
Sample records for civil na prestacao

  1. Liabilities in E and P contracts; Responsabilidade civil na prestacao de servicos nos contratos de E e P

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gondinho, Andre Osorio [Escritorio Doria, Jacobina, Rosado e Gondinho Advogados Associados, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The purpose of this article is to debate legal controversies and propose solutions to issues related to the civil liability (contractual and extra-contractual) in the rendering of services in Exploration and Production (E and P) contracts, aiming at minimizing risks and reducing excessive costs for the concessionaires and service providers in the Brazilian Oil and Gas Industry. (author)

  2. Načrtovanje vodnogospodarskih ureditev s programskim orodjem Autodesk CIVIL 3D


    Lubej, Gorazd


    Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz samih osnov vodnogospodarskih ureditev ter primerjave načrtovanja s programskim orodjem AutoCAD 2015 z vmesnikom/vtičnikom Aquaterra in programskim orodjem Autodesk Civil 3D. Cilj je predstavitev dela oziroma postopka dela z obema programskima orodjema, da se dobi vpogled v potek dela z enim in drugim programom. Ugotovljeno je, da je za časovno omejeno pripravo načrtov (kratki rok izdelave načrta) primernejša uporaba programskega orodja AutoCAD 2015 z vmesniko...

  3. Estado, educação e tecnocracia na ditadura civil-militar brasileira

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    Flávio Reis dos Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo das breves considerações que efetuamos neste trabalho encontra-se na análise da ordem econômica burguesa com a perspectiva de compreender a sua atuação na utilização do Estado em defesa e na imposição de seus interesses à sociedade brasileira e na apropriação do campo educacional como instrumento de difusão e reprodução de sua ideologia por meio da formulação e implementação de políticas públicas com vistas à obtenção de hegemonia, a partir do golpe de 1964 e da instituição do Regime de Ditadura Civil-Militar no Brasil.

  4. A desobediência civil como instrumento de participação na democracia constitucional

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    Pedro Costa Brahim Pereira


    Full Text Available A democracia eminentemente representativa apresenta, por vezes, falhas na efetiva participação do povo nas decisões políticas para construção do projeto democrático e no atendimento às garantias constitucionais. Diante deste cenário, examina-se o uso da desobediência civil com vistas a garantir uma maior participação e na busca da soberania popular, da autodeterminação e da transformação social. Apoia-se em fundamentos e princípios do próprio ordenamento, configurando, portanto, ato ilícito, mas não antijurídico, por fundamentar-se na busca de direitos previstos na Lei Maior.

  5. A sociedade civil e os conflitos na construção dos megaeventos esportivos no Brasil

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    Silvia Cristina Franco Amaral


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo foi analisar a atuação e articulação da sociedade civil na resistência contra a remoção forçada das comunidades em localidades próximas às construções de equipamentos para os megaeventos esportivos. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa descritivo-interpretativa realizada em duas etapas: na primeira, coletaram-se dados nos jornais Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo (Estadão; e, na segunda, no Portal Popular da Copa e das Olimpíadas. Constatou-se que o processo de remoção forçada de comunidades tem ocorrido em diversas cidades sedes dos megaeventos esportivos, atingindo as camadas sociais menos favorecida da população. A sociedade civil tem se organizado pela Articulação Nacional dos Comitês Populares da Copa (Ancop, que reúne as ações dos comitês populares de cada cidade sede, utilizando diferentes formas de ação na luta contra a violação dos direitos. Os repertórios centrais são ocupações de prédios públicos, práticas de protestos, criação de dossiês, abaixo-assinados e postagens de vídeos em redes sociais.

  6. Segurança no trabalho e desenvolvimento de produto: diretrizes para integração na construção civil


    Saurin,Tarcisio Abreu


    Este trabalho apresenta diretrizes para a integração de requisitos de segurança no trabalho à etapa de desenvolvimento de produto (DP) na construção civil. As diretrizes foram desenvolvidas a partir de entrevistas com um grupo de sete projetistas da construção civil, uma entrevista com a projetista de ar condicionado e um estudo exploratório de integração da segurança ao processo de DP. Embora as entrevistas tenham indicado que a integração ainda é uma prática pouco disseminada na construção,...

  7. Sociedade Civil e Governo na Gestão de Cidades: a incidência do Movimento Nossa BH nas políticas públicas


    Teodósio, Armindo dos Santos de Sousa; Cardoso do Nascimento, Daniele; Rocha Palmeira, Elis; Copolillo Ayres, Laise


    O artigo analisa a atuação do Movimento Nossa BH (MNBH) na construção de espaços participativos de discussão de políticas públicas na capital mineira, a partir das relações que se estabelecem entre organizações da sociedade civil (OSCs) e governo. Os principais constructos teóricos utilizados são o de participação popular e esfera pública, de modo a se problematizar as formas de participação da sociedade civil em políticas públicas e as dificuldades enfrentadas para que ela se fortaleça na tr...

  8. A legitimidade ativa do ministério público na ação civil pública

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    Alessandra Mendes


    Full Text Available The present study has the objective to debate civil procedural rules and how they have been used in the collective actions, the present work chose the theme of the legitimacy it activates of the Ministry I Publish in the Public Civil Action. The relative subjects were approached to the Ministry I Publish as author, as fiscal of the law, in the case of abandonment or cessation of the public civil action and, finally, the controversy possibility of the united performance among the State and Federal public prosecution service.O objetivo de aprofundar o estudo e o debate de regras processuais que vêm sendo utilizadas nas ações coletivas, o presente trabalho elegeu o tema da legitimidade ativa do Ministério Público na Ação Civil Pública. Foram abordadas as questões relativas ao Ministério Público como autor, como fiscal da lei, no caso de abandono ou desistência da ação civil pública e, finalmente, a polêmica possibilidade da atuação conjunta entre o Ministério Público Estadual e Federal.

  9. Relacionamento interorganizacional na cadeia de suprimentos : um estudo de caso na indústria da construção civil


    Bandeira, Renata Albergaria de Mello; Mello, Luiz Carlos Brasil de Brito; Macada, Antonio Carlos Gastaud


    O escopo deste trabalho consiste em promover uma discussão sobre os mecanismos de coordenação das relações interorganizacionais - poder e cooperação - na cadeia de suprimentos da indústria da construção civil. O poder, como um construto de relações interorganizacionais, tem recebido um tratamento irregular e conflitante por parte dos analistas. No entanto, esta abordagem ignora relações existentes que são muito apropriadas para certos contextos do relacionamento interfirmas. Logo, foi desenvo...



    João Batista Christófori; Patrycia Pansini de Oliveira; Larícia Olaria Emerick Silva


    Reforçando a necessidade e a importância de cada país sobre a maneira pela qual governos, empresas, organizações e os demais setores da sociedade poderiam cooperar no estudo e nas soluções socioambientais, a Agenda 21, um documento fundamental firmado na Rio-92. A reciclagem, em diversos estudos é citada como uma alternativa para a redução da quantidade de resíduos dispostos nos aterros, além de ser uma proposta sustentável para a destinação dos resíduos de construção civil. Assim, este traba...

  11. Identificação dos elementos do trabalho padronizado na construção civil

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    Wanessa Roberta Fazinga

    Full Text Available A padronização é uma ferramenta de gestão voltada para a redução da variabilidade no processo produtivo. No contexto do Sistema Toyota de Produção (STP, a padronização é efetivada por meio do Trabalho Padronizado (TP. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo propor as especificações que devem compor um padrão para processos produtivos da construção civil a partir da adaptação do conceito de TP. Foi realizado um estudo de caso em canteiro de obra, na etapa executiva de estrutura de concreto armado, em uma construtora da cidade de Londrina/PR. Os elementos constituintes do TP puderam ser detectados no contexto da construção, porém algumas adaptações mostraram-se necessárias, resultando em especificações que contêm os três componentes do padrão citados na literatura: meta, restrições e método. A definição de metas mostrou-se válida por direcionar o estabelecimento do método. As especificações do método mostraram-se mais abrangentes do que aquelas citadas na literatura do STP, incluindo especificações relativas aos kits de recursos para cada pacote de trabalho e à forma de transporte e armazenagem dos mesmos nos postos de trabalho. Por outro lado, os resultados apontaram para um menor grau de detalhamento da rotina de operações padrão, tendo como foco o trabalho em equipe. Apesar das particularidades da construção civil, o TP mostrou-se como uma ferramenta potencialmente eficaz para a redução da variabilidade no processo produtivo.

  12. Gestão de resíduos sólidos na construção civil: uma análise do relatório GRI de empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA

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    Fabiana Frigo Souza


    Full Text Available Uma das áreas em ascensão no Brasil é a construção civil, o qual é um setor que gera impactos ambientais, dentre eles, um número elevado de resíduos sólidos. Em razão disso, este estudo tem como objetivos identificar e avaliar o que as empresas do ramo da construção civil listadas na BM&FBOVESPA evidenciam em seus relatórios de sustentabilidade relativamente à gestão de seus resíduos. Para atender aos objetivos propostos, foram pesquisados os relatórios de sustentabilidade das empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA do setor de construção civil. Os resultados mostraram que pequena parte do total de empresas listadas divulga o relatório de sustentabilidade e que, das duas empresas identificadas, após a análise das informações efetivamente divulgadas, uma apresentou dados referentes a 96% dos itens da Categoria Ambiental da Global Reporting Initiative (GRI, e a outra apresentou apenas 19% dos itens. Além disso, em ambas as empresas foram identificados itens em que a divulgação foi feita de forma parcial ou sequer foi feita. O estudo conclui que mesmo a construção civil sendo uma área em expansão e geradora de resíduos, são poucas as empresas que apresentam relatório socioambiental.  


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    Murilo Moreira Nascimento


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta um estudo quantitativo sobre o comportamento do consumidor do e-commerce no setor da construção civil. Foi aplicado um survey com questionários online, no qual buscou-se avaliar os fatores utilitários, hedônicos, sociais e de intenção de uso com a finalidade de entender qual a relação existente entre os fatores supracitados e o processo de aceitação/adoção do comércio eletrônico como ferramenta de consumo de imóveis, já que há possibilidade desses elementos influenciarem na decisão de compra de produtos voltados à construção civil. Para análise das hipóteses foi realizadas a técnica de regressão multivariada que consiste na verificação do relacionamento linear existente entre os construtos propostos. Obteve-se como resultado que consumidores de produtos de alto valor agregado possuem alta satisfação no uso do e-commerce, bem como percebem o valor social como um fator importante na definição da intenção de uso da ferramenta para futuras aquisições de imóveis.

  14. História da Evolução da Engenharia Civil


    Duarte, Paulo André Neves


    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil A fim de se ter noções de história da engenharia Civil na Europa, em Portugal e mais concretamente na cidade do Porto, fez-se um estudo das mudanças e evoluções que a Engenharia Civil teve ao longo dos tempos. As avaliações deste estudo mostram que a construção civil tem vindo a ser muito bem sucedida e que os objectivos da sua evolução vêm sendo alcançados. Neste est...

  15. Responsabilidade civil das empresas de construção civil pelos vícios e defeitos do produto


    Guedes Júnior, Alberto Augusto


    Responsabilidade civil das empresas de construção civil pelos vícios e defeitos do produto. A discussão ocorre através da análise rápida da evolução do sistema da responsabilidade civil o ordenamento geral e na legislação do consumidor, considerando o afastamento da teoria da culpa e o fortalecimento da responsabilização objetiva com fundamento a boa-fé. Este conflito e interação entre os códigos no que tange a responsabilização civil pelos acidentes de consumo traça a base dos ...

  16. Participação da sociedade civil na política ambiental do Governo Lula

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    Cristiana Losekann


    Full Text Available O trabalho analisa um conjunto de formas de participação de organizações civis na política ambiental durante o governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, entre os anos de 2003 e 2008, levando em consideração aspectos da efetividade da participação e da democratização dos debates acerca do meio ambiente. Fundamenta-se em pesquisa qualitativa, com fontes documentais e entrevistas. As conclusões apontam para a existência de uma sociedade civil altamente organizada e que utiliza múltiplos mecanismos de participação visando um alcance maior para a sua efetividade. Sugere, também, que tanto a efetividade quanto a democratização estão ligados à existência de garantias institucionais, sem as quais dificilmente é possível contrapor-se aos interesses econômicos.This paper analyzes the diversified set of forms of participation of civil society organizations within the environmental policy during the government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva between 2003 and 2008. It takes into account aspects of effectiveness of participation and the democratization of debates on environment. It is based in qualitative research, with documental sources and interviews. Conclusions show the existence of a highly organized civil society that makes use of multiple mechanisms of participation to reach most effectiveness. It suggests, also, that effectiveness as well as democratization are intimately linked to the existence of institutional warrants, without which it is very difficult to oppose to economic interests.

  17. "Sociedade civil global": agentes não estatais e espaço de interação na sociedade política "Global civil society": non-state agents and space of interaction in political society

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    Victor Coutinho Lage


    Full Text Available O presente artigo visa compreender o conceito de sociedade civil global, a partir de um diálogo entre o construtivismo em Relações Internacionais e o pensador francês Michel Foucault. Dividido em três seções seguidas por uma conclusão, o texto almeja inserir-se em um espaço acadêmico de profunda contestação das bases filosóficas que permeiam as teorias convencionais nas ciências sociais e, em especial, nas Relações Internacionais. A primeira seção dedica-se à discussão acerca da sociedade civil global como espaço de interação agente-estrutura; na seção subsequente, ao conceito como um conjunto heterogêneo de agentes não estatais de escopo global. A terceira seção funde as duas partes da definição. Assim, propõem-se duas dimensões definidoras da sociedade civil global: na primeira, como espaço político; na segunda, como conjunto de agentes de características específicas. Por fim, uma breve conclusão encerra o texto - mas não a polêmica da discussão. Conclui-se que o contexto contemporâneo é marcado por uma complexidade de tal magnitude que torna urgente uma abordagem que evite oposições binárias e fronteiras ontológicas naturalizadas e reificadas, estando, assim, apta a interpretar de maneira mais adequada as relações sociais e políticas atuais.This article aims at understanding the concept of global civil society, from a dialogue between constructivism in International Relations and the French thinker Michel Foucault. Divided in three sections, followed by a conclusion, the text intends to insert itself in an academic space of a profound contestation concerning the philosophical basis of the conventional theories in the social sciences and, specially, in International Relations. The first section is dedicated to the discussion about global civil society as a space of agent-structure interaction; the next section treats the concept as a heterogeneous set of non-state agents of global scope. The

  18. Construção civil: análise do comportamento da mão de obra e da produtividade na cidade de santa maria (RS

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    Camila Candida Compagnoni Dos Reis


    Full Text Available A construção brasileira retomou nos anos recentes o seu importante papel na receita do desenvolvimento. Após décadas de baixo investimento em infraestrutura e em habitação, o país reencontrou sua rota de progresso. Nesse novo cenário evidenciam-se grandes desafios, o principal deles, na trajetória de crescimento continuado, é o da produtividade. É neste contexto que se insere o presente trabalho, objetivando analisar a produtividade da mão de obra da Construção Civil no setor de habitação na cidade de Santa Maria (RS, bem como analisar qual é o perfil de funcionários mais utilizados nas construções. Para atingir os objetivos, este trabalho tem como referência os dados do Sindicato da Construção de Santa Maria – 8RS entre os anos de 2009 e 2014. Houve, no período analisado, avanços na produtividade induzidos pela própria dinâmica de crescimento e por investimentos em treinamento das construtoras da cidade. Verificou-se uma correlação forte entre área construída e mão de obra utilizada pelas construtoras. Constatou-se também um aumento dos estoques em 2012, seguido de uma alta da área construída nos meses de 2013, acarretando nesse ano o pico do número de empregados na Construção Civil na série em estudo.

  19. Responsabilidade civil do Estado por omissão estatal Civil liability of the State for environmental neglect

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    Haide Maria Hupffer


    Full Text Available Constituição Federal de 1988 é um divisor de águas ao assumir-se como Constituição Ambiental, provocando uma ruptura em relação ao conceito de responsabilidade civil. Partindo de uma abordagem qualitativa, dialética e jurisprudencial, este artigo analisa o Princípio Responsabilidade desenvolvido por hans jonas e realiza um diálogo com o instituto da responsabilidade civil ambiental, identificando, com apoio na legislação constitucional e infraconstitucional, as controvérsias doutrinárias acerca da natureza da responsabilidade estatal (objetiva ou subjetiva frente a casos de omissão da administração pública e à ocorrência de dano ambiental. Conclui-se que o Superior Tribunal de Justiça assume uma dimensão mais alargada do conceito de responsabilidade civil do Estado, demonstrando uma tendência pela responsabilidade civil objetiva com base no risco. Assim, o Brasil, salvo algumas divergências doutrinárias, adota a responsabilidade civil objetiva do Estado pela teoria do risco administrativo alicerçada no ato ilícito e na aceitação do risco.The Federal Constitution of 1988 is a 'water divisor' since it assumes the role of Environmental Constitution, causing a rapture of the concept of civil liability. Starting from a qualitative, dialectical and jurisprudential approach, this article analyzes the Principle of Liability according to Hans Jonas in order to dialogue with the Institute of Civil Environmental Liability, identifying, with the support of the constitutional and infraconstitutional legislation, the doctrinary controversies about the nature of state liability (objective or subjective towards cases of neglect by the public administration and the event of environmental damage. It is possible to conclude that the Higher Court of Justice assumes a larger dimension of the civil liability of the State, thus showing the tendency towards the objective civil liability based on the risk. Therefore, Brazil, regarded some

  20. Participação de representantes da sociedade civil na esfera pública na América Latina. doi:10.5007/2175-7984.2011v10n18p233

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    Maria da Glória Gohn


    Full Text Available Partindo de cenários desenhados pelas novas políticas públicas na América Latina, especialmente no caso do Brasil, o trabalho apresenta os eixos principais destas políticas no que diz respeito à participação de grupos organizados da sociedade civil. Demarcam-se as diferenças entre as atuais políticas sociais voltadas para o atendimento de demandas sociais e a construção e implementação destas políticas nos anos de 1990. O objetivo principal é o de qualificar o caráter e a natureza das novas ações envolvendo a sociedade civil organizada e as instâncias governamentais, indagando sobre os impactos e resultados destas relações no processo democrático em curso.

  1. Modelo para formação de parcerias na construção civil

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    Christiane Wagner Mainardes Krainer

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo tem por objetivo formular um modelo de avaliação da eficiência do relacionamento entre construtoras e fornecedores para a construção de parcerias na cadeia de suprimentos da construção civil. Foram pesquisadas, com adoção do método survey, 100 empresas brasileiras, 50 fornecedoras e 50 construtoras. Os dados foram analisados com a aplicação de técnicas multivariadas (cluster, análise fatorial, correlação de Spearman e regressão linear. O modelo desenvolvido nesta pesquisa explica, por meio da criação de um índice de eficiência composto por três fatores determinantes (confiança, relacionamento de longo prazo e compartilhamento de informações, as características do relacionamento interorganizacional na amostra pesquisada. Serve, portanto, de orientação diretiva para adoção de estratégias de formação de parcerias entre construtoras e fornecedores. Para melhorar os índices de eficiência do relacionamento construtora-fornecedor, os principais processos que precisam ser considerados quando da criação de estratégias de parcerias são: seleção e avaliação de desempenho de fornecedores e realização de reuniões conjuntas.

  2. Sociedade Civil e Governo na Gestão de Cidades: a incidência do Movimento Nossa BH nas políticas públicas

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    Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a atuação do Movimento Nossa BH (MNBH na construção de espaços participativos de discussão de políticas públicas na capital mineira, a partir das relações que se estabelecem entre organizações da sociedade civil (OSCs e governo. Os principais constructos teóricos utilizados são o de participação popular e esfera pública, de modo a se problematizar as formas de participação da sociedade civil em políticas públicas e as dificuldades enfrentadas para que ela se fortaleça na trajetória da cidade de Belo Horizonte. Além disso, pretende-se compreender o contexto do surgimento e a atuação do Movimento Nossa BH, a fim torná-la uma cidade mais justa, democrática e sustentável. A pesquisa tem como fundamento metodológico o chamado Estudo de Caso Estendido, recorrendo a técnicas qualitativas de coleta de dados, tais como entrevistas semiestruturadas em profundidade e observação participante. Os principais resultados obtidos referem-se às tensões estabelecidas entre esses atores para o fortalecimento da democracia participativa e o controle social sobre a gestão pública, denotando um rico mosaico de possibilidades e contradições encontrados pelo MNBH para efetivar sua proposta de criar espaços de interlocução e controle democrático do desenho, implementação e avaliação de políticas públicas na cidade de Belo Horizonte.

  3. Particularidades na escrita matemática de profissionais da construção civil

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    Márcio Antônio Souza Paim


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar os registros de escrita matemática de três profissionais da construção civil.  Investiga quais são os conhecimentos matemáticos que os mesmos utilizam ao resolver uma atividade que simula o assentamento de cerâmicas numa área retangular. Ao observar os registros de escrita dos trabalhadores percebeu-se os diferentes caminhos tomados para se resolver a mesma atividade. O contato com os profissionais envolvidos mostrou que as histórias de vida de cada um foram influenciadas por problemas sociais. Por meio de uma pesquisa participante foi possível compreender melhor a maneira como cada profissional resolveu o problema proposto. Constatou-se também que o tempo escolar de cada um influenciou na execução da atividade.Palavras–chave: Registros de escrita matemática. Profissionais da construção civil. Pesquisa participante.Specific written in professional mathematics constructionAbstractThis work aims to analyze the mathematical writing records of three construction professionals. It investigates the mathematical knowledgement they employed to solve an activity that simulates the laying of ceramic in a rectangular area. By observing the workers' written records it was realized the different paths taken to solve the same activity. The contact with the professionals involved showed that the life stories of each one were influenced by social problems. Through a participatory research it was possible to better understanding how each professional solved the problem proposed. It was also found that the school time of each one influenced the execution of the activity.Keywords: Mathematical writing records. Professional construction. Participatory research.


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    João Moraes Sobrinho


    Full Text Available A construção civil é uma área que apresenta grande importância econômica para o país. A área de construção requer os mais variados tipos de conhecimentos e competências técnicas e conceituais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o nível de treinamento dos trabalhadores da construção civil em Monteiro-PB. A relevância do trabalho reside no fato d o treinamento ser uma estratégia que pode agregar vantagem competitiva às organizações e estimular a redução de possíveis patologias, bem como ajudar a reduzir custos e retrabalhos. A pesquisa, delineada como estudo de campo, utilizou entrevistas com gestores da construção da cidade de Monteiro-PB e formulários aplicados junto aos trabalhadores do nível operacional, para um diagnóstico mais preciso. Os dados foram coletados na primeira quinzena de março de 2016. Os dados apontam para a falta de capacitação, treinamentos e estímulos ao desenvolvimento para os trabalhadores da construção na região. Conclui-se que os gestores de obras de Monteiro-PB ainda não dão o devido valor ao desenvolvimento de competências que poderão conduzir suas empresas a maiores níveis de competitividade e que os trabalhadores ainda carecem de estratégias para sua formação e desenvolvimento profissional, o que pode, a médio prazo, afetar a sua empregabilidade.

  5. Problematizando a Responsabilidade de Proteger: Guerra Civil na Síria e o novo dispositivo jurídico-militar de segurança internacional

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    João Paulo Gusmão Pinheiro Duarte


    Full Text Available O artigo objetiva analisar o redimensionamento de dispositivos contemporâneos de segurança internacional, com atenção à emergência do conceito de Responsabilidade de Proteger: novo instrumento jurídico-militar que busca conter ilegalismos nas relações internacionais em benefício de uma suposta proteção aos direitos humanos. A análise se dá a partir da atual Guerra Civil na Síria.   The article aims to analyze the new dimension of contemporary international security mechanisms, with attention to the emergence of the concept of Responsibility to Protect: new military and legal instrument that aims to contain illegalities in international relations in favor of a supposed protection of human rights. The analysis is based on the current civil war in Syria.

  6. O gesso na indústria da construção civil: considerações econômicas sobre utilização de blocos de gesso


    ROCHA, Carlos Augusto Laranjeira da


    O objetivo desse trabalho é um estudo dos benefícios e custos conseqüentes da utilização do gesso e seus derivados, em substituição aos materiais convencionais, na indústria da construção civil. Outro aspecto analisado é a incrementação das informações a respeito do gesso e o auxilio desse material no desenvolvimento de novos recursos e tecnologias. Foi feito um comparativo entre as vantagens e desvantagens da utilização dos produtos derivados da gipsita como material na indústria da const...

  7. Mapeamento da deposição irregular dos resíduos provenientes da construção civil na cidade de Mossoró-RN

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    Giordanio Bruno Silva Oliveira


    Full Text Available A construção civil tem sido considerada uma das mais importantes atividades para o desenvolvimento da sociedade, porém é uma atividade que causa impactos ambientais, pois utiliza recursos naturais, modifica o meio ambiente e gera um grande volume de resíduos. Nota-se que as atividades ligadas à construção civil no município de Mossoró-RN, são responsáveis por gerar uma quantidade considerável de resíduos de construção civil (RCC, que na maioria das vezes, são depositados em locais irregulares, por não haver na cidade um local específico para esse fim. Esses resíduos constituem um grave problema, tanto para o meio ambiente quanto para qualidade de vida da população. A pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de mapear áreas de depósito irregular de resíduos provenientes da construção civil na cidade de Mossoró-RN. Foi realizada a demarcação dos pontos de acordo com a localização do despejo dos resíduos, com a finalidade de identificar e indicar sua localização dentro da zona urbana de Mossoró-RN. No presente estudo, foi possível identificar 11 pontos de deposição irregular de resíduos provenientes da construção civil, espalhados em diferentes locais da cidade, alguns situando-se próximo de áreas residenciais, o que caracteriza sérios riscos à saúde pública, e outros dispostos próximos de cursos d’água, o que provoca degradação do meio ambiente.Mapping of irregular dumping of solid waste from construction industry at Mossoró-RN, BrazilAbstract: Construction industry has been considered one of the most important activities regarding to society development, however it causes environmental impacts, because it uses natural resources, modifies the environment and generate a huge amount of waste. It was observed that in Mossoró, RN, Brazil, a large amount of construction waste is often deposed in unauthorized sites because the municipality does not provide a specific site for this purpose. Such waste

  8. ANÁLISE Multimétodo de Percepções de Agentes Intervenientes na Pesquisa e no Gerenciamento de Agregados Reciclados de Resíduos da Construção Civil




    O gerenciamento dos resíduos de construção civil apresenta limitações tanto pela iniciativa privada quanto pelo setor público. Isso ocorre nos canteiro de obras, nas usinas de reciclagem e na reutilização desses resíduos, em larga escala, em substituição aos agregados naturais para fabricação de materiais de construção. Este trabalho objetiva identificar e analisar os elementos que dificultam o desenvolvimento do setor da reciclagem de resíduos da construção civil, bem como utilizar os result...

  9. Obrigações empresariais no Novo Código Civil Corporate law and the New Brazilian Civil Code

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    Ligia Paula Pires Pinto Sica


    Full Text Available Tendo em vista a promulgação do novo código civil brasileiro, que reúne dispositivos que revogam o antigo código civil de 1916 e a maioria dos capítulos do código comercial de 1850, unificando-os, é importante que se frise que remanesce a diferenciação entre as matérias de direito civil e comercial, de acordo com suas lógicas peculiares. Sendo assim e tendo o novo código introduzido diversas normas de caráter geral, este trabalho pretende discutir o papel do juiz e da jurisprudência na aplicação dessas normas de maneira casuística, dando-lhes tratamentos distintos de acordo com os fatos apresentados em juízo, de forma a manter a autonomia das áreas do direito mencionadas e garantir aos agentes econômicos o grau de segurança e previsibilidade necessário às suas atuações no mercado.In regard of the enactment of the New Brazilian Civil Code, that unifies the issues treated in the old civil code from 1916 and on the majority of the chapters of the commercial code from 1850, it's important to insist that the differences between the civil and commercial law remains, according to their peculiar logics. Asitis, and as the new code brought several rules of general character, this paper intends to discuss the role of the judge and jurisprudence in the civil law system, by interpretating those rules in a casuistic manner, giving them different treatments, according to the presented facts during litigation, in a way to maintain the autonomy of the law areas mentioned above and guarantee to the economic agents the level of certainty and previsibility, needed to exercise their activities in the market.

  10. Psicologia no Contexto da Ditadura Civil-militar e Ressonâncias na Contemporaneidade

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    Fabíola Figueirêdo da Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo versar sobre as relações da Psicologia com a sociedade no contexto da ditadura civil-militar, considerando o papel das entidades de Psicologia nesse período. Há algumas considerações sobre as características deste contexto histórico e os seus efeitos na subjetividade dos indivíduos que vivenciaram tal momento. O artigo propõe também uma reflexão acerca dos desafios da Psicologia no cenário brasileiro contemporâneo. Foi adotado o tipo de pesquisa bibliográfica, e os dados obtidos foram analisados de forma qualitativa, utilizando-se livros e artigos científicos de língua portuguesa. A ditadura nos remete a um período violento e triste na história brasileira, que teve a característica da violação dos direitos humanos, sendo comum as práticas de tortura, prisões ilegais e mortes. Inicialmente, as associações profissionais dos psicólogos priorizavam questões organizativas e técnicas da profissão, evitando entrar em conflito com a ideologia do Estado ditatorial; e é justamente neste período que a profissão foi consolidada, com a atuação destas entidades que tinham por finalidade defender e representar a categoria dos psicólogos. Contudo, tais associações possuíam postura ambígua frente à violência de Estado: não se pronunciavam contra o regime, ao mesmo tempo em que eram coniventes com esse sistema repressivo. Atualmente, em que se reconhece o compromisso da Psicologia com a realidade em que está inserida, a produção de memória sobre este período da história é fundamental para se compreender as relações complexas que existiram durante a ditadura militar, e que repercutem até os dias atuais.


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    Marcos Antônio Camargos


    Full Text Available A aquisição da Varig pela Gol enseja uma análise da importância das operações de aquisições na estratégia empresarial do setor da aviação civil brasileiro. Neste artigo foi contextualizada, descrita e analisada a trajetória de duas empresas brasileiras e uma aquisição que reconfigurou o mercado de aviação civil nacional, visando entender melhor os seus possíveis desdobramentos para os seus diversos stakeholders e para a economia brasileira. A leitura que pode ser feita da aquisição é a de que, por um lado, mitiga um problema político, econômico e social, que seria a falência total da Varig, e por outro, para a Gol, possibilitará um crescimento rápido no mercado internacional, além de permitir crescimento no mercado interno pelo uso de espaços em aeroportos e da marca Varig. Além disso, foi uma aquisição defensiva, que impediu o ingresso de novos concorrentes estrangeiros, que aumentou o poder de mercado e de competição de uma empresa brasileira no mercado internacional. Enfim, a aquisição proporcionar um maior desenvolvimento econômico e tecnológico para o país no segmento – além de fortalecer o setor turístico, cuja importância na geração de empregos e na atração de divisas é cada vez mais reconhecida.

  12. Comunitarismo, sociedade civil e a reforma da educação na era FHC (1995-2002/Communitarianism, civil society and the education reforms in Brazil during the Fernando Henrique Cardoso government (1995-2002

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    Sidney Reinaldo da Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute a relação entre as reformas da educação e a concepção de sociedde civil na era FHC, a partir de uma crítica ao comunitarismo. Apontamos que a concepção de formação humana pressuposta nas reformas do período em questão, voltada para a aprendizagem do trade off econômico e moral (ajudar os pobres como forma de compensar os benefícios recebidos pela sociedade, como o emprego, bolsas de estudos coaduna-se com o neoliberalismo e com o reforço da histórica cisão “moral” da sociedade brasileira. This paper argues the relationship between education reforms and the civil society conception in Brazil during the Fernando Henrique Cardoso government (1995-2002. We analizes the communitarian people moral formation conception of such reforms showing how it harmonises with the neoliberal values like the exigence of the apprenticeship of the economic and moral trade-off: the market rationality. But such a trend does not help the brazilian people eliminate his historical moral cision grounded on deep economic inequalities conected with an “imoral” social subornination even for liberal values.

  13. Governança na internet: um estudo sobre o Marco Civil brasileiro

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    Laura Vilela Rodrigues Rezende


    Full Text Available El trabajo tiene como propósito realizar un estudio sobre la legislación que rige el uso de Internet en Brasil, en el Marco Civil de Internet (Ley 12.965/2014. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva, de naturaleza cua litativa, basada en recopilación bibliográfica y estudio comparativo. Se ex pone inicialmente un breve histórico de Internet en Brasil y su panorama actual. Luego, se presenta el concepto de gobernanza en Internet y los su cesos que marcaron las discusiones acerca de esta temática. Se aborda el Marco Civil de Internet en Brasil, el histórico de su creación y los principios que lo rigen. Se concluye que es un importante instrumento oficial regla mentario para asegurar la libertad y los derechos del usuario. Su concep ción se fundamentó en la participación de la sociedad civil, lo que puede considerarse inédito en lo que se refiere a la creación de leyes reglamenta rias. Se considera que esta sea una ley sofisticada en cuanto a sus directri ces, lo que la vuelve una de las más progresistas del mundo. Pese a todo lo anterior, su trayectoria democrática de creación le otorga un carácter ge neralista y superficial.

  14. A dinâmica entre governo e sociedade civil na gestão da assistência social: uma década de ação do Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social em Bauru


    Soubhia, Ana Paula Cardia


    Essa dissertação de mestrado direciona sua análise para as relações estabelecidas entre sociedade civil e governo no interior do Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social da cidade de Bauru, município com aproximadamente 340.000 habitantes, localizado no interior do Estado de São Paulo, pelo período de dez anos (1995-2005). Pretende-se, assim, apresentar um estudo a respeito da histórica relação Estado e sociedade civil, portanto, busca-se analisar o grau de democratização na gestão da polític...

  15. Desenvolvimento de argamassas microporosas para a construção civil Development of microporous mortar for the civil construction

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    M. A. Coimbra


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho consistiu na obtenção e estudo de uma argamassa de peso leve para o uso na construção civil através da adição combinada, de aditivos formadores de microporosidade, mais a utilização de cargas que incorporam resíduos industriais. A técnica vem sendo recentemente apontada como uma promissora alternativa para a construção de estruturas leves, onde o compromisso da resistência mecânica aliada às ações ambientais, tais como degradações físico-químicas provocadas por intemperismo, não representam pré-requisitos básicos da construção civil, que possam impedir a utilização de argamassas de baixa densidade, com micro porosidade controlada. Assim sendo, esse trabalho utilizou aditivos adequados para a formação de bolhas estáveis, e quando necessário, agentes promotores de resistência mecânica, tais que puderam compensar perdas de resistência devido a presença excessiva das bolhas. A avaliação da influência dos aditivos, bem como do método de preparação das argamassas leves que incluem o mecanismo de mistura, o desenvolvimento microestrutural e propriedades são correlacionados, visando a obtenção de uma composição adequada que possa ser utilizada na fabricação de estruturas leves.The purpose of that work was to obtain a lightweight mortar for use in the civil construction through the combined addition of micropore chemical formers and industrial residues. Recently, the lightweight mortar technique has been pointed out as an alternative for the construction of light structures, where the commitment of the mechanical resistance associated with the climate actions, such as physical-chemical degradation caused by environmental actions, do not represent basic requirements for civil construction that could restrain the use of low density mortar, with micropore controlled structure. The work analysed the influence of additives adapted for the formation of stable bubbles, and in some cases, the use of

  16. Redes e Capacidade de Ação na Sociedade Civil. O caso de São Paulo - Brasil

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    Gurza Lavalle, Adrian


    Full Text Available Despite the notable political and analytical popularity of the concept of “civil society” in recent years, we know surprisingly little about the modus operandi of real civil organizations, even those that have been highlighted constantly in the literature because of their unprecedented leading role. Against this backdrop and using network analysis which was applied to the result of a survey of 202 civil organizations in the city of São Paulo, this article identifies the main leading actors within civil society and above all their different logics of performance and the dynamics of interaction amongst them. Our findings showed, as one would expect from the literature, that the NGOs comprise the group of actors with the greatest capacity for action within the network; however, little or no attention has been paid to the coordinating bodies which the research reveals as a recent innovation in the creation of collective actors—an innovation which has been notably successful. Moreover, the social movements emerged as the most central actors in the network, despite the supposed loss of their leading role as has been diagnosed and taken for granted in the literature since the 1990’s. The three types of actors accumulate different structural advantages within the universe of civil organizations; they fulfill different roles and differ in importance to civil organizations that are peripheral or of intermediate centrality in the network.

  17. Desastres, ordem social e planejamento em defesa civil: o contexto brasileiro Disasters, social order and civil defense planning: the Brazilian context

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    Norma Valencio


    Full Text Available A pesquisa sociológica em desastres tem muitas abordagens voltadas para as instituições e relações de poder. Desastres têm implicações sobre a ordem social, bem como a ordem social pode colaborar para a produção do desastre. As rupturas sociais provenientes de situações de desigualdade têm influência na resposta dos eventos de desastre, incluindo fatores políticos e econômicos que aumentam a vulnerabilidade. Este artigo analisa o discurso institucional e as práticas de defesa civil no contexto brasileiro. Antes de tudo, descreve as principais abordagens da sociologia dos desastres: o consenso mínimo, a polaridade e dicotomia, e mostra uma abordagem sobre a relação entre desenvolvimento desigual, vulnerabilidade e planejamento de defesa civil. A situação atual nas cidades brasileiras é de restrição de acesso a terra e isso resulta em aumento dos desastres. Se não ocorrer mudança no planejamento do Estado, com a adoção de novas estratégias explicitamente formuladas para quebrar o ponto de vista ideológico que submete grupos pobres, os desastres continuarão acontecendo. Na atual dimensão estrutural do planejamento, o sistema brasileiro de defesa civil classifica os grupos vulneráveis sem considerar a complexidade social. Desastres não destroem por completo os sistemas sociais existentes, mas são capazes de manter contínuos processos de indiferença social. Assim, este artigo conclui dando ênfase no desenvolvimento de uma agenda participativa no planejamento e no nível decisório em defesa civil.Sociological research on disasters has many approaches targeted at institutions and power relationships. Disasters have implications on the social order, and the social order can collaborate to produce disasters. The social disruption deriving from inequality situations influences the response to disaster events, including political and economic factors that increase vulnerability. This paper analyzes the institutional

  18. Método para projeto e planejamento de sistemas de produção na construção civil com uso da modelagem BIM 4D


    Clarissa Notariano Biotto


    As atividades de projeto e planejamento de sistemas de produção na indústria da construção civil tendem a ser mais complexas em relação à manufatura pelo fato de que o produto (edificação) é fixo no espaço enquanto os recursos transformadores movimentam-se. Além disso, à medida que o empreendimento vai sendo construído, o leiaute é alterado, contribuindo para aumentar a complexidade destas atividades. O presente trabalho propõe o uso de modelagem 4D para a visualização espacial e temporal de ...

  19. Ernest Hemingway e a Guerra Civil Espanhola

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    Tom Burns


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute o romance For Whom the Bell Tolls, 1940 [Por quem os sinos dobram], do escritor e jornalista americano Ernest Hemingway, uma ficção sobre a Guerra Civil Espanhola que o autor escreveu na Espanha enquanto servia como correspondente de guerra. O romance, favorável à causa legalista, parece assumir uma posição mais política que os romances e histórias anteriores de Hemingway, mas, na verdade, desenvolve mais uma variação do típico “herói de Hemingway”, celebrado em quase toda a obra do autor: o indivíduo solitário, corajoso, destinado ao fracasso, mas determinado a extrair algum significado da vida em um mundo absurdo.

  20. O movimento civil-militar de 1964 e os intelectuais

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    José Luís Sanfelice

    Full Text Available Este estudo deseja captar no movimento da história, em uma conjuntura determinada, tensões que opuseram diferentes sujeitos sociais dos anos de 1970, no Brasil. Em um dos pólos localiza-se o pensamento expresso pelos primeiros governantes do movimento civil-militar que ocuparam o aparelho de Estado em 1964. Humberto Castelo Branco, presidente da República, Flávio Suplicy de Lacerda, ministro da Educação e Cultura, e Raymundo Moniz de Aragão, com seus pronunciamentos no V Fórum Universitário, encarregaram-se de transmitir o pensamento do governo à sociedade. Na seqüência, em curto espaço de tempo, os reflexos apareceriam no aparato legal da reforma universitária consentida. O contraponto à visão oficial encontra-se, para fins deste trabalho, em um texto da época de autoria de Florestan Fernandes e que resultou da conferência proferida na abertura do I Fórum de Professores, realizado no Rio de Janeiro em 1968. Espera-se, analisando o conflito ideológico, alcançar uma compreensão crítica mais acurada do movimento civil-militar de 1964 e das suas relações com diferentes intelectuais.

