
Sample records for colonies una metodologia

  1. Transformant una classe del grau en Psicologia a una flipped classroom

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    Marta Miragall


    Full Text Available La flipped classroom és una metodologia docent que tracta de modificar la dinàmica de la classe tradicional, en la que l'alumnat estudia la matèria abans d'assistir a classe (fonamentalment per mitjà de les Tecnologies de la Informació i Comunicació, i el temps en l'aula s'empra per a aclarir continguts i realitzar activitats significatives, amb el suport continuat del professorat. Estudis recents mostren que s'han obtingut resultats positius respecte a la utilització d'aquesta metodologia. No obstant això, la implantació d'aquesta metodologia en el grau en Psicologia és escassa. Per això, l'objectiu d'aquest treball va ser aplicar la metodologia flipped classroom a un tema de l'assignatura Psicopatologia, i comparar la seua efectivitat amb una classe tradicional. La mostra va estar composta per 87 alumnes (M = 23.02; DT = 7.88 anys, 73.1% dones del grau de Psicologia de la Universitat de València. En la condició flipped classroom (n = 47 l'exposició de la matèria es realitzava a través d'un vídeo que l'alumnat visualitzava a casa, i en l'aula s'avaluaven i aclarien continguts (per mitjà de la plataforma Kahoot! i es realitzaven activitats significatives en xicotets grups. En la condició tradicional (n = 40, es va impartir una classe magistral, es van avaluar i aclarir els continguts a través de la plataforma Kahoot!, i es va proposar la realització de les activitats significatives per a casa. L'alumnat de cada condició va avaluar l’interès, utilitat i dificultat de cada un dels components de les metodologies en una enquesta tipus Likert, que a més contenia dos preguntes obertes. Així mateix, es va avaluar el nivell de coneixements adquirits tant a través de la plataforma Kahoot! com a l'examen final de l'assignatura. No es van observar diferències significatives entre ambdós condicions respecte als continguts adquirits a través de l'examen de l'assignatura. No obstant això, la realització de les activitats a l

  2. Los precios de la carne vacuna en Buenos Aires colonial. Una interpelación historiográfica e histórica

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    Andrea Dupuy


    Full Text Available En el ámbito de los estudios de mercado, los precios constituyen los principales indicadores del comportamiento de la economía, aun los de Antiguo Régimen. El objetivo del presente trabajo es abordar el análisis de los precios de la carne vacuna de la ciudad de Buenos Aires colonial partiendo de la idea de que este mercado, al igual que los de las distintas ciudades hispanoamericanas, presentó a lo largo de la etapa colonial una regularidad predominante. Y aun cuando estuvo atravesado por situaciones críticas de escasez, estos factores no lograron modificar sustancialmente, desde una mirada de largo plazo, las características del mismo.

  3. Ensenyar amb casos audiovisuals en l'entorn virtual: metodologia i resultats


    Triadó i Ivern, Xavier Ma.; Aparicio Chueca, Ma. del Pilar (María del Pilar); Jaría Chacón, Natalia; Gallardo-Gallardo, Eva; Elasri Ejjaberi, Amal


    Aquest quadern pretén posar i donar a conèixer les bases d'una metodologia que serveixi per engegar experiències d'aprenentatge amb casos audiovisuals en l'entorn del campus virtual. Per aquest motiu, s'ha definit un protocol metodològic per utilitzar els casos audiovisuals dins l'entorn del campus virtual a diferents assignatures.

  4. Development and implementation of a methodology to simultaneously determine the thermal properties of rocks; Desarrollo e implantacion de una metodologia experimental para determinar simultaneamente las propiedades termicas de las rocas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Contreras Lopez, Enrique; Garcia Gutierrez, Alfonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In the frame of the experimental infrastructure development of the Reservoirs Laboratory of the Geothermal Department of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE), a methodology that allows the simultaneous determination of the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat in rock samples and other solid materials of low and medium conductivity, was implemented. The methodology is based in the theoretical solution of temperature distribution around an ideal linear heat source immersed in an infinite medium. The three properties are derived from one relatively simple experiment, that essentially consists in recording the temporary temperature variation in a given point of the specimen during a short heating period. This methodology has special application in the geothermal area, as well as in other areas related to the development and exploitation of underground energy and mineral resources. [Espanol] En el marco de las actividades de desarrollo de infraestructura experimental del Laboratorio de Yacimientos del Departamento de Geotermia del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE), se implemento una metodologia que permite determinar simultaneamente la conductividad termica, la difusividad termica y el calor especifico en muestras de rocas y otros materiales solidos de conductividad baja e intermedia. La metodologia se basa en la solucion teorica de la distribucion de temperatura alrededor de una fuente lineal ideal de calor inmersa en un medio infinito. Las tres propiedades se derivan de un solo experimento relativamente simple, que consiste esencialmente en registrar la variacion temporal de la temperatura en un punto dado del especimen durante un corto periodo de calentamiento. Esta metodologia tiene especial aplicacion en el ambito de la geotermia, asi como en otras areas relacionadas con el desarrollo y aprovechamiento de los recursos energeticos y minerales del subsuelo.

  5. Development and implementation of a methodology to simultaneously determine the thermal properties of rocks; Desarrollo e implantacion de una metodologia experimental para determinar simultaneamente las propiedades termicas de las rocas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Contreras Lopez, Enrique; Garcia Gutierrez, Alfonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    In the frame of the experimental infrastructure development of the Reservoirs Laboratory of the Geothermal Department of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE), a methodology that allows the simultaneous determination of the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat in rock samples and other solid materials of low and medium conductivity, was implemented. The methodology is based in the theoretical solution of temperature distribution around an ideal linear heat source immersed in an infinite medium. The three properties are derived from one relatively simple experiment, that essentially consists in recording the temporary temperature variation in a given point of the specimen during a short heating period. This methodology has special application in the geothermal area, as well as in other areas related to the development and exploitation of underground energy and mineral resources. [Espanol] En el marco de las actividades de desarrollo de infraestructura experimental del Laboratorio de Yacimientos del Departamento de Geotermia del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE), se implemento una metodologia que permite determinar simultaneamente la conductividad termica, la difusividad termica y el calor especifico en muestras de rocas y otros materiales solidos de conductividad baja e intermedia. La metodologia se basa en la solucion teorica de la distribucion de temperatura alrededor de una fuente lineal ideal de calor inmersa en un medio infinito. Las tres propiedades se derivan de un solo experimento relativamente simple, que consiste esencialmente en registrar la variacion temporal de la temperatura en un punto dado del especimen durante un corto periodo de calentamiento. Esta metodologia tiene especial aplicacion en el ambito de la geotermia, asi como en otras areas relacionadas con el desarrollo y aprovechamiento de los recursos energeticos y minerales del subsuelo.

  6. Mem y cookie: la cocina colonial en Malasia y Singapur


    Leong-Salobir, Cecilia; Arriola, Carmen


    Resumen Este trabajo examina el surgimiento de una cocina colonial distintiva en las colonias británicas de Malasia y Singapur desde finales del siglo XIX. La cocina colonial evolucionó con el tiempo y fue una combinación de prácticas culinarias derivadas de costumbres alimentarias europeas y asiáticas, muchas de las cuales llegaron de la India colonial. Al igual que en India, esta aculturación se desarrolló debido a la dependencia de los colonizadores de sus sirvientes domésticos para la pre...

  7. Modos de produccion cientifica: Culturas y metodologias de investigacion en la Universidad de Cadiz (United States)

    Gonzalez Ramos, Ana M.


    Este trabajo de investigacion supone un modelo teorico de caracter aplicado, que proporciona la oportunidad de evaluar la produccion cientifica de los investigadores. Se encuadra dentro de la tradiccion de la estadistica aplicada y la sociologia del conocimiento. Atiende especialmente a dos conjuntos de temas de interes, por una parte, las caracteristicas principales que determinan el nivel y tipo de produccion academica producida por las unidades de investigacion y por los propios investigadores; por otra, la utilizacion que se hace de los metodos y tecnicas de investigacion puesto que de ello tambien depende el modo de produccion cientifica. Los puntos novedosos de esta tesis son: la medicion cuantitativa del objeto de estudio, la suma de los productos y las condiciones externas a la produccion del conocimiento mas otros elementos internos como las caracteristicas de los investigadores y la metodologia utilizada para desarrollar sus trabajos; y, finalmente, el uso de las nuevas tecnologias. El aprovechamiento de los recursos estadisticos y las fuentes de informacion secundarias se complementan con el diseno propio de una encuesta donde se implementa las caracteristicas descritas en un capitulo anterior sobre los metodos cientificos mas idoneos descritos en los principales manuales y articulos cientificos desde distintas disciplinas de conocimiento. Dicha encuesta ha sido desarrollada como un programa propio y en base a los mas innovadores usos de la tecnologia en la metodologia de encuestas.

  8. Metodologia


    Saraiva, Maria Elizabeth Fonseca


    Para a análise dos dados que apresento abaixo procedeu-se à seguinte metodologia: numa primeira instância, foram distribuídos 40 testes para alunos doCurso de Graduação da FALE/UFMG. Nestes testes havia 11 pares de frases distribuídas assim: em (a), alocaram-se as orações cujos complementos do verbo se apresentavam desacompanhados de preposição e, em (b), aquelas cujos complementos vinham introduzidos por esse elemento.

  9. Metodologia


    Boal-Palheiros, Graça; Veloso, Ana Luísa; Cruz, Ana Isabel; Boia, Pedro Santos


    Neste capítulo, serão apresentadas e fundamentadas as metodologias utilizadas no estudo da Orquestra Geração (OG). Adotando-se diferentes perspetivas teóricas, várias questões de investigação foram colocadas e diver- sas abordagens metodológicas foram sendo utilizadas, no sentido de se explorar o caso da OG – um caso complexo e multidimensional. Procurou-se, assim, compreender a realidade multifacetada deste projeto musical, social e pedagógico e aprofundar o conhecimento so...

  10. Mirar l'aula com es mira una imatge

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    Francisca Beneyto Ruiz


    Full Text Available En aquest article es proposa una metodologia d'aproximació a l'aula entenent-la a través del concepte d'imatge tal com ho contemplen els Estudis Visuals. Al llarg de tot el desenvolupament vaig apropant el concepte d'imatge i el concepte d'aula creant vincles entre un i altre. Si la imatge no és una estructura sinó un estructurant, l'aula és, igualment, un espai de construcció contínua on cada element i cada relació compten.

  11. Disseny d'una microxarxa amb generació renovable


    Durich Serra, Ruben


    El present projecte pretén abordar l’estudi dels costs de generació d’energia elèctrica renovable de la tecnologia solar-fotovoltaica per tal de formar part del disseny d’una microxarxa de generació d’energia elèctrica. Durant la realització del projecte s’ha realitzat una breu introducció a les microxarxes de distribució d’energia elèctrica i als seus reptes. Per estudiar el cost de generació d’energia fotovoltaica s’ha utilitzat la metodologia del Levelized Cost of Energy ...

  12. Methodology for the energy analysis of compressed air systems; Metodologia para analisis energetico de sistemas de aire comprimido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez, T; Ambriz, J J; Romero, H [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    In this paper a methodology for the diagnosis of compressed air systems, for the identification of the potential energy saving is presented. The methodology consists in detecting the largest number of possible ways of energy saving. For this purpose it is divided into three parts: 1. Compressed air generation. 2. Compressed air distribution. 3. Compressed air users. For each one of the parts, the type of information required to perform the diagnosis study, as well as the necessary measuring equipment needed, is indicated. Afterwards, the possible saving ways that can be found and the ones that can be feasible, are analyzed. [Espanol] En este trabajo se presenta una metodologia para diagnosticar sistemas de aire comprimido, para identificar los potenciales de ahorro de energia. La metodologia consiste en detectar el mayor numero de posibles medidas de ahorro, para lo cual se divide en tres partes: 1. Generacion de aire comprimido. 2. Distribucion del aire comprimido. 3 Usuarios de aire comprimido. Para cada una de las partes se indica el tipo de informacion requerida para realizar el estudio de diagnostico, asi como el uso de equipo necesario de medicion. Despues se analizan las posibles medidas de ahorro que se pueden encontrar y las que pueden ser viables.

  13. Methodology for the energy analysis of compressed air systems; Metodologia para analisis energetico de sistemas de aire comprimido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez, T.; Ambriz, J. J.; Romero, H. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    In this paper a methodology for the diagnosis of compressed air systems, for the identification of the potential energy saving is presented. The methodology consists in detecting the largest number of possible ways of energy saving. For this purpose it is divided into three parts: 1. Compressed air generation. 2. Compressed air distribution. 3. Compressed air users. For each one of the parts, the type of information required to perform the diagnosis study, as well as the necessary measuring equipment needed, is indicated. Afterwards, the possible saving ways that can be found and the ones that can be feasible, are analyzed. [Espanol] En este trabajo se presenta una metodologia para diagnosticar sistemas de aire comprimido, para identificar los potenciales de ahorro de energia. La metodologia consiste en detectar el mayor numero de posibles medidas de ahorro, para lo cual se divide en tres partes: 1. Generacion de aire comprimido. 2. Distribucion del aire comprimido. 3 Usuarios de aire comprimido. Para cada una de las partes se indica el tipo de informacion requerida para realizar el estudio de diagnostico, asi como el uso de equipo necesario de medicion. Despues se analizan las posibles medidas de ahorro que se pueden encontrar y las que pueden ser viables.

  14. Bioclimatic analysis and its impact within the design methodology; Analisis bioclimatico y su impacto dentro de la metodologia de diseno

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fuentes Fleixanet, Victor A; Rodriguez Viqueira Manuel [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, Mexico, D.F(Mexico)


    This paper is a proposal for the systematization of the process of bioclimatic design, particularly in its analytical stage. It is based on the proposals of the classic researchers such as: Olgyay, Givoni and Szokolay, but also in new contributions like those of Yeang. Nevertheless, it is about a methodology adapted to the specific requirements of teaching and research that are carried out in the Bioclimatic Design Laboratory of the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco Unit. What is presented here is a part of a very ample research project that intends to develop or to structure a design methodology that incorporates the environmental variables related to man and architecture: of course, with the objective of facilitating the designer work so that the final architectonic product has a more harmonic response to the environment, offers conditions of integral well- being to its occupants and be is efficient in the handling of the resources. It also looks for the definition of the necessary analysis, design and evaluation tools, necessary in order that the application of the methodology is clear, simple and can be carried out by any designer, even if he does not have a wide knowledge of bioclimatic design. [Spanish] Este trabajo es una propuesta para la sistematizacion del proceso de diseno bioclimatico, particularmente en su etapa analitica. Se basa en las propuestas de los investigadores clasicos como: Olgyay, Givoni y Szokolay, pero tambien en nuevas aportaciones como las de Yeang. Sin embargo se trata de una metodologia adaptada a los requerimientos especificos de docencia e investigacion que se llevan a cabo en el Laboratorio de Diseno Bioclimatico de la Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Unidad Azcapotzalco. Lo que aqui se presenta forma parte de un proyecto de investigacion muy amplio que pretende, desarrollar o estructurar una metodologia de diseno que incorpore las variables ambientales relacionadas con el hombre y la arquitectura: desde luego, con

  15. La empresa rural en el largo plazo: Cambios en la explotación de una gran estancia rioplatense entre el orden colonial y el nacimiento del capitalismo, 1780-1870

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    Roberto Schmitt


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza la trayectoria secular de una gran estancia rioplatense entre el fin del orden colonial y el inicio de la década de 1870, intentando comprender los cambios en la gestión, sus motivaciones y su racionalidad, así como los distintos factores que restringieron o ampliaron las opciones de inversión. El resultado muestra una empresa racionalmente orientada y dirigida, que sin embargo, debió enfrentar desafíos muy fuertes para mantener su competitividad durante la compleja y larga construcción del capitalismo rural.This article aims to analyze the secular way of a great River Plate cattle ranch, between late colonial period and the beginnings of the 1870's, trying to understand management changes, their motivations and rationality, as well as the different factors which narrowed or enlarged investment options. Results show a rationally-oriented and managed company; which, anyway, faced strong challenges to enhance his competitiveness during a complex rural capitalism construction process.

  16. Methodology for evaluating the grounding system in electrical substations; Metodologia para la evaluacion del sistema de puesta a tierra en subestaciones electricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torrelles Rivas, L.F [Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica: Antonio Jose de Sucre (UNEXPO), Guayana, Bolivar (Venezuela)]. E-mail:; Alvarez, P. [Petroleos de Venezuela S.A (PDVSA), Maturin, Monagas (Venezuela)]. E-mail:


    The present work proposes a methodology for evaluating grounding systems in electrical substations from medium and high voltage, in order to diagnose the state of the elements of the grounding system and the corresponding electrical variables. The assessment methodology developed includes a visual inspection phase to the elements of the substation. Then, by performing measurements and data analysis, the electrical continuity between the components of the substation and the mesh ground is verified, the soil resistivity and resistance of the mesh. Also included in the methodology the calculation of the step and touch voltage of the substation, based on the criteria of the International IEEE standards. We study the case of the 115 kV Pirital Substation belonging to PDVSA Oriente Transmission Network. [Spanish] En el presente trabajo se plantea una metodologia para la evaluacion de sistemas de puesta a tierra en subestaciones electricas de media y alta tension, con la finalidad de diagnosticar el estado de los elementos que conforman dicho sistema y las variables electricas correspondientes. La metodologia de evaluacion desarrollada incluye una fase de inspeccion visual de los elementos que conforman la subestacion. Luego, mediante la ejecucion de mediciones y analisis de datos, se verifica la continuidad electrica entre los componentes de la subestacion y la malla de puesta a tierra, la resistividad del suelo y resistencia de la malla. Se incluye tambien en la metodologia el calculo de las tensiones de paso y de toque de la subestacion, segun lo fundamentado en los criterios de los estandares Internacionales IEEE. Se estudia el caso de la Subestacion Pirital 115 kV perteneciente a la Red de Transmision de PDVSA Oriente.

  17. Espiral construtivista: uma metodologia ativa de ensino-aprendizagem

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    Valéria Vernaschi Lima

    Full Text Available A partir da teoria sociointeracionista da educação e da trajetória das práticas pedagógicas nas sociedades ocidentais, o artigo apresenta a espiral construtivista como uma metodologia ativa de ensino-aprendizagem. Discute as origens e a utilização de metodologias ativas no ensino superior, focalizando: a aprendizagem baseada em problemas, a metodologia da problematização, o método científico e o uso de narrativas, simulações ou atuações em cenários reais de prática. A exploração da espiral construtivista, de acordo com os movimentos: “identificando problemas”; “formulando explicações”; “elaborando questões”; “construindo novos significados”; “avaliando processo e produtos”, destaca semelhanças e diferenças em relação às metodologias ativas focalizadas. Para além dos aspectos metodológicos envolvidos, a intencionalidade educacional na utilização da espiral construtivista é explicitada pela natureza dos disparadores de aprendizagem utilizados e pelo sentido transformador da realidade derivado da postura crítica e reflexiva na interação do “sujeito” e “objeto”.

  18. A metodologia de pesquisa: metassíntese qualitativa

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    Edvonete Souza de Alencar


    Full Text Available A metassíntese qualitativa é uma das modalidades de pesquisa bibliográfica que realizam revisões sistemáticas, sendo importante para a busca e definição de alguns aspectos da área de investigação. Identifica as possíveis melhorias que podem ser realizadas nas teorias, nas metodologias e nas tendências de investigação, observando ainda quais aspectos necessitam ser abordados e aprofundados. O artigo apresenta a definição do que é metassíntese qualitativa mencionada por autores como Vosgerau e Romanowski, Romanowski e Ens, Fiorentini, Maranhão e Manrique e Matheus. Aborda os seus benefícios evidenciando os aspectos positivos para sua realização. Assim apresenta como esta metodologia de pesquisa pode ser realizada, mostrando algumas etapas citadas pela autora Matheus. Propõe ainda reflexões trazendo como algumas investigações realizaram suas investigações usando essa metodologia de pesquisa.


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    Eduardo Segura


    Full Text Available Este artigo resgata a discussão a respeito da utilização das metodologias ativas no Ensino de Ciências. O seu objetivo consiste em apresentar de forma clara e sucinta a características e a estrutura de três estratégias de ensino baseadas nas metodologias ativas. O embasamento do artigo está em Galiazzi (2000, Pozo e Crespo (2009, Oliveira (2013, Delizoicov, Angotti e Pernambuo (2009, El chaer (2013, Conrado (2013, dentre outros. O percurso metodológico está ancorado na pesquisa bibliográfica e na revisão de literatura dos principais teóricos que discutem a Educação em Ciências e as metodologias ativas. Os resultados apontam para a possibilidade de aplicação das metodologias ativas no Ensino de Ciências.

  20. Aplicação da metodologia Lean Six Sigma para melhoria de um processo produtivo


    Augusto Schaffer


    O Lean Six Sigma é a metodologia originada a partir da integração das metodologias Lean e Six Sigma. O Lean Six Sigma procura eliminar as perdas e reduzir os defeitos, agregando os benefícios de cada uma das duas metodologias que a dão origem. O objetivo deste trabalho é aplicar a metodologia Lean Six Sigma para melhoria de um processo produtivo. Neste trabalho é apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as metodologias Lean e Six Sigma, buscando a compreensão das origens do Lean Six Sigma,...





    Este texto tiene por objeto darle voz a un tipo de realidad alterna, a un tipo de sensibilidad sonora que he encontrado a través de la investigación antropológica de una ecología del lenguaje, la música y la acústica. La esperanza es que, al dar a las voces marginadas espacios desde donde hablar, gritar y cantar, la antropología podrá contrarrestar en alguna medida la arraigada arrogancia de la autoridad colonial e imperial, de la historia escrita en una sola lengua, a una sola voz, como una ...

  2. Descolonización y colonialismo interno: Lugar y función de lo colonial

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    Fernando Iturralde


    El siguiente artículo tiene como propósito indagar en la comprensión de aquello que es designado por el término “colonial” en tres intelectuales bolivianos: René Zavaleta Mercado, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui y H.C.F. Mansilla. Encontramos, en los escritos de los tres, signos que nos permiten percibir una comprensión similar (aunque no la misma de lo que entienden por herencia colonial. En los tres casos, esa herencia es vista de forma peyorativa, es decir, como un rasgo que habría que poner de lado y finalmente erradicar. A partir de un análisis textual tratamos de comprender en qué consiste ese concepto o ese remanente colonial en estos tres autores. Una vez que logramos averiguar a qué se podrían referir estos autores cuando manejan la idea de una herencia colonial, analizamos y cuestionamos estas ideas a partir de la concepción que la teoría mimética tiene de conceptos similares. En otras palabras, buscamos traducir los conceptos de los pensadores bolivianos en términos de la teoría mimética, ya sea para comprenderlos mejor, ya sea para verificar si tienen una significación en el contexto de esa teoría.

  3. Methodology for bioclimatic design; Metodologia para el diseno bioclimatico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morillon Galvez, David [Instituto de Ingenieria de la UNAM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    A methodology for natural air conditioning of buildings is presented; bioclimatic architecture, in order to contribute to the suitable use of components of the building (walls, ceilings, floors, orientations, etc.) that when interacting with the environment takes advantage of it, without deterioration of the same, obtaining energy efficient designs. As well as an analysis of the elements and factors that the architecture must have to be sustainable; an adequate design to the environment, saving and efficient use of energy, the use of alternating energies by means of ecotechnologies and the self-sufficiency. [Spanish] Se presenta una metodologia para la climatizacion natural de edificios; arquitectura bioclimatica, con el objetivo de aportar al uso adecuado de componentes del edificio (muros, techos, pisos, orientaciones, etc.) que al interactuar con el ambiente tome ventaja de el, sin deterioro del mismo, logrando disenos energeticamente eficientes. Asi como un analisis de los elementos y factores que debe tener la arquitectura para ser sustentable; un diseno adecuado al ambiente, ahorro y uso eficiente de la energia, el uso de energias alternas mediante ecotecnologias y la autosuficiencia.

  4. Metodologias de representação da informação imagética

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    Giovana Deliberali Maimone

    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem a finalidade de evidenciar algumas das metodologias de representação da informação imagética, revisitando a literatura da área e propondo um modelo de metodologia adaptada a museus brasileiros. Elabora-se uma proposta de metodologia de representação da informação imagética com base nas características de tratamento informacional, a fim de realizar adaptação museológica. Apresentam-se, por fim, as planilhas que evidenciam essa metodologia.

  5. Pedagogia de Projetos como metodologia no trabalho com a educação infantil

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    Patricia Frageri


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve como tema a Pedagogia de Projetos como metodologia no trabalho com a Educação Infantil e a pesquisa foi realizada na escola Gente Feliz de Sinop. A investigação teve como objetivo conhecer em que consiste a metodologia de trabalho pautada na pedagogia de projetos, e suas interfaces, no contexto da educação infantil. Os instrumentos de pesquisa foram entrevista e questionário com duas professoras. Os resultados mostram que a instituição prioriza a metodologia de trabalho por projetos e que as professoras estão familiarizadas com essa metodologia buscando construir junto com as crianças as práticas pedagógicas diárias. Palavra-chave: educação infantil; Pedagogia de Projetos; metodologia de trabalho.

  6. Information systems planning in public administration; Definizione di una metodologia per la pianificazione dei sistemi informativi in un ente pubblico di ricerca con elevato livello di decentramento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minelle, F [Rome, Univ. ` La Sapienza` (Italy). Fac. di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali; Di Marco, R A [ENEA, Rome (Italy). Funzione Centrale Informatica; Bottini, M


    servizi prestati e degli investimenti effettuati, fossero inadeguati. E che, quindi, in questo ambito si operasse prestando scarsa attenzione a una valutazione costi/benefici degli investimenti sostenuti, che pure si andavano facendo di dimensioni rilevanti. Un ruolo importante e crescente viene oggi affidato alla pianificazione dei sistemi informativi che annualmente la P.A. deve effettuare. Quando si parla di piano per i sistemi informativi ci si riferisce a un piano di medio-lungo termine, in riferimento e in coerenza al quale possano essere orientate, effettuate e controllate, nel corso del tempo, le scelte delle singole Amministrazioni o Enti Pubblici. Nel lavoro che segue si e` partiti dall`analisi della situazione italiana, che prevede l`utilizzo di una specifica metodologia prodotta dall`AIPA per la pianificazione dei sistemi informativi nella Pubblica Amministrazione. la parte innovativa e sperimentale della tesi e` volta all`adeguamento di tale metodologia ad una realta` quale e` l`ENEA, diversa ad esempio da quella di un Ministero (per la quale la proposta AIPA e` ottimale), sia perche` cambiano i fini istituzionali e le conseguenti modalita` di gestione, sia perche` l`Ente e` caratterizzato da un forte decentramento e sia soprattutto perche e` mancata un`indagine conoscitiva dei vari processi di servizio, preliminare all`applicazione della proposta AIPA.

  7. Construcción de poder y ascenso social en una frontera colonial: el caso de Diego Trillo

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    Mar\\u00EDa Eugenia Alemano


    Full Text Available Hacia 1760, la intensificación de la circulación mercantil en el sur de los dominios hispánicos en América, la instalación de nuevos grupos araucanos y las políticas defensivas desarrolladas por los funcionarios borbónicos condujeron a la articulación de la frontera sur del imperio, enlazando diversos territorios coloniales e indígenas desde el Atlántico al Pacífico. Es en este escenario que nos proponemos, a partir de una historia de vida, demostrar las oportunidades que se generaron para el desarrollo de estrategias de construcción de poder y ascenso social desde la frontera. Para ello, analizaremos las prácticas políticas y los mecanismos económicos que sustentaron la trayectoria social del español Diego Trillo, quien hacia fines de la década de 1750 se asentó en el norte de la jurisdicción del Cabildo porteño, fue pulpero y hacendado, Sargento Mayor de milicias y Alcalde de la Hermandad y logró una importante acumulación económica. En particular, nos interesa identificar las mutuas relaciones establecidas entre su estrategia y proceso de acumulación económica, ciertas formas de representación e identificación y el desempeño de funciones estatales en un contexto de frontera. Argumentaremos que su trayectoria social respondió tanto a cuestiones y estrategias individuales como a cambios y continuidades en las condiciones políticas, económicas y culturales presentes en el Río de la Plata del último período colonial.


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    Simone Karine da Costa Mesquita


    Full Text Available Resumo O estudo objetivou identificar as dificuldades vivenciadas pelos docentes na implementação de metodologias ativas no curso de graduação em enfermagem de uma instituição federal localizada no Rio Grande do Norte. Tratou-se de pesquisa exploratório-descritiva com enfoque qualitativo. As entrevistas semiestruturadas foram aplicadas a vinte sujeitos nos meses de agosto e setembro de 2011 e, posteriormente, analisadas seguindo pressupostos da análise de conteúdo. As principais adversidades elencadas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa foram agrupadas em três categorias de análise: problemas curriculares como empecilho para a aplicação de metodologias ativas de ensino/aprendizagem; resistência do docente em implementar metodologias ativas de ensino/aprendizagem; e dificuldade de compreensão da aplicabilidade das metodologias ativas de ensino/aprendizagem na prática docente. Diante de tais dificuldades, fez-se necessário introduzir novas formas de organizar e produzir o conhecimento, uma vez que a utilização de metodologias ativas poderia favorecer a formação de sujeitos com visão ampliada de saúde, ativos e comprometidos com a transformação da realidade. Compreender a utilização de metodologias ativas é fundamental para atender aos pressupostos do paradigma educacional contemporâneo.

  9. La urbanización latinoamericana durante la época colonial: una mirada para su enseñanza

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    Milton Zabrano Perez


    Full Text Available El objetivo central de este trabajo consiste en escudriñar cómo fue el proceso de urbanización en Hispanoamérica durante la época colonial, con el propósito de extraer elementos teóricos y metodológicos que sirvan de base en la preparación de un proyecto de investigación centrado en la época colonial de la ciudad de Barranquilla.AbstractThe main objective of this work consists of scrutinizing how the urbanization process was developed in Hispanic America during the colonial times, in order to extract theoretical and methodological elements which are relevant to prepare a research project, focused on colonial times in Barranquilla.

  10. From Agents to Consulado: Commercial Networks in Colonial Mexico, 1520-1590 and Beyond

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    Studnicki-Gizbert, Daviken


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende ser una revisión de las interpretaciones que ven en las relaciones entre los mercaderes de la Nueva España y los de Sevilla una subordinación más amplia del comercio colonial bajo el dominio del comercio metropolitano. El trabajo muestra cómo un conjunto de factores permitieron la constitución de una clase autónoma de mercaderes centrados en la ciudad de México. Primero, la reconfiguración del monopolio sevillano frente a los problemas planteados por la distancia y las estructuras de comunicación. Segundo, la creación de mercados de crédito y bienes controlados por instituciones y grupos novohispanos: un proceso que iba mano a mano con el desarrollo de la economia colonial. Tercero, la búsqueda de apoyos políticos e institucionales para mejorar los intereses de los mercaderes novohispanos. El trabajo termina examinando las consecuencias del ascenso de esos mercaderes para la relación entre colonia y metrópoli a finales del siglo XVI.

  11. Methodology for the location diagnosis of electrical faults in electric power systems; Metodologia para el diagnostico de ubicacion de fallas en sistema electricos de potencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosas Molina, Ricardo


    tareas mas afectada por esta situacion es la operacion de los sistemas electricos frente a la presencia de fallas, donde la primera labor a realizar por parte del personal de operacion de la red es la pronta ubicacion del lugar de falla dentro del sistema. En el presente trabajo se aborda el problema del diagnostico de ubicacion de fallas electricas en sistemas de potencia, desde la perspectiva de los operadores de los centros de control de energia de una empresa electrica. El objetivo de este trabajo de tesis es describir una metodologia de analisis de operacion de protecciones como base para el desarrollo de un sistema de diagnostico de ubicacion de fallas, que permita estimar los posibles lugares de falla dentro del sistema asi como una justificacion de la operacion de las protecciones ante un disturbio como apoyo a los operadores de los Centros de Control de Energia. La metodologia esta disenada para utilizar distintos tipos de informacion, discreta, continua y controles. Sin embargo, en el desarrollo de la presente etapa de la metodologia propuesta se hace uso exclusivamente de la informacion de tipo discreta de los estados de interruptores y operacion de relevadores, asi como de la conectividad de los elementos de la red. La metodologia de analisis consiste en determinar el grupo de elementos donde pudo haber ocurrido la falla, utilizando las zonas de cobertura de las protecciones asociadas a los interruptores operados. Posteriormente, estas alternativas de falla se ordenan en forma descendentes de posibilidad utilizando indices de clasificacion y analisis basados en logica difusa.





    En clasificación automática se buscan perfiles subyacentes a la estructura de un dominio que ayude a comprenderlo y permita una mejor toma de decisiones. Por ello comprender el significado de las clases resulta fundamental. Por otro lado la validación de un cluster sigue siendo un problema abie~to por no haberse encontrado aún un criterio objetivo para determinar la calidad de un conjunto de clases en el contexto del clusteríng (Hand 1996), que se aplica en situaciones en las que no hay un bu...

  13. Aprimorando a Gerência e o Desenvolvimento de Software com Metodologias Ágeis

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    Mauricio Andreazza Sganderla


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda a melhoria da gerência e construção de software utilizando as metodologias ágeis eXtreme Programming e Scrum. São aplicadas as melhores práticas de ambas as metodologias em uma equipe de desenvolvimento de software, em um ambiente em que não havia nenhum processo bem definido de desenvolvimento de software. A escolha pelo uso das metodologias ágeis foi definida, pois atende ao dinamismo do cenário atual, requisitos voláteis, ambiente mais colaborativo e menos burocrático, tendo como objetivo principal o software em funcionamento e que realmente traga retorno ao cliente.

  14. Pedagogia de Projetos como metodologia no trabalho com a educação infantil


    Patricia Frageri


    Este artigo teve como tema a Pedagogia de Projetos como metodologia no trabalho com a Educação Infantil e a pesquisa foi realizada na escola Gente Feliz de Sinop. A investigação teve como objetivo conhecer em que consiste a metodologia de trabalho pautada na pedagogia de projetos, e suas interfaces, no contexto da educação infantil. Os instrumentos de pesquisa foram entrevista e questionário com duas professoras. Os resultados mostram que a instituição prioriza a metodologia de trabalho por p...

  15. Fundar, gobernar y rezar: Una aproximación a los vínculos entre sociedad, política y religión en el Jujuy colonial (1656-1776 Fundar, governar e rezar: Uma aproximacão aos vinculos entre a sociedade, politica e religião da Jujuy colonial (1656-1776 To Fund, to Govern and to Pray: An Aproximation to the Links Between Society, Politics and Religion in Colonial Jujuy (1656-1776

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    Dolores Estruch


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se propone analizar las relaciones entre religión, política y sociedad colonial, explorando la naturaleza de estos vínculos a partir de las prácticas concretas de los miembros de la cofradía del Santísimo Sacramento en el Jujuy colonial. Nos interesa, en particular, hacer foco en el proceso de construcción y legitimación del poder desde una perspectiva que contemple el entrelazamiento entre las dimensiones sociopolíticas y religiosas, propio de estas sociedades.O presente trabalho se propõe analisar as relações entre religião, política y sociedade colonial, explorando (pesquisando a natureza destas ligações (vinculações a partir das praticas concretas dos integrantes da cofraria do Santíssimo Sacramento no Jujuy colonial. Nós estamos interessados, em especial, fazer foco no processo de construção e legitimação do poder desde uma perspectiva que contemple este entrelaçamento entre as dimensões sociopolíticas e religiosas.This article analyzes the links between religion, politics and colonial society, and explores the nature of these relations in the concrete practices of the members of the Santísimo Sacramento brotherhood of colonial Jujuy. We focus on the process of construction and legitimation of power, from a perspective that takes into account the interconnections between the sociopolitical and religious dimensions.

  16. Methodology for maintenance analysis based on hydroelectric power stations reliability; Metodologia para realizar analisis de mantenimiento basado en confiabilidad en centrales hidroelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rea Soto, Rogelio; Calixto Rodriguez, Roberto; Sandoval Valenzuela, Salvador; Velasco Flores, Rocio; Garcia Lizarraga, Maria del Carmen [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    A methodology to carry out Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) studies for hydroelectric power plants is presented. The methodology is an implantation/extension of the guidelines proposed by the Engineering Society for Advanced Mobility Land, Sea and Space in the SAE-JA1012 standard. With the purpose of answering the first five questions, that are set out in that standard, the use of standard ISO14224 is strongly recommended. This approach standardizes failure mechanisms and homogenizes RCM studies with the process of collecting failure and maintenance data. The use of risk matrixes to rank the importance of each failure based on a risk criteria is also proposed. [Spanish] Se presenta una metodologia para realizar estudios de mantenimiento Basado en Confiabilidad (RCM) aplicados a la industria hidroelectrica. La metodologia es una implantacion/ extension realizada por los autores de este trabajo, de los lineamientos propuestos por la Engineering Society for Advanced Mobility Land, Sea and Space en el estandar SAE-JA1012. Para contestar las primeras cinco preguntas del estandar se propone tomar como base los modos y mecanismos de fallas de componentes documentados en la guia para recopilar datos de falla en el estandar ISO-14224. Este enfoque permite estandarizar la descripcion de mecanismos de fallas de los equipos, tanto en el estudio RCM como en el proceso de recopilacion de datos de falla y de mantenimiento, lo que permite retroalimentar el ciclo de mejora continua de los procesos RCM. Tambien se propone el uso de matrices de riesgo para jerarquizar la importancia de los mecanismos de falla con base en el nivel de riesgo.

  17. Colonial Figures: Memories of Street Traders in the Colonial and Early Post-colonial Periods

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    Sheri Lynn Gibbings


    Full Text Available This article explores post-colonial memories about street traders among individuals who lived in the former colony of the Dutch East Indies. It argues that these narratives romanticize the relationship between Europeans and indigenous peoples. Street vendors are also used to differentiate between periods within colonial and post-colonial history. The nostalgic representation of interracial contact between Europeans and traders is contrasted with representations of other figures such as the Japanese and the nationalist. A recurring feature of these representations is the ability of Europeans to speak with street traders and imagine what they wanted and needed. The traders are remembered as a social type that transgressed politics and represented the neutrality of the economic sphere as a place for shared communication. The article concludes that the figure of the street vendor contributes to the nostalgic reinvention of the colony but is also used in narratives to differentiate between and mark changes across the colonial and post-colonial periods.

  18. TIEMPO Y RITUAL. UNA APROXIMACIÓN AL ANÁLISIS DE LAS REPRESENTACIONES DEL ORDEN EN LA SOCIEDAD COLONIAL(GOBERNACIÓN DEL TUCUMÁN, SIGLOS XVII Y XVIII / Time and ritual. An approach to the analysis of the order representation in colonial Tucumán´s society.

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    Silvina Smietniansky


    Full Text Available Este trabajo de carácter exploratorio constituye una primera aproximación al análisis de las experiencias y los sentidos del tiempo implicados en las representaciones del orden social, según lo han vivido y significado los vecinos y los funcionarios de gobierno en Indias durante el período colonial. Nos proponemos desarrollar un estudio comparativo de las  instituciones del cabildo y los juicios de residencia, basado en el examen de un conjunto de documentos  de gobierno y justicia relativos a la gobernación del Tucumán durante los siglos XVII y XVIII y organizado a partir de dos interrogantes centrales. Por un lado, interesa abordar cómo se configuraban  y articulaban dos experiencias del tiempo diversas -un tiempo local y cotidiano y, otro tiempo que denominamos regio y ritual-; y por otro lado, exploramos de qué manera el carácter tradicional y formalizado de las prácticas que los cabildantes y los participantes del juicio de residencia desarrollaban en los contextos institucionales, contribuía a construir una representación del orden social figurado de gran estabilidad y anclado en un tiempo de larga duración.Palabras clave: tiempo; ritual; cabildos; juicio de residencia; Tucumán colonialAbstractThis exploratory work constitutes an approach to the analysis of time experiences y meanings that were implies in social order representation according to the lives and perspectives of  the vecinos and government functionaries in Indias during the colonial period. We intend to develop a comparative study of the cabildo and juicio de residencia institutions, based on the exam of a set of government and justice documents relative to the Tucumán province during XVII and XVIII centuries, and organized upon to tow central questions. On one side, we are interested on how two different time experience –a local and ordinary time, and another time that we called regal and ritual- were configured and articulated; and on the other side, we

  19. RUP-pe : uma metodologia ágil, baseada no RUP e no TSP, para pequenas equipes


    Pedro Carvalho de Oliveira, Joaquim


    Pesquisas recentes têm mostrado que projetos de software de curta duração e que utilizam equipes pequenas possuem maiores chances de sucesso. Entretanto, a escolha da metodologia a ser utilizada neste tipo de projeto deve levar em consideração suas características, como a comunicação facilitada e o menor grau de formalismo nos artefatos. Para se utilizar metodologias de desenvolvimento pesadas, como o RUP e o OPEN, deve-se fazer uma adaptação da metodologia escolhida, pois elas se propõem ser...



    Segura, Eduardo; Kalhil, Josefina Barrera


    Este artigo resgata a discussão a respeito da utilização das metodologias ativas no Ensino de Ciências. O seu objetivo consiste em apresentar de forma clara e sucinta a características e a estrutura de três estratégias de ensino baseadas nas metodologias ativas. O embasamento do artigo está em Galiazzi (2000), Pozo e Crespo (2009), Oliveira (2013), Delizoicov, Angotti e Pernambuo (2009), El chaer (2013), Conrado (2013), dentre outros. O percurso metodológico está ancorado na pesquisa bibliogr...

  1. ¿Habrá una segunda oportunidad sobre la tierra? Instituciones coloniales y disparidades económicas regionales en Colombia

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    Laura Cepeda Emiliani


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el origen colonial de las desigualdades entre las regiones colombianas. Presenta los aspectos más sobresalientes de la geografía física, pues esta y las instituciones son las bases últimas de esas desigualdades económicas. Un análisis econométrico sencillo relaciona la pobreza en las ciudades de más de 100.000 habitantes con una proxy de instituciones coloniales y una medida de características geográficas. Además, discute una de las opciones más claras para que las regiones con una historia colonial de instituciones excluyentes superen esa situación: la inversión en capital humano.


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    Luis Alfredo Bohórquez Caldera


    Full Text Available This research paper aims at providing some elements of analysis on the complex issue of the colonization of nature. In it a descriptive argument is carried out based on theoretical findings on the relationships between extractivism, which is a proper practice of the colonial device, and what is here called colonization of nature. The article initially presents an assessment of the impact on the configuration of the ancestral vision and appropriation of the territory and its cultural contents, as a result of the imposition of a new semantics, in reference to the device of the colonial powers. Then, the relationship between extractivism and the process of colonization of nature is analyzed; to finally sketch a brief reflection, by linking contemporary issues and contexts. Este artículo de investigación pretende brindar elementos de análisis sobre el complejo tema de la colonización de la naturaleza. En él se hace una argumentación descriptiva basada hallazgos teóricos sobre las relaciones entre el extractivismo, una práctica propia del dispositivo colonial, y lo que aquí denominamos colonización de la naturaleza. El artículo presenta inicialmente un balance del impacto en la configuración de la visión-apropiación ancestral del territorio y su contenido cultural, a raíz de la imposición de una nueva semántica, en referencia al dispositivo de poder colonial. Luego, se analiza la relación del extractivismo con el proceso de colonización de la naturaleza, para finalmente esbozar una reflexión breve vinculando contextos y problemas contemporáneos.

  3. Metodologia jurídica Europeia e Mercosulista: considerações fundamentais

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    Augusto Jaeger Junior


    Full Text Available O presente artigo discute a existência de uma metodologia jurídica no Mercosul, um bloco econômico intergovernamental, tendo por base a elogiável experiência supranacional, desenvolvida na União Europeia. Explorado é o fato de acreditar-se ser adequado o Mercosul restringir-se, no presente momento e estágio da integração, ao seu modelo original. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento, observa-se qual é o direito que o Mercosul tem, depois, quais são as características do direito da União Europeia, bem como a existência de uma verdadeira metodologia jurídica europeia, tudo isso com o propósito de ser, ao seu final, proposta a construção de uma metodologia jurídica mercosulista. É necessário admitir que ainda muito dela não existe, mas isso não quer dizer que a europeia possa ou deva ser transferida para o Mercosul.

  4. Metodologia de avaliação e desenvolvimento de grupos de alto desempenho

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    Ana Cristina Carneiro


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute a fundamentação teórica do Projeto de Avaliação e Desenvolvimento de Grupos de Alto Desempenho, concebido com base na metodologia da Meta-aprendizagem, e no Modelo Evolutivo, estendido à luz da Teoria da Complexidade. Visa ao desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma metodologia de avaliação/constituição de grupos de alto desempenho no ambiente de pesquisa e pós-graduação. A metodologia proposta validada empiricamente teve base no aproveitamento das virtudes e potencialidades das teorias que lhe deram origem. É destinado aos docentes e pesquisadores de vários campos do conhecimento, bem como aos dirigentes de instituições de educação superior e de pesquisa.

  5. Metodologia para análise e ampliação da competitividade empresarial

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    Jose Celso Contador


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta uma nova metodologia para analisar e explicar a competitividade de um conjunto de empresas e para aumentar a competitividade de uma empresa. Essa metodologia, baseada no modelo de campos e armas da competição, separa a estratégia competitiva de negócio da estratégia competitiva operacional. A primeira é constituída por alguns dos 15 campos da competição, e a segunda, pelas armas da competição. A metodologia utiliza variáveis matemáticas para explicar a competitividade empresarial. A análise da influência das estratégias é feita pelo teste estatístico não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney, teste correlação de Pearson. A metodologia foi aplicada às empresas do pólo têxtil de Americana, donde inúmeras conclusões foram extraídas, entre elas: não é a estratégia de negócio que explica a competitividade empresarial, mas sim as operacionais; para ampliar sua competitividade, a empresa deve aumentar seu foco nas armas que são relevantes para os campos onde decidiu competir.

  6. Metodologia para análise de adaptabilidade e estabilidade por meio de regressão quantílica

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    Laís Mayara Azevedo Barroso


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e validar uma metodologia de análise da adaptabilidade e da estabilidade fenotípica baseada em regressão quantílica (RQ. Para tanto, foram simulados valores fenotípicos com distribuição simétrica e com distribuição assimétrica à direita e à esquerda, com ou sem a presença de "outliers". A metodologia proposta foi aplicada a um conjunto de dados provenientes de um experimento com 92 genótipos de alfafa (Medicago sativa, avaliados em 20 ambientes, e comparada às metodologias de Eberhart & Russell e de regressão não paramétrica. A metodologia da RQ proporcionou resultados iguais ou superiores aos obtidos com as metodologias alternativas avaliadas. No entanto, a ocorrência de resultados discordantes entre as metodologias evidencia a importância de se avaliar a simetria na distribuição dos valores fenotípicos. Para distribuições simétricas, na presença de "outliers", deve-se utilizar a RQ com valor de quantil estimado (τ em 0,50; na ausência de "outliers", pode-se utilizar tanto a metodologia de Eberhart & Russell quanto a RQ (τ = 0,50. Para distribuições assimétricas, indica-se o uso da RQ com τ = 0,25, para assimetria à direita, e com τ = 0,75, para assimetria à esquerda, independentemente da presença de "outliers".


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    Valéria Paula Rodrigues Minim


    Full Text Available Métodos sensoriais descritivos são de grande importância na indústria de alimentos para definir a qualidade sensorial de um produto. A análise descritiva quantitativa (ADQ é um método muito usado para identificar e quantficar os atributos sensoriais de alimentos. As etapas para realização da ADQ são: recrutamento e pré-seleção dos candidatos à julgadores, levantamento e descrição dos atributos, treinamento e seleção final dos julgadores e avaliação dos produtos. Visto que a ADQ requer treinamento longo dos julgadores, uma nova metodologia descritiva por ordenação (ADO foi desenvolvida recentemente , na qual algumas etapas são semelhantes à ADQ, porém o treinamento e a seleção final dos julgadores não acontecem e a avaliação dos produtos é realizada por ordenação da intensidade dos atributos, sendo a ADO um método mais econômico e rápido. O presente trabalho comparou a nova metodologia descritiva (ADO com o método tradicionalmente utilizado, a ADQ, por meio da descrição sensorial de quatro marcas de requeijão cremoso. Os atributos que caracterizaram os produtos foram: cor, aroma e sabor característicos, gosto doce, gosto salgado, sabor de ranço, consistência e viscosidade. Observou-se correlação significativa (p<0,05 entre as metodologias para 62,5% dos atributos avaliados. Assim, quando o objetivo é identificar diferenças sensoriais mais acentuadas a ADO pode ser usada em substituição a ADQ.

  8. Definição de metadados para recursos informacionais: apresentação da metodologia BEAM

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    Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos


    Full Text Available Introdução: No ambiente digital, os metadados influenciam tanto no acesso aos dados quanto na recuperação da informação e são utilizados como ferramenta/elementos de busca para facilitar a localização de recursos na Web. Objetivo: Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo é apresentar a metodologia BEAM, desenvolvida na Biblioteca de Estudos e Aplicação de Metadados, do Grupo de Pesquisa – Novas Tecnologias em Informação, da UNESP e utilizada para definir os metadados para a descrição de recursos informacionais. Metodologia: Nesse sentido, a metodologia utilizada para a construção da pesquisa é exploratória e bibliográfica e foi desenvolvida tendo como base teórica o método de Chuttur (2011 e o ciclo de vida dos dados do DataONE (2012 e ainda o ciclo PDCA e a ferramenta 5W1H. Resultados: As sete etapas da metodologia são apresentadas e também as orientações necessárias para sua aplicação. Conclusões: Conclui-se apontando que a metodologia BEAM pode ser adotada por bibliotecas, no processo de construção de catálogos voltados para o atendimento das necessidades dos usuários.

  9. Methodology for electrical studies in industrial networks including the study of electric arc; Metodologia para los estudios electricos en redes industriales incluyendo el estudio de arco electrico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rasgado Casique, Jose Pepe; Silva Farias, Jose Luis [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)]. E-mail:;


    This article presents a methodology for conducting electrical studies in industrial networks. The methodology included the study of arc flash as a very important area of current basic electrical studies, such as power flow, short circuit and coordination. The aim of this study is to determine the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and flash protection boundary for personnel working with or near energized equipment, based on the IEEE Std 1584-2004 and NFPA-70E- 2004. Also included are criteria and recommendations to reduce incident energy level (cal/cm{sup 2}). At work we used a distribution network for industrial type test. The studies were carried out using a commercial program for the analysis of electrical networks. [Spanish] En este articulo se presenta una metodologia para llevar a cabo los estudios electricos en redes industriales. En la metodologia se incluye al estudio de arco electrico como un area muy importante de los estudios electricos basicos actuales, como: flujos de potencia, cortocircuito y coordinacion de protecciones. El objetivo de dicho estudio es determinar el Equipo de Proteccion Personal (EPP) apropiado y los limites de proteccion para el personal que opera con o cerca de equipo energizado, con base en las normas IEEE Std. 1584-2004 y la NFPA-70E-2004. Ademas, se incluyen criterios y recomendaciones para disminuir el nivel de energia incidente (cal/cm{sup 2}). En el trabajo se utilizo una red de distribucion tipo industrial de prueba. Los estudios se llevaron a cabo utilizando un programa comercial para el analisis de redes electricas.

  10. Metodologia de caracterizació conceptual per condicionaments successius. Una aplicaci o a sistemes mediambientals


    Pérez Bonilla, Alejandra


    La tesi adopta un enfoc de Knowledge Dicovery from Data (KDD), segons el qual la fase de post-procés dels resultats per generar coneixement és gairebé tan important com l’anàlisi en sí mateix. Potser, per la seva naturalesa més semàntica, la generació automàtica d’interpretacions d’una classificació no s’ha tractat formalment des de l’àmbit estadístic, encara que resoldre’l és fonamental.

  11. La clausura del Mercurio Peruano. Una perspectiva a contracorriente

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    Gil Aguado, Iago


    Full Text Available This articles aims to revise the traditional theory according to which the Mercurio Peruano newspaper was closed down by the Spanish colonial authorities in order to pre-empt the development of nationalist sentiment in Peru. Available primary sources not only reveal multiple inconsistencies in this theory, but clearly prove that the closure of this renowned newspaper could not have been the result of instructions received from metropolitan Spain, given that the authorities in Madrid were informed of its closure once it had already taken place.Este artículo tiene por objetivo revisar la visión tradicional de la clausura del Mercurio Peruano, que se venía atribuyendo a una Administración colonial deseosa de evitar el surgimiento de un protonacionalismo peruano. Contrastando la historiografía existente con las fuentes primarias disponibles, se evidencian las múltiples inconsistencias de dicha visión y se demuestra fehacientemente que el cierre del Mercurio Peruano no pudo ser el resultado de una decisión de las autoridades metropolitanas, que se enteraron de su cierre a posteriori.

  12. Morphology offers no clues to asexual vs. sexual origin of small Acropora cervicornis (Scleractinia: Acroporidae colonies

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    D. E Williams


    Full Text Available Sexual recruitment of the staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis, is accepted to be very rare. Instead, these branching corals proliferate through fragmentation leading to dense mono-specific and possibly monoclonal stands. For acroporid corals, which have suffered drastic population declines, dominance of asexual reproduction results in low levels of genotypic diversity and limited ability to re-colonize extirpated areas. Small colonies with a single encrusting, symmetrical base, and few incipient branches are frequently presumed to be the result of a settled planula (i.e. sexual reproduction. Here, we show that colonies fitting this description (i.e., presumed sexual recruits can result from asexual fragmentation. Acropora cervicornis colonies (~20 cm diameter were tagged and observed over eighteen months. In several cases, colony offshoots fused with the adjacent substrate forming secondary disc-like attachment points. Following natural fragmentation, these discs of tissue became separated from the original colony, and were observed to heal and give rise to smaller colonies with striking similarity to the expected morphology of a sexual recruit. Thus, presuming a colony is a sexual recruit based on appearance is unreliable and may lead to inflated expectations of genetic diversity among populations. The accurate assessment of recruitment and genetic diversity is crucial to predicting the recovery potential of these imperiled and ecologically irreplaceable reef corals. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54 (Suppl. 3: 145-151. Epub 2007 Jan. 15.Se ha aceptado que el reclutamiento sexual del coral asta de venado, Acropora cervicornis, es muy raro. Por el contrario, estos corales ramificados proliferan a través de fragmentación, generando densas bases monoespecíficas e incluso monoclonales. Para corales acropóridos, los cuales han sufrido disminuciones de población drásticas, la dominancia de reproducción asexual resulta en bajos niveles de diversidad genot



    Dutra, Ana Paula; Güllich, Roque Ismael da Costa


    Este trabalho busca apresentar uma pesquisa documental, através de análise temática de conteúdos, referente às diferentes metodologias e categorias de currículo que perpassam/embasam o ensino de botânica no Brasil. Assim como, discutir algumas das metodologias encontradas em trabalhos publicados na sessão de ensino, nos anais dos Congressos Brasileiros de Botânica, promovidos pela Sociedade Brasileira de Botânica entre os anos de 2004 até 2013, a saber: Trilha ecológica, atividades práticas, ...

  14. Understanding Long-Run African Growth : Colonial Institutions or Colonial Education?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bolt, J.; Bezemer, D.J.


    Long-term growth in developing countries has been explained in four frameworks: 'extractive colonial institutions' (Acemoglu et al., 2001), 'colonial legal origin' (La Porta et al., 2004), 'geography' (Gallup et al., 1998) and 'colonial human capital' (Glaeser et al., 2004). In this paper we test

  15. El modelado artificial de la cabeza durante la Colonia: Una tradición maya en el espejo de las fuentes históricas Artificial Head Modification during the Colonial Era: A Mayan Tradition in the Mirror of Historical Sources

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    Vera Tiesler


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta una mirada alterna sobre la modificación cefálica artificial entre los mayas, concretamente utilizando las observaciones de los cronistas que aún la vieron en la época Colonial. Sin querer, ellas nos comunican motivaciones íntimamente vinculadas con el rol que una vez tuvo la costumbre cefálica dentro de la cosmovisión y la ritualidad cotidiana de los mayas prehispánicos; así, estos testimonios constituyen puntos de partida invaluables para comprender los motivos culturales profundos que el modelado cefálico satisfacía originalmente. Por último, contrastamos y discutimos la información de las fuentes conjuntamente con el registro craneológico en siete series coloniales del territorio cultural maya. Los resultados confirman que el modelado cefálico pronto pierde vigencia en los centros urbanos con mayor presencia europea al mismo tiempo que se observa su pervivencia en los espacios rurales y selváticos más aislados, como los paraderos remotos de la selva lacandona.This paper contributes an alternative view on artificial head shaping practices among the Maya, which we examine through the lens of those European chroniclers who still witnessed it as a living practice during the colonial era. Unwillingly, these sources testify longstanding cultural motivations for the ancient tradition of modifying infants' vaults, which appear intimately tied to prehispanic Maya worldviews and daily ritual practices. The recognition of these motives provides a valuable point of departure for understanding the deeply embedded cultural roles this head practice once played. The last part of the paper compares and discusses the information provided by the colonial sources jointly with the results obtained from a study of seven colonial skeletal series from the Maya area. Our results confirm that Maya head modeling quickly dwindled within the urban spheres, where the European dominion was most immediate, while surviving over the

  16. The Colonial Pygmalion: Unsettling Dinesen in Out of Africa

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    Irlam, Shaun


    la ocupación colonial. El trabajo explora cómo el lenguaje feudal en Dinesen extiende el género de lo pastoral europeo hacia el ámbito colonial para ponerlo en función de la búsqueda de un discurso de legitimidad. Sostengo que esta es una preocupación constante de la literatura colonial. Analizo en detalle la lógica reflexiva mediante la cual la narradora se enfrenta a África como un espacio que a una vez mima y rechaza el narcisismo psicopolítico del colono. Las memorias de Dinesen ponen en evidencia un sinnúmero de maquinaciones de carácter narcisista mediante las cuales la narradora intenta manejar el tándem enredado de la pregunta “¿Qué significa África para ti y tu qué eres para África?”

  17. Corrupción, burocracia colonial y veteranos separatistas en Cuba, 1868-1910

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    Quiroz, Alfonso W.


    Full Text Available Administrative corruption in Cuba during the nineteenth century was a serious problem addressed both by Spanish authorities and the critics of the colonial system in Cuba. In the long run the fiscal, financial, institutional, and ideological costs of corruption undermined Spanish colonial control in Cuba. While the state and Cuban taxpayers had to pay for the increased costs of corruption, corrupt public officials and private contractors and financiers benefited. This study uses both archival manuscript administrative sources and published sources to assess the impact of corruption and its institutional bases during the final phase of Spanish colonialism in Cuba and the early period of post-colonial transition.

    La corrupción administrativa en Cuba durante el siglo XIX constituyó un problema reconocido como muy grave tanto por las autoridades españolas como por los críticos del sistema colonial cubano. Los costos fiscales, institucionales, e ideológicos de la corrupción contribuían a la erosión del dominio español en Cuba. A causa de la corrupción el Estado percibía menos ingresos y los contribuyentes cubanos se veían forzados a llevar a cuestas una creciente deuda pública. Los funcionarios corruptos y los contratistas y financistas privilegiados por el rígido sistema colonial, por el contrario, percibían los beneficios informales a que se creían acreedores por defender el dominio territorial español en Cuba. Utilizando fuentes administrativas manuscritas de archivos cubanos y españoles, así como fuentes públicas impresas, este trabajo evalúa el impacto de la corrupción y sus particulares bases institucionales en la fase final del colonialismo español en la isla y la transición post-colonial temprana.

  18. El Ateneo de Madrid y el problema colonial en las vísperas de la guerra de independencia cubana

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    García Mora, Luis Miguel


    Full Text Available Spain’s colonial problem on the eve of the Cuban War of Independence was a deeply debated subject at the time in the Athenaeum of Madrid, like in Parliament. The author's argument is that, rather than sponsoring a scientific debate on the matter, the Athenaeum wanted to influence Spain’s public opinion and political élite of its own ideas on colonial reform.

    El problema colonial fue un tema debatido en profundidad en el Ateneo de Madrid en los momentos previos a la definitiva Guerra de Independencia Cubana (1895-1898. La idea que se defiende es que más que tener lugar un debate científico sobre el problema colonial contemporáneo, se trataba de aprovechar la plataforma ateneísta para concienciar a la opinión pública y la élite política española de la necesidad de una reforma colonial que por las mismas fechas se discutía en el Parlamento.

  19. Metodologia


    Carreras i Quilis, Josep Maria


    En aquest article s'expliciten els procediments metodològics que s'han utilitzat per determinar els 10.630 municipis urbans i les 104 aglomeracions metropolitanes europees. També s'hi fa una comparació amb els resultats amb l'edició de 2002 i amb els d'altres estudis de referència.

  20. From conquest to independence: the nigerian colonial experience

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    Tunde Oduwobi


    Full Text Available Este documento es un análisis panorámico de la imposición y el carácter de la administración colonial británica en Nigeria. Comienza por examinar los factores y circunstancias que facilitó la intrusión de los británicos en el área de nigeriano. El evento más importante en este desarrollo fue la conquista de los Lagos en 1851 y su incorporación formal como una colonia diez años más tarde en 1861. Simultáneamente, influencia británica propagación en el interior de Lagos y de la parte inferior del Níger. Tal, sin embargo, fue el personaje de la penetración británica que cuando en 1900 control político fue formalmente establecido sobre el área de nigeriano tomó forma tripartita de tres administraciones autónomas. Estos tres posteriormente se convirtió en amalgamados en 1914 para formar el estado de Nigeria; Sin embargo, no se borraron las tradiciones administrativas tripartitas y permanecieron como fuerzas latentes modificar el desarrollo histórico del país. Así, en el ocaso de la época colonial, nacionalismo nigeriano, desarrollando como lo fue terminar el colonialismo británico, se convirtió en adulterado negativamente por el nacionalismo étnico en los fuertes pilares de las tradiciones tripartitas fomentadas por el gobierno colonial británico. Por lo tanto el estado nigeriano surgió del colonialismo con el problema de forjar la unidad política.Palabras clave: Nigeria, colonialismo, independencia___________________________Abstract:This paper is a panoramic discussion of the imposition and character of colonial British administration in Nigeria. It begins by examining the factors and circumstances which facilitated the intrusion of the British in the Nigerian area. The most important event in this development was the conquest of the Lagos in 1851 and its formal incorporation as a colony ten years later in 1861. Concomitantly, British influence spread into the hinterland from Lagos and from the lower reaches of the

  1. Genetic diversity affects colony survivorship in commercial honey bee colonies (United States)

    Tarpy, David R.; vanEngelsdorp, Dennis; Pettis, Jeffrey S.


    Honey bee ( Apis mellifera) queens mate with unusually high numbers of males (average of approximately 12 drones), although there is much variation among queens. One main consequence of such extreme polyandry is an increased diversity of worker genotypes within a colony, which has been shown empirically to confer significant adaptive advantages that result in higher colony productivity and survival. Moreover, honey bees are the primary insect pollinators used in modern commercial production agriculture, and their populations have been in decline worldwide. Here, we compare the mating frequencies of queens, and therefore, intracolony genetic diversity, in three commercial beekeeping operations to determine how they correlate with various measures of colony health and productivity, particularly the likelihood of queen supersedure and colony survival in functional, intensively managed beehives. We found the average effective paternity frequency ( m e ) of this population of honey bee queens to be 13.6 ± 6.76, which was not significantly different between colonies that superseded their queen and those that did not. However, colonies that were less genetically diverse (headed by queens with m e ≤ 7.0) were 2.86 times more likely to die by the end of the study when compared to colonies that were more genetically diverse (headed by queens with m e > 7.0). The stark contrast in colony survival based on increased genetic diversity suggests that there are important tangible benefits of increased queen mating number in managed honey bees, although the exact mechanism(s) that govern these benefits have not been fully elucidated.

  2. On colonial grounds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dommelen, Peter Alexander René van


    As a study of the colonial situations of first millennium BC Sardinia, this book is as much an investigation into colonialism as a sociological category, as it explores the specific historical conditions of a particular region. Taking a fresh look at colonialism in Mediterranean archaeology from a

  3. PIB y población desde el periodo tardo colonial hasta 2014: el caso venezolano


    Giuseppe Bernardo De Corso Sicilia


    El objetivo de este trabajo es múltiple, en primer lugar, propone una serie de población de Venezuela de 1783 a 2015, empleando nuevas estimaciones para el periodo colonial, guerra de independencia e información del censo de 2011, también, se incluye un primer análisis acerca del impacto demográfico de las inmigraciones en el crecimiento de la población en el siglo xx. Por otra parte, se presenta una serie del pib para el periodo 1783-1829. Con la nueva serie de población y del pib se obtiene...

  4. Ireland – a test case of Post-colonialism / Post colonialism

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    Brenda Murray


    Full Text Available Contextualisation This review attempts to set the stage for post-colonial theorising, in the light of alternative representations of ‘whiteness’, on issues of gender, race and language within the discourse of equality. In this paper Ireland and the Irish provide a backdrop against which the nature and impact of colonialism on the colonised and the coloniser are explored. Many challenging questions emerge about the ideological basis of post colonial theory, not least when traditional paradigms of racism, as conveyed by the black / white dichotomy, are examined: Ireland presents a context, it is argued, where subjugation is of white on white. Linked to this is the language of the coloniser, a powerful hegemonic force which, in some situations, has been nurtured by the colonised and later developed into a text which is unique, producing a new literature which, it is asserted, truly invokes the ‘post colonial’. Abstract: Post-colonialism – essentially a critique of colonialism, is characterised by a process of disengagement from the colonial epoch and has taken many forms. In this article a set of phenomena are examined that have become inscribed in the cultures of the colonised with a view to identifying alternative cultural origins and dispositions recovered in this post-colonial era. Ireland and the Irish provide the background context of this exploration into perspectives generated by the peripheral or post-colonial nations. Globalisation, too, has had a role to play in the increasing de-territorialisation of communities as a result of cross-frontier mobility, increased intra-community mobility and new communication technologies. A critical reflection on the process of disengagement leads the author to conclude that we must come to recognise new cultural forms which are accepting of a heterogeneous and inclusive society: one which is not characterised by difference.

  5. Metodologias ativas para aprendizagem na educação superior: reflexões teóricas para a permanência


    Dos Santos, Pricila Kohls; Spagnolo, Carla; Do Nascimento, Lorena Machado; Dos Santos, Bettina Steren


    O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo teórico sobre as metodologias ativas e a permanência na Educação superior. O principal objetivo é buscar subsídios teóricos que justifiquem a importância das metodologias ativas na Educação Superior e refletir sobre possibilidades de inovação curricular com implicações na permanência dos estudantes. As indagações motivadoras desta pesquisa baseiam-se nas seguintes questões: o que são as metodologias ativas? Qual a importância da utilização dessa metodol...

  6. La cartografía colonial española durante la Segunda República (1931-1936

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    Urteaga, Luis


    Full Text Available The Spanish Second Republic set aside a big amount of resources, both human and economic, to survey the colonies. The consecutive republican governments kept a strong continuity on the schemes for colonial cartography, with no significant changes over the plans established in past periods. Cartographic work was focused in Morocco’s territory, and was carry out by a military unit named Comisión Geográfíca de Marruecos y Límites (Morocco’s Geographical Commission. This paper, built on primary sources, examines the institutional framework of Spanish colonial cartography during the republican period, identifies the leading mapmakers, and discusses the main cartographic surveys.

    La Segunda República dedicó cuantiosos recursos, económicos y humanos, a la cartografía de las posesiones coloniales. Los sucesivos gobiernos republicanos mantuvieron una fuerte continuidad, organizativa y funcional, en el ámbito de la cartografía colonial, sin que se detecte ningún cambio significativo respecto a los planes trazados en etapas anteriores. La actividad cartográfica continuó centrada en el territorio de Marruecos, y fue protagonizada por una unidad dependiente del Ministerio de la Guerra, la Comisión Geográfica de Marruecos y Límites. En este trabajo, que se apoya en fuentes primarias, se ofrece una descripción del marco institucional de la cartografía colonial durante el período republicano, se identifica a sus artífices, y se da cuenta de los levantamientos cartográficos realizados. [fr] La Deuxième République a consacré nombreux ressources, économiques et humains, à la cartographie des possessions coloniales. Les successifs gouvernements républicains ont tenu une forte continuité, d’organisation et fonctionnelle, dans le domaine de la cartographie coloniale, sans qu’on ne puisse détecter aucun changement significatif en relation aux plans tracés en étapes antérieures. L’activité cartographique a continu

  7. Metodologia para estudo do volume e densidade absoluta da placenta humana de termo

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    Del Nero Ulisses


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar duas metodologias para o cálculo do volume placentário em gestações normais de termo: a do princípio de Arquimedes e a do volume do cilindro, para estimar a densidade absoluta da placenta. Definir a metodologia mais adequada para o cálculo do volume e densidade placentários, que se relacione com o peso e classificação do recém-nascido. MÉTODOS: foram estudadas 50 placentas provenientes de gestações de termo sem complicações e calculados o volume e a densidade absoluta placentários: a pelo princípio de Arquimedes e b na suposição de que a placenta seria uma secção de cilindro com duas alturas diferentes do bolo placentário: com a altura média e com a altura da média aritmética do centro e extremidades. As densidades absolutas placentárias foram calculadas pelo quociente entre o peso ao ar da placenta e os diferentes volumes. RESULTADOS: a maioria das gestantes eram multíparas, idade média de 25,4 anos, volume placentário médio entre 547,8 e 610 cmsuperscript three e densidade média entre 0,94 e 1,14 g/cmsuperscript three, dependendo da metodologia empregada. CONCLUSÕES: a metodologia mais adequada para estimar o volume placentário no termo foi a do princípio de Arquimedes, pela melhor correlação com o peso dos recém-nascidos, o índice placentário e a classificação do peso dos recém-nascidos em relação à idade gestacional.

  8. Ensenyar i aprendre coneixements gramaticals al voltant de la frase : una experiència a cicle inicial


    Méndez i Navarro, Anna


    Amb l’objectiu de donar suport als centres en el tractament de les llengües en el context de l’actual diversitat lingüística i cultural, el Departament d’Ensenyament promou des del curs 2007-2008 el nou Projecte d’actualització de la metodologia d’Immersió Lingüística. El projecte consisteix bàsicament en facilitar a les escoles integrants els recursos formatius necessaris per assolir amb èxit aquest repte. Una de les activitats de les diverses accions formatives es complementa amb unes sessi...

  9. Los estudios hispanos sobre el África subsahariana : una perspectiva histórica

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    Germán Santana Pérez


    Full Text Available La escasa importancia del colonialismo español en África explica en parte por qué los estudios hispanos sobre el África subsahariana han sido casi desconocidos. Sin embargo, éstos gozan de una larga trayectoria e incluso han sido pioneros en algunos casos durante el pasado. En este artículo hemos pretendido dar una visión general de estos estudios hispanos desde la Antigüedad hasta la actualidad. La información que procedía de África se incrementó en los inicios de la Edad Moderna debido a la época de los descubrimientos. Durante el periodo colonial el mayor interés de estos trabajos se centró en la colonia española de Guinea Ecuatorial. Después del periodo de la dictadura de Franco se gestó una nueva orientación, en la que imperó un ambiente de mayor libertad y unas mayores conexiones con el africanismo internacional. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las tendencias más importantes dentro del africanismo español, señalando los representantes más destacados. No pretende, en ningún caso, convertirse en la elaboración de una lista exhaustiva, con todas las figuras de este africanismo.The little importance of the Spanish colonialism in Africa explains why the Spanish studies about Subsaharian Africa are almost unknown. However, they have a long tradition and they have been leaders on this subject in the past. We have sought to give a general vision of the Spanish studies from the Antiquity to the present day. The information that came from Africa increased at the beginning of the Early Modern History due to the rise of the discoveries. During the colonial period most of the interest was focused on Equatorial Guinea. After Francos´s dictatorship these studies were given a fresh orientation with more freedom and a greater international connection. The objective of this article is to analyze the most important tendencies in the Spanish Africanism, with its most distinguished figures. However, we do not wish to make

  10. La encomienda como institución militar en la América hispánica colonial

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    Gunter Kahle


    Full Text Available La encomienda colonial cumplía varias funciones en favor de la Corona y una de ellas era el defender las recien conquistadas tierras especialmente de ataques de indígenas, de allí que la prestación del "Servicio Militar", por parte de los encomenderos, jugó un papel importante en la asignación de las mismas.

  11. Influence of feeding bee colonies on colony strenght and honey authenticity

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    Full Text Available For the natural development of bee colonies, there is the need for appropriate nutrition. Lack of natural honey flow must be supplemented by feeding bee colonies with sugar syrups or candy paste. This supplementary feeding encourages brood breeding and forage activity, whereby stronger colonies collect more honey. Sugar syrups can cause honey adulteration, which is more frequent with the reversing of the brood combs with the bee food, with the combs moved from the brood chamber to the upper chamber. Authentication of honey from the standpoint of the presence of sugar syrup is very complex, because there is no single method by which honey adulteration can be reliably confirmed. Feeding the colonies in spring should result in stronger colonies and hence the collection of more honey in the brood chambers. The objective of the present study was to determine whether this has effects also on honey authenticity, and to discover a simple method for detection of honey adulteration. The colonies were fed with candy paste that had added yeast and blue dye, to provide markers for detection of honey adulteration. The strength of the colonies and quantity of honey in the brood chambers were monitored. The results of the analysis of stable isotope and activity of foreign enzymes were compared with the results of yeast quantity and colour of the honey (absorbance, L*, a*, b* parameters. Detection of yeast in the honey samples and presence of colour as a consequence of added dye appear to be appropriate methods to follow honey adulteration, and further studies are ongoing.

  12. Proposição de uma metodologia para análise de viabilidade econômica de uma usina fotovoltaica

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    Renata Guedes Almeida Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Uma metodologia para fins didáticos, de estudos de viabilidade econômica de uma usina solar fotovoltaica é proposta. O estudo foi realizado considerando o custo de operação e a instalação no período de 25 anos de uma usina de 3 MWp. A metodologia foi organizada em etapas, desde o estudo da irradiação solar na região, até o estudo de viabilidade econômica do investimento. A metodologia proposta foi validada por meio de um estudo de caso, no qual foram analisados três cenários de investimentos.

  13. Analysis methodology for economic technical feasibility studies in offshore electrical generation systems; Metodologia de analisis para estudios de factibilidad tecnica economica en sistemas de generacion electrica costa fuera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fiscal Escalante, Raul [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    An analysis methodology followed in the development of technique-economic feasibility studies of systems of electrical generation in offshore electrical installations is presented, including the obtaining of the curves of the turbine and generator performance, the technical considerations for the formulation of the operation scenes and the calculations of the economic evaluation of a real scenario. [Spanish] Se muestra una metodologia de analisis seguida en el desarrollo de estudios de factibilidad tecnica-economica de sistemas de generacion electrica en instalaciones electricas costa fuera, incluyendo la obtencion de las curvas de comportamiento de la turbina y el generador, las consideraciones tecnicas para la formulacion de los escenarios de operacion y los calculos de la evaluacion economica de un escenario real.

  14. Review Essay A history of colonialism through post-colonial lenses ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Review Essay A history of colonialism through post-colonial lenses: reading Mahmood Mamdani's citizen and subject. Sanya Osha. Abstract. No Abstract. The Nigerian Journal of Economic History Vol. 2, 1999: 155-161. Full Text: EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT.

  15. Kaizen: Uma Metodologia Inovadora na Siderurgia

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    Hericson Estanislau Prata


    Full Text Available A racionalização do processo produtivo industrial, por meio da redução dos desperdícios e da modernização do processo produtivo, com a adoção do Sistema Toyota de Produção (Produção Enxuta, tem sido adotada por uma parte importante das indústrias no mundo. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever essa metodologia empregada pelo grupo de melhoria de fase intensiva adotado na Vallourec Tubos do Brasil S.A. Como resultado, verificou-se que o processo utilizado para a implantação de mudanças em curto prazo foi a semana intensiva, também conhecida como evento Kaizen na indústria automotiva.

  16. La novela colonial en América Latina

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    Diógenes Fajardo Valenzuela


    Full Text Available Tanto la poesía como el teatro del período colonial o virreinal ha recibido relativamente una buena atención por parte de la crítica; sin embargo, la prosa narrativa (expresión que cobija cartas, relaciones, memoriales, crónicas, obras en que predomina lo histórico, protonovelas, novelas y cuentos, ha sido escasamente estudiada. Se puede atribuir este hecho a su difícil clasificación, así como también a la falta de ediciones críticas de ese corpus todavía incompleto de la narrativa colonial.1   Al mismo tiempo que se destáca la carencia de estudios críticos, debería manifestarse que con motivo del quinto centenario de la gesta del descubrimiento, el acercamiento a estos albores narrativos se ha convertido en tema obligado para seminarios, encuentros, congresos. Y, gracias a la celebración, ya se ha publicado un buen número de obras que tratan de explicar y profundizar en esta productividad textual que gira sobre un doble eje: a lo narrativo histórico con énfasis en la referencialidad y b lo narrativo literario enfocado hacia la producción de la ficcionalidad.

  17. Colonial Legal Reasoning in the Post-Colonial African State: A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Colonial Legal Reasoning in the Post-Colonial African State: A Critique and a Defense of the Argument from African Metaphysical Epistemology. ... Africa, as it has the advantageous result of helping in the search for truth concerning such offences, thereby promoting the delivery of effective legal justice, and thus contributing ...

  18. Life in the colonies: learning the alien ways of colonial organisms. (United States)

    Winston, Judith E


    Who needs to go to outer space to study alien beings when the oceans of our own planet abound with bizarre and unknown creatures? Many of them belong to sessile clonal and colonial groups, including sponges, hydroids, corals, octocorals, ascidians, bryozoans, and some polychaetes. Their life histories, in many ways unlike our own, are a challenge for biologists. Studying their ecology, behavior, and taxonomy means trying to “think like a colony” to understand the factors important in their lives. Until the 1980s, most marine ecologists ignored these difficult modular organisms. Plant ecologists showed them ways to deal with the two levels of asexually produced modules and genetic individuals, leading to a surge in research on the ecology of clonal and colonial marine invertebrates. Bryozoans make excellent model colonial animals. Their life histories range from ephemeral to perennial. Aspects of their lives such as growth, reproduction, partial mortality due to predation or fouling, and the behavior of both autozooids and polymorphs can be studied at the level of the colony, as well as that of the individual module, in living colonies and over time.


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    João Pedro Boufleur


    Full Text Available A partir do final da década de 90, houve uma grande popularização do modelo de empresa conhecido como startup. As startups se diferenciaram por buscarem desenvolver produtos e serviços inovadores, mas contam com alto risco de falhar ao tentar atingir esse objetivo. Visto que os modelos tradicionais de administração não são considerados compatíveis com esse tipo de empresa, a metodologia Lean Startup propõe uma nova abordagem de trabalho para as startups alcançarem seu sucesso. Apesar de ser bastante difundida no meio empreendedor, esta metodologia é ainda pouco explorada academicamente. Portanto, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar a utilização do Lean Startup através de um estudo de caso no Superplayer, startup do ramo da tecnologia que usa a metodologia desde sua concepção. Como resultado do estudo foi possível descrever a utilização do Lean Startup e apontar vantagens e barreiras desta metodologia, gerando diretrizes que poderão auxiliar gestores e empreendedores que visam empregar a mesma em suas empresas.


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    Catherine Walsh


    Full Text Available Los «estudios culturales» en América Latina forman parte de una política de nombrar inscrita en legados y cartografiados frecuentemente como totalidad, ocultando o dejando pasar por alto las diferencias a su interior. Este articula examina desde dónde nacen los estudios culturales en América Latina en general y en la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar en Quito en particular, con qué política de nombramiento, qué proyecto(s y qué bases y perspectivas de conocimiento. Considera qué implica concebir y construir los estudios culturales como proyecto político-intelectual, inter-cultural, inter-epistémico y de orientación de-colonial y los desafíos y obstáculos al respecto, incluyendo dentro de la problemática misma de la «uni»-versidad.

  1. A methodology for obtaining the control rods patterns in a BWR using systems based on ants colonies; Una metodologia para obtener los patrones de barras de control en un BWR usando sistemas basados en colonias de hormigas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ortiz S, J.J. [Depto. de Sistemas Nucleares, ININ, 52045 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Requena R, I. [Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada (Spain)]. e-mail:


    In this work the AZCATL-PBC system based on a technique of ants colonies for the search of control rods patterns of those reactors of the Nuclear Power station of Laguna Verde (CNLV) is presented. The technique was applied to a transition cycle and one of balance. For both cycles they were compared the k{sub ef} values obtained with a Haling calculation and the control rods pattern proposed by AZCATL-PBC for a burnt one fixed. It was found that the methodology is able to extend the length of the cycle with respect to the Haling prediction, maintaining sure to the reactor. (Author)

  2. Metodologias de ensino para o desenvolvimento de competências do turismólogo: uma percepção do docente do curso de turismo da UFRN


    Seixas, Eugênia Patrícia de Almeida


    As Metodologias de ensino podem ser definidas como elementos básicos de discussão da ação docente, no ato de ensinar e apresentar o conteúdo. Existem metodologias de ensino mais tradicionais com seus princípios mais voltados para decorar e o repetir, como também, metodologias ativas alicerçadas no principio da autonomia, e no desenvolvimento de competências. O objetivo do estudo é compreender a percepção dos docentes em relação à adoção das metodologias de ensino para o desenvolvimento de com...

  3. Methodology for energy diagnosis in distribution steam lines; Metodologia para diagnostico de energia en lineas de distribucion de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almanza, M; Ambriz, J J; Romero P, H [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper shows a methodology that results of great advantage in the development of the energy analysis of an industrial facility that utilizes steam as a mean of energy transport and where the steam operated equipment is physically located in a remote place, away from the generation site. Mention is made here of the equipment characteristics that can be used for such purpose, the most important parameters to identify in a rapid and efficient way the faults presented in the steam distribution system in the industrial plants and the formats that contribute to keep the corresponding records for efficiently maintain in operation the steam pipeline net in conjunction with the involved accessories. [Espanol] En el presenta trabajo se muestra una metodologia que resulta de gran utilidad en el desarrollo del analisis energetico de una planta industrial, en la cual se emplee el vapor como medio de transporte de la energia y en donde el equipo que utiliza el vapor se encuentre fisicamente en un lugar apartado de la zona de generacion. Aqui se mencionan las caracteristicas del equipo que se puede utilizar para dicho diagnostico, los parametros de mayor importancia para identificar en forma rapida y eficiente las fallas que se presentan en el sistema de distribucion de vapor en las plantas industriales y los formatos que contribuyen a llevar los registros correspondientes para mantener operando eficientemente la red de vapor, en conjunto con los accesorios que en ella se involucran.

  4. Methodology for energy diagnosis in distribution steam lines; Metodologia para diagnostico de energia en lineas de distribucion de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almanza, M.; Ambriz, J. J.; Romero P, H. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper shows a methodology that results of great advantage in the development of the energy analysis of an industrial facility that utilizes steam as a mean of energy transport and where the steam operated equipment is physically located in a remote place, away from the generation site. Mention is made here of the equipment characteristics that can be used for such purpose, the most important parameters to identify in a rapid and efficient way the faults presented in the steam distribution system in the industrial plants and the formats that contribute to keep the corresponding records for efficiently maintain in operation the steam pipeline net in conjunction with the involved accessories. [Espanol] En el presenta trabajo se muestra una metodologia que resulta de gran utilidad en el desarrollo del analisis energetico de una planta industrial, en la cual se emplee el vapor como medio de transporte de la energia y en donde el equipo que utiliza el vapor se encuentre fisicamente en un lugar apartado de la zona de generacion. Aqui se mencionan las caracteristicas del equipo que se puede utilizar para dicho diagnostico, los parametros de mayor importancia para identificar en forma rapida y eficiente las fallas que se presentan en el sistema de distribucion de vapor en las plantas industriales y los formatos que contribuyen a llevar los registros correspondientes para mantener operando eficientemente la red de vapor, en conjunto con los accesorios que en ella se involucran.

  5. Il mare della fertilità Una analisi antropologica della tetralogia di Mishima Yukio

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    Giovanni Azzaroni


    Full Text Available Abstract – IT Neve di primavera è il primo romanzo della tetralogia 'Il mare della fertilità', il capolavoro dello scrittore giapponese, che si snoda in un Giappone caratterizzato sia da una cultura ancestrale sia da una invadente modernità e prelude a quel drammatico 25 novembre 1970 quando Mishima, scritte le ultime parole della tetralogia, si suicidò con l’antico rituale del seppuku. Neve di primavera è una narrazione polisemica costruita su opposizioni binarie strutturali, le vicende dei personaggi sono calate in un preciso contesto storico e culturale e per decodificarle è proposta una metodologia antropologica, nel tentativo, al tempo stesso, di coglierne le variegate e molteplici sfumature e, nel contempo, anche le interconnessioni con il tessuto ontologico che ne ha favorito il nascere e lo svilupparsi. Abstract – EN Spring snow is the first novel of the tetralogy The sea of Fertility, the masterpiece of the Japanese writer, which takes place in ancient and modern Japan. The novel is a prelude to the dramatic 25th November 1970: Mishima finished the tetralogy and committed suicide by the ancient seppuku ritual. Spring snow is a polisemic story which is constructed by binary and structural oppositions, the plot of the characters is drawn on a exact, historical and cultural context to catch either the variegated and various shadings or the relations with the ontological substratum, which helped its birth and development.

  6. Il mare della fertilità Una analisi antropologica della tetralogia di Mishima Yukio

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    Giovanni Azzaroni


    Full Text Available Abstract – IT Neve di primavera è il primo romanzo della tetralogia Il mare della fertilità, il capolavoro dello scrittore giapponese, che si snoda in un Giappone caratterizzato sia da una cultura ancestrale sia da una invadente modernità e prelude a quel drammatico 25 novembre 1970 quando Mishima, scritte le ultime parole della tetralogia, si suicidò con l’antico rituale del seppuku. Neve di primavera è una narrazione polisemica costruita su opposizioni binarie strutturali, le vicende dei personaggi sono calate in un preciso contesto storico e culturale e per decodificarle è proposta una metodologia antropologica, nel tentativo, al tempo stesso, di coglierne le variegate e molteplici sfumature e, nel contempo, anche le interconnessioni con il tessuto ontologico che ne ha favorito il nascere e lo svilupparsi. Abstract – EN Spring snow is the first novel of the tetralogy The sea of Fertility, the masterpiece of the Japanese writer, which takes place in ancient and modern Japan. The novel is a prelude to the dramatic 25th November 1970: Mishima finished the tetralogy and committed suicide by the ancient seppuku ritual. Spring snow is a polisemic story which is constructed by binary and structural oppositions, the plot of the characters is drawn on a exact, historical and cultural context to catch either the variegated and various shadings or the relations with the ontological substratum, which helped its birth and development.

  7. Metodologia para determinação de corantes artificiais em alimentos por cromatografia liquida de alta eficiencia


    Marcelo Alexandre Prado


    Resumo: O controle dos níveis de corantes artificiais utilizados em alimentos não é um procedimento rotineiro, especialmente, peia falta de metodologia adequada capaz de responder à demanda do número de análises e a determinações quantitativas nos mais variados tipos de alimentos, além de se tornar viável para implantação nos laboratórios de controle de nosso pais. Visando superar esse problema, foi desenvolvida e avaliada unia metodologia para a determinação qualitativa e quantitativa dos oi...

  8. Seabird Colonies in Western Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boertmann, D.; Mosbech, A.; Falk, K.

    About 1 million seabirds (indvs) breed in 1032 colonies distributed along the coasts of western Greenland (Fig. 1). However, this figure does not include the little auk colonies in Avanersuaq. These colonies are roughly estimated to hold about 20 mill. pairs. All the basic information on seabird...... colonies in Greenland is compiled in a database maintained by NERI-AE. This report presents data on distribution, population numbers and population trends of 19 species of breeding colonial seabirds in western Greenland. Distributions are depicted on maps in Fig. 18-39. It is apparent that the major...... colonies are found in the northern part of the region, viz. Upernavik and Avanersuaq. The numbers of birds recorded in the database for each species are presented in Tab. 4, and on the basis of these figures estimates of the populations in western Greenland are given (Tab. 5). The most numerous species...

  9. Colony Dimorphism in Bradyrhizobium Strains (United States)

    Sylvester-Bradley, Rosemary; Thornton, Philip; Jones, Peter


    Ten isolates of Bradyrhizobium spp. which form two colony types were studied; the isolates originated from a range of legume species. The two colony types differed in the amount of gum formed or size or both, depending on the strain. Whole 7-day-old colonies of each type were subcultured to determine the proportion of cells which had changed to the other type. An iterative computerized procedure was used to determine the rate of switching per generation between the two types and to predict proportions reached at equilibrium for each strain. The predicted proportions of the wetter (more gummy) or larger colony type at equilibrium differed significantly between strains, ranging from 0.9999 (strain CIAT 2383) to 0.0216 (strain CIAT 2469), because some strains switched faster from dry to wet (or small to large) and others switched faster from wet to dry (or large to small). Predicted equilibrium was reached after about 140 generations in strain USDA 76. In all but one strain (CIAT 3030) the growth rate of the wetter colony type was greater than or similar to that of the drier type. The mean difference in generation time between the two colony types was 0.37 h. Doubling times calculated for either colony type after 7 days of growth on the agar surface ranged from 6.0 to 7.3 h. The formation of two persistent colony types by one strain (clonal or colony dimorphism) may be a common phenomenon among Bradyrhizobium strains. Images PMID:16347599

  10. A metodologia de Lamarck

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    Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, o método científico de Jean-Baptiste Lamarck é estudado sob o ponto de vista de seu discurso metodológico, bem como sob o ponto de vista de sua prática científica. Essa metodologia é comparada à preconizada por Condillac, assim como à dos "ideólogos" (idéologues grupo no qual se costuma incluir o próprio Lamarck. Mostra-se que o discurso metodológico de Lamarck assemelha-se ao dos ideólogos; no entanto, sua prática científica não se coaduna com esse enfoque. Em vez de seguir uma abordagem empirista, a obra de Lamarck se fundamenta em princípios metafísicos gerais sobre a natureza. Sob o ponto de vista dos ideólogos, seu trabalho deveria ser rejeitado - o que de fato ocorreu - como um mero sistema (système metafísico - no sentido pejorativo utilizado pelos seguidores de Condillac. No entanto, o presente artigo argumenta que esse é justamente um importante e inovador aspecto da obra de Lamarck, que permitiu a eclosão do evolucionismo moderno.

  11. Intraspecific Variation among Social Insect Colonies: Persistent Regional and Colony-Level Differences in Fire Ant Foraging Behavior.

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    Alison A Bockoven

    Full Text Available Individuals vary within a species in many ecologically important ways, but the causes and consequences of such variation are often poorly understood. Foraging behavior is among the most profitable and risky activities in which organisms engage and is expected to be under strong selection. Among social insects there is evidence that within-colony variation in traits such as foraging behavior can increase colony fitness, but variation between colonies and the potential consequences of such variation are poorly documented. In this study, we tested natural populations of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, for the existence of colony and regional variation in foraging behavior and tested the persistence of this variation over time and across foraging habitats. We also reared single-lineage colonies in standardized environments to explore the contribution of colony lineage. Fire ants from natural populations exhibited significant and persistent colony and regional-level variation in foraging behaviors such as extra-nest activity, exploration, and discovery of and recruitment to resources. Moreover, colony-level variation in extra-nest activity was significantly correlated with colony growth, suggesting that this variation has fitness consequences. Lineage of the colony had a significant effect on extra-nest activity and exploratory activity and explained approximately half of the variation observed in foraging behaviors, suggesting a heritable component to colony-level variation in behavior.

  12. A metodologia nos processos midiáticos




    Um grande desafio que temos hoje é a definiç ão e o estabelecimento do objeto da comunicaç ão. Este texto pretende discutir tanto a questão do objeto quando da metodologia nos processos mediáticos. Dizemos que o objeto precede ao método. Não podemos escolher um método se não se coñ éese o objeto. Para isso realiza um pequeno recorrido sobre o problema do método nas ciencias sociais e sua relaç ão com o objeto. A importância dessa discussão no âmbito da comunicaç ão está relacionada com o prob...

  13. María Mercedes Botero. La ruta del oro. Una economía exportadora: Antioquia 1850-1890

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    Heraclio Bonilla Mayta


    Full Text Available Uno de los fundamentos de la economía colonial de la Nueva Granada fue la extracción de metales preciosos, particularmente de los placeres auríferos; lo cual, conjuntamente con la utilización de la mano de obra esclava, hicieron que la experiencia de la Colombia colonial fuera completamente distinta a los otros espacios controlados por la metrópoli española. Pero, además, se trata de una experiencia completamente marginal, pues no fue en nada comparable con el volumen y el valor de la producción de plata de la Nueva Castilla y de la Nueva España, como tampoco de la producción aurífera del Brasil colonial.

  14. Islas de ida y vuelta. Canarias y El Caribe en contexto colonial

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    Ortiz García, Carmen


    Full Text Available On the presupposition that the conquest of the Canary Islands set the colonial stage for the later Spanish enterprises in the Americas, the author discusses a number of elements of identity shared by the islands of both the eastern Atlantic and the Caribbean. Sugar, the slave trade and the raising of bananas, cochineal and tobacco are the instances chosen for this comparative analysis. In addition, the author makes a reference to the legends of the apparition of the Virgin of Charity at El Cobre, in Cuba, and of Candlemas in Tenerife.

    Partiendo de la idea de que la conquista de las Islas Canarias fue el primer ensayo colonial de lo que luego desarrollarían los españoles en América, se examinan algunos elementos de identidad entre el mundo isleño atlántico y caribeño, producidos precisamente por esa situación inicial de dominio colonial. El azúcar, la trata de esclavos, los cultivos de plátano, grana y tabaco son los ejemplos escogidos para este análisis comparado. Finalmente se hace una referencia comparativa de las leyendas de la aparición de la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre en Cuba y de la Virgen de Candelaria en Tenerife

  15. Apuntes para una historia de las representaciones de una naturaleza y cuerpos abyectos: Virreinato del Perú, siglo XVI


    Elizabeth Mejías Navarrete


    Este artículo analiza los discursos y representaciones desplegadas en torno a las enfermedades atribuidas a los indígenas circunscritos al Virreinato del Perú para el período 1570-1600 en las Relaciones Geográficas de Indias y algunos tratados médicos relevantes de la época. Considerando el contexto de dominación colonial en que estas descripciones fueron elaboradas, es factible señalar que expresan algo más que una preocupación "científico-médica" o sanitaria, en la medida en que aludirían a...

  16. Kant's Second Thoughts on Colonialism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kleingeld, Pauline; Flikschuh, Katrin; Ypi, Lea


    Kant is widely regarded as a fierce critic of colonialism. In Toward Perpetual Peace and the Metaphysics of Morals, for example, he forcefully condemns European conduct in the colonies as a flagrant violation of the principles of right. His earlier views on colonialism have not yet received much

  17. Behavioral Modulation of Infestation by Varroa destructor in Bee Colonies. Implications for Colony Stability. (United States)

    de Figueiró Santos, Joyce; Coelho, Flávio Codeço; Bliman, Pierre-Alexandre


    Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has become a global problem for beekeepers and for the crops that depend on bee pollination. While many factors are known to increase the risk of colony collapse, the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor is considered to be the most serious one. Although this mite is unlikely to cause the collapse of hives itself, it is the vector for many viral diseases which are among the likely causes for Colony Collapse Disorder. The effects of V. destructor infestation differ from one part of the world to another, with greater morbidity and higher colony losses in European honey bees (EHB) in Europe, Asia and North America. Although this mite has been present in Brazil for many years, there have been no reports of colony losses amongst Africanized Honey Bees (AHB). Studies carried out in Mexico have highlighted different behavioral responses by the AHB to the presence of the mite, notably as far as grooming and hygienic behavior are concerned. Could these explain why the AHB are less susceptible to Colony Collapse Disorder? In order to answer this question, we have developed a mathematical model of the infestation dynamics to analyze the role of resistance behavior by bees in the overall health of the colony, and as a consequence, its ability to face epidemiological challenges.

  18. Behavioral Modulation of Infestation by Varroa destructor in Bee Colonies. Implications for Colony Stability.

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    Joyce de Figueiró Santos

    Full Text Available Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD has become a global problem for beekeepers and for the crops that depend on bee pollination. While many factors are known to increase the risk of colony collapse, the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor is considered to be the most serious one. Although this mite is unlikely to cause the collapse of hives itself, it is the vector for many viral diseases which are among the likely causes for Colony Collapse Disorder. The effects of V. destructor infestation differ from one part of the world to another, with greater morbidity and higher colony losses in European honey bees (EHB in Europe, Asia and North America. Although this mite has been present in Brazil for many years, there have been no reports of colony losses amongst Africanized Honey Bees (AHB. Studies carried out in Mexico have highlighted different behavioral responses by the AHB to the presence of the mite, notably as far as grooming and hygienic behavior are concerned. Could these explain why the AHB are less susceptible to Colony Collapse Disorder? In order to answer this question, we have developed a mathematical model of the infestation dynamics to analyze the role of resistance behavior by bees in the overall health of the colony, and as a consequence, its ability to face epidemiological challenges.

  19. Colonialism, customary law and the post-colonial state in Africa: the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Colonialism became a fact of life in many African countries. An effect of colonialism especially in the former British colonized countries was the transplantation of the British legal system, which led to recognition of both systems and the gradual relegation of the indigenous system otherwise called customary law. The use and ...

  20. Public Heath in Colonial and Post-Colonial Ghana: Lesson-Drawing for The Twenty-First Century

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    Adu-Gyamfi, Samuel


    Full Text Available Public health in twenty-first century Ghana is mired with several issues ranging from the inadequacy of public health facilities, improper settlement planning, insanitary conditions, and the inadequacy of laws and their implementation. This situation compared to the colonial era is a direct contradiction. Development in the pre-colonial era to the colonial era sought to make the prevention of diseases a priority in the colonial administration. This was begun with the establishment of the health branch in 1909 as a response to the bubonic plague that was fast spreading in the colony. From here public health policies and strategies were enacted to help the diseases prevention cause. Various public health boards, the medical research institute or the laboratory branch, the waste management department, the use of preventive medicine and maintenance of good settlement planning and sanitation were public health measures in the colonial era. This research seeks to analyse the public health system in the colonial era so as to draw basic lessons for twenty-first century Ghana. Archival data and other secondary sources are reviewed and analysed to help draw these lessons. Richard Rose’s lesson-drawing approach was used to draw the lessons.

  1. Cosecheros-huerteros: bajo la sombra de los monopolios cacaoteros del Guayaquil colonial

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    Soler Lizarazo, Luisa Consuelo


    Full Text Available The purpose of this writing is to admit the participation of the cosecheros-huerteros in the internal processes of the networks that they controlled the agro-exporting and mercantile trade in the colonial Guayaquil. On sources of the Historical Archive of Guayas unravel negotiations, contracts and disputes. In synthesis, the article reveals a range of strategies and interests own; disagreements and vicissitudes of those involved in the productive and operative chain of the traffic of the cocoa.El propósito de este escrito es reconocer la participación de los cosecheros-huerteros en los procesos internos de las redes que controlaron el comercio agro-exportador y mercantil en el Guayaquil colonial. Sobre fuentes notariales del Archivo Histórico del Guayas se desentrañan negociaciones, contratos y querellas. En síntesis, el artículo deja al descubierto una gama de estrategias e intereses, desavenencias y vicisitudes propias de quienes intervinieron en la cadena productiva y operativa del tráfico del cacao.

  2. Dynamics of the Presence of Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus in Honey Bee Colonies with Colony Collapse Disorder

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    Chunsheng Hou


    Full Text Available The determinants of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD, a particular case of collapse of honey bee colonies, are still unresolved. Viruses including the Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV were associated with CCD. We found an apiary with colonies showing typical CCD characteristics that bore high loads of IAPV, recovered some colonies from collapse and tested the hypothesis if IAPV was actively replicating in them and infectious to healthy bees. We found that IAPV was the dominant pathogen and it replicated actively in the colonies: viral titers decreased from April to September and increased from September to December. IAPV extracted from infected bees was highly infectious to healthy pupae: they showed several-fold amplification of the viral genome and synthesis of the virion protein VP3. The health of recovered colonies was seriously compromised. Interestingly, a rise of IAPV genomic copies in two colonies coincided with their subsequent collapse. Our results do not imply IAPV as the cause of CCD but indicate that once acquired and induced to replication it acts as an infectious factor that affects the health of the colonies and may determine their survival. This is the first follow up outside the US of CCD-colonies bearing IAPV under natural conditions.

  3. Uma análise da implementação da metodologia lean startup em uma empresa do ramo de entretenimento digital

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    João Pedro Boufleur


    Full Text Available A partir do final da década de 90, houve uma grande popularização do modelo de empresa conhecido como startup. As startups se diferenciaram por buscarem desenvolver produtos e serviços inovadores, mas contam com alto risco de falhar ao tentar atingir esse objetivo. Visto que os modelos tradicionais de administração não são considerados compatíveis com esse tipo de empresa, a metodologia Lean Startup propõe uma nova abordagem de trabalho para as startups alcançarem seu sucesso. Apesar de ser bastante difundida no meio empreendedor, esta metodologia é ainda pouco explorada academicamente. Portanto, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar a utilização do Lean Startup através de um estudo de caso no Superplayer, startup do ramo da tecnologia que usa a metodologia desde sua concepção. Como resultado do estudo foi possível descrever a utilização do Lean Startup e apontar vantagens e barreiras desta metodologia, gerando diretrizes que poderão auxiliar gestores e empreendedores que visam empregar a mesma em suas empresas.

  4. Efectos Ambientales y Socieconómicos de los Procesos Productivos del Café y del Banano: Una Mirada Multifactorial

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    José Alfredo Vásquez


    Full Text Available Durante el siglo XX y hasta la actualidad la produccion del sector agricola y en particular de los subsectores de cafe y banano han jugado un importante papel en la economia antioquena, tanto en la generacion de empleo y divisas, como en la construccion de una cultura asociada a ambos sectores. Las investigaciones realizadas por diversas instituciones en ambos subsectores si bien han orientado la introduccion de mejoras en la produccion, han dejado de lado un analisis comparativo de ambos subsectores con miras a la identificacion politicas propendan por el mejoramiento conjunto de ambos procesos productivos en aspectos de indole socioeconomico, y ambiental. El articulo presenta los resultados y conclusiones de un analisis comparativo de los procesos productivos del cafe y el banano en el departamento de Antioquia, desde los aspectos socioeconomico y ambiental, haciendo uso de una metodologia de analisis factorial (cuantitativo.

  5. El latín en el Perú colonial y el doble carácter del lenguaje

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    José Carlos Ballón


    Full Text Available El Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y el Grupo Editorial Pakarina publicaron recientemente el libro de Ángela Helmer: El latín en el Perú colonial. Diglosia e historia de una lengua viva2. La autora es doctorada en literatura y lenguas hispánicas con especialización en lingüística por la Universidad de California. El presente libro aborda el estudio de la situación lingüística establecida en el Perú durante el período de la llamada estabiliza- ción colonial y sugiere un conjunto de contribuciones interesantes para enten- der nuestra historia. A continuación comentaremos, en esta nota, algunos de los aspectos tratados en el libro.

  6. Entrenament de la propiocepció conscient de la CV lumbar: Una aplicació a la natació subaquàtica


    Solana Tramunt, Mònica


    Aquesta tesi és una aproximació teòrica i empírica a la metodologia actualitzada per a l'entrenament de la propiocepció. La part teòrica desenvolupa l'estat de la qüestió en l'estudi de la propiocepció des de diferents perspectives, de les particularitats de la columna vertebral lumbar i de les característiques de la propiocepció en aquesta zona del raquis. Ens resumeix els aspectes més importants de la teoria de l'entrenament i les necessitats de l'entrenament propioceptiu lumbar en la na...

  7. Percepção discente sobre metodologias de ensino na graduação do curso de Ciências do Estado da UFMG (2009-2013

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    Thelma Yanagisawa Shimomura


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O Curso de Ciências do Estado resultou da adesão da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais ao Programa de Apoio ao Plano de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI. Criado em 2009, tem como objetivo a formação de profi ssionais com conhecimento amplo do funcionamento da estrutura estatal como também capacidade para liderar e planejar políticas públicas com visão humanística. Em seu Projeto Pedagógico de Curso adotou o seminário como metodologia de ensino/aprendizagem, com a fi nalidade de estimular o diálogo crítico e a produção do conhecimento de forma cooperativa entre estudantes e professores. O presente trabalho analisou a preferência dos discentes sobre a utilização de várias metodologias de ensino/aprendizagem no curso de Ciências de Estado. Foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfi ca e participante, além da aplicação de questionário aos discentes. Na análise das respostas do questionário foi possível perceber que na visão dos alunos entrevistados, especifi camente quanto a metodologia de seminário, esta não foi a metodologia mais apreciada, por muitas vezes não ser aplicada como metodologia de ensino, e sim como método avaliativo. Mesm o assim, esta metodologia foi considerada importante para desenvolver as habilidades necessárias para a formação do cientista do estado. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Ciências do Estado; Seminário de Capacitação; Metodologias de ensino/aprendizagem; Ensino Superior.

  8. ARQUEOLOGÍA URBANA E IMAGINARIO: EL SUPUESTO POLVORÍN COLONIAL EN EL JARDÍN BOTÁNICO DE BUENOS AIRES (Urban Archaeology and Imaginary: the Colonial Powder Keg in the Buenos Aires Botanical Garden

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    Daniel Schávelzon


    Full Text Available Durante los meses de agosto a noviembre de 2005 se hicieron excavaciones en el lugar considerado como el del antiguo polvorín de Cueli, depósito de armas y pólvora de los últimos años del gobierno colonial, ahora localizado en los terrenos del Jardín Botánico. Este informe presenta los resultados obtenidos, los que contrastamos con los de una pequeña excavación de 1986, ya que contradice lo asumido en dicha oportunidad. ENGLISH: During the months of August to November of 2005, excavations were made at the site of Cueli, an old powder keg. This site, now located on the grounds of the Botanical Garden, includes gun and powder reserves from the last years of colonial rule. This report is contrasted with the results of a small excavation made in 1986, as it contradicts the assumptions made at that time.

  9. Metodologia design thinking no projeto de software para mobilidade urbana: relato de aplicação

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    Adailton Magalhaes Lima


    Full Text Available Introdução: Apresenta um relato da condução de um estudo onde se aplicou a metodologia Design Thinking no contexto do projeto de uma solução de software ao contexto de mobilidade urbana. Método: Dentre as técnicas sugeridas pela metodologia Design Thinking, este trabalho utilizou entrevistas, surveys, brainstorming e prototipação. O foco do estudo foram os transportes públicos e os processos intrínsecos a esse contexto. Resultados: Tem-se um projeto de solução aderente aos problemas identificados nas pesquisas de campo, e também uma avaliação conduzida com os usuários alvo sobre o projeto de solução proposto. Conclusão: A aplicação de Design Thinking pode ser eficiente no desenvolvimento de software, pois se tem nessa metodologia um direcionamento na elaboração de projetos centrada na construção de produtos voltados para atender as necessidades de seus usuários, ou seja, projeta-se a solução com base no quão usual o produto será para o usuário final.

  10. Growth Mechanism of Microbial Colonies (United States)

    Zhu, Minhui; Martini, K. Michael; Kim, Neil H.; Sherer, Nicholas; Lee, Jia Gloria; Kuhlman, Thomas; Goldenfeld, Nigel

    Experiments on nutrient-limited E. coli colonies, growing on agar gel from single cells reveal a power-law distribution of sizes, both during the growth process and in the final stage when growth has ceased. We developed a Python simulation to study the growth mechanism of the bacterial population and thus understand the broad details of the experimental findings. The simulation takes into account nutrient uptake, metabolic function, growth and cell division. Bacteria are modeled in two dimensions as hard circle-capped cylinders with steric interactions and elastic stress dependent growth characteristics. Nutrient is able to diffuse within and between the colonies. The mechanism of microbial colony growth involves reproduction of cells within the colonies and the merging of different colonies. We report results on the dynamic scaling laws and final state size distribution, that capture in semi-quantitative detail the trends observed in experiment. Supported by NSF Grant 0822613.

  11. Pollen foraging in colonies of Melipona bicolor (Apidae, Meliponini): effects of season, colony size and queen number. (United States)

    Hilário, S D; Imperatriz-Fonseca, V L


    We evaluated the ratio between the number of pollen foragers and the total number of bees entering colonies of Melipona bicolor, a facultative polygynous species of stingless bees. The variables considered in our analysis were: seasonality, colony size and the number of physogastric queens in each colony. The pollen forager ratios varied significantly between seasons; the ratio was higher in winter than in summer. However, colony size and number of queens per colony had no significant effect. We conclude that seasonal differences in pollen harvest are related to the production of sexuals and to the number of individuals and their body size.

  12. Novas metodologias na didática da Economia e Contabilidade – caso do Mestrado em Ensino português

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    Ana Luísa Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou analisar o desenvolvimento de novas metodologias, designadamente a aplicação da Formação Ativa, no ensino de disciplinas do Mestrado em Ensino de Economia e de Contabilidade português, tendo em linha de conta as percepções dos futuros professores sobre o que é (ou deverá ser Professor(a de Economia e de Contabilidade. A metodologia de investigação utilizada foi a de estudo de caso, com observação participante, numa abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, suportada na investigação da própria prática, procurando caminhos para a inovação dos processos educativos em face do novo paradigma tecnológico contemporâneo. Foi constatada a aplicabilidade da Formação Ativa e obtidos resultados que verificaram a sua eficácia no ensino da Economia e Contabilidade, com o desenvolvimento de metodologias de aprendizagem ativas, que se pretende que contribuam para o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional docente na futura sociedade do conhecimento.


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    Denise Braga Sampaio


    Full Text Available Aborda o uso da gamificação nas turmas de ‘Introdução à Biblioteconomia’, ‘Linguagens Documentárias Alfanuméricas: CDD’ e ‘Produção Textual’, em 2017 e ‘Representação Temática da Informação: indexação’, em 2016 como metodologia alternativa ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Tem como objetivo evidenciar o uso da gamificação no ensino de Biblioteconomia na UFCA e contribuir para a reflexão sobre a prática docente e o uso de metodologias alternativas no ensino superior. Traz como questão central a assimilação do conhecimento e a missão docente no novo milênio. Através de uma pesquisa descritiva, procura evidenciar a referida prática e os benefícios observados no processo avaliativo. Os resultados mostram que, majoritariamente, os alunos se identificaram com as aulas gamificadas, bem como apresentaram maior aproveitamento destas, ao passo que tem interesse de ver tal metodologia utilizada em outras disciplinas.

  14. Salud y enfermedad en tunja y su provincia durante el período colonial


    Porras Collantes, Ernesto


    La salud pública es provincia del bienestar social, de la asistencia pública, que las modernas sociedades han integrado a la planificación urbana. Las condiciones físicas del sitio en que Tunja fue fundada, empero, entrabaron la planificación urbana colonial de la urbe y fueron óbice insalvable que conspiró contra su sanidad pública. En efecto, las necesidades tácticas de la guerra de conquista fueron causa determinante para que se fundara a Tunja en un sitio por demás inconveniente para una ...

  15. Political instability and discontinuity in Nigeria: The pre-colonial past and public goods provision under colonial and post-colonial political orders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Papaioannou, K.I.; Dalrymple-Smith, A.E.


    This article explores the relative importance of pre-colonial institutional capacity and the effects of periods of peace and stability on long-term development outcomes in Nigeria. We use data on education, health, and public works at a provincial level from a variety of colonial and Nigerian state

  16. Tecnologia e Metodologia no Ensino de Inglês: Impactos da Globalização e da Internacionalização

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    Kyria Rebeca Finardi


    Full Text Available O artigo reflete sobre o papel das tecnologias nas diversas metodologias de ensino de inglês e sobre o impacto da globalização e internacionalização na educação em geral e no ensino de inglês em especial. O estudo é baseado no pressuposto de que o acesso à informação e à tecnologia é necessário para a construção de capital social (WARSCHAUER, 2003 e que esse acesso exige algum conhecimento de inglês e letramento digital (FINARDI; PREBIANCA; MOMM, 2013. Partimos de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o uso de metodologias no ensino de inglês e do papel das tecnologias nessas metodologias para propor que tanto a resistência a quanto o uso acrítico de tecnologias pode ter consequências negativas tanto para o desenvolvimento da proficiência em inglês quanto para o desenvolvimento social do Brasil. O estudo conclui que na era do pós método (BROWN, 2002; KUMARAVADIVELO, 2003 e da informação (LEVY, 1999 as tecnologias têm um papel relevante e crucial que deve ser considerado criticamente nas metodologias de ensino de línguas. O estudo sugere ainda que o uso informado de tecnologias e metodologias, aliado ao ensino de inglês como língua internacional são essenciais para alavancar o desenvolvimento e a internacionalização da educação no Brasil de forma crítica em relação aos efeitos da globalização.

  17. Psicología, subjetividad y cultura en el mundo Maya actual: una perspectiva crítica

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    Jorge Mario Flores Osorio


    Full Text Available En la presente comunicación, después de hacer la crítica al concepto neo-colonial de Mesoamérica, se intenta demostrar que la subjetividad como espacio que contiene el fundamento del comportamiento psíquico, se construye como síntesis históricocolectiva y que en consecuencia demanda una racionalidad especial para su comprensión. Esa racionalidad se estudia en relación con una matriz piramidal, la cual es analizada. Asimismo, se considera que la concepción argumentada con base en el Pop Wuj o Libro del Tiempo Maya, puede permitir la conformación de una interpretación psicosocial consecuente con el espacio social y cultural de los Mayas en la actualidad

  18. Queen promiscuity lowers disease within honeybee colonies (United States)

    Seeley, Thomas D; Tarpy, David R


    Most species of social insects have singly mated queens, but in some species each queen mates with numerous males to create a colony with a genetically diverse worker force. The adaptive significance of polyandry by social insect queens remains an evolutionary puzzle. Using the honeybee (Apis mellifera), we tested the hypothesis that polyandry improves a colony's resistance to disease. We established colonies headed by queens that had been artificially inseminated by either one or 10 drones. Later, we inoculated these colonies with spores of Paenibacillus larvae, the bacterium that causes a highly virulent disease of honeybee larvae (American foulbrood). We found that, on average, colonies headed by multiple-drone inseminated queens had markedly lower disease intensity and higher colony strength at the end of the summer relative to colonies headed by single-drone inseminated queens. These findings support the hypothesis that polyandry by social insect queens is an adaptation to counter disease within their colonies. PMID:17015336


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    Pelayo Munhoz Olea


    Full Text Available Este estudo investiga a alteração no método de ensino da disciplina de Metodologia da Pesquisa da primeira para a segunda turma do Mestrado em Administração da Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS. A pesquisa se baseou em um estudo exploratório, sendo realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas com o professor da disciplina, com cinco alunos da primeira turma (22% do total e cinco da segunda turma (também 22%. As entrevistas revelaram vantagens/desvantagens de cada método, resultados de aprendizagem e percepções sobre a importância da disciplina. Através da comparação entre os dois momentos da disciplina, concluiu-se que houve evolução no método de ensino e descreveram-se estratégias consideradas facilitadoras para a aprendizagem. Percebeu-se ainda que é fundamental refletir sobre as formas de ensinar Metodologia da Pesquisa e valorizar a interação em sala de aula, devido à importância da disciplina para a atuação do aluno-pesquisador na seqüência do curso e em uma possível carreira acadêmica.

  20. Methodology for monitoring the behaviour of wind-photovoltaic hybrid system in the conditions of Cuba; Metodologia para el monitoreo del comportamiento de un sistema hibrido eolico-fotovoltaico en las condiciones de Cuba

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez G, Maria; Nunez, Ariel; Marquez M, Soe del C [Centro de Investigaciones de Energia Solar, Santiago de Cuba (Cuba)


    The proposal of a methodology is shown in the work that allows monitoring the behaviour of wind-photovoltaic hybrid system beginning with the study of the energy resources (wind and solar) of the known place, designed and put into operation a hybrid installation, using Text Processing techniques could obtained operation curves of the system daily, monthly and annual, to configure the reading for port series of the parameters measured during the evaluation of the system a denominated software HYBSYS was developed in Lab View for Windows 3.1 or superior. [Spanish] Se muestra la propuesta de una metodologia que permite monitorear el comportamiento de un sistema hibrido eolico-fotovoltaico, comenzando con el estudio de los recursos energeticos (eolico y solar) de un sitio conocido se diseno y puso en funcionamiento una instalacion hibrida, usando las tecnicas de un procesador se pudieron obtener las curvas de funcionamiento diaria, mensual y anual del sistema, para configurar la lectura por puerto serie de los parametros medidos durante la evaluacion del sistema se desarrollo un software denominado HYBSYS en Lab View para Windows 3.1 o superior.

  1. JAX Colony Management System (JCMS): an extensible colony and phenotype data management system. (United States)

    Donnelly, Chuck J; McFarland, Mike; Ames, Abigail; Sundberg, Beth; Springer, Dave; Blauth, Peter; Bult, Carol J


    The Jackson Laboratory Colony Management System (JCMS) is a software application for managing data and information related to research mouse colonies, associated biospecimens, and experimental protocols. JCMS runs directly on computers that run one of the PC Windows operating systems, but can be accessed via web browser interfaces from any computer running a Windows, Macintosh, or Linux operating system. JCMS can be configured for a single user or multiple users in small- to medium-size work groups. The target audience for JCMS includes laboratory technicians, animal colony managers, and principal investigators. The application provides operational support for colony management and experimental workflows, sample and data tracking through transaction-based data entry forms, and date-driven work reports. Flexible query forms allow researchers to retrieve database records based on user-defined criteria. Recent advances in handheld computers with integrated barcode readers, middleware technologies, web browsers, and wireless networks add to the utility of JCMS by allowing real-time access to the database from any networked computer.

  2. Collective Memories of Portuguese Colonial Action in Africa: Representations of the Colonial Past among Mozambicans and Portuguese Youths

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    João Feijó


    Full Text Available Social representations of the colonization and decolonization processes among young people from a former European colonial power (Portugal and from an African ex-colony (Mozambique were investigated through surveys using open- and closed-ended questions about national history, focusing on the identity functions of collective memories. Hegemonic and contested representations were found of the most prominent events related to Portuguese colonization of Mozambique, arousing a range of collective emotions. A central place is occupied by memories of the Colonial War, which ended with the Carnation Revolution in Portugal and the subsequent independence of the Portuguese African colonies. Overall, the depiction of colonialism was more negative for Mozambican than for Portuguese participants. The violent effects of colonial action were very salient in Mozambican memories, which stressed the most oppressive aspects of the colonial period, associated with slave trade and brutal repression. On the Portuguese side, the idealization of the voyages of discovery persisted, obscuring the most violent effects of colonial expansion. However, collective memories of colonization of former colonizer and former colonized do not simply stand opposed. Both Mozambican and Portuguese participants reported ambivalent feelings towards the colonization process.

  3. Metodologia de ensino e aprendizagem sobre relacionamento interpessoal no ambiente de trabalho

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    Claudia Simone Cordeiro Pelissoli


    Full Text Available O trabalho busca uma metodologia de ensino-aprendizagem para o conteúdo “relacionamento interpessoal” na disciplina Gestão de Pessoas, buscando qualificar os alunos para a carreira profissional. Justifica-se sua importância devido à problemática de que muitos profissionais apresentam dificuldades em atender e cativar as pessoas no ambiente de trabalho, com o intuito de viabilizar uma postura mais adequada que o torne diferenciado. O objetivo do trabalho é aplicar uma metodologia em sala de aula que provoque a reflexão dos alunos quanto ao seu relacionamento interpessoal, sendo que é um tema subjetivo e saber lidar com as pessoas é essencial no sucesso profissional. Trata-se de um estudo de caso aplicado no IFRS – campus Osório com alunos do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Processos Gerenciais. Um dos resultados aponta para a importância de se estudar meios de melhorar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem para uma melhor reflexão na vida profissional e pessoal, mesclando diferentes métodos de ensino, aliando a teoria com a realidade de forma dinâmica, provocando um posicionamento crítico do aluno.

  4. Hacia una memoria decolonial: breves apuntes para indagar por el acontecimiento detrás del acontecimiento fotográfico

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    Alex Schlenker


    Full Text Available El retrato ha sido, a lo largo de la historia de la fotografía, un ritual cuya gramática visual está siempre condicionada por una mirada determinada. Retratamos para recordar, para fijar un instante en el tiempo. Cuando recordamos lo fotografiado convocamos de nuevo ese instante, pero, además, convocamos una realidad, un orden social específico construido por determinados actores sociales. La fotografía ha representado y legitimado en muchos momentos un patrón de poder colonial que, a través de sus estructuras de dominación, ha elaborado rígidas jerarquías sociales y raciales que han circunscrito a indios, afros, mujeres y clases populares a lo que Frantz Fanon llama la zona del No-ser. ¿Es posible recordar, entonces, a partir de la fotografía, de manera crítica y sin reproducir en tal ejercicio la matriz colonial que hizo posible la toma de la imagen?

  5. Post-colonial identity in Greenland?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gad, Ulrik Pram


    could be furthered by bringing politics back in. Based on a discourse analysis of the Greenlandic debate on language, this paper makes three claims: First, the identity projects promoted in Greenland are based on an essentialist conception of identity. Secondly, Greenlandic identity discourse combines......In the gradual unravelling of Greenland’s colonial relationship to Denmark, an essentialist conceptualization of Greenlandic identity has played a significant role. However, both our scholarly understanding of post-colonial Greenlandic identity and the process towards independence for Greenland...... elements of traditional Inuit culture and elements of colonial modernity. Thirdly, monolingual Greenlanders are those with the most to gain from abandoning the dichotomy of essentialist identities. Strategically, the paper suggests a post-post-colonial Greenlandic identity as a means of avoiding...

  6. El professor com a avaluador d'aprenentatges: una experiència

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    María Isabel Cal Bouzada


    Full Text Available L’objectiu d’aquest article és presentar una experiència d’innovació docent que s’ha portat a terme en la Universitat de Vigo. Amb motiu del canvi de metodologia docent que s’exigeix amb la imminent implantació del EEES, s’ha pretès, en la mesura que siga possible, crear un entorn d’aprenentatge on els alumnes se sentires còmodes i tranquils i, s’implicaren de forma activa en el seu procés d’aprenentatge. Al canviar el rol de l’alumne era necessari canviar, també, el rol del professor, que passa a ser avaluador no només de coneixements, sinó també de destreses i capacitats que són, en última instància, les que li van a permetre sobreviure en el món professional.

