
Sample records for circuits procedimiento computarizado

  1. Computerized procedure for protection coordination in distribution primary circuits; Procedimiento computarizado para coordinacion de protecciones en circuitos primarios de distribucion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carrillo, Victor M; Velazquez Sanchez, Raul [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Nowadays, the method employed to study the protection coordination are based in the hand outlining of curves time- current and in the visual comparison in log sheets. Due to the large amount of distribution circuits, the engineer makes a considerable effort to perform this type of studies, which besides are routinist and time consuming. In this article a program for the computer aided design for the protection coordination in primary distribution circuits is presented. Such a program -carried out in the Transmission and Distribution Department of the Power Systems Division of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE)- substitutes in an efficient manner, the manual procedures that are performed in the protection coordination studies. The coordination principles, suggested by the equipment manufacturers, were respected, trying, at the same time, to keep the procedures of the Comision Federal de Electricidad personnel (CFE) emerged from the field experience. The algorithm basically consists of an iterative process in the selection of the adjustments taking as a reference the of three-phase short- circuit and of phase to ground, values, as well as the operating times. [Espanol] Actualmente, los metodos que se emplean para estudiar la coordinacion de protecciones se basan en el trazado manual de curvas de tiempo-corriente y en la comparacion visual sobre hojas logaritmicas. Debido a la gran cantidad de circuitos de distribucion, el ingeniero hace un esfuerzo considerable para realizar este tipo de estudios, los que ademas, son rutinarios y tardados. En este articulo, se presenta un programa para el diseno asistido por computadora del proceso de coordinacion de protecciones en circuitos primarios de distribucion. Dicho programa -realizado en el Departamento de Transmision y Distribucion, de la Division de Sistemas de Potencia, del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE)- sustituye de manera eficaz los procedimientos manuales que se efectuan en los estudios

  2. Computerized procedure for protection coordination in distribution primary circuits; Procedimiento computarizado para coordinacion de protecciones en circuitos primarios de distribucion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carrillo, Victor M.; Velazquez Sanchez, Raul [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Nowadays, the method employed to study the protection coordination are based in the hand outlining of curves time- current and in the visual comparison in log sheets. Due to the large amount of distribution circuits, the engineer makes a considerable effort to perform this type of studies, which besides are routinist and time consuming. In this article a program for the computer aided design for the protection coordination in primary distribution circuits is presented. Such a program -carried out in the Transmission and Distribution Department of the Power Systems Division of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE)- substitutes in an efficient manner, the manual procedures that are performed in the protection coordination studies. The coordination principles, suggested by the equipment manufacturers, were respected, trying, at the same time, to keep the procedures of the Comision Federal de Electricidad personnel (CFE) emerged from the field experience. The algorithm basically consists of an iterative process in the selection of the adjustments taking as a reference the of three-phase short- circuit and of phase to ground, values, as well as the operating times. [Espanol] Actualmente, los metodos que se emplean para estudiar la coordinacion de protecciones se basan en el trazado manual de curvas de tiempo-corriente y en la comparacion visual sobre hojas logaritmicas. Debido a la gran cantidad de circuitos de distribucion, el ingeniero hace un esfuerzo considerable para realizar este tipo de estudios, los que ademas, son rutinarios y tardados. En este articulo, se presenta un programa para el diseno asistido por computadora del proceso de coordinacion de protecciones en circuitos primarios de distribucion. Dicho programa -realizado en el Departamento de Transmision y Distribucion, de la Division de Sistemas de Potencia, del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE)- sustituye de manera eficaz los procedimientos manuales que se efectuan en los estudios

  3. La transformación del procedimiento y la LNPA (Ley Nacional de Procedimientos Administrativos

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    Juan Carlos Cassagne


    Full Text Available El artículo parte de la premisa de que, si bien ya nadie discute si la administración puede regular el procedimiento administrativo, no se puede desconocer que el parlamento es el órgano competente para dictar las normas que reglamentan el ejercicio de los derechos de los ciudadanos frente a la administración. Seguidamente, el estudio realiza un análisis de la armonización entre el principio de competencia y los de legalidad y eficiencia, y la importancia de la participación de los ciudadanos en la toma de decisiones públicas las audiencias de este tipo. Finalmente, se desarrollan los principales aspectos de la relación entre el procedimiento administrativo y la tutela judicial efectiva, así como algunas nuevas funciones del procedimiento administrativo como la información y el consenso

  4. El control numérico computarizado en el desarrollo industrial Parte 2: desarrollo y aplicaciones del C.N.C.


    Ruiz, Lino


    En la edición anterior nuestro principal énfasis fue el de presentar el control numérico computarizado (C.N.C.) como una alternativa tecnológica que pueda potenciar nuestro desarrollo industrial, por lo que describimos sus características principales y su incidencia en el trabajador. En el presente articulo nos enfocaremos, más al manejo de la información en las máquinas CNC, las tendencias actuales del desarrollo de las MHCNC y las tendencias industriales de nuestra época.

  5. Procedimiento para elaborar una lente intraocular monofocal asférica isoplanática y lente obtenida empleando dicho procedimiento


    Barbero, Sergio; Marcos, Susana; Dorronsoro, Carlos; Montejo, Javier; Salazar Salegui, Pedro


    Procedimiento para elaborar una lente intraocular monofocal asférica isoplanática y lente obtenida empleando dicho procedimiento. Permite obtener lentes oftálmicas monofocales asféricas isoplanáticas en un rango visual de hasta 25º (preferentemente hasta 10º) de amplitud. El procedimiento comprende las etapas de: 1.- Definición matemática de un modelo de ojo afáquico; 2.- Definición matemática de un modelo de lente intraocular; 3.- Definición matemática de la implantac...

  6. Tres generaciones del procedimiento administrativo

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    Javier Barnes


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo pretende explicar las diversas generaciones del procedimiento administrativo para así esbozar, a partir de sus virtudes y déficits, algunos de los valores y principios en juego. Entendemos por administración «imperativa» aquella que opera haciendo uso de potestades públicas y resuelve con carácter unilateral en un proceso jerárquico o en cascada, de arriba hacia abajo, mientras que la «cooperativa» se da cuando la administración no es autosuficiente y requiere de la colaboración de otras administraciones y del sector privado. El proceso no es jerárquico, sino en red. Finalmente, por «gobernanza», sea administrativa o cooperativa, se hace referencia a un nuevo estilo de gobierno, en el cual la administración goza de un particular protagonismo en la realización y ejecución de las políticas públicas. En este orden de ideas, el concepto de «procedimiento administrativo» no se detiene ya en la exclusiva idea de procedimiento como proceso decisorio, sino que también implica la obtención y el intercambio de información —para elaborar un mapa medioambiental, realizar una inspección, recabar informes y estudios científicos, por ejemplo—.

  7. El debido procedimiento administrativo

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    Enrique Rojas Franco


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza la manifestación y aplicación del debidoproceso como derecho y garantía de protección, y como principio esencialen el procedimiento administrativo, el cual está basado fundamentalmente enlas resoluciones de la Sala Constitucional costarricense y en la Corte Interamericanade Derechos Humanos.

  8. El procedimiento de la cuestión de inconstitucionalidad


    Fernández de Frutos, Marta


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada El trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio del procedimiento de la cuestión de inconstitucionalidad a que se refiere el art. 163 de la Constitución española. Se analizan, desde la perspectiva del Derecho Procesal Constitucional, los elementos que caracterizan el desarrollo de ese procedimiento. El trabajo se estructura materialmente en dos partes. En la primera parte se analiza el origen de la cuestión de inconstitucionalida...

  9. Procedimiento para el equilibrado continuo de obras y construcciones


    Ereño Belaustegui, Iñaki; Sáiz de Omeñaca, Jesús


    Se describe un nuevo procedimiento, que permite tanto equilibrar continuamente la parte construida de una obra a medida que se ejecuta como hacerlo posteriormente, aun cuando haya sido entregada y se encuentre en plena utilización. Este procedimiento consiste básicamente en pretensar el cimiento que va a soportar la carga de la estructura y en mantener a la carga de cálculo las que reciba cada apoyo, independientemente de los cambios que sufran el terreno o el reparto de cargas en el edifi...

  10. Procedimiento de marcaje, encriptación, etiquetado y codificación óptica.


    Barranco, Ángel; Rodríguez-González, Agustín; Sánchez Valencia, Juan Ramón; Aparicio, Francisco J.; Blaszczyk-Lezak, Iwona Krystina; Holgado Bolaños, Miguel; Casquel del Campo, Rafael; Ocaña, J. L.; Molpeceres, C.; García-Ballesteros Ramírez, Juan José; Morales Furió, Miguel


    Procedimiento de marcaje, encriptación, etiquetado y codificación óptica. Permite el marcaje o grabación de motivos (301) en superficies sobre los que se ha depositado una capa (300) polimérica fluorescente previamente mediante un procedimiento de polimerización por plasma (100) de moléculas de un colorante. El procedimiento combina las características especiales de las capas poliméricas que las hacen aptas para poder grabar sobre ellas diversos motivos (301) y la p...

  11. Procedimiento para la obtención de micro- o nanopartículas sólidas


    Ventosa Rull, Nora; Veciana Miró, Jaume; Cano-Sarabia, Mary; Sala Vergés, Santiago


    Procedimiento para la obtencion de micro- o nanoparticulas solidas. La invencion proporciona un nuevo procedimiento para la obtencion de micro- o nanoparticulas solidas con estructura homogenea. Se proporciona un procedimiento que permite obtener micro- o nanoparticulas solidas de estructura homogenea, con un tamano de particula inferior a 10 ƒÊm donde el compuesto solido procesado revela la naturaleza, cristalina, amorfa, polimorfica, etc..., propia del compuesto d...

  12. Procedimientos de asepsia en la prevención de infecciones nosocomiales

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    Blanca Pallango


    Full Text Available Las infecciones nosocomiales son aquellas que se desarrollan en el paciente hospitalario es por ello que se pretende visualizar los problemas que se presentan en el Hospital IESS determinando el uso de procedimientos de asepsia para evitar contraer infecciones nosocomiales. Metodología el estudio es no experimental con diseño descriptivo de corte transversal, se relacionan con las variables involucradas, además es de corta duración por lo que fue desarrollada en el periodo de Abril – Agosto 2015, el instrumento utilizado fue la encuesta a 30 profesionales enfermeros del IESS que corresponden al grado de líderes de los servicios de toda la institución. Resultados y discusión los datos obtenidos de la encuesta realizada la mayoría de profesionales aciertan que conocen y aplican los procedimientos de asepsia así como la norma que aplican durante su turno de trabajo por la cantidad de pacientes y el tiempo influyen para que no exista una realización correcta de los procedimientos. Conclusiones, el nivel de desconocimiento existente y la necesidad de promover a los profesionales para actualizar sus conocimientos en cuanto a los procedimientos de asepsia y su prevención en las infecciones nosocomiales se considera imperante en este estudio.


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    Alberto Vanegas-Saavedra


    Full Text Available El sistema de suministro de la anestesia total intravenosa en lazo cerrado es una técnica reciente que ofrece ventajas sobre las técnicas actuales como la estabilidad intraoperatoria y la menor y más segura dosificación. OBJETIVO: El objetivo general de este artículo es el de resumir los hallazgos sobre un nuevo método computarizado sencillo, en lazo cerrado, para suministrar la anestesia total intravenosa de forma automatizada y segura bajo la supervisión permanente del Anestesiólogo. Este sistema se ha desarrollado para la administración de anestesia intravenosa implementando varios subsistemas. Un modelo multicompartimental de distribución de fármacos en el paciente, un algoritmo para determinar la curva de velocidades del hipnótico (propofol a infundir, un protocolo de comunicación para establecer las velocidades de infusión y un lazo de realimentación para controlar la profundidad hipnótica mediante el índice biespectral. RESULTADO: El resultado final ha sido el desarrollo de un instrumento de fácil uso, con una interfaz interactiva, que facilita la operación anestésica por parte del anestesiólogo valiéndose de un computador convencional y un monitor de profundidad hipnótica. CONCLUSIÓN: Se ha implementado una herramienta informática dotada de un modelo farmacocinético multicompartimental de gran interés académico y clínico, que tal y como se ha demostrado de forma cuantitativa, proporciona idénticos resultados a los ofrecidos por equipos comerciales; con importantes ventajas adicionales como una interfaz de usuario interactiva y la posibilidad de administrar anestesia total intravenosa.

  14. Procedimiento Del Triple Fin

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    Oscar L. Bellido Aguilera


    Full Text Available Presenta un procedimiento novedoso basado en un método dialéctico - sistémico - integrador, que facilita la precisión de los fines u objetivos más generales de un proceso de desarrollo comunitario o de otros procesos de cambio deseados (un proyecto sociocultural, una investigación social, un proceso de mejoramiento organizacional, etc.. Su importancia radica en que los fines, según Marx, son una guía que rige como una ley la actuación del hombre y determinarlos es parte esencial del planeamiento del cambio. Se trata de un asunto aparentemente simple, sin embargo, en la práctica es mucho más problemático de lo que comúnmente se cree.

  15. La regulación del procedimiento administrativo en América Latina con ocasión de la primera década (2001-2011 de la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo General del Perú (ley 27444

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    Allan Brewer-Carías


    Full Text Available La codificación del procedimiento administrativo es el signo más importante de la evolución del derecho administrativo en América Latina, pues con estas normas se comenzó a regular con mayor amplitud y precisión la actividad de la administración pública, tanto en sus aspectos sustantivos como en los referidos a su relación con los administrados. El presente artículo analiza la regulación brindada al procedimiento administrativo en diversos países de Latinoamérica, enfatizando en la ley 27444 del Procedimiento Administrativo General del Perú.

  16. Avances a los diez años de vigencia de la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General

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    Milagros Maraví Sumar


    Full Text Available En el artículo, la autora analiza lo ocurrido en estos diez años con respecto a temas como los principios del procedimiento administrativo, la simplificación administrativa, los procedimientos sancionadores, el contro ldifuso en sede administrativa y el silencio administrativo.

  17. El procedimiento administrativo disciplinario de la Función Judicial desde la perspectiva constitucional


    Suárez Fernández, María Carolina


    La presente investigación académica analiza el procedimiento administrativo disciplinario de la Función Judicial desde el punto de vista constitucional para verificar si en cada una de sus etapas procedimentales se está cumpliendo con las garantías constitucionales del debido proceso y para verificar si los legitimados del procedimiento disciplinario: servidores judiciales sumariados, el órgano administrativo con potestad disciplinaria, los denunciantes, testigos, entre otros, aplican adecuad...

  18. Expectativas en la cirugía de triple procedimiento versus doble procedimiento quirúrgico en afecciones corneales Expectations of triple procedure versus double procedure surgery in corneal diseases

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    Emilio Kuri Cienfuegos


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo con el propósito de evaluar el comportamiento de los procedimientos quirúrgicos doble y triple, en pacientes operados de enfermedades de la córnea en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital Clínicouirúrgico “Hermanos Ameijeiras” de Ciudad de La Habana, desde julio de 2003 hasta diciembre de 2005. La muestra estuvo constituida por 45 ojos operados de trasplante de córnea entre enero de 1988 y junio de 2003 en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital Clínicoquirúrgico “Hermanos Ameijeiras” de Ciudad de La Habana. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, sexo, antecedentes personales oculares, enfermedad corneal previa, retrasplante, viabilidad del injerto corneal, complicaciones ocurridas durante la cirugía y después de esta, agudeza visual prequirúrgica y posquirúrgica, error de cálculo de la lente intraocular y de refracción. Se obtuvo como resultado: predominio del sexo masculino (51,1%, edad promedio 60,27 años, la enfermedad ocular asociada más frecuente en el doble y triple procedimiento fue el glaucoma con 22,7 % y 26,1 % respectivamente, la enfermedad corneal más común fue la distrofia epitelio-endotelial de Fuchs en ambos procederes (72,7 % y 52,2 %; no tuvieron complicaciones transquirúgicas 90,9 % y 95,5 %, respectivamente. Las complicaciones posquirúrgicas fueron de 9,1 % en el doble procedimiento y de 26,1 en el triple. La opacidad corneal posoperatoria se presentó en el doble proceder en 9,1 % y en el triple en 17,4 %. Hubo más retrasplantes en el triple procedimiento (17,4 %. El error refractivo final en el doble procedimiento presentó mayor cantidad emétropes y menos hipermétropes que el triple, mientras que en relación con los miopes se encontró, solo en el doble procedimiento, mejor agudeza visual en el doble procedimiento. El error de cálculo de lente intraocular fue mayor en el triple procedimiento.A retrospective descriptive study was

  19. Procedimiento de obtención de un material cerámico de forsterita


    Sánchez-Soto, Pedro José; Ruíz-Conde, Antonio; Bono Barrón, Rafael; Raigón Pichardo, M.; Garzón Garzón, Eduardo


    Procedimiento de obtención de un material cerámico de forsterita. Procedimiento de obtención de un material cerámico a partir de un silicato laminar hidroxilado, preferiblemente talco, que comprende: mezclar una suspensión acuosa de silicato laminar hidroxilado con óxido de magnesio; secar la suspensión obtenida anteriormente a una temperatura de hasta 350ºC; y tratar térmicamente el producto secado a una temperatura de hasta 1600ºC. Además, la invención se refiere ...

  20. Estimación temporal en seres humanos mediante el procedimiento pico con interrupciones

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    Ramsés Vázquez-Lira


    Full Text Available Diversos procedimientos empleados en el estudio del aprendizaje animal hansido adaptados para investigación con humanos; específicamente, los procedimientosde intervalo fijo, bisección y generalización temporal, y el procedimientopico, originalmente empleados para estudiar el proceso de estimación temporalen animales no humanos, han sido también utilizados con humanos, brindandoimportantes conocimientos para la comprensión del comportamiento humano. Elpresente trabajo reporta la adaptación para humanos del procedimiento pico coninterrupciones, utilizado en las últimas décadas para dilucidar aspectos atencionalesy mnémicos del proceso de estimación temporal. Se encontró que los 35participantes (22.3 ± 3.1 años de edad tienden a detener su estimación temporaldurante la interrupción, conservando en memoria temporal el tiempo previo a lainterrupción; los presentes resultados sugieren que la tasa de decaimiento dememoria temporal en humanos es menor que en cualquiera de las otras especiesque han sido evaluadas en este procedimiento.

  1. La digitalización como ecologización y agilización de los procedimientos administrativos

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    Luis Miguel Hoyos Ramírez


    Full Text Available Con el ánimo de hacer una aproximación a uno de los aspectos más importantes del nuevo Código de Procedimiento Administrativo y de lo Contencioso Administrativo, este artículo pretende que se entienda la incorporación de la utilización de medios electrónicos en el procedimiento administrativo de dos maneras: primero, como una de las formas más eficaces de hacer que el funcionamiento de la administración sea más ecológico y racional en el uso de los recursos naturales, y segundo, poner de relieve cómo la incorporación de estas herramientas agiliza los procedimientos administrativos mediante el enaltecimiento de los principios que los iluminan.

  2. Ley de reestructuración patrimonial. El «procedimiento simplicado» notarial

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    Tomás Sobrevilla Enciso


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo, destinado y dedicado especialmente al NotariadoNacional, se trata de un enfoque, una visión, fundamentalmente jurídica,en este caso procesal, de la parte referida al «Procedimiento Simplificado» de la Nueva Ley Concursal, cuyas características, únicas, son propias del Proceso Concursal Peruano. Constituyen pues, en esa razón, un nuevo Derecho; y, por ello, un derecho en formación, por lo que lasopiniones que ahora vertimos han de serlo a beneficio de inventario; conel carácter de meramente provisionales, sujetas, en todo caso, a las resultasde la praxis; serán así, las experiencias de la aplicación de la Ley, lasque se encargarán de ratificarlas o rectificarlas.Por razones de metodología, pero sin apartarnos del marco de laLey, hemos dividido esta exposición en tres partes: una Primera, relativaa aspectos Generales y Básicos; la Segunda, referida al Procedimiento ensí mismo; y, finalmente, la Tercera, a los Efectos del «Convenio de Reprogramación de Pagos», aspecto este que constituye la verdaderacuestión central o medular -objeto- del «Procedimiento Simplificado»

  3. Procedimiento para la Planificación del Negocio Rural

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    Wheeler Richard G.


    Full Text Available Los presupuestos proporcionan un medio de comparar la retribución financiera a los principales recursos del negocio rural bajo "diferentes alternativas de manejo. Este capítulo discute varias técnicas de elaboración de presupuestos incluyendo procedimientos específicos para desarrollar comparaciones significativas dentro de varios períodos de tiempo.

  4. Procedimiento para la obtención de levaduras vínicas superproductoras de manoproteínas mediante tecnologías no recombinantes


    Barcenilla Moraleda, José María; González Ramos, Daniel; Tabera, Laura; González García, Ramón


    Procedimiento para la obtención de levaduras vínicas superproductoras de manoproteínas mediante tecnologías no recombinantes. Procedimiento para obtener cepas de levaduras superproductoras de manoproteínas mediante la selección de mutantes resistentes a la toxina K9, cepas obtenibles por dicho procedimiento y usos.

  5. Estrategia metodológica para la consolidación del esquema aditivo y multiplicativo en los niños y niñas de básica primaria a través de juegos computarizados.


    Hoyos, Efraín; Acosta, César Augusto; Ramírez, Angélica María


    El presente artículo tiene como fin presentar una estrategia metodológica para la consolidación del esquema aditivo y multiplicativo en los niños y niñas de básica primaria a través de juegos computarizados tomando como base un marco conceptual apoyado en el constructivismo y las experiencias que durante más de ocho años y a través de una serie de proyectos de investigación, extensión y capacitación ha logrado el grupo GEDES (grupo de estudio y desarrollo de software) de la Universidad del Qu...

  6. Procedimiento para el análisis retrospectivo y prospectivo de sistemas lecheros

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    J.A Herrera

    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de proponer un procedimiento integrador para el análisis retrospectivo y prospectivo de sistemas lecheros, se realizó una investigación documental basada en una revisión bibliográfica narrativa. La información provino de dos tipos de fuente: primaria y secundaria, mientras que la estrategia de búsqueda se basó en combinaciones de palabras clave. El procedimiento, que consistió en realizar 22 operaciones de manera ordenada, se basó en el enfoque de ingeniería de sistema y contempló las cuatro dimensiones generales (productiva, económica, social y ambiental que definen la sostenibilidad de los sistemas agropecuarios. Se utilizó este enfoque por considerar que el análisis de dichos sistemas se debe orientar al examen holístico de lo que en ellos ocurre, así como a proponer soluciones concretas con bases científicas. Los resultados demostraron que la secuencia de operaciones propuesta puede ser considerada como un procedimiento útil para realizar el análisis retrospectivo y prospectivo de sistemas lecheros, con un enfoque sistémico e integrador que permite interrelacionar la caracterización del sistema de producción de leche en pastoreo, el análisis de la eficiencia y el diseño de alternativas tecnológicas para la mejora de este.

  7. Transferencia de tejido graso autólogo: un procedimiento quirúrgico multifuncional

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    L. Cárdenas-Camarena


    Full Text Available La infiltración de grasa autóloga se ha constituido como procedimiento indispensable en el arsenal de tratamientos del cirujano plástico, tanto en procedimientos estéticos como reconstructivos. Sin embargo no siempre fue así, ya que para llegar hasta lo logrado hoy en día ha habido que pasar por muchos años de investigación y por múltiples y variados estudios. A pesar de todo este avance sigue habiendo controversia en torno a múltiples factores que rodean al procedimiento quirúrgico. Se sigue investigando acerca de la mejor área corporal para obtener el material a injertar, la forma en cómo debe obtenerse la grasa, el proceso y manipulación de la misma antes de su inyección, la mejor técnica para infiltrarla y los planos de colocación. Sin embargo, y para beneplácito de todos los cirujanos que defienden este procedimiento desde hace décadas, la utilidad de la infiltración de grasa autóloga está ya mundialmente aceptada. Las controversias existentes al respecto son mínimas y solo giran en torno a lograr una mayor supervivencia de la grasa infiltrada. Se acepta que las mejores áreas donantes son el abdomen y la cara interna de los muslos, y que la grasa debe obtenerse con una presión de menos de una atmosfera. También, que el centrifugarla a 3,000 rpm durante no más de 3 minutos y colocarla en múltiples planos y pequeñas cantidades en cada pase de la cánula, asegura su mejor integración y supervivencia. Queda actualmente como principal reto el aprovechar al máximo las ventajas innatas del hecho de estar transfiriendo células madre pluripotenciales en el mismo proceso de infiltración de la grasa autóloga.

  8. Materiales nanocompuestos de polipropileno y nitruros de carbono, procedimiento para su obtención y aplicaciones


    Naffakh, Mohammed; Zamora Abanades, Felix; López Fernández, Vicente; Gómez Rodríguez, Mª Ángeles


    Materiales nanocompuestos de polipropileno y nitruros de carbono, procedimiento para su obtención y aplicaciones. La presente invención se refiere a un material nanocompuesto que comprende una matriz polimérica de polipropileno y nanopartículas de nitruro de carbono, con forma esférica o elipsoidal, a su procedimiento de obtención y a sus usos en la fabricación de artículos termoplásticos, ultraligeros y ultraduros.

  9. Mentira y Verdad en tres Novelas de Sergio Ramírez: Algunos Procedimientos de Verosimilitud


    Rodríguez Sancho, Javier


    Con base en la narrativa del nicaragüense Sergio Ramírez, se efectúa un análisis sobre algunos procedimientos de verosimilitud utilizados por el escritor en tres de sus novelas: Tiempo de fulgor (1970); ¿Te dio miedo la sangre? (1977) y Un baile de máscaras (1995). La evaluación de los textos busca comprender los niveles en que el escritor hace uso de ciertos procedimientos de verosimilitud para contarnos algunas mentiras verdaderas como él mismo lo ha llamado, en su ensayo: Mentiras verdader...

  10. Robot Saltador y Procedimiento para su Control


    Akinfiev, Teodor; Armada, Manuel; Fernández, Roemi; Montes, Héctor


    Robot saltador para el movimiento en terrenos con obstáculos, que contiene al menos un resorte (4) con uno de sus extremos unido al cuerpo (1) del robot, y una cadena cinemática entre el motor (5) y el resorte (4) que comprende un cilindro (7) conectado con el eje del motor (5) y una cuerda (8), con uno de sus extremos conectado al cilindro (7) y con el segundo extremo conectado al pie (3). El procedimiento de control se caracteriza porque en el momento en el que el pie (3) pierde el contacto...

  11. Procedimiento para el cierre de canteras de materiales para construcción en Cuba

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    Julio Montero-Matos


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de facilitar a los concesionarios de canteras de materiales para la construcción una herramienta metodológica para efectuar el cierre de estas y garantizar una minería sostenible se propuso un procedimiento en seis etapas a partir del diagnóstico realizado en 22 canteras, ubicadas en tres regiones mineras cubanas. El procedimiento busca disminuir los impactos ambientales provocados por la explotación de las canteras y ofrecer a la industria un estándar para lograr uniformidad en la planificación y ejecución del cierre con un costo mínimo.

  12. Diferentes estrategias de aprendizaje espacial en tortugas reveladas mediante un procedimiento de inversión en un laberinto radial

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    C. Salas


    Full Text Available Experimentos previos sugieren que las tortugas emplean diferentes estrategias de aprendizaje y memoria espacial. Estos diferentes sistemas de orientación podrían presentar propiedades conductuales específicas e implicar sistemas neurales diferenciados. En el presente trabajo se analiza la ejecución de tortugas en un procedimiento de inversión de una tarea de lugar y otra de guía, con el objetivo de investigar las características conductuales de estos diferentes sistemas de aprendizaje. Los datos revelaron que los animales entrenados en el procedimiento de lugar no mostraron diferencias significativas en la inversión de la tarea en comparación con el periodo de entrenamiento. Por el contrario, la conducta de los animales en el procedimiento de guía mostró un deterioro en la ejecución de la inversión de la tarea, incrementando el número de errores significativamente con respecto a los niveles de adquisición. Estos resultados sugieren que las tortugas entrenadas en el procedimiento de lugar podrían estar utilizando una estrategia relacional a modo de mapa cartográfico, mediante la codificación de las relaciones espaciales entre la meta y las claves extralaberinto. En contraste, las tortugas entrenadas en el procedimiento de guía recurrirían únicamente para resolver el problema a la clave intralaberinto asociada a la meta,ignorando las claves extralaberinto. Así, los resultados de este experimento sugieren que las tortugas resuelven tareas espaciales en base a estrategias de aprendizaje y memoria que muestran una estrecha semejanza a las descritas en mamíferos y en aves entrenados en procedimientos similares.

  13. La suspensión condicional del procedimiento aplicada en la Unidad Judicial Norte Nº 2 por el Cantón Guayaquil


    Fierro Bosquez, Lincol Giovanny


    El tema de investigación trata sobre: “LA SUSPENSIÓN CONDICIONAL DEL PROCEDIMIENTO APLICADA EN LA UNIDAD JUDICIAL NORTE N° 2 POR EL CANTÓN GUAYAQUIL”, procedimientos penales y salidas alternativas que se pueden aplicar para mejorar y agilitar las actuaciones de los operadores de justicia. Política que fue expedida por el Consejo Consultivo de la Función Judicial y resuelta en la cesión del 15 de febrero del 2011, como aplicación prioritaria de las salidas alternativas y procedimientos especia...


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    Ileana G. Pérez Vergara


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    El trabajo presenta el diseño de un procedimiento para la mejora de los procesos operativos y su implementación en la Unidad de Negocios Red de la Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba S.A (UNR. 

    En el mismo se realiza una caracterización de la UNR, se identifica como responsable al proceso “Servicio de Reparación de Tecnologías”, se realiza una evaluación de la calidad al proceso, teniendo en cuenta los requisitos de la Norma ISO 9001/2000, y se muestran los resultados cualitativos y cuantitativos.

    El procedimiento constituye una referencia para la toma de acciones de mejoras que contribuyan a fortalecer el Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad de la UNR.

  15. La audiencia pública en el procedimiento administrativo

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    Carlos Labaure Aliseris


    Full Text Available La audiencia pública en el procedimiento administrativo es un mecanismo que se ha ido extendiendo en los últimos tiempos, como forma de garantizar la participación de los interesados en la toma de decisión por parte de la Administración Pública. Tiene su origen en el derecho anglosajón, en cuanto reconoce el principip del debido proceso, como fundado en la justicia natural, que incluye el derecho a ser oído antes de la toma de decisión y a una decisión imparcial (...

  16. Variaciones de riesgo en valores de tensión arterial en pacientes hipertensos durante procedimientos odontológicos

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    Gloria C Aranzazu-Moya


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las variaciones de Tensión Arterial (TA de origen fisiológico son frecuentes; sin embargo, los procedimientos durante la consulta odontológica podrían generar variaciones a valores de riesgo de TA que pueden alterar el estado sistémico, o generar complicaciones médicas que comprometen la integridad del paciente. Objetivo: Identificar factores que generan variaciones de riesgo de la Tensión Arterial durante los procedimientos odontológicos en pacientes hipertensos y no hipertensos. Materiales y métodos: Se diseñó un estudio observacional descriptivo, en 108 pacientes. Se evaluaron tanto hipertensos como no hipertensos, incluidos por un muestreo probabilístico por conglomerados; se evaluaron variables sociodemográficas, presión arterial antes, durante y después del procedimiento, factores de riesgo cardiovascular y aquellas dependientes del procedimiento. Los datos se procesaron en el programa SPSS 21, utilizando medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, desviación estándar (DE e intervalos de confianza (IC, frecuencias, chi 2, T test, diferencia de medias, ANOVA de una vía y medidas repetidas. Resultados: La edad media fue 62,3 años con DE 12,5 años; 42(38,9% fueron no hipertensos y 66(61,1% hipertensos. Las variaciones de presión sistólica mayor a 20mmHg y diastólica mayor a 10mmHg se presentaron en mayor porcentaje en los hipertensos con control errático. Así mismo las variaciones fueron superiores en mujeres y en procedimientos sin uso de anestésico. Según el tipo de hipertensión, se encontraron diferencias entre el grupo de sanos con los grupos control errático, mal control y sin control. Al aplicar un modelo lineal de medidas repetidas, se encontraron diferencias en las tres mediciones en los diferentes tipos de hipertensión. Conclusiones: Los factores relacionados a variaciones de riesgo fueron el control errático, sexo femenino y duración del procedimiento.

  17. Procedimiento de obtención de nanopartículas metálicas funcionalizadas con moléculas orgánicas fluorescentes


    Zaderenko, Paula; Caro Salazar, Carlos Alberto; Mejías Romero, José Antonio; Sayagués, María Jesús


    Procedimiento de obtención de nanopartículas metálicas funcionalizadas con moléculas orgánicas fluorescentes. La presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento de obtención de nanopartículas metálicas funcionalizadas con moléculas orgánicas fluorescentes mediante el tratamiento de una o más sales metálicas con un agente reductor en presencia de una molécula orgánica fluorescente. La invención se refiere también a las nanopartículas metálicas obtenibles por dicho procedimiento y a su uso ...

  18. Procedimiento de sulfatación de oligosacáridos por calentamiento con microondas


    de Paz, José L.; Nieto, Pedro M.; Maza, Susana


    [ES] La presente invención describe un procedimiento de O-sulfatación de oligosacáridos precursores de heparina sintética, en el que se realiza un calentamiento por microondas que reduce los tiempos de reacción.

  19. Procedimiento de sulfatación de oligosacáridos por calentamiento con microondas


    de Paz, José L.; Nieto, Pedro M.; Maza, Susana


    La presente invención describe un procedimiento de O-sulfatación de oligosacáridos precursores de heparina sintética, en el que se realiza un calentamiento por microondas que reduce los tiempos de reacción.

  20. Procedimiento para la mejora del proceso de desarrollo de software en la UEB “Aplicaciones de Redes”.

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    Marely Collazo Palmero


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene como propósito desarrollar un procedimiento para la mejora del proceso de desarrollo de software en la UEB “Aplicaciones de Redes”, el procedimiento se compone de 6 etapas basadas en el ciclo de Deming que comienza con el diagnóstico de la situación actual del proceso productivo, se detectan los problemas existentes y sus causas para elaborar un plan de acción que da lugar a los aportes más significativos de esta investigación: la elaboración del flujograma del servicio de desarrollo de software y los procedimientos e instrucciones necesarios, logrando la estandarización de las herramientas a usar y los artefactos a cumplir en cada etapa del ciclo de vida del software, permitiendo de una forma rápida y organizada el cumplimiento de los requisitos del cliente. Se emplean técnicas y herramientas como conformación del grupo de expertos, tormenta de ideas, lista de chequeo, diagrama causa efecto, revisión de documentos, diagrama de flujo y gráficos de barra tanto para la obtención de información como para facilitar el análisis de los resultados arrojados. El procedimiento contribuye a elevar el por ciento de satisfacción de los clientes involucrando a todo el personal del área productiva.

  1. y análisis de datos

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    Antonio Hern\\u00E1ndez Mendo


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, los investigadores que deseen aplicar procedimientos de observación computarizados en el contexto de las methodologyface observacionales numerosas dificultades. Estas dificultades se derivan de la versatilidad de los datos, la grabación de imágenes, y la falta de resultados inmediatos. Esta papertakes tanto una mirada retrospectiva y hacia adelante en el campo, discutiendo la interconectividad que se ha logrado a través de software observacional developedin los últimos años. En concreto, se examina el progreso en la forma en que se seleccionan, cambian y suprimidos (criterios andcategories / códigos niveles de comportamiento, la importación y exportación de los registros de datos de un programa a otro, y la inclusión de los procesos de cálculo.


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    Giraldo O´Reilly Crespo


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    En el presente artículo se presentan los principales resultados de la aplicación de un procedimiento de diagnóstico para el Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad de la empresa Cerámica Blanca San José.

    El procedimiento fue concebido de acuerdo a las características concretas de la organización en que fue aplicado.

    La aplicación del procedimiento permitió determinar que el Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad en el 2007 presentó un mal funcionamiento, debido principalmente al incumplimiento en las entregas de materias primas, la falta de financiamiento, el insuficiente análisis de los datos, la débil declaración de los indicadores de eficacia y la falta de un procedimiento de mantenimiento.

  3. Ensayo de campo de un procedimiento de investigación de casos de enfermedades de origen laboral

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    José María Roel Valdés


    Full Text Available Los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en las Empresas pone de manifiesto una escasa práctica en la investigación de casos de enfermedades profesionales o relacionadas con el trabajo. En este contexto se desarrolla este proyecto dirigido al desarrollo y ensayo de un procedimiento de investigación de casos de enfermedades profesionales o relacionadas con el trabajo, que permita orientar, armonizar y sistematizar la recogida de información en el transcurso de la investigación de este tipo de casos. En una primera fase un grupo investigadores del Instituto Valenciano de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo y de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina del Trabajo del Instituto de Salud Carlos III desarrollaron un procedimiento de investigación de casos de enfermedades laborales (profesionales o relacionadas con el trabajo, que se sometió mediante un taller al consenso con un grupo de expertos procedentes de distintos grupos de interés: Sindicatos, Servicios de Prevención Propios y Ajenos, Mutuas, Inspección de Trabajo, órganos técnicos de las CCAA, Sociedades de Medicina del Trabajo y Organismos Públicos de Investigación y Universidad. El procedimiento resultante se ensayó en 21 casos incidentes de enfermedades laborales, se evaluaron un total de 26 indicadores en tres dimensiones: necesidad, aplicabilidad y valoración general, medidos por una escala tipo Likert, evaluando el grado de acuerdo entre aplicadores mediante el procedimiento de estandarización del Instrumento AGREE. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto en 19 indicadores un grado de consenso superior al 80% y en 10 un grado de consenso superior al 90%, no existiendo disenso en ningunos de los indicadores analizados, lo que permite concluir que el procedimiento ensayado cubre las necesidades de información en la investigación de casos de enfermedades laborales.


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    Liodine Miyashiro Pérez


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    El ahorro de combustible es una necesidad devenida por su agotamiento previsible, la inestabilidad en sus precios y el impacto ambiental que causa su uso continuado. El mundo ha desarrollado varias políticas de contención, entre las cuales se incluye el incremento máximo de la eficiencia en el uso de todas las formas de energía. La mejora continua de procesos y de los indicadores que caracterizan el consumo de combustible, a través de un procedimiento estructurado, que permita el alcance paulatino de este objetivo, es la propuesta que se presenta en este artículo. El procedimiento se aplica al proceso de gestión de combustible de la base de transporte, de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (UCI y se obtiene una mejora en los indicadores de eficiencia y eficacia definidos.

  5. Estudio sobre los procedimientos de identificación del trastorno específico del lenguaje

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    Jesús Vera


    Full Text Available Los procedimientos de estudio y tratamiento de los Trastornos Específicos del Lenguaje (TEL son aspectos que son poco conocidos debido fundamentalmente a una serie de factores entre los que se encuentran un todavía no alcanzado consenso sobre la naturaleza del TEL, un amplio abanico de diferentes profesionales tratando de analizarlo desde posiciones marcadamente distantes como son la perspectiva clínica e investigadora y una abundante y en ocasiones contradictoria literatura relativa al mismo. Los objetivos perseguidos en este estudio han sido: a caracterizar el tipo de profesionales que en nuestro entorno identifican y tratan el TEL; b conocer la conceptualización del TEL que realizan dichos profesionales; c averiguar los tipos de procedimientos de identificación del TEL en relación a los modelos teóricos declarados. Mediante una encuesta elaborada al efecto se han obtenido resultados que permiten constatar la gran diversidad de profesionales que abordan el TEL en nuestro entorno cultural; que no existe un grado de consenso suficiente entre ellos ni sobre la caracterización del trastorno ni sobre los procedimientos diagnósticos utilizados y que los diagnósticos de dichos profesionales no responden a los tres criterios básicos que en la actualidad se utilizan en la identificación del TEL: discrepancia, especificidad y marcadores de riesgo.

  6. Computerized system for energy diagnosis in domestic users; Sistema computarizado para diagnostico energetico en usuarios domesticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramos N, Gaudencio; Heard, Cristopher; Fiscal E, Raul; Maqueda Z, Martin [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    The scope of a computerized system is presented to make an energy diagnosis to homes and a simulation of scenarios of cost/benefit, due to the implementation of energy saving measures and the efficient use of electrical energy. The FIPATERM (trust for the heat insulation of the house in Mexicali), provides economic and technical support so that the domestic users diminish their expense for the electrical energy, implementing programs of Demand Side Management (DSM). The current effective programs are: thermal insulation, substitution of the existent air conditioning units for efficient ones, reduction of infiltration, leveled plan of payments, interruption of the air conditioning equipment. In order to participate in one or several of the programs of energy efficiency, an energy diagnosis is made to the user. It is from a survey of the equipment and characteristics of the house, as well as a description on the part of the user of his habits of use of the equipment, that scenarios are simulated, which allow the user to identify the most profitable measures. [Spanish] Se presenta el alcance de un sistema computarizado para realizar diagnostico energetico a casas habitacion y simulacion de escenarios de beneficio/costo, debido a la implantacion de medidas de ahorro y uso eficiente de energia electrica. El FIPATERM (fideicomiso para el aislamiento termico de la vivienda en Mexicali), proporciona apoyo economico y tecnico para que los usuarios domesticos minimicen su gasto de energia electrica, implementando programas de Administracion por el Lado de la Demanda (ALD). Los programas actualmente vigentes son: aislamiento termico, sustitucion del aire acondicionado actual por uno eficiente, reduccion de infiltracion, plan nivelado de pagos, interrupcion del equipo de aire acondicionado. Para participar en uno o varios de los programas de eficiencia energetica, al usuario se le realiza un diagnostico energetico. Es a partir de una encuesta del equipamiento y caracteristicas

  7. Procedimiento para la obtención de células madre mesenquimales para uso biomédico


    Menéndez, Pablo; Ligero, G.; Sánchez, L.; Gutiérrez-Aranda, I.; Rodríguez-González, René; Rubio-Amador, Ruth; Bueno, C.; Ramos-Mejía, Verónica; Delgado, M.


    [ES] Procedimiento de obtención de células madre mesenquimales para uso biomédico. La presente invención describe un procedimiento de obtención de CMMs a partir de cultivos de PSC, mediante la inhibición de la via de señalización SMAD2/3, preferentemente con el inhibidor quimico 4-[4-(1,3- Benzodioxol-5-il)-5-(2-piridinil)-1 H-imidazol-2-il] benzamida. Las PSCCMMs descritas en la presente invención, son capaces de diferenciarse a células de la línea osteogénica, condrogénica y adi...

  8. Derivados de aminociclitoles, procedimiento de obtención y usos


    Díaz Bueno, Lucía; Casas Brugulat, Josefina; Bujons Vilàs, Jordi; Egido Gabás, Meritxell; Delgado Cirilo, Antonio; Llebaria, Amadeu


    La presente invención se refiere a los compuestos de fórmula general (1) ya sus usos como composiciones farmacéuticas para el tratamiento de enfermedades relacionadas con la acumulación lisosomal de esfingolípidos, tales como la enfermedad de Gaucher, la enfermedad de TaySachs, la enfermedad de Sandhoff, la enfermedad de Fabry, la enfermedad de Niemann-Pick, leucodistrofia metacromática y la enfermedad de Krabbe. Además, la invención se refiere al procedimiento de obte...

  9. Procedimiento para la determinación de la carga circulante en circuitos cerrados de trituración y molienda

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    Alfredo L. Coello-Velázquez


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de disminuir los errores (residuos que tienen lugar en la determinación de la carga circulante en los circuitos cerrados de molienda o trituración, aplicando los métodos de los mínimos cuadrados y de los multiplicadores de Lagrange a las ecuaciones de balance, se desarrolla un procedimiento que minimiza las desviaciones e incongruencias en el balance de distribución de las clases granulométricas de los productos del esquema. Tomando como punto de partida los datos experimentales obtenidos por Coello (1993, se realiza la validación del procedimiento propuesto. Los resultados muestran que el procedimiento aplicado, permite el mejor ajuste cálculo de la carga circulante y a partir de sus valores, se recalculan los contenidos de las clases granulométricas de los productos del esquema que eliminan las incongruencias y errores de la distribución del contenido de las clases granulométricas generados en la toma y procesamiento general de las muestras.

  10. Procedimiento para aumentar la velocidad de obtención de biodiesel mediante su incorporación como aditivo


    López Granados, Manuel; Mariscal López, Rafael; Martín Alonso, David; Bretes García, Pilar


    Procedimiento para aumentar la velocidad de obtención de biodiésel mediante su incorporación como aditivo. La presente invención se refiere al uso de biodiésel como aditivo para aumentar la velocidad de reacción en reacciones de transesterificación catalítica con alcoholes y para proteger a los catalizadores del contacto con el CO{sub,2} y H{sub,2}O atmosféricos. De forma más concreta, en esta invención se describe un procedimiento de obtención de biodiésel a partir de la transesterificación ...

  11. Procedimiento para la discriminación y mapeo de los rodales de nerdo en cultivos de girasol mediante teledetección


    López Granados, Francisca; García Torres, Luis; Peña Barragán, José Manuel; Jurado-Expósito, Montserrat


    Procedimiento para la discriminación y mapeo de los rodales de nerdo en cultivos de girasol mediante teledetección. Procedimiento para mapear zonas infestadas de la mala hierba conocida como nerdo (Ridolfia segetum Moris) en plantaciones de girasol mediante teledetección. Tiene aplicación en Agricultura, y más concretamente en Empresas de Asistencia Técnica Agraria o Medioambiental, o en Auditorias Agroambientales Públicas o Privadas. Principalmente consiste en el anál...

  12. Acuerdo en tiempo: un procedimiento de eficaz aplicación en las visitas de terreno

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    Rafael Borroto Chao


    Full Text Available Se destaca el valor de las actividades y las posibilidades que ofrecen al efecto las visitas periódicas de terreno que realizan los equipos de salud de la familia a las viviendas de la población que ateinden. Se fundamenta la importancia de aplicar métodos educativos durante estas visitas y se sugiere en tal sentido un procedimiento al que se le ha denominado "acuerdo en tiempo". Se exponen las cuestiones que se deben considerar en las visitas de terreno y se brindan ejemplos de los aspectos que se deben enfatizar desde el punto de vista educativo. Se recomienda la aplicación de técnicas educativas bidireccionales como la entrevista y la dinámica grupal, así como el procedimiento "acuerdo en tiempo" como estrategia de prometedoras perspectivas en la educación para la salud de la población.

  13. Composición de polímeros y nanotubos de carbono, procedimiento de obtención y sus usos


    Benito, Ana M.; Jiménez Manero, Pablo; Martinez, M. Teresa; Maser, Wolfgang K.


    Composición de polímeros y nanotubos de carbono, procedimiento de obtención y sus usos. Composición de nanotubos de carbono y polímero, obtenible mediante un procedimiento que comprende: la sonicación de una dispersión de nanotubos de carbono en un disolvente ácido; la adición de monómeros en la dispersión de nanotubos; y la adición rápida de un iniciador de radicales a la dispersión anterior de nanotubos y monómero, manteniendo la mezcla obtenida a una temperatura ...

  14. Procedimiento para la programación y control de la producción de una pequeña empresa

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    Viviana K. Ortiz-Triana


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente artículo fue diseñar un procedimiento para la programación y control de la producción de una pequeña empresa de calzado ubicada en la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta. Para realizar la programación de la producción se aplicó la teoría de restricciones en conjunto con la investigación de operaciones específicamente la técnica de programación lineal. Se identificaron las restricciones del sistema productivo para el desarrollo de un modelo matemático, que determinó las cantidades óptimas de fabricación, maximizando el throughput (utilidades, o precio de venta menos costo de materiales para un período de tiempo dado. A partir del modelo matemático se plantea un procedimiento para la programación y control de la producción de una pequeña empresa de calzado, el cual se validó mediante pruebas de hipótesis, comparando los datos reales de la producción durante el periodo de estudio con el procedimiento actual y los datos planificados desde el procedimiento propuesto, obteniendo como resultado que el procedimiento diseñado permite alcanzar un mayor throughput, disminución en los costos de inventarios y tiempos de entrega, logrando satisfacer la demanda en su totalidad. Este procedimiento, puede implementarse en pequeñas empresas de calzado que presenten las mismas características del caso de estudio. The purpose of this paper was to design a procedure for the scheduling and manufacturing control of a small shoe business located in the city of San Jose de Cucuta. The scheduling was done applying the theory of constraints, together with the operations research, specifically the linear programming technique. The system constraints were identified to develop a mathematical model that determined the optimal quantities of manufacturing, maximizing the throughput (profits, or selling price minus cost of materialsfor a certain period. From the mathematical model a procedure for the scheduling and

  15. Procedimiento para la programación y control de la producción de una pequeña empresa

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    Álvaro Jr. Caicedo-Rolón


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente artículo fue diseñar un procedimiento para la programación y control de la producción de una pequeña empresa de calzado ubicada en la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta. Para realizar la programación de la producción se aplicó la teoría de restricciones en conjunto con la investigación de operaciones específicamente la técnica de programación lineal. Se identificaron las restricciones del sistema productivo para el desarrollo de un modelo matemático, que determinó las cantidades óptimas de fabricación, maximizando el throughput (utilidades, o precio de venta menos costo de materiales para un período de tiempo dado. A partir del modelo matemático se plantea un procedimiento para la programación y control de la producción de una pequeña empresa de calzado, el cual se validó mediante pruebas de hipótesis, comparando los datos reales de la producción durante el periodo de estudio con el procedimiento actual y los datos planificados desde el procedimiento propuesto, obteniendo como resultado que el procedimiento diseñado permite alcanzar un mayor throughput, disminución en los costos de inventarios y tiempos de entrega, logrando satisfacer la demanda en su totalidad. Este procedimiento, puede implementarse en pequeñas empresas de calzado que presenten las mismas características del caso de estudio. The purpose of this paper was to design a procedure for the scheduling and manufacturing control of a small shoe business located in the city of San Jose de Cucuta. The scheduling was done applying the theory of constraints, together with the operations research, specifically the linear programming technique. The system constraints were identified to develop a mathematical model that determined the optimal quantities of manufacturing, maximizing the throughput (profits, or selling price minus cost of materialsfor a certain period. From the mathematical model a procedure for the scheduling and

  16. Modelado específico de procedimientos en el dominio de la Administración Electrónica

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    Aquilino Adolfo Juan Fuente


    Full Text Available Debido a la complejidad que reviste el dominio de la Administración Electrónica (AE, las desarrolladas deberán ser capaces de integrarse con la multitud de plataformas y sistemas que componen dicho dominio. El impacto de esta integración además mejorar la tramitación de procedimientos. En el presente trabajo se propone un lenguaje de modelado gráfico (DSL para la tramitación de procedimientos en el dominio específico de la AE. Este lenguaje parte de la definición de un metamodelo de AE que identifica sus principales entidades y define sus relaciones. Además se construyó una herramienta gráfica de modelado la cual fue probada con dos casos de estudio reales.

  17. Limitaciones a la revocación de un acto administrativo firme por razones de legitimidad en la ley federal de procedimiento administrativo alemana y en la normativa nacional uruguaya

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    Augusto Durán Martínez


    Full Text Available Con fecha 25 de mayo de 1976 se aprobó la ley federal de procedimiento administrativo alemana (en adelante LPA, que entró en vigor el 1º de enero de 1977.Con algunas modificaciones, esta ley continúa vigente.Esta ley tiene por objeto la codificación del procedimiento administrativo. Pero como bien advirtió FROMONT, por un lado esa codificación es parcial y, por otro, desborda en mucho la materia procedimiento administrativo.



    Parra Solórzano, Tania de Lourdes


    Un avance en el Código Orgánico General de Procesos, es el procedimiento monitorio, este tipo de procesos, permitirá que ciertas causas se tramiten de manera ágil; y, que aquellas deudas de hasta cincuenta salarios básicos unificados que no consten en un título ejecutivo tengan su propia vía procesal. Así cualquier documento que aparezca firmado por un deudor, desde un comprobante de entrega, una cuota de condominio, un canon de arrendamiento, o hasta una remuneración laboral n...

  19. Acusación Pública e Instrucción del Procedimiento Penal


    Alfonso Rodríguez, Adriano Jacinto


    El Ministerio Fiscal es un elemento esencial dentro de nuestro ordenamiento jurídico. Sin embargo carece de un papel claro dentro de nuestro esquema de justicia penal. Por otro lado, el Juez de Instrucción no cumple adecuadamente con su papel de garante dentro de nuestro sistema precisamente por su doble papel de garante e investigador. Por tanto es necesario un cambio que sitúe a cada sujeto en el lugar que le corresponde para tener un procedimiento más garantista en el que cada uno cumpla c...

  20. Importancia en la detección de trastorno dismórfico y depresión antes de someterse a un procedimiento estético electivo

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    Mauricio Carrero Álvarez*


    Full Text Available El trastorno dismórfico corporal (TDC y la depresión son las condiciones mentales más frecuentes en la consulta prequirúrgica estética electiva. En esta revisión a la literatura se busca identificar la población con TDC que desea someterse a un procedimiento estético y determinar si existe alguna mejoría al exponerse al procedimiento. Se encontró que el TDC es más frecuente en la adolescencia tardía, sin importar el sexo. La depresión es la comorbilidad más frecuente. Se recomienda el uso de herramientas de tamizaje para identificar éstos trastornos en la consulta prequirúrgica, de manera que el cirujano pueda ofrecer un tratamiento integral con la asesoría de un psiquiatra. Los casos severos no deben ser sometidos al procedimiento estético. No está clara la asociación entre el antecedente de un procedimiento estético y suicidio, pero se reconoce una alta morbilidad psiquiátrica en esta población. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios existentes presentan grandes inconsistencias epidemiológicas. [Carrero M. Importancia en la detección de trastorno dismórfico y depresión antes de someterse a un procedimiento estético electivo. MedUNAB 2009; 12:46-51].

  1. Procedimiento de obtención de nanopartículas metálicas funcionalizadas con moléculas orgánicas fluorescentes


    Zaderenko, Paula; Caro Salazar, Carlos Alberto; Mejías Romero, José Antonio; Sayagués, María Jesús


    [ES] La presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento de obtención de nanopartículas metálicas funcionalizadas con moléculas orgánicas fluorescentes mediante el tratamiento de una o más sales metálicas con un agente reductor en presencia de una molécula orgánica fluorescente. La invención se refiere también a las nanopartículas metálicas obtenibles por dicho procedimiento y a su uso para la detección de moléculas yanalitos.

  2. Utilización de la lactancia materna como medida de analgesia no farmacológica en los procedimientos dolorosos en lactantes


    Torcida San Román, Elena


    Introducción: el dolor evoca en los niños respuestas negativas fisiológicas, metabólicas y de conducta. A lo largo de su primer año de vida, se estima que los lactantes van a sufrir alrededor de 15 procedimientos sanitarios dolorosos. Los métodos de analgesia no farmacológica en lactantes están encaminados a proporcionarles comodidad y tranquilidad, reduciendo el estrés que suponen los procedimientos a los que se ven sometidos, siendo la lactancia materna el más recomendado....

  3. Procedimiento para la gestión de mantenimiento utilizando herramientas de la cuarta generación

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    Aracelis Barrios


    Full Text Available El presente artículo presenta el diseño de un procedimiento para una gestión de mantenimiento sistémico, utilizando un conjunto de herramientas, que enfocan el uso de los recursos de la empresa asociados con las Personas, los Procesos y la Tecnología, orientados a mejorar la productividad, la toma de decisiones acertadas y a maximizar el rendimiento de los equipos, considerando entre otros, los factores de Confiabilidad, Mantenibilidad, Seguridad, Calidad y Medio Ambiente. El desarrollo del procedimiento permite utilizar de manera sistémica, la información obtenida al aplicar el mantenimiento productivo total (TPM, el análisis de modo y efectos de las fallas del mantenimiento centrado en confiabilidad (RCM, para evaluar los riesgos causados por las fallas en los equipos mediante la aplicación de la Lógica Difusa.

  4. Teresa Zweifel, Medir lo inconmensurable. Los cambios en los procedimientos para relevar la pampa anterior (1796-1895

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    Sandra Szir


    Full Text Available Reseña bibliográfica del libro de Teresa Zweifel, Medir lo inconmensurable. Los cambios en los procedimientos para relevar la pampa anterior (1796-1895, Rosario, Prohistoria Ediciones, 2014, 191 pp.

  5. Procedimiento de elaboración de polvo de tiroides

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    Bárbara Águila Gil


    Full Text Available Se desarrolló un procedimiento para la obtención de polvo de tiroides, en el que se introdujeron cambios en la etapa de desgrase mediante el uso de un solvente adecuado. El solvente empleado para el desgrase fue el alcohol al 95 %. Se logró un producto a nivel de laboratorio e industrial que cumple las especificaciones de calidad según la Norma Cubana para el producto polvo de tiroides.A procedure was developed to obtain thyroid powder. Changes were made in the degreasing stage by using an appropiate solvent. The solvent utilized was alcohol 95 %. At the laboratory and industrial level it was obtained a product that meets the quality specifications according to the Cuban Norm for thyroid powder.

  6. Short- circuit tests of circuit breakers


    Chorovský, P.


    This paper deals with short-circuit tests of low voltage electrical devices. In the first part of this paper, there are described basic types of short- circuit tests and their principles. Direct and indirect (synthetic) tests with more details are described in the second part. Each test and principles are explained separately. Oscilogram is obtained from short-circuit tests of circuit breakers at laboratory. The aim of this research work is to propose a test circuit for performing indirect test.

  7. Profilaxis antimicrobiana previa a procedimientos dentales. Situación actual y nuevas perspectivas


    Rodríguez-Campos, LF; Ceballos-Hernández, H; Bobadilla-Aguirre, A


    Resumen La bacteremia secundaria a los procedimientos dentales puede dar origen a episodios de endocarditis infecciosa. La implementación de la profilaxis antimicrobiana tiene como finalidad aminorar la bacteremia transitoria reduciendo la posibilidad de desarrollar endocarditis infecciosa, por lo que es indispensable conocer qué antibióticos son de elección y en qué casos o situaciones administrarlos u omitirlos. Existen múltiples guías para aplicar profilaxis antimicrobiana, éstas difieren ...

  8. Profilaxis antimicrobiana previa a procedimientos dentales. Situación actual y nuevas perspectivas


    Luis Fernando Rodríguez-Campos; Hilda Ceballos-Hernández; Alfredo Bobadilla-Aguirre


    La bacteremia secundaria a los procedimientos dentales puede dar origen a episodios de endocarditis infecciosa. La implementación de la profilaxis antimicrobiana tiene como finalidad aminorar la bacteremia transitoria reduciendo la posibilidad de desarrollar endocarditis infecciosa, por lo que es indispensable conocer qué antibióticos son de elección y en qué casos o situaciones administrarlos u omitirlos. Existen múltiples guías para aplicar profilaxis antimicrobiana, éstas difieren en sus r...


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    FBE Guevara


    Full Text Available La hemiplejía laríngea idiopática es la causa más común de insuficiencia de las vías respiratorias altas en equinos. La enfermedad está clasificada como una axonopatía distal que afecta el nervio laríngeo recurrente y que produce atrofia neurogénica de la musculatura intrínseca de la laringe. La enfermedad se manifiesta por la paresa o parálisis de los músculos abductores laríngeos (cricoaritenoides dorsal, lo que termina en la obstrucción de la vía aérea y en el colapso dinámico del cartílago aritenoideo afectado, durante el ejercicio. Su diagnóstico es realizado por medio de un examen endoscópico, en reposo o durante el ejercicio. Las técnicas quirúrgicas de tratamiento para caballos con grados III o IV de hemiplejía laríngea son principalmente la laringoplastia prostética, la aritenoidectomía, la ventriculectomía/cordectomía y los procedimientos de reinervación del músculo cricoaritenoideo dorsal. De las anteriores técnicas, la laringoplastia continúa siendo el tratamiento quirúrgico de primera elección.

  10. Diseño de procedimientos para la calibración de desfibriladores


    Llamosa R., Luis Enrique; Meza Contreras, Luís Gregorio; Villareal Castro, Milton F.


    El Laboratorio de Metrología – Variables Eléctricas, está en proceso de acreditar un laboratorio de calibración /ensayos de equipo electromédico en las áreas de: Seguridad Eléctrica, Electrocardiografía, electroencefalografía, Monitoría Fetal, Pulsioximetría SpO2, Electrobisturies, Desfibriladores/Marcapasos, Presión Arterial, Bombas de Infusión, Incubadoras, Flujo de Gas, Respiradores. En el contenido de éste artículo se hace referencia al procedimiento de calibración de desfibriladores; pro...


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    Marielis Armenteros Arencibia


    Full Text Available




    El trabajo realizado en el Centro Nacional de Biopreparados, expone el procedimiento para la im- plantación de un sistema de costos totales de calidad y su aplicación en la dirección de medios de cultivo y trofin. Dicho procedimiento abarca los costos de buena calidad (costos de prevención, costos de evaluación, y los costos de mala calidad (costo por fallas internas y costos por fallas externas. Además, define los indicadores para el proceso de mejoramiento continuo. La implantación de este procedimiento permite el conocimiento periódico de la información acerca de los costos relacionados con al actividad de calidad en cada uno de los procesos de la organización y posibilita identificar los que presentan problemas y actuar sobre ellos a través de la toma de acciones de mejoras. Durante la implantación de este procedimiento se han logrado disminuir los costos por mala calidad lo que le aporta beneficios a la organización.



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    Cira Lidia Isaac Godínez


    Full Text Available

    Las gestiones de la calidad, el medio ambiente y la seguridad y salud ocupacional en general, son tratadas como funciones independientes, lo que afecta la eficiencia y eficacia de la empresa, de ahí la tendencia a la integración de estos sistemas de gestión. En este trabajo se presenta un procedimiento para el diseño e implantación de un sistema de gestión integrado de calidad, medio ambiente, seguridad y salud ocupacional que permita mejorar el desempeño de los procesos de la organización y la satisfacción de las partes interesadas, así mismo se expone una breve aplicación del procedimiento en el BioCen.

