
Sample records for colorrectal hereditario no-polipoide


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    Patrick M Lynch, JD, MD


    Full Text Available Cáncer colorrectal No Poliposo Hereditario (HNPCC or “Síndrome de Lynch”, implica variantes patogénicas en los genes de reparación del mal pareamiento de bases del ADN (MMR, es la condición hereditaria más frecuente que predispone a adenomas colorrectales y cáncer colorrectal. En esta revisión se describe la historia de HNPCC, desde los primeros casos clínicos, la información clínica más sistemática, los criterios clínicos y finalmente, al descubrimiento de los propios genes MMR en 1993, incluidas las características claves de la inestabilidad de los microsatélites (MSI. este papel central del análisis de los microsatélites de los cánceres colorrectales implica una tendencia creciente hacia la “prueba universal” para evidenciar la MSI, ya sea por métodos de PCR o por inmunohistoquímica (IHQ. Aunque si bien, la prueba universal no ha sido completamente adoptada alrededor del mundo, nosotros ya estamos evolucionando hacia uso más rutinario de “paneles” de múltiples genes para la detección de mutaciones de línea germinal en genes MMR. Bajo estas circunstancias, uno puede razonablemente preguntarse si la comprensión del desarrollo histórico de las características clínicas de HNPCC es incluso relevante. Como este artículo espera demostrar una apreciación del escenario del HNPCC, ésta no sería completa sin una perspectiva histórica, incluyendo el papel importante del Dr. Henry Lynch sobre toda una vida de trabajo en este campo.


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    Church J, MBCHB


    RESUMEN: Se describe el enfoque de “Cleveland Clinic” para el cáncer colorrectal hereditario. Esto es multidisciplinario, involucrando varias especialidades y así como servicios de asesoramiento genético y de salud mental dentro del registro.

  3. Inestabilidad de microsatélites en pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal


    Ortiz, César; Dongo-Pflucker, Kenny; Martín-Cruz, Luis; Barletta Carrillo, Claudia; Mora-Alferez, Pamela; Arias, Abelardo


    Objetivo: Determinar la presencia de inestabilidad de microsatélites en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal usando el panel molecular Bethesda y discutir su importancia en pacientes con sospecha de cáncer colorrectal hereditario no polipósico (HNPCC) o con sospecha de síndrome de Lynch. Materiales y métodos: Se trabajó con muestras de sangre periférica y tejido tumoral de 28 pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal remitidos al laboratorio de Biología Molecular del Instituto Nacional de E...

  4. Molecular genetics of colorectal cancer Genética molecular del cáncer colorrectal

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    D. Cruz-Bustillo Clarens


    Full Text Available Colorectal tumours constitute an excellent system to study carcinogenesis and the molecular events implicated in the development of cancer. Attending to the way it is transmitted, colorectal cancer may appear in one of three forms: sporadic, familial, and hereditary. The sporadic form is most common and has no familial or hereditary associated factor thus far, while familial and hereditary forms show the same inheritance pattern. Hereditary colorectal cancers develop by means of defined stages that go from lesions in the crypt of the colon through adenomas to manifest cancer. They are characterised by the accumulation of multiple mutations in tumour suppressor genes and oncogenes that affect the balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis. The colorectal carcinogenesis pathway is not unique and there are probably several ways for the initiation, development and progression of colorectal tumours.Los tumores colorrectales constituyen un excelente sistema para estudiar la carcinogénesis y los eventos moleculares involucrados en el desarrollo de un tumor. El cáncer colorrectal puede presentarse en tres formas, según su forma de transmisión: esporádico, familiar y hereditario. La forma esporádica que es la mayoritaria, no tiene hasta el momento ningún factor familiar o hereditario asociado, mientras que las formas familiares y hereditarias siguen un patrón de herencia en la propensión familiar a padecerlo. Los cánceres colorrectales hereditarios se desarrollan mediante etapas definidas que van desde lesiones en la cripta del colon a través de adenomas hasta manifestar el cáncer y se caracterizan por la acumulación de múltiples mutaciones en genes supresores de tumor y oncogenes que afectan el balance entre la proliferación celular y la apoptosis. La vía de carcinogénesis colorrectal no es una sola y probablemente existan varios caminos para el inicio, desarrollo y progresión de un tumor colorrectal.

  5. Detección de mutaciones de los genes hMLH1 y hMSH2 del sistema de reparación de malos apareamientos del ADN en familias colombianas sospechosas de cancer colorrectal no polipósico hereditario (síndrome de Lynch.

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    Andrea Gómez


    Full Text Available Introducción. El cáncer colorrectal es la segunda causa de morbilidad y mortalidad por cáncer en los países desarrollados. En Colombia es la quinta causa de muerte entre los diferentes cánceres. Cerca del 75% de éstos corresponde a cánceres esporádicos, alrededor del 25% son familiares, y son claramente hereditarios el 5%. De éstos, el más importantes es el cáncer colorrectal no polipósico hereditario o síndrome de Lynch. Objetivo. Analizar los dos genes más importantes involucrados en el síndrome de Lynch, el hMLH1 y el hMSH2. Materiales y métodos. En 17 familias colombianas que cumplían con los criterios de Ámsterdam II o las pautas de Bethesda, se analizaron por SSCP los 35 exones de estos dos genes y las variantes electroforéticas se secuenciaron. Resultados. Se detectaron 8 mutaciones de línea germinal en las familias analizadas, 7 en el gen hMLH1 y 1 en hMSH2, y se encontró una tasa de detección de mutaciones del 47%. Seis de las 8 mutaciones encontradas en este estudio han sido previamente reportadas en la literatura. Un cambio de una base en el sitio donador de empalme en el exón 9 del gen hMLH1 (G>A (dos familias, un cambio A>G en el codón 755 del exón 17, y un cambio G>A en el exón 18. Se detectaron dos nuevas mutaciones, una en el exón 17, un cambio C>T en el codón 640, y una deleción de TG en el codón 184 del exón 3 del gen hMSH2. También se detectó en dos familias un polimorfismo del intrón 13 del hMLH1. Conclusión. Este es el primer estudio realizado en Colombia que detecta mutaciones en el síndrome de Lynch y pretende establecer un programa integral de manejo y prevención.


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    Dra. M. Teresa Vial


    Nos referiremos desde el punto de vista patológico a algunas de las neoplasias malignas incluidas en síndromes de cáncer hereditario causados por los principales y más frecuentes genes de predisposición genética. Cáncer de Mama (BRCA1/2, Cáncer Colorectal no Polipósico/Síndrome de Lynch (MMR, Cáncer Gástrico Hereditario, Poliposis adenomatosa familiar (PAF, Cáncer Renal y Síndrome de von Hippel Lindau (VHL y Cáncer Medular de Tiroides (RET.

  7. Mutación fundadora en una familia argentina con cáncer colorrectal hereditario Detection of a founder mutation in an Argentine family with hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer

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    Laura Gómez


    Full Text Available El cáncer colorrectal hereditario no poliposo (CCHNP se relaciona con mutaciones en los genes reparadores de ADN (MLH1, MSH2 y MSH6. La mayoría de estas alteraciones son familia-específicas y su detección suele requerir la secuenciación completa de los genes relacionados. Se detectó una mutación puntual (2269-2270insT en el último codón del gen MLH1 en familias de un área del norte de Italia (Reggio Emilia y su origen se considera debido a un efecto fundador. En este trabajo presentamos una familia mendocina con CCHNP portadora de la misma mutación, cuyos ancestros eran oriundos de Reggio Emilia. Para la detección de la mutación se diseñó una estrategia basada en PCR y posterior corte enzimático. La mutación fue hallada en tres integrantes de la familia estudiada, dos de los cuales no presentaban sintomatología clínica. Estos pacientes fueron seguidos preventivamente mediante colonoscopias. La metodología utilizada en nuestro laboratorio fue específica y sensible para la detección de una mutación previamente registrada y permitió realizar el diagnóstico genético molecular en el país, evitando el envío de muestras al extranjero. Es de importancia destacar que el diagnóstico genético pre-sintomático de cáncer hereditario, enfocado desde un grupo multidisciplinario de profesionales, permite un mejor seguimiento y apoyo a las familias afectadas.Hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC has been related to mutations in the DNA mismatch repair genes (MLH1, MSH2 y MSH6. Mutation detection analysis requires the complete sequencing of these genes, given the high frequency of family-specific alterations. A point mutation (2269- 2270insT in the last codon of the MLH1 gene has been detected in families from a northern region of Italy (Reggio Emilia.Given that this alteration was registered only in people from this region, it has been considered a founder mutation. In this work, we present an Argentine HNPCC family

  8. El cáncer hereditario en mujeres

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    Morales Chamorro, Rafael


    Full Text Available Most cases of cancer are sporadic, whereas 5-10% are hereditary and about 20-30% of cancers tend to cluster in families. Families and individuals who are suspected of suffering from hereditary cancer need to undergo a process known as genetic counseling, which is of considerable importance in the prevention and early detection of malignant tumours. The most common hereditary cancer syndromes are: hereditary breast-ovarian cancer syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis and Lynch syndrome. Genetic diagnosis allows clinicians to estimate the risks of developing different cancers in order to make decisions over surveillance and prophylactic surgery to reduce these risks. The ultimate goal is to reduce cancer mortality through early diagnosis and prevention.La mayoría de los casos de cáncer son esporádicos, entre un 20-30% presentan agregación familiar, mientras que solo el 5 -10% son de carácter hereditario. Las familias e individuos en los que se sospecha que padecen cáncer hereditario deben someterse a un proceso de asesoramiento genético, que es de gran importancia para la prevención y detección temprana de tumores malignos. Los síndromes más frecuentes de cáncer hereditario son el síndrome de mama-ovario hereditario, la poliposis adenomatosa familiar y el síndrome de Lynch. El diagnóstico genético facilita realizar una estimación de los riesgos de desarrollar diferentes cánceres, permitiendo tomar decisiones de vigilancia y preventivas que reducen estos riesgos. El objetivo final es reducir la mortalidad por cáncer mediante el diagnóstico precoz y la prevención.

  9. Patología colorrectal

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    Dr. M. Raúl Acuña


    Full Text Available En este artículo se abordan las patologías colorrectales más prevalentes en relación a la salud del hombre. Dado lo extenso del tema se han excluído aquellas patologías que comprometiendo este segmento del aparato digestivo también involucran otras áreas de este mismo sistema. Por este motivo nos centraremos en los siguientes problemas: enfermedad diverticular de colon, enfermedades inflamatorias intestinales (colitis ulcerosa idiopática y enfermedad de Crohn, alteraciones por isquemia y compromiso secundario a radioterapia de este segmento del aparato digestivo. El cáncer colorrectal, patología de alta relevancia, no se desarrollará pues recientemente fue revisado en un número de esta misma revista.

  10. Factores de riesgo hereditarios y socioeconómicos para labio o paladar hendido no asociados a un síndrome en México: estudio de casos y controles pareado

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    Gladys Acuña-González


    Conclusiones. El mayor riesgo en nuestra muestra para labio, paladar hendido o ambos, no asociados a un síndrome, radica en las variables relacionadas con los antecedentes familiares y hereditarios, y las indicadoras de la posición socioeconómica. Se observó un efecto protector del manejo prenatal con vitaminas

  11. Impacto do tratamento do cancro colorrectal no doente e cônjuge : implicações na qualidade de vida, morbilidade psicológica, representações de doenças e stress pós-traumático


    Figueiredo, Ana Paula Rodrigues da Silva


    Dissertação de mestrado em Educação - Área de Especialização em Educação para a Saúde O presente trabalho, com o título “Impacto do tratamento no doente com cancro colorrectal e cônjuge: Qualidade de vida, representações da doença, satisfação marital, morbilidade psicológica e stress pós-traumático”, tem como objectivo avaliar o impacto do tratamento de cirurgia, cirurgia/quimioterapia e cirurgia/radioterapia no doente com cancro colorrectal e no respectivo conjugue nas várias dimensões ps...

  12. Caracteres clínico-patológicos y perfil genético en el carcinoma colorrectal

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    Florencia Perazzo


    Full Text Available El cáncer colorrectal es el tercer cáncer más frecuente en hombres y el segundo más frecuente en mujeres, con una incidencia mundial aproximada de 1.2 millones de casos nuevos por año. Nuestro objetivo primario fue estudiar la relación existente entre las características clínico-histológicas en individuos con cáncer colorrectal y el estado mutacional de los codones 12 y 13 del gen KRAS (7 mutaciones validadas, con el fin de hallar un marcador histopatológico para los tumores mutados. El objetivo secundario fue determinar cuántos pacientes tenían mutaciones adicionales en los codones 15 y 61 del gen KRAS y 600 del gen BRAF que podrían modificar el fenotipo tumoral. Fueron seleccionados 60 individuos con cáncer colorrectal (30 wild-type y 30 con mutaciones validadas en los codones 12 y 13 del gen KRAS. Se amplificaron y secuenciaron del gen KRAS los exones 2 y 3, y del gen BRAF el exón 15. La información recolectada se examinó mediante un análisis descriptivo, análisis univariado y/o análisis multivariado, según correspondiese. En conclusión, no se encontró relación entre las características clínico-histológicas de los tumores de individuos con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal y el estado mutacional de los codones 12 y 13 del gen KRAS. No hallamos un marcador histopatológico para los tumores mutados. En pacientes con adenocarcinomas colorrectales avanzados y KRAS wild-type resulta de interés considerar el estudio del codón 600 del gen BRAF.


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    Dr. Benedito Mauro Rossi


    En ambos síndromes, el estudio genético de los pacientes permite en altos porcentajes identificar las mutaciones causantes. En base a estos resultados, se pueden identificar los familiares portadores de mutaciones, y ofrecerles los esquemas de vigilancia y eventuales tratamientos profilácticos correspondientes a su enfermedad. Para el manejo integral de estas familias es esencial contar con un equipo multidisciplinario, para poder ofrecer consejería genética, estudio genético, educación a las familias y tratamiento respectivo en forma adecuada.

  14. Conocimientos, creencias y actitudes de la población gitana ante el cribado del cáncer colorrectal

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    María Carmen Santiago-Portero


    Conclusión: La predisposición a recibir la recomendación de participar en los programas de cribado colorrectal y una información comprensible de los profesionales sanitarios permiten entrever posibles estrategias de aproximación a este colectivo. Esto podría contribuir a la mejora de la participación de la población gitana en el programa de cribado de cáncer colorrectal y abrir nuevas vías para promover conductas preventivas.

  15. ¿Existe un síndrome nefrótico corticosensible con lesión mínima hereditario?

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    Sandalio Durán Álvarez

    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión de las características hereditarias, presentación clínica y pronóstico de los síndromes nefróticos hereditarios que se han descubierto en los últimos años. La mayoría de los estudios están relacionados con síndromes nefróticos hereditarios con lesiones hísticas variadas y mala respuesta al tratamiento. Las mutaciones más frecuentes se producen en los genes NPHS2, NPHS1, WT1 y LAMB2, que producen glomeruloesclerosis focal segmentaria, síndrome nefrótico de tipo finés (enfermedad microquística, esclerosis mesangial difusa y síndrome de Pierson. También se han descrito mutaciones en los genes alfa-actinina 4 y TRPC6, las cuales producen síndrome nefrótico con glomeruloesclerosis focal de comienzo en el adulto. Se ha demostrado la presentación de un síndrome nefrótico familiar con lesión mínima y buena respuesta a los tratamientos, que parece ser producido por algún gen que puede codificar un factor desconocido, cuyo locus es 2p12-p13.2. Se han demostrado casos de síndrome nefrótico familiar que pueden tener patrones hereditarios autosómicos dominantes o recesivos, con evolución similar a la de sus progenitores o hermanos y que se corresponden con respuesta al tratamiento del síndrome nefrótico idiopático con lesión mínima. Se necesita continuar profundizando en el estudio de estos pacientes para precisar las distintas formas de herencia y el gen o genes involucrados en este síndrome nefrótico.

  16. Vasculopatia polipoidal idiopática da coróide: aspectos extremos da evolução da doença em um paciente - Relato de caso Idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy: its extreme aspects in one patient - Case report

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    Ieda Maria Alexandre Barreira


    Full Text Available O artigo descreve um caso de vasculopatia polipoidal idiopática da coróide (VPIC e demonstra o papel relevante da indocianinografia no diagnóstico diferencial com outras causas de neovascularização subretiniana, particularmente degeneração macular relacionada à idade (DMRI, bem como avalia os aspectos extremos na evolução da doença em um único paciente. Paciente de 54 anos, sexo masculino, cor parda, com queixas de baixa de acuidade visual súbita em OD, foi submetido a exame oftalmológico, pelo qual se constatou hemorragia vítrea em OD e, posteriormente, descolamento sero-hemorrágico do epitélio pigmentário da retina em OE. A angiofluoresceinografia e indocianinografia mostraram quadro compatível com vasculopatia polipoidal idiopática da coróide. O paciente foi submetido a vitrectomia via pars plana em OD e foi acompanhado por período de 5 meses, evoluindo com perda de visão secundária a descolamento de retina e cicatriz macular disciforme em OD. No olho contralateral, ocorreu involução da vasculopatia com preservação de acuidade visual 20/25. A vasculopatia polipoidal idiopática da coróide é entidade clínica cujas anormalidades do fundo de olho se sobrepõem às manifestações da degeneração macular relacionada à idade exsudativa. A indocianinografia é de vital importância no diagnóstico diferencial entre as duas doenças que tem evolução e prognóstico distintos. Além disso, consideramos este caso muito ilustrativo pelas diferentes nuances com que a doença se manifestou e evoluiu em um único paciente.To describe a case of idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy and the role of indocyanine green angiography findings in the differential diagnosis of exsudative maculopathies, particularly with age-related macular degeneration, and the extreme evolution of idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy in one patient. A patient with vitreous hemorrhage was examined and evaluated by fluorescein and

  17. Cáncer colorrectal: Lo que debe saber (Colorectal Cancer - What You Need to Know)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en un informe de Vital Signs, publicado por los CDC en julio del 2011. El cáncer colorrectal causa todos los años la muerte de unos 50,000 hombres y mujeres. ¡Las pruebas de detección pueden salvar vidas! Estas pruebas pueden encontrar tejido anormal que puede ser extraído antes de que se convierta en cáncer y pueden encontrar el cáncer en su etapa inicial, cuando es más fácil de tratar. Si usted tiene 50 años o más, hable con su médico y hágase las pruebas de detección del cáncer colorrectal.  Created: 7/5/2011 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 8/1/2011.

  18. Angioedema hereditario: Guía de tratamiento

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    Alejandro Malbrán


    Full Text Available El angioedema hereditario (HAE es una enfermedad rara, autosómica dominante, caracterizada por episodios que comprometen la piel, el tracto gastrointestinal y la laringe. Tiene una mortalidad histórica por asfixia del 15 al 50%. Es producida por la deficiencia funcional del C1 inhibidor. La identificación de la bradiquinina como mediador principal ha estimulado el desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos para tratar la enfermedad. El tratamiento del HAE se establece en consensos internacionales. El desarrollo de guías para el tratamiento de la enfermedad permite ordenar el uso de procedimientos diagnósticos y drogas. Describimos aquí algunas características farmacológicas de los medicamentos utilizados en el tratamiento del HAE en la Argentina: el concentrado plasmático de C1 inhibidor, el antagonista de la bradiquinina, icatibant, el andrógeno atenuado danazol y los agentes anti-fibrinolíticos ácidos épsilon aminocaproico (EACA y tranexámico. Asimismo, se describe su forma de uso y del control de los eventos adversos más frecuentes, así como las recomendaciones del último consenso internacional, aplicables para conformar una primera guía de tratamiento del HAE en la Argentina.

  19. Angioedema hereditario en Medellín, Colombia: evaluación clínica y de la calidad de vida

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    María Dulfary Sánchez


    Conclusión. Este estudio provee información sobre la primera familia caracterizada con angioedema hereditario de tipo 1 en el Valle de Aburrá, Colombia. Aunque para ello se usó un instrumento genérico, se confirmó, además, el efecto negativo de la enfermedad en la calidad de vida de los individuos que la padecen.

  20. Antígeno carcinoembrionario en la recurrencia y sobrevida de pacientes con resección curativa de cáncer colorrectal

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    Jorge Renato Cribilleros Barrenechea


    Full Text Available Introducción: El antígeno carcinoembrionario (CEA ha sido asociado con estadios avanzados, pobre sobrevida y detección temprana de recurrencia de cáncer colorrectal (CCR. Objetivos: Establecer la relación entre la concentración sérica de CEA con la recurrencia y sobrevida de pacientes con resección curativa de cáncer colorrectal. Diseño: Estudio retrospectivo, correlacional y explicativo. Institución: Departamento de Cirugía General, Servicio de Colon y Recto, Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, EsSalud, Lima, Perú. Población: Pacientes con resección curativa de CCR. Métodos: Los pacientes con resección curativa de CCR en el hospital Rebagliati, durante los años 2000-2003, tuvieron seguimiento hasta el año 2010. Se usó la diferencia de medias a través de la prueba T, para la comparación de variables cuantitativas. Se recurrió a técnicas de análisis de sobrevida a través del método de Kaplan-Meier y la regresión de Cox. Principales medidas de resultados: Recurrencia y sobrevida de pacientes. Resultados: La concentración sérica elevada de antígeno carcinoembrionario en el pre y postoperatorio reveló una mayor recurrencia significativa de cáncer colorrectal (p<0,05. La sobrevida en los pacientes con CEA patológico fue significativamente menor que en los pacientes con CEA normal (p<0,05. Conclusiones: La concentración sérica elevada de CEA, demostró una mayor recurrencia del cáncer colorrectal. El valor sérico de CEA en el preoperatorio constituye un valor predictivo de sobrevida.

  1. Frequency of hereditary colorectal cancer in Uruguayans patients with non polipotic colorectal cancer; Frecuencia de cancer colorrectal hereditario no polipotico en pacientes uruguayos con cancer colorrectal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarroca, C.; Della Valle, A.; Fresco, R.; Peltomaki, P.; Lynch, H. [Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas, Montevideo (Uruguay)


    Full text: Colonic Cancer Family Polipótic not (CCFNP) is a syndrome transmission autosomal dominant characterized by the aggregation of colorectal cancer (CCR), frequently associated with other solid tumors. Few studies have investigated CCFNP frequency in colorectal cancer patients. these have shown marked geographic variation (0.3% to 13%). The objective of this study is to estimate the frequency of a population CCFNP CCR carriers Uruguayan cancer patients. All patients consecutively operated CRC were included in the Hospital Central Armed Forces (Montevideo, Uruguay) between 1987 and 2003. The cases were classified into 3 groups: 1) those who met the criteria Amsterdam (CCFNP), 2) those who did not meet these criteria but considered as a population of increased risk of cancer based on family history / staff (PRI), and 3) sporadic CRC. Genetic analysis was performed for Detection of mutations in hMLH1, hMSH2 and hMSH6 gene in patients subgroup 1. 461 patients were included, with a median age of 66 years. The subgroup 1 represented 2.5% 2 5.6% and 91.8% sporadic CRC. 75% of cases CCFNP were classified as under 55. Mutations in hMLH1 / hMSH2/hMSH6 were found in 16.6% of cases included in the subgroup 1 (2 in hMLH1, 1 in hMSH2, hMSH6 none). The proportion of patients who met the Amsterdam criteria matches with that observed by other authors. However, the percentage of cases classified CCFNP identified as carriers of mutations is lower than that reported (16.6% vs. ~ 70%). This may reflect a different genetic profile Uruguayan population.

  2. Influencia del sobrepeso y la obesidad, en la morbimortalidad perioperatoria y supervivencia a largo plazo, de pacientes intervenidos electivamente por cáncer colorrectal


    García-Oria, Miguel Juan


    Introducción: La obesidad ha alcanzado proporciones de epidemia en los países desarrollados. En estos mismos países, el segundo cáncer más frecuente es el cáncer colorrectal, y no existen datos concluyentes en la literatura científica, respecto a como puede influir el exceso de peso, en los resultados del tratamiento de dicho cáncer. Objetivos: Evaluar la influencia de la obesidad y el sobrepeso en la morbimortalidad intra y postoperatoria y en la supervivencia a largo plazo de los pacientes ...

  3. Seguimiento posterior a la cirugía curativa para el cáncer colorrectal: impacto de la tomografía por emisión de positrones - tomografía computarizada (PET/TC)


    Kishimoto, Gustavo; Murakami, Koji; Con, Sergio A.; Yamasaki, Erena; Domeki, Yasushi; Tsubaki, Masahiro; Sakamoto, Setsu


    El seguimiento postoperatorio tiene un rol importante para la sobrevida del paciente después de la resección curativa del cáncer colorrectal. OBJETIVOS: Describir las características del seguimiento con tomografía por emisión de positrones (PET) integrado a tomografía axial computarizada (CT) (PET/CT) y su impacto en los sobrevivientes de cáncer colorrectal (CCR) posterior a la resección con intención curativa en un hospital universitario en la prefectura de Tochigi, Japón. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS...

  4. Adherencia al programa poblacional de detección precoz de cáncer colorrectal en Cataluña, 2000-2008 Adherence to a population-based colorectal cancer screening program in Catalonia (Spain, 2000-2008

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    Núria Milà


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analizar barreras y facilitadores asociados con la adherencia al programa de cribado bienal de cáncer colorrectal dirigido a población asintomática de 50 a 69 años de edad basado en la prueba de detección de sangre oculta en heces. Métodos: Estudio transversal mediante encuesta telefónica (n = 1193 a personas invitadas en dos o más rondas sucesivas de cribado en L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona, España. Se clasificaron los sujetos según su adherencia al programa de cribado de cáncer colorrectal (no adherentes, adherentes irregulares y adherentes totales. Las variables independientes fueron sociodemográficas, de salud, actitudes y creencias sobre cáncer colorrectal y realización de actividades preventivas. Se realizó un análisis bivariado y se ajustaron modelos de regresión logística binaria y politómica para determinar las características asociadas con la adherencia al cribado. Resultados: El 14,4% de la población invitada al programa de cribado fue adherente y el 18,4% lo fue de forma irregular. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre adherentes y no adherentes en las creencias y actitudes sobre el cáncer colorrectal y su detección precoz. Compartir la decisión de participar en el cribado con la familia aumentó la adherencia entre nueve y doce veces. La percepción positiva del proceso de cribado fue un facilitador del grado de adherencia. Conclusiones: Las creencias y las percepciones sobre el cáncer colorrectal y el cribado, así como la influencia del entorno familiar, son factores relacionados con la toma de decisión de participar, no así para el mantenimiento del comportamiento preventivo en el tiempo.Objective: To analyze correlates of adherence to colorectal cancer screening with biennial fecal occult blood testing in asymptomatic individuals aged 50 to 69 years. Methods: A cross-sectional telephone survey was conducted among people (n = 1,193 invited to participate in at least two

  5. Dimethylhydrazine model is not appropriate for evaluating effect of ethanol on colorectal cancer El modelo de la dimetilhidrazina no sirve para evaluar el efecto del etanol sobre el cáncer colorrectal

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    M. Perše


    Full Text Available 1,2 dimethylhydrazine (DMH rat model has been proven to be a valuable animal model of colorectal cancer. Because of its morphological similarity to human colorectal cancer, DMH rat model was used to produce information in histology and biochemistry of tumours development as well as on factors that retard or enhance tumorigenesis. Nevertheless, it has been shown that DMH model has limitations, which raise the question, whether experiments evaluating effect of ethanol on DMH model are ethically justified. In this paper authors summarize experimental results evaluating effect of ethanol consumption on DMH rat model with aim to prevent unnecessary duplication of animal experimentation or execution of ethically unjustified animal experiments in the future and to warn scientists that results from studies evaluating ethanol on DMH rat model can not be generalized to humans.Se ha observado que el modelo de la 1,2-dimetilhidrazina (DMH en la rata es un valioso modelo animal de cáncer colorrectal. Debido a su parecido morfológico con el cáncer colorrectal humano, el modelo de la DMH en la rata se ha empleado para conseguir información acerca de la histología y la bioquímica del desarrollo tumoral, además de sobre los factores que retrasan o potencian la tumorigénesis. No obstante, se ha visto que el modelo de la DMH tiene sus limitaciones, lo que lleva a preguntarse si están justificados, desde el punto de vista ético, los experimentos que evalúan el efecto del etanol sobre este modelo. En este documento, los autores resumen los resultados experimentales que evalúan el efecto del consumo de etanol sobre el modelo de la DMH en la rata con el fin de evitar la duplicación innecesaria de la experimentación animal o la ejecución de experimentos con animales sin justificación ética en el futuro, además de avisar a los científicos de que los resultados obtenidos de los estudios que han evaluado el etanol con el modelo de la DMH en la rata no

  6. El cáncer colorrectal en España. Costes por incapacidad temporal y opciones preventivas desde las empresas

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    M.T. Vicente-Herrero


    Conclusiones: Sirvan los resultados para valorar la utilidad de la implantación de estrategias de apoyo a la sanidad pública para una mayor reducción de la prevalencia, mortalidad y mejora de la calidad de vida de los afectados y sus familias, junto con un ahorro económico derivado de la reducción de la IT derivada del cáncer colorrectal.

  7. ¿Le han hecho pruebas de detección de cáncer colorrectal? - (Have You Been Tested for Colorectal Cancer?)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en la edición de noviembre del 2013 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. Las pruebas de detección de cáncer colorrectal salvan vidas, pero solo si usted se las hace. Si tiene entre 50 y 75 años, hable con su médico acerca de cuál prueba es mejor para usted. Si tiene enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal o antecedentes de cáncer colorrectal o pólipos en su familia, pregúntele al médico si debería empezar a hacerse las pruebas de detección antes de cumplir los 50 años.  Created: 11/5/2013 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 11/5/2013.

  8. Occult blood test and colonoscopy in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer; Test de sangre oculta y colonoscopia en el diagnostico del cancer colorrectal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tusen Toledo, Yunia; Chao Gonzalez, Lissette; Barroso Marquez, Lisset [Centro Investigaciones Medicoquirurgicas (CIMEQ), La Habana (Cuba)


    A descriptive-prospective study was conducted on 212 outpatients from the Gastroenterology Service at CIMEQ's Hospital from January 2006- May 2007. These patients received an immune-chemical test of hidden blood in fecal stools and an endoscopic colon study, with the objective of determining the value of the hidden blood and colonoscopy for the detection of colorrectal cancer. Age average was 60, 6 {+-} 14,0 years, with predominance of the female sex. The main clinical condition for this study was to observe the change of intestinal habits in a 28, 3 % of patients, The test performed on hidden blood was positive in 76 patients (36,0%) and 34 (16,0%) had positive colorrectal cancer diagnosis, of which a 50% was localized at the proximal colon; 91,12% of the neoplasias were of the adenocarcinoma-type, where moderately differentiated ones predominated. A sensitiveness of a 76, 47 % and of a 71,91 % specificity were obtained when evaluating the efficacy of hidden blood in the diagnosis of neoplasias

  9. Toxicidad del irinotecán en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal y variabilidad del gen UGT1A


    Gayoso Rey, Mónica


    El cáncer colorrectal (CCR) ocupa el segundo lugar como causa de mortalidad por cáncer en la mayoría de los países desarrollados. El irinotecán es uno de los fármacos más empleados en la quimioterapia. Sin embargo, existe una variabilidad interindividual en la aparición de efectos adversos. Se han publicado diversos estudios que intentan correlacionar determinados polimorfismos genéticos con la toxicidad, mostrando discrepancias. Pocos de estos trabajos se han centrado en la población español...

  10. Long survival in a patient with metastatic colorrectal carcinoma: reality or utopia? (United States)

    Illán, Andrea; Aires, Jonathan; Quintana, Laura


    We report the case of a 42-year-old male patient with mucinous-type metastatic colorectal carcinoma of eight years of evolution. He has received multiple lines of cytostatic treatment with acceptable tolerance and without significant impairment in his quality of life. At present, it is estimated that the overall survival of metastatic colon cancer in cytostatic treatment is around 24 months. However, a small subset of patients may present prolonged survivals of 5 to 10 years after diagnosis, revealing heterogeneity of tumor behavior and response to treatment. Our clinical case represents a long survivor patient despite the advanced stage of his oncological mucinous-colorrectal disease, endorsed in the scientific literature as having worse rates of objective response and less survival. There are different therapeutic approaches that can achieve a significant overall survival. It is essential in clinical practice to use all drugs available to achieve increase of progression-free survival and overall survival, with maintenance of an adequate quality of life.

  11. ¡Las pruebas de detección del cáncer colorrectal ayudan a encontrarlo antes de que empiece! (Why I Got Tested for Colorectal Cancer)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast explica cómo las pruebas de detección pueden prevenir el cáncer colorrectal. .  Created: 3/14/2016 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 3/14/2016.




    Resumen El rastreo de cáncer colorrectal (CCR) cuenta con fuertes evidencias en su favor. Datos preliminares indican que a pesar de ello no se lleva a cabo con la frecuencia adecuada. Se intenta aquí determinar, dentro de un Sistema de Salud que cuenta con los recursos necesarios, los elementos que facilitan o generan barreras para concretar esta práctica preventiva, cuántos individuos lo ponen en práctica y qué predice esta conducta. Se realizó una encuesta telefónica a los afiliados de una Obra Social de empleados de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, de los que 132 completaron el cuestionario (tasa de respuesta 70%). Los elementos considerados facilitadores del rastreo obtuvieron respuestas afirmativas en el 64 a 97%, mientras que los que definían barreras un 11 a 27%. En este último grupo, una categoría diferenciada la constituía el miedo a los efectos adversos: 39%, y el sentimiento de vergüenza relacionado con los procedimientos: 30%. Un 33% de los encuestados tenían hecho un método de rastreo, mayoritariamente de sangre oculta (27), sigmoideoscopía (11) y colonoscopía (20). Una mayoría afirmó que “se haría el procedimiento si el médico se lo recomendara” (95%), o “no se lo haría excepto que su médico se lo aconseje” (87%). Contestar afirmativamente que “los médicos hacen lo mejor para los pacientes” se asoció con haberse hecho un método de rastreo de CCR, OR 1.55 (IC 95%: 1.02-2.37) p: 0.04. El grupo de individuos estudiado parece bien predispuesto para el rastreo del CCR, la recomendación médica sería aquí un determinante prominente para ponerlo en práctica. PMID:19414294

  13. Bases moleculares del cáncer colorrectal = Molecular bases of colorectal cancer

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    Muñetón Peña, Carlos Mario


    Full Text Available Se considera que el cáncer colorrectal (CCR es un problema mundial de salud pública; es el tercer cáncer más común en hombres y el segundo en mujeres. Su distribución geográfica es variable: las tasas de incidencia son altas en países desarrollados de Europa, Norteamérica y Oceanía y bajas en países de regiones subdesarrolladas como África y Suramérica. Sin embargo, los datos de estudios recientes publicados por la Agencia Internacional de Investigaciones en Cáncer (IARC, International Agency for Research on Cancer muestran un aumento rápido en la incidencia de CCR en los períodos 1983-1987 y 1998-2002 en países en vías de desarrollo (1, mientras que en países desarrollados la incidencia se ha estabilizado y en muchos casos ha disminuido (2. La carcinogénesis del CCR es un proceso de múltiples etapas, caracterizado por una gran inestabilidad genómica que permite la acumulación de mutaciones en protoncogenes y genes supresores de tumores, alteración en la expresión de genes y producción de proteínas no funcionales, que les confieren a las células ventajas de proliferación y aumento de la supervivencia. La inestabilidad genómica del CCR se produce por diferentes vías; entre las más importantes se encuentran: la de inestabilidad cromosómica (CIN, la de inestabilidad microsatelital (MSI y la de metilación.

  14. El cáncer colorrectal en la mujer

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    García-Carbonero, Rocío


    Full Text Available Colorectal cancer (CRC is the third most common tumour in the world. Epidemiological data demonstrate that both the incidence and mortality of CRC is lower in women than in men. In fact, several observational and experimental studies suggest that oestrogens, both endogenous and exogenous, could play a relevant protective role. In this article, we discuss the epidemiological and sociological differences regarding gender in CRC, some particularities and specific barriers for the prevention and early diagnosis of CRC in women, as well as particular aspects of gender regarding the impact of the various antineoplastic therapies, such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, sexual function, sphincter continence and quality of life in women.El cáncer colorrectal (CCR es el tercer tumor más frecuente en el mundo. Los datos epidemiológicos demuestran que tanto la incidencia como la mortalidad debidos a este tumor son menores en las mujeres que en los hombres. De hecho, numerosos estudios observacionales y experimentales sugieren que los estrógenos, tanto endógenos como exógenos, podrían jugar un papel protector relevante. En este artículo se van a discutir las diferencias epidemiológicas y sociológicas del CCR en función del género, algunas peculiaridades y barreras específicas para la prevención y el diagnóstico precoz del CCR en la mujer, y aspectos particulares de género sobre el impacto de las diversas terapias antineoplásicas, como son cirugía, radioterapia y quimioterapia, en la función sexual, la continencia esfinteriana y la calidad de vida de las mujeres.

  15. Impacto de una intervención informativa sobre el programa de cribado de cáncer colorrectal en profesionales de atención primaria


    Benito-Aracil, Llúcia; Binefa, Gemma; Milà, Núria; Lluch Canut, Ma. Teresa; Puig Llobet, Montserrat; García Martínez, Montserrat


    Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de una intervención informativa a profesionales de atención pri-maria sobre sus conocimientos de cribado de cáncer colorrectal, recomendaciones de vigilanciaposterior y estrategias de derivación. Método diseÑo: Ensayo clínico controlado y aleatorizado por conglomerados. Emplazamiento:centros de atención primaria de L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona). Participantes: médi-cos y enfermeras de atención primaria. Intervención: sesión informativa y envío de píldorasi...

  16. Colorectal cancer in the elderly: characteristics and short term results Cáncer colorrectal en el anciano: Características y resultados a corto plazo

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    Juan José Arenal Vera


    Full Text Available Objective: to analyse the characteristics of colorectal cancer in elderly patients and to assess the outcomes of treatment. Material and methods: the study included 1,924 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer during a 22 year period (1985-2007. We analysed patient clinical and demographic characteristics as well as their treatment and its outcome. Results: there was an increase in emergency surgery with age, increasing from 13% among patients under 80 years of age to 47% in those over 90 years of age (p = 0.0001. On the other hand, the overall percentage of patients who underwent surgical treatment decreased from 96% in patients younger than 80 years of age, to 85% and 59% in octogenarians and nonagenarians, respectively (p = 0.0001, and there was a similar pattern in the rates of curative surgery among patients who underwent surgery. The overall mortality of patients who underwent surgery was 8% (141 out of 1,769, increasing from 4% in patients younger than 70 years of age to 25% in those over 90 (p = 0.0001. Multivariate analysis showed that the factors associated with mortality were the emergency nature of the surgery (p = 0.001, the ASA grade (p = 0.0001, and the presence of systemic complications (p = 0.0001, the weight of age decreasing significantly with respect to the univariate analysis (p = 0.013. Conclusions: there is an increase in the rate of complicated forms of colorectal cancer with increasing age of patients. In addition, there is a dramatic decrease in the rate of curative tumour resection with increasing age. Intraoperative mortality for colorectal cancer in octogenarians and nonagenarians is more closely related to the nature and intent of the surgery (elective or emergency; palliative or curative, the perioperative risk (ASA grade, and severe systemic complications, than to age.Objetivo: analizar las características del cáncer colorrectal en pacientes ancianos y evaluar los resultados de su tratamiento. Material y m

  17. Prognostic significance of the p185 protein in colorectal cancer Significado pronóstico de la proteína p185 en cáncer colorrectal

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    M. T. Sanz-Casla


    Full Text Available The amplification and/or overexpression of the c-erbB-2/neu oncogene may play a role in tumor development and progression. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the prognostic value of p185 protein in colorectal cancer using immunohistochemical techniques. We analyzed 106 colorectal tumor tissue specimens from patients who had been operated on by the same surgeon and subjected to a median follow-up of 3 years. Thirty-three per cent of patients showed p185 overexpression related to an advanced stage of the disease. In patients with adenocarcinoma tumors of the colon without distant metastases, p185 detection was found to be of clinical prognostic relevance (p = 0.06.La amplificación y/o sobre-expresión del oncogén c-erbB2/neu puede contribuir al desarrollo y progresión tumoral. El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio del valor pronóstico de la proteína p185 mediante técnicas de inmunohistoquímica en el carcinoma colorrectal. Se trata de un estudio de cohortes prospectivo en 106 muestras de tejido tumoral colorrectal de pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por un mismo cirujano y con una mediana de tiempo de seguimiento de 3 años. El 33% de los pacientes presenta sobre-expresión de p185, que se relaciona con estadios avanzados de la enfermedad. En los pacientes con tumores adenocarcinoma localizados en colon y sin metástasis a distancia, la determinación de p185 muestra valor pronóstico clínicamente relevante (p=0,06.

  18. Endoscopic resection as unique treatment for early colorectal cancer Resección endoscópica de cáncer colorrectal temprano como único tratamiento

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    J. Ruiz-Tovar


    Full Text Available Colonoscopic screening in developed countries allows detection and resection of a great number of early colorectal cancers. There is a strong controversy to decide when endoscopic treatment is enough or when surgical resection is necessary. To this contributes the diverse names to define the lesions, the wide number of classifications and the different criteria of each author. We perform an extense literature review, aiming to clarify concepts and unify criteria that can be used as a guide for the treatment of early colorectal cancer. We conclude that in early colorectal cancer arising in pedunculated polyps (0-Ip, mucosal endoscopic resection would be indicated as only treatment in Haggitt levels 1, 2 and 3, tumors smaller than 2 cm, well- or moderately differentiated, without vascular or lymphatic affection, with submucosal infiltration lower than 1 µm from the muscularis mucosae and maximal submucosal width lower than 4 µm, and undergoing en bloc resection. In sessile polyps (0-Is or non-polypoideal elevated (0-IIa or plain (0-IIb lesions, recommendations will be similar, without applicability of Haggitt levels.El screening mediante colonoscopia que se realiza en países occidentales ha permitido la detección y resección de un número elevado de tumores colorrectales en estadio temprano. Existe una gran controversia a la hora de decidir cuándo el tratamiento endoscópico es suficiente y cuándo debe realizarse la resección quirúrgica. A ello contribuye la gran diversidad en la nomenclatura para definir estas lesiones, la amplia variedad de clasificaciones de las mismas y los diferentes criterios que tiene cada autor. Mediante una revisión extensa de la literatura, pretendemos aclarar conceptos, enlazar los datos de las diferentes clasificaciones y unificar unos criterios que sirvan de guía para el tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal temprano. Tras ello, llegamos a la conclusión de que en el cáncer colorrectal temprano que aparece


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    Dr. Francisco López


    Full Text Available Los avances de la medicina nos enfrentan a nuevos desafíos como es el caso de los síndromes hereditarios que predisponen al desarrollo del cáncer. El modelo clásico del médico especialista que trata un tumor específico de su paciente, debería ser cambiado por el del “equipo de salud que asesora a una familia”. El diagnóstico de una enfermedad hereditaria tiene un fuerte impacto sicológico y emocional en cada uno de los miembros de la familia ya que implica adaptarse a cambios en el estilo de vida, adherirse a pautas de vigilancia activa mediante imágenes, exámenes de sangre y controles médicos periódicos e incluso en ciertos casos deberán someterse a cirugías de carácter profiláctico. En vista a este nuevo desafío, las instituciones están viendo en la necesidad de desarrollar e implementar Programas de Riesgo Alto Oncológico conformado por un equipo interdisciplinario, que permita acoger y apoyar a estas familias. En este artículo se describen las características de un programa de alto riesgo oncológico y la experiencia de un centro que ha implementado este programa.

  20. Efecto de la endotelina-1 sobre las arterias tumorales de pacientes con neoplasia colorrectal Effect of endothelin-1 on tumor arteries in patients with colorectal cancer

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    E. Ferrero Herrero


    Full Text Available La endotelina-1 es un péptido vasoconstrictor producido por el endotelio vascular, cuyos niveles plasmáticos están aumentados en los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal y que puede participar en la regulación del flujo sanguíneo tumoral. Para estudiar si la respuesta a este péptido está alterada en las arterias tumorales, se obtuvieron, de 13 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por cáncer colorrectal, arterias mesentéricas irrigando el tumor y arterias mesentéricas de una región alejada del tumor, y asimismo se obtuvieron arterias mesentéricas de pacientes intervenidos por diverticulitis (n = 4 o enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (n = 3. Las arterias mesentéricas se montaron en una preparación para el registro de la contracción isométrica en un baño de órganos, encontrándose que la endotelina-1 producía contracción en los tres tipos de arterias, pero la sensibilidad a este péptido fue mayor en las arterias irrigando el tumor que en las arterias alejadas del tumor o en las arterias de pacientes sin patología tumoral. Estos resultados indican que la endotelina-1 puede regular el flujo sanguíneo en los tumores colorrectales, produciendo una mayor vasoconstricción en las arterias que irrigan el tumor que en las arterias no tumorales.Endothelin-1 is an endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor peptide whose plasma levels are increased in patients with colorectal cancer, and which may be involved in tumor blood flow regulation. To study whether response to this peptide is altered in tumor arteries, mesenteric arteries supplying blood flow to colorectal tumors, and mesenteric arteries far from said tumors were obtained from 13 patients undergoing colectomy; mesenteric arteries were also obtained from patients with diverticulitis (n = 4 or inflammatory bowel disease (n = 3. Arteries were prepared for isometric tension recording in an organ bath, and in this preparation it was found that endothelin-1 induced contraction in all three

  1. Missed opportunities in early diagnosis of symptomatic colorectal cancer Oportunidades perdidas en el diagnóstico temprano del cáncer colorrectal sintomático

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    Maite Domínguez-Ayala


    ínicas, los errores más comunes y cuantificar el retraso generado. Material y métodos: mediante un estudio observacional descriptivo, se procedió a la revisión de las historias clínicas por dos revisores de la totalidad de los pacientes diagnosticados de cáncer colorrectal en el 2009 del Área Sanitaria IV de Asturias. Se analizaron los datos a nivel bivariante y multivariante por regresión logística. Resultados: de 143 se obtuvo información completa de 119 pacientes. Un 34,45% presentó una oportunidad perdida clínica (IC 95%: 30,92-39,68. Hubo una media de 2,41 oportunidades perdidas y 2,61 claves diagnósticas por paciente. Los pacientes con oportunidades perdidas eran significativamente mayores; el número total de comorbilidades resultó ser mayor en los pacientes con oportunidad perdida (2,7 siendo este el factor determinante. La clave diagnóstica principal fue la anemia ferropénica (46,3% y la que más retraso generó (300 días. El error más común fue la falta de petición de pruebas diagnósticas (43,3%. Tener al menos una oportunidad perdida supuso un retraso promedio de 235,8 días entre el primer encuentro médico-paciente y la derivación a un especialista. Conclusiones: las oportunidades perdidas para iniciar una evaluación diagnóstica en pacientes con sospecha de cáncer colorrectal son frecuentes en la práctica clínica. La clave clínica más relevante y que genera mayor retraso es la anemia ferropénica. El retraso diagnóstico es importante y es debido principalmente al no reconocimiento, o inacción, ante síntomas.

  2. Predictive Value of Scintigraphy with Tc-99M IOR CEA1 in Asymptomatic Patients with Suspected Recurrent Colorectal Cancer; Valor predictivo de la gammagrafia con Tc-99M IOR CEA1 en pacientes asintomaticos con sospecha de cancer colorrectal recurrente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Llamas Olier, A; De los Reyes, A [Grupo de Medicina Nuclear, Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia, Bogota (Colombia)


    The early location of recurrent colorectal cancer can make timely interventions to improve patient survival. The immunoscintigraphy with the monoclonal antibody ior-CEA1 has shown useful for detecting tumors with expression of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). This study was done to evaluate their predictive value in asymptomatic patients with unexplained elevations of CEA in blood or suspicious or indeterminate findings on radiological images [Spanish] Objetivos: La localizacion temprana del cancer colorrectal recurrente permite hacer intervenciones oportunas para mejorar la supervivencia de los pacientes. La inmunogammagrafia con el anticuerpo monoclonal ior-CEA1 ha demostrado tener utilidad para detectar tumores con expresion de antigeno carcinoembrionario (ACE). Este estudio se hizo para evaluar su valor predictivo en pacientes asintomaticos con elevaciones inexplicables del ACE en sangre o con hallazgos sospechosos o indeterminados en las imagenes radiologicas. Diseno: se realizo la inmunogammagrafia en todos los pacientes que consultaron al servicio de gastroenterologia: asintomaticos, con sospecha de recaida de carcinoma colorrectal. Se interpreto el estudio y se realizaron varios analisis en el tiempo hasta completar criterios de seguimiento (6-12 meses despues del informe gammagrafico). Pacientes: entre junio de 1998 y julio de 2003 se estudiaron 30 pacientes (17 mujeres y 13 hombres) la mediana de edad + DS, 59+16 anos; con sospecha de cancer colorrectal recurrente por elevacion del ACE en sangre (n=27, rango: 5,2 - 357 ng/ml y mediana + DS: 13,4 + 80 ng/ml) o por hallazgos escanograficos inciertos (n=3). Todos fueron tratados inicialmente con cirugia y 19 recibieron tratamientos adyuvantes. Doce casos fueron estadificados como Dukes B y 18 como Dukes C. Intervenciones: la confirmacion del diagnostico final se hizo con criterios anatomo-patologicos o radiologicos y segun el seguimiento clinico a 1 ano. V einte horas despues de la administracion intravenosa

  3. Colorectal cancer and its delayed diagnosis: have we improved in the past 25 years? Cáncer colorrectal: retraso diagnóstico. ¿Hemos mejorado algo en los últimos 25 años?

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    Carlos Cerdán-Santacruz


    Full Text Available Objective: to determine the current delay in diagnosing colorectal cancer (CRC and establish whether there has been any improvement in the past 25 years in the same healthcare setting using the same methods. Patients and method: 152 patients undergoing surgery at our unit were personally interviewed during their hospital stay to determine the delay incurred for the diagnosis and treatment of their CRC. SPSS software was used for univariate and multivariate analysis of the data obtained. Results: the study population was comprised of 152 patients of mean age 71 years (SD 10; range 36 to 90 years, 82 men and 70 women (53.9 and 46.1% respectively; p > 0.05. The diagnostic delay for CRC at our unit currently runs at 7.28 months despite the fact that in 58% of patients the disease produced obvious symptoms such as rectal bleeding. Although this delay in diagnosis is reduced over that observed 25 years ago, the difference is statistically not significant in terms of both doctor-attributed or patient-attributed delay (doctor-attributed delay was 3.28 months in 1985 versus 1.89 at present and patient-attributed delay was 3.18 months versus today's 2.75; p > 0.05. Unlike the situation 25 years ago, no link was detected between diagnostic delay and tumor stage. Paradoxically, stage D disease was diagnosed earlier (at 5.71 months than stage A disease (at 11.16 months (p Objetivo: determinar la situación actual en cuanto al retraso diagnóstico del cáncer colorrectal (CCR y analizar si se ha producido alguna mejora con respecto a lo acontecido hace 25 años en un mismo medio sanitario y con una misma metodología. Pacientes y método: se entrevistó personalmente a 152 pacientes durante su ingreso para tratamiento quirúrgico en nuestro Servicio con el fin de determinar el retraso acumulado para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de su CCR. Se realizó un análisis estadístico univariable y mutivariable mediante el software SPSS. Resultados: se incluyeron 152

  4. Algunos aspectos hereditarios y ambientales en casos de fibrosis quística en la ciudad de Cartagena (Colombia

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    Dacia Malambo


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir las características de la transmisión hereditaria de la enfermedad en familias de la ciudad de Cartagena (Colombia y analizar algunos factores medioambientales del núcleo familiar de los pacientes que pudieran influir en la evolución y/o severidad de la patología. Materiales y métodos: Se estudiaron 22 pacientes, distribuidos en 16 familias, del “Programa de atención integral a pacientes con fibrosis quística” de la Universidad de Cartagena. Se recopiló información acerca de las condiciones de vivienda del grupo familiar y se evaluaron aspectos fenotípicos hereditarios, y se construyeron genealogías para esta enfermedad. Resultados: El análisis de pedigríes reveló lo siguiente: en ocho familias (67%, los individuos afectados presentan rasgos caucásicos; en cinco familias (42% se reconoce existencia de ancestros europeos; en dos familias (17% existe consaguinidad. En relación con el aspecto ambiental, se encontró que 33% de las familias estudiadas habitan viviendas en malas condiciones. Conclusiones: Entre las familias de los pacientes con fibrosis quística de la ciudad de Cartagena detectados en este estudio se verifica la transmisión hereditaria autosómica recesiva, se confirma el mestizaje de nuestras poblaciones. La reincidencia de enfermos y la consanguinidad en varias familias denota la falta de asesoramiento genético y el desconocimiento de la evolución de la enfermedad por su grupo familiar. Estos resultados pueden ser el punto de partida de estudios más amplios que sirvan de fundamento para la implementación de políticas tendientes a reducir la frecuencia y severidad de la enfermedad a nivel local y nacional.

  5. Liver resection in metastatic colorectal cancer: a multidisciplinary approach Resección hepática por metástasis de cáncer colorrectal: una visión multidisciplinar

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    J. F. Noguera Aguilar


    Full Text Available Aim: to analyze qualitative short-time results of a new program for multidisciplinary liver evaluation in complex cases of liver metastasis from colorectal cancer. Patients and methods: 40 clinical consecutive evaluations with liver metastasis assessed for major liver resection by a multidisplinary specialist committee. Complementary explorations performed included CT and ultrasounds, and MRI or PET for doubtful cases. Liver resection was made in a single operation or two-stage hepatectomy, or combined with other techniques. Results: postoperative mortality at 30 days was 4%. Complications occurred in 28%, with surgical wound infection being most frequent (20%; 16.6% of resections were transfused, with a mean volume of 1000 ml. Two patients needed reoperation -one for an intraperitoneal abscess and one for bile-duct stenosis. Percentage of global relapse was 36%, with 26% of relapses out of the liver. Actuarial survival at one year follow-up was 90%, and 82% at two years; 64% of patients remain free of disease two years after the operation. Conclusions: programs for liver resection for colorectal cancer metastasis may be implemented by multidisciplinary teams of recent setup. There is a need to evaluate own results and then compare them with a standard of quality previously reported.Objetivo: valorar los resultados cualitativos a corto y medio plazo de un programa de reciente implantación de evaluación hepática multidisciplinar de casos complejos de metástasis hepáticas de cáncer colorrectal. Pacientes y métodos: cuarenta evaluaciones clínicas consecutivas de pacientes con metástasis hepáticas de cáncer colorrectal valorados para resección hepática mayor, realizadas por un comité multidisciplinar de especialistas. Las exploraciones complementarias practicadas fueron TAC trifásica y ecografía intraoperatoria, junto a RMN y/o PET en casos de dudas. La resección hepática se podía realizar como gesto único o bien en dos tiempos y

  6. Antisense gene therapy using anti-k-ras and antitelomerase oligonucleotides in colorectal cancer Eficacia de la terapia génica antisentido utilizando oligonucleótidos anti K-ras y antitelomerasa en cáncer colorrectal

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    S. Lledó


    transcripción 5' del oncogen k-ras. Telp5 se une a la subunidad hTR de la telomerasa. Se han aplicado en concentraciones 1, 5, 10 y 20 micromolar, midiendo la viabilidad celular a las 48 y 72 horas de tratamiento. El análisis estadístico y el diseño de los gráficos se han realizado mediante el programa "Analyzing Data with GraphPad Prism-1999". GraphPad Sofware Inc., San Diego CA©. Para el tratamiento estadístico se ha utilizado el test t de Student. Resultados: la dosis mínima (1 µM no fue efectiva ni a 48 ni a 72 horas postratamiento. Con la dosis máxima (20 µM durante 48 horas y utilizando la combinación de AS-KRAS y Telp5 obtuvimos una reducción de la viabilidad celular del 99,67%. El resto de resultados fueron intermedios, dependiendo del tipo de oligonucleótido empleado, la dosis y el tiempo de exposición. Conclusiones: los oligonucleótidos antisentido probados detienen el crecimiento celular en el cáncer colorrectal, siendo la respuesta más eficaz la combinación de ambos y aumentando dicha eficacia con mayor dosis y tiempo de exposición.

  7. Dietary changes and colorectal cancer trends in Spain during 1951-2007 Cambios en la dieta y tendencia del cáncer colorrectal en España durante 1951-2007

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    L. Béjar


    Full Text Available Objectives: analysis of the evolution of colorectal cancer in Spain during the period 1951-2007 and its relationship with diet. Material and methods: calculation of incidence rates, standardized mortality and years of potential life lost (world population andper capita consumption of different foods. Results: red and processed meats, poultry, fish and fruits intake has increased and consumption of vegetables, cereals and legumes has decreased. The incidence of colorectal cancer has steadily increased in both genders, more markedly among men, and across all age groups, in contrast to what has been observed in other countries. Mortality increased during the period 1951-2000, but from that time until 2007 these rates have kept steady in men and fallen in women. The years of potential life lost (YPLL shows a similar distribution to mortality. The correlation coefficients have values close to one for consumption of red meat, poultry, fish, vegetables and fruits and strongly negative values for the consumption of cereals and vegetables with the incidence and mortality in both genders, and the YPLL, but only among men, with weaker correlations for women. Conclusions: in colorectal cancer, a minimal time span of ten-fifteen years is necessary for changes in exposure to risk factors to be able to modify the incidence of this tumour. Therefore, Spanish State and Regional Governments should implement legislative and educational measures in the field of Health Promotion regarding the diet urgently.Objetivos: análisis de la evolución del cáncer colorrectal en España durante el periodo 1951-2007 y su relación con la dieta. Material y métodos: cálculo de tasas de incidencia, mortalidad y años potenciales de vida perdidos ajustadas (población mundial, así como de consumos per capita de distintos alimentos. Resultados: el consumo de carnes rojas y procesadas, pollo, pescado y frutas ha aumentado y el de hortalizas, cereales y legumbres ha descendido

  8. Telomerase activity and telomere length in the colorectal polyp-carcinoma sequence Actividad de la telomerasa y longitud del telómero en la secuencia pólipo-carcinoma colorrectal

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    C. Valls Bautista


    Full Text Available Objective: the role of telomerase activity and telomere length in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence of colon carcinogenesis has not been well established. The objective of this study was to determine telomerase activity and telomere length patterns in patients with adenomatous polyps either associated or not with colorectal cancer, as well as the role of telomeric instability in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Patients and methods: we included in the study 14 patients who underwent surgery for colorectal cancer and/or polyps. In 6 of these patients fresh samples of tumor tissue, polyps, and normal mucosa were obtained; in the 8 remaining cases, we collected only polyps and normal mucosa. We used the fluorescent-telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay (TRAP-F to determine telomerase activity and telomere length using Southern-blot testing. Results: telomerase activity was detected in 86% of polyps and 50% of associated normal mucosa. Mean telomerase activity in polyp tissue was 5.85; in the normal mucosa it was 0.58 TPG. Mean telomere length was 6.78 Kbp and 7.78, respectively. Polyps in patients without synchronous cancer had a telomerase activity that was significantly higher (9.4 than in those with cancer (1.1. Conclusions: telomerase activity increases in the colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence, concurrently with a decrease in telomere length. The presence of synchronous cancer modifies telomerase activity in polyps.Objetivo: el papel de la actividad de la telomerasa y la longitud del telómero en la secuencia adenoma-carcinoma de la carcinogénesis colónica no ha sido bien establecido. El objetivo fue determinar el comportamiento de la actividad de la telomerasa y la longitud del telómero en pacientes con pólipos adenomatosos asociados o no a cáncer colorrectal y conocer el papel de la inestabilidad telomérica en la secuencia adenoma-carcinoma. Pacientes y métodos: se estudiaron 14 pacientes intervenidos de cáncer colorrectal y

  9. Evidencias sobre la prevención del cáncer

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    D. Salas


    Full Text Available El cáncer es uno de los principales problemas de salud. Engloba a un conjunto de enfermedades que tienen un origen multicausal. Los tumores con mayor impacto en la salud son pulmón, próstata y colorrectal en los hombres y mama y colorrectal en las mujeres. Las mejores estrategias para evitar el cáncer son las basadas en la prevención primaria y en el diagnóstico precoz. Se estima que entre el 80-90% de los canceres son prevenibles. Respecto a la prevención primaria hay fuerte evidencia que no fumar, realizar ejercicio físico regular, y una dieta rica en frutas y verduras junto con el control de algunos factores de riesgo ambientales y laborales, puede disminuir la incidencia del cáncer. Está recomendado el diagnóstico precoz de cáncer de mama, cuello de útero y de cáncer colorrectal en algunos grupos de población en el contexto de programas organizados con la adecuada garantía de calidad.