  1. Art and Civil Action : Cultural Organizations in the European Civil Domain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gielen, Pascal; Lijster, Thijs


    In this article, the place of new cultural organizationsin the civil domain is analysed. The authors describe a theoretical model that they call the ‘civil chain’, describing the different phases in which civil organizations develop themselves. The civil chain delivers analytic insights into the

  2. Lineage of global civil engineering. Global civil engineering no keifu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hashimoto, M


    This paper considers which way the global civil engineering should go in the future. Civil engineering has now a paradigm with a new dimension debuted as the global environmental problems are taken up specifically. Achieving the target of civil engineering requires a critical review that how the cost effect and efficiency discussions in only the dimensions of the conventional technologies and economies can be incorporated into the dimensions and measures of new fields to create the new horizons. Conceiving the relationship between civil engineered structures and environmental climate encounters the indispensable judgment criterion on how such social scientific conditions as weather, culture, religion, economy, and politics are combined to reach a judgment. The global civil engineering is desired to have the ideas and directional role to work on the ultimate assignment of environment and development called a global environmental problem analytically, comprehensively, innovatively and creatively as the civil engineering science, rather than as a mere existence of one area of the advanced civil engineering science. 5 refs., 1 tab.

  3. Stasis and Bellum Civile

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lange, Carsten Hjort


    David Armitage’s new monograph Civil Wars: A History in Ideas (2017) will undoubtedly long remain a standard reference work. It presents readers with a vision of civil war as part of the longue durée. The argument might be further strengthened, however, if a more inclusive Greco-Roman approach...... to ancient civil war is accepted. This essay focuses on stasis vs. bellum civile, the origins of the concept of civil war, the approach of later Roman writers (such as Appian and Cassius Dio) to the concepts of stasis and bellum civile, and, finally, the question of what makes a civil war a civil war....... Whatever concepts were used, the Romans were not the first to experience internal war as a civil war—that is, a war between the citizens of a polity....


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    Full Text Available RESUMOEste artigo tem por finalidade realizar uma análise sobre a evolução da responsabilidade civil e suas teorias, subjetiva e objetiva aplicadas ao meio ambiente. Dentro desta área, deve-se ressaltar que a responsabilidade civil ao meio ambiente, é um assunto de importante relevância para o efetivo controle da depredação ambiental, permitindo que sejam alcançadas as metas propostas como condição de sobrevivência da espécie humana, ou seja, a conservação do meio ambiente e o desenvolvimento econômico social, visando desta maneira, permitir a qualidade e a continuação da vida. Existe o entendimento, que somente com educação ambiental e normas reguladoras fortes, como a penalidade de ter que indenizar quando praticar algum dano ao meio ambiente conseguirá atingir o objetivo maior de preservação. Necessitam-se além de uma mudança na legislação que responsabilize poluidores do meio ambiente, atribuindo-lhes sanções que inibam a prática de tal conduta ilícita e realizando assim, a aplicabilidade da justiça.Palavras-chave:Responsabilidade Civil; Responsabilidade; Meio Ambiente ABSTRACTThis article have objective to realize a analysis about civil responsibility evolution and your theories, subjective and objective apply environment. Inside this area have to stand out that civil responsibility environment, it is a theme very important relevance for environment depredation control effective, permitting have been obtain proposals target like been human survival condition, therefore, environment conservation and social economic development objective permit quality and continuation of life. There is understanding, that only with environment education and strong regulation principle, like penalty has to indemnify when practice some injury of environment, will obtain more preservation. Demand a change on legislation that responsible environment polluter attribute him inhibit sanctions for practice this illicit conduct and

  5. Mal-estar na civilização e desastre totalitário Malaise in civilization and totalitarian disaster

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    François Villa


    Full Text Available O autor interroga a relação entre o desastre totalitário e a psicanálise. Será que a psicanálise, os psicanalistas, tem algo pertinente a dizer acerca da barbárie? Esta não é uma dimensão que estaria fora do nosso campo? Será que podemos afirmar que o desastre que sobreveio na cultura não teria tido senão pouca ou nenhuma consequência sobre nossa "teoria", nossas "práticas", nossa "arte"? Não é incrível que demos seguimento à tarefa psicanalítica como se a onda da irrupção do terror e da barbárie na cultura não tivesse abalado as quatro paredes de nossos consultórios? Estas são perguntas que este artigo enfrenta e que levam o autor a se voltar sobre a questão dos estados limites a partir de sua reflexão acerca dos efeitos psíquicos duradouros do totalitarismo.Malaise in civilization and totalitarian disaster. The author cross-examines the relationship between psychoanalysis and totalitarian disaster. Does psychoanalysis, psychoanalysts, have something relevant to say about the barbarism? Isn't this a dimension which is beyond our field? Can we say that the disaster that befell the culture would not have had but little or no consequence on our "theory", our "practice" our "art"? Isn't it amazing that we follow the psychoanalytic task as if the wave of eruption of terror and barbarism in culture had not shaken the four walls of our offices? These are questions which this article is facing, and leading the author to get back on the issue of borderline states since his reflection on the lasting psychological effects of totalitarianism.

  6. A utilização da Andragogia em cursos de capacitação na construção civil

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    Lucia Bressiani


    Full Text Available Resumo A falta de mão de obra qualificada é uma das principais dificuldades do setor da construção civil. Pesquisas demonstram que, apesar do aumento de ações voltadas à qualificação de funcionários nos últimos anos, muitas dessas ações foram consideradas insatisfatórias. Sendo assim, em função da alta demanda por qualificação no setor, foi elaborado um programa de capacitação considerando a Andragogia, que trata da aprendizagem de adultos. A literatura sobre esse assunto apresenta vários estudos teóricos, buscando entender como os adultos aprendem. Porém, existe uma carência de pesquisas com aplicações desta teoria, principalmente na educação profissional. Dessa forma, foram acompanhados cursos voltados para trabalhadores da construção, com o objetivo de analisar se a Andragogia vem sendo atendida e, mediante a aplicação de questionários, avaliar a importância atribuída pelos alunos ao atendimento de cada princípio que norteia a educação de adultos. Depois disso, foi desenvolvido um programa de capacitação para alvenaria estrutural, que foi aplicado em dois cursos, procurando identificar dificuldades e o atendimento da Andragogia por meio das ações propostas. Com isso, foi possível constatar a importância da consideração da referida teoria em cursos voltados para a construção civil, proporcionando resultados satisfatórios em termos de aprendizagem e motivação para participação no curso.


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    A. S. G. Mesquita


    Full Text Available Os resíduos sólidos da construção civil apresentam grandes problemas ambientais devido principalmente a grande quantidade produzida e destinação inadequada. Este trabalho objetiva conhecer as características dos entulhos gerados na cidade de Teresina, assim como a sua quantificação e possíveis impactos ambientais. O estudo foi realizado em uma construção de um prédio residencial de 19 pavimentos, durante as fases de revestimento (assentamento de contrapiso e concretagem (laje e rampa. Na fase de revestimento observou-se uma perda 0,66% do material utilizado. Na fase de concretagem o desperdício foi de 1,25%. Daí conclui-se que a indústria de construção civil de Teresina apresenta um patamar elevado de desperdício, considerando o custo desses elementos de obra e o grande impacto ambiental associado.

  8. Re-thinking civil disobedience

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    Theresa Züger


    Full Text Available This article points out a struggle of today’s societies with the traditional concepts of civil disobedience and stresses the need for reevaluation of the concept of civil disobedience for policy making and public discourse. Starting with a minimal definition of civil disobedience, the article introduces Hannah Arendt’s approach for a legitimisation of civil disobedience and discusses her ideas for digital actions, which are increasingly framed as digital forms of civil disobedience. Addressing WikiLeaks as an example of digital civil disobedience, the author problematises the internal secrecy of WikiLeaks and the focus on Julian Assange as a single decision-maker. Both aspects challenge Arendt’s understanding of legitimate civil disobedience. Even though traditional criteria of civil disobedience need to be revisited in the digital age, organisations or disobedience actors might themselves in their actions be well-advised to comply with the principles they fight for.


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    Nicolas Montanari


    Full Text Available Os materiais compósitos se dão pela utilização de dois, ou mais, materiais trabalhando de forma conjunta com o propósito de alcançar determinada propriedade a qual não seria possível com os mesmos isolados. A fibra de carbono com resina epóxi utilizada em reforços estruturais é um desses materiais, a grande resistência mecânica à tração e elevado módulo de elasticidade tornam a fibra de carbono adequada do ponto de vista estrutural, e com a resina epóxi atuando de modo a transferir as tensões da estrutura para serem resistidas pela fibra a caracteriza como tal. Este processo de reforço já vem se mostrando uma alternativa a métodos tradicionais, é mais rápido, simples e limpo que outros, clientes vem optando por este processo mesmo que apresente custo final mais elevado, pois quando consideradas as vantagens nele embutidas torna-se viável. Muito já se desenvolveu com a fibra de carbono no ramo da construção civil, porém ainda pode ser feito mais, descobrindo e aperfeiçoando novas técnicas construtivas compostas de materiais com fibra de carbono.

  10. Civil Identity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Lars Axel

    In this paper I will go through a catalogue of examples of contexts in which the term civil identity is currently used, ranging from the formal and technical process of linking a set of administrative and other events to an individual biological person by means of identity cards, fingerprints, iris...... of Israel to Luce Irigaray's Feminist agenda of elaborating gender specific civil identities. My intention is to investigate whether these different employments of 'civil identity' point towards a common, and fairly well defined object field asking questions of contemporary relevance to the philosophy...

  11. Competência de trabalhadores da construção civil na resolução de problemas práticos: A relação entre representação e prática na ação eficaz

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    Renata Bastos Ferreira Antipoff

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo trata das inter-relações entre representações e prática na ação eficaz, por meio da análise das atividades de pedreiros. Duas posições antagônicas têm dominado o debate, polarizado entre a predominância das representações ou dos aspectos situacionais e corporais na ação competente. Para o cognitivismo, as representações determinam a ação eficaz, já para a ação situada, as habilidades incorporadas e as interações locais explicam a eficácia da ação. Apresentamos uma alternativa que situa a inteligência humana no âmbito da prática, sua dimensão representacional aparecendo como cognição na ação, através de um estudo empírico realizado com dois trabalhadores da construção civil resolvendo problemas no canteiro de obras. A metodologia do Curso da Ação mostra-se adequada a este propósito pois permite analisar a atividade sem cair no cognitivismo. Os resultados confirmam a pertinência de deslocar a inteligência prática para o âmbito da própria prática, confirmando assim o paradigma da ação situada.

  12. Civil law

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hesselink, M.W.; Gibbons, M.T.


    The concept of civil law has two distinct meanings. that is, disputes between private parties (individuals, corporations), as opposed to other branches of the law, such as administrative law or criminal law, which relate to disputes between individuals and the state. Second, the term civil law is



    aragão, Franciely velozo; Aragão, Emanuely Velozo; Kurta, Valdomiro Lubachevski; Madeiros Filho, Dante Alves; Santos Neto, João Batista Sarmento do; Sousa, Larissa de; Cotrin, Syntia Lemos


    O setor da construção civil é responsável pela geração de um grande volume de resíduos sólidos de construção civil e demolição que representam um grave problema em muitas cidades brasileiras devido, principalmente, a disposição irregular desses resíduos. Mesmo com a existência de normas e leis que estabelecem diretrizes para gestão dos resíduos de construção civil e demolição, ainda há uma ineficiência da tomada de decisão em relação a gestão correta desses resíduos. Este trabalho tem como ob...

  14. Reconceptualizing Civil Regulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Galang, Roberto Martin; Castello, Itziar


    This article re-conceptualizes the notion of civil regulation, through an analysis of 775 projects by firms located in 21 Asian countries, wherein we map the state of civil regulation initiatives in the region. We challenge two established assumptions in the Corporate Social Responsibility litera....... Finally, we argue that, in Asia, governments act as a structuration mechanism which challenges the current understanding of CSR.......This article re-conceptualizes the notion of civil regulation, through an analysis of 775 projects by firms located in 21 Asian countries, wherein we map the state of civil regulation initiatives in the region. We challenge two established assumptions in the Corporate Social Responsibility...... and environmental standards; but also that local, small and medium companies play a key role in the development of Asian civil regulation. We call this second finding the “CSR importation trap”. Our findings are supported by evidence on the limitations in the interchangeable properties of business and governments...

  15. Novos meridianos da produção editorial em castelhano: o papel de espanhóis exilados pela Guerra Civil na Argentina e no México New axes of editorial production in Castilian: the role of Spanish civil war exiles in Argentina and Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Pellegrino Soares


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo lançar luz sobre o impacto da Guerra Civil Espanhola sobre a indústria editorial argentina e mexicana. Em particular, pretende enfocar as contribuições oferecidas por refugiados ou exilados espanhóis que, uma vez estabelecidos na outra margem do Atlântico, procuraram retomar seus ofícios de origem, inserindo-se nas gráficas e editoras existentes nesses dois países ou fundando novos negócios livreiros. Tanto o México como, em especial, a Argentina, beneficiaram-se da crise impingida pela guerra à indústria editorial da antiga metrópole para explorar o vasto mercado aberto aos impressos em língua espanhola.This article aims at shedding light on the impact of the Spanish Civil War on the publishing industry in Argentina and in Mexico. Particularly, it intends to analyze the contributions of Spanish refugees or in exile who, once established on the other border of the Atlantic Ocean, tried to go back to their previous jobs, working at preexisting publishing houses in those two countries or creating new ones. Both Mexico and specially Argentina took advantage of the Spanish publishing industry's crises so to explore the vast business opportunities for books in Spanish.

  16. Civil partnerships five years on. (United States)

    Ross, Helen; Gask, Karen; Berrington, Ann


    The Civil Partnership Act 2004, which came into force in December 2005 allowing same-sex couples in the UK to register their relationship for the first time, celebrated its fifth anniversary in December 2010. This article examines civil partnership in England and Wales, five years on from its introduction. The characteristics of those forming civil partnerships between 2005 and 2010 including age, sex and previous marital/civil partnership status are examined. These are then compared with the characteristics of those marrying over the same period. Further comparisons are also made between civil partnership dissolutions and divorce. The article presents estimates of the number of people currently in civil partnerships and children of civil partners. Finally the article examines attitudes towards same-sex and civil partner couples both in the UK and in other countries across Europe.

  17. A preparação dos agentes de informação e a ditadura civil-militar no Brasil (1964-1985 The training of information agents and the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985

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    Samantha Viz Quadrat


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a formação dos agentes de informação e/ou repressão que atuaram em dependências públicas civis e/ou militares durante a última ditadura brasileira (1964-1985. Para isso, analisamos as mudanças ocorridas no pensamento militar sob a influência estadunidense e francesa, bem como a criação de cursos, como os ministrados na Escola Superior de Guerra (ESG e na Escola Nacional de Informações (ESNI, esta última uma criação da ditadura civil-militar brasileira. Um terceiro aspecto analisado diz respeito ao contato estabelecido com oficiais estrangeiros através do oferecimento de treinamento em território nacional e/ou no envio de brasileiros para a realização de cursos fora do país. Consideramos este último ponto como fundamental para a criação do Plano Condor, a ação conjunta das ditaduras do Cone Sul na perseguição aos oponentes políticos além das suas fronteiras.The article analyzes the training of information and repression agents who acted in civil and military public institutions during last Brazilian dictatorship. In order to do so, we focus on changes occurred in military ideas under the influence of United States and France. We also examine the organization of the new courses in Escola Superior de Guerra (ESG and Escola Nacional de Informações (EsNI, the later created by the civil-military dictatorship. A third aspect under analysis is the interactions between Brazilian agents and foreigner military officials through training in Brazilian territory as well as outside the country. This had been of fundamental importance for the articulation of Condor Plan, which gathered Southern Cone dictatorships actions in persecution of political opponents through borders.

  18. Framework de avaliação da complexidade de projetos em portfólios de engenharia civil

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    Alessandro Prudêncio Lukosevicius

    Full Text Available Resumo A importância da complexidade para o desempenho dos negócios tem ganhado reconhecimento acadêmico e gerencial. Saber lidar de forma efetiva com a complexidade é um diferencial para as organizações, incluindo as temporárias (projetos. Portanto, um melhor entendimento da complexidade em projetos e suas aplicações mostra-se necessário. No entanto, a literatura científica é carente de frameworks para avaliar a complexidade nas organizações, especialmente na área de construção civil. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo exploratório é propor um framework para avaliar a complexidade de projetos em portfólios de engenharia civil. O framework foi criado a partir dos fatores de complexidade em projetos de engenharia identificados pela revisão bibliográfica, tratado pela técnica para tomada de decisão ANP (Analytic Network Process e suportado pela Teoria da Complexidade. Como resultado, foi criado o MID (multiplicidade, interdependência, diversidade Framework e aplicado em um exemplo para priorizar o portfólio de projetos de uma empresa de construção civil. Em relação ao TOE (technical, organizational and environmental Framework adotado pela literatura, a pesquisa sugere que o MID Framework é mais amplo (avalia qualquer tipo de projeto, mais simples (estrutura mais enxuta e mais diversificado (calcula as complexidades do projeto e do projeto no portfólio para priorização de portfólios na área de engenharia civil.

  19. Responsabilidade Social das empresas: a contraface da sociedade civil e da cidadania

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    Simionatto, Ivete


    Full Text Available O artigo tem como objeto o estudo das mudanças que vêm ocorrendo nas relações entre Estado e sociedade civil e sua manifestação específica nas propostas articuladas em torno da responsabilidade social das empresas. Parte-se da hipótese de que estas práticas vêm contribuindo para a formação de consensos que fortalecem a hegemonia do capital na atualidade, mediante a redução do papel do Estado e o fortalecimento da esfera privada como setor de regulação social. Este cenário indica mudanças nas relações entre Estado e sociedade civil, uma vez que a responsabilidade social das empresas manifesta-se como uma nova proposta de sociabilidade e de resposta às expressões da questão social. Por fim, identifica-se que os serviços sociais oferecidos através da responsabilidade social fortalecem o campo do voluntariado, da solidariedade e das instituições do terceiro setor, precarizam o trabalho do Assistente Social com rebatimentos na esfera da cidadania e dos demais valores e princípios que sustentam o projeto ético-político da profissão

  20. Citizenship in civil society?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ossewaarde, Marinus R.R.


    This article seeks to provide a conceptual framework to complement and guide the empirical analysis of civil society. The core argument is that civil society must be understood, not as a category of (post)industrialized society, but as one of individualized society. Civil society is characterized by

  1. Produto interno bruto, emprego e renda do macrossetor da construção civil paranaense em 2006




    Este artigo apresenta os multiplicadores de emprego e renda, direto, indireto e induzido para a economia do estado do Paraná, dando ênfase à indústria da Construção Civil. O primeiro passo para a realização do trabalho foi estimar a matriz de insumo-produto do estado do Paraná para 2006, por meio do método RAS. Na sequência, obteve-se o Produto Interno Bruto do macro-setor da Construção Civil ─ cerca de 8,07% do PIB do estado. Também foram estimados os volumes de emprego e renda direto ...


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    Janaildo Soares de Sousa


    Full Text Available A falta de moradia sempre esteve presente na vida da grande maioria dos brasileiros. Com a finalidade de melhorar essa perspectiva, o governo brasileiro há anos vem atuando no setor habitacional mediante políticas habitacionais. Contudo, as ações realizadas durante todo esse tempo permaneceram insuficientes para mudar este panorama. Porém, recentemente, o Governo, por meio do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento, inicia um programa habitacional em larga escala, denominado “Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida - PMCMV”. Esse Programa tem como finalidade proporcionar habitação às populações mais, bem como intensificar as atividades econômicas do setor da construção civil. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o impacto da construção civil no Produto Interno Bruto – PIB antes e depois da crise econômica internacional de 2008/2009. Utilizou-se como instrumento metodológico estudos e pesquisas já realizadas sobre o tema na literatura, através de livros, monografias, dissertações, teses, revistas, artigos, além do uso de regressões econométricas. Os resultados indicam que os investimentos do PMCMV impactam positivamente o PIB brasileiro, o que resultou em uma medida para minimizar os efeitos da crise econômica internacional.


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    Débora Pereira Rosa, Débora Benchimol Ferreira


    Full Text Available Skeletal muscle disturbs related to the work: situation in the civil construction in Goiânia - The related muscle skeletal disturbs (WRMD, known as Repetitive Effort Lesion are world wide phenomenon, bringing negative repercussion to the workers, undertaking and the society. There are worker's categories considered at risk. This exploratory research sought to identify de display of WRMD and their repercussion among civil construction's workers in Goiânia, as well to identify the performance of nurses in the area of the civil construction relative the WRMD prevention. After explain consent announce, 105 workers, arising from public undertaking, private and autonomous. From 47 person that described pain in the characteristic regions of WRMD, 38 point pain in the first, 29 in the hand's fingers, 23 in the scapula's region and 16 in the shoulders, that don't motivated the search of the health services, removal or work accidents. We didn't find relate of the use direction about WRMD prevention. It doesn't appear in the individual's account the nurse's of the work figure. We concluded that the WRMD manifestations haven't great repercussion on the workers yet, because it is an area that doesn't have the nurse performance yet.

  4. Civil Law Glossary. (United States)

    Update on Law-Related Education, 1997


    Presents a glossary of civil law terms originally compiled for journalists by the American Bar Association. Defines many essential civil law concepts and practices including compensatory damages, jurisdiction, motion to dismiss, discovery, and remedy. (MJP)

  5. World tendences of civil aviation development and the enlargement of the Lithuanian civil aviation

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    J. Butkevičius


    Full Text Available The article deals with global trends in civil aviation, such as: liberalisation of aviation market, globalisation of airlines, privatisation of airlines and invasion of low cost airlines into the market. Also the influence of these trends on the Lithuanian civil aviation activities has been defined. The Lithuanian civil aviation activities have been analysed: activities of international airports, passenger and cargo carriers, passenger routes and passenger flows, transportation market and airplane fleet. The problems of the Lithuanian civil aviation activities have been identified and suggestions for the development of the Lithuanian civil aviation activities have been proposed.

  6. Estado e sociedade civil na teoria política: alguns paradigmas, muitas trajetórias

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    Raquel Kritsch


    Full Text Available O objetivo primeiro deste artigo é discutir algumas das inúmeras definições elaboradas por pensadores políticos modernos para a noção de sociedade civil e sua particular ligação – de contiguidade ou de oposição – com a ideia de Estado. Tal reconstrução parece relevante para que possamos refletir com certo rigor analítico sobre os muitos usos de sociedade civil, ideia tão cara ao pensamento político e social, tornada hoje quase uma “entidade regulatória”, em nome da qual os mais variados tipos de agentes sociais pretendem falar e cuja vontade supõem ser capazes de interpretar, como bem ilustram os levantes populares recentes ocorridos em várias partes do mundo, inclusive, no Brasil. Para tanto, são apresentados e discutidos alguns dos modelos interpretativos mais conhecidos nas ciências sociais – Hegel, Marx, Gramsci e Habermas e Cohen e Arato – acerca do papel da sociedade civil e sua relação com o âmbito estatal. O intuito é contribuir para o enriquecimento das possibilidades analíticas relacionadas à investigação sobre a agência de atores e movimentos sociais inseridos em coletivos complexamente organizados. Destina-se, assim, principalmente, a servir de orientação teórico-metodológica para alunos de graduação que pretendem pesquisar movimentos sociais em sociedades Contemporâneas.

  7. Produto interno bruto, emprego e renda do macrossetor da construção civil paranaense em 2006

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    Ricardo Kureski

    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os multiplicadores de emprego e renda, direto, indireto e induzido para a economia do estado do Paraná, dando ênfase à indústria da Construção Civil. O primeiro passo para a realização do trabalho foi estimar a matriz de insumo-produto do estado do Paraná para 2006, por meio do método RAS. Na sequência, obteve-se o Produto Interno Bruto do macro-setor da Construção Civil ─ cerca de 8,07% do PIB do estado. Também foram estimados os volumes de emprego e renda direto e indireto induzido. Os resultados apontaram que o consumo final da indústria da Construção Civil gera 423,5 mil empregos, no valor de 2.418 milhões de reais de renda do trabalho.

  8. 28 CFR 31.202 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil rights. 31.202 Section 31.202....202 Civil rights. (a) To carry out the State's Federal civil rights responsibilities the plan must: (1) Designate a civil rights contact person who has lead responsibility in insuring that all applicable civil...

  9. Civil War and Inoperativity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flohr, Mikkel


    This article analyses the penultimate publication in Giorgio Agambens Homo Sacer-series Stasis: Civil War as a Political Paradigm. It compares and contrasts the paradigm of civil war with the preceding paradigm of the exception, and identifies a significant displacement in the relationship between...... civil war and the sovereign state, in spite of Agamben’s insistence on their continuity. Agamben’s decoupling of civil war and the sovereign state facilitates novel political possibilities that unfortunately remain underdeveloped in the book. The article proceeds to develop Agamben’s brief intimations...... of inoperativity towards a concept of destituent power drawing on his other writings. It makes the argument for thinking civil war and inoperativity – stasis and stasis – together to derive a concept of destituent power as a form of revolution against the sovereign state, which does not constitute a new sovereign...

  10. 22 CFR 208.920 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Civil judgment. 208.920 Section 208.920 Foreign...) Definitions § 208.920 Civil judgment. Civil judgment means the disposition of a civil action by any court of... creates a civil liability for the complained of wrongful acts, or a final determination of liability under...

  11. 34 CFR 85.920 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 34 Education 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil judgment. 85.920 Section 85.920 Education Office...) Definitions § 85.920 Civil judgment. Civil judgment means the disposition of a civil action by any court of... creates a civil liability for the complained of wrongful acts, or a final determination of liability under...

  12. 2 CFR 180.915 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 2 Grants and Agreements 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil judgment. 180.915 Section 180.915... § 180.915 Civil judgment. Civil judgment means the disposition of a civil action by any court of... creates a civil liability for the complained of wrongful acts, or a final determination of liability under...

  13. 22 CFR 1006.920 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Civil judgment. 1006.920 Section 1006.920...) Definitions § 1006.920 Civil judgment. Civil judgment means the disposition of a civil action by any court of... creates a civil liability for the complained of wrongful acts, or a final determination of liability under...

  14. 22 CFR 1508.920 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Civil judgment. 1508.920 Section 1508.920...) Definitions § 1508.920 Civil judgment. Civil judgment means the disposition of a civil action by any court of... creates a civil liability for the complained of wrongful acts, or a final determination of liability under...

  15. 21 CFR 1404.920 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Civil judgment. 1404.920 Section 1404.920 Food and...) Definitions § 1404.920 Civil judgment. Civil judgment means the disposition of a civil action by any court of... creates a civil liability for the complained of wrongful acts, or a final determination of liability under...

  16. Legalisation of Civil Wars

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buhl, Kenneth Øhlenschlæger


    This article is concerned with the legal challenges of regulating civil wars in international humanitarian law. Civil war is not a term used in international law; it falls however, withing the context of the legal term 'armed conflicts not of an international character', although the shorter 'non......-international armed conflict' is used here. Civil wars are usually limited to the territory of a state. Considering that international law is generally concerned with the legal relations between states – being a legal system based on the system of states with states as its subjects – the main question is how civil...... wars as internal conflicts have become subject to international humanitarian law....

  17. Space civil engineering - A new discipline (United States)

    Sadeh, Willy Z.; Criswell, Marvin E.


    Space Civil Engineering is an emerging engineering discipline that focuses on extending and expanding the Civil Engineering know-how and practice to the development and maintenance of infrastructure on celestial bodies. Space Civil Engineering is presently being developed as a new discipline within the Department of Civil Engineering at Colorado State University under a recently established NASA Space Grant College Program. Academic programs geared toward creating Space Civil Engineering Options at both undergraduate and graduate levels are being formulated. Basic ideas and concepts of the curriculum in the Space Civil Engineering Option at both undergraduate and graduate levels are presented. The role of Space Civil Engineering in the Space Program is discussed.

  18. Gestão de Frotas na construção civil: inovação, proposta de valor e impactos nas relações cliente-empresa = Fleet management in the civil construction sector: innovation, value proposition and impacts on customer-company relationship

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    Marcelo Soares do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Empresas têm buscado soluções inovadoras que venham a agregar valor e que possam contribuir com o seu desenvolvimento. Neste cenário, uma empresa do setor de construção civil desenvolveu o serviço Gestão de Frotas, que oferece aos clientes ferramentas novas e atualizadas com um custo mensal fixo, funcionando como uma locação, porém com diferenciais significativos que o distingue dos demais. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar a criação do serviço Gestão de Frotas e sua respectiva proposta de valor, bem como os impactos de sua implementação nas relações com o cliente e os benefícios gerados para a empresa. Empregou-se como metodologia o estudo de caso único. Os dados foram levantados junto aos principais departamentos da empresa e a análise baseou-se em relatórios internos e entrevistas não estruturadas. O levantamento dos pontos críticos junto ao segmento da construção civil, destacando-se a falta de preocupação com o parque de ferramentas, bem como o desconhecimento dos custos reais envolvidos na aquisição e manutenção do mesmo, levou a empresa a identificar que o pagamento pelo uso e não pela propriedade da ferramenta seria mais eficiente para os clientes. A criação do serviço e sua proposta de valor se basearam na oferta de serviços e não na venda de produtos. O serviço estreitou e fortaleceu o relacionamento com os clientes e proporcionou à empresa ganhos em lucratividade, “market share” e mix de produtos, aumentando a credibilidade da marca no mercado nacional. = Companies have been looking for innovative solutions that will add value and contribute to its development. In this scenario, a company of the civil construction sector developed the Fleet Management service, which offers customers new and updated tools with a fixed monthly cost, operating as a lease, but with significant characteristics that distinguish it from others. The objective of this work was to analyze the creation of the Fleet

  19. B 150 civil engineering futures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Foreword B150 –Civil Engineering Futures consists of interviews made, articles written, and projects presented in connection with the 150th anniversary celebrations of the study of civil engineering in Denmark. Instead of a historical retrospect, it was decided to look into the future. What...... challenges will the next 150 years bring civil engineers? Researchers and lecturers at DTU’s Department of Civil Engineering (known as DTU Byg) suggested possible events, and we also consulted civil engineers and their business partners in the building industry. In this way, a programme was put together...... theme in twentieth century architecture. Together, civil engineer Peter Rice and architect Ian Ritchie created a paradigm shift with their revolutionary ideas for glass facades supported by cables. Glued and bolted constructions made entirely of glass are now a reality in small-scale projects, yet...

  20. A atuação da sociedade civil na construção do campo da Alimentação e Nutrição no Brasil: elementos para reflexão The role of civil society in building the field of Food and Nutrition in Brazil: elements for reflection

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    Luciene Burlandy


    Full Text Available A inserção dos temas da Alimentação e Nutrição (AN na agenda pública ganhou progressiva relevância no Brasil, e a sociedade civil desempenhou um papel importante neste processo. Este artigo examina a influência das organizações sociais na construção do campo da AN, numa perspectiva histórica de sua atuação em espaços de interlocução com o governo federal. A análise foi norteada pelas seguintes questões: (1 os diferentes formatos políticos e institucionais desta participação; (2 os temas e demandas políticas pautados; (3 as possíveis repercussões deste processo na construção de institucionalidade pública. Os instrumentos de pesquisa conjugaram revisão bibliográfica e análise documental. Concluiu-se que a atuação das organizações sociais foi fundamental para a consolidação da Política Nacional de AN e de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. A engenharia institucional e o perfil das organizações sociais variaram desde movimentos sociais até redes de políticas. Os temas em pauta modificaram-se ao longo do período estudado, com o fortalecimento das temáticas étnicas, raciais e de gênero. Os ganhos deste processo dependem da capacidade do setor público de regular e apoiar o funcionamento desses espaços e envolver os segmentos governamentais que de fato têm poder decisório.The inclusion of Food and Nutrition (FN issues on the public agenda has gained progressive relevance in Brazil and the civil society (CS has an important role in this process. This article examines how CS affects policies in this field based on a historical perspective of their influence in political arenas of the Federal Government. The analysis was based on the following questions: (1 the political and institutional participatory approaches; (2 the related issues and political demands; (3 the implications of this process in developing public policies. The research instruments have combined literature review and documentary analysis

  1. Kingdom, church and civil society: A theological paradigm for civil ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article deals with the role that churches can and should play in civil society to develop societal morally. The central-theoretical argument is that the biblical notion of the kingdom of God can, when it is systematically and theologically developed, offer an acceptable foundation for the civil action of churches. In light of this ...

  2. 5 CFR 919.920 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil judgment. 919.920 Section 919.920 Administrative Personnel OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) CIVIL SERVICE REGULATIONS (CONTINUED) GOVERNMENTWIDE DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (NONPROCUREMENT) Definitions § 919.920 Civil judgment. Civil judgment...

  3. A identidade de policiais civis e sucessivos espelhamentos The identity of civil police officers and successive mirroring studies

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    Edinilsa Ramos de Souza


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se analisar as percepções de policiais civis sobre a sua identidade profissional e a instituição na qual atuam, bem como a sua opinião acerca da imagem que a sociedade tem sobre a sua atuação. Os dados provêm de uma pesquisa sobre condições de trabalho e saúde dos policiais civis da Baixada Fluminense, com questionário, entrevistas e grupos focais, envolvendo gestores, delegados e policiais das 18 delegacias da área, mais uma especializada. Neste estudo, calcularam-se as frequências relativas e médias das respostas sobre condições de trabalho, satisfação e melhoria da qualidade de vida após ingressar na instituição. Selecionaram-se questões qualitativas acerca da opinião dos profissionais sobre como a sociedade percebe a polícia civil e o que é ser policial na Baixada Fluminense, efetuando-se a análise segundo o método de interpretação de sentidos. Os resultados apontam para uma imagem negativa que os policiais julgam que a sociedade tem sobre eles, o que implica e reforça uma desvalorização da profissão. Eles recusam essa identificação negativa e procuram diferenciar o ser policial civil do ser policial militar. Não se observam especificidades quanto a ser policial na Baixada Fluminense. Conclui-se que são necessárias ações que melhorem as condições de trabalho, o diálogo com as comunidades e que promovam ações de saúde.The scope of this paper was to analyze the perceptions of civil police officers regarding their professional identity, the institution they belong to and their opinion concerning the image society has of their performance. The data are derived from a survey focused on their work and health conditions, using a questionnaire, interviews and focus groups including managers, sheriffs and officers. The relative frequency and average return for answers about working conditions, professional fulfillment and life quality improvement after joining the institution were then

  4. B 150 civil engineering futures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    specific climatic challenge or clean the air. With nanotechnology, the artificial and the natural move closer together; this is the perspective for civil engineer Chris McCarthy’s work all over the world. And what is new is not just the way the construction materials are put together; they also require......Foreword B150 –Civil Engineering Futures consists of interviews made, articles written, and projects presented in connection with the 150th anniversary celebrations of the study of civil engineering in Denmark. Instead of a historical retrospect, it was decided to look into the future. What...... challenges will the next 150 years bring civil engineers? Researchers and lecturers at DTU’s Department of Civil Engineering (known as DTU Byg) suggested possible events, and we also consulted civil engineers and their business partners in the building industry. In this way, a programme was put together...

  5. Análise do desenvolvimento de competências gerenciais na construção civil através do modelo da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas adaptado ao contexto organizacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vitor William Batista Martins

    Full Text Available As mudanças no cenário da engenharia civil e consequentemente da gestão da produção das obras exigem um engenheiro com perfil diferente, resultando na necessidade novas competências, relacionadas a inovação, foco no cliente, planejamento e controle, sistemas de gestão da qualidade, sustentabilidade e uma visão humanista. O objetivo principal deste artigo é identificar as competências desenvolvidas em uma empresa construtora com o processo de implantação da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas adaptado ao contexto organizacional. A estratégia de pesquisa adotada foi a pesquisa-ação, na qual a equipe de pesquisa atua com profissionais para melhorar a forma como estes entendem e resolvem problemas. Os resultados alcançados envolveram o desenvolvimento de competências relacionadas ao contexto organizacional, à aprendizagem individual, coletiva e organizacional, apontando problemas e possíveis soluções de gestão na empresa. Através do desenvolvimento de competências gerenciais, foi estimulada uma visão humanística, sustentável, com foco no cliente, além de um melhor sistema de gestão da qualidade. Identificaram-se problemas no sistema de gestão organizacional, ficando evidente a necessidade da criação de um ambiente propício para troca de informações entre diferentes setores da empresa.

  6. Civil War


    Christopher Blattman; Edward Miguel


    Most nations have experienced an internal armed conflict since 1960. The past decade has witnessed an explosion of research into the causes and consequences of civil wars, belatedly bringing the topic into the economics mainstream. This article critically reviews this interdisciplinary literature and charts productive paths forward. Formal theory has focused on a central puzzle: why do civil wars occur at all when, given the high costs of war, groups have every incentive to reach an agreement...

  7. Desobediencia civil: la autoridad de la reflexión vs la autoridad civil

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    Maria José Urteaga Rodríguez


    Full Text Available ¿Puede la desobediencia civil justificarse moralmente? Este trabajo intenta dar una respuesta afirmativa a esta pregunta. Para dar cuenta de por qué la desobediencia civil es moralmente justificable, primero se describen algunos rasgos esenciales de la desobediencia civil. Después se explica la manera en la que tensión entre el poder civil y el poder del individuo –tensión que se asume como la fuente de la desobediencia civil–, bajo la consideración de algunos pasajes de la Fundamentación metafísica de las costumbres, resulta sólo aparente. Una vez disuelta la tensión se defiende que las fuentes normativas individuales y sociales no sólo no se contraponen, sino que su complementariedad es necesaria para justificar la desobediencia civil. Aunque suene paradójico: sólo se puede abrir espacio a la desobediencia a partir de resaltar la importancia de la obediencia y de la ley.

  8. Civil engineering work

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cousyn, Rene; Goubin, Jean.


    Although it does not require a specifically new technicality, the Civil Engineering site of a nuclear power plant is a complex work. Considering as an example the power plant currently in construction at Tricastin, the authors describe the main Civil Engineering work and task organization applied to carry it out [fr

  9. 7 CFR 3017.920 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil judgment. 3017.920 Section 3017.920 Agriculture... AGRICULTURE GOVERNMENTWIDE DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (NONPROCUREMENT) Definitions § 3017.920 Civil judgment. Civil judgment means the disposition of a civil action by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether...

  10. 29 CFR 1471.920 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil judgment. 1471.920 Section 1471.920 Labor Regulations... SUSPENSION (NONPROCUREMENT) Definitions § 1471.920 Civil judgment. Civil judgment means the disposition of a civil action by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether by verdict, decision, settlement...

  11. Imunidade tributária e Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público


    Araújo, José Antônio Gomes de


    Resumo: Esta dissertação tem como objeto a imunidade tributária a impostos, dirigida às instituições de educação e assistência social sem fins lucrativos (art. 150, inciso VI, alínea "c" da Constituição Federal), e sua relação com as Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público tratadas na Lei n.o 9.790/99. Para proceder à análise, são examinadas as diferentes feições estatais e a crise do Estado Contemporâneo. Na sequência, acompanhamos a repercussão dessa crise no Brasil a partir do...

  12. 77 FR 55175 - Civil Penalties (United States)


    ... [Docket No. NHTSA-2012-0131; Notice 1] RIN 2127-AL16 Civil Penalties AGENCY: National Highway Traffic... proposes to increase the maximum civil penalty amounts for violations of motor vehicle safety requirements... and consumer information provisions. Specifically, this proposes increases in maximum civil penalty...

  13. 75 FR 5244 - Civil Penalties (United States)


    ... [Docket No. NHTSA-2009-0066; Notice 2] RIN 2127-AK40 Civil Penalties AGENCY: National Highway Traffic... civil penalty amounts for violations of motor vehicle safety requirements involving school buses, bumper... theft protection requirements. This action is taken pursuant to the Federal Civil Monetary Penalty...

  14. 31 CFR 19.920 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil judgment. 19.920 Section 19.920... SUSPENSION (NONPROCUREMENT) Definitions § 19.920 Civil judgment. Civil judgment means the disposition of a civil action by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether by verdict, decision, settlement...

  15. 77 FR 70710 - Civil Penalties (United States)


    ... [Docket No. NHTSA-2012-0131; Notice 2] RIN 2127-AL16 Civil Penalties AGENCY: National Highway Traffic... civil penalty amounts for violations of motor vehicle safety requirements for the National Traffic and... provisions. Specifically, this increases the maximum civil penalty amounts for single violations of motor...

  16. 29 CFR 98.920 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Civil judgment. 98.920 Section 98.920 Labor Office of the Secretary of Labor GOVERNMENTWIDE DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (NONPROCUREMENT) Definitions § 98.920 Civil judgment. Civil judgment means the disposition of a civil action by any court of competent jurisdiction...

  17. 30 CFR 947.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 947.845 Section 947.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE WASHINGTON § 947.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, shall apply when civil penalties are assessed for...

  18. 30 CFR 941.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 941.845 Section 941.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE SOUTH DAKOTA § 941.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, shall apply when civil penalties are assessed for...

  19. 30 CFR 912.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 912.845 Section 912.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE IDAHO § 912.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, shall apply when civil penalties are assessed for violations...

  20. 30 CFR 921.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 921.845 Section 921.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE MASSACHUSETTS § 921.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, shall apply when civil penalties are assessed for...

  1. 30 CFR 939.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 939.845 Section 939.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE RHODE ISLAND § 939.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, shall apply when civil penalties are assessed for...

  2. 30 CFR 937.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 937.845 Section 937.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE OREGON § 937.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, shall apply when civil penalties are assessed for violations...

  3. 30 CFR 942.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 942.845 Section 942.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE TENNESSEE § 942.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, shall apply to the assessment of civil penalties for...

  4. 30 CFR 903.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 903.845 Section 903.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE ARIZONA § 903.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, applies to the assessment of civil penalties for violations...

  5. 30 CFR 910.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 910.845 Section 910.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE GEORGIA § 910.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, shall apply when civil penalties are assessed for violations...

  6. 30 CFR 922.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 922.845 Section 922.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE MICHIGAN § 922.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, shall apply when civil penalties are assessed for violations...

  7. 30 CFR 933.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 933.845 Section 933.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE NORTH CAROLINA § 933.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chaper, Civil Penalties, shall apply when civil penalties are assessed for...

  8. 30 CFR 905.845 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 905.845 Section 905.845... PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE CALIFORNIA § 905.845 Civil penalties. Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, shall apply to the assessment of civil penalties for...

  9. 75 FR 79978 - Civil Penalties (United States)


    ... [Docket No. NHTSA-2010-0114; Notice 2] RIN 2127-AK78 Civil Penalties AGENCY: National Highway Traffic... civil penalty amounts for related series of violations of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety... Federal Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, as amended by the Debt Collection...

  10. 75 FR 49879 - Civil Penalties (United States)


    ... [Docket No. NHTSA-2010-0114; Notice 1] RIN 2127-AK78 Civil Penalties AGENCY: National Highway Traffic... proposes to increase the maximum civil penalty amounts for violations covering a related series of... action would be taken pursuant to the Federal Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, as...

  11. Material civilization: things and society. (United States)

    Dant, Tim


    This paper argues that although classical sociology has largely overlooked the importance of social relations with the material world in shaping the form of society, Braudel's concept of 'material civilization' is a useful way to begin to understand the sociological significance of this relationship. The limitations of Braudel's historical and general concept can be partially overcome with Elias's analysis of the connection between 'technization' and 'civilization' that allows for both a civilizing and a de-civilizing impact of emergent forms of material relation that both lengthen and shorten the chains of interdependence between the members of a society. It is suggested that the concept of the 'morality of things' employed by a number of commentators is useful in summarizing the civilizing effects of material objects and addressing their sociological significance. From the sociology of consumption the idea of materiality as a sign of social relationships can be drawn, and from the sociology of technology the idea of socio-technical systems and actor-networks can contribute to the understanding of material civilization. It is argued that the concept of 'material capital' can usefully summarize the variable social value of objects but to understand the complexity of material civilization as it unfolds in everyday life, an analysis of 'material interaction' is needed. Finally the paper suggests some initial themes and issues apparent in contemporary society that the sociological study of material civilization might address; the increased volume, functional complexity and material specificity of objects and the increased social complexity, autonomy and substitutability that is entailed. A theory of 'material civilization' is the first step in establishing a sociology of objects.

  12. Civil society sphericules

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tufte, Thomas


    the organization strategizes about and seeks to articulate amongst Tanzanian youth. Situated in the ‘perverse confluence’ (Dagnino, 2011) between neoliberal and radical democratic agendas in the communicative practices of civil society-driven media platforms, Femina navigates between identities as an NGO, a social...... movement and a media initiative. In the context of the growing literature on social networking sites and their affordances, dynamics and structures, the case of Femina illustrates how a civil society sphericule emerges within the dynamic co-evolution of new and old media platforms. The study is furthermore...... an example of the difficult shift in civil society practice, from service provision to an agenda of public service monitoring, social accountability and community engagement....

  13. 14 CFR 1274.924 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil rights. 1274.924 Section 1274.924... FIRMS Other Provisions and Special Conditions § 1274.924 Civil rights. Civil Rights July 2002 Work on NASA cooperative agreements is subject to the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964...

  14. Razão, história e justificação da lei civil segundo Thomas Hobbes

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    Wladimir Barreto Lisboa


    Full Text Available O autor procura analisar a relação existenteentre lei natural e lei civil em Thomas Hobbes.Para isso analisa sua crítica à história e ao commonlaw enquanto incapazes de fundar a racionalidadedo poder civil. Mostra-se igualmente de que modoo poder soberano encontra seu fundamento nas leismorais. Por fim, indica-se como a igualdade de direitos,tal como pensada na modernidade, sobretudoem Hobbes, parece inviabilizar a idéia de direitoscujos titulares seriam grupos e não indivíduos.Abstract: The author analyzes the relationbetween natural law and civil law in ThomasHobbes, pointing out Hobbes’ argument thatneither history or common law are able to foundcivil’s power rationality. The article shows, aswell, how sovereign power is founded by themoral law and how the equality of rights inHobbes seems to undermine the idea that ispossible for groups to be subject of rights insteadindividuals.

  15. Civil Society and Governance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hulgård, Lars

    An illustration of how important the relationship is between civil society anbd governance. A short historic journey with four snapshots of times and situations that have provided interesting evidence about the connection between civil society and governance. My goal for the short historic journey...... is to make clear and hopefully even verify that providing knowledge about the impact of civil society and citizens’ participation on governance is one of the most urgent research tasks in the current period of time....

  16. Direitos civis dos jovens e a insegurança urbana Youth civil rights and urban insecurity

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    Augusto Caccia-Bava Junior


    Full Text Available Este ensaio parte do reconhecimento de uma conjuntura de crise institucional, para analisar o contexto da formação dos direitos civis dos jovens e suas fragilidades ,com vista a alcançar, por meio dessa reflexão, uma exposição dos aspectos da insegurança urbana presentes na sociedade brasileira. Palavras-chave: Crise institucional. Direitos civis dos jovens. Insegurança urbana. This essay starts with the recognition of a particular political institutional crisis as a base to analyze the development of the youth civil wrights and their gaps in order to reach an exposition of the characteristics of urban insecurity that takes place in Brazilian society. Keywords: Institutional crisis; Youth civil wrigths; Urban insecurity.

  17. 32 CFR 855.13 - Civil fly-ins. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil fly-ins. 855.13 Section 855.13 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIRCRAFT CIVIL AIRCRAFT USE OF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AIRFIELDS Civil Aircraft Landing Permits § 855.13 Civil fly-ins. (a) Civil...

  18. O uso de placas de tetrapak como uma alternativa sustentável na construção civil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Antonio Perrone Ferreira Brito


    Full Text Available A indústria da construção civil, devido a sua grande influência nas atividades econômicas, é responsável pelo consumo dematéria-prima não renovável em grande escala sendo, portanto parte fundamental para que se consiga um desenvolvimentosustentável. Os materiais reciclados surgem como opção para a preservação destes recursos. O sistema modular também se adapta asnecessidades da construção sustentável já que seu processo construtivo resulta na racionalização da obra reduzindo perdas, custosfacilitando a inserção do material no mercado. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um sistema construtivo modular produzido complacas de argamassa de cimento, areia e caixas recicladas tetrapak. Foi desenvolvida uma proposta de planta padrão para umaresidência com 45m2 onde as vedações e divisórias internas são moduladas e construídas por placas pré-fabricadas de dimensõespadronizadas. Estas placas foram produzidas com duas espessuras diferentes de maneira que se pudesse avaliar sua massa final eresistência a compressão. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com NBR 6136 (2008 Blocos vazados de concreto simples paraalvenaria - Requisitos. Um modelo de edificação foi construído neste sistema de maneira que se pudesse avaliar sua durabilidade,resistência as intempéries e conforto ambiental.Abstract Due to its strong influence over the economicactivities, the civil construction industry is responsible for thelarge-scale consumption of non-renewable raw materials and byconsequence being an important part of any sustainabledevelopment model. The recycled materials appear as an optionfor preservation of resources. The modular system also fits thenecessities of the sustainable construction since its operativeprocess results in a rationalization of needed man power,reducing losses, costs and facilitating the insertion of the recycledmaterials into the market. The objective of this work is todevelop a modular constructive

  19. Civil liability on nuclear activities; Responsabilidade civil nas atividades nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bittar, C A


    The civil liability theory in the actual context is shown in the first and second part of this thesis, including some considerations about concepts and types of liability in dangerous and not dangerous activities. In the third part, the legal aspects of civil liability for the nuclear activities are analyzed, with a brief description of the history evolution, standard systems, inspection corporation and juridical regulation. (C.G.C.). 239 refs.


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    Volodymyr Kharchenko


    Full Text Available Objective: The risks in unmanned civil aviation are considered as one of the most important. In the article is proved applicability of ensuring the flight safety of aircraft and considered the basic risks of manned civil aviation. Methods: Analyzed statistical data on aviation accidents, organized probabilities distribution of aviation accidents for manned and unmanned civil aviation to identify factors that influence the occurrence of emergency situations in manned and unmanned aviation. Results: We proposed typology of risk components in civil aviation and systematized methods and techniques to reduce risks. Over the analogies defined possible risks, their causes and remedies in civil unmanned aircraft. Weight coefficients distribution was justified between risk types for development of recommendations on risk management in unmanned civil aviation. Discussion: We found that the most probable risk in manned civil aviation is the human factor, organization of air traffic control, design flaws of unmanned aviation system as a whole, as well as maintenance of unmanned aviation system.



    Mesquita, A. S. G.


    Os resíduos sólidos da construção civil apresentam grandes problemas ambientais devido principalmente a grande quantidade produzida e destinação inadequada. Este trabalho objetiva conhecer as características dos entulhos gerados na cidade de Teresina, assim como a sua quantificação e possíveis impactos ambientais. O estudo foi realizado em uma construção de um prédio residencial de 19 pavimentos, durante as fases de revestimento (assentamento de contrapiso) e concretagem (laje e rampa). Na fa...

  2. Nuclear energy and civilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soentono, S.


    The role of energy is indeed very important since without it there will be no living-things in this world. A country's ability to cultivate energy determines the levels of her civilization and wealth. Sufficient energy supply is needed for economic growth, industrialization, and modernization. In a modern civilization, the prosperity and security of a country depends more on the capability of her people rather than the wealth of her natural resources. Energy supplies the wealth, prosperity and security, and sufficient reliable continuous supply of energy secures the sustainable development. The energy supply to sustain the development has to improve the quality of life covering also the quality of environment to support the ever increasing demand of human race civilization. Energy has a closer relationship with civilization in a modern society and will have to become even closer in the future more civilized and more modern society. The utilization of nuclear energy has, however, some problems and challenges, e.g. misleading information and understanding which need serious efforts for public information, public relation, and public acceptance, and possible deviation of nuclear materials for non-peaceful uses which needs serious efforts for technological and administrative barriers, precaution, prevention, safety, physical protection, safeguard, and transparency. These require cooperation among nuclear community. The cooperation should be more pronounced by heterogeneous growing Asian countries to reach harmony for mutual benefits toward better civilization. (J.P.N.)

  3. On civil engineering disasters and their mitigation (United States)

    Xie, Lili; Qu, Zhe


    Civil engineering works such as buildings and infrastructure are the carriers of human civilization. They are, however, also the origins of various types of disasters, which are referred to in this paper as civil engineering disasters. This paper presents the concept of civil engineering disasters, their characteristics, classification, causes, and mitigation technologies. Civil engineering disasters are caused primarily by civil engineering defects, which are usually attributed to improper selection of construction site, hazard assessment, design and construction, occupancy, and maintenance. From this viewpoint, many so-called natural disasters such as earthquakes, strong winds, floods, landslides, and debris flows are substantially due to civil engineering defects rather than the actual natural hazards. Civil engineering disasters occur frequently and globally and are the most closely related to human beings among all disasters. This paper emphasizes that such disasters can be mitigated mainly through civil engineering measures, and outlines the related objectives and scientific and technological challenges.

  4. Civil Procedure In Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik

    scientific activities conducted by the author, partly based on the author's experience as a member, through a number of years, of the Danish Standing Committee on Procedural Law (Retsplejeraadet), which on a continuous basis evaluates the need for civil procedural reforms in Denmark, and finally also based......The book contains an up-to-date survey of Danish civil procedure after the profound Danish procedural reforms in 2007. It deals with questions concerning competence and function of Danish courts, commencement and preparation of civil cases, questions of evidence and burden of proof, international...... procedural questions, including relations to the Brussels I Regulation and Denmark's participation in this Regulation via a parallel convention with the EU countries, impact on Danish civil procedure of the convention on human rights, preparation and pronouncement of judgment and verdict, questions of appeal...

  5. State-Civil Society Partnership: issues for debate and new researches [Parceria entre o Estado e a Sociedade Civil: pontos para o debate e novas pesquisas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mário Vasconcellos


    este conceito no contexto da governança. Buscamos mostrar que, em geral, o contexto histórico da parceria não tem sido incluído entre os fatores usados para explicar o seu uso no contexto da governança. Apontamos que, a despeito das análises sobre parceria que indicam que esta traz benefícios sociais, ainda existem lacunas no conhecimento que evidenciem que esta “tecnologia social” contribui efetivamente para empoderar as pessoas e os grupos sociais com menor poder de influência. A maior parte da literatura sugere que a parceria objetiva fortalecer a relação entre a população e o governo local e melhorar as possibilidades das pessoas e dos grupos sociais com menor poder de influência em participar na governança local. Entretanto, não encontramos na literatura sobre parceria evidências substantivas de que ela se direciona para modificar a estrutura de poder político. Finalmente, mostramos que não está claro se a interação entre as “pessoas comuns” e o estado, por via de um processo participativo, tem contribuído efetivamente para construir coesão social para diferentes grupos sociais. A principal contribuição do artigo é expandir o conhecimento dos fatores que influenciam (de forma positiva e negativa o processo de parceria entre o estado e a sociedade civil para o desenvolvimento local.

  6. Novos desafios para os atores da sociedade civil brasileira em un contexto de mudancas na cooperacao internacional

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    K. Biekart (Kees)


    markdownabstractIntro A pesquisa conduzida pela FGV sobre cooperação internacional e a arquitetura financeira das Organizações da Sociedade Civil (OSCs) brasileiras (CEAPG & ARTICULAÇÃO D3, 2013) tem gerado resultados importantes. Auxiliam no melhor entendimento sobre as mudanças nacionais e

  7. High technology and civil rights

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lerche, P.


    Court decision reflect the widely felt lack of clarity about the present legal situation in the field of high technology. This confusion is also due to the fact that this legal situation is surrounded by civil rights constellations, which have more and more eroded the contours of our legal system in recent years: Today, civil rights are no longer specific, well-definable bulwarks for the citizen, but are more and more frequently interpreted by the supreme courts as sources of procedural requirements with more or less certain often vague consequences. This shifting of the accent in civil rights towards procedural matters is due to an innate logical necessity, however: The same civil right considered in the same situation, e.g., in planning for high technology, may give rise to very different, even contradictory individual claims. Therefore, one of the main modern objectives of civil rights becoming more and more apparent is the need to reconcile conflicting positions, which makes civil rights a driving force in balancing interests in the easiest possible way. Yet, one of the main deficiencies in this rapidly growing procedural approach is the one-sidedness often to be found as a result of isolated, punctual actions. This misses the objective of achieving adequate harmonization. As examples of such one-sided, isolated civil rights approaches, legal opinions are cited on the so-called public participation (possibility to object for those concerned) in the licensing procedures under the German Atomic Energy Act and for protection against environmental impacts. Quity rightly, this participation of the public is interpreted as an advance protection of civil rights. However, its consequences quite often are exaggerated. (orig.) [de

  8. Sustainability issues in civil engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Saride, Sireesh; Basha, B


    This compilation on sustainability issues in civil engineering comprises contributions from international experts who have been working in the area of sustainability in civil engineering. Many of the contributions have been presented as keynote lectures at the International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure (ICSCI) held in Hyderabad, India. The book has been divided into core themes of Sustainable Transportation Systems, Sustainable Geosystems, Sustainable Environmental and Water Resources and Sustainable Structural Systems. Use of sustainability principles in engineering has become an important component of the process of design and in this context, design and analysis approaches in civil engineering are being reexamined to incorporate the principles of sustainable designs and construction in practice. Developing economies are on the threshold of rapid infrastructure growth and there is a need to compile the developments in various branches of civil engineering and highlight the issues. It is th...

  9. Charles Taylor na Haia: limites da justiça internacional?

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    Full Text Available Recentemente o julgamento de Charles Taylor, um dos protagonistas no conflito civil na Libéria, atraiu a corte internacional em Haia para o foco da comunidade internacional. Assim, o presente artigo busca delimitar as conseqüências políticas e jurídicas que advirão desse processo para a comunidade internacional como um todo.

  10. A SOCIEDADE CIVIL PODE MUDAR O JORNALISMO? A experiência do jornalismo de defesa civil na América Latina

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    Silvio Waisbord


    Full Text Available Após estudos recentes sobre a “teoria do campo” e o “institucionalismo novo” nos estudos sobre jornalismo (Benson, 2004, 2006, a premissa inicial deste artigo é que a imprensa mantém vínculos com três campos externos: os estados, os mercados e a sociedade civil. Os vínculos são formados tanto pelas relações estruturais quanto pelas práticas de fazer notícias. Os fatores estruturais como propriedade, financiamento e legislação determinam as conexões das organizações noticiosas com os estados, as empresas e os protagonistas civis. Os processos de produção e consumo de notícias envolvendo as redações, as fontes e as audiências afetam também a intensidade das relações entre a imprensa e os campos externos.

  11. Civil liberties and nuclear terrorism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldberg, S.


    The importance of preventing nuclear terrorism is so great that it is easy to believe that the usual concern with civil liberties must take a back seat. But it is precisely when emergencies are invoked that the authors must not forget the importance of freedoms. Emergency powers are easily abused, and, even in the absence of abuse, mistakes can be made. It is hard to understand why they care about civil liberties if every suspect is guilty, every wiretap is necessary, and every search is justified. But sometimes suspects are innocent, wiretaps are used for political ends, and searches disrupt lives to no end. Civil liberties do not exist in a vacuum. If society is destroyed, civil liberties are likely to be destroyed as well. Virtually every legal doctrine this study addresses involves a recognition that individual rights must be balanced against valid social needs. The civil liberties focus on here fall under the general headings of freedom of speech and association, privacy, due process rights for suspects, and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. One essential point applied to all these areas: although a counterterrorist activity is legal, that does not mean the activity has no impact on civil liberties. It may be legal, for example, to have a massive federal police force that provides hundreds of guards for every shipment of plutonium. Even so, that procedure still raises civil liberties concerns, since many Americans would feel less free in a society of that type

  12. Refractions of Civil Society

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kuzmanovic, Daniella

    The thesis investigates various perceptions of civil society among civic activists in Turkey, and how these perceptions are produced and shaped. The thesis is an anthropological contribution to studies of civil society in general, as well as to studies on political culture in Turkey....

  13. Information systems for civil engineering; Sistemas de informacion para ingenieria civil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Buen R, Pablo R; Alvarado G, Alonso; Alaniz Q, Felipe de J; Guerrero F, Vicente A. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    Since its beginnings, in the Gerencia de Ingenieria Civil (GIC) of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) the interest has existed to take advantage of and to promote the advantages that the appropriate use of the computerizing systems in the different tasks of civil engineering in the power sector represent. Either as a part of its infrastructure or at the request of their clients, at the GIC have been developed calculation systems for the analysis and design of special structures such as turbo-generators foundations, poles for transmission and distribution and transmission towers, in addition the information systems for the consultation and the analysis of diverse information, such as the related to the Manuals of Civil Works of the Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) or the relative to the existing instruments in the large dams of our country. In this article are briefly described some of the computer systems developed by the GIC in recent years. [Spanish] Desde sus inicios, en la Gerencia de Ingenieria Civil (GIC) del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) ha existido el interes por aprovechar y promover las ventajas que representa el uso adecuado de los sistemas de computo en las diferentes tareas de ingenieria civil en el sector energetico. Ya sea como parte de su infraestructura o a solicitud de sus clientes, en la GIC se han desarrollado sistemas de calculo para el analisis y diseno de estructuras especiales como lo son las cimentaciones de turbogeneradores, los postes para transmision y distribucion y las torres de transmision, ademas de sistemas de informacion para la consulta y el analisis de informacion diversa, como es la relacionada con los manuales de obras civiles de la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) o a la relativa a los instrumentos existentes en las grandes presas de nuestro pais. En este articulo se describen brevemente algunos de los sistemas de computo desarrollos por la GIC en anos recientes.

  14. Space Civil Engineering option - A progress report (United States)

    Criswell, Marvin E.; Sadeh, Willy Z.


    Space Civil Engineering is an emerging engineering discipline that focuses on extending and expanding Civil Engineering to the development, operation, and maintenance of infrastructures on celestial bodies. Space Civil Engineering is presently being developed as a new discipline within the Department of Civil Engineering at Colorado State University and with support of the NASA Space Grant College Program. Academic programs geared toward creating Space Civil Engineering Options at both undergraduate and graduate levels are being formulated. Basic ideas and concepts and the current status of the curriculum in the Space Civil Engineering Option primarily at the undergraduate level are presented.

  15. The life human being and its new paradigms: the genetic manipulation and the implications in the sphere of the civil liability Da vida humana e seus novos paradigmas: a manipulação genética e as implicações na esfera da responsabilidade civil

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    Valkíria Aparecida Lopes Ferraro


    velocidade de informações e das constantes descobertas científicas do Mundo Contemporâneo. Nesse diálogo entre as inovações científicas e a adequação jurídica aos comportamentos delas advindos, depreende-se que o direito não pode mais ficar à espera de casos concretos para regulamentar o assunto. Ao contrário, deve o direito ter o condão de trazer mecanismos assecuratórios eficientes às relações contratuais e extracontratuais firmadas entre as partes envolvidas, e também da sociedade de forma geral, se pensarmos na proteção da vida das gerações futuras. De uma forma ou de outra, seu objetivo principal continua sendo a proteção dos direitos fundamentais, principalmente o direito à vida digna. Tal tarefa não é fácil, pois o problema encontrado no presente tema é que tampouco a ciência tem resposta quando é inquirida sobre as prováveis conseqüências das pesquisas que envolvem a manipulação genética células vegetais e humanas. Refrear tais pesquisas não se faz oportuno, ante à esperança da cura de doenças e de maior qualidade de vida. Por outro lado, “brincar de Deus” é tarefa preocupante, ante os danos que porventura possam causar à humanidade. A legislação global, na grande maioria, não tem apresentado posições favoráveis à manipulação genética de células de embriões. O presente trabalho vem de encontro com as lacunas deixadas pela Lei e as situações que reclama maior atenção: a questão do dano genético e sua reparação civil, principalmente com relação à aplicação, nesses casos, da Teoria Objetiva da responsabilidade civil.

  16. 41 CFR 105-68.920 - Civil judgment. (United States)


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil judgment. 105-68... Administration 68-GOVERNMENTWIDE DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (NONPROCUREMENT) Definitions § 105-68.920 Civil judgment. Civil judgment means the disposition of a civil action by any court of competent jurisdiction...

  17. 47 CFR 90.411 - Civil defense communications. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil defense communications. 90.411 Section 90... PRIVATE LAND MOBILE RADIO SERVICES Operating Requirements § 90.411 Civil defense communications. The... necessary for the implementation of civil defense activities assigned such station by local civil defense...

  18. Communication Needs of Thai Civil Engineering Students (United States)

    Kaewpet, Chamnong


    This article reports on an examination of the communication needs of a group of Thai civil engineering students. Twenty-five stakeholders helped identify the communication needs of the students by participating in individual interviews. These included employers, civil engineers, civil engineering lecturers, ex-civil engineering students of the…

  19. History of Civil Engineering Modal Analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brincker, Rune


    techniques are available for civil engineering modal analysis. The testing of civil structures defers from the traditional modal testing in the sense, that very often it is difficult, or sometimes impossible, to artificially excite a large civil engineering structure. Also, many times, even though...

  20. Geophysics for deposits and civil engineering; Geophysique de gisement et de genie civil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mari, J.L. [Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP), 92 - Rueil-Malmaison (France)]|[Ecole Nationale Superieure du Petrole et des Moteurs (ENSPM), 92 - Rueil-Malmaison (France); Arens, G. [ELF Aquitaine Production (France); Chapellier, D. [Lausanne Univ. (Switzerland). Faculte des Sciences; Gaudiani, P. [SEMM, Societe Etude Mesure Maintenance (France)


    This book is devoted to Earth science specialists who will have to use geophysical methods applied to oil and gas deposit studies and to civil engineering studies. It comprises 11 chapters dealing with: the geotechnical problems and the methodology of their study (basement depth, digging, dynamic modules, cavities, foundations, water inflows, refraction and high resolution reflexion shooting, well logging, drilled cores analysis and petrophysical measurements), deposits and civil engineering (heterogeneities, study of deposits, scale problems, train of deposit and geophysical studies), theoretical recalls of seismic surveys and acoustics (wave propagation, mechanical properties of rocks, in-situ conditions and laboratory simulations), reflexion shooting (acquisition, use of surface waves, data processing, civil engineering applications), refraction shooting (underground imaging, recommendations and interpretation of profiles, geological models, applications), well seismic surveys (vertical profile, imaging, well correlations), acoustic logging (tools, data representation, acquisition of acoustic parameters, sonic logging and time-depth relationship, synthetic seismograms, acoustic reflexion imaging, characterisation of formations using Stoneley waves), examples of civil engineering studies (deterministic, statistical and evolutive approaches, structural and stratigraphic interpretation of seismic data, hydrocarbon indicators, statistics and data analysis), radar (electromagnetic wave propagation, surface use, use in drilling), well logging in geotechnical studies (deposit studies, civil engineering studies), well logging and soil mechanics (preciseness, estimation of elastic modules). (J.S.) 231 refs.

  1. 28 CFR 522.11 - Civil contempt commitments. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil contempt commitments. 522.11..., CLASSIFICATION, AND TRANSFER ADMISSION TO INSTITUTION Civil Contempt of Court Commitments § 522.11 Civil contempt commitments. Inmates can come into Bureau custody for civil contempt commitments in two ways: (a) The U.S...

  2. On the history of codification of Hungarian civil law and the new Hungarian civil code

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    Salma Jožef


    Full Text Available The first part of the paper examines the basic tendencies in the development of the codification of Hungarian civil law in the period of representative and civil society. The second part deals with the new Hungarian Civil Code (2013/14 its content, methods of regulation and its relation to other civil legislation, temporal validity with the adherence to the idea of validity pro futuro, as well as its tendency to harmonize its norms with the guidelines of the European civil law. In accordance with the idea of completeness, the lawmakers incorporated all of the areas of civil law according to the pandecta system - personal law, corporate law with civil association law, family law, obligations and inheritance. The Code is based on the principle of equality of parties in civil relations, the principle of good faith, fraus legis prohibition. Family law is based on specific principles of protection of marriage, family and children. Contract law is based on the freedom of contract, limited by good customs and morality. Tort law is guided by the principle of prohibiting the harm to others, full compensation of material and imaterial damages. Contractual responsibility is regulated separately, so that the tort rules apply if the specific rules of contractual responsibility donot say otherwise. Other grounds for obligations are also regulated, as well as unjustified enrichment, doing business without order or authority, unilateral expression of intention and securities. The grounds for inheritance are contractual, statutory or based on the will. Freedom of disposition by will is limited by statutory rules regulating the forced share. The system of transfer of property ex lege after the death is adopted. The state is a successor if there are no testamentary, statutory or contractual inheritors.

  3. How persistent is civilization growth?


    Garrett, Timothy J.


    In a recent study (Garrett, 2011), I described theoretical arguments and empirical evidence showing how civilization evolution might be considered from a purely physical basis. One implication is that civilization exhibits the property of persistence in its growth. Here, this argument is elaborated further, and specific near-term forecasts are provided for key economic variables and anthropogenic CO2 emission rates at global scales. Absent some external shock, civilization wealth, energy cons...

  4. Civil forensic psychiatry - Part 2: specific issues. (United States)

    Samuels, Anthony H


    This paper describes the main areas of civil forensic psychiatry (FP) and the skills required by psychiatric experts. Some specific areas of civil FP are discussed, including tort law reform, reliability of psychiatric evidence, contentious psychiatric disorders, and the many domains of civil FP. Civil FP is an important sub-specialty component of forensic psychiatry that requires greater emphasis in the training and continuing education of psychiatrists. A process of accrediting psychiatrists as having competency in advanced civil FP may be of value.

  5. Apps for Ancient Civilizations (United States)

    Thompson, Stephanie


    This project incorporates technology and a historical emphasis on science drawn from ancient civilizations to promote a greater understanding of conceptual science. In the Apps for Ancient Civilizations project, students investigate an ancient culture to discover how people might have used science and math smartphone apps to make their lives…

  6. 7 CFR 761.3 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil rights. 761.3 Section 761.3 Agriculture... SPECIAL PROGRAMS GENERAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION General Provisions § 761.3 Civil rights. Part 15d of this title contains applicable regulations pertaining to civil rights and filing of discrimination complaints...

  7. 12 CFR 622.61 - Adjustment of civil money penalties by the rate of inflation under the Federal Civil Penalties... (United States)


    ... civil money penalties by the rate of inflation under the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Adjustment of civil money penalties by the rate of inflation under the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, as amended. 622.61...

  8. 25 CFR 11.503 - Applicable civil procedure. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Applicable civil procedure. 11.503 Section 11.503 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAW AND ORDER COURTS OF INDIAN OFFENSES AND LAW AND ORDER CODE Civil Actions § 11.503 Applicable civil procedure. The procedure to be followed in civil...

  9. 24 CFR 81.83 - Civil money penalties. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Civil money penalties. 81.83... § 81.83 Civil money penalties. (a) Imposition. The Secretary may impose a civil money penalty on a GSE... writing of the Secretary's determination to impose a civil money penalty by issuing a Notice of Intent to...

  10. Legitimidade ativa da Defensoria Pública para a propositura de ação civil pública: interpretação a partir dos paradigmas constitucionais / Public Defender's Office active legimitacy for a public civil action's bringing: interpretation from the constitutional paradigms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucélia Sena Alves


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem o propósito de analisarcriteriosamente a legitimidade dada à DefensoriaPública pela Lei n. 11.448/2007 para a propositurade Ação Civil Pública, contextualizando-a nosparadigmas constitucionais. A escolha do temadeu-se pela importância que a Instituição tem naefetivação do acesso à justiça e na garantia doEstado Democrático de Direito. Também foramanalisados os papéis de outras instituições, comoo Ministério Público, na concorrência dessa legitimaçãoativa e sua imprescindibilidade paraa construção de uma ordem jurídica mais justa.A pesquisa valeu-se de análises pertencentes adiversos campos do saber humano, tais comoDireito Constitucional, Direito Processual e SociologiaJurídica / Abstract: The purpose of this study is to minutelyanalyze the legitimacy provided to thePublic Defender´s office by law 11.448/2007,for filing Public Civil Actions, in the light of aconstitutional doctrine. The reason for choosingsuch topic is the importance of this institutionfor a greater access to justice and in theguarantee of The Democratic State of Law.The article also discusses the legal role of otherinstitutions, such as the Public Prosecutor´soffice, to file civil public actions and to builda more just legal system. This article has profitedfrom analyses from other areas of humanknowledge, such as Constitutional Law, Civiland Criminal Procedure Law and Legal Sociology.

  11. A percepção do desenvolvimento regional na grande fronteira do Mercosul

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    Jandir Ferrera de Lima


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a percepção do desenvolvimento regional na opinião daslideranças do Fórum da região Grande Fronteira do Mercosul (GFM no Sul doBrasil. A região GFM enfrenta dificuldades em manter seu dinamismo econômicofrente ao contexto de globalização, da competitividade dos mercados, dasdificuldades das pequenas propriedades rurais e as precárias condições sociais deparcela significativa da sua população. Para as lideranças do Fórum da GFM, odesenvolvimento regional implica na melhoria dos indicadores econômicos e sociaise na ação coordenada da sociedade civil organizada através dos órgãos degovernança local.Abstract This paper examines the perception of regional development in the opinion ofthe leaders of the region's Great Frontier of Mercosur Forum (GFM in southernBrazil. The GFM region is struggling to maintain its economic dynamism outside thecontext of globalization, competitive markets, the difficulties of small farms and poorsocial conditions of a significant portion of its population. To the leaders of the Forumof GFM region, regional development involves them provident of economic and socialindicators and the coordinated action of civil society through the organs of localgovernance.

  12. 38 CFR 21.7310 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil rights. 21.7310... Bill-Active Duty) Administrative § 21.7310 Civil rights. (a) Delegation of authority concerning Federal... her jurisdiction. See part 18 of this chapter. These equal opportunity laws are: (1) Title VI, Civil...

  13. 32 CFR 310.46 - Civil actions. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil actions. 310.46 Section 310.46 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (CONTINUED) PRIVACY PROGRAM DOD PRIVACY PROGRAM Privacy Act Violations § 310.46 Civil actions. An individual may file a civil suit...

  14. 7 CFR 250.21 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil rights. 250.21 Section 250.21 Agriculture... TERRITORIES AND POSSESSIONS AND AREAS UNDER ITS JURISDICTION General Operating Provisions § 250.21 Civil... Department's nondiscrimination regulations (7 CFR parts 15, 15a, and 15b) and the FNS civil rights...

  15. 7 CFR 1709.18 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 11 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil rights. 1709.18 Section 1709.18 Agriculture... ASSISTANCE TO HIGH ENERGY COST COMMUNITIES General Requirements § 1709.18 Civil rights. This program will be administered in accordance with applicable Federal Civil Rights Law. All grants made under this subpart are...

  16. 50 CFR 401.22 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil rights. 401.22 Section 401.22..., DEVELOPMENT AND ENHANCEMENT § 401.22 Civil rights. Each application for Federal assistance, grant-in-aid award... Assisted Programs of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and with the Secretary's regulations promulgated...

  17. 49 CFR 233.11 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil penalties. 233.11 Section 233.11..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SIGNAL SYSTEMS REPORTING REQUIREMENTS § 233.11 Civil penalties. Any person (an... subject to a civil penalty of at least $650 and not more than $25,000 per violation, except that...

  18. A constitucionalização do processo : a virada do paradigma racional e político no processo civil brasileiro do estado democrático constitucional


    Hermes Zaneti Júnior


    O estudo propõe desenhar as linhas mestras do processo civil brasileiro no quadro do Estado de Direito Democrático, pós Constituição Federal de 1988. Na primeira parte, partindo da origem do direito processual constitucional brasileiro na Constituição Republicana de 1891 visa a abordar as mudanças ocorridas com a constitucionalização do processo, o que significa reconhecer que na formação e desenvolvimento do direito processual brasileiro atuaram forças paradoxais (recepção da judicial review...

  19. Beyond strong and weak: rethinking postdictatorship civil societies. (United States)

    Riley, Dylan; Fernández, Juan J


    What is the impact of dictatorships on postdictatorial civil societies? Bottom-up theories suggest that totalitarian dictatorships destroy civil society while authoritarian ones allow for its development. Top-down theories of civil society suggest that totalitarianism can create civil societies while authoritarianism is unlikely to. This article argues that both these perspectives suffer from a one-dimensional understanding of civil society that conflates strength and autonomy. Accordingly we distinguish these two dimensions and argue that totalitarian dictatorships tend to create organizationally strong but heteronomous civil societies, while authoritarian ones tend to create relatively autonomous but organizationally weak civil societies. We then test this conceptualization by closely examining the historical connection between dictatorship and civil society development in Italy (a posttotalitarian case) and Spain (a postauthoritarian one). Our article concludes by reflecting on the implications of our argument for democratic theory, civil society theory, and theories of regime variation.


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    Carlos Nelson Konder


    Full Text Available This paper aims to examine the methodology of constitutionalization of the civil law by Pietro Perlingieri, sometimes referred to as “civil-constitutional law”, through the comparison of this method with others, thus establishing relations, distinctions, similarities, and sometimes opportunities for dialogue. For this purpose, was used the methods’ response technique regarding two questions about interpretation of law: deontology x teleology and restriction x freedom of interpretation.

  1. 7 CFR 3550.3 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil rights. 3550.3 Section 3550.3 Agriculture... DIRECT SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING LOANS AND GRANTS General § 3550.3 Civil rights. RHS will administer its... amended by Executive Order 12259, as applicable. The civil rights compliance requirements for RHS are in 7...

  2. 34 CFR 303.424 - Civil action. (United States)


    ... 34 Education 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil action. 303.424 Section 303.424 Education... Civil action. Any party aggrieved by the findings and decision regarding an administrative complaint has the right to bring a civil action in State or Federal court under section 639(a)(1) of the Act...

  3. 49 CFR 228.21 - Civil penalty. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil penalty. 228.21 Section 228.21..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HOURS OF SERVICE OF RAILROAD EMPLOYEES Records and Reporting § 228.21 Civil... requirement is subject to a civil penalty of at least $650 and not more than $25,000 per violation, except...

  4. 78 FR 672 - Civil Monetary Penalties (United States)


    ... Part 3560 RIN 0575AC93 Civil Monetary Penalties AGENCY: Rural Housing Service, USDA. ACTION: Proposed rule. SUMMARY: The Rural Housing Service (RHS or Agency) proposes to implement two civil monetary... civil monetary penalties under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 1490s (section 543 of the Housing Act of 1949...

  5. 12 CFR 229.21 - Civil liability. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil liability. 229.21 Section 229.21 Banks and Banking FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (CONTINUED) BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM... Availability Policies § 229.21 Civil liability. (a) Civil liability. A bank that fails to comply with any...

  6. 49 CFR 221.7 - Civil penalty. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil penalty. 221.7 Section 221.7 Transportation... TRANSPORTATION REAR END MARKING DEVICE-PASSENGER, COMMUTER AND FREIGHT TRAINS General § 221.7 Civil penalty. Any... requirement is subject to a civil penalty of at least $650 and not more than $25,000 per violation, except...

  7. 31 CFR 103.57 - Civil penalty. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalty. 103.57 Section 103.57... REPORTING OF CURRENCY AND FOREIGN TRANSACTIONS General Provisions § 103.57 Civil penalty. (a) For any... willfully participates in the violation, a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000. (b) For any willful violation...

  8. 30 CFR 881.12 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil rights. 881.12 Section 881.12 Mineral... LAND RECLAMATION SUBSIDENCE AND STRIP MINE REHABILITATION, APPALACHIA § 881.12 Civil rights. State or local authorities shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. L. 88-352) and all...

  9. 28 CFR 33.52 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil rights. 33.52 Section 33.52... Block Grants Additional Requirements § 33.52 Civil rights. The Justice Assistance Act provides that “no... the provisions of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of...

  10. 34 CFR 300.516 - Civil action. (United States)


    ... 34 Education 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil action. 300.516 Section 300.516 Education... DISABILITIES Procedural Safeguards Due Process Procedures for Parents and Children § 300.516 Civil action. (a... aggrieved by the findings and decision under § 300.514(b), has the right to bring a civil action with...

  11. 33 CFR 401.102 - Civil penalty. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalty. 401.102 Section... TRANSPORTATION SEAWAY REGULATIONS AND RULES Penalties-Violations of Seaway Regulations § 401.102 Civil penalty. (a) A person, as described in § 401.101(b), who violates a regulation is liable to a civil penalty of...

  12. 50 CFR 82.20 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil rights. 82.20 Section 82.20 Wildlife... (MARINE MAMMAL PROTECTION ACT OF 1972) Administration § 82.20 Civil rights. Each cooperative agreement... Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d-2000d-4, and with the Secretary's regulations promulgated...

  13. 49 CFR 218.9 - Civil penalty. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil penalty. 218.9 Section 218.9 Transportation... TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD OPERATING PRACTICES General § 218.9 Civil penalty. Any person (an entity of any type... requirement of this part or causes the violation of any such requirement is subject to a civil penalty of at...

  14. 50 CFR 300.40 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil penalties. 300.40 Section 300.40... South Pacific Tuna Fisheries § 300.40 Civil penalties. The procedures of 15 CFR part 904 apply to the assessment of civil penalties, except as modified by the requirements of section 8 of the Act. ...

  15. 7 CFR 1435.201 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil penalties. 1435.201 Section 1435.201... Recordkeeping Requirements § 1435.201 Civil penalties. (a) Any processor, refiner, or importer of sugar, syrup... false data required under § 1435.200(a) through (e), is subject to a civil penalty of no more than $10...

  16. GPS Civil Monitoring Performance Specification (United States)


    This Civil Monitoring Performance Specification (CMPS) is published and maintained at : the direction of the Program Manager for Civil Applications, Global Positioning Systems : Wing (GPSW). The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive ...

  17. 14 CFR 1212.800 - Civil remedies. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil remedies. 1212.800 Section 1212.800... Comply With Requirements of This Part § 1212.800 Civil remedies. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act and this part could subject NASA to civil suit under the provisions of 5 U.S.C...

  18. 13 CFR 302.20 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil rights. 302.20 Section 302... TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR INVESTMENT ASSISTANCE § 302.20 Civil rights. (a) Discrimination is prohibited... 601 of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) (proscribing...

  19. 30 CFR 880.16 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil rights. 880.16 Section 880.16 Mineral... LAND RECLAMATION MINE FIRE CONTROL § 880.16 Civil rights. State and local authorities shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. L. 88-352) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to...

  20. 49 CFR 235.9 - Civil penalty. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil penalty. 235.9 Section 235.9 Transportation... SIGNAL SYSTEM OR RELIEF FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF PART 236 § 235.9 Civil penalty. Any person (an entity of... violates any requirement of this part or causes the violation of any such requirement is subject to a civil...

  1. 7 CFR 3560.2 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil rights. 3560.2 Section 3560.2 Agriculture... DIRECT MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING LOANS AND GRANTS General Provisions and Definitions § 3560.2 Civil rights. (a... prohibition under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d and Title VI regulations against...

  2. 22 CFR 127.10 - Civil penalty. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Civil penalty. 127.10 Section 127.10 Foreign... Civil penalty. (a) The Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs is authorized to impose a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed that authorized by 22 U.S.C. 2778, 2779a and 2780 for...

  3. 28 CFR 65.52 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil rights. 65.52 Section 65.52... Additional Requirements § 65.52 Civil rights. The Act provides that “no person in any state shall on the... funds under the Act are also subject to the provisions of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964...

  4. 10 CFR 110.64 - Civil penalty. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil penalty. 110.64 Section 110.64 Energy NUCLEAR... Enforcement § 110.64 Civil penalty. (a) In response to a violation, the Commission may institute a proceeding to impose a civil penalty under section 234 of the Atomic Energy Act by issuing a notice to the...

  5. 10 CFR 1017.29 - Civil penalty. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil penalty. 1017.29 Section 1017.29 Energy DEPARTMENT... INFORMATION Violations § 1017.29 Civil penalty. Link to an amendment published at 74 FR 66033, Dec. 14, 2009... subject to a civil penalty under this part: (1) 10 CFR Part 1017—Identification and Protection of...

  6. 12 CFR 215.11 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil penalties. 215.11 Section 215.11 Banks... OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AND PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS OF MEMBER BANKS (REGULATION O) § 215.11 Civil penalties... subject to civil penalties as specified in section 29 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 504). [Reg. O...

  7. 39 CFR 233.12 - Civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 39 Postal Service 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil penalties. 233.12 Section 233.12 Postal... Civil penalties. False representation and lottery orders— (a) Issuance. Pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 3005, the... be liable to the United States for a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $11,000 for each day...

  8. Producing Civil Society

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feldt, Liv Egholm; Hein Jessen, Mathias

    Since the beginning of the 1990’s, civil society has attracted both scholarly and political interest as the ‘third sphere’ outside the state and the market not only a normatively privileged site of communication and ‘the public sphere’, but also as a resource for democratization processes...... and social cohesion, as well as a provider of welfare services from a welfare state in dire straits. However, such a view upholds a sharp distinction between the three sectors and their distinct logic. This article claims that the separation of spheres is a fundamental part of our ‘social imaginary......’ and as such dominates our way of thinking about civil society. Yet, this view hinders the understanding of how civil society is not a pre-existing or given sphere, but a sphere which is constantly produced both discursively, conceptually and practically. Through two examples; 1,the case of philanthropy in the beginning...

  9. Julgamentos parciais no processo civil


    Antonio Carlos Nachif Correia Filho


    Este trabalho trata fundamentalmente da admissibilidade dos julgamentos parciais do mérito e de questões de mérito no sistema processual civil brasileiro, considerando especialmente o modelo constitucional de processo civil, bem como no sistema processual prospectivo previsto no Projeto de Novo Código de Processo Civil, que deve entrar vigor em breve. Com este objetivo, será abordado no início da dissertação o dogma da unidade estrutural da sentença, sua origem, fundamentos e aplicabilidade n...

  10. Fotografia na Imprensa: conflitos na câmara escura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Lúcio da Silva Menezes


    Full Text Available Este artigo recupera o teor ideológico do discurso que a Revista Veja elaborou sobre a classe trabalhadora que emergiu no cenário brasileiro, no final da década de 1970. O destaque dado aos trabalhadores como temática central resgatada, deve-se aos movimentos grevistas por eles encetados, após anos de ocultamento de sua resistência sob a repressão da ditadura civil-militar (1964-1985. Com a rebeldia operária, as matérias a respeito deste grupo, na Revista,foram se tornando mais constantes e visíveis, pois já não era mais possível, para a Revista Veja, ignorar a existência da classe operária que, com a força insurgente das greves, ocupava as ruas do Brasil.

  11. 42 CFR 59.209 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil rights. 59.209 Section 59.209 Public Health... Grants for Family Planning Service Training § 59.209 Civil rights. Attention is called to the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) and in...

  12. Politicized Civil Society in Bangladesh: Case Study Analyses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Farhat Tasnim


    Full Text Available Although civil society in Bangladesh is recognized for its vibrant performance in social development, it is often criticized for its inability to ensure good governance and democracy. The aim of this paper is to point out the reasons for this failure of civil society. Through performing case studies upon five civil society organizations representing different sector and level of the civil society, the paper concludes that civil society organizations in Bangladesh are often politicized and co-opted by different political parties. In a typical scenario, civil society can provide a counterbalance or even monitor the state both at the national and local level. However, in Bangladesh, often the civil society organizations have compromised their autonomy and politicized themselves to certain political parties or political block. In such a vulnerable position, civil society can hardly play its expected role to ensure good governance and strengthen democracy.

  13. Proposal for the increase of the contract amounts for LHC civil engineering construction and civil engineering consultancy contracts

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the increase of the contract amounts for LHC civil engineering construction contracts and civil engineering consultancy contracts. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the increase of the contract amounts with: - the joint venture TEERAG-ASDAG (AT), C. BARESEL (DE) and LOCHER (CH) for civil engineering construction, package 1, for a revised total amount of 91 500 000 Swiss francs, subject to revision; - the joint venture EDF (FR) and KNIGHT&PIESOLD (GB) for the provision of civil engineering consultancy services, package 1, for a revised total amount of 14 400 000 Swiss francs, subject to revision; - the joint venture TAYLOR WOODROW (GB), AMEC (GB) and SPIE BATIGNOLLES (FR) for civil engineering construction, package 3a, for a revised total amount of 118 000 000 Swiss francs, subject to revision; - the joint venture BROWN&ROOT (GB), INTECSA (ES) and HIDROTECNICA (PT) for the provision of civil engineering consultancy services, package 3, for a revised total amount of 14 ...

  14. A segurança na construção civil: um modelo possível


    Teixeira, V.; Nunes, J.; Baptista, A. M.


    O trabalho que ora se apresenta constitui uma visão enquadradora da prevenção de acidentes profissionais no sector da construção civil e obras públicas, tendo por base os referenciais estruturantes definidos pela comunidade técnica e científica. Estes princípios, defendidos pela doutrina da Organização Internacional do Trabalho, instituições da União Europeia e organizações públicas portuguesas com responsabilidades no âmbito da prevenção de riscos e doenças profissionais, têm vindo a ser ver...

  15. Expanding Advanced Civilizations in the Universe (United States)

    Gros, C.

    The 1950 lunch-table remark by Enrico Fermi `Where is everybody' has started intensive scientific and philosophical discussions about what we call nowadays the `Fermi paradox': If there had been ever a single advanced civilization in the cosmological history of our galaxy, dedicated to expansion, it would have had plenty of time to colonize the entire galaxy via exponential growth. No evidence of present or past alien visits to earth are known to us, leading to the standard conclusion that no advanced expanding civilization has ever existed in the milky-way. This conclusion rest fundamentally on the ad-hoc assumption, that any alien civilizations dedicated to expansion at one time would remain dedicated to expansions forever. Considering our limited knowledge about alien civilizations we need however to relax this basic assumption. Here we show that a substantial and stable population of expanding advanced civilization might consequently exist in our galaxy.

  16. Features of personnel motivation in the civil service

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. F. Artemenko


    The problems and the current state of civil servants motivation are investigated. The author reveals the contents of the new Law of Ukraine «On Civil Service» in the context of civil servants motivation and determines the ways of improving civil servants motivation in Ukraine.

  17. Civil works for NPPs construction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Portenseigne, Christophe


    Christophe Portenseigne, Technical Director of Bouygues Travaux Publics, provided explanations on the main challenges of Civil work for the construction of the 3. generation of NPPs. He then provided an overview of the new Civil Work concepts for the 4. generation of NPPs

  18. Environmental Ethics and Civil Engineering. (United States)

    Vesilind, P. Aarne


    Traces the development of the civil engineering code of ethics. Points out that the code does have an enforceable provision that addresses the engineer's responsibility toward the environment. Suggests revisions to the code to accommodate the environmental impacts of civil engineering. (TW)

  19. Foreign Assistance and Its Impact on Civil-Military Relations: A Case Study of Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal (United States)


    leaders. This thesis will help bridge that gap. First, this thesis will review the available literature on theories of democratic civilian control... bastion of stability and provided military assistance to fulfill their own divergent interests, Nepal’s civil-military relations were impacted by such...became suspicious of the Maoists’ motives. The continued presence of a strong NA served the U.S. and Indian interests to keep it as a strong bastion

  20. The Civil Palaces in Gravina street, Alicante: building stones and salt weathering

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Louis, M.


    Full Text Available This paper presents a study into the architecture and construction of the 18th Century Civil Palaces located in Gravina street (Provincial Museum of Fine Arts of Alicante, the building stones used and the mineral related decay processes that these materials have suffered. The original building stones and other stones used in subsequent restorations in these Civil Palaces are bioclastic limestones and/or calcarenites (San Julian Stone and Bateig Stone. Campello stone and other limestones are also present. Granular disintegration and alveolar weathering are the main forms of deterioration developed on the exterior of these Civil Palaces. These stone decay types are related to salt crystallisation, caused by sea spray salts and/or soil capillary waters. Halite is the most common salt found, probably due to the buildings' proximity to the coast. The halite is also present in indoor efflorescences. Gypsum is present in some efflorescences and ettringite on the inner face of the outdoor cladding stone. The cladding has been destroyed and replaced in the last restoration process.

    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio de la arquitectura, construcción y materiales utilizados en los Palacios Civiles del siglo XVIII, situados en la calle Gravina (actual sede del Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes de Alicante. Las rocas utilizadas en la construcción original así como las utilizadas en sustituciones posteriores en estos Palacios Civiles son calizas bioclásticas y/o calcarenitas (Piedra de San Julián y Piedra Bateig. También están presentes la Piedra de Campello y otras calizas. La disgregación granular y la erosión alveolar son las formas de alteración más abundantes en el exterior de estos Palacios Civiles. Estos tipos de alteración están relacionados con la cristalización de sales, procedentes del spray marino y/o de las aguas capilares del suelo. El NaCl es la sal más abundante debido a la proximidad de la costa. La

  1. 76 FR 71431 - Civil Penalty Calculation Methodology (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Civil Penalty Calculation... is currently evaluating its civil penalty methodology. Part of this evaluation includes a forthcoming... civil penalties. UFA takes into account the statutory penalty factors under 49 U.S.C. 521(b)(2)(D). The...

  2. [Viruses and civilization]. (United States)

    Chastel, C


    A few million years ago, when primates moved from the east African forest to the savannah, they were already infected with endogenous viruses and occultly transmitted them to the prime Homo species. However it was much later with the building of the first large cities in Mesopotamia that interhuman viral transmission began in earnest. Spreading was further enhanced with the organization of the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Arab empires around the Mediterranean. Discovery of the New World in 1492 led to an unprecedented clash of civilizations and the destruction of pre-Columbian Indian civilizations. It also led to a rapid spread of viruses across the Atlantic Ocean with the emergence of yellow fever and appearance of smallpox and measles throughout the world. However the greatest opportunities for worldwide viral development have been created by our present, modern civilization. This fact is illustrated by epidemic outbreaks of human immunodeficiency virus, Venezuela hemorrhagic fever, Rift valley fever virus, and monkey pox virus. Close analysis underscores the major role of human intervention in producing these events.

  3. Features of upbringing children in civil law


    Лобжанідзе, Давид


    The paper analyzes the features of upbringing children in civil law, in particular under the Civil Code of Georgia. The author examines the concept of the family as a social phenomenon and its underlying principles. Attention is paid also to the court practice of upbringing children and determining the place of their residence. English abstract D. Lobzhanidze Features of upbringing children in civil law. The paper analyzes the features of upbringing children in civil law, in particular u...

  4. Ariowie i Turańczycy. Poglądy Franciszka H. Duchińskiego na temat rasy i cywilizacji

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katarzyna Wrzesińska


    Full Text Available Aryans and Turanians. Franciszek H. Duchiński’s views on race and civilization  The article deals with a theory of non-Slavic origins of Russians. This theory was authored by Franciszek Duchinski (1816-1893 who claimed that civilizational specifity of Russians stems from their racial origin that is different from the origin of the remaining European nations. He believed that because of this fact, two opposing civilizations emerged: the eastern civilization created by the Mongolian root, with a lack of rule of law and domination of despotism, and the western civilization existing among the Indoeuropean peoples who respected freedom and human dignity. Duchinski was convinced that the two civilization differed one from another most of all due to several external and mental factors instead of biological discrepancies. He did not evaluate races and civilizations as better or worse, and he did not giva a definion of the notion of race. This unprecise attitude was characteristic of the 19th century writings. Such notions as “race”, “nation”, “tribe”, or “clan”, were used interchangeably. Moreover, racial hierarchy was not considered as something improper. Duchinski’s views on the Asian despotism on the whole agreed with those abiding in the Polish writings in the 19th century, with dominating opinions that Russia and Europe represented different civilizations and were in a permanent antagonism. Duchinski’s aim was to warn Western European community that East is a threat to the West and he wanted to demonstrate that Poland had a role to play for the Latin Christianity. His conclusions about the antynomy of civilizations are still valid even though today we tend to deny that race and civilization are interconnected. Now civilizational identity is seen first of all in a variety of different values, beliefs, institutions and social structures. Thus, one should agree with Duchinski that civilizations are indeed different but we still

  5. Alma, mente e cérebro na pré-história e nas primeiras civilizações humanas Soul, mind and brain in pre-history and early human civilizations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiano dos Santos Castro


    Full Text Available Atualmente, o debate sobre a natureza da mente humana vem tomando novos rumos graças ao desenvolvimento de diversos estudos, no campo das neurociências, que investigam a localização das funções cerebrais. Esses trabalhos vêm contribuindo para uma melhor compreensão dos substratos neurais das funções mentais, bem como da etiologia de diversos transtornos mentais. Entretanto, o conhecimento acumulado pela neurociência não ocorreu de forma súbita. Na verdade, o estudo das relações entre o cérebro e a mente não é recente. Da pré-história aos dias atuais, surgiram vários tipos de questionamentos a respeito da possível materialidade e localização das funções mentais humana. O presente trabalho apresenta, de forma histórica, como populações pré-históricas, assim como as primeiras civilizações, localizadas no Egito, na Mesopotâmia, na Índia e na China, desenvolveram e utilizaram conceitos relacionados com a alma, a mente e o cérebro humano.Currently, the debate about the nature of the human mind is taking new directions through the development of several studies in the field of neuroscience which investigates the location of brain functions. These studies have contributed to a better understanding of the neural substrates of mental functions and the etiology of various mental disorders. However, the knowledge developed by neuroscience did not occur abruptly. Indeed, the study of mind-brain relationship is not new. From pre-history to the present days, various different types of inquiries have been made about the possible materiality and location of human mental functions. This paper presents, in a historic manner, how prehistoric populations as well as early civilizations located in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China developed and employed concepts related to the soul, the mind and the human brain.

  6. 42 CFR 493.1834 - Civil money penalty. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil money penalty. 493.1834 Section 493.1834... (CONTINUED) STANDARDS AND CERTIFICATION LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS Enforcement Procedures § 493.1834 Civil money... Secretary to impose civil money penalties on laboratories. Section 1846(b)(3) of the Act specifically...

  7. 25 CFR 11.501 - Judgments in civil actions. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Judgments in civil actions. 11.501 Section 11.501 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAW AND ORDER COURTS OF INDIAN OFFENSES AND LAW AND ORDER CODE Civil Actions § 11.501 Judgments in civil actions. (a) In all civil cases, judgment shall...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jandir Ferrera de Lima


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a percepção do desenvolvimento regional na opinião das lideranças do Fórum da região Grande Fronteira do Mercosul (GFM no Sul do Brasil. A região GFM enfrenta dificuldades em manter seu dinamismo econômico frente ao contexto de globalização, da competitividade dos mercados, das dificuldades das pequenas propriedades rurais e as precárias condições sociais de parcela significativa da sua população. Para as lideranças do Fórum da GFM, o desenvolvimento regional implica na melhoria dos indicadores econômicos e sociais e na ação coordenada da sociedade civil organizada através dos órgãos de governança local.

  9. 42 CFR 460.46 - Civil money penalties. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil money penalties. 460.46 Section 460.46 Public...) Sanctions, Enforcement Actions, and Termination § 460.46 Civil money penalties. (a) CMS may impose civil money penalties up to the following maximum amounts: (1) For each violation regarding enrollment or...

  10. Increase of the contract amounts for LHC civil-engineering construction and civil-engineering consultancy contracts

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the increase of the contract amounts for LHC civil-engineering construction and civil-engineering consultancy, Package 2. The Finance Committee is invited to take note of the increase of the contract amounts with: - the joint venture DRAGADOS (ES) and SELI (IT) for civil-engineering construction, LHC Package 2, for an amount of 28 087 000 Swiss francs, subject to revision, in the amount previously announced to Finance Committee (CERN/FC/4516) of 132 200 000 Swiss francs, subject to revision, bringing the total to a maximum amount of 160 287 000 Swiss francs, subject to revision. - the joint venture GIBB (GB), GEOCONSULT (AT) and SGI (CH) for the provision of civil-engineering consultancy services, LHC Package 2, for an amount of 900 000 Swiss francs, subject to revision, in the amount previously announced to Finance Committee of 13 800 000 Swiss francs, subject to revision, bringing the total to a maximum amount of 14 700 000 Swiss francs, subject to revision

  11. Rhetoric of civil conflict management: United Nations Security Council debates over the Syrian civil war

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juraj Medzihorsky


    Full Text Available This paper introduces a spatial model of civil conflict management rhetoric to explore how the emerging norm of responsibility to protect shapes major power rhetorical responses to civil war. Using framing theory, we argue that responsibility to protect functions like a prescriptive norm, such that representing a conflict as one of (1 human rights violations (problem definition, implies rhetorical support for (2 coercive outside intervention (solution identification. These dimensions reflect the problem-solution form of a prescriptive norm. Using dictionary scaling with a dynamic model, we analyze the positions of UN Security Council members in debates over the Syrian Civil War separately for each dimension. We find that the permanent members who emphasized human rights violations also used intervention rhetoric (UK, France, and the US, and those who did not used non-intervention rhetoric (Russia and China. We conclude that, while not a fully consolidated norm, responsibility to protect appears to have structured major power rhetorical responses to the Syrian Civil War.

  12. Energy use, entropy and extra-terrestrial civilizations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hetesi, Zsolt


    The possible number of extra-terrestrial civilizations is estimated by the Drake-equation. Many articles pointed out that there are missing factors and over-estimations in the original equation. In this article we will point out that assuming some axioms there might be several limits for a technical civilization. The key role of the energy use and the problem of the centres and periphery strongly influence the value of the Llifetime of a civilization. Our development have several edifications of the investigations of the growth of an alien civilization.

  13. Energy use, entropy and extra-terrestrial civilizations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hetesi, Zsolt, E-mail: zs.hetesi@astro.elte.h [Eoetvoes University, Department of Astronomy, Budapest, H-1518, PO Box 32 (Hungary)


    The possible number of extra-terrestrial civilizations is estimated by the Drake-equation. Many articles pointed out that there are missing factors and over-estimations in the original equation. In this article we will point out that assuming some axioms there might be several limits for a technical civilization. The key role of the energy use and the problem of the centres and periphery strongly influence the value of the Llifetime of a civilization. Our development have several edifications of the investigations of the growth of an alien civilization.

  14. Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT aims to publish definitive and original research papers of high standard, containing material of broad interest and of significant contribution to civil engineering, with emphasis being placed on material that is applicable to the solution of practical problems. It provides a forum for ...

  15. 12 CFR 509.103 - Civil money penalties. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil money penalties. 509.103 Section 509.103... PROCEDURE IN ADJUDICATORY PROCEEDINGS Local Rules § 509.103 Civil money penalties. (a) Assessment. In the... may serve an order of assessment of civil money penalty upon the party concerned. The assessment order...

  16. 42 CFR 73.21 - Civil money penalties. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil money penalties. 73.21 Section 73.21 Public... SELECT AGENTS AND TOXINS § 73.21 Civil money penalties. (a) The Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services is delegated authority to conduct investigations and to impose civil money...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Seiko Okamoto


    Full Text Available Este trabalho de caráter qualitativo tem como finalidade destacar, por meio de um estudo de caso, as vantagens estratégicas e a importância da atividade de Coordenação de Projetos de Edifícios (CPE em uma empresa incorporadora e construtora de edifícios dentro de um contexto de desenvolvimento de projetos subcontratados. Frente a este objetivo e procurando demonstrar a prática da atividade de CPE, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo, na qual informações foram coletadas com a análise de documentos utilizados pela coordenação de projetos e com a realização de entrevistas em uma empresa especializada em empreendimentos residenciais. Verificou-se, neste estudo de caso, que a CPE possui grande relevância, uma vez que interfere na organização do trabalho, estimulando uma maior integração, colaboração e redução de prazos no desenvolvimento de projetos, propiciando um maior alinhamento das atividades de projeto e dos projetistas subcontratados com os interesses e necessidades da empresa contratante. Entretanto, ao final da pesquisa, concluiu-se que o desempenho de projetos terceirizados e as vantagens estratégicas potencialmente propiciadas pela CPE podem ser comprometidos pela maneira como as contratações de projetistas são formuladas e conduzidas.

  18. 40 CFR 35.925-9 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil rights. 35.925-9 Section 35.925-9... ASSISTANCE Grants for Construction of Treatment Works-Clean Water Act § 35.925-9 Civil rights. That if the... the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and part 7 of this chapter have been met. ...

  19. 12 CFR 1250.3 - Civil money penalties. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil money penalties. 1250.3 Section 1250.3 Banks and Banking FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY ENTERPRISES FLOOD INSURANCE § 1250.3 Civil money... to § 1250.2, the Director of FHFA, or his or her designee, may assess civil money penalties against...

  20. Civil society: beyond non profit / Sociedad civil: más allá del non profit

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    Miguel de Haro Serrano


    Full Text Available For a numerous group of recognized and proved authority authors, the Civil Society is limited to the Non Profit organizations. Non Profit is the great limit, the rigid and static border. The limes on the Roman Empire were less overwhelming than the non profit of certain academics. Dura lex and unfair law that keeps aside from the civil society scope the entities on the social economy and the whole market around mercantile enterprises and businesses. Nevertheless, the new changes in the today’s society and the new concept of businesses oriented to the society without forsaking the quest for economic profit, poses a Civil Society beyond non profit.

  1. Civil Rights for Trafficked Persons: Recommendations for a More Effective Federal Civil Remedy


    Shannon Lack


    In response to increasing public awareness of human trafficking in the United States, the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (TVPA) was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in October of 2000. The TVPA consolidated existing legislation to create a comprehensive civil remedy; this ensures that trafficking victims are no longer forced to seek redress under multiple criminal and civil statutes that target only components of the human trafficking offense. However, despite its...

  2. Civil rights reference of administrative procedures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Held, J.


    The book deals with the constitutional obligations which substantive civil rights demand from administrative procedures. The Federal Constitutional Court distinguishes between protection of civil rights in, and by, administrative and judicial procedures. The author analyses the example of the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court concerning the atomic power plant of Muelheim-Kaerlich. In the licensing procedure pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act, the civil rights of persons concerned are guaranteed by the governmental obligation to its protection. (CW) [de

  3. 12 CFR 908.6 - Civil money penalties. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil money penalties. 908.6 Section 908.6... Proceedings § 908.6 Civil money penalties. (a) Notice of assessment—(1) Grounds. The Finance Board may issue and serve a notice of assessment of a civil money penalty on any Bank or any executive officer or...

  4. Civil Society, Democratic Space, and Social Work

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neelmani Jaysawal


    Full Text Available Civil Society envisages the growth of civilization in a way that the society is in “civilized form.” It has been prominent in Social science since time immemorial. Till 18th century, it was synonymous with the state or political society. It was more or less direct translation of Cicero’s Societas’ Civilis and Aristotle’s Koinonia politike. According to Karl Marx, “Civil Society embraces the whole material intercourse of individuals within a definite stage of development of productive forces.” Civil Society is an arena where modern man legitimately gratifies his self-interest and develops his individuality, but also learns the value of group action, social solidarity which educates him for citizenship and equips him to participate in the political sphere of the state. It provides “networks of civic engagement” within which reciprocity is learned and enforced, trust is generated. An active and diverse civil society plays a valuable role in advancement of democracy. It seeks to ensure that citizen’s interests are taken seriously. The social work intervention may not be democratically envisaged until it is promulgated by civic engagement through Civil Society. Methodology: This is a descriptive study which consists of secondary source of data collection based on reports, books, periodic journals, web-based articles. There have been utilized three case studies for reaching the findings of study. This article will highlight on role of civil society in providing democratic space and assisting social workers to ensure inclusive growth through conglomeration of state and individuals.

  5. Civil Engineering Technology Needs Assessment. (United States)

    Oakland Community Coll., Farmington, MI. Office of Institutional Planning and Analysis.

    In 1991, a study was conducted by Oakland Community College (OCC) to evaluate the need for a proposed Civil Engineering Technology program. An initial examination of the literature focused on industry needs and the job market for civil engineering technicians. In order to gather information on local area employers' hiring practices and needs, a…

  6. 28 CFR 522.14 - Inmates serving civil contempt commitments. (United States)


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Inmates serving civil contempt... ADMISSION, CLASSIFICATION, AND TRANSFER ADMISSION TO INSTITUTION Civil Contempt of Court Commitments § 522.14 Inmates serving civil contempt commitments. We treat inmates serving civil contempt commitments in...

  7. Sociedad civil: una concepción radical

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    Domingo García Marzá


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivos presentar un concepto de sociedad civil desde una perspectiva crítica, una perspectiva que pueda dar razón del potencial de cambio y transformación social que encierra este ámbito de la interacción social. Con este fin, se adentra en primer lugar en la difícil relación entre democracia y sociedad civil, analizándola desde el paso de las democracias participativas a las democracias deliberativas. El carácter global de la sociedad civil y los problemas de realización práctica nos conducen, en segundo lugar, a la discusión de la propuesta de autores como J. Habermas y M. Kaldor, destacando las insuficiencias de sus respectivos enfoques. A continuación, y en discusión con los trabajos de J. Keane, se presenta una propuesta de definición y fundamentación del concepto de sociedad civil apoyado en una hermenéutica crítica, capaz de justificar su núcleo moral como ética de la sociedad civil y, al mismo tiempo, de sus posibilidades reales de aplicación. Por último, se propone el concepto de recursos morales para reconstruir las características básicas que definen a los recursos propios de la sociedad civil.The objective of this paper is to present a concept of civil society from a critical perspective that can explain the potential for change and social transformation encompassed within this sphere of social interaction. To this end, we first explore the difficult relationship between democracy and civil society, through an analysis of the shift from participative to deliberative democracy. The global character of civil society and the problems of its practical achievement lead us, in a second stage, to discuss proposals from authors such as J. Habermas and M. Kaldor, and to uncover the inadequacies of their respective approaches. This is followed by a proposal, arising from debate on the works of J. Keane, in which the concept of civil society is defined and grounded

  8. Civil Society (United States)

    Social Media Facebook @oasofficial Facebook Twitter @oas_official Twitter Newsletters Documents OAS Technology Social Development Summits of the Americas Sustainable Development T Telecommunications Terrorism Tourism Trade Treaties and Agreements W Women Y Youth Strategic Partners Permanent Observers Civil Society

  9. O impacto do Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida na economia brasileira: uma análise de insumo-produto

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    Carlos Alberto Gonçalves Junior

    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente artigo foi analisar o impacto do Programa Habitacional Minha Casa, Minha Vida na economia brasileira mediante a dinamização do setor da construção civil, utilizando a matriz de insumo-produto de 2008 para estimação dos geradores e multiplicadores de produção, renda, emprego e impostos. Os resultados mostraram que o setor da construção civil apresentou ligações para trás e para frente abaixo da média dos setores da economia. No entanto, considerando o valor de R$ 125,7 bilhões previstos para investimento no período em análise, constatou-se que haverá crescimento significativo na renda paga aos trabalhadores, serão criados cerca de 7 milhões de empregos diretos e indiretos, haverá aumento na produção de cerca de 6% do PIB em valores de 2010, e pelo menos 16% do valor dos subsídios dados nos contratos de financiamento do PMCMV voltarão aos cofres públicos.



    Gauca Oana; Hadad Shahrazad


    The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether civil society itself can enhance or stimulate the creation of social entrepreneurs, by studying the traits of the civil society and the various definitions attributed to it. The main question that the paper wants to answer to is and the main approach used in this research paper is the theoretical one. By studying existing articles and books on the topic, the paper tries to emphasize the various dimensions that civil society can embrace, as pictu...

  11. Governing Civil Society Organisations and Constructing the Common Good

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hein Jessen, Mathias

    This paper argues that civil society is something that must be produced and constructed in order to come into existence. This construction entails a specific production of what civil society is, which values are (and should be) present in it, what the common good is and how civil society and civil...... with specific (good) values, but is at the same time instrumentalised to provide welfare services the state can and will no longer provide. Civil society, civil society organisations and the common good are not given entities, but constantly produced and mobilised in different political conjunctures....

  12. American Society of Civil Engineers | ASCE (United States)

    Membership Your New Membership: Getting Started Member Value Civil Engineering Salaries Manage Your Account Vote Now Education & Careers Training & Courses Getting Licensed & Certified Live Exam Reviews Specialty Certifications Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge Volunteer Opportunities Jobs Ethics

  13. O golpe de 1964 e a instauração da ditadura civil-militar no Pará: apoios e resistências

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    Pere Petit


    Full Text Available Este artigo, inserido nos debates historiográficos sobre a ditadura civil-militar no Brasil (1964-1985, pretende contribuir para o conhecimento da história política do estado do Pará antes, durante e após o golpe de estado de 1964. Examinamos preferencialmente a participação dos militares e o apoio de setores da sociedade civil ao golpe militar, e a repressão que sofreram os estudantes e organizações de esquerda e políticos "populistas". Na perspectiva metodológica dos estudos de história local e regional, as principais fontes utilizadas foram os jornais de Belém, livros de memórias, trabalhos acadêmicos e fontes orais.

  14. 75 FR 1076 - Outer Continental Shelf Civil Penalties (United States)


    ... initiate civil penalty proceedings; however, violations that cause injury, death, or environmental damage... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Minerals Management Service Outer Continental Shelf Civil Penalties... daily civil penalty assessment. SUMMARY: The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act requires the MMS to...

  15. Engagement citoyen et société civile

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    Gautier Pirotte


    Full Text Available Cet article cherche à rapprocher par la réflexion la notion de société civile de celle de l’engagement citoyen à partir de l’expérience postcommuniste roumaine. Si le domaine de la société civile ne concentre pas tous les phénomènes d’engagement citoyen, il demeure néanmoins un espace privilégié d’expression de cet engagement. La question qui anime ce texte est assez simple : comment envisager l’étude de l’engagement du citoyen à l’intérieur des nouvelles sociétés civiles d’Europe Centrale et Orientale, et plus spécifiquement au sein de la nouvelle société civile roumaine ? Cette interrogation, si simple soit-elle, se révèle bien vite plus complexe si l’on tient compte des problèmes que soulèvent à la fois les concepts de société civile et d’engagement mobilisés ici mais aussi l’expérience postcommuniste souvent abordée de manière homogène alors qu’elle se révèle empiriquement très hétéroclite.Citizen commitment and civil society. A reflexion based upon the Romanian project of post-communist civil societyUsing the post-communist experience in Romania, this article reflects upon the way to bring together the concepts of civil society and citizen commitment. Whilst civil society does not concentrate all the phenomena of citizenship, the concept remains nonetheless a privileged expression of citizen commitment. The question underlying this text is relatively simple: how should the study of citizen commitment be approached within the new civil societies of Central and Eastern Europe, and more specifically within the new Romanian civil society ? As simple as it may appear, the question becomes rapidly more complex as soon as the problems deriding from the concepts of civil society and citizen commitment themselves are taken into consideration but also because the post-communist experience is often treated in a homogeneous way whilst it is in fact empirically very heterogeneous

  16. Soviet civil defense is inadequate and meaningless

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaplan, F.M.


    In this paper, the author argues that Soviet civil defense plans exist primarily on paper and are used to pacify the Soviet people, not as plans to survive and prevail in a nuclear confrontation with the U.S. The author describes how the Soviet people have little faith in the civil defense programs. They don't believe they can survive an attack. Furthermore, he says the Soviets have never staged an evacuation exercise in any major city nor, even in smaller towns, has an entire community been evacuated. The author says there are numerous problems with the shelter programs as well. Very few existing shelters have any food stocks, only a few more have any water. There is little evidence that Soviet leaders have planned their economy with civil defense in mind. Nor - given the blatant inadequacies of Soviet civil defense programs, the marked vulnerabilities of the Soviet economy, and the intrinsic limitation and uncertainties about civil defense generally - is there much basis for claiming that Soviet leaders, even in desperate straits, would risk war with the United States while counting on civil defense measures to limit the damage wreaked on the Soviet Union

  17. O sonho na poesia moçambicana: um percurso no tempo

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    Carmen Lúcia Tindó Ribeiro Secco


    Full Text Available A trajetória dos sonhos na poesia de Moçambique. Os anos 50 e o projeto de fundação de uma literatura de raízes africanas. As décadas de 60 e 70 e a utopia da liberdade. A guerra civil e o desencanto social.Os anos 80 e 90 e a proposta de um novo lirismo capaz de resgataro direito de sonhar e imagina r.

  18. Aula interdisciplinar de campo para a turma de 1º período do curso de Bacharelado em Engenharia Civil, com ênfase na disciplina de língua portuguesa

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    Felipe da Silva Alves


    Full Text Available Este trabalho relata uma aula interdisciplinar de campo avaliativa em uma obra de construção residencial com características sustentáveis, em fase inicial de execução, ministrada por professores de língua portuguesa e engenharia civil do IFMG – Campus Avançado Piumhi. A atividade, que contou com a participação de 50% do total de alunos matriculados no curso, teve como objetivo principal desenvolver a escrita, a leitura e a aplicabilidade da disciplina de língua portuguesa no contexto da engenharia civil. Trabalhou-se com os estudantes o tipo textual descritivo, as etapas do gênero textual e noções de como elaborar um laudo de vistoria das condições de vizinhança e descrever as etapas da obra. Após a atividade, os estudantes demonstraram maior interesse pela disciplina de língua portuguesa e compreenderam a sua aplicabilidade no contexto da engenharia civil.Palavras-chave: Interdisciplinaridade. Língua Portuguesa. Engenharia Civil.AbstractInterdisciplinary field class for freshmen of the Bachelor of Civil Engineering course, with emphasis on discipline of portuguese languageThis paper presents an evaluative interdisciplinary field class in a residential building work with sustainable features, in the initial phase of execution, taught by teachers of portuguese language and civil engineering of the IFMG  ̶  Campus Avançado Piumhi. The activity, that was attended by of 50% of the students enrolled in the course, aimed to develop the writing, the reading and the applicability of portuguese language discipline in the context of civil engineering. It was worked with the students the descriptive text type, the stages of the genre and notions of how to elaborate a report of neighborhood conditions and how to describe the stages of the work. After the activity, the students showed more interest in the portuguese language discipline and understood its applicability in the context of civil engineering.Keywords: Interdisciplinarity

  19. A influência das práticas organizacionais de segurança, higiene e saúde no trabalho nos comportamentos de segurança e na satisfação com a segurança em construção civil


    Lourenço, Bernardo Gonzaga


    Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos O estudo da cultura de segurança é de extrema importância no sector da construção civil, pois a existência de uma cultura de segurança eficaz irá resultar na redução dos índices de acidentes de trabalho. O presente trabalho teve como objectivo principal testar a influência das práticas organizacionais de segurança, higiene e saúde no trabalho, do clima de segurança grupal e da percepção de transferência da formação anterior nos comportamentos de se...

  20. 76 FR 74625 - Civil Monetary Penalties Inflation Adjustment (United States)


    ...-2011] RIN 1125-AA69 Civil Monetary Penalties Inflation Adjustment AGENCIES: U.S. Customs and Border... adjust for inflation certain civil monetary penalties assessed under the Immigration and Nationality Act... assessed under the INA. The Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990 (Adjustment Act...

  1. Perspectivas democráticas na África contemporânea

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    Emiliano Unzer Macedo


    Full Text Available O presente artigo analisa as perspectivas de democratização na África desde o fim da Guerra Fria. A atuação conjunta de condicionantes internos como a sociedade civil, mídia independente, partidos políticos, e de condicionantes externos como a atuação de governos externos, organizações internacionais, mídia e sociedade global podem elucidar mudanças recentes. This article examines the prospects of democracy in Africa since the end of the Cold War. The joint interaction of internal constraints such as civil society, independent media, political parties, and external constraints such as foreign governments, international organizations, media and global society can elucidate our understanding of recent changes.

  2. As organizações da sociedade civil na prevenção das infeções sexualmente transmissíveis em trabalhadoras do sexo, em Portugal

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    Marta Maia


    Full Text Available Segundo o relatório do Centro Europeu de Prevenção e Controlo das Doenças (ECDC, 2013, que compara dados relativos à prevalência do VIH em trabalhadores do sexo em 27 países da Europa e da Ásia Central, Portugal é o terceiro país com a maior prevalência da infeção entre essa população. A elevada prevalência comparativa da infeção entre os trabalhadores do sexo em Portugal contrasta com o uso reportado de meios de prevenção e diagnóstico. O artigo debruça-se sobre um dos aspetos desse fenómeno: a atividade das organizações da sociedade civil na área da prevenção das infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST em Portugal, de modo a analisar como se relacionam com as trabalhadoras do sexo e concebem as ações de prevenção e o apoio social que lhes dirigem. Essa questão surge como pertinente à medida que a discrepância verificada poderá indicar uma adesão formal (mas não necessariamente real, por parte das trabalhadoras do sexo, a uma retórica socialmente valorizada de prevenção, a qual é canalizada pelas organizações. Esse discurso pode ser por si mais ou menos apreendido, condicionando a implementação prática dos meios de prevenção propostos. Estamos assim perante um potencial fator explicativo a considerar na análise crítica do nível de efetividade dessas ações.

  3. Islamic Revolution: a Civilization-building Revolution; Iranian University:

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    Mohammad Baqer Khorramshad


    Full Text Available Islamic Revolution and the consequent Islamic state in Iran have revived Iranian-Islamic civilization’s discourse in a modern form which is rooted in both Iranian and Islamic ancient civilizations. Post-revolutionary Iran, as an obviously determinant country in this civilizational field, which has developed the civilization in the modern era, necessarily has to think and act civilizationally in order to resist western Humanist and Materialist affects. Academy is the place within which knowledge, as clearly one of the most important foundations of civilization-building, is produced. Civilization-building is the horizon toward which Iranian Universities should orient themselves. Academy is the canon of science, knowledge, and culture, and therefore plays an affective role in the formation, development and flourishing of a civilization; and it could be said that University is the foundation on which civilization is built. In other words, University in the modern era is not only the site of education and research, but also as an epistemological basis, participates in the process of culture and civilization-building; the matter which this study attempts to elaborate. Thus, we attempt to explain and define the necessary tools and indicators in the process.

  4. 29 CFR 530.302 - Amounts of civil money penalties. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Amounts of civil money penalties. 530.302 Section 530.302... EMPLOYMENT OF HOMEWORKERS IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES Civil Money Penalties § 530.302 Amounts of civil money penalties. (a) A civil money penalty, not to exceed $500 per affected homeworker for any one violation, may...

  5. Global civil society: between nation states and transnational corporations

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    S. A. Kvitka


    Full Text Available Global civil society is the subject of the formation of a new world order and the modern humanitarian outlook, which is based on the primacy of justice and human rights. One of the actors head of global civil society is an international non-governmental organizations. But wrong to equate global civil society with the activities of these organizations only. Mostly they influence governments and their humanitarian and international politics. Meanwhile, the role of global civil and its society various institutions is much greater and significant. The article discusses the various aspects of the civil society from the position that it took place between transnational companies (TNCs and nation-states. The role of the latter is gradually reduced - economic regulation take on multinationals and public administration is a field of activity of various institutions and structures that scientists considered it as a manifestation of global civil society. In Ukraine, which is also involved in the process of globalization, global civil society is one of the main factors of its national civil society.

  6. Civil forensic psychiatry - Part 1: an overview. (United States)

    Samuels, Anthony H


    Objectives This paper provides an overview for general and forensic psychiatrists of the complexity and challenge of working in the civil medico-legal arena. It covers expert evidence, ethics, core concepts in civil forensic psychiatry and report writing. Conclusions Civil forensic psychiatry is an important sub-speciality component of forensic psychiatry that requires specific skills, knowledge and the ability to assist legal bodies in determining the significance of psychiatric issues.

  7. Opportunities in Civil Engineering. [VGM Career Horizons Series]. (United States)

    Hagerty, D. Joseph; Heer, John E., Jr.

    This book presents information on career opportunities in civil engineering. Chapter 1 focuses on the scope of civil engineering, discussing: role of scientist, engineer, and technologists; engineering and engineering technology; civil engineer's role and obligations; and other information. Chapter 2 considers such aspects of the education for…

  8. Civil Procedure in Cross-cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context

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    Stefaan Voet


    Full Text Available Reviewed book: Civil Procedure in Cross-cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context: IAPL World Conference on Civil Procedure, September 18–21, 2012, Moscow, Russia (Dmitry Maleshin, ed. (Statut 2012, available at (accessed March 9, 2014 [hereinafter Civil Procedure in Cross-cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context].

  9. 32 CFR 935.21 - Civil rights, powers, and duties. (United States)


    ... INSULAR REGULATIONS WAKE ISLAND CODE Civil Law § 935.21 Civil rights, powers, and duties. In any case in... the laws of the United States or this part, the civil rights, powers, and duties as they obtain under... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil rights, powers, and duties. 935.21 Section...

  10. 25 CFR 11.500 - Law applicable to civil actions. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Law applicable to civil actions. 11.500 Section 11.500 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAW AND ORDER COURTS OF INDIAN OFFENSES AND LAW AND ORDER CODE Civil Actions § 11.500 Law applicable to civil actions. (a) In all civil cases, the...

  11. 33 CFR 401.205 - Civil and criminal penalties. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil and criminal penalties. 401... § 401.205 Civil and criminal penalties. (a) If the violation of the Seaway Regulations carries a... criminal proceedings shall not bar the initiation of civil penalty proceedings by the Associate...

  12. 46 CFR 221.93 - Collection of civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Collection of civil penalties. 221.93 Section 221.93... RELATED ACTIVITIES REGULATED TRANSACTIONS INVOLVING DOCUMENTED VESSELS AND OTHER MARITIME INTERESTS Civil Penalties § 221.93 Collection of civil penalties. Within 30 days after receipt of the Hearing Officer's...

  13. The Impact of Civil Society Organizations on Sustainable ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Civil society groups are agents of development in any nation. Civil society organizations appear to play important role in social, political and economic development activities. The transformation of any society or system, particularly the developing societies like Nigeria depend on the effectiveness and efficiency of its civil ...

  14. 78 FR 5722 - Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment (United States)


    ... Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD. ACTION: Direct... for inflation. The adjustment of civil penalties to account for inflation is required by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, as amended. Since we have not made any adjustments to...

  15. 78 FR 5760 - Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment (United States)


    ... Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD. ACTION: Proposed... account for inflation. The adjustment of civil penalties to account for inflation is required by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, as amended. Since we have not made any...

  16. Civil Society, Health, and Social Exclusion in Bangladesh (United States)

    Mahmud, Simeen


    Civil society has the potential to have a positive impact on social exclusion and health equity through active monitoring and increased accountability. This paper examines the role of civil society in Bangladesh to understand why this potential has not been realized. Looking at two models of civil society action—participation in decentralized public-sector service provision and academic think-tank data analysis—this analysis examines the barriers to positive civil society input into public policy decision-making. The role of non-governmental organizations, political, cultural and economic factors, and the influence of foreign bilateral and multilateral donors are considered. The paper concludes that, with a few exceptions, civil society in Bangladesh replicates the structural inequalities of society at large. PMID:19761087

  17. Utilização de agregadores reciclados de concreto na fabricação de tubos de concreto


    Davies, Fernando Souza


    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado a Banca Examinadora do Curso de Engenharia Civil de Infraestrutura da UNILA, como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do Grau de Bacharel em Engenharia Civil. Orientador: Profo. Drao. Ana Carolina Parapinski dos Santos. A utilização de agregado reciclado de concreto na fabricação de peças pré-moldadas de concreto reduz custos de fabricação e oferece um destino apropriado aos resíduos. Para viabilizar esta reutilização do concreto como resíduo, as n...

  18. Global Standards of Market Civilization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Global Standards of Market Civilization brings together leading scholars, representing a range of political views, to investigate how global 'standards of market civilization' have emerged, their justification, and their political, economic and social impact. Key chapters show how as the modern...... thought, as well as its historical application part II presents original case studies that demonstrate the emergence of such standards and explore the diffusion of liberal capitalist ideas through the global political economy and the consequences for development and governance; the International Monetary...... Fund's capacity to formulate a global standard of civilization in its reform programs; and problems in the development of the global trade, including the issue of intellectual property rights. This book will be of strong interest to students and scholars in wide range of fields relating to the study...

  19. Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering

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    Pengzhen Lu


    Full Text Available Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science, involved in the research, design, and application of intelligent computer. Traditional methods for modeling and optimizing complex structure systems require huge amounts of computing resources, and artificial-intelligence-based solutions can often provide valuable alternatives for efficiently solving problems in the civil engineering. This paper summarizes recently developed methods and theories in the developing direction for applications of artificial intelligence in civil engineering, including evolutionary computation, neural networks, fuzzy systems, expert system, reasoning, classification, and learning, as well as others like chaos theory, cuckoo search, firefly algorithm, knowledge-based engineering, and simulated annealing. The main research trends are also pointed out in the end. The paper provides an overview of the advances of artificial intelligence applied in civil engineering.

  20. 10 CFR 824.15 - Collection of civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Collection of civil penalties. 824.15 Section 824.15 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY PROCEDURAL RULES FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES FOR CLASSIFIED INFORMATION SECURITY VIOLATIONS § 824.15 Collection of civil penalties. If any person fails to pay an...

  1. 22 CFR 1104.14 - Assessment of civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Assessment of civil penalties. 1104.14 Section... STATES SECTION PROTECTION OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES § 1104.14 Assessment of civil penalties. (a) The Commissioner may assess a civil penalty against any person who has violated any prohibition contained in § 1104...

  2. 12 CFR 263.65 - Civil penalty inflation adjustments. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil penalty inflation adjustments. 263.65... Money Penalties § 263.65 Civil penalty inflation adjustments. (a) Inflation adjustments. In accordance with the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990 (28 U.S.C. 2461 note), the Board has...

  3. 42 CFR 493.1846 - Civil action. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil action. 493.1846 Section 493.1846 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) STANDARDS AND CERTIFICATION LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS Enforcement Procedures § 493.1846 Civil action. If CMS...

  4. 7 CFR 1735.15 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 11 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil rights. 1735.15 Section 1735.15 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... Policies § 1735.15 Civil rights. Borrowers are required to comply with certain regulations on...

  5. Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT: Submissions

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Author Guidelines. AIMS AND SCOPE The Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT aims to publish original research papers of high standard, containing material of broad interest and of significant contribution to civil engineering, with emphasis being placed on material that is applicable to the solution of practical problems.

  6. Educating Civil Engineers for Developing Countries (United States)

    Stanley, D.


    Based on engineering teaching experience in Africa and Asia, ideas are presented on educating civil engineers for developing countries, especially those in Africa. Some of the problems facing educational planners, teachers, and students are addressed, including responsibilities of a newly graduated civil engineer, curriculum development, and…

  7. Civil & Criminal Penalties (United States)

    US Consumer Product Safety Commission — When CPSC is involved in a civil or criminal investigations into violations of the Consumer Products Safety Act the Commission publishes final determinations and...

  8. Civil Surgeon Info (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — USCIS designates certain doctors (also known as civil surgeons) to perform the medical exam required for most Green Card applicants. This data set represents the...

  9. As categorias processuais na justiça constitucional limitada


    Magano, José Paulo Camargo


    O presente trabalho visa ao estabelecimento de lindes da tutela constitucional nas categorias processuais a fim de conferir àquela certificação de processo justo, discorrendo para tanto, sobre a morfologia da justiça constitucional, na qual são tratados os institutos fundamentais do processo civil, jurisdição, ação, defesa e processo, sob influência do devido processo legal, e sobre a própria morfologia processual da justiça constitucional, em que são apontados os d...


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    Elena Evgenyevna Dubovaya


    Full Text Available Purpose to define value of freedom and fight of opinions, views and lawyer’s positions in development of science of civil law.Methodology theoretical analysis, inductive and deductive methods.Results It is established that fight of opinions, collision of various positions allows to understand more deeply the discussed problem, to come nearer to truth. So, free expression of opinions is the engine of development of civil law.Practical implications introduction in educational process on disciplines of civil jurisprudence, further research of fight of opinions in civil law.Tendencies of the present stage of development of legal system are characterized by aspiration to fix in the Russian legal system of the beginning of private law, where at the head of a corner – people as a legal entity. Opinions of lawyers on various legal problems, and the attitudes towards these opinions are subject to considerable dynamics. The centuries-old history of development of the right showed that fight of opinions, collision of various positions allows to understand more deeply the discussed problem, to come nearer to truth. The modern civil law widely uses a method of comparative jurisprudence, studying experience of the civilized countries which promoted in development of the civil legislation.

  11. Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT: Journal Sponsorship

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT: Journal Sponsorship. Journal Home > About the Journal > Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT: Journal Sponsorship. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  12. Utilização de ligas com memória de forma no controlo de vibrações em estruturas inteligentes de Engenharia Civil


    Semião, Luís António Pereira


    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Estruturas e Geotecnia As ligas com memória de forma possuem duas propriedades singulares: a memória de forma e a superelasticidade. A memória de forma, é a capacidade do material recuperar a sua forma original através de uma variação de temperatura. A segunda propriedade destas ligas, e na qual esta dissertação se focará, é a superelasticidade....

  13. 42 CFR 38.8 - Criminal and civil penalties. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Criminal and civil penalties. 38.8 Section 38.8... EXAMINATIONS DISASTER ASSISTANCE FOR CRISIS COUNSELING AND TRAINING § 38.8 Criminal and civil penalties... a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 for each violation. (c) Whoever knowingly misapplies the...

  14. 29 CFR 500.143 - Civil money penalty assessment. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil money penalty assessment. 500.143 Section 500.143... MIGRANT AND SEASONAL AGRICULTURAL WORKER PROTECTION Enforcement § 500.143 Civil money penalty assessment. (a) A civil money penalty may be assessed for each violation of the Act or these regulations. (b) In...

  15. 30 CFR 208.14 - Civil and criminal penalties. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil and criminal penalties. 208.14 Section... MANAGEMENT SALE OF FEDERAL ROYALTY OIL General Provisions § 208.14 Civil and criminal penalties. Failure to abide by the regulations in this part may result in civil and criminal penalties being levied on that...

  16. Social Studies. Dawn: The Birth of Selected Civilizations. (United States)

    Cold, Ron

    The Quinmester world studies course for grades 7 through 9 investigates concepts of prehistory, culture, and civilization, offering an in depth understanding of the reasons why and how civilizations rise and fall. Emphasis is on comparing past and present civilizations. One major purpose of the course is for students to comprehend that…

  17. Customização em Massa na Construção CivilMass Customization in Civil ConstructionPersonalización en Masa en la Construcción Civil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    MORAES, Walter Fernando Araújo de


    Full Text Available RESUMOO objetivo deste artigo é examinar como o fenômeno da customização em massa está sendo empreendido no setor da construção civil. Nesse sentido, a estratégia de pesquisa adotada foi a de estudo de casos múltiplos, que foi realizado em duas empresas. A principal técnica adotada para a coleta de dados se consistiu de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A análise dos dados ocorreu em cinco fases. Ao se analisar as ações empreendidas no processo de customização, ficou evidenciado que as empresas apresentam extensões de customização distintas. A utilização de tecnologias como: Drywall e PEX favorecem a customização e aumentam a flexibilidade das instalações. A seleção de fornecedores e o empreendimento de parcerias também se mostraram fundamentais. Necessita-se de profissionais mais qualificados, com visão ampla do negócio, além de forte integração entre as áreas técnica e comercial. As principais dificuldades dizem respeito à falta de comprometimento dos clientes no cumprimento de prazos estabelecidos e os elevados custos para administrar o sistema produtivo. Conclui-se que menos do que customização em massa foi adotada uma estratégia de customização pura em conjunto com esforços associados ao aumento da flexibilidade do projeto e da construção.ABSTRACTThe objective of this paper is to examine how the phenomenon of mass customization is being undertaken in the civil construction sector. Therefore, the research strategy adopted was a multiple-case study, which was carried through in two companies. The main technique adopted for the data collect consisted in semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the data occurred in five different phases. When analyzing the actions undertaken in the customization process, it was evidenced that the companies present different stages of customization. The use of technologies such as Drywall and PEX lead to customization and increase the flexibility of the facilities. The

  18. Civil liability on nuclear activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bittar, C.A.


    The civil liability theory in the actual context is shown in the first and second part of this thesis, including some considerations about concepts and types of liability in dangerous and not dangerous activities. In the third part, the legal aspects of civil liability for the nuclear activities are analyzed, with a brief description of the history evolution, standard systems, inspection corporation and juridical regulation. (C.G.C.). 239 refs

  19. [Disaster Control and Civil Protection in Germany]. (United States)

    Kippnich, Maximilian; Kowalzik, Barbara; Cermak, Rudolf; Kippnich, Uwe; Kranke, Peter; Wurmb, Thomas


    The train crash of Bad Aibling/Germany in February 2016 and the terrorist attacks of the recent years in Europe have demonstrated the urgent need to be prepared for such disastrous events. Disaster preparedness and disaster control are very important governmental duties, as are civil protection and civil defense. In Germany the responsibility for those tasks are divided between the 16 "Länder" and the Federation. While the Federation takes care of the civil protection and disaster assistance, the Länder are responsible for disaster control. The presented article focuses on these issues and gives valuable insights into the German system of disaster control and civil protection with a focus on health protection. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  20. 32 CFR 310.47 - Civil remedies. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil remedies. 310.47 Section 310.47 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (CONTINUED) PRIVACY PROGRAM DOD PRIVACY PROGRAM Privacy Act Violations § 310.47 Civil remedies. In addition to specific remedial...

  1. 7 CFR 1738.17 - Civil rights. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 11 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil rights. 1738.17 Section 1738.17 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RURAL BROADBAND ACCESS LOANS AND LOAN GUARANTEES Loan Purposes and Basic Policies § 1738.17 Civil rights...

  2. Crisis or Fluidity? Florian Znaniecki’s Theory of Civilization

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    Elżbieta Hałas


    Full Text Available The preoccupation with the processes of globalization, which has become a key concept in the analysis of the sociocultural condition of postmodernity, has led to a decreased interest in the theory of civilization. The ideological burden of the concept of civilization and its stigmatization by critics of post-Enlightenment modernity also contribute to this current state. However, issues associated with the processes of civilization have once again come to the fore, as shown by the reconstruction of threads associated with civilization in social theory, including sociological works. The views on civilization presented by Weber, Durkheim and Mauss, by their successors Sorokin, Elias and Nelson, down to the contemporary publications of Huntington and Eisenstadt are widely known, whereas works published on this subject in Polish by Florian Znaniecki are not. On a backdrop of the genesis of civilization-associated discourse and its antinomy as regards religion, the article presents Znaniecki’s concept of civilization processes as the social integration of culture, developed on the basis of his theory of cultural and social systems. Two types of human participation in culture are significant here: cultural communities and social groups which create a cultural bond. The de-civilizing processes which Znaniecki described are shown. The article analyzes Znaniecki’s idea of a fluid civilization and the conditions which are necessary for its existence, in the shape of reflexive cultural knowledge as the answer to a cultural crisis. The new type of cultural crisis stems from cultural innovations. The article shows the differences between Znaniecki’s concept of fluidity and Bauman’s liquid modernity. It presents the concept of “civilization of the future” as a pan-human civilization, which requires the formation of a new type of cultural community – the world culture society.

  3. Virtude, trabalho e riqueza: a concepção de sociedade civil em Benjamin Franklin


    Ana Maria Brito Sanches


    Neste trabalho examinamos a concepção de sociedade civil no pensamento social e político de Benjamin Franklin, cujas idéias exerceram grande influência na formação da mentalidade do homem do Novo Mundo. Essa mentalidade inaugura um novo modo de conceber a vida em sociedade, exaltando tudo o que se opõe aos valores da velha ordem. Contra o princípio da honra, os títulos de nobreza e a posição social dos indivíduos, ela exalta a virtude republicana, celebra o trabalho e reclama o respeito à dig...

  4. A importancia da pericia frente a iatrogenia e a responsabilidade civil no exercicio da odontologia


    Sergio Duz


    Resumo: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a aplicação do termo iatrogenia, face a sua relação com as questões periciais em casos que envolvam a responsabilidade civil dos profissionais da área da saúde. A importância deste trabalho baseia-se na acentuada divergência quanto a sua interpretação. Assim sendo, o escopo da presente pesquisa é avaliar o campo de abrangência de aplicação do termo iatrogenia, nos casos de litígios processuais em que pode surgir a obrigação de indenizar. Ne...

  5. 29 CFR 801.42 - Civil money penalties-assessment. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil money penalties-assessment. 801.42 Section 801.42... APPLICATION OF THE EMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACT OF 1988 Enforcement § 801.42 Civil money penalties—assessment. (a) A civil money penalty in an amount not to exceed $10,000 for any violation may be assessed...

  6. Transfrontier nuclear civil liability without international conventions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dogauchi, M.


    Japan is not a contracting party of any international convention in the field of nuclear civil liability, and neither are other east Asian countries who have or will soon have nuclear plants. Therefore, the ordinary rules on private international law will play an important role in dealing with transfrontier nuclear civil liability. Above all, the problems on judicial jurisdiction and governing law are crucial points. With regard to the relations between the above countries and the countries whose legal systems are within the framework of Paris or Vienna Conventions, geographical scopes of these conventions are to be considered. There are two different parts in the international civil liability conventions: uniform civil liability law and mutual funds. As to the first, it is important that, even without the conventions, the basic structure of the nuclear civil liability laws in non-member countries are almost the same with those of members. In any event, considering that the establishment of a single international regime to cover all countries will be hardly possible, legal consequences under the private international law will be explored. (author)

  7. 10 CFR 1008.15 - Civil remedies. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil remedies. 1008.15 Section 1008.15 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (GENERAL PROVISIONS) RECORDS MAINTAINED ON INDIVIDUALS (PRIVACY ACT) Requests for Access or Amendment § 1008.15 Civil remedies. Subsection (g) of the Act provides that an individual may bring suit...

  8. Promoting Civil Discourse in the Classroom (United States)

    Birnie, Billie F.


    Teachers are responsible for what happens in their classrooms, and promoting civil discourse should be among their top priorities. Not only should they model civil speech and behavior, but they also should establish clear boundaries for students, create a climate that nourishes courteous exchange, and help students build vocabularies that enable…


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    Luiz Henrique Lira de Oliveria


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por desígnio identificar os minerais pesados encontrados nos aluviões que abastecem o mercado da construção civil da grande Natal, bem como medir a radioatividade provinda dessas areias, nas quais as pessoas estão em constante contato, a fim de alertá-las aos possíveis perigos. Para tal, escolheu-se a localidade de Jacobina, no município de Macaíba/RN pelo fato da existência de exploração de areia nas margens do rio Potengi, onde foram realizadas medições gamaespectométricas no solo e em afloramentos com o Cintilômetro RS-125 Super-SPEC, adquirido pelo CNPq (Processo nº 550307/2010-9. A partir dos resultados obtidos, foram criadas superfícies modeladas (em meio digital através de mapas temáticos que proporcionaram uma simples interpretação das doses radioativas absorvidas.

  10. 25 CFR 11.502 - Costs in civil actions. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Costs in civil actions. 11.502 Section 11.502 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAW AND ORDER COURTS OF INDIAN OFFENSES AND LAW AND ORDER CODE Civil Actions § 11.502 Costs in civil actions. (a) The court may assess the accruing costs of...

  11. 78 FR 26545 - Consumer Financial Civil Penalty Fund (United States)


    ... which civil penalties have been imposed under Federal consumer financial laws. In addition, to the... has violated the law to pay a civil penalty. See, e.g., 12 U.S.C. 5565. Section 1017(d)(1) of the Dodd... activities for which civil penalties have been imposed under the Federal consumer financial laws.'' 12 U.S.C...

  12. 78 FR 26489 - Consumer Financial Civil Penalty Fund (United States)


    ... administrative action under Federal consumer financial laws. Under the Act, funds in the Civil Penalty Fund may... Bureau may require a party that has violated the law to pay a civil penalty. See, e.g., 12 U.S.C. 5565... or any other provision of law bars the Bureau from using funds in the Civil Penalty Fund for such...

  13. 29 CFR 501.19 - Civil money penalty assessment. (United States)


    ... workers. (c) A civil money penalty for each violation of the work contract or a requirement of 8 U.S.C..., with the following exceptions: (1) A civil money penalty for each willful violation of the work... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil money penalty assessment. 501.19 Section 501.19 Labor...


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    Beatriz Terezinha Daudt Fischer


    Full Text Available Quando pesquisadores se debruçarem detidamente sobre Brasil, século XX, por certo os anos 1963/64 não poderão ficar sem a merecida atenção. As matérias jornalísticas da época explicitam em cores variadas, o clima que se vivia ao longo daqueles meses antecedentes ao golpe civil militar. Atualmente, manifestações de rua em nosso país, e as respectivas reportagens na mídia, motivam a retomar alguns materiais de pesquisa trazendo à tona o clima de efervescência política de cinquenta anos atrás. Assim, com inspiração em Foucault, este texto convida a um exercício analítico acerca das verdades instituídas na mídia impressa, sobre política e educação, a partir dos jornais gaúchos Correio do Povo, Última Hora e Zero Hora ao longo do ano de 1963 e parte de 1964.


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    Sérgio Luiz Gadini


    Full Text Available A emergência de TVs comunitárias no Brasil, a partir de meados dos anos 1990, vem ao encontro de uma histórica demanda pela democratização da informação. Com base na legislação da TV a cabo brasileira (Lei 8.977/95, aprovada com o apoio do Fórum Nacional pela Democratização da Comunicação, movimentos, entidades sociais sem fins lucrativos, sindicatos, associações comunitárias e ONGs passaram a instituir associações de usuários dos canais comunitários de TV que surgiram em dezenas de cidades do Brasil. Num país marcado por grandes dificuldades de organização da sociedade civil, tal iniciativa representou, por muitos anos, uma alternativa que parecia indicar um outro horizonte de mobilização social por questões de interesse público (como é o caso das concessões e acesso à mídia. Mas, a eleição de um governo federal teoricamente identificado com demandas e problemas sociais forjados ao longo de séculos de exclusão (como ocorreu com a escolha do presidente Lula, eleito pelo PT acabou por indicar alguns limites nos projetos sociais envolvendo a luta pela democratização da comunicação. Tão logo o governo petista expressou sua política comunicacional, a fragilização da sociedade civil passou a expressar alguns dos limites e desafios para se pensar na execução de projetos de comunicação popular, o que também apresentou reflexos nos canais de TVs comunitárias de diversas regiões do País.

  16. 78 FR 4057 - Inflation Adjustment of Civil Money Penalty Amounts (United States)


    ...] RIN 2501-AD59 Inflation Adjustment of Civil Money Penalty Amounts AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, HUD. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This final rule amends HUD's civil money penalty and civil penalty... outdated cross-reference in its civil money penalty regulations. DATES: Effective Date: February 19, 2013...

  17. 46 CFR 80.40 - Civil penalty. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil penalty. 80.40 Section 80.40 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PASSENGER VESSELS DISCLOSURE OF SAFETY STANDARDS AND COUNTRY OF REGISTRY § 80.40 Civil penalty. For each violation of the regulations in this part, the owner, operator...


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    Thiago Wulfghar Dias


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O presente artigo visa apresentar a viabilidade de implantação de um sistema de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos de construção civil na obra da escola proinfância creche damasco, localizada na cidade de Varginha, no sul do estado de Minas Gerais. Para isso, apresenta-se a definição do resíduo com sua caracterização, os agentes envolvidos no processo de gerenciamento e suas responsabilidades de acordo com os aspectos normativos. Neste trabalho foi apresentado uma metodologia para definição de ferramentas de gestão dos resíduos para obtenção da composição média porcentual e consequentemente o perfil dos resíduos das etapas construtivas da obra. A aplicação do método evidenciou que as causas de geração de resíduos em geral, são os erros na manipulação dos materiais de construção, durante a execução dos serviços. Posteriormente apresenta-se o balanço econômico alcançado com a aplicação do sistema de gerenciamento e expõem-se algumas recomendações para aprimorar a gestão dos resíduos da construção civil. Contudo, apesar da existência do Plano de Gestão de Resíduos no município de Varginha, muitas construções não atendem as diretrizes de gerenciamento apresentadas neste decreto e ainda existem locais clandestinos de disposição de resíduos no município. As ações abordadas neste estudo podem ser utilizadas em obras de construção e demolição e trazem inúmeros benefícios para as construtoras, para sociedade e o meio ambiente, como na redução da utilização da matéria-prima, no atendimento às legislações vigentes e na redução tanto dos custos com a utilização de menos insumos para realização das mesmas tarefas, quanto dos custos referentes ao gerenciamento, transporte e destinação final dos resíduos. ABSTRACT: This papper presents the feasibility of implementing a construction solid waste management system of Proyouth school daycare apricot, located in Varginha, in

  19. Vliv typu vazby historického zdiva na jeho teplotní namáhání

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Beran, Pavel


    Roč. 22, č. 10 (2013), s. 248-253 ISSN 1805-2576 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GBP105/12/G059 Institutional support: RVO:68378297 Keywords : thermal expansion * masonry * thermal stress * compatibility Subject RIV: JN - Civil Engineering

  20. Debarring from succession – Comparing the regulations of the former civil code and the New Civil Code from 2009

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    Ioana NICOLAE


    Full Text Available This paper presents the changes in the legal framework regarding succession issue. These changes have been examined in light of three hypotheses arising from the former Civil Code. The distinction between judiciary debarring and lawful debarring introduced by the New Civil Code from 2009 is also presented. The conditions for cancelling the effects of debarring from succession stipulated by the New Civil Code are explained. Finally, several legal circumstances for declaring a person unworthy of succession are comparatively presented.

  1. La sociedad civil como base de la educación y la educación como base de la sociedad civil


    Alvira, Rafael


    La tesis fundamental del trabajo está expresada en el título: la sociedad civil es condición indispensable para que se pueda realizar una tarea educativa de altura y, a su vez, sin una educación bien hecha la sociedad civil sería imposible. Como sucede siempre, se puede comenzar por intentar mejorar las estructuras de la sociedad civil, o por potenciar la educación, pero en realidad la clave ahora está en cambiar la concepción tanto de la sociedad civil como de la educación. Para ello, result...


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    Gauca Oana


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether civil society itself can enhance or stimulate the creation of social entrepreneurs, by studying the traits of the civil society and the various definitions attributed to it. The main question that the paper wants to answer to is Does civil society create social entrepreneurs and the main approach used in this research paper is the theoretical one. By studying existing articles and books on the topic, the paper tries to emphasize the various dimensions that civil society can embrace, as pictured by various authors, as well as how these dimensions can relate to social entrepreneurs and the emergence of social businesses. The paper is not meant to be a breakthrough in the field, but rather to launch a question that is related to very important topics these days, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, social businesses and their connection to a very much debated topic-civil society. The paper is work-in progress and wants to stimulate research regarding the search of the sources of social entrepreneurship, in order to analyze them and better establish them as incubators for the future. It wants to be of use to whoever is researching the concepts illustrated above, as well as for those who want to get in touch with the new buzz words of the academic and entrepreneurial fields. The hereby paper stands, as previously stated, in a theoretical framework and the findings represent a mere analysis of the cause-effect relationship between the characteristics of civil society and those of social entrepreneurs. However, we are of the opinion that it can be a very good starting point for the ones interested in the domain, to analyze more sources of social entrepreneurship or further refine the answer to the question addressed in this article.

  3. Civil Society Participation at CONFINTEA VI (United States)

    Haddad, Sergio


    This article analyzes the participation of civil society in the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education held in Belem do Para, Brazil, 1-4 December 2009. As a foundation, the discussion first illuminates the important role that civil society in general plays in democratic issues and the relation between the state and society followed by…

  4. Remaking Public Spaces for Civil Society (United States)

    Ranson, Stewart


    The collective action predicaments of the time require citizens to participate in remaking the governance of civil society so that they can become engaged and cooperate together. Can citizens become makers of civil society? This article draws upon Hannah Arendt's "On Revolution" to provide a theory of remaking in which citizens come together to…

  5. Mechanics, Models and Methods in Civil Engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Maceri, Franco


    „Mechanics, Models and Methods in Civil Engineering” collects leading papers dealing with actual Civil Engineering problems. The approach is in the line of the Italian-French school and therefore deeply couples mechanics and mathematics creating new predictive theories, enhancing clarity in understanding, and improving effectiveness in applications. The authors of the contributions collected here belong to the Lagrange Laboratory, an European Research Network active since many years. This book will be of a major interest for the reader aware of modern Civil Engineering.

  6. A imprensa do Recife na crise dos anos 1920: a repercussão do levante tenentista no Jornal do Commercio e na Tribuna Religiosa


    ALFINO, Luiz Carlos dos Prazeres Serpa


    Os primeiros anos da década de 1920 foram determinantes na vida da sociedade brasileira, constituída nos moldes das oligarquias hegemônicas, sob o domínio da economia cafeeira desde os idos do Império. Esse período marcado por intensas movimentações de ordem política e social, investidas de sentimentos nacionalistas e de diversas correntes de pensamento e de concepções ideológicas, acarretará, no seio da sociedade civil, muitos protestos contra o status quo vigente. Neles se co...

  7. The humaneness of our technical civilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bieri, E.


    It is good facing our civilization with a critical distance. It keeps away self-complacency and hybris. What we need is a potential of renewal which must be raised by doubts and challenges. A critical distance is based on the determined approval of our civilization which tries to comply with mankind in a high degree. Civilization is the expression of a realistic picture of man. According to this view freedom shall only be possible because of continuous changes and changes are only possible if there is freedom. Propagating confidence in the undestroyable basic forces of human nature and thus enjoying the present as well as trusting the future: this is our message, our moral task. (orig./HP) [de

  8. Civil liability for nuclear damage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    An international Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage was adopted in Vienna on 19 May 1963 by a sixty-nation conference convened by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Convention, which is subject to ratification by the States signing it, will come into force three months after the deposit of the fifth instrument of ratification. The Convention is designee only to establish minimum rules regarding civil liability for nuclear damage; it may thus well be described as a framework convention, the main provisions of which represent the essential common denomination acceptable to as many States as possible. It leaves wide scope for national legislation and regional arrangements with a view to implementing these provisions The Convention does not purport to create a uniform civil law in this field, but it contains the minimal essential for protection of the public and forms the legal basis for uniform world-wide liability rules

  9. Predicting civil religion at a cross-cultural level

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    Lavrič Miran


    Full Text Available The concept of civil religion has caught major attention among scholars studying the junction of religion and politics (J.-J. Rousseau, E. Durkheim, R. Bellah. The notion focuses on the phenomenon of cultural contents sacralizing and ritualizing the ruling political institutions of a society, extending support to the integration of the political and social system at a cultural level. The notion of civil religion has recently been operationalized crossculturally, but light has not been shed upon its predictors. In this paper authoritarianism is tested as a predictor of civil religion cross-culturally. Four student samples of Bosnian, Serbian, Slovenian and US students were analyzed. Very strong, significant associations between authoritarianism, as operationalized by a modified Lane scale, and civil religion were found in all cases. Moreover, upon introducing femininity, anxiety and gender into the analysis, a strong, dominant and significant impact on the part of authoritarianism was still found when civil religion was observed crossculturally. When the same predictors were applied to explaining general religiosity, authoritarianism fell short of being a significant predictor in most of the environments observed. Such results suggest an especially close link between civil religion and authoritarianism.

  10. Climate Change and Civil Violence (United States)

    van der Vink, G.; Plancherel, Y.; Hennet, C.; Jones, K. D.; Abdullah, A.; Bradshaw, J.; Dee, S.; Deprez, A.; Pasenello, M.; Plaza-Jennings, E.; Roseman, D.; Sopher, P.; Sung, E.


    The manifestations of climate change can result in humanitarian impacts that reverse progress in poverty- reduction, create shortages of food and resources, lead to migration, and ultimately result in civil violence and conflict. Within the continent of Africa, we have found that environmentally-related variables are either the cause or the confounding factor for over 80% of the civil violence events during the last 10 years. Using predictive climate models and land-use data, we are able to identify populations in Africa that are likely to experience the most severe climate-related shocks. Through geospatial analysis, we are able to overlay these areas of high risk with assessments of both the local population's resiliency and the region's capacity to respond to climate shocks should they occur. The net result of the analysis is the identification of locations that are becoming particularly vulnerable to future civil violence events (vulnerability hotspots) as a result of the manifestations of climate change. For each population group, over 600 social, economic, political, and environmental indicators are integrated statistically to measures the vulnerability of African populations to environmental change. The indicator time-series are filtered for data availability and redundancy, broadly ordered into four categories (social, political, economic and environmental), standardized and normalized. Within each category, the dominant modes of variability are isolated by principal component analysis and the loadings of each component for each variable are used to devise composite index scores. Comparisons of past vulnerability with known environmentally-related conflicts demonstrates the role that such vulnerability hotspot maps can play in evaluating both the potential for, and the significance of, environmentally-related civil violence events. Furthermore, the analysis reveals the major variables that are responsible for the population's vulnerability and therefore

  11. 45 CFR 160.404 - Amount of a civil money penalty. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Amount of a civil money penalty. 160.404 Section... RELATED REQUIREMENTS GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Imposition of Civil Money Penalties § 160.404 Amount of a civil money penalty. (a) The amount of a civil money penalty will be determined in accordance...

  12. The theoretical justification of civil service professional space management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O. M. Terentiev


    Full Text Available The article develops the basic theoretical principles concerning the practical aspects of a civil service professional space. Development of the theoretical foundations of civil service professional space management provides for Public Administration new, more comprehensive methodological tools for adequately analysis and management of both social and professional processes in the public service, and ongoing process in the subspaces, fields and environments of all professions. Civil service professional space defines the main parameters and directions of public service, and professional environment of public authorities. As a space of common activity it requires special development and management. The author describes the content of functions for civil service professional space management, and provides appropriate practical recommendations. It is concluded that the civil service professional space should be the top point for analysis, forecasting, planning, implementation and decision-making in the civil service management in Ukraine.

  13. Protection of personality rights in civil law

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    Simonović Ivana


    Full Text Available Personality rights have long been described as the youngest member of the civil law family of absolute subjective (individual civil rights. By establishing these rights, an individual is guaranteed full and direct legal authority and control over one's personal assets, which include the most important human values such as: life, integrity, dignity and privacy. The ultimate importance of these personal assets is supported by appropriate legal protection of personality rights, which have been guaranteed in numerous provisions of constitutional law, civil law, criminal law and administrative law. The legal protection of personality rights stems from the understanding that a human being cannot be reduced to a biological entity; being part of the community, man is also a social being. Taking into account constant interactions and mutual relations between members of the society, man should be guaranteed certain rights. It primarily implies the guaranteed right to inviolability of one's personality, which is the basis for generating other personality rights. These rights are inherent, inalienable and absolute in terms of their effects; as such, they provide protection from the interference of the state and any third party. Focusing on the rules of civil law, the authors have explored the potentials and the scope of legal protection of personality rights provided by awarding a civil sanction. Although civil sanction is basically monetary sanction, it is deemed to be quite appropriate for the protection of personal (non-patrimonial assets.

  14. Bureaucratic Dilemmas: Civil servants between political responsiveness and normative constraints

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jørgen Grønnegård; Opstrup, Niels


    The interaction between political executives and civil servants rests on a delicate balance between political responsiveness and the duty of civil servants and ministers to respect legal and other normative constraints on executive authority. In Danish central government, this balance is stressed...... by norms that define the correct behavior when the civil service provides ministers with political advice and assistance. Organizational factors strongly influence civil servants’ behavior when they have to balance responsiveness against constraints on their role as political advisers. Moreover, civil...

  15. Critérios de sustentabilidade para contratações de obras na administração pública


    Silva, Wesley Pereira da


    Objetivo desta pesquisa foi diagnosticar a influência do estabelecimento de critérios, práticas e diretrizes de sustentabilidade para contratações realizadas pela administração pública federal na construção de obras públicas. O presente trabalho foi realizado por meio de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Foi verificado o que a literatura propõe relacionado a sustentabilidade na construção civil; correlacionando os critérios estabelecidos pelo Sistema LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environm...

  16. The Arab Spring and civil-military relations

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    power interplay between the civil elites and the military elites using the term 'civil- military relations' ..... the American military, whose 5th Fleet is headquartered in Bahrain. The advice was that the ..... Embassy Madrid. 23 Danopoulos, C (ed).

  17. Risk taking in adversarial situations: Civilization differences in chess experts. (United States)

    Chassy, Philippe; Gobet, Fernand


    The projections of experts in politics predict that a new world order will emerge within two decades. Being multipolar, this world will inevitably lead to frictions where civilizations and states will have to decide whether to risk conflict. Very often these decisions are informed if not taken by experts. To estimate risk-taking across civilizations, we examined strategies used in 667,599 chess games played over eleven years by chess experts from 11 different civilizations. We show that some civilizations are more inclined to settle for peace. Similarly, we show that once engaged in the battle, the level of risk taking varies significantly across civilizations, the boldest civilization using the riskiest strategy about 35% more than the most conservative civilization. We discuss which psychological factors might underpin these civilizational differences. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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    A. Mishin


    Full Text Available The aim of the article is improving the efficiency of personnel management of the federal government and regional authorities. In conducting this study, the main sources of raw data were the materials and documents graphical analysis, cross table, the automated processing of data using Excel VBA. This article revealed negative features of the life cycle of a career Russian civil servants; based on feedback analysis concluded that the weak differences in the profi les of ordinary skill competencies and management staff of the civil service. State civil service does not offer attractive career model for skilled workers. Models of career and payroll of civil servants are poorly developed.

  19. Michel Foucault and the Forces of Civil Society

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villadsen, Kaspar


    , presenting civil society as a ‘reality that does not exist’ but still has real effects. This new reality holds contradictory potentials. When articulated by political eschatology, civil society supports prophecies of the end of politics in a final accord where contradictions dissolve and the community...... absorbs the state. Neoliberal notions of civil society promise, on Foucault’s account, a more open-ended milieu of subject formation....

  20. O planejamento tributário na construção civil: custo pago/incorrido X custo orçado

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    Cristiane Cardoso dos Santos Alves


    Full Text Available Artigo desenvolvido sob a ótica do planejamento tributário nas empresas de construção civil, tendo como para metro as Instruções Normativas números 84/79,23/83 67/88, expedidas pela Secretaria da Receita Federal, que disciplina mapuração do resultado desse ramo de atividade. Na Instrução Normativa 84/79encontra-se a conceituação as normas sobre assunto, inclusive os métodos de apuração do custo pago incorrido do custo orçado. As instruções seguintes trouxeram alterações no ãmbito do custo pago incorrido do custo orçadores pectivamente. presente artigo tem como finalidade demonstrar que custo orçado melhor opção para recolhimento do imposto de renda contribuição social no decorrer da construção do empreendimento, conclusão chegada por meio de análise das referidas instruções, pesquisas bibliográficas sobre assunto exemplos didáticos com cálculos do imposto contribuição, para comprovar tese. This articJe was developed under the view of tax planning for the civilconstruction companies, based on the Normative Instructions numbered 84/79, 23/83 and 67/88, distributed by the Internal Revenue Services, whichaverages the results on this type of activity. ln the Normative Instructionnumbered 84/79 we found the explanation and the norms about this subject,especial/y the methods used to measure the incurred cost and the expectedcost. The fol/owing instructions brought some alterations in terms of thepaid incurred cost and expected cost, respectively. The present articJewishes to demonstrate that the expected cost is the best way to prepare thetax return form and the social contribution during the construction phase,formulated through the analyses of the referred instructions, bibliographicresearch about the subject and some examples with tax return calculationsto prove this thesis.

  1. Sociedad civil: una concepción radical


    García Marzá, Vicente Domingo


    El presente trabajo1 tiene como objetivos presentar un concepto de sociedad civil desde una perspectiva crítica, una perspectiva que pueda dar razón del potencial de cambio y transformación social que encierra este ámbito de la interacción social. Con este fin, se adentra en primer lugar en la difícil relación entre democracia y sociedad civil, analizándola desde el paso de las democracias participativas a las democracias deliberativas. El caràcter global de la sociedad civil y los problemas ...

  2. Developing marketing system for civil engineering firm

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    Jovićević Ratko


    Full Text Available In this paper intention was to reveal insufficient connection between theory and practice in civil engineering as indispose condition for more efficient solving problems which products unstable environment of engineering firms. Successful connection between theory and practice, when we talk about marketing in civil engineering, did not develop at satisfied way. Civil engineering is, in aspect of implementation of modern philosophy of marketing, in big residue related to the other spices of economy. In that order we want to appoint on possibility to resolve this discrepancy.

  3. Civil society and the ‘commanding heights’:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spear, Roger; Paton, Rob

    Civil society associations, including voluntary and community groups, trade unions, faithbased organisations, co-operatives and mutuals, have long influenced the economy. Civil society associations can run businesses and they can run organisations that aim to influence businesses. Together, these...

  4. Civil defence abroad. Pt. 3: The Warsaw Pact countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schirrmeister, K.G.; Hofmann, H.


    Civil defence forms part of the national defence of the G.D.R., and belongs since 1976 to the responsibility of the Defence Ministry. Civil defence service is equal to military service. Civil defence services are organised on a territorial basis and a production-oriented basis: Double concept. Construction of shelters is propagated for 30 years now, maintenance of existing buildings is an obligation since 1965. Principles (triage) of military medical service are applied, and are valid for students and post-graduate medical training. Civil defence training is required in school and industry. Civil defence expenditure is increasing, although there is little acceptance by the population. The issue presents extensive documentation. - Civil defence in the Soviet Union covers services in times of peace and of war. Defence measures are prepared and held up to date in the entire territory. The civil defence service belongs to the responsibility of the Council of Ministers, and the deputy minister of defence is the head of services. The training schedules and principles are laid down by the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the government, and local party organisations and governmental authorities. Civil defence training is a general obligation for all citizens over 8 years of age. The main goal is: Protection of the population as the production force, of the economy, and resources. (orig.) [de

  5. How Global is Global Civil Society?

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    Neera Chandhoke


    Full Text Available In recent times the concept of global civil society has made its appearance on national and international intellectual, as well as political agendas, in a major way. It is of some interest that two other concepts, both of which call for transcendence of national boundaries in precisely the same way as global civil society does, have also made their appearance on the scene of intellectual debates at roughly the same time: the concept of cosmopolitanism and that of transnational justice. All three concepts have dramatically expanded the notion of commitment to one’s fellow beings beyond the nation state. And all three concepts have extended critiques of policies that violate the dignity of human beings from national governments to the practices of inter-national institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Forum. In sum the inter-related concepts of global civil society, cosmopolitanism, and transnational justice have greatly enlarged the traditional domain of political theory. And yet for any political theorist who is acutely conscious of the phenomenon of power, these concepts are not unproblematic. For the practices of global civil society may just reinforce the intellectual and the moral power of the West over the postcolonial world. This is particularly true of say global human rights organizations. This paper will attempt to raise some questions of the concept and the practices of global civil society from the perspective of the countries of the South.

  6. 75 FR 39266 - Privacy Act of 1974; Department of Homeland Security/ALL-029 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties... (United States)


    ..., ethnic, or religious profiling related to the Department's activities. The system will also track and... agency for labor and employment relations; to an agency, organization, or individual when there could... civil rights and civil liberties, or to allege racial, ethnic, or religious profiling by DHS, its...

  7. 75 FR 38824 - Privacy Act of 1974; Department of Homeland Security/ALL-029 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties... (United States)


    ... civil rights, civil liberties, such as profiling on the basis of race, ethnicity, or religion, by.../ religion (CRCL does not solicit this information, it is tracked if individuals provide it); Allegation... Officer and Chief Freedom of Information Act Officer, Department of Homeland Security, 245 Murray Drive...






  9. Estudo comparativo entre as práticas empresariais e a teoria de gerenciamento por Valor Agregado: o caso da construção civil

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    Joaquim Teixeira Netto

    Full Text Available O monitoramento do desempenho de projetos por meio de indicadores é um recurso de gestão de grande importância para as organizações, sendo o Earned Value Management (EVM amplamente utilizado há aproximadamente 40 anos. Entretanto, há poucas pesquisas sobre sua utilização na indústria da construção civil. Outrossim, alguns autores argumentam quea fundamentação teórica doEVM é utilizada de forma parcial na construção civil. O presente artigo tem como objetivo principal o estudo comparativoentre a fundamentação teórica e aprática no uso do indicador de EVM. A pesquisa do tipo exploratória foi conduzida por meio do estudo de caso em 05 projetos de obras civis. A pesquisa de campo buscou identificaras práticas utilizadas, bem como compará-las com a teoria de EVM. Por fim, pôde-se concluir, com estes estudos de caso, que há fatores críticos de sucesso, tais como: o treinamento da equipe, a maturidade em gestão de projetos, o apoio da alta administração, a necessidade de procedimentos pré-definidos. Observou-se, ainda, que o EVM propiciou benefícios como um maior controle do custo, escopo e comunicação do desempenho do projeto. Finalmente, verificou-se que as empresas não utilizam a totalidade de requisitos teóricos do EVM. Ademais, constatou-se que o método utilizado na pesquisa permitiu sucesso no desenvolvimento dos objetivos e na validação das hipóteses.

  10. Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice aims to publish original research papers of high standard, containing material of significant contribution to civil engineering, with emphasis being placed on material that is applicable to the solution of practical problems.

  11. 5 CFR 2636.104 - Civil, disciplinary and other action. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil, disciplinary and other action... Provisions § 2636.104 Civil, disciplinary and other action. (a) Civil action. Except when the employee... prohibited conduct, whichever is greater. (b) Disciplinary and corrective action. An agency may initiate...

  12. 8 CFR 280.53 - Civil monetary penalties inflation adjustment. (United States)


    ... 8 Aliens and Nationality 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Civil monetary penalties inflation... REGULATIONS IMPOSITION AND COLLECTION OF FINES § 280.53 Civil monetary penalties inflation adjustment. (a) In general. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of...

  13. 46 CFR 506.3 - Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 9 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment. 506.3... PENALTY INFLATION ADJUSTMENT § 506.3 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment. The Commission shall... each civil monetary penalty provided by law within the jurisdiction of the Commission by the inflation...

  14. 32 CFR 269.3 - Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment. 269... DEFENSE (CONTINUED) MISCELLANEOUS CIVIL MONETARY PENALTY INFLATION ADJUSTMENT § 269.3 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment. The Department shall, not later than 180 days after the enactment of the...

  15. 17 CFR 143.8 - Inflation-adjusted civil monetary penalties. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Inflation-adjusted civil... JURISDICTION General Provisions § 143.8 Inflation-adjusted civil monetary penalties. (a) Unless otherwise amended by an act of Congress, the inflation-adjusted maximum civil monetary penalty for each violation of...

  16. Civil Disobedience. (United States)

    Martz, Carlton


    This theme issue looks at three historical and recent instances of civil disobedience. The first article examines the Free Speech Movement, which arose on the Berkeley campus of the University of California in the 1960s. The second article recounts the struggle of Mahatma Gandhi to free India from the British Empire. The final article explores the…

  17. Representações sociais dos usuários hospitalizados sobre cidadania: implicações para o cuidado hospitalar

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    Flávia Pacheco de Araújo


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: analisar as representacoes sociais de usuarios hospitalizados sobre a cidadania no cuidado hospitalar. Método: abordagem qualitativa com referencial da Teoria das Representacoes Sociais, realizada com 31 usuarios hospitalizados no setor de clinica medica de um hospital publico, universitario. Realizou-se entrevista semiestruturada, cujos dados foram submetidos ao programa Alceste, com aplicacao de analise lexical. Resultados: os usuarios conhecem os seus direitos, e a cidadania no cuidado e entendida a luz dos direitos a saude, de modo que sejam bem atendidos do ponto de vista tecnico e humano. Conclusão: o bom trato relacional e a prestacao do cuidado tecnico-procedimental sao direitos dos usuarios; logo, a ausência de um ou de outra implica o nao respeito a sua cidadania.


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    Alexander A Oboznov


    Full Text Available The concept of the normative personal orientation seeks to specify how personnel motivation should be organized in the value-motivational sphere for professional activity execution in accordance with its social purpose. Based on the priority of the civil service social purpose, the hierarchical structure of the personal normative orientations was theoretically validated. Social motives related to serving for the benefit of the Fatherland as well as work motives associated with the achievement of some role positions are the major motives. The subordinate motives are the monetary rewards and self-development. Development of the future civil servants’ orientation is based on a conscious idea about the required motives’ subordination, that is, about the normative civil servant’s orientation. The study involved 63 students of the 2nd and 4th year studying at the Russian management institute in the specialty “Customs” and 51 students of the 1st and 2nd year studying at the Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia, as well as 4 experts (two from Russia and Armenia having long-term experience in the civil service. The method is an author’s closed-questions’ inventory containing a list of 18 personal goals, that should guide the civil servant in professional work. The instruction required the selection of five most important goals. An absolute majority (from 66 to 90% of Russian and Armenian students has the motives’ subordination that is inconsistent with the normative orientation. According to the students’ view, self-development, self-creation and material benefit are the leading motives of a civil servant. The expert motives’ representations are identical to the required content of civil servant normative orientation. The authors defined the need to develop a special psychological and educational program for promoting required representations about the normative orientation of future civil servants.

  19. Analisys of Book i of the New Code of Civil Procedure: A Reflex of the Phenomenon of Constitucionalization of Civil Procedure

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    Yvete Flavio da Costa


    Full Text Available This article aims to analyze the Book I of the New Code of Civil Procedure, called "The civil procedural rules" linking it to the constitutionalization process that civil process has going by after the enactment of the 1988 Federal Constitution. This is because, since its enactment, the Democratic Constitution became maximum vector of the entire legal system, so that all laws must  comply  with  its  principles  and  rules,  under  penalty  of  being  considered unconstitutional. The previous Code, enacted in 1973, before the current Constitution, had no such concern because at that time, the maximum vector law was the Civil Code of 1916. So in that text, there was not some of the fundamental assumptions for valid and regular development of civil procedure, such as contradictory. With that in mind, the legislator brought in this chapter, a kind of law of introduction to civil procedure rules, regulating the application of the process in time and space, and also brings the constitutional principles that were not explicitly present in the encoded text before.. The present article is justified by the need to carry out a deeper study of the constitution of civil procedure, with a view to the subject nowadays. In order to enable the thematic deepening of the subject, it was employed the logical deductive and inductive methods logical, since the research was based on deductive research of new legislation.

  20. Civil Society Participation in the Governance of Educational Systems ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Donor organizations increasingly support the idea that civil society organizations should be involved in the process of national education reform. Yet despite this widespread endorsement, little is known about the quality and effectiveness of civil society participation in education reform. This project will explore the role of civil ...

  1. Regional Civil Support Forces for Homeland Defense and Civil Support Missions

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Nuismer, Barbara A


    To protect the homeland, a plan to form ten regional Civil Support Forces (CSF) made up of National Guard forces has been proposed by senior fellow Christine Wormuth of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS...

  2. Civil design aspects for nuclear fuel cycle facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhalerao, Sandip; Subramanyam, P.; Sharma, Sudin; Bhargava, Kapilesh; Agarwal, Kailash; Rao, D.A.S.; Roy, Amitava; Basu, S.


    The civil design requirements of safety related nuclear structures are much more stringent and conservative as compared to that for conventional and industrial structures. Due to the importance of safety and desired reliability in the civil design of nuclear structures, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) have provided various safety guides for their safe design. There has been advancement in theoretical and experimental knowledge pertaining to the design, construction, installation, maintenance, testing and inspection of structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of nuclear power plants (NPPs), such that, their quality and reliability is commensurate with safety functions. The well established procedures are available in the form of different codes, standards, guidelines and well proven research work for NPPs. However, such procedures are somewhat limited in nature for design of civil structures in nuclear fuel cycle facilities (NFCF), and till date no separate codes or standards have been published by regulatory authorities in India that cover civil design aspects for NFCF. Hence, design of civil structures of NFCF in India is performed by using different national and international standards, and the recommendations provided by BARC Safety Council (BSC). Present paper focuses civil design aspects for NFCF in India. (author)

  3. Institutions of Civil Society Participating in Public Relations

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    Olga S. Belokrylova


    Full Text Available The degree of maturity of the civil society of a country is now seen as an important indicator of the development of a socially oriented market economy. The authors explore two forms of state and civil society relations - qualitative, characterized by the diffusion of a relationship of trust in society, and quantitative, in the system of public procurement corruption identifiable pace of localization. Institutional capacity development of civil society in public relations is the simultaneous modernization of the qualitative and quantitative scope of its relationship with the state. The paper presents the mechanism of transition to a partnership model relations between the state and civil society, the most important form of which is the realization of public control, rapid formal institutionalization which has provided detection and elimination of large-scale irregularities in public procurement. Its swift formal institutionalization provided by representatives of civil society to identify and eliminate large-scale irregularities in public procurement. The experience of NGO Fund "Sodeistvie - XXI vek" to identify "blind" purchases, is offered as a tool to improve the efficiency of public control conduct free training of potential public controlles by institutions engaged in training of civil officials for the course "Management of state and municipal procurement".

  4. Judicial civil procedure dragging out in Kosovo

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    Rrustem Qehaja


    Full Text Available This article tends to deal with one of the most worrying issues in the judicial system of Kosovo the problem of judicial civil procedure dragging out. The article analyses the reasons of these dragging outs of the judicial civil procedure focusing on the context of one of the basic procedural principles in civil procedure-the principle of economy or efficiency in the courts. Dragging out of civil procedure in Kosovo has put in question not only the basic principles of civil procedure, but it also challenges the general principles related to human rights and freedoms sanctioned not only by the highest legal act of the country, but also with international treaties. The article tends to give a reflection to the most important reasons that effect and influence in these dragging outs of civil procedure, as well as, at the same time aims to give the necessary alternatives to pass through them by identifying dilemmas within the judicial practice. As a result, the motives of this scientific paper are exactly focused at the same time on identifying the dilemmas, as well as presenting ideas, to overstep them, including the judicial practice of the European Court of Human Rights on Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, by which it is given the possibility to offering people efficient and within a reasonable time legal protection of their rights before national courts. For these reasons, the paper elaborates this issue based on both, the legal theory and judicial practice.

  5. William Knocke receives 2008 Virginia Outstanding Civil Engineer Award


    Daniilidi, Christina


    William R. Knocke, W.C. English Professor and head of the Charles E. Via, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech, was awarded the 2008 Virginia Outstanding Civil Engineer Award at the Virginia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) banquet, held recently in Williamsburg, Va.

  6. As Organizações da Sociedade Civil no enfrentamento à AIDS no Amazonas, Brasil

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    Michele Rocha Kadri


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou analisar a percepção que as Organizações da Sociedade Civil fazem de sua contribuição na história do enfrentamento à AIDS, no Amazonas. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa com uso de fontes documentais e orais. Os dados foram coletados entre junho e setembro de 2013. Utilizou-se técnica de entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado com as lideranças de oito organizações que trabalham/trabalharam com grupos mais vulneráveis. A partir da análise do discurso, concluiu-se que com a descentralização de recursos do Departamento de DST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais para as Coordenações locais, as Organizações reconhecem dois momentos distintos: um primeiro momento de fortalecimento organizacional, engajamento coletivo e participação política ativa; e um momento atual de distanciamento entre as Organizações e desarticulação política e, consequentemente, enfraquecimento do movimento social na luta contra AIDS no Amazonas.

  7. Islamic Civilization: Its Significance in al-Faruqi’s Islamization of Knowledge

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    Full Text Available This paper discusses the significance attempt of al-Faruqi in making Islamic civilization a mandatory course in his Islamization of Knowledge project. In any attempt of Islamization of Knowledge, the students of Islamization should be comprehensively mastered Islamic Civilization. Al-Faruqi systematically developed four required components in civilizational study that were critical for Islamization project, i.e., to give the Muslim student knowledge of the first principles of Islam as essence of Islamic civilization in the first year; the historical achievements of Islamic civilization in the second year; how Islamic civilization compares and contrasts with other civilizations in essence and manifestation, in the third year, and; how Islamic civilization is the only viable option in dealing with the fundamental problems of Muslims and non-Muslims in the contemporary world, in the fourth year. The significance ideal projected by this comprehensive stages as characterized by al-Faruqi were crucial for student to understand the secular worldview that bring the collapse of civilization in the past and not to repeat this catastrophic consequence in contemporary civilization of the Ummah.

  8. 75 FR 13050 - Regulations to Amend the Civil Procedures (United States)


    ... Administrative Law Judge state good reason(s) for departing from the civil penalty or permit sanction assessed by... Administrative Law Judge state good reason(s) for departing from the civil penalty or permit sanction, condition.... 100216090-0123-01] RIN 0648-AY66 Regulations to Amend the Civil Procedures AGENCY: Office of General Counsel...

  9. 12 CFR 622.60 - Payment of civil money penalty. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Payment of civil money penalty. 622.60 Section... Rules and Procedures for Assessment and Collection of Civil Money Penalties § 622.60 Payment of civil money penalty. (a) Payment date. Generally, the date designated in the notice of assessment for payment...

  10. 42 CFR 438.704 - Amounts of civil money penalties. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Amounts of civil money penalties. 438.704 Section... SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS MANAGED CARE Sanctions § 438.704 Amounts of civil money penalties. (a) General rule. The limit on, or the maximum civil money penalty the State may impose varies...

  11. Investors Perception on Civil Remedies and Civil Action under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007


    Yeon, Asmah Laili; Yaacob, Nurli


    The Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 provides civil action and remedies for the victim of securities crimes. Whether these remedies are sufficient to protect investors’ interest when dealing in securities transaction is an issue to be discussed in the paper? This paper aims to analyze investors’ perception on civil remedies and action. This paper based on the legal research findings where a systematic method of exploring, investigating, analyzing and conceptualizing legal issues pertaini...

  12. Civil Engineering: Improving the Quality of Life. (United States)

    One Feather, Sandra


    American Indian civil engineers describe the educational paths that led them to their engineering careers, applications of civil engineering in reservation communities, necessary job skills, opportunities afforded by internship programs, continuing education, and the importance of early preparation in math and science. Addresses of 12 resource Web…


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    Maria A. Batishcheva


    Full Text Available In this article it is examined the whistleblowing practice in civil service across Europe. The analysis lets to arrive at a conclusion that the whistleblowing mechanism unevenly functions in different parts of Europe: it is more widespread in East and South. It is indicated the following reasons for that: differences in institutional systems of society, models of civil service («continental» and anglosaxon and sociocultural distinctions. Based on the Hofstede dimensions of national culture it is noted that cultural characteristics correlate with presence/absence of whistleblowing law and practice and effectiveness of this mechanism as a whole. Focusing on the role of whistleblowing in control of deviations of civil servants' behavior, it is supposed that the whistleblowing needs to be implemented in the Russian civil service. Obstacles to the whistleblowing design and implementation were also shown and some recommendations were given, taking into account sociocultural characteristics of the Russian society.

  14. Whistleblowing In Civil Service: Experience Of Europe

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    Maria A. Batishcheva


    Full Text Available In this article it is examined the whistleblowing practice in civil service across Europe. The analysis lets to arrive at a conclusion that the whistleblowing mechanism unevenly functions in different parts of Europe: it is more widespread in East and South. It is indicated the following reasons for that: differences in institutional systems of society, models of civil service («continental» and anglosaxon and sociocultural distinctions. Based on the Hofstede dimensions of national culture it is noted that cultural characteristics correlate with presence/absence of whistleblowing law and practice and effectiveness of this mechanism as a whole. Focusing on the role of whistleblowing in control of deviations of civil servants' behavior, it is supposed that the whistleblowing needs to be implemented in the Russian civil service. Obstacles to the whistleblowing design and implementation were also shown and some recommendations were given, taking into account sociocultural characteristics of the Russian society.


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    Roxana Cristina RADU


    Full Text Available An ever increasing feature of public office is the way in which the recruitment and training of civil servants are controlled by legislation. Civil servants are a basic component of public administration but they are also important for labor law because civil service relations have the characteristics of an employment relationship and also specific features resulting from the rules of public law. The relevant expression of the interferences between public and private law for civil servants is recruitment and training. The originality of this article lies in the multidisciplinary character, combining elements of labor law, administrative law and human resources management, character reflected in the bibliography used. Another merit of this study is that the authors correlated the provisions of various laws: Constitution, Labor Code, Law no. 161/2003 on the transparency in exercising public dignities and public functions, Government Ordinance no. 137/2000 regarding the prevention and sanction of all discrimination forms, Government Ordinance no. 129/2000 concerning adults’ professional training.

  16. Caráter das mudanças na America Latina. Algumas questões metodológicas

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    Lucio Oliver Costilla


    Full Text Available Resumo  Este artigo aborda as atuais mudanças em curso na América do Sul, desde uma sociologia política crítica a partir de uma análise das interconexões entre sociedade política e sociedade civil, em especial gramsciana. Ela propõe ser a chave para construir um campo de problemas teóricos e metodológicos vinculados à teoria crítica e a questão do Estado em sentido integral, que permitam entender o que acontece na sociedade política (a disputa de projetos políticos e, sobre tudo, na sociedade civil (o universo de ideologias, valores, visões de mundo em jogo. A questão não se trata aceitar a ótica dos autores políticos que dirigem as mudanças em marcha, se não configurar teoricamente a problemática das mudanças. Sugiro que este enfoque de estudo permita valorizar a capacidade de intervenção institucional e político-social das forças progressistas e perguntar se estão apostando, ou não, a elevar os níveis de organização e consciência das massas populares, questão chave na construção hegemônica. Conclui-se que a questão central a elucidar na última década e meia de governos progressistas na América do Sul é saber qual o Estado que se precisa para uma sociedade em expansão e empoderamento, e qual a sociedade civil necessária para sustentar, aprofundar ou consolidar as novas políticas em um sentido emancipador.  Palavras-Chave: Crises e reconfiguração da América Latina. Ruptura epistemológica. Construção de problemáticas sociológicas. Crítica e política nas mudanças da América Latina. --- Resumen Este articulo aborda las actuales mudanzas en curso en América del Sur desde una sociología política critica a partir de una análisis de las interconexiones entre sociedad política y sociedad civil en clave gramsciana. Propone que clave construir un campo de problemas teóricos y metodológicos vinculados a la teoría crítica y a la cuestión del Estado en el sentido integral, que permitan

  17. 75 FR 35631 - Regulations to Amend the Civil Procedures (United States)


    ... Administrative Law Judge state good reason(s) for departing from the civil penalty or permit sanction assessed by... Sec. 904.204(m) that an Administrative Law Judge state good reason(s) for departing from the civil.... 100216090-0205-02] RIN 0648-AY66 Regulations to Amend the Civil Procedures AGENCY: Office of General Counsel...

  18. Civil disobedience and democratic sustainability in Nigeria: a study ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In the recent time, the importance of civil disobedience to sustainability of democracy in Nigeria has not been given rapt attention by scholars. Hence, this article examines an act of civil disobedience in Acts 5: 17-42 and its implications for democracy in Nigeria. Using contextual hermeneutical approach, it is argued that civil ...

  19. Drought and Civil War in Sub-Saharan Africa


    Mathieu Couttenier; Raphael Soubeyran


    We show that civil war is strongly related to drought in sub-Saharan Africa. We consider the e ect of variations in the Palmer Drought Severity Index (Palmer 1965) - a cumulative index that combines precipitation, temperature and the local characteristics of the soil - on the risk of civil war. While the recent, contentious debate on the link between climate and civil war has mainly focused on precipitation and temperature, without obtaining converging results, the Palmer index describes soci...

  20. Promotion of Nursing Student Civility in Nursing Education: A Concept Analysis. (United States)

    Woodworth, Julie A


    Substantive research into the development of civility within nursing education is long overdue. Behaviors learned by nursing students while in the school of nursing transfer to the work environment and culture of nursing. This paper reveals a concept analysis of civility within nursing education using Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis method. Civility is defined to provide clarity for the current terminology of civility within nursing education. Nurse educators must set socially acceptable behavioral expectations in the learning environment, establishing positive interpersonal relationships with students, maintaining moral and academic integrity, and role model civil behaviors. Suggestions are included to help nurse educators outline acceptable behaviors in the learning environment and promote the development of civility. The development of civil behaviors in nursing students will carry into professional practice after graduation. Civility is necessary to establish meaningful interpersonal relationships, supportive communication, and optimum learning environments to ensure quality patient care with optimum outcomes. Woodworth. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. 29 CFR 1614.408 - Civil action: Equal Pay Act. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil action: Equal Pay Act. 1614.408 Section 1614.408... EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Appeals and Civil Actions § 1614.408 Civil action: Equal Pay Act. A..., three years of the date of the alleged violation of the Equal Pay Act regardless of whether he or she...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stefano, R. Di [Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (United States); Ray, A., E-mail:, E-mail: [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (India)


    Globular clusters are ancient stellar populations in compact dense ellipsoids. There is no star formation and there are no core-collapse supernovae, but several lines of evidence suggest that globular clusters are rich in planets. If so, and if advanced civilizations can develop there, then the distances between these civilizations and other stars would be far smaller than typical distances between stars in the Galactic disk, facilitating interstellar communication and travel. The potent combination of long-term stability and high stellar densities provides a globular cluster opportunity. Yet the very proximity that promotes interstellar travel also brings danger, as stellar interactions can destroy planetary systems. We find, however, that large portions of many globular clusters are “sweet spots,” where habitable-zone planetary orbits are stable for long times. Globular clusters in our own and other galaxies are, therefore, among the best targets for searches for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). We use the Drake equation to compare the likelihood of advanced civilizations in globular clusters to that in the Galactic disk. We also consider free-floating planets, since wide-orbit planets can be ejected to travel through the cluster. Civilizations spawned in globular clusters may be able to establish self-sustaining outposts, reducing the probability that a single catastrophic event will destroy the civilization. Although individual civilizations may follow different evolutionary paths, or even be destroyed, the cluster may continue to host advanced civilizations once a small number have jumped across interstellar space. Civilizations residing in globular clusters could therefore, in a sense, be immortal.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stefano, R. Di; Ray, A.


    Globular clusters are ancient stellar populations in compact dense ellipsoids. There is no star formation and there are no core-collapse supernovae, but several lines of evidence suggest that globular clusters are rich in planets. If so, and if advanced civilizations can develop there, then the distances between these civilizations and other stars would be far smaller than typical distances between stars in the Galactic disk, facilitating interstellar communication and travel. The potent combination of long-term stability and high stellar densities provides a globular cluster opportunity. Yet the very proximity that promotes interstellar travel also brings danger, as stellar interactions can destroy planetary systems. We find, however, that large portions of many globular clusters are “sweet spots,” where habitable-zone planetary orbits are stable for long times. Globular clusters in our own and other galaxies are, therefore, among the best targets for searches for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). We use the Drake equation to compare the likelihood of advanced civilizations in globular clusters to that in the Galactic disk. We also consider free-floating planets, since wide-orbit planets can be ejected to travel through the cluster. Civilizations spawned in globular clusters may be able to establish self-sustaining outposts, reducing the probability that a single catastrophic event will destroy the civilization. Although individual civilizations may follow different evolutionary paths, or even be destroyed, the cluster may continue to host advanced civilizations once a small number have jumped across interstellar space. Civilizations residing in globular clusters could therefore, in a sense, be immortal.

  4. Responsabilidade civil na alienação parental: uma análise nos sistemas jurídicos português e Brasileiro


    Paes de Lira, Wlademir


    This paper seeks to undertake an investigation into parental responsibilities, celing in its failure due to parental alienation, as well as the possibility of civil liability of the parent alienating both for the child and in relation to the alienated parent, analyzing the question mainly in the legal systems Brazilian and Portuguese.

  5. O processo de institucionalização da participação na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo: uma análise das audiências públicas do orçamento (1990-2010

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    Gabriela de Brelàz


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute o processo de institucionalização da participação da sociedade civil na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo (CMSP nas audiências públicas do orçamento de 1990 a 2010 pela abordagem institucional das organizações, enfatizando microfundações e explicações culturais e cognitivas. Identificam-se sistemas autopoiéticos: Poder Legislativo, Poder Executivo, sociedade civil e burocracia da CMSP e variáveis regulativas, normativas e cultural-cognitivas no processo. Conclui-se que, apesar de institucionalizada, a participação na CMSP encontra limitações normativas e cultural-cognitivas que moldam a participação de acordo com padrões de conduta existentes na interação entre parlamentar e sociedade, sedimentando o clientelismo orçamentário.

  6. Civil-military relations : enhancing international security


    Fekete, Florian


    Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited The thesis describes how civil-military relations at the international level enhance international security, in particular, the way of development of international society in trying to orient its progress towards international peace, security and sustainable development. It focuses upon civil-military relationships in the League of Nations and the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, The International Committee of Re...

  7. Religious diversity, intolerance and civil conflict


    Gomes, Joseph Flavian


    We compute new measures of religious diversity and intolerance and study their effects on civil conflict. Using a religion tree that describes the relationship between different religions, we compute measures of religious diversity at three different levels of aggregation. We find that religious diversity is a significant and robust correlate of civil conflict. While religious fractionalization significantly reduces conflict, religious polarization increases it. This is most robust at the sec...

  8. A Mid-Infrared Search for Kardashev Civilizations (United States)

    Sigurdsson, Steinn; Wright, J.; Griffith, R.; Povich, M. S.


    We are using the WISE all-sky Source Catalog to search for and put upper limits on the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations with large energy supplies. Any galaxy-spanning (Type III) civilization with an energy supply of more than about one percent of its stellar luminosity will have detectable mid-infrared excess, and nearby (extended) galaxies with civilizations with supplies more than about 80% of their stellar luminosity will be well-distinguished from nearly all natural sources in WISE color-color space. Mid-infrared spectra, far-infrared photometry, and radio emission from CO can all be used to distinguish extraterrestrial mid-infrared radiation from dust.

  9. Lyndon B. Johnson and the Civil Right Act of 1964

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    Karatzas Konstantinos D.


    Full Text Available The Civil Rights Movement is deeply intertwined with Lyndon B. Johnson. Throughout his career, Johnson supported the quest of African-Americans for political and civil rights. They found in him an ally whose role was fundamental in fullfilling the goals of Martin Luther King, Jr, and the Civil Rights Movement. This paper will examine the role of the Johnson presidency in the passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964.

  10. Abordagens metodológicas que auxiliam na identificação química da cocaína apreendida no Brasil

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    Isaias da Silva Freitas


    Full Text Available O tráfico de drogas proscritas no Brasil tem aumentado consideravelmente. Um dos reflexos desse crescimento se dá pelo quantitativo apreendido pelos órgãos de segurança pública de drogas sintéticas, canabinóides e, em sua maioria, por cocaína. O Brasil encontra-se geograficamente localizado em uma área onde o cultivo de espécies da família Erythroxylaceae é beneficiado, além disso, faz fronteiras com os principais países produtores de cocaína no mundo, o que dificulta, sobremaneira, o combate ao seu tráfico. As polícias federal e civil têm identificado, constantemente, novos fornecedores e novos locais de refino de cocaína, logo, a identificação das rotas de tráfico, origem geográfica e dos seus distribuidores torna-se cada vez mais complexa exigindo dos órgãos de segurança pública e da comunidade forense em geral um melhor aprimoramento de suas metodologias de identificação e quantificação, de forma a fornecerem informações conclusivas para o combate ao seu tráfico. Assim, nesse trabalho, foram avaliadas as principais abordagens metodológicas que contribuem para a elucidação da identificação das amostras de cocaína apreendida no país.

  11. Auditoria financeira e a sua importância para os stakeholders na Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro-Núcleo Regional do Norte


    Marques, Filipe André da Costa


    Nota: 15 valores Na sequência da crise financeira e de valores existentes na sociedade, o Estado não consegue suprir as crescentes desigualdades sociais. As instituições de carácter social aparecem como suporte a esta realidade. Estas sobrevivem de apoios da sociedade civil, sob a forma de donativos, heranças, doações, legados, entre outras. Deste modo, é fundamental que estas Instituições disponham de uma auditoria financeira realizada por entidade independente, uma vez que há a necess...

  12. Civil Cases Proof Peculiarities of Road Traffic Accidents Damages

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    Polyakov D. N.


    Full Text Available The author reveals proof peculiarities in civil cases of reparation of damages harmed by road traffic accident, in relation to the determination of a respondent (debtor. In the article are analyzed the appropriate norms of the RF Civil code regulating the rules and conditions of civil liability for damage caused by using a transport facility as a source of danger

  13. Sociedade civil, Estado e autonomia: argumentos, contra-argumentos e avanços no debate

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    Adrian Gurza Lavalle


    Full Text Available O cenário brasileiro das relações entre Estado e sociedade civil tem se reconfigurado ao longo das últimas três décadas, suscitando esforços da literatura especializada para diagnosticar tais mudanças mediante deslocamentos analíticos e revisões de pressupostos. Em diálogo com um diagnóstico recente de conjunto que recoloca algumas teses importantes na literatura e segundo o qual essa reconfiguração é uma passagem de um período histórico de autonomia plena dos atores sociais para um momento de interdependência com o Estado, o artigo desenvolve quatro contra-argumentos amparados em deslocamentos teórico-analíticos e metodológicos que, junto à extensa pesquisa empírica, marcam avanços no debate do país sobre as relações socioestatais. Os contra-argumentos partem do pressuposto da mútua constituição, ou codeterminação, entre Estado e sociedade civil e revisam criticamente os argumentos sobre a emergência tardia da sociedade civil no Brasil, seu nascimento sob o signo de uma não relação com o Estado e os partidos políticos, bem como sobre o advento da interdependência com o Estado no período pós-constituinte. No seu todo, o conjunto dos contra-argumentos mostra os ganhos analíticos de uma perspectiva centrada nas interações socioestatais e de uma compreensão relacional de autonomia tanto no plano da prática dos atores quanto no plano da teoria.


    Murata, Teruaki

    Recently, the public interests are becoming high in the way of executing public works and the future direction of infrastructure development, which raises nation-wide discussion on these issues. How should we make our country's growth strategy for sustainable development? How should we realize the grand design of infrastructure needed for the implementation of such a strategy? It is obvious that further discussions are needed for these challenging questions. With an aim to promote such discussions, this paper reviews the history of public works and the professional practices (or accomplishments) of our great civil engineers, and discusses the future of public works and the roles of civil engineers based on their origin. Further, in this paper, the author, as the chairman of the Public Works Committee of Japan Civil Engineering Contractors Association, introduces the Association's proposal of "realization of an attractive construction industry." However, for its realization, sustainable institutional arrangements under social consensus are indispensable. Also, individual engineer must establish his/her own identity based on sense of social ethics. It is the author's hope that, through these journals, the professional practices of civil engineers will be widely known to the public with objective logics and discussed to achieve social consensus.

  15. Sexually Violent Predators and Civil Commitment Laws (United States)

    Beyer Kendall, Wanda D.; Cheung, Monit


    This article analyzes the civil commitment models for treating sexually violent predators (SVPs) and analyzes recent civil commitment laws. SVPs are commonly defined as sex offenders who are particularly predatory and repetitive in their sexually violent behavior. Data from policy literature, a survey to all states, and a review of law review…

  16. Nuclear civil liability international system. Evolution prospects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reyners, P.


    This paper sets out the necessity of a special system of international conventions in the scope of nuclear civil liability. Then the main principles of the conventions in Paris and Vienna are described. Recently, works have been carried out in order to improve and modernize the civil liability system. (TEC). 4 tabs


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    To Socrates, civil disobedience was morally wrong even when there were justifiable reasons ... issue between the majority and the minority in the society. It is a protest ..... government businesses were halted for about a week and the government of .... 11 William A Herr, “Thoreau: A Civil Disobedience?,” Ethics, Vol. 81, No.

  18. Departamento de Obras Civiles

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    Director Departamento de Obras Civiles


    Full Text Available Es la unidad académica que se crea como estructura básica para la formación profesional del Constructor Civil. El departamento está orientado a las siguientes áreas: Obras Viales, Fluviales y Marítimas; Hormigones y Mecánica de Suelos; Laboratorios y Control de Calidad; Planificación y Programación; Administración; Organización y Gestión Financiera, conocimientos insertos en un total de 33 asignaturas, prácticas y seminarios siendo equivalentes a más de 100 créditos, lo cual representa un 42% del total de las asignaturas correspondientes al Plan de Estudios de la Carrera de Construcción Civil.

  19. Civil Society and Distributional Conflicts in Southeast Asia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Johannes Dragsbæk


    focuses on the competing theoretical definitions and assumptions about civil society, democratization and social change; the second part explores the attempts by civil society actors to impact conflicts over resources and distribution of welfare in Southeast Asia; the third section focuses...... on the conflictual relationship between civil society organizations (CSOs) and the state and various types of social and labour market regulations, laws and contractual relationships, and finally the need for progressive social reform is emphasized as one important type of social resistance against the downsizing...

  20. Accelerator science and its civil and utility engineering work

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshioka, Masakazu


    In large-scale accelerator projects such as TRISTAN and J-PARC, approximately half of the total project costs are spent on the civil and utility engineering work for the accelerator. In addition, the quality of civil and utility engineering has a large effect on the quality of the beam. With increasing scale of projects, there is growing specialization of the people in charge of the accelerator on the one hand, and the people in charge of civil and utility engineering on the other. Mutual understanding between the people in charge is therefore important in such cases. From the experience I have accumulated working on the facilities of many large projects, I have become keenly aware of the necessity for both accelerator-literate civil engineering specialists and civil engineering-literate accelerator researchers. A straight-forward method for satisfying this requirement is to systematize accelerator science as a science with civil and utility engineering for accelerators recognized as its sub-field. When new projects launched, the methodology of the natural sciences should be incorporated whereby past experience is fully utilized and then new technologies and knowledge are accumulated. (author)

  1. Análise da estabilização por solidificação de lodo de fosfatização em matrizes de cimento Portland e de cerâmica vermelha para a utilização na construção civil

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    Feliciane Andrade Brehm

    Full Text Available O lodo de fosfatização gerado no tratamento de efluentes do processo de revestimento fosfático de aço é um resíduo sólido Classe IIA - Não Inerte, geralmente disposto em aterro industrial. Uma alternativa para o tratamento de resíduos é a estabilização por solidificação em matrizes cerâmicas e à base de cimento Portland. Isto permite a reciclagem do resíduo como matéria-prima para a construção civil, diminui os custos de tratamento e disposição final e reduz áreas de aterros. O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar a estabilização por solidificação de lodo de fosfatização em matrizes de cerâmica vermelha, empregada na produção de blocos cerâmicos de alvenaria, e em concretos de cimento Portland. Foram realizadas caracterizações dos materiais envolvidos e ensaios de lixiviação e solubilização das matrizes estudadas com e sem a incorporação do lodo. Os resultados indicam que há uma tendência à estabilização por solidificação dos parâmetros avaliados tanto na matriz cerâmica quanto na matriz de cimento Portland.

  2. 28 CFR 16.90 - Exemption of Civil Rights Division Systems. (United States)


    ... with ongoing criminal or civil law enforcement proceedings and impose an impossible administrative... the records could interfere with ongoing criminal or civil law enforcement proceedings and impose an... 28 Judicial Administration 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Exemption of Civil Rights Division...

  3. 32 CFR 215.9 - Providing military resources to civil authorities. (United States)


    ... requests for firefighting assistance to DSA. (4) Request from civil law enforcement agencies for training... 32 National Defense 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Providing military resources to civil... DEFENSE (CONTINUED) MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYMENT OF MILITARY RESOURCES IN THE EVENT OF CIVIL DISTURBANCES...

  4. 49 CFR 599.514 - Assessment of civil penalties. (United States)


    ... ASSISTANCE TO RECYCLE AND SAVE ACT PROGRAM Enforcement § 599.514 Assessment of civil penalties. (a) Not later... the amount of the civil penalty, the severity of the violation and the intent and history of the party...

  5. Civil liability concerning nuclear accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    France and the USA wish to cooperate in order to promote an international regime of civil liability in order to give a fair compensation to victims of nuclear accidents as it is recommended by IAEA. On the other hand the European Commission has launched a consultation to see the necessity or not to harmonize all the civil liability regimes valid throughout Europe. According to the Commission the potential victims of nuclear accidents would not receive equal treatment at the European scale in terms of insurance cover and compensation which might distort competition in the nuclear sector. (A.C.)


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    D. Maleshin


    Full Text Available Contemporary Russian civil procedure is not a pure Continental model because it also has procedural features of the common law system, as well as some other original and exceptional features. This article examines the main aspects of Russian civil justice: its main principles; judicial organization, including the structure of the courts and the division between courts of general jurisdiction and arbitrazh (commercial courts, and the Intellectual Property Court; sources of procedural law; bar organization; the jurisdiction of the courts; actions and proceedings; legal costs; evidence; administrative procedure; class actions; enforcement proceedings; and arbitration and mediation.

  7. Considerations in civil commitment of individuals with substance use disorders. (United States)

    Cavaiola, Alan A; Dolan, David


    Several states currently have enacted laws that allow for civil commitment for individuals diagnosed with severe substance use disorders. Civil commitment or involuntary commitment refers to the legal process by which individuals with mental illness are court-ordered into inpatient and/or outpatient treatment programs. Although initially civil commitment laws were intended for individuals with severe mental illness, these statutes have been extended to cover individuals with severe substance use disorders. Much of the recent legislation allowing for civil commitment of individuals with substance use disorders has come about in response to the heroin epidemic and is designed to provide an alternative to the unrelenting progression of opioid use disorders. Civil commitment also provides an opportunity for individuals with opioid use disorders to make informed decisions regarding ongoing or continued treatment. However, civil commitment also raises concerns regarding the potential violation of 14th Amendment rights, specifically pertaining to abuses of deprivation of liberty or freedom, which are guaranteed under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This commentary examines these issues while supporting the need for effective brief civil commitment legislation in all states.

  8. Criminal law repercussions on the Civil Protection System (United States)

    Altamura, M.; Musso, L.


    The legal systems of our Countries provide the citizenship with a high level of protection. Personal safety and the protection of property are guaranteed by the State through organized structures among which we can include the Civil Protection. The progress of science and technology has greatly improved monitoring tools, currently used by the Civil Protection, which allow, to a certain extent, to predict and prevent risk and natural hazards. The assertion of an individual right, which in some cases has reached a constitutional rank, to benefit from Civil Protection services and the widespread perception throughout the citizenship of the competence of the system to prevent disasters, often causes people to take legal action against Civil Protection authorities should they fail in their duties to protect. However, the attempt of having both recognized an economic compensation for the suffered loss and the punishment of those whom misled, frequently undergoes criminal law. This process could have results that may jeopardize the effectiveness of Civil Protection service without meeting citizens’ demands. A dual effort is thus necessary in order to solve such a problem. On the one hand, an interdisciplinary knowledge needs to pervade criminal law in an attempt to relieve its self-referentiality and pretended supremacy. On the other hand an alternative, and more agile, system -such as civil or administrative law- has to be identified in order to respond to the legitimate requests for protection in the case of a faulty behaviour of the authorities.

  9. [Preliminary study on civil capacity rating scale for mental disabled patients]. (United States)

    Zhang, Qin-Ting; Pang, Yan-Xia; Cai, Wei-Xiong; Tang, Tao; Huang, Fu-Yin


    To create civil capacity rating scale for mentally disabled patients, and explore its feasibility during the forensic psychiatric expertise. The civil capacity-related items were determined after discussion and consultation. The civil capacity rating scale for mentally disabled patients was established and the manual was created according to the logistic sequence of the assessment. The rating scale was used during the civil assessment in four institutes. There were 14 items in civil capacity rating scale for mentally disabled patients. Two hundred and two subjects were recruited and divided into three groups according to the experts' opinion on their civil capacities: full civil capacity, partial civil capacity and no civil capacity. The mean score of the three groups were 2.32 +/- 2.45, 11.62 +/- 4.01 and 25.02 +/- 3.90, respectively, and there was statistical differences among the groups. The Cronbach alpha of the rating scale was 0.9724, and during the split-reliability test, the two-splited part of the rating scale were highly correlated (r = 0.9729, P = 0.000). The Spearman correlative coefficient between each item and the score of the rating scale was from 0.643 to 0.882 (P = 0.000). There was good correlation between the conclusion according to the rating scale and the experts' opinion (kappa = 0.841, P = 0.000). When the discriminate analysis was used, 7 items were included into the discrimination equation, and 92.6% subjects were identified as the correct groups using the equation. There is satisfied reliability and validity on civil capacity rating scale for mentally disabled patients. The rating scale can be used as effective tools to grade their civil capacity during the forensic expertise.

  10. Desenvolvimento de um modelo para análise da acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas na indústria da construção civil: subsetor de edificações

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    Renata Furtado Gradvohl

    Full Text Available Diante das várias conceituações existentes na literatura para capacidade tecnológica em países em industrialização, neste trabalho capacidade tecnológica é entendida como os recursos necessários para gerar e administrar mudanças tecnológicas. A partir dessa definição, este estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver um modelo de análise da acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas em firmas de construção civil que atuam no subsetor de edificações. Para fins de desenvolvimento do modelo proposto, foram conduzidas uma pesquisa bibliográfica e um levantamento junto a especialistas do setor. Após essa etapa, o modelo foi validado junto a três gestores de empresas de construção. Com base na pesquisa bibliográfica, optou-se por analisar três funções tecnológicas: “Processo e Organização da Produção”, função que engloba as atividades referentes ao processo produtivo da obra; “Projeto”, em que estão inseridas as atividades relacionadas ao desenvolvimento do projeto da obra; e “Equipamentos”, que contém as atividades ligadas ao uso, aprimoramento e desenho dos equipamentos usados pela companhia no processo de produção. O modelo final pode ser utilizado para exame e gestão do processo de desenvolvimento industrial de firmas desse setor.

  11. 6 CFR 13.43 - Collection of civil penalties and assessments. (United States)


    ... 6 Domestic Security 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Collection of civil penalties and assessments. 13.43 Section 13.43 Domestic Security DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES § 13.43 Collection of civil penalties and assessments. Sections 3806 and 3808...

  12. Holistic Development: Muslim Women's Civil Society Groups in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Holistic Development: Muslim Women's Civil Society Groups in Nigeria, Ghana and Tanzania. ... we conceptualize economic and political participation and measure inequality. ... Tanzania to help develop mechanisms for sustainable economic growth and ... Keywords: African women, muslim women, civil society, economic ...

  13. 173 Christian Missionaries and Civilization in Southern Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    and Christianity into the interiors of West Africa during their civilizing mission in 1841” (p. 87). ... record that civilization in Nigeria started around the mission houses. .... the advent of the missionaries slavery was rampant among the people of ...

  14. Protection of civil rights and technological development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wagner, H.


    The question of how the consequences of technological development are to be mastered on the legal level is not primarily a problem of the administrative procedure. The essential point in the discussion on protection of basic rights is not to be seen in the citizen's right to participate in administrative procedures, but rather in the substantive civil rights of individual persons as against the government, together with the system of values established in the Basic Law and derived from the basic rights, as well as in the proper functioning of the principle of separation of powers (legislature, administration, and judicature). The law on procedure and thus the idea of (protection of civil rights by rules of procedure) in this context only have an enhancing effect. Practical protection of civil rights is also ascertained in the Federal Republic of Germany by the particularly well-established guarantee of access to the courts. Another idea to be mentioned in this context is an approach that can be termed as 'protection of civil rights by government-funded research'. Other facts contributing to building a protective shield against infringement of civil rights by technology, activities or installations, include e.g. the federal structure of the state and the administration, type and scope of organisation of the public service, the established system of environmental protection and the safety provided by the current system of expert opinions. (orig./HSCH) [de

  15. Protection of civil rights and technological development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wagner, H


    The question of how the consequences of technological development are to be mastered on the legal level is not primarily a problem of the administrative procedure. The essential point in the discussion on protection of basic rights is not to be seen in the citizen's right to participate in administrative procedures, but rather in the substantive civil rights of individual persons as against the government, together with the system of values established in the Basic Law and derived from the basic rights, as well as in the proper functioning of the principle of separation of powers (legislature, administration, and judicature). The law on procedure and thus the idea of (protection of civil rights by rules of procedure) in this context only have an enhancing effect. Practical protection of civil rights is also ascertained in the Federal Republic of Germany by the particularly well-established guarantee of access to the courts. Another idea to be mentioned in this context is an approach that can be termed as 'protection of civil rights by government-funded research'. Other facts contributing to building a protective shield against infringement of civil rights by technology, activities or installations, include e.g. the federal structure of the state and the administration, type and scope of organisation of the public service, the established system of environmental protection and the safety provided by the current system of expert opinions. (orig./HSCH).

  16. Simplified proceeding as a civil procedure model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Олексій Юрійович Зуб


    Full Text Available Currently the directions for the development of modern civil procedural law such as optimization, facilitation, forwarding proceedings promoting the increase of the civil procedure efficiency factor are of peculiar importance. Their results are occurrence and functionality of simplified proceedings system designed to facilitate significantly hearing some categories of cases, promotion of their consideration within reasonable time and reduce legal expenses so far as it is possible. The category “simplified proceedings” in the native science of the procedural law is underexamined. A good deal of scientists-processualists were limited to studying summary (in the context of optimization as a way to improve the civil procedural form, summary proceedings and procedures functioning in terms of the mentioned proceedings, consideration of case in absentia as well as their modification. Among the Ukrainian scientist who studied some aspects of the simplified proceedings are: E. A. Belyanevych, V. I. Bobrik, S. V. Vasilyev, M. V. Verbitska, S. I. Zapara, A. A. Zgama, V. V. Komarov, D. D. Luspenuk, U. V. Navrotska, V. V. Protsenko, T. V. Stepanova, E. A. Talukin, S. Y. Fursa, M. Y. Shtefan others. The problems of the simplified proceedings were studied by the foreign scientists as well, such as: N. Andrews, Y. Y. Grubanon, N. A. Gromoshina, E. P. Kochanenko, J. Kohler, D. I. Krumskiy, E. M. Muradjan, I. V. Reshetnikova, U. Seidel, N. V. Sivak, M. Z. Shvarts, V. V. Yarkov and others. The paper objective is to develop theoretically supported, practically reasonable notion of simplified proceedings in the civil process, and also basing on the notion of simplified proceedings, international experience of the legislative regulation of simplified proceedings, native and foreign doctrine, to distinguish essential features of simplified proceedings in the civil process and to describe them. In the paper we generated the notion of simplified proceedings that

  17. Relativization of the material “res judicata” in the brazilian civil suit Relativização da coisa julgada material no processo civil brasileiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Isabel Araujo


    Full Text Available It also addresses the debate about the revitalization of the res judicata in the civil suit of the individual cognitive tutelage when the sentence goes against constitutional norms or principles. It highlights that only the existent sentences, which lead to res judicata unconstitutional or unjust, may be relativized. It sees the principle of proportionality as a method or criterion adequate to solve the conflict of values that arises when the law enforcer is faced with an unfair or unconstitutional sentence. Only the consideration upon values, in a true case, is able to determine whether the res judicata must be kept or not in the juridical order. To relativize the res judicata unconstitutional a de-constitutive action is proposed, with the same characteristics of a rescinding action, but not subject to terms of duration.Trata da polêmica sobre a relativização da coisa julgada no processo civil de tutela cognitiva individual, quando a sentença afronta normas ou princípios constitucionais. Enfoca que somente as sentenças existentes, que produzem coisa julgada inconstitucional ou injusta, podem ser relativizadas. Aponta o princípio da proporcionalidade como método ou critério adequado para resolver o conflito de valores. Somente a ponderação de valores, no caso concreto, é capaz de determinar se a coisa julgada deve ser mantida ou não na ordem jurídica. Para relativizar a coisa julgada inconstitucional propõe o cabimento de uma ação desconstitutiva, com as mesmas características da ação rescisória, mas não sujeita a prazo.

  18. Advanced e-Infrastructures for Civil Protection applications: the CYCLOPS Project (United States)

    Mazzetti, P.; Nativi, S.; Verlato, M.; Ayral, P. A.; Fiorucci, P.; Pina, A.; Oliveira, J.; Sorani, R.


    During the full cycle of the emergency management, Civil Protection operative procedures involve many actors belonging to several institutions (civil protection agencies, public administrations, research centers, etc.) playing different roles (decision-makers, data and service providers, emergency squads, etc.). In this context the sharing of information is a vital requirement to make correct and effective decisions. Therefore a European-wide technological infrastructure providing a distributed and coordinated access to different kinds of resources (data, information, services, expertise, etc.) could enhance existing Civil Protection applications and even enable new ones. Such European Civil Protection e-Infrastructure should be designed taking into account the specific requirements of Civil Protection applications and the state-of-the-art in the scientific and technological disciplines which could make the emergency management more effective. In the recent years Grid technologies have reached a mature state providing a platform for secure and coordinated resource sharing between the participants collected in the so-called Virtual Organizations. Moreover the Earth and Space Sciences Informatics provide the conceptual tools for modeling the geospatial information shared in Civil Protection applications during its entire lifecycle. Therefore a European Civil Protection e-infrastructure might be based on a Grid platform enhanced with Earth Sciences services. In the context of the 6th Framework Programme the EU co-funded Project CYCLOPS (CYber-infrastructure for CiviL protection Operative ProcedureS), ended in December 2008, has addressed the problem of defining the requirements and identifying the research strategies and innovation guidelines towards an advanced e-Infrastructure for Civil Protection. Starting from the requirement analysis CYCLOPS has proposed an architectural framework for a European Civil Protection e-Infrastructure. This architectural framework has

  19. The Civil Behavior of Students: A Survey of School Professionals (United States)

    Wilkins, Keely; Caldarella, Paul; Crook-Lyon, Rachel E.; Young, K. Richard


    Many authors regard education as a way of increasing civility in society, and some have implemented interventions to improve civility in schools. However, very little empirical data exist on the extent and nature of students' civil behavior. The present study systematically gathered data from 251 school professionals regarding their perceptions of…

  20. Insolvencias. Civil y societaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Bordes Leone


    Full Text Available El deudor civil que, para substraerse al pago de sus obligaciones, ocultara sus bienes, simulara enajenaciones o créditos, se trasladara al extranjero o se ocultare sin dejar persona que lo represente, o bienes a la vista en cantidad suficiente para responder al pago de sus deudas, será castigado con pena de tres meses de prisión a tres años de penitenciaría. La acción penal no podrá ser ejercitada sino a denuncia de parte, y sólo en el caso de que la insolvencia del deudor resulte comprobada por actos infructuosos de ejecución en la vía civil.Antecedentes históricas. La insolvencia fraudulenta. Insolvencia societaria fraudulenta: Análisis crítico.

  1. Civil engineering challenge with nuclear waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Day, D.


    The civil engineer can help to solve the problems in disposing of nuclear waste in a deep geologic formation. The site for a nuclear waste repository must be carefully selected so that the geology provides the natural barrier between the waste and the accessible environment specified by the NRC and the EPA. This engineer is familiar with the needed structure and conditions of the host and surrounding rocks, and also the hydraulic mechanisms for limiting the migration of water in the rocks. To dispose of the nuclear waste underground requires stable and long-lasting shafts and tunnels such as civil engineers have designed and constructed for many other uses. The planning, design and construction of the ground surface facilities for a nuclear waste repository involves civil engineering in many ways. The transporation of heavy, metal shielded casks requires special attention to the system of highways and railroads accessing the repository. Structures for handling the shipping casks and transferring the waste onsite and into the deep geologic formation need special considerations. The structures must provide the NRC required containment, including hot cells for remote handling. Therefore, structural design strives for buildings, ventilation structures, shaft headframes, etc., to be earthquake and tornado-proof. These important design bases and considerations for the civil engineer working on a nuclear waste repository are discussed in this paper

  2. Simple, Complex, Innovative : Design Education at Civil Engineering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Nederveen, G.A.; Soons, F.A.M.; Suddle, S.I.; De Ridder, H.


    In faculties such as Civil Engineering, design is a not a core activity. Core activities at Civil Engineering are structural engineering, structural analysis, mechanics, fluid dynamics, etc. Design education has a relatively small share in the curriculum, compared to faculties such as Industrial

  3. Civil society and political power in the Dominican Republic Sociedad civil y poder político en República Dominicana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jana MORGAN


    Full Text Available In the Latin American context, the Dominican Republic displays high levels of civic engagement and political activism, yet they have not translated into a civil society that is able to exercise considerable influence in reforming the political system or enhancing democracy. Building on this observation, this article explores two questions. The first is if there is tendency toward dual participation in civic and political organizations, which reduces civil society’s ability to pressure political parties and the State. The second refers to the nature of the connections that civil society participants have with the State and with political parties. The analysis demonstrates that an important segment of the population that participates in civic associations also participates in political parties and in clientelist networks.República Dominicana registra un alto nivel de asociacionismo social y activismo político en el contexto latinoamericano. Esto, sin embargo, no se ha traducido en mayor capacidad de la sociedad civil dominicana para reformar el sistema político y mejorar la democracia. Con este planteamiento de fondo, se exploran dos preguntas. La primera es si existe una tendencia a la coparticipación en las organizaciones sociales y políticas que reduce la capacidad de presión de la sociedad civil sobre los partidos y el Estado. La segunda refiere a la naturaleza del vínculo de los participantes en organizaciones de la sociedad civil con el Estado y los partidos. El análisis muestra el involucramiento de un segmento de participantes en actividades cívicas, también en actividades partidarias y en redes clientelares.

  4. M.Sc. in Civil and Structural Engineering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The following pages contain a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and a number of companies. Most of the project ideas in this catalogue may form the basis for long and short master projects as well as regular 3rd...... semester projects at the M.Sc. programme in Civil and Structural Engineering....

  5. M.Sc. in Civil and Structural Engineering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Johan

    The report contain a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and a number of companies. Most of the project ideas in this catalogue may form the basis for long and short candidate projects as well as regular 3rd semester...... projects at the M.Sc. programme in Civil and Structural Engineering....

  6. M.Sc. in Civil and Structural Engineering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The catalogue contain a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and a number of companies. Most of the project ideas in this catalogue may form the basis for long and short candidate projects as well as regular 3rd semester...... projects at the M.Sc. programme in Civil and Structural Engineering....

  7. M.Sc. in Civil and Structural Engineering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This catalogue contains a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and a number of companies. Most of the project ideas in this catalogue may form the basis for long and short candidate projects as well as regular 3rd...... semester projects at the M.Sc. programme in Civil and Structural Engineering....

  8. 6 CFR 13.3 - Basis for civil penalties and assessments. (United States)


    ... 6 Domestic Security 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Basis for civil penalties and assessments. 13.3 Section 13.3 Domestic Security DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES § 13.3 Basis for civil penalties and assessments. (a) Claims. (1) Except as provided in...

  9. 45 CFR 160.402 - Basis for a civil money penalty. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Basis for a civil money penalty. 160.402 Section... RELATED REQUIREMENTS GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Imposition of Civil Money Penalties § 160.402 Basis for a civil money penalty. (a) General rule. Subject to § 160.410, the Secretary will impose a...

  10. 42 CFR 488.438 - Civil money penalties: Amount of penalty. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil money penalties: Amount of penalty. 488.438... Enforcement of Compliance for Long-Term Care Facilities with Deficiencies § 488.438 Civil money penalties... review authority) finds that the basis for imposing a civil money penalty exists, as specified in § 488...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Van Loggerenberg


    Full Text Available The South African adversarial system of civil procedure in the High Court owes its origin to that of England. As with all civil procedural systems, the South African system is not stagnant. Its primary sources, namely Acts of Parliament and rules of court, are constantly amended in an attempt to meet the changing needs of society. Court delay and costinefficient procedural mechanisms, however, contribute to public dismay. The High Court, in the exercise of its inherent power to regulate its process, do so with the purpose of enhancing access to justice. The advantage of the system lies in the fact that it is not cast in stone but could, subject to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, be developed to make it more accessible to the public whilst protecting the public’s fundamental rights entrenched in the Constitution and, in this regard, particularly the right to afair trial embedded in sec. 34 of the Constitution. This contribution gives an overview of the system with reference to the court structure, the judiciary, the process in the High Court and its underlying principles, appeals, class actions and alternative civil dispute resolution mechanisms.

  12. Proposta de melhoria na gestão de resíduos em empresa de construção civil

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    Augusto da Cunha Reis


    Full Text Available A indústria de construção civil demanda uma grande variedade de resíduos ao longo de todo processo produtivo. O descarte destes materiais de forma correta contribui para um convívio sustentável entre a produção e o meio ambiente, bem como a redução de custos. O presente trabalho visa analisar e propor melhorias para atual gestão de resíduos de uma empresa de construção civil com sede no município de Maricá. A partir da análise dos dados dispostos pela empresa, busca-se formas adequadas para descarte, reciclagem e reutilização de materiais provenientes de suas obras. O objetivo é orientar e conscientizar a todos quanto ao modo correto de armazenar seus insumos, oferecendo melhor finalidade aos seus resíduos. Para este estudo de caso, foram realizadas entrevistas e visitas aos galpões da empresa a fim de coletar informações para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa. Como resultado, o trabalho oferece a empresa, funcionários e a população local, a redução dos riscos de degradação do meio ambiente, adequação às leis e normas ambientais vigentes, além do descarte adequado de resíduos e utilização de materiais alternativos.

  13. Journal clubs: a strategy to teach civility to nursing students. (United States)

    Kerber, Cindy; Jenkins, Sheryl; Woith, Wendy; Kim, Myoungjin


    Incivility affects nurses and nursing students and can negatively influence patient care and the quality of nursing education. The Institute of Medicine, The Joint Commission, and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing recommended implementation of strategies to manage incivility and build social capital. The purpose of this mixed methods study was to explore the influence of a journal club as an educational intervention to build civility and academic integrity among nursing students. Seventy-nine nursing students completed the Nurses' Intervention for Civility Education Questionnaire and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire before and after the Civility Journal Club intervention. Students involved in the Civility Journal Club were more aware of civility and incivility, more likely to be helpful to their peers, and better equipped to cope with episodes of incivility. Copyright 2012, SLACK Incorporated.

  14. 29 CFR 501.22 - Civil money penalties-payment and collection. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Civil money penalties-payment and collection. 501.22... SECTION 218 OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT Enforcement § 501.22 Civil money penalties—payment and collection. Where a civil money penalty is assessed in a final order by the WHD Administrator, by an ALJ, or...

  15. Newton and the origin of civilization

    CERN Document Server

    Buchwald, Jed Z


    Isaac Newton's Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended, published in 1728, one year after the great man's death, unleashed a storm of controversy. And for good reason. The book presents a drastically revised timeline for ancient civilizations, contracting Greek history by five hundred years and Egypt's by a millennium. Newton and the Origin of Civilization tells the story of how one of the most celebrated figures in the history of mathematics, optics, and mechanics came to apply his unique ways of thinking to problems of history, theology, and mythology, and of how his radical ideas produced an uproar that reverberated in Europe's learned circles throughout the eighteenth century and beyond. Jed Buchwald and Mordechai Feingold reveal the manner in which Newton strove for nearly half a century to rectify universal history by reading ancient texts through the lens of astronomy, and to create a tight theoretical system for interpreting the evolution of civilization on the basis of population dynamics. It was duri...

  16. 32 CFR 269.4 - Cost of living adjustments of civil monetary penalties. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Cost of living adjustments of civil monetary... DEFENSE (CONTINUED) MISCELLANEOUS CIVIL MONETARY PENALTY INFLATION ADJUSTMENT § 269.4 Cost of living... increasing the maximum civil monetary penalty for each civil monetary penalty by the cost-of-living...

  17. De operário a supervisor: a aprendizagem das competências gerenciais no setor da construção civil


    Ferreira, Jane Helena Irizawa Dias


    A atuação gerencial e suas competências têm sido tema freqüente de estudos na literatura acadêmica, porém, a maioria das pesquisas versa o desenvolvimento gerencial em níveis estratégicos de atuação. Nesse estudo, destaca-se a gerência operacional no setor da construção civil representada por supervisores de obras, reconhecidamente com grande experiência e conhecimento tácito dos processos produtivos. Com formação escolar semelhante a dos demais trabalhadores operacionais, estes supervisores ...

  18. Predictors of the sex offender civil commitment trial outcomes in New York State. (United States)

    Lu, Yunmei; Freeman, Naomi J; Sandler, Jeffrey C


    The present study analyzed sex offender civil management (i.e., civil commitment) legal proceedings in New York State and identified factors that predict trial results. Specifically, the current study compared a sample of 38 sex offenders who were released to the community after winning their civil management trials to 183 sex offenders who lost their civil management trials. Additionally, for the 183 sex offenders who lost their civil management trials, the current study compared 146 offenders who were ordered to inpatient civil commitment to 37 offenders who were deemed fit for civil management in the community. Results of the analyses indicated that sexual criminality, sexual deviance, and criminality involving child victims increased the likelihood of offenders both losing their civil management trial and being found to be in need of inpatient care, while the presence of variables associated with nonsexual criminality increased the likelihood of offenders both winning their civil management trials and being deemed fit for management in the community. The findings of this study provide guidance for psychiatric examiners who testify in civil management legal proceedings, as well as for legal professionals specializing in civil management cases. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  19. Influência do pré-tratamento na ação anticorrosiva de revestimentos híbridos de sol-gel aplicados na liga EN AW-6063


    Moreira, Edna Fernandes, 1985-


    Tese de mestrado em Química Tecnológica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2012 O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo da influência de pré-tratamentos superficiais no desempenho à corrosão de revestimentos híbridos de sol-gel para a proteção de uma liga de alumínio frequentemente utilizada na construção civil. Para atingir esse objetivo foram aplicados diversos pré-tratamentos à liga de alumínio EN AW-6063. Os pré-tratamentos adotados consist...

  20. 42 CFR 3.404 - Amount of a civil money penalty. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Amount of a civil money penalty. 3.404 Section 3... money penalty. (a) The amount of a civil money penalty will be determined in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section and § 3.408 of this subpart. (b) The Secretary may impose a civil money penalty...

  1. Latin American Civil-Military Relationships in a Historical Perspective


    Skaar, Elin


    Civil-military relationships constitute a crucial element in the transition to substantive democracy all over the world. During periods of authoritarianism or civil war, the military in Latin America has historically speaking been responsible for extensive violations of human rights and humanitarian law. Since the reintroduction of democracy in the region in the 1980s and 1990s, the military has gradually been brought back under civilian rule. The balance of power between military and civil p...

  2. 14 CFR 13.305 - Cost of living adjustments of civil monetary penalties. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Cost of living adjustments of civil... Inflation Adjustment § 13.305 Cost of living adjustments of civil monetary penalties. (a) Except for the... and maximum civil monetary penalty for each civil monetary penalty by the cost-of-living adjustment...

  3. Perspectives in geography of culture and civilizations


    Grčić Мirko; Grčić Ljiljana; Sibinović Мikica


    This paper presents a comparative analysis of relevant methodological essence of "traditional" and "new" cultural geography. In the introduction is given an explanation of philosophic concepts of space, environment, place and the region in cultural geography. In second section is analyzed the meaning of civilization and the genesis of geography of civilization (géographie de civilisation). Special attention is on features of geographical posibilism as metho...


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    Andrei Costin GRIMBERG


    Full Text Available The change of the new code of civil procedure and obvious the entry of the new provisions at 15th February 2013, has been thought with the hope to accelerate the procedures related to judgement with a noticeable simplification of procedures, all designed with the aim of unifying the case law and to lower the costs generated by lawsuits , costs both borne by the State as well by citizens involved the cases in court . Thus, the implementation of the New Code of Civil Procedure, desired the compliance right to a fair trial within a optimal time and predictable by the court, by judging the trial in a speedy way , avoiding unjustified delays of the pending cases and to the new petitions introduced, by excessive and unjustified delays often. By the noticeable changes that occurred following the entry into force of the new Code of Civil Procedure, it identify and amend the provisions regarding requests for displacement, in terms of the grounds on which it may formulate the petition of displacement and the court competent to hear such an application.


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    Loredana JITARU


    Full Text Available The Eastern Partnership (EaP launched in 2009 as the Eastern dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy introduced the civil society as a new strategic actor in the EU's relations with Eastern Partnership countries. The civil society‟s role is to participate in policy making, to suggest new initiatives and to promote shared values of partnership, such as: democracy, promoting better governance, state law, sustainable development, respect for human rights and for the fundamental freedoms. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, we analyse the role of the civil society in the EaP and we ask whether the increasing role of the civil society in the EaP will lead to the success of this project. In the second part, we analyse the perceptions and the attitudes of civil society towards European integration.

  6. Global environment action plant of Japan Society of Civil Engineers. ; Agenda 21 / Japan Society of Civil Engineers. Doboku gakkai chikyu kankyo kodo keikaku. ; Agenda 21 / doboku gakkai

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This paper explains the involvement of the global environment action plan of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Agenda 21, with civil engineerings and global environmental problems, as well as the global environment action plan. Global environmental problems require handling the matters in three ways: identification and elucidation of events, effect analysis estimation, and alleviation, avoidance and prevention of the effect. Settlement and proliferation of civil engineering technologies transferred to developing countries demand indispensably understanding such features of the developing countries as social and economic conditions, natural conditions, climates, histories, races, and cultures. Realizing the sustainable development requires the followings: formation of civil engineerings that contribute to improving global environments; development of civil engineerings that make coexistence of human being and other living organisms possible; analyses of effects and mechanisms of global warming and weather change and the corresponding technique and system development; and development of techniques to build resource circulating type national land and cities. It is also essential to move forward positively structuring civil engineerings that contribute to solving such global environmental problems as acid rains and marine pollution, and technical development thereof; providing guidelines on execution of international civil engineering constructions, and technical development thereof; developing civil engineerings in developing countries and assisting training of people.

  7. Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice: Submissions

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Author Guidelines. AIMS AND SCOPE The Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice aims to publish original research papers of high standard, containing material of broad interest and of significant contribution to civil engineering, with emphasis being placed on material that is applicable to the solution of ...

  8. Civil Society and Democratic Governance in Ghana: Emerging ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Though the essence of 'civil society' appeared in the writings of Rousseau, Ferguson, Tocqueville and Gramsci, the use of the term did not become prominent until the 18th century. Variously defined, the meaning, applicability and categorization of civil society are embedded in highly contextualized ideological debates of ...

  9. Secession, the EU, and Lessons from the U.S. Civil War

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sweeney, Richard J.


    The post-Civil War reconciliation between the North and the South is a very rare eventin the history of civil wars. The South was thoroughly beaten. Top generals, particularly Robert E.Lee, saw further fighting as `useless effusion of blood.' There was no call by top Confederateleaders for contin......The post-Civil War reconciliation between the North and the South is a very rare eventin the history of civil wars. The South was thoroughly beaten. Top generals, particularly Robert E.Lee, saw further fighting as `useless effusion of blood.' There was no call by top Confederateleaders...... for continuing the fight with the type of bushwacking that occurred in Missouri andKansas. Reconstruction is often thought of as harsh, but compared to the standards of historyConfederates were by and large treated well after the Civil War. Within a decade or so of the endof the Civil War, conservative white...

  10. Climate not to blame for African civil wars (United States)

    Buhaug, Halvard


    Vocal actors within policy and practice contend that environmental variability and shocks, such as drought and prolonged heat waves, drive civil wars in Africa. Recently, a widely publicized scientific article appears to substantiate this claim. This paper investigates the empirical foundation for the claimed relationship in detail. Using a host of different model specifications and alternative measures of drought, heat, and civil war, the paper concludes that climate variability is a poor predictor of armed conflict. Instead, African civil wars can be explained by generic structural and contextual conditions: prevalent ethno-political exclusion, poor national economy, and the collapse of the Cold War system. PMID:20823241

  11. Fuzzy Sets Applications in Civil Engineering Basic Areas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Latif Onur UĞUR


    Full Text Available Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings. This paper presents some Fuzzy Logic (FL applications in civil engeering discipline and shows the potential of facilities of FL in this area. The potential role of fuzzy sets in analysing system and human uncertainty is investigated in the paper. The main finding of this inquiry is FL applications used in different areas of civil engeering discipline with success. Once developed, the fuzzy logic models can be used for further monitoring activities, as a management tool.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esty Ekawati


    Full Text Available Civil Society is non-government organization or an autonomous group which is faced with state and has a function for check and balance for the government policy. Civil society also has a function to social control. Lary Diamond said that civil society establish on cultural organization such as religion or ethnic or organization which keep the truth and believe. Nahdhatul Ulama is a religion organization in Indonesia which has function to social control for the government. Beside that, the activities of NU in education, democracy development and other social activities made NU still exist in social and political society in Indonesia.

  13. Climate not to blame for African civil wars. (United States)

    Buhaug, Halvard


    Vocal actors within policy and practice contend that environmental variability and shocks, such as drought and prolonged heat waves, drive civil wars in Africa. Recently, a widely publicized scientific article appears to substantiate this claim. This paper investigates the empirical foundation for the claimed relationship in detail. Using a host of different model specifications and alternative measures of drought, heat, and civil war, the paper concludes that climate variability is a poor predictor of armed conflict. Instead, African civil wars can be explained by generic structural and contextual conditions: prevalent ethno-political exclusion, poor national economy, and the collapse of the Cold War system.

  14. Civil Religious Dynamics in José Craveirinha's Aesthetisised ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper is about the way in which Craveirinha's aesthetic representation in Karingana-Ua-Karingana, Xigubo and Cela 1, helped gather a shared repertoire near the will (longings, desires, wishes) of many Mozambicans – the organic civil religion, into a coherent political project – the instrumental civil religion. That is ...

  15. Civil Service Human Resource Capacity and Information Technology

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 1, 2009 ... civil service organizations to make them accountable and responsible for ... changing the structure of the civil service organisations. More generally .... method to measure productivity of IT based on before and after IT investment .... 2000, and the wealth value of office equipment4, of Federal. Offices as a ...

  16. 29 CFR 502.19 - Civil money penalty assessment. (United States)


    ... IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT (SUSPENDED 6-29-2009) Enforcement of Work Contracts § 502.19 Civil money... money penalty for violation of the work contract will not exceed $1,000 for each violation committed... of the work contract, or for willful discrimination, the civil money penalty shall not exceed $5,000...

  17. Housing and Deviance among Civil Servants' Adolescent Children ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. A cross-sectional research design technique was utilized for the study. Multi-stage and purposive sampling methods were adopted in administering a set of pre-tested questionnaire on 240 civil servants, comprising 120 civil servants that were residing in Lokoja ...

  18. Educação e desafios da multiculturalização: uma pedagogia da sociedade civil Education and the challenges of multi-culturalization: pedagogy of civil society

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Barbosa


    Full Text Available A progressiva complexificação cultural das sociedades contemporâneas, que se seguiu à extraordinária aceleração da mobilidade e da movimentação das pessoas através das fronteiras dos Estados, vem criando enormes desafios à coesão e à convivência no interior desses cenários e exige, em respeito aos princípios fundamentais da democracia e aos direitos humanos, respostas urgentes e adequadas. As entidades governamentais, por meio de políticas sociais e culturais de antidiscriminação e de redistribuição de bens e serviços, são necessárias ao desenho dessas respostas, porém, não são suficientes para induzir a estima social pelos estranhos culturais, em particular os recém-chegados aos países economicamente mais estáveis e avançados. O apreço pelos outros culturalmente diferentes depende essencialmente de uma mudança de atitudes e comportamentos e estes só podem evoluir para formas mais amigas das diferenças culturais com a contribuição da sociedade civil mediante uma pedagogia do exemplo, centrada em novos valores, novas atitudes, novos olhares e novos comportamentos. Este texto, a partir da análise e da reflexão sobre essa problemática, argumenta em favor do papel educativo da sociedade civil na organização da vida em comum entre estranhos culturais e propõe as linhas mestras da pedagogia que redefine a agenda educativa dessa sociedade em contextos multiculturais.The progressive cultural complexity of contemporary societies in the wake of the extraordinary acceleration of mobility and of people's movement across state frontiers is creating enormous challenges for cohesion and living within those scenarios, and requires, in a framework of respect for fundamental principles of democracy and human rights, urgent and appropriate responses. The governmental agencies, through policies of social and cultural anti-discrimination and redistribution of goods and services, are necessary to the design of these

  19. Brief consideration on the concept of testament in Romanian civil law

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nicuşor CRĂCIUN


    Full Text Available The New Civil Code meets the requirements of legal professionals and improves the legal definition from the previous regulation. Although the New Civil Code retains the general background legalized by the old Civil Code, a welcome, pertinent, necessary and important evolution is to be noticed. There are certainly novelty elements in the content of the New Civil Code and a clear differentiation is drawn between testament and legacy, the two of them benefitting from dedicated texts within the New Civil Code. It is to be noticed that this new definition, filtering judiciously the criticisms and the previous doctrinary construction, succeeds in saving itself of criticism or necessary doctrinary addenda as it manages to comprise the essential.

  20. Civil legal responsibility for environmental pollution

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    Pajtić Bojan L.


    Full Text Available Serbia's EU accession process has actualised the need to harmonise our legislation with the common legal regulations of the European community of nations. The accelerated economic growth produces environmental challenges associated with harmful emissions. This paper gives an account of international declarations, conventions, directives and other state and civil society instruments of legal protection against the environmental damage. A special focus is placed on our positive legislation and enforcement of legal regulations in ensuring the civil legal responsibility, i.e. prevention of the occurrence of damage and indemnification for the damage caused.

  1. Ingeniería Civil, 2010-11


    Villarino Otero, Alberto


    I. Materiales de clase: Tema 1. Maquinaria de Obra Civil; Tema 2. Materiales de Construcción; Tema 3. Muros; Tema 4. Cimentaciones; Tema 5. Presas; Tema 6. Carreteras; Tema 7. Puentes; Tema 8. Teoría y Cálculo de Estructuras; Tema 9. Proyectos. II. Bibliografía. El curso Ingeniería Civil engloba un campo extensísimo, constituyendo el curso un breve resumen, intentado tratar los temas de mayor relevancia y con los cuales el ingeniero tendrá contacto directo en su vida profesional. El cu...

  2. Nonviolent Civil Disobedience: Creating Legitimate Regime Change in Iran

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Selman, Jr, John T


    .... These transitions were hastened by nonviolent civil disobedience. Although nonviolent civil disobedience is a common form of political action throughout the world, many political observers do not understand its nature and often underestimate its effect...

  3. Radiation exposure from civil aviation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schalch, D.


    The question as to whether civil air crews and frequent air passengers ought to be classified among the group of occupationally exposed persons has in principle been decided by the recommendations adopted by the ICRP, the competent bodies of the EU, and national authorities. Measurements for more information on the radiation fields involved are planned. The German Radiation Protection Office (BfS) recently published a statement on dose commitments, assuming a maximum annual dose of approx. 8 mSv in addition to the mean value already determined. Legal provisions, which ought to be adopted also on EU level since civil aviation is a transboundary traffic system, have yet to come. (orig./HP) [de

  4. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catalina Mititelu


    Full Text Available According to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights adopted by the United Nations, in 1966, the human being who enjoy his civil and political rights, enjoy in fact that “humanitas dignitas” (human dignity, since these rights derive from this. That is why this Covenant stipulated that the States parties are obligated to assure both the recognitions of these rights and their exercise and juridical protection.

  5. [Civil competence assessment of the mental disorders involved in contract dispute]. (United States)

    Zhang, Qin-Ting; Pang, Yan-Xia; Cai, Wei-Xiong; Tang, Tao; Wang, Jian-Jun


    To search the criteria for evaluating the civil competence of the mental disorders involved in contract dispute. Data on the interviewee's mental status and the forensic expertise were collected retrospectively. And 6 indexes were selected and graded: awareness of situation, factual understanding of issues, appreciation of likely consequences, rational manipulation of information, functioning in one's own environment and communication of choice. All of the data were analyzed by SPSS. Fifty six cases were included and interviewee's civil competence was graded to three levels: full civil competence, diminished civil competence, and no civil competence. These cases included two types of contract: the real estate related contract (38 cases) and the labor related contract (14 cases). All of the 6 indexes were well correlated to the forensic expertise. The related coefficient was from 0.703 to 0.834, and the interrelated coefficient of the 6 items was also high, from 0.712 to 0.877. It is feasible to divide the civil competence of the mental disorders into three grades. As the basis, these 6 indexes mentioned above are representative and can be applied in further standardized and quantified assessment of civil competence.

  6. Homeland Security and Civil Liberties

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Wong, Leonard; Lovelace, Douglas C., Jr


    .... The conference examined national security issues related to civil liberties, immigration policy, privacy issues, first amendment rights, and the balance of executive and judicial power in relation...

  7. Model Configuration and Innovative Design of College Students’ Ecological Civilization Construction (United States)

    Chengwen, Yang


    This study is based on Marxist eco-civilization thought, combining with Eco management theory, puts forward solutions for college students’ ecological civilization construction. The paper based on the perspective of ecological management theory to analyze the main elements of eco-civilization construction of college students, mainly including five categories. In view of above-mentioned analyze, constructed the model of college students’ eco-civilization which is based on the theory of eco-management, and put forward on concrete methods to improve it.


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    Paulo Roberto Pegoraro Junior


    Full Text Available The new Civil Procedure Code sought to regulate the procedure for piercing the corporate veil in order to ensure the fullness of previus contradictory and admitting the reverse disregard. Innovation allows formal fitness for important tool material effectiveness in the civil process, although already identify some object points of controversy.

  9. 28 CFR 16.89 - Exemption of Civil Division Systems-limited access. (United States)


    ... prosecution of grand jury, civil fraud, and other law enforcement matters, disclosure could compromise matters... affirmative enforcement actions based upon alleged violations of regulations or of civil or criminal laws... civil law enforcement purposes is exempted for the reasons set forth from the following subsections: (1...

  10. 24 CFR 1007.70 - Disqualification of lenders and civil money penalties. (United States)


    ... civil money penalties. 1007.70 Section 1007.70 Housing and Urban Development Regulations Relating to....70 Disqualification of lenders and civil money penalties. (a) In general—(1) Grounds for action. HUD... or holder that are guaranteed under this part. (b) Civil money penalties for intentional violations...


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    Liviu-Bogdan Ciucă


    Full Text Available The principle of priority and direct application of European rules in relation to the provisions that we find in the national legislation, once assumed at European level, it has generated debates and concerns about the usefulness of a single legal act in private law matters. The idea of European Civil Code, appeared somewhere in the early 80s, is becoming more current and triggers a justified and sustained interest. Considering that the civil legislation of Community Member is a legislation dominated by tradition and peculiarities of culture, religion and temper, the issue of a European Civil Code forms as a project generating discussions, restraints and even rejec tions of the Member States in relation to this proposal. The current system of European legislative acts that apply immediately and priority in EU member states remains only a temporary solution and which generates difficulties in interpretation and affects the utility of the enactment. Clarifications on the pros and cons to promote a European Civil Codex will be analyzed primarily in terms of law and, last but not least in terms of political perspective, taking into account the Community objectives undertaken by accession treaties and the need for a legislative norm, especially European, to be predictable, transparent, useful and accessible. This paper intends to submit to debate both current doctrinal arguments, the blocking of such an approach, based on the principle of autonomy and the peculiarities of the legal system of each Member State, but also considering the practical arguments and of simplification of rules met in a European Civil Code assumed and applicable in the European space.

  12. Civil Society Participation in the Governance of Educational Systems ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    This project will explore the role of civil society organizations in education reform in ... practices and model initiatives for civil society engagement in the educational sector. ... Eleven world-class research teams set to improve livestock vaccine ...

  13. Civil nuclear energy and the proliferation of nuclear weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The issue of whether civil nuclear programmes contribute to the risk of proliferation of nuclear weapons has been discussed since civil programmes were first considered, and has always complicated public attitudes to civil nuclear energy. This paper seeks to define the extent to which there is such ''linkage''. It does not deal with the linkages that exist between nuclear weapons and other industries and activities - for example, those involved in weapons delivery systems -since these are not within the Uranium Institute's area of competence. Linkage concerns regarding civil nuclear programmes arise primarily over the possibility of their being used to produce highly enriched uranium or plutonium for use in weapons. The technologies which can give rise directly to these materials are therefore ''sensitive'' in proliferation terms. Linkage may also arise through the relevant experience of the trained workforce. Such linkage is, however, limited by institutional, technical and economic factors. First, important institutional constraints on using a civil programme for military purposes exist in the form of a network of bilateral agreements and international treaties - most particularly the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - and the international safeguards inspections. Secondly, without access to the technologies of enrichment or reprocessing, the fissile material needed for an explosive cannot be obtained from any plant or process used to produce electricity. Finally, establishing a civil programme - with equipment whose design is optimized for electricity production - in order to develop weapons is an expensive route compared to specialized facilities. (author)

  14. Masa depan civil society di Indonesia: prospek dan tantangan

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    Halili Halili


    Full Text Available This paper aims to discuss on civil society, its prospects and challenges. It is urgent because civil society is a determining factor of lndonesia democratization. Civil society is a society within state which containing social association which has ability to fill public spaces between state and citizen, and interactwith state independt1y, wether indivual or collective. Prospect qf civil societyfarming is determined by establishment ofsome components: 1 existence cf societal autonomy, 2 access ofpublic to state agencies, 3 independent public arena; 4 arena publik yang mandiri, dan keempat arena publik yang terbuka. Prospect of ciuil society deuelopmentis influenced by optimalization ofsome factors: 1 establishment of, demo­cratic families, 2 growth of roles of non government organization toward both state and citizen, 3 increase of intellectual middle class, especially students, and 4 implementation of political education formally (e.g. civic or citizenship education and informally. The challenges of future of civil society are: 1 high of social fragmentation among people, 2 limited distribution of development results infold ofeconomy, social, and education, and also 4 paternalistic culture which is stiO strong among society.

  15. Legal regulation of civil servants in Russia and Germany receiving gifts




    The article deals with the conflict between the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, where the minimum amount of the bribe is not defined, and the provision of the Federal Law ‘On State Civil Service of the Russian Federation,’ which, on the one hand, contains an absolute ban on civil servants receiving gifts and other types of remuneration, while, on the other hand, Art. 575 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation admits a possibility for civil servants to receive g...

  16. The Iraqi civil registration system and the test of political upheaval

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    Sulaiman Bah


    Full Text Available An in-depth situation analysis was carried out on the Iraqi civil registration system in 2011, years after the end of the military operation of 2003. The study was done using a combination of methods, including interviews with key role players in the Iraqi civil registration system, observation, study of documents, triangulation, and gap analysis. The study found the civil registration system in Iraq to be largely intact and functional, in spite of the wars experienced in Iraq over the past three decades. Given that civil registration systems generally get destroyed through wars, the paper discusses the reasons for the resilience in the Iraqi civil registration system and draws lessons from them.

  17. Survey on radon concentration of civil air defense shelter in Hengyang

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Quan; Ma Xiao


    In this paper, the radon concentration of civil air defense shelter was surveyed in Hengyang area, where there is higher background of radon concentration. If civil air defense shelter is not pressure-tight, the average radon concentration is about 55.9 -167.3 Bq/m 3 , lower than the intervened quantity: 200 Bq/m 3 , which is given by the international commission on radiological protection (ICRP). Maybe radon protection is not needed with the ventilation of civil air defense shelter like that. The radon concentration of airtight civil air defense shelter change along with the season, which is lower in spring and higher in autumn. The results can be a reference for using civil air defense shelter during the time of peace or war. (authors)

  18. Comportamiento de estructuras civiles en condiciones dinámicas


    Curay Tribeño, José Luis


    El presente Proyecto de investigación tuvo como propósito analizar el COMPORTAMIENTO DE ESTRUCTURAS CIVILES EN CONDICIONES DINAMICAS. Este proyecto propone apoyar la formación profesional de Jóvenes Universitarios, que tocan temas sobre estructuras civiles, como por ejemplo en el caso de mecánica de sólidos I y II. Se trata de un proyecto básico que expone de manera sucinta los temas teóricos correspondientes a teoría de Estructuras Civiles. La elaboración de este proyecto tiene la ve...

  19. Civil war, climate change, and development: a scenario study for Sub-Saharan Africa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Devitt, C.; Tol, R.S.J.


    This article presents a model of development, civil war and climate change. There are multiple interactions. Economic growth reduces the probability of civil war and the vulnerability to climate change. Climate change increases the probability of civil war. The impacts of climate change, civil war

  20. 24 CFR 30.100 - Settlement of a civil money penalty action. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Settlement of a civil money penalty... Housing and Urban Development CIVIL MONEY PENALTIES: CERTAIN PROHIBITED CONDUCT Procedures § 30.100 Settlement of a civil money penalty action. The officials listed at subpart B of this part, or their...

  1. 12 CFR 263.62 - Relevant considerations for assessment of civil penalty. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Relevant considerations for assessment of civil... Collection of Civil Money Penalties § 263.62 Relevant considerations for assessment of civil penalty. In... the penalty with respect to the financial resources and good faith of the person charged, the gravity...

  2. Civil Law and Neuroscience

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Kogel, C.H.; Schrama, W.M.; Smit, M.


    The relationship between the brain and human behaviour is receiving increasing attention in legal practice. Much has already been published about the role of neuroscience in criminal law, but surprisingly little is known about its role in civil law. In this contribution, the relevance of

  3. Structural and Topology Optimization of Complex Civil Engineering Structures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hald, Frederik; Kirkegaard, Poul Henning; Andersen, Lars Vabbersgaard


    This paper shows the use of topology optimization for finding an optimized form for civil engineering structures. Today topology optimization and shape optimization have been integrated in several commercial finite element codes. Here, the topology of two complex civil engineering structures...

  4. The Role of Education in Sudan's Civil War (United States)

    Breidlid, Anders


    This article addresses the role that education plays in conflict, with specific reference to the civil war in Sudan. It analyses the ideological basis of the Sudanese government (GoS) during the civil war, with special reference to the role of religion and ethnicity. It shows how the primary education system was based on the Islamist ideology of…

  5. Education of Gifted Students: A Civil Rights Issue? (United States)

    Gallagher, James J.


    In this article, James J. Gallagher explains, in the context of education, that "civil rights" means the guarantee of equal opportunity and justice for all and the actions taken against those barriers that stand in the way of such equality. How does the issue of civil rights bear on an area of special education such as the education of…

  6. Evaluating Options for Civil Space Situational Awareness (SSA) (United States)

    Lal, B.; Carioscia, S. A.

    In recent years, the number of active satellites and human-made orbital space debris has increased dramatically. An expansion of activities in space, as is currently being proposed by many commercial and international entities, is expected to further exacerbate this challenge. The 18th Space Control Squadron under the Department of Defense (DOD) United States Strategic Command provides space situational awareness (SSA) services to users outside the national security community at no cost. International and commercial users demand better SSA service than is currently feasible, and the demand comes at a time when DOD is under pressure to better prepare for and respond to growing space-based threats to national security. Concerned about the possibility of overextending across conflicting missions in a fiscally constrained environment, some DOD officials have publicly noted a desire to move SSA services not related to national security out of DOD purview. Responding to a request from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST), researchers at the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STPI) identified and evaluated potential approaches for providing SSA services for civil and commercial operations in space. In this paper, we summarize the report [1] and present the pros and cons of four approaches to the provision of civil SSA services in the United States: (1) maintaining status quo through continued provision by DOD; (2) provision by a civil government entity; (3) industry self-provision; and (4) provision by an international organization. Within the second approach, assuming the provision of SSA by a civil agency, STPI further identified and discussed four options: (1) civil agency service capability embedded within DOD; (2) independent civil service capability, using DOD software and systems; (3) independent civil service capability, using commercial software and systems; and (4) the government certifies non

  7. Sustainable Civil-Society Engagement: Potentials of a Transnational Civil Society in French-German, Polish-German, and Czech-German Border Regions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klaus Boehnke


    Full Text Available Based on representative survey data, the present study examines potentials for the sustainable development of a transnational civil society in French-German, Polish-German, and Czech-German border regions. The theoretical framework is a social capital approach in the tradition of Putnam. Transnational engagement is seen as a key element for the development of a border-crossing civil society. For the analysis, existing forms of social capital were classified according to their bridging and bonding functions and the potentials of local and transnational activities are described. Furthermore, using multilevel analysis, the predictive power of different variables like individual dispositions and specific contexts of the regions on cross-border activities are examined. Descriptively, the expected lower level of local civil-society engagement, in general, and also with regard to the transnational activities was found for post-socialist border regions. It is shown that, first and foremost, existing experience in civil-society engagement in the local context is a high-impact predictor for both transnational activities and an interest in such activities. Other variables like feelings of a historical burden or the economic situation of the region are less important.

  8. Kontribusi Etika Islam pada Pendidikan Politik: Solusi bagi Problema Civil Society Indonesia Era Reformasi

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    M. Abdul Fattah Santoso


    Full Text Available Paying attention to the gap between the fenomenal discource dan movement of civil society in the Indonesian politics in 1990s and its anomali movement in the reformation era, has been be studied the problems of Indonesian civil society in such era using documents and decriptive and critical analysis in order to be sought its ways out using reflective analysis. Instead of being strong, Indonesian civil society in the reformation era really weakened. The civil society those formerly had autonomy  were  coopted  by the state when their  leader  got power.  The leaders themselves looked inconsistent in democratic culture. Moreover, civil society grew as a mean of  struggle for power, and when the power was in hand they coopted the state. Besides, the public civility collapsed and the new primordialism, such as etnic nationalism, communalism, and religious sectarianism, appeared. As a solution to civil society’s weakness, is absolutely needed their empowerment through political education prioritizing Islamic ethics based on civic values: civility, autonomy, self-help, self-sufficiency, and social contract. Civility is an ethical solution for solving problems of anomalous growth of civil society as a mean of struggle for power, collapse of public civility, and leader’s inconsistency in public civility. Autonomy, self-help, and self-sufficiency are ethical solutions for solving the problem of civil society being coopted by the state when their leader gets power. Moreover, social contract is an ethical solution for solving the problem of civil society coopting the state.

  9. Algeria: An Uncivilized Civil War

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Robling, Terry


    .... Moderates on both sides are seeking peace from the undeclared civil war that resulted when the military-backed regime canceled elections that Islamic fundamentalists were certain to win in 1992...

  10. Reservoir and civil engineering geophysics (CD-Rom); Geophysique de gisement et de genie civil (CD-Rom)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mari, J.L.; Chapellier, D.


    This CD-Rom is a pedagogical tool developed from the book 'field and civil engineering geophysics' (Technip ed., 1998). It presents the geophysical methods (surface and well geophysical surveys, radar surveys and well logging) and their application in the study of oil fields and also in civil engineering. Several cartoons illustrate the principle of methods, their domain of use and their limitations. It covers the following topics: surface seismic surveys (waves propagation, equipments, reflexion and refraction seismic surveys, surface waves); well seismic surveys (operation, data processing, imaging); well logging (acoustic, nuclear,electrical and others, methods of interpretation); radar surveys (principle, surface, wells, possibilities and limitations). (J.S.)

  11. 12 CFR 622.55 - Notice of assessment of civil money penalty. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Notice of assessment of civil money penalty... PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE Rules and Procedures for Assessment and Collection of Civil Money Penalties § 622.55 Notice of assessment of civil money penalty. (a) Notice of assessment. The notice of assessment for a...

  12. 42 CFR 488.430 - Civil money penalties: Basis for imposing penalty. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil money penalties: Basis for imposing penalty... PROCEDURES Enforcement of Compliance for Long-Term Care Facilities with Deficiencies § 488.430 Civil money penalties: Basis for imposing penalty. (a) CMS or the State may impose a civil money penalty for either the...

  13. Biotechnologies and biomimetics for civil engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Labrincha, J; Diamanti, M; Yu, C-P; Lee, H


    Putting forward an innovative approach to solving current technological problems faced by human society, this book encompasses a holistic way of perceiving the potential of natural systems. Nature has developed several materials and processes which both maintain an optimal performance and are also totally biodegradable, properties which can be used in civil engineering. Delivering the latest research findings to building industry professionals and other practitioners, as well as containing information useful to the public, ‘Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering’ serves as an important tool to tackle the challenges of a more sustainable construction industry and the future of buildings.

  14. Commercial UAV operations in civil airspace (United States)

    Newcome, Laurence R.


    The Federal Aviation Administration is often portrayed as the major impediment to unmanned aerial vehicle expansion into civil government and commercial markets. This paper describes one company's record for successfully negotiating the FAA regulations and obtaining authorizations for several types of UAVs to fly commercial reconnaissance missions in civil airspace. The process and criteria for obtaining such authorizations are described. The mishap records of the Pioneer, Predator and Hunter UAVs are examined in regard to their impact on FAA rule making. The paper concludes with a discussion of the true impediments to UAV penetration of commercial markets to date.

  15. GÊNERO E TRABALHO: a opinião masculina sobre a inserção da mulher no setor da construção civil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Vitor Palhares dos Santos


    Full Text Available Embora recentemente haja uma participação ativa das mulheres no mercado da construção civil, a ocupação desse espaço ainda é predominantemente masculina. Diante desse contexto, o estudo objetivou analisar a opinião que trabalhadores do sexo masculino da construção civil possuem sobre a inserção das mulheres nesse setor. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com trabalhadores de diferentes empresas do ramo, situadas na cidade de Lavras (MG. Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise de Conteúdo e os resultados evidenciaram que, apesar de a maioria dos entrevistados demonstrarem não ter nenhuma dificuldade em trabalhar com mulheres, ainda há discriminação no que diz respeito à capacidade de realização de tarefas consideradas de competência do sexo feminino e masculino na construção civil.   Even though there has been an active participation of women in the building construction market more recently, the occupation of this workspace is still predominantly made by men. In this context, the study aimed to assess the opinion that construction male workers have about the insertion of women in this sector. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were conducted with workers of different companies of that industry, located in the city of Lavras (MG. Data were analyzed using content analysis and the results showed that, although most of them do not seem to have any difficulty in working alongside women, there is still discrimination regarding the ability to perform tasks traditionally considered to be of female and male competence in the sector of building construction.

  16. Civil liability for nuclear and radiological damage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puig, D.


    The present work gives details of the nuclear damage, the accidents of Chernobil, three Mile Inland and Tokaimura with their respective legal consequences, the nature of the responsibility and bases for their establishment, conventions about civil responsibility for nuclear damages to regional and world level as well as other condition of conventions of the Ibero-American countries with regard to the approval of the conventions it has more than enough civil responsibility for nuclear and radiological accident damages

  17. A mineração de brita na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro.


    Silva, João Antônio Prado


    A mineração de brita fornece matéria prima utilizada diretamente na construção civil, permitindo a execução de obras básicas de infra-estrutura, edificações e pavimentações em geral, exercendo papel fundamental no desenvolvimento urbano. Em contrapartida, tal desenvolvimento, juntamente com a necessidade da proximidade fornecedor-consumidor, tem aproximado a população dos empreendimentos mineradores (pedreiras) e dos impactos gerados pela extra...

  18. A AVIAÇÃO CIVIL BRASILEIRA NO PERÍODO DE 1930 – 1940: Um artigo na Revista Cultura Política

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    João dos Santos Filho


    Full Text Available A linha de pesquisa que desenvolvo junto a Universidade Estadual de Maringá, denominada História da Hospitalidade e do Turismo no Brasil e América Latina, me aproximou de três leituras fundamentais, que me permitiram compreender a importância política e histórica do presidente Getúlio Vargas, e passar a admirá-lo como um estadista de perfil autoritário, conservador e nacionalista, mas também, arrojado na montagem e administração do aparelho ideológico de Estado. A primeira dessas leituras foi o Diário, elaborado por Celina Vargas do Amaral Peixoto, neta de Getúlio Vargas, livro publicado em 1995. Este título é importante dentro da historiografia nacional, pois o personagem da História que trabalhamos é o próprio narrador do fato, portanto, conhece a situação que expõe e focaliza o seu instante presente. A segunda leitura foi o livro Getúlio Vargas, meu pai, escrito por sua filha, Alzira Vargas do Amaral Peixoto, que ocupou o cargo de auxiliar de gabinete junto à Casa Civil de 1937 até 1945, portanto, constituindo-se em fonte de imenso valor histórico, pois é um relato familiar publicado em 1960. A terceira leitura é a Revista Mensal de Estudos Brasileiros, publicada pela Divisão de Imprensa e Propaganda – DIP, entre 1941 a 1945. A Revista era responsável pela propaganda oficial do governo, promoção pessoal do presidente, censura e divulgação cultural. Editada por Almir de Andrade, é considerada o principal órgão de divulgação do Estado Novo. Existem inúmeras páginas na história brasileira, referentes a esse personagem nacionalista, carismático, autoritário e populista chamado Getúlio Dorneles Vargas, que depôs o governo do presidente Washington Luís por meio de um movimento armado de oposição, e governou o Brasil de 1930 a 1945 e de 1951 a 1954. Suas ações no campo econômico, político, cultural e social, transformaram o aparelho de Estado em instrumento de controle para a implantação do

  19. Políticas e práticas de gestão ambiental: uma análise da gestão dos resíduos da construção civil na cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG

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    Paulo José Silva

    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo estudar as práticas de gestão de resíduos da construção civil implementadas pelo poder público municipal na cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG. Para isso, empregou-se o método de estudo de caso articulado com o processo de triangulação das técnicas de coleta de dados. A natureza da problemática estudada exigiu a sistematização de um quadro de referências que inclui algumas reflexões teóricas sobre a relação entre Estado, políticas públicas e gestão ambiental. A análise dos resultados evidencia que o poder público da cidade de Belo Horizonte articulou e implementou um conjunto de políticas e práticas de gestão dos resíduos da construção que deu origem a uma policy network, a qual, além de ser por ele coordenada, envolve a participação de diversos atores sociais públicos e privados. Trata-se de uma configuração institucional com um padrão de relações interdependentes que servem de referência para a concretização das práticas de gestão de resíduos da construção civil. Os resultados deste estudo apontam também os benefícios econômicos, sociais e ambientais, além das dificuldades relativas ao processo de institucionalização das referidas políticas e práticas.


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    Lucivaldo Maia Rocha


    Full Text Available Este trabalho pretende incursionar alguns aspectos emergentes da garantia procedimental da fundamentação das decisões judiciais, na amplitude erguida pela Lei n. 13.105/2015, a qual expressa claramente uma regra de fundamentalidade, na perspectiva do discurso jurídico. Com assento na Constituição de 1988, referida garantia se apresenta como produto do estado democrático de direito. Alinha-se, em igual passo, com o princípio do devido processo legal e seus consectários lógicos do contraditório e ampla defesa. A fundamentação como expressão dialética, produto final do discurso jurídico, se mostra presente na sua característica nitidamente argumentativa, sobre a qual se reveste a decisão judicial na nova ordem. Na Lei n. 13.105/2015 (Novo Código de Processo Civil, a índole argumentativa das decisões judiciais ganha mais força, pois, ao Juiz, incumbe o dever de adentrar não somente na narrativa dos fatos e suas provas, como exaurir o debate argumentativo produzido pelos litigantes. Surge, com mais força, temas como o ativismo judicial e a efetivação dos direitos fundamentais. A fundamentação das decisões judiciais como expressão dialética do processo. Eis do que nos propomos. 

  1. Systematic classification of civil society contributions to nuclear safeguards

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kalinowski, Martin B. [Universitaet Hamburg, Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker, Centre for Science and Peace Research (ZNF) Hamburg (Germany)


    Civil Society is increasingly involved in the policy area of international arms control. Their opportunities are very limited for compliance control in the nuclear nonproliferation regime due to its particular sensitivity. The severe gaps of nuclear safeguards with respect to the capabilities to detect clandestine facilities render marginal civil society contributions highly influential and controversial. More and more data get available for the civil society that can be used to expose potential violations of the NPT. A systematic framework is presented to classify civil society contributions that allows for a systematic study. This classification uses the two parameters (a) affected safeguards stage and (b) degree of integration with the official procedures. These parameters may have the following defined values: (a) The affected safeguards stage can be i. Development and demonstration of new methodologies and technologies ii. Fact finding and data gathering iii. Sharing and publication of data and information iv. Technical analysis of data and information v. Determination of non-compliance vi. Political interpretation (b) The degree of integration can be i. Without a relation ii. Indirect connection iii. Informal interaction iv. Official contribution or mandate. A prominent example for civil society contributions is the increasing availability and capability to acquire and analyze satellite images. An emerging field is environmental sampling, analysis and related atmospheric transport simulation. These and other opportunities are put in the systematic framework to discuss their demonstrated and potential impact. In particular, possible contributions that civil society may offer for improving the detectability of unreported facilities and activities are considered with their chances and risks.

  2. The Civil Liability of Accountants: a study focusing the new Brazilian civil code of 2002 from the perspective of professional ethics

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    Ketlyn da Silva Pasquali


    Full Text Available One of the trends in the development of accountancy is the alignment of accounting principles, ethics and civil liability. In this context, this study analyzes the perception of accountants with respect to professional ethics and liability in view of the new Brazilian civil code adopted in 2002. To examine professional ethics, we investigated the perception of accountants as to civil liability, the hypotheses of incidence, and preventive measures for protecting rights and interests in light of the new civil code, using a descriptive and quantitative approach.  Data was collected by means of a questionnaire applied to a sample of 52 accountants belonging to the Accountants Union of Cascavel and Region.  Comparisons were made of the responses using graphical analysis and consensus analysis.  On the basis of the results obtained, we can conclude that the accountants  attribute importance to the use of ethics in their professional practice and that there is very strong consensus on the obligation to carry out the accounting profession zealously and with technical expertise. With regard to the degree of knowledge concerning civil responsibility and liability in the execution of their activities, we observed that these professionals know the penalties for malicious and intentional unethical acts in the exercise of the profession. Future research could explore self-assessment for further investigation with the purpose of developing a sense of individual responsibility and critical spirit.

  3. Pânico e desamparo na atualidade Panic and helplessness in contemporary society

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    Lucianne Sant'Anna de Menezes


    Full Text Available Procura-se articular o que Freud denominou "mal-estar na civilização" às psicopatologias contemporâneas, examinando-se a relação da incidência do pânico com as modalidades subjetivas emergentes. Diante do deslocamento da ordem paterna como referencial central, o desamparo do sujeito contemporâneo tornou-se agudo. Na tentativa de proteção contra o desamparo, o sujeito pode fazer uso de modalidades subjetivas que privilegiam o masoquismo. O pânico seria efeito do desamparo na contemporaneidade, uma forma de padecimento em que está em jogo o masoquismo como figura da servidão.Pretends to articulate what Freud called "civilization and its discontents" to contemporary psychopathologies, examining the relationship between the incidence of panic symptoms and contemporary ways of subjectivity construction. In face of current displacement of paternal order as a central reference, the helplessness of the subject became severe, acute. To protect himself from a radical helplessness, masochist ways may be privileged. The panic is an effect a helplessness in contemporary society, a suffering form where masochism appears as a figure of servitude.

  4. La Justificación Constitucional De La Desobediencia Civil

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    Oscar Mejía Quintana


    Full Text Available This essay tries to approach the problematic nature of the concept of civil disobedience, as compared to other versions of citizen resistance. It looks for a rich definition, based in authors like Rawls, Dworkin and Habermas, who have proposed an institutional version of civil disobedience. Form that point, the text defends the thesis of a constitutional justification of civil disobedience as a mechanism that is not only necessary but legitimate in contemporary democracies. It tries to guarantee both the permanent update of the constitutional text and the incorporation of alternative ways of life and of dissident political actors.


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    T. V. Danylova


    Full Text Available Purpose. This paper invites reflections on the further development of civilizational theory through the lens of contemporary humanities. It argues that philosophy is one of the key dimensions of the integral theory of civilizations. The purpose is to promote dialogue-rich interdisciplinary civilizational approach with philosophical understanding of human essence at its core. Methodology. The author has used comparative historical analysis, along with hermeneutical methodology and interdisciplinary approach. Theoretical basis and results. Faced with the challenges of our time, researchers are turning to the civilizational approach, according to which world history appears to us as a colourful spectrum of the options for the development of humanity. At the present stage of scientific development the integral theory of civilizations seems to be the most productive tool for the interpretation of the events taking place in our world. Origianlity. The problem of human being is a key factor in understanding the dynamics of civilizational process and designing a promising theory of civilizations. Philosophy should occupy an important place in the development of a new theory of civilizations: philosophy is the spiritual quintessence of every epoch, every cultural and civilizational community. In particular, a new theory has to take into account both classic and contemporary investigations in the field of philosophical anthropology and theory of values. The increasing threat posed by the clash of civilizations can become a swan song of humanity. For the preservation and further development of the world civilization, there is no other choice but to elaborate the strategies, mechanisms for consultation and dialogue, cooperation and partnership of civilizations and states. That is why the urgent task is to create the certain philosophical position that will contribute to mutual understanding. Conclusions. It is important to involve philosophers in the

  6. Civil nuclear energy and the proliferation of nuclear weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The issue of whether civil nuclear programmes contribute to the risk of proliferation of nuclear weapons has been discussed since civil programmes were first considered, and has always complicated public attitudes to civil nuclear energy. This paper seeks to define the extent to which there is such 'linkage'. Linkage concerns arise primarily over the possibility of their being used to produce highly enriched uranium or plutonium for use in weapons. Linkage may also arise through the relevant experience of the trained workforce. Such linkage is, however, limited by institutional, technical and economic factors. First important institutional constraints on using a civil programme for military purposes exist in the form of a network of bilateral agreements and international treaties - most particularly the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - and the international safeguards inspections. Secondly, without access to the technologies of enrichment or reprocessing, the fissile material needed for an explosive cannot be obtained from any plant or process used to produce electricity. Even enrichment and reprocessing, as normally used in electricity programmes, do not give rise to the materials used in weapons. Finally, establishing a civil programme - with equipment whose design is optimized for electricity production - in order to develop weapons is an expensive route compared to specialized facilities. (Author)

  7. El actor aglutinante: Nacionalismo y sociedad civil en Quebec.

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    Pablo Giori


    Full Text Available This article aims to reconstruct the history of civil society in Quebec (Canada to relate it with nationalism, the rise of the welfare state, trade unions, Catholic Church and civil society, the dynamic forces of society. Through in-depth interviews with key leaders, exploration of institutional archives and specific literature, we work with a particular case that, when compared to Catalonia, will allow us to evaluate the importance of civil society within nationalism. This actor is not usually considered as the central subject of researches and rarely token into account, unlike political parties, their leaders or intellectuals. Currently, in a context of crisis of the state and political parties, it has begun to be considered that civil society can be a key factor for its ability to produce alliances between sectors, build hegemony and dialogue directly with the population. The study is divided into four parts: 1 the development of the theoretical framework along with the construction of the object of study and the hypotheses; 2 an analysis about the importance of the involvement of civil society in the construction of the nationalist movement in Quebec; 3 a comparison with the Catalan case; and, 4 finally some conclusions.

  8. A construção social do mercado de trabalho no setor de construção civil nas obras do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC: consensos e conflitos

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    Maria Chaves Jardim


    Full Text Available Ao considerar as diversas interpretações existentes em torno do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC, o texto busca identificar os arranjos do PAC na criação de postos de trabalho, enfatizando especialmente o mercado da construção civil, fomentado via Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida. Para tanto, organizamos uma coleta de dados sobre as medidas e ações propostas pelo PAC durante os governos Lula e Dilma Rousseff, além da análise dos relatórios do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU. Da mesma forma, realizamos análises documentais nos sites dos ministérios do Planejamento e da Fazenda e algumas entrevistas com trabalhadores da construção civil. Os dados foram tratados com inspiração da sociologia econômica, disciplina que considera que todo o mercado é uma construção social. No caso aqui analisado, o mercado de trabalho é resultado de uma construção social, mais especialmente o mercado de trabalho da construção civil, já que é resultante de diversos atores e instituições engajados na promoção do PAC, tais como o Estado, as empreiteiras, os sindicatos, os fundos de pensão etc. Os conflitos resultantes dessa construção social foram identificados.

  9. 42 CFR 488.440 - Civil money penalties: Effective date and duration of penalty. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Civil money penalties: Effective date and duration... Civil money penalties: Effective date and duration of penalty. (a)(1) The per day civil money penalty... by CMS or the State. (2) A civil money penalty for each instance of noncompliance is imposed in a...

  10. Creative Ventures: Ancient Civilizations. (United States)

    Stark, Rebecca

    The open-ended activities in this book are designed to extend the imagination and creativity of students and encourage students to examine their feelings and values about historic eras. Civilizations addressed include ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Mayan, Stonehenge, and Mesopotamia. The activities focus upon the cognitive and affective pupil…



    Ferraz, Cristina


    A Lei 11.488/07 acrescentou a Defensoria Pública ao rol dos legitimados à ação civil pública (ACP). Diante disso, a Associação Nacional dos Membros do Ministério Público ajuizou Ação Direita de Inconstitucionalidade (ADI) sob a alegação de impedir o Ministério Público do pleno exercício de suas atribuições, além de contrariar o art. 5.º, LXXIV, da CF, que determina ao Estado prestar assistência jurídica integral aos necessitados com insuficiência de recursos comprovada. Segundo a Associação, ...

  12. Civil Society Organizations’ Contribution To Democratic Governance In European Union

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    Dragoș – Cătălin Apostu


    Full Text Available This paper tries to focus/put emphasis on what are Civil Society Organizations are and gives an outline of categories of such Organizations in Europe, it briefly looks at Governance and Democratic Governance concepts. It will then after focus on the major roles of Civil Society Organizations in European democratic Governance drawing other examples also from other countries where possible and try to bring out scholarly arguments on the negative impacts of civil society organizations. The paper ends with conclusions and analysis of SC participation through EU’s multilevel governance. Much of my discussion and commentaries shall be depicted and based on information and ideas put forward by the following scholars; Paul Magnette 2003, European Governance and Civic participation, Dawid Friedrich 2007/08, Actual and Potential Contribution of Civil Society Organizations to Democratic Governance in Europe, EU Governance White Paper 2001, Rollin F. Tusalem 2007, the role of Civil Society in the Third and Fourth-Wave Democracies and other scholars not limited to the above.

  13. Civil Society in the Shadow of the Neoliberal State

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hein Jessen, Mathias

    . With globalization and neoliberal policies and the dismantling of the Western welfare states, civil society has increasingly been mobilized for securing governmental and social aims that the states could or would no longer provide, and now the freedom, autonomy and critical role of civil society organizations...

  14. Bayesian Network Assessment Method for Civil Aviation Safety Based on Flight Delays


    Huawei Wang; Jun Gao


    Flight delays and safety are the principal contradictions in the sound development of civil aviation. Flight delays often come up and induce civil aviation safety risk simultaneously. Based on flight delays, the random characteristics of civil aviation safety risk are analyzed. Flight delays have been deemed to a potential safety hazard. The change rules and characteristics of civil aviation safety risk based on flight delays have been analyzed. Bayesian networks (BN) have been used to build ...

  15. O papel de representações sociais sobre a natureza da homossexualidade na oposição ao casamento civil e à adoção por famílias homoafetivas The role of social representations about the nature of homosexuality: opposition to civil marriage and adoption by homoaffective families

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    Cicero Roberto Pereira


    Full Text Available Analisaram-se as relações entre preconceito, apoio a políticas discriminatórias contra homossexuais e representações sociais sobre a natureza da homossexualidade. Participaram da pesquisa 297 estudantes do último ano de psicologia, serviço social e direito. Os resultados mostram que as representações sobre a homossexualidade baseadas em crenças religiosas, moralistas e psicológicas predizem o maior apoio às políticas discriminatórias contra os homossexuais, nomeadamente a oposição ao casamento e à adoção de crianças por casais homoafetivos. A crença na natureza cultural da homossexualidade prediz o menor apoio a essas políticas. As relações verificadas são mediadas pelo preconceito flagrante contra homossexuais. Esses resultados mostram o papel desempenhado por representações sobre a natureza dos grupos sociais na manutenção de preconceitos e práticas discriminatórias contra minorias sociais.In this study the relationship between prejudice, support of discriminating policies against homosexuals and people's social representations about the nature of homosexuality was analyzed. Participants were 297 final year psychology, social work, and law students. Results showed that the representations about homosexuality based on religious, moralist, and psychological beliefs are positively related to the support of discriminating policies against homosexuals, specifically the opposition to civil union and to children's adoption by homosexuals. Beliefs about the cultural nature of homosexuality predicted lower support of these policies. These relations were mediated by blatant prejudice against homosexuals. These results show the role played by social representations about the nature of social groups in the maintenance of prejudices and discriminatory practices against minority groups.

  16. Engaging Civil Society in Countering Violent Extremism

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    Bibi van Ginkel


    Full Text Available In this Research Paper Dr. Bibi van Ginkel takes an in depth look at how multi-lateral institutions, engage with civil society to counter violent extremism. Dr. van Ginkel argues that civil society can play a crucial role in preventing and countering violent extremism in numerous ways – by working on development programs, through their work in conflict transformation, in providing a platform to raise political grievances and to facilitate dialogue, or through their work in empowering victims and survivors of terrorism. The Paper finds that over the last decade there has been a more intensive coordination of activities between the UN and other multi-lateral organisations and civil society but the question remains whether the implementation as well as the drafting of these policies will live up to their potential effectiveness. This Paper gauges how effective these measures have been and what more there is to do. The final section concludes with a series of policy recommendations.

  17. Humanization of the civil service in the context of the European integration of Ukraine

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    O. A. Lyndyuk


    Full Text Available European integration of Ukraine requires new philosophy of governance modernization and organization, an effective functioning of the civil service system. The urgency of the implementation of humanization approach is a priority for modernization of the national civil service system. The problem of humanization of the civil service in the context of the European integration of Ukraine has been studied in the article. The essence of concepts of «humanism» and «humanization of the civil service» has been considered. Humanism is understood as reflected anthropocentrism, with the human being the object with the highest value. The term «humanization of the civil service» means a deliberate reorientation of the civil service and its objects to recognize a human as an absolute value, «a measure of all things» and to meet the vital needs of society, creating conditions for its full self-realization and ensuring sustainable human development. The civil service must guarantee the security and stability of life and protect rights, freedoms and interests of each individual. Humanization of civil service is also determined as strengthening the rights and freedoms of civil servants, special protection of their dignity and the formation of new humanistic principles of civil service. The features of humanization of the national civil service have been analyzed. It has been found that the human is considered to be the highest value and the content and direction of civil servants activity is determined by ensuring his rights and freedoms. The necessity of changing the priorities of civil service modernization on the basis of humanization, orientation on meeting the needs of human and citizen, as well as creating conditions for closer implementation of national civil service standards to those used in the European Union has been proved. Changes in the philosophy of the civil service of Ukraine should be directed to «serving people», functioning of

  18. 78 FR 22798 - Hazardous Materials: Revision of Maximum and Minimum Civil Penalties (United States)


    .... 5101 et seq.). Section 5123(a) of that law provides civil penalties for knowing violations of Federal... 107--Guidelines for Civil Penalties * * * * * IV. * * * C. * * * Under the Federal hazmat law, 49 U.S... Maximum and Minimum Civil Penalties AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA...

  19. Quality control of Ling'ao nuclear power station civil construction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Buliang; Ye Changyuan


    Based on the quality control model adopted during Ling'ao Nuclear Power Station construction, the author briefly introduces quality control process of some main civil construction activities (reinforced concrete, steel liner, steel works and prestressing force) of nuclear power station, and makes some descriptions on non-conformance control of civil works. These quality control processes described come from the concrete practice during civil construction of Ling'ao Nuclear Power Station, and are based on Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station construction experience

  20. A highly unscientific guide to civil-military coherence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zartsdahl, Peter Horne


    Coordinating external instruments is easy. In this EU-CIVCAP newsletter editorial, we provide a highly unscientific guide to succesful civil-military coherence. A User's Guide to Coherence; and extensive collection of buzzwords.......Coordinating external instruments is easy. In this EU-CIVCAP newsletter editorial, we provide a highly unscientific guide to succesful civil-military coherence. A User's Guide to Coherence; and extensive collection of buzzwords....