  7. Género, sanidad y colonialidad: la 'mujer marroquí' y la 'mujer española' en la política sanitaria de España en Marruecos Gender and coloniality: the 'Moroccan woman' and the 'Spanish woman' in Spain's sanitary policies in Morocco

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    Isabel Jiménez-Lucena


    Full Text Available Desde una perspectiva que considera el discurso como tecnología del poder que sirve para ordenar y dar forma al 'cuerpo social', en este trabajo se trata de mostrar por qué es relevante un enfoque de género en el abordaje del problema de la colonialidad y la diferencia colonial en general y del Protectorado de España en Marruecos en particular. La reflexión y el análisis se concretan en la relevancia que tuvieron las relaciones de género y las mujeres en el discurso y la práctica médico-sanitaria en el espacio colonial, y viceversa: cómo la sanidad colonial intervino en la configuración de las relaciones de género; también se constituye en una cuestión central la manera en que resultaron esenciales estas relaciones que, implícita o explícitamente, formaron parte de las actuaciones sanitarias para establecer una distinción clara entre 'nosotros' y 'ellos', para establecer identidades y relaciones que no fueron sólo de género, permitiendo el ejercicio del poder colonial, a la vez que posibilitaron complicidades entre determinados grupos de colonizados y colonizadores.Approaching from a perspective that takes discourse as a tool of power in arranging and shaping the 'social body,' the article shows the importance of looking at gender when addressing the issues of coloniality and the colonial difference in general and when addressing the issue of the Spanish Protectorate of Morocco in particular. This reflection and analysis concentrates on the relevance of gender relations, and of women, in the medical-sanitary discourse and practices of the colonial period. Some central points include how health influenced the shaping of gender relations under colonialism and how these gender relations were implicitly or explicitly part of sanitary initiatives, serving to establish a distinction between 'us' and 'them.' The author also underscores that these relations were not only of gender, and that they enabled colonial power to be exercised

  8. Experiència docent iberoamericana sobre metodologia de la investigació a través de videoconferència

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    Vladimir Martínez Bello


    Full Text Available Les noves tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC són eines valuoses que utilitzades correctament afavoreixen el procés 'ensenyament- aprenentatge en tots els nivells del sistema educatiu . En els últims anys l'ús de la videoconferència com a eina de les TIC en el sector universitari ha vingut en augment a causa del potencial educatiu i social de connectar processos i experiències entre professors i estudiants situats en diferents parts del món. La videoconferència ha transformat la forma en què la pedagogia i l'aprenentatge es duen a terme a l'aula universitària . L'article descriu una experiència educativa entre dues països iberoamericans sobre la implementació de l´assignatura “Metodologia de la Investigació” per a estudiants de la titulació de Cultura Física, Esport y Recreació. A través dels models tècnic, organizatiu y pedagògic s´analitzan l´abast, oportunitats i debilitats de l´assignatura impartida des de videoconferència durant l´inici, desenvolupament y avaluació.

  9. Análise da Metodologia Criada por Miguel Cifuentes Referente à Capacidade de Carga Turística

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    Maurício Delgado


    Full Text Available Muitos pesquisadores do setor turístico têm utilizado a metodologia da capacidade de carga. A idéia básica é estabelecer um número máximo de visitantes em uma determinada localidade, com o objetivo de minimizar os impactos provocados pela visitação. Entretanto, esta metodologia está incompleta ao atrelar os impactos da visitação apenas ao número de visitantes, deixando de considerar aspectos subjetivos e qualitativos relacionados ao turismo. Esta pesquisa demonstra a falta de cientificidade desta metodologia e salienta que limitar o número de visitantes é apenas um dos métodos de controle dos impactos provocados pelo turismo. Many researchers in the tourism sector have used the methodology of carrying capacity. The basic principie is to establish a maximum number of visitors in some place in order to minimize the impact of tourism. However, this methodology is incomplete as it only relates the impacts of tourist activity to the number of visitors, without considering some of the subjective and qualitative aspects of the effects of tourism. This research demonstrates the unscientific nature of this methodology and stresses that limiting the number of visitors to a locality is only one method to control the impacts of tourism.

  10. Early Developmental Program Shapes Colony Morphology in Bacteria

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    Gideon Mamou


    Full Text Available When grown on a solid surface, bacteria form highly organized colonies, yet little is known about the earliest stages of colony establishment. Following Bacillus subtilis colony development from a single progenitor cell, a sequence of highly ordered spatiotemporal events was revealed. Colony was initiated by the formation of leading-cell chains, deriving from the colony center and extending in multiple directions, typically in a “Y-shaped” structure. By eradicating particular cells during these early stages, we could influence the shape of the resulting colony and demonstrate that Y-arm extension defines colony size. A mutant in ymdB encoding a phosphodiesterase displayed unordered developmental patterns, indicating a role in guiding these initial events. Finally, we provide evidence that intercellular nanotubes contribute to proper colony formation. In summary, we reveal a “construction plan” for building a colony and provide the initial molecular basis for this process.

  11. Inteligência Competitiva: metodologias aplicadas em empresas brasileiras
    Inteligencia Competitiva: metodologías aplicadas en las empresas brasileñas


    Mônica Erichsen Nassif; Frederico Vidigal


    Introdução: Apresenta um panorama acerca da Inteligência Competitiva no contexto das organizações brasileiras. Objetivo: Investiga a existência de metodologias de Inteligência Competitiva aplicadas a organizações nacionais e multinacionais de diferentes segmentos de mercado. Metodologia: Revisão de literatura nacional e internacional – envolvendo o status quo da atividade de Inteligência Competitiva no mundo – e cujo conteúdo foi confrontado com os resultados obtidos em entrevistas realiza...


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    Ana Cristina Rempel de Olivera


    Full Text Available O artigo teve como objetivo analisar a metodologia utilizada para coletar dados estatísticos de visitação da comunidade em um atrativo natural, o estudo foi desenvolvido através de cinco etapas, que consistiram em revisão teórica e documental, obtenção da autorização necessária para a coleta de dados, elaboração do instrumento de coleta de dados, seleção da amostra, e a análise dos dados. O procedimento realizado no Parque Nacional do Iguaçu foi selecionado como amostra, posteriormente o mesmo foi analisado de acordo com a revisão bibliográfica acerca da importância da realização de pesquisas, e as metodologias e variáveis aplicadas ao turismo, que foram comparadas ao método utilizado no atrativo, concluindo que parte das metodologias e variáveis utilizadas em turismo pode ser aplicável aos atrativos turísticos. Palavras-chave: Metodologia; Estatística; Atrativo Natural; Comunidade.

  13. Aplicación de la ingeniería del software sobre la herramienta MATE: Common y DMLib


    Martín Fernández, Noel de


    Aquest projecte intenta implantar una metodologia de treball sobre MATE. MATE es una eina de sintonització d'aplicacions paral·leles sorgida de la tesis doctoral d'Anna Sikora a 2003. Vistos els resultats obtinguts, es va decidir donar un pas endavant i convertir-la en un producte software Open Source. Per fer-ho ha sigut necessari aplicar una serie d'estàndards i fer un proces de tests. En aquest treball s'ha creat part de la metodologia i s'han modificat dos dels mòduls principals. Este ...

  14. An American termite in Paris: temporal colony dynamics. (United States)

    Baudouin, Guillaume; Dedeine, Franck; Bech, Nicolas; Bankhead-Dronnet, Stéphanie; Dupont, Simon; Bagnères, Anne-Geneviève


    Termites of the genus Reticulitermes are widespread invaders, particularly in urban habitats. Their cryptic and subterranean lifestyle makes them difficult to detect, and we know little about their colony dynamics over time. In this study we examined the persistence of Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) colonies in the city of Paris over a period of 15 years. The aim was (1) to define the boundaries of colonies sampled within the same four areas over two sampling periods, (2) to determine whether the colonies identified during the first sampling period persisted to the second sampling period, and (3) to compare the results obtained when colonies were delineated using a standard population genetic approach versus a Bayesian clustering method that combined both spatial and genetic information. Herein, colony delineations were inferred from genetic differences at nine microsatellite loci and one mitochondrial locus. Four of the 18 identified colonies did not show significant differences in their genotype distributions between the two sampling periods. While allelic richness was low, making it hard to reliably distinguish colony family type, most colonies appeared to retain the same breeding structure over time. These large and expansive colonies showed an important ability to fuse (39% were mixed-family colonies), contained hundreds of reproductives and displayed evidence of isolation-by-distance, suggesting budding dispersal. These traits, which favor colony persistence over time, present a challenge for pest control efforts, which apply treatment locally. The other colonies showed significant differences, but we cannot exclude the possibility that their genotype distributions simply changed over time.

  15. Metodologias ativas de ensino e aprendizagem: uma experiência com docentes da educação básica


    Antônio Eustáquio Ferreira


    Relato com o objetivo de descrever a experiência de um curso de formação continuada de professores, cujo título é Metodologias Ativas de Ensino e Aprendizagem: uma experiência com docentes da educação básica, desenvolvido em parceria com a Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, sob a coordenação e execução do autor. Os resultados evidenciaram que o contato dos docentes da educação básica com algumas técnicas das Metodologias Ativas de Ensino e Aprendizagem provocam reflexões sobre suas atit...

  16. Salud y enfermedad en Tunja y su Provincia durante el período colonial

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    Ernesto Porras Collantes


    Full Text Available La salud pública es provincia del bienestar social, de la asistencia pública, que las modernas sociedades han integrado a la planificación urbana. Las condiciones físicas del sitio en que Tunja fue fundada, empero, entrabaron la planificación urbana colonial de la urbe y fueron óbice insalvable que conspiró contra su sanidad pública. En efecto, las necesidades tácticas de la guerra de conquista fueron causa determinante para que se fundara a Tunja en un sitio por demás inconveniente para una ciudad, como apropiado para un castro militar.



    Carvalho, Leila de Moura


    Este trabalho aborda uma metodologia voltada para o desenvolvimento do grupo de líderes da Divisão Logística de uma empresa do setor de varejo. Em uma pesquisa realizada pela empresa, detectou-se uma deficiência no estilo de supervisão atual adotada pelo grupo de líderes e as conseqüências negativas geradas para a organização. A proposta deste trabalho é promover a educação e o treinamento do grupo de líderes para uma mudança de estilo de supervisão. Para isso, propõe-se a utilizar como base ...

  18. La iglesia y el crédito colonial: Pamplona-Nuevo Reino de Granada, 1700-1760

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    Carmen Adriana Ferreira Esparza


    Full Text Available A partir del análisis de los protocolos notariales del Archivo Histórico de Pamplona y de una clasificación detallada de los censos y capellanías, este artículo ubica las fuentes y mecanismos crediticios que operaron durante el periodo colonial. Destaca especialmente el papel desempeñado por el convento de monjas de Santa Clara y la Hermandad de San Pedro, instituciones eclesiásticas que asumieron funcione financieras, así como algunos capitales provenientes del sector privado. Finalmente señala la aplicación de este sistema crediticio en el marco de una economía agrícola, basada en la comercialización y producción de cacao, como fue la de la provincia de Pamplona en la Nueva Granada, durante los primeros 60 años del siglo XVIII.

  19. Behavior and demography in an urban colony of Tadarida brasiliensis (Chiroptera: Molossidae in Rosario, Argentina

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    Marcelo C Romano


    Full Text Available Bat colonies were sampled in the city of Rosario to increase the understanding of bat ecology in urban areas of the southern cone of South America. Seven species were recorded, of which three are new records for Rosario. One representative colony was chosen for intensive ecological study. Approximately 64 000 Tadarida brasiliensis formed a maternity colony in the attic of an old building. Most of the bats were pregnant or lactating females and their young.. Adults arrive in the colony in mid-September and leave in February, no bats were present at this site from the beginning of March to mid-September. Births occur between mid-November and mid-December. Pups roosted in compact clusters in the nursery areas, spatially segregated from adults. Densities of these aggregations were 643 + 76 bats/m2 (p Con el objetivo de incrementar el conocimiento de la ecología de los murciélagos en áreas urbanas, se muestrearon colonias en la ciudad de Rosario. Fueron registradas siete especies, de las cuales tres son nuevos registros. Se seleccionó una colonia que se consideró más representativa, para realizar un intensivo estudio ecológico. Se realizaron conteos poblacionales, que arrojaron aproximadamente 64 000 Tadarida brasiliensis formando una colonia maternal en el ático de un antigüo edificio. Se hicieron registros de comportamiento (fechas de arribo y partida, patrones diarios de actividad, pariciones, etc.. Los adultos arrivan al refugio a mediados de septiembre y lo abandonan en febrero. Las pariciones ocurren entre mediados de noviembre y mediados de diciembre. Las crías se ubicaron en grupos compactos en áreas separadas de los adultos, siendo su densidad de 643 + 76 /m2 (p < 0.20. y la de los adultos de 161 + 21 /m2 (p < 0.20. 182 animales capturados fueron identificados, sexados y pesados. Los registros incluyeron patrones diarios de actividad.. Se detectó predación por "lechuza de campanario" (Tyto alba y gatos domésticos. La b

  20. Comparação entre o sistema Petrifilm RSA® e a metodologia convencional para a enumeração de estafilococos coagulase positiva em alimentos Comparison of Petrifilm RSA system with the traditional methodology for the enumeration of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus in foods

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    Anderson de Souza Sant'ana


    Full Text Available A pesquisa de estafilococos coagulase positiva em alimentos é feita através de sua detecção e enumeração em meios seletivos e diferenciais e posterior caracterização pelos testes de coagulase, termonuclease, Gram e catalase. Estes testes podem requerer até quatro dias para obtenção dos resultados finais, além do tempo e material dispensados ao seu uso. As placas Petrfilm® RSA são uma alternativa a esta metodologia. No presente estudo, foram analisadas 62 amostras de diferentes alimentos comparando-se a metodologia tradicional (ABP, seguido dos testes de coagulaseou Staphytect Plus e o sistema Petrifilm. O sistema Petrifilm® RSA diferiu significativamente da metodologia tradicional, dando médias de contagem superiores. Ao se considerar colônias típicas e atípicas, o ABP seguido de confirmação pelo Staphytect Plus diferiu significativamente dos demais métodos testados. O Petrifilm RSA é uma alternativa para a enumeração de estafilococos coagulase positivos em alimentos, em virtude do menor tempo (aproximadamente 31 horas, para obter-se resultados realmente quantitativos. Deve-se testar tanto colônias típicas quanto atípicas crescidas no ABP, para se evitar falhas na quantificação dos resultados. Esta contagem é mais significativa ao se usar o teste de aglutinação em látex (Staphytect Plus. A análise de estafilococos em alimentos apresenta diversas limitações.Foods are examined for the presence of coagulase-positive staphylococci using selective and differential media followed by characterization for coagulase, thermoestable nuclease, Gram and catalase tests. These tests may require up to four days to obtain the results, besides time and material used. The Petrifilm® rapid S.aureus count plate is a alternative to traditional methodology. In this study, 62 samples of several foods were analysed comparing the BPA method followed by coagulase or latex agglutination tests and Petrifilm® RSA method. The Petrifilm


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    André Ricardo ALCARDE


    Full Text Available

    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o perfil físico-químico da aguardente de cana-de-açúcar produzida por diferentes metodologias de dupla destilação em alambique simples. Mosto fermentado de caldo de cana-deaçúcar foi destilado em alambique simples seguindo três metodologias de dupla destilação: a empregada para a produção de conhaque, a empregada na produção de uísque e a metodologia da proporção porcentual 10-80-10, referente aos volumes das frações “cabeça”, “coração” e “cauda” do destilado da segunda destilação. Para comparação, também foi produzida uma aguardente de cana-de-açúcar monodestilada. Os destilados foram analisados quimicamente quanto às concentrações de etanol, cobre, acidez volátil, furfural e hidroximetilfurfural, aldeídos, ésteres, metanol e álcoois superiores. As aguardentes de cana-de-açúcar foram também avaliadas sensorialmente quanto aos atributos de aroma, sabor e preferência. Comparada com a monodestilação, a dupla destilação melhorou a qualidade química das aguardentes, pois proporcionou redução das concentrações de cobre, de acidez volátil, de aldeídos, de ésteres, de metanol, de álcoois superiores e, consequentemente, do coeficiente de congêneres das aguardentes. As metodologias de dupla destilação baseadas na produção de conhaque e de uísque proporcionaram maior redução na concentração dos componentes secundários das aguardentes que a metodologia baseada na proporção 10-80-10. A dupla destilação melhorou também a qualidade sensorial das aguardentes, pois, independentemente da metodologia empregada, as aguardentes produzidas por dupla destilação obtiveram maior aceitação sensorial que a aguardente monodestilada. Dentre as aguardentes duplamente destiladas, a produzida segundo a metodologia do uísque obteve as maiores notas dos provadores quanto aos parâmetros de aroma e sabor e também foi a mais preferida.

  2. Post-Colonial Theory and Action Research

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    Jim Parsons


    Full Text Available This essay explores connections between post-colonial theory and action research. Post-colonial theory is committed to addressing the plague of colonialism. Action research, at its core, promises to problematize uncontested ‘colonial’ hegemonies of any form. Both post-colonial theory and action research engage dialogic, critically reflective and collaborative values to offer a fuller range of human wisdom. The authors contend that post-colonialism theory calls for justice and seeks to speak to social and psychological suffering, exploitation, violence and enslavement done to the powerless victims of colonization around the world by challenging the superiority of dominant perspectives and seeking to re-position and empower the marginalized and subordinated. In similar ways, action research works to eradicate oppression, powerlessness and worthlessness by affirming solidarity with the oppressed, helping humans move from passive to active and by fundamentally reshaping power. Because both post-colonial theory and action research position the insider or oppressed in an ethic of efficacy, it values community, relationships, communication and equality, and is committed to reciprocity, reflexivity and reflection. Thus, both hold the potential to help reconstruct conditions for a more democratic and just society

  3. Post-Colonial Theory and Action Research

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    Jim B. Parsons


    Full Text Available This essay explores connections between post-colonial theory and action research. Post-colonial theory is committed to addressing the plague of colonialism. Action research, at its core, promises to problematize uncontested ‘colonial’ hegemonies of any form. Both post-colonial theory and action research engage dialogic, critically reflective and collaborative values to offer a fuller range of human wisdom. The authors contend that post-colonialism theory calls for justice and seeks to speak to social and psychological suffering, exploitation, violence and enslavement done to the powerless victims of colonization around the world by challenging the superiority of dominant perspectives and seeking to re-position and empower the marginalized and subordinated. In similar ways, action research works to eradicate oppression, powerlessness and worthlessness by affirming solidarity with the oppressed, helping humans move from passive to active and by fundamentally reshaping power. Because both post-colonial theory and action research position the insider or oppressed in an ethic of efficacy, it values community, relationships, communication and equality, and is committed to reciprocity, reflexivity and reflection. Thus, both hold the potential to help reconstruct conditions for a more democratic and just society.

  4. Augusta Emérita. La investigación arqueológica en una ciudad de época romana

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    Mateos Cruz, Pedro


    Full Text Available This article is an ample summary of the recent archaeological results developed in the last years in the roman colony of Augusta Emerita (modern Mérida, Spain. Recent systematic research has change many old views and statements about the urbanistic development of the roman colony as a result of the new scientific proyects undetaken recently, that offer a new undestanding of the evolution of Mérida during the Roman period.En este artículo se plantea la evolución del conocimiento de la ciudad romana de Emerita Augusta a partir de las investigaciones desarrolladas por historiadores y arqueólogos en los últimos años. Con ellas se han puesto en duda argumentos cerrados secularmente, sugiriendo, al menos, una imagen ciudadana distinta a la supuesta hasta ahora, con una fisonomía urbana resultado de variados proyectos, y con procesos y ciclos que, aunque en ocasiones no acertamos a situar o valorar correctamente, ayudan a entender cómo se conformó el devenir y la evolución de Mérida en época antigua.

  5. Colony formation in the cyanobacterium Microcystis. (United States)

    Xiao, Man; Li, Ming; Reynolds, Colin S


    Morphological evolution from a unicellular to multicellular state provides greater opportunities for organisms to attain larger and more complex living forms. As the most common freshwater cyanobacterial genus, Microcystis is a unicellular microorganism, with high phenotypic plasticity, which forms colonies and blooms in lakes and reservoirs worldwide. We conducted a systematic review of field studies from the 1990s to 2017 where Microcystis was dominant. Microcystis was detected as the dominant genus in waterbodies from temperate to subtropical and tropical zones. Unicellular Microcystis spp. can be induced to form colonies by adjusting biotic and abiotic factors in laboratory. Colony formation by cell division has been induced by zooplankton filtrate, high Pb 2+ concentration, the presence of another cyanobacterium (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii), heterotrophic bacteria, and by low temperature and light intensity. Colony formation by cell adhesion can be induced by zooplankton grazing, high Ca 2+ concentration, and microcystins. We hypothesise that single cells of all Microcystis morphospecies initially form colonies with a similar morphology to those found in the early spring. These colonies gradually change their morphology to that of M. ichthyoblabe, M. wesenbergii and M. aeruginosa with changing environmental conditions. Colony formation provides Microcystis with many ecological advantages, including adaption to varying light, sustained growth under poor nutrient supply, protection from chemical stressors and protection from grazing. These benefits represent passive tactics responding to environmental stress. Microcystis colonies form at the cost of decreased specific growth rates compared with a unicellular habit. Large colony size allows Microcystis to attain rapid floating velocities (maximum recorded for a single colony, ∼ 10.08 m h -1 ) that enable them to develop and maintain a large biomass near the surface of eutrophic lakes, where they may shade

  6. Estimation of production characteristic curves of geothermal wells and of the permeability of rocky formations through one single mass flow-pressure-enthalpy (W-P-h) measurement at the wellhead; Estimacion de curvas caracteristicas de produccion de pozos geotermicos y de permeabilidades de formaciones rocosas a partir de una sola medicion flujo masico-presion- entalpia (W-P-h) a boca de pozo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    L Moya, Sara; Aragon, Alfonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The proposed methodology described ahead (Moya et al.,1996; Moya et al.,1997a, 1997b and 1997c) simplifies the construction of production characteristic curves of geothermal wells and of its associated thermal productivity, in requiring one single measurement of mass flow-pressure-enthalpy (W-P-h) at the wellhead. Therefore it is an ecological option, technically and economically more feasible. On the other hand, the methodology also allows to diagnose the rocky formation absolute permeability in the well feeding zone. This permeability is usually determined through well bottom pressure tests, than in some cases are difficult to interpret. The permeability inferred by means of the proposed technology represents a complementary tool for these field tests and for the laboratory measurements on drilling cores. [Espanol] La metodologia propuesta que se describe a continuacion [Moya et al., 1995d; Moya et al., 1996; Moya et al., 1997a, 1997b y 1997c] simplifica la construccion de curvas caracteristicas de produccion de pozos geotermicos y de su productividad termica asociada al requerir solo una medicion de flujo masico-presion-entalpia (W-P-h) a boca de pozo. Es por tanto una alternativa ecologica, tecnica y economicamente mas factible. Por otra parte, la metodologia tambien permite diagnosticar el valor de la permeabilidad absoluta de la formacion rocosa en la zona de alimentacion al pozo. Esta permeabilidad se determina usualmente a partir de pruebas de presion a fondo de pozo que en algunos casos son dificiles de interpretar. La permeabilidad inferida mediante la metodologia propuesta representa una herramienta complementaria a estas pruebas de campo y a las mediciones de laboratorio sobre nucleos de perforacion.

  7. Estimation of production characteristic curves of geothermal wells and of the permeability of rocky formations through one single mass flow-pressure-enthalpy (W-P-h) measurement at the wellhead; Estimacion de curvas caracteristicas de produccion de pozos geotermicos y de permeabilidades de formaciones rocosas a partir de una sola medicion flujo masico-presion- entalpia (W-P-h) a boca de pozo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    L Moya, Sara; Aragon, Alfonso [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The proposed methodology described ahead (Moya et al.,1996; Moya et al.,1997a, 1997b and 1997c) simplifies the construction of production characteristic curves of geothermal wells and of its associated thermal productivity, in requiring one single measurement of mass flow-pressure-enthalpy (W-P-h) at the wellhead. Therefore it is an ecological option, technically and economically more feasible. On the other hand, the methodology also allows to diagnose the rocky formation absolute permeability in the well feeding zone. This permeability is usually determined through well bottom pressure tests, than in some cases are difficult to interpret. The permeability inferred by means of the proposed technology represents a complementary tool for these field tests and for the laboratory measurements on drilling cores. [Espanol] La metodologia propuesta que se describe a continuacion [Moya et al., 1995d; Moya et al., 1996; Moya et al., 1997a, 1997b y 1997c] simplifica la construccion de curvas caracteristicas de produccion de pozos geotermicos y de su productividad termica asociada al requerir solo una medicion de flujo masico-presion-entalpia (W-P-h) a boca de pozo. Es por tanto una alternativa ecologica, tecnica y economicamente mas factible. Por otra parte, la metodologia tambien permite diagnosticar el valor de la permeabilidad absoluta de la formacion rocosa en la zona de alimentacion al pozo. Esta permeabilidad se determina usualmente a partir de pruebas de presion a fondo de pozo que en algunos casos son dificiles de interpretar. La permeabilidad inferida mediante la metodologia propuesta representa una herramienta complementaria a estas pruebas de campo y a las mediciones de laboratorio sobre nucleos de perforacion.


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    Tatang Iskarna


    Full Text Available Colonial and postcolonial studies are often linked to the power domination of the West upon the East in the way that the East economically, politically, and socially oppressed. Colonialism is often associated with three elements, the explorers dealing with geographical information, missionaries approaching the local people culturally, and the colonial administrators ruling the colony. Gold, glory, and gospel are the European’s concern. However, in representing the relation between Christianity and colonialism there is critical dialectic amongst historians, anthropologists, Christian missions, or cultural critics. Some propose that Christianity is considered to be the religious arm of colonialism. Others state that Christianity is spread without any secular interest as it is a great commandment of Jesus Christ. A few believe that Christianity give critical resistance against colonialism. The relation between Christianity and colonialism cannot be simplified as being neutral, in complicity, or in opposition. So, it is worth-discussing to understand how European writers construct the relation between Christianity and colonialism in their literary work. How Christianity is constructed and how Christianity is related to colonialism will be discussed in this paper. Using postcolonial paradigm, two English short stories will be analyzed in that way. They are Rudyard Kipling’s “Lispeth” and Doris Lessing’s “No Witchcraft for Sale”.

  9. Drogas: uma proposta de metodologia da problematização no Ensino de Química

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    Rafaela Alves de Andrade


    Full Text Available A metodologia da problematização é algo transformador que desperta a curiosidade do aluno e o desafia a observar a realidade, entender e modificá-la. Assim, o aluno consegue encontrar um estímulo para aprender, no qual o professor é o mediador do conhecimento nessa educação problematizadora. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a utilização da metodologia da problematização nas aulas de química, em uma turma do 3° ano do ensino médio, analisando o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem dos conceitos de química presentes no tema: as drogas. A investigação ocorreu de forma qualitativa com fins descritivos e explicativos na abordagem do problema, com aplicação de questionários como instrumento de coleta de dados, para analisar o conhecimento dos estudantes no início e final do estudo. O processo de intervenção foi realizado nas aulas de química aplicando as etapas do Arco de Maguerez, no qual ocorreu em cinco momentos: observação da realidade, pontos-chave, teorização, hipóteses de solução e aplicação à realidade. Ao ser executada essa metodologia, verificou- se que os alunos adquirem estímulos para aprenderem com aulas problematizadoras através de um tema social.

  10. Factores críticos de suceso y valor estratégico de la implementación de una metodología formal de proyectos de sistemas en una empresa de distribución de medicamentos Fatores críticos de sucesso e valor estratégico da implementação de uma metodologia formal de projetos de sistemas em uma empresa de distribuição de medicamentos

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    Ângela Freitag Brodbeck


    necesarias" y"responsabilizar usuarios capaces e involucrados" se destacaron como los más relevantes, así como los elementos de VE"plazo de los proyectos y cualidad de los productos" y "economía directa". Dos de los principales motivos que llevaron a adoptar la metodología fueron la presión por reducción de costos y la mejora de procesos tanto internos como externos. Una de las principales contribuciones de esta investigación, sin embargo, fue identificar elementos, ya apuntados por la literatura algunos años atrás, que pueden implicar un mejor desempeño de la TI en relación a las demás áreas de la organizaciónA escolha da Tecnologia de Informação (TI adequada e a cuidadosa implementação de projetos de Sistemas de Informação podem significar o sucesso ou o fracasso de alguns negócios das organizações. Por isso, esta pesquisa buscou identificar os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS na implementação de uma metodologia formal de projetos de sistemas, bem como o Valor Estratégico (VE e os motivos da adoção dessa metodologia, em uma empresa distribuidora de medicamentos de grande porte da Região Sul do Brasil. Utilizou-se o método de estudo de caso único, e os dados coletados foram analisados quanti e qualitativamente. Os FCS"contar com apoio da alta administração","possibilitar mudanças nos processos de negócio","gerente de projeto com habilidades necessárias" e"responsabilizar usuários capazes e envolvidos" destacaram-se como os mais relevantes, assim como os elementos de VE"prazo dos projetos e qualidade dos produtos" e"economia direta". Dois dos principais motivos que levaram à adoção da metodologia foram a pressão por redução de custos e a melhoria de processos tanto internos quanto externos. Uma das principais contribuições desta pesquisa, porém, foi identificar elementos, já apontados pela literatura alguns anos atrás, que podem implicar melhor desempenho da TI em relação às demais áreas da organização

  11. Une région minière de la colonie à l'indépendance: Barbacoas 1750-1830 (Economie, société, vie politique locale

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    Full Text Available Isolée sur la côte tropicale du Pacifique, entre Quito et Popayán, la ville minière de Barbacoas est un exemple parfait de société coloniale périphérique, où les tensions socio-raciales et les tares du régime colonial s'étalent avec une netteté particulière. Cette société esclavagiste, violente et raciste, cette économie prédatrice prospère mais totalement dépendante de l'extérieur pour ses échanges, sont menacées à la fin du XVIIIème siècle par l'essor et l'autonomie croissante du groupe des noirs libres, mais aussi par les excès et les velléités de réforme fiscale d'une administration coloniale désastreuse et très mal acceptée par les notables locaux: d'où une vie politique violente, agitée et dérisoire. L'indépendance, en amenant une exaspération des conflits internes à l'élite et une révolte généralisée des esclaves, porte un coup fatal à cette société. Aislada en la costa tropical del Pacífico, entre Quito y Popayán, la ciudad minera de Barbacoas es el ejemplo perfecto de una sociedad colonial periférica, donde las tensiones sociales y raciales y los defectos del régimen colonial alcanzan un grado de nitidez extraordinario. Esa sociedad esclavista, violenta y racista, esa economía predadora, próspera pero con dependencia total de lo exterior para sus intercambios, están, a finales del siglo XVIII, bajo una doble amenaza: el auge y la creciente autonomía del grupo de los negros libres, y también los excesos y veleidades reformadoras de una administración colonial pésima y muy mal aceptada por los vecinos prepotentes: por eso la vida política era violenta, agitada, absurda. La independencia, que provocó la radicalización de los conflictos internos de la élite y una revuelta general de las cuadrillas, llevó esa sociedad a su ruina. Isolated on the tropical coast of the Pacific Ocean, between Quito and Popayán, the mining city of Barbacoas gives the perfect example of a peripherical

  12. Neonicotinoid pesticides can reduce honeybee colony genetic diversity.

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    Nadège Forfert

    Full Text Available Neonicotinoid insecticides can cause a variety of adverse sub-lethal effects in bees. In social species such as the honeybee, Apis mellifera, queens are essential for reproduction and colony functioning. Therefore, any negative effect of these agricultural chemicals on the mating success of queens may have serious consequences for the fitness of the entire colony. Queens were exposed to the common neonicotinoid pesticides thiamethoxam and clothianidin during their developmental stage. After mating, their spermathecae were dissected to count the number of stored spermatozoa. Furthermore, their worker offspring were genotyped with DNA microsatellites to determine the number of matings and the genotypic composition of the colony. Colonies providing the male mating partners were also inferred. Both neonicotinoid and control queens mated with drones originating from the same drone source colonies, and stored similar number of spermatozoa. However, queens reared in colonies exposed to both neonicotinoids experienced fewer matings. This resulted in a reduction of the genetic diversity in their colonies (i.e. higher intracolonial relatedness. As decreased genetic diversity among worker bees is known to negatively affect colony vitality, neonicotinoids may have a cryptic effect on colony health by reducing the mating frequency of queens.

  13. Estabelecimento de colonia, em laboratório, de Lutzomyia intermedia Lutz & Neiva, 1912 (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae Establishment of colony, in laboratory, of Lutzomyia intermedia Lutz & Neiva, 1912 (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae

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    Elizabeth F. Rangel


    Full Text Available Para a utilização em infecções experimentais e xenodiagnósticos de infecções naturais por leishmânias dermotrópicas do Rio de Janeiro, estabelecemos, em laboratório, uma colônia de Lutzomyia intermedia apresentando aqui a metodologia seguida, juntamente com dados relativos ao rendimento e duração de cada fase evolutiva nas quatro primeiras gerações.A laboratory colony of the sandfly Lutzomyia intermedia was established (at present in its seventh generation in order to provide specimens for experimental infection and for experimental xenodiagnosis of natural infections due to cutaneous leishmanias in Rio de Janeiro. Date are presented on the methodology and on the yield and duration of each stage of development, during the first four generations.

  14. Metodologias de ensino e formação na área da saúde: revisão de literatura


    Mello, Carolina de Castro Barbosa; Alves, Renato Oliveira; Lemos, Stela Maris Aguiar


    A Educação em Saúde no Ensino Superior tem sido objeto de muitos debates acerca da formação profissional em saúde. Portanto, há a discussão eminente acerca da utilização de novas metodologias de ensino a fim de formar profissionais em saúde, com habilidades e competências além do domínio técnico-científico, que sejam capazes de criar, planejar, implementar e avaliar políticas e ações em saúde para a população e, ao mesmo tempo, solucionar problemas. Para isso, metodologias ativas de aprendiza...

  15. MAPS-15504 - Uma metodologia automatizada para avaliação de processo de software

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    Itana Maria de Souza Gimenes


    Full Text Available Devido às crescentes exigências por qualidade, a comunidade de engenharia de software tem produzido diversas normas e apresentado diversas abordagens sobre a qualidade dos produtos e processos de software. Grande parte dessas normas são aplicadas ao processo de software, dentre os quais se destacam pela larga utilização a ISO 9000-3, a ISO 12207, o CMM e o ISO/IEC TR 15504 (resultado dos trabalhos do projeto SPICE. Outro resultado das pesquisas da comunidade de engenharia de software são os ambientes de engenharia de software centrados em processo (PSEE, os quais visam à automação do processo de software. Este artigo apresenta MAPS-15504, uma metodologia automatizada para avaliação da qualidade do processo de software baseada no ISO/IEC TR 15504. A metodologia de avaliação de processo de software foi aplicada a um estudo de caso e implementada no ambiente do ExPSEE, um ambiente experimental desenvolvido no Departamento de Informática (DIN da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM

  16. Varroa-Virus Interaction in Collapsing Honey Bee Colonies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Francis, Roy Mathew; Nielsen, Steen L.; Kryger, Per


    Varroa mites and viruses are the currently the high-profile suspects in collapsing bee colonies. Therefore, seasonal variation in varroa load and viruses (Acute-Kashmir-Israeli complex (AKI) and Deformed Wing Virus (DWV)) were monitored in a year-long study. We investigated the viral titres...... in honey bees and varroa mites from 23 colonies (15 apiaries) under three treatment conditions: Organic acids (11 colonies), pyrethroid (9 colonies) and untreated (3 colonies). Approximately 200 bees were sampled every month from April 2011 to October 2011, and April 2012. The 200 bees were split to 10...... subsamples of 20 bees and analysed separately, which allows us to determine the prevalence of virus-infected bees. The treatment efficacy was often low for both treatments. In colonies where varroa treatment reduced the mite load, colonies overwintered successfully, allowing the mites and viruses...


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    Rafael Dias Rios de Souza


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem como objetivo discutir uma proposta nova de metodologia de ensino-aprendizagem, que será utilizada no ambiente de uma instituição de ensino. Essa proposta tem como base o uso de ferramentas tecnológicas e inovadoras, tais como o procedimento pedagógico denominado Flipped classroom, ou sala de aula invertida. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma aplicabilidade da metodologia em uma na disciplina  Universidade do Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP, com a finalidade de coletar e processar dados para entender como novas tecnologias vem influenciando o meio educacional.

  18. First recorded loss of an emperor penguin colony in the recent period of Antarctic regional warming: implications for other colonies.

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    Philip N Trathan

    Full Text Available In 1948, a small colony of emperor penguins Aptenodytes forsteri was discovered breeding on Emperor Island (67° 51' 52″ S, 68° 42' 20″ W, in the Dion Islands, close to the West Antarctic Peninsula (Stonehouse 1952. When discovered, the colony comprised approximately 150 breeding pairs; these numbers were maintained until 1970, after which time the colony showed a continuous decline. By 1999 there were fewer than 20 pairs, and in 2009 high-resolution aerial photography revealed no remaining trace of the colony. Here we relate the decline and loss of the Emperor Island colony to a well-documented rise in local mean annual air temperature and coincident decline in seasonal sea ice duration. The loss of this colony provides empirical support for recent studies (Barbraud & Weimerskirch 2001; Jenouvrier et al 2005, 2009; Ainley et al 2010; Barber-Meyer et al 2005 that have highlighted the vulnerability of emperor penguins to changes in sea ice duration and distribution. These studies suggest that continued climate change is likely to impact upon future breeding success and colony viability for this species. Furthermore, a recent circumpolar study by Fretwell & Trathan (2009 highlighted those Antarctic coastal regions where colonies appear most vulnerable to such changes. Here we examine which other colonies might be at risk, discussing various ecological factors, some previously unexplored, that may also contribute to future declines. The implications of this are important for future modelling work and for understanding which colonies actually are most vulnerable.


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    Matthias vom Hau


    Full Text Available Las representaciones oficiales del colonialismo español mostraron sorprendentes similitudes en América Latina. Un análisis comparativo de los textos de historia (a nivel de la escuela primaria, publicados en el siglo XX en México, Argentina y Perú revela que la conmemoración del colonialismo español fue un eje central en los proyectos oficiales de identidad nacional en estos tres países. Se identifican dos patrones. Durante el siglo XIX las narraciones históricas oficiales representaron el colonialismo español como una "fuerza civilizadora" que impulsó a la nación hacia adelante. Esto cambió a mediados del siglo XX. Desde entonces, los discursos oficiales nacionales representaron al colonialismo español como una "fuente de atraso" crucial para entender el (subdesarrollo político y socioeconómico contemporáneo. Este artículo demuestra, además, que el alcance de este cambio conmemorativo varió según los casos. Más específicamente, estos patrones de memoria colectiva se inscriben en transformaciones más amplias de representaciones del nacionalismo. En concreto, cambios en los representaciones del colonialismo español vinculados a cambios en el equilibrio de poder político entre distintas fuerzas sociales organizadas, y distintos patrones en el desarrollo de la infraestructura estatal en cada país.Palabras clave: América Latina, nacionalismo, formación del estado, memoria colectiva, colo-nialismo, identidad nacional, México, Perú, Argentina.____________________Official representations of Spanish colonialism exhibited striking similarities across the region. A comparative discourse analysis of history textbooks (primary school-level published in 20th century Mexico, Argentina, and Peru reveals that the commemoration of Spanish colonialism was central to official national identity projects in each of the three countries. Two dominant accounts can be identified. During the late 19th century the understanding of Spanish

  20. Avaliação de Micro e Pequenas Empresas Utilizando a Metodologia Multicritério e o Método do Fluxo de Caixa Descontado

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    Marcus Vinicius Andrade de Lima


    Full Text Available Neste artigo é apresentada uma contribuição ao método do fluxo de caixa descontado utilizando a metodologia multicritério de apoio à decisão. Essa metodologia incorpora variáveis de natureza qualitativa e subjetiva ao método tradicional do fluxo de caixa descontado utilizado na avaliação de empresas. Para ilustrar o método proposto foi realizado um estudo descritivo de natureza exploratória aplicado a um multicaso. A intervenção foi em Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPE do ramo químico, farmacêutico e de turismo. Como resultado, o avaliador ajustou o preço do negócio levando em conta a resultante da mixagem entre as duas metodologias.

  1. La proto-industria azucarera: Recio pilar en el desarrollo del imperio colonial en América

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    Abel Juárez Martínez


    Full Text Available La investigación susodicha a través de las observaciones realizadas al documento denominado Cuaderno curioso y práctica de purgadores, nos permite conocer a profundidad, la organización social interna y la estructura industrial, así como el estado que guardaba la tecnología en un ingenio del período colonial novohispano; así como las diferentes calificaciones y especialidades que tenía la fuerza de trabajo desde las plantaciones azucareras al batey. Resulta interesante por ejemplo los estereotipos que los hacendados aplican a los indígenas tanto de su belleza o fealdad como los juicios que emiten de la importancia de su mano de obra. Al respecto, resulta interesante la concepción que poseen las asesores de la monarquía española para con la población nativa, a la cual consideran como una fuente de ingresos y una vía de ahorro considerable beneficios logrados sin la necesidad de que se les proporcionase las "luces" de la cultura europea. El análisis referido, también nos abre vetas de estudio en torno a la situación de la mujer; habida cuenta de que tanto la legislación como la educación escolástica hegemónica no la consideraban un sujeto independiente sino un objeto, el cual para su desenvolvimiento en sociedad dependía absolutamente del hombre.Palabras Clave: Ingenio; Tecnología; Indígenas; Colonia; Caña. The proto-sugar industry in the development of colonial rule in America AbstractThe present research allows us to understand at length the social and industrial structure; the technological state of the art at a sugar mill of the novohispano colonial period and the different qualifications and specializations of the workforce from the plantation to the batey. The stereotypes landowners attributed to the indigenous population, in extremes of beauty or ugliness, as well as their regard of indigenous labor, are of special interest. The advisors of the Spanish monarchy regard the native population as source of income and

  2. Diferentes metodologias aplicadas ao ensino de astronomia no Ensino Médio (United States)

    Albrecht, E.; Voelzke, M. R.


    O presente trabalho de intervenção foi realizado junto à Escola Estadual Colònia dos Pescadores na cidade de Caraguatatuba, com très turmas do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, envolvendo 119 alunos com idades entre 16 e 19 anos. A fase inicial foi composta de um questionário de vinte questíes dissertativas e objetivas, aplicado pelo professor titular da sala, que era o mesmo nas très turmas, para diagnosticar nos educandos os conceitos prévios sobre Astronomia e, partindo destes realizar um trabalho de intervenção nas classes envolvidas utilizando, em cada uma, metodologias diferentes: (A) sob forma de seminários, elaborados e apresentados pelos educandos, no qual o educador faz apenas as intervençíes necessárias; (B) de forma tradicional, com auxílio de multimídias para desenvolvimento das aulas e a terceira (C) tradicional, fazendo uso exclusivo de lousa e giz. Ao final do trabalho os alunos responderam novamente o questionário inicial para diagnosticar dentre as très metodologias utilizadas qual apresentou melhores aplicaçíes, os resultados iniciais foram comparados com os finais. Quando questionados a respeito do significado de Astronomia observou-se inicialmente que os acertos na turma A foram de 100%, turma B: 64%, turma C: 84%, após a intervenção os acertos foram: 100%, 97% e 85% respectivamente, demonstrando que houve um avanço significativo na turma B, a turma A manteve seu índice e a turma C evoluiu, porém não tanto quanto a B. Quando interrogados sobre quantos planetas vocè acha que existem em nosso Sistema Solar? os acertos foram: turma A: 39%, turma B: 48% e turma C: 46%, após o desenvolvimento do trabalho os acertos foram 94%, 97% e 90% respectivamente. Dentro das respostas obtidas observa-se que a metodologia tradicional com o auxílio de multimeios, aplicada na turma B, demonstrou melhores resultados, sendo a mais significativa. Outra conclusão muito importante é que apesar de o tema Astronomia ser amplamente

  3. Statistical analysis of the wind around a nuclear power plant; Analisis estadistico del viento alrededor de una central nucleoelectrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tejeda, A; Alvarez, Oscar; Contreras, A D; Jauregui, E [Universidad Veracruzana, (Mexico)


    In order to show an appropriate methodology for the climatic analysis of the wind, some of the recent results in the investigation of the field flow around the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station, at Veracruz State (Mexico,) through the angular correlation coefficients and contingency tables among the registered wind directions by a meteorological tower at the levels of 10 and 60 meters high are presented. Finally, by applying an objective analysis of the data some conclusions are obtained in connection with the local winds with the mesoscale systems. [Espanol] Con el objeto de mostrar una metodologia apropiada en el analisis climatico del viento, se presentan algunos resultados recientes en la investigacion del campo de flujo en los alrededores de la central nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde, Veracruz (Mexico), a traves de los coeficientes de correlacion angulares y de tablas de contingencia entre las direcciones del viento registradas por una torre meteorologica en los niveles de 10 y 60 metros de altura. Finalmente, aplicando analisis objetivo de los datos, se obtienen algunas conclusiones sobre la conexion de los vientos locales con los sistemas de mesoescala.

  4. Statistical analysis of the wind around a nuclear power plant; Analisis estadistico del viento alrededor de una central nucleoelectrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tejeda, A; Alvarez, Oscar; Contreras, A. D.; Jauregui, E. [Universidad Veracruzana, (Mexico)


    In order to show an appropriate methodology for the climatic analysis of the wind, some of the recent results in the investigation of the field flow around the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station, at Veracruz State (Mexico,) through the angular correlation coefficients and contingency tables among the registered wind directions by a meteorological tower at the levels of 10 and 60 meters high are presented. Finally, by applying an objective analysis of the data some conclusions are obtained in connection with the local winds with the mesoscale systems. [Espanol] Con el objeto de mostrar una metodologia apropiada en el analisis climatico del viento, se presentan algunos resultados recientes en la investigacion del campo de flujo en los alrededores de la central nucleoelectrica de Laguna Verde, Veracruz (Mexico), a traves de los coeficientes de correlacion angulares y de tablas de contingencia entre las direcciones del viento registradas por una torre meteorologica en los niveles de 10 y 60 metros de altura. Finalmente, aplicando analisis objetivo de los datos, se obtienen algunas conclusiones sobre la conexion de los vientos locales con los sistemas de mesoescala.

  5. JAX Colony Management System (JCMS): an extensible colony and phenotype data management system


    Donnelly, Chuck J.; McFarland, Mike; Ames, Abigail; Sundberg, Beth; Springer, Dave; Blauth, Peter; Bult, Carol J.


    The Jackson Laboratory Colony Management System (JCMS) is a software application for managing data and information related to research mouse colonies, associated biospecimens, and experimental protocols. JCMS runs directly on computers that run one of the PC Windows® operating systems, but can be accessed via web browser interfaces from any computer running a Windows, Macintosh®, or Linux® operating system. JCMS can be configured for a single user or multiple users in small- to medium-size wo...

  6. Uso de metodologias ativas na formação técnica do agente comunitário de saúde


    Pedrosa,Ivanilda Lacerda; Lira,Gildeci Alves de; Oliveira,Bernadete de; Silva,Maria do Socorro Moura Lins; Santos,Maria Betânea dos; Silva,Eliete Alves da; Freire,Djacyr Magna Cabral


    O objetivo deste relato é sistematizar a experiência com metodologias ativas dentro da formação técnica do agente comunitário de saúde da Escola Técnica de Saúde da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. O curso está organizado em etapas, tendo sido concluída a primeira, cujo propósito foi o de contribuir para a construção da identidade dos agentes comunitários de saúde. A aplicação de metodologias ativas leva o discente a refletir sobre o seu processo de trabalho e a transformar a sua realidade, b...

  7. Improved Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm and Its Performance Study (United States)

    Gao, Wei


    Clustering analysis is used in many disciplines and applications; it is an important tool that descriptively identifies homogeneous groups of objects based on attribute values. The ant colony clustering algorithm is a swarm-intelligent method used for clustering problems that is inspired by the behavior of ant colonies that cluster their corpses and sort their larvae. A new abstraction ant colony clustering algorithm using a data combination mechanism is proposed to improve the computational efficiency and accuracy of the ant colony clustering algorithm. The abstraction ant colony clustering algorithm is used to cluster benchmark problems, and its performance is compared with the ant colony clustering algorithm and other methods used in existing literature. Based on similar computational difficulties and complexities, the results show that the abstraction ant colony clustering algorithm produces results that are not only more accurate but also more efficiently determined than the ant colony clustering algorithm and the other methods. Thus, the abstraction ant colony clustering algorithm can be used for efficient multivariate data clustering. PMID:26839533

  8. Is colonialism history? The declining impact of colonial legacies on African institutional and economic development : The declining impact of colonial legacies on African institutional and economic development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maseland, Robbert


    This paper investigates the claim that colonial history has left an enduring imprint on Africa's institutional and economic development. The literature following Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2001) and Sokoloff and Engerman (2000) maintains that different types of colonialism affected the

  9. Engaging With Colonial Archives: Reflections Of An End-User

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    Ayodeji Olukoju


    Full Text Available Official and/or public archives were a byproduct of colonial rule in Africa. (Archives are a byproduct of administrative governance everywhere. Given the density and diversity of colonial archival records, historians have tended to rely on them for the study of the colonial period. Publications on the use of archives have not captured the perspective of end-users, who often face peculiar challenges in the use of colonial and metropolitan archives. This paper provides an end-user perspective on colonial archives in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. It highlights the challenges of data collection and prospects of optimal use of archival source material. The discussion is of general application to users of colonial archives especially in the former British colonies in Africa.

  10. Coro de cisnes, cantos de sirenas: una aproximación a la música en los monasterios del Chile colonial Swan Choirs, Siren Songs: An Approach to the Music in the Monasteries of Colonial Chile

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    Alejandro Vera


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo explora por vez primera la práctica musical en los monasterios de monjas del Chile colonial. Partiendo de la información inédita recopilada en el archivo del Monasterio de La Victoria de Santiago, se analizan aspectos históricos y musicales tales como la imagen de la monja música en la historiografía tradicional y postmoderna; su estatus social en el período colonial; la evolución de las plantillas musicales (instrumentistas y cantoras, con sus correspondientes cambios estilísticos y la injerencia que tenían los músicos ajenos al monasterio. Por último, se cuestiona la supuesta independencia de género de las monjas y se plantea la hipótesis de que las repetidas censuras a sus prácticas artístico-musicales estuvieron motivadas no sólo por propósitos moralizantes, sino también por la necesidad del clero secular y la autoridad civil de limitar el crecimiento de las instituciones monásticas.This is the first study about the musical practice in convents of Colonial Chile on the basis of new data collected in the archive of the convent of La Victoria in Santiago. It considers historical and musical aspects such as the image of the nun musician in traditional and postmodern historiography, her social status during the colonial period, the evolution of music groups (instrumentalists and singers, the stylistic changes associated with them, and the role played by foreign mule musicians in the monastery. Finally, it questions the assumption that nun musicians enjoyed an independence from masculine gender. Furthermore, it puts forward as a hypothesis that the frequent prohibitions of their musical and artistic practices originated not only in moralistic purposes, but also in the need of the secular clergy and civic authorities of limiting the growth of monastic institutions.

  11. Laser-induced speckle scatter patterns in Bacillus colonies

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    Huisung eKim


    Full Text Available Label-free bacterial colony phenotyping technology called BARDOT (BActerial Rapid Detection using Optical scattering Technology provided successful classification of several different bacteria at the genus, species, and serovar level. Recent experiments with colonies of Bacillus species provided strikingly different characteristics of elastic light scatter (ELS patterns, which were comprised of random speckles compared to other bacteria, which are dominated by concentric rings and spokes. Since this laser-based optical sensor interrogates the whole volume of the colony, 3-D information of micro- and macro-structures are all encoded in the far-field scatter patterns. Here, we present a theoretical model explaining the underlying mechanism of the speckle formation by the colonies from Bacillus species. Except for Bacillus polymyxa, all Bacillus spp. produced random bright spots on the imaging plane, which presumably dependent on the cellular and molecular organization and content within the colony. Our scatter model-based analysis revealed that colony spread resulting in variable surface roughness can modify the wavefront of the scatter field. As the center diameter of the Bacillus spp. colony grew from 500 μm to 900 μm, average speckles area decreased 2-fold and the number of small speckles increased 7-fold. In conclusion, as Bacillus colony grows, the average speckle size in the scatter pattern decreases and the number of smaller speckle increases due to the swarming growth characteristics of bacteria within the colony.

  12. Impacto de uma metodologia interativa de ergonomia de conscientização Impacto de una metodología interactiva de ergonomia de concientización Impact of an interactive methodology for ergonomics awareness

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    Joyce Ribeiro Rothstein


    Full Text Available A ergonomia tem demonstrado avanços ao ser pró-ativa com a concepção de ambientes ergonomicamente adequados e com a conscientização do uso correto dos postos de trabalho. Nesse contexto, destaca-se o papel da ergonomia de conscientização, que confere ao indivíduo papel central no processo de educação em saúde. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto de uma metodologia interativa de ergonomia de conscientização no conhecimento de trabalhadores de uma indústria têxtil. A amostra foi selecionada a partir do parecer do comitê de ergonomia da empresa. Participaram do estudo 328 trabalhadores (idade: 33,94±9,15 anos. Foram aplicadas intervenções interativas nos temas: Corpo Humano, Visão, Audição, Coluna vertebral, Membros Superiores e Membros Inferiores. O impacto da metodologia foi mensurado com a aplicação de um questionário criado e validado para o estudo. Para a comparação da pontuação antes e após as intervenções foi utilizado o teste t de Student (pareado, analisado no pacote estatístico SPSS 19.0 para Windows com significância de pLa Ergonomía tiene demostrado avances al ser proactiva con la concepción de ambientes ergonómicamente adecuados y con la concientización del uso correcto de los puestos de trabajo. En éste contexto, se destaca el papel de la ergonomía de concientización, que confiere al individuo el papel central en el proceso de educación en salud. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto de una metodología interactiva de ergonomía de concientización en el conocimiento de trabajadores de una misma industria textil. La muestra fue seleccionada a partir de la opinión del comité de ergonomía de la empresa. Participaron del estudio 328 trabajadores (Edad: 33,94±9,15 años. Fueron aplicadas educaciones interactivas en los temas: Cuerpo Humano, Visión, Audición, Columna Vertebral, Miembros Superiores y Miembros Inferiores. El impacto de la metodolog

  13. Religión, género y construcción de una sexualidad en los Andes (Siglos XVI y XVII. Una acercamiento provisional

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    Armas Asin, Fernando


    Full Text Available This study emphasizes the conceptual changes in regard to sex, sexuality and general genre relations in the Andes, in the 16th and 17th centuries, in the context of the establishment of the colonial society. It is analyzed the way in which a new discourse on the body was developed as a consequence of the deeply represive baroque culture. This culture recreated religious values which controlled every aspect of the daily life. It also enforced a rigid legislation which ruled through society as a whole.

    El estudio busca enfatizar los cambios conceptuales que se produjeron en torno al sexo, la sexualidad, y, en términos generales, en las relaciones de género en los Andes en los siglos XVI y XVII, en un contexto de establecimiento de la sociedad colonial. Se analiza cómo se construyó un nuevo discurso sobre el cuerpo en los Andes como consecuencia de la cultura barroca, profundamente represiva. Dicha cultura recreó valores religiosos que controlaban todos los aspectos de la vida diaria, además de poner en marcha una legislación muy rígida que reguló toda la sociedad.

  14. Metodologia ABC: implantação numa microempresa ABC methodology: implementation on a micro firm

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    Orlando Duran


    Full Text Available Este trabalho relata a implantação da metodologia de custos baseados em atividades numa microempresa do ramo metalúrgico. A proposta pretende demonstrar a viabilidade de aplicar esta técnica em empresas sem importar seu tamanho, só realizando algumas adaptações que garantam baixo investimento e curto espaço de tempo para obter os resultados. Na parte final do trabalho se realiza uma análise dos resultados obtidos verificando-se o potencial da informação gerada pela metodologia e seu uso como ferramenta de gestão.This paper presents an implementation of the activity based costing (ABC methodology in a small firm. The approach presented is intended to demonstrate the feasibility of applying the ABC methodology at any sized firm, only through few adaptations for ensuring low investments fees and speed in obtaining results and information from the system. Discussion about the results obtained during the implementation case are presented and the potential of using the information generated from the system as a managing tool is commented.

  15. Breeding success of a colony of Boat-billed Herons Cochlearius cochlearius (Ciconiiformes: Ardeidae in pasturelands of Costa Rica

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    Jaime Gómez


    Full Text Available The breeding success of a double-brooding colony of Boat-billed Herons Cochlearius cochlearius was studied in pasturelands of Costa Rica. Mean clutch size in the first clutches (2.9 eggs/nest was higher than in second and repeat clutches (2.3 eggs/nest. Breeding success was similar in the first attempt and second attempts(20.7 % and 21.7 %, respectively. In both attempts earlier nests enjoyed a higher breeding success. Starvation of the youngest chicks within the nest and destruction of nests by bad weather conditions were the main factors related to nestling death. No effects of human activity on the reproduction of the breeding colony were observed. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54 (4: 1131-1134. Epub 2006 Dec. 15Estudiamos el éxito reproductivo de una colonia del ave Cochlearius cochlearius en una zona ganadera de Costa Rica. El promedio de huevos por nido fue mayor durante el periodo de primeras puestas (2.9 huevos/nido que durante el periodo de segundas puestas y reposiciones (2.3 huevos/nido. El éxito reproductor de los dos periodos fue similar (20.7 % y 21.7 %, respectivamente. En ambos tuvieron más éxito las parejas que comenzaron la puesta antes. Las principales causas de mortandad fueron inanición de los pollos más jóvenes del nido y la destrucción de los nidos debido a condiciones climáticas adversas. No notamos efectos adversos por la actividad humana

  16. Coalescing colony model: Mean-field, scaling, and geometry (United States)

    Carra, Giulia; Mallick, Kirone; Barthelemy, Marc


    We analyze the coalescing model where a `primary' colony grows and randomly emits secondary colonies that spread and eventually coalesce with it. This model describes population proliferation in theoretical ecology, tumor growth, and is also of great interest for modeling urban sprawl. Assuming the primary colony to be always circular of radius r (t ) and the emission rate proportional to r (t) θ , where θ >0 , we derive the mean-field equations governing the dynamics of the primary colony, calculate the scaling exponents versus θ , and compare our results with numerical simulations. We then critically test the validity of the circular approximation for the colony shape and show that it is sound for a constant emission rate (θ =0 ). However, when the emission rate is proportional to the perimeter, the circular approximation breaks down and the roughness of the primary colony cannot be discarded, thus modifying the scaling exponents.

  17. A EPT sob a metodologia da alternância: a experiência do IF Brasília - campus Planaltina

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    Guilherme Lins de Magalhães


    Full Text Available Este artigo buscou entender como acontece o diálogo social entre os atores do mundo do trabalho e a instituição escolar e, assim, investigou se os conhecimentos disseminados pela escola, através da metodologia da alternância, influenciaram a atuação dos assentados como agentes de desenvolvimento da região. A pesquisa se desenvolveu a partir de uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa com uma dimensão empírica pautada na busca de respostas. Todavia, o curso não obteve total sucesso na aplicação da metodologia da alternância, por problemas de gestão, e assim acabou demonstrando aspectos de um curso semipresencial.


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    Cilene Maria Freitas

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo tem como objetivo principal analisar a produção científica sobre o uso de metodologias ativas de aprendizagem na educação na saúde. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica da literatura utilizando-se para seleção dos artigos a base de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde. A pesquisa ocorreu nos meses de setembro a novembro de 2012. Na busca selecionaram-se 15 artigos completos. Os resultados evidenciaram que o uso das metodologias ativas motiva o discente e o direciona para buscar informações no intuito de solucionar impasse e promover seu próprio desenvolvimento, fazendo com que ele perceba que a nova aprendizagem é um instrumento necessário e significativo para ampliar suas possibilidades e caminhos. Essas metodologias também têm contribuído para mudanças no modo de pensar e agir dos profissionais de saúde, os quais passaram a interagir em um espaço plural de interesses, potencialidades e capacidades.

  19. Hegemony and Accommodation in the History Curriculum in Colonial Botswana (United States)

    Mafela, Lily


    A reanalysis of colonial education is necessary in order to highlight its multifaceted and hybrid nature in specific colonial contexts. Although in general, colonial education served the socio-political needs of the colonial machinery, the colonial government's hegemonic authority over the school curriculum did not operate as a totalising project.…

  20. Colonial Institutions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    McAtackney, Laura; Palmer, Russell


    and the USA which reveal that the study of colonial institutions should not be limited to the functional life of these institutions—or solely those that take the form of monumental architecture—but should include the long shadow of “imperial debris” (Stoler 2008) and immaterial institutions....


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    Jaqueline dos Santos Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda o tema “planejamento turístico” expondo um estudo analítico sobre as metodologias de planejamento e organização do turismo, publicadas pelos principais autores brasileiros tendo a finalidade de expor seus pontos fortes, pontos fracos, oportunidades, ameaças, dissensões e similitudes. De abordagem qualitativa; utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica e eletrônica; realizaram-se fichamentos de 6 (seis obras selecionadas que foram submetidas a análise SWOT. Assim, este estudo possibilitou a oferta de informações sobre tais metodologias para que estas possam ser utilizadas no planejamento do turismo adequando-se à realidade das destinações turísticas e na intenção de se ampliar o debate sobre a produção teórica acerca do assunto no cenário nacional.

  2. Aplicação de metodologias Lean ao fabrico de elevadores


    Oliveira, Bruno Daniel Machado de


    Num mercado cada vez mais competitivo, torna-se fundamental para as empresas produzirem mais com menos recursos, aumentando a eficiência interna, através da otimização dos seus processos. Neste contexto aparece o Lean Manufacturing, metodologia que tem como objetivo criar valor para os stakeholders, através da eliminação de desperdício na cadeia de valor. Este projeto descreve a análise e a formulação de soluções do processo de produção de um Módulo de Serviço, produto que faz parte do sis...

  3. 21 CFR 866.2170 - Automated colony counter. (United States)


    ...) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Microbiology Devices § 866.2170 Automated colony counter. (a) Identification. An automated colony counter is a mechanical device intended for medical...

  4. Inbred or Outbred? Genetic Diversity in Laboratory Rodent Colonies (United States)

    Brekke, Thomas D.; Steele, Katherine A.; Mulley, John F.


    Nonmodel rodents are widely used as subjects for both basic and applied biological research, but the genetic diversity of the study individuals is rarely quantified. University-housed colonies tend to be small and subject to founder effects and genetic drift; so they may be highly inbred or show substantial genetic divergence from other colonies, even those derived from the same source. Disregard for the levels of genetic diversity in an animal colony may result in a failure to replicate results if a different colony is used to repeat an experiment, as different colonies may have fixed alternative variants. Here we use high throughput sequencing to demonstrate genetic divergence in three isolated colonies of Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) even though they were all established recently from the same source. We also show that genetic diversity in allegedly “outbred” colonies of nonmodel rodents (gerbils, hamsters, house mice, deer mice, and rats) varies considerably from nearly no segregating diversity to very high levels of polymorphism. We conclude that genetic divergence in isolated colonies may play an important role in the “replication crisis.” In a more positive light, divergent rodent colonies represent an opportunity to leverage genetically distinct individuals in genetic crossing experiments. In sum, awareness of the genetic diversity of an animal colony is paramount as it allows researchers to properly replicate experiments and also to capitalize on other genetically distinct individuals to explore the genetic basis of a trait. PMID:29242387

  5. La vita è blending. Per una lettura integrata del film di Roberto Benigni

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    Emanuele Broccio


    Full Text Available Il notevole incremento di studi critici sulla Poetica Cognitiva sta riscattandola dall’accusa di offrire soltanto una nuova e seducente terminologia, guadagnandole invece la dignità di metodologia scientifica. Mosso dall’interesse che il fenomeno della integrazione concettuale (blending suscita, il mio intervento propone una lettura del film La vita è bella di Roberto Benigni proprio in funzione del suo organizzarsi intorno a un blending che ne sostiene l’intero impianto ideativo. Il film è stato molto criticato, oltre che per un certo impaccio tecnico nella messa in scena, per il fatto di condurre un racconto di morte e sterminio attraverso un punto di vista comico. Attraverso l’applicazione del blending, insieme ad altri strumenti di analisi classica, cercherò di dimostrare come la strutturazione del racconto intorno alla duplice contaminazione di realtà e fantasia, comico e tragico, lo sottrae dal rischio di scivolare nel melodramma e nel patetismo, mantenendo alta l’empatia dello spettatore. La mia lettura sottolinea dunque come tutto il film sia costruito su un continuo blending, e ne evidenzia le modalità di realizzazione, dimostrando, attraverso un’opera ampiamente nota e di vasto consenso, come le scienze cognitive possano offrire validi strumenti di analisi che precisano pregresse intuizioni critiche e illuminano zone dell’opera d’arte rimaste in ombra o confinate alla valutazione estetica.

  6. Latin America: Essays Interpretating Colonial Legacy

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    María Pia López


    Full Text Available A large part of the Latin–American literature of the 19th and 20th century tried to deal with the national question intertwining different dimensions: the weight of colonial legacy, the cultural peculiarity of the nation and the inner relations between social classes and ethnic groups. Thinking the nation implied, in any case, to think the difference and the conflict with others, as well as the inner conflict and the logic of local colonialism. Analyzing some of these essays that played a central role in such process of recasting the origin of the nation, the author moves around three main axes: the formulation of dualist writings (colonial/national; white /indigenous; civilization/wilderness, the issue of language (the language inherited from the colonial experience versus the multilingual nature of indigenous Latin American societies, and the hypothesis about the birth of the nation – appointed to different groups – and its normal functioning as legitimization of the order sprung from independences.

  7. 21 CFR 866.2180 - Manual colony counter. (United States)


    ...) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Microbiology Devices § 866.2180 Manual colony counter. (a) Identification. A manual colony counter is a device intended for medical purposes that consists...

  8. Methodology for carrying out energy diagnosis in auxiliaries systems in thermal electrical central stations; Metodologia para realizar un diagnostico energetico en sistemas auxiliares de centrales termoelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nebradt Garcia, Jesus [Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Rojas Hidalgo, Ismael; Huante Perez, Liborio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    One of the potential areas for energy saving in Central Electric Power Plants are the auxiliaries system, so as to based in a preliminary energy diagnosis and considering that energy saving measures would be taken, going from the instrumentation, operational changes in equipment, as well as in using velocity variators in motors, it turns out to be that the energy consumption of auxiliaries at 75% load in a 150 MW thermal power plant varies from 3% to 4% and for the case of a 350 MW power plant the energy consumption of the auxiliaries represents 2 to 3.5%. Nowadays this consumption are above 6%. Considering that the country has 40 units with capacities varying from 150 to 350 MW, the economical and the fuel saving would be substantial. This paper will present a summary of the methodology to be used to carry out this type of projects. [Espanol] Una de las areas potenciales de ahorro de energia en centrales termoelectricas son los sistemas auxiliares, de tal manera que basados en un diagnostico energetico preliminar y considerando que se aplicarian las medidas de ahorro de energia que van desde la instrumentacion, cambios operativos en equipos, asi como el uso de variadores de velocidad en motores, se tienen que los consumos de auxiliares para un 75% de carga en una central termoelectrica de 150 MW varian desde un 3% hasta un 4% y para el caso de una central termoelectrica de 350 MW, el consumo de auxiliares representa del 2 al 3.5%. Hoy en dia dichos consumos estan por encima del 6%. Si consideramos que el pais cuenta con 40 unidades que varian desde 150 MW hasta 350 MW, entonces los ahorros economicos y de combustible serian impactantes. La presente ponencia mostrara un resumen de la metodologia a emplear para la realizacion de este tipo de proyectos.

  9. Methodology for carrying out energy diagnosis in auxiliaries systems in thermal electrical central stations; Metodologia para realizar un diagnostico energetico en sistemas auxiliares de centrales termoelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nebradt Garcia, Jesus [Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico); Rojas Hidalgo, Ismael; Huante Perez, Liborio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    One of the potential areas for energy saving in Central Electric Power Plants are the auxiliaries system, so as to based in a preliminary energy diagnosis and considering that energy saving measures would be taken, going from the instrumentation, operational changes in equipment, as well as in using velocity variators in motors, it turns out to be that the energy consumption of auxiliaries at 75% load in a 150 MW thermal power plant varies from 3% to 4% and for the case of a 350 MW power plant the energy consumption of the auxiliaries represents 2 to 3.5%. Nowadays this consumption are above 6%. Considering that the country has 40 units with capacities varying from 150 to 350 MW, the economical and the fuel saving would be substantial. This paper will present a summary of the methodology to be used to carry out this type of projects. [Espanol] Una de las areas potenciales de ahorro de energia en centrales termoelectricas son los sistemas auxiliares, de tal manera que basados en un diagnostico energetico preliminar y considerando que se aplicarian las medidas de ahorro de energia que van desde la instrumentacion, cambios operativos en equipos, asi como el uso de variadores de velocidad en motores, se tienen que los consumos de auxiliares para un 75% de carga en una central termoelectrica de 150 MW varian desde un 3% hasta un 4% y para el caso de una central termoelectrica de 350 MW, el consumo de auxiliares representa del 2 al 3.5%. Hoy en dia dichos consumos estan por encima del 6%. Si consideramos que el pais cuenta con 40 unidades que varian desde 150 MW hasta 350 MW, entonces los ahorros economicos y de combustible serian impactantes. La presente ponencia mostrara un resumen de la metodologia a emplear para la realizacion de este tipo de proyectos.

  10. Colonial Army Formats in Africa and Post-Colonial Military Coups:

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The centralised and autocratic features of Caliphate rule were .... latter's participation in the affairs of their respective societies, and leadership ..... deployment of the army by the NPC for internal colonial-style repression duties in the Middle Belt ...

  11. Post-Colonialism Perspectives on Educational Competition (United States)

    Yeh, Chuan-Rong


    Educational competition has always been the puzzle issue of educational researches. In this article, I analyze several aspects of educational competition within the perspective of post-colonialism discourse. In the political aspect, Taiwanese education is linked with political power, to present the post-colonial spirit by continuing dynastic…

  12. Miradas encontradas: funcionarios reales, curas e indígenas en Yucatán durante el periodo colonial


    Adriana Rocher Salas


    El presente texto estudia las diversas formas en que funcionarios civiles y eclesiásticos miraron a los indígenas de Yucatán durante el período colonial. La imagen que de los mayas construyeron quienes los gobernaron nos dará una visión más amplia de los diferentes esquemas impuestos para su gobierno espiritual y temporal y el carácter de la relación españoles-mayas yucatecos. Con este fin, como hilo conductor se tendrán los juicios construidos sobre la vida indígena respecto a tres aspectos ...

  13. Colony Development and Density-Dependent Processes in Breeding Grey Herons

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    Takeshi Shirai


    Full Text Available The density-dependent processes that limit the colony size of colonially breeding birds such as herons and egrets remain unclear, because it is difficult to monitor colonies from the first year of their establishment, and the most previous studies have considered mixed-species colonies. In the present study, single-species colonies of the Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea were observed from the first year of their establishment for 16 years in suburban Tokyo. Colony size increased after establishment, illustrating a saturation curve. The breeding duration (days from nest building to fledging by a pair increased, but the number of fledglings per nest decreased, with colony size. The reproductive season in each year began earlier, and there was greater variation in the timing of individual breeding when the colony size was larger. The prolonged duration until nestling feeding by early breeders of the colony suggests that herons at the beginning of the new breeding season exist in an unsteady state with one another, likely owing to interactions with immigrant individuals. Such density-dependent interference may affect reproductive success and limit the colony size of Grey Herons.

  14. Relationship of colony-stimulating activity to apparent kill of human colony-forming cells by irradiation and hydroxyurea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broxmeyer, H.E.; Galbraith, P.R.; Baker, F.L.


    Suspensions of human bone marrow cells were subjected to 137 Cs irradiation in vitro and then cultured in semisolid agar medium. Cultures of irradiated cells were stimulated with colony-stimulating activity (CSA) of different potencies, and it was found that the amount of stimulation applied to cultures influenced the apparent kill of colony-forming cells (CFC). It was also found that the effects of irradiation on colony formation were not confined to CFC kill since medium conditioned by cells during irradiation exhibited stimulatory and inhibitory properties after treatment by 600 and 1000 rads, respectively. Studies in which irradiated cells were pretreated with hydroxyurea indicated that CFC in the DNA synthetic phase of the cell cycle were particularly sensitive to low doses of irradiation. The proliferative capacity of CFC surviving 1000 rads was undiminished as judged by their ability to form large colonies. Estimates of CFC kill by hydroxyurea were also affected by the level of CSA

  15. Queen promiscuity lowers disease within honeybee colonies


    Seeley, Thomas D; Tarpy, David R


    Most species of social insects have singly mated queens, but in some species each queen mates with numerous males to create a colony with a genetically diverse worker force. The adaptive significance of polyandry by social insect queens remains an evolutionary puzzle. Using the honeybee (Apis mellifera), we tested the hypothesis that polyandry improves a colony's resistance to disease. We established colonies headed by queens that had been artificially inseminated by either one or 10 drones. ...

  16. Effect of fluid motion on colony formation in Microcystis aeruginosa

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    Lin Li


    Full Text Available Microcystis aeruginosa, generally occurring in large colonies under natural conditions, mainly exists as single cells in laboratory cultures. The mechanisms involved in colony formation in Microcystis aeruginosa and their roles in algal blooms remain unknown. In this study, based on previous research findings that fluid motion may stimulate the colony formation in green algae, culture experiments were conducted under axenic conditions in a circular water chamber where the flow rate, temperature, light, and nutrients were controlled. The number of cells of Microcystis aeruginosa, the number of cells per colony, and the colonial characteristics in various growth phases were observed and measured. The results indicated that the colony formation in Microcystis aeruginosa, which was not observed under stagnant conditions, was evident when there was fluid motion, with the number of cells per largest colony reaching 120 and the proportion of the number of cells in colonial form to the total number of cells and the mean number of cells per colony reaching their peak values at a flow rate of 35 cm/s. Based on the analysis of colony formation process, fluid motion stimulates the colony formation in Microcystis aeruginosa in the lag growth phase, while flushes and disaggregates the colonies in the exponential growth phase. The stimulation effect in the lag growth phase may be attributable to the involvement of fluid motion in a series of physiological processes, including the uptake of trace elements and the synthesis and secretion of polysaccharides. In addition, the experimental groups exhibiting typical colonial characteristics in the lag growth phase were found to have higher cell biomass in the later phase.

  17. Structural organisation and dynamics in king penguin colonies (United States)

    Gerum, Richard; Richter, Sebastian; Fabry, Ben; Le Bohec, Céline; Bonadonna, Francesco; Nesterova, Anna; Zitterbart, Daniel P.


    During breeding, king penguins do not build nests, however they show strong territorial behaviour and keep a pecking distance to neighbouring penguins. Penguin positions in breeding colonies are highly stable over weeks and appear regularly spaced, but thus far no quantitative analysis of the structural order inside a colony has been performed. In this study, we use the radial distribution function to analyse the spatial coordinates of penguin positions. Coordinates are obtained from aerial images of two colonies that were observed for several years. Our data demonstrate that the structural order in king penguin colonies resembles a 2D liquid of particles with a Lennard-Jones-type interaction potential. We verify this using a molecular dynamics simulation with thermally driven particles, whereby temperature corresponds to penguin movements, the energy well depth ɛ of the attractive potential corresponds to the strength of the colony-forming behaviour, and the repulsive zone corresponds to the pecking radius. We can recapitulate the liquid disorder of the colony, as measured by the radial distribution function, when the particles have a temperature of several (1.4–10) \

  18. Metodologia ativa na engenharia: verificação da abp em uma disciplina de engenharia de produção e um modelo passo a passo

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    Thales Martins Ponciano


    Full Text Available Este artigo verifica a aplicação da metodologia Aprendizagem Baseada em Problema (ABP na disciplina de Sistemas de Desenvolvimento de Produto do curso de Engenharia de Produção de uma universidade pública brasileira. Por meio da caracterização da metodologia foi possível observar a aplicabilidade dessa ferramenta em um curso de Engenharia que envolve diversas áreas do conhecimento e concilia atividades teóricas e práticas. De modo geral, as metodologias ativas, como a ABP, podem estimular os alunos a desenvolverem habilidades, como organização, liderança e pensamento crítico, que ultrapassam o conteúdo programático das disciplinas. Sendo assim, foi proposto um modelo passo a passo para a aplicação da ABP.

  19. Colonial army recruitment patterns and post-colonial Military Coups ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Since time immemorial, societies, states and state builders have been challenged and transformed by the need and quest for military manpower. European states relied on conscript armies to 'pacify' and retain colonies in parts of the non-European world. These facts underscore the meticulous attention paid by the British to ...

  20. Comercio y producción de libros en Costa Rica: una periodización preliminar


    Molina Jiménez, Iván


    En el presente artículo, se propone una periodización para comprender los principales cambios experimentados por la producción, comercialización y el consumo de libros en Costa Rica. El análisis respectivo comprende desde la época colonial hasta la actualidad, y presta particular atención al establecimiento de imprentas, librerías, editoriales y bibliotecas. This article proposes a priodization for understanding the main changes experienced by the production, marketing and consumption of...

  1. La cultura escrita en el Mundo Atlántico colonial: Brasil y América del norte. Claves historiográficas, retos y perspectivas

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    González Sánchez, Carlos Alberto


    Full Text Available This article seeks a critical assessment on Written Culture of colonials Brazil and North America. Its aim is to set out historiographic balance that allows us a comparative prospect with the rest of the American Continent. As a last resort it wants to provide new study perspectives relating to the need for a common history of the Americas. Perhaps this objective can go beyond the topics and disparate underestandings that distort Atlantic World History.Este artículo pretende hacer una valoración crítica de la investigación sobre la cultura escrita de Brasil y Norteamérica coloniales, con el fin de plantear un balance historiográfico que nos permita una perspectiva comparativa con los estudios realizados sobre el resto del continente americano. En última instancia, intenta ofrecer unas nuevas perspectivas de estudio fundamentadas en la necesidad de una historia común de las Américas, que puedan superar los tópicos y concepciones dispares que deforman la historia del Mundo Atlántico.

  2. Frantz Fanon y la Enajenación del Negro y del Blanco en el Sistema Colonial

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    Ana Catarina Zema de Resende


    Full Text Available Resumen A partir de la lectura de Piel negra, máscaras blancas, propongo en este artículo reflexionar sobre las ideas de Frantz Fanon a cerca de la enajenación del negro y del blanco en el sistema colonial. El objetivo es recuperar algunos de los principales aportes de Fanon para la comprensión del racismo colonial desde su teoría de la enajenación. Fanon presenta la enajenación como un paso previo a la esclavitud y al colonialismo, necesario para el mantenimiento de la explotación económica y analiza las conductas identitarias de "vergüenza de sí" como el resultado de la dominación colonial. Él describe con precisión el impacto del racismo y del colonialismo y sus efectos destructivos mostrando cómo los mecanismos de enajenación determinan la relación entre el blanco y el negro y cómo se reproducen las jerarquías que rigen estas relaciones. Retomar el pensamiento de Fanon y reconocer la pertinencia y actualidad de sus contribuciones es esencial para poder reubicar la lucha contra todas las formas de dominación en la continuación de la lucha contra el colonialismo en una época en que la identidad racial y el racismo han más que probado su capacidad de persistir en el tiempo y el espacio. Palabras clave: Frantz Fanon; Enajenación; Racismo; Sistema Colonial. Frantz Fanon and the Alienation of Black and White in the Colonial System Abstract From the reading of Black Skin, White Masks, in this article I propose to reflect on Frantz Fanon's ideas about alienation of black and white in the colonial system. The goal is to recover some of his most important contributions to the understanding of colonial racism from his theory of alienation. Fanon presents alienation as a prior step to slavery and colonialism, necessary for the maintenance of economic exploitation and analyzes the identity conducts of self shame as a result of colonial domination. Fanon accurately describes the impact of racism and colonialism and its destructive


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    Laysa Mabel de Oliveira Fontes


    Full Text Available A aprendizagem baseada em problema (Problem-Based Learning - PBL é um método no qual os estudantes aprendem através da resolução de um problema que, em geral, não possui uma solução trivial e uma única solução correta. A PBL destaca o trabalho em equipe como um dos principais requisitos para o sucesso do processo de aprendizagem, ou seja, a colaboração é essencial. No entanto, a implantação de um método de ensino com base na PBL não é uma tarefa trivial. Em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVAs, a complexidade de implantação deste método é ainda maior, pois o facilitador nem sempre pode detectar possíveis problemas na colaboração, nem possui todas as informações necessárias para aplicar as técnicas de aprendizagem deste método. Desta forma, este artigo apresenta o processo de modelagem de um Sistema Multiagente (SMA de apoio à PBL. O SMA proposto foi modelado utilizando a metodologia MAS-CommonKADS+, que consiste em uma extensão da metodologia MAS-CommonKADS.

  4. Ant- and Ant-Colony-Inspired ALife Visual Art. (United States)

    Greenfield, Gary; Machado, Penousal


    Ant- and ant-colony-inspired ALife art is characterized by the artistic exploration of the emerging collective behavior of computational agents, developed using ants as a metaphor. We present a chronology that documents the emergence and history of such visual art, contextualize ant- and ant-colony-inspired art within generative art practices, and consider how it relates to other ALife art. We survey many of the algorithms that artists have used in this genre, address some of their aims, and explore the relationships between ant- and ant-colony-inspired art and research on ant and ant colony behavior.



    Mesquita,Simone Karine da Costa; Meneses,Rejane Millions Viana; Ramos,Déborah Karollyne Ribeiro


    Resumo O estudo objetivou identificar as dificuldades vivenciadas pelos docentes na implementação de metodologias ativas no curso de graduação em enfermagem de uma instituição federal localizada no Rio Grande do Norte. Tratou-se de pesquisa exploratório-descritiva com enfoque qualitativo. As entrevistas semiestruturadas foram aplicadas a vinte sujeitos nos meses de agosto e setembro de 2011 e, posteriormente, analisadas seguindo pressupostos da análise de conteúdo. As principais adversidades ...

  6. The Role of Non-Foraging Nests in Polydomous Wood Ant Colonies. (United States)

    Ellis, Samuel; Robinson, Elva J H


    A colony of red wood ants can inhabit more than one spatially separated nest, in a strategy called polydomy. Some nests within these polydomous colonies have no foraging trails to aphid colonies in the canopy. In this study we identify and investigate the possible roles of non-foraging nests in polydomous colonies of the wood ant Formica lugubris. To investigate the role of non-foraging nests we: (i) monitored colonies for three years; (ii) observed the resources being transported between non-foraging nests and the rest of the colony; (iii) measured the amount of extra-nest activity around non-foraging and foraging nests. We used these datasets to investigate the extent to which non-foraging nests within polydomous colonies are acting as: part of the colony expansion process; hunting and scavenging specialists; brood-development specialists; seasonal foragers; or a selfish strategy exploiting the foraging effort of the rest of the colony. We found that, rather than having a specialised role, non-foraging nests are part of the process of colony expansion. Polydomous colonies expand by founding new nests in the area surrounding the existing nests. Nests founded near food begin foraging and become part of the colony; other nests are not founded near food sources and do not initially forage. Some of these non-foraging nests eventually begin foraging; others do not and are abandoned. This is a method of colony growth not available to colonies inhabiting a single nest, and may be an important advantage of the polydomous nesting strategy, allowing the colony to expand into profitable areas.

  7. Conceptos de diseño para manufactura (DFM de piezas microfundidas

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    Carlos Julio Cortés Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Una de las metodologIas utilizadas por la ingenierIa concurrente o diseno integrado de productos es el diseno para manufactura, DEM. Esta técnica, que está orientada a melorar la fabricación de piezas analizando geometrIas, valores y tolerancias, es utilizada en las primeras etapas de diseno para disminuir los costos de los elementos a fabricar. Se estudió el diseno para manufactura estableciendo reglas de diseno a fin de elaborar una metodologIa para diseno en microfundición.

  8. Between Past and Present: The Sociopsychological Constructs of Colonialism, Coloniality and Postcolonialism. (United States)

    Tomicic, Ana; Berardi, Filomena


    If one of the major aspirations of postcolonial theory is to re-establish a balance in the relationship between the (former) colonizer and the colonized by engaging the voices of the "subaltern", and on the other hand to illuminate how power relations of the present are embedded in history (Mills 2007), we argue that important theoretical insights might inform research by anchoring post-colonial theory within a sociopsychological framework. While there is a growing corpus of sociopsychological research articles focusing on how major geopolitical events and historical processes bear on people's lives, we aim to investigate the theoretical potential of postcolonial theory within the disciplines aiming at a sociopsychological approach. By focusing on the social dynamics of power imbalances, post-colonial theory finds its operational meaning: the feelings stemming from actions committed in the past are indeed crucial in determining reparatory attitudes and policies towards members of former colonized groups. Firstly, drawing from the sociopsychological scientific production related to consequences of colonial past, seen in recent years as a growing research interest in the field, we will explore patterns and trends through a thematic analysis of literature. Social Psychology as well as adjacent disciplines can greatly benefit from this theoretical fertilization, especially in the way post-colonial ideologies relate to the symbolic promotion versus exclusion of indigenous culture (Sengupta et al., International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36(4), 506-517, 2012). Furthermore, by comparing and contrasting the ideological cosmologies relating to this particular topic, this study aims to establish the state of knowledge in the field, to identify how research methods and thematic fields are paired, to find "gaps" and create spaces for research that become integrative of postcolonial theory. While focusing on academic production, we also hope to contribute to develop

  9. Colony strength and queen replacement in Melipona marginata (Apidae: Meliponini

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    A. de M. P. Kleinert

    Full Text Available Physogastric queens of Melipona marginata were removed from their colonies in order to verify the acceptance of a new queen by workers. Colony strength was evaluated according to queen oviposition rate and comb diameters. Replacement was observed seven times. Its occurrence and speed related positively to colony strength, independently of queen's age. In weak colonies, queen replacement was observed only once, following colony population increase that occurred after introduction of combs from another colony. Worker oviposition after queen removal was observed three times: in a strong colony with virgin queens and males, and in two of the weak colonies. In the first two or three days of new queen oviposition, during which most of the eggs were eaten by the queen, worker oviposition preceded almost all provisioning and oviposition processes (POPs. After this period, worker oviposition decreased until it reached around 25% of the POPs. Daily oviposition rate of young queens decreased or was even interrupted by hatching of their first brood.

  10. Colonial Bilingual Heritage and Post-Colonial Myths in Cameroon's ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Thus, the study traces and shows that an uncritical support of the existing school bilingualism, a aspect of the general political objective of national unity and integration, hinges on a fictitious collective post-colonial dream about using the bilingual heritage of French and English, and the cultures that lie behind them, ...

  11. California gull chicks raised near colony edges have elevated stress levels (United States)

    Herring, Garth; Ackerman, Joshua T.


    Coloniality in nesting birds represents an important life history strategy for maximizing reproductive success. Birds nesting near the edge of colonies tend to have lower reproductive success than individuals nesting near colony centers, and offspring of edge-nesting parents may be impaired relative to those of central-nesting parents. We used fecal corticosterone metabolites in California gull chicks (Larus californicus) to examine whether colony size or location within the colony influenced a chick's physiological condition. We found that chicks being raised near colony edges had higher fecal corticosterone metabolite concentrations than chicks raised near colony centers, but that colony size (ranging from 150 to 11,554 nests) had no influence on fecal corticosterone levels. Fecal corticosterone metabolite concentrations also increased with chick age. Our results suggest that similarly aged California gull chicks raised near colony edges may be more physiologically stressed, as indicated by corticosterone metabolites, than chicks raised near colony centers.

  12. Experimental Study for Automatic Colony Counting System Based Onimage Processing (United States)

    Fang, Junlong; Li, Wenzhe; Wang, Guoxin

    Colony counting in many colony experiments is detected by manual method at present, therefore it is difficult for man to execute the method quickly and accurately .A new automatic colony counting system was developed. Making use of image-processing technology, a study was made on the feasibility of distinguishing objectively white bacterial colonies from clear plates according to the RGB color theory. An optimal chromatic value was obtained based upon a lot of experiments on the distribution of the chromatic value. It has been proved that the method greatly improves the accuracy and efficiency of the colony counting and the counting result is not affected by using inoculation, shape or size of the colony. It is revealed that automatic detection of colony quantity using image-processing technology could be an effective way.

  13. Metodologias ativas de ensino e aprendizagem: uma experiência com docentes da educação básica

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    Antônio Eustáquio Ferreira


    Full Text Available Relato com o objetivo de descrever a experiência de um curso de formação continuada de professores, cujo título é Metodologias Ativas de Ensino e Aprendizagem: uma experiência com docentes da educação básica, desenvolvido em parceria com a Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, sob a coordenação e execução do autor. Os resultados evidenciaram que o contato dos docentes da educação básica com algumas técnicas das Metodologias Ativas de Ensino e Aprendizagem provocam reflexões sobre suas atitudes e o seus papeis diante de um cenário desafiador, cujos estudantes têm acesso a um número sem limites de informações. O modelo utilizado teve como estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem o próprio método das Metodologias Ativas, caracterizado por colocar o estudante em contato com as técnicas, visando um ensino efetivamente comprometido com a aquisição de competências, habilidades e conhecimentos de modo que eles, os estudantes ou cursistas no caso possam ser atores críticos, reflexivos, transformadores da realidade, dos problemas que se apresentam. Os cursistas professores puderam repensar sobre seus deveres éticos para com a sociedade, revisando suas práticas de ensino-aprendizagem e modelos de avaliações.

  14. Colony collapse disorder: a descriptive study.

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    Dennis Vanengelsdorp

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Over the last two winters, there have been large-scale, unexplained losses of managed honey bee (Apis mellifera L. colonies in the United States. In the absence of a known cause, this syndrome was named Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD because the main trait was a rapid loss of adult worker bees. We initiated a descriptive epizootiological study in order to better characterize CCD and compare risk factor exposure between populations afflicted by and not afflicted by CCD. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Of 61 quantified variables (including adult bee physiology, pathogen loads, and pesticide levels, no single measure emerged as a most-likely cause of CCD. Bees in CCD colonies had higher pathogen loads and were co-infected with a greater number of pathogens than control populations, suggesting either an increased exposure to pathogens or a reduced resistance of bees toward pathogens. Levels of the synthetic acaricide coumaphos (used by beekeepers to control the parasitic mite Varroa destructor were higher in control colonies than CCD-affected colonies. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This is the first comprehensive survey of CCD-affected bee populations that suggests CCD involves an interaction between pathogens and other stress factors. We present evidence that this condition is contagious or the result of exposure to a common risk factor. Potentially important areas for future hypothesis-driven research, including the possible legacy effect of mite parasitism and the role of honey bee resistance to pesticides, are highlighted.

  15. Iridovirus and microsporidian linked to honey bee colony decline. (United States)

    Bromenshenk, Jerry J; Henderson, Colin B; Wick, Charles H; Stanford, Michael F; Zulich, Alan W; Jabbour, Rabih E; Deshpande, Samir V; McCubbin, Patrick E; Seccomb, Robert A; Welch, Phillip M; Williams, Trevor; Firth, David R; Skowronski, Evan; Lehmann, Margaret M; Bilimoria, Shan L; Gress, Joanna; Wanner, Kevin W; Cramer, Robert A


    In 2010 Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), again devastated honey bee colonies in the USA, indicating that the problem is neither diminishing nor has it been resolved. Many CCD investigations, using sensitive genome-based methods, have found small RNA bee viruses and the microsporidia, Nosema apis and N. ceranae in healthy and collapsing colonies alike with no single pathogen firmly linked to honey bee losses. We used Mass spectrometry-based proteomics (MSP) to identify and quantify thousands of proteins from healthy and collapsing bee colonies. MSP revealed two unreported RNA viruses in North American honey bees, Varroa destructor-1 virus and Kakugo virus, and identified an invertebrate iridescent virus (IIV) (Iridoviridae) associated with CCD colonies. Prevalence of IIV significantly discriminated among strong, failing, and collapsed colonies. In addition, bees in failing colonies contained not only IIV, but also Nosema. Co-occurrence of these microbes consistently marked CCD in (1) bees from commercial apiaries sampled across the U.S. in 2006-2007, (2) bees sequentially sampled as the disorder progressed in an observation hive colony in 2008, and (3) bees from a recurrence of CCD in Florida in 2009. The pathogen pairing was not observed in samples from colonies with no history of CCD, namely bees from Australia and a large, non-migratory beekeeping business in Montana. Laboratory cage trials with a strain of IIV type 6 and Nosema ceranae confirmed that co-infection with these two pathogens was more lethal to bees than either pathogen alone. These findings implicate co-infection by IIV and Nosema with honey bee colony decline, giving credence to older research pointing to IIV, interacting with Nosema and mites, as probable cause of bee losses in the USA, Europe, and Asia. We next need to characterize the IIV and Nosema that we detected and develop management practices to reduce honey bee losses.

  16. Colony form variation of Bacillus pumilus E601 after cultured and neutron irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Xiaoming; Wei Baoli; Zhang Jianguo


    The distribution of two colony forms of Bacillus pumilus E601 and the effect of neutron irradiation on the colony form were reported. The translucent and opaque colonies were cultured several generations to observe the proportion of two form colonies. The spores of opaque colony were irradiated at 80, 800 and 2000 Gy of fast neutron from CFBR-II pulse pile, and the survivors of opaque colony were irradiated again at the same doses. The results showed that: (1) Bacillus pumilus E601 observed two types of colony form: translucent and opaque colony; (2) the translucent colony could produce both translucent and opaque colonies in equal, while the opaque colony couldn't produce translucent colony generally; (3) neutron irradiation could affect the colony form distribution. The ratio of survival translucent colony was increased with the increase of the first neutron irradiation doses, and the second neutron irradiation also increased the ratio of translucent colony. It was concluded that the instability of translucent colony was the main reason to produce two colony forms of Bacillus pumilus E601. The strain of translucent colony had a stronger ability to resist neutron irradiation than the opaque colony. (authors)

  17. Colony mapping: A new technique for monitoring crevice-nesting seabirds (United States)

    Renner, H.M.; Renner, M.; Reynolds, J.H.; Harping, A.M.A.; Jones, I.L.; Irons, D.B.; Byrd, G.V.


    Monitoring populations of auklets and other crevice-nesting seabirds remains problematic, although numerous methods have been attempted since the mid-1960s. Anecdotal evidence suggests several large auklet colonies have recently decreased in both abundance and extent, concurrently with vegetation encroachment and succession. Quantifying changes in the geographical extent of auklet colonies may be a useful alternative to monitoring population size directly. We propose a standardized method for colony mapping using a randomized systematic grid survey with two components: a simple presence/absence survey and an auklet evidence density survey. A quantitative auklet evidence density index was derived from the frequency of droppings and feathers. This new method was used to map the colony on St. George Island in the southeastern Bering Sea and results were compared to previous colony mapping efforts. Auklet presence was detected in 62 of 201 grid cells (each grid cell = 2500 m2) by sampling a randomly placed 16 m2 plot in each cell; estimated colony area = 155 000 m2. The auklet evidence density index varied by two orders of magnitude across the colony and was strongly correlated with means of replicated counts of birds socializing on the colony surface. Quantitatively mapping all large auklet colonies is logistically feasible using this method and would provide an important baseline for monitoring colony status. Regularly monitoring select colonies using this method may be the best means of detecting changes in distribution and population size of crevice-nesting seabirds. ?? The Cooper Ornithological Society 2006.

  18. Deconstructive Pedagogy and Ideological Demystification in Post-Colonial Pakistan (United States)

    Mansoor, Asma; Malik, Samina


    With post-colonial Pakistan inheriting the British colonial ideological and governmental apparatus, the English literature curriculum implemented at the university level in Pakistan carried the interpellatory baggage of its colonial past. Our interdisciplinary exploration focuses on using deconstructive pedagogy to demystify and subvert the…

  19. The regulation of British colonial lunatic asylums and the origins of colonial psychiatry, 1860-1864. (United States)

    Swartz, Sally


    In this paper I outline a brief period in the history of the British Empire, during which colonial lunatic asylum policy began to be formulated. I begin with a scandal that erupted in Jamaica and suggest that this set in motion processes that led to critical changes in asylum administration. The first of these processes was an audit of hospitals and asylums in the colonies. The results of the audit and the policy that emerged from it marked the beginning of systematic regulation of lunatic asylum practice across the British Empire. It revealed a formulation of policy that was intended to cut across the self-governing regimes that had up to this point been allowed to evolve. Drawing on the work of Michel Foucault and Nikolas Rose, I argue that the policy and the practices associated with it contribute to an understanding of the emergence of the psy-sciences in colonial settings. They illustrate the establishment of a panoptic gaze on previously neglected insane spaces. Systematic surveillance constituted government at a distance and made colonial lunacy administration a governable discursive space. The regulation of the medical officers, lunatic attendants, and hospital boards began the process of creating a professional psychiatric workforce. I conclude with a discussion of the implications and the mixed impact of this policy change for the mentally ill across the empire, over the ensuing decades.

  20. Leisure, economy and colonial urbanism: Darjeeling, 1835-1930. (United States)

    Bhattacharya, Nandini


    This article posits that the hill station of Darjeeling was a unique form of colonial urbanism. It shifts historiographical interest from major urban centres in colonial India (such as Bombay or Calcutta) and instead attempts a greater understanding of smaller urban centres. In the process, it also interrogates the category of hill stations, which have been understood as exotic and scenic sites rather than as towns that were integral to the colonial economy. In arguing that hill stations, particularly Darjeeling, were not merely the scenic and healthy 'other' of the clamorous, dirty and diseased plains of India, it refutes suggestions that the 'despoiling' or overcrowding of Darjeeling was incremental to the purposes of its establishment. Instead, it suggests that Darjeeling was part of the colonial mainstream; its urbanization and inclusion into the greater colonial economy was effected from the time of its establishment. Therefore, a constant tension between its exotic and its functional elements persisted throughout.

  1. Utilização de metodologia ativa no ensino e assistência de enfermagem na produção nacional: revisão integrativa

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    Fernanda Ribeiro Sobral


    Full Text Available Esta é uma revisão integrativa de literatura cujo objetivo foi identificar e analisar publicações científicas sobre o uso das metodologias ativas no ensino e assistência de enfermagem no Brasil. O levantamento bibliográfico incluiu publicações nacionais, no período de 1999 a 2009. Foram verificadas as bases de dados LILACS, BDENF, MEDLINE e a biblioteca eletrônica SciELO. Foram selecionados 28 artigos. Os resultados e a análise mostraram a problematização como a principal metodologia ativa utilizada, a falta de referenciais teóricos para planejar a ação pedagógica e o uso excessivo de técnicas de ensino que nem sempre caracterizam a inovação do método. Conclui-se que a implementação das metodologias inovadoras ainda carece de mais estudos e necessita de maior investimento em pesquisa e divulgação sobre o assunto.

  2. Is there a Space for Post-Colonial Theory in the Socio-Psychological Research on Consequences of Colonial Past? (United States)

    Leone, Giovanna


    The focus of my commentary is two-fold. First, I discuss what appeared to me as the central theoretical focus of the article; the possibility to create a space, if at all, for integrating post-colonial theory into the broader research field of social and psychological studies of the consequences of colonial past. Second, I intend to show why, in my opinion, the methodological choices of the authors and the criteria adopted for corpus construction allowed for data that, although too thin to establishing the state of knowledge in the field of study on consequences of colonial past, is nevertheless very informative and thoughts-provoking. My conclusions suggest that this study is an innovative attempt at describing and grasping the results of a search guided by two among the more consolidated electronic datasets currently available for English-speaking scholars. However, this study may not easily understand which can be the space to integrate post-colonial theory in the field of research on consequences of colonial past. To better reach this aim, it is perhaps necessary to build another kind of corpus, open to other languages (starting from French) and focused also on other scientific products, as books or proceedings of congress. In addition, disciplinary boundaries have to be even more explored, starting from interdisciplinary studies on education and historical culture. In spite of these limitations, I am convinced that this innovative study by Tomicic and Berardi tackles issues of relevance to any serious effort towards reflecting on long-term consequences of colonial violence and opens up to valuable new research questions and methods, to be taken into serious account and further explored in future works.

  3. Parent–offspring resemblance in colony-specific adult survival of cliff swallows (United States)

    Brown, Charles R.; Roche, Erin A.; Brown, Mary Bomberger


    Survival is a key component of fitness. Species that occupy discrete breeding colonies with different characteristics are often exposed to varying costs and benefits associated with group size or environmental conditions, and survival is an integrative net measure of these effects. We investigated the extent to which survival probability of adult (≥1-year old) cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) occupying different colonies resembled that of their parental cohort and thus whether the natal colony had long-term effects on individuals. Individuals were cross-fostered between colonies soon after hatching and their presence as breeders monitored at colonies in the western Nebraska study area for the subsequent decade. Colony-specific adult survival probabilities of offspring born and reared in the same colony, and those cross-fostered away from their natal colony soon after birth, were positively and significantly related to subsequent adult survival of the parental cohort from the natal colony. This result held when controlling for the effect of natal colony size and the age composition of the parental cohort. In contrast, colony-specific adult survival of offspring cross-fostered to a site was unrelated to that of their foster parent cohort or to the cohort of non-fostered offspring with whom they were reared. Adult survival at a colony varied inversely with fecundity, as measured by mean brood size, providing evidence for a survival–fecundity trade-off in this species. The results suggest some heritable variation in adult survival, likely maintained by negative correlations between fitness components. The study provides additional evidence that colonies represent non-random collections of individuals.

  4. The Genesis of Public Relations in British Colonial Practice. (United States)

    Smyth, Rosaleen


    Demonstrates how the British Colonial Office employed public relations strategies as they administered the British colony of Northern Rhodesia before, during, and after World War II. Demonstrates how civil servants in London and colonial officials implemented public relations policies, strategies, and tactics on an ad hoc basis, covering political…

  5. Policing native pleasures: a colonial history. (United States)

    Jabbar, Naheem


    The moral modality of colonial power is still with us when it comes to the recreation of sexual norms of traditional or feudal society. We can examine the emergent properties of colonial knowledge anew by exploring how the colonial regime's strategic attention of regulating brothels in India differed from the analytic of power Foucault described for sexuality in European society. It turns out that amongst other things, public anxieties about the failure of adaptation by South Asians are incapable of leaving sexuality aside as a key interpretive device for their culture. The British preoccupation with reproducing the dynamics of the bourgeois matrimonial market on foreign soil in the mid-nineteenth century similarly necessitated a sociological pretext for racial purity. However, the kind of knowledge a typical traveller and employee of the East India Company brought to the Victorian public from his own researches in the brothels and streets of colonial India, which revealed how popular prostitution was as a vice amongst the officer class, was also more than a welcome imaginary relief from Christian morality; it was an alternative vision of modernity. © London School of Economics and Political Science 2012.

  6. Buckling instability in ordered bacterial colonies (United States)

    Boyer, Denis; Mather, William; Mondragón-Palomino, Octavio; Orozco-Fuentes, Sirio; Danino, Tal; Hasty, Jeff; Tsimring, Lev S.


    Bacterial colonies often exhibit complex spatio-temporal organization. This collective behavior is affected by a multitude of factors ranging from the properties of individual cells (shape, motility, membrane structure) to chemotaxis and other means of cell-cell communication. One of the important but often overlooked mechanisms of spatio-temporal organization is direct mechanical contact among cells in dense colonies such as biofilms. While in natural habitats all these different mechanisms and factors act in concert, one can use laboratory cell cultures to study certain mechanisms in isolation. Recent work demonstrated that growth and ensuing expansion flow of rod-like bacteria Escherichia coli in confined environments leads to orientation of cells along the flow direction and thus to ordering of cells. However, the cell orientational ordering remained imperfect. In this paper we study one mechanism responsible for the persistence of disorder in growing cell populations. We demonstrate experimentally that a growing colony of nematically ordered cells is prone to the buckling instability. Our theoretical analysis and discrete-element simulations suggest that the nature of this instability is related to the anisotropy of the stress tensor in the ordered cell colony.

  7. Buckling instability in ordered bacterial colonies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyer, Denis; Mather, William; Mondragón-Palomino, Octavio; Danino, Tal; Hasty, Jeff; Orozco-Fuentes, Sirio; Tsimring, Lev S


    Bacterial colonies often exhibit complex spatio-temporal organization. This collective behavior is affected by a multitude of factors ranging from the properties of individual cells (shape, motility, membrane structure) to chemotaxis and other means of cell–cell communication. One of the important but often overlooked mechanisms of spatio-temporal organization is direct mechanical contact among cells in dense colonies such as biofilms. While in natural habitats all these different mechanisms and factors act in concert, one can use laboratory cell cultures to study certain mechanisms in isolation. Recent work demonstrated that growth and ensuing expansion flow of rod-like bacteria Escherichia coli in confined environments leads to orientation of cells along the flow direction and thus to ordering of cells. However, the cell orientational ordering remained imperfect. In this paper we study one mechanism responsible for the persistence of disorder in growing cell populations. We demonstrate experimentally that a growing colony of nematically ordered cells is prone to the buckling instability. Our theoretical analysis and discrete-element simulations suggest that the nature of this instability is related to the anisotropy of the stress tensor in the ordered cell colony

  8. Mem and Cookie: The Colonial Kitchen in Malaysia and Singapore

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    Cecilia Leong-Salobir


    Full Text Available This paper examines the emergence of a distinctive colonial cuisine in the British colonies of Malaysia and Singapore beginning in the late nineteenth century. This colonial cuisine evolved over time and was a combination of culinary practices derived from European and Asian foodways, much of which came from colonial India. As in India, this acculturation developed through the reliance of colonizers on their domestic servants for food preparation. While domestic servants (as cooks, or known locally as “cookie” were generally represented as dirty, dishonest and lacking in intelligence according to colonial narratives, they were responsible for the preparation of food for the family. Asian cooks in the colonial home played a much more crucial role than the negative image painted of them by British colonizers and other historians. While the mem (short for memsahib, meaning mistress held the supervisory role of the household, it was the physical contribution of the domestic servants that enabled her to fulfill this function. The large number of servants employed enabled the mem to make the colonial home move seamlessly between the private domain of the home and the official venue for the empire’s tasks. The mem as the head of the household decided on the rituals and tasks that defined the colonial space as home, and as a bastion of white imperialism. In contrast, it was the cooks’ local knowledge that procured food. Most kitchens were fashioned according to the requirements of the servants and the cooks did all the cooking, usually preparing local dishes. The argument is that, had it not been for the servants’ input, the mems would have had to work harder. As it was, the work of the servants not only saved white labour, it helped shape colonial culture, despite the Britons’ best efforts to keep themselves socially distant. Colonial cuisine would not have developed with such distinctive features without the skills and local knowledge of

  9. The psychology of colonialism: sex, age, and ideology in British India. (United States)

    Nandy, A


    It is becoming more and more obvious that colonialism--as we have come to know it during the last two hundred years--cannot be identified with only economic gain and political power. In Manchuria, Japan consistently lost money, and for many years colonial Indochina, Algeria and Angola, instead of increasing the political power of France and Portugal, sapped it. This did not make Manchuria, Indochina, Algeria or Angola less important as colonies. Nor did it disprove the point that economic gain and political power are important motives in a colonial situation. It only showed that colonialism could be characterized by the search for economic and political advantage without concomitant real economic or political gains, and sometimes even with economic or political losses. This essay argues that the first differentia of colonialism is a state of mind in the colonizers and the colonized, a colonial consciousness which includes the sometimes unrealizable wish to make economic and political profits from the colonies, but other elements, too. The political economy of colonization is of course important, but the vulgarity and insanity of colonialism are principally expressed in the sphere of psychology. The following pages will explore some of these psychological contours of colonialism in the rulers and the ruled and try to define colonialism as a shared culture which may not always begin with the establishment of alien rule in a society and end with the departure of the alien rulers from the colony. The example I shall use will be that of India, where a colonial political economy began to operate seventy-five years before the full-blown ideology of British imperialism became dominant, and where thirty years after the formal ending of the raj, the ideology of colonialism is still triumphant in many sectors of life.

  10. Synthetic quorum sensing in model microcapsule colonies (United States)

    Shum, Henry; Balazs, Anna C.


    Biological quorum sensing refers to the ability of cells to gauge their population density and collectively initiate a new behavior once a critical density is reached. Designing synthetic materials systems that exhibit quorum sensing-like behavior could enable the fabrication of devices with both self-recognition and self-regulating functionality. Herein, we develop models for a colony of synthetic microcapsules that communicate by producing and releasing signaling molecules. Production of the chemicals is regulated by a biomimetic negative feedback loop, the “repressilator” network. Through theory and simulation, we show that the chemical behavior of such capsules is sensitive to both the density and number of capsules in the colony. For example, decreasing the spacing between a fixed number of capsules can trigger a transition in chemical activity from the steady, repressed state to large-amplitude oscillations in chemical production. Alternatively, for a fixed density, an increase in the number of capsules in the colony can also promote a transition into the oscillatory state. This configuration-dependent behavior of the capsule colony exemplifies quorum-sensing behavior. Using our theoretical model, we predict the transitions from the steady state to oscillatory behavior as a function of the colony size and capsule density.

  11. Metodologia para desenvolvimento de soluções em mineração de dados: Um estudo prático em diagnóstico de falhas


    Carneiro Leão Vieira da Cunha, Rodrigo


    Data mining surgiu da necessidade de extração do conhecimento a partir de volumosas massas de dados. Na verdade data mining faz parte de um processo mais amplo e complexo denominado KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases). O problema é que não há na prática uma metodologia completa para apoiar o usuário no desenvolvimento do processo de KDD. Neste contexto, o principal objetivo do presente trabalho é propor uma metodologia genérica para desenvolvimento de soluções em KDD integra...

  12. Agar Technique for the Cultivation In Vitro of Bone-Marrow Colonies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Metcalf, D. [Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, VIC (Australia)


    In solid-state agar cultures certain haemopoietic cells proliferate and form discrete colonies of 200 - 4000 cells. Colony formation is dependent on stimulation by the colony-stimulating factor, and this is achieved by (1) the use of a cell feeder layer, (2) the addition of conditioned medium, or (3) the addition of human or mouse serum or urine containing the factor. All colonies initially contain granulocytic cells which differentiate from myeloblasts to polymorphs as colony growth proceeds. Later colonies develop a second population of phagocytic mononuclear cells (macrophages). The colony-forming-system is simple, readily quantitated and highly reproducible. Linear dose responses occur between the dose of colony-stimulating factor and the number and size of colonies developing from a standard number of bone-marrow cells. In-vitro colony formation has been achieved with haemopoietic cells of the following species: mouse, rat, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit and human. In the adult mouse, colony-forming cells are located in the bone marrow, spleen and blood and in the embryo, in the yolk sac, liver and spleen. The colony-forming cell appears to be an early member of the granulocytic series. The colony-forming system has been used as a quantitative assay system: (1) to assay levels of colony-stimulating factor in serum and urine and in the chemical- characterization and purification of the factor; and (2) to enumerate the number of colony-forming cells in haemopoietic tissues in response to a variety of experimental procedures and disease states. Since the system is applicable to human bone-marrow cells, it should prove of value in the quantitative assay of (1) survival of human bone marrow on storage, and (2) bone-marrow content of granulocytic precursor cells in various disease states and following various types of therapy. The system is not suitable for the mass production in vitro of haemopoietic cells for therapeutic use. (author)

  13. Uso de metodologia participativa na obtenção de indicadores da qualidade do solo em Mossoró-RN

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    Luiz Eduardo Vieira de Arruda


    Full Text Available A metodologia participativa possibilita ao produtor rural de baixa renda a obtenção rápida e de forma confiável dos indicadores de qualidade do solo, auxiliando manter a sustentabilidade do agroecossistema. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo geral analisar a qualidade de solos preservados e degradados em Mossoró-RN utilizando metodologia participativa de baixo custo e fácil execução. Para tal, foram analisadas áreas degradas e preservadas do Parque Zoobotânico e Assentamento Mulunguzinho em Mossoró-RN. Foram escavadas trincheiras de 0,50 m x 0,50 m x 0,50 m de forma a visualizar a profundidade do horizonte A do solo de áreas degradas e preservadas. Um grupo com seis avaliadores aplicou a metodologia participativa com os seguintes indicadores: estrutura, compactação, erosão, microrganismos, matéria orgânica, organismos, retenção de água, cobertura e profundidade do horizonte A. Os indicadores foram obtidos da média de três repetições nas áreas degradas e preservadas, sendo posteriormente expressos em tabelas e gráficos tipo “teia”. De acordo com os resultados obtidos conclui-se que a metodologia participativa para avaliação da qualidade do solo é uma ferramenta de baixo custo e fácil aplicação que possibilita o fortalecimento do conhecimento do produtor rural e permite a troca de conhecimentos entre pesquisadores e agricultores; nas áreas degradadas avaliadas tanto do Parque Zoobotânico quanto no Assentamento Mulunguzinho os indicadores que mais penalizaram a média geral dos indicadores foram compactação e estrutura, indicando a necessidade de incorporação de matéria orgânica para atingir os limites aceitáveis de sustentabilidade em agroecossistemas; e os indicadores das áreas preservadas foram sempre superiores aos das áreas degradadas em maior presença de matéria orgânica que propicia melhoria da estrutura, compactação, biologia (macro e microrganismos e retenção de água no solo. Normal

  14. Collaboration, Coproduction, and Code-Switching: Colonial Cinema and Postcolonial Archaeology

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    Nayoung Aimee Kwon


    Full Text Available This article reassesses the issue of colonial collaboration in the Japanese empire by examining the rise of cinematic coproductions between Japanese and Korean filmmakers. By the late 1930s, colonial Korea’s filmmaking industry had been fully subsumed into the Japanese film industry, and regulations were established that required all films to assimilate imperial policies. The colonial government’s active promotion of colonial “collaboration” and “coproduction” between the colonizers and the colonized ideologically worked to obfuscate these increasing restrictions in colonial film productions while producing complex and contentious desires across the colonial divide. The very concepts of “collaboration” and “coproduction” need to be redefined in light of increasingly complex imperial hierarchies and entanglements. Taking the concept of “code-switching” beyond its linguistic origins, this article argues that we must reassess texts of colonial collaboration and coproduction produced at a time when Korean film had to “code-switch” into Japanese—to linguistically, culturally, and politically align itself with the wartime empire. The article argues that recently excavated films from colonial and Cold War archives, such as Spring in the Korean Peninsula, offer a rare glimpse into repressed and contested histories and raise the broader conundrum of accessing and assessing uneasily commingled colonial pasts of Asian-Pacific nations in the ruins of postcolonial aftermath.

  15. For the youth : juvenile delinquency, colonial civil society and the late colonial state in the Netherlands Indies, 1872-1942

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dirks, Annelieke


    This dissertation project focuses on forced re-education policies for juvenile delinquents in the Netherlands Indies (now Indonesia) and uses this topic to show the interaction between a 'modernizing' Dutch colonial state and the growth of a colonial civil society, between approximately 1872 and

  16. Morphological Diversity of the Colony Produced by Bacteria Proteus mirabilis (United States)

    Nakahara, Akio; Shimada, Yuji; Wakita, Jun-ichi; Matsushita, Mitsugu; Matsuyama, Tohey


    Morphological changes of colonies have been investigatedfor a bacterial strain of Proteus mirabilis, which is a famous speciesfor producing concentric-ring-like colonies. It was found that colony patterns can be classified into three types,i.e., cyclic spreading, diffusion-limited growth (DLA-like)and three-dimensional growth (inside the agar medium) patterns. Cyclic spreading patterns can further be classifiedinto three subgroups, i.e., concentric-ring, homogeneous and spatiotemporal patterns. These subgroups were classified by examining the development of colony structure after colonies spread all over petri-dishes. Comparison of the results with thoseof another bacterial species Bacillus subtilis is also discussed.

  17. Colonialism as a Broader Social Determinant of Health

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    Karina Czyzewski


    Full Text Available A proposed broader or Indigenized social determinants of health framework includes "colonialism" along with other global processes. What does it mean to understand Canadian colonialism as a distal determinant of Indigenous health? This paper reviews pertinent discourses surrounding Indigenous mental health in Canada.With an emphasis on the notion of intergenerational trauma, there are real health effects of social, political, and economic marginalization embodied within individuals, which can collectively affect entire communities. Colonialism can also be enacted and reinforced within Indigenous mental health discourse, thus influencing scholarly and popular perceptions. Addressing this distal determinant through policy work necessitates that improving Indigenous health is inherently related to improving these relationships, i.e. eliminating colonial relations, and increasing self-determination.

  18. Valor pedagògic del repositori comú de coneixements per a cursos de Direcció d'Empreses

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    Anabel Fernández-Mesa


    Full Text Available L´objectiu d´este article és presentar una nova metodologia que rep per nom Pool of Knowledge i que serà útil per al professorat de Direcció d'Empreses que imparteixin docència en anglès i / o valencià. Esta nova metodologia també es proposa com una eina útil per a la impartició d´altre tipus de temari. Es tracta d´una variant del flipped teaching, també coneguda com aula invertida, en la que es porta a terme la creació, per part de l'alumnat i per a l'alumnat, de material educatiu útil per al seu aprenentatge en els idiomes en els quals s'imparteix l' assignatura. Aquest material és publicitat en un repositori de material comú com material complementari d'estudi. Durant les classes se'ls anima mitjançant la gamificació (metodologia d'aprenentatge mitjançant el joc a que es familiaritze amb aquest material. Al finalitzar el curs l'alumnat valora la nova metodologia implantada. El resultat principal és el descobriment de com valora l'alumnat la gamificació. Els alumnes consideren que el fet d'haver incentivat durant les classes l'estudi d'estos materials a través del joc ha resultat molt beneficiós per al seu aprenentatge. 

  19. Social interactions in the central nest of Coptotermes formosanus juvenile colonies (United States)

    Juvenile colonies of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki were investigated to determine the social interactions among all individuals near the central nest of a colony. The behavioral repertoire of whole colonies of subterranean termites has yet to be identified because of their cryptic nests. Colonies w...


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    Guilherme Brittes Benitez


    Full Text Available Buscou-se com esta pesquisa o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de implantação que interaja com a tecnologia de informação e a flexibilização da manufatura através das metodologias de gerenciamento: gestão por processo e manufatura enxuta. A análise destas metodologias deu-se por dois aspectos: em quais aspectos elas são complementares e que pontos elas são compatíveis. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa foram utilizados métodos quantitativos e qualitativas. Com relação à forma de levantamento de dados pode-se classificar esta pesquisa como exploratória e um estudo de caso. Para esta aplicação foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma empresa de médio porte que atua no ramo de embalagens plásticas. Com o resultado da pesquisa foi possível identificar a compatibilidade e complementariedade entre as duas ferramentas de gerenciamento: gestão por processos e manufatura enxuta e a partir deste ponto o resultado da pesquisa foi desenvolvido uma nova metodologia, onde foi identificado alguns pontos onde a informação ainda é ineficiente e o desperdício de matéria-prima e de tempo é alto.

  1. Enhancement of erythroid colony growth in culture by hemin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porter, P.N.; Meints, R.H.; Mesner, K.


    Hemin was found to enhance the growth of murine erythroid colonies in culture. In the presence of 100 mU/ml erythropoietin (EPO), the addition of hemin (0.05-0.2 mM) resulted in the growth of twice as many colonies as were obtained with EPO alone. Hemin also significantly increased erythroid colony formation in culture in the absence of added EPO. Hemoblobin synthesis as measured by the incorporation of 59 Fe into cyclohexanone extractable heme was augmented in culture by hemin. Neither Δ-aminolevulinic acid, a hemin precursor, nor FeCl 3 increased colony number. (author)

  2. [Notes about other epidemics in Colonial Chile]. (United States)

    Laval, Enrique


    In chronicles or in the historiography of the Colony in Chile there are few references about epidemics different to smallpox; like typhus, typhoid fever, dysentery, etc. Almost all, fast spreading in the country and some with high lethality, which led to overflowing the capacity of hospitals in the Chilean colonial period.

  3. Effects of x-ray and neutron irradiation on spherical colonies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aramaki, Ryoji


    Responses of in vitro cultured mammalian cells in spherical colonies to 200 kVp x-rays and D-T neutrons were studied using reproductive capacity as a criterion for survival. Cell lines used were FM3A, L5 and Chinese hamster V79. The spherical colonies exposed to x-rays exhibited two-component survival curves. All cells used were more radio-resistant in spherical colonies than in single cell suspensions. It was suggested that this difference in response was attributable to the presence of hypoxic cells in spherical colonies. Dose-modifying Factor (DMF), the ratios of D 0 of the second slopes of the curves for spherical colonies to those for single cells, were 1.6 for FM3A, 1.8 for L5, and 1.7 for Chinese hamster V79. The hypoxic cell fractions in spherical colonies for FM3A, L5, and Chinese hamster V79, were 0.1, 0.6 and 0.4, respectively, resulting in variations in cell survival in spherical colonies following x-radiation. No significant difference was observed between responses of spherical colonies and single cell suspensions to D-T neutrons. FM3A and Chinese hamster V79 showed two-component survival curves when irradiated with neutrons at 37 0 C, but not at 25 0 C. The repair of potentially lethal and sub-lethal damage was also investigated using FM3A in spherical colonies. No detectable repair of potentially lethal damage was observed for x-rays and D-T neutrons. The effect of neutron fractionation was considerably smaller for spherical colonies as compared to single cells. (author)

  4. Impaired T-lymphocyte colony formation by cord blood mononuclear cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herrod, H.G.; Valenski, W.R.


    When compared to adult mononuclear cells, cord blood mononuclear cells demonstrated significantly decreased T-lymphocyte colony formation (1351 +/- 643 vs 592 +/- 862, P less than 0.01). This diminished colony-forming activity did not appear to be associated with impaired responsiveness to the stimulant phytohemagglutinin or with excessive suppressor-cell activity. Irradiation reduced the colony-forming capacity of cord blood mononuclear cells more than it did that of adult mononuclear cells. Depletion of adherent cells reduced cord blood mononuclear-cell colony-forming capacity by 40%, while similar treatment reduced adult colony formation by 10%. Lymphocyte proliferation in liquid culture of cord and adult cells was minimally affected by these procedures. The colony-forming capacity of cord blood could be enhanced by the addition of irradiated adult cells (284 +/- 72 vs 752 +/- 78, P less than 0.01). This enhancement was demonstrated to be due to a soluble factor produced by a population of irradiated adult cells depleted of the OKT8+ subpopulation of lymphocytes. These results indicate that the progenitor cells of T-lymphocyte colonies in cord blood have distinct biologic characteristics when compared to colony progenitors present in adult blood. This assay may prove to be useful in our efforts to understand the differentiation of T-cell function in man


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    Antonio Farias Leal

    Full Text Available RESUMO O método Granados de otimização, desenvolvido para redes ramificadas, foi associado à metodologia dos anéis de Hardy Cross e aplicado a redes malhadas. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma economia significativa no custo total das tubulações e revelam a potencialidade dessa ferramenta, que assume, definitivamente, o seu lugar no dimensionamento de redes pressurizadas.

  6. Metodologia de captura-recaptura: uma opção para a vigilância das doenças não transmissíveis na população idosa

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    Cláudia Medina Coeli

    Full Text Available A metodologia de captura-recaptura é utilizada na área da ecologia para a estimativa do tamanho de populações de animais selvagens. Esta técnica pode ser empregada no âmbito da epidemiologia para a obtenção de estimativas de doenças transmissíveis e não transmissíveis em uma forma relativamente barata e rápida. Sistemas de vigilância baseados na utilização desta metodologia representam uma alternativa potencial para o monitoramento de doenças não transmissíveis em nosso meio. Este artigo apresenta uma revisão sucinta dos fundamentos da metodologia de captura-recaptura e de suas aplicações no âmbito da epidemiologia. Adicionalmente, é apresentado um modelo teórico para a implantação de um sistema de vigilância do diabetes mellitus na população idosa baseado na utilização de fontes de morbidade e mortalidade usualmente disponíveis em nosso meio e na aplicação da metodologia de captura-recaptura.

  7. Workers' Extra-Nest Behavioral Changes During Colony Fission in Dinoponera quadriceps (Santschi). (United States)

    Medeiros, J; Araújo, A


    Ant colonies can reproduce by two strategies: independent foundation, wherein the queen starts a new colony alone, and dependent foundation, in which workers assist the queen. In the queenless species Dinoponera quadriceps (Santschi), the colony reproduces obligatorily by fission, a type of dependent foundation, but this process is not well understood. This study describes a colony fission event of D. quadriceps in the field and analyzes the influence of the fission process on workers' extra-nest behavior. Based on observations of workers outside the nest, five distinct stages were identified: monodomic stage, polydomic stage, split stage, conflict stage, and post-conflict stage. The colony was initially monodomic and then occupied a second nest before it split into two independent colonies, indicating a gradual and opportunistic dependent foundation. After the fission event, the daughter colony had aggressive conflicts with the parental colony, resulting in the latter's disappearance. Colony fission affected workers' extra-nest behavior by increasing the frequency of rubbing the gaster against the substrate (which probably has a chemical marking function) and by decreasing the frequency of foraging during the split stage. After the fission event, the number of foragers was halved and foragers remained nearer to the nest during extra-nest activity. The spatial closeness of the parental and daughter colonies led to competition that caused the extinction or migration of the parental colony. Intraspecific competition was indicated by foraging directionality at the colony level, whereby areas of neighbor colonies were avoided; this directionality was stronger while both colonies coexisted.

  8. La percepción participante como una herramienta metodológica feminista:Una aplicación a los estudios de género

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    Carlos Garcia Grados


    Full Text Available Este articulo reflexiona acerca de la tradición sensorial del método etnografico y reclama el valor de la percepción participante como herramienta feminista de investigación sociocultural. Esta metodologia contribuiria a la superación del sesgo androcéntrico que reproduce la observación participante en tanto que practica eminentemente visual y auditiva. Para ello, en primer lugar, el articulo destaca el vinculo entre la masculinidad y la vista, forjado históricamente en Occidente, y restablece el analisis de género en el estudio antropológico de los sentidos. La antropologia sensorial, perspectiva mas reciente en el ambito de estudio de los sentidos y cuna de la percepción participante, no retomó el analisis de género presente en algunos de los trabajos de su antecesora e inaugural antropologia de los sentidos y, por tanto, sus preocupaciones metodológicas quedaron huérfanas de una reflexión feminista que aqui se vuelve a reanudar. En segundo lugar, empleando concretamente la percepción participante en un analisis de género, el articulo presenta la aplicación etnografica de la misma en el contexto de un deporte adaptado como es el futbol sala para personas con discapacidad visual. Las practicas y las experiencias emplazadas de un grupo de varones ciegos y del etnógrafo, desde un prisma multisensorial, revelan una nueva dimensión del género que ayuda a profundizar acerca de cómo el futbol sala adaptado contribuye de manera eficaz a la reproducción de la masculinidad hegemónica y, por ende, del orden de género patriarcal.

  9. Tidal power plant energy estimation; Cuantificacion de energia de una planta mareomotriz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez Gonzalez, J.; Hiriart Le Bert, G.; Silva Casarin, R. [Instituto de Ingenieria, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (mexico)]. E-mail:;;


    In this paper a methodology is presented which allows a quick and simple means of estimating the potential energy that can be obtained from a tidal power plant. The evaluation is made using a normalised nomograph, which is a function of the area of the tidal basin against the electricity installed capacity to thus obtain the potential energy for any location. The results describe two means of operation, one of flow tide and the other flow-ebb tides, with two tidal basin systems operating: single and double reservoir systems. To obtain the normalised nomograph the numerical results for simulations of several tidal power plants under differing operational conditions over a period of one year. These conditions were established by varying the electricity installed capacity, the hydraulic conditions in flow tide, ebb tides or both and with single or double reservoir systems and using sea level information taken every 15 minutes. To validate the model information from the tidal power plant at Rance, France, was used, which includes data concerning production, electricity installed capacity, turbine characteristics and tidal ranges. A very good correlation was found between the results of the numerical model and those reported in various technical reports. [Spanish] Se presenta una metodologia que permite estimar de manera rapida y sencilla el potencial de energia que puede ser extraido a traves de una planta mareomotriz. La evaluacion se realiza utilizando un nomograma normalizado que es funcion del area del embalse versus la capacidad electrica instalada, para asi obtener el potencial energetico en una zona en particular. Los resultados contemplan dos formas de operacion, una llamada en flujo y otra en flujo-reflujo, dos esquemas de embalse (sencillo y doble embalse). Para la elaboracion del nomograma normalizado se utilizaron resultados numericos de la simulacion de multiples plantas mareomotrices bajo diferentes escenarios durante un ano de operacion. Los escenarios

  10. Metodologias ativas de ensino-aprendizagem e educação popular: encontros e desencontros no contexto da formação dos profissionais de saúde


    Simon,Eduardo; Jezine,Edineide; Vasconcelos,Eymard Mourão; Ribeiro,Katia Suely Queiroz Silva


    Trata-se de reflexão acerca dos encontros e desencontros entre as metodologias pedagógicas ativas e a educação popular, no contexto da formação dos profissionais de saúde. Parte-se de uma reflexão acerca das bases epistemológicas da educação popular e das principais metodologias ativas, consideradas no contexto de sua utilização na formação dos profissionais de saúde. A educação popular propõe uma f...

  11. Electro-economic, environmental and social consequences in the efficient abatement of a hydroelectric plant (C. H. Santa Rosa, CFE-ACO); Consecuencias electro-economicas, ambientales y sociales del abatimiento eficiente de una central hidroelectrica (C. H. Santa Rosa, CFE-ACO)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Narvaez Perez, Camilo; Garcia Conejo, Dante Aristoteles [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Centro Nacional de Control de Energia, Area de Control Occidental, Zapopan, Jalisco (Mexico)]. E-mail:;; Narvaez Perez, Claudia Universidad de Guadalajara, Zapopan, Jalisco [Mexico]). E-mail:; Blanco Gomez, Cesar Eduardo [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Centro Nacional de Control de Energia, Area de Control Occidental, Zapopan, Jalisco (Mexico)


    Renewable energy systems, like hydroelectric generation system gives electric energy, in reliable economic, it takes care with environment, and growths the society, if the hydroelectric dam is suitably drained in non rainy season, if we consider, flow rate in its river, rain, thunderstorms and floods, dam's size, load shape per day, generators capacity unit and the flow in turbines, generating units maintenance and other necessities like irrigation crops in farms. In this research we propose a new methodology about hydroelectric dam drained in non rainy season. But in rainy season, you can consider this methodology with few changes and you would obtain satisfactory results. The methodology is used since 2010 in the Area de Control Occidental in the Comision Federal de Electricidad with results compared with data from previous years, in which different methodologies were applied. [Spanish] Los sistemas de energias renovables, como los complejos hidroelectricos impactan de manera electrica, economica, ambiental y social, siempre y cuando se realice adecuadamente el abatimiento de la presa en el estiaje, considerando, el aporte del cauce, las lluvias aun siendo escasas, el tamano del embalse, la demanda horaria de la carga abastecida, el tamano de los generadores y su gasto turbinado, los mantenimientos de las unidades, las necesidades hidraulicas aguas abajo y demas imponderantes. En esta investigacion se propone una metodologia de abatimiento de presas de centrales hidroelectricas en estiaje. Y para tiempo de lluvias se aplica la metodologia con variantes pequenas y con resultados satisfactorios. La metodologia es utilizada desde el 2010 en el Area de Control Occidental de la Comision Federal de Electricidad, con resultados comparados con los datos de los anos anteriores, en los cuales se aplicaron metodologias diversas.

  12. Indonesian Chinese in the Netherlands and the legacies of violence in colonial and post-colonial Indonesia

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    Alexander van der Meer


    Full Text Available After Indonesian independence in 1945, thousands of Indonesian Chinese repatriated to the Netherlands, the former colonizer. As opposed to other repatriates from Indonesia, who organized themselves into pressure groups and fought for a place in the national memory culture, the Indonesian Chinese in the Netherlands only formed strict socio-cultural associations and have generally stayed clear of identity politics. Usually, this divergence is attributed to the smooth integration and socio-economic success of the latter group, as well as to Chinese values, such as conflict avoidance.This article adds to this explanation by positing that this phenomenon has also been induced by the legacy of anti-Chinese violence in colonial and post-colonial Indonesia: respectively, Dutch discomfort to acknowledge the violent and discriminatory elements of its own colonial history, as well as a fear of offending the Indonesian government. Consequently, many Indonesian Chinese in the Netherlands have engaged in some form of public self-silencing.

  13. Implantació ERP SAP en empresa del sector alimentari


    Castán Ariño, Jose Luis


    Amb aquest treball es pretén oferir d'una forma global una implantació d'un sistema ERP a una empresa fictícia basant-nos en els principis de la metodologia estàndard ASAP. Con este trabajo se pretende ofrecer de una forma global una implantación de un sistema ERP en una empresa ficticia basándonos en los principios de la metodología estándar ASAP.

  14. Proposição da metodologia dos limiares hedônicos: limiar de aceitação comprometida e limiar de rejeição


    Filho, Tarcísio Lima


    As metodologias de determinação de limiares sensoriais existentes geram estimativas pouco confiáveis do ponto a partir do qual a intensidade de um estímulo passa a alterar a aceitação ou resultar em rejeição do produto. Assim, objetivou-se propor e validar uma nova metodologia para determinação de dois limiares hedônicos sensoriais, o limiar de aceitação comprometida (LAC) e o limiar de rejeição (LR). Objetivou-se, também, investigar se os valores dos limiares hedônicos diferem entre segmento...

  15. Predation of artificial ground nests on white-tailed prairie dog colonies (United States)

    Baker, B.W.; Stanley, T.R.; Sedgwick, J.A.


    Prairie dog (Cynomys spp.) colonies are unique to prairie and shrub-steppe landscapes. However, widespread eradication, habitat loss, and sylvatic plague (Yersinia pestis) have reduced their numbers by 98% since historical times. Birds associated with prairie dogs also are declining. Potential nest predators, such as coyotes (Canis latrans), swift foxes (Vulpes velox), and badgers (Taxidea taxus), may be attracted to colonies where a high concentration of prairie dogs serve as available prey. Increased abundance of small mammals, including prairie dogs, also may increase the risk of predation for birds nesting on colonies. Finally, because grazing by prairie dogs may decrease vegetation height and canopy cover, bird nests may be easier for predators to locate. In this study, we placed 1,444 artificial ground nests on and off 74 white-tailed prairie dog (C. leucurus) colonies to test the hypothesis that nest predation rates are higher on colonies than at nearby off sites (i.e., uncolonized habitat). We sampled colonies from 27 May to 16 July 1997 at the following 3 complexes: Coyote Basin, Utah and Colorado; Moxa Arch, Wyoming; and Shirley Basin, Wyoming. Differences in daily predation rates between colonies and paired off sites averaged 1.0% (P = 0.060). When converted to a typical 14-day incubation period, predation rates averaged 14% higher on colonies (57.7 ?? 2.7%; ?? ?? SE) than at off sites (50.4 ?? 3.1%). Comparisons of habitat variables on colonies to off sites showed percent canopy cover of vegetation was similar (P = 0.114), percent bare ground was higher on colonies (P 0.288). Although we found the risk of nest predation was higher on white-tailed prairie dog colonies than at off sites, fitness of birds nesting on colonies might depend on other factors that influence foraging success, reproductive success, or nestling survival.

  16. Population regulation in Magellanic penguins: what determines changes in colony size?

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    Luciana M Pozzi

    Full Text Available Seabirds are often studied at individual colonies, but the confounding effects of emigration and mortality processes in open populations may lead to inappropriate conclusions on the mechanisms underlying population changes. Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus colonies of variable population sizes are distributed along the Argentine coastline. In recent decades, several population and distributional changes have occurred, with some colonies declining and others newly established or increasing. We integrated data of eight colonies scattered along ∼600 km in Northern Patagonia (from 41°26´S, 65°01´W to 45°11´S, 66°30´W, Rio Negro and Chubut provinces and conducted analysis in terms of their growth rates, production of young and of the dependence of those vital rates on colony age, size, and location. We contrasted population trends estimated from abundance data with those derived from population modeling to understand if observed growth rates were attainable under closed population scenarios. Population trends were inversely related to colony size, suggesting a density dependent growth pattern. All colonies located in the north--which were established during the last decades--increased at high rates, with the smallest, recently established colonies growing at the fastest rate. In central-southern Chubut, where colonies are the oldest, the largest breeding aggregations declined, but smaller colonies remained relatively stable. Results provided strong evidence that dispersal played a major role in driving local trends. Breeding success was higher in northern colonies, likely mediated by favorable oceanographic conditions. However, mean foraging distance and body condition of chicks at fledging were influenced by colony size. Recruitment of penguins in the northern area may have been triggered by a combination of density dependence, likely exacerbated by less favorable oceanographic conditions in the southern sector. Our results

  17. O branding como fator crítico para o desenvolvimento do turismo rural. O caso da Rota Colonial Baumschneis, Dois Irmãos - RS/Brasil

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    Lisiane Scherer


    Full Text Available El creciente desarrollo de las zonas rurales está relacionado con el proceso de transformación económica del campo producido durante los últimos años, aspecto que ha influido en la multifuncionalidad de los territorios. Diversos actores locales están invirtiendo en el turismo como una manera de añadir valor a las propiedades rurales y una de las formas en que esto ocurre es a través de la modalidad de rutas rurales. La creación de una marca para esas rutas constituye una herramienta para obtener un mejor posicionamiento respecto a la competencia, ayudando a crear una identificación entre la oferta y la demanda. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el desarrollo y la evolución de la Ruta Colonial Baumschneis, así como la utilización de los factores críticos para el desarrollo exitoso de una estrategia de branding. Es una investigación exploratoria, de tipo analítico, en la que se desarrolla un estudio de caso. Los resultados muestran que los avances en la consolidación de la marca son precarios, lo que se atribuye a la ausencia de los factores críticos que determinan el éxito en una estrategia de branding. Ninguno de esos factores fue referido por los stakeholders y tampoco hay consenso entre los participantes de la ruta acerca de la importancia en el uso adecuado de los conceptos relacionados con el branding.|

  18. Specters of Colonialism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Muhr, Sara Louise; Azad, Salam


    at the same time they always are bound to fail to become ‘Swedish’ because of the same foreign origins. Although Swedish culture – partly by distancing itself from having a colonial past – has successfully built up an image of openness, we argue that without acknowledging and confronting the role...

  19. Seabird colonies in the Melville Bay, Northwest Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boertmann, David; Huffeldt, Nicholas Per

    This report describes the results of a survey for breeding and colonial seabirds in a hitherto un-surveyed area of Northwest Greenland - the Melville Bay. The results shall be included as background data for oil spill sensitivity mapping, preparation of environmental impact assessments of petroleum...... activities in Baffin Bay and for the regulation (by the Greenland government) of petroleum activities. The survey showed, that compared to other coasts of West Greenland, the Melville Bay holds only few breeding colonies and low numbers of breeding seabirds. The most widespread and numerous species...... is the black guillemot followed by the glaucous gull. However, one colony is of national significance – Sabine Øer, with high numbers of breeding Arctic terns and Sabine’s gulls. Other noteworthy observations were puffins on Thom Ø and many new Iceland gull colonies that extended the known northern breeding...

  20. Genetic diversity within honeybee colonies increases signal production by waggle-dancing foragers (United States)

    Mattila, Heather R; Burke, Kelly M; Seeley, Thomas D


    Recent work has demonstrated considerable benefits of intracolonial genetic diversity for the productivity of honeybee colonies: single-patriline colonies have depressed foraging rates, smaller food stores and slower weight gain relative to multiple-patriline colonies. We explored whether differences in the use of foraging-related communication behaviour (waggle dances and shaking signals) underlie differences in foraging effort of genetically diverse and genetically uniform colonies. We created three pairs of colonies; each pair had one colony headed by a multiply mated queen (inseminated by 15 drones) and one colony headed by a singly mated queen. For each pair, we monitored the production of foraging-related signals over the course of 3 days. Foragers in genetically diverse colonies had substantially more information available to them about food resources than foragers in uniform colonies. On average, in genetically diverse colonies compared with genetically uniform colonies, 36% more waggle dances were identified daily, dancers performed 62% more waggle runs per dance, foragers reported food discoveries that were farther from the nest and 91% more shaking signals were exchanged among workers each morning prior to foraging. Extreme polyandry by honeybee queens enhances the production of worker–worker communication signals that facilitate the swift discovery and exploitation of food resources. PMID:18198143

  1. Rethinking the Colonial State: Configurations of Power, Violence, and Agency

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rud, Søren; Ivarsson, Søren


    The main theme of this special volume is the colonial state and its governmental practices. This chapter introduces and contextualizes the contributions by providing a brief induction to recent developments within the study of the colonial state. It then presents the contributions under three per...... perspectives which represent separate yet interrelated themes relevant for the understanding of the colonial state: practices, violence, and agency. Hereby, we also accentuate the value of a non-state-centric approach to the analysis of the colonial state....

  2. Leisure, economy and colonial urbanism: Darjeeling, 1835–1930 (United States)



    This article posits that the hill station of Darjeeling was a unique form of colonial urbanism. It shifts historiographical interest from major urban centres in colonial India (such as Bombay or Calcutta) and instead attempts a greater understanding of smaller urban centres. In the process, it also interrogates the category of hill stations, which have been understood as exotic and scenic sites rather than as towns that were integral to the colonial economy. In arguing that hill stations, particularly Darjeeling, were not merely the scenic and healthy ‘other’ of the clamorous, dirty and diseased plains of India, it refutes suggestions that the ‘despoiling’ or overcrowding of Darjeeling was incremental to the purposes of its establishment. Instead, it suggests that Darjeeling was part of the colonial mainstream; its urbanization and inclusion into the greater colonial economy was effected from the time of its establishment. Therefore, a constant tension between its exotic and its functional elements persisted throughout. PMID:24273391

  3. The importance of confronting a colonial, patriarchal and racist past ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The importance of confronting a colonial, patriarchal and racist past in addressing post-apartheid sexual violence. ... It also needs to redress problems of social and economic inequality that exist in South Africa as hangovers from this country's colonial and apartheid-era past. Keywords: Zuma, rape, Kipling, colonialism, ...

  4. The Colonial Situation: Complicities and Distinctions from the Surrealist Image

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    Pedro Pablo Gómez


    Full Text Available In this work, taking as baseline the thought of Aimé Césaire and Franz Fanon —keeping in mind the closeness of the Negritude movement with surrealism—, we propose to approach the modernity/coloniality problem, appealing to the denominated surrealist image of beauty. In the first part the colonial situation is approached, in the second the colonial situation from the logic of surrealist image, and in the third the possibility of a decolonial universal or pluriversal is raised. In general terms, exploring the existent link between the “surrealist image” and the colonial structure of modernity —that generates the denominated colonial situation—, we aspire to approach what could be a decolonial aesthetic that, as general problem, will be tackled in later works.

  5. Historicizing “Korean Criminality”: Colonial Criminality in Twentieth Century Japan

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    Joel Matthews


    Full Text Available In the context of Japanese colonialism, this article examines the discourse of colonial criminality that came to epistemologically position the Korean colonial subject as criminal and therefore necessitating domination, surveillance and punishment. The discourse of colonial criminality stemmed from Japan's late nineteenth century epistemological commitment to imperialism and concomitant knowledge of law and the legality of colonial subjects. Through an analysis that historicizes the “criminal Korean” (futei senjin epithet in the prewar and the emergence of yami as a signifier of Korean economic criminality throughout the 1940s, this article illustrates how the racialization of Koreans in Japan was both framed in terms of crime and subversion, and how that criminality functioned as a justification for postcolonial legalized exclusion and discrimination.

  6. Ant Larval Demand Reduces Aphid Colony Growth Rates in an Ant-Aphid Interaction

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    James M. Cook


    Full Text Available Ants often form mutualistic interactions with aphids, soliciting honeydew in return for protective services. Under certain circumstances, however, ants will prey upon aphids. In addition, in the presence of ants aphids may increase the quantity or quality of honeydew produced, which is costly. Through these mechanisms, ant attendance can reduce aphid colony growth rates. However, it is unknown whether demand from within the ant colony can affect the ant-aphid interaction. In a factorial experiment, we tested whether the presence of larvae in Lasius niger ant colonies affected the growth rate of Aphis fabae colonies. Other explanatory variables tested were the origin of ant colonies (two separate colonies were used and previous diet (sugar only or sugar and protein. We found that the presence of larvae in the ant colony significantly reduced the growth rate of aphid colonies. Previous diet and colony origin did not affect aphid colony growth rates. Our results suggest that ant colonies balance the flow of two separate resources from aphid colonies- renewable sugars or a protein-rich meal, depending on demand from ant larvae within the nest. Aphid payoffs from the ant-aphid interaction may change on a seasonal basis, as the demand from larvae within the ant colony waxes and wanes.

  7. Assessment of Chronic Sublethal Effects of Imidacloprid on Honey Bee Colony Health (United States)

    Dively, Galen P.; Embrey, Michael S.; Kamel, Alaa; Hawthorne, David J.; Pettis, Jeffery S.


    Here we present results of a three-year study to determine the fate of imidacloprid residues in hive matrices and to assess chronic sublethal effects on whole honey bee colonies fed supplemental pollen diet containing imidacloprid at 5, 20 and 100 μg/kg over multiple brood cycles. Various endpoints of colony performance and foraging behavior were measured during and after exposure, including winter survival. Imidacloprid residues became diluted or non-detectable within colonies due to the processing of beebread and honey and the rapid metabolism of the chemical. Imidacloprid exposure doses up to 100 μg/kg had no significant effects on foraging activity or other colony performance indicators during and shortly after exposure. Diseases and pest species did not affect colony health but infestations of Varroa mites were significantly higher in exposed colonies. Honey stores indicated that exposed colonies may have avoided the contaminated food. Imidacloprid dose effects was delayed later in the summer, when colonies exposed to 20 and 100 μg/kg experienced higher rates of queen failure and broodless periods, which led to weaker colonies going into the winter. Pooled over two years, winter survival of colonies averaged 85.7, 72.4, 61.2 and 59.2% in the control, 5, 20 and 100 μg/kg treatment groups, respectively. Analysis of colony survival data showed a significant dose effect, and all contrast tests comparing survival between control and treatment groups were significant, except for colonies exposed to 5 μg/kg. Given the weight of evidence, chronic exposure to imidacloprid at the higher range of field doses (20 to 100 μg/kg) in pollen of certain treated crops could cause negative impacts on honey bee colony health and reduced overwintering success, but the most likely encountered high range of field doses relevant for seed-treated crops (5 μg/kg) had negligible effects on colony health and are unlikely a sole cause of colony declines. PMID:25786127

  8. Toxoplasmosis in a colony of New World monkeys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dietz, H.H.; Henriksen, P.; Bille-Hansen, Vivi


    In a colony of New World monkeys five tamarins (Saguinus oedipus, Saguinus labiatus and Leontopithecus rosal. rosal.), three marmosets (Callithrix jacchus and Callithrix pygmaea) and one saki (Pithecia pithecia) died suddenly. The colony comprised 16 marmosets, 10 tamarins and three sakis. The ma...

  9. Abyssal fiction: common shares, colonial cleavages

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    Alexandre Montaury


    Full Text Available The paper aims to develop a reflection on the interaction between the legacies of colonialism and traditional symbolic and cultural practices in African Portuguese-speaking spaces. From a preliminary analysis of fictional texts of wide circulation in Brazil, aims to examine the cleavages, or “abyssal lines” that constitute experiences printed in the daily life of the former Portuguese colony of Cape Verde, Mozambique and Angola.---DOI:

  10. Wintering Map for Honey Bee Colonies in El-Behera Governorate ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The geographical information system (GIS) has been used successfully in many studies to solve apicultural problems. The winter season is considered as a challenge for honey bee colonies due to the cold weather which cause the forfeiture of many colonies. The good wintering of honey bee colonies depends mainly on ...

  11. No intracolonial nepotism during colony fissioning in honey bees (United States)

    Rangel, Juliana; Mattila, Heather R.; Seeley, Thomas D.


    Most species of social insects have singly mated queens, but in some species each queen mates with numerous males to create a colony whose workers belong to multiple patrilines. This colony genetic structure creates a potential for intracolonial nepotism. One context with great potential for such nepotism arises in species, like honey bees, whose colonies reproduce by fissioning. During fissioning, workers might nepotistically choose between serving a young (sister) queen or the old (mother) queen, preferring the former if she is a full-sister but the latter if the young queen is only a half-sister. We examined three honeybee colonies that swarmed, and performed paternity analyses on the young (immature) queens and samples of workers who either stayed with the young queens in the nest or left with the mother queen in the swarm. For each colony, we checked whether patrilines represented by immature queens had higher proportions of staying workers than patrilines not represented by immature queens. We found no evidence of this. The absence of intracolonial nepotism during colony fissioning could be because the workers cannot discriminate between full-sister and half-sister queens when they are immature, or because the costs of behaving nepotistically outweigh the benefits. PMID:19692398

  12. Rivera Cusicanqui Silvia, Ch’ixinakax utxiwa : una reflexión sobre prácticas y discursos descolonizadores, Buenos Aires, Retazos-Tinta Limón, 2010, 80 p.


    Cruz Rodríguez, Edwin


    Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui (La Paz, 1949) es una intelectual aymara, reconocida por sus trabajos sobre los movimientos indígenas en Bolivia y su liderazgo del Taller de Historia Oral Andina, así como por su pensamiento descolonizador. En este libro nos ofrece una perspectiva de análisis histórico que denomina “sociología de la imagen” y propone estudiar aquellas memorias y culturas visuales veladas por los lenguajes de la dominación, particularmente colonial. Así mismo, plantea la categoría de ...

  13. A metodologia de projecto na aprendizagem da biodiversidade e geodiversidade na praia da concha


    Rosa, Marina Maria Filipe


    Dissertação de mestrado em Biologia e de Geologia, apresentada ao Departamento de Ciências da Terra e ao Departamento de Ciências da Vida Este trabalho consistiu na implementação e avaliação da metodologia de projeto no estudo da Biodiversidade e Geodiversidade na Praia da Concha, Portugal Central, dando ênfase ao trabalho prático, através de uma aula de campo e de aulas laboratoriais. O trabalho foi realizado numa escola da Marinha Grande, com 11 alunos do 10º ano de escolaridade. Sendo a...

  14. Formation of Ramified Colony of Fungus Aspergillus Oryzae on Agar Media (United States)

    Matsuura, Shu; Miyazima, Sasuke

    Ramified colonies of fungus Aspergillus oryzae have been found to grow at a low growth rate on "liquid-like" agar media with low concentrations of agar and glucose. Box-counting fractal dimensions of the individual colony branches have been found to decrease with the time of incubation. Addition of glucose solution in the interior of branched colonies has brought about the production of the hyphal filaments almost only at the apical region of the colony branches. Active growth of the ramified colonies is localized in the peripheral zone, and this growth manner implies that the fungus is exhibiting a positive exploitation.

  15. Military labour mobilisation in colonial Lesotho during World War II ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In 1940, Great Britain's wartime exploitation of the human and material resources of its colonial empire was extended to colonial Lesotho (then known as Basutoland). The aim of this article, therefore, is to trace the four-year military labour mobilisation process in that colony, with special attention to the timing, number and ...

  16. The colonial context of Filipino American immigrants' psychological experiences. (United States)

    David, E J R; Nadal, Kevin L


    Because of the long colonial history of Filipinos and the highly Americanized climate of postcolonial Philippines, many scholars from various disciplines have speculated that colonialism and its legacies may play major roles in Filipino emigration to the United States. However, there are no known empirical studies in psychology that specifically investigate whether colonialism and its effects have influenced the psychological experiences of Filipino American immigrants prior to their arrival in the United States. Further, there is no existing empirical study that specifically investigates the extent to which colonialism and its legacies continue to influence Filipino American immigrants' mental health. Thus, using interviews (N = 6) and surveys (N = 219) with Filipino American immigrants, two studies found that colonialism and its consequences are important factors to consider when conceptualizing the psychological experiences of Filipino American immigrants. Specifically, the findings suggest that (a) Filipino American immigrants experienced ethnic and cultural denigration in the Philippines prior to their U.S. arrival, (b) ethnic and cultural denigration in the Philippines and in the United States may lead to the development of colonial mentality (CM), and (c) that CM may have negative mental health consequences among Filipino American immigrants. The two studies' findings suggest that the Filipino American immigration experience cannot be completely captured by the voluntary immigrant narrative, as they provide empirical support to the notion that the Filipino American immigration experience needs to be understood in the context of colonialism and its most insidious psychological legacy- CM. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved.

  17. Mass spectral molecular networking of living microbial colonies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Watrous, J.; Roach, P.; Alexandrov, T.; Heath, B.S.; Yang, J.Y.; Kersten, R.D.; Voort, van der M.; Pogliano, K.; Gross, H.; Raaijmakers, J.; Moore, B.S.; Laskin, J.; Bandeira, N.; Dorrestein, P.C.


    Integrating the governing chemistry with the genomics and phenotypes of microbial colonies has been a “holy grail” in microbiology. This work describes a highly sensitive, broadly applicable, and cost-effective approach that allows metabolic profiling of live microbial colonies directly from a Petri

  18. Metodologia de Shigeo Shingo (SMED: análise crítica e estudo de caso Shingo ´s methodology (SMED: critical evaluation and case study

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    Miguel Sugai


    Full Text Available A metodologia de Shigeo Shingo (SMED - single minute exchange of die foi publicada pela primeira vez no Ocidente em 1985, e é referência principal quando se trata de redução dos tempos de setup de máquinas. A metodologia enfatiza a separação e a transferência de elementos do setup interno para o setup externo. As diversas aplicações industriais e os artigos existentes indicam a relevância do tema e da metodologia. Este artigo propõe-se a analisar criticamente o SMED revelando as lacunas da metodologia. Particularmente, discutem-se os problemas associados aos períodos de desaceleração e aceleração relacionados às atividades de setup, verificando-se que a separação e a conversão de tarefas não são suficientes. Para tanto, apresenta-se um estudo de caso em uma linha de produção.Shingo ´s SMED (single minute exchange of die methodology was first published in the West in 1985 and is today widely used by companies to reduce changeover times. The methodology, which emphasizes the separation and conversion of internal setup to external setup, is likewise favourably viewed within academia. This article analyzes SMED, indicates some gaps in the methodology and proposes how potential shortcomings might be overcome. In particular it discusses problems associated with both the run-down and run-up phases of a changeover, and describes how an over-reliance on techniques to separate and convert changeover tasks can be misplaced.

  19. 'Goodwill Ambassador': the Legacy of Dutch Colonial Films

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    Gerda Jansen Hendriks


    Full Text Available The article looks back at the films commissioned and produced by the Dutch governments about their colony in teh East-Indies between 1912 and 1962. The main focus is on the newsreels and documentaries about the colonial war between the Netherlands and Indonesia  from 1945 to 1949. The article reviews these films and the re-use of their footage in later television programs. The programs often look back at the colonial war in ways that go beyond the purpose of the original films and the article aims to show the methods that are used to do this.

  20. Ant colony algorithm for clustering in portfolio optimization (United States)

    Subekti, R.; Sari, E. R.; Kusumawati, R.


    This research aims to describe portfolio optimization using clustering methods with ant colony approach. Two stock portfolios of LQ45 Indonesia is proposed based on the cluster results obtained from ant colony optimization (ACO). The first portfolio consists of assets with ant colony displacement opportunities beyond the defined probability limits of the researcher, where the weight of each asset is determined by mean-variance method. The second portfolio consists of two assets with the assumption that each asset is a cluster formed from ACO. The first portfolio has a better performance compared to the second portfolio seen from the Sharpe index.

  1. Disturbance driven colony fragmentation as a driver of a coral disease outbreak.

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    Marilyn E Brandt

    Full Text Available In September of 2010, Brewer's Bay reef, located in St. Thomas (U.S. Virgin Islands, was simultaneously affected by abnormally high temperatures and the passage of a hurricane that resulted in the mass bleaching and fragmentation of its coral community. An outbreak of a rapid tissue loss disease among coral colonies was associated with these two disturbances. Gross lesion signs and lesion progression rates indicated that the disease was most similar to the Caribbean coral disease white plague type 1. Experiments indicated that the disease was transmissible through direct contact between colonies, and five-meter radial transects showed a clustered spatial distribution of disease, with diseased colonies being concentrated within the first meter of other diseased colonies. Disease prevalence and the extent to which colonies were bleached were both significantly higher on unattached colony fragments than on attached colonies, and disease occurred primarily on fragments found in direct contact with sediment. In contrast to other recent studies, disease presence was not related to the extent of bleaching on colonies. The results of this study suggest that colony fragmentation and contact with sediment played primary roles in the initial appearance of disease, but that the disease was capable of spreading among colonies, which suggests secondary transmission is possible through some other, unidentified mechanism.

  2. Metodologia do cuidar em enfermagem na abordagem fenomenológica Metodología del cuidar en enfermería en el abordaje fenomenológico Nursing care methodology in the phenomenological approach

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    Elizabeth Mendes das Graças


    Full Text Available Para o cuidado zeloso, autêntico, é preciso compreender aquele que será cuidado. Isso requer um perscrutar atento do cuidador sobre a experiência existencial do ser que precisa do cuidado. Exige, sobretudo, saber perguntar e refletir sobre o que foi revelado. Acreditando nos fundamentos da fenomenologia, as autoras vêm buscando construir uma metodologia para a arte de cuidar em enfermagem. Inspiradas nessa visão, procuram desenvolver habilidades de um pensar e de um fazer fenomenológico para ser-com-o-outro num modo autêntico de solicitude. Neste trabalho, são apresentadas reflexões sobre a compreensão do ser-paciente e sobre uma metodologia do cuidado, para que respaldem o(a enfermeiro(a em seu cotidiano.Para un cuidado realizado con celo y auténtico, es necesario comprender al sujeto que será cuidado. Eso requiere un preescrutar atento del cuidador sobre la experiencia existencial del ser que precisa del cuidado. Exige, sobre todo, saber preguntar y reflexionar sobre lo que le fue revelado. Basadas en los fundamentos de la fenomenología, las autoras buscaron construir una metodología para el arte de cuidar en enfermería. Inspiradas en esa visión, buscaron desarrollar habilidades de un pensar y de un hacer fenomenológico para ser-con-el-otro dentro de un modo autentico de solicitud. En este trabajo, se presentan reflexiones sobre la comprensión del ser-paciente y sobre una metodología del cuidado, para que respalden el enfermero en su cotidiano.It is necessary to understand the person who will receive care in order to provide zealous and authentic care. This requires the caregiver to carefully research the existential experience of the being who needs care. It demands, overall, that one knows how to question and to reflect on what is revealed. By believing in the fundamentals of phenomenology, the authors have been attempting to build a methodology in the art of nursing care. Being inspired by this perspective, they attempt


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    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar uma metodologia de ensino orientada para projetos, utilizada na disciplina “Estatística Aplicada” na turma 3.77.1N do curso superior de Tecnologia em Gestão Ambiental do CEFET-RN. É proposta uma discussão em relação à metodologia aplicada a fim de se obter sugestões de melhoria, além de avaliar o grau de satisfação do aluno no que diz respeito à importância da referida disciplina para o curso. Para tanto, foram realizados levantamentos bibliográficos e pesquisas destinadas aos alunos que cursaram a disciplina. Em relação aos resultados alcançados, pode-se destacar uma melhora no aprendizado do aluno, na medida em que ele pôde se envolver com situações reais da sua área de atuação. Foi possível depreender da pesquisa que o modelo Pedagogia de Projetos é altamente viável e proporciona uma maior integração entre os alunos. Palavras-chave: pesquisa, questionário, metodologia, pedagogia de projetos, estatística, aprendizagem.

  4. Spread of plague among black-tailed prairie dogs is associated with colony spatial characteristics (United States)

    Johnson, T.L.; Cully, J.F.; Collinge, S.K.; Ray, C.; Frey, C.M.; Sandercock, B.K.


    Sylvatic plague (Yersinia pestis) is an exotic pathogen that is highly virulent in black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) and causes widespread colony losses and individual mortality rates >95%. We investigated colony spatial characteristics that may influence inter-colony transmission of plague at 3 prairie dog colony complexes in the Great Plains. The 4 spatial characteristics we considered include: colony size, Euclidean distance to nearest neighboring colony, colony proximity index, and distance to nearest drainage (dispersal) corridor. We used multi-state mark-recapture models to determine the relationship between these colony characteristics and probability of plague transmission among prairie dog colonies. Annual mapping of colonies and mark-recapture analyses of disease dynamics in natural colonies led to 4 main results: 1) plague outbreaks exhibited high spatial and temporal variation, 2) the site of initiation of epizootic plague may have substantially influenced the subsequent inter-colony spread of plague, 3) the long-term effect of plague on individual colonies differed among sites because of how individuals and colonies were distributed, and 4) colony spatial characteristics were related to the probability of infection at all sites although the relative importance and direction of relationships varied among sites. Our findings suggest that conventional prairie dog conservation management strategies, including promoting large, highly connected colonies, may need to be altered in the presence of plague. ?? 2011 The Wildlife Society.

  5. Factors of honeybee colony performances on sunflower at apiary scale

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    Kretzschmar André


    Full Text Available An observatory of honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera, consisting of at least 200 colonies, divided into 10 apiaries of 20 colonies, was monitored for three years on sunflower honeyflow (2015–2017. The purpose of this observatory is to understand which factors control colony performance during sunflower honeyflow in south-western France. From the temporal dynamics of weight gain, statistical analysis reveals a hierarchy of factors. First, variability in apiary scale performance is an image of the effect of resource variability. But, in addition to this primordial factor, two other factors contribute very significantly to performance. On the one hand, the amount of capped brood and the number of bees at the time of the installation of the apiary: these two elements testify to the vitality of the colony. The second remarkable factor is the Varroa load, which strongly penalizes performance beyond a certain threshold. The negative effect of the Varroa load on the colony performance is minimized in case of abondant sunflower honey flow.

  6. Generation of mutation hotspots in ageing bacterial colonies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sekowska, Agnieszka; Wendel, Sofie; Nørholm, Morten

    How do ageing bacterial colonies generate adaptive mutants? Over a period of two months, we isolated on ageing colonies outgrowing mutants able to use a new carbon source, and sequenced their genomes. This allowed us to uncover exquisite details on the molecular mechanism behind their adaptation:...

  7. Cormorants as visitors in the Vorsø colony

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bregnballe, Thomas; Vinas, Marta Mas; Gregersen, Jens


    Like other seabirds Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis are known to prospect in potential breeding colonies during their first years of life before they settle to breed. Based on daily resightings of colour-ringed cormorants in the old Vorsø colony we examined the difference between...

  8. Methodologies for the calculation of relative efficiency: description and application for natural gas distributors in Latin America; Metodologias para el calculo de eficiencia relativa: descripcion y aplicacion para distribuidores de gas natural en Latinoamerica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Escandon Jimenez, Alejandro C. [Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The importance of knowing the performance of the companies within a productive sector has increased in the last years, demonstrating the necessity of knowing and applying tools that help us to know the performance of a company with respect to the others with which it is competing. Recently, a great variety of tools have been developed to know the efficiency or productivity of a company in a certain sector. Nevertheless, the two more used, up to now, are those that will be described in the present in study. Finally, one practical example of the two methodologies will be presented, applied to the natural gas industry for distributing companies of this energy in Latin America. [Spanish] La importancia de conocer el desempeno de las empresas dentro de un sector productivo ha incrementado en los ultimos anos, demostrando la necesidad de conocer y aplicar herramientas que nos ayuden a conocer el desempeno de una empresa con respecto a las demas con las cuales se esta compitiendo. Recientemente, se han desarrollado gran variedad de herramientas para conocer la eficiencia o productividad de una compania en un determinado sector. Sin embargo, las dos mas utilizadas, hasta el momento, son las que se describiran en el presente estudio. Finalmente, se presentara un ejemplo practico de las dos metodologias, aplicado a la industria del gas natural para companias distribuidoras de este energetico en Latinoamerica.

  9. Monitoring of colonies and provisioning of rooks with nest material as a potential tool for stabilizing colonies and increasing nesting opportunities in the countryside. Project report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Slobodník Roman


    Full Text Available The rook is a species inhabiting open agricultural landscape whose non-active nests are also used by other bird species for nesting. It is the decline in rook colonies that has been posited as one of the reasons for decrease in the red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus population in Slovakia since the 1970s. During the period from 2012 till 2016, four monitorings of rook colonies were carried out in south-western Slovakia (Diakovce, Nitrianska Osada, Sokolce and Tvrdošovce. In the colony at Tvrdošovce, supporting activity involving provisioning of rooks with nest material was under way from 2014 until 2016. While the colonies at Diakovce and Nitrianska Osada have been showing a slight decrease in the number of nesting rooks, despite larger interannual differences the colony at Sokolce has been showing an upward trend. The size of the colony at Tvrdošovce has been stable since the beginning of the supporting activity. This activity had a statistically significant positive effect on the width of rook nests. In 74 cases in the studied rook colonies we have recorded nesting by three other bird species – Eurasian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus 43.8%, western jackdaw (Corvus monedula 39.7% and long-eared owl (Asio otus 16.4%. In 2015 two female redfooted falcons were observed in the colony at Tvrdošovce.

  10. Heralding the Other: Sousa, Simulacra, and Settler Colonialism (United States)

    Graham, Matthew C.


    This paper addresses the role of music and music education in the perpetuation of settler colonialism (a particular colonial configuration predicated on the expulsion of indigenous people and occupation of indigenous land) within the United States. Using Baudrillard's notion of simulacra, or "false truths," to look at racialized…

  11. Honeybee colony marketing and its implications for queen rearing ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Honeybee colony marketing and its implications for queen rearing and beekeeping development in Werieleke ... Thus, colony marketing is an important venture in Werieleke district of Tigray region. ... EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT

  12. Endogenous Sheet-Averaged Tension Within a Large Epithelial Cell Colony. (United States)

    Dumbali, Sandeep P; Mei, Lanju; Qian, Shizhi; Maruthamuthu, Venkat


    Epithelial cells form quasi-two-dimensional sheets that function as contractile media to effect tissue shape changes during development and homeostasis. Endogenously generated intrasheet tension is a driver of such changes, but has predominantly been measured in the presence of directional migration. The nature of epithelial cell-generated forces transmitted over supracellular distances, in the absence of directional migration, is thus largely unclear. In this report, we consider large epithelial cell colonies which are archetypical multicell collectives with extensive cell-cell contacts but with a symmetric (circular) boundary. Using the traction force imbalance method (TFIM) (traction force microscopy combined with physical force balance), we first show that one can determine the colony-level endogenous sheet forces exerted at the midline by one half of the colony on the other half with no prior assumptions on the uniformity of the mechanical properties of the cell sheet. Importantly, we find that this colony-level sheet force exhibits large variations with orientation-the difference between the maximum and minimum sheet force is comparable to the average sheet force itself. Furthermore, the sheet force at the colony midline is largely tensile but the shear component exhibits significantly more variation with orientation. We thus show that even an unperturbed epithelial colony with a symmetric boundary shows significant directional variation in the endogenous sheet tension and shear forces that subsist at the colony level.

  13. An improved method for staining cell colonies in clonogenic assays. (United States)

    Guda, Kishore; Natale, Leanna; Markowitz, Sanford D


    Clonogenic assay is a widely used experimental approach to test for the effects of drugs/genes on the growth and proliferative characteristics of cells in vitro. Accurate quantitation of treatment effects in clonogeneic assays depends on the ability to visualize and count cell colonies precisely. We report a novel method (referred as ETeB) for staining cell colonies grown on plastic and specially coated substrates like collagen. Using colon cancer cell lines grown on plastic and collagen, we compared the colony staining efficiencies of the widely used methylene blue, and Ethidium bromide (ETeB) stains. Results show that the ETeB protocol works well on plastic and is extremely effective for staining colonies on collagen when compared to methylene blue. The key features and advantages of ETeB technique are; (a) reduction in background for colonies grown on collagen and possibly other substrates, (b) the whole procedure takes less than a minute, (c) no post-stain washing step is required which eliminates colony losses for cell lines that are loosely adherent, (d) colony visualization and counting can be done immediately following the staining procedure using a standard UV illuminator and software, and (e) the method works across a wide variety of cell lines. The simplicity and robustness of this procedure should warrant its usage in both small and large-scale clonogenic experiments.

  14. Redox state, reactive oxygen species and adaptive growth in colonial hydroids. (United States)

    Blackstone, N W


    Colonial metazoans often encrust surfaces over which the food supply varies in time or space. In such an environment, adaptive colony development entails adjusting the timing and spacing of feeding structures and gastrovascular connections to correspond to this variable food supply. To investigate the possibility of such adaptive growth, within-colony differential feeding experiments were carried out using the hydroid Podocoryna carnea. Indeed, such colonies strongly exhibited adaptive growth, developing dense arrays of polyps (feeding structures) and gastrovascular connections in areas that were fed relative to areas that were starved, and this effect became more consistent over time. To investigate mechanisms of signaling between the food supply and colony development, measurements were taken of metabolic parameters that have been implicated in signal transduction in other systems, particularly redox state and levels of reactive oxygen species. Utilizing fluorescence microscopy of P. carnea cells in vivo, simultaneous measurements of redox state [using NAD(P)H] and hydrogen peroxide (using 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate) were taken. Both measures focused on polyp epitheliomuscular cells, since these exhibit the greatest metabolic activity. Colonies 3-5h after feeding were relatively oxidized, with low levels of peroxide, while colonies 24h after feeding were relatively reduced, with high levels of peroxide. The functional role of polyps in feeding and generating gastrovascular flow probably produced this dichotomy. Polyps 3-5h after feeding contract maximally, and this metabolic demand probably shifts the redox state in the direction of oxidation and diminishes levels of reactive oxygen species. In contrast, 24h after feeding, polyps are quiescent, and this lack of metabolic demand probably shifts the redox state in the direction of reduction and increases levels of reactive oxygen species. Within-colony differential feeding experiments were carried out on

  15. Colonial Modernity and the African Worldview: Theorising and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    concept of hegemony and Jean and John Comaroff's concept of cultural and colonial encounters are used to assist in teasing out deeper meaning in the encounter between the Ndebele and the early Christian missionaries prior to inscription of settler colonialism in the area lying between the Limpopo and Zambezi Rivers.

  16. Embodying colonial photography: remembering violence in Tabee Toean

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bijl, P.


    This article is about bodily interactions with photographs. Taking an interview with a veteran from the Dutch colonial army filmed for the documentary Tabee Toean (1995) as its case study, it focuses on the ways in which this man frames these images of colonial warfare through three types of bodily

  17. Colonial conquest in central Madagascar : who resisted what?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ellis, S.; Abbink, G.J.; Bruijn, M.E. de.; Walraven, van K.


    A rising against French colonial rule in central Madagascar (1895-1898) appeared in the 1970s as a good example of resistance to colonialism, sparked by France's occupation of Madagascar. Like many similar episodes in other parts of Africa, it was a history that appeared, in the light of later

  18. Honeybee immunity and colony losses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Nazzi


    Full Text Available The decline of honeybee colonies and their eventual collapse is a widespread phenomenon in the Northern hemisphere of the globe, which severely limits the beekeeping industry. This dramatic event is associated with an enhanced impact of parasites and pathogens on honeybees, which is indicative of reduced immunocompetence. The parasitic mite Varroa destructor and the vectored viral pathogens appear to play a key-role in the induction of this complex syndrome. In particular, the Deformed Wing Virus (DWV is widespread and is now considered, along with Varroa, one of the major causes of bee colony losses. Several lines of evidence indicate that this mite/DWV association severely affects the immune system of honeybees and makes them more sensitive to the action of other stress factors. The molecular mechanisms underpinning these complex interactions are currently being investigated and the emerging information has allowed the development of a new functional model, describing how different stress factors may synergistically concur in the induction of bee immune alteration and health decline. This provides a new logical framework in which to interpret the proposed multifactorial origin of bee colony losses and sets the stage for a more comprehensive and integrated analysis of the effect that multiple stress agents may have on honeybees.

  19. Los hijos del pecado. Ilegitimidad y vida familiar en la Santafé de Bogotá Colonial. 1750-1810

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ann Twinam


    Full Text Available Guiomar Dueñas Vargas. Los hijos del pecado. Ilegitimidad y vida familiar en la Santafé de Bogotá Colonial. 1750-1810. Bogotá: Editorial Universidad Nacional. 1997. 282 p. Esta edición española de la disertación doctoral que Guiomar Dueñas Vargas presentó en 1995 en la Universidad de Texas es una muy importante contribución a la germinante literatura sobre sexualidad, ilegitimidad, estructura familiar y movilidad social durante las postrimerías de la Colonia en la América española. Es particularmente bienvenida debido a su interés por los sectores populares en la poco investigada Santafé de bogotá.

  20. Sanitary and nutritional characterization of honeybee colonies in Eucalyptus grandis plantations


    Invernizzi, C.; Santos, E.; García, E.; Daners, G.; Di Landro, R.; Saadoun, A.; Cabrera, C.


    In Uruguay, many beekeepers transport their colonies to Eucalyptus grandis plantations at the end of the summer and autumn, obtaining important honey harvests. However, at the end of the flowering period the colonies become extremely weakened undergoing high levels of mortality. Nutritional and health problems could explain the weakening of colonies. In order to find out the causes for this weakening, colonies of the same size were taken to an E. grandis plantation, split up in three groups d...

  1. Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and bee age impact honey bee pathophysiology. (United States)

    vanEngelsdorp, Dennis; Traynor, Kirsten S; Andree, Michael; Lichtenberg, Elinor M; Chen, Yanping; Saegerman, Claude; Cox-Foster, Diana L


    Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies continue to experience high annual losses that remain poorly explained. Numerous interacting factors have been linked to colony declines. Understanding the pathways linking pathophysiology with symptoms is an important step in understanding the mechanisms of disease. In this study we examined the specific pathologies associated with honey bees collected from colonies suffering from Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and compared these with bees collected from apparently healthy colonies. We identified a set of pathological physical characteristics that occurred at different rates in CCD diagnosed colonies prior to their collapse: rectum distension, Malpighian tubule iridescence, fecal matter consistency, rectal enteroliths (hard concretions), and venom sac color. The multiple differences in rectum symptomology in bees from CCD apiaries and colonies suggest effected bees had trouble regulating water. To ensure that pathologies we found associated with CCD were indeed pathologies and not due to normal changes in physical appearances that occur as an adult bee ages (CCD colonies are assumed to be composed mostly of young bees), we documented the changes in bees of different ages taken from healthy colonies. We found that young bees had much greater incidences of white nodules than older cohorts. Prevalent in newly-emerged bees, these white nodules or cellular encapsulations indicate an active immune response. Comparing the two sets of characteristics, we determined a subset of pathologies that reliably predict CCD status rather than bee age (fecal matter consistency, rectal distension size, rectal enteroliths and Malpighian tubule iridescence) and that may serve as biomarkers for colony health. In addition, these pathologies suggest that CCD bees are experiencing disrupted excretory physiology. Our identification of these symptoms is an important first step in understanding the physiological pathways that underlie CCD and factors

  2. Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD and bee age impact honey bee pathophysiology.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dennis vanEngelsdorp

    Full Text Available Honey bee (Apis mellifera colonies continue to experience high annual losses that remain poorly explained. Numerous interacting factors have been linked to colony declines. Understanding the pathways linking pathophysiology with symptoms is an important step in understanding the mechanisms of disease. In this study we examined the specific pathologies associated with honey bees collected from colonies suffering from Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD and compared these with bees collected from apparently healthy colonies. We identified a set of pathological physical characteristics that occurred at different rates in CCD diagnosed colonies prior to their collapse: rectum distension, Malpighian tubule iridescence, fecal matter consistency, rectal enteroliths (hard concretions, and venom sac color. The multiple differences in rectum symptomology in bees from CCD apiaries and colonies suggest effected bees had trouble regulating water. To ensure that pathologies we found associated with CCD were indeed pathologies and not due to normal changes in physical appearances that occur as an adult bee ages (CCD colonies are assumed to be composed mostly of young bees, we documented the changes in bees of different ages taken from healthy colonies. We found that young bees had much greater incidences of white nodules than older cohorts. Prevalent in newly-emerged bees, these white nodules or cellular encapsulations indicate an active immune response. Comparing the two sets of characteristics, we determined a subset of pathologies that reliably predict CCD status rather than bee age (fecal matter consistency, rectal distension size, rectal enteroliths and Malpighian tubule iridescence and that may serve as biomarkers for colony health. In addition, these pathologies suggest that CCD bees are experiencing disrupted excretory physiology. Our identification of these symptoms is an important first step in understanding the physiological pathways that underlie CCD and

  3. Growth pattern of the surface of fungus Aspergillus colony (United States)

    Matsuura, Shu; Miyazima, Sasuke


    Aspergillus oryzae colonies were grown under various glucose concentrations, temperatures, and agar concentrations, and the effects on the pattern were investigated. Patterns of colony were found to vary from uniform to diffusion-limited aggregation type.

  4. Microbiome of Trichodesmium Colonies from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mary R. Gradoville


    Full Text Available Filamentous diazotrophic Cyanobacteria of the genus Trichodesmium, often found in colonial form, provide an important source of new nitrogen to tropical and subtropical marine ecosystems. Colonies are composed of several clades of Trichodesmium in association with a diverse community of bacterial and eukaryotic epibionts. We used high-throughput 16S rRNA and nifH gene sequencing, carbon (C and dinitrogen (N2 fixation assays, and metagenomics to describe the diversity and functional potential of the microbiome associated with Trichodesmium colonies collected from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG. The 16S rRNA and nifH gene sequences from hand-picked colonies were predominantly (>99% from Trichodesmium Clade I (i.e., T. thiebautii, which is phylogenetically and ecologically distinct from the Clade III IMS101 isolate used in most laboratory studies. The bacterial epibiont communities were dominated by Bacteroidetes, Alphaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria, including several taxa with a known preference for surface attachment, and were relatively depleted in the unicellular Cyanobacteria and small photoheterotrophic bacteria that dominate NPSG surface waters. Sequencing the nifH gene (encoding a subcomponent of the nitrogenase enzyme identified non-Trichodesmium diazotrophs that clustered predominantly among the Cluster III nifH sequence-types that includes putative anaerobic diazotrophs. Trichodesmium colonies may represent an important habitat for these Cluster III diazotrophs, which were relatively rare in the surrounding seawater. Sequence analyses of nifH gene transcripts revealed several cyanobacterial groups, including heterocystous Richelia, associated with the colonies. Both the 16S rRNA and nifH datasets indicated strong differences between Trichodesmium epibionts and picoplankton in the surrounding seawater, and also between the epibionts inhabiting Trichodesmium puff and tuft colony morphologies. Metagenomic and 16S r

  5. Reproduction and recruitment in perennial colonies of the introduced wasp Vespula germanica. (United States)

    Goodisman, M A; Matthews, R W; Spradbery, J P; Carew, M E; Crozier, R H


    We investigated the genetic structure of perennial colonies of the yellowjacket wasp (Vespula germanica) in its introduced range in Australia and New Zealand. The nuclear genotypes of 712 gynes from 21 colonies, 147 workers from 5 colonies, and 81 males from 4 colonies were assayed at three polymorphic microsatellite loci. The mitochondrial haplotypes of all wasps also were determined for a 450-bp region of the mtDNA using double-stranded conformational polymorphism (DSCP) analysis. We found that multiple reproductives were needed to explain the genotypes of gynes, workers, and males in 7 of 21, 2 of 5, and 2 of 4 colonies, respectively, and that nestmate relatedness of these three castes equaled 0.42, 0.16, and 0.22, respectively. The mitochondrial data revealed that all individuals shared the same mtDNA haplotype in 20 of the 21 colonies. However, in one colony, gynes and workers displayed multiple mtDNA haplotypes, indicating that nonnestmate recruitment had occurred. Overall the genetic structure within the majority of perennial colonies conformed to expectations based on the biology of V. germanica and kin selection theory for polygyne colonies; multiple reproductives successfully produced offspring and were recruited into their natal nests, thereby maintaining relatively high relatedness between interacting individuals.

  6. Social Immunity: Emergence and Evolution of Colony-Level Disease Protection. (United States)

    Cremer, Sylvia; Pull, Christopher D; Fürst, Matthias A


    Social insect colonies have evolved many collectively performed adaptations that reduce the impact of infectious disease and that are expected to maximize their fitness. This colony-level protection is termed social immunity, and it enhances the health and survival of the colony. In this review, we address how social immunity emerges from its mechanistic components to produce colony-level disease avoidance, resistance, and tolerance. To understand the evolutionary causes and consequences of social immunity, we highlight the need for studies that evaluate the effects of social immunity on colony fitness. We discuss the roles that host life history and ecology have on predicted eco-evolutionary dynamics, which differ among the social insect lineages. Throughout the review, we highlight current gaps in our knowledge and promising avenues for future research, which we hope will bring us closer to an integrated understanding of socio-eco-evo-immunology.

  7. Inteligência Competitiva: metodologias aplicadas em empresas brasileirasInteligencia Competitiva: metodologías aplicadas en las empresas brasileñas

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    Mônica Erichsen Nassif


    Full Text Available Introdução: Apresenta um panorama acerca da Inteligência Competitiva no contexto das organizações brasileiras. Objetivo: Investiga a existência de metodologias de Inteligência Competitiva aplicadas a organizações nacionais e multinacionais de diferentes segmentos de mercado. Metodologia: Revisão de literatura nacional e internacional – envolvendo o status quo da atividade de Inteligência Competitiva no mundo – e cujo conteúdo foi confrontado com os resultados obtidos em entrevistas realizadas em 13 organizações nacionais e multinacionais com atuação no Brasil, no período de dezembro de 2010 a abril de 2011. Resultados: No artigo foram analisados os diferentes objetivos e experiências de Inteligência Competitiva em organizações envolvendo diferentes práticas para a projeção de cenários, análise de conteúdos provenientes de mídias e monitoramento do ambiente geral e setorial das organizações. A pesquisa apontou ainda as principais fontes e produtos de informação, perfil dos participantes e ferramentas utilizadas para a prática de Inteligência Competitiva no ambiente organizacional brasileiro. Conclusões: Embora as organizações adotem metodologias relativamente similares de Inteligência Competitiva, essa atividade apresenta objetivos distintos, afeitos tanto ao enfoque estratégico, quanto aos enfoques mercadológico, comercial e de vendas, prevalecendo o primeiro. O aspecto estratégico também está refletido nos modelos de subordinação hierárquica dominante das áreas de Inteligência Competitiva.

  8. Indian Education in the American Colonies, 1607-1783. (United States)

    Szasz, Margaret Connell

    Indian schooling in colonial America was continuously immersed in the exchange between cultures that involved religion, land ownership, disease, alcohol, and warfare, and was molded by trade in furs and hides, and Indian slaves. In the past two decades American scholars have begun to reinterpret colonial North American Indian history and the…

  9. Ni nación ni parte integral "Colonia", de vocablo a concepto en el siglo XVIII iberoamericano Neither a nation nor an integral portion. "Colony" from noun to concept in the Eighteen Century in Iberoamerica

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    Francisco Ortega


    Full Text Available En este artículo reconstruyo el proceso por medio del cual el vocablo "colonia" adquirió calidad de concepto sociopolítico a lo largo del siglo xviii en relación con las reformas borbónicas, el ascenso del absolutismo, las revoluciones atlánticas (incluyendo, de manera particular, sus dos variantes americanas: la norteamericana y la haitiana, la emergencia de un imaginario republicano y el fortalecimiento de las elites criollas. Al contrario de lo que podría pensarse, la noción evaluativa descriptiva de "colonia" no era conceptualmente ajena a los agentes del antiguo régimen y del nuevo orden sociopolítico. Aun más, el problema colonial era central para la cultura política del período en tanto designaba una experiencia de negatividad política que hacían suya en ese momento y desde la cual se hacía necesario y urgente pensar la fundación de una nueva soberanía.In this article I reconstruct the process by which the term "colony" became a socio-political concept towards the end of the eighteenth century, a process which took place in connection with the Bourbon reforms, the rise of absolutism, the Atlantic revolutions (including the North American and the Haitian, the emergence of a Republican imaginary and the strengthening of local elites. Contrary to widespread belief, the descriptive evaluative notion of "colony" was not alien to late 18th century American intellectual elites. Furthermore, such defi nitions of the colonial experience became central to the political culture of the period by designating an experience of political negativity from which it became necessary and urgent to think and refl ect upon the foundation of a new sovereignty.

  10. Análise das práticas de ensino da metodologia de investigação na elaboração do trabalho de fim de curso


    Jutema Hebo Quitumba; Juan Antonio López Nuñez; Natalia Campos Soto


    O presente estudo está centrada na melhoria do desempenho e elevação da taxa de rendimento académico. Analisou os efeitos das práticas de ensino da metodologia de investigação científica na elaboração do trabalho de fim de curso de graduação e, decorre, em grande parte, dos estudos desenvolvidos nos Estados Unidos da América, União Europeia e no Brasil.A pesquisa seguiu a perspectiva da metodologia quantitativa  e qualitativa e a norma/formato da American Psychological Association (APA) para ...

  11. Metodologia para priorização de ações em aglomerados subnormais considerando os riscos de deslizamentos e inundações e as condições de moradia


    Nascimento,Maria Odete Teixeira do; Filgueira,Hamilcar José Almeida; Silva,Tarciso Cabral da


    Os problemas das áreas de riscos de desastres nas cidades brasileiras, principalmente os hidrometeorológicos, como inundações, e os geológicos, como deslizamentos, estão normalmente relacionados a determinantes socioeconômicos e ambientais. Assim, a busca por metodologias para compreender as vicissitudes da dinâmica do ambiente urbano torna-se fundamental para programar ações que minimizem essa problemática. Este artigo tratou da proposição de uma metodologia integradora multiobjetivo, visand...

  12. Breeding site selection by colonial waterbirds given various ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The number of active colonial waterbird nests at a series of four small constructed wetlands in Cape Town was counted monthly from 1999 to 2008. In total 491 pairs belonging to 11 waterbird species were involved. Between 1997 and 2004 a number of different artificial structures were used to attract colonial waterbirds to ...

  13. Continental-Scale Mapping of Adelie Penguin Colonies from Landsat Imagery (United States)

    Schwaller, Mathew R.; Southwell, Colin; Emmerson, Louise


    Breeding distribution of the Adlie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, was surveyed with Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data in an area covering approximately 330 of longitude along the coastline of Antarctica.An algorithm was designed to minimize radiometric noise and to retrieve Adlie penguin colony location and spatial extent from the ETM+data. In all, 9143 individual pixels were classified as belonging to an Adlie penguin colony class out of the entire dataset of 195 ETM+ scenes, where the dimension of each pixel is 30 m by 30 m,and each scene is approximately 180 km by 180 km. Pixel clustering identified a total of 187 individual Adlie penguin colonies, ranging in size from a single pixel (900 sq m) to a maximum of 875 pixels (0.788 sq km). Colony retrievals have a very low error of commission, on the order of 1% or less, and the error of omission was estimated to be 3% to 4% by population based on comparisons with direct observations from surveys across east Antarctica. Thus, the Landsat retrievals successfully located Adlie penguin colonies that accounted for 96 to 97% of the regional population used as ground truth. Geographic coordinates and the spatial extent of each colony retrieved from the Landsat data are available publically. Regional analysis found several areas where the Landsat retrievals suggest populations that are significantly larger than published estimates. Six Adlie penguin colonies were found that are believed to be previously unreported in the literature.

  14. La expedición de límites de 1750 en la Guayana española: los logros de una tarea que nunca comenzó

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    Miguel Ángel Perera


    Full Text Available Esta contribución aborda las implicaciones de la demarcación de fronteras en las cuencas del Orinoco y el Amazonas, en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, a partir del estudio de la expedición de límites entre España y Portugal. Esta empresa resultó en un sorprendente juego de omisiones, infortunios y enfrentamientos personales. Una tarea nunca deseada que para la Guayana española, no obstante, marcó un cambio radical en su valoración geoestratégica y dio inicio a una tardía modernidad colonial lograda gracias a la iniciativa de sus comisarios. Así, preservaron una parte importante de su integridad territorial frente a las pretensiones geográficas lusitanas y frenaron el tráfico de esclavos indígenas hacia el Amazonas.

  15. Proposta de metodologia para avaliação de redes de voz sobre IP


    Vandersilvio da Silva


    A redução de custo com telefonia através do uso de voz sobre IP tem disparado a busca de soluções que transformem redes IP originalmente dedicadas a transporte de dados em redes para transporte de voz. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo apresentar uma metodologia para sistematizar a avaliação de redes para o tráfego de voz sobre IP de acordo com as possibilidades disponíveis no cenário a ser avaliado. Inicialmente é dada uma visão geral de voz sobre IP, apresentando os protocolos utilizados, o...

  16. Lower virus infections in Varroa destructor-infested and uninfested brood and adult honey bees (Apis mellifera) of a low mite population growth colony compared to a high mite population growth colony. (United States)

    Emsen, Berna; Hamiduzzaman, Mollah Md; Goodwin, Paul H; Guzman-Novoa, Ernesto


    A comparison was made of the prevalence and relative quantification of deformed wing virus (DWV), Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), black queen cell virus (BQCV), Kashmir bee virus (KBV), acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV) and sac brood virus (SBV) in brood and adult honey bees (Apis mellifera) from colonies selected for high (HMP) and low (LMP) Varroa destructor mite population growth. Two viruses, ABPV and SBV, were never detected. For adults without mite infestation, DWV, IAPV, BQCV and KBV were detected in the HMP colony; however, only BQCV was detected in the LMP colony but at similar levels as in the HMP colony. With mite infestation, the four viruses were detected in adults of the HMP colony but all at higher amounts than in the LMP colony. For brood without mite infestation, DWV and IAPV were detected in the HMP colony, but no viruses were detected in the LMP colony. With mite infestation of brood, the four viruses were detected in the HMP colony, but only DWV and IAPV were detected and at lower amounts in the LMP colony. An epidemiological explanation for these results is that pre-experiment differences in virus presence and levels existed between the HMP and LMP colonies. It is also possible that low V. destructor population growth in the LMP colony resulted in the bees being less exposed to the mite and thus less likely to have virus infections. LMP and HMP bees may have also differed in susceptibility to virus infection.

  17. Uso da metodologia da problematização como Arco de Maguerez no ensino sobre brinquedo terapêutico

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    Júnia Aparecida Laia da Mata Fujita


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou relatar a experiência do uso da metodologia da Problematização com apoio do Arco de Maguerez no ensino sobre brinquedo terapêutico na graduação de enfermagem, bem como os resultados alcançados. A experiência se deu com 52 alunos de uma instituição de ensino superior privada, localizada em Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Foram implementadas as cinco etapas do Arco de Maguerez: 1. Observação da realidade; 2. Pontos-chave; 3. Teorização; 4. Hipóteses de solução; 5. Aplicação à realidade – Prática. A experiência resultou na criação de dez brinquedos terapêuticos. Foram vivenciados diferentes aspectos inerentes ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem, constatando-se que uma educação de nível superior pautada no uso de metodologias ativas e não mais limitada à transmissão de conteúdos teóricos tem potencial para formar profissionais mais preparados para atender às atuais demandas em saúde.

  18. Alexander von Humboldt's perceptions of colonial Spanish America. (United States)

    Rebok, Sandra


    This study presents an in-depth analysis of Alexander von Humboldt's descriptions and critical comments on the colonial society of the different regions he visited during his well-known expedition through the Americas (1799-1804). The criticisms of colonialism that he expressed, reflecting his personal convictions, have already been the focal point of many studies, but Humboldt also was able to offer a more differentiated assessment through comparisons of regional and local traditions and developments. This essay focuses on his personal diaries, which offer many interesting comments on colonial societies. These considerations and impressions made during the expedition are of particular scholarly value since they were not subject to censorship of any kind.

  19. Colonial Networks of Power: The Far Reaches of Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hecht, Gabrielle


    Thomas Hughes has shown the links which existed between politics and technological and economic changes. From this point of view, the relationship between colonialism and the development of nuclear systems is interesting. There is a significant continuity from the colonial Empires to the uranium supply networks. Americans and the British worked together to prospect and to exploit uranium deposits, in particular in South Africa. On their side, the French had similar activities in Madagascar, Gabon and Niger. In both cases, important post-colonial ties have been maintained based on techno-politics

  20. Glimpses of British Guiana at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886

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    Albuquerque, Sara


    Full Text Available This paper uses the example of the British Guiana Court at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition of 1886 as a case study to demonstrate how British Guiana (now Guyana was represented in Britain at the time, by crossreferencing different materials (e.g. objects, correspondence, reports, and newspapers from that period. This exhibition also shows which raw materials from the British Guiana were of interest to Britain and the involvement of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in this matter. Nevertheless, the exhibition not only displayed objects and commodities, such as the case of sugar, but also displayed people. Here, particular attention is paid to the Amerindians who were portrayed as living ethnological exhibits at the exhibition. This paper aims to understand how British Guiana was seen and administered by its mother country and also how Everard im Thurn (1852-1932, the explorer, sought to manoeuvre that representation, as well as his relation with RBG, Kew. Taking into consideration that this colony was a neglected area of the British Empire, even in im Thurn’s time, this exhibition was an opportunity not only to display the empire but also for advertising the potential of the neglected colony and to ensure that it would not be forgotten.Este análisis se centra en la Exposición Colonial de 1886; a través del estudio de caso del Pabellón de la Guayana Británica (hoy Guyana, demuestra cómo ésta estaba representada en Gran Bretaña. Para mostrar sus contenidos cruza diferentes fuentes de la época: objetos, correspondencia, informes y periódicos. La exposición en aquel pabellón refleja que las materias primas de la Guayana Británica eran de interés para Gran Bretaña y la implicación en esta materia de los Jardines Reales Botánicos, llamados Kew. La exposición no sólo mostró los objetos y las materias primas, como el caso del azúcar, sino que también llevó habitantes de la Guayana. Aquí se presta especial atención a los amerindios

  1. A child of the empire: British sociology and colonialism, 1940s-1960s. (United States)

    Steinmetz, George


    British sociology was established as an academic discipline between 1945 and 1965, just as the British Empire was gearing up for a new phase of developmental colonialism backed by the social and other sciences. Many parts of the emerging sociological discipline became entangled with colonialism. Key themes and methods in sociology and the staff of sociology departments emerged from this colonial context. Historians have tended to place postwar British sociology in the context of expanding higher education and the welfare state, and have overlooked this colonial constellation. The article reconstructs this forgotten moment of disciplinary founding and explores three of the factors that promoted colonial sociology: the Colonial Social Science Research Council, the so-called Asquith universities, and the social research institutes in the colonies; and the involvement of sociologists from the London School of Economics in training colonial officials. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Video Bioinformatics Analysis of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Colony Growth (United States)

    Lin, Sabrina; Fonteno, Shawn; Satish, Shruthi; Bhanu, Bir; Talbot, Prue


    Because video data are complex and are comprised of many images, mining information from video material is difficult to do without the aid of computer software. Video bioinformatics is a powerful quantitative approach for extracting spatio-temporal data from video images using computer software to perform dating mining and analysis. In this article, we introduce a video bioinformatics method for quantifying the growth of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) by analyzing time-lapse videos collected in a Nikon BioStation CT incubator equipped with a camera for video imaging. In our experiments, hESC colonies that were attached to Matrigel were filmed for 48 hours in the BioStation CT. To determine the rate of growth of these colonies, recipes were developed using CL-Quant software which enables users to extract various types of data from video images. To accurately evaluate colony growth, three recipes were created. The first segmented the image into the colony and background, the second enhanced the image to define colonies throughout the video sequence accurately, and the third measured the number of pixels in the colony over time. The three recipes were run in sequence on video data collected in a BioStation CT to analyze the rate of growth of individual hESC colonies over 48 hours. To verify the truthfulness of the CL-Quant recipes, the same data were analyzed manually using Adobe Photoshop software. When the data obtained using the CL-Quant recipes and Photoshop were compared, results were virtually identical, indicating the CL-Quant recipes were truthful. The method described here could be applied to any video data to measure growth rates of hESC or other cells that grow in colonies. In addition, other video bioinformatics recipes can be developed in the future for other cell processes such as migration, apoptosis, and cell adhesion. PMID:20495527

  3. Inhibition of Blumeria graminis germination and germling development within colonies of oat mildew

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carver, T.L.W.; Roberts, P.C.; Thomas, B.J.


    Germination by Blumeria graminis. DC Speer ff. spp. avenae, hordei and tritici, was greatly suppressed when conidia fell within colonies of ff. spp. avenae or hordei established on susceptible oat or barley, respectively. On healthy oat or barley, and when distant from powdery mildew, colonies. all...... ff. spp. formed normal appressoria. This was also true When conidia germinated within established barley mildew colonies. Within barley mildew colonies, appressoria of f. sp. hordei penetrated epidermal cells formed haustoria more frequently than appressoria distant from colonies. Similarly, ff. spp....... avenae and tritici, normally unable to infect barley. frequently penetrated epidermal cells subtending established barley mildew colonies. Thus, colony, establishment induced barley epidermal cell accessibility, even to non-pathogenic ff. spp, In contrast. when all three ff. spp. germinated within...

  4. Economic mobility in a colonial and post-colonial economy: the case of Indonesia.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Leeuwen, Bas; Földvári, Peter


    Despite a consensus about the main factors influencing economic mobility in Indonesia, such as labor-market opportunities and childhood circumstances, virtually nothing is known about how these factors increased economic standing in the colonial and postcolonial periods. The use of height data as a

  5. Colony, Empire, and De-colonization” in Taiwanese Film History

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    Mamie Misawa


    Full Text Available A consideration of Taiwanese cinema during the Japanese colonial period must take into context the unique political history of Taiwan. This paper will first explain the larger current of research related to this political context and situate itself in relation to the observations and findings of others. This paper will then introduce the focus of the author’s research under the theme of this section, "Colony, Empire, and Post-colonialism,” illustrating an argument about the production and the reception of films by the Taiwanese during the colonial period. Lastly, this paper will also note the possibility of "de-colonization from the bottom up" in the “post-war” Taiwanese film market.

  6. Revisiting the effect of colonial institutions on comparative economic development.

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    Valentina A Assenova

    Full Text Available European settler mortality has been proposed as an instrument to predict the causal effect of colonial institutions on differences in economic development. We examine the relationship between mortality, temperature, and economic development in former European colonies in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. We find that (i European settler mortality rates increased with regional temperatures and (ii economic output decreased with regional temperatures. Conditioning on the continent of settlement and accounting for colonies that were not independent as of 1900 undermines the causal effect of colonial institutions on comparative economic development. Our findings run counter to the institutions hypothesis of economic development, showing instead that geography affected both historic mortality rates and present-day economic output.

  7. The Historical Taboo: Colonial Discourses and Postcolonial Identities in Belgium

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    Bobineau Julien


    Full Text Available This article examines so-called colonial discourses in Belgium related to the former Sub-Saharan colony owned by Leopold II of Belgium which today is known as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo or the Congo-Kinshasa. Having introduced the colonial history of the DR Congo from the 15th century until 1910, the study starts with a discussion of Van den Braembussche’s concept of a ‘historical taboo’ and four ways of engaging with such implicit interdictions. Finally, an empirical analysis of colonial discourses in Belgium from the 1890s until today will be presented in conjunction with Belgium’s linguistic-cultural division, taking into account age-related divergence.

  8. A metodologia de projetos como uma alternativa para ensinar estatística no ensino superior


    Gislaine Donizeti Fagnani da Costa


    Resumo: Tendo em vista a mudança dos paradigmas científicos que procuram ressignificar o papel das emoções no pensamento humano e acreditando na interação entre cognição e afetividade, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a metodologia de projetos como uma alternativa para ensinar estatística no ensino superior focando aspectos afetivos presentes na relação professor-aluno na formação profissional do nutricionista. O trabalho de campo da presente pesquisa qualitativa foi realizado num cur...

  9. Impact of chronic neonicotinoid exposure on honeybee colony performance and queen supersedure.

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    Christoph Sandrock

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Honeybees provide economically and ecologically vital pollination services to crops and wild plants. During the last decade elevated colony losses have been documented in Europe and North America. Despite growing consensus on the involvement of multiple causal factors, the underlying interactions impacting on honeybee health and colony failure are not fully resolved. Parasites and pathogens are among the main candidates, but sublethal exposure to widespread agricultural pesticides may also affect bees. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To investigate effects of sublethal dietary neonicotinoid exposure on honeybee colony performance, a fully crossed experimental design was implemented using 24 colonies, including sister-queens from two different strains, and experimental in-hive pollen feeding with or without environmentally relevant concentrations of thiamethoxam and clothianidin. Honeybee colonies chronically exposed to both neonicotinoids over two brood cycles exhibited decreased performance in the short-term resulting in declining numbers of adult bees (-28% and brood (-13%, as well as a reduction in honey production (-29% and pollen collections (-19%, but colonies recovered in the medium-term and overwintered successfully. However, significantly decelerated growth of neonicotinoid-exposed colonies during the following spring was associated with queen failure, revealing previously undocumented long-term impacts of neonicotinoids: queen supersedure was observed for 60% of the neonicotinoid-exposed colonies within a one year period, but not for control colonies. Linked to this, neonicotinoid exposure was significantly associated with a reduced propensity to swarm during the next spring. Both short-term and long-term effects of neonicotinoids on colony performance were significantly influenced by the honeybees' genetic background. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Sublethal neonicotinoid exposure did not provoke increased winter losses. Yet

  10. Derivation of guidelines for uranium residual radioactive material in soil at the Colonie Site, Colonie, New York

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunning, D.


    Residual radioactive material guidelines for uranium in soil were derived for the Colonie site located in Colonie, New York. This site has been designated for remedial action under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The site became contaminated with radioactive material as a result of operations conducted by National Lead (NL) Industries from 1958 to 1984; these activities included brass foundry operations, electroplating of metal products, machining of various components using depleted uranium, and limited work with small amounts of enriched uranium and thorium. The Colonie site comprises the former NL Industries property, now designated the Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS), and 56 vicinity properties contaminated by fallout from airborne emissions; 53 of the vicinity properties were previously remediated between 1984 and 1988. In 1984, DOE accepted ownership of the CISS property from NL Industries. Residual radioactive material guidelines for individual radionuclides and total uranium were derived on the basis of the requirement that the 50-year committed effective dose equivalent to a hypothetical individual who lives or works in the immediate vicinity of the site should not exceed a dose of 30 mrem/yr following remedial action for the current use and likely future use scenarios or a dose of 100 mrem/yr for less likely future use scenarios. The DOE residual radioactive material guideline computer code, RESRAD, was used in this evaluation; RESRAD implements the methodology described in the DOE manual for establishing residual radioactive material guidelines

  11. Food preparation in colonial America. A Bicentennial study. (United States)

    Bennion, M


    Both regional and national influences have pervaded America's culinary arts from colonial times until the present. In the South, for instance, indigenous foods, such as sweet potatoes--as well as an abundance of fruits and fowl--were commonly served. In the North, maple sirup was a New England product, as was codfish. Throughout the colonies, corn was easily grown and became a staple. Immigrants from the Old World brought their recipes to meld or adapt to conditions they met here. Recounted also is the unfolding of an American cuisine, especially in the southern colonies as it evolved from European food preparation practices. Cooking was done in great fireplaces, with equipment designed to fit. Meat was generally boiled or stewed in pots hung in the fireplace, although it might be slow-roasted on a hand-turned spit. Hot breads, the hallmark of southern cooking, date from colonial days. In the Noth, the Dutch farmer's wife developed real skill in using flour from home-grown wheat and rye, creating pancakes, waffles, doughnuts, crullers, and so on. After the first hard winter, food in New England became more plentiful. Boston brown bread was made from corn, wheat, or rye and probably sweetened with maple sirup. Imports of coffee, tea, and spices from the Orient and fruit from the tropics were later added to the cuisine. Colonial Americans understood well the art of food preparation and appreciated the taste of well prepared, well seasoned dishes.

  12. An artificial bee colony algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Szeto, W.Y.; Wu, Yongzhong; Ho, Sin C.


    This paper introduces an artificial bee colony heuristic for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem. The artificial bee colony heuristic is a swarm-based heuristic, which mimics the foraging behavior of a honey bee swarm. An enhanced version of the artificial bee colony heuristic is also...... proposed to improve the solution quality of the original version. The performance of the enhanced heuristic is evaluated on two sets of standard benchmark instances, and compared with the original artificial bee colony heuristic. The computational results show that the enhanced heuristic outperforms...

  13. Interculturalità, quando? Brevi note per una metodologia interculturale

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    Angela Giustino Vitolo


    Full Text Available Interculture is a task and a challenge of our time. A task of hybridization of cultures. A challenge to autonomy of culture, to build a more plural and more open community. This task and this challenge require, in the educative relationship, a more explicitly “Socratic” process.

  14. Lower Virus Infections in Varroa destructor-Infested and Uninfested Brood and Adult Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) of a Low Mite Population Growth Colony Compared to a High Mite Population Growth Colony (United States)

    Emsen, Berna; Hamiduzzaman, Mollah Md.; Goodwin, Paul H.; Guzman-Novoa, Ernesto


    A comparison was made of the prevalence and relative quantification of deformed wing virus (DWV), Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), black queen cell virus (BQCV), Kashmir bee virus (KBV), acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV) and sac brood virus (SBV) in brood and adult honey bees (Apis mellifera) from colonies selected for high (HMP) and low (LMP) Varroa destructor mite population growth. Two viruses, ABPV and SBV, were never detected. For adults without mite infestation, DWV, IAPV, BQCV and KBV were detected in the HMP colony; however, only BQCV was detected in the LMP colony but at similar levels as in the HMP colony. With mite infestation, the four viruses were detected in adults of the HMP colony but all at higher amounts than in the LMP colony. For brood without mite infestation, DWV and IAPV were detected in the HMP colony, but no viruses were detected in the LMP colony. With mite infestation of brood, the four viruses were detected in the HMP colony, but only DWV and IAPV were detected and at lower amounts in the LMP colony. An epidemiological explanation for these results is that pre-experiment differences in virus presence and levels existed between the HMP and LMP colonies. It is also possible that low V. destructor population growth in the LMP colony resulted in the bees being less exposed to the mite and thus less likely to have virus infections. LMP and HMP bees may have also differed in susceptibility to virus infection. PMID:25723540

  15. From Sarmiento to Martí and Hostos: Extricating the Nation from Coloniality

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    Thomas Ward


    Full Text Available The present article examines constructions of  race, nation and mestizaje in work of Domingo  Faustino Sarmiento, José Martí and Eugenio  Maria de Hostos. The first championed the prevailing nineteenth-century view that humanity  was being debilitated by a constant battle between  civilization and barbarism while the two Antilleans questioned it in their search for a society  liberated from coloniality. Martí denied the notion  of privilege based on Europeanness, proclaiming  that whites, blacks, indigenous and mixed-race  peoples could all claim equal rights under natural  law. Hostos agreed with Martí but took his recommendation one step further by proposing race  mixing, with all ethnic groups equally forming a  new society. Therefore Martí’s negation of racial  differences becomes with Hostos a quest for a  society that would eventually become homogeneous through miscegenation. The study concludes  that there is a timelessness inherent to Martí and  Hostos’s work that still speaks to us today in the  midst of a new awareness of ethnicity’s impact on  society. Resumen:De Sarmiento a Martí y Hostos: Rescatando al país de la colonialidadEl presente artículo examina las construcciones de  raza, nación y mestizaje en las obras de Domingo  Faustino Sarmiento, José Martí y Eugenio María de  Hostos. El primero defendía la construcción deci monónica de que la humanidad había sido debilitada por una constante batalla entre civilización y  barbarie mientras los dos antillanos la cuestionaban  en su búsqueda de una sociedad libre de la colonialidad. Martí niega la noción de privilegio basado en  lo europeo y proclama que los blancos, negros,  indígenas y personas de raza mezclada podrían  reclamar la igualdad de derechos bajo leyes naturales. Hostos estuvo de acuerdo con Martí pero llevó  su recomendación un paso más allá, proponiendo  que la mezcla de razas, con todos los grupos

  16. Os Impactos da Adoção de Metodologias Ativas no Desempenho dos Discentes do Curso de Ciências Contábeis de Instituição de Ensino Superior Mineira

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    Cícero José Oliveira Guerra


    Full Text Available Uma reformulação na educação tem sido discutida pela comunidade científica com a finalidade de atender a novos objetivos nos processos de aprendizagem. É um desafio para as universidades modificarem o seu papel social, agregando novas metodologias de ensino nos seus programas de graduação para se inserirem neste contexto atual. A motivação deste estudo é verificar se a adoção de metodologias ativas de ensino no curso de Ciências Contábeis de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior privada, situada na região da Zona da Mata mineira, contribuiu para o desempenho dos seus discentes, sendo caracterizada como desempenho, nesta pesquisa, a melhoria das notas dos estudantes. As metodologias ativas, atendendo a essa reformulação educacional, estão preocupadas em formar um estudante crítico, capaz de atuar no mercado atual, sujeito a constantes mudanças. O período de estudo compreende os anos entre 2011 e 2014. Buscou-se responder à seguinte questão: Há impacto no desempenho dos discentes do curso de Ciências Contábeis após a implantação de metodologias ativas na IES pesquisada? Para testar a hipótese proposta, utilizou-se o teste de médias T student e métodos de regressão. Os dados analisados foram coletados a partir de documentos cedidos pelos colaboradores da instituição. Os resultados mostram que há evidências de que a utilização das metodologias ativas no curso de Ciências Contábeis contribuíram para o desempenho dos estudantes no período estudado.

  17. A critical number of workers in a honeybee colony triggers investment in reproduction. (United States)

    Smith, Michael L; Ostwald, Madeleine M; Loftus, J Carter; Seeley, Thomas D


    Social insect colonies, like individual organisms, must decide as they develop how to allocate optimally their resources among survival, growth, and reproduction. Only when colonies reach a certain state do they switch from investing purely in survival and growth to investing also in reproduction. But how do worker bees within a colony detect that their colony has reached the state where it is adaptive to begin investing in reproduction? Previous work has shown that larger honeybee colonies invest more in reproduction (i.e., the production of drones and queens), however, the term 'larger' encompasses multiple colony parameters including number of adult workers, size of the nest, amount of brood, and size of the honey stores. These colony parameters were independently increased in this study to test which one(s) would increase a colony's investment in reproduction via males. This was assayed by measuring the construction of drone comb, the special type of comb in which drones are reared. Only an increase in the number of workers stimulated construction of drone comb. Colonies with over 4,000 workers began building drone comb, independent of the other colony parameters. These results show that attaining a critical number of workers is the key parameter for honeybee colonies to start to shift resources towards reproduction. These findings are relevant to other social systems in which a group's members must adjust their behavior as a function of the group's size.

  18. A critical number of workers in a honeybee colony triggers investment in reproduction (United States)

    Smith, Michael L.; Ostwald, Madeleine M.; Loftus, J. Carter; Seeley, Thomas D.


    Social insect colonies, like individual organisms, must decide as they develop how to allocate optimally their resources among survival, growth, and reproduction. Only when colonies reach a certain state do they switch from investing purely in survival and growth to investing also in reproduction. But how do worker bees within a colony detect that their colony has reached the state where it is adaptive to begin investing in reproduction? Previous work has shown that larger honeybee colonies invest more in reproduction (i.e., the production of drones and queens), however, the term `larger' encompasses multiple colony parameters including number of adult workers, size of the nest, amount of brood, and size of the honey stores. These colony parameters were independently increased in this study to test which one(s) would increase a colony's investment in reproduction via males. This was assayed by measuring the construction of drone comb, the special type of comb in which drones are reared. Only an increase in the number of workers stimulated construction of drone comb. Colonies with over 4,000 workers began building drone comb, independent of the other colony parameters. These results show that attaining a critical number of workers is the key parameter for honeybee colonies to start to shift resources towards reproduction. These findings are relevant to other social systems in which a group's members must adjust their behavior as a function of the group's size.

  19. Theoretical and Experimental Study of Bacterial Colony Growth in 3D (United States)

    Shao, Xinxian; Mugler, Andrew; Nemenman, Ilya


    Bacterial cells growing in liquid culture have been well studied and modeled. However, in nature, bacteria often grow as biofilms or colonies in physically structured habitats. A comprehensive model for population growth in such conditions has not yet been developed. Based on the well-established theory for bacterial growth in liquid culture, we develop a model for colony growth in 3D in which a homogeneous colony of cells locally consume a diffusing nutrient. We predict that colony growth is initially exponential, as in liquid culture, but quickly slows to sub-exponential after nutrient is locally depleted. This prediction is consistent with our experiments performed with E. coli in soft agar. Our model provides a baseline to which studies of complex growth process, such as such as spatially and phenotypically heterogeneous colonies, must be compared.

  20. Animal Bodies, Colonial Subjects: (ReLocating Animality in Decolonial Thought

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    Billy-Ray Belcourt


    Full Text Available In this paper, I argue that animal domestication, speciesism, and other modern human-animal interactions in North America are possible because of and through the erasure of Indigenous bodies and the emptying of Indigenous lands for settler-colonial expansion. That is, we cannot address animal oppression or talk about animal liberation without naming and subsequently dismantling settler colonialism and white supremacy as political machinations that require the simultaneous exploitation and/or erasure of animal and Indigenous bodies. I begin by re-framing animality as a politics of space to suggest that animal bodies are made intelligible in the settler imagination on stolen, colonized, and re-settled Indigenous lands. Thinking through Andrea Smith’s logics of white supremacy, I then re-center anthropocentrism as a racialized and speciesist site of settler coloniality to re-orient decolonial thought toward animality. To critique the ways in which Indigenous bodies and epistemologies are at stake in neoliberal re-figurings of animals as settler citizens, I reject the colonial politics of recognition developed in Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka’s recent monograph, Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights (Oxford University Press 2011 because it militarizes settler-colonial infrastructures of subjecthood and governmentality. I then propose a decolonized animal ethic that finds legitimacy in Indigenous cosmologies to argue that decolonization can only be reified through a totalizing disruption of those power apparatuses (i.e., settler colonialism, anthropocentrism, white supremacy, and neoliberal pluralism that lend the settler state sovereignty, normalcy, and futurity insofar as animality is a settler-colonial particularity.

  1. Influência de diferentes metodologias de esterilização sobre a atividade antifúngica de extratos aquosos de plantas medicinais Influence of different sterilization methods on the antifungal activity of aqueous extracts of medicinal plants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.R. Venturoso


    Full Text Available Foram conduzidos no Laboratório de Fitopatologia da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados três experimentos com o objetivo de avaliar in vitro a atividade antifúngica dos extratos aquosos de alho, canela e cravo-da-índia, submetidos a diferentes processos de desinfestação e/ou esterilização sobre o desenvolvimento de Fusarium solani. O delineamento experimental utilizado para cada ensaio foi inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos e 8 repetições. Utilizaram-se os extratos aquosos na concentração de 20%, submetidos às metodologias de filtragem (FI, banho maria a 65°C (BM, autoclavagem a 100ºC (AT1, autoclavagem a 120ºC (AT2 e a testemunha (somente BDA. Posteriormente os extratos foram incorporados em meio BDA, acondicionados em placas de Petri, onde foram transferidos discos de micélio de F. solani medindo 0,3 cm de diâmetro. Após, as placas foram incubadas a 25ºC, com fotoperíodo de 12 horas. Os tratamentos foram analisados em relação ao crescimento micelial da colônia, a porcentagem de inibição e a taxa de crescimento de F. solani. Foi observado em todos os ensaios maior crescimento do fungo na testemunha, evidenciando o potencial antifúngico dos extratos. Foi observada influência da metodologia de esterilização sobre a eficiência dos extratos de alho e canela. Para o alho a FI proporcionou os melhores resultados, enquanto que para o extrato de canela não houve diferenças entre as metodologias FI, BM e AT1. As diferentes metodologias utilizadas não interferiram na eficiência do extrato aquoso de cravo-da-índia.Three experiments were conducted in the Laboratory of Phytopathology of Federal University of Grande Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, to evaluate in vitro the antifungal activity of aqueous extracts of garlic, cinnamon and clove subjected to different processes of disinfection and/or sterilization against the development of Fusarium solani. The experimental design for each trial was

  2. Energy balance of the metropolitan zone of the valley of Mexico, methodology and the entailment energy-air quality; Balance de energia de la zona metropolitana del valle de Mexico metodologia y la vinculacion energia - calidad del aire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bazan Navarrete, Gerardo [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The present document raises a methodology for the elaboration of the Energy Balance of the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico (ZMVM), in order to unify criteria and to facilitate the work of entities and investigators, mainly of those that require the entailment of energy and environment. The applied methodology, the consolidated format and the caloric unity facilitates the insertion of the Energy Balance of the ZMVM within the National Balance of Energy. The regional balances of energy have the intention of knowing the energy consumption patterns in the ZMVM and the indexes of energy intensity by sector. They establish the relationship of the indexes of energy intensity with the local and global air quality of the region, performing studies of incidence with the main polluting agents and with the greenhouse effect gases. [Spanish] El presente documento plantea una metodologia para la elaboracion del Balance de Energia de la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de Mexico (ZMVM), con el proposito de unificar criterios y facilitar el trabajo de organismos e investigadores, sobre todo de aquellos que requieren vincular energia y medio ambiente. La metodologia aplicad, el formato consolidado y la unidad calorica facilitan la insercion del Balance de Energia de la ZMVM dentro del Balance Nacional de Energia. Los balances regionales de energia tienen el proposito de conocer los patrones de consumo de energia en la ZMVM y los indices de intensidad energetica por sector. Establecen la relacion de los indices de intensidad energetica con la calidad del aire local y global de la region, realizando estudios de incidencia con los principales contaminantes y con los gases de efecto invernadero.

  3. “The Other”in Feminism and Post-colonialism

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    “The other” is one of the key terms of Western literary theory. The political critique of “the other” is most obvious in feminism and post-colonialism. This essay intends to ilustrate their different application of “the other”. With the enrichment of its concept, feminists and post-colonial theorists tend to emphasize difference, fighting against sexism or racism.

  4. Past penguin colony responses to explosive volcanism on the Antarctic Peninsula (United States)

    Roberts, Stephen J.; Monien, Patrick; Foster, Louise C.; Loftfield, Julia; Hocking, Emma P.; Schnetger, Bernhard; Pearson, Emma J.; Juggins, Steve; Fretwell, Peter; Ireland, Louise; Ochyra, Ryszard; Haworth, Anna R.; Allen, Claire S.; Moreton, Steven G.; Davies, Sarah J.; Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen; Bentley, Michael J.; Hodgson, Dominic A.


    Changes in penguin populations on the Antarctic Peninsula have been linked to several environmental factors, but the potentially devastating impact of volcanic activity has not been considered. Here we use detailed biogeochemical analyses to track past penguin colony change over the last 8,500 years on Ardley Island, home to one of the Antarctic Peninsula's largest breeding populations of gentoo penguins. The first sustained penguin colony was established on Ardley Island c. 6,700 years ago, pre-dating sub-fossil evidence of Peninsula-wide occupation by c. 1,000 years. The colony experienced five population maxima during the Holocene. Overall, we find no consistent relationships with local-regional atmospheric and ocean temperatures or sea-ice conditions, although the colony population maximum, c. 4,000-3,000 years ago, corresponds with regionally elevated temperatures. Instead, at least three of the five phases of penguin colony expansion were abruptly ended by large eruptions from the Deception Island volcano, resulting in near-complete local extinction of the colony, with, on average, 400-800 years required for sustainable recovery.

  5. Matrices coloniales y diásporas africanas: Hacia una investigación de las culturas negra y mulata en la Nueva Granada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Antonio Díaz Díaz


    Full Text Available Witches who steal your soul by embracing you, councils of blacks and mulattos, secret dances, dances of blacks during religious festivals and games of all type, prohibited drums, demons of resistance, communities of runaway slaves, parties of mulattos, mulattos dressed up as women, singing instruments-these are some of the most important cultural manifestations of the black and mulatto population in the Kingdom of New Granada. However, they share with other social sectors (Native Americans, Spaniards and mestizos their own processes of constructing a wide array of colonial cultures, shaded by regional spaces and their own historic, social and demographic dynamic. This article, then, takes as its primary axis of investigation an analysis of the make-up of that which, provisionally, I will call black and mulatto culture. To achieve this, the research will be shaped by theory of colonial culture. Later, I will focus on the field of the transatlantic stages as a fluid scene of the African Diaspora, and I will attempt to recuperate the African dimension of this Diaspora.//Brujas que roban el alma al abrazar, concilios de negros y mulatos, danzas secretas, danzas de negros durante festivales religiosos y juegos de todo tipo, tambores prohibidos, demonios, comunidades de esclavos fugitivos, fiestas de mulatos, mulatos vestidos como mujeres, instrumentos de canto. Estas son unas de las manifestaciones culturales de las poblaciones negra y mulata en el Reino de la Nueva Granada. Sin embargo, ellos comparten con otros sectores sociales (nativos americanos, españoles y mestizos su propio proceso de construcción de una amplia matriz de cultural coloniales, ensombrecida por los espacios regionales y por sus propias dinámicas históricas, demográficas y sociales. Este artículo toma como eje principal de investigación el análisis de la construcción de algo que en primera instancia llamaré cultura negra y mulata. Para lograr este objetivo el ensayo

  6. Investigation of multimodal forward scatter phenotyping from bacterial colonies (United States)

    Kim, Huisung

    A rapid, label-free, and elastic light scattering (ELS) based bacterial colony phenotyping technology, bacterial rapid detection using optical scattering technology (BARDOT) provides a successful classification of several bacterial genus and species. For a thorough understanding of the phenomena and overcoming the limitations of the previous design, five additional modalities from a bacterial colony: 3D morphology, spatial optical density (OD) distribution, spectral forward scattering pattern, spectral OD, and surface backward reflection pattern are proposed to enhance the classification/identification ratio, and the feasibilities of each modality are verified. For the verification, three different instruments: integrated colony morphology analyzer (ICMA), multi-spectral BARDOT (MS-BARDOT) , and multi-modal BARDOT (MM-BARDOT) are proposed and developed. The ICMA can measure 3D morphology and spatial OD distribution of the colony simultaneously. A commercialized confocal displacement meter is used to measure the profiles of the bacterial colonies, together with a custom built optical density measurement unit to interrogate the biophysics behind the collective behavior of a bacterial colony. The system delivers essential information related to the quantitative growth dynamics (height, diameter, aspect ratio, optical density) of the bacterial colony, as well as, a relationship in between the morphological characteristics of the bacterial colony and its forward scattering pattern. Two different genera: Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933, and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 are selected for the analysis of the spatially resolved growth dynamics, while, Bacillus spp. such as B. subtilis ATCC 6633, B. cereus ATCC 14579, B. thuringiensis DUP6044, B. polymyxa B719W, and B. megaterium DSP 81319, are interrogated since some of the Bacillus spp. provides strikingly different characteristics of ELS patterns, and the origin of the speckle patterns are successfully correlated with

  7. Mathematical Modeling the Geometric Regularity in Proteus Mirabilis Colonies (United States)

    Zhang, Bin; Jiang, Yi; Minsu Kim Collaboration

    Proteus Mirabilis colony exhibits striking spatiotemporal regularity, with concentric ring patterns with alternative high and low bacteria density in space, and periodicity for repetition process of growth and swarm in time. We present a simple mathematical model to explain the spatiotemporal regularity of P. Mirabilis colonies. We study a one-dimensional system. Using a reaction-diffusion model with thresholds in cell density and nutrient concentration, we recreated periodic growth and spread patterns, suggesting that the nutrient constraint and cell density regulation might be sufficient to explain the spatiotemporal periodicity in P. Mirabilis colonies. We further verify this result using a cell based model.

  8. Creating Central Sulawesi. Mission Intervention, Colonialism and ‘Multiculturality’

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    J. Coté


    Full Text Available Creating Central Sulawesi: Mission Intervention, Colonialism and ‘Multiculturality’Central Sulawesi provides an example of how, under colonialism, non-state bodies contributed to the creation of new political identities in the Indonesian archipelago, and how the modern Indonesian state came to be based on these. Arguably, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the region was poised to be incorporated into the structure of one or other of the existing powerful Central and Southern Sulawesi political entities. As such, as just another ‘region’ in the sprawling archipelagic colony subjected to standard colonial policy, it should have been readily incorporated into the Indonesian state, albeit through the ‘Sulawesi Permesta’. Instead, in seeking to establish what one writer has described as a ‘volkskerk’ [people’s church], the ‘Poso mission’ established with colonial support by the Nederlandsche Zendinggenootschap [Netherlands Missionary Society] in 1892, was instrumental in defining new religious, cultural and linguistic boundaries. These acted to effectively isolate the Pamona people from adjacent Christian communities established by other missionary endeavours; from their Islamic neighbours and, arguably, from the ‘nation’. As elsewhere in the archipelago, the subsequent process of this region’s reintegration has formed part of the difficult postcolonial legacy inherited by the Indonesian nation.

  9. Temnothorax rugatulus ant colonies consistently vary in nest structure across time and context.

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    Nicholas DiRienzo

    Full Text Available A host of animals build architectural constructions. Such constructions frequently vary with environmental and individual/colony conditions, and their architecture directly influences behavior and fitness. The nests of ant colonies drive and enable many of their collective behaviors, and as such are part of their 'extended phenotype'. Since ant colonies have been recently shown to differ in behavior and life history strategy, we ask whether colonies differ in another trait: the architecture of the constructions they create. We allowed Temnothorax rugatulus rock ants, who create nests by building walls within narrow rock gaps, to repeatedly build nest walls in a fixed crevice but under two environmental conditions. We find that colonies consistently differ in their architecture across environments and over nest building events. Colony identity explained 12-40% of the variation in nest architecture, while colony properties and environmental conditions explained 5-20%, as indicated by the condition and marginal R2 values. When their nest boxes were covered, which produced higher humidity and lower airflow, colonies built thicker, longer, and heavier walls. Colonies also built more robust walls when they had more brood, suggesting a protective function of wall thickness. This is, to our knowledge, the first study to explicitly investigate the repeatability of nestbuilding behavior in a controlled environment. Our results suggest that colonies may face tradeoffs, perhaps between factors such as active vs. passive nest defense, and that selection may act on individual construction rules as a mechanisms to mediate colony-level behavior.

  10. The challenges of sustainable development in post-colonial African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The challenges of sustainable development in post-colonial African states: a review of Adamu Usman's Sieged. ... This paper discusses and contributes to debates on the critical governance challenges faced by post-colonial African states such as bribery and corruption, lack of democratic and participatory governance, ...

  11. Variation in Symbiodinium ITS2 sequence assemblages among coral colonies. (United States)

    Stat, Michael; Bird, Christopher E; Pochon, Xavier; Chasqui, Luis; Chauka, Leonard J; Concepcion, Gregory T; Logan, Dan; Takabayashi, Misaki; Toonen, Robert J; Gates, Ruth D


    Endosymbiotic dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium are fundamentally important to the biology of scleractinian corals, as well as to a variety of other marine organisms. The genus Symbiodinium is genetically and functionally diverse and the taxonomic nature of the union between Symbiodinium and corals is implicated as a key trait determining the environmental tolerance of the symbiosis. Surprisingly, the question of how Symbiodinium diversity partitions within a species across spatial scales of meters to kilometers has received little attention, but is important to understanding the intrinsic biological scope of a given coral population and adaptations to the local environment. Here we address this gap by describing the Symbiodinium ITS2 sequence assemblages recovered from colonies of the reef building coral Montipora capitata sampled across Kāne'ohe Bay, Hawai'i. A total of 52 corals were sampled in a nested design of Coral Colony(Site(Region)) reflecting spatial scales of meters to kilometers. A diversity of Symbiodinium ITS2 sequences was recovered with the majority of variance partitioning at the level of the Coral Colony. To confirm this result, the Symbiodinium ITS2 sequence diversity in six M. capitata colonies were analyzed in much greater depth with 35 to 55 clones per colony. The ITS2 sequences and quantitative composition recovered from these colonies varied significantly, indicating that each coral hosted a different assemblage of Symbiodinium. The diversity of Symbiodinium ITS2 sequence assemblages retrieved from individual colonies of M. capitata here highlights the problems inherent in interpreting multi-copy and intra-genomically variable molecular markers, and serves as a context for discussing the utility and biological relevance of assigning species names based on Symbiodinium ITS2 genotyping.

  12. Disrupting the Coloniality of Being: Toward De-Colonial Ontologies in Philosophy of Education (United States)

    Richardson, Troy A.


    This essay works to bridge conversations in philosophy of education with decolonial theory. The author considers Margonis' (1999, 2011a, b) use of Rousseau (1979) and Heidegger (1962) in developing an ontological attitude that counters social hierarchies and promotes anti-colonial relations. While affirming this effort, the essay outlines a…

  13. Os princípios das metodologias ativas de ensino: uma abordagem teórica

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    Aline Diesel


    Full Text Available Este escrito constitui-se em um artigo de revisão, que tem como objetivo buscar pontos de convergência entre as metodologias ativas de ensino e outras abordagens já consagradas do âmbito da (resignificação da prática docente. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo bibliográfico das principais abordagens teóricas voltadas para os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem, pautados nas principais teorias de aprendizagem, como a aprendizagem pela interação social, preconizada por Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934, a aprendizagem pela experiência, de John Dewey (1859-1952, a aprendizagem significativa de David Ausubel (1918-

  14. Trichuris trichiura in a post-Colonial Brazilian mummy

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    Rafaella Bianucci


    Full Text Available Trichuris trichiura is a soil-transmitted helminth which is prevalent in warm, moist, tropical and subtropical regions of the world with poor sanitation. Heavy whipworm can result either in Trichuris dysenteric syndrome - especially in children - or in a chronic colitis. In heavy infections, worms can spread proximally and may cause ileitis. Here we provide first microscopic evidence for a T. trichiura adult worm embedded in the rectum of a post-Colonial Brazilian adult mummy. During Colonial and post-Colonial times, many European chroniclers described a parasitic disease named Maculo whose symptomatology coincides with heavy helminthiasis. Based on our findings and on comparison of ancient textual evidence with modern description of heavy whipworm, we feel confident in considering that the two syndromes are expressions of the same pathological condition.

  15. Parachemistries: Colonial chemopolitics in a zone of contest. (United States)

    Mukharji, Projit Bihari


    The globalization of modern chemistry through European colonialism resulted, by the end of the nineteenth century, in the emergence of a number of parachemical knowledges. Parachemistries were bodies of non-European knowledge which came to be related to modern chemistry within particular historical milieux. Their relationship with modern chemistry was not necessarily epistemic and structural, but historical and performative. Actual historically located intellectuals posited their relationship. Such relationships were not merely abstract intellectual exercises; at a time when the practical uses of modern chemistry in statecraft were growing, the existence of these rival, competing parachemical knowledges challenged modern chemistry's regulatory deployments. Colonial locations emerged then not as mere 'contact zones', but as 'zones of conflict' where colonial chemopolitics was interrupted by the continued legitimacy and practice of parachemistries such as rasayana, kimiya, and neidan.

  16. Queen introduction into the queenright honey bee colony

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    Antonín Přidal


    Full Text Available One of the actual elementary biologic principles of the introduction of queen is that the recipient co­lo­ny has to be queenless. We accidentally found that a queen can be accepted also in queenright co­lo­ny with using of the queen excluder. Therefore, we conducted two experiments with the introduction of queen in queenright colony.Under defined conditions of the experiment and with application of the queen excluder as a separator of queens we successfully introduced queen in the queenright colony. This result is discussed in relation to the general principle that a queen should be introduced only in a queenless colony. It is possible that there are some exceptions advert to the existence of some unknown biologic patterns in the honey bee biology and pheromones.

  17. Development rate and brood production in haplo- and pleometrotic colonies of Oecophylla smaragdina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Offenberg, Joachim; Peng, Renkang; Nielsen, Mogens Gissel


    Pleometrosis (colony founding by multiple queens) may improve life history characteristics that are important for early colony survival. When queens unite their initial brood, the number of workers present when incipient colonies open may be higher than for single queen colonies. Further, the time...... until the first worker emerges may shorten. For territorial species and species that rob brood from neighbouring colonies, a faster production of more workers may improve the chance of surviving intraspecific competition. In this study, the time from the nuptial flight to the emergence of the first...

  18. Observation of microorganism colonies using a scanning-laser-beam pH-sensing microscope

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakao, M.; Inoue, S.; Oishi, R.; Yoshinobu, T.; Iwasaki, H.


    The extracellular pH-distribution of colonies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) and Escherichia coli (E. coli) were observed using a newly-developed scanning-laser-beam pH-sensing microscope. Colonies were incubated either on top of agarose plates or between the pH-sensing surface and the agar. In the latter case, colony growth was observed in-situ. The colonies could be observed within a period as short as 8 h for E. coli. The pH-distribution profiles by the colonies were found to be very sharp, in agreement with simulation results. (author)

  19. Absent Histories and Absent Images: Photographs, Museums and the Colonial Past

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    Elizabeth Edwards


    Full Text Available Based on research in a range of UK museums, this paper explores the visibility and invisibility of the photographic legacy of colonial relations and the representation of the colonial past in museum galleries. It explores the conditions of the ‘invisibility’ and ‘disavowal’ of the colonial past in the historical narrative developed by museums, and the anxieties that cluster around such narratives in a postcolonial and multicultural society. The paper argues that the photographic legacy of the colonial past offers a way into those histories, but it is one that can only be realized through the critical engagement with photographs themselves and the work they might be made to do in museums. As an example, it examines the active and complex role of photographs played in the galleries of the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum, Bristol. It concludes that the failure of museums to integrate colonial pasts into their narratives has worked against the wider liberal agendas to which museums subscribe, and that photographic invisibility is both a symptom of and metaphor for the ‘invisibility’ of the colonial past.

  20. Hybrid Bee Ant Colony Algorithm for Effective Load Balancing And ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Ant Colony algorithm is used in this hybrid Bee Ant Colony algorithm to solve load balancing issues ... Genetic Algorithm (MO-GA) for dynamic job scheduling that .... Information Networking and Applications Workshops. [7]. M. Dorigo & T.

  1. Conflict and conflict resolution in Africa: Engaging the colonial factor

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    maintaining colonial-style approaches to African conflicts at the expense of a ... Educational Leadership at the College of Education and Human Services, University of .... Colonial rule was the antithesis of democracy, because it was premised.

  2. Colonial Military Intelligence in the Zulu Rebellion, 1906 | Thompson ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In the Zulu Rebellion of 1906, the Natal Militia defeated the Zulu rebels without British imperial forces having to intervene in the conflict. The colonial forces were well adapted to the local circumstances, but in one important respect they drew heavily on imperial experience, namely military field intelligence. Colonial military ...

  3. A catalog of Louisiana's nesting seabird colonies (United States)

    Fontenot, William R.; Cardiff, Steve W.; DeMay, Richard A.; Dittmann, Donna L.; Hartley, Stephen B.; Jeske, Clinton W.; Lorenz, Nicole; Michot, Thomas C.; Purrington, Robert Dan; Seymour, Michael; Vermillion, William G.


    Summarizing his colonial nesting waterbird survey experiences along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico in a paper presented to the Colonial Waterbird Group of the Waterbird Society (Portnoy 1978), bird biologist John W. Portnoy stated, “This huge concentration of nesting waterbirds, restricted almost entirely to the wetlands and estuaries of southern Louisiana, is unmatched in all of North America; for example, a 1975 inventory of wading birds along the Atlantic Coast from Maine to Florida [Custer and Osborn, in press], tallied 250,000 breeding [waterbirds] of 14 species, in contrast with the 650,000 birds of 15 species just from Sabine Pass to Mobile Bay.” The “650,000 birds” to which Portnoy referred, were tallied by him in a 1976 survey of coastal Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama (see below, under “Major Surveys” section). According to the National Atlas of Coastal Waterbird Colonies in the Contiguous United States: 1976-82 (Spendelow and Patton 1988), the percentages of the total U.S. populations of Laughing Gull (11%), Forster's Tern (52%), Royal Tern (16%), Sandwich Tern (77%), and Black Skimmer (44%) which annually nest in Louisiana are significant – perhaps crucially so in the cases of Forster's Tern, Sandwich Tern, and Black Skimmer. Nearly three decades after Spendelow and Patton's determinations above, coastal Louisiana still stands out as the major center of colonial wading bird and seabird nesting in all of the United States. Within those three intervening decades, however, the

  4. Effect of a home-made pollen substitute on honey bee colony development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Steen, van der J.J.M.


    In 2001 and 2002, studies were conducted on a pollen substitute formulated for easy home preparation. Tests were done with free flying honey bee colonies. In 2001, pollen supply was restricted with pollen traps in 9 experimental colonies. Colonies were then equally divided among three treatments:

  5. Educação a Distância: análise das perspectivas e avanços da metodologia de ensino na construção do conhecimento

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    Ana Maria Teixeira Alves


    Full Text Available Este trabalho investiga a Educação a Distância (EAD a partir de sua metodologia de ensino e o processo de aprendizagem. A proposta do estudo foi a de analisar as perspectivas e avanços da metodologia de ensino a distância na construção do conhecimento discutindo perspectivas e cenários. A discussão foi estabelecida a partir de subsídios teóricos que debatem os aspectos metodológicos, didáticos e pedagógicos que envolvem o processo de ensino-aprendizagem com foco sob a modalidade de ensino a distância. Para a construção do conhecimento, isto é, para efetivar o processo educacional é necessário que metodologias de ensino tomem forma no contexto EAD, influenciando de forma positiva e qualitativa sua condução. Observa-se que a diversificação metodológica isolada não garante a efetivação do aprendizado, todavia uma parceria entre alunos e professores possibilita o protagonismo na produção de conhecimento significativo e concreto.

  6. The Future Lunar Flora Colony (United States)

    Goel, E. G.; Guven, U. G.


    A constructional design for the primary establishment for a lunar colony using the micrometeorite rich soil is proposed. It highlights the potential of lunar regolith combined with Earth technology for water and oxygen for human outposts on the Moon.

  7. Scylla and charybdis 2.0: reconstructing colonial Spanish American territories between metropolitan dream and effective control, historical ambiguities and cybernetic determinism

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    Stangl, Werner


    Full Text Available This paper tries to outline the main methodological obstacles that have to be addressed and overcome at reconstructing late colonial Spanish American territories and their development by means of a historical Geographic Information System (HGIS. First we try to show how historians with a broad gamut of research interests could profit from such a territorial HGIS infrastructure for that time and space. In a second step we try to show how certain aspects complicate the task. These include: vernacular concepts of territory (definitions of what actually is a “province”; the quality, focus, and methods of data gathering in contemporary geographic descriptions, cartographies, and other sources; the lack of definition of interior borders; the sometimes contradictory divisions in military, civil, ecclesiastical, and financial districts; as well as the general discrepancy between administrative control and political claims. And as if these aspects were not enough, there are the competing claims on territories of sovereignty in Latin America, which —by applying the uti possidetis juris principle— are largely based on colonial territories. In the last part, we outline the basic concept of a spatial database which tries to respond to the raised issues and furthermore incorporates a chronological axis. The model is illustrated by giving the example of the Puno-region.En el presente trabajo hacemos hincapié en los mayores problemas metodológicos a los que se debe enfrentar al reconstruir los territorios de Hispanoamérica de fines de la Colonia. Primero, trataremos mostrar como una amplia gama de epistemologías podría sacar provecho de una infraestructura de SIG-histórico para tal época y espacio. Luego mostraremos como una variedad de aspectos —conceptos vernáculos de territorio; calidad, foco y métodos de recolecta de datos en descripciones geográficas, mapas y otras fuentes de la época; la faltante definición de fronteras interiores

  8. Changes in learning and foraging behaviour within developing bumble bee (Bombus terrestris colonies.

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    Lisa J Evans

    Full Text Available Organisation in eusocial insect colonies emerges from the decisions and actions of its individual members. In turn, these decisions and actions are influenced by the individual's behaviour (or temperament. Although there is variation in the behaviour of individuals within a colony, we know surprisingly little about how (or indeed if the types of behaviour present in a colony change over time. Here, for the first time, we assessed potential changes in the behavioural type of foragers during colony development. Using an ecologically relevant foraging task, we measured the decision speed and learning ability of bumble bees (Bombus terrestris at different stages of colony development. We determined whether individuals that forage early in the colony life cycle (the queen and early emerging workers behaved differently from workers that emerge and forage at the end of colony development. Whilst we found no overall change in the foraging behaviour of workers with colony development, there were strong differences in foraging behaviour between queens and their workers. Queens appeared to forage more cautiously than their workers and were also quicker to learn. These behaviours could allow queens to maximise their nectar collecting efficiency whilst avoiding predation. Because the foundress queen is crucial to the survival and success of a bumble bee colony, more efficient foraging behaviour in queens may have strong adaptive value.

  9. Queen-worker caste ratio depends on colony size in the pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Anna Mosegaard; Linksvayer, Timothy Arnold; Boomsma, Jacobus Jan


    The success of an ant colony depends on the simultaneous presence of reproducing queens and nonreproducing workers in a ratio that will maximize colony growth and reproduction. Despite its presumably crucial role, queen–worker caste ratios (the ratio of adult queens to workers) and the factors...... affecting this variable remain scarcely studied. Maintaining polygynous pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis) colonies in the laboratory has provided us with the opportunity to experimentally manipulate colony size, one of the key factors that can be expected to affect colony level queen–worker caste ratios...... species with budding colonies may adaptively adjust caste ratios to ensure rapid growth....

  10. Scientific / colonial knowledge logics: a critique of the modest testimony from border territories Lógicas científico / coloniales del conocimiento: una crítica a los testimonios modestos desde territorios de frontera.

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    Liliana Vargas Monroy


    Full Text Available According to some definitions, the introduction of a paper, apart from exposing its objectives, should be the stimulant that generates interest in a deeper reading and a wider appraisal. With this definition in mind, I submit for this issue of Athena the text that introduces my discussion on the Scientific/Colonial Logics of Knowledge: Writing, images and borderline issues. The keys and the roadmap which represent the basis of this paper are contained within, as also a simple overview of some of its strongest theses. Hopefully, this introduction will worthily fulfill its task.Según algunas definiciones, la introducción de un trabajo además de plantear los objetivos del mismo, debe ser la incitadora de un interés que conduzca a una lectura más amplia. Con esta definición en mente, presento para esta entrega de la tesiteca de Athena, un texto que introduce mi discusión sobre las Lógicas científico/coloniales del conocimiento: Escritura, imágenes y territorios de frontera. En él se encuentran las claves y el mapa de escritura con el que este trabajo fue construido, así como un sencillo recorrido por algunas de sus tesis más fuertes. Ojala esta introducción cumpla cabalmente su tarea.


  11. African Economic Development and Colonial Legacies

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    Gareth Austin


    Full Text Available This article reviews how colonial rule and African actions during the colonial period affected the resources and institutional settings for subsequent economic development south of the Sahara. The issue is seen from the perspective of the dynamics of development in what was in 1900 an overwhelmingly land-abundant region characterised by shortages of labour and capital, by perhaps surprisingly extensive indigenous market activities and by varying but often low levels of political centralisation. The differential impact of French and British rule is explored, but it is argued that a bigger determinant of the differential evolution of poverty, welfare and structural change was the contrast between “settler” and “peasant” economies.

  12. Targeted removal of ant colonies in ecological experiments, using hot water. (United States)

    Tschinkel, Walter R; King, Joshua R


    Ecological experiments on fire ants cannot, or should not, use poison baits to eliminate the fire ants because such baits are not specific to fire ants, or even to ants. Hot water is an extremely effective and specific killing agent for fire ant colonies, but producing large amounts of hot water in the field, and making the production apparatus mobile have been problematical. The construction and use of a charcoal-fired kiln made from a 55-gal. oil drum lined with a sand-fireclay mixture is described. An automobile heater fan powered from a 12-v battery provided a draft. Dual bilge pumps pumped water from a large tank through a long coil of copper tubing within the kiln to produce 4 to 5 l. of hot water per min. The hot water was collected in 20 l. buckets and poured into fire ant nests previously opened by piercing with a stick. The entire assembly was transported in and operated from the back of a pickup truck. Five experimental plots containing 32 to 38 colonies of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), were treated with hot water over a period of two years. All colonies on the treatment plots were treated twice with hot water early in 2004, reducing their numbers to zero. However new colonies were formed, and mature colonies expanded into the plots. A third treatment was made in the spring of 2005, after which fire ant populations were suppressed for over a year. Whereas the 5 control plots contained a total of 166 mostly large colonies, the 5 treatment plots contained no live colonies at all. Averaged over a two-year period, a 70% reduction in total number of colonies was achieved (P ants.

  13. O ensino jesuítico no período colonial brasileiro: algumas discussões Discussions on jesuit teaching in Brazil during the colonial period

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    Alexandre Shigunov Neto


    Full Text Available O presente artigo pretende realizar uma análise do ensino jesuítico implementado no período colonial brasileiro e demonstrar que a estrutura escolar fundada pelos padres jesuítas no Brasil era adequada para o momento histórico vivenciado, levando-se em consideração quatro aspectos: os objetivos do Projeto Português para o Brasil; o projeto educacional Jesuítico; a própria estrutura social brasileira da época; e o modelo de homem necessário para a época Colonial. Os jesuítas, com seu Projeto Educacional, e os portugueses que vieram para a colônia brasileira em busca de riquezas, tiveram papel fundamental na formação da estrutura social, administrativa e produtiva da sociedade que estava sendo formada. Partindo do pressuposto de que o fenômeno educacional não é um fenômeno independente e autônomo da realidade social de determinado momento histórico, devemos analisar o projeto jesuítico levando-se em conta o desenvolvimento social e produtivo da época colonial. Assim, pode-se supor que o modelo educacional proposto pelos jesuítas, que pretendia formar um modelo de homem, baseado nos princípios escolásticos, era coerente com as necessidades e aspirações de uma sociedade em formação na primeira fase do período colonial brasileiro.Jesuit teaching in Brazil during the colonial period is analyzed. It may even be proved that the schooling structure established by the Jesuit fathers was extremely adequate for that specific historical period. Four aspects may be taken into account: the aims of the Portuguese Project for Brazil; the Jesuit Educational Project; the Brazilian social structure at that time; and the human model needed for the colonial period. The Jesuits' Educational Project and the Portuguese colonizers that came to the colony in search of wealth have an important role in the formation of the social, administrative and productive structure of a society in constant evolution. Since the educational phenomenon

  14. Spatial heterogeneity as a genetic mixing mechanism in highly philopatric colonial seabirds. (United States)

    Cristofari, Robin; Trucchi, Emiliano; Whittington, Jason D; Vigetta, Stéphanie; Gachot-Neveu, Hélène; Stenseth, Nils Christian; Le Maho, Yvon; Le Bohec, Céline


    How genetic diversity is maintained in philopatric colonial systems remains unclear, and understanding the dynamic balance of philopatry and dispersal at all spatial scales is essential to the study of the evolution of coloniality. In the King penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus, return rates of post-fledging chicks to their natal sub-colony are remarkably high. Empirical studies have shown that adults return year after year to their previous breeding territories within a radius of a few meters. Yet, little reliable data are available on intra- and inter-colonial dispersal in this species. Here, we present the first fine-scale study of the genetic structure in a king penguin colony in the Crozet Archipelago. Samples were collected from individual chicks and analysed at 8 microsatellite loci. Precise geolocation data of hatching sites and selective pressures associated with habitat features were recorded for all sampling locations. We found that despite strong natal and breeding site fidelity, king penguins retain a high degree of panmixia and genetic diversity. Yet, genetic structure appears markedly heterogeneous across the colony, with higher-than-expected inbreeding levels, and local inbreeding and relatedness hotspots that overlap predicted higher-quality nesting locations. This points towards heterogeneous population structure at the sub-colony level, in which fine-scale environmental features drive local philopatric behaviour, while lower-quality patches may act as genetic mixing mechanisms at the colony level. These findings show how a lack of global genetic structuring can emerge from small-scale heterogeneity in ecological parameters, as opposed to the classical model of homogeneous dispersal. Our results also emphasize the importance of sampling design for estimation of population parameters in colonial seabirds, as at high spatial resolution, basic genetic features are shown to be location-dependent. Finally, this study stresses the importance of

  15. Spatial heterogeneity as a genetic mixing mechanism in highly philopatric colonial seabirds.

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    Robin Cristofari

    Full Text Available How genetic diversity is maintained in philopatric colonial systems remains unclear, and understanding the dynamic balance of philopatry and dispersal at all spatial scales is essential to the study of the evolution of coloniality. In the King penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus, return rates of post-fledging chicks to their natal sub-colony are remarkably high. Empirical studies have shown that adults return year after year to their previous breeding territories within a radius of a few meters. Yet, little reliable data are available on intra- and inter-colonial dispersal in this species. Here, we present the first fine-scale study of the genetic structure in a king penguin colony in the Crozet Archipelago. Samples were collected from individual chicks and analysed at 8 microsatellite loci. Precise geolocation data of hatching sites and selective pressures associated with habitat features were recorded for all sampling locations. We found that despite strong natal and breeding site fidelity, king penguins retain a high degree of panmixia and genetic diversity. Yet, genetic structure appears markedly heterogeneous across the colony, with higher-than-expected inbreeding levels, and local inbreeding and relatedness hotspots that overlap predicted higher-quality nesting locations. This points towards heterogeneous population structure at the sub-colony level, in which fine-scale environmental features drive local philopatric behaviour, while lower-quality patches may act as genetic mixing mechanisms at the colony level. These findings show how a lack of global genetic structuring can emerge from small-scale heterogeneity in ecological parameters, as opposed to the classical model of homogeneous dispersal. Our results also emphasize the importance of sampling design for estimation of population parameters in colonial seabirds, as at high spatial resolution, basic genetic features are shown to be location-dependent. Finally, this study stresses the

  16. Study of budding yeast colony formation and its characterizations by using circular granular cell (United States)

    Aprianti, D.; Haryanto, F.; Purqon, A.; Khotimah, S. N.; Viridi, S.


    Budding yeast can exhibit colony formation in solid substrate. The colony of pathogenic budding yeast can colonize various surfaces of the human body and medical devices. Furthermore, it can form biofilm that resists drug effective therapy. The formation of the colony is affected by the interaction between cells and with its growth media. The cell budding pattern holds an important role in colony expansion. To study this colony growth, the molecular dynamic method was chosen to simulate the interaction between budding yeast cells. Every cell was modelled by circular granular cells, which can grow and produce buds. Cohesion force, contact force, and Stokes force govern this model to mimic the interaction between cells and with the growth substrate. Characterization was determined by the maximum (L max) and minimum (L min) distances between two cells within the colony and whether two lines that connect the two cells in the maximum and minimum distances intersect each other. Therefore, it can be recognized the colony shape in circular, oval, and irregular shapes. Simulation resulted that colony formation are mostly in oval shape with little branch. It also shows that greater cohesion strength obtains more compact colony formation.

  17. Colony stimulating factors and their clinical implication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asano, Shigetaka


    Granulocytes and macrophage are dependent for their production and/or functional activation in vitro on the presence of a family of glycoproteins. They are generally called colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) because of their capacity to stimulate colony formation in semi-solid cultures, and are currently classified into four distinct subtypes, that is, Multi-CSF, GM-CSF, G-CSF and M-CSF, according to the cell type of colonies formed under their stimulation or their target cell specificity. All of the murine and human CSF subtypes and the genes for them have become available in a purified form and in a large scale, and now allow us to investigate their interactions, the mechanisms for their actions, the cell-cell interactions leading to their production and secretion, and their actions in vivo. Furthermore, the preclinical and/or clinical studies which were carried out using the purified CSFs strongly indicate that human CSFs will be effective strategies for preventing and treating opportunistic bacterial and fungal infection as a major cause of death in granulocytopenic patients. (author)

  18. Una filosofía para América Latina: Leopoldo Zea

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    Giuseppe Cacciatore


    Full Text Available Uno de los mas significativos recorrido filosoficos e hsitorico-culturales a traves de los que se ha manisfestado la reflexion sobre la identidad latinoamericana es indudablemente el trazado por el pensador mexicano Leopoldo Zea, alumno predilecto de jose gaos. En el, como en tanto otros intelectuales de los paises latinos del conteniente americano el problema de la individuacion de las trazas de una autonoma dimension filosofica (y de su ambivalente relacion con la tradicion indigena pre-colonial y con los modelos de la cultura europea se liga constante y significativamente al evento traumatico y dramatico de la conquista y del genocidio. Zea no se cierra en esta dicatomia civilizacion precolombina/civilizacion europea, ni olvida la que quizas es la verdadera especificidad del continente americano centromeridional, la multiculturalidad y la multietnia, el denominado mestizaje.

  19. Análise das práticas de ensino da metodologia de investigação na elaboração do trabalho de fim de curso

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    Jutema Hebo Quitumba


    Full Text Available O presente estudo está centrada na melhoria do desempenho e elevação da taxa de rendimento académico. Analisou os efeitos das práticas de ensino da metodologia de investigação científica na elaboração do trabalho de fim de curso de graduação e, decorre, em grande parte, dos estudos desenvolvidos nos Estados Unidos da América, União Europeia e no Brasil.A pesquisa seguiu a perspectiva da metodologia quantitativa  e qualitativa e a norma/formato da American Psychological Association (APA para a redação textual. Usou inquérito por questionário. Recorreu a técnica de análise de dados e o software SPSS (Statistical Package for the Sciences. O Estudo, muito além da questão de estruturação curricular, o caracter passivo pelo qual é conduzido o processo de ensino, que, não isentam de conferir resultados quantitativos, não está relacionada com o rendimento académico, evidenciando a necessidade de qualificação do corpo docente em matéria de metodologia  de ensino.

  20. Parasites and Pathogens of the Honeybee (Apis mellifera and Their Influence on Inter-Colonial Transmission.

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    Nadège Forfert

    Full Text Available Pathogens and parasites may facilitate their transmission by manipulating host behavior. Honeybee pathogens and pests need to be transferred from one colony to another if they are to maintain themselves in a host population. Inter-colony transmission occurs typically through honeybee workers not returning to their home colony but entering a foreign colony ("drifting". Pathogens might enhance drifting to enhance transmission to new colonies. We here report on the effects infection by ten honeybee viruses and Nosema spp., and Varroa mite infestation on honeybee drifting. Genotyping of workers collected from colonies allowed us to identify genuine drifted workers as well as source colonies sending out drifters in addition to sink colonies accepting them. We then used network analysis to determine patterns of drifting. Distance between colonies in the apiary was the major factor explaining 79% of drifting. None of the tested viruses or Nosema spp. were associated with the frequency of drifting. Only colony infestation with Varroa was associated with significantly enhanced drifting. More specifically, colonies with high Varroa infestation had a significantly enhanced acceptance of drifters, although they did not send out more drifting workers. Since Varroa-infested colonies show an enhanced attraction of drifting workers, and not only those infected with Varroa and its associated pathogens, infestation by Varroa may also facilitate the uptake of other pests and parasites.

  1. Countering Coloniality in Educational Research: From Ownership to Answerability (United States)

    Patel, Lisa


    In this theoretical article, I argue for a relational stance on learning as a way of reckoning with educational research as part of the settler colonial structure of the United States. Because of my geopolitical location to the United States as a settler colony, I begin by contrasting the stances of anticolonial and decolonial. I then analyze the…

  2. A Burkholderia pseudomallei colony variant necessary for gastric colonization. (United States)

    Austin, C R; Goodyear, A W; Bartek, I L; Stewart, A; Sutherland, M D; Silva, E B; Zweifel, A; Vitko, N P; Tuanyok, A; Highnam, G; Mittelman, D; Keim, P; Schweizer, H P; Vázquez-Torres, A; Dow, S W C; Voskuil, M I


    Diverse colony morphologies are a hallmark of Burkholderia pseudomallei recovered from infected patients. We observed that stresses that inhibit aerobic respiration shifted populations of B. pseudomallei from the canonical white colony morphotype toward two distinct, reversible, yet relatively stable yellow colony variants (YA and YB). As accumulating evidence supports the importance of B. pseudomallei enteric infection and gastric colonization, we tested the response of yellow variants to hypoxia, acidity, and stomach colonization. Yellow variants exhibited a competitive advantage under hypoxic and acidic conditions and alkalized culture media. The YB variant, although highly attenuated in acute virulence, was the only form capable of colonization and persistence in the murine stomach. The accumulation of extracellular DNA (eDNA) was a characteristic of YB as observed by 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining of gastric tissues, as well as in an in vitro stomach model where large amounts of eDNA were produced without cell lysis. Transposon mutagenesis identified a transcriptional regulator (BPSL1887, designated YelR) that when overexpressed produced the yellow phenotype. Deletion of yelR blocked a shift from white to the yellow forms. These data demonstrate that YB is a unique B. pseudomallei pathovariant controlled by YelR that is specifically adapted to the harsh gastric environment and necessary for persistent stomach colonization. Seemingly uniform populations of bacteria often contain subpopulations that are genetically identical but display unique characteristics which offer advantages when the population is faced with infrequent but predictable stresses. The pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei is capable of forming several reversible colony types, and it interconverted between one white type and two yellow types under certain environmental stresses. The two yellow forms exhibited distinct advantages in low-oxygen and acidic environments. One yellow

  3. El problema de la vagancia: Una aproximación a la Historia del Trabajo del S. XIX en Costa Rica

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    Adriana Sánchez Lovell


    Full Text Available Se discute el entramado teórico metodológico de una investigación titulada La vagancia en tiempos del café y la caña en Costa Rica (1750-1890 cuyo objetivo consistió en indagar en la transición que hubo del modo de producción colonial hacia la consolidación del capitalismo en Costa Rica, atendiendo a los procesos subjetivos y materiales por medio de los cuales se impuso la obligación de trabajar o de tener modo de subsistencia conocido.

  4. Adaptabilidade e estabilidade do rendimento de genótipos de arroz, mediante duas metodologias de avaliação na Colombia

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    Cargnelutti Filho Alberto


    Full Text Available Utilizando-se os dados de produtividade de grãos, se avaliou a adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotipica de 12 genótipos de arroz sob condiçOes de solos com e sem inundação, visando a seleção de materiais com adaptação ampla ou especifica. 0ito experimentos foram conduzidos nos estados de Meta, Tolima e Huila, localizados na região leste da Colombia, durante os anos de 2005 e 2006. 0  delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetiçOes. Para a avaliação da adaptabilidade e estabilidade, utilizaram-se os métodos propostos por Eberhart e Russell, e Annichiarico. A anãlise de variãncia revelou a existéncia da interação genótipo-ambiente. As duas metodologias revelaram resultados semelhantes. 0 genótipo 400094 foi considerado adaptãvel e estãvel segundo as metodologias empregadas, e deve ser recomendado para as duas condiçOes de cultivo avaliadas.

  5. Entre Comunicação e História: o indiciarismo como metodologia para pesquisas históricas sobre a imprensa

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    Hérica Lene


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo abordar o indiciarismo como metodologia para as pesquisas de História dos Meios de Comunicação ou das Mídias, entendendo ambos como parte de um campo mais amplo: História da Comunicação. Nesse sentido, seguimos a caracterização feita por Ana Paula Goulart Ribeiro e Micael Herschmann (2008 sobre o campo de estudos da Comunicação em termos de metodologia e pesquisa. Como exemplo de aplicação do método científico de estudos indiciários nesse campo, analisamos a obra “História Cultural da Imprensa Brasil – 1800-1900” (2010, de autoria da pesquisadora Marialva Barbosa. O indiciarismo foi criado pelo historiador italiano Carlo Ginzburg com base na obra “Mitos, emblemas e sinais” (2009, na qual ele apresenta o paradigma do saber indiciário, inspirado em Sigmund Freud, Sherlock Holmes, o crítico de arte Morelli e muitos outros.

  6. Redox signaling in the growth and development of colonial hydroids. (United States)

    Blackstone, Neil W


    Redox signaling provides a quick and efficient mechanism for clonal or colonial organisms to adapt their growth and development to aspects of the environment, e.g. the food supply. A 'signature' of mitochondrial redox signaling, particularly as mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS), can be elucidated by experimental manipulation of the electron transport chain. The major sites of ROS formation are found at NADH dehydrogenase of complex I and at the interface between coenzyme Q and complex III. Inhibitors of complex III should thus upregulate ROS from both sites; inhibitors of complex I should upregulate ROS from the first but not the second site, while uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation should downregulate ROS from both sites. To investigate the possibility of such redox signaling, perturbations of colony growth and development were carried out using the hydroid Podocoryna carnea. Oxygen uptake of colonies was measured to determine comparable physiological doses of antimycin A(1) (an inhibitor of complex III), rotenone (an inhibitor of complex I) and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP; an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation). Using these doses, clear effects on colony growth and development were obtained. Treatment with antimycin A(1) results in 'runner-like' colony growth, with widely spaced polyps and stolon branches, while treatment with CCCP results in 'sheet-like' growth, with closely spaced polyps and stolon branches. Parallel results have been obtained previously with azide, an inhibitor of complex IV, and dinitrophenol, another uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. Perhaps surprisingly, rotenone produced effects on colony development similar to those of CCCP. Assays of peroxides using 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate and fluorescent microscopy suggest a moderate difference in ROS formation between the antimycin and rotenone treatments. The second site of ROS formation (the interface between coenzyme Q and complex III) may thus

  7. Pathogens as Predictors of Honey Bee Colony Strength in England and Wales. (United States)

    Budge, Giles E; Pietravalle, Stéphane; Brown, Mike; Laurenson, Lynn; Jones, Ben; Tomkies, Victoria; Delaplane, Keith S


    Inspectors with the UK National Bee Unit were asked for 2007-2008 to target problem apiaries in England and Wales for pathogen screening and colony strength measures. Healthy colonies were included in the sampling to provide a continuum of health conditions. A total of 406 adult bee samples was screened and yielded 7 viral, 1 bacterial, and 2 microsporidial pathogens and 1 ectoparasite (Acarapis woodi). In addition, 108 samples of brood were screened and yielded 4 honey bee viruses. Virus prevalence varied from common (deformed wing virus, black queen cell virus) to complete absence (Israeli acute paralysis virus). When colonies were forced into one of two classes, strong or weak, the weak colonies contained more pathogens in adult bees. Among observed pathogens, only deformed wing virus was able to predict colony strength. The effect was negative such that colonies testing positive for deformed wing virus were likely to have fewer combs of bees or brood. This study constitutes the first record for Nosema ceranae in Great Britain. These results contribute to the growing body of evidence linking pathogens to poor honey bee health.

  8. Indigenous education during the pre-colonial period in Southern Africa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... process was intimately integrated with the social, cultural, artistic, religious and recreational life of the indigenous peoples. This article discusses different forms of indigenous education that existed in Southern Africa during the pre-colonial period. Keywords: Pre-colonial period, indigenous education, indigenous people,

  9. Thermally adapted design strategy of colonial houses in Surabaya (United States)

    Antaryama, I. G. N.; Ekasiwi, S. N. N.; Mappajaya, A.; Ulum, M. S.


    Colonial buildings, including houses, have been considered as a representation of climate-responsive architecture. The design was thought to be a hybrid model of Dutch and tropical architecture. It was created by way of reinventing tropical and Dutch architecture design principles, and expressed in a new form, i.e. neither resembling Dutch nor tropical building. Aside from this new image, colonial house does show good climatic responses. Previous researches on colonial house generally focus on qualitative assessment of climate performance of the building. Yet this kind of study tends to concentrate on building elements, e.g. wall, window, etc. The present study is designed to give more complete picture of architecture design strategy of the house by exploring and analysing thermal performance of colonial buildings and their related architecture design strategies. Field measurements are conducted during the dry season in several colonial building in Surabaya. Air temperature and humidity are both taken, representing internal and external thermal conditions of the building. These data are then evaluated to determine thermal performance of the house. Finally, various design strategies are examined in order to reveal their significant contributions to its thermal performance. Results of the study in Surabaya confirm findings of the previous researches that are conducted in other locations, which stated that thermal performance of the house is generally good. Passive design strategies such as mass effect and ventilation play an important role in determining performance of the building.

  10. FluG affects secretion in colonies of Aspergillus niger. (United States)

    Wang, Fengfeng; Krijgsheld, Pauline; Hulsman, Marc; de Bekker, Charissa; Müller, Wally H; Reinders, Marcel; de Vries, Ronald P; Wösten, Han A B


    Colonies of Aspergillus niger are characterized by zonal heterogeneity in growth, sporulation, gene expression and secretion. For instance, the glucoamylase gene glaA is more highly expressed at the periphery of colonies when compared to the center. As a consequence, its encoded protein GlaA is mainly secreted at the outer part of the colony. Here, multiple copies of amyR were introduced in A. niger. Most transformants over-expressing this regulatory gene of amylolytic genes still displayed heterogeneous glaA expression and GlaA secretion. However, heterogeneity was abolished in transformant UU-A001.13 by expressing glaA and secreting GlaA throughout the mycelium. Sequencing the genome of UU-A001.13 revealed that transformation had been accompanied by deletion of part of the fluG gene and disrupting its 3' end by integration of a transformation vector. Inactivation of fluG in the wild-type background of A. niger also resulted in breakdown of starch under the whole colony. Asexual development of the ∆fluG strain was not affected, unlike what was previously shown in Aspergillus nidulans. Genes encoding proteins with a signal sequence for secretion, including part of the amylolytic genes, were more often downregulated in the central zone of maltose-grown ∆fluG colonies and upregulated in the intermediate part and periphery when compared to the wild-type. Together, these data indicate that FluG of A. niger is a repressor of secretion.

  11. Energy Colonialism Powers the Ongoing Unnatural Disaster in Puerto Rico

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    Catalina M. de Onís


    Full Text Available On September 20, 2017, Hurricane María made landfall in Puerto Rico. Blasting the Caribbean archipelago with 155-mile/h winds, this, in many ways, unnatural disaster exposed the brutal consequences of energy colonialism and an extractivist economy, as well as ongoing and increasing advocacy for decentralized solar infrastructure by many local residents and other renewables supporters. This paper argues that acknowledging colonial power relations and their consequences is essential for studying the interplay of energy systems, environments, and actors. To support this claim, this essay outlines Puerto Rico’s history as a US colony by focusing on key policies and their implications; examines openings for and barriers to decentralized, community solar in Puerto Rico; and concludes by discussing future research directions on just energy transitions and the imperative of uprooting colonialism and agitating for community self-determination and energy justice in these transformations.

  12. Visualization of Biosurfactant Film Flow in a Bacillus subtilis Swarm Colony on an Agar Plate. (United States)

    Kim, Kyunghoon; Kim, Jung Kyung


    Collective bacterial dynamics plays a crucial role in colony development. Although many research groups have studied the behavior of fluidic swarm colonies, the detailed mechanics of its motion remains elusive. Here, we developed a visualization method using submicron fluorescent beads for investigating the flow field in a thin layer of fluid that covers a Bacillus subtilis swarm colony growing on an agar plate. The beads were initially embedded in the agar plate and subsequently distributed spontaneously at the upper surface of the expanding colony. We conducted long-term live cell imaging of the B. subtilis colony using the fluorescent tracers, and obtained high-resolution velocity maps of microscale vortices in the swarm colony using particle image velocimetry. A distinct periodic fluctuation in the average speed and vorticity of flow in swarm colony was observed at the inner region of the colony, and correlated with the switch between bacterial swarming and growth phases. At the advancing edge of the colony, both the magnitudes of velocity and vorticity of flow in swarm colony were inversely correlated with the spreading speed of the swarm edge. The advanced imaging tool developed in this study would facilitate further understanding of the effect of micro vortices in swarm colony on the collective dynamics of bacteria.

  13. Globalization as Continuing Colonialism: Critical Global Citizenship Education in an Unequal World (United States)

    Mikander, Pia


    In an unequal world, education about global inequality can be seen as a controversial but necessary topic for social science to deal with. Even though the world no longer consists of colonies and colonial powers, many aspects of the global economy follow the same patterns as during colonial times, with widening gaps between the world's richest and…

  14. Viral prevalence increases with regional colony abundance in honey bee drones (Apis mellifera L). (United States)

    Forfert, Nadège; Natsopoulou, Myrsini E; Paxton, Robert J; Moritz, Robin F A


    Transmission among colonies is a central feature for the epidemiology of honey bee pathogens. High colony abundance may promote transmission among colonies independently of apiary layout, making colony abundance a potentially important parameter determining pathogen prevalence in populations of honey bees. To test this idea, we sampled male honey bees (drones) from seven distinct drone congregation areas (DCA), and used their genotypes to estimate colony abundance at each site. A multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification assay (MLPA) was used to assess the prevalence of ten viruses, using five common viral targets, in individual drones. There was a significant positive association between colony abundance and number of viral infections. This result highlights the potential importance of high colony abundance for pathogen prevalence, possibly because high population density facilitates pathogen transmission. Pathogen prevalence in drones collected from DCAs may be a useful means of estimating the disease status of a population of honey bees during the mating season, especially for localities with a large number of wild or feral colonies. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Pathogen prevalence and abundance in honey bee colonies involved in almond pollination. (United States)

    Cavigli, Ian; Daughenbaugh, Katie F; Martin, Madison; Lerch, Michael; Banner, Katie; Garcia, Emma; Brutscher, Laura M; Flenniken, Michelle L

    Honey bees are important pollinators of agricultural crops. Since 2006, US beekeepers have experienced high annual honey bee colony losses, which may be attributed to multiple abiotic and biotic factors, including pathogens. However, the relative importance of these factors has not been fully elucidated. To identify the most prevalent pathogens and investigate the relationship between colony strength and health, we assessed pathogen occurrence, prevalence, and abundance in Western US honey bee colonies involved in almond pollination. The most prevalent pathogens were Black queen cell virus (BQCV), Lake Sinai virus 2 (LSV2), Sacbrood virus (SBV), Nosema ceranae , and trypanosomatids. Our results indicated that pathogen prevalence and abundance were associated with both sampling date and beekeeping operation, that prevalence was highest in honey bee samples obtained immediately after almond pollination, and that weak colonies had a greater mean pathogen prevalence than strong colonies.

  16. Combating Varroa destructor in Honeybee Colonies Using Flumethrin or Fluvalinate

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    A. Gregorc


    Full Text Available Mite mortality in two apiaries, one with 32 and the other with 15 honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica colonies, was recorded prior to and after flumethrin or fluvalinate treatments and after a control, oxalic-acid application. During the 42- and 51-day pre-treatment periods, the average daily natural mite drop was 0.04 (± 0.04 and 2.82 (± 2.19, respectively, which represents 1.09% (± 1.06 and 3.84% (± 3.04 of the total number of mites found during the experiment. The flumethrin or fluvalinate applications resulted in an average mite mortality at the two apiaries of 214.46 (± 260.02 and 4,098.64 (± 2,508.31. The treatments resulted in a 19.11% (± 14.62 and a 39.28% (± 10.47 reduction in the number of mites in slightly infested colonies and 94.30% (± 4.26 and 96.24% (± 3.14 in highly infested colonies. The difference in treatment efficacy between both apiaries was significant (P < 0.001 and indicates that fluvalinate and flumethrin are highly efficacious in dealing with highly infested honeybee colonies with sealed brood. The importance of effective mite control in colonies with a high level of natural mite mortality is discussed in this study.

  17. Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae in Costa Rica: population dynamics and its influence on the colony condition of Africanized honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae

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    Rafael A Calderón


    Full Text Available The development of Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman (Mesostigmata: Varroidae population dynamics in Africanized honey bees, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae colonies was monitored from February to July 2004 in Atenas, Costa Rica. A correlation between the mite infestation level and the colony condition was evaluated. For each colony, infestation of varroa in adult bees was measured twice a month. Sticky boards were placed on the bottom boards of each colony to collect fallen mites. The condition of the colonies was evaluated by measuring the amount of brood and adult bees. Our results consistently showed that mite infestation on adult bees increased significantly in the experimental colonies, rising to 10.0% by the end of the experiment. In addition, the mean mite fall increased significantly over the course of the study in the treated (R= 0.72, PLa dinámica poblacional del ácaro Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman (Mesostigmata: Varroidae en abejas africanizadas, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae fue monitoreada de febrero a julio 2004, en Atenas, Costa Rica. Asimismo, se analizó la relación entre el nivel de infestación de varroa y la condición de la colmena. La infestación del ácaro V. destructor fue evaluada en abejas adultas dos veces al mes. Además, se colocaron trampas adhesivas en el fondo de la colmena para recoger los ácaros que caen naturalmente. La condición de la colmena fue determinada midiendo la cantidad de cría y la población de abejas adultas. La infestación del ácaro V. destructor en abejas adultas aumentó significativamente durante el estudio hasta alcanzar un 10.0%. Igualmente, la caída natural de ácaros se incrementó, tanto en colmenas que fueron tratadas previa-mente con un acaricida químico (R= 0.72, P<0.05 como en colmenas sin tratamiento (R= 0.74, P<0.05, hasta llegar a 63.8 y 73.5 ácaros por día, respectivamente. El aumento de la infestación en las colmenas coincidió con una

  18. All you can eat: is food supply unlimited in a colonially breeding bird?


    Hoi, Herbert; Kri?tof?k, J?n; Darolov?, Al?beta


    Food availability is generally considered to determine breeding site selection and therefore plays an important role in hypotheses explaining the evolution of colony formation. Hypotheses trying to explain why birds join a colony usually assume that food is not limited, whereas those explaining variation in colony size suggest that food is under constraint. In this study, we investigate the composition and amount of food items not eaten by the nestlings and found in nest burrows of colonially...

  19. Honey bees as indicators of radionuclide contamination: exploring colony variability and temporal contaminant accumulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haarmann, T.K.


    Two aspects of using honey bees, Apis mellifera, as indicators of environmental radionuclide contamination were investigated: colony variability and temporal contaminant accumulation. Two separate field experiments were conducted in areas with bioavailable radionuclide contamination. Bees were collected from colonies, analysed for concentrations of radionuclides, and the results were compared using graphical and statistical methods. The first experiment indicates that generally a low variability exists between samples collected within the same colony. A higher variability exists between samples collected from adjacent colonies. Levels of tritium and sodium-22 found in samples taken from similar colonies were inconsistent, while levels of cobalt-57, cobalt-60 and manganese-54 were consistent. A second experiment investigated the accumulation of radionuclides over time by comparing colonies that had been in the study area for different periods of time. This experiment demonstrated that there is indeed a significant accumulation of radionuclides within colonies

  20. All you can eat: is food supply unlimited in a colonially breeding bird? (United States)

    Hoi, Herbert; Krištofík, Ján; Darolová, Alžbeta


    Food availability is generally considered to determine breeding site selection and therefore plays an important role in hypotheses explaining the evolution of colony formation. Hypotheses trying to explain why birds join a colony usually assume that food is not limited, whereas those explaining variation in colony size suggest that food is under constraint. In this study, we investigate the composition and amount of food items not eaten by the nestlings and found in nest burrows of colonially nesting European bee-eaters (Merops apiaster). We aimed to determine whether this unconsumed food is an indicator of unlimited food supply, the result of mistakes during food transfer between parents and chicks or foraging selectivity of chicks. Therefore, we investigated the amount of dropped food for each nest in relation to reproductive performance and parameters reflecting parental quality. Our data suggest that parents carry more food to the nest than chicks can eat and, hence, food is not limited. This assumption is supported by the facts that there is a positive relationship between dropped food found in a nest and the number of fledglings, nestling age, and chick health condition and that the amount of dropped food is independent of colony size. There is variation in the amount of dropped food within colonies, suggesting that parent foraging efficiency may also be an important determinant. Pairs nesting in the center of a colony performed better than those nesting on the edge, which supports the assumption that quality differences between parents are important as well. However, dropped food cannot be used as an indicator of local food availability as (1) within-colony variation in dropped food is larger than between colony variation and, (2) the average amount of dropped food is not related to colony size.

  1. Pathogenesis of varroosis at the level of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony. (United States)

    Wegener, J; Ruhnke, H; Scheller, K; Mispagel, S; Knollmann, U; Kamp, G; Bienefeld, K


    The parasitic mite Varroa destructor, in interaction with different viruses, is the main cause of honey bee colony mortality in most parts of the world. Here we studied how effects of individual-level parasitization are reflected by the bee colony as a whole. We measured disease progression in an apiary of 24 hives with differing degree of mite infestation, and investigated its relationship to 28 biometrical, physiological and biochemical indicators. In early summer, when the most heavily infested colonies already showed reduced growth, an elevated ratio of brood to bees, as well as a strong presence of phenoloxidase/prophenoloxidase in hive bees were found to be predictors of the time of colony collapse. One month later, the learning performance of worker bees as well as the activity of glucose oxidase measured from head extracts were significantly linked to the timing of colony collapse. Colonies at the brink of collapse were characterized by reduced weight of winter bees and a strong increase in their relative body water content. Our data confirm the importance of the immune system, known from studies of individually-infested bees, for the pathogenesis of varroosis at colony level. However, they also show that single-bee effects cannot always be extrapolated to the colony as a whole. This fact, together with the prominent role of colony-level factors like the ratio between brood and bees for disease progression, stress the importance of the superorganismal dimension of Varroa research. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Disquisiciones en torno al portunhol selvagem. Del horror de los profesores a una “lengua pura”

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    Jorge J. Locane


    Full Text Available Los Estados-nación latinoamericanos fueron fundados por las élites criollas a partir de una ideología monolingüe que debía organizar también las literaturas nacionales. Frente a este principio, recientemente han comenzado a ganar visibilidad literaturas producidas en zonas de tránsito cultural y lingüístico que cuestionan aquellos órdenes de cuño colonial. Este estudio destaca la importancia de la literatura elaborada en la frontera entre Brasil, Uruguay, Argentina y Paraguay, y pone en evidencia cómo su emergencia, al haber provocado la reacción de voceros de agencias normativas, no deja de problematizar intereses culturales y comerciales. Latin American nation states were founded by creole elites based on a monolingual ideology that should also organize national literatures. In opposition to this principle, literatures produced in areas of cultural and linguistic transit have recently begun to gain visibility questioning those colonial orders. This study highlights the importance of literature produced on the border between Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay and demonstrates how its emergence, having caused the regulatory agencies spokesmen’s reaction, problematizes cultural and commercial interests.

  3. The legacy of empire: post-colonial immigrants in Western Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Amersfoort, H.


    In the literature regarding immigration and immigrants in the various West European states, the label post-colonial migration and/or post-colonial immigrants is regularly used. The use of such a general label suggests that there is a fundamental similarity between this kind of migrations setting it

  4. Analysis of Colonial Currency (United States)

    Kurkowski, Michael; Cangany, Catherine; Jordan, Louis; Manukyan, Khachatur; Schultz, Zachary; Wiescher, Michael


    This project entailed studying the cellulose in paper, the ink, colorants, and other materials used to produce American colonial currency. The technique primarily used in this project was X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF). XRF mapping was used to provide both elemental analysis of large-scale objects as well as microscopic examination of individual pigment particles in ink, in addition to the inorganic additives used to prepare paper. The combination of elemental mapping with Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Raman Spectroscopies permits an efficient analysis of the currency. These spectroscopic methods help identify the molecular composition of the pigments. This combination of atomic and molecular analytical techniques provided an in-depth characterization of the paper currency on the macro, micro, and molecular levels. We have identified several of pigments that were used in the preparation of inks and colorants. Also, different inorganic crystals, such as alumina-silicates, have been detected in different papers. The FTIR spectroscopy allowed us to determine the type of cellulose fiber used in the production of paper currency. Our future research will be directed toward revealing important historical relationships between currencies printed throughout the colonies. ISLA Da Vinci Grant.

  5. The genetics of colony form and function in Caribbean Acropora corals. (United States)

    Hemond, Elizabeth M; Kaluziak, Stefan T; Vollmer, Steven V


    Colonial reef-building corals have evolved a broad spectrum of colony morphologies based on coordinated asexual reproduction of polyps on a secreted calcium carbonate skeleton. Though cnidarians have been shown to possess and use similar developmental genes to bilaterians during larval development and polyp formation, little is known about genetic regulation of colony morphology in hard corals. We used RNA-seq to evaluate transcriptomic differences between functionally distinct regions of the coral (apical branch tips and branch bases) in two species of Caribbean Acropora, the staghorn coral, A. cervicornis, and the elkhorn coral, A. palmata. Transcriptome-wide gene profiles differed significantly between different parts of the coral colony as well as between species. Genes showing differential expression between branch tips and bases were involved in developmental signaling pathways, such as Wnt, Notch, and BMP, as well as pH regulation, ion transport, extracellular matrix production and other processes. Differences both within colonies and between species identify a relatively small number of genes that may contribute to the distinct "staghorn" versus "elkhorn" morphologies of these two sister species. The large number of differentially expressed genes supports a strong division of labor between coral branch tips and branch bases. Genes involved in growth of mature Acropora colonies include the classical signaling pathways associated with development of cnidarian larvae and polyps as well as morphological determination in higher metazoans.

  6. A Generalized Ant Colony Algorithm for Job一shop Scheduling Problem

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    ZHANG Hong-Guo


    Full Text Available Aiming at the problem of ant colony algorithm for solving Job一shop scheduling problem. Considering the complexity of the algorithm that uses disjunctive graph to describe the relationship between workpiece processing. To solve the problem of optimal solution,a generalized ant colony algorithm is proposed. Under the premise of considering constrained relationship between equipment and process,the pheromone update mechanism is applied to solve Job-shop scheduling problem,so as to improve the quality of the solution. In order to improve the search efficiency,according to the state transition rules of ant colony algorithm,this paper makes a detailed study on the selection and improvement of the parameters in the algorithm,and designs the pheromone update strategy. Experimental results show that a generalized ant colony algorithm is more feasible and more effective. Compared with other algorithms in the literature,the results prove that the algorithm improves in computing the optimal solution and convergence speed.

  7. Colonial adventures in tropical agriculture

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buelens, Frans; Frankema, Ewout


    How profitable were foreign investments in plantation agriculture in the Netherlands Indies during the late colonial era? We use a new dataset of monthly quoted stock prices and dividends of international companies at the Brussels stock exchange to estimate the returns to investment in tropical

  8. Education of the Peasantry in Zimbabwe as Internal Colonialism

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    Munyaradzi Hwami


    Full Text Available This article utilizes internal colonial analyses to explore and understand the difficult educational conditions students from peasantry background experience in Zimbabwe’s universities. The article proposes that the subordinate position and related educational experiences of peasantry students since the year 2000 are exploitative and to the advantage of the elite to such an extent that peasants are an internal colony. The analysis is informed by critical anti-colonial perspectives that observe the hegemonic tendencies of global and local capital in collusion with dictatorial elite nationalists. By use of a critical interpretive case study of purposefully sampled students and other relevant members of the university community from one public university, disturbing student experiences were excavated. Student narratives and experiences were analyzed using the constant comparative method and led to the conclusion that there is internal colonialism in Zimbabwe where an alliance of the state and the local and global corporate world are colluding to maintain their economic and political dominance. The article challenges those in education and academics that there is need for the decolonization of education by first identifying contemporary hegemonic forces and recognizing students from the peasantry as victims of the emerging kleptocratic capitalism.

  9. Honeybee Colony Vibrational Measurements to Highlight the Brood Cycle.

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    Martin Bencsik

    Full Text Available Insect pollination is of great importance to crop production worldwide and honey bees are amongst its chief facilitators. Because of the decline of managed colonies, the use of sensor technology is growing in popularity and it is of interest to develop new methods which can more accurately and less invasively assess honey bee colony status. Our approach is to use accelerometers to measure vibrations in order to provide information on colony activity and development. The accelerometers provide amplitude and frequency information which is recorded every three minutes and analysed for night time only. Vibrational data were validated by comparison to visual inspection data, particularly the brood development. We show a strong correlation between vibrational amplitude data and the brood cycle in the vicinity of the sensor. We have further explored the minimum data that is required, when frequency information is also included, to accurately predict the current point in the brood cycle. Such a technique should enable beekeepers to reduce the frequency with which visual inspections are required, reducing the stress this places on the colony and saving the beekeeper time.

  10. Lessons in modularity: the evolutionary ecology of colonial invertebrates

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    Roger N. Hughes


    Full Text Available Benthic colonial invertebrates share with higher plants a modular construction and a sessile adult life. Both types of organism show parallel evolutionary responses to common selective forces, but in contrast to the long-established focus on plants, comparable study of colonial invertebrates has developed relatively recently, largely owing to the application of new techniques in image processing and molecular biology. Species whose life cycles are readily completed under laboratory conditions and whose colonies are easily propagated from cuttings provide powerful models for experimentally investigating fundamental evolutionary problems, including metabolic allometry, the manifestation of ageing and the origin of allorecognition systems. Free of the confounding influences of behavioural manipulation and costs of copulation, colonial invertebrates whose water-borne sperm fertilize retained eggs lend themselves well to the experimental study of cryptic female choice, sperm competition and sexual conflict. In these respects, it will be productive to adopt and extend theoretical frameworks developed for flowering plants to guide experimental investigation of modular animals. Since mate choice occurs at the cellular level in modular animals, reproductive isolation is uncorrelated with morphology and cryptic speciation is likely to be widespread.

  11. Lower disease infections in honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies headed by polyandrous vs monandrous queens (United States)

    Tarpy, David R.; Seeley, Thomas D.


    We studied the relationship between genetic diversity and disease susceptibility in honeybee colonies living under natural conditions. To do so, we created colonies in which each queen was artificially inseminated with sperm from either one or ten drones. Of the 20 colonies studied, 80% showed at least one brood disease. We found strong differences between the two types of colonies in the infection intensity of chalkbrood and in the total intensity of all brood diseases (chalkbrood, sacbrood, American foulbrood, and European foulbrood) with both variables lower for the colonies with higher genetic diversity. Our findings demonstrate that disease can be an important factor in the ecology of honeybee colonies and they provide strong support for the disease hypothesis for the evolution of polyandry by social insect queens.

  12. Saranno Rispettati Come Per il Passato. Italian Colonial Policy towards Libyan Religious Endowments


    GAZZINI, Claudia


    This paper offers a survey of Italian colonial policy towards Muslim religious endowments (waqf, pl. awqaf) in Libya from 1911 to 1943. Through an analysis of 41 lawsuits presented to the colonial Court of Appeals and a detailed survey of the laws promulgated to reform the administration of the awqaf in Libya, this study reveals the legal mechanisms adopted by Italian jurists to regulate awqaf matters in their only North African colony. It demonstrates that, unlike other colonial powers in th...

  13. Narrativas em convergências: ser-agir em uma metodologia complexa / Narratives in convergences: being-acting in a complex methodology

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    Felipe Gustsack


    Full Text Available Esse estudo questiona a suficiência dos aportes teóricos vinculados ao paradigma da complexidade para a emergência de uma metodologia complexa da aprendizagem e demais afazeres do campo da educação. Nossas hipóteses partem da convicção de que tais constructos dão conta dessas especificidades, potencializando o conhecer como um ser-agir em convivência. Procuramos demonstrar essa perspectiva, nesse texto, procedendo à descrição do funcionamento do Grupo de Ações e Investigações Autopoiéticas - GAIA, colocando-nos como sujeitos das ações de pesquisa, como observadores implicados no ato mesmo de observar, o que vincula este estudo às abordagensautopoiéticas e metacognitivas. O desafio é possibilitar, a partir de vivências dialógicas em ambientes complexos como as redes presenciais e virtuais de aprendizagens, novas compreensões acerca da inseparabilidade do conhecer-viver como fluxo passível de aplicação na educação. Articulando pesquisas de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, os pesquisadores envolvidos com o GAIA tendem a convergir na defesa de uma educação que se tece junto; que faz emergir o respeito mútuo, a amorosidade e também a morosidade necessária ao ser-agir na consciência de que cada organismo conspira para a vida com seu próprio ritmo e implicações cósmicas. Nossas conclusões apontam para vínculos significativos entre os recortes teóricos apresentados e a compreensão do observar-agir com um modo de pesquisar e de aprender, tendo como veículos as narrativas dogrupo em convergências diversas, processo que nominamos como ontoepistemogênese. Além disso, demonstramos com esse estudo a processualidade das narrativas como fluxos que nos permitem mapear uma metodologia complexa, que emerge e faz emergir o ser-conhecer a partir de padrões que conectam e marcadores conceituais.AbstractEse estudio cuestiona la suficiencia de los aportes teóricos vinculados al paradigma de la complejidad para la

  14. Colony size distributions according to in vitro aging in human skin fibroblasts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jun Sang; Kim, Jae Sung; Cho, Moon June; Park, Jeong Kyu; Paik, Tae Hyun


    To investigate the percentage of colonies with 16 or more cells distribution of human skin fibroblast according to in vitro aging, and to evaluate the relationship between percentage of colonies with 16 or more cells and in vivo donor age in human skin fibroblast culture. C1, C2, C3a, and C3b human skin fibroblast samples from three breast cancer patients were used as subjects. The C1, C2, and C3a donor were 44, 54, and 55 years old, respectively. C3a and C3b cells were isolated from the same person. Single cell suspension of skin fibroblasts was prepared with primary explant technique. One hundred cells are plated into 100ml tissue culture flask and cultured for two weeks. The colony size was defined as colonies with 16 or more cells. The cultured cell was stained with crystal violet, and number of cells in each colony was determined with stereo microscope at x 10 magnification. Passage number of C1, C2, C3a and C3b skin fibroblast were 12th, 17th, and 14th, respectively. Percentage of colonies with 16 or more cells of skin fibroblast samples decreased with increasing in vitro passage number. In contrast, cumulative population doublings of skin fibroblast sample increased with increasing in vitro passage number. Percentage of colonies with 16 or more cells also decreased with increasing population doublings in human skin fibroblast culture. There was strong correlation with percentage of colonised with 16 or more cells and population doublings in C3a skin fibroblast sample. At the same point of population doublings, the percentage of colonies with 16 or more cells of the young C1 donor was higher level than the old C3a donor. The population doublings increased with increasing in vitro passage number but percentage of colonies with 16 or more cells decreased. The results of this study imply that percentage of colonies with 16 or more cells is useful as a indicator of in vitro human skin fibroblast aging and may estimate the in vivo donor age

  15. Design e valutazione di una esperienza di mobile learning

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    Marco Arrigo


    Full Text Available Analisi dello sviluppo scientifico e tecnologico nel campo di mobile learning, con particolare riferimento ai problemi di progettazione e valutazione nelle esperienze. Vengono analizzate le caratteristiche di metodologia didattica innovativa insieme a delle proposte per strumenti operativi concreti che consentano di progettare interventi didattici di mobile learning.

  16. Metodologia multivariada para avaliação do risco de crédito de operações bancárias


    Moura, Heber José de


    Apresenta iane metodologia para etribuir texas de risco em empréstimos bancários, a partir do perfil ele risco pela operação solicitada. Baseia-se na existência de relações conjuntas entre os atributos associados às entidades Cliente, Operação e Conjuntura para a formação do risco de crédito do empréstimo.

  17. Pathogens as Predictors of Honey Bee Colony Strength in England and Wales.

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    Giles E Budge

    Full Text Available Inspectors with the UK National Bee Unit were asked for 2007-2008 to target problem apiaries in England and Wales for pathogen screening and colony strength measures. Healthy colonies were included in the sampling to provide a continuum of health conditions. A total of 406 adult bee samples was screened and yielded 7 viral, 1 bacterial, and 2 microsporidial pathogens and 1 ectoparasite (Acarapis woodi. In addition, 108 samples of brood were screened and yielded 4 honey bee viruses. Virus prevalence varied from common (deformed wing virus, black queen cell virus to complete absence (Israeli acute paralysis virus. When colonies were forced into one of two classes, strong or weak, the weak colonies contained more pathogens in adult bees. Among observed pathogens, only deformed wing virus was able to predict colony strength. The effect was negative such that colonies testing positive for deformed wing virus were likely to have fewer combs of bees or brood. This study constitutes the first record for Nosema ceranae in Great Britain. These results contribute to the growing body of evidence linking pathogens to poor honey bee health.

  18. Worker life tables, survivorship, and longevity in colonies of Bombus (Fervidobombus atratus (Hymenoptera: Apidae

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    Eunice Vieira da Silva-Matos


    Full Text Available Survivorship curves and longevity of workers were studied in two queenright and two queenless colonies of Bombus (Fervidobombus atratus. Survivorship curves for workers of all colonies were, in general, convex, indicating an increasing mortality rate with increasing age. The mean longevity for the workers from queenright colonies, 24.3 days and 17.6 days, was not significantly different from that in queenless colonies, 21.2 days and 20.2 days. In all colonies workers started foraging activities when aged 0-5 days, and the potential forager rates rose progressively with increasing age. Mortality rates within each age interval were significantly correlated with the foraging worker rates in all colonies. Only in two of the colonies (one queenright and one queenless longevity was significantly correlated with worker size. The duration of brood development period seems to be one of the most important factors influencing adult worker longevity in this bumble bee species.

  19. Growth of human T lymphocyte colonies from whole blood: culture requirements and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knox, S.J.; Wilson, F.D.; Greenberg, B.R.; Shifrine, M.


    Growth of human lymphocyte colonies from whole blood following stimulation with PHA, Con A, or PPD is described. Individual colony cells were identified as T lymphocytes on the basis of surface marker and enzyme cytochemical characterizations. Colony formation increased as a power function over a wide range of cell concentrations above a critical minimal concentration. The whole blood culture system eliminates possible selective effects of lymphocyte colony techniques utilizing gradient-enriched lymphocyte fractions and more closely approximates the in vivo milieu. The whole blood colony method is more sensitive for the detection of low-level radiation effects on lymphocytes than widely used tests that measure 3 H-thymidine incorporation. In preliminary studies, researchers used the whole blood method to determine the relative radiosensitivity of lymphocytes from humans with various hematopoietic disorders, and observed abnormalities in mitogen responsiveness and colony formation in some of the patient groups. This method has wide application for studies in cellular and clinical immunology

  20. Volumetric Analysis of 3-D-Cultured Colonies in Wet Alginate Spots Using 384-Pillar Plate. (United States)

    Lee, Dong Woo; Choi, Yea-Jun; Lee, Sang-Yun; Kim, Myoung-Hee; Doh, Il; Ryu, Gyu Ha; Choi, Soo-Mi


    The volumetric analysis of three-dimensional (3-D)-cultured colonies in alginate spots has been proposed to increase drug efficacy. In a previously developed pillar/well chip platform, colonies within spots are usually stained and dried for analysis of cell viability using two-dimensional (2-D) fluorescent images. Since the number of viable cells in colonies is directly related to colony volume, we proposed the 3-D analysis of colonies for high-accuracy cell viability calculation. The spots were immersed in buffer, and the 3-D volume of each colony was calculated from the 2-D stacking fluorescent images of the spot with different focal positions. In the experiments with human gastric carcinoma cells and anticancer drugs, we compared cell viability values calculated using the 2-D area and 3-D volume of colonies in the wet and dried alginate spots, respectively. The IC 50 value calculated using the 3-D volume of the colonies (9.5 μM) was less than that calculated in the 2-D area analysis (121.5 μM). We observed that the colony showed a more sensitive drug response regarding volume calculated from the 3-D image reconstructed using several confocal images than regarding colony area calculated in the 2-D analysis.

  1. A metodologia adotada para a construção de um banco de questões de geometria

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    Aline Silva De Bona


    Full Text Available O trabalho apresenta a metodologia construída por uma professora e um licenciando em Matemática para desenvolver um banco de questões de geometria, segundo três tipos de enunciado e em três níveis de dificuldade. Tal banco de questões será parte integrante de um aplicativo que visa verificar previamente os conhecimentos dos estudantes ingressantes no ensino superior, particularmente, do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática do IFRS–Campus Osório. O objetivo do trabalho é compartilhar a forma de trabalho da seleção e classificação das questões a compor o banco. A metodologia é um relato de experiência de cunho qualitativo, e significativo a todos licenciando de matemática pelo apontamento do quanto é complexo e exige estudos construir atividades de sala de aula. As questões selecionadas são todas públicas, ou seja, compiladas a partir de processos seletivos públicos de nível médio. Aponta-se como resultado parcial a experiência de se planejar atividades desde a sua seleção, classificação e organização para um futuro docente, pois exige estudos de matemática e educação matemática, e essa ação será frequente na sua vida profissional de acordo com o ano da escola básica que selecionará.

  2. Numerical simulation of the vertical migration of Microcystis (cyanobacteria colonies based on turbulence drag

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    Hongru Zhao


    Full Text Available The vertical migration and accumulation of Microcystis is an important process in water blooms, and colony migration is influenced by colony size and wind-wave disturbance. The vertical migration of Microcystis colonies in turbulence can be simulated in a numerical model. In this study, we model such migration by coupling the colony size and hydrodynamics, including the gravity, colony buoyancy, and the viscous drag force of turbulence. The turbulence intensity was represented by the turbulent kinetic energy (KZ; the larger the KZ, the stronger the wind-wave disturbance. The simulated vertical distribution of Microcystis well agreed with the measured values in a laboratory experiment indicating that our model can simulate the vertical distribution of Microcystis under different hydrodynamic conditions. We also found a size-dependent critical turbulent kinetic energy (TKZ, such that if the turbulent kinetic energy of water exceeds the critical value (i.e., KZ > TKZ, the colonies sink under the drag forces of turbulence; conversely, if KZ < TKZ, the colonies can overcome the turbulent mixing and float. The TKZ of each colony was linearly related to colony diameter. The model is crucial for prediction and prevention of water blooms. The simulated threshold turbulent kinetic energy, at which water blooms disappear in Lake Taihu (a large freshwater lake in the Yangtze Delta, Jiangsu Province, China, was 55.5 cm2 s−2. 

  3. Os Impactos da Adoção de Metodologias Ativas no Desempenho dos Discentes do Curso de Ciências Contábeis de Instituição de Ensino Superior Mineira


    Cícero José Oliveira Guerra; Aridelmo José Campanharo Teixeira


    Uma reformulação na educação tem sido discutida pela comunidade científica com a finalidade de atender a novos objetivos nos processos de aprendizagem. É um desafio para as universidades modificarem o seu papel social, agregando novas metodologias de ensino nos seus programas de graduação para se inserirem neste contexto atual. A motivação deste estudo é verificar se a adoção de metodologias ativas de ensino no curso de Ciências Contábeis de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior privada, situada...

  4. Dutch Colonial Nostalgia Across Decolonisation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bijl, P.


    This article argues that nostalgia for colonialism in the Netherlands, the so called tempo doeloe culture, is not a specifically postcolonial phenomenon caused by the collapse of the Dutch empire in Asia. In fact, nostalgia for the Dutch East Indies can be traced back to the nineteenth century, when

  5. Affective Politics and Colonial Heritage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Britta Timm; Andersen, Casper


    The article analyses the spatial entanglement of colonial heritage struggles through a study of the Rhodes Must Fall student movement at the University of Cape Town and the University of Oxford. We explore affective politics and the role heritage can play in the landscape of body politics. We aim...

  6. Subsocial behaviour and brood adoption in mixed-species colonies of two theridiid spiders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grinsted, Lena; Agnarsson, Ingi; Bilde, Trine


    , aggression and cooperation through behavioural experiments and examine the potential for adoption of foreign brood. Morphological and genetic analyses confirmed that colonies consisted of two related species Chikunia nigra (O.P. Cambridge, 1880) new combination (previously Chrysso nigra) and a yet...... as in territorial, colonial spiders. Mixed species spider colonies, involving closely related species, have rarely been documented. We examined social interactions in newly discovered mixed-species colonies of theridiid spiders on Bali, Indonesia. Our aim was to test the degree of intra- and interspecific tolerance...

  7. Morphology and dynamics of tumor cell colonies propagating in epidermal growth factor supplemented media (United States)

    Muzzio, N. E.; Carballido, M.; Pasquale, M. A.; González, P. H.; Azzaroni, O.; Arvia, A. J.


    The epidermal growth factor (EGF) plays a key role in physiological and pathological processes. This work reports on the influence of EGF concentration (c EGF) on the modulation of individual cell phenotype and cell colony kinetics with the aim of perturbing the colony front roughness fluctuations. For this purpose, HeLa cell colonies that remain confluent along the whole expansion process with initial quasi-radial geometry and different initial cell populations, as well as colonies with initial quasi-linear geometry and large cell population, are employed. Cell size and morphology as well as its adhesive characteristics depend on c EGF. Quasi-radial colonies (QRC) expansion kinetics in EGF-containing medium exhibits a complex behavior. Namely, at the first stages of growth, the average QRC radius evolution can be described by a t 1/2 diffusion term coupled with exponential growth kinetics up to a critical time, and afterwards a growth regime approaching constant velocity. The extension of each regime depends on c EGF and colony history. In the presence of EGF, the initial expansion of quasi-linear colonies (QLCs) also exhibits morphological changes at both the cell and the colony levels. In these cases, the cell density at the colony border region becomes smaller than in the absence of EGF and consequently, the extension of the effective rim where cell duplication and motility contribute to the colony expansion increases. QLC front displacement velocity increases with c EGF up to a maximum value in the 2–10 ng ml‑1 range. Individual cell velocity is increased by EGF, and an enhancement in both the persistence and the ballistic characteristics of cell trajectories can be distinguished. For an intermediate c EGF, collective cell displacements contribute to the roughening of the colony contours. This global dynamics becomes compatible with the standard Kardar–Parisi–Zhang growth model, although a faster colony roughness saturation in EGF-containing medium

  8. Diffuse colonies of human skin fibroblasts in relation to cellular senescence and proliferation. (United States)

    Zorin, Vadim; Zorina, Alla; Smetanina, Nadezhda; Kopnin, Pavel; Ozerov, Ivan V; Leonov, Sergey; Isaev, Artur; Klokov, Dmitry; Osipov, Andreyan N


    Development of personalized skin treatment in medicine and skin care may benefit from simple and accurate evaluation of the fraction of senescent skin fibroblasts that lost their proliferative capacity. We examined whether enriched analysis of colonies formed by primary human skin fibroblasts, a simple and widely available cellular assay, could reveal correlations with the fraction of senescent cells in heterogenic cell population. We measured fractions of senescence associated β-galactosidase (SA-βgal) positive cells in either mass cultures or colonies of various morphological types (dense, mixed and diffuse) formed by skin fibroblasts from 10 human donors. Although the donors were chosen to be within the same age group (33-54 years), the colony forming efficiency of their fibroblasts (ECO-f) and the percentage of dense, mixed and diffuse colonies varied greatly among the donors. We showed, for the first time, that the SA-βgal positive fraction was the largest in diffuse colonies, confirming that they originated from cells with the least proliferative capacity. The percentage of diffuse colonies was also found to correlate with the SA-βgal positive cells in mass culture. Using Ki67 as a cell proliferation marker, we further demonstrated a strong inverse correlation (r=-0.85, p=0.02) between the percentage of diffuse colonies and the fraction of Ki67+ cells. Moreover, a significant inverse correlation (r=-0.94, p=0.0001) between the percentage of diffuse colonies and ECO-f was found. Our data indicate that quantification of a fraction of diffuse colonies may provide a simple and useful method to evaluate the extent of cellular senescence in human skin fibroblasts.

  9. Biopolítica colonial, gestión de la población y modernización borbónica en Santo Domingo. El proyecto de Pedro Catani (1788

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    Carlos Jáuregui


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el “Informe del oidor Pedro Catani (1788” sobre la economía de Santo Domingo, el mejoramiento de su agricultura y el dominio y gobierno de sectores de la población fuera del sistema de extracción colonial del trabajo. Dicho texto, representativo del fallido proceso de modernización borbónica de la economía dominicana de finales del siglo XVIII, despliega una racionalidad biopolítica de explotación y gobierno económico. Asimismo, propone la gestión colonial de la población; esto es, la transformación de las formas de vida insubordinada de la numerosa población rural de mulatos y negros libertos, para hacer de sus vidas-inútiles, vidas-productivas. This article analyzes the “Report written by the Oidor Pedro Catani (1788” regarding Santo Domingo’s economy, the development of its agriculture, and the domination and government of particular sectors of the population located outside the system of the colonial extraction of labor. Catani’s text—representative of the unsuccessful Bourbon modernization policies of the Dominican economy in the late eighteenth century—displays a biopolitical rationality of exploitation and economic governance. Furthermore, it proposes the colonial management and regulation of the population; that is, the transformation of the insubordinate forms-of-life of the large rural population of free blacks and mulattos in order to transform their idle lives into productive lives.

  10. To think modernity/coloniality in Guaraní (XVI-XVIII

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    Capucine Boidin


    Full Text Available Amerindian general languages were modern/colonial languages through which modern/colonial guaraní subjects were forged and expressed. Early transcriptions of political speeches in tupí-guaraní made by missionaries (XVI-XVII centuries, as well as letters written by indigenous mission authorities (XVIII-XIX centuries, allow for analysing their vocabularies, plots, and styles. Although the words are the same, their significance effects and their translation equivalences varied regarding texts and contexts. Even if arguments (ratio changed, several traditional verbal arts (oratio were reinvented in colonial contexts. Within missions, indigenous political authorities, familiarized with catholic and royal arguments and vocabularies, developed their oral and written eloquence in Cabildos (spaces dedicated to politics, while Jesuits incorporated some of the formal tupí-guaraní verbal arts features in their sermons.

  11. Colony differences in termiticide transfer studies, a role for behavior? (United States)

    Thomas Shelton


    Donor-recipient termiticide transfer laboratory tests were performed by using destructive sampling with two delayed-action non-repellent (DANR) termiticides against each of three colonies of Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar). Two of the three colonies showed no response to indoxacarb, but all three showed a response to chlorantraniliprole. These results indicate that...

  12. Pre-colonial transport systems: A veritable instrument for inter-group ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    It thinks that pre-colonial transport systems, due to its commercial and strategic importance, were extensively used by farmers and traders, who participated actively in both internal and long distance commerce. This paper submits that, pre-colonial transport systems such as human porterage on land and dug-out canoe on ...

  13. Manipulation of colony environment modulates honey bee aggression and brain gene expression. (United States)

    Rittschof, C C; Robinson, G E


    The social environment plays an essential role in shaping behavior for most animals. Social effects on behavior are often linked to changes in brain gene expression. In the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.), social modulation of individual aggression allows colonies to adjust the intensity with which they defend their hive in response to predation threat. Previous research has showed social effects on both aggression and aggression-related brain gene expression in honey bees, caused by alarm pheromone and unknown factors related to colony genotype. For example, some bees from less aggressive genetic stock reared in colonies with genetic predispositions toward increased aggression show both increased aggression and more aggressive-like brain gene expression profiles. We tested the hypothesis that exposure to a colony environment influenced by high levels of predation threat results in increased aggression and aggressive-like gene expression patterns in individual bees. We assessed gene expression using four marker genes. Experimentally induced predation threats modified behavior, but the effect was opposite of our predictions: disturbed colonies showed decreased aggression. Disturbed colonies also decreased foraging activity, suggesting that they did not habituate to threats; other explanations for this finding are discussed. Bees in disturbed colonies also showed changes in brain gene expression, some of which paralleled behavioral findings. These results show that bee aggression and associated molecular processes are subject to complex social influences. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd and International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society.

  14. Beaver Colony Density Trends on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, 1987 - 2013. (United States)

    Ribic, Christine A; Donner, Deahn M; Beck, Albert J; Rugg, David J; Reinecke, Sue; Eklund, Dan


    The North American beaver (Castor canadensis) is a managed species in the United States. In northern Wisconsin, as part of the state-wide beaver management program, the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest removes beavers from targeted trout streams on U.S. Forest Service lands. However, the success of this management program has not been evaluated. Targeted removals comprise only 3% of the annual beaver harvest, a level of effort that may not affect the beaver population. We used colony location data along Forest streams from 1987-2013 (Nicolet, northeast Wisconsin) and 1997-2013 (Chequamegon, northwest Wisconsin) to assess trends in beaver colony density on targeted trout streams compared to non-targeted streams. On the Chequamegon, colony density on non-targeted trout and non-trout streams did not change over time, while colony density on targeted trout streams declined and then stabilized. On the Nicolet, beaver colony density decreased on both non-targeted streams and targeted trout streams. However, colony density on targeted trout streams declined faster. The impact of targeted trapping was similar across the two sides of the Forest (60% reduction relative to non-targeted trout streams). Exploratory analyses of weather influences found that very dry conditions and severe winters were associated with transient reductions in beaver colony density on non-targeted streams on both sides of the Forest. Our findings may help land management agencies weigh more finely calibrated beaver control measures against continued large-scale removal programs.

  15. Beaver Colony Density Trends on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, 1987 - 2013.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine A Ribic

    Full Text Available The North American beaver (Castor canadensis is a managed species in the United States. In northern Wisconsin, as part of the state-wide beaver management program, the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest removes beavers from targeted trout streams on U.S. Forest Service lands. However, the success of this management program has not been evaluated. Targeted removals comprise only 3% of the annual beaver harvest, a level of effort that may not affect the beaver population. We used colony location data along Forest streams from 1987-2013 (Nicolet, northeast Wisconsin and 1997-2013 (Chequamegon, northwest Wisconsin to assess trends in beaver colony density on targeted trout streams compared to non-targeted streams. On the Chequamegon, colony density on non-targeted trout and non-trout streams did not change over time, while colony density on targeted trout streams declined and then stabilized. On the Nicolet, beaver colony density decreased on both non-targeted streams and targeted trout streams. However, colony density on targeted trout streams declined faster. The impact of targeted trapping was similar across the two sides of the Forest (60% reduction relative to non-targeted trout streams. Exploratory analyses of weather influences found that very dry conditions and severe winters were associated with transient reductions in beaver colony density on non-targeted streams on both sides of the Forest. Our findings may help land management agencies weigh more finely calibrated beaver control measures against continued large-scale removal programs.

  16. Metodologia para aferimento de potencialidade turística: um estudo de caso

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    Joélcio Gonçalves Soares


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como intuito apresentar o estudo que foi desenvolvido no município de Rio Azul – PR, o qual teve por objetivo avaliar seu potencial turístico, por meio da aplicação da matriz de avaliação do potencial turístico de localidades receptoras de Almeida (2006. A pesquisa se deu em duas etapas, com metodologias diferentes. Na primeira ocorreram as pesquisas de gabinete, com a busca de bibliografia pertinente, para dar embasamento à pesquisa; a segunda foi em campo, onde ocorreu a aplicação dos formulários de avaliação propostos pela matriz de avaliação. Os resultados alcançados apontam a comunidade com potencialidade turística baixa, tendo em vista as deficiências apresentadas, que refletem a atividade turística incipiente.

  17. Remedial action work plan for the Colonie site. Revision 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Colonie site is a DOE Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) site located in the Town of Colonie, New York, and consisting of an interim storage site and several vicinity properties. The Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS) is the former National Lead (NL) Industries plant located at 1130 Central Avenue. There are 11 vicinity properties that received remedial action in 1984: 7 located south of the site on Yardboro and Palmer Avenues just across the Colonie-Albany town limits in Albany, and 4 located northwest of the site along Central Avenue in Colonie. Of these properties, nine are residences and two are commercial properties. This document describes the engineering design, construction, and associated plans for remedial action on the vicinity properties and the interim storage site. These plans include both radiological and chemical work. Radiological work includes: excavating the above-guideline radioactive wastes on the vicinity properties; designing required facilities for the interim storage site; preparing the interim storage site to receive these contaminated materials; transporting the contaminated materials to the interim waste storage stockpile; and preparing necessary schedules for accomplishing the remedial actions. Chemical work involves: developing the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) closure plans; neutralizing chemical hazards associated with plating solutions; inventorying on-site chemicals; and disposal of chemicals and/or residues. 17 refs., 5 figs., 1 tab

  18. Proposta de metodologia para classificação de empresas de transporte rodoviário de combustíveis líquidos

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    Marne Lieggio Júnior


    Full Text Available

    O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em propor uma metodologia de classificação de empresas de transporte rodoviário de combustíveis líquidos, de forma a oferecer ao embarcador uma ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão, no processo de contratação de uma transportadora. A metodologia de classificação é construída a partir da visão de três grupos de atores: os transportadores de combustível líquido, técnicos da Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres – ANTT e especialistas em transporte e logística. Os atributos da oferta de serviço importantes para o transporte rodoviário de combustíveis líquidos levantados junto aos grupos de atores entrevistados deram suporte à elaboração da proposta metodológica.

  19. Vascular budding in Symplegma brakenhielmi and the evolution of coloniality in styelid ascidians. (United States)

    Gutierrez, Stefania; Brown, Federico D


    Individuals of colonial animals (e.g. zooids) are in continuous turnover. In ascidians colonial or solitary species have evolved by convergence multiple times. Colonial Botryllus and Botrylloides are well-studied genera that exhibit colony-wide developmental mechanisms that regulate synchronous and orchestrated cycles of budding and turnover of zooids. The origins of modular developmental mechanisms that facilitated the evolution of coloniality in this group remain unclear. To reconstruct ancestral states of coloniality we studied Symplegma brakenhielmi, a sister taxon of the botryllids. S. brakenhielmi zooids are embedded in a common tunic and present a similar vascular system as the botrylloides, however development and turnover of zooids occurs asynchronously and in a more independent manner. We generated a table of common stages of budding in Symplegma and Botryllus for comparative studies of asexual development. We tested dependent processes of budding among individuals of the colony by systemic bud or zooid removals. Although our results showed a higher degree of independence in bud development in S. brakenhielmi, we found a subtle colony-wide regulatory mechanism of modular development, i.e. new buds expedited development after the removal of all buds in the colony. Next, we characterized external morphology, ultrastructure, and abundance of circulatory blood cells in the vascular system of S. brakenhielmi. Macrophage-like cells (MLCs) are involved in zooid resorption and turnover. Proportions of MLCs in the blood of S. brakenhielmi corresponded to the peak of occurrence of this cell type during the budding cycle of B. schlosseri. We found several new blood cell types in S. brakenhielmi, including two cell types that resemble circulatory progenitor stem cells of other botryllid colonial ascidians. These cells showed features of undifferentiated cells and expressed mitotic marker Phospho-histone H3. Comparative studies of S. brakenhielmi and B. schlosseri

  20. Memsahibs and health in colonial medical writings, c. 1840 to c. 1930. (United States)

    Sen, Indrani


    Medical literature in colonial India, written mainly for the guidance of colonial personnel, became an important tool for dissemination of western medical knowledge and information but also reinforced wider colonial agendas. Focused mainly on men's health, only few books or sections in this genre of literature addressed white middle class women's health issues. This article examines several medical manuals within the wider parameters of race, class, gender and imperialism, seeking to understand their construction of women, health and empire with a focus on the social history of health management in the colonial home. The medical guidance that these manuals offered as well as the various health issues they touched upon are tested in relation to the racialised gender ideologies underpinning these medical narratives. A careful re-reading of these sources suggests that both the memsahib and her native support staff, specifically the "native" Indian wet nurse as a virtual milch cow, were put into the service of the Empire by the reinforced colonial agenda of such writing.

  1. The effect of drone comb on a honey bee colony's production of honey


    Seeley , Thomas


    International audience; This study examined the impact on a colony's honey production of providing it with a natural amount (20%) of drone comb. Over 3 summers, for the period mid May to late August, I measured the weight gains of 10 colonies, 5 with drone comb and 5 without it. Colonies with drone comb gained only 25.2 $\\pm$ 16.0 kg whereas those without drone comb gained 48.8 $\\pm$ 14.8 kg. Colonies with drone comb also had a higher mean rate of drone flights and a lower incidence of drone ...

  2. Legislative Redress Rather Than Progress? From Slavery to Bondage in Colonial India


    Tetzlaff, Stefan


    Contemporary historiography on colonial rule in India is partly inclined to discuss changes and intensifications of numerous social phenomena as consequence of direct or indirect British intervention. According to their intellectual frameworks, authors emphasize different forms of intervention ranging from colonial policy making (for economical reasons) to conscious “social engineering” and action as a result of cultural misunderstanding. For the case of slavery in colonial India, Gyan Prakas...

  3. Qual metodologia para uma criminologia crítica?

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    Dan Kaminski


    Full Text Available Este ensaio propõe uma abordagem teórico-metodológica que visa fornecer elementos para pensar uma metodologia possível para a criminologia crítica. Sem realizar a polarização « macro-micro » à qual participa a criminologia crítica, pretende-se observar e analisar duas posturas diferentes de pesquisa que utilizam a entrevista com juízes como método de coleta de dados: uma, que pretende arrancar a verdade dos atores, abordados em um processo de cunho investigativo, e, outra, que visa conhecer, numa perspectiva de cunho empático-indutivo, o ponto de vista desses atores diante de uma necessidade eventual de desvendamento de suas práticas. Realiza-se uma crítica ao que podemos chamar de “sociologia do descompasso” e seu projeto correcionalista. Desta maneira, mais do que simplesmente medir e corrigir os descompassos de uma atividade observada, situamos o pesquisador como alguém que pretende compreender o descompasso e entender como os atores lidam com as normas que orientam as suas ações, e, como esses atores as justificam. Destacam-se neste ensaio: o modo como se observa a intersubjetividade na entrevista, o tipo de relação que se pretende ter em um processo de pesquisa, e a própria capacidade reflexiva da sociologia (de observar a si mesma neste processo. 

  4. Stable isotope enrichment in laboratory ant colonies: effects of colony age, metamorphosis, diet, and fat storage (United States)

    Ecologists use stable isotopes to infer diets and trophic levels of animals in food webs, yet some assumptions underlying these inferences have not been thoroughly tested. We used laboratory-reared colonies of Solenopsis invicta Buren (Formicidae: Solenopsidini) to test the effects of metamorphosis,...

  5. Cosmografía y astrología en Manila: una red intelectual en el mundo colonial ibérico

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    Ana Cecilia Ávalos Flores


    Full Text Available The following article will aim at reconstructing an intellectual network of people interested in both astrology and cosmography in seventeenth-century New Spain. This study will trace a particular means of transmission and dissemination of knowledge, namely the exchange of books on astrology, in order to identify a network of astrologers and cosmographers who shared a similar educational background and who had similar motivations to get interested in the so-called occult sciences. By doing so, this research will reflect on the problem of disciplinary boundaries during the early modern-period, and on the question of transmission of knowledge in the Iberian World.//El presente artículo tiene como objeto de estudio dos campos del conocimiento que estuvieron estrechamente relacionados durante el período moderno: la astrología y la cosmografía. Al estudiar algunos casos inquisitoriales contra ciertos cosmógrafos en Filipinas, acusados de practicar astrología juidiciaria, pretende reconstruir una red intelectual de estudiosos que compartían una tradición educativa y perseguían intereses profesionales similares. En su intento por rastrear esta microcomunidad intelectual, el presente estudio subraya la importancia de la transmisión y circulación del conocimiento, tanto a un nivel abstracto como material, no sólo entre el reino español y sus colonias en el Nuevo Mundo, sino también al interior de las colonias mismas.

  6. The regulation of ant colony foraging activity without spatial information.

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    Balaji Prabhakar

    Full Text Available Many dynamical networks, such as the ones that produce the collective behavior of social insects, operate without any central control, instead arising from local interactions among individuals. A well-studied example is the formation of recruitment trails in ant colonies, but many ant species do not use pheromone trails. We present a model of the regulation of foraging by harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex barbatus colonies. This species forages for scattered seeds that one ant can retrieve on its own, so there is no need for spatial information such as pheromone trails that lead ants to specific locations. Previous work shows that colony foraging activity, the rate at which ants go out to search individually for seeds, is regulated in response to current food availability throughout the colony's foraging area. Ants use the rate of brief antennal contacts inside the nest between foragers returning with food and outgoing foragers available to leave the nest on the next foraging trip. Here we present a feedback-based algorithm that captures the main features of data from field experiments in which the rate of returning foragers was manipulated. The algorithm draws on our finding that the distribution of intervals between successive ants returning to the nest is a Poisson process. We fitted the parameter that estimates the effect of each returning forager on the rate at which outgoing foragers leave the nest. We found that correlations between observed rates of returning foragers and simulated rates of outgoing foragers, using our model, were similar to those in the data. Our simple stochastic model shows how the regulation of ant colony foraging can operate without spatial information, describing a process at the level of individual ants that predicts the overall foraging activity of the colony.

  7. 'Mill's Liberal Project and Defence of Colonialism from a Post ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    It aims to show that Mill's views on colonial rule were largely informed by his principle of liberty which, in turn, was based on his qualitative utilitarianism. The driving force behind his colonialism, as with his work in general, was his unwavering belief in the importance of human progress and development. Mill never believed ...


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    S. Kalaivani


    Full Text Available In this paper, a procedure for quantifying valve stiction in control loops based on ant colony optimization has been proposed. Pneumatic control valves are widely used in the process industry. The control valve contains non-linearities such as stiction, backlash, and deadband that in turn cause oscillations in the process output. Stiction is one of the long-standing problems and it is the most severe problem in the control valves. Thus the measurement data from an oscillating control loop can be used as a possible diagnostic signal to provide an estimate of the stiction magnitude. Quantification of control valve stiction is still a challenging issue. Prior to doing stiction detection and quantification, it is necessary to choose a suitable model structure to describe control-valve stiction. To understand the stiction phenomenon, the Stenman model is used. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO, an intelligent swarm algorithm, proves effective in various fields. The ACO algorithm is inspired from the natural trail following behaviour of ants. The parameters of the Stenman model are estimated using ant colony optimization, from the input-output data by minimizing the error between the actual stiction model output and the simulated stiction model output. Using ant colony optimization, Stenman model with known nonlinear structure and unknown parameters can be estimated.

  9. Segregación y control, secularización y fiesta. Las formas del tiempo libre en una ciudad mexicana del siglo XIX


    Ribera Carbó, Eulalia


    Durante el tercer cuarto del siglo XIX, la ciudad mexicana de Orizaba empezó a vivir algunos de los cambios que modificarían su semblante colonial con los ropajes de la modernidad. Algunos de esos cambios se produjeron en la manera en que se ocupaba el tiempo libre, en las formas públicas y privadas de celebrar y distraerse. Clubes exclusivos, un magnífico teatro, nuevos reglamentos con los que las autoridades urbanas pretendían organizar y controlar la actividad de los demás, y una sensible ...

  10. Ant Colony Optimization for Control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Ast, J.M.


    The very basis of this thesis is the collective behavior of ants in colonies. Ants are an excellent example of how rather simple behavior on a local level can lead to complex behavior on a global level that is beneficial for the individuals. The key in the self-organization of ants is communication

  11. Warehouse stocking optimization based on dynamic ant colony genetic algorithm (United States)

    Xiao, Xiaoxu


    In view of the various orders of FAW (First Automotive Works) International Logistics Co., Ltd., the SLP method is used to optimize the layout of the warehousing units in the enterprise, thus the warehouse logistics is optimized and the external processing speed of the order is improved. In addition, the relevant intelligent algorithms for optimizing the stocking route problem are analyzed. The ant colony algorithm and genetic algorithm which have good applicability are emphatically studied. The parameters of ant colony algorithm are optimized by genetic algorithm, which improves the performance of ant colony algorithm. A typical path optimization problem model is taken as an example to prove the effectiveness of parameter optimization.

  12. Neonicotinoid pesticide reduces bumble bee colony growth and queen production. (United States)

    Whitehorn, Penelope R; O'Connor, Stephanie; Wackers, Felix L; Goulson, Dave


    Growing evidence for declines in bee populations has caused great concern because of the valuable ecosystem services they provide. Neonicotinoid insecticides have been implicated in these declines because they occur at trace levels in the nectar and pollen of crop plants. We exposed colonies of the bumble bee Bombus terrestris in the laboratory to field-realistic levels of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid, then allowed them to develop naturally under field conditions. Treated colonies had a significantly reduced growth rate and suffered an 85% reduction in production of new queens compared with control colonies. Given the scale of use of neonicotinoids, we suggest that they may be having a considerable negative impact on wild bumble bee populations across the developed world.

  13. Avaliação de estratégias de reabilitação de sistemas de drenagem urbana utilizando a metodologia CARE-S. Aplicação a um caso de estudo


    Camacho, P. C.; Cardoso, M. A.


    O presente trabalho tem como objectivo estudar e avaliar diferentes estratégias de reabilitação de sistemas de drenagem urbana, utilizando o programa Computer Aided Rehabilitation of Sewer Networks (CARE-S), como metodologia de avaliação integrada da implementação dessas estratégias. Nesta comunicação, faz-se um resumo dos métodos de reabilitação em sistemas de drenagem urbana, a descrição da metodologia de avaliação de estratégias de reabilitação de sistemas de drenagem urb...

  14. Optimizing Drone Fertility With Spring Nutritional Supplements to Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies. (United States)

    Rousseau, Andrée; Giovenazzo, Pierre


    Supplemental feeding of honey bee (Apis melliferaL., Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies in spring is essential for colony buildup in northern apicultural regions. The impact of pollen and syrup feeding on drone production and sperm quality is not well-documented, but may improve fecundation of early-bred queens. We measured the impact of feeding sucrose syrup, and protein supplements to colonies in early spring in eastern Canada. Drones were reared under different nutritional regimes, and mature individuals were then assessed in regard to size, weight, and semen quality (semen volume, sperm count, and viability). Results showed significant increases in drone weight and abdomen size when colonies were fed sucrose and a protein supplement. Colonies receiving no additional nourishment had significantly less semen volume per drone and lower sperm viability. Our study demonstrates that feeding honey bee colonies in spring with sucrose syrup and a protein supplement is important to enhance drone reproductive quality. RÉSUMÉ: L'administration de suppléments alimentaires aux colonies de l'abeille domestique (Apis melliferaL., Hymenoptera: Apidae) au printemps est essentielle pour le bon développement des colonies dans les régions apicoles nordiques. L'impact de la supplémentation des colonies en pollen et en sirop sur la production des faux-bourdons et la qualité du sperme demeure peu documenté mais pourrait résulter en une meilleure fécondation des reines produites tôt en saison. Nous avons mesuré l'impact de la supplémentation en sirop et/ou en supplément de pollen sur les colonies d'abeilles tôt au printemps dans l'est du Canada. Les faux-bourdons ont été élevé sous différents régimes alimentaires et les individus matures ont ensuite été évalués pour leur taille, leur poids ainsi que la qualité de leur sperme (volume de sperme, nombre et viabilité des spermatozoïdes. Les résultats montrent une augmentation significative du poids et de la taille

  15. Comparison and assessment of aerial and ground estimates of waterbird colonies (United States)

    Green, M.C.; Luent, M.C.; Michot, T.C.; Jeske, C.W.; Leberg, P.L.


    Aerial surveys are often used to quantify sizes of waterbird colonies; however, these surveys would benefit from a better understanding of associated biases. We compared estimates of breeding pairs of waterbirds, in colonies across southern Louisiana, USA, made from the ground, fixed-wing aircraft, and a helicopter. We used a marked-subsample method for ground-counting colonies to obtain estimates of error and visibility bias. We made comparisons over 2 sampling periods: 1) surveys conducted on the same colonies using all 3 methods during 3-11 May 2005 and 2) an expanded fixed-wing and ground-survey comparison conducted over 4 periods (May and Jun, 2004-2005). Estimates from fixed-wing aircraft were approximately 65% higher than those from ground counts for overall estimated number of breeding pairs and for both dark and white-plumaged species. The coefficient of determination between estimates based on ground and fixed-wing aircraft was ???0.40 for most species, and based on the assumption that estimates from the ground were closer to the true count, fixed-wing aerial surveys appeared to overestimate numbers of nesting birds of some species; this bias often increased with the size of the colony. Unlike estimates from fixed-wing aircraft, numbers of nesting pairs made from ground and helicopter surveys were very similar for all species we observed. Ground counts by one observer resulted in underestimated number of breeding pairs by 20% on average. The marked-subsample method provided an estimate of the number of missed nests as well as an estimate of precision. These estimates represent a major advantage of marked-subsample ground counts over aerial methods; however, ground counts are difficult in large or remote colonies. Helicopter surveys and ground counts provide less biased, more precise estimates of breeding pairs than do surveys made from fixed-wing aircraft. We recommend managers employ ground counts using double observers for surveying waterbird colonies

  16. The Psycho-Affective Echoes of Colonialism in Fieldwork Relations

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    Robert Garot


    Full Text Available This article describes the varieties of relations with African immigrant interviewees in Tuscany as experienced by a white male interviewer from the United States. Franz FANON's discussion of the psycho-affective consequences of colonialism is vital for understanding how naïve and romantic notions of fieldwork relations are disingenuous, counter-productive and perhaps destructive in a neo-colonial landscape. URN:

  17. Occurrence of Nosema species in honey bee colonies in Kenya ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    While honey bee colonies in North America and Europe are in decline due to parasites and ... Infections levels were higher in the coastal region than in the interior. ... of the impact of this pathogen to the Kenyan honey bee colonies with a view of ... Senegal (6); Sierra Leone (1); South Africa (96); South Sudan (1); Sudan (3) ...

  18. Colony Size of Phaeocystis Antarctica (Prymnesiophyceae) as Influenced by Zooplankton Grazers (United States)

    The haptophyte Phaeocystis antarctica is a dominant phytoplankton species in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and exists as solitary cells and mucilaginous colonies that differ by several orders of magnitude in size. Recent studies with P. globosa suggested that colony formation and enl...



    Almeida, Cristiane de; Barche, Carmem Kistemacher; Segatto, Andréa Paula


    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a implantação da Metodologia Centro de Referência para Apoio a Novos Empreendimentos (CERNE), criada pelo Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (SEBRAE) em parceria com a Associação Nacional das Entidades Promotoras de Empreendimentos Inovadores (ANPROTEC), em duas Incubadoras do estado do Paraná, classificadas como Nucleadoras, ou seja, que já estão fortemente estabelecidas e possuem condições de fornecer apoio às demais incubadoras, ...

  20. Cambiamenti nell’organizzazione territoriale in seguito alle migrazioni: La periferia del parco “W” – Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger


    Ghisalberti, Alessandra


    La periferia del Parco Regionale “W” (Benin, Burkina Faso e Niger) è caratterizzata da una molteplicità etnica, oltre che da flussi migratori che generano mutazioni nell’organizzazione territoriale. L’obiettivo dell’articolo è di mostrare i cambiamenti determinati da tali processi migratori, in un contesto sprovvisto di dati diretti sulle migrazioni. La metodologia utilizzata si basa su una banca-dati di terreno, raccolti nel corso di una pluriannuale ricerca, e le analisi vengono presentate ...

  1. Work plan for the remedial investigation/feasibility study-environmental assessment for the Colonie site, Colonie, New York

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This work plan has been prepared to document the scoping and planning process performed by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to support remedial action activities at the Colonie site. The site is located in eastern New York State in the town of Colonie near the city of Albany. Remedial action of the Colonie site is being planned as part of DOE's Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program. The DOE is responsible for controlling the release of all radioactive and chemical contaminants from the site. Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), a remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) must be prepared to support the decision-making process for evaluating remedial action alternatives. This work plan contains a summary of information known about the site as of January 1988, presents a conceptual site model that identifies potential routes of human exposure to site containments, identifies data gaps, and summarizes the process and proposed studies that will be used to fill the data gaps. In addition, DOE activities must be conducted in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which requires consideration of the environmental consequences of a proposed action as part of its decision-making process. This work also describes the approach that will be used to evaluate potential remedial action alternatives and includes a description of the organization, project controls, and task schedules that will be employed to fulfill the requirements of both CERCLA and NEPA. 48 refs., 18 figs., 25 tabs

  2. Four Categories of Viral Infection Describe the Health Status of Honey Bee Colonies.

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    Esmaeil Amiri

    Full Text Available Honey bee virus prevalence data are an essential prerequisite for managing epidemic events in a population. A survey study was carried out for seven viruses in colonies representing a healthy Danish honey bee population. In addition, colonies from apiaries with high level Varroa infestation or high level of winter mortality were also surveyed. Results from RT-qPCR showed a considerable difference of virus levels between healthy and sick colonies. In the group of healthy colonies, no virus was detected in 36% of cases, while at least one virus was found in each of the sick colonies. Virus titers varied among the samples, and multiple virus infections were common in both groups with a high prevalence of Sacbrood virus (SBV, Black queen cell virus (BQCV and Deformed wing virus (DWV. Based on the distribution of virus titers, we established four categories of infection: samples free of virus (C = 0, samples with low virus titer (estimated number of virus copies 0 < C < 103, samples with medium virus titer (103 ≤ C < 107 and samples with high virus titer (C ≥ 107. This allowed us to statistically compare virus levels in healthy and sick colonies. Using categories to communicate virus diagnosis results to beekeepers may help them to reach an informed decision on management strategies to prevent further spread of viruses among colonies.

  3. Motion graphics: linguagem e tecnologia - anotações para uma metodologia de análise


    João Carlos Pacheco Rodrigues Velho


    Estudo da produção de motion graphics como um fenômeno original de linguagem e tecnologia, visando o levantamento de subsídios para uma metodologia de análise adequada à produção da área. A pesquisa aborda aspectos projetuais e propõe três grandes dimensões estruturais para o entendimento do motion graphics: a dimensão da matemática e da computação gráfica; a dimensão plástica; e a dimensão da linguagem. No final do trabalho a análise de um spot comercial de televisão exemplifica e testa a ap...

  4. Increased numbers of spleen colony forming units in B cell deficient CBA/N mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiktor-Jedrzejczak, W.; Krupienicz, A.; Scher, I.


    The formation of exogenous and endogenous spleen colonies was studied in immune-defective mice expressing the CBA/N X-linked xid gene. Bone marrow and spleen cells of immune deficient mice formed increased numbers of eight-day exogenous spleen colonies when transferred to either normal or B cell deficient lethally irradiated recipients. Moreover, defective mice showed increased formation of five-day endogenous spleen colonies (derived from transient endogenous colony forming units; T-CFU) and of ten-day endogenous spleen colonies (derived from CFU-S). Among the possible mechanisms responsible for the observed effects, the most probable appears the one in which decreased numbers of B cell precursors stimulate stem cell pools through a feedback mechanism. (orig.) [de

  5. Chronic exposure of a honey bee colony to 2.45 GHz continuous wave microwaves (United States)

    Westerdahl, B. B.; Gary, N. E.


    A honey bee colony (Apis mellifera L.) was exposed 28 days to 2.45 GHz continuous wave microwaves at a power density (1 mW/sq cm) expected to be associated with rectennae in the solar power satellite power transmission system. Differences found between the control and microwave-treated colonies were not large, and were in the range of normal variation among similar colonies. Thus, there is an indication that microwave treatment had little, if any, effect on (1) flight and pollen foraging activity, (2) maintenance of internal colony temperature, (3) brood rearing activity, (4) food collection and storage, (5) colony weight, and (6) adult populations. Additional experiments are necessary before firm conclusions can be made.

  6. Colony social structure in native and invasive populations of the social wasp Vespula pensylvanica (United States)

    Hanna, Cause; Cook, Erin D.; Thompson, Ariel R.; Dare, Lyndzey E.; Palaski, Amanda L.; Foote, David; Goodisman, Michael A. D.


    Social insects rank among the most invasive of terrestrial species. The success of invasive social insects stems, in part, from the flexibility derived from their social behaviors. We used genetic markers to investigate if the social system of the invasive wasp, Vespula pensylvanica, differed in its introduced and native habitats in order to better understand variation in social phenotype in invasive social species. We found that (1) nestmate workers showed lower levels of relatedness in introduced populations than native populations, (2) introduced colonies contained workers produced by multiple queens whereas native colonies contained workers produced by only a single queen, (3) queen mate number did not differ significantly between introduced and native colonies, and (4) workers from introduced colonies were frequently produced by queens that originated from foreign nests. Thus, overall, native and introduced colonies differed substantially in social phenotype because introduced colonies more frequently contained workers produced by multiple, foreign queens. In addition, the similarity in levels of genetic variation in introduced and native habitats, as well as observed variation in colony social phenotype in native populations, suggest that colony structure in invasive populations may be partially associated with social plasticity. Overall, the differences in social structure observed in invasive V. pensylvanica parallel those in other, distantly related invasive social insects, suggesting that insect societies often develop similar social phenotypes upon introduction into new habitats.

  7. Colony fusion and worker reproduction after queen loss in army ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kronauer, Daniel J C; Schöning, Caspar; d'Ettorre, Patrizia


    their reproductive success. We show that worker chemical recognition profiles remain similar after queen loss, but rapidly change into a mixed colony Gestalt odour after fusion, consistent with indiscriminate acceptance of alien workers that are no longer aggressive. We hypothesize that colony fusion after queen...

  8. Extreme queen-mating frequency and colony fission in African army ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kronauer, Daniel J C; Schoning, Caspar; Pedersen, Jes S


    , which have so far been regarded as odd exceptions within the social Hymenoptera. Army ants and honeybees are fundamentally different in morphology and life history, but are the only social insects known that combine obligate multiple mating with reproduction by colony fission and extremely male......-biased sex ratios. This implies that the very high numbers of matings in both groups may be due partly to the relatively low costs of additional matings. Second, we were able to trace recent events of colony fission in four of the investigated colonies, where the genotypes of the two queens were only...

  9. Una vida con una válvula: vivencias de una joven operada de corazón


    María Correa Rodríguez; José Antonio Gutiérrez Romero; Juan Manuel Martínez Guerrero


    La informante del relato es una joven que tuvo que ser sometida a una intervención quirúrgica a corazón abierto. Este relato biográfico presenta sus vivencias, sentimientos y experiencias a lo largo del proceso, abarcando desde sus estancias hospitalarias, manejo de la enfermedad y situación actual. El objetivo del relato es describir el significado las experiencias relacionadas con la enfermedad que ha desarrollado la joven en las distintas etapas de su vida. Es una historia marcada por el e...

  10. Bringing comfort and convenience to the colonial table: Delhaize Frères & Cie's Colonial Department in the 1920s and 1930s. (United States)

    Teughels, Nelleke


    The paper explores the role of convenient shopping in establishing a sense of comfort for Europeans in a colonial environment. So far, there has been little investigation into how Belgian retailers tried to gain a firm foothold in the Congo, how they presented themselves and promoted their wares. This paper examines the activities of the colonial department of Delhaize Frères & Cie 'Le Lion', Belgium's first and largest food multiple. It examines how this large grocery chain tried to establish itself in the Congo, what motivations it had to extend its business to the colony, what audience it wished to reach, what products and services it had to offer and what sales and marketing strategies were used. It appears that convenient shopping was one of the key selling points Delhaize's advertising, while also characterising its products as indispensable for Europeans' comfort, moral respectability and homely warmth in a so-called primitive, backward environment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. La Ratio Studiorum de la compañía de Jesús: Su aporte al desarrollo pedagógico y cultural del Chile colonial

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    Alejandra Contreras Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available La educación colonial en Chile es un tema que ha sido escasamente abordado por los historiadores e intelectuales del país y, dentro de la exigua bibliografía que existe dedicada exclusivamente al tema, se puede observar una perspectiva común entre los histo-riadores que, o bien tratan el asunto de manera superficial o bien lo hacen con un evidente ánimo de reprobación hacia la cultura clerical que fomentaba este tipo de enseñanza. En el presente artículo revisaremos el plan de estudios de la Compañía de Jesús llamado Ratio Studiorum, para por medio de ella dar cuenta de los lineamientos y objetivos que se había trazado la enseñanza jesuita durante la colonia. Con esta presentación esperamos contribuir al conocimiento de una parte importante de nuestra historia de la enseñanza en Chile, así como también de nuestra historia cultural.

  12. Incidència i consequències de les caigudes en les persones grans que viuen a la comunitat


    Salvà, Antoni


    ANTECEDENTS I OBJECTIUS: Avaluar la incidència de les caigudes en funció dels factors sociodemogràfics i de salut, i determinar llurs conseqüències físiques, psicològiques i socials. Desenvolupar una nova eina d'avaluació del factor de risc amb l'objectiu d'assolir una intervenció preventiva multifactorial. METODOLOGIA: Estudi poblacional prospectiu, que inclou una cohort representativa de 448 persones grans, de 65 anys o més, que viuen a la ciutat de Mataró (Espanya). Hem fet una avaluació b...

  13. Selection and estimation of the heritability of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) pollen collection behavior in Apis mellifera colonies. (United States)

    Basualdo, M; Rodríguez, E M; Bedascarrasbure, E; De Jong, D


    We selected honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera L.) with a high tendency to collect sunflower pollen and estimated the heritability of this trait. The percentage of sunflower pollen collected by 74 colonies was evaluated. Five colonies that collected the highest percentages of sunflower pollen were selected. Nineteen colonies headed by daughters of these selected queens were evaluated for this characteristic in comparison with 20 control (unselected) colonies. The variation for the proportion of sunflower pollen was greater among colonies of the control group than among these selected daughter colonies. The estimated heritability was 0.26 +/- 0.23, demonstrating that selection to increase sunflower pollen collection is feasible. Such selected colonies could be used to improve sunflower pollination in commercial fields.

  14. Diffusive boundary layers, photosynthesis, and respiration of the colony-forming plankton algae, Phaeocystis sp

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ploug, Helle; Stolte, W.; Epping, E.H.G.


    H increased up to 0.4 units when measured in light at saturating intensities (>90 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)). The respiration in the dark was low, resulting in a 6% lowering in oxygen concentration and 0.04 units lowering in pH inside colonies, compared to the bulk water phase. Such colonies were net...... heterotrophic communities at light intensities up to 10 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). A week later, colonies were net heterotrophic at light intensities up to 80 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). The effective diffusion coefficient for oxygen in the gelatinous colonies was not significantly different from that in sea......Diffusive boundary layers, photosynthesis, and respiration in Phaeocystis colonies were studied by the use of microelectrodes for oxygen and pH during a bloom in the Barents Sea, 1993, and in the Marsdiep, Dutch North Sea, 1994. The oxygen microenvironment of a Phaeocystis colony with a mean...

  15. The global distribution of ammonia emissions from seabird colonies (United States)

    Riddick, S. N.; Dragosits, U.; Blackall, T. D.; Daunt, F.; Wanless, S.; Sutton, M. A.


    Seabird colonies represent a significant source of atmospheric ammonia (NH3) in remote maritime systems, producing a source of nitrogen that may encourage plant growth, alter terrestrial plant community composition and affect the surrounding marine ecosystem. To investigate seabird NH3 emissions on a global scale, we developed a contemporary seabird database including a total seabird population of 261 million breeding pairs. We used this in conjunction with a bioenergetics model to estimate the mass of nitrogen excreted by all seabirds at each breeding colony. The results combined with the findings of mid-latitude field studies of volatilization rates estimate the global distribution of NH3 emissions from seabird colonies on an annual basis. The largest uncertainty in our emission estimate concerns the potential temperature dependence of NH3 emission. To investigate this we calculated and compared temperature independent emission estimates with a maximum feasible temperature dependent emission, based on the thermodynamic dissociation and solubility equilibria. Using the temperature independent approach, we estimate global NH3 emissions from seabird colonies at 404 Gg NH3 per year. By comparison, since most seabirds are located in relatively cold circumpolar locations, the thermodynamically dependent estimate is 136 Gg NH3 per year. Actual global emissions are expected to be within these bounds, as other factors, such as non-linear interactions with water availability and surface infiltration, moderate the theoretical temperature response. Combining sources of error from temperature (±49%), seabird population estimates (±36%), variation in diet composition (±23%) and non-breeder attendance (±13%), gives a mid estimate with an overall uncertainty range of NH3 emission from seabird colonies of 270 [97-442] Gg NH3 per year. These emissions are environmentally relevant as they primarily occur as "hot-spots" in otherwise pristine environments with low anthropogenic


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    Laura Rayón Rumayor


    Full Text Available A continuación presentamos parte de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación colaborativa,desarrollada en una escuela de una localidad rural de la provincia de Guadalajara. El estudio se ha centrado en comprender cómo viven y experimentan la convivencia escolar profesoradoyalumnado, y cuáles son las creencias de las familias sobre ésta. Mediante un diseño de investigación que se gesta en sus inicios con una acción de transformación y mejora, se va construyendo un relato de la vida escolar que tiene en cuenta al alumnado como sujeto escolary sujeto social.Tras una breve presentación de cuándo y cómo se gesta el estudio, exponemos los referentes teóricos y algunos rasgos importantes en relación con el contexto en el que está inserta la escuelaPosteriormente, abordamos el proceso metodológico seguido, resaltando los aspectos críticos quedan muestras de la fecundidad y el enriquecimiento que la investigación colaborativa tiene para la construcción de un conocimiento intersubjetivo y contrastado de la convivencia en la escuela. A continuación presentamos los resultados obtenidos y los sometemos a discusión, valorando surelevancia en relación con las ideas y planteamientos de otros autores. Terminamos con unas conclusiones en las que señalamos las ideas más relevantes extraídas del estudio.

  17. Colony size evolution and the origin of eusociality in corbiculate bees (Hymenoptera: Apinae.

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    Enrique Rodriguez-Serrano

    Full Text Available Recently, it has been proposed that the one of the main determinants of complex societies in Hymenoptera is colony size, since the existence of large colonies reduces the direct reproductive success of an average individual, given a decreased chance of being part of the reproductive caste. In this study, we evaluate colony size evolution in corbiculate bees and their relationship with the sociality level shown by these bees. Specifically i the correlation between colony size and level of sociality considering the phylogenetic relationship to evaluate a general evolutionary tendency, and ii the hypothetical ancestral forms of several clades within a phylogeny of corbiculate bees, to address idiosyncratic process occurring at important nodes. We found that the level of social complexity in corbiculate bees is phylogenetically correlated with colony size. Additionally, another process is invoked to propose why colony size evolved concurrently with the level of social complexity. The study of this trait improves the understanding of the evolutionary transition from simple to complex societies, and highlights the importance of explicit probabilistic models to test the evolution of other important characters involved in the origin of eusociality.

  18. The Effects of Pollen Protein Content on Colony Development of the Bumblebee, Bombus Terrestris L.

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    Baloglu Güney Hikmet


    Full Text Available The effects of pollen protein content on the colony development of Bombus terrestris were investigated by feeding queens and queenright colonies with four different pollen diets. We used three kinds of commercially available pure pollen (Cistus spp. 11.9%, Papaver somniferum 21.4%, and Sinapis arvensis 21.8% crude protein. We also used a mixture which was made up of equal weights of these pure pollens (18.4 % crude protein. All queens and colonies were fed with sugar syrup and pollen diets ad libitum (28 ± 1 ℃, 65 ± 5% RH. Until there were 50 workers reached, colonies fed with the Cistus pollen diet (167.4 ± 28.9 g consumed significantly more pollen than colonies fed with the Papaver pollen diet (140.7 ± 15.7 g, the mixed pollen diet (136.2 ± 20.1 g or colonies fed with the Sinapis pollen diet (132.4 ± 22.6 g. The date when there were 50 workers reached was approximately one week later in the colonies fed with the Cistus, and colonies fed with the Papaver diet than in the colonies fed with the Sinapis diet, and for colonies fed with the mixed pollen diets. Considering 8 tested criteria, the best performances were observed using the Sinapis, and using the mixed pollen diets. The lowest performances were observed using the Cistus pollen diet. Results showed that pollen sources play an important role in commercial bumblebee rearing. Results also showed that the polyfloral pollen diets are more suitable for mass rearing of bumblebees than the unifloral pollen diets.

  19. Design de conteúdo como metodologia para produção de narrativa fantástica

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    Marcos Vinícius Weber Feijó


    Full Text Available Este artigo teoriza sobre metodologias projetuais provindas do campo do design que possam ser aplicadas a técnicas diversas de escrita, com o intuito de compreender, refletir e gerar ferramentas do design de conteúdo. Entrelaçando teorias da interpretação de conteúdos e narrativas das áreas de games, webdesign, literatura, audiovisual, publicidade e instrucional, além de dados empíricos, buscou-se conceber uma conceitualização sobre o design de conteúdo. Ao final, relata-se a utilização de métodos projetuais na produção de uma narrativa fantástica.

  20. Metodologias Participativas em Agroecologia: redes, processos e estratégias rumo a uma Pedagogia do Alimento


    Beatriz Stamato; Rodrigo Machado Moreira


    O presente artigo, de base teórica e metodológica, parte da crítica realizada pela Nova Filosofia da Ciência e sua influência na Educação Libertadora no Brasil e América Latina, ressaltando a relação crescente da participação popular e Agroecologia. Por meio do aprofundamento sobre o processo e estratégias de participação, o artigo vai além das ferramentas participativas e da generalidade das metodologias participativas. A partir da convergência entre ciência crítica, a educação libertadora, ...

  1. The effect of Agaricus brasiliensis extract supplementation on honey bee colonies. (United States)

    Stevanovic, Jevrosima; Stanimirovic, Zoran; Simeunovic, Predrag; Lakic, Nada; Radovic, Ivica; Sokovic, Marina; Griensven, Leo J L D VAN


    This study was done to discover any beneficial effect of a medicinal mushroom Agaricus brasiliensis extract on the honey bee. Firstly, a laboratory experiment was conducted on 640 bees reared in 32 single-use plastic rearing cups. A. brasiliensis extract proved safe in all doses tested (50, 100 and 150 mg/kg/day) irrespective of feeding mode (sugar syrup or candy). Secondly, a three-year field experiment was conducted on 26 colonies treated with a single dose of A. brasiliensis extract (100 mg/kg/day) added to syrup. Each year the colonies were treated once in autumn and twice in spring. The treatments significantly increased colony strength parameters: brood rearing improvement and adult population growth were noticed more often than the increase in honey production and pollen reserves. These positive effects were mainly observed in April. In conclusion, A. brasiliensis extract is safe for the bees and helps maintaining strong colonies, especially in spring.

  2. The effect of Agaricus brasiliensis extract supplementation on honey bee colonies

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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study was done to discover any beneficial effect of a medicinal mushroom Agaricus brasiliensis extract on the honey bee. Firstly, a laboratory experiment was conducted on 640 bees reared in 32 single-use plastic rearing cups. A. brasiliensis extract proved safe in all doses tested (50, 100 and 150 mg/kg/day irrespective of feeding mode (sugar syrup or candy. Secondly, a three-year field experiment was conducted on 26 colonies treated with a single dose of A. brasiliensis extract (100 mg/kg/day added to syrup. Each year the colonies were treated once in autumn and twice in spring. The treatments significantly increased colony strength parameters: brood rearing improvement and adult population growth were noticed more often than the increase in honey production and pollen reserves. These positive effects were mainly observed in April. In conclusion, A. brasiliensis extract is safe for the bees and helps maintaining strong colonies, especially in spring.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ivarsson, Søren


    In general, studies dealing with the link between French colonialism and nationalism in Laos have focused on the anti-colonial or revolutionary aspects of Lao nationalism. This is true for texts written by Western scholars as well as officially sanctioned books on Lao history published in Laos. T....... This chapter approaches Lao nationalism from a cultural perspective, through a discussion of how a specific idea about Laos and its culture was formed under French colonial rule in the period 1893-1940....

  4. Dalla contabilità finanziaria ai risultati economico-patrimoniali nei musei pubblici: una proposta metodologica / From financial accounting to financial results in pubblic museums: a methodological framework

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    Elena Gori


    Full Text Available Secondo il New Public Management, tutti i settori della pubblica amministrazione devono essere in grado di misurare le loro performance secondo una visione multi-dimensionale. I musei pubblici – statali, civici, universitari, ecc. – sono spesso una parte di una pubblica amministrazione, perciò i loro dati contabili e di bilancio sono “confusi” con quelli dell’ente proprietario. Questo produce un doppio effetto negativo. Da un lato, è arduo quantificare esattamente le risorse pubbliche trasferite al museo e, dall’altro, è impossibile misurare direttamente le attività e le performance economiche, patrimoniali e finanziarie. La ricerca, di natura esplorativa, propone una metodologia per ovviare ad entrambi questi inconvenienti. Il metodo di ricerca è prevalentemente deduttivo. L’articolo, dopo un’analisi delle principali teorie e tecniche di misurazionedelle performance e la costruzione diun modello teorico, termina con un’analisi critica del modello.   According to New Public Management’s principles, all sectors of public administrationmust check their annual performance from multiple perspectives. Public museums – state, municipal, or university museums to give just a few examples – are often part of the administrative and accounting data and are therefore often mixed up with the museum’s owner. The result is doubly negative. On the one hand, it is extremely difficult to quantify the public resources transferred to the museum. On the other hand, it is impossible to keep track of its annual economic, financial and assets performance. The research is exploratory and suggests a methodology attempting to solve both problems. The research method is mainly deductive. The paper begins with an analysis of the mainstream theories and techniques for performance measurement, then it proposes a theoretical model and finally a critical analysis of that model.

  5. Reproductive performance in three neighbouring Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) colonies in sw Kattegat, Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bregnballe, Thomas; Gregersen, Jens; Hénaux, Viviane

    of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis in the old Danish Vorsø colony as it quadrupled in number of breeding pairs and later declined markedly. Some of these parameters were also studied in two neighbouring colonies. We found marked declines in breeding success in the old colony while breeding...

  6. Notas para el estudio de las rebeliones indígenas a fines del período colonial en la frontera tucumana del Chaco (1781

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    Normando Cruz, Enrique


    Full Text Available In 1781 in the tucumana border of the Chaco of the city of Jujuy to the north of the virreinato of the River of the Silver, is developed an indigenous rebellion that is associated with the “Great Andean Rebellion” of Tupac Amaru in Peru and the Katari of La Paz and Chayanta. In this note they are reviewed, they group and they discuss in two hypotheses all the works that on the rebellion exist, considering first those that propose that the rebellion is a “local repercussion” of the rebellions cuzqueña and paceña (specially of the first; and soon the works that agree in the qualification of the rebellion, but dissent in the causes. The historiographical analysis appears in two hypotheses to need the theoretical budgets, bibliography and sources used in the pertinent observations, setting out in the end conjectures for the study of the indigenous rebellions by the end of the colonial period in border areas.

    En 1781 en la frontera tucumana del Chaco de la ciudad de Jujuy, al norte del virreinato del Río de la Plata, se desarrolla una rebelión indígena que se asocia con la “Gran Rebelión Andina” de Túpac Amaru en Perú y los Katari de La Paz y Chayanta. En el presente artículo se revisan, agrupan y discuten a partir de dos hipótesis los trabajos que existen sobre la rebelión, considerándose en primer lugar aquellos que proponen que este movimiento consiste en una “repercusión local” de las rebeliones cuzqueña y paceña (especialmente de la primera; y posteriormente los textos que concuerdan en la calificación de la rebelión, pero disienten en las causas. Esto nos permitirá precisar los presupuestos teóricos, bibliografía y fuentes utilizadas en las observaciones pertinentes. Al final se proponen unas conjeturas para el estudio de las rebeliones indígenas en espacios fronterizos a finales del período colonial.

  7. Surveys of murre colony attendance in the northern Gulf of Alaska following the Exxon Valdez oil spill

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erikson, D.E.


    Field surveys were conducted in July and August 1991 on 32 of the 36 murre (Uria spp.) colonies in the northern Gulf of Alaska to assess colony attendance (number of birds present at a colony) two years after the exxon Valdez oil spill. The surveys focused on murre colonies because murres represented 74% of the recovered seabird carcasses and because it had claimed that there was large-scale mortality of murres, leading to 60% to 70% decreases at some large colonies and population recovery periods of 20 to 70 years. Murres were present at all 32 colonies, and colony attendance estimates were generally similar to those from historical (prespill) surveys, particularly for those colonies in the direct path of the spill, i.e., the Barren Islands and Chiswell islands. Colony attendance levels in 1991 do not support the contention that murre colony attendance in the study area was drastically lower than historical levels. When colonies were grouped according to risk of oil exposure, the mean changes in attendance between 1991 and historical murre surveys did not differ significantly among the groups. Factors that could account for the observed similarity of 1991 and historical murre counts despite the high estimated mortality are (1) overestimation of mortality or (2) replacement of lost breeders through either recruitment of formerly nonbreeding individuals into the breeding population at spill-affected colonies or immigration of murres form nonaffected colonies. The findings of this study suggest that impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on murre colony attendance in the northern Gulf of alaska were relatively short-term. 118 refs., 5 figs., 8 tabs

  8. O trabalho da crioulização: as práticas de nomeação na Guiné colonial The workings of Creolization: naming practices in colonial Guinea-Bissau

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    Wilson Trajano Filho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa as práticas de nomeação nos aglomerados urbanos crioulizados da Guiné-Bissau no período colonial. Partindo de um corpus de 496 nomes colhidos nas listas de falecimentos publicadas pela Junta de Saúde do governo colonial entre 1892 e 1900, o trabalho descreve o processo de crioulização da sociedade colonial a partir da análise dos nomes das pessoas. Tendo como ponto de partida os padrões de nomeação em voga em Portugal e nas sociedades indígenas da Guiné colonial, a análise realizada mostra a dinâmica das práticas crioulas de nomeação, revelando sua instabilidade, criatividade e multidirecionalidade.This paper analyses the naming practices in the creolized villages of Guinea-Bissau during the colonial period. Based on a corpus of 496 names presented in a series of lists of deceased persons published by the Health Service between 1892 and 1900, this article describes the process of creolization in colonial society from the perspective of the naming practices. Comparing the naming patterns prevailing in Portugal and in the indigenous societies of Guinea, this paper shows how Creole naming practices were unstable, creative and multidirectional.

  9. Nutritional aspects of honey bee-collected pollen and constraints on colony development in the eastern Mediterranean


    Shafir, S.; Avni, D.; Hendriksma, H.; Dag, A.; Uni, Z.; Avni, Dorit; Hendriksma, Harmen; Dag, Arnon; Uni, Zehava; Shafir, Sharoni


    Pollen is the main protein and lipid source for honey bees (Apis mellifera), and nutritionally impoverished landscapes pose a threat to colony development. To determine colony nutritional demands, we analyzed a yearly cycle of bee-collected pollen from colonies in the field and compared it to colony worker production and honey bee body composition, for the first time in social insects. We monitored monthly bee production in ten colonies at each of seven sites throughout Israel, and trapped po...

  10. A percepção de estudantes sobre a Metodologia Problematizadora:a mudança de paradigma em relação ao processo ensino-aprendizagem

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    Angelina Cupollilo Gentile


    Full Text Available A pedagogia progressista utiliza a metodologia problematizadora de ensino como principal ferramenta para reflexão-ação crítica sobre a realidade, promovendo a interação na construção do conhecimento. Os estudantes dos cursos de capacitação do Projeto de Profissionalização dos Trabalhadores da Área de Enfermagem (PROFAE usufruem desta metodologia de ensino, passando por uma transição, visto que o ensino básico e médio destes estudantes baseou-se nos parâmetros de ensino tradicional, liberal e bancário. O estudo traz como objetivos analisar a opinião dos estudantes sobre o método problematizador de ensino. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, com método qualitativo, que se deu por meio de um estudo de caso realizado com 33 estudantes dos cursos de capacitação para atendentes (Núcleo Niterói e auxiliares de enfermagem (Núcleo Cachoeiras de Macacu. As opiniões foram categorizadas de acordo com grupos temáticos e comentadas. A maioria dos alunos considera o método bom ou muito bom, relatam que aprendem mais no diálogo problematizador. A metodologia problematizadora não é bem vista por todos os discentes, principalmente, por encontrarem parâmetros diferenciados de avaliação e de participação em sala de aula. Indicam como deficiência da metodologia a falta de avaliações escritas e questionam a credibilidade da aprendizagem somente através do diálogo problematizador. Em contrapartida, valorizam a troca de experiências em sala de aula, esclarecimento das dúvidas em conjunto e atuação e acompanhamento dos professores. Cabe, neste momento de transição, uma conscientização do estudante de que ele é um sujeito crítico-reflexivo e atuante na sua aprendizagem. Sendo um processo essencial a capacidade de formulação de problemas, identificação de desafios, e busca de alternativas.

  11. Placing colonial ornithology: imperial ambiguities in Upper Canada, 1791-1841. (United States)

    Greer, Kirsten A


    This paper examines the emergence of colonial ornithology in Upper Canada, 1791-1841, to determine the impact of empire and local contexts on the natural history activity. I argue that colonial ornithology emerged as a by-product of British imperialism that helped to reinforce British, upper- and middle-class, gender-specific white identities through practices of sportsman-hunting, taxidermy, natural theology, and the romantic-aesthetic. However, as this paper reveals, British imperial practices and ideas of ornithology relied on the participation of First Nations and Métis peoples, whose knowledge and skills were instrumental to British naturalists. The First Nations and Métis peoples therefore exerted a real presence in colonial ornithology in Upper Canada--albeit a subservient one in the British ornithological texts--as they positioned themselves as part of the ornithological trade with the collection and trading of specimens. Furthermore, British military officers, settlers, and tourists tapped into American scientific networks and knowledge systems rather than focusing solely on Britain as an imperial centre of accumulation. British imperial ideas and practices of colonial ornithology in Upper Canada therefore remained ambiguous during the early nineteenth century.

  12. Non-bleached colonies of massive Porites may attract fishes for selective grazing during mass bleaching events

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    Eri Ikeuchi


    Full Text Available In this study we investigated the variation in grazing scar densities between bleached and non-bleached colonies of massive Porites species in Sekisei Lagoon (Okinawa, southwestern Japan during a mass bleaching event in 2016. The grazing scar densities and bleaching susceptibility varied among neighboring colonies of massive Porites spp. However, non-bleached colonies had significantly more surface scars than bleached colonies. One explanation for these variations is that corallivorous fishes may selectively graze on non-bleached, thermally tolerant colonies. This is the first report of a relationship between grazing scars and the bleaching status of massive Porites spp. colonies during a mass bleaching event.

  13. Metodologia de análise da viabilidade de implantação de pequenos negócios


    Silva, Ronaldo Cavaca da


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. O trabalho objetivou identificar as etapas e elementos que compõem uma metodologia de análise da viabilidade de implantação de pequenos negócios. A escolha de um pequeno negócio, como objeto de estudo, levou em conta a sua importância econômica e social, tanto nos setores primários, quanto nos secundários, da economia brasileira. A pesquisa compõe-se de...

  14. Beaver colony density trends on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, 1987 – 2013 (United States)

    Ribic, Christine; Donner, Deahn M.; Beck, Albert J.; Rugg, David J.; Reinecke, Sue; Eklund, Dan


    The North American beaver (Castor canadensis) is a managed species in the United States. In northern Wisconsin, as part of the state-wide beaver management program, the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest removes beavers from targeted trout streams on U.S. Forest Service lands. However, the success of this management program has not been evaluated. Targeted removals comprise only 3% of the annual beaver harvest, a level of effort that may not affect the beaver population. We used colony location data along Forest streams from 1987–2013 (Nicolet, northeast Wisconsin) and 1997–2013 (Chequamegon, northwest Wisconsin) to assess trends in beaver colony density on targeted trout streams compared to non-targeted streams. On the Chequamegon, colony density on non-targeted trout and non-trout streams did not change over time, while colony density on targeted trout streams declined and then stabilized. On the Nicolet, beaver colony density decreased on both non-targeted streams and targeted trout streams. However, colony density on targeted trout streams declined faster. The impact of targeted trapping was similar across the two sides of the Forest (60% reduction relative to non-targeted trout streams). Exploratory analyses of weather influences found that very dry conditions and severe winters were associated with transient reductions in beaver colony density on non-targeted streams on both sides of the Forest. Our findings may help land management agencies weigh more finely calibrated beaver control measures against continued large-scale removal programs.

  15. Conspecific and not performance-based attraction on immigrants drives colony growth in a waterbird. (United States)

    Tenan, Simone; Fasola, Mauro; Volponi, Stefano; Tavecchia, Giacomo


    Local recruitment and immigration play an important part in the dynamics and growth of animal populations. However, their estimation and incorporation into open population models is, in most cases, problematic. We studied factors affecting the growth of a recently established colony of Eurasian spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) and assessed the contribution of local recruits, i.e. birds born in the colony, and immigrants, i.e. birds of unknown origin, to colony growth. We applied an integrated population model that accounts for uncertainty in breeding state assignment and merges population surveys, local fecundity and individual longitudinal data of breeding and non-breeding birds, to estimate demographic rates and the relative role of recruitment and immigration in driving the local dynamics. We also used this analytical framework to assess the degree of support for the 'performance-based' and 'conspecific attraction' hypotheses as possible mechanisms of colony growth. Among the demographic rates, only immigration was positively and significantly correlated with population growth rate. In addition, the number of immigrants settling in the colony was positively correlated with colony size in the previous and current year, but was not correlated with fecundity of the previous year. Our results suggest that the variation in immigration affected colony dynamics and that conspecific attraction likely triggered the relevant role of immigration in the growth of a recently formed waterbird colony, supporting the need of including immigration in population analysis. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Animal Ecology © 2017 British Ecological Society.

  16. En busca de mejor fortuna: Movilidad ocupacional y espacial de los inmigrantes españoles pobres en el Buenos Aires tardo-colonial

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    Mariana A Pérez


    Full Text Available Durante el período tardo-colonial, numerosos españoles inmigraron a Buenos Aires alentados por la prosperidad económica de la región rioplatense. La mayoría se mantuvo entre los sectores medios y bajos de la sociedad, formando parte de las clases populares rioplatenses: eran soldados, marineros, artesanos, ocupaban un puesto menor en la burocracia, y sobre todo, fueron pequeños comerciantes. Sus vidas en el Río de la Plata estuvieron signadas por una fuerte movilidad espacial y ocupacional, especialmente en los primeros años posteriores a su llegada. En este trabajo se estudia este último aspecto de sus experiencias migratorias, para lo cual se analizan padrones de población y fuentes judiciales.During the late colonial period, numerous Spaniards immigrated to Buenos Aires, encouraged by the economic prosperity of the River Plate region. The vast majority belonged to the popular classes: they were soldiers, sailors, artisans, filled the low ranks of the bureaucracy and, most of them, were small merchants. Their lives in the River Plate were characterized by a strong spatial and occupational mobility, specially during the first years after their arrival. This paper analyzes this aspect of their migratory experiences through the study of population records and criminal procedures.

  17. Aerial surveys adjusted by ground surveys to estimate area occupied by black-tailed prairie dog colonies (United States)

    Sidle, John G.; Augustine, David J.; Johnson, Douglas H.; Miller, Sterling D.; Cully, Jack F.; Reading, Richard P.


    Aerial surveys using line-intercept methods are one approach to estimate the extent of prairie dog colonies in a large geographic area. Although black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) construct conspicuous mounds at burrow openings, aerial observers have difficulty discriminating between areas with burrows occupied by prairie dogs (colonies) versus areas of uninhabited burrows (uninhabited colony sites). Consequently, aerial line-intercept surveys may overestimate prairie dog colony extent unless adjusted by an on-the-ground inspection of a sample of intercepts. We compared aerial line-intercept surveys conducted over 2 National Grasslands in Colorado, USA, with independent ground-mapping of known black-tailed prairie dog colonies. Aerial line-intercepts adjusted by ground surveys using a single activity category adjustment overestimated colonies by ≥94% on the Comanche National Grassland and ≥58% on the Pawnee National Grassland. We present a ground-survey technique that involves 1) visiting on the ground a subset of aerial intercepts classified as occupied colonies plus a subset of intercepts classified as uninhabited colony sites, and 2) based on these ground observations, recording the proportion of each aerial intercept that intersects a colony and the proportion that intersects an uninhabited colony site. Where line-intercept techniques are applied to aerial surveys or remotely sensed imagery, this method can provide more accurate estimates of black-tailed prairie dog abundance and trends

  18. Beyond denial and exclusion: The history of relations between Christians and Muslims in the Cape Colony during the 17th–18th centuries with lessons for a post-colonial theology of religions

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    Jaco Beyers


    Full Text Available Learning from the past prepares one for being able to cope with the future. History is made up of strings of relationships. This article follows a historical line from colonialism, through apartheid to post-colonialism in order to illustrate inter-religious relations in South-Africa and how each context determines these relations. Social cohesion is enhanced by a post-colonial theology of religions based on the current context. By describing the relationship between Christians and Muslims during the 17th–18th centuries in the Cape Colony, lessons can be deduced to guide inter-religious relations in a post-colonial era in South Africa. One of the most prominent Muslim leaders during the 17th century in the Cape Colony was Sheik Yusuf al-Makassari. His influence determined the future face of Islam in the Cape Colony and here, during the 18th century, ethics started playing a crucial role in determining the relationship between Christians and Muslims. The ethical guidance of the Imams formed the Muslim communities whilst ethical decline was apparent amongst the Christian colonists during the same period. The place of ethics as determinative of future inter-religious dialogue is emphasised. Denial and exclusion characterised relationships between Christians and Muslims. According to a post-colonial understanding of inter-religious contact the equality and dignity of non-Christian religions are to be acknowledged. In the postcolonial and postapartheid struggle for equality, also of religions, prof Graham Duncan, to whom this article is dedicated, contributed to the process of acknowledging the plurality of the religious reality in South Africa.


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    Omar Danilo Castrillón


    Full Text Available The objective of the present work is to diminish the total process time (Makespan and to increase the machine process time, by diminishing the idle time in a job-shop environment. Through the design of a hyper-heuristic based on an ant colony and genetic algorithms. This work is developed in two phases: in the first phase, a hyper-heuristic identification and definition is carried out for sequencing processes in job shop environments. In the second phase, the system effectiveness in the traditional production programming is shown. In the investigation project, an enterprise from the metal mechanic sector was chosen, where by means of a combination of an ant colony and genetic algorithms, the optimal route for an order is scheduled, achieving the optimization or suboptimization of its respective total process time in an upper percentage of 95%.El objetivo del presente trabajo es disminuir el tiempo de proceso (Makespan e incrementar el tiempo de trabajo de las maquinas, diminuyendo el tiempo de ocio en ambientes de Job Shop, a través del diseño de una Hiper-heurística basada en colonia de hormigas y algoritmos genéticos. Este trabajo se desarrolla en dos etapas: en la primera se realiza la definición e identificación de una Hiper-heurística para la secuenciación de procesos en ambientes Job shop. En la segunda etapa, es mostrada la efectividad del sistema en la programación de la producción. En el proyecto de investigación, se seleccionó una empresa del sector metalmecánico, donde por medio de una combinación de colonia de hormigas y algoritmos genéticos, se programa la ruta óptima para un pedido, logrando la optimización o suboptimización de su respectivo tiempo total de proceso en un porcentaje superior al 95%.

  20. Colonial Taxation, Corruption and Resistance in Igbominaland ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Colonial Taxation, Corruption and Resistance in Igbominaland. ... AFRICAN JOURNALS ONLINE (AJOL) · Journals · Advanced Search · USING AJOL · RESOURCES ... While taxation definitely stimulated economic activities in Igbominaland at ...