
Sample records for coli sobre fractura

  1. Fractura por fatiga atípica de la cabeza femoral sobre deslizamiento epifisario crónico


    Escribá Urios, I; Puertes Almenar, L.; Arnau, Rosana; Gomar Sancho, Francisco


    Presentamos el caso de un paciente joven con fractura de estrés desplazada cuyo trazo se localiza a nivel de la antigua placa físaria de la cabeza femoral. La imagen radiográfica era claramente de fractura de estrés, posiblemente sobre una secuela de epifisiolisis crónica de cabeza femoral. La cadera contralateral era normal y se descartó un cierre tardío de fisis por hipotiroidismo. Por el desplazamiento de la fractura y tiempo de evolución se trató mediante artroplastia total de sustitución...

  2. Comportamento à Fractura em Modo II do Tecido Ósseo Cortical


    Costa, Jorge Teixeira da


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica A Mecânica da Fractura surge como uma ferramenta essencial para avaliar a “qualidade do tecido ósseo”, tendo esta Dissertação como objectivo contribuir para o conhecimento sobre o comportamento à fractura do tecido ósseo cortical de fémur de bovino, nas condições de carga em modo II e para o sistema de propagação TL. A ênfase foi colocada nos métodos de ensaio mais adequados para o tecido ósseo cortical. Para o efeito, foram analisados os segu...

  3. Fracturas de implantes de tibia. Consecuencias para los ensayos de los implantes


    Frei, S.; Ploeg, H.; Reinschmidt, C.; Heuberger, P.


    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los modelos de fracturas de prótesis de tibia descritos en la literatura y, sobre la base de dichos conocimientos, desarrollar un ensayo para implantes en la cual se logren simular condiciones fisiológicas. El caso descrito con mayor frecuencia en la literatura es la migración de la parte medial de la prótesis, fenómeno que, a menudo, antecede a la fractura de la prótesis. La posición defectuosa resultante de dicha migración modifica el eje ...

  4. Incidencia y factores de riesgo de la fractura de fémur proximal por osteoporosis

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    María Teresa Mosquera


    Full Text Available Todos los años se producen en el mundo más de un millón de fracturas de fémur proximal, sobre todo en personas de edad avanzada. Dado el continuo envejecimiento de las poblaciones, las fracturas aumentarán año tras año y constituirán un problema cada vez más grave de salud pública. Se espera que el mayor aumento de dichas fracturas ocurra en América Latina alrededor del 2050. Teniendo en cuenta que cerca de 70% de las fracturas atraumáticas en personas mayores de 45 años de edad se deben a osteoporosis, se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina, para conocer la incidencia de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis y los factores de riesgo asociados. Entre el 1 de agosto de 1992 y el 31 de julio de 1993 se registraron todos los casos de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis en personas mayores de 50 años de edad que acudieron a cualquiera de los 30 centros de salud públicos y privados de la ciudad. Se registró un total de 246 casos. La tasa de incidencia por 100 000 habitantes en la población mayor de 50 años fue de 259 en mujeres y de 92 en varones, con una relación de 2,8:1. La incidencia fue siempre mayor a mayor edad y sobre todo a partir de los 75 años. Los factores asociados con aumento del riesgo de fractura de fémur proximal con significación estadística fueron: antecedentes de enfermedades neurológicas, consumo de psicofármacos, consumo de alcohol, fracturas previas, enfermedades cardiovasculares y menor consumo de lácteos. No se observaron diferencias entre los casos y los controles con respecto a edad de inicio de la menopausia, peso, talla, actividad previa, hábito de fumar o exposición al sol, como así tampoco en el porcentaje de mujeres que habían tenido ooforectomías.

  5. Fractura-luxación transemilunar

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    F. Martínez-Martínez

    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un varón deportista de profesión, que tras un traumatismo durante su práctica deportiva habitual sufre una fractura-luxación transestiloidesradial- transemilunar, lesión que es poco común y que escapa de los patrones típicos. Tras reducción cerrada de urgencia fue intervenido quirúrgicamente realizando osteosíntesis del semilunar y reparación del ligamento escafolunar, con recuperación satisfactoria. Las fracturas-luxaciones carpianas son lesiones severas que pueden asociarse a múltiples patrones de lesiones ligamentosas y óseas. Bain añade el arco translunar (fractura del semilunar para usarlo como complemento al modelo de clasificación de inestabilidades perilunares de Johnson de arco mayor-arco menor. Este tipo de lesión translunar no sigue el esquema descrito por Mayfield, aunque sí es una combinación de este concepto con una fractura del semilunar. En el caso que presentamos se produjo una afectación de los 3 arcos: fractura de la estiloides radial (arco mayor, fractura del semilunar (arco translunar y lesión de los ligamentos carpianos (arco menor; esto aún no se ha estudiado biomecánicamente.

  6. Estudio del efecto de los bifosfonatos (zoledronato) sobre la consolidación de las fracturas


    Salom Taverner, M.


    INTRODUCCIÓN La osteoporosis es una enfermedad sistémica crónica y progresiva que se caracteriza por una densidad ósea baja y por un deterioro de la micro-arquitectura del tejido óseo, que aumenta la probabilidad de sufrir una fractura ante mínimos traumatismos171. La incidencia de este tipo de fracturas es muy alta y además está en aumento151 debido al envejecimiento de la población. Dentro del tratamiento de la osteoporosis los bifosfonatos son los fármacos más utilizados al ser los q...

  7. Estudio comparativo sobre la estabilización de las fracturas cigomáticas

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    José Manuel Díaz Fernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio longitudinal en el que se analizaron comparativamente los resultados obtenidos con el empleo de los métodos de estabilización del clavo de Steiman y de la sonda Foley en 60 pacientes con fractura cigomática. Se efectuó un muestreo electivo de las lesiones que requirieron la aplicación de métodos de estabilización únicos. La mayor eficiencia terapéutica se obtuvo con el clavo de Steiman en cuanto a los índices de complicaciones y de rehabilitación, lo que a su vez dio lugar a una menor afectación socioeconómica institución-paciente en relación con el método de la sonda de Foley. Este último demostró ser un proceder más universal, al adaptarse a una mayor diversidad de fracturas; además, permite reajustes posoperatorios y facilita la exploración, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las fracturas del suelo orbitario.A longitudinal study was carried out in order to make a comparative analysis of the results obtained by using the stabilization methods of Steiman's neil and Foley's probe in 60 patients with zygomatic fracture. The highest therapeutic efficiency was attained with the Steiman's nail as regards the indexes of complications and rehabilitation, which gave rise to a lower socioeconomic institution-patient affectation, compared with the method of Foley's probe. The latter proved to be a more universal procedure, on adapting to a greater diversity of fractures. Besides, it allows to make postoperative readjustments and enables the exploration, diagnosis, and treatment of the orbital floor fractures.

  8. Effect of mix design on the size-independent fracture energy of normal- and high-strength self-compacting concrete; Influencia de la composición de la mezcla sobre la energía de fractura de hormigones autocompactantes de resistencias media y alta.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cifuentes, H.; Ríos, J.D.; Gómez, E.J.


    Self-compacting concrete has a characteristic microstructure inherent to its specific composition. The higher content of fine particles in self-compacting concrete relative to the equivalent vibrated concrete produces a different fracture behavior that affects the main fracture parameters. In this work, a comprehensive experimental investigation of the fracture behavior of self-compacting concrete has been carried out. Twelve different self-compacting concrete mixes with compressive strength ranging from 39 to 124 MPa (wider range than in other studies) have been subjected to three-point bending tests in order to determine the specific fracture energy. The influence of the mix design and its composition (coarse aggregate fraction, the water to binder ratio and the paste to solids ratio) on its fracture behavior has been analyzed. Moreover, further evidence of the objectivity of the size-independent fracture energy results, obtained by the two most commonly used methods, has been p [Spanish] Los hormigones autocompactantes tienen una microestructura interna inherente a su composición específica. Su mayor contenido de partículas finas, en comparación con hormigones vibrados equivalentes, provoca un comportamiento diferente en fractura que afecta a los principales parámetros de fractura. En este trabajo, se ha realizado una amplia investigación experimental del comportamiento en fractura de hormigones autocompactantes. Así, se han realizado ensayos de flexión en tres puntos para determinar sus propiedades de fractura sobre 12 hormigones autocompactantes de diferente composición, con resistencias a compresión que van desde 39 hasta 124 MPa (mayor que en otros estudios). De esta forma, se ha analizado la influencia de la dosificación del hormigón y su composición (contenido en árido grueso, relación agua-cemento y pasta-sólidos) sobre su comportamiento en fractura. Además, se ha validado, para hormigones autocompactantes, la objetividad de los

  9. Fractura bipolar de clavícula


    Zamora Navas, P.; Collado Torres, Francisco; Torre Solís, F. de la


    Se presenta un caso de fractura que afecta a ambos extremos de la clavícula. Fractura tipo II de Neer del fragmento distal y fractura del extremo esternal de la clavícula. Se realizó tratamiento quirúrgico mediante reducción abierta y osteosíntesis con agujas de Kirschner en ambas. El resultado a largo plazo ha sido satisfactorio cosmética y funcionalmente. A case of bipolar fracture affecting both ends of the clavicle is reported. The lesion consisted of a Neer type II fractur...

  10. Fracturas perimplante de fémur tratadas con clavo retrógrado: reporte de un caso y descripción de la técnica quirúrgica.

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    Pablo Ariel Slullitel


    Full Text Available Existe un riesgo tácito de fractura peri-implante de fémur en pacientes con antecedente de fractura pertrocantérica de fémur tratados con tornillos deslizantes de cadera (TDC debido al aumento de la expectativa de vida y a las múltiples comorbilidades. Diversas opciones terapéuticas son posibles dependiendo de si se mantiene la osteosíntesis previa o no. Dada la baja prevalencia de estas fracturas, no existe consenso en la bibliografía actual sobre el tratamiento ideal. El objetivo de este trabajo es reportar un caso y describir la técnica quirúrgica de enclavado endomedular retrógrado para el tratamiento de fracturas peri-implante debajo de un TDC.

  11. Tratamiento con bisfosfonatos y fracturas atípicas Treatment with bisphosphonates and atypical fractures

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    Francisco R. Spivacow


    Full Text Available En los últimos veinticinco años los aminobisfosfonatos se han convertido en las drogas de elección para el tratamiento de la osteoporosis. Son potentes inhibidores de la actividad osteoclástica y reducen la incidencia de nuevas fracturas en pacientes con osteoporosis establecida, pero su prolongada vida media y sus efectos crónicos sobre la fisiología ósea son motivos de preocupación. Teóricamente, una prolongada inhibición del remodelado óseo podría traer aparejada graves efectos adversos, tales como la acumulación de microfracturas y, paradójicamente, la ocurrencia de nuevas fracturas atípicas. Pocos casos de estas infrecuentes fracturas han sido hasta ahora publicados en la literatura mundial. Todas ellas comparten algunas características comunes, además del tratamiento crónico con bisfosfonatos por osteoporosis. La más frecuente es la localización atípica de las mismas. La mayoría ocurren en una o ambas diáfisis femorales, pero también otros huesos pueden estar afectados, entre ellos sacro, isquión, costillas y rama pubiana. Las fracturas son atraumáticas o ante mínimos traumatismos, y en algunos casos fueron precedidas por un dolor prodrómico en la zona de la fractura. Todos los casos tuvieron evidencias bioquímicas o histomorfométricas de bajo recambio óseo. El objetivo de este trabajo es informar sobre tres nuevos casos de pacientes que cumplen con todos los criterios diagnósticos de esta nueva entidad, dos de ellos con fracturas de diáfisis femorales y el restante con fractura de pelvis.In the last twenty five years aminobisphosphonates have became the drugs of choice for the treatment of osteoporosis. They strongly inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption and reduce the incidence of new fractures in patients with established osteoporosis, but their long half-life and their chronic effects on bone physiology are a matter of concern. Theoretically a harmful consequence of a prolonged inhibition of bone

  12. Morfología femoral proximal en fracturas de cadera


    Calvo de Mora Rebollo, María Jesús; Albareda Albareda, Jorge Cruz; Seral García, Belén; Martín Ruiz, G.; Lasierra Sanromán, José Manuel; Seral Iñigo, Fernando


    Es frecuente observar como pacientes que han sufrido una fractura de cadera, si se fracturan posteriormente la cadera contralateral, es del mismo tipo que la primera fractura. El objetivo de este trabajo es tratar de relacional la morfología femoral proximal con la producción de un tipo determinado de fractura. Para ello hemos realizado un estudio prospectivo en 50 pacientes mayores de 65 años, sin distinción de sexo, que han ingresado en nuestro servicio por fractura femoral proximal, 25 ...

  13. Fracturas de cadera y diáfisis femoral ipsilaterales


    García de Quevedo Puerta, D.; Sesma Solis, P. J.; Fernandez Garcia, L.; Fernández de Córdova, G.


    Se aportan 10 casos de fracturas de cadera y diáfisis femoral ipsilaterales tratados quirúrgicamente de forma diferida con un tiempo medio de demora de 12 días (rango: 3 a 22 días). Nueve fracturas diafisarias fueron tratadas con placa AO de fémur, y una, donde la fractura de cadera asociada pasó inicialmente inadvertida, mediante un clavo de Küntscher. Las fracturas de cadera se fijaron con tornillos de esponjosa (8 casos) o clavo-placa de Richards (2 casos). En todos los paci...

  14. Efectos del tratamiento térmico en la fractura de aceros

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    Héctor Hernández A.


    Full Text Available No obstante de los avances logrados en otros tipos de aleaciones, los aceros se siguen utilizando en forma extensiva en la construcción de elementos estructurales, porque con una adecuada selección y tratamiento técnico, los aceros permiten obtener una conveniente combinación de propiedades mecánicas ante unas exigencias específicas de servicio. La fractura en elementos de máquinas frecuentemente se encuentra asociada a una discontinuidad, la cual provoca una concentración de esfuerzo, lo que puede originar sitios de iniciación de una falla por fractura. La carga límite de fractura es afectada por parámetros geométricos, naturaleza y tipo de carga y propiedades mecánicas del material. La mayoría de fallas por fractura de elementos de máquinas son fallas por fatiga; por lo general una fractura por fatiga tiene lugar por una progresiva generación y crecimiento de grietas hasta obtenerse una condición crítica de fractura súbita de la sección residual resistente. Frecuentemente en una fractura por fatiga se observan marcas de playa, las cuales son evidencias de la posición del frente de grietas antes que se alcance la condición de fractura súbita final. En este trabajo se muestra como el tratamiento térmico de temple y revenido de los aceros afecta el esfuerzo límite de falla por fractura para carga de tracción estática y carga de fatiga uniaxial con la presencia de una entalla severa. También se estudia el efecto del tratamiento térmico en la tenacidad de fractura, propiedad que cuantifica la resistencia al crecimiento súbito de una grieta bajo carga estática.

  15. Estudio epidemiológico de fracturas nasales en hospitales particulares de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Denis Pimenta E. Souza


    Conclusión: Este estudio proporciona datos básicos sobre las fracturas nasales, importantes para el abordaje terapéutico y la planificación, así como la mejora en la organización y el cuidado de estos pacientes, y la misma puede servir como un parámetro entre los diversos servicios hospitalarios para proporcionar una mejora continua en el servicio y la rutina quirúrgica.

  16. Nivel de conocimiento y conducta de docentes de educación escolar básica de escuelas públicas frente a casos de avulsión y fractura dentaria

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de conocimiento y conducta de los docentes de Educación Inicial, docentes del 1er Ciclo, docentes del 2do Ciclo y docentes de Educación Física de las escuelas públicas de la ciudad de San Lorenzo (Paraguay frente a casos de Avulsión y Fractura Dentaria durante el año 2009. Material y Método: El diseño fue tipo observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. El muestreo fue probabilístico; teniendo en cuenta los criterios de selección dentro de una muestra de 141 docentes. Se clasificaron los datos según el género, grupo etáreo, grado de capacitación, y años de experiencia profesional; para lo cual se confeccionó un cuestionario. Resultados: El nivel de conocimiento sobre avulsión y fractura dentaria más frecuente de los docentes fue el moderado con un 50 % (70/141, seguido por el conocimiento bajo con un 27% (38/141. La conducta a seguir sobre avulsión y fractura dentaria más frecuente por los docentes fue el regular con un 47 % (66/141, seguido por la conducta a seguir favorable con un 30% (42/141. Conclusión: el nivel de conocimiento sobre avulsión y fractura dentaria más frecuente fue el moderado, en cuanto a los resultados de la conducta a seguir el más frecuente fue el de regular. Teniendo en cuenta los datos anteriormente presentados se torna necesario implementar campañas educativas sobre la atención de emergencias en Traumatismos Dentales en las escuelas, ya que en el ambiente escolar la persona más cercana al niño es el docente y su intervención en el momento que el niño sufre el traumatismo dental puede ser determinante para la resolución de los daños que éste pueda haber sufrido.

  17. Obliteración de fracturas de seno frontal con colgajos pediculados

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    J. Pefaure


    Full Text Available El compromiso del seno frontal con fractura de sus paredes es un tipo de lesión infrecuente, en torno al 5-12% de todas las fracturas faciales. Suele asociarse a lesiones intracraneales, oftalmológicas y a otras fracturas máxilofaciales y cuando conlleva fractura de la pared posterior de seno frontal requiere tratamiento inmediato, siendo necesaria la obliteración del seno frontal debido a la comunicación con meninges y lóbulo frontal, con el riesgo infeccioso que ello representa. Tratamos 18 pacientes con traumatismos craneofaciales y fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior en el periodo comprendido entre 2007 y 2011; 8 mujeres y 10 varones con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y los 64 años. Todos los casos fueron tratados con reducción y osteosíntesis por vía abierta con distintos abordajes y realizamos en todos colgajos pediculados de vecindad. La vitalidad de los colgajos fue del 100% . Certificamos el posicionamiento correcto mediante tomografía axial computarizada. El tratamiento de las fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior o del conducto nasofrontal requiere obliteración con tejido vascularizado para evitar comunicaciones con la cavidad nasal.

  18. Comportamiento a fractura de polímeros envejecidos

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    Argüelles, A.


    Full Text Available The dynamic fracture behaviour of three types of composite materials was studied. Two of the composites were manufactured from the same thermoplastic resin, reinforced with glass or carbon fibre fabric, respectively; the other one, was manufactured with an epoxy resin, reinforced with carbon fibre fabric. The composites were subjected to accelerated ageing effect on a climatic test chamber, under humidity and temperature control, for different notch-Width ratios. The dynamic fracture behaviour was analysed by applying the ASTM E 24.03.03 Standard proposal to Charpy instrumented test results with the goal of validating this testing procedure for composite materials.

    Se estudia aquí el comportamiento a fractura en régimen dinámico de tres tipos de materiales compuestos: dos de ellos fabricados a partir de una misma resina termoplástica reforzada con tejido de fibra de vidrio o de carbono y el otro a partir de una resina de tipo epoxi reforzada con tejido de fibra de carbono. Todos ellos fueron sometidos a envejecimiento acelerado en cámara climática con control de humedad y de temperatura, para diferentes relaciones entre longitud de fisura y ancho de la probeta. El comportamiento a fractura se analizó en régimen dinámico a partir de los datos obtenidos de ensayos Charpy instrumentados, aplicando la propuesta de norma ASTM E 24.03.03, con el objetivo último de validar esta metodología de ensayo sobre materiales compuestos.

  19. Fracturas costales múltiples asociadas a tos

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    Martín Bosio


    Full Text Available La tos es un frecuente motivo de consulta en la práctica ambulatoria. Aunque generalmente es autolimitada, cuando es crónica e intensa puede ser causa de complicaciones como síncope, neumotórax o más raramente fracturas costales. Presentamos un paciente con fracturas costales múltiples inducidas por la tos. El diagnóstico fue confirmado por un centellograma solicitado luego de la sospecha clínica debida a la intensidad y persistencia del dolor y a pesar de no mostrar alteraciones en las radiografías convencionales. Un centellograma de control a los 5 meses mostró desaparición de los focos hipercaptantes. Las fracturas costales múltiples son una complicación infrecuente de la tos que debería considerarse cuando el dolor torácico es intenso y persistente aun con radiografía de tórax o parrilla costal normal.Multiple rib fractures associated with cough

  20. Tratamiento de las fracturas abiertas de la diáfisis tibial en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, Colombia, 2005-2006

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    Luis Fernando Mena Delgado


    Full Text Available Las fracturas abiertas son el resultado de traumas de alta energía y se caracterizan por grados variables de lesiones esqueléticas y de los tejidos blandos, que incrementar el riesgo de infección y producir complicaciones en la cicatrización. Con el fin de ampliar el conocimiento sobre las fracturas abiertas de la diáfisis tibial y su tratamiento, se hizo un estudio retrospectivo en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl (HUSVP, de Medellín, Colombia, para definir la forma de presentación, el tratamiento y las complicaciones en la población de esta ciudad. Durante el período comprendido entre el 1 de mayo de 2005 y el 30 de abril de 2006, se llevó a cabo un estudio de tipo descriptivo, retrospectivo, longitudinal en todos los pacientes atendidos en el HUSVP con diagnóstico de fractura abierta de la diáfisis tibial. Participaron en el estudio 66 pacientes con 67 fracturas abiertas de la tibia, con una edad promedio de 31 años. Los accidentes de tránsito, en especial los relacionados con motocicletas constituyeron la etiología más frecuente. El 24% de las fracturas fueron de tipo I, otro 24%, de tipo II y 51%, de tipo III. La administración de un antimicrobiano se hizo dentro de las primeras 6 horas en 86% de los pacientes. El retardo en la consolidación de la fractura y el desarrollo de algún tipo de infección fueron las complicaciones más frecuentes (34,3%. Este estudio describe el tratamiento de las fracturas abiertas de la diáfisis tibial en el HUSVP y lo compara con el descrito en la literatura; el tratamiento inicial en cuanto a lavados, administración de antibióticos y estabilización de las fracturas fue muy similar al informado en otros estudios.

  1. Influencia del envejecimiento higrotérmico en el comportamiento a fractura de compuestos de matriz termoplástica

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    Zenasni, R.


    Full Text Available Aging was carried out by introducing the materials into a climatic chamber under appropriate conditions of temperature, humidity and time. The materials are made of two types of weaving (2/2 Twill, 8H Satin glass fibre, and (8H Satin carbon fibre. The matrix was polyetherimide(PEI. In order to characterize the interlaminar fracture a mechanical test was carried out using the mode I Double Cantilever Beam (DCB and mode II End Notched Fixed (ENF tests. The analysis consists of knowing the different failure mechanisms which have generated the hygrothermal aging.

    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio sobre la influencia del envejecimiento higrotérmico en el comportamiento a fractura interlaminar de tres tipos de compuestos, dos de ellos reforzados con tejido de fibra de vidrio(2/2 Twill, y 8H Satin y otro con fibra de carbono (8H Satin . El envejecimiento se realizó manteniendo, durante diferentes periodos de tiempo, probetas en una cámara climática bajo unas determinadas condiciones de temperatura y humedad relativa. La determinación de la tenacidad a fractura interlaminar se realizó utilizando probetas de modos I (DCB y II (ENF. El análisis realizado consistió en poner de manifiesto los diferentes mecanismos de rotura a fractura que se generan tras someter las probetas a la exposición higrotérmica. De los resultados de los ensayos se concluye un diferente comportamiento a fractura según el refuerzo existente y también a igual refuerzo, según la trama del tejido.

  2. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial


    Francisco Avello; Allan Avello


    Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el ...

  3. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial


    Avello, Francisco; Avello, Allan


    Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el ...

  4. Fractura triple del complejo suspensorio del hombro

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    Eraclio Delgado Rifá


    Full Text Available El complejo suspensorio del hombro es una estructura sumamente importante, compuesta por un anillo de huesos y tejidos blandos. Las lesiones aisladas de este complejo anatómico son frecuentes y no afectan su estabilidad. La interrupción doble conduce a la inestabilidad de esta estructura y usualmente requiere tratamiento quirúrgico. La triple interrupción, por su parte, es sumamente rara y es encontrada en casos de trauma de alta energía a menudo en asociación con otras lesiones. Se presenta una triple lesión del complejo suspensorio del hombro en un paciente de 46 años de edad, con una fractura de la glenoides, del acromion tipo III de Kuhn y de la coracoides tipo II de Ogawa. En este caso, la fractura del acromion fue tratada con fijación percutánea con alambres de Kirschner, por tener asociado lesiones de partes blandas que contraindicaron la reducción abierta. La fractura de la glenoides y de la apófisis coracoides fueron tratadas conservadoramente. Después de 6 meses de evolución, el paciente tuvo un resultado funcional aceptable, con una abducción de 90 grados, los 30 grados de rotación externa y 70 de rotación interna, además asintomático y consolidación de todas las fracturas. A pesar de ser catalogada de una lesión grave del cinturón escapular y estar asociada a otras lesiones se obtuvo un resultado satisfactorio al final del tratamiento.

  5. Comportamiento de las fracturas máxilo-malares

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    Kenny Moreira García

    Full Text Available Introducción: el hueso malar es uno de los huesos más afectados en los traumas faciales. Es fracturado con frecuencia, su tratamiento es común para el cirujano maxilofacial. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento de las fracturas máxilo-malares según, edad y sexo, signos y síntomas, tipo de fractura, causa y modalidad terapéutica empleada. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal prospectivo de los pacientes atendidos con fracturas máxilo-malares en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García" en el período comprendido entre noviembre de 2008 a mayo de 2011. Los resultados se mostraron en tablas de simple y doble entrada y como medida resumen se utilizó el porcentaje. Resultados: el comportamiento por grupos de edades mostró 18 pacientes de 31 a 40 años, 14 de 41 a 50 años, 12 de 18 a 30 años, 11 de 51 a 60 y 8 de más de 60 años; 44 pacientes (69,8 % eran masculinos. La agresión física fue causa de 41,3 % de las fracturas, los accidentes de tránsito el 25,4 %, las caídas el 19 % y los accidentes deportivos el 14,3 %. Presentaron dolor 100 % de los pacientes y asimetría facial el 96,8 %. Las fracturas grado III presentes en 50,8 %, 31,8 % grado II, 9,5 y 7,9 % grado IV y I respectivamente. En 24 pacientes se empleó una técnica terapéutica combinada. En 16 pacientes se utilizó la cola de ceja y sólo en un paciente se optó por el abordaje coronal. Conclusiones: de los 63 pacientes los de mayor número fueron, los del sexo masculino y de edades entre 31 y 40 años; el tipo de fractura más frecuente fue la grado III y se identificaron como causas fundamentales las agresiones físicas seguidas de los accidentes de tránsito. Los signos y síntomas más observados fueron el dolor y la asimetría facial La modalidad terapéutica más empleada fue la combinada.

  6. Enclavado endomedular en fracturas del tercio distal de la tibia


    Arroquy, Damian; Chahla, Jorge; Gomez Rodriguez, Gustavo; Cid Casteulani, Alberto; Svarzchtein, Santiago; Gomez, Diego; Pesciallo, Cesar


    Objetivo: Describir los resultados obtenidos con el enclavado endomedular acerrojado en pacientes con fractura del tercio distal de la tibia. Materiales y Métodos: Se incluyeron pacientes con fracturas desplazadas del tercio distal de la tibia, tratadas con clavo endomedular. La muestra incluyo 35 pacientes. El tiempo de seguimiento posoperatorio fue de 29.2 meses. Se evaluaron el tiempo de consolidacion, la consolidacion viciosa y las complicaciones. Los resultados funcionales se determinaro...

  7. Fractura luxación posterior de cadera asociada a fractura parcelar de la cabeza femoral: a propósito de un caso


    Fernández Gabarda, Rafael; Fernández, E.; Gomar Sancho, Francisco; Jolín Sánchez del Campo, Tomás


    La asociación de luxación posterior traumática de cadera con fractura de la cabeza femoral, es relativamente poco frecuente. Presentamos un varón de 33 años de edad que sufrió un accidente vial con resultado de luxación posterior asociada a fractura de la cabeza femoral craneal a la fovea centralis (tipo II de la clasificación de Pipkin). El tratamiento realizado fue una reducción abierta sin osteosíntesis, dentro de las seis primeras horas. A los dos años el paciente camina co...

  8. Fractura de elastómeros EPDM cargados con microesferas de vidrio mediante el trabajo esencial de fractura

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    Velasco, J. I.


    Full Text Available In this work, the essential work of fracture concept (EWF has been applied to untreated and silane- treated glass bead-filled EPDM. It has been proved that this theory is not applicable to pure EPDM due to its high elastic character, but being possible in glass bead-filled EPDM, thus the presence of these particles induces certain plasticity on the EPDM. The results show that the higher adhesion between matrix and particles, the higher value of plastic work of fracture, and the higher final instability of crack propagation. Moreover the influence of processing temperature on the mechanical characteristics of these materials has been studied, noticing a marked drop of stiffness and strength from a temperature processing of 200 ºC. The higher adhesion obtained between EPDM matrix and glass beads through surface treatment has been confirmed by scanning electron microscopy.

    En el presente trabajo se ha aplicado el concepto de trabajo esencial de fractura (EWF a una serie de compuestos de EPDM y microesferas de vidrio, sin tratamiento superficial y tratadas con silanos. Se ha comprobado que esta teoría no es aplicable al EPDM puro debido a su elevado carácter elástico, pudiéndose en cambio aplicar a sus compuestos cargados con microesferas de vidrio, pues la presencia de estas partículas induce cierta plasticidad en el EPDM. Los resultados indican que una mayor adhesión entre partícula y matriz se traduce en un mayor valor de trabajo plástico de fractura, así como en una mayor inestabilidad final en la propagación de la grieta. Asimismo se ha estudiado la influencia de la temperatura de procesado sobre las características mecánicas de estos materiales, observándose una caída acusada de la rigidez y de la resistencia a la tracción en todos los compuestos a partir de una temperatura de procesado de 200 ºC. La mayor adhesión que se consigue entre la matriz de EPDM y las microesferas de vidrio mediante el tratamiento superficial

  9. Reparacion espontánea de fractura radicular horizontal

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    Jorge Elias Dancur Turizo


    Full Text Available Resumen Se reporta un caso clínico de una fractura radicular horizontal en un central superior izquierdo, que reparó espontáneamente sin tratamiento dental alguno. La fractura se diagnosticó catorce años después de recibir el trauma, en un examen radiográfico rutinario de la consulta endodóntica, ya que el diente sin ninguna sintomatología presentaba al examen clínico cambio de color y al examen radiográfico se observaba zona radiolúcida en la zona apical, por lo que fue remitida del posgrado de ortodoncia al posgrado de endodoncia de la facultad de odontología de la Universidad de Cartagena. Al examen radiográfico realizado en el posgrado de endodoncia se observa línea de fractura radicular horizontal a nivel de la unión del tercio cervical con el tercio medio de la raíz y además se encuentra un defecto óseo al mismo nivel de la fractura radicular. Se realiza el tratamiento de conducto radicular sin complicación alguna. Este caso es sorprendente por realizarse una reparación espontánea sin tratamiento odontológico alguno y más aún sin emitirse un diagnóstico de fractura radicular con anterioridad. (DUAZARY 2010, 79 - 83AbstractIs reported a clinical case of a horizontal root fracture in a maxillary left central incisor that was spontaneously repaired without any dental treatment is reported. The root fracture was diagnosed in an x-ray endodontic examination routine fourteen years after receiving the trauma due to changes in the color of the tooth and asymptomatic, x-ray examination showed a radiolucent zone apically, reason why the patient was sent from orthodontic service to endodontic service at Dentistry School of Cartagena University. Radiographs examination showed a line of horizontal fracture between the union of the cervical third with the middle third and in addition there is a bone defect at the same level of the root fracture. Root canal treatment is done without any complication. This case is surprising

  10. Estudio de la capacidad estabilizadora del peroné en fracturas de tibia de conejo


    Fornells Miquel, P.; GÓMEZ BENITO, M.J.; García Aznar, J. M.; BEA CASCAROSA, J.A.


    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la capacidad estabilizadora del peroné en fracturas de tibia. Si dicha capacidad es suficiente, sería posible evitar el uso de sistemas de fijación en los experimentos de laboratorio con este tipo de fracturas. Para comprobarlo se ha realizado una simulación computacional por elementos finitos de la tibia y el peroné de un conejo, con una fractura en el tercio medio superior de la diáfisis sin ningún elemento estabilizador. El conjunto ha sido sometido ...

  11. Fracturas de extremidad proximal de cubito en el niño


    Martínez Castroverde Pérez, Jesús; Casas Cebrián, M.; Doñate Pérez, F.; Martínez Arnáiz, R.; Delgado Mateo, Ricardo; Gallach Sanchís, D.


    Las fracturas y epifisiolisis proximales de cubito, son lesiones raras y cuando se producen suelen estar mínimamente ó no desplazadas, pudiendo ser tratadas de forma conservadoras. En los casos en que existe desplazamiento significativo, requieren reducción abierta y osteosíntesis. Independientemente del tipo de tratamiento utilizado, el resultado final suele ser satisfactorio. Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo de 13 casos de fractura-epifisiolisis de extremo proximal de cubito, ocurridas d...

  12. Alternativas de tratamiento en las fracturas de cadera

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    Roberto Joaquín Del Gordo D´Amato


    Full Text Available Title: Hip fractures Treatment Alternatives.ResumenLas fracturas de cadera son motivo de consulta frecuente en nuestras clínicas y hospitales en pacientes mayores de 60 años. Este tipo de lesiones se producen generalmente ante traumas por caída de baja altura, la mayoría de las veces por caídas en su domicilio. Se han descrito una gran cantidad de factores predisponentes presente en ese grupo etario y dentro de ellos la osteoporosis juega un papel protagónico. Diversas clasificaciones han sido descritas dependiendo de la localización del trazo de fractura, sin embargo, el limite anatómico de la capsula articular del fémur proximal es determinante y permite clasificarlas como intra capsulares y extra capsulares. En la práctica ortopédica actual el tratamiento médico de estas lesiones no tiene indicación, salvo en situaciones muy excepcionales en las cuales la cirugía implica riesgo inminente de muerte en razón a patologías asociadas y es el tratamiento quirúrgico el que ofrece los mejores resultados. La resolución quirúrgica de las fracturas de cadera implica la utilización de una variedad de implantes cuya elección está sujeta a una serie de factores que dependen no solo del tipo de fractura sino situaciones inherentes a cada paciente en particular. El objetivo de esta revisión es buscar consenso en cuanto al tipo de implante a utilizar en las fracturas de cadera dependiendo de diversos factores y dentro de ellos la ubicación del trazo de fractura. (DUAZARY 2012 No. 2, 181 - 189AbstractHip fractures are question common in our clinics and hospitals in patients over 60 years of age. This type of injury usually occur before trauma by falling from a low height, most of the time by a fall at his home. A large number of predisposing factors present in this age group have been described and within them the osteoporosis plays a leading role.Several classifications have been described depending on the location of the fracture

  13. Fractura de stent sirolimus: una causa de restenosis tardía

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    William Amaya


    Full Text Available El primer caso de fractura de stent farmacológico en arterias coronarias fue publicado en 2004, y aunque es un evento infrecuente, las implicaciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas siguen siendo un reto. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de género masculino, de 49 años de edad, portador de dos stents medicados, con antedecedente de nuevo evento coronario y diagnóstico de fractura de dichos dispositivos a través de cateterismo.

  14. Necrosis de la cabeza femoral tras fractura del cuello femoral tratada mediante osteosíntesis


    Martínez Martín, Angel Antonio; Panisello Sebastiá, Juan José; Lallana Duplá, J.; Herrera Rodríguez, Antonio


    Se presenta un análisis retrospectivo de las necrosis aparecidas en 233 pacientes con fractura de cuello femoral fijada con tornillos de esponjosa. La edad media fue de 80,6 años. Setenta y un pacientes (26%) tuvieron una fractura no desplazada (Garden I o II) y 172 (74%) una fractura desplazada (Garden III o IV). Seis meses tras la cirugía 170 pacientes sobrevivían (72,9%). Treinta y cuatro de ellos (20%) habían desarrollado necrosis y 10 (5,9%) colapso. Tras un seguimiento de 12 meses 114 p...

  15. Efectos de la Hormona Paratiroidea PTH (1-84) en la consolidación de las fracturas


    Aroca Navarro, José Enrique


    1.- INTRODUCCIÓN La osteoporosis es una enfermedad sistémica crónica y progresiva que se caracteriza por una densidad ósea baja y un deterioro de la micro-arquitectura del tejido óseo, que reduce la resistencia a las fuerzas de carga, con un incremento de la fragilidad ósea y de la susceptibilidad de experimentar una fractura ante mínimos traumatismos. Por lo tanto, las fracturas por fragilidad son la consecuencia clínica de la osteoporosis. La incidencia de este tipo de fracturas es m...

  16. Tratamiento conservador de las fracturas del cóndilo mandibular en pacientes pediátricos: Serie de casos

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    Ana Verónica D´Andrea


    Full Text Available La fractura del cóndilo mandibular es una lesión traumática cuya prevalencia en niños es relativamente baja, lo cual puede deberse tanto a factores anatómicos como ambientales. Las consecuencias incluyen anquilosis de la articulación temporomandibular, asimetrías faciales y trastornos funcionales. El tratamiento conservador es el que cuenta con mayor aceptación, siendo el seguimiento cercano y a largo plazo fundamental. Esta investigación describe el seguimiento de 11 pacientes con antecedentes de fracturas condilares, que asistieron al servicio de Ortodoncia Interceptiva de la Facultad de Odontología de la UCV durante el periodo comprendido entre 2001-2014. Se evaluó la edad del paciente, causa de la fractura, el tipo de fractura, tratamiento recibido y tiempo de duración mediante radiografías panorámicas y tomografías antes y después del tratamiento conservador. Se evaluaron los cambios anatómicos ocurridos. Los tipos de tratamientos variaron desde uso de analgésicos, antiinflamatorios, fisioterapia (ejercicios de apertura y cierre mediante abrebocas y paletas de mordida, aparatos funcionales (Bionator, Klammt, híbridos, y fijación intermaxilar. La prevalencia de fracturas condilares fue de 1,50% siendo las causas más frecuentes caídas de altura y accidentes de tránsito. Las fracturas mas prevalentes fueron 5 casos de fracturas unilaterales y 6 casos de fracturas bilaterales. El tratamiento conservador resultó exitoso en la vasta mayoría de los casos. Como resultado terapéutico se observó remodelado del cóndilo, en ocasiones con leves variantes anatómicas, simetría facial en reposo y apertura. Ningún caso presentó anquilosis de la ATM.

  17. Antimicrobial activity of some of the south-Indian spices against serotypes of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Aeromonas hydrophila Atividade antimicrobiana de condimentos do sul da India sobre Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes e Aeromonas hydrophila

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    M.N. Indu


    Full Text Available Antibacterial activity of extracts of Allium sativum (garlic, Myristica fragrans (nutmeg, Zingiber officinale (ginger, Allium cepa (onion and Piper nigrum (pepper has been evaluated against 20 different serogroups of Escherichia coli, 8 serotypes of Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Aeromonas hydrophila. Garlic extract showed excellent antibacterial activity against all the test organisms, except L. monocytogenes. Nutmeg showed good anti-listerial activity, although activity against E. coli and Salmonella were serotype dependent. Both garlic and nutmeg extracts were effective against A. hydrophila. Extracts of ginger showed inhibitory activity against two serogroups of E. coli: as O8 (enterotoxigenic E. coli and O88 only. Extracts of onion and pepper did not show any antibacterial activity against the test organisms.Avaliou-se a atividade antimicrobiana de extratos de alho (Allium sativum, noz-moscada (Mysritica frangrans, gengibre (Zingiber officinale cebola (Allium cepa e pimenta do reino (Piper nigrum sobre 20 sorotipos de Escherichia coli, 8 sorotipos de Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes e Aeromonas hydrophila. O alho apresentou atividade antimicrobiana excelente sobre todos os microrganismos testados, excepto L. monocytogenes. A noz-moscada apresentou boa atividade antilisteria, emboara atividade sobre E. coli e Salmonella tenha sido sorotipo-dependente. Tanto alho como noz-moscada foram eficientes contra A. hydrophila. O extrato de gengibre apresentou atividade inibitória sobre dois sorotipos de E. coli: 08 (enterotoxigenico e 088. Os extratos de cebola e pimenta do reino não apresentaram nenhuma atividade contra os microrganismos testados.

  18. Incidencia de fracturas maxilofaciales relacionadas con el deporte

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz¹


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio para analizar la incidencia de las fracturas maxilofaciales relacionadas con el deporte en los años 1991 al 1993. Se encontró que éstas correspondían al 7,1 % del total; fueron más frecuentes en el sexo masculino y en el grupo de edad de 15 a 24 años. El beisbol fue el deporte que más casos aportó a nuestro estudio; le siguieron el kárate y el baloncesto. La colisión con otro jugador y las caídas fueron las causas más frecuentes. La región nasal fue la más afectada con el 32,5 %. Se recomienda el correcto uso de los medios de prevención de: fracturas faciales, accidentes deportivos, traumatismos faciales y fracturas nasales.The authors carried out a study to analyze the incidence of maxillofacial fractures related to sports from 1991 to 1993. It was found that these were correspondent with 7,1 % of the total of fractures; that were more frequent in masculine sex, and in the 15 to 24 years old age group. Baseball was the sport that brought more cases to the study, followed by martial arts and basketball. Collisions with another players, and downfalls, were the most frequent causes. The nasal region was the most effected one, with 32,5 %. The authors recommend the correct usage of prevention media to avoid facial fractures, sports accidents, facial traumas and nasal fractures.

  19. Determinación de la tenacidad a la fractura de muestras de Acero 45 fundido, empleando las correlaciones entre el KIC y la energía de impacto medida en el ensayo de Charpy. // Determination of the fracture tenacity of cast Steel grade 45 samples, using th

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    F. Ramos Morales


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se determinan los valores de tenacidad a la fractura (KIC de muestras de Acero 45 fundido,empleando las correlaciones entre la tenacidad a la fractura y la energía de impacto (CVN obtenida del ensayo de Charpy.Se hace una discusión sobre las correlaciones que más se ajustan en la región de transición y en upper shelf. Se comparanlos valores obtenidos de estas correlaciones a valores de tenacidad a la fractura establecidos en la literatura.Palabras claves: Fractura, energía de impacto, acero fundido.______________________________________________________________________________Abstract.In this paper, the values of fracture toughness (KIC are determined on specimens of cast steel grade 45, using thecorrelations among the fracture toughness (KIC and the impact energy (CVN obtained from a Charpy test. A discussion ismade on the correlations that are better adjusted in the transition region and in upper shelf region. The obtained values arecompared from these correlations to values of fracture toughness (KIC settled down in the literature.Key words. Fracture, impact energy, cast steel.

  20. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial

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    Francisco Avello


    Full Text Available Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el sexo masculino, afectando mayormente a individuos entre 20 y 40 años de edad. Los accidentes de tránsito y las agresiones por robo son las principales causas. El tercio medio del macizo óseo-facial está conformado por un complejo de huesos unidos unos a otros, dentro de los que tenemos principalmente a los maxilares superiores, huesos propios nasales, malares y temporales. Razón por la que se ha querido elaborar una clasificación, que incluya las estructuras óseas mencionadas, que a la vez sea comprensible y de fácil aplicación.

  1. Determinació de la Tenacitat de Fractura d’un material fràgil


    Salán Ballesteros, Maria Núria


    Identificar, entre totes les propietats mecàniques que caracteritzen un material, quina o quines es requereixen per determinar la Tenacitat de Fractura. Establir relacions entre aquest paràmetre i la “bondat” del material. Fer cerca bibliogràfica per identificar expressions analítiques útils, i per disposar d’un recull de valors de Tenacitat de Fractura per a materials similars (acotar rang de valors possibles). Planificar , dissenyar i executar l’experiment. Definir l’estratègia d’u...

  2. Fractura de compuestos polipropileno-talco


    Velasco Perero, José Ignacio


    La investigación realizada en esta tesis se ha centrado en la caracterización de la fractura de materiales compuestos por una matriz de polipropileno homopolímero isotáctico y diferentes fracciones de partículas laminares de talco. Estos materiales se emplean en la actualidad para la fabricación de piezas por inyección, especialmente en el sector de automoción. Por extrusión de doble tornillo se prepararon dos series de materiales conteniendo diferentes fracciones de talco disperso, el cual f...

  3. Reconstrucción de Piso Orbitario con esclera en Fracturas del Tercio Medio. Presentación de caso


    Alexis A. Amador-Velázquez; Martha Rodríguez-Milord; Reynaldo Oro-Canelles


    Presentó un caso el cual fue víctima de una agresión con un objeto cortante que le produjo una fractura compleja del tercio medio facial provocándole una Fractura Le Fort III unilateral izquierda y Le Fort II unilateral derecha con herida perforante y extensa en globo ocular izquierdo que fue necesario realizar su eviseración, extrayendo de este un fragmento de esclera del segmento anterior de mas menos 1cm de largo para reparar una fractura mediana en piso orbital derecho logrando su fijaci...

  4. Calcificaciones vasculares y fragilidad ósea en pacientes en hemodiálisis y en población general: Impacto sobre morbilidad y mortalidad


    Rodríguez García, Minerva


    El presente estudio pretende aportar información sobre la relación existente entre calcificaciones vasculares, masa ósea, fracturas y mortalidad tanto en pacientes en hemodiálisis como en población general. Se estudiaron 193 pacientes en hemodiálisis de 7 hospitales de Asturias que se les siguió durante dos años. Se les realizó una encuesta y se revisó su historia clínica recogiendo 84 parámetros diferentes incluyendo información clínica, fracturas previas, variables bioquímicas y tratamiento...

  5. Osteosíntesis de fractura de tobillo. Análisis evolutivo con carga precoz. Estudio preliminar. [Osteosynthesis of ankle fracture. Evolutionary analysis with early loading. Preliminary study].

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    Juan Manuel Yañez Arauz


    Full Text Available Introducción La reducción y osteosíntesis de las fracturas del tobillo, permiten una recuperación precoz. Sin embargo, clásicamente no se permite la carga del peso durante casi 6 semanas. El objetivo del presente estudio, es analizar si la carga inmediata del peso en fracturas de peroné, produce complicaciones y/o desplazamientos secundarios. Material y métodos Se analizaron 21 pacientes operados de fracturas 44AOB1, y se les dio carga inmediata. Se evaluó clínica y radiográficamente la evolución de los mismos. El seguimiento fue a más de 3 meses. Resultados La carga del peso con protección con bota “Walker”, fue ejecutada por los pacientes a los 2 días promedio. El puntaje AOFAS para tobillo evaluado a los 3 meses del post-operatorio fue de 99 puntos promedio. El retorno a la actividad laboral fue promedio 2,1 meses; y el retorno a la actividad deportiva previa, fue promedio de 2,95 meses. En la radiología del POP a más de 90 días de seguimiento, la reducción no sufrió desplazamientos secundarios. Discusión Aun existe controversia sobre el manejo postoperatorio en las fracturas de tobillo. Actualmente se sabe que el movimiento temprano luego de la fijación interna, es beneficioso para disminuir la enfermedad del yeso. La carga de peso temprana facilitaron la restauración de la amplitud de movimiento de la articulación lesionada, disminuyeron la hinchazón, la atrofia de los tejidos blandos, y previnieron el desarrollo de osteoporosis. Conclusiones Las fracturas tipo AO 44B1 de baja energía, tratados mediante reducción y osteosíntesis, pueden realizar carga de peso precoz, sin riesgo de desplazamientos secundarios. La carga precoz junto a la movilización temprana, presenta muy buena evolución clínica, y no incide en un mayor índice de complicaciones.



    Iñigo Etxebarria-Foronda; Javier Mar; Arantzazu Arrospide; Jaime Ruiz de Eguino


    Fundamentos: La intervención quirúrgica en las fracturas de cadera suele demorarse varios días. Nuestro trabajo tiene dos objetivos. Estudiar la estancia preoperatoria de los pacientes ingresados por fractura de cade- ra en los hospitales vascos durante el año 2010 y medir su posible asocia- ción con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria, y estimar el coste económico que supone la estancia preoperatoria. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional analizando los siguien- tes datos del Conjunto Mín...

  7. Incidencia y factores de riesgo de la fractura de fémur proximal por osteoporosis Incidence of and risk factors associated with fractures of the proximal femur due to osteoporosis

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    María Teresa Mosquera


    Full Text Available Todos los años se producen en el mundo más de un millón de fracturas de fémur proximal, sobre todo en personas de edad avanzada. Dado el continuo envejecimiento de las poblaciones, las fracturas aumentarán año tras año y constituirán un problema cada vez más grave de salud pública. Se espera que el mayor aumento de dichas fracturas ocurra en América Latina alrededor del 2050. Teniendo en cuenta que cerca de 70% de las fracturas atraumáticas en personas mayores de 45 años de edad se deben a osteoporosis, se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina, para conocer la incidencia de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis y los factores de riesgo asociados. Entre el 1 de agosto de 1992 y el 31 de julio de 1993 se registraron todos los casos de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis en personas mayores de 50 años de edad que acudieron a cualquiera de los 30 centros de salud públicos y privados de la ciudad. Se registró un total de 246 casos. La tasa de incidencia por 100 000 habitantes en la población mayor de 50 años fue de 259 en mujeres y de 92 en varones, con una relación de 2,8:1. La incidencia fue siempre mayor a mayor edad y sobre todo a partir de los 75 años. Los factores asociados con aumento del riesgo de fractura de fémur proximal con significación estadística fueron: antecedentes de enfermedades neurológicas, consumo de psicofármacos, consumo de alcohol, fracturas previas, enfermedades cardiovasculares y menor consumo de lácteos. No se observaron diferencias entre los casos y los controles con respecto a edad de inicio de la menopausia, peso, talla, actividad previa, hábito de fumar o exposición al sol, como así tampoco en el porcentaje de mujeres que habían tenido ooforectomías.Every year more than one million fractures of the proximal femur occur in the world, especially in older persons. Given the continuous aging experienced by populations, such

  8. Estudio de la fractura de materiales compuestos por una matriz de plástico


    Maspoch, M. Ll. (Maria Lluïsa)


    Se estudia el comportamiento a fractura de materiales, compuestos por una matriz de plástico en la que se ha dispersado una segunda fase en forma de partículas elastoméricas. Como matriz se han utilizado dos materiales diferentes: una resina de poliéster insaturada y poliestireno. Se estudia la morfología de los materiales compuestos preparados, se determinan los parámetros de fractura y otras propiedades mecánicas, se realiza el estudio fractográfico y finalmente se analizan los resultados e...

  9. Reconstrucción funcional de brazo en fractura abierta III C de húmero

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    M. Mendieta-Espinosa


    Full Text Available Las fracturas abiertas de alta energía tipo III C de Gustilo requieren un abordaje multidisciplinario en el que intervendrán distintas especialidades médicas, personal paramédico y demás profesionales de la salud, a fin de lograr una adecuada evolución del paciente y la restauración de su extremidad. La selección del procedimiento reconstructivo de cobertura dependerá de la localización y magnitud del defecto; pero se necesita una adecuada coordinación para llevar a cabo de forma oportuna la revascularización, la estabilización ósea y la cobertura de tejidos blandos que son la base de un procedimiento exitoso que prevenga la infección, favorezca la consolidación de la fractura y proteja las estructuras óseas, cartilaginosas, tendinosas y neurovasculares. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 20 años de edad con fractura abierta de húmero III C según la clasificación de Gustilo, tratado con revascularización mediante colocación de injertos de vena safena a vasos braquiales, y secuencialmente, fijación intramedular de húmero y cobertura con colgajo músculo-cutáneo de dorsal ancho. Tras 10 días de estancia hospitalaria, el paciente logró una adecuada cobertura de la zona de la fractura abierta y restablecimiento de la función de flexión del codo.

  10. Fisioterapia en pacientes geriátricos; Fractura de cadera. Revisión bibliográfica


    Pérez Bermúdez, Nerea


    La fractura de cadera en pacientes geriátricos constituye un problema muy importante en la sociedad española ya que tiene una alta incidencia, la cual no puede explicarse solo por el envejecimiento poblacional sino que residen en muchos más factores. Estas fracturas son una causa muy frecuente de ingreso hospitalario, con su posterior intervención quirúrgica y su tratamiento de fisioterapia. Además representa una de las causas más importantes de mortalidad entre esta población. También pro...

  11. Osteosíntesis con placa puente en fracturas diafisiarias conminutas de húmero.

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    Luis Mancilla Mancilla


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir y evaluar la técnica de osteosíntesis percutánea mínimamente invasiva en fracturas disfisiarias conminutas de húmero. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo longitudinal de tres pacientes con diagnóstico de fractura de húmero clasificación AO 12C3 tratado quirúrgicamente en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, evaluándose pérdida sanguínea intraoperatoria, tiempo quirúrgico, movilidad de articulaciones vecinas y callo óseo. Resultados: La perdida promedio de sangre fue de 180cc y el tiempo operatorio promedio 60 minutos. Los pacientes presentaron dolor leve tolerable desde el primer día post operatorio, movilidad del hombro y del codo sin limitación, formación del callo óseo a partir de la cuarta semana y consolidación ósea a las 12 semanas promedio. No hubo lesión del nervio radial. Conclusiones: La placa puente es una alternativa de tratamiento en fracturas conminutas diafisiarias del húmero tanto por su bajo costo como por la rehabilitación funcional precoz de las articulaciones vecinas, asimismo recomendamos la visualización intra operatoria del nervio radial.


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    Rafael Gómez Navarro


    Full Text Available La osteoporosis puede y debe prevenirse, diagnosticarse y tratarse, preferentemente antes de que aparezca la fractura por fragilidad. El objetivo fue analizar las intervenciones de prevención primaria y secundaria llevadas a cabo en las personas que sufrieron fractura de cadera por fragilidad en 2014 en el sector sanitario de Teruel. Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Variables analizadas: sexo, edad, zona básica de salud, residencia, situación funcional basal, antecedente de osteoporosis, fractura de fémur o vertebral, pérdida de estatura, utilización de FRAX, tratamiento al alta, exitus y su causa. Se empleó t- Student y ANOVA para variables cuantitativas por categorías y regresión para relaciones lineales. Resultados: Se incluyó a 148 personas, de las cuales 123 eran mujeres, con una mediana de edad de 87 años, 27,4% tenían dependencia grave o total para las actividades de la vida diaria, 33% estaban institucionalizados. El 10,1% tenían antecedente de fractura de cadera y 10% de fractura vertebral. Constaba diagnóstico de osteoporosis en el 13’7%. En ningún caso se había utilizado la herramienta FRAX®. Habían seguido tratamiento previo con calcio el 12,2%, con vitamina D el 11,5% y con fármacos antiosteoporóticos un 6,8%. Tras la fractura siguió tratamiento para prevención secundaria el 52,7%. A 31/12/2015 había fallecido un 25,7%, con mediana de supervivencia de los fallecidos de 64,5 días, siendo las causas de exitus más frecuentes enfermedad cardiovascular (42,3%, infección (23,1% y neoplasias (11,5%. Conclusiones: En nuestro sector sanitario es infrecuente la valoración de la osteoporosis y del riesgo de fractura en población de riesgo así como la indicación de medidas farmacológicas de prevención primaria. Aunque la indicación de terapia para la prevención secundaria es superior a la reflejada en la literatura, debemos tomar medidas adicionales para mejorar la prevención de fracturas por

  13. Prevalencia de los factores de riesgo de fractura por fragilidad en varones de 40 a 90 años de una zona básica de salud rural

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    Rafael Gómez Navarro


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La osteoporosis, y como consecuencia de ella las fracturas por fragilidad, se han convertido en los últimos años en un importante problema de salud pública en los países desarrollados. Aunque es bien conocida su epidemiología y factores de riesgo en la mujer postmenopáusica son escasos los trabajos centrados en analizar esta patología en los hombres. El objetivo es determinar la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo de fractura por fragilidad en los varones y calcular su riesgo absoluto de fractura osteoporótica mayor y de fractura de cadera. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en una zona de salud rural. La población de estudio fueron los varones de entre 40 y 90 años. No se contemplaron causas de exclusión. Se realizó entrevista personal recogiendo los siguientes datos: edad, peso, talla, índice de masa corporal (IMC, antecedente de fractura previa, antecedente de fractura de cadera en progenitores, habito tabáquico, consumo de corticoides, antecedente de artritis reumatoide, osteoporosis secundaria, consumo de alcohol y densidad mineral ósea (DMO. Con estos datos se calculó el riesgo absoluto de fractura y el riesgo de fractura de cadera mediante la aplicación de la herramienta FRAX®. Resultados: Se estudió a 431 hombres. Media de edad 65,8 ± 13,9 años e IMC de 28,4 ± 4,3 Kg/m². A ninguno se le había determinado DMO. Prevalencia de los factores de riesgo: fractura previa 3,7%; progenitores con fractura de cadera 10,4%; fumadores 21,1%; corticoides 2,8%; artritis reumatoide 0,9%; osteoporosis secundaria 2,3%; alcohol 30,9%. Riesgo absoluto de fractura del 3,7 ± 3,1 IC al 95% (3,43-4,02 y riesgo de fractura de cadera del 1,7 ± 2,5 IC al 95% (1,51-1,98. Conclusiones: Especialmente importante en el varón sería supresión del alcohol y del tabaco.

  14. Prevalencia de fracturas faciales vinculadas con el deporte Prevalence of facial fractures linked to sports practice

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    José Manuel Díaz Fernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva y transversal en 57 pacientes con fracturas faciales adquiridas durante la actividad deportiva, los cuales fueron atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial "Saturnino Lora" de Santiago de Cuba, en el quinquenio 1992-1996. Este tipo de lesión representó el 6,2 % del total de tratadas en dicho período. En los atletas que jugaban con pelota y practicaban técnicas de combate hubo la mayor prevalencia de estas lesiones, fundamentalmente en los deportes de pelota, boxeo, baloncesto, karate y softbol. El impacto contra otro atleta fue el mecanismo de lesión más frecuente, sobre todo en los grupos de combate y juegos con pelota. Las fracturas de mandíbula dentoalveolares y cigomáticas resultaron ser los patrones de fracturas preponderantes. La conducta terapéutica en estos pacientes no difirió sustancialmente de la aplicada en aquellos con lesiones producidas por otras causas. La restricción de la actividad atlética osciló entre 9 y 15 semanas después del tratamiento inicial. En los atletas de alto rendimiento lesionados se impone establecer las estandarizaciones en su proceso rehabilitador para la toma de decisiones con respecto a su incorporación, tanto a la práctica como a la competencia, lo cual es fundamental en este sentido.A descriptive cross-sectional research study was made on 57 patients with facial fractures suffered during sporting activities. These patients had been seen by the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of "Saturnino Lara" provincial hospital in Santiago de Cuba from 1992 to 1996 and this type of lesions represented 6.2% of the fractures treated in this period of time. These lesions were more prevailing in athletes who mainly played ball sports, boxing, basketball, karate and softball. The collision with another sportsman was the most frequent injure mechanism fundamentally fight and ball sports. Dentoalveolar and zygomatic mandibular fractures

  15. Análisis de falla por fractura en tuberías de conducción de petróleo

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    Héctor Hernández A.


    Full Text Available Una sobre presión en una tubería puede ser tal que se presente una falla por inestabilidad plástica. Para cuando se encuentra una discontinuidad la presión de falla se puede reducir ostensiblemente en especial cuando se tienen fenómenos de fragilidad lo cual no es extraño en uniones soldadas. Las discontinuidades pueden provenir del material, como son las deslaminaciones, o generadas en procesos de soldadura como son inclusiones de escoria y porosidades. Con un tiempo prolongado de servicio una falta de penetración en una soldadura puede producir fenómenos de corrosión por estancamiento reduciéndose la sección resistente hasta obtenerse una condición crítica de falla por fractura. En este trabajo en primer término se presentan conceptos teóricos de falla por inestabilidad plástica en recipientes a presión de pared delgada los cuales son confrontados con los resultados de modelo experimental de laboratorio y en segundo término mediante conceptos de mecánica de fractura se presenta la condición de falla para cuando se cuenta con la presencia de un defecto tipo grieta. Con un modelo de tubería de aluminio se muestra que con una presión fluctuante baja una grieta puede crecer a un tamaño crítico de falla después de un determinado número de ciclos de presión.

  16. Efecto de la desestabilización de la cementita sobre el desarrollo de altos niveles de resistencia mecánica en aceros perlíticos

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    Mykhaylo Romanyuk


    Full Text Available Se estudió la deformación en aceros de alto contenido de carbono trefilados en frío, sobre el comportamiento mecánico y de fractura. La deformación promueve fenómenos de disolución de la cementita en la perlita, alcanzando alta resistencia y ductilidad, lo que permite aplicarlos en usos críticos como cables de grúas. Para estudiar el comportamiento mecánico y a la fractura, se estudian muestras de dos alambres sometidas a torsión hasta rotura. Estos presentan distinto comportamiento: uno sufrió fractura plana (normal y otro fractura delaminada. Se efectúa un estudio estructural mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la presencia del fenómeno de rizado (curling. Además, se realizan ensayos de análisis térmico diferencial y simulación termodinámica aplicando Fact Sage, para analizar la estabilidad de carburos. Se corroboró la precipitación de carburos épsilon que ocurre por difusión de carbono en la interfaz ferrita-perlita, justificando el incremento de la resistencia mecánica.

  17. Tratamiento quirúrgico con clavo intramedular elástico estable en fracturas diafisiarias del antebrazo en niños.

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    Francisco Vera Rosas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas diafisiarias del radio y/o cubito mediante la colocación intramedular de clavos Kirschner moldeados en pacientes pediátricos. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo observacional de pacientes tratados con clavo intramedular en fracturas diafisiarias de antebrazo en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia - Lima. Se usaron clavos Kirschner moldeado de acuerdo a especificaciones del clavo ESIN y se evaluaron la técnica operatoria, tiempo de consolidación, complicaciones y funcionalidad. Resultados: Se incluyeron 12 pacientes, 10 de sexo masculino, con edad promedio de 13.7 años (11 a 15 años, se encontró evidencia de consolidación a las seis semanas y el tiempo operatorio promedio fue de 75 minutos. Un paciente presentó parestesias del nervio cubital que remitió a los 4 meses, la perdida sanguínea fue mínima con un abordaje minimamente invasivo. Todas las fracturas consolidaron. Conclusión: El uso de clavo Kirschner moldeado es una alternativa de tratamiento en este tipo de fracturas debido a su bajo costo, y resultados comparables con el ESIN que es el tratamiento de elección. (Rev Med Hered 2009;20:151-155.

  18. Evaluación funcional en ancianos intervenidos de fractura de cadera

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    Silvia Montalbán-Quesada


    Full Text Available Estudio observacional prospectivo en pacientes mayores de 65 años intervenidos de fractura de cadera. El objetivo fue conocer la evolución funcional de los pacientes a los tres meses del alta hospitalaria, identificar variables relacionadas con dicha recuperación funcional, describir la mortalidad e institucionalización asociadas al proceso. Se analizaron variables demográficas como edad, sexo, convivencia. Otros aspectos registrados fueron: comorbilidad, deterioro cognitivo, capacidad para caminar, nivel de dependencia según índice de Barthel, institucionalización y mortalidad. Se recogió la información al ingreso y a los 3 meses del alta. El 89,6% de la muestra, fueron mujeres, la edad media fue de 83,56 años. El 40% de los pacientes recuperaron la independencia previa registrándose una mortalidad del 16,7% así como una leve progresión hacia la institucionalización. La capacidad funcional y el deterioro cognitivo del paciente, previos a la fractura condicionan su recuperación funcional y dependencias posteriores.


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    Andrés Camilo Abril Aguilar


    Full Text Available Antecedente. En la valoración radiológica de las fracturas supracondíleas de codo en niños existen algunas mediciones utilizadas como el ángulo de Baumann, el ángulo de inclinación diafisario-condíleo, la línea humeral anterior y la valoración rotacional. No se dispone de evidencia acerca de la concordancia de estas mediciones y los parámetros para determinar un tratamiento o los resultados del mismo, bajo esos criterios. Objetivo. Determinar la concordancia de esas mediciones y su relación con el tratamiento de las fracturas supracondíleas de húmero en niños. Material y métodos. Diseño observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo de concordancia, de serie de casos de fracturas supracondíleas de húmero distal en niños. Se realizaron las mediciones pre y postoperatorias del ángulo de Baumman, ángulo humerocondilar, línea humeral anterior y porcentaje rotacional en la proyección lateral, por tres observadores para obtener la concordancia interobservador segunlos criterios de Landis y Koch para correlación interobservador e intraobservador. El análisis estadístico se obtuvo con la correlación con el valor Kappa en variables nominales y coeficiente de correlación de Pearson para variables continuas. Resultados. 27 niños con edad promedio de 5.7 años. La concordancia interobservador fue buena o excelente para todas las mediciones en la clasificación de Gartland, el tipo de fractura (extensión o flexión, en la medición del ángulo de Baumann pre y post tratamiento y en las evaluaciones de línea humeral anterior y porcentaje rotacional. Los valores fueron aceptables y pobres para las mediciones de la línea humeral anterior y porcentaje rotacional posterior al tratamiento y con mala correlación según los parámetros de Landis y Koch para los tratamientos elegidos y para la duración del mismo así como la aceptación de los resultados del tratamiento. Conclusión. Aunque la concordancia para las mediciones radiol

  20. Fracturas de clavícula. Tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos intramedulares flexibles

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    Roberto Joaquín Del Gordo D'amato


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo en una serie de casos en el cual se presentan los resultados de 12 fracturas de clavícula tratadas en forma quirúrgica mediante clavos intramedulares flexibles. Todos los pacientes fueron tratados por los autores en la Clínica El Prado del D.T.C.H. de la Ciudad de Santa Marta mediante reducción cerrada bajo control radioscópico. Presentando resultados excelentes y buenos en todos los casos. Así mismo, se evidenció consolidación clínica a las cuatro semanas con reintegro a la vida laboral alrededor de las seis semanas. Todos los pacientes mostraron alto grado de satisfacción con el resultado obtenido. Se concluye que el tratamiento empleado es una alternativa terapéutica a tener en cuenta en aquellas fracturas desplazadas, sean estas del tercio externo, medio o interno que permite consolidación sin las complicaciones que con alguna frecuencia se presentan con el tratamiento conservador. (Duazary 2006; 2:115-120

  1. Utilidad de la Ortopantografía vs TAC facial en el diagnóstico de fracturas de mandíbula

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    M. P. Casteleiro Roca

    Full Text Available Nuestro objetivo es conocer la utilidad de la Ortopantografía frente a la TAC (Tomografía Axial Computarizada para el diagnóstico de las fracturas de mandíbula, pretendiendo implantar en nuestro hospital recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia. Llevamos a cabo una revisión sistemática en PubMed: la estrategia de búsqueda se define como "Jaw Fractures" [MeSH] AND "Tomography, X-Ray Computed" [MeSH], restringiendo dicha búsqueda a los últimos 5 años (2001-2005 y limitándola a inglés y español. Los criterios de inclusión establecidos son: diseños de estudio, revisiones sistemáticas, meta-análisis, estudios comparando utilidad de Ortopantografía frente a TAC en diagnóstico de fracturas mandibulares. Como criterios de exclusión marcamos: casos clínicos, cartas al director, no comparar Ortopantografía frente a TAC en diagnóstico de fracturas mandibulares. Obtenemos 41 artículos que analizamos y clasificamos aplicando los criterios descritos y obteniendo finalmente 3 artículos. Actualmente, como prueba única, la TAC proporciona más información diagnóstica que la Ortopantografía en las fracturas de mandíbula.

  2. Algunas consideraciones sobre el efecto del espesor de llanta en la resistencia a la fractura de ruedas dentadas.

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    G. González Rey


    Full Text Available En transmisiones por engranajes, con ruedas de llantas delgadas trabajando en régimen de carga nominal y con suficiente resistencia a los esfuerzos de flexión en la raíz de los dientes, ha sido observado el surgimiento de grietas por debajo de los dientes que se propagan a través de la llanta con rotura por fractura de la rueda dentada [2]. Las actuales formulaciones de las Normas ISO y AGMA para valorar el esfuerzo máximo resultante en la base de los dientes de las ruedas de engranajes cilíndricos introducen factores modificadores de los esfuerzos (YB y KB para ruedas dentadas con llantas de pequeño espesor. Estudios realizados [3, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] valoran de forma diferente el factor por adelgazamiento de llanta en dependencia de la geometría de las ruedas y la rigidez conjunta entre llanta y los nervios soporte del núcleo de la rueda dentada. En el presente artículo, se expone un breve resumen del estado del arte sobre el tema, son mostrados y confirma dos resultados derivados de un análisis de la interrelación entre el factor por adelgazamiento de llanta, la razón de espesor relativo de la llanta y la razón de espesor relativo de los nervios del soporte en ruedas dentadas cilíndricas, y otros asociados con la tendencia del límite inferior de la razón de espesor relativo de la llanta en dependencia del número de dientes de la rueda.In thin rimmed gears running with nominal load and sufficient bending stress resistance at the tooth-root, fatigue cracks with propagation through the rims, rather than at the tooth fillet, has been observed [2]. Both the ISO and AGMA standards introduce stress-modifying factors (denominated rim thickness factors YB and KB for the bending stress calculation where the rim thickness is not sufficient to provide full support of the tooth root. However, some different behavior of rim thickness factor depending on gear geometry and the stiffness of both rim and web thickness have been reported [3

  3. Estudio comparativo de la morbi-mortalidad en pacientes con fractura de cadera en relación al momento de su tratamiento


    Rodríguez Fernández, Pedro José


    La fractura de cadera especialmente en el anciano, que presenta no solo un problema medico importante por su alta prevalencia y morbimortalidad, sino que también tiene implicaciones sociales de gran magnitud. Se estima que el 20% de las mujeres mayores de 80 años sufre una fractura de cadera. OBJETIVOS Valorar la influencia que tiene la demora quirúrgica durante más de 48 horas en la aparición de complicaciones médicas o quirúrgicas durante le primer año postquirúrgico en los pacientes ancian...