  10. Qualidade de vida do paciente com câncer colorretal em quimioterapia ambulatorial Calidad de vida de los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal en quimioterapia ambulatoria Quality of life of patients with colorectal cancer receiving outpatient chemotherapy

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    Patrícia Lemos Chaves


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa descritiva, no qual buscou-se avaliar a qualidade de vida (QV do paciente com câncer colorretal em quimioterapia ambulatorial. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma Unidade de Quimioterapia Ambulatorial em um hospital do sul do Brasil, cujos pacientes eram portadores do diagnóstico de câncer colorretal e foram submetidos ao tratamento com o Protocolo 5FU. A amostra contou com 48 participantes que estavam em tratamento quimioterápico por um período de seis meses. Utilizou-se como instrumento um questionário, o WHOQOL-Bref. Nos resultados encontrados, prevaleceu a idade de 50 anos ou mais e possuíam no mínimo um mês e no máximo 11 meses de tratamento. Os domínios do WHOQOL-Bref afetados mais significativamente foram o psicológico e o das relações sociais, respectivamente, havendo diferença nas respostas quanto à QV geral naqueles que estavam no 1º ciclo de tratamento daqueles que já se encontravam no 6º ciclo.Este es un estudio transversal con un enfoque cuantitativo descriptivo, que buscó evaluar la calidad de vida (QOL de los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal en quimioterapia ambulatorial. La investigación fue desarrollada en una unidad de quimioterapia Outpatient Clinic en un hospital del sur de Brasil, cuyos pacientes tenían el diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal y que se presentaron al tratamiento con el Protocolo 5FU. La muestra ha contado con 48 participantes que se encontraban en quimioterapia por un período de 6 meses. Se utilizó como instrumento un cuestionario, WHOQOL-Bref. En los resultados, prevaleció la edad de 50 años o más y tenían al menos un mes y un máximo de 11 meses de tratamiento. Las áreas de WHOQOL-Bref afectadas más significativamente eran las esferas psicológica y las relaciones sociales, respectivamente, con diferencia en las respuestas de QOL general las que estaban en 1 ciclo de aquellos que ya estaban en el ciclo 6TH.This is a

  11. Vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphisms in patients with colorectal cancer Polimorfismos del gen del factor de crecimiento vascular endotelial en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal

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    M. Vidaurreta


    Full Text Available Background: angiogenesis plays an important role in tumor progression. The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF is an important regulator of angiogenesis. In the present study we evaluated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs -2578C > A, -1154G > A, and +936C > T in the VEGF gene, and their prognostic value for patients operated on for colorectal cancer (CRC. Patients and method: VEGF polymorphisms have been analyzed in 177 patients who had undergone surgical resection at Hospital Clínico San Carlos. The analysis of these polymorphisms was performed with specific probes for each nucleotide in a multiplex reaction using real-time PCR. Results: we only found a statistically significant relationship for one of these three polymorphisms, +936C > T, with gender and tumor location; 10.7% of patients heterozygotes for this SNP had tumors located in proximal colon, 35.2% in distal segment and 54.1% in rectum (p = 0.03. Patients with the +936T/T genotype had 100% overall survival (OS. Conclusion: patients with a +936T/T genotype showed increased survival, therefore the +936C > T SNP could be a useful marker in the follow-up and clinical management of patients with colorectal cancer.Introducción: la angiogénesis juega un papel importante en la progresión de los tumores. El factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular (VEGF es un importante regulador de la angiogénesis. En este trabajo se han analizado los polimorfismos de único nucleó-tido (SNP -2578C > A, -1154G > A y +936C > T del gen VEGF en pacientes intervenidos de carcinoma colorrectal, así como su posible implicación pronóstica. Pacientes y método: el estudio de estos SNP se ha realizado en 177 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente de carcinoma colorrectal (CCR en el Hospital Clínico San Carlos. El análisis de los polimorfismos se realizó con sondas específicas para cada nucleótido y se determinó mediante una reacción multiplex mediante real time PCR. Resultados: de los 3

  12. ¿Culpable? ¿No culpable?

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    Full Text Available La autora recorre en la obra de Sören Kierkegaard el estatuto de la melancolía y la culpabilidad. Insiste en la vertiente melancólica del joven Sören, su relación con el seudónimo y su rechazo al re-nombre para introducir la pregunta ¿De qué naturaleza fue la falta del padre de aquél que elevó la angustia a la dignidad del concepto? Las referencias de Lacan a la obra de Kierkegaard -autor de El concepto de la angustia-, son múltiples. El tema de preferencia es la relación padre-hijo y la cuestión de la culpabilidad y el goce. Esta teoría kierkegaardiana de "la herencia del pecado" permitiría afirmar que la consecuencia del pecado hereditario es la angustia.

  13. Recognition and management of hereditary colorectal cancer syndromes Identificación y tratamiento de los síndromes de cáncer colorrectal hereditario

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    M. Herráiz


    Full Text Available Over 1.900 colorectal tumors will arise in association with a hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome in Spain in 2009. The genetic defects responsible for the most common syndromes have been discovered in recent years. Genetic testing helps diagnose affected individuals and allows identification of individuals at-risk. Colonoscopy and prophylactic colectomy decrease colorectal cancer incidence and overall mortality in patients with hereditary colon cancer. Extracolonic tumors are frequent in these syndromes, so specific surveillance strategies should be offered.

  14. Diferencias de género en la percepción de estrés y estrategias de afrontamiento en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal que reciben quimioterapia

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    Sonia Betzabeth Ticona Benavente


    Full Text Available Objetivo: verificar si existen diferencias de género en la percepción de estrés y estrategias de afrontamiento; identificar las estra- tegias de afrontamiento y las variables clínicas y sociodemográficas que influyen sobre el estrés de pacientes con cáncer colorrectal en quimioterapia. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal con abordaje cuantitativo. Conformaron la muestra 100 pacientes, 47 mujeres y 53 hombres, de la unidad ambulatoria de quimioterapia del AC Camargo Cancer Center , Brasil. Se utilizó la Escala de Estrés Percibido (PSS-10 e Inventario de Estrategias de Coping. El análisis estadístico fue mediante el test-t, correlación de Pearson y regresión linear con 95 % de intervalo de confianza. Resultados: Las mujeres tuvieron más altos niveles de estrés (p = 0,029, y no hubo diferencia de género en las estrategias de afrontamiento. Adicionalmente, identificamos influencia positiva al estrés percibido en pacientes comprometidos con otras enfermedades ( β = 3,50, p = 0,00, género femenino ( β = 3,15, p = 0,04, viudos ( β = 9,19, p = 0,00, tratamiento con fluorou- racil ( β = 6,36, p = 0,00, que usan estrategias de dominio del afrontamiento ( β = 0,70, p = 0,00, aceptación de responsabilidad ( β = 0,45, p = 0,01 y estadio del tumor III ( β = 4,03, p = 0,05. Conclusiones: el equipo de enfermería oncológica, por estar en estrecho y prolongado contacto con los pacientes, debe considerar el género y las características clínicas y sociodemográficas de cada paciente durante su cuidado.

  15. Predictions and estimations of colorectal cancer mortality, prevalence and incidence in Aragon, Spain, for the period 1998-2022 Estimaciones y proyecciones de incidencia, prevalencia y mortalidad del cáncer colorrectal en Aragón, España, para el periodo de 1998 a 2022

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    Dyego Leandro Bezerra-de-Souza


    Full Text Available Objective: estimate colorectal cancer incidence and prevalence in Aragón, Spain, based on mortality and survival data from the period 1998-2007, and provide projections of incidence, prevalence and mortality until the year 2022. Methods: general and colorectal cancer mortality rates were obtained from the National Statistics Institute and survival data was obtained from the EUROCARE study. Estimations were carried out through the program MIAMOD. The joinpoint program was used to quantify the annual change expected in the projections. Results: in men, an increase in prevalence is expected, from 237.2 (Crude Rate - CR = 303.5 to 237.7 (CR = 412.7 per 100.000 inhabitants/year in 2022. Incidence rates would increase from 48.2 (CR = 61.6 in 2007 to 55.2 (CR = 83.1, and mortality would increase from 22.7 (CR = 29.4 to 26.0 (CR = 39.6 when comparing 2007 and 2022. In women, a reduction in prevalence is expected from 181.5 (CR = 268.3 to 167.9 (CR = 286.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants/year. Incidence would change from 25.0 (CR = 38.0 in 2007 to 22.7 (CR = 39.2, and for mortality there is also an expected decrease, from 11.3 (CR =18.0 to 10.3 (CR = 18.5. Conclusion: the projections indicate that colorectal cancer in Spain follows an increasing trend in incidence, mortality and prevalence in men, in opposition to corresponding decreasing trends in women. These projections must be considered in order to plan more effective prevention and treatment measures.Objetivo: estimar la incidencia y la prevalencia del cáncer colorrectal en Aragón, España, basándose en datos de mortalidad y supervivencia del periodo de 1998 a 2007, y proporcionar proyecciones de incidencia, prevalencia y mortalidad hasta el año 2022. Métodos: la mortalidad por todas las causas y para el cáncer colorrectal se obtuvo del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y los datos de supervivencia del estudio EUROCARE. Las estimaciones han sido realizadas utilizándose el programa MIAMOD. El

  16. p16 gene methylation in colorectal cancer patients with long-term follow-up Metilación de p16 en pacientes intervenidos de cáncer colorrectal tras un largo periodo de seguimiento

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    Silvia Veganzones-de-Castro


    Full Text Available Introduction: p16 gene plays an important role in the cell cycle regulation and is considered an important tumor suppressor gene. Several mechanisms of gene inactivation have been described; in this study we have focused on p16 gene promoter methylation. In colorectal cancer p16 gene methylation is a frequent event. Methods: 326 patients with sporadic colorectal cancer were included. DNA was extracted from tumor tissue samples obtained during the surgical procedure. Promoter methylation was analyzed using bisulfite modification and was detected by quantitative methylation-specific PCR. Frequency of p16 methylation was analyzed and compared with other clinicopathological variables. Results: p16 gene methylation was detected in 24,8% of patients. Methylation was associated with differentiation grade and with tumor location: methylation was frequent in poorly differentiated tumors and had low frequency in distal colon. The p16 promoter methylation discriminated a subgroup of patients with better prognosis in poorly differentiated tumors. Conclusions: p16 methylation was a frequent event in our population and was able to induce differences in the overall survival of patients with poorly differentiated tumors.Introducción: el gen p16 está implicado en la regulación del ciclo celular y se considera un importante gen supresor de tumores. Objetivos: se han descrito diferentes mecanismos de inactivación génica, en este estudio nos hemos centrado en la metilación del promotor del gen p16. En el cáncer colorrectal la metilación de p16 es una alteración frecuente. Material y métodos: se incluyeron 326 pacientes con cáncer colorrectal esporádico. El ADN se extrajo de muestras tumorales obtenidas durante la cirugía. La metilación del promotor se analizó mediante un proceso de modificación con bisulfito y posterior PCR cuantitativa especifica para metilación. Se analizó la frecuencia de la metilación de p16 y se comparó con las variables

  17. Incidence of colorectal cancer and influence of dietary habits in fifteen European countries from 1971 to 2002 Incidencia de cáncer colorrectal e influencia de los hábitos alimenticios en 15 países europeos desde 1971 hasta 2002

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    Luis M. Béjar


    Full Text Available Objective: This study aimed to analyze the incidence of colorectal cancer in 15 European countries in recent decades and the relationship between the incidence found and changes in dietary habits. Methods: Pearson's or Spearman's correlation coefficients were calculated by comparing incidence rates obtained from the International Agency for Research on Cancer for 1971-2002 with data on per capita consumption obtained from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations using 10-year delay intervals. Results: Incidence rates increased in all countries except France in men and except Austria, Denmark, England and France in women. Of the dietary variables considered, there were marked increasing trends (linear regression coefficient, R >0.5 in red meat consumption in Germany (R = 0.9, Austria (R = 0.7, Finland (R = 0.8, Italy (R = 0.9, Poland (R = 0.5, Spain (R = 2.1, Sweden (R = 0.6, and the Netherlands (R = 0.7. Conclusions: Changes in dietary habits may be consistent with the observed trends in the incidence of colorectal cancer in the distinct European countries.Introducción: Este estudio analiza la incidencia de cáncer colorrectal en 15 países europeos en las últimas décadas y su relación con cambios en los hábitos alimenticios. Métodos: Coeficientes de correlación de Pearson/Spearman calculados comparando las tasas de incidencia obtenidas de International Agency for Research on Cancer durante 1971-2002 con los consumos per cápita obtenidos de Food and Agriculture Organization con intervalos de retardo de 10 años. Resultados: Las tasas de incidencia aumentan en todos los países, excepto en Francia, en los hombres, y en Austria, Dinamarca, Inglaterra y Francia en las mujeres. De las variables de la dieta estudiadas, hay marcadas tendencias crecientes (coeficiente de regresión lineal, R >0,5 para carne roja en Alemania (R = 0,9, Austria (R = 0,7, España (R = 2,1, Finlandia (R = 0,8, Italia (R = 0,9, Países Bajos (R = 0

  18. Overexpression of c-myc and loss of heterozigosity on 2p, 3p, 5q, 17p and 18q in sporadic colorectal carcinoma Sobreexpresión de c-myc y pérdida de heterozigosidad en 2p, 3p, 5q, 17p y 18q en carcinoma colorrectal esporádico

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    A. Sánchez-Pernaute


    Full Text Available Aim: the aim of the present study is to evaluate the prognostic influence of loss of heterozygosity on 2p, 3p, 5q, 17p and 18q, and c-myc overexpression on surgically treated sporadic colorectal carcinoma. Methods: tumor and non-tumor tissue samples from 153 patients were analyzed. Fifty-one percent of patients were male, and mean age in the series was 67 years. Tumors were located in the proximal colon in 37 cases, in the distal bowel in 37, and in the rectum in 79 patients. c-myc overexpression was studied by means of Northern blot analysis, and loss of heterozigosity through microsatellite analysis. Results: c-myc overexpression was detected in 25% of cases, and loss of heterozygosity in at least one of the studied regions in 48%. There was no association between clinical and pathologic features, and genetic alterations. The disease-free interval was significantly shorter for patients with both genetic alterations; the presence of both events was an independent prognostic factor for poor outcome in the multivariate analysis (RR: 4.34, p Objetivo: el objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la importancia pronóstica de la pérdida de heterozigosidad en las regiones 2p, 3p, 5q, 17p y 18q y de la sobreexpresión del gen c-myc en el carcinoma colorrectal esporádico, mediante el estudio de la supervivencia libre de enfermedad tras cirugía potencialmente curativa. Métodos: se han analizado muestras tumorales y no tumorales de mucosa colónica de 153 pacientes. El 51% de los pacientes eran varones y la edad media de la serie fue 67 años. Los tumores fueron proximales en 37 casos, distales en 37 y localizados en recto en 79. Se analizó la sobreexpresión del RNA de c-myc por Northern blot, y la presencia de pérdida de heterozigosidad en las diferentes regiones consideradas por análisis de microsatélites. Resultados: se detectó sobreexpresión de c-myc en el 25% de los casos, y pérdida de heterozigosidad en alguna de las regiones estudiadas

  19. Molecular basis of colorectal cancer: Towards an individualized management? Bases moleculares del cáncer colorrectal: ¿Hacia un manejo individualizado?

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    J. Perea


    Full Text Available Colorectal cancer (CRC has become a highly relevant condition nowadays. In this respect, advances in the understanding of its molecular basis are key for an adequate management. From the time when the adenoma-carcinoma sequence was formulated as a carcinogenesis model to this day, when, among other things, three major carcinogenic pathways have been identified, the CRC concept has evolved from that of a single disease to the notion that each CRC is a differentiated condition in itself. The suppressor or chromosome instability pathway, the mutator or microsatellite instability pathway, and the methylator or CpG island methylation pathway allow various phenotypes to be identified within CRC. Similarly, the presence of different changes in certain genes confers several behaviors on CRC from both the prognostic and responsive standpoints to specific therapies. However, this apparent complexity does help develop the clinical management of this disease through the identification of novel, more specific therapy targets, and also markers for various behaviors within the condition, which will most likely lead us to an individualized management for these patients.La importancia que está adquiriendo el cáncer colorrectal (CCR hoy en día es importantísima. En este sentido, los avances en el conocimiento de sus bases moleculares son esenciales para su adecuado manejo. Desde la formulación del modelo de carcinogénesis de la secuencia adenoma-carcinoma hasta hoy, en que, entre otros aspectos, se han identificado tres grandes vías de carcinogénesis, el concepto de CCR ha llegado a transformarse desde el de una enfermedad única a la idea de que cada CCR es una entidad diferenciada respecto al resto de CCR. La vía supresora o de la inestabilidad cromosómica, la vía mutadora o de la inestabilidad de microsatélites, y la vía metiladora o del fenotipo metilador de islas CpG, permiten identificar diferentes fenotipos dentro del CCR. De la misma forma

  20. Is there a place for assisting therapy in colon rectum carcinoma?; Hay un lugar para la terapia adyuvante en la cirugia del cancer colorerctal?

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    Veirano Rodriguez, G


    Reviving the experience of the past 40 years in the treatment of the cancer color rectal is evident that a remarkable improvement has not existed in the operative mortality and in the percentage of recovery.This panorama is analyzed from the surgeon's optics the different possibilities and radiotherapy,q chemotherapy modalities and of immunotherapy in the assisting of the cancer color rectal as well as its results in centers specialized.Their options and its sequence discuss as well as its association. It concludes that after the stadification pre operation of the cancer color rectal it should be valued together with the specialist oncologist the possibility to carry out the assisting and of persisting in alert attitude before the scientific advances very documented in this aspect of the treatment (Au) [Spanish] Reviviendo la experiencia de los pasados 40 anos en el tratamiento del cancer colorrectal resulta evidente que no ha existido una notable mejoria en la mortalidad operatoria y en el porcentaje de curacion.Ante este panorama se analiza desde la optica del cirujano las distintas posibilidades y modalidades de radioterapia,quimioterapia y de inmunoterapia en la adyuvancia del cancer colorrectal asi como sus resultados en centros especializados.Se discuten sus opciones y su secuencia asi como su asociacion.Se concluye que luego de la estadificacion preoperatoria del cancer colorrectal se deberia valorar en conjunto con los especialistas oncologos la posibilidad de realizar la adyuvancia y de persistir en actitud alerta y espectante ante los avances cientificos bien documentados en este aspecto del tratamiento (AU)

  1. Programa nacional de prevención y consejería genética del retinoblastoma mediante detección de mutaciones en el gen rb.


    Frayle, H.; Guevara, G.


    El retinoblastoma es un raro tumor ocular que se diagnostica en los niños, 40% de los casos se consideran hereditarios y 60% esporádicos. El modelo genético propuesto por Knudson involucra
    una la doble mutación inactivante del gen Rb, exclusivamente somática en los esporádicos y germinal más somática en los hereditarios. Esta investigacin tuvo como objetivo caracterizar las mutaciones en el gen Rb mediante secuenciación directa y evaluar su utilidad en la consejería genética....

  2. Descrição morfológica das galhas foliares de Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Caryocaraceae: uma espécie super hospedeira

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    Claudia Scareli-Santos


    Full Text Available As galhas são caracterizadas por crescimento anormal de tecidos em resposta aos estímulos específicos dos galhadores. Neste trabalho foram descritas seis morfotipos de galhas em Caryocar brasiliense (Caryocaraceae presente em indivíduos localizados nos campi de Araguaína e Palmas, da Universidade Federal do Tocantins. Todo material foi analisado utilizando microscópio estereoscópico e bibliografia específica. Em Araguaína foram observadas, na face adaxial dos folíolos, os morfotipos esférico, de coloração verde com ápice roxo e o polipoides de coloração verde com manchas castanhas e ápice vermelho. Em ambas as superfícies foram observadas galhas do tipo globoide, verde com manchas de cor marrom. Nos pecíolos foram descritas galhas globoides na cor bege. Os morfotipos citados são fechados, glabros, apresentaram ocorrência agrupada e câmara larval única com uma larva por lóculo com exceção da galha foliar globoide que apresentou tricomas creme e do morfotipo globoide, localizado nos pecíolo, que possui duas câmaras. Com exceção da galha polipoide, todas as demais apresentaram aderência total. No campus de Palmas foram registrados os morfotipos fusiforme com ocorrência nas nervuras, primária e secundárias, da superfície abaxial, possui coloração variando do creme ao vermelho, e o discoide de coloração rosa localizada sobre nervuras terciárias em ambas as superfícies; ambos apresentaram aderência total, ocorrência agrupada e tricomas brancos; internamente exibem uma câmara larval e uma larva por lóculo. A diversidade morfológica de galhas nos indivíduos de C. brasiliense evidencia o potencial da espécie como super hospedeira no Bioma Cerrado.

  3. Carcinogénesis de cáncer colorectal


    Menéndez Sánchez, Pablo; Villarejo, P.; Padilla, D.; Menéndez, J. M:; Rodríguez Montes, José Antonio


    El cáncer colorrectal representó en el año 2008 el tercer tumor más diagnosticado en España, siendo la segunda neoplasia que causó más fallecimientos. El conocimiento del proceso carcinogenético de este tipo de enfermedad permitirá el descubrimiento de nuevas terapéuticas que conlleven menores tasas de incidencia y mortalidad. El continuo avance en la enfermedad tumoral hace que esta revisión sea una puesta al día en el conocimiento de la carcinogénesis del cáncer colorrectal In 2...

  4. Síndrome frágil X Fragile X syndrome


    Miguel Lugones Botell; Emilia Miyar Pieiga; Marieta Ramírez Bermúdez; Ana M. Martínez La Fuente


    Se realizó una revisión del síndrome frágil X como primera causa de retraso mental hereditario, el cual aparece tanto en hombres como mujeres, aunque afecta más severamente a varones. Se insiste en que a pesar de ser uno de los trastornos hereditarios más frecuentes, resulta desconocido para la población en general y la mayoría de los profesionales relacionados con la salud y la educación, los que poseen datos parciales e incompletos acerca del síndrome. La anomalía es debida a una mutación g...

  5. Asesoría genética sobre cáncer en el Perú Genetic counseling about cancer in Peru


    Javier E. Manrique; Yasser Sullcahuamán-Allende; Abel Limache-García


    El cáncer es una enfermedad genética producto de alteraciones en la secuencia o expresión del ADN. Estas alteraciones, según su origen, nos permiten clasificar el cáncer como esporádico y hereditario o familiar. En base a los registros de cáncer, en el Perú se espera que del 5 al 30% de todos los pacientes con cáncer, que equivale aproximadamente entre 2000 a 12 000 personas, presentarían cáncer del tipo familiar o hereditario, lo que representaría un similar número de familias con un riesgo ...

  6. Hallazgos colonoscópicos del estudio piloto de cribado de cáncer colorrectal realizado en Cataluña Colonoscopic findings from a pilot screening study for colorectal cancer in Catalonia

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    M. Navarro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar las lesiones detectadas en las dos rondas ya finalizadas del Programa Piloto de Cribado en Cáncer Colorrectal (CCR llevado a cabo en L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona. Material y métodos: el programa de cribado de CCR se inició en el año 2000. La población, comprendida entre 50 y 69 años residentes en el área, fue invitada a participar a través de la determinación bienal de sangre oculta en heces mediante el test guaiaco y colonoscopia en los participantes con test positivo. Se realizó polipectomía de las lesiones detectadas o biopsias cuando no era posible la extirpación. Los pólipos se clasificaron según criterios de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados: se realizaron 442 colonoscopias de los 495 test positivos. En 213 individuos, se detectaron: 36 cánceres invasivos, 121 adenomas de alto riesgo, 29 adenomas de bajo riesgo y 27 pólipos hiperplásicos. En el 25,8% de los casos, el tamaño de los adenomas fue Objective: to evaluate lesions detected in two screening rounds performed in a pilot screening program for colorectal cancer in Catalonia, Spain. Material and methods: a colorectal cancer screening program was initiated in 2000. The target population included men and women aged 50-69 years. Screening consisted of biennial guaiac-based fecal occult blood testing (FOBT, and colonoscopy for participants with a positive FOBT. Any polyps found were removed, and biopsies were performed for any masses. Results: Colonoscopies were performed in 442 of 495 people with positive FOBT. In 213 (48.2%, 36 invasive cancers, 121 high-risk adenomas, 29 low-risk adenomas, and 27 hyperplastic polyps were diagnosed. Lesion size was smaller than 10 mm in 25.8% of cases. Most detected lesions (37.2% were located in the distal colon, followed by the proximal colon (5.7% and both locations (5.2%. Advanced neoplasm was significantly associated with male gender and distal location. The prevalence of advanced proximal

  7. Cirugía Bariátrica, Cirugía Colorrectal e Internet: ¿Pacientes (desinformados? Bariatric surgery, colorectal surgery and the internet: (Uninformed patients?

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    M. Elisa De Castro Peraza


    Full Text Available Introducción: El uso de Internet por los pacientes se incrementa buscando información. Evaluamos una cohorte de pacientes de cirugía bariátrica y otra de colorrectal. Objetivo: Conocer patrones de uso de Internet de pacientes bariátricos y colorrectales. Método: Preguntas a 60 pacientes de bariátrica recogiendo edad, género, nivel académico y patrones de uso de Internet comparados con 61 pacientes de colorrecto. Resultados principales: Los pacientes de bariátrica usan más Internet para informarse, destacando universitarios y mujeres. Los pacientes afirman que la información encontrada les resulta útil para el conocimiento y la toma de decisiones aunque refieran como dudosa y hasta peligrosa alguna información encontrada. Conclusiones: El uso incrementado de Internet favorece a la comunidad quirúrgica permitiendo llegar a más pacientes pero puede ser una fuente de desinformación, creando perspectivas erróneas. Un mejor entendimiento del uso que el paciente hace de Internet y de la información que encuentra permitirá mejorar el cuidado.Introduction: Internet use by patients seeking information increases. We evaluated a cohort of patients for bariatric surgery and another of colorectal. Aim: Knowing patterns of Internet use in colorectal and bariatric patients. Method: 60 questions to gather bariatric patients age, gender, educational level and patterns of Internet use compared with 61 patients of colorectum. Main results: Bariatric patients used the Internet to learn more, leading academics and women. Patients say that they found the information useful for understanding and decision making as suspect and even relate to any dangerous information found. Conclusions: The increased use of the Internet favors the surgical community to reach more patients but can be a source of misinformation, creating prospects wrong. A better understanding of the patient makes use of the Internet and found information that will improve care.

  8. "Implementación de la Unidad de Quimioterapia para el Desarrollo Hospital General "Hosnag"


    Espol; Alvarado Moran, Jairon; Hoppe Zambrano, Angela


    En la actualidad el cáncer es una de las principales causas de muerte a nivel mundial, provocando cerca de 8 millones de muerte al año, para el 2025 se diagnosticarán 19.3 millones de nuevos casos, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Según esta organización registró que los tumores malignos de estómago, hígado, colorrectal, pulmón y próstata son los mas comunes en los hombres; en las mujeres el cáncer de mamas, colorrectal, cuello de útero, pulmón y estómago. Guayaquil Magí...

  9. Marcação da Anexina V para imagem funcional da apoptose celular


    Valente, Susana Catarina Monteiro


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina O cancro colorrectal é a segunda principal causa de morte a nível mundial por neoplasia. A externalização da fosfatidilserina é um dos primeiros eventos da apoptose. Assim, o uso da Anexina V radiomarcada com 99mTecnécio torna-se num importante método de detecção e monitorização terapêutica de cancro in vivo. A 99mTc-HYNIC-Anexina V foi usada para detecção de apoptose em células do cancro colorrectal (WiDr) ...

  10. Complications with mechanical suture use in colorectal surgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruno, G.; Ruso, L.; Gatti, A.; Quiros, F.; Balboa, O.


    The great development of mechanical suture and its qualitative impact in colorectal surgery has not been able to avoid persistent mortality due to suture failure which is still about 5% and rectal stenosis, which is significantly higher than with manual sutures.The present paper analyses 63 cases of colorrectal anastomosis performed of coordination with mechanical suture at CASMU, in a period of four years (1991-1995).There were 51 rectum resections and colorrectal anastomosis and 12 reconstruction of intestinal transit.There were 28 females and 35 males with and average age of 66 years.Three patients died (4,7%), 20 (31,7%) suffered various complications among which some are pointed out in relation to mechanical suture to suture failures(3,1%) who died and 8 rectal stenosis(12,9%)with favourable evolution after dilations.The authors analyse the issues that incide on the production of complications in colorrectal surgery and conclude that the incidence of global complications in their series is elevated, although mortality, suture failure and rectal stenosis figures are comparable to those in international literature analysed.The incidence of machine width proximal ostomies and radiotherapy on the development of stenosis in our milieu require a multicentric studie with a greater number of patients

  11. Rastreo del cáncer colorrectal: Conocimiento y actitud de la población Screening colorectal cancer: Perception and behavior of the population

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    Enrique R. Casal


    Full Text Available El rastreo de cáncer colorrectal (CCR cuenta con fuertes evidencias en su favor. Datos preliminares indican que a pesar de ello no se lleva a cabo con la frecuencia adecuada. Se intenta aquí determinar, dentro de un Sistema de Salud que cuenta con los recursos necesarios, los elementos que facilitan o generan barreras para concretar esta práctica preventiva, cuántos individuos lo ponen en práctica y qué predice esta conducta. Se realizó una encuesta telefónica a los afiliados de una Obra Social de empleados de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, de los que 132 completaron el cuestionario (tasa de respuesta 70%. Los elementos considerados facilitadores del rastreo obtuvieron respuestas afirmativas en el 64 a 97%, mientras que los que definían barreras un 11 a 27%. En este último grupo, una categoría diferenciada la constituía el miedo a los efectos adversos: 39%, y el sentimiento de vergüenza relacionado con los procedimientos: 30%. Un 33% de los encuestados tenían hecho un método de rastreo, mayoritariamente de sangre oculta (27, sigmoideoscopía (11 y colonoscopía (20. Una mayoría afirmó que "se haría el procedimiento si el médico se lo recomendara" (95%, o "no se lo haría excepto que su médico se lo aconseje" (87%. Contestar afirmativamente que "los médicos hacen lo mejor para los pacientes" se asoció con haberse hecho un método de rastreo de CCR, OR 1.55 (IC 95%: 1.02-2.37 p: 0.04. El grupo de individuos estudiado parece bien predispuesto para el rastreo del CCR, la recomendación médica sería aquí un determinante prominente para ponerlo en práctica.There is strong evidence favoring colorectal cancer screening. Preliminary data suggests that it is not included in routine practice with the adequate frequency. We intended to recognize in a Health Care System (HCS that provides the needed resources, the facilitators and barriers related with the implementation of this preventive practice, how many individuals have

  12. Supernumerarios : Anomalías dentarias de número más frecuentes en la clínica odontopediátrica


    Hernández, Sandra Fabiana; Iriquin, Stella Maris; Ruiz, Miriam Ester; Rom, Mónica Graciela


    Los dientes supernumerarios o hiperodoncia se han definido como dientes que exceden de la fórmula dental normal, independientemente de su forma y localización. Esta anomalía parece tener componente hereditario que pueden estar o no asociadas a algún síndrome. La presencia de dientes supernumerarios puede ser doble, múltiple y única, siendo ésta la más frecuente. La prevalencia es mayor en la dentición permanente y su presencia es más frecuente en el sexo masculino. Los dientes supernumerarios...

  13. Pólipo fibroepitelial de uretra en un adulto


    Lanzas Prieto, J.M.; Menéndez Fernández, C.L.; Pérez García, F.J.; Gutiérrez García, R.; González Tuero, J.; Guate Ortiz, J.L.


    Presentamos el caso de un pólipo fibroepitelial de uretra prostática en un paciente de cuarenta y cinco años. Este tipo de pólipos son poco frecuentes en el adulto. Los síntomas principales que manifestaba el paciente eran hematuria y disminución ocasional del chorro miccional. Mostramos las imágenes endoscópicas del tumor, así como detalles de su histología que corresponde a una lesión polipoide con un revestimiento urotelial típico sobre tejido conectivo laxo, con algún fascículo de músculo...

  14. Transmisión patrimonial hereditaria y reproducción social en una parroquia rural de la Provincia de Maracaibo (Venezuela a fines del Antiguo Régimen

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    Luis Rincón Rubio


    Full Text Available Se realiza una aproximación al sistema familiar en la parroquia Inmaculada Concepción de La Cañada, Provincia de Maracaibo (Venezuela, a fines del siglo XVIII y principios del siglo XIX en su dimensión de transmisión intergeneracional de bienes. Para ello, se estudia la inclusión o exclusión concreta de los jóvenes adultos en relación a la herencia y el momento de la transmisión de la herencia para un conjunto de familias de la parroquia, a través del análisis de un conjunto de expedientes de inventarios y partición de bienes hereditarios. No se evidencian distorsiones significativas del modelo hereditario igualitario predominante en la parroquia en función de factores como el género o la primogenitura, lo cual confirma hallazgos previos que evidencian la predominancia en la parroquia de una ética de legitimidad entre generaciones basada en el principio de la parentela cognaticia, donde la vida social se representa como una red de relaciones entre parientes consanguíneos colaterales. La investigación realizada complementa los escasos estudios existentes y amplía el conocimiento sobre sistemas familiares y prácticas hereditarias en América Latina durante el Antiguo Régimen.

  15. A propósito de un caso de cáncer de próstata

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    Alonso Carvajal Peralta


    Full Text Available Paciente V. S. B., de 19 años de edad, natural de Caldas, agricultor. Ingresa a la clínica el 19 de diciembre de 1946. Los antecedentes personales y hereditarios no tienen importancia. El enfermo nos refiere que 5 meses antes de su ingreso a la clínica empezó a notar trastornos miccionales consistentes en cierta dificultad para orinar con polaquiuria diurna y nocturna. Dos meses después de haber notado la presencia de estas molestias notó un dolor perineal que se irradiaba hacia el ano y hacia el pene.

  16. La estructura penal del tipo clonación humana


    Momethiano Santiago, Javier Ysrael


    La genética es una ciencia que estudia la transmisión de los caracteres hereditarios de generación en generación, así como los fenómenos y mecanismos que intervienen en este proceso, puesto que resulta innegable que el patrimonio genético influye en la génesis del carácter. Esto se comprueba en los gemelos univitelinos, que tienen, en la mayoría de los casos, el mismo destino en materia de criminalidad, mientras que en el caso de los descendientes que no son semejantes a sus ascendientes se d...





    El cáncer es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por la proliferación rápida e incontro- lada de las células. Existen varios factores de riesgo asociados, entre ellos, el hereditario tal vez sea el más importante, ya que, aunque el fenotipo tiene una gran dependencia de las condiciones ambientales, la base de la carcinogénesis es el daño genético no letal. En este sentido, el estudio de los marcadores genéticos de susceptibilidad adquiere capital importancia, ya que estos permiten identificar a...

  18. Cáncer y su asociación con patrones alimentarios en Córdoba (Argentina)


    Pou, Sonia Alejandra; Niclis, Camila; Aballay, Laura Rosana; Tumas, Natalia; Román, María Dolores; Muñoz, Sonia Edith; Becaria Coquet, Julia; Díaz, María del Pilar


    Introducción: La alimentación es un importante factor vinculado a la ocurrencia del cáncer. Su abordaje en términos de patrones alimentarios es de creciente interés en epidemiología nutricional, no obstante ha sido pocas veces empleado en Latinoamérica. Objetivos: Identificar patrones alimentarios en la población adulta de Córdoba (Argentina) y estimar sus efectos sobre el riesgo de ocurrencia de cáncer colorrectal (CCR), cáncer de mama (CM), cáncer de próstata (CP) y urotelial (CU). Métodos:...

  19. Genomics and pharmacogenomics of colorectal cancer


    Fernández Rozadilla, Ceres


    Se ha estimado que la heredabilidad asociada al cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es de alrededor de un 35%. A pesar de que cerca de un 5% de esta proporción es explicable a través de mutaciones raras de alta penetrancia, y un 7% adicional es debido a la presencia de combinaciones de algunos de los 16 loci de susceptibilidad descritos, existe aún una fracción de esta susceptibilidad genética que no ha podido ser explicada. Por otro lado, existe también una importante variabilidad en la forma en la ...

  20. ¿Aporta mayor información la medición del volumen y la vascularización endometrial con la ecografía 3D que con la 2D para el diagnóstico de patología maligna en pacientes con sangrado postmenopausico?


    Aranda Fortea, Mireia


    El carcinoma de endometrio (CE) es el tumor maligno del aparato reproductor femenino más habitual en el mundo occidental y el cuarto cáncer más frecuente en mujeres, después del de mama, el de pulmón y el colorrectal. La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer estima que la incidencia de CE es de 2.5 veces superior a la del cáncer de cuello uterino, y aun así, no existen programas de screening para detectar el CE. Aproximadamente el 80% de los nuevos CE diagnosticados en el mundo occidental son de ...

  1. Inhibidores de glucosidasas en alimentos


    Garrido de Castro, Leticia


    Los inhibidores de glucosidasas son elementos clave para la regulación de los niveles plasmáticos post-prandiales de glucosa. Esta regulación permite la prevención y regulación de diferentes patologías siendo la principal la diabetes mellitus (DM), pero también el exceso de peso y el cáncer colorrectal, e indirectamente las patologías cardiovasculares. Hoy en día se pueden encontrar inhibidores de glucosidasas obtenidos de forma sintética, pero no se debe olvidar que también pueden encontr...

  2. Los orígenes de la genética y la citogenética humana clínica en el Uruguay

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    Máximo Drets


    esfuerzos docentes realizados para difundir los métodos y diagnósticos cariológicos destinados a los jóvenes en formación en estas áreas como así a los médicos interesados en los problemas hereditarios del ser humano.

  3. Síndromes nefróticos congénitos y hereditarios Congenital and heritable nephrotic syndromes

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    Sandalio Durán Álvarez


    Full Text Available En los últimos años se han identificado muchos síndromes nefróticos familiares y esporádicos que no responden a los tratamientos habituales (esteroides e inmunosupresores, evolucionan con relativa rapidez a la insuficiencia renal crónica y se producen por mutaciones genéticas. La mayoría de los síndromes nefróticos que se trasmiten genéticamente y que pueden ser congénitos, presentarse en el primer año de la vida, o en el niño mayor, son atribuidos a mutaciones en los genes NPHS1, NPHS2, WT1 y LAMB2. Otros síndromes nefróticos producidos por mutaciones genéticas pueden no manifestarse hasta la adultez. El objetivo fundamental de esta revisión fue llamar la atención sobre los síndromes nefróticos producidos por mutaciones genéticas en los que no sólo no se obtienen resultados con los tratamientos inmunosupresores, si no en los que dichos tratamientos pueden ser perjudiciales para el paciente.In past years many familial and sporadic nephrotic syndromes refractory to usual treatments (steroids and immunosuppressives, evolve quickly to a chronic renal failure produced by genetic mutations. Most of nephrotic syndromes genetically transmitted and that may be congenital, present in the first year of life or in the older child, are attributable to NPHS1, NPHS2, WT1 and KLAMB2 gen mutations. Other nephrotic syndromes produced by genetic mutations may not appear until adulthood. The main objective of present review was to alert on the nephrotic syndromes produced by genetic mutations without response to immunosuppressive treatments, but on those in which such treatment may be dangerous for patient.

  4. Las consecuencias económicas de un nombre atípico. El caso colombiano

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    Alejandro Gaviria


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina las consecuencias en los ingresos laborales de tener un nombre atípico para el caso colombiano. La primera parte del artículo muestra que los jóvenes, hijos de padres no escolarizados, habitantes de zonas rurales y pertenecientes a minorías étnicas tienen una mayor probabilidad de tener un nombre atípico. La segunda parte muestra que el efecto de un nombre atípico en los salarios es grande (superior a 10% y que el mismo es mucho mayor para las personas escolarizadas que para los no escolarizadas. Los resultados sugieren la existencia de mecanismos de trasmisión intergeneracional distinto de los tradicionales (restricciones de crédito, mecanismos hereditarios, transferencias de ingresos, etc..

  5. Mortality from colorectal cancer in Andalusia: findings in favor of mass screening Mortalidad por cáncer colorrectal en Andalucía: aportaciones al cribado poblacional

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    M. Ruiz-Ramos


    Full Text Available Objective: to describe mortality from colorectal cancer (CRC in Andalusia from 1975 to 2001 in order to facilitate decision-making on mass screening. Design: a population-based descriptive study. Considering mortality data from CRC and the resident population of Andalusia during the studied period, the main indicators of mortality by age and sex groups were calculated, and trends were estimated. Results: there have been annual increases in mortality of 1.99% in men and 0.15% in women during the study period. In men, this is mainly due to increased mortality in those older than 65 years, and in women in those in the 35- to 64-year-old age group. In the younger age groups of both sexes, there has been a decline in mortality. The trend of mortality from colon cancer was positive in both men and women, but from rectal cancer was negative in women and slightly positive in men. Conclusions: increased mortality from CRC in Andalusia may justify mass screening measures to potentially change mortality evolution, as has occurred in other countries.Objetivo: describir la mortalidad por cáncer colorrectal (CCR en Andalucía desde 1975 a 2001 para ayudar a la toma de decisiones sobre el cribado poblacional. Diseño: estudio descriptivo de base poblacional. Con los datos de mortalidad por CCR y la población de residentes en Andalucía durante el periodo estudiado, se han calculado los principales indicadores de mortalidad por grupos de edad y sexos y se han estimado las tendencias. Resultados: se ha producido un aumento de 1,99% anual de la mortalidad en los hombres y un 0,15% en las mujeres en el periodo de estudio. En los hombres debido principalmente al incremento de la mortalidad en los mayores de 65 años y en las mujeres en el grupo de edad de 35 a 64 años fue el que más creció, en los grupos de edad jóvenes se ha producido un descenso de la mortalidad en ambos sexos. Las tendencias de la mortalidad por cáncer de colon fueron positivas en hombres

  6. Programa nacional de prevención y consejería genética del retinoblastoma mediante detección de mutaciones en el gen RB.

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    H. Frayle


    una la doble mutación inactivante del gen Rb, exclusivamente somática en los esporádicos y germinal más somática en los hereditarios. Esta investigacin tuvo como objetivo caracterizar las mutaciones en el gen Rb mediante secuenciación directa y evaluar su utilidad en la consejería genética.

  7. Tamizaje del cáncer colorrectal Screening for colorectal cancer

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    Full Text Available This piece summarizes new recommendations from the Preventive Services Task Force of the United States of America concerning screening for colorectal cancer (CRC. These recommendations update and replace ones that were issued in 1996. The Task Force strongly recommends that physicians carry out CRC screening tests for both men and women who are 50 years of age or older. The Task Force found fair or good evidence that: 1 several screening methods are effective in reducing mortality from CRC, 2 the benefits of screening outweigh its risks, although the quality of the tests, the magnitude of the benefits, and the potential harms vary according to the method, and 3 periodic fecal occult blood testing (FOBT reduces mortality from CRC. In addition, there is fair evidence that sigmoidoscopy, either alone or in combination with FOBT, reduces CRC mortality. There is no direct evidence that screening colonoscopy is effective in reducing CRC mortality, nor is it clear if the greater accuracy of colonoscopy in comparison to other tests compensates for its additional complications, inconvenience, and costs. Double-contrast barium enema is less sensitive than colonoscopy, and there is no direct evidence that it is effective in lowering mortality rates. There are insufficient data to determine which screening strategy is best in terms of the balance of benefits, potential harms, and cost-effectiveness. Regardless of the strategy chosen, CRC screening is likely to be cost-effective (less than US$ 30 000 per year of life gained.

  8. Síndrome de De Morsier: Presentación de un caso con antecedentes de distrofia muscular progresiva en el padre De Morsier's syndrome: Report of a case with antecedents of progressive muscular

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    Ramiro García García


    Full Text Available Se describen las manifestaciones clínicas observadas en una niña de tres años con diagnóstico de síndrome de De Morsier, en la que se recoge el antecedente paterno de distrofia muscular progresiva. Ambas enfermedades tienen una baja incidencia en la población y posible factor hereditario. Aunque esta asociación puede ser casual, es señalada pues no se han encontrado reportes previos en la literaturaThe clinical manifestations observed in a 3-year-old girl with diagnosis of De Morsier's syndrome, where the paternal antecedent of progressive muscular dystrophy is present, are described. Both diseases have a low incidence in the population and a possible hereditary factor. Although this association may be casual, it is stressed since no previous reports have been found in literature

  9. Impact on patient care time and tumor stage of a program for fast diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer Impacto en el tiempo asistencial y el estadio tumoral de un programa de diagnóstico y tratamiento rápido del cáncer colorrectal

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    K. P. Guzmán Laura


    Full Text Available Objectives: to evaluate the effectiveness of a fast track diagnosis and treatment program for colorectal cancer (CRC in reducing the diagnosis to treatment interval (DTI and tumor stage. To analyze the association between DTI and tumor stage. Methods: a quasi-experimental study with a control group was conducted, and 156 incident cases of CRC referred through a preferential pathway between July 2005 and December 2008 in a tertiary hospital were included, after excluding those treated urgently, treated by endoscopic polypectomy only or having periodic colonoscopies. A control group of 156 patients was randomly selected from all the patients referred through habitual pathways, frequency matched by tumor location, age and year of entry. Data was analyzed with multivariate linear and logistic regression. Results: mean DTI was 39.20 days (95% CI: 36.21-42.42 for fast track patients and 63.40 days (95% CI: 57.08-70.41 for controls (p Objetivos: evaluar la efectividad de un programa de diagnóstico y tratamiento rápido (PDTR del cáncer colorrectal (CCR en la reducción del intervalo diagnóstico-terapéutico (IDT y el estadio tumoral. Analizar la asociación entre IDT y estadio tumoral. Métodos: estudio cuasiexperimental con grupo control en el que se incluyeron 156 casos incidentes de CCR atendidos por el PDTR entre julio de 2005 y diciembre de 2008 en un hospital de tercer nivel, tras excluir los que requirieron tratamiento urgente, tratados solo por polipectomía endoscópica o con colonoscopías periódicas. Un grupo control de 156 pacientes fue seleccionado al azar de los atendidos por el circuito habitual con la misma localización tumoral, edad y año de ingreso. Para el análisis se utilizó regresión lineal y logística. Resultados: la media del IDT fue de 39,20 días (IC 95%: 36,21-42,42 en los pacientes del programa y de 63,40 días (IC 95%: 57,08-70,41 en el grupo control (p 30 días se asoció con un estadio tumoral avanzado en los

  10. Detecte el cáncer más temprano (Catch Cancer Early)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Los cánceres de mama, de cuello uterino y colorrectal causan más de 100,000 muertes cada año. Este podcast aborda la importancia de las pruebas de detección del cáncer.  Created: 1/26/2012 by MMWR.   Date Released: 2/16/2012.

  11. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    18 août 2013 ... Apoyo nutricional perioperatorio en pacientes con neoplasia colorrectal. Nutr Hosp. 2010; 25(5):. 797-805. PubMed| Google Scholar. 13. Cid Conde L, Fernández López T, Neira Blanco P, Arias Delgado. J et al. Prevalencia de desnutrición en pacientes con neoplasia digestiva previa cirugía. Nutr Hosp.

  12. Participation rates in the selection of population controls in a case-control study of colorectal cancer using two recruitment methods Tasas de participación en la selección de controles poblacionales en un estudio de casos y controles de cáncer colorrectal usando dos métodos de reclutamiento

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    Gemma Castaño-Vinyals


    Full Text Available Objectives: Low participation rates in the selection of population controls are an increasing concern for the validity of case-control studies worldwide. Methods: We conducted a pilot study to assess two approaches to recruiting population controls in a study of colorectal cancer, including a face-to-face interview and blood sample collection. In the first approach, persons identified through a population roster were invited to participate through a telephone call by an interviewer telephoning on behalf of our research center. In the second approach, individuals were identified from the lists of selected family practitioners and were telephoned on behalf of the family practitioner. Results: When the second method was used, participation rates increased from 42% to 57% and the percentage of refusals decreased from 47% to 13%. The reasons for refusing to participate did not differ significantly between the two methods. Conclusions: Contact through the family practitioner yielded higher response rates in population controls in the study area.Objetivos: Las bajas tasas de participación de controles poblacionales son una preocupación para la validez de los estudios de casos y controles. Métodos: Realizamos un estudio piloto utilizando dos estrategias de reclutamiento de controles poblacionales en un estudio de cáncer colorrectal, incluyendo una entrevista personal y una extracción de sangre. Con la primera estrategia, una entrevistadora llamaba en nombre del centro de investigación a los sujetos de un censo. Con la segunda estrategia, los sujetos fueron seleccionados a partir de los listados de población asignada a los médicos de familia y la llamada se hacía en nombre del médico. Resultados: Las tasas de participación aumentaron del 42% al 57% usando el segundo método; el porcentaje de rechazos disminuyó del 47% al 13%. Las razones de rechazo no diferían según la estrategia. Conclusiones: El contacto a través del médico de familia

  13. Relationship between quality of life and clinical status in patients with gastrointestinal cancer Relación entre calidad de vida y estadio clínico en pacientes con cáncer gastrointestinal

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    Ricardo Sánchez


    Full Text Available Background: previous studies with patients having cancer have shown that quality of life scores depend on the clinical stage of the disease (the more advanced the disease, the worst quality of life. Methods: in a prospective study we studied 317 patients with gastric or colorectal cancer attending the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología between 2010 and 2011; the patients completed the EORTC QLQ-C30 before receiving treatment. This instrument measures quality of life in 15 domains. Scores of each domain were compared according to tumor stage. Differential Item Functioning was measured across neoplasm staging and tumor localization. Results: 145 patients (45.7% were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. According to clinical staging, differences in quality of life scores were observed in 4 of 15 domains (physical and social functioning, anorexia. Most of the differences in quality of life domains depended on tumor localization (patients with colorectal cancer had the highest scores in quality of life and sex (women reported better scores. These differences seemed to be independent of item properties. The construct was more adequately measured with items that explore the construct using a general approach. Conclusion: in this group of patients with colorectal and gastric cancer quality of life scores were more related with tumor localization than with clinical stage.Introducción: la calidad de vida de pacientes con cáncer varía según el estadio clínico de la enfermedad, siendo peor en estadios avanzados. Métodos: estudio prospectivo en el que se evaluaron 317 pacientes con cáncer colorrectal o gástrico que asistieron al Instituto Nacional de Cancerología durante los años 2010 y 2011 y que no habían iniciado tratamiento. Se utilizó el cuestionario EORTC QLQ C-30, un instrumento que mide calidad de vida en 15 dominios. Se compararon las puntuaciones para cada dominio según el estadio tumoral. Adicionalmente se realizó un análisis de

  14. ¿Es racional y vale la pena operar hígados metastásicos: Experiencia en 20 operaciones

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    Jesús Antonio González Villalonga


    Full Text Available Se analizan los resultados de 20 operaciones en 17 pacientes que mostraron hígado metastásico, 13 del sexo femenino y 7 del masculino. El 60 % de las metástasis correspondió al cáncer colorrectal. Se señala el 35 % de resecciones mayores. Hubo 2 accidentes quirúrgicos. En 4 operaciones se presentaron complicaciones posoperatorias. No existió mortalidad. Se pudo conseguir un seguimiento del 45 % de los operados, y se logró una sobrevida entre 3 y 36 mesesAn analysis was carried out on 20 operations in 17 patients that showed metastatic liver: 13 females and 7 males. Sixty percent of the metastasis corresponded to colorectal cancer. The 35 % of the major resections is pointed out. There were two surgical accidents. Postoperative complications occured in four operations. There was no mortality. A follow up of the 45 % of the operated patients was achieved, and also a survival of 3 to 36 months


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    Raphael Mendonça GUIMARÃES


    Full Text Available Context Several international studies have observed a correlation between the improvement of socio-demographic indicators and rates of incidence and mortality from cancer of the colon and rectum. Objective The objective of this study is to estimate the correlation between average per capita income and the rate of colorectal cancer mortality in Brazil between 2001 and 2009. Methods We obtained data on income inequality (Gini index, population with low incomes (½ infer the minimum wage/month, average family income, per capita ICP and mortality from colon cancer and straight between 2001-2009 by DATASUS. A trend analysis was performed using linear regression, and correlation between variables by Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results There was a declining trend in poverty and income inequality, and growth in ICP per capita and median family income and standardized mortality rate for colorectal cancer in Brazil. There was also strong positive correlation between mortality from this site of cancer and inequality (men r = -0.30, P = 0.06, women r = -0.33, P = 0.05 income low income (men r = -0.80, P Contexto Diversos estudos internacionais têm observado uma correlação entre a melhora dos indicadores sociodemográficos e as taxas de incidência e mortalidade por câncer de cólon e reto. Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo é estimar a correlação entre renda média per capita e a taxa de mortalidade por câncer colorretal no Brasil entre 2001 e 2009. Métodos Obteve-se os dados de desigualdade de renda (índice de Gini, população que vive com baixa renda (inferir a ½ salário mínimo/mês, renda média familiar, PIB per capita e taxa de mortalidade por câncer de cólon e reto entre 2001 e 2009 através do DATASUS. A análise de tendência foi realizada através do método de regressão linear, e a correlação entre as variáveis através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Resultados Observou-se tendência ao declínio da

  16. Giant ileal inflammatory fibroid polyp: a rare cause of intestinal intussusception

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    Daniel Cury Ogata


    Full Text Available Ileal inflammatory fibroid polyp is a rare non-neoplastic lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. Intussusception caused by an inflammatory fibroid polyps is uncommon. The authors report a case of a 75 year-old female patient presenting with ileal obstruction due to intussusception of a polypoid lesion. The patient underwent surgical treatment and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis.Os pólipos fibroides inflamatórios são raras lesões não neoplásicas do trato gastrointestinal e a intussuscepção devido a essa entidade é incomum. Os autores relatam um caso de paciente do sexo feminino, 75 anos, que apresentou obstrução ileal devido a uma intussuscepção por lesão polipoide. A paciente foi submetida a tratamento cirúrgico, sendo diagnosticado pólipo fibroide inflamatório do íleo.

  17. Surgical management of hereditary colorectal cancer: surgery based on molecular analysis and family history Manejo quirúrgico del cáncer colorrectal hereditario: cirugía basadas en el análisis molecular y los antecedentes familiares

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    J. Perea


    Full Text Available The importance of colorectal cancer (CRC is increasing. A proportion show a hereditary component, as in Lynch syndrome and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, and a recently defined entity as well, namely, Familial Colorectal Cancer type X. The high probability to develop CRC in these groups may, at the time of recognition, change surgical management, including its timing or even the surgical technique. In some cases prophylactic surgery can play an important role. The possibility of using tools that allow recognition of the aforementioned syndromes, including microsatellite instability, immunohistochemistry for DNA mismatch repair system proteins, and especially their mutations, is on the basis of therapeutic strategies that differ from those employed in sporadic CRC cases.

  18. Hereditary angioedema type I: a case report

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    Francisca Muñoz Peralta


    Full Text Available El angioedema hereditario es una enfermedad rara, de gran heterogeneidad en los síntomas, manifestándose con edema a nivel cutáneo, mucosa gastrointestinal y de laringe/faringe. Aunque existen tres variedades, el tipo I es el más frecuente y es provocado por una deficiencia en la síntesis del complemento C1 inhibidor. La gravedad de la clínica, junto a la baja prevalencia de la enfermedad y la necesidad de un tratamiento específico, hacen que el diagnóstico y tratamiento de dicha patología sea aún una asignatura pendiente para el médico de familia en atención primaria. Presentamos el caso de un adolescente varón con déficit de α-1 antitripsina desde los seis meses de edad, con aparición de angioedemas en piernas y brazos a los 11 años, diagnosticado de angioedema hereditario tipo I un año después. El diagnóstico definitivo de la enfermedad permitió instaurar un tratamiento adecuado a su patología, que consiste en la prevención de brotes que puedan comprometer la vida del paciente y, en el caso de que aparezcan, en la administración del complemento C1 inhibidor.

  19. Notas clínicas: un caso de fiebre tifoidea con supuración hepática

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    César A. Pantoja


    habitualmente en Bogotá, entró al servicio de Clínica de Enfermedades tropicales del protesor Roberto N. Franco el 15 de agosto de 1932. La noche de su llegada al servicio sufrió una orisis de delirio y agitación, haciéndose necesario obligarla, por la fuerza, a permanecer en la cama para evitar su insistencia de arrojarse por la ventana; este estado delirante alternó con fases de depresión, todo lo cual contribuyó a que el interrogatorio no se hiciera de una manera satisfactoria; de aquí la falta de antecedentes hereditarios y personales. Sólo pudo sacarse a luz que la enfermedad actual le comenzó hacía diez días por una elevación gradual de la temperatura, con fuerte alteración del estado general. Al llegar al hospital tenía 39,5 grados de temperatura.



    Salazar, Andrés; Rodríguez, Luisa Fernanda; Daza, Rodrigo Antonio


    El embarazo adolescente constituye un evento vital de importantes repercusiones en distintas dimensiones de la mujer: estudio, estructura familiar, ocupación, proyecto de vida y estado civil. De ahí que se busque indagar sobre sus consecuencias sociales y económicas y verificar si tiene comportamiento hereditario. Con este fin se realizó, como criterio de inclusión para la muestra, un estudio de tipo retrospectivo transversal para el cual se entrevistó a 20 madres adolescentes, según las defi...

  1. Tratamiento Temprano de la Maloclusión Clase III con aparatología Ortopédica: Reporte de caso con 7 años de control

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    Full Text Available Una de las maloclusiones más complejas de diagnosticar y de tratar es la maloclusión clase III.\tSe caracteriza por una alteración en la relación sagital de los maxilares, ya sea por una deficiencia o retrusión maxilar o por un prognatismo o macrognatismo mandibular, o bien sea una combinación de las anteriores. La etiología es multifactorial y es debida a una interacción de factores hereditarios y ambientales. Se presenta una paciente de 4 años de edad, sexo femenino, con patrón hereditario de clase III en su familia materna. Relación esquelética clase III con mandíbula aumentada en longitud, protruida, rotando posterior y maxilar superior retruído. Tipo de crecimiento vertical, con un perfil recto y mordida cruzada anterior y posterior unilateral izquierda. Se instauró tratamiento con aparatología ortopédica durante el periodo de dentición decidua hasta la dentición permanente, para lograr así, equilibrar el crecimiento maxilomandibular. Uno de los aspectos clínicos más complicados del manejo ortopédico de la maloclusión clase III es la recidiva después del período de tratamiento activo; sin embargo en nuestra paciente se consiguen cambios a nivel esquelético, dental y estéticos que se mantuvieron durante el tratamiento

  2. Situaciones especiales en la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal: primer consenso latinoamericano de la Pan American Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (PANCCO (Segunda parte

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    J.K. Yamamoto-Furusho


    Full Text Available Este es el primer Consenso Latinoamericano de la Pan American Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (PANCCO que corresponde a situaciones especiales en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII. El objetivo de este consenso es concientizar a la comunidad médica de todos los países de América Latina acerca del embarazo, la vacunación, las infecciones y las neoplasias, incluyendo el cáncer colorrectal, así como los aspectos pediátricos en pacientes con EII.

  3. Aspectos metodológicos de la identificación de genes relacionados con el lenguaje : cuestiones concernientes a la definición del fenotipo


    Benítez Burraco, Antonio


    La caracterización neurobiológica del lenguaje y la determinación de la etiología de los diferentes trastornos de carácter hereditario resultantes de su disfunción pasan necesariamente por la identificación (y la caracterización estructural y funcional) de los genes que intervienen en la regulación del desarrollo (y el funcionamiento) del sustrato neuronal del primero y cuya mutación constituye un factor causal significativo, o de riesgo, en la aparición de los segundos. Para e...

  4. Estudio del receptor 5HT2A y de la vía Akt/GSK3 como mecanismos moleculares de la psicosis inducida por el consumo crónico de cannabis


    Ibarra Lecue, Inés


    La esquizofrenia es una enfermedad mental de carácter crónico que afecta aproximadamente al 1% de la población , principalmente con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y 4 5 años . Se trata de una enfermedad de inicio en la adolescencia o comienzo de la madurez y cuyo potencial discapacitante persiste y se agrava a lo largo de la vida. La etiología de la esquizofrenia es multifactorial con evidencias de factores genéticos y ambientales. El carácter hereditario de la...

  5. Lección clínica ortopédica


    Leiva Pereira, Lisandro


    Historia Clínica N° 14247Servicio de Ortopedia y Cirugía de Urgencia.Sala de Mujeres.Lección clínica dictada por el Profesor L. Leyva Pereira el 23 dejunio de 1.939. (Version taquigráfica de la señorita Sara Elvia Calderón, mecano-tuquígrafa de dicha Clínica)."Nombre de la enferma : Leonor Peña.Edad: 60 afios.Estado civil: Viuda.Entró al servicio el 28 de diciembre de 1938.Antecedentes personales y hereditarios : Sin importancia.

  6. Colectomía parcial laparoscópica electiva por enfermedad diverticular




    La cirugía laparoscópica colorrectal, aunque de desarrollo lento, ha presentado en los últimos años ventajas con respecto a la cirugía abierta. Hay escasas publicaciones nacionales sobre esta técnica en enfermedad diverticular. Objetivo: Presentar nuestra experiencia en enfermedad diverticular en una serie consecutiva de pacientes con indicación quirúrgica electiva resueltos por vía laparoscópica. Material y Método: Se analizan los protocolos prospectivos de cirugía laparoscópica de colon con...

  7. Protocolo de atención odontológica en niños con Epidermólisis Ampollar


    Gabriela Scagnet


    La atención odontológica de los niños con Epidermólisis ampollar (EA) o bullosa (EB) son un inmenso desafío para la práctica odontológica ya que se trata de un grupo de trastornos hereditarios que manifiestan aparición de ampollas en piel y mucosas al roce o suave trauma. Presentan múltiples manifestaciones orofaciales que requieren de un protocolo de atención interdisciplinaria específico que comprenda un alto componente preventivo. Se describirán los principales ítems del mismo y las posibi...

  8. Experimental evolution of genome architecture and complexity in an RNA virus


    Willemsen, Anouk


    Introducción La evolución de la arquitectura del genoma – las dimensiones y la organización del material hereditario de un organismo – es poco conocida. Existe una variación asombrosa en la arquitectura genómica entre diferentes organismos. Los virus tienden a tener genomas pequeños, con un mínimo de secuencias intergénicas y típicamente con genes solapantes, los cuales se cree son una forma de compresión del genoma que permite al virus incrementar su número de proteínas sin aumentar su t...

  9. Etiología del trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad y características asociadas en la infancia y niñez


    Rivera-Flores,Gladys Wilma


    La identificación precoz del trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) permite implementar terapias oportunas, esto motivó a investigar la etiología del trastorno y las características asociadas durante la infancia y niñez. La información se recopiló con un cuestionario clínico del TDAH para padres. Participaron diez madres de 32 años de edad promedio. Los resultados demuestran que el trastorno es hereditario y además, existen factores de riesgo durante el embarazo y el nacimi...

  10. Síndrome de Tourette


    Maniega López, Raisa


    Introducción: El ST o Síndrome de Tourette descubierto por el doctor Gilles Tourette en el año 1885, se caracteriza por la presencia de varios tics motores y sónicos además de fallos en la fluencia del habla. Este síndrome tiene un componente hereditario y las descompensaciones de dopamina parecen tener algo que ver con su aparición. Además del ST los enfermos pueden padecer otras formas de la enfermedad como el trastorno de tic crónico o transitorio. Esta enfermedad también se asocia con otr...

  11. Endoscopic localization of colorectal cancer: Study of its accuracy and possible error factors Localización endoscópica del cáncer colorrectal: estudio de su precisión y posibles factores de error

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    Fernando Borda


    Full Text Available Introduction: accurate preoperative localization of colorectal cancer (CRC is very important, with a wide range of published error rates. Aim: to determine accuracy of endoscopic localization of CRC in comparison with preoperative computed tomography (CT. To analyse variables that could be associated with a wrong endoscopic localization. Patients and methods: endoscopic and CT localization of a series of CRC without previous surgery were reviewed. We studied the concordance between endoscopic and radiologic localization against operative findings comparing accuracy of endoscopy and CT. We analysed the frequency of wrong endoscopic diagnoses with regard to a series of patient, endoscopy and tumor variables. Results: two hundred thirty seven CRC in 223 patients were studied. Concordance with surgical localization was: colonoscopy = 0.87 and CT = 0.69. Endoscopic localization accuracy was: 91.1%; CT: 76.2%: p = 0.00001; OR = 3.22 (1.82-5.72. Obstructive cancer presented a higher rate of wrong localization: 18 vs. 5.7% in non-obstructive tumors (p = 0.0034; OR = 3.65 (1.35-9.96. Endoscopic localization mistakes varied depending on tumor location, being more frequent in descending colon: 36.3%, p = 0.014; OR = 6.23 (1.38-26.87 and cecum: 23.1%, p = 0.007; OR = 3.92 (1.20-12.43. Conclusions: endoscopic accuracy for CRC localization was very high and significantly better than CT accuracy. Obstructive tumor and those located in the descending colon or cecum were associated with a significant increase of the error risk of CRC endoscopic localization.Introducción: una correcta localización preoperatoria del cáncer colorrectal (CCR es muy importante, siendo variables las tasas de error de localización endoscópica publicadas. Objetivo: determinar la precisión de la localización endoscópica del CCR, comparándola con la del TAC preoperatorio. Analizar las variables que pudieran asociarse a una localización endoscópica errónea. Pacientes y m

  12. Effect of extra virgin olive oil components on the arachidonic acid cascade, colorectal cancer and colon cancer cell proliferation; Efecto de los componentes del aceite de oliva virgen extra en la cascada del ácido araquidónico, el cáncer colorrectal y la proliferación de células de cáncer de colon.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Storniolo, C.E.; Moreno, J.J.


    The mediterranean diet (MD) reduced the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC), and olive oil, the primary source of fat in the MD, has also been found to have a protective effect. However, animals fed with oleic acid present a high number of intestinal tumours, suggesting that oleic acid and olive oil consumption can exert different effects on CRC. Considering that extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is a complex mix of fatty acids and minor compounds such as polyphenols, hydrocarbons, phytosterols and triterpenes; and that these compounds have antioxidant activity and consequently they can modulate the arachidonic acid (AA) cascade and eicosanoid synthesis. This review analyzes the state of the art of olive oil components on the AA cascade and cellular mechanism involved in CRC such as intestinal epithelial cell growth/apoptosis, to understand the fact that the consumption of seed oils with high oleic content or EVOO will probably have different effects on CRC development. [Spanish] La dieta Mediterranea (DM) y el aceite de oliva reducen el riesgo de cáncer colorrectal (CCR). Sin embargo, animales alimentados con dietas ricas en ácido oleico presentan un elevado número de tumores intestinales, lo que sugiere que el consumo de ácido oleico y aceite de oliva pueden tener efectos diferentes sobre el desarrollo de CCR. Considerando que el aceite de oliva extra virgen (AOEV) es una compleja mezcla de ácidos grasos y compuestos minoritarios como polifenoles, lignanos, hidrocarburos, fitoesteroles y triterpenos; y que algunos de estos compuestos son antioxidantes y modulan la cascada del ácido araquidónico (AA) y la producción de eicosanoides. Analizamos la información existente sobre el efecto de los componentes del AOEV sobre la cascada del AA y los mecanismos implicados en el CCR como el crecimiento de las células epiteliales intestinales/apoptosis, lo que nos permitirá entender por qué el consumo de aceites de semillas altos en oleico o AOEV probablemente tendr

  13. Increasing hospital admission rates and economic burden for colorectal cancer in Brazil, 1996-2008 Aumento de las tasas de ingresos hospitalarios por cáncer colorrectal y su carga económica en Brasil, 1996-2008

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    Ulysses dos Santos Torres


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To determine the trends in hospital admission rates for colorectal cancer (CRC in the Brazilian Public Health System from 1996 to 2008 and to assess the economic costs. METHODS: Data from the Hospital Information Systems database of the Brazilian Unified Health System were used for analysis of all admissions with a primary diagnosis of CRC between 1996 and 2008. RESULTS: There were 297 108 CRC admissions over the study period, with an annual increase from 12 821 in 1996 to 35 040 in 2008. Age-standardized admission rates increased from 8.7 to 23.56 per 100 000 for a percentage increase of 171%. The average length of stay decreased from 11.6 days in 1996 to 7.5 days in 2008. The average hospital mortality declined from 10.4% to 8.5%. Overall costs in United States dollars (US$ of CRC hospitalizations rose from US$ 16.5 million in 1996 to US$ 33.5 million in 2008; the average cost of each admission, however, decreased from US$ 1 283 to US$ 954. CONCLUSIONS: Hospitalization rates for CRC in Brazil significantly increased during a 13-year period, incurring a considerable rise in the inflation-adjusted economic burden; national in-hospital mortality rates have remained relatively high.OBJETIVO: Determinar las tendencias de las tasas de ingresos hospitalarios por cáncer colorrectal (CCR en el sistema de salud pública brasileño de 1996 al 2008 y evaluar sus costos económicos. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó la información de la base de datos de los sistemas de información de los hospitales del Sistema Único de Salud brasileño con objeto de analizar todos los ingresos con diagnóstico primario de CCR entre 1996 y el 2008. RESULTADOS: Durante el período de estudio, se produjeron 297 108 ingresos por CCR, con un aumento anual de 12 821 en 1996 a 35 040 en el 2008. Las tasas de ingresos estandarizadas según la edad aumentaron de 8,7 a 23,56 por 100 000, con un aumento porcentual de 171%. La estancia hospitalaria media disminuyó de 11,6 días en

  14. Protocolo de atención odontológica en niños con Epidermólisis Ampollar

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    Gabriela Scagnet


    Full Text Available La atención odontológica de los niños con Epidermólisis ampollar (EA o bullosa (EB son un inmenso desafío para la práctica odontológica ya que se trata de un grupo de trastornos hereditarios que manifiestan aparición de ampollas en piel y mucosas al roce o suave trauma. Presentan múltiples manifestaciones orofaciales que requieren de un protocolo de atención interdisciplinaria específico que comprenda un alto componente preventivo. Se describirán los principales ítems del mismo y las posibilidades de rehabilitación bucal integral personalizada.

  15. Comportamiento del cáncer colorectal en pacientes menores de 40 años de dos Hospitales Universitarios en Medellín y Neiva entre 1980 y 2000

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    Luis Isaza


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    El cáncer colorrectal (CCR es una de las causas de muerte por
    cáncer más comunes en países como Nueva Zelanda y los Estados Unidos. Aunque es considerada una enfermedad que se presenta en la vejez, mundialmente se diagnostica hasta en un 5% en menores de 40 años, a los cuales se les atribuye algún tipo de predisposición genética.
    En nuestra población no existen datos para este grupo; por lo tanto se determinó el comportamiento del CCR en pacientes menores de 40 años, diagnosticados en el Hospital Universitario de Neiva (HUN y el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl de Medellín (HUSVP desde el año1980 hasta el 2000 para observar la frecuencia y justificar de manera epidemiológica la importancia de desarrollar nuevos proyectos en el país en esta área.


  16. Complicaciones de las colostomías y el marcaje prequirúrgico.


    Garrote Martín, Diego


    En los últimos años se ha observado un aumento de la incidencia del cáncer colorrectal; el tratamiento de esta patología es quirúrgico, y consiste en la resección del tumor, pudiendo ser necesaria la creación de un estoma, por ello se realiza el marcaje prequirúrgico del estoma, que es la técnica empleada para ubicar la posible localización del estoma con anterioridad a la intervención quirúrgica. La realización de un estoma conlleva una serie de cambios físicos y psíquicos en el paciente, qu...

  17. Mixoma cardíaco con diagnóstico prenatal: Presentación de un caso y revisión de literatura

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    Josías Ríos


    Full Text Available El mixoma es la tumoración cardíaca más frecuente en el adulto, constituyendo aproximadamente el 50% de las mismas. En la edad pediátrica el tumor cardíaco más frecuente es el rabdomioma, generalmente asociado a esclerosis tuberosa. La presentación del mixoma en pacientes pediátricos es muy rara y más aun en la etapa neonatal. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino que fue sometida a cirugía a los 8 días de nacida por presentar dos tumoraciones intracardiacas diagnosticadas en la etapa intrauterina a las 38 semanas de gestación. La cirugía se realizó mediante esternotomía media, con circulación extracorpórea y arresto circulatorio. Las tumoraciones, que eran de aspecto polipoide se localizaban en la aurícula derecha, los estudios de patología fueron compatibles con mixoma. La evolución postoperatoria fue satisfactoria y la paciente fue dada de alta a los 14 días después de la cirugía.

  18. Encefalopatía por priones

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    Carlos Colegial


    Full Text Available Las encefalopatías espongiformes por priones son enfermedades neurodegenerativas que pueden ser esporádicas o transmisibles, ya sea por mecanismos infecciosos o hereditarios. Su investigación ha planteado enormes retos y en el recorrido histórico en busca de su causa dos médicos han recibido el premio Nobel de Medicina: Carleton Gajdusek, por sus trabajos en Nueva Guinea donde describió la transmisión infecciosa por ritos canibalísticos, que llevó a estudios de transmisión experimental en chimpancés y a su teoría de los "virus lentos" (por el largo período de incubación de la enfermedad.

  19. Utility of the cromoendoscopy and the narrow band image at colon polyps; Utilidad de la cromoendoscopia y la imagen de banda estrecha en los polipos de colon

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    Perez Gonzalez, Teresita; Chao Gonzalez, Lissette; Tusen Toledo, Yunia, E-mail: [Centro de Investigaciones Medico Quirurgicas, La Habana (Cuba); others, and


    Colorrectal adenomas constitute the best characterized pre-malignancy injury in the development of the cancer in the colon. Colonoscopy with diagnostic and therapeutic aims is essential to prevent the cancer appearance. A prospective, descriptive and observational study was carried out in patients that assisted for colonoscopy at Medical Surgical Research Center from September 2010 to July 2011 The Kudo and the Sano-Emura classifications were used to determine the importance of the cromoendoscopy and the narrow band image at the time to identify histological nature of the polyps in the colon. Sensibility, specificity, positive and negative predictable values and the concordance degree were estimated. The morfology and the dysplasia degree were associated.

  20. Acerca de una manía pseudo-alucinatoria grave, desarrollada en un palúdico sifilítico, con caracteres evolutivos finales de delirio agudo mortal

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    Luis Jaime Sánchez


    de Dios, el 3 de noviembre de 1937.--Bogotá Neftalí G. de 22 años de edad, natural de Manzanares (Caldas soltero y agricultor de profesión, ingresa al servicio de enfermedades tropicales el 18 de septiembre. Interrogado acerca de sus antecedentes hereditarios, no anota nada que sirva. Entre sus antecedentes personales, refiere haber contraído una sífilis hace tres meses, la cual se trató, mal, empleando para ello dos inyecciones de neosalvarsan y una de bismuto coloidal. No da ningún antecedente alcohólico ni recuerda otro alguno morboso. Cuanto a la evolución de la enfermedad actual, el paciente anota lo siguiente: Con ocasión de un viaje a Villavicencio en donde trabajaba en una hacienda en calidad de agricultor, Neftalí G. experimentó súbitamente una sensación de malestar muy acentuado, seguido de sensación febril y de un calofrío que le duró dos horas y que fue seguido de abundante sudor. Esta fiebre le repetía todos los días a hora "'distinta, y le duraba más o menos hora y media. Imposibilitado para seguir trabajando resolvió hospitalizarse en Bogotá, y en el camino de Villavicencio a la capital, el enfermo no pasó ningún día sin que dejara de experimentar el mismo ataque febril.

  1. Los guisantes mágicos de Darwin y Mendel

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    Galera, Andrés


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    Presently work analyzes the hereditary models proposed by Darwin and Mendel to explain the evolutionary history of the Earth. The comparison shows us two faced biological theories, governed, one, for the principle of the natural selection, the other for the mutation.

    En el presente trabajo analizamos los modelos hereditarios propuestos por Darwin y Mendel para explicar la historia evolutiva de la Tierra. De la comparación resultan dos teorías biológicas enfrentadas, regidas una por el principio de la selección natural y la otra por la mutación.

  2. De nuestros corresponsales: un caso de patología urinaria

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    Octavio Restrepo Z.


    Full Text Available N. N., natural de Jardín (Antioquia. Profesión: Maestro de escuela. Estado civil: Casado. Edad: 33 años. Moreno, delgado, estatura regular. Antecedentes hereditarios. Padre asmático y palúdico crónico. Antecedentes personales. Sufrió las enfermedades propias a la infancia. En 1920 presentó una blenorragia que trató con inyecciones uretrales de solución concentrada de permanganato de potasio y jugo de limón. Parece que tres meses después hubiera curado, al menos clínicamente. En 1925 nueva infección ¡gonococcica que curó en corto tiempo. En 1929 una tercera blenorragia que trató un profesional con lavados uretrovesicales y antisépticos urinarios.

  3. Andalusian Registry for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis: Analysis of patients included Registro Andaluz de la Poliposis Adenomatosa Familiar: Análisis de los pacientes incluidos

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    M. Garzón Benavides


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the phenotype and genotype characteristic of patients included in the Andalusian Registry for familial adenomatous polyposis, the genotype/phenotype correlation and the impact of Registry in the frequency of colorectal cancer of registered. Material and methods: A descriptive study of 77 patients with FAP belonging to 33 families, included in a centralized database visited by the physicians of the hospitals taking part in the present study, on prior signing of confidentiality letters. All genetic studies were carried out in the Immunology Service of our institution. Results: We have included in our study 77 patients of 33 families; 31 probands with a mean age of 32 years (13-51 and 46 relatives at risk with a mean age of 21.8 years (6-55. Genetic study informed in 68/77 with positive result in 92.6%. Ten probands showed colorectal cancer (CRC at the time of diagnosis (32.2%. Only two affected relatives showed CRC at diagnosis (4.3%, a statistically significant difference (p Objetivos: Valorar las características fenotípicas y genotípicas de los pacientes incluidos en el Registro Andaluz de la poliposis adenomatosa familiar, la relación genotipo/fenotipo y el impacto del Registro en la frecuencia de cáncer colorrectal de los familiares registrados. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de 77 pacientes con PAF, pertenecientes a 33 familias, incluidos en una base de datos centralizada a la que tienen acceso los responsables de los hospitales participantes, previa firma de cartas de confidencialidad. Todos los estudios genéticos se realizan en el Servicio de Inmunología de nuestro Hospital. Resultados: 77 pacientes registrados (50,6% varones: 31 probandos, edad media: 32 años (13-51 y 46 familiares afectos, edad media 21,8 años (6-55. Estudio genético informado en 68/77 con resultado positivo en 92,6%. Cáncer colorrectal al diagnóstico en diez probandos (32,2% y 2 familiares afectos (4,3%, diferencia estad

  4. Laparoscopic surgery in colorectal cancer; Cirugia laparoscopica en cancer colorrectal

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    Bressler Hernandez, Norlan; Martinez Perez, Elliot; Fernandez Rodriguez, Leopoldo; Torres Core, Ramiro, E-mail: [Centro de Investigaciones Medico Quirurgicas, La Habana (Cuba)


    In the current age of minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer has been established as oncologically equivalent to conventional open surgery. The advantages of laparoscopic surgery have translated into smaller incisions and shorter recovery. Since the advent of laparoscopy, surgeons have been fueled to develop less invasive operative methods as feasible alternatives to traditional procedures. As techniques evolved and technology advanced, laparoscopy became more widely accepted and is now more commonly used in many institutions. Recently, a trend toward less invasive surgery, driven by patient and surgeon alike, has been a major objective for many institutions because of the ability of laparoscopic surgery to reduce postoperative pain, achieve a quicker recovery time, and improve cosmetic outcomes. Although still evolving, traditional laparoscopy has served as a foundation for even further refinements in the minimally invasive approach and as a result, more advanced equipment and newer techniques have arisen.

  5. Cáncer de colon recurrente: consideraciones actuales Recurrent colon cancer: present considerations

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    Zenén Rodríguez Fernández


    Full Text Available El cáncer colorrectal se considera la neoplasia más frecuente de este siglo y su morbilidad y mortalidad llevan un ritmo ascendente. Se presenta una revisión de las consideraciones actuales más relevantes, referidas a los tipos histológicos, pronósticos, tratamiento quirúrgico convencional y videolaparoscópico, terapia génica, seguimiento posoperatorio, prevención y tratamiento de dichos tumores.Colorectal cancer is considered the most frequent neoplasia of this century and its morbidity and mortality show an ascending rhythm. A review of the most significant current considerations regarding the histological, prognostic, conventional and videolaparoscopic treatment, gene therapy, postoperative follow-up, prevention and treatment of such tumors is presented

  6. Rectum neoplasms treatment advanced with radio and chemotherapy before - surgery; Tratamiento de cancer de recto localmente avanzado con radioterapia y quimioterapia preoperatoria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luongo Cespedes, A; Aguiar Vitacca, S [and others


    In Uruguay the colorectal neoplasms has a can rate of mobility. The surgery has 13-26% local recurrence. The irradiation before surgery has demonstrated to improve the resect and the local control.The objective of this protocol it is to decrease the percentage of local relapse , using radiotherapy(RT) before surgery and concomitant chemotherapy that potencies the effect of the RT, improvement this way the therapeutic quotient (AU) [Spanish] En Uruguay el cancer colorrectal tiene una lata tasa de mortalidad.La cirugia exclusiva,tiene 13-26 % de recurrencias locales.La irradiacion preoperatoria ha demostrado mejorar la resecabilidad y el control local.El objetivo de este protocolo es disminuir el porcentaje de recidiva local,utilizando radioterapia(RT) preoperatoria y quimioterapia concomitante que potencie el efecto de la RT,mejorando asi el cociente terapeutico (AU)


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    Dra. Paulina Neira


    Las Neoplasias Endocrinas Múltiples incluyen entre sus manifestaciones los tumores paratiroideos, los feocromocitomas, los tumores gastroenteropancreáticos y el cáncer medular de tiroides. Estas lesiones presentan características fisiológicas como expresión de receptores o hiperfunción celular que permiten obtener imágenes con técnicas de Medicina Nuclear que actualmente se denominan Imágenes Moleculares.


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    Raphael Mendonca GUIMARAES


    Full Text Available Context Several international studies have observed a correlation between the improvement of socio-demographic indicators and rates of incidence and mortality from cancer of the colon and rectum. Objective The objective of this study is to estimate the correlation between average per capita income and the rate of colorectal cancer mortality in Brazil between 2001 and 2009. Methods We obtained data on income inequality (Gini index, population with low incomes (½ infer the minimum wage/month, average family income, per capita ICP and mortality from colon cancer and straight between 2001-2009 by DATASUS. A trend analysis was performed using linear regression, and correlation between variables by Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results There was a declining trend in poverty and income inequality, and growth in ICP per capita and median family income and standardized mortality rate for colorectal cancer in Brazil. There was also strong positive correlation between mortality from this site of cancer and inequality (men r = -0.30, P = 0.06, women r = -0.33, P = 0.05 income low income (men r = -0.80, P<0.001, women r = -0.76, P<0.001, median family income (men r = 0.79, P = 0.06, women r = 0.76, P<0.001 and ICP per capita (men r = 0.73, P<0.001, women r = 0.68, P<0.001 throughout the study period. Conclusion The increase of income and reducing inequality may partially explain the increased occurrence of colorectal cancer and this is possibly due to differential access to food recognized as a risk factor, such as red meat and high in fat. It is important therefore to assess the priority of public health programs addressing nutrition in countries of intermediate economy, as is the case of Brazil.

  9. Obesity and colorectal cancer risk; Obesidad y riesgo de cancer colorrectal

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    Hano Garcia, Olga Marina; Wood Rodriguez, Lisette; Villa Jimenez, Oscar Manuel, E-mail: olga.hano@infomed.sld.c [Instituto Nacional de Gastroenterologia, La Habana (Cuba)


    Obesity is a chronic and multifactor disease characterized by presence of excess body fat harmful for health. Several studies have been conducted to assess the possible risk character of different factors for colorectal cancer including the following modifying factors: a diet rich in saturated fats, a diet low in vegetables, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption and obesity. A case-control study was conducted to include 276 adult patients (93 cases and 184 controls) consecutively seen from May, 2008 to May, 2009 in the Institute of Gastroenterology determining a possible association between obesity as risk factor and colorectal cancer. Variables measures included: sex, age, skin color, body mass index, hip-waist circumference and endoscopic location of cancer. We conclude that the colorectal cancer with predominance in female sex and in white people in both groups. Obesity according to a great relation hip-waist had an strong relation with colorectal cancer, which had predominance towards distal colon in both sexes


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    Dra. Yenni Rodríguez, MD


    Las estrategias para modificar el riesgo variarán con el conocimiento de la epidemiología, la etiología y los mecanismos moleculares específicos para cada cáncer individual. Los síndromes hereditarios de cáncer facilitarán este estudio ya que a medida que se disponga de más información sobre la genómica humana, será posible una comprensión clara de los mecanismos moleculares subyacentes de estas enfermedades y posiblemente resulten en estrategias eficaces para su control. Desafortunadamente, a pesar del amplio conocimiento disponible sobre los factores de riesgo para muchas de estas neoplasias malignas, hemos sido incapaces de influir en cambios efectivos en el estilo de vida que podrían reducir sustancialmente el riesgo de estas neoplasias malignas en nuestra población.

  11. No SQL, No Injection? Examining NoSQL Security


    Ron, Aviv; Shulman-Peleg, Alexandra; Bronshtein, Emanuel


    NoSQL data storage systems have become very popular due to their scalability and ease of use. This paper examines the maturity of security measures for NoSQL databases, addressing their new query and access mechanisms. For example the emergence of new query formats makes the old SQL injection techniques irrelevant, but are NoSQL databases immune to injection in general? The answer is NO. Here we present a few techniques for attacking NoSQL databases such as injections and CSRF. We analyze the...

  12. Integridad patrimonial, perpetuidad, memoria. Contradicciones de los mayorazgos valencianos en la época moderna

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    Jorge Antonio Catalá Sanz


    Full Text Available Cimiento fundamental de la estabilidad patrimonial de la nobleza a través de los siglos, el mayorazgo generaba, no obstante, sus propias contradicciones. Algunas de ellas traían origen, en el caso valenciano, de los cambios normativos que siguieron a los decretos de Nueva Planta, al diferir en la determinación de ciertos aspectos las leyesde Castilla de los fueros abolidos. Pero otras muchas se derivaban de la escasa regulación foral en la materia, de las dudas de la doctrina, de las disposiciones, en ocasiones confusas, de los fundadores, e incluso de los mismos fines a que servía la propiedad vinculada. Apartir del estudio de los pleitos sobre posesión de vínculos sustanciados ante la Audiencia de Valencia se analizan aquí diversos problemas, entre otros, la ambigüedad terminológica, el dilema entre sucesión singular y llamamientos hereditarios plurales, la incompatibilidad de mayorazgos, la dificultad de caracterizar el orden sucesorio establecido, la extinción del vínculo por falta de descendencia, la admisión de ilegítimos y religiosos, la desheredación preventiva, la perpetuidad del gravamen, el reconocimiento de derechos reales contra los bienes del mayorazgo y la enajenación de parte de ellos en circunstancias concretas

  13. Drawing up an individual risk index for development of metachronous neoplastic lesions in resected colorectal cancer Elaboración de un índice individual del riesgo para el desarrollo de lesiones neoplásicas metacrónicas en el cáncer colorrectal resecado

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    Ana Borda


    Full Text Available Aim: to identify possible risk factors for the development of metachronous lesions in colorectal cancer (CRC which would allow to establish a post-surgical individual prognostic index. Patients and methods: three hundred eighty-two surgically treated CRC were reviewed. We compared the incidence of metachronous lesions in 40 variables concerning patient clinical data and initial neoplastic findings. An individual risk index for metachronicity was drawn up including those variables which presented significant differences in multivariate logistic regression, dividing patients into three groups. Results: variables with prognostic value for metachronicity were distal cancer location: OR= 2.30 (1.03-5.13, alcohol intake: OR = 2.20 (1.08-4.48, presence of synchronous adenomas: isolated: OR = 2.47 (1.03-4.48, multiple: OR = 4.26 (1.78-10.17, and presence of synchronous advanced adenoma: OR= 2.91 (1.52-12.60. Tumor MUC-5 expression proved to have a protective role: OR = 0.23 (0.08-0.66. An individual risk score was established considering these variables and patients could be classified into three groups, with a discrimination power for metachronicity of pObjetivo: identificar posibles factores de riesgo para desarrollar lesiones metacrónicas en el cáncer colorrectal, elaborando un índice pronóstico individual del riesgo. Material y métodos: revisamos 382 cánceres colorrectales resecados. Comparamos la diferente incidencia de lesiones metacrónicas en 40 variables referentes al paciente y a las lesiones neoplásicas iniciales. Con aquellas que mostraron diferencias significativas en el análisis estadístico multivariable, elaboramos un índice individual de riesgo, clasificando los pacientes en 3 grupos de riesgo de metacronicidad. Resultados: las variables con valor pronóstico para la metacronicidad fueron: localización distal del cáncer: OR = 2,30 IC 95% (1,03-5,13; consumo de alcohol: OR = 2,20 IC 95% (1,08-4,48; presencia de adenoma sincr

  14. Guía para el diagnóstico, seguimiento y tratamiento de la enfermedad de Fabry

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    Pablo Neumann


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Fabry es un trastorno de almacenamiento lisosomal hereditario ligado al cromosoma X, ocasionado por el déficit de la enzima alfa galactosidasa A. El conocimiento sobre esta patología, y en particular su manejo médico, ha progresado notablemente en la última década, incluyendo el desarrollo de su tratamiento específico. La presente guía fue desarrollada por profesionales médicos de diversas especialidades involucrados en la atención de pacientes con enfermedad de Fabry. La discusión y análisis de las evidencias científicas disponibles, sumado a la experiencia de cada uno de los participantes, ha permitido desarrollar los conceptos vertidos en esta guía con el objetivo de brindar una herramienta útil para todos los profesionales que asisten a pacientes con enfermedad de Fabry.

  15. [Impact of an informative intervention on the colorectal cancer screening program in primary care professionals]. (United States)

    Benito-Aracil, Llúcia; Binefa-Rodriguez, Gemma; Milà-Diaz, Núria; Lluch-Canut, M Teresa; Puig-Llobet, Montse; Garcia-Martinez, Montse


    To evaluate the impact of an intervention in primary care professionals on their current knowledge about colorectal cancer screening, subsequent surveillance recommendations and referral strategies. Cluster randomized controlled trial. Primary Care Centers in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona). Primary Care Professionals (doctors and nurses). Training session in six of the 12 centers (randomly selected) about the colorrectal cancer screening program, and three emails with key messages. Professionals and centers characteristics and two contextual variables; involvement of professionals in the screening program; information about colorectal cancer knowledge, risk factors, screening procedures, surveillance recommendations and referral strategies. The total score mean on the first questionnaire was 8.07 (1.38) and the second 8.31 (1.39). No statistically significant differences between the intervention and control groups were found, however, in 9 out of 11 questions the percentage of correct responses was increased in the intervention group, mostly related to the surveillance after the diagnostic examination. The intervention improves the percentage of correct answers, especially in those in which worst score obtained in the first questionnaire. This study shows that professionals are familiar with colorectal cancer screening, but there's a need to maintain frequent communication in order to keep up to date the information related to the colorectal cancer screening. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  16. High-Pressure Synthesis and Study of NO+NO3− and NO2+NO3− Ionic Solids

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    A. Yu. Kuznetsov


    Full Text Available Nitrosonium-nitrate NO+NO3− and dinitrogen pentoxide NO2+NO3− ionic crystals were synthesized by laser heating of a condensed oxygen-rich O2-N2 mixture compressed to different pressures, up to 40 GPa, in a diamond anvil cell (DAC. High-pressure/high-temperature Raman and X-ray diffraction studies of synthesized samples disclosed a transformation of NO+NO3− compound to NO2+NO3− crystal at temperatures above ambient and pressures below 9 GPa. High-pressure experiments revealed previously unreported bands in Raman spectra of NO+NO3− and NO2+NO3− ionic crystals. Structural properties of both ionic compounds are analyzed. Obtained experimental results support a hypothesis of a rotational disorder of NO+ complexes in NO+NO3− and indicate a rotational disorder of ionic complexes in NO2+NO3− solid.

  17. Hereditary hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome: Study of a new family in Spain Síndrome hereditario de hiperferritinemia y cataratas: Descripción de una nueva familia en España

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    J. M. Ladero


    Full Text Available The hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome, inherited as a Mendelian dominant trait, is due to mutations in the 5’ non-coding region of the ferritin light chain gene that modifies the shape of the IRE (iron responsive element region, which loses its normal function of regulating the synthesis of ferritin light chains. Excess of light chains results in complexes that accumulate into the lens giving rise to early cataracts. We present a Spanish family with seven affected members through three generations. A genetic study reveals a substitution of a single base (C?T at position 33 in the IRE sequence in the index case and in one affected brother, whereas a non-affected sister shows the normal sequence. The hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome was identified in 1995 and is still poorly understood. Clinicians should suspect it when treating any subject with early cataracts, even more if they are familial, or in patients with very high levels of ferritinemia without evidence of iron overload. There are no known consequences of the syndrome other than cataracts, and its proper diagnosis carries a favorable prognosis and eliminates the risk of unnecessary phlebotomies.El síndrome de hiperferritinemia y cataratas es un trastorno autosómico dominante debido a mutaciones en la región 5’ no codificante del gen de la cadena ligera de ferritina, localizado en 19q.3-q13,4. Como consecuencia se altera la morfología de la region IRE (iron responsive element que pierde su capacidad normal de regular la síntesis de cadenas ligeras de ferritina, las cuales se sintetizan en exceso y forman complejos que se acumulan en el cristalino, dando lugar a cataratas precoces. Se presenta una familia española con 7 miembros afectados en tres generaciones. El estudio genético pone de manifiesto un cambio de una sola base C?T en posición 33 del IRE en el caso index y un hermano, mientras que otra hermana no afecta del síndrome no mostraba mutaciones. Este síndrome se

  18. Surgical treatment of gallbladder polypoid lesions

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    Pejić Miljko A.


    patients demographical data as well as their symptoms and radiographic findings. If the patient was operated, patohistological findings were analyzed also. RESULTS In our study 38 examined patients had mean age of 53.2 years (standard deviation of 12.8 years; range 26-80 years. The male-female ratio was 1:1. Overall 36 patients had symptoms that could be related to gallbladder diseases. Among these patients, 32 had pain in the upper-right quadrant of the abdomen that could be defined as biliar colic, and two had symptoms of acute cholecystitis. Among remaining four patients, two were examined because of the pain in the lower part of the abdomen. One patient had high temperature of unknown origin and the gallbladder polyp was detected accidentally during the ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen. Second patient had jaundice of unknown origin with ultrasound showing no significant changes in biliary tract. Preoperative ultrasound findings were inconsistent. The size of the lesion was marked only in 18 out of 38 patients. Among 34 operated patients, just 11 of them had patohistologicaly verified polipoid lesion. Patohistological analyzes of extirpated gallbladders showed one normal gallbladder, seven cholesterol polyps, one polipoid cholecystitis, and two real gallbladder neoplasms. One patient had gallbladder adenoma while the other had adenocarcinoma. Malignancy rate was 2.94% (one in 34. All patients with neoplastic polyps had solitary lesion larger than 1 cm in diameter, while the patients with non-neoplastic lesions had multiple lesions smaller than 1 cm in diameter. All operated patients, with the exception of one, had pathologically verified abnormal gallbladders. This results showed the presence of chronic cholecystitis even in the absence of the polyps. DISCUSSION Generally, no treatment is required in young patients with very small gallbladder polyps who are completely free from any symptoms. A patient with dyspeptic symptoms but no painful episodes consistent

  19. Cambios y persistencias en la mentalidad nobiliaria gallega en el tránsito de la edad media a la moderna según la literatura testamentaria: un estudio comparativo

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    Calderón, Carlos


    Full Text Available A study comparing the testaments of don Sancho de Ulloa, count of Monterrey (d. 1505, and Gómez Pérez de las Mariñas, capitán general of the Philippines (1593, with the aim of revealing continuity and change in the noble mentality expressed in last wills through expressions of religiosity, funerary rites, and particularly hereditary regimes and bequests, considered as elements of continuity strengthening the family nucleus.

    Estudio comparado de los testamentos de don Sancho de Ulloa, conde de Monterrey (m. 1505 y Gómez Pérez de las Mariñas, capitán general de Filipinas (1593, con el objeto de mostrar continuidades y cambios en la mentalidad nobiliaria expresada en sus últimas voluntades relativas a las expresiones de religiosidad, ritos funerarios y, en especial, regímenes hereditarios y legados, considerados como elementos de continuidad y fortalecimiento del núcleo familiar.

  20. The rate coefficient for the reaction NO2 + NO3 yielding NO + NO2 + O2 from 273 to 313 K (United States)

    Cantrell, Chris A.; Shetter, Richard E.; Mcdaniel, Anthony H.; Calvert, Jack G.


    The ratio of rate constants for the reaction NO3 + NO yielding 2 NO2 (k3) and the reaction NO2 + NO3 yielding NO + NO2 + O2 (k4) were determined by measuring of NO and NO2 concentrations of NO and NO2 in an N2O5/NO2/N2 mixture over the temperature range 273-313 K. The measured ratio was found to be expressed by the equation k3/k4 = 387 exp(-1375/T). The results are consistent with those of Hammer et al. (1986).

  1. No blackhole and no atomic bomb (United States)

    Shin, Philip


    Title: c=c(1+1=2) The light speed 1+1=2. So we count the number by step by step for one point. When we count the number by one point, we use the number written on the paper. This means this is not number, but the graph and line. The light speed is the truth in physics. I can prove it by number. 10%=0.1 As %=kg So 10kg=0.1 kg=1/10 x 1/10 kg=1/100 And 100%=1 So kg=100%/100 kg=% So 1kg=1%=1/100 E=mc^2 So cx kgx m^2/sec^2= 1kgx cx m^2/sec^2 cx 1/100x m^2/sec^2= 1/100x cx m^2/sec^2 So c/100=c/100 So c=c And c is the truth never changed. Title: By faith, no blackhole As to be, we glory to God and that is basic theology for christian. And I want to say that BE means just thinking. There is no clue of nature and no proposition to prove it. I just believe by feeling and emotion. I trust that it can be the physic really. There are only human beings and there is no idol that is different existence from human beings, that is true to be. So the nature we see is zero and we, human beings make the zero nature as from no start and no ending. No alpha and omega mean we are idol and that there is no blackhole. Blackhole means the block is existing in the nothing(as we are no alpha and no omega). So the block cannot be existence. So if there is blackhole, then there must be the wall to block me and never walk again. The big bang and evolution mean they are no alpha and no omega and existing by themselves. So they could be existence, but big bang and evolution are just logical fact to be. We need faith as God give us the direction into our spirit.

  2. Iron catalyzed conversion of NO into nitrosonium (NO+) and nitroxyl (HNO/NO-) species. (United States)

    Stojanović, Srdjan; Stanić, Dragana; Nikolić, Milan; Spasić, Mihailo; Niketić, Vesna


    The conversion of NO into its congeners, nitrosonium (NO+) and nitroxyl (HNO/NO-) species, has important consequences in NO metabolism. Dinitrosyl iron complex (DNIC) combined with thiol ligands was shown to catalyze the conversion of NO into NO+, resulting in the synthesis of S-nitrosothiols (RSNO) both in vitro and in vivo. The formation mechanism of DNIC was proposed to involve the intermediate release of nitroxyl. Since the detection of hydroxylamine (as the product of a rapid reaction of HNO/NO- with thiols) is taken as the evidence for nitroxyl generation, we examined the formation of hydroxylamine, RSNO, and nitrite (the product of a rapid reaction of NO+ with water) in neutral solutions containing iron ions and thiols exposed to NO under anaerobic conditions. Hydroxylamine was detected in NO treated solutions of iron ions in the presence of cysteine, but not glutathione (GSH). The addition of urate, a major "free" iron-binding agent in humans, to solutions of GSH and iron ions, and the subsequent treatment of these solutions with NO increased the synthesis of GSNO and resulted in the formation of hydroxylamine. This caused a loss of urate and yielded a novel nitrosative/nitration product. GSH attenuated the urate decomposition to such a degree that it could be reflected as the function of GSH:urate. Results described here contribute to the understanding of the role of iron ions in catalyzing the conversion of NO into HNO/NO- and point to the role of uric acid not previously described.

  3. Linfadectomy in cancer treatment colon rectum; Linfadectomia en el Tratamiento del Cancer colorrectal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canesa, C


    The purpose of this revision is to describe the anatomical basic aspects and histopatologicos of interest in the lymphatic dissection and to discuss the list of the radical linfadectomy in the treatment of the cancer colon rectum.

  4. Forma no clásica de hiperplasia adrenal congénita en la niñez y adolescencia Non-classic way of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in childhood and adolescence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Carvajal Martínez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la hiperplasia adrenal congénita es un trastorno hereditario de la esteroidogénesis suprarrenal, trasmitido por mutaciones genéticas con carácter autosómico recesivo, las cuales afectan las enzimas que intervienen en la biosíntesis del cortisol. La causa la constituye en 90 a 95 % de los casos la deficiencia de la enzima 21 hidroxilasa. OBJETIVO: exponer la experiencia de los autores de este trabajo en la forma no clásica de esta enfermedad. MÉTODOS: se realizó la caracterización de 7 pacientes diagnosticados en la sala de endocrinología pediátrica del Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología, ubicada en el Hospital Pediátrico del Cerro, durante el período 1998-2008. Todos los pacientes pertenecían al sexo femenino. RESULTADOS: los síntomas se iniciaron a una edad promedio de 8,8 años y más de la mitad de los casos presentaron pubarquia precoz. La menarquia se produjo a una edad media de 10,7 años. Se logró el diagnóstico bioquímico al obtenerse valores elevados de 17 hidroxiprogesterona (en condiciones basales. Se emplearon distintas modalidades de tratamiento según la edad de cada paciente y los síntomas predominantes en cada caso. CONCLUSIONES: se corroboró la mayor frecuencia de diagnóstico de esta enfermedad en el sexo femenino, así como la importancia del estudio y el seguimiento ante un paciente con pubarquia precoz.INTRODUCTION: the congenital adrenal hyperplasia is an inherited disorder of suprarenal esteroidogenesis, transmitted by genetic mutations with a autosomal recessive character affecting the enzymes intervening in cortisol biosynthesis. In the 90 to 95% of cases, the cause is a deficiency of Hydroxylase enzyme 21. OBJECTIVE: to show the current paper authors' experience in the non-classic way of this entity. METHODS: we made a characterization of 7 female patients diagnosed in the Children Endocrinology Ward of the National Institute of Endocrinology located in the Children Hospital, Cerro

  5. Intervening factors for the initiation of treatment of patients with stomach and colorectal cancer. (United States)

    Valle, Thaína Dalla; Turrini, Ruth Natalia Teresa; Poveda, Vanessa de Brito


    to identify the time between symptoms, the request for care and the beginning of treatment in patients with stomach and colorectal cancer as well as the factors that interfere in these processes. correlational descriptive study, including 101 patients diagnosed with stomach or colorectal cancer, treated in a hospital specialized in oncology. the 101 patients investigated there was predominance of males, mean age of 61.7 years. The search for medical care occurred within 30 days after the onset of symptoms, in most cases. The mean total time between the onset of symptoms and the beginning of treatment ranged from 15 to 16 months, and the mean time between the search for medical care and the diagnosis was 4.78 months. The family history of cancer (p=0.008) and the implementation of preventive follow-up (pel tiempo entre los síntomas, la búsqueda de asistencia y el inicio del tratamiento en pacientes con cáncer gástrico y colorrectal y los factores que interfieren en estos procesos. estudio descriptivo correlacional, incluyendo 101 pacientes con diagnostico de cáncer gástrico o colorrectal, atendidos en un hospital especializado en oncología. de 101 pacientes investigados la mayoria eran hombres, con edad media de 61,7 años. La búsqueda de la atención médica se produjo dentro de los 30 días después de la aparición de los síntomas, en la mayoría de los casos. El promedio de tiempo total entre el inicio de los síntomas y el inicio del tratamiento fue de 15,16 meses y el tiempo medio entre la búsqueda de la atención médica y el diagnóstico fue de 4,78 meses. La historia familiar de cáncer (p=0,008) y la realización de seguimiento preventivo (pel tratamiento temprano. Náuseas, vómitos, hematoquecia, pérdida de peso y dolor se asociaron con la búsqueda más rápida de la asistencia. el intervalo más largo entre la búsqueda de la atención médica y el diagnóstico se produjo posiblemente por asociación negativa entre los síntomas que se

  6. Disabilities caused by unstable mutations in Costa Rica

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    Patricia Cuenca


    Full Text Available La distrofia miotónica tipo1 (DM1 y el síndrome del cromosoma X frágil (FRAXA son dos enfermedades hereditarias relativamente comunes. Ambas constituyen ejemplos de un nuevo tipo de mecanismo mutacional, llamado mutaciones inestables o dinámicas, expansión de tripletas, o amplificación del ADN. La DM1 se considera como la distrofia muscular más frecuente en los adultos y FRAXA es la principal causa de retardo mental hereditario. Este trabajo presenta resultados actualizados de un estudio prospectivo no aleatorio en pacientes clínicamente afectados, que se realiza con el objetivo de confirmar el diagnóstico con técnicas moleculares (Hibridación de Southern y reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, PCR, y llevar a cabo el tamizaje en cascada del resto de la familia para ofrecerles consejo genético adecuado. Se confirmó el diagnóstico clínico inicial en la mayoría de los casos de distrofia miotónica, pero en los casos con retardo mental, más de la mitad de los análisis resultaron negativos para la amplificación en el gen FMR1, específica de FRAXA. La razón principal para esto podría ser el cuadro clínico muy sutil que muestran los niños afectados antes de la pubertad. Los únicos métodos disponibles para prevenir estas discapacidades por el momento son, el tamizaje en cascada, el consejo genético y el aborto selectivo. De los cuales, el último no se puede llevar a cabo según las leyes vigentes en Costa Rica.

  7. Trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad.

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    Alejandra Carboni Román


    Full Text Available El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH se caracteriza por un conjunto de síntomas de inatención y/o hiperactividad – impulsividad con una intensidad desadaptativa e incoherente en relación con el nivel de desarrollo del niño. Este trastorno presenta una alta prevalencia y afecta significativamente el desempeño académico, social y familiar de quienes lo padecen, por lo que ha despertado el interés de los científicos en relación a la búsqueda de indicadores cerebrales anatómicos y funcionales que apoyen el diagnóstico clínico y la planificación del tratamiento. Si bien su etiología es heterogénea, lo que explica la variabilidad fenotípica del TDAH, la evidencia apunta a que los factores neurobiológicos son los causantes principales del trastorno. Dentro de estos encontramos factores genético-hereditarios, neuroanatómicos y neuroquímicos.

  8. Notas clínicas: un caso curioso de menstruación por el ombligo

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    Rafael Silva Gamboa


    Full Text Available Prudencia Lugo. 41 años. Soltera, Profesión: oficios domésticos. Hija de Domingo Lugo y Mercedes Suárez. Antecedentes hereditarios: Sin importancia, porque ignora de qué murieron los padres. Antecedentes personales: Ha padecido de sarampión, viruela y reumatismo articular; esta última novedad la redujo a la cama por el término de un mes y atacó numerosas articulaciones. La menstruación que apareció a los doce años, fue absolutamente normal hasta los veinte; de esta época en adelante sobrevinieron perturbaciones menstruales caracterizadas por dolores en la región lumbar y sensación de peso en la región hipogástrica, durante las reglas. Igualmente esta dismenorrea tenía otros caracteres como su irregularidad en la fecha de la aparición y su duración casi siempre exagerada. Da también como antecedentes la aparición de cólicos intestinales con alguna frecuencia, seguidos de la emisión de heces amarillentas y líquidas.

  9. La Construcción Social de la Hiperactividad

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    Ángela María Vargas Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (tdahes una afección frecuente, con alta variabilidad en su preva-lencia a través de contextos, y de interés por la repercusión que tiene sobre el desempeño escolar de quienes la padecen. Se exploraron las construcciones simbólicas que hacen diferentes actores acerca de niños diagnosticados con TDAH. Con tal fin se realizaron entrevistas abiertas de tipo semántico y episódico a 31 participantes bogotanos, distribuidos en grupos de maestros, padres y niños. Estas entrevistas fueron abordadas desde una perspectiva de análisis de discurso. Los resultados mostraron que el tdahse reconstruye, a partir de la perspectiva del observador y del contexto, en términos de problema hereditario y de fallas en las prácticas de crianza. Por su parte, para los niños, el diagnóstico es un evento importante en la construcción de su subjetividad.

  10. A new simplified NO/NO2 conversion model under consideration of direct NO2-emissions

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    I. Düring


    Full Text Available Although many German monitoring sites report declines of NOx concentrations, NO2-concentrations actually stagnate or even increase quite often. Various analyses have identified the altered compositions of nitrogen oxides (NO2/NOx-ratio emitted by motor vehicles (resulting in an increase of primary NO2-emissions as well as the chemical environmental conditions (mainly ground level ozone as the main causes. The chemical conversion of NO to NO2 is often parameterized in dispersion calculations of exhaust emissions. A widely applied conversion model is the so-called Romberg approach from 1996. However, the Romberg approach has to be re-evaluated to accommodate the above-mentioned conditions. This article presents an adjustment to the Romberg approach in accordance with the measured data from 2000 to 2006, taking into consideration substantially higher NO2/NOx-ratios especially for higher NOx-concentrations. Model calculations with OSPM (Operational Street Pollution Model including its internal chemistry module are able to reproduce very well the trends in the measured annual NO2-concentrations over a 10 year period. The relevant parameters for variations between the years are the NOx-emissions, primary NO2-emissions, ozone concentrations, wind conditions, and background concentrations. A simplified chemistry model based on annual mean NOx- and NO2-concentrations, and background ozone concentrations, as well as primary NO2-emissions is presented as a better method than the updated Romberg approach. This model simulates the annual mean NO2-concentrations much more accurately than the conventional and the updated Romberg approaches.

  11. A comparative icMRCI study of some NO+, NO and NO- electronic ground state properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Polak, R.; Fiser, J.


    Potential energy, electric field gradient (EFG) at both nuclei, and electric dipole moment functions for the electronic ground states of NO + , NO and NO - were calculated at the internally contracted multireference configuration interaction (icMRCI) level using augmented correlation-consistent basis sets. The changes in the EFG's with internuclear separation R were used to interpret the character of bonding in the triad of NO species. The vibrational dependences of the electric properties were estimated and the EFG's were employed to determine the 14 N nuclear quadrupole coupling constants. The effects of the choice of the basis set and reference configuration space were investigated. While the results obtained for NO + and NO served primarily to assess the quality of calculations by comparison with available experimental and theoretical data, new information was obtained on NO - , including electric property functions and some notions about the existence of metastable states

  12. Análise dos pólipos colorretais em 3.491 videocolonoscopias Analysis of colorrectal polyps in 3.491 videocolonoscopies

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    José Mauro dos Santos


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A ressecção dos pólipos do intestino grosso é uma medida importante na diminuição da incidência do câncer colorretal. O objetivo do presente estudo é verificar a incidência dos pólipos colorretais, seu tipo histológico, o índice de malignização e de ocorrência de novas lesões nos pacientes submetidos a exame colonoscópico por indicações diversas no Serviço de Coloproctologia do Hospital de Caridade de Florianópolis - SC. MÉTODO: Realizado estudo retrospectivo de 3491 pacientes submetidos à videocolonoscopia no período de janeiro de 1992 a outubro de 2006. Foi avaliada a incidência dos pólipos colorretais de acordo com sexo e idade, tipo histológico e a presença de adenocarcinoma. Foram excluídos deste estudo as síndromes polipóides genéticas e os pólipos não ressecados ou com exames anatomopatológicos incompletos ou extraviados. RESULTADOS: Dos 3491 exames realizados, foram encontrados pólipos em 1046 (29,96%, totalizando 1899 lesões em 865 pacientes. Destes 53,94% eram do sexo masculino, 46,06% feminino e 58,46% tinham mais de 60 anos. Foram avaliados 1579 pólipos colorretais, cujo estudo histopatológico mostrou 31,54% adenomas tubulares, 14,19% adenomas túbulo-vilosos, 1,65% adenomas vilosos, 36,03% pólipos hiperplásicos, 7,85% pólipos inflamatórios e 7,85 % de outros tipos histológicos. Foram observados 24 (1,52% adenocarcinomas polipóides e 18 (1,14% adenomas com focos de adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de pólipos nos pacientes estudados foi bastante alta, sendo os adenomas o tipo histológico mais freqüente, com risco de malignização de 1,14% e os adenocarcinomas polipóides 1,52%. Os pacientes portadores de adenomas colorretais devem ser submetidos a exames de controle, devido ao alto índice de ocorrência de novas lesões.INTRODUCTION: The resection of colorectal polyps is an important role in decreasing the incidence of colorectal cancer. The objective of this

  13. Mediação nas redes para o cuidado de pessoa e família que vivencia o câncer colorretal

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    Leandro Felipe Mufato


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue examinar cómo la mediación afecta la experiencia de búsqueda de atención en condiciones de enfermedad crónica causada por cáncer colorrectal. Se utilizó un enfoque comprensivo-integral a través de la Historia de Vida Focal operada por Entrevista en Profundidad. Los sujetos del estudio fueron una persona y su familia que experimentaron esta enfermedad crónica, así como las personas en su rede para el cuidado a la salud, obtenidos por nosotros como mediadores, totalizando seis entrevistados. Los mediadores actuaron facilitando el acceso a los bienes y recursos en salud para la persona enferma. La lógica de estos mediadores se diferencia de la lógica de la salud pública, e influyen mutuamente a través de los lazos de amistad que impregnan los mediadores y los funcionarios públicos. Vemos la mediación como algo positivo en la perspectiva del asegurar una mejor dinámica de las redes de búsqueda de atención.

  14. Chlorite in alteration zone of uranium deposits No.201, No.325 and No.706

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jianguo, He; Jiashu, Rong; Yuxian, Mao; Jianzhong, Li; Changliang, Wang; Mingyue, Feng [Beijing Research Inst. of Uranium Geology, Beijing (China); Minqiang, Zhu; Minghui, Rao [East China Inst. of T echnology, Fuzhou (China)


    According to mineralogical examination and electron microprobe data analysis, post-biotite chlorite and spheluritic chlorite are two forms of chlorites in the alteration zone of granite-type uranium deposits No.325 and No.706. As post-biotite chlorite is substituted for spheluritic chlorite, during the substitution, some Fe are released and Mg replace in, which results in the further hematization in rock. This is probably one of the reasons that red color occurs in sodium metasomatic alteration zone. The chlorites in uranium deposits No.201 and No.325 are brunsvigite and ripidolite. Most of the chlorites in uranium deposit No.706 are pycnochlorite and diabantite, while a few are brunsvigites. A new finding shows that the chlorite variety is determined mainly by {Sigma}FeO and MgO ratio of primary rock and is independent of alteration characteristic (acidic alteration or alkalic alteration). The proportion of Mg hydroxyl and Al hydroxyl in the unit-cell of chlorite may cause spectrum difference of diagnostic absorptive valley position and depth at 2259-2262 nm and 2348-2359 nm. (authors)

  15. Nuevas aportaciones a la búsqueda de genes de predisposición al cáncer de mama hereditario


    Fernández García, Daniel


    [ES] El cáncer de mama es el más frecuente en mujeres y la principal causa de muerte tanto en países desarrollados como en países en desarrollo, representando un 23 % del total de nuevos casos de cáncer (se estima en 1 millón de nuevos casos cada año) y un 14 % del total de muertes en 2008 (Jemal et al. 2011). Aproximadamente un 5-10% de los cánceres de mama tienen una predisposición genética debido a la presencia de mutaciones germinales de genes de susceptibilidad, de forma que el aumen...

  16. No-Oven, No-Autoclave, Composite Processing, Phase II (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Cornerstone Research Group Inc. (CRG) proposes to continue the efforts from the 2010 NASA SBIR Phase I topic X5.03, "No-Oven, No-Autoclave (NONA) Composite...

  17. Production of electronically excited NO via DEA to NO2 (United States)

    Gope, Krishnendu; Tadsare, Vishvesh; Prabhudesai, Vaibhav S.; Krishnakumar, E.


    Dissociative electron attachment (DEA) to NO2 in the 7-11 eV range is studied using velocity slice imaging technique. Two distinct channels are observed in the DEA corresponding to O- + NO(A 2Σ+) and O- + NO(C 2Π and/or D 2Σ+). While NO(A 2Σ+) is found to be formed only in very high vibrational levels, NO(C 2Π and/or D 2Σ+) is found to be formed with vibrational distribution starting from v = 0. From the angular distribution of the O- ions leading to the NO(C 2Π and/or D 2Σ+) channel, we obtain the symmetry of the negative ion resonance to be dominantly B1 with small contribution from B2. Contribution to the Topical Issue: "Low Energy Positron and Electron Interactions", edited by James Sullivan, Ron White, Michael Bromley, Ilya Fabrikant, and David Cassidy.

  18. Colorectal cancer: before and after PET-CT; Cancer colorrectal: antes y despues de PET-TC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    San Roman, Jose [Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Servicio de Diagnostico por Imagenes


    The author makes reference to the fundamental and growing role of images in the detection, localization, staging and control in colorectal cancer therapy. He points out the main reasons why the combined method PET-CT has meant to a great progress in diagnostic imaging and compares its diagnostic capacity and cost-benefit with other methods. Also, he makes a brief review of some technical aspects. [Spanish] El autor senala el rol central y creciente de las imagenes para la deteccion, localizacion, estadificacion y control del tratamiento del CCR. Menciona las razones principales por las que el metodo combinado PET-TC ha significado un progreso mayor para el diagnostico por imagenes y compara su capacidad diagnostica y costo-beneficio con los metodos establecidos. Tambien hace un repaso breve de algunos aspectos tecnicos.


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    Pascual Riesco Chueca


    Full Text Available Se recorre aquí en dos sentidos un camino que conduce de los nombres al paisaje, y del paisaje a los nombres. Estas flotantes nubes verbales -los topónimos- que acompañan, y a veces suplantan, a la realidad, son capaces de transformar con su leve peso las evidencias de lo material. El mecanismo de fijación de los nombres de lugar explica su relevancia como indicadores de paisaje. La densidad toponímica es un dato esencial: si es alta, avisa de una densidad homóloga en los usos y la historia del lugar. Se pasa revista a los topónimos como expresión de cultura y biogeografía, tradición oral y literatura. Se distinguen dos dimensiones en cierto modo antagónicas del nombre de lugar: su carácter hereditario, pero también su posible imposición, por razones simbólicas o de poder. Finalmente, se valoran posibilidades de puesta en valor de la toponimia en la disciplina del paisaje, y se discute el influjo de las nuevas denominaciones y rotulaciones sobre la experiencia del territorio.

  20. Impact of NO2 Profile Shape in OMI Tropospheric NO2 Retrievals (United States)

    Lamsal, Lok; Krotkov, Nickolay A.; Pickering, K.; Schwartz, W. H.; Celarier, E. A.; Bucsela, E. J.; Gleason, J. F.; Philip, S.; Nowlan, C.; Martin, R. V.; hide


    Nitrogen oxides (NOx NO + NO2) are key actors in air quality and climate change. Tropospheric NO2 columns from the nadir-viewing satellite sensors have been widely used to understand sources and chemistry of NOx. We have implemented several improvements to the operational algorithm developed at NASA GSFC and retrieved tropospheric NO2 columns. We present tropospheric NO2 validation studies of the new OMI Standard Product version 2.1 using ground-based and in-situ aircraft measurements. We show how vertical profile of scattering weight and a-priori NO2 profile shapes, which are taken from chemistry-transport models, affect air mass factor (AMF) and therefore tropospheric NO2 retrievals. Users can take advantage of scattering weights information that is made available in the operational NO2 product. Improved tropospheric NO2 data retrieved using thoroughly evaluated high spatial resolution NO2 profiles are helpful to test models.

  1. Professional NoSQL

    CERN Document Server

    Tiwari, Shashank


    A hands-on guide to leveraging NoSQL databases NoSQL databases are an efficient and powerful tool for storing and manipulating vast quantities of data. Most NoSQL databases scale well as data grows. In addition, they are often malleable and flexible enough to accommodate semi-structured and sparse data sets. This comprehensive hands-on guide presents fundamental concepts and practical solutions for getting you ready to use NoSQL databases. Expert author Shashank Tiwari begins with a helpful introduction on the subject of NoSQL, explains its characteristics and typical uses, and looks at where

  2. Scrap of gloveboxes No. 801-W and No. 802-W

    CERN Document Server

    Ohuchi, S; Kurosawa, M; Okane, S; Usui, T


    Both gloveboxes No. 801-W for measuring samples of uranium or plutonium and No. 802-W for analyzing the quantity of uranium or plutonium are established at twenty five years ago in the analyzing room No. 108 of Plutonium Fuel Research Facility. It was planned to scrap the gloveboxes and to establish new gloveboxes. This report describes the technical view of the scrapping works.

  3. Analysis of pumping test data: Sawyer No. 1, Mansfield No. 1, Zeeck No. 1, and J. Friemel No. 1 wells: Topical report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilton, D.E.; Picking, L.W.; Deltufo, A.M.; Fontaine, R.C.


    From June 1981 through August 1984, four deep hydrogeologic test wells were drilled in the Palo Duro Basin of Texas. The wells were part of an area characterization program to evaluate the basin for suitable high-level radioactive waste repository sites. Pumping test data from four wells, Sawyer No. 1, Mansfield No. 1, Zeeck No. 1, J. Friemel No. 1, have been analyzed using numerical simulation and type-curve comparison techniques. The testing procedure consisted of several pumping cycles. Each cycle consisted of a period of constant-rate pumping followed by a period of recovery. A method was developed to include the effects of prior cyclic pumping/recovery history while recovery for each cycle was plotted. From the recovery curves, preliminary values of transmissivity and initial formation pressure were estimated, and aquifer boundary configurations were assessed. This preliminary information was used as initial input to a finite-element model of the test zone, and parameters were refined through trial and error until an acceptable match between modeled and actual curves was obtained. 15 refs., 138 figs., 40 tabs

  4. Folded tubular photometer for atmospheric measurements of NO2 and NO (United States)

    Birks, John W.; Andersen, Peter C.; Williford, Craig J.; Turnipseed, Andrew A.; Strunk, Stanley E.; Ennis, Christine A.; Mattson, Erick


    We describe and characterize a modular folded tubular photometer for making direct measurements of the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and specify how this method could be extended to measure other pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and black carbon particulate matter. Direct absorbance measurements using this photometer can be made across the spectral range from the ultraviolet (UV) to the near infrared. The absorbance cell makes use of modular components (tubular detection cells and mirror cubes) that allow construction of path lengths of up to 2 m or more while maintaining low cell volumes. The long path lengths and low cell volumes enable sensitive detection of ambient air pollutants down to low part-per-billion levels for gas species and aerosol extinctions down to 1 Mm-1, corresponding to ˜ 0.1 µg m-3 for black carbon particulates. Pressure equalization throughout the stages of the absorbance measurement is shown to be critical to accurate measurements of analyte concentrations. The present paper describes the application of this photometer to direct measurements of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and the incorporation of design features that also enable measurement of nitric oxide (NO) in the same instrument. Excellent agreement for ambient measurements along an urban roadside was found for both NO2 and NO measured by the folded tubular photometer compared to existing standard techniques. Compared to commonly used methods for measurements of NOx species, the advantages of this approach include (1) an absolute quantification for NO2 based on the Beer-Lambert law, thereby greatly reducing the frequency at which calibrations are required; (2) the direct measurement of NO2 concentration without prior conversion to NO as is required for the commonly used chemiluminescence method; (3) the use of modular components that allow construction of absorbance detection cells of varying lengths for extending the dynamic range of concentrations that can

  5. Enfermedad de Huntington: modelos experimentales y perspectivas terapéuticas

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    Teresa Serrano Sánchez


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Huntington (EH es un trastorno degenerativo de origen hereditario. Hasta el momento no existe un tratamiento efectivo para la enfermedad que inexorablemente después de transcurridos 15 a 20 años, evoluciona hacia la incapacidad total o la muerte. En este trabajo se revisan las características clínicas y morfológicas de la EH y los modelos experimentales más utilizados para su estudio tomando como fuente, los artículos indexados en la base de datos Medline publicados en los últimos 20 años. Se valoran las ventajas y desventajas de estos modelos y su perspectiva para el desarrollo de ensayos clínicos. El consenso de lo reportado plantea que de los modelos tóxicos, los inducidos por neurotoxinas tales como el ácido quinolínico parecen ser los más adecuados para reproducir las características neuropatológicas, y por otro lado los modelos genéticos contribuyen con más evidencias al conocimiento del origen etiológico de la enfermedad. Numerosos tratamientos han sido aplicados en el manejo de las manifestaciones clínicas que aparecen en la EH, sin poder detener o disminuir las afectaciones que derivan de la pérdida neuronal. La sintomatología clínica ha sido posible reproducirla, al menos en parte, en animales de experimentación lo que ha permitido realizar ensayos terapéuticos. Desde el punto de vista de tratamiento, lo que más promisorio parece ser, es el trasplante de fuentes celulares y dentro de ellas las no neurales, que implican menor censura ética y mayor factibilidad de obtención para la aplicación en los enfermos. Por otro lado el desarrollo de la tecnología del ARN interferente, emerge como una herramienta terapéutica potencial para el tratamiento de la EH, así como para responder interrogantes básicas relacionadas con el desarrollo de la enfermedad.

  6. Catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 on activated carbon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhancheng Guo; Yusheng Xie


    Catalytic oxidation of NO to NO 2 over activated carbons PAN-ACF, pitch-ACF and coconut-AC at room temperature (30 o C) were studied to develop a method based on oxidative removal of NO from flue gases. For a dry gas, under the conditions of a gas space flow rate 1500 h -1 in the presence of oxygen of 2-20% in volume concentration, the activated coconut carbon with a surface area 1200 m 2 /g converted about 81-94% of NO with increasing oxygen concentration, the pitch based activated carbon fiber with a surface area 1000 m 2 /g about 44-75%, and the polyacrylonitrile-based activated carbon fiber with a surface area 1810 m 2 /g about 25-68%. The order of activity of the activated carbons was PAN-ACF c P NO P O2 β (F/W), where β is 0.042, 0.16, 0.31 for the coconut-AC, the pitch-ACF and the PAN-ACF respectively, and k c is 0.94 at 30 o C. (author)

  7. Folded tubular photometer for atmospheric measurements of NO2 and NO

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    J. W. Birks


    Full Text Available We describe and characterize a modular folded tubular photometer for making direct measurements of the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2 and specify how this method could be extended to measure other pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2, ozone (O3, and black carbon particulate matter. Direct absorbance measurements using this photometer can be made across the spectral range from the ultraviolet (UV to the near infrared. The absorbance cell makes use of modular components (tubular detection cells and mirror cubes that allow construction of path lengths of up to 2 m or more while maintaining low cell volumes. The long path lengths and low cell volumes enable sensitive detection of ambient air pollutants down to low part-per-billion levels for gas species and aerosol extinctions down to 1 Mm−1, corresponding to  ∼  0.1 µg m−3 for black carbon particulates. Pressure equalization throughout the stages of the absorbance measurement is shown to be critical to accurate measurements of analyte concentrations. The present paper describes the application of this photometer to direct measurements of nitrogen dioxide (NO2 and the incorporation of design features that also enable measurement of nitric oxide (NO in the same instrument. Excellent agreement for ambient measurements along an urban roadside was found for both NO2 and NO measured by the folded tubular photometer compared to existing standard techniques. Compared to commonly used methods for measurements of NOx species, the advantages of this approach include (1 an absolute quantification for NO2 based on the Beer–Lambert law, thereby greatly reducing the frequency at which calibrations are required; (2 the direct measurement of NO2 concentration without prior conversion to NO as is required for the commonly used chemiluminescence method; (3 the use of modular components that allow construction of absorbance detection cells of varying lengths for extending the

  8. Síndrome frágil X Fragile X syndrome

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    Miguel Lugones Botell


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión del síndrome frágil X como primera causa de retraso mental hereditario, el cual aparece tanto en hombres como mujeres, aunque afecta más severamente a varones. Se insiste en que a pesar de ser uno de los trastornos hereditarios más frecuentes, resulta desconocido para la población en general y la mayoría de los profesionales relacionados con la salud y la educación, los que poseen datos parciales e incompletos acerca del síndrome. La anomalía es debida a una mutación genética del ADN que afecta tanto a las células sexuales (óvulos y espermatozoides como a los otros tipos de células de nuestro organismo. Este trastorno ocasiona una clase de mutación poco habitual: una secuencia reiterada de tres letras del código del ADN, llamada repetición de triplete. La mayor parte de los síntomas de este síndrome vienen determinados por la afectación de las neuronas. Se analizaron también los aspectos relacionados con la mutación, el fenotipo, así como el diagnóstico, en el que se destacan las características más frecuentes, y el tratamiento, con énfasis en el asesoramiento genético al resto de los miembros de la familia afectada y en la prevención secundaria, la que se logra mediante la interrupción del embarazo.A review of fragile X syndrome as the first cause of hereditary mental retardation was made. It affects men and women, but men are more severely affected. It is stressed that in spite of being one of the most common hereditary disorders, it is not known by the population in general and most of the professionals related to health and education have partial or incomplete data of the syndrome. This abnormality is due to a genetic mutation of the DNA affecting the sexual cells (ova and spermatozoa and other types of cells of our organism. It causes a rare mutation: a reiterated sequence of 3 letters of the DNA code, called triplet repetition . The greatest number of the symptoms of this syndrome are

  9. Single- and double-photoionization cross-sections of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ionic fragmentation of NO2+ and NO22+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masuoka, Toshio; Kobayashi, Ataru


    Single- and double-photoionization processes of nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) have been studied in the photon energy region of 37-125 eV by use of time-of-flight mass spectrometry and the photoion-photoion coincidence method together with synchrotron radiation. The single- and double-photoionization cross-sections of NO 2 are determined. Ion branching ratios and the partial cross-sections for the individual ions, respectively, produced from the parent NO 2 + and NO 2 2+ ions are also determined separately at excitation energies where the molecular and dissociative single- and double-photoionization processes occur simultaneously. It was found that dissociation of the parent ions is dominant both in single and double photoionization. The thresholds for the O + + NO + and N + + O + dissociation channels of NO 2 2+ are at 35.0 ± 0.3 and 43.6 ± 0.3 eV, respectively. Kinetic energy releases in these two dissociation channels of NO 2 2+ have also been elucidated

  10. Validation of NO2 and NO from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE

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    M. Schneider


    Full Text Available Vertical profiles of NO2 and NO have been obtained from solar occultation measurements by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE, using an infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS and (for NO2 an ultraviolet-visible-near-infrared spectrometer, MAESTRO (Measurement of Aerosol Extinction in the Stratosphere and Troposphere Retrieved by Occultation. In this paper, the quality of the ACE-FTS version 2.2 NO2 and NO and the MAESTRO version 1.2 NO2 data are assessed using other solar occultation measurements (HALOE, SAGE II, SAGE III, POAM III, SCIAMACHY, stellar occultation measurements (GOMOS, limb measurements (MIPAS, OSIRIS, nadir measurements (SCIAMACHY, balloon-borne measurements (SPIRALE, SAOZ and ground-based measurements (UV-VIS, FTIR. Time differences between the comparison measurements were reduced using either a tight coincidence criterion, or where possible, chemical box models. ACE-FTS NO2 and NO and the MAESTRO NO2 are generally consistent with the correlative data. The ACE-FTS and MAESTRO NO2 volume mixing ratio (VMR profiles agree with the profiles from other satellite data sets to within about 20% between 25 and 40 km, with the exception of MIPAS ESA (for ACE-FTS and SAGE II (for ACE-FTS (sunrise and MAESTRO and suggest a negative bias between 23 and 40 km of about 10%. MAESTRO reports larger VMR values than the ACE-FTS. In comparisons with HALOE, ACE-FTS NO VMRs typically (on average agree to ±8% from 22 to 64 km and to +10% from 93 to 105 km, with maxima of 21% and 36%, respectively. Partial column comparisons for NO2 show that there is quite good agreement between the ACE instruments and the FTIRs, with a mean difference of +7.3% for ACE-FTS and +12.8% for MAESTRO.

  11. Differential effects of liver steatosis on pharmacokinetic profile of two closely related hepatoselective NO-donors; V-PYRRO/NO and V-PROLI/NO. (United States)

    Kus, Kamil; Kus, Edyta; Zakrzewska, Agnieszka; Jawien, Wojciech; Sitek, Barbara; Walczak, Maria; Chlopicki, Stefan


    To analyze the effect of liver steatosis and obesity on pharmacokinetic profile of two structurally-related liver-selective NO-donors - V-PYRRO/NO and V-PROLI/NO. C57BL/6 mice were fed control or high-fat diet for 15 weeks to induced liver steatosis and obesity (HFD mice). Pharmacokinetics and renal elimination studies were conducted in vivo following iv dosing of V-PYRRO/NO and V-PROLI/NO (0.03mmol/kg). Hepatic clearance was evaluated ex vivo in the isolated perfused mice liver and in vitro with the use of liver microsomes. V-PYRRO/NO and V-PROLI/NO, despite similar structure, displayed different pharmacokinetic properties. V-PYRRO/NO was uptaken and metabolized by the liver, while V-PROLI/NO was eliminated unchanged with urine. In HFD mice, despite increased CYP450 metabolism of V-PYRRO/NO the elimination rate was slower most likely due to the impairment of hepatic microcirculation caused by liver fat accumulation. In turn, in HFD mice renal clearence of V-PROLI/NO was accelerated and volume of distribution was increased most likely due to additional intracellular water in HFD mice. The pharmacokinetics of V-PROLI/NO, the novel proline-based analog of V-PYRRO/NO with additional single carboxylic acid moiety, attached to the molecule of V-PYRRO/NO to improve the water solubility, was differently affected by liver steatosis and obesity as compared with the parent compound V-PYRRO/NO. Copyright © 2017 Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.

  12. NoSQL for dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Fowler, Adam


    Get up to speed on the nuances of NoSQL databases and what they mean for your organization This easy to read guide to NoSQL databases provides the type of no-nonsense overview and analysis that you need to learn, including what NoSQL is and which database is right for you. Featuring specific evaluation criteria for NoSQL databases, along with a look into the pros and cons of the most popular options, NoSQL For Dummies provides the fastest and easiest way to dive into the details of this incredible technology. You'll gain an understanding of how to use NoSQL databases for mission-critical enter

  13. Importancia de la fibra dietética para la nutrición humana Importance of dietary fibre for human nutrition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Luis Cabrera Llano


    Full Text Available La inclusión de la fibra dietética en la dieta diaria de los seres humanos parece desempeñar una importante función para la prevención y el tratamiento de algunas enfermedades crónicas. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo brindar una actualización sobre los avances recientes publicados acerca de la utilidad de la fibra dietética en la salud y contra las enfermedades. Entre los beneficios que aporta un ingreso adecuado de fibra dietética, se encuentran la disminución de la presión arterial, la reducción del riesgo de cáncer colorrectal, el efecto hipocolesterolemizante, menor riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular y un mejor control de la diabetes mellitus II. Aunque se postulan diferentes mecanismos por los cuales reporta los beneficios, aún no hay resultados concluyentes, pero sí está establecido que el aumento en el ingreso dietético de cereales, leguminosas, frutas y vegetales, favorece la preservación de la salud y el control de algunas enfermedades crónicas.The inclusion of dietary fiber in the daily diet of the human beings seems to play an important role for the prevention and treatment of some chronic diseases. The purpose of this review is to offer an updating on the publication of the latest advances related to the usefulness of the dietary fiber for health and against the diseases. The decrease of arterial hypertension, the reduction of the risk for colorectal cancer, the colesterol lowering effect, the lower risk for cardiovascular disease, and the better control of type 2 diabetes mellitus, are among the benefits of an adequate intake of dietary fiber. Although there have been proposed different mechanisms through which the benefits are reported, there are no conclusive results yet, but it is established that the increase of cereals, legumes, fruit and vegetables in the diet favors the preservation of health and the control of some chronic diseases.


    The United States Environmental Protection Agency has contracted with AeroVironment Environmental Services, Inc. and its subcontractor, Adhesives Coating Co., to develop and demonstrate a no-VOC (volatile organic compound)/no-HAP (hazardous air pollutant) wood furniture coating s...

  15. Assédio moral no trabalho no setor saúde no Rio de Janeiro: algumas características

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    Ana Carolina Hungria Xavier

    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva analisar a magnitude e algumas características do fenômeno do assédio moral no trabalho no setor saúde do Rio de Janeiro. Foram analisados dados de pesquisa desenvolvida em 2001 como parte do programa "Violência no Trabalho no Setor Saúde", resultantes de um inquérito anônimo. Para constituir o banco para análise, foram selecionados todos os casos (1.569 e as variáveis relacionadas ao assédio moral. O grupo profissional que teve maior proporção de vítimas de assédio moral foi o de auxiliar de enfermagem (22,7%. Colegas, supervisores ou administradores compuseram o mais importante grupo de agressores (48,7%. A reação psicológica mais prevalente foi "permanecer supervigilante". Embora 38,5% das vítimas tenham relatado a violência a superiores, 20% relataram ter sido tomada alguma providência. Os autores concluem que mais pesquisas e medidas de vigilância devem ser realizadas no Brasil para assegurar a visibilidade desse tipo de violência. Além disso, ressaltam a necessidade de implementar medidas institucionais de controle da violência no trabalho e de estimular estudos que enfatizem o manejo institucional desse tipo de violência.

  16. Mercado de água (envasada) no Brasil e no mundo


    Gorini, Ana Paula Fontenelle


    Este artigo traça o panorama do setor de água engarrafada no Brasil e no mundo, que representa a quinta maior categoria de bebidas (em volume) no país, vindo atrás de refrigerantes, leite, cerveja e café solúvel e à frente de sucos e vinhos. Ao longo da década de 90, o segmento vem apresentando as maiores taxas de crescimento entre todas as categorias mencionadas. Comparado com países como Itália, França, Estados Unidos, entre outros, o Brasil apresenta ainda um baixo consumo per capita e exc...

  17. DOC:NO3- ratios and NO3- uptake in forested headwater streams (United States)

    Rodríguez-Cardona, Bianca; Wymore, Adam S.; McDowell, William H.


    The underlying mechanisms driving the coupled interactions between inorganic nitrogen uptake and dissolved organic matter are not well understood, particularly in surface waters. To determine the relationship between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) quantity and nitrate (NO3-) uptake kinetics in streams, we performed a series of NO3- Tracer Additions for Spiraling Curve Characterization experiments in four streams within the Lamprey River Watershed, New Hampshire, across a range in background DOC concentrations (1-8 mg C/L). Experiments were performed throughout the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. Across streams and experimental dates, ambient uptake velocity (Vf) correlated positively with increasing DOC concentrations and DOC:NO3- ratios but was only weakly negatively associated with NO3- concentrations. Ambient NO3- Vf was unrelated to pH, light, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and Specific Ultraviolet Absorbance at 254 nm. Although there were general tendencies across the entire Lamprey River Watershed, individual sites behaved differently in their uptake kinetics. NO3- uptake dynamics in the Lamprey River Watershed are most strongly influenced by DOC concentrations rather than NO3- concentrations or physicochemical parameters, which have been identified as regional- to continental-scale drivers in previous research. Understanding the fundamental relationships between dissolved organic matter and inorganic nutrients will be important as global and climatic changes influence the delivery and production of DOC and NO3- in aquatic ecosystems.

  18. NoSQL databases


    Mrozek, Jakub


    This thesis deals with database systems referred to as NoSQL databases. In the second chapter, I explain basic terms and the theory of database systems. A short explanation is dedicated to database systems based on the relational data model and the SQL standardized query language. Chapter Three explains the concept and history of the NoSQL databases, and also presents database models, major features and the use of NoSQL databases in comparison with traditional database systems. In the fourth ...

  19. No-Oven, No-Autoclave Composite Processing (United States)

    Rauscher, Michael D.


    Very large composite structures, such as those used in NASA's Space Launch System, push the boundaries imposed by current autoclaves. New technology is needed to maintain composite performance and free manufacturing engineers from the restraints of curing equipment size limitations. Recent efforts on a Phase II project by Cornerstone Research Group, Inc. (CRG), have advanced the technology and manufacturing readiness levels of a unique two-part epoxy resin system. Designed for room-temperature infusion of a dry carbon preform, the system includes a no-heat-added cure that delivers 350 F composite performance in a matter of hours. This no-oven, no-autoclave (NONA) composite processing eliminates part-size constraints imposed by infrastructure and lowers costs by increasing throughput and reducing capital-specific, process-flow bottlenecks. As a result of the Phase II activity, NONA materials and processes were used to make high-temperature composite tooling suitable for further production of carbon-epoxy laminates and honeycomb/ sandwich-structure composites with an aluminum core. The technology platform involves tooling design, resin infusion processing, composite part design, and resin chemistry. The various technology elements are combined to achieve a fully cured part. The individual elements are not unusual, but they are combined in such a way that enables proper management of the heat generated by the epoxy resin during cure. The result is a self-cured carbon/ epoxy composite part that is mechanically and chemically stable at temperatures up to 350 F. As a result of the successful SBIR effort, CRG has launched NONA Composites as a spinoff subsidiary. The company sells resin to end users, fabricates finished goods for customers, and sells composite tooling made with NONA materials and processes to composite manufacturers.

  20. The importance of early diagnosis of large lipomas in the maxillofacial region

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    Matheus Furtado de Carvalho


    Full Text Available El lipoma es un tumor benigno compuesto por la proliferación de células adiposas maduras entremezcladas con el tejido conectivo fibroso, los vasos sanguíneos y/o músculos, delimitado por una fina cápsula. Aunque representa un neoplasma del mesénquima muy común del cuerpo humano, tiene raras ocurrencias en la cavidad bucal. Presenta variables clínicas e histopatológicas que no alteran su pronóstico. La patogénesis sigue siendo incierta aunque algunos autores consideran que los trastornos hereditarios y endocrinos son causas posibles. Ocurre con una mayor prevalencia en las personas obesas, aunque su metabolismo es totalmente independiente del metabolismo normal de los lípidos corporales. El diagnóstico clínico del lipoma bucal está relacionado con una masa nodular, blanda, asintomática, de superficie plana, sin ulceración y de crecimiento limitado. El continuo crecimiento de la lesión pudiera crear dificultad al masticar, al hablar, en la adaptación dental y cambio en la estética facial del paciente requiriendo la escisión de la lesión. Presentar una revisión de la literatura y de los casos clínicos de un estudio retrospectivo de 61 casos de lipomas diagnosticados en el servicio de patología entre 1978 y 2009 entre los 10 573 informes hechos durante ese mismo período. Se enfatizan los casos especiales de lipomas grandes de la región maxilofacial y la importancia del diagnóstico temprano de estas lesiones. Un cirujano dental debe ser capaz de diagnosticar los lipomas en una etapa temprana en el área maxilofacial para evitar un crecimiento masivo de estas lesiones.

  1. Epidemiología genética de la artritis reumatoide: ¿qué esperar de América Latina?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angélica María Delgado-Vega


    Full Text Available La artritis reumatoide es una enfermedad sistémica autoinmune, crónica, que afecta principalmente las articulaciones que tienen movimiento. La enfermedad es mucho más frecuente en mujeres y su prevalencia en la población latinoamericana es cercana al 0,5%. La existencia de agregación familiar (ls= 2-17 indica su carácter hereditario. Sin embargo, la herencia de la artritis reumatoide es poligénica y no sigue un patrón mendeliano. La importancia de encontrar factores genéticos asociados con la artritis reumatoide radica en la contribución a la comprensión de los mecanismos patogénicos de la enfermedad, su posible aplicación clínica como marcadores de riesgo, diagnóstico, pronóstico, e incluso, blanco terapéutico. Mapeos genéticos llevados a cabo en diversas poblaciones en busca de loci y genes candidatos han identificado la región HLA como aquella con mayor evidencia de ligamento. Sin embargo, su fracción etiológica corresponde sólo a un tercio de la susceptibilidad genética de la enfermedad. Esto indica que genes diferentes al HLA también están implicados en la susceptibilidad a desarrollar artritis reumatoide. En Latinoamérica, los alelos HLA-RB1*0404 y TNF -308A han sido asociados de manera uniforme con la artritis reumatoide. En el presente artículo se revisan los factores genéticos de la artritis reumatoide en el marco de una aproximación lógica y ordenada establecida por la epidemiología genética, y se ofrecen algunas recomendaciones para futuros estudios en poblaciones latinoamericanas.

  2. Haplotipos de la hemoglobina S: importancia epidemiológica, antropológica y clínica

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    Walter E. Rodríguez Romero


    Full Text Available La relación entre la drepanocitosis y los diferentes haplotipos del gen que codifica la subunidad betas de la globina ha permitido llegar a entender mejor las manifestaciones clínicas de aquella enfermedad. El uso de mejores técnicas de laboratorio permite descartar la presencia de otros factores hereditarios capaces de ocultar el verdadero genotipo hemoglobínico. La heterogeneidad clínica de la drepanocitosis, afección caracterizada por la presencia de una hemoglobina anormal denominada HbS, depende de las concentraciones de hemoglobina fetal (HbF, la razón de cadenas Ggamma a cadenas Agamma en la molécula de globina, las concentraciones de 2,3-difosfoglicerato, la presencia de mutaciones ligadas, los haplotipos del gen betas, la presencia simultánea de alfa-talasemia, y factores ambientales. En particular, los polimorfismos Senegal y árabe-saudí o indio del conglomerado de genes que codifican la subunidad betas se asocian con una evolución clínica menos grave, mientras que los haplotipos de la República Centroafricana (CAR o Bantú, Camerún y Benín se asocian con drepanocitosis grave. De todos, el haplotipo CAR es el de peor pronóstico (concentraciones de HbF de menos de 12% y razón de Ggamma:Agamma propia de la edad adulta. Estos polimorfismos del ácido desoxirribonucleico, una vez caracterizados, adquieren enorme importancia como marcadores antropológicos y genéticos. En las Américas, los haplotipos betas permiten entender mejor las raíces ancestrales africanas de las poblaciones de raza negra. Se ha comprobado la presencia de variedad genética no solo entre las diferentes poblaciones negras de las Américas, sino también dentro de un mismo país, como se observa en Costa Rica.

  3. Tendências no ensino da epidemiologia no Brasil


    Barata Rita Barradas


    O ensino da epidemiologia teve início no Brasil na década de 20 e sempre foi voltado para a saúde pública. Na década de 70, o ensino de epidemiologia passou por um crescimento em nível de pós-graduação. Os anos 80 foram marcados pela "epidemiologia social", que incorporava as ciências sociais e seus métodos; a segunda metade da década foi marcada pelo desenvolvimento das técnicas da bioestatística. No momento atual, a definição de diretrizes para o ensino da epidemiologia depende da reflexão ...

  4. Ultra-violet absorption cross sections of isotopically substituted nitrous oxide species: 14N14NO, 15N14NO, 14N15NO and 15N15NO

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    P. von Hessberg


    Full Text Available The isotopically substituted nitrous oxide species 14N14NO, 15N14NO, 14N15NO and 15N15NO were investigated by ultra-violet (UV absorption spectroscopy. High precision cross sections were obtained for the wavelength range 181 to 218nm at temperatures of 233 and 283K. These data are used to calculate photolytic isotopic fractionation constants as a function of wavelength. The fractionation constants were used in a three-dimensional chemical transport model in order to simulate the actual fractionation of N2O in the stratosphere, and the results were found to be in good agreement with field studies.

  5. Exogenous nitric oxide (NO) generated by NO-plasma treatment modulates osteoprogenitor cells early differentiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elsaadany, Mostafa; Subramanian, Gayathri; Ayan, Halim; Yildirim-Ayan, Eda


    In this study, we investigated whether nitric oxide (NO) generated using a non-thermal plasma system can mediate osteoblastic differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells without creating toxicity. Our objective was to create an NO delivery mechanism using NO-dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma that can generate and transport NO with controlled concentration to the area of interest to regulate osteoprogenitor cell activity. We built a non-thermal atmospheric pressure DBD plasma nozzle system based on our previously published design and similar designs in the literature. The electrical and spectral analyses demonstrated that N 2 dissociated into NO under typical DBD voltage–current characteristics. We treated osteoprogenitor cells (MC3T3-E1) using NO-plasma treatment system. Our results demonstrated that we could control NO concentration within cell culture media and could introduce NO into the intracellular space using NO-plasma treatment with various treatment times. We confirmed that NO-plasma treatment maintained cell viability and did not create any toxicity even with prolonged treatment durations. Finally, we demonstrated that NO-plasma treatment induced early osteogenic differentiation in the absence of pro-osteogenic growth factors/proteins. These findings suggest that through the NO-plasma treatment system we are able to generate and transport tissue-specific amounts of NO to an area of interest to mediate osteoprogenitor cell activity without subsequent toxicity. This opens up the possibility to develop DBD plasma-assisted tissue-specific NO delivery strategies for therapeutic intervention in the prevention and treatment of bone diseases. (paper)

  6. A NO way to BOLD?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aamand, Rasmus; Dalsgaard, Thomas; Ho, Yi Ching Lynn


    Neurovascular coupling links neuronal activity to vasodilation. Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent vasodilator, and in neurovascular coupling NO production from NO synthases plays an important role. However, another pathway for NO production also exists, namely the nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway. On this ......Neurovascular coupling links neuronal activity to vasodilation. Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent vasodilator, and in neurovascular coupling NO production from NO synthases plays an important role. However, another pathway for NO production also exists, namely the nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway...... to stimuli. A faster and smaller BOLD response, with less variation across local cortex, is consistent with an enhanced hemodynamic coupling during elevated nitrate intake. These findings suggest that dietary patterns, via the nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway, may be a potential way to affect key properties....... On this basis, we hypothesized that dietary nitrate (NO3-) could influence the brain's hemodynamic response to neuronal stimulation. In the present study, 20 healthy male participants were given either sodium nitrate (NaNO3) or sodium chloride (NaCl) (saline placebo) in a crossover study and were shown visual...

  7. noMemory


    Fuglestad, Bjørn Nødland; Hillestad, Bendik Kiste; Stenshagen, Per-Arne Waaler


    noMemory is a project to create a strategy game in Unreal Engine 4. In this game, you control one or more heroes and units, and battle against another human player locally, or against an Artificial Intelligence. This thesis will go through this game from its inception as an idea, through its implementation, and conclude with our thoughts on the result and the journey there. noMemory er et prosjekt for å lage et strategi spill i Unreal Engine 4. I dette spillet kontrollerer du én eller fler...

  8. New proposal to measure NO2 formation rate from NO emissions in the atmosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frins, Erna; Osorio, MatIas; Casaballe, Nicolas; Wagner, Thomas; Platt, Ulrich


    As result from combustion processes, SO 2 , NO, NO 2 and other substances are emitted in the atmosphere. We present a new method to measure the formation rate of a trace gas (e.g., NO 2 ), whose precursor (NO) was emitted in the atmosphere by a source like a stack. In the case under study, the presence of ozone determines the formation of NO 2 . We will demonstrate that measuring the slant column densities across the emitted plume and knowing the flux of another trace gas (e.g. SO 2 ), also emitted by the source but that could be considered stable under the conditions of the observation, it is possible to monitor remotely (from an arbitrary location) the formation rate of NO 2 due to conversion of NO to NO 2 .


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    Omid Hashemifard


    Full Text Available Definition No reflow is a phenomenon in which myocardial ischemia and reduced antegrade flow occur despite the absence of proximal stenosis, spasm, dissection, or embolic cut off of major distal branches.1 In another word no reflow phenomenon means failure of restoration of myocardial flow despite removal of epicardial coronary obstruction.2 The incidence is 2% with plain balloon angioplasty (PTCA, 7% in patients undergoing rotational atherectomy, 12% for primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI, and much higher at 42% for PCI of degenerated Saphenous Vein Graft (SVG.3 No reflow is a strong predictor of mortality after PCI. The mortality of patients who developed no reflow has been estimated to be 8% Predictors of no reflow include a higher plaque burden, thrombus, lipid pools by intra vascular ultra sonography (IVUS, higher lesion elastic membrane cross sectional area, preinfarction angina and thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI flow grade 0 on the initial coronary angiogram. Mechanism The cause is mainly embolization of atheromatous material (gruel. Particles are composed of cholesterol clefts, lipid rich macrophages, fragments of fibrous cap, necrotic lesion core and fibrin. This is aggravated by microembolization of platelet-rich thrombi that release vasoactive agents (e.g., serotonin and thromboxane A2, leading to intense arteriolar vasopasm in the distal vasculature. In the animal laboratory, experimental no reflow has been shown to be due to the plugging of capillaries by red blood cells and neutrophils, myocyte contracture and local intracellular and interstitial edema.4,5      A loss of capillary autoregulation and severe microvascular dysfunction are the ultimate physiologic consequences of these microscopic anatomic alterations. Debris of varying sizes of particulate has variable effects on microcirculatory plugging. The effect of particle size on microvascular dysfunction has been mostly investigated during

  10. A influência do Brand Love e do Brand Gender no Brand Engagement no Facebook e seus efeitos no Brand Equity


    Santos, Barbara Coutinho Pires dos


    Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar as relações existentes entre as motivações, o Brand Love e o Brand Gender no Brand Engagement dos consumidores com as marcas no Facebook e avaliar seus efeitos no Brand Equity. Desenvolveu-se um modelo de estudo no intuito de compreender essas relações, realizou-se um questionário online que obteve 223 respostas válidas. Realizaram-se análises descritivas, factoriais e teste de hipóteses com recurso ao SPSS. Os resultados indicam que...

  11. Epidermólisis bulosa en el niño y anestesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joaquín L. de la Lastra Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La epidermólisis bulosa comprende un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades ampollosas de la piel y mucosas de origen congénito y hereditario. El tratamiento es insatisfactorio en gran parte, por lo cual son necesarias ciertas medidas para proteger al paciente y evitar la aparición de dichas lesiones y sus complicaciones. Se describe el manejo anestesiológico en un niño de 3 años de edad, al que se le administró anestesia general intravenosa con clorhidrato de ketamina y diazepán, y se describen todos los cuidados y recomendaciones que hay que tener para evitar especialmente los roces, las presiones y las temperaturas altas.Epidermolysis bullosa is a heterogenous group of ampullary diseases of the skin and mucosas of congenital and hereditary origin. The treatment is largely unsatisfactory, and that´s why it is necessary to take some measures to protect the patient and to prevent the appareance of such lesions and their complications. It is described the anesthetic management of a 3-year-old child that was administered intravenous general anesthesia with ketamine hydrochlorate and diazepam. The care and recommendations that should be taken into account to avoid touches, pressures and high temperatures, are described.

  12. La eugenesia en España, entre la ciencia y la doctrina sociopolítica

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    Juárez González, Francisca


    Full Text Available Some Spanish profesionals, almost totalitarian, developed, along the twenties and thirties of the XXth century, a series of eugenical ideas of great political background and socially conservative. They defended ideas like heredability of madness and criminality and their linking with pauperism, and they considered that the revolutionary ideas of the working class and is behaviour were psicotic and hereditary. Everything developed as an ideological weapon for the political repression after the Civil War, as it happened to the research of Dr. Vallejo Nágera with political prisioners.

    Algunos pensadores españoles cercanos al totalitarismo desarrollaron, a lo largo de los años veinte y treinta, una serie de ideas eugénicas de gran transfondo política y socialmente conservador. Desde estos sectores se defienden ideas como la heredabilidad de la locura y la criminalidad y su vinculación con las clases sociales más desfavorecidas, y se considera que las ideas revolucionarias son un comportamiento psicótico y hereditario. Todo ello será un arma ideológica para la represión política después de la Guerra Civil, como sucedió con las «investigaciones» desarrolladas por el Dr. Vallejo Nágera con prisioneros políticos.

  13. Kinetics of the Reactions of IO Radicals with NO and NO2 (United States)

    Daykin, E. P.; Wine, P. H.


    A laser flash photolysis-long path absorption technique has been employed to study the kinetics of the reactions of IO radicals with NO and NO2 as a function of temperature and pressure. The IO and NO rate coefficient is independent of pressure over the range 40-200 Torr of N2, and its temperature dependence over the range 242-359 K is adequately described by the Arrhenius expression k(sub 1) = (6.9 +/- 1.7) x 10(exp -12) exp[(328 +/- 71)/T] cu cm/(molecule.s) (errors are 2 sigma, precision only). These Arrhenius parameters are similar to those determined previously for the ClO + NO and BrO + NO reactions. The IO and NO2 association reaction is found to be in the falloff regime over the temperature and pressure ranges investigated (254-354 K and 40-750 Torr of N2). Assuming F(sub c) = 0.4 independent of temperature, a physically reasonable set of falloff parameters which adequately describe the data are k(sub 0) = 7.7 x 10(exp -31)(T/300)(exp -5.0) cm(exp 6)/(molecule(exp 2).s) and k(sub infinity) = 1.55 x 10(exp -11)cu cm/(molecule.s) independent of temperature. The IO + NO2 rate coefficients determined in this study are about a factor of 2 faster than those reported in the only previous study of this reaction.

  14. Synthesis and crystal structures of nitratocobaltates Na2[Co(NO3)4], K2[Co(NO3)4], and Ag[Co(NO3)3] and potassium nitratonickelate K2[Ni(NO3)4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morozov, I. V.; Fedorova, A. A.; Albov, D. V.; Kuznetsova, N. R.; Romanov, I. A.; Rybakov, V. B.; Troyanov, S. I.


    The cobalt(II) and nickel(II) nitrate complexes with an island structure (Na 2 [Co(NO 3 ) 4 ] (I) and K 2 [Co(NO 3 ) 4 ] (II)] and a chain structure [Ag[Co(NO 3 ) 3 ] (III) and K 2 [Ni(NO 3 ) 4 ] (IV)] are synthesized and investigated using X-ray diffraction. In the anionic complex [Co(NO 3 ) 4 ] 2− of the crystal structure of compound I, the Co coordination polyhedron is a twisted tetragonal prism formed by the O atoms of four asymmetric bidentate nitrate groups. In the anion [Co(NO 3 ) 4 ] 2− of the crystal structure of compound II, one of the four NO 3 groups is monodentate and the other NO 3 groups are bidentate (the coordination number of the cobalt atom is equal to seven, and the cobalt coordination polyhedron is a monocapped trigonal prism). The crystal structures of compounds III and IV contain infinite chains of the compositions [Co(NO 3 ) 2 (NO 3 ) 2/2 ] − and [Ni(NO 3 ) 3 (NO 3 ) 2/2 ] 2− , respectively. In the crystal structure of compound III, seven oxygen atoms of one monodentate and three bidentate nitrate groups form a dodecahedron with an unoccupied vertex of the A type around the Co atom. In the crystal structure of compound IV, the octahedral polyhedron of the Ni atom is formed by five nitrate groups, one of which is terminal bidentate. The data on the structure of Co(II) coordination polyhedra in the known nitratocobaltates are generalized.

  15. Synthesis and crystal structures of nitratocobaltates Na2[Co(NO3)4], K2[Co(NO3)4], and Ag[Co(NO3)3] and potassium nitratonickelate K2[Ni(NO3)4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morozov, I. V.; Fedorova, A. A.; Albov, D. V.; Kuznetsova, N. R.; Romanov, I. A.; Rybakov, V. B.; Troyanov, S. I.


    The cobalt(II) and nickel(II) nitrate complexes with an island structure (Na 2 [Co(NO 3 ) 4 ] (I) and K 2 [Co(NO 3 ) 4 ] (II)] and a chain structure [Ag[Co(NO 3 ) 3 ] (III) and K 2 [Ni(NO 3 ) 4 ] (IV)] are synthesized and investigated using X-ray diffraction. In the anionic complex [Co(NO 3 ) 4 ] 2- of the crystal structure of compound I, the Co coordination polyhedron is a twisted tetragonal prism formed by the O atoms of four asymmetric bidentate nitrate groups. In the anion [Co(NO 3 ) 4 ] 2- of the crystal structure of compound II, one of the four NO 3 groups is monodentate and the other NO 3 groups are bidentate (the coordination number of the cobalt atom is equal to seven, and the cobalt coordination polyhedron is a monocapped trigonal prism). The crystal structures of compounds III and IV contain infinite chains of the compositions [Co(NO 3 ) 2 (NO 3 ) 2/2 ] - and [Ni(NO 3 ) 3 (NO 3 ) 2/2 ] 2- , respectively. In the crystal structure of compound III, seven oxygen atoms of one monodentate and three bidentate nitrate groups form a dodecahedron with an unoccupied vertex of the A type around the Co atom. In the crystal structure of compound IV, the octahedral polyhedron of the Ni atom is formed by five nitrate groups, one of which is terminal bidentate. The data on the structure of Co(II) coordination polyhedra in the known nitratocobaltates are generalized

  16. Pulse radiolysis study of NaNO/sub 2/ and NaNO/sub 3/ solutions. [Electrons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Broszkiewicz, R K [Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw (Poland)


    The pulse radiolysis of aqueous solutions of NaNO/sub 2/ and NaNO/sub 3/ has been done. In the nitrate solutions the transient species NO/sup 2 -//sub 2/ and NO/sub 2/ have been observed, the former reacting with water to produce NO, the latter dimerizing to N/sub 2/O/sub 4/. In the presence of O/sub 2/ and unidentified species with absorption maximum at 280 nm, probably a peroxy compound, is being formed. The radiolytic processes occurring in the nitrite solution do not depend on /NO/sub 02// and no effect of the direct energy absorption by NO/sup -//sub 2/ has been noticed. Transient species in the diluted nitrate solution are NO/sup 2 -//sub 3/ and the pernitrous ion; in concentrated solutions NO/sub 3/ is the main transient product. NO/sub 3/ is formed by the direct energy absorption by NO/sup -//sub 3/. Participation in tha effect of the cation should not be disregarded. There is evidence that the 340 nm peak in the transient spectrum is probably connected with N/sub 2/O/sub 4/ and not with NO/sub 3/. The tranient spectra, extinction coefficients of products and rate constants of relevant reactions are given.

  17. Ocena Nośności Konstrukcji Nawierzchni Lotniskowych Metodą Acn-Pcn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wesołowski Mariusz


    Full Text Available Konstrukcje nawierzchni lotniskowych są projektowane na określony okres eksploatacji przy założeniu prognozowanego natężenia i struktury ruchu lotniczego. Bezpieczeństwo wykonywania operacji lotniczych przez statki powietrzne na nawierzchniach lotniskowych zależy przede wszystkim od stanu nośności ich konstrukcji. W związku z tym, kontrolne badania nośności należy przeprowadzać okresowo, gdyż informacja o aktualnym stanie eksploatacyjnym nawierzchni lotniskowej stanowi podstawę do podejmowania decyzji o rodzajach statków powietrznych dopuszczonych do ruchu, intensywności ruchu lotniczego oraz terminach rozpoczęcia prac remontowych lub modernizacyjnych. Aktualnie do oceny nośności nawierzchni lotniskowych stosuje się metodę ACN-PCN, która została wprowadzona przez Organizację Międzynarodowego Lotnictwa Cywilnego ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization. W artykule przedstawiony został sposób wyznaczania i opisu wskaźnika PCN

  18. Tiroiditis no-autoinmunes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo F. L Rizzo


    Full Text Available El término tiroiditis comprende un grupo de enfermedades de la glándula tiroides caracterizado por la presencia de inflamación, abarcando entidades autoinmunes y no-autoinmunes. Pueden manifestarse como enfermedades agudas con dolor tiroideo severo (tiroiditis subaguda y tiroiditis infecciosas, y condiciones en las cuales la inflamación no es clínicamente evidente, cursando sin dolor y presentando disfunción tiroidea y/o bocio (tiroiditis inducida por fármacos y tiroiditis de Riedel. El objetivo de esta revisión es aportar un enfoque actualizado sobre las tiroiditis no-autoinmunes cubriendo sus aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos.

  19. Estudo do consumo de cimento no Brasil no periodo 1980-1995


    Julio Cesar Recuero


    Resumo: Este trabalho analisa a mudança no consumo de cimento no Brasil nas últimas duas décadas. Para tanto, avaliou-se a evolução do consumo de cimento frente aos demais indicadores econômicos do país. Baseando-se nestes indicadores e em modelos para o setor da construção civil de outros países, foi elaborado um modelo exploratório de consumo de cimento. No período estudado, observa-se a relação inversa entre o consumo de cimento e a taxa de inflação, a taxa de juros e a taxa de desemprego,...

  20. NO3 uptake in shallow, oligotrophic, mountain lakes: The influence of elevated NO3 concentrations (United States)

    Nydick, K.R.; LaFrancois, B.M.; Baron, Jill S.


    Nutrient enrichment experiments were conducted in 1.2-m deep enclosures in 2 shallow, oligotrophic, mountain lakes. 15N-NO3 isotope tracer was used to compare the importance of phytoplankton and benthic compartments (epilithon, surface sediment [epipelon], and subsurface sediment) for NO3 uptake under high and low NO3 conditions. NO3 uptake approached saturation in the high-N lake, but not in the low-N lake. The capacity of phytoplankton and benthic compartments to take up NO3 differed among treatments and between lakes, and depended on water-column nutrient conditions and the history of NO3 availability. Phytoplankton productivity responded strongly to addition of limiting nutrients, and NO3 uptake was related to phytoplankton biomass and photosynthesis. However, more NO3 usually was taken up by benthic compartments (57–92% combined) than by phytoplankton, even though the response of benthic algal biomass to nutrient additions was less pronounced than that of phytoplankton and benthic NO3 uptake was unrelated to benthic algal biomass. In the low-N lake where NO3 uptake was unsaturated, C content or % was related to NO3 uptake in benthic substrates, suggesting that heterotrophic bacterial processes could be important in benthic NO3 uptake. These results suggest that phytoplankton are most sensitive to nutrient additions, but benthic processes are important for NO3 uptake in shallow, oligotrophic lakes.

  1. CCSVI and MS: no meaning, no fact. (United States)

    Baracchini, Claudio; Atzori, Matteo; Gallo, Paolo


    A condition called "chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency" (CCSVI) has been postulated to play a role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). This hypothesis implies that a complex pattern of extracranial venous stenosis determines a venous reflux into the brain of MS patients, followed by increased intravenous pressure, blood-brain barrier breakdown and iron deposition into the brain parenchyma, thus triggering a local inflammatory response. In this review, we critically analyze the scientific basis of CCSVI, the current literature on the relationship between CCSVI and MS, as well as the ultrasound methodology that has been claimed to provide evidence of impaired cerebral venous drainage. We show that no piece of the CCSVI theory has a solid supportive scientific evidence. The CCSVI appears to be a rather alien condition and its existence should be definitely questioned. Finally, no proven (i.e., based on strict scientific methodology and on the rules of evidence-based medicine) therapeutic effect of the "liberation" procedure (unblocking the extracranial venous obstruction using angioplasty) has been shown up to date.

  2. Adenocarcinoma de recto y ano en paciente con enfermedad de Crohn tratado con infliximab Adenocarcinoma of the rectum and anus in a patient with Crohn´s disease treated with infliximab

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Egea Valenzuela


    Full Text Available In the present paper, we report the case of a patient with long-standing Crohn´s disease and multiple complications that, after receiving treatment with infliximab, was diagnosed with an adenocarcinoma of the rectum and anus that required radical surgery, later presenting multiple metastases. In the discussion, characteristics and major risk factors for colorectal cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease will be largely reviewed, and current studies will be analyzed in connection with the appearance of neoplasms in patients being treated with biologics.Presentamos el caso de un paciente con enfermedad de Crohn de larga evolución y con múltiples complicaciones de su enfermedad que, tras recibir tratamiento con infliximab, es diagnosticado de un adenocarcinoma de recto y ano que precisa cirugía radical, presentando posteriormente metástasis múltiples. Se repasarán durante la discusión las características y los factores de riesgo más importantes del cáncer colorrectal en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, y se analizarán los trabajos existentes hasta la fecha en relación con la aparición de neoplasias en pacientes tratados con fármacos biológicos.

  3. Patogénesis molecular del carcinoma de esófago

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. M. Jiménez


    Full Text Available El carcinoma de esófago existe en dos formas principales: el carcinoma de células escamosas o pavimentoso y el adenocarcinoma. En este artículo se describen las principales alteraciones genéticas halladas en ambos tipos de carcinomas y la implicancia de éstas en la patogénesis de los mismos. La secuencia de estas alteraciones se correlaciona con la histogénesis, lo que permite comprender la progresión tumoral desde el epitelio normal al carcinoma invasor. Se establece también una comparación entre la patogénesis molecular del cáncer de esófago y del desarrollo de estos carcinomas con el modelo de la patogénesis molecular del cáncer colorrectal.Carcinoma of the esophagus is present in two distinct morphological cell types: squamous or pavimentous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. In this article, the main genetic alterations found in both types of carcinomas and their implications are described. The sequence of these alterations is related to histogenesis, making it possible to understand tumor progression from normal epithelium to invasive carcinoma. A comparison is attempted between the molecular development of esophagus carcinomas and that of colorectal carcinoma.

  4. Safety evaluation report related to the operation of Wolf Creek Generating Staton, Unit No. 1, (Docket No. STN 50-482). Supplement No. 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Supplement No. 4 to the Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of the Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1 updates the information contained in the Safety Evaluation Report, dated April 1982 and Supplements 1, 2, and 3, dated August 1982, June 1983 and August, 1983, respectively. Supplement No. 4 addresses open issues, confirmatory items and addresses Board Notifications. The Safety Evaluation and its supplements pertain to the application for a license to operate the Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1 filed by Kansas Gas and Electric Company on February 19, 1980. The Construction Permit No. CPPR-147 was issued on May 17, 1977

  5. Studies on the effect of doxorubicin on MDA, NO2, NO3, Se-GSH ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 18, 2007 ... Nitric oxide; NO2. - Nitric oxide; NO3- ... The lipid peroxides were determined by the TBA me- ... Effect of different doses of doxorubicin on rat serum nitrite (NO2 .... 2306. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 0. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. P e rc e n. t c h a n g e o v e ... Doxorubicin induced percent changes of rat serum Nitrate (NO3.

  6. Nitrates and NO-NSAIDs in Cancer Chemoprevention & Therapy: In Vitro Evidence Querying the NO Donor Functionality (United States)

    Dunlap, Tareisha; Abdul-Hay, Samer; Chandrasena, R. Esala P.; Hagos, Ghenet K; Sinha, Vaishali; Wang, Zhiqiang; Wang, Huali; Thatcher, Gregory R. J.


    Properties of the NO-ASA family of NO-donating NSAIDs (NO-NSAIDs), notably NCX 4016 (mNO-ASA) and NCX 4040 (pNO-ASA), reported in more than a hundred publications, have included positive preclinical data in cancer chemoprevention and therapy. Evidence is presented that the antiproliferative, the chemopreventive (antioxidant/electrophile response element (ARE) activation), and the anti-inflammatory activity of NO-ASA in cell cultures is replicated by X-ASA derivatives that are incapable of acting as NO donors. pBr-ASA and mBr-ASA are conisogenic with NO-ASA, but are not NO donors. The biological activity of pNO-ASA is replicated by pBr-ASA; and both pNO-ASA and pBr-ASA are bioactivated to the same quinone methide electrophile. The biological activity of mNO-ASA is replicated by mBr-ASA; mNO-ASA and mBr-ASA are bioactivated to different benzyl electrophiles. The observed activity is likely initiated by trapping of thiol biomolecules by the quinone and benzyl electrophiles, leading to depletion of GSH and modification of Cys-containing sensor proteins. Whereas all NO-NSAIDs containing the same structural “linker” as NCX 4040 and NCX 4016 are anticipated to possess activity resulting from bioactivation to electrophilic metabolites, this expectation does not extend to other linker structures. Nitrates require metabolic bioactivation to liberate NO bioactivity, which is often poorly replicated in vitro, and NO bioactivity provided by NO-NSAIDs in vivo provides proven therapeutic benefits in mitigation of NSAID gastrotoxicity. The in vivo properties of X-ASA drugs await discovery. PMID:18485921

  7. No Problem? No Research, Little Learning ... Big Problem!

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    Fernando Ornelas Marques


    Full Text Available The motivation to carry out this study stemmed from the generalized perception that nowadays youth lacks the skills for the 21st century. Especially the high-level competences like critical thinking, problem solving and autonomy. Several tools can help to improve these competences (e.g. the SCRATCH programming language, but, as researchers and educators, we are mostly concerned with the skill to recognize problems. What if we do not find problems to solve? What if we do not even feel the need to find or solve problems? The problem is to recognize the problem; the next step is to equate the problem; finally we have to feel the need to solve it. No need? No invention. Recognizing a problem is probably the biggest problem of everyday life, because we are permanently faced with problems (many ill-defined problems, which we need to identify, equate and solve.

  8. Arylboronate ester based diazeniumdiolates (BORO/NO), a class of hydrogen peroxide inducible nitric oxide (NO) donors. (United States)

    Dharmaraja, Allimuthu T; Ravikumar, Govindan; Chakrapani, Harinath


    Here, we report the design, synthesis, and evaluation of arylboronate ester based diazeniumdiolates (BORO/NO), a class of nitric oxide (NO) donors activated by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a reactive oxygen species (ROS), to generate NO. We provide evidence for the NO donors' ability to permeate bacteria to produce NO when exposed to H2O2 supporting possible applications for BORO/NO to study molecular mechanisms of NO generation in response to elevated ROS.


    The report gives results of the development and demonstration of a no-VOC (volatile organic compound)/no-HAP (hazardous air pollutant) wood furniture coating system at two cabinet manufacturing plants: one in Portland, OR, and the other in Redwood City, CA. Technology transfer ef...

  10. No certificate, no chocolate

    CERN Multimedia

    Computer Security Team


    Are you already ready to use “certificates” to log into CERN or to connect to the global “eduroam” wireless network? No, I am not talking about your birth certificate, medical certificates or academic certificates. I am referring to “certificates” used for authentication where you would usually use a password.   These digital certificates are a valid alternative to cumbersome passwords. Like the aforementioned personal certificates, a digital certificate is an official document that proves who you are or your qualifications. Your personal digital CERN certificate is tied to your digital identity at CERN. In that respect, a digital certificate is like a password. It is a credential that you must not share with anybody else! With your digital certificate, I can impersonate you and take over your mailbox, your web sessions and more… Digital certificates bind your digital identity to a public/private-key infrastructu...

  11. Technical Specifications, South Texas Project, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-498): Appendix ''A'' to License No. NPF-76

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The South Texas Project, Unit No. 1, Technical Specifications were prepared by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to set forth the limits, operating conditions, and other requirements applicable to a nuclear reactor facility as set forth in Section 50.36 of 10 CFR 50 for the protection of the health and safety of the public. This report is Appendix A to License No. NPF-76

  12. Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-461). Supplement No. 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Supplement No. 7 to the Safety Evaluation Report on the application filed by Illinois Power Company, Soyland Power Cooperative, Inc., and Western Illinois Power Cooperative, Inc., as applicants and owners, for a license to operate the Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1, has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The facility is located in Harp Township, DeWitt County, Illinois. This supplement reports the status of items that have been resolved by the staff since Supplement No. 6 was issued

  13. Safety evaluation report related to the operation of Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-461). Supplement No. 5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Supplement No. 5 to the Safety Evaluation Report on the application filed by Illinois Power Company, Soyland Power Cooperative, Inc., and Western Illinois Power Cooperative, Inc. as applicants and owners, for a license to operate the Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1, has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The facility is located in Harp Township, DeWitt County, Illinois. This supplement reports the status of items that have been resolved by the staff since supplement No. 4 was issued

  14. Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-461). Supplement No. 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Supplement No. 4 to the Safety Evaluation Report on the application filed by Illinois Power Company, Soyland Power Cooperative, Inc., and Western Illinois Power Cooperative, Inc., as applicants and owners, for a license to operate the Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1, has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The facility is located in Harp Township, DeWitt County, Illinois. This supplement reports the status of items that have been resolved by the staff since Supplement No. 3 was issued

  15. Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-461). Supplement No. 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Supplement No. 6 to the Safety Evaluation Report on the application filed by Illinois Power Company, Soyland Power Cooperative, Inc., and Western Illinois Power Cooperative, Inc., as applicants and owners, for a license to operate the Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1, has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The facility is located in Harp Township, DeWitt County, Illinois. This supplement reports the status of items that have been resolved by the staff since Supplement No. 5 was issued

  16. Kinetic analysis of DAF-FM activation by NO: toward calibration of a NO-sensitive fluorescent dye. (United States)

    Namin, Shabnam M; Nofallah, Sara; Joshi, Mahesh S; Kavallieratos, Konstantinos; Tsoukias, Nikolaos M


    Nitric oxide (NO) research in biomedicine has been hampered by the absence of a method that will allow quantitative measurement of NO in biological tissues with high sensitivity and selectivity, and with adequate spatial and temporal resolution. 4-amino-5-methylamino-2',7'-difluorofluorescein (DAF-FM) is a NO sensitive fluorescence probe that has been used widely for qualitative assessment of cellular NO production. However, calibration of the fluorescent signal and quantification of NO concentration in cells and tissues using fluorescent probes, have provided significant challenge. In this study we utilize a combination of mathematical modeling and experimentation to elucidate the kinetics of NO/DAF-FM reaction in solution. Modeling and experiments suggest that the slope of fluorescent intensity (FI) can be related to NO concentration according to the equation: ddtFI=2αk(1)NO(2)O(2)DAF-FMkNO+DAF-FM where α is a proportionality coefficient that relates FI to unit concentration of activated DAF-FM, k(1) is the NO oxidation rate constant, and k was estimated to be 4.3±0.6. The FI slope exhibits saturation kinetics with DAF-FM concentration. Interestingly, the effective half-maximum constant (EC(50)) increases proportionally to NO concentration. This result is not in agreement with the proposition that N(2)O(3) is the NO oxidation byproduct that activates DAF-FM. Kinetic analysis suggests that the reactive intermediate should exhibit NO-dependent consumption and thus NO(2)() is a more likely candidate. The derived rate law can be used for the calibration of DAF-FM fluorescence and the quantification of NO concentration in biological tissues. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Hepatoselective Nitric Oxide (NO) Donors, V-PYRRO/NO and V-PROLI/NO, in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Comparison of Antisteatotic Effects with the Biotransformation and Pharmacokinetics. (United States)

    Kus, Kamil; Walczak, Maria; Maslak, Edyta; Zakrzewska, Agnieszka; Gonciarz-Dytman, Anna; Zabielski, Piotr; Sitek, Barbara; Wandzel, Krystyna; Kij, Agnieszka; Chabowski, Adrian; Holland, Ryan J; Saavedra, Joseph E; Keefer, Larry K; Chlopicki, Stefan


    V-PYRRO/NO [O(2)-vinyl-1-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate] and V-PROLI/NO (O2-vinyl-[2-(carboxylato)pyrrolidin-1-yl]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate), two structurally similar diazeniumdiolate derivatives, were designed as liver-selective prodrugs that are metabolized by cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, with subsequent release of nitric oxide (NO). Yet, their efficacy in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and their comparative pharmacokinetic and metabolic profiles have not been characterized. The aim of the present work was to compare the effects of V-PYRRO/NO and V-PROLI/NO on liver steatosis, glucose tolerance, and liver fatty acid composition in C57BL/6J mice fed a high-fat diet, as well as to comprehensively characterize the ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) profiles of both NO donors. Despite their similar structure, V-PYRRO/NO and V-PROLI/NO showed differences in pharmacological efficacy in the murine model of NAFLD. V-PYRRO/NO, but not V-PROLI/NO, attenuated liver steatosis, improved glucose tolerance, and favorably modified fatty acid composition in the liver. Both compounds were characterized by rapid absorption following i.p. administration, rapid elimination from the body, and incomplete bioavailability. However, V-PYRRO/NO was eliminated mainly by the liver, whereas V-PROLI/NO was excreted mostly in unchanged form by the kidney. V-PYRRO/NO was metabolized by CYP2E1, CYP2C9, CYP1A2, and CYP3A4, whereas V-PROLI/NO was metabolized mainly by CYP1A2. Importantly, V-PYRRO/NO was a better NO releaser in vivo and in the isolated, perfused liver than V-PROLI/NO, an effect compatible with the superior antisteatotic activity of V-PYRRO/NO. In conclusion, V-PYRRO/NO displayed a pronounced antisteatotic effect associated with liver-targeted NO release, whereas V-PROLI/NO showed low effectiveness, was not taken up by the liver, and was eliminated mostly in unchanged form by the kidney. U.S. Government work not protected by

  18. Videocirurgia colorretal com assistência robótica: o próximo passo? Robotic assisted colorrectal surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Eduardo Alonso Araujo


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento de técnicas minimamente invasivas é um dos mais importantes avanços da cirurgia colorretal. A assistência robótica integra o arsenal de técnicas em cirurgia minimamente invasiva, e vem sendo aplicado em cirurgia colorretal por um restrito grupo de cirurgiões em alguns centros ao redor do mundo com resultados iniciais que merecem atenção. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar os resultados do emprego da assistência robótica em videocirurgia colorretal. Dentre as vantagens associadas ao emprego de robôs em videocirurgia colorretal, figuram o incremento na precisão dos movimentos e a visão tridimensional. A experiência clínica é ainda pequena, e advém de uma série de casos e estudos comparativos com a videocirurgia colorretal sem assistência robótica com ainda pequeno número de casos. A dissecção pélvica com incremento da preservação autonômica parece ser a maior vantagem associada à assistência robótica em videocirurgia colorretal. Somente através do treinamento de um número mais representativo de cirurgiões colorretais, bem como com a expansão da experiência clínica será possível prever com maior precisão o papel da assistência robótica em videocirurgia colorretal.The development of minimally invasive surgical techniques represents an important aspect of modern surgical research. Robot-assisted minimally invasive colorectal surgery represents a way of assisting laparoscopic colorectal procedures. Robotic technology overcomes some of these limitations by successfully providing intuitive motion and enhanced precision and accuracy, in an environment that is much more ergonomic. A restrict number of surgeons in specialized centers around the world have been applying robotics. In this review, current evidence about different technologies and its place in colorectal surgery is evaluated. The feasibility of performing robot-assisted colorectal operations has been demonstrated though case series and small case-controlled trials. The potential for enhancing autonomic nerve preservation during proctectomy may be the most remarkable advantage associated to robotic assistance during laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Colorectal surgeons should seize the opportunity to begin to use surgical robotic systems. Only through widespread surgeon training and increasing clinical experience with these systems, further technological developments, and continuous research, robotic technology will be routinely incorporated into surgical procedures on the colon and rectum.

  19. 'No Win, No Fee', Cost-Shifting and the Costs of Civil Litigation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fenn, Paul; Grembi, Veronica; Rickman, Neil

    Expenditure on legal services has been rising for much of the last two decades and has attracted considerable policy attention in the UK. We argue that an important reason for this increase lies within the introduction of 'no win no fee' schemes in 1995 and a subsequent amendment which allowed cl...

  20. CO and NO2 pollution in a long two-way traffic road tunnel: investigation of NO2/NOx ratio and modelling of NO2 concentration. (United States)

    Indrehus, O; Vassbotn, P


    The CO, NO and NO2 concentrations, visibility and air flow velocity were measured using continuous analysers in a long Norwegian road tunnel (7.5 km) with traffic in both directions in April 1994 and 1995. The traffic density was monitored at the same time. The NO2 concentration exceeded Norwegian air quality limits for road tunnels 17% of the time in 1994. The traffic through the tunnel decreased from 1994 to 1995, and the mean NO2 concentration was reduced from 0.73 to 0.22 ppm. The ventilation fan control, based on the CO concentration only, was unsatisfactory and the air flow was sometimes low for hours. Models for NO2 concentration based on CO concentration and absolute air flow velocity were developed and tested. The NO2/NOx ratio showed an increase for NOx levels above 2 ppm; a likely explanation for this phenomenon is NO oxidation by O2. Exposure to high NO2 concentrations may represent a health risk for people with respiratory and cardiac diseases. In long road tunnels with two-way traffic, this study indicates that ventilation fan control based on CO concentration should be adjusted for changes in vehicle CO emission and should be supplemented by air flow monitoring to limit the NO2 concentration.

  1. Bio markers and Anti-EGFR therapies for Krads wild-type tumors in metastatic colorectal cancer patients; Biomarcadores y terapeutica ANTI-EGFR en el cancer colorrectal metastasico en pacientes con K-Ras no mutado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz Rubio Garcia, E


    The natural history of metastasis colorectal cancer has being clearly modified in terms of response rate, time to progression and overall survival, once the anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies (cetuximab and panitumumab) have emerged in combination with the standard cytotoxic chemotherapy (FOLFOX and FOLFIRI). However, the benefit from cetuximab and panitumumab is only confined to KRAS-wild type (KRAS-wt) colorectal tumors, while KRAS mutated tumors do not respond to these drugs. The 65 % of colorectal tumors are KRAS-wt tumors, but efficacy of antiEGFR therapies is detected only in 60-70 % of these KRAS-wt tumors. Other biomarkers and molecular pathways must be involved in the response of the antiEGFR therapies for the KRAS-wt colorectal tumors, such as the EGFR ligands, the EGFR-phosphorilated levels, the number of EGFR copies, the status of the KRAS effected B-RAF and the alternative intracellular signaling pathways PIK3CA/PTEN/AKT and JAK/STAT. A battery of these biomarkers is needed to select the most sensitive patients to the antiEGFR therapies. This pattern may represent a novel favorable cost-effectiveness tool to develop tailored treatments. A review of these biomarkers and molecular pathways, involved in the antiEGFR therapies response, is performed. (Author) 68 refs.

  2. Static Analysis of Processes for No Read-Up and No Write-Down

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bodei, C.; Degano, P.; Nielson, Flemming


    We study a variant of the no read-up/no write-down security property of Bell and LaPadula for processes in the π-calculus. Once processes are given levels of security clearance, we statically check that a process at a high level never sends names to processes at a lower level. The static check...

  3. Nitrates and NO-NSAIDs in cancer chemoprevention and therapy: in vitro evidence querying the NO donor functionality. (United States)

    Dunlap, Tareisha; Abdul-Hay, Samer O; Chandrasena, R Esala P; Hagos, Ghenet K; Sinha, Vaishali; Wang, Zhiqiang; Wang, Huali; Thatcher, Gregory R J


    Properties of the NO-ASA family of NO-donating NSAIDs (NO-NSAIDs), notably NCX 4016 (mNO-ASA) and NCX 4040 (pNO-ASA), reported in more than one hundred publications, have included positive preclinical data in cancer chemoprevention and therapy. Evidence is presented that the antiproliferative, the chemopreventive (antioxidant/electrophile response element (ARE) activation), and the anti-inflammatory activity of NO-ASA in cell cultures is replicated by X-ASA derivatives that are incapable of acting as NO donors. pBr-ASA and mBr-ASA are conisogenic with NO-ASA, but are not NO donors. The biological activity of pNO-ASA is replicated by pBr-ASA; and both pNO-ASA and pBr-ASA are bioactivated to the same quinone methide electrophile. The biological activity of mNO-ASA is replicated by mBr-ASA; mNO-ASA and mBr-ASA are bioactivated to different benzyl electrophiles. The observed activity is likely initiated by trapping of thiol biomolecules by the quinone and benzyl electrophiles, leading to depletion of GSH and modification of Cys-containing sensor proteins. Whereas all NO-NSAIDs containing the same structural "linker" as NCX 4040 and NCX 4016 are anticipated to possess activity resulting from bioactivation to electrophilic metabolites, this expectation does not extend to other linker structures. Nitrates require metabolic bioactivation to liberate NO bioactivity, which is often poorly replicated in vitro, and NO bioactivity provided by NO-NSAIDs in vivo provides proven therapeutic benefits in mitigation of NSAID gastrotoxicity. The in vivo properties of X-ASA drugs await discovery.

  4. Migration Between NoSQL Databases


    Opačak, Damir


    The thesis discusses the differences and, consequently, potential problems that may arise when migrating between different types of NoSQL databases. The first chapters introduce the reader to the issues of relational databases and present the beginnings of NoSQL databases. The following chapters present different types of NoSQL databases and some of their representatives with the aim to show specific features of NoSQL databases and the fact that each of them was developed to solve specifi...

  5. Basal and induced NO formation in the pharyngo-oral tract influences estimates of alveolar NO levels. (United States)

    Malinovschi, Andrei; Janson, Christer; Holm, Lena; Nordvall, Lennart; Alving, Kjell


    The present study analyzed how models currently used to distinguish alveolar from bronchial contribution to exhaled nitric oxide (NO) are affected by manipulation of NO formation in the pharyngo-oral tract. Exhaled NO was measured at multiple flow rates in 15 healthy subjects in two experiments: 1) measurements at baseline and 5 min after chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthwash and 2) measurements at baseline, 60 min after ingestion of 10 mg NaNO(3)/kg body wt, and 5 min after CHX mouthwash. Alveolar NO concentration (Calv(NO)) and bronchial flux (J'aw(NO)) were calculated by using the slope-intercept model with or without adjustment for trumpet shape of airways and axial diffusion (TMAD). Salivary nitrate and nitrite were measured in the second experiment. Calv(NO) [median (range)] was reduced from 1.16 ppb (0.77, 1.96) at baseline to 0.84 ppb (0.57, 1.48) 5 min after CHX mouthwash (P 10-fold increase of salivary nitrite after nitrate load). CHX mouthwash reduced Calv(NO) levels to 1.15 ppb (0.72, 2.07) in these subjects with high nitrate turnover. All these results remained consistent after TMAD adjustment. We conclude that estimated alveolar NO concentration is affected by pharyngo-oral tract production of NO in healthy subjects, with a decrease after CHX mouthwash. Moreover, unknown ingestion of dietary nitrate could significantly increase estimated alveolar NO in subjects with high nitrate turnover, and this might be falsely interpreted as a sign of peripheral inflammation. These findings were robust for TMAD.

  6. NO signatures from lightning flashes (United States)

    Stith, J.; Dye, J.; Ridley, B.; Laroche, P.; Defer, E.; Baumann, K.; Hübler, G.; Zerr, R.; Venticinque, M.


    In situ measurements of cloud properties, NO, and other trace gases were made in active thunderstorms by two research aircraft. Concurrent measurements from a three-dimensional (3-D) VHF interferometer and the 2-D National Lightning Detection Network were used to determine lightning frequency and location. The CHILL Doppler radar and the NOAA-WP-3D Orion X band Doppler radar were also used to measure storm characteristics. Two case studies from the (STERAO) Stratosphere-Troposphere Experiments: Radiation, Aerosols, and Ozone project in northeastern Colorado during the summer of 1996 are presented. Narrow spikes (0.11-0.96 km across), containing up to 19 ppbv of NO, were observed in the storms. Most were located in or downwind of electrically active regions where the NO produced by lightning would be expected. However, it was difficult to correlate individual flashes with NO spikes. A simple model of the plume of NO from lightning is used to estimate NO production from the mean mixing ratio measured in these spikes. The estimates range from 2.0×1020 to 1.0×1022 molecules of NO per meter of flash length.

  7. NoSQL for mere mortals

    CERN Document Server

    Sullivan, Dan


    The Easy, Common-Sense Guide to Solving Real Problems with NoSQL The" Mere Mortals" "(r)" tutorials have earned worldwide praise as the clearest, simplest way to master essential database technologies. Now, there s one for today s exciting new NoSQL databases. "NoSQL for Mere Mortals" guides you through solving real problems with NoSQL and achieving unprecedented scalability, cost efficiency, flexibility, and availability. Drawing on 20+ years of cutting-edge database experience, Dan Sullivan explains the advantages, use cases, and terminology associated with all four main categories of NoSQL databases: key-value, document, column family, and graph databases. For each, he introduces pragmatic best practices for building high-value applications. Through step-by-step examples, you ll discover how to choose the right database for each task, and use it the right way. Coverage includes --Getting started: What NoSQL databases are, how they differ from relational databases, when to use them, and when "not" to Data m...

  8. Julgamentos parciais no processo civil


    Antonio Carlos Nachif Correia Filho


    Este trabalho trata fundamentalmente da admissibilidade dos julgamentos parciais do mérito e de questões de mérito no sistema processual civil brasileiro, considerando especialmente o modelo constitucional de processo civil, bem como no sistema processual prospectivo previsto no Projeto de Novo Código de Processo Civil, que deve entrar vigor em breve. Com este objetivo, será abordado no início da dissertação o dogma da unidade estrutural da sentença, sua origem, fundamentos e aplicabilidade n...

  9. Plant cells oxidize hydroxylamines to NO (United States)

    Rümer, Stefan; Gupta, Kapuganti Jagadis; Kaiser, Werner M.


    Plants are known to produce NO via the reduction of nitrite. Oxidative NO production in plants has been considered only with respect to a nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Here it is shown that tobacco cell suspensions emitted NO when hydroxylamine (HA) or salicylhydroxamate (SHAM), a frequently used AOX inhibitor, was added. NG-hydroxy-L-arginine, a putative intermediate in the NOS-reaction, gave no NO emission. Only a minor fraction (≤1%) of the added HA or SHAM was emitted as NO. Production of NO was decreased by anoxia or by the addition of catalase, but was increased by conditions inducing reactive oxygen (ROS) or by the addition of hydrogen peroxide. Cell-free enzyme solutions generating superoxide or hydrogen peroxide also led to the formation of NO from HA or (with lower rates) from SHAM, and nitrite was also an oxidation product. Unexpectedly, the addition of superoxide dismutase (SOD) to cell suspensions stimulated NO formation from hydroxylamines, and SOD alone (without cells) also catalysed the production of NO from HA or SHAM. NO production by SOD plus HA was higher in nitrogen than in air, but from SOD plus SHAM it was lower in nitrogen. Thus, SOD-catalysed NO formation from SHAM and from HA may involve different mechanisms. While our data open a new possibility for oxidative NO formation in plants, the existence and role of these reactions under physiological conditions is not yet clear. PMID:19357430

  10. Pesquisa em Contabilidade Gerencial com Base no Futuro Realizada no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilse Maria Beuren


    Full Text Available O estudo objetiva identificar temas que serão abordados no futuro em pesquisas de contabilidade gerencial, considerando-se a terceira metodologia de contabilidade gerencial proposta no estudo de Laitinen (2003, denominada de “Pesquisa em contabilidade gerencial com base no futuro”. Pesquisa descritiva foi realizada com abordagem quantitativa, por meio de questionário aplicado aos professores da área gerencial dos programas de pós-graduação em ciências contábeis do Brasil. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que a função atual da contabilidade gerencial está focalizada no uso de recursos e na criação de valor. A tendência da contabilidade gerencial na opinião dos respondentes é a criação de valor. Prevêem que a contabilidade gerencial utilizará sistemas com dados monetários e não monetários, métodos de mensuração/avaliação e medidas de desempenho, filosofias e modelos de gestão. Como artefatos de contabilidade gerencial que serão mais utilizados apontaram: custeio variável, preço de transferência, retorno sobre o investimento e orçamento. Em relação à contabilidade financeira, acreditam em preponderância centrada na informação sobre produtos, projetos e planos de negócios.

  11. No-sedation during mechanical ventilation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laerkner, Eva; Stroem, Thomas; Toft, Palle


    BACKGROUND: Evidence is growing that less or no-sedation is possible and beneficial for patients during mechanical ventilation. AIM: To investigate if there was a difference in patient consciousness and nursing workload comparing a group of patients receiving no-sedation with a group of sedated...... patients with daily wake up, and also to estimate economic consequences of a no-sedation strategy. DESIGN AND METHODS: Data were collected during a prospective trial of 140 mechanically ventilated patients randomized to either no-sedation or to sedation with daily wake up. From day 1 to 7 in the intensive...

  12. Electrochemical reduction of NO{sub x}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lund Traulsen, M.


    NO and NO{sub 2} (collectively referred to as NO{sub x}) are air pollutants, and the largest single contributor to NO{sub x} pollution is automotive exhaust. This study investigates electrochemical deNO{sub x}, a technology which aims to remove NO{sub x} from automotive diesel exhaust by electrochemical reduction of NO{sub x} to N{sub 2} and O{sub 2}. The focus in this study is on improving the activity and selectivity of solid oxide electrodes for electrochemical deNO{sub x} by addition of NO{sub x} storage compounds to the electrodes. Two different composite electrodes, La{sub 0.85}Sr{sub 0.15}MnO{sub 3-{delta}-}Ce{sub 0.9}Gd{sub 0.1}O{sub 1.95} (LSM15-CGO10) and La{sub 0.85}Sr{sub 0.15}FeO{sub 3-{delta}-}Ce{sub 0.9}Gd{sub 0.1}O{sub 1.95} (LSF15-CGO10), have been investigated in combination with three different NO{sub x} storage compounds: BaO, K{sub 2}O and MnO{sub x}. The main focus in the investigation has been on conversion measurements and electrochemical characterization, the latter by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. In addition, infrared spectroscopy has been performed to study how NO{sub x} adsorption on the electrodes is affected by the presence of the aforementioned NO{sub x} storage compounds. Furthermore, non-tested and tested electrode microstructures have been thoroughly evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. The studies reveal addition of MnO{sub x} or K{sub 2}O to the electrodes cause severe degradation problems, and addition of these compounds is thus unsuitable for electrode improvement. In contrast, addition of BaO to LSM15-CGO10 electrodes is shown to have a very positive impact on the NO{sub x} conversion. The increased NO{sub x} conversion, following the BaO addition, is attributed to a combination of 1) a decreased electrode polarisation resistance and 2) an altered NO{sub x} adsorption. The NO{sub x} conversion is observed to increase strongly with polarisation, and during 9 V polarisation of an

  13. Defining the appropriate radiation dose for pretreatment PSA no. <=no. 10 ng/mL prostate cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinover, Wayne H.; Hanlon, Alexandra L.; Horwitz, Eric M.; Hanks, Gerald E.


    Purpose: To investigate whether a dose response exists for biochemical no evidence of disease (bNED) control in prostate cancer patients with pretreatment prostate-specific antigen (PSA) no. =no. 7600 cGy. Median dose in these three groups was 7067 cGy, 7278 cGy, and 7734 cGy, respectively. Univariate analysis was performed to determine differences in bNED control (American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology [ASTRO] Consensus Guidelines definition of failure) by dose group for the entire cohort, for 310 good prognosis patients (T1-T2A, Gleason score 2-6, absence of PNI), and for 178 poor prognosis patients (T2B-T3 or Gleason score 7-10 or presence of PNI) . Multivariate analysis (MVA) was performed to determine if dose was an independent predictor of bNED control. Median follow-up was 36 months. Results: A dose response was not demonstrated for the entire group of patients with pretreatment PSA no. =no. 7600 cGy were associated with 5-year bNED control rates of 73%, 86%, and 89%, respectively (p = 0.12). MVA demonstrated prognosis group (p = 0.038) to be the only independent predictor of bNED control. Good prognosis patients had a 5-year bNED of 85% and no dose response was seen. The subgroup of poor prognosis patients demonstrated a 5-year bNED control rate of 81% and a dose response was seen for those receiving no. >=no. 7600 cGy, compared to the two lower dose groups (94% vs. 75% vs. 70%; p = 0.0062). MVA for the poor prognosis subset demonstrated dose (p = 0.01) to be the only independent predictor for improved bNED control. Conclusions: The poor prognosis subset of PSA no. <=no. 10 ng/mL prostate cancer patients benefit from dose escalation. A dose response is not demonstrated for prostate cancer patients with pretreatment PSA no. <=no. 10 ng/mL and other favorable features

  14. Start-up tests of Kashiwazakikariwa Nuclear Power Station Unit No.2 and No.5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fueki, Kensuke; Aoki, Shiro; Tanaka, Yasuhisa; Yahagi, Kimitoshi


    The Kashiwazakikariwa Nuclear Power Station Units No.5 and No.2 started commercial operation on April 10 and September 28 of 1990 respectively. As the result of the application of the First and Second LWR Improvement and Standardization Program, the plants were designed aiming at improvement of reliability, operation, and maintenance while maintaining safety. Construction of the plants took 6.5 to 7 years for completion, during which period the last 10 months were spent for the start up tests program. Start up tests were carried out under deliberate management to assure that the plants can operate safely and steadily at the prescribed operating points, and the schedules and tests item modifications adopted in Unit No.2 and No.5 were verified under the start up tests program. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Fonseca-Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Las inmunodeficiencias primarias son un grupo heterogéneo de desórdenes hereditarios que afectan los mecanismos de la inmunidad inespecífica y específica del huésped. En la mayoría de los casos se manifiestan en los primeros cinco años de vida, pero pueden presentarse a cualquier edad, encontrándose un gran predominio masculino (Oleastro, 2001. Han sido clasificadas, de acuerdo al defecto molecular que presentan, en inmunodeficiencias ligadas al cromosoma X e inmunodeficiencias autosómicas recesivas (Jones, 2000. Su prevalencia se ha establecido en 1 por cada 10.000 nacidos vivos, aumentando considerablemente desde el primer caso reportado en 1969 (Lim, 2004. Este incremento puede estar favorecido por la existencia de pruebas especializadas de laboratorio que permiten hacer una detección temprana de anormalidades inmunológicas. La valoración de la inmunocompetencia en un individuo con sospecha de inmunodeficiencia primaria requiere de un análisis cuantitativo, cualitativo o estructural y de estudios funcionales que permiten detectar la integridad de sus mecanismos de defensa. De acuerdo con el componente inmune que se quiere evaluar existen diferentes estudios que se pueden realizar de acuerdo a su grado de complejidad en pruebas de primera, segunda y tercera etapa, las cuales serán revisadas en este artículo. (Montoya, 2004, Ortega, 2005.

  16. Safety evaluation report related to the operation of WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 2, (Docket No. 50-397). Supplement No. 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Supplement No. 4 to the Safety Evaluation Report on the application filed by Washington Public Power Supply System for a license to operate the WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 2, located in Richland, Washington, has been prepared by the Division of Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This supplement reports the status of certain items that had not been resolved at the time of publication of the Safety Evaluation Report and Supplement Nos. 1, 2 and 3

  17. Estesioneuroblastoma. Presentación de un caso Esthesioneuroblastoma. A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís Enrique Torres Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El neuroblastoma olfatorio o "estesioneuroblastoma" es un tumor embrionario, infrecuente, derivado de neuroblastos de las ramificaciones nasales del sistema sensorial olfatorio, cuyo asiento es el epitelio respiratorio neuroectodérmico; fue descrito originalmente en 1924. La presentación más común es la de un crecimiento polipoide que causa epistaxis u obstrucción nasal con anosmia de larga evolución. Es localmente muy recidivante, aunque se han reportado metástasis regionales y a distancia. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar desde el punto de vista patológico un paciente masculino, atendido en el servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" de la provincia de Pinar del Río, con un aumento de volumen en la hemicara en relación al seno maxilar izquierdo. Este paciente también tenía un tratamiento por una sinusitis maxilar, al cual se le hizo una biopsia insicional y se obtuvo como resultado un estesioneuroblastoma con metástasis frontal. Se expone por tratarse de una enfermedad poco frecuente en nuestro medio.Olfactory neuroblastoma or "esthesioneuroblastoma" is an infrequent embryonate tumor, derived from the neuroblasts belonging to the nasal ramification of sensory-olfactory system, which seat is the neuroectodermic respiratory epithelium that was described in 1924 originally. The most common presentation is a polypoid growth that provokes epistaxis or nasal obstruction with a large natural history of anosmia. It is very recurrent locally, thought regional or distant metastases have been reported. This work was aimed at characterizing a male patient from the pathologic view point who attended to the Maxillofacial Surgery Service at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" University Hospital, Pinar del Rio, presenting an increase of volume on the hemiface in relation to the left maxillary sinus. This patient was under treatment because of a maxillary sinusitis, the incisional biopsy showed

  18. The Next-generation Berkeley High Resolution NO2 (BEHR NO2) Retrieval: Design and Preliminary Emissions Constraints (United States)

    Laughner, J.; Cohen, R. C.


    Recent work has identified a number of assumptions made in NO2 retrievals that lead to biases in the retrieved NO2 column density. These include the treatment of the surface as an isotropic reflector, the absence of lightning NO2 in high resolution a priori profiles, and the use of monthly averaged a priori profiles. We present a new release of the Berkeley High Resolution (BEHR) OMI NO2 retrieval based on the new NASA Standard Product (version 3) that addresses these assumptions by: accounting for surface anisotropy by using a BRDF albedo product, using an updated method of regridding NO2 data, and revised NO2 a priori profiles that better account for lightning NO2 and daily variation in the profile shape. We quantify the effect these changes have on the retrieved NO2 column densities and the resultant impact these updates have on constraints of urban NOx emissions for select cities throughout the United States.

  19. Urolitíase no alotransplante renal

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    Cologna Adauto José


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A litíase urinária é uma complicação incomum no alotransplante renal, a incidência varia de 0,02 a 3,4%. A maioria dos cálculos forma-se após o transplante, porém alguns podem ser transferidos junto com o enxerto para o hospedeiro. O tratamento desta complicação está baseado em alguns casos descritos na literatura. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de relatar a incidência da litíase renal no paciente com transplante renal, assim como a conduta adotada no HCFMRPUSP. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 953 pacientes submetidos a transplante renal no HCFMRPUSP, de fevereiro 1968 a maio de 2003. A idade média foi de 47,2 anos (35 a 63 anos. Em 09 pacientes, o rim foi proveniente de doador cadáver e apenas 01 doador vivo. RESULTADOS:Foram diagnosticados 10 casos de litíase (1,05%. Em 02 pacientes (20% o cálculo foi diagnosticado no intraoperatório, em 01 (10% no peri-operatório (5º. dia, os 07 restantes (70% no pós-operatório tardio. Em 04 pacientes (57% não havia sintomatologia específica, 02 (29% apresentaram ITU, em 03 (43% ocorreu elevação da creatinina sérica. De 8 pacientes com litíase no pós-operatorio, em 06 os cálculos estavam localizados no rim e 02 no ureter. Dos pacientes com cálculos renais, 02 foram observados, 02 submetidos a LECO, 01 a nefrolitripsia percutânea, 01 à pielolitotomia. Em 01 paciente com cálculo ureteral foi realizada pielovesicostomia (cálculo + estenose, no outro paciente foi feita a ureterorrenoscopia retrógrada. CONCLUSÃO: A urolitíase é complicação rara no transplante renal, a conduta terapêutica no pós-operatório tardio é semelhante à da população geral.

  20. Thresholds and criteria for evaluating and communicating impact significance in environmental statements: 'See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil'?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wood, Graham


    The evaluation and communication of the significance of environmental effects remains a critical yet poorly understood component of EIA theory and practice. Following a conceptual overview of the generic dimensions of impact significance in EIA, this paper reports upon the findings of an empirical study of recent environmental impact statements that considers the treatment of significance for impacts concerning landscape ('see no evil') and noise ('hear no evil'), focussing specifically upon the evaluation and communication of impact significance ('speak no evil') in UK practice. Particular attention is given to the use of significance criteria and thresholds, including the development of a typology of approaches applied within the context of noise and landscape/visual impacts. Following a broader discussion of issues surrounding the formulation, application and interpretation of significance criteria, conclusions and recommendations relevant to wider EIA practice are suggested

  1. Sin chivo expiatorio, no hay grupo: el caso de las administraciones públicas (No scapegoat, no group: the case of public administrations

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    Josu Bingen Fernández Alcalde


    Full Text Available Con base en Girard, Bion, Tuckman, Morgan, Anzieu, o la Sociología Clínica se analiza la posición de “Chivo Expiatorio” como suceso universal en los procesos de desarrollo de grupos y equipos. Una etapa esperable y gestionable de su evolución; no un accidente a evitar ni un motivo para desmantelar los equipos laborales puestos en marcha. Sin chivo expiatorio no hay grupo, ni regeneración grupal. Toda grupalidad vive cíclicamente “el destronamiento” de una figura anterior de liderazgo con algún tipo de violencia sacrificial. Tal acontecimiento cierra una fase de conflicto importante e inaugura una renormalización grupal. Por ello, propone incluirla como fase propia en los modelos generales de desarrollo grupal.ABSTRACTBased on Girard, Bion, Tuckman, Morgan, Anzieu, or Clinical Sociology analyzes the position of "Scapegoat" as a universal event in the development processes of groups and work groups. An expected and manageable stage of its evolution, not an accident to avoid nor a reason for dismantling the set up work teams. No scapegoat no group, no regeneration group. All groups lives cyclically "the dethronement" of an earlier figure of leadership with some sort of sacrificial violence. This event closes a major conflict phase and inaugurates a renormalization group. It is therefore proposed to include itself as a phase in the generic models of group development.

  2. Arsenene as a promising candidate for NO and NO{sub 2} sensor: A first-principles study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Can [School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023 (China); Key Laboratory of Radio Frequency and Micro-Nano Electronics of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu (China); Liu, Chun-Sheng, E-mail: [School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023 (China); Key Laboratory of Radio Frequency and Micro-Nano Electronics of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu (China); Yan, Xiaohong [School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023 (China); Key Laboratory of Radio Frequency and Micro-Nano Electronics of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu (China); College of Science, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106 (China)


    Based on first-principles calculations, we have studied the adsorption of CO, CO{sub 2}, N{sub 2}, NH{sub 3}, NO and NO{sub 2} molecules on the pristine arsenene monolayer. These gas molecules are held by an interaction that is intermediate between the physisorbed and chemisorbed states. Furthermore, the adsorption of NO and NO{sub 2} can produce a noticeable modifications of the density of states near the Fermi level. Interestingly, only the adsorption of NO and NO{sub 2} can lead to a magnetic moment of 1 μB. Therefore, our results can provide a theoretical basis for the potential applications of arsenene monolayer in gas sensing with electrical and magnetic methods. - Highlights: • A new type of two-dimensional single element semiconductor. • Investigated by first-principles calculations. • Easy desorption and good reversibility. • Gas sensing with electrical and magnetic methods.

  3. De caciques hereditarios a alcaldes y mandones electos. Legitimidad del poder local en los pueblos de indios constituidos con una base étnica, en el valle del río Cauca (1675-1800

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Héctor Manuel Cuevas Arenas


    Full Text Available El autor analiza el cambio de la herencia hacia la elección y el consenso local —vistos éstos como elementos legitimadores de acceso al poder—, en pueblos de indios del valle del río Cauca durante el segundo tercio del siglo XVIII. Para ello se analizaron los motivos de sus pleitos y su procesamiento, junto a los lenguajes de autoridad en los documentos concernientes a los indios. Asimismo, se revisaron las cuentas de tributos. Ante la presión de las deudas tributarias, de un entorno de migraciones indias y de la reacomodación de lealtades y fidelidades con el fin de la encomienda, los pueblos estudiados adoptaron un sistema de gobierno local más flexible que no comprometiera tantos recursos familiares y locales, como el de alcaldes y mandones electos, para afrontar un contexto cambiante en lo económico y político. Con ello se completó la trasformación de identidades étnicas diferenciadas a las generadas por la categoría social y jurídica de “indio”. La información se procesó con aportes metodológicos del análisis del discurso, la etnohistoria y el enfoque cualitativo.

  4. Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit No. 2 (Docket No. 50-341). Supplement No. 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Supplement No. 4 to the Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 2, provides the staff's evaluation of additional information submitted by the applicant regarding outstanding review issues identified in Supplement No. 3 to the Safety Evaluation Report, dated January 1983

  5. Node Ranking Tool - NoRT (United States)


    NoRT) that was developed as part of the Applied Network Science 6.2 base program work unit at NRL, Code 5580. We explain the theory of NoRT and use it. 23-03-2018 Memorandum Report TOPSIS, Social Network, Sensor Network, Centrality, Diffusion, Disease, Virus, Expectation , Pandemic...base program work unit at NRL. We explain the theory of NoRT and how to use it. Index Terms TOPSIS, Social Network, Sensor Network, Centrality, Diffusion


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvio Luiz de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da oxitocina sobre a qualidade do sêmen suíno heterospérmico diluído em BTS e armazenado a 15 °C. Foram utilizadas três misturas de dois ejaculados, coletados de quatro animais mestiços. As doses contendo o sêmen foram armazenadas em geladeira, em garrafas plásticas, sem oxitocina (T1 e outra com adição de oxitocina (T2 na concentração de 2,5 UI/ dose. Amostras de sêmen foram retiradas nos tempos zero, 24 e 48 horas para avaliações de fertilidade. Os valores médios encontrados para motilidade, vigor, percentagem de espermatozóides vivos e integridade de acrossoma foram respectivamente de 63,0%, 2,9, 90,0% e 98,0% no tempo 24 h e 55,0%, 2,7, 90,6% e 97,2% no tempo 48 h de armazenamento. E para o sêmen tratado com oxitocina (T2 os valores médios encontrados foram: 63,0%, 3,0, 90,7% e 97%,1 no tempo 24 h e 58,0%, 2,8, 88,6% e 97,1% no tempo 48 h. As análises estatísticas mostraram que houve diferenças significativas apenas para o vigor espermático, mas que a oxitocina pode ser utilizada como meio de aumentar a taxa de concepção dos animais. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Inseminação artificial, suínos, sêmen heterospérmico.

  7. A study on the chromosomal aberration in T. astivum VAR.CHUANFU No.1 to No.4 and 4037

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Liyuan; Xuan Pu; Qu Shihong; Yin Chunrong; Guo Yuanlin


    Wheat variety Chuanfu No.1 had been bred from Chuanyu No.5 by 32 P induction. Chuanfu No.2 to No.4 and 4037 had been bred by 60 Co γ ray induction. The chromosome constitution changed a little with Chuanfu No.1 compared with Mianyang 19. There were differences with one pair of chromosomes between Chuanfu No.2 and Chuanfu No.1 and between Chuanfu No.2 and Mianyang 19. In the hybrid F 1 of 4037 and Mianyang 19 one quadrivalents formed in many meiosis. In the hybrid F 1 or Chuanfu No.2 and 4037, one qudrivalent, one trivalent, 2 univalent or 4 univalent formed in different meiosis. 4037 was a strain of translocation. Several chromosomes changed among 2882 and several varieties. The powdery mildew resistance of 4037 was controlled by one gene which showed additive effect and was induced by 60 Co γ-ray

  8. Premelting, Melting, and Degradation Properties of Molten Alkali Nitrates: LiNO3, NaNO3, KNO3, and Binary NaNO3-KNO3 (United States)

    Mohammad, Mehedi Bin; Brooks, Geoffrey Alan; Rhamdhani, Muhammad Akbar


    A simultaneous thermal analyzer (STA) was used to observe the transition and degradation events of LiNO3, NaNO3, KNO3, and binary NaNO3-KNO3 salts for potential use as phase change materials (PCMs) and heat transfer fluid (HTF). Samples were heated from 50 °C to 800 °C at 10 °C/min scanning rate in three atmospheres (argon, air, and oxygen) using an STA to observe decomposition behavior. Thermal stability increased for all salts at high partial pressure of O2 ( P_{{{O}2 }} = 1.0) compared to inert argon ( P_{{{O}2 }} = 0). O2, N2, NO, N2O, and NO2 were main evolved gases during nitrate decomposition. NO and O2 started to evolve at approximately the same temperature after melting, indicating that primary and secondary decomposition reactions were concurrent and overlapping. The solid-solid transition, liquidus and solidus temperatures, heat of transition, heat of melting, and heat of solidification were obtained at various heating-cooling rates (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 15 °C/min) using an STA. At all heating-cooling rates, a small gap exists between liquidus and solidus temperatures for all samples due to the salts exhibiting supercooling phenomena. This study showed that the degradation point depends on the blanket atmosphere top of the molten salts and that heating rates have a minor effect on transition events (peaks height, peaks width, and transition enthalpies).

  9. Premelting, Melting, and Degradation Properties of Molten Alkali Nitrates: LiNO3, NaNO3, KNO3, and Binary NaNO3-KNO3 (United States)

    Mohammad, Mehedi Bin; Brooks, Geoffrey Alan; Rhamdhani, Muhammad Akbar


    A simultaneous thermal analyzer (STA) was used to observe the transition and degradation events of LiNO3, NaNO3, KNO3, and binary NaNO3-KNO3 salts for potential use as phase change materials (PCMs) and heat transfer fluid (HTF). Samples were heated from 50 °C to 800 °C at 10 °C/min scanning rate in three atmospheres (argon, air, and oxygen) using an STA to observe decomposition behavior. Thermal stability increased for all salts at high partial pressure of O2 ( P_{{{O}2 }} = 1.0) compared to inert argon ( P_{{{O}2 }} = 0). O2, N2, NO, N2O, and NO2 were main evolved gases during nitrate decomposition. NO and O2 started to evolve at approximately the same temperature after melting, indicating that primary and secondary decomposition reactions were concurrent and overlapping. The solid-solid transition, liquidus and solidus temperatures, heat of transition, heat of melting, and heat of solidification were obtained at various heating-cooling rates (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 15 °C/min) using an STA. At all heating-cooling rates, a small gap exists between liquidus and solidus temperatures for all samples due to the salts exhibiting supercooling phenomena. This study showed that the degradation point depends on the blanket atmosphere top of the molten salts and that heating rates have a minor effect on transition events (peaks height, peaks width, and transition enthalpies).

  10. Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. STN 50-400). Supplement No. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report, Supplement No. 2 to the Safety Evaluation Report for the application filed by the Carolina Power and Light Company and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency (the applicants) for a license to operate the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 (Docket No. 50-400), has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This supplement reports the status of certain items that had not been resolved at the time of publication of the Safety Evaluation Report and Supplement No. 1

  11. Photodissociation constant of NO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nootebos, M.A.; Bange, P.


    The velocity of the dissociation of NO 2 into ozone and NO mainly depends on the ultraviolet sunlight quantity, and with that the cloudiness. A correct value for this reaction constant is important for the accurate modelling of O 3 - and NO 2 -concentrations in plumes of electric power plants, in particular in the case of determination of the amount of photochemical summer smog. An advanced signal processing method (deconvolution, correlation) was applied on the measurements. The measurements were carried out from aeroplanes

  12. The purgatory of no-reply


    George dos Reis Alba


    No-replies are common in everyday life, especially when individuals interact in C2C (consumer-to-consumer) markets. When consumers participate in the marketplace and interact with sellers or other consumers, they may encounter various kinds of outcomes. Sometimes offerings may succeed, while other times they are explicitly declined. But it is also possible that offerings are met with a “cold shoulder”, where no explicit acceptance or rejection response is given. I posit that no-replies lead i...

  13. No slip gravity (United States)

    Linder, Eric V.


    A subclass of the Horndeski modified gravity theory we call No Slip Gravity has particularly interesting properties: 1) a speed of gravitational wave propagation equal to the speed of light, 2) equality between the effective gravitational coupling strengths to matter and light, Gmatter and Glight, hence no slip between the metric potentials, yet difference from Newton's constant, and 3) suppressed growth to give better agreement with galaxy clustering observations. We explore the characteristics and implications of this theory, and project observational constraints. We also give a simple expression for the ratio of the gravitational wave standard siren distance to the photon standard candle distance, in this theory and others, and enable a direct comparison of modified gravity in structure growth and in gravitational waves, an important crosscheck.

  14. El deporte y la actividad física en la prevención del cáncer

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    Dr. López-Köstner Francisco


    Full Text Available El cáncer es la primera causa de muerte en la mayoría de los países desarrollados. Chile se acerca cada vez más a esta realidad, ya que esta enfermedad es la segunda causa de muerte en el país. Lamentablemente, nuestra expectativa es al alza y de este modo debemos actuar con energía en la promoción de factores protectores. La práctica del deporte ha evidenciado múltiples ventajas en el estado general de quienes lo practican y en relación al cáncer, se han realizado estudios que demuestran que la práctica deportiva es relevante en distintos niveles. A nivel celular el deporte disminuiría la activación de cascadas inflamatorias que están implicadas en el desarrollo de diversos tipos de cánceres, como el de pulmón, colorrectal, gástrico y pancreático entre otros. Además, a nivel de prevención existe una relación inversa entre actividad física y el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de mama y de colon. En pacientes oncológicos el ejercicio puede ser útil en la reducción de la fatiga y la depresión, y así contribuir a una mejor calidad de vida.

  15. Estado actual de la cirugia general laparoscópica Present state of videolaparascopic surgery

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    Carlos Hernándo Morales Uribe


    Full Text Available

    Los procedimientos laparoscópicos han empezado a reemplazar algunas operaciones
    convencionales porque evitan la cirugía mayor y se logra una recuperación precoz del paciente. En el futuro muchas cirugías tradicionales se realizarán laparoscópicamente. En este artículo se presenta el estado actual de la cirugía laparoscópica en los siguientes casos: cirugía biliar, úlcera péptica, corrección del reflujo gastroesofágico
    y de algunos trastornos motores esofágicos, abdomen agudo, herniorrafia inguinal
    y cirugía colorrectal. Se consignan las ventajas y desventajas en general y para cada
    caso en particular.
    Laparascopic pracedures have begun to replace the conventional ones in arder to
    avoid major surgery and to allow an earlier recovery of the patlent. In thls article the
    present state of laparoscopic surgery is revlewed, concernlng the followlng entities:
    blliary surgery, peptlc ulcer, correction of gastroesophageal reflux and of esophageal
    motility problems, acute abdomen, ingulnal herniorrhaphy and colorectal surgery. Advantages and dlsadvantages are consldered both in general and for each speclflc case. 

  16. Clinic-surgical characterization of the colorectal cancer in inpatients;Caracterizacion clinico quirurgica del cancer colorrectal en pacientes ingresados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alejo Concepcion, Osvaldo; Castillo Lamas, Libardo; Umpierrez Garcia, Ibis [Hospital Militar Docente ' Dr Mario Munnoz Monroy' , Matanzas (Cuba)


    The colorectal cancer presents high incidence. This pathology occupies the fifth place among the neoplasias in both sexes in Cuba. With the objective of characterizing this disease we carried out a descriptive transversal study at the service of General Surgery of the University Military Hospital of Matanzas 'Dr. Mario Munnoz Monroy', in the period from January 2001 to January 2005, studying age, sex, familiar oncological antecedents, presentation form, localization and diagnosis of the tumor, and also the surgical technique used in the treatment. The results showed predominance of the male sex in ages between 60 and 69 years old, different symptoms depending on the localization, predominance of the rectal cancer, and others. It was concluded that there is a delay between the beginning of the symptoms and the diagnosis, considerably diminishing the healing possibilities and survival

  17. Multivisceral resections in 461 cases operated of colorectal cancer; Resecciones multiviscerales en 461 casos operados de cancer colorrectal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leon, Hormaza; Jose, Antonio


    The colorectal cancer is the third more frequent cause of cancer in the U.S.A., a 12% of these tumors extend to neighboring organs. One appears the experience in multivisceral resections of the services of coloproctology of the Clinic San Pedro Claver and the Central Hospital of the Police in colorectal cancer with 62 patients of 461 cases operated from the 2000 to the 2006. The rectum tumors must receive first neoadjuvant therapy. The resection in block is the fundamental pillar of the treatment, although the morbidity and mortality are greater than in the resections standard, survival, local and systemic recurrence tends to behave as the colorectal tumors that do not require surgery extended to other organs.

  18. The fraction of NO in exhaled air and estimates of alveolar NO in adolescents with asthma: methodological aspects. (United States)

    Heijkenskjöld-Rentzhog, Charlotte; Alving, Kjell; Kalm-Stephens, Pia; Lundberg, Jon O; Nordvall, Lennart; Malinovschi, Andrei


    This study investigated the oral contribution to exhaled NO in young people with asthma and its potential effects on estimated alveolar NO (Calv(NO) ), a proposed marker of inflammation in peripheral airways. Secondary aims were to investigate the effects of various exhalation flow-rates and the feasibility of different proposed adjustments of (Calv(NO) ) for trumpet model and axial diffusion (TMAD). Exhaled NO at flow rates of 50-300 ml/sec, and salivary nitrite was measured before and after antibacterial mouthwash in 29 healthy young people (10-20 years) and 29 with asthma (10-19 years). Calv(NO) was calculated using the slope-intercept model with and without TMAD adjustment. Exhaled NO at 50 ml/sec decreased significantly after mouthwash, to a similar degree in asthmatic and healthy subjects (8.8% vs. 9.8%, P = 0.49). The two groups had similar salivary nitrite levels (56.4 vs. 78.4 µM, P = 0.25). Calv(NO) was not significantly decreased by mouthwash. Calv(NO) levels were similar when flow-rates between 50-200 or 100-300 ml/sec were used (P = 0.34 in asthmatics and P = 0.90 in healthy subjects). A positive association was found between bronchial and alveolar NO in asthmatic subjects and this disappeared after the TMAD-adjustment. Negative TMAD-adjusted Calv(NO) values were found in a minority of the subjects. Young people with and without asthma have similar salivary nitrite levels and oral contributions to exhaled NO and therefore no antibacterial mouthwash is necessary in routine use. TMAD corrections of alveolar NO could be successfully applied in young people with asthma and yielded negative results only in a minority of subjects. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Parques urbanos e seu papel no ambiente, no turismo e no lazer da cidade

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    Sidnei Raimundo


    Full Text Available Os parques urbanos mudaram suas funções nos últimos 150 anos, desde espaços para um controle social das massas de trabalhadores no início da revolução industrial, para locais que presentemente são uma das maiores expressões de luta pelo direito à cidade e às práticas de lazer e turismo. Nessa lógica, os parques urbanos foram resignificados, adquirindo importância ligada aos serviços ecossistêmicos que estes prestam à sociedade atual. O objetivo principal deste artigo foi demonstrar a importância dos parques urbanos como prestadores de serviços ecossistêmicos, associado à regulação ambiental e à informação (lazer e turismo. Os procedimentos se embasaram em pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o macro tema: parques urbanos, em sua trajetória modernamente entendido; e em análises desenvolvidas pelos autores a partir do debate realizado no grupo de pesquisa em “territorialidades, políticas públicas e conflitos na conservação do território”, da EACH-USP. Os resultados apresentam dados sobre os serviços de regulação e de lazer e turismo oferecidos pelos parques urbanos para os cidadãos das grandes cidades e sobre as motivações das pessoas em se ligar à natureza ofertada nesses espaços.

  20. Non-enzymatic NO production in human skin: effect of UVA on cutaneous NO stores

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Suschek, C.; Opländer, C.; van Faassen, E.E.H.


    Nitric oxide (NO) in human skin has been under investigation since first reports of NOS expression in skin tissue in 1992 [1]. NO plays a key role in the dermal response to external stimuli such as heat, ultraviolet (UV) light, or infection, and in healing of abrasions, lesions or burns. Recently, a

  1. No-scale inflation (United States)

    Ellis, John; Garcia, Marcos A. G.; Nanopoulos, Dimitri V.; Olive, Keith A.


    Supersymmetry is the most natural framework for physics above the TeV scale, and the corresponding framework for early-Universe cosmology, including inflation, is supergravity. No-scale supergravity emerges from generic string compactifications and yields a non-negative potential, and is therefore a plausible framework for constructing models of inflation. No-scale inflation yields naturally predictions similar to those of the Starobinsky model based on R+{R}2 gravity, with a tilted spectrum of scalar perturbations: {n}s∼ 0.96, and small values of the tensor-to-scalar perturbation ratio r\\lt 0.1, as favoured by Planck and other data on the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Detailed measurements of the CMB may provide insights into the embedding of inflation within string theory as well as its links to collider physics.

  2. No-Scale Inflation

    CERN Document Server

    Ellis, John; Nanopoulos, Dimitri V.; Olive, Keith A.


    Supersymmetry is the most natural framework for physics above the TeV scale, and the corresponding framework for early-Universe cosmology, including inflation, is supergravity. No-scale supergravity emerges from generic string compactifications and yields a non-negative potential, and is therefore a plausible framework for constructing models of inflation. No-scale inflation yields naturally predictions similar to those of the Starobinsky model based on $R + R^2$ gravity, with a tilted spectrum of scalar perturbations: $n_s \\sim 0.96$, and small values of the tensor-to-scalar perturbation ratio $r < 0.1$, as favoured by Planck and other data on the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Detailed measurements of the CMB may provide insights into the embedding of inflation within string theory as well as its links to collider physics.

  3. Understanding the different rotational behaviors of $^{252}$No and $^{254}$No in terms of high-order deformation

    CERN Document Server

    Liu, H L; Walker, P M


    Total Routhian surface calculations have been performed to investigate rapidly rotating transfermium nuclei, the heaviest nuclei accessible by detailed spectroscopy experiments. The observed fast alignment in $^{252}$No and slow alignment in $^{254}$No are well reproduced by the calculations incorporating high-order deformations. The different rotational behaviors of $^{252}$No and $^{254}$No can be understood for the first time in terms of $\\beta_6$ deformation that decreases the energies of the $\

  4. Agricultura brasileira no Mercosul e no mercado internacional


    Gonçalves, José Sidnei; Instituto de Economia Agrícola


    O mercado internacional vem passando por profundas mudanças no período recente, mudanças que trazem preocupações efetivas para as economias latino-americanas, em especial as do Hemisfério Sul, pois nesse cenário é mais provável que os países industrializados construam uma nova ordem mundial com base nas potências industriais do Hemisfério Norte: Estados Unidos da América (EUA), União Européia (EU) e Japão.

  5. 16 (No.1)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 24, 2010 ... The relevant pre-operative information recorded for each patient included diagnosis ... orthodontic treatment (braces), teeth in the fracture line, fractured teeth ... roots; the use of sterile surgical gloves had no better advantage ...

  6. O sapotizeiro no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josué Francisco da Silva Junior


    Full Text Available O sapotizeiro é uma espécie frutífera com grande potencial para exploração econômica no Brasil, possuindo sistemas de produção definidos que podem auxiliar no desenvolvimento do seu cultivo. As pesquisas têm sido conduzidas com maior frequência na Regiäo Nordeste, onde também se encontram as principais áreas produtoras. O presente trabalho consiste em uma coletânea atualizada sobre a cultura do sapoti no país, contendo informações baseadas em trabalhos de pesquisa de instituições brasileiras e estrangeiras, bem como em observações nas regiões produtoras. As informações abrangem a cadeia produtiva do sapoti, envolvendo desde um breve histórico até a comercialização, destacando-se temas como o manejo agronômico, recursos genéticos e melhoramento, colheita e pós-colheita.


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    Homero Sáenz


    Full Text Available La terapia de remplazo enzimático (TRE, consiste en suministrarle a un paciente una proteína exógena, que en su organismo está siendo sintetizada anormalmente. La proteína puede provenir de tejidos y fluidos humanos, ser sintetizada en bacterias, células de mamífero o levaduras, a las cuales se les ha introducido el gen correspondiente. Actualmente son tratadas con TRE las enfermedades de Gaucher, Fabry y la inmunodeficiencia humana combinada. Además existen avanzados estudios en las enfermedades de Hurler, Hunter, Pompe, Niemann-Pick tipo B, Morquio A, angioderma hereditario y pénfigo vulgar. Una de las limitantes de la TRE ha sido sus altos costos, debido al relativamente pequeño número de pacientes que se tratan a nivel mundial y a que el sistema usado hasta ahora, es decir, la expresión en células de mamífero, requiere procedimientos muy costosos. La expresión en bacterias o levaduras sería mucho más barato, pero las primeras no expresan proteínas glicosiladas que constituyen el 91% del total de proteínas y la mayoría de las levaduras tienen sistemas de glicosilación, distintos a los de mamíferos.Sin embargo, Pichia pastoris y Hansenula polymorpha parecen producir proteínas muy similares a las humanas, con lo cual se evitan los problemas de rechazo por parte del organismo humano. En el Instituto de Errores Innatos del Metabolismo (IEIM de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana se adelantan estudios conducentes a la implementación de un sistema de expresión de proteínas recombinantes en levaduras para uso clínico en enfermedades lisosomales como los síndromes de Hunter y Morquio A. Este modelo, si funciona a cabalidad, podría emplearse para la mayoría de las enfermedades lisosomales (42 en total y para otros errores innatos del metabolismo.

  8. Resultados preliminares del pesquisaje neonatal inmunohistoquímico para la detección del síndrome de frágil X Preliminary results of the immunohistochemical neonatal screening for detecting the fragile X syndrome

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    Roberto Lardoeyt Ferrer


    Full Text Available El síndrome de frágil X constituye la entidad genética que ocupa el primer lugar como causa de retraso mental hereditario, caracterizado por un fenotipo físico y psiconeuroconductual muy peculiar. Han sido innumerables los estudios que se han realizado con el fin de dilucidar la función del gen y la localización de la proteína que la misma codifica relacionado con esta afección, entre los cuales se encuentran las técnicas inmunohistoquímicas. Se aplicó la técnica inmunohistoquímica con el objetivo de detectar individuos con riesgo genético de presentar el síndrome de frágil X a través de un pesquisaje neonatal en un período de 14 meses. Se pesquisaron un total de 2 914 recién nacidos varones, de los cuales 2 414 obtuvieron resultados inmunohistoquímicos. Diez casos fueron proteína negativos, en los cuales su desarrollo psicomotor fue evaluado exhaustivamente durante un período de 3 años, y fue normal; no se detectó ningún individuo con la enfermedad.The Fragile X syndrome is the genetic entity that is the first cause of hereditary mental retardation characterized by a very peculiar physical and psychoneuroconductal phenotype. Innumerable studies, including the immunohistochemical techniques, have been conducted aimed at dilucidating the gene's function and the localization of the protein that it codified related to this affection. The immunohistochemical techique was used in order to detect individuals at genetical risk for presenting Fragile X syndrome by neonatal screening in 14 months. A total of 2 914 male infants were screened of whom 2 414 showed histochemical results. 10 cases tested negative protein. Their psychomotor development was exhaustively evaluated for 3 years and it was normal. The disease was not detected in any individual.

  9. Una mirada al albinismo óculo-cutáneo: reporte de mutaciones en el gen TYR en cinco individuos colombianos

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    Diana Sanabria


    Full Text Available Introducción. El albinismo óculo-cutáneo es un trastorno hereditario autosómico recesivo relacionado con la pigmentación. Sus manifestaciones clínicas incluyen hipopigmentación en piel, cabello y ojos, hipoplasia en la fóvea y disminución de la agudeza visual. A nivel mundial, hasta el momento, se han reportado, aproximadamente, 230 mutaciones en el gen TYR que causan albinismo óculo-cutáneo de tipo 1. Este gen codifica para la tirosinasa, enzima principal de la biosíntesis de melanina. Objetivos. Identificar las mutaciones en el gen TYR responsables del albinismo óculo-cutáneo de tipo 1 en cinco individuos colombianos; cuatro de ellos pertenecen a una misma familia y el otro individuo es un caso aislado no relacionado con la familia. Asimismo, se pretende evaluar un sistema oftálmico que permite corregir problemas de refracción, y disminuir el nistagmo y la fotofobia en uno de los casos. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo la secuenciación de los cinco exones del gen TYR en los cinco individuos de estudio y se buscaron portadores en la familia. Se llevó a cabo la evaluación clínica oftalmológica y la implementación del sistema correctivo en uno de los pacientes. Resultados. Se encontraron las mutaciones G47D y 1379delTT en la familia, y en el caso aislado, las mutaciones G47D y D42N. Con la implementación del sistema óculo-visual se logró incrementar la agudeza visual y disminuir el nistagmo.Conclusiones. Por ser el primer estudio en albinismo de este carácter en el país, estos resultados marcan una pauta para estudios posteriores de tamización molecular de albinismo en población colombiana.   doi:

  10. Technical specifications, South Texas Project, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-498): Appendix ''A'' to License No. NPF-71

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents specifications for the South Texas Project, Unit No. 1 concerning: safety limits, and limiting safety system settings; limiting conditions for operation and surveillance requirements; design features; and administrative controls

  11. NO concentration imaging in turbulent nonpremixed flames

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schefer, R.W. [Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA (United States)


    The importance of NO as a pollutant species is well known. An understanding of the formation characteristics of NO in turbulent hydrocarbon flames is important to both the desired reduction of pollutant emissions and the validation of proposed models for turbulent reacting flows. Of particular interest is the relationship between NO formation and the local flame zone, in which the fuel is oxidized and primary heat release occurs. Planar imaging of NO provides the multipoint statistics needed to relate NO formation to the both the flame zone and the local turbulence characteristics. Planar imaging of NO has been demonstrated in turbulent flames where NO was seeded into the flow at high concentrations (2000 ppm) to determine the gas temperature distribution. The NO concentrations in these experiments were significantly higher than those expected in typical hydrocarbon-air flames, which require a much lower detectability limit for NO measurements. An imaging technique based on laser-induced fluorescence with sufficient sensitivity to study the NO formation mechanism in the stabilization region of turbulent lifted-jet methane flames.

  12. Oracle NoSQL databáze


    Chlomek, Lukáš


    This thesis deals with the theme of NoSQL databases. The theoretical part describes, the reasons for the creation of this databases trend, their basic properties and the most widely used NoSQL data models. The practical part introduces readers with one representative of NoSQL key-value data model, Oracle NoSQL. Following is a sample of work with records of this database, using created test program. End of work includes a short practical demon-stration of manipulation with tables in the reposi...

  13. Emissions of NO, NO2 and PM from inland shipping

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Kurtenbach


    Full Text Available Particulate matter (PM and nitrogen oxides NOx (NOx =  NO2+ NO are key species for urban air quality in Europe and are emitted by mobile sources. According to European recommendations, a significant fraction of road freight should be shifted to waterborne transport in the future. In order to better consider this emission change pattern in future emission inventories, in the present study inland water transport emissions of NOx, CO2 and PM were investigated under real world conditions on the river Rhine, Germany, in 2013. An average NO2 ∕ NOx emission ratio of 0.08 ± 0.02 was obtained, which is indicative of ship diesel engines without exhaust gas aftertreatment systems. For all measured motor ship types and operation conditions, overall weighted average emission indices (EIs, as emitted mass of pollutant per kg burnt fuel of EINOx =  54 ± 4 g kg−1 and a lower limit EIPM1 ≥  2.0 ± 0.3 g kg−1, were obtained. EIs for NOx and PM1 were found to be in the range of 20–161 and  ≥  0.2–8.1 g kg−1 respectively. A comparison with threshold values of national German guidelines shows that the NOx emissions of all investigated motor ship types are above the threshold values, while the obtained lower limit PM1 emissions are just under. To reduce NOx emissions to acceptable values, implementation of exhaust gas aftertreatment systems is recommended.

  14. A saúde das crianças no mundo e no Brasil

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    Malaquias Batista Filho


    Full Text Available Resumo Os autores analisam o recente relatório do grupo intergeracional OMS (World Health Organization -WHO, Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF, Banco Mundial, consolidado pelas Nações Unidas, cobrindo o período 1990/2015, em relação aos compromissos e metas internacionais para a redução da mortalidade de menores de cinco anos no mundo. Trata-se de um "paper" histórico, correspondendo aos 25 anos da Declaração Universal dos Direitos das Crianças e dos Adolescentes, aos resultados de acordos internacionais firmados pelos chefes de estado na Reunião de Cúpula de Nova York (1990 e, em sequência, às Metas do Milênio, consensuadas por 195 países. O relatório destaca que apenas 62 países conseguiram cumprir o objetivo estipulado de reduzir a mortalidade em 2/3 (66,7% sendo que o Brasil alcançou uma redução de 73% antes do prazo estabelecido, final de 2015. Os autores ressaltam a heterogenei-dade dos resultados obtidos no Brasil e no mundo, com uma grande diferença entre os espaços geográficos, com variações que se deslocam entre 5% a mais de 80%, atribuindo-se essas grandes diferenças às desigualdades de condições de vida que ainda prevalecem na maior parte dos países, inclusive no Brasil. O mais importante é que os êxitos alcançados são singulares na história nosográfica da humanidade.

  15. Esta palavra socialismo... Idéias socialistas no Brasil no final do século XIX




    Por meio de uma análise do sentido variado que a palavra socialismo assumiu no Brasil no final do século XLX, este artigo busca ressaltar o estatuto das idéias socialistas no período: um misto de progressismo liberal, socialismo utópico e positivismo. Para tanto, baseia-se em artigos de importantes jornais, como Echo Popular, Gaveta Operária, Vo^do Povo, entre outros.


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    Andreea-Teodora STANESCU


    Full Text Available Government Ordinance no. 107/1999 is a normative act with relevance in the field of consumer protection. Thus, according to Article 30, the ordinance is supplemented by GO no. 21/1992 on consumer protection. In this context, it should be noted that the notion of consumer as defined by GO no. 107/1999 is not identical to that used in consumer protection regulations. Thus, contracts for the sale of package travels may be contracts concluded with consumers from the perspective of GO no. 107/1999, but not from the point of view of consumer protection regulations. This study will identify the features of the consumer concept in GO no. 107/1999 and in GO no. 21/1992, as a normative act comprising the common law in the field of consumer protection. By identifying the differences between concepts, this study will exemplify their legal relevance in terms of consumer protection against the introduction of unfair contract terms.

  17. CQ No. 25

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Also, there are no baseline data to measure police performance against ... political networks, or in public protest action – and thus .... VCPs and stopped traffic, most of the time VCP .... based replacement, has taken on some big cases but has ...

  18. Tropospheric NO2 over China

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A, van der R.J.; Peters, D.H.M.U.; Kuenen, J.J.P.; Eskes, H.J.; Boersma, K.F.; Roozendael, Van M.; Smedt, de I.; Zhang, P.; Kelder, H.M.; Lacoste, H.; Ouwehand, L.


    The results are presented of a study to tropospheric NO2 over China, based on measurements from the satellite instruments GOME and SCIAMACHY. A data set of 10 year tropospheric NO2 has been processed from GOME and SCIAMACHY observations using a combined retrieval/assimilation approach. This approach

  19. Evaluation of OMI operational standard NO2 column retrievals using in situ and surface-based NO2 observations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. N. Lamsal


    Full Text Available We assess the standard operational nitrogen dioxide (NO2 data product (OMNO2, version 2.1 retrieved from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI onboard NASA's Aura satellite using a combination of aircraft and surface in~situ measurements as well as ground-based column measurements at several locations and a bottom-up NOx emission inventory over the continental US. Despite considerable sampling differences, NO2 vertical column densities from OMI are modestly correlated (r = 0.3–0.8 with in situ measurements of tropospheric NO2 from aircraft, ground-based observations of NO2 columns from MAX-DOAS and Pandora instruments, in situ surface NO2 measurements from photolytic converter instruments, and a bottom-up NOx emission inventory. Overall, OMI retrievals tend to be lower in urban regions and higher in remote areas, but generally agree with other measurements to within ± 20%. No consistent seasonal bias is evident. Contrasting results between different data sets reveal complexities behind NO2 validation. Since validation data sets are scarce and are limited in space and time, validation of the global product is still limited in scope by spatial and temporal coverage and retrieval conditions. Monthly mean vertical NO2 profile shapes from the Global Modeling Initiative (GMI chemistry-transport model (CTM used in the OMI retrievals are highly consistent with in situ aircraft measurements, but these measured profiles exhibit considerable day-to-day variation, affecting the retrieved daily NO2 columns by up to 40%. This assessment of OMI tropospheric NO2 columns, together with the comparison of OMI-retrieved and model-simulated NO2 columns, could offer diagnostic evaluation of the model.

  20. No hay mal que por bien no venga: el optimismo según Rousseau


    Baranzelli, Dante A.


    El deísmo rousseauniano desestima la existencia del caos o del Mal general. Por el contrario, ve en el sistema del mundo un orden perfecto que obedece a la divina Providencia, identificada con la legalidad universal de la naturaleza. Mas con ello su intención no es despreciar el sufrimiento de los individuos. De hecho Rousseau reconoce y admite la presencia, e incluso la abundancia, de diversos males que afectan al hombre. ¿Acaso él mismo no es un claro ejemplo de ello?

  1. Activated sludge model No. 3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gujer, W.; Henze, M.; Mino, T.


    The Activated Sludge Model No. 3 (ASM3) can predict oxygen consumption, sludge production, nitrification and denitrification of activated sludge systems. It relates to the Activated Sludge Model No. 1 (ASM1) and corrects for some defects of ASM I. In addition to ASM1, ASM3 includes storage of org...

  2. NoSQL-tietokannat : perusominaisuudet ja luokittelu


    Soikkeli, Tuomas


    NoSQL-tietokannat ovat olleet eräitä 2000-luvun kiistellyimmistä teknologioista. Niiden käyttötarkoituksista tai hyödyllisyydestä ei ole yleisesti hyväksyttyä tutkimustietoa, johtuen NoSQL-tietokantojen kehittymättömyydestä ja nuoresta iästä. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten NoSQL-tietokantoja voidaan luokitella ja mitkä ovat niiden käyttökohteet. Tätä varten kerrotaan ensin, miten NoSQL-tietokannat ovat kehittyneet ja minkälaisia ominaispiirteiltä niillä on. Sitten kuvataan...

  3. Noûs: oralidade e escrita


    Sílvia Maria Ferreira Cúri


    Este artigo, em seus dois momentos, aborda o conceito de noûs no pensamento mítico de Homero, considerado tradição oral, e no pensamento filosófico de Anaxágoras, apresentado como tradição escrita. Não se prende, porém, à questao da oralidade e da escrita em si mesmas, preocupando-se apenas com a questão da conceituação de noûs em ambos os pensamentos, em seus contextos. Nosso objetivo foi resgatar essa palavra originariamente, analisando passagens dos poemas homéricos e dos fragmentos de Ana...

  4. Compliance with the annual NO 2 air quality standard in Athens. Required NO x levels and expected health implications (United States)

    Chaloulakou, A.; Mavroidis, I.; Gavriil, I.

    Recent risk assessment studies have shown that high outdoor NO 2 levels observed in residential areas contribute to increased respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and mortality. Detailed information on present NO 2 levels as well as predictions of NO 2 concentrations corresponding to reduced NO x levels in urban areas are very useful to decision and policy makers in order to protect the public health. In the present paper, monitoring stations of the Athens network are initially classified into two main groups, traffic affected and urban background, using effectively a criterion based on the ratio of annual mean NO:NO 2 concentrations. Two empirical methodologies are then considered and compared for assessing the effect of different NO x levels on the attainment of the annual NO 2 air quality standard at urban-background locations in the Athens area. An interesting finding is that these two methodologies, one more general and one both year and site dependent, give similar results for the specific study area and can be applied alternatively based on the length of available concentration time series. The results show that in order to meet the EU annual mean NO 2 objective at all the urban-background locations of the Athens area, annual NO x concentrations should be reduced to approximately 60 μg m -3, requiring NO x emission reductions of up to 30%. An analysis of the health implications of the currently observed NO 2 levels is conducted, based on a dose-response relationship, and is coupled with available health-related data for the Athens area. This analysis suggests that if NO 2 concentrations were reduced to the levels of the annual EU air quality standard, then a decrease of hospital admissions of up to 2.6% would be observed, depending on the levels of NO 2 measured at different monitoring sites of the Athens conurbation.

  5. Greenhouse effect of NO{sub x}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lammel, G; Grassl, H [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie, Hamburg (Germany)


    Through various processes the nitrogen oxides (NO{sub x}) interact with trace gases in the troposphere and stratosphere which do absorb in the spectral range relevant to the greenhouse effect (infrared wavelengths). The net effect is an enhancement of the greenhouse effect. The catalytic role of NO{sub x} in the production of tropospheric ozone provides the most prominent contribution. The global waming potential is estimated as GWP (NO{sub x}) = 30-33 and 7-10 for the respective time horizons of 20 and 100 years, and is thereby comparable to that of methane. NO{sub x} emissions in rural areas of anthropogenically influenced regions, or those in the vicinity of the tropopause caused by air traffic, cause the greenhouse effectivity to be substantially more intense. We estimate an additional 5-23% for Germany`s contribution to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect as a result of the indirect greenhouse effects stemming from NO{sub x}. Furthermore, a small and still inaccurately defined amount of the deposited NO{sub x} which has primarily been converted into nitrates is again released from the soil into the atmosphere in the form of the long-lived greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N{sub i}O). Thus, anthropogenically induced NO{sub x} emissions contribute to enhanced greenhouse effect and to stratospheric ozone depletion in the time scale of more than a century. (orig.)

  6. Technical Specifications, Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-461). Appendix ''A'' to License No. NPF-55

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents information on the technical specifications of the Clinton Unit No. 1 Reactor in the areas of: safety limits and limiting safety system settings; limiting conditions for operation and surveillance requirements; design features; and administrative controls

  7. Influence of nitrogen oxides NO and NO2 on singlet delta oxygen production in pulsed discharge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ionin, A A; Klimachev, Yu M; Kozlov, A Yu; Kotkov, A A; Rulev, O A; Seleznev, L V; Sinitsyn, D V; Vagin, N P; Yuryshev, N N; Kochetov, I V; Napartovich, A P


    The influence of nitrogen oxides NO and NO 2 on the specific input energy (SIE) and the time behaviour of singlet delta oxygen (SDO) luminescence excited by a pulsed e-beam sustained discharge in oxygen were experimentally and theoretically studied. NO and NO 2 addition into oxygen results in a small increase and decrease in the SIE, respectively, the latter being connected with a large energy of electron affinity to NO 2 . The addition of 0.1-0.3% nitrogen oxides was experimentally and theoretically demonstrated to result in a notable enhancement of the SDO lifetime, which is related to a decrease in the atomic oxygen concentration in afterglow. It was experimentally demonstrated that to get a high SDO concentration at the gas pressure 30-60 Torr for a time interval of less than ∼0.5 s one needs to add not less than 0.2% nitrogen oxides into oxygen. The temperature dependence of the relaxation constant for SDO quenching by unexcited oxygen was estimated by using experimental data on the time behaviour of SDO luminescence.

  8. Percursos formativos e experiências integradoras no ensino superior: partilhas no Brasil e em Portugal

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    Adriana Rocha Bruno


    Full Text Available No século XX diversos movimentos focalizaram a formação de professores em suas múltiplas possibilidades e o século XXI, como herança, precisa superar muitos desafios, dentre eles a formação dos docentes no/do Ensino Superior. A educação superior brasileira e portuguesa recebem professores formados, prioritariamente, para atuação em pesquisa, e submetem-se aos modelos alemão e norte-americano que alicerçam os cursos de pós-graduação stricto sensu, pautando-se na cisão entre ensino e pesquisa. O presente artigo trata dos processos formativos para a docência no Ensino Superior nos contextos brasileiro e português, a partir do olhar para duas pesquisas realizadas: a primeira retrata as ações desenvolvidas na implantação de um Programa de formação docente para professores ingressantes numa universidade pública brasileira e a segunda investigação traz dados de uma pesquisa desenvolvida em três universidades portuguesas sobre ações institucionais voltadas à docência no Ensino Superior. No primeiro caso, o estudo aponta que os professores consideram a formação continuada proveitosa, sugerindo continuidade, embora questionem a obrigatoriedade e algumas atividades realizadas à distância. No segundo, evidenciam-se a ausência de um Programa institucional e a capilaridade das ações formativas, trazendo algumas inovações; a não obrigatoriedade e seus desdobramentos e a carência de formação para a cultura digital.

  9. Shakespeare no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrico Schaeffer


    Full Text Available No dia 23 de abril de 1964 completaram-se quatrocentos anos que William Shakespeare, o maior gênio da Literatura Inglêsa — e um dos maiores de todos os tempos e de tôdas as nações — nasceu.

  10. With no regrets

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    my M.Sc. in Chemistry in 1964 from D.A.V. College, Kanpur. The best thing which ... versity, I joined the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow as. Research ... was then a bare forest with no research or science culture. How- ever this did ...

  11. “Amizade” no Lísis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Trindade Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é interpretar a noção de philía (“amizade”, no Lísis, apontando a sua filiação nas noções de oikeîos (“afinidade” e syngéneia (“congenitura”, “conaturalidade”: Men. 81b, passim. O diálogo é dominado pela incapacidade de caraterizar a relação da “afinidade” com a “semelhança” (hómoion: 222a-e. Se o primeiro amigo é o bom (220a, aquele que o deseja não pode ser semelhante, nem contrário a ele: se fosse semelhante, não teria motivo para o desejar; se fosse contrário, teria de o repelir. Debaixo da aporia, escondem-se os problemas da relação entre o bem e o mal e da contrariedade. O primeiro é resolvido no Timeu através do desdobramento da criação do cosmo vivo: enquanto a alma imortal é criada pelo demiurgo, as almas irrracionais e os corpos dos mortais são construídas pelos deuses criados (41a-d. O segundo é resolvido no Sofista pela reformulação do sentido da negativa, que passa a poder ser lida como alteridade, além de como contrariedade. Esta solução é antecipada materialmente no Lísis pela interposição de “o que não é bom nem mau” (218b-c entre o bom e o mau, associada em diversos diálogos à concepção do mal como “ignorância” do bem (Ti. 86d-e; ver Sph. 228c; Ti. 86b-90d; ver R. 353e.

  12. Current status of construction of nuclear power plants No. 7, No. 8 in Korea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sug, S.H.


    The up-to-date accomplishment and future work in the construction of nuclear power plants in Korea are outlined. The scope of the construction project of the No. 7 and No. 8 power plants, selection of the suppliers of the main instruments, assessment of the planning, architecture, engineering, construction fund, procurement of nuclear fuel, and the necessities of home production of various nuclear materials are briefly summarized. (author)

  13. Vertical Distribution of NO, NO(2), and HNO(3) as Derived from Stratospheric Absorption Infrared Spectra. (United States)

    Fontanella, J C; Girard, A; Gramont, L; Louisnard, N


    This paper is devoted to the results concerning NO, NO(2), and HNO(3) obtained during airborne experiments performed in June-July 1973 on Concorde 001. The altitude of flight was about 16 km. Results concerning NO are, within the accuracy of measurement, in agreement with results of a previousspectrometric balloonborne experiment conducted jointly by IASB and ONERA (14 May 1973). Nitric oxide is concentrated in stratospheric layers clearly above the flight altitude. Integrated amount of NO along the optical path is (4 +/- 1.5) x 10(16) mol cm(-2) for a solar elevation varying from +2 degrees above the horizontal plane to -1 degrees . A value of 6 x 10(8) mol cm(-3) may be given as an upper limit for the local concentration at the flight altitude. Thereis no significant difference in the integrated amount observed at sunset and sunrise. Measured value of NO(2) local concentration at 15.5 km is (1.1 +/- 0.2) x 10(9) mol cm(-3), in sunset conditions. This value is not greatly modified between 15 km and 30 km. Measured value of HNO(3). This value increases with altitude between 15 km and 20 km. The local concentration is maximum at 20 km. The measured value is (2 +/- 1) x 10(10) mol cm(-3) at 20 km. It seems that local concentration decreases rapidly above 20 km.

  14. Oh No, Henrietta Got Out! (United States)

    Lottero-Perdue, Pamela; Grabia, Kathryn; Sandifer, Cody


    In a kindergarten classroom, exclamations like "Oh no!" may be causes for concern. However, when the students in Mrs. Grabia's classroom shouted "Oh no!" and "Uh oh!" during an engineering-infused 5E lesson, it meant that a persistent little robot had pushed its way out of the fences they had created. It also meant…

  15. Kinetics and branching ratios of the reactions NH2+NO2->N2O+H2O and NH2+NO2->H2NO+NO studied by pulse radiolysis combined with time-resolved infrared diode laser spectroscopy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meunier, H.; Pagsberg, Palle Bjørn; Sillesen, A.


    studied by monitoring the decay of NH2 and the simultaneous formation of N2O and NO by time-resolved infrared diode laser spectroscopy. The decay rate of NH2 was studied as a function of NO2 concentration to obtain an overall rate constant k(NH2 + NO2) = (1.35 +/- 0.15) X 10(-11) molecule(-1) cm(3) s(-1...

  16. Equidade no acesso ao transplante de rim com doador falecido no estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    PAURA, Priscila Ribeiro Campos


    Full Text Available No Brasil, o transplante é um direito da sociedade; entretanto, a escassez de órgãos de doadores falecidos tem refletido no aumento da demanda por transplante. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o acesso ao transplante de rim no Estado do Rio de Janeiro sob a ótica da equidade. Buscou-se pelos prontuários identificar e analisar dentre os não transplantados classificados para transplante de rim no ano de 2008 os fatores que dificultam o acesso, a partir das etapas necessárias para que o potencial receptor se submeta ao transplante. Baseou-se no consenso de que a Equidade é um princípio constitucional e do Sistema Único de Saúde e que as opções conceituais influenciam na escolha de critérios distributivos, nos indicadores utilizados para avaliar o grau de equidade e na interpretação dos resultados para efetividade das intervenções. Entre os resultados, destaca-se o "soro vencido" como principal obstáculo de não transplante dentre os classificados, seguidos de "Não informado", "Contato telefônico"; "Sem condições clínicas"; "Contraindicação pela equipe transplantadora"; "Sem exame" e "Outros". Contatou-se que o atual critério de seleção para transplante de rim apresenta inúmeros limites à implementação de forma equitativa, principalmente no que tange à organização da rede e no consumo de serviços de saúde. A política nacional de transplante apresenta ainda uma rede desarticulada que não é capaz de garantir o acesso às ações e serviços de saúde, não contemplando assim todas as necessidades de saúde da população usuária dos serviços de transplante no Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

  17. Deviations from the O3-NO-NO2 photo-stationary state in Delhi, India (United States)

    Chate, Dilip M.; Ghude, Sachin D.; Beig, Gurfan; Mahajan, Anoop S.; Jena, Chinmay; Srinivas, Reka; Dahiya, Anita; Kumar, Nandini


    A network of air quality and weather monitoring stations was set-up across Delhi, India, under the System of Air quality Forecasting And Research (SAFAR) project. The objective of this network was to enable better understanding of air quality in terms of atmospheric chemistry, emissions and forecasting in Delhi, one of the largest metropolises in the world. In this study, we focus on the O3-NO-NO2-triad Photo Stationary State (PSS), and investigate site-specific deviations in the Leighton Ratio (Φ) during a short period in 2012 (1-31 December). Large variations were observed in the NO ( 1) were also observed occasionally, and these data were used to estimate the total peroxy radical (PO2) mixing ratios. This is the first estimate of PO2 reported for the city of Delhi and compares well with the results in the literature.

  18. No to fatalism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pecqueur, Michel


    By saying 'No to fatalism', M. Pecqueur is forming the wish that the recent awarness of the energy situation, far from bringing about resignation, speeds up the implementation of the indispensable measures on which the economic and political stability of the world depends in the decade ahead [fr

  19. Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Fermi-2 (Docket No. 50-341). Supplement No. 5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Supplement No. 5 to the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) related to the operation of the Fermi-2 facility, provides the NRC staff's evaluation of additional information submitted by the applicant regarding outstanding review issues identified in Supplement No. 4 to the SER dated September 1984. This supplement contains the staff's conclusion that there are no outstanding issues which must be resolved prior to issuance of a low-power operating license (i.e., less than five percent of full rated power) for the Fermi-2 facility. Supplement No. 5 to the SER also summarizes the conditions which are placed in the Fermi-2 operating license

  20. Room and high temperature interactions in sodium and rubidium rich ternary nitrate mixtures of UO2(NO3)2.6H2O - NaNO3 - RbNO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalekar, Bhupesh B.; Reddy, A.V.R.; Raje, Naina


    High temperature interaction behavior of nitrates is important for characterizing different intermediate products and their thermal stabilities during the calcination of nuclear waste before their immobilization in the stable glass matrix. Mixtures of UO 2 (NO 3 ) 2 .6H 2 O (UNH) with NaNO 3 (NaN) and RbNO 3 (RbN) were prepared by mixing the weighed amounts of component nitrates and grinding gently in a mortar and pestle. The mixing and grinding of individual nitrate components in a mortar with pestle showed the agglomeration of solid particles and subsequent dissolution probably in the water of crystallization of UNH. The continued grinding and mixing showed the reappearance of the solid powder. The original yellow color of the mixture was changed to greenish yellow color. The mixtures were subjected to thermal measurements using Netzsch Thermobalance (Model No.: STA 409 PC Luxx) coupled to Bruker FTIR system (Model No.: Tensor 27) via a heated Teflon capillary (1 m long, 2 mm i.d.). TG - DTG curves of equimolar mixture are displayed. The plateau was observed on TG curve in the temperature region of 31- 250 °C. It is reported that Na(UO 2 (NO 3 ) 3 ).H 2 O and Rb(UO 2 (NO 3 ) 3 ) formed around 250 °C in the equimolar nitrate mixtures of UNH-NaN and UNH-RbN. Thermal and XRD results indicated the formation of Na(UO 2 (NO 3 ) 3 ).H 2 O and Rb(UO 2 (NO) 3 ) 3 ) even by mixing the UNH, NaN and RbN in equimolar ratios at room temperature

  1. Common pitfalls in statistical analysis: "No evidence of effect" versus "evidence of no effect"

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    Priya Ranganathan


    Full Text Available This article is the first in a series exploring common pitfalls in statistical analysis in biomedical research. The power of a clinical trial is the ability to find a difference between treatments, where such a difference exists. At the end of the study, the lack of difference between treatments does not mean that the treatments can be considered equivalent. The distinction between "no evidence of effect" and "evidence of no effect" needs to be understood.

  2. Mastites em ruminantes no Brasil

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    Atzel Candido Acosta

    Full Text Available Resumo: A mastite é uma doença complexa e considerada uma das principais causas de perdas à indústria leiteira mundial. Objetivou-se com esta revisão compilar informações dos últimos dez anos sobre a mastite em ruminantes no Brasil. A prevalência da mastite subclínica chega a 48,64% na espécie bovina, 30,7% na espécie caprina, 31,45% na espécie ovina e 42,2% na espécie bubalina, destacando-se a etiologia por Staphylococcus spp. Os fatores de risco associados à ocorrência de mastite estão relacionados a problemas no saneamento ambiental e ao manejo dos animais. As bactérias isoladas do leite mastítico apresentam maior percentual de resistência a penicilina, ampicilina, amoxicilina e neomicina e a utilização de técnicas moleculares no diagnóstico dos agentes causadores de mastites no país, ainda é escassa o que dificulta a obtenção de um diagnóstico mais rápido, sensível e específico.


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    Mariana Santos da Silva


    Full Text Available A presença da mulher no empreendedorismo está em constante crescimento e, assim, este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as características das empreendedoras, como elas têm ingressado no empreendedorismo e apurar o perfil empreendedor. O estudo foi fundamentado no empreendedorismo e no gênero, no empreendedorismo feminino e no empreendedorismo feminino no Brasil. A metodologia foi pelo método quantitativo. Foi aplicado um questionário a uma amostra de 109 mulheres donas de negócios. Após a análise dos dados, concluiu-se que as empreendedoras são mulheres experientes, altamente escolarizadas, casadas, começaram sozinhas e que tiveram dificuldade na obtenção de financiamentos. Observou-se que as empreendedoras precisam de mais conhecimentos em habilidades gerenciais e tecnológicas para um melhor gerenciamento de seus negócios. Palavras-chave: Empreendedorismo. Empreendedorismo feminino. Empreendedora brasileira.

  4. Catalytic reduction of NH4NO3 by NO. Effects of solid acids and implications for low temperature DeNOx processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savara, Aditya; Li, Mei-Jun; Sachtler, Wolfgang M.H.; Weitz, Eric


    Ammonium nitrate is thermally stable below 250 C and could potentially deactivate low temperature NO x reduction catalysts by blocking active sites. It is shown that NO reduces neat NH 4 NO 3 above its 170 C melting point, while acidic solids catalyze this reaction even at temperatures below 100 C. NO 2 , a product of the reduction, can dimerize and then dissociate in molten NH 4 NO 3 to NO + + NO 3 - , and may be stabilized within the melt as either an adduct or as HNO 2 formed from the hydrolysis of NO + or N 2 O 4 . The other product of reduction, NH 4 NO 2 , readily decomposes at ≤100 C to N 2 and H 2 O, the desired end products of DeNO x catalysis. A mechanism for the acid catalyzed reduction of NH 4 NO 3 by NO is proposed, with HNO 3 as an intermediate. These findings indicate that the use of acidic catalysts or promoters in DeNO x systems could help mitigate catalyst deactivation at low operating temperatures (<150 C). (author)

  5. OMI NO2 in the Central US Great Plains: How Well Do We Interpret NO2 Trends? (United States)

    Kollonige, D. E.; Duncan, B. N.; Thompson, A. M.; Lamsal, L. N.


    Several areas over the Central US show statistically significant increases in OMI NO2 levels of 10-30% in the last 10 years versus the generally decreasing trends over most of CONUS. Are these changes in OMI NO2 a result of human activity, meteorology, or a combination of both? To answer this, we examine regions in the Central US Great Plains that have multiple plausible sources for the observed trends, considering impacts of land surface changes, agriculture growth, oil and gas operations, and drought conditions. We find that changes to the land surface appear to contribute to some of the observed anomalies due to tree removal in the Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota, and additional livestock farming in the Sandhills of Nebraska. However, increasing OMI NO2 also corresponds to several areas with growing agriculture business (ex. South Dakota and Nebraska) and oil and gas activity (ex. Williston Basin in North Dakota and Permian Basin in TX). To understand the relationship between the observed NO2 variability and the regional meteorological conditions over the last decade, we analyze the time series and correlations between OMI NO2, NH3 (an agriculture tracer), surface temperature, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from Landsat, and the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). In 2012, drought conditions affect NO2, NH3 and NDVI observations across the Central US. Areas where dryland farming and livestock grazing are predominant (Central SD, ND, KS, and NE) are less sensitive to drought and changes in temperature. This suggests positive OMI NO2 trends are caused by increased production in wheats and livestock in the Northern Great Plains. These study regions in the Central US, impacted by local emissions and meteorology, are valuable for evaluating future trend analyses including the continuation of OMI-type NO2 retrievals from the TROPOMI and TEMPO satellite instruments.

  6. Technical specifications, Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3 (Docket No. 50-423). Appendix ''A'' to License No. NPF-49

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Information is presented concerning specifications on the following aspects of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3: safety limits and limiting safety system settings; limiting conditions for operation and surveillance requirements; design features; and administrative controls

  7. Controle do homem no trabalho ou qualidade de vida no trabalho?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Débora Coutinho Paschoal Dourado

    Full Text Available Este artigo surge do ânimo de canalizar para a investigação a reação indignada aos incessantes esforços instrumentalizadores do homem no trabalho e da preocupação com as conseqüências desse processo para uma sociedade como a nossa. Tem como propósito realizar uma reinterpretação crítica do movimento pela Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT, desvendando suas ferramentas de instrumentalização do homem pelo capital e revelar sua verdadeira natureza. 0 artigo inicia com uma interpretação da evolução histórica da ciência e da prática da administração, analisando seus propósitos, desvendando a lógica funcional do sistema e culminando com a revelação de alguns de seus mecanismos opressores. Discute as formas de controle presentes sob as dimensões agregadas dos modelos de QVT, utilizando a classificação das obras de três autores (GORZ, 2003; MOTTA; 2000; PAGES et al, 1993 com o intuito de desvendar o exercício do controle. Aponta, assim, que as recompensas diretas e indiretas, as condições do ambiente de trabalho seguras e atrativas, a concepção do trabalho, a autonomia e participação do indivíduo, a imagem social da empresa e o equilíbrio entre trabalho, família e lazer promovem, na realidade, a instrumentalização do indivíduo no trabalho através de métodos cada vez mais sofisticados de controle social.


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    Aurelian Gabriel ULUITU


    Full Text Available Law no 62/2011 regarding the social dialogue is the most important regulation of the collective labor relations. Since 2011, when it was adopted, Law no 62/2011 was modified several times, the last legislative intervention being done by Law no 1/2016. The main modification are regarding the following aspects: method of payment by the trade union’s members of their monthly subscription; new rules regarding the possibility of the trade union or employer to affiliate at a higher level organization; the rules regarding the employers and employer’s representatives in the collective bargaining.

  9. Olhar de dirigentes sindicais sobre qualidade de vida no trabalho e mal-estar no trabalho

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    Remigio Todeschini


    Full Text Available O objeto do artigo consistiu em conhecer as percepções de dirigentes sindicais metalúrgicos e químicos sobre o tema Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT e as fontes de mal-estar no trabalho nessas categorias profissionais. A natureza metodológica aplicada foi quantitativa e qualitativa com utilização do software Alceste. Participaram da pesquisa 81 dirigentes sindicais brasileiros (56 dirigentes químicos e 25 metalúrgicos, 85% do gênero masculino e 15% do gênero feminino oriundos das regiões sudeste, sul e nordeste do país, com aplicação do questionário via e-mail. Os resultados encontrados forneceram bases empíricas para a formulação de recomendações em Ergonomia da Atividade visando prevenir as fontes de mal-estar no trabalho. Foram reforçadas as bases teóricas da Abordagem de Ergonomia da Atividade Aplicada à Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (EAA_QVT e o desenho de subsídios para a formulação de políticas públicas neste campo.

  10. Effect of NaCl-Stress on Metabolism of NO3-, NH4+ and NO2- at Several Rice Varieties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M Zulman Harja Utama


    Full Text Available This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of NaCl-stress on metabolism of NO3-, NH4+ and NO2- at several rice varieties. The results showed that an addition of NaCl had lesser effect on NaCl-tolerant varieties as compared to NaCl-sensitive in term of reduction in NO3-, NH4+, and NO2- uptake. Rice adaptation ability to NaCl stress occurred through the mechanism of NO3-, NH4+, and N02- metabolism physiology. It was indicated by the difference concentration of NO3-, NH4+ and N02- between the tolerant (Cisadane, moderate (Batang Lembang, Rendah Kuning, and Batang Piaman and sensitive (IR 66 varieties. Concentration of NH4+ and N02- of tolerant rice (Cisadane at NaCl treatment were about 1.16 and 2.6 times higher than that at control, respectively, while concentration of NO3- was only 0.03 times lower than control. In contrast, concentration of NO3-, NH4+, and N02- of sensitive rice (IR 66, were about 0.09, 0.27, and 0.41 times lower than that in control respecting at NaCl treatment, respectively.

  11. CQ No. 25

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    SA Crime Quarterly no 34 • December 2010. 41. Johan Burger (JB): One of the many outstanding successes ... section 49 of the Criminal Procedure Act that governs the legal use of deadly force to effect an arrest, and ... research have linked directly to weaknesses in internal command and control. How do you see changing ...

  12. A no-load RF calorimeter (United States)

    Chernoff, R. C.


    The described device can be used to measure the output of any dc powered RF source. No dummy load is required for the measurements. The device is, therefore, called the 'no-load calorimeter' (NLC). The NLC measures the power actually fed to the antenna or another useful load. It is believed that the NLC can compete successfully with directional coupler type systems in measuring the output of high-power RF sources.

  13. Evolução e desafios no gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos no Brasil

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    Victor Fernandez Nascimento


    Full Text Available A geração dos resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU no Brasil vem aumentando ao longo do tempo, com alterações na qualidade do resíduo, o que levanta discussões a respeito do gerenciamento e da importância em se destinar estes resíduos adequadamente. Atualmente as questões que envolvem a gestão dos RSU têm enfoque central no cumprimento de políticas públicas. A partir da implementação efetiva da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS - lei nº 12.305/2010 é que se esperam mudanças no panorama dos resíduos sólidos no Brasil. Por conta disso, este trabalho faz um levantamento bibliográfico que tem como objetivo abordar aspectos sobre os RSU no Brasil, considerando aqueles esperados para acontecer no setor público após a implementação da PNRS. Os dados apresentados e discutidos permitiram entender a evolução da gestão dos RSU no Brasil e alguns desafios para o cumprimento das determinações da PNRS, como, por exemplo, a expansão da coleta e tratamento dos RSU, o papel mais ativo da sociedade nos processos que envolvem a separação dos resíduos e a dificuldade da erradicação de lixões e sua substituição por aterros sanitários. Em geral, apesar de terem ocorrido melhoras no gerenciamento dos RSU, estas não foram suficientes para que as mudanças propostas pela PNRS fossem cumpridas e para que se estabeleça uma gestão integrada de RSU mais eficaz e sustentável tanto ao meio ambiente quanto à sociedade, denotando a emergência de soluções estruturais no setor de gerenciamentos dos RSU no Brasil.

  14. No free lunch

    KAUST Repository

    Ture, Ferhan


    This work explores the problem of cross-lingual pairwise similarity, where the task is to extract similar pairs of documents across two different languages. Solutions to this problem are of general interest for text mining in the multilingual context and have specific applications in statistical machine translation. Our approach takes advantage of cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) techniques to project feature vectors from one language into another, and then uses locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) to extract similar pairs. We show that effective cross-lingual pairwise similarity requires working with similarity thresholds that are much lower than in typical monolingual applications, making the problem quite challenging. We present a parallel, scalable MapReduce implementation of the sort-based sliding window algorithm, which is compared to a brute-force approach on German and English Wikipedia collections. Our central finding can be summarized as "no free lunch": there is no single optimal solution. Instead, we characterize effectiveness-efficiency tradeoffs in the solution space, which can guide the developer to locate a desirable operating point based on application- and resource-specific constraints.

  15. Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Fermi-2 (Docket No. 50-341). Supplement No. 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Supplement No. 6 to the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) related to the operation of the Fermi-2 facility, provides the NRC staff's evaluation of additional information submitted by the licensee regarding outstanding review issues identified in Supplement No. 5 to the SER dated March 1985 and also contains the staff's evaluation of the Independent Design Verification Program. Supplement No. 6 to the SER also summarizes the conditions which are placed in the Fermi-2 full-power operating license, NPF-43, and evaluates recent proposed changes to the Fermi-2 Technical Specifications. This supplement presents the staff's conclusion that there are no outstanding issues which must be resolved prior to issuance of a full power operating license for the Fermi-2 facility

  16. Health physics in JAERI, No.27

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the annual report No. 27 (fiscal 1984) are described the activities of health physics including radioactive waste management in Tokai Research Establishment, Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Research Establishment and Oarai Research Establishment. In all the three research establishments, radiation monitoring in nuclear facilities, individual monitoring, environmental monitoring and maintenance of measuring instruments were carried out as in the previous years. There were no occupational exposure exceeding the maximum permissible dose and no release of radioactive gaseous and liquid waste beyond the release limit specified according to the regulations. In the environment there were observed no abnormal radioactivity due to facilities. In Tokai and Oarai Research Establishment, radioactive waste management including decontamination was carried out and radioactive solid waste was stored in the same way as in the previous years. (author)

  17. O psicanalista no tratamento da dor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sueli Pinto Minatti


    Full Text Available A dor se manifesta como mal-estar do corpo e no corpo, e tende a ser encaminhada para tratamento médico. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a queixa dolorosa do ponto de vista do tratamento psicanalítico, retomando algumas acepções relacionadas ao tratamento da dor, encontradas na obra de Freud. Partimos da experiência no trabalho em hospital pediátrico, utilizando a análise do atendimento de pacientes com queixas de dor para definir e situar a dor no campo da psicanálise, e distingui-la do campo da medicina. No texto, pode-se acompanhar a dor como signo de sofrimento e diversas formas de abordá-la tanto pelo sujeito que a porta quanto pelas instituições que propõem seu cuidado.

  18. Alpha-gamma decay studies of 255No

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hessberger, F.P.; Ackermann, D.; Kindler, B.; Kojouharov, I.; Kuusiniemi, P.; Lommel, B.; Mann, R.; Hofmann, S.; Antalic, S.; Saro, S.; Streicher, B.; Venhart, M.; Leino, M.; Nishio, K.; Popeko, A.G.; Yeremin, A.V.; Sulignano, B.


    The decay of 255 No was investigated by means of α-γ spectroscopy. The isotope was produced in the reactions 208 Pb( 48 Ca,n) 255 No, 209 Bi( 48 Ca,2n) 255 Lr EC → 255 No, and 238 U( 22 Ne,5n) 255 No. Levels of the daughter nucleus 251 Fm were assigned by α-γ coincidence measurements and on the basis of systematics. Level energies were determined precisely using measured γ-rays. The results are compared with the known level schemes of the lighter N=151 isotones 247 Cm and 249 Cf as well as with data for 253 No. (orig.)

  19. John Donne no Brasil John Donne no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jose Garcez Ghirardi


    Full Text Available O leitor fica sem saber a troco do que John Donne lhe surge de repente, num virar de página, e através de períodos que parecem responder a uma pergunta que não foi formulada.(... Ninguém, nem o Sr. Afrânio Coutinho falara, até então, de John Donne,(.... Simplesmente, esse trecho, como inúmeros outros (quase todos do livro, revela que leituras apaixonantes obrigaram o professor Afrânio Coutinho a tomar em seu caderno alguns apontamentos eruditos. (MARTINS 1983 vol.I: 621 A citação acima, extraída de um artigo de Wilson Martins (in O Estado de São Paulo, 25/02/54, ilustra bem a posição reservada a John Donne, até então, por aqueles que, no Brasil, se dedicavam aos estudos de literatura. “A troco do que” - perguntava o autor - deveria ser o leitor de Correntes Cruzadas confrontado com o nome de Donne? Quem, até aquele momento, dele se ocupara? Ninguém, respondia o erudito articulista (nem mesmo o Sr. Afrânio Coutinho, embora reconhecendo que o nome do poeta pudesse ter sido fonte de algumas “leituras apaixonantes” . Interessava-lhe apontar enfaticamente, porém, que a lembrança de Donne surgia de maneira gratuita, desligada de qualquer argumentação ou contexto que a preparas se ou justificasse. Não apenas Afrânio Coutinho silenciara sobre a obra de Donne em seu livro; ninguém, de fato, havia, até aquele momento, dedicado, ao poeta, qualquer atenção mais demorada. Curiosamente, o próprio artigo, assim como o livro nele discutido, atestava, no entanto, que o esquecimento do nome de Donne estava por findar.

  20. Fascitis plantar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dinorah Artidiello Bustio


    Full Text Available Introducción: la fascitis plantar es la inflamación del tejido denso que ocupa la parte anterior del tubérculo interno del calcáneo y constituye la causa más frecuente de dolor en la planta de los pies y dificulta en gran medida el desempeño laboral del individuo. Objetivo: caracterizar la fascitis plantar en pacientes asistidos en los servicios del Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" en Pinar del Río. Material y método: estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y aplicado en el Departamento de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación del Hospital "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado", en el periodo comprendido desde abril del 2013 hasta abril del 2014, a los pacientes con diagnóstico de fascitis plantar. El universo coincidió con la muestra (60 pacientes. Resultados: de la muestra distribuida según ocupación laboral, 53 permanecen el mayor tiempo de pie, siendo el sexo femenino más predominante que el masculino y la edad promedio más afectada es de 40 a 49 años. El 70,0% de los pacientes mostraron dolor en las categorías de moderado a severo. Conclusiones: el sobrepeso y la obesidad crean un estrés adicional. Otro de los factores a considerar, son las neuropatías, el abuso del alcohol y el factor hereditario.

  1. 16 (No.1)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 2, 2010 ... PHC facilities and acceptable to the communities. However, there were some setbacks in that, this was an added activity of the job tasks of the COs and. ACOs, with out motivation and incentives, shortage of supplies such as LA and after DANIDA ended its support; there was no continuity in the provision of.


    CERN Multimedia

    Medical Service


    The CERN Medical Service is joining in with the world no tobacco day, which takes place on 31 May 2002. We encourage you to take this opportunity to stop smoking for good. Nurses and Doctors will be present on that day to give out information on methods to stop smoking and to assist you in your efforts.

  3. No Blue’ White LED

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ou, Haiyan; Corell, Dennis Dan; Dam-Hansen, Carsten


    This paper explored the feasibility of making a white LED light source by color mixing method without using the blue color. This ‘no blue’ white LED has potential applications in photolithography room illumination, medical treatment and biophotonics research. A no-blue LED was designed......-2005. Even after 15 days of illumination, no effect was observed. So this LED-based solution was demonstrated to be a very promising light source for photolithography room illumination due to its better color rendering in addition to energy efficiency, long life time and design flexibility. Additionally......, and the prototype was fabricated. The spectral power distribution of both the LED bulb and the yellow fluorescent tube was measured. Based on that, colorimetric values were calculated and compared on terms of chromatic coordinates, correlated color temperature, color rendering index, and chromatic deviation...


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    Carlos Eduardo Cavalcante


    Full Text Available Este artigo buscou conhecer quais são os estudos acerca da motivação no trabalho voluntário no âmbito nacional brasileiro, identificando suas hipóteses, instrumentos usados e resultados alcançados. Quanto aos objetivos, trata-se de um esforço exploratório, pois busca maior familiaridade com o problema, procurando a construção de hipóteses. Assume esta classificação pois está se esquadrinhando as teorias existentes sobre motivos do trabalho voluntário. Quanto aos procedimentos técnicos é uma pesquisa bibliográfica baseada em materiais publicados em artigos, dissertações e teses que discutem a motivação no âmbito do trabalho voluntário. Os modelos teóricos utilizados nos trabalhos pesquisados foram diversos: o “conceito da dádiva”, modelos de análise da motivação entre trabalhadores remunerados, além da indefinição de modelos, foram as principais referências escolhidas. Já as metodologias tiveram características essencialmente qualitativas, com o uso de entrevistas para a coleta e com a análise de conteúdo para análise dos dados. Finalmente, os resultados também convergiram para a mesma direção: os voluntários apresentaram motivos altruístas para a escolha e permanência.

  5. Quantum no-scale regimes in string theory (United States)

    Coudarchet, Thibaut; Fleming, Claude; Partouche, Hervé


    We show that in generic no-scale models in string theory, the flat, expanding cosmological evolutions found at the quantum level can be attracted to a "quantum no-scale regime", where the no-scale structure is restored asymptotically. In this regime, the quantum effective potential is dominated by the classical kinetic energies of the no-scale modulus and dilaton. We find that this natural preservation of the classical no-scale structure at the quantum level occurs when the initial conditions of the evolutions sit in a subcritical region of their space. On the contrary, supercritical initial conditions yield solutions that have no analogue at the classical level. The associated intrinsically quantum universes are sentenced to collapse and their histories last finite cosmic times. Our analysis is done at 1-loop, in perturbative heterotic string compactified on tori, with spontaneous supersymmetry breaking implemented by a stringy version of the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism.

  6. Clinicoepidemiologic characterization and endoscopy in patients with colorectal cancer; Caracterizacion clinico-epidemiologica y endoscopica en pacientes con cancer colorrectal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hano Garcia, Olga Marina; Wood Rodriguez, Lisette; Villa Jimenez, Oscar Manuel, E-mail: olga.hano@infomed.sld.c [Instituto Nacional de Gastroenterologia, La Habana (Cuba)


    Colorectal carcinoma is recognized as the second death cause from cancer in most of developed countries; the increasing exposure to risk factor such as smoking, changes in diet, in lifestyles, as well as environmental and infectious factors is conductive to its morbidity and mortality increase. A prospective and descriptive study was conducted in 65 patients older than 18 years seen from April, 2007 to April, 2008 in the Endoscopy Service of the National Institute of Gastroenterology, diagnosed with colorectal carcinoma by colonoscopy and histology. In collection form were registered: sex, age, personal backgrounds of colon cancer, polyps, intestinal inflammatory disease and cholecystectomy; family backgrounds of colon cancer or another location; toxic habits: smoking and alcoholism; diet as regards: vegetal fiber ingestion and animal fat; anatomic location of cancer and histology. We conclude that there was predominance of female sex, the more frequent diagnosis age was between 60 and 70 years. The personal background of colon polyp and the family background of colon cancer were the more frequent. There was also predominance of smokers and heavy drinkers with or without effect. There was a great ingestion of animal fat and few ingestion of vegetal fiber. The more frequent anatomical location was the rectosygmoid, where the histological colon adenocarcinoma had the greater frequency


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    Manuel Claver Criado


    Full Text Available We studied Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR expression in primary and metastatic tumor of 50 consecutive patients treated at the Oncology Service in General Yag�e Hospital in Burgos, with metastatic disease of colorectal tumours.In addition to evaluate EGFR expression in primary and metastatic tumor, we analyzed the relationship between the histological type or degree of tumor differentiation, and the degree of cytologic atypia with EGFR expression, and the differences in time to progression of the disease and the tumor differentiation when EGFR is expressed both in the primary tumor and metastasis, or when that expression occurs only in the primary tumor or metastasis only.Our data show that EGFR expression can appear on the primary tumour, metastasis, or both, but we can not predict whether or not metastasis expressed that factor from its expression in the primary tumor. On the other hand, Epidermal Growth Factor expression is not related to cytologic atypia alone regarding the tumor differentiation, but yes if tumor differentiation is considered. It is more frequent in more undifferentiated tumors, and this relationship have statistical significance.

  8. Análisis de Costo-Efectividad de las Estrategias de Tamización de Cáncer Colorrectal en Colombia. (United States)

    Pinzon Florez, Carlos Eduardo; Rosselli, Diego; Gamboa Garay, Oscar Andrés


    To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different screening strategies for colorectal cancer in Colombia. We designed a Markov model to compare the clinical and economic impact in terms of reducing the incidence and mortality from colorectal cancer (CRC). Six screening strategies for adults were compared: fecal occult blood (FOBT) immunochemical and guaiac type, conventional colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, and FOBT guaiac and immunochemical type more sigmoidoscopy. We used the third-party payer perspective, including only direct costs, the time horizon was the life expectancy of the Colombian population. We estimated cost-effectiveness ratios (CERs) and incremental cost-effectiveness (ICER). Were performed deterministic sensitivity analysis and probabilistic. We applied a discount rate of 3% in the costs and health outcomes. The screening strategy more cost-effective was the FOBT biennial guaiac type. The cost per life year gained was US$10,347.37, US$18,380.64, and US$45,158.05. For FOBT guaiac biennial, FOBT guaiac annual and FOBT inmunoquímica biennial respectively. The ICER is sensitive to the percentage of false positive test for FOBT guaiac type values greater than 10%, and the cost of the test. The screening strategy more cost-effective for Colombia is the FOBT biennial guaiac type, using as a threshold the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Colombia. Copyright © 2012 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Dificuldades no aleitamento materno e influência no desmame precoce

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliana Rocci


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou verificar o tempo médio do aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME de crianças nascidas em Hospital Amigo da Criança (IHAC e correlacioná-lo com as variáveis: estado civil, idade materna, peso do bebê, dificuldades na amamentação e orientações recebidas. Trata-se de estudo de coorte com amostra de 225 mães entrevistadas no puerpério mediato e no 15º, 30º, 60º, 120º e 180º dias após a alta, por telefone. O monitoramento do AME demonstrou mediana de 113 dias e que 34,1% das mães aleitaram exclusivamente por 180 dias. Houve correlação estatisticamente significativa entre o tempo de AME e dificuldades na amamentação. Não houve correlação entre o tempo de AME e as variáveis: estado civil, idade materna, peso do recém-nascido e orientações recebidas. Houve diferença significativamente maior de desmame aos 60 dias nas mulheres que tiveram dificuldade na pré-alta. O estudo demonstrou a influência positiva da IHAC na adesão das mães ao AME.

  10. Development and evaluation of GRAL-C dispersion model, a hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian approach capturing NO-NO 2-O 3 chemistry (United States)

    Oettl, Dietmar; Uhrner, Ulrich


    Based on two recent publications using Lagrangian dispersion models to simulate NO-NO 2-O 3 chemistry for industrial plumes, a similar modified approach was implemented using GRAL-C ( Graz Lagrangian Model with Chemistry) and tested on two urban applications. In the hybrid dispersion model GRAL-C, the transport and turbulent diffusion of primary species such as NO and NO 2 are treated in a Lagrangian framework while those of O 3 are treated in an Eulerian framework. GRAL-C was employed on a one year street canyon simulation in Berlin and on a four-day simulation during a winter season in Graz, the second biggest city in Austria. In contrast to Middleton D.R., Jones A.R., Redington A.L., Thomson D.J., Sokhi R.S., Luhana L., Fisher B.E.A. (2008. Lagrangian modelling of plume chemistry for secondary pollutants in large industrial plumes. Atmospheric Environment 42, 415-427) and Alessandrini S., Ferrero E. (2008. A Lagrangian model with chemical reactions: application in real atmosphere. Proceedings of the 12th Int. Conf. on Harmonization within atmospheric dispersion modelling for regulatory purposes. Croatian Meteorological Journal, 43, ISSN: 1330-0083, 235-239) the treatment of ozone was modified in order to facilitate urban scale simulations encompassing dense road networks. For the street canyon application, modelled daily mean NO x/NO 2 concentrations deviated by +0.4%/-15% from observations, while the correlations for NO x and NO 2 were 0.67 and 0.76 respectively. NO 2 concentrations were underestimated in summer, but were captured well for other seasons. In Graz a fair agreement for NO x and NO 2 was obtained between observed and modelled values for NO x and NO 2. Simulated diurnal cycles of NO 2 and O 3 matched observations reasonably well, although O 3 was underestimated during the day. A possible explanation here might lie in the non-consideration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) chemistry.

  11. Tendencia secular da amamentacao no Brasil

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    Sonia Isoyama Venancio


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de documentar a tendência secular da amamentação no Brasil, foram reanalisadas as bases de dados de sete pesquisas nacionais realizadas de 1975 a 2008. Para obter dados comparáveis entre os diferentes inquéritos, foram analisadas as mesmas faixas etárias e indicadores, e utilizadas as mesmas técnicas estatísticas. A duração mediana da amamentação aumentou de 2,5 para 11,3 meses e a prevalência da amamentação exclusiva em menores de seis meses passou de 3,1% para 41,0% no período. Os resultados apontam importantes desafios no sentido de acelerar o ritmo de crescimento dessa prática no País, rumo às recomendações internacionais.

  12. No sulfates, no parabens, and the "no-poo" method: a new patient perspective on common shampoo ingredients. (United States)

    Cline, Abigail; Uwakwe, Laura N; McMichael, Amy J


    The ingredients in shampoos and other cosmetic products have become scrutinized by the general public and the Internet has contributed to misinformation about certain shampoos. Dermatologists must be prepared to acknowledge the concerns that their patients have about common shampoo ingredients to dispel the myths that may misinform patient decision-making. This article reviews the controversy surrounding the use of sulfates and parabens in shampoos, as well as commonly used shampoo alternatives, often called the "no-poo" method.

  13. Maratonas hackers no Brasil com desafios no campo da Saúde

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    Francini Lube Guizardi

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi mapear a realização de maratonas hackers no Brasil, com desafios voltados para o campo da Saúde. Espera-se que a descrição e sistematização dos aspectos metodológicos dos eventos identificados, cotejados com informações advindas de levantamento bibliográfico, auxiliem na divulgação e aplicação da metodologia na saúde. De caráter exploratório e descritivo, o mapeamento foi realizado por meio de uma pesquisa web, com o buscador Google, e na base de dados Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde (BVS, abrangendo o período entre 2000 e 2016. Identificou-se a realização de 16 hackathons que abordaram desafios ou soluções na Saúde, sendo todos realizados a partir de 2012. Os resultados encontrados ressaltam o potencial da metodologia como fomento à criatividade e à inovação, a partir do trabalho colaborativo em equipe multiprofissional para soluções oportunas no campo da Saúde.

  14. Compressor Has No Moving Macroscopic Parts (United States)

    Gasser, Max


    Compressor containing no moving macroscopic parts functions by alternating piston and valve actions of successive beds of magnetic particles. Fabricated easily because no need for precisely fitting parts rotating or sliding on each other. Also no need for lubricant fluid contaminating fluid to be compressed. Compressor operates continuously, eliminating troublesome on/off cycling of other compressors, and decreasing consumption of energy. Phased cells push fluid from bottom to top, adding increments of pressure. Each cell contains magnetic powder particles loose when electromagnet coil deenergized, but tightly packed when coil energized.

  15. Technical Specifications, Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-400). Appendix ''A'' to License No. NPF-53

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents specifications for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Unit No. 1 concerning: safety limits and limiting safety system settings; limiting conditions for operation and surveillance requirements; design features; and administrative controls

  16. Afrimedic Vol. 4, No. 1 Final

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    , fever and inability to pass urine. There was no history of purulent urethritis, haematuria, contact with anybody with chronic cough, weight loss and low back pain. There was no history of major trauma prior to onset of abdominal pain, but he.

  17. Technical Specifications: Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-461): Appendix ''A'' to License No. NPF-62

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1 Technical Specifications were prepared by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to set forth limits, operating conditions, and other requirements applicable to a nuclear reactor facility as set forth in Section 50.36 of 10 CFR 50 for the protection of the health and safety of the public

  18. Trends of NO-, NO 2-, and NH 3-emissions from gasoline-fueled Euro-3- to Euro-4-passenger cars (United States)

    Heeb, Norbert V.; Saxer, Christian J.; Forss, Anna-Maria; Brühlmann, Stefan

    Vehicular emissions of reactive nitrogen compounds (RNCs) such as nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2), and ammonia (NH 3) have a substantial impact on urban air quality. NO and NO 2 support the photochemical formation of ozone, and NH 3 is involved in the atmospheric formation of secondary aerosols. Vehicular NO is mainly formed during combustion, whereas NO 2 and NH 3 are both secondary pollutants of the catalytic converter systems. Herein we report on tail-pipe RNC emissions of gasoline-fueled Euro-3- and Euro-4-passenger cars at transient driving from 0 to 150 km h -1. Two sets of 10 in-use vehicles with comparable engine size and mileage were studied with time-resolved chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (CI-MS). Each vehicle was tested in 7 different driving cycles including the legislative European (EDC) and the US FTP-75 driving cycles. Mean emission factors (EFs) for different traffic situations are reported and effects of cold start, velocity, acceleration, and deceleration are discussed. Furthermore, critical operating conditions supporting the de novo formation of NH 3 have been identified. In the EDC, mean NO- and NH 3-EFs of 57±26 and 16±12 mg km -1 were obtained for Euro-3-vehicles; those of the Euro-4-technology were lower by about 25% and 33% at the levels of 43±46 and 10±7 mg km -1, respectively. NO 2 emissions of the investigated three-way catalyst (TWC) vehicles accounted for exhaust. Velocity and acceleration had pronounced effects on the RNC emission characteristics. Mean velocity-dependent EFs for NO and NH 3 varied by about one order of magnitude from 10 to 74 and 15 to 161 mg km -1 for Euro-3-vehicles and from 12 to 44 and 7 to 144 mg km -1 for the Euro-4 fleet. We conclude that the investigated Euro-3- and Euro-4-vehicles are mainly operated under slightly reducing conditions, where the NH 3 emissions dominate over those of the NO. Under these conditions, both vehicle fleets on an average fulfilled the valid Euro-3 and Euro-4

  19. CQ No. 25

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    SA Crime Quarterly no 35 • March 2011. 43 leader if the apartheid regime appointed you – if you were one by legitimate custom, so be it; but if imposed we cannot recognise you as one. So, the post-1994 era allowed those who are genuine traditional leaders to remain. The BAA did not allow for that, as it had a particular ...

  20. Evidence for photolytic cycle and transport of NO, NO2 and O3 in the urban air of Beograd

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stamatovic, A.; Markovic, D.; Milekic, Z.; Novakovic, V.


    The first continuous measurements of NO, NO 2 and O 3 concentrations in the urban area of Belgrade were made during the summer-autumn season of 1993. The concentrations of NO and NO 2 have been measured with a Dasibi model 2108 luminescence monitor calibrated via permeation tube. The ozone concentration has been deduced from the total oxidants data obtained from electrochemical cell measurements, calibrated with an ozone generator. Assumed accuracy of both calibration is around 20%. (author)

  1. Observations of HO{sub x}, NO{sub x}, NO{sub y}, and CO. NO{sub x} control of the photochemical production and removal of ozone in the upper troposphere

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wennberg, P O; Hanisco, T F; Lanzendorf, E L; Jaegle, L Y; Jacob, D J; Cohen, R C; Anderson, J G [Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA (United States). Dept. of Chemistry; [Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Fahey, D W; Gao, R S; Keim, E R [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, CO (United States). Aeronomy Lab.; others, and


    In-situ measurements from the NASA ER2 aircraft provide the first observations of the odd-hydrogen radicals in the upper troposphere. A new photochemical model was constructed to explain the observations. Based on the model, the way of NO{sub x} influence on the photochemistry of ozone was determined. The measurements also explain why high NO{sub x}/NO{sub y} ratios are sustained in the upper troposphere. (R.P.)

  2. Observations of HO{sub x}, NO{sub x}, NO{sub y}, and CO. NO{sub x} control of the photochemical production and removal of ozone in the upper troposphere

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wennberg, P.O.; Hanisco, T.F.; Lanzendorf, E.L.; Jaegle, L.Y.; Jacob, D.J.; Cohen, R.C.; Anderson, J.G. [Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA (United States). Dept. of Chemistry]|[Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Fahey, D.W.; Gao, R.S.; Keim, E.R. [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, CO (United States). Aeronomy Lab.; and others


    In-situ measurements from the NASA ER2 aircraft provide the first observations of the odd-hydrogen radicals in the upper troposphere. A new photochemical model was constructed to explain the observations. Based on the model, the way of NO{sub x} influence on the photochemistry of ozone was determined. The measurements also explain why high NO{sub x}/NO{sub y} ratios are sustained in the upper troposphere. (R.P.)

  3. Nordestinidade: identidade e machismo no forró pé de serra e no forró eletrônico


    Verunschk, Micheliny


    Resumo:Em No Ceará não tem disso não: nordestinidade e macheza no forró contemporâneo, Felipe Trotta analisa a construção da identidade nordestina e o manejo dos estereótipos genéricos nos discursos do forró tradicional e do forró eletrônico na construção. Abstract:In No Ceará não tem disso não: nordestinidade e macheza no forró contemporâneo, Felipe Trotta analyses the discourse of traditional forró music and electronic forró music, and the demands for the maintenance/rebuilding of northe...

  4. Vascular relaxation induced by C-type natriuretic peptide involves the ca2+/NO-synthase/NO pathway.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda A Andrade

    Full Text Available AIMS: C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP and nitric oxide (NO are endothelium-derived factors that play important roles in the regulation of vascular tone and arterial blood pressure. We hypothesized that NO produced by the endothelial NO-synthase (NOS-3 contributes to the relaxation induced by CNP in isolated rat aorta via activation of endothelial NPR-C receptor. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the putative contribution of NO through NPR-C activation in the CNP induced relaxation in isolated conductance artery. MAIN METHODS: Concentration-effect curves for CNP were constructed in aortic rings isolated from rats. Confocal microscopy was used to analyze the cytosolic calcium mobilization induced by CNP. The phosphorylation of the residue Ser1177 of NOS was analyzed by Western blot and the expression and localization of NPR-C receptors was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. KEY FINDINGS: CNP was less potent in inducing relaxation in denuded endothelium aortic rings than in intact ones. L-NAME attenuated the potency of CNP and similar results were obtained in the presence of hydroxocobalamin, an intracellular NO0 scavenger. CNP did not change the phosphorylation of Ser1177, the activation site of NOS-3, when compared with control. The addition of CNP produced an increase in [Ca2+]c in endothelial cells and a decrease in [Ca2+]c in vascular smooth muscle cells. The NPR-C-receptors are expressed in endothelial and adventitial rat aortas. SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that CNP-induced relaxation in intact aorta isolated from rats involves NO production due to [Ca2+]c increase in endothelial cells possibly through NPR-C activation expressed in these cells. The present study provides a breakthrough in the understanding of the close relationship between the vascular actions of nitric oxide and CNP.

  5. Separation of 15N by isotopic exchange in NO, NO2-HNO3 system under pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Axente, D.; Baldea, A.; Teaca, C.; Horga, R.; Abrudean, M.


    One of the most used method for production of 15 N with 99% at. concentration is the isotopic exchange between gaseous nitrogen oxides and HNO 3 solution 10M: ( 15 NO, 15 NO 2 ) g + H 14 NO 3,l = ( 14 NO, 14 NO 2 ) g + H 15 NO 3,l . The isotopic exchange is characterized by an elemental separation factor α=1.055 at 25 deg. C and atmospheric pressure. Recently, kinetics data pointed to the linear dependence of the exchange rate 15 N/ 14 N(R) on the nitrogen oxide pressure with a rate law R = k[HNO 3 ] 2 · [N 2 O 3 ]. In this work, the influence of the nitrogen oxide pressure on the 15 N separation efficiency was determined by the use of a laboratory equipment with a separation column pack of Helipack type, with dimensions 1.8 mm x 1.8 mm x 0.2 mm. The increase of nitrogen oxide pressure led to a better isotopic transfer between the two counter-flow phases in the column pack. The HETP (Height Equivalent to a Theoretical Plate) determined for a 3.14 ml ·cm -2 · min -1 load is equal to that obtained at atmospheric pressure for a two times lower load. The operation of the equipment for isotopic separation of 15 N at 1.8 atm instead of atmospheric pressure allows doubling the HNO 3 10 M load of the column and consequently, doubling the production rate. A better performance of the separation process at higher pressure is essential for the industrial production of 15 N isotope which is used for the production of uranium nitride in FBR type reactors. (authors)

  6. Safety evaluation report related to the operation of Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. STN 50-400). Supplement No. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report, Supplement No. 1 to the Safety Evaluation Report for the application filed by the Carolina Power and Light Company and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency (the applicant) for license to operate the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 (Docket No. 50-400), has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This supplement reports the status of certain items that had not been resolved at the time of publication of the Safety Evaluation Report

  7. Rebuliços no passado: o ensino de história no museu comunitário

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cícero Joaquim dos Santos


    Full Text Available A pesquisa analisa as memórias construídas a partir da cultura material exposta no Museu comunitário Casa da Memória de Porteiras, localizado na cidade de Porteiras, no Cariri cearense, Nordeste do Brasil. Almejando compreender a invenção do passado mediante práticas educativas museais protagonizadas pelos jovens da Associação Retratores da Memória de Porteiras (REMOP, que administram o Museu, ela vem sendo desenvolvida, entrecruzando reflexões sobre a construção das memórias e os usos do passado no presente. Problematizando as aproximações e os distanciamentos entre a memória construída no Museu e os discursos históricos elaborados por outros grupos e sujeitos históricos, a pesquisa historiciza os passados inventados sobre a formação social de Porteiras. Além dos objetos expostos, ela utiliza como fontes os registros institucionais da entidade museológica, bem como periódicos, cartilhas jornalísticas e a historiografia do Ceará

  8. Southwest University's No-Fee Teacher-Training Model (United States)

    Chen, Shijian; Yang, Shuhan; Li, Linyuan


    The training model for Southwest University's no-fee teacher education program has taken shape over several years. Based on a review of the documentation and interviews with administrators and no-fee preservice students from different specialties, this article analyzes Southwest University's no-fee teacher-training model in terms of three main…

  9. Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 2 (Docket No. 50-397)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report, Supplement No. 5 to the Safety Evaluation Report (SSER 5) on the Washington Public Power Supply System application for a license to operate WNP-2 (Docket No. 50-397), located in Benton County, Washington, approximately 12 miles north of Richland, Washington, has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This supplement reports the status of certain items that had not been resolved at the time of publication of the Safety Evaluation Report and Supplements No. 1, 2, 3, and 4

  10. Compartmentalization of NO signaling cascade in skeletal muscles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buchwalow, Igor B.; Minin, Evgeny A.; Samoilova, Vera E.; Boecker, Werner; Wellner, Maren; Schmitz, Wilhelm; Neumann, Joachim; Punkt, Karla


    Skeletal muscle functions regulated by NO are now firmly established. However, the literature on the compartmentalization of NO signaling in myocytes is highly controversial. To address this issue, we examined localization of enzymes engaged in L-arginine-NO-cGMP signaling in the rat quadriceps muscle. Employing immunocytochemical labeling complemented with tyramide signal amplification and electron microscopy, we found NO synthase expressed not only in the sarcolemma, but also along contractile fibers, in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. The expression pattern of NO synthase in myocytes showed striking parallels with the enzymes engaged in L-arginine-NO-cGMP signaling (arginase, phosphodiesterase, and soluble guanylyl cyclase). Our findings are indicative of an autocrine fashion of NO signaling in skeletal muscles at both cellular and subcellular levels, and challenge the notion that the NO generation is restricted to the sarcolemma

  11. USSR Report, Political and Sociological Affairs No. 1402. (United States)


    one rehabilitation therapy room. The doctor’s consultation takes places in crowded conditions. 62 But the insufficient numbers of...funds, for example, to reinforce the five horticultural associations that were recently created, to expand the fodder base for the subsidiary farms...for example, in polyclinics No. 2 and No. 4, there are no auxiliary services—no physical therapy rooms, no clinical labo- ratories

  12. Cenário epidemiológico de morbidade no ambiente de trabalho no Brasil


    Graup, Susane


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2012 As doenças do trabalho tem se tornado um problema de saúde pública, devido ao seu impacto socioeconômico, gerado a partir de prevalências que tem tomado proporções epidêmicas em todo o mundo. Diante dessas informações, o objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer o cenário de ocorrência epidemiológica de morbidades no ambiente de trabalho no Bra...

  13. Works of shifting discharge facilities in construction for adding No.3 and No.4 plants to Oi Nuclear Power Station

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuoka, Gen-ichi; Yoshida, Atsumu.


    At present in Oi Power Station, No.1 and No.2 plants of 1175 MWe output each are in operation, but in order to stabilize electric power supply for a long period, Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. earnestly advances the construction works for adding No.3 and No.4 plants of each 1180 MWe output PWR. No.3 plant is expected to begin the operation in October, 1991, and No.4 plant in August, 1992. The works for creating the site were started in July, 1985, and the flat land of about 60,000 m 2 and the reclaimed land of about 80,000 m 2 were prepared. Subsequently, the main construction works were started in May, 1987, and the rate of general progress was 21 % in No.3 plant and 2 % in No.4 plant as of the end of October, 1988. Due to the addition of No.3 and No.4 plants, the quantity of condenser cooling water discharge increases to 318 m 3 /s from 150 m 3 /s at present, therefore, the bank having discharge holes is shifted from the present position about 100 m toward sea. As to the problems, the shifting works in flowing water, the method of shifting, the examination on lifting caissons and culverts, the trial construction of chemical anchors and so on were investigated. The execution of the shifting works is reported. (K.I.)

  14. Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. STN 50-400). Supplement No. 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report, Supplement No. 4 to the Safety Evaluation Report for the application filed by the Carolina Power and Light Company and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency (the applicants) for a license to operate the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 (Docket No. 50-400), has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This supplement reports the status of certain items that had not been resolved at the time of publication of the Safety Evaluation Report and Supplement Nos. 1, 2, and 3

  15. Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. STN 50-400). Supplement No. 3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report, Supplement No. 3 to the Safety Evaluation Report for the application filed by the Carolina Power and Light Company and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency (the applicants) for a license to operate the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 (Docket No. 50-400), has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This supplement reports the status of certain items that had not been resolved at the time of publication of the Safety Evaluation Report and Supplement Nos. 1 and 2

  16. MJZ 37 No 3

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Coping strategies employed to ... 1 Poverty Health and Nutrition Division, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC. 2 University of .... anti-retroviral drugs, which are available at no cost. ... Sugar, honey, sweets and snacks.

  17. Decomposition of NO on Cu-loaded zeolites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sepulveda-Escribano, A; Marquez-Alvarez, C; Rodriquez-Ramos, I; Fierro, J L.G. [Instituto de Catalisis y Petroleoquimica, Madrid (Spain); Guerrero-Ruiz, A [Departamento de Quimica Inorganica, UNED, Madrid (Spain)


    Two copper ion-exchanged zeolites, Cu/NaY and Cu/NaZSM-5 have been studied by several techniques (TPR, TPD of NO, IR spectroscopy of adsorbed NO and XPS) and their catalytic activity for NO-decomposition have been determined under dynamic conditions. The results obtained here show that copper is stabilized as Cu[sup +] in Cu/NaZSM-5 after calcination in air at 673K, while in Cu/NaY the initial Cu[sup +]-ions are easier oxidized to Cu[sup 2+], this leading to a completely different catalytic behavior in the reaction of NO-decomposition. So, whereas the Cu/NaZSM-5 exhibits a high NO-conversion at the reaction temperatures (573 and 873K), the parent Cu/NaY zeolite becomes deactivated in the first stages of reaction.

  18. Examination policy concerning the additional installation of No. 3 and No. 4 reactors in Takahama Nuclear Power Station and No. 3 and No. 4 reactors in Fukushima No. 2 Nuclear Power Station

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Nuclear Safety Commission decided the annual examination policy on the modification of reactor installation in Takahama Nuclear Power Station to construct No. 3 and No. 4 reactors inquired under date of November 26, 1979, by the Minister of International Trade and Industry, so that the examination results of the accident in Three Mile Island nuclear power station are reflected to the examination for the purpose of improving reactor safety. The examination results of the accident in Three Mile Island power station are being investigated by the Committee on Examination of Reactor Safety, based on the policy shown in ''On the second report of the special committee examining the accident in a nuclear power station in the U.S.'' determined by the Nuclear Safety Commission under date of September 13, 1979. Though the Committee will further clarify the past guideline about the items concerning the criteria, design and operation management, the Committee decided the tentative policy to reflect it to safety examination. Further, a table is attached, in which 52 items to be reflected to the security measures are classified from the viewpoint of necessity to reflect them to the final examination. This table includes 13 items of criteria and examination, 7 items related to design, 10 items related to operation management, 10 antidisaster items, and 12 items related to safety research. (Wakatsuki, Y.)

  19. Manganelli "posfaciado" no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Santurbano


    Full Text Available É sabido como o escritor italiano Giorgio Manganelli (1922-1990 amava escrever para seus livros orelhas e contracapas que, de alguma forma, dialogavam e integravam o próprio texto. Já em dois dos seus três livros traduzidos no Brasil – Hilarotragoedia (Imago, 1993 e Centúria (Iluminuras, 1995 –, encontram- se prefácios e introduções, sendo reposicionados ou parcialmente omitidos os peritextos, de acordo com a definição de Genette, originais. Este artigo, portanto, pretende analisar a diferente articulação dos paratextos nas edições traduzidas, a fim de refletir sobre as estratégias pensadas para a recepção no Brasil de um autor, sem dúvida, de difícil acesso.

  20. Hemofilia y osteoporosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Andrés Pérez Martínez


    Full Text Available Una relación entre la hemofilia y la osteoporosis ha sido sugerida, lo cual ha conducido a la iniciativa de realizar tanto revisiones como estudios acerca de este tema. Las hemofilias son un trastorno de la coagulación hereditario, causado por deficiencia o defecto en la actividad coagulante de los factores VIII (hemofilia A y IX (hemofilia B. La hemartrosis o hemorragia dentro de las articulaciones representa entre el 65-80% de todas las hemorragias en hemofílicos y determinan en gran parte el deterioro en la calidad de vida por su curso crónico e incapacitante. La osteoporosis es una enfermedad esquelética sistémica caracterizada por compromiso de la resistencia ósea que aumenta el riesgo de fractura. La hemofilia y la osteoporosis tienen varios aspectos en común: ambas enfermedades están acompañadas de dolor crónico, invalidez, pérdida de la independencia, aumento de la mortalidad y tienen un impacto negativo sobre la calidad de vida de los pacientes. La osteoporosis es la enfermedad metabólica ósea más frecuente en la población mayor, con alcances socioeconómicos importantes. No obstante, las hemofilias son menos comunes, pero los costos de su tratamiento global son más elevados. Aparte de estas obvias similitudes entre la hemofilia y la osteoporosis, se considera que hay una fuerte relación entre estas dos entidades más que la que se suponía antes, y los pacientes con hemofilia severa y artropatía hemofílica tienen mayor riesgo de tener un pico de masa ósea bajo. La hemofilia está asociada a varios factores que predicen un pico de masa ósea bajo y, ciertos de estos factores, también pueden predecir un aumento en la pérdida de la masa ósea; sin embargo, aún no se ha demostrado que la pérdida ósea sea mayor en hemofílicos más que en los controles sanos, ni el grado en el cual el pico de masa ósea baja confiere un aumento en el riesgo de fractura. Se necesitan estudios prospectivos antes de establecer gu

  1. Decadal changes in global surface NO

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miyazaki, Kazuyuki; Eskes, Henk; Sudo, Kengo; Boersma, Folkert; Bowman, Kevin; Kanaya, Yugo


    Global surface emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx ) over a 10-year period (2005-2014) are estimated from an assimilation of multiple satellite data sets: tropospheric NO2 columns from Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME- 2), and


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo Falcão Uchôa


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva mostrar os inícios e a progressão dos estudos estilísticos no Brasil. Após uma introdução sobre o surgimento, na Europa, da Estilística como disciplina de pesquisa no campo da linguagem, detém-se, sucessivamente, nas contribuições de filólogos, linguistas, teóricos da literatura e gramáticos para o estudo dos mais variados recursos estilísticos ocorrentes sobretudo em autores brasileiros.

  3. The new low-NO{sub x} burner

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saito, Masato [Joban Joint Power Corporation, Ltd., Nagasaki (Japan); Domoto, Kazuhiro; Tanaka, Ryuichiro [Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Nagasaki (Japan). Boiler Engineering Dept. Power Systems; Matsumoto, Keigo [Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Nagasaki (Japan). Combustion Lab.


    Burner design requires good ignitability, high burn-up rate and low NO{sub x} emissions. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI) developed a low-NO{sub x} burner which meets the aforementioned requirements. It also needs less combustion air, the burner nozzle is subjected to less thermal stresses, and the potential of NO{sub x} corrosion is being reduced. (orig.)

  4. A Practical Method for No-Reflow Treatment. (United States)

    Cetin, Mustafa; Kiziltunc, Emrullah; Güven Cetin, Zehra; Kundi, Harun; Gulkan, Birsen; Cicekcioglu, Hülya


    No-reflow is an undesirable result of percutaneous coronary interventions. Vasoactive drug administration at the distal part of the coronary artery is suggested as a therapeutic option for no-reflow treatment. Here, we represent two cases of successful no-reflow management with previously used monorail balloon at the same procedure as a hand-made distal infusion catheter.

  5. Condutas no tratamento do broncoespasmo no peri-operatório


    Menezes, Cássio Campello de; Vieira, Joaquim Edson


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Anestesiologistas podem se deparar com mais freqüência com pacientes portadores de asma dada a prevalência crescente dessa doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a diversidade de tratamentos utilizados durante o broncoespasmo no período peri-operatório. MÉTODO: Questionário enviado por correio para uma amostra estratificada originalmente composta de 108 anestesiologistas do estado de São Paulo, através da mala direta da Sociedade de Anestesiologia do Estado ...

  6. The interaction of NO2 with BaO: from cooperative adsorption to Ba(NO3)2 formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yi, Cheol-Woo W.; Kwak, Ja Hun H.; Szanyi, Janos


    The effect of water on the morphology of BaO/Al2O3-based NOx storage materials was investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, temperature programmed desorption, and time-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction techniques. The results of this multi-spectroscopy study reveal that, in the presence of water, surface Ba-nitrates convert to bulk nitrates, and water facilitates the formation of large Ba(NO3)2 particles. The conversion of surface to bulk Ba-nitrates is completely reversible, i.e. after the removal of water from the storage material a significant fraction of the bulk nitrates re-convert to surface nitrates. NO2 exposure of a H2O-containing (wet) BaO/Al2O3 sample results in the formation of nitrites and bulk nitrates exclusively, i.e. no surface nitrates form. After further exposure to NO2, the nitrites completely convert to bulk nitrates. The amount of NOx taken up by the storage material is, however, essentially unaffected by the presence of water, regardless of whether the water was dosed prior to or after NO2 exposure. Based on the results of this study we are now able to explain most of the observations reported in the literature on the effect of water on NOx uptake on similar storage materials

  7. Migration from relational to NoSQL database (United States)

    Ghotiya, Sunita; Mandal, Juhi; Kandasamy, Saravanakumar


    Data generated by various real time applications, social networking sites and sensor devices is of very huge amount and unstructured, which makes it difficult for Relational database management systems to handle the data. Data is very precious component of any application and needs to be analysed after arranging it in some structure. Relational databases are only able to deal with structured data, so there is need of NoSQL Database management System which can deal with semi -structured data also. Relational database provides the easiest way to manage the data but as the use of NoSQL is increasing it is becoming necessary to migrate the data from Relational to NoSQL databases. Various frameworks has been proposed previously which provides mechanisms for migration of data stored at warehouses in SQL, middle layer solutions which can provide facility of data to be stored in NoSQL databases to handle data which is not structured. This paper provides a literature review of some of the recent approaches proposed by various researchers to migrate data from relational to NoSQL databases. Some researchers proposed mechanisms for the co-existence of NoSQL and Relational databases together. This paper provides a summary of mechanisms which can be used for mapping data stored in Relational databases to NoSQL databases. Various techniques for data transformation and middle layer solutions are summarised in the paper.

  8. ¿Y si no fuera Medicina?


    Nuñez Gómez, Jessica


    Me pregunto qué hubiera pasado si no estudiara medicina. Estaría en cualquier otro sitio, menos en la biblioteca con mi uniforme y mi saco, escuchando Selena Quintanilla y pensando cómo hacer el punto siete del taller de célula. Si hubiera estudiado Química, no estaría en la Javeriana sino en Icesi o quizás en Univalle. Entonces, una página de mi diario diría: “Hoy madrugué a las 6:00 a.m. Estuve quince minutos pensando en qué ponerme pues todos los días no puedo usar la misma camisa. Espero ...

  9. Relation between 'no broadcasting' for noncommuting states and 'no local broadcasting' for quantum correlations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo Shunlong; Li Nan; Cao Xuelian


    The no-broadcasting theorem, first established by Barnum et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2818 (1996)], states that a set of quantum states can be broadcast if and only if it constitutes a commuting family. Quite recently, Piani et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 090502 (2008)] showed, by using an ingenious and sophisticated method, that the correlations in a single bipartite state can be locally broadcast if and only if the state is effectively a classical one (i.e., the correlations therein are classical). In this Brief Report, under the condition of nondegenerate spectrum, we provide an alternative and significantly simpler proof of the latter result based on the original no-broadcasting theorem and the monotonicity of the quantum relative entropy. This derivation motivates us to conjecture the equivalence between these two elegant yet formally different no-broadcasting theorems and indicates a subtle and fundamental issue concerning spectral degeneracy which also lies at the heart of the conflict between the von Neumann projection postulate and the Lueders ansatz for quantum measurements. This relation not only offers operational interpretations for commutativity and classicality but also illustrates the basic significance of noncommutativity in characterizing quantumness from the informational perspective.

  10. Aspectos do realismo-naturalismo no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Aderaldo Castello


    Full Text Available (Primeiro Parágrafo do Artigo Silvio Romero, no opúsculo O naturalismo em literatura, publicado em 1882, um ano depois de O mulato de Aluísio Azevedo, reivindica, para si a glória de ter sido o introdutor das idéias naturalistas no Brasil.

  11. RESTAURANT No. 1

    CERN Multimedia


    Customers are kindly requested to note the modified opening times of restaurant no. 1 from Monday, February 4 to Sunday, March 3, 2002 : from Monday to Friday 07h00 - 23h00 Saturday / Sunday 08h00 - 21h00 Hot meals will be served between 11h30 and 14h00, then from 18h00 to 19h30. Restaurant Supervisory Committee, tel. 77551

  12. A Practical Method for No-Reflow Treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mustafa Cetin


    Full Text Available No-reflow is an undesirable result of percutaneous coronary interventions. Vasoactive drug administration at the distal part of the coronary artery is suggested as a therapeutic option for no-reflow treatment. Here, we represent two cases of successful no-reflow management with previously used monorail balloon at the same procedure as a hand-made distal infusion catheter.

  13. Recycling No-man’s-land


    Domènech Rodríguez, Marta; López López, David; Palumbo Fernández, Mariana


    La cultura del usar y tirar ha imperado en los últimos tiempos y el culto a lo nuevo ha también la arquitectura. Del mismo modo en que se descartan productos de consumo que todavía por los nuevos modelos, se planifican barrios completamente nuevos sobre suelos no urbanizados que provocan la expansión de las ciudades en forma de mancha de aceite, ignorando la de espacios ya urbanizados que se rechazan por ser tejidos industriales o socialmente marginales. Pero,¿No debería ser imperativo recic...

  14. Terapia nutricional no diabetes gestacional


    Padilha,Patricia de Carvalho; Sena,Ana Beatriz; Nogueira,Jamile Lima; Araújo,Roberta Pimenta da Silva; Alves,Priscila Dutra; Accioly,Elizabeth; Saunders,Cláudia


    Trata-se de uma revisão da literatura científica sobre a terapia nutricional no Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional, sem restrição de data e com fontes primárias indexadas nas bases de dados SciELO, PubMed, Medline. Os resultados desta revisão apontam a intervenção nutricional como uma importante aliada no controle do Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional, trazendo potenciais benefícios à saúde materno-fetal. Na avaliação do estado nutricional materno devem ser empregados os indicadores antropométricos, di...

  15. NO and NO{sub 2} adsorption on subsurface doped MgO (100) and BaO (100) surfaces. A density functional study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Añez, Rafael, E-mail: [Laboratorio de Química Física y Catálisis Computacional, Centro de Química, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Apartado 21827, Caracas (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of); Sierraalta, Aníbal [Laboratorio de Química Física y Catálisis Computacional, Centro de Química, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Apartado 21827, Caracas (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of); Soto, Lenin J. Díaz [Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Física, 22451-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Instituto de Química, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Universitária, CT Bloco A sala 412, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21949-900 (Brazil)


    Highlights: • Subsurface doped BaO(100) and MgO(100) surfaces. • NO and NO{sub 2} adsorption on doped BaO(100) and MgO(100) surfaces. • Surface distortion produced by the doped improves the interaction with the surface. • NO and NO{sub 2} adsorption energies displayed good correlation with the transferred charge. - Abstract: A periodic DFT approach was used to study the energetic, electronic and structural changes produced by the V, Fe and Ni sub layer doped of the MgO (100) and BaO (100) surfaces and the effect of these changes over the adsorption of NO and NO{sub 2}. Results indicate that the higher capacity of donating charge of the transition metal atoms improves the ability of the surfaces to transfer charge to the molecules. The charge transferred goes to NO and NO{sub 2} antibonding orbitals which makes them more reactive hence the interaction becomes stronger. A good lineal correlation between the charge transferred and the calculated adsorption energy was found, that is, as the charge transferred increases the adsorption energy increases. The interaction between the NO or NO{sub 2} molecule on doped surfaces not only depends of the charge transferred, surface structural changes produced by the doping with transition metal atoms increase the adsorption energy specially on the BaO (100) surface where the surface structural changes were more noticeable. Calculated stretching frequency of a NO in a η{sup 1} –N configuration indicates that this is the most stable specie found for the adsorption of NO on terraces of the MgO (100) surface around 77 K and that the sub layer Ni doped BaO (100) surface could be a promising material for the decomposition of NO{sub 2}.

  16. Comparison of GOME tropospheric NO2 columns with NO2 profiles deduced from ground-based in situ measurements (United States)

    Schaub, D.; Boersma, K. F.; Kaiser, J. W.; Weiss, A. K.; Folini, D.; Eskes, H. J.; Buchmann, B.


    Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) vertical tropospheric column densities (VTCs) retrieved from the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) are compared to coincident ground-based tropospheric NO2 columns. The ground-based columns are deduced from in situ measurements at different altitudes in the Alps for 1997 to June 2003, yielding a unique long-term comparison of GOME NO2 VTC data retrieved by a collaboration of KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) and BIRA/IASB (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy) with independently derived tropospheric NO2 profiles. A first comparison relates the GOME retrieved tropospheric columns to the tropospheric columns obtained by integrating the ground-based NO2 measurements. For a second comparison, the tropospheric profiles constructed from the ground-based measurements are first multiplied with the averaging kernel (AK) of the GOME retrieval. The second approach makes the comparison independent from the a priori NO2 profile used in the GOME retrieval. This allows splitting the total difference between the column data sets into two contributions: one that is due to differences between the a priori and the ground-based NO2 profile shapes, and another that can be attributed to uncertainties in both the remaining retrieval parameters (such as, e.g., surface albedo or aerosol concentration) and the ground-based in situ NO2 profiles. For anticyclonic clear sky conditions the comparison indicates a good agreement between the columns (n=157, R=0.70/0.74 for the first/second comparison approach, respectively). The mean relative difference (with respect to the ground-based columns) is -7% with a standard deviation of 40% and GOME on average slightly underestimating the ground-based columns. Both data sets show a similar seasonal behaviour with a distinct maximum of spring NO2 VTCs. Further analysis indicates small GOME columns being systematically smaller than the ground-based ones. The influence of different shapes in the a priori and

  17. Growth-Promoting Effect of NO Fumigation and Hemoglobins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindermayr, Christian; Hebelstrup, Kim


    can be taken up by plants through ammonium and nitrate or as nitrogen gas through plant-associated microorganisms in root nodules. Interestingly, a plant growth-promoting effect is also described for NO and NO2. In this chapter we want to highlight the positive effect of NO and NO2 on plant growth...

  18. Paratuberculose em ruminantes no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elise M. Yamasaki


    Full Text Available A paratuberculose ou doença de Johne é uma enterite granulomatosa causada por Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map e comumente afeta ruminantes domésticos, no entanto, pode infectar várias espécies de mamíferos. Está presente nos cinco continentes e é considerada endêmica em algumas regiões pela Organização Internacional de Epizootias (OIE. Pertence à lista de enfermidades notificáveis, que compreende as doenças transmissíveis de importância sócio-econômica e/ou em saúde-pública, cujo controle é necessário para o comércio internacional de animais e alimentos de origem animal. A importância da doença de Johne não se restringe somente aos prejuízos econômicos causados à indústria animal, mas também na possível participação do Map na íleocolite granulomatosa que afeta seres humanos, conhecida como doença de Crohn. No Brasil, a paratuberculose já foi descrita em diversas espécies de ruminantes e em vários estados. Embora os relatos naturais da enfermidade sejam pontuais, acredita-se na possibilidade da transmissão interespecífica e na disseminação do agente através da compra e venda de animais infectados. O objetivo deste artigo foi reunir as informações disponíveis referentes aos aspectos epidemiológicos, clínico-patológicos e laboratoriais da paratuberculose em bovinos, bubalinos, caprinos e ovinos no Brasil, e salientar a necessidade de implementação de medidas de controle sanitário da enfermidade no país, o que possibilitaria a melhoria da qualidade e valorização dos produtos de origem animal no mercado internacional.

  19. Safety evaluation report related to the operation of Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3 (Docket No. 50-423)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Safety Evaluation Report issued in August 1984 provided the results of the NRC staff review of Northeast Nuclear Energy Company's application for a license to operate the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3. Supplement No. 1 to that report, issued in March 1985 updated the information contained in the Safety Evaluation Report and addressed the ACRS Report issued on September 10, 1984. The Report, Supplement No. 2 updates the information contained in the Safety Evaluation Report and Supplement No. 1 and addresses prior unresolved items. The facility is located in Waterford Township, New London, Connecticut. 11 refs., 9 tabs

  20. Form-stable LiNO_3–NaNO_3–KNO_3–Ca(NO_3)_2/calcium silicate composite phase change material (PCM) for mid-low temperature thermal energy storage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, Zhu; Leng, Guanghui; Ye, Feng; Ge, Zhiwei; Liu, Chuanping; Wang, Li; Huang, Yun; Ding, Yulong


    Graphical abstract: The figure (a) displays the microstructure of calcium silicate and the inset figure is the LiNO_3–NaNO_3–KNO_3–Ca(NO_3)_2/calcium silicate composite PCM. Calcium silicate is used as a porous skeleton material which could absorb large amounts of the nitrate PCM in voids and prevent the PCM from leakage during phase change process. Figure (b) shows the heat capacity of the composite PCM and the inset figure is the DSC curve of the composite. It indicates that this composite has a low melting point (103.5 °C) and good energy storage property. Based on the novel LiNO_3–NaNO_3–KNO_3–Ca(NO_3)_2/calcium silicate composite PCM, this work involves fabrication process, thermal and microstructural characterization, and chemical and physical stability measurements. - Highlights: • A novel LiNO_3–NaNO_3–KNO_3–Ca(NO_3)_2/calcium silicate composite PCM was prepared. • It has a low melting point (103.5 °C) and could remain stable until 585.5 °C. • It could keep form-stable without leakage during phase change process. • Thermal conductivity of the composite PCM reaches up to 1.177 W m"−"1 K"−"1. • It shows good thermal reliability after 1000 times heating and cooling cycling. - Abstract: In this paper, a novel form-stable LiNO_3–NaNO_3–KNO_3–Ca(NO_3)_2/calcium silicate composite PCM was developed by cold compression and sintering. The eutectic quaternary nitrate is used as PCM, while calcium silicate is used as structural supporting material. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) shows the PCM and the supporting material have good chemical compatibility. This composite PCM has a low melting point (103.5 °C) and remain stable without decomposition until 585.5 °C. Moreover, this composite shows excellent long term stability after 1000 melting and freezing cycles. Thermal conductivity of the composite was measured to be 1.177 W m"−"1 K"−"1, and that could be increased by adding thermal conductivity enhancers into the composite

  1. Determination of barometric efficiency and effective porosity, boreholes UE-25 cNo.1, UE-25 cNo.2, UE-25 cNo.3, Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Geldon, A.L.; Earle, J.D.; Umari, A.M.A.


    Simultaneous records of water-level altitudes in boreholes UE-25 cNo.1, UE-25 cNo.2, and UE-25 cNo.3 (the C-holes) and atmospheric pressure at and near the C-holes were obtained from July 15 to September 8, 1993, to determine the barometric efficiency of the entire uncased section of each of the C-holes, for the purpose of analyzing pumping tests. Each of the C-holes is 3,000 feet deep. About 1,600 feet of each borehole is open in Miocene tuffaceous rocks. Water-level altitudes in the C-holes fluctuate in response to Earth tides and changes in atmospheric pressure, which are characteristics of wells completed in an elastic, confined aquifer. The barometric efficiency of the C-holes in this study was analyzed by filtering simultaneously collected water-level-altitude and atmospheric-pressure data to remove the influences of Earth tides and semi-diurnal heating and cooling and then regressing filtered water-level-altitude changes as a function of filtered changes in atmospheric pressure. The average barometric efficiency of the uncased sections of boreholes UE-25 cNo.1 and UE-25 cNo.3 was determined to be 0.94. Malfunctioning equipment prevented determining the barometric efficiency of bore-hole UE-25 cNo.2. An average effective porosity of 0.36 was calculated from barometric efficiency values determined in this study and a specific storage value of 0.497 x 10 -6 per foot that was determined previously from geophysical logs of the C-holes. A porosity of 0.36 is consistent with values determined from geophysical logs and core analyses for the Calico Hills Formation

  2. Política de antibióticos en un servicio de cirugía

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joaquín Hernández Torres


    Full Text Available Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 1 432 pacientes egresados del Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital Clínicoquirúrgico Docente "Joaquín Albarrán". Se estudiaron los 367 pacientes que recibieron tratamiento con antibióticos durante su hospitalización, con el fin de evaluar la aplicación y los resultados de la política de antibióticos diseñada por el servicio. Los datos sobre la utilización de antibióticos, las intervenciones quirúrgicas y la infección de la herida quirúrgica se obtuvieron a través de encuestas y se procesaron en un sistema automatizado de gestión de datos. Se cumplieron los lineamiento de la política en 55,8 % de los pacientes que recibieron antibióticos. No apareció infección de la herida quirúrgica en los pacientes sometidos a cirugía del tracto biliar o histerectomía abdominal que recibieron antibioticoterapia profiláctica perioperatoria. La tasa de infección de la herida quirúrgica en las apendicectomías y cirugía colorrectal que recibieron profilaxis antibiótica fue del 5 y 9 % respectivamente, cifras inferiores a las encontradas en la literatura. Cuando no se cumplieron los lineamentos de la política de antibiótico, el período posoperatorio se prolongó a 11 días como promedio y el costo por consumo de antibióticos fue de $34,66The medical histories of 1432 patients discharged from the Service of General Surgery of the «Joaquín Albarrán» Clinical and Surgical Teaching Hospital were reviewed. 367 patients that were treated with antibiotics during their hospitalization were studied so as to evaluate the application and the results of the antibiotics policy designed by this service. Data on the utilization of antibiotics, surgical procedures and surgical wound infection were obtained through surveys and were processed by an automated data management system. The policy guidelines were fulfilled in 58 % of the patients who received antibiotics. No surgical wound infection was

  3. No rescue for the no boundary proposal: Pointers to the future of quantum cosmology (United States)

    Feldbrugge, Job; Lehners, Jean-Luc; Turok, Neil


    In recent work [J. Feldbrugge et al. Phys. Rev. D 95, 103508 (2017)., 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.103508 and J. Feldbrugge et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 171301 (2017)., 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.171301], we introduced Picard-Lefschetz theory as a tool for defining the Lorentzian path integral for quantum gravity in a systematic semiclassical expansion. This formulation avoids several pitfalls occurring in the Euclidean approach. Our method provides, in particular, a more precise formulation of the Hartle-Hawking no boundary proposal, as a sum over real Lorentzian four-geometries interpolating between an initial three-geometry of zero size, i.e., a point, and a final three-geometry. With this definition, we calculated the no boundary amplitude for a closed universe with a cosmological constant, assuming cosmological symmetry for the background and including linear perturbations. We found the opposite semiclassical exponent to that obtained by Hartle and Hawking for the creation of a de Sitter spacetime "from nothing." Furthermore, we found the linearized perturbations to be governed by an inverse Gaussian distribution, meaning they are unsuppressed and out of control. Recently, Diaz Dorronsoro et al. [Phys. Rev. D 96, 043505 (2017), 10.1103/PhysRevD.96.043505] followed our methods but attempted to rescue the no boundary proposal by integrating the lapse over a different, intrinsically complex contour. Here, we show that, in addition to the desired Hartle-Hawking saddle point contribution, their contour yields extra, nonperturbative corrections which again render the perturbations unsuppressed. We prove there is no choice of complex contour for the lapse which avoids this problem. We extend our discussion to include backreaction in the leading semiclassical approximation, fully nonlinearly for the lowest tensor harmonic and to second order for all higher modes. Implications for quantum de Sitter spacetime and for cosmic inflation are briefly discussed.

  4. Vol 41 No 2

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    3 Centre for Primary Care Research. Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol. 41, No. 2: 59 - 64 (2014) ... pollutants by inhaling second-hand tobacco smoke are at risk of adverse health ..... To put the measured PM levels into perspective, a. 2.5. 5.

  5. Resíduos farmacêuticos no ambiente


    Rodrigues, Ana Rita Afonso


    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz Os medicamentos são “moléculas químicas” largamente utilizadas na prática clínica humana e veterinária, o que conduz a uma inevitável introdução contínua desta classe de contaminantes no meio ambiente. Foi no final da década de 70 que se realizaram os primeiros estudos sobre a presença de fármacos em efluentes de Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuais. No entanto, apenas nos últimos 15 a...

  6. Mixing Ratios and Photostationary State of NO and NO2 Observed During the POPCORN Field Campaign at a Rural Site in Germany

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rohrer, F.; Brüning, D.; Grobler, E.S.; Weber, M.; Ehhalt, D.H.; Neubert, R.; Schüßler, W.; Levin, I.


    Ambient mixing ratios of NO, NO2, and O3 were determined together with the photolysis frequency of NO2, JNO2, at a rural, agricultural site in Germany. The data were collected during the POPCORN-campaign from August 1 to August 24, 1994, in a maize field 6 m above ground. The medians of the NO, NO2,

  7. Comparison of GOME tropospheric NO2 columns with NO2 profiles deduced from ground-based in situ measurements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Schaub


    Full Text Available Nitrogen dioxide (NO2 vertical tropospheric column densities (VTCs retrieved from the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME are compared to coincident ground-based tropospheric NO2 columns. The ground-based columns are deduced from in situ measurements at different altitudes in the Alps for 1997 to June 2003, yielding a unique long-term comparison of GOME NO2 VTC data retrieved by a collaboration of KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and BIRA/IASB (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy with independently derived tropospheric NO2 profiles. A first comparison relates the GOME retrieved tropospheric columns to the tropospheric columns obtained by integrating the ground-based NO2 measurements. For a second comparison, the tropospheric profiles constructed from the ground-based measurements are first multiplied with the averaging kernel (AK of the GOME retrieval. The second approach makes the comparison independent from the a priori NO2 profile used in the GOME retrieval. This allows splitting the total difference between the column data sets into two contributions: one that is due to differences between the a priori and the ground-based NO2 profile shapes, and another that can be attributed to uncertainties in both the remaining retrieval parameters (such as, e.g., surface albedo or aerosol concentration and the ground-based in situ NO2 profiles. For anticyclonic clear sky conditions the comparison indicates a good agreement between the columns (n=157, R=0.70/0.74 for the first/second comparison approach, respectively. The mean relative difference (with respect to the ground-based columns is −7% with a standard deviation of 40% and GOME on average slightly underestimating the ground-based columns. Both data sets show a similar seasonal behaviour with a distinct maximum of spring NO2 VTCs. Further analysis indicates small GOME columns being systematically smaller than the ground-based ones. The influence of different shapes in the a

  8. Academic time at a level 1 trauma center: no resident, no problem? (United States)

    Matsushima, Kazuhide; Dickinson, Rebecca M; Schaefer, Eric W; Armen, Scott B; Frankel, Heidi L


    Globally, the compliance of resident work-hour restrictions has no impact on trauma outcome. However, the effect of protected education time (PET), during which residents are unavailable to respond to trauma patients, has not been studied. We hypothesized that PET has no impact on the outcome of trauma patients. We conducted a retrospective review of relevant patients at an academic level I trauma center. During PET, a trauma attending and advanced practice providers (APPs) responded to trauma activations. PGY1, 3, and 4 residents were also available at all other times. The outcome of new trauma patient activations during Thursday morning 3-hours resident PET was compared with same time period on other weekdays (non-PET) using a univariate and multivariate analysis. From January 2005 to April 2010, a total of 5968 trauma patients were entered in the registry. Of these, 178 patients (2.98%) were included for study (37 PET and 141 non-PET). The mean injury severity score (ISS) was 16.2. Although no significant difference were identified in mortality, complications, or length of stay (LOS), we do see that length of emergency department stay (ED-LOS) tends to be longer during PET, although not significantly (314 vs 381 minutes, p = 0.74). On the multiple logistic regression model, PET was not a significant factor of complications, LOS, or ED-LOS. Few trauma activations occur during PET. New trauma activations can be staffed safely by trauma activations and APPs. However, there could be some delays in transferring patients to appropriate disposition. Additional study is required to determine the effect of PET on existing trauma inpatients. Copyright © 2012 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. The NINO [No Inspector, No Operator system] cask-loading safeguards system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fiarman, S.


    It is, in general difficult to determine by means of camera-surveillance techniques what is loaded into spent-fuel casks being prepared for shipment from light-water reactors to other reactors, reprocessing facilities, or long-term storage. Furthermore, the expected high frequency of cask loadings in the coming years would place too great a burden on the IAEA and Euratom inspectorates if each had to be observed by an inspector. For the case of shipment to other reactors and reprocessing facilities, the casks are soon opened and, in principle, their contents could be ascertained by direct inspection. In the case of long-term-storage facilities, the casks would stay sealed for years, thereby requiring the IAEA to know positively how many spent-fuel assemblies were loaded at the reactor and to have a continuity of knowledge of the cask's contents. It has been proposed instead that the facility operator place the cask seal on the cask within the field of view of a surveillance system linked to the cask seal. This solution, however, may not provide enough credibility for acceptance by the safeguards community. This paper presents an alternative to both inspector presence at cask loading and operator assistance in applying seals; this alternative is called the No Inspector, No Operator system (NINO)


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    Christian Espinosa Méndez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se emplea la prueba de Hinich para detectar ventanas de no lineali-dad sobre las series de rendimientos diarios de los productos primarios cobre, oro, paladio, petróleo Brent, plata, platino y petróleo WTI. Además, se utiliza la teoría de wavelets para estudiar la escala o las escalas temporales en que se produce o acumula el proceso de no linealidad.En cuanto a la prueba de Hinich los resultados obtenidos son compatibles con los encontrados en investigaciones anteriores, lo que confirma el fenómeno de com-portamiento no lineal en series de activos financieros. Sin embargo, al descompo-ner la serie completa usando wavelets se encontró evidencia que existen periodos de no linealidad que se producen con anterioridad a la ventana no lineal detectada por la prueba de Hinich. Además, encontramos pruebas de que después de una ventana no lineal el fenómeno de no linealidad no se disipa por completo sino que sigue en ventanas del próximo periodo a escalas distintas de tiempo. Los resultados indican que no se pueden construir modelos lineales predictivos de precios, con lo ual podría hacer aconsejable gestionar el riesgo financiero, tanto para empresas pertenecientes al sector privado como aquellas en manos del Estado, de una manera distinta.

  11. Safety evaluation report related to the operation of Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1 (Docket No. 50-461)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Supplement No. 8 to the Safety Evaluation Report on the application filed by Illinois Power Company, Soyland Power Cooperative, Inc., and Western Illinois Power Cooperative, Inc., as applicants and owners, for a license to operate the Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1, has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The facility is located in Harp Township, DeWitt County, Illinois. This supplement reports the status of items that have been resolved by the staff since Supplement No. 7 was issued

  12. Ar + NO microwave plasmas for Escherichia coli sterilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hueso, Jose L; Rico, Victor J; Cotrino, Jose; Gonzalez-Elipe, Agustin R; Frias, Jose E


    Ar + NO microwave discharges are used for sterilization and the results are compared with additional experiments with Ar, O 2 and N 2 -O 2 plasma mixtures. The NO * species produced in the Ar-NO mixtures remain up to long distances from the source, thus improving the sterilization efficiency of the process. E. coli individuals exposed to the Ar + NO plasma undergo morphological damage and cell lysis. Combined effects of etching (by O * and Ar * species) and UV radiation (from deactivation of NO * species) are responsible for the higher activity found for this plasma mixture. (fast track communication)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luzia Alves de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O trabalho “O Corpo e o Universo Lúdico no Desenvolvimento de Habilidades Essenciais no Processo de Letramento e Alfabetização” apresenta o resultado de um processo de Psicomotricidade Relacional no espaço escolar. Revela-se como estudo de caso de uma turma de 17 crianças de 5 anos, do 3º período da Educação Infantil, durante um ano. Objetiva verificar a influência da Psicomotricidade Relacional no letramento e alfabetização dessas crianças e no seu desenvolvimento integral. Tange, en passant sobre a natureza neurológica da criança como fundamento para seu processo de aprendizagem hábil, motriz, cognitiva, sócio-afetiva e espiritual.

  14. 75 FR 30839 - Privacy Act of 1974; CMS Computer Match No. 2010-03, HHS Computer Match No. 1003, SSA Computer... (United States)


    ... 1974; CMS Computer Match No. 2010-03, HHS Computer Match No. 1003, SSA Computer Match No. 1048, IRS... Services (CMS). ACTION: Notice of renewal of an existing computer matching program (CMP) that has an...'' section below for comment period. DATES: Effective Dates: CMS filed a report of the Computer Matching...

  15. Health physics in JAERI No. 33

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the annual report No. 33 (fiscal 1990) are described the activities of health physics including radioactive waste management in Tokai Research Establishment, Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Research Establishment, Oarai Research Establishment, Mutsu Establishment and Nuclear Ship Mutsu. In all the establishments, radiation monitoring in nuclear facilities, individual monitoring, environmental monitoring and maintenance of monitoring instruments were carried out as in the previous years. There were no occupational exposure exceeding the dose equivalent limit and no release of radioactive gaseous and liquid wastes beyond the release limits specified according to the regulations. In the environment there were observed no abnormal radioactivity due to the facilities. In Tokai and Oarai Research Establishment and Mutsu Establishment, radioactive waste management including decontamination was carried out and radioactive solid wastes were stored in the same way as in the previous years. Technology developments were made as in the previous years for improving the techniques and methods in monitoring of individuals, facilities and environment, radiation measurement instrumentation and also in waste management and decontamination. The following works were made in the researches of radiation dosimetry, body radioactivity, airborne radioactivity and waste disposal. (J.P.N.)

  16. Habitable worlds with no signs of life


    Cockell, Charles S.


    ‘Most habitable worlds in the cosmos will have no remotely detectable signs of life’ is proposed as a biological hypothesis to be tested in the study of exoplanets. Habitable planets could be discovered elsewhere in the Universe, yet there are many hypothetical scenarios whereby the search for life on them could yield negative results. Scenarios for habitable worlds with no remotely detectable signatures of life include: planets that are habitable, but have no biosphere (Uninhabited Habitable...

  17. Common pitfalls in statistical analysis: “No evidence of effect” versus “evidence of no effect” (United States)

    Ranganathan, Priya; Pramesh, C. S.; Buyse, Marc


    This article is the first in a series exploring common pitfalls in statistical analysis in biomedical research. The power of a clinical trial is the ability to find a difference between treatments, where such a difference exists. At the end of the study, the lack of difference between treatments does not mean that the treatments can be considered equivalent. The distinction between “no evidence of effect” and “evidence of no effect” needs to be understood. PMID:25657905

  18. Powernext newsletter no.39

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conil-Lacoste, J.F.


    This newsletter no 39 of Powernext provides statistical data on Powernext day-Ahead from june 2005 to june 2006, prices and volume of Powernext Futures from june 2004 to june 2006, powernext carbon from june 2005 to june 2006 and some news on Powernext. (A.L.B.)

  19. A revolta no Egito

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hazem Kandil


    Full Text Available Esta entrevista enfoca a derrubada do regime autoritário egípcio em 11 de fevereiro de 2011, quando o presidente Hosni Mubarak renunciou ao posto após três décadas no poder: as razões que levaram à revolta popular, os segmentos sociais que compuseram o movimento e a forma como se deu sua mobilização, as forças que constituíam a estrutura de poder do regime deposto, o cenário sociopolítico do Egito no período de transição subsequente e as perspectivas de democratização do país.This interview focuses on the fall of Hosni Mubarak's authoritarian regime in Egypt: the reasons leading to the popular uprising, the social strata that engaged in it and its mobilization strategies, the forces that supported Mubarak's regime and perspectives for the future of democracy in Egypt.

  20. Síndrome do impacto no nadador

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    Jomar Brito Souza


    Full Text Available O objetivo dos autores foi comparar dados colhidos através de anamnese/exame físico em nadadores de competição e recreacionais de Porto Alegre, verificando assim se existe relação entre a prática competitiva da natação, dor no ombro e lesão do manguito rotador. Foram avaliados 56 nadadores divididos em dois grupos: grupo I (G1, competidores (n = 32 com idade média de 16,9 ± 2,92 anos, nadando em média 4,56km/dia, 5 a 6 vezes/semana; grupo II (G2, recreacionais (n = 24 com média de idade de 27,25 ± 6,4 anos, nadando em média 1,38km/dia, 2 a 3 vezes/semana. A análise estatística foi feita através do teste do qui-quadrado. No G1, 62% dos nadadores referiram dor em pelo menos um ombro e no G2, 12,5%. No G1, dos 64 ombros avaliados, 34 (53,12% apresentavam pelo menos um sinal/sintoma significativo. No G2, dos 48 ombros avaliados, 14 (29,17% apresentavam pelo menos um sinal/sintoma significativo. O teste do qui-quadrado foi aplicado com a = 5% e gl = 1, mostrando que existe relação entre o tipo de natação (competitiva ou recreativa e presença de sinais/sintomas significantes e relação entre natação competitiva e dor em pelo menos um ombro.

  1. Ar + NO microwave plasmas for Escherichia coli sterilization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hueso, Jose L; Rico, Victor J; Cotrino, Jose; Gonzalez-Elipe, Agustin R [Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Centro Mixto CSIC-Universidad de Sevilla, Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas Isla de la Cartuja, Avda. Americo Vespucio 49, 41092 Sevilla (Spain); Frias, Jose E [Instituto de BioquImica Vegetal y FotosIntesis (IBVF-CSIC). Centro de Investigaciones CientIficas Isla de la Cartuja. Avda Americo Vespucio, 49, 41092 Sevilla (Spain)], E-mail:


    Ar + NO microwave discharges are used for sterilization and the results are compared with additional experiments with Ar, O{sub 2} and N{sub 2}-O{sub 2} plasma mixtures. The NO{sup *} species produced in the Ar-NO mixtures remain up to long distances from the source, thus improving the sterilization efficiency of the process. E. coli individuals exposed to the Ar + NO plasma undergo morphological damage and cell lysis. Combined effects of etching (by O{sup *} and Ar{sup *} species) and UV radiation (from deactivation of NO{sup *} species) are responsible for the higher activity found for this plasma mixture. (fast track communication)

  2. Safety evaluation report related to the operation of Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3 (Docket No. 50-423). Supplement No. 5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report supplements the Safety Evaluation Report (NUREG-1031) issued in July 1984, Supplement 1 issued in March 1985, Supplement 2 issued in September 1985, Supplement 3 issued in November 1985, and Supplement 4 issued in November 1985 by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission with respect to the application filed by Northeast Nuclear Energy Company (licensee and agent for the owners) for a license to operate Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3 (Docket 50-423). The supplement provides more recent information regarding resolution of license conditions identified in the SER. Because of the favorable resolution of the items discussed in this report, the staff concludes that Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3, can be operated by the licensee at power levels greater than 5% without endangering the health and safety of the public. 13 refs

  3. El principio de la no confiscatoriedad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiola Guerrero Gove


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene como propósito analizar el principio de la no confiscatoriedad en materia Tributaria. Se trata aquí de los principios jurídicos y constitucionales de la tributación, aportando ciertos elementos para analizar el contenido del principio tributario de la no confiscación, en tanto que principio jurídico constitucional. Se estudiaron las características de los principios jurídicos constitucionales de la tributación en cuanto a si aparecen de forma explícita o desarrollados implícitamente dentro del ordenamiento jurídico, en especial de las normas constitucionales, todo ello en vista del desarrollo de las características del principio jurídico constitucional de no confiscación o de no confiscatoriedad tributaria. La metodología utilizada en esta investigación es teórica, se basó en una versión documental y bibliográfica mediante el análisis de consulta de los recursos electrónicos, bibliográficos y publicaciones de los más recientes avances sobre la materia. Finalmente se arribó entre otras a las siguientes conclusiones: a Es un principio jurídico tributario de jerarquía constitucional, que aparece expreso en la Constitución Venezolana, b El sistema tributario se entiende como uno de los límites en el sentido estricto del derecho de propiedad, c Puede decirse que estando reflejado el principio en la constitución, no puede negarse, ni su existencia, ni su vigencia, ni su operatividad, d Los polos de referencia del principio de la no confiscación, son el derecho de propiedad por un lado y por otro, la relación con los demás principios de la tributación, en especial con los de capacidad contributiva y progresividad y en menor medida, con los de igualdad, justicia tributaria y generalidad.

  4. Using Multiple Paths in NoCs for Guaranteed Resource Allocation and Improved Best Effort Performance in NoCs.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ovadia, I.; Ha, Y.; Corporaal, H.


    Networks-on-Chips (NoCs) provide communication platforms to Systems-on-Chips (SoCs). In NoCs, channels are generally shared between traffic flows, resulting in contention. However, certain flows require delivery guarantees. Differentiated quality-of-service (QoS) is achieved by providing guaranteed

  5. Safety Evaluation Report related to the operation of Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1, Docket No. 50-461

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Supplement No. 2 to the Safety Evaluation Report on the application filed by Illinois Power Company, Soyland Power Cooperative, Inc., and Western Illinois Power Cooperative, Inc., as applicants and owners, for a license to operate the Clinton Power Station, Unit No. 1, has been prepared by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The facility is located in Harp Township, DeWitt County, Illinois. This supplement reports the status of certain items that had not been resolved at the time of publication of the Safety Evaluation Report and Supplement No. 1

  6. O passado na ponta dos dedos: o mobile learning no ensino da História no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário


    Trindade, Sara Marisa da Graça Dias do Carmo


    Tese de doutoramento em Letras, na área de História, na especialidade de Didática da História, apresentada ao Departamento de História, Estudos Europeus, Arqueologia e Artes da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra Este trabalho de investigação incide sobre o impacte da utilização de tablets no ensino da História no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário. Partimos da análise sobre a evolução das correntes pedagógicas portuguesas dos últimos 30 anos, do papel da Hist...

  7. 78 FR 39730 - Privacy Act of 1974; CMS Computer Match No. 2013-11; HHS Computer Match No. 1302 (United States)


    ... 1974; CMS Computer Match No. 2013-11; HHS Computer Match No. 1302 AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). ACTION: Notice of Computer Matching... notice announces the establishment of a CMP that CMS intends to conduct with State-based Administering...

  8. 76 FR 14669 - Privacy Act of 1974; CMS Computer Match No. 2011-02; HHS Computer Match No. 1007 (United States)


    ... 1974; CMS Computer Match No. 2011-02; HHS Computer Match No. 1007 AGENCY: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). ACTION: Notice of computer... notice establishes a computer matching agreement between CMS and the Department of Defense (DoD). We have...

  9. Intercomparison of measurements of NO2 concentrations in the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR during the NO3Comp campaign

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Fuchs


    Full Text Available NO2 concentrations were measured by various instruments during the NO3Comp campaign at the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, in June 2007. Analytical methods included photolytic conversion with chemiluminescence (PC-CLD, broadband cavity ring-down spectroscopy (BBCRDS, pulsed cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS, incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (IBB\\-CEAS, and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF. All broadband absorption spectrometers were optimized for the detection of the main target species of the campaign, NO3, but were also capable of detecting NO2 simultaneously with reduced sensitivity. NO2 mixing ratios in the chamber were within a range characteristic of polluted, urban conditions, with a maximum mixing ratio of approximately 75 ppbv. The overall agreement between measurements of all instruments was excellent. Linear fits of the combined data sets resulted in slopes that differ from unity only within the stated uncertainty of each instrument. Possible interferences from species such as water vapor and ozone were negligible under the experimental conditions.

  10. As Bruxas no Divã: o desafio de ser criativo e ousar no ensino de artes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Rossa


    Este artigo relata o projeto “As Bruxas no Divã”, que consiste na produção de um filme no Instituto Estadual de Educação (IEE escola da rede estadual de ensino de SC. Nele introduziu-se a linguagem cinematográfica na Educação Infantil, contribuindo no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Artes. O objetivo deste projeto foi desenvolver uma vivência dentro das diversas linguagens artísticas, bem como aguçar a reflexão sobre questões existenciais da vida. O projeto oportunizou a utilização de diversas linguagens artísticas bem como as novas tecnologias. A motivação para seu desenvolvimento foi à literatura e a produção de cinema amador infantil e se mostraram uma forma de comunicação apta a estabelecer interdisciplinaridade de várias áreas do conhecimento de forma criativa e harmoniosa.

  11. E-Commerce no Brasil: Se o Segmento é Promissor, Por Que Empresas Atuantes Estão no Vermelho?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Serafim dos Santos


    Full Text Available A mudança de perfil dos novos consumidores tem exigido das organizações inovação em suas operações. Nesse contexto, uma nova modalidade de negócios tem modificado o cenário brasileiro, o e-commerce. Este segmento está em pleno crescimento, com projeções elevadas de faturamento (EBIT, 2013. No entanto, um paradoxo tem intrigado pesquisadores da área. Se o segmento é promissor, por que as empresas do ramo têm resultados negativos? Diante disso, o objetivo do estudo foi verificar o que revela a análise das demonstrações contábeis sobre o desempenho econômico-financeiro da B2W Digital (que atua no varejo on-line em comparação com outras empresas classificadas no mesmo setor na BM&FBovespa (atuantes no varejo tradicional. Na plataforma teórica foram discutidos os principais indicadores financeiros e econômicos e apresentado um histórico sobre o e-commerce no Brasil. Posteriormente foi realizada análise documental nas demonstrações contábeis das referidas empresas no período de 2007 a 2012. Foi constatado que as principais causas para o baixo desempenho da B2W Digital no período analisado foram: desequilíbrio na gestão dos prazos médios, ou seja, a organização paga seus fornecedores em prazos bem menores do que recebe de seus clientes, por isso a necessidade de financiar sua operação com recursos onerosos de curto prazo, principalmente empréstimos e antecipações de recebíveis, o que acarreta em despesas com taxas e juros; elevado grau de endividamento; baixa margem bruta, devido ao custo da mercadoria vendida que consome mais de 70% de sua receita líquida; e, finalmente, aumento das despesas operacionais, principalmente em distribuição.

  12. As Redes Sociais no Sector primário


    Areias, Marcos André Caetano


    Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação A dissertação que de seguida será apresentada enquadra-se no âmbito da importância das redes sociais, enquanto factor de utilização e de trabalho no sector primário. Como tal, tem como objectivo estudar e aprofundar o conhecimento da utilização das redes sociais no sector primário. Desta forma, a dissertação foca-se no estudo das redes sociais no sector primário de três p...

  13. 78 FR 50419 - Privacy Act of 1974; CMS Computer Match No. 2013-10; HHS Computer Match No. 1310 (United States)


    ... 1974; CMS Computer Match No. 2013-10; HHS Computer Match No. 1310 AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). ACTION: Notice of Computer Matching... notice announces the establishment of a CMP that CMS plans to conduct with the Department of Homeland...

  14. Development of NO{sub x} aftertreatment for Renault diesel engines; Entwicklung der NO{sub x}-Nachbehandlung fuer Renault-Dieselmotoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maroteaux, Damien; Oria, Sebastian d' [Renault Powertrain Engineering, Rueil-Malmaison (France); Beaulieu, Juliette [Renault Research, Guyancourt (France). Materials Engineering


    The achievement of future emission standards for diesel engines requires the use of NO{sub x} aftertreatment systems, in addition to engine internal improvements. The NO{sub x} trap system, developed by Renault, enables heavy vehicles like minivans to reach future emission standards and maintain the diesel CO{sub 2} advantage. Equipped with the NO{sub x} trap, the Espace dCi 175 complies with Euro 5 and looks even further ahead with a technology that is ready for Euro 6. (orig.)

  15. Rate constants of the equilibrium reactions SO⨪4 + HNO3 ⇄ HSO-4 + NO3 and SO⨪4 + NO-3 ⇄ SO2-4 + NO3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Løgager, T.; Sehested, K.; Holcman, J.


    Rate constants of the following equilibrium reactions were determined by pulse radiolysis at high solute concentrations: SO4.- + HNO, half arrow right over half arrow left HSO4- + NO3. [k(f) = (2.7 +/- 0.5) x 10(6) M-1 s-1, k(r) = (5.6 +/- 1.0) x 10(3) M-1 s-1] and SO4.- + NO3- half arrow right...

  16. Dual entanglement measures based on no local cloning and no local deleting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horodecki, Michal; Sen, Aditi; Sen, Ujjwal


    The impossibility of cloning and deleting of unknown states constitute important restrictions on processing of information in the quantum world. On the other hand, a known quantum state can always be cloned or deleted. However, if we restrict the class of allowed operations, there will arise restrictions on the ability of cloning and deleting machines. We have shown that cloning and deleting of known states is in general not possible by local operations. This impossibility hints at quantum correlation in the state. We propose dual measures of quantum correlation based on the dual restrictions of no local cloning and no local deleting. The measures are relative entropy distances of the desired states in a (generally impossible) perfect local cloning or local deleting process from the best approximate state that is actually obtained by imperfect local cloning or deleting machines. Just like the dual measures of entanglement cost and distillable entanglement, the proposed measures are based on important processes in quantum information. We discuss their properties. For the case of pure states, estimations of these two measures are also provided. Interestingly, the entanglement of cloning for a maximally entangled state of two two-level systems is not unity

  17. Health physics in JAERI, No. 23

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the annual report No.23 (fiscal 1980) are described the activities of health physics including radioactive waste management in Tokai Research Establishment, Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Research Establishment and Oarai Research Establishment. In all the three research establishments, radiation monitoring in nuclear facilities, individual monitoring, environmental monitoring and maintenance of measuring instruments were carried out as in previous years. There were no occupational exposures exceeding the maximum permissible doses and no releases of radioactive gaseous and liquid wastes beyond the release limits specified according to the regulations. In the environment there were observed no abnormal radioactivities due to facilities. In Tokai and Oarai Research Establishments radioactive waste management including decontamination works was also carried out and radioactive solid wastes were stored in the same way as in previous years, except that in Tokai Research Establishment, the Packaged Waste Storage Facility started storing packaged wastes and in Oarai Research Establishment, the Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility (the Latter Project) started routine operation. Construction of the Facility of Radiation Standards and the Medium-Level Waste Treatment Facility was completed in Tokai Research Establishment. Technology development and research were made as in previous years for improving the techniques and methods in monitoring of individuals, facilities and environment and also in waste management and decontamination. (J.P.N.)

  18. No se olviden de Bernardo (Kordon

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    Eduardo Romano


    Full Text Available No casualmente el título coincide con un eslogan muy divulgado y que intenta conservar la memoria acerca de un hecho y de una víctima. No lo son también aquellos escritores a los que una mezquina política de mercado condena poco menos que al olvido, luego de que durante décadas animaran el proceso literario nacional y obtuvieran reconocimientos de diverso carácter por su producción? No me cabe duda de que Bernardo Kordon (1915-2002 fue uno de esos animadores de la narrativa nacional, al que es indispensable volver para que se entiendan mejor algunos cambios sucedidos en ella a partir de los años 50, aunque su culminación date de la década del 60 y un poco más.

  19. N=2 no-scale supergravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Itoyama, H.; McLerran, L.; Taylor, T.R.; Van der Bij, J.J.


    N=2 extended supergravity is discussed and an assessment is made of the problems encountered in applying it to the construction of phenomenological models of particle physics. A specific class of so-called no-scale models is discussed, in which the two supersymmetries are spontaneously broken in flat space-time, with naturally vanishing cosmological constant and the symmetry breaking undetermined at the classical level. Supergravity-induced supersymmetry breaking generates effective mass terms for spin-1/2 components of the vector gauge multiplets and spin-0 components of the scalar matter multiplets. For finite globally supersymmetric models, this supersymmetry breaking preserves the finiteness. Possible connections of N=2 no-scale supergravity with superstrings and finite range antigravity are mentioned.

  20. N=2 no-scale supergravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoyama, H.; McLerran, L.; Taylor, T.R.; Van der Bij, J.J.


    N=2 extended supergravity is discussed and an assessment is made of the problems encountered in applying it to the construction of phenomenological models of particle physics. A specific class of so-called no-scale models is discussed, in which the two supersymmetries are spontaneously broken in flat space-time, with naturally vanishing cosmological constant and the symmetry breaking undetermined at the classical level. Supergravity-induced supersymmetry breaking generates effective mass terms for spin-1/2 components of the vector gauge multiplets and spin-0 components of the scalar matter multiplets. For finite globally supersymmetric models, this supersymmetry breaking preserves the finiteness. Possible connections of N=2 no-scale supergravity with superstrings and finite range antigravity are mentioned. (orig.)

  1. Effectiveness of low emission zones: large scale analysis of changes in environmental NO2, NO and NOx concentrations in 17 German cities.

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    Peter Morfeld

    Full Text Available Low Emission Zones (LEZs are areas where the most polluting vehicles are restricted from entering. The effectiveness of LEZs to lower ambient exposures is under debate. This study focused on LEZs that restricted cars of Euro 1 standard without appropriate retrofitting systems from entering and estimated LEZ effects on NO2, NO, and NOx ( = NO2+NO.Continuous half-hour and diffuse sampler 4-week average NO2, NO, and NOx concentrations measured inside and outside LEZs in 17 German cities of 6 federal states (2005-2009 were analysed as matched quadruplets (two pairs of simultaneously measured index values inside LEZ and reference values outside LEZ, one pair measured before and one after introducing LEZs with time differences that equal multiples of 364 days by multiple linear and log-linear fixed-effects regression modelling (covariables: e.g., wind velocity, amount of precipitation, height of inversion base, school holidays, truck-free periods. Additionally, the continuous half-hour data was collapsed into 4-week averages and pooled with the diffuse sampler data to perform joint analysis.More than 3,000,000 quadruplets of continuous measurements (half-hour averages were identified at 38 index and 45 reference stations. Pooling with diffuse sampler data from 15 index and 10 reference stations lead to more than 4,000 quadruplets for joint analyses of 4-week averages. Mean LEZ effects on NO2, NO, and NOx concentrations (reductions were estimated to be at most -2 µg/m(3 (or -4%. The 4-week averages of NO2 concentrations at index stations after LEZ introduction were 55 µg/m(3 (median and mean values or 82 µg/m(3 (95th percentile.This is the first study investigating comprehensively the effectiveness of LEZs to reduce NO2, NO, and NOx concentrations controlling for most relevant potential confounders. Our analyses indicate that there is a statistically significant, but rather small reduction of NO2, NO, and NOx concentrations associated with LEZs.

  2. Use of positron emission tomography in colorectal cancer; Uso de la tomografia de emision de positrones en el cancer colorrectal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez E, Patricio; Jofre E, Josefina; Massardo V, Teresa; Humeres, Pamela; Canessa G, Jose; Sierralta C, Paulina [Hospital Militar de Santiago, Medicina Nuclear, Centro PET de Imagenes Moleculares, Santiago (Chile)


    The value of PET (Positron Emission Tomography) in colorectal cancer is presented. PET is a novel technique that uses F-18-FDG (fluorodeoxiglucose) to assess glucose metabolism by whole body imaging. It has been demonstrated that malignant cells have both increase of glucose uptake and utilization. In colorectal cancer, PET is indicated for staging, assess recurrence, liver metastasis and treatment follow-up. PET is more sensitive and specific than CT (Computed Tomography) and is cost effective. In 30% of cases PET may change patient management, avoiding unnecessary procedures (au)

  3. Virtual colonoscopy: a new alternative for colorectal neoplasm screening?; Colonoscopia virtual: una nueva alternativa en el screening del cancer colorrectal?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carrascosa, P; Castiglioni, R; Sanchez, F; Capunay, C; Mazzuco, J; Carrascosa, J [Diagnostico Maipu, Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    The authors presents 46 patients-series with virtual colonoscopy. The findings obtained through virtual colonoscopy were divided into 7 groups: 1) Single polypoid lesion (9 patients); 2) Associated polypoid lesions (11 patients); 3) Tumoral stenosis without synchronic lesion (3 patients); 4) Tumoral stenosis with synchronic lesion (6 patients); 5) Non-tumoral stenosis (4 patients); 6) Normal studies (2 patients); 7) Patients excluded due to wrong preparation (11 patients). We concluded that the virtual colonoscopy is a valid alternative in the screening of the colorectal pathology, showing some advantages when compared to the usual studies, since it is non-invasive, does not require sedation, and allows the staging of the neoplasm. (author)

  4. A new monoclonal antibody for the radio immune diagnosis of colorectal cancer; Nuevo ACM para el radioinmunodiagnostico de cancer colorrectal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramos, M [Centro de Inmunologia Molecular, La Habana (Cuba); and others


    Colorectal cancer is the third cause of death among malignant neoplasms in Cuba. Different labeled monoclonal antibodies have been used for the diagnosis and follow-up of this tumors bu immunoscintigraphy. Recently, a new MAB ior c5 have been developed at Center of Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba. It recognizes a new tumors associated antigen: IOR C2, found in most of colorectal adenocarcinomas. The aim of the present work was to assess the diagnostic utility of this antibody, Labelled with 99m Tc, as well as to study its pharmacokinetics, biodistribution and internal dosimetry

  5. Preliminary hydrogeologic assessment of boreholes UE-25c No. 1, UE-25c No. 2, and UE-25c No. 3, Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Geldon, A.L.


    The purpose of this report is to characterize the hydrogeology of saturated tuffaceous rocks penetrated by boreholes UE-25c No. 1, UE-25c No.2, and UE-25c No. 3. These boreholes are referred to collectively in this report as the C-holes. The C-holes were drilled to perform multiwell aquifer tests and tracer tests; they comprise the only complex of closely spaced boreholes completed in the saturated zone at Yucca Mountain. Results of lithologic and geophysical logging, fracture analyses, water-level monitoring, temperature and tracejector surveys, aquifer tests, and hydrochemical sampling completed at the C-hole complex as of 1986 are assessed with respect to the regional geologic and hydrologic setting. A conceptual hydrogeological model of the Yucca Mountain area is presented to provide a context for quantitatively evaluating hydrologic tests performed at the C-hole complex as of 1985, for planning and interpreting additional hydrologic tests at the C-hole complex, and for possibly re-evaluating hydrologic tests in boreholes other than the C-holes

  6. Evidence for photolytic cycle and transport of NO, NO{sub 2} and O{sub 3} in the urban air of Beograd

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stamatovic, A; Markovic, D; Milekic, Z; Novakovic, V [Belgrade Univ. (Yugoslavia)


    The first continuous measurements of NO, NO{sub 2} and O{sub 3} concentrations in the urban area of Belgrade were made during the summer-autumn season of 1993. The concentrations of NO and NO{sub 2} have been measured with a Dasibi model 2108 luminescence monitor calibrated via permeation tube. The ozone concentration has been deduced from the total oxidants data obtained from electrochemical cell measurements, calibrated with an ozone generator. Assumed accuracy of both calibration is around 20%. (author).

  7. Adaptive strategies for the elderly in inhibiting irrelevant and conflict no-go trials while performing the go/no-go task

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    Shulan eHsieh


    Full Text Available This study aimed to differentiate whether or not older adults are more prone to distraction or conflict, as induced by irrelevant and conflict no-go stimuli (irNOGO and cfNOGO, respectively. This study also aimed to determine whether or not older adults would devote more effort to withholding a no-go trial in the higher-control demand condition (20% no-go trials’ probability as compared to the lower-control demand condition (50% and 80% no-go trials’ probability. A total of 96 individuals were recruited, and each of the three no-go trials’ probability conditions included 32 participants (16 younger adults and 16 older adults. Both behavioral and event-related potential (ERP data were measured. The behavioral results showed that the older adults performed more poorly than the younger adults for the go trials, as reflected by slower reaction times and higher numbers of omission errors in the go trials. In contrast, in the no-go trials, the older adults counter-intuitively exhibited similar behavioral performance (i.e., equivalent commission errors as compared to the younger adults. The ERP data further showed that the older adults (but not the younger adults exhibited larger P3 peak amplitudes for the irNOGO than cfNOGO trials. Yet, on the other hand, the older adults performed more poorly (i.e., had more commission errors in the cfNOGO than irNOGO trials. These results seem to suggest that the older adults recruited more control processes in order to conquer the commitment of responses in the no-go trials, especially in the irNOGO trials. This age-related compensatory response of recruiting more control processes was specifically seen in the 20% no-go trial probability condition. This study therefore provides a deeper understanding into how older adults adopt strategies for performing the go/no-go task such as devoting more control processes to inhibiting the irNOGO trials compared to the cfNOGO trials in order to cope with their deficient

  8. No conceivable injury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milliken, Robert.


    In the 1950s no Australian including the Prime Minister, Robert Menzies, knew the full facts about the British atomic tests at Maralinga, Emu Field and the Monte Bello Islands. The political events of the time are analysed based largely on the material uncovered by the Royal Commission chaired by James McClelland. The test sites are still contaminated and the Australian and British governments are faced with the problems raised by the Royal Commission including compensation to aborigines, ex-servicemen and other workers involved in the tests

  9. Pangaea, She No Spin (United States)

    McDowell, M.


    Looking at lopsided Pangaea, shown imaginatively on many illustrated proposals, I wondered what would happen if the configuration were put in high relief on a globe and spun on axis. Then I wondered if the present configuration of land masses would itself balance as a spinning top. So I got two Replogle globes, two boxes of colored modeling clay sticks, and two fat knitting needles, to fit through the capped holes at the poles of the globes. The clay sticks I cut up into 3 mm. (1/8") slices, using a different color for each continent, and applied to the first globe, assuming the extreme exaggeration above the geoid, no matter how crude, would tell the story. Inserting one needle through the globe and securing it, I balanced the globe on the point of the needle and twirled it like a top. Result: Wobbly! Top end of needle gyrated unevenly, and here it was supposed to make a smooth precessional cone. Oh boy. For the second globe, I used a Scotese "free stuff" interpretation of Pangaea, which I had to augment considerably using USGS, DuToit, Irving and other references, fitting it on the globe and applying identical clay color slices to what I judged generally accepted land surfaces. Result: the thing would hardly stand up, let alone spin. Conclusion: Although a refinement of application on the "today" globe might eliminate nutation, creating a smoother spin, there is no way any refinement of Pangaea on the same size globe can come close. While the concept of a supercontinent may be viable, I theorize that it had to have evolved on a far smaller globe, where land mass could balance, and the "breakup" would not have caused us to wildly gyrate on our axis. Because Pangaea, she no spin.

  10. Mass spectrometric determination of partial electron impact ionization cross sections of No, No2, and N2O from threshold up to 180 eV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Y. B.


    Electron impact ionization of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) has been studied as a function of electron energy up to 180 eV with a double focussing mass spectrometer Varian MAT CH5 and an improved Nier type electron impact ion source. Relative partial ionization cross sections were measured for the processes NO + + 2e, NO ++ + 3e, and NO 2 + e -> NO + 2 + 2e, NO ++ + 3e and N 2 O + e -> N 2 O + + 2e. An accurate measurement of the cross section ratios q(NO 2+ /NO)/q(NO + /NO) and q(NO 2 2 /NO 2 )/q(NO + 2 /NO 2 ) has been made. Relative cross section functions were calibrated absolutely with two different normalization methods. Moreover, both metastable and collision induced dissociations of N 2 O + were studied quantitatively using the technique of decoupling the acceleration and deflection electric fields. Using the n- th root extrapolation the following ionization potentials have been derived from the cross section functions near threshold: NO + (X 1 Σ + ); NO ++ ; NO + 2 ; NO 2 ++ ; N 2 O + (X 2 π). These results are compared with previous measurements and theoretical calculations, where available. Part of the results presented have been already published in seven papers by the author. (Author)

  11. Administrative Circulars No. 12 A (Rev. 2) - "Education fees” and No. 12 B (Rev. 2) - “Education fees and language courses”

    CERN Multimedia


    Administrative Circulars No. 12 A (Rev. 2) entitled “Education fees” and No. 12 B (Rev. 2) entitled “Education fees and language courses”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 27 June 2013 and entering into force on 1 August 2013, are available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department (see here).   Administrative Circular No. 12 A (Rev. 2) is applicable to Staff Members (except former “Local Staff Members”) recruited before 1st January 2007. Administrative Circular No. 12 B (Rev. 2) is applicable to Staff Members recruited on or after 1st January 2007, to Fellows, to Scientific Associates, to Guest Professors and to former “Local Staff” recruited before 1st January 2007. They cancel and replace Administrative Circulars No. 12 A (Rev. 1/Corr.) entitled "Education fees” and No. 12 B (Rev. 1/Corr.) entitled “Edu...

  12. Eddy Covariance Fluxes of the NO-O3-NO2 Triad above the Forest Canopy at the ATTO Site in the Amazon Basin (United States)

    Tsokankunku, A.; Wolff, S.; Berger, M.; Zelger, M.; Dlugi, R. J. W.; Andreae, M. O.; Sörgel, M.


    Nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (denoted together as NOx) determine the abundance of the tropospheric oxidants OH, O3 and NO3 that regulate atmospheric self-cleaning. The three reactive trace gases NO, NO2 and O3 undergo a series of interconnected photochemical reactions and are therefore often referred to as the NO-O3-NO2 triad. Ozone deposition is mainly controlled by stomatal uptake, therefore resulting in oxidative stress for the plants. Similarly, nitrogen dioxide from above or below the canopy is deposited to leaves through stomatal uptake. NO emissions from soils contribute to above canopy O3 formation and accelerate OH recycling. Therefore, quantification of the biosphere-atmosphere exchange fluxes of these species is important for atmospheric chemistry and ecosystem research. The eddy covariance method is state of the art for direct measurements of ecosystem fluxes of trace gases. Eddy covariance measurements of NOx in pristine environments are rare because of lack of availability of instruments with the required precision to resolve concentrations characteristic of these environments with the required high time resolution. The Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO) is located in a pristine rainforest environment in the Amazon basin about 150 km northeast of the city of Manaus. It is the ideal site for studying the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of the NO-O3-NO2 triad, because of the absence of nearby anthropogenic sources. During an intensive measurement campaign in November 2015 at the ATTO site, measurements of NO, NO2 and O3 were carried out at 42 m above ground level on the 80 m walk-up tower with a fast (5 Hz) and sensitive (< 30 ppt) instrument (CLD790SR2, Eco Physics) for NO and NO2 and with 10 Hz for O3 (Enviscope GmbH). Additionally, a suite of micrometeorological instruments was installed, including a profile of 3-dimensional sonic anemometers and meteorological sensors. Vertical concentration profile measurements of NO, NO2 and O

  13. Catalytic conversion of CO, NO and SO2 on supported sulfide catalysts. Part 2. Catalytic reduction of NO and SO2 by CO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhuang, S.-X.; Yamazaki, M.; Omata, K.; Takahashi, Y.; Yamada, M.


    To investigate the possibility of simultaneous catalytic reduction of NO and SO 2 by CO, reactions of NO, NO-CO, and NO-SO 2 -CO were performed on γ-alumina-supported sulfides of transition metals including Co, Mo, CoMo and FeMo. NO was decomposed into N 2 O and N 2 accompanied with the formation of SO 2 ; this serious oxidation of lattice sulfur resulted in the deactivation of the catalysts. The addition of CO to the NO stream suppressed SO 2 formation and yielded COS instead. A stoichiometric conversion of NO and CO to N 2 and CO 2 was observed above 350C on the CoMo and the FeMo catalysts. Although the CO addition lengthened catalyst life, it was not enough to maintain activity. After the NO-CO reaction, an XPS analysis showed the growth of Mo 6+ and SO 4 2- peaks, especially for the sulfided FeMo/Al 2 O 3 ; the FeMo catalyst underwent strong oxidation in the NO-CO reaction. The NO and the NO-CO reactions proceeded non-catalytically, consuming catalyst lattice sulfur to yield SO 2 or COS. The addition of SO 2 in the NO-CO system enabled in situ regeneration of the catalysts; the catalysts oxidized through abstraction of lattice sulfur experienced anew reduction and sulfurization through the SO 2 -CO reaction at higher temperature. NO and SO 2 were completely and catalytically converted at 400C on the sulfided CoMo/Al 2 O 3 . By contrast, the sulfided FeMo/Al 2 O 3 was easily oxidized by NO and hardly re-sulfided under the test conditions. Oxidation states of the metals before and after the reactions were determined. Silica and titania-supported CoMo catalysts were also evaluated to study support effects

  14. Characteristics of the NO-NO2-O3 system in different chemical regimes during the MIRAGE-Mex field campaign (United States)

    Shon, Z.-H.; Madronich, S.; Song, S.-K.; Flocke, F. M.; Knapp, D. J.; Anderson, R. S.; Shetter, R. E.; Cantrell, C. A.; Hall, S. R.; Tie, X.


    The NO-NO2 system was analyzed in different chemical regimes/air masses based on observations of reactive nitrogen species and peroxy radicals made during the intensive field campaign MIRAGE-Mex (4 to 29 March 2006). The air masses were categorized into 5 groups based on combinations of macroscopic observations, geographical location, meteorological parameters, models, and observations of trace gases: boundary layer (labeled as "BL"), biomass burning ("BB"), free troposphere (continental, "FTCO" and marine, "FTMA"), and Tula industrial complex ("TIC"). In general, NO2/NO ratios in different air masses are near photostationary state. Analysis of this ratio can be useful for testing current understanding of tropospheric chemistry. The ozone production efficiency (OPE) for the 5 air mass categories ranged from 4.5 (TIC) to 8.5 (FTMA), consistent with photochemical aging of air masses exiting the Mexico City Metropolitan Area.

  15. Nitrogen uptake by wheat seedlings, interactive effects of four nitrogen sources: NO3-, NO2-, NH4+, and urea (United States)

    Criddle, R. S.; Ward, M. R.; Huffaker, R. C.


    The net influx (uptake) rates of NO3-, NH4+, NO2-, and urea into roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv Yecora Rojo) seedlings from complete nutrient solutions containing all four compounds were monitored simultaneously. Although urea uptake was too slow to monitor, its presence had major inhibitory effects on the uptake of each of the other compounds. Rates of NO3-, NH4+, and NO2- uptake depended in a complex fashion on the concentration of all four N compounds. Equations were developed which describe the uptake rates of each of the compounds, and of total N, as functions of concentrations of all N sources. Contour plots of the results show the interactions over the range of concentrations employed. The coefficients of these equations provide quantitative values for evaluating primary and interactive effects of each compound on N uptake.

  16. Consumo de tabaco en adolescentes y jóvenes de México que no estudian y no trabajan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge A. Villatoro Velázquez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la falta de oportunidades de estudio o trabajo incrementa la vulnerabilidad de los jóvenes, quienes ante la inestabilidad pueden iniciarse en el consumo de tabaco o de otras sustancias adictivas. Objetivo: analizar cómo es el consumo de tabaco entre grupos de adolescentes y jóvenes que sólo estudian, sólo trabajan, estudian y trabajan, o no estudian ni trabajan. Método: se tomó una muestra nacional de 6 mil 72 jóvenes de 12 a 25 años con datos que provienen de la Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 2011, con un diseño aleatorio, probabilístico y polietápico. Se midió el consumo alguna vez, en el último año y en el último mes, así como el uso diario de tabaco y el consumo de más de 100 cigarros. Resultados: los hombres de 12 a 17 años que no estudian y no trabajan tienen un consumo de tabaco mayor que aquellos que sólo estudian. Tanto en hombres como en mujeres de 12 a 25 años, quienes trabajan presentan un consumo mayor de tabaco que los jóvenes que sólo estudian. Discusión y conclusiones: el riesgo de consumo de sustancias no se da únicamente entre los jóvenes que no estudian y no trabajan, sino también en aquellos que estando en edad de estudiar, se encuentran laborando, por lo que es importante reforzar y actualizar los programas de prevención del consumo de tabaco que han permitido contener, y en algunos casos disminuir, los niveles de consumo de la población.

  17. Direitos reprodutivos, planejamento familiar e reprodução humana assistida no Brasil no atual estado da arte

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    Ana Paula Correia de Albuquerque Costa


    Full Text Available Os avanços da ciência e da tecnologia reprodutiva chegaram a patamares nunca antes imaginados, proporcionando a homens e mulheres impossibilitados de procriar pelos meios naturais a possibilidade de realizar o sonho da filiação, todavia, a ausência de lei específica no Brasil tem conduzido a abusos e momentos de insegurança jurídica. Ao mesmo tempo, as transformações no conceito de família no Brasil conduziram-na a um formato livre, onde a procriação não se apresenta mais como função, mas como meio de constituir ou aumentar a entidade familiar, e cujo planejamento e exercício de direitos reprodutivos cabem exclusivamente àqueles que a compõem.  Este artigo se propõe a demonstrar a relação existente entre direitos reprodutivos, planejamento familiar e reprodução humana assistida e analisar as normas que disciplinam deste tipo de tratamento médico hodiernamente no território brasileiro.

  18. Transport safety research abstracts. No. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Transport Safety Research Abstracts is a collection of reports from Member States of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and other international organizations on research in progress or just completed in the area of safe transport of radioactive material. The main aim of TSRA is to draw attention to work that is about to be published, thus enabling interested parties to obtain further information through direct correspondence with the investigators. Information contained in this issue covers work being undertaken in 6 Member States and contracted by 1 international organization; it is hoped with succeeding issues that TSRA will be able to widen this base. TSRA is modelled after other IAEA publications describing work in progress in other programme areas, namely Health Physics Research Abstracts (No. 14 was published in 1989), Waste Management Research Abstracts (No. 20 was published in 1990), and Nuclear Safety Research Abstracts (No. 2 was published in 1990)

  19. Characterization and Catalytic Activity of Mn-Co/TiO2 Catalysts for NO Oxidation to NO2 at Low Temperature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lu Qiu


    Full Text Available A series of Mn-Co/TiO2 catalysts were prepared by wet impregnation method and evaluated for the oxidation of NO to NO2. The effects of Co amounts and calcination temperature on NO oxidation were investigated in detail. The catalytic oxidation ability in the temperature range of 403–473 K was obviously improved by doping cobalt into Mn/TiO2. These samples were characterized by nitrogen adsorption-desorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, transmission electron microscope (TEM and hydrogen temperature programmed reduction (H2-TPR. The results indicated that the formation of dispersed Co3O4·CoMnO3 mixed oxides through synergistic interaction between Mn-O and Co-O was directly responsible for the enhanced activities towards NO oxidation at low temperatures. Doping of Co enhanced Mn4+ formation and increased chemical adsorbed oxygen amounts, which also accelerated NO oxidation.

  20. Diferença de Classe no SUS: Discursos favoráveis em audiência pública no STF em 2014.

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    Mayara Mota Martins


    Full Text Available Diante do pedido do Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, que demanda a instituição da chamada ‘Diferença de classe no SUS’, o Supremo Tribunal Federal convocou audiência pública para a oitiva de especialistas e pessoas com experiência na área da saúde a fim de subsidiar a decisão desta corte. A diferença de classe consiste na melhoria de acomodação recebida pelo usuário no caso da sua internação, e a contratação do profissional médico de sua preferência mediante o pagamento da respectiva diferença. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os argumentos favoráveis à diferença de classe no SUS proferidos na audiência pública ‘Internação Hospitalar com diferença de classe no SUS’ realizada no dia 26 de maio de 2014 no STF, e fazer uma reflexão sobre de que forma essa medida poderia impactar o SUS frente aos seus princípios e diretrizes, por meio da análise de discurso. Verificou-se que a diferença de classe se mostra incompatível com o SUS, já que este tem como diretrizes a igualdade e universalidade do atendimento sem privilégios de qualquer espécie. Ademais, a instituição da diferença de classe no SUS não somente fere a legislação brasileira, como representa um retrocesso no que tange os direitos sociais. Com esse entendimento a Suprema Corte aboliu a diferença de classe julgando favoravelmente ao SUS.

  1. Time dependent patient no-show predictive modelling development. (United States)

    Huang, Yu-Li; Hanauer, David A


    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop evident-based predictive no-show models considering patients' each past appointment status, a time-dependent component, as an independent predictor to improve predictability. Design/methodology/approach - A ten-year retrospective data set was extracted from a pediatric clinic. It consisted of 7,291 distinct patients who had at least two visits along with their appointment characteristics, patient demographics, and insurance information. Logistic regression was adopted to develop no-show models using two-thirds of the data for training and the remaining data for validation. The no-show threshold was then determined based on minimizing the misclassification of show/no-show assignments. There were a total of 26 predictive model developed based on the number of available past appointments. Simulation was employed to test the effective of each model on costs of patient wait time, physician idle time, and overtime. Findings - The results demonstrated the misclassification rate and the area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic gradually improved as more appointment history was included until around the 20th predictive model. The overbooking method with no-show predictive models suggested incorporating up to the 16th model and outperformed other overbooking methods by as much as 9.4 per cent in the cost per patient while allowing two additional patients in a clinic day. Research limitations/implications - The challenge now is to actually implement the no-show predictive model systematically to further demonstrate its robustness and simplicity in various scheduling systems. Originality/value - This paper provides examples of how to build the no-show predictive models with time-dependent components to improve the overbooking policy. Accurately identifying scheduled patients' show/no-show status allows clinics to proactively schedule patients to reduce the negative impact of patient no-shows.

  2. 46 CFR 78.40-10 - No smoking permitted. (United States)


    ... § 78.40-10 No smoking permitted. (a) The master shall have appropriate “No Smoking” signs posted and shall take all necessary precautions to prevent smoking or carrying of lighted or smoldering cigars... 46 Shipping 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false No smoking permitted. 78.40-10 Section 78.40-10 Shipping...

  3. IDEA papers no. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garrigues, P.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no. 1 provides information such as, meeting, Internet addresses and programs, for the month of April 2002. (A.L.B.)

  4. IDEA papers no 3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lacour, C.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no. 3 is devoted to the part of the environment observation in the sustainable development implementation. (A.L.B.)

  5. Administrative circular No. 12

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    HR Department


    On the recommendation of the Standing Concertation Committee, the Director-General has approved the amounts used for the reimbursements mentioned in Administrative Circular No. 12 as follows: The figures, effective from 1 September 2006, are: Paragraph 8a: 17 Swiss francs Paragraph 9a: 682 Swiss francs Paragraph 9b: 34 Swiss francs Human Resources Department Tel. 79257/72862

  6. As empresas em sociedades contemporâneas: a responsabilidade social no Norte e no Sul

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    Paola Cappellin

    Full Text Available Neste artigo a difusão do lema da responsabilidade social é resgatada pela analise de três percursos internacionais: EUA, Brasil e União Européia. No primeiro caso, a vasta literatura sociológica americana relata as preocupações e as pressões de diferentes atores sociais dirigidas às empresas americanas, ao longo dos anos 1960. No Brasil, as primeiras elaborações provêm de associações empresariais nos meados dos anos 60 e se ampliam justo quando a sociedade, no fim dos anos 1990, demanda prosseguir na direção a integrar o compromisso da aplicação das normas e direitos do trabalho. Na União Européia, o lema da responsabilidade social é introduzido nos finais dos anos 1990 envolvendo o compromisso de fazer retroagir a alta taxa de desemprego estrutural. Na última seção, a análise comparativa internacional sugere recompor o quadro dos diversos conteúdos da responsabilidade social a partir da grande questão que está em debate nas sociedades: recompor o compromisso de fortalecimento do vínculo de emprego como fonte de cidadania social.

  7. Lanthanum-promoted copper-based hydrotalcites derived mixed oxides for NO{sub x} adsorption, soot combustion and simultaneous NO{sub x}-soot removal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Zhongpeng [School of Resources and Environment, University of Jinan, 106 Jiwei Road, Jinan 250022 (China); Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QR (United Kingdom); Yan, Xiaotong; Bi, Xinlin; Wang, Liguo [School of Resources and Environment, University of Jinan, 106 Jiwei Road, Jinan 250022 (China); Zhang, Zhaoliang, E-mail: [School of Resources and Environment, University of Jinan, 106 Jiwei Road, Jinan 250022 (China); Jiang, Zheng; Xiao, Tiancun [Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QR (United Kingdom); Umar, Ahmad [Department of Chemistry, College of Science and Arts, Najran University, P.O. Box 1988, Najran 11001 (Saudi Arabia); Promising Centre for Sensors and Electronic Devices (PCSED), Najran University, P.O. Box 1988, Najran 11001 (Saudi Arabia); Wang, Qiang, E-mail: [College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beijing Forestry University, 35 Tsinghua East Road, Beijing 100083 (China)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • The addition of La in Cu-based oxides increased the types of active oxygen. • NO{sub x} adsorption, soot oxidation and simultaneous NO{sub x}-soot removal were enhanced. • The possible catalytic mechanism was studied via in situ FTIR analysis. • Soot oxidation was promoted by the NO{sub 2} intermediate. - Abstract: La-promoted Cu-based hydrotalcites derived mixed oxides were prepared and their catalytic activities for NO{sub x} adsorption, soot oxidation, and simultaneous NO{sub x}-soot removal were investigated. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, DTG, BET, FTIR, H2-TPR, TPD and TPO techniques. The oxides catalysts exhibited mesoporous properties with specific surface area of 45–160 m{sup 2}/g. The incorporation of La and Cu decreased the amount of basic sites due to the large decrease in surface areas. Under O{sub 2} atmosphere, La incorporation is dominant for soot oxidation activity, while Cu favors high selectivity to CO{sub 2} formation. A synergetic effect between La and Cu for catalyzed soot oxidation lies in the improved redox property and suitable basicity. The presence of NO in O{sub 2} significantly promoted soot oxidation on the catalysts with the ignition temperature decreased to about 300 °C. In O{sub 2}/NO atmosphere, NO{sub 2} acts as an intermediate which oxidizes soot to CO{sub 2} at a lower temperature with itself reduced to NO or N{sub 2}, contributing to the high catalytic performance in simultaneous removal of NO{sub x} and soot.

  8. Portable Nitric Oxide (NO) Generator Based on Electrochemical Reduction of Nitrite for Potential Applications in Inhaled NO Therapy and Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery. (United States)

    Qin, Yu; Zajda, Joanna; Brisbois, Elizabeth J; Ren, Hang; Toomasian, John M; Major, Terry C; Rojas-Pena, Alvaro; Carr, Benjamin; Johnson, Thomas; Haft, Jonathan W; Bartlett, Robert H; Hunt, Andrew P; Lehnert, Nicolai; Meyerhoff, Mark E


    A new portable gas phase nitric oxide (NO) generator is described for potential applications in inhaled NO (INO) therapy and during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery. In this system, NO is produced at the surface of a large-area mesh working electrode by electrochemical reduction of nitrite ions in the presence of a soluble copper(II)-ligand electron transfer mediator complex. The NO generated is then transported into gas phase by either direct purging with nitrogen/air or via circulating the electrolyte/nitrite solution through a gas extraction silicone fiber-based membrane-dialyzer assembly. Gas phase NO concentrations can be tuned in the range of 5-1000 ppm (parts per million by volume for gaseous species), in proportion to a constant cathodic current applied between the working and counter electrodes. This new NO generation process has the advantages of rapid production times (5 min to steady-state), high Faraday NO production efficiency (ca. 93%), excellent stability, and very low cost when using air as the carrier gas for NO (in the membrane dialyzer configuration), enabling the development of potentially portable INO devices. In this initial work, the new system is examined for the effectiveness of gaseous NO to reduce the systemic inflammatory response (SIR) during CPB, where 500 ppm of NO added to the sweep gas of the oxygenator or to the cardiotomy suction air in a CPB system is shown to prevent activation of white blood cells (granulocytes and monocytes) during extracorporeal circulation with cardiotomy suction conducted with five pigs.

  9. Esquistossomose no Brasil: ensinar versus educar

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    Marcos Rogério Capello Sousa

    Full Text Available Trata-se de um ensaio sobre a diferença entre ensinar e educar na área da saúde. A partir de alguns casos de esquistossomose em adolescentes de Campinas, assistidos pelo autor no próprio serviço em que desempenha tarefas de docente e assistente na área de Pediatria, discute-se o modo como esta doença vem sendo abordada nos últimos 50 anos, sempre numa perspectiva educacional, isto é, mais complexa e ampla. A partir deste debate, podem-se encaminhar reflexões e críticas sobre o modelo de ensino-assistência na área da saúde no Brasil nas últimas décadas, apesar das novas diretrizes curriculares. Questionam-se as diferenças entre a esquistossomose no Brasil na década de 1960 e no início do século 21, considerando, em cada período, a população, a migração, as condições de vida da população, as terapêuticas, etc. Também se interroga sobre qual tem sido o papel da educação multidisciplinar na mudança deste quadro. Apontam-se algumas direções, para discussão e reflexão, sobre estratégias de ensino na área da saúde.

  10. Ruthenium Complexes as NO Donors for Vascular Relaxation Induction

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    Renata Galvão de Lima


    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO donors are substances that can release NO. Vascular relaxation induction is among the several functions of NO, and the administration of NO donors is a pharmacological alternative to treat hypertension. This review will focus on the physicochemical description of ruthenium-derived NO donor complexes that release NO via reduction and light stimulation. In particular, we will discuss the complexes synthesized by our research group over the last ten years, and we will focus on the vasodilation and arterial pressure control elicited by these complexes. Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC and potassium channels are the main targets of the NO species released from the inorganic compounds. We will consider the importance of the chemical structure of the ruthenium complexes and their vascular effects.

  11. No significant fuel failures (NSFF)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Domaratzki, Z.


    It has long been recognized that no emergency core cooling system (ECCS) could be absolutely guaranteed to prevent fuel failures. In 1976 the Atomic Energy Control Board decided that the objective for an ECCS should be to prevent fuel failures, but if the objective could not be met it should be shown that the consequences are acceptable for dual failures comprising any LOCA combined with an assumed impairment of containment. Out of the review of the Bruce A plant came the definition of 'no significant fuel failures': for any postulated LOCA combined with any one mode of containment impairment the resultant dose to a person at the edge of the exclusion zone is less than the reference dose limits for dual failures


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    Sukirman Sukirman


    Full Text Available Incorporated Company is one of the most preferred form of the Company by Entrepreneur and holds an important role in mobilizing the National Economic Development. To develop incorporated company to become a healthy business, can be reach by the expansion that can be done through Merger, Consolidation and Acquisition. From those three forms, takeovers is considered more practical and profitable for the company to develop their business, because there are no company that merged or disbanded. In the implementation, the enactment of Law Number 40 Year 2007 concerning Incorporated Company are not followed by the promulgation of Regulation of the implementation of the Act. This causes the interested parties still refer to the former regulations. The problems that arise is how the implementation of Government Regulation No.27 year 1998 about Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition of Limited Liability Company with the enactment of Law No.40 Year 2007. Based on the analysis, it known that the enactment of Law No.40 Year 2007 concerning Incorporated Company, Government Regulation No.27 Year 1998 concerning Merger, consolidation, and Acquisition still in force. In addition, Merger, consolidation, and acquisition is still based on Government Regulation No.27 Year 1998 and Article 134 of Company Law. Keywords: Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition.


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    Full Text Available Incorporated Company is one of the most preferred form of the Company by Entrepreneur and holds an important role in mobilizing the National Economic Development. To develop incorporated company to become a healthy business, can be reach by the expansion that can be done through Merger, Consolidation and Acquisition. From those three forms, takeovers is considered more practical and profitable for the company to develop their business, because there are no company that merged or disbanded. In the implementation, the enactment of Law Number 40 Year 2007 concerning Incorporated Company are not followed by the promulgation of Regulation of the implementation of the Act. This causes the interested parties still refer to the former regulations. The problems that arise is how the implementation of Government Regulation No.27 year 1998 about Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition of Limited Liability Company with the enactment of Law No.40 Year 2007. Based on the analysis, it known that the enactment of Law No.40 Year 2007 concerning Incorporated Company, Government Regulation No.27 Year 1998 concerning Merger, consolidation, and Acquisition still in force. In addition, Merger, consolidation, and acquisition is still based on Government Regulation No.27 Year 1998 and Article 134 of Company Law.

  14. Bus Based Synchronization Method for CHIPPER Based NoC

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    D. Muralidharan


    Full Text Available Network on Chip (NoC reduces the communication delay of System on Chip (SoC. The main limitation of NoC is power consumption and area overhead. Bufferless NoC reduces the area complexity and power consumption by eliminating buffers in the traditional routers. The bufferless NoC design should include live lock freeness since they use hot potato routing. This increases the complexity of bufferless NoC design. Among the available propositions to reduce this complexity, CHIPPER based bufferless NoC is considered as one of the best options. Live lock freeness is provided in CHIPPER through golden epoch and golden packet. All routers follow some synchronization method to identify a golden packet. Clock based method is intuitively followed for synchronization in CHIPPER based NoCs. It is shown in this work that the worst-case latency of packets is unbearably high when the above synchronization is followed. To alleviate this problem, broadcast bus NoC (BBus NoC approach is proposed in this work. The proposed method decreases the worst-case latency of packets by increasing the golden epoch rate of CHIPPER.

  15. Crystal and molecular structure of the coordination compounds of Er3+ with 1-(methoxydiphenylphosphoryl)-2-diphenylphosphorylbenzene [ErL21(NO3)2]2[Er(NO3)2(H2O)5]0.333(NO3)2.333 · 2.833H2O and its ethyl substituted derivative [ErL22(NO3)2][Er(NO3)5]0.5 · 0.5H2O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Polyakova, I. N.; Baulin, V. E.; Ivanova, I. S.; Pyatova, E. N.; Sergienko, V. S.; Tsivadze, A. Yu.


    The coordination compounds of Er 3+ with 1-(methoxydiphenylphosphoryl)-2-diphenylphosphorylbenzene [ErL 2 1 (NO 3 ) 2 ] 2 [Er(NO 3 ) 2 (H 2 O) 5 ] 0.333 (NO 3 ) 2.333 · 2.833H 2 O (I) and its ethyl substituted derivative [ErL 2 2 (NO 3 ) 2 ][Er(NO 3 ) 5 ] 0.5 · 0.5H 2 O (II) are synthesized and their crystal structures are studied. I and II contain [ErL 2 (NO 3 ) 2 ] + complex cations of identical composition and close structure. The eight-vertex polyhedron of the Er atom in the shape of a distorted octahedron with two split trans vertices is formed by the O atoms of the phosphoryl groups of L ligands and nitrate anions. L ligands close nine-membered metallocycles. The structures contain spacious channels which are populated differently, namely, by disordered [Er(NO 3 ) 2 (H 2 O) 5 ] + complex cations, NO 3 − anions, and crystallization water molecules in I and disordered [Er(NO 3 ) 5 ] 2− complex anions and crystallization water molecules in II. The IR spectra of I and II are studied

  16. Characteristics of the NO-NO2-O3 system in different chemical regimes during the MIRAGE-Mex field campaign

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    X. Tie


    Full Text Available The NO-NO2 system was analyzed in different chemical regimes/air masses based on observations of reactive nitrogen species and peroxy radicals made during the intensive field campaign MIRAGE-Mex (4 to 29 March 2006. The air masses were categorized into 5 groups based on combinations of macroscopic observations, geographical location, meteorological parameters, models, and observations of trace gases: boundary layer (labeled as "BL", biomass burning ("BB", free troposphere (continental, "FTCO" and marine, "FTMA", and Tula industrial complex ("TIC". In general, NO2/NO ratios in different air masses are near photostationary state. Analysis of this ratio can be useful for testing current understanding of tropospheric chemistry. The ozone production efficiency (OPE for the 5 air mass categories ranged from 4.5 (TIC to 8.5 (FTMA, consistent with photochemical aging of air masses exiting the Mexico City Metropolitan Area.

  17. Eddy covariance fluxes of the NO-O3-NO2 triad above the forest canopy at the ATTO Site in the Amazon Basin (United States)

    Tsokankunku, Anywhere; Wolff, Stefan; Sörgel, Matthias; Berger, Martina; Zelger, Michael; Dlugi, Ralf


    Nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (denoted together as NOx) determine the abundance of the tropospheric oxidants OH, O3 and NO3 that regulate atmospheric self-cleaning. The three reactive trace gases NO, NO2 and O3 undergo a series of interconnected photochemical reactions and are often referred to as the NO-O3-NO2 triad. Ozone deposition is mainly controlled by stomatal uptake, thus contributes to oxidative stress for the plants. Similarly, nitrogen dioxide from above or below the canopy is deposited to leaves through stomatal uptake. NO emissions from soils contribute to above canopy O3 formation and accelerate OH recycling. Therefore, quantification of the exchange fluxes of these species between the atmosphere and the biosphere are important for atmospheric chemistry and ecosystem research as well. The eddy covariance method is state of the art for direct measurements of ecosystem fluxes of trace gases. Eddy covariance measurements of NOx in pristine environments are rare because of lack of availability of instruments with the required precision to resolve concentrations characteristic of these environments. The Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO) is located in a pristine rainforest environment in the Amazon basin about 150 km northeast of the city of Manaus. It is the ideal site for studying the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of the NO-O3-NO2 triad, being largely undisturbed by anthropogenic sources. During an intensive measurement campaign in November 2015 at the ATTO site, measurements of NO, NO2 and O3 were carried out at 42 m above ground level on the 80 m walk-up tower with a fast (5 Hz) and sensitive (radiation. Vertical concentration profile measurements of NO, NO2 and O3 were available at 8 levels on the INSTANT tower from a reactive trace gas profile system which has been operational at the site since 2012. From these measurements, we present eddy covariance fluxes of the NO-O3-NO2 triad. We relate the fluxes to the canopy

  18. O luto no Brasil no final do século XX

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    Mauro Guilherme Pinheiro Koury

    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo contribuir para a compreensão das mudanças comportamentais da população brasileira urbana frente ao fenômeno do luto e da perda. É resultado de um grande mapeamento do comportamento do homem brasileiro, de segmentos médios urbanos, e das mudanças experienciadas na sua sensibilidade, no decorrer da segunda metade da última década do século XX, tendo o processo de luto e da perda como mote analítico.


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    Reinaldo Neves Sobrinho


    Full Text Available A raiva é uma enfermidade causada por um vírus neurotrópio da família Rhabdoviridae e gênero Lyssavirus. Todos os mamíferos, inclusive o homem, são susceptíveis.No período de 1976 a 2001, foram analisadas, no Centro de Diagnósticos e Pesquisas Veterinárias (CDPV, através das técnicas de imunofluorescência direta (IFD e inoculação em camundongos, 24.722 amostras do sistema nervoso central de diferentes espécies animais, provenientes de municípios do Estado de Goiás. Reações positivas para raiva foram obtidas em 22,1% (5.471 das amostras. Houve oscilações no percentual de positividade até o ano de 1996, e depois ocorreu uma diminuição gradativa, chegando a 10,9% em 2001. Os casos de raiva em cães e gatos têm decrescido de forma acentuada, sendo registrados 25 casos em cães e 2 em gatos no ano de 2001. Em bovinos, eqüinos e quirópteros o número de casos vem aumentando, sendo que do ano de 2000 para 2001 houve um crescimento de 16,4% para os casos em bovinos, atingindo 67,5% de amostras positivas(249/369 em 2001. Medidas de controle como a obrigatoriedade da vacinação de bovídeos, eqüídeos, ovinos e caprinos e o controle populacional dos quirópteros foram recentemente adotadas no Estado de Goiás. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Animais domésticos, inoculação em camundongos, raiva, reação de imunofluorescência direta, Goiás.

  20. First-principles investigation on defect-induced silicene nanoribbons - A superior media for sensing NH3, NO2 and NO gas molecules (United States)

    Walia, Gurleen Kaur; Randhawa, Deep Kamal Kaur


    In this paper, the electronic and transport properties of armchair silicene nanoribbons (ASiNRs) are analyzed for their application as highly selective and sensitive gas molecule sensors. The study is focused on sensing three nitrogen based gases; ammonia (NH3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO), which depending upon their adsorption energy and charge transfer, form bonds of varying strength with ASiNRs. The negligible band gap of ASiNRs is tuned by adding a defect in ASiNRs. Adsorption of NH3 leads to the opening of band gap whereas on adsorption of NO2 and NO, ASiNRs exhibit metallic nature. Distinctly divergent electronic and transport properties of ASiNRs are observed and on adsorption of NH3, NO2 and NO, renders them suitable for sensing them. All gas molecules show stronger adsorption on defective ASiNRs (D-ASiNRs) as compared to pristine ASiNRs (P-ASiNRs). The work reveals that introduction of defect can drastically improve the sensitivity of ASiNRs.

  1. Empolgação com Copa freia protestos nas redes sociais no Brasil e no mundo


    Zarko, Raphael


    Depois da Copa das Confederações de 2013 serem marcadas pelas manifestações contrárias à realização e gastos excessivos para o Mundial do Brasil – tanto nas ruas quanto na internet -, a impressão de que houve uma queda nos protestos da Copa do Mundo do Brasil se confirma com uma ampla pesquisa nas redes sociais. Em monitoramento de mais de 11 milhões de mensagens de Twitter no Brasil e no mundo, o número de menções a protestos é de apenas 17 mil – percentualmente, significa dizer que apenas 0...

  2. O ensino da saúde pública no Brasil: os primeiros tempos no Rio de Janeiro


    Santos,Luiz Antonio de Castro; Faria,Lina


    Busca-se neste artigo recuperar as primeiras décadas do ensino da saúde pública no Rio de Janeiro, uma vez que a antiga capital federal revelou-se importante centro formador de profissionais sanitaristas. No Rio de Janeiro, o governo federal implantou centros de saúde pioneiros e contou com o auxílio técnico e os recursos humanos da Fundação Rockefeller. Partindo do contexto socioeconômico e político da década de 1920, o trabalho abrange o ensino da saúde pública durante a Primeira República,...

  3. Família no contexto escolar: sua participação no processo de aprendizagem no 2º ano do ensino fundamental

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    Abadia Nair Alves de Almeida Bazeleski


    Full Text Available Este trabalho aborda o tema família/escola, relacionado a influência participativa no processo de aprendizagem. Esta pesquisa vem analisar, se estas contribuições familiares, podem influenciar no aprendizado escolar das crianças. Foi utilizado como metodologia, o estudo de caso qualitativo sendo que está atento para novas descobertas. Os sujeitos participativos desta pesquisa têm como foco, alunos de um 2º ano do ensino fundamental do período matutino, professora regente da sala e alguns pais responsáveis, sendo todos de uma escola pública. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizados questionários com perguntas abertas e entrevistas semi estruturadas, gravadas em MP4, para então serem transcritas e fundamentadas sobre os olhares de alguns autores como: Gabriel Chalita, Jacques Delors, Airton Negrine e Tânia Zagury. As observações foram feitas anteriormente, nas salas de aula, durante as reuniões de pais e entregas de notas. Nestas observações, podemos constatar que os professores, atribuem às famílias elevada importância no aprendizado do aluno. Entretanto a maioria desses pais não está presente, reconhecendo e assumindo seu papel, sobrecarregando e deixando toda a responsabilidade para a escola. Neste contexto torna-se evidentemente que a escola sozinha não tem como fazer um trabalho completo na vida do aluno. Ela precisa da participação da família ou dos seus responsáveis. A educação é feita de participação, onde todos aprendem uns com os outros, criando condições e capacidades de aprendizagem.Palavras-chave: educação; aluno; participação; família.

  4. TropJrnal Vol 31 No 1 PDF

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mr Olusoji

    This phenomenon is called extrasensory perception (also known as ESP) and there is no scientific evidence to confirm the concept. Though no scientific evidence confirms ESP, the phenomenon is assumed to be more common in monozygotic (identical) twins because they share a closer genetic connection, dizygotic or. 5.

  5. No Community Left Behind (United States)

    Schlechty, Phillip C.


    The debate over the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) generally overlooks--or looks past--what may be the most fundamental flaw in that legislation. As the law is now written, decisions regarding what the young should know and be able to do are removed from the hands of parents and local community leaders and turned over to officials…

  6. IDEA papers no 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garrigues, Ph.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no. 6 is presents the association and the results of the ordinary general assembly of the 28 June 2003. (A.L.B.)

  7. SSDL Newsletter. No. 31

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This newsletter contains a report of the Fifth Meeting of the SSDL Scientific Committee, held in Vienna in November 1992. Also included are two articles about a quality assurance network for radiotherapy dosimetry, a report on IAEA activities on high-dose measurements and a Status Report on Technical Report Series No. 277. These items have been indexed separately. Refs, figs and tabs

  8. IDEA papers no 10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ricard, M.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no.10 is devoted to the sustainable development education. Examples of actions in agriculture schools and colleges are presented. (A.L.B.)

  9. Solubility Modeling of the Binary Systems Fe(NO3)3–H2O, Co(NO3)2–H2O and the Ternary System Fe(NO3)3–Co(NO3)2–H2O with the Extended Universal Quasichemical (UNIQUAC) Model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arrad, Mouad; Kaddami, Mohammed; Goundali, Bahija El


    Solubility modeling in the binary system Fe(NO3)3–H2O, Co(NO3)2–H2O and the ternary system Fe(NO3)3–Co(NO3)2–H2O is presented. The extended UNIQUAC model was applied to the thermodynamic assessment of the investigated systems. The model parameters obtained were regressed simultaneously using...... the available databank but with more experimental points, recently published in the open literature. A revision of previously published parameters for the cobalt ion and new parameters for the iron(III) nitrate system are presented. Based on this set of parameters, the equilibrium constants of hydrates...

  10. Hígado Graso no Alcohólico


    Tagle Arrospide, Martín


    RESUMEN La enfermedad del Hígado Graso No Alcohólico y la forma más agresiva de esta, la Esteatohepatitis No Alcohólica son problemas que están llegando a ser tema de interés en la comunidad Médica en general, especialmente debido a la creciente frecuencia de diabetes y obesidad en la población mundial. Existen fuertes evidencias que vincularían la enfermedad del Hígado Graso No Alcohólico con el tan conocido síndrome metabólico o síndrome X, hasta el punto de aceptar esteatosis hepática y su...

  11. Nuclear facilities. Revenue Act for 2000 (no. 99-1172)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The article no. 43 of the Revenue Act for 2000 modifies the existing system of tax for basic nuclear facilities. The articles no. 17 and no. 121 are abrogated. The basic nuclear facilities subjected to an authorization procedure (article no. 8, act no. 61-842 of the 2. of August 1961 concerning the abatement of air pollution and odors) have to pay an annual tax with effect from January 1. 2000. For nuclear reactors, tax has to be paid for each unit of the plant. (O.M.)

  12. 48 CFR 552.270-26 - No Waiver. (United States)


    ... FORMS SOLICITATION PROVISIONS AND CONTRACT CLAUSES Text of Provisions and Clauses 552.270-26 No Waiver... remedy consequent upon a breach thereof, and no acceptance of full or partial rent or other performance by either party during the continuance of any such breach shall constitute a waiver of any such...

  13. O monofisismo no reinado de Justiniano (527-565

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    Maria Regina da Cunha Rodrigues


    O Monofisismo, heresia cristológica do V século provocada pelo arquimandrita Eutíquio, ao ensinar que em Cristo havia uma só natureza, foi condenado no Concílio Ecumênico de Calcedônia em 451. As decisões dogmáticas dêste Concílio — dualidade das naturezas divina e humana unidas pelo mistério da união hipostática na pessoa de Jesus Cristo, Filho de Deus feito homem, — foram pacificamente recebidas no Ocidente Cristão; recusadas, desvirtuadas, criticadas, entretanto o foram no Oriente, com a cumplicidade dos Patriarcas do Egito, Antioquia e Constantinopla. Época de transição em que o Império Romano, fragmentado, subsistia apenas no Oriente, enquanto que no Ocidente permanecia como o único remanescente do Império, êsse Cristianismo, liderado pelo Papa que continuava pontificando em Roma.

  14. Nojo, humilhação e controle na limpeza de shopping centers no Brasil e no Canadá

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    Valquiria Padilha

    Full Text Available Este artigo visa a apresentar resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa cujo objetivo principal foi analisar criticamente o sofrimento ancorado no trabalho precarizado de limpeza. Foram realizadas observações e entrevistas semiestruturadas com 12 trabalhadores de limpeza terceirizados de shopping centers no Brasil e no Canadá. A análise das entrevistas buscou regularidade dos assuntos recorrentes, agrupou elementos para constituir os núcleos temáticos de análise e construiu indícios para realizar a coerência teórica a partir da interpretação das descobertas sistematizadas. A pesquisa mostrou que o nojo e a humilhação dos trabalhadores de limpeza, ao lidarem com o lixo e a sujeira deixados pelos clientes em praças de alimentação e banheiros, são causa de sofrimento e demandam a performance de Trabalho Emocional. Foi possível encontrar, nos dois países, três núcleos temáticos de análise que se inter-relacionam no cotidiano do trabalho terceirizado de limpeza de shopping centers: o nojo, a humilhação e o controle.

  15. Os incentivos fiscais no Brasil

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    Rocco Antonio Rangel Rosso Nelson


    Full Text Available Quando do estudo do plexo normativo tributário, no Brasil, depara-se com uma lacuna jurídica, no que tange ao enquadramento e ao próprio conceito jurídico de incentivo fiscal. A pesquisa em tela, fazendo uso de uma metodologia de análise qualitativa, usando-se os métodos de abordagem hipotético-dedutivo de caráter descritivo e analítico, tem por linha de fundo ofertar algunas premissas basilares sobre a configuração normativa dos incentivos fiscais, vindo a reconhecer que o correto uso dessa forma de intervenção do Estado na economia, pode fomentar o desenvolvimento de direitos como da cultura, educação, saúde, sustentabilidade ambiental, desenvolvimento regional, dentre outros ditames constitucionais.

  16. Mortality trends and risk of dying from colorectal cancer in the seven socioeconomic regions of Mexico, 2000-2012

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    J.J. Sánchez-Barriga


    Full Text Available Background: In Mexico, there has been an upward trend in mortality rates from colorectal cancer (CRC over the past three decades. This tumor is ranked among the ten most prevalent causes of morbidity from malignancies in Mexico. Aims: To determine the mortality trends by socioeconomic region and by state, and to establish the relative risk between both educational level and socioeconomic region with mortality from CRC within the time frame of 2000-2012. Materials and methods: Records of mortality associated with colorectal cancer were obtained. Rates of mortality by state and by socioeconomic region were calculated, along with the strength of association (obtained through the Poisson regression between both socioeconomic region and educational level and the mortality from CRC. Results: A total of 45,487 individuals died from CRC in Mexico from 2000 to 2012. Age-adjusted mortality rates per 100,000 inhabitants increased from 3.9 to 4.8. Baja California, Baja California Sur, and Sonora had the highest mortality from CRC. Individuals with no school or incomplete elementary school had a higher risk of dying from this cancer (RR of 3.57, 95% CI: 3.46-3.68. Region 7 had the strongest association with mortality from CRC (Mexico City: RR was 2.84, 95% CI: 2.39-3.37 [2000] and 3.32, 95% CI: 2.89-3.82 [2012]. Conclusions: In Mexico, the age-adjusted mortality rates per 100,000 inhabitants that died from CRC increased from 3.9 to 4.8 in the study period, using the world population age distribution as the standard. Baja California, Baja California Sur, and Sonora had the highest mortality from CRC. Mexico City, which was socioeconomic region 7, had the strongest association with mortality from CRC. Resumen: Introducción: En México ha habido una tendencia al alza en las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer colorrectal (CCR en las últimas 3 décadas. Esta neoplasia está clasificada dentro de las 10 causas más frecuentes de morbilidad por neoplasias malignas

  17. No control, no drive: How noise may undermine conservation behavior in a commons dilemma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brucks, W.; van Lange, P.A.M.


    Sometimes people may no longer engage in conservational behavior (e.g., to reduce emissions) because their attempts to do so have been thwarted by "negative noise ", or external forces that may cause otherwise cooperative intentions to translate into non-cooperative action (e.g., strikes prevented

  18. American Library Association (ALA no Second Life (SL

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    Richele Grenge Vignoli

    Full Text Available A American Library Association (ALA está inserida no contexto de Realidade Virtual (RV em 3D, por meio de sua atuação no Second Life (SL, com a ALA Island. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o atendimento virtual a bibliotecários no SL; identificar produtos e serviços que a ALA oferece no SL e analisar sua infraestrutura. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizada a análise documental, ação em que a ALA Island foi observada/explorada e estruturada em dados; e o questionário - enviado a uma bibliotecária da ALA Island. Os resultados demonstram que a atuação da ALA no SL tem como propósito central a divulgação de seus projetos, os eventos físicos e os virtuais e o apoio ao bibliotecário em sua vida profissional. A ALA está inserida em diversos recursos da Web 2.0, além do SL, como blogs, wikis, sites de relacionamento, entre outros. Toda a trajetória da ALA foi analisada, assim como as especificidades do seu trabalho realizado para os bibliotecários. Observou-se que o atendimento a bibliotecários no SL é realizado por meio de robôs e indicação de notecards e hiperlinks informativos. No SL, a ALA disponibiliza diversos serviços e produtos aos bibliotecários, como os relacionados com os escritórios, comitês e instituições, além dos serviços e produtos disponíveis no site e no escritório da ALA em Washington-DC e de seus representantes. Os recursos da ALA e do SL, assim como a inserção de bibliotecários em Realidade Virtual (RV precisam ser estudados por meio de pesquisas, para dinamizar e aproximar essa realidade desses profissionais.

  19. Compras públicas de medicamentos para hepatite C no Brasil no período de 2005 a 2015

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    Gabriela Costa Chaves

    Full Text Available Resumo O artigo analisa as compras de medicamentos para hepatite C, feitas pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS, de 2005 a 2015. Os dados são do Sistema Integrado de Administração de Serviços Gerais (SIASG. Para estimar o gasto contratado anual selecionou-se medicamentos previstos nos Protocolos Clínicos e Diretrizes Terapêuticas para Hepatite C do MS e incluiu-se todas as apresentações e concentrações que apareceram no SIASG. Houve aumento de 159,5 vezes no gasto com os medicamentos selecionados de 2005 a 2006 porque esses produtos passaram a ser comprados de forma centralizada. Em 2007 houve aumento de 730% no gasto pela incorporação de alfapeginterferona 2a e 2b. Em 2012 a compra de dois novos antivirais de ação direta (AAD representou 99% do gasto anual. Em 2015, a adoção de novos AAD provocou aumento de 230% (R$ 945 milhões no gasto do MS. No período estudado houve aumento dos gastos do MS com os medicamentos para Hepatite C devido ao aumento do volume adquirido e à incorporação tecnológica de alfapeginterferona e de novos AAD. Garantir acesso universal ao tratamento da hepatite C depende da implementação de estratégias que aumentem o poder de barganha do MS em negociações de redução de preços de produtos em situação de monopólio.



    Cuervo Vivas, Wilmer Alfonso


    Documento que muestra la organizaci?n de la estructura de los carbohidratos ubicados dentro del citoplasma (no estructurales) y en la pared celular (estructurales) y su digesti?n dentro del tracto gastro intestinal de animales

  1. The AOTF-Based NO2 Camera (United States)

    Dekemper, E.; Fussen, D.; Vanhellemont, F.; Vanhamel, J.; Pieroux, D.; Berkenbosch, S.


    In an urban environment, nitrogen dioxide is emitted by a multitude of static and moving point sources (cars, industry, power plants, heating systems,…). Air quality models generally rely on a limited number of monitoring stations which do not capture the whole pattern, neither allow for full validation. So far, there has been a lack of instrument capable of measuring NO2 fields with the necessary spatio-temporal resolution above major point sources (power plants), or more extended ones (cities). We have developed a new type of passive remote sensing instrument aiming at the measurement of 2-D distributions of NO2 slant column densities (SCDs) with a high spatial (meters) and temporal (minutes) resolution. The measurement principle has some similarities with the popular filter-based SO2 camera (used in volcanic and industrial sulfur emissions monitoring) as it relies on spectral images taken at wavelengths where the molecule absorption cross section is different. But contrary to the SO2 camera, the spectral selection is performed by an acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF) capable of resolving the target molecule's spectral features. A first prototype was successfully tested with the plume of a coal-firing power plant in Romania, revealing the dynamics of the formation of NO2 in the early plume. A lighter version of the NO2 camera is now being tested on other targets, such as oil refineries and urban air masses.

  2. Health physics in JAERI No. 32

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the annual report No. 32 (fiscal 1989) are described the activities of health physics including radioactive waste management in Tokai Research Establishment, Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Research Establishment, Oarai Research Establishment, Mutsu Establishment and Nuclear Ship Mutsu. There were no occupational exposure exceeding the dose equivalent limit and no release of radioactive gaseous and liquid wastes beyond the release limits specified according to the regulations. In the environment there were observed no abnormal radioactivity due to the facilities. The following works were made in the researches of radiation dosimetry, body radioactivity, airborne radioactivity and waste treatment. For radiation dosimetry: preparation of β-ray plain source for dose estimation on skin contamination, 4π directional dependence of external effective dose equivalent (III), analysis of career dose to workers, distribution of annual collective dose of workers among nuclear power reactors. For body radioactivity: theoretical study for correction of plutonium chest counting data (II), radiosensitivity of chromosomes of rabbit lymphocytes (V), and dicentric and indirect action. For airborne radioactivity: tritium oxide permeability of membranes used for protective appliances (V), effect of hydrogen isotope composition on conversion reaction of tritium gas to tritiated water, development of models of tritium dispersion in the environment near nuclear facilities, and effectiveness of sheltering in a wooden building against radioactive airborne contaminations. For waste treatment: effects of residual radioactivity on scientific and industrial instruments (II), and safety verification test of rational disposal of very low-level radioactive solid wastes. (J.P.N.)

  3. Variations in non-thermal NO formation pathways in alcohol flames

    KAUST Repository

    Bohon, Myles


    This work investigates the formation of NO in a range of laminar, premixed, burner-stabilized C1 to C3 alcohol and alkane flames, in the equivalence ratio between 0.8 and 1.2. Measurements of temperature and NO concentration were conducted, and simulations utilizing the measured temperature profile allowed for the comparison of predicted NO with experiment, as well as a detailed investigation of the contributions from a number of NO formation pathways. In the alcohol flames, reduced contributions to Prompt NO were observed along with reduced consumption of NO through the NO-HCN Reburn mechanism, demonstrating the importance of hydrocarbon radicals (CH, CH2, CH3, and HCCO) to NO formation. Additionally, significant contributions to NO through the combined NNH and N2O mechanism were observed, representing a greater proportion of the NO produced in the alcohol flames. © 2016.

  4. Cáncer gástrico

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    Dr. B. Sergio Guzmán


    Full Text Available El cáncer gástrico (CG mantiene alta prevalencia en Chile, con una tasa de mortalidad de 20/100.000 habitantes. Se reconocen dos variantes histológicas, el tipo difuso y el tipo intestinal. El primero crece en forma de células sueltas y el segundo forma glándulas semejantes a las intestinales. Para el intestinal, la histogénesis se inicia con una gastritis atrófica, seguida de metaplasia, displasia y cáncer a diferencia del difuso cuya histogénesis es diferente, en mucosa fúndica. Ambos pueden presentarse combinados, en ambos se reconoce asociación con el Helicobacter Pylori y otros factores ambientales, pero el de tipo intestinal es el más caracteristico de áreas de alta incidencia y el difuso tiene una vertiente más asociada a factores hereditarios. Además, entre ambos existen diferencias de comportamiento clinico. La clasificación de origen japonés en cáncer incipiente y avanzado mantiene utilidad por su trascendencia pronóstica y terapéutica. Para la etapificación clinica (c y patológica (pse ha universalizado el sistema TNM. Los sintomas son inespecificos y sugieren una enfermedad avanzada. Esto justifica politicas de prevención, el reconocimiento de factores de riesgo y la endoscopía con biopsia aun ante síntomas sutiles. La etapificación clínica y el tratamiento se definen en comité multidisciplinario. La tomografía de tórax, abdomen y pelvis es el examen inicial y se complementa según necesidad y disponibilidad. Para el tratamiento no existe un procedimiento estándar Para tumores T1a se considera la resección endoscópica y para los avanzados, la resección quirúrgica tipo D2- RO. Esta puede hacerse por vía abierta o laparoscópica. Para tumores avanzados o con compromiso ganglionar se indica neoadyuvancia o adyuvancia. En algunos pacientes el tratamiento solo tiene objetivos paliativos.

  5. Comportamiento de la retinosis pigmentaria infanto- juvenil en el año 2004.

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    Pedra Rodríguez Montero


    Full Text Available Se realiza una investigación descriptiva, prospectiva y longitudinal con el objetivo de conocer el comportamiento de la Retinosis Pigmentaria en la Provincia de Sancti Spíritus en el año 2004 y evaluar algunos parámetros dentro de la clasificación cubana de esta entidad. Con el decursar de los años en los estudios que han venidos realizándose, la Retinosis Pigmentaria ha tenido varias definiciones según los diferentes autores, pero la más reciente responde a una enfermedad crónica correspondiente a las distrofias retinianas, de ahí su carácter hereditario lento y progresivo que afecta, primero y difusamente, la función de los fotorreceptores y el epitelio pigmentario. De forma subjetiva las manifestaciones clínicas son la mala visión nocturna, los trastornos de la visión en los cambios de iluminación, así como el tropiezo con los objetos, la fotofobia y las alteraciones de la visión. Esta patología forma parte de las enfermedades que causan discapacidad visual tanto parcial como total, de ahí la importancia de un diagnóstico precoz, es decir, en edades tempranas de la vida. Para este estudio se tomaron los pacientes comprendidos entre 0 -18 años de edad con el diagnóstico de Retinosis Pigmentaria. A todos se le realizó un interrogatorio minucioso buscando antecedentes patológicos personales y familiares, así como un examen oftalmológico completo que incluía toma de agudeza visual, exploración de anexos, segmento anterior, medios y fondo de ojo, refracción cicloplégica, pericampimetría y electrorretinograma. En la investigación encontramos que todos los pacientes pertenecían a la raza blanca, predominó la herencia Autosómica Dominante con 5 pacientes, la ametropía más frecuente correspondió al astigmatismo, de los 12 enfermos evaluados, 9 presentaron daño macular pero no se encontró ningún paciente en estadio IV de la enfermedad y tampoco se vio representada en ellos la herencia ligada al cromosoma X.

  6. Cáncer de piel no-melanoma

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    Dr. B. Pedro Lobos


    Full Text Available El cáncer de piel no-melanoma incluye principalmente las neoplasias queratinocíticas (carcinoma basocelular y espinocelular y tumores de menor frecuencia tales como: linfomas cutáneos, carcinoma de células de Merkel, sarcoma de Kaposi, angiosarcomas, enfermedad de Paget, e histiocistomas malignos entre otros. En este artículo revisaremos la epidemiología, patogénesis, clínica, histopatología, diagnóstico y modalidades terapéuticas de los dos principales cánceres de la piel no melanoma: basocelular y espinocelular.

  7. O jogo livre no recreio escolar


    Costa, Marta Sofia Pereira da


    Atualmente muitos profissionais de educação atribuem um elevado valor à prática de jogo em contextos escolares. Efetivamente são vários os autores que comprovam esta importância ao defenderem que o jogo promove o desenvolvimento cognitivo, emocional, motor e social da criança. No 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico o jogo surge essencialmente nos espaços de recreio. Neste enquadramento, a presente investigação tem como objetivo principal compreender o jogo livre no recreio escolar. Este estudo com ...

  8. Cáncer de piel no-melanoma


    Pedro Lobos, B.; Andrea Lobos, S.


    El cáncer de piel no-melanoma incluye principalmente las neoplasias queratinocíticas (carcinoma basocelular y espinocelular) y tumores de menor frecuencia tales como: linfomas cutáneos, carcinoma de células de Merkel, sarcoma de Kaposi, angiosarcomas, enfermedad de Paget, e histiocistomas malignos entre otros. En este artículo revisaremos la epidemiología, patogénesis, clínica, histopatología, diagnóstico y modalidades terapéuticas de los dos principales cánceres de la piel no melanoma: basoc...

  9. No tomar lo real como real

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    Jean Baudrillard


    Full Text Available El problema de la comunicación es hoy el de los medios de comunicación. La comunicación en sí ya no tiene tanto sentido. El aparato tecnológico que debería jugar un rol de intermediario en realidad no es un intermediario sino una especie de obstáculo en la relación comunicativa. Vale decir que los medios se autonomizan como una especie de aparato autorreferencial, que se desarrolla por sí mismo y pierde de vista su finalidad y se vuelve proliferante.

  10. NJP VOLUME 42 NO 2

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 17, 2015 ... She was taken to a hospital where a diagnosis of upper limb dystonia was made and ... Her knees revealed no signs of inflammation. Both knees demonstrated ... diseases, drug intoxication, hyperthyroidism, Wilson's disease ...

  11. A Incorporação do Empreendedorismo no Setor Público: reflexões baseadas no contexto brasileiro

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    Josiel Valadares


    Full Text Available Este ensaio visa ampliar o debate sobre a incorporação do tema Empreendedorismo no Setor Público (ESP por meio da revisão de literatura sobre o caráter reflexivo que se deve ter ao transpor conceitos do setor privado para o público. Compreendeu-se que é necessária uma discussão crítica acerca do processo de apropriação desse tema no Brasil para que seja adequadamente coerente e contextualizado. Observou-se que a Administração Pública brasileira é marcada por um modelo híbrido de gestão, no qual práticas patrimonialistas, burocráticas e gerenciais coexistem, tornando a adaptação do empreendedorismo complexa. Portanto, é preciso ter cautela com as expectativas exageradas em relação a esse tema na administração pública brasileira, pois, há inúmeras limitações que vão de encontro à sustentabilidade de governos democráticos.

  12. The uptake of NO3-, NO2-, and NH4+ by intact wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings. I. Induction and kinetics of transport systems (United States)

    Goyal, S. S.; Huffaker, R. C.


    The inducibility and kinetics of the NO3-, NO2-, and NH4+ transporters in roots of wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum cv Yercora Rojo) were characterized using precise methods approaching constant analysis of the substrate solutions. A microcomputer-controlled automated high performance liquid chromatography system was used to determine the depletion of each N species (initially at 1 millimolar) from complete nutrient solutions. Uptake rate analyses were performed using computerized curve-fitting techniques. More precise estimates were obtained for the time required for the extent of the induction of each transporter. Up to 10 and 6 hours, respectively, were required to achieve apparent full induction of the NO3- and NO2- transporters. Evidence for substrate inducibility of the NH4+ transporters requiring 5 hours is presented. The transport of NO3- was mediated by a dual system (or dual phasic), whereas only single systems were found for transport of NO2- and NH4+. The Km values for NO3-, NO2-, and NH4+ were, respectively, 0.027, 0.054, and 0.05 millimolar. The Km for mechanism II of NO3- transport could not be defined in this study as it exhibited only apparent first order kinetics up to 1 millimolar.

  13. IDEA papers no 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ducout, P.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no. 7 is devoted to the water quality and management in Gironde. The european framework directive on water and the humid zones are discussed. (A.L.B.)

  14. 10 CFR 1045.22 - No comment policy. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false No comment policy. 1045.22 Section 1045.22 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (GENERAL PROVISIONS) NUCLEAR CLASSIFICATION AND DECLASSIFICATION Identification of Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data Information § 1045.22 No comment policy. (a) Authorized holders of RD and FRD shall not confirm or expand...

  15. Alternative deNO{sub x} catalysts and technologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Due-Hansen, J.


    Two approaches are undertaken in the present work to reduce the emission of NO{sub x}: by means of catalytic removal, and by NO absorption in ionic liquids. The commercial catalyst used for the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of nitrogen oxides exhibits high activity and selectivity towards N{sub 2}. However, the vanadia-titania-based catalyst used is very sensitive to deactivation by alkali-species (primarily potassium), which are typically present in high amounts in the flue gas when biomass is combusted. By co-firing with large amounts of CO{sub 2}-neutral straw or wood (to meet stringent CO{sub 2} emission legislation), the lifetime of the traditional SCR catalyst is thus significantly reduced due to the presence of deactivating species originating from the fuel. To develop a catalyst less susceptible to the poisons present in the flue gas, a number of catalysts have been synthesized and tested in the present work, all based on commercially available supports. A highly acidic support consisting of sulfated zirconia was chosen based on preliminary studies. A number of different active species distributed on the support were investigated, such as iron, copper and vanadium oxides. However, based on the catalysts performance in the SCR reaction and their resistances towards potassium, the most promising candidate of the formulations studied was the vanadia-loaded catalyst, i.e. V{sub 2}O{sub 5}-SO{sub 4}2-ZrO{sub 2}. This work, together with an introduction to the catalytic removal of NO{sub x}, are described in chapter 3. The remainder of the first part is concerned with the catalytic NO{sub x} removal (chapter 4) and it addresses the upscaling of the best catalyst candidate. The catalyst was mixed with the natural binding clay (sepiolite) to upscale the selected catalyst to the monolithic level, suitable for installation in gas stream with high flows, e.g. a flue gas duct of a power plant. A series of catalyst pellets with increasing levels of sepiolite were

  16. Determinantes macroeconômicos das vendas no varejo no período 2004-2011

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    Gustavo Inácio de Moraes


    Full Text Available O presente artigo utiliza-se de uma estimação em painel, considerando-se seis estados brasileiros, para verificar a influência sobre as vendas no varejo de três componentes macroeconômicos, tais como a renda real média, a taxa de desemprego e a taxa de juros, entre os anos de 2004 e 2011, período no qual a economia brasileira observou expressivo crescimento econômico. Optou-se por uma estimação em SUR (regressões aparentemente não correlacionadas para ampliar o ajuste ao longo dos espaços geográficos estudados. Como resultado geral, nota-se que as vendas ao varejo são elásticas, contemporaneamente, à renda real média. As demais variáveis, taxa de desemprego e taxa de juros demonstraram-se inelásticas e em alguns estados sequer significativas, além de se manifestarem com uma defasagem de três meses.

  17. Spectroscopy and picosecond dynamics of aqueous NO{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gadegaard, Ane Riis; Thøgersen, Jan; Jensen, Svend Knak; Nielsen, Jakob Brun; Jensen, Frank; Keiding, Søren Rud, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, Langelandsgade 140, DK 8000 Aarhus C (Denmark); Jena, Naresh K.; Odelius, Michael [Department of Physics, Albanova University Center, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm (Sweden)


    We investigate the formation of aqueous nitrogen dioxide, NO{sub 2} formed through femtosecond photolysis of nitrate, NO{sub 3}{sup −}(aq) and nitromethane CH{sub 3}NO{sub 2}(aq). Common to the experiments is the observation of a strong induced absorption at 1610 ± 10 cm{sup −1}, assigned to the asymmetric stretch vibration in the ground state of NO{sub 2}. This assignment is substantiated through isotope experiments substituting {sup 14}N by {sup 15}N, experiments at different pH values, and by theoretical calculations and simulations of NO{sub 2}–D{sub 2}O clusters.

  18. Trend analysis of urban NO2 concentrations and the importance of direct NO2 emissions versus ozone/NOx equilibrium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Keuken, M.; Roemer, M.; Elshout, S. van den


    The annual air quality standard of NO2 is often exceeded in urban areas near heavy traffic locations. Despite significant decrease of NOx emissions in 1986-2005 in the industrial and harbour area near Rotterdam, NO2 concentrations at the urban background remain at the same level since the end of the

  19. Endodontic retreatment decisions: no consensus. (United States)

    Aryanpour, S; Van Nieuwenhuysen, J P; D'Hoore, W


    The objectives of the present study were to: (i) evaluate the consensus, if any, amongst dental schools, students and their instructors managing the same clinical cases, all of which involved endodontically treated teeth; and (ii) determine the predominant proposed treatment option. Final year students, endodontic staff members and instructors of 10 European dental schools were surveyed as decision makers. Fourteen different radiographic cases of root canal treated teeth accompanied by a short clinical history were presented to them in a uniform format. For each case the decision makers were requested to: (i) choose only one out of nine treatment alternatives proposed, from 'no treatment' to 'extraction' via 'retreatment' and 'surgery' (ii) assess on two 5-point scales: the difficulty of making a decision, and the technical complexity of the retreatment procedure. The results indicate wide inter- and also intra-school disagreements in the clinical management of root canal treated teeth. Analysis of variance showed that the main source of variation was the 'school effect', explaining 1.8% (NS) to 18.6% (P < 0.0001) of the treatment variations. No other factor explained as much variance. Decision difficulty was moderately correlated to technical complexity (Pearsons' r ranging from 0.19 to 0.35, P < 0.0001). No clear consensus occurred amongst and within dental schools concerning the clinical management of the 14 cases. The lack of consensus amongst schools seems to be due mainly to chance or uncertainty, but can be partly explained by the 'school effect'.

  20. Vol 12, No 1 (2014)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Egyptian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (The) - Vol 12, No 1 (2014) ... The effect of serum angiotensin II and angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene ... with diabetic ketoacidosis · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT