
Sample records for cittadino uno studio

  1. Urban traffic pollution and citizens information; Misure anti inquinamento da traffico urbano e partecipazione del cittadino. Uno studio di caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giuntarelli, P; Borrelli, G; Brini, S [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt. Ambiente


    The following report is strictly connected to studies for introducing certain actions useful to effort the problem of urban traffic pollution. Technologies are today available to reduce traffic pollution and it is possible to verify effectiveness during the implementation. On the other hand it is not always possible to verify effectiveness of these measures on the citizen customs and quality of life. Frequently policies aiming to limit environmental risk are viewed by citizens as an insupportable coercion. In the case of urban traffic it is particularly true because the measures in this field are limited to a certain numbers of prohibitions limiting the moving freedom of citizens inside urban areas. This research, realised via a questionnaire on citizens representative of two roman districts, analyses the social acceptability degree of actions for reducing atmospheric pollution produced by automobile traffic in the city of Rome. [Italian] Il lavoro presentato di seguito si inserisce in un filone di studi che tendono a individuare quelle azioni capaci di sciogliere il nodo ormai cruciale dell'inquinamento da traffico nelle aree urbane. Azioni efficaci ne sono state individuate numerose ma, mentre per quanto riguarda le misure tecnologiche l'efficacia intrinseca della misura viene verificata nell'applicazione, non sempre si puo' dire la stessa cosa per quanto riguarda le misure che incidono sulle abitudini di vita dei cittadini. Sempre piu' spesso le politiche tese a limitare i danni ambientali sono vissute dal cittadino come una insopportabile coercizione. Nel caso del traffico urbano cio' e' particolarmente vero proprio perche' le misure di questo settore si limitano spesso a una serie di divieti che oggettivamente limitano la liberta' di movimento del cittadino. I blocchi del traffico, le zone blu, sono gli esempi piu' lampanti di questo tipo di limitazione. Questa ricerca sul campo, svolta tramite questionario e su un campione di cittadini di due quartieri di

  2. Urban traffic pollution and citizens information; Misure anti inquinamento da traffico urbano e partecipazione del cittadino. Uno studio di caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giuntarelli, P.; Borrelli, G.; Brini, S. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt. Ambiente


    The following report is strictly connected to studies for introducing certain actions useful to effort the problem of urban traffic pollution. Technologies are today available to reduce traffic pollution and it is possible to verify effectiveness during the implementation. On the other hand it is not always possible to verify effectiveness of these measures on the citizen customs and quality of life. Frequently policies aiming to limit environmental risk are viewed by citizens as an insupportable coercion. In the case of urban traffic it is particularly true because the measures in this field are limited to a certain numbers of prohibitions limiting the moving freedom of citizens inside urban areas. This research, realised via a questionnaire on citizens representative of two roman districts, analyses the social acceptability degree of actions for reducing atmospheric pollution produced by automobile traffic in the city of Rome. [Italian] Il lavoro presentato di seguito si inserisce in un filone di studi che tendono a individuare quelle azioni capaci di sciogliere il nodo ormai cruciale dell'inquinamento da traffico nelle aree urbane. Azioni efficaci ne sono state individuate numerose ma, mentre per quanto riguarda le misure tecnologiche l'efficacia intrinseca della misura viene verificata nell'applicazione, non sempre si puo' dire la stessa cosa per quanto riguarda le misure che incidono sulle abitudini di vita dei cittadini. Sempre piu' spesso le politiche tese a limitare i danni ambientali sono vissute dal cittadino come una insopportabile coercizione. Nel caso del traffico urbano cio' e' particolarmente vero proprio perche' le misure di questo settore si limitano spesso a una serie di divieti che oggettivamente limitano la liberta' di movimento del cittadino. I blocchi del traffico, le zone blu, sono gli esempi piu' lampanti di questo tipo di limitazione. Questa ricerca sul campo, svolta tramite questionario e

  3. Gli infortuni lavorativi in minori: risultati di uno studio multicentrico italiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Aggazzotti


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    Obiettivi: gli infortuni lavorativi, in particolare quelli subiti da minorenni, rappresentano un problema di notevole importanza sociale: in Italia, da dati INPS, risultano lavorare circa 68 adolescenti su 1000. L’obiettivo di questo studio è stato quello di raccogliere informazioni sugli infortuni lavorativi avvenuti a minori (14-17 anni in 14 città italiane nel periodo gennaio-giugno 2000. Metodi: si tratta di uno studio epidemiologico descrittivo, basato sulle informazioni raccolte consultando direttamente le cartelle cliniche presso centri di Pronto Soccorso (PS attivi nelle città coinvolte. Sono stati presi in considerazione tutti gli infortuni avvenuti a minori: tra questi sono stati considerati come lavorativi quelli accaduti nel corso di attività descritta come lavorativa e quelli occorsi “in itinere”. Le analisi statistiche sono state condotte con SPSS; è stata effettuata una cluster analysis per evidenziare eventuali sottogruppi omogenei. Risultati: la popolazione residente nelle aree indagate di età tra 14 e 17 anni è stata stimata in circa 850.000 soggetti, pari al 31% della popolazione italiana della stessa età: gli infortuni totali sono risultati 13423 di cui 317 lavorativi (2.4%. I soggetti di sesso maschile, diciassettenni, impiegati nel comparto industriale sono risultati il gruppo maggiormente coinvolto: la prognosi è risultata per lo più inferiore a 8 giorni. Sono apparse due diverse tipologie di infortunio: una riguarda i casi avvenuti in itinere, con caratteristiche molto simili agli incidenti stradali, e un’altra, più specifica, riguarda gli eventi sul posto di lavoro, dove si registrano lesioni al polso, alle mani, al capo e agli occhi con frequenza superiore rispetto agli infortuni in genere.

    Conclusioni: il fenomeno è risultato non trascurabile, soprattutto tenendo conto del fatto che si riferisce solamente al lavoro minorile regolarmente

  4. Valutazione della qualitá dei dati in uno studio post marketing

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    D. D’Alessandro


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    Obiettivo: misurare l'affidabilita nella segnalazione
    di eventi avversi a vaccino nell'ambito di uno studio post-marketing sulla tollerabilita della vaccinazione antipneumococcica (AP in associazione con la vaccinazione antinfluenzale (AI nella popolazione anziana.

    Metodi: e stato predisposto un modello di regressione
    logistica per stimare gli OR tra la segnalazione di almeno un effetto collaterale locale (y ed alcune variabili individuali dei vaccinati (x1: eta .75 anni; x2: sesso; x3: allergie; x4: associazione AI+AP; x5: vivere solo; x6: patologie croniche. I medici aderenti al progetto (229 sono stati stratificati in cinque categorie in funzione dellfincidenza media di eventi avversi da loro registrata: 0% (29, 1-5%
    (68, 6-10% (50, 11-50% (72, .50% (10. Lo stesso modello di regressione e stato applicato ai quattro
    sotto-gruppi di vaccinati afferenti alle categorie di medici che hanno segnalato sintomi, per valutare la coerenza degli OR registrati nei gruppi.

    Risultati: tra i 29.086 vaccinati, l'f11,3% (3.278 ha segnalato almeno un evento avverso locale nelle
    72 ore successive alla vaccinazione: 9,9% tra i soggetti vaccinati con AI e 13,9% tra i vaccinati con
    AI+AP. I fattori significativamente associati all'faumento di rischio sono: AI+AP (OR 1,4; allergie (OR 1,3; patologie croniche (OR 1,3. L' applicazione del modello di regressione ai sotto-gruppi di vaccinati ha mostrato un trend negli OR per le categorie di medici che hanno segnalato dall'f1-5% fino all'f11- 50%, mostrando un'effettiva differenza di rischio dei pazienti.

    Tale coerenza non si e evinta nell'ultima categoria (.50%, dove tali fattori appaiono addiritura protettivi nei riguardi dei sintomi (AI+AP: OR 0,5; allergie: OR 0,7, o non associati
    (patologie croniche: OR 1,0.

    Conclusioni: il 4,3% dei medici arruolati nello studio (10 su 229 ha

  5. Proposta di uno studio multicentrico per la valutazione del fenomeno delle infezioni correlate a pratiche assistenziali in residenze socioassistenziali in Italia

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    S. Brusaferro


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    Razionale dello studio proposto In contesti come le Residenze Sanitarie Assistenziali (RSA, le Residenze Protette (RP, l’Assistenza Domiciliare Integrata (ADI la letteratura e le prime esperirne italiane evidenziano come il problema ICPA sia importante e, pur variando le tipologie di infezione prevalenti, i costi individuali, sociali ed economici ad esse collegati rimangono molto elevati.

    In questo scenario diventa importante che i Comitati per il Controllo delle Infezioni Ospedaliere (CIO aziendali affrontino il problema del controllo delle infezioni in ambito extraospedaliero e comincino a strutturare modelli organizzativi in grado di operare efficacemente. Il dimensionamento del problema, ovvero l’attività di sorveglianza epidemiologica, anche in questo caso è tra le prime attività necessarie di provata efficacia.

    Obiettivo dello studio: una prima valutazione della dimensione del problema ICPA nelle strutture RSA presenti nelle diverse regioni italiane attraverso uno studio di prevalenza nazionale. Materiali e metodi: l progetto prevede una prima fase con l’individuazione dei centri partecipanti e dei rispettivi referenti medici ed infermieristici. Successivamente si procederà, utilizzando la metodologia già testata in uno studio pilota, alla formazione del personale sull’uso degli strumenti. Saranno arruolati tutti i pazienti degenti da oltre 48 ore nelle RSA partecipanti, escludendo quelli in dimissione o in trasferimento nel giorno di rilevazione. I rilevatori, esterni alla struttura, raccoglieranno i dati consultando il quaderno infermieristico, il quaderno terapia, il diario clinico, la cartella clinica ed esaminando ciascun paziente per validare la eventuale presenza di “devices” e confermare sintomi e segni rientranti nelle definizioni di caso. Laddove necessario verrà consultato il personale medico ed infermieristico della struttura. Le variabili raccolte saranno centrate su dati

  6. Fumo attivo e passivo, consumo di caffè ed effetti sulla gravidanza: uno studio caso controllo in Italia

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    G. Fantuzzi


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    Obiettivi: alcune abitudini di vita possono influenzare lo sviluppo fetale durante il periodo di gravidanza. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di indagare gli effetti di alcune abitudini voluttuarie sulle nascite premature e sul basso peso alla nascita.

    Metodi: è stato condotto uno studio caso controllo nel periodo ottobre 1999 settembre 2000 in 9 città italiane (Genova, Udine, Modena, Parma, Siena, Roma, L’Aquila, Napoli e Catania. Sono stati identificati come casi 525 neonati pretermine (26ma, 38ma settimana di gravidanza e 317 neonati a termine ma con peso ‹ al 10° P. Sono stati arruolati come controllo 871 bambini nati a termine e normopeso. Le informazioni relative all’esposizione al fumo attivo e passivo e al consumo di caffè e i dati personali sono stati raccolti attraverso un apposito questionario.

    Risultati: dai risultati dell’analisi univariata è emerso un maggior rischio di basso peso alla nascita nei bambini le cui madri avevano fumato durante l’ultimo trimestre di gravidanza, con un chiaro effetto dose risposta. (OR: 2.09, 95% CI:1.45 - 3.00 per 1 9 sigarette/giorno, e OR= 2.76, 95% CI: 1.67 - 4.45 per 10 ed oltre sigarette al giorno. Anche la nascita pretermine sembra influenzata dall’abitudine tabagica della madre anche se in modo meno evidente. OR: 1.47, 95% CI: 1.05 - 2.04 per 1 9 sigarette/giorno e un OR: 1,30 95% CI: 0.78 - 4.81 per 10 e più sigarette/giorno. Per quanto riguarda l’esposizione al fumo passivo (più di due fumatori nelle abitazioni è stata osservata una positiva associazione con il basso peso alla nascita (OR: 3.05, 95% CI: 1.19 - 7.79. Il consumo di caffè non sembra influenzare lo sviluppo fetale. La regressione logistica multipla ha confermato solo l’influenza del fumo attivo della madre sulla basso peso alla nascita. (AOR= 2.49, 95% CI: 1.74 - 3.56.

    Conclusioni: questo studio conferma che

  7. Polimorfismi nei geni metabolici come fattori dirischio per il carcinoma gastrico (GC: risultati preliminari di uno studio caso-controllo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Boccia


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    Obiettivi: valutare le frequenze dei principali geni metabolici in un campione di casi di GC (Carcinoma Gastrico e di controlli, per determinare se esiste un’associazione con il rischio di GC, e considerare le possibili associazioni tra i genotipi studiati ed alcuni parametri clinico-patologici.

    Metodi: è stato condotto uno studio caso-controllo ospedaliero, tra novembre 1999 e maggio 2003 reclutando 48 pazienti con diagnosi di adenocarcinoma gastrico sottoposti a gastrectomia, e 48 controlli appaiati per sesso ed età presso il Policlinico Universitario “A. Gemelli” in Roma. Per genotipizzare gli individui rispetto ai geni GSTM1, NAT2, SULT1A1, CYP1A1, CYP2E1 (5’ flanking e introne 6, è stata usata la tecnica della PCR con analisi del profilo dei frammenti di restrizione (PCR-RFLP. L’analisi statistica ha previsto l’impiego di test non parametrici e della regressione logistica.

    Risultati: le frequenze dei polimorfismi nei geni metabolici sono risultate in alcuni casi differenti nei casi rispetto ai controlli sebbene non si evidenzi una differenza statisticamente significativa. In particolare il genotipo GSMT1 null è più elevato nei pazienti rispetto ai controlli (63.8% vs. 51% e gli individui NAT2 acetilatori lenti risultano più frequenti nei casi rispetto ai controlli (69.6% vs. 57.45%. L’istotipo diffuso di GC è associato significativamente ai pazienti eterozigoti per l’allele SULT1A1 (c_= 8.216; p= 0.018, ed i pazienti NAT2 acetilatori lenti tendono ad avere un grading tumorale alto (c_= 7.425; p= 0.006.

    Conclusioni: i risultati preliminari di questo studio evidenziano associazioni tra alcuni genotipi metabolici e parametri clinico-patologici, che se confermati potrebbero permettere di identificare sottogruppi con prognosi più sfavorevole di GC da indirizzare preventivamente verso trattamenti specifici.


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    L. Marcelli


    Full Text Available Nel presente lavoro si espongono i risultati della prima parte diuno studio sul terremoto del Gran Sasso d'Italia avvenuto il 5 settembre10.50. Si riportano le notizie macrosismiche, e viene tracciatala rete delle isosiste. Calcolata la magnitudo, l'energia, l'epicentro incoordinate ortogonali e geografiche, le velocità delle Pg, Pn, Sg, Sncon le relative dromocrone, il tempo origine,

  9. Città/Fabbrica. Uno Studio di Prosperità Inaspettata / Factory/City. A Study in Unexpected Prosperity

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    Mei Lun Xue


    Full Text Available Prato rappresenta uno studio di come la crescita industriale nella produzione tessile possa influenzare la condizione architettonica. Negli anni del dopoguerra, i pratesi hanno sviluppato metodi di specializzazione in una rete di PMI familiari. L’industria tessile del territorio si è ristretta negli ultimi anni, alla fine soccombendo alle forze della produzione di massa. La stessa città ha visto un aumento degli immigranti cinesi, che trovano lavoro nella fiorente industria di indumenti “fast fashion”. Un rogo in una fabbrica nel dicembre del 2013 ha rivelato tensioni e la colpevolezza del grande pubblico. Ciò nonostante, il successo storico di Prato e le sue necessità urgenti richiedono un esame e un confronto. La disaggregazione fisica della fabbrica e della città dà indizi su ciò che si può salvare e rinnovare. / Prato is a study of industrial growth in textile production, coming to bear on an architectural condition. In the years after World War II, the Pratese developed methods of specialization in a network of small- to medium-sized family owned firms. The local textile industry has contracted in recent years, finally falling to the forces of mass production. The city itself has seen an increase in Chinese immigrants, who find work in the burgeoning ‘fast fashion’ garment industry. A factory fire in December 2013 exposed the tensions and culpability of the population at large. Yet Prato’s historical success and urgent needs beg for examination, and comparison. The physical disaggregation of factory and city give clues as to what can be retrieved, and made anew.

  10. Spirochete della malattia di Lyme nelle zecche raccolte in uno studio di campo nell’Italia centrale (Regione Marche

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    Ilaria Pascucci


    Full Text Available La malattia di Lyme è la più diffusa malattia trasmessa da zecche in Italia. La provincia di Pesaro ed Urbino per le sue caratteristiche ecologiche può essere considerata area rischio per la patologia. Ciò nonostante, non sono ancora disponibili dati di campo per questa area, sebbene la malattia sia presente nei territori limitrofi. Al fine di indagare la presenza del ciclo della borreliosi di Lyme, è stato condotto, nell’area di interesse, uno studio di un anno durante il quale sono state raccolte zecche da cervidi selvatici, uomo e dall’ambiente, successivamente identificate e analizzate mediante PCR. Le zecche appartenenti alla specie Ixodes ricinus (la specie più frequente in tutte le raccolte sono state testate mediante tre diverse PCR per la ricerca di Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. Inoltre, per identificare le genospecie di Borrelia burgdorferi s.lcoinvolte, è stato amplificato e sequenziato un frammento della regione intergenica spaziatrice 5S-23S dell’ RNA ribosomiale. Il sequenziamento ha permesso di identificare due differenti genospecie: B. burgdorferi s.s. e B. lusitaniae, precedentemente coinvolte in casi umani di malattia di Lyme. Le informazioni riguardo le relazioni tra ospite, zecca e genospecie di B. burgdorferi s.l., confermando le notizie già presenti in letteratura per il bacino del Mediterraneo, mostrano come nell’area di interesse siano presenti le condizioni favorevoli allo sviluppo del ciclo della borreliosi di Lyme.

  11. Studio CONTEXT at Studio Mumbai

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hilberth, Thomas Roger


    Studio CONTEXT @ STUDIO MUMBAI Studio CONTEXT deals with a sustainable architecture based on complexity on all scales of a specific context, that involves geographical, historical, anthropological and social reflections, a cross cultural involvement and mutual learning as well as investigations...... into the most basic elements to define the core qualities of architecture: space, light and material. During three semesters Studio CONTEXT engaged in collaboration with the renowned Indian architectural office STUDIO MUMBAI, at the time located under the palm trees of Nagaon near Ali Bagh in Maharashtra...... MUMBAI, which whom we worked side by side on their premises, we developed proposals for a new square and different typologies of social housing. The projects were then presented for the local council and the community and left with them with the possibility of implementation. After a thorough phase...

  12. Studio di Architetture e Protocolli per Reti Ottiche

    CERN Document Server

    Cucchi, R; Raffaelli, C; Vistoli, C


    Le reti ottiche basate sulla tecnologia WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) sono molto promettenti per rispondere non solo alle esigenze di capacit trasmissiva ma anche per la realizzazione di reti costituite da apparati $9 esclusivamente ottici dove la lunghezza d¹onda rappresenta il circuito di comunicazione fra nodo sorgente e nodo destinatario.Questo documento prende in esame il ³trigger di II livello dell¹esperimento ATLAS come case study², ne $9 analizza le esigenze di trasmissione dei dati e descrive uno studio di fattibilit basato su una rete ottica a stella.

  13. Fisica. I progressi nello studio delle particelle piu' abbondanti ma piu mistriose

    CERN Multimedia

    Bilenky, Samoil Mikhelevich


    "Caccia ai neutrino conferme all'inutizione di Pontecorvo: hanno una masa (sia pure minima) e i loro 3 tipi si mutano l'uno nell'altro fisica i progressi nello studio delle particelle piu' abbondanti ma piu' misteriose". [The hunt for the neutrinos. Pontecorvo's theory has been confirmed: the neutrino has a mass (though minimal). It switches from one of the 3 types into the others].

  14. Discovering the Business Studio

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barry, Daved; Meisiek, Stefan


    ? To address this question, we pull together 25 years of studio experimentation in multiple settings, visits, and observations of studios around the world and interviews with studio makers from various disciplines. We consider the question of “what is a business studio?” in some detail, conjecture about......Over the past decade, numerous business schools have begun experimenting with studio-based inquiry, often drawing inspiration from professional studios used within art and design schools and from business and governmental studios used for problem-solving and innovation. Business school studios vary...

  15. Discovering the Business Studio (United States)

    Barry, Daved; Meisiek, Stefan


    Over the past decade, numerous business schools have begun experimenting with studio-based inquiry, often drawing inspiration from professional studios used within art and design schools and from business and governmental studios used for problem-solving and innovation. Business school studios vary considerably in form, ranging from temporary…

  16. Una rappresentazione simbolica di comunicazione urbana: il graffito

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    Luciano Spinelli


    Full Text Available La nostra intenzione è quella di dare una lettura semiotica dello spazio urbano attraverso lo studio dei graffiti necessari, in un’analogia della soggettivazione che il cittadino fa dello spazio nel suo vissuto quotidiano. I suoi graffiti sono integrati ad altri segni proposti dallo Stato e dall’iniziativa privata che compongono così l'apparenza loquace della città polifonica.

  17. uVis Studio

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pantazos, Kostas; Kuhail, Mohammad Amin; Lauesen, Søren


    Vis Studio. Instead of programming, developers apply a Drag-Drop-Set-View-Interact approach. Developers bind controls to data, and the Studio gives immediate visual feedback in the Design Panel. This is a novel feature, called What-You-Bind-Is-What- You-Get. The Studio also provides Modes that allow...


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    Debora Bellinzani


    Full Text Available Negli ultimi venti anni l’attività didattica di scrittura di testi in lingua seconda (L2 e lingua straniera (LS si è arricchita di nuove possibilità. In primo luogo da abilità che può essere appresa e sviluppata dopo l’acquisizione di solide basi linguistiche nella lingua target, la scrittura si è affermata anche come strumento per imparare la lingua utilizzabile fin dalle fasi iniziali dell’apprendimento. In secondo luogo da abilità individuale e introspettiva, la scrittura è oggi considerata un’attività che può essere svolta anche in modo collaborativo, a coppie o in gruppi, cooperando all’ideazione, alla stesura e alla revisione del testo da produrre. Nella prima parte di questo lavoro sono analizzati gli studi sulla scrittura collaborativa presenti nella letteratura scientifica con lo scopo di ottenere un quadro completo e aggiornato delle sue caratteristiche e della sua efficacia, con un’attenzione particolare alle indicazioni utili per l’insegnante che desideri proporre questo tipo di attività. Nella seconda parte del lavoro è presentato uno studio di caso, ossia un’attività di scrittura di un particolare tipo di testo, definito come “descrittivo/espressivo”, svolta a coppie da studenti universitari nell’ambito di un corso intensivo per l’apprendimento dell’italiano L2. L’attività ha preso le mosse dalla descrizione di due immagini-stimolo con differente potere evocativo. Obiettivi della sperimentazione sono stati la verifica dell’efficacia delle immagini come stimolo alla scrittura, della possibilità di scrivere congiuntamente di emozioni e dell’efficacia del testo “descrittivo/espressivo” nella scrittura collaborativa.   Collaborative writing: the state of art of international research and a case study  Debora Bellinzani Over the past twenty years, the teaching of writing texts in a second language (L2 and  a foreign language (LS has been enhanced with new possibilities. In the

  19. Learning Anime Studio

    CERN Document Server

    Troftgruben, Chad


    Anime Studio is your complete animation program to help you create 2D movies, cartoons, anime, and cut out animations. You can create your own animated shorts and use Anime Studio to produce cartoon animations for film, video, or streaming over the Web, which can be enjoyed on YouTube, Vimeo, and other popular sites. Anime Studio is great for hobbyists and professionals alike, combining tools for both illustration and animation. With Anime Studio's easy-to-use interface, you will be creating an animated masterpiece in no time. This practical, step-by-step guide will provide you with a structur


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    Livia Alberti


    Full Text Available Attraverso uno studio di caso che coinvolge due studentesse di italiano L2 di livello elementare/intermedio, si prendono in esame alcuni dei fattori che possono influire sull’utilizzo del feedback scritto da parte degli apprendenti. La raccolta dei dati si è svolta in tre giornate: nella prima le partecipanti hanno scritto un testo collaborativo a partire da una storia per immagini; nella seconda i testi, corretti con un intervento di feedback implicito, sono stati riconsegnati e la coppia ha prima analizzato le segnalazioni ricevute e poi riscritto il testo; nella terza le apprendenti hanno prodotto testi individuali a partire dallo stesso stimolo visivo. Oltre a confrontare le diverse stesure del testo, si analizzano le interazioni avvenute tra le apprendenti durante il lavoro di coppia finalizzato a utilizzare il feedback per produrre il secondo testo collaborativo. I risultati mostrano da un lato che un elevato livello di coinvolgimento nell’elaborazione del feedback non ne garantisce un utilizzo efficace, dall’altro che hanno un peso non trascurabile anche fattori più “personali” come le convinzioni sulla lingua bersaglio e l’atteggiamento nei confronti del lavoro di coppia.  A case study on the development and use of written feedback in Italian L2 learners  Through a case study involving two female elementary/intermediate Italian L2 students, we examine some of the factors that may affect the use of written feedback by the learners. Data collection took place over three days: on the first day, the participants wrote a collaborative text from a picture story; on the second the texts, corrected using implicit feedback, were returned, and the students first analyzed the reports received and then rewrote the text; on the third day the learners produced individual texts from the same visual stimulus. In addition to comparing the various drafts of the text, we analyzed the interactions between the learners during pair work aimed

  1. Landscape Studio

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Peter Lundsgaard


    Landscape studio documents is the biography of the method 'design conversation' and contributes to the way we work with landscapes. The blog communicates renewed landscape didactics and leads to the innovation of design practices.......Landscape studio documents is the biography of the method 'design conversation' and contributes to the way we work with landscapes. The blog communicates renewed landscape didactics and leads to the innovation of design practices....

  2. UNO's Afghanistan Collection. (United States)

    McKernan, M. D.

    This paper explores the background history and sources of the Afghanistan collection at the University Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). Credit for the impetus behind the development of the collection is given to Chris Jung, a former UNO geography/geology faculty member; Ronald Roskens, then UNO chancellor; and the Afghanistan…

  3. Learning Studios for Introductory Accounting (United States)

    Yourstone, Steven A.; Tepper, Robert J.


    Although originally designed for science courses, learning studios have been introduced at over 100 college campuses in a variety of disciplines. Our study focuses on the differences between classrooms designed as lecture spaces versus classrooms designed as learning studios. The impetus is the growing number of learning studios and…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Istiawati Kiswandono


    Full Text Available Design activities in a studio do not only involve students, but also need to be accompanied by tutors, guest lecturers, consumers, and the professionals. Each of these individuals gives different contribution according to each own competency. The involvement that takes place between these individuals does not only consist of tutorials, and is not just an activity in which "the student asks and the tutor answers". The involvement consists of various programs, which must be arranged and coordinated inside a tight schedule. This wrong image of studio instruction has been prevalent, and this seems to be caused by the practice of tutors of treating their students not as students whom they are educating and instructing, but more as junior designers who are working in a design project. The activities of the students and tutors in the studio then are just training and not teaching while in reality both of them are absolutely necessary in studio instruction. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Aktivitas kerja desain di sebuah studio jurusan aritektur melibatkan tidak hanya mahasiswa, tetapi membutuhkan kehadiran pembimbing, dosen tamu, calon pengguna, dan professional (baca: praktisi. Setiap individu yang terlibat mempunyai peran yang berbeda-beda sesuai kompetensinya, sedangkan keterlibatan antar individu tidak sekedar dilakukan dengan cara asistensi. Aktivitas di studio bukanlah sekedar aktivitas "mahasiswa bertanya dan pembimbing menjawab", melainkan terdiri dari bermacam-macam program aktivitas yang harus didisain dengan penjadwalan waktu yang ketat. Image belajar di studio selama ini lebih pada kebiasaan pembimbing memperlakukan mahasiswa bukan sebagai anak didiknya, tetapi sebagai junior arhitect dalam menyelesaikan desain sebuah proyek. Aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dan pembimbing di studio hanyalah sekedar pelatihan (training dan bukan pengajaran (teaching, padahal kedua-duanya mutlak diperlukan dan diwadahi pada sebuah studio desain. Kata

  5. Semiempirical UNO-CAS and UNO-CI: method and applications in nanoelectronics. (United States)

    Dral, Pavlo O; Clark, Timothy


    Unrestricted Natural Orbital-Complete Active Space Configuration Interaction, abbreviated as UNO-CAS, has been implemented for NDDO-based semiempirical molecular-orbital (MO) theory. A computationally more economic technique, UNO-CIS, in which we use a configuration interaction (CI) calculation with only single excitations (CIS) to calculate excited states, has also been implemented and tested. The class of techniques in which unrestricted natural orbitals (UNOs) are used as the reference for CI calculations is denoted UNO-CI. Semiempirical UNO-CI gives good results for the optical band gaps of organic semiconductors such as polyynes and polyacenes, which are promising materials for nanoelectronics. The results of these semiempirical UNO-CI techniques are generally in better agreement with experiment than those obtained with the corresponding conventional semiempirical CI methods and comparable to or better than those obtained with far more computationally expensive methods such as time-dependent density-functional theory. We also show that symmetry breaking in semiempirical UHF calculations is very useful for predicting the diradical character of organic compounds in the singlet spin state.

  6. Collaborative Learning in Architectural Education: Benefits of Combining Conventional Studio, Virtual Design Studio and Live Projects (United States)

    Rodriguez, Carolina; Hudson, Roland; Niblock, Chantelle


    Combinations of Conventional Studio and Virtual Design Studio (VDS) have created valuable learning environments that take advantage of different instruments of communication and interaction. However, past experiences have reported limitations in regards to student engagement and motivation, especially when the studio projects encourage abstraction…

  7. Learning software testing with Test Studio

    CERN Document Server

    Madi, Rawane


    Learning Software Testing with Test Studio is a practical, hands-on guide that will help you get started with Test Studio to design your automated solution and tests. All through the book, there are best practices and tips and tricks inside Test Studio which can be employed to improve your solution just like an experienced QA.If you are a beginner or a professional QA who is seeking a fast, clear, and direct to the point start in automated software testing inside Test Studio, this book is for you. You should be familiar with the .NET framework, mainly Visual Studio, C#, and SQL, as the book's

  8. Integration process of theoretical courses with design studios in undergraduate education: Case studies of architecture and interior design studios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ozmehmet Ecehan


    Full Text Available The formulations of studios are the most critical problem of design studies, because the foundation of further architectural education is based on these design studios. This paper focuses on discussions of studiobased design learning systems and curriculum developments on integral design studios that aims significant and innovative frameworks. In this context, integrated design studios are the newest approaches of architectural education. In this education system every studio has its own integral course. Integral courses give support to the design studios. This support can be either theoretical or practical. Knowledge that is related with the context of the design studio can be explained in this integrated course in some cases, in some cases as simulation program can be explained in some parts of the course. The support of the integral courses to the studios must be evaluated deeply. This paper presents the positive parts and negative parts of the new integral studio approach in this context. By this way, strong and weak parts of this education system is put forward.

  9. Studio caso-controllo su pazienti affetti da legionellosi: risultati preliminari di una indagine multicentrica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Borella


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivo: nell’ambito dello studio multicentrico sulla
    legionellosi in Italia, è stata effettuata una sorveglianza sui pazienti affetti da polmonite per valutare la frequenza d’infezioni nosocomiali e comunitarie da Legionella e, sui casi individuati, viene condotto uno studio caso-controllo per approfondire le conoscenze sui fattori di rischio correlati alla malattia.

    Metodi: la sorveglianza della legionellosi è stata allestita in 6 ospedali, utilizzando come test diagnostici la ricerca dell’Ag urinario, colture da escreato e sieroconversione.
    Per lo studio caso-controllo è stata allestita una scheda sulle modalità di reclutamento dei casi e dei controlli, sono state definite le analisi chimico-cliniche e immunologiche da effettuare sui soggetti reclutati, e predisposto un questionario per la raccolta d’informazioni sui fattori di rischio.

    Risultati: su 2.287 soggetti affetti da polmonite sono stati riscontrati 84 casi di legionellosi, per la maggior parte (n.76 di tipo comunitario. Tra i casi individuati, 60 sono stati reclutati per lo studio caso-controllo e sono stati associati a 117 controlli, una parte affetti da polmonite diversa da legionellosi, una parte sani. Nei soggetti affetti da legionellosi, la ferritina serica era significativamente più
    elevata rispetto ai controlli, mentre il numero delle
    cellule natural killer era significativamente inferiore.
    Lo studio dei possibili fattori di rischio associati alla malattia non ha evidenziato differenze significative tra i casi ed i controlli per le abitudini personali e le condizioni espositive ambientali.

    Conclusioni: questa indagine ha permesso di verificare
    che circa il 4% delle polmoniti ricoverate sono da attribuirsi a Legionella. Gli 8 casi nosocomiali sono stati individuati in 3 degli ospedali sorvegliati

  10. A new video studio for CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Anaïs Vernede


    On Monday, 14 February 2011 CERN's new video studio was inaugurated with a recording of "Spotlight on CERN", featuring an interview with the DG, Rolf Heuer.   CERN's new video studio. Almost all international organisations have a studio for their audiovisual communications, and now it's CERN’s turn to acquire such a facility. “In the past, we've made videos using the Globe audiovisual facilities and sometimes using the small photographic studio, which is equipped with simple temporary sets that aren’t really suitable for video,” explains Jacques Fichet, head of CERN‘s audiovisual service. Once the decision had been taken to create the new 100 square-metre video studio, the work took only five months to complete. The studio, located in Building 510, is equipped with a cyclorama (a continuous smooth white wall used as a background) measuring 3 m in height and 16 m in length, as well as a teleprompter, a rail-mounted camera dolly fo...

  11. The Intern Studio: A Pilot Study. (United States)

    Wix, Linney


    Describes and discusses the Intern Studio Project, which consists of the provision of regular open studio time for art therapy interns in a state university graduate program. Psychological and artistic bases for the open studio approach are discussed, and include the relational approach, Hillman's essentialist paradigm, and series and context…

  12. uVis Studio

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pantazos, Kostas; Kuhail, Mohammad Amin; Lauesen, Søren


    Vis Studio. Instead of programming, developers apply a Drag-Drop-Set-View-Interact approach. Developers bind controls to data, and the Studio gives immediate visual feedback in the Design Panel. This is a novel feature, called What-You-Bind-Is-What- You-Get. The Studio also provides Modes that allow......A toolkit facilitates the visualization development process. The process can be further enhanced by integrating the toolkits in development environments. This paper describes how the uVis toolkit, a formula-based visualiza- tion toolkit, has been extended with a development environment, called u...... developers to interact and view the visualization from the end-user's perspective without switching workspace, and Auto-Completion; a feature of the Property Grid that provides suggestions not only for the formula language syntax but also for the tables, the table elds and the relationships in the database...

  13. Screenings of lung cancer with low dose spiral CT: results of a three year pilot study and design of the randomised controlled trial Italung-CT; Screening della neoplasia polmonare con TC spirale a bassa dose: risultati di uno studio pilota triennale e disegno dello studio clinico randomizzato Italung-CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Picozzi, Giulia [Firenze Univ., Firenze (Italy). Radiodiagnostica I-Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Clinica; Paci, Enrico [Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Careggi, Firenze (Italy). Unita' di Epidemiologia Clinica e Descrittiva Centro per lo Studio e la Prevenzione Oncologica; Lopes Pegna, Andrea [Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Careggi, Firenze (Italy). U.O. Pneumologia] [and others


    Purpose: To report the results of a three-year observational pilot study of lung cancer screening with low dose computed tomography (CT) and to present the study design of a randomised clinical trial named as Italung CT. Materials and methods: Sixty (47 males and 13 females, mean age 64{+-}4.5 years) heavy smokers (at least 20 packs-year) underwent three low-dose spiral CT screening tests one year apart on a single slice or multislice CT scanner. Indeterminate nodules were managed according to the recommendations of the Early Lung Cancer Action Project. Results: Indeterminate nodules were observed in 33 (55%) of the subjects (60% at the baseline screening test, 24% at the first annual test and 16% at the second annual test). The size of the largest indeterminate nodule was <5mm in diameter in 20 subjects. 10 of whom showed the nodule at the baseline test. Forty-five subjects (75%) completed the first annual test and 42 (70%) the second annual test. One (1.6%) prevalent lung cancer (adenosquamous carcinoma) and one (2.2%) incident lung cancer (small cell cancer at the first annual examination) were observed, as well as pulmonary localisation of Hodgkin's lymphoma (at the second annual test). In addition, one subject underwent lung surgery for a chondromatous hamartoma. Conclusions: The results of the pilot study are substantially in line with those of other observational studies of greater sample size. This justifies optimism about the reliability of the results in the screened arm of the Italung Ct trial which hast just began. [Italian] Scopo: Riportare i risultati di uno studio pilota osservazionale di screening della neoplasia polmonare con TC a bassa dose della durata di tre anni e presentare il disegno dello studio clinico randomizzato Italung-CT. Materiale e metodi: Sessanta (47 uomini e 13 donne, eta' media 64{+-}4,5 anni) forti fumatori (almeno 20 pacchetti/anno) sono stati sottoposti ad un esame basale e a due controlli annuali con TC single o

  14. Perancangan Media Promosi Fitra Tattoo Studio Surabaya


    Nursalim, Ekky; Damajanti, Maria Nala; Yuwono, Elisabeth Christine


    Fitra Tattoo Studio merupakan salah satu tattoo artist yang berada di kota Surabaya. Namun, karena kurangnya promosi yang dilakukan oleh Fitra Tattoo Studio sejak awal menyebabkan Fitra Tattoo Studio kurang dikenal oleh masyarakat Surabaya sendiri. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjangkau sasaran konsumen dan mengenalkan Fitra Tattoo Studio di benak konsumen dibutuhkan sebuah perancangan promosi yang efektif, komunikatif, dan efisien untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada sasaran konsumen. Dengan adanya pe...

  15. Reporting with Visual Studio and Crystal Reports

    CERN Document Server

    Elkoush, Mahmoud


    A fast-paced, example-based guide to learn how to create a reporting application using Visual Studio and Crystal Reports.""Reporting with Visual Studio and Crystal Reports"" is for developers new to Crystal Reports. It will also prove useful to intermediate users who wish to explore some new techniques in Crystal Reports using Microsoft Visual Studio. Readers are expected to have basic knowledge of C#, Microsoft Visual Studio, and Structured Query Language (SQL).

  16. FY1995 development of the landscape design studio; 1995 nendo jiritsu bunsan kyochogata 'keikan studio' no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Establish a distributed design studio called 'The Landscape Studio' for designing and analyzing landscape collaboratively under Internet and multimedia computer environment. We first proposed a concept called 'Open Designing' for design works under information environment, which is composed of three kind of openness: open data, open processes, and open discussion. Based on the concept a landscape studio has been established as a total design system towards the forthcoming network and multimedia age. In the studio, a large volume of maps, images and other data are stored in the form accessible through the Internet. Using the data of several study areas, including Omotesandou street, Block 10 of Azabu, computer simulations, design games, VRML, CAVE and many other designing support tools have been developed the studio. Furthermore, the research team joined the activities of the Angkor Wat Safeguarding Project supported by UNESCO and the Japanese government. The locations and shapes of ruins in a wide area were (measured and simulated in a 3 dimensional style. The researches of Landscape Studio were reported at several exhibitions such as 'The 2nd Exhibition on Computer Aided Architectural Design' and 'The 11th Exhibition on Architecture, City and Computer'. The multimedia systems and experiments in the studio lead the field of multimedia urban and landscape design, and the research activities have greatly contributed to the education and industry of urban design. (NEDO)

  17. Studios Abroad: A Challenge in Innovative Pedagogy (United States)

    Macedo, Joseli


    Study abroad programs offer a unique opportunity to evaluate pedagogic models. The role of studios in design and planning pedagogy has been examined. However, how the general framework of a studio supports other pedagogic models has not been widely discussed. This article assesses a series of urban planning and design studios conducted abroad to…

  18. Testing and securing Android Studio applications

    CERN Document Server

    Zapata, Belén Cruz


    If you are a developer with some Android knowledge, but you do not know how to test your applications using Android Studio, this book will guide you. It is recommended that you are familiar with Android Studio IDE.

  19. Indagine su un primo cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto. Renato Accorinti performer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katia Trifiro'


    Lo studio, condotto all’insegna dei Performance Studies di impostazione schechneriana, si propone di interpretare, attraverso l’analisi dei comportamenti di Accorinti performer, alcuni dispositivi tipici delle forze antagoniste nel momento in cui, in tempi recenti, hanno assunto o assumono posizioni di potere.

  20. Android Studio application development

    CERN Document Server

    Zapata, Belén Cruz


    A practical guide, which will show you how to create Android applications using the new Google official IDE, Android Studio.If you are a developer who wants to learn the key features of Android Studio, and learn how to create their first app, this book is ideal for you! Developers interested in this book should be familiar with the object- oriented programming paradigm, and the Java programming language. It is also recommended that you understand the main characteristics of the Android mobile system.

  1. FY1995 development of the landscape design studio; 1995 nendo jiritsu bunsan kyochogata 'keikan studio' no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Establish a distributed design studio called 'The Landscape Studio' for designing and analyzing landscape collaboratively under Internet and multimedia computer environment. We first proposed a concept called 'Open Designing' for design works under information environment, which is composed of three kind of openness: open data, open processes, and open discussion. Based on the concept a landscape studio has been established as a total design system towards the forthcoming network and multimedia age. In the studio, a large volume of maps, images and other data are stored in the form accessible through the Internet. Using the data of several study areas, including Omotesandou street, Block 10 of Azabu, computer simulations, design games, VRML, CAVE and many other designing support tools have been developed the studio. Furthermore, the research team joined the activities of the Angkor Wat Safeguarding Project supported by UNESCO and the Japanese government. The locations and shapes of ruins in a wide area were (measured and simulated in a 3 dimensional style. The researches of Landscape Studio were reported at several exhibitions such as 'The 2nd Exhibition on Computer Aided Architectural Design' and 'The 11th Exhibition on Architecture, City and Computer'. The multimedia systems and experiments in the studio lead the field of multimedia urban and landscape design, and the research activities have greatly contributed to the education and industry of urban design. (NEDO)

  2. Architecture Studio Learning: Strategy to Achieve Architects Competence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saifudin Mutaqi Ahmad


    Full Text Available In most Schools of Architecture, Architecture Studio is at the core of the architectural learning process. In the process, students are trained to have the skills of architectonic spaces design based on the study of the site, its function, and its aesthetics. Students are also trained to have awareness and understanding about the impact of their design on the surrounding environment, both physically and socially. Also, students are trained to present their designs in various forms such as visual graphics, verbal narratives, and three dimensional model animations. Indonesian Association of School of Architecture (APTARI Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Arsitektur Indonesia and Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI - Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia has formulated an education Standards, Curriculum, and Achievements of Architect Professional Program to be referred by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI – Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, danPerguruanTinggi as the guidance for the implementation of Architect Professional Program (PPA - Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek in Indonesia. One of the eight recommendations is the PPA Content Standard which contains the learning for the achievement of IAI Architect Competencies through the recommended study materials. However, the recommended study materials did not indicate the activity of the Architecture Studio learning model (Final Report of APTARI Part II and IAI. Will architect’s competence be achieved if the learning process withoutarchitectural studio learning model? The formulation of the curriculum that is developed independently by the IAI recommends the learning of Architectural Studio as Professional Studio. The size of the SKS is large enough to enable someone who follows the lesson to intensively gain experience in designing the building as a real architectural work. This Architecture Studio learning model is interpreted by PPAr organizer universities with various forms

  3. Virtual Studio Practices: Visual Artists, Social Media and Creativity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kylie Budge


    Full Text Available Artists’ practices are varied. Two extremes include the need for complete solitude when working and others who seek social environments such as collaborations in communal studio settings. In addition to these real life studio practices new technologies and social media have made it possible for artists to use virtual studio practices in the process of developing creative work. Working virtually offers a range of interesting benefits for creative practice. This article explores the author’s recent experiences in virtual studio practices in light of the literature on this topic and considers the implications for creativity. It highlights five specific benefits in using virtual studio practices and considers possible limitations of working in such a manner. In exploring virtual studio practices and arguing the case for such ways of working, this article contributes to research and understandings about creative practice by discussing one artist’s reflective experience of using virtual studio practices.

  4. Studio di prototipo di calorimetro per neutroni per l'esperimento ALICE

    CERN Document Server

    Arnaldi, R; Cicalò, C; Cortese, P; De Falco, A; Dellacasa, G; De Marco, N; Gallio, M; Macciotta, P; Masoni, A; Musso, A; Oppedisano, C; Piccotti, A; Puddu, G; Scomparin, E; Siddi, S; Serci, E; Soave, C; Usai, G L; Vercellin, Ermanno


    ALICE e uno dei quattro esperimenti previsti ad LHC, al CERN, il cui scopo e lo studio delle osservabili che danno informazioni rilevanti sulla formazione del quark gluon plasma, che potrebbe essere prodotto in collisioni centrali Pb-Pb, di energia nel centro di massa di 5.5 A TeV.Il parametro di impatto di tali collisioni verra determinato grazie ad un insieme di calorimetri per protoni e neutroni che misureranno l'energia portata in avanti dai nucleoni non interagenti(spettatori).E' stato costruito un prototipo di calometro per neutroni, formato da piani di fibre di quarzo, posti a 45 gradi rispetto all'asse del fascio e inframmezzati da piani di materiale passivo denso(tungsteno). La luce Cerenkov prodotta nelle fibre dallo sciame sviluppato nel materiale passivo,viene raccolta da guide ottiche in aria.Verranno presentati i rilustati di un test previsto al CERN SPS per il luglio 1999.

  5. Constructing Resilience: The Wellington Studio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Penny Allan


    Full Text Available This paper describes the results of a design studio on climate change at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW, New Zealand, in 2007. It discusses the processes and outcomes of the studio and the subsequent testing of student work against a resilience model developed by Canadian ecologist CS Holling (1973, 1998; Walker et al, 2004 to create a framework for the design of resilient cities.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Mauri


    Full Text Available Oggetto di questo articolo è il linguaggio orale delle guide turistiche, una produzione linguistica «speciale», difficilmente reperibile e scarsamente analizzata, e si pone come obbiettivo quello di evidenziarne alcuni dei tratti più tipici in relazione ad una delle figure professionali tra le più rappresentative di una comunicazione orale turistica tra esperto e pubblico: la guida turistica. La prima parte dell’articolo è dedicata alla definizione del linguaggio del turismo e, in particolare, alle caratteristiche dal discorso orale delle guide turistiche, esito della mediazione tra linguaggio di specialità e lingua comune. Nella seconda parte viene introdotta e sviluppata l’analisi linguaggio orale delle guide turistiche a partire da un corpus costituito da diciotto file di trascrizione di registrazioni di visite guidate, in lingua italiana, svolte da guide turistiche straniere all’estero. Dallo studio effettuato è emerso come le scelte linguistiche dell’operatore professionale si declinino in funzione delle esigenze e delle caratteristiche del destinatario: ad un turista desideroso di «vedere», «conoscere» e «identificare» nello spazio ciò di cui si parla, la guida turistica risponde con un ampio impiego del verbo «chiamarsi» e di componenti grammaticali e lessicali (verbi, avverbi e preposizioni di luogo, aggettivi dimostrativi con un forte valore locativo.   Tourist guide italian: a study of the oral language of tourism   Elena Mauri    The object of this article is the oral language of tourist guides, a “special”, hard to find and poorly analyzed type of language production. The objective is to highlight some of the most typical features in relation to one of the most representative professionals in oral tourist communication, between expert and public: tourist guides. The first part of the article is devoted to the definition of the language of tourism and, in particular, to the characteristics of the

  7. Studios as Locations of Possibility: Remembering a History (United States)

    Wix, Linney


    This paper considers the studio in art therapy as a neglected yet key aspect of the field's history. Descriptions of studio art practice among the founders of the American Art Therapy Association and such predecessors as Mary Huntoon were obtained through historical research. Because both art therapy and art studios are hybrid in nature, the…

  8. Studio 1:1

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Projekteerimis- ja disainistuudiost STUDIO 1:1 (Eindhoven), mis tegeleb avaliku ruumi loomise ja selle kasutamise kujundamisega. Projektidest "Linnulinn - linn lindude segakogukonna jaoks" ja ICT kogemuskeskus "De Verdieping"

  9. Utilization of Facebook in studio Arven's marketing


    Hausmannová, Klára


    Title: Utilization of Facebook in studio Arven's marketing Objectives: The aim of this work is to create a facebook fan page for Power Plate studio Arven in Čelákovice. The facebook fan page was created on the basis of survey. Then the effectiveness of the page was evaluated. Methods: In this work have been taken both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method was applied in survey among existing clients of studio Arven and facebook fans of fitness clubs. Qualitative method...

  10. Porous Privacy: The Literati Studio and Spatiality in Song China


    Zhang, Yunshuang


    My dissertation examines the distinctive significance of the studio during the Song dynasty (960–1279) through its various literary and visual representations. Simply speaking, the studio was an enclosed site specifically used for reading, writing, and art creation. Pre-Song texts have records of a few early examples of studio sites in China. However, it was during the Song dynasty that the studio became a prominent cultural space for literati. The studio became both an object of scholarly re...

  11. Influencia del bloqueo directo y el uno contra uno en el éxito del lanzamiento en baloncesto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verónica Muñoz Arroyave


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto del uno contra uno y el bloqueo directo sobre la eficacia en los lanzamientos. Se desarrolló un instrumento ad hoc denominado sistema de observación de conceptos fundamentales en baloncesto (SOCFB para estudiar las acciones ofensivas del Fútbol Club Barcelona Regal en la Copa del Rey en la temporada 2013-2014. Se analizaron un total de 643 acciones ofensivas donde se destacan los siguientes hallazgos: a el 34 % de las acciones del jugador con balón finalizaron en lanzamiento mientras que el 66 % terminaron en pases; b la principal consecuencia del uno contra uno interior fueron los lanzamientos (z = 6,2, p < 0,001; c en el uno contra uno exterior se encontraron relaciones estadísticamente significativas con el espacio exterior de la zona (z = 3,3, p < 0,001 y la lateralidad del espacio lateral izquierdo (z = 2, p <0,05; d en el bloqueo directo se observaron relaciones estadísticamente significativas con las acciones que no finalizaron. De estos resultados podemos extraer las siguientes conclusiones: a el bloqueo directo es el concepto más utilizado y fue utilizado como medio para la generación de ventajas; b el uno contra uno interior genera más lanzamientos y de mayor efectividad.

  12. Air pollution abatement by road traffic and social acceptability. A case study; Misure anti-inquinamento da traffico urbano e partecipazione del cittadino: uno studio del caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giuntarelli, P.; Borrelli, G.; Brini, S. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt. Ambiente


    The paper describes the research, realised via a questionnaire on citizens representative of two roman districts, analyses the social acceptability degree of actions for reducing atmospheric pollution produced by automobile traffic in the city of Rome (Italy). [Italian] Il rapporto descrive una ricerca sul campo, svolta tramite questionario e su un campione di cittadini di due quartieri di Roma, che si propone di esaminare il grado di accettazione sociale di una serie di misure tendenti a ridurre l'inquinamento atmosferico causato dal traffico veicolare urbano, dal momento che trova unanime consenso riconoscere al traffico veicolare e piu' in generale al sistema di vita urbano le maggiori responsabilita' per quanto riguarda la produzione di sostanze inquinanti nell'aria.

  13. Air pollution abatement by road traffic and social acceptability. A case study; Misure anti-inquinamento da traffico urbano e partecipazione del cittadino: uno studio del caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giuntarelli, P; Borrelli, G; Brini, S [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt. Ambiente


    The paper describes the research, realised via a questionnaire on citizens representative of two roman districts, analyses the social acceptability degree of actions for reducing atmospheric pollution produced by automobile traffic in the city of Rome (Italy). [Italian] Il rapporto descrive una ricerca sul campo, svolta tramite questionario e su un campione di cittadini di due quartieri di Roma, che si propone di esaminare il grado di accettazione sociale di una serie di misure tendenti a ridurre l'inquinamento atmosferico causato dal traffico veicolare urbano, dal momento che trova unanime consenso riconoscere al traffico veicolare e piu' in generale al sistema di vita urbano le maggiori responsabilita' per quanto riguarda la produzione di sostanze inquinanti nell'aria.

  14. Studio CONTEXT

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hilberth, Thomas Roger


    well-known architectural office Studio Mumbai near Bombay, where we on close hold experienced the meticulous working method of Bijoy Jain including his extensive care for details up to the scale 1:1. Inspired by this and India’s rich culture, the hospitality of her peoples and the enormous challenges...

  15. Course Design using an Authentic Studio Model / Restructuration de cours au moyen d’un authentique modèle de studio de design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jay R Wilson


    Full Text Available Educational Technology and Design 879 is a graduate course that introduces students to the basics of video design and production. In an attempt to improve the learning experience for students a redesign of the course was implemented for the summer of 2011 that incorporated an authentic design studio model. The design studio approach is based on the idea of working and learning in a shared space. Offering a course that employs a studio design model provides the opportunity for exchanging ideas, sharing artifacts, and developing community more deeply and more quickly. What makes this course offering different is the combination of authentic tasks incorporating both online and face-to-face design studio environments. This paper will describe how a studio design approach combined with an authentic learning design was implemented and what was learned. Educational Technology and Design 879 est un cours d'études supérieures initiant les étudiants aux rudiments de la conception et de la production vidéo. Pour améliorer l’expérience d'apprentissage, une refonte du cours a été entreprise à l'été 2011 en intégrant un authentique modèle de studio de design. L'approche « studio de design » repose sur l'idée d’un travail et d'un apprentissage réalisés dans un espace partagé. Un cours utilisant un modèle de studio de design offre la possibilité d'échanger des idées, de partager des artefacts et de développer une communauté plus en profondeur et plus rapidement. Ce qui rend ce cours unique est la combinaison de tâches authentiques qui incorporent des environnements de studio de design à la fois en ligne et en face à face. Cet article décrit comment une approche « studio de design » combinée à une conception d'apprentissage authentique a été mise en œuvre et ce qu’on en a appris.

  16. Manga studio 5 beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Rhodes, Richard


    Using a step-by-step approach, this book will lead you through the process of building up complex, multi-page comic/Manga art, along with industry insights along the way. ""Manga Studio Beginner's Guide"" is for beginners in comic creation. The more you know about how comics are made, the better you will be, but it's not essential to get the most out of this book. Even if you're a professional comic artist, this book will get you up to speed on using Manga Studio 5.

  17. Elisa Studio showroom = Elisa Studio showroom / Jan Joonas Graps ; kommenteerinud Tiina Kuusisto

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Graps, Jan Joonas, 1972-


    Elisa Studio showroom Helsingis Lasiplatsi, Mannerheimintie 22-24. Sisekujunduse autorid Jan Joonas Graps, Ken-Kristjan Ruut, Anne Määrmann (JanKen Wisespace). Lühidalt loovstuudiost JanKen Wisespace

  18. Chronicling a successful secondary implementation of Studio Physics (United States)

    Kohl, Patrick B.; Vincent Kuo, H.


    The Colorado School of Mines (CSM) has taught its first-semester calculus-based introductory physics course (Physics I) using a hybrid lecture/Studio Physics format since the spring of 1997. Starting in the fall of 2007, we have been converting the second semester of our calculus-based introductory physics course (Physics II) to a hybrid lecture/Studio Physics format, beginning from a traditional lecture/lab/recitation course. In this paper, we document the stages of this transformation, highlighting what has worked and what has not, and the challenges and benefits associated with the switch to Studio Physics. A major goal in this study is to develop a method for secondary implementations of Studio physics that keeps the time and resource investments manageable. We describe the history of Studio at CSM and characterize our progress via several metrics, including pre/post Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism (CSEM) scores, Colorado Learning About Science Survey scores (CLASS), exam scores, failure rates, and a variety of qualitative observations. Results suggest that Studio has increased student performance and satisfaction despite an aggressive expansion of class sizes in the past few years. Gains have been concentrated mostly in problem-solving skills and exam performance (as opposed to conceptual survey gains), in contrast to what has sometimes been seen in other studies.

  19. Analysis of facility needs level in architecture studio for students’ studio grades (United States)

    Lubis, A. S.; Hamid, B.; Pane, I. F.; Marpaung, B. O. Y.


    Architects must be able to play an active role and contribute to the realization of a sustainable environment. Architectural education has inherited many education research used qualitative and quantitative methods. The data were gathered by conducting (a) observation,(b) interviews, (c) documentation, (d) literature study, and (e) Questionnaire. The gathered data were analyzed qualitatively to find out what equipment needed in the learning process in the Architecture Studio, USU. Questionnaires and Ms. Excel were used for the quantitative analysis. The tabulation of quantitative data would be correlated with the students’ studio grades. The result of the research showed that equipment with the highest level of needs was (1) drawing table, (2) Special room for each student, (3) Internet Network, (4) Air Conditioning, (5) Sufficient lighting.

  20. Integrating sustainability in interior design studio


    Karslı, Umut Tuğlu


    Teaching methods on concept of sustainability are frequently searched in the interior architecture education. The purpose of this study is to propose a model for integrating sustainability in interior design studio. In this context, the first part of the research defines relationship between sustainability and interior architecture and determines sustainable interior design principles. In the second part, an interior design studio model is proposed and principles determined in the first part ...

  1. Rapid Application Development with OpenStudio: Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weaver, E.; Long, N.; Fleming, K.; Schott, M.; Benne, K.; Hale, E.


    This paper presents several case studies of rapidly implemented, audience-specific applications for whole building energy modeling and standards analysis. By tailoring each application to the audience and the task at hand, the required learning curve for new users was greatly reduced. Each case study used OpenStudio, the U.S. Department of Energy's middleware software development kit (SDK). OpenStudio provides an easy interface to the EnergyPlus whole building simulation engine, while extending its capability and providing higher-level functionality such as software interoperability, standards, analysis, and optimization. Each case study is unique in the technology employed to interface with OpenStudio as well as the methods used for user interaction and data presentation. Four case studies are presented.

  2. Micromammals (Insectivora; Rodentia of "Valle dell'Inferno" (Rome / Micromammiferi (Insectivora; Rodentia della Valle dell'Inferno (Roma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Federici


    Full Text Available Abstract A research on micromammals in the area of "Valle dell'Inferno" (in the north-west of Rome was carried out. The study was based on a previous phytosociological survey which describes a Quercus suber population in the valley (a once larger residua1 of a roman cork-tree wood which is now included in the town. Specimens from Rodents (Apodemus sylvaticus, Mus domesticus, Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus, Pitymys savii and Insectivores (Crocidura suaveolens, Erinaceus europaeus were captured by live traps. Most of Insectivores specimens are represented by C. suaveolens. Generally C. suaveolens lives in sympatry with C. leucodon but no specimens of the latter were found in this area. Three different kinds of landscape are present in the "Inferno" valley, namely, the wood, the meadow, and the bottom valley (with high anthropic impact; we have compared these three landscapes with biotic indexes (index of faunistic affinity, index of biocoenotic affinity and index of environmental evaluation. We have also compared through the same indexes, the micromammal fauna of the "Inferno" valley with six other differently polluted localities in Latium, where animals were captured with the same live traps. This area retains its natura1 environment in despite of the high anthropic impact. Riassunto È stato effettuato uno studio sulla micromammalofauna terrestre della Valle dell'Inferno situata a nord-ovest di Roma. Lo studio è basato su una precedente indagine fitosociologica effettuata per la caratterizzazione vegetazionale di una sughereta un tempo molto estesa ed ora racchiusa nell'abitato cittadino. È stato pertanto possibile tracciare, tramite gli indici biotici, una correlazione tra microteriocenosi ed effetti dell'impatto antropico.

  3. SDL Trados Studio a practical guide

    CERN Document Server

    Walker, Andy


    A step-by-step guide with clear instructions on how to get started with the SDL Trados Studio pack. You will learn everything from installation to the final translations.This book is designed for both beginners and more experienced users alike. If you are new to SDL Trados Studio, you will be able to get to grips with its essential features quickly, but if you already have some experience of the program, you will find plenty of material to enhance your knowledge.

  4. submission of art studio-based assignments: students experience

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    are reluctant to complete their studio assignments on time are critically ... tative and qualitative data, derived from survey and interviews were used to ... is therefore exploratory and studio based. It ... mogenous group of students who report pro- ... Assignment management .... The analyses in this study are based on data.

  5. Camtasia Studio 8 advanced editing and publishing techniques

    CERN Document Server

    Dixon, Claire Broadley


    A practical guide packed with examples that will show you how to implement the different features of Camtasia Studio 8 and create professional looking projects.If you are familiar with Camtasia Studio and you want to experiment with more advanced techniques, then this is the guide you have been looking for!

  6. Constructions of Roles in Studio Teaching and Learning (United States)

    Belluigi, Dina Zoe


    Various constructions of supervisors and students emerge from education literature on art, design and architecture studio pedagogy. Constructions of the supervisor within the studio and during assessment are considered, with a discussion of the threads which underpin them. This is followed by a discussion of some of the current dominant…

  7. An Examination of Student Outcomes in Studio Chemistry (United States)

    Kiste, Alan L.; Scott, Gregory E.; Bukenberger, Jesse; Markmann, Miles; Moore, Jennifer


    Twenty years ago, a major curriculum revision at a large, comprehensive university in the Western United States led to the implementation of an integrated lecture/laboratory (studio) experience for our engineering students taking general chemistry. Based on these twenty years of experience, construction of four purpose-built studio classrooms to…

  8. Design Studios in Instructional Design and Technology: What Are the Possibilities? (United States)

    Knowlton, Dave S.


    Design studios are an innovative way to educate Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) students. This article begins by addressing literature about IDT design studios. One conclusion from this literature is that IDT studios have been theoretically conceptualized. However, much of this conceptualization is insular to the field of IDT and only…

  9. Android studio essentials

    CERN Document Server

    Zapata, Belén Cruz


    This book is intended for developers who are interested in getting acquainted with the concepts of Android Studio in a very short span of time. It is assumed that you are familiar with the OOPS paradigm and Java. It is also recommendable to have prior knowledge of the main characteristics of the Android mobile system.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Djoni Haryadi Setiabudi


    Full Text Available This research is is about the study of capabilities dan peroformance of Ms Visual Studio in order to develop an enterprise application beside of to search "rule of thumb" for developer especially Ms Visual Studio developer when they're plan to give solution for developing enterprise application. The methods are: learning MSF, learning Ms Visual Studio, applying on designing and developing prototype, and making conclusions. For the testing, is used the university information system on the new student admission subsystem on student personal record. Based on the research, can be concluded that Visual Studio 6.0a enterprise edition still too complex for used although that complexcity payed by highly capability to develop enterprise application. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Pada penelitian ini dilakukan studi tentang sejauh mana kemampuan Visual Studio 6.0 dari Microsoft untuk pengembangan aplikasi sistem informasi yang berskala enterprise, disamping itu juga untuk mencari pedoman bagi developer khususnya Ms Visual Studio developer dalam memberikan solusi bagi aplikasi enterprise. Metodologi yang dilakukan adalah: mempelajari MSF, mempelajari Visual Studio secara singkat, menerapkannya pada perancangan, pembuatan prototype dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Pada pengujian yang diambil sebegai contoh kasus adalah sistem informasi universitas pada sub bagian penerimaan mahasiswa baru bidang data pribadi mahasiswa. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Visual Studio 6.0 enterprise edition masih terlalu kompleks untuk digunakan meskipun kekompleksan itu telah dibayar oleh kapabilitas yang tinggi dalam mengembangkan aplikasi enterprise. Kata kunci: enterprise, Visual Studio 6, Microsoft, developer, prototype.

  11. A Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in a Joint Design Studio (United States)

    Kim, Mi Jeong; Ju, Seo Ryeung; Lee, Lina


    A design studio is a critical venue for design students, as they are educated to develop design thinking and other skills through studio courses. This article introduces a design studio project in which Korean and Malaysian students worked jointly for one semester to design affordable urban housing. The Korean students were interior design majors…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Freddy H. Istanto


    Full Text Available Awalnya Pendidikan Desain di Indonesia lebih ditekankan pada pendekatan keteknikan. Barulah 20 tahun terakhir inilah pendidikan desain yang bernafaskan kesenirupaan dimulai. Salah satu metode pengajaran di Pendidikan Desain ini adalah model pengajaran studio yang diadopsi dari sistim permagangan Bauhaus di Jerman dan Beaux-arts dari Perancis. Jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual Universitas Kristen Petra menerapkan proses belajar-mengajar sistim studio ini tidak saja pada inti atau matakuliah utama saja%2C tetapi juga pada matakuliah-matakuliah yang membutuhkan pendekatan ketrampilan. Secara fisik konotasi studio adalah ruang atau tempat untuk menggambar. Tetapi dalam konteks perancangan (desain studio tidak sekedar ruang gambar%2C tetapi juga sebagai proses belajar%2C pengkayaan dan penggalian ide melalui diskusi%2C mendengar%2C melihat%2C merasakan%2C menyentuh dan mempraktekan. Studio merupakan tempat yang potensial untuk mengintegrasikan ketrampilan%2C nilai-nilai desain dan wacana desain. Dalam perkembangan dunia informasi%2C pemanfaatan teknologi komunikasi dan kemajuan moda informasi (internet tidak hanya memudahkan mengakses informasi saja%2C tetapi yang lebih penting dari hal itu adalah studio menjadi tempat yang ideal untuk memancarkan kekuatan%2C kearifan dan kebesaran aspek tradisional ke seluruh dunia Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : In the early time of its appearance%2C the design education in Indonesia had a very technical sense. Then%2C it began to adopt the artistic sense after about 20 years later. The method of studio learning in Indonesia is adopted from the development of the Bauhaus and Beaux-arts apprentice system. This apprentice system was once influenced by the design in the technical/engineering context. In Petra Christian University s Visual Communication Design Department%2C this studio learning method is not only applied to its core subject but also to its skill subject. Physically%2C the connotation of studio is a room


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adi Dewanto


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Students find it difficult to master the hydraulic and pneumatic system due to the lack of imagination on the component movement. It affects students’ learningprocess on the hydraulic and pneumatic system application. In order to solve the problem, the lecturer of Mechatronics course used the Automation Studio application. This software was helpful to design various automations, such as combination of hydraulic system, pneumatic system, electric system, and PLC. The lecturing process and design simulation were conducted by using Automation Studio. In general, the students were so much helped by this program in mastering the theory and practice of hydraulic and Pneumatic. On the other hand, it was found some problem in applying the Automation Studio on the classroom. The problems were limited onthe menu option as well ason the technical aspects related to the number of the computer. The implications from the writers’ experience in using Automation Studio were there was an opportunity for computer programmer to create learningmedia/ software for certain competence which was relevant, accessible and applicable. Also, in case of software preparation, it should be conducted by the lecturers and the students before the learning process. Keywords: automation studio program, learning process, Pneumatic and hydraulic learning

  14. Daylight strategies for architectural studio facilities: the literature review (United States)

    Othman, Muhammad Anas Bin; Azfahani Ahmad, Nur; Ajis, Azizah Md


    The implementation of daylighting strategies in buildings is a common aspect in architecture. However, due to the availability of inexpensive electricity, natural lighting strategies became insignificant, and been overlooked by designers. With the current concern over rapid increment on electricity cost, many designers now try to revitalized daylighting strategies in buildings. This includes educational buildings. In Malaysian cases, it is a norm that universities; especially during lecture and studio sessions, used artificial lighting throughout the day. Definitely, this is not parallel with the “green” aim made by the Government in the Malaysian Plan. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the impact of daylight strategies for educational studios in universities, by maximising the penetration of natural daylight into the space towards creating a more green-conducive studio. The paper review literature about the types, criteria and benefits of daylight strategies. This paper also presented a pilot study that has been performed in one university in Perak, Malaysia, by selecting architectural studios as the main subject.

  15. CS-Studio Scan System Parallelization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kasemir, Kay [ORNL; Pearson, Matthew R [ORNL


    For several years, the Control System Studio (CS-Studio) Scan System has successfully automated the operation of beam lines at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). As it is applied to additional beam lines, we need to support simultaneous adjustments of temperatures or motor positions. While this can be implemented via virtual motors or similar logic inside the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Input/Output Controllers (IOCs), doing so requires a priori knowledge of experimenters requirements. By adding support for the parallel control of multiple process variables (PVs) to the Scan System, we can better support ad hoc automation of experiments that benefit from such simultaneous PV adjustments.

  16. Electron gun simulation with CST PARTICLE STUDIO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spachmann, Holger; Becker, Ulrich


    This paper introduces CST PARTICLE STUDIO TM , a specialist tool for the fast and accurate design and analysis of 3D electron guns. The new software is based on the multi-purpose electromagnetic solvers of the CST STUDIO family and incorporates their powerful modelling capabilities as well as successful algorithms of the MAFIA-TS simulators. The underlying theory of the PBA based field solvers and the used tracking technique is presented and some examples of application demonstrate the current status of the software

  17. Fulfill Your Digital Preservation Goals with a Budget Studio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yongli Zhou


    Full Text Available In order to fulfill digital preservation goals, many institutions use high-end scanners for in-house scanning of historical print and oversize materials. However, high-end scanners’ prices do not fit in many small institutions’ budget. As digital single-lens reflex (DSLR camera technologies advance and camera prices drop quickly, a budget photography studio can help to achieve institutions’ preservation goals.  This paper compares images delivered by a high-end overhead scanner and a consumer level DSLR camera, discusses pros and cons of using each method, demonstrates how to set up a cost efficient shooting studio, and presents a budget estimate for a studio.

  18. In Studio Vinum / Lylian Meister

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meister, Lylian, 1966-


    Vinoteek ja keldrirestoran In Studio Vinum Tallinnas Suur-Karja tänavas. Sisekujunduse autor sisearhitekt Marit Murd. Sommeljee Imre Uussaare disainitud on vinoteegi seinu kattev veiniriiulite süsteem. 4 värv. vaadet

  19. Disegno dello studio genomico, ambientale, microbiomico e metabolomico sulla celiachia: un approccio al futuro della prevenzione personalizzata della celiachia (United States)



    Riassunto Negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito a un fiorire di novità cliniche e scientifiche sulla celiachia (CE), ma forse la novità più importante che influenzerà il futuro della ricerca e della clinica in questo campo riguarda la storia naturale della malattia. Per molti anni si è creduto che la predisposizione genetica e l’esposizione al glutine fossero necessarie e sufficienti allo sviluppo della CE. Studi recenti, però suggeriscono che la perdita di tolleranza al glutine possa apparire in qualsiasi momento della vita a seguito di altri elementi. Inoltre, diversi fattori ambientali conosciuti per il loro ruolo nell’influenzare la composizione della microflora intestinale sono anche stati considerati legati allo sviluppo della CE. Tra questi fattori sono inclusi la modalità di parto, la dieta dell’infante e l’uso di antibiotici. A tutt’oggi, nessuno studio longitudinale di ampia scala ha determinato se e come la composizione del microbioma e il suo profilo metabolomico possano influenzare la perdita di tolleranza al glutine e il successivo sviluppo della CE in soggetti geneticamente predisposti. In questo articolo descriviamo uno studio prospettico, multicentrico e longitudinale su infanti a rischio per la CE che utilizzerà diverse tecniche per approfondire il ruolo che il microbioma intestinale ha durante i primi passaggi dello sviluppo della malattia autoimmune. PMID:27362724

  20. Best practices for system dynamics model design and construction with powersim studio.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malczynski, Leonard A.


    This guide addresses software quality in the construction of Powersim{reg_sign} Studio 8 system dynamics simulation models. It is the result of almost ten years of experience with the Powersim suite of system dynamics modeling tools (Constructor and earlier Studio versions). It is a guide that proposes a common look and feel for the construction of Powersim Studio system dynamics models.

  1. Literary Representations of Brancusi’s Studio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irina Cărăbaş


    Full Text Available This essay examines two novels, the main character of which is Constantin Brancusi: The Interview [1944] by Ilarie Voronca, and The Saint of Montparnasse [1965] by Peter Neagoe. Although dissimilar in style and genre, the two novels share the same pattern of shaping the artist’s image, grounded on mythical elements that are traceable at some points back in the Renaissance. The studio plays the key role in structuring the narrative of the two novels. Seen as an extension, if not as a double of the sculptor character, the studio is a space of seduction and authority, malleable and metamorphic, meant to set up the encounter with the artist.

  2. The Pedagogy of the Observed: How Does Surveillance Technology Influence Dance Studio Education? (United States)

    Berg, Tanya


    A local trend in commercial dance studio education is the implementation of real-time digital video surveillance. This case study explores how digital video cameras in the dance studio environment affect asymmetrical power relationships already present in the commercial studio setting, as well as how surveillance impacts feminist pedagogical…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hatem Ezzat Nabih


    Full Text Available This article presents a process-based learning approach to design education where theoretical coursework is taught in studio-style. Lecture-based coursework is sometimes regarded as lacking in challenge and broadening the gap between theory and practice. Furthermore, lecture-based curricula tend to be detached from the studio and deny students from applying their theoretically gained knowledge. Following the belief that student motivation is increased by establishing a higher level of autonomy in the learning process, I argue for a design education that links theory with applied design work within the studio setting. By synthesizing principles of Constructivist Learning and Problem-Based Learning, PBL students are given greater autonomy by being actively involved in their education. Accordingly, I argue for a studio setting that incorporates learning in studio style by presenting three design applications involving students in investigation and experimentation in order to self-experience the design process.

  4. Private Studio to Public School: One Teacher's Reflection on Values (United States)

    Callahan-Russell, Colleen


    This article evaluates strengths and limitations of some studio training. It focuses on values that private studio students bring to the public school setting. One teacher uses this as an opportunity to reflect on and claim her own values and desire to develop students as artists.

  5. [Expediency of switching from combined therapy with prostamol Uno and alpha-1-adrenoblockers to monotherapy with prostamol Uno in patients with prostatic adenoma]. (United States)

    Razumov, S V; Egorov, A A


    A 9-month randomized open comparative trial was performed of efficacy and safety of combined treatment with prostamol Uno and tamsulosin followed by monotherapy with prostamol Uno. A total of 58 patients with prostatic adenoma (PA) treated with prostamol Uno in combination with tamsulosin were divided into two groups: 28 patients continued the above combined therapy, 30 patients were switched to monotherapy with prostamol Uno. All the patients were examined in the course of 4 visits according to standard protocol requesting information on the disease history, complaints, digital rectal examination, IPSS questionnaire, QOL, uroflowmetry with test for residual urine, transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate, blood test for PSA. The results of the trial show reduction of IPSS and QOL indices in 87% patients. QOL improved both in group 1 after 3 months of combined treatment and in group 2 who continued on monotherapy with prostamol Uno to the end of month 9 (p 0.05). Prostamol Uno was especially safe for hypotensive patients and those on antihypertensive therapy. After discontinuation of tamsulosin 100% patients of group 2 stopped exhibiting symptoms of retrograde ejaculation. None cases of a hypotonic reaction to the drug were registered. Mean cost of a course of therapy in group 1 to that of group 2 was 1:3.16. Thus, pharmacotherapy with prostamol Uno in moderate symptoms of PA is comparable in efficacy with combination prostamol Uno + tamsulosin, is safe and cost-effective.

  6. Connecting Inspiration with Information: Studio Art Students and Information Literacy Instruction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katie Greer


    Full Text Available This article discusses the partnership between the library and the studio art faculty at [Institution name], that led to the integration of information literacy instruction into the studio art curriculum. The author outlines the importance of information literacy to artistic practice and student success, and discusses the program of instruction and learning outcomes. Early assessment of student needs and the program’s effectiveness, using both citation analysis and anecdotal feedback, reveals that the program has contributed to the maturation of student research and inquiry skills, and positively affected the relationship between the department and the library, and provides preliminary conclusions about undergraduate studio art information behaviors. An ongoing further program of study to more fully describe the information needs of undergraduate studio art students is also outlined.

  7. Assessment Focus in Studio: What Is Most Prominent in Architecture, Art and Design? (United States)

    de La Harpe, Barbara; Peterson, J. Fiona; Frankham, Noel; Zehner, Robert; Neale, Douglas; Musgrave, Elizabeth; McDermott, Ruth


    What can be learned about assessment from what educators in the creative practices focus their studio publications on? What should form the focus of assessment in architecture, art and design studios? In this article we draw on 118 journal articles on studio published over the last decade in three disciplines; architecture, art and design to…

  8. Student Response to an Internet-Mediated Industrial Design Studio Course (United States)

    Chen, Wenzhi; You, Manlai


    The purpose of this study is to investigate student attitudes towards and perceptions of using the Internet and information technology to mediate a design studio course and to propose guidelines and suggestions for developing Internet-mediated design studio courses. Two classes of third-year undergraduate industrial design students in two…

  9. Cloud-Based Model Calibration Using OpenStudio: Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hale, E.; Lisell, L.; Goldwasser, D.; Macumber, D.; Dean, J.; Metzger, I.; Parker, A.; Long, N.; Ball, B.; Schott, M.; Weaver, E.; Brackney, L.


    OpenStudio is a free, open source Software Development Kit (SDK) and application suite for performing building energy modeling and analysis. The OpenStudio Parametric Analysis Tool has been extended to allow cloud-based simulation of multiple OpenStudio models parametrically related to a baseline model. This paper describes the new cloud-based simulation functionality and presents a model cali-bration case study. Calibration is initiated by entering actual monthly utility bill data into the baseline model. Multiple parameters are then varied over multiple iterations to reduce the difference between actual energy consumption and model simulation results, as calculated and visualized by billing period and by fuel type. Simulations are per-formed in parallel using the Amazon Elastic Cloud service. This paper highlights model parameterizations (measures) used for calibration, but the same multi-nodal computing architecture is available for other purposes, for example, recommending combinations of retrofit energy saving measures using the calibrated model as the new baseline.

  10. Marvels fiksjonsunivers : en utforskning av superheltfilmen sett gjennom Marvel Studios


    Søderstrøm, Jørgen Ward


    Denne oppgaven utforsker superheltfilmens historie og ser nærmere på hvordan Marvel Studios har utviklet superheltfilmen som sjanger. Ved å analysere filmene Iron Man og The Avengers ser man hvordan Marvel Studios bruker flere narrative metoder for å fortelle en flettverkshistorie i en skala man ikke har sett før.

  11. Design Students Perspectives on Assessment Rubric in Studio-Based Learning (United States)

    Eshun, Eric F.; Osei-Poku, Patrick


    This study examined students' perspectives on the use of assessment criteria and rubrics in graphic design studio at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. This assessment strategy was introduced with the desire to improve students' participation and involvement in studio-based learning programme. At the end of the semester, a…

  12. Refactoring with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

    CERN Document Server

    Ritchie, Peter


    Refactor with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and evolve your software system to support new and ever-changing requirements by updating your C# code base with patterns and principles with this book and eBook

  13. Urbanism Studio 2014

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This catalogue showcases the master Urbanism Studio results 2014, which have been developed utilising research on station cities completed by Centre for Strategic Urban Research. Together with the Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Affairs (MHURA), UC wished to explore development potentials fo...... to waterflow, from market to stream, from hedge to school garden and from trees to icons. 56 students first developed a list of key strategic proposals from the citizens groups vision papers, followed by specific design answers....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agus Dwi Hariyanto


    Full Text Available This paper evaluates the current thermal comfort condition in an air-conditioned design studio using objective measurement and subjective assessment. Objective measurement is mainly to quantify the air temperature, MRT, relative humidity, and air velocity. Subjective assessment is conducted using a questionnaire to determine the occupants thermal comfort sensations and investigate their perception of the thermal comfort level. A design studio in an academic institution in Surabaya was chosen for the study. Results show that more than 80% of the occupants accepted the indoor thermal conditions even though both the environmental and comfort indices exceeded the limit of the standard (ASHRAE Standard 55 and ISO 7730. In addition, non-uniformity of spatial temperature was present in this studio. Some practical recommendations were made to improve the thermal comfort in the design studio.

  15. Assessing the Effectiveness of Studio Physics in Introductory-Level Courses at Georgia State University (United States)

    Upton, Brianna; Evans, John; Morrow, Cherilynn; Thoms, Brian


    Previous studies have shown that many students have misconceptions about basic concepts in physics. Moreover, it has been concluded that one of the challenges lies in the teaching methodology. To address this, Georgia State University has begun teaching studio algebra-based physics. Although many institutions have implemented studio physics, most have done so in calculus-based sequences. The effectiveness of the studio approach in an algebra-based introductory physics course needs further investigation. A 3-semester study assessing the effectiveness of studio physics in an algebra-based physics sequence has been performed. This study compares the results of student pre- and post-tests using the Force Concept Inventory. Using the results from this assessment tool, we will discuss the effectiveness of the studio approach to teaching physics at GSU.

  16. Educazione all'igiene orale ed eradicazione della carie dentale nellíinfanzia. Risultati finali di uno studio in un campione di popolazione infantile di Ferrara


    M. Bergamini; P. Simioli; A. Stefanati; A. Grilli; P. Gregorio


    Introduzione: poichè nel 1985 l’O.M.S. collocò l’eradicazione della carie infantile fra gli obiettivi epidemiologici da raggiungere nella regione europea entro l’anno 2000, è stato effettuato uno screening microbiologico finalizzato all’isolamento di germi cariogeni nel cavo orale dei bambini.

    Materiali e metodi: secondo le procedure correnti, sono stati eseguiti tamponi gengivo-coronali in 476 bambini delle ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    EIGBEONAN Andrew B.


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to search and find methods of fostering creativity or ideas relating to creativity in teaching the arch-design studio. Teaching creativity through its methods will be making the students grounded in designing with creativity ideas and therefore we can have professionals that design and build with satisfaction, safety and complementary. It means we can have real buildings and places that satisfy our clients, the society and in harmony with the environment. Although there are similarities in the curricula of training architects all over the world, but educators go about it in their own convenient and suitable ways and styles. The ideas of creativity have been part of architecture from the onset, but are not deligently applied and also not formally incorporated in the curricula of training. The topic is also very relevant and timely as arch-educators and other stakeholders are of the opinion that something has to be done to improve the ways and methods of training architects, especially the teaching of the arch-design studio with regards to creativity. Through exploration of literature and interviews (physical and telephone call this paper finds methods of stimulating creativity ideas in the teaching of arch-design studio. Some of the methods of motivating creativity found in teaching the arch-design studio are: analogy, metaphors, biomimicry, brainstorming, attribute listing, mental map, TRIZ, restrictions, charrette, browsing, excursions, focus groups, other peoples viewpoints, using crazy ideas, using experts, visualizing a goal, working with dreams and images and giving students design tools such as drawings CAD and model making.

  18. Bombs Away: Visual Thinking and Students' Engagement in Design Studios Contexts (United States)

    Chamorro-Koc, Marianella; Scott, Andrew; Coombs, Gretchen


    In design studio, sketching or visual thinking is part of processes that assist students to achieve final design solutions. At Queensland University of Technology's (QUT's) First and Third Year industrial design studio classes we engage in a variety of teaching pedagogies from which we identify "Concept Bombs" as instrumental in the…

  19. La pianificazione del paesaggio: principi innovativi ed esperienze applicate. il caso studio della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giuliana Campioni


    Full Text Available La Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio, sottoscritta il 20 ottobre 2000 dagli Stati membri del Consiglio d’Europa, aggiorna il concetto stesso di paesaggio, direzionandolo verso lo sviluppo sostenibile. Il piano del paesaggio redatto per la Valle dei Templi di Agrigento, una fra le più importanti aree archeologiche protette della Sicilia, applica le nuove idee della Convenzione Europea, al fine di dimostrare che la conservazione, pianificazione e gestione effettiva di una eredità paesaggistica di questo tipo consiste in un processo di arricchimento e di crescita delle diversità e, soprattutto, nel provocare un’evoluzione e uno sviluppo equilibrati. D’altro canto, se il caso studio del paesaggio di Agrigento è essenzialmente riferito ad un patrimonio storico di eccezionale interesse, risultato di rilevanti diversità ambientali e culturali, bisogna anche ricordare che esso costituisce una risorsa economica da cui possono essere estratti particolari benefici, con particolare riferimento al turismo. 

  20. Leveraging OpenStudio's Application Programming Interfaces: Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Long, N.; Ball, B.; Goldwasser, D.; Parker, A.; Elling, J.; Davis, O.; Kruchten, D.


    OpenStudio development efforts have been focused on providing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) where users are able to extend OpenStudio without the need to compile the open source libraries. This paper will discuss the basic purposes and functionalities of the core libraries that have been wrapped with APIs including the Building Model, Results Processing, Advanced Analysis, UncertaintyQuantification, and Data Interoperability through Translators. Several building energy modeling applications have been produced using OpenStudio's API and Software Development Kits (SDK) including the United States Department of Energy's Asset ScoreCalculator, a mobile-based audit tool, an energy design assistance reporting protocol, and a portfolio scale incentive optimization analysismethodology. Each of these software applications will be discussed briefly and will describe how the APIs were leveraged for various uses including high-level modeling, data transformations from detailed building audits, error checking/quality assurance of models, and use of high-performance computing for mass simulations.

  1. Python tools for Visual Studio

    CERN Document Server

    Wang, Cathy


    This is a hands-on guide that provides exemplary coverage of all the features and concepts related to PTVS.The book is intended for developers who are aiming to enhance their productivity in Python projects with automation tools that Visual Studio provides for the .Net community. Some basic knowledge of Python programming is essential.

  2. Designing a Utopia: An Architectural Studio Experience on David Harvey's "Edilia" (United States)

    Yesilkaya, Nese Gurallar


    The design of a utopia was devised as a studio project in order to bring critical thinking into the design studio and to stimulate creativity. By suggesting a utopia, the pedagogical aim was to improve progressive thinking and critical thought in the design education of architectural students -- and also future architects. From this perspective,…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew MacKenzie


    Full Text Available At the University of Canberra, Australia, the design and architecture faculty are trialling a range of approaches to incorporating learning technologies in the first year foundation studio to improve student learning outcomes. For this study researchers collected information on students’ access to their assignment information and feedback from the learning management system (LMS to discover how the students engaged in the design process. The studio curriculum was designed to encourage students to engage in a convergence, divergence dynamic (Brown, 2009; Thomas, Billsberry, Ambrosini, & Barton, 2014 in developing their own understanding of the design process. The staff tailored around points of convergence, online instruction, assessment tools and feedback in studio. We argue that using learning technologies in this way can improve intentionality at the beginning of semester, enhance students understanding of feedback and facilitate a more iterative approach to problem based learning in studio practice.

  4. Perancangan alat Pendeteksi Intensitas Cahaya Menggunakan LDR Berbasis Arduino uno




    132411080 Telah dirancang dan dibuat alat ukur intensitas cahaya menggunakan LDR berbasis arduino uno. Alat ukur intensitas cahaya ini menggunakan LDR sebagai sensor intensitas cahaya,mikrokontroller,arduino uno berfungsi sebagai pengolah sinyal elektronik dari LDR dan sebagai pengolah data,sedangkan hasil pengolahan data akan ditampilkan pada LCD Dari hasil pengujian alat ini dihasilkan persentase kesalahan relatif rata-rata sekitar % Kata kunci :Arduino Uno,Lcd,LDR.

  5. The Hybrid Studio--Introducing Google+ as a Blended Learning Platform for Architectural Design Studio Teaching (United States)

    Steinø, Nicolai; Khalid, Md. Saufuddin


    Much architecture and design teaching is based on the studio format, where the co-presence in time and space of students, instructors and physical learning artefacts form a triangle from which the learning emerges. Yet with the advent of online communication platforms and learning management systems (LMS), there is reason to study how these…

  6. Studio Ruins: describing 'unfinishedness'


    Dorsett, Chris


    With creative practices things go wrong, work is ruined, and projects remain unfinished. Paradoxically, since failure is a matter of enhanced appreciation in the arts (e.g. Samuel Beckett’s ‘fail better’), neither ‘wrongness’, ‘ruination’ nor ‘unfinishedness’ means what it says. Building on the topographical encounters of fine art studio teaching, this article explores the intersection of ruined work, incomplete creativity and disarticulating sensations. While Jason Rhoades’ messy installatio...

  7. Psychasthenia Studio and the Gamification of Contemporary Culture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victoria Szabo


    Full Text Available What does it mean to say that Games Matter within a new media art context? Conversely, what contributions can artists and scholars exploring the medium make to the cultural conversation around their use and meaning? This contribution highlights the ways in which our interdisciplinary art collective, Psychasthenia Studio, has addressed the cultural effects of games and gamification as they have evolved over the last decade, using a series of videogame art projects as the medium of expression and critique. As Mary Flanagan (2009 suggested in Critical Play, “games carry beliefs within their representation systems and mechanics” (p. 4. Through their thematic content and interaction design, the three videogames developed by us in the interdisciplinary Psychasthenia Studio between 2009‒2017 draw attention to those beliefs as they exist not only in the games themselves, but also more broadly in an increasingly gamified contemporary culture. Psychasthenia Studio simultaneously intervenes in the discussion around games in society and pushes the boundaries of what constitutes new media art practice today. By playing the Psychasthenia games, our hope is that users both co-author and witness their own participation in the system.

  8. A Survey of Utopia—Creating Filmic Travelogues in Architectural Design Studio Education †


    Johannes Müntinga; Gerlinde Verhaeghe


    This paper investigates the potential of the creation of filmic travelogues in architectural design studio education. It looks at student works from a studio conducted at RWTH Aachen University in the summer term of 2017 and explores how the works construct meaning from and reflect on architectural reference in an active creative process. The assignment of the studio was to create a travelogue of a 4-day excursion to Belgium and the South of England in the form of a short film. Inspired by Pa...

  9. Simulasi Sensor Seismometer Horizontal Menggunakan MEMS Accelerometer Berbasis Arduino UNO


    Hutapea, Cynthya Dorothy


    130801045 Telah dirancang sebuah alat sebagai seismometer horizontal menggunakan GY-521 dan Arduino UNO ATMEGA 328P. Alat ini terdiri dari GY-521 modul MPU-6050 sebagai sensor vibrasi dan arduino UNO sebagai pengendali sistem. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan sebagai pengendali sistem adalah Arduino IDE. Cara kerja alat tersebut cukup sederhana yaitu accelerometer MPU-6050 mengukur amplitudo dan frekuensi dari kecepatan suatu getaran dan kemudian datanya akan dikirim ke arduino. Arduino UNO ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noman Ahmed


    Full Text Available Since 1979, a studio module was introduced in the final year studies of Bachelor of Architecture programme at the Dawood College of Engineering and Technology, Karachi which was the only architecture school in the city at that time. A key objective of this studio module was to sensitize the ‘architects in making’ about context of the built environment, the process through which it was shaped and the forces that contributed in its shaping. The students were assigned to study a micro urban area for indepth investigation and analysis. At the conclusion, analytical presentations followed that also included basic proposals for addressing problems that were identified in the studio exercise. Begun in Dawood College, the studio was adopted by many schools of architecture in the country including the NED University, Karachi. This studio had multiple impacts. Understanding the realities behind creation of urban built environment, realization of multiple roles for professional contribution to ongoing metamorphosis and appreciation of diverse fields of studies within the domain of architectural education and practice were some of the vital aspects. The objectives of this paper are to document the evolution and process of CED studio work. The paper also aims to study the affects of CED work on the perception, understandings and professional orientation of architects who graduated from the schools where CED studio was conducted.

  11. The Hybrid Studio

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steinø, Nicolai; Khalid, Md. Saifuddin


    in progress. It also worked as a one-on-one supervision platform for whenever students were in need of supervision and advice outside class hours.Methodologically, a phenomenographic approach was adopted in a single-case study in the form of a student workshop using an adapted problem-tree analysis method...... as a participatory learning and action method, in order to understand the students’ experiences andevaluation of blended learning systems and contexts.The paper gives an introduction to the traditional architecture and design studio teaching format, to blended learning, as well as to the preparation and setup...

  12. Segmentation, Targeting, dan Positioning Studio Tato di Surabaya dalam Perkembangan Gaya Hidup

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anang Tri Wahyudi


    Full Text Available This study attempts to examine in depth the influence of lifestyle on the orientation of recipients (tattoo users to the art of tattooing, which is independent of the value of a valuable commodity, and explore the extent to which the process of tattoo studios’ segmentation, targeting, and positioning in managing a tattoo studio. This study uses qualitative research methods with interpretive phenomenological foundation of thinking, which is oriented to truth that is subjective to informants, which consists of a tattoo studio tattooist and managers who have more than five years of experience, and the recipient women and men under the age of 30. The development of post-modern lifestyle is synonymous with consumer culture, which affects the orientation of recipients towards tattoos as works of art, a medium of expression, search for identity, and part of fashion accessories, therefore tattoos become works of art that have commodity value. The existing tattoo studios already have market segments, target markets, positioning, and clear marketing strategy, however there are some tattoo studios that do not determine their market segments and target goals. They tend to flow and follow the situation and market conditions. Several factors that affect the condition and management of tattoo studios today are environmental factors, resource constraints, and tattoos as art products that are homogeneous.

  13. STEM Studio: Where Innovation Generates Innovation (United States)

    Plonczak, Irene; Brooks, Jacqueline Grennon; Wilson, Gloria Lodato; Elijah, Rosebud; Caliendo, Julia


    STEM Studio at Hofstra University is a clinical practice site that brings together public school pupils and preservice teachers in settings with three features that lead to enhanced learning of all participants: classroom structures using multidisciplinary STEM tasks as platforms for learning; design challenge templates for diverse student…

  14. Formal Learning Sequences and Progression in the Studio: A Framework for Digital Design Education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pontus Wärnestål


    Full Text Available This paper examines how to leverage the design studio learning environment throughout long-term Digital Design education in order to support students to progress from tactical, well-defined, device-centric routine design, to confidently design sustainable solutions for strategic, complex, problems for a wide range of devices and platforms in the digital space. We present a framework derived from literature on design, creativity, and theories on learning that: (a implements a theory of formal learning sequences as a user-centered design process in the studio; and (b describes design challenge progressions in the design studio environment modeled in seven dimensions. The framework can be used as a tool for designing, evaluating, and communicating course progressions within – and between series of – design studio courses. This approach is evaluated by implementing a formal learning sequence framework in a series of design studio courses that progress in an undergraduate design-oriented Informatics program. Reflections from students, teachers, and external clients indicate high student motivation and learning goal achievement, high teacher satisfaction and skill development, and high satisfaction among external clients.

  15. Visual Studio 2010 and NET 4 Six-in-One

    CERN Document Server

    Novak, Istvan; Granicz, Adam


    Complete coverage of all key .NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 languages and technologies. .NET 4 is Microsoft's latest version of their core programming platform, and Visual Studio 2010 is the toolset that helps write .NET 4 applications. This comprehensive resource offers one-stop shopping for all you need to know to get productive with .NET 4. Experienced author and .NET guru Mitchel Sellers reviews all the important new features of .NET 4, including .NET charting and ASP.NET charting, ASP.NET dynamic data and jQuery, and the addition of F# as a supported package language. The expansive coverag

  16. Explorations in Teaching Sustainable Design: A Studio Experience in Interior Design/Architecture (United States)

    Gurel, Meltem O.


    This article argues that a design studio can be a dynamic medium to explore the creative potential of the complexity of sustainability from its technological to social ends. The study seeks to determine the impact of an interior design/architecture studio experience that was initiated to teach diverse meanings of sustainability and to engage the…

  17. Research on Chinese characters display of airborne MFD based on GL studio (United States)

    Wang, Zhile; Dong, Junyu; Hu, Wenting; Cui, Yipeng


    GL Studio cannot display Chinese characters during developing the airborne MFD, this paper propose a method of establishing a Chinese character font with GB2312 encoding, establish the font table and the display unit of Chinese characters based on GL Studio. Abstract the storage and display data model of Chinese characters, parse the GB encoding of the corresponding Chinese characters that MFD received, find the coordinates of the Chinese characters in the font table, establish the dynamic control model and the dynamic display model of Chinese characters based on the display unit of Chinese characters. In GL Studio and VC ++.NET environment, this model has been successfully applied to develop the airborne MFD in a variety of mission simulators. This method has successfully solved the problem that GL Studio software cannot develop MFD software of Chinese domestic aircraft and can also be used for other professional airborne MFD development tools such as IDATA. It has been proved by experiments that this is a fast effective scalable and reconfigurable method of developing both actual equipment and simulators.

  18. UNO ACT Class Profile, 1989-90 [and] 1990-91. (United States)

    Crawford, A. E., II


    The report "UNO Act Class Profile, 1989-90" in the first of two serial issues presents salient parts of data from "The Class Profile Report" of the American College Testing (ACT) Corporation, which provides detailed information concerning the academic past of 1,359 freshmen entering the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) in…

  19. Studio Physics at the Colorado School of Mines: A model for iterative development and assessment (United States)

    Kohl, Patrick; Kuo, Vincent


    The Colorado School of Mines (CSM) has taught its first-semester introductory physics course using a hybrid lecture/Studio Physics format for several years. Based on this previous success, over the past 18 months we have converted the second semester of our traditional calculus-based introductory physics course (Physics II) to a Studio Physics format. In this talk, we describe the recent history of the Physics II course and of Studio at Mines, discuss the PER-based improvements that we are implementing, and characterize our progress via several metrics, including pre/post Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism (CSEM) scores, Colorado Learning About Science Survey scores (CLASS), failure rates, and exam scores. We also report on recent attempts to involve students in the department's Senior Design program with our course. Our ultimate goal is to construct one possible model for a practical and successful transition from a lecture course to a Studio (or Studio-like) course.

  20. Artist as Change Agent: A Pedagogy of Practice in Artist Proof Studio (United States)

    Berman, Kim


    In this article, the author discusses how art, politics, and life intersect in a South African community visual arts studio program that seeks to educate artists as change agents. Artist Proof Studio (APS) was founded in 1991 and responded to the challenge of building democracy in a postapartheid South Africa. It is a community art center in…

  1. Investigating the Experiential Impact of Sensory Affect in Contemporary Communication Design Studio Education (United States)

    Marshalsey, Lorraine


    The studio is the primary site for learning in specialist Communication Design education worldwide. Differing higher education institutions, including art schools and university campuses, have developed a varied range of studio environments. These diverse learning spaces inherently create a complex fabric of affects. In addition, Communication…

  2. Adapted Verbal Feedback, Instructor Interaction and Student Emotions in the Landscape Architecture Studio (United States)

    Smith, Carl A.; Boyer, Mark E.


    In light of concerns with architectural students' emotional jeopardy during traditional desk and final-jury critiques, the authors pursue alternative approaches intended to provide more supportive and mentoring verbal assessment in landscape architecture studios. In addition to traditional studio-based critiques throughout a semester, we provide…

  3. Design grammars as evaluation tools in the first year studio

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ibrahim, Mohamed S.; Bridges, Alan; Chase, Scott Curland


    This paper describes a teaching experience conducted and carried out as part of the coursework of first year students. The workshop is the third of three workshops planned to take place during the course of the first year studio, aimed at introducing new ways of thinking and introducing students...... to a new pattern of architectural education. The experiment was planned under the theme of “Evaluation” during the final stage. A grammatical approach was chosen to deliver the methodology in the design studio, based on shape grammars....

  4. A consideration on physical tuning for acoustical coloration in recording studio (United States)

    Shimizu, Yasushi


    Coloration due to particular architectural shapes and dimension or less surface absorption has been mentioned as an acoustical defect in recording studio. Generally interference among early reflected sounds arriving within 10 ms in delay after the direct sound produces coloration by comb filter effect over mid- and high-frequency sounds. In addition, less absorbed room resonance modes also have been well known as a major component for coloration in low-frequency sounds. Small size in dimension with recording studio, however, creates difficulty in characterization associated with wave acoustics behavior, that make acoustical optimization more difficult than that of concert hall acoustics. There still remains difficulty in evaluating amount of coloration as well as predicting its acoustical characteristics in acoustical modeling and in other words acoustical tuning technique during construction is regarded as important to optimize acoustics appropriately to the function of recording studio. This paper presents a example of coloration by comb filtering effect and less damped room modes in typical post-processing recording studio. And acoustical design and measurement technique will be presented for adjusting timbre due to coloration based on psycho-acoustical performance with binaural hearing and room resonance control with line array resonator adjusted to the particular room modes considered.

  5. Community Engagement Studios: A Structured Approach to Obtaining Meaningful Input From Stakeholders to Inform Research. (United States)

    Joosten, Yvonne A; Israel, Tiffany L; Williams, Neely A; Boone, Leslie R; Schlundt, David G; Mouton, Charles P; Dittus, Robert S; Bernard, Gordon R; Wilkins, Consuelo H


    Engaging communities in research increases its relevance and may speed the translation of discoveries into improved health outcomes. Many researchers lack training to effectively engage stakeholders, whereas academic institutions lack infrastructure to support community engagement. In 2009, the Meharry-Vanderbilt Community-Engaged Research Core began testing new approaches for community engagement, which led to the development of the Community Engagement Studio (CE Studio). This structured program facilitates project-specific input from community and patient stakeholders to enhance research design, implementation, and dissemination. Developers used a team approach to recruit and train stakeholders, prepare researchers to engage with stakeholders, and facilitate an in-person meeting with both. The research core has implemented 28 CE Studios that engaged 152 community stakeholders. Participating researchers, representing a broad range of faculty ranks and disciplines, reported that input from stakeholders was valuable and that the CE Studio helped determine project feasibility and enhanced research design and implementation. Stakeholders found the CE Studio to be an acceptable method of engagement and reported a better understanding of research in general. A tool kit was developed to replicate this model and to disseminate this approach. The research core will collect data to better understand the impact of CE Studios on research proposal submissions, funding, research outcomes, patient and stakeholder engagement in projects, and dissemination of results. They will also collect data to determine whether CE Studios increase patient-centered approaches in research and whether stakeholders who participate have more trust and willingness to participate in research.

  6. Bridging the gap between building science and design studios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Papamichael, Konstantinos; Pal, Vineeta


    Design studios and building science courses have been conducted independent of each other, mainly due to a lack of tools that allow quick and easy consideration of building science criteria, such as comfort and energy requirements, during the design process. Existing tools are not user-friendly and their use requires significant effort in gaining familiarity with the input requirements, understanding the modeling assumptions and interpreting the output. This paper is about the Building Design Advisor (BDA), an evolving computer-based tool intended to bridge the gap between design studios and building science considerations by addressing the above-mentioned limitations of existing tools. BDA allows automatic preparation of input files to multiple simulation tools while the user is working in a CAD environment. BDA automatically activates the relevant simulation tools when the user selects performance parameters to be computed and provides the results in a graphical form, allowing comparison of multiple design options with respect to multiple performance criteria. The paper includes considerations for the use of the BDA in the design studio and ends with a description of the current development efforts and future plans.

  7. Beyond Classroom, Lab, Studio and Field (United States)

    Waller, J. L.; Brey, J. A.; DeMuynck, E.; Weglarz, T. C.


    When the arts work in tandem with the sciences, the insights of these disciplines can be easily shared and teaching and learning are enriched. Our shared experiences in classroom/lab/studio instruction and in art and science based exhibitions reward all involved. Our individual disciplines cover a wide range of content- Art, Biology, Geography, Geology- yet we connect on aspects that link to the others'. We easily move from lab to studio and back again as we teach—as do our students as they learn! Art and science education can take place outside labs and studios through study abroad, international workshops, museum or gallery spaces, and in forums like the National Academies' programs. We can reach our neighbors at local public gatherings, nature centers and libraries. Our reach is extended in printed publications and in conferences. We will describe some of our activities listed above, with special focus on exhibitions: "Layers: Places in Peril"; "small problems, BIG TROUBLE" and the in-progress "River Bookends: Headwaters, Delta and the Volume of Stories In Between". Through these, learning and edification take place between the show and gallery visitors and is extended via class visits and related assignments, field trips for child and adult learners, interviews, films and panel presentations. These exhibitions offer the important opportunities for exhibit- participating scientists to find common ground with each other about their varied work. We will highlight a recent collaborative show opening a new university-based environmental research center and the rewarding activities there with art and science students and professors. We will talk about the learning enhancement added through a project that brought together a physical geography and a painting class. We will explore how students shared the form and content of their research projects with each other and then, became the educators through paintings and text of their geoscience topics on gallery walls.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shireesh A Deshpande


    Full Text Available Transmission of knowledge has been defined as “bringing the right knowledge by the right route at the right time to the right places.” In this context there is need to analyze the various pedagogical shifts associated with the decisive process of transmission and transaction of knowledge in design studio. Critical understanding of the importance of tangential knowledge and its integration within the design studio, leading to a comprehensive whole, is a significant aspect to be properly evolved and nourished in the studio. It can be argued that knowledge is not a substitute for architectural imagination but inadequate knowledge would handicap the general level of design. Being satisfied to manipulate formal configurations does not provide insights into the human experience. If the different types of knowledge that architecture requires are ignored, the profession will lose its credibility in the eyes of society. With the body of knowledge expanding diversely with the escalating wants of the user, and to further sustain the built environment with further progression, it’s quite certain to have an innovative design process that has a feel of antecedents yet is nourished by rationalism. Architectural Design is to an extent the yield of a creative process brought out through a refined approach, skill, and dexterity to suit the purpose. The assessors, the jury, or the teacher has created an aura of mystique around good design, without much explaining what good design is. Architectural education involves application of a theory of knowledge – what is known and how it is to be known. Nothing is taught unless it is learnt (Bono. Does the key to these issues lie in shifting from conventional mode to Total Integration Mode of Education?

  9. Collaborative Learning in the Music Studio (United States)

    King, Andrew


    This article presents some of the findings from a mixed-methods case study that investigated collaborative learning for pairs of higher education students working in a music studio on a drum kit recording. A stratified purposive sampling technique was used and students were allocated a partner of similar ability; often referred to as a…

  10. Peer assessment in graphic design studio: Communication design ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Peer assessment in graphic design studio: Communication design students' perspectives. ... Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana) ... The purpose of this study was to examine students' perceptions of their attitudes during peer ...

  11. Exploring student learning profiles in algebra-based studio physics: A person-centered approach (United States)

    Pond, Jarrad W. T.; Chini, Jacquelyn J.


    In this study, we explore the strategic self-regulatory and motivational characteristics of students in studio-mode physics courses at three universities with varying student populations and varying levels of success in their studio-mode courses. We survey students using questions compiled from several existing questionnaires designed to measure students' study strategies, attitudes toward and motivations for learning physics, organization of scientific knowledge, experiences outside the classroom, and demographics. Using a person-centered approach, we utilize cluster analysis methods to group students into learning profiles based on their individual responses to better understand the strategies and motives of algebra-based studio physics students. Previous studies have identified five distinct learning profiles across several student populations using similar methods. We present results from first-semester and second-semester studio-mode introductory physics courses across three universities. We identify these five distinct learning profiles found in previous studies to be present within our population of introductory physics students. In addition, we investigate interactions between these learning profiles and student demographics. We find significant interactions between a student's learning profile and their experience with high school physics, major, gender, grade expectation, and institution. Ultimately, we aim to use this method of analysis to take the characteristics of students into account in the investigation of successful strategies for using studio methods of physics instruction within and across institutions.

  12. Financial Studio: Android Based Application for Computing Tax, Pension,Zakat and Loan


    Asghar, Zubair; batool, ulfat; bibi, farheen


    This work deals with the development of android-based financial studio, an integrated application forcalculating tax, pension, zakat, and loan. Financial studio can facilitate employers of any department and otherindividuals. The application is developed using MIT app inventor-based android platform. The financial studiohas four computational modules, namely: (i) tax, (ii) pension, (iii) zakat, and (iv) loan. The system provides anintegrated environment for performing aforementioned distinct ...

  13. Interdisciplinary Design Studio Education: Place through the activity of play

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fatos Adiloglu


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the activity of play in design education among university students with interdisciplinary background. The study subscribes to social theories of learning and takes into account an international summer school which brought visual communication design and architecture students and instructors together at the intersection of design in Istanbul asking such questions: How can student learning activity in design education are fostered? How can studio experience be formulated to cultivate the understanding of place? In this study the international group acted as a learning community. Istanbul served at her best offering her potential for making connections through exploration and discovery. The paper casts student tasks formulated as playful graphic expression and reflects student statements, unfolding connections made across filters of space, time and movement in the working process of visual design studio. The particular design studio experiences uncover how students reconstructed their own texts. The study as a result releases the fact that one might best come to know a place through the activity of play and this kind of knowing is one that constantly evolving.

  14. Cultural schema and design activity in an architectural design studio

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    Gökçe Ketizmen Önal


    Full Text Available Research on the cognitive activities and on the structure and quality of knowledge flow involved in architectural design education is increasing. These studies generally focus on the interaction between student and instructor, including processes such as producing ideas, solving display problems, and integrating design strategies. These studies commonly include computational evaluations and confirmation of the coding of knowledge. They may also include the determination of designer׳s thoughts and cognitive actions of design process, as well as the analysis and digitization of verbal protocols during the design process. In most of these studies, the designer׳s cultural and psychological components are not considered. Accordingly, research on the effects of designers’ cultural schema on design activity in design studios is limited. This study aimed to solve this problem by analyzing the relationship between design activity and the designer׳s cultural schema in a design studio. We performed an experimental study based on a specific conceptual framework and a research model aimed at identifying the relationships among cultural schemas, the architectural design process, and design studios.

  15. running distance education in studio-based art institutions

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    tion to increase student enrolment without compounding the problem of overcrowding. This is ... tance education effectively in studio-based art institutions at a lesser cost than through video- ... example, have adopted this system for this pur-.



    Agus Dwi Hariyanto


    This paper evaluates the current thermal comfort condition in an air-conditioned design studio using objective measurement and subjective assessment. Objective measurement is mainly to quantify the air temperature, MRT, relative humidity, and air velocity. Subjective assessment is conducted using a questionnaire to determine the occupants thermal comfort sensations and investigate their perception of the thermal comfort level. A design studio in an academic institution in Surabaya was chosen ...

  17. Formalizing the First Day in an Organic Chemistry Laboratory Using a Studio-Based Approach (United States)

    Collison, Christina G.; Cody, Jeremy; Smith, Darren; Swartzenberg, Jennifer


    A novel studio-based lab module that incorporates student-centered activities was designed and implemented to introduce second-year undergraduate students to the first-semester organic chemistry laboratory. The "First Day" studio module incorporates learning objectives for the course, lab safety, and keeping a professional lab notebook.

  18. Tissue Paper Economics and Other Hidden Dimensions of the Studio Model of Art Instruction. (United States)

    Hamblen, Karen A.


    Despite calls for change and numerous proposed alternatives, art education remains committed to the studio model. The retention of the status quo may be related to the economics of art studio materials and especially to the extensive advertising of art supply companies in art teachers' journals. (Author/IS)

  19. Momenti nella vita di uno scienziato

    CERN Document Server

    Rossi, Bruno


    Nel giro di pochi decenni, la nostra visione del mondo fisico, dal mond subatomico al mondo del cosmo, ha subito una profonda evoluzione. In questo libro, uno degli scienziati che hanno contribuito a tale sviluppo narra la storia della sua vita e del suo lavoro.

  20. RMK büroohoone = State Forest Management Centre office building / Arhitektuuribüroo Studio-3

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Riigimetsa Majandamise Keskuse bürooruumide (Toompuiestee 24, Tallinn) sisekujundusest. Autorid: Reet Põime, Liisa Põime, Anu Põime, Andres Põime, Kristi Prinzmann, Lauri Kalm, Lauri Vaimel (Studio-3). Arhitekt Ott Kadariku arvamus. Arhitektuuribüroo Studio-3 lühitutvustus

  1. Poemas: Uno Llega/ Lucy Cristina


    Testa Garibaldo, Martín


    con sus hojas sueltas a la comparación un par de ideas testimonios denuncias amores todo el universal país que te ha costado alinearlo en papel uno llega con hojas sueltas su voz su mística en la mano con la que toca varias veces hasta que le abren entra toma asiento a la primera señal se levanta lee relee

  2. Looks: Studio 54 and the Production of Fabulous Nightlife

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    madison alexander moore


    Full Text Available 0 0 1 92 528 yale university 4 1 619 14.0 Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE This article combines my experience as a party-host and nightlife-creator with a close reading of Studio 54 as a theatrical production. I call for a consideration of how the staging of nightlife functions as an art form, relying on the dual practices of creation and curation. I provide a close reading of the tightly-staged Studio 54 experience, focusing on the club's infamously tight door policy and production of fabulousness to reveal what scholars and ethnographers of nightlife can learn from approaching nightlife as an artistic production. This approach can also inform a nightlife-focused research agenda.  

  3. A Survey of Utopia—Creating Filmic Travelogues in Architectural Design Studio Education †

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    Johannes Müntinga


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the potential of the creation of filmic travelogues in architectural design studio education. It looks at student works from a studio conducted at RWTH Aachen University in the summer term of 2017 and explores how the works construct meaning from and reflect on architectural reference in an active creative process. The assignment of the studio was to create a travelogue of a 4-day excursion to Belgium and the South of England in the form of a short film. Inspired by Patrick Keiller’s film Robinson in Space, the students were invited to explore the Situationist techniques of Drifting and Psychogeography, and to use them in their visual storytelling. The studio´s title A Survey of Utopia makes reference to the architectural and urbanistic projects that were visited: visionary residential projects from the 1960s to 1980s, built by well-known architects of this period, such as Lucien Kroll, Walter Segal and Leon Krier. The term utopia hints at the projects shared interest in radical change and bold new architectural approaches, even though each pursues its own distinct kind of utopia.

  4. The Technique of the Sound Studio: Radio, Record Production, Television, and Film. Revised Edition. (United States)

    Nisbett, Alec

    Detailed explanations of the studio techniques used in radio, record, television, and film sound production are presented in as non-technical language as possible. An introductory chapter discusses the physics and physiology of sound. Subsequent chapters detail standards for sound control in the studio; explain the planning and routine of a sound…

  5. Simple Models Create Steep Learning Curves in Academic Design Studio

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Peter Lundsgaard; Dam, Torben; Le Goffic, Virginie Corinne


    theory positions normally regarded as mutually incompatible. The method is the result of years of ‘trial and error’ design studio teaching at the University of Copenhagen, triangulated with academic design theory research. Research based design studio teaching poses a fundamental pedagogical challenge......, as it must combine skill-based design practice with academic-explicated theories and methods. The vehicle in the development of the simple model method is overcoming the challenge of ensuring that a group of students with various backgrounds and cultures can produce specific and consistent design proposals...... helps the students work with and understand design as both a product and a process....





    A view to reducing thermal energy consumption for a block of studios, this paper presents an assessment of the costs of energy efficient building materials used for the thermal rehabilitation of the analyzed building’s tire. Based on information obtained from the evaluation of heat energy consumption and of the actual heat balance of the studios block, resulted the necessity for thermal rehabilitation. These works aimed equally both exterior walls as well as exterior windows and doors and ...



    Radcliffe, David


    ABSTRACT Radcliffe, David. Spaces of Wellbeing, What is so special about special needs art studios? Autumn 2013, 73 p., 2 appendices. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Degree Programme in Social Services + option in Diaconal Social Work, Bachelor of Social Services (UAS) + Qualifi-cation for the office of diaconia worker in The Church of Finland. The aim of this thesis is to discover the common experiences of art studio par-ticipants in relation to wellbeing. This has become a...

  8. Atelje Zore Petrović / Zora Petrovic’s studio

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    Jasmina Čubrilo


    Full Text Available The big oil on canvas in the studio from 1941, and small, undated, double-sided tempera on the paper of the same name are complex images that define the horizon of Zora Petrović’s art world – different social, art, ideological discourses intertwine on its surfaces. These images reflect overlapping the private and public sphere, different power positions inside this overlapping and within the local art world of that time such as female artist vs. male art collector; female artist vs. male artist, female artist vs. male artist; female artist vs. female model, female artist/worker vs. female (upper middle class possible amateur. Broad strokes and colour, which, in the sense of matter that Petrović used to cover her canvases, to (almost all critics manifest the quality of wild expression mostly seen as a “masculine approach” and manly strength, actually, possess the quality of untamed fluidity that breaks down the psychic barriers between the inner and the outer being, as well as the barriers between the self and the other. It would appear that all these critics, by reading this manly method into her work, actually projected their fear of the abject, of the horror of the impure, unsymbolised, as if they to present that surplus in language, to present its inexpressibility, in language after all, and thus make it an integral part of the symbolic network. Also, probably for the same reason, critics found it necessary to describe and rationalise her disorderly studio, the brushes that she did not wash with water, the palettes underneath the layers of dried paint, as a consequence of her total dedication to her sublime task of creating uniquely valuable objects, which prevented her from dealing with such trifling, feminine tasks as keeping her working area orderly and clean. In that way the new signifying network was produced, the one that recognizes Zora’s studio in the metonymic series: studio, the surface of painting, female nude and her

  9. Rotational Critique System as a Method of Culture Change in an Architecture Design Studio: Urban Design Studio as Case Study (United States)

    Fasli, Mukaddes; Hassanpour, Badiossadat


    In this century, all educational efforts strive to achieve quality assurance standards. Therefore, it will be naive to deny the existence of problems in architectural education. The current design studio critique method has been developed upon generations of students and educators. Architectural education is changing towards educating critical…

  10. Podnikatelský plán - studio Bikram Yoga


    Líbenek, Petr


    The thesis is also officially the request for a grant from the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) Southwest project Bikram Yoga studio Ceske Budejovice. The theoretical part explains the principles of the business plan and terms of the grant application. The practical part is itself a grant application.

  11. Integrating Blended and Problem-Based Learning into an Architectural Housing Design Studio: A Case Study (United States)

    Bregger, Yasemin Alkiser


    This paper presents how a blended learning pedagogic model is integrated into an architectural design studio by adapting the problem-based learning process and housing issues in Istanbul Technical University (ITU), during fall 2015 and spring 2016 semesters for fourth and sixth level students. These studios collaborated with the "Introduction…

  12. A Survey of Equipment in the Singing Voice Studio and Its Perceived Effectiveness by Vocologists and Student Singers. (United States)

    Gerhard, Julia; Rosow, David E


    Speech-language pathologists have long used technology for the clinical measurement of the speaking voice, but present research shows that vocal pedagogues and voice students are becoming more accepting of technology in the studio. As a result, the equipment and technology used in singing voice studios by speech-language pathologists and vocal pedagogues are changing. Although guides exist regarding equipment and technology necessary for developing a voice laboratory and private voice studio, there are no data documenting the current implementation of these items and their perceived effectiveness. This study seeks to document current trends in equipment used in voice laboratories and studios. Two separate surveys were distributed to 60 vocologists and approximately 300 student singers representative of the general singing student population. The surveys contained questions about the inventory of items found in voice studios and perceived effectiveness of these items. Data were analyzed using descriptive analyses and statistical analyses when applicable. Twenty-six of 60 potential vocologists responded, and 66 student singers responded. The vocologists reported highly uniform inventories and ratings of studio items. There were wide-ranging differences between the inventories reported by the vocologist and student singer groups. Statistically significant differences between ratings of effectiveness of studio items were found for 11 of the 17 items. In all significant cases, vocologists rated usefulness to be higher than student singers. Although the order of rankings of vocologists and student singers was similar, a much higher percentage of vocologists report the items as being efficient and effective than students. The historically typical studio items, including the keyboard and mirror, were ranked as most effective by both vocologists and student singers. Copyright © 2016 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Understanding the Signature Pedagogy of the Design Studio and the Opportunities for Its Technological Enhancement (United States)

    Crowther, Phillip


    This paper presents an analysis of the studio as the signature pedagogy of design education. A number of theoretical models of learning, pedagogy, and education are used to interrogate the studio for its advantages and shortcomings, and to identify opportunities for the integration of new technologies and to explore the affordances that they…

  14. From Princess to Punk: Digitisation in the Fashion Studio

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    Amy Robinson


    Full Text Available The Zandra Rhodes Digital Study Collection project was a unique collaborative venture between staff and students at the University for the Creative Arts (UCA and their Chancellor, the British fashion and textile designer Zandra Rhodes. Working within the designer’s private studio space, this initiative has developed the first digital record of her personal collection of garments and drawings, supported and enriched with behind-the-scenes video interviews and tutorials, for worldwide educational use. This paper examines the benefits and strategies for undertaking the project in situ within the designer’s private studio environment. It outlines the need for a bespoke, flexible approach to digitisation in the visual arts that respects the individuality and creativity of the artist, whilst drawing on established documentation standards and expertise from the library, archive and museum sector.


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    M. Ulusoy


    Full Text Available Refunctioning is a widely used method for protecting historical structures. However, throughout architectural education, functioning historical structures and producing new designs in terms of historical pattern do not attract great attention within the framework of design studios. It is a fact that in such schools that abovementioned items are more popular, the connection between protection oriented studio and design studio is pretty weak. In this study refunctioning was discussed as a design studio topic in relation to the old girls' teacher training school and its immediate surroundings. The primary objective of this design studio is to increase architecture students' awareness in terms of visual and perceptual levels of project designs in historical patterns. Within the context of this manuscript, the experiences gained during design studio process were transferred and discussed.

  16. 75 FR 65512 - Raleigh Film and Television Studios, LLC, Los Angeles, CA; Notice of Affirmative Determination... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-72,587] Raleigh Film and... (TAA) applicable to workers and former workers of Raleigh Film and Television Studios, LLC, Los Angeles... alleges that the subject firm ``is actively building large film studios in both Budapest, Hungary and...

  17. Visual Studio 2013 and .NET 4.5 expert cookbook

    CERN Document Server

    Sur, Abhishek


    If you are a Visual Studio 2013 or .NET developer who would like to sharpen your existing skill set and adapt to new .NET technologies, this is the book for you. A basic understanding of .NET and C# is required.

  18. The complete guide to DAZ Studio 4

    CERN Document Server

    Ciccone, Paolo


    The book builds up a complete project from scratch and demonstrates the power of DAZ to create life-like characters. The book is replete with detailed examples and instructions on creating a tailor-made marvel out of scratch.This book can be used by anybody who has DAZ Studio 4, regardless of their level of familiarity with the program or the concepts of 3D art.

  19. GaussStudio: designing seamless tangible interactions on portable displays

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liang, R.-H.; Kuo, H.-C.; Bruns Alonso, M.; Chen, B.-Y.


    The analog Hall-sensor grid, GaussSense, is a thin-form magnetic-field camera technology for designing expressive occlusion-free, near-surface tangible interactions on conventional portable displays. The studio will provide hands-on experiences that combine physical designs and the GaussSense

  20. Introductory Physics Gender Gaps: Pre- and Post-Studio Transition (United States)

    Kohl, Patrick B.; Kuo, H. Vincent


    Prior work has characterized the gender gaps present in college-level introductory physics courses. Such work has also shown that research-based interactive engagement techniques can reduce or eliminate these gender gaps. In this paper, we study the gender gaps (and lack thereof) in the introductory calculus-based electricity and magnetism course at the Colorado School of Mines. We present eight semesters' worth of data, totaling 2577 students, with four semesters preceding a transition to Studio physics, and four following. We examine gender gaps in course grades, DFW (D grade, fail, or withdrawal) rates, and normalized gains on the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism (CSEM), and consider factors such as student ACT scores and grades in prior math classes. We find little or no gap in male/female course grades and DFW rates, but substantial gaps in CSEM gains that are reduced somewhat by the transition to Studio physics.

  1. “Self-regulation” in prospettiva CLIL: uno studio di caso

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    Giovanna Carloni


    Full Text Available This paper aims to investigate self-regulation enhancement within a CLIL course targeted to teach academic listening and reading skills. Explicit learning strategies instruction was implemented to promote learners’ skills to autonomously manage academic studies in Italian as a second language in a university setting. Students’ cognitive styles were also catered for while carrying out learning strategies instruction. Findings show that learners reached a high degree of self-regulation in terms of reading skills while tackling academic materials in Italian as a second language; on the other hand, a slightly lower degree of autonomy was detected in learners in terms of academic listening skills.

  2. The Impact of Social Interaction and Communications on Innovation in the Architectural Design Studio

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    Bhzad Sidawi


    Full Text Available Design is a social phenomenon and researchers suggest that social interaction, negotiations and communication between designers are essential to initiate creativity. Within the design studio environment, a number of factors affect the healthy social interaction and design negotiations, such as the teaching style of tutors and the culture that governs a design studio’s environment. This may in turn affect the utilization of the outcome of negotiations in the design project. Design studio students from the third to fifth years at the College of Architecture, University of Dammam (UD, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA, were surveyed to find out how far the design studio’s culture and communication would impact the production of innovative design projects. The results show that frequent communication and the establishment’s shared grounds are essential to develop knowledge and positively influence the design outcome. On the other hand, the research found that negative qualities on a personal level and on that of a design studio environment would hinder a student’s creativity. However, to develop students’ design/innovative abilities, the researcher recommends that certain measures should be considered. These would include transforming the design studio into an interactive and friendly learning environment, adjusting the teaching methodology, and developing interactive communication abilities of students and tutors.

  3. Teaching For Art Criticism: Incorporating Feldman’s Critical Analysis Learning Model In Students’ Studio Practice

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    Maithreyi Subramaniam


    Full Text Available This study adopted 30 first year graphic design students’ artwork, with critical analysis using Feldman’s model of art criticism. Data were analyzed quantitatively; descriptive statistical techniques were employed. The scores were viewed in the form of mean score and frequencies to determine students’ performances in their critical ability. Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to find out the correlation between students’ studio practice and art critical ability scores. The findings showed most students performed slightly better than average in the critical analyses and performed best in selecting analysis among the four dimensions assessed. In the context of the students’ studio practice and critical ability, findings showed there are some connections between the students’ art critical ability and studio practice.

  4. REX-ISOLDE RFQ Beam Dynamics Studies using CST EM Studio

    CERN Document Server

    Fraser, M A


    The original CNC milling files used to machine the electrodes of the REX-ISOLDE RFQ were acquired in late 2012 and electrostatic simulations were carried out using CST EM Studio in order to attain a 3D field map of the electric fields in the region around the beam axis. The objective was to construct a beam dynamics simulation tool that frees us from the constraints of the PARMTEQM code, which was used to design the RFQ, and that will afford us more flexibility in the studies needed for pre-bunching into the RFQ with an external multi-harmonic buncher. This note details the geometry of the electrodes and their simulation in CST EM Studio, the implementation of particle tracking in the computed field map using TRACK and benchmarking studies with PARMTEQM v3.09.

  5. Internet virtual studio: low-cost augmented reality system for WebTV (United States)

    Sitnik, Robert; Pasko, Slawomir; Karaszewski, Maciej; Witkowski, Marcin


    In this paper a concept of a Internet Virtual Studio as a modern system for production of news, entertainment, educational and training material is proposed. This system is based on virtual studio technology and integrated with multimedia data base. Its was developed for web television content production. In successive subentries the general system architecture, as well as the architecture of modules one by one is discussed. The authors describe each module by presentation of a brief information about work principles and technical limitations. The presentation of modules is strictly connected with a presentation of their capabilities. Results produced by each of them are shown in the form of exemplary images. Finally, exemplary short production is presented and discussed.

  6. 76 FR 14698 - Raleigh Film and Television Studios, LLC, Los Angeles, CA; Notice of Negative Determination on... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-72,587] Raleigh Film and... Reconsideration for the workers and former workers of Raleigh Film and Television Studios, LLC, Los Angeles... for reconsideration alleges that the subject firm is building large film studios in foreign countries...

  7. Construction of new operation interface for the LABIHS simulator using the ELIPSE E3 studio software

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Augusto, Silas C.; Oliveira, Mauro V.


    The Human-System Interface Laboratory (LABIHS), located at the Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN), has a compact simulator that simulate the processes of a pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant of 930 MWe of power. This simulator is composed by a HP-UX workstation computer, where the simulation software runs, and a set of computer stations, that represent an advanced control room, where the simulator is operated by software control panels that represent several systems of the simulated nuclear power plant. The current HSIs for the LABIHS simulator was built using iLog software tool. The development of new human-system interfaces (HSIs) for the simulator is one of the research fields of LABIHS. This paper presents the screen components development process for a new HSI for the LABIHS simulator, using the software Elipse TM E3 Studio. These new components developed using the E3 Studio are similar to the ones used in the current simulator interface. The article shows some comparisons between the component and screen development with Elipse TM E3 Studio processes and using iLog Studio. (author)

  8. Software testing using Visual Studio 2012

    CERN Document Server

    Subashni, S


    We will be setting up a sample test scenario, then we'll walk through the features available to deploy tests.This book is for developers and testers who want to get to grips with Visual Studio 2012 and Test Manager for all testing activities and managing tests and results in Team Foundation Server. It requires a minimal understanding of testing practices and the software development life cycle; also, some coding skills would help in customizing and updating the code generated from the web UI testing.

  9. Appropriate teaching and learning strategies for the architectural design process in pedagogic design studios

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    Ashraf M. Soliman


    Full Text Available The national qualification framework of a country requires a certain level of knowledge and complexity of skills for an academic degree to be recognized. For architectural programs, student workload is heavy on design courses. Therefore, each course must be carefully developed to ensure that students are not overloaded. Teaching and learning strategies have different implications for courses, which occasionally result in overloading the students. This research aims to study the three main pillars of teaching and learning strategies for each design phase in pedagogic design studios. The most appropriate model for each teaching and learning strategy, including a set of the three main pillars, is then identified for each design phase. A practical strategy for managing design studios is also determined. The aforementioned three pillars are as follows: teaching and learning methods, assigned tasks or study aspects, and design communication techniques. Two research methods, namely, a literature review and a survey among design educators, are adopted. The literature review examines aspects that contribute to the design process and its phases, teaching methods, design skills, communication methods, and studio management strategies. On the basis of the literature review, the background of developments and practices in the design education process are used as constructive tools to develop the survey for design educators. Through the survey, the pillars of teaching and learning strategies that are frequently practiced in design studios are evaluated. Results of this study are classified into three ranks using the nature break classification method for numerical values. Subsequently, three priority models that correspond to teaching and learning strategies, as well as to the required skills and capabilities, are established. A group-based strategy with an interdisciplinary approach is also determined to be the most suitable technique for managing the


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    Fibria Conytin Nugrahini


    Full Text Available A Pre-design process in studio design class includes observation phase, analysis and programming, a directed process of searching and recording information. Based on an early observation, currently pre-design activities in class or studio often has been less optimal due to the low of students performance and the creativities. This causes the output generated from pre-design process was not maximized while undocumented or do not have a good track records. This paper aims to explore the use of posters as a creative ideas in the documentation of of pre-design stage. This is a class-action research as the result of the development of pre-design activities with inquiry methods using the poster as a medium track record in architectural design studio. Research methods include observation and assessment pre-design student outcomes, and questionnaire. Poster outcomes observation were ratings based on several criterias. The questionnnaires tested the posters feasibility in improving the performance and outcomes based on the process and student experiences. Because it is class-action reasearch, this study is limited to the studio class where the author conducted lectures and studio guidance. The results showed an increase in the performance of students in search of matter, observations, material analysis, as well as programming in the use of posters as track record media. In addition, students were satisfied and more creatively visualize their ideas in the pr e-design phase by using the poster media


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    DINU R.C.


    Full Text Available A view to reducing thermal energy consumption for a block of studios, this paper presents an assessment of the costs of energy efficient building materials used for the thermal rehabilitation of the analyzed building’s tire. Based on information obtained from the evaluation of heat energy consumption and of the actual heat balance of the studios block, resulted the necessity for thermal rehabilitation. These works aimed equally both exterior walls as well as exterior windows and doors and involves a certain level of initial costs wich will be recovered through lower cost of the consumed thermal energy after thermal rehabilitation of the building tire.

  12. Group Dynamics in the Interior Design Studio: Student Perceptions (United States)

    Hill, Caroline


    This article presents the findings of a study measuring the classroom climates in collegiate interior design studios and considers these findings within the group dynamics theory framework. Three groups of students completed the College Classroom Environment Scales (CCES) questionnaire. Five of the six CCES subscale F ratios were statistically…

  13. Revealing the Experience of Children and Teachers Even in Their Absence: Documenting in the Early Childhood Studio (United States)

    Parnell, Will


    Inspired by the educational approach in the municipal pre-primary schools and infant-toddler centers of Reggio Emilia, Italy, two studio teachers and a researcher participant in Portland, Oregon capture classroom work, make investigations and interpretations in the studio as a laboratory space of learning, help children represent thinking, and…

  14. Lo uno y lo diverso

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    José Rojas Bez


    Full Text Available El arte no solo tiene ese poder para agudizar las miradas Toda creación, apreciación y educación artística está vinculada a una observación y comprensión más incisiva y honda del hombre y del mundo. Al arte y a la educación estética corresponde, pues, un importante papel en esta rica dialéctica entre lo singular y lo universal, en la creación y apreciación de lo uno en lo diverso y de la diversidad en la unidad.

  15. Musicality as Distributed Cognition in a Dance Studio

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    Dafne Muntanyola-Saura


    Full Text Available Musicality in dance does not need music. ¿How is musicality apparent in the dance studio, and to what extent is a social construct? We define musicality as a social skill. We analize how dancers share their artistic judgement when narrating the choreographical tasks that take place when rehearsing a new piece. Our claim for this paper is that musicality is part of a vocabulary of motives as artistic justification. As a social skill, musicality relies on two other social skills, listening and fisicality. To capture the variability of the phenomenon, we have observed what happens when the choreographer gives instructions and directs a rehearsal within a cognitive ethnography of a British neoclasical dance company. We selected from the general corpus of data 11 interviews to the company members, which we analized with grounded theory principles. Our findings show how our unit of analysis must be the interaction among dancers in a self-regulated coupling. Thus, we show how musicality is a social hability that can only work in a network of social skills, together with fisicality and listening.  It is, in all, the local product of distributed cognition in the dance studio.

  16. Organization of multidimensnonal measurements on the UNO-4096-90 analyzer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zajtsev, M.Yu.; Regushevskij, V.I.


    Organization of multidimensional analysis on the UNO-4096-90 analyzer and VECTOR system units is described. Analyzer for displacement of spectrometric units possesses a special frame of input units in which each unit is assinged to its own place. Development of the UNO-4096-90 analyzer and VECTOR system converters enabled to organize the multidimensional analysis under one of the following regimes: amplitude-amplitude, time-amplitude, time-time, amplitude-time with the use of time expander, multitransducer amplitude or time. Mentioned regimes were tested in operation, and gained experience enables to note that organized multidimensional regimes of analysis satisfy the experiment requirements

  17. Construction of new operation interface for the LABIHS simulator using the ELIPSE E3 studio software

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Augusto, Silas C.; Oliveira, Mauro V., E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The Human-System Interface Laboratory (LABIHS), located at the Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN), has a compact simulator that simulate the processes of a pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant of 930 MWe of power. This simulator is composed by a HP-UX workstation computer, where the simulation software runs, and a set of computer stations, that represent an advanced control room, where the simulator is operated by software control panels that represent several systems of the simulated nuclear power plant. The current HSIs for the LABIHS simulator was built using iLog software tool. The development of new human-system interfaces (HSIs) for the simulator is one of the research fields of LABIHS. This paper presents the screen components development process for a new HSI for the LABIHS simulator, using the software Elipse{sup TM} E3 Studio. These new components developed using the E3 Studio are similar to the ones used in the current simulator interface. The article shows some comparisons between the component and screen development with Elipse{sup TM} E3 Studio processes and using iLog Studio. (author)

  18. The Learning Design Studio in a 5-weeks MOOC format

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garreta-Domingo, Muriel; Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Mor, Yishay; Sloep, Peter


    The present paper reports on a Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for teacher professional development that uses the Learning Design Studio methodology as a pedagogical framework. It explains the training activities and supporting technologies used and discusses the findings obtained weekly from

  19. Design of a ns-pulse generator with microwave studio

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huiskamp, T.; Voeten, S.J.; Pemen, A.J.M.


    In this paper we present a design approach of a nanosecond pulse generator by using CST MICROWAVE STUDIO R . Through detailed simulation we arrive at a design for a fast rise-time variable pulse duration pulse generator which is able to produce 1–10 nanosecond pulses with tens of kilovolt amplitude.

  20. Washington Alexandria Architecture Center students merge creative concepts of dance and space to design dance studio in Arlington


    Micale, Barbara L.


    Elements of dance and dance-theatre -- including movement and exercise, flowing costumes, and expressive lighting --inspired students in the Architecture Master's design studio at the Washington Alexandria Architecture Center to imagine innovative ways of merging public and private space for a dance studio in nearby Arlington.

  1. Studio Constructing an Archive - Modelkabinettet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    . This has, among other subjects, included an analysis of the architectural exhibition "OMA Progress" at the Barbican Arts Centre in London as well as OMA's architecture, design strategy and media usage. The study has been based on discussions of archives, collections and architecture exhibitions as cultural...... products, historiography, media and architectural representation. Based on the above studies, the students have developed their own projects, which reflect in a critical manner on exhibitions, archives and collections. In Studio Constructing an Archive we focus on architectural representation and its...... significance and influence on the development of architecture and our understanding of architecture. During the spring semester, we have, in particular, been discussing the model and its media characteristics....

  2. Students Perceptions of Excellence in Landscape Architecture Studio Projects: A UNSW Perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Linda Corkery


    Full Text Available This paper describes an action-research project undertaken to explore teaching and learning in the design studio in the Faculty of the Built Environment (FBE, University of New South Wales, Sydney. The research project involved three undergraduate design programmes (architecture, interior architecture and landscape architecture within the FBE, however this paper will focus only on the findings related to the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLArch programme. The studio is at the core of the design-based curriculum for the landscape architecture degree. This setting nurtures and encourages students to demonstrate a range of capabilities and attributes expected in professional practice. Design projects are complex, integrated assessment tasks. While design teachers use criteria to assess knowledge and skills, students often feel the judgement of overall design project excellence is based on subjective interpretation. There is also concern about the effectiveness of design teaching across the studios. Specifically, the study identified students' perceptions of what constitutes the mark of High Distinction (HD and characteristics of the ideal design teacher. This paper does not present a discourse analysis of the theoretical framework and concepts of the research project. That material is presented in previous and subsequent publications (Corkery et al, 2003.

  3. Evaluating the Physical Environment of Design Studios: A Case study in Malaysian Private Architecture Schools


    Shanthi Muniandy; Tareef Hayat Khan; Abdullah Sani Ahmad


    Understanding the notion of learner’s experiences in the design of physical environment of an architecture design studio is a necessity as it contains certain values of influence. It is due to the unique learning experiences which are accrued particularly in design studio that is continued during professional practice as well. Most architectural campuses in Malaysian Private Higher Education Institutions (MPHEI) are devoid of certain important elements and this issue needs to be looked into s...

  4. The Green Studio Handbook: Environmental Strategies for Schematic Design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alison G. Kwok


    Full Text Available In design studio projects we often see schemes with inspired, yet unvalidated, gestural sketches related to wishful green strategies. Yellow and blue magic arrows represent hypotheses about the behavior of daylight and/or air flow in and about buildings. This paper provides an overview of The Green Studio Handbook, recently published as a resource for designers seeking clear guidelines for integrating green design strategies into the conceptual and schematic phases of design. The book contains a discussion of the integration of green strategies and how building form, orientation, and spatial layout are critical to the proper performance of certain green strategies; 40 green design strategies in six broad topic areas, each providing acatalog of information for common strategies that must be implemented at the schematic design phase; and nine case studies that show how various green strategies work together in a finished building. This paper provides excerpts of several design strategies and one case study and suggests a variety of ways that the book may be used.Keywords: green design, case studies, education, schematic design

  5. Feeling and Thinking about Studio Practices: Exploring Dissonance in Semi-Structured Interviews with Students in Higher Education Music (United States)

    Burwell, Kim


    While studio-based instrumental and vocal learning is widely regarded as both important and effective in higher education music, research to date has offered little concrete information about studio practices that students have regarded as ineffective. Two recent case studies investigated what appear to be exceptional instances in which students…

  6. Evaluating the Physical Environment of Design Studios: A Case study in Malaysian Private Architecture Schools

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shanthi Muniandy


    Full Text Available Understanding the notion of learner’s experiences in the design of physical environment of an architecture design studio is a necessity as it contains certain values of influence. It is due to the unique learning experiences which are accrued particularly in design studio that is continued during professional practice as well. Most architectural campuses in Malaysian Private Higher Education Institutions (MPHEI are devoid of certain important elements and this issue needs to be looked into seriously. Apparently, most architectural design studios today have different physical settings, and have developed their own learning culture based on the typical space that they have. Reviewing the physical environment and how it contributes to the social environ-ment in MPHEI’s architectural context requires certain understanding on the learner’s psycho-logical needs, expectations and in the same time to meet the educational objective which is never an easy task. Hence, this paper reviewed the studies of the possible physical environment approaches in connecting the learner’s connections in architecture studio learning environ-ment. A questionnaire survey with Likert-scale components, and semi-structured interview on learners of five distinguished Private Architectural schools in Malaysia unveiled several signifi-cant findings that can lead entrepreneurs to upgrade the physical environment of these MPHEIs in order to cope with the demands of the stakeholders.

  7. Blender Studio Projects Digital Movie-Making

    CERN Document Server

    Mullen, Tony


    Learn how to get professional results from Blender. Start from scratch-the way it happens in the studio-and create fully rendered objects with Blender open-source 3D animation software and this real-world, roll-up-your-sleeves guide. No time is wasted-this book plunges straight into step-by-step instruction designed to help you build skills and create solid assets for film, video, and games. Blender is gaining clout in professional settings, and you can get a running start with this series of hands-on tutorials that encompasses multiple disciplines. The book includes a DVD with starter, interm

  8. Feasibility of a next generation underground water Cherenkov detector: UNO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Chang Kee


    The feasibility of a next generation underground water Cherenkov detector is examined and a conceptual design (UNO) is presented. The design has a linear detector configuration with a total volume of 650 kton which is 13 times the total volume of the Super-Kamiokande detector. It corresponds to a 20 times increase in fiducial volume for physics analysis. The physics goals of UNO are to increase the sensitivity of the search for nucleon decay by a factor of ten and to make precision measurements of the solar and atmospheric neutrino properties. In addition, the detection sensitivity for supernova neutrinos will reach as far as the Andromeda galaxy

  9. "Passie, Hartstocht": Painting and Evoking Emotions in Rembrandt’s Studio

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weststeijn, T.; Fritsche, C.; Leonhard, K.; Weber, G.J.M.


    Focusing on Rembrandt’s studio, this chapter explores the theory and practice in the depiction of the passions. It argues that the central importance alotted to portraying and evoking emotions in rhetorical theory inspired painterly experiments in the 1630s and theoretical ideals that were first

  10. The Artists of the Universal Studios of Art, Lagos, Nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nneka Umera-Okeke

    strengthened and sustained by the introduction of schools and churches. ... have turned out many artists over the years including students on industrial training .... meetings between students and management also take place any time the ... As the studios had a tradition of exhibitions, conferences and seminars, as well.

  11. The determination of molar volumes of uranous nitrate and nitric acid in systems of U(NO3)4-HNO3-H2O and U(NO3)4-HNO3-30% TBP kerosene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tao Chengying


    The data of molar volumes of uranous nitrate and nitric acid are necessary for the calculation of the changes in phase volume during the extraction in U(NO 3 ) 4 -HNO 3 /30%TBP-kerosene system. However, the data of the partial molar volume of U(NO 3 ) 4 are not available in literature. In the present work, the molar volumes of U(NO 3 ) 4 and HNO 3 are calculated by linear fitting of the experimental data. The result of the molar volume of HNO 3 is consistent with those in literature


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wael Abdelhameed


    Full Text Available This research paper attempts to shed more light on an area of the design studio, which concerns with the use of physical modeling as a design medium in architectural form creation. An experiment has been carried out during an architectural design studio in order to not only investigate physical modeling as a tool of form creation but also improve visual design thinking that students employ while using this manual tool. To achieve the research objective, a method was proposed and applied to track form creation processes, based upon three types of operation, namely: sketching transformations, divergent physical-modeling transformations, and convergent physical-modeling transformations. The method helps record the innovative transitions of form during conceptual designing in a simple way. Investigating form creation processes and activities associated with visual design thinking enables the research to conclude to general results of the role of physical modeling in the conceptual phase of designing, and to specific results of the methods used in this architectural design studio experiment.

  13. Web 2.0 technologies at school: formal and informal learning strategies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Davide Parmigiani


    Full Text Available Questo articolo presenta uno studio che focalizza le strategie di apprendimento degli alunni della scuola secondaria di primo grado che utilizzano frequentemente le tecnologie e il web 2.0. La ricerca è stata strutturata su tre questioni fondamentali: l’utilizzo del web 2.0 e dei social network supporta negli alunni la motivazione allo studio, la pianificazione e l’autoregolazione dei propri processi di apprendimento e, infine, l’utilizzo di strategie funzionali allo studio? Lo studio sottolinea che alcune potenzialità delle applicazioni 2.0 sono utili per allenare gli alunni ad usare strategie cognitive efficaci, se sostenute da una progettazione e da modelli didattici aperti al problem-solving e alla ricerca-azione.

  14. Cardboard Houses with Wings: The Architecture of Alabama's Rural Studio (United States)

    Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten


    The Rural Studio, an outreach program of Auburn University, designs innovative houses for poor people living in Alabama's Hale County by using "junk" such as car windshields, carpet tiles, baled cardboard, and old license plates. The article theorizes this particular architecture in terms of Critical Regionalism, developed by…

  15. Documenting the conversion from traditional to Studio Physics formats at the Colorado School of Mines: Process and early results (United States)

    Kohl, Patrick B.; Kuo, H. Vincent; Ruskell, Todd G.


    The Colorado School of Mines (CSM) has taught its first-semester introductory physics course using a hybrid lecture/Studio Physics format for several years. Over the past year we have converted the second semester of our calculus-based introductory physics course (Physics II) to a Studio Physics format, starting from a traditional lecture-based format. In this paper, we document the early stages of this conversion in order to better understand which features succeed and which do not, and in order to develop a model for switching to Studio that keeps the time and resource investment manageable. We describe the recent history of the Physics II course and of Studio at Mines, discuss the PER-based improvements that we are implementing, and characterize our progress via several metrics, including pre/post Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism (CSEM) scores, Colorado Learning About Science Survey scores (CLASS), solicited student comments, failure rates, and exam scores.

  16. Gestió de factures electròniques amb .NET (Visual Studio Tools for Office)


    Gimeno Capín, Pablo


    Creació d¿un software de gestió de factures electròniques desenvolupat en aquesta plataforma tecnològica, amb indicació expressa d¿utilització de les eines VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office) en la seva última versió. Creación de un software de gestión de facturas electrónicas desarrollado en esta plataforma tecnológica, con indicación expresa de utilización de las herramientas VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office) en su última versión. Creation of electronic invoice management softwa...

  17. Pärleid vanapaberi hulgast : kohtumisi inimeste ja vanaraamatuga / Uno Schultz

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schultz, Uno, 1956-


    Bibliofiil Uno Schultzi vanaraamatute kogu kujunemisest ning inimestest, kellega haruldaste raamatute leidmisel kohtutud, sh Kyra Robertist, Voldemar Millerist, Trivimi Vellistest, Oskar Kuningast, Helene Kulpast, Erik Tederist jt.

  18. A Theoretical Framework for the Studio as a Learning Environment (United States)

    Brandt, Carol B.; Cennamo, Katherine; Douglas, Sarah; Vernon, Mitzi; McGrath, Margarita; Reimer, Yolanda


    In this article we describe a holistic, ecological framework that takes into account the surface structures and pedagogical approaches in the studio and how these elements are connected to the construction of design knowledge: epistemology. In our development of this framework, we came to understand how disciplinary underpinnings and academic…

  19. Curiositas and Studiositas: Investigating Student Curiosity and the Design Studio (United States)

    Smith, Korydon


    Curiosity is often considered the foundation of learning. There is, however, little understanding of how (or if) pedagogy in higher education affects student curiosity, especially in the studio setting of architecture, interior design and landscape architecture. This article provides a brief cultural history of curiosity and its role in the design…

  20. Group Projects in Interior Design Studio Classes: Peer Feedback Benefits (United States)

    Jurado, Juan A.


    Group projects have been shown to be effective for providing peer feedback in classrooms. While students in regular enrollment classes benefit from peer feedback, low-enrollment classes face many challenges. This study compares peer feedback effectiveness between two interior design studio classes with different design projects. In one class,…

  1. Parallel Programming with Intel Parallel Studio XE

    CERN Document Server

    Blair-Chappell , Stephen


    Optimize code for multi-core processors with Intel's Parallel Studio Parallel programming is rapidly becoming a "must-know" skill for developers. Yet, where to start? This teach-yourself tutorial is an ideal starting point for developers who already know Windows C and C++ and are eager to add parallelism to their code. With a focus on applying tools, techniques, and language extensions to implement parallelism, this essential resource teaches you how to write programs for multicore and leverage the power of multicore in your programs. Sharing hands-on case studies and real-world examples, the

  2. Teaching and Research: Establishing Link in Studio-Based Education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Ozdemyr


    Full Text Available The compelling ideal of modern architectural education associated with Boyer’s (1990 framework is a scholarly collaboration by a relationship between teaching and research. Research enhances teaching through the introduction of new topics and methodologies. Research-based teaching stimulates better communication between students and lecturers as researchers. Students’ comments and questions can improve the subject of future research. A model of research-based teaching can be structured to teach both research findings and processes. This model can be well integrated to current curriculum with emphasis on research-oriented teaching in which students take part in the research process. In this process, instructors use their research experience during their interactions with students. This paper discusses the establishment of the link between research and teaching in the built environment with cases from studio-based learning in Landscape Architecture discipline. The argument is that studio-based education should be accepted as a pedagogical method to take part in teaching research to make connections between architecture and other disciplines. This effort will position the education into a research-based setting and make proposals to re-orient curriculum so that researchers can teach what and how they research.

  3. The "Tutorless" Design Studio: A Radical Experiment in Blended Learning (United States)

    Hill, Glen Andrew


    This paper describes a pedagogical experiment in which a suite of novel blended learning strategies was used to replace the traditional role of design tutors in a first year architectural design studio. The pedagogical objectives, blended learning strategies and outcomes of the course are detailed. While the quality of the student design work…

  4. Teachers’ Perceptions About the HANDSON MOOC: A Learning Design Studio Case

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garreta-Domingo, Muriel; Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Mor, Yishay; Sloep, Peter


    Recently, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been proposed as relevant instruments for professional development. This paper reports on two editions of the HANDSON MOOC for teacher professional devel‐ opment. The MOOCs use the Learning Design Studio methodology as a peda‐ gogical framework, the

  5. Carta al editor en relación al artículo: “Estrategia de uno en uno para mejorar la técnica correcta de higiene de manos”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonella Carpio Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Hemos leído con interés el artículo titulado: “Estrategia de uno en uno para mejorar la técnica correcta de higiene de manos” de Orozco Hernández y colaboradores, publicado en el volumen 38, número 5.1 Aunque consideramos que el estudio puede ser importante en la búsqueda de estrategias para mejorar la técnica de lavado de manos en personal de salud, nos gustaría expresarle algunas dudas que surgen y que requieren clarificación.

  6. Managing the Complexity of Design Problems through Studio-Based Learning (United States)

    Cennamo, Katherine; Brandt, Carol; Scott, Brigitte; Douglas, Sarah; McGrath, Margarita; Reimer, Yolanda; Vernon, Mitzi


    The ill-structured nature of design problems makes them particularly challenging for problem-based learning. Studio-based learning (SBL), however, has much in common with problem-based learning and indeed has a long history of use in teaching students to solve design problems. The purpose of this ethnographic study of an industrial design class,…

  7. Strategies for application of learning theories in art studio practices ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study highlights the link between learning theories and art studio practices. The paper is of the opinion that if these theories are critically understood and applied to the practical aspect of fine and applied arts then learning will be more functional. Nigerian Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria Vol. 8(1) 2003: ...

  8. NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio (United States)

    Mitchell, Horace G.


    Since 1988, the Scientific Visualization Studio(SVS) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has produced scientific visualizations of NASA s scientific research and remote sensing data for public outreach. These visualizations take the form of images, animations, and end-to-end systems and have been used in many venues: from the network news to science programs such as NOVA, from museum exhibits at the Smithsonian to White House briefings. This presentation will give an overview of the major activities and accomplishments of the SVS, and some of the most interesting projects and systems developed at the SVS will be described. Particular emphasis will be given to the practices and procedures by which the SVS creates visualizations, from the hardware and software used to the structures and collaborations by which products are designed, developed, and delivered to customers. The web-based archival and delivery system for SVS visualizations at will also be described.

  9. The Global Studio - Incorporating Peer-Learning into the Design Curriculum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aysar Ghassan


    Full Text Available In ‘tutor-led’ design education, lecturers reside at the centre of teaching & learning activi­ties. We argue that tutor-led design education does not prepare graduates sufficiently for working in highly complex professional capacities. We outline an alternative learning envi­­ron­ment named the Global Studio in which lecturers are more ‘distant’ in pedagogical activities. This ‘distance’ opens up learning spaces which expose students to complex project situations in preparation for professional working life. Global Studio projects are ‘student-led’ and contain explicit opportunities for peer tutoring to ensue. Feedback indicates that learners benefitted from engaging in peer tutoring. However, many students struggled with making important decisions when operating outside of the tutor-led learning environment. To maximise their benefit, we argue that student-led projects featuring peer-tutoring should be scaffolded throughout design programmes to provide students with a sufficient level of expo­sure to this mode of learning. Image by artist Malcom Jones.

  10. Evaluation of XRI-UNO CdTe detector for nuclear medical imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jambi, L.K.; Lees, J.E.; Bugby, S.L.; Alqahtani, M.S.; Tipper, S.; Perkins, A.C.


    Over the last two decades advances in semiconductor detector technology have reached the point where they are sufficiently sensitive to become an alternative to scintillators for high energy gamma ray detection for application in fields such as medical imaging. This paper assessed the Cadmium-Telluride (CdTe) XRI-UNO semiconductor detector produced by X-RAY Imatek for photon energies of interest in nuclear imaging. The XRI-UNO detector was found to have an intrinsic spatial resolution of <0.5mm and a high incident count rate capability up to at least 1680cps. The system spatial resolution, uniformity and sensitivity characteristics are also reported

  11. Gamma ray spectroscopy with Arduino UNO (United States)

    Lavelle, C. M.


    We review a simple gamma ray spectrometer constructed on a solderless breadboard. The spectrometer's detector consists of a CsI(Tl) scintillator and silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) and its readout is facilitated by an Arduino UNO. The system is low cost and utilizes a minimum of components while still achieving satisfactory charge linearity and noise levels. This instrument can be used in instructional laboratories to introduce both radiation detection and analog signal processing concepts. We also expect it will be of interest to those seeking to introduce gamma spectroscopy to the expanding ecosystem of Arduino hardware.

  12. Integration of Structural Knowledge in Design Studio Project: Assessment Study of Curriculum In Architecture Course in University Of Malaya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aniza Abdul Aziz


    Full Text Available Architectural education should advance in parallel with the industrial growth of building technology. Universities as producers of future architects have yet to develop curriculums for building technology to suit the growth of the building industry. This gap between education and industrial growth has been a topic of debate for many researchers who are concerned about architectural pedagogy. Architectural instruction further aggravated the problem whereby in most architectural schools worldwide, teaching is divided between the design studio, where the design projects are taught and lecture classes where the technical parts are taught. The latter should be integrated with design studio to enhance design levels. Students face difficulty integrating and applying the structural knowledge gained from structure classes into their design. One explanation for this deficiency is because the current architectural structure subject's content is borrowed from an engineering syllabus. This study will examine the course content, instruction styles and method of teaching structure subjects and will investigate the learning outcomes of design studio through students' performance and perception in integrating structural knowledge in their design projects. Respondents were students from Year 1 to Year 5 doing their Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Bachelor of Architecture degrees in University of Malaya. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the design studio coordinators and structure lecturers. This study aims to find the ideal course content/method of teaching to facilitate more integration between structure and design studio.

  13. The Lure of Non-Credit Studio Art Classes for Adult Learners (United States)

    Murray, Gina C.


    The purpose of this study was to examine the motivation and satisfaction of adult learners who participated in non-credit studio art classes. Leisure motivation has been researched by educators, philosophers, psychologists, and social scientists (Candy, 1991; Brookfield, 2005: Dewey, 1980; Knowles, 1998; Maslow, 1970; Rogers, 1961, Stebbins,…

  14. MOOC - MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE: INSTALAÇÃO DO ANDROID STUDIO MOOC - Massive Open Online Course: Android Studio Installation


    Moreira, Bernardo; Reguinga, Bernardo; Samartinho, João


    As tecnologias estão cada vez mais presentes no dia a dia. É crucial que os professores e alunos se sintam preparados para este novo universo tecnológico, onde as tecnologias assumem um papel preponderante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.Este poster apresenta um projeto em que a partir de um MOOC (Massive Open Online Couse) disponibilizamos um módulo de instalação do Android Studio na plataforma eRaízes. A adesão a esta modalidade de aprendizagem (MOOC) e a crescente utilização do Android,...

  15. The Microsoft Visual Studio Software Development For 5 DOF Nuclear Malaysia Robot Arm V2 Control System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Zaid Hassan; Anwar Abdul Rahman; Azraf Azman; Mohd Rizal Mamat; Mohd Arif Hamzah


    This paper presents the Microsoft visual studio development for 5DOF Nuclear Malaysia Robot Arm V2 control system. The kinematics analysis is the study of the relationship between the individual joints of robot manipulator, the position and orientation of the end-effector. The Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) model is used to model the robot links and joints. Both forward and inverse kinematic are presented. The simulation software has been developed by using Microsoft visual studio to solve the robot arms kinematic behavior. (author)

  16. Architectural visualisation toolkit for 3D Studio Max users


    Cooper , Neil


    Architectural Visualisation has become a vital part of the design process for architects and engineers. The process of modelling and rendering an architectural visualisation can be complex and time consuming with only a few tools available to assist novice modellers. This paper looks at available solutions for visualisation specialists including AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max and Google SketchUp as well as available solutions which attempt to automate the process including Batzal Roof ...

  17. Stretch and Studio Composition Practicum: Creating a Culture of Support and Success for Developing Writers at a Hispanic-Serving Institution (United States)

    Elder, Cristyn L.; Davila, Bethany


    This course design describes a 3-credit, two-week intensive Stretch and Studio Practicum course at the University of New Mexico (UNM). Because the Stretch and Studio composition curriculum is designed to help students who may be at greater risk of not succeeding, instructors are required to complete the practicum before teaching in the program.…

  18. Using Active Learning in a Studio Classroom to Teach Molecular Biology (United States)

    Nogaj, Luiza A.


    This article describes the conversion of a lecture-based molecular biology course into an active learning environment in a studio classroom. Specific assignments and activities are provided as examples. The goal of these activities is to involve students in collaborative learning, teach them how to participate in the learning process, and give…

  19. Inside the Actors' Studio: Exploring Dietetics Education Practices through Dialogical Inquiry (United States)

    Fox, Ann L.; Gingras, Jacqui


    Two colleagues, Ann and Jacqui, came together, within the safety of an imagined actors' studio, to explore the challenges that Ann faced in planning a new graduate program in public health nutrition. They met before, during, and after program implementation to discuss Ann's experiences, and audio-taped and transcribed the discussions. When all…

  20. Carnegie Mellon's STUDIO for Creative Inquiry [and] The Interdisciplinary Teaching Network (ITeN) [and] Interactive Fiction [and] The Networked Virtual Art Museum. (United States)

    Holden, Lynn; And Others


    Explains the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, an interdisciplinary center at Carnegie Mellon University that supports experimental activities in the arts, and its Interdisciplinary Teaching Network. Three STUDIO projects are described: the Ancient Egypt Prototype application of the network; an interactive fiction system based on artificial…

  1. Markkinoinnin kehittäminen kustannustehokkaasti Case: Studio Jsuvala


    Koskinen, Anniina; Airaksinen, Marianne


    Tämän työn toimeksiantona oli kehittää erään kuopiolaisen valokuvaamon markkinointia kustannustehokkaasti. Yrityksen resurssit olivat vähäiset ja siksi markkinointikeinojen täytyi olla pienikustanteista tai ilmaista. Työn tavoitteena oli erityisesti selvittää valokuvaamon segmentit, jotta markkinointi kohdistuisi oikeille asiakasryhmille. Työssä on lisäksi selvitetty, minkälainen sisältö toimisi parhaiten eri markkinointikanavissa. Työssä on löydetty kehittämisehdotuksia myös Studio Jsuvalan...

  2. Scrutinizing Studio Art and Its Study: Historical Relations and Contemporary Conditions (United States)

    Grierson, Elizabeth M.


    This article addresses shifts in the pedagogical positioning of art theory and art practice through the decades of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s and considers how shifts to postdisciplinarity might inform practices in the art academy today. It considers legacies of modernity to disclose methodological and ideological scaffolds upon which studio art…

  3. Designing Teaching--Teaching Designing: Teacher's Guidance in a Virtual Design Studio (United States)

    Lahti, Henna; Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Pirita


    This study examined pedagogical aspects of virtual designing. It focused on how an industrial design teacher organised a university course in plastic product design and how the teacher guided student teams' design processes in a virtual design studio. The model of Learning by Collaborative Design was used as a pedagogical and analytical framework.…

  4. Mule Studio: una herramienta gráfica para Mule ESB


    Boubeta-Puig, Juan


    En este documento se presenta un tutorial paso a paso sobre Mule Studio, una herramienta gráfica que abstrae al usuario de los detalles más técnicos del bus de servicios empresarial Mule. Además, se implementa un caso de estudio en el que se integra el motor de procesamiento de eventos complejos Esper con Mule, haciendo uso de dicha herramienta.

  5. Prospettive della reazione di idroformilazione nella sintesi di composti biologicamente attivi


    Marchetti, Mauro


    Il nostro gruppo sta conducendo uno studio su complessi di rodio con una nuova classe di leganti idrosolubili di origine proteica, tali complessi impiegati nell’idroformilazione bifasica in solvente acquoso di diversi substrati hanno fornito buoni risultati.

  6. TaC Studios New Construction Test House

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Butler, T. [NAHB Research Center Industry Partnership, Upper Marlboro, MD (United States); Curtis, O. [NAHB Research Center Industry Partnership, Upper Marlboro, MD (United States); Kim, E. [NAHB Research Center Industry Partnership, Upper Marlboro, MD (United States); Roberts, S. [NAHB Research Center Industry Partnership, Upper Marlboro, MD (United States); Stephenson, R. [NAHB Research Center Industry Partnership, Upper Marlboro, MD (United States)


    As part of the NAHB Research Center Industry Partnership, Southface partnered with TaC Studios, an Atlanta based architecture firm specializing in residential and light commercial design, on the construction of a new test home in Atlanta, GA, in the mixed humid climate zone. This home will serve as a model home for the builder partner and addresses Building America energy savings targets through the planning and implementation of a design package will serve as a basis of design for the builder partner’s future homes. As a BA test house, this home will be evaluated to detail whole house energy use, end use loads, and HVAC and hot water efficiency.

  7. B-to-C Digital Marketing Plan for ONAR Studios


    Juvonen, Mirjam


    Traditional marketing methods are losing their impact in this continuously more digital world. Most customers are online and businesses need to be there, too. Through a creative plan for digital marketing, businesses can gain an advantage over their competitors, which is highly needed especially in the extremely competitive fashion industry. The objective of this product-based thesis is to create a B-to-C digital marketing plan for the case company, ONAR Studios, a small Finnish fashion b...

  8. Tactile Studio, artigianato digitale al servizio dell’accessibilità


    Riccardo Leone; Philippe Moreau


    Tactile Studio is a design agency for universal design in arts and culture. Tactile experiences are essential for people with visual impairm ents and gr eatly assist many people with cognitive disabilities. Tactile experiences should be included in every exhibition. Children, older adults, people with language diff iculties or fr om diff erent cultural backgr ounds..To name an audience who will not benefit fr om these designs is impossible. Pioneers in France, the nation's top museums have en...

  9. Ludovico Zorzi. Profilo di uno studioso inquieto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefano Mazzoni


    Full Text Available The works of one of the most authoritative historians and insightful critics in Early Modern theatre studies, are reappraised here in the light of both co-textual and contextual evaluations, as well as on the basis of updated methodological knowledge.Le opere e i giorni di uno dei più acuti storici dello spettacolo rinascimentale e di Antico regime sono ricostruiti e interpretati nel loro contesto, anche sulla base di documenti inediti, e si saldano a una riflessione metodologica su temi e problemi della Storia dello spettacolo. 

  10. Speakeasy Studio and Cafe: Information Literacy, Web-based Library Instruction, and Technology. (United States)

    Jacobs, Mark


    Discussion of academic library instruction and information literacy focuses on a Web-based program developed at Washington State University called Speakeasy Studio and Cafe that is used for bibliographic instruction. Highlights include the research process; asking the right question; and adapting to students' differing learning styles. (LRW)

  11. mzStudio: A Dynamic Digital Canvas for User-Driven Interrogation of Mass Spectrometry Data. (United States)

    Ficarro, Scott B; Alexander, William M; Marto, Jarrod A


    Although not yet truly 'comprehensive', modern mass spectrometry-based experiments can generate quantitative data for a meaningful fraction of the human proteome. Importantly for large-scale protein expression analysis, robust data pipelines are in place for identification of un-modified peptide sequences and aggregation of these data to protein-level quantification. However, interoperable software tools that enable scientists to computationally explore and document novel hypotheses for peptide sequence, modification status, or fragmentation behavior are not well-developed. Here, we introduce mzStudio, an open-source Python module built on our multiplierz project. This desktop application provides a highly-interactive graphical user interface (GUI) through which scientists can examine and annotate spectral features, re-search existing PSMs to test different modifications or new spectral matching algorithms, share results with colleagues, integrate other domain-specific software tools, and finally create publication-quality graphics. mzStudio leverages our common application programming interface (mzAPI) for access to native data files from multiple instrument platforms, including ion trap, quadrupole time-of-flight, Orbitrap, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization, and triple quadrupole mass spectrometers and is compatible with several popular search engines including Mascot, Proteome Discoverer, X!Tandem, and Comet. The mzStudio toolkit enables researchers to create a digital provenance of data analytics and other evidence that support specific peptide sequence assignments.

  12. Stress indotto dalla guida di autoveicoli: studio di parametri psicofisiologici

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    R. Vivoli


    Full Text Available

    La guida di un autoveicolo, specie in condizioni di intenso traffico o di cattive condizioni meteoclimatiche, è considerata uno dei principali fattori stressanti della vita odierna. Durante la guida si possono infatti osservare significative risposte simpatoadrenergiche e cardiovascolari con la comparsa anche di episodi coronarici. Tali risposte presentano un’ampia variabilità interindividuale in quanto sono influenzate da vari fattori (stile di vita, personalità etc..

    In questa rassegna, vengono presentati i principali risultati degli studi da noi condotti sulle risposte psicofisiologiche indotte dalla guida di diversi tipi di autoveicoli. In conducenti di autobus urbani è stato registrato un sensibile aumento del tasso urinario di adrenalina durante il turno lavorativo rispetto alla stessa fascia oraria di un giorno di riposo. Tale risposta adrenergica era esaltata dall’abitudine tabagica e dall’assunzione di caffè e bevande alcoliche. In soggetti che alla guida di camion coprono lunghe distanze, i più elevati tassi urinari di catecolamine e i più alti livelli di frequenza cardiaca sono stati registrati quando la guida era particolarmente stressante per la presenza di nebbia o di intenso traffico. In soggetti che partecipano, a livello amatoriale, a manifestazioni agonistiche di velocità su pista, abbiamo osservato che durante la gara, rispetto al periodo pre-gara, l’escrezione urinaria di catecolamine aumenta in misura molto rilevante. Analogamente a quanto osservato in autisti di camion, l’attivazione del sistema adrenergico è risultata direttamente associata ai livelli di ansietà. Dall’elettrocardiogramma dinamico è emerso che durante la gara la frequenza cardiaca raggiunge un valore medio di 163.5±7.4 battiti/min. (range: 146,180 battiti/min..

    Un significativo peggioramento della percezione visiva stereoscopica, con potenziale ricaduta negativa sulla performance dei guidatori, è stato osservato in

  13. Estrategia de uno en uno para mejorar la técnica correcta de higiene de manos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hilda Guadalupe Hernández-Orozco


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la higiene de las manos es considerada la estrategia más importante para prevenir infecciones asociadas con la atención de la salud. En nuestra institución, un estudio previo mostró que 93% del personal del hospital dijo conocer la técnica de higiene de manos, pero las observaciones de vigilancia activa no reflejaban estos resultados.   OBJETIVO: mejorar la técnica de higiene de manos apropiada a través de una estrategia de "uno a uno". MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: estudio comparativo de antes y después, prospectivo, longitudinal, realizado entre 2012-2013, con personal de enfermería de cinco servicios. El estudio se realizó en tres etapas: la primer etapa consistió en observar la realización de higiene de manos reforzando verbalmente si era incorrecta; en la segunda etapa se pidió que se realizara la higiene de manos, si era incorrecta se pidió se repitiera realizándola al mismo tiempo con el observador; la tercera etapa fue la evaluación final de higiene de manos, después de al menos 15 días de la segunda etapa. Analizamos frecuencias de eventos correctos y realizamos comparaciones entre grupos por McNemar para evaluar si el efecto de la intervención se sostenía a pesar del tiempo; se evaluaron las mismas variables un año después del inicio del estudio. RESULTADOS: la prueba de McNemar mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la realización de la higiene de manos correcta entre la etapa 1 en comparación con las siguientes 35 versus 85%; p < 0.001.   CONCLUSIONES: se confirmó que la intervención dirigida logra mayor cooperación por parte del personal e incrementa la técnica correcta de higiene de manos a  orto plazo.

  14. Implementasi Prototype Alat Uji Flight Control Actuator Pesawat Berbasis Mikrokontroller Arduino Uno

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    Full Text Available ABSTRAKFlight control system merupakan suatu sistem di pesawat udara yang digunakan untuk manuver dari satu kondisi terbang ke kondisi terbang lainnya. Alat uji flight control actuator pesawat ini dirancang berupa prototype yang dikendalikan dengan menggunakan mikrokontroller arduino uno, yang terdiri dari input dan output. Input tersebut adalah sensor load cell yang berfungsi untuk mengetahui beban yang diterima dari aktuator pesawat, serta input sensor ping berfungsi untuk mengetahui jarak ataupun sudut dari pergerakan aktuator pesawat. Sedangkan output yang dihasilkan berupa data dari hasil pembacaan sensor load cell dan sensor ping. Alat uji flight control sistem aktuator pesawat yang telah direalisasikan mampu menggerakkan 2 buah double acting cylinder untuk bekerja naik dan turun secara bergantian serta mampu menggerakkan motor servo dengan jarak pergerakkan 3 cm – 4 cm.Kata kunci: Flight control system, Arduino Uno, double acting cylinder, Sensor Ping, Load Cell, Motor ServoABSTRACTFlight control system is a system in which aircraft are used to maneuver from one condition to fly to other flight conditions. Testing instruments aircraft flight control actuator designed a prototype of which is controlled by using microcontroller arduino uno, which consists of input and output. The input is a load cell sensor that serves to determine the load received from aircraft actuators, as well as ping sensor input is used to determine the distance or angle of the aircraft actuator movement . While the output of the data from the load cell sensor readings and sensor ping . Test equipment aircraft flight control actuator system that has been realized is able to move two pieces of double acting cylinder to work up and down alternately and able to drive the servo motor with the movement distance of 3 cm – 4 cm . Keywords: Flight control system , Arduino Uno , double acting cylinder , Ping Sensor, Load Cell, Servo Motor 

  15. Implementasi Prototype Alat Uji Flight Control Actuator Pesawat Berbasis Mikrokontroller Arduino Uno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Flight control system merupakan suatu sistem di pesawat udara yang digunakan untuk manuver dari satu kondisi terbang ke kondisi terbang lainnya. Alat uji flight control actuator pesawat ini dirancang berupa prototype yang dikendalikan dengan menggunakan mikrokontroller arduino uno, yang terdiri dari input dan output. Input tersebut adalah sensor load cell yang berfungsi untuk mengetahui beban yang diterima dari aktuator pesawat, serta input sensor ping berfungsi untuk mengetahui jarak ataupun sudut dari pergerakan aktuator pesawat. Sedangkan output yang dihasilkan berupa data dari hasil pembacaan sensor load cell dan sensor ping. Alat uji flight control sistem aktuator pesawat yang telah direalisasikan mampu menggerakkan 2 buah double acting cylinder untuk bekerja naik dan turun secara bergantian serta mampu menggerakkan motor servo dengan jarak pergerakkan 3 cm – 4 cm. Kata kunci: Flight control system, Arduino Uno, double acting cylinder, Sensor Ping, Load Cell, Motor Servo ABSTRACT Flight control system is a system in which aircraft are used to maneuver from one condition to fly to other flight conditions. Testing instruments aircraft flight control actuator designed a prototype of which is controlled by using microcontroller arduino uno, which consists of input and output. The input is a load cell sensor that serves to determine the load received from aircraft actuators, as well as ping sensor input is used to determine the distance or angle of the aircraft actuator movement . While the output of the data from the load cell sensor readings and sensor ping . Test equipment aircraft flight control actuator system that has been realized is able to move two pieces of double acting cylinder to work up and down alternately and able to drive the servo motor with the movement distance of 3 cm – 4 cm . Keywords: Flight control system , Arduino Uno , double acting cylinder , Ping Sensor, Load Cell, Servo Motor

  16. In the Artist's Studio with L'Illustration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esner, Rachel


    Full Text Available This article explores the two series of visits to the artist's studio that appeared in the famed French illustrated magazine L'Illustration in the 1850s and in 1886. An in-depth examination of both the texts and images reveals the verbal and visual tropes used to characterize the artists and their spaces, linking these to broader notions of "the artist" – his moral characteristics, behaviors, and artistic practice – as well as to the politics of the art world and the (bourgeois ideology of L'Illustration. The aim is to uncover not only the language but also the mechanics of the "mediatization" of the image of the artist in this crucial period.

  17. TaC Studios New Construction Test House

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Butler, T.; Curtis, O.; Kim, E.; Roberts, S.; Stephenson, R.


    As part of the NAHB Research Center Industry Partnership, Southface partnered with TaC Studios, an Atlanta based architecture firm specializing in residential and light commercial design, on the construction of a new test home in Atlanta, GA in the mixed humid climate zone. This home will serve as a model home for the builder partner and addresses Building America energy savings targets through the planning and implementation of a design package will serve as a basis of design for the builder partner's future homes. As a BA test house, this home will be evaluated to detail whole house energy use, end use loads, and HVAC and hot water efficiency.

  18. Mechatronics Learning Studio: From "Play and Learn" to Industry-Inspired Green Energy Applications (United States)

    Habash, R. W. Y.; Suurtamm, C.; Necsulescu, D.


    This paper describes the evolution of the teaching of electrical engineering to mechanical engineering students based on motivation and a pedagogical strategy incorporating interdisciplinary mechatronics projects in a learning studio environment. Implementation of student projects within the curriculum has been demonstrated to be highly…

  19. Implicazioni psicosociali di un disastro naturale: uno studio sul terremoto dell'Abruzzo

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    Marzia Molteni


    Full Text Available As part of a broader research project, this article describes a study led by the Emergency Psychology Unit of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, on a sample of 42 families affected by the 2009 earthquake in L’Aquila (Italy. 14- 18 months after the event, the study investigates the incidence of some posttraumatic stress indicators (avoidance, intrusion, hyperactivation in the sample of victims, analyzing also the relationship between prevalent coping strategies (pro-active coping and coping humor and stress levels. The results indicate the presence of predisposing and protective variables for symptoms of posttraumatic stress. Among the coping strategies, humor seems to reduce the impact of the potentially traumatic event.

  20. Kuniichi Uno: um pensamento filosófico além do dualismo Oriente/Ocidente

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    Ana Amélia C. Genioli


    Full Text Available Este livro inédito do filósofo japonês Kuniichi Uno apresenta 11 ensaios sobre o corpo, a dança, o teatro, o cinema e a biopolítica com reflexões que tomam como referência obras de Nijinsky, Tanaka Min, Hijikata, Artaud, Beckett, Genet e Deleuze. A dança e os escritos de bailarinos japoneses inspiraram-no para pensar sobre o corpo a partir do movimento. O encontro desse corpo, pelos autores trazidos por Uno, não se dará de maneira “positiva”, mas pela “transgressão” da razão, pela crueldade do pensamento, pelos interstícios, pelas fissuras, pela realidade que excede o texto. O que interessa a Uno nos autores franceses é a forma como desestabilizam os aspectos mais cartesianos e dogmáticos da filosofia da razão europeia, ou seja, é aquilo que os aproxima do Oriente.

  1. Interest-Driven Learning Among Middle School Youth in an Out-of-School STEM Studio (United States)

    Evans, Michael A.; Lopez, Megan; Maddox, Donna; Drape, Tiffany; Duke, Rebekah


    The concept of connected learning proposes that youth leverage individual interest and social media to drive learning with an academic focus. To illustrate, we present in-depth case studies of Ryan and Sam, two middle-school-age youth, to document an out-of-school intervention intended to direct toward intentional learning in STEM that taps interest and motivation. The investigation focused on how Ryan and Sam interacted with the designed elements of Studio STEM and whether they became more engaged to gain deeper learning about science concepts related to energy sustainability. The investigation focused on the roles of the engineering design process, peer interaction, and social media to influence youth interest and motivation. Research questions were based on principles of connected learning (e.g., self-expression, lower barriers to expertise, socio-technical supports) with data analyzed within a framework suggested by discursive psychology. Analyzing videotaped excerpts of interactions in the studio, field notes, interview responses, and artifacts created during the program resulted in the following findings: problem solving, new media, and peer interaction as designed features of Studio STEM elicited evidence of stimulating interest in STEM for deeper learning. Further research could investigate individual interest-driven niches that are formed inside the larger educational setting, identifying areas of informal learning practice that could be adopted in formal settings. Moreover, aspects of youth's STEM literacy that could promote environmental sustainability through ideation, invention, and creativity should be pursued.

  2. The City at Play: "Second Life" and the Virtual Urban Planning Studio (United States)

    Thomas, David; Hollander, Justin B.


    This study interrogates the idea of using videogames and game-like virtual worlds as a means to advance studio education pedagogy. Looking at a series of case studies of urban planning courses taught using "Second Life," the results describe the potentials, and limits, of this emerging digital media. Key findings are that the virtual worlds…

  3. MBN Explorer and MBN Studio Tutorials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Solov'yov, Ilia A.; Sushko, Gennady; Verkhovtsev, Alexey

    of complex molecular systems are introduced and explained in details invoking illustrative case studies. MBN Explorer is a multi-purpose software package for advanced multiscale simulations of complex molecular structure and dynamics. It has many unique features and a wide range of applications in Physics......This book describes the practical exercises with MesoBioNano (MBN) Explorer and MBN Studio software packages introducing and illustrating a broad range of applications of the software in various fields. The standard and unique algorithms for molecular and Monte Carlo dynamics and for optimisation......, Chemistry, Biology, Materials Science, and Industry. A broad variety of algorithms and interatomic potentials implemented in the program allow simulations of structure and dynamics of a broad range of systems with the sizes from the atomic up to the mesoscopic scales. MBN Explorer is available for Windows...

  4. WPF ir Microsoft Visual Studio technologijų panaudojimas vizualizacijos sistemoms kurti


    Mockus, Algirdas


    The author of this work analyzes possibility to use standard application development techniques for creating process visualization systems. Adoption of this method can result in visualization systems creation and support cost reduction. New system would allow achieving better graphics quality, expandability and lower integration complexity. WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) and Microsoft Visual Studio technologies were chosen as the basis because of many exclusive features they have....

  5. Java Analysis Studio and the hep.lcd class library

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ronan, M.T.


    The Java Analysis Studio and the hep.lcd class library provide a general framework for performing Java-based Linear Collider Detector (LCD) studies. The package is being developed to fully reconstruct 500 GeV to 1.5 TeV e{sup +}e{sup {minus}} annihilation events for analyzing detector options and performance. The current North American LCD reconstruction effort is aimed at comparing different detailed detector models by performing full detector simulation and reconstruction. This paper describes the JAS/hep.lcd distributed analysis framework and some aspects of the reconstruction and analysis object modeling.

  6. Independent working place on the base of the DVK-2M computer and UNO-4096 analyzer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zajtsev, M.Yu.; Balandin, A.F.


    Independent working place on the base of the DVK-2M microcomputer and UNO-4096-90 analyzer, designated for investigations of the field of reactor and protection physics is described. Two ways of the analyzer connection with the DVK-2M microcomputer are suggested : by means of CAMAC system or direct connection of UNO-analyzer with the DVK-2M processor

  7. Academic Advising at UNO. Report of the 1991 Student Survey. (United States)

    Crawford, A. E.


    A study was done of student perception of academic advising at the University of Nebraska, Omaha (UNO). The study surveyed 638 students who participated in the early registration process for the Fall 1991 semester. Of those students, 269 were men and 369 were women and 8.3 percent were members of a minority group. The study instrument was the…

  8. Comparative experimental evaluation of the efficacy of Prostamol Uno and Samprost on rat model of chronic aseptic prostate inflammation. (United States)

    Pahomova, A V; Borovskaja, T G; Fomina, T I; Ermolaeva, L A; Vychuzhanina, A V; Rumpel, O A; Granstrem, O K; Baranova, O V


    Comparative experimental evaluation of the efficiency of prostatotropic drugs Prostamol Uno and Samprost on the model of the chronic aseptic prostate inflammation in rats was performed. It was established that peptide drug Samprost decelerates sclerotic processes in the prostate gland to a greater extent than herbal preparation Prostamol Uno. Both products equally stimulate secretory activity of the gland. Prostamol Uno, unlike Samprost, prevents the development of reduced sexual motivation, one of the complications of chronic prostatitis.

  9. Design studio as a life space in architectural education: privacy requirements


    Demirbaş, Özgen Osman


    Ankara : The Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and the Institute of Fine Arts of Bilkent Univ., 1997. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1997. Includes bibliographical refences. There is a very important relationship between the educational outcomes and the architectural design of educational facilities. The most commonly used space in an architectural education is the design studio. Therefore, it is claimed that there should be a living process in a ...

  10. “Wreck IT Ralph”: Studi Genre Pada Film Disney Animation Studios


    Devita, Fransisca


    “Wreck It Ralph” adalah sebuah film animasi produksi Disney Animation Studios yang menceritakan kehidupan dan petualangan seorang penjahat di dunia permainan bernama Ralph. Film ini adalah sebuah film yang membawa konvensi-konvensi genre yang berbeda dari film Disney sebelumnya. Peneliti melakukan analisis genre terhadap film “Wreck It Ralph” menggunakan 6 konvensi genre menurut Jane Stokes, yaitu setting, lokasi, peristiwa-peristiwa naratif, plot, karakter, dan ikonografi, untuk mengetahui g...

  11. A "Knowledge Trading Game" for Collaborative Design Learning in an Architectural Design Studio (United States)

    Wang, Wan-Ling; Shih, Shen-Guan; Chien, Sheng-Fen


    Knowledge-sharing and resource exchange are the key to the success of collaborative design learning. In an architectural design studio, design knowledge entails learning efforts that need to accumulate and recombine dispersed and complementary pieces of knowledge. In this research, firstly, "Knowledge Trading Game" is proposed to be a way for…

  12. Objects of Status, Power & Adornment, studio jewellery movement 1950 - 2011


    Cross, Susan


    To celebrate the opening of the jewelry gallery at the MFA Boston in 2011, Mobilia Gallery is planning on an upcoming exhibition “Objects of Status, Power and Adornment: The Studio Jewelry Movement 1950-2011”. We are inviting internationally known masters in the field of metalsmithing, as well as emerging talents, all of whom work with a myriad of diverse materials and techniques to creatively explore their vision and interpretation of jewelry. I was invited to participate in this internatio...

  13. Improving Student Commitment to Healthcare-Related Design Practice by Improving the Studio Learning Experience. (United States)

    Tan, Lindsay; Hong, Miyoung; Albert, Taneshia West


    This case study explores the influence of the healthcare design studio experience on students' short-term professional goals as measured through rates of healthcare-related certification and internship/employment. The value and relevance of interior design is evident in the healthcare design sector. However, interior design students may not perceive this value if it is not communicated through their design education. Students' experience in the design studio plays a crucial role in determining career choices, and students may be more committed to career goals when there is clear connection between major coursework and professional practice. The authors compared healthcare-related certification and internship/employment levels between two student cohorts in a capstone undergraduate interior design healthcare design studio course. The first cohort was led by the existing curriculum. The second cohort was led by the revised curriculum that specifically aimed at encouraging students to commit to healthcare-related design practice. When measured at 3 months from graduation, the second cohort, led by the revised curriculum, saw a 30% increase in Evidence-based Design Accreditation and Certification exam pass rates and a 40% increase in healthcare-related internship/employment. The challenge of interior design education is to instill in emerging professionals not only professional competence but also those professional attitudes that will make them better prepared to design spaces that improve quality of life, particularly in healthcare environments. The results exceeded the project goals, and so this could be considered a promising practice for courses focused on healthcare design education.

  14. The integration of studio cycling into a worksite stress management programme. (United States)

    Clark, Matthew M; Soyring, Jason E; Jenkins, Sarah M; Daniels, Denise C; Berkland, Bridget E; Werneburg, Brooke L; Hagen, Philip T; Lopez-Jimenez, Francisco; Warren, Beth A; Olsen, Kerry D


    High stress is a prevalent problem in the worksite. To reduce stress, improve productivity, reduce absenteeism, and lower healthcare costs, many companies offer exercise classes or stress management programmes. Although physical activity is an important component of stress management, few worksites have integrated physical activity into their comprehensive stress reduction programmes. The purpose of this single-arm pilot project was to examine the potential effectiveness of an integrated exercise (studio cycling) and cognitive-behavioural stress management programme. Eighty-four adults, 75% female, mostly aged 40+ years, participated in an integrated 12-week cycling studio and cognitive-behavioural stress management programme. Participants experienced a significant and clinically meaningful reduction on the Perceived Stress Scale (p manage stress at the programme's end and at a 1-month follow-up. Participants also reported having significantly improved overall health, improved nutritional habits, higher physical activity level, greater confidence in their ability to follow a healthy diet, higher spiritual well-being, improved sleep, receiving more support for maintaining healthy living and improved quality of life at the completion of the 12-week programme and 1-month follow-up. These findings provide further support for an integrated exercise and stress management programme. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  15. Comparative study of numerical schemes of TVD3, UNO3-ACM and optimized compact scheme (United States)

    Lee, Duck-Joo; Hwang, Chang-Jeon; Ko, Duck-Kon; Kim, Jae-Wook


    Three different schemes are employed to solve the benchmark problem. The first one is a conventional TVD-MUSCL (Monotone Upwind Schemes for Conservation Laws) scheme. The second scheme is a UNO3-ACM (Uniformly Non-Oscillatory Artificial Compression Method) scheme. The third scheme is an optimized compact finite difference scheme modified by us: the 4th order Runge Kutta time stepping, the 4th order pentadiagonal compact spatial discretization with the maximum resolution characteristics. The problems of category 1 are solved by using the second (UNO3-ACM) and third (Optimized Compact) schemes. The problems of category 2 are solved by using the first (TVD3) and second (UNO3-ACM) schemes. The problem of category 5 is solved by using the first (TVD3) scheme. It can be concluded from the present calculations that the Optimized Compact scheme and the UN03-ACM show good resolutions for category 1 and category 2 respectively.

  16. An Exploratory Study: Assessment of Modeled Dioxin Exposure in Ceramic Art Studios (External Review Draft) (United States)

    EPA has released an external review draft entitled, An Exploratory Study: Assessment of Modeled Dioxin Exposure in Ceramic Art Studios(External Review Draft). The public comment period and the external peer-review workshop are separate processes that provide opportunities ...

  17. Acoustic scaling: A re-evaluation of the acoustic model of Manchester Studio 7 (United States)

    Walker, R.


    The reasons for the reconstruction and re-evaluation of the acoustic scale mode of a large music studio are discussed. The design and construction of the model using mechanical and structural considerations rather than purely acoustic absorption criteria is described and the results obtained are given. The results confirm that structural elements within the studio gave rise to unexpected and unwanted low-frequency acoustic absorption. The results also show that at least for the relatively well understood mechanisms of sound energy absorption physical modelling of the structural and internal components gives an acoustically accurate scale model, within the usual tolerances of acoustic design. The poor reliability of measurements of acoustic absorption coefficients, is well illustrated. The conclusion is reached that such acoustic scale modelling is a valid and, for large scale projects, financially justifiable technique for predicting fundamental acoustic effects. It is not appropriate for the prediction of fine details because such small details are unlikely to be reproduced exactly at a different size without extensive measurements of the material's performance at both scales.

  18. Development of Automated Procedures to Generate Reference Building Models for ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and India’s Building Energy Code and Implementation in OpenStudio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parker, Andrew [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Haves, Philip [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Jegi, Subhash [International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (India); Garg, Vishal [International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (India); Ravache, Baptiste [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    This paper describes a software system for automatically generating a reference (baseline) building energy model from the proposed (as-designed) building energy model. This system is built using the OpenStudio Software Development Kit (SDK) and is designed to operate on building energy models in the OpenStudio file format.

  19. An Exploratory Study: Assessment of Modeled Dioxin Exposure in Ceramic Art Studios (Final Report, 2008) (United States)

    EPA announced the availability of the final report, An Exploratory Study: Assessment of Modeled Dioxin Exposure in Ceramic Art Studios. This report investigates the potential dioxin exposure to artists/hobbyists who use ball clay to make pottery and related products. Derm...

  20. Curiosity and Pedagogy: A Mixed-Methods Study of Student Experiences in the Design Studio (United States)

    Smith, Korydon H.


    Curiosity is often considered the foundation of learning. There is, however, little understanding of how (or if) pedagogy in higher education affects student curiosity, especially in the studio setting of architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture. This study used mixed-methods to investigate curiosity among design students in the…

  1. Making Americans: UNO Charter Schools and Civic Education. Policy Brief 6 (United States)

    Feith, David


    This policy brief is the third in a series of in-depth case studies exploring how top-performing charter schools have incorporated civic learning in their school curriculum and school culture. The UNO Charter School Network includes 13 schools serving some 6,500 students across Chicago. Located in predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods, the…

  2. Respuesta a la carta al editor en relación al artículo: “Estrategia de uno en uno para mejorar la técnica correcta de higiene de manos”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hilda Guadalupe Hernández Orozco


    Full Text Available En respuesta a la carta enviada por Antonella Carpio-Rodríguez y Sofía Mercado-Gonzáles del trabajo: “Estrategia de uno en uno para mejorar la técnica correcta de higiene de manos”, publicado en el volumen 38, numero 5, le comentamos que el personal de la unidad de vigilancia epidemiológica se refiere a una enfermera del Comité, por lo cual no se requirió realizar concordancia y calibración del evaluador; sin embargo, su segundo comentario sobre el sesgo del observador no se controló. En el estudio se describe que el personal evaluador acude al servicio y observa la técnica en el personal en ese momento.

  3. Parametric Design of Outdoor Broadcasting Studio Based on Schema Theory

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    Zhu Li


    Full Text Available This paper mainly demonstrates that the schema is an important way for the architect to cognize architecture form logic. It connects schema to algorithm of parametric design in order to seek the “algorithm schema” generation in parametric design of architecture. Meanwhile, this paper discusses the generative process and methods of the “algorithm schema” in parametric design of architecture by describing a case of outdoor broadcasting studio of Hunan Economic Radio. It also reveals the importance of “algorithm schema” for the cognition and architectural form logic generation.

  4. Architecture Studio Archive: A Case Study in the Comprehensive Digital Capture and Repository of Student Design Work as an Aid to Teaching, Research, and Accreditation (United States)

    Anderson, Ross; Arndell, Michael; Christensen, Sten


    The "Architecture Studio Archive" pilot sought to form a comprehensive digital archive of the diverse student work conducted in the first year of the Bachelor of Design in Architecture Degree at the University of Sydney. The design studio is the primary vehicle for teaching architectural design. It is a locus for creative activity, with…

  5. Design & simulation of a 800 kV dynamitron accelerator by CST studio

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    A M Aghayan


    Full Text Available Nowadays, middle energy electrostatic accelerators in industries are widely used due to their high efficiency and low cost compared with other types of accelerators. In this paper, the importance and applications of electrostatic accelerators with 800 keV energy are studied. Design and simulation of capacitive coupling of a dynamitron accelerator is proposed. Furthermore, accelerating tube are designed and simulated by means of CST Suit Studio

  6. Automated hydroponics nutrition plants systems using arduino uno microcontroller based on android (United States)

    Sihombing, P.; Karina, N. A.; Tarigan, J. T.; Syarif, M. I.


    Technological developments today make the combination of science is very common, including in Computer Science and Agriculture to make both of science need each other. This paper aims to develop a control tool for the flow of nutrients of hydroponic plants automatically using Arduino microcontroller and controlled by smartphone. We use an Arduino Uno microcontroller to automatically control the flow of nutrient solution with logic if else. The microcontroller can also send data of fluid level (solution) and temperature around the plant to smartphone android of the owner of the hydroponics plant. The height of the nutrient solution (water) is detected by the Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and the temperature is detected by the temperature sensor LM35. Data from the sensor will forward into Arduino Uno and displayed in liquid crystal display (LCD) then via wireless fidelity (WIFI) ESP8266 module will transmit the height of the nutrient solution and the temperature around of the plants to Android smartphone.

  7. Incentivi reputazionali alla cooperazione in un gioco competitivo tra adolescenti : Uno studio sperimentale

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Giardini, Francesca; Guazzini, Andrea; Duradoni, Mirko; Paolucci, Mario; Brigida, Lucia; Vilone, Daniele; Bagnoli, Franco


    Reputation is one of the most effective solutions to the so-called «puzzle of cooperation», but it is usually studied in contexts in which information is not ambiguous and there are no incentives towards strategically using it. In this study, we test wheter the possibility of being evaluated (with a

  8. Using Cascading Style Sheets to Design a Fly-Out Menu with Microsoft Visual Studio (United States)

    Liu, Chang; Downing, Charles


    The menu has become an integrated component within nearly all professionally designed websites. This teaching tip presents a no-code way to design either a vertical or a horizontal fly-out menu by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) within Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. The approach described in this tip helps students fully understand how to…

  9. Segmentation, Targeting, dan Positioning Studio Tato di Surabaya dalam Perkembangan Gaya Hidup


    Anang Tri Wahyudi


    This study attempts to examine in depth the influence of lifestyle on the orientation of recipients (tattoo users) to the art of tattooing, which is independent of the value of a valuable commodity, and explore the extent to which the process of tattoo studios’ segmentation, targeting, and positioning in managing a tattoo studio. This study uses qualitative research methods with interpretive phenomenological foundation of thinking, which is oriented to truth that is subjective to informants, ...

  10. Measured Whole-House Performance of TaC Studios Test Home

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Butler, T. [Southface Energy Institute, Upper Marlboro, MD (United States); Curtis, O. [Southface Energy Institute, Upper Marlboro, MD (United States); Stephenson, R. [Southface Energy Institute, Upper Marlboro, MD (United States)


    As part of the NAHB Research Center Industry Partnership, Southface partnered with TaC Studios, an Atlanta-based architecture firm specializing in residential and light commercial design, on the construction of a new test home in Atlanta, GA, in the mixed humid climate. This home serves as a residence and home office for the firm's owners, as well as a demonstration of their design approach to potential and current clients. Southface believes the home demonstrates current best practices for the mixed-humid climate, including a building envelope featuring advanced air sealing details and low density spray foam insulation, glazing that exceeds ENERGY STAR requirements, and a high performance heating and cooling system. Construction quality and execution was a high priority for TaC Studios and was ensured by a third party review process. Post-construction testing showed that the project met stated goals for envelope performance, an air infiltration rate of 2.15 ACH50. The homeowners wished to further validate whole house energy savings through the project's involvement with Building America and this long-term monitoring effort. As a Building America test home, this home was evaluated to detail whole house energy use, end use loads, and the efficiency and operation of the ground source heat pump and associated systems. Given that the home includes many non-typical end use loads including a home office, pool, landscape water feature, and other luxury features not accounted for in Building America modeling tools, these end uses were separately monitored to determine their impact on overall energy consumption.

  11. Exploring the Physics of Music with Temperament Studio (United States)

    Durfee, Dallin; Colton, John


    The physics of waves, resonance, harmonics, and beats has determined how musical instruments are tuned, and has even affected the kinds of music written in different time periods. The laws of physics make it impossible for any fixed scale to have perfect consonance for all chords in all keys, and as a result, various musical scales, or temperaments, have been developed and used throughout history. The study of musical temperament is a rich application of wave physics. It ties several principles together in a context which can be very motivating for students. Furthermore, the topic is accessible to students in introductory classes. We have developed an open source application called Temperament Studio which allows students to explore musical temperament and to hear and measure the effects predicted by wave physics.

  12. The Prefabricated Interior Design Studio: An Exploration into the History and Sustainability of Interior Prefabrication (United States)

    Schneiderman, Deborah; Freihoefer, Kara


    This article examines the integration of prefabrication into an interior design studio. A review of the literature revealed that while there is a paucity of categorical research focused on this subject, the subject is historically significant with an abundance of evidence regarding the prefabrication of the interior environment dating back…

  13. Using a Studio-Based Pedagogy to Engage Students in the Design of Mobile-Based Media (United States)

    Mathews, James M.


    The article presents a brief overview of the Neighbourhood Game Design Project, a studio-based curriculum intervention aimed at engaging students in the design of place-based mobile games and interactive stories using geo-locative technologies (for example, GPS enabled cell phones). It describes the three curricular components that defined the…


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    May al-Ibrashy


    Full Text Available In the 1990s, Juhani Pallasmaa wrote a compact, yet, eye-opening book expressing his growing concern about the architectural profession’s waning ability to reference all the senses of the body in the design process. Bit by bit, the perceptive chasm between the architect and architecture was widening both in the design process and in the cognitive experience of existing architecture. More than a decade later, these concerns have heightened as the ramifications of this design divide appear in the form of architecture whose divorced virtual quality has spilled over from the design process into built reality. The illusion of virtual reality – as achieved by 3D simulation in all its glories – has pulled the architect into a zone of false confidence where he/she feels that the design has come to life before it is built and that every corner and detail can be simulated and therefore understood. But can it be touched, smelt, tasted or heard? In fact, is even what we see on the screen anywhere close to what we see as we move bodily through its spaces? This phenomenon is addressed in a design studio run by the two authors of this paper. The purpose of the design studio, which is held in the Department of Architectural Engineering, of the Faculty of Engineering of the British University in Egypt, is to design a community centre linked to a place of worship within a residential compound currently under construction on the outskirts of Cairo. The graduating class of ten students is in the final and fourth year of a program that emphasized the engineering and project management aspects of architecture at the expense of theory and history of art and architecture. The university has no humanities or liberal arts program as yet, and students have minimal contact to arts within the university system. Contact hours in design studios are limited and design is mostly computer-aided. The need to re-emphasize the physical, tactile, polemic and holistic aspects

  15. Detection of Lock on Radar System Based on Ultrasonic US 100 Sensor And Arduino Uno R3 With Image Processing GUI (United States)

    Baskoro, F.; Reynaldo, B. R.


    The development of electronics technology especially in the field of microcontroller occurs very rapidly. There have been many applications and useful use of microcontroller in everyday life as well as in laboratory research. In this study used Arduino Uno R3 as microcontroller-based platform ATMega328 as a sensor distance meter to know the distance of an object with high accuracy. The method used is to utilize the function Timer / Counter in Arduino UNO R3. On the Arduino Uno R3 platform, there is ATMEL ATmega328 microcontroller which has a frequency generating speed up to 20 MHz, 16-bit enumeration capability and using C language as its programming. With the Arduino Uno R3 platform, the ATmega328 microcontroller can be programmed with Arduino IDE software that is simpler and easier because it has been supported by libraries and many support programs. The result of this research is distance measurement to know the location of an object using US ultrasonic wave sensor US 100 with Arduino Uno R3 based on ATMega328 microcontroller which then the result will be displayed using Image Processing.

  16. A Study On The Influence Of Illuminance Quality To Student’s Performance Of Visual Activities: Case Study Of Architecture Studio Room In Universitas Islam Indonesia


    Bayuaji, Wisnu Hendrawan; Ayu Iswardhani, Tanty Kesuma; Risky, Alif Angga


    This research aims to measure and evaluate the level of illuminance quality in architecture studio room in relation to the achievement of standard performance and minimum visual comfortableness that should be fulfilled. This study also explores the effect of both illumination quality and quantity to the students physical and psychological performance in conducting visual activities in the architecture studio room. This evaluation will also evaluate the deviation between perception of brightne...

  17. Does the Medium Matter in Collaboration? Using Visually Supported Collaboration Technology in an Interior Design Studio (United States)

    Cho, Ji Young; Cho, Moon-Heum; Kozinets, Nadya


    With the recognition of the importance of collaboration in a design studio and the advancement of technology, increasing numbers of design students collaborate with others in a technology-mediated learning environment (TMLE); however, not all students have positive experiences in TMLEs. One possible reason for unsatisfactory collaboration…

  18. Fotograafia aktualiseerumisest ja enesemõistmise muutumisest 1980. aastate lõpul - 1990. aastate algul. DeStudio juhtum / Eero Epner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Epner, Eero, 1978-


    Fotograafia aktualiseerumisest kujutava kunsti liigina 1980-ndatel ja rühmitusest DeStudio, kelle looming oli oluline strateegia poolest, mis uuris pildi rolli ühiskonnas ja selle tähenduse sõltuvust kultuurilistest koodidest

  19. El Cambio de Actitudes hacia Uno Mismo en el Contexto Organizacional: El Efecto del Formato de Pensamiento


    Beatriz Gandarillas; Pablo Briñol


    La visión que tienen las personas de sí mismas influye sobre distintos comportamientos organizacionales. Por tanto, resulta esencial entender cómo se pueden modificar las actitudes hacia uno mismo tanto en el contexto personal como el organizacional. El cambio de actitudes depende fundamentalmente de la dirección (favorable o desfavorable) de los pensamientos con respecto a uno mismo. En el presente trabajo se propone estudiar, además de la dirección, también el formato de dichos pensamientos...

  20. Development of the updated system of city underground pipelines based on Visual Studio (United States)

    Zhang, Jianxiong; Zhu, Yun; Li, Xiangdong


    Our city has owned the integrated pipeline network management system with ArcGIS Engine 9.1 as the bottom development platform and with Oracle9i as basic database for storaging data. In this system, ArcGIS SDE9.1 is applied as the spatial data engine, and the system was a synthetic management software developed with Visual Studio visualization procedures development tools. As the pipeline update function of the system has the phenomenon of slower update and even sometimes the data lost, to ensure the underground pipeline data can real-time be updated conveniently and frequently, and the actuality and integrity of the underground pipeline data, we have increased a new update module in the system developed and researched by ourselves. The module has the powerful data update function, and can realize the function of inputting and outputting and rapid update volume of data. The new developed module adopts Visual Studio visualization procedures development tools, and uses access as the basic database to storage data. We can edit the graphics in AutoCAD software, and realize the database update using link between the graphics and the system. Practice shows that the update module has good compatibility with the original system, reliable and high update efficient of the database.

  1. The Apprehension and views of the students of music education department about studio recording performance

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    Alaattin CANBAY


    Full Text Available Being individually staged of music has been a performance process that always requires intensive concentration, attention and long - running work for performers. At the end of this process, generally during their performance, musicians feel apprehensive and excited about some reasons like carrying out work's musical and technical factors properly and sense of being appreciated by audiences. In many surveys, it is known that ,in concerts and their own instrument exams, the apprehension of undergraduate student s of music education department ,who have experienced this process, affects their performances negatively. Thus, the aim of this study is to specify the music education undergraduate students' apprehension level before a studio recording that needs a very special performance according to different variables. Also in this study, students' views about their studio recording experiences are taken. In the study, descriptive research is used and the technical qualitative research is imposed. In the study carried out for two months, working party is designated by the students of Çomu - Faculty of Education, Department of Fine arts education, Department of music education.

  2. La misurazione dei processi di regolazione cognitiva e metacognitiva durante lo studio con gli ipermedia

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    Roger Azevedo


    Full Text Available L’apprendimento autoregolato rappresenta una modalità di apprendimento di fondamentale importanza quando ci si avvale del supporto di ambienti ipermediali. Obiettivo di questo articolo è presentare quattro assunzioni chiave che consentono la misurazione dei processi cognitivi e metacognitivi attivati durante l’apprendimento tramite ipermedia. Innanzi tutto, assumiamo che sia possibile individuare, tracciare, modellare e favorire processi di apprendimento auto-regolato durante lo studio con gli ipermedia. La seconda assunzione si focalizza sul comprendere come la complessità dei processi regolatori che avvengono durante l’apprendimento mediato da sistemi ipermediali sia importante per determinare il perché alcuni processi vengono messi in atto durante l’esecuzione di un compito. Le terza assunzione è relativa al considerare che l’utilizzo di processi di apprendimento auto-regolato possa dinamicamente cambiare nel tempo e che tali processi sono di natura ciclica (influenzati dalle condizioni interne ed esterne e da meccanismi di feedback. Infine, l’identificazione, raccolta e classificazione dei processi di apprendimento autoregolato utilizzati durante lo studio con sistemi ipermediali, può risultare un compito alquanto difficoltoso.

  3. Central and South America GPS geodesy - CASA Uno (United States)

    Kellogg, James N.; Dixon, Timothy H.


    In January 1988, scientists from over 25 organizations in 13 countries and territories cooperated in the largest GPS campaign in the world to date. A total of 43 GPS receivers collected approximately 590 station-days of data in American Samoa, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Sweden, United States, West Germany, and Venezuela. The experiment was entitled CASA Uno. Scientific goals of the project include measurements of strain in the northern Andes, subduction rates for the Cocos and Nazca plates beneath Central and South America, and relative motion between the Caribbean plate and South America. A second set of measurements are planned in 1991 and should provide preliminary estimates of crustal deformation and plate motion rates in the region.

  4. CASA Uno GPS orbit and baseline experiments (United States)

    Schutz, B. E.; Ho, C. S.; Abusali, P. A. M.; Tapley, B. D.


    CASA Uno data from sites distributed in longitude from Australia to Europe have been used to determine orbits of the GPS satellites. The characteristics of the orbits determined from double difference phase have been evaluated through comparisons of two-week solutions with one-week solutions and by comparisons of predicted and estimated orbits. Evidence of unmodeled effects is demonstrated, particularly associated with the orbit planes that experience solar eclipse. The orbit accuracy has been assessed through the repeatability of unconstrained estimated baseline vectors ranging from 245 km to 5400 km. Both the baseline repeatability and the comparison with independent space geodetic methods give results at the level of 1-2 parts in 100,000,000. In addition, the Mojave/Owens Valley (245 km) and Kokee Park/Ft. Davis (5409 km) estimates agree with VLBI and SLR to better than 1 part in 100,000,000.

  5. 76 FR 5832 - International Business Machines (IBM), Software Group Business Unit, Optim Data Studio Tools QA... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-74,554] International Business Machines (IBM), Software Group Business Unit, Optim Data Studio Tools QA, San Jose, CA; Notice of Affirmative Determination Regarding Application for Reconsideration By application dated November 29, 2010, a worker and a state workforce official...

  6. Genomica avanzata per lo studio dei geni di resistenza a patogeni in pianta


    Sanseverino, Walter


    I geni di resistenza hanno grossa importanza nel settore della genetica vegetale e del miglioramento genetico. Le loro caratteristiche genetiche e strutturali li rendono interessanti sia da un punto di vista scientifico sia nell’ottica di un loro utilizzo pratico. Sono una famiglia affascinante da studiare e capire i loro meccanismi evolutivi e di interazione con altre proteine rappresenta una sfida per il chiarimento di molte caratteristiche molecolari e di funzionamento. Questo studio propo...

  7. Search for design intelligence: A field study on the role of emotional intelligence in architectural design studios

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    Sajjad Nazidizaji


    Full Text Available The design studio is the core of the architecture curriculum. Interpersonal interactions have a key role during the processes of design and critique. The influence of emotional intelligence (EQ on interpersonal communication skills has been widely proven. This study examines the correlation between EQ and architectural design competence. To achieve this, 78 architecture students were selected via a simple random sampling method and tested using an EQ test questionnaire developed by Bradbury and Greaves (2006. The scores of five architectural design studio courses (ADS-1, ADS-2, ADS-3, ADS-4, and ADS-5 were used as indicators of the progress in design of the students. Descriptive and inferential statistics methods were both employed to analyze the research data. The methods included correlation analysis, mean comparison t-test for independent samples, and single sample t-test. Findings showed no significant relationship between EQ and any of the indicators.

  8. Balancing Expression and Structure in Game Design: Developing Computational Participation Using Studio-Based Design Pedagogy (United States)

    DeVane, Ben; Steward, Cody; Tran, Kelly M.


    This article reports on a project that used a game-creation tool to introduce middle-school students ages 10 to 13 to problem-solving strategies similar to those in computer science through the lens of studio-based design arts. Drawing on historic paradigms in design pedagogy and contemporary educational approaches in the digital arts to teach…

  9. Marzo 1991: la residenza del gruppo Gorgona a Brunnenburg

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    Marco Scotti


    Full Text Available Questo articolo indaga l'affermazione di una ricezione critica di Gorgona in Italia attraverso uno specifico caso di studio, individuato nella residenza d'artista a cui hanno partecipato alcuni esponenti del gruppo presso il castello di Brunnenburg (Merano, organizzata dal collezionista ed editore veronese Francesco Conz in collaborazione con l’MSU di Zagabria nel 1991.

  10. Stacking up against Alternative Conceptions: Using Uno Cards to Introduce Discourse and Argumentation (United States)

    Dunac, Patricia S.; Demi, Kadir


    We engaged secondary science students in a teacher and student constructed Uno card game (UCG) to change their conceptual understanding of the various energy transformations. The paper outlines how we incorporated Toulmin's argumentation pattern (Toulmin 1958 "The Uses of Argument"(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)) in the UCG,…

  11. Behaviors, Attitudes and Knowledge of UNO Students Regarding Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco: 1989. (United States)

    Hunnicutt, David; Davis, Joe


    This report describes alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among 715 University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) students. The report focuses on drug use at the higher frequency levels, rather than reporting proportions who have ever used various drugs. The separate classes of drugs distinguished are alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, marijuana, and…

  12. El Número Uno, una Retrospectiva Conceptual.

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    Alejandro Garciadiego Dantan


    Full Text Available The objective of this essay is to show how the concept of number ‘one’ has changed, from its initial formal definition in Euclid’s The Elements until very recently. Some of these changes are mathematical, others are philosophical, and others are historical in character. This retrospective of the concept of number ‘one’ implies that the history of mathematics is much more complex and rich than that which is suggested by our intuition when we limit ourselves to a unique, lineal and continuous mathematics. El objetivo de este ensayo es mostrar cómo es que el concepto de número ‘uno’ ha cambiado, desde que se definió de manera formal en Los Elementos de Euclides hasta hace relativamente unos cuantos años. Algunos de estos cambios son de naturaleza matemática, otros filosófica y otros histórica. Esta retrospectiva del concepto de número ‘uno’ implica que la historia de las matemáticas es mucho más compleja y rica que la que nuestra intuición nos sugiere, cuando nos limitamos a una matemática única, lineal y continua.

  13. Pengenalan dan Analisis Ucapan pada Sistem Kontrol Perangkat Listrik Menggunakan Arduino Uno

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    Dania Eridani


    Full Text Available This study aims to develop an electrical device control system using speech recognition and perform the analysis factors that affect the accuracy of speech recognition. The system used the Arduino Uno as the main control board of the system, an Elechouse's voice recognition module as speech processing device and several output devices such as relays, LEDs and an LCD. This research resulted in 92,7% accuracy of speech recognition at the ideal condition and 66,85% at the noise condition. This study shows that the frequency, amplitude, slow tempo and timbre of command speech greatly affect the success of speech recognition. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem pengendali perangkat listrik menggunakan pengenalan ucapan dan melakukan analisis faktor yang mempengaruhi akurasi dari pengenalan ucapan. Sistem menggunakan papan Arduino Uno sebagai pusat kendali sistem, modul pengenal ucapan dari Elechouse dan beberapa perangkat keluaran seperti relay, LED dan LCD. Penelitian ini menghasilkan akurasi pengenalan ucapan sebesar 92,7% pada kondisi ideal dan 66,85% pada kondisi berderau. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi, amplitudo, tempo yang lambat dan timbre ucapan perintah sangat mempengaruhi pengenalan ucapan.

  14. The Stockholm Studio EMS during its Early Years

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Groth, Sanne Krogh


    so called abstract electronic music to political performance-related text-sound pieces. So far there has been very little academic writing about this. Going into the conflict and the very heterogeneous material, questions appear which I believe haven’t been raised properly in earlier writings...... was even before its opening very famous, but also difficult to work. The Sound Workshop was available to the artists 24 hours a day and much easier to handle, and therefore most pieces were produced here. In the early 1970s a conflict emerged between the composers and the studio director Knut Wiggen....... In his eager and idealistic search for “the music of the future” he believed in continuing the earlier experiments within musique concrète and elektronische Musik through research into sound and sound perception. Most of the composers, mainly from the Swedish “Text Sound” milieu, wanted to produce pieces...

  15. Exploring the Learning Problems and Resource Usage of Undergraduate Industrial Design Students in Design Studio Courses (United States)

    Chen, Wenzhi


    Design is a powerful weapon for modern companies so it is important to have excellent designers in the industry. The purpose of this study is to explore the learning problems and the resources that students use to overcome problems in undergraduate industrial design studio courses. A survey with open-type questions was conducted to collect data.…

  16. Those Who Graduate: A Brief Look at the UNO Graduating Class of 1986. (United States)

    Crawford, A. E.


    The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) conducted a study of 1,358 bachelor's degree graduates of the class of 1986 to examine two factors: (1) age at entrance and graduation, and (2) length of time required for graduation from several specified beginning points. The study required four sets of data: demographic, age related data, time-frame…

  17. A calculation method for RF couplers design based on numerical simulation by microwave studio

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Rong; Pei Yuanji; Jin Kai


    A numerical simulation method for coupler design is proposed. It is based on the matching procedure for the 2π/3 structure given by Dr. R.L. Kyhl. Microwave Studio EigenMode Solver is used for such numerical simulation. the simulation for a coupler has been finished with this method and the simulation data are compared with experimental measurements. The results show that this numerical simulation method is feasible for coupler design. (authors)

  18. Educazione all'igiene orale ed eradicazione della carie dentale nellíinfanzia. Risultati finali di uno studio in un campione di popolazione infantile di Ferrara

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    M. Bergamini


    Full Text Available

    Introduzione: poichè nel 1985 l’O.M.S. collocò l’eradicazione della carie infantile fra gli obiettivi epidemiologici da raggiungere nella regione europea entro l’anno 2000, è stato effettuato uno screening microbiologico finalizzato all’isolamento di germi cariogeni nel cavo orale dei bambini.

    Materiali e metodi: secondo le procedure correnti, sono stati eseguiti tamponi gengivo-coronali in 476 bambini delle scuole elementari e medie inferiori di Ferrara, cui è stato somministrato anche un questionario, mirato a conoscere il loro grado di informazione sull’igiene orale. Risultati: nel periodo Gennaio-Aprile 2000, sono stati esaminati 476 bambini suddivisi per sesso ed età [6-8 anni: 67 maschi, 98 femmine; 9-11: 53 maschi, 81 femmine; 12-14: 99 maschi, 78 femmine]. Sono stati isolati 119 ceppi di Rothia dentocariosa, con una preponderanza fra i maschi di 12-14 anni (n. 86; 86,8%. Dai questionari (476 consegnati; 399 compilati si evince che l’86,4% ritiene importante l’igiene orale, ma solo il 51,8% si lava i denti dopo ogni pasto ed appena il 22,3% esegue un controllo periodico dal dentista. Rothia dentocariosa è stata isolata nel 56,5% di coloro che si lavano i denti una volta al giorno e nel 75,9% di quelli che non li lavano.

    Conclusioni: considerando che Rothia dentocariosa non risulta essere un normale saprofita del cavo orale ma è probabilmente un germe opportunista in grado di promuovere attivamente le lesioni della carie iniziale, il suo isolamento può essere considerato un indice precoce di lesione cariogena in progressione. Ne deriva che, nonostante i notevoli progressi compiuti negli ultimi anni, paragonabili a quelli di nazioni ad alto tenore sociosanitario, l’obiettivo dell’eradicazione totale della carie dalla popolazione infantile ferrarese non è stato ancora raggiunto. Ciò principalmente a causa di un difetto di formazione culturale sia

  19. MOOC - Massive Open Online Course Instalação do Android Studio


    Moreira, Bernardo; Reguinga, Bernardo; Samartinho, João


    As tecnologias estão cada vez mais presentes no dia a dia. É crucial que os professores e alunos se sintam preparados para este novo universo tecnológico, onde as tecnologias assumem um papel preponderante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Este poster apresenta um projeto em que a partir de um MOOC (Massive Open Online Couse) disponibilizamos um módulo de instalação do Android Studio na plataforma eRaízes. A adesão a esta modalidade de aprendizagem (MOOC) e a crescente utilização do Andr...

  20. Teaching For Art Criticism: Incorporating Feldman’s Critical Analysis Learning Model In Students’ Studio Practice


    Maithreyi Subramaniam; Jaffri Hanafi; Abu Talib Putih


    This study adopted 30 first year graphic design students’ artwork, with critical analysis using Feldman’s model of art criticism. Data were analyzed quantitatively; descriptive statistical techniques were employed. The scores were viewed in the form of mean score and frequencies to determine students’ performances in their critical ability. Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to find out the correlation between students’ studio practice and art critical ability scores. The...

  1. Validity and Reliability Study for Studio Work Course Time Management Scale

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    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to develop a data collection tool to be used in determining the time management skill levels of visual arts teacher candidates in their studio work courses. After a review of the literature, a pool of items was created and arranged upon expert recommendation and a pilot study for intelligibility of the expressions was conducted. The researcher contacted a total of 288 visual arts teacher candidates who all agreed to volunteer to take part in this research. As a result of exploratory (EFA and confirmatory (CFA factor analyses, the scale determined to have four factors and 26 items. Variance ration explained by all four factors is 47.23%. Factor loadings were valued from 0.48 to 0.80. Goodness of fit values calculated by CFA were found to be χ2/sd rate 1.94 (χ2/sd=567.17/291. The other goodness of fit values calculated by CFA were RMSEA=0.05, NNFI=0.92, CFI=0.93, IFI=0.93, and RMR=0.06. All fitness indexes obtained were found to be sufficient for model fitness, and accordingly it was decided that this structure was validated. As a result of the difference between item average scores of the 27% subgroup and super group, distinctiveness of all items were found to be significant at p<0.001 level and Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients of the factors were calculated to range from 0.73 to 0.82. Cronbach’s Alpha of the total scale was calculated as 0.83. The results indicate that the questionnaire provides opportunity to make meaningful interpretations on the time management skills of visual arts teacher candidates for studio work courses.

  2. Modeling lift operations with SASmacr Simulation Studio (United States)

    Kar, Leow Soo


    Lifts or elevators are an essential part of multistorey buildings which provide vertical transportation for its occupants. In large and high-rise apartment buildings, its occupants are permanent, while in buildings, like hospitals or office blocks, the occupants are temporary or users of the buildings. They come in to work or to visit, and thus, the population of such buildings are much higher than those in residential apartments. It is common these days that large office blocks or hospitals have at least 8 to 10 lifts serving its population. In order to optimize the level of service performance, different transportation schemes are devised to control the lift operations. For example, one lift may be assigned to solely service the even floors and another solely for the odd floors, etc. In this paper, a basic lift system is modelled using SAS Simulation Studio to study the effect of factors such as the number of floors, capacity of the lift car, arrival rate and exit rate of passengers at each floor, peak and off peak periods on the system performance. The simulation is applied to a real lift operation in Sunway College's North Building to validate the model.

  3. A Comparison of the Goals of Studio Professors Conducting Critiques and Art Education Goals for Teaching Criticism. (United States)

    Barrett, Terry


    Compares stated goals of studio art course professors for teaching of criticism and the goals stated in art education literature of art teacher taught criticism. States that these goals are in conflict, therefore, future art teachers are being guided by goals for criticism that are not in accord with the goals set forth in their study of art…

  4. Through Education into the World of Work. Uno Cygnaeus, the Father of Technology Education. (United States)

    Kantola, Jouko; Nikkanen, Pentti; Kari, Jouko; Kananoja, Tapani

    More than 100 years have passed since the death of Uno Cygnaeus (1810-1888), the father of Finnish folk schools and pioneer of educational arts and crafts. His accomplishments include design and organization of the folk school system, initiation of high class teacher training, and emphasis on the importance of women's education. Although his…

  5. Studio del comportamento di agenti di contrasto in campi ultracustici per tecniche di ecografia diagnostica




    Il presente lavoro di ricerca è stato articolato intorno a temi attinenti l’ingegneria biomedica, riguardando, in particolare, lo studio del comportamento di agenti di contrasto in campi ultracustici per tecniche di ecografia diagnostica. Nell’ambito di tale settore scientifico, un ruolo di fondamentale importanza è svolto dalla diagnostica medica per immagini e in particolare dalle tecniche ecografiche. Queste ultime rappresentano un ottimo compromesso tra la pericolosità per l’organismo e l...

  6. Live-innspilling i studio med fokus på akustisk gitar og vokal


    Lamborg, Kristine; Larsen, Axel Wold


    vår bacheloroppgave foreligger det en teoretisk undersøkelse, samt tre live-innspillinger med artisten Robert Bergstrøm. Vårt mål, i tillegg til å spille inn disse låtene, var å undersøke hvilke faktorer som kunne være med på å påvirke en live-innspilling i studio. Vi kom frem til at små detaljer som for eksempel valg av plekter, justering av mikrofonplassering og slitasje på stemmebåndet kan påvirke en produksjon i stor grad. Videre kom vi frem til at kondensatormikrofoner tilfører et rik...

  7. UnoHop: Efficient Distributed Hash Table with O(1 Lookup Performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herry Sitepu


    Full Text Available Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs with O(1 lookup performance strive to minimize the maintenance traffic which required for propagating membership changes information (events. These events distribution allows each node in the peer-to-peer network maintains accurate routing tables with complete membership information. We present UnoHop, a novel DHT protocol with O(1 lookup performance. The protocol uses an efficient mechanism to distribute events through a dissemination tree that constructed dynamically rooted at the node that detect the events. Our protocol produces symmetric bandwidth usage at all nodes while decreasing the events propagation delay.

  8. Creating a brand identity for a new mattress brand : Case: Napsie by Studio Moderna


    Lazareva, Svetlana


    The aim of this thesis was to study the concept of brand identity and its elements in order to outline a basic brand identity for the case brand. The study was conducted for the case company Studio Moderna and the case brand Napsie. The aim of the research was to study the concepts of brand, branding and brand identity. Furthermore, the research aimed at examining managerial tools and techniques that are used in brand identity creation process. Another aim of the research was to discover how ...

  9. Collaboration through Flickr & Skype: Can Web 2.0 Technology Substitute the Traditional Design Studio in Higher Design Education? (United States)

    Fleischmann, Katja


    Technology has not only changed the work practice of designers but also how design is taught and learned. The emergence of digital technology has made computer labs a central learning space for design students. Since this change, studio-based learning in its traditional sense appears to be in decline in higher education institutions. This is in…

  10. A Rediscovered Alliance: Can New Music Performance Teaching Policy Save Music Education? A New Framework for the Music Studio (United States)

    Wexler, Mathias


    Music education in K-12 school programs may continue to lose ground to other subjects unless music education and performance studies are viewed as interdependent. The author argues that the reinvigoration of both music education and performance requires that the studio experience integrate a research-based pedagogy, multi-stylistic range of…

  11. Design and Simulation of a Birdcage Coil using CST Studio Suite for Application at 7T

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomas, Bernat Palau; Li, Houmin; Anjum, M R


    This work describes the study of coils for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) applications. The principal objective is the design of a birdcage Radio Frequency (RF) coil to use in a 7 Tesla (7T) scanner. Higher strength field generates a better SNR and increased chemical shift effect, improving spectral fat suppression and spectroscopy. Moreover, a better SNR increases the spatial resolution or reduces the imaging time. This research work presented recent developments based on high field 7T design using CST studio. The birdcage coil achieves circular polarization and generates a high homogeneous radio frequency magnetic field under many conditions. Design of a Birdcage coil for a 7T to obtain the images from s mall animals (i.e. mouse). It opens the door to design and construct a Birdcage coil for a 7T to obtain human brain images. Firstly we design a birdcage coil then the results are obtained with simulator CST Wave Studio, creating a 3D model and generating a simulation. Finally the parameters are re adjusted to obtain our desired Larmor frequency 298.2 MHz for a correct operation in 7T. This research work demonstrates the theoretical results from our design and shows the designed antenna behavior

  12. Design and Simulation of a Birdcage Coil using CST Studio Suite for Application at 7T (United States)

    Palau Tomas, Bernat; Li, Houmin; Anjum, M. R.


    This work describes the study of coils for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) applications. The principal objective is the design of a birdcage Radio Frequency (RF) coil to use in a 7 Tesla (7T) scanner. Higher strength field generates a better SNR and increased chemical shift effect, improving spectral fat suppression and spectroscopy. Moreover, a better SNR increases the spatial resolution or reduces the imaging time. This research work presented recent developments based on high field 7T design using CST studio. The birdcage coil achieves circular polarization and generates a high homogeneous radio frequency magnetic field under many conditions. Design of a Birdcage coil for a 7T to obtain the images from s mall animals (i.e. mouse). It opens the door to design and construct a Birdcage coil for a 7T to obtain human brain images. Firstly we design a birdcage coil then the results are obtained with simulator CST Wave Studio, creating a 3D model and generating a simulation. Finally the parameters are re adjusted to obtain our desired Larmor frequency 298.2 MHz for a correct operation in 7T. This research work demonstrates the theoretical results from our design and shows the designed antenna behavior.

  13. Resistenza all’uso degli ipoglicemizzanti orali nel trattamento del diabete tipo 2: uno studio multicentrico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gianluca Falcitelli


    Full Text Available Type 2 diabetes is an important social and health care system variable due to its large diffusion, frequency of clinical complications and its health care costs. The studied population is relative to 4 italian centers distributed all over the country (Brescia, Roma, Rossano Calabro and Avola. This work has the aim to describe the Italian type 2 population according to treatment choice ruled by diabetes stage, glycemia control and HbA1c concentration. The analysis present a description of the therapeutic changes during the year of observation too, giving a complete picture of patients distribution and their treatment path through diabetes evolution in Italy.

  14. Strategie di rifuto in Italiano: uno studio etnografico (Refusal Strategies in Italian: An Ethnographic Study). (United States)

    Frescura, Marina


    After reviewing previous research on speech acts, this article describes a study that analyzed the behavior of speakers of standard Italian in refusing an offer of food. The importance of "face" is explained, and the refusal strategies are classified into four categories: explicit, tactical, decisive, and conclusive. (CFM)

  15. La valutazione dei costi: uno studio applicato all’unità operativa di diagnostica per immagini

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    Salvatore Nieddu


    Full Text Available The aim of the analysis was to evaluate the reasons that caused the poor economic results and performances of a Radiology Department located in a public hospital. The models of Decision Support System were utilized in order to conduct the studies. These models represent clearly a current economic situation and allow simulations in order to estimate in a preventive way the economic results of different alternative actions. The economic analysis was conducted according to the extended direct costing method utilizing a single performance (product as a calculation unit. The simulations were carried out in accordance to the “price-cost-volume analysis” method that identifies the break even point for the families of products. These analysis resulted in a significant improvement of the awareness relative to the economic actions of the operative managerial decisions: the main factor in the process of the decision making for the public healthcare structure is to respond to the needs of the potential users and therefore to satisfy the demand, the increase of which is immediately signalised by the lengthening of the awaiting list. For the structure which is incorporated in the hospital frame there is the necessity to provide the service towards inside the hospital both relative to the patients and to the performances of first aid supported by the emergency department. It is important to stress that, even if limited or conditional, there is a space for improvement: the first step in this direction is to analyse in order to recognize and to measure, if not able to improve that what is unknown and not measured before.

  16. Developing a collaborative community partnership program in medical asepsis with tattoo studios. (United States)

    Bechtel, G A; Garrett, C; Grover, S


    The possibility of transmission of infectious agents during tattooing has become a legitimate issue of concern for health care providers. A collaborative educational program was developed by a county health department, College of Nursing, and tattoo artists to address issues of medical asepsis with the goal of producing a mechanism for certification of tattoo studios. The group's effort was enhanced by recognizing each other's value systems and by the mutual need for a successful program. A framework for developing, implementing, and evaluating community partnerships was addressed. This program demonstrated that community health nurses can play an instrumental role in collaborating with both health care providers and personal-service workers to minimize transmission of infectious agents during cosmetic procedures.

  17. La scultura decorativa di San Miguel de Escalada: plutei, fregi e stucchi


    Damiano Anedda


    La chiesa di San Miguel de Escalada (León) è uno degli edifici più significativi del panorama altomedievale iberico. Tale interesse risiede nelle innovazioni architettoniche relative alla zona orientale dell’edificio, nella scultura decorativa distribuita tra plutei, fregi, capitelli e mensole, nella scomparsa iscrizione di consacrazione. Ripercorrendo il panorama storiografico, nel presente studio si analizza la decorazione di plutei e fregi e il repertorio figurativo da cui probabilmente de...

  18. Group studio cycling; an effective intervention to improve cardio-metabolic health in overweight physically inactive individuals


    Faulkner, SH; Pugh, JK; Hood, TM; Menon, K; King, JA; Nimmo, MA


    Introduction: Supervised, laboratory based studies of high intensity interval training (HIIT) is effective at improving health markers in groups at risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease. Studio cycling, incorporating aerobic and high intensity exercise, may offer a platform for the implementation of HIIT within the wider community. \\ud Methods: Eight, overweight, physically inactive (95%. Mean and peak intensity were equivalent to 83% and 97% of HRmax·VO2max increased from 27.1 ± 4.7 m...

  19. Il De uno alla luce dell’Exemplum tractatus de iustitia universali, sive de fontibus iuris di Francis Bacon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romana Bassi


    Full Text Available [Reading “De uno” in light of Francis Bacon’s “Exemplum tractatus de iustitia universali, sive de fontibus iuris”]. Although Vico was admittedly disappointed by Bacon’s Exemplum tractatus, a parallel reading of this text and De uno can provide insights as to how Vico ended up having to confront a series of issues: how does the universal law project itself into history? Where does the law stem from? Is there a link between law, occasion, and utility? What are the sources and the scope of authority? How does violence affect the law? What role for religion and piety? How to devise a philology for the laws and ancient fables? Bacon’s scattered aphorisms offer glimpses into problems which find a solution in the all-encompassing order of De uno.

  20. Lights, Camera, Action ... and Cooling - The case for centralized low carbon energy at Fox Studios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robinson, Alastair [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Regnier, Cindy [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    Fox Studios partnered with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to develop and implement solutions to retrofit two production stages and one of its central cooling plants, to reduce energy consumption by at least 30% as part of DOE’s Commercial Building Partnerships (CBP) Program. Although this case study reports expected savings arising from proposed design recommendations for a unique building type and the unusual load characteristics associated with its use, the EEMs implemented for the central plant are applicable to any large campus, office and higher education facility. The intent is that by making the energy-efficiency measures (EEMs) set that were assessed as cost-effective from this project applicable to a larger number of buildings on the campus Fox Studios will be able to implement an integrated campus-wide energy strategy for the long term. The significant challenges for this project in the design phase included identifying how to assess and analyze multiple system types, develop a coherent strategy for assessment and analysis, implement the measurement and verification activities to collect the appropriate data (in terms of capturing ‘normal’ operating characteristics and granularity) and determine the best approach to providing cooling to the site buildings based on the nature of existing systems and the expected improvement in energy performance of the central cooling plant. The analytical framework adopted provides a blueprint for similar projects at other large commercial building campuses.

  1. Reducing Medical Students' Stigmatization of People with Chronic Mental Illness: A Field Intervention at the "Living Museum" State Hospital Art Studio (United States)

    Cutler, Janis L.; Harding, Kelli J.; Hutner, Lucy A.; Cortland, Clarissa; Graham, Mark J.


    Objective: The authors designed an intervention to reduce beginning medical students' stigmatization of people with chronic mental illness (CMI). Methods: Pre-clinical medical students visited a state psychiatric facility's "Living Museum," a combination patient art studio/display space, as the intervention. During the visit, students interacted…

  2. Abstraction and its processes : a studio investigation of the ongoing relevance of non-figurative art


    Kelly, Wendy Louise


    How a painting “is”, the nature of its being, is partially determined by tools such as paint, canvas and brush; the history of what has been done in painting up to the current moment, “one can paint only out of the history of paint”; and an analysis of the concept of “medium”, as a grammar or family of concepts that cluster around the medium of paint.1. (Mark Titmarsh Art Monthly May. 2006.) The objective of this research is a studio investigation to augment an examination of non-figurative a...

  3. Search for design intelligence: A field study on the role of emotional intelligence in architectural design studios


    Nazidizaji, Sajjad; Tomé, Ana; Regateiro, Francisco


    The design studio is the core of the architecture curriculum. Interpersonal interactions have a key role during the processes of design and critique. The influence of emotional intelligence (EQ) on interpersonal communication skills has been widely proven. This study examines the correlation between EQ and architectural design competence. To achieve this, 78 architecture students were selected via a simple random sampling method and tested using an EQ test questionnaire developed by Bradbury ...

  4. Elements for impact assessment of cultural heritage and community well-being. A qualitative study on Casentino’s Eco-museum

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    Glenda Galeotti


    diretto degli attori locali (approccio multi-stakeholder. Si tratta di uno studio introduttivo ad un percorso di ricerca più ampio e articolato che l’autrice sta sviluppando. In accordo con gli studi sulla Qualità della Vita, il principale risultato della ricerca è la defi nizione di elementi utili alla valutazione dell’impatto prodotto dalla valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale in termini di benessere della comunità locale.

  5. Rethinking Materiality In Pre-Tertiary Studio Art Education In Ghana

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    Kwame Opoku-Bonsu


    Full Text Available This paper explores the conventional artist and environment connections, and argues that, environment that produce the Senior High School student do so with peculiar material affinities and competences ripe for 21st century art. The culture of obliging student to a few institutionalised media like clay, dyes and paints in the studio based art disciplines inhibit the numerous possibilities available, and confines art education to limited aptitudes and few institutionally expected expressions in pre-tertiary art education in Ghana. Using content analysis, the paper examines the Art Curricula and WAEC examination questions for Art Students at the SHS level. It recommends that, curricula and examination item reviews, as well as the incorporation of visual and material culture into artistic processes through democratization and participations of candidates’ cultural backgrounds, will usher in an art education premised on meaning making and conception, and institutionally groomed cultural ambassadors with significant material and visual diversities and competences.

  6. Modeling And Simulation Of Electrical Prevenion System Using Arduino Uno,Gsm Modem, And Acs712 Current Sensor (United States)

    Khair, Ummul; Jabbar Lubis, Abdul; Agustha, Indra; Dharmawati; Zulfin, M.


    The current electricity needs is very primary, all objects including electronics require power, it encourages people not to be able to save electricity so the theft of electric power would be done. The use of ACS712 current sensor as the sensor with arduino uno would find out the power consumption continuously and prevent the theft of electricity because of the use of electricity which has been determined by PLN and the people fetl that it is not enough for every house, so the author made a tool for prevention of theft of electric power by using the arduino uno, buzzer, ACS712 current sensor, lcd, and relay then the power usage can be controlled according to the use to prevent the occurrence of theft of electricity so the use can be seen directly on the lcd 16x2and GSM modem to give information to employees of PLN so that it can reduceelectrical theft by the public.

  7. Analyzing the effects of thermal comfort and indoor air quality in design studios and classrooms on student performance


    Ranjbar, Ali


    Cataloged from PDF version of article. Thesis (M.S.): Bilkent University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2017 Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-106). The present study aims to evaluate the effects of the different ventilation modes on thermal comfort and indoor air quality in design studios and classrooms. It also investigates its associations with student performance. For this purpose, experimenta...





    [EN] Studio Azzurro is, probably, the main exponent in the field of research, experimentation and artistic hybridization with regard to the audio-visual language and the new technologies, inside the current Italian scene. Founded in Milan in 1982 by three artists, Paolo Rosa, Fabio Cirifino and Leonardo Sangiorgi, from the beginning they have opted for the collaborative team work, distancing themselves from the opinions of the critique and from the art market. Characterized by a militant past...

  9. Missugustes virtuaalsetes võrgustikes sina kaasa lööd? / Johanna Helin, Mart Laanpere, Uno Traat ... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad maailmahariduse projekti "Vaata ja muuda!" juht Johanna Helin, TLÜ haridustehnoloogia keskuse juhataja Mart Laanpere, Sisekaitse Akadeemia kriminoloogia õppejõud Uno Traat, TLÜ Haapsalu kolledži direktor Eve Eisenschmidt, Kose Gümnaasiumi saksa keele õpetaja Astrid Sildnik, TÜ füüsika instituudi dotsent Toomas Plank

  10. Macro Micro Studio: A Prototype Energy Autonomous Laboratory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neil Burford


    Full Text Available In 2011, the Departments of Architecture, Physics and Engineering began the development of a small Passivhaus standard, renewable energy self-sufficient studio at the University Botanical Gardens in Dundee. The prototype was conceived as an experimental, integrated technical platform to monitor the performance of an ultra-low-energy consumption, energy positive building in the Scottish climate, and understand user behaviour in relation to managing energy in-use and reducing occupant’s energy consumption. The building fabric has been constructed using regional sustainable materials, including a low-thermal bridging timber kit relying on Scottish small cross-section timber and a novel foam concrete (air entrained slab foundation. While further work is required to complete the installation of the renewable energy system, predictive modelling indicates that energy autonomy can be largely achieved. With the recent introduction of the new Passivhaus 2009 criteria in October 2015, this project provides an insight into the practical application of an autarkic energy system in a northern European climate. The following paper describes the research rationale, the processes and decision making in the development of the formal and technical design of the building and discusses our current thinking in the design and quantification of the energy system.

  11. L'Accuratezza diagnostica del bioscanner TRIMPROB: uno strumento non invasivo per la diagnosi delle lesioni pre-neoplastiche del colon: uno studio prospettico in doppio cieco


    Tufano, Onofrio Marcello


    Aim: A new electromagnetic technology, aimed to the cancer diagnosis, as available in the last years literature, could be a promising non invasive method for detection of colon diseases including cancer . The encouraging published data, regarding specificity and sensitivity of the Nonlinear Resonance Interaction capabilities to analyze some peculiar electromagnetic properties of cancerous vs. normal tissues, related to various clinical trials on prostate, bladder, breast, thyroid, rectum canc...

  12. Teaching, Doing, and Sharing Project Management in a Studio Environment: The Development of an Instructional Design Open-Source Project Management Textbook (United States)

    Randall, Daniel L.; Johnson, Jacquelyn C.; West, Richard E.; Wiley, David A.


    In this article, the authors present an example of a project-based course within a studio environment that taught collaborative innovation skills and produced an open-source project management textbook for the field of instructional design and technology. While innovation plays an important role in our economy, and many have studied how to teach…

  13. Instrumental Develovement of 50 Meters Free Style Swimming Speed Measurement Based on Microcontroller Arduino Uno (United States)

    Badruzaman; Rusdiana, A.; Gilang, M. R.; Martini, T.


    This study is purposed to make a software and hardware instrument in controlling the velocity of 50 meters free style swimming speed measurement based on microcontroller Arduino Uno. The writer uses 6 participants of advanced 2015 college students of sport education. The materials he uses are electronical series of microcontroller Arduino Uno base, laser sensors shone on light dependent resistor, laser receiver functions as a detector of laser cutting block, cables as connector transfering the data. This device consist of 4 installable censors in every 10 meters with the result of swimming speed showed on the monitors using visual basic 6.0 software. This instrument automatically works when the buzzer is pushed and also runs the timer on the application. For the procedure, the writer asks the participants to swim in free style along 50 meters. When the athlete swims, they will cut the laser of every censors so that it gives a signal to stop the running timer on the monitoring application. The output result the writer gets from this used instrument is to know how fast a swimmer swim in maximum speed, to know the time and distance of acceleration and decelaration that happens. The result of validity instrument shows 0,605 (high), while the reliability is 0,833 (very high).

  14. Planning and managing a corporate event : case: Event Activation Galaxy Studio Samsung S7/ S7 Edge


    Bui, Quyen; Tran, Fa


    The thesis was written about the case: Event Activation Studio Galaxy Samsung S7/S7 Edge. Samsung is a global leading conglomerate company in the technology industry. This thesis discusses how to plan and manage an Event Activation for Samsung. The primary objective of this thesis was to provide a step-by-step guideline for planning and managing a corporate event. This objective was achieved by performing the following tasks: clarifying the influential role of corporate events in marketi...

  15. Sound post production in advertising and in the film, case study of Studio Beep s.r.o.


    Struhařová, Michaela


    Main topic of this thesis is description of sound post production in advertising and in the film film industry and making case study of company Studio Beep s.r.o. First aim of this thesis is describe as clearly as possible the theory of sound and sound post production in advertising and in film industry and also show specifics accompanying production of sound in each discipline. The theoretical part contains basic overview about history of sound, sound dramaturgy and about general principles ...

  16. Identità interinale: perché ne dobbiamo parlare

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Augusto Debernardi


    Full Text Available Parigi e le sue banlieues stanno bruciando (... si assiste al fatto che le parole "inserimento e integrazione" sono vuote: ideologiche e rassicuranti le false coscienze all'opera. Eppure, paradossalmente, le rivolte francesi che cominciano ad estendersi ad altre città europee hanno molto a che fare con questa integrazione, con un benessere della società dei consumi e dello spettacolo (... queste operazioni danno identità a chi le fa ma anche a chi le subisce. Così l'identità di "uomo" come avversario/nemico (non di cittadino ritorna indietro a chi la lancia sia come neo-cittadino dimostrando che non c’è identità senza cittadinanza attiva, sia come neo-identità quando si definisce ad esempio "musulmano" e che non è, allora, francese! L’identità diventa interinale, provvisoria su tutta la linea di caratterizzazione, scivolando su qualsiasi crinale.

  17. Interaction of α-cyperone with human serum albumin: Determination of the binding site by using Discovery Studio and via spectroscopic methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Qing; He, Jiawei; Wu, Di; Wang, Jing; Yan, Jin; Li, Hui, E-mail:


    α-Cyperone, as the main constituent of Cyperus rotundus, is a sesquiterpene ketone. In this work, LigandFit and CDOCKER docking programs of Discovery Studio 3.1 were used to preliminarily estimate and further confirm the binding sites of α-cyperone. LigandFit results showed that α-cyperone is mainly bound in subdomain IIA. This finding was further confirmed by CDOCKER results. Site marker competitive experimental results also suggested that α-cyperone contains the same binding site as warfarin. Software simulation results further revealed that α-cyperone is mainly bound in subdomain IIA. Site marker competitive experiment results are consistent with simulation results. 3D fluorescence and CD spectroscopy results indicated that the native conformation of HSA molecule is affected by the presence of α-cyperone. - Highlights: • This work carried out by adopting molecular docking and spectroscopic studies. • Discovery studio 3.1 was used for estimating the binding sites. • The insertion of α-cyperone molecule caused the microenvironment of HSA changed. • The native conformation of HSA was changed during binding with α-cyperone.

  18. Interaction of α-cyperone with human serum albumin: Determination of the binding site by using Discovery Studio and via spectroscopic methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Qing; He, Jiawei; Wu, Di; Wang, Jing; Yan, Jin; Li, Hui


    α-Cyperone, as the main constituent of Cyperus rotundus, is a sesquiterpene ketone. In this work, LigandFit and CDOCKER docking programs of Discovery Studio 3.1 were used to preliminarily estimate and further confirm the binding sites of α-cyperone. LigandFit results showed that α-cyperone is mainly bound in subdomain IIA. This finding was further confirmed by CDOCKER results. Site marker competitive experimental results also suggested that α-cyperone contains the same binding site as warfarin. Software simulation results further revealed that α-cyperone is mainly bound in subdomain IIA. Site marker competitive experiment results are consistent with simulation results. 3D fluorescence and CD spectroscopy results indicated that the native conformation of HSA molecule is affected by the presence of α-cyperone. - Highlights: • This work carried out by adopting molecular docking and spectroscopic studies. • Discovery studio 3.1 was used for estimating the binding sites. • The insertion of α-cyperone molecule caused the microenvironment of HSA changed. • The native conformation of HSA was changed during binding with α-cyperone

  19. Knowledge and practice pictured in the artist’s studio. The ‘art lover’ in the seventeenth-century Netherlands


    Lara Yeager-Crasselt


    This article examines the long overlooked representation of the ‘art lover’, or liefhebber, in the artist’s studio in the seventeenth-century Netherlands and the ways in which the liefhebber’s image coalesced with a larger cultural discourse of connoisseurship, amateurship, and artistic practice. It situates these images in the iconographic tradition of the Flemish collector’s cabinet, and demonstrates how the values inherent to the konstkamer became part of the visual language and meaning of...

  20. Multilevel flow models studio: human-centralized development for operation support system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Yangping; Hidekazu Yoshikawa; Liu Jingquan; Yang Ming; Ouyang Jun


    Computerized Operation Support Systems (COSS), integrating Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia and Network Technology, are now being proposed for reducing operator's cognitive load for process operation. This study proposed a Human-Centralized Development (HCD) that COSS can be developed and maintained independently, conveniently and flexibly by operator and expert of industry system with little expertise on software development. A graphical interface system for HCD, Multilevel Flow Models Studio (MFMS), is proposed for development assistance of COSS. An Extensible Markup Language based file structure is designed to represent the Multilevel Flow Models (MFM) model for the target system. With a friendly graphical interface, MFMS mainly consists of two components: 1) an editor to intelligently assist user establish and maintain the MFM model; 2) an executor to implement the application for monitoring, diagnosis and operational instruction in terms of the established MFM model. A prototype MFMS system has been developed and applied to construct a trial operation support system for a Nuclear Power Plant simulated by RELAP5/MOD2. (authors)

  1. Learning in third spaces: community art studio as storefront university classroom. (United States)

    Timm-Bottos, Janis; Reilly, Rosemary C


    Third spaces are in-between places where teacher-student scripts intersect, creating the potential for authentic interaction and a shift in what counts as knowledge. This paper describes a unique community-university initiative: a third space storefront classroom for postsecondary students in professional education programs, which also functions as a community art studio for the surrounding neighborhood. This approach to professional education requires an innovative combination of theory, methods, and materials as enacted by the professionals involved and performed by the students. This storefront classroom utilizes collaborative and inclusive instructional practices that promote human and community development. It facilitates the use of innovative instructional strategies including art making and participatory dialogue to create a liminal learning space that reconfigures professional education. In researching the effectiveness of this storefront classroom, we share the voices of students who have participated in this third space as part of their coursework to underscore these principles and practices.

  2. Gli spazi marginali di un personaggio bizzarro: l’adattamento del romanzo Totò il buono

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    Matteo Martelli


    Full Text Available Il saggio propone uno studio del romanzo di Cesare Zavattini, Totò il buono, e della riscrittura filmica Miracolo a Milano (firmata da Zavattini stesso e Vittorio De Sica attraverso l’analisi della figura del protagonista, Totò, personaggio eccentrico e buono. In maniera particolare, a partire dalla presenza in entrambi i testi di spazi di marginalità culturale dai quali si costruiscono le qualità bizzarre del personaggio, il saggio descrive come il lavoro d’adattamento rielabori le formulazioni del romanzo attraverso l’introduzione di un punto di vista della tradizione, estetica e antropologica, del grottesco e del realismo popolare, integrando e spostando al tempo stesso il precedente stato di marginalità da uno spazio asociale alla valorizzazione, sul piano immaginario, di un’utopia comunitaria.

  3. I Giochi del Mediterraneo. Uno strumento per una possibile integrazione sociale e culturale?

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    Gian Luigi Corinto


    Full Text Available Uno spazio geopolitico importante per le relazioni estere dell'Italia è senza dubbio ilMediterraneo (de Leonardis 2003, anche se la contrapposizione tra vocazioneeuropea e mediterranea, europeismo e mediterraneismo, è una costante della politicaestera italiana (Varsori 2003. Tale situazione duale deriva non soltanto dalla posizionegeografica ma anche dal fatto che l'area mediterranea è stata instabile e carica ditensione fino al secondo dopoguerra e lo è rimasta dalla fine del mondo bipolare(Colombo 2003. Il Sud si è trasformato nel luogo principe di improbabili e imminentisfide alla sicurezza del dopo Guerra fredda, così come di instabilità politica e di conflittilocali causati da movimenti estremisti sorti nei paesi delle sponde orientale emeridionale (Pizzigallo 2010. Il Mediterraneo è anche una sorta di zona franca, un antimondoche gioca ruoli complessi e spesso deregolati nel contesto globale (Farinelli2007.Uno spazio geopolitico importante per le relazioni estere dell'Italia è senza dubbio ilMediterraneo (de Leonardis 2003, anche se la contrapposizione tra vocazioneeuropea e mediterranea, europeismo e mediterraneismo, è una costante della politicaestera italiana (Varsori 2003. Tale situazione duale deriva non soltanto dalla posizionegeografica ma anche dal fatto che l'area mediterranea è stata instabile e carica ditensione fino al secondo dopoguerra e lo è rimasta dalla fine del mondo bipolare(Colombo 2003. Il Sud si è trasformato nel luogo principe di improbabili e imminentisfide alla sicurezza del dopo Guerra fredda, così come di instabilità politica e di conflittilocali causati da movimenti estremisti sorti nei paesi delle sponde orientale emeridionale (Pizzigallo 2010. Il Mediterraneo è anche una sorta di zona franca, un antimondoche gioca ruoli complessi e spesso deregolati nel contesto globale (Farinelli2007.

  4. A Brief Analysis on The Mannerism of Strange Stories of A Chinese Studio by Pu Songling

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    Andyni Khosasih


    Full Text Available Strange Stories of a Chinese Studio, commonly known as 聊斋 (Liaozhai is a short novel written in classical Chinese from Qing dynasty. This novel was written in 1680, year 19 of Emperor Kangxi’s reign. The novel has 491 chapters. Article explored Pu Songling’s mannerism, such as the contents, material collection, innovation of artistic literary elements and images of women. It can be concluded that  the novel reflects the broadness of humanistic world and thoroughly describes images of women. It broke through the restriction of thoughts in feudalism society.  

  5. Luigi Nono: spazio e composizione


    Lazzarini, Giulia


    Architettura e musica. Spazio e tempo. Suono. Esperienza. Queste le parole chiave da cui ha preso avvio la mia ricerca. Tutto è iniziato dall’intuizione dell’esistenza di un legame tra due discipline cui ho dedicato molto tempo e studio, completando due percorsi accademici paralleli, la Facoltà di architettura e il Conservatorio. Dopo un lavoro d’individuazione e analisi degli infiniti spunti di riflessione che il tema offriva, ho focalizzato l’attenzione su uno degli esempi più emblema...



    Milazzo, Rosangela


    L’articolo presenta i risultati di una ricerca che trae origine dalla lettura di un saggio di Camilla Bettoni, Usare un’altra lingua. Guida alla pragmatica interculturale (Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006) in cui affronta, tra gli altri, il tema della doppia personalità nell’ambito di uno studio sul bilinguismo e il biculturalismo, e si chiede se esista una relazione tra bilinguismo e personalità, ovvero se l’alternanza delle lingue conosciute comporti cambiamenti nella personalità dei bilingui. In qu...

  7. The (Restored) Practice of DEFA Co-productions with the “Normalized” Czechoslovak Film Studio in the 1970s


    Skopal, Pavel


    After four co-productions which the East German and Czech studios made from 1957 to 1965, a five-year hiatus in DEFA-Barrandov co-productions took place. During the Czechoslovak New Wave era, the Czech filmmakers gave DEFA the cold shoulder. But the process of “normalisation” that took place after the August 1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia put both the regimes and the film industry structures back in sync. While the end of independent production groups at DEFA and Barrandov damage...


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    Full Text Available Con el fin de establecer el comportamiento de la salinidad y las características de la fauna de macroinvertebrados asociados a las raíces de Rhizophora mangle en las Bahías de Turbo y El Uno, se realizaron cuatro muestreos entre septiembre del 2004 y febrero del 2005, en tres sectores de las Bahías. Los valores de salinidad experimentaron cambios muy importantes en el tiempo y fluctuaron entre 2 y 32 unidades. En total, se cuantificaron 26 especies en Bahía Turbo y 28 en Bahía El Uno. Mientras la diversidad en la Bahía Turbo varió entre 0,77 en septiembre y 2,22 noviembre, en Bahía El Uno, los valores fluctuaron entre 1,14 en noviembre y 1,95 en septiembre. La mayoría de las especies son frecuentes en las raíces de mangle de la región caribe y poseen un carácter eurihalino.

  9. Application of Control System Studio for the NOνA Detector Control System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lukhanin, Gennadiy; Biery, Kurt; Foulkes, Stephen; Kowalkowski, Jim; Paterno, Marc; Rechenmacher, Ron; Frank, Martin; Hatzikoutelis, Athanasios


    In the NOνA experiment, the Detector Controls System (DCS) provides a method for controlling and monitoring important detector hardware and environmental parameters. It is essential for operating the detector and is required to have access to roughly 370,000 independent programmable channels via more than 11,600 physical devices. In this paper, we demonstrate an application of Control System Studio (CSS), developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, for the NOνA experiment. The application of CSS for the DCS of the NOνA experiment has been divided into three phases: (1) user requirements and concept prototype on a test-stand, (2) small scale deployment at the prototype Near Detector on the Surface, and (3) a larger scale deployment at the Far Detector. We also give an outline of the CSS integration with the NOνA online software and the alarm handling logic for the Front-End electronics.

  10. Reducing medical students' stigmatization of people with chronic mental illness: a field intervention at the "living museum" state hospital art studio. (United States)

    Cutler, Janis L; Harding, Kelli J; Hutner, Lucy A; Cortland, Clarissa; Graham, Mark J


    The authors designed an intervention to reduce beginning medical students' stigmatization of people with chronic mental illness (CMI). Pre-clinical medical students visited a state psychiatric facility's "Living Museum," a combination patient art studio/display space, as the intervention. During the visit, students interacted with artist-guides who showed their work and discussed their experiences creating art. Students completed a self-assessment survey developed to measure attitudes and feelings toward people with CMI after half of the class visited the Living Museum, constituting a Visit/No-Visit cross-sectional comparison. Students who visited the Living Museum (N=64), as compared with those who did not visit (N=110), endorsed more positive attitudes toward people with CMI. Among the students who visited, however, those who reported having spoken individually with a patient-artist (N=44), paradoxically, indicated less-positive feelings toward people with CMI. An intervention in which pre-clinical medical students visited patient-artist guides in an art-studio setting generally improved students' attitudes toward people with CMI. Thus, nontraditional psychiatric settings offer a valuable adjunct to more traditional clinical settings to reduce stigma when introducing medical students to the field of psychiatry.

  11. El Cambio de Actitudes hacia Uno Mismo en el Contexto Organizacional: El Efecto del Formato de Pensamiento

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    Beatriz Gandarillas


    Full Text Available La visión que tienen las personas de sí mismas influye sobre distintos comportamientos organizacionales. Por tanto, resulta esencial entender cómo se pueden modificar las actitudes hacia uno mismo tanto en el contexto personal como el organizacional. El cambio de actitudes depende fundamentalmente de la dirección (favorable o desfavorable de los pensamientos con respecto a uno mismo. En el presente trabajo se propone estudiar, además de la dirección, también el formato de dichos pensamientos. Se llevaron a cabo dos experimentos en los que se pidió a los participantes que pensaran sobre sus fortalezas o debilidades (manipulación de la dirección del pensamiento de forma continua o dicotómica (manipulación del formato. Los resultados indican que la dirección de los pensamientos influyó de forma directa o inversa sobre la auto-estima según el formato. Se ofrecen distintas interpretaciones de estos resultados destacando la posibilidad de que el pensamiento dicotómico resultara difícil en este contexto de alta relevancia. Finalmente, se sugieren implicaciones potenciales de los resultados para el comportamiento organizacional.

  12. "Etica ed Estetica sono tutt’uno" Riflessioni su TLP 6.421

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    Gabriele Tomasi


    Full Text Available Per il primo Wittgenstein etica ed estetica erano tutt’uno. Scopo del saggio è fornire un’interpretazione di questa concezione. Esaminando il modo in cui è proposta nel Tractatus e considerando alcune annotazioni dei Quaderni 1914-1916 si evidenzia che l’unità di etica ed estetica è in un modo di vedere il mondo per cui esso non appare come fonte di limitazione. L’etica è un’estensione al mondo - alla vita - della capacità di conferire significato che nell’arte si realizza nei riguardi di oggetti particolari. Affermando l’unità di etica ed estetica Wittgenstein attira l’attenzione sul fatto che la radice dell’etica è in un certo modo di vedere le cose, in un atteggiamento verso la vita. Si tratta della prospettiva di un valore non connesso a come il mondo è e che è evocato dalla meraviglia per l’esistenza del mondo.

  13. Telemedicine and Alzheimer's Disease from Studio-Based Videoconferencing to Mobile Handheld Cell Phones

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    Pk (Poh-Kooi Loh


    Full Text Available The use of Telemedicine in the assessment of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's Disease is evolving with advances in Information and Communication Technology. This article outlines the course of evolution in Western Australia, a large state with a sparse population outside of the capital city. The starting point of the evolution, video-conferencing in Telehealth studios, is reviewed as well as the next stage, use of desktop technology, which enables the physician to consult from the office or clinic. A pilot study currently being undertaken to assess the validity of the latest stage in evolution of Telehealth—the use of handheld mobile cell phone video calling that allows the physician and patient to interact at locations convenient to both parties. The pitfalls and implications of the use of this stage, should it prove to be a valid approach, are discussed.

  14. Salud y trabajo de docentes de instituciones educativas distritales de la localidad uno de bogotá


    García Castro, Constanza María; Muñoz Sánchez, Alba Idaly


    Las instituciones educativas constituyen un escenario importante para la promoción de la salud de docentes, estudiantes, personal administrativo e, incluso, las familias; pero para utilizarlo eficazmente, en particular para el caso de los(as) docentes, es necesario conocer sus condiciones de trabajo y salud. Objetivo: describir algunas de las condiciones de trabajo y salud del personal docente que labora en las Instituciones Educativas Distritales de la Localidad uno (I) de Usaquén, Bogotá, e...

  15. Studying the Aspects of Knowledge Creation in the LAB Studio Model

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    Kari-Pekka Heikkinen


    Full Text Available The organisations of higher education are constantly changing. Universities, colleges, private schools and online universities refine their pedagogical methods and learning models in a competitive market. This article is a study on whether one such model helps students to gain new knowledge. A study of the LAB studio model (LSM, which is a pedagogical model developing connections between working-life based problems and the recognition and development of business-related prototypes and start-up companies, is presented. The LSM, theoretically grounded in a constructivist view of learning with a project-based education at its core, has the key goal of educating entrepreneurial competences in higher education. Based on the case study, comprisinga literature review of knowledge creation and a survey, the qualitative results analysis suggests that LSM offers a promising support for knowledge creation. The results lead to the conclusion that LSM provides support especially for the various modes of the SECI model, such as socialisation and internalisation, and seems to support organisational knowledge creation aspects as well.

  16. Analisi sui pigmenti di ceramica neolitica tramite tecniche Raman e LIBS

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    Cristina Fabbri


    Full Text Available I dati presentati in questo breve contributo provengono da uno studio condotto in collaborazione dal Dipartimento di Scienze Archeologiche dell’Università di Pisa e dall’Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici di Fisica molecolare del CNR di Pisa. Le metodologie applicate sono basate sull’analisi integrata delle tecniche spettroscopiche Raman e LIBS già ampiamente utilizzate nel campo dei Beni Culturali; i metodi sono infatti essenzialmente non distruttivi, non richiedono di un pre trattamento del campione e l’acquisizione delle misure è immediata.

  17. The effect of tracking network configuration on GPS baseline estimates for the CASA Uno experiment (United States)

    Wolf, S. Kornreich; Dixon, T. H.; Freymueller, J. T.


    The effect of the tracking network on long (greater than 100 km) GPS baseline estimates was estimated using various subsets of the global tracking network initiated by the first Central and South America (CASA Uno) experiment. It was found that best results could be obtained with a global tacking network consisting of three U.S. stations, two sites in the southwestern Pacific, and two sites in Europe. In comparison with smaller subsets, this global network improved the baseline repeatability, the resolution of carrier phase cycle ambiguities, and formal errors of the orbit estimates.

  18. Ricavare un'opera viva da una soffitta: scrittura e teatro in balia di una cura

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    Elena Uber


    Full Text Available Il laboratorio di scrittura della Soffitta dura dall’autunno 2005 alla primavera 2006. In quell’anno l’Unità Operativa in cui lavoro, appartenendo diversi suoi operatori alla Società Italiana per lo Studio dei Comportamenti Alimentari (S.I.S.D.C.A., assume l’impegno di organizzare a Piacenza uno dei convegni nazionali annuali della Società stessa. Sulla scorta d’un consolidato piacere della mia équipe di valorizzare le risorse espressive dei suoi membri, progetto d’allestire con la collaborazione di un gruppo teatrale piacentino uno spettacolo a partire dal testo prodotto con il gruppo. Quest’ultimo viene rielaborato e ne viene ricavata una drammaturgia dove la soffitta diviene la stiva d’una nave nella quale A., la protagonista, compirà il suo viaggio “verso il mondo che l’aspetta là fuori”.

  19. Perancangan Sistem Kendali Otomatis pada Smart Home menggunakan Modul Arduino Uno

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    Danny Kurnianto


    Full Text Available Efficiency, effectiveness and electrical energy saving have become topics of research that attracts many researchers today. Model of technology has been widely proposed to improve effectiveness and energy saving for the livelihood of the peoples. One of example is a model of a Smart Home technology. Smart Home models proposed in this research is controlled centrally by an Arduino Uno microcontroller. Microcontroller detect output from the two magnetic sensors installed in the entrance. Microcontroller response to the two outputs of magnetic sensors in the form of control of room lighting. fan, mosquito repellent and LCD. The system will work automatically when someone inside the house. Room lights will turn on automatically, the fan will work in accordance with the room temperature conditions and mosquito repellent device will work automatically. The test results show that the proposed model of a Smart Home can work well according design with a success rate of 100%.

  20. Análisis, en perspectiva, de los contenidos deportivos de noticias uno: ¿un camino hacia la calidad informativa en televisión?

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    Lizandro ANGULO RINCÓN


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza las rutinas periodísticas y contenidos deportivos de Noticias Uno, noticiero de televisión colombiano, con el fin de determinar si su información deportiva cumple con criterios de calidad. Asimismo, se consulta a expertos para conocer su opinión sobre lo que es hoy y debería ser un periodismo deportivo de excelencia. Para ello, se entrevista en profundidad a los reporteros de deportes del informativo y al grupo de expertos, y se analizan los contenidos de 306 de los segmentos de Noticias Uno, correspondientes a los años 2012 y 2013. Los resultados apuntan a que la información atlética y competitiva cumple con algunos indicadores de calidad como la confrontación de fuentes y la contextualización, lo cual contribuye a que Noticias Uno sea un referente de un buen periodismo. De hecho, este medio ha ganado el premio India Catalina al mejor noticiero del país desde el 2010 hasta el 2015. Sin embargo, la información deportiva debe avanzar la definición de otros indicadores de calidad como la variedad temática y de enfoque para narrar deportes minoritarios y mayoritarios.

  1. Burnout en Uruguay: Unos aportes para los resultados de Añon et al. (2012.

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    Cesar Merino Soto


    Full Text Available La presente carta pone de relieve algunas preguntas que podrían desafiar la validez de los resultados presentados por Añón et al. (2012, respecto a sus descripciones del nivel de burnout en un hospital público de Montevideo. Su estudio es importante para el aporte descriptivo local del burnout en trabajadores en Uruguay, y de la prevalencia del mismo en un plano internacional. Aparentemente, es uno de los pocos estudios publicados sobre el síndrome de burnout en Uruguay. Pero hay aspectos relacionados con la validez de las interpretaciones de sus resultados, que no han tomado en cuenta.


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    Rahinah Ibrahim


    Full Text Available This paper presents a conceptual framework for an architectural construction integration (A-CI design studio curriculum in the context of an architectural graduate program. It aims to apply trans-disciplinary principles to educate competent graduates in sustainable global design-build practice. The A-CI curriculum emulates the computer-integrated Project Based Learning Laboratory (PBL model developed at Stanford University by building on the PBL’s framework, and principles of learning and teaching professional, cultural, technological, and spatial differences amongst the building stakeholders. We extend it to include a project’s financial and regulatory decision-making process along the planning and architectural design processes at the earlier project development life-cycle phases. The paper will first present the literature review on transdisciplinary learning, followed by a description on the framework and principles of the PBL model before proposing how we extend the PBL model to integrate the early architectural design phase. The proposed program’s framework covers a four-semester curriculum at graduate level during which, students from participating universities in developing countries have the opportunity to participate in a global building project with students from participating universities in developed countries. An additional benefit of this curriculum is that it would allow students from both developing and developed countries to experience cross-border trans-disciplinary learning and teaching.

  3. Utopia economica. Uno studio genealogico del neoliberalismo di Gary Becker in relazione al pensiero di Jeremy Bentham

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    Eleonora Buono


    Full Text Available L’Autrice si propone di tracciare la genealogia della posizione neoliberale, partendo soprattutto dai testi di Gary Becker. Il pensiero economico neoliberale è posto in relazione con la rivoluzione scientifica e l’operazione di matematizzazione della natura che da essa scaturisce. Questo percorso porterà poi a Jeremy Bentham, il cui sistema è spesso visto come antesignano degli studiosi neoliberali. Secondo la tesi sostenuta dall’Autrice, il neoliberalismo presenta il proprio sguardo come una neutra e scientifica descrizione del reale, sennonché in tale mossa si annida pur sempre una tendenza normativa. È così che gli economisti neoliberali elaborano un sistema che è altresì prescrittivo, proponendo un modello che si pone sul piano politico; modello il quale viene qui designato con il nome di «utopia economica».

  4. Position map calculations of BPMs by CST particle studio for non-relativistic energies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forck, Peter; Almalki, Mohammed; Kester, Oliver [GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt (Germany); He, Jun [Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Beijing (China); Kaufmann, Wolfgang; Sieber, Thomas; Singh, Rahul [GSI, Darmstadt (Germany)


    Beam positon monitors BPM at LINACs serve as the basic instrument for non-destructive position determination as yield from the difference-over-sum of signal of opposite electrodes. The time evolution of the signals, and consequently their Fourier-transformations, depend on the particle velocity and the distance from the electrodes. Position maps, i.e. electrodes difference-over-sum signal versus beam offset, were calculated using the wake-field solver CST Particle Studio in the velocity range from 0.05c to 0.5c for two BPM types. For the planned proton LINAC at FAIR, four separated button BPM electrodes are foreseen. The BPMs installed in the GSI UNILAC are made of a ceramic ring with four metallized sectors installed in a special housing. For the latter type resonances and capacitive coupling between the sectors modify the position map. The general findings and peculiarities of both types are presented.


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    Full Text Available In un lavoro precedente (1 è stato esposto uno studio
    sugli indici « K » dell'Osservatorio di Gibilmanna in Sicilia. Il calcolo
    di essi è basato sulla conoscenza delle curve normali della variazione
    diurna: infatti, come si è visto, gli indici « K » forniscono ima misura
    della attività geomagnetica prodotta dalla radiazione corpuscolare del
    Sole la quale può essere dedotta sottraendo al campo di variazione totale
    la porzione che ha origine invece dalla radiazione elettromagnetica
    (ultravioletta, rappresentata quasi totalmente dalla variazione Sq.
    Si è ritenuto opportuno trattare a parte lo studio della Sq sia per
    la importanza intrinseca della conoscenza di essa, sia per le particolarità
    interessanti che ossa presenta a Gibilmanna data la latitudine
    geomagnetica dell'Osservatorio, situato nella zona di transizione tra
    il tipo « polare » ed il tipo « equatoriale » dell'andamento diurno della
    componente H.

  6. Ambienti narrativi per l'apprendimento

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    Giuliana Dettori


    Full Text Available Analisi degli ambienti di apprendimento narrativi e la loro potenzialità per l’apprendimento. Le storie possono essere uno strumento a sostegno dell’apprendimento che risulta naturale per tutti, e specialmente per bambini e ragazzi. Lo sviluppo delle TIC (Tecnologie dell’Informazione e della Comunicazione ed il loro crescente utilizzo in ambito didattico hanno fornito un’ampia gamma di strumenti per potenziare l’utilizzo educativo della narrativa, dando origine ad una consistente varieta’ di ambienti di apprendimento narrativi con obiettivi formativi differenti ed applicabili a diversi ambiti di studio.

  7. Análisis, diseño e implementación de un sistema informático móvil Android, para administración de inventario y gestión de reportes de los procesos del club de baile denominado Salsa Studio


    Córdova Valencia, Cristina Elizabeth


    Club Salsa Studio is a legally constituted company, whose economic activity is to provide night entertainment is available. Its processes are handled through a billing system called INVOICESYS.Para solve different problems, a mobile system administration and management of the activities of the company, called ADMINSY was implemented. The same that developed on the Android platform. El Club Salsa Studio es una empresa legalmente constituida, cuya actividad económica consiste en proveer dive...

  8. Some tests of wet tropospheric calibration for the CASA Uno Global Positioning System experiment (United States)

    Dixon, T. H.; Wolf, S. Kornreich


    Wet tropospheric path delay can be a major error source for Global Positioning System (GPS) geodetic experiments. Strategies for minimizing this error are investigted using data from CASA Uno, the first major GPS experiment in Central and South America, where wet path delays may be both high and variable. Wet path delay calibration using water vapor radiometers (WVRs) and residual delay estimation is compared with strategies where the entire wet path delay is estimated stochastically without prior calibration, using data from a 270-km test baseline in Costa Rica. Both approaches yield centimeter-level baseline repeatability and similar tropospheric estimates, suggesting that WVR calibration is not critical for obtaining high precision results with GPS in the CASA region.

  9. L’uso di piattaforme digitali collaborative nella prospettiva di un’amministrazione condivisa. Il progetto Miramap a Torino

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    Cristina Coscia


    Full Text Available Lo scritto intende illustrare un approccio innovativo alla pianificazione urbana e all’Amministrazione condivisa basato sull’uso di piattaforme digitali collaborative PA/cittadino. Tale prospettiva è declinata nel progetto pilota MiraMap, a Torino, nella Circoscrizione Mirafiori Sud, di cui è responsabile un gruppo di ricerca del Politecnico di Torino. Il progetto implementa e sviluppa una precedente esperienza effettuata nel 2013 (Crowdmapping MirafioriSud, il cui scopo principale era quello di verificare se l'uso delle ICT potesse generare e supportare processi di inclusione sociale. Attraverso la lettura del processo MiraMap, degli obiettivi, della metodologia adottata, delle fasi e delle linee di azione vengono evidenziati ragionamenti di natura interdisciplinare e tecnica relativi a: la strutturazione dei rapporti con le Istituzioni, in particolare la Pubblica Amministrazione, nei processi di pianificazione e gestione dello spazio pubblico; l’innesco di processi di inclusione, partecipazione e di civic engagement; l’identificazione degli apporti che tali sperimentazioni possono generare nella costruzione di una rinnovata governance urbana. Il presente contributo delinea infine una possibile metodologia per il monitoraggio e la valutazione di impatto ex post, basata sulla Community Impact Analysis/Evaluation (CIA/CIE, che valuta in modo descrittivo gli impatti – pecuniari e non – originati dal progetto, in rapporto ai diversi soggetti coinvolti. L’impiego delle ICT può favorire processi di trasparenza e rafforzare l’accountability della PA, a condizione che la tecnologia sia fattore abilitante e non di esclusione. L’analisi puntuale del caso fornisce spunti di riflessione in merito a tale approccio innovativo: la relazione cittadino/PA può contribuire nel medio-lungo termine a veicolare impatti socio-economici positivi sul territorio, rendere il cittadino più informato e coinvolto e l’Amministrazione pi

  10. Numerical analysis of natural ventilation system in a studio apartment in Bangladesh (United States)

    Kabir, K. M. Ariful; Hasan, Md. Rakibul; Khan, Md. Abdul Hakim


    The study of temperature and air flow for natural ventilation system has been investigated numerically. A finite element model for studio apartment was developed with the aim of achieving detail energy allocation in the real buildings during the transient process in the walls and internal air. A tool of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is employed to assist the process. In the tropical regions most of the energy is consumed by the heating, cooling and ventilation appliances. Therefore, the optimize ventilation system will be a suitable and valid option for the saving of energy from the household sector to increase cooling performance and ensuring thermal comfort as well. A mathematical exploration is carried out on full scale dwelling and small scale model and indication is given on the relevance of such a comparison. Calculations are carried out with household heat sources for calm and windy period, but without any human. As expected, for windy periods, the wind is the main driving force behind the internal air flow. However, in calm periods for unsteady flow the internal airflow looks like more complexes through observation.

  11. Relojes Circadianos y Premio Nobel: hora de tomarse unos minutos para hablar de ritmos biológicos

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    Luis Fernando Larrondo Castro


    Full Text Available El Nobel 2017 en Fisiología o Medicina recayó en la descripción molecular de los relojes circadianos. A pocas semanas de haberse hecho el anuncio, uno de los recipientes de esta distinción, Michael Rosbash, visitó Chile. En estas breves páginas comentamos parte de su charla y destacamos la importancia que tienen los ritmos circadianos en la biología de los organismos, así como su impacto en salud y enfermedad.


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    Luz Marcela Hurtado


    Full Text Available Los estudios comunicativo–funcionales han considerado los mecanismos de impersonalización como una brecha en la deixis, o como desfocalizadores del centro deíctico. Sin embargo, este trabajo se inspira en planteamientos previos sobre la impersonalidad como extensión de la deixis. Consiste en un estudio variacionista de los diferentes grados de generalidad expresados mediante uno en la variedad caribeña de Barranquilla, Colombia. Con base en los conceptos de deíxis textual, discursiva y social, incorpora factores lingüísticos asociados con los grados de impersonalización (interpretación referencial, tipo de discurso y clase semántica del verbo, y factores pragmáticos afines con las relaciones de poder y solidaridad (polaridad, tipo de interacción, formas de tratamiento y relaciones entre los interactuantes. Los resultados proporcionan evidencia estadística acerca de un uso personal de uno con las funciones deícticas de yo : predomina cuando el hablante expresa su posicionamiento frente a lo enunciado, es decir, su centro deíctico, sus experiencias personales, conocimientos, evaluaciones y sentimientos.

  13. Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Listrik Prabayar dengan Menggunakan Arduino Uno

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    Diah Risqiwati


    Full Text Available Abstrak Kebutuhan akan listrik akan terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, hal ini dikarenakan pembuatan produk yang menggunakan listrik sebagai energi nya juga gencar dikeluarkan oleh produsen sehingga kebutuhan akan listrik sudah menjadi kebutuhan yang sangat vital untuk masing-masing individu. Saat ini di negara kita telah dikembangkan listrik prabayar disamping listrik pasca bayar yang telah berjalan, fungsi dari listrik prabayar ini adalah untuk dapat mengontrol penggunaan dari listrik itu sendiri. Namun, penggunaan listrik prabayar tidak sepenuhnya digunakan secara optimal oleh pelanggan, dikarenakan pelanggan tidak mengetahui beban dari alat listrik yang digunakan sehingga tidak dapat melakukan kontrol dari pulsa listrik yang dibeli. Dari permasalahan itu peneliti mengusulkan untuk membuat suatu alat kontrol dengan menggunakan arduino uno sehingga pemilik dapat mengontrol penggunaan listriknya secara real time. Board Arduino berfungsi sebagai sistem kontrol pengambilan data, sebelum data tersebut di olah pada server. Terdapat sistem sensor berfungsi untuk pengambilan data ampere yaitu sensor AC712-20A dan modul relay sebagai saklar elektrik berfungsi untuk memutus daya listrik ketika pulsa tidak mencukupi. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, terdapat kesalahan pengukuran rata-rata sensor ACS712-20A dengan multitester sebesar 26%, sedangkan untuk pengukuran billing listrik prabayar terdapat kesalahan sebesar 6%.

  14. Computer graphics synthesis for inferring artist studio practice: an application to Diego Velázquez's Las Meninas[ (United States)

    Stork, David G.; Furuichi, Yasuo


    Diego Velázquez's Las meninas (1656) has been called by some art experts "the most important painting of the 17th century," "a theology of painting," and even "the world's greatest painting"; it has been the subject of intensive study. The work depicts a complex scene in the Alcázar palace of King Philip IV of Spain, and includes mirror reflections of the king and queen, apparently standing in place of the viewer, as well as the artist himself standing before an enormous canvas on an easel. Nevertheless, questions remain about the studio and the proper viewing configuration: Is the artist looking toward the perspectivally correct position of the viewer in the museum space (center of projection), outside the picture space? Does the perspectivally correct position correspond to the locations of the king and queen seen reflected in the mirror? Is the bright illumination on the king and queen (as revealed in the mirror) consistent with the lighting in the tableau itself? We addressed these questions in a new way: by building a full computer graphics model of the figures and tableau as well as the viewer's space outside the painting. In our full model, the painting itself is represented as a translucent window onto which the picture space is projected toward the center of projection, that is, the viewer. Our geometric and (new) lighting evidence confirm Janson's and Snyder's contention that the plane mirror on the back wall reflects the other side of the large painting depicted within the tableau, not the king and queen themselves in the studio. We believe our computer graphics synthesis of both the tableau within the painting and the viewer's space in the real world is the first of its kind to address such problems in the history of art.

  15. Aortic non communicating dissections. A study with helical CT; Studio dell'ematoma intramurale aortico. Aspetti con Tomografia Computerizzata spirale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Midiri, M.; Strada, A.; Stabile Ianora, A.A.; Rotondo, A.; Angelelli, G. [Bari Univ., Bari (Italy). Dipt. di Medicina Interna e Medicina Pubblica, Sez. di Diagnostica per Immagini; Scialpi, M. [Ospedale SS. Annunziata, Taranto (Italy); D' Agostino, D.; De Luca Tupputi Schinosa, L. [Bari Univ., Bari (Italy). Dipt. Emergenze Trapianto d' Organo, Sez. di Cardiochirurgia


    confused with aortic dissection. The imaging techniques (TEE, CT, MRI) have an important role in the final diagnosis of aortic hematoma. Presently Helical CT and MR angiography are the main tools in the early diagnosis of this condition before the development of complications. In this experience helical CT, before and after the administration of contrast material, was accurate in identifying the hematoma localization and extension. [Italian] Tale studio ha lo scopo di valutare con tecnica TC spirale gli aspetti semeiologici dell'ematoma intramurale dell'aorta e sottolineare il ruolo diagnostico decisivo di tale metodica nello studio di pazienti con quadro clinico acuto sospetto per dissezione aortica. E' stato condotto uno studio retrospettivo (dal 1995 al 1999) sulle immagini di 396 pazienti che avevano eseguito un esame TC in regime d'urgenza per sospetta dissezione aortica. Solo 18 pazienti (6 femmine, 12 maschi) presentavano aspetti tomodensitometrici caratteristici per ematoma intramurale aortico. Gli esami sono stati condotti tutti con TC spirale utilizzando i seguenti parametri: spessore dello strato 10 mm, image index 10, passo della spirale 1,5 mm, algoritmo standard con un minimo di 130 kV e 125 mA. Gli esami sono stati condotti prima e dopo iniezione di 130 ml di mdc in bolo rapido e ricercando i seguenti parametri: sede ed estensione longitudinale dell'ematoma spessore e densita' della parte aortica, presenza e localizzazione delle caclificazioni intimali, regolarita' del lume vero, presenza di emomediastino e/o emotorace. In tutti i 18 pazienti (8 di tipo A e 10 di tipo B) e' stato osservato ispessimento circoscritto parietale tipicamente iperdenso nelle scansioni di base e ipodenso in quelle dopo mdc. In 14/18 pazienti l'ispessimento assumeva disposizione eccentrica, in solo 4/18 era concentrico; in tutti i casi l'ispessimento e' risultato maggiore di 4 mm. In 18/18 pazienti sono state riscontrate


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    J.L. Arias


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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar de forma comparativa en Minibasket el número de situaciones de un atacante contra un defensor que se producían al jugar con la línea que define la zona del área restringida como línea de tres puntos con respecto a una línea de tres puntos rectangular. Participaron 67 jugadoras (edad: M = 10.39 años, SD = 0.67, de seis equipos diferentes. De estas jugadoras se obtuvieron 1642 posesiones de balón en un primer campeonato y 1669 posesiones de balón en un segundo. Se utilizó la metodología observacional. Tras formar a cuatro observadores, la fiabilidad del registro obtenida a través del coeficiente de correlación mediante el estadístico de Pearson, alcanzó valores entre .83 y .93. Las diferencias significativas encontradas entre los dos campeonatos (p = .019, revelaron que al jugar con la línea de tres puntos delimitada por la zona restringida se consiguen un 3.9% más situaciones de un atacante contra un defensor, lo que puede favorecer en mayor medida el desarrollo de la inteligencia ante la toma de decisión. No obstante, el número de situaciones de uno contra uno en ambos campeonatos se considera escaso. A partir de los resultados, se indican una serie de recomendaciones sobre el reglamento.
    Palabras Clave: Capacidad cognitivo-motriz, toma de decisión, minibasket, línea de tres puntos.



    The purpose of this study was to analyze the number of situations of one versus one in Mini-basketball, on playing with a three-point line delimited by the area of the restricted zone compared with a three-point line delimited by the rectangular area. Sixty seven Mini-basketball female

  17. Perancangan dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Pepak Basa Jawa Menggunakan MobiOne Studio

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    Anglila Nayanggita


    Full Text Available Indonesia is a nation that has a diversity of cultures and the arts, one of which is Javanese language. Javanese language is a heritage that should be preserved because it is still taught in schools and used in everyday life. The main book to learn Javanese language is Pepak Basa Jawa; a book that contains the essence of Javanese language. The rapid increase of technological development provides easiness for people, especially the pressence of gadgets. Therefore, the making of Pepak Basa Jawa in an application it needed to be a learning media to learn and conserve Javanese language for Indonesian people. The application is practically and attractively packed through iOS based mobile devices. Application Pepak Basa Jawa is built using MobiOne Studio software. Multimedia development method used is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC which consists of six stages: concept, design, collection of material, manufacture, testing, and distribution. The Black Box test is used for application testing method. The results of this study is in the form of an application named Pepak Basa Jawa that can run well on mobile devices based on iOS. This application can be an alternative for the people of Indonesia as a medium of learning in learning the Javanese language.

  18. Transit Oriented Development: una soluzione per il governo delle aree di stazione

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    Enrica Papa


    Full Text Available I processi di diffusione e dispersione insediativa, la crescente crisi da congestione, la disponibilità di aree libere a seguito di dismissione di impianti industriali in aree strategiche della città, i consistenti investimenti in infrastrutture di trasporto su ferro in ambito urbano e regionale sono elementi chiave che hanno contribuito alla diffusione di teorie e pratiche per uno “sviluppo urbano orientato al sistema di trasporto pubblico su ferro”: il Transit Oriented Development- TOD. Questo termine, introdotto per la prima volta da Calthorpe nel 1993, sintetizza teorie e metodi volti a favorire uno sviluppo metropolitano policentrico i cui poli sono i Transit Villages ovvero comunità urbane ad alta densità e mixitè funzionale che si sviluppano intorno alle stazioni della rete su ferro. Nelle aree in espansione o in trasformazione il TOD propone la costruzione di nuovi centri urbani di elevata qualità urbana in aree della città consolidata il TOD prevede il riempimento dei vuoti esistenti ed interventi di riqualificazione urbana. Da molti anni si stanno mettendo in pratica questi principi prevalentemente negli Stati Uniti, dove la disponibilità di suoli e la necessità di limitare fenomeni di sprawl urbano hanno favorito la diffusione delle pratiche TOD in molte città. In Europa questo tipo di interventi non è ancora molto diffuso, a meno di alcuni casi specifici. L’articolo, partendo da queste premesse, vuole contribuire ad affrontare alcune questioni centrali: in quali modo è possibile “esportare” i metodi e le tecniche del TOD nelle città Europee e in particolare in Italia? Quali sono gli strumenti e le procedure per la definizione degli interventi? A partire da uno studio della letteratura scientifica e dall’analisi di casi di studio internazionali il paper propone alcune prime risposte attraverso una proposta di metodo per l’applicazione delle pratiche TOD nelle aree metropolitane italiane.

  19. Utilization of GSM Module (Sim 900 Based Arduino-Uno for Alarm System and Remote Automatic Door Locking

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    Fauzi Fauzi


    Full Text Available Sebuah sistem alarm dan pengunci pintu otomatis jarak jauh untuk keamanan rumah telah dibuat. Otomatisasi kunci pintu rumah ini beroperasi dengan menggunakan perintah yang dikirimkan oleh pemilik rumah melalui pesan singkat melalui handphone sehingga keamanan rumah akan tetap dapat dikendalikan meski dari jarak yang jauh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun otomatisasi rumah pintar yang mampu melakukan dua hal yakni mengunci pintu dan menyalakan alarm dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino-uno dan modul GSM. Pengontrolan secara otomatis tersebut cukup kompleks dan memerlukan berbagai komponen yang terintegrasi dengan kemampuan pembacaan masukan, pemrosesan data dan pengontrolan keluaran secara bersamaan dan terprogram.  A remote door automatic alarm and door lock system for home security has been designed. This home door lock automation operates using commands sent by homeowners via short messages from handphone so that home security will remain controllable even from a long distance. This study aims to build smart home automation that can do two things: lock the door and turn on the alarm by using Arduino-uno microcontroller and GSM module. The automatic control is quite complex and requires a variety of integrated components with the ability to read input, data processing and control the output simultaneously and programmed.   Keywords: Arduino, GSM, Automatic Doors, SMS Rerefences Depari, G.S. (1985. Belajar Teori dan Keterampilan Elektronika. Bandung: Armico Daryanto, 2005. Pengetahuan Teknik Elektronika. Erlangga. Jakarta. Session, Kendall Webster, 2003. 1001 Rangkaian Elektronika. PT. Elek Media Komputindo Kelompok Gramedia, Jakarta. Sustrisno, 1986, Elektronika Teori dan penerapanya. Penerbit ITB, Bandung

  20. Kinerja Prototipe Sistem Elektronis Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno R3 Untuk Pemantauan Analogi Instalasi Listrik

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    Arief Goeritno


    Full Text Available Pada penelitian ini dirancang prototipe sistem elektronis berbasis mikrokontroler untuk pemantauan analogi instalasi listrik, berupa sistem terintegrasi dalam satu paket modul berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino Uno R3.  Sistem terintegrasi terdiri atas (1 analogi instalasi listrik; (2 sistem elektronis berupa (i subsistem sensor-transduser, (ii subsistem mikrokontroler, dan (iii subsistem Liquid Crystal Display (LCD; dan (3 catu daya. Setiap fase dipasang sensor untuk pemantauan keberadaan tegangan melalui pengubahan parameter tegangan bolak-balik (alternating current, ac ke parameter tegangan arus searah (direct current, dc melalui sistem sensor-transduser.  Keluaran sistem sensor-transduser diproses pada mikrokontroler dan hasil pemantauan ditampilkan pada LCD. Pengukuran kinerja sistem dilakukan terhadap lima kondisi akibat pemberian asumsi perubahan pada MCB dan pemantauan jalur instalasi untuk ruang khusus.

  1. Doce magnos oradores: Breves consideraciones biográficas e intento de acercamiento a uno de sus discursos




    Este artículo ofrece una visión general sobre la vida de doce grandes oradores. En primera instancia, se presentan unas consideraciones teóricas sobre su biografía; posteriormente, se da a conocer uno de los discursos más famosos de algunos de los oradores escogidos. En el caso de otros, solo se presenta un fragmento; luego, se exponen algunas de sus frases célebres. Respecto de dos oradores, infortunadamente, no se presenta el texto del discurso debido a que no se halló –al menos hasta el mo...

  2. Development of analysis software for radiation time-series data with the use of visual studio 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hohara, Sin-ya; Horiguchi, Tetsuo; Ito, Shin


    Time-Series Analysis supplies a new vision that conventional analysis methods such as energy spectroscopy haven't achieved ever. However, application of time-series analysis to radiation measurements needs much effort in software and hardware development. By taking advantage of Visual Studio 2005, we developed an analysis software, 'ListFileConverter', for time-series radiation measurement system called as 'MPA-3'. The software is based on graphical user interface (GUI) architecture that enables us to save a large amount of operation time in the analysis, and moreover to make an easy-access to special file structure of MPA-3 data. In this paper, detailed structure of ListFileConverter is fully explained, and experimental results for counting capability of MPA-3 hardware system and those for neutron measurements with our UTR-KINKI reactor are also given. (author)

  3. B-mode for thyroid nodule characterization at 7.5 MHz versus 13 MHz; Attualita' dell'ecografia nel modo B nella caratterizzazione delle malattie nodulari tiroidee: studio ecografiaco di confronto con sonde da 7.5 e da 13 MHz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amodio, F.; Carbone, M.; Rossi, E.; Brunese, L.; Vallone, G. [Neaples Univ., Neaples (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze Biomorfologiche, Ist. di Scienze Radiologiche; Pisano, G.; Iorio, S. [Neaples Univ., Neaples (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze Biomorfologiche, Sez. di Anatomia Patologica e Citopatologica; Benincasa, G. [Neaples Univ., Neaples (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze Biomorfologiche, Ist. di Endocrinologia, Medicina Interna e Malattie della Nutrizione


    The paper investigates B-mode ultrasonography capabilities in diagnosis and characterizing thyroid nodules and compared the personal experience findings with those of few analytical studies in the literature. It is also compared the diagnostic accuracy of conventional 7.5 MHz versus more recent 13 MHz transducers. [Italian] Lo studio presenta i dati sull'accuratezza diagnostica dell'ecografia nel modo B con trasduttore da 7.5 MHz con quella di un trasduttore di piu' recente commercializzazione da 13 MHz. E' una tappa fondamentale nell'iter diagnostico del nodulo tiroideo, se integrata con lo studio qualitativo (color e power Doppler) e semiquantitativo (Doppler pulsato) della vascolarizzazione nodulare.

  4. Comparison of Measured and Calculated Coupling between a Waveguide and an RF Cavity Using CST Microwave Studio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    J. Shi; H. Chen; S. Zheng; D. Li; R.A. Rimmer; H. Wang


    Accurate predications of RF coupling between an RF cavity and ports attached to it have been an important study subject for years for RF coupler and higher order modes (HOM) damping design. We report recent progress and a method on the RF coupling simulations between waveguide ports and RF cavities using CST Microwave Studio in time domain (Transit Solver). Comparisons of the measured and calculated couplings are presented. The simulated couplings and frequencies agree within {approx} 10% and {approx} 0.1% with the measurements, respectively. We have simulated couplings with external Qs ranging from {approx} 100 to {approx} 100,000, and confirmed with measurements. The method should also work well for higher Qs, and can be easily applied in RF power coupler designs and HOM damping for normal-conducting and superconducting cavities.

  5. Comparison of Measured and Calculated Coupling between a Waveguide and an RF Cavity Using CST Microwave Studio

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    J. Shi; H. Chen; S. Zheng; D. Li; R.A. Rimmer; H. Wang


    Accurate predications of RF coupling between an RF cavity and ports attached to it have been an important study subject for years for RF coupler and higher order modes (HOM) damping design. We report recent progress and a method on the RF coupling simulations between waveguide ports and RF cavities using CST Microwave Studio in time domain (Transit Solver). Comparisons of the measured and calculated couplings are presented. The simulated couplings and frequencies agree within ∼ 10% and ∼ 0.1% with the measurements, respectively. We have simulated couplings with external Qs ranging from ∼ 100 to ∼ 100,000, and confirmed with measurements. The method should also work well for higher Qs, and can be easily applied in RF power coupler designs and HOM damping for normal-conducting and superconducting cavities

  6. Intersubjectivity in a digital genre: the Spanish indefinite pronoun uno (“one”) and person deixis in Yahoo Questions&Answers


    Rasson, Marie; De Cock, Barbara; 14th International Pragmatics Conference


    In this paper, we study various mechanisms to create intersubjectivity in a digital genre, namely Yahoo Questions and Answers (YQA). More concretely, we focus on the Spanish indefinite strategy uno (“one”) and its interaction with deictic person pronouns. YQA aims to provide assistance to users, who can ask other users questions on topics of all types. The other users respond by giving advice - often by referring to their personal experience - or their opinion on a given issue (Placencia, 201...

  7. Indagine sulle condizioni ambientali delle sale operatorie

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    U. Moscato


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    Obiettivi: l’esigenza di uno studio conoscitivo sull’attuale situazione dei reparti e delle sale operatorie in Italia nasce dalla necessità di ottenere le informazioni e valutare le risorse utili per la definizione di effettivi requisiti minimi o livelli minimi assistenziali. L’esigenza, inoltre, di procedure e di protocolli standardizzati ai fini della prevenzione e della tutela del personale e del degente, rappresentano altrettante istanze e finalità da cui trae origine lo studio in oggetto.

    Metodi: un questionario, composto da 186 domande a risposta multipla “chiusa”, è stato somministrato come studio pilota in circa 30 presidi ospedalieri sul territorio italiano. Attualmente è in fase di svolgimento lo studio finale, con la somministrazione del questionario alla maggior parte dei presidi ospedalieri pubblici e privati in ambito regionale. Il questionario è suddiviso in più parti compilabili separatamente: una comune riferita all’analisi di tutto il Blocco Operatorio ed una da compilarsi per ogni Sala Operatoria del Blocco. Sono rilevate informazioni sulle caratteristiche strutturali ed impiantistiche degli ambienti; sulla gestione, manutenzione ed il controllo di efficacia degli impianti e sui campionamenti eseguiti. Vengono analizzate anche l’organizzazione, l’informazione e la formazione del personale; nonché le condizioni igieniche, la disinfezione e l’efficacia del processo di sterilizzazione.

    Risultati: il 79% delle sale operatorie attualmente verificate non sono in possesso di accreditamento e/o certificazione, mentre il 50% non ha né certificato di prevenzione incendi né nulla osta provvisorio. Il 24% delle sale operatorie non possiede “sgusci” a pavimento per la sanitizzazione ambientale. L’89% delle strutture sanitarie non possiede sistemi di “rintracciabilità” del prodotto sterilizzato o, nel 39% dei casi, protocolli o procedure

  8. Method for improving the use of PASCO brand spectrophotometer using DataStudio program applied to radiometric surveys for LAFTLA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bolanos Rodriguez, Gary


    Escuela de Ingenieria Electrica at the Universidad de Costa Rica has developed a procedure for the improved use of a PASCO brand Spectrophotometer of the Laboratorio de Fotonica y Tecnologia Laser Aplicada. The program has used DataStudio for the application in radiometric surveys in LAFTLA. Important conclusions have been obtained by the assembly of optical experiments, software and data collection and analysis, such as the behavior of a emitting source radiation known as black body and its relation to the temperature, wavelength and intensity of light. The user guide has been detailed exposing calibrations of the sensors, the definition of constants needed for obtaining parameters and assembly and commissioning of the equipment. (author) [es

  9. Measured Whole-House Performance of TaC Studios Test Home

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Butler, T. [Partnership for Home Innovation (PHI), Upper Marlboro, MD (United States). Southface Energy Inst.; Curtis, O. [Partnership for Home Innovation (PHI), Upper Marlboro, MD (United States). Southface Energy Inst.; Stephenson, R. [Partnership for Home Innovation (PHI), Upper Marlboro, MD (United States). Southface Energy Inst.


    As part of the NAHB Research Center Industry Partnership, Southface partnered with TaC Studios, an Atlanta-based architecture firm specializing in residential and light commercial design, on the construction of a new test home in Atlanta, GA in the mixed humid climate. This home serves as a residence and home office for the firm's owners, as well as a demonstration of their design approach topotential and current clients. Southface believes the home demonstrates current best practices for the mixed-humid climate, including a building envelope featuring advanced air sealing details and low density spray foam insulation, glazing that exceeds ENERGY STAR requirements, and a high performance heating and cooling system. Construction quality and execution was a high priority for TaCStudios and was ensured by a third party review process. Post-construction testing showed that the project met stated goals for envelope performance, an air infiltration rate of 2.15 ACH50. The homeowners wished to further validate whole house energy savings through the project's involvement with Building America and this long-term monitoring effort. As a Building America test home, this homewas evaluated to detail whole house energy use, end use loads, and the efficiency and operation of the ground source heat pump and associated systems. Given that the home includes many non-typical end use loads including a home office, pool, landscape water feature, and other luxury features not accounted for in Building America modeling tools, these end uses were separately monitored todetermine their impact on overall energy consumption.

  10. Near field communication (NFC) model for arduino uno based security systems office system (United States)

    Chairunnas, A.; Abdurrasyid, I.


    Currently, many offices or companies that start growing rapidly in a company or office should have a very limited room to enter only people entitled to enter the room and use the facilities contained in it, for example, Files in it must have many files and documents very important because to reduce the abuse of files and irresponsible person. Because it will be made room door security system by using Near Field Communication on android smartphone. Software used is Arduino IDE. The tools used in this system are Arduino Uno R3, NFC shield, pear sensor, bell, led, servo, 16 × 2 LCD, and Near Field Communication (NFC) in android smartphone. This system runs based on 2 inputs of a new technology that is Near Field Communication (NFC) in android smartphone. And also use pear sensor to detect unauthorized person entering the room. If the correct password is entered then the door will open and the pear sensor will light off if wrong then the bell will light up.

  11. UnoViS: the MedIT public unobtrusive vital signs database. (United States)

    Wartzek, Tobias; Czaplik, Michael; Antink, Christoph Hoog; Eilebrecht, Benjamin; Walocha, Rafael; Leonhardt, Steffen


    While PhysioNet is a large database for standard clinical vital signs measurements, such a database does not exist for unobtrusively measured signals. This inhibits progress in the vital area of signal processing for unobtrusive medical monitoring as not everybody owns the specific measurement systems to acquire signals. Furthermore, if no common database exists, a comparison between different signal processing approaches is not possible. This gap will be closed by our UnoViS database. It contains different recordings in various scenarios ranging from a clinical study to measurements obtained while driving a car. Currently, 145 records with a total of 16.2 h of measurement data is available, which are provided as MATLAB files or in the PhysioNet WFDB file format. In its initial state, only (multichannel) capacitive ECG and unobtrusive PPG signals are, together with a reference ECG, included. All ECG signals contain annotations by a peak detector and by a medical expert. A dataset from a clinical study contains further clinical annotations. Additionally, supplementary functions are provided, which simplify the usage of the database and thus the development and evaluation of new algorithms. The development of urgently needed methods for very robust parameter extraction or robust signal fusion in view of frequent severe motion artifacts in unobtrusive monitoring is now possible with the database.

  12. Lo Studio d’Arte Palma: Storia di un’impresa per il commercio artistico nell’Italia del dopoguerra

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    Viviana Pozzoli


    Full Text Available Inaugurato a Roma nel maggio 1944, a poche settimane dalla Liberazione, lo Studio d’Arte Palma ha costituito un inedito esperimento di organizzazione artistica capace di coniugare attività espositive, mercantili e di centro di restauro, nell’ottica congiunta di un’esigenza di valorizzazione del patrimonio e delle produzioni d’arte italiane e della proposta di un nuovo gusto, espressione dei valori del mondo contemporaneo. Questo contributo intende, per la prima volta, tracciarne il profilo, mettendo in luce la specificità dell’iniziativa nel coevo panorama delle gallerie d’arte. A partire dall’analisi delle fonti d’archivio, si precisano la storia, la progettualità e la programmazione della “Palma”, a cui collaborarono, raccolte attorno alla figura del suo fondatore, Pietro Maria Bardi, alcune tra le personalità di maggiore rilievo del sistema delle arti del tempo.

  13. The UNOS renal transplant registry. (United States)

    Cecka, J M


    The shortage of cadaver kidneys relative to increasing demand for transplantation has lead to a remarkable rise in transplantation from living donors. Based upon data reported to UNOS, the number of living donor kidneys transplanted in 2000 (5,106) nearly equaled the number of cadaver kidneys from preferred donors aged 6-50. HLA-mismatched siblings, offspring, spouses and other genetically unrelated donors accounted for nearly 80% of increased living donor transplantation during 1994-2000. Despite the increased use of poorly HLA-matched living donor kidneys, the actuarial 10-year graft survival rates for transplants between 1988-2000 were clustered between 53-57% for HLA-mismatched living donor grafts, except for offspring-to-parent transplants (49%) when the recipients were generally older. The 10-year survival rate for 96,053 cadaver grafts was 38% during the same period. The 5-year graft survival rates for more recent (1996-2000) cadaver donor transplants were 66%, 62% and 56% for recipients of first, second and multiple grafts, respectively (p < 0.001). The comparable results among recipients of living donor kidneys were 67%, 66% and 59% (p = ns). The 5-year graft survival rates for HLA-matched first grafts were 7% higher than those for HLA-mismatched transplants when the kidney was from a living or cadaver donor. HLA-identical sibling transplants provided the best long-term graft survival (85% at 5 years and a 32 year half-life). Even with improved crossmatch tests and stronger immunosuppression, sensitization was associated with 8% lower graft survival at 5 years and with a higher rate of late graft loss among first cadaver kidney recipients. Sensitization also was associated with an increase in delayed graft function from 22% of unsensitized first transplant recipients to as much as 36% among multiply retransplanted patients. Recipient race was a key factor in long-term graft survival of both living and cadaver donor kidneys. The rate of late graft loss was

  14. Cognition through montage and mechanisms of individual memory in Bogusław Bachorczyk's art on the example of the artist's apartment-studio

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    Antos, Janusz


    Full Text Available The present text discusses Bogusław Bachorczyk's apartment-studio in Krakow. The decorations he has been making there since 2003 have transformed into a kind of work-in-progress. These decorations, just like Bachorczyk's art, are related to the issues of memory and identity. In 2013 he started the transformation of his apartment by "lacing up the wall" with polychrome in the library room, later to embrace also other rooms. He installed into existing polychromes new elements according to the rule of montage, which has recently constituted the basic strategy of his work.

  15. La nuova disciplina del matrimonio degli stranieri alla luce del pacchetto sicurezza. I suoi riflessi sul matrimonio concordatario

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    Pierluigi Consorti


    Full Text Available SOMMARIO: 1. La capacità matrimoniale dello straniero prima del pacchetto sicurezza - 2. La novella dell’art. 116 c.c. - 3. Il diritto al matrimonio nel pacchetto sicurezza - 4. Art. 116 c.c. e matrimonio concordatario - 5. Pubblicazioni civili e matrimonio concordatario - 6. Trascrivibilità del matrimonio concordatario di cittadino straniero che non documenta la regolarità del soggiorno - 7. Matrimonio concordatario degli stranieri non cattolici - 8. Conclusione

  16. [Stinging nettle root extract (Bazoton-uno) in long term treatment of benign prostatic syndrome (BPS). Results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled multicenter study after 12 months]. (United States)

    Schneider, T; Rübben, H


    Phytotherapy of BPS has a long tradition in Germany; nevertheless, data referring to single phytotherapeutic agents are rare. We therefore performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study for 1 year with Bazoton uno (459 mg dry extract of stinging nettle roots) with 246 patients. The IPSS decreased on average from 18.7+/-0.3 to 13.0+/-0.5 with a statistically significant difference compared to placebo (18.5+/-0.3 to 13.8+/-0.5; p=0.0233). The median Q(max) increased by 3.0+/-0.4 ml/s in comparison to 2.9+/-0.4 ml/s (placebo), thus not statistically significantly different, as well as the median volume of residual urine, which changed from 35.5+/-3.4 ml before therapy to 20.0+/-2.8 ml and from 40.0+/-4.0 ml to 21.0+/-2.9 ml under placebo application. The number of adverse events (29/38) as well as urinary infections etc. (3/10 events) was smaller under Bazoton uno therapy compared to placebo. Treatment with Bazoton uno can therefore be considered a safe therapeutic option for BPS, especially for reducing irritative symptoms and BPS-associated complications due to the postulated antiphlogistic and antiproliferative effects of the stinging nettle extract. A strong increase of Q(max) or reduction of residual urine are not to be expected.

  17. The Effect of Creative Drama Activities Performed at the “Design Studies-1” Studio on Development of Creative Thinking Skills of Architecture Students

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    Levent ARIDAĞ


    Full Text Available The aim of this research is determining the effectiveness of teaching methods based on creative drama activities performed at the “Design Studies-1” studio on creative thinking and design skills. The research’s work group consisted of 67 students who attended the 15-week Design Studies-1 studio (45 female, 22 male. The research is a one-group pretest-posttest experimental design. The theoretical basis of the research is cognitive creativity. The practices stimulating the imagination and flexible thinking skills with the basis of creative drama were used as the creativity-improving techniques. Based on the assumption that creative thinking is teachable, the hypothesis that the “Design Studies-1” program conducted by the first researcher will improve the students’ creative thinking skills was accepted. The data were collected through Creative Thinking Tests (Form A and B, which was developed by Torrance (1974 and 1984 and whose Turkish version was composed by Aslan (1999, 2006. For the data analysis, SPSS 13 program was used. In data analysis, related group t-test and Mann-Whitney U statistical test were applied. The pretest and posttest scores mean of the students were compared and significant positive results were found in favor of posttest between the means of figural fluency, figural originality, abstractness of the titles, expressiveness of the titles, intrinsic visualization, liveliness of imagery, richness of imagery, fantasy, verbal fluency, verbal flexibility and verbal originality.

  18. Perancangan Alat Ukur Digital untuk Tinggi dan Berat Badan dengan Output Suara berbasis Arduino UNO

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    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Alat pengukur tinggi badan dan penimbang berat badan yang sekaligus memberikan informasi berat badan ideal akan sangat bermanfaat bagi para pengguna. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini, dirancang dan direalisasikan suatu alat ukur yang sekaligus dapat mengukur tinggi badan dan berat badan serta memberikan informasi ideal atau tidaknya berat badan yang terukur. Alat ukur ini menggunakan Arduino Uno sebagai otaknya, sensor ultrasonik untuk mengukur tinggi badan, dan sensor strain gauge untuk mengukur berat badan. Data dari kedua sensor tersebut diolah oleh Arduino untuk mendapatkan indeks massa tubuh (IMT dan berat badan ideal (BBI. Nilai tinggi badan, berat badan, dan berat badan ideal akan ditampilkan pada LCD. Selanjutnya, informasi suara menyangkut kondisi berat badan yaitu ideal, gemuk, atau kurus akan dikeluarkan oleh speaker. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dan analisis data maka diperoleh nilai persentase keberhasilan rata-rata pada pengukuran tinggi badan adalah 96,80% dan pada pengukuran berat badan adalah 99,04%. Sedangkan tingkat keberhasilan penampilan informasi suara adalah 95%. Kata kunci: Alat ukur digital, tinggi badan, beratbadan, Arduino, output suara. ABSTRACT An instument for measuring height and weight while providing information ideal weight for users will be very helpful. Therefore, in this study, it was designed and realized a measuring instrument which can simultaneously measure the height and weight as well as providing the ideal information whether or not the weight measured. This instrument uses an Arduino Uno as the brain, the ultrasonic sensor to measure the height and strain gauge sensor for measuring weight. Data from the sensors is processed by the Arduino to get a body mass index and ideal weight. The values of height, weight, and ideal weights will display on LCD. Furthermore, voice information regarding the ideal conditions of weight, namely ideal, fat, or thin will be emitted by a speaker. Based on test

  19. Vehicle Theft Identification and Intimation Using GSM & IOT (United States)

    Eswar Kumar, M.; Thippa Reddy, G.; Sudheer, K.; Reddy, M. Praveen Kumar; Kaluri, Rajesh; Singh Rajput, Dharmendra; Lakshmanna, Kuruva


    Internet of Things is the most predominant innovation associates the things through web. IoT is a technology which interfaces things from different places on the planet. Home mechanization is a wide range innovation in IoT technology on the planet. Home automation constitutes in security issues, controlling gadgets and so on. In existing model, the vehicle theft is distinguished and controlled by physically with GSM module. Furthermore, there are a few in controlling the vehicle is major issue for owner from theft. Here in this paper a technique described to overcome issue of existing one. In this the vehicle is identified, controlled and connected updates with Internet in a simple way. By utilization of AT commands of GSM module a message will be send to the owner that the vehicle is recognized. Action can be taken by sending a reply to GSM module to stop motor of vehicle. Arduino uno board is used to interface the GSM and engine of vehicle with appropriate sensors. Visual studio, Arduino uno are the programming software used to outline this application.

  20. Occupational exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and other flame retardant foam additives at gymnastics studios: Before, during and after the replacement of pit foam with PBDE-free foams. (United States)

    Ceballos, Diana M; Broadwater, Kendra; Page, Elena; Croteau, Gerry; La Guardia, Mark J


    Coaches spend long hours training gymnasts of all ages aided by polyurethane foam used in loose blocks, mats, and other padded equipment. Polyurethane foam can contain flame retardant additives such as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), to delay the spread of fires. However, flame retardants have been associated with endocrine disruption and carcinogenicity. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) evaluated employee exposure to flame retardants in four gymnastics studios utilized by recreational and competitive gymnasts. We evaluated flame retardant exposure at the gymnastics studios before, during, and after the replacement of foam blocks used in safety pits with foam blocks certified not to contain several flame retardants, including PBDEs. We collected hand wipes on coaches to measure levels of flame retardants on skin before and after their work shift. We measured flame retardant levels in the dust on window glass in the gymnastics areas and office areas, and in the old and new foam blocks used throughout the gymnastics studios. We found statistically higher levels of 9 out of 13 flame retardants on employees' hands after work than before, and this difference was reduced after the foam replacement. Windows in the gymnastics areas had higher levels of 3 of the 13 flame retardants than windows outside the gymnastics areas, suggesting that dust and vapor containing flame retardants became airborne. Mats and other padded equipment contained levels of bromine consistent with the amount of brominated flame retardants in foam samples analyzed in the laboratory. New blocks did not contain PBDEs, but did contain the flame retardants 2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate and 2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromophthalate. We conclude that replacing the pit foam blocks eliminated a source of PBDEs, but not 2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate and 2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromophthalate. We recommend ways to further minimize employee exposure

  1. Moessbauer spectrometer based on UNO-4096-90 accumulator and Elektronika D3-28 microcomputer for simultaneous recording of four spectra

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romanov, E.S.; Ivoilov, N.G.


    A buffer memory unit and an interface for the UNO-4096-90 accumulator with an Elektronika D3-28 microcomputer are described that allow simultaneous recording of four Moessbauer spectra with zero dead time. For complete elimination of dead time, the pulses from each detector are fed to two buffer counters units, which operate alternately in the write and interrogate modes. This organization of the buffer memory also completely eliminates the effect of the sensors on one another. The use of these circuits does not require any modifications of the computer or accumulator

  2. Using Optical Coherence Tomography to Reveal the Hidden History of The Landsdowne Virgin of the Yarnwinder by Leonardo da Vinci and Studio. (United States)

    Targowski, Piotr; Iwanicka, Magdalena; Sylwestrzak, Marcin; Frosinini, Cecilia; Striova, Jana; Fontana, Raffaella


    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was used for non-invasive examination of a well-known, yet complex, painting from the studio of Leonardo da Vinci in combination with routine imaging in various bands of electromagnetic radiation. In contrast with these techniques, OCT provides depth-resolved information. Three post-processing modalities were explored: cross-sectional views, maps of scattering from given depths, and their 3D models. Some hidden alterations of the painting owing to past restorations were traced: retouching and overpainting with their positioning within varnish layers as well as indications of a former transfer to canvas. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Arduino Uno Microcontroller with Commercially Available Sensors Towards Generating Student Accessible Raw Meteorological Data (United States)

    Henson, Gabrielle; Tanner, Meghan; Senevirathne, Indrajith

    Microcontroller systems can be a boon to cost - effective techniques that can be used to enhance teaching at college level. We have used Arduino microcontroller coupled with commercially available sensors to systematically measure, record and analyze temperature, humidity and barometric pressure and to upload the real time raw data to cloud. Corresponding data will be available in classroom settings for predictions, analysis and simple weather forecasting. Setup was assembled via breadboard, wire and simple soldering with an Arduino Uno ATmega328P microcontroller connected to a PC. The microcontroller was programmed with Arduino Software while the bootloader was used to upload the code. Commercial DHT22 humidity and temperature sensor and BMP180 barometric pressure sensor were used to obtain relative humidity, temperature and the barometric pressure. System was mounted inside a weather resistant enclosure and data measurements were obtained and were uploaded onto the PC and then to cloud. Cloud data can be accessed via a shared link in a General Education class for multitude of purposes.

  4. New reconstructive proposal for a critical reading of the archaeological documentation of Syracuse in Greek times

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    Fabio Caruso


    Full Text Available [IT] Lo studio ricostruttivo di un monumento antico risente fortemente di lacune informative, errata trascrizione delle fonti, errata traduzione o peggio ancora, di interpretazioni soggettive che possono compromettere drasticamente il risultato finale, portando a ricostruzioni anche notevolmente diverse tra di loro. Questo lavoro vuole presentare i risultati di uno studio ricostruttivo condotto filologicamente su alcuni monumenti di Siracusa in età greca, cercando di evidenziare il contributo specifico dell'archeologia virtuale nei processi interpretativi, al fine di proporre una presentazione efficace rivolta ad un target specifico di turisti. Seguendo questo approccio sono stati ricostruiti il Tempio di Apollo, il complesso monumentale di piazza Duomo ed il Teatro greco, cercando di fornire output di visualizzazione che fossero adeguati ad una consultazione da smartphone e coerenti alle finalità generali del progetto "PON Energia Smart City". Questo progetto prevede un approccio "smant" alla visita di Siracusa, privilegiando principalmente logiche di fruizione efficiente on-site grazie all'adozione di tecnologie basate sulla Realtà Aumentata, la visione dei monumenti da punti inusuali e la visita virtuale multimodale dei punti di interesse. Emerge da questo studio la nuova fisionomia di quei monumenti che, per motivi diversi, sono stati rappresentati negli anni in forme e modi del tutto differnti, tali da rendere a volte irriconoscibili le diverse ricostruzioni dello stesso oggetto. Grazie alle tecnologie di restituzione 3D basate sull'immagine è stato possibile integrare le parti mancanti di alcuni elementi architettonici e scultorei che, ricollocati virtualmente nella posizione originaria, permettono una lettura dinamica che combina l'aspetto reale con quello virtuale.

  5. Entomogenous nematodes: a field study for biological control of Curculio elephas Gyl. (Coleoptera Curculionidae); Nematodi entomoparassiti: una prova di impiego in campo della lotta contro il balanino del castagno, Curculio elephas Gyl. (Coleoptera Curculionidae)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rapagnani, M.R.; Caffarelli, V.; Letardi, A.; Barlattani, M. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt. Innovazione; Lazzari, L.; Ruggeri, L. [BIOERRE, Crespellano, Bologna (Italy); Lelli, L.


    Biological control of chestnut weevil (Curculio elephas Gyl.) using entomogenous nematodes (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) was investigated under field conditions. Experiments of infectivity, soil persistence and mobility of the infective juveniles stage of the nematodes were carried out through laboratory tests. Experimental results on developing infectivity process if entomogenous nematodes, have shown both inhibition at low temperature (average value 12 C) and mechanic barrier of weevil pupal envelope. Use of dispersal media as water or peat, was not relevant on experimental results. Further researches are required to test low temperature-resistant strain. [Italiano] Vengono riportati i risultati di uno studio di lotta biologica contro il balanino del castagno (Curculio elephas Gyl.) realizzato utilizzando ceppi di nematodi entomoparassiti (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae). Sono stati monitorati, in campo, l`andamento dell`infestazione del balanino del castagno, l`efficacia del trattamento e l`andamento della temperatura sia climatica che nel terreno a due diverse profondita`. Nel corso dello studio e` stata controllata periodicamente, con prove di laboratorio, la persistenza nel terreno e la capacita` infettiva dei nematodi utilizzati. Lo studio ha messo in evidenza la difficolta` da parte dei nematodi di esplicare la propria azione di entomoparassiti in condizioni di temperatura media attorno ai 12 C e di superare la barriera fisica operata dalla celletta entro cui si impupa il balanino. Il mezzo utilizzato per la dispersione dei nematodi (acqua o torba) risulta essere indifferente rispetto al risultato ottenuto. L`esperienza ha evidenziato l`interesse, in questo tipo di lotta, alla sperimentazione di ceppi di nematodi resistenti alle basse temperature.

  6. Contributo allo studio della composizione delle parole : Raffronto contrastivo italiano-croato, croato-italiano. Primi risultati

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    Zorica Vučetić


    Full Text Available Nel presente lavoro si considerano le parole composte italiane e croate, e più pre­ cisamente nella fase moderna dell'italiano e del croato. L'approccio allo studio della composizione delle parole nelle due lingue è sincronico. Si prendono in considerazione solo parole motivate nella coscienza linguistica dei parlanti di oggi. La composizione delle parole, che unisce due o più elementi costitutivi, creando in tal modo nuove unità lessicali, è molto importante nella lingua italiana. Si distinguono due casi: in un gran numero di composti ii parlante continua ad identificare i due ele­ menti costitutivi dopo che la fusione è avvenuta (A+B=AB: in questo caso ii signifi­ cato del composto è la somma dei significati dei membri costitutivi e il composto è motivato nella consapevolezza linguistica dei parlanti di oggi; mentre in altri composti la fusione dei due elementi costitutivi dà origine a un nuovo significato (A+B=C, per cui i composti non sono motivati nella consapevolezza linguistica dei parlanti di oggi, quindi non sono trasparenti e dal punto di vista sincronico non sono parole composte, ma vanno studiati dal punto di vista diacronico.

  7. Analisi della dimensione emozionale negli interventi in emergenza. Uno studio esplorativo sul comando provinciale dei vigili del fuoco di Pisa

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    Valentina Teristi


    Full Text Available Emotions are a key dimension in helping professions, but they often appear less important than the technical aspects. This work begins with a collection of declarations from firefighters working in various situations and aims to stimulate reflection about how the change of emotional aspects depends mainly on age, job experience and the ordinary or extraordinary nature of the context. Inexpert and younger firefighters express emotions with more intensity whereas the expert ones have more effective tools to keep emotional impact at distance. We often think that maxi-emergencies, that are extraordinary events, are richer in emotions than the other events, but the research gives different results about this. The most striking elements are those linked to unusual scenaries, that are typical of extraordinary events as well as of ordinary ones: so, even an ordinary event may become an extraordinary event. A noteworthy fact emerging form this work is the vulnerability to children, which is present at every age. Moreover, there is a remark on the importance of psychologists in emergency areas, and some firefighters who had to cope with very difficult situations emphasize their role.

  8. Broadcasting studios Radio Bremen becomes residence rehabilitation clinic. Energy efficient retrofitting with economic building services technology; Funkhaus Radio Bremen wird Residenz Reha-Klinik. Energieeffiziente Sanierung mit wirtschaftlicher Gebaeudetechnik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hinz, Thomas [Siemens AG, Bremen (Germany). Building Technologies Div.


    Hardly any building project is as sustainable as the rededication of a building. A recent example: The former site of Radio Bremen in the district Schwachhausen with approximately 10,000 square meters of studios, production facilities and offices were committed to the residence rehabilitation clinic with 200 beds and 100 outpatient rehab places. In order to support the economic efficiency of this measure, the existing infrastructure of the heating technology, ventilation technology and air conditioning technology was adopted and modernized.

  9. Scienza dei servizi (United States)

    Cavenago, Dario; Mezzanzanica, Mario

    I servizi sono oramai centrali nella vita sociale di ogni Paese. L'aspettativa di ogni attore sociale, sia esso cittadino/utente e/o istituzione, è quella di ricevere da uno scambio che ha alla base un servizio un contributo che si caratterizza per una qualità intrinseca. Il mantenimento di tale promessa richiede all'azienda erogatrice un forte coinvolgimento, nel disegno del servizio, degli utenti ed una capacità di gestione della conoscenza; ciò è particolarmente significativo per quei servizi che si caratterizzano per una forte personalizzazione o complessità progettuale. Disegnare un servizio, metterlo in produzione e gestirne l'erogazione ha una complessità variabile in base al grado di coinvolgimento dei destinati ed alle dimensioni critiche che esprimono le condizioni di fattibilità di un servizio di qualità appropriato alle attese degli utilizzatori. Ugualmente la globalizzazione dell'economia e la scarsità delle risorse ha portato l'attenzione, ai fini della sostenibilità delle condizioni sopra richiamate, di una ricerca di modelli e strumenti che permettano una valutazione e una standardizzazione dei processi di produzione ed erogazione secondo condizioni di economicità. Tali primi e sintetici elementi hanno condotto diversi attori istituzionali, grandi imprese ed università attraverso i loro centri di ricerca, ad una azione di riflessione sul grado di "ingegnerizzazione" dei processi sottesi alla erogazione dei servizi ed in particolare ai servizi che attuano le politiche dei grandi settori di base dell'economia di una Nazione: educazione, sanità, sociale, sviluppo infrastrutture ecc.

  10. Designing using Lego and Uno-Stacko: A Playful Architecture for an Integrated Kindergarten and Elementary School (United States)

    Muthmainnah, K.; Aryanti, T.; Ardiansyah, A.


    The integrated kindergarten and elementary school is a public educational facility used for early age and elementary education. Designated for children at 4-12 years of age, the design should meet the standards and requirements, while considering children’s needs in their development phase. This paper discusses the design of an integrated kindergarten and elementary school using the playful theme. Design was explored using LEGO and UNO-STACKO to create spaces that accommodate material exploration for children. The design takes the play concept as a medium of child’s learning in order to improve their ability and awareness of the surrounding environment. The design translates the playful theme into imaginary dimension, constructive-deconstructive shapes, and glide circulations concept. The spatial pattern is applied by considering children’s behavior in the designated ages to trigger their creativity improvement. The design is expected to serve as a model of an integrated kindergarten and elementary school architecture.

  11. Modified Mason's vertical banded gastroplasty. Radiological follow-up 322 patients with morbid obesity; Ruolo della radiologia nella valutazione dei pazienti affetti da obesita' patologica sottoposti a gastroplastica verticale secondo Mason modificata. Studio di 322 casi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Monteduro, F.; Cappello, I.; Pezzi, A.; Spagnol, A. [Bologna Univ., Bologna (Italy). Policlinico S. Orsola, Servizio Radiologia 2; Ghetti, A. [Bologna Univ., Bologna (Italy). Clinica Chirurgica 2


    the neo stomach and permit to correlate the pouch volume with weight loss. [Italian] La gastroplastica verticale secondo Mason rappresenta una delle tecniche piu' utilizzate nel trattamento dell'obesita' patologica in quanto ha semplice esecuzione, buoni risultati e scarsa incidenza di complicanze a distanza. Nel presente lavoro venogno presentati i risultati del controllo radiologico postoperatorio condotto su 322 pazienti sottoposti a gastroplastica verticale secondo Mason modificata. In 322 pazienti sottoposti a gastroplastica verticale secondo Mason modificata sono state valutate mediante studio radiologico con pasto semiliquido e tecnica con mdc semplice le caratteristiche morfologiche, funzionali e volumetriche della tasca gastrica e le eventuali complicanze dell'intervento. Di questi 322 pazienti 272 erano femmine con eta' compresa tra 17 e 69 anni (media 37) e 50 maschi con eta' compresa tra 19 a 64 anni (media 36); il peso medio era di 124 kg (con intervallo da 78 a 218). Solo nei pochi casi in cui e' risultata necessaria la valutazione dettagliata della mucosa del neostomaco e' stato utilizzato il doppio mdc on minime dosi di polvere effervescente. La valutazione e' stata effettuata dopo uno e 12 mesi dall'intervento. Controlli al di fuori di questo protocollo sono stati effettuati solo su precisa indicazione clinica per sospetta insorgenza di complicanze compreso il non adeguato calo ponderale. Nella nostra serie si sono osservate 9 complicanze precoci: edema persistente dello pseudopiloro (8 casi) ed emorragia endogastrica (un caso) e 8 complicanze tardive: aderenza dello pseudopiloro al letto della colecisti (un caso), formazione di pseudo-diverticolo della parete posteriore del neostomaco (un caso), orizzontalizzazione del neostomaco (4 casi), deiscenza della sutura lineare (2 casi). In 305 pazienti non si e' avuta nessuna complicanza con calo ponderale soddisfacente e volumetria del neostomaco uno e

  12. StudioEarth® - Increasing Climate Literacy in Schools, in public and in the workforce using StormCenter’s Interactive Video Teleconference Presence and the Envirocast® Vision™ TouchTable (EVTT) (United States)

    Jones, D.


    StormCenter Communications is involved in innovative technology development to enhance decision making between NOAA NWS, FEMA and the State of Texas Governor’s Division of Emergency Management (GDEM). The approach that we are using will enable us to leverage the production of LIVE and recorded programs that can focus on raising climate literacy in schools, in public and in the workforce. Through strong data and technology networks such as the ESIP Federation, we are able to collect, produce and deliver interesting and engaging content to a wide audience in order to clarify any climate misconceptions that may exist. No longer does distance have to be a barrier for connecting science with society. It is time to connect scientists with teachers and students, decision makers and the public. The EVTT is a 46-inch multi-touch plasma screen capable of displaying earth and space imagery along with GIS layers and real-time data in order to improve decision making. The visual displays have helped citizens better understand the Earth as a system. Combining the EVTT with StudioEarth(R) is expected to enable vast improvements in decision making and improved climate literacy. Schools can connect to StudioEarth® to introduce students to NASA and NOAA scientists who are directly involved in studying the climate and how it is changing. We are also part of the ESIP Federation network opening the doors to a large number of scientists who are studying our changing Earth. Stories can be produced to introduce the students to the scientist and their work and animations and model output can be used during LIVE question and answer sessions. For organizations connected to Internet2, StudioEarth® has an Internet2 connection to move large amounts of data and information as we have located our facilities on the campus of UMBC in Baltimore. Through innovative approaches to improved communications, StormCenter is focused on providing quality science content to enhance decision making

  13. Moessbauer spectrometer on the base of the UNO-4096-90 storage and Electronica D3-28 microcomputer for four spectra simultaneous registering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romanov, E.S.; Ivojlov, N.G.


    Basic circuits of buffer storage and equpment for interfacing the UNO-4096-90 storage with the ''Ehlektronika D3-28'' microcomputer, permitting to register simultaneously four Moessbauer spectra with zero dead time, are described. To eliminate completely the dead time, pulses from each detector enter two buffer counters, operating in turn in the regimes of registering and survey. Due to such performance of buffer storage mutual effect of counters is also excluded. The use of the circuits does not require any alterations in the computer and storage device

  14. Simulation of cold magnetized plasmas with the 3D electromagnetic software CST Microwave Studio®

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    Louche Fabrice


    Full Text Available Detailed designs of ICRF antennas were made possible by the development of sophisticated commercial 3D codes like CST Microwave Studio® (MWS. This program allows for very detailed geometries of the radiating structures, but was only considering simple materials like equivalent isotropic dielectrics to simulate the reflection and the refraction of RF waves at the vacuum/plasma interface. The code was nevertheless used intensively, notably for computing the coupling properties of the ITER ICRF antenna. Until recently it was not possible to simulate gyrotropic medias like magnetized plasmas, but recent improvements have allowed programming any material described by a general dielectric or/and diamagnetic tensor. A Visual Basic macro was developed to exploit this feature and was tested for the specific case of a monochromatic plane wave propagating longitudinally with respect to the magnetic field direction. For specific cases the exact solution can be expressed in 1D as the sum of two circularly polarized waves connected by a reflection coefficient that can be analytically computed. Solutions for stratified media can also be derived. This allows for a direct comparison with MWS results. The agreement is excellent but accurate simulations for realistic geometries require large memory resources that could significantly restrict the possibility of simulating cold plasmas to small-scale machines.

  15. Simulation of cold magnetized plasmas with the 3D electromagnetic software CST Microwave Studio® (United States)

    Louche, Fabrice; Křivská, Alena; Messiaen, André; Wauters, Tom


    Detailed designs of ICRF antennas were made possible by the development of sophisticated commercial 3D codes like CST Microwave Studio® (MWS). This program allows for very detailed geometries of the radiating structures, but was only considering simple materials like equivalent isotropic dielectrics to simulate the reflection and the refraction of RF waves at the vacuum/plasma interface. The code was nevertheless used intensively, notably for computing the coupling properties of the ITER ICRF antenna. Until recently it was not possible to simulate gyrotropic medias like magnetized plasmas, but recent improvements have allowed programming any material described by a general dielectric or/and diamagnetic tensor. A Visual Basic macro was developed to exploit this feature and was tested for the specific case of a monochromatic plane wave propagating longitudinally with respect to the magnetic field direction. For specific cases the exact solution can be expressed in 1D as the sum of two circularly polarized waves connected by a reflection coefficient that can be analytically computed. Solutions for stratified media can also be derived. This allows for a direct comparison with MWS results. The agreement is excellent but accurate simulations for realistic geometries require large memory resources that could significantly restrict the possibility of simulating cold plasmas to small-scale machines.

  16. La mostra “Pietro Porcinai (1910-1986. Il lavoro di un paesaggista italiano nelle immagini e nei disegni dell’archivio fiesolano”

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    Tessa Matteini


    Full Text Available La Mostra, inaugurata all’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Colonia il 3 marzo 20041 e riproposta, nella stessa città, nel settembre successivo alla Kölnmesse, colma una lacuna importante per la conoscenza della figura e delle opere di uno dei maggiori paesaggisti del Novecento. La vicenda umana e professionale di Pietro Porcinai viene presentata per la prima volta al di fuori dei confini nazionali, attraverso i documenti e le immagini fotografiche conservati nell’Archivio di Villa Rondinelli a Fiesole, atelier del paesaggista, laboratorio culturale e centro operativo per lo studio e la creazione di giardini e paesaggi. L’esposizione, curata da Luigi Latini2 con la collaborazione di Tessa Matteini e Marco Cei, è suddivisa in tre parti. La prima si occupa di delineare la figura di Pietro Porcinai, analizzando la sua formazione ed il contesto culturale in cui si è mosso, tra tradizione e modernità; la seconda indaga sullo sviluppo della complessa macchina professionale che gli ha consentito l’invenzione di alcuni tra i più straordinari paesaggi italiani del dopoguerra; la terza infine é dedicata allo studio di cinque progetti esemplari, diversi per ubicazione, tematiche, cronologia, disegno e materia, ma uniti dall’intima ed etica coerenza che pervade tutto il lavoro di Porcinai. 

  17. Ipotesi progettuale di rigenerazione urbana: il caso di studio dell’ex Caserma Monti già Convento di S. Maria della Ripa nella città di Forlì

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    Alessandro Castagnoli


    Full Text Available Un’ampia area dismessa nel centro della città storica, è stata considerata l’opportunità strategica per valorizzare e rigenerare anche interi brani di tessuto urbano circostante con l’obiettivo di riammagliare gli sfrangiamenti materiali e immateriali nel complesso rapporto fra passato, presente e futuro.Questo caso di studio ha consentito di approfondire un approccio meta progettuale più generale, puntando sulla ricerca di una metodologia appropriata rispetto alla progettazione dello spazio architettonico in quanto tale, con l’obiettivo di sviluppare ragionamenti di compatibilità nell’ambito della vasta tematica del riuso urbano ed edilizio.

  18. Bologna e il Welfare locale, appunti per una storia

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    Matteo Troilo


    Full Text Available Ancora oggi il welfare locale continua ad essere un tema chiave in una città tra le più sviluppate in Italia e con tradizioni politiche radicate. In questo articolo si pone l’attenzione sull’amministrazione di Bologna e sulla classe politica che l’ha governata in maniera quasi ininterrotta dal dopoguerra. Si analizzeranno in maniera sintetica le politiche messe in atto e il dibattito interno ai partiti di sinistra sulla necessità di mantenere, rinforzare o limitare le politiche del welfare cittadino.

  19. Valutazione della visibilità radiotelemetrica in studi di ecologia animale

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    Alessandro Massolo


    Full Text Available Ormai in auge dagli anni ?70, la tecnica di indagine maggiormente utilizzata in studi di ecologia animale è la radio-localizzazione a distanza. Tale tecnica di rilevamento prevede l?applicazione di radio-trasmittenti che emettono onde elettromagnetiche e la loro successiva localizzazione per mezzo di un sistema direzionale di ricezione del segnale. Molto si è scritto sui problemi associati agli errori di localizzazione e alle tecniche per ridurne o almeno determinarne l?entità. L?esigenza principale in questo tipo di studio è infatti l?ottenimento di dati contenenti il minimo errore possibile. L?orografia, le tipologie vegetazionali, ecc. rivestono una certa importanza nella determinazione dell?errore in quanto possono produrre assorbimento e riflessione delle onde elettromagnetiche e quindi influire sulla ?visibilità? di una sorgente di onde radio rispetto ad un sistema di rilevamento. La determinazione del bacino visuale di una porzione di territorio rispetto a uno o più punti di osservazione deve tener conto inoltre di aspetti stocastici come la presenza di costruzioni umane non mappate e di vegetazione, l'altezza dell?osservatore e di tutte le entità casuali che si originano da un?imperfetta conoscenza di qualsiasi ambiente naturale. Tale aspetto viene contemplato dalla logica FUZZY che sta alla base del software FVA (Fuzzy Visibility Analyser da noi sviluppato, che prende in considerazione il problema della modellazione della variabilità del territorio e dell?incertezza dei dati, producendo una mappa graduata per cui un punto è visibile (oppure no con un certo grado di certezza, da almeno due stazioni di rilevamento. La scala adottata va da 0 ad 1: 0 indica massima incertezza, o minima certezza; 1 minima incertezza, o massima certezza; con una scala di valori intermedi che la logica fuzzy è in grado di contemplare e gestire. Affrontando in questo modo il problema della visibilità, è possibile individuare, con un certo

  20. La disciplina di fabbrica. Uno studio tematico. Analisi di "Donnarumma all’assalto" di Ottiero Ottieri e "Vogliamo tutto" di Nanni Balestrini

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    Giorgio Coratelli


    Full Text Available In this paper I analyze the representation of the factory as “disciplinary structure” in twoItalian novels of the second half of the Twentieth Century. First I explain a revisited approach ofthematic criticism on the basis of semiotics. Then, considering the concept of “discipline”, I study themise en scène of the factory, especially of the knowledge relations and power relations, in Ottieri’sDonnarumma all’assalto and Balestrini’s Vogliamo tutto. Finally I present two connected approaches onepistemology and politics of literature to study the relations between text and reality on the literary field.

  1. La transición de un modelo individualista e internista a uno más social y colaborativo en la formación universitaria

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    Luis Ángel Piedra García


    Full Text Available En el siguiente documento abordaremos el tema de los procesos de transición de una formación universitaria abundante en argumentos internistas, individualistas y competitivos por uno más social y colaborativo que nos aproxima al modo natural de enseñar y aprender en nuestra especie. Para ello hacemos un análisis general de algunos elementos claves en la formación universitaria analógica que rechaza la idea de que somos procesadores de información.

  2. The British Avant Garde: A Joint Venture Between the New York Cultural Center and Studio International Magazine

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    Jo Melvin


    Full Text Available This essay considers the relevance of The British Avant Garde exhibition at the New York Cultural Center in 1971 to the reputation and discussion of British artists in the US, and its subsequent impact in Britain. It situates the exhibition with reference to Conceptual Art and Conceptual Aspects at the NYCC and Information at the Museum of Modern Art, both held in 1970, and within the background milieu of a lively transatlantic and multi-directional network of artists such as Terry Atkinson, Michael Baldwin, Ian Burn, Barry Flanagan, Dan Graham, Joseph Kosuth, Christine Kozlov, Richard Long, Mel Ramsden, Sol LeWitt and Lawrence Weiner, who were developing alternative ways to make and to distribute work by using text, photocopies, and self-publication as forms of production as well as becoming the site of exhibition. Devised by Charles Harrison, assistant editor of Studio International magazine, the exhibition was a collaboration between the magazine and the NYCC, directed by Donald Karshan. Despite the mixed press reviews in New York, the exhibition paved the way for establishing institutional support for the artists in the UK.

  3. Variable high-resolution color CCD camera system with online capability for professional photo studio application (United States)

    Breitfelder, Stefan; Reichel, Frank R.; Gaertner, Ernst; Hacker, Erich J.; Cappellaro, Markus; Rudolf, Peter; Voelk, Ute


    Digital cameras are of increasing significance for professional applications in photo studios where fashion, portrait, product and catalog photographs or advertising photos of high quality have to be taken. The eyelike is a digital camera system which has been developed for such applications. It is capable of working online with high frame rates and images of full sensor size and it provides a resolution that can be varied between 2048 by 2048 and 6144 by 6144 pixel at a RGB color depth of 12 Bit per channel with an also variable exposure time of 1/60s to 1s. With an exposure time of 100 ms digitization takes approx. 2 seconds for an image of 2048 by 2048 pixels (12 Mbyte), 8 seconds for the image of 4096 by 4096 pixels (48 Mbyte) and 40 seconds for the image of 6144 by 6144 pixels (108 MByte). The eyelike can be used in various configurations. Used as a camera body most commercial lenses can be connected to the camera via existing lens adaptors. On the other hand the eyelike can be used as a back to most commercial 4' by 5' view cameras. This paper describes the eyelike camera concept with the essential system components. The article finishes with a description of the software, which is needed to bring the high quality of the camera to the user.

  4. Comparative Study of Load Testing Tools: Apache JMeter, HP LoadRunner, Microsoft Visual Studio (TFS, Siege

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    Rabiya Abbas


    Full Text Available Software testing is the process of verifying and validating the user’s requirements. Testing is ongoing process during whole software development. Software testing is characterized into three main types. That is, in Black box testing, user doesn’t know domestic knowledge, internal logics and design of system. In white box testing, Tester knows the domestic logic of code. In Grey box testing, Tester has little bit knowledge about the internal structure and working of the system. It is commonly used in case of Integration testing.Load testing helps us to analyze the performance of the system under heavy load or under Zero load. This is achieved with the help of a Load Testing Tool. The intention for writing this research is to carry out a comparison of four load testing tools i.e. Apache JMeter, LoadRunner, Microsoft Visual Studio (TFS, Siege based on certain criteria  i.e. test scripts generation , result reports, application support, plug-in supports, and cost . The main focus is to study these load testing tools and identify which tool is better and more efficient . We assume this comparison can help in selecting the most appropriate tool and motivates the use of open source load testing tools.

  5. Objektorientēta pirmkoda vienībtestēšana ar MS Team Test ietvaru MS Visual Studio 2005 vidē


    Sondore, Justīne


    Šī darba mērķis ir iepazīties ar vienībtestēšanu, tās vietu programatūras izstrādē un biežāk pielietotajām tehnikām, kā arī iepazīt un novērtēt Microsoft Team Test ietvara piedāvātās vienībtestēšanas iespējas Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 vidē. Tiek apskatītas objektorientēta pirmkoda vienībtestēšanas problēmas — vides sagatavošana testu darbināšanai, aizbāžņu pielietošana un to praktiska realizācija ar NMock ietvaru. Praktiski ir daļēji realizēti vienībtesti eksistējošā sistēmā TPAIS kā arī a...

  6. Design of 22-way coaxial power combiner for 20 kW solid state amplifier and 6-1/8″ to N type adapter using CST microwave studio

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, Sonal; Mishra, J.K.; Ramarao, B.V.; Pande, Manjiri; Bhagwat, P.V.


    A 20 kW, 325 MHz solid state amplifier is being developed in BARC for Fermi Lab collaboration. It is proposed to combine 22 RF amplifiers to get output power of 20 kW. For this purpose a 22 way coaxial power combiner has been designed using CST microwave studio. This combiner is based on Wilkinson combining technology. The inner conductor of the combiner is split into 22 equal plates. Each plate has 1-5/8 flange at input port. These plates are connected to a common disc. The combined output is a 3-1/8 flanged port. The return loss obtained at the combined port is better than 28 dB indicating a very good match. The transmission from the combined port to each split port is about -13.5 dB representing a low insertion loss and equal split. The return loss each of the split port is obtained by simultaneous excitation of each port. The return loss at each port is better than 26 dB. Fabrication of the combiner is under process. The material used for inner conductor will be ETP copper and outer conductor will be made of aluminium. Along with the above design a separate design of 6-1/8″ to N type adapter has been completed in CST microwave studio. A number of these adapters will be used for high power waveguide load characterization which is being developed in BARC. The return loss at each port is better than 30 dB and insertion loss is less than 0.05 dB. Fabrication of these adapters is under process. (author)

  7. Differential Diagnosis of Malaria on Truelab Uno®, a Portable, Real-Time, MicroPCR Device for Point-Of-Care Applications.

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    Chandrasekhar Bhaskaran Nair

    Full Text Available Sensitive and specific detection of malarial parasites is crucial in controlling the significant malaria burden in the developing world. Also important is being able to identify life threatening Plasmodium falciparum malaria quickly and accurately to reduce malaria related mortality. Existing methods such as microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs have major shortcomings. Here, we describe a new real-time PCR-based diagnostic test device at point-of-care service for resource-limited settings.Truenat® Malaria, a chip-based microPCR test, was developed by bigtec Labs, Bangalore, India, for differential identification of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax parasites. The Truenat Malaria tests runs on bigtec's Truelab Uno® microPCR device, a handheld, battery operated, and easy-to-use real-time microPCR device. The performance of Truenat® Malaria was evaluated versus the WHO nested PCR protocol. The Truenat® Malaria was further evaluated in a triple-blinded study design using a sample panel of 281 specimens created from the clinical samples characterized by expert microscopy and a rapid diagnostic test kit by the National Institute of Malaria Research (NIMR. A comparative evaluation was done on the Truelab Uno® and a commercial real-time PCR system.The limit of detection of the Truenat Malaria assay was found to be <5 parasites/μl for both P. falciparum and P. vivax. The Truenat® Malaria test was found to have sensitivity and specificity of 100% each, compared to the WHO nested PCR protocol based on the evaluation of 100 samples. The sensitivity using expert microscopy as the reference standard was determined to be around 99.3% (95% CI: 95.5-99.9 at the species level. Mixed infections were identified more accurately by Truenat Malaria (32 samples identified as mixed versus expert microscopy and RDTs which detected 4 and 5 mixed samples, respectively.The Truenat® Malaria microPCR test is a valuable diagnostic tool and

  8. Differential Diagnosis of Malaria on Truelab Uno®, a Portable, Real-Time, MicroPCR Device for Point-Of-Care Applications. (United States)

    Nair, Chandrasekhar Bhaskaran; Manjula, Jagannath; Subramani, Pradeep Annamalai; Nagendrappa, Prakash B; Manoj, Mulakkapurath Narayanan; Malpani, Sukriti; Pullela, Phani Kumar; Subbarao, Pillarisetti Venkata; Ramamoorthy, Siva; Ghosh, Susanta K


    Sensitive and specific detection of malarial parasites is crucial in controlling the significant malaria burden in the developing world. Also important is being able to identify life threatening Plasmodium falciparum malaria quickly and accurately to reduce malaria related mortality. Existing methods such as microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) have major shortcomings. Here, we describe a new real-time PCR-based diagnostic test device at point-of-care service for resource-limited settings. Truenat® Malaria, a chip-based microPCR test, was developed by bigtec Labs, Bangalore, India, for differential identification of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax parasites. The Truenat Malaria tests runs on bigtec's Truelab Uno® microPCR device, a handheld, battery operated, and easy-to-use real-time microPCR device. The performance of Truenat® Malaria was evaluated versus the WHO nested PCR protocol. The Truenat® Malaria was further evaluated in a triple-blinded study design using a sample panel of 281 specimens created from the clinical samples characterized by expert microscopy and a rapid diagnostic test kit by the National Institute of Malaria Research (NIMR). A comparative evaluation was done on the Truelab Uno® and a commercial real-time PCR system. The limit of detection of the Truenat Malaria assay was found to be <5 parasites/μl for both P. falciparum and P. vivax. The Truenat® Malaria test was found to have sensitivity and specificity of 100% each, compared to the WHO nested PCR protocol based on the evaluation of 100 samples. The sensitivity using expert microscopy as the reference standard was determined to be around 99.3% (95% CI: 95.5-99.9) at the species level. Mixed infections were identified more accurately by Truenat Malaria (32 samples identified as mixed) versus expert microscopy and RDTs which detected 4 and 5 mixed samples, respectively. The Truenat® Malaria microPCR test is a valuable diagnostic tool and implementation should be

  9. Design prototype detection tools of Porous Tree using microcontroller Arduino Uno R3 and piezoelectric sensor (United States)

    Sujadi, H.; Bastian, A.; Tira


    In the city, many trees are found uprooted and cause accidents and many losses. No exception in the area of Majalengka Regency of West Java Province which can also anytime an accident or disaster caused by fallen trees, where in Majalengka district is logging trees on the street and public places are not done regularly. Based on the above problems, the need for tools that can detect a porous tree, to assist in the sorting of trees which should be felled and not felled by the party who has the authority of the general management of BMCK. Previously created tools to detect porous trees imported from Hungary and Germany, namely Arbosonic3D and Sonic Tomography. This design uses piezoelectric sensors to detect how much pressure is received by fragile and fragile trees, of course the fragile and fragile strength of trees will be different when exposed to the same pressure given the fragile density of fragile and fragile trees, then the data sent to Arduino Uno R3 to be processed into an information. This research produces a means of detecting the loss of a tree for early detection and no falling trees.

  10. Venezia da città con porto a città-porto: proposta di rigenerazione urbana della Marittima

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    Daniele Cannatella


    Full Text Available La città di Venezia, insieme al complesso sistema lagunare di cui fa parte e al quale è strettamente connessa, costituisce un interessante oggetto di studio per quanto riguarda l’equilibrio raggiunto nel tempo fra uomo e acqua, nello specifico, fra processi antropici e dinamiche ambientali. Le tradizionali tecniche costruttive veneziane sono uno degli esempi più evidenti di come l’ingegno umano abbia superato la sfida dell’acqua, riuscendo ad urbanizzare un ambiente inizialmente ostile e a creare le condizioni favorevoli all’abitabilità e ad uno sviluppo economico prevalentemente commerciale. Questo equilibrio era basato sulla profonda conoscenza dei processi naturali che caratterizzavano, e caratterizzano, la laguna e derivava dall’acquisizione di quella sapienza costruttiva generata dalle continue sperimentazioni nella ricerca di fondali idonei, di materiali adeguati e di tecniche rispondenti ad esigenze sempre più complesse, con un’estrema attenzione al territorio e alle sue risorse.Con l’affermarsi dell’era industriale, nel corso del diciannovesimo secolo, Venezia riformula le sue strategie di sviluppo puntando sulla costruzione di una nuova base industriale connessa al porto e sulla promozione turistica dell’isola. Il superamento della capacità di carico è sicuramente uno dei più consistenti punti di rottura di quel delicato equilibrio su cui è stata fondata la città fin dalle sue origini.L’articolo presenta una proposta progettuale di riconfigurazione della Marittima di Venezia basata sulla ridistribuzione dei flussi turistici e sull’incremento di resilienza del sistema economico, sociale ed ambientale della città, puntando sul porto come importante risorsa strategica per il territorio. 

  11. Attivitá fisica extra-scolastica negli adolescenti: il ruolo dello stato socio-economico delle famiglie

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    G. Capelli


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: l’associazione fra stato socio-economico (SES ed attività fisica è poco indagata. Obiettivo del presente studio è quello di valutare la relazione tra attività fisica extra-scolastica di adolescenti scolarizzati e lo SES della famiglia di provenienza.

    Metodi: l’indagine ha previsto la somministrazione nel corso dell’anno scolastico 2002-2003 di un apposito questionario anonimo autocompilato, già validato in uno studio pilota, ad un campione di studenti delle scuole medie inferiori del Lazio (province di Roma, Frosinone e Latina.

    Risultati: hanno partecipato allo studio 1486 studenti di cui 756 maschi (50.9% e 730 femmine (49.1%. L’età dei partecipanti varia fra gli 11 ed i 15 anni (età mediana 12 anni. Il 72.7% degli studenti dichiara di svolgere attività fisica al di fuori della scuola. Il livello di istruzione dei genitori e la loro attività lavorativa sembrano avere un peso notevole sui determinanti dell’attività fisica negli studenti. Infatti, svolgono prevalentemente attività fisica extra-scolastica i figli di genitori manager/libero professionisti (OR = 3.29 e con un elevato livello educativo (OR = 10.38 per i figli di genitori laureati.

    Conclusioni: i risultati confermano quanto la situazione socio-economica delle famiglie sia in netta relazione con l’attività fisico-sportiva dei giovani. Tali risultati potranno essere utili per gli operatori scolastici e gli amministratori nell’ispirare e realizzare azioni volte a diminuire il divario esistente fra i giovani che hanno le possibilità economiche e svolgono attività sportiva extra-scolastica e quelli che, invece, appartenendo a famiglie svantaggiate, hanno minore accesso a tali attività.

  12. Studiare i prezzi dei libri nell'Europa della prima età moderna: questioni e fonti

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    Angela Nuovo


    Full Text Available Il contributo presenta in modo sintetico il quadro concettuale all'interno del quale uno studio dei prezzi dei libri nella prima età moderna dovrebbe muoversi, così come i problemi metodologici da affrontare. Nonostante la natura di manufatto semi-industriale ponga il libro a stampa in una classe merceologica del tutto particolare nell'economia pre-industriale, è possibile utilizzare le categorie generali di domanda e offerta per identificare alcuni fattori atti ad impostare specifici percorsi di ricerca basati sull'analisi storico-economica. La storia del libro può essere quindi messa in relazione con alcuni temi classici della storia economica, allo scopo di inserire il problema del commercio librario e dei prezzi dei libri in un dibattito storiografico più ampio. Tra le fonti disponibili per lo studio dei prezzi dei libri nella prima età moderna, l'inventario di bottega di Bernardo Giunti (Department of Special Collections, UCLA, Collection 170/622 è una chiara testimonianza del fiorente mercato librario allora esistente a Venezia. Le quasi 12.000 registrazioni incluse nella lista dei libri in vendita riflettono gli scopi e gli obiettivi dell’azienda. La struttura di questo documento è decisamente complessa, frutto di più di venti anni di uso continuo (1600-1620 c.. Lungo questo periodo di tempo, il documento sembra essere evoluto da un semplice elenco o catalogo ad uso del personale interno a un importante strumento per la gestione della bottega e del suo magazzino. Quasi ogni titolo presenta un prezzo, e ciò rende questo inventario una delle fonti più ampie e significative per lo studio dei prezzi dei libri nella prima età moderna.This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement n° 694476.

  13. Introducing the Interactive Model for the Training of Audiovisual Translators and Analysis of Multimodal Texts

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    Pietro Luigi Iaia


    dimensioni linguistiche ed extralinguistiche che contribuiscono alla ricezione dei testi fonte ed alla produzione dei testi tradotti (Chaume 2004; Díaz Cintas 2004. Il Modello è presentato come uno strumento utile alla formazione dei traduttori audiovisivi ed all’analisi critica del discorso multimodale, perché attraverso il ricorso all’Analisi Critica del Discorso (Fairclough 1995, 2001, all’approccio cognitivo (process-based alla traduzione, ed all’analisi socio-semiotica dei testi multimodali (van Leeuwen 2004; Kress e van Leeuwen 2006 favorisce lo studio dei livelli di equivalenza pragmalinguistica tra i testi d’origine e le loro traduzioni. Infine, questo studio presenta un’applicazione pratica del Modello per la resa in italiano di uno sketch comico dal talk show americano Conan.

  14. Lateral organisation in nineteenth-century studio photographs is influenced by the direction of writing: a comparison of Iranian and Spanish photographs. (United States)

    Pérez González, Carmen


    The direction of reading has been found to have a significant effect upon aesthetic preference, with left-to-right readers showing a preference for stimuli with a rightward directionality while right-to-left readers prefer stimuli with a leftward directionality. This study looks at a large set of posed, studio photographs to study the cultural interaction between direction of reading and lateral organisation, comparing a corpus of 735 nineteenth-century photographs from Iran (right-to-left reading) with a similar corpus of 898 photographs from Spain (left-to-right readers). Five separate types of composition were studied: linear ordering, usually by height; couples; individuals posing by a chair; individuals posing by a table; and portraits. Lateral preferences were found for all five types of photograph, with the lateral organisation of Iranian photographs being the reverse of that in the Spanish photographs. These data provide support for the influence of direction of reading upon aesthetic organisation in naturalistically produced photographs.

  15. [CONTATTI SONORI] Morfologia e poetica della musica di Dave Holland fra gli anni Settanta e Ottanta

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    Giuseppe Sergi


    Full Text Available La musica del contrabbassista inglese Dave Holland ha radici nel jazz ma dialoga con i linguaggi della tradizione colta. Le esigenze compositive si affiancano alla necessità dell'improvvisazione. Holland espone così la propria poetica: «gli uccelli si riuniscono per cantare insieme, ognuno affermando con il canto la propria libertà. Il mio desiderio è condividere il medesimo spirito con i musicisti e comunicarlo alla gente». Questo studio affronta un'analisi di incisioni significative che mettono in luce i risultati musicali di tale pensiero. Il brano Conference of the birds è un manifesto poetico: esso spicca per le scelte sonore, la metrica, l'incrocio delle voci e le giustapposizioni modali. First snow si caratterizza per la correlazione tra il trattamento armonico e la natura modale delle proposte melodiche. Homecoming presenta una peculiare sequenza di episodi musicali e un significativo rapporto fra soluzioni melodiche e armoniche di carattere tonale e modale. L'analisi solleva interrogativi di rilievo: quali strategie compositive e performative vengono adottate nella musica di Dave Holland? Che legame esse intrattengono con il linguaggio del jazz o della musica 'd'arte'? Che tipo di equilibrio si crea fra la dimensione compositiva e l'improvvisazione? Tentando di fornire risposte a tali domande questo studio mette in luce gli elementi rilevanti della musica di uno maggiori compositori e musicisti del jazz strumentale.

  16. La conservación de la energía: un principio de toda la física. Una propuesta y unos resultados


    Solbes Matarredona, Jordi; Tarín, Francisco


    Resumen. La conservación de la energía es uno de los conceptos más importantes de la física porque unifi ca todos los fenómenos. En este artículo presentamos algunos resultados de una investigación sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del concepto de energía y su conservación realizado en el nivel de la educación secundaria española. El análisis de los datos pone de manifiesto que la conservación de la energía se introduce en mecánica y termodinámica pero no en todos los campos de la fís...

  17. La conservación de la energía : un principio de toda la física : una propuesta y unos resultados


    Solbes Matarredona, Jordi


    La conservación de la energía es uno de los conceptos más importantes de la física porque unifica todos los fenómenos. En este artículo presentamos algunos resultados de una investigación sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del concepto de energía y su conservación realizado en el nivel de la educación secundaria española. El análisis de los datos pone de manifiesto que la conservación de la energía se introduce en mecánica y termodinámica pero no en todos los campos de la física. Los r...

  18. Valutazione e mappatura dei servizi culturali nei paesaggi terrazzati. Il caso studio della Costiera Amalfitana

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    Antonia Gravagnuolo


    Full Text Available I paesaggi culturali rappresentano una risorsa fondamentale per lo sviluppo sostenibile. Tra questi, i paesaggi terrazzati sono classificati come paesaggi culturali “evolutivi viventi” (UNESCO, 2012, espressione della storica interrelazione tra uomo e territorio. Attualmente molti paesaggi terrazzati sono considerati a rischio a causa delle mutate condizioni socio-economiche. L’esigenza della conservazione e di una gestione efficace di questo eccezionale patrimonio pone la questione dell’identificazione di funzioni e valori complessi del paesaggio, tenendo conto di bisogni, visioni e preferenze delle comunità locali. Questo studio ha l’obiettivo di identificare valori e servizi del paesaggio terrazzato sulla base della teoria dei servizi ecosistemici. Viene affrontato il tema della valutazione e mappatura dei servizi culturali, con riferimento al paesaggio terrazzato della Costiera Amalfitana in Campania. Le categorie di servizi sono state valutate con il coinvolgimento della comunità locale attraverso un questionario semi-strutturato somministrato online ad un campione di 147 soggetti. L’integrazione tra valutazione multicriterio e analisi spaziale in ambito GIS (Geographic Information System ha condotto alla costruzione di mappe dei servizi culturali che permettono di visualizzare in maniera sintetica le relazioni complesse che legano l’uomo al paesaggio. Gli strumenti di mapping collaborativo (Volunteered Geographic Information – VGI sono stati utilizzati per la costruzione di alcune delle mappe dei servizi culturali, integrando i risultati del questionario con i dati relativi all’esperienza diretta degli utenti.

  19. Velázquez y los Secretarios de Estado. Vicisitudes flamencas de unos retratos del Conde-Duque

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    Cid, Jesús-Antonio


    Full Text Available The correspondence of the Secretarles of State and War of the Government of Flanders shows that between 1637 and 1639 Velázquez received several commissions of portraits of the Count-Duke of Olivares which were to be «originals» based on a 1636 model. This information allows us to cali into question a commonplace in art criticism, namely, that Velázquez never repeated himself and that, therefore, variant versions of the «same» picture must necessarily be regarded as «studio» paintings or copies executed by a different hand. The present study examines the possible interests, utilitarian or symbolic, that the Olivares portraits would have served for a bureaucratic clientele; analogous cases dealing with questions of attribution, as found in the coeval literature; and, finally, Velázquez's social status as an artist.La correspondencia de los Secretarios de Estado y Guerra del Gobierno de Flandes permite documentar diversos encargos a Velázquez, entre 1637 y 1639, de retratos del Conde-Duque de Olivares que habrían de ser «originales» y remontarían a un primer modelo de 1636. Estos datos nos llevan a cuestionar un lugar común de la crítica de arte, según el cual Velázquez no se repetía nunca a sí mismo, por lo que las variantes de un «mismo» cuadro habrían de ser consideradas forzosamente obras de «taller» o copias de mano ajena. Conjeturas sobre las funciones, pragmáticas o simbólicas, que los retratos del privado hubieron de tener en una clientela de burócratas. Analogías con cuestiones de autoría que se plantean en la literatura coetánea. Por último, reflexiones acerca del estatuto social de Velázquez como artista.

  20. Manejo del embarazo gemelar cuando muere uno de los fetos Conservative management of twin gestation after death of one fetus

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    Ómar Armando Méndez Gallo


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    Se presenta un caso de embarazo gemelar manejado en forma conservadora después de la muerte de uno de los fetos. Con base en él, y en una revisión bibliográfica, se hacen recomendaciones para el seguimiento y el manejo del gemelo sobreviviente y énfasis sobre las posibles complicaciones materno-fetales.

    We report on the case of a twin gestation that was conservatively managed after the death of one of the fetuses. Based on this experience and on a bibliographic review on the subject, we make recommendations for the follow-up and the care of these situations, with emphasis on maternal and fetal complications.

  1. Risk-benefit analysis in mammography: A study on the Umbria population. Analisi rischio-beneficio in mammografia: Uno studio sulla popolazione dell'Umbria

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    Antonini, A; Borio, R; Pagliochini, C; Pazzaglia, P G; Salvadori, P; Verdecchia, A


    A risk analysis for mammographic screening has been carried out in Umbria with reference both to the general population and to a more restricted one which was selected on the basis of physical examination results and common risk-factors. Losses of life-expectancy for screened and unscreened subjects have been compared. Leaving out of account economic and social factors, data analysis seems to indicate that for the selected population a one-year periodicity mammographic screening is a proper one if starting at age 31. Concerning the general population, maximum benefit is obtained for a one-year periodicity screening starting at older ages, which depend both on the hypothesized dose (with or without screens) and on the assumed tumor doubling time.

  2. Metacognizione e scrittura: uno studio pilota di potenziamen-to metacognitivo nella produzione del testo con alunni di scuola secondaria di primo grado

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    Mariarosaria De Simone


    Full Text Available The present work is firstly aimed to outline theories, models and experiences related to the use of metacognitive learning methodologies, with particular attention to aspects of writing. Secondly it was described a work path, to promote thought processes, more than instrumental skills, in order to lighten the load executive of daily school activities and to support the cognitive commitment required, in particular as regards the production of written text.The pilot study, in particular, wanted to examine whether, as a result of participation in a metacognitive program, the students of three classes of a secondary school showed an improvement in written composition, in terms of overall quality of the text, also reflecting about the existence of a relationship between the effectiveness of the training context and the characteristics of the class in which students  are engaged.

  3. Niš music festival and avant-garde music: Case studies concert of the Radio Belgrade Electronic Studio and 'John Cage's Evening'

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    Cvetković Sonja S.


    Full Text Available In the period of domination of socialist realism and moderate modernism, which meant for the Serbian post-war musical creativity isolation from the European and world trends of musical avant-garde, during the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century music of the Serbian and Yugoslav composers of the younger generation becomes more open to a new sound concepts of serialism, aleatory, electronic media and minimalism. A radical break with tradition and changes in almost all aspects of the new music - aesthetics, notation, sound realization - made difficult to establish a clear criteria for its evaluation and therefore, the general reception of the most actual tendencies. Beside two institutional musical places where the contemporary world and national music was performed and promoted - International Music Biennale Zagreb, founded in 1961 and annual Review of Yugoslav Music in Opatija, founded in 1964 (since 1979 under the name Review of Musical Creativity of Yugoslavia, concert and festival stages in the leading musical centers in former Yugoslavia have shown considerable restraint to the contemporary music. In the case of the reception of electro-acoustic compositions created in the Radio Belgrade Electronic Studio and John Cage's sonatas for prepared piano that were performed at the Niš (October Music Festival during the eighties of the 20th century, the paper discusses about the representation of avant-garde music at this manifestation and openness of the local public towards the contemporary compositional streams. At the concert held in 1981 in the hall of the Niš Symphony Orchestra were presented the latest achievements of the composers Miloš Petrović (Anton with or without Webern, 1981, Paul Pignon (Cartoon, 1980, Janez Matičič (Fusions, 1979, Vladan Radovanović (Audiospacial, 1975-78 and Dragoslav Ortakov (Eleorp, 1976 realized in the Radio Belgrade Electronic Studio founded in 1971. Serbian pianist Nada Kolundžija performed in

  4. Study of CL50 for heptachlor; Studio della CL50 dell'ettacloro. Pesci autoctoni dell'Argentina Cnesterodon Decemmaculatus esposti a {gamma} -HCH ed ettacloro

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    Ridolfi, A.; Villaamil, E. C.; Ravenna, A.; Sassone, A. H.; Alvarez, G.; Olmos, V.; Lopez, C. M.; Roses, O. E. [Buenos Aires Univ., Buenos Aires (Argentina). Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica, Catedra de Toxicologia y Quimica Legal


    termiti. L'ettacloro e' stato trovato sulle superfici acquatiche a livelli di 5-30 ng/litro, ed il suo epossido in concentrazioni di 5 a 40 ng/litro (WHO, 1984). La presenza nell'acqua di pesticidi persistenti, come l'ettacloro e il {gamma}-HCH e' il risultato non solo dell'uso attuale ma anche dell'uso precedente. Il {gamma}-HCH e' uno dei pesticidi organoclorurati frequentemente scoperto in corsi d'acqua in Argentina. Obiettivo di questo lavoro e' stato lo studio delle CL50 dell'ettacloro in concentrazioni variabili da solo e in presenza di una concentrazione invariabile di {gamma}-HCH su pesci Cnesterodon decemmaculatus a 24, 48, 72 e 96 ore di distanza.

  5. Consapevolezza d'uso delle risorse elettroniche presso IIT Roorkee, India: un caso di studio

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    Sunil Tyagi


    Full Text Available Attraverso un questionario si studia il livello di conoscenza, da parte di soggetti quali insegnanti, ricercatori e studenti, degli Electronic Information Services (EIS della biblioteca dell'Indian Institute of Technology di Rookee. L'India ha infatti visto un crescente interesse verso le risorse elettroniche in biblioteca, culminato nella creazione nel 2002 dell'Indian National Digital Library in Science and Technology (INDEST Consortium. I questionari si occupano del tipo di risorse elettroniche usate dagli utenti, dell'impatto di esse sul materiale a stampa, del tipo di uso, del metodo utilizzato per la loro ricerca, degli ostacoli incontrati e della frequenza di consultazione. I risultati della ricerca mostrano un forte incremento nell'uso delle riviste online e una generale soddisfazione degli utenti verso l'offerta della biblioteca. Inoltre, le risposte ai questionari hanno evidenziato nella percezione degli utenti un incremento della considerazione delle risorse elettroniche rispetto a quelle a stampa. Le raccomandazioni per il futuro suggeriscono: politiche di abbonamento a risorse elettroniche che tengano conto delle priorità degli utenti, sviluppo di programmi didattici e di orientamento, aumento della qualità dei mezzi (Software e Hardware per l'utilizzo delle risorse elettroniche e un incremento di strumenti del Web 2.0 (Blog, RSS feed, ecc. ai fini della promozione di quest'ambito della biblioteca. Lo studio dovrebbe inoltre essere esteso ad un campione più vasto e ad altre Università e organizzazioni, al fine di identificare più specificamente gli ostacoli al consapevole utilizzo delle risorse elettroniche e i possibili mezzi per incoraggiare gli utenti a sfruttare le piene potenzialità del sistema.

  6. Place-Based Education in the Architectural Design Studio: Agrarian Landscape as a Resource for Sustainable Urban Lifestyle

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    Ana Nikezić


    Full Text Available This article highlights how “place-based education” can be used to raise awareness about sustainability and potentially influence design process decisions that have environmental and cultural implications. “Place-based education” is a term used to describe an educational worldview based on development of curriculum centered on the local, social, economic, and ecological resources of a community. The study shows results of Masters Students’ research on situating a housing complex in the context of the agrarian landscape of Vojvodina, Serbia, considering it as a resource for a new sustainable urban lifestyle. During the first year of Masters Studies at the Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade University, an architectural design studio with 15 students had the task of exploring the potential of expanding the city of Belgrade across the agrarian landscape, as to affirm the role of place in contemporary everyday life. Students were expected to explore the possibilities and limitations of the relationship between man and agrarian landscape via architecture, re-thinking how various architectural design approaches could balance and harmonize the impact of the built environment on the agrarian landscape. The paper shows that “place-based education” possesses elements necessary for the inclusion of a wider spatial-cultural context in the process of architectural design and prioritization of environmental literacy and responsibility, as one of the main components of sustainable development.

  7. Numero Uno. (United States)

    Palmaffy, Tyce


    Describes the Ysleta School District, El Paso (Texas), which has, despite high poverty and a constant inflow of immigrants with limited English skills, the best test scores of any urban district in Texas. In spite of the district's accomplishments, the school board seems determined to oust the current superintendent. (SLD)

  8. An analysis of pancreas transplantation outcomes based on age groupings--an update of the UNOS database. (United States)

    Siskind, Eric; Maloney, Caroline; Akerman, Meredith; Alex, Asha; Ashburn, Sarah; Barlow, Meade; Siskind, Tamar; Bhaskaran, Madhu; Ali, Nicole; Basu, Amit; Molmenti, Ernesto; Ortiz, Jorge


    Previously, increasing age has been a part of the exclusion criteria used when determining eligibility for a pancreas transplant. However, the analysis of pancreas transplantation outcomes based on age groupings has largely been based on single-center reports. A UNOS database review of all adult pancreas and kidney-pancreas transplants between 1996 and 2012 was performed. Patients were divided into groups based on age categories: 18-29 (n = 1823), 30-39 (n = 7624), 40-49 (n = 7967), 50-59 (n = 3160), and ≥60 (n = 280). We compared survival outcomes and demographic variables between each age grouping. Of the 20 854 pancreas transplants, 3440 of the recipients were 50 yr of age or above. Graft survival was consistently the greatest in adults 40-49 yr of age. Graft survival was least in adults age 18-29 at one-, three-, and five-yr intervals. At 10- and 15-yr intervals, graft survival was the poorest in adults >60 yr old. Patient survival and age were found to be inversely proportional; as the patient population's age increased, survival decreased. Pancreas transplants performed in patients of increasing age demonstrate decreased patient and graft survival when compared to pancreas transplants in patients age. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. La bellezza aurea. Risposta cerebrale alle sculture classiche e rinascimentali

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    Cinzia Di Dio


    Full Text Available Esiste una base biologica oggettiva nell’esperienza del bello nell’arte? Oppure, l’esperienza estetica è interamente soggettiva? Usando la tecnica della risonanza magnetica funzionale, abbiamo affrontato questa domanda presentando a degli osservatori naïve allo studio dell’arte immagini di capolavori di sculture Classiche e Rinascimentali. Utilizzando la proporzione come variabile indipendente, abbiamo creato due gruppi di stimoli: uno composto da immagini di sculture originali; l’altro, da una versione modificata delle stesse immagini. Gli stimoli sono stati presentati in tre condizioni: osservazione, giudizio estetico e giudizio di proporzione. Nella condizione di osservazione, i volontari dovevano osservare le immagini con lo stesso stato mentale che avrebbero avuto se fossero stati in un museo. Nelle altre due condizioni, i volontari dovevano dare un giudizio estetico e di proporzione delle stesse immagini. Sono stati eseguiti due tipi di analisi: uno, che ha contrastato le risposte cerebrali alle sculture canoniche e modificate; ed uno, che messo a contrasto le sculture “esteticamente piacevoli” e quelle “esteticamente non piacevoli”, secondo il giudizio espresso in modo esplicito da ciascun volontario. Il risultato più interessante ha evidenziato, durante l’osservazione delle sculture originali, rispetto a quelle modificate, l’attivazione dell’insula destra e di alcune aree corticali laterali e mediali (il giro occipitale laterale, il precuneo e aree prefrontali. L’attivazione dell’insula era particolarmente evidente durante la condizione di osservazione. Inoltre, si è osservato che, quando i volontari dovevano dare un giudizio estetico esplicito, le immagini giudicate esteticamente piacevoli attivavano selettivamente l’amigdala destra rispetto a quelle giudicate esteticamente non piacevoli. Dati i risultati, abbiamo concluso che, negli osservatori naïve, il senso del bello è mediato da due processi non

  10. 3D angiography in the evaluation of intracranial aneurysms before and after treatment. Initial experience; L'angiografia 3D nella valutazione pre e post-trattamento degli aneurismi intracranici. Esperienza preliminare

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    Lauriola, Walter; Nardella, Michele; Strizzi, Vincenzo; Florio, Francesco [Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, IRCCS San Giovanni Rotondo (Italy). Radiologia Interventistica; Cali, Alessandro; D' Angelo, Vincenzo [Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, IRCCS San Giovanni Rotondo (Italy). Divisione di Neurochirugia


    optimisation of the technique in terms of anatomical detail and reconstruction time. [Italian] Scopo: Scopo del lavoro e' valutare i vantaggi dell'angiografia 3D nei confronti di quella 2D, nello studio degli aneurismi intracranici pre e post trattamento ed in particolare nella scelta e nella pianificazione del trattamento. Materiale e metodi: E' stato effettuato uno studio retrospettivo, pre e post-trattamento, di 30 aneurismi intracranici. la popolazione studio e' composta di 12 maschi e 18 femmine con range di eta' 35-77 anni, eta' media 58 anni. 18 aneurismi sono stati trattati chirurgicamente, 10 con tecnica endovascolare e 2 con trattamento combinato. E' stato eseguito il confronto tra reperti 2D e 3D DSA pre e post trattamento: le immagini angiografiche pre-trattamento sono state confrontate anche con i rispettivi reperti operatori. Sono stati presi in esame e confrontati i seguenti parametri: dimensioni della sacca e del colletto, individuazione di vasi coinvolti nell'aneurisma, valutazione del residuo post-trattamento. Risultati: L'esame 2D DSA ha consentito uno studio ottimale della sacca e del colletto rispettivamente nel 45% e 15%, sufficiente nel 10% e 35%, insoddisfacente nel 5% e 50% dei casi. Il corrispettivo esame 3D DSA ha permesso uno studio ottimale della sacca e del colletto nel 100% dei casi. La 3D DSA ha correttamente evidenziato 8 aneurismi (100%) con vaso coinvolto nella sacca e/o nel colletto; 4 (50%) di questi erano sfuggiti all'esame 2D, che ha inoltre erroneamente suggerito l'esistenza di vaso coinvolto in altri 2 casi (falsi +). L'esame angiografico 3D si e' mostrato superiore all'analogo 2D anche nella valutazione del residuo negli aneurismi trattati con clipping. Infine e' apparsa rilevante la capacita' della 3D DSA nel ridurre il numero di proiezioni radiografiche, la quantita' di mdc, il tempo ed i rischi connessi alla procedura, necessari per una valutazione

  11. Il commercio intraindustriale: considerazioni sulla specializzazione internazionale dei paesi industrializzati. (Intra-industry trade: considerations on the international specialisation of industrialised countries

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    Full Text Available Negli ultimi anni lo studio dell'economia internazionale si è arricchito di molti nuovi contributi . La teoria del commercio intra- industriale ha raggiunto la maturità parziale, il modello neoclassico di Heckscher-Ohlin - Samuelson è stato esteso e integrato con i più recenti strumenti della microeconomia e modelli neo- ricardiani applicati al commercio internazionale . Lavori empirici talvolta sono stati realizzati separatamente spesso costringendo l' elaborazione teorica a fare bruschi cambi di direzione . Uno di questi, rappresentato dalla teoria del commercio intra-industriale , è l' oggetto del presente studio , e nasce dalle difficoltà che i modelli canonici neoclassici e ricardiani hanno incontrato nello spiegare gli scambi tra paesi che sono strutturalmente simili In recent years the study of the international economy has been enriched by many new contributions. The theory of intra-industry trade reached partial maturity, the neoclassical model of Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson was extended and integrated with the most recent tools of microeconomics, and neo-Ricardian models were applied to international trade. Empirical works have at times stood on their own, though often forcing the theoretical elaboration to make sudden changes of direction. One of these, represented by the theory of intra-industry trade, is the subject of the present study, and arises from the difficulties that the neoclassical and Ricardian canonical models have encountered in explaining trade between countries that are structurally similar. JEL: F11

  12. Gestione innovativa della mobilità urbana: car sharing e ICT

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    Romano Fistola


    Full Text Available La mobilità veicolare rappresenta senza dubbio l’attività che più di ogni altra caratterizza i moderni assetti urbani. Tale funzione, che ha contribuito a liberare il cittadino dai vincoli della prossimità funzionale ed ha modellato la metropoli contemporanea, si pone oggi come principale fattore entropico urbano. La mobilità veicolare rappresenta infatti la seconda causa di emissioni di gas serra nell’atmosfera, contribuisce all’incremento del riscaldamento globale e dell’alterazione del micro-clima urbano, produce un sensibile abbattimento dei livelli di qualità della vita urbana, etc.. Molte città stanno implementando azioni per arginare il traffico veicolare all’interno centro urbano attraverso iniziative di dissuasione, tassazione o uso responsabile del veicolo privato. Probabilmente quest’ultima via può rappresentare la scelta più idonea in quanto agisce non in maniera coercitiva sul cittadino ma lo induce ad adottare nuovi comportamenti di responsabilità e una nuova etica dello spostamento. Il car-sharing promuove l’uso condiviso del medesimo veicolo che viene utilizzato da più utenti, secondo le diverse necessità, senza che questi ne detengano il possesso. L’articolo descrive le caratteristiche di tale sistema, segnala alcuni esempi virtuosi ma rileva anche come in realtà urbane quale Napoli, ove la mobilità veicolare rappresenta un consistente e storico problema per il quotidiano funzionamento della città ed ove molti anni fa si erano avviate innovative sperimentazioni di mobilità condivisa con autovetture a propulsione elettrica, oggi si continua a sopravvivere alla congestione da traffico veicolare e non esiste ancora alcuna possibilità concreta di utilizzare il car-sharing.

  13. El lado siniestro de la metáfora “nativos” versus “inmigrantes” digitales: El caso de unos profesores de escuela media de Misiones

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    Laura Siri


    Full Text Available Se analizan las actitudes y creencias de unos docentes de escuela media acerca del uso de internet. Especialmente, cómo legitiman, o deslegitiman, su propia autoridad en función del “alfabetismo digital” atribuido a sus alumnos. La hipótesis es que, tras una preocupación manifiesta por las actividades online de los jóvenes, subyace otra referida a las propias supuestas limitaciones cognitivas y de acceso físico a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC. Asimismo, se plantea que intentar explicar esta  percepción en términos de nativos vs. inmigrantes digitales naturaliza una autodescalificación socialmente construida.

  14. Un omaggio a Giuseppe Bellini attraverso un libro a lui dedicato: cuando quiero hallar las voces, encuentro con los afectos...

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    Emilia Perassi


    Full Text Available Il presente articolo si propone di tracciare il ritratto di uno dei grandi maestri di studi ispanoamericanistici, Giuseppe Bellini, attraverso una recente opera miscellanea a lui dedicata, a cura di Patrizia Spinato Bruschi e Jaime Martínez. Tale raccolta di saggi non solo restituisce le linee, i contenuti e le forme di una produzione critica monumentale ma ben mostra l’importante ruolo di studioso e di uomo che il Bellini è stato capace di esercitare, articolando attorno a sé una nutrita scuola, a partire dalla visione della letteratura come rete di dialogo e di scambio. I diversi temi affrontati dai più di cinquantacinque saggi mostrano la straordinaria capacità del Bellini di tessere una proficua rete di relazioni, di studio e di amicizia, e di promuovere l’ispanoamericanismo italiano, sempre attraverso il riconoscimento della letteratura come lezione civile e del buon vivere.

  15. Il problem solving aritmetico: analisi dei processi cognitivi e metacognitivi e illustrazione del software "Risolvere problemi aritmetici"

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    Antonella D'Amico


    Full Text Available Il presente contributo esamina la letteratura relativa al problem solving matematico ed illustra uno strumento multimediale per la soluzione dei problemi aritmetici in bambini del secondo ciclo della scuola primaria e in bambini che presentano difficoltà in tale area. Il software presenta sia un modulo test, in cui vengono presentati problemi aritmetici di livello di difficoltà crescente, che un modulo di training. Il training è stato elaborato in base alle più recenti ricerche nell’area del problem solving matematico e prevede attività sulla comprensione, rappresentazione, categorizzazione e pianificazione del problema. Il training prevede inoltre particolari attività che stimolano l’uso della memoria di lavoro nella soluzione dei problemi. Il training si presenta come metacognitivamente orientato, in quanto i personaggi guida dell’ambientazione si configurano come compagni di studio che stimolano la riflessione metacognitiva rispetto alle attività affrontate.

  16. Dalla riqualificazione energetica alla riqualificazione della città: strumenti per finanziare la qualità urbana

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    Luca Caneparo


    Full Text Available Il paper si focalizza sullo studio delle possibilità di intervento sugli spazi pubblici e privati all’interno del tessuto urbano, considerati come un tutt’uno interconnesso, impiegando la leva di finanziamenti volti all’efficientamento energetico. A oggi, la maggior parte del tessuto costruito in Europa e negli USA non è mai stato soggetto di processi di riqualificazione energetica, presentando quindi caratteristiche inadeguate. Per affrontare questo tema attraverso la riqualificazione energetica sono stati sviluppati diversi strumenti finanziari basati sul principio di recuperare il capitale investito tramite i risparmi sulle bollette dell’energia; il paper analizzerà alcuni di questi strumenti considerati emergenti nell’attuale contesto. Verranno inoltre considerate le ricedute che l’insieme di questi interventi può generare nel tessuto della città nel suo insieme alimentando lo sviluppo urbano, valorizzando specifiche culture delle comunità e dei luoghi, intrecciando e ibridando urbanità e aspetti naturali.

  17. Infezioni gastroenteriche e fonti di rischio da balneazione nel mare Adriatico

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    N. Schinaia


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    Obiettivi: gli obiettivi generali della ricerca sono stati: stimare un eccesso di rischio di insorgenza di gastroenterite a seguito di attività di balneazione o consumo di prodotti ittici nel mare Adriatico; misurare nuovi parametri microbiologici di inquinamento marino.

    Metodi: sono stati condotti i seguenti studi: 1 caso controllo; 2 uno studio di prevalenza (beach survey per descrivere la frequenza di alcune patologie (dell’orecchio, delle vie aeree superiori, della cute rispetto alla balneazione o meno; 3 identificazione di nuovi patogeni nelle acque di balneazione (quali virus o Cryptosporidium parvum.

    Risultati: l’analisi dei fattori di rischio nello studio caso controllo non ha evidenziato un aumento di gastroenterite associata a balneazione. Gli episodi gastroenterici osservati nei casi erano prevalentemente sostenuti da Salmonella sp. e la modalità di infezione era legata ad alcuni alimenti quali la maionese. Il risultato principale dello studio di beach survey è stato che la balneazione nel mare Adriatico non è associata ad un aumento significativo di patologie serie, quali gastroenterite acuta.

    Tuttavia, è stato possibile evidenziare un aumento di rischio statisticamente significativo per forme morbose lievi, quali congiuntivite e dermatite aspecifica, fra chi ha fatto il bagno in mare e chi no. Tale aumentato rischio è stato soprattutto osservato nei bambini e ragazzi al di sotto di 15 anni. I risultati di microbiologia sperimentale dimostrano il ruolo svolto dalle acque marine quale pabulum idoneo alla sopravvivenza delle oocisti di C. parvum. Sono stati validati protocolli di diagnostica molecolare per l’identificazione di enterovirus, rotavirus e reovirus nelle acque di balneazione.

    Conclusioni: l’epidemiologia può contribuire a studiare i rapporti fra balneazione e salute all’interno di una visione generale di salute

  18. Prescriptive Methodology as a Generative Tool: A Case Study Conducted at Introductory Interior Design Studio Level in the United Arab Emirates

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    Lina Ahmad


    Full Text Available In the U.A.E. (United Arab Emirates, interior design education is often misunderstood as interior decoration, wherein the former is a more comprehensive design approach to spaces formed by structural boundaries and curation of human interaction. The conducted case study addressed a small number of students enrolled in Interior Design Studio I at Zayed University, Abu Dhabi campus. In addition to traditional teaching methods compromised of individual desk critique sessions, group pin-ups and presentations, three innovative methods were implemented as a means of guiding students through the process: direct sequential instruction executed within an assigned time frame, reflection on the surfaced result and use of flat photography or panoramas as means of space communication. Throughout the three implemented stages of the project, and through utilizing the above-described generative methodology, students achieved complex representation and revealed higher spatial order related to human occupation and space inhabitation. This methodology allowed students to channel their work through complex sets of interconnected information and derived an outcome from an accumulative multi-layered resolution. The article presents the process and analyses the achieved outcomes.

  19. Cuando uno más uno es mayor que dos

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    Iv Villanueva


    Full Text Available Los ingenieros requieren de creatividad e ingenio para encontrar soluciones eficaces, eficientes y costo efectivas a los problemas que afectan a la humanidad. El trabajo interdisciplinario o colaborativo ha sido una forma exitosa para ofrecer soluciones factibles. En el caso de encontra soluciones al aumento de la resistencia de los microbios a los antibióticos, el enfoque colaborativo está mostrando buenos resultados. La resistencia a los antibióticos y a los antimicrobianos en general, es un problema ( [1] con múltiples causas. De otro lado, las soluciones también pueden ser múltiples. La ingeniería y las ciencias de la salud se complementan para crear la sinergia necesaria para proponer unas de estas soluciones. En el laboratorio de investigación del Dr. Julián Davies en el Departamento de Microbiología e Inmunología de la Universidad de British Columbia en Vancouver, Canadá  se ha puesto en práctica este enfoque para atacar la resistencia a los antibióticos desde los aspectos de la prevención de la propagación de la resistencia y de la búsqueda de nuevos agentes antimicrobianos. En el caso de prevención, los departamentos de Ingeniería Civil y Mecánica junto con Microbiología han investigado el proceso de tratamiento de aguas residuales como un foco de concentración y distribución de bacterias resistentes a antibióticos. Como resultado, se han propuestos cambios operacionales en las plantas de tratamiento de agua como por ejemplo, respecto al duración de retención de lodos. En el caso de nuevos agentes, el departamento de Microbiología ha estudiado las arcillas medicinales como agentes antimicrobianos [2]. Sin embargo, para poder obtener y analizar este tipo de arcillas, se requiere la participación de los departamentos de Ingeniería Minera y Civil para estudiar depósitos, buscar formas para extracción del material, así como para realizar estudios físicos y químicos de arcillas. Además, los recursos Bioinformáticos hacen posible analizar las comunidades bacterianas presentes en el ambiente y su relación con los componentes del depósito y sus propiedades medicinales [3]. Ingeniería, informática y microbiología se juntan para proponer solución al problema. Ahora podemos preguntarnos cómo desarrollar una visión interdisciplinaria durante el proceso formativo que pueda transferirse más tarde al ejercicio profesional. Se pueden destacar por lo menos tres aspectos importantes. Primero, desarrollar un deseo por ampliar nuestro entendimiento de los problemas que más afectan nuestro entorno y meditar en sus causas y plantearnos alternativas de soluciones. Segundo,  esforzarnos por estar actualizados en los avances y nuevos desarrollos en nuestra área de interés, muchas veces implica tener una rutina de lectura regular de artículos tecnológicos y científicos, y de asistencia a seminarios o charlas. Por último, proponer y participar en proyectos de investigación que involucren la colaboración con otros departamentos dentro de la universidad, aprendiendo y participando activamente en la creación de soluciones. El factor común entre estos aspectos es nuestro interés por ser hacedores, innovadores y líderes de la búsqueda de alternativas para dar soluciones a los problemas del mundo en que vivimos y como se ha visto, ¡es posible!

  20. Cuando uno más uno es mayor que dos


    Iv Villanueva


    Los ingenieros requieren de creatividad e ingenio para encontrar soluciones eficaces, eficientes y costo efectivas a los problemas que afectan a la humanidad. El trabajo interdisciplinario o colaborativo ha sido una forma exitosa para ofrecer soluciones factibles. En el caso de encontra soluciones al aumento de la resistencia de los microbios a los antibióticos, el enfoque colaborativo está mostrando buenos resultados. La resistencia a los antibióticos y a los antimicrobianos en general, ...

  1. Politiche sociali e interventi a favore di donne immigrate in condizioni di schiavitù e di emarginazione: uno studio comparativo fra Sassari e Valencia


    Cappai, Paola


    During the last years, trafficking of human beings for sexual exploitation has been recognized as one of the main topics in the public and international debate about human right. Analyzing the modern scenario of social policies, and thanks to the thought of some important sociological authors, we elaborate and define our theoretical approach founded on the idea that the human person needs to be recognized as the main actor of the intervention of help. Even if the welfare State don’t seem ...

  2. 'Zoo kunstenaar, zoo atelier.' De weergave van het atelier in Elsevier's Geïllustreerd Maandschrift (1891-1897

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    Lisa Smit


    Full Text Available According to nineteenth-century convictions, the studio reflected the soul of the artist. In the 1850s reporters started to write about visits to artists' studios. Every month, the Dutch magazine Elsevier's Geïllustreerd Maandschrift published a story about a visit to the studio of an artist from the The Hague School. The aim of this article is to define what the editorial views were during the first seven years of its publication (1891-1898 on the relation between the artist and his studio. Like Emile Zola, the editors of Elsevier's believed that an artist's disposition is manifest in his work. And because the studio was supposed to reflect this disposition, they believed a description or depiction of an artist's studio would provide insight in his personality and work. Thus, an account of a visit to an artist's studio satisfied the curiosity of the public about the artist's 'true nature'. According to Elsevier's, an artist's studio embodied his personality: 'Like studio, like artist'.

  3. Effect of donor ethnicity on kidney survival in different recipient pairs: an analysis of the OPTN/UNOS database. (United States)

    Callender, C O; Cherikh, W S; Traverso, P; Hernandez, A; Oyetunji, T; Chang, D


    Previous multivariate analysis performed between April 1, 1994, and December 31, 2000 from the Organ Procurement Transplant Network/United Network for Organ Sharing (OPTN/UNOS) database has shown that kidneys from black donors were associated with lower graft survival. We compared graft and patient survival of different kidney donor-to-recipient ethnic combinations to see if this result still holds on a recent cohort of US kidney transplants. We included 72,495 recipients of deceased and living donor kidney alone transplants from 2001 to 2005. A multivariate Cox regression method was used to analyze the effect of donor-recipient ethnicity on graft and patient survival within 5 years of transplant, and to adjust for the effect of other donor, recipient, and transplant characteristics. Results are presented as hazard ratios (HR) with the 95% confidence limit (CL) and P values. Adjusted HRs of donor-recipient patient survival were: white to white (1); and white to black (1.22; P = .001). Graft survival HRs were black to black (1.40; P recipients. The graft and patient survival rates for Asian and Latino/Hispanic recipients, however, were not affected by donor ethnicity. This analysis underscores the need for research to better understand the reasons for these disparities and how to improve the posttransplant graft survival rates of black kidney recipients.

  4. Studio del danneggiamento mediante tomografia in luce del sincrotrone: impatto di un cono d’ombra sulla qualità finale delle ricostruzioni

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    Andrea Bernasconi


    Full Text Available Un’accurata osservazione della geometria tridimensionale di cricche e difetti è necessaria per lo studio dei meccanismi alla base del processo di danneggiamento. I metodi convenzionali utilizzati a questo scopo sono distruttivi o non possiedono una sufficiente risoluzione. Le tecniche di imaging che utilizzano la luce di sincrotrone, ed in particolare la microtomografia (micro-CT a raggi X, invece, uniscono i vantaggi di una tecnica non distruttiva ad un’elevata risoluzione spaziale e risultano quindi particolarmente interessanti. Un limite all’applicazione di questa tecnica è costituito dalla propensione della cricca a richiudersi una volta rimosso il carico che ha provocato il danneggiamento, superabile attraverso l’impiego di un dispositivo in grado di esercitare un carico di trazione durante l’acquisizione dei dati. Facendo riferimento al set-up sperimentale della linea SYRMEP di Elettra, il sincrotrone di Trieste, e tralasciando per il momento i vincoli legati a pesi e ingombri, è possibile pensare di inserire tra camera di ionizzazione e CCD una macchina per prove di trazione mono-colonna commerciale, in grado di mantenere aperto il difetto per tutta la durata della tomografia. In questo lavoro viene valutato l’impatto di questo vincolo sulla qualità finale delle ricostruzioni.

  5. Esercizi scelti di algebra

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    Chirivì, Rocco; Dvornicich, Roberto


    Questo libro – primo di due volumi -  presenta oltre 250 esercizi scelti di algebra ricavati dai compiti d'esame dei corsi di Aritmetica tenuti dagli autori all'Università di Pisa. Ogni esercizio viene presentato con una o più soluzioni accuratamente redatte con linguaggio e notazioni uniformi. Caratteristica distintiva del libro è che gli esercizi proposti sono tutti diversi uno dall'altro e le soluzioni richiedono sempre una piccola idea originale; ciò rende il libro unico nel genere. Gli argomenti di questo primo volume sono: principio d'induzione, combinatoria, congruenze, gruppi abeliani, anelli commutativi, polinomi, estensioni di campi, campi finiti. Il libro contiene inoltre una dettagliata sezione di richiami teorici e può essere usato come libro di riferimento per lo studio. Una serie di esercizi preliminari introduce le tecniche principali da usare per confrontarsi con i testi d'esame proposti. Il volume è rivolto a tutti gli studenti del primo anno dei corsi di laur ea in Matematica e Inf...

  6. Analisi matematica

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    Canuto, Claudio


    Il presente testo intende essere di supporto ad un secondo insegnamento di Analisi Matematica in quei corsi di studio (quali ad esempio Ingegneria, Informatica, Fisica) in cui lo strumento matematico parte significativa della formazione dell'allievo. I concetti e i metodi fondamentali del calcolo differenziale ed integrale in più variabili, le serie di funzioni e le equazioni differenziali ordinarie sono presentati con l'obiettivo primario di addestrare lo studente ad un loro uso operativo, ma critico. L'impostazione didattica dell'opera ricalca quella usata nel testo parallelo di Analisi Matematica I. La modalità di presentazione degli argomenti ne permette un uso flessibile e modulare. Lo stile adottato privilegia la chiarezza e la linearità dell'esposizione. Il testo organizzato su due livelli di lettura. Uno, più essenziale, permette allo studente di cogliere i concetti indispensabili della materia, di familiarizzarsi con le relative tecniche di calcolo e di trovare le giustificazioni dei principali r...

  7. Arminio nobile e la misura del cielo ovvero le disavventure di un astronomo napoletano

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    Capaccioli, Massimo


    La scienza è un’esaltante avventura che è costume raccontare attraverso le gesta dei grandi. Esiste però un’altra storia, altrettanto avvincente ma con poca voce, scritta dai tanti gregari e potenziali campioni cui la sorte, spesso nemmeno troppo cieca, ha negato la gloria. Questo libro parla di uno di loro e del suo piccolo mondo sulla collina di Capodimonte, a Napoli. È la parabola di Arminio Nobile – personaggio notevole eppure poco noto dell’astronomia italiana – svolta sulla scena della nascente astrofisica, in una stagione di grandi transizioni per il Mezzogiorno. Arminio, che era figlio di Giuseppina Guacci, figura di spicco della cultura pre-risorgimentale, e di un valente astronomo della Specola di Capodimonte, scelse di votarsi allo studio del cielo. Osservatore instancabile, appassionato e genialoide, aveva le carte in regola e le motivazioni per “sfondare”, ma la fortuna non gli arrise: più volte si beffò di lui, spingendolo su vicoli ciechi che la sua testardaggine gli impedì...

  8. Environmental quality evaluation. Indexing tools to evaluate environmental quality from biological data, floristic and vegetational data in Ponte Galeria (Rome, Italy); Rappresentazione sintetica della qualita' ambientale attraverso l'integrazione di indici floristici e vegetazionali: il caso di Macchia Grande di Ponte Galeria (Roma)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazzocchi, F.; Castorina, M.; De Mei, M. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt. Ambiente


    In the present work the study of indexing tools to evaluate environmental quality from biological data has been performed using a certain number of floristic and vegetational indices near Macchia Grande of Ponte Galeria (Rome, Italy). The indices have been applied on the basis of the data coming from a phyto sociological study of the area. Multivariate statistics methodologies have been utilized to obtain a synthetic evaluation of the indices. [Italian] Nel presente lavoro e' stato effettuato uno studio di alcuni strumenti di indicizzazione definiti sulla base di dati bioligici per la stima della qualita' ambientale, utilizzando una serie di indici floristici e vegetazionali dell'area di Macchia Grande di Ponte Galeria (Roma). Sono state analizzate le proprieta' espresse dagli indici come singole entita' ed in particolare le principali tendenze di variazione rispetto alla variazione di qualita' delle unita' ambientali e della loro integrabilita' reciproca. Sono state inoltre utilizzate le metodologie dell'analisi multivariata.

  9. The island of Lipari (Aeolian archipelago, Italy). Preliminary distribution and evaluation of the significative elements pertaining to the environmental, floristic and faunistic patrimony; Distribuzione e valutazione preliminare di biotipi, flora e fauna: l'Isola di Lipari (Arcipelago Eoliano)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D' Ayala, A. [Parma Univ., Parma (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze Ambientali


    The island of Lipari (Italy), with the larger territorial extension and human impact in the Aeolian archipelago, shows a remarkable naturalistic resources richness and it was recently studied with the Italian program Carta della Natura (national law 394/91). In order to identify and prioritize areas for protection planning, are here presented some preliminary results concerning the conservation status, the spatial distribution of habitats of European importance (EU Habitat Directive 43/92), floristic and faunistic elements classified as threatened in Italy (IUCN categories), with reference to the ecological sensibility, anthropic pressure and also the main problems related the natural reserve in way of institution. [Italian] L'articolo presenta uno studio di valutazione ambientale relativo alla distribuzione dei biotipi, della flora e della fauna dell'isola di Lipari, inerente al programma nazionale Carta della Natura (L. 394/91). Vengono discussi alcuni aspetti significativi connessi all'importanza della conservazione degli habitat dell'isola, con riferimento alle problematiche della futura riserva.

  10. Die Literarisierung des entzifferten Ägypten. Wissenschaft und Fiktion im Roman Uarda (1877 von Georg Ebers (1837-1898

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    Lucia Mor


    Full Text Available Nel contesto dell’orientalismo ottocentesco riveste un ruolo significativo la produzione narrativa dell’egittologo berlinese Georg Ebers (1837-1898, i cui romanzi rientrano nella categoria del Professorenroman. Al confine fra letteratura e storiografia, le opere di ambientazione egizia di Ebers diedero origine ad una vera e propria egittomania e fecero conoscere ad un vasto pubblico di lettori figure, eventi, usi e costumi dell’antica terra del Nilo, a quel tempo oggetto di studio della prima generazione di egittologi tedeschi (Lepsius, Brugsch; ma la trasposizione letteraria dell’antico mondo egizio fu anche occasione per mettere a tema questioni scottanti di natura religiosa, politica e sociale del presente. L’analisi del romanzo Uarda, un successo stampato in migliaia di copie, intende non solo mettere a fuoco la Weltanschauung di Ebers, ma g anche contribuire a riscoprire uno scrittore che, seppur di valore mediocre dal punto di vista letterario, rappresenta un tassello significativo dello Zeitgeist guglielmino.

  11. Introduzione al laboratorio di fisica misure e teoria delle incertezze

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    Ciullo, Giuseppe


    Frutto dell'esperienza decennale come supporto per la didattica di laboratori di fisica sia a livello di corsi triennali che di corsi di laurea magistrale, il libro si è concretizzato nella "responsabilità" di tali corsi di laboratorio per fornire un opera di utilizzo dei vari strumenti, che un approccio sperimentale alla fisica richiede. Si parte dalla descrizione delle problematiche delle incertezze in modo operativo e si introducono i concetti fondamentali per l'analisi dei dati e la misura. Invece di una serie dispersiva di testi, con approcci, convenzioni e simbolismi differenti, poco fruibili per l'applicazione diretta ad un laboratorio dei primi anni, il libro fornisce le indicazioni utili per affrontare lo studio dei fenomeni fisici in modo immediato, fornendo anche indicazioni rigorose e giustificazioni teoriche. Lo stimolo teorico-pratico, che uno sperimentale-scienziato deve percepire, non esula dal comprendere problematiche di maggiore approfondimento. L'opera rende fruibili concetti e strumenti...

  12. GIANFRANCO BETTETINI, Il timpano dell’occhio. Gli intrecci e i giochi dei suoni e delle immagini, Milano, Bompiani, 2009

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    Alessandro Bratus


    Full Text Available Il timpano dell’occhio di Gianfranco Bettetini è uno studio dedicato all’analisi semiotica dei testi audiovisivi. Nel volume l’autore si propone di indagare gli effetti che l’azione «strutturalmente sinergica e compatta» (p. 9 di suono e immagine produce sullo spettatore. Lungo tale percorso, Bettetini affronta un nodo cruciale degli studi attuali sulla comunicazione audiovisiva, offrendo allo stesso tempo un prezioso compendio della letteratura semiotica sull’argomento. Nella prima parte del volume lo studioso definisce le linee essenziali di un nuovo approccio metodologico che integra, con la sociologia e la psicologia, il quadro delle discipline che si sono occupate sistematicamente di analisi del testo filmico dal secondo dopoguerra in avanti. Nella seconda parte l’autore prende in esame quattro lungometraggi: Caterina va in città (2003 di Paolo Virzì, Notturno Bus (2007 di Davide Marengo, Il flauto magico (2007 di Kenneth Branagh e La fine del mondo – Ministoria della musica in un tempo (1969 dello stesso Bettetini.

  13. Itinerari Musicali con la Wiild

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    Elisabetta Nanni


    Full Text Available La Wiild, acronimo di Wiimote Lavagna Digitale, è uno strumento didattico che utilizza il telecomando della Wii, il famoso gioco della Nintendo, insieme a un software libero, rendendolo così estremamente versatile. Non vincolato a software proprietario, il suo utilizzo è legato alla capacità dell’insegnante di ripartire dalla didattica, dalle risorse selezionate e dall’epistemologia di ogni singola disciplina, trovando così nel proprio contesto un ruolo per le tecnologie. Il contributo presenta ipotesi di lavoro per l’educazione musicale nella scuola secondaria di primo grado che si sviluppano sia attraverso lo studio del rapporto suono/segno con affinità pittoriche e successiva codificazione grafica, sia attraverso un’attività di laboratorio in cui co-costruire percorsi storico-musicali. La Wiild diventerà davvero utile ed efficace nel momento in cui, affiancando le risorse selezionate dal docente, verrà utilizzata senza essere notata, giocando un ruolo di strumento tecnologico «normale e trasparente».

  14. Eesti Vabariigi põhiseadus : kommenteeritud väljaanne / toimetuskolleegium: Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Oliver Kask, Lasse Lehis, Heiki Lindpere, Uno Lõhmus, Ülle Madise, Kalle Merusk, Raul Narits, Vallo Olle, Jüri Põld, Heinrich Schneider

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kommentaaride autorid ja sisu: Sissejuhatus / Raul Narits, Heinrich Schneider, Lauri Madise. [Preambul] / Heinrich Schneider. I ptk. / Kalle Merusk, Taavi Annus, Madis Ernits, Heiki Lindpere, Lauri Madise. II ptk. / Uno Lõhmus, Taavi Annus, Madis Ernits, Oliver Kask, Eerik Kergandberg, Rait Maruste, Peeter Roosma. III ptk. / Oliver Kask. IV ptk. / Jüri Põld, Lauri Madise, Aaro Mõttus. V ptk. / Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Ülle Madise, Jüri Põld, Urmas Reinsalu. VI ptk. / Kalle Merusk, Jüri Põld. VII ptk. / Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Jüri Põld. VIII ptk. / Lasse Lehis. IX ptk. / Heiki Lindpere, Kristi Land, Lauri Madise, Heiki Pisuke. X ptk. / Oliver Kask, Enn Markvart, Jüri Põld. XI ptk. / Heinrich Schneider. XII ptk. / Raul Narits, Aare Reenumägi, Peeter Roosma, Enn Markvart. XIII ptk. / Uno Lõhmus, Madis Ernits, Jüri Põld. XIV ptk. / Vallo Olle, Arno Almann, Ülle Madise, Jüri Liventaal. XV ptk. / Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Aaro Mõttus. Eesti Vabariigi põhiseaduse rakendamise seadus / Raul Narits, Peeter Roosma, Oliver Kask. Märksõnastik / koost. Ülle Madise, Peep Pruks. Kasutatud õigusaktide lühendid / koost. Virgo Saarmets. Eesti Vabariigi põhiseadus 1990-2002 : bibliograafia / koost. Maia Ruttu

  15. Il ruolo di El Escorial, V.III.6 e dei suoi discendenti nella tradizione manoscritta del Lucullus

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    Corinna Senore


    Full Text Available L’articolo riguarda un gruppo di sette codici che tramanda il testo del Lucullus di Cicerone e che appartiene al ramo della tradizione discendente dal manoscritto Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek 189. I sette manoscritti costituiscono uno stadio della tradizione caratterizzato dalla presenza di tre lacune testuali. Sulla base di alcuni elementi paleografici e della presenza di una glossa riportata a margine del testo di uno di essi, El Escorial, V.III.6 (Scor4, e inglobata all’interno del testo degli altri sei, è possibile individuare in Scor4 il capostipite di questo gruppo della tradizione. Lo studio si occupa inoltre di fare chiarezza sui rapporti che intercorrono tra i sei discendenti di Scor4. The article focuses on a group of seven codices which carry the text of Cicero’s Lucullus. This group belongs to the branch of the tradition descending from the manuscript Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek 189. The seven manuscripts represent a step of the tradition marked by the presence of some textual lacunas. I start from some paleographic elements and from the presence of a gloss on text’s margin of one of them, El Escorial, V.III.6 (Scor4. The gloss has been then incorporated in the text of the other six manuscripts and I assume that Scor4 is the founder of this group of tradition. Furthermore, this article aims to clarify the relations between the six descendants of Scor4.

  16. La Torre dei Venti di Atene. Un rilievo in remoto per lo studio e la disseminazione di un orologio archeologico

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    Ramona Quattrini


    Full Text Available ItLa Torre dei Venti di Atene è un manufatto di grande rilevanza storica e documentale, significativo anche per l’eccellente stato di conservazione. Mancandone una documentazione di rilievo con tecnologie attuali, è stata scelta come caso studio per verificare fattibilità e performance di un rilievo image-based, lontano dall’edificio e condotto con prese fotografiche non professionali. Gli utilizzi del modello reality-based sono la disseminazione fotorealistica, il confronto con basi di dati scientificamente affidabili e un corpus abilitante per la migliore soluzione di ricostruzione virtuale allo stato originario. In particolare il lavoro si inserisce in un quadro di studi, condotti dal nostro gruppo, nell’ambito della verifica delle rispondenze di alcuni significativi manufatti alle norme e prescrizioni vitruviane.EnThe Tower of Winds (Athens is a very important historical and archaeological monument, very well preserved. In this paper the Tower is presented as a case study, that investigates performance of image-based survey. This survey is performed with current technologies, using non metric and non professional pictures. A specific goal is a reality-based 3D model, enabling photorealistic dissemination and comparison with scientific data and historical surveys. Furthermore we obtained a corpus allowing a correct virtual archaeological reconstruction. This research falls in studies field, carried out by our group, of comparison and check between artifacts and Vitruvian standards.

  17. Uno, Duo, Trio?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Mads Christian Dagnis; Nedergaard, Peter


    The trio Presidency function entails that Member States in groups of three are responsible for drawing up a common programme for the Council for a period of 18 months and for assisting each other. This article contributes new knowledge by focusing on the variation between four different trio Pres...

  18. Ex Uno Plures. (United States)

    Ravitch, Diane


    Argues that school choice runs counter to the common culture taught in most American public schools until the late 1960s. Discusses reasons why schools no longer teach a common culture. States that if the public schools returned to teaching a common American culture, school choice would be less compelling. (PKP)

  19. Pono tibi istam: “Tu curris”.Uno sguardo alla teoria medievale delle obbligazioni

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    Riccardo Strobino


    intreccio delle differenti motivazioni sopra esposte: potrebbe trattarsi di uno strumento che viene sviluppato tanto per la risoluzione di sophismata e insolubilia quanto per indagare il rapporto tra linguaggio e metalinguaggio o altre questioni teoriche. Altri studiosi hanno infine sostenuto  che lo scopo della teoria delle obbligazioni consisterebbe nell’elaborazione di un metodo adatto alla costruzione e alla discussione di esperimenti mentali e che questo costituirebbe una sorta di metametodologia della scienza medievale sulla linea del ragionamento secundum imaginationem.

  20. A New Approach to Teaching Petrology: Active Learning in a Studio Classroom (United States)

    Perkins, D.


    During the past 15 years it has become clear that the traditional lecture and lab approach to college science teaching leaves much to be desired. The traditional approach is instructor oriented and based on passive learning. In contrast, current studies show that most students learn best when actively engaged in the learning process. Inquiry based learning and open ended projects have been shown to especially enhance learning by promoting higher order thinking. Recognizing the need for change, however, does not mean the changes are simple. The task of overhauling a course, replacing traditional approaches with more student oriented activities, requires a great deal of time and effort. It also involves much uncertainty and risk. At UND we have been experimenting with alternative pedagogies for a number of years. Change has been incremental, but this year we made wholesale changes in our petrology class. We converted it from the standard three lecture and one lab format to two 3-hour studio sessions per week. The distinction between lab and lecture is gone. In fact, there really are no lectures. The instructor talks for no more than 15 or 20 minutes at a time. Students spend most of their time doing, not listening. We emphasize collaborative active learning projects, some quite short and others lengthy and involved, and use a wide variety of activities. To assess the class, we have an outside consultant and we carry out weekly assessments to measure (1) how students are reacting to the various pedagogical approaches, and (2) how much student learning is actually occurring. This allows us to make adjustments and fine tune as necessary. We could not have made such changes a few years ago, simply because of the amount of work involved to create and test the necessary classroom materials. Today, however, there are many resources available to the reform minded teacher, and the resource base continues to grow. We borrowed heavily from other instructors at other

  1. Ignazio Villa: un eclettico dell’800 da riscoprire attraverso alcune inedite sculture tra Palazzo Pitti e la sua Palazzina-studio a Firenze

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    Marconi, Elena


    Full Text Available In 1895 a contemporary described Ignazio Villa as an «Engineer, sculptor, painter, astronomer, and above all a great original». The quotation highlights the encyclopaedic nature of Mr. Villa’s genius by categorizing him as an individual devoted to disciplines so diverse as visual arts, astronomy, mechanics and geography, skills for which Villa gained renown both internationally and in Italy. Today, Villa’s fame has been limited to his Palace and Studio, on Via il Prato, a unique neo-Gothic architecture located in Florence. Villa is also well-known for his family’s relationship with Mario Sironi, one of the most important Italian painters of the twentieth century. This article aims to revive the academic and public interest in this talented artist by examining some of his unknown sculptures and portraits as a lens through which to understand some of the key moments of Villa’s life. We consider the artist’s social standing and his contact with the Milanese nobility, specifically the Marquis Busca and the Duke Tommaso Scotti, leading Florentine intellectuals, and members of the international high society such as Prince Poniatowski, and the House of Savoy, for whose members Villa served as an official portraitist.

  2. Las modalidades deficientes de la relación consigo mismo: reconstrucción y análisis de la existencia ética en O lo uno o lo otro de Kierkegaard

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    Rodríguez, Pablo Uriel


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone reconstruir la teoría de la elección del sí mismo en O lo uno o lo otro (Segunda Parte de Kierkegaard. La teoría ética de la auto-elección contiene (1 una crítica de la auto-comprensión del individuo moderno y (2 describe las patologías de la vida individual. Kierkegaard distingue dos modelos incorrectos de auto-relación, que implican un tipo de autocosificación existencial: (1 auto-creación y (2 auto-conocimiento.

  3. De viajes de estampas de arquitectura en el siglo xviii. El Studio d’Architettura Civile de Domenico de Rossi y su influencia en España.

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    Delfín Rodríguez Ruiz


    Full Text Available El ensayo que sigue pretende estudiar las diferentes formas de uso y recepción en la España del siglo XVIII de un extraordinario e influyente repertorio de estampas de arquitectura, fundamentalmente de la Roma Barroca y del Renacimiento, como fue el publicado, en tres volúmenes, por Domenico de Rossi, titulado Studio d’Architettura Civile (Roma, 1702, 1711 y 1721. Instrumento de propaganda de la grandeza romana, fue un verdadero manual para la enseñanza de la arquitectura en la Accademia di San Luca durante la primera mitad del Setecientos. Con representaciones en proyección ortogonal de los más importantes edificios de Roma Moderna, incluidos detalles y fragmentos de arquitectura, su difusión en España fue muy temprana, tanto en ámbitos cortesanos como académicos, además de serlo entre otros arquitectos locales, incluidos intelectuales, eruditos, reyes, príncipes y nobles. Esas diferentes maneras de usarlo, en peculiar viaje arquitectónico de modelos romanos, son el objetivo del estudio.

  4. A New Approach to the Shrew Group in Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio%《聊斋志异》悍妇群新论

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Shrews in Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio not only are great in number but also forms a complete picture of its group. In the past, studies on the shrews in this novel were from such aspects as views on marriage and religions, and the most typical views were to redress customs, reflect social practice and patri-archy projection. These theories, however, fail to satisfactorily explain the prevailing of shrews in this novel. Under the unique circumstances of Ming and Qing Dynasty, Pu Songling, the novelist, was deeply influenced by the ideology of “distinguishing Central China from its neighbors”, which has a profound influence on his literary works. As literacy inquisition occurred repeatedly in Qing Dynasty, writers had to seek a roundabout way to express his feeling. The group of shrews in Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio was thus formed. The novelist found his voice in the shrews and the shrews carry with them more symbolic meaning than realistic meaning. To know the symbolic meaning of the shrews helps readers understand Pu Songling and his literary recreation.%《聊斋志异》中的悍妇不仅数量众多,且可构成一体系完备的悍妇群。对《聊斋志异》悍妇的研究,多从婚姻观、宗教观角度分析,以“正风俗”、现实反映论以及男权投射论最为典型。然这些理论都不能尽解《聊斋志异》悍妇盛行之因。在明末清初特殊的社会背景下,蒲松龄深受“夷夏之辨”的思想意识影响,并深深影响其《聊斋志异》的创作;但清代文字狱迭发,抒发自己家国情怀,只能以迂回委婉的方式表达。悍妇便是这一家国情怀抒发的载体之一,其象征意义大于现实意义。了解悍妇的象征意义,对研究蒲松龄《聊斋志异》的创作有一定的意义。

  5. Verification of operation of the actuator control system using the integration the B&R Automation Studio software with a virtual model of the actuator system (United States)

    Herbuś, K.; Ociepka, P.


    In the work is analysed a sequential control system of a machine for separating and grouping work pieces for processing. Whereas, the area of the considered problem is related with verification of operation of an actuator system of an electro-pneumatic control system equipped with a PLC controller. Wherein to verification is subjected the way of operation of actuators in view of logic relationships assumed in the control system. The actuators of the considered control system were three drives of linear motion (pneumatic cylinders). And the logical structure of the system of operation of the control system is based on the signals flow graph. The tested logical structure of operation of the electro-pneumatic control system was implemented in the Automation Studio software of B&R company. This software is used to create programs for the PLC controllers. Next, in the FluidSIM software was created the model of the actuator system of the control system of a machine. To verify the created program for the PLC controller, simulating the operation of the created model, it was utilized the approach of integration these two programs using the tool for data exchange in the form of the OPC server.

  6. Risk of tumor transmission after thoracic allograft transplantation from adult donors with central nervous system neoplasm-A UNOS database study. (United States)

    Hynes, Conor F; Ramakrishnan, Karthik; Alfares, Fahad A; Endicott, Kendal M; Hammond-Jack, Katrina; Zurakowski, David; Jonas, Richard A; Nath, Dilip S


    We analyzed the UNOS database to better define the risk of transmission of central nervous system (CNS) tumors from donors to adult recipients of thoracic organs. Data were procured from the Standard Transplant Analysis and Research dataset files. Donors with CNS tumors were identified, and recipients from these donors comprised the study group (Group I). The remaining recipients of organs from donors who did not have CNS tumors formed the control group (Group II). Incidence of recipient CNS tumors, donor-related malignancies, and overall survival were calculated and compared in addition to multivariable logistic regression. A cohort of 58 314 adult thoracic organ recipients were included, of which 337 received organs from donors who had documented CNS tumors (Group I). None of these recipients developed CNS tumors at a median follow-up of 72 months (IR: 30-130 months). Although overall mortality in terms of the percentage was higher in Group I than Group II (163/320=51% vs 22 123/52 691=42%), Kaplan-Meier curves indicate no significant difference in the time to death between the two groups (P=.92). There is little risk of transmission of the common nonaggressive CNS tumors to recipients of thoracic organs. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. La legge regionale lombarda e la libertà di religione: storia di un culto (non ammesso e di uno (non? ammissibile

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    Francesca Oliosi


    SOMMARIO: 1. Il sonno della Costituzione genera mostri. Una piccola premessa - 2. Libertà religiosa e luoghi di culto nelle fonti: dalla Costituzione al mosaico regionale, un bipolarismo imperfetto - 3. Il tassello lombardo: perseveranza o amnesia del legislatore? Il contesto: risultanze di una ricerca sul campo - 4. La legge n. 12 del 2005 della Regione Lombardia: il problema, aggirato ma non risolto, della destinazione d'uso degli edifici - 5. La nuova legge regionale: profili di palese incostituzionalità – 6. Le confessioni religiose (non sono egualmente libere davanti alla legge: art. 1, comma 1°, lettera a, l.r. n. 2 del 2015 – 7. La “supercompetenza” lombarda: art. 1 comma 1°, lettera b, della l.r. n. 2 del 2015 - 8. La derubricazione del diritto di libertà religiosa a interesse legittimo: dall'obbligo alla facoltà dei Comuni secondo l’art. 1, comma 1°, lett. c, della l.r. n. 2 del 2015 - 9. Quando la “sicurezza” vince sulla “libertà”: ancora sull'art. 1, comma 1°, lett. c - 10. Il nuovo tempio di Scientology a Milano: l’imponente luogo di culto per going clear - 11. Per non concludere: uno spettro si aggira per l’Europa.

  8. Confiabilidad de la detección de problemas de desarrollo mediante el semáforo de la prueba de Evaluación del Desarrollo Infantil: ¿es diferente un resultado amarillo de uno rojo?


    Rizzoli-Córdoba, Antonio; Ortega-Ríosvelasco, Fernando; Villasís-Keever, Miguel Ángel; Pizarro-Castellanos, Mariel; Buenrostro-Márquez, Guillermo; Aceves-Villagrán, Daniel; O'Shea-Cuevas, Gabriel; Muñoz-Hernández, Onofre


    Introducción: La prueba Evaluación del Desarrollo Infantil (EDI) es un instrumento de tamizaje de problemas en el desarrollo diseñado y validado en México. La calificación obtenida se expresa como semáforo. Se consideran positivos tanto el resultado amarillo como el rojo, aunque se plantea una intervención diferente para cada uno. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la capacidad de la prueba EDI para discriminar entre los niños identificados con semáforo amarillo y los identificados con r...

  9. An analysis of the number of parking bays and checkout counters for a supermarket using SAS simulation studio (United States)

    Kar, Leow Soo


    Two important factors that influence customer satisfaction in large supermarkets or hypermarkets are adequate parking facilities and short waiting times at the checkout counters. This paper describes the simulation analysis of a large supermarket to determine the optimal levels of these two factors. SAS Simulation Studio is used to model a large supermarket in a shopping mall with car park facility. In order to make the simulation model more realistic, a number of complexities are introduced into the model. For example, arrival patterns of customers vary with the time of the day (morning, afternoon and evening) and with the day of the week (weekdays or weekends), the transport mode of arriving customers (by car or other means), the mode of payment (cash or credit card), customer shopping pattern (leisurely, normal, exact) or choice of checkout counters (normal or express). In this study, we focus on 2 important components of the simulation model, namely the parking area, the normal and express checkout counters. The parking area is modeled using a Resource Pool block where one resource unit represents one parking bay. A customer arriving by car seizes a unit of the resource from the Pool block (parks car) and only releases it when he exits the system. Cars arriving when the Resource Pool is empty (no more parking bays) leave without entering the system. The normal and express checkouts are represented by Server blocks with appropriate service time distributions. As a case study, a supermarket in a shopping mall with a limited number of parking bays in Bangsar was chosen for this research. Empirical data on arrival patterns, arrival modes, payment modes, shopping patterns, service times of the checkout counters were collected and analyzed to validate the model. Sensitivity analysis was also performed with different simulation scenarios to identify the parameters for the optimal number the parking spaces and checkout counters.

  10. ScreenRecorder: A Utility for Creating Screenshot Video Using Only Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Software on Microsoft Windows Systems (United States)


    class within Microsoft Visual Studio . 2 It has been tested on and is compatible with Microsoft Vista, 7, and 8 and Visual Studio Express 2008...the ScreenRecorder utility assumes a basic understanding of compiling and running C++ code within Microsoft Visual Studio . This report does not...of Microsoft Visual Studio , the ScreenRecorder utility was developed as a C++ class that can be compiled as a library (static or dynamic) to be

  11. Pigments analysis on skin tomato fruits during ripening by mean fluorescence techniques; Analisi mediante utilizzo di tecniche di fluorescenza dei pigmenti presenti sulla superficie di bacche di pomodoro durante la maturazione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lai, A; Fantoni, R [ENEA, Divisione Fisica Applicata, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Rome (Italy)


    Different spectroscopic techniques, based on visible fluorescence emission upon excitation in the same spectral region or in the ultraviolet, have been utilized to characterize tomato fruit ripening stages in order to analyze surface pigments which correspond to optimal conditions for fruit harvesting. The main fluorescence spectral features belonging to antochyanin, flavonoids, carotenoids and chlorophyll a after excitation of skin tomato pigments at different laser wavelength have been identified. For tomato ripening stage LIF detection, the {lambda}{sub e}xc266nm was established as the optimal laser wavelength. [Italian] Mediante diverse tecniche spettroscopiche, basate sulla emissione di fluorescenza visibile a seguito di eccitazione nella stessa regione o nell'ultravioletto, e' stato condotto uno studio su bacche di pomodoro a diversi stadi di maturazione Lo scopo del lavoro e' quello di potere attribuire, attraverso l'analisi degli spettri di fluorescenza dei pigmenti superficiali presenti nel frutto, lo stadio ottimale di maturazione al momento della raccolta. I risultati ottenuti hanno permesso di distinguere spettri di fluorescenza attribuiti ai principali gruppi di pigmenti fluorescenti presenti nella superficie esterna del pomodoro: antociani, flavonoidi, carotenoidi e clorofilla a.

  12. Elementi di interfaccia per l’analisi di strutture murarie

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    Jessica Toti


    Full Text Available Il presente articolo riguarda la modellazione del comportamento meccanico di elementi in muratura intesi come sistemi eterogenei composti da malta, blocchi ed interfacce di connessione. La strategiacomputazionale che viene adottata consiste nel modellare separatamente i blocchi, i letti di malta ed le interfacce responsabili di fenomeni di decoesione malta-blocco; a tale scopo, si propone uno speciale modello di interfaccia che combina il danneggiamento con l’attrito. Si sviluppa una procedura numerica, basata sull’algoritmo backward di Eulero, per risolvere il problema evolutivo; per il passo temporale si utilizza invece la tecnica predictor-corrector a controllo di spostamenti. Si effettuano alcune applicazioni numeriche con lo scopodi verificare la capacità del modello e dell’algoritmo proposto nel riprodurre la risposta non lineare della muratura dovuta a fenomeni di degrado localizzati. Infine, si conduce lo studio della modellazione di un arco murario, confrontando i risultati numerici con quelli sperimentali; si dimostra la abilità del modello proposto nel simulare il comportamento globale della struttura ad arco in termini di carico ultimo e di meccanismo di collasso.

  13. Presentación de algunos conceptos básicos del cálculo infinitesimal a partir de unos principios no estándar

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    de la Torre Cuesta, C.


    Full Text Available En el artículo “A NEW APPROACH TO NONSTANDARD ANALYSIS” del profesor Manuel Suárez Fernández, se dan unos principios no estándar compatibles con los axiomas de la teoría de conjuntos ZFC . Estos principios son: PRINCIPIO 1 : Existe algún número natural no estándar. PRINCIPIO 2: Si n, m son números naturales, n estándar y m no estándar entonces n

  14. Video to Text (V2T) in Wide Area Motion Imagery (United States)


    64bit with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. Figure 19 shows a successful build. The installation instruction is listed as follows. Figure 19: The...complete the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard if necessary) Once the solution is opened in Visual Studio , make sure the build configuration is set to...To set up a proper environment in MSYS, you need to run msys.bat from the Visual Studio or Intel Compiler command prompt. This will open a MINGW32

  15. EMS – Elektron Musik Studion in Stockholm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Groth, Sanne Krogh


    In 1964 the electronic music studio EMS, Stockholm opened as a conventional analogue studio. The primary intension with the institution was to build the world’s most advanced hybrid studio and to conduct an international research program into sound and sound perception. With financial support from...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    permanently enshrined in the Faculty at Umar Suleiman College of Education Gashua. ... The Department of Fine and Applied Arts, which belongs to the School of Vocational ... Dimensional Arts Studio, Two Dimensional Arts Studio, Drawing Studio, Art Theory ..... this is slowing down teaching activities in higher institutions.

  17. Literary translation between Italian and English. Publishing trends in Italy, the UK and the USA

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    Maria Elisa Fina


    Full Text Available Abstract - This study aims to investigate publishing trends in literary translation from English into Italian in Italy and from Italian into English in the UK and the USA over the 2000-2008 time span. The data were retrieved from the Index Translationum, an international bibliography of translations managed by UNESCO, and were then stored in three Microsoft Access databases, one for each country. The databases were analysed according to specific criteria, in order to determine trends concerning the amount of translated literature in the three countries, the main publishing houses dealing with translated works, and the most translated genres and authors. This paper is meant to provide a mainly descriptive, but necessary basis for future investigation of socio-cultural as well as market-led processes underlying publishers’ choices and gate-keeping in literary translation. Riassunto - Il presente studio si propone di ricavare e analizzare tendenze caratterizzanti il mercato della letteratura tradotta dall’inglese all’italiano in Italia e dall’italiano all’inglese in Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti. I dati sono stati estratti da Index Translationum, una database bibliografico internazionale di traduzioni gestito dall’UNESCO, e sono stati inseriti in tre database Microsoft Acess, uno per ciascun Paese. I database sono stati analizzati secondo criteri specifici al fine di ricavare trend relativi alla quantità di letteratura tradotta nei tre Paesi, le maggiori case editrici che si interessano di letteratura tradotta, i generi e gli autori più tradotti. Questo studio intende fornire una base essenzialmente descrittiva ma necessaria per studi futuri sui processi socio-culturali e sulle dinamiche di mercato che influenzano le scelte degli editori, determinando così forme di controllo sul mercato della traduzione letteraria.

  18. Pàgina Web gestió protectora d'animals


    Segura Valls, Marc


    Aplicació Web amb ASP visual studio 2010 i Visual C# , Microsoft SQL Server i AJAX. Aplicación Web con ASP visual studio 2010 y Visual C# , Microsoft SQL Server y AJAX. ASP Web Application with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual C #, Microsoft SQL Server and AJAX.

  19. Salud y trabajo de docentes de instituciones educativas distritales de la localidad uno de Bogotá

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    Constanza María García Castro


    Full Text Available Las instituciones educativas constituyen un escenario importante para la promoción de la salud de docentes, estudiantes, personal administrativo e, incluso, las familias; pero para utilizarlo eficazmente, en particular para el caso de los(as docentes, es necesario conocer sus condiciones de trabajo y salud. Objetivo: describir algunas de las condiciones de trabajo y salud del personal docente que labora en las Instituciones Educativas Distritales de la Localidad uno (I de Usaquén, Bogotá, en el 2010. Metodología: Estudio de abordaje cuantitativo, descriptivo transversal. Se inició después de la obtención de la autorización por parte de las directivas de las instituciones y del aval del Comité de Ética de la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Nacional; posteriormente se procedió a la presentación del estudio ante los docentes directivos de estas Instituciones, se inició la recolección de información. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 230 docentes. Resultados: El 68.7% del personal docente era de sexo femenino; el 51.7% realizaba extensión del trabajo docente; 37.8% reportó presencia del ruido dentro del aula, situación que les exigía elevar el volumen de la voz para lograr la atención de los estudiantes. En relación con las condiciones de salud, refirieron que la causa de mayor frecuencia en la consulta médica era el estrés, con un 40.9%; seguido de los problemas vasculares y várices en miembros inferiores, con un 29.1%; de colon irritable, 28.3, y disfonías o afonías, con un 27.8%. Conclusiones: En este contexto se ratifica la necesidad de comprender la actividad docente como un proceso laboral de interés para el área de la salud y seguridad en el trabajo, por el alto valor social que representa y el fuerte impacto que tiene en el desarrollo de la sociedad. Se plantea la necesidad de continuar con estudios de intervención en la población que participó del estudio.

  20. ANIMAtion Studio


    Fraidoon, Noora


    Form, space, rhythm, order, symmetry, balance, repetition, proportion and scale are few from a long checklist of principles that, if followed carefully by the designer, will result in "beautiful" architecture, or so I was told. However, what exactly is "beautiful"? In his book "The beautiful necessity" (1910, p.34) Claude Fayette Bragdon suggests that "Beauty is the name we give to truth we cannot understand". This statement implies that there is a hidden quality within each building, or ev...