  13. Procedimiento de estabilización de mercurio líquido mediante cemento polimérico de azufre, vía sulfuro de mercurio.


    López-Delgado, Aurora; López Gómez, Félix Antonio; Alguacil, Francisco José; Alonso Gámez, Manuel


    Procedimiento de estabilización de mercurio líquido mediante cemento polimérico de azufre, vía sulfuro de mercurio. Procedimiento para la estabilización de mercurio líquido mediante la obtención de cementos poliméricos de azufre que comprende: (a) transformación del mercurio líquido en sulfuro de mercurio (metacinabrio) mediante reacción química, en condiciones estequiométricas, entre el mercurio y el azufre elemental; y (b) obtención de cemento polimérico de azufre me...

  14. Procedimientos interpretativos y reglas normativas en la negación del "status" y "rol"

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    Full Text Available Se compara la teoria de las "condiciones mínimas para la comunicación" con el modelo dominante de normas sociales y de comportamiento para explicar la negociación social del estatus y el rol como aparecen representados en el modelo de investigación de actor y observador. Se critican las teorías existentes por utilizar la noción de "asunción de rol" sin explicar el reconocimiento del rol y el estatus por parte del actor; y por fallar al explicar el proceso por el que se perciben las normas. Los procedimientos interpretativos basados en la negociación de un consenso se usan para explicar el aprendizaje, uso y evolución de las normas. Se explican las condiciones para la comunicación siguiendo las nociones de Alfred Schutz de "uso de la lógica" y "lógica reconstruida": reciprocidad de la perspectiva, habilidad del investigador para extrapolar más allá del sentido literal de las palabras, las normas de comunicación. El fundamento epistemológico de la investigación sociológica consiste en la estabilidad de los procedimientos negociadores e interpretativos usados en culturas con distintas estructuras normativas.

  15. El procedimiento de la licitación pública

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    Miriam Mabel Ivanega


    Full Text Available El procedimiento de la licitación pública es la regla general en materia de contratos administrativos; a través de la competencia de distintas ofertas, la administración puede obtener los mejores productos (bienes, servicios, obras al precio más conveniente. Ese vínculo contractual debe responder a determinados principios generales, centrados principalmente en la transparencia pública. La sociedad tieen derecho a conocer qué se contrata, con quién y bajo qué condiciones. Por eso, la juridicidad, la publicidad, el acceso a la información y la buena fe se instituyen como pilares de la estructura contractual en la actualidad. Una síntesis de las principales normas e interpretaciones jurisdiccionales permite comprender el alcance que en la prática se ha otorgado a dichos principios.

  16. Commutation circuit for an HVDC circuit breaker (United States)

    Premerlani, William J.


    A commutation circuit for a high voltage DC circuit breaker incorporates a resistor capacitor combination and a charging circuit connected to the main breaker, such that a commutating capacitor is discharged in opposition to the load current to force the current in an arc after breaker opening to zero to facilitate arc interruption. In a particular embodiment, a normally open commutating circuit is connected across the contacts of a main DC circuit breaker to absorb the inductive system energy trapped by breaker opening and to limit recovery voltages to a level tolerable by the commutating circuit components.

  17. Oscillator circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Graf, Rudolf F


    This series of circuits provides designers with a quick source for oscillator circuits. Why waste time paging through huge encyclopedias when you can choose the topic you need and select any of the specialized circuits sorted by application?This book in the series has 250-300 practical, ready-to-use circuit designs, with schematics and brief explanations of circuit operation. The original source for each circuit is listed in an appendix, making it easy to obtain additional information.Ready-to-use circuits.Grouped by application for easy look-up.Circuit source listing

  18. Measuring circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Graf, Rudolf F


    This series of circuits provides designers with a quick source for measuring circuits. Why waste time paging through huge encyclopedias when you can choose the topic you need and select any of the specialized circuits sorted by application?This book in the series has 250-300 practical, ready-to-use circuit designs, with schematics and brief explanations of circuit operation. The original source for each circuit is listed in an appendix, making it easy to obtain additional information.Ready-to-use circuits.Grouped by application for easy look-up.Circuit source listings

  19. Procedimiento de descontaminación superficial de alimentos sólidos envasados


    López Gómez, Antonio; López Cánovas, David Antonio


    Número de publicación: 2 534 529 Número de solicitud: 201530326 Procedimiento de descontaminación microbiana de alimentos sólidos envasados mediante aceites esenciales (AEs) que comprende una evaporación de los AEs a vacío, y una aplicación a vacío de los vapores de AEs sobre el alimento sólido situado en un envase abierto, en donde dichos vapores son arrastrados por aire o por una mezcla de gases de grado alimentario y conducidos hasta el recinto al vacío, en donde se encuentra el alim...

  20. El principio de la consonancia en el procedimiento laboral

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    Armando Mario Rojas Chávez


    Full Text Available Con la reforma al procedimiento laboral contenida en la Ley 712 de 2001 se introdujo el principio de la consonancia, que indica que el juez laboral de segunda instancia al resolver el recurso de apelación sólo debe limitarse a las materias objeto del recurso. Este principio restringe la aplicación del contenido del principio constitucional sobre la irrenunciabilidad de los m{nimos de derechos y garant(as consagrados a favor del trabajador. Esta situación plantea un conflicto normativo de una disposición de origen legal y una norma constitucional. En sentencia C- 968 de 2003 -

  1. Resonance circuits for adiabatic circuits

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    C. Schlachta


    Full Text Available One of the possible techniques to reduces the power consumption in digital CMOS circuits is to slow down the charge transport. This slowdown can be achieved by introducing an inductor in the charging path. Additionally, the inductor can act as an energy storage element, conserving the energy that is normally dissipated during discharging. Together with the parasitic capacitances from the circuit a LCresonant circuit is formed.

  2. Importancia de las diferencias entre actividad-procedimiento-proceso para la autoevaluación institucional universitaria

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    Hernando A. Romero


    Full Text Available Se refiere en una amplia reflexión, a que tener clara la diferencia de significados entre actividad, procedimiento-proceso, actividad social, proceso social y personal es muy importante en el campo de la autoevaluación institucional porque si no se reconocen sus diferencias, no se puede aludir correctamente lo que se entiende por actividad académica y las diferencias en el proceso pedagógico

  3. Comparación de dos procedimientos de inducción colectiva de ansiedad


    Nuevo, Roberto; Cabrera, Isabel; Montorio Cerrato, Ignacio; Márquez González, María


    Objetivo: Este estudio compara los resultados de la aplicación colectiva de dos procedimientos de inducción de ansiedad. Método: 62 estudiantes de psicología fueron aleatoriamente asignados a dos condiciones experimentales de inducción de ansiedad empleandose un diseño intergrupos con medidas repetidas pre-post. La condición A incluía el visionado de escenas de películas ansiógenas y la condición B la lectura de frases autoreferenciales de contenido amenazante combinada con la escucha de una ...

  4. Procedimiento de organización de la producción para una empresa de bebidas y refrescos

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    Iresis Borrero-Tinón


    Full Text Available La organización de la producción constituye un modo de elevar el nivel de eficiencia y eficacia en las empresas. La crisis económica mundial ha traído como consecuencia una depresión en el mercado de bebidas. Por lo que se hace necesaria una mejor organización de la producción en este sector para optimizar los recursos a utilizar y alcanzar los objetivos propuestos. Teniendo en cuenta ello este trabajo se propone como objetivo general: diseñar un procedimiento de organización de la producción para este sector. Como resultado principal del trabajo se obtiene: un procedimiento de la organización de la producción enfocado en las necesidades del cliente, reconociéndose en la organización la necesidad de la integridad de todas las partes del sistema para lograr la eficacia y la eficiencia. Este se aplicó en la Empresa de Bebidas y Refrescos de la Habana, Cuba con un impacto notable en las ventas.


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    Joan Jaime Puldón


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    Los lenguajes de modelado de procesos llevan décadas utilizándose en numerosos campos de la industria. El uso de estas técnicas es relativamente reciente dentro de la Ingeniería de Software. En este artículo se describe un procedimiento estándar de obtención requerimientos funcionales para el desarrollo de Sistemas de Gestión, basado en la aplicación de la gestión de procesos de negocio (BPM en su primera etapa, el análisis de procesos (BPA. Mediante la utilización del procedimiento, se obtuvieron los requerimientos a automatizar del Sistema de Gestión de Información de un hotel capitalino y se comparan con los obtenidos aplicando otros métodos de la ingeniería de software.

  6. Procedimiento para implementación de un sistema de gestión de costos de calidad

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    Lisandra de la Luz González-Reyes


    Full Text Available En Cuba, los directivos están conscientes que la calidad tiene un importante im pacto en las utilidades; sin embargo, no siempre se traduce la falta de calidad como ineficiencia en la gestión en sus empresas. Afortunadamente, los sostenidos resultados alcanzados, ha contribuido a la consolidación de una cultura de calidad, como parte de la cual, el conocimiento de los costos de la calidad gana creciente interés. En sintonía con este interés, el objetivo del trabajo va dirigido a desarrollar un procedimiento general para la implementación de un sistema de gestión de costos de la calidad con un enfoque de mejora continua. El procedimiento fue validado y en su diseño combina el enfoque de sistema, de gestión, de mejora continua y de procesos a través de un software . Para su cumplimiento se utilizaron métodos teóricos, estadísticos y empíri cos. Con su aplicación se demostró su factibilidad y sus potencialidades de generalización.

  7. Implementación de un procedimiento psicoeducativo para detectar dificultades emocionales en niños escolarizados

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    César Augusto Morales García


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio es diseñar un procedimiento psicoeducativo, que permita descubrir y prever los conflictos emocionales en relación con el contexto educativo, social y familiar de los niños de primero y segundo de primaria, a través de la prueba proyectiva del dibujo de figura humana. Para este estudio se seleccionó un grupo focal de 30 niños varones de 6 a 8 años de edad en una institución de la ciudad de Medellín. La muestra no probabilística contó con niños disímiles en su desempeño escolar, conducta y sociabilidad. Dentro de este estudio se encontraron indicadores emocionales tanto en niños con bajo y alto desempeño escolar; se hizo énfasis en clasificar los indicadores pasivos y activos. El procedimiento psicoeducativo se implementó y produjo una información eficaz de indicadores de alerta emocional, tanto para docentes como para psicólogos escolares. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.

  8. Conocimiento teórico y apego al procedimiento de diálisis peritoneal del paciente o su familiar

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    Wendy Juana María García Meza

    Full Text Available Introducción: Paciente y familiar deben conocer los conceptos esenciales y poseer habilidades motoras para la realización de diálisis peritoneal continua ambulatoria, por esto, enfermería brinda educación al paciente y familiar sobre los cuidados de diálisis en el hogar, sin embargo, continúan acudiendo pacientes con alguna complicación al hospital. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento teórico y apego al procedimiento dialítico del paciente o familiar. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo. Se efectuó una visita domiciliaria, en donde se aplicaron: una lista de cotejo para evaluar el apego al procedimiento, un cuestionario para evaluar los conocimientos teóricos y una cédula de variables clínicas y sociodemográficas. Participaron 24 sujetos, se dividieron en grupo pacientes (GP, donde los pacientes se auto-realizan el procedimiento y familiar (GF, donde los familiares realizan la técnica. Resultados: El nivel de conocimiento teórico en general fue moderado (73.24%, el GP obtuvo un índice más elevado (75.35% que el GF (71.45%. En la técnica, en general, se adhirieron al 80.3% de los pasos, el GF obtuvo mayor índice correcto (81.92% que el GP (78.63%. Conclusión: Los pacientes y familiares demuestran un déficit en ambas áreas, por esto, es necesario evaluarlos periódicamente para detectar fallos en la técnica y en el conocimiento, que predispongan al paciente a una complicación prevenible.

  9. Project Circuits in a Basic Electric Circuits Course (United States)

    Becker, James P.; Plumb, Carolyn; Revia, Richard A.


    The use of project circuits (a photoplethysmograph circuit and a simple audio amplifier), introduced in a sophomore-level electric circuits course utilizing active learning and inquiry-based methods, is described. The development of the project circuits was initiated to promote enhanced engagement and deeper understanding of course content among…

  10. Procedimiento metodológico para la medición del capital intelectual en empresas hoteleras/Methodological procedure for measuring intellectual capital in hotel companies

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    Marusia Monagas-Docasal


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta la propuesta de un procedimiento dirigido a la medición y evaluación delcapital intelectual en las empresas hoteleras, que parte de una concepción que aborda losaspectos que el directivo de este tipo de organizaciones debe emplear, de manera ineludible, sipretende alcanzar un resultado favorable. La sustentación teórica del procedimiento y de suesquema conceptual se basa en identificar un sistema de principios y se estructura elprocedimiento propuesto en 3 momentos diferentes: Diagnóstico, Instrumentación y Ejecución.

  11. Procedimiento de obtención de materailes multifuncionales y renovables a partir del rechazo de pipa procedente de la producción de aceite de girasol


    Martín-Luengo, María Ángeles; Yates Buxcey, Malcolm; Ramos, M.; Sáez Rojo, Eduardo; González Gil, Lorena; Martínez Serrano, Ana María; Martín-Aranda, Rosa María; Sanz Lázaro, Jesús


    Procedimiento de obtención de materiales multifuncionales y renovables a partir del rechazo de pipa procedente de la producción de aceite de girasol. La presente invención se refiere al procedimiento de obtención de materiales renovables, a partir de residuos precedentes de la fabricación de aceite de girasol, para su uso como matrices biocompatibles en ingeniería de tejidos, administración controlada de sustancias de interés biológico (drogas, proteínas, genes, etc...

  12. Clasificación automática mediante la CDU con el procedimiento en cadena


    San Segundo Manuel, Rosa


    Actas de las I Jornadas de Tratamiento y Recuperación de Información (JOTRI), Valencia, España, 4-5 julio 2002 Se entiende por clasificación automática el proceso de agrupar según el contenido las referencias de los documentos o bien los propios documentos electróneos. Este proceso se realiza mediante programas capaces de comparar términos empleados utilizados en el documento. E incluso hay otras formas automáticas de clasificación que emplean procedimientos auto...

  13. Material composite de nanocelulosa y arcillas fibrosas, procedimiento de fabricación y uso


    Ruiz-Hitzky, Eduardo; Aranda, Pilar; Darder, Margarita; González del Campo, María del Mar


    [ES] La invención se refiere a un material composite estable que comprende celulosa desfibrada y partículas de morfología fibrosa o fibras de silicatos pertenecientes a la familia de las arcillas fibrosas, entrelazadas nanométricamente. Además, la invención se refiere a un procedimiento de preparación de dicho material composite y sus usos como adsorbentes, absorbentes agentes espesantes, aditivos en alimentación, soportes de catalizadores, soportes de enzimas, soportes de fármacos, retardant...

  14. Material composite de nanocelulosa y arcillas fibrosas, procedimiento de fabricación y uso


    Ruiz-Hitzky, Eduardo; Aranda, Pilar; Darder, Margarita; González del Campo, María del Mar


    La invención se refiere a un material composite estable que comprende celulosa desfibrada y partículas de morfología fibrosa o fibras de silicatos pertenecientes a la familia de las arcillas fibrosas, entrelazadas nanométricamente. Además, la invención se refiere a un procedimiento de preparación de dicho material composite y sus usos como adsorbentes, absorbentes agentes espesantes, aditivos en alimentación, soportes de catalizadores, soportes de enzimas, soportes de fármacos, retardantes de...

  15. Web docente: estructura y procedimientos básicos de gestión eficaz

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    Concepción BUENO GARCÍA


    Full Text Available A partir de la experiencia en organización de actividades de formación para el profesorado universitario así como en la coordinación de proyectos de innovación pedagógica, se aborda el concepto de web docente como un instrumento especialmente eficaz para la integración de metodologías activas y colaborativas en el proceso de enseñanza/ aprendizaje en el ámbito universitario. Se analizan aspectos como el tipo de secciones, su naturaleza y funciones, así como algunos procedimientos básicos para su gestión eficaz.

  16. Tests computarizados


    Prialé Z., R. Fernando


    En primer lugar, se considera el impacto de las microcomputadoras en la actualidad, viéndolo como un hecho social destinado a traer profundos cambios: nos orientamos hacia una cultura informática cuyo signo es la posibilidad de tratar grandes cantidades de información. En segundo lugar; se analiza brevemente la importancia de los tests en el desarrollo de la psicología. Finalmente, se discute la posibilidad de aplicar la informática a la psicometría con el ejemplo del test de BARSIT.   The im...

  17. Tests computarizados

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    R. Fernando Prialé Z.


    Full Text Available En primer lugar, se considera el impacto de las microcomputadoras en la actualidad, viéndolo como un hecho social destinado a traer profundos cambios: nos orientamos hacia una cultura informática cuyo signo es la posibilidad de tratar grandes cantidades de información. En segundo lugar; se analiza brevemente la importancia de los tests en el desarrollo de la psicología. Finalmente, se discute la posibilidad de aplicar la informática a la psicometría con el ejemplo del test de BARSIT.   The impact of microcomputers is discussed as a cultural fact that will bring profound changes in the near future: a society with an ubiquous capacity for treating big amounts of information. The importance of tests for the development of psychology is then analysed. Finaly, the possibility of applying microcomputers to psychometry is discussed trough a concrete example: The BARSIT test.

  18. Tendencias actuales del Procedimiento Civil en Colombia y sus nuevos avances hacia una sociedad moderna

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    Luis Rafael Vergara Camargo


    Full Text Available ResumenAnalizar la aproximación actual del Procedimiento Civil en Colombia, es acercarnos a las realidades sociales, políticas, económicas y jurídicas; de ahí que cada día hay que repensar para reubicarnos en nuestro contexto, las normatividades jurídicas que permiten resolver oportunamente las problemáticas que se dan en torno a las relaciones de nuestra sociedad las cuales se presentan y no están alejadas de nuestra realidad; por eso como Colombia es un país en vía de desarrollo, que se encuentra articulado al mundo global, se hace necesario implementar las herramientas jurídicas, para hacer más oportuna la solución de los conflictos.Palabras clavesProcedimiento, justicia, desarrollo social, normatividades.AbstractAnalyze the current approach of Civil Procedure in Colombia, is be closer to the social, political, economic and legal, and hence that every day we must rethink our place ourselves in context, legal normativities that solve problems in a timely manner about the relations that exist in our society are presented and are not far from our reality so as Colombia is a developing country, which is articulated to the global world, it is necessary to implement the legal tools to do more timely resolution of conflicts.Key wordsProcedure, justice, social development, normativities.

  19. Procedimiento para el diagnóstico y mejora del clima organizacional

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    Azucena González Verde


    Full Text Available Esta investigación se desarrolló en la Empresa de Acopio y Beneficio de Tabaco Matanzas, debido al incrementado la fluctuación de la fuerza de trabajo, así como existe descontento de los trabajadores por la falta de medios de trabajo y de protección personal, además consideran que no existe equidad entre el trabajo realizado y los beneficios recibidos, por lo que tiene como objetivo proponer un procedimiento para el diagnóstico y mejora del clima organizacional en que se desenvuelve el capital humano. Para su ejecución se emplearon algunas técnicas y métodos como: análisis y síntesis, deducción e inducción, cuestionarios, test, selección de expertos, Método Delphi ponderado, Tormenta de ideas, Diagrama Causa - Efecto, Servqual Modificado, las listas de chequeo para el diagnóstico del Sistema de Gestión Integrada de Capital Humano, trabajo en grupo, procesando la información mediante las tablas dinámicas de Excel y el software profesional SPSS 15.0. El análisis de la información teórica y los resultados prácticos permitió arribar a que: algunas variables o dimensiones del clima organizacional en la Empresa son desfavorables, tales como: salario, condiciones laborales, su trabajo y comunicación; siendo el salario la dimensión de mayor insatisfacción. El procedimiento propuesto y su aplicación permite realizar estudios de satisfacción periódicamente, implementar acciones de capacitación dirigidas a mejorar la información interna, las condiciones materiales del puesto de trabajo, facilita una mayor participación de los trabajadores en la toma de decisiones, elaboración y conciliación de los objetivos de la institución, aumento de la calidad y disminución de la fluctuación laboral.

  20. Ultra-low power integrated circuit design circuits, systems, and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Li, Dongmei; Wang, Zhihua


    This book describes the design of CMOS circuits for ultra-low power consumption including analog, radio frequency (RF), and digital signal processing circuits (DSP). The book addresses issues from circuit and system design to production design, and applies the ultra-low power circuits described to systems for digital hearing aids and capsule endoscope devices. Provides a valuable introduction to ultra-low power circuit design, aimed at practicing design engineers; Describes all key building blocks of ultra-low power circuits, from a systems perspective; Applies circuits and systems described to real product examples such as hearing aids and capsule endoscopes.


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    Américo José Hossne García


    Full Text Available La metodología de análisis, con el uso de los procesos computarizados, es necesaria para facilitar a los técnicos y productores agropecuarios, mecanismos accesibles para el cálculo de los procesos agrícolas que le proporcionen una mejor toma de decisiones. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo la creación e implementación de un sistema informático que consistió en presentar a los usuarios del agro, un programa fácil de utilizar para calcular el ancho óptimo de trabajo de los aperos agrícolas utilizando ecuaciones ampliadas y actualizadas. En la metodología se utilizaron los procedimientos económicos aplicados, las relaciones algebraicas y procedimientos programáticos en Visual Basic 6, diagrama de flujo y excel. Los resultados presentan un programa para el cálculo del ancho de trabajo óptimo de aperos agrícolas, utilizando ecuaciones introducidas con un número de parámetros representativos del área; las cuales, pueden ser reemplazadas o ampliadas. Se concluye que el modelo podría ser utilizado como una ayuda para la toma de decisiones en predecir por ejemplo el número de tractores para cubrir una determinada área prevista dentro de una restricción de tiempo o puede ser adoptado para el desarrollo de un programa en caso de operar múltiples unidades de maquinarias agrícolas. El programa es fácil de utilizar, con adquisición del paquete a petición.

  2. Electronic circuit encyclopedia 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Sun Ho


    This book is composed of 15 chapters, which are amplification of weak signal and measurement circuit audio control and power amplification circuit, data transmission and wireless system, forwarding and isolation, signal converting circuit, counter and comparator, discriminator circuit, oscillation circuit and synthesizer, digital and circuit on computer image processing circuit, sensor drive circuit temperature sensor circuit, magnetic control and application circuit, motor driver circuit, measuring instrument and check tool and power control and stability circuit.

  3. Electronic circuit encyclopedia 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Sun Ho


    This book is composed of 15 chapters, which are amplification of weak signal and measurement circuit audio control and power amplification circuit, data transmission and wireless system, forwarding and isolation, signal converting circuit, counter and comparator, discriminator circuit, oscillation circuit and synthesizer, digital and circuit on computer image processing circuit, sensor drive circuit temperature sensor circuit, magnetic control and application circuit, motor driver circuit, measuring instrument and check tool and power control and stability circuit.

  4. Notificaciones en el procedimiento administrativo. Análisis de las modificatorias vinculadas al decreto legislativo 1029.

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    Jorge Pando Vilchez


    Full Text Available La notificación, institución de singular importancia en el procedimiento administrativo, ha sido objeto de modificaciones introducidas por el decreto legislativo 1029. Estas modificaciones, si bien son un avance en la regulación, presentan deficiencias que podrían perjudicar la propia institución de la notificación, ya que mantienen aspectos no regulados y que debieran ser tema de la agenda inmediata.

  5. Solid-state circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Pridham, G J


    Solid-State Circuits provides an introduction to the theory and practice underlying solid-state circuits, laying particular emphasis on field effect transistors and integrated circuits. Topics range from construction and characteristics of semiconductor devices to rectification and power supplies, low-frequency amplifiers, sine- and square-wave oscillators, and high-frequency effects and circuits. Black-box equivalent circuits of bipolar transistors, physical equivalent circuits of bipolar transistors, and equivalent circuits of field effect transistors are also covered. This volume is divided

  6. Collective of mechatronics circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book is composed of three parts, which deals with mechatronics system about sensor, circuit and motor. The contents of the first part are photo sensor of collector for output, locating detection circuit with photo interrupts, photo sensor circuit with CdS cell and lamp, interface circuit with logic and LED and temperature sensor circuit. The second part deals with oscillation circuit with crystal, C-R oscillation circuit, F-V converter, timer circuit, stability power circuit, DC amp and DC-DC converter. The last part is comprised of bridge server circuit, deformation bridge server, controlling circuit of DC motor, controlling circuit with IC for PLL and driver circuit of stepping motor and driver circuit of Brushless.

  7. Collective of mechatronics circuit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This book is composed of three parts, which deals with mechatronics system about sensor, circuit and motor. The contents of the first part are photo sensor of collector for output, locating detection circuit with photo interrupts, photo sensor circuit with CdS cell and lamp, interface circuit with logic and LED and temperature sensor circuit. The second part deals with oscillation circuit with crystal, C-R oscillation circuit, F-V converter, timer circuit, stability power circuit, DC amp and DC-DC converter. The last part is comprised of bridge server circuit, deformation bridge server, controlling circuit of DC motor, controlling circuit with IC for PLL and driver circuit of stepping motor and driver circuit of Brushless.

  8. Experimental Device for Learning of Logical Circuit Design using Integrated Circuits


    石橋, 孝昭


    This paper presents an experimental device for learning of logical circuit design using integrated circuits and breadboards. The experimental device can be made at a low cost and can be used for many subjects such as logical circuits, computer engineering, basic electricity, electrical circuits and electronic circuits. The proposed device is effective to learn the logical circuits than the usual lecture.

  9. Fundamentos de la detención preventiva en el procedimiento penal colombiano

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    Leonardo Cruz Bolívar


    Full Text Available La contribución se ocupa de analizar en concreto los principios que rigen la privación preventiva de la libertad en el procedimiento penal, desde el punto de vista constitucional, legal y de instrumentos internacionales, buscando armonizar los criterios que utilizan los jueces de garantías al momento de resolver la solicitud del fiscal en esta materia. El principio de proporcionalidad constitucional, los elementos desarrollados legalmente y los pronunciamientos del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos dan base a las interpretaciones que se proponen en el artículo, buscando proteger la libertad, sin renunciar a las necesidades básicas de la justicia y la sociedad que requieren un proceso penal eficiente y que responda a la realidad nacional.

  10. Procedimiento para la extracción de gluten contenido en alimentos, procesados y no procesados por calor, compatible con un ensayo de inmunoabsorción ligado a enzimas, composición y kits que comprenden dicha composición


    López Villar, Elena; Llorente Gómez, María de las Mercedes; Méndez Cormán, Enrique


    La presente invención se refiera a, en general, el análisis de alimentos para enfermos celiacos, y, especialmente, se refiere a un procedimiento para la extracción de gluten de alimentos, compatible con un ensayo de inmunoabsorción ligado a enzimas (ELISA), a composiciones adecuadas para la puesta en práctica de dicho procedimiento, a kits que comprenden dichas composiciones y a un procedimiento para la cuantificación por ELISA del gluten presente en los alimentos.

  11. Sensor de temperatura para sistemas microelectromecánicos y procedimiento de fabricación


    Vázquez Villalabeitia, Manuel; Kolesar, Vladimir


    El objeto de la invención es un sensor de temperatura con estructura cilíndrica y constituido por un material compuesto, que comprende un núcleo metálico y al menos un recubrimiento sobre dicho núcleo metálico con la característica de presentar una asimetría radial en cualquier sección transversal de la estructura. Constituye igualmente un objeto de la presente invención un procedimiento de fabricación del sensor de temperatura basado en la solidificación rápida del núcleo metálico en el ...

  12. Dos procedimientos para el estudio de las plumas en microscopía óptica


    Gallardo, Manuela; Monsalve, María Montaña; Valladolid, María


    [ES] Se presentan dos procedimientos histológicos que permiten la inclusión de las plumas en parafina, con el fin de obtener secciones apropiadas para su uso en microscopía óptica. Las técnicas se basan en el tratamiento (1) con yoduro potásico y (2) con ferricianuro férrico. En ambos casos se posibilita el corte de la pluma, permitiendo la observación de su estructura interna (p.e. distribución de melanosomas) y la aplicación de protocolos adicionales, como tinciones convencionales o técnica...

  13. Color Coding of Circuit Quantities in Introductory Circuit Analysis Instruction (United States)

    Reisslein, Jana; Johnson, Amy M.; Reisslein, Martin


    Learning the analysis of electrical circuits represented by circuit diagrams is often challenging for novice students. An open research question in electrical circuit analysis instruction is whether color coding of the mathematical symbols (variables) that denote electrical quantities can improve circuit analysis learning. The present study…

  14. Design of an improved RCD buffer circuit for full bridge circuit (United States)

    Yang, Wenyan; Wei, Xueye; Du, Yongbo; Hu, Liang; Zhang, Liwei; Zhang, Ou


    In the full bridge inverter circuit, when the switch tube suddenly opened or closed, the inductor current changes rapidly. Due to the existence of parasitic inductance of the main circuit. Therefore, the surge voltage between drain and source of the switch tube can be generated, which will have an impact on the switch and the output voltage. In order to ab sorb the surge voltage. An improve RCD buffer circuit is proposed in the paper. The peak energy will be absorbed through the buffer capacitor of the circuit. The part energy feedback to the power supply, another part release through the resistor in the form of heat, and the circuit can absorb the voltage spikes. This paper analyzes the process of the improved RCD snubber circuit, According to the specific parameters of the main circuit, a reasonable formula for calculating the resistance capacitance is given. A simulation model will be modulated in Multisim, which compared the waveform of tube voltage and the output waveform of the circuit without snubber circuit with the improved RCD snubber circuit. By comparing and analyzing, it is proved that the improved buffer circuit can absorb surge voltage. Finally, experiments are demonstrated to validate that the correctness of the RC formula and the improved RCD snubber circuit.

  15. Analog circuit design designing dynamic circuit response

    CERN Document Server

    Feucht, Dennis


    This second volume, Designing Dynamic Circuit Response builds upon the first volume Designing Amplifier Circuits by extending coverage to include reactances and their time- and frequency-related behavioral consequences.

  16. Calificación de procedimientos de soldadura, operadores y soldadores en procesos smaw y gmaw, de acuerdo al código aws d1.1 para aceros estructurales


    Chan Pozo, Ma. Angelica; Serrano Valarezo, Omar


    Inicialmente, se explicará el procedimiento de calificación de soldaduras de ranura y se expondrán los tipos de ensayos de calificación establecidos por el código citado y sus respectivos criterios de aceptación. A continuación, se calificará una soldadura de ranura en V realizada mediante el proceso de Soldadura de Arco con Electrodo Revestido, SMAW. Si dicha soldadura fuera aprobada se elaborará el respectivo Certificado de Calificación del Procedimiento y el Registro de Calificación de...

  17. Procedimiento de estabilizacion de mercurio liquido mediante cemento polimerico de azufre,via sulfuro de mercurio


    López Gómez, Félix Antonio; López-Delgado, Aurora; Alguacil, Francisco José; Alonso Gámez, Manuel


    Procedimiento para la estabilización de mercurio líquido mediante la obtención de cementos poliméricos de azufre que comprende: (a) transformación del mercurio líquido en sulfuro de mercurio (metacinabrio) mediante reacción química, en condiciones estequiométricas, entre el mercurio y el azufre elemental; y (b) obtención de cemento polimérico de azufre mediante la incorporación el sulfuro de mercurio obtenido en la etapa anterior, en una mezcla estable constituida por áridos, azufre elemental...

  18. Modelo de procedimiento sancionador electrónico aplicado al control del tráfico vehicular


    Fuentes, José María de; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Ribagorda, Arturo


    RECSI 2010. XI Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, España, 7-10 Septiembre 2010 El incumplimiento de las leyes origina la imposición de sanciones. Una buena gestión de las sanciones se convierte en un factor clave para que éstas sean eficaces. Por este motivo, se han producido impulsos legislativos que persiguen el desarrollo electrónico de los procedimientos. No obstante, hasta el momento no se ha propuesto la reali...

  19. Desarrollo de un procedimiento constructivo más seguro para invernaderos multitúnel

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    Carreño, A.


    Full Text Available This paper reports the development and testing of a new procedure for constructing multi-span greenhouses, based on the assembly of the roof structure at ground level and later raising it to its final position. To compare the proposed and traditional construction procedures, a greenhouse was assembled employing each method to erect one half of the final structure. The same workers erected both halves. The proposed method showed important advantages in terms of the time spent working at height, the number of workers required, the complementary machinery needed, and the overall assembly time, thus reducing the risk of accidents, concluding that fall from height will be reduced 9,2% due to a reduction of working hours at height in 40%

    Un nuevo sistema constructivo para invernaderos multitúnel ha sido desarrollado y evaluado. El nuevo sistema se fundamenta en el montaje del conjunto de la estructura de cubierta a nivel de suelo y posteriormente su elevación, hasta alcanzar su posición definitiva. Para su evaluación, se ha construido un invernadero combinando ambos sistemas constructivos. La mitad del invernadero se ha ejecutado según el sistema tradicional y la restante según el nuevo procedimiento, empleando en ambos casos los mismos operarios. Los parámetros registrados, horas de trabajo en altura, mano de obra empleada, necesidades de maquinaria complementaria y tiempo de montaje, ponen de manifiesto las importantes mejoras en cuanto a seguridad que conlleva la aplicación del nuevo procedimiento constructivo, que permite concluir que la siniestralidad por caídas en altura se reduciría un 9,2% debido a la disminución de las horas de trabajo en altura en un 40%.

  20. La influencia de las explicaciones de la dirección en la evaluación de los procedimientos analíticos de auditoría

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    Reiner Quick


    Full Text Available La aplicación de procedimientos analíticos está basada en la expectativa de que existan relaciones entre los datos contenidos en los estados contables, y proporcionan evidencia de auditoría sobre la validez, precisión e integridad de la información contable. Los auditores generan valores esperados y los comparan con los contenidos en los estados financieros. Cuando se producen discrepancias, el auditor debe generar hipótesis sobre las posibles causas, evaluarlas y elegir la más plausible. Los estándares de auditoría requieren que los auditores consulten a la dirección para encontrar explicaciones que justifiquen fluctuaciones inesperadas. Investigaciones empíricas anteriores revelan que las explicaciones de la dirección influyen en la generación de hipótesis y en los procedimientos analíticos. Este estudio experimental, basado en una fluctuación inesperada del margen bruto, es el primero alemán que investiga el efecto de las explicaciones de la dirección en las etapas de formación de hipótesis, búsqueda de información y juicios finales respecto a los procedimientos analíticos.

  1. Procedimiento para la gestión de mantenimiento utilizando herramientas de la cuarta generación


    Aracelis Barrios; Maritza Ortiz


    El presente artículo presenta el diseño de un procedimiento para una gestión de mantenimiento sistémico, utilizando un conjunto de herramientas, que enfocan el uso de los recursos de la empresa asociados con las Personas, los Procesos y la Tecnología, orientados a mejorar la productividad, la toma de decisiones acertadas y a maximizar el rendimiento de los equipos, considerando entre otros, los factores de Confiabilidad, Mantenibilidad, Seguridad, Calidad y Medio Ambiente. El desarrollo del p...

  2. El acto de incoación y las esferas jurídicas de los sujetos intervinientes en el procedimiento administrativo

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    Orlando Vignolo Cueva


    Full Text Available El análisis del inicio del procedimiento administrativo plantea una serie de interrogantes que no solo deben responder a las implicancias adjetivas que tiene esta etapa procedimental, sino a sus dos modos de plasmación —o, en un sentido más extenso, a su impacto directo sobre diversos términos y actuaciones posteriores que pueden surgir alrededor de la tramitación de este cauce formal—. Los argumentos y las respectivas conclusiones deben tratar de ubicarse más allá de la figura como una mera fase, a fin de presentarla como un acto que abre la puerta a un entramado de relaciones jurídico-administrativas entre dos sujetos de naturaleza distinta y que se encuentran en medio de un camino de diligencias y actuaciones normativamente predeterminadas. Por lo dicho, resulta claro que este acto permite revisar —de manera meridianamente clara— los estatutos conformados alrededor de los intervinientes en un procedimiento, quienes empezarían a desarrollarse con una serie de particularidades con la necesidad de ser resaltadas.

  3. Mapa y jerarquía espacial de la pobreza en México. Un nuevo procedimiento para identificar el patrón espacial de los problemas sociales

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    Jesús A. Treviño C.


    Full Text Available Esta investigación presenta y aplica un nuevo procedimiento para jerarquizar espa- cialmente la pobreza. El método propuesto combina simultáneamente variables de magnitud e intensidad utilizando técnicas estadísticas recientes (remuestreo y auto - correlación espacial y tradicionales, así como rutinas de superposición espacial de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Mientras magnitud e intensidad se refieren a datos absolutos y relativos, respec- tivamente, cada variable puede estar concentrada o aglomerada en el espacio. En este estudio, concentración es la presencia de valores globales altos, independiente- mente de su localización, y aglomeración es la concentración de valores locales altos espacialmente contiguos. Ambas, aglