]. (United States)

    Goriaĭnov, V A; Kaabak, M M; Babenko, N N; Shishlo, L A; Morozova, M M; Ragimov, A A; Dashkova, N G; Salimov, É L


    The experience of 28 allotransplantations of ABO-incompatible kidneys was compared with the treatment results of 38 ABO-compatible renal transplantations. The transplanted kidney function, morphological changes of the transplanted kidney and the comparative analysis of actuary survival in both groups showed no significant difference. The results of the study prove the validity of the kidney transplantation from the ABO-incompatible donors.

  19. Irradiation for xenogeneic transplantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Halperin, E.C.; Knechtle, S.J.; Harland, R.C.; Yamaguchi, Yasua; Sontag, M.; Bollinger, R.R. (Duke Univ., Durham, NC (USA). Dept. of Radiology Duke Univ., Durham, NC (USA). Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology)


    Xenogeneic transplantation (XT) is the transplantation of organs or tissues from a member of one species to a member of another. Mammalian species frequently have circulating antibody which is directed against the foreign organ irrespective of known prior antigen exposure. This antibody may lead to hyperacute rejection once it ensues so efforts must be directed towards eliminating the pre-existing antibody. In those species in which hyperacute rejection of xenografts does not occur, cell-mediated refection, similar to allograft rejection, may occur. It is in the prevention of this latter form of refection that radiation is most likely to be beneficial in XT. Both total lymphoid irradiation (TLI) and selective lyphoid irradiation (LSI) have been investigated for use in conjunction with XT. TLI has contributed to the prolongation of pancreatic islet-cell xenografts from hamsters to rats. TLI has also markedly prolonged the survival of cardiac transplants from hamsters to rats. A more modest prolongation of graft survival has been seen with the use of TLI in rabbit-to-rat exchanges. Therapy with TLI, cyclosporine, and splenectomy has markedly prolonged the survival of liver transplants from hamsters to rats, and preliminary data suggest that TLI may contribute to the prolongation of graft survival in the transplantation of hearts from monkeys to baboons. SLI appears to have prolonged graft survival, when used in conjunction with anti-lymphocyte globulin, in hamster-to-rat cardiac graft exchanges. The current state of knowledge of the use of irradiaiton in experimental XT is reviewed. (author). 38 refs.; 1 fig.; 5 tabs.

  20. Irradiation for xenogeneic transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halperin, E.C.; Knechtle, S.J.; Harland, R.C.; Yamaguchi, Yasua; Sontag, M.; Bollinger, R.R.; Duke Univ., Durham, NC


    Xenogeneic transplantation (XT) is the transplantation of organs or tissues from a member of one species to a member of another. Mammalian species frequently have circulating antibody which is directed against the foreign organ irrespective of known prior antigen exposure. This antibody may lead to hyperacute rejection once it ensues so efforts must be directed towards eliminating the pre-existing antibody. In those species in which hyperacute rejection of xenografts does not occur, cell-mediated refection, similar to allograft rejection, may occur. It is in the prevention of this latter form of refection that radiation is most likely to be beneficial in XT. Both total lymphoid irradiation (TLI) and selective lyphoid irradiation (LSI) have been investigated for use in conjunction with XT. TLI has contributed to the prolongation of pancreatic islet-cell xenografts from hamsters to rats. TLI has also markedly prolonged the survival of cardiac transplants from hamsters to rats. A more modest prolongation of graft survival has been seen with the use of TLI in rabbit-to-rat exchanges. Therapy with TLI, cyclosporine, and splenectomy has markedly prolonged the survival of liver transplants from hamsters to rats, and preliminary data suggest that TLI may contribute to the prolongation of graft survival in the transplantation of hearts from monkeys to baboons. SLI appears to have prolonged graft survival, when used in conjunction with anti-lymphocyte globulin, in hamster-to-rat cardiac graft exchanges. The current state of knowledge of the use of irradiaiton in experimental XT is reviewed. (author). 38 refs.; 1 fig.; 5 tabs

  1. Kidney Transplantation in Iran


    Behzad Einollahi


    Kidney transplantation in patients with end stage renal diseaseis preferred to dialysis because transplantation provides a betterquality of life and improved survival. However, the gapbetween the supply and demand for a renal allograft is wideningand the waiting time is increasing. Iranian protocol, a controlledtransplant program supported by the government forliving unrelated donors, was initiated for solving the problemof organ shortage. Although this system might experiencechallenges, clea...

  2. Função sexual e reprodutiva em receptoras de transplante hepático Sexual and reproductive function in female liver transplant recipients

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    Mônica Beatriz Parolin


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Anormalidades na função sexual e reprodutiva são comuns em pacientes com hepatopatia crônica avançada e podem ser revertidas após transplante hepático bem-sucedido. OBJETIVO: Avaliar aspectos da função sexual e reprodutiva em mulheres submetidas a transplante de fígado no Serviço de Transplante Hepático do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Entre setembro de 1991 e dezembro de 2001, 94 mulheres foram submetidas a transplante hepático. Vinte e oito delas (idade média 44,17 ± 13,60 anos preencheram os seguintes critérios de inclusão: idade > 16 anos na época do transplante, sobrevida pós-transplante > 6 meses, estar em acompanhamento regular no Serviço na época do estudo e concordância em participar do mesmo. Os prontuários médicos foram revisados e as pacientes responderam a um questionário abordando padrão dos ciclos menstruais no pré e pós-transplante, gravidez no pós-transplante, métodos contraceptivos no pré e pós-transplante, freqüência de realização de citologia oncótica cervical no pré e pós-transplante, ocorrência de neoplasia ginecológica pós-transplante, além de questionário específico para o domínio da sexualidade no período pós-transplante. RESULTADOS: A mediana do tempo de seguimento pós-transplante das 28 pacientes foi de 36,5 meses (6-110 meses e a principal indicação para o transplante foi cirrose associada à hepatite C (25%. Todas as pacientes apresentavam função normal do enxerto. Excluindo-se 6 pacientes em menopausa (natural ou cirúrgica, 13 das 22 pacientes (59,1% com potencial de menstruar apresentavam amenorréia no ano anterior ao transplante. Dezenove dessas 22 pacientes (86,4% reassumiram os ciclos menstruais após o transplante, com mediana de 1 mês pós-transplante (1 a 7 meses. Todas as pacientes com idade inferior a 45 anos voltaram a menstruar após o transplante. Quatro gestações bem

  3. Benefits of PEGylation in the early post-transplant period of intraportal islet transplantation as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging of labeled islets. (United States)

    Jin, Sang-Man; Oh, Seung-Hoon; Oh, Bae Jun; Suh, Sunghwan; Bae, Ji Cheol; Lee, Jung Hee; Lee, Myung-Shik; Lee, Moon-Kyu; Kim, Kwang-Won; Kim, Jae Hyeon


    While a few studies have demonstrated the benefit of PEGylation in islet transplantation, most have employed renal subcapsular models and none have performed direct comparisons of islet mass in intraportal islet transplantation using islet magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this study, our aim was to demonstrate the benefit of PEGylation in the early post-transplant period of intraportal islet transplantation with a novel algorithm for islet MRI. Islets were PEGylated after ferucarbotran labeling in a rat syngeneic intraportal islet transplantation model followed by comparisons of post-transplant glycemic levels in recipient rats infused with PEGylated (n = 12) and non-PEGylated (n = 13) islets. The total area of hypointense spots and the number of hypointense spots larger than 1.758 mm(2) of PEGylated and non-PEGylated islets were quantitatively compared. The total area of hypointense spots (P islet group 7 and 14 days post translation (DPT). These results translated into better post-transplant outcomes in the PEGylated islet group 28 DPT. In validation experiments, MRI parameters obtained 1, 7, and 14 DPT predicted normoglycemia 4 wk post-transplantation. We directly demonstrated the benefit of islet PEGylation in protection against nonspecific islet destruction in the early post-transplant period of intraportal islet transplantation using a novel algorithm for islet MRI. This novel algorithm could serve as a useful tool to demonstrate such benefit in future clinical trials of islet transplantation using PEGylated islets.

  4. Lung Cancer in Renal Transplant Recipients

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    Jozicic Mirela


    Full Text Available Introduction. Although the incidence of malignancy has increased after solid organ transplantation, data on lung cancer in this group of patients is scarce. The aim of this study was to determine clinical characteristics and outcome of patients who developed lung cancer after renal transplantation. Methods. Among a cohort of 1658 patients who received a transplant at our institution and were followedup between 1973 and 2014, five patients developed lung cancer. We analyzed risk factors, transplantation characteristics, treatment options and survival. Results. Lung cancer was diagnosed in 5 patients (0.3%. Time to diagnosis after the transplant procedure ranged from 26 to 156 months (mean 115 months. All of them had a smoking history. Tumors were classified as IIB (20%, IIIA (40%, and IV (40%. Histological types included adenocarcinoma (80% and there was one case of sarcomatoid carcinoma (20%. One patient had concomitant thyroid papillary carcinoma. Radiotherapy was applied in 2 patients, 2 underwent chemotherapy (erlotinib and combination of carboplatinum and etopozide in one patient each, and 2 died within one month after the diagnosis from disseminated malignant disease. Patients with stage IIIA survived 14 and 24 months after the diagnosis. The patient with sarcomatoid cancer underwent thoracotomy with a complete resection, lost his graft function and died 7 months after the diagnosis. Conclusion. Lung cancer is relatively rare malignancy in renal transplant recipients, but associated with high mortality. Smoking is a significant risk factor, thus smoking cessation should be promoted among renal transplant recipients, as well as regular screening for lung cancer.

  5. Successful repigmentation of vitiligo after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for Hodgkin′s lymphoma by autologous noncultured melanocyte-keratinocyte transplantation

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    Huijuan Tang


    Full Text Available The treatment of vitiligo is derisory since the pathogenesis of vitiligo is not clear at present. Most conservative treatments are difficult to approach satisfactory therapy. So transplantation is the only way left when the disease becomes insensitive to those conservative treatments. Here we describe an 18-year-old patient who developed vitiligo, which was triggered by graft-versus-host disease after a allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for the treatment of Hodgkin′s lymphoma from his sister. In the following treatment to vitiligo, the patient successfully performed the transplantation of autologous uncultured melanocyte on the premise of poor reaction to other conservative methods. We infer that transplantation can be a treatment of the vitiligo after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.

  6. [Rare diagnostics of infective endocarditis after kidney transplantation]. (United States)

    Dedinská, Ivana; Skalová, Petra; Mokáň, Michal; Martiaková, Katarína; Osinová, Denisa; Pindura, Miroslav; Palkoci, Blažej; Vojtko, Marián; Hubová, Janka; Kadlecová, Denisa; Lendová, Ivona; Zacharovský, Radovan; Pekar, Filip; Kaliská, Lucia


    Infective endocarditis in a patient after kidney transplantation is a serious infective complication which increases the risk of loss of the graft and also the mortality of patients. The most important predisposing factor is the immunosuppressive therapy - mainly induction immunosuppression.Material and case description: 250 patients underwent kidney transplantation throughout the period of 12 years in the Transplant Center Martin. This set of patients included 5 patients (2 %) after heart valve replacement. We present the case of a patient after kidney transplantation with development of endocarditis of the bioprosthesis of the aortic valve one month after successful kidney transplantation. Diagnostics of endocarditis by standard procedures (examination by transthoracic echocardiogram, transesophageal echocardiography, hemocultures) was unsuccessful. We rarely diagnosed endocarditis only by PET-CT examination with a consequent change of the antibiotic treatment and successful managing of this post-transplant complication. Endocarditis after kidney transplantation is a serious complication which significantly worsens the mortality of patients. The risk of development of infective endocarditis after transplantation is also increased by induction, mainly by antithymocyte globulin. Diagnostics only by PET-CT examination is rare; however, in this case it fundamentally changed the approach to the patient and led to a successful treatment.

  7. Treatment of post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders after kidney transplant with rituximab and conversion to m-TOR inhibitor. (United States)

    Nieto-Rios, John Fredy; Gómez de Los Ríos, Sandra Milena; Serna-Higuita, Lina María; Ocampo-Kohn, Catalina; Aristizabal-Alzate, Arbey; Gálvez-Cárdenas, Kenny Mauricio; Zuluaga-Valencia, Gustavo Adolfo


    Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders are serious complications of organ transplantation which treatment is not yet standardized. To describe the clinical response, overall and graft survival of patients in our center with this complication after kidney transplantation, which received rituximab as part of their treatment as well as conversion to m-TOR. Retrospective study, which included patients, diagnosed with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders after kidney transplantation from January 2011 to July 2014. Eight cases were found with a wide spectrum of clinical presentations. Most had monomorphic histology, 85% were associated with Epstein-Barr virus, 25% of patients had tumor involvement of the renal graft, and 12.5% ​​had primary central nervous system lymphoma. All patients were managed with reduction of immunosuppression, conversion to m-TOR (except one who lost the graft at diagnosis) and rituximab-based therapy. The overall response rate was 87.5% (62.5% complete response, 25% partial response). Survival was 87.5% with a median follow-up of 34 months. An additional patient lost the graft, with chronic nephropathy already known. All the remaining patients had stable renal function. There are no standardized treatment regimens for lymphoproliferative disorders after kidney transplantation, but these patients can be managed successfully with reduction of immunosuppression, conversion to m-TOR and rituximab-based schemes.

  8. Low-Grade Persistent Hyperparathyroidism After Pediatric Renal Transplant. (United States)

    Gulleroglu, Kaan; Baskin, Esra; Moray, Gokhan; Haberal, Mehmet


    Hyperparathyroidism, a frequent complication of chronic kidney disease, persists after renal transplant. Our aims were to examine the status of parathyroid hormone levels and to determine the clinical and biochemical risk factors of persistent hyperparathyroidism after transplant. Our study included 44 pediatric renal transplant recipients with stable graft function. Median follow-up after transplant was 17.5 months (range, 12-126 mo). Patients did not receive routine vitamin D or calcium supplements after transplant, and none had undergone previous parathyroidectomy. Bone mineral densitometry of the lumbar spine was measured. Fifteen patients (34%) had parathyroid hormone levels greater than 70 pg/mL (normal range, 10-70 pg/mL). Duration of dialysis before transplant was longer in patients with persistent hyperparathyroidism. Mean serum bicarbonate levels were significantly lower in patients with persistent hyperparathyroidism than in patients without persistent hyperparathyroidism after transplant. A significant negative correlation was noted between parathyroid hormone level and serum bicarbonate level. Another significant negative correlation was shown between parathyroid hormone level and z score. We found that persistent hyperparathyroidism is related to longer dialysis duration, lower serum bicarbonate level, and lower z score. Pretransplant dialysis duration is an important predictor of persistent hyperparathyroidism. Early identification of factors that contribute to persistent hyperparathyroidism after transplant could lead to treatment strategies to minimize or prevent its detrimental effects on bone health and growth in pediatric transplant recipients.

  9. Scintigraphy of renal transplant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramackers, J.M.; Marrast, A.C.; Touraine, J.L.; Peyrin, J.O.


    Scintigraphy is useful for monitoring perfusion and function of renal transplant, as well as for diagnosing miscellaneous surgical. This non-invasive imaging technique, which uses no deleterious products, is an attractive alternative for patients. This is especially true for those patients in early post-transplant course, with immunity depression and often impairment of renal function. Otherwise, multiple indices with a large range of inter-patient values has not favoured a methodological and interpretative consensus. Furthermore, the poor specificity of renogram patterns does not allow for discrimination of all etiologies with only one scintigraphy. Nevertheless, follow-up with iterative scintigraphy may be helpful due to the high intra-patient reproducibility and to the early appreciate change of parameters, according to clinical and histological renal post-transplant outcome. (authors). 43 refs., 8 figs

  10. Spirometric assessment of lung transplant patients: one year follow-up

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    Paulo M. Pêgo-Fernandes


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare spirometry data between patients who underwent single-lung or double-lung transplantation the first year after transplantation. INTRODUCTION: Lung transplantation, which was initially described as an experimental method in 1963, has become a therapeutic option for patients with advanced pulmonary diseases due to improvements in organ conservation, surgical technique, immunosuppressive therapy and treatment of post-operative infections. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the records of the 39 patients who received lung transplantation in our institution between August 2003 and August 2006. Twenty-nine patients survived one year post-transplantation, and all of them were followed. RESULTS: The increase in lung function in the double-lung transplant group was more substantial than that of the single-lung transplant group, exhibiting a statistical difference from the 1st month in both the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1 and the forced vital capacity (FVC in comparison to the pre-transplant values (p <0.05. Comparison between double-lung transplant and single lung-transplant groups of emphysema patients demonstrated a significant difference in lung function beginning in the 3rd month after transplantation. DISCUSSION: The analyses of the whole group of transplant recipients and the sub-group of emphysema patients suggest the superiority of bilateral transplant over the unilateral alternative. Although the pre-transplant values of lung function were worse in the double-lung group, this difference was no longer significant in the subsequent months after surgery. CONCLUSION: Although both groups demonstrated functional improvement after transplantation, there was a clear tendency to greater improvement in FVC and FEV1 in the bilateral transplant group. Among our subjects, double-lung transplantation improved lung function.

  11. Physical activity levels early after lung transplantation. (United States)

    Wickerson, Lisa; Mathur, Sunita; Singer, Lianne G; Brooks, Dina


    Little is known of the early changes in physical activity after lung transplantation. The purposes of this study were: (1) to describe physical activity levels in patients up to 6 months following lung transplantation and (2) to explore predictors of the change in physical activity in that population. This was a prospective cohort study. Physical activity (daily steps and time spent in moderate-intensity activity) was measured using an accelerometer before and after transplantation (at hospital discharge, 3 months, and 6 months). Additional functional measurements included submaximal exercise capacity (measured with the 6-Minute Walk Test), quadriceps muscle torque, and health-related quality of life (measured with the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey 36 [SF-36] and the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire). Thirty-six lung transplant recipients (18 men, 18 women; mean age=49 years, SD=14) completed posttransplant measurements. Before transplant, daily steps were less than a third of the general population. By 3 months posttransplant, the largest improvement in physical activity had occurred, and level of daily steps reached 55% of the general population. The change in daily steps (pretransplant to 3 months posttransplant) was inversely correlated with pretransplant 6-minute walk distance (r=-.48, P=.007), daily steps (r=-.36, P=.05), and SF-36 physical functioning (SF-36 PF) score (r=-.59, P=.0005). The SF-36 PF was a significant predictor of the change in physical activity, accounting for 35% of the variation in change in daily steps. Only individuals who were ambulatory prior to transplant and discharged from the hospital in less than 3 months were included in the study. Physical activity levels improve following lung transplantation, particularly in individuals with low self-reported physical functioning. However, the majority of lung transplant recipients remain sedentary between 3 to 6 months following transplant. The role of exercise

  12. Hypertension in Renal Transplantation: Saudi Arabian Experience

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    Souqiyyeh Muhammad


    Full Text Available To evaluate the prevalence, etiologic factors and therapy of hypertension in actively followed up transplant population in Saudi Arabia; we retrospectively reviewed the records of the active renal transplant patients at two large transplant centers in Riyadh and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. These subjects were transplanted between January 1979 and November 1998. The patients were grouped according to the measurement of blood pressure; group 1 (considered normo-tensive: blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg, group2: blood pressure between 140-159/90-99, group 3: blood pressure 160-179/100-109 group 4: equal to or above 180/110. There were 1115 patients′ records included in the study. The mean duration of transplantation was 66.9 ± 50.1 months. According to the level of measured blood pressure, there were 641 (57.5% patients in the normotensive group (group 1, 404 (36.3% patients in the mildly hypertensive group (group 2 64 (5.7% patients in the moderately severe hypertension group (group 3 and only six (0.5% patients in the severe hypertension group (group 4. The estimated prevalence of hypertension in this study was almost 85%. We found no significant difference in the prevalence of hypertension in terms of gender, year of transplantation, duration of transplantation, type of donor, number of previous transplants, diagnosis of renal artery stenosis, etiology of kidney disease, diagnosis of diabetes after transplantation, diagnosis of cerebrovascular accidents, or mean dose of prednisolone and cyclosporine. There was a statistically significant association between increased level of blood pressure and old age (above 50 years, original disease associated with hypertension, history of hypertension on dialysis, acute rejection (once or more, presence of protienuria (more than 0.3 mg/day, abnormality of ECG, or serum creatinine above 300 µmol/L. We conclude that hypertension is highly prevalent in the renal transplant population in Saudi Arabia. Risk

  13. [Intestinal transplant: in what phase are we?]. (United States)

    Andrés Moreno, A M; Ramos, E; Hernández, F; Encinas, J L; Leal, N; Gámez, M L; Martínez, L; Sarriá, J; Molina, M; Martínez-Ojinaga, E; Murcia, J; Frauca, E; Delgado, M; Prieto, G; López Santamaría, M; Tovar, J A


    To analyze the evolution of Small Bowel Transplantation program since the beginning of the program. [corrected] All children who underwent intestinal transplantation between 1997 and 2009 were retrospectively reviewed: epidemiological data, status before transplant, surgical technique, immunosupression, results, survival and long.term quality of life were analysed. Fifty-two intestinal transplants were performed in 46 children (20 isolated bowel, 20 combined liver and intestine, and 12 multivisceral); median age was 32m (range 7m-19a); weight 12,3 kg (range 3,9-60); 31 had short gut syndrome, 8 dismotility, 5 intractable diarrhea, and two were miscellaneous. Intestinal adaptation was initially attempted in 26 patients, without success, 20 were directly listed for transplant. The modality of transplant was modified in 17 while listed. Baseline immunosupression consisted of tacrolimus and steroids, although 5 required conversion to Sirolimus later. Six died during the first month, due to sepsis/multiorganic failure (poor status at transplant); 13 died during the long-term follow-up. Acute rejection was seen in 20, chronic rejection in 3, PTLD in 8 (6 died) and GVHD in 5 patients (3 died). Overall survival after 5 years of follow-up is 65,2 % (51,7% for the graft). From 2006 to 2008, overall patient/graft survival at 6 m, 1 and 3 years after transplant is 88,7/84,1, 81,2/81,2 and 81,2/71,1%, respectively. After a median follw-up of 39 +/- 29 months, 27 patients are alive (59%), off TPN, (70% had their ostomy taken down), go to school, are scarcely hospitalized and enjoy a good quality of life. Intestinal transplantation has consolided itself as a good choice for irreversible intestinal failure, being feasible to achieve a normal life. Although overall survival diminishes over time, the center experience has improved the results. These patients need a very close follow-up, once transplant is over, in order to get an early diagnose of immunological complications.


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    Lívia Maia Pascoal


    Full Text Available El diagnóstico de enfermería Cambio de gases perjudicado muestra una fuerte relación con el funcionamiento cardiaco y respiratorio, pero su identificación muchas veces es realizada sin evidencias científicas. Estudio transversal con el objetivo de investigar y comparar el comprometimiento de indicadores del diagnóstico de enfermería citado anteriormente en pacientes con Síndrome Coronaria Aguda, Infarto Agudo de Miocardio e Insuficiencia Cardiaca Congestiva. El instrumento contempló indicadores del estado de salud de la Clasificación de los Resultados de Enfermería (NOC, organizados en una escala de 1 a 5. Basado en esta escala no fue identificado el diagnóstico en estudio, aunque, se observaron alteraciones en los indicadores profundidad de la respiración y somnolencia, lo que puede indicar un posible estado de riesgo. Se identificaron diferencias estadísticamente significantes para algunos indicadores con relación al género y a los diagnósticos médicos. Los resultados obtenidos posibilitan una reflexión sobre las necesidades específicas presentadas por estos pacientes y representan un incentivo en la elaboración de planes de cuidados individualizados.

  15. Ultrasonic microbubble contrast agents and the transplant kidney

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kay, D.H., E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Western Infirmary, Glasgow (United Kingdom); Mazonakis, M.; Geddes, C. [Department of Renal Medicine, Western Infirmary, Glasgow (United Kingdom); Baxter, G. [Department of Radiology, Western Infirmary, Glasgow (United Kingdom)


    Aim: To evaluate the potential application of microbubble agents in the immediate post-transplant period, by studying contrast uptake and washout, and to correlate these values with clinical indices, and thus, assess the potential prognostic value of this technique. Materials and methods: The study group comprised 20 consecutive renal transplant patients within 7 days of transplantation. Sonovue was administered as an intravenous bolus with continuous imaging of the transplant kidney at low mechanical index (MI) for 1 min post-injection. These data were analysed off-line by two observers, and time intensity curves (TIC) for the upper, mid, and lower poles constructed. Within each pole, a region of interest (5 mm square) was placed over the cortex, medullary pyramid, and interlobar artery, resulting in a total of nine TIC for each patient. TIC parameters included the arrival time (AT), time to peak (TTP), peak intensity (Max), gradient of the slope (M), and the area under curve (AUC). Results: For both observers there was good agreement for all values measured from the cortex and medulla, but poor interobserver correlation for the vascular values. In addition, there was only agreement for these values in the upper and mid-pole of the transplant with poor agreement for the lower pole values. The mid-pole of the transplant kidney was chosen as the point of measurement for subsequent studies. Mid-pole values were correlated with clinical data and outcome over the 3-month post-transplant period. Renal microbubble perfusion correlated with the transplant estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at 3 months post-transplantation (p = 0.016). Discussion: In conclusion, this is the first study to confirm reproducibility of the Sonovue TIC data in transplant patients and to quantify regional variation and perfusion. The statistically significant estimates of transplant perfusion may be of future benefit to transplant recipients and potentially utilized as a prognostic tool

  16. Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Organ Transplantation: Immunomodulatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells for application in organ transplantation


    Crop, Meindert


    textabstractKidney transplantation is the only effective treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease. Transplantation of a donor organ, however, leads to recognition of the foreign donor antigens by the recipient’s immune system, resulting in rejection of the graft. In addition, ischemia-reperfusion injury leads to the initiation of immune responses. To prevent graft rejection, transplant recipients need to use life-long immunosuppressive medication. These drugs, however, can lead to ...

  17. Uso de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca como marcador de los efectos cardiovasculares asociados con la contaminación del aire Use of heartrate variability as a marker of cardiovascular effects associated with air pollution

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    Horacio Riojas-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Estudios epidemiológicos han demostrado la relación entre los contaminantes atmosféricos y el incremento en la mortalidad por causas cardiovasculares, en especial en personas con enfermedad cardiopulmonar previa. Sin embargo, los mecanismos fisiopatológicos mediante los cuales estos padecimientos ocurren no son bien conocidos. Se ha sugerido que una de las vías mediante las cuales las partículas suspendidas respirables y otros contaminantes producen su efecto es alterar la regulación del corazón por el sistema nervioso autónomo. El análisis de los cambios en la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC es un indicador de efecto sobre este mecanismo. En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de las bases fisiológicas de este método, de sus ventajas y limitaciones y de los resultados que se obtienen al relacionarlo con la exposición a contaminantes atmosféricos. A partir del análisis de la literatura disponible, se sugieren alternativas relacionadas con el diseño de los estudios, la selección de poblaciones en riesgo, los métodos para evaluar la exposición y los métodos de análisis estadístico que pueden servir para utilizar mejor el análisis del registro electrocardiográfico ambulatorio en relación con los riesgos cardiacos por exposición a contaminantes atmosféricos.Epidemiological studies have shown the association between atmospheric pollutants and increase in mortality due to cardiovascular causes, especially in patients with previous cardio-respiratory diseases. However, the pathophysiological mechanisms by which these events take place have not been elucidated. One of the proposed mechanisms by which suspended respirable particles and other pollutants produce their effect is that they modify autonomic heart control. The analysis of changes in heart rate variability (HRV is an indicator of pollutant effect on this mechanism. The article reviews the physiologic basis of this non-invasive method, its advantages and

  18. African American kidney transplantation survival: the ability of immunosuppression to balance the inherent pre- and post-transplant risk factors. (United States)

    Malat, Gregory E; Culkin, Christine; Palya, Aniruddha; Ranganna, Karthik; Kumar, Mysore S Anil


    Among organ transplant recipients, the African American population historically has received special attention. This is because secondary to their disposition to certain disease states, for example hypertension, an African American patient has a propensity to reach end-stage renal disease and require renal replacement earlier than a Caucasian patient. Regardless of the initiative to replace dialysis therapy with organ transplantation, the African American patient has many barriers to kidney transplantation, thus extending their time on dialysis and waiting time on the organ transplant list. These factors are among the many negative causes of decreased kidney graft survival, realized before kidney transplantation. Unfortunately, once the African American recipient receives a kidney graft, the literature documents that many post-transplant barriers exist which limit successful outcomes. The primary post-transplant barrier relates to designing proper immunosuppression protocols. The difficulty in designing protocols revolves around (i) altered genetic metabolism/lower absorption, (ii) increased immuno-active cytokines and (iii) detrimental effects of noncompliance. Based on the literature, dosing of immunosuppression must be aggressive and requires a diligent practitioner. Research has indicated that, despite some success with proven levels of immunosuppression, the African American recipient usually requires a higher 'dose per weight' regimen. However, even with aggressive immunosuppressant dosing, African Americans still have worse outcomes than Caucasian recipients. Additionally, many of the targeted sites of action that immunosuppression exerts its effects on have been found to be amplified in the African American population. Finally, noncompliance is the most discouraging inhibitor of long-term success in organ transplantation. The consequences of noncompliance are biased by ethnicity and affect the African American population more severely. All of these factors

  19. Barriers to preemptive renal transplantation: a single center questionnaire study. (United States)

    Knight, Richard J; Teeter, Larry D; Graviss, Edward A; Patel, Samir J; DeVos, Jennifer M; Moore, Linda W; Gaber, A Osama


    Preemptive transplantation results in excellent patient and graft survival yet most transplant candidates are referred for transplantation after initiation of dialysis. The goal of this study was to determine barriers to preemptive renal transplantation. A nonvalidated questionnaire was administered to prospective kidney transplant recipients to determine factors that hindered or favored referral for transplantation before the initiation of dialysis. One hundred ninety-seven subjects referred for a primary renal transplant completed the questionnaire. Ninety-one subjects (46%) had been informed of preemptive transplantation before referral, and 80 (41%) were predialysis at the time of evaluation. The median time from diagnosis of renal disease to referral was 60 months (range, 2-444 months). In bivariate analysis, among other factors, knowledge of preemptive transplantation was highly associated (odds ratio=94.69) with referral before initiation of dialysis. Given the strong association between knowledge of preemptive transplantation and predialysis referral, this variable was not included in the multivariate analysis. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, white recipient race, referral by a transplant nephrologist, recipient employment, and the diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease were significantly associated with presentation to the pretransplant clinic before initiation of dialysis. The principle barrier to renal transplantation referral before dialysis was patient education regarding the option of preemptive transplantation. Factors significantly associated with referral before dialysis were the diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease, white recipient race, referral by a transplant nephrologist, and employed status. Greater effort should be applied to patient education regarding preemptive transplantation early after the diagnosis of end-stage renal disease.

  20. Trismus in Face Transplantation Following Ballistic Trauma. (United States)

    Krezdorn, Nicco; Alhefzi, Muayyad; Perry, Bridget; Aycart, Mario A; Tasigiorgos, Sotirios; Bueno, Ericka M; Green, Jordan R; Pribaz, Julian J; Pomahac, Bohdan; Caterson, Edward J


    Trismus can be a challenging consequence of ballistic trauma to the face, and has rarely been described in the setting of face transplantation. Almost half of all current face transplant recipients in the world received transplantation to restore form and function after a ballistic injury. Here we report our experience and challenges with long standing trismus after face transplantation. We reviewed the medical records of our face transplant recipients whose indication was ballistic injury. We focused our review on trismus and assessed the pre-, peri- and postoperative planning, surgery and functional outcomes. Two patients received partial face transplantation, including the midface for ballistic trauma. Both patients suffered from impaired mouth opening, speech intelligibility, and oral competence. Severe scarring of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) required intraoperative release in both patients, and additional total condylectomy on the left side 6 months posttransplant for 1 patient. Posttransplant, both patients achieved an improvement in mouth opening; however, there was persistent trismus. One year after transplantation, range of motion of the jaw had improved for both patients. Independent oral food intake was possible 1 year after surgery, although spillage of liquids and mixed consistency solids persisted. Speech intelligibility testing showed impairments in the immediate postoperative period, with improvement to over 85% for both patients at 1 year posttransplant. Ballistic trauma to the face and subsequent reconstructive measures can cause significant scarring and covert injuries to structures such as the TMJ, resulting in long standing trismus. Meticulous individual planning prior to interventions such as face transplantation must take these into account. We encourage intraoperative evaluation of these structures as well as peri- and postoperative treatment when necessary. Due to the nature of the primary injury, functional outcomes after face

  1. Long-term use of amiodarone before heart transplantation significantly reduces early post-transplant atrial fibrillation and is not associated with increased mortality after heart transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rivinius R


    Full Text Available Rasmus Rivinius,1 Matthias Helmschrott,1 Arjang Ruhparwar,2 Bastian Schmack,2 Christian Erbel,1 Christian A Gleissner,1 Mohammadreza Akhavanpoor,1 Lutz Frankenstein,1 Fabrice F Darche,1 Patrick A Schweizer,1 Dierk Thomas,1 Philipp Ehlermann,1 Tom Bruckner,3 Hugo A Katus,1 Andreas O Doesch1 1Department of Cardiology, Angiology and Pneumology, 2Department of Cardiac Surgery, Heidelberg University Hospital, 3Institute for Medical Biometry and Informatics, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Background: Amiodarone is a frequently used antiarrhythmic drug in patients with end-stage heart failure. Given its long half-life, pre-transplant use of amiodarone has been controversially discussed, with divergent results regarding morbidity and mortality after heart transplantation (HTX.Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of long-term use of amiodarone before HTX on early post-transplant atrial fibrillation (AF and mortality after HTX.Methods: Five hundred and thirty patients (age ≥18 years receiving HTX between June 1989 and December 2012 were included in this retrospective single-center study. Patients with long-term use of amiodarone before HTX (≥1 year were compared to those without long-term use (none or <1 year of amiodarone. Primary outcomes were early post-transplant AF and mortality after HTX. The Kaplan–Meier estimator using log-rank tests was applied for freedom from early post-transplant AF and survival.Results: Of the 530 patients, 74 (14.0% received long-term amiodarone therapy, with a mean duration of 32.3±26.3 months. Mean daily dose was 223.0±75.0 mg. Indications included AF, Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation. Patients with long-term use of amiodarone before HTX had significantly lower rates of early post-transplant AF (P=0.0105. Further, Kaplan–Meier analysis of freedom from early post-transplant AF showed significantly lower rates of AF in this

  2. Kidney transplantation in the context of renal replacement therapy. (United States)

    Pesavento, Todd E


    Kidney transplantation has dramatically evolved from a life-saving yet unproven therapy for patients with renal failure to a mature field that is the preferred treatment for those suffering from ESRD. Patients who receive a transplant experience a 68% lower risk of death compared with those waiting on dialysis for a transplant. This benefit is afforded to all patient subgroups including the elderly (> or =70 yr), and diabetics, who can gain 11 yr of extra life with transplantation. Prolonged transplant wait times result in a higher risk of death but this can be ameliorated with preemptive transplantation. Future challenges will focus on appropriate organ allocation and addressing long-term renal function and comorbid conditions so patients can enjoy the full benefits of transplantation.

  3. Culture and psychology in organ transplantation. (United States)

    Daar, A S; Marshall, P


    The cultural and psychological dimensions of organ transplantation are often overlooked in the process of meeting its exacting technical requirements. This new branch of medicine has brought with it new ways of understanding death, human rights, commerce, gift giving, and ethics. It produces strong emotions in recipients, donors and transplanters alike. These factors need to be taken fully into consideration if organ transplantation is to evolve in ways that are felt to be beneficial for all concerned.

  4. Identificación y expresión diferencial del factor de transcripción asociado a microftalmia en corazón y cardiomiocitos aislados de cobayo, posible papel en hipertrofia y en viabilidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Alberto Gómez


    Full Text Available Introducción. El factor de transcripción asociado a microftalmia (MITF regula la expresión de genes específicos y no se conoce su expresión y su función a nivel cardiaco. Objetivo. Identificar la expresión de MITF en corazón y en cardiomiocitos aislados de cobayo, describir cambios morfológicos asociados con su disminución y evaluar niveles relativos de su expresión en cardiomiocitos aislados en condiciones de preacondicionamiento isquémico. Materiales y métodos. El análisis de expresión relativa de la isoforma específica cardiaca, MITF-H, se determinó por PCR en tiempo real semicuantitativa, secuenciación y western blot. La disminución del mRNA de MITF se indujo con un shRNAi específico. El tamaño, el diámetro y número de fibras musculares se evaluó por observación directa microscopía de luz. Resultados. Se amplificó un fragmento de 281 pb de cDNA, el análisis de la secuencia confirmó la identidad del exón 1 y la isoforma H de MITF. La interferencia del mRNA de MITF se asoció con un mayor  índice cardiaco (peso corazón/peso corporal 5,46x10-3 vs 4,6x10-3 y un incremento del diámetro de las fibras cardiacas (50,2±16 μm vs 38,7±14,7 μm p<0.05, n= 150. En cardiomiocitos aislados en condiciones de preacondicionamiento isquémico, se observó una expresión relativa mayor de MITF-H, que en miocitos en normoxia y expuestos a lesión por isquemia simulada (ochenta y cien veces más n=5, p< 0,05 n=3. Conclusión. Los resultados sugieren que MITF-H podría estar involucrado en hipertrofia, en la respuesta al estrés por isquemia y en la supervivencia de cardiomiocitos de cobayo.

  5. Results of renal transplantation of the Hashemi Nejad Kidney Hospital--Tehran. (United States)

    Ghods, A J; Ossareh, S; Savaj, S


    The first renal transplant in Iran was carried out in 1967. The renal transplant program severely lagged behind hemodialysis in growth until 1988. In 1988, a controlled LURD renal transplant program was adopted to provide kidneys for the large number of dialysis patients needing a renal transplant. There was no cadaveric donor transplant program. By the end of 1999, a total of 9,535 renal transplants were performed and the renal transplant waiting list of the country had been eliminated. In Iran's LURD renal transplant program, the Dialysis and Transplant Patients Association introduces the volunteer LURD to the recipient and the transplant team. There are no middlemen and no incentives for transplant teams. The government pays all of the hospital expenses for transplantation. Many poor patients are able to afford LURD transplantation and more than 50% of our LURD transplant recipients are from the poor socioeconomic class. Ethical issues within the program are under the strict observation of the transplant teams and the Iranian Society for Organ Transplantation. We have noted that many LURD transplant recipients had a potential LRD who did not donate for cultural reasons or who was reluctant to donate. In the presence of a controlled LURD renal transplant program, we feel it is more ethical to perform a paid renal transplant from volunteer LURD than a renal transplant from an LRD who may be under family pressure or coerced. The patient and graft survival rates reported from our unit are comparable to the results of renal transplants reported from centers of some other countries. Some patient deaths and graft losses could have been prevented if our transplant units were not deficient with respect to laboratory facilities and access to pharmaceutical agents. In April 2000, legislation recognizing brain death and cadaveric organ transplantation passed our parliament. Strong cultural barriers may limit the scale of cadaver donor transplantation in the coming years and

  6. Quality measurement and improvement in liver transplantation. (United States)

    Mathur, Amit K; Talwalkar, Jayant


    There is growing interest in the quality of health care delivery in liver transplantation. Multiple stakeholders, including patients, transplant providers and their hospitals, payers, and regulatory bodies have an interest in measuring and monitoring quality in the liver transplant process, and understanding differences in quality across centres. This article aims to provide an overview of quality measurement and regulatory issues in liver transplantation performed within the United States. We review how broader definitions of health care quality should be applied to liver transplant care models. We outline the status quo including the current regulatory agencies, public reporting mechanisms, and requirements around quality assurance and performance improvement (QAPI) activities. Additionally, we further discuss unintended consequences and opportunities for growth in quality measurement. Quality measurement and the integration of quality improvement strategies into liver transplant programmes hold significant promise, but multiple challenges to successful implementation must be addressed to optimise value. Copyright © 2018 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Unilateral lung transplantation for pulmonary fibrosis. (United States)


    Improvements in immunosuppression and surgical techniques have made unilateral lung transplantation feasible in selected patients with end-stage interstitial lung disease. We report two cases of successful unilateral lung transplantation for end-stage respiratory failure due to pulmonary fibrosis. The patients, both oxygen-dependent, had progressive disease refractory to all treatment, with an anticipated life expectancy of less than one year on the basis of the rate of progression of the disease. Both patients were discharged six weeks after transplantation and returned to normal life. They are alive and well at 26 months and 14 months after the procedure. Pulmonary-function studies have shown substantial improvement in their lung volumes and diffusing capacities. For both patients, arterial oxygen tension is now normal and there is no arterial oxygen desaturation with exercise. This experience shows that unilateral lung transplantation, for selected patients with end-stage interstitial lung disease, provides a good functional result. Moreover, it avoids the necessity for cardiac transplantation, as required by the combined heart-lung procedure, and permits the use of the donor heart for another recipient.

  8. Uterus transplantation: ethical and regulatory challenges. (United States)

    Arora, Kavita Shah; Blake, Valarie


    Moving forward rapidly in the clinical research phase, uterus transplantation may be a future treatment option for women with uterine factor infertility, which accounts for three per cent of all infertility in women. This new method of treatment would allow women, who currently rely on gestational surrogacy or adoption, to gestate and birth their own genetic offspring. Since uterus transplantation carries significant risk when compared with surrogacy and adoption as well as when compared with other organ transplants, it requires greater justification because its goals are quality of life, not life-saving, in their scope. It is important to address questions regarding the physical, psychosocial and ethical risks and benefits of uterus transplantation for all three parties involved--the patient, the donor and the potential child--as well as discuss the regulatory implications as research on uterus transplantations moves forward. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  9. Tetanus after allogeneic bone-marrow transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kendra, J.R.; Halil, O.; Barrett, A.J.; Selwyn, S.


    A brief report is presented of a case of tetanus after allogeneic bone-marrow transplantation complicated by radiation-induced pneumonitis. A 30-year-old army sergeant received a bone-marrow transplant from his brother for the treatment of a granulocytic sarcoma after local radiotherapy to the tumour. Six years earlier he had sustained an open, compound fracture of the left tibia and fibula while on army exercise. At the time a pin and plate had been inserted and booster anti-tetanus administered. Bone-marrow transplantation was performed after total body irradiation. Cyclosporin A was given against graft-versus-host disease. Fifty four days after transplantation tetanus was diagnosed and death followed 14 days later. Necropsy disclosed radiation-induced pneumonitis, but no organisms were cultured from the lungs or the old fracture site. It is suggested that spores were incorporated into the wound site before surgery and that oxygenation around the plate became compromised after transplantation, permitting germination of dormant spores, immunosuppression allowing development of the disease. (U.K.)

  10. Central nervous system infections in heart transplant recipients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Beek, Diederik; Patel, Robin; Daly, Richard C.; McGregor, Christopher G. A.; Wijdicks, Eelco F. M.


    OBJECTIVE: To study central nervous system infections after heart transplantations. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Cardiac Transplant Program at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Patients Three hundred fifteen consecutive patients who underwent heart transplantation from January 1988

  11. Surgical Thoracic Transplant Training: Super Fellowship-Is It Super? (United States)

    Makdisi, George; Makdisi, Tony; Caldeira, Christiano C; Wang, I-Wen


    The quality of training provided to thoracic transplant fellows is a critical step in the care of complex patients undergoing transplant. The training varies since it is not an accreditation council for graduate medical education accredited fellowship. A total of 104 heart or lung transplant program directors throughout the United States were sent a survey of 24 questions focusing on key aspects of training, fellowship training content and thoracic transplant job satisfaction. Out of the 104 programs surveyed 45 surveys (43%) were returned. In total, 26 programs offering a transplant fellowship were included in the survey. Among these programs 69% currently have fellows of which 56% are American Board of Thoracic Surgery board eligible. According to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) requirements, 46% of the programs do not meet the requirements to be qualified as a primary heart transplant surgeon. A total of 23% of lung transplant programs also perform less than the UNOS minimum requirements. Only 24% have extra-surgical curriculum. Out of the participating programs, only 38% of fellows secured a job in a hospital setting for performing transplants. An astounding 77% of replies site an unpredictable work schedule as the main reason that makes thoracic transplant a less than favorable profession among new graduates. Long hours were also a complaint of 69% of graduates who agreed that their personal life is affected by excessive work hours. Annually, almost half of all thoracic transplant programs perform fewer than the UNOS requirements to be a primary thoracic surgeon. This results in a majority of transplant fellows not finding a suitable transplant career. The current and future needs for highly qualified thoracic transplant surgeons will not be met through our existing training mechanisms. Copyright © 2017 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Pancreas preservation for pancreas and islet transplantation (United States)

    Iwanaga, Yasuhiro; Sutherland, David E.R.; Harmon, James V.; Papas, Klearchos K.


    Purpose of review To summarize advances and limitations in pancreas procurement and preservation for pancreas and islet transplantation, and review advances in islet protection and preservation. Recent findings Pancreases procured after cardiac death, with in-situ regional organ cooling, have been successfully used for islet transplantation. Colloid-free Celsior and histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate preservation solutions are comparable to University of Wisconsin solution when used for cold storage before pancreas transplantation. Colloid-free preservation solutions are inferior to University of Wisconsin solution for pancreas preservation prior to islet isolation and transplantation. Clinical reports on pancreas and islet transplants suggest that the two-layer method may not offer significant benefits over cold storage with the University of Wisconsin solution: improved oxygenation may depend on the graft size; benefits in experimental models may not translate to human organs. Improvements in islet yield and quality occurred from pancreases treated with inhibitors of stress-induced apoptosis during procurement, storage, isolation or culture. Pancreas perfusion may be desirable before islet isolation and transplantation and may improve islet yields and quality. Methods for real-time, noninvasive assessment of pancreas quality during preservation have been implemented and objective islet potency assays have been developed and validated. These innovations should contribute to objective evaluation and establishment of improved pancreas preservation and islet isolation strategies. Summary Cold storage may be adequate for preservation before pancreas transplants, but insufficient when pancreases are processed for islets or when expanded donors are used. Supplementation of cold storage solutions with cytoprotective agents and perfusion may improve pancreas and islet transplant outcomes. PMID:18685343

  13. Nuestra verdad sobre SYNTAX

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Carnero-Alcázar


    Full Text Available El ensayo clínico Synergy between PCI with Taxus and Cardiac Surgery (SYNTAX ha marcado un hito en la historia de la revascularización miocárdica. El análisis del objetivo primario demostró que la cirugía era capaz de reducir el riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares mayores frente al intervencionismo coronario con stents recubiertos en pacientes con enfermedad multivaso o del tronco coronario. Sin embargo, la interpretación de los análisis de subgrupos y eventos secundarios ha servido para justificar la revascularización con stents recubiertos en grupos seleccionados de enfermos. Las conclusiones de SYNTAX han tenido un gran y discutido impacto en las guías de revascularización miocárdica europeas y en la práctica clínica diaria, forzando nuevas indicaciones, fomentando la reunión del Heart Team y poniendo a nuestro alcance nuevas herramientas como SYNTAX score. Los cirujanos cardiacos y cardiólogos hemos asumido todos estos cambios sin apenas crítica. Pero, ¿cuánta verdad irrefutable hay en SYNTAX?

  14. Pentalogía de Cantrell. Reporte de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wilmar Saldarriaga G.


    Full Text Available La pentalogía de Cantrell es una anomalía congénita que se caracteriza por la asociación variable de un defecto de la pared toracoabdominal a defectos de la porción inferior del esternón, del diafragma, del pericardio y cardiacos; entre estos el más representativo es la ectopia cordis. Cantrell reportó en 1958 5 casos con esta anomalía. La prevalencia de pentalogía de Cantrell ha sido estimada entre 1/65 000 a 1 en 200 000 nacidos vivos. La etiología de esta anomalía no es clara y se considera heterogénea. El mecanismo embriopatológico propuesto sugiere que existe una falla en la migración ventral de células mesodérmicas. Se reporta un caso de pentalogía de Cantrell con todas las características clásicas, con diagnóstico prenatal. Además se propone una hipótesis sobre la embriopatogénesis y un manejo integral de la madre y el feto.

  15. con dietas suplementadas con Cromo-L-metionina

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    Ram\\u00F3n Garc\\u00EDa-Castillo


    Full Text Available Un total de 48 cerdos (Sus scrofa domesticus; 24 machos castrados y 24 hembras cruzados (Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc y Landrace de 3,5 a 4,0 meses de edad y 60,0 ± 5,0 kg PV en finalización. Se alimentaron con dietas isoproteícas (14,5 % PC e isoenergéticas (3.400 kcal EM/kg de MS, adicionadas con Cr-L-metionina (MiCroPlex® (0, 200, 400 y 600 ppb. El experimento tuvo una duración de 45 días y se realizó de agosto a noviembre del 2002 en las instalaciones de la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, localizada en Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Al tener los animales aproximadamente 95 kg PV, se tomó muestra de 15 ml de sangre por cada animal para determinar la concentración de glucosa, ácido úrico, creatinina, urea, proteinas totales y colesterol. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 4; dos para el factor sexo y cuatro para nivel de cromo. Los metabolitos en suero no fueron afectados (P>0,05 por el factor sexo. La glucosa en suero disminuyó (P<0,05 y el colesterol incrementó (P<0,05 con cromo en la dieta. Se concluye que el Cr incrementa el metabolismo de glucosa y disminuye el de colesterol, con lo cual puede haber energía disponible para síntesis de proteína la cual es necesaria para el crecimiento de los animales

  16. Pacemaker Use Following Heart Transplantation (United States)

    Mallidi, Hari R.; Bates, Michael


    Background: The incidence of permanent pacemaker implantation after orthotopic heart transplantation has been reported to be 2%-24%. Transplanted hearts usually exhibit sinus rhythm in the operating room following reperfusion, and most patients do not exhibit significant arrhythmias during the postoperative period. However, among the patients who do exhibit abnormalities, pacemakers may be implanted for early sinus node dysfunction but are rarely used after 6 months. Permanent pacing is often required for atrioventricular block. A different cohort of transplant patients presents later with bradycardia requiring pacemaker implantation, reported to occur in approximately 1.5% of patients. The objectives of this study were to investigate the indications for pacemaker implantation, compare the need for pacemakers following bicaval vs biatrial anastomosis, and examine the long-term outcomes of heart transplant patients who received pacemakers. Methods: For this retrospective, case-cohort, single-institution study, patients were identified from clinical research and administrative transplant databases. Information was supplemented with review of the medical records. Standard statistical techniques were used, with chi-square testing for categorical variables and the 2-tailed t test for continuous variables. Survival was compared with the use of log-rank methods. Results: Between January 1968 and February 2008, 1,450 heart transplants were performed at Stanford University. Eighty-four patients (5.8%) were identified as having had a pacemaker implanted. Of these patients, 65.5% (55) had the device implanted within 30 days of transplantation, and 34.5% (29) had late implantation. The mean survival of patients who had an early pacemaker implant was 6.4 years compared to 7.7 years for those with a late pacemaker implant (Ppacemaker implantation. Starting in 1997, a bicaval technique was used for implantation. The incidence of pacemaker implantation by technique was 2.0% for

  17. Pulmonary thromboembolism as a complication of lung transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Anna Warncke; Mortensen, Jann; Berg, Ronan M G


    Post-transplantation mortality after lung transplantation (LTX) is higher than for other solid organ transplantations. Thoracic surgery is associated with increased risk of thromboembolic complications, and as LTX recipients lack the collateral bronchial circulation, pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE...

  18. Getting a New Pancreas: Facts about Pancreas Transplants (United States)

    ... 2003 December 2006 March 2012 Getting A New Pancreas Facts About Pancreas Transplants American Society of Transplantation 1120 Route 73, ... the views of the Society. _________________________________________________________________ Getting a New Pancreas Facts About Pancreas Transplants When you get a ...

  19. Mobilized Peripheral Blood Stem Cells Versus Unstimulated Bone Marrow As a Graft Source for T-Cell-Replete Haploidentical Donor Transplantation Using Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide. (United States)

    Bashey, Asad; Zhang, Mei-Jie; McCurdy, Shannon R; St Martin, Andrew; Argall, Trevor; Anasetti, Claudio; Ciurea, Stefan O; Fasan, Omotayo; Gaballa, Sameh; Hamadani, Mehdi; Munshi, Pashna; Al Malki, Monzr M; Nakamura, Ryotaro; O'Donnell, Paul V; Perales, Miguel-Angel; Raj, Kavita; Romee, Rizwan; Rowley, Scott; Rocha, Vanderson; Salit, Rachel B; Solh, Melhem; Soiffer, Robert J; Fuchs, Ephraim Joseph; Eapen, Mary


    Purpose T-cell-replete HLA-haploidentical donor hematopoietic transplantation using post-transplant cyclophosphamide was originally described using bone marrow (BM). With increasing use of mobilized peripheral blood (PB), we compared transplant outcomes after PB and BM transplants. Patients and Methods A total of 681 patients with hematologic malignancy who underwent transplantation in the United States between 2009 and 2014 received BM (n = 481) or PB (n = 190) grafts. Cox regression models were built to examine differences in transplant outcomes by graft type, adjusting for patient, disease, and transplant characteristics. Results Hematopoietic recovery was similar after transplantation of BM and PB (28-day neutrophil recovery, 88% v 93%, P = .07; 100-day platelet recovery, 88% v 85%, P = .33). Risks of grade 2 to 4 acute (hazard ratio [HR], 0.45; P transplantation of BM compared with PB. There were no significant differences in overall survival by graft type (HR, 0.99; P = .98), with rates of 54% and 57% at 2 years after transplantation of BM and PB, respectively. There were no differences in nonrelapse mortality risks (HR, 0.92; P = .74) but relapse risks were higher after transplantation of BM (HR, 1.49; P = .009). Additional exploration confirmed that the higher relapse risks after transplantation of BM were limited to patients with leukemia (HR, 1.73; P = .002) and not lymphoma (HR, 0.87; P = .64). Conclusion PB and BM grafts are suitable for haploidentical transplantation with the post-transplant cyclophosphamide approach but with differing patterns of treatment failure. Although, to our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive comparison, these findings must be validated in a randomized prospective comparison with adequate follow-up.

  20. Syngeneic transplantation in aplastic anemia: pre-transplant conditioning and peripheral blood are associated with improved engraftment: an observational study on behalf of the Severe Aplastic Anemia and Pediatric Diseases Working Parties of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (United States)

    Gerull, Sabine; Stern, Martin; Apperley, Jane; Beelen, Dietrich; Brinch, Lorentz; Bunjes, Donald; Butler, Andrew; Ganser, Arnold; Ghavamzadeh, Ardeshir; Koh, Mickey B; Komarnicki, Mieczyslaw; Kröger, Nicolaus; Maertens, Johan; Maschan, Alexei; Peters, Christina; Rovira, Montserrat; Sengeløv, Henrik; Socié, Gerard; Tischer, Johanna; Oneto, Rosi; Passweg, Jakob; Marsh, Judith


    Aplastic anemia is usually treated with immunosuppression or allogeneic transplant, depending on patient and disease characteristics. Syngeneic transplant offers a rare treatment opportunity with minimal transplant-related mortality, and offers an insight into disease mechanisms. We present here a retrospective analysis of all syngeneic transplants for aplastic anemia reported to the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Between 1976 and 2009, 88 patients received 113 transplants. Most transplants (n=85) were preceded by a conditioning regimen, 22 of these including anti-thymocyte globulin. About half of transplants with data available (39 of 86) were followed by posttransplant immunosuppression. Graft source was bone marrow in the majority of cases (n=77). Transplant practice changed over time with more transplants with conditioning and anti-thymocyte globulin as well as peripheral blood stem cells performed in later years. Ten year overall survival was 93% with 5 transplant-related deaths. Graft failure occurred in 32% of transplants. Risk of graft failure was significantly increased in transplants without conditioning, and with bone marrow as graft source. Lack of posttransplant immunosuppression also showed a trend towards increased risk of graft failure, while anti-thymocyte globulin did not have an influence. In summary, syngeneic transplant is associated with a significant risk of graft failure when no conditioning is given, but has an excellent long-term outcome. Furthermore, our comparatively large series enables us to recommend the use of pre-transplant conditioning rather than not and possibly to prefer peripheral blood as a stem cell source. PMID:23894010

  1. Solid organ transplantation after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a retrospective, multicenter study of the EBMT

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koenecke, C; Hertenstein, B; Schetelig, J


    To analyze the outcome of solid organ transplantation (SOT) in patients who had undergone allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), a questionnaire survey was carried out within 107 European Group of Blood and Marrow Transplantation centers. This study covered HSCT between 1984...... for underlying malignant diseases was 4% at 5 years (95% CI, 0% to 12%). In summary, this study shows that selected patients receiving SOT after HSCT have a remarkably good overall and organ survival. These data indicate that SOT should be considered in selected patients with single organ failure after HSCT....

  2. Hair Transplantation in Migraine Headache Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Safvet Ors, MD


    Conclusions:. This report details 6 patients who experienced abatement of migraine headache symptoms following hair transplantation. The positive effects of hair transplantation on migraine headache and potential mechanisms of action are also discussed.

  3. Transplant rejection (United States)

    ... Antibodies References Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S. Transplantation immunology. In: Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S, eds. Cellular and Molecular Immunology. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2018:chap 17. ...

  4. False iliac artery aneurysm following renal transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levi, N; Sønksen, Jens Otto Reimers; Schroeder, T V


    We report a very rare case of a false iliac artery aneurysm following renal transplantation. The patient was a 51-year-old women who presented with a painful 10 x 10 cm pulsating mass in her left iliac fossa. The patient had received a second cadaveric renal transplantation 5 years previously....... The graft never functioned and transplant nephrectomy was performed 2 weeks later. A CT-scanning showed a 10 x 10 cm large aneurysm arising from the left external iliac artery. At operation a large false aneurysm was identified arising from the original transplant anastomotic site. Due to the extent...

  5. The Oral Cavity State in Renal Transplant Recipients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kristina Grubišić


    Full Text Available Aim: Patients with a solid organ transplant can have many different complications in the mouth, as a result of immunosuppression and side effects of drugs. The aim of this study was to examine the frequency and type of oral lesions in renal transplant patients, dental status, oral hygiene, oral lesions related to drugs which patients take and the time of transplantation as well as the frequency of patient’s visits to the dentist in the post-transplant period. Material and methods: The study was performed in a period of two years and included 100 subjects with a renal transplant during their regular control visits to the Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb and the Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb and 100 randomly selected control subjects at the Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb. Results: Results showed a significantly higher incidence of oral lesions in patients with renal transplant (31% compared to control subjects. The most frequent were erythematous (inflammatory changes, keratotic lesions and gingival hyperplasia. The average DMFT index was significantly lower in patients with renal transplant than in the control group. One third of patients had a subjective feeling of dry mouth. Oral hygiene was poor overall, and only a small number of subjects used the additional sustainers for oral hygiene. Most patients did not visit the dentist after the transplantation. Conclusion: Renal transplant patients need a comprehensive and regular dental care during the pre- and post-transplant period and a doctor of dental medicine should be part of a multidisciplinary team of medical specialists.

  6. Pre-transplant course and risk of kidney transplant failure in IgA nephropathy patients. (United States)

    Bjørneklett, Rune; Vikse, Bjørn Egil; Smerud, Hilde Kloster; Bostad, Leif; Leivestad, Torbjørn; Hartmann, Anders; Iversen, Bjarne M


    There is lack of knowledge to what degree clinical/morphological presentation and course of IgA nephropathy (IgAN) prior to end-stage renal disease are risk factors for graft loss after kidney transplantation. Patients with IgAN between 1988 and 2006 (registered in the Norwegian Kidney Biopsy Registry) who later received a kidney transplant (registered in the Norwegian Renal Registry) were included. The cohort was followed up regarding death-censored graft loss throughout 2008. Graft survival with a rapid progressive (RP) vs. a slow progressive (SP) course of pre-Tx IgAN (annual GFR > or <30 mL/min/1.73 m(2) ) was studied. Among 106 included patients, there were 14 graft losses giving a graft loss rate of 1.9/100 patient years. Follow-up until the first kidney transplant was 6.9 ± 4.4 (range 0.1-19) yr. Patients with pre-Tx RP had a higher graft loss rate compared with SP patients (6.3 vs.1.3/100 patient years, p < 0.001). Graft loss rate with living-related donor (LRD) was similar to unrelated donor (UD) grafts. Most RP patients had received LRD grafts, and in SP patients, graft survival with LRD grafts was better than UD grafts (0.3 vs.2.1/100 patient years, p = 0.055). A rapid pre-transplant course is a strong risk factor for transplant failure in patients with IgAN. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  7. An international perspective: job satisfaction among transplant nurses. (United States)

    Russell, Cynthia L; Van Gelder, Frank


    The high demand for transplant nurses across the world leads us to examine job design and job satisfaction because job satisfaction is linked to better outcomes for patients. To describe international transplant nurses' perspectives of job design and job satisfaction by using Herzberg's theory of motivation. Descriptive, correlational design. An electronic version of the Job Design and Job Satisfaction survey was mailed to all members of the International Transplant Nurses Society. A total of 331 members of the International Transplant Nurses Society responded to the survey. The mean age of respondents was 44.12 years, they had worked a mean of 19.12 years in nursing and 10.22 years in transplantation, and 50.6% of respondents were transplant nurse coordinators. Respondents were very satisfied overall with their jobs; they perceived that transplant nursing requires a high level of nonrepetitive, complex skills, autonomy in personal initiative and judgment, cooperation and collaboration with others, and that the job allows for completion of the work. Respondents were satisfied with pay, fringe benefits, and supervision. The feeling that the job could positively and significantly affect others was very strong. Results of this study provide empirical evidence supporting the perceived benefits and challenges of working in transplantation and support Herzberg's theory that motivators leading to job satisfaction include achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, and advancement. Transplant nursing includes many of these motivators and desirable characteristics, including autonomy and working with a multidisciplinary team on a clear, patient-centered goal.

  8. Prevalence and association of post-renal transplant anemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hesham Elsayed


    Full Text Available In some renal allograft recipients, anemia persists or develops following transplantation. Anemia is associated with pre-operative blood loss and allograft dysfunction, including delayed graft function, acute rejection and chronic allograft dysfunction. To study the prevalence and association of post-renal transplant anemia, we studied 200 renal transplant recipients; 131 (65.5% patients were males and 69 (34.5% patients were females, and age ranged from 17 to 67 years, with a mean of 37.7 ± 10.8 years. All patients were receiving cyclosporine, prednisolone and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF. Complete blood count was done at two times: three and six months post-renal transplant. There were 74% anemic patients three months after renal transplantation and 45% anemic patients six months after renal transplantation. High creatinine value, female gender, delayed graft function, episodes of acute rejection, perioperative blood loss and infections were the only significant independent risk factors for prevalence of anemia post-renal transplant. In our study, we did not find an association between MMF and cyclosporine nor angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs or angiotensin receptors blocker (ARBs with anemia. This study demonstrates that anemia is a common complication during the first six months after kidney transplantation, with several risk factors precipitating this complication.

  9. [Heart transplant in Monterrey, Nuevo León]. (United States)

    Herrera-Garza, Eduardo Heberto; Molina-Gamboa, Julio David; Ortega-Durán, Oscar Alejandro; Chavarria-Martánez, Uriel; Martínez-Chapa, Héctor David; Elizondo-Sifuentes, Luis Angel; De-La-fuente-Magallanes, Felipe de Jesús; Muñiz-García, Arturo; Decanini-Arcaute, Horacio; Ibarra-Flores, Marcos; Nacoud-Askar, Alfredo; Herrera-Garza, José Luis; Torre-Amionet, Guillermo


    Heart failure constantly increases its incidence and prevalence in our society, it was imperative to start a heart transplant program to improve the survival rates of patients with end stages of the disease. Legal issues made impossible to transplant patients out of Mexico City until recent years. Even with an acute hemodynamic and clinic improvement after the transplant, these patients frequently develop complications such as graft rejection or opportunistic infections due to the immunosuppressive schemes increasing the morbidity and mortality of the procedure. In the present article we report the experience acquired with 65 heart transplant patients from 4 transplant programs in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, one of them from the socialized system and the other three from private hospitals. Our program not only has successfully transplanted patients with advanced age but, for the first time in Latin America we have transplanted patients assisted with the ambulatory Thoratec TLC II system. Even that we have faced obstacles like a newly started donation culture in our population and limited resources, our patient's survival rate push us to continue working with these very ill population.

  10. Clostridium difficile infection in solid organ transplant recipients. (United States)

    Nanayakkara, Deepa; Nanda, Neha


    Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is a major healthcare-associated infection that causes significant morbidity and an economic impact in the United States. In this review, we provide an overview of Clostridium difficile infection in solid organ transplant recipients with an emphasis on recent literature. C. difficile in solid organ transplant population has unique risk factors. Fecal microbiota transplantation has shown favorable results in treatment of recurrent C. difficile in this population. Preliminary data from animal studies suggests excellent efficacy with immunization against C. difficile toxins. Over the last decade, number of individuals receiving solid organ transplants has increased exponentially making peri-transplant complications a common occurrence.C. difficile is a frequent cause of morbidity in solid organ transplant recipients. Early and accurate diagnosis of C. difficile requires a stepwise approach. Differentiating between asymptomatic carriage and infection is a diagnostic challenge. Microbial diversity is inversely proportional to risk of C. difficile infection. Antimicrobial stewardship programs help to retain microbial diversity in individuals susceptible to CDI. Recurrent or relapsing C. difficile infection require fecal microbiota transplantation for definitive cure.

  11. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders. (United States)

    Singavi, Arun K; Harrington, Alexandra M; Fenske, Timothy S


    Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) are a serious complication after solid organ or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and include a range of diseases from benign proliferations to malignant lymphomas. Risk factors for developing PTLD include Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, recipient age, transplanted organ, type of immunosuppression, and genetics. Uncontrolled proliferation of EBV-infected B cells is implicated in EBV-positive PTLD, whereas the pathogenesis of EBV-negative PTLD may be similar to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in the general population. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies PTLD into four categories: early lesions, polymorphic PTLD, monomorphic PTLD, and classical Hodgkin's lymphoma (cHL). Treatment is aimed at cure of PTLD, while maintaining transplanted organ function. However, there are no established guidelines for the treatment of PTLD. Immune suppression reduction (ISR) is the first line of treatment in most cases, with more recent data suggesting early use of rituximab. In more aggressive forms of PTLD, upfront chemotherapy may offer a better and more durable response. Sequential therapy using rituximab followed by chemotherapy has demonstrated promising results and may establish a standard of care. Novel therapies including anti-viral agents, adoptive immunotherapy, and monoclonal antibodies targeting cytokines require further study in the prevention and treatment of PTLD.

  12. Scintigraphic assessment of heterotopic cardiac transplants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, M.A.; Kahn, D.R.


    Patients receiving heterotopic (''piggyback'') cardiac transplants, when the patient's own and transplanted donor hearts are connected in parallel, present special problems in determining their relative contributions to total cardiac function. Three patients who had transplants because of intractable heart failure were studied using first pass and gated equilibrium technetium-99m-labeled blood pool scintigraphy. In one patient, thallium-201 myocardial perfusion scans were obtained. These nuclear cardiology techniques provided anatomic and functional information noninvasively that proved helpful in patient management

  13. Discontinuation of steroids in ABO-incompatible renal transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Novosel, Marija Kristina; Bistrup, C.


    A steroid-free protocol for ABO-compatible renal transplantation has been used at our center since 1983. To minimize the adverse effects of steroids, we also developed a steroid sparing protocol for ABO-incompatible renal transplantation in 2008. The present study is a report of our results....... A retrospective review of the first 50 ABO-incompatible renal transplantations performed at a single university center. If no immunological events occurred in the post-transplant period, prednisolone tapering was initiated approximately 3 months after transplantation. Forty-three patients completed prednisolone...... to antirejection treatment. Overall, 1-year rejection rate was 19%. One- and 3-year graft survival was 94% and 91%, respectively. One-year post-transplant median serum creatinine was 123 mol/L. We found acceptable rejection rates, graft survival, and creatinine levels in patients undergoing ABO-incompatible renal...

  14. Seroprevalence of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus in various populations in Cuba Seroprevalencia del herpesvirus asociado con el sarcoma de Kaposi en diversas poblaciones en Cuba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vivian Kourí


    , Jamaica, and the United States of America, our results suggest that KSHV infection is uncommon in some populations in the Western Hemisphere and that KSHV is largely confined to patients with AIDS-associated KS.OBJETIVO: Se sabe poco acerca de la prevalencia y distribución en el Caribe de la infección por el herpesvirus asociado con el sarcoma de Kaposi (HVSK. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar las tasas de seropositividad a HVSK en diversas poblaciones en Cuba. MÉTODOS: Durante el período de 1998 a 2002 se examinaron muestras de suero de 410 personas en Cuba. El tamizaje serológico de los anticuerpos contra HVSK se realizó en dos pasos con las siguientes técnicas: 1 ensayo de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI con reactividad específica a la porción del antígeno de HVSK asociado a la latencia (ANAL que está codificada por la plantilla de lectura abierta 73 (ORF73, y 2 inmunoblot (Western confirmatorio, usando como antígeno blanco la proteína ORF65.2 de HVSK recombinante, que tiene 20 kilodaltones y se expresa durante la infección lítica. Cinco poblaciones diferentes fueron estudiadas: 1 45 pacientes de sida con sarcoma de Kaposi (sida-KS; 2 154 pacientes infectados por VIH-1 pero sin signos clínicos de sarcoma de Kaposi (SK; 3 171 donantes de sangre con seronegatividad a VIH; 4 27 receptores consecutivos de transplantes renales con seronegatividad a VIH y 5 13 contactos (sexuales o por parentesco de los pacientes de sida con SK. RESULTADOS: De las 45 personas con sida y SK, 35 (77,8% mostraron seropositividad a HVSK. Treinta y dos (20,8% de los 154 pacientes con seropositividad a VIH pero sin SK mostraron seropositividad a HVSK, y 6 de los 13 contactos (46,2% de pacientes con SK estaban infectados por HVSK. A diferencia de otros investigadores, los autores del presente estudio no encontraron ninguna asociación entre la seropositividad a HVSK y la actividad homosexual o bisexual en personas de sexo masculino en las poblaciones cubanas

  15. Radiographic manifestations of reperfusion edema after transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Se Young; Kim, Tae Hoon; Ryu, Young Hoon; Moon, Sung Wook; Kim, Hyung Joong; Ahn, Chul Min; Paik, Hyo Chae; Lee, Doo Yun; Kim, Sang Jin


    To elucidate the sequential radiologic manifestations of reperfusion edema after lung transplantation. The study group comprised five consecutive lung transplant recipients (M:F=3:2;mean age; 47.5 years) who between July 1996 and April 2002 underwent lung transplantation procedures (four, unilateral; one, bilateral) at our institution. We retrospectively reviewed the serial postoperative radiographs obtained and characterized the lung infiltrates. Lung infiltrates compatible with reperfusion edema were present in all patients (5/5). Reperfusion edema appeared on day 1 in four, and by day 2 in the other. In all transplanted lungs, infiltrates were found in the perihilar and basilar regions, and were scored as maximal on day 1 in one, day 3 in two, day 4 in one and day 5 in the other. The recognition of sequential radiological manifestations helps identify recognition of reperfusion edema after lung transplantation

  16. Pregnancy in renal transplant recipients. (United States)

    Bouattar, T; Hakim, H; Rhou, H; Benamar, L; Bayahia, R; Ouzeddoun, N


    Renal transplantation with a well-functioning graft leads to a rapid restoration of endocrine and sexual functions. The aim of this study was to examine our experience with pregnancies among renal transplant patients, particularly with regard to their impact on graft function. We analyzed 10 pregnancies in 7 renal transplant recipients for long-term graft outcomes in terms of clinical and biological data. The mean patient age was 28.5 +/- 4 years. They all received a living donor kidney. The time between transplantation and the onset of pregnancy was 33.4 +/- 23.2 months. Regarding the immunosuppressive therapy, all patients received steroids and cyclosporine; 4 patients received in addition azathioprine and 2 received mycophenolate mofetil that was changed at 1 month before conception to azathioprine. There was no significant difference between the serum creatinine before and during pregnancy. We did not observe any acute rejection episode. Pregnancy complications were preclampsia in 1 case, hypertension in 1 case, urinary tract infection in 2 cases, and anemia in 80% of patients during the third trimester. Premature rupture of membranes occurred in 1 case and preterm delivery in 2 cases. Two cases of neonatal death were registered. Cesarean section was performed in 50% of cases. The follow-up revealed 2 cases of chronic rejection. A multidisciplinary approach is necessary for pregnancy which generally occurs at 2 years after kidney transplantation.

  17. Ethical, financial, and policy considerations in hand transplantation. (United States)

    Chang, Jeff; Mathes, David W


    Currently, more than 65 hand transplants have been performed with studies demonstrating favorable cosmetic and functional outcomes and cortical reintegration of the transplanted hand. Due to such favorable outcomes, many view hand transplant as a potential gold standard for treatment of a double amputee. However, ethical debate continues regarding risks and benefits of this nonlifesaving procedure. Clinicians, patients, and society must agree on whether hand transplantation is ethical and affordable. If a decision is made to transplant a hand, this must be performed in a dedicated center that facilitates integration of multiple specialists, ethicists, pharmacists, and rehabilitationists. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Modeling the effects of functional performance and post-transplant comorbidities on health-related quality of life after heart transplantation. (United States)

    Butler, Javed; McCoin, Nicole S; Feurer, Irene D; Speroff, Theodore; Davis, Stacy F; Chomsky, Don B; Wilson, John R; Merrill, Walter H; Drinkwater, Davis C; Pierson, Richard N; Pinson, C Wright


    Health-related quality of life and functional performance are important outcome measures following heart transplantation. This study investigates the impact of pre-transplant functional performance and post-transplant rejection episodes, obesity and osteopenia on post-transplant health-related quality of life and functional performance. Functional performance and health-related quality of life were measured in 70 adult heart transplant recipients. A composite health-related quality of life outcome measure was computed via principal component analysis. Iterative, multiple regression-based path analysis was used to develop an integrated model of variables that affect post-transplant functional performance and health-related quality of life. Functional performance, as measured by the Karnofsky scale, improved markedly during the first 6 months post-transplant and was then sustained for up to 3 years. Rejection Grade > or =2 was negatively associated with health-related quality of life, measured by Short Form-36 and reversed Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale scores. Patients with osteopenia had lower Short Form-36 physical scores and obese patients had lower functional performance. Path analysis demonstrated a negative direct effect of obesity (beta = - 0.28, p or =2 had a negative direct effect on this measure (beta = -0.29, p < 0.05). Either directly or through effects mediated by functional performance, moderate-to-severe rejection, obesity and osteopenia negatively impact health-related quality of life. These findings indicate that efforts should be made to devise immunosuppressive regimens that reduce the incidence of acute rejection, weight gain and osteopenia after heart transplantation.

  19. Challenging hepatitis C-infected liver transplant patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oliver M


    Full Text Available Madeleine Oliver,1 Christopher Chiodo Ortiz,2 Jorge Ortiz31University of Toledo College of Medicine, Toledo, OH, 2Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, 3Department of Transplant Surgery, University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, OH, USA Abstract: Caring for liver transplant patients suffering from chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV infection is a challenging task for transplant surgeons and primary physicians alike. HCV is the leading cause of liver transplantation in the USA and comes with a myriad of complications that increase morbidity and mortality. This review focuses on patient follow-up, spanning from before the liver transplant occurs to the patient's long-term health. Pretransplant, both donor and recipient variables, must be carefully chosen to ensure optimal surgical success. Risk factors must be identified and HCV viral load must be reduced to a minimum. In addition to standard transplant complications, HCV patients suffer from additional problems, such as fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis and widespread viremia. Physicians must focus on the balance of immunosuppressive and antiviral medications, while considering possible side effects from these potent drugs. Over the years following surgery, physicians must identify any signs of failing liver health, as HCV-positive patients have an increased risk for cirrhosis and certain life-threatening malignancies. Keywords: liver transplant, hepatitis C virus, postoperative, cirrhosis, donor and recipient variables, viremia

  20. Renal-sparing strategies in cardiac transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gustafsson, Finn; Ross, Heather J


    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Renal dysfunction due to calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) toxicity is a major clinical problem in cardiac transplantation. The aim of the article is to review the efficacy and safety of various renal sparing strategies in cardiac transplantation. RECENT FINDINGS: Small studies have...... reduction in terms of preserving renal function. Patients with longstanding CNI treatment or proteinuria are less likely to respond favourably to a switch from a CNI-based regimen to a proliferation signal inhibitor-based regimen. SUMMARY: Each cardiac transplant recipient with renal dysfunction must...... documented that late initiation of CNI is safe in patients treated with induction therapy at the time of transplantation. Use of mycophenolate is superior when compared with azathioprine to allow for CNI reduction. More substantial reduction in CNI levels is safe and effective with the introduction...

  1. No association between infections, HLA type and other transplant-related factors and risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in solid organ transplant recipients. (United States)

    Ingvar, Åsa; Ekström Smedby, Karin; Lindelöf, Bernt; Fernberg, Pia; Bellocco, Rino; Tufveson, Gunnar; Höglund, Petter; Adami, Johanna


    Recipients of solid organ transplants are at a markedly increased risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). We investigated potential associations between post-transplant infections, HLA type, and other transplant-related factors and risk of SCC, taking immuno-suppressive treatment into account. A population-based case-control study was conducted. All patients who developed SCC during follow-up (1970-1997) were eligible as cases (n = 207). Controls (n = 189) were individually matched to the cases on age and calendar period of transplantation. Detailed exposure information was collected through an extensive, blinded review of medical records. Odds ratios were computed with conditional logistic regression. There were no significant associations with any infectious agents, or with number and timing of infections, specific HLA-type, donor characteristics, or other transplant characteristics and risk of post-transplant SCC. These results suggest that risk of post-transplant SCC is neither closely related to specific post-transplant infectious disorders, nor to the infectious load or specific HLA types.

  2. Trasplante de mucosa oral en la reconstrucción de las vías lagrimales Oral mucosa transplants in restoration of lacrimal canaliculi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardo Canto Vidal


    Full Text Available Se realizaron 143 intervenciones de las vías lagrimales, mediante la técnica quirúrgica de trasplante de mucosa oral con 55 injertos libres y 88 tubulares, a partir del año 1995. Para ello se tuvo en cuenta el examen clínico y radiológico y el tipo de afectación. Con la utilización de las técnicas de injerto libre o tubular de la mucosa se puede restablecer la fisiología lagrimal en los pacientes con mutilaciones por traumatismos o presencia de tumores con disminución del riesgo quirúrgico; además se recomienda por novedosa, práctica y por los buenos resultados obtenidos.143 interventions of lacrimal canaliculi were carried out, throgh surgical technique of oral mucosa transplant (55 free grafts and 88 tutular ones since 1995, bearing in min radiological and clinical examination and type of invelvement. Using technique of free or tubular graft, it is possible restore lacrimal physiology in patients with mutilations from trauma or prevence of tumors thus decreasing surgical risk; this tachnique is recommended by its novelty, usefulness . and by good results obtained.

  3. [Cold ischaemia time and outcome of renal transplantation].

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Warle, M.C.; Cheung, C.L.; Teerenstra, S.; Hoitsma, A.J.; Vliet, J.A. van der


    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of cold ischaemia time (CIT) on the outcome of cadaveric renal transplantation in the Netherlands. DESIGN: Retrospective, comparative. METHODS: We studied data from the Netherlands organ transplant registry of cadaveric renal transplants from 1990-2007. Results :

  4. Physical activity in recipients of solid organ transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Adrichem, Edwin


    This thesis focusses on the level of physical activity after solid organ transplantation and factors associated with this level. Functional recovery after transplantation is not as good as expected. However, higher levels of physical activity after transplantation are associated with better

  5. Donor chimera model for tolerance induction in transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rezaee, F.; Peppelenbosch, M.; Dashty, M.

    Tolerance induction is the basis of a successful transplantation with the goal being the re-establishment of homeostasis after transplantation. Non-autograft transplantation disrupts this maintenance drastically which would be avoided by administration of a novel procedure. At present, the blood

  6. Hair transplantation: Standard guidelines of care

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patwardhan Narendra


    Full Text Available Hair transplantation is a surgical method of hair restoration. Physician qualification : The physician performing hair transplantation should have completed post graduation training in dermatology; he should have adequate background training in dermatosurgery at a centre that provides education training in cutaneous surgery. In addition, he should obtain specific hair transplantation training or experience at the surgical table(hands on under the supervision of an appropriately trained and experienced hair transplant surgeon. In addition to the surgical technique, training should include instruction in local anesthesia and emergency resuscitation and care. Facility : Hair transplantation can be performed safely in an outpatient day case dermatosurgical facility. The day case theatre should be equipped with facilities for monitoring and handling emergencies. A plan for handling emergencies should be in place and all nursing staff should be familiar with the emergency plan. It is preferable, but not mandatory to have a standby anesthetist. Indication for hair transplantation is pattern hair loss in males and also in females. In female pattern hair loss, investigations to rule out any underlying cause for hair loss such as anemia and thyroid deficiency should be carried out. Hair transplantation can also be performed in selected cases of scarring alopecia, eyebrows and eye lashes, by experienced surgeons. Preoperative counseling and informed consent :Detailed consent form listing details about the procedure and possible complications should be signed by the patient. The consent form should specifically state the limitations of the procedure and if more procedures are needed for proper results, it should be clearly mentioned. Patient should be provided with adequate opportunity to seek information through brochures, computer presentations, and personal discussions. Need for concomitant medical therapy should be emphasized. Patients should understand

  7. Liver Transplantation: MedlinePlus Health Topic (United States)

    ... Statistics and Research The SRTR/OPTN Annual Data Report (Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients) Clinical Trials Liver Transplantation (National Institutes of Health) Journal Articles References and abstracts from MEDLINE/PubMed (National ...

  8. Resultados do transplante hepático em portadores de hepatocarcinoma Results of orthotopic liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Mônica Beatriz PAROLIN


    Full Text Available Racional - O hepatocarcinoma é uma das doenças malignas mais comuns em todo o mundo. O transplante hepático é boa opção terapêutica para os pacientes com hepatocarcinoma em fase inicial, alcançando índices de sobrevida semelhantes aos encontrados nos pacientes cirróticos transplantados sem malignidade hepática. Objetivo - Avaliar a evolução de pacientes cirróticos com hepatocarcinoma submetidos a transplante hepático no Serviço de Transplante Hepático do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR. Métodos - Estudo retrospectivo dos pacientes cirróticos com hepatocarcinoma submetidos a transplante ortotópico de fígado no período de setembro de 1991 a setembro de 2000. O diagnóstico do tumor foi estabelecido durante os exames pré-transplante em cinco doentes e foi achado incidental no fígado nativo em três. Nos pacientes com diagnóstico pré-operatório de hepatocarcinoma adotou-se como critério de elegibilidade para o transplante, a presença de tumor único de diâmetro £ 5 cm ou até três lesões com diâmetro £ 3 cm cada, ausência de invasão tumoral da veia porta ou de metástases extra-hepática. Foram avaliados como parâmetros principais a sobrevida do paciente e a ocorrência de recidiva tumoral após o transplante. Resultados - A principal causa de doença hepática pré-transplante foi a hepatite por vírus C (50%. No exame do fígado explantado, a maioria dos pacientes (6/8, 75% tinha lesão única; um paciente tinha dois nódulos e em outro detectou-se hepatocarcinoma multifocal incidentalmente no fígado nativo. O tamanho do tumor variou de 0,2 a 5,0 cm. Nenhum dos casos apresentou invasão vascular ou linfonodal. Todos os pacientes permaneceram vivos e livres de recurrência tumoral durante o tempo do estudo, sendo a mediana de seguimento de 18,5 meses (variando de 5-29 meses. Conclusão - O transplante hepático é boa opção terapêutica nos pacientes cirróticos com

  9. Desensitization protocol enabling pediatric crossmatch-positive renal transplantation: successful HLA-antibody-incompatible renal transplantation of two highly sensitized children. (United States)

    Adamusiak, Anna M; Stojanovic, Jelena; Shaw, Olivia; Vaughan, Robert; Sebire, Neil J; Drage, Martin; Kessaris, Nicos; Marks, Stephen D; Mamode, Nizam


    Renal transplantation improves quality of life (QoL) and survival in children requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT). Sensitization with development of a broad-spectrum of anti-HLA antibodies as a result of previous transplantation or after receiving blood products is an increasing problem. There are no published reports of desensitization protocols in children allowing renal transplantation from HLA-antibody-incompatible living donors. We adopted our well-established adult desensitization protocol for this purpose and undertook HLA antibody-incompatible living donor renal transplants in two children: a 14-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy. After 2 and 1.5 years of follow-up, respectively, both patients have stable renal allograft function despite a rise in donor-specific antibodies in one case. HLA-incompatible transplantation should be considered in selected cases for sensitized children.

  10. Valvulopatía cardiaca asociada al uso de agonistas dopaminérgicos en pacientes con hiperprolactinemia Valvular heart disease associated with use of dopaminergic agonists in patients with hyperprolactinemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yamilé Alvarez Delgado


    Full Text Available La cabergolina y la bromocriptina son fármacos agonistas dopaminérgicos utilizados para tratar la hiperprolactinemia, así como la enfermedad de Parkinson. Entre sus efectos adversos considerados como "muy raros" se ha descrito la capacidad de inducir cambios fibróticos en el aparato valvular cardiaco, inicialmente descritos en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson, en quienes se emplean dosis superiores a las que de manera habitual se emplean en el tratamiento de la hiperprolactinemia. Varios estudios han señalado la evidencia de estos hechos y de los posibles mecanismos por los cuales la afectación valvular ocurre. Existen hasta el momento pocas investigaciones sobre el asunto en pacientes con hiperprolactinemia, pero la mayoría de ellos indican que su empleo en este tipo de pacientes no produce afectación valvular clínicamente relevante, hecho que pudiera estar en relación con las dosis empleadas (como promedio 10 veces inferiores a las usadas en la enfermedad de Parkinson; sin embargo, se han detectado algunas anomalías subclínicas en el aparato valvular. Dado lo novedoso del tema y la poca evidencia de estos hechos en pacientes tratadas por hiperprolactinemia se ofreció una amplia revisión sobre el tema.Cabergoline and bromocriptine are dopaminergic agonists drugs used in hyperprolactinemia treatment, as well as in patients with Parkinson's disease. Among its adverse effects considered as "very inusual" is included the ability to induce fibrotic changes in cardiac valvular tract first described in patients with Parkinson disease using doses higher than those usually used in hyperprolactinemia treatment. Some studies have mentioned the evidence on these facts and of the possible mechanisms causing the valvular affection. Until now, there are not much researches on this subject in patients with hyperprolactinemia, but most indicated that its use in this kind of patient can not to produce a clinically relevant valvular afection

  11. Indicações de transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas em pediatria: consenso apresentado no I Encontro de Diretrizes Brasileiras em Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas - Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, Rio de Janeiro, 2009 Indications for pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: consensus presented at the First Meeting on Brazilian Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Guidelines - Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Rio de Janeiro, 2009

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    Adriana Seber


    Full Text Available A Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula (SBTMO promoveu o I Encontro de Diretrizes do Transplante de Medula Óssea em 2009. Para revisão das indicações de transplante em Pediatria baseadas em evidências foi constituído grupo de trabalho com oncologistas e hematologistas com experiência em pediatria. Os artigos científicos foram cuidadosamente avaliados e, para cada doença, foram definidas as evidências para recomendação dos transplantes (de A a C e a qualidade destas evidências (de 1 a 3. As recomendações incluem doenças hematológicas malignas e não malignas, tumores sólidos, imunodeficiências e doenças de depósito tratadas com transplantes de células-tronco hematopoéticas, quer autólogos, alogênicos de irmão HLA compatível ou não aparentados (doadores adultos ou sangue de cordão umbilical. Como não existem recomendações uniformemente aceitas em pediatria, não foram incluídas recomendações para transplantes de intensidade reduzida, com manipulação do enxerto e nem parcialmente compatíveis. É importante ressaltar que todas as indicações são baseadas no conhecimento atual e podem modificar-se com o tempo. Assim, esta revisão não deve ser utilizada para aplicação direta no cuidado do paciente sem levar em conta características da doença, do doador e fatores de risco do próprio paciente. Este trabalho não deve ainda ser utilizado como documento que limite o acesso do paciente ao transplante adequadamente indicado. Ressaltamos ainda, nesta revisão, diferenças entre transplantes em crianças e em adultos, com algumas recomendações específicas para os transplantes em pediatria.The Brazilian Bone Marrow Transplant Society (SBTMO held its First Meeting on Bone Marrow Transplant Guidelines in 2009. A working group of hematologists and oncologists with experience in pediatrics was formed to review evidence-based indications for pediatric transplants. Scientific publications were carefully

  12. Desordem linfoproliferativa pós-transplante em paciente pediátrico Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder in pediatric patient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Manuel Pêgo Fernandes


    Full Text Available Terapias de imunossupressão, a que pacientes transplantados devem ser submetidos, os expõe a um alto risco de desenvolver desordens linfoproliferativas pós-transplante (PTLD. Descrevemos o caso de uma criança submetida a transplante cardíaco aos sete meses de idade e que acabou desenvolvendo PTLD, aos nove anos, diagnosticada por meio de retirada de nódulo pulmonar.Immunosuppressive therapy for transplanted patients exposes them to a high risk of developing posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD. We report the case of a child undergoing heart transplantation at seven months of age who developed PTLD at nine years of age, diagnosed by resection of a pulmonary nodule.

  13. Generic tacrolimus in solid organ transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taube, D; Jones, G; O'Beirne, J


    The availability of a wide range of immunosuppressive therapies has revolutionized the management of patients who have undergone solid organ transplantation (SOT). However, the cost of immunosuppressive drugs remains high. This situation has led to the development of generic equivalents, which...... innovator tacrolimus drug (Prograf) in both healthy volunteers and kidney transplant patients. Clinical experience with this generic tacrolimus formulation has also been established in both de novo and conversion patients who have undergone kidney and liver transplantation, as well as in conversion of other...

  14. Kidney transplant in diabetic patients: modalities, indications and results

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    Rangel Érika B


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Diabetes is a disease of increasing worldwide prevalence and is the main cause of chronic renal failure. Type 1 diabetic patients with chronic renal failure have the following therapy options: kidney transplant from a living donor, pancreas after kidney transplant, simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant, or awaiting a deceased donor kidney transplant. For type 2 diabetic patients, only kidney transplant from deceased or living donors are recommended. Patient survival after kidney transplant has been improving for all age ranges in comparison to the dialysis therapy. The main causes of mortality after transplant are cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, infections and neoplasias. Five-year patient survival for type 2 diabetic patients is lower than the non-diabetics' because they are older and have higher body mass index on the occasion of the transplant and both pre- and posttransplant cardiovascular diseases prevalences. The increased postransplant cardiovascular mortality in these patients is attributed to the presence of well-known risk factors, such as insulin resistance, higher triglycerides values, lower HDL-cholesterol values, abnormalities in fibrinolysis and coagulation and endothelial dysfunction. In type 1 diabetic patients, simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant is associated with lower prevalence of vascular diseases, including acute myocardial infarction, stroke and amputation in comparison to isolated kidney transplant and dialysis therapy. Conclusion Type 1 and 2 diabetic patients present higher survival rates after transplant in comparison to the dialysis therapy, although the prevalence of cardiovascular events and infectious complications remain higher than in the general population.

  15. Rituximab: An emerging therapeutic agent for kidney transplantation

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    Joseph Kahwaji


    Full Text Available Joseph Kahwaji, Chris Tong, Stanley C Jordan, Ashley A VoComprehensive Transplant Center, Transplant immunology Laboratory, HLA Laboratory, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USAAbstract: Rituximab (anti-CD20, anti-B-cell is now emerging as an important drug for modification of B-cell and antibody responses in solid-organ transplant recipients. Its uses are varied and range from facilitating desensitization and ABO blood group-incompatible transplantation to the treatment of antibody-mediated rejection (AMR, post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD, and recurrent glomerular diseases in the renal allograft. Despite these uses, prospective randomized trials are lacking. Only case reports exist in regards to its use in de novo and recurrent diseases in the renal allograft. Recent reports suggests that the addition of rituximab to intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG may have significant benefits for desensitization and treatment of AMR and chronic rejection. Current dosing recommendations are based on data from United States Food and Drug Administration-approved indications for treatment of B-cell lymphomas and rheumatoid arthritis. From the initial reported experience in solid organ transplant recipients, the drug is well tolerated and not associated with increased infectious risks. However, close monitoring for viral infections is recommended with rituximab use. The occurrence of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML has been reported with rituximab use. However, this is rare and not reported in the renal transplant population. Here we will review current information regarding the effectiveness of rituximab as an agent for desensitization of highly human leukocyte antigen-sensitized and ABO-incompatible transplant recipients and its use in treatment of AMR. In addition, the post-transplant use of rituximab for treatment of PTLD and for recurrent and de novo glomerulonephritis in the allograft will be discussed. In

  16. Intestinal transplantation: The anesthesia perspective. (United States)

    Dalal, Aparna


    Intestinal transplantation is a complex and challenging surgery. It is very effective for treating intestinal failure, especially for those patients who cannot tolerate parenteral nutrition nor have extensive abdominal disease. Chronic parental nutrition can induce intestinal failure associated liver disease (IFALD). According to United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) data, children with intestinal failure affected by liver disease secondary to parenteral nutrition have the highest mortality on a waiting list when compared with all candidates for solid organ transplantation. Intestinal transplant grafts can be isolated or combined with the liver/duodenum/pancreas. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) has defined intestinal donor criteria. Living donor intestinal transplant (LDIT) has the advantages of optimal timing, short ischemia time and good human leukocyte antigen matching contributing to lower postoperative complications in the recipient. Thoracic epidurals provide excellent analgesia for the donors, as well as recipients. Recipient management can be challenging. Thrombosis and obstruction of venous access maybe common due to prolonged parenteral nutrition and/or hypercoaguability. Thromboelastography (TEG) is helpful for managing intraoperative product therapy or thrombosis. Large fluid shifts and electrolyte disturbances may occur due to massive blood loss, dehydration, third spacing etc. Intestinal grafts are susceptible to warm and cold ischemia and ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Post-reperfusion syndrome is common. Cardiac or pulmonary clots can be monitored with transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and treated with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. Vasopressors maybe used to ensure stable hemodynamics. Post-intestinal transplant patients may need anesthesia for procedures such as biopsies for surveillance of rejection, bronchoscopy, endoscopy, postoperative hemorrhage, anastomotic leaks, thrombosis of grafts etc. Asepsis

  17. Liver transplantation in Greek children: 15 years experience

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    Dimitrios Takoudas


    Full Text Available Liver transplantation (LT is the only available live-saving procedure for children with irreversible liver failure. This paper reports our experience from the follow-up of 16 Greek children with end-stage liver failure who underwent a LT. Over a period of 15 years, 16 pediatric liver recipients received follow up after being subjected to OLT (orthotopic liver transplantation due to end-stage liver failure. Nine children initially presented with extrahepatic biliary atresia, 2 with acute liver failure after toxic mushroom ingestion, 2 with intrahepatic cholestasis, 2 with metabolic diseases and one with hepatoblastoma. Ten children received a liver transplant in the Organ Transplantation Unit of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the rest in other transplant centers. Three transplants came from a living-related donor and 13 from a deceased donor. Six children underwent immunosuppressive treatment with cyclo­sporine, mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids, and 7 with tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids. Three out of 16 children died within the first month after the transplantation due to post-transplant complications. Three children presented with acute rejection and one with chronic organ rejection which was successfully managed. Five children presented with cytomegalovirus infection, 5 with Epstein-Barr virus, 2 with HSV1,2, 2 with ParvoB19 virus, 2 with varicella-zoster virus and one with C. Albicans infection. One child presented with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage and one with small biliary paucity. A satisfying outcome was achieved in most cases, with good graft function, except for the patient with small biliary paucity who required re-transplantation. The long-term clinical course of liver transplanted children is good under the condition that they are attended in specialized centers.

  18. Association of Distance From a Transplant Center With Access to Waitlist Placement, Receipt of Liver Transplantation, and Survival Among US Veterans (United States)

    Goldberg, David S.; French, Benjamin; Forde, Kimberly A.; Groeneveld, Peter W.; Bittermann, Therese; Backus, Lisa; Halpern, Scott D.; Kaplan, David E.


    IMPORTANCE Centralization of specialized health care services such as organ transplantation and bariatric surgery is advocated to improve quality, increase efficiency, and reduce cost. The effect of increased travel on access and outcomes from these services is not fully understood. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the association between distance from a Veterans Affairs (VA) transplant center (VATC) and access to being waitlisted for liver transplantation, actually having a liver transplant, and mortality. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Retrospective study of veterans meeting liver transplantation eligibility criteria from January 1, 2003, until December 31, 2010, using data from the Veterans Health Administration’s integrated, national, electronic medical record linked to Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network data. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was being waitlisted for transplantation at a VATC. Secondary outcomes included being waitlisted at any transplant center, undergoing a transplantation, and survival. RESULTS From 2003–2010, 50 637 veterans were classified as potentially eligible for transplant; 2895 (6%) were waitlisted and 1418 of those were waitlisted (49%) at 1 of the 5 VATCs. Of 3417 veterans receiving care at a VA hospital located within 100 miles from a VATC, 244 (7.1%) were waitlisted at a VATC and 372 (10.9%) at any transplant center (VATC and non-VATCs). Of 47 219 veterans receiving care at a VA hospital located more than 100 miles from a VATC, 1174 (2.5%) were waitlisted at a VATC and 2523 (5.3%) at any transplant center (VATC and non-VATCs). In multivariable models, increasing distance to closest VATC was associated with significantly lower odds of being waitlisted at a VATC (odds ratio [OR], 0.91 [95% CI, 0.89–0.93] for each doubling in distance) or any transplant center (OR, 0.94 [95% CI, 0.92–0.96] for each doubling in distance). For example, a veteran living 25 miles from a VATC would have a 7.4% (95% CI, 6.6%–8

  19. A multivariate analysis of pre-, peri-, and post-transplant factors affecting outcome after pediatric liver transplantation. (United States)

    McDiarmid, Sue V; Anand, Ravinder; Martz, Karen; Millis, Michael J; Mazariegos, George


    The purpose of this study was to identify significant, independent factors that predicted 6 month patient and graft survival after pediatric liver transplantation. The Studies of Pediatric Liver Transplantation (SPLIT) is a multicenter database established in 1995, of currently more than 4000 US and Canadian children undergoing liver transplantation. Previous published analyses from this data have examined specific factors influencing outcome. This study analyzes a comprehensive range of factors that may influence outcome from the time of listing through the peri- and postoperative period. A total of 42 pre-, peri- and posttransplant variables evaluated in 2982 pediatric recipients of a first liver transplant registered in SPLIT significant at the univariate level were included in multivariate models. In the final model combining all baseline and posttransplant events, posttransplant complications had the highest relative risk of death or graft loss. Reoperation for any cause increased the risk for both patient and graft loss by 11 fold and reoperation exclusive of specific complications by 4 fold. Vascular thromboses, bowel perforation, septicemia, and retransplantation, each independently increased the risk of patient and graft loss by 3 to 4 fold. The only baseline factor with a similarly high relative risk for patient and graft loss was recipient in the intensive care unit (ICU) intubated at transplant. A significant center effect was also found but did not change the impact of the highly significant factors already identified. We conclude that the most significant factors predicting patient and graft loss at 6 months in children listed for transplant are posttransplant surgical complications.

  20. [Cost of a renal transplant: medico-economic analysis of the amount reimbursed by the French national health program to finance renal transplantation]. (United States)

    Sainsaulieu, Yoël; Sambuc, Cléa; Logerot, Hélène; Bongiovanni, Isabelle; Couchoud, Cécile


    Successful organ transplantation relies on several ancillary activities such as the identification of a compatible donor, organ allocation and procurement and the coordination of the transplant process. No existing study of the overall costs, in France, of these additional transplantation activities could be identified. This study determines the total additional costs of ancillary transplantation activities by comparing the costs of kidney transplantations with living donors against those using deceased donors. The data used are drawn from the 2013 public healthcare tariff calculations, PMSI recorded activity and transplant activity in 2012 as assessed and reported by the Agence de la biomédecine. The results show that, in 2012, additional transplant costs varied from 13835.44 € to 20050.67 € for a deceased donor and were 13601.66 € for a living donor. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that all the costs covered by National Health Insurance need to be taken into account in the economic impact evaluation of renal transplantation and during the development of this national priority activity. Copyright © 2014 Association Société de néphrologie. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  1. Commercial Kidney Transplantation: Attitude, Knowledge, Perception, and Experience of Recipients. (United States)

    Al Rahbi, Fatma; Al Salmi, Issa


    Kidney transplantation is the gold standard for patients with end-stage kidney disease. In view of shortages of available organs, long wait times for possible transplantation, and strict regulation, many patients opt for commercial transplantation. This study elicits the reasons and motivations for patients with end-stage kidney disease to elect for commercial transplant. A questionnaire-based evaluation was conducted during the period from July 2015 until late December 2015. It consisted of 29 multiple choice questions and was distributed to all patients who underwent commercial kidney transplantation. One hundred and fifty patients were approached to participate and 106 agreed. Of the participants, 60% were male with an average age of 41.5 (SD 14.8) years and ranged from 18 to 83 years. The majority (82%) of our participants were educated ranging from primary to college level. The major reason (71%) for these participants to obtain commercial transplants was stated as the unavailability of a live related donor. Thirteen percent stated that they objected to getting a kidney donated from a family member, and 9% stated that they were worried about taking a kidney from a family member. Finally, 3% of participants stated that they needed prompt transplant and could not wait for a long time for transplant investigations and the workup associated with this program. The study showed that the most common underlying cause for seeking commercial transplantation is the unavailability of a national transplant program, particularly transplantation from deceased sources. All western ethical arguments turn out to become of vital importance in developing countries, because transplantation is the cheapest renal replacement therapy. However, it must be emphasized that commercial transplants should not be an alternative to building a national transplant initiative. The national diseased program must be a priority with full financial and administrative support. All government

  2. Liver Transplant (United States)

    ... the primary problems with hepatitis C patients was universal recurrence of the virus after transplantation. However, with ... Fundraising Partnership & Support Share Your Story Spread the Word Give While You Shop Contact Us Donate Now ...

  3. The regulatory roles of B cell subsets in transplantation. (United States)

    Chu, Zhulang; Zou, Weilong; Xu, Yanan; Sun, Qiquan; Zhao, Yong


    B cells mediate allograft rejection through antigen presentation, and production of cytokines and antibodies. More and more immunosuppressive agents specifically targeting B cells and plasma cells have been applied in clinical transplantation. However, recent studies have indicated the regulatory roles of B cells. Therefore, it is vital to clarify the different effects of B cell subsets in organ transplantation so that we can completely understand the diverse functions of B cells in transplantation. Areas covered: This review focuses on the regulatory roles of B cells in transplantation. B cell subsets with immune modulation and factors mediating immunosuppressive functions of regulatory B (Breg) cells were analyzed. Therapies targeting B cells and the application of B cells for transplant tolerance induction were discussed. Expert commentary: Besides involving rejection, B cells could also play regulatory roles in transplantation. Breg cells and the related markers may be used to predict the immune tolerant state in transplant recipients. New therapeutic strategies targeting B cells should be explored to promote tolerance induction with less impact on the host's protective immunity in organ transplanted patients.

  4. Imaging in lung transplants: Checklist for the radiologist

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Madan, Rachna; Chansakul, Thanissara; Goldberg, Hilary J


    Post lung transplant complications can have overlapping clinical and imaging features, and hence, the time point at which they occur is a key distinguisher. Complications of lung transplantation may occur along a continuum in the immediate or longer postoperative period, including surgical and mechanical problems due to size mismatch and vascular as well as airway anastomotic complication, injuries from ischemia and reperfusion, acute and chronic rejection, pulmonary infections, and post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder. Life expectancy after lung transplantation has been limited primarily by chronic rejection and infection. Multiple detector computed tomography (MDCT) is critical for evaluation and early diagnosis of complications to enable selection of effective therapy and decrease morbidity and mortality among lung transplant recipients

  5. Bone marrow transplantation after irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koch, M.; Blaha, M.; Merka, V.


    Bone marrow transplantation after irradiation is successful in only a part of the affected patients. The Chernobyl accident added to our knowledge: BMT can save life after whole-body irradiation with a dose exceeding 7-8 Gy. A timely decision on transplantation after a nuclear accident is difficult to make (rapid determination of homogeneity and type of radiation and the total dose. HL-A typing in lymphopenia, precise identification of radiation damage to other target organs, etc.). Further attention is to be paid to the treatment. Transplantations in case of malignities (especially hematologic ones) and other diseases will add to our knowledge and will lead to more simple procedures. (author). 3 figs., 1 tab., 12 refs

  6. Excellent survival after liver transplantation for isolated polycystic liver disease : an European Liver Transplant Registry study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Keimpema, Loes; Nevens, Frederik; Adam, Rene; Porte, Robert J.; Fikatas, Panagiotis; Becker, Thomas; Kirkegaard, Preben; Metselaar, Herold J.; Drenth, Joost P. H.


    Patients with end-stage isolated polycystic liver disease (PCLD) suffer from incapacitating symptoms because of very large liver volumes. Liver transplantation (LT) is the only curative option. This study assesses the feasibility of LT in PCLD. We used the European Liver Transplant Registry (ELTR)

  7. Role of gastroesophageal reflux disease in lung transplantation (United States)

    Hathorn, Kelly E; Chan, Walter W; Lo, Wai-Kit


    Lung transplantation is one of the highest risk solid organ transplant modalities. Recent studies have demonstrated a relationship between gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and lung transplant outcomes, including acute and chronic rejection. The aim of this review is to discuss the pathophysiology, evaluation, and management of GERD in lung transplantation, as informed by the most recent publications in the field. The pathophysiology of reflux-induced lung injury includes the effects of aspiration and local immunomodulation in the development of pulmonary decline and histologic rejection, as reflective of allograft injury. Modalities of reflux and esophageal assessment, including ambulatory pH testing, impedance, and esophageal manometry, are discussed, as well as timing of these evaluations relative to transplantation. Finally, antireflux treatments are reviewed, including medical acid suppression and surgical fundoplication, as well as the safety, efficacy, and timing of such treatments relative to transplantation. Our review of the data supports an association between GERD and allograft injury, encouraging a strategy of early diagnosis and aggressive reflux management in lung transplant recipients to improve transplant outcomes. Further studies are needed to explore additional objective measures of reflux and aspiration, better compare medical and surgical antireflux treatment options, extend follow-up times to capture longer-term clinical outcomes, and investigate newer interventions including minimally invasive surgery and advanced endoscopic techniques. PMID:28507913

  8. Fungal infection in organ transplant patients. (United States)

    Hong, Wei; Wen, Hai; Liao, Wanqing


    To review the characteristics and evolution of the fungal spectrum, and the risk factors causing fungal infection, and to make progress in diagnosing fungal infection after organ transplantation. An English-language literature search (MEDLINE 1990 - 2000) and bibliographic review of textbooks and review articles. Twenty-three articles were selected from the literature that specifically addressed the stated purpose. Fungal infections in organ transplant patients were generally divided into two types: (1) disseminated primary or reactivation infection with one of the geographically restricted systemic mycoses; (2) opportunistic infection by fungal species that rarely cause invasive infection in normal hosts. The risk factors of fungal infection after a transplant can be evaluated and predicted according to the organ recipient's conditions before, during and after the transplant. Progress in early diagnostic methods during the past 10 years has mainly revolved around two aspects, culture and non-culture. It is important to undertake a systemic evaluation on the condition of the organ recipient before, during and after a transplant; should any risk factor for fungal infection be suspected, diagnosis should be made as early as possible by employing mycological techniques including culture and non-culture methods.

  9. Treating gout in kidney transplant recipients. (United States)

    Baroletti, Steven; Bencivenga, Gina Ann; Gabardi, Steven


    To review the etiology, treatment, and preventive strategies of hyperuricemia and gout in kidney transplant recipients. Primary literature was obtained via Medline (1966-June 2003). Studies evaluating treatment and prevention of hyperuricemia and gout in kidney transplantation were considered for evaluation. English-language studies were selected for inclusion. Approximately 14,000 kidney transplantations were performed in the United States in 2003, and of those transplant recipients, nearly 13% will experience a new onset of gout. The prevalence of hyperuricemia is even greater. There are several mechanisms by which hyperuricemia and gout develop in kidney transplant recipients. Medication-induced hyperuricemia and renal dysfunction are 2 of the more common mechanisms. Prophylactic and treatment options include allopurinol, colchicine, corticosteroids, and, if absolutely necessary, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. It is generally recommended to decide whether the risks of prophylactic therapy and treatment outweigh the benefits. Often, the risk of adverse events associated with agents to treat these ailments tends to outweigh the benefits; therefore, treatment is usually reserved for symptomatic episodes of acute gout. Practitioners must also decide if changes in immunosuppressive regimens may be of benefit on a patient-by-patient basis.

  10. Patient housing barriers to hematopoietic cell transplantation: results from a mixed-methods study of transplant center social workers. (United States)

    Preussler, Jaime M; Mau, Lih-Wen; Majhail, Navneet S; Bevans, Margaret; Clancy, Emilie; Messner, Carolyn; Parran, Leslie; Pederson, Kate A; Ferguson, Stacy Stickney; Walters, Kent; Murphy, Elizabeth A; Denzen, Ellen M


    Hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is performed in select centers in the United States (U.S.), and patients are often required to temporarily relocate to receive care. The purpose of this study was to identify housing barriers impacting access to HCT and potential solutions. A mixed-methods primary study of HCT social workers was conducted to learn about patient housing challenges and solutions in place that help address those barriers. Three telephone focus groups were conducted with adult and pediatric transplant social workers (n = 15). Focus group results informed the design of a national survey. The online survey was e-mailed to a primary social worker contact at 133 adult and pediatric transplant centers in the U.S. Transplant centers were classified based on the patient population cared for by the social worker. The survey response rate was 49%. Among adult programs (n = 45), 93% of centers had patients that had to relocate closer to the transplant center to proceed with HCT. The most common type of housing option offered was discounted hotel rates. Among pediatric programs (n = 20), 90% of centers had patients that had to relocate closer to the transplant center to proceed with HCT. Ronald McDonald House was the most common option available. This study is the first to explore housing challenges faced by patients undergoing HCT in the U.S. from the perspective of social workers and to highlight solutions that centers use. Transplant centers will benefit from this knowledge by learning about options for addressing housing barriers for their patients.

  11. The Major Histocompatibility Complex in Transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Antonio Ayala García


    Full Text Available The transplant of organs is one of the greatest therapeutic achievements of the twentieth century. In organ transplantation, the adaptive immunity is considered the main response exerted to the transplanted tissue, since the principal target of the immune response is the MHC (major histocompatibility complex molecules expressed on the surface of donor cells. However, we should not forget that the innate and adaptive immunities are closely interrelated and should be viewed as complementary and cooperating. When a human transplant is performed, HLA (human leukocyte antigens molecules from a donor are recognized by the recipient's immune system triggering an alloimmune response Matching of donor and recipient for MHC antigens has been shown to have a significant positive effect on graft acceptance. This paper will present MHC, the innate and adaptive immunities, and clinical HLA testing.

  12. Pregnancy In Renal Transplant Recipients

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    H. Shahbazian


    Full Text Available Background:Correction of the uremic state by a functioning allograft often restores fertility in women of reproductive age. The rate of fertility significantly differs between industrial countries, developing and middle east countries.On the other hand the results of pregnancy in Kidney Transplantation (KTP patients are significantly better than hemodialysis patients,and pregnancy most often has no side effects on the function of the transplanted kidney.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the rate of fertility and results of pregnancy among KTP women, and the assessment of the function of transplanted kidneys during pregnancy among those who have received kidneys in Golestan Hospital from 1996 to 2003. Methods: All the transplanted women in child bearing age who were interested in accepting pregnancy were involved in this study. After pregnancy, all the patients were visited twice a month until the 32nd week of pregnancy and their histories were taken and regular clinical examination and necessary paraclinical assessments were carried out. After the 32nd week, they were visited weekly and other necessary assessments were done in addition to previous measures. Taking immunosuppressive drugs was continued with a minor dose reduction and consumption of harmful drugs like some antihypertensives was prohibited. Results: 16 out of 48 women who were at child bearing age and were interested in pregnancy got pregnant and totally 22 cases of pregnancy occurred. Four cases resulted in spontaneous or therapeutic abortion and 3 out of 18 remaining cases had intrauterine fetal death and the others had successful pregnancy. The most common complication was LBW and following that premature labor. Maternal complications were no more than the general population and the function of the transplanted kidney had no decline in most of the cases. Conclusion:Based on what was mentioned,it is concluded that successful KTP can increase the chance of

  13. Islet transplantation: the quest for an ideal source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Younes, Nidal A.; Nothias, J.; Garfinkel, Marc R.


    The progress of islet transplantation as a new therapy for patients with diabetes mellitus depends directly upon the development of efficient and practical immunoisolation methods for the supply of sufficient quantities of islet cells. Without these methods, large scale clinical application of this therapy would be impossible. Two eras of advances can be identified in the development of islet transplantation. The first was an era of experimental animal and human research that centered on islet isolation procedures and transplantation in different species as evidence that transplanted islets have the capability to reverse diabetes. The second was the era of Edmonton protocol, when the focus became the standardization of isolation procedures and introduction of new immunosuppressive drugs to maintain human allograft transplantation. The quest for an alternative source for islets (xenographs, stem cells and cell cultures) to overcome the shortage of human islets was an important issue during these eras. This paper reviews the history of islet transplantation and the current procedures in human allotransplantation, as well as different types of immunoisolation methods. It explores novel approaches to enhancing transplantation site vascularity and islet cell function, whereby future immunoisolation technology could offer additional therapeutic advantages to human islet allotransplantation. (author)

  14. Kidney Transplant (United States)

    ... that links the kidney to the bladder — is connected to your bladder. After the procedure After your ... three to eight weeks after transplant. No lifting objects weighing more than 10 pounds or exercise other ...

  15. Anesthesia for parturient with renal transplantation

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    Beena K Parikh


    Full Text Available Management of successful pregnancy after renal transplantation is a unique challenge to nephrologist, obstetrician, and anesthesiologist, as these patients have altered physiology and are immune-compromised. We present the anesthetic management of three postrenal transplant patients scheduled for cesarean section. While conducting such cases, cardiovascular status, hematological status, and function of transplanted kidney should be assessed thoroughly. Side effects of immunosuppressant drugs and their interaction with anesthetic agents should be taken into consideration. Main goal of anesthetic management is to maintain optimum perfusion pressure of renal allograft to preserve its function.

  16. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in transplant recipients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mateen, Farrah J.; Muralidharan, RajaNandini; Carone, Marco; van de Beek, Diederik; Harrison, Daniel M.; Aksamit, Allen J.; Gould, Mary S.; Clifford, David B.; Nath, Avindra


    Transplant recipients are at risk of developing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a rare demyelinating disorder caused by oligodendrocyte destruction by JC virus. Reports of PML following transplantation were found using PubMed Entrez (1958-July 2010). A multicenter, retrospective

  17. Cuidado paliativo en falla cardiaca

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    Gina González-Robledo


    Full Text Available La falla cardiaca avanzada se caracteriza por un compromiso circulatorio clínicamente significativo que requiere opciones de manejo avanzadas como el trasplante cardiaco, la inotropía intravenosa continua o intermitente, la asistencia ventricular o la terapia paliativa. El paciente con falla cardiaca avanzada no candidato a trasplante o asistencias ventriculares, es terminal y hace parte de un grupo heterogéneo con una condición clínica que fluctúa, con síntomas que condicionan el deterioro de la calidad de vida, y finalmente la muerte. El cuidado paliativo hace parte de las opciones de tratamiento avanzado cuyo objetivo principal es el control de los síntomas en el paciente con enfermedad avanzada, la planificación de los cuidados del final de la vida y los que permiten tener una muerte digna. No es una estrategia reservada para el paciente agónico. Es importante tener una comunicación asertiva con el paciente y su familia, y contar con las herramientas adecuadas para tomar decisiones y comunicarlas. Este documento presenta de forma concreta y práctica la forma de identificar y manejar el paciente con falla cardiaca terminal, con estrategias farmacológicas y no farmacológicas para el control de los síntomas más comunes en esta etapa de la enfermedad, así como de los aspectos relevantes sobre el manejo de dispositivos y conceptos sobre la transición del cuidado y la sedación paliativa.

  18. Autologous transplantation versus allogeneic transplantation in patients with follicular lymphoma experiencing early treatment failure. (United States)

    Smith, Sonali M; Godfrey, James; Ahn, Kwang Woo; DiGilio, Alyssa; Ahmed, Sairah; Agrawal, Vaibhav; Bachanova, Veronika; Bacher, Ulrike; Bashey, Asad; Bolaños-Meade, Javier; Cairo, Mitchell; Chen, Andy; Chhabra, Saurabh; Copelan, Edward; Dahi, Parastoo B; Aljurf, Mahmoud; Farooq, Umar; Ganguly, Siddhartha; Hertzberg, Mark; Holmberg, Leona; Inwards, David; Kanate, Abraham S; Karmali, Reem; Kenkre, Vaishalee P; Kharfan-Dabaja, Mohamed A; Klein, Andreas; Lazarus, Hillard M; Mei, Matthew; Mussetti, Alberto; Nishihori, Taiga; Ramakrishnan Geethakumari, Praveen; Saad, Ayman; Savani, Bipin N; Schouten, Harry C; Shah, Nirav; Urbano-Ispizua, Alvaro; Vij, Ravi; Vose, Julie; Sureda, Anna; Hamadani, Mehdi


    Early treatment failure (ETF) in follicular lymphoma (FL), defined as relapse or progression within 2 years of frontline chemoimmunotherapy, is a newly recognized marker of poor survival and identifies a high-risk group of patients with an expected 5-year overall survival (OS) rate of approximately 50%. Transplantation is an established option for relapsed FL, but its efficacy in this specific ETF FL population has not been previously evaluated. This study compared autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (auto-HCT) with either matched sibling donor (MSD) or matched unrelated donor (MUD) allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) as the first transplantation approach for patients with ETF FL (age ≥ 18 years) undergoing auto-HCT or allo-HCT between 2002 and 2014. The primary endpoint was OS. The secondary endpoints were progression-free survival, relapse, and nonrelapse mortality (NRM). Four hundred forty FL patients had ETF (auto-HCT, 240; MSD hematopoietic stem cell transplantation [HCT], 105; and MUD HCT, 95). With a median follow-up of 69 to 73 months, the adjusted probability of 5-year OS was significantly higher after auto-HCT (70%) or MSD HCT (73%) versus MUD HCT (49%; P = .0008). The 5-year adjusted probability of NRM was significantly lower for auto-HCT (5%) versus MSD (17%) or MUD HCT (33%; P ETF, undergoing auto-HCT for FL have low NRM and a promising 5-year OS rate (70%). MSD HCT has lower relapse rates than auto-HCT but similar OS. Cancer 2018. © 2018 American Cancer Society. © 2018 American Cancer Society.

  19. Pulmão e transplante renal Lung and renal transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrícia Caetano Mota


    Full Text Available O transplante renal é o transplante de órgãos sólidos mais frequente, sendo os transplantados renais alvo de complicações pulmonares inerentes à própria terapêutica imunossupressora, as quais constituem, por vezes, um desafio diagnóstico e terapêutico. Objectivo: Avaliar os doentes admitidos na Unidade de Transplante Renal (UTR do Hospital de S. João com o diagnóstico de patologia respiratória. Material e métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de todos os doentes admitidos na UTR por doença respiratória, durante um período de 12 meses. Resultados: Foram incluídos 36 doentes, com uma média de idades de 55,2 (±13,4 anos; 61,1% do sexo masculino. Os esquemas imunossupressores mais utilizados foram: prednisolona e micofenolato mofetil com ciclosporina (38,9% ou tacrolimus (22,2% ou rapamicina (13,9%. Trinta e um doentes (86,1% apresentaram doença infecciosa respiratória. Neste grupo destacaram-se: 23 casos (74,2% de pneumonia, 5 casos (16,1% de infecção oportunista, 2 (6,5% de traqueobronquite, e 1 (3,2% de abcessos pulmonares. O agente etiológico foi identificado em 7 casos (22,6%. Cinco doentes (13,9% apresentaram doença pulmonar iatrogénica pela rapamicina. Em 15 doentes (41,7% foi necessário recorrer à realização de broncofibroscopia, diagnóstica em 10 casos (66,7%. O tempo médio de internamento foi de 17,1 (±18,5 dias, e não se verificou nenhum óbito. Conclusão: A infecção constituiu a principal complicação pulmonar no grupo de doentes estudado. O diagnóstico de doença pulmonar induzida por fármacos implica reconhecimento das suas características e monitorização rigorosa dos níveis séricos dos mesmos. O recurso a técnicas de diagnóstico invasivas contribuiu para maior precocidade e especificidade terapêuticas.Renal transplantation is the most common type of solid organ transplantation and kidney transplant recipients are susceptible to pulmonary complications of immunosuppressive therapy, which are a

  20. Central nervous system complications after liver transplantation. (United States)

    Kim, Jeong-Min; Jung, Keun-Hwa; Lee, Soon-Tae; Chu, Kon; Roh, Jae-Kyu


    We investigated the diversity of central nervous system complications after liver transplantation in terms of clinical manifestations and temporal course. Liver transplantation is a lifesaving option for end stage liver disease patients but post-transplantation neurologic complications can hamper recovery. Between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2010, patients who had undergone liver transplantation at a single tertiary university hospital were included. We reviewed their medical records and brain imaging data and classified central nervous system complications into four categories including vascular, metabolic, infectious and neoplastic. The onset of central nervous system complications was grouped into five post-transplantation intervals including acute (within 1 month), early subacute (1-3 months), late subacute (3-12 months), chronic (1-3 years), and long-term (after 3 years). During follow-up, 65 of 791 patients (8.2%) experienced central nervous system complications, with 30 occurring within 1 month after transplantation. Vascular etiology was the most common (27 patients; 41.5%), followed by metabolic (23; 35.4%), infectious (nine patients; 13.8%), and neoplastic (six patients). Metabolic encephalopathy with altered consciousness was the most common etiology during the acute period, followed by vascular disorders. An initial focal neurologic deficit was detected in vascular and neoplastic complications, whereas metabolic and infectious etiologies presented with non-focal symptoms. Our study shows that the etiology of central nervous system complications after liver transplantation changes over time, and initial symptoms can help to predict etiology. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.