  4. Descripción epidemiológica y evaluación de los desenlaces de interés de las fracturas de platillos tibiales

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    Ricardo Vega Caicedo


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Las fracturas de platillos tibiales suceden conalta frecuencia en grupos especiales como el personal de lapolicía, por su mayor exposición a mecanismos de trauma dealta energía y las características anatómicas y biomecánicaspropias de la extremidad proximal de la tibia, que atribuyena este tipo de fracturas una variabilidad importante en cuantoa abordaje terapéutico y su pronóstico.Materiales y métodos. Estudio tipo de serie de casos (nivelde evidencia IV, en pacientes adultos con fracturas de platillostibiales, con atención inicial en el Hospital Central dela Policía desde enero de 2005 hasta diciembre de 2010, condiagnóstico confirmado por ortopedista y seguimiento mínimode un año, a quienes se les aplicó una ficha de recolección dedatos, con las variables estipuladas en el estudio.Resultados. De 93 pacientes seleccionados, el 82% fueronde sexo masculino y el 91% presentaron fracturas cerradas. Aquienes se les realizó fijación interna más externa suplementariatuvieron mayores tiempos de consolidación radiológica(180 días. Las secuelas más frecuentes fueron Artrosis (24%y meniscopatía (21%, y las principales complicaciónes fueronlas infecciones en un 6,4% de los pacientes, siendo las fracturasabiertas grado III (33% las más afectadas. El promedio deconsolidación radiológica fue de 125 días. Fueron manejadasquirúrgicamente el 69,9% de los casos. El grupo etáreo de 30a 39 años fue el más comprometido. El principal mecanismode trauma fueron los accidentes en moto (40% y el tipo defractura con mayor frecuencia fue la Shatzker tipo IV (28%y las abiertas tipo Gustilo III (75%.Discusión. Las características propias del trabajo comoagente de policía, en cuanto a su rango de edad, sexo predominantey actividades de riesgo como desplazamiento enmoto, porte y utilización de armas de fuego, así como lasactividades de riesgo propias de su trabajo, determinan mecanismosde trauma de moderada y alta energ

  5. Algunas consideraciones sobre el efecto del espesor de llanta en la resistencia a la fractura de ruedas dentadas // Some considerations about the effect of the rim thickness on gear fracture resistance.

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    G. González-Rey


    Full Text Available En transmisiones por engranajes, con ruedas de llantas delgadas trabajando en régimen de carganominal y con suficiente resistencia a los esfuerzos de flexión en la raíz de los dientes, ha sidoobservado el surgimiento de grietas por debajo de los dientes que se propagan a través de la llantacon rotura por fractura de la rueda dentada. Las actuales formulaciones de las Normas ISO y AGMApara valorar el esfuerzo máximo resultante en la base de los dientes de las ruedas de engranajescilíndricos introducen factores modificadores de los esfuerzos (YB y KB para ruedas dentadas conllantas de pequeño espesor. Estudios realizados valoran de forma diferente el factor poradelgazamiento de llanta en dependencia de la geometría de las ruedas y la rigidez conjunta entrellanta y los nervios soporte del núcleo de la rueda dentada. En el presente artículo, se expone unbreve resumen del estado del arte sobre el tema, son mostrados y confirma dos resultadosderivados de un análisis de la interrelación entre el factor por adelgazamiento de llanta, la razón deespesor relativo de la llanta y la razón de espesor relativo de los nervios del soporte en ruedasdentadas cilíndricas, y otros asociados con la tendencia del límite inferior de la razón de espesorrelativo de la llanta en dependencia del número de dientes de la rueda.Palabras claves: rueda de llanta fina, engranaje, espesor de llanta, fractura, factor modificador deesfuerzo.____________________________________________________________________________AbstractIn thin rimmed gears running with nominal load and sufficient bending stress resistance at thetooth-root, fatigue cracks with propagation through the rims, rather than at the tooth fillet, hasbeen observed. Both the ISO and AGMA standards introduce stress-modifying factors(denominated rim thickness factors YB and KB for the bending stress calculation where the rimthickness is not sufficient to provide full support of the tooth root. However

  6. Fractura brônquica: Tratamento broncoscópico com colocação de prótese e broncoplastia com balão

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    Daniela Ferreira


    Full Text Available Resumo: A fractura brônquica é uma lesão rara, de mortalidade elevada, e geralmente secundária a traumatismos torácicos fechados. O seu diagnóstico exige alto índice de suspeição, na medida em que as manifestações são variáveis e não específicas. A broncoscopia desempenha um papel primordial no diagnóstico e, em casos seleccionados, no tratamento das fracturas brônquicas.Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de um doente politraumatizado com um traumatismo torácico grave após um acidente de trabalho. A broncoscopia revelou fractura extensa do brônquio principal esquerdo, tendo sido realizado tratamento conservador com colocação de prótese e broncoplastia com balão.Apresentase uma revisão da literatura da fractura brônquica e o papel diagnóstico e terapêutico da broncoscopia.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (3: 409-414 Abstract: Bronchial fracture is a rare, life-threatening injury usually associated with blunt chest trauma. It represents a great task in diagnosis, as its manifestations are various and nonspecific.Bronchoscopy has a primordial role to diagnose and, in selective cases, to treat bronchial fractures.The authors present the case report of a patient with a thoracic trauma after an accident in the workplace. The bronchoscopy revealed a fracture of the left main bronchus. Conservative treatment was performed with endobronchial stenting and balloon dilatation.In conclusion, a review of the literature on bronchial fracture and the role of bronchoscopy is presented.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (3: 409-414 Palavras-chave: Fractura brônquica, traumatismo, broncoscopia, prótese brônquica, broncoplastia com balão, Key-words: Bronchial fracture, trauma, bronchoscopy, endobronchial stent, balloon bronchoplasty

  7. Comportamiento de las fracturas maxilofaciales atendidas en el Hospital Universitario de Maabar, República de Yemen Behavior of the maxillofacial fractures in the Maabar's University Hospital, Yemen Republic

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available Introducción: las fracturas maxilofaciales constituyen más del 50 % del total de fracturas, y en muchas ocasiones están asociadas a otras fracturas del cuerpo humano. Objetivos: estudiar el comportamiento de estas lesiones en el Hospital Universitario de Maabar, de la Universidad de Thamar (Yemen, determinar su relación con la edad, sexo, etiología y localización, y compararlo con los resultados de otros estudios realizados en Cuba y en otros países. Métodos: se realizó un estudio estadístico descriptivo retrospectivo de las fracturas maxilofaciales atendidas por la brigada de profesores cubanos en este hospital entre los años 2006 y 2009. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, edad, causa de la fractura y región afectada, así como el tipo de fractura y los traumatismos asociados. Resultados: el sexo masculino fue mucho más afectado que el femenino. Los accidentes del tránsito fueron la causa más común (más del 50 % de los casos. La fractura nasal fue la más frecuente, y en más de 150 casos se detectaron traumatismos asociados, muchos muy graves, como fracturas de cráneo, de miembros y heridas de partes blandas. Conclusiones: se confirman los resultados que el sexo masculino es el más afectado, y que los accidentes del tránsito son la principal causa de fracturas en la cara. La fractura nasal es la más frecuente de todas las de los huesos faciales (más del 50 % de los casos, pero otros registran la mandíbula o la región zigomática como la zona más frecuente. Impresionaron las fracturas mandibulares en niños, lo cual no es frecuente en Cuba.Introduction: the maxillofacial fractures account for more than the 50 % of the total of fractures and often are associated with other fractures of the human body. Objectives: to study the behavior of these lesions in patients from the Maabar's University Hospital of the Thamar's University (Yemen, to determine its relation to age, sex, etiology and location and to compare it with


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    Rafael Gómez Navarro


    Resultados: El número final de mujeres estudiadas fue 76, su edad media 67,9 ± 13,4. El riesgo absoluto de fractura osteoporótica fue del 8,1 ± 7,9 y el riesgo de fractura de cadera del 3,7 ± 5,3. Se recomendó solicitar DEXA en 9 (11,8% y plantear el inicio de tratamiento en 3 (3,9%. Para 9 mujeres (>84 años, la Guía no establecía recomendaciones. El número necesario de mujeres a cribar para indicar la realización de una DEXA es 8,4 y de 25,3 para iniciar un tratamiento. Se inició en los 3 casos recomendados y en otra mujer más para la que la Guía no emitía recomendación. Conclusiones: La herramienta FRAX® nos ha facilitado determinar de una manera sencilla el riesgo absoluto de fractura osteoporótica y de cadera de las mujeres de nuestra población lo que nos ha ayudado a decidir iniciar tratamiento antirresortivo casi en el 4 % de las estudiadas.

  9. Complicaciones presentadas en pacientes mayores de 65 años ingresados por fractura de cadera en un hospital andaluz de tercer nivel


    López-Hurtado, Felipe; Miñarro del Moral, Rosa María; Arroyo Ruiz, Verónica; Rodríguez Borrego, Mª Aurora


    Objetivo: Conocer las complicaciones que se han producido en pacientes mayores de 65 años, ingresados en un hospital andaluz de tercer nivel durante el año 2012, con diagnóstico principal de fractura de cadera. Metodología: Diseño: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal. Ámbito, periodo y sujetos de estudio: Pacientes ingresados en el año 2012 mayores de 65 años con diagnóstico principal de fractura de cadera. Variables principales: Morbimortalidad recogida en el C...

  10. Trombosis venosa profunda masiva de miembro superior secundaria a fractura de tercio medio de clavícula. Caso clínico


    Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia, Í.; Sobrá-Hidalgo, G.Á.


    Resumen Objetivo: La trombosis venosa profunda del miembro superior es una entidad rara que se asocia con el uso de catéteres, estados de hipercoagulabilidad, anticonceptivos orales, neoplasias, síndrome de costilla cervical o de los escalenos, fracturas de clavícula y trombosis inducida por el esfuerzo. Método: Varón de 53 años que desarrolló una trombosis venosa de las venas axilar, cefálica y basílica tres días después de sufrir una fractura de tercio medio de clavícula que se inmovilizó...

  11. Trombosis venosa profunda masiva de miembro superior secundaria a fractura de tercio medio de clavícula. Caso clínico


    Í. Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia; G.Á. Sobrá-Hidalgo


    Objetivo: La trombosis venosa profunda del miembro superior es una entidad rara que se asocia con el uso de catéteres, estados de hipercoagulabilidad, anticonceptivos orales, neoplasias, síndrome de costilla cervical o de los escalenos, fracturas de clavícula y trombosis inducida por el esfuerzo. Método: Varón de 53 años que desarrolló una trombosis venosa de las venas axilar, cefálica y basílica tres días después de sufrir una fractura de tercio medio de clavícula que se inmovilizó inicia...

  12. Pacientes con fractura de cadera. Valoración de la cirugía precoz en estados de antiagregación plaquetaria


    Mas i Atance, Jaume


    El tractament estàndard de la fractura de maluc és la cirurgia precoç sota anestèsia raquídia . S'ha descrit un augment de les complicacions quan el tractament es posposa més enllà de les 48 hores, sigui quin sigui el motiu de la demora . El maneig dels pacients amb fractura de maluc que a més es troben en tractament amb antiagregants plaquetaris ha generat controvèrsia, perquè en limitar la possibilitat d'una anestèsia regional, es tendeix a demorar la intervenció per evitar el risc d'una...

  13. Tratamiento y complicaciones de las fracturas de seno frontal Frontal sinus fracture treatment and complications

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    S. Heredero Jung


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las fracturas de seno frontal se producen como resultado de impactos de alta energía. Un tratamiento inadecuado puede conducir a complicaciones serias incluso muchos años después del traumatismo. Objetivos. Evaluar los datos epidemiológicos y revisar las complicaciones asociadas. Estandarizar el protocolo de tratamiento. Materiales y métodos. Se revisaron 95 pacientes diagnosticados de fracturas de seno frontal pertenecientes al servicio de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre de Madrid, entre enero de 1990 y diciembre de 2004. Resultados. La edad media de los pacientes revisados es de 34 años. La mayoría son hombres (78% y la causa más frecuente del traumatismo, los accidentes de tráfico. El patrón de fractura más común es el que afecta únicamente a la pared anterior del seno frontal. Las complicaciones descritas son: deformidad estética frontal, sinusitis frontal, mucocele frontal, celulitis fronto-orbitaria, intolerancia al material de osteosíntesis, complicaciones infecciosas del SNC y persistencia de fístula de líquido cefalorraquídeo. Conclusiones. El objetivo ha de estar encaminado a prevenir las complicaciones asociadas a los pacientes con fracturas de seno frontal. Hay que individualizar el protocolo de tratamiento en cada caso. Es recomendable un seguimiento a largo plazo para identificar precozmente las posibles complicaciones.Introduction. Frontal sinus fractures are caused by high velocity impacts. Inappropriate treatment can lead to serious complications, even many years after the trauma. Objectives. To evaluate epidemiological data and associated complications. To standardize the treatment protocol. Materials and methods. the clinical records of 95 patients with frontal sinus fractures treated between January 1990 and December 2004 at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, "12 de Octubre" Hospital (Madrid, Spain, were reviewed. Results. The average age of

  14. Fracturas de tibia: tratamiento con clavo intramedular no fresado (UTN. Experiencia en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia

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    Carlos Ruiz Semba


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la utilidad del uso del clavo sólido intramedular no fresado (UTN en el tratamiento de las fracturas diafisiarias de tibia cerradas, expuestas y en seudoartrosis. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo y longitudinal en 12 pacientes con fractura diafisiaria de tibia tratados en el servicio de traumatología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia desde febrero 2000 hasta junio del 2001. La técnica usada para colocar el UTN fue la descrita en el Manual de Técnicas Quirúrgicas de la AO. El tiempo de seguimiento total fue de 1 año. Resultados: La consolidación con el uso de este clavo se dio en promedio a las 16 semanas, no presentándose ningún caso de no unión. A pesar de que algunos de nuestros pacientes presentaron lesiones en piel y tejidos blandos, no observamos infecciones superficiales ni profundas. Por otro lado el movimiento de la rodilla, tobillo y articulación subtalar, se inicio en el postoperatorio inmediato, logrando los pacientes hasta el momento un rango articular normal. Conclusiones: El Clavo Intramedular no fresado, es una buena alternativa en el tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas diafisiarias de tibia tanto cerradas y expuestas de Iº grado, así como en seudoartrosis, debido a todas las ventajas y buenos resultados obtenidos.(Rev Med Hered 2004; 15:70-75.

  15. Lo que no te contaron de las fracturas de fémur. [What nobody told you about femur fractures.

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    Guillermo Alejandro Ricciardi


    Full Text Available Este trabajo relaciona  la bibliografía con la experiencia de nuestros cirujanos  para afrontar  dificultades con un  instrumental defectuoso en el tratamiento de fracturas de fémur con osteosíntesis endomedulares y estimar la existencia de un canal de reclamo. Objetivos 1.Enumerar inconvenientes técnicos presentados en cirugías de fémur. 3. Comparar  diferentes centros y problemas afrontados. 4. Estimar canales de reclamo. Material y Métodos 1: Estudio retrospectivo observacional descriptivo sobre las historias clínicas y archivo radiológico de nuestra institución. 2: Encuesta on-line enviada a traumatólogos generales. 3: Consulta con ANMAT, IRAM, Ministerio de Salud de la ciudad y la Nación. Resultados: 1. 31 pacientes con fracturas de fémur tratados con osteosíntesis endomedulares entre enero de 2008 a agosto de 2013. Se documentaron 19 casos de fallas o defectos del instrumental de colocación en 15 pacientes. Los problemas más frecuentes fueron las guías y las mechas. 3. 270 respuestas. 19 provincias nacionales. Respuestas de Colombia, Ecuador, Italia, Australia y Bolivia. Se obtuvieron 180 respuestas de centros privados y 90 de centros públicos. 4. 4 vías de reclamo: ANMAT bajo el programa de Tecnovigilancia, IRAM por el incumplimiento de las Normas ISO 9001, Ministerio de Salud por incumplimiento de la resolución 255 y por incumplimiento de la Ley Básica de Salud 153 Art. 12 (ítem k y l y AAOT, en la subcomisión de Implantes. Conclusión Queda explicita la diferencia entre hospitales públicos y centros privados donde en estos últimos las estadísticas fueron favorables. El medio laboral solo definió prevalencia de inconvenientes técnicos pero los tipos de inconvenientes fueron los mismos. Existen formas y recursos para denunciar y enfrentar esta problemática.

  16. Evaluación del trabajo esencial de fractura en chapa de un acero de alta resistencia de fase dual

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    Gutiérrez, D.


    Full Text Available Fracture toughness of advanced high strength steels (AHSS, can be used to optimize crash behavior of structural components. However it cannot be readily measured in metal sheet because of the sheet thickness. In this work, the Essential Work of Fracture (EWF methodology is proposed to evaluate the fracture toughness of metal sheets. It has been successfully applied in polymers films and some metal sheets. However, their information about the applicability of this methodology to AHSS is relatively scarce. In the present work the fracture toughness of a Dual Phase (strength of 800 MPa and drawing steel sheets has been measured by means of the EWF. The results show that the test requirements are met and also show the clear influence of notch radii on the measured values, specially for the AHSS grade. Thus, the EWF is postulated as a methodology to evaluate the fracture toughness in AHSS sheets.

    La tenacidad de fractura de aceros de alta resistencia (AHSS, es una propiedad interesante para optimizar el comportamiento a impacto, pero su caracterización experimental en chapas metálicas es compleja debido a su espesor. En este trabajo se plantea el método del Trabajo Esencial de Fractura (TEF, como alternativa al cálculo de la tenacidad. Este método ya ha sido utilizado con éxito en polímeros y aceros dúctiles, aunque la información sobre su aplicación en AHSS es escasa. Se ha evaluado la tenacidad en un acero de fase dual de 800 MPa de resistencia y se ha comparado con la de un acero de embutición. Los resultados muestran que se cumplen los requisitos del método y ponen en evidencia la influencia del radio de entalla en el valor obtenido de TEF, especialmente para AHSS. Con todo ello, el método TEF se puede usar para caracterizar la tenacidad de AHSS en formato chapa.

  17. Embolismo graso en un niño con distrofia muscular de duchenne y fractura bilateral de fémur. una rara asociación.


    Vergara Amador, Enrique; Galván Villamarín, Fernando; Piña Quintero, Marcela


    Las fracturas de fémur en pacientes que sufren de distrofiamuscular de Duchenne (DMD) son frecuentes, con unaincidencia entre 15-44 por ciento. El embolismo grasose presenta en fracturas de huesos largos generalmenteasociado a trauma de alta energía o a lesiones extensasde tejidos blandos. El diagnóstico de embolismo grasono es tan frecuente en niños posiblemente porque cursacon presentaciones subclínicas. No existen reportesde embolismo graso asociado a distrofia muscular deDuchenne. Informa...

  18. Fractura de radio distal: abordaje mininvasivo con preservación del pronador cuadrado. [Distal radius fracture: minimally invasive approach with pronator quadrates preservation.

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    Gabriel Clembosky


    Full Text Available Objetivo Describir y analizar una técnica de osteosíntesis palmar de radio distal con preservación del pronador cuadrado. Material y Métodos Se revisaron, en forma retrospectiva, 24 pacientes operados con esta técnica (16 mujeres y 8 hombres; edad promedio 65 años. Doce fracturas eran de tipo A; 7, de tipo B y 5, de tipo C. La técnica quirúrgica consiste en practicar una incisión cutánea de 25 mm y profundizar hasta observar el pronador cuadrado. Sin seccionarlo, se realiza una disección de su borde distal, a fin de introducir la placa bloqueada volar por debajo del músculo. Se colocan los tornillos distales bajo visión directa y los tornillos proximales, en forma percutánea. La evaluación posoperatoria se llevó a cabo mediante análisis clínico-funcional y radiográfico. Resultados En el último control, todos los pacientes presentaban signos clínicos y radiográficos de consolidación ósea. El puntaje en la escala DASH fue, en promedio, de 4,8. Se observó una inclinación palmar posoperatoria de la superficie articular del radio de 14,3º promedio y una inclinación radial de 26,3º promedio. No se detectaron complicaciones relacionadas con la fractura, el implante o la herida quirúrgica en ninguno de los controles posoperatorios. Conclusiones Sin bien no existe bibliografía que demuestre que la técnica mininvasiva sea superior, sostenemos que el hecho de obtener resultados similares con ambos abordajes (mininvasivo y convencional justifica llevar a cabo esta técnica con preservación del pronador cuadrado, sobre todo en los pacientes preocupados por el aspecto cosmético de la cicatriz.

  19. Efeito do tempo de conservação de polimorfonucleares do sangue de bezerros sobre o metabolismo oxidativo e a atividade de fagocitose de Escherichia coli


    BOHLAND, Elizabeth; SÁ-ROCHA, Vanessa de Moura; CYRILLO, Fernanda Cavallini; BENESI, Fernando José


    Foram avaliados os efeitos do tempo sobre o metabolismo oxidativo e a fagocitose de Escherichia coli, em amostras de polimorfonucleares (PMN) do sangue, de cinco bezerros hígidos, conservadas em banho de gelo por duas (t2), quatro (t4), seis (t6), 12 (t12) e 24 (t24) horas. O metabolismo oxidativo foi avaliado utilizando o Diacetato 2' 7' Diclorofluoresceína (DCFH-DA) e a E. coli, como estímulo. Para a fagocitose a mesma bactéria foi utilizada. As amostras foram analisadas por citometria de f...

  20. Tratamiento funcional de fracturas desplazadas de olecranon en pacientes mayores de 70 años. [Functional treatment of displaced olecranon fractures in patients older than 70 years old.

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    Gerardo Gallucci


    Full Text Available Objetivo Reportar los resultados clínicos y radiológicos del tratamiento funcional de fracturas desplazadas de olécranon en pacientes >70 años. Material y Métodos Se evaluaron 28 pacientes >70 años con fracturas desplazadas de olécranon. El tratamiento consistió en la inmovilización inicial con una valva de yeso (promedio 5 días y, luego, movilización activa según tolerancia. No se indicó rehabilitación kinesiológica. Ningún paciente fue perdido en el seguimiento. El grupo estaba formado por 27 mujeres y un hombre. La edad promedio era de 82 años. Según la clasificación de la Clínica Mayo, 18 fracturas eran de tipo IIA y 10, de tipo IIB. El seguimiento promedio fue de 14 meses. Resultados La flexo-extensión fue de 142°-15°. La fuerza muscular fue de M5 en 17 pacientes y de M4 en 9. La fuerza de puño fue un 93% del lado contralateral. El dolor según la escala visual analógica fue de 1. La satisfacción con el tratamiento según esta escala fue de 9. Según el puntaje de la Clínica Mayo, 22 pacientes tuvieron resultados excelentes y 6, buenos. El puntaje DASH promedio fue de 15. Veinticuatro pacientes evolucionaron hacia la seudoartrosis. El gap articular final fue, en promedio, de 16 mm. El gap a nivel de la cortical posterior final fue, en promedio de 22 mm. Conclusión El tratamiento no quirúrgico de las fracturas desplazadas de olécranon en pacientes mayores ofrece un nú- mero elevado de buenos resultados funcionales con alto grado de satisfacción. Palabras clave: Fractura de olécranon. Fractura de codo. Tratamiento funcional.

  1. Simulación numérica del proceso de fractura en modo I de vigas de concreto con trayectoria de fisuración conocida mediante un modelo discreto de fisura cohesiva Numerical modeling of the fracture process in mode I of concrete beams with known cracking path by means of a discrete model of cohesive crack

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    Rubén Graffe


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe la formulación, implementación y aplicación de un modelo discreto de fisura cohesiva el cual permite simular el proceso de fractura en modo I de vigas de concreto simple cuya trayectoria de fisuración está definida. En el proceso de fractura se establece una relación entre el esfuerzo normal de cohesión y la apertura de una fisura, donde el material ubicado fuera de la zona de fractura conserva un comportamiento elástico lineal en carga o descarga, mientras que el material en el interior de la zona de fractura tiene un comportamiento inelástico con ablandamiento por deformación. En la malla se ubican parejas de nudos en la misma posición espacial sobre la trayectoria de la fisura, las cuales desligan a los elementos bidimensionales contiguos. Estos nudos duplicados están conectados entre sí por resortes elasto - plásticos que representan el proceso de fractura. Se simulan numéricamente tres vigas de concreto de diferentes dimensiones que soportan una carga en el centro de la luz. Cada simulación es un análisis no lineal estático con elementos finitos en condición plana de esfuerzos, considerando deformaciones infinitesimales y aplicando un desplazamiento vertical incremental sobre la cara superior de la mitad de la luz de la viga. Se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios de la respuesta estructural de las vigas, en comparación con los ensayos experimentales y modelaciones numéricas desarrolladas por otros autores.This work describes the formulation, implementation and application of a cohesive crack discrete model, which can simulate the fracture process in mode I of simple concrete beams with defined cracking pattern. In the fracture process, a relationship between the cohesive normal stress and crack opening is established, where the material outside the fracture zone has a lineal elastic behavior in loading and unloading, whereas the material inside the fracture zone has an inelastic behavior with

  2. Septoplastia submucosa asistida por endoscopia más reducción nasal cerrada en fracturas nasoseptales: estudio comparativo frente a la técnica tradicional

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    Nicolás Pereira

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y Objetivos La fractura de los huesos propios nasales es la más frecuente de las fracturas faciales y su hallazgo concomitante con fractura septal varía desde un 34% a un 96.2%. Es necesario un abordaje adecuado para evitar complicaciones como obstrucción nasal y deformidades nasoseptales postraumáticas. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la técnica de asistencia endoscópica como alternativa para el tratamiento de lesiones septales agudas y compararla con los resultados del abordaje tradicional de esta patología. Material y Método Revisión retrospectiva de casos de fracturas nasoseptales entre enero de 2010 y abril del 2014 en los que se realizó reducción nasal cerrada más septoplastia abierta (técnica tradicional o reducción nasal más septoplastia submucosa asistida por endoscopía (SSAE. Describimos la técnica quirúrgica y presentamos resultados. Resultados Recogimos 123 pacientes: 33 casos con técnica tradicional y 90 casos con SSAE. Todos debidos a accidentes laborales o en el trayecto hacia/desde el trabajo. Ambos grupos fueron comparables. El tiempo promedio transcurrido entre el accidente y la cirugía tradicional fue 11.4 días y para SSAE fue de 15 días. No se presentaron complicaciones intraoperatorias con ninguna de las técnicas. Hubo 5 pacientes (15.15% operados con técnica tradicional y 3 (3.3% con SSAE que evolucionaron con obstrucción nasal y/o laterorrinia; requirieron rinoseptoplastia secundaria (diferencia estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones La SSAE para tratamiento de fracturas nasoseptales supone una innovación que reduce la tasa de rinoseptoplastias secundarias en comparación con la técnica tradicional y lo reportado en la literatura. Es además una técnica reproducible y de bajo costo.

  3. Efectos del ibandronato sobre el metabolismo óseo y el perfil de riesgo cardiovascular en mujeres con osteoporosis postmenopáusica tratadas previamente con raloxifeno


    Ferrer Piquer, Marta


    “Efectos del ibandronato sobre el metabolismo óseo y el perfil de riesgo cardiovascular en mujeres con osteoporosis postmenopáusica tratadas previamente con raloxifeno” La osteoporosis postmenopáusica es un problema sanitario mundial, dado que las fracturas por fragilidad suponen un aumento importante de morbimortalidad así como del coste económico. En los últimos años se han desarrollado nuevas terapias para el tratamiento de la osteoporosis, siendo por el momento los SERMs y los bi...

  4. FRAX TM: un nuevo instrumento para calcular el riesgo absoluto de fracturas a 10 años FRAX TM: A new instrument for calculating 10-year absolute fracture risk

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    Haraldo Claus-Hermberg


    Full Text Available La eficacia de nuevos agentes farmacológicos para la prevención de fracturas osteoporóticas y la decisión de intervención con la misma finalidad en la práctica clínica han sido guiadas por la evaluación de la densitometría ósea (DMO. Sin embargo, reconociendo la naturaleza multifactorial de ese desenlace, recientemente se dio a conocer el calculador Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX™ que persiguiendo los mismos objetivos de modelos previos, integra y combina varios de esos factores ponderadamente para estimar el riesgo absoluto de fractura de cadera o un combinado de fracturas osteoporóticas para los siguientes 10 años. El mismo sería ajustable a cualquier país incorporando al modelo la incidencia de fractura de cadera y las expectativas de vida edad- y sexo-específicas para la población a que pertenece el individuo. Este instrumento es presentado como un nuevo paradigma para ayudar en la toma de decisiones terapéuticas, especialmente farmacológicas. En la presente revisión se discuten algunas de sus características, como ser: la pretendida aplicabilidad a poblaciones de distintos países, la conveniencia de utilizar el riesgo absoluto a 10 años para todo el espectro etario de interés y si la eficacia de los tratamientos farmacológicos para la prevención de fracturas óseas en pacientes osteoporóticos podrá comprobarse también en pacientes seleccionados para tratamiento en base a este modelo. Finalmente, se llama la atención sobre el hecho de que aún no están claramente determinados los umbrales de riesgo orientadores para la toma de decisiones, los que obviamente tendrán un relevante impacto en el número de pacientes pasibles de tratamiento.The efficacy of new pharmacological agents for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures and the clinical decision to intervene with that purpose in daily medical practice have been guided by the evaluation of bone mineral density (BMD. However, given the multifactorial

  5. Técnica mínimamente invasiva por vía posterior para el tratamiento de fracturas diafisarias del húmero. [Posterior minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis for humeral shaft fractures

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    Gerardo Gallucci


    Full Text Available Objetivo Comunicar la técnica mínimamente invasiva por vía posterior para la osteosíntesis de las fracturas diafisarias de húmero y evaluar los resultados clínicos y radiológicos de una serie de pacientes. Material y métodos Se evaluaron 11 pacientes (9 hombres y 2 mujeres; edad promedio, 33 años. Diez fracturas eran cerradas y una era expuesta. Se describe prolijamente la técnica quirúrgica. El seguimiento promedio fue de 22 meses. Resultados La flexo-extensión del codo fue de 140º-0°. La movilidad del hombro fue de 170° de elevación, 70° de rotación externa y rotación interna de D9. El dolor según la escala analógica visual: 0 puntos, DASH: 6; puntaje de la Clínica Mayo: 96, test de la UCLA: 33 puntos. Todas las fracturas consolidaron. Se observó una alineación normal de la diáfisis humeral en 3 de los pacientes, 7 tenían alguna deformidad en varo y uno en valgo. Un paciente desarrolló una parálisis radial posoperatoria y otro necesitó la extracción del implante por una infección. Conclusiones La técnica mínimamente invasiva posterior es una buena opción para el tratamiento de fracturas diafisarias de húmero. Es particularmente útil cuando la línea de fractura está cerca de la fosa olecraneana, debido a que, en estos casos, la técnica mínimamente invasiva por vía anterior es difícil de realizar. Los buenos resultados son similares a los reportados con las vías anterior y lateral.

  6. Tratamiento conservador de las fracturas del cóndilo: Evaluación radiológica y clínica Conservative treatment of condyle fractures: Radiological and clinical evaluation

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    A. Wassouf


    Full Text Available Las ventajas del tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas del proceso condilar hasta la fecha han despertado controversia en la literatura. El tratamiento conservador es el método de elección en nuestra clínica, por lo tanto, el propósito de este estudio es evaluar los resultados obtenidos en un grupo de nuestros pacientes, seleccionados y aleatorizados, que recibieron un tratamiento conservador de fracturas del proceso condilar. Se evaluaron las intervenciones terapéuticas entre 1997 y 2000 en 30 pacientes (18 varones, 12 mujeres, edad media de 25 años con fracturas del cóndilo y un tiempo de seguimiento medio de 12 meses. Se incluyó un total de 35 fracturas del cóndilo en este estudio. El tratamiento utilizado fue la fijación maxilomandibular (FMM, que se aplicó durante 2 semanas en las fracturas unilaterales y durante 3 a 4 semanas en las fracturas bilaterales. Se realizó una evaluación radiológica inicial del ángulo del proceso condilar fracturado y del acortamiento de la rama ascendente. Se evaluaron las exploraciones clínicas y radiológicas a intervalos regulares (6 semanas y 3, 6 y 12 meses. Cinco pacientes presentaron fracturas bilaterales; todos con luxación anterior. En el grupo de las fracturas unilaterales, 12 pacientes presentaron luxación anterior (valor medio 23° en la radiografía panorámica. Trece pacientes presentaron luxación posterior (valor medio 10°. En la proyección posteroanterior se observó la luxación medial en 12 fracturas (valor medio 14° y luxación lateral en 4 fracturas (valor medio 6°. El acortamiento de la rama ascendente alcanzó un valor medio de 5,40 mm. Se logró una funcionalidad y movilidad satisfactorias en todos los pacientes tratados. Las secuelas postraumáticas fueron el chasquido de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM (5 de 29, la desviación de la boca al abrirse (14 de 27, la reducción de los movimientos laterales y de la protrusión (15 de 29 y finalmente un rango

  7. Profilaxis perioperatoria en fracturas de cadera

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    Raúl L Valdés Lobo


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de 96 pacientes operados por fracturas de cadera a los cuales se les aplicó profilaxis antimicrobiana perioperatoria. Se usó cefazolina en dosis única de 1 g durante la inducción anestésica (30 min antes de la intervención quirúrgica. Los resultados se compararon con los de otro Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico con características similares al nuestro donde no se aplicó la profilaxis perioperatoria y su tasa de infección fue de 36,8 %, mientras la nuestra fue de sólo el 2 %. Se analizaron los resultados económicos de la aplicación de este método profiláctico, que reduce evidentemente los costos hospitalariosA prospective study of 96 patients operated on of hip fractures and who received perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis was conducted. Cefazolin was used in a unique dose of 1 g during anesthetic induction (30 minutes before the surgical procedure. The results were compared with those of another clinical and surgical hospital with similar characteristics to ours and where no perioperative prophylaxis was applied. Its infection rate was 36.8 % while ours was just 2 %



    Cavero A., Francisco; Fernández A., Víctor


    El metil metacrilato (mmc) es una resina acrílica utilizada en moldes para fabricar prótesis dentales y puede cumplir la función de barra estabilizadora-conectora en la reducción de fracturas, permitiendo la colocación de clavos en planos múltiples. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprobar que el acrílico dental sirve como barra conectora en la fijación externa esquelética, y demostrar que es posible fijar las fracturas con un método poco traumático, alejado del foco fracturario, para...

  9. Osteosíntesis mini-invasiva con placas bloqueadas en fracturas metafisarias distales de tibia. Resultados clínico-funcionales. [Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis in distal metaphyseal fractures of tibia. Comparison of results between fractures AO 43A and AO 43C.


    Juan Manuel Yañez Arauz; Ignacio Arzac Ulla; Javier Del Vecchio; Andres Eksarho; Leandro Civetta; Rodrigo Perez Davila


    Introducción Las fracturas distales de tibia son un desafío para el tratamiento debido a la escasa cobertura y particular vascularización. Los objetivos del presente estudio son analizar los resultados clínicos y funcionales de los pacientes con fractura de tibia distal; tratados con técnica MIPO (minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis) con placas bloqueadas; comparar los resultados del grupo de fracturas tipo AO 43A con las tipo AO 43C1-C2; y comparar los resultados MIPO con el tratamie...

  10. Caracterização química e efeito inibitório de óleos essenciais sobre o crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli Chemical ckaracterization and inhibitory effect of essential oils on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli

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    Alcilene de Abreu Pereira


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito inibitório dos óleos essenciais de Cymbopogon citratus (capim-limão, Origanum vulgare (orégano e Syzygium aromaticum (cravo-da-índia; os experimentos foram realizados com as bactérias Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli, importantes patógenos causadores de contaminações em queijos e outros alimentos. Para quantificação e identificação dos constituintes químicos dos óleos, utilizou-se um cromatógrafo gasoso acoplado a um espectrômetro de massa. Os resultados dos testes in vitro, os óleos essenciais de C. citratus, O. vulgare e S. aromaticum promoveram efeito inibitório sobre as bactérias S. aureus e E. coli, porém o S. aromaticum apresentou melhor formação de halo de inibição nas menores concentrações. Para o efeito sinergístico dos óleos sobre as bactérias não foram observadas diferenças quando comparados com o efeito individual dos mesmos. Foi possível verificar que os óleos possuem efeito inibitório sobre os microrganismos estudados, sendo, portanto uma alternativa no controle microbiológico de alimentos.With the aim of evaluating the inhinibitory effect of the Cymbopogon citratus (lemon grass, Origanun vulgare (oregano and Syzygium aromaticum (clove, experiments were performed in laboratories, with the Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli bacteria, important pathogenics which contaminate cheese and other foods. For the oil chemical constitutions quantification and identification, the gas chromatography attached mass spectrometry to a was used. In the results in vitro test, the C. citratus, O. vulgare and S. aromaticum essential oils presented antimicrobian activity over S. aureus and E. coli bacteria, however, S. aromaticum presented better formation of inhibition halo in smaller concentrations. For the oil synergetic effect over bacteria and fungi, no significant difference was noticed when compared to their own individual effect. It was possible to verify that the

  11. Osteosíntesis mini-invasiva con placas bloqueadas en fracturas metafisarias distales de tibia. Resultados clínico-funcionales. [Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis in distal metaphyseal fractures of tibia. Comparison of results between fractures AO 43A and AO 43C.

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    Juan Manuel Yañez Arauz


    Full Text Available Introducción Las fracturas distales de tibia son un desafío para el tratamiento debido a la escasa cobertura y particular vascularización. Los objetivos del presente estudio son analizar los resultados clínicos y funcionales de los pacientes con fractura de tibia distal; tratados con técnica MIPO (minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis con placas bloqueadas; comparar los resultados del grupo de fracturas tipo AO 43A con las tipo AO 43C1-C2; y comparar los resultados MIPO con el tratamiento abierto convencional.   Material y métodos Entre 2004 y 2012, se evaluaron 32 fracturas de tibia distal tratadas con técnica MIPO. 20 varones y 12 mujeres. Edad promedio: 40,1 años. El 59,4% presentó fracturas tipo AO 43A; y el 40,6% AO 43C. Tiempo trauma/cirugía: 6,8 días promedio. 24 casos presentaron fractura de peroné. Estadía hospitalaria: 1,5 días promedio. Seguimiento promedio: 39,6 meses, mediante score AOFAS y radiología. Se consignaron complicaciones. Se compararon resultados de grupos  tipo AO A y los tipo AO C.   Resultados Incremento del score AOFAS entre pre y post-operatorio: 73,3 puntos promedio. El grupo AO tipo A: media de 95,89 puntos AOFAS PO. El grupo AO tipo C1-2: media de 92,15 puntos PO. Carga del peso corporal: a las 8,7 semanas promedio. Comparando A= 43A y AO 43C: p: 0,46 (no significativa. Retorno a actividad previa a la lesión:9.3 meses promedio. Comparando tipo A y tipo C: p=0,16 (no significativa. Hubo 18,75% de complicaciones y retiro de osteosíntesis en 14 casos.  Conclusiones  La osteosíntesis mínimamente invasiva con placa y tornillos, es una buena opción para las fracturas de tibia distal; con buena evolución clínico-funcional, y escasas complicaciones comparadas a la cirugía abierta. Las fracturas 43A presentan menos complicaciones mayores que las 43C, tratadas con técnica MIPO.

  12. Probabilistic fracture mechanics in the integrity evaluation of components; Mecanica de fractura probabilista en la evaluacion de la integridad de componentes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franco Nava, Jose Manuel; Torres Toledano, Jose Gerardo; Sanchez Sanchez, Ramon [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Because of the importance of fracture mechanics in applications to pressure vessels, piping and other components used in thermal power plants, the Mechanical Engineering Unit of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) has been developing activities in this field since some years ago. In this paper, the process for the analysis of probabilistic fracture mechanics is described. As an example, an application to the calculation of fault probability in piping systems, is presented. [Espanol] Dada la importancia de la mecanica de fractura en aplicaciones de recipientes a presion, tuberias y otros componentes utilizados en centrales termicas, la Unidad de Ingenieria Mecanica del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) ha venido desarrollando actividades en este campo desde hace algunos anos. En el presente trabajo, se describe el proceso para el analisis de mecanica de fractura probabilista. Como ejemplo se presenta una aplicacion al calculo de probabilidad de falla en tuberias.

  13. Probabilistic fracture mechanics in the integrity evaluation of components; Mecanica de fractura probabilista en la evaluacion de la integridad de componentes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franco Nava, Jose Manuel; Torres Toledano, Jose Gerardo; Sanchez Sanchez, Ramon [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Because of the importance of fracture mechanics in applications to pressure vessels, piping and other components used in thermal power plants, the Mechanical Engineering Unit of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) has been developing activities in this field since some years ago. In this paper, the process for the analysis of probabilistic fracture mechanics is described. As an example, an application to the calculation of fault probability in piping systems, is presented. [Espanol] Dada la importancia de la mecanica de fractura en aplicaciones de recipientes a presion, tuberias y otros componentes utilizados en centrales termicas, la Unidad de Ingenieria Mecanica del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) ha venido desarrollando actividades en este campo desde hace algunos anos. En el presente trabajo, se describe el proceso para el analisis de mecanica de fractura probabilista. Como ejemplo se presenta una aplicacion al calculo de probabilidad de falla en tuberias.

  14. Morbimortalidad Asociada A La Fractura De Cadera Del Paciente Anciano. Analisis De Nuestro Medio


    Juste Lucero, Marta


    La fractura de cadera es una patología prevalente en la población anciana, con un crecimiento exponencial, altas tasas de morbimortalidad asociada, implicaciones en la calidad de vida y consumo de recursos sanitarios. Objetivos: Conocer las variables epidemiológicas de esta patología, el impacto en la atención médica y el proceso que implica para la adecuada previsión de recursos. Describir las causas de demora quirúrgica y sus posibles consecuencias, e implicaciones de todo lo anterior en la...

  15. Factores de riesgo de fracturas por fragilidad en una cohorte de mujeres españolas Risk factors for fragility fractures in a cohort of Spanish women

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    Cristian Tebé


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las fracturas por fragilidad constituyen un problema de salud pública. El objetivo fue analizar la asociación de los principales factores de riesgo de osteoporosis con la fracturas por fragilidad en una cohorte de mujeres con indicación de densitometría ósea. Métodos: Cohorte retrospectiva con seguimiento hasta una fractura por fragilidad, de una población de mujeres de 40 a 90 años de edad con una primera visita para realizarse una densitometría entre enero de 1992 y febrero de 2008. Se calcularon la tasa de incidencia de fracturas por 1000 mujeres-año de seguimiento y la hazard ratio (HR de fractura mediante un modelo de regresión de Cox. Resultados: Se estudiaron 49.735 mujeres con una edad media de 57,8 años (desviación estándar: 8,5. De ellas, 3631 mujeres (7,1% declararon al menos una fractura por fragilidad en las visitas posteriores a la basal. Los factores de riesgo con una mayor HR ajustada fueron la edad >75 años respecto a Introduction: Fragility fractures are an important public health issue. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of the main osteoporotic risk factors related to fragility fracture in a cohort of women with an indication of bone densitometry (BD. Methods: A retrospective cohort was followed-up until a fragile fracture occurred, in a population of women aged 40 to 90 years with a first visit for BD between January 1992 and February 2008. We calculated the incidence rate of fracture per 1000 women-years of follow-up, and the hazard ratio (HR of fragile fracture using a Cox regression model. Results: A total of 49,735 women were studied. The average age of participants was 57.8 years (SD: 8.5. Of these, 3631 women (7.1% reported a new fragility fracture in post-baseline visits. Risk factors with higher adjusted HR were age > 75 years compared with age < 55 years (HR: 3.8; 95% CI: 3.3-4.4 and having a BC result evaluated as osteoporosis compared to normal (HR: 2.0; 95% CI: 1

  16. Lateral clavicle fracture and acromioclavicular disjunction type V. Report of a clinical case.


    Daniel Salgado M. Dr. Rodrigo Gutiérrez M


    La prevalencia de la fractura de clavícula en la población pediátricaes de un 8-15% (1), representando un 10 a 12% la fractura lateral de clavícula (2). El mecanismo lesional característico en este tipo de lesiones es el impacto lateral sobre la clavícula. Las lesiones laterales de clavícula, en los niños, tienen una alta probabilidad de ser fractura de la fisis antes que disyunción acromioclavicularpropiamente tal (4,5). La literatura reporta, que el centro de osificación epifisiario secunda...

  17. Utilización del acrílico dental (metil metacrilato) como barra estabilizadora-conectora para reducciones cerradas en fracturas de tibia/peroné o radio/cúbito en caninos


    Cavero A., Francisco; Fernández A., Víctor


    El metil metacrilato (mmc) es una resina acrílica utilizada en moldes para fabricar prótesis dentales y puede cumplir la función de barra estabilizadora-conectora en la reducción de fracturas, permitiendo la colocación de clavos en planos múltiples. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprobar que el acrílico dental sirve como barra conectora en la fijación externa esquelética, y demostrar que es posible fijar las fracturas con un método poco traumático, alejado del foco fracturario, para...

  18. Parto distócico asociado a luxo-fractura cervical y compromiso neurológico. Reporte de 4 casos.

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    Gaston Eljure


    La estabilización y descompresión quirúrgica es la mejor alternativa de tratamiento en pacientes con luxo-fractura cervical, a fin de conservar e incluso mejorar la recuperación neurológica. Además permite un mejor manejo de las co-morbilidades que acompañan al recién nacido con déficit neurológico severo.

  19. Trombosis venosa profunda masiva de miembro superior secundaria a fractura de tercio medio de clavícula. Caso clínico

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    Í. Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia


    Discusión: Se han reportado algunos casos de trombosis de las venas axilar o subclavia ocasionadas por fracturas claviculares, siendo muy infrecuente la aparición de trombosis extensa afectando a varias venas, en este caso, secundarias al traumatismo o a la presión ejercida por el vendaje.

  20. Miradas fragmentarias: sobre los desnudos en la obra fotográfica de Norma Patiño

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    Raymundo Mier


    Full Text Available Este texto (en realidad un conjunto de breves textos pretende una aproximación a las fotografías de Norma Patiño a partir de la conjunción de tres puntos de vista: una reflexión sobre el objeto y el acto fotográficos, una reflexión sobre la condición significativa de mirada y sus límites en la aprehensión del cuerpo con el espectro de sus sentidos, y una reflexión sobre los sentidos de la experiencia corporal y la desnudez en el dominio del erotismo. Las diversas series fotográficas de Norma Patiño, que exploran por distintas vías estas tres esferas de la significación del cuerpo y la fuerza icónica de imagen fotográfica, emplean y recrean una vastedad de recursos estéticos en la tradición los desnudos fotográficos, pero también hacen visibles sus límites, sus fracturas, hace patente las tensiones a la deriva en la aprehensión de la corporalidad y en las aporías de la representación del cuerpo y del juego de la transgresión.

  1. Uso de recursos y costos asociados a las fracturas en mujeres españolas Use of resources and costs associated to fractures in spanish women

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    Antoni Sicras-Mainar


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el uso de recursos y costos debidos a fracturas óseas en mujeres españolas mayores de 50 años en un ámbito poblacional. Se realizó un estudio observacional y retrospectivo, en seis centros de atención primaria y dos hospitales urbanos de España. Se registró datos sociodemográficos, de comorbilidad, uso de recursos (consultas médicas en atención primaria, pruebas complementarias, medicación, atención especializada, hospitalizaciones, visitas, urgencias, costos y pérdida de productividad. Se incluyeron los registros de 19 022 mujeres de los cuales el 7% presentó algún tipo de fractura entre el 2003 y 2007. Las fracturas se asociaron mayoritariamente con osteoporosis (OR: 3,2, fibromialgia (OR: 2,4 y alteraciones tiroideas (OR: 2,2. En el modelo corregido, el costo total para las pacientes que tuvieron fractura fue de USD 3727 mientras que en las que no la tuvieron fue USD 2705,5 (pThe objective of the study was to determine the use of resources and costs due to bone fractures in Spanish women above 50 years of age in the population scope. An observational and retrospective study was conducted in six primary care centers and two urban hospitals in Spain. Socio-demographic and co-morbidity data, use of resources (primary care consultations, complementary tests, medications, specialized care, hospitalizations, visits, urgencies, costs and productivity losses were registered. Records of 19 022 women were included, 7% showed some type of fracture between 2003 and 2007. Fractures were mostly associated with osteoporosis (OR: 3.2, fibromyalgia (OR: 2.4 and thyroid changes (OR: 2.2. In the corrected model, the total cost for patients who had a fracture was USD 3727 compared to USD 2705.5 (p<0.001 for those who did not have it. Patients with a fracture generate a greater use of resources, sanitation costs and work productivity losses

  2. Tendencia, estacionalidad y distribución geográfica de la incidencia de fractura de cadera en un área de salud de la Comunidad Valenciana: (1994-2000

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    José María Tenías


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La incidencia de fractura de cadera ha sido estimada en nuestro país en periodos cortos de tiempo, sin valorar los cambios temporales de tendencia y estacionalidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es estimar la incidencia de fractura de cadera en un Área de Salud de la Comunidad Valenciana durante 7 años (1994-2000, explorando su tendencia, estacionalidad y los cambios geográficos por zonas de salud y tipo de núcleo, rural o urbano. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de los casos de FC en mayores de 45 años. Se excluyeron los pacientes no residentes en el Área, las fracturas patológicas y las producidas por accidente de tráfico. Los cambios temporales y geográficos de la incidencia se estimaron por regresión de Poisson. Resultados: La incidencia global de fractura de cadera en mayores de 45 años fue de 274 casos por 100000 habitantes y año (IC95% 259-288. En hombres fue de 149 y en mujeres de 383 casos por 100000 habitantes-año. La distribución temporal mostró una tendencia positiva aunque no significativa, con un incremento medio mensual de la incidencia del 0,04%. Esta tendencia fue mayor para hombres que para mujeres. Se observó una clara estacionalidad, con incidencias relativas menores en los meses de primavera y verano. La incidencia no varió significativamente por zonas de salud ni por el tipo de núcleo urbano o rural. Conclusiones: La incidencia de FC es similar aunque algo superior a la de otras provincias españolas. Se observa una discreta tendencia positiva y una clara estacionalidad, sin cambios geográficos significativos.

  3. Modelo de remodelación de callo óseo de fractura de fémur humano


    García Rodríguez, Javier


    De la revisión histórica realizada anteriormente se desprende que tanto la remodelación ósea externa como el modelado del comportamiento micromecánico del callo óseo de fractura han sido dos temas a los que se les ha prestado relativamente poca atención por parte de los científicos. En lo que a la remodelación externa se refiere, la razón de esta ausencia de trabajos científicos puede estar fundamentada en que este...


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    Iñigo Etxebarria-Foronda


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: La intervención quirúrgica en las fracturas de cadera suele demorarse varios días. Nuestro trabajo tiene dos objetivos. Estudiar la estancia preoperatoria de los pacientes ingresados por fractura de cade- ra en los hospitales vascos durante el año 2010 y medir su posible asocia- ción con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria, y estimar el coste económico que supone la estancia preoperatoria. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional analizando los siguien- tes datos del Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos (CMBD: hospital, edad, sexo, estancia preoperatoria, estado al alta, diagnósticos asociados y pro- cedimiento quirúrgico. Además, se estudió el índice de comorbilidad de Charlson y se calculó el coste unitario de la estancia pre y postoperatoria mediante modelos de regresión múltiple. Resultados. Se analizó una muestra de 1.856 intervenciones. La es- tancia preoperatoria fue de 2,7 días y la postoperatoria de 9,7 días. El cos- te medio por ingreso fue de 12.552,12 euros. El coste medio de la estan- cia preoperatoria fue de 1295,5 euros. La mortalidad fue del 5%. Conclusiones. La estancia preoperatoria no es un factor estadística- mente asociado con la mortalidad, aunque aumenta significativamente el coste total. No encontramos una asociación entre la demora quirúrgica y la mortalidad, aunque sí tiene una clara influencia en el coste total del proceso. La reducción del tiempo prequirúrgico permite ahorrar costes.

  5. Fractura de cadera en adultos mayores: prevalencia y costos en dos hospitales. Tabasco, México, 2009 Hip fracture in older adults: prevalence and costs in two hospitals. Tabasco, Mexico, 2009

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    Elsy del Carmen Quevedo-Tejero


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia y costos directos de atención de fractura de cadera en adultos mayores derechohabientes usuarios de los hospitales de referencia del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS y de Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX en Villahermosa, Tabasco, México, en el año 2009. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal. La información se basó en los registros de intervenciones quirúrgicas e informes institucionales de adultos mayores hospitalizados con registro de su atención.Se realizó análisis estadístico descriptivo considerando las variables: edad, sexo,tipo de fractura de cadera, mes de ocurrencia y costo directo de atención. Resultados.De 10765 registros de adultos mayores hospitalizados se encontró 57 casos de fractura de cadera (33 en el IMSS y 24 en PEMEX. La prevalencia de fractura de cadera fue 0,5% (IMSS 1,1% y PEMEX 0,3%, siendo más frecuente en mujeres y en mayores de 69 años de edad. El tipo de fractura más frecuente fue en el cuello del fémur (78,9% del total. El costo estimado de atención médica hospitalaria por paciente fue de USD 5 803 en el IMSS y USD 11 800 en PEMEX. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de fractura de cadera fue mayor en los usuarios del IMSS. Los costos estimados de atención por paciente fueron mayores a los reportados en otras instituciones del sistema nacional de salud mexicano.Objectives. To determine hip fracture prevalence and direct healthcare costs in elderly users of the reference hospitals of the Mexican Institute of Social Insurance (IMSS by spanish initials and Mexican Oils (PEMEX by spanish initials, from Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico, during 2009. Materials and methods. This is a cross-sectional study. The information was based on the registers of surgical interventions and institutional reports of the elderly inpatients who had a registered attention in their institution. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed considering the following variables: age

  6. Fracturas supracondíleas del húmero en niños entre 2 y 14 años. Perfil demográfico y de tratamiento en el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín, Colombia = Supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children aged 2-14 years. Demographic profile and therapeutic approach at a third-level hospital in Medellín, Colombia

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    Valderrama Molina, Carlos Oliver


    Full Text Available Introducción: las fracturas supracondíleas del húmero distal son las lesiones más frecuentes de tratamiento quirúrgico en la población pediátrica. Los informes sobre el perfil demográfico y el enfoque terapéutico de las mismas en Medellín son limitados; este trabajo se llevó a cabo para conocer la epidemiología local de estas lesiones y detectar en el seguimiento los aciertos y errores del tratamiento como base para desarrollar estudios de mayor complejidad.Materiales y métodos: mediante una búsqueda exhaustiva en los registros de historias clíni­cas electrónicas se encontraron 205 casos de fracturas supracondíleas del húmero en niños entre dos y 14 años que ingresaron al Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe entre enero de 2005 y septiembre de 2009. Se analizaron en ellas los aspectos demográficos y terapéuticos.Resultados: el 61,5% de los pacientes fueron varones, la media de la edad fue de 6,6 años, en 62,4% de los casos la fractura afectó el lado izquierdo. La clasificación (Gartland fue como sigue: tipo I: 41,5%; tipo II: 12,2%; tipo III: 46,3%. El 95,6% fueron fracturas cerradas. Se hizo tratamiento quirúrgico en 103 casos (50,2%. El tiempo promedio entre el ingreso y la cirugía fue de 6,7 horas. La técnica quirúrgica más frecuente fue la reducción cerrada con fijación percutánea con clavos cruzados (45,6% de los casos. Se observaron 31 casos (15,1% de le­siones neurológicas, 28 de ellas del nervio ulnar; nueve de las 31 lesiones se registraron en la evaluación posquirúrgica inmediata, todas ellas en pacientes tratados con clavos cruzados. No se registraron lesiones vasculares ni síndromes compartimentales.Conclusión: esta serie presenta el estado actual del perfil demográfico de los pacientes con fracturas supracondíleas del húmero distal en niños y de las modalidades de tratamiento en un hospital de tercer nivel de la ciudad de Medellín. Los resultados pueden ser la base para

  7. Epidemiologia de les fractures perinatals a l'Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol. Relació entre el tipus de fractura de clavícula i la paràlisi braquial obstètrica.


    Casellas García, Gemma


    Les fractures de clavícula perinatals són una complicació impredictible i inevitable dels nounats i un percentatge presentarà paràlisi braquial (PBO) que freqüentment s'autoresolt. S'estudien els factors de risc de la fractura i és el primer treball que estudia la relació entre el tipus de fractura clavicular i la presència de PBO al naixement i la permanència d'aquesta complicació. L'afectació del terç proximal de clavícula i la distòcia d'espatlles són factors de risc per al desenvolupament...

  8. Comparación entre la clasificación AO pediátrica y la de Días-Tachdjian en fracturas de tobillo Infantiles. [Comparison between the pediatric AO classification and the Dias-Tachdjian classification in pediatric ankle fractures

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    Agustina Ponzone


    Full Text Available Introducción El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el grado de confiabilidad entre dos clasificaciones globalmente empleadas para fracturas de tobillo en la edad pediátrica. Materiales y métodos Se estudiaron 53 pacientes: 34 de sexo masculino y 19 de sexo femenino, con antecedentes de fractura de tobillo. Se emplearon dos clasificaciones. Se llevó a cabo un estudio detallado calculando el valor kappa de Cohen para la confiabilidad intraobservador y, para calcular el acuerdo interobservador, se dedujo el valor kappa utilizando el método de Fleiss. Resultados El acuerdo intraobservador e interobservador en las dos clasificaciones no fue convincentemente diferente entre los distintos grupos de examinadores. Conclusiones Durante la edad pediátrica, es posible encontrar diferentes tipos fracturarios y distintos mecanismos en una misma fractura. Se observó que estos patrones no quedaban englobados en ninguna de las dos clasificaciones, que fueron improductivas para la planificación quirúrgica.

  9. Síntesis y caracterización de recubrimientos de tin, tic y ticn sobre acero aisi 4340

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    Héctor E. Jaramillo Suárez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se crecieron películas de TiN, TiC y TiCN sobre aceros AISI 4340, con el objeto de comparar los resultados estructurales, morfológicos y mecánicos al crecerlos sobre un mismo substrato. Se utilizó un láser pulsado Nd: YAG con energía de 500mJ, longitud de onda de 1064 nm y tasa de repetición de 10 Hz. Mediante microscopia de Fuerza Atómica AFM, se observó que los recubrimientos presentan alta homogeneidad y tamaño de grano fino. Por Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido se determinó presencia de microgotas en los recubrimientos. Se aplicó prueba de tensión para determinar la adhesión de las películas; aplicando cargas máximas de 60 Kgf, los recubrimientos no mostraron señales de desprendimiento del substrato. A todos los recubrimientos se les sometió a prueba de dureza Rockwell C, con el fin de determinar la resistencia a la fractura, indicando que estos recubrimientos son aptos para diferentes aplicaciones en la industria.

  10. Fracturas de tibia, tratamiento con CIMB no fresados

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    Roberto Del Gordo D´Amato


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo tipo serie de casos en el cual se analizan diversos aspectos inherentes al tratamiento quirúrgico de 92 fracturas de tibia diafisiarias cerradas y abiertas tipo I y II de Gustillo, tratadas con Clavos Intramedulares Bloqueados No Fresados (CIMBNF de las 125 atendidas servicio de ortopedia y traumatología de la Clínica El Prado de la Ciudad de Santa Marta D.T.C.H., entre diciembre del 2005 y diciembre del 2007. Se excluyeron de este estudio 33 casos en los cuales por diversas causas se realizó otro tipo de tratamiento fuera ortopédico o quirúrgico mediante colocación de fijadores externos. Utilizamos la clasificación del AO en la cual a este tipo de lesiones corresponde el número 42. Encontramos una alta incidencia en accidentes de transito como factor productor de este tipo de lesión y dentro de ellos la motocicleta como vehículo mas frecuente. Fueron evaluados 86 de los 92 pacientes que corresponde al 93.5% y dentro de ellos se presentaron complicaciones mayores en el 4.6%, cabe mencionar Infecciones post operatorias y deformidades a nivel proximal y distal por diversas causas, las cuales fueron corregidas con procedimientos ulteriores. (Duazary 2008; 1: 4 - 8

  11. Organización en el tratamiento del traumatismo panfacial y de las fracturas complejas del tercio medio Organization of treatment in panfacial trauma and complex midfacial fractures

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    J. Muñoz i Vidal


    Full Text Available El manejo del traumatismo panfacial y del tercio medio facial requiere, no sólo del conocimiento de los principios y técnicas básicas de osteosíntesis, sino de un protocolo de actuación reglado antes del acto quirúrgico y adaptado a cada paciente. En este artículo ilustramos la reducción y osteosíntesis de las fracturas, la secuencia quirúrgica y el manejo postoperatorio del traumatismo panfacial y de las fracturas complejas de tercio medio facial en nuestro hospital. Analizamos un total de 102 pacientes tratados durante los años 2005 y 2006; de ellos, 14 pacientes mostraban fracturas complejas de tercio medio facial, 4 asociadas a otras fracturas de mandíbula o tercio superior facial producidas por fuerzas de alta energía. El grado de éxito lo determinamos por la ausencia de limitación de la motilidad ocular, vía aérea permeable, la correcta mordida-oclusión con mínima secuela estética y la no alteración final de las dimensiones craneofaciales. La prioridad absoluta será enfocar estos pacientes de manera multidisciplinar. La complejidad de estos casos da poco margen a la improvisación por lo que realizar una correcta anamnesis, exploración y planificación prequirúrgica es absolutamente necesario. Todo esto nos permitirá lograr una reconstrucción anatómica ósea tridimensional, la estabilidad de los focos de fractura y la preservación de los órganos en ellos contenidos o implicados, de acuerdo con las medidas antropométricas previas del paciente, con una mínima consecuencia estética y en un único tiempo quirúrgico.Managing of Panfacial and midface trauma requires not only basic knowledge of osteosintesis principles; an order of treatment should be developed by surgeon before surgery and it must be made for each patient. In this article we report the methodology of reduction, fixation and treatment planning of panfacial and midface trauma in our hospital. We analyse 102 facial trauma treated by our department

  12. Fracturas Fisarias Salter-Harris VI de Tobillo y Pie. [Salter-Harris VI fractures of the foot and ankle.

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    Julio Javier Masquijo


    Full Text Available Introducción Las fracturas Salter-Harris VI (SHVI son lesiones que se caracterizan por presentar ablación del anillo pericondral. Son infrecuentes en niños pero potencialmente devastadoras. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el mecanismo de producción, el tratamiento y los resultados funcionales de estas lesiones localizadas en el pie y el tobillo. Material y métodos Se analizaron retrospectivamente todos los pacientes con lesiones SHVI de tobillo y pie tratadas entre Enero de 2010 y Enero de 2013. Se documentaron datos demográficos, clasificación, mecanismo de lesión, tipo de lesiones asociadas y número de cirugías que requirieron. Los pacientes fueron evaluados funcionalmente con el score de AOFAS y radiográficamente para determinar la viabilidad de la fisis, acortamiento del miembro o deformidad angular. Resultados Se analizaron 5 fracturas en 4 pacientes (3 masculinos y 1 femenino. La edad promedio al momento de la lesión fue de 7.5 años (rango, 6  a 10 años. El seguimiento promedio fue de 26.2 meses (rango, 12 - 37 meses. De acuerdo a la subclasificación de Peterson 3 pertenecían al grupo A, 1 al B y 1 al C. 3 lesiones se produjeron como consecuencia de accidentes de moto y 2 por auto versus peatón. Todos los casos se acompañaron de pérdida de sustancia, el 75% presentaba lesiones en más de un hueso y el 50% lesiones tendinosas asociadas. Cada paciente requirió un promedio de 3.2 cirugías (rango, 2 a 5. El score AOFAS promedio fue de 79.8 puntos (rango, 62 – 100 puntos. Radiográficamente, solo el 40% de las fisis afectadas permanecían viables al último control. Conclusión Las fracturas SHVI se acompañan de una gran variedad de lesiones asociadas, requieren múltiples cirugías y suelen producir un cierre precoz de la fisis y algún grado de discapacidad.  Se requieren medidas de prevención para evitar la exposición de los niños a este tipo de lesiones. El tratamiento temprano es fundamental para

  13. Susceptibilidad a desinfectantes de Trichomonas vaginalis y Escherichia coli presentes en fómites experimentales

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    Fernando Anaya Velázquez


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades infecciosas provocadas por microorganismos patógenos se pueden transmitir directa o indirectamente. El protozoario Trichomonas vaginalis y la bacteria Escherichia coli son patógenos para el ser humano que pueden ser trans - mitidos por fómites. Existe una gama de productos para desinfectar, pero no existe información sobre el efecto completo de su eficacia en forma comparativa sobre bacterias o tricomonas en interacción con diferentes tipos de materiales. En este trabajo, se analizó el efecto de algunos desinfectantes sobre la viabilidad de Escherichia coli cepa 055 y Trichomonas vaginalis cepa GT-21, depositadas sobre diferentes tipos de materiales. Se diseñó un sistema in vitro con fómites experi - mentales para estudiar el efecto sobre estos patógenos. Se encontró que las tricomonas permanecen viables hasta ocho horas, y las bacterias hasta 24 horas en madera, papel, tela y plástico. Sin embargo, ambos microorganismos sobreviven solamente entre 1 y 4 horas sobre vidrio o metal. Tanto las bacterias como las tricomonas son inhibidas por los desinfec - tantes probados, siendo los más efectivos el etanol a 70% y el producto comercial Lysol ® .

  14. Estudio de la microestructura femoral de pacientes con coxartrosis y con fractura de cadera mediante micro-TAC


    Sainz-Aja Guerra, J.A.; Alonso, M.A.; Ferreño Blanco, D.; Pérez-Núñez, M.I.; Ruiz Martínez, E.; García-Ibarbia, C.; Casado del Prado, J.A.; Gutiérrez-Solana, F.; Riancho, J.A.


    La disminución de la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), es decir, del volumen de tejido óseo por unidad de volumen del esqueleto, es característica de la osteoporosis, mientras que se ha sugerido que la artrosis se acompaña de un aumento de la DMO a nivel local y sistémico. Para comprobar esta hipótesis analizamos mediante microTAC el hueso trabecular de la cabeza femoral de 10 pacientes con fractura de cadera y 9 con coxartrosis. El análisis no reveló diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos ...

  15. Factores de riesgo para osteoporosis y fracturas de cadera: Análisis multivariado Association between hip fractures and risk factors for osteoporosis: Multivariate analysis

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    Ana Masoni


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizó la asociación entre factores de riesgo (FR y fracturas de cadera, se evaluó la influencia de FR relacionados con baja masa ósea o con traumatismos, y se exploró la existencia de factores protectores (FP. Se estudiaron datos de 376 pacientes hospitalizados, de los cuales 151 presentaban fracturas de cadera osteoporóticas (casos; el resto fueron controles, a partir de historias clínicas y un cuestionario sobre FR para osteoporosis. La edad promedio fue 80.6 ± 8.1 años, similar en casos y controles; la relación mujer/varón fue de 3:1 en ambos grupos. Las mujeres fracturadas eran mayores que los varones fracturados (82.5 ± 8.1 versus 79.7 ± 7.2 años; p In this observational, case-control study, 376 inpatients were evaluated in order to determine the association of risk factors (RF and hip fracture; 151 patients had osteoporotic hip fracture (cases; the remaining were controls. Data were obtained from medical charts, and through a standardized questionnaire about RF. Mean age of the sample (± SD was 80.6 ± 8.1 years, without statistically significant difference between cases and controls; the female:male ratio was 3:1 in both groups. Fractured women were older than men (82.5 ± 8.1 vs. 79.7 ± 7.2 years, respectively; p < 0.01. Physical activity, intake of alcohol and tobacco, and sun exposure were low in all patients. Falls among cases happened predominantly at home (p < 0.001. Among female cases, time spent in household duties was a RF (p = 0.007, which was absent in males. In multivariate analysis, the following RF were significantly more frequent: Cognitive impairment (p = 0.001, and previous falls (p < 0.0001; whereas the following protective factors were significantly different from controls: Calcium intake during youth (p < 0.0001, current calcium intake (p < 0.0001, and mechanical aid for walking (p < 0.0001. Evaluation of RF and protective factors may contribute to diminish the probability of hip

  16. Evaluación de la fractura por fatiga del cigüeñal de un motor Diesel. // Evaluation of the crank shaft fatigue failure of a boat diesel engine.

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    R. A. Goytisolo Espinosa


    Full Text Available En el Trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada por el colectivo de Mecánica Aplicada de laFacultad de Ingeniería Mecánica de La Universidad de Cienfuegos, con vistas a esclarecer la causa de la fractura delcigüeñal de uno de los motores de la Moto Nave “Mar del Sur” de le Empresa EQUITALL.La investigación del material del cigüeñal arrojó que se trata de acero 30. Los cálculos realizados demostraron, que lacapacidad resistente de este acero es insuficiente para soportar las tensiones que se desarrollan en el codo de salida delcigüeñal y los factores de seguridad a la fatiga en algunos de los puntos mas críticos del cachete, por donde se produjo lafractura, dan inferiores a la unidad y la aplicación de la Mecánica de la Fractura Subcrítica, confirmó que la Vida Útil delárbol con dicho material, es muy limitada.Palabras claves: Cigüeñal diesel, fractura por fatiga, mecánica de la fractura subcrítica.__________________________________________________________________________Abstract.This research paper shows the results of an investigation carried out by the Applied Mechanics staff of the MechanicalEngineering faculty of the Cienfuegos University. It was developed in order to determine the crankshaft failure causes ofengines of a boat diesel engine.The crankshaft material investigation showed that it was steel grade 30. The calculations showed that the steel resistancecapacity is not enough to support the stresses produced in the crankshaft output elbow. The fatigue security factors in someof the most critical areas of the cheek, where the failure took place, are lower than unity. The subcritical fracture mechanicsapplication confirmed that the shaft working life is quite limited with this steel.Key words: Diesel crankshaft, fatigue fracture, subcritical fracture mechanics.

  17. Osteosíntesis intraoral asistida por endoscopia en las fracturas del proceso condilar de la mandíbula: revisión de 53 casos Endoscopically assisted intraoral osteosynthesis in mandibular condylar process fractures: a review of 53 cases

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    Carlos Cristobal Goizueta-Adame


    Full Text Available Objetivos: La reducción anatómica con fijación rígida de la fractura extracapsular del cóndilo de la mandíbula es esencial para asegurar la correcta función articular. El abordaje intraoral ha demostrado ser una vía segura y de escasa morbilidad. Los autores revisan una serie de 53 pacientes con fracturas extracapsulares de cóndilo mandibular tratados mediante reducción abierta y fijación interna rígida a través de un acceso exclusivamente intraoral asistido por endoscopia. Material y métodos: El objetivo de la cirugía fue la reducción anatómica y la fijación interna mediante osteosíntesis rígida a través de una incisión intraoral. Se realizó una revisión de los casos intervenidos entre 2007 y 2011. Resultados: Treinta y cinco fracturas subcondíleas y 20 fracturas de cuello de cóndilo fueron intervenidas por este método. Un 55% de las fracturas presentaron una o más fracturas asociadas. A partir del control postoperatorio con ortopantomografía, se constató la corrección o mejoría del alineamiento de los fragmentos en 51 fracturas (92%. En 37 pacientes (69,8% se evitó la fijación intermaxilar. En estos pacientes se recuperó la apertura oral a las 5 semanas y media de la cirugía. En el resto, el plazo fue de casi 9 semanas de media tras la retirada del bloqueo. Cinco pacientes presentaron alteraciones oclusales, mientras que una paciente presentó limitación de apertura oral. Conclusiones: La reducción abierta con fijación interna rígida de las fracturas extracapsulares de cóndilo mandibular mediante abordaje intraoral asistido por endoscopia es un tratamiento eficaz, seguro y reproducible.Objectives: The anatomic reduction with rigid fixation of an extracapsular mandibular condyle fracture is essential to ensure that the joint functions correctly. The intraoral approach has been shown to be safe and with a low morbidity. The authors review a series of 53 patients with extracapsular mandibular condyle

  18. Cálculo de la tenacidad de fractura a través de ensayos dinámicos

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    Perosanz, f. J.


    Full Text Available The most critical component of a Nuclear Power Station is the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV, due to safety and integrity requirements. The RPV is subjected to neutron radiation and this phenomenon lead to microstructural changes in the material and modifications in the mechanical properties. Due to this effects, it is necessary to assess the structural integrity of the RPV along the operational life through surveillance programs. The main objetive of this surveillance programs is to determine the fracture toughness of the material. At present this objective is reached combining direct measures and prediction techniques. In this work, direct measures of fracture toughness using instrumented Charpy V impact testing are present using a CIEMAT development on analysis of results.

    Uno de los componentes críticos de una central nuclear es la vasija del reactor, debido a su función de contención del núcleo. Dicha vasija está sometida a irradiación neutrónica, lo que provoca cambios microestructurales en el material y pérdida de propiedades mecánicas. Debido a estos efectos, es necesario monitorizar su integridad estructural a lo largo de su vida de operación. Para ello se establecen los llamados programas de vigilancia. El objetivo final de estos ensayos es el de determinar la tenacidad de fractura del material. Actualmente, esto se consigue indirectamente mediante técnicas de predicción establecidas en diferentes normativas. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de determinar la tenacidad de fractura del material de la vasija directamente a través del ensayo Charpy V instrumentado. Para ello se ha desarrollado en el CIEMAT una metodología de ensayos y análisis de resultados.

  19. Despidos laborales. Fracturas sociales e identitarias

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    García Calavia, Miguel Angel


    Full Text Available The thousands of collective dismissals which have opened the beginning of the century in Spain do not just mean nearly two hundred thousand jobs (lots of them with a very long validity and the same amount of broken life projects, but also ways of social reproduction, broken identities, institutions and social guarantees that crumble. Amazingly, these social upheavals often become eclipsed by discourses that appeal to economic considerations, the requirements of modernization or the requests of the logic of globalization. At this article, the consequences of the break of the social link intertwined along the second half of the twentieth century are investigated. For that, we have been rebuilt some of the expressions from narratives told by those who have lost their jobs in plants or companies that have been or still remain leaders on their own product markets, as wellas from the process of shutdown or employment collective agreement.

    Los varios miles de despidos colectivos que han inaugurado el comienzo de siglo en España no suponen solo casi doscientos mil empleos destruidos, muchos de ellos con una larguísima vigencia, otros tantos proyectos de vida quebrados, sino también formas de reproducción social, de identidad rotas, instituciones y garantías sociales que se desmoronan. Sorprendentemente, estas fracturas sociales quedan eclipsadas con frecuencia tras unos discursos que apelan a los imperativos económicos, a las exigencias de la modernización, a los requerimientos de la lógica de la globalización. En el presente artículo se indagan las consecuencias del quebranto de la vinculación social entretejida en la segunda mitad del siglo XX para lo que se han reconstruido algunas de sus expresiones a partir de las narraciones efectuadas por quienes han perdido su puesto de trabajo en plantas de empresas que han sido o son líderes en sus respectivos mercados de productos, así como los procesos de cierre o ajuste colectivo de

  20. Utilidad de la Ortopantografía vs TAC facial en el diagnóstico de fracturas de mandíbula Utility of orthopantography vs facial TAC in jaw fractures diagnostic

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    M. P. Casteleiro Roca


    Full Text Available Nuestro objetivo es conocer la utilidad de la Ortopantografía frente a la TAC (Tomografía Axial Computarizada para el diagnóstico de las fracturas de mandíbula, pretendiendo implantar en nuestro hospital recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia. Llevamos a cabo una revisión sistemática en PubMed: la estrategia de búsqueda se define como "Jaw Fractures" [MeSH] AND "Tomography, X-Ray Computed" [MeSH], restringiendo dicha búsqueda a los últimos 5 años (2001-2005 y limitándola a inglés y español. Los criterios de inclusión establecidos son: diseños de estudio, revisiones sistemáticas, meta-análisis, estudios comparando utilidad de Ortopantografía frente a TAC en diagnóstico de fracturas mandibulares. Como criterios de exclusión marcamos: casos clínicos, cartas al director, no comparar Ortopantografía frente a TAC en diagnóstico de fracturas mandibulares. Obtenemos 41 artículos que analizamos y clasificamos aplicando los criterios descritos y obteniendo finalmente 3 artículos. Actualmente, como prueba única, la TAC proporciona más información diagnóstica que la Ortopantografía en las fracturas de mandíbula.We consider as objective to know the utility of Orthopantography in jaw fractures diagnostic in front of TAC, with the purpose of implanting recommendations based on evidence in the clinical practice of our hospital. We follow a systematic review in PubMed. The search strategy is defined as "Jaw Fractures" [MeSH]AND "Tomography, X-Ray Computed" [MeSH], restricted to last 5 years (2001-2005, and articles only in english and in spanish. Inclusion criteria were: study designs, systematic review, meta-analysis, comparative studies between Orthopantography and TAC in jaw fractures diagnostic. Exclusion criteria were: case-report, letters and viewpoints, studies don"t comparing Orthopantography in front of TAC in jaw fractures diagnostic. Search strategy provides 41 articles; we analyzed and classified those applying

  1. Estudio in vitro sobre los efectos de la cocaína sobre los tejidos duros del diente In vitro study on the effects of cocaine on the hard tissues of the tooth

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    Eduvigis Solórzano Navarro


    Full Text Available El uso de los derivados de la cocaína es un problema de salud pública en continuo crecimiento. Estas drogas son frecuentemente frotadas sobre la mucosa gingival, pero sus efectos son poco conocidos y de difícil diagnóstico. Con este trabajo se pretende demostrar in vitro, que la aplicación por frotación de la cocaína sobre la superficie dentaria produce erosión del esmalte. Se seleccionaron 30 dientes sanos, distribuidos aleatoriamente en 3 grupos, a los cuales se frotó sobre la superficie vestibular clorhidrato de cocaína, basuco y limón (grupo control respectivamente, durante 40 semanas. Las lesiones más características observadas fueron fractura y pérdida de sustancia dura, demostrando así que la aplicación tópica y continua de drogas en cavidad bucal produce lesiones en los tejidos duros del diente.The use of cocaine derivatives is an increasingly growing public health problem. These drugs are frequently rubbed on the gingival mucosa, but their efffects are little known and difficult to be diagnosed. This paper pretends to prove in vitro that the rubbing of cocaine on the dental surface produces enamel erosion. 30 healthy teeth were selected and distributed at random into 3 groups that were rubbed cocaine hydrochloride, bazuko and lemon (control group on the vestibular surface, respectively, during 40 weeks. The most observed characteristic lesions were fracture and loss of the dental hard substance, which showed that the topical and continual application of drugs on the oral cavity causes lesions in the hard tissues of the tooth.

  2. Evaluación in vitro de la fractura de los instrumentos rotatorios Mtwo® y ProTaper®

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    Sandra Bibiana Rodríguez Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el éxito del tratamiento endodóntico depende dela eliminación de los microorganismos con la preparación quimiomecánica. Los instrumentos rotatorios de Níquel-Titanio ofrecenuna mayor flexibilidad y eficiencia en el corte, pero la fracturade estos puede ocurrir inesperadamente por fatiga del metal.Objetivo: determinar in vitro el primer instrumento que presentefractura y el número de usos antes de observarla en los sistemasrotatorios Mtwo® y ProTaper®. Metodología: estudio experimentalin vitro con presentación de resultados descriptivos comparativos.Se utilizó un total de 50 instrumentos rotatorios ProTaper® y40 Mtwo® para preparar cubos acrílicos Maillefer® con curvassimuladas registrándose cuál es la primera lima de cada serie quese fracturó y cuántos usos soportó cada juego de limas antes de lafractura. Resultados: el número de usos antes de la fractura paraProTaper® es 3.9 y para Mtwo® es 9.7 La primera lima ProTaper®en fracturarse fue la F1 y para Mtwo® es la 25/.06. Conclusión: laduración de los instrumentos rotatorios de Mtwo® es mayor a losde ProTaper® (p 0.0001. Se observó una incidencia relativamentealta de fractura para el instrumento F1 del sistema ProTaper® a los4 usos y del instrumento 25/.06 para el sistema Mtwo® a los 10 usos,con una baja incidencia de deformación o cambio en la estructuraidentificable macroscópicamente antes de presentarse la falla.

  3. Caracterización del comportamiento en fractura de paneles sandwich de placas de yeso laminado y lana de roca


    Alonso Vera, Juan Antonio; Reyes Pozo, Encarnación; Gálvez Ruíz, Jaime


    En esta comunicación se presenta el trabajo realizado para la caracterización experimental de un panel sándwich de yeso laminado y lana de roca, así como de cada uno de sus componentes: placa de yeso laminado, placa de yeso, lana de roca y papel. Para ello se diseñó una campaña de ensayos destinados a obtener las propiedades resistentes de los materiales estudiados, así como la energía específica de fractura, GF, y las curvas completas de carga aplicada frente a desplazamientos. A partir de l...

  4. Aplicación de un modelo no lineal al estudio del comportamiento en fractura del hormigón


    Bissio, Juan Francisco; Villa, E. Ignacio


    El hormigón es uno de los materiales más utilizados en la construcción de obras civiles, viales e hidráulicas. Su uso se ha generalizado debido no solamente a la elevada resistencia a la compresión que posee, sino también a su durabilidad, trabajabilidad y economía, y a la posibilidad de disponer de él a pie de obra en la mayoría de los lugares. Entre las características más salientes de este material pueden citarse su comportamiento en fractura, de tipo cuasifrágil, y su escasa resistencia f...

  5. Cánula rígida, alternativa en el tratamiento estético-funcional de la apicoformación por fractura complicada de corona

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    Javier Alvarez Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Las edades más afectadas, por la presencia de fracturas complicadas de corona, son la niñez y la adolescencia. En la mayoría de los pacientes se afectan los incisivos centrales superiores permanentes de incompleta formación apical. Esto implica una disminución de las capacidades de masticación, dicción y trae consigo implicaciones psicológicas en la adolescencia. El tratamiento consiste en la aplicación de una técnica de apicoformación que dificulta lograr al unísono la resolución de la afección estética. Nuestro propósito es describir un caso de apicoformación en incisivo central superior izquierdo, con cementación de cánula rígida, conformación de muñón y restauración estético-funcional definitiva. Un paciente de 8 años, masculino acude a consulta tras sufrir traumatismo dentoalveolar consistente en fractura complicada de corona. Los rayos X muestran ligero ensanchamiento periodontal y ápice inmaduro. Se le aplicó anestesia local, se realizó la extirpación pulpar total del diente afectado, y se colocó medicamento intraconducto. La culminación del tratamiento de restauración total coronaria se realizó con la cementación con ionómero de vidrio tipo II de una cánula rígida No. 22 hasta las dos terceras partes de la longitud de trabajo; alrededor de esta se conformó un muñón y corona de nano composite híbrido fotopolimerizable. Se controló evolución cada 24 días, durante tres meses para comprobar el estado de maduración apical. La cementación de la cánula rígida, consituye una alternativa para el tratamiento funcional de la apicoformación por fractura complicada de corona. Supone una rápida recuperación de las funciones bucodentales y psicológico-sociales integrales del paciente.

  6. Manejo del enoftalmos como secuela de fracturas del complejo cigomático-orbitario con apoyo de estereolitografía

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    Full Text Available El enoftalmos postraumático se define como la discrepancia entre el volumen orbitario y su contenido; este balance puede verse alterado por múltiples factores, como el secuestro tardío del contenido orbitario por atrapamiento en el sitio de la fractura, herniación del contenido orbitario, necrosis del tejido adiposo orbitario, contracción cicatricial del tejido retrobulbar, pérdida del sistema de suspensión ligamentario del globo ocular y aumento de volumen de la cavidad orbitaria. El presente estudio aborda el problema del enoftalmos postraumático como una deformidad difícil de corregir. Están descritos abordajes cutáneos extensos como el coronal, el subciliar o el intraoral; la técnica descrita por Henry Kawamoto en 1998 describe un procedimiento de menor invasión mediante abordajes de mínima exposición que permiten la refracturación y el alineamiento del cuerpo zigomático, brindando así grandes ventajas sobre las técnicas convencionales. Presentamos el método aplicado en el servicio de Cirugía Reconstructiva del Centro Médico del Instituto de Seguridad Social del Estado de México y Municipios (ISSEMyM para el manejo de pacientes con enoftalmos como secuela de traumatismos del complejo cigomático-malar; para ello empleamos un método por asistencia con modelos estereolitográficos para la planificación quirúrgica del diseño de osteotomías para corregir la deformidad facial y para determinar las dimensiones del defecto a reparar, así como el tipo y cantidad de materiales aloplásticos o autólogos a emplear. Compartimos la experiencia de los casos tratados en nuestro Servicio entre 2006 y 2010.

  7. Osteosíntesis percutánea con placas volares bloqueadas en fracturas metafisarias distales de radio Descripción de la técnica y resultados preliminares. [Percutaneous volar locked plate fixation in metaphyseal fractures of distal radius: technical description and preliminary results].

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    Natalia del Milagro Gutierrez Olivera


    Full Text Available Objetivo Evaluar resultados objetivos y subjetivos obtenidos luego de realizar osteosíntesis con placas en T bloqueadas volares, colocadas con técnica mínimamente invasiva, en fracturas del radio distal con extensión metafisaria. Material y Métodos Evaluación retrospectiva de seis pacientes adultos que presentaron fracturas inestables de radio distal, extra-articulares o articulares parciales, con extensión  metafisaria, tratadas quirúrgicamente con placas en T largas de compresión bloqueadas volares, mediante  técnica mínimamente invasiva, entre 2007 y  2012. Edad promedio 40,6 años. Todas las fracturas fueron cerradas, clasificadas como tipo 23A3 (n: 5 y 23B1 (n: 1 según el Sistema AO/ASIF. Se realizó reducción indirecta de la fractura, bajo visión radioscópica, a través de dos pequeñas incisiones se deslizó en forma percutánea una placa bloqueada volar en T. Se analizaron  parámetros radiológicos (angulación volar, inclinación radial y altura radial, el rango de movimiento y la fuerza. Los resultados subjetivos fueron evaluados usando la Escala de DASH y la Escala Visual Análoga. Resultados Tiempo de consolidaron promedio de 2,3 meses. Los resultados radiográficos no mostraron diferencias significativas entre el primer y el último control radiográfico al año de seguimiento. Flexión y extensión promedio 70° y 60°, pronación y supinación 79° y 80° respectivamente. Fuerza de prensión promedio 78,4%. El score de DASH 19,84 puntos y el EVA 1,5 puntos. Conclusión Las técnicas mínimamente invasivas reducen el daño quirúrgico y complicaciones. Son una opción en pacientes con daño severo de partes blandas, conminución metafisaria y trauma de alta energía. Pequeñas incisiones alejadas del sitio de fractura respetan los tejidos blandos y la biología ósea, contribuyendo a lograr la consolidación. La colocación de placas volares bloqueadas percutáneas es un procedimiento técnicamente demandante

  8. Abordaje transparotídeo para la reducción abierta de las fracturas subcondíleas: Técnica quirúrgica y análisis de sus complicaciones Transparotid approach for the open reduction of subcondylar fractures: Surgical technique and analysis of complications

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    J. Rodríguez Flores


    Full Text Available Introducción: Existen varias opciones para el tratamiento de las fracturas subcondíleas. El abordaje transparotídeo anterior es una de las posibilidades terapéuticas para su reducción abierta y su fijación interna. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una descripción de la técnica quirúrgica y analizar las complicaciones asociadas. Material y métodos: Se realizó una revisión clínica sobre un total de 31 pacientes con 34 fracturas subcondíleas, todas ellas tratadas quirúrgicamente con un abordaje transparotídeo anterior, usando placas y tornillos de osteosíntesis. Resultados: No se registraron complicaciones de ningún tipo en 22 de los 31 pacientes (70,97%, con buena oclusión posquirúrgica en 28 de ellos (90,32%. Las complicaciones relacionadas con el abordaje en nuestra serie de casos fueron las siguientes: 2 casos de paresia facial (5,88%, que en ambos fue leve y transitoria; 6 casos de fístula salival (17,65%, siendo en todos ellos autolimitadas, y 3 infecciones de la herida quirúrgica (8,82%: 2 resueltas con antibióticos y una que requirió también drenaje quirúrgico. Como complicación no relacionada con el tipo de abordaje sino con el tipo de osteosíntesis, hubo 2 casos de fractura de placa de osteosíntesis (5,88%. Conclusiones: El abordaje transparotídeo anterior es seguro, con un bajo riesgo lesivo para el nervio facial. Esta técnica proporciona un adecuado campo quirúrgico que permite la colocación y la fácil fijación de una segunda placa de osteosíntesis en la parte anterior de la fractura. La cicatriz resultante es estética.Introduction: Several options exist for the treatment of subcondylar jaw fractures. The anterior transparotid approach is one of the therapeutic options for open reduction and internal fixation. The aim of this communication was to describe the surgical technique and analyze the related complications. Patients and methods: A clinical review was made of 31 patients with 34

  9. Mecanismos de fractura a alta temperatura en aceros eléctricos no-orientados

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    García-Sánchez, E. O.


    Full Text Available In this research work the effect of deformation temperature on the hot ductility of non-oriented electrical steels (0.6 % Si-0.3 Al % was studied using high temperature tensile tests. The specimens were machined from two thin slabs (50 mm thickness produced by CSP process (Compact Strip Process, one of them using 100 % sponge iron and the other using 67 % scrap and 33 % sponge iron. The tensile tests were carried out at constant strain rate (5×1010–4 s–1, and a temperature range from 850 to 1,200 °C. The results showed that the ductility decreased with the increment in the temperature until approximately 1,000 °C. At higher temperatures, a ductility recovery was observed only in the steel fabricated without scrap. Scanning Electron Microscopy on fracture surfaces showed that the loss of ductility is associated with intergranular cracking promoted by the austenitic transformation and AlN grain boundaries precipitation.

    Se investigó el efecto de la temperatura de deformación sobre la ductilidad de aceros eléctricos de grano no-orientado (0,6 % Si-0,3 % Al mediante ensayos de tracción uniaxial. Las probetas se obtuvieron de planchones delgados (50 mm de espesor tipo CSP (Continuous Strip Processing fabricados a partir de 100 % hierro esponja y una mezcla de 67 % chatarra y 33 % de hierro esponja. El rango de temperatura de estudio fue de 850 a 1.200 °C y los ensayos se llevaron a cabo a una velocidad de deformación constante de 5×10–4 s–1. Los resultados experimentales demostraron que la ductilidad (% RA disminuye con el aumento en la temperatura hasta un mínimo a ~1.000 °C. A temperaturas mayores, la ductilidad del acero fabricado a partir de 100 % hierro esponja se recupera. Este efecto no fue observado en el acero fabricado a partir de chatarra. La caracterización de las superficies de fractura mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido demostró que la pérdida de

  10. Efecto del tamaño de probeta y orientación en la resistencia a la tracción y a la tenacidad a la fractura

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    Terán, J.


    Full Text Available In this work, an experimental research was conducted to determine size and orientation effects on tension and toughness properties through CTOD-R curves, using standard and miniature specimens taken from a structural steel plate. Compliance function estimation for the miniature size samples through load-displacement curves was considered. Experimental and statistical results showed that size and orientation affect tension and toughness properties. The miniature tension test specimens showed strength values slightly greater than the standard ones but with less ductility. Miniature specimen CTOD-R curves showed sensibility to load changes and measurement method of crack aperture and crack length. Inconsistency in fracture toughness for specimen orientation longitudinal circumferential (LC regarding size effect was also observed. Short orientations showed less strength and toughness than the other directions.

    Este trabajo se dirigió a determinar el efecto de tamaño y orientación en las propiedades de tracción y tenacidad a la fractura mediante las curvas CTOD-R, utilizando probetas estándar y miniatura de una placa de acero estructural. El estudio requirió la estimación de la función flexibilidad de las probetas miniatura a partir de la curva carga versus desplazamiento. Los resultados experimentales y estadísticos muestran que tanto el tamaño como la orientación afectan las propiedades mecánicas y la tenacidad a la fractura. Las probetas miniatura de tracción mostraron valores de resistencia ligeramente mayores que las estándar pero una menor ductilidad. Las curvas CTOD-R de las probetas miniatura mostraron ser sensibles a las variaciones de carga y al método de medición de la abertura y longitud de la grieta. Asimismo, se observó inconsistencia del efecto de tamaño en la tenacidad a la fractura en la orientación longitudinal circunferencial (LC, siendo las orientaciones cortas menos resistentes y tenaces que las otras

  11. Intervención educativa sobre actitud ante el dolor en pacientes geriátricos en prótesis

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    Berta Lidia Gutierrez Yut


    Full Text Available Introducción: las urgencias son aquellas afecciones que producen dolor y causan complicaciones que requieren de la atención inmediata del profesional en prótesis. Son conocidas las fracturas de los aparatos, úlceras por traumatismos, espasmos musculares por aparatos mal confeccionados, desencadenando trastornos a dientes, mucosa, músculos y dolor. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de información sobre el uso, cuidado y actitud ante el dolor provocado por las prótesis dentales. Material y método: se realizó un estudio de intervención comunitaria en los adultos mayores de 60 años, desde enero a octubre de 2010. El universo estuvo constituido por los individuos mayores de 60 años del Policlínico "Manuel Piti Fajardo" que asistieron a la unidad, 637 en total, y la muestra quedó constituida por 98 ancianos de ambos sexos. Se estudiaron como variables: el sexo, el nivel educacional, la necesidad de prótesis, tipo de prótesis, conocimiento sobre salud bucodental y actitud ante el dolor provocado por la prótesis. Resultados: al inicio del programa, el nivel de información sobre la educación para la salud en la mayoría de los ancianos y la higiene bucal fue deficiente. Al final resultó que el 63,3 % de los ancianos tuvieron una buena higiene bucal, sobre la actitud ante el dolor y la conducta el 95 % de los ancianos respondió correctamente, demostrando la adquisición de conocimientos después de aplicado el programa. Conclusiones: el programa generó un impacto positivo, y se logró un cambio de conducta de esta población ante el dolor provocado por el uso de aparatos protésicos.

  12. El tratamiento de las fracturas de columna: un estudio de caso ciencia- tecnología- sociedad Treatment of vertebral column fractures: a study on this science-technology-society issue

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    Marco Antonio Moras Hernández


    Full Text Available Es reconocido el principal significado de los estudios sociales: su incidencia en las áreas educativa, en la política científico-tecnológica y también en la investigación, es en esta última que resalta el hecho de permitir la realización de un tipo de reflexividad que retroalimenta a la propia investigación. El presente trabajo coloca como objetivo determinar las condicionantes sociales del proyecto de investigación “Diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento integral de las fracturas de columna” y también sus impactos desde el punto de vista de la interrelación ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. El trabajo tiene la siguiente estructura, en primer lugar se presenta una breve panorámica del marco teórico de los Estudios sociales en los cuáles se moverá el análisis; en segundo lugar, se reflexionará sobre el significado de la fractura de columna como problema de salud y la correspondiente evolución histórica de la cirugía ortopédica para facilitar una mayor comprensión del proyecto de investigación, para finalmente, proporcionar un análisis de las condiciones sociales que a nivel de país y en particular en la provincia de Camaguey han configurado la necesidad social del proyectoThe meaning of social studies is recognized: their incidence in the educational and investigative areas, as well as in the scientific-technological politics. It is in the investigative area that stands out the fact of allowing the carrying out of a discussion that gives feedback to the own investigation. This work places as objective to determine the social conditions of the investigation project “Early diagnosis and integral treatment of spine fractures” and also its impacts from the point of view of the interrelation science, technology and society. The work has the following structure; in the first place a brief panoramic of the theoretical foundations of social studies that will propitiate the analysis is presented. Second, the meaning of spine

  13. Fractura y mecanismos de deformación de un polipropileno reforzado con cenizas y modificado con un copolímero de bloque


    García Pardo, Santiago


    [Resumo] Nesta memoria, preséntase os resultados do estudio da fractura e deformación de compostos de polipropileno (PP), un copolímero olefínico en bloque (OBC) e cinzas, procedentes da queima de biomasa forestal, modificadas cun axente de acoplamento silano e procesadas por técnicas de extrusión. Caracterizáronse as propiedades mecánicas dos novos materiais mediante a súa resistencia á tracción, ó impacto e a morfoloxía asociada obtida por microscopia electrónica de varrido (SEM). As ...

  14. Avaliação de seis anos de fraturas cervicais subaxiais Evaluación de seis años de fracturas cervicales subaxiales Evaluation of six years of cervical sub-axial fractures

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    Leonardo Franco Pinheiro Gaia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar retrospectivamente os fatores relacionados ao trauma cervical, segundo o tipo de fratura baseado na classificação AO. Levando-se em consideração aspectos etiológicos e epidemiológicos do evento. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados retrospectivamente prontuários de pacientes com fratura cervical, no período de 2004 a 2009. Estudou-se as fraturas subaxiais (C3-C7, por se enquadrarem em apenas uma classificação (AO. Usou-se radiografias frente e perfil, e tomografias para dividir as fraturas em A (compressão, B (distração e C (rotação, de acordo com o padrão apresentado. Analisou-se os seguintes parâmetros: sexo, idade, classificação AO, mecanismo de trauma, presença de déficit neurológico, e tratamento cirúrgico ou conservador. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 264 prontuários, sendo 216 pacientes do sexo masculino e 48 femininos. A média de idade destes pacientes foi de 38,55 anos. O mecanismo de trauma mais comum das fraturas cervical subaxiais foi o acidente automobilístico com 84 casos. Quanto ao tipo de fratura pela classificação AO, a mais frequente foi do tipo B. Dos casos avaliados, 136 pacientes apresentaram déficit neurológico, parcial ou completo. O tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado em 166 casos. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados apresentados demonstram que as fraturas cervicais representam um importante problema para a saúde no Brasil, pública e privada. A prevenção das fraturas cervicais apresenta a melhor relação custo benefício na abordagem destas lesões.OBJETIVO: Evaluar retrospectivamente los factores relacionados al trauma cervical, según el tipo de fractura, basándose en la clasificación AO, considerandose los aspectos etiológicos y epidemiológicos del evento. MÉTODOS: Fueron analizadas retrospectivamente las historias clínicas de pacientes con fractura cervical, desde el 2004 hasta el 2009. Se estudiaron las fracturas subaxiales (C3-C7, ya que éstas se encuadran en apenas una clasificaci

  15. Modelagem e simulaçâo de colisôes planas entre corpos rígidos


    Cataldo, Edson; Sampaio, Rubens


    Em geral, o movimento de corpos se dá em ambiente com barreiras podendo ocorrer colisôes. Para que seja possível fazer previsôes da dinâmica é necessário saber o que acontece quando um corpo colide. O problema é portanto: conhecida a dinâmica do corpo pré-colisâo e as propriedades dos corpos que colidem, prever a dinâmica pós-colisâo. Os primeiros trabalhos publicados sobre o assunto datam de 1668 e, até 1984, os modelos existentes pareciam satisfatórios. Porém, a aplica¸câo de um desse...

  16. Patotipos de Escherichia coli causadores de diarreia em bezerros: uma atualização

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    Fernanda M. Coura


    Full Text Available A diarreia é uma das doenças mais frequentes de bezerros com até 30 dias de idade e é uma importante causa de perdas econômicas. Sua etiologia é complexa e envolve a interação de diversos fatores infecciosos, nutricionais, imunológicos, gerenciais e ambientais. Os principais sinais clínicos são a diarreia, desidratação progressiva, acidose metabólica, desequilíbrio de eletrólitos e balanço energético negativo com ou sem hipoglicemia, que se não tratados, levam à morte do animal. Escherichia coli se destaca como um importante enteropatógeno envolvido na síndrome diarreica. Cepas de E. coli patogênicas são classificadas em grupos ou patotipos, de acordo com a produção de fatores de virulência e mecanismos pelos quais causam doença. Já foram identificados cinco patotipos de E. coli associados à diarreia em bezerros: E. coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC, E. coli enteropatogênica (EPEC, E. coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC, E. coli produtora de toxina Shiga (STEC e E. coli necrotoxigênica (NTEC. Nesse artigo apresentamos as principais características e os atuais conhecimentos sobre os patotipos de E. coli causadores de diarreia em bezerros.

  17. Efeito do tempo de conservação de polimorfonucleares do sangue de bezerros sobre o metabolismo oxidativo e a atividade de fagocitose de Escherichia coli

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    Elizabeth Bohland


    Full Text Available Foram avaliados os efeitos do tempo sobre o metabolismo oxidativo e a fagocitose de Escherichia coli, em amostras de polimorfonucleares (PMN do sangue, de cinco bezerros hígidos, conservadas em banho de gelo por duas (t2, quatro (t4, seis (t6, 12 (t12 e 24 (t24 horas. O metabolismo oxidativo foi avaliado utilizando o Diacetato 2' 7' Diclorofluoresceína (DCFH-DA e a E. coli, como estímulo. Para a fagocitose a mesma bactéria foi utilizada. As amostras foram analisadas por citometria de fluxo. O metabolismo oxidativo basal dos PMN do sangue de bezerros foi maior nos tempos t4, t6 e t12, do que em t2 (p<0,05. A intensidade de fluorescência do metabolismo oxidativo induzido pela bactéria foi maior nos tempos t4 e t6 do que em t2 (p<0,05. A comparação entre o metabolismo basal e induzido pela bactéria, em cada um dos tempos, mostrou que a maior diferença ocorreu em t2, com valores da média geométrica e desvios padrão respectivos de 18,3 ± 4,4 e 26,7 ± 1,8 (p< 0,05. A atividade de fagocitose, medida pela intensidade de fluorescência, foi maior para as amostras mantidas em gelo por 6 horas do que para t2, t4 e t12 (p<0,05. O percentual de fagocitose não diferiu entre os tempos. O tempo ideal para análise do metabolismo oxidativo foi o de duas horas. Maiores estudos são necessários para se verificar a influência do tempo de conservação na fagocitose de E. coli por PMN do sangue de bovinos.

  18. Effect of the presence of inorganic salts on the photocatalytic inactivation of E. Coli in water Efecto de la presencia de sales inorgánicas sobre la inactivación fotocatalítica de E. Coli en agua

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    Edwing Velasco


    Full Text Available This article presents the effect of inorganic salts MgSO4, NaCl and CaCO3 on the photocatalytic water disinfection. TiO2-P25 was used as a photocatalyst, and E. Coli was used as a contaminant. Disinfection tests were performed by controlling lighting of batch reactors loaded with contaminated water, salts and TiO2. The results of these tests were used to determine the kinetic parameters of a type Langmuir-Hinshelwood model. It was found that the salts have a strong influence on the photocatalytic inactivation of E. Coli and that each salt and its concentration affect disinfection differently in the following order: NaCl>CaCO3>>MgSO4. Additionally, the value of the calculated parameters was different for each salt, showing that the salts affect the process by several mechanisms related to the ion-bacteria interactions, ion-oxidizing species and ion-TiO2.En este artículo se presenta el efecto de las sales inorgánicas MgSO4, NaCl y CaCO3 en la desinfección fotocatalítica del agua. Se usó TiO2-P25 como fotocatalizador y E. Coli como microorganismo contaminante. Las pruebas de desinfección se realizaron mediante la iluminación controlada de reactores batch cargados con agua contaminada, sales y TiO2. Los resultados de estas pruebas fueron usados para determinar los parámetros cinéticos de un modelo tipo Langmuir-Hinshelwood. Se encontró que las sales tienen una fuerte influencia sobre la inactivación fotocatalítica de E. Coli, y que cada sal y su concentración afectan la desinfección de forma diferente y en el siguiente orden: NaCl>CaCO3>>MgSO4. Adicionalmente, el valor de los parámetros calculados fue diferente para cada sal, evidenciando que las sales afectan el proceso por varios mecanismos relacionados con las interacciones ion-bacteria, ion-especie oxidante e ion-TiO2.

  19. Uso de concentrados autólogos de plaquetas como tratamiento de una fractura escapular y una lesión del plexo braquial producidas por un disparo en un caballo Use of autologous platelet concentrates as treatment for a scapular fracture and brachial plexus nerve injury produced by a gunshot in a horse


    C López; JU Carmona; I Samudio


    Las heridas de bala han sido escasamente descritas en caballos. Los disparos a corta distancia suelen producir daños en tejidos blandos y fracturas conminutas. Un caso de una fractura conminuta del cuello de la escápula con lesión aguda del plexo braquial producida por una bala de 9 mm en un semental de seis años de edad es descrito. El paciente fue tratado con éxito mediante la combinación de desbridamiento quirúrgico de la región afectada e inyección local de varias dosis de concentrados au...

  20. Determinación de las propiedades mecánicas y mecanismos de fractura de electrolitos soportados de YSZ y GDC mediante ensayos de indentación instrumentada

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    Segarra, M.


    Full Text Available The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the different mechanical properties and the different fracture mechanisms activated during the intrumented indentation process of the electrolytes based on yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ and gadolinia doped ceria (GDC, for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs. Both materials, with a thickness of 200 μm, were shaped by uniaxial pressing at 500 MPa, and sintered at 1400ºC. Mechanical properties such as hardness (H and Young’s modulus (E have been studied at different penetration depths using the Oliver and Pharr equations. The different fracture mechanisms activated during the instrumented indentation process have been studied at constant penetration depth of 500 nm, performed with a diamond Berkovich tip indenter. The residual indentation imprints have been observed with atomic force microscopy (AFM. The hardness and Young’s modulus for YSZ electrolytes are higher than for GDC materials, due to the different fracture mechanism activated during the indentation process. As a result, the electrolytes of YSZ presented trans- and intergranular fracture mechanisms, depending on the place of the residual indentation imprint (in the grain boundary or in the middle of the grain, respectively. However, the GDC electrolyte revealed radical cracks at the corners of the residual nanoindentation imprints, thus producing a phenomenon known as chipping.

    El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar las propiedades mecánicas, así como los diferentes mecanismos de fractura activados mediante ensayos de indentación instrumentada, de electrolitos basados en circona estabilizada con itria (“yttria stabilized zirconia”,YSZ y ceria dopada con gadolinia (“gadolinia doped ceria”, GDC, para pilas de combustible de óxido sólido, SOFCs. Ambos materiales, con un espesor final de 200 μm, se conformaron mediante prensado uniaxial a 500 MPa y se sinterizaron a 1400ºC. Propiedades mecánicas tales

  1. Obtención de la tenacidad de fractura dinámica de iniciación de materiales elásticos y lineales

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    Fernández-Sáez, José


    Full Text Available The need to guarantee the structural integrity of key mechanical and structural components require the use of the damage tolerant concepts in their design, and the fracture properties of the material must be known in actual operations conditions. The behaviour of components subjected to dynamic loads is very different from that under static loads: the existence of inertial forces and the strain rate may affect the properties of the material. This works aims to present the experimental techniques most commonly used to determine the dynamic fracture properties of linear elastic materials, as well as the analytical and numerical tools used to interpret the experiments.

    La necesidad de garantizar la integridad de componentes mecánicos y estructurales de gran responsabilidad obliga a utilizar conceptos de tolerancia al daño en su diseño, para lo cual es necesario conocer las propiedades de fractura del material en las condiciones reales de operación. Cuando los componentes en estudio están sometidos a cargas dinámicas, su comportamiento, en comparación con el que tendría en condiciones estáticas, presenta importantes diferencias: la presencia de fuerzas de inercia y la posible influencia de la velocidad de deformación en las propiedades del material. El propósito de este trabajo es exponer las técnicas experimentales más utilizadas para la determinación de las propiedades de fractura de los materiales elásticos y lineales en condiciones dinámicas, así como de las herramientas analíticas y numéricas necesarias para la interpretación de los correspondientes ensayos.

  2. Experimental-numerical analysis of the fracture mechanic in polymeric materials; Analisis numerico-experimental de la mecanica de la fractura en materiales polimeros

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beltran Fernandez, Juan Alfonso; Hernandez Gomez, Luis H; Urriolagoitia Calderon, Guillermo; Villa y Rabasa, Gabriel; Rodriguez, Gustavo Ricardo; Mendoza Nunez, Maribel A [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Zacatenco (Mexico)


    In this piece of work some fracture testings on specimens with a lateral fracture are made to analyze the resultant stress state around of the tip of the fracture and the way in which the strength of the material is modified to get the fracture toughness, to the load mode I. Also, it is explained the way in which mechanic properties were got in the Polymetil-Methacylate, (PMMA), such as: modulus of elasticity, maximum tensile stress, yielding stress and stress-unitary strain, stress-rate and strain-rate curves, throughout of the carry out of the tensile testing. With the objective to know the real mechanical behavior with the initial loading conditions established and different testing velocities. All and each one of the results are calculated experimental and numerically and validated throughout of the finite element method, using the software ANSYS 5.5.3. [Spanish] En este trabajo se efectuan pruebas de fractura en especimenes con una grieta lateral, para analizar el estado de esfuerzos resultantes alrededor de la punta de la grieta y la forma en que se afecta la resistencia del material a fin de obtener la tenacidad de fractura para el modo de carga I. Ademas, se explica la forma como se obtienen las propiedades mecanicas en el polimetil metacrilato (PMMA), tales como: modulo de elasticidad, esfuerzo normal maximo, esfuerzo de cadencia y las curvas esfuerzo-deformacion unitaria, esfuerzo-tiempo (stress-rate) y deformacion-tiempo (strain-rate), a traves de la realizacion de la prueba de tension. Se busca conocer el comportamiento mecanico real ante las condiciones de carga establecidas y a distintas velocidades de prueba. Todo y cada uno de los resultados se efectuan de manera experimental y son evaluados numericamente a traves del metodo del elemento finito, con el programa ANSYS 5.5.3.

  3. Efecto de los suplementos de calcio, vitamina D e isoflavonas sobre marcadores del remodelado óseo en mujeres postmenopaúsicas recientes: papel de polimorfismos del receptor de vitamina D


    Pérez Alonso, María


    La osteoporosis es una enfermedad de elevada prevalencia, morbimortalidad y alto coste económica que se hace clínicamente evidente cuando aparecen las fracturas características. La vitamina D juega un importante papel en el mantenimiento de la integridad del esqueleto y de la resistencia ósea, principal determinante de la aparición de fracturas. Pot otra parte la incidencia de la hipovitaminosis D es muy frecuente con hiperparatiroidismo secundario asociado y aumento del remodelado óseo Ob...





    2015 RAHAYU ANGGREINI coli Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi cemaran bakteri E. coli O157:H7 pada daging sapi di kota Makassar. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 72 sampel Kata Kunci : Daging sapi, pasar tradisional, E. coli, E. coli O157:H7, kontaminasi bakteri, identifikasi E. coli O157:H7.

  5. Enfermedad diarreica aguda por Escherichia coli patógenas en Colombia (United States)

    Gómez-Duarte, Oscar G.


    Resumen Las cepas de E. coli patógenas intestinales son causas importantes de la enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA) en niños menores de 5 años en América Latina, África y Asia y están asociadas a alta mortalidad en niños en las comunidades más pobres de África y el Sudeste Asiático. Estudios sobre el papel de las E. coli patógenas intestinales en la EDA infantil en Colombia y otros países de América Latina son limitados debido a la carencia de ensayos para detección de estos patógenos en los laboratorios clínicos de centros de salud. Estudios recientes han reportado la detección de E. coli patógenas intestinales en Colombia, siendo la E. coli enterotoxigénica la cepa más frecuentemente asociada a diarrea en niños menores de 5 años. Otros patógenos detectados en estos pacientes incluyen las E. coli enteroagregativa, enteropatógena, productora de toxina Shiga, y de adherencia difusa. Con base en estudios que reportan la presencia de E. coli productora de toxina Shiga y E. coli enteroagregativa en carnes y vegetales en supermercados, se cree que productos alimentarios contaminados contribuyen a la transmisión de estos patógenos y a la infección del huésped susceptible. Más estudios son necesarios para evaluar los mecanismos de transmisión, el impacto en la epidemiologia de la EDA, y las pautas de manejo y prevención de estos patógenos que afectan la población pediátrica en Colombia. PMID:25491457

  6. Cabeza hacia adelante: una mirada desde la biomecánica y sus implicaciones sobre el movimiento corporal humano

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    Iván Darío Pinzón Ríos


    Full Text Available Las condiciones ergonómicas de mobiliario y de equipos, como también la postura incorrecta al estar en posición sedente, de pie o cargando algún peso pueden generar dolores o complicaciones osteomusculares. Dentro de estas, la cabeza hacia adelante es una alteración común detectada en la evaluación postural realizada por los fisioterapeutas. Esta suele asociarse a cambios mecánicos del cuello y columna vertebral, los cuales alteran la funcionalidad de los individuos, causándole discapacidad pues compromete el movimiento de hombros, la movilidad de la articulación temporomandibular, la mecánica respiratoria, desarrollando imbalances musculares, mareos, disfunción vestibular, aumenta el riesgo de fracturas y se asocia con procesos dolorosos como la cervicalgia, dorsalgia y lumbalgia. Por tanto el siguiente artículo tiene por objetivo revisar la fisiopatogénia de la cabeza hacia adelante, desde una perspectiva biomecánica, analizando las implicaciones de esta alteración postural sobre el movimiento corporal humano, proporcionando así herramientas de análisis para el abordaje fisioterapéutico.

  7. Enclavado endomedular retrógrado en fracturas diafisarias de fémur: indicaciones, técnica y resultados. [Retrograde­ nailing­ for­ diaphyseal­ femoral­ fracture:­ indications,­ technique­ and­ outcomes

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    Sebastián Pereira


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: el enclavado endomedular fresado anterógrado es el método de elección para el tratamiento de las fracturas diafisarias de fémur. Sin embargo, la técnica retrógrada surgió como alternativa para situaciones en las que la técnica anterógrada tiene ciertas desventajas. Materiales ­y ­Métodos:­ entre marzo de 2001 y enero de 2011, se realizaron 110 enclavados retrógrados de fémur, 34 de ellos en pacientes con fracturas diafisarias de fémur. Los mecanismos de lesión fueron: colisión vehicular (15 casos, traumatismo de baja energía (18 casos y proyectil de arma de fuego (1 caso. Once pacientes (31% tenían lesiones asociadas. Resultados:­ treinta y tres pacientes consiguieron la consolidación ósea (97%. El tiempo medio de consolidación fue de 84 días para los clavos fresados y de 112 días para los no fresados. Hubo un caso de retraso de la consolidación. El rango de movilidad de la rodilla promedio fue de 130º de flexión (mínimo 100º y máximo 150º. Seis pacientes (17,6% refirieron dolor de rodilla. Conclusiones:­ el clavo retrógrado para el tratamiento de fracturas diafisarias de fémur consigue resultados de consolidación similares a los del clavo anterógrado de fémur. Sus posibles ventajas son la técnica simple, un menor tiempo quirúrgico y la posibilidad de operar sin el uso de una mesa de tracción.

  8. Lesiones de la sindesmosis tibioperonea distal: Review article


    Álvarez López, Alejandro; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Eugenio; García Lorenzo, Yenima; Muñoz Infante, Arnaldo


    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre las lesiones traumáticas de la articulación tibioperonea distal. Se recuerda y actualiza sobre aspectos como: anatomía, mecanismo de producción y cuadro clínico. Reciben especial énfasis los estudios imagenológicos y se subraya el uso e interpretación de la radiografía simple. Para terminar esta revisión se exponen las variantes de tratamiento tanto para las lesiones ligamentosas aisladas o asociadas a fractura del tobillo y su manejo posoperatorio....

  9. Resultados clínico-radiológicos en pacientes jóvenes con fractura articular completa de radio distal tratados con placa palmar bloqueada. [Clinical and radiological results in young patients with complete articular distal radius fractures treated with volar locked plate.

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    Pablo De Carli


    Conclusión: El tratamiento de las fracturas de radio distal tipo C en pacientes jóvenes con placa palmar bloqueada muestra resultados clínicos y radiológicos favorables con corrección de la mayoría de los escalones articulares.

  10. Reparación de fracturas de suelo orbitario con hidroxiapatita HAP-200 Repair of orbital floor fractures with HAP-200 hydroxyapatite

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio clínico y radiográfico pre y posoperatorio en 4 pacientes con fracturas del suelo orbitario reparadas con hidroxiapatita HAP-200. En ninguno de los pacientes se encontró reacción adversa ante este material implantalógico y sí muy buena tolerancia y adaptabilidad, lo que nos reafirmó su alta biocompatibilidad, por lo que lo recomendamos en el tratamiento de esta afección.A pre- and postoperative clinical and X-ray study was conducted in 4 patients with orbital floor fractures repaired with HAP-200hydroxyapatite. . No adverse reaction to this material was observed in any of the patients, who showed a good tolerance and adaptability that confirmed its high biocompatibility and make it recommendable for treating this affection.

  11. Variación de la energía de fractura del hormigón debido a la acción de los ciclos hielo-deshielo


    Enfedaque Díaz, Alejandro; Romero Mendoza, Héctor Leonardo; Gálvez Ruiz, Jaime


    El aumento de la vida útil de las estructuras de hormigón en la normativa europea y española ha hecho que la durabilidad del hormigón sea muy importante en el proyecto y construcción de las obras civiles. El deterioro del hormigón cuando está sometido a ciclos hielo-deshielo se mide empleando normas que no evalúan el deterioro de las propiedades mecánicas del hormigón. En este trabajo se ha diseñado una campaña experimental en la que se mide la energía de fractura de un hormigón conv...

  12. Tratamiento de las fracturas mediodiafisarias y del tercio distal del fémur con clavo endomedular retrógrado. [Retrograde ­intramedullary­ nailing­ for ­the­ treatment­ of­ shaft ­and­ distal ­third­ femoral­ fractures

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    Jorge L. Plos


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: Este trabajo analiza los resultados del enclavado endomedular retrógrado para tratar las fracturas mediodiafisarias y del tercio distal del fémur, en pacientes politraumatizados, obesos y de edad avanzada. Materiales­ y­ Métodos: De 2002 a 2009, se trataron 21 fracturas, con un seguimiento promedio de 27 meses, 2 pacientes no completaron el seguimiento mínimo. La edad promedio fue de 58.9 años, 10 pacientes eran politraumatizados y 5, obesos. Doce de los 19 tenían >65 años. La cirugía se practicó en mesa radiolúcida estándar, sin accesorios de tracción. El abordaje fue intraarticular intercondíleo. Resultados: Se logró la consolidación de las fracturas en 18 pacientes (98,74% entre los 4 y 6 meses del posoperatorio. Un paciente presentó retraso de consolidación y fue tratado con nueva cirugía para recambio del clavo. No hubo infección en el sitio quirúrgico; 16 pacientes (84,21% recuperaron la actividad funcional previa al accidente. Conclusiones:­ El enclavado endomedular retrógrado es una terapéutica válida en enfermos politraumatizados, pacientes obesos y adultos mayores, pues aplica la eficacia de los clavos endomedulares, con menor complejidad en el desarrollo de la técnica quirúrgica. Aún queda por estudiar la evolución a largo plazo del abordaje intraarticular intercondíleo.

  13. Análisis de la fractura vertebral y la cifosis en la fibrosis quística. Importancia del ejercicio físico en esta patología


    Tejero García, Sergio


    Objetivos: Observar la relación entre la actividad física diaria y la masa ósea de los pacientes con FQ. Analizar la fractura vertebral y la cifosis en este grupo de sujetos.Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico prospectivo transversal en 50 pacientes mayores de 16 años afectados de FQ. Se cuantificó y monitorizó la actividad física diaria mediante un monitor metabólico. Se corroboró la tolerancia al ejercicio físico mediante la prueba de esfuerzo cardiopulmonar y el test de los...

  14. Profilaxis con antibióticos en fracturas de base de cráneo: ¿tiene justificación esa conducta?

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    Justo Luis González González


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de 380 pacientes con fractura de la base del cráneo y a 71 de ellos (18,7 % se les administraron antibióticos como profilaxis de la meningoencefalitis y a 309 (81,3 % no se les suministraron estos agentes. Se evaluó la relación entre uso profiláctico o terapéutico de antimicrobianos, localización de la fractura, lesiones asociadas, complicaciones sépticas, edad y sexo, con la aparición de meningoencefalitis. Desarrollaron infección del sistema nervioso central 7 pacientes (1,8 %, 3 de ellos (4,2 % entre los que recibieron profilaxis y 4 (1,3 % entre los que no la recibieron. Se probó que la presencia de meningoencefalitis estaba asociada con el tipo de complicaciones sépticas que además pudieron tener los pacientes, así como al uso de antibióticos como terapéutica de éstas en análisis bivariado, lo que no se corroboró en el multivariado. Se concluye que el empleo de antibióticos profilácticos en estos pacientes no tiene justificación, lo que convierte a esta conducta en una práctica negativa desde el punto de vista médico y económicoA study of 380 patients with basilar skull fracture was performed. 71 (18.7 % of these patients were given antibiotic prophylaxis for meningoencephalitis and 309 (81.3 % were not. The relation of prophylactic or therapeutical use of antimicrobial agents, fracture location, associated injures, septic complications, age and sex to the meningoencephalitis coming out was evaluated. 7 patients (1.8 % developed infections of the central nervous system, 3 (4.2 % had been treated with antibiotics and 4 (1.3 % had not. The bivariate analysis proved that the meningoencephalitis was linked to the type of septic complications that might affect patients as well as the therapeutical use of antibiotics to eliminate them but the multivariate analysis did not demonstrate so. It is concluded that the use of the antibiotic prophylaxis in these patients is not substantiated which turns

  15. Intervención educativa sobre actitud ante el dolor en pacientes geriátricos en prótesis

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    Berta Lidia Gutierrez Yu


    Full Text Available Introducción: en prótesis se conocen como urgencias aquellas afecciones que producen dolor y causan complicaciones que requieren de la atención inmediata del profesional; son conocidas las fracturas de los aparatos, úlceras por traumatismos, espasmos musculares por aparatos mal confeccionados, y no que cumplen con los requisitos de biostática, desencadenando trastornos a dientes, mucosa, músculos. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de información sobre el uso, cuidado y actitud ante el dolor provocado por las prótesis dentales. Material y método: se realizó un estudio de intervención comunitaria en los adultos mayores de 60 años en Guane, desde enero a octubre de 2010. El universo lo conformaron los individuos mayores de 60 años pertenecientes al consejo popular Guane 1, 637 adultos en total. La muestra quedó constituida por 98 ancianos. Resultados: al inicio del programa, el nivel de información sobre la educación para la salud en la mayoría de los ancianos y la higiene bucal fue deficiente. Luego de aplicado el programa educativo resultó que el 63,3 % de los ancianos tuvieron una buena higiene bucal. En cuanto a la actitud ante el dolor y la conducta el 95 % de los ancianos respondió correctamente demostrando la adquisición de conocimientos. Conclusiones: el programa generó un impacto muy positivo y se logró un cambio de conducta de esta población ante el dolor provocado por el uso de aparatos protésicos.

  16. Escherichia coli pathotypes (United States)

    Escherichia coli strains are important commensals of the intestinal tract of humans and animals; however, pathogenic strains, including diarrhea-inducing E. coli and extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli. Intestinal E. coli pathotypes may cause a dehydrating watery diarrhea, or more severe diseases su...

  17. Influência do uso de enrofloxacina no desenvolvimento de resistência às quinolonas mediada por plasmídeos em Escherichia coli de vitelos [Selection of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance in commensal E. coli by the use of enrofloxacin in calves

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guerreiro, L.; Couto, N.; Centeno, M.

    O conhecimento existente sobre a presença e frequência de genes de Resistência às Quinolonas Mediada por Plasmídeos (RQMP) em estirpes comensais de E. coli de origem bovina é escasso a nível mundial. O presente trabalho teve como objectivos:i) avaliar a frequência de genes de RQMP, designadamente...... exista uma associação entre a presença de genes de RQMP e valores de CIMs, verifica-se um aumento da frequência destes genes ao longo do estudo longitudinal. Este é o primeiro estudo que descreve a existência de resistência às quinolonas por qQnrD em isolados de E. coli de bovinos....

  18. Prótesis de cúpula monopolar en el tratamiento de fracturas y luxofracturas del radio. [Monopolar ­radial­ head ­arthroplasty­ in ­the ­treatment­ of ­fracture and ­fracture-dislocations ­of ­the ­radius.

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    Gerardo L. Gallucci


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar retrospectivamente los resultados clínicos y radiológicos de una serie consecutiva de pacientes con fracturas y luxofracturas de la cúpula radial a quienes se les realizó el reemplazo por una prótesis monopolar. Materiales­ y ­Métodos: Se incluyeron 20 pacientes. Criterios de inclusión: <18 años, con fracturas o luxofracturas de la cúpula radial, tratados con prótesis monoblock de titanio y seguimiento mínimo de un año. Quince eran mujeres, edad promedio 59 años. Siete eran fracturas aisladas y 13, luxofracturas. Se evaluaron el grado de aflojamiento protésico, la erosión capitelar, el ensanchamiento del espacio articular humeral lateral y las calcificaciones heterotópicas. El seguimiento fue de 26 meses. Resultados: La flexo-extensión fue de 139º-5º y la prono-supinación, de 79-79°. El arco total fue de 134°. Fuerza de puño: 84% del lado contralateral. El dolor según la escala analógica visual fue de 2, DASH: 11 puntos, 13 resultados excelentes y 6 buenos. Se detectó aflojamiento del implante (12 casos, aumento de la radiolucidez capitelar (4 casos y ensanchamiento del espacio ulnohumeral lateral (2 casos. Hubo 2 complicaciones: una neurodocitis cubital que debió ser operada y una extracción de implante por aflojamiento y dolor. Conclusiones: El reemplazo de la cúpula radial en lesiones no reconstruibles es una opción terapéutica viable, con buenos resultados funcionales a corto y mediano plazo. La recuperación de la estabilidad articular fue posible en todos los casos y el índice de aflojamiento protésico asintomático fue elevado.

  19. Efecto del sistema glucosa oxidasa/glucosa sobre el crecimiento de Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 en leche

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    Nirza Noguera


    Full Text Available La leche es uno de los alimentos de mayor importancia por ser rico en nutrientes y porque constituye la materia prima para la elaboración de una amplia gama de productos. Se ha demostrado que en leches pasteurizadas de marcas comerciales, pueden ocurrir contaminaciones postproceso, lo que representa un riesgo para la salud pública. Es por ello que en las últimas décadas, ha ganado importancia el uso de aditivos sintéticos u orgánicos como técnica complementaria durante el procesamiento de alimentos. La enzima glucosa oxidasa (GOX tiene amplio uso en la industria de alimentos gracias a sus propiedades antioxidante y antimicrobiana. Adicionalmente, se ha demostrado su capacidad de inhibir el crecimiento de diferentes enterobacterias. Por tal motivo, en el presente trabajo se planteó adicionar la enzima GOX en la leche y evaluar su efecto sobre el crecimiento de una cepa deEscherichia coli ATCC 25922. Se estandarizó la concentración de GOX y glucosa que ocasionaba la inhibición del crecimiento bacteriano en medio Luria-Bertani y en función de los resultados, se decidió utilizar la combinación de 2 U de GOX y 2,0 % de glucosa para agregarlos como aditivos en la leche y se establecieron dos sistemas: GOX/G sin pasteurizar y GOX/G pasteurizado. El crecimiento fue monitoreado por la técnica de contaje de colonias en placa-agar, a partir de 1 mL de cultivo a las 4, 6 y 24 h de incubación. Se encontró que los sistemas con GOX hasta las 6 horas presentaron efectos similares, inhibiendo significativamente el crecimiento de la bacteria, mientras que a las 24 h ya no se observó dicha inhibición, pero sí que el sistema con GOX pasteurizada exhibió una población menor que el sistema GOX sin pasteurizar. Estos hallazgos proyectan a la enzima GOX como una alternativa para la conservación de la leche, tanto cruda como pasteurizada.

  20. Efecto del sistema glucosa oxidasa/glucosa sobre el crecimiento de Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 en leche

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    Nirza Noguera


    Full Text Available La leche es uno de los alimentos de mayor importancia por ser rico en nutrientes y porque constituye la materia prima para la elaboración de una amplia gama de productos. Se ha demostrado que en leches pasteurizadas de marcas comerciales, pueden ocurrir contaminaciones postproceso, lo que representa un riesgo para la salud pública. Es por ello que en las últimas décadas, ha ganado importancia el uso de aditivos sintéticos u orgánicos como técnica complementaria durante el procesamiento de alimentos. La enzima glucosa oxidasa (GOX tiene amplio uso en la industria de alimentos gracias a sus propiedades antioxidante y antimicrobiana. Adicionalmente, se ha demostrado su capacidad de inhibir el crecimiento de diferentes enterobacterias. Por tal motivo, en el presente trabajo se planteó adicionar la enzima GOX en la leche y evaluar su efecto sobre el crecimiento de una cepa de Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. Se estandarizó la concentración de GOX y glucosa que ocasionaba la inhibición del crecimiento bacteriano en medio Luria-Bertani y en función de los resultados, se decidió utilizar la combinación de 2 U de GOX y 2,0 % de glucosa para agregarlos como aditivos en la leche y se establecieron dos sistemas: GOX/G sin pasteurizar y GOX/G pasteurizado. El crecimiento fue monitoreado por la técnica de contaje de colonias en placa-agar, a partir de 1 mL de cultivo a las 4, 6 y 24 h de incubación. Se encontró que los sistemas con GOX hasta las 6 horas presentaron efectos similares, inhibiendo significativamente el crecimiento de la bacteria, mientras que a las 24 h ya no se observó dicha inhibición, pero sí que el sistema con GOX pasteurizada exhibió una población menor que el sistema GOX sin pasteurizar. Estos hallazgos proyectan a la enzima GOX como una alternativa para la conservación de la leche, tanto cruda como pasteurizada.

  1. Efectos del agua ozonizada sobre microorganismos patógenos y alterantes de frutas y hortalizas

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    Laura Frisón


    Full Text Available La demanda de productos mínimamente procesados es creciente. Su inocuidad es un tema que preocupa tanto a procesadores, como a agencias de regulación y a consumidores. Las industrias han tenido que buscar métodos más eficaces para evitar el deterioro por microorganismos y mejorar la vida útil. Se considera que una sanitización es segura si el sanitizante logra reducir 5 log (99,999 % eficiencia la concentración de bacterias y 4 log (99,99 % eficiencia la concentración de mohos. Se estudió el efecto del agua ozonizada sobre bacterias patógenas como Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas sp., Escherichia coli, Sthaphylococcus aureus y Salmonella sp. y sobre hongos fitopatógenos, micotoxigénicos y alterantes de frutas y hortalizas como Aspergillus niger, Penicillium digitatum, Alternaria alternata y Cladosporium cladosporioides.Se realizaron ensayos in vitro mediante el Test de Suspensión a 2 concentraciones de ozono en agua y 4 tiempos de exposición. Se logró determinar el siguiente orden descendente de resistencia en bacterias: B. cereus, Pseudomonas sp., E. coli, S. aureus y Salmonella sp. Se logró determinar el siguiente orden descendente de resistencia en mohos: A. niger, P. digitatum, A. alternata y C. cladosporioides. Se realizaron ensayos sobre hojas de lechuga, que contenían inoculadas las bacterias en estudio, con agua ozonizada ([2 ppm], por 5 minutos y sobre naranjas enteras, que contenían inoculadas conidios de los mohos en estudio, con agua ozonizada ([3 ppm], por 15 minutos. En ninguno de los ensayos se logró reducir más de 3 log la concentración de microorganismos. Teniendo en cuenta que las altas concentraciones de microorganismos inoculados en los ensayos (10E6 - 10E7 células/mL para bacterias y 10E5 - 10E6 conidios/mL para mohos no se encuentran normalmente en estos alimentos frescos, se puede inferir que el ozono podría utilizarse como sanitizante.

  2. Efectos del agua ozonizada sobre microorganismos patógenos y alterantes de frutas y hortalizas

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    Laura Frisón


    Full Text Available La demanda de productos mínimamente procesados es creciente. Su inocuidad es un tema que preocupa tanto a procesadores, como a agencias de regulación y a consumidores. Las industrias han tenido que buscar métodos más eficaces para evitar el deterioro por microorganismos y mejorar la vida útil. Se considera que una sanitización es segura si el sanitizante logra reducir 5 log (99,999 % eficiencia la concentración de bacterias y 4 log (99,99 % eficiencia la concentración de mohos. Se estudió el efecto del agua ozonizada sobre bacterias patógenas como Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas sp., Escherichia coli, Sthaphylococcus aureus y Salmonella sp. y sobre hongos fitopatógenos, micotoxigénicos y alterantes de frutas y hortalizas como Aspergillus niger, Penicillium digitatum, Alternaria alternata y Cladosporium cladosporioides. Se realizaron ensayos in vitro mediante el Test de Suspensión a 2 concentraciones de ozono en agua y 4 tiempos de exposición. Se logró determinar el siguiente orden descendente de resistencia en bacterias: B. cereus, Pseudomonas sp., E. coli, S. aureus y Salmonella sp. Se logró determinar el siguiente orden descendente de resistencia en mohos:A. niger, P. digitatum, A. alternata y C. cladosporioides. Se realizaron ensayos sobre hojas de lechuga, que contenían inoculadas las bacterias en estudio, con agua ozonizada ([2 ppm], por 5 minutos y sobre naranjas enteras, que contenían inoculadas conidios de los mohos en estudio, con agua ozonizada ([3 ppm], por 15 minutos. En ninguno de los ensayos se logró reducir más de 3 log la concentración de microorganismos. Teniendo en cuenta que las altas concentraciones de microorganismos inoculados en los ensayos (106 - 107 células/mL para bacterias y 105 - 106 conidios/mL para mohos no se encuentran normalmente en estos alimentos frescos, se puede inferir que el ozono podría utilizarse como sanitizante.


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    Héctor José Ciro Velasquez


    Full Text Available Se hizo la caracterización reológica de la uchuva (Physalis peruviana L. a través de la respuesta mecánica bajo ensayos de compresión unidireccional a pruebas de firmeza y fractura, para 3 grados de madurez (verde, pintón y maduro y los días transcurridos después de la cosecha (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 días. Los resultados indicaron que la fuerza de firmeza y la resistencia mecánica a la fractura en dos sentidos de carga longitudinal y transversal disminuyen con el tiempo de poscosecha de la fruta, indicando que el fruto maduro es mas susceptible al daño mecánico con respecto al verde y pintón.A rheological characterization under unidirectional compression of uchuva fruits (Physalis peruviana L. was undertaken measuring the flesh firmness force and the fracture force according to three specifc developmental stages unripe, ripenning, ripe and five postharvest times (1,3,5,7 and 9 days. The results showed that the flesh firmness and the mechanical resistance to the fracture in two loading directions longitudinal and transversal diminish with the postharvest time. Moreover, the ripe fruit is more susceptible to mechanical damage with respect to unripe and ripening fruit.

  4. Comportamiento endocrino-metabólico de las fracturas de tercio medio facial

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    Berta Beauballet Fernández


    Full Text Available Se valoran los resultados del comportamiento endocrino-metabólico en 40 pacientes con fracturas del tercio medio facial: 10 nasales, 20 maxilomalares, 2 Lefort I, 4 Lefort II y 4 Lefort III. Según el sexo, 34 pacientes correspondieron al sexo masculino y 6 al femenino. Cuantificamos en orina (muestras de 24 horas: cloruro, sodio, potasio, urea y creatinina; en el ionograma en sangre: cloro, sodio, y potasio; en la química sanguínea: glucosa, clacio, fósforo, urea y creatinina y hemograma con diferencial. Estas muestras se cuantificaron al llegar el paciente, a las 72 horas y a las 24 horas del posoperatorio inmediato. En todos los pacientes estudiados se mantuvo la estabilidad endocrino-metabólica, con excepción de aquéllos portadores de Lefort I, II y III, los cuales en la última muestra tomada presentaron alteraciones del sodio y potasio en el ionograma de orina y sangre.The results of the endocrine and metabolic behaviour in 40 patient with fractures of the medial facial third: 10 nasal, 20 maxillomalar, 2 Lefort I, 4 Lefort II, and 4 Lefort III, are evaluated. 34 patients were males and 6 females. Chloride, sodium, potassium, urea, and creatinine were cuantified in urine (24-hour samples; chlorine, sodium, and potassium in blood ionogram; glucose, calcium, phosphorus, urea, creatinine, and differential blood count in blood chemistry. These samples were taken 72 hours and 24 hours after the immediate postoperative. All the patients studied mantained the endocrine and metabolic stability except those with Leford I, II and III, who in the last sample taken presented alterations of sodium and potassium in the urine and blood ionogram.

  5. Investigação em Performance e a fractura epistemológica

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    Jorge Salgado Correia


    Full Text Available A tendência de integrar a produção artística no corpo da investigação académica, embora de diferentes modos e com variável pertinência, tem crescido consideravelmente. Isto tem acontecido, em muitos casos, por factores conjunturais em que artistas –devido à sua “nova” condição de docentes universitários– investigam sobretudo o seu trabalho artístico, isto é, como se preparam (a nível musical, técnico ou psicológico, como ensaiam, como produzem sentido, como criam as suas narrativas emocionais, como as executam, ou como são percebidos e/ou apreciados pelas suas audiências, contribuindo assim para a compreensão dos seus processos criativos e do ritual da performance. Enquadram-se assim no âmbito da subdisciplina da Musicologia denominada Estudos em Performance. Alguns porém, ao focalizarem-se nos inextricáveis aspectos da experiência estética: poiésis, aesthesis e/ou katarsis, assumem uma investigação em que a prática performativa é uma componente essencial tanto do processo como dos resultados de investigação. Esta nova realidade, que poderemos denominar Investigação em Performance resulta assim de uma fractura no modelo epistemológico dos Estudos em Performance e encontra grandes afinidades com a emergente área da Investigação Artística, obrigando-nos a repensar conceitos como “conhecimento”, “investigação” e “validação”. Neste quadro teórico a noção de embodied meaning é crucial. 

  6. E coli enteritis (United States)

    ... coli; Food poisoning - E. coli; E. coli diarrhea; Hamburger disease ... coleslaw or potato salad) that have been out of the refrigerator too ... reheated Fish or oysters Raw fruits or vegetables that have ...

  7. Estudio del tratamiento de las fracturas supracondíleas de húmero en la infancia en el Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet de Zaragoza entre 1998 y 2008


    Gómez Palacio, Victoria Eugenia; Gil Albarova, Jorge; Herrera Rodríguez, Antonio


    INTRODUCCIÓN O MOTIVACIÓN DEL TEMA: Las fracturas supracondíleas de húmero en la infancia es un tema de gran interés, presente en libros de traumatología infantil, en las revistas científicas relacionadas, en cursos y congresos. Este interés se centra, por la gran incidencia de esta patología, presente en el día a día del traumatólogo. Con las múltiples controversias que se pueden encontrar. Además es una patología a la que tengo que hacer frente en el día a día de mi actividad profesional en...


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    Diana Marcela Ospina Monsalve


    Full Text Available Se hizo la caracterización reológica de la fruta de lulo (Solanum quitoense x Solanum hirtun a través de la respuesta mecánica bajo ensayos de compresión unidireccional a pruebas de firmeza y fractura, de acuerdo a dos grados de madurez comercial (pintón y maduro y tiempos de poscosecha (0, 3, 6, 9 días. Adicionalmente se determinaron propiedades físico-químicas tales como concentración de azúcares, pH y color. Las frutas fueron sometidas a ensayos de compresión unidireccional usando un analizador de textura a una velocidad de deformación de 1 mm∙s. Los ensayos para la prueba de fractura se realizaron según dos sentidos de carga (longitudinal y transversal y la prueba de firmeza se determinó en dos ángulos de incidencia. Los resultados mostraron que el comportamiento reológico de la fruta a ensayos de fractura y firmeza es altamente dependiente del tiempo transcurrido después de la cosecha de la fruta y condiciones fisiológicas (grado de madurez, situación ésta que refleja el comportamiento visco elástico y anisotrópico del producto. Los valores de la fuerza de fractura indicaron que la fruta pintona resiste mayor carga de aplastamiento con respecto al fruta madura. La fruta resiste más carga en sentido longitudinal que transversal, mostrando valores para frutas pintonas en posición longitudinal de 226 N y en posición transversal de 84,8 N, y para las frutas maduras se encontró una fuerza de fractura media en posición longitudinal de 180 N y en posición transversal de 68,5N. Para la fuerza de firmeza media (pulpa el valor máximo para frutas maduras fue de 1,4 N, y para frutas pintonas de 1,1 N. La fuerza de firmeza máxima (epicarpio tomó como valores máximos para las frutas maduras 14,4 N y para los frutas pintonas de 15,7 N.A rheological characterization of lulo fruits (Solanum quitoense x Solanum hirtum by using the test of unidirectional compression to firmness and fracture tests, according to two degrees of

  9. Los encuadres sanitarios en prensa. Gripe A y bacteria e.coli. / The Sanitary framing in Spanish press: Swine flu virus and E. coli bacterium

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    Paloma López Villafranca


    Full Text Available ResumenEn la siguiente investigación se analizan los encuadres sobre dos crisis sanitarias, gripe A y bacteria e.coli en prensa, en los diarios de mayor tirada; El País, El Mundo y ABC. En este estudio se refleja cómo se produce un enfoque muy distinto de ambas crisis y la influencia en estos encuadres e importancia de las fuentes institucionales como principales portadoras de información frente a las fuentes sanitarias o científicas, con escasa relevancia para la prensa española.AbstractThe following analysis is focused on the approach made by newspapers such as El País, El Mundo and ABC about the sanitary crisis of A Flu and E.coli bacteria. The methodology used is the analysis of content of a wide range of news samples generated during both crisis. As a result of this analysis it is made clear that both crises have been approached by Spanish press in different ways, giving more importance to government and official sources in opposition to the lack of relevance given to scientific or sanitary ones.

  10. Efecto inhibidor del ácido jasmónico sobre el crecimiento de bacterias y hongos


    Georgina Michelena; Giselle Almeida; Beatriz Altuna; Felipe Eng; Silvano Legrá; Maité Oliveros; Silvia Armenteros


    Se determinó el efecto de inhibición del AJ sobre el crecimiento del hongo Sclerotium rolfsii y de las bacterias Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Echerichia coli y Bacillus subtilis, con la técnica de envenenamiento de medio trabajando en placa Petri. Se obtuvieron inhibiciones del 70 % del S. rolfsii a concentraciones inferiores de AJ de 200 ppm y 100 % de inhibición del L. mesenteroides. Estos resultados mostraron la actividad antimicrobiana del AJ frente al hongo Sclerotium rolfsii, abriendo pos...

  11. Fracturas por estrés en deportistas: Valor de la resonancia magnética en la predicción de la morbilidad Stress fractures in athletes: Role of magnetic resonance imaging in predicting injury morbidity

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    Javier Maquirriain


    Full Text Available La resonancia magnética ha mostrado ser una herramienta eficaz para el diagnóstico precoz de las fracturas por estrés y para la determinación de la gravedad de estas lesiones. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la relación entre la gravedad de las fracturas por estrés en deportistas, determinada por resonancia magnética y la morbilidad, estimada por el tiempo de retorno al deporte. Se estudiaron 34 casos de fracturas por estrés, correspondientes a 29 deportistas (12 mujeres; 17 varones; edad 26.3 ± 12.5 años, mediante radiografías y resonancia magnética. Las lesiones fueron clasificadas en cuatro grados según la escala de Arendt. Se determinaron la localización anatómica, el nivel de actividad, el tiempo de diagnóstico y el tiempo de retorno a la actividad deportiva. Los huesos más afectados fueron la tibia (n=12; 35.2%, el escafoides tarsiano (n=5; 14.7% y los metatarsianos (n=4; 11.7. La gravedad de las lesiones fue: grado 1: 14.7%; grado 2: 14.7%; grado 3: 38.2%; grado 4: 32.4%. La correlación entre la gravedad de la lesión y el tiempo de recuperación fue de r=0.66 (p=0.0002. Como conclusión, existe una correlación positiva significativa entre la gravedad de la fractura por estrés, determinada por resonancia magnética, y el tiempo de recuperación. La utilización sistemática de esta clasificación puede ayudar a definir con mayor precisión el cuadro clínico, controlar la rehabilitación y estimar el retorno a la actividad deportiva.Magnetic resonance imaging is a useful tool for stress fractures (SF diagnosis, allowing the estimation of injury severity. The aim of this study was to determine the relation between the severity of SF in athletes determined by magnetic resonance imaging and the morbidity estimated as the time to return to sport. Thirty-four cases of stress fractures, (29 athletes; 12 female, 17 male; age 26.3 ± 12.5, were studied by radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging. Injuries were

  12. E. Coli Infections (United States)

    E. coli is the name of a type of bacteria that lives in your intestines. Most types of E. coli are harmless. However, some types can make you ... type causes travelers' diarrhea. The worst type of E. coli causes bloody diarrhea, and can sometimes cause kidney ...

  13. E. Coli (United States)

    ... for the bacteria's medical name Escherichia coli . The strange thing about these bacteria — and lots of other ... In some cases, E. coli poisoning can cause life-threatening kidney problems. What Can Kids Do? Adults ...

  14. Epidemiologia das fraturas toracolombares cirúrgicas na zona leste de São Paulo Epidemiología de las fracturas toracolumbares quirúrgicas en la región Leste de São Paulo Epidemiology of thoracolumbar surgical fractures in the east side of São Paulo

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    Luiz Cláudio Lacerda Rodrigues


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: fazer uma análise prospectiva de cem pacientes com fratura da coluna toracolombar submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico em um hospital terciário da zona leste de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: estudo prospectivo com início em Janeiro de 2006 até Julho de 2009, sendo incluído um total de 100 pacientes com fratura da coluna toracolombar submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. Avaliou-se o sexo, a idade, o mecanismo de trauma, o déficit neurológico e o tipo de fratura. RESULTADOS: foi observado que queda de altura foi o principal fator causador deste tipo de fratura seguido de acidentes com veículos automotores. O sexo masculino foi responsável por 66% dos casos, porém não foi observada diferença entre o mecanismo de trauma e o sexo. Observamos também que a lesão neurológica apresenta relação direta com a gravidade de fratura e que a junção toracolombar é a região mais acometida. CONCLUSÃO: concluímos que a incidência de fraturas na zona leste de São Paulo é elevada e associam-se a quedas acidentais. Verifica-se que estes dados são importantes para que medidas de prevenção possam ser tomadas com vistas a diminuir a morbidade deste grave tipo de trauma.OBJETIVO: hacer un análisis prospectivo de cien pacientes con fracturas de la columna toracolumbar sometidos al tratamiento quirúrgico en un hospital de tercer nivel de la región Leste de la ciudad de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: estudio prospectivo con inicio en Enero de 2006 hasta Julio de 2009, donde fueron incluidos un total de cien pacientes con fractura de la columna toracolumbar sometidos al tratamiento quirúrgico. Se evaluaron el sexo, la edad, el mecanismo del trauma, el déficit neurológico y el tipo de fractura. RESULTADOS: fue observado que la caída de una altura fue el principal factor causante de este tipo de fractura, seguido de accidentes con vehículos automotores. El sexo masculino fue responsable por el 66% de los casos, sin embargo no fue observada una

  15. Chromosomal features of Escherichia coli serotype O2:K2, an avian pathogenic E. coli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Steffen L; Kudirkiene, Egle; Li, Lili


    Escherichia coli causing infection outside the gastrointestinal system are referred to as extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli. Avian pathogenic E. coli is a subgroup of extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli and infections due to avian pathogenic E. coli have major impact on poultry production econo...

  16. Direct costs of osteoporosis and hip fracture: an analysis for the Mexican Social Insurance Health Care System Costos directos de la osteoporosis y fracturas de cadera: un análisis para el sistema de salud mexicano

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    Fernando Carlos


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To compare costs of diagnosis and annual treatment of osteoporosis and hip fracture between the Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación (INR and the protocol used by the Seguro Popular de Salud (SPSS. METHODS: Direct costs gathered in a prospective study with real cases at the INR are presented, and then this data is re-analyzed with the methodology and protocol for the SPSS to estimate the costs of those cases if treated with the SPSS protocol. RESULTS: Important differences were found in the cost of hip fracture: the SPSS estimates ($37 363.73 MXN almost double the INR cost ($20 286.86 MXN . This discrepancy was caused by the different types of surgeries the INR and SPSS protocols call for (the SPSS assumes that all hip fractures will necessitate a hip replacement and the cost of subsequent hospitalization. A prospective study at the SPSS is needed to validate these results. CONCLUSIONS: Important differences were found between treatment of the same osteoporosis related problems at the INR and SPSS. We recommend revising the SPSS protocol to include less costly surgical treatments.OBJETIVO: Realizar una comparación de costos de diagnóstico y tratamiento anual de la osteoporosis y la fractura de cadera entre el Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación (INR y el protocolo utilizado por el Seguro Popular de Salud (SPSS. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Los costos directos obtenidos en un estudio prospectivo con casos reales en el INR fueron utilizados para realizar un escenario considerando la metodología y protocolo del SPSS para estimar los costos de este último. RESULTADOS: Existen diferencias importantes en el costo de la fractura de cadera utilizando el escenario de SPSS; los costos estimados en SPSS fueron casi del doble respecto al INR ($37 363.73 vs. $20 286.86 pesos. Las diferencias están dadas por el tipo y costo de la cirugía (el SPSS asume que todas las fracturas de cadera tengan un remplazo total de cadera y el costo de la

  17. Codo flotante del adulto: Evaluación funcional y análisis estadístico sobre 18 pacientes. [Floating elbow injury in the adult: Functional assessment and statistical analysis of 18 patients

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    Miguel Ángel Capomassi


    Full Text Available Introducción Las fracturas ipsilaterales del húmero y antebrazo constituyen un complejo traumático de alta energía y baja frecuencia denominado “Codo Flotante”. El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar nuestra casuística, analizar los resultados y determinar la influencia que algunos factores, relacionados con la lesión o su tratamiento, tuvieron sobre los mismos. Material y métodos Se evaluaron retrospectivamente 18 pacientes adultos (15 hombres con codo flotante, tratados entre 1994 y 2010, con un seguimiento mayor a 1 año. La edad promedio fue de  41,2 años. Se dividieron los casos según la clasificación de los autores e identificaron variables con posible repercusión en los resultados finales. Existieron 7 lesiones asociadas en el miembro afectado (39%. Todos los pacientes se trataron con reducción y osteosíntesis y se evaluaron mediante puntajes de Shoulder Score Index (ASES, la Escala Visual Análoga (VAS y el formulario SF-36. El seguimiento promedio fue de 6,7 años. Resultados El promedio del puntaje ASES fue de 87,5. VAS 1. Respecto del SF-36, el Factor Físico promedio fue de 46,8 y el Factor Mental de 60,1. Se presentaron 5 complicaciones (27,8%,  3 pseudoartrosis de húmero y 2 infecciones. No se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre los resultados y la presencia de exposición ósea, tipo de codo flotante, lesiones asociadas, ni el método de osteosíntesis utilizado. Conclusión La osteosíntesis estable de las fracturas y el tratamiento simultáneo de las lesiones asociadas posibilitan la aplicación de protocolos de movilización temprana controlada, obteniendo resultados funcionales satisfactorios.

  18. E. Coli and Pregnancy (United States)

    ... chat Live Help Fact Sheets Share Escherichia coli (E. coli) Friday, 01 September 2017 In every pregnancy, a ... risk. This sheet talks about whether exposure to E. coli may increase the risk for birth defects over ...

  19. Frecuencia y tipo de fracturas en traumatismos maxilofaciales: Evaluación con Tomografía Multislice con reconstrucciones multiplanares y tridimensionales Frequency and types of fractures in maxillofacial traumas: Assessment using MDCT with multiplanar and 3D reconstructions


    Gabriela Tomich; Patricio Baigorria; Nicolás Orlando; Mariano Méjico; Cecilia Costamagna; Roberto Villavicencio


    Introducción. Los traumatismos maxilofaciales (TMF) representan un motivo de consulta común en los servicios de Urgencias. La compleja anatomía del macizo facial requiere de métodos de imágenes multiplanares para su correcta evaluación. Objetivos. Describir la frecuencia y tipos de fracturas en una serie de pacientes con TMF evaluados mediante tomografía computada multislice (TCMS) con reconstrucciones multiplanares y tridimensionales. Materiales y Métodos. Se revisaron en forma retrospectiva...

  20. Chromosomal features of Escherichia coli serotype O2:K2, an avian pathogenic E. coli. (United States)

    Jørgensen, Steffen L; Kudirkiene, Egle; Li, Lili; Christensen, Jens P; Olsen, John E; Nolan, Lisa; Olsen, Rikke H


    Escherichia coli causing infection outside the gastrointestinal system are referred to as extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli. Avian pathogenic E. coli is a subgroup of extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli and infections due to avian pathogenic E. coli have major impact on poultry production economy and welfare worldwide. An almost defining characteristic of avian pathogenic E. coli is the carriage of plasmids, which may encode virulence factors and antibiotic resistance determinates. For the same reason, plasmids of avian pathogenic E. coli have been intensively studied. However, genes encoded by the chromosome may also be important for disease manifestation and antimicrobial resistance. For the E. coli strain APEC_O2 the plasmids have been sequenced and analyzed in several studies, and E. coli APEC_O2 may therefore serve as a reference strain in future studies. Here we describe the chromosomal features of E. coli APEC_O2. E. coli APEC_O2 is a sequence type ST135, has a chromosome of 4,908,820 bp (plasmid removed), comprising 4672 protein-coding genes, 110 RNA genes, and 156 pseudogenes, with an average G + C content of 50.69%. We identified 82 insertion sequences as well as 4672 protein coding sequences, 12 predicated genomic islands, three prophage-related sequences, and two clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats regions on the chromosome, suggesting the possible occurrence of horizontal gene transfer in this strain. The wildtype strain of E. coli APEC_O2 is resistant towards multiple antimicrobials, however, no (complete) antibiotic resistance genes were present on the chromosome, but a number of genes associated with extra-intestinal disease were identified. Together, the information provided here on E. coli APEC_O2 will assist in future studies of avian pathogenic E. coli strains, in particular regarding strain of E. coli APEC_O2, and aid in the general understanding of the pathogenesis of avian pathogenic E. coli .

  1. Human Meningitis-Associated Escherichia coli (United States)



    E. coli is the most common Gram-negative bacillary organism causing meningitis and E. coli meningitis continues to be an important cause of mortality and morbidity throughout the world. Our incomplete knowledge of its pathogenesis contributes to such mortality and morbidity. Recent reports of E. coli strains producing CTX-M-type or TEM-type extended-spectrum β-lactamases create a challenge. Studies using in vitro and in vivo models of the blood-brain barrier have shown that E. coli meningitis follows a high-degree of bacteremia and invasion of the blood-brain barrier. E. coli invasion of the blood-brain barrier, the essentials step in the development of E. coli meningitis, requires specific microbial and host factors as well as microbe- and host-specific signaling molecules. Blockade of such microbial and host factors contributing to E. coli invasion of the blood-brain barrier is shown to be efficient in preventing E. coli penetration into the brain. The basis for requiring a high-degree of bacteremia for E. coli penetration of the blood-brain barrier, however, remains unclear. Continued investigation on the microbial and host factors contributing to a high-degree of bacteremia and E. coli invasion of the blood-brain barrier is likely to identify new targets for prevention and therapy of E. coli meningitis. PMID:27223820

  2. Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli Markers and Phenotypes among Fecal E. coli Isolates Collected from Nicaraguan Infants ▿


    Reyes, Daniel; Vilchez, Samuel; Paniagua, Margarita; Colque-Navarro, Patricia; Weintraub, Andrej; Möllby, Roland; Kühn, Inger


    We analyzed the prevalence of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) markers and common phenotypes in 2,164 E. coli isolates from 282 DEC-positive samples. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) were very diverse and were not correlated with diarrhea. Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) estA and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) belonged to a few phenotypes and were significantly correlated with diarrhea.

  3. Effect of bile on growth, peritoneal absorption, and blood clearance of Escherichia coli in E coli peritonitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersson, R.; Schalen, C.; Tranberg, K.G.


    The effect of intraperitoneal bile on growth, peritoneal absorption, and clearance of Escherichia coli was determined in E coli peritonitis in the rat. In E coli peritonitis, intraperitoneal bacterial counts gradually decreased, whereas they increased (after 2 hours) with subsequent development of bacteremia in E coli plus bile peritonitis. After an intraperitoneal injection of labeled bacteria, blood radioactivity was only initially lower in E coli plus bile peritonitis compared with E coli peritonitis. Clearance from blood was lower in E coli plus bile peritonitis than in E coli peritonitis. Organ localization was similar in E coli peritonitis and E coli plus bile peritonitis with decreased splenic, increased pulmonary, and unchanged hepatic uptakes compared with controls. Impaired peritoneal absorption of bacteria, together with impaired local host defense, is likely to enhance the noxious effect of bile in E coli peritonitis

  4. Conjugation in Escherichia coli (United States)

    Boyer, Herbert


    Boyer, Herbert (Yale University, New Haven, Conn.). Conjugation in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 91:1767–1772. 1966.—The sex factor of Escherichia coli K-12 was introduced into an E. coli B/r strain by circumventing the host-controlled modification and restriction incompatibilities known to exist between these closely related strains. The sexual properties of the constructed F+ B strain and its Hfr derivatives were examined. These studies showed that the E. coli strain B/r F+ and Hfr derivatives are similar to the E. coli strain K-12 F+ and Hfr derivatives. However, the site of sex factor integration was found to be dependent on the host genome. PMID:5327905

  5. Identificación metalográfica de fases en una junta soldada de acero estructural microaleado y su influencia en el mecanismo de fractura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Porras-Arévalo, G. O.


    Full Text Available This study seeks to characterize the present phases through welded joint zones of structural steel and to describe the fracture mechanism, offering a support to the metallic construction industry. In most cases, structural designers associate weldments in this construction type with the brittleness in its structure, with the drop toughness and with a high collapse risk for the ductile-brittle transition.

    Este estudio pretende caracterizar las fases presentes a través de las zonas de una junta soldada de acero estructural y describir el mecanismo de fractura, ofreciendo un soporte a la industria de la construcción metálica. En la mayoría de los casos, la utilización de la soldadura en este tipo de construcción se asocia, por los diseñadores estructurales, con la fragilidad de su estructura, con la baja tenacidad y con un alto riesgo de colapso por la transición dúctil-frágil.

  6. Caracterización genotipica de aislamientos de Escherichia coli obtenidos de cerdos con diarrea posdestete y enfermedad de los edemas Genotypic characterization of toxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from pigs with postweaning diarrhea (PWD and edema disease (ED

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiana A Moredo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue caracterizar mediante PCR 47 aislamientos de Escheríchia coli recuperados de 32 cerdos con diagnóstico clínico de diarrea posdestete (DPD y de 3 cerdos con enfermedad de los edemas (ED. Sobre 44 aislamientos provenientes de cerdos con DPD, 42 (95,5 % fueron caracterizados como E. coli enterotoxigénicos (ETEC y 2 (4,5 % como E. coli productores de toxina Shiga (STEC. Catorce aislamientos de ETEC (33,3 % fueron positivos para los genes estl/estlI/fedA. El genotipo más complejo fue eltA/estll/east1/faeG/aidA. Los aislamientos provenientes de cerdos con ED se clasificaron como STEC porcinos y fueron portadores de stxJaidA. Once aislamientos (25 % fueron portadores del gen que codifica la expresión de la adhesina AIDA-I. Sin embargo, en ningún aislamiento se detectaron los genes que codifican la expresión de las adhesinas F5, F6, F41, de intimina y de "Paa". La prevención de la DPD y de la ED podría realizarse mediante el desarrollo de vacunas que generen anticuerpos contra las adhesinas de las cepas de E. coli prevalentes en la Argentina.The purpose of this work was to characterize 47 Escherichia coli strains isolated from 32 pigs diagnosed with postweaning diarrhea and tree pigs with edema disease by PCR. Forty two (95.5 % of the strains isolated from diarrheic pigs were characterized as enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC and 2 (4.5 % as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC. Fourteen (33.3 % ETEC strains were positive for est/estll/fedA genes. The most complex genotype was eltA/estl/faeG/aidA. Strains isolated from pigs with ED were classified as porcine STEC and were stxjaidA carriers. Eleven (25 % strains carried the gene encoding adhesln protein AIDA-I. However, genes coding for F5, F6, F41, intimin and Paa were not detected. The development of vaccines generating antibodies against prevalent E. coli adhesins in Argentina could be useful for the prevention of PWD and ED.

  7. Evolução da fracturação e da interacção sólido-fluido de rochas ígneas em ambiente de circulação hidrotermal


    Lopes, Sofia Alexandra Correia


    Tese de mestrado, Ciências Geofísicas (Geofísica Interna), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009 Este trabalho centrou-se no estudo da evolução da fracturação numa rocha, desde o desenvolvimento de microfracturas até à ruptura macroscópica. A caracterização deste processo foi feito com base nas medições da variação de diversas propriedades físicas e mecânicas em duas rochas ígneas, granito e basalto, sujeitos à acção térmica e/ou mecânica, com e sem circulação de fluido. Este...

  8. Annual Surveillance Summary: Escherichia coli (E. coli) Infections in the Military Health System (MHS), 2015 (United States)


    Annual Surveillance Summary: Escherichia coli ( E . coli ) Infections in the Military Health System (MHS...or position of the Department of the Navy, Department of Defense, nor the U.S. Government. i i E . coli in the MHS: Annual Summary 2015 Prepared...March 2017 EpiData Center Department NMCPHC-EDC-TR-187-2017 ii ii E . coli in the MHS: Annual Summary 2015 Prepared March 2017 EpiData

  9. Protective effects of indigenous Escherichia coli against a pathogenic E. coli challenge strain in pigs. (United States)

    Vahjen, W; Cuisiniere, T; Zentek, J


    To investigate the inhibitory effect of indigenous enterobacteria on pathogenic Escherichia coli, a challenge trial with postweaning pigs was conducted. A pathogenic E. coli strain was administered to all animals and their health was closely monitored thereafter. Faecal samples were taken from three healthy and three diarrhoeic animals. Samples were cultivated on MacConkey agar and isolates were subcultured. A soft agar overlay assay was used to determine the inhibitory activity of the isolates. A total of 1,173 enterobacterial isolates were screened for their ability to inhibit the E. coli challenge strain. Colony forming units of enterobacteria on MacConkey agar were not different between healthy and diarrhoeic animals in the original samples. Furthermore, numbers of isolates per animal were also not significantly different between healthy (482 isolates) and diarrhoeic animals (691 isolates). A total of 43 isolates (3.7%) with inhibitory activity against the pathogenic E. coli challenge strain were detected. All inhibitory isolates were identified as E. coli via MALDI-TOF. The isolates belonged to the phylotypes A, C and E. Many isolates (67.4%) were commensal E. coli without relevant porcine pathogenic factors, but toxin- and fimbrial genes (stx2e, fae, estIb, elt1a, fas, fan) were detected in 14 inhibitory isolates. Healthy animals showed significantly (P=0.003) more inhibitory isolates (36 of 482 isolates; 7.5%) than diseased animals (7 of 691 isolates; 1.0%). There were no significant correlations regarding phylotype or pathogenic factors between healthy and diseased animals. This study has shown that a small proportion of indigenous E. coli is able to inhibit in vitro growth of a pathogenic E. coli strain in pigs. Furthermore, healthy animals possess significantly more inhibitory E. coli strains than diarrhoeic animals. The inhibition of pathogenic E. coli by specific indigenous E. coli strains may be an underlying principle for the containment of pathogenic

  10. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdullah Kilic


    Full Text Available Escherichia coli is a bacterium that is commonly found in the gut of humans and warm-blooded animals. Most strains of E. coli are harmless for human. E. coli O157:H7 is the most common member of a group of pathogenic E. coli strains known variously as enterohaemorrhagic, verocytotoxin-producing, or Shiga-toxin-producing organisms. EHEC bacterium is the major cause of haemorrhagic colitis and haemolytic uraemic syndrome. The reservoir of this pathogen appears to be mainly cattle and other ruminants such as camels. It is transmitted to humans primarily through consumption of contaminated foods. [TAF Prev Med Bull 2011; 10(4.000: 387-388

  11. Impact of dry chilling on the genetic diversity of Escherichia coli on beef carcasses and on the survival of E. coli and E. coli O157. (United States)

    Visvalingam, Jeyachchandran; Liu, Yang; Yang, Xianqin


    The objective of this study was to examine the effect of dry chilling on the genetic diversity of naturally occurring Escherichia coli on beef carcasses, and to examine whether two populations of E. coli recovered from carcasses during chilling and E. coli O157 differed in their response to desiccation. Isolates of E. coli were obtained from beef carcasses during a 67h dry chilling process and were genotyped using multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA). Ten E. coli genotypes found only at 0h (group A) and found more than once (group B), as well as five strains of E. coli O157 (group C) were inoculated on stainless steel coupons and their survival was examined after exposure to 75 and 100% relative humidity (RH) at 0 or 35°C for 67h. A total of 450 E. coli isolates were obtained, with 254, 49, 49, 51, 23, 20, and 4 from 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 24h of chilling, respectively. No E. coli were recovered at 67h. MLVA of the isolates revealed 173 distinct genotypes. Genetic diversity of E. coli isolates, defined as ratio of the number of isolates to the number of genotypes, remained between 2.3 and 1.3 during the 24h of chilling. All strains inoculated on stainless steel coupons and exposed to 75% RH at 35°C were completely inactivated, irrespective of their groups. Inactivation of E. coli of the three groups was not significantly (P>0.05) different by exposure to 75% RH at 0°C. The findings indicate that the genetic diversity of E. coli on beef carcasses was not affected by dry chilling. In addition, inactivation of E. coli genotypes and E. coli O157 by desiccation on stainless steel simulating dry chilling conditions did not differ significantly (P>0.05). Thus, dry chilling may be used as an effective antimicrobial intervention for beef carcasses. Crown Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. DETECCIÓN DE Escherichia coli O157: H7 y Salmonella spp., EN CERDOS DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE CORDOBA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Vargas


    Full Text Available E. coli O157:H7 y Salmonella spp., son bacterias de distribución mundial causantes de enfermedades intestinales queafectan tanto al hombre como a LOS animales. ESTE estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la presencia y frecuenciade aparición de E. coli O157:H7 y Salmonella spp., en los diferentes sistemas de producción porcina que se empleanen el departamento de Córdoba. Se realizó un estudio de corte descriptivo prospectivo, con un muestreo al azar enlos sistemas de explotación porcina intensiva y extensiva. Se procesaron 500 muestras de materia fecal de porcinos,250 provenientes del sistema extensivo y 250 del sistema intensivo. Para la detección E. coli y Salmonella spp., sellevaron a cabo procedimientos estándares microbiológicos. Los resultados mostraron una frecuencia de aparición deSalmonella spp., del 1%, el 0.2% en el sistema intensivo y el 0.8% en el sistema extensivo; no se aisló Escherichia coliO157:H7. Los resultados de resistencia y sensibilidad a los antibióticos en las cepas aisladas de Salmonella spp.,mostraron una sensibilidad del 100% al trimetoprim sulfametozasol, a la amikacina, al ceftriaxona, a la ciprofloxacina,a la gentamicina y al aztreonam y un 20% a la ampicilina y al sulbactam. Se concluye que la frecuencia de apariciónde Salmonella spp., en muestras coprológicas porcinas es baja, y nula para E. coli O157:H7, sin embargo, se debemantener la vigilancia sobre estos patógenos, por lo que se recomienda continuar los estudios epidemiológicos.

  13. Can E. coli fly?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindeberg, Yrja Lisa; Egedal, Karen; Hossain, Zenat Zebin


    , and the numbers of flies landing on the exposed rice were counted. Following exposure, the surface of the rice was microbiologically and molecularly analysed for the presence of E. coli and genes of diarrheagenic E. coli and Shigella strains. RESULTS: Rice was at greater risk (p ... with E. coli if flies landed on the rice than if no flies landed on the rice (odds ratio 5·4 (p ...-landings, the average CFU per fly-landing was > 0·6 x 103 CFU. Genes of diarrheagenic E. coli and Shigella species were detected in 39 of 60 (65%) of exposed rice samples. Two fly species were identified; the common housefly (Musca domestica) and the oriental latrine fly (Chrysomya megacephala). CONCLUSION: Flies may...

  14. Seudoartrosis congénita de clavícula patalogía de alta confusión diagnóstica


    Vergara Amador, Enrique; Galván Villamarin, Fernando; Piña Quintero, Marcela


    La seudoartrosis congénita de clavícula es una entidad rara, casi siempre aparece sin asociación a otras patologías y generalmente no ocasiona limitaciones importantes en los niños. Puede confundirse con otras entidades como la fractura de clavícula de origen traumático. La mayoría de los pacientes consultan por defecto estético y pocas veces por dolor. Generalmente el tratamiento es quirúrgico; pero existe controversia sobre la necesidad de realizar cirugía. Presentamos dos casos clínicos co...



    Enrique Vergara Amador; Fernando Galván Villamarín; Marcela Piña Quintero


    La seudoartrosis congénita de clavícula es una entidad rara, casi siempre aparece sin asociación a otras patologías y generalmente no ocasiona limitaciones importantes en los niños. Puede confundirse con otras entidades como la fractura de clavícula de origen traumático. La mayoría de los pacientes consultan por defecto estético y pocas veces por dolor. Generalmente el tratamiento es quirúrgico; pero existe controversia sobre la necesidad de realizar cirugía. Presentamos dos casos clínicos co...

  16. El texto de terror en la novella Española del siglo XIX: espacios de circulación del poder*


    César de Vicente Hernando


    Una cita de El paraíso perdido de Milton abre la obra de la escritora inglesa Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Frankenstein (1818). lnglaterra prácticamente convertida en la primera potencia comercio-industrial en los incios de lo que se define como la "Revolución Industrial", traerá, como es sabido, ala escena social un modo de producción radicalmente distinto alde siglos pasados y, sobre todo, la construcción social de categorías nuevas y una quiebra-fractura en las mentalidades. En un pró1ogo p...

  17. Alteracion del Metabolismo Oseo y su Relacion con el Tratamiento Ortodontico en el Paciente Osteoporotico


    Guercio de Dinatale, Elisabetta


    La osteoporosis ha sido definida como una enfermedad sistémica esquelética, caracterizada por una disminución de la masa ósea y deterioro de la microarquitectura del tejido óseo, con un consecuente incremento en la fragilidad y susceptibilidad a fracturas. La relación entre osteoporosis y pérdida ósea alveolar ha sido claramente establecida. Sin embargo, han sido pocos los estudios que determinan los efectos de la osteoporosis sobre el movimiento dentario ortodóntico. Es sabido que el movimie...

  18. 99mTechnetium labelled Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diniz, S.O.F.; Cardoso, V.N.; Resende, B.M.; Nunan, E.A.; Simal, C.J.R.


    Samples of a culture of unlabeled Escherichia coli were incubated with different concentrations of stannous chloride for various time periods. 99m Tc (26.0 MBq) was added to each preparation and the results showed a labelling yield of 98% for E. coli. Since the bacterial viability of 99m Tc-E. coli and E. coli did not show any statistical differences, these results demonstrate that labelling of E. coli with 99m Tc does not modify the bacterial viability, and the radiolabelled bacteria may be a good model to study bacterial translocation

  19. The oxygen effect in E. coli cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myasnik, M.N.; Skvortsov, V.G.; Sokolov, V.A.


    In experiments on E. coli strains deficient in some stages of DNA repair from radiation damages, it was demonstrated that the value of the oxygen effect, under optimal conditions for manifestation thereof, decreases in the following order: E. coli WP2 (the wild type) → E. coli WP2 exr - and E. coli B → E. coli WP2 uvr A6 → E. coli WP2 rec Al and E. coli WP2 hcr - exr - . It was detected that 0.14 M NaCl solution sensitizes the anoxic cells of some E. coli strains to the effect of γ-radiation. It was established that mutation of the uvr A-gene increases sharply the sensitivity of cells to iradiation under the anoxic conditions in the presence of NaCl, the reverse'' oxygen effect being observed

  20. Hemolytic porcine intestinal Escherichia coli without virulence-associated genes typical of intestinal pathogenic E. coli. (United States)

    Schierack, Peter; Weinreich, Joerg; Ewers, Christa; Tachu, Babila; Nicholson, Bryon; Barth, Stefanie


    Testing 1,666 fecal or intestinal samples from healthy and diarrheic pigs, we obtained hemolytic Escherichia coli isolates from 593 samples. Focusing on hemolytic E. coli isolates without virulence-associated genes (VAGs) typical for enteropathogens, we found that such isolates carried a broad variety of VAGs typical for extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli.

  1. escherichia coli serotypes confirmed in experimental mammary ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    VARIATIONS IN VIRULENCE OF THREE (3) ESCHERICHIA COLI. SEROTYPES CONFIRMED IN ... ows are susceptible to E. coli infection because. E. coli exist in the .... Coli infections in mice: A laboratory animal model for research in.

  2. Prevalence and behavior of multidrug-resistant shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, enteropathogenic E. coli and enterotoxigenic E. coli on coriander. (United States)

    Gómez-Aldapa, Carlos A; Segovia-Cruz, Jesús A; Cerna-Cortes, Jorge F; Rangel-Vargas, Esmeralda; Salas-Rangel, Laura P; Gutiérrez-Alcántara, Eduardo J; Castro-Rosas, Javier


    The prevalence and behavior of multidrug-resistant diarrheagenic Escherichia coli pathotypes on coriander was determined. One hundred coriander samples were collected from markets. Generic E. coli were determined using the most probable number procedure. Diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes (DEPs) were identified using two multiplex polymerase chain reaction procedures. Susceptibility to sixteen antibiotics was tested for the isolated DEPs strains by standard test. The behavior of multidrug-resistant DEPs isolated from coriander was determined on coriander leaves and chopped coriander at 25°± 2 °C and 3°± 2 °C. Generic E. coli and DEPs were identified, respectively, in 43 and 7% of samples. Nine DEPs strains were isolated from positive coriander samples. The identified DEPs included Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC, 4%) enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC, 2%) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC, 1%). All isolated DEPs strains exhibited multi-resistance to antibiotics. On inoculated coriander leaves stored at 25°± 2 °C or 3°± 2 °C, no growth was observed for multidrug-resistant DEPs strains. However, multidrug-resistant DEPs strains grew in chopped coriander: after 24 h at 25° ± 2 °C, DEPs strains had grown to approximately 3 log CFU/g. However, at 3°± 2 °C the bacterial growth was inhibited. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence and behavior of multidrug-resistant STEC, ETEC and EPEC on coriander and chopped coriander. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Identification and Prevalence of Escherichia coli and Escherichia coli O157: H7 in Foods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ancuta Mihaela Rotar


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to investigate the incidence of Escherichia coli in animal and non-animal foods, and mainly the incidence of the serotype O157: H7 producing verotoxin. The presence of common Escherichia coli and Escherichia coli O157: H7 in various foods (of animal and non animal origin was performed in Transylvania area. We analyzed a total of one hundred forty-one samples of minced meat, one hundred twenty-six samples of meat , twenty six samples of meat products, five samples of alcoholic beverages, three samples of seafood, one hundred samples of cheese from pasteurized milk, seventeen samples of butter, four samples of vegetables and one sample of milk powder, using the standard cultural method and Vidas Eco method for E. coli O157: H7 strains. E. coli was identified in 50 samples of minced meat, 55 samples of meat prepared, 4 samples of meat products, 2 samples of alcoholic beverages, 25 samples of cheese from pasteurized milk, 6 samples of butter and 1 sample of vegetables. In this study were not been identified any foods contaminated with the E. coli O157: H7 serotype. The results of this reasearch have demostrated that E. coli wich represents a hygienic indicator of recent food contamination, can be destroyed with heat treatment and hygienic handling of foods. Our country over the years has been among the few countries where the incidence of the E. coli O157: H7 serotype has been minimal.

  4. The asymptomatic bacteriuria Escherichia coli strain 83972 outcompetes uropathogenic E. coli strains in human urine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hancock, Viktoria; Ulett, G.C.; Schembri, M.A.


    Escherichia coli is the most common organism associated with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU). In contrast to uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), which causes symptomatic urinary tract infections (UTI), very little is known about the mechanisms by which these strains colonize the human urinary tract....... The prototype ABU E. coli strain 83972 was originally isolated from a girl who had carried it asymptomatically for 3 years. Deliberate colonization of UTI-susceptible individuals with E. coli 83972 has been used successfully as an alternative approach for the treatment of patients who are refractory...... to conventional therapy. Colonization with strain 83972 appears to prevent infection with UPEC strains in such patients despite the fact that this strain is unable to express the primary adhesins involved in UTI, viz. P and type 1 fimbriae. Here we investigated the growth characteristics of E. coli 83972 in human...

  5. Comportamiento a fractura de la aleación 6061 reforzada con alúmina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Forn, A.


    Full Text Available The properties of the cast aluminium alloys 6061/(20%Al2O3p are studied. This material is obtained by Duralcan procedure after being submitted to an extrusion and forging process. These materials are submitted to T6 heat treatments in order to study their effect on mechanical properties. In this work the matrix characteristics are compared with the reinforced material in different production stages, using an optical and electronic microscopy, EDS, tensile, fatigue and ultramicrohardness tests. The mechanical properties indicate that the extruded reinforced material presents ultimate tensile strength values lower than the alloy 6061 under the same conditions, and this is related to the presence of spinel in the interface matrix-reinforcement. The fracture mechanisms are established by static and dynamic tensions in different cases, studying the possible interactions matrix-reinforcement and their repercussion in the mechanical behaviour of the alloy.

    Se estudian las propiedades de las aleaciones de aluminio 6061/(20%Al2O3p obtenidas por colada y conformadas posteriormente por extrusión y forja. Estos materiales son sometidos a tratamientos térmicos de envejecimiento (T6 para estudiar su efecto en las propiedades mecánicas. En este trabajo se comparan las características de la matriz con las del material reforzado en las distintas etapas de producción utilizando técnicas de microscopía óptica y electrónica, EDS y ensayos de tracción, fatiga y ultramicroindentación. Los ensayos mecánicos indican que el material compuesto extruido presenta valores de resistencia mecánica más bajos que la aleación 6061 tratada en las mismas condiciones y ello se relaciona con la presencia de espinela en la interfase alúmina-matriz. Se establecen los mecanismos de fractura por tensiones estáticas y dinámicas en los distintos casos, estudiando las posibles interacciones matriz

  6. A genomically modified Escherichia coli strain carrying an orthogonal E. coli histidyl-tRNA synthetase•tRNAHis pair. (United States)

    Englert, Markus; Vargas-Rodriguez, Oscar; Reynolds, Noah M; Wang, Yane-Shih; Söll, Dieter; Umehara, Takuya


    Development of new aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (aaRS)•tRNA pairs is central for incorporation of novel non-canonical amino acids (ncAAs) into proteins via genetic code expansion (GCE). The Escherichia coli and Caulobacter crescentus histidyl-tRNA synthetases (HisRS) evolved divergent mechanisms of tRNA His recognition that prevent their cross-reactivity. Although the E. coli HisRS•tRNA His pair is a good candidate for GCE, its use in C. crescentus is limited by the lack of established genetic selection methods and by the low transformation efficiency of C. crescentus. E. coli was genetically engineered to use a C. crescentus HisRS•tRNA His pair. Super-folder green fluorescent protein (sfGFP) and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) were used as reporters for read-through assays. A library of 313 ncAAs coupled with the sfGFP reporter system was employed to investigate the specificity of E. coli HisRS in vivo. A genomically modified E. coli strain (named MEOV1) was created. MEVO1 requires an active C. crescentus HisRS•tRNA His pair for growth, and displays a similar doubling time as the parental E. coli strain. sfGFP- and CAT-based assays showed that the E. coli HisRS•tRNA His pair is orthogonal in MEOV1 cells. A mutation in the anticodon loop of E. coli tRNA His CUA elevated its suppression efficiency by 2-fold. The C. crescentus HisRS•tRNA His pair functionally complements an E. coli ΔhisS strain. The E. coli HisRS•tRNA His is orthogonal in MEOV1 cells. E. coli tRNA His CUA is an efficient amber suppressor in MEOV1. We developed a platform that allows protein engineering of E. coli HisRS that should facilitate GCE in E. coli. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Biochemistry of Synthetic Biology - Recent Developments" Guest Editor: Dr. Ilka Heinemann and Dr. Patrick O'Donoghue. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Framing in the Spanish press about the health crisis because of the E. coli bacterium


    López Villafranca, Paloma


    En este artículo de investigación se realiza un análisis del reflejo en los medios de comunicación y en las campañas institucionales de  la crisis sanitaria de la bacteria E. coli, más conocida en España como crisis del pepino. Mientras que en el resto de Europa tuvo un tratamiento similar al de la gripe A o al mal de las vacas locas, en España se reflejó como una crisis que afectó a la economía y no a la salud de los ciudadanos españoles.  Los intereses económicos prevalecen sobre la salud p...

  8. Fractura patológica de la mandíbula asociada a quiste radicular: Reporte de 3 casos clínicos Mandibular pathologic fracture associated with radicular cyst: Report of three clinical cases

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    J. Bouguila


    Full Text Available Introducción. El quiste radicular es el quiste más común de los maxilares. Su tamaño puede variar desde una lesión que abarca el proceso alveolar hasta uno extenso que oblitera el espacio antral maxilar o causa una fractura patológica mandibular. Reporte de casos. Se reportan tres casos con fractura patológica mandibular asociados a quiste radicular ocurridos después de trauma facial. El diagnóstico fue sugerido por un estudio clínico, radiografía panorámica y confirmado por el estudio histopatológico de la pieza operatoria. El tratamiento consistió en enucleación quística seguido por inmovilización de fragmentos con osteosíntesis o bloqueo intermaxilar. El resultado clínico y radiológico a corto plazo fue favorable. Discusión. Se discuten aspectos propios de la patología y su terapia. Conclusión. El éxito del tratamiento depende de una adecuada terapia en que sus principios más importantes son la remoción de la lesión mediante enucleación y una fijación estable.Introduction. Radicular cyst is the most common cyst of the oral cavity. It may range in size from a small periapical lesion to one that can obliterate the antral space or cause mandibular fracture. Case reports. We report three cases of radicular cyst complicated by mandibular fracture that occurred after maxillofacial trauma. The diagnosis was strongly suggested by panoramic radiography and confirmed by pathology examination of the operative specimen. Treatment consisted in cyst enucleation followed by immobilization of fragments by osteosynthesis or maxillomandibular fixation. The clinical and radiologic outcome was favorable. Discussion. The particularities and treatment are discussed. Conclusion. Treatment success is dependent on adequate therapy, the principles of which are removing the lesion and providing stable fixation.

  9. Silver nanoparticle-E. coli colloidal interaction in water and effect on E. coli survival. (United States)

    Dror-Ehre, A; Mamane, H; Belenkova, T; Markovich, G; Adin, A


    Silver nanoparticles exhibit antibacterial properties via bacterial inactivation and growth inhibition. The mechanism is not yet completely understood. This work was aimed at elucidating the effect of silver nanoparticles on inactivation of Escherichia coli, by studying particle-particle interactions in aqueous suspensions. Stable, molecularly capped, positively or negatively charged silver nanoparticles were mixed at 1 to 60microgmL(-1) with suspended E. coli cells to examine their effect on inactivation of the bacteria. Gold nanoparticles with the same surfactant were used as a control, being of similar size but made up of a presumably inert metal. Log reduction of 5log(10) and complete inactivation were obtained with the silver nanoparticles while the gold nanoparticles did not show any inactivation ability. The effect of molecularly capped nanoparticles on E. coli survival was dependent on particle number. Log reduction of E. coli was associated with the ratio between the number of nanoparticles and the initial bacterial cell count. Electrostatic attraction or repulsion mechanisms in silver nanoparticle-E. coli cell interactions did not contribute to the inactivation process.

  10. Genetic Transfer of Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli Lipopolysaccharide Antigens to Escherichia coli K-12 (United States)

    Jones, Randall T.; Koeltzow, Donald E.; Stocker, B. A. D.


    Escherichia coli K-12 ϰ971 was crossed with a smooth Salmonella typhimurium donor, HfrK6, which transfers early the ilv-linked rfa region determining lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core structure. Two ilv+ hybrids differing in their response to the LPS-specific phages FO and C21 were then crossed with S. typhimurium HfrK9, which transfers early the rfb gene cluster determining O repeat unit structure. Most recombinants selected for his+ (near rfb) were agglutinated by Salmonella factor 4 antiserum. Transfer of an F′ factor (FS400) carrying the rfb–his region of S. typhimurium to the same two ilv+ hybrids gave similar results. LPS extracted from two ilv+,his+, factor 4-positive hybrids contained abequose, the immunodominant sugar for factor 4 specificity. By contrast, his+ hybrids obtained from ϰ971 itself by similar HfrK9 and F′FS400 crosses were not agglutinated by factor 4 antiserum, indicating that the parental E. coli ϰ971 does not have the capacity to attach Salmonella O repeat units to its LPS core. It is concluded that the Salmonella rfb genes are expressed only in E. coli ϰ971 hybrids which have also acquired ilv-linked genes (presumably rfa genes affecting core structure or O-translocase ability, or both) from a S. typhimurium donor. When E. coli ϰ971 was crossed with a smooth E. coli donor, Hfr59, of serotype O8, which transfers his early, most his+ recombinants were agglutinated by E. coli O8 antiserum and lysed by the O8-specific phage, Ω8. This suggests that, although the parental E. coli K-12 strain ϰ971 cannot attach Salmonella-specific repeat units to its LPS core, it does have the capacity to attach E. coli O8-specific repeat units. PMID:4559827

  11. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis


    Londoño, Fabio


    Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  12. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis

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    Fabio Londoño


    Full Text Available Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  13. Comparative genomics and transcriptomics of Escherichia coli isolates carrying virulence factors of both enteropathogenic and enterotoxigenic E. coli. (United States)

    Hazen, Tracy H; Michalski, Jane; Luo, Qingwei; Shetty, Amol C; Daugherty, Sean C; Fleckenstein, James M; Rasko, David A


    Escherichia coli that are capable of causing human disease are often classified into pathogenic variants (pathovars) based on their virulence gene content. However, disease-associated hybrid E. coli, containing unique combinations of multiple canonical virulence factors have also been described. Such was the case of the E. coli O104:H4 outbreak in 2011, which caused significant morbidity and mortality. Among the pathovars of diarrheagenic E. coli that cause significant human disease are the enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC). In the current study we use comparative genomics, transcriptomics, and functional studies to characterize isolates that contain virulence factors of both EPEC and ETEC. Based on phylogenomic analysis, these hybrid isolates are more genomically-related to EPEC, but appear to have acquired ETEC virulence genes. Global transcriptional analysis using RNA sequencing, demonstrated that the EPEC and ETEC virulence genes of these hybrid isolates were differentially-expressed under virulence-inducing laboratory conditions, similar to reference isolates. Immunoblot assays further verified that the virulence gene products were produced and that the T3SS effector EspB of EPEC, and heat-labile toxin of ETEC were secreted. These findings document the existence and virulence potential of an E. coli pathovar hybrid that blurs the distinction between E. coli pathovars.

  14. Thioredoxin from Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holmgren, A.; Ohlsson, I.; Grankvist, M.L.


    A competition radioimmunoassay for Escherichia coli thioredoxin using 125 I-labeled thioredoxin-S 2 and a double antibody technique was developed. The method permits determination of picomole amounts of thioredoxin in crude cell extracts and was used to study the localization of thioredoxin cell fractions. E. coli B was calculated to have approximately 10,000 copies of thioredoxin per cell mainly located in the soluble fraction after separation of the membrane and soluble fractions by gentle lysis and centrifugation. E. coli B tsnC mutants which are defective in the replication of phage T7 DNA in vivo and in vitro were examined for their content of thioredoxin. E. coli B tsnC 7004 contained no detectable level of thioredoxin in cell-free extracts examined under a variety of conditions. The results strongly suggest that tsnC 7004 is a nonsense or deletion mutant. Two other E. coli tsnC mutants, 7007 and 7008, contained detectable levels of thioredoxin in crude extracts as measured by thioredoxin reductase and gave similar immunoprecipitation reactions as the parent strain B/1. By radioimmunoassay incompletely cross-reacting material was present in both strains. These results show that tsnC 7007 and 7008 belong to a type of thioredoxin mutants with missence mutations in the thioredoxin gene affecting the function of thioredoxin as subunit in phage T7 DNA polymerase

  15. Some virulence genes of Escherichia coli isolated from cloacal swabs of healthy Alagoas Curassows (Pauxi mitu in Brazil Alguns genes de virulência de Escherichia coli isoladas de mutuns-do-nordeste (Pauxi mitu sadios no Brasil

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    André A.B. Saidenberg


    Full Text Available Birds of the Cracidae family (curassows, guans, and chachalacas are endemic of the Neotropics and 50 species are currently classified. Brazil has 22 species, seven of which are considered threatened. The Alagoas Curassow (Pauxi mitu species is considered extinct in the wild; but about 120 birds are alive in captivity. Conservation of this species depends entirely on correct management. Health reports of both wildlife and captive curassows are rare. In this study the presence of Escherichia coli was evaluated in 23 healthy Alagoas Curassows from two private breeding centres. E. coli was isolated from cloacal swabs, and the presence of genes encoding cytotoxic necrotising factor 1 (cnf1, alpha-haemolysin (hly, aerobactin (iuc, serum resistance (iss and the following adhesions: S fimbriae (sfa, pili associated with pyelonephritis (pap and temperature-sensitive haemagglutinin (tsh were investigated. E. coli was isolated from 78.3% (18/23 of the birds, and the percentage of curassows colonized by E. coli was similar between the two facilities. From the 22 E. coli isolates, 15 (68.2% were positive for at least one virulence factor by PCR, and the most frequently found gene was iss (50%. No curassows had clinical signs of disease. Nevertheless, the presence of some E. coli strains may be a concern to the wildlife in captivity. Additional health surveillance studies are essential to guarantee successful conservation programmes for threatened cracids in Brazil.Aves da família Cracidae (mutuns, jacutingas e aracuãs são endêmicas da região Neotropical com 50 espécies atualmente classificadas. O Brasil possui 22 espécies nesta família e sete delas são consideradas ameaçadas de extinção. O mutum-do-nordeste (Pauxi mitu é considerado extinto na natureza, no entanto, aproximadamente 120 indivíduos são mantidos em cativeiro. A conservação desta espécie depende inteiramente de um manejo correto. Informações sobre o status sanitário de mutuns

  16. Composição química e concentração mínima bactericida de dezesseis óleos essenciais sobre Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica

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    A.A. SOUZA


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito bactericida in vitro de dezesseis óleos essenciais sobre Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC. Dentre os óleos essenciais estudados, três foram extraídos in situ por arraste a vapor e treze foram adquiridos comercialmente. Todos os óleos foram analisados por CG-EM e CG-DIC. A atividade bactericida foi avaliada pelo método de microdiluição utilizando-se caldo triptona de soja e microplacas de poliestireno de 96 poços, com posterior plaqueamento das culturas em ágar triptona de soja. Os óleos essenciais de Cinnamomum cassia e de Thymus vulgaris apresentaram concentração mínima bactericida (CMB de 0,12% e 0,25%, respectivamente. Já os óleos comerciais de Syzygium aromaticum e Origanum vulgare apresentaram ambos CMB de 0,50% e os óleos extraídos in situ de Cymbopogon citratus e Origanum vulgare apresentaram ambos CMB de 1,00%. Os dezesseis óleos essenciais apresentaram composição química qualitativa e quantitativa distintas. As análises químicas dos óleos essenciais de Cinnamomum cassia e de Thymus vulgaris tiveram a presença majoritária de E-cinamaldeído (84,52% e timol (50,89%. Conclui-se que os óleos de C. cassia e T. vulgaris foram os mais eficazes na inibição do crescimento in vitro dessa bactéria, a qual possui diferentes níveis de sensibilidade dependendo da composição química do óleo.

  17. Hemolytic Porcine Intestinal Escherichia coli without Virulence-Associated Genes Typical of Intestinal Pathogenic E. coli ▿ † (United States)

    Schierack, Peter; Weinreich, Joerg; Ewers, Christa; Tachu, Babila; Nicholson, Bryon; Barth, Stefanie


    Testing 1,666 fecal or intestinal samples from healthy and diarrheic pigs, we obtained hemolytic Escherichia coli isolates from 593 samples. Focusing on hemolytic E. coli isolates without virulence-associated genes (VAGs) typical for enteropathogens, we found that such isolates carried a broad variety of VAGs typical for extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli. PMID:21965399

  18. ESBL-Producing Escherichia coli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hertz, Frederik Boetius

    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one the most common bacterial infections and is regularly treated in primary health care. The most common cause of UTI is extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) already present in the intestinal microflora, often as the dominating strain. Resistance...... in E.coli is increasing and especially isolates producing Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBL) have been reported worldwide. Treatment of UTI is usually initiated by the general practitioners and a significant proportion of clinical isolates are now resistant to first line antibiotics. The global...... to investigate (i) antibiotics involved in selection of ESBL-producing E.coli, in an experimental mouse model in vivo, (ii) risk factors for UTI with ESBL-producing E.coli and (iii) to describe the phylogenetic composition of E.coli populations with different resistance patterns. We found that different...

  19. Sobre el papel del sistema SOS, la recombinación y el intercambio horizontal de genes en la evolución bacteriana


    Rodríguez Beltrán, Jerónimo


    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 06-11-2015 El principal objetivo de esta tesis ha sido cuantificar y ampliar el conocimiento sobre los diferentes sistemas evolutivos implicados en el control de la tasa adaptativa en los seres vivos, usando para ello la bacteria modelo E. coli. La mutación, la recombinación y la transferencia horizontal de genes son los mecanismos más prominentes d...

  20. 21 CFR 866.3255 - Escherichia coli serological reagents. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Escherichia coli serological reagents. 866.3255... coli serological reagents. (a) Identification. Escherichia coli serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify Escherichia coli from cultured...

  1. Asymptomatic bacteriuria Escherichia coli strains

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hancock, Viktoria; Nielsen, E.M.; Klemm, Per


    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect millions of people each year. Escherichia coli is the most common organism associated with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) in humans. Persons affected by ABU may carry a particular E. coli strain for extended periods of time without any symptoms. In contrast...... to uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) that cause symptomatic UTI, very little is known about the mechanisms by which these strains colonize the urinary tract. Here, we have investigated the growth characteristics in human urine as well as adhesin repertoire of nine ABU strains; the ability of ABU strains to compete...

  2. Acción de la 5'azacitidina en cromosomas de células linfocitarias de bovinos

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    Silvia Llambí


    Full Text Available La azacitidina (5-azaC es una sustancia que actúa inhibiendo la metilación del ADN, es utilizada en experiencias de clonación, transgénesis por transferencia nuclear y estudios de fragilidad cromosómica. Se ha observado la manifestación de diversas patologías en animales domésticos nacidos de experiencias de clonación. Ellas estarían asociadas a una inexacta reprogramación nuclear relacionada con fenómenos epigenéticos de metilación del ADN. En el presente trabajo se realizó una curva de inducción con diferentes concentraciones finales de 5-azaC (0 uM, 5 uM, 10 uM, 20 uM, 50 uM y 70 uM con el objetivo de estudiar los efectos sobre la estructura cromosómica en cultivos linfocitarios bovinos. Se utilizó la técnica de macrocultivo para análisis cromosómico a partir de sangre de un bovino macho (Bos taurus, Holstein Friesian. Se analizó un total de 50 placas metafásicas por tubo de cultivo y se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0.01 en cuanto a las fracturas del cromosoma X en el cultivo control frente al cultivo con mayor concentración de 5-azaC. El cromosoma Y no presentó fracturas. En los cultivos con concentraciones de 50 uM y 70 uM se observó descondensación cromosómica (12% y 16% y fracturas centroméricas en autosomas (2% y 4%.

  3. Escherichia coli EDL933 Requires Gluconeogenic Nutrients To Successfully Colonize the Intestines of Streptomycin-Treated Mice Precolonized with E. coli Nissle 1917 (United States)

    Schinner, Silvia A. C.; Mokszycki, Matthew E.; Adediran, Jimmy; Leatham-Jensen, Mary; Conway, Tyrrell


    Escherichia coli MG1655, a K-12 strain, uses glycolytic nutrients exclusively to colonize the intestines of streptomycin-treated mice when it is the only E. coli strain present or when it is confronted with E. coli EDL933, an O157:H7 strain. In contrast, E. coli EDL933 uses glycolytic nutrients exclusively when it is the only E. coli strain in the intestine but switches in part to gluconeogenic nutrients when it colonizes mice precolonized with E. coli MG1655 (R. L. Miranda et al., Infect Immun 72:1666–1676, 2004, Recently, J. W. Njoroge et al. (mBio 3:e00280-12, 2012, reported that E. coli 86-24, an O157:H7 strain, activates the expression of virulence genes under gluconeogenic conditions, suggesting that colonization of the intestine with a probiotic E. coli strain that outcompetes O157:H7 strains for gluconeogenic nutrients could render them nonpathogenic. Here we report that E. coli Nissle 1917, a probiotic strain, uses both glycolytic and gluconeogenic nutrients to colonize the mouse intestine between 1 and 5 days postfeeding, appears to stop using gluconeogenic nutrients thereafter in a large, long-term colonization niche, but continues to use them in a smaller niche to compete with invading E. coli EDL933. Evidence is also presented suggesting that invading E. coli EDL933 uses both glycolytic and gluconeogenic nutrients and needs the ability to perform gluconeogenesis in order to colonize mice precolonized with E. coli Nissle 1917. The data presented here therefore rule out the possibility that E. coli Nissle 1917 can starve the O157:H7 E. coli strain EDL933 of gluconeogenic nutrients, even though E. coli Nissle 1917 uses such nutrients to compete with E. coli EDL933 in the mouse intestine. PMID:25733524

  4. Effect of storage temperaturas on growth and survival of Escherichia coli 0157: H7 inoculated in foods from a neotropical environment

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    María Laura Arias


    Full Text Available Escherichia coli 0157: H7 has emerged as a new pathogen and is found worldwide. We studied the effect of several storage temperatures on the survival of this bacterium in common foods from a neotropical environment (Costa Rica because at least seven clinical cases have been reported from the country, and no epidemiological link or probable food association has been described. High (106- 108 CFU/ml and low (104-106 CFU/ml populations of E. coli were inoculated (three replications in ground meat, chopped cabbage, chicken giblets and pasteurized milk and incubated at 0, 6 and 12 °C for 24, 48 and 72 h. Vegetables and milk were also stored at 22 °C for the sarne periods.The E. coli 0157: H7 enumeration was done according to the methodology describes in the Bacteriological Analytical Manual. Populations of E. coli 0157: H7 showed either an increasing or decreasing trend, according to temperature, time or food base. Our data indicate that E. coli 0157: H7 is capable of surviving and growing in meat, cabbage, milk and chicken giblets; food items commonly consunied by Costa Ricans.Escherichia coli 0157, H7 ha emergido como un nuevo patógeno y se encuentra mundialmente. En Costa Rica, por lo menos ha informado de siete casos clínicos, y no se ha encontrado un lazo epidemiológico o asociación con alimentos. El propósito de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de diferentes temperaturas de almacenamiento sobre la sobrevivencia de esta bacteria en alimentos de uso común. Una población alta de E. Coli (106- 108 UFC/ml y una baja (104-106 UFC/ml fueron inoculadas (tres réplicas en carne picada, repollo picado, vísceras de pollo y leche pasteurizada e incubadas a 0, 6 y 1 °C por 24, 48 y 72 h. Los vegetales y la leche también fueron incubados a 22 °C por los mismos períodos. La enumeración de E. Coli 0157: H7 se realizó de acuerdo a la metodología descrita en el Bacteriological Analytical Manual. Las poblaciones de E. coli mostraron

  5. Multiplex PCR Assay for Identification of Human Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli


    Toma, Claudia; Lu, Yan; Higa, Naomi; Nakasone, Noboru; Chinen, Isabel; Baschkier, Ariela; Rivas, Marta; Iwanaga, Masaaki


    A multiplex PCR assay for the identification of human diarrheagenic Escherichia coli was developed. The targets selected for each category were eae for enteropathogenic E. coli, stx for Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, elt and est for enterotoxigenic E. coli, ipaH for enteroinvasive E. coli, and aggR for enteroaggregative E. coli. This assay allowed the categorization of a diarrheagenic E. coli strain in a single reaction tube.

  6. Characterization of diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli isolates in Jordanian children. (United States)

    Shehabi, Asem A; Bulos, Najawa-Kuri; Hajjaj, Kamal G


    In a prospective study carried out among Jordanian children in Amman, a total of 73/250 (29.2%) stool specimens were positive for 1 or more diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli strains using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction method. This study indicated that diarrhoeagenic E. coli isolates were found frequently more in stools of children with diarrhoea (34%) than without diarrhoea (23.1%), but without any significant difference (p > 0.05). The predominant diarrhoeagenic E. coli strains associated with diarrhoea were enteropathogenic E. coli (11.3%), followed by enterotoxigenic E. coli (9.8%) and enteroaggrative E. coli (9%), whereas in the control group these were 4.3%, 11.1% and 6%, respectively. Enteroinvasive E. coli strains (2.9%) were found only in stools of children with diarrhoea. This study revealed the absence of enterohaemorrhagic E. coli in both diarrhoeal and control stools, and found that diarrhoeagenic E. coli isolates were highly resistance to tetracycline (55%), co-trimoxazole (60%) and ampicillin (89%), which are commonly used antibiotics in Jordan.

  7. Análisis de la metalurgia y mecánica de la fractura en la ZAC en un proceso por arco sumergido

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    González, R.


    Full Text Available High tensile, microalloyed steels, such as 450 EMZ design steels which are studied in this article, are used in offshore platforms and other structures subject to extreme working conditions, requiring high resilience and fracture toughness at low temperatures. These steels have been subject to a control in their welding parameters to obtain a low heat input which allows for the maintenance of correct toughness values in their heat affected zone (HAZ. The present article analyses the values of hardness, resilience and toughness, as well as the points of greatest brittleness of the HAZ (1.

    Los aceros microaleados de alto límite elástico, grupo al que pertenecen los aceros de diseño 450 EMZ del presente trabajo, son aceros utilizados en plataformas offshore y estructuras sometidas a extremas condiciones de trabajo, a las que se les requiere alta resiliencia y tenacidad a la fractura a bajas temperaturas. Estos aceros son sometidos a un control en sus parámetros de soldadura a fin de recibir una baja energía calorífica, que permitan mantener unos valores de tenacidad adecuados en su zona afectada por el calor (ZAC. En este trabajo se pretenden analizar los valores obtenidos de dureza, resiliencia y tenacidad, así como los puntos de mayor fragilidad de la ZAC (1.

  8. Current pathogenic Escherichia coli foodborne outbreak cases and therapy development. (United States)

    Yang, Shih-Chun; Lin, Chih-Hung; Aljuffali, Ibrahim A; Fang, Jia-You


    Food contamination by pathogenic microorganisms has been a serious public health problem and a cause of huge economic losses worldwide. Foodborne pathogenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) contamination, such as that with E. coli O157 and O104, is very common, even in developed countries. Bacterial contamination may occur during any of the steps in the farm-to-table continuum from environmental, animal, or human sources and cause foodborne illness. To understand the causes of the foodborne outbreaks by E. coli and food-contamination prevention measures, we collected and investigated the past 10 years' worldwide reports of foodborne E. coli contamination cases. In the first half of this review article, we introduce the infection and symptoms of five major foodborne diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes: enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), Shiga toxin-producing E. coli/enterohemorrhagic E. coli (STEC/EHEC), Shigella/enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC). In the second half of this review article, we introduce the foodborne outbreak cases caused by E. coli in natural foods and food products. Finally, we discuss current developments that can be applied to control and prevent bacterial food contamination.

  9. Experimental induced avian E. coli salpingitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Rikke Heidemann; Thøfner, Ida; Pors, Susanne Elisabeth


    Several types of Escherichia coli have been associated with extra-intestinal infections in poultry, however, they may vary significantly in their virulence potential. The aim of the present study was to investigate the virulence of five strains of E. coli obtained from different disease......) had a distinct ability to cause disease. Results of the study shows major differences in virulence of different strains of E. coli in ascending infections; however, there was no indication of tissue-specific adaptation, since strains obtained from lesions unrelated to the reproductive system were...... fully capable of causing experimental infection. In conclusion, the study provides evidence for the clinical outcome of infection with E. coli in poultry is largely influenced by the specific strain as well as individual host factors....

  10. Estudio del movimiento de estructuras dinámicas mediante el uso de GPS.

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    Juan G. Serpas


    Full Text Available En la escuela de Topografía, Catastro y Geodesia de la Universidad Nacional, se realizó una investigación sobre el uso del sistema de posicionamiento global por satélite (GPS para la determinación del movimiento dinámico sobre estructuras civiles. Estas estructuras son diseñadas de forma que tengan un cierto grado de elasticidad, lo que permite un permanente movimiento, evitando así la fractura de la estructura misma. La actividad de investigación tuvo como fin el desarrollo y análisis de procedimientos y metodologías para determinar es una forma eficiente, económica y sencilla el movimiento de las estructuras, tanto en períodos cortos como largos. En el estudio se aplicaron técnicas espectrales para el análisis de los datos brindados por receptores GPS colocados sobre el puente del río Tempisque, Costa Rica. El objetivo de dicho análisis es la determinación de la magnitud del movimiento sufrido por ese puente en periodos cortos y largos.

  11. Inactivation and Gene Expression of a Virulent WastewaterEscherichia coliStrain and the Nonvirulent CommensalEscherichia coliDSM1103 Strain upon Solar Irradiation

    KAUST Repository

    Aljassim, Nada I.; Mantilla-Calderon, David; Wang, Tiannyu; Hong, Pei-Ying


    This study examined the decay kinetics and molecular responses of two Escherichia coli strains upon solar irradiation. The first is E. coli PI-7, a virulent and antibiotic-resistant strain that was isolated from wastewater and carries the emerging NDM-1 antibiotic resistance gene. The other strain, E. coli DSM1103, displayed lower virulence and antibiotic resistance than E. coli PI-7. In a buffer solution, E. coli PI-7 displayed a longer lag phase prior to decay and a longer half-life compared with E. coli DSM1103 (6.64 ± 0.63 h and 2.85 ± 0.46 min vs 1.33 ± 0.52 h and 2.04 ± 0.36 min). In wastewater, both E. coli strains decayed slower than they did in buffer. Although solar irradiation remained effective in reducing the numbers of both strains by more than 5-log10 in <24 h, comparative genomics and transcriptomics revealed differences in the genomes and overall regulation of genes between the two E. coli strains. A wider arsenal of genes related to oxidative stress, cellular repair and protective mechanisms were upregulated in E. coli PI-7. Subpopulations of E. coli PI-7 expressed genes related to dormancy and persister cell formation during the late decay phase, which may have accounted for its prolonged persistence. Upon prolonged solar irradiation, both E. coli strains displayed upregulation of genes related to horizontal gene transfer and antibiotic resistance. Virulence functions unique to E. coli PI-7 were also upregulated. Our findings collectively indicated that, whereas solar irradiation is able to reduce total cell numbers, viable E. coli remained and expressed genes that enable survival despite solar treatment. There remains a need for heightened levels of concern regarding risks arising from the dissemination of E. coli that may remain viable in wastewater after solar irradiation.

  12. Inactivation and Gene Expression of a Virulent WastewaterEscherichia coliStrain and the Nonvirulent CommensalEscherichia coliDSM1103 Strain upon Solar Irradiation

    KAUST Repository

    Aljassim, Nada I.


    This study examined the decay kinetics and molecular responses of two Escherichia coli strains upon solar irradiation. The first is E. coli PI-7, a virulent and antibiotic-resistant strain that was isolated from wastewater and carries the emerging NDM-1 antibiotic resistance gene. The other strain, E. coli DSM1103, displayed lower virulence and antibiotic resistance than E. coli PI-7. In a buffer solution, E. coli PI-7 displayed a longer lag phase prior to decay and a longer half-life compared with E. coli DSM1103 (6.64 ± 0.63 h and 2.85 ± 0.46 min vs 1.33 ± 0.52 h and 2.04 ± 0.36 min). In wastewater, both E. coli strains decayed slower than they did in buffer. Although solar irradiation remained effective in reducing the numbers of both strains by more than 5-log10 in <24 h, comparative genomics and transcriptomics revealed differences in the genomes and overall regulation of genes between the two E. coli strains. A wider arsenal of genes related to oxidative stress, cellular repair and protective mechanisms were upregulated in E. coli PI-7. Subpopulations of E. coli PI-7 expressed genes related to dormancy and persister cell formation during the late decay phase, which may have accounted for its prolonged persistence. Upon prolonged solar irradiation, both E. coli strains displayed upregulation of genes related to horizontal gene transfer and antibiotic resistance. Virulence functions unique to E. coli PI-7 were also upregulated. Our findings collectively indicated that, whereas solar irradiation is able to reduce total cell numbers, viable E. coli remained and expressed genes that enable survival despite solar treatment. There remains a need for heightened levels of concern regarding risks arising from the dissemination of E. coli that may remain viable in wastewater after solar irradiation.

  13. Treatment of inflammatory bowel disease associated E. coli with ciprofloxacin and E. coli Nissle in the streptomycin-treated mouse intestine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Andreas Munk; Schjørring, Susanne; Gerstrøm, Sarah Choi


    E. coli belonging to the phylogenetic group B2 are linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Studies have shown that antimicrobials have some effect in the treatment of IBD, and it has been demonstrated that E. coli Nissle has prophylactic abilities comparable to 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA......) therapy in ulcerative colitis. The objective of this study was to test if ciprofloxacin and/or E. coli Nissle could eradicate IBD associated E. coli in the streptomycin-treated mouse intestine....

  14. Lipocalin 2 is protective against E. coli pneumonia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wu, Hong; Santoni-Rugiu, Eric; Ralfkiaer, Elisabeth


    Lipocalin 2 is a bacteriostatic protein that binds the siderophore enterobactin, an iron-chelating molecule produced by Escherichia coli (E. coli) that is required for bacterial growth. Infection of the lungs by E. coli is rare despite a frequent exposure to this commensal bacterium. Lipocalin 2...... is an effector molecule of the innate immune system and could therefore play a role in hindering growth of E. coli in the lungs....

  15. Degradación de la tenacidad al impacto durante el envejecimiento acelerado de soldadura en acero microaleado

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    Vargas-Arista, B.


    Full Text Available The effect of accelerated aging on the toughness and fracture of the longitudinal weld metal of an API5L-X52 linepipe steel was evaluated by Charpy V-notch impact test, fracture analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Aging was performed at 250 °C for 100 to 1000 h. The impact results indicated a significant reduction in the fracture energy and impact toughness as a function of aging time, which were achieved by the scanning electron microscope fractographs that showed a decrease in the vol fraction of microvoids by Charpy ductile failure with the aging time, which favored the brittle fracture by transgranular cleavage. The minimum vol fraction of microvoids was reached at 500 h due to the peak-aged. The microstructural analysis indicated the precipitation of transgranular iron nanocarbides in the aged specimens, which was related to the deterioration of toughness and change in the ductile to brittle behavior.

    Se evaluó, mediante el ensayo de impacto Charpy, fractografía y microscopia electrónica de transmisión el efecto del envejecimiento acelerado sobre la tenacidad y fractura de la soldadura en tubería de acero API5L-X52. El envejecimiento se realizó a 250 °C por 1.000 h, con control cada 100 h. Los resultados de impacto indicaron una disminución en la energía de fractura y tenacidad al impacto en función del tiempo del envejecimiento, los cuales se evidenciaron mediante fractografía, por la reducción en la fracción volumétrica de microhuecos por fractura dúctil con el tiempo, favoreciendo la fractura frágil por clivaje transgranular. Sin embargo, a 500 h, se observó la fracción volumétrica mínima debido al pico del envejecimiento. El análisis microestructural evidenció la precipitación de nanocarburos de hierro transgranulares en las muestras envejecidas, la cual se relaciono con la pérdida de tenacidad y cambio en el comportamiento dúctil a frágil, confirmado por fractografía.

  16. Efecto del derivado de la lactosa sobre la población microbiana de muestras fecales de cerdos posdestete

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    Rosero Olga Lucía


    Full Text Available COMPENDIO Se estudió el efecto prebiótico del derivado de la lactosa (DL en la población microbiana presente en las muestras de heces (inóculo fecal de los cerdos posdestete. Se utilizó la técnica de producción de gas in vitro en 2 sustratos: el control pulpa de remolacha (PR y DL. Se desarrollaron dos etapas. En la primera se determinó la producción del gas y las proporciones de ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV, evaluando la actividad microbiana en los niveles (0, 0.2, 2, 20 y 100% de DL reemplazando a la PR, durante la fermentación de 144h. El tiempo medio de la producción del gas potencial se alcanzó a las 12h de la fermentación. Este tiempo se utilizó para la segunda etapa con tres niveles de DL (0, 20 y 100%. Se determinó el efecto del DL sobre la composición de la población microbiana (E. coli, lactobacillus y anaerobios facultativos totales, concentración de AGV y sobre el pH, como resultado de la fermentación bacteriana . Se incrementó la concentración del butirato (P < 0.001 y la acidificación (P < 0.001 del medio. El DL modificó la composición microbiana, que se reflejó en la disminución (P < 0.001 del número de colonias microbianas de E. coli. En conclusión el DL en niveles altos presentó efectos prebióticos. Palabras claves: Lactosa, prebiótico, fermentación in vitro, cerdo, butirato, Escherichia coli ABSTRACT Effect of Lactose Derivative (LD on the present microbial populationʼs in the sample faeces of weaned piglets The pre­biotic effect of Lactose Derivative (LD on the present microbial populationʼs in the sample faeces (faecal inocula of weaned piglets was studied . The in vitro gas-production technique was used. Using 2 substrates: sugarbeet pulp (SBP as control and LD as evaluation. Two stages were developed. In the first it the gas production and the Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA proportions, during 144h fermentation, to evaluate the effect of the microbial activity with different

  17. FTIR nanobiosensors for Escherichia coli detection

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    Stefania Mura


    Full Text Available Infections due to enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (Escherichia coli have a low incidence but can have severe and sometimes fatal health consequences, and thus represent some of the most serious diseases due to the contamination of water and food. New, fast and simple devices that monitor these pathogens are necessary to improve the safety of our food supply chain. In this work we report on mesoporous titania thin-film substrates as sensors to detect E. coli O157:H7. Titania films treated with APTES ((3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane and GA (glutaraldehyde were functionalized with specific antibodies and the absorption properties monitored. The film-based biosensors showed a detection limit for E. coli of 1 × 102 CFU/mL, constituting a simple and selective method for the effective screening of water samples.

  18. Escherichia coli Probiotic Strain ED1a in Pigs Has a Limited Impact on the Gut Carriage of Extended-Spectrum-β-Lactamase-Producing E. coli (United States)

    Mourand, G.; Paboeuf, F.; Fleury, M. A.; Jouy, E.; Bougeard, S.; Denamur, E.


    ABSTRACT Four trials were conducted to evaluate the impact of Escherichia coli probiotic strain ED1a administration to pigs on the gut carriage or survival in manure of extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-producing E. coli. Groups of pigs were orally inoculated with strain E. coli M63 carrying the blaCTX-M-1 gene (n = 84) or used as a control (n = 26). In the first two trials, 24 of 40 E. coli M63-inoculated pigs were given E. coli ED1a orally for 6 days starting 8 days after oral inoculation. In the third trial, 10 E. coli M63-inoculated pigs were given either E. coli ED1a or probiotic E. coli Nissle 1917 for 5 days. In the fourth trial, E. coli ED1a was given to a sow and its 12 piglets, and these 12 piglets plus 12 piglets that had not received E. coli ED1a were then inoculated with E. coli M63. Fecal shedding of cefotaxime-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CTX-RE) was studied by culture, and blaCTX-M-1 genes were quantified by PCR. The persistence of CTX-RE in manure samples from inoculated pigs or manure samples inoculated in vitro with E. coli M63 with or without probiotics was studied. The results showed that E. coli M63 and ED1a were good gut colonizers. The reduction in the level of fecal excretion of CTX-RE in E. coli ED1a-treated pigs compared to that in nontreated pigs was usually less than 1 log10 CFU and was mainly observed during the probiotic administration period. The results obtained with E. coli Nissle 1917 did not differ significantly from those obtained with E. coli ED1a. CTX-RE survival did not differ significantly in manure samples with or without probiotic treatment. In conclusion, under our experimental conditions, E. coli ED1a and E. coli Nissle 1917 could not durably prevent CTX-RE colonization of the pig gut. PMID:27795372

  19. Escherichia coli Probiotic Strain ED1a in Pigs Has a Limited Impact on the Gut Carriage of Extended-Spectrum-β-Lactamase-Producing E. coli. (United States)

    Mourand, G; Paboeuf, F; Fleury, M A; Jouy, E; Bougeard, S; Denamur, E; Kempf, I


    Four trials were conducted to evaluate the impact of Escherichia coli probiotic strain ED1a administration to pigs on the gut carriage or survival in manure of extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-producing E. coli Groups of pigs were orally inoculated with strain E. coli M63 carrying the bla CTX-M-1 gene (n = 84) or used as a control (n = 26). In the first two trials, 24 of 40 E. coli M63-inoculated pigs were given E. coli ED1a orally for 6 days starting 8 days after oral inoculation. In the third trial, 10 E. coli M63-inoculated pigs were given either E. coli ED1a or probiotic E. coli Nissle 1917 for 5 days. In the fourth trial, E. coli ED1a was given to a sow and its 12 piglets, and these 12 piglets plus 12 piglets that had not received E. coli ED1a were then inoculated with E. coli M63. Fecal shedding of cefotaxime-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CTX-RE) was studied by culture, and bla CTX-M-1 genes were quantified by PCR. The persistence of CTX-RE in manure samples from inoculated pigs or manure samples inoculated in vitro with E. coli M63 with or without probiotics was studied. The results showed that E. coli M63 and ED1a were good gut colonizers. The reduction in the level of fecal excretion of CTX-RE in E. coli ED1a-treated pigs compared to that in nontreated pigs was usually less than 1 log 10 CFU and was mainly observed during the probiotic administration period. The results obtained with E. coli Nissle 1917 did not differ significantly from those obtained with E. coli ED1a. CTX-RE survival did not differ significantly in manure samples with or without probiotic treatment. In conclusion, under our experimental conditions, E. coli ED1a and E. coli Nissle 1917 could not durably prevent CTX-RE colonization of the pig gut. Copyright © 2016 American Society for Microbiology.

  20. Caracterización mecánica y a fractura de películas de LDPE y LDPE/PS


    Faneca Llesera, Oscar


    El objetivo del siguiente estudio es la realización de un análisis sobre la influencia que tienen ciertas condiciones de procesamiento, como la relación de estirado y la altura de la línea de enfriamiento, sobre las propiedades mecánicas finales de películas de LDPE (Polietileno de Baja Densidad) y LDPE/PS (Polietileno de Baja Densidad/Poliestireno) obtenidas por extrusión por soplado. Para llevar a cabo el estudio se desarrollaron las siguientes tareas: - Preparación de una mezcla LDPE...

  1. Características de las Fracturas de Radio Tratadas Quirúrgicamente en Pacientes Mayores de 15 Años

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Andrés Carrillo Castiblanco


    Full Text Available ResumenSe realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, tipo serie de casos analizando las características de las fracturas de radio manejadas quirúrgicamente en pacientes mayores de 15 años entre enero del 2004 y diciembre del 2005 en la clínica El Prado de la ciudad de Santa Marta. Se revisaron 498 historias clínicas de las cuales 219 tenían criterios de inclusión. Se excluyeron del estudio pacientes con tratamiento conservador, trauma craneoencefálico y menores de quince años. Los resultados fueron expresados en relación porcentual. El rango de edad más afectado fue el 15 – 35 años. El sexo prevalente fue el masculino y la ocupación en mayor proporción fue ama de casa. Las lesiones en la extremidad superior derecha y el segmento distal los más frecuentemente afectados. El tratamiento quirúrgico fue la reducción más osteosíntesis siendo los clavos de Kirschner el material quirúrgico utilizado con mayor frecuencia. (Duazary 2007; 2: 85 - 92AbstractWe realized a descriptive retrospective study analyzed the characteristics of the radio fractures surgically treated in patients over 15 years old between January 2004 and December 2005 in Clínica El Prado on Santa Marta city.We analyzed 499 clinic histories and 219 were included in this study. We excluded patients with orthopedic treatment, encephalic trauma and 15 years old minor patients. The results were expressed in porcentual relation. The more affected age ranges were 15 - 35 years old. The prevalent sex were man and the frequently extremity affected were right arm and the distal third the segment affected more frequently. The surgical treatment more utilized was reduction and percutaneus k - wires.Key words: Trauma; Fracture; Displacement; Unstability.

  2. Enhanced target-specific signal detection using an Escherichia coli lysate in multiplex microbead immunoassays with E. coli-derived recombinant antigens. (United States)

    Crestani, Sandra; Leitolis, Amanda; Lima, Lucianna Freitas Oliveira; Krieger, Marco A; Foti, Leonardo


    Diverse techniques have been developed to analyze antibody-mediated responses to infections. However, the most common tests, i.e., enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, require separate reactions for each antigen and consequently necessitate large sample volumes. Luminex technology allows the detection of multiple antibodies in a single experiment, but nonspecific binding can impair the results. Therefore, we examined the use of Escherichia coli lysates to reduce nonspecific binding and improve the results of liquid microarrays based on Luminex technology. Anti-bacteria antibodies were detected in human serum samples, as evidenced by high median fluorescence intensity (MFI) in assays performed with paramagnetic microspheres coupled with E. coli lysates. Moreover, the addition of an E. coli lysate as a blocker reduced the nonspecific binding of antigens produced by E. coli in a concentration-dependent manner. Tris-HCl reduced MFI values in negative samples, but did not affect MFI for positive samples. For microspheres coupled with different antigens, an E. coli lysate blocker significantly improved the fluorescence signals from positive samples. The addition of Tris-HCl and the E. coli lysate induced antigen-specific differences in MFI. This combination of the E. coli lysate blocker and Tris-HCl yielded a statistically significant improvement in MFI in the assays for Chagas disease and hepatitis C virus samples. However, for the Treponema pallidum p47 antigen improvement in MFI was only observed for the preparation with the E. coli blocker at a concentration of 3%. In conclusion, the addition of an E. coli lysate and Tris-HCl to the microarray assay reduced the nonspecific binding of human anti-bacteria antibodies and, therefore, increased the specific MFI. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. WGS accurately predicts antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli (United States)

    Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in identifying resistance genotypes of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli (E. coli) and whether these correlate with observed phenotypes. Methods: Seventy-six E. coli strains were isolated from farm cattle and measured f...

  4. Profiling of Escherichia coli Chromosome database. (United States)

    Yamazaki, Yukiko; Niki, Hironori; Kato, Jun-ichi


    The Profiling of Escherichia coli Chromosome (PEC) database ( is designed to allow E. coli researchers to efficiently access information from functional genomics studies. The database contains two principal types of data: gene essentiality and a large collection of E. coli genetic research resources. The essentiality data are based on data compilation from published single-gene essentiality studies and on cell growth studies of large-deletion mutants. Using the circular and linear viewers for both whole genomes and the minimal genome, users can not only gain an overview of the genome structure but also retrieve information on contigs, gene products, mutants, deletions, and so forth. In particular, genome-wide exhaustive mutants are an essential resource for studying E. coli gene functions. Although the genomic database was constructed independently from the genetic resources database, users may seamlessly access both types of data. In addition to these data, the PEC database also provides a summary of homologous genes of other bacterial genomes and of protein structure information, with a comprehensive interface. The PEC is thus a convenient and useful platform for contemporary E. coli researchers.

  5. Evaluation of Petrifilm™ Select E. coli Count Plate medium to discriminate antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli

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    Jensen Lars


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Screening and enumeration of antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli directly from samples is needed to identify emerging resistant clones and obtain quantitative data for risk assessment. Aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of 3M™ Petrifilm™ Select E. coli Count Plate (SEC plate supplemented with antimicrobials to discriminate antimicrobial-resistant and non-resistant E. coli. Method A range of E. coli isolates were tested by agar dilution method comparing the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC for eight antimicrobials obtained by Mueller-Hinton II agar, MacConkey agar and SEC plates. Kappa statistics was used to assess the levels of agreement when classifying strains as resistant, intermediate or susceptible. Results SEC plate showed that 74% of all strains agreed within ± 1 log2 dilution when comparing MICs with Mueller-Hinton II media. High agreement levels were found for gentamicin, ampicillin, chloramphenicol and cefotaxime, resulting in a kappa value of 0.9 and 100% agreement within ± 1 log2 dilution. Significant variances were observed for oxytetracycline and sulphamethoxazole. Further tests showed that the observed discrepancy in classification of susceptibility to oxytetracycline by the two media could be overcome when a plate-dependent breakpoint of 64 mg/L was used for SEC plates. For sulphamethoxazole, SEC plates provided unacceptably high MICs. Conclusion SEC plates showed good agreement with Mueller-Hinton II agar in MIC studies and can be used to screen and discriminate resistant E. coli for ampicillin, cephalothin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, cefotaxime and gentamicin using CLSI standardized breakpoints, but not for sulphamethoxazole. SEC plates can also be used to discriminate oxytetracycline-resistant E. coli if a plate-dependent breakpoint value of 64 mg/L is used.

  6. Revista de tesis

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Efectos del curare colombiano sobre el electrocardiograma y la tensión arterial. Tesis de grado "Meritoria". 1945. - Presentada por Rafael Peña Peña / La fiebre amarilla selvática y el género haemagogus (Diptera, Culicidae en Colombia. Tesis de grado "Meritoria". 1945. - Presentada por Pedro Nel Saavedra / Tratamiento de las fracturas abiertas por el yeso oclusivo. Tesis de grado "Meritoria". 1945. Presentada por Julio Durán Tavera / Tratamiento del varicocele por la ligadura alta de las venas espermáticas. Tesis de grado. 1945. - Presentada por Rodrigo Durán Cordovez.

  7. Infectious endocarditis caused by Escherichia coli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Trine Kiilerich; Arpi, Magnus; Fritz-Hansen, Thomas


    Although Escherichia coli is among the most common causes of Gram-negative bacteraemia, infectious endocarditis (IE) due to this pathogen is rare. A 67-y-old male without a previous medical history presented with a new mitral regurgitation murmur and persisting E. coli bacteraemia in spite of broad......-spectrum intravenous antibiotics. Transthoracic and transoesophageal echocardiography revealed a severe mitral endocarditis. E. coli DNA was identified from the mitral valve and the vegetation, and no other pathogen was found. The case was further complicated by spondylodiscitis and bilateral endophthalmitis. Extra......-intestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) are able to colonize tissue outside the gastrointestinal tract and contain a variety of virulence factors that may enable the pathogens to invade and induce infections in the cardiac endothelia. In these cases echocardiography as the imaging technology is of paramount importance...

  8. Infectious endocarditis caused by Escherichia coli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Trine Kiilerich; Arpi, Magnus; Fritz-Hansen, Thomas


    Although Escherichia coli is among the most common causes of Gram-negative bacteraemia, infectious endocarditis (IE) due to this pathogen is rare. A 67-y-old male without a previous medical history presented with a new mitral regurgitation murmur and persisting E. coli bacteraemia in spite of broad......-spectrum intravenous antibiotics. Transthoracic and transoesophageal echocardiography revealed a severe mitral endocarditis. E. coli DNA was identified from the mitral valve and the vegetation, and no other pathogen was found. The case was further complicated by spondylodiscitis and bilateral endophthalmitis. Extra...

  9. Glucose uptake regulation in E. coli by the small RNA SgrS: comparative analysis of E. coli K-12 (JM109 and MG1655 and E. coli B (BL21

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ng Weng-Ian


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The effect of high glucose concentration on the transcription levels of the small RNA SgrS and the messenger RNA ptsG, (encoding the glucose transporter IICBGlc, was studied in both E. coli K-12 (MG1655 and JM109 and E. coli B (BL21. It is known that the transcription level of sgrS increases when E. coli K-12 (MG1655 and JM109 is exposed to the non-metabolized glucose alpha methyl glucoside (αMG or when the bacteria with a defective glycolysis pathway is grown in presence of glucose. The increased level of sRNA SgrS reduces the level of the ptsG mRNA and consequently lowers the level of the glucose transporter IICBGlc. The suggested trigger for this action is the accumulation of the corresponding phospho-sugars. Results In the course of the described work, it was found that E. coli B (BL21 and E. coli K-12 (JM109 and MG1655 responded similarly to αMG: both strains increased SgrS transcription and reduced ptsG transcription. However, the two strains reacted differently to high glucose concentration (40 g/L. E. coli B (BL21 reacted by increasing sgrS transcription and reducing ptsG transcription while E. coli K-12 (JM109 and MG1655 did not respond to the high glucose concentration, and, therefore, transcription of sgrS was not detected and ptsG mRNA level was not affected. Conclusions The results suggest that E. coli B (BL21 tolerates high glucose concentration not only by its more efficient central carbon metabolism, but also by controlling the glucose transport into the cells regulated by the sRNA SgrS, which may suggest a way to control glucose consumption and increase its efficient utilization.

  10. Endogenous E. coli endophthalmitis. (United States)

    Shammas, H F


    A case of Escherichia coli septicemia with associated metastatic en dophthalmitis and endocarditis is presented. The ocular signs and symptoms were the initial manifestations of sepsis. Irreversible damage to the eye occurred in less than 24 hours. The pattern of metastatic bacterial endophthalmitis has changed since the introduction of potent antimicrobial agents, with an increased incidence of Gram-negative bacillemia. E. coli endophthalmitis carries a poor prognosis. Early diagnosis and systemic treatment will prevent the life-threatening complications of sepsis.

  11. Escherichia coli pyomyositis in an immunocompromised host. (United States)

    Sharma, Umesh; Schwan, William R; Agger, William A


    Pyomyositis due to Escherichia coli (E. coil) is rarely reported in immunocompromised patients with hematological malignancy. We present a case report of a 34-year-old man who developed E. coli pyomyositis as a complication of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the right hip suggested myofascial infection of the gluteal muscles, and a needle muscle aspiration grew E. coli phylogenetic group B2. The patient responded to intravenous piperacillin/tazobactam followed by prolonged oral levofloxacin. Pyomyositis should be suspected in all immunocompromised patients complaining of muscle pain and may exhibit signs of localized muscle infection. Appropriate antibiotic therapy targeting fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli should be considered for initial empiric therapy of pyomyositis in immunocompromised patients.

  12. Gene encoding virulence markers among Escherichia coli isolates ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    River water sources and diarrhoeic stools of residents in the Venda Region, Limpopo Province of South Africa were analysed for the prevalence of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and the presence of virulence genes among the isolates. A control group of 100 nondiarrhoeic stool samples was included. Escherichia coli was ...

  13. Genomic Comparative Study of Bovine Mastitis Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Kempf, Florent; Slugocki, Cindy; Blum, Shlomo E; Leitner, Gabriel; Germon, Pierre


    Escherichia coli, one of the main causative agents of bovine mastitis, is responsible for significant losses on dairy farms. In order to better understand the pathogenicity of E. coli mastitis, an accurate characterization of E. coli strains isolated from mastitis cases is required. By using phylogenetic analyses and whole genome comparison of 5 currently available mastitis E. coli genome sequences, we searched for genotypic traits specific for mastitis isolates. Our data confirm that there is a bias in the distribution of mastitis isolates in the different phylogenetic groups of the E. coli species, with the majority of strains belonging to phylogenetic groups A and B1. An interesting feature is that clustering of strains based on their accessory genome is very similar to that obtained using the core genome. This finding illustrates the fact that phenotypic properties of strains from different phylogroups are likely to be different. As a consequence, it is possible that different strategies could be used by mastitis isolates of different phylogroups to trigger mastitis. Our results indicate that mastitis E. coli isolates analyzed in this study carry very few of the virulence genes described in other pathogenic E. coli strains. A more detailed analysis of the presence/absence of genes involved in LPS synthesis, iron acquisition and type 6 secretion systems did not uncover specific properties of mastitis isolates. Altogether, these results indicate that mastitis E. coli isolates are rather characterized by a lack of bona fide currently described virulence genes.

  14. Fimbrial adhesins from extraintestinal Escherichia coli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klemm, Per; Hancock, Viktoria; Schembri, Mark A.


    Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) represent an important subclass of E. coli that cause a wide spectrum of diseases in human and animal hosts. Fimbriae are key virulence factors of ExPEC strains. These long surface located rod-shaped organelles mediate receptor-specific attachment...

  15. Digital signage sobre IP


    Casademont Filella, Albert


    Projecte que versa sobre el disseny i la implementació d'un sistema de Digital Signage (Cartelleria Digital) sobre IP, creant un gestor que permeti controlar de forma remota tot un conjunt de petits dispositius connectats a pantalles que emeten continguts multimèdia com vídeos, imatges, feeds rss...

  16. Estudio de tolerancia de daño de uniones soldadas de acero ASTM A36

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis E. Cepeda


    Full Text Available La tolerancia de daño en una soldadura, evaluada como un tamaño de grieta admisible, depende de la combinación de las propiedades mecánicas de tenacidad de fractura y resistencia de la correspondiente zona metalúrgica de estudio. Para unas condiciones dadas de trabajo, la tolerancia de daño aumenta con el incremento de la tenacidad de fractura en el caso que el modo de falla sea por fractura, o con el aumento de la resistencia al flujo plástico, en el caso que la falla sea por colapso plástico. La falla por colapso plástico se ve favorecida por una tenacidad de fractura alta, una resistencia baja y un espesor de soldadura pequeño. Para los procesos y condiciones de soldadura empleados en este trabajo, se encuentra que a temperatura ambiente la zona de fusión y la zona afectada por el calor presentan mayor tenacidad de fractura que el metal base sin una variación sensible de la resistencia, lo cual se traduce en una tolerancia de daño mayor en esas zonas. En la región de la temperatura de transición para el proceso de arco manual, la tenacidad de fractura de la zona de fusión y de la zona afectada por el calor es mayor que la tenacidad de fractura del metal base, mientras que para el proceso de arco sumergido sucede lo contrario.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Electrolyte and haematological parameters in rabbits infected with pathogenic isolates of Escherichia coli from rural water supplies in Rivers State, Nigeria, where monitored. Rabbits were orally infected with suspension containing 3x107 cfu /ml of Escherichia coli to induce diarrhoea, and the electrolyte (sodium, potassium ...

  18. Synergistic effects in mixed Escherichia coli biofilms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reisner, A.; Holler, B.M.; Molin, Søren


    Bacterial biofilms, often composed of multiple species and genetically distinct strains, develop under complex influences of cell-cell interactions. Although detailed knowledge about the mechanisms underlying formation of single-species laboratory biofilms has emerged, little is known about...... the pathways governing development of more complex heterogeneous communities. In this study, we established a laboratory model where biofilm-stimulating effects due to interactions between genetically diverse strains of Escherichia coli were monitored. Synergistic induction of biofilm formation resulting from...... the cocultivation of 403 undomesticated E. coli strains with a characterized E. coli K-12 strain was detected at a significant frequency. The survey suggests that different mechanisms underlie the observed stimulation, yet synergistic development of biofilm within the subset of E. coli isolates (n = 56) exhibiting...

  19. Faecal Escherichia coli from patients with E. coli urinary tract infection and healthy controls who have never had a urinary tract infection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Karen L; Dynesen, Pia; Larsen, Preben


    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are primarily caused by Escherichia coli with the patient's own faecal flora acting as a reservoir for the infecting E. coli. Here we sought to characterize the E. coli faecal flora of UTI patients and healthy controls who had never had a UTI. Up to 20 E. coli...... colonies from each rectal swab were random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) typed for clonality, dominance in the sample and correlation to the infecting UTI isolate in patients. Each distinct clone was phylotyped and tested for antimicrobial susceptibility. Eighty-seven per cent of the UTI patients...... carried the infecting strain in their faecal flora, and faecal clones causing UTI were more often dominant in the faecal flora. Patients had a larger diversity of E. coli in their gut flora by carrying more unique E. coli clones compared to controls, and patient faecal clones were more often associated...

  20. Fracturas orbitocigomáticas, valor de la clasificación de Knight y North en su terapéutica Orbitozygomatic fractures and the value of Knight and North´s classification.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar N. García-Roco Pérez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de 230 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por fracturas orbitocigomáticas en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial Docente "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" de Camagüey, en el período de enero 1999 a diciembre 2003, con el propósito de describir el valor de la clasificación de Knight y North en la selección de variantes quirúrgicas terapéuticas de las fracturas orbitocigomáticas, a través de la experiencia del servicio. Se utilizó la clasificación de Knight y North para la selección de las variantes de tratamiento, determinándose las variables edad, sexo, clasificación, terapéutica quirúrgica, complicaciones y resultados posoperatorios. Se observó un predominio del sexo masculino con el 75,7 %, y dicha cirugía se realizó con mayor frecuencia entre los 25-34 años (34,3 %. La clase III de Knight y North fue la más frecuente (45,6 %, seguida por la II y IV, con el 31,6 y 10,1 %, respectivamente. Basados en esta clasificación y teniendo en cuenta el grado de inestabilidad posreducción esperado, se seleccionó adecuadamente la variante terapéutica a emplear en el 98,8 % de los casos. Se llega a la conclusión de que la incidencia de fracturas orbitocigomáticas es alta, y dentro de ellas, la clase III de Knight y North es la más frecuente. Se recomienda esta clasificación para su tratamiento, ya que permite seleccionar la variante de tratamiento más adecuada de acuerdo con el grado de inestabilidad posreducción esperado, lográndose resultados estéticos y funcionales adecuados con escasas complicaciones posoperatorias no inherentes a esta.A descriptive observational study of 250 patients, who were operated on from orbitozygomatic fractures at the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of “Manuel Ascunce Domenech” provincial teaching hospital in Camaguey from January 1999 to December 2003, was conducted . The objective was to describe the importance of Knight

  1. 77 FR 9888 - Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (United States)


    ... Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Certain Raw Beef Products AGENCY: Food Safety and Inspection Service... toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) serogroups (O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, and O145). This new date..., that are contaminated with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O26, O45, O103, O111, O121...

  2. Metodología para la modelación hidrogeológica de medios fracturados


    Martínez Landa, Lurdes


    Los medios fracturados de baja permeabilidad (MFBP) pueden definirse como una matriz impermeable atravesada por una cantidad mayor o menor de fracturas conductivas. La experiencia indica que la mayor parte del flujo circula solo por unas pocas de estas fracturas, característica que marca el comportamiento del medio. Por esto, es necesario caracterizar estas fracturas para comprender el sistema.Desgraciadamente, no existe una metodología ampliamente aceptada para ello, en este contexto el obje...

  3. Synthesis of avenanthramides using engineered Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Lee, Su Jin; Sim, Geun Young; Kang, Hyunook; Yeo, Won Seok; Kim, Bong-Gyu; Ahn, Joong-Hoon


    Hydroxycinnamoyl anthranilates, also known as avenanthramides (avns), are a group of phenolic alkaloids with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-itch, anti-irritant, and antiatherogenic activities. Some avenanthramides (avn A-H and avn K) are conjugates of hydroxycinnamic acids (HC), including p-coumaric acid, caffeic acid, and ferulic acid, and anthranilate derivatives, including anthranilate, 4-hydroxyanthranilate, and 5-hydroxyanthranilate. Avns are primarily found in oat grain, in which they were originally designated as phytoalexins. Knowledge of the avns biosynthesis pathway has now made it possible to synthesize avns through a genetic engineering strategy, which would help to further elucidate their properties and exploit their beneficial biological activities. The aim of the present study was to synthesize natural avns in Escherichia coli to serve as a valuable resource. We synthesized nine avns in E. coli. We first synthesized avn D from glucose in E. coli harboring tyrosine ammonia lyase (TAL), 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL), anthranilate N-hydroxycinnamoyl/benzoyltransferase (HCBT), and anthranilate synthase (trpEG). A trpD deletion mutant was used to increase the amount of anthranilate in E. coli. After optimizing the incubation temperature and cell density, approximately 317.2 mg/L of avn D was synthesized. Avn E and avn F were then synthesized from avn D, using either E. coli harboring HpaBC and SOMT9 or E. coli harboring HapBC alone, respectively. Avn A and avn G were synthesized by feeding 5-hydroxyanthranilate or 4-hydroxyanthranilate to E. coli harboring TAL, 4CL, and HCBT. Avn B, avn C, avn H, and avn K were synthesized from avn A or avn G, using the same approach employed for the synthesis of avn E and avn F from avn D. Using different HCs, nine avns were synthesized, three of which (avn D, avn E, and avn F) were synthesized from glucose in E. coli. These diverse avns provide a strategy to synthesize both natural and unnatural avns

  4. Distribution of Diverse Escherichia coli between Cattle and Pasture


    NandaKafle, Gitanjali; Seale, Tarren; Flint, Toby; Nepal, Madhav; Venter, Stephanus N.; Brözel, Volker S.


    Escherichia coli is widely considered to not survive for extended periods outside the intestines of warm-blooded animals; however, recent studies demonstrated that E. coli strains maintain populations in soil and water without any known fecal contamination. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the niche partitioning of E. coli occurs between cattle and their pasture. We attempted to clarify whether E. coli from bovine feces differs phenotypically and genotypically from isola...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanaa Mahdi Oraibi


    Full Text Available The presence of Escherichia coli in the air of facilities involved in management and composting of post-slaughter poultry wastes in selected plants of West Western Pomerania region was studied. Measurements were made on four dates in a variety of weather conditions during the year. The study was conducted at 5 objects that differ in the type of waste and the degree of preparation for composting. These were: chemical treatment and preliminary processing plant, liquid wastes reservoir, platform for preparation of materials for composting, storage of biological sediments, and composting facility. Measurement of bacteria count was carried out in accordance with the applicable procedures on selective chromogenic TBX medium. The assays revealed the presence of E. coli at all test objects, but not always on all measurement dates. It has been shown that the presence of E. coli was from 20 to 3047 CFU∙m-3 of air, although the largest quantities were most frequently detected in the air of the building for post-slaughter waste pre-treatment in chemical treatment plant.

  6. Inferencias sobre Grafos


    Sira M. Allende; Carlos N. Bouza


    El estudio de un juego puede ser modelado asumiendo que solo algunas partidas son observadas. Entonces el árbol del juego debe ser estimado utilizando información muestral. Similarmente ocurre al obtener información sobre el comportamiento de las decisiones tomadas por individuos muestreados sobre un árbol de decisión teórico. Al considerar una medida de probabilidad que caracterice el comportamiento de redes aleatorias se puede obtener un estimado del árbol asociado. Este problema es el anal...

  7. Colonization of Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in chickens and humans in southern Vietnam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trung, Nguyen Vinh; Nhung, Hoang Ngoc; Carrique-Mas, Juan J.; Mai, Ho Huynh; Tuyen, Ha Thanh; Campbell, James; Nhung, Nguyen Thi; van Minh, Pham; Wagenaar, Jaap A.; Mai, Nguyen Thi Nhu; Hieu, Thai Quoc; Schultsz, Constance; Hoa, Ngo Thi


    Enteroaggregative (EAEC) and Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are a major cause of diarrhea worldwide. E. coli carrying both virulence factors characteristic for EAEC and STEC and producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamase caused severe and protracted disease during an outbreak of E.

  8. Survival of pathogenic Escherichia coli on basil, lettuce, and spinach (United States)

    The contamination of lettuce, spinach and basil with pathogenic E. coli has caused numerous illnesses over the past decade. E. coli O157:H7, E. coli O104:H4 and avian pathogenic E. coli (APECstx- and APECstx+) were inoculated on basil plants and in promix soiless substrate using drip and overhead ir...

  9. Production of caffeoylmalic acid from glucose in engineered Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Li, Tianzhen; Zhou, Wei; Bi, Huiping; Zhuang, Yibin; Zhang, Tongcun; Liu, Tao


    To achieve biosynthesis of caffeoylmalic acid from glucose in engineered Escherichia coli. We constructed the biosynthetic pathway of caffeoylmalic acid in E. coli by co-expression of heterologous genes RgTAL, HpaBC, At4CL2 and HCT2. To enhance the production of caffeoylmalic acid, we optimized the tyrosine metabolic pathway of E. coli to increase the supply of the substrate caffeic acid. Consequently, an E. coli-E. coli co-culture system was used for the efficient production of caffeoylmalic acid. The final titer of caffeoylmalic acid reached 570.1 mg/L. Microbial production of caffeoylmalic acid using glucose has application potential. In addition, microbial co-culture is an efficient tool for producing caffeic acid esters.

  10. Characterization of Escherichia coli Phylogenetic Groups ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Escherichia coli strains mainly fall into four phylogenetic groups (A, B1, B2, and D) and that virulent extra‑intestinal strains mainly belong to groups B2 and D. Aim: The aim was to determine the association between phylogenetic groups of E. coli causing extraintestinal infections (ExPEC) regarding the site of ...

  11. Interaction of Escherichia coli with growing salad spinach plants. (United States)

    Warriner, Keith; Ibrahim, Faozia; Dickinson, Matthew; Wright, Charles; Waites, William M


    In this study, the interaction of a bioluminescence-labeled Escherichia coli strain with growing spinach plants was assessed. Through bioluminescence profiles, the direct visualization of E. coli growing around the roots of developing seedlings was accomplished. Subsequent in situ glucuronidase (GUS) staining of seedlings confirmed that E. coli had become internalized within root tissue and, to a limited extent, within hypocotyls. When inoculated seeds were sown in soil microcosms and cultivated for 42 days, E. coli was recovered from the external surfaces of spinach roots and leaves as well as from surface-sterilized roots. When 20-day-old spinach seedlings (from uninoculated seeds) were transferred to soil inoculated with E. coli, the bacterium became established on the plant surface, but internalization into the inner root tissue was restricted. However, for seedlings transferred to a hydroponic system containing 10(2) or 10(3) CFU of E. coli per ml of the circulating nutrient solution, the bacterium was recovered from surface-sterilized roots, indicating that it had been internalized. Differences between E. coli interactions in the soil and those in the hydroponic system may be attributed to greater accessibility of the roots in the latter model. Alternatively, the presence of a competitive microflora in soil may have restricted root colonization by E. coli. The implications of this study's findings with regard to the microbiological safety of minimally processed vegetables are discussed.

  12. A scoping study on the prevalence of Escherichia coli and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In the Eastern Cape Province E. coli and enterococci were detected in 7 and 4 of the 15 RHRW tanks, respectively. Enterococci were detected only from one river whereas E. coli was detected in all three rivers; in spring water neither enterococci nor E. coli were detected. Samples from GRWH tanks were positive for E. coli ...

  13. Asymptomatic bacteriuria Escherichia coli are live biotherapeutics for UTI. (United States)

    Rudick, Charles N; Taylor, Aisha K; Yaggie, Ryan E; Schaeffer, Anthony J; Klumpp, David J


    Urinary tract infections (UTI) account for approximately 8 million clinic visits annually with symptoms that include acute pelvic pain, dysuria, and irritative voiding. Empiric UTI management with antimicrobials is complicated by increasing antimicrobial resistance among uropathogens, but live biotherapeutics products (LBPs), such as asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) strains of E. coli, offer the potential to circumvent antimicrobial resistance. Here we evaluated ASB E. coli as LBPs, relative to ciprofloxacin, for efficacy against infection and visceral pain in a murine UTI model. Visceral pain was quantified as tactile allodynia of the pelvic region in response to mechanical stimulation with von Frey filaments. Whereas ciprofloxacin promoted clearance of uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), it did not reduce pelvic tactile allodynia, a measure of visceral pain. In contrast, ASB E. coli administered intravesically or intravaginally provided comparable reduction of allodynia similar to intravesical lidocaine. Moreover, ASB E. coli were similarly effective against UTI allodynia induced by Proteus mirabilis, Enterococccus faecalis and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Therefore, ASB E. coli have anti-infective activity comparable to the current standard of care yet also provide superior analgesia. These studies suggest that ASB E. coli represent novel LBPs for UTI symptoms.

  14. Modeling the inactivation of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 and uropathogenic E.coli in ground chicken by high pressure processing and thymol (United States)

    Disease causing Escherichia coli commonly found in meat and poultry include intestinal pathogenic E. coli (iPEC) as well as extraintestinal types such as the Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). In this study we compare the resistance of iPEC (O157:H7) to UPEC in chicken meat using High Pressure Processing...

  15. Modeling the inactivatin of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 and uropathogenic E. coli in ground beef by high pressure processing and citral (United States)

    Disease causing Escherichia coli commonly found in meat and poultry include intestinal pathogenic E. coli (iPEC) as well as extraintestinal types such as the Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). In this study we compared the resistance of iPEC (O157:H7) to UPEC in ground beef using High Pressure Processing...

  16. Complete Genome Sequence of Escherichia coli Strain WG5

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Imamovic, Lejla; Misiakou, Maria-Anna; van der Helm, Eric


    Escherichia coli strain WG5 is a widely used host for phage detection, including somatic coliphages employed as standard ISO method 10705-1 (2000). Here, we present the complete genome sequence of a commercial E. coli WG5 strain.......Escherichia coli strain WG5 is a widely used host for phage detection, including somatic coliphages employed as standard ISO method 10705-1 (2000). Here, we present the complete genome sequence of a commercial E. coli WG5 strain....

  17. Environmental Escherichia coli: Ecology and public health implications - A review (United States)

    Jang, Jeonghwan; Hur, Hor-Gil; Sadowsky, Michael J.; Byappanahalli, Muruleedhara; Yan, Tao; Ishii, Satoshi


    Escherichia coli is classified as a rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacterium in the family Enterobacteriaceae. The bacterium mainly inhabits the lower intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, including humans, and is often discharged into the environment through feces or wastewater effluent. The presence of E. coli in environmental waters has long been considered as an indicator of recent fecal pollution. However, numerous recent studies have reported that some specific strains of E. coli can survive for long periods of time, and potentially reproduce, in extra-intestinal environments. This indicates that E. coli can be integrated into indigenous microbial communities in the environment. This naturalization phenomenon calls into question the reliability of E. coli as a fecal indicator bacterium (FIB). Recently, many studies reported that E. coli populations in the environment are affected by ambient environmental conditions affecting their long-term survival. Large-scale studies of population genetics provide the diversity and complexity of E. coli strains in various environments, affected by multiple environmental factors. This review examines the current knowledge on the ecology of E. coli strains in various environments in regards to its role as a FIB and as a naturalized member of indigenous microbial communities. Special emphasis is given on the growth of pathogenic E. coli in the environment, and the population genetics of environmental members of the genus Escherichia. The impact of environmental E. coli on water quality and public health is also discussed.

  18. Neonatal infections caused by Escherichia coli at the National ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Escherichia coli (E.coli) has been implicated as a common cause of both early and late onset neonatal infections. The emergence of different strains of E.coli that are multiply resistant to commonly used antibiotics has made continuous antibiotics surveillance relevant. Knowledge about common infections ...

  19. neonatal infections caused by escherichia coli at the national

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Background: Escherichia coli (E.coli) has been implicated as a common cause of both early and late onset neonatal infections. The emergence of different strains of E.coli that are multiply resistant to commonly used antibiotics has made continuous antibiotics surveillance relevant. Knowledge about common infections ...

  20. Molecular prophage typing of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Kwon, Hyuk-Joon; Seong, Won-Jin; Kim, Jae-Hong


    Escherichia coli prophages confer virulence and resistance to physico-chemical, nutritional, and antibiotic stresses on their hosts, and they enhance the evolution of E. coli. Thus, studies on profiles of E. coli prophages are valuable to understand the population structure and evolution of E. coli pathogenicity. Large terminase genes participate in phage genome packaging and are one of the cornerstones for the identification of prophages. Thus, we designed primers to detect 16 types of large terminase genes and analyzed the genomes of 48 E. coli and Shigella reference strains for the prophage markers. We also investigated the distribution of the 16 prophage markers among 92 avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) strains. APEC strains were classified into 61 prophage types (PPTs). Each strain was different from the reference strains as measured by the PPTs and from the frequency of each prophage marker. Investigation of the distribution of prophage-related serum resistance (bor), toxin (stx1 and cdtI), and T3SS effector (lom, espK, sopE, nleB, and ospG) genes revealed the presence of bor (44.1%), lom (95.5%) and cdtI (9.1%) in APEC strains with related prophages. Therefore, the molecular prophage typing method may be useful to understand population structure and evolution of E. coli pathogenicity, and further studies on the mobility of the prophages and the roles of virulence genes in APEC pathogenicity may be valuable. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Sobre software libre


    Matellán Olivera, Vicente; González Barahona, Jesús; Heras Quirós, Pedro de las; Robles Martínez, Gregorio


    220 p. "Sobre software libre" reune casi una treintena de ensayos sobre temas de candente actualidad relacionados con el software libre (del cual Linux es su ex- ponente más conocido). Los ensayos que el lector encontrará están divididos en bloques temáticos que van desde la propiedad intelectual o las cuestiones económicas y sociales de este modelo hasta su uso en la educación y las administraciones publicas, pasando por alguno que repasa la historia del software libre en l...

  2. Non-Escherichia coli versus Escherichia coli community-acquired urinary tract infections in children hospitalized in a tertiary center: relative frequency, risk factors, antimicrobial resistance and outcome. (United States)

    Marcus, Nir; Ashkenazi, Shai; Yaari, Arnon; Samra, Zmira; Livni, Gilat


    Currently hospitalization for children with urinary tract infections (UTIs) is reserved for severe or complicated cases. Changes may have taken place in the characteristics and causative uropathogens of hospital-treated community-acquired UTI. To study children hospitalized in a tertiary center with community-acquired UTI, compare Escherichia coli and non-E. coli UTI, define predictors for non-E. coli UTI and elucidate the appropriate therapeutic approach. A prospective clinical and laboratory study from 2001 through 2002 in a tertiary pediatric medical center. Patients were divided by results of the urine culture into E. coli and non-E. coli UTI groups, which were compared. Of 175 episodes of culture-proved UTI, 70 (40%) were caused by non-E. coli pathogens. Non-E. coli UTI was more commonly found in children who were male (P = 0.005), who had underlying renal abnormalities (P = 0.0085) and who had received antibiotic therapy in the prior month (P = 0.0009). Non-E. coli uropathogens were often resistant to antibiotics usually recommended for initial therapy for UTI, including cephalosporins and aminoglycosides; 19% were initially treated with inappropriate empiric intravenous antibiotics (compared with 2% for E. coli UTI, P = 0.0001), with a longer hospitalization. Current treatment routines are often inappropriate for hospitalized children with non-E. coli UTI, which is relatively common in this population. The defined risk factors associated with non-E. coli UTIs and its antimicrobial resistance patterns should be considered to improve empiric antibiotic therapy for these infections.

  3. Pulsed-Plasma Disinfection of Water Containing Escherichia coli (United States)

    Satoh, Kohki; MacGregor, Scott J.; Anderson, John G.; Woolsey, Gerry A.; Fouracre, R. Anthony


    The disinfection of water containing the microorganism, Escherichia coli (E. coli) by exposure to a pulsed-discharge plasma generated above the water using a multineedle electrode (plasma-exposure treatment), and by sparging the off-gas of the pulsed plasma into the water (off-gas-sparging treatment), is performed in the ambient gases of air, oxygen, and nitrogen. For the off-gas-sparging treatment, bactericidal action is observed only when oxygen is used as the ambient gas, and ozone is found to generate the bactericidal action. For the plasma-exposure treatment, the density of E. coli bacteria decreases exponentially with plasma-exposure time for all the ambient gases. It may be concluded that the main contributors to E. coli inactivation are particle species produced by the pulsed plasma. For the ambient gases of air and nitrogen, the influence of acidification of the water in the system, as a result of pulsed-plasma exposure, may also contribute to the decay of E. coli density.

  4. Increased multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli from hospitals in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli (MDR E. coli) has become a major public health concern in Sudan and many countries, causing failure in treatment with consequent huge health burden. Objectives: To determine the prevalence and susceptibility of MDR E. coli isolated from patients in hospitals at Khartoum ...

  5. Ductilidad en caliente y mecanismos de fractura de un acero de construcción

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Calvo, J.


    Full Text Available The hot ductility of a structural steel produced from scrap recycling has been studied to determine the origin of the transverse cracks in the corners that appeared in some billets. Samples extracted both from a billet with transverse cracks and from a billet with no external damage were tested. To evaluate the influence of residual elements and inclusions, the steel was compared to another one impurity free. Reduction in area of the samples tensile tested to the fracture was taken as a measure of the hot ductility The tests were carried out at temperatures ranging from 1000ºC to 650ºC and at a strain rate of 1·10- 3 s-1. The fracture surfaces of the tested samples were observed by scanning electron microscopy in order to determine the embrittling mechanisms that could be acting. The steel with residuals and impurities exhibited lower ductility values for a wider temperature range than the clean steel. The embrittling mechanisms also changed as compared to the impurity free steel.

    Se evaluó la ductilidad en caliente de un acero de construcción procedente del reciclaje de chatarra con el fin de determinar el origen de las grietas transversales que aparecen en las esquinas de algunas palanquillas. Para ello, se extrajeron probetas de dos palanquillas de una misma calidad de acero. Una de las palanquillas había presentado agrietamiento transversal al ser colada y, la otra, no. Para conocer la influencia de los elementos residuales e inclusiones en la ductilidad en caliente, otro acero, con la misma composición pero sin impurezas, se fabricó en laboratorio y fue sometido al mismo análisis que los aceros comerciales. La ductilidad en caliente se midió como la reducción del área de las probetas ensayadas a tracción hasta la rotura. Las condiciones a las que se realizaron los ensayos fueron temperaturas de 1.000 a 650 ºC y a una velocidad de deformación de 1·10-3 s-1. Las superficies de fractura de las probetas ensayadas se

  6. Insights into the evolution of pathogenicity of Escherichia coli from genomic analysis of intestinal E. coli of Marmota himalayana in Qinghai-Tibet plateau of China. (United States)

    Lu, Shan; Jin, Dong; Wu, Shusheng; Yang, Jing; Lan, Ruiting; Bai, Xiangning; Liu, Sha; Meng, Qiong; Yuan, Xuejiao; Zhou, Juan; Pu, Ji; Chen, Qiang; Dai, Hang; Hu, Yuanyuan; Xiong, Yanwen; Ye, Changyun; Xu, Jianguo


    Escherichia coli is both of a widespread harmless gut commensal and a versatile pathogen of humans. Domestic animals are a well-known reservoir for pathogenic E. coli. However, studies of E. coli populations from wild animals that have been separated from human activities had been very limited. Here we obtained 580 isolates from intestinal contents of 116 wild Marmot Marmota himalayana from Qinghai-Tibet plateau, China, with five isolates per animal. We selected 125 (hereinafter referred to as strains) from the 580 isolates for genome sequencing, based on unique pulse field gel electrophoresis patterns and at least one isolate per animal. Whole genome sequence analysis revealed that all 125 strains carried at least one and the majority (79.2%) carried multiple virulence genes based on the analysis of 22 selected virulence genes. In particular, the majority of the strains carried virulence genes from different pathovars as potential 'hybrid pathogens'. The alleles of eight virulence genes from the Marmot E. coli were found to have diverged earlier than all known alleles from human and other animal E. coli. Phylogenetic analysis of the 125 Marmot E. coli genomes and 355 genomes selected from 1622 human and other E. coli strains identified two new phylogroups, G and H, both of which diverged earlier than the other phylogroups. Eight of the 12 well-known pathogenic E. coli lineages were found to share a most recent common ancestor with one or more Marmot E. coli strains. Our results suggested that the intestinal E. coli of the Marmots contained a diverse virulence gene pool and is potentially pathogenic to humans. These findings provided a new understanding of the evolutionary origin of pathogenic E. coli.

  7. Tributos sobre a folha ou sobre o faturamento? Efeitos quantitativos para o Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiago V Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Este artigo estuda os impactos alocativos e de bem-estar de uma reforma tributária que substitui os impostos sobre a folha de salários por outro que incide sobre a receita. Para isso, desenvolve-se um modelo neoclássico de crescimento econômico com impostos sobre a receita e sobre a folha de salários. As simulações com parâmetros da economia brasileira mostram que tal reforma tributária tem um efeito negativo no bem-estar, no estoque de capital de longo prazo e consequentemente no produto per capita de longo prazo. Contudo, o emprego aumenta.This paper studies the impacts of a tax reform which substitutes taxes on labor income by taxes on total revenue. In order to accomplish that, we construct and solve a general equilibrium neoclassical growth model with taxes on labor income and total revenue. The numerical simulations with Brazilian parameters show that such tax reforms would negatively affect welfare, the capital stock, and consequently per capita output. However, employment would increase. Such effects are quantitatively important.

  8. Ischemic colitis or melanosis coli: a case report

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    Nadeem Mohammed


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Melanosis Coli is described as black or brown discolouration of the mucosa of the colon. Its a benign condition, which arises from anthraquinone laxative abuse and has no symptoms of its own. The main importance of diagnosing Melanosis Coli correctly lies in the fact that if its extensive, there may be difficulty in differentiating it from ischemic colitis. Case presentation We present a case of extensive Melanosis Coli involving the whole of large bowel that appeared gangrenous. A sub total colectomy was performed on presumed diagnosis of ischemic bowel. Conclusion This report reminds the clinicians that extensive Melanosis Coli may mimic ischemic colitis and thus must be considered as a differential diagnosis.

  9. Escherichia Coli (United States)

    Goodsell, David S.


    Diverse biological data may be used to create illustrations of molecules in their cellular context. I describe the scientific results that support a recent textbook illustration of an "Escherichia coli cell". The image magnifies a portion of the bacterium at one million times, showing the location and form of individual macromolecules. Results…

  10. Presence of non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, enterotoxigenic E. coli, enteropathogenic E. coli and Salmonella in fresh beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) juice from public markets in Mexico. (United States)

    Gómez-Aldapa, Carlos A; Rangel-Vargas, Esmeralda; Bautista-De León, Haydee; Castro-Rosas, Javier


    Unpasteurized juice has been associated with foodborne illness outbreaks for many years. Beetroot is a vegetable grown all over the world in temperate areas. In Mexico beetroot is consumed cooked in salads or raw as fresh unpasteurized juices. No data about the microbiological quality or safety of unpasteurized beetroot juices are available. Indicator bacteria, diarrheagenic Escherichia coli pathotypes (DEP) and Salmonella frequencies were determined for fresh unpasteurized beetroot juice from restaurants. One hundred unpasteurized beetroot juice samples were collected from public markets in Pachuca, Mexico. Frequencies in these samples were 100%, 75%, 53%, 9% and 4% of positive samples, for coliform bacteria, fecal coliforms, E. coli, DEP and Salmonella, respectively. Identified DEP included enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). Identified Salmonella serotypes included Typhimurium and Enteritidis. This is the first report of microbiological quality and atypical EPEC, ETEC, non-O157 STEC and Salmonella isolation from fresh raw beetroot juice in Mexico. Fresh raw beetroot juice from markets is very probably an important factor contributing to the endemicity of atypical EPEC, ETEC, non-O157 STEC and Salmonella-related gastroenteritis in Mexico. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry.

  11. Escherichia coli survival in waters: Temperature dependence (United States)

    Knowing the survival rates of water-borne Escherichia coli is important in evaluating microbial contamination and making appropriate management decisions. E. coli survival rates are dependent on temperature, a dependency that is routinely expressed using an analogue of the Q10 mo...

  12. Environmental Escherichia coli: ecology and public health implications-a review. (United States)

    Jang, J; Hur, H-G; Sadowsky, M J; Byappanahalli, M N; Yan, T; Ishii, S


    Escherichia coli is classified as a rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacterium in the family Enterobacteriaceae. The bacterium mainly inhabits the lower intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, including humans, and is often discharged into the environment through faeces or wastewater effluent. The presence of E. coli in environmental waters has long been considered as an indicator of recent faecal pollution. However, numerous recent studies have reported that some specific strains of E. coli can survive for long periods of time, and potentially reproduce, in extraintestinal environments. This indicates that E. coli can be integrated into indigenous microbial communities in the environment. This naturalization phenomenon calls into question the reliability of E. coli as a faecal indicator bacterium (FIB). Recently, many studies reported that E. coli populations in the environment are affected by ambient environmental conditions affecting their long-term survival. Large-scale studies of population genetics revealed the diversity and complexity of E. coli strains in various environments, which are affected by multiple environmental factors. This review examines the current knowledge on the ecology of E. coli strains in various environments with regard to its role as a FIB and as a naturalized member of indigenous microbial communities. Special emphasis is given on the growth of pathogenic E. coli in the environment, and the population genetics of environmental members of the genus Escherichia. The impact of environmental E. coli on water quality and public health is also discussed. © 2017 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  13. Fecal colonization with P-fimbriated Escherichia coli in newborn children and relation to development of extraintestinal E. coli infections. (United States)

    Tullus, K


    The incidence of E. coli pyelonephritis before the age of one year among the children born at Danderyd Hospital during a ten year period was studied. During the study period, 4 or 5 outbreaks of E. coli pyelonephritis occurred among the children who had previously been staying in the hospital's neonatal ward. These outbreaks seemed to have been caused by nosocomial spread of and fecal colonization with certain virulent E. coli strains among the children staying in the ward during certain periods of time. The strains that were spread in the ward seemed to belong to certain pyelonephritogenic E. coli clones of the serotypes O6:K5, O4:K3 and possibly O6:K2. Although the children became fecally colonized with the strains in the neonatal ward, most fell ill some time after they had left the ward. The mean age at the development of their first pyelonephritis was 3.4 months for the boys and 6.2 months for the girls, who had been cared for in this ward. A correlation between the number of infections and the bed occupancy of the ward could be found (p less than 0.01). The risk for a child staying in the ward during an outbreak to develop pyelonephritis was about 5-10%. There was a baseline incidence rate of 0.6-0.7% during non-epidemic periods. During one of the outbreaks there was also an increased incidence rate of E. coli septicemia among the children staying in the neonatal ward. The predictive value of fecal colonization with P-fimbriated E. coli for the later development of extraintestinal E. coli infections was studied in a 2.5 year prospective study. During this study period there was a baseline incidence rate of 10-20% fecal colonization with P-fimbriated E. coli among the children staying in both the neonatal and maternity wards, interrupted only by minor peaks of colonization with such strains. Length of stay in the neonatal ward and a high bed occupancy of the neonatal ward were statistically correlated to fecal colonization with P-fimbriated E. coli strains (p

  14. Ontology-based literature mining of E. coli vaccine-associated gene interaction networks. (United States)

    Hur, Junguk; Özgür, Arzucan; He, Yongqun


    Pathogenic Escherichia coli infections cause various diseases in humans and many animal species. However, with extensive E. coli vaccine research, we are still unable to fully protect ourselves against E. coli infections. To more rational development of effective and safe E. coli vaccine, it is important to better understand E. coli vaccine-associated gene interaction networks. In this study, we first extended the Vaccine Ontology (VO) to semantically represent various E. coli vaccines and genes used in the vaccine development. We also normalized E. coli gene names compiled from the annotations of various E. coli strains using a pan-genome-based annotation strategy. The Interaction Network Ontology (INO) includes a hierarchy of various interaction-related keywords useful for literature mining. Using VO, INO, and normalized E. coli gene names, we applied an ontology-based SciMiner literature mining strategy to mine all PubMed abstracts and retrieve E. coli vaccine-associated E. coli gene interactions. Four centrality metrics (i.e., degree, eigenvector, closeness, and betweenness) were calculated for identifying highly ranked genes and interaction types. Using vaccine-related PubMed abstracts, our study identified 11,350 sentences that contain 88 unique INO interactions types and 1,781 unique E. coli genes. Each sentence contained at least one interaction type and two unique E. coli genes. An E. coli gene interaction network of genes and INO interaction types was created. From this big network, a sub-network consisting of 5 E. coli vaccine genes, including carA, carB, fimH, fepA, and vat, and 62 other E. coli genes, and 25 INO interaction types was identified. While many interaction types represent direct interactions between two indicated genes, our study has also shown that many of these retrieved interaction types are indirect in that the two genes participated in the specified interaction process in a required but indirect process. Our centrality analysis of

  15. Melanosis coli in patients with colon cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dorota Biernacka-Wawrzonek


    Full Text Available Intoduction: Melanosis coli is a benign lesion affecting the mucosa of the large intestine. There is a relationship between the presence of melanosis and anthraquinone laxative use. Melanosis coli is also observed in patients with colon cancer, but there is doubt whether these two conditions are related. Aim : To analyze the correlation between melanosis and colon cancer. Material and methods: We analyzed retrospectively 436 patients undergoing colon cancer surgery. There were 246 women and 190 men. Patients were divided into three age groups: under 50 years, between 51 and 65 years, and over 66 years. We analyzed sections of the cancer and intestinal mucosa from the tumor’s proximal (2–5 cm and distal (8–10 cm zone. Results : Melanosis coli was present in 52 patients, which represents 11.9% of patients with colon cancer. More often it was present in women. The most common location of melanosis and colon cancer was the terminal part of the large intestine. In patients below 50 years of age in both sexes melanosis coli did not occur. In men, melanosis was more common in the age group over 66 years. Intensity of pigmentation was higher in the tumor’s distal zone. Conclusions : The incidence of melanosis coli increases with age, similar to that of colon cancer. Melanosis was not present inside tumors, in almost half of the cases it was not present in the proximal zone, and the degree of pigmentation increased in distal zone. The cause-effect relationship between melanosis coli and colon cancer remains uncertain.

  16. No evidence for a bovine mastitis Escherichia coli pathotype. (United States)

    Leimbach, Andreas; Poehlein, Anja; Vollmers, John; Görlich, Dennis; Daniel, Rolf; Dobrindt, Ulrich


    Escherichia coli bovine mastitis is a disease of significant economic importance in the dairy industry. Molecular characterization of mastitis-associated E. coli (MAEC) did not result in the identification of common traits. Nevertheless, a mammary pathogenic E. coli (MPEC) pathotype has been proposed suggesting virulence traits that differentiate MAEC from commensal E. coli. The present study was designed to investigate the MPEC pathotype hypothesis by comparing the genomes of MAEC and commensal bovine E. coli. We sequenced the genomes of eight E. coli isolated from bovine mastitis cases and six fecal commensal isolates from udder-healthy cows. We analyzed the phylogenetic history of bovine E. coli genomes by supplementing this strain panel with eleven bovine-associated E. coli from public databases. The majority of the isolates originate from phylogroups A and B1, but neither MAEC nor commensal strains could be unambiguously distinguished by phylogenetic lineage. The gene content of both MAEC and commensal strains is highly diverse and dominated by their phylogenetic background. Although individual strains carry some typical E. coli virulence-associated genes, no traits important for pathogenicity could be specifically attributed to MAEC. Instead, both commensal strains and MAEC have very few gene families enriched in either pathotype. Only the aerobactin siderophore gene cluster was enriched in commensal E. coli within our strain panel. This is the first characterization of a phylogenetically diverse strain panel including several MAEC and commensal isolates. With our comparative genomics approach we could not confirm previous studies that argue for a positive selection of specific traits enabling MAEC to elicit bovine mastitis. Instead, MAEC are facultative and opportunistic pathogens recruited from the highly diverse bovine gastrointestinal microbiota. Virulence-associated genes implicated in mastitis are a by-product of commensalism with the primary function

  17. The role of Cra in regulating acetate excretion and osmotic tolerance in E. coli K-12 and E. coli B at high density growth. (United States)

    Son, Young-Jin; Phue, Je-Nie; Trinh, Loc B; Lee, Sang Jun; Shiloach, Joseph


    E. coli B (BL21), unlike E.coli K-12 (JM109) is insensitive to glucose concentration and, therefore, grows faster and produces less acetate than E. coli K-12, especially when growing to high cell densities at high glucose concentration. By performing genomic analysis, it was demonstrated that the cause of this difference in sensitivity to the glucose concentration is the result of the differences in the central carbon metabolism activity. We hypothesized that the global transcription regulator Cra (FruR) is constitutively expressed in E. coli B and may be responsible for the different behaviour of the two strains. To investigate this possibility and better understand the function of Cra in the two strains, cra - negative E. coli B (BL21) and E. coli K-12 (JM109) were prepared and their growth behaviour and gene expression at high glucose were evaluated using microarray and real-time PCR. The deletion of the cra gene in E. coli B (BL21) minimally affected the growth and maximal acetate accumulation, while the deletion of the same gene in E.coli K-12 (JM109) caused the cells to stop growing as soon as acetate concentration reached 6.6 g/L and the media conductivity reached 21 mS/cm. ppsA (gluconeogenesis gene), aceBA (the glyoxylate shunt genes) and poxB (the acetate producing gene) were down-regulated in both strains, while acs (acetate uptake gene) was down-regulated only in E.coli B (BL21). These transcriptional differences had little effect on acetate and pyruvate production. Additionally, it was found that the lower growth of E. coli K-12 (JM109) strain was the result of transcription inhibition of the osmoprotectant producing bet operon (betABT). The transcriptional changes caused by the deletion of cra gene did not affect the activity of the central carbon metabolism, suggesting that Cra does not act alone; rather it interacts with other pleiotropic regulators to create a network of metabolic effects. An unexpected outcome of this work is the finding that cra

  18. Comparison of 61 Sequenced Escherichia coli Genomes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lukjancenko, Oksana; Wassenaar, T. M.; Ussery, David


    Escherichia coli is an important component of the biosphere and is an ideal model for studies of processes involved in bacterial genome evolution. Sixty-one publically available E. coli and Shigella spp. sequenced genomes are compared, using basic methods to produce phylogenetic and proteomics...

  19. lactamase in clinical isolates of Escherichia coli

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 22, 2011 ... The beta lactamase enzyme producing E. coli, resistant to β-lactam antibiotics, created many problems ... Key words: Escherichia coli, β-lactamase enzymes, TEM-type extended spectrum ... difficulties in treatment using antibiotics that are currently ... and chloramphenicol (30 µg) (Mast Diagnostics Ltd., UK).

  20. Can Escherichia coli fly? The role of flies as transmitters of E. coli to food in an urban slum in Bangladesh. (United States)

    Lindeberg, Yrja Lisa; Egedal, Karen; Hossain, Zenat Zebin; Phelps, Matthew; Tulsiani, Suhella; Farhana, Israt; Begum, Anowara; Jensen, Peter Kjaer Mackie


    To investigate the transmission of faecal bacteria by flies to food under natural settings. Over a period of 2 months, paired (exposed and non-exposed) containers with cooked rice were placed on the ground in kitchen areas in an urban slum area in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and the numbers of flies landing on the exposed rice were counted. Following exposure, the surface of the rice was microbiologically and molecularly analysed for the presence of Escherichia coli and genes of diarrhoeagenic E. coli and Shigella strains. Rice was at greater risk (P E. coli if flies landed on the rice than if no flies landed on the rice (odds ratio 5·4 (P 0·6 × 103 CFU. Genes of diarrhoeagenic E. coli and Shigella species were detected in 39 of 60 (65%) of exposed rice samples. Two fly species were identified: the common housefly (Musca domestica) and the oriental latrine fly (Chrysomya megacephala). Flies may transmit large quantities of E. coli to food under field settings. The findings highlight the importance of implementing control measures to minimise exposure of food to flies to ensure food safety. Fly control measures should be considered for the prevention of diarrhoeal diseases caused by E. coli. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Photoreactivating enzyme from Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snapka, R.M.; Fuselier, C.O.


    Escherichia coli photoreactivating enzyme (PRE) has been purified in large amounts from an E.coli strain lysogenic for a defective lambda bacteriophage carrying the phr gene. The resulting enzyme had a pH optimum of 7.2 and an ionic strength optimum of 0.18. It consisted of an apoprotein and cofactor, both of which were necessary for catalytic activity. The apoprotein had a monomer molecular weight of 35,200 and showed stable aggregates under denaturing conditions. The amino acid analysis of the E.coli enzyme was very similar to that of the photoreactivating enzyme from orchid seedlings (Cattelya aurantiaca). Both had arginine at the amino terminus. The cofactor, like the holoenzyme, showed absorption, magnetic circular dichroism, and emission properties indicative of an adenine moiety. Although the isolated enzyme had an action spectrum which peaked at about 360 nm, neither the cofactor, apoenzyme nor holoenzyme showed any detectable absorption between 300 and 400 nm. (author)

  2. Photoreactivating enzyme from Escherichia coli

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Snapka, R M; Fuselier, C O [California Univ., Irvine (USA)


    Escherichia coli photoreactivating enzyme (PRE) has been purified in large amounts from an E.coli strain lysogenic for a defective lambda bacteriophage carrying the phr gene. The resulting enzyme had a pH optimum of 7.2 and an ionic strength optimum of 0.18. It consisted of an apoprotein and cofactor, both of which were necessary for catalytic activity. The apoprotein had a monomer molecular weight of 35,200 and showed stable aggregates under denaturing conditions. The amino acid analysis of the E.coli enzyme was very similar to that of the photoreactivating enzyme from orchid seedlings (Cattelya aurantiaca). Both had arginine at the amino terminus. The cofactor, like the holoenzyme, showed absorption, magnetic circular dichroism, and emission properties indicative of an adenine moiety. Although the isolated enzyme had an action spectrum which peaked at about 360 nm, neither the cofactor, apoenzyme nor holoenzyme showed any detectable absorption between 300 and 400 nm.

  3. High temperature in combination with UV irradiation enhances horizontal transfer of stx2 gene from E. coli O157:H7 to non-pathogenic E. coli.

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    Wan-Fu Yue

    Full Text Available Shiga toxin (stx genes have been transferred to numerous bacteria, one of which is E. coli O157:H7. It is a common belief that stx gene is transferred by bacteriophages, because stx genes are located on lambdoid prophages in the E. coli O157:H7 genome. Both E. coli O157:H7 and non-pathogenic E. coli are highly enriched in cattle feedlots. We hypothesized that strong UV radiation in combination with high temperature accelerates stx gene transfer into non-pathogenic E. coli in feedlots.E. coli O157:H7 EDL933 strain were subjected to different UV irradiation (0 or 0.5 kJ/m(2 combination with different temperature (22, 28, 30, 32, and 37 °C treatments, and the activation of lambdoid prophages was analyzed by plaque forming unit while induction of Stx2 prophages was quantified by quantitative real-time PCR. Data showed that lambdoid prophages in E. coli O157:H7, including phages carrying stx2, were activated under UV radiation, a process enhanced by elevated temperature. Consistently, western blotting analysis indicated that the production of Shiga toxin 2 was also dramatically increased by UV irradiation and high temperature. In situ colony hybridization screening indicated that these activated Stx2 prophages were capable of converting laboratory strain of E. coli K12 into new Shiga toxigenic E. coli, which were further confirmed by PCR and ELISA analysis.These data implicate that high environmental temperature in combination with UV irradiation accelerates the spread of stx genes through enhancing Stx prophage induction and Stx phage mediated gene transfer. Cattle feedlot sludge are teemed with E. coli O157:H7 and non-pathogenic E. coli, and is frequently exposed to UV radiation via sunlight, which may contribute to the rapid spread of stx gene to non-pathogenic E. coli and diversity of shiga toxin producing E. coli.

  4. The presence of verotoxinogenic E. coli in some foods

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    Bostan K.


    Full Text Available In this study 30 samples each of ready-to-cook meatballs and white cheese as well as 96 samples of various ready-to-eat foods, obtained from different sales outlets in Istanbul, were analyzed for the presence of verotoxins (consequently vemtoxigenic E. coli E. coli with the aid of the enzyme immunoassay technique. Additionally, total coli-form and chromogenic E. coli count were determined by cultural methods for all food samples. E. coli growth was detected in all ready-to-cook meatballs (100%, in 27 of the white cheese samples (90% and in 69 of the other ready-to-eat food samples (71.9%. Verotoxins, however, could not be detected in any of the samples examined with the aid of the ELISA technique. The findings of this study indicate a low microbiological quality of the analyzed meatball, white cheese and ready-to-eat food samples; a considerable part of them did not conform to legal standards. However, within the sensitivity limits of the method applied no verotoxinogenic E. coli could be detected.

  5. Lethality prediction for Escherichia coli 0157:H7 and Uropathogenic E. coli in ground chicken treated with high pressure processing and trans-cinnamaldehyde (United States)

    Pathogenic Escherichia coli, intestinal (O157:H7) as well as extraintestinal types (Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC)) are commonly found in many foods including chicken meat. In this study we compared the resistance of E. coli O157:H7 to UPEC in chicken meat under the stresses of high hydrostatic pressu...

  6. Detecção de cepas patogênicas pela PCR multiplex e avaliação da sensibilidade a antimicrobianos de Escherichia coli isoladas de leitões diarréicos Detection of pathogenic strains by multiplex PCR and antimicrobial sensitivity of Escherichia coli isolated from piglets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N.R. Macêdo


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a freqüência dos genes de fímbrias (K88, K99, 987P, F18 e F41 e toxinas (LT, Stb, StaP e Stx2e de cepas de E. coli isoladas de leitões com diarréia usando a técnica de PCR multiplex com primers específicos para esses genes, e estudou-se o padrão de sensibilidade das cepas patogênicas pelo método de difusão em disco ao florfenicol, ceftiofur sódico, colistina, fosfomicina, neomicina, norfloxacina, sulfa + trimetoprim, doxiciclina, tetraciclina e lincomicina. Foram utilizadas 144 amostras de E.coli isoladas de leitões com diarréia, provenientes de granjas localizadas no estado de Minas Gerais. Dessas, 42 (29,2% foram positivas para pelo menos um dos fatores de virulência testados. Dentre essas 42 amostras, 23 (54,8% apresentaram genes de fímbria e toxina, sete (16,6% apresentaram somente genes de toxinas e 12 (28,6% amostras somente genes de fímbria. O resultado do teste de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos demonstrou que o florfenicol (89,5 % e o ceftiofur sódico (84,2% foram as drogas de melhor eficácia in vitro sobre cepas de E. coli com fatores de virulência.The frequency of virulence determinants genes for fimbrial adhesions (K88, K99, 987P, F18 and F41 and toxins (LT, Stb, StaP and Stx2e in E. coli strains isolated from diarrheic piglets using the multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay with specific primers for these genes was studied. The antimicrobial sensitivity pattern of pathogenic isolates for florfenicol, sodium ceftiofur, colistin, fosfomycin, neomycin, norfloxacin, sulfa + trimetoprim, doxycycline, tetracycline and lincomycin was also tested using the disk diffusion method. E. coli were isolated from 144 diarrheic piglets from farms in the state of Minas Gerais. Forty-two out of 144 studied samples (29.2% were positive for at least one tested virulence factor. Out of these 42, 23 samples (54.8% contained fimbria and toxin genes, seven (16.6% samples had genes for toxins only and 12 (28.6% samples

  7. Investigación educativa reciente sobre México


    Núñez-DelaPeña, Francisco J.; Mejía-Arauz, Rebeca


    Se presenta una muestra de la investigación educativa sobre México: 22 disertaciones doctorales aceptadas en universidades norteamericanas entre 1982 y 1984. Dos estudios conciernen a la teoría del capital humano; cinco tratan diversos aspectos relacionados con la administración educativa; uno es sobre la televisión; otro sobre las habilidades fonéticas de los niños; uno más es sobre profesionalización de los médicos; cuatro tocan aspectos de política educativa; tres tratan sobre los maestros...

  8. Molecular epidemiology of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catherine Ludden


    Full Text Available Objectives: E. coli O25b-ST131 has disseminated worldwide in hospitals and the community. The objective of this study was to determine the extent to which E. coli O25b-ST131 accounts for extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBLproducing E. coli from clinical samples from all sources in this region. Methods: Between January and June 2010 ESBL-producing E. coli were collected from 94 routine samples including 47 from residents of 25 nursing homes, 15 categorized as hospital acquired and 32 others. PCR was performed for detection of bla CTX-M, bla OXA-1, bla TEM, bla SHV and for the identification of members of the E. coli O25b:ST131 clonal group. PFGE was carried out using Xba I in accordance with PulseNet protocols. Results: The majority (97% of isolates harbored a bla CTX-M gene.E. coli O25b-ST131 accounted for 87% of all ESBL-producing E. coliand for 96% of isolates from nursing home residents. Conclusion:The E. coli O25b-ST131 clonal group predominated in the collection of ESBL-producing E. coli, particularly in nursing home isolates. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2014; 4(3: 92-96

  9. Third International E. coli genome meeting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Proceedings of the Third E. Coli Genome Meeting are provided. Presentations were divided into sessions entitled (1) Large Scale Sequencing, Sequence Analysis; (2) Databases; (3) Sequence Analysis; (4) Sequence Divergence in E. coli Strains; (5) Repeated Sequences and Regulatory Motifs; (6) Mutations, Rearrangements and Stress Responses; and (7) Origins of New Genes. The document provides a collection of abstracts of oral and poster presentations.

  10. Aplicación del ensayo miniatura de embutido para la evaluación de la tenacidad a temperaturas criogénicas de aceros inoxidables austeníticos envejecidos isotérmicamente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saucedo-Muñoz, M. L.


    Full Text Available Two types of austenitic stainless steels JJl and JNl were isothermally aged at temperatures from 873 to 1173 K for 10 to 1000 min in order to study the microstructural evolution and its effect on fracture toughness at cryogenic temperatures. The Charpy V-Notch (CVN and Small-Punch (SPTesting methods were conducted at 77 K to evaluate the toughness of both solution treated and aged specimens. The fracture energy at 77 K determined for both methods showed a significant decrease with aging time for both steels. A linear correlation between the fracture energies of both methods was found. The intergranular precipitation of carbides and nitrides was responsible for the fracture toughness deterioration. The scanning electron microscope fractographs showed an intergranular brittle fracture and its fraction also increased with aging time and temperature. The presence of a more abundant intergranular precipitation resulted in a more rapid decrease in fracture toughness with aging time in JNl steel due to its higher content of C and N, compared to that of JJl steel.

    Dos tipos de aceros inoxidables austeníticos, JJl y JNl, se envejecieron isotérmicamente a temperaturas entre 873 y 1.173 K por tiempos de 10 a 1.000 min, para estudiar la evolución microestructural y su efecto sobre la tenacidad a la fractura a temperaturas criogénicas. Los métodos de ensayo de impacto Charpy y el ensayo miniatura de embutido se llevaron a cabo a 77 K para evaluar la tenacidad de las muestras tratadas térmicamente. La energía de fractura determinada por ambos métodos mostró una disminución con el tiempo de envejecido para ambos aceros. Se encontró una relación lineal entre ambos valores de energía. La precipitación intergranular de carburos y nitruros fue la responsable de la pérdida de la tenacidad en las muestras envejecidas. La fractografía indicó que la fractura intergranular se incrementa con la temperatura y el tiempo de envejecido. La presencia

  11. Impact of persistent and nonpersistent generic Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. recovered from a beef packing plant on biofilm formation by E. coli O157. (United States)

    Visvalingam, J; Ells, T C; Yang, X


    To examine the influence of meat plant Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. isolates on E. coli O157 biofilm formation. Biofilm formation was quantified by crystal violet staining (A 570 nm ) and viable cell numbers for up to 6 days at 15°C. All five persistent E. coli genotypes formed strong biofilms when cultured alone or co-cultured with E. coli O157, with A 570 nm values reaching ≥4·8 at day 4, while only two of five nonpersistent genotypes formed such biofilms. For E. coli O157:H7 co-culture biofilms with E. coli genotypes 136 and 533, its numbers were ≥1·5 and ≥1 log CFU per peg lower than those observed for its mono-culture biofilm at days 2 and 4, respectively. The number of E. coli O157:NM in similar co-culture biofilms was 1 log CFU per peg lower than in its mono-culture biofilm at day 4 and 6, respectively. Salmonella sp. lowered the number of E. coli O157:NM by 0·5 log unit, once, at day 6. Generic E. coli may outcompete E. coli O157 strains while establishing biofilms. Findings advance knowledge regarding inter-strain competition for a similar ecological niche and may aid development of biocontrol strategies for E. coli O157 in food processing environments. © 2017 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. Journal of Applied Microbiology © 2017 The Society for Applied Microbiology Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

  12. Protection against an infectious disease by enterohaemorrhagic E. coli 0-157. (United States)

    Ota, A


    Preventive measures against infection by enterohaemorrhagic E. coli 0-157 are described. Eating yoghurt and Kefir supposedly induces more bifid bacteria and lactic acid bacteria to colonize in the intestines, thereby protecting humans from infection by E. coli 0-157. Some foods, such as plum extract, act as a mild antibiotic and produce an acidic environment within the intestine, thus interfering with growth of the E. coli 0-157. The natural colonization of harmless E. coli or other bacteria that are more powerful than E. coli 0-157 can possibly protect against infection. A vaccination against E. coli 0-157 H7 may also be effective. In addition, it has been suggested that the correct levels of nitric oxide and calcium in the blood may activate immunity and protect against infection by E. coli 0-157.

  13. Antimicrobial resistance among commensal Escherichia coli from ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Commensal bacteria contribute to the distribution and persistence of antimicrobial resistance in the environment. This study monitored antimicrobial resistance in commensal Escherichia coli from the faeces of on-farm and slaughter cattle and beef. A total of 342 (89.5%) E. coli isolates were obtained from 382 samples.

  14. Antimicrobial resistance among commensal Escherichia coli from ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jul 19, 2012 ... Commensal bacteria contribute to the distribution and persistence of antimicrobial resistance in the environment. This study monitored antimicrobial resistance in commensal Escherichia coli from the faeces of on-farm and slaughter cattle and beef. A total of 342 (89.5%) E. coli isolates were obtained.

  15. Lesiones musculoesqueléticas catastróficas en miembros posteriores : Estudio de casos en caballos pura sangre de carreras en el hipódromo "La Rinconada", Caracas, Venezuela


    Morales Briceño, Abelardo; García, Francisco; Villoria, D.; Leal, L.; Gómez, M.


    El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la prevalencia de lesiones musculo esqueléticas catastróficas en miembros posteriores de caballos Pura Sangre de Carreras. Se estudiaron 17 casos de fracturas, con edades entre 2-3 años, de un total de 216 fracturas en equinos de raza Pura Sangre de Carrera del Hipódromo “La Rinconada”, durante los años 2000-2011. Todos los equinos presentaron historia de fracturas de miembros posteriores y fueron evaluados clínicamente. Se les práctico eutanasia, pos...

  16. Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli is the predominant diarrheagenic E. coli pathotype among irrigation water and food sources in South Africa. (United States)

    Aijuka, Matthew; Santiago, Araceli E; Girón, Jorge A; Nataro, James P; Buys, Elna M


    Diarrheagenic E. coli (DEC) has been implicated in foodborne outbreaks worldwide and have been associated with childhood stunting in the absence of diarrhoea. Infection is extraordinarily common, but the routes of transmission have not been determined. Therefore, determining the most prevalent pathotypes in food and environmental sources may help provide better guidance to various stakeholders in ensuring food safety and public health and advancing understanding of the epidemiology of enteric disease. We characterized 205 E. coli strains previously isolated from producer distributor bulk milk (PDBM)(118), irrigation water (48), irrigated lettuce (29) and street vendor coleslaw (10) in South Africa. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) and diffusely adherent E. coli (DAEC) were sought. We used PCR and partial gene sequencing for all 205 strains while 46 out of 205 that showed poor resolution were subsequently characterized using cell adherence (HeLa cells). PCR and partial gene sequencing of aatA and/or aaiC genes confirmed EAEC (2%, 5 out of 205) as the only pathotype. Phylogenetic analysis of sequenced EAEC strains with E. coli strains in GenBank showing ≥80% nucleotide sequence similarity based on possession of aaiC and aatA generated distinct clusters of strains separated predominantly based on their source of isolation (food source or human stool) suggesting a potential role of virulence genes in source tracking. EAEC 24%, 11 out of 46 strains (PDBM = 15%, irrigation water = 7%, irrigated lettuce = 2%) was similarly the predominant pathotype followed by strains showing invasiveness to HeLa cells, 4%, 2 out of 46 (PDBM = 2%, irrigated lettuce = 2%), among stains characterized using cell adherence. Therefore, EAEC may be the leading cause of DEC associated food and water-borne enteric infection in South Africa. Additionally, solely using molecular based methods targeting virulence

  17. Fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli carriage in long-term care facility. (United States)

    Maslow, Joel N; Lee, Betsy; Lautenbach, Ebbing


    We conducted a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of, and risk factors for, colonization with fluoroquinolone (FQ)-resistant Escherichia coli in residents in a long-term care facility. FQ-resistant E. coli were identified from rectal swabs for 25 (51%) of 49 participants at study entry. On multivariable analyses, prior FQ use was the only independent risk factor for FQ-resistant E. coli carriage and was consistent for FQ exposures in the previous 3, 6, 9, or 12 months. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of FQ-resistant E. coli identified clonal spread of 1 strain among 16 residents. Loss (6 residents) or acquisition (7 residents) of FQ-resistant E. coli was documented and was associated with de novo colonization with genetically distinct strains. Unlike the case in the hospital setting, FQ-resistant E. coli carriage in long-term care facilities is associated with clonal spread.

  18. Expression in E. coli systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogsdam, Anne-M; Kristiansen, Karsten; Nøhr, Jane


    intracellularly in soluble form. In E. coli, proteins containing disulfide bonds are best produced by secretion because the disulfide forming foldases reside in the periplasm. Likewise, a correct N-terminus is more likely to be obtained upon secretion. Moreover, potentially toxic proteins are more likely......Owing to cost advantage, speed of production, and often high product yield (up to 50% of total cell protein), expression in Escherichia coli is generally the first choice when attempting to express a recombinant protein. Expression systems exist to produce recombinant protein intracellularly...

  19. Strategies for Protein Overproduction in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Mott, John E.


    Examines heterologous expression in Escherichia coli and the role of regulatory sequences which control gene expression at transcription resulting in abundant production of messenger RNA and regulatory sequences in mRNA which promote efficient translation. Also examines the role of E. coli cells in stabilizing mRNA and protein that is…

  20. Triglyceride kinetics in fasted and fed E.coli septic rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lanza-Jacoby, S.; Tabares, A.


    The mechanism for the development of hypertriglyceridemia during gram-negative sepsis was studies by examining the liver production and clearance of very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) triglyceride (TG). To assess the liver output and peripheral clearance the kinetics of VLDL-TG were determined by a constant intravenous infusion of [2- 3 H] glycerol-labeled VLDL in fasted control, fasted E. coli-treated, fed control, and fed E.coli-treated rats. Lewis inbred rats, 275-300 g, were made septic with 8 x 10 7 live E.coli colonies per 100 g body weight. Twenty-four hours following E.coli injection serum TG of fasted E.coli-treated rats was elevated by 170% which was attributed to a 67% decrease in the clearance rate of VLDL-TG in fasted E.coli-treated rats compared with their fasted controls. The secretion of VLDL-TG declined by 31% in the livers of the fasted E.coli-treated rats which was accompanied by a 2-fold increase in the composition of liver TG. In a second series of experiments control and E.coli-treated rats were fed intragastrically (IG) a balanced solution containing glucose plus fat as the sources of nonprotein calories. Serum TG were 26% lower in the fed E.coli-treated rats because the clearance rate increased by 86%. The secretion of TG in the fed septic rats increased by 40% but this difference was not significant. In the septic rat the ability to clear triglycerides from the plasma depends upon the nutritional state

  1. ECMDB: The E. coli Metabolome Database


    Guo, An Chi; Jewison, Timothy; Wilson, Michael; Liu, Yifeng; Knox, Craig; Djoumbou, Yannick; Lo, Patrick; Mandal, Rupasri; Krishnamurthy, Ram; Wishart, David S.


    The Escherichia coli Metabolome Database (ECMDB, is a comprehensively annotated metabolomic database containing detailed information about the metabolome of E. coli (K-12). Modelled closely on the Human and Yeast Metabolome Databases, the ECMDB contains >2600 metabolites with links to ?1500 different genes and proteins, including enzymes and transporters. The information in the ECMDB has been collected from dozens of textbooks, journal articles and electronic databases. E...

  2. Metabolic Modeling of Common Escherichia coli Strains in Human Gut Microbiome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yue-Dong Gao


    Full Text Available The recent high-throughput sequencing has enabled the composition of Escherichia coli strains in the human microbial community to be profiled en masse. However, there are two challenges to address: (1 exploring the genetic differences between E. coli strains in human gut and (2 dynamic responses of E. coli to diverse stress conditions. As a result, we investigated the E. coli strains in human gut microbiome using deep sequencing data and reconstructed genome-wide metabolic networks for the three most common E. coli strains, including E. coli HS, UTI89, and CFT073. The metabolic models show obvious strain-specific characteristics, both in network contents and in behaviors. We predicted optimal biomass production for three models on four different carbon sources (acetate, ethanol, glucose, and succinate and found that these stress-associated genes were involved in host-microbial interactions and increased in human obesity. Besides, it shows that the growth rates are similar among the models, but the flux distributions are different, even in E. coli core reactions. The correlations between human diabetes-associated metabolic reactions in the E. coli models were also predicted. The study provides a systems perspective on E. coli strains in human gut microbiome and will be helpful in integrating diverse data sources in the following study.

  3. Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance Genes in Escherichia coli ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    PMQR) genes and the prevalence of extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) types in Escherichia coli clinical isolates. Methods: Sixty-one ESBL-producing urinary E. coli isolates were studied. An antibiotic susceptibility test was performed ...

  4. Photoinactivation of mcr-1 positive Escherichia coli (United States)

    Caires, C. S. A.; Leal, C. R. B.; Rodrigues, A. C. S.; Lima, A. R.; Silva, C. M.; Ramos, C. A. N.; Chang, M. R.; Arruda, E. J.; Oliveira, S. L.; Nascimento, V. A.; Caires, A. R. L.


    The emergence of plasmid-mediated colistin resistance in Enterobacteriaceae, mostly in Escherichia coli due to the mcr-1 gene, has revealed the need to develop alternative approaches in treating mcr-1 positive bacterial infections. This is because colistin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic and one of the ‘last-resort’ antibiotics for multidrug resistant bacteria. The present study evaluated for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the efficacy of photoinactivation processes to kill a known mcr-1 positive E. coli strain. Eosin methylene-blue (EMB) was investigated as a photoantimicrobial agent for inhibiting the growth of a mcr-1 positive E. coli strain obtained from a patient with a diabetic foot infection. The photoantimicrobial activity of EMB was also tested in a non-multidrug resistant E. coli strain. The photoinactivation process was tested using light doses in the 30-45 J cm-2 range provided by a LED device emitting at 625 nm. Our findings demonstrate that a mcr-1 positive E. coli strain is susceptible to photoinactivation. The results show that the EMB was successfully photoactivated, regardless of the bacterial multidrug resistance; inactivating the bacterial growth by oxidizing the cells in accordance with the generation of the oxygen reactive species. Our results suggest that bacterial photoinactivation is an alternative and effective approach to kill mcr-1 positive bacteria.

  5. Anti E. coli Activity of Herbal Medicines: a Review

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    Nahid Rezaei


    Full Text Available Escherichia coli is the gram negative bacilli of Entrobacteriaceae family that commonly found in intestinal infections and many infections outside the intestine, like urinary tract infections (UTI, cholecystitis, wound infections, meningitis, septicemia, pulmonary infections, and many more. Plants are rich sources of bioactive compounds, hence they can be effective in a wide variety of diseases. The pandemic spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR bacteria (i.e., extended-spectrum b-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBLPE, Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE threaten healthcare Worldwide. The present review is a report of the most effective medicinal plants against E. coli. In this research, the required online database searches were conducted using the key words such as bacteria, E. coli and medicinal plants. Databases of Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect were explored to find and explore related articles. Since the incidence of E. coli is high, the aim of this study is to identify and report anti E. coli medicinal plants in Iran. The obtained results showed that there were 51 medicinal herbs that could be considered as the main medicinal plants capable of affecting E. coli.

  6. Análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia


    Dowd Aguirre, Jessica Alexandra; Tirado Naranjo, Lina María


    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia dado el desarrollo del sector y la importancia de este hidrocarburo como fuente alternativa de generación eléctrica. 73 p. Contenido parcial: Situación actual del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Expectativas del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Mercados de derivados sobre gas natural en Europa y Estados Unidos -- Mercado de gas natural ...

  7. Biochemical and serological characterization of Escherichia coli ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study was designed to determine the isolation rate, serotypes and biochemical profiles of E. coli from colibacillosis and dead-in-shell embryos in Zaria, Northern-Nigeria. The isolation rate of E. coli from hatcheries studied were 4.67% and 7.50% from farms of Simtu Agricultural Company and National Animal Production ...

  8. Cytolysin a expressing E. coli a promising candidate for imageable therapeutic probe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen, Vu Hong; Phan, Thuy Xuan; Hong, Yeoung Jin; Min, Jung Joon


    Using bacteria for cancer treatment has a long history. Discovery of optical reporter genes consisting of fluorescent and luminescent protein facilitates the monitor of bacteria in vivo, non-invasively and repeatedly. E. coli, the natural enteric bacteria possessing capacity of tumor-targeting ability, seems to be suitable candidate for cancer treatment. In this study, we established the strain light-emitting E. coli for diagnostic purpose and Cytolysin A (Cly A) expressing E. coli for therapeutic purpose. E. coli (MG1655, wild type strain) was transformed plasmid pUC19 carrying lux gene to create the light expressing bacteria and test the tumor targeting-capacity by injecting the bacteria into CT26-tumor bearing mice via tail vein. On the other hand, for therapeutic purpose, plasmid containing Cly A gene, which is encoded for a pore-forming protein toxin, was introduced into E. coli. The toxicity of Cly A was evaluated in vitro by inoculating the bacteria with various cultured cancer cell lines. On the other hand, to test the therapeutic effect, the bacteria were injected intratumorally and intravenously into s.c.CT26-bearing as well as CT26-lung metastasized Balb/c mice. In vivo imaging data showed that the E. coli strains selectively located in the tumor. The in vitro result showed that the number of death cells were significantly higher in the samples containing E. coli expressing Cly A (E. coli Cly A) compared with the samples containing wild type strain. The growth of tumors was repressed in mice injected with either E. coli Cly A (significantly) or wild type E. coli (mildly), while tumors in no treatment group still grew fast. Furthermore, the tumors inoculated with E. coli cly A were necrotized but not with wild type E. coli. In the CT26-lung metastasized mouse model, the life span of mice was elongated when inject E. coli and longer in the group injected with E. coli cly A. Cly A expressing E. coli can become an effective candidate for imageable

  9. Transport proteins promoting Escherichia coli pathogenesis (United States)

    Tang, Fengyi; Saier, Milton H.


    Escherichia coli is a genetically diverse species infecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide annually. We examined seven well-characterized E. coli pathogens causing urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis, pyelonephritis and haemorrhagic colitis. Their transport proteins were identified and compared with each other and a non-pathogenic E. coli K12 strain to identify transport proteins related to pathogenesis. Each pathogen possesses a unique set of protein secretion systems for export to the cell surface or for injecting effector proteins into host cells. Pathogens have increased numbers of iron siderophore receptors and ABC iron uptake transporters, but the numbers and types of low-affinity secondary iron carriers were uniform in all strains. The presence of outer membrane iron complex receptors and high-affinity ABC iron uptake systems correlated, suggesting co-evolution. Each pathovar encodes a different set of pore-forming toxins and virulence-related outer membrane proteins lacking in K12. Intracellular pathogens proved to have a characteristically distinctive set of nutrient uptake porters, different from those of extracellular pathogens. The results presented in this report provide information about transport systems relevant to various types of E. coli pathogenesis that can be exploited in future basic and applied studies. PMID:24747185

  10. Transport proteins promoting Escherichia coli pathogenesis. (United States)

    Tang, Fengyi; Saier, Milton H


    Escherichia coli is a genetically diverse species infecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide annually. We examined seven well-characterized E. coli pathogens causing urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis, pyelonephritis and haemorrhagic colitis. Their transport proteins were identified and compared with each other and a non-pathogenic E. coli K12 strain to identify transport proteins related to pathogenesis. Each pathogen possesses a unique set of protein secretion systems for export to the cell surface or for injecting effector proteins into host cells. Pathogens have increased numbers of iron siderophore receptors and ABC iron uptake transporters, but the numbers and types of low-affinity secondary iron carriers were uniform in all strains. The presence of outer membrane iron complex receptors and high-affinity ABC iron uptake systems correlated, suggesting co-evolution. Each pathovar encodes a different set of pore-forming toxins and virulence-related outer membrane proteins lacking in K12. Intracellular pathogens proved to have a characteristically distinctive set of nutrient uptake porters, different from those of extracellular pathogens. The results presented in this report provide information about transport systems relevant to various types of E. coli pathogenesis that can be exploited in future basic and applied studies. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. E.coli O157:H7

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Treor Francis Fernandez


    Full Text Available The serious nature of the symptoms of haemorrhagic colitis and HUS and the apparent low infectious dose (<100 cells of E.coli O157:H7 places this food borne pathogen a most serious of known food borne pathogens. Persuasive evidence suggests that healthy cattle are a reservoir of O157 and they can enter the food chain to provide a source of exposure for humans. A possible route of transmission of O157 VTEC may involve infections initially in calves that shed their organism into faecal slurry that may be used on grazing grass. This provides potential for infection of other animals from which the organism may contaminate milk or carcasses at slaughter. Possible sources of VTEC in healthy animals other E.coli O157:H7 than cattle and a wider range of foodstuffs require further investigation. Many features of E.coli O157:H7 strains remain poorly understood. It includes: (i Role of virulent genes in the animal, (ii Mechanism of evolution of the organism, (iii The progress of individual cases of E.coli O157:H7 infection, and (iv The difference in incidence of infection in different geographical areas. [Veterinary World 2008; 1(3.000: 83-87

  12. Brote causado por Escherichia coli en Chalco, México Outbreak caused by Escherichia coli in Chalco, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iliana Alejandra Cortés-Ortiz


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar el agente causal del brote de diarrea asociado con el desbordamiento del canal de aguas negras en Chalco. Material y métodos. Estudio retrospectivo y transversal, efectuado en el Instituto de Diagnóstico y Referencia Epidemiológicos (InDRE, de la Secretaría de Salud, con 1 550 hisopos rectales para el aislamiento e identificación bioquímica de V. cholerae y enterobacterias, obtenidos de la población del Valle de Chalco, que presentó diarrea y vómito durante el desastre natural acontecido el 31 de mayo de 2000. El análisis de los resultados se efectuó por la diferencia entre las proporciones de dos poblaciones (prueba de Ji cuadrada. Las cepas de E. coli se hibridaron por "colony blot" para los grupos ETEC, EIEC, EPEC y EHEC. Resultados. El 0.45% correspondió a Salmonella: S. agona, S. infantis, S. enteritidis, S. muenchen, S. typhimurium; 0.06% a Shigella flexneri 3a, y 76.6% a E. coli: 62.2% a ETEC (44.6 % con LT, 11.2% con ST, y 44.1% con ambas sondas, 0.84% a EIEC (sonda ial, 0.84% a EPEC (sonda bundle-forming pilus BFP, 0.08% a E. coli enterohemorrágica no-O157:H7 (sonda pCVD419, y 36.02% no hibridó. No se encontró asociación entre E. coli patógena con la edad y género. Conclusiones. Escherichia coli podría ser responsable del brote de diarrea. Es importante conocer el agente etiológico del brote para encaminar las estrategias en el estudio y control sanitario del mismo.Objective. To identify the etiologic agent responsible for a disease outbreak following an overflow of sewage water in Valle de Chalco, Mexico. Material and Methods. A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out. Rectal samples were collected from the population of Chalco valley, who suffered from diarrhea and vomiting during a natural disaster that took place on May 31, 2000. The Instituto de Diagnóstico y Referencia Epidemiológicos (Epidemic Reference and Diagnosis Institute, InDRE, Ministry of Health, received 1521 rectal

  13. Esbozo sobre el origen, fundamentación y desarrollo de la arqueología del paisaje

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Alejandro Castillo Poveda


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo expone los inicios, fundamentación y desarrollo de la corriente teórica denominada arqueología del paisaje; dicho abordaje se realizará por medio de una revisión bibliografía atinente a su construcción histórica, además de las distintas influencias que impregnaron dicho movimiento teórico. Se abordarán temáticas referentes a cronología, figuras relevantes, posturas filosóficas, políticas, así como científicas, todo ello con el fin de comprender de mejor manera este movimiento teórico y sus implicaciones, la construcción de un discurso y la fractura del esquema normativo de la investigación arqueológica.

  14. Toxicity mechanism of carbon nanotubes on Escherichia coli

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Young, Yu-Fu [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan (China); Lee, Hui-Ju [Department of Life Science, National Tsing-Hua University, No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan (China); Shen, Yi-Shan; Tseng, Shih-Hao; Lee, Chi-Young [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan (China); Tai, Nyan-Hwa, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan (China); Chang, Hwan-You, E-mail: [Department of Life Science, National Tsing-Hua University, No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan (China)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer F-MWCNTs possess higher antibiotic performance than that of the F-SWCNTs. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer E. coli cells were pierced when incubated with F-MWCNTs and trapped when incubated with F-SWCNTs. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The rigidity and moment of CNTs play important role on the antibiotic effect. - Abstract: The influences of carbon nanomaterials on bacteria were investigated using three types of dispersed and functionalized carbon nanomaterials (F-CNMs), viz. functionalized carbon nanopowder (F-CNP), functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (F-SWCNTs), and functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (F-MWCNTs). F-CNMs with different aspect ratios were used to study the influence of material configuration on the viability of Escherichia coli (E. coli). Although these materials were functionalized to improve their dispersibility, the original morphologies and chemical properties of the materials were maintained. Traditional bacteria quantitative plating analysis was conducted, and the results of which revealed that the F-CNP and the F-SWCNTs showed a less significant effect on the viability of E. coli, while the F-MWCNTs obviously inhibited cell viability. A Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and a scanning electron microscopy were used to verify the functionalization of the F-CNMs and to examine the interaction of F-CNMs with E. coli, respectively; in addition, we adopted chemiluminescence assays to measure the concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) released from the damaged cells. The results showed that the ATP of the F-MWCNTs sample is two-fold higher than that of the control, indicating direct piercing of E. coli by F-MWCNTs leads to bacteria death. Furthermore, F-SWCNTs were concluded to have less influence on the viability of E. coli because ultra-long F-SWCNTs used in this study performed less rigidity to pierce the cells.

  15. Toxicity mechanism of carbon nanotubes on Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, Yu-Fu; Lee, Hui-Ju; Shen, Yi-Shan; Tseng, Shih-Hao; Lee, Chi-Young; Tai, Nyan-Hwa; Chang, Hwan-You


    Highlights: ► F-MWCNTs possess higher antibiotic performance than that of the F-SWCNTs. ► E. coli cells were pierced when incubated with F-MWCNTs and trapped when incubated with F-SWCNTs. ► The rigidity and moment of CNTs play important role on the antibiotic effect. - Abstract: The influences of carbon nanomaterials on bacteria were investigated using three types of dispersed and functionalized carbon nanomaterials (F-CNMs), viz. functionalized carbon nanopowder (F-CNP), functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (F-SWCNTs), and functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (F-MWCNTs). F-CNMs with different aspect ratios were used to study the influence of material configuration on the viability of Escherichia coli (E. coli). Although these materials were functionalized to improve their dispersibility, the original morphologies and chemical properties of the materials were maintained. Traditional bacteria quantitative plating analysis was conducted, and the results of which revealed that the F-CNP and the F-SWCNTs showed a less significant effect on the viability of E. coli, while the F-MWCNTs obviously inhibited cell viability. A Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and a scanning electron microscopy were used to verify the functionalization of the F-CNMs and to examine the interaction of F-CNMs with E. coli, respectively; in addition, we adopted chemiluminescence assays to measure the concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) released from the damaged cells. The results showed that the ATP of the F-MWCNTs sample is two-fold higher than that of the control, indicating direct piercing of E. coli by F-MWCNTs leads to bacteria death. Furthermore, F-SWCNTs were concluded to have less influence on the viability of E. coli because ultra-long F-SWCNTs used in this study performed less rigidity to pierce the cells.

  16. Recent Advances in Understanding Enteric Pathogenic Escherichia coli (United States)

    Croxen, Matthew A.; Law, Robyn J.; Scholz, Roland; Keeney, Kristie M.; Wlodarska, Marta


    SUMMARY Although Escherichia coli can be an innocuous resident of the gastrointestinal tract, it also has the pathogenic capacity to cause significant diarrheal and extraintestinal diseases. Pathogenic variants of E. coli (pathovars or pathotypes) cause much morbidity and mortality worldwide. Consequently, pathogenic E. coli is widely studied in humans, animals, food, and the environment. While there are many common features that these pathotypes employ to colonize the intestinal mucosa and cause disease, the course, onset, and complications vary significantly. Outbreaks are common in developed and developing countries, and they sometimes have fatal consequences. Many of these pathotypes are a major public health concern as they have low infectious doses and are transmitted through ubiquitous mediums, including food and water. The seriousness of pathogenic E. coli is exemplified by dedicated national and international surveillance programs that monitor and track outbreaks; unfortunately, this surveillance is often lacking in developing countries. While not all pathotypes carry the same public health profile, they all carry an enormous potential to cause disease and continue to present challenges to human health. This comprehensive review highlights recent advances in our understanding of the intestinal pathotypes of E. coli. PMID:24092857

  17. Assessment of the efficiency of ColiSure™ for coliforms Escherichia coli enumeration in pasteurizad milk / Avaliação do desempenho do ColiSure™ na enumeração de coliformes totais e Escherichia coli em leite pasteurizado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elsa Helena Walter de Santana


    Full Text Available In the dairy industry the coliforms detection can he used as indicative of hygiene production of the raw milk and the contamination after-pasteurization. The traditional methods for the enumeration of the total and faecal coliforms are laborious and needs an incubation time of 96 hours. Rapid methods for detection of these microorganisms have been developed and among them the ColsSuroit is a rapid method that gives results in 24 hours and involves defined substrates for simultaneous determination of total conforms and E. coli in water based in specific enzymatic reactions of these microorganisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate its utilization in milk. Ninety-five samples of pasteurized milk were collected from the markets in Londrina city, Parana and analyzed by the Most Probable Number (NMP enumeration using the Brilliant Green Bile Lactose Broth (BGBL and ColiSure™. There was a correlation of 0.80 betwee-n the mediums when the incubation time was 43 hours for total conforms. The low down occurrence of E. coffin the analyzed samples made impossible to comparate the performance of methods for this microorganism. Compfementary analysis showed a greater sensibility and especifity of the ColiSure™ in comparation with the BGBL. The CofiSure™ can be indicated as a substitute for the traditional method, with the advantage to be faster and easier.Na indústria láctea a detecção de microrganismos do grupo coliformes é utilizada como indicativo da higiene na produção do leite e de contaminação pós-pasteurizaçüo. Os métodos tradicionais para a enumeração de coliformes totais e fecais são trabalhosos, com tempo de incubação longo, de até 96 horas. Métodos rápidos para a detecção destes microrganismos têm sido desenvolvidos na área de microbiologia de alimentos. O ColiSure™ é um método rápido, que fornece resultados simultaneamente para a presença ou a ausência de coliformes totais e Escherichia coli em

  18. Escherichia Coli Removal from Water Using Electrophotocatalytic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Michael Horsfall

    inactivation of bacterial microorganisms in areas with low ... disinfection of water contaminated with fecal indicators such as E. coli ... media, brain heart infusion, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide ... furnace at temperature 105 and 320°C f0r 60 min. For 2- and .... charge of E. coli logarithmic growth phase might affect the ...

  19. The Escherichia coli transcriptome linked to growth fitness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bei-Wen Ying


    Full Text Available A series of Escherichia coli strains with varied genomic sequences were subjected to high-density microarray analyses to elucidate the fitness-correlated transcriptomes. Fitness, which is commonly evaluated by the growth rate during the exponential phase, is not only determined by the genome but is also linked to growth conditions, e.g., temperature. We previously reported genetic and environmental contributions to E. coli transcriptomes and evolutionary transcriptome changes in thermal adaptation. Here, we describe experimental details on how to prepare microarray samples that truly represent the growth fitness of the E. coli cells. A step-by-step record of sample preparation procedures that correspond to growing cells and transcriptome data sets that are deposited at the GEO database (GSE33212, GSE52770, GSE61739 are also provided for reference. Keywords: Transcriptome, Growth fitness, Escherichia coli, Microarray

  20. E. coli Surface Properties Differ between Stream Water and Sediment Environments

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    Xiao Liang


    Full Text Available The importance of E. coli as an indicator organism in fresh water has led to numerous studies focusing on cell properties and transport behavior. However, previous studies have been unable to assess if differences in E. coli cell surface properties and genomic variation are associated with different environmental habitats. In this study, we investigated the variation in characteristics of E. coli obtained from stream water and stream bottom sediments. Cell properties were measured for 77 genomically different E. coli strains (44 strains isolated from sediments and 33 strains isolated from water under common stream conditions in the Upper Midwestern United States: pH 8.0, ionic strength 10mM and 22˚C. Measured cell properties include hydrophobicity, zeta potential, net charge, total acidity and extracellular polymeric substance (EPS composition. Our results indicate that stream sediment E. coli had significantly greater hydrophobicity, greater EPS protein content and EPS sugar content, less negative net charge, and higher point of zero charge than stream water E. coli. A significant positive correlation was observed between hydrophobicity and EPS protein for stream sediment E. coli but not for stream water E. coli. Additionally, E. coli surviving in the same habitat tended to have significantly larger (GTG5 genome similarity. After accounting for the intrinsic impact from the genome, environmental habitat was determined to be a factor influencing some cell surface properties, such as hydrophobicity. The diversity of cell properties and its resulting impact on particle interactions should be considered for environmental fate and transport modeling of aquatic indicator organisms such as E. coli.

  1. E. coli Surface Properties Differ between Stream Water and Sediment Environments. (United States)

    Liang, Xiao; Liao, Chunyu; Thompson, Michael L; Soupir, Michelle L; Jarboe, Laura R; Dixon, Philip M


    The importance of E. coli as an indicator organism in fresh water has led to numerous studies focusing on cell properties and transport behavior. However, previous studies have been unable to assess if differences in E. coli cell surface properties and genomic variation are associated with different environmental habitats. In this study, we investigated the variation in characteristics of E. coli obtained from stream water and stream bottom sediments. Cell properties were measured for 77 genomically different E. coli strains (44 strains isolated from sediments and 33 strains isolated from water) under common stream conditions in the Upper Midwestern United States: pH 8.0, ionic strength 10 mM and 22°C. Measured cell properties include hydrophobicity, zeta potential, net charge, total acidity, and extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) composition. Our results indicate that stream sediment E. coli had significantly greater hydrophobicity, greater EPS protein content and EPS sugar content, less negative net charge, and higher point of zero charge than stream water E. coli . A significant positive correlation was observed between hydrophobicity and EPS protein for stream sediment E. coli but not for stream water E. coli . Additionally, E. coli surviving in the same habitat tended to have significantly larger (GTG) 5 genome similarity. After accounting for the intrinsic impact from the genome, environmental habitat was determined to be a factor influencing some cell surface properties, such as hydrophobicity. The diversity of cell properties and its resulting impact on particle interactions should be considered for environmental fate and transport modeling of aquatic indicator organisms such as E. coli .

  2. Pathogenic Escherichia coli and food handlers in luxury hotels in Nairobi, Kenya. (United States)

    Onyango, Abel O; Kenya, Eucharia U; Mbithi, John J N; Ng'ayo, Musa O


    The epidemiology and virulence properties of pathogenic Escherichia coli among food handlers in tourist destination hotels in Kenya are largely uncharacterized. This cross-sectional study among consenting 885 food handlers working in nine luxurious tourist hotels in Nairobi, Kenya determined the epidemiology, virulence properties, antibiotics susceptibility profiles and conjugation abilities of pathogenic Escherichia coli. Pathogenic Escherichia coli was detected among 39 (4.4%) subjects, including 1.8% enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) harboring aggR genes, 1.2% enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) expressing both LT and STp toxins, 1.1% enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and 0.2% Shiga-like Escherichia coli (EHEC) both harboring eaeA and stx2 genes respectively. All the pathotypes had increased surface hydrophobicity. Using multivariate analyses, food handlers with loose stools were more likely to be infected with pathogenic Escherichia coli. Majority 53.8% of the pathotypes were resistant to tetracycline with 40.2% being multi-drug resistant. About 85.7% pathotypes trans-conjugated with Escherichia coli K12 F(-) NA(r) LA. The carriage of multi-drug resistant, toxin expressing pathogenic Escherichia coli by this population is of public health concern because exposure to low doses can result in infection. Screening food handlers and implementing public awareness programs is recommended as an intervention to control transmission of enteric pathogens.

  3. Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of E. coli from clinical sources in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Escherichia coli is the leading cause of urinary tract, ear, wound and other infections in humans. Increasing rates of antimicrobial resistance among E. coli is a growing concern worldwide. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of E. coli from clinical ...

  4. Meta-Analysis of Transcriptional Responses to Mastitis-Causing Escherichia coli.

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    Sidra Younis

    Full Text Available Bovine mastitis is a widespread disease in dairy cows, and is often caused by bacterial mammary gland infection. Mastitis causes reduced milk production and leads to excessive use of antibiotics. We present meta-analysis of transcriptional profiles of bovine mastitis from 10 studies and 307 microarrays, allowing identification of much larger sets of affected genes than any individual study. Combining multiple studies provides insight into the molecular effects of Escherichia coli infection in vivo and uncovers differences between the consequences of E. coli vs. Staphylococcus aureus infection of primary mammary epithelial cells (PMECs. In udders, live E. coli elicits inflammatory and immune defenses through numerous cytokines and chemokines. Importantly, E. coli infection causes downregulation of genes encoding lipid biosynthesis enzymes that are involved in milk production. Additionally, host metabolism is generally suppressed. Finally, defensins and bacteria-recognition genes are upregulated, while the expression of the extracellular matrix protein transcripts is silenced. In PMECs, heat-inactivated E. coli elicits expression of ribosomal, cytoskeletal and angiogenic signaling genes, and causes suppression of the cell cycle and energy production genes. We hypothesize that heat-inactivated E. coli may have prophylactic effects against mastitis. Heat-inactivated S. aureus promotes stronger inflammatory and immune defenses than E. coli. Lipopolysaccharide by itself induces MHC antigen presentation components, an effect not seen in response to E. coli bacteria. These results provide the basis for strategies to prevent and treat mastitis and may lead to the reduction in the use of antibiotics.

  5. Incidence of Escherichia coli  - Glucuronidase Positive on Goat Milk

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    Zorica Voşgan


    Full Text Available Papers on beta- glucuronidase sensitivity and specificity for identifying Escherichia coli in sources of environment, food, water, etc. have been published since 1976. In this study we conducted a review of the incidence of E. coli β- glucuronidase -positive in goat milk, obtained by hand milking throughout the lactation: spring, summer, autumn. The presence of E. coli in milk is considered both as a health indicator and a pathogenic factor capable of causing food poisoning. The determination of the E. coli β-glucuronidase-positive was carried using TBX medium by cultivating colonies typical blue at 440C. The absence of E. coli in milk yielded during the spring, when the animal milking is done three times a day, was found in the performed analyses; the same was observed during fall, when the milk production is lower and the milking is done once a day. The load of E. coli β-glucuronidase-positive was averaging 66.67 CFU/ml of goat milk, during the middle lactation period (July-August, in conditions of higher temperature. During this period, milking is done in the mountain zone, where the transhumance of animals takes place in summer. The presence of the species E. coli was also confirmed by microscopic examination. Attention should be paid to hygiene and milk should be immediately cooled, during hot weather, as E. coli can be a source of food poisoning.

  6. Adsorption, sedimentation, and inactivation of E. coli within wastewater treatment wetlands. (United States)

    Boutilier, L; Jamieson, R; Gordon, R; Lake, C; Hart, W


    Bacteria fate and transport within constructed wetlands must be understood if engineered wetlands are to become a reliable form of wastewater treatment. This study investigated the relative importance of microbial treatment mechanisms in constructed wetlands treating both domestic and agricultural wastewater. Escherichia coli (E. coli) inactivation, adsorption, and settling rates were measured in the lab within two types of wastewater (dairy wastewater lagoon effluent and domestic septic tank effluent). In situ E. coli inactivation was also measured within a domestic wastewater treatment wetland and the adsorption of E. coli was also measured within the wetland effluent. Inactivation of E. coli appears to be the most significant contributor to E. coli removal within the wastewaters and wetland environments examined in this study. E. coli survived longer within the dairy wastewater (DW) compared to the domestic wastewater treatment wetland water (WW). First order rate constants for E. coli inactivation within the WW in the lab ranged from 0.09 day(-1) (d(-1)) at 7.6 degrees C to 0.18d(-1) at 22.8 degrees C. The average in situ rate constant observed within the domestic wetland ranged from 0.02 d(-1) to 0.03 d(-1) at an average water temperature of 17 degrees C. First order rate constants for E. coli inactivation within the DW ranged from 0.01 d(-1) at 7.7 degrees C to 0.04 d(-1) at 24.6 degrees C. Calculated distribution coefficients (K(d)) were 19,000 mL g(-1), 324,000 mL g(-1), and 293 mL g(-1) for E. coli with domestic septic tank effluent (STE), treated wetland effluent (WLE), and DW, respectively. Approximately 50%, 20%, and 90% of E. coli were "free floating" or associated with particles 5 microm within both the STE and DW, settling did not appear to contribute to E. coli removal within sedimentation experiments, indicating that the particles the bacteria were associated with had very small settling velocities. The results of this study highlight the

  7. Chromatin architecture and gene expression in Escherichia coli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Willenbrock, Hanni; Ussery, David


    Two recent genome-scale analyses underscore the importance of DNA topology and chromatin structure in regulating transcription in Escherichia coli.......Two recent genome-scale analyses underscore the importance of DNA topology and chromatin structure in regulating transcription in Escherichia coli....

  8. Epidemiology and clinical manifestations of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hebbelstrup Jensen, Betina; Olsen, Katharina E P; Struve, Carsten


    Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) represents a heterogeneous group of E. coli strains. The pathogenicity and clinical relevance of these bacteria are still controversial. In this review, we describe the clinical significance of EAEC regarding patterns of infection in humans, transmission...

  9. Fosfomycin Resistance in Escherichia coli, Pennsylvania, USA. (United States)

    Alrowais, Hind; McElheny, Christi L; Spychala, Caressa N; Sastry, Sangeeta; Guo, Qinglan; Butt, Adeel A; Doi, Yohei


    Fosfomycin resistance in Escherichia coli is rare in the United States. An extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing E. coli clinical strain identified in Pennsylvania, USA, showed high-level fosfomycin resistance caused by the fosA3 gene. The IncFII plasmid carrying this gene had a structure similar to those found in China, where fosfomycin resistance is commonly described.

  10. Escherichia coli in broiler chickens with airsacculitis

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    Leandro S. Machado


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Machado L.S., do Nascimento E.R., Pereira V.L.A., Abreu D.L.C., Gouvea R. & Santos L.M.M. 2014. [Escherichia coli in broiler chickens with airsacculitis.] Escherichia coli em frangos de corte com aerossaculite. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 36(3:261-265, 2014. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Saúde Pública, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Dr. Vital Brazil Filho 64, Vital Brazil, Niterói, RJ 24230-340, Brazil. E-mail: The Brazilian poultry industry grows each year and becomes increasingly representative in the production and export of products. The health care with poultry have accompanied and favored this evolution, however, respiratory agents that affect the weight and carcass quality, continue to cause great damage to the poultry industry. Airsacculitis is considered the main cause of total and partial condemnation of carcasses of broilers, and has been attributed to Mycoplasmosis mostly caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS and Escherichia coli. The aim of this study was to relate the positivity of MG / MS and E. coli detected by PCR as a risk factor for airsacculitis in condemnation of broilers in Health Inspection Service. We studied 30 broiler poultry slaughtered in a slaughterhouse under Federal Sanitary Inspection, located in the State of Rio de Janeiro. 30 chickens were randomly collected from different lots and tracheas obtained in each PCR. DNA was extracted by phenol-chloroform method and amplified using pairs of “primer”specific for MG, MS and E. coli. Of the 30 chickens analyzed by PCR, 30% (9/30 had lesions in air sacs. None of the birds showed infection with MG and/or MS PCR, however 33.3% (3/9 birds were positive for airsacculitis iss gene from E.coli. E.coli found in broiler chickens that were negative for mycoplasma airsacculitis, implying the presence of such bacteria may be sufficient

  11. Escherichia coli pathotypes in Pakistan from consecutive floods in 2010 and 2011. (United States)

    Bokhari, Habib; Shah, Muhammad Ali; Asad, Saba; Akhtar, Sania; Akram, Muhammad; Wren, Brendan W


    This study compares Escherichia coli pathotypes circulating among children in Pakistan during the floods of 2010 and 2011 and from sporadic cases outside flood affected areas. Using multiplex polymerase chain reaction 115 of 205 stool samples (56.29%) were positive for diarrheagenic E. coli from specimens taken during the floods compared with 50 of 400 (12.5%) stool samples being positive for sporadic cases. The E. coli pathotypes were categorized as Enteropathogenic E. coli 33 (28.69%) and 13 (26%), Enterotoxigenic E. coli 29 (25.21%) and 15 (30%), Enteroaggregative E. coli 21 (18.2%) and 18 (36%), Enterohemorrhagic E. coli 5 (4.34%) and 1 (2%) from flood and sporadic cases, respectively. Furthermore, patients co-infected with more than one pathotype were 26 (22.60%) and 3 (6%) from flood and sporadic cases, respectively. The study shows an unexpectedly high rate of isolation of E. coli pathotypes suggesting Pakistan as an endemic region that requires active surveillance particularly during flood periods.

  12. Experimental evolution of E. coli (United States)

    Zhang, Mengshi

    The evolution from unicellular to multicellular behavior is an essential step in the history of life. Our aim is to investigate the emergence of collective behavior in the model organism Escherichia coli (E. coli) and its selection advantages, such as better utilization of public goods. Our preliminary results suggest that the evolution of collective behavior may be a natural response to stressed conditions. Mailing address: Room 306 Science Centre North Block, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong SAR. Phone: +852-3943-6354. Fax: +852-2603-5204. E-mail:

  13. Production and Purification Immunoglobulin against E. coli in Egg Yolk

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    Mohammadreza Nassiri


    Full Text Available Introduction Chicken is the only avian species in which polyclonal antibodies, like IgG is transported from the hen to the egg yolk in a similar manner as the transport of mammalian IgG from the mother to the fetus. Immunoglobulin Y in the chicken is transported to the egg and accumulates in the egg yolk in large quantities. IgY is an egg yolk antibody that has been used widely for treatment and prevention of infections in humans and animal. IgY is used for passive protection of the pathogen infections such as Escherichia coli, bovine and human rotavirus, bovine coronavirus, salmonella, staphylococcus and Pseudomonas. IgY is a promising candidate as an alternative to antibiotics. Eschericha coli strains of serotype O157: H7 belongs to a family of pathogenic E. coli called enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC strains responsible for hemorrhagic colitis, bloody or non-bloody diarrhea, and hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans. This strain of E. coli pathogenises by adhering to host intestinal epithelium and forming bacterial colonies. The purpose of this study was to produce and purify immunoglobulin Y against E. coli O157:H7 and develop specific polyclonal anti E. coli antibody in the egg yolk. Materials and Methods Sixteen-week-old laying hens (Mashhad, Iran were kept in individual cages with food and water ad libitum. Immunization of hens was performed by intramuscularly injecting killed E. coli O157: H7 with an equal volume of Freund’s complete adjuvant into two sides of chest area (Sigma, USA for the first immunization. Two booster immunizations followed up using complete and incomplete Freund’s adjuvants in two weeks interval. Freund’s adjuvant without antigen was injected to the control group. Two weeks after the last injection, the eggs were collected daily for eight weeks, marked and stored at 4 ºC. In order to IgY purification, eggs were collected. Purification of IgY from egg yolk was based on Polson and using PEG6000. Finally, the

  14. Physicochemical Factors: Impact on Spermagglutination Induced by Escherichia coli

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    Kiranjeet Kaur


    Full Text Available Motility is a sensitive parameter of sperm function which is predictive of its fertilization potential in vitro. The decrease in sperm motility may be associated with sperm agglutination and immobilization due to mere presence of bacteria or excretion of bacterial toxic products. Supplementation with various agents like sucrose, mannitol, calcium, and EDTA is well known to improve the sperm motility in vitro. The present study was designed to check any protective role exerted by the addition of different agents on spermatozoal motility against E. coli induced sperm agglutination. 52 semen specimens were screened for the presence of sperm-agglutinating strain of E. coli. Further, influence of various factors, namely, sugars, salts, and chelating agents was studied. Also, the impact of exposure to high temperature and alcohol on sperm-agglutinating efficiency of E. coli was observed. None of the factors could inhibit the sperm agglutination induced by E. coli, except high temperature suggesting the involvement of protein moiety. In addition, it was observed that agglutinating efficiency of E. coli was limited to spermatozoa and RBCs. It may be concluded that sperm-agglutinating property of E. coli is quite stable as various physicochemical factors tested did not show any negative effect on the same except high temperature.

  15. Antibiotic resistance of Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from vegetables

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    mojtaba boniadian


    Full Text Available Introduction: Human gastrointestinal disease caused by verotoxigenic Escherichia coli has been diagnosed for recent decades. Escherichia coli O157:H7 is the most important serotype of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli that cause hemolytic uremic syndrome and hemorrhagic colitis in humans. This study was conducted to determine the occurrence of verotoxigenic E. coli and antibiotic resistance of the isolates from vegetables. Materials and methods: A total of 500 fresh vegetable samples were collected randomly from retail shops in Shahrekord, Iran. E. coli was isolated and identified using bacteriological and biochemical tests. PCR method was used to identify the rbfE, stx1, stx2 and eae genes. Also, antibiotic resistance of the isolates was determined by disk diffusion method. Results: The results represented that among 25 isolates possess virulence genes, 40, 12 and 4% of the isolates contained eaeA, STx2, and both genes, respectively. But none of them contained H7, STx1, and rfbE genes. The antibiotic resistance pattern demonstrated that the isolates were highly resistant to Gentamycin and cefotoxime. Discussion and conclusion: The results of this study showed that the presence of verotoxigenic E.coli in vegetables; and high resistance of the isolates to antibiotics could be hazardous for public health.

  16. Quantitative Brightness Analysis of Fluorescence Intensity Fluctuations in E. Coli.

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    Kwang-Ho Hur

    Full Text Available The brightness measured by fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy specifies the average stoichiometry of a labeled protein in a sample. Here we extended brightness analysis, which has been mainly applied in eukaryotic cells, to prokaryotic cells with E. coli serving as a model system. The small size of the E. coli cell introduces unique challenges for applying brightness analysis that are addressed in this work. Photobleaching leads to a depletion of fluorophores and a reduction of the brightness of protein complexes. In addition, the E. coli cell and the point spread function of the instrument only partially overlap, which influences intensity fluctuations. To address these challenges we developed MSQ analysis, which is based on the mean Q-value of segmented photon count data, and combined it with the analysis of axial scans through the E. coli cell. The MSQ method recovers brightness, concentration, and diffusion time of soluble proteins in E. coli. We applied MSQ to measure the brightness of EGFP in E. coli and compared it to solution measurements. We further used MSQ analysis to determine the oligomeric state of nuclear transport factor 2 labeled with EGFP expressed in E. coli cells. The results obtained demonstrate the feasibility of quantifying the stoichiometry of proteins by brightness analysis in a prokaryotic cell.

  17. Perfil Sazonal dos Enterococcus e E. coli nos mananciais do Distrito Federal - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v5i1.417

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    Ana Flavia Correia Heringer


    Full Text Available Para avaliar a eficácia de um indicador microbiológico não basta verificar sua ação como fato isolado. O ambiente externo tem seu papel designado de acordo com as variações climáticas. No Distrito Federal duas estações são aparentes: o período da seca e da chuva. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os valores obtidos aplicando-se as técnicas do substrato enzimático para E. coli e dos tubos múltiplos para Enterococcus, comparando-os para se obter aquele que apresenta-se como melhor indicador de contaminação e determinar a influência do clima sobre a população de bactérias presentes nos mananciais. Valores demonstraram que os Enterococcus foram tão ou mais resistentes à ação do meio externo que a E. coli, embora não se possa concluir que exista um indicador mais eficaz. A avaliação sazonal determina quando podemos utilizar os indicadores devido às adversidades do meio conferindo mais segurança para a qualidade da água e, conseqüentemente, a saúde humana.

  18. Molecular photonic imaging of cancer using light-emitting e. coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jae Hyo; Min, Jung Joon; Moon, Sung Min; Kim, Hyun Ju; Hong, Yeong Jin; Choy, Hyon E.; Bom, Hee Seung; Jeong, Jae Ho; Cho, Kyoung Oh


    Cancer research has long sought a magic bullet that would selectively target and destroy malignant cells. In this study, we exploited that E. coli injected into tumor-bearing mice selectively target and proliferate in solid tumors by employing optical imaging technique. Lux operon or GFP has been cloned into pUC19 plasmid to engineer pUC19Lux or pUC19gfp which was transformed into varying kinds of wild type (MG1655) or mutant E.coli strains. For stable expression, lux operon was cloned with asd (aspartate β-semialdehyde dehydrogenase) gene and transformed into asd defective E. coli (MG1655asd-/asd+lux). These bacteria were i.v. injected into tumor mice or directly into central necrosis of tumor. The imaging signal from wild type E.coli was detected initially at liver (20min), then migrated to and shine in the tumor mass until 2 weeks of injection which was consistently observed in immuno-defective (nude) and -competent (Balb/c) mice. Imaging signal of stbaly transformed strain (MG1655asd-/asd+lux) was stronger and longer-lasting than that of transiently transformed strain (MG1655lux). Flagella defective E. coli strain failed to reach tumor loci. Only a few amounts of stress regulatory defective E. coli strain arrived at but couldn't survive at the tumor loci. E. coli colonies expressing GFP was mostly observed at the border of central necrosis and peripheral proliferative areas in immunofluorescence studies. Directly injected MG1655ad-/asd+lux was transiently observed at central necrosis followed by spreading to the peripheral tumor mass which was consistent with the finding by tail vein injection. We successfully engineered E. coli strain stably expressing lux reporter gene. E. coli strongly targeted solid tumor regardless of host immune status. Our results support that the targeting of tumor by E.coli is an active process and would be applied as a delivery vehicle of varying imaging markers or therapeutic molecules

  19. Inferencias sobre Grafos

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    Sira M. Allende


    Full Text Available El estudio de un juego puede ser modelado asumiendo que solo algunas partidas son observadas. Entonces el árbol del juego debe ser estimado utilizando información muestral. Similarmente ocurre al obtener información sobre el comportamiento de las decisiones tomadas por individuos muestreados sobre un árbol de decisión teórico. Al considerar una medida de probabilidad que caracterice el comportamiento de redes aleatorias se puede obtener un estimado del árbol asociado. Este problema es el analizado en este trabajo. Algunos resultados experimentales obtenidos usando Recocido Simulado ilustran el procedimiento. Su papel en el estudio de modelos económicos y de mercadeo es discutido.

  20. Deuterium incorporation into Escherichia-coli proteins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lederer, H.; May, R. P.; Kjems, Jørgen


    Neutron small-angle scattering studies of single protein subunits in a protein-DNA complex require the adjustment of the neutron scattering-length densities of protein and DNA, which is attainable by specific deuteration of the protein. The neutron scattering densities of unlabelled DNA and DNA......-dependent RNA polymerase of Escherichia coli match when RNA polymerase is isolated from cells grown in a medium containing 46% D2O and unlabelled glucose as carbon source. Their contrasts vanish simultaneously in a dialysis buffer containing 65% D2O. An expression was evaluated which allows the calculation...... of the degree of deuteration and match point of any E. coli protein from the D2O content of the growth medium, taking the 2H incorporation into RNA polymerase amino acids to be representative for all amino acids in E. coli proteins. The small-angle scattering results, on which the calculation of the degree...

  1. Rare Case of Polymicrobial Keratitis With Balantidium coli. (United States)

    Hazarika, Manali; Pai H, Vijaya; Khanna, Vinay; Reddy, Harish; Tilak, Kriti; Chawla, Kiran


    To report a rare case of polymicrobial keratitis due to Balantidium coli and gram-negative bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae, in a soft contact lens (CL) wearer. We report a case of CL-related keratitis due to B. coli, P. aeruginosa, and K. pneumoniae. The culture of the corneal scrapings, the CL cleaning solution, and the CL revealed the growth of a rare ciliated parasite, B. coli, along with gram-negative bacteria, namely, P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae. The patient was successfully treated with topical broad-spectrum antibiotics and intravenous metronidazole. Polymicrobial keratitis has seldom been reported with B. coli as the causative agent. CL wear can be a risk factor for this infection. Treatment with topical antibiotics may not suffice, and the intravenous route of antiprotozoal drugs may be a useful adjunct. Increasing awareness, early diagnosis, and treatment may improve the final visual outcome.

  2. Importancia de preparación preclínica previo al uso de sistemas mecanizados por alumnos de pregrado para evitar fracturas

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    Dra. María Leonor Montesdeoca Breilh


    Full Text Available Durante el aprendizaje de la Carrera de Odontología los alumnos deben aprobar la materia de Endodoncia, materia de mucha importancia para mantener las piezas dentales en boca y no llegar a una extracción. Lamentablemente, la enseñanza de esta área resulta un poco compleja para el alumno de pregrado ya que se trabaja en un campo muy reducido y relativamente oscuro, lo que dificultad la visualización de los conductos, sumado a la cantidad de pasos que debe realizar para llegar a su objetivo. Dentro de esta enseñanza está la necesidad de impartir conceptos actuales, al igual que técnicas tradicionales vigentes. En la Endodoncia actual se usan tecnologías de tipo mecanizadas que han hecho que el operador pueda realizar procedimientos más rápidos y de manera correcta, pero lastimosamente son sistemas muy costosos que se pueden llegar a fracturar si no se tiene un entrenamiento preclínico previo, el cual logrará una curva de aprendizaje en el uso correcto de los mismos para evitar este desagradable problema. Esta preparación preclínica de acuerdo a la experiencia de las autoras debe tener algunas etapas antes de la realización del procedimiento en el paciente, para disminuir el número de errores durante el proceso clínico, principalmente la indeseable fractura del instrumento de Níquel-Titanio, los cuales son usados actualmente para la conformación del conducto radicular. Por tal motivo se describe en el presente artículo una dinámica de trabajo preclínico por etapas utilizados en la materia de Endodoncia de la Carrera de Odontología de la UCSG para logar este objetivo.

  3. Pelvic insufficiency fractures in the elderly: a challenging diagnosis

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    Carolina Furtado


    Full Text Available A fractura por insuficiência óssea, resulta de uma carga normal ou repetitiva, aplicada a um osso desmineralizado ou osteoporótico1. As fracturas pélvicas por insuficiência, nomeadamente do sacro e do púbis, são relativamente frequentes nos idosos2. Contudo, as fracturas da asa do ilíaco são raras, e quando documentadas estão frequentemente associadas a outras fracturas pélvicas3. A osteoporose pós-menopausa constitui o factor predisponente mais comum. Outros factores de risco incluem: artrite reumatóide, corticoterapia prolongada, insuficiência renal crónica, radioterapia e as alterações mecânicas após artroplastia da anca1. As fracturas podem ser espontâneas, sem história de trauma2. Clinica e radiologicamente devem ser distinguidas de metástases ou infecções ósseas4. Os autores descrevem um caso clinico que reflecte o desafio diagnóstico na detecção dessas fracturas. Mulher, caucasiana, 70 anos de idade, com antecedentes de doença de Parkinson, artrite reumatóide seronegativa (sem história de corticoterapia e osteoporose grave (medicada com bifosfonatos orais com cumprimento irregular com fracturas do rádio distal bilateral em Abril de 2011 e de fractura-avulsão parasinfiseal púbica esquerda em Março de 2014 (figura 1, ambas de baixo impacto. Seis meses depois, refere inicio insidioso de dor lombar e glútea direita, 8 em 10 em intensidade, com cerca de duas semanas de duração, de agravamento progressivo (tornando-se na última semana incapacitante para a marcha autónoma, com irradiação até ao joelho homolateral, sem parestesias, não se exacerbando com as manobras de valsalva e diminuindo com o repouso. Negava história recente de trauma ou antecedentes pessoais ou familiares neoplásicos. Ao exame objectivo, apirética, com palpação dolorosa ao nível da crista ilíaca direita. Sem défices neurológicos. A avaliação analítica (hemograma, bioquimica, reagentes de fase aguda, balanço fosfoc

  4. Evaluación del potencial biomédico de nuevos biomateriales para aplicación en cirugía ortopédica y traumatología


    Amat Trujillo, Daniel


    Las situaciones clínicas relacionadas con fracturas de hueso complejas, tales como fracturas no consolidadas o fracturas patológicas, demandan cada vez más el desarrollo de materiales terapéuticos con la capacidad para inducir la regeneración del tejido óseo, o para reemplazar la pérdida del hueso dañado y restaurar su función. La Ingeniería de Tejidos ha surgido como una alternativa prometedora para reemplazar a las actuales prótesis y sustitutos de hueso. El objetivo de la Ingeniería Tisula...

  5. Incidence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Thailand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sukhumungoon, P.


    Entero hemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) especially serotype O157:H7 is one of the important food-borne pathogens because it is able to produce crucial toxins Shiga. However, the outbreak of this organism in Thailand has not been reported. Antibody to O157 antigen was detected in some Thai populations and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli were detected in low numbers of clinical specimens. Interestingly, some E. coli that showed positive to O157 fimbriae probe and lack of virulence gene were isolated from certain patients and one isolate of E. coli O157:H7 which possessed stx1, stx2v was detected in a normal child. In addition, the incidence of E. coli O157:H7 strains were monitored by the samples from cattle and retail beef in Thailand although their inability to produce toxins or produce in a low concentration was demonstrated. This review discusses the incidences of E. coli O157 in clinical and environmental samples of Thailand including the transmission possibility of this bacterium across the Thai border through food trade. (author)

  6. Reconstitution of active mycobacterial binuclear iron monooxygenase complex in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Furuya, Toshiki; Hayashi, Mika; Kino, Kuniki


    Bacterial binuclear iron monooxygenases play numerous physiological roles in oxidative metabolism. Monooxygenases of this type found in actinomycetes also catalyze various useful reactions and have attracted much attention as oxidation biocatalysts. However, difficulties in expressing these multicomponent monooxygenases in heterologous hosts, particularly in Escherichia coli, have hampered the development of engineered oxidation biocatalysts. Here, we describe a strategy to functionally express the mycobacterial binuclear iron monooxygenase MimABCD in Escherichia coli. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of the mimABCD gene expression in E. coli revealed that the oxygenase components MimA and MimC were insoluble. Furthermore, although the reductase MimB was expressed at a low level in the soluble fraction of E. coli cells, a band corresponding to the coupling protein MimD was not evident. This situation rendered the transformed E. coli cells inactive. We found that the following factors are important for functional expression of MimABCD in E. coli: coexpression of the specific chaperonin MimG, which caused MimA and MimC to be soluble in E. coli cells, and the optimization of the mimD nucleotide sequence, which led to efficient expression of this gene product. These two remedies enabled this multicomponent monooxygenase to be actively expressed in E. coli. The strategy described here should be generally applicable to the E. coli expression of other actinomycetous binuclear iron monooxygenases and related enzymes and will accelerate the development of engineered oxidation biocatalysts for industrial processes.

  7. [Virulence markers of Escherichia coli O1 strains]. (United States)

    Makarova, M A; Kaftyreva, L A; Grigor'eva, N S; Kicha, E V; Lipatova, L A


    To detect virulence genes in clinical isolates of Escherichia coli O1 using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). One hundred and twenty strains of E.coli O1 strains isolated from faeces of patients with acute diarrhea (n = 45) and healthy persons (n = 75) were studied. PCR with primers for rfb and fliC genes, which control synthesis of O- and H- antigens respectively, was used. Fourteen virulence genes (pap, aaf, sfa, afa, eaeA, bfpA, ial, hly, cnf, stx1, stx2, lt, st, and aer) were detected by PCR primers. K1-antigen was determined by Pastorex Meningo B/E. coli O1 kit (Bio-Rad). rfb gene controlling O-antigen synthesis in serogroup O1 as well as fliC gene controlling synthesis of H7 and K1 antigens were detected in all strains. Thus all E. coli strains had antigenic structure O1:K1 :H-:F7. Virulence genes aafl, sfa, afa, eaeA, bfpA, ial, hly, cnf, stx1, stx2, lt, and st were not detected. All strains owned pap and aer genes regardless of the presence of acute diarrhea symptoms. It was shown that E. coli O1:KI:H-:F7 strains do not have virulence genes which are characteristic for diarrhea-causing Escherichia. In accordance with the presence of pap and aer genes they could be attributed to uropathogenic Escherichia (UPEC) or avian-pathogenic Escherichia (APEC). It is necessary to detect virulence factors in order to determine E. coli as a cause of intestinal infection.

  8. Pathogenic Potential to Humans of Bovine Escherichia coli O26, Scotland (United States)

    Rosser, Tracy; Allison, Lesley J.; Courcier, Emily; Evans, Judith; McKendrick, Iain J.; Pearce, Michael C.; Handel, Ian; Caprioli, Alfredo; Karch, Helge; Hanson, Mary F.; Pollock, Kevin G.J.; Locking, Mary E.; Woolhouse, Mark E.J.; Matthews, Louise; Low, J. Chris; Gally, David L.


    Escherichia coli O26 and O157 have similar overall prevalences in cattle in Scotland, but in humans, Shiga toxin–producing E. coli O26 infections are fewer and clinically less severe than E. coli O157 infections. To investigate this discrepancy, we genotyped E. coli O26 isolates from cattle and humans in Scotland and continental Europe. The genetic background of some strains from Scotland was closely related to that of strains causing severe infections in Europe. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling found an association between hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and multilocus sequence type 21 strains and confirmed the role of stx2 in severe human disease. Although the prevalences of E. coli O26 and O157 on cattle farms in Scotland are equivalent, prevalence of more virulent strains is low, reducing human infection risk. However, new data on E. coli O26–associated HUS in humans highlight the need for surveillance of non-O157 enterohemorrhagic E. coli and for understanding stx2 phage acquisition. PMID:22377426

  9. Avaliação clínica e radiográfica da cifoplastia no tratamento das fraturas vertebrais por osteoporose Evaluación clínica y radiográfica de la cifoplastia en el tratamiento de las fracturas vertebrales por osteoporosis Clinical and radiological evaluation of kyphoplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic spinal fractures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fábio Peres de Mendonça


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar os resultados clínicos, radiológico e possíveis complicações de pacientes submetidos à cifoplastia no tratamento das fraturas por osteoporose dolorosas que não respondem ao tratamento conservador. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 24 pacientes com fraturas osteoporóticas tratados através da cifoplastia. Destes, 19 (76% eram do sexo feminino e 5 (24% do masculino. A média de idade foi de 71,3 anos. A média de seguimento foi de 19 meses, variando de 3 a 29 meses. Os pacientes foram avaliados em relação à dor por meio da escala visual analógica (EVA no pré-operatório e no último dia de seguimento. Também foi realizada uma análise radiográfica na qual se comparou o ganho de altura do muro anterior (A, terço médio do corpo vertebral (M, muro posterior (P e ganho de cifose local (C. RESULTADOS: foram analisados 24 pacientes com 34 fraturas. Destes, 15 (62,5% apresentavam fratura única e 9 (37,5% apresentavam fraturas múltiplas. Dessas fraturas, 20 (58,8% eram na coluna torácica e 14 (42,2% lombares. A média do EVA no pré-operatório era de 9,3, passando para 3,2 no último seguimento (melhora de 6,1 pontos. O ganho médio de altura do corpo vertebral foi de 0,73 mm na porção anterior, 1,3 mm na porção média e 0,5 mm na porção posterior. A melhora da cifose foi, em média, de 1,32º - de 11,06º no pré para 12,4º no pós-operatório. Em relação a complicações, houve um caso de extravasamento do cimento para o espaço discal superior, assintomático e um caso de fratura do nível adjacente tratado com nova cifoplastia. CONCLUSÃO: a cifoplastia se mostrou uma técnica cirúrgica segura e efetiva para o tratamento da dor. Não foi observado ganho significativo da altura vertebral e da cifose vertebral.OBJETIVO: analizar los resultados clínicos, radiológicos y posibles complicaciones de pacientes sometidos a la cifoplastia en el tratamiento de las fracturas por osteoporosis dolorosas que no responden

  10. Conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria en pacientes hospitalizados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Otto Guillen Lopez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria (IU en pacientes hospitalizados. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo; se entrevistó una muestra por saturación de 325 pacientes hospitalizados de 30 años a más del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH, Lima - Perú, utilizando un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre incontinencia, considerándose como adecuado conocimiento cuando había más de 50% de aciertos en él. Resultados: Solamente 35.7% tuvieron conocimiento adecuado sobre IU. Hasta 90% conocía acerca del éxito del tratamiento y posibilidad de curación de los pacientes incontinentes. Sin embargo, 75% consideraron erróneamente que la IU era consecuencia inevitable del envejecimiento, mientras menos de 50% de pacientes conocía el papel de ciertos medicamentos y ejercicios en la IU. Conclusiones: Se demostró un pobre conocimiento general sobre la IU, siendo necesaria una intervención de los profesionales de la salud en la educación de la población, sobre todo hospitalizada y con factores predisponentes para desarrollar IU, para así poder modificar las ideas erróneas que existen sobre el tema. (Rev Med Hered 2003; 14: 186-194.

  11. Isolation and genomic characterization of Escherichia coli O157:NM ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Human diseases caused by Escherichia coli O157:NM and E. coli O157:H7 strains have been reported throughout the world. In developed countries, serotype O157:H7 represents the major cause of human diseases; however, there have been increasing reports of non-O157 Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing E. coli strains ...

  12. 77 FR 58091 - Risk-Based Sampling of Beef Manufacturing Trimmings for Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7 and... (United States)


    ... for exposure of carcasses and parts to any contamination or food safety hazard during the removal of... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Food Safety and Inspection Service [Docket No. FSIS-2012-0020] Risk-Based Sampling of Beef Manufacturing Trimmings for Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7 and Plans for Beef...

  13. Escherichia coli ST131, an Intriguing Clonal Group (United States)

    Bertrand, Xavier; Madec, Jean-Yves


    SUMMARY In 2008, a previously unknown Escherichia coli clonal group, sequence type 131 (ST131), was identified on three continents. Today, ST131 is the predominant E. coli lineage among extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) isolates worldwide. Retrospective studies have suggested that it may originally have risen to prominence as early as 2003. Unlike other classical group B2 ExPEC isolates, ST131 isolates are commonly reported to produce extended-spectrum β-lactamases, such as CTX-M-15, and almost all are resistant to fluoroquinolones. Moreover, ST131 E. coli isolates are considered to be truly pathogenic, due to the spectrum of infections they cause in both community and hospital settings and the large number of virulence-associated genes they contain. ST131 isolates therefore seem to contradict the widely held view that high levels of antimicrobial resistance are necessarily associated with a fitness cost leading to a decrease in pathogenesis. Six years after the first description of E. coli ST131, this review outlines the principal traits of ST131 clonal group isolates, based on the growing body of published data, and highlights what is currently known and what we need to find out to provide public health authorities with better information to help combat ST131. PMID:24982321

  14. Cifoplastia no tratamento da fratura vertebral por insuficiência: avaliação funcional prospectiva Cifoplastia en el tratamiento de la fractura vertebral por insuficiencia: evaluación funcional prospectiva Kyphoplasty in the treatment of vertebral compression fracture: prospective functional evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bartolomeu Ribeiro Coutinho Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o resultado funcional e o grau de satisfação do tratamento cirúrgico utilizando cifoplastia em pacientes com fratura vertebral por insuficiência localizada na coluna tóraco-lombar. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo em pacientes adultos, com diagnóstico de fratura vertebral por insuficiência com evolução superior a oito semanas, apresentando dor no local da fratura e edema ósseo evidente ao exame de RM. A avaliação funcional foi realizada através do Oswestry Disability Index 2.0 e da Escala Visual Analógica de Dor no pré- e pós-operatório. A satisfação pessoal com o tratamento foi quantificada pela escala de Johnson. RESULTADOS: Houve melhora significativa da dor com uma queda média de 6.4 pontos na Escala Visual Analógica de Dor ao final de doze meses de seguimento em comparação ao período pré-operatório (p OBJETIVO: Evaluar el resultado funcional y el grado de satisfacción del tratamiento quirúrgico mediante cifoplastia en pacientes con fractura vertebral debido a la insuficiencia situada en la columna toracolumbar. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en pacientes adultos, con diagnóstico de fractura vertebral por insuficiencia, con tiempo de evolución de más de ocho semanas, con dolor en el sitio de la fractura y edema óseo evidente por resonancia magnética. La evaluación funcional se realizó mediante el Índice de Incapacidad de Oswestry 2.0 y la Escala Analógica Visual del Dolor antes y después de la operación. La satisfacción personal con el tratamiento fue medida por la escala de Johnson. RESULTADOS: Una mejora significativa en el dolor con una caída promedio de 6,4 puntos en la escala visual analógica del dolor al final de doce meses de seguimiento, en comparación con el período preoperatorio (p OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the functional outcome and degree of satisfaction of surgical treatment using kyphoplasty in patients with vertebral compression fractures

  15. Glycan-functionalized diamond nanoparticles as potent E. coli anti-adhesives (United States)

    Barras, Alexandre; Martin, Fernando Ariel; Bande, Omprakash; Baumann, Jean-Sébastien; Ghigo, Jean-Marc; Boukherroub, Rabah; Beloin, Christophe; Siriwardena, Aloysius; Szunerits, Sabine


    Bacterial attachment and subsequent biofilm formation on biotic surfaces or medical devices is an increasing source of infections in clinical settings. A large proportion of these biofilm-related infections are caused by Escherichia coli, a major nosocomial pathogen, in which the major adhesion factor is the FimH adhesin located at the tip of type 1 fimbriae. Inhibition of FimH-mediated adhesion has been identified as an efficient antibiotic-alternative strategy to potentially reduce E. coli-related infections. In this article we demonstrate that nanodiamond particles, covently modified with mannose moieties by a ``click'' chemistry approach, are able to efficiently inhibit E. coli type 1 fimbriae-mediated adhesion to eukaryotic cells with relative inhibitory potency (RIP) of as high as 9259 (bladder cell adhesion assay), which is unprecedented when compared with RIP values previously reported for alternate multivalent mannose-functionalized nanostructures designed to inhibit E. coli adhesion. Also remarkable is that these novel mannose-modified NDs reduce E. coli biofilm formation, a property previously not observed for multivalent glyco-nanoparticles and rarely demonstrated for other multivalent or monovalent mannose glycans. This work sets the stage for the further evaluation of these novel NDs as an anti-adhesive therapeutic strategy against E. coli-derived infections.Bacterial attachment and subsequent biofilm formation on biotic surfaces or medical devices is an increasing source of infections in clinical settings. A large proportion of these biofilm-related infections are caused by Escherichia coli, a major nosocomial pathogen, in which the major adhesion factor is the FimH adhesin located at the tip of type 1 fimbriae. Inhibition of FimH-mediated adhesion has been identified as an efficient antibiotic-alternative strategy to potentially reduce E. coli-related infections. In this article we demonstrate that nanodiamond particles, covently modified with

  16. Thermal degradation products of saccharides: effect study over Escherichia coli K12S cells; Produtos de termodegradacao de sacarideos: estudo do efeito sobre celulas de Escherichia coli K12S

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, R.L.B.C. de


    The heat sterilization of reducing sugars, in the presence of phosphates, in alkaline pH, promotes caramelization reactions, yielding a serie of degradation products. Among them, aldehyde-like compounds seem to be responsible for the decrease in viability of DNA repair-proficient E.coli cells. A positive interaction between toxic solutions and UV-radiation effects is observed in these cells. The sinergism UV-toxic solutions varies in function of post-irradiation time and is dependent on UV dose, indicating the interference of repair processes in toxicity. The effect of non-reducing sugars on cellular viability is negligible, suggesting that toxic substances generation is linked to the presence of at least a free carbonyl group in sugar structure. All tested reducing sugars, when experimental conditions remained constant, have similarly shaped inactivation kinetics and their effects are equally inhibited by catalase activity, during incubation. (author).

  17. Antibiotic resistant Salmonella and Escherichia coli isolated from ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Results: A hundred and four indigenous chicken rectal swabs were analysed, of which 67.3% were contaminated with Escherichia coli and 12.5% with Salmonella typhimurium. Seventy Escherichia coli isolates showed resistance phenotypes to one, two or more antibiotics. The most common antimicrobial resistance pattern ...

  18. Captive wild birds as reservoirs of enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and Shiga-toxin producing E. coli (STEC). (United States)

    Sanches, Lilian Aparecida; Gomes, Marcelo da Silva; Teixeira, Rodrigo Hidalgo Friciello; Cunha, Marcos Paulo Vieira; Oliveira, Maria Gabriela Xavier de; Vieira, Mônica Aparecida Midolli; Gomes, Tânia Aparecida Tardelli; Knobl, Terezinha

    Psittacine birds have been identified as reservoirs of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli, a subset of pathogens associated with mortality of children in tropical countries. The role of other orders of birds as source of infection is unclear. The aim of this study was to perform the molecular diagnosis of infection with diarrheagenic E. coli in 10 different orders of captive wild birds in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Fecal samples were analyzed from 516 birds belonging to 10 orders: Accipitriformes, Anseriformes, Columbiformes, Falconiformes, Galliformes, Passeriformes, Pelecaniformes, Piciformes, Psittaciformes and Strigiformes. After isolation, 401 E. coli strains were subjected to multiplex PCR system with amplification of genes eae and bfp (EPEC), stx1 and stx2 for STEC. The results of these tests revealed 23/401 (5.74%) positive strains for eae gene, 16/401 positive strains for the bfp gene (3.99%) and 3/401 positive for stx2 gene (0.75%) distributed among the orders of Psittaciformes, Strigiformes and Columbiformes. None of strains were positive for stx1 gene. These data reveal the infection by STEC, typical and atypical EPEC in captive birds. The frequency of these pathotypes is low and restricted to few orders, but the data suggest the potential public health risk that these birds represent as reservoirs of diarrheagenic E. coli. Copyright © 2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  19. Genome analysis of E. coli isolated from Crohn's disease patients. (United States)

    Rakitina, Daria V; Manolov, Alexander I; Kanygina, Alexandra V; Garushyants, Sofya K; Baikova, Julia P; Alexeev, Dmitry G; Ladygina, Valentina G; Kostryukova, Elena S; Larin, Andrei K; Semashko, Tatiana A; Karpova, Irina Y; Babenko, Vladislav V; Ismagilova, Ruzilya K; Malanin, Sergei Y; Gelfand, Mikhail S; Ilina, Elena N; Gorodnichev, Roman B; Lisitsyna, Eugenia S; Aleshkin, Gennady I; Scherbakov, Petr L; Khalif, Igor L; Shapina, Marina V; Maev, Igor V; Andreev, Dmitry N; Govorun, Vadim M


    Escherichia coli (E. coli) has been increasingly implicated in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease (CD). The phylogeny of E. coli isolated from Crohn's disease patients (CDEC) was controversial, and while genotyping results suggested heterogeneity, the sequenced strains of E. coli from CD patients were closely related. We performed the shotgun genome sequencing of 28 E. coli isolates from ten CD patients and compared genomes from these isolates with already published genomes of CD strains and other pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. CDEC was shown to belong to A, B1, B2 and D phylogenetic groups. The plasmid and several operons from the reference CD-associated E. coli strain LF82 were demonstrated to be more often present in CDEC genomes belonging to different phylogenetic groups than in genomes of commensal strains. The operons include carbon-source induced invasion GimA island, prophage I, iron uptake operons I and II, capsular assembly pathogenetic island IV and propanediol and galactitol utilization operons. Our findings suggest that CDEC are phylogenetically diverse. However, some strains isolated from independent sources possess highly similar chromosome or plasmids. Though no CD-specific genes or functional domains were present in all CD-associated strains, some genes and operons are more often found in the genomes of CDEC than in commensal E. coli. They are principally linked to gut colonization and utilization of propanediol and other sugar alcohols.

  20. The propagation of Escherichia Coli and of conservative tracers. A comparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alexander, I.; Seiler, K.P.


    The propagation of Escherichia Coli (ATCC 11229, Gelsenkirchen) is compared with that of conservative tracers in groundwater. The experiments were performed with injection quantities of 10 7 , 10 8 , 10 10 and 10 11 of Escherichia Coli. Both, bacteria and conservative tracers pass their maximum at the same instant in the observation gauges. With injection quantities of more than 10 8 , the propagation of the Escherichia Coli sets in at the same time as it begins with the dyes. When the quantities range below 10 8 , the propagation begins after that of conservative tracers, because Coli bacteria were measured with a lower degree of detecting sensitivity than the tracers. With Coli injection quantities ranging above 10 10 , an increased filtering of these bacteria can be observed. Coli bacteria propagate more laterally than conservative tracers, however it could not be proved that this lateral propagation depends on the bacteria concentration. (orig.) [de

  1. Drug Resistance Patterns of Escherichia coli in Ethiopia: A Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Tuem, Kald Beshir; Gebre, Abadi Kahsu; Atey, Tesfay Mehari; Bitew, Helen; Yimer, Ebrahim M; Berhe, Derbew Fikadu


    Antimicrobial drug resistance is a global threat for treatment of infectious diseases and costs life and money and threatens health delivery system's effectiveness. The resistance of E. coli to frequently utilized antimicrobial drugs is becoming a major challenge in Ethiopia. However, there is no inclusive countrywide study. Therefore, this study intended to assess the prevalence of E. coli resistance and antimicrobial-specific resistance pattern among E. coli clinical isolates in Ethiopia. Articles were retrieved from PubMed, Embase, and grey literature from 2007 to 2017. The main outcome measures were overall E. coli and drug-specific resistance patterns. A random-effects model was used to determine pooled prevalence with 95% confidence interval (CI), using DerSimonian and Laird method. In addition, subgroup analysis was conducted to improve the outcome. The study bias was assessed by Begg's funnel plot. This study was registered in PROSPERO as follows: PROSPERO 2017: CRD42017070106. Of 164 articles retrieved, 35 articles were included. A total of 19,235 study samples participated in the studies and 2,635 E. coli strains were isolated. Overall, E. coli antibacterial resistance was 45.38% (95% confidence interval (CI): 33.50 to 57.27). The resistance pattern ranges from 62.55% in Addis Ababa to 27.51% in Tigray region. The highest resistance of E. coli reported was to ampicillin (83.81%) and amoxicillin (75.79%), whereas only 13.55% of E. coli isolates showed resistance to nitrofurantoin. E. coli antimicrobial resistance remains high with disparities observed among regions. The bacterium was found to be highly resistant to aminopenicillins. The finding implies the need for effective prevention strategies for the E. coli drug resistance and calls for multifaceted approaches with full involvement of all stakeholders.

  2. Highly sensitive immunoassay based on E. coli with autodisplayed Z-domain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jose, Joachim; Park, Min; Pyun, Jae-Chul


    The Z-domain of protein A has been known to bind specifically to the F c region of antibodies (IgGs). In this work, the Z-domain of protein A was expressed on the outer membrane of Escherichia coli by using 'Autodisplay' technology as a fusion protein of autotransport domain. The E. coli with autodisplayed Z-domain was applied to the sandwich-type immunoassay as a solid-support of detection-antibodies against a target analyte. For the feasibility demonstration of the E. coli based immunoassay, C-reactive protein (CRP) assay was carried out by using E. coli with autodisplayed Z-domain. The limit of detection (LOD) and binding capacity of the E. coli based immunoassay were estimated to be far more sensitive than the conventional ELISA. Such a far higher sensitivity of E. coli based immunoassay than conventional ELISA was explained by the orientation control of immobilized antibodies and the mobility of E. coli in assay matrix. From the test results of 45 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients' serum and 15 healthy samples, a cut-off value was established to have optimal sensitivity and selectivity values for RA. The CRP test result of each individual sample was compared with ELISA which is the reference method for RA diagnosis. From this work, the E. coli with Z-domain was proved to be feasible for the medical diagnosis based on sandwich-type immunoassay.

  3. Replication and Transcription of Eukaryotic DNA in Esherichia coli (United States)

    Morrow, John F.; Cohen, Stanley N.; Chang, Annie C. Y.; Boyer, Herbert W.; Goodman, Howard M.; Helling, Robert B.


    Fragments of amplified Xenopus laevis DNA, coding for 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA and generated by EcoRI restriction endonuclease, have been linked in vitro to the bacterial plasmid pSC101; and the recombinant molecular species have been introduced into E. coli by transformation. These recombinant plasmids, containing both eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA, replicate stably in E. coli. RNA isolated from E. coli minicells harboring the plasmids hybridizes to amplified X. laevis rDNA. Images PMID:4600264

  4. Antibiotic Resistance and Virulence Properties in Escherichia coli ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study determined E. coli resistance to commonly used antibiotics together with their virulence properties in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. A total of 137 E. coli isolates from cases of urinary tract infection were tested for their sensitivity to commonly used antibiotics and possession of virulence factors using standard methods.

  5. Deactivation of Escherichia coli by the plasma needle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sladek, R E J; Stoffels, E


    In this paper we present a parameter study on deactivation of Escherichia coli (E. coli) by means of a non-thermal plasma (plasma needle). The plasma needle is a small-sized (1 mm) atmospheric glow sustained by radio-frequency excitation. This plasma will be used to disinfect heat-sensitive objects; one of the intended applications is in vivo deactivation of dental bacteria: destruction of plaque and treatment of caries. We use E. coli films plated on agar dishes as a model system to optimize the conditions for bacterial destruction. Plasma power, treatment time and needle-to-sample distance are varied. Plasma treatment of E. coli films results in formation of a bacteria-free void with a size up to 12 mm. 10 4 -10 5 colony forming units are already destroyed after 10 s of treatment. Prolongation of treatment time and usage of high powers do not significantly improve the destruction efficiency: short exposure at low plasma power is sufficient. Furthermore, we study the effects of temperature increase on the survival of E. coli and compare it with thermal effects of the plasma. The population of E. coli heated in a warm water bath starts to decrease at temperatures above 40 deg. C. Sample temperature during plasma treatment has been monitored. The temperature can reach up to 60 deg. C at high plasma powers and short needle-to-sample distances. However, thermal effects cannot account for bacterial destruction at low power conditions. For safe and efficient in vivo disinfection, the sample temperature should be kept low. Thus, plasma power and treatment time should not exceed 150 mW and 60 s, respectively

  6. Deactivation of Escherichia coli by the plasma needle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sladek, R E J; Stoffels, E [Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven (Netherlands)


    In this paper we present a parameter study on deactivation of Escherichia coli (E. coli) by means of a non-thermal plasma (plasma needle). The plasma needle is a small-sized (1 mm) atmospheric glow sustained by radio-frequency excitation. This plasma will be used to disinfect heat-sensitive objects; one of the intended applications is in vivo deactivation of dental bacteria: destruction of plaque and treatment of caries. We use E. coli films plated on agar dishes as a model system to optimize the conditions for bacterial destruction. Plasma power, treatment time and needle-to-sample distance are varied. Plasma treatment of E. coli films results in formation of a bacteria-free void with a size up to 12 mm. 10{sup 4}-10{sup 5} colony forming units are already destroyed after 10 s of treatment. Prolongation of treatment time and usage of high powers do not significantly improve the destruction efficiency: short exposure at low plasma power is sufficient. Furthermore, we study the effects of temperature increase on the survival of E. coli and compare it with thermal effects of the plasma. The population of E. coli heated in a warm water bath starts to decrease at temperatures above 40 deg. C. Sample temperature during plasma treatment has been monitored. The temperature can reach up to 60 deg. C at high plasma powers and short needle-to-sample distances. However, thermal effects cannot account for bacterial destruction at low power conditions. For safe and efficient in vivo disinfection, the sample temperature should be kept low. Thus, plasma power and treatment time should not exceed 150 mW and 60 s, respectively.

  7. Sucralose Increases Antimicrobial Resistance and Stimulates Recovery of Escherichia coli Mutants. (United States)

    Qu, Yilin; Li, Rongyan; Jiang, Mingshan; Wang, Xiuhong


    Because of heavy use of antimicrobials, antimicrobial resistance in bacteria has become of great concern. The effect of some widely used food additives such as sucralose on bacteria in the gut and the environment has also drawn increasing attention. In this study, we investigated the interaction between antimicrobials and sucralose impacting antimicrobial resistance and mutation of Escherichia coli (E. coli). To examine antimicrobial resistance and mutation frequency, different subinhibitory concentrations of sucralose were added to cultures of E.coli BW25113 that were then treated with antimicrobials, oxolinic acid, or moxifloxacin. Then the E.coli were assayed for bacterial survival and recovery of mutants resistant to an unrelated antimicrobial, rifampicin. Pre-treatment of E.coli BW25113 with 1/2 minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of sucralose increased the survival rate in oxolinic acid or moxifloxacin. A 1/3 MIC of sucralose increased rifampicin-resistant mutation rate of E.coli BW25113 after 72 h, while rifampicin-resistant mutation rate was increased when co-treated with 1/8 MIC, 1/4 MIC, 1/3 MIC sucralose, and oxolinic acid after 24 h. Sucralose can increase the antimicrobial resistance and mutation frequency of E.coli to some antimicrobials.

  8. Action of sodium deoxycholate on Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D'Mello, A.; Yotis, W.W.


    Sodium deoxycholate is used in a number of bacteriological media for the isolation and classification of gram-negative bacteria from food and the environment. Initial experiments to study the effect of deoxycholate on the growth parameters of Escherichia coli showed an increase in the lag time constant and generation time and a decrease in the growth rate constant total cell yield of this microorganisms. Cell fractionation studies indicated that sodium deoxycholate at levels used in bacteriological media interferes with the incorporation of [U- 14 C]glucose into the cold-trichloroacetic acid-soluble, ethanol-soluble, and trypsin-soluble cellular fractions of E. coli. Finally, sodium deoxycholate interfered with the flagellation and motility of Proteus mirabilis and E. coli. It would appear then that further improvement of the deoxycholate medium may be in order

  9. Action of sodium deoxycholate on Escherichia coli

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D' Mello, A.; Yotis, W.W.


    Sodium deoxycholate is used in a number of bacteriological media for the isolation and classification of gram-negative bacteria from food and the environment. Initial experiments to study the effect of deoxycholate on the growth parameters of Escherichia coli showed an increase in the lag time constant and generation time and a decrease in the growth rate constant total cell yield of this microorganisms. Cell fractionation studies indicated that sodium deoxycholate at levels used in bacteriological media interferes with the incorporation of (U-/sup 14/C)glucose into the cold-trichloroacetic acid-soluble, ethanol-soluble, and trypsin-soluble cellular fractions of E. coli. Finally, sodium deoxycholate interfered with the flagellation and motility of Proteus mirabilis and E. coli. It would appear then that further improvement of the deoxycholate medium may be in order.

  10. Occurrence of Coliform and Escherichia coli Contamination and Absence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on Romaine Lettuce from Retail Stores in the Upper Midwest. (United States)

    Greve, Josephine D; Zietlow, Mark S; Miller, Kevin M; Ellingson, Jay L E


    A total of 720 whole, romaine lettuce heads were purchased from retail locations in the Upper Midwest and assessed for coliform and Escherichia coli contamination and for the presence of E. coli O157:H7. During a 16-month period (August 2010 through December 2011), coliform and E. coli counts were enumerated on Petrifilm, and the presence of E. coli O157:H7 and the virulence gene eae was evaluated by real-time PCR (qPCR). Over half (400 of 720) of the lettuce samples were processed with an immunomagnetic separation step before the qPCR assay. All retail lettuce samples were negative for E. coli O157:H7 when tested with the R.A.P.I.D. LT qPCR targeting a region of the O-antigen, and only two (0.28%) were positive for the eae gene when tested with LightCycler qPCR. On Petrifilm, coliform counts of most lettuce samples (96.4%) were between lettuce samples (98.2%) were lettuce heads. These results contribute to the limited recorded data and understanding of microbial contamination of whole romaine lettuce heads purchased from retail locations, specifically revealing the absence of E. coli O157:H7 and low levels of contamination with coliforms and other E. coli strains.

  11. Spontaneous Escherichia coli Meningitis Associated with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kuo-Hsuan Chang


    Full Text Available Spontaneous Escherichia coli meningitis has not been previously reported in association with hemophago-cytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH. A previously healthy 72-year-old woman was admitted due to fever, nuchal rigidity, disturbed consciousness and splenomegaly. Anemia, thrombocytopenia and hyperfer-ritinemia developed on the 8th day of hospitalization. Cultures of cerebrospinal fluid and blood grew E. coli. Abundant macrophages overwhelmed erythrocytes in the bone marrow aspirate, confirming the presence of hemophagocytosis. E. coli meningitis was managed with a 40-day course of antibiotic treatment. However, the severity of anemia and thrombocytopenia progressed despite intensive transfusion therapy. The patient died of HLH on the 60th day of hospitalization.

  12. Escherichia coli growth modeling using neural network | Shamsudin ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    technique that has the ability to predict with efficient and good performance. Using NARX, a highly accurate model was developed to predict the growth of Escherichia coli (E. coli) based on pH water parameter. The multiparameter portable sensor and spectrophotometer data were used to build and train the neural network.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sayuri P. Tamura M.


    Full Text Available «Disertación sobre equidad y justicia» es básicamente una respuesta a una inquietud en particular que yo tenía sobre las distintas posiciones que existen sobre estos dos temas y cómo definir cuál es la más acertada. Hice una descripción del punto de vista de Amartya Sen –la violación de los derechos sobre la propiedad privada es justificable si evitan las hambrunas2– frente al de Robert Nozick –la propiedad privada es un derecho fundamental y como tal debe ser respetado3–, sin embargo, aunque ambos enfoques son totalmente contrarios tienen mucho sentido, por lo cual es bastante difícil decidirse por uno en particular. Fue de esta forma, enfrentando sus opiniones, que yo logré desarrollar una posición frente a estas dos perspectivas, y así dar mi opinión al DISERTACIÓN SOBRE JUSTICIA Y EQUIDAD SAYURI P. TAMURA M. Estudiante de Economía y Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad ICESI. respecto. Al final, llegué a una conclusión, que aunque no es la más original y tampoco es la única, tiene mucho sentido y seguramente de ser posible, la situación del país podría cambiar para bien.

  14. Engineering Escherichia coli for methanol conversion. (United States)

    Müller, Jonas E N; Meyer, Fabian; Litsanov, Boris; Kiefer, Patrick; Potthoff, Eva; Heux, Stéphanie; Quax, Wim J; Wendisch, Volker F; Brautaset, Trygve; Portais, Jean-Charles; Vorholt, Julia A


    Methylotrophic bacteria utilize methanol and other reduced one-carbon compounds as their sole source of carbon and energy. For this purpose, these bacteria evolved a number of specialized enzymes and pathways. Here, we used a synthetic biology approach to select and introduce a set of "methylotrophy genes" into Escherichia coli based on in silico considerations and flux balance analysis to enable methanol dissimilation and assimilation. We determined that the most promising approach allowing the utilization of methanol was the implementation of NAD-dependent methanol dehydrogenase and the establishment of the ribulose monophosphate cycle by expressing the genes for hexulose-6-phosphate synthase (Hps) and 6-phospho-3-hexuloisomerase (Phi). To test for the best-performing enzymes in the heterologous host, a number of enzyme candidates from different donor organisms were selected and systematically analyzed for their in vitro and in vivo activities in E. coli. Among these, Mdh2, Hps and Phi originating from Bacillus methanolicus were found to be the most effective. Labeling experiments using (13)C methanol with E. coli producing these enzymes showed up to 40% incorporation of methanol into central metabolites. The presence of the endogenous glutathione-dependent formaldehyde oxidation pathway of E. coli did not adversely affect the methanol conversion rate. Taken together, the results of this study represent a major advancement towards establishing synthetic methylotrophs by gene transfer. Copyright © 2015 International Metabolic Engineering Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli and acute and persistent diarrhea in returned travelers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schultsz, C.; van den Ende, J.; Cobelens, F.; Vervoort, T.; van Gompel, A.; Wetsteyn, J. C.; Dankert, J.


    To determine the role of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in acute and persistent diarrhea in returned travelers, a case control study was performed. Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) was detected in stool samples from 18 (10.7%) of 169 patients and 4 (3.7%) of 108 controls. Enteroaggregative E. coli

  16. Recyclable Escherichia coli-Specific-Killing AuNP-Polymer (ESKAP) Nanocomposites. (United States)

    Yuan, Yuqi; Liu, Feng; Xue, Lulu; Wang, Hongwei; Pan, Jingjing; Cui, Yuecheng; Chen, Hong; Yuan, Lin


    Escherichia coli plays a crucial role in various inflammatory diseases and infections that pose significant threats to both human health and the global environment. Specifically inhibiting the growth of pathogenic E. coli is of great and urgent concern. By modifying gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with both poly[2-(methacrylamido)glucopyranose] (pMAG) and poly[2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl trimethylammonium iodide] (pMETAI), a novel recyclable E. coli-specific-killing AuNP-polymer (ESKAP) nanocomposite is proposed in this study, which based on both the high affinity of glycopolymers toward E. coli pili and the merits of antibacterial quaternized polymers attached to gold nanoparticles. The properties of nanocomposites with different ratios of pMAG to pMETAI grafted onto AuNPs are studied. With a pMAG:pMETAI feed ratio of 1:3, the nanocomposite appeared to specifically adhere to E. coli and highly inhibit the bacterial cells. After addition of mannose, which possesses higher affinity for the lectin on bacterial pili and has a competitive advantage over pMAG for adhesion to pili, the nanocomposite was able to escape from dead E. coli cells, becoming available for repeat use. The recycled nanocomposite retained good antibacterial activity for at least three cycles. Thus, this novel ESKAP nanocomposite is a promising, highly effective, and readily recyclable antibacterial agent that specifically kills E. coli. This nanocomposite has potential applications in biological sensing, biomedical diagnostics, biomedical imaging, drug delivery, and therapeutics.

  17. Human exposure assessment to antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli through drinking water. (United States)

    O'Flaherty, E; Borrego, C M; Balcázar, J L; Cummins, E


    Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) are a potential threat to human health through drinking water with strong evidence of ARB presence in post treated tap water around the world. This study examines potential human exposure to antibiotic-resistant (AR) Escherichia coli (E. coli) through drinking water, the effect of different drinking water treatments on AR E. coli and the concentration of AR E. coli required in the source water for the EU Drinking Water Directive (DWD) (Council Directive 98/83/EC, 0CFU/100ml of E. coli in drinking water) to be exceeded. A number of scenarios were evaluated to examine different water treatment combinations and to reflect site specific conditions at a study site in Europe. A literature search was carried out to collate data on the effect of environmental conditions on AR E. coli, the effect of different water treatments on AR E. coli and typical human consumption levels of tap water. A human exposure assessment model was developed with probability distributions used to characterise uncertainty and variability in the input data. Overall results show the mean adult human exposure to AR E. coli from tap water consumption ranged between 3.44×10 -7 and 2.95×10 -1 cfu/day for the scenarios tested and varied depending on the water treatments used. The level of AR E. coli required in the source water pre-treatment to exceed the DWD varied between 1 and 5logcfu/ml, depending on the water treatments used. This can be used to set possible monitoring criteria in pre-treated water for potential ARB exposure in drinking water. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. lactamases genes among0 Escherichia coli from patients with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    -lactamases (ESBLs) that mediate resistance to b-lactam drugs among Escherichia coli and other uropathogens have been reported worldwide. However, there is little information on the detection of ESBLs genes in E. coli from patients with ...

  19. Characterization of Climical and Commensal Escherichia coli Isolates from an Integrated Turkey Operation


    Altekruse, Sean Fitzgerald


    Pathogenic E. coli infections cause approximately one quarter of disease losses in commercial turkey flocks. A small subgroup of E. coli causes most infections. Epidemiologic studies of this disease have been hindered by a lack of reliable markers to discriminate between pathogenic and fecal E. coli and by the diversity of poultry strains. Reliance on antimicrobials to control E. coli infections has caused widespread antimicrobial resistance. One hundred five clinical E. coli were obtaine...

  20. Uncomplicated E Coli Urinary Tract Infection in College Women: A Follow-Up Study of E Coli Sensitivities to Commonly Prescribed Antibiotics (United States)

    Ansbach, Robert K.; Dybus, Karen; Bergeson, Rachel


    Treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) has changed in the past few years with researchers advocating empiric treatment for shorter periods of time without the use of cultures. Researchers report that antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli (E coli) to commonly prescribed antibiotics in uncomplicated UTIs has been increasing.…

  1. Estudio prospectivo randomizado sobre el uso de drenaje vs. no drenaje en artroplastia total de rodilla. [Prospective randomized study on the use of drainage in total knee arthroplasty.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matias Pereira Duarte


    Full Text Available Introducción La utilización de drenaje en la artroplastia total de rodilla es una práctica ampliamente aceptada en la comunidad ortopédica; sin embargo, en la bibliografía, no se encuentra evidencia concluyente sobre su beneficio. El propósito de este estudio fue comparar dos grupos de pacientes sometidos a artroplastia total de rodilla         primaria con drenaje y sin él. Materiales y Métodos Se llevó a cabo un estudio prospectivo aleatorizado en el que se realizaron 76 artroplastias totales de rodilla primarias; se dividió a los pacientes en dos grupos: grupo A, con drenaje y grupo B, sin drenaje. Se evaluaron el número de unidades de sangre transfundidas, el débito de sangre en los pacientes con drenaje, las complicaciones posoperatorias y el tiempo de hospitalización. Antes de la cirugía y después de ella, se registró el diámetro del muslo, el rango de movilidad, el hematocrito y la hemoglobina en ambos grupos. Resultados No se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el diámetro del muslo, el rango de movilidad, el hematocrito, la hemoglobina, el número de transfusiones y la estadía hospitalaria. El número de complicaciones en el grupo B (sin drenaje fue mayor (p = 0,019: dos infecciones profundas, dos casos de celulitis, uno de flictena, una fractura de cadera, una trombosis venosa superficial, una trombosis venosa profunda y un tromboembolismo pulmonar. Conclusión Los pacientes sin drenaje posoperatorio sufrieron más complicaciones.

  2. Distribution of Diverse Escherichia coli between Cattle and Pasture. (United States)

    NandaKafle, Gitanjali; Seale, Tarren; Flint, Toby; Nepal, Madhav; Venter, Stephanus N; Brözel, Volker S


    Escherichia coli is widely considered to not survive for extended periods outside the intestines of warm-blooded animals; however, recent studies demonstrated that E. coli strains maintain populations in soil and water without any known fecal contamination. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the niche partitioning of E. coli occurs between cattle and their pasture. We attempted to clarify whether E. coli from bovine feces differs phenotypically and genotypically from isolates maintaining a population in pasture soil over winter. Soil, bovine fecal, and run-off samples were collected before and after the introduction of cattle to the pasture. Isolates (363) were genotyped by uidA and mutS sequences and phylogrouping, and evaluated for curli formation (Rough, Dry, And Red, or RDAR). Three types of clusters emerged, viz. bovine-associated, clusters devoid of cattle isolates and representing isolates endemic to the pasture environment, and clusters with both. All isolates clustered with strains of E. coli sensu stricto, distinct from the cryptic species Clades I, III, IV, and V. Pasture soil endemic and bovine fecal populations had very different phylogroup distributions, indicating niche partitioning. The soil endemic population was largely comprised of phylogroup B1 and had a higher average RDAR score than other isolates. These results indicate the existence of environmental E. coli strains that are phylogenetically distinct from bovine fecal isolates, and that have the ability to maintain populations in the soil environment.

  3. Temporal variations of Escherichia coli concentrations in a large Midwestern river (United States)

    Schilling, K.E.; Zhang, Y.-K.; Hill, D.R.; Jones, C.S.; Wolter, C.F.


    The Raccoon River used by the Des Moines Water Works to serve more than 400,000 people in central Iowa is threatened by contamination from Escherichia coli bacteria from point and nonpoint sources. The 9389 km2 watershed is highly agricultural, with 73% of the land in row crop production and widespread animal production. Results from 2155 grab samples from 1997 to 2005 for E. coli analysis were examined for temporal variations. E. coli concentrations were found to vary across years, seasons, and flow conditions, with a 9-year mean value of 1156 most probable number (MPN)/100 ml. Monthly concentrations exhibited clear seasonality with highest values in May through July. Although E. coli concentrations were higher during periods of greater discharge, the relation of log E. coli to log discharge was not particularly strong (r2 = 0.35). The variogram of E. coli concentrations showed temporal correlation within a span of 4 days suggesting that concentrations measured on 1 day may be related in time to concentrations measured up to 3 days later and beyond 4 days the concentrations vary randomly. The spectral analysis of the time series of E. coli was also carried out and was fitted well with the spectrum of an exponential covariance function. Deciphering temporal patterns and correlation of E. coli bacteria in streams may be useful for developing future monitoring strategies to track concentration patterns and loads. ?? 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Fracture numérique, fracture sociale : aux frontières de l'intégration et de l'exclusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luc Vodoz


    professional and continued education context concerned directly with ICT. More largely, the article examines the eventual links between integration into (or exclusion of the “information society” on the one hand and, on the other, general social integration (or exclusion of such individuals.Fractura numérica y fractura social: la frontera entre la integración y la exclusiónLa fractura numéria constituye una linea de fractura simbólica, una división entre indiviudos o grupos que se sienten integrados dentro de la « sociedad de la información » y los que estan o se sienten excluidos. Como muchas otras fronteras esta linea de separación es dificilmente perceptible. Este artículo es un encaminamiento reflexivo sobre la frontera, sobre las diférentes lógicas que pueden articular estas dos situaciones. Se ahonda particularmente en los grupos y personas que se situan exactamente sobre esta linea divisoria, unos intentando franquearlas, otros de no ser excluidos. La investigación ha sido realizada dentro del ambito de la enseñanza profesional. Se trata de examinar las corrrespondencias posibles entre la integración (o exclusión de la « sociedad de la información » y por otra parte las consecuencias de esta integración (o exclusión de los grupos e individuos analizados.

  5. Isolation and evaluation of cocktail phages for the control of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli serotype O104: H4 and E. coli O157: H7 isolates causing diarrhea. (United States)

    Safwat Mohamed, Doaa; Farouk Ahmed, Eman; Mohamed Mahmoud, Abobakr; Abd El-Baky, Rehab Mahmoud; John, James


    Escherichia coli serotype O157: H7 and E. coli O104: H4 are well known foodborne pathogens causing sever enteric illness. Using bacteriophages as biocontrol agents of some foodborne pathogens and multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria has a great attention nowadays. This study aims to test the effect of cocktail phages on the growth of some foodborne pathogens and MDR E. coli. Routine conventional PCR was used to confirm the identification of E. coli isolates. Double-layered culture technique was used to isolate phages from sewage water. Morphology of bacteriophage was described using transmission electron microscopy, and spot test was performed to determine host range of the phage cocktail. Phage cocktail of Siphoviridae and Podoviridae family infecting E. coli O157: H7, E. coli O104: H4 and untypeable E. coli (neither O157 nor O104) has been isolated from sewage water. Phage cocktail showed both lytic and lysogenic activity. Lytic activity was observed against E. coli O157: H7, E. coli O104: H4 isolates, Staphylococcus. aureus ATCC6538 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145, while the lysogenic activity was observed against the untypeable strain. The tested phage cocktail showed a promising inhibitory action on E. coli O157: H7 and O104: H4, S. aureus ATCC6538 and P. aeruginosa ATCC 10145, suggesting the possibility of its use as a biocontrol tool or as natural food preservatives for many food products. © FEMS 2017. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  6. Alterations induced in Escherichia Coli cells by gamma radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kappke, J.; Schelin, H.R.; Paschuk, S.A.; Denyak, V.; Silva, E.R. da; Jesus, E.F.O. de; Lopes, R.T.; Carlin, N.; Toledo, E.S.


    Modifications occurred in Escherichia coli cells exposed to gamma radiation ( 60 Co source) were investigated. The irradiations were done at the LIN-COPPE laboratory of the UFRJ and the analysis at the Biology Department of the UTFPR. The E. coli cells were irradiated with 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 300, 480, 600 e 750 Gy doses. The samples were analyzed with Gram-stain, biochemical tests in EPM, MIO and Lysine Broth, Simmons Cytrate Medium and Rhamnose Broth, antibiogram and isolation of auxotrophic mutants. It was observed that for the received doses the E. coli did not show morphological alterations in the tests. Some E. Coli cells showed to be able to deaminade the L-tryptophan or they changed their sensibility for amoxillin and cephaloonine after the irradiation. The existence of aauxotrophic mutants after irradiation was also verified. (author)

  7. Stimulation of Escherichia coli F-18Col- Type-1 fimbriae synthesis by leuX

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Newman, Joseph V.; Burghoff, Robert L.; Pallesen, Lars


    Escherichia coli F-18, a normal human fecal isolate, is an excellent colonizer of the streptomycin-treated mouse large intestine. E. coli F-18Col-, a derivative of E. coli F-18 which no longer makes the E. coli F-18 colicin, colonizes the large intestine as well as E. coli F-18 when fed to mice...... alone but is eliminated when fed together with E. coli F-18. Recently we randomly cloned E. coli F-18 DNA into E. coli F-18Col- and let the mouse intestine select the best colonizer. In this way, we isolated a 6.5-kb E. coli F-18 DNA sequence that simultaneously stimulated synthesis of type 1 fimbriae...... and enhanced E. coli F-18Col- colonizing ability. In the present investigation we show that the gene responsible for stimulation of type 1 fimbriae synthesis appears to be leuX, which encodes a tRNA specific for the rare leucine codon UUG. Moreover, it appears that expression of leuX may be regulated by two...

  8. Transferability of antimicrobial resistance from multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from cattle in the USA to E. coli and Salmonella Newport recipients (United States)

    The objective of this study was to evaluate conjugative transfer of cephalosporin resistance among (n=100) strains of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli (MDRE) to Salmonella Newport and E. coli DH5-alpha recipients. To accomplish this, phenotypic and genotypic profiles were determined for MDRE, ...

  9. Reproducible gene targeting in recalcitrant Escherichia coli isolates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    De Greve Henri


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A number of allele replacement methods can be used to mutate bacterial genes. For instance, the Red recombinase system of phage Lambda has been used very efficiently to inactivate chromosomal genes in E. coli K-12, through recombination between regions of homology. However, this method does not work reproducibly in some clinical E. coli isolates. Findings The procedure was modified by using longer homologous regions (85 bp and 500-600 bp, to inactivate genes in the uropathogenic E. coli strain UTI89. An lrhA regulator mutant, and deletions of the lac operon as well as the complete type 1 fimbrial gene cluster, were obtained reproducibly. The modified method is also functional in other recalcitrant E. coli, like the avian pathogenic E. coli strain APEC1. The lrhA regulator and lac operon deletion mutants of APEC1 were successfully constructed in the same way as the UTI89 mutants. In other avian pathogenic E. coli strains (APEC3E, APEC11A and APEC16A it was very difficult or impossible to construct these mutants, with the original Red recombinase-based method, with a Red recombinase-based method using longer (85 bp homologous regions or with our modified protocol, using 500 - 600 bp homologous regions. Conclusions The method using 500-600 bp homologous regions can be used reliably in some clinical isolates, to delete single genes or entire operons by homologous recombination. However, it does not invariably show a greater efficiency in obtaining mutants, when compared to the original Red-mediated gene targeting method or to the gene targeting method with 85 bp homologous regions. Therefore the length of the homology regions is not the only limiting factor for the construction of mutants in these recalcitrant strains.

  10. Occurrence and characterization of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 and other non-sorbitol-fermenting E. coli in cattle and humans in urban areas of Morogoro, Tanzania. (United States)

    Lupindu, Athumani M; Olsen, John E; Ngowi, Helena A; Msoffe, Peter L M; Mtambo, Madundo M; Scheutz, Flemming; Dalsgaard, Anders


    Escherichia coli strains such as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), enteropathogenic E. coli, enterotoxigenic, attaching, and effacing E. coli, and enteroinvasive E. coli cause diarrhea in humans. Although other serotypes exist, the most commonly reported STEC in outbreaks is O157:H7. A cross-sectional study was conducted to isolate and characterize non-sorbitol-fermenting (NSF) E. coli O157:H7 from urban and periurban livestock settings of Morogoro, Tanzania. Human stool, cattle feces, and soil and water samples were collected. Observations and questionnaire interview studies were used to gather information about cattle and manure management practices in the study area. E. coli were isolated on sorbitol MacConkey agar and characterized by conventional biochemical tests. Out of 1049 samples, 143 (13.7%) yielded NSF E. coli. Serological and antimicrobial tests and molecular typing were performed to NSF E. coli isolates. These procedures detected 10 (7%) pathogenic E. coli including STEC (n=7), enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) (n=2), and attaching and effacing E. coli (A/EEC) (n=1) strains. The STEC strains had the ability to produce VT1 and different VT2 toxin subtypes that caused cytopathic effects on Vero cells. The prevalence of STEC in cattle was 1.6%, out of which 0.9% was serotype O157:H7 and the overall prevalence of diarrheagenic E. coli in cattle was 2.2%. The serotypes O157:H7, O142:H34, O113:H21, O+:H-, O+:H16, and O25:H4 were identified. One ESBL-producing isolate showed the MLST type ST131. To our knowledge, this is the first finding in Tanzania of this recently emerged worldwide pandemic clonal group, causing widespread antimicrobial-resistant infections, and adds knowledge of the geographical distribution of ST131. Cattle manure was indiscriminately deposited within residential areas, and there was direct contact between humans and cattle feces during manure handling. Cattle and manure management practices expose humans, animals, and the environment

  11. Escherichia coli O104 associated with human diarrhea, South Africa, 2004-2011. (United States)

    Tau, Nomsa P; Meidany, Parastu; Smith, Anthony M; Sooka, Arvinda; Keddy, Karen H


    To determine the origin of >4,000 suspected diarrheagenic Escherichia coli strains isolated during 2004-2011 in South Africa, we identified 7 isolates as serotype O104; 5 as enteroaggregative E. coli O104:H4, and 2 as enteropathogenic E. coli O104:non-H4. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed that these isolates were unrelated to the 2011 E. coli O104:H4 outbreak strain from Germany.

  12. Sigma factors in a thousand E. coli genomes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cook, Helen Victoria; Ussery, David


    , 2013), only less than half (983) are of sufficient quality to use in comparative genomic work. Unfortunately, even some of the ‘complete’ E. coli genomes are in pieces, and a few ‘draft’ genomes are good quality. Six of the seven known sigma factors in E. coli strain K‐12 are extremely well conserved...

  13. The Escherichia coli argW-dsdCXA genetic island is highly variable, and E. coli K1 strains commonly possess two copies of dsdCXA. (United States)

    Moritz, Rebecca L; Welch, Rodney A


    The genome sequences of Escherichia coli pathotypes reveal extensive genetic variability in the argW-dsdCXA island. Interestingly, the archetype E. coli K1 neonatal meningitis strain, strain RS218, has two copies of the dsdCXA genes for d-serine utilization at the argW and leuX islands. Because the human brain contains d-serine, an epidemiological study emphasizing K1 isolates surveyed the dsdCXA copy number and function. Forty of 41 (97.5%) independent E. coli K1 isolates could utilize d-serine. Southern blot hybridization revealed physical variability within the argW-dsdC region, even among 22 E. coli O18:K1:H7 isolates. In addition, 30 of 41 K1 strains, including 21 of 22 O18:K1:H7 isolates, had two dsdCXA loci. Mutational analysis indicated that each of the dsdA genes is functional in a rifampin-resistant mutant of RS218, mutant E44. The high percentage of K1 strains that can use d-serine is in striking contrast to our previous observation that only 4 of 74 (5%) isolates in the diarrheagenic E. coli (DEC) collection have this activity. The genome sequence of diarrheagenic E. coli isolates indicates that the csrRAKB genes for sucrose utilization are often substituted for dsdC and a portion of dsdX present at the argW-dsdCXA island of extraintestinal isolates. Among DEC isolates there is a reciprocal pattern of sucrose fermentation versus d-serine utilization. The ability to use d-serine is a trait strongly selected for among E. coli K1 strains, which have the ability to infect a wide range of extraintestinal sites. Conversely, diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes appear to have substituted sucrose for d-serine as a potential nutrient.

  14. Emergence and mechanism of carbapenem-resistant Escherichia coli in Henan, China, 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wen-juan Liang


    Full Text Available The emergence and dissemination of carbapenem-resistant Escherichia coli (E. coli strains is a main risk for global public health, but little is known of carbapenemase producing E. coli in Henan, China. The study was undertaken to investigate the prevalence and mechanism of carbapenem-resistant E. coli strains in a hospital in Xinxiang, Henan, China, 2014. A total of 5 carbapenemase-producing E. coli strains were screened from 1014 isolates. We found that they were all resistant to meropenem and imipenem. Amikacin showed the best sensitivity, with gentamicin coming up next. The positive rate of blaNDM was 80% (4/5. The sequencing results showed that two isolates belonged to blaNDM-1 whereas other 2 isolates carried the blaNDM-5. Other carbapenemase genes including blaIMP, blaVIM, blaKPC and blaOXA-48 were not detected. The blaCTX-M-15, blaTEM-1, sul2, aad, and aac(6”–Ib–cr were also detected. MLST analysis showed that NDM-producing E. coli were sporadic. Conjugation test indicated blaNDM could be transferred. In conclusion, the blaNDM was the principal resistance mechanism of carbapenem-resistant E. coli in the hospital, Henan, China. Keywords: blaNDM, Carbapenem-resistant, Escherichia coli

  15. Occurrence and characterization of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 and other non-sorbitol-fermenting E. coli in cattle and humans in urban areas of Morogoro, Tanzania

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lupindu, Athumani M; Olsen, John Elmerdahl; Ngowi, Helena A


    Escherichia coli strains such as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), enteropathogenic E. coli, enterotoxigenic, attaching, and effacing E. coli, and enteroinvasive E. coli cause diarrhea in humans. Although other serotypes exist, the most commonly reported STEC in outbreaks is O157:H7. A cross-...

  16. Escherichia coli Contamination of Lettuce Grown in Soils Amended with Animal Slurry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Annette Nygaard; Storm, Christina; Forslund, Anita


    A pilot study was conducted to assess the transfer of Escherichia coli from animal slurry fertilizer to lettuce, with E. coli serving as an indicator of fecal contamination and as an indicator for potential bacterial enteric pathogens. Animal slurry was applied as fertilizer to three Danish agric...... types between slurry, soil, and lettuce. The frequent finding of fecal-contaminated lettuce indicates that human pathogens such as Salmonella and Campylobacter can be present and represent food safety hazards.......A pilot study was conducted to assess the transfer of Escherichia coli from animal slurry fertilizer to lettuce, with E. coli serving as an indicator of fecal contamination and as an indicator for potential bacterial enteric pathogens. Animal slurry was applied as fertilizer to three Danish....... coli. A relatively higher frequency of E. coli in lettuce compared with the soil samples at harvest suggests environmental sources of fecal contamination, e.g., wildlife. The higher frequency was supported by the finding of 21 different PFGE types among the E. coli isolates, with only a few common PFGE...

  17. Atividade anti-escherichia coli em kefir e soro de kefir tradicionais.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simone Weschenfelder


    Full Text Available Através de Testes de Diluição em Sistema de Tubos Múltiplos determinou-se, in vitro, a Intensidade de Atividade de Inibição Bacteriana (IINIB/bacteriostasia e a Intensidade de Atividade de Inativação Bacteriana (IINAB/bactericidia de kefir e soro de kefir tradicionais, não submetidos a tratamento térmico, padronizados em relação ao tipo de leite e ao binômio tempo/temperatura de incubação e maturação, frente a inóculo padronizado de Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229 microrganismo indicador de interesse em alimentos. Kefir é um leite fermentado produzido pela adição de grãos de kefir ao leite, constituindo uma associação simbiótica entre bactérias ácido láticas, bactérias ácido acéticas e leveduras envoltas por uma matriz de polissacarídeos, o kefiran, enquanto o soro é o produto obtido da filtração do kefir. Tanto o kefir, quanto o soro de kefir apresentaram capacidade de inibição e inativação máximas sobre o inóculo bacteriano em concentrações < 108 UFC/mL.

  18. Longitudinal study of transmission of Escherichia coli from broiler breeders to broilers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Louise Ladefoged; Thoefner, Ida; Bisgaard, Magne


    of E. coli, isolated from broiler breeders with salpingitis, to the progeny and the possibility of subsequent first week mortality. Four parent flocks were followed during the whole production period (20-60 weeks) by post mortem and bacteriological examination of randomly selected dead birds. Newly...... selected for Pulsed-Field-Gel-Electrophoresis (PFGE) and Multi-Locus-Sequence-Typing (MLST) to determine their clonal relationships. E. coli was the main cause of both salpingitis in parents and first week mortality in broilers, and E. coli dominated the bacterial flora of the cloaca of newly hatched...... chickens. PFGE of E. coli showed identical band patterns in isolates from the three different sources indicating a transmission of E. coli from parent birds to chickens. In conclusion, E. coli isolated from salpingitis in broiler parents were found to be transmitted to broilers in which some sequence types...

  19. Somos un envase : Discursos sobre el aborto


    Löcher, Jennifer Irene


    No hay persona que no tenga opinión acerca del asunto y, cada vez más, la sociedad argentina debate sobre la pregunta de si se debe legalizar/despenalizar el aborto o no. Nunca antes se habló tanto sobre el tema públicamente: se publican artículos en los diarios, hay manifestaciones a favor y hay manifestaciones en contra de la legalización del aborto. El siguiente trabajo pretende relevar y analizar discursos que circulan socialmente alrededor del debate sobre el aborto. (Párrafo extraíd...

  20. Determination of the prevalence of subclinical endometritis and evaluation of molecular characterization of Escherichia coli (E-coli separated of them in mares repeat breeder in Yazd province

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taktaz Hafshejani Taghi


    Full Text Available Escherichia coli are known as the most common cause of reproductive tract infection in mare. Due to the progressive process of antibiotics use and increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance, the aim of this study is evaluate the prevalence of subclinical endometritis and antibiotic resistance genes in Escherichia coli isolated. In this study, 60 mares were used with infertility background. Diagnosis of endometritis was performed using history and ultrasonography. Cytology, culture, Antibiogram were done of samples and PCR test was used to examine the gene virulence and antibiotic resistance. E-coli bacteria was isolated 48/33 % from sample culture. In PCR test 66/21 % of bacteria had virulence gene. It was determined, the lowest resistance to chloramphenicol about 38/15% and greatest resistance into ampicillin, tetracycline and streptomycin with 23/69 percent, respectively. 93% samples cytology had neutrophil more than two and the agent of 50% showed E. coli. The cause of half of subclinical endometritis in infertile maresis E-coli bacteriaEscherichia coli are known as the most common cause of reproductive tract infection in mare. Due to the progressive process of antibiotics use and increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance, the aim of this study is evaluate the prevalence of subclinical endometritis and antibiotic resistance genes in Escherichia coli isolated. In this study, 60 mares were used with infertility background. Diagnosis of endometritis was performed using history and ultrasonography. Cytology, culture, Antibiogram were done of samples and PCR test was used to examine the gene virulence and antibiotic resistance. E-coli bacteria was isolated 48/33 % from sample culture. In PCR test 66/21 % of bacteria had virulence gene. It was determined, the lowest resistance to chloramphenicol about 38/15% and greatest resistance into ampicillin, tetracycline and streptomycin with 23/69 percent, respectively. 93% samples cytology had

  1. Antimicrobial susceptibilities of avian Escherichia coli isolates in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Colibacillosis is a poultry disease of economic importance in Iran and all around the world. The aim of this study is to test the antibiotic sensitivity of Escherichia coli strains which were isolated in Tabriz. A total of 100 E. coli strains isolated from avian colibacillosis of 50 farms from 2008 to 2009 in Tabriz, were investigated for ...

  2. Reduction of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli in production of fermented sausages. (United States)

    Holck, Askild L; Axelsson, Lars; Rode, Tone Mari; Høy, Martin; Måge, Ingrid; Alvseike, Ole; L'abée-Lund, Trine M; Omer, Mohamed K; Granum, Per Einar; Heir, Even


    After a number of foodborne outbreaks of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli involving fermented sausages, some countries have imposed regulations on sausage production. For example, the US Food Safety and Inspection Service requires a 5 log(10) reduction of E. coli in fermented products. Such regulations have led to a number of studies on the inactivation of E. coli in fermented sausages by changing processing and post-processing conditions. Several factors influence the survival of E. coli such as pre-treatment of the meat, amount of NaCl, nitrite and lactic acid, water activity, pH, choice of starter cultures and addition of antimicrobial compounds. Also process variables like fermentation temperature and storage time play important roles. Though a large variety of different production processes of sausages exist, generally the reduction of E. coli caused by production is in the range 1-2 log(10). In many cases this may not be enough to ensure microbial food safety. By optimising ingredients and process parameters it is possible to increase E. coli reduction to some extent, but in some cases still other post process treatments may be required. Such treatments may be storage at ambient temperatures, specific heat treatments, high pressure processing or irradiation. HACCP analyses have identified the quality of the raw materials, low temperature in the batter when preparing the sausages and a rapid pH drop during fermentation as critical control points in sausage production. This review summarises the literature on the reduction verotoxigenic E. coli in production of fermented sausages. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Trayectorias (sobre ruedas): un ensayo visual sobre los carritos de supermercado en la ciudad


    Cruz, Edgar Gómez


    El siguiente trabajo es un breve bosquejo de las posibilidades del concepto de trabajo “trayectoria”. Una trayectoria no es sólo, en el sentido literal del término, el trazo del movimiento sobre un camino, sino que busca establecer una reflexión sobre las posibilidades de recolección de registros visuales/digitales/móviles para la investigación etnográfica desde la aleatoriedad del movimiento por la ciudad. El concepto de trayectoria busca dialogar con el de “flâneur” de De Certeau y Benjamin...

  4. Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) antisense effects in Escherichia coli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Good, L; Nielsen, P E


    Antisense peptide nucleic acid (PNA) can be used to control cell growth, gene expression and growth phenotypes in the bacteria Escherichia coli. PNAs targeted to the RNA components of the ribosome can inhibit translation and cell growth, and PNAs targeted to mRNA can limit gene expression with gene...... and sequence specificity. In an E. coli cell extract, efficient inhibition is observed when using PNA concentrations in the nanomolar range, whereas micromolar concentrations are required for inhibition in growing cells. A mutant strain of E. coli that is more permeable to antibiotics also is more susceptible...... to antisense PNAs than the wild type. This chapter details methods for testing the antisense activities of PNA in E. coli. As an example of the specific antisense inhibition possible, we show the effects of an anti-beta-galactosidase PNA in comparison to control PNAs. With improvements in cell uptake...

  5. Evaluation of the efficacy of an autogenous Escherichia coli vaccine in broiler breeders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Lili; Thøfner, Ida; Christensen, Jens Peter


    vaccine in broiler breeders. Three groups of 28 weeks old broiler breeders (unvaccinated, vaccinated once and twice, respectively) were challenged with a homologous E. coli strain (same strain as included in the vaccine) or a heterologous challenge strain in an experimental ascending model. The clinical...... infection, significant protection of an autogenous E. coli vaccine against neither a homologous nor a heterologous E. coli challenge could not be documented.......In poultry production Escherichia coli autogenous vaccines are often used. However, the efficacy of autogenous E. coli vaccinations has not been evaluated experimentally in chickens after start of lay. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the protective effect of an autogenous E. coli...

  6. Transcriptome of E. coli K1 bound to human brain microvascular endothelial cells


    Xie, Yi; Parthasarathy, Geetha; Di Cello, Francescopaolo; Teng, Ching-Hao; Paul-Satyaseela, Maneesh; Kim, Kwang Sik


    Escherichia coli K1 is the most common Gram-negative organism causing neonatal meningitis. Binding to human brain microvascdular endothelial cells (HBMEC) is an essential step for E. coli K1 traversal of the blood-brain barrier. In this study, we examined expression profiles of E. coli K1 strain RS218 during its binding to HBMEC. Comparison of HBMEC-bound E. coli K1 with collagen-bound E. coli revealed more than one hundred genes whose expression patterns were significantly changed in HBMEC-b...

  7. Seroprevalence of Escherichia coli in traditional cheeses manufactured in Maragheh rural

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S Mahdavi


    Full Text Available Coliforms and Escherichia coli are major microbial indicators in the accessing the quality of foodstuffs. The presence of these bacteria in foods is considered as an indication of fecal contamination. E. coli O157:H7 is the most pathogenic strain that is transmitted to human through animal-foods. This study was performed on 100 traditional cheese samples manufactured in Maragheh rural to determine the seroprevalence of E. coli. The samples were analyzed with standard microbiological methods followed by biochemical confirmatory tests. Afterwards, the isolates were assayed for the detection of O-serotypes using direct agglutination method. Among the 100 cheese samples, E. coli O157serotypewas not detected in any sample. However, other E. coli serotypes including 32 isolates of non-O157 serotypes were detected. Among the isolates, enteropathogenic, enterotoxigenic and enterohaemorhhagic serogruops was also detected.

  8. Dialogue between E. coli free radical pathways and the mitochondria of C. elegans. (United States)

    Govindan, J Amaranath; Jayamani, Elamparithi; Zhang, Xinrui; Mylonakis, Eleftherios; Ruvkun, Gary


    The microbial world presents a complex palette of opportunities and dangers to animals, which have developed surveillance and response strategies to hints of microbial intent. We show here that the mitochondrial homeostatic response pathway of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans responds to Escherichia coli mutations that activate free radical detoxification pathways. Activation of C. elegans mitochondrial responses could be suppressed by additional mutations in E. coli, suggesting that C. elegans responds to products of E. coli to anticipate challenges to its mitochondrion. Out of 50 C. elegans gene inactivations known to mediate mitochondrial defense, we found that 7 genes were required for C. elegans response to a free radical producing E. coli mutant, including the bZip transcription factor atfs-1 (activating transcription factor associated with stress). An atfs-1 loss-of-function mutant was partially resistant to the effects of free radical-producing E. coli mutant, but a constitutively active atfs-1 mutant growing on wild-type E. coli inappropriately activated the pattern of mitochondrial responses normally induced by an E. coli free radical pathway mutant. Carbonylated proteins from free radical-producing E. coli mutant may directly activate the ATFS-1/bZIP transcription factor to induce mitochondrial stress response: feeding C. elegans with H2O2-treated E. coli induces the mitochondrial unfolded protein response, and inhibition of a gut peptide transporter partially suppressed C. elegans response to free radical damaged E. coli.

  9. The population structure of Escherichia coli isolated from subtropical and temperate soils (United States)

    Byappanahalli, Muruleedhara N.; Yan, Tao; Hamilton, Matthew J.; Ishii, Satoshi; Fujioka, Roger S.; Whitman, Richard L.; Sadowsky, Michael J.


    While genotypically-distinct naturalized Escherichia coli strains have been shown to occur in riparian soils of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior watersheds, comparative analyses of E. coli populations in diverse soils across a range of geographic and climatic conditions have not been investigated. The main objectives of this study were to: (a) examine the population structure and genetic relatedness of E. coli isolates collected from different soil types on a tropical island (Hawaii), and (b) determine if E. coli populations from Hawaii and temperate soils (Indiana, Minnesota) shared similar genotypes that may be reflective of biome-related soil conditions. DNA fingerprint and multivariate statistical analyses were used to examine the population structure and genotypic characteristics of the E. coli isolates. About 33% (98 of 293) of the E. coli from different soil types and locations on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, had unique DNA fingerprints, indicating that these bacteria were relatively diverse; the Shannon diversity index for the population was 4.03. Nearly 60% (171 of 293) of the E. coli isolates from Hawaii clustered into two major groups and the rest, with two or more isolates, fell into one of 22 smaller groups, or individual lineages. Multivariate analysis of variance of 89, 21, and 106 unique E. coli DNA fingerprints for Hawaii, Indiana, and Minnesota soils, respectively, showed that isolates formed tight cohesive groups, clustering mainly by location. However, there were several instances of clonal isolates being shared between geographically different locations. Thus, while nearly identical E. coli strains were shared between disparate climatologically- and geographically-distinct locations, a vast majority of the soil E. coli strains were genotypically diverse and were likely derived from separate lineages. This supports the hypothesis that these bacteria are not unique and multiple genotypes can readily adapt to become part of the soil autochthonous

  10. Prodigiosin - A Multifaceted Escherichia coli Antimicrobial Agent.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tjaša Danevčič

    Full Text Available Despite a considerable interest in prodigiosin, the mechanism of its antibacterial activity is still poorly understood. In this work, Escherichia coli cells were treated with prodigiosin to determine its antimicrobial effect on bacterial physiology. The effect of prodigiosin was concentration dependent. In prodigiosin treated cells above MIC value no significant DNA damage or cytoplasmic membrane disintegration was observed. The outer membrane, however, becomes leaky. Cells had severely decreased respiration activity. In prodigiosin treated cells protein and RNA synthesis were inhibited, cells were elongated but could not divide. Pre-treatment with prodigiosin improved E. coli survival rate in media containing ampicillin, kanamycin and erythromycin but not phleomycin. The results suggest that prodigiosin acts as a bacteriostatic agent in E. coli cells. If prodigiosin was diluted, cells resumed growth. The results indicate that prodigiosin has distinct mode of antibacterial action in different bacteria.

  11. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosario Silva Gilli


    Full Text Available Contenido: Las creaciones en la agricultura. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales. El Convenio Internacional para la protección de las obtenciones vegetales (París 1961 y sus revisiones de Ginebra 1972, 1978,1991 Objeto de la protección legal. Condiciones del cultivar. Alcance de la protección. La protección de obtenciones vegetales en el Mercosur. Los Derechos de autor en el Mercosur. El Protocolo de Armonización de normas sobre Propiedad Intelectual en el Mercosur. El Acuerdo de Cooperación y facilitación sobre la protección de las obtenciones vegetales en los Estados Partes del Mercosur.  Alcance de la normativa Mercosur. Los Derechos sobre cultivares en Uruguay. Los Derechos de autor como derechos humanos. ¿Derechos de autor vs. derecho de propiedad intelectual? Reflexión final

  12. Molecular detection and antimicrobial resistance of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrheal cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aslani, Mehdi M.; Salmanzadeh-Ahrabi, S.; Jafari, F.; Zali, Reza M.; Mani, M.; Alikhani, Yousef M.


    Objective was to identify and classify Iranian isolates of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) on the basis of presence of virulence genes and to determine antibiotic susceptibility of isolated strains. The current cross-sectional study was conducted in 2005 at the Pasteur Institute, Tehran, Iran. One hundred and ninety-three diarrheagenic E. coli isolated from diarrheal patients in different regions of Iran were included in current study. Virulence factors genees for diarrheagenic E. coli were detected by polymerase chain reaction. Of the 193 diarrheagenic E. coli detected by PCR, 86(44.5%) were Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), 74 (38.4%) enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), 19 (9.8%) enteroaggregative E. coli and 14 (7.3%) enterotoxigenic E. coli isolates. Susceptibility to 12 clinically important antimicrobial agents was determined for 193 strains of diarrhheagenic E. coli. A high incidence of resistance to tetracycline (63%), ampicillin (62%), streptomycin (56%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (44.5%), trimetoprim/sulphamethoxazole (39.5%) and cephalothin (37%) was observed. The STEC and EPEC strains with high resistance to tetracycline and ampicillin but highly susceptible to quinolones are among the most important causative agent of diarrhea in Iran. This study suggests that antimicrobial resistance is wide spread among E. coli strains colonizing Iranian patients. Guidelines for appropriate use of antibiotics in developing countries require updating. (author)

  13. Thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 (ECOH) and non-0157 Shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC)in mechanically tenderized veal (United States)

    We quantified thermal destruction of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 (ECOH) and Shiga toxin-producing non-O157 E. coli (STEC) cells within mechanically tenderized veal cutlets following cooking on an electric skillet. For each of five trials, flattened veal cutlets (ca. 71.6 g; ca. 1/...

  14. Quantitative ultrasound and bone health Ultrasonido cuantitativo y salud ósea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karen M Knapp


    Full Text Available This review of quantiative ultrasound (QUS and bone health uses the current literature to summarise the clinical and research effectiveness of QUS. QUS has been demonstrated to have the ability to predict fracture, particularly at the hip. However, the magnitude of prediction is fracture-site, measurement-site and device dependent. The correlations between dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA and bone mineral density (BMD are weak to moderate, resulting in different subjects being identified as being at risk of fracture by the two different methods. QUS is sensitive to age and menopause-related changes and to clinical risk factors and lifestyle factors associated with osteoporosis. Whilst a limited ability of QUS to monitor therapeutic intervention has been demonstrated, this is still an area where it's poorer precision, in comparison to DXA, results in limited applicability. Whilst DXA remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of osteoporosis, QUS may be of use for the prediction of those at risk of future fracture in areas where there is limited availability of DXA.En esta revisión sobre el Ultrasonido Cuantitativo (QUS y su aplicación en la evaluación de la salud de los huesos, se analiza detalladamente la literatura disponible para conocer su papel y efectividad en la clínica cotidiana y en los programas de investigación. El QUS ha probado ser útil para predecir fracturas, especialmente de la cadera. Sin embargo, la exactitud de la predicción depende del sitio de fractura que se desea evaluar, del sitio anatómico donde se realiza la medición y de los diferentes instrumentos. La correlación que existe entre densitometría de rayos X (DXA y QUS puede ser débil a moderada, porque ambos métodos determinan diferentes componentes de la masa ósea relacionados con la presentación de las fracturas. El resultado del QUS como el del DXA también es sensible a la edad, cambios relacionados con la menopausia, a factores de riesgo clínicos y de

  15. prevalence of escherichia coli 0157:h7 in fresh and roasted beef

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The prevalence of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in 300 fresh beef and 150 roasted beef samples from ... likely cause of E. coli O157:H7 infection is undercooked ground beef. ..... coli O157:H7 in a sheep model. Appl. Environ.

  16. Adultos com fraturas: das implicações funcionais e cirúrgicas à educação em saúde Adultos con fracturas: de las implicaciones funcionales y quirurgicas hasta la educación para la salud Fractures in adults: from functional and surgical implications to health education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Tokunaga Itami


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou identificar as implicações funcionais e cirúrgicas relativas a pacientes adultos com fraturas, caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico da amostra do estudo, avaliar a independência funcional das vítimas de fraturas e discutir as implicações relacionadas aos procedimentos cirúrgicos envolvidos no tratamento a esses pacientes. A pesquisa foi realizada entre novembro de 2006 e abril de 2007 com 74 pacientes internados em um hospital de São Paulo. Foram predominantes indivíduos do sexo masculino (91,9%, média de idade de 31,8 anos, brancos (51,3%, vítimas de acidentes de trabalho (51,4%. As fraturas de membros inferiores representaram 73,0% dos casos e membros superiores 13,5%. Os acidentes automobilísticos foram responsáveis por 58,1% das internações. Quanto à Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF, houve aumento nas médias dos valores no decorrer da avaliação. Por outro lado, há diminuição desses valores em casos de acidentes automobilísticos e atropelamentos e naqueles em que os membros inferiores são atingidos.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar las implicaciones funcionales y quirúrgicas de adultos con fracturas, caracterizar el perfil demográfico de la muestra del estudio, evaluar la independencia funcional de las víctimas de fracturas y discutir las implicaciones relativas a los procedimientos quirúrgicos implicados en el tratamiento de estos pacientes. La encuesta fue realizada entre noviembre de 2006 y abril de 2007 con 74 pacientes ingresados en un hospital de Sao Paulo. Varones fueron predominantes (91,9%, edad promedio 31,8 años, blancos (51,3%, víctimas de accidentes (51,4%. Las fracturas de extremidades inferiores representaron el 73,0% de los casos y de extremidades superiores 13,5%. Los accidentes fueron responsables por 58,1% de los ingresos. Cuanto a la Medida de Independencia Funcional (MIF, hubo un aumento en los valores medios durante la evaluación. Por otra parte

  17. Evaluation of mericon E. coli O157 Screen Plus and mericon E. coli STEC O-Type Pathogen Detection Assays in Select Foods: Collaborative Study, First Action 2017.05. (United States)

    Bird, Patrick; Benzinger, M Joseph; Bastin, Benjamin; Crowley, Erin; Agin, James; Goins, David; Armstrong, Marcia


    QIAGEN mericon Escherichia coli O157 Screen Plus and mericon E. coli Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) O-Type Pathogen Detection Assays use Real-Time PCR technology for the rapid, accurate detection of E. coli O157 and the "big six" (O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, O145) (non-O157 STEC) in select food types. Using a paired study design, the assays were compared with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety Inspection Service Microbiology Laboratory Guidebook Chapter 5.09 reference method for the detection of E. coli O157:H7 in raw ground beef. Both mericon assays were evaluated using the manual and an automated DNA extraction method. Thirteen technicians from five laboratories located within the continental United States participated in the collaborative study. Three levels of contamination were evaluated. Statistical analysis was conducted according to the probability of detection (POD) statistical model. Results obtained for the low-inoculum level test portions produced a difference between laboratories POD (dLPOD) value with a 95% confidence interval of 0.00 (-0.12, 0.12) for the mericon E. coli O157 Screen Plus with manual and automated extraction and mericon E. coli STEC O-Type with manual extraction and -0.01 (-0.13, 0.10) for the mericon E. coli STEC O-Type with automated extraction. The dLPOD results indicate equivalence between the candidate methods and the reference method.

  18. Ecological and genetic determinants of plasmid distribution in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Medaney, Frances; Ellis, Richard J; Raymond, Ben


    Bacterial plasmids are important carriers of virulence and antibiotic resistance genes. Nevertheless, little is known of the determinants of plasmid distribution in bacterial populations. Here the factors affecting the diversity and distribution of the large plasmids of Escherichia coli were explored in cattle grazing on semi-natural grassland, a set of populations with low frequencies of antibiotic resistance genes. Critically, the population genetic structure of bacterial hosts was chararacterized. This revealed structured E. coli populations with high diversity between sites and individuals but low diversity within cattle hosts. Plasmid profiles, however, varied considerably within the same E. coli genotype. Both ecological and genetic factors affected plasmid distribution: plasmid profiles were affected by site, E. coli diversity, E. coli genotype and the presence of other large plasmids. Notably 3/26 E. coli serotypes accounted for half the observed plasmid-free isolates indicating that within species variation can substantially affect carriage of the major conjugative plasmids. The observed population structure suggest that most of the opportunities for within species plasmid transfer occur between different individuals of the same genotype and support recent experimental work indicating that plasmid-host coevolution, and epistatic interactions on fitness costs are likely to be important in determining occupancy. © 2016 The Authors. Environmental Microbiology published by Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Plasmid Conjugation in E. coli and Drug Resistance | Igwe ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study aimed at determining the antibiotics susceptibility pattern of E. coli isolates claimed to be multidrug resistance using disc diffusion method. It also determined the presence of transferable resistance plasmids through conjugation and evaluated the medical significance of plasmid encoding E. coli and drug ...

  20. Anthranoid self-medication causing rapid development of melanosis coli

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. Willems; H.R. van Buuren (Henk); R.R. de Krijger (Ronald)


    textabstractIt is widely known that long-term use of anthranoid-containing laxatives is the cause of melanosis coli. We describe a case of melanosis coli, which occurred in a 39-year-old liver transplant patient who took an over-the-counter product containing aloe, rheum and

  1. Molecular typing of uropathogenic E. coli strains by the ERIC-PCR method. (United States)

    Ardakani, Maryam Afkhami; Ranjbar, Reza


    Escherichia coli (E. coli) is the most common cause of urinary infections in hospitals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ERIC-PCR method for molecular typing of uropathogenic E. coli strains isolated from hospitalized patients. In a cross sectional study, 98 E. coli samples were collected from urine samples taken from patients admitted to Baqiyatallah Hospital from June 2014 to January 2015. The disk agar diffusion method was used to determine antibiotic sensitivity. DNA proliferation based on repetitive intergenic consensus was used to classify the E. coli strains. The products of proliferation were electrophoresed on 1.5% agarose gel, and their dendrograms were drawn. The data were analyzed by online Insillico software. The method used in this research proliferated numerous bands (4-17 bands), ranging from 100 to 3000 base pairs. The detected strains were classified into six clusters (E1-E6) with 70% similarity between them. In this study, uropathogenic E. coli strains belonged to different genotypic clusters. It was found that ERIC-PCR had good differentiation power for molecular typing of uropathogenic E. coli strains isolated from the patients in the study.

  2. Identifying New Small Proteins in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    VanOrsdel, Caitlin E; Kelly, John P; Burke, Brittany N; Lein, Christina D; Oufiero, Christopher E; Sanchez, Joseph F; Wimmers, Larry E; Hearn, David J; Abuikhdair, Fatimeh J; Barnhart, Kathryn R; Duley, Michelle L; Ernst, Sarah E G; Kenerson, Briana A; Serafin, Aubrey J; Hemm, Matthew R


    The number of small proteins (SPs) encoded in the Escherichia coli genome is unknown, as current bioinformatics and biochemical techniques make short gene and small protein identification challenging. One method of small protein identification involves adding an epitope tag to the 3' end of a short open reading frame (sORF) on the chromosome, with synthesis confirmed by immunoblot assays. In this study, this strategy was used to identify new E. coli small proteins, tagging 80 sORFs in the E. coli genome, and assayed for protein synthesis. The selected sORFs represent diverse sequence characteristics, including degrees of sORF conservation, predicted transmembrane domains, sORF direction with respect to flanking genes, ribosome binding site (RBS) prediction, and ribosome profiling results. Of 80 sORFs, 36 resulted in encoded synthesized proteins-a 45% success rate. Modeling of detected versus non-detected small proteins analysis showed predictions based on RBS prediction, transcription data, and ribosome profiling had statistically-significant correlation with protein synthesis; however, there was no correlation between current sORF annotation and protein synthesis. These results suggest substantial numbers of small proteins remain undiscovered in E. coli, and existing bioinformatics techniques must continue to improve to facilitate identification. © 2018 The Authors. Proteomics Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Towson University.

  3. Ensaios sobre economia do empreendorismo


    Gabrielito Rauter Menezes


    Esta tese é composta por três ensaios sobre Economia do Empreendedorismo. O primeiro deles trata sobre os determinantes do empreendedorismo no Brasil a partir de modelos de escolha ocupacional, usando os microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra por Domicílios (PNAD) do ano de 2012. A estratégia empírica adotada empregou os modelos de escolha discreta na estimação da escolha ocupacional. Os resultados demonstraram que existem efeitos significativos para as variáveis: anos de estudos iniciai...

  4. The significance of E. coli treatment in perinatal period

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ljubić Aleksandar D.


    Full Text Available Introduction: Bacteriuria of pregnancy is a common condition. Case report: Patient, 30-years, pregnant woman. During pregnancy, E. coli infection recurred in 4 times, applied Cephalexin and Ceftriaxone. The delivery was terminated by CS, GW 38; girl infant, AS 9. After the period of lactation: secretory status - the patient was a secretor of A and H blood type substance; ultrasonography and contrast radiography - presence of the third kidney. The therapy was added by vaccine UroVaxom, and there was no E. coli infection during 2 years follow up period. The Child is now 7 years old girl, having brilliant psychomotorical development. Possible child brain damage, lung damage, mental diseases are the reason for necessity E. coli infection treatment during pregnancy. Conclusion: All pregnant women should be screened for bacteriuria. E. coli is most commonly sensitive to group B antibiotics (cephalexin and amoxicillin, safe to be included in pregnancy. Long-term follow up of infants born from mothers having bacterial infection during pregnancy is necessary.

  5. Treatment for bovine Escherichia coli mastitis - an evidence-based approach. (United States)

    Suojala, L; Kaartinen, L; Pyörälä, S


    Bovine mastitis caused by Escherichia coli can range from being a subclinical infection of the mammary gland to a severe systemic disease. Cow-dependent factors such as lactation stage and age affect the severity of coliform mastitis. Evidence for the efficacy of antimicrobial treatment for E. coli mastitis is very limited. Antimicrobial resistance is generally not a limiting factor for treatment, but it should be monitored to detect changes in resistance profiles. The only antimicrobials for which there is some scientific evidence of beneficial effects in the treatment for E. coli mastitis are fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins. Both are critically important drugs, the use of which in animals destined for food should be limited to specific indications and should be based on bacteriological diagnosis. The suggested routine protocol in dairy herds could target the primary antimicrobial treatment for mastitis, specifically infections caused by gram-positive bacteria. In E. coli mastitis with mild to moderate clinical signs, a non-antimicrobial approach (anti-inflammatory treatment, frequent milking and fluid therapy) should be the first option. In cases of severe E. coli mastitis, parenteral administration of fluoroquinolones, or third- or fourth-generation cephalosporins, is recommended due to the risk of unlimited growth of bacteria in the mammary gland and ensuing bacteremia. Evidence for the efficacy of intramammary-administered antimicrobial treatment for E. coli mastitis is so limited that it cannot be recommended. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have documented the efficacy in the treatment for E. coli mastitis and are recommended for supportive treatment for clinical mastitis. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance to enrofloxacin in uropathogenic Escherichia coli in dog (United States)

    Escherichia coli (E. coli) urinary tract infections (UTIs) are becoming a serious problem both for pets and humans (zoonosis) due to the close contact and to the increasing resistance to antibiotics. Canine E. coli represents a good experimental model useful to study this pathology. Moreover, as des...

  7. Type 1 fimbrial expression enhances Escherichia coli virulence for the urinary tract

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Connell, Hugh; Agace, William; Klemm, Per


    of Escherichia coli for the urinary tract by promoting bacterial persistence and enhancing the inflammatory responce to infection. In a clinical study, we observed that disease severity was greater in children infected with E. coli O1:K1:H7 isolates expressing type 1 fimbriae than in those infected with type 1...... negative isolates of the same serotype. The E. coli O1:K1:H7 isolates had the same electrophoretic type, were hemolysin-negative, expressed P fimbriae, and carried the fim DNA sequences. When tested in a mouse urinary tract infection model, the type 1-positive E. coli O1:K1:H7 isolates survived inhigher...... urinary tract infection model. E. coli CN1016 reconstituted with type 1 fimbriae had restored virulence similar to that of the wild-type parent strain. These results show that type 1 fimbriae in the genetic background of a uropathogenic strain contribute to the pathogenesis of E. coli in the urinary tract....

  8. Vaginal Lactobacillus isolates inhibit uropathogenic Escherichia coli.


    Atassi , Fabrice; Brassart , Dominique; Grob , Philipp; Graf , Federico; Servin , Alain ,


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the antibacterial activities of Lactobacillus jensenii KS119.1 and KS121.1, and Lactobacillus gasserii KS120.1 and KS124.3 strains isolated from the vaginal microflora of healthy women, against uropathogenic, diffusely adhering Afa/Dr Escherichia coli (Afa/Dr DAEC) strains IH11128 and 7372 involved in recurrent cystitis. We observed that some of the Lactobacillus isolates inhibited the growth and decreased the viability of E. coli IH11128 and 7372....

  9. Removal of Escherichia coli via low frequency electromagnetic field in riverbank filtration system. (United States)

    Selamat, Rossitah; Abustan, Ismail; Rizal Arshad, Mohd; Mokhtar Kamal, Nurul Hana


    The removal of Escherichia coli (E. coli) via low frequency of electromagnetic field (LF-EMF) with different magnetic field was studied. LF-EMF is known as a high magnetic susceptibility method, which could affect E. coli growth without the usage of chemicals. The aim of this study was to investigate the removal of E. coli by using LF-EMF in water abstraction for the riverbank filtration (RBF) application. The effect of LF-EMF with the intensity of 2 to 10mT and 50Hz on coiled column of 1mm copper wire at 1 to 6 hours was assessed. The removal of E. coli after exposing to LF-EMF on the column model was measured using most probable number (MPN/100mL) and colonies forming unit (CFU/100mL) methods. Water flows into the column were varied up to 6 hours and with flowrate of 100 mL/min. Experimental results demonstrate that 100% of E. coli was removed at 8mT after 6 hours exposure. The magnetic field at 10mT removed 100% of E. coli after 4 hours exposure. The results obtained in this study proved that the LF-EMF was efficient in E. coli removal from RBF system. These finding indicated that the LF-EMF intensities and time of exposure can affect the removal of E. coli.

  10. Analysis of early-onset bloodstream infection due to Escherichia coli infection in premature babies


    Chen, I-Lun; Huang, Hsin-Chun; Wu, Chih-Te; Ou-Yang, Mei-Chen; Chung, Mei-Yung; Chen, Chih-Cheng; Suen, Jau-Ling; Hung, Chih-Hsing


    Abstract In early-onset bacteremia among preterm neonates, Escherichia coli (E. coli) is the main pathogen and can cause a high mortality rate. Thus, the predictive factors of mortality and extended-spectrum ?-lactamase (ESBL)-producing E. coli in preterm babies with E. coli early-onset bacteremia were reported. We retrospectively reviewed preterm neonates who had E. coli bacteremia occurring within 3 days after birth between 2004 and 2015. Maternal and perinatal information were collected fr...

  11. 75 FR 14607 - Small Entity Compliance Guide: Bottled Water: Total Coliform and E. coli (United States)


    ...] Small Entity Compliance Guide: Bottled Water: Total Coliform and E. coli; Availability AGENCY: Food and... the availability of a guidance for industry entitled ``Bottled Water: Total Coliform and E. coli... determine whether any of the coliform organisms are Escherichia coli (E. coli), an indicator of fecal...

  12. Identification of genes important for growth of asymptomatic bacteriuria Escherichia coli in urine. (United States)

    Vejborg, Rebecca M; de Evgrafov, Mari R; Phan, Minh Duy; Totsika, Makrina; Schembri, Mark A; Hancock, Viktoria


    Escherichia coli is the most important etiological agent of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Unlike uropathogenic E. coli, which causes symptomatic infections, asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) E. coli strains typically lack essential virulence factors and colonize the bladder in the absence of symptoms. While ABU E. coli can persist in the bladder for long periods of time, little is known about the genetic determinants required for its growth and fitness in urine. To identify such genes, we have employed a transposon mutagenesis approach using the prototypic ABU E. coli strain 83972 and the clinical ABU E. coli strain VR89. Six genes involved in the biosynthesis of various amino acids and nucleobases were identified (carB, argE, argC, purA, metE, and ilvC), and site-specific mutants were subsequently constructed in E. coli 83972 and E. coli VR89 for each of these genes. In all cases, these mutants exhibited reduced growth rates and final cell densities in human urine. The growth defects could be complemented in trans as well as by supplementation with the appropriate amino acid or nucleobase. When assessed in vivo in a mouse model, E. coli 83972carAB and 83972argC showed a significantly reduced competitive advantage in the bladder and/or kidney during coinoculation experiments with the parent strain, whereas 83972metE and 83972ilvC did not. Taken together, our data have identified several biosynthesis pathways as new important fitness factors associated with the growth of ABU E. coli in human urine.

  13. Effect of high pressurized carbon dioxide on Escherichia coli ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Carbon dioxide at high pressure can retard microbial growth and sometimes kill microorganisms depending on values of applied pressure, temperature and exposure time. In this study the effect of high pressurised carbon dioxide (HPCD) on Escherichia coli was investigated. Culture of E. coli was subjected to high ...

  14. Prevalence of Aeromonas species and Escherichia coli in stool ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Diarrhoea is one of the main causes of mortality and morbidity in childhood. Bacterial diarrhoea is a common disorder. Aeromonas species and Escherichia coli (E. coli) are some of the aetiological agents associated with diarrhoea in children. Objective: To determine the prevalence of Aeromonas species and ...

  15. Dietary N-Carbamylglutamate Supplementation Boosts Intestinal Mucosal Immunity in Escherichia coli Challenged Piglets.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fengrui Zhang

    Full Text Available N-carbamylglutamate (NCG has been shown to enhance performance in neonatal piglets. However, few studies have demonstrated the effect of NCG on the intestinal mucosal barrier. This study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary NCG supplementation on intestinal mucosal immunity in neonatal piglets after an Escherichia coli (E. coli challenge. New-born piglets (4 d old were assigned randomly to one of four treatments (n = 7, including (I sham challenge, (II sham challenge +50 mg/kg NCG, (III E. coli challenge, and (IV E. coli challenge +50 mg/kg NCG. On d 8, pigs in the E. coli challenge groups (III and IV were orally challenged with 5 mL of E. coli K88 (10(8 CFU/mL, whereas pigs in the sham challenge groups (I and II were orally dosed with an equal volume of water. On d 13, all piglets were sacrificed, and samples were collected and examined. The results show that average daily gain in the E. coli challenged piglets (III and IV was decreased (PE.coli<0.05. However, it tended to be higher in the NCG treated piglets (II and IV. Ileum secretory IgA, as well as IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 in ileal homogenates, were increased in E. coli challenged piglets (III and IV. Similarly, ileum SIgA and IL-10 levels, and CD4(+ percentage in NCG treated piglets (II and IV were higher than no-NCG treated piglets (PNCG<0.05. However, the IL-2 level was only decreased in the piglets of E. coli challenge + NCG group (IV compared with E. coli challenge group (III (P<0.05. No change in the IL-2 level of the sham challenged piglets (III was observed. In conclusion, dietary NCG supplementation has some beneficial effects on intestinal mucosal immunity in E. coli challenged piglets, which might be associated with stimulated lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine synthesis. Our findings have an important implication that NCG may be used to reduce diarrhea in neonatal piglets.

  16. Genetic determinants of heat resistance in Escherichia coli

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ryan eMercer


    Full Text Available Escherichia coli AW1.7 is a heat resistant food isolate and the occurrence of pathogenic strains with comparable heat resistance may pose a risk to food safety. To identify the genetic determinants of heat resistance, 29 strains of E. coli that differed in their of heat resistance were analyzed by comparative genomics. Strains were classified as highly heat resistant strains, exhibiting a D60-value of more than 6 min; moderately heat resistant strains, exhibiting a D60-value of more than 1 min; or as heat sensitive. A ~14 kb genomic island containing 16 predicted open reading frames encoding putative heat shock proteins and proteases was identified only in highly heat resistant strains. The genomic island was termed the locus of heat resistance (LHR. This putative operon is flanked by mobile elements and possesses >99% sequence identity to genomic islands contributing to heat resistance in Cronobacter sakazakii and Klebsiella pneumoniae. An additional 41 LHR sequences with >87% sequence identity were identified in 11 different species of β- and γ-proteobacteria. Cloning of the full length LHR conferred high heat resistance to the heat sensitive E. coli AW1.7ΔpHR1 and DH5α. The presence of the LHR correlates perfectly to heat resistance in several species of Enterobacteriaceae and occurs at a frequency of 2% of all E. coli genomes, including pathogenic strains. This study suggests the LHR has been laterally exchanged among the β- and γ-proteobacteria and is a reliable indicator of high heat resistance in E. coli.

  17. Involvement of UV-inducible repair in pyrimidine dimer excision in Escherichia coli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masek, F.; Sedliakova, M.


    The influence of UV radiation on pyrimidine dimer excision in the cells of three excision-proficient E.coli strains was studied. For this purpose cells were irradiated with a first fluence of 300 ergs/mm 2 and at different time intervals with a second fluence of 500 ergs/mm 2 . After the second fluence dimer excision was found to be partly inhibited in E.coli B/r Hcr + and E.coli 15 555-7, but not in E.coli K12 SR20. (author)

  18. Involvement of UV-inducible repair in pyrimidine dimer excision in Escherichia coli

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Masek, F; Sedliakova, M [Slovenska Akademia Vied, Bratislava (Czechoslovakia)


    The influence of UV radiation on pyrimidine dimer excision in the cells of three excision-proficient E.coli strains was studied. For this purpose cells were irradiated with a first fluence of 300 ergs/mm/sup 2/ and at different time intervals with a second fluence of 500 ergs/mm/sup 2/. After the second fluence dimer excision was found to be partly inhibited in E.coli B/r Hcr/sup +/ and E.coli 15 555-7, but not in E.coli K12 SR20.

  19. Factors affecting Escherichia coli concentrations at Lake Erie public bathing beaches (United States)

    Francy, Donna S.; Darner, Robert A.


    The environmental and water-quality factors that affect concentrations of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in water and sediment were investigated at three public bathing beachesEdgewater Park, Villa Angela, and Sims Parkin the Cleveland, Ohio metropolitan area. This study was done to aid in the determination of safe recreational use and to help water- resource managers assess more quickly and accurately the degradation of recreational water quality. Water and lake-bottom sediments were collected and ancillary environmental data were compiled for 41 days from May through September 1997. Water samples were analyzed for E. coli concentrations, suspended sediment concentrations, and turbidity. Lake- bottom sediment samples from the beach area were analyzed for E. coli concentrations and percent dry weight. Concentrations of E. coli were higher and more variable at Sims Park than at Villa Angela or Edgewater Park; concentrations were lowest at Edgewater Park. Time-series plots showed that short-term storage (less than one week) of E. coli in lake-bottom sediments may have occurred, although no evidence for long-term storage was found during the sampling period. E. coli concentrations in water were found to increase with increasing wave height, but the resuspension of E. coli from lake-bottom sediments by wave action could not be adequately assessed; higherwave heights were often associated with the discharge of sewage containing E. coli during or after a rainfall and wastewater-treatment plant overflow. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was used to develop models to predict recreational water quality at the in water. The related variables included turbidity, antecedent rainfall, antecedent weighted rainfall, volumes of wastewater-treatment plant overflows and metered outfalls (composed of storm-water runoff and combined-sewer overflows), a resuspension index, and wave heights. For the beaches in this study, wind speed, wind direction, water temperature, and the prswimmers

  20. Predictors Of Non-Escherichia Coli Urinary Tract Infection. (United States)

    Shaikh, Nader; Wald, Ellen R; Keren, Ron; Gotman, Nathan; Ivanova, Anastasia; Carpenter, Myra A; Moxey-Mims, Marva; Hoberman, Alejandro


    We aimed to determine which children are prone to non-Escherichia coli urinary tract infection (UTIs). We included 769 children with UTI. We found that circumcised males, Hispanic children, children without fever and children with grades 3 and 4 vesicoureteral reflux were more likely to have a UTI caused by organisms other than E. coli. This information may guide clinicians in their choice of antimicrobial therapy.

  1. [Current antibiotic resistance profile of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains and therapeutic consequences]. (United States)

    El Bouamri, M C; Arsalane, L; Kamouni, Y; Yahyaoui, H; Bennouar, N; Berraha, M; Zouhair, S


    Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a very common reason for consultation and prescription in current practice. Excessive or inappropriate use of antibiotics in treating urinary tract infections is responsible for the emergence and spread of multiresistant uropathogenic bacteria. To evaluate the isolation frequency and antibiotic resistance of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated at the Marrakech region. We conducted a retrospective study over a period of three years (from 1st January 2010 to 31 December 2012). It included all non-redundant uropathogenic E. coli strains isolated in the microbiology laboratory of the Avicenne hospital of Marrakech, Morocco. During this study, 1472 uropathogenic enterobacteriaceae were isolated including 924 non-repetitive E. coli strains, an overall isolation frequency of 63%. Antibiotic resistance of isolated E. coli strains showed resistance rates to amoxicillin (65%), sulfamethoxazole-triméthropime (55%), amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (43%), ciprofloxacin (22%), gentamicin (14%), nitrofurans (11%), amikacin (8%) and fosfomycin (7%). The number of E. coli strains resistant to C3G by ESBL production was 67, an average frequency of 4.5% of all isolated uropathogenic enterobacteria. The associated antibiotic resistance in the case of ESBL-producing E. coli were 82% for ciprofloxacin, 76% for sulfamethozole trimethoprim, 66% for gentamicin and 56% for amikacin. No resistance to imipenem was recorded for the isolated E. coli strains, which represents an imipenem sensitivity of 100%. Antibiotic resistance of uropathogenic E. coli strains limits treatment options and therefore constitutes a real public health problem. The regular updating of antibiotic susceptibility statistics of E. coli strains allows a better adaptation of the probabilistic antibiotic therapy to local epidemiological data. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. Escherichia coli Sequence Type 131 H30 Is the Main Driver of Emerging Extended-Spectrum-β-Lactamase-Producing E. coli at a Tertiary Care Center. (United States)

    Johnson, James R; Johnston, Brian; Thuras, Paul; Launer, Bryn; Sokurenko, Evgeni V; Miller, Loren G


    The H 30 strain of Escherichia coli sequence type 131 (ST131- H 30) is a recently emerged, globally disseminated lineage associated with fluoroquinolone resistance and, via its H 30Rx subclone, the CTX-M-15 extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL). Here, we studied the clonal background and resistance characteristics of 109 consecutive recent E. coli clinical isolates (2015) and 41 historical ESBL-producing E. coli blood isolates (2004 to 2011) from a public tertiary care center in California with a rising prevalence of ESBL-producing E. coli isolates. Among the 2015 isolates, ST131, which was represented mainly by ST131- H 30, was the most common clonal lineage (23% overall). ST131- H 30 accounted for 47% (8/17) of ESBL-producing, 47% (14/30) of fluoroquinolone-resistant, and 33% (11/33) of multidrug-resistant isolates. ST131- H 30 also accounted for 53% (8/14) of dually fluoroquinolone-resistant, ESBL-producing isolates, with the remaining 47% comprised of diverse clonal groups that contributed a single isolate each. ST131- H 30Rx, with CTX-M-15, was the major ESBL producer (6/8) among ST131- H 30 isolates. ST131- H 30 and H 30Rx also dominated (46% and 37%, respectively) among the historical ESBL-producing isolates (2004 to 2011), without significant temporal shifts in relative prevalence. Thus, this medical center's recently emerging ESBL-producing E. coli strains, although multiclonal, are dominated by ST131- H 30 and H 30Rx, which are the only clonally expanded fluoroquinolone-resistant, ESBL-producing lineages. Measures to rapidly and effectively detect, treat, and control these highly successful lineages are needed. IMPORTANCE The ever-rising prevalence of resistance to first-line antibiotics among clinical Escherichia coli isolates leads to worse clinical outcomes and higher health care costs, thereby creating a need to discover its basis so that effective interventions can be developed. We found that the H 30 subset within E. coli sequence type 131

  3. Synthesis and processing of escherichia-coli tem-beta-lactamase and bacillus-licheniformis alpha-amylase in escherichia-coli : The role of signal peptidase-i

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Dijl, J M; Smith, H; Bron, Sierd; Venema, Gerard

    A mutant of Escherichia coli, in which signal peptidase I synthesis can be regulated, was constructed. The mutant was used to study the effects of signal peptidase I limitation on the synthesis and efficiency of processing of two proteins: the periplasmic E. coli TEM-beta-lactamase and Bacillus


    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Dijl, J M; SMITH, H; BRON, S; VENEMA, G

    A mutant of Escherichia coli, in which signal peptidase I synthesis can be regulated, was constructed. The mutant was used to study the effects of signal peptidase I limitation on the synthesis and efficiency of processing of two proteins: the periplasmic E. coli TEM-beta-lactamase and Bacillus

  5. Changes in Escherichia coli resistance to co-trimoxazole in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In Thyolo district, Malawi, an operational research study is being conducted on the efficacy and feasibility of co-trimoxazole prophylaxis in preventing deaths in HIV-positive patients with tuberculosis (TB). A series of cross-sectional studies were carried out to determine i) whether faecal Escherichia coli (E.coli) resistance to ...

  6. Antibiotic Resistance of Escherichia coli Isolated from Healthy Food ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    It was concluded from the study that healthy food animals form a reservoir of multiple resistant E. coli which may be transmitted to humans through the food chain. Thus, continued surveillance of E. coli obtained from food production continuum is merited to identify emerging antimicrobial-resistant phenotypes. The Kenya ...

  7. Explaining and modeling the concentration and loading of Escherichia coli in a stream-A case study. (United States)

    Wang, Chaozi; Schneider, Rebecca L; Parlange, Jean-Yves; Dahlke, Helen E; Walter, M Todd


    Escherichia coli (E. coli) level in streams is a public health indicator. Therefore, being able to explain why E. coli levels are sometimes high and sometimes low is important. Using citizen science data from Fall Creek in central NY we found that complementarily using principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares (PLS) regression provided insights into the drivers of E. coli and a mechanism for predicting E. coli levels, respectively. We found that stormwater, temperature/season and shallow subsurface flow are the three dominant processes driving the fate and transport of E. coli. PLS regression modeling provided very good predictions under stormwater conditions (R 2  = 0.85 for log (E. coli concentration) and R 2  = 0.90 for log (E. coli loading)); predictions under baseflow conditions were less robust. But, in our case, both E. coli concentration and E. coli loading were significantly higher under stormwater condition, so it is probably more important to predict high-flow E. coli hazards than low-flow conditions. Besides previously reported good indicators of in-stream E. coli level, nitrate-/nitrite-nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus were also found to be good indicators of in-stream E. coli levels. These findings suggest management practices to reduce E. coli concentrations and loads in-streams and, eventually, reduce the risk of waterborne disease outbreak. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  8. The Impact of Media, Phylogenetic Classification, and E. coli Pathotypes on Biofilm Formation in Extraintestinal and Commensal E. coli From Humans and Animals. (United States)

    Nielsen, Daniel W; Klimavicz, James S; Cavender, Tia; Wannemuehler, Yvonne; Barbieri, Nicolle L; Nolan, Lisa K; Logue, Catherine M


    Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) include avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC), neonatal meningitis E. coli (NMEC), and uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and are responsible for significant animal and human morbidity and mortality. This study sought to investigate if biofilm formation by ExPEC likely contributes to these losses since biofilms are associated with recurrent urinary tract infections, antibiotic resistance, and bacterial exchange of genetic material. Therefore, the goal of this study was to examine differences in biofilm formation among a collection of ExPEC and to ascertain if there is a relationship between their ability to produce biofilms and their assignment to phylogenetic groups in three media types - M63, diluted TSB, and BHI. Our results suggest that ExPEC produce relatively different levels of biofilm formation in the media tested as APEC (70.4%, p = 0.0064) and NMEC (84.4%, p = 0.0093) isolates were poor biofilm formers in minimal medium M63 while UPEC isolates produced significantly higher ODs under nutrient-limited conditions with 25% of strains producing strong biofilms in diluted TSB ( p = 0.0204). Additionally, E. coli phylogenetic assignment using Clermont's original and revised typing scheme demonstrated significant differences among the phylogenetic groups in the different media. When the original phylogenetic group isolates previously typed as group D were phylogenetically typed under the revised scheme and examined, they showed substantial variation in their ability to form biofilms, which may explain the significant values of revised phylogenetic groups E and F in M63 ( p = 0.0291, p = 0.0024). Our data indicates that biofilm formation is correlated with phylogenetic classification and subpathotype or commensal grouping of E. coli strains.

  9. The Detection Method of Escherichia coli in Water Resources: A Review (United States)

    Nurliyana, M. R.; Sahdan, M. Z.; Wibowo, K. M.; Muslihati, A.; Saim, H.; Ahmad, S. A.; Sari, Y.; Mansor, Z.


    This article reviews several approaches for Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria detection from conventional methods, emerging method and goes to biosensor-based techniques. Detection and enumeration of E. coli bacteria usually required long duration of time in obtaining the result since laboratory-based approach is normally used in its assessment. It requires 24 hours to 72 hours after sampling to process the culturing samples before results are available. Although faster technique for detecting E. coli in water such as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) have been developed, it still required transporting the samples from water resources to the laboratory, high-cost, complicated equipment usage, complex procedures, as well as the requirement of skilled specialist to cope with the complexity which limit their wide spread practice in water quality detection. Recently, development of biosensor device that is easy to perform, portable, highly sensitive and selective becomes indispensable in detecting extremely lower consolidation of pathogenic E. coli bacteria in water samples.

  10. Hydrogen production by recombinant Escherichia coli strains (United States)

    Maeda, Toshinari; Sanchez‐Torres, Viviana; Wood, Thomas K.


    Summary The production of hydrogen via microbial biotechnology is an active field of research. Given its ease of manipulation, the best‐studied bacterium Escherichia coli has become a workhorse for enhanced hydrogen production through metabolic engineering, heterologous gene expression, adaptive evolution, and protein engineering. Herein, the utility of E. coli strains to produce hydrogen, via native hydrogenases or heterologous ones, is reviewed. In addition, potential strategies for increasing hydrogen production are outlined and whole‐cell systems and cell‐free systems are compared. PMID:21895995

  11. An evolutionary analysis of genome expansion and pathogenicity in Escherichia coli. (United States)

    Bohlin, Jon; Brynildsrud, Ola B; Sekse, Camilla; Snipen, Lars


    There are several studies describing loss of genes through reductive evolution in microbes, but how selective forces are associated with genome expansion due to horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has not received similar attention. The aim of this study was therefore to examine how selective pressures influence genome expansion in 53 fully sequenced and assembled Escherichia coli strains. We also explored potential connections between genome expansion and the attainment of virulence factors. This was performed using estimations of several genomic parameters such as AT content, genomic drift (measured using relative entropy), genome size and estimated HGT size, which were subsequently compared to analogous parameters computed from the core genome consisting of 1729 genes common to the 53 E. coli strains. Moreover, we analyzed how selective pressures (quantified using relative entropy and dN/dS), acting on the E. coli core genome, influenced lineage and phylogroup formation. Hierarchical clustering of dS and dN estimations from the E. coli core genome resulted in phylogenetic trees with topologies in agreement with known E. coli taxonomy and phylogroups. High values of dS, compared to dN, indicate that the E. coli core genome has been subjected to substantial purifying selection over time; significantly more than the non-core part of the genome (pcoli genome size correlated with estimated HGT size (pcoli are largely attained through HGT. No associations were found between selective pressures operating on the E. coli core genome, as estimated using relative entropy, and genome size (p~0.98). On a larger time frame, genome expansion in E. coli, which is significantly associated with the acquisition of virulence factors, appears to be independent of selective forces operating on the core genome.

  12. Virulence Factors and Antibiotic Resistance in Uropathogenic and Commensal Escherichia coli Isolates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iraj Sedighi


    Full Text Available Background: Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs, including cystitis and pyelonephritis, are the most common infectious diseases in childhood. Aim and Objectives: Escherichia coli (E. coli account for as much as 90% of the community-acquired and also 50% of nosocomial UTIs. Therefore, the identification of E. coli strains and antibiotic resistance patterns is important for both clinical and epidemiological implications. Material and Methods: To characterize uropathogenic strains E. coli, we studied 100 strains recovered from both urine samples of children aged less than 7 years with community-acquired UTIs and stool samples of healthy children, respectively. Results: We assessed Virulence Factors (VFs and drug sensitivities of E. coli isolates. Drug sensitivities of the isolates were 94% (amikacin, 90% (nitrofurantoin, 66% (gentamicin, 56% (cefixime, 40% (nalidixic acid and 28% (cotrimoxazol. Laboratory tests showed that the prevalence of virulence factors ranged from 18% for hemolysin and P-fimbriae to 2% for type1-fimbriae. Most drug resistance was cotrimoxazole and amikacin was the lowest. P-fimbriae and hemolysin in uropathogenic E. coli were more frequent than non-pathogen type of E. coli. Conclusion: Although amikacin appeared to be the first choice for UTI in children, but nitrofurantoin seems to be practical and could be considered as the selective choice for uncomplicated lower UTIs.

  13. José María Arguedas and knowing how to dance History

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yazmín López Lenci


    Full Text Available El artículo indaga la propuesta narrativa del escritor, antropólogo y musicólogo latinoamericano, José María Arguedas, de ofrecer una historicidad alternativa construida sobre las dinámicas vitales movilizadas por los cuerpos, los saberes y subjetividades que a su vez, constituyen lugar y región en los Andes.  A partir del enfoque de las rebeliones indígenas del sur andino del Perú, se analizarán las relaciones entre música, danza y la construcción del sujeto político; su genealogía en la narrativa arguediana y las indagaciones que destacan no sólo las tensiones sino los encuentros posibles que reparan las hondas fracturas e interrupciones históricas.

  14. Tomás Harris e a memória fraturada da América

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    Felipe Oliver


    Full Text Available Escrito durante la dictadura de Augusto Pinochet, Cipango[1992] pone en escena la alianza entre las escrituras oficiales y los intereses políticos de la ciudad letrada. En efecto, en su magnífico poemario Harris revisa no precisamente la historia sino cómo y bajo qué condiciones de poder se escribió el discurso sobre la fundación del Nuevo Mundo, detectando en la violencia y la tortura un vínculo entre la Conquista de la Indias y el reciente gobierno militar chileno. Así, a través de los silencios y la sistemática interrupción del verso, Harris “utiliza” al poemario como un instrumento para develar las fracturas del discurso histórico.

  15. Estimación de las propiedades para el material hueso: ensayo fractura de fémur


    Montalvo Andújar, Jorge


    Con este proyecto fin de carrera se pretende avanzar en el campo de la bioingenieria y la prevención, mejorar datos y procedimientos para la obtención de resultados más fiables. En este proyecto se desarrolla un método para estimar las propiedades del material elástico-plástico del hueso utilizando datos de esfuerzo-deformación y mediciones con galgas extensiométricas. Mediante esta nueva rutina de trabajo y análisis de datos se pretende la obtención de las propiedades sobre la...

  16. Distribution of Escherichia Coli as Soil Pollutant around Antang Landfills (United States)

    Artiningsih, Andi; Zubair, Hazairin; Imran, A. M.; Widodo, Sri


    Tamangapa Antang Landfill locates around the residential area and faces an air and water pollution due to an open dumping system in its operation. The system arises a potential pollution in air, water and soil. Sampling was done surround the landfill in two parts, parallel and perpendicular to the ground water flow. This study shows the abundance of E. coli bacteria in soil around the Antang Landfills at depth of 10 to 20 cm (93x105 cfu/gr of soil) in the direction of groundwater flow. While in other locations the E. coli bacteria is not detected. The abundance of E. coli bacteria is a conjunction factor from landfill and human activities surround the area. The absence of E. coli bacteria in other location highly interpreted that the landfill is the major contributor of pollutant.

  17. Resultados do tratamento de fraturas crônicas pela via anterior em pacientes com osteoporose Resultados del tratamiento de fracturas crónicas por la via anterior en pacientes con osteoporosis Results of treatment of chronic fractures by anterior approach in patients with osteoporosis

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    Fabio Leme de Oliveira Pinto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados da cirurgia de corpectomia e artrodese por via anterior nos pacientes com fratura tipo explosão da coluna toracolombar e com osteoporose, que foram submetidos a tratamento conservador prévio por no mínimo sete meses, sem melhora importante do quadro doloroso. MÉTODOS: Foram tratadas seis pacientes idosas com fratura-explosão da coluna toracolombar em um único nível, depois de, no mínimo, sete meses do trauma, pela via anterior, com corpectomia, uso de enxerto autólogo de costela e fixação com parafusos pediculares nos níveis adjacentes. A dor foi avaliada pela EVA no pré-operatório, três semanas, três meses, seis meses e um anos após a cirurgia. RESULTADO: As pacientes apresentaram melhora significativa da dor pós-operatória, com diminuição substancial do uso de medicação analgésica. CONCLUSÕES: Os autores recomendam a via anterior isolada como método de tratamento para fraturas tipo explosão crônicas em pacientes com osteoporose pela baixa taxa de complicações e pelos resultados satisfatórios encontrados.OBJECTIVO: Analizar los resultados de la cirugía de corpectomía y artrodesis por la vía anterior, en pacientes con fracturas tipo explosión de la columna toracolumbar y, con osteoporosis, que habían sido sometidos a tratamiento conservador previo por lo menos durante siete meses, sin mejora importante del cuadro de dolor. MÉTODOS: fueron tratadas seis pacientes ancianas del sexo femenino con la fractura-explosión de la columna toracolumbar en solamente un nivel, después de, como mínimo, siete meses del traumatismo, a través de la vía anterior, con corpectomía, utilización del injerto autólogo de costilla y fijaci��n con tornillos pediculares en los niveles adyacentes. El dolor fue evaluado con EVA en pre-operatorio, tres semanas, tres meses, seis meses y un año después de la cirugía. RESULTADO: Las pacientes presentaron mejoría significativa del dolor

  18. DNA fingerprinting approaches to trace Escherichia coli sharing between dogs and owners. (United States)

    Naziri, Z; Derakhshandeh, A; Firouzi, R; Motamedifar, M; Shojaee Tabrizi, A


    To determine the prevalence of cross-species sharing of Escherichia coli between healthy dogs and humans living in the same household. Two faecal E. coli isolates from 25 healthy dog-owner pairs and 16 healthy control humans were tested using three fingerprinting methods. The prevalence of within-household sharing of E. coli was 4, 8 and 8% using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR analyses respectively. Within-household bacterial sharing was more prevalent than across-household sharing (P fingerprinting techniques will help to find ways for reducing the economic impact of E. coli infections. This study support claims that public health concerns regarding the cross-species sharing of E. coli are warranted but this risk is minimal. © 2015 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  19. Identification of Genes Important for Growth of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Escherichia coli in Urine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vejborg, Rebecca Munk; de Evgrafov, Mari Cristina Rodriguez; Phan, Minh Duy


    Escherichia coli is the most important etiological agent of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Unlike uropathogenic E. coli, which causes symptomatic infections, asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) E. coli strains typically lack essential virulence factors and colonize the bladder in the absence...

  20. Prevalence of Salmonella and E. coli in neonatal diarrheic calves

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    F.R. El-Seedy


    Full Text Available Neonatal calf diarrhea remains one of the most important problems faced by livestock, causing great economic losses. This study investigated the prevalence of Salmonella and Escherichia coli, especially enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC, in diarrheic calves. Fecal samples were collected from 127 diarrheic calves up to 3 months of age at 12 farms from different governorates in Egypt. 119 bacterial isolates (93.7% were recovered and the prevalences of Salmonella and E. coli in diarrheic calves were 18.1% and 75.6%, respectively. Serotyping of Salmonella isolates revealed that S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium were the most prevalent serotypes, representing 60.9% and 30.4%, respectively, while S. Dublin was 8.7%. Serogrouping of E. coli isolates showed that 10 O-serogroups were obtained where O26 and O103 were the most prevalent (17.7% of each. Salmonella serotypes showed positive results with PCR test using oligonucleotide primer amplifying 521 bp fragment of invA gene of Salmonella while 70% of E. coli serogroups possessed ETEC virulent gene (K99. The in-vitro antibiotic sensitivity test indicated that Salmonella serotypes showed high sensitivity against enrofloxacin, spectinomycin and neomycin while E. coli isolates showed high sensitivities against marbofloxacin, spectinomycin and neomycin only.

  1. Recursos y enlaces sobre comunidades de aprendizaje


    Ferrer Esteban, Gerard


    Obras y artículos sobre el proyecto Comunidades de Aprendizaje desarrollado en el Estado español. Tesis doctorales sobre comunidades de aprendizaje. Fundamentación teórica de las comunidades de aprendizaje. Sitios en Internet relacionados con las comunidades de aprendizaje y proyectos afines de desarrollo comunitario en contextos escolares.



    Dedeić-Ljubović, AmeLa; Hukić, Mirsada; Bekić, DaRia; Zvizdić, AmrA


    Diarrhoeal disease is a major cause of illness and death among infants and young children worldwide. Among the Escherichia coli (E. coli) causing intestinal diseases, there are six well-described categories: enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), diffusely adherent E. coli (DAEC), enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), entero-pathogenic E. coli (EPEC), enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC).

  3. Probiotic Mixture Golden Bifido Prevents Neonatal Escherichia coli K1 Translocation via Enhancing Intestinal Defense

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qing Zeng


    Full Text Available Escherichia coli (E. coli K1 sepsis and meningitis is a severe infection characterized by high mortality in neonates. Successful colonization and translocation across the intestinal mucosa have been regarded as the critical steps for E. coli K1 sepsis and meningitis. We recently reported that the probiotic mixture, Golden Bifido (containing live Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium, and Streptococcus thermophilus, LBS has a preventive role against neonatal E. coli K1 bacteremia and meningitis. However, the interaction between the neonatal gut barrier, probiotics and E. coli K1 is still not elucidated. The present study aims to investigate how LBS exerts its protective effects on neonatal gut barrier during E. coli K1 infection. The beneficial effects of LBS were explored in vitro and in vivo using human colon carcinoma cell lines HT-29 and rat model of neonatal E. coli K1 infection, respectively. Our results showed that stimulation with E. coli K1 was able to cause intestinal barrier dysfunction, which were reflected by E. coli K1-induced intestinal damage and apoptosis of intestinal epithelial cells, reduction of mucin, immunoglobulin A (IgA and tight junction proteins expression, as well as increase in intestinal permeability, all these changes facilitate E. coli K1 intestinal translocation. However, these changes were alleviated when HT-29 cells were treated with LBS before E. coli K1 infection. Furthermore, we found that LBS-treated neonatal rats (without E. coli K1 infection have showed higher production of mucin, ZO-1, IgA, Ki67 in intestinal mucosa as well as lower intestinal permeability than that of non-treated rats, indicating that LBS could accelerate the development of neonatal intestinal defense. Taken together, our results suggest that enhancement of the neonatal intestinal defense to fight against E. coli K1 translocation could be the potential mechanism to elucidate how LBS confers a protective effect against neonatal E

  4. Pathogenic Escherichia coli producing Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamases isolated from surface water and wastewater. (United States)

    Franz, Eelco; Veenman, Christiaan; van Hoek, Angela H A M; de Roda Husman, Ana; Blaak, Hetty


    To assess public health risks from environmental exposure to Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamases (ESBL)-producing bacteria, it is necessary to have insight in the proportion of relative harmless commensal variants and potentially pathogenic ones (which may directly cause disease). In the current study, 170 ESBL-producing E. coli from Dutch wastewater (n = 82) and surface water (n = 88) were characterized with respect to ESBL-genotype, phylogenetic group, resistance phenotype and virulence markers associated with enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), extraintesinal E. coli (ExPEC), and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). Overall, 17.1% of all ESBL-producing E. coli were suspected pathogenic variants. Suspected ExPECs constituted 8.8% of all ESBL-producing variants and 8.3% were potential gastrointestinal pathogens (4.1% EAEC, 1.8% EPEC, 1.2% EIEC, 1.2% ETEC, no STEC). Suspected pathogens were significantly associated with ESBL-genotype CTX-M-15 (X(2) = 14.7, P antibiotics. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the aquatic environment is a potential reservoir of E. coli variants that combine ESBL-genes, a high level of multi-drug resistance and virulence factors, and therewith pose a health risk to humans upon exposure.

  5. Mathematical model of rhamnolipid production using E.coli bacteria (United States)

    Adham, Muhammad Fariduddin; Apri, Mochamad; Moeis, Maelita Ramdani


    Rhamnolipid is one of biosurfactants that is widely used in many industries. Despite its wide use, production of rhamnolipid usually involves a pathogen that may endanger our health. To tackle this issue, in iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) competition 2015, our team engineered Escherichia coli (E.coli) to produce rhamnolipid. The bacteria were then put into medium containing glucose and lactose. It turned out that bacteria E. coli produced lower rhamnolipid than that by pseudomonas, therefore a good strategy is required to improve their productivity. We present a mathematical model to describe the production of rhamnolipid by the engineered E coli. Using bifurcation analysis, the equilibrium points of the model and their stabilities were analyzed as the amount of lactose was varied. We show that the system produces bistability behavior for some interval values of lactose. From this analysis we found that to guarantee a high production of rhamnolipid, a high level of lactose is required. To maintain the productivity, however, it is sufficient to maintain the lactose level above a certain threshold value.

  6. Efficacy of a Blend of Sulfuric Acid and Sodium Sulfate against Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Nonpathogenic Escherichia coli Biotype I on Inoculated Prerigor Beef Surface Tissue. (United States)

    Scott-Bullard, Britteny R; Geornaras, Ifigenia; Delmore, Robert J; Woerner, Dale R; Reagan, James O; Morgan, J Bred; Belk, Keith E


    A study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of a sulfuric acid-sodium sulfate blend (SSS) against Escherichia coli O157:H7, non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), Salmonella, and nonpathogenic E. coli biotype I on prerigor beef surface tissue. The suitability of using the nonpathogenic E. coli as a surrogate for in-plant validation studies was also determined by comparing the data obtained for the nonpathogenic inoculum with those for the pathogenic inocula. Prerigor beef tissue samples (10 by 10 cm) were inoculated (ca. 6 log CFU/cm 2 ) on the adipose side in a laboratory-scale spray cabinet with multistrain mixtures of E. coli O157:H7 (5 strains), non-O157 STEC (12 strains), Salmonella (6 strains), or E. coli biotype I (5 strains). Treatment parameters evaluated were two SSS pH values (1.5 and 1.0) and two spray application pressures (13 and 22 lb/in 2 ). Untreated inoculated beef tissue samples served as controls for initial bacterial populations. Overall, the SSS treatments lowered inoculated (6.1 to 6.4 log CFU/cm 2 ) bacterial populations by 0.6 to 1.5 log CFU/cm 2 (P SSS was applied to samples inoculated with any of the tested E. coli inocula; however, solution pH did have a significant effect (P SSS was applied to samples inoculated with Salmonella. Results indicated that the response of the nonpathogenic E. coli inoculum to the SSS treatments was similar (P ≥ 0.05) to that of the pathogenic inocula tested, making the E. coli biotype I strains viable surrogate organisms for in-plant validation of SSS efficacy on beef. The application of SSS at the tested parameters to prerigor beef surface tissue may be an effective intervention for controlling pathogens in a commercial beef harvest process.

  7. Colisão com o 'efeito estilingue'


    Silveira,Fernando Lang da; Braun,Luci F.M; Braun,Thomas


    Abordamos teoricamente a colisão com o 'efeito estilingue' onde um corpo transfere momento linear e energia cinética para um segundo corpo de massa menor, fazendo com que a energia mecânica desse segundo corpo cresça de forma surpreendente. Mostramos que, mesmo quando as colisões são inelásticas, o ganho de energia mecânica pode ser grande. Apresentamos um estudo experimental do interessante efeito realizado a partir de um vídeo. Finalmente discutimos o 'efeito estilingue gravitacional' utili...

  8. FimH-mediated autoaggregation of Escherichia coli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schembri, Mark; Christiansen, G.; Klemm, Per


    Autoaggregation is a phenomenon thought to contribute to colonization of mammalian hosts by pathogenic bacteria. Type 1 fimbriae are surface organelles of Escherichia coli that mediate D-mannose-sensitive binding to various host surfaces. This binding is conferred by the minor fimbrial component...... FimH. In this study, we have used random mutagenesis to identify variants of the FimH adhesin that confer the ability of E. coli to autoaggregate and settle from liquid cultures. Three separate autoaggregating clones were identified, all of which contained multiple amino acid changes located within...

  9. Transmission of F4+ E. coli in groups of early weaned piglets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geenen, P.L.; Döpfer, D.; Meulen, van der J.; Jong, de M.C.M.


    The aim of this study was to estimate transmission parameters of enterotoxigenic F4+ Escherichia coli F4 (F4+ E. coli) in groups of early weaned piglets with F4-receptor-positive (F4R+) and F4-receptor-negative piglets (F4R[minus sign]). Transmission of F4+ E. coli was quantified in four


    The electrophoretic mobility (EPM) of a number of human-virulent and "wild-type" Escherichia coli strains in phosphate buffered water was measured. The impact of pH, ionic strength, cation type (valence) and concentration, and bacterial strain on the EPM was investigated. Resul...

  11. the occurrence of escherichia coli o157:h7 in market and abattoir

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a newly emerging pathogen frequently associated with the consumption of foods of ... KEY WORDS: E. coli O157:H7, Pathogen, Abattoir, Market, and Infections ..... pathogen. Escherichia coli O157:H7 as a model of.

  12. Prognostic value of low blood glucose at the presentation of E. coli bacteremia. (United States)

    Alamgir, Shamsuddin; Volkova, Natalia B; Peterson, Michael W


    Septicemia is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, and Escherichia coli is the most common isolate in blood cultures. Low blood glucose is a known complication of sepsis. The prognostic role of low blood glucose in E. coli bacteremia is unknown. The study's objective was to identify the incidence of low blood glucose at the presentation of E. coli bacteremia and determine its influence on prognosis and outcome. A retrospective cohort study was conducted in university-affiliated community hospitals. Subjects were consecutive patients diagnosed with E. coli bacteremia between 1997 and 2003. We identified 1060 patients with documented E. coli bacteremia. We excluded 105 patients who were younger than 18 years old or pregnant. We recorded demographic characteristics, discharge diagnosis, and outcome. Among the 955 patients with E. coli bacteremia, the average age was 64+/-19.4 years. Overall, 4.6% had documented low blood glucose (blood glucose <70 mg/dL) at presentation. The incidence of low blood glucose was the same in diabetic and nondiabetic patients. Patients with low blood glucose had a 4.7 times higher risk of death compared to patients with non-low blood glucose. Race, age, sex, and diabetes had no influence on survival. Gastrointestinal and genitourinary sources for E. coli bacteremia were more commonly associated with low blood glucose (P <.001). The study was limited to E. coli-positive blood cultures and to the one hospital system. Low blood glucose is present at the onset of E. coli bacteremia in 4.6% of patients. This represents a potentially large number of patients because E. coli is the most common blood culture isolate. Low blood glucose predicts poor outcome, especially in patients with abnormal hepatic and renal function. Low blood glucose should be considered an early clinical sign of E. coli bacteremia and aggressive therapy should be instituted to potentially save lives.

  13. Genotypic characterization of ESBL-producing E. coli from imported meat in South Korea. (United States)

    Kim, Young-Jo; Moon, Jin-San; Oh, Deog-Hwan; Chon, Jung-Whan; Song, Bo-Ra; Lim, Jong-Su; Heo, Eun-Jeong; Park, Hyun-Jung; Wee, Sung-Hwan; Sung, Kidon


    Twenty extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing E. coli strains were isolated from imported meat in South Korea. ESBL strains of E. coli were detected in chicken (14/20) more often than in pork (6/20) and beef (0/20); the highest number (12/20) was detected in Brazilian meats. The bla CTX-M genes were predominant in meats from many countries. E. coli from pork imported from France produced the bla CTX-M-58 enzyme, which has never been documented previously in ESBL-producing bacteria from clinical or environmental sources. Additionally, the coexistence of the bla CTX-M-2 and bla OXA-1 enzymes in EC12-5 isolate was found for the first time in an ESBL E. coli isolate. A rare bla CTX-M type, bla CTX-M-25 , was found in 40% of ESBL E. coli isolates. Phenotypic susceptibility testing showed that E. coli isolates were resistant to up to eleven antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin. For the first time, a new combination in an integron gene cassette, aacA4-cmlA6-qacEΔ1, was found in an E. coli isolate from poultry imported from Brazil. Three E. coli ST117 isolates, from an avian pathogenic lineage producing CTX-M-94, harbored fimH, fyuA, iutA, papC, rfc, and traT virulence genes and were not susceptible to quinolones. For the first time, rfc and papG virulence factors were detected in ESBL E. coli strains isolated from meat products. Even though E. coli CC21 and CC22 were obtained from meats from the USA and Brazil, respectively, they had a similarity coefficient higher than 99% in rep-PCR and the same MLST type (ST117), phenotypic antibiotic resistance pattern, integron gene (qacEΔ1), and plasmid DNA profile. This study indicates that imported meat products may be a source of ESBL-producing E. coli strains in South Korea. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  14. Is Escherichia coli urinary tract infection a zoonosis?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, L.; Garneau, P.; Bruant, G.


    Recently, it has been suggested that the Escherichia coli causing urinary tract infection (UTI) may come from meat and animals. The purpose was to investigate if a clonal link existed between E. coli from animals, meat and UTI patients. Twenty-two geographically and temporally matched B2 E. coli...... from UTI patients, community-dwelling humans, broiler chicken meat, pork, and broiler chicken, previously identified to exhibit eight virulence genotypes by microarraydetection of approximately 300 genes, were investigated for clonal relatedness by PFGE. Nine isolates were selected and tested...... for in vivo virulence in the mouse model of ascending UTI. UTI and community-dwelling human strains were closely clonally related to meat strains. Several human derived strains were also clonally interrelated. All nine isolates regardless of origin were virulent in the UTI model with positive urine, bladder...

  15. Resistência a antimicrobianos dependente do sistema de efluxo multidrogas em Escherichia coli isoladas de leite mastítico Antimicrobial resistance dependent on multidrugs efflux in Escherichia coli isolated from the mastitic milk

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    M.A.S. Moreira


    Full Text Available Identificaram-se e caracterizaram-se a resistência e a multirresistência aos principais antimicrobianos usados no tratamento de mastite bovina causada por Escherichia coli. A concentração inibitória mínima (MIC e o sistema de efluxo foram detectados pelas curvas de crescimento, com base na densidade óptica, em diferentes concentrações da droga e na presença e na ausência do desacoplador da força próton-motora (PMF. E. coli 1 foi resistente à neomicina e à gentamicina; E. coli 3 e 4, à tetraciclina e à estreptomicina; e E. coli 2 e 6 à gentamicina. E. coli 5 apresentou modelo de sensibilidade. Observou-se que MICs de todos os antimicrobianos dos multirresistentes (E. coli 1, 3 e 4 diminuíram na presença do desacoplador, o que sugere sistema de efluxo multidrogas. Após cura, apenas E. coli 1 apresentou modelo de sensibilidade, porém não houve alterações das MICs, antes e após adição do desacoplador. Os resultados indicam possível presença de mecanismo de resistência dependente da PMF codificado, ou parte dele, em plasmídeo.Resistance and multiresistance to main antimicrobials used for treating bovine mastitis caused by Escherichia coli were identified and characterized. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC and efflux systems were detected by the use of growth curves based on optical density at different drug concentrations and both presence and absence of uncoupler of the proton-motive force (PMF. E. coli 1 was resistant to neomycin and gentamycin, E. coli 3 and 4 were resistant to tetracycline and streptomycin, whereas E. coli 2 and 6 were resistant to gentamycin. E. coli 5 showed sensibility model. MICs of all antimicrobials of the multiresistant samples (E. coli 1, 3, and 4 were decreased in presence of the uncoupler, therefore suggesting the presence of the multidrug efflux system. After healing, only E. coli 1 showed sensibility model, however no alteration occurred in MIC(s before and after adding the

  16. Radiosensitization of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi in presence of active compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lacroix, M.; Chiasson, F.; Borsa, J.; Ouattara, B.


    The radiosensitization of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi in ground beef was evaluated in the presence of 18 active compounds. Medium fat ground beef (23% fat) was inoculated with E. coli or S. typhi and each active compound was added separately at various concentrations. For E. coli, the most efficient compounds were trans-cinnamaldehyde, thymol and thyme. For S. typhi, the most efficient compounds was trans-cinnamaldehyde, carvacrol and thymol. The addition of tetrasodium pyrophosphate, carvacrol and ascorbic acid had no effect on the irradiation sensitivity of E. coli. For S. typhi, only ascorbic acid had no effect

  17. Radiosensitization of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi in presence of active compounds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lacroix, M. E-mail:; Chiasson, F.; Borsa, J.; Ouattara, B


    The radiosensitization of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi in ground beef was evaluated in the presence of 18 active compounds. Medium fat ground beef (23% fat) was inoculated with E. coli or S. typhi and each active compound was added separately at various concentrations. For E. coli, the most efficient compounds were trans-cinnamaldehyde, thymol and thyme. For S. typhi, the most efficient compounds was trans-cinnamaldehyde, carvacrol and thymol. The addition of tetrasodium pyrophosphate, carvacrol and ascorbic acid had no effect on the irradiation sensitivity of E. coli. For S. typhi, only ascorbic acid had no effect.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fitrotin Azizah


    abstract  (Averrhoa bilimbi is one of the plants that can be used as an antibacterial, good flowers, stems, leaves and stems have benefits and efficacy. Chemical constituents of the leaves starfruit are tannins, flavonoids, saponins. The active ingredient in the leaves starfruit is tannin. Escherichia coli is a bacterium that causes diarrhea. From the above discussion, the authors raised the theme of Influence starfruit juice of the leaves on the growth of pathogenic E. coli bacteria. Formulation of the problem researchers is whether there is influence starfruit juice of the leaves on the growth of Escherichia coli pathogens. This study aims to determine the concentration that could inhibit and kill Esherichia coli Escherichia coli. This research is experimental. The sample used is leaf green starfruit not so young in a fresh state taken in the area around the boarding author Sutorejo 11B stay. In this study, the sample size for each treatment as much as 3 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10% and C (control. Independent variables are starfruit juice of the leaves, while the dependent variable growth of Escherichia coli. When the study carried out in January and July 2012. Data on the effect of starfruit juice of the leaves on the growth of Escherichia coli tested by laboratory examination and data collection techniques using Chi-Square 0:05. Based on the results it appears that at a concentration of 100% and 90% were able to kill the bacteria Escherichia coli, whereas the inhibitory power ranging from a concentration of 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%. From Chi-Square test was obtained λ2 count coli pathogenic bacteria. Keyword : Leaves starfruit, E. Coli

  19. Sex-related effects of nutritional supplementation of Escherichia coli: relevance to eating disorders. (United States)

    Tennoune, Naouel; Legrand, Romain; Ouelaa, Wassila; Breton, Jonathan; Lucas, Nicolas; Bole-Feysot, Christine; do Rego, Jean-Claude; Déchelotte, Pierre; Fetissov, Sergueï O


    The biological background of sex-related differences in the development of eating disorders (EDs) is unknown. Recent data showed that gut bacteria Escherichia coli induce autoantibodies against anorexigenic α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) associated with psychopathology in ED. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of E. coli on feeding and autoantibodies against α-MSH and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), between female and male rats. Commensal E. coli K12 were given in a culture medium daily to adult Wistar rats by intragastric gavage over a 3-wk period; control rats received culture medium only. Before gavage, E. coli K12 DNA was detected in feces of female but not male rats. E. coli provision was accompanied by an increase in body weight gain in females, but a decrease in body weight gain and food intake in males. Independent of E. coli treatment, plasma levels of anti-α-MSH and ACTH immunoglobulin (Ig)G were higher in female than male rats. Females responded to E. coli by increasing α-MSH IgG levels and affinity, but males by increasing α-MSH IgM levels. Affinity of IgG for ACTH was increased in both E. coli-treated females and males, although with different kinetics. IgG from females stimulated more efficiently α-MSH-induced cyclic adenosine monophosphate production by melanocortin 4 receptor-expressing cells compared with IgG from males. Sex-related response to how E. coli affects feeding and anti-melanocortin hormone antibody production may depend on the presence of these bacteria in the gut before E. coli supplementation. These data suggest that sex-related presence of certain gut bacteria may represent a risk factor for ED development. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. The Impact of Media, Phylogenetic Classification, and E. coli Pathotypes on Biofilm Formation in Extraintestinal and Commensal E. coli From Humans and Animals

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    Daniel W. Nielsen


    Full Text Available Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC include avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC, neonatal meningitis E. coli (NMEC, and uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC and are responsible for significant animal and human morbidity and mortality. This study sought to investigate if biofilm formation by ExPEC likely contributes to these losses since biofilms are associated with recurrent urinary tract infections, antibiotic resistance, and bacterial exchange of genetic material. Therefore, the goal of this study was to examine differences in biofilm formation among a collection of ExPEC and to ascertain if there is a relationship between their ability to produce biofilms and their assignment to phylogenetic groups in three media types – M63, diluted TSB, and BHI. Our results suggest that ExPEC produce relatively different levels of biofilm formation in the media tested as APEC (70.4%, p = 0.0064 and NMEC (84.4%, p = 0.0093 isolates were poor biofilm formers in minimal medium M63 while UPEC isolates produced significantly higher ODs under nutrient-limited conditions with 25% of strains producing strong biofilms in diluted TSB (p = 0.0204. Additionally, E. coli phylogenetic assignment using Clermont’s original and revised typing scheme demonstrated significant differences among the phylogenetic groups in the different media. When the original phylogenetic group isolates previously typed as group D were phylogenetically typed under the revised scheme and examined, they showed substantial variation in their ability to form biofilms, which may explain the significant values of revised phylogenetic groups E and F in M63 (p = 0.0291, p = 0.0024. Our data indicates that biofilm formation is correlated with phylogenetic classification and subpathotype or commensal grouping of E. coli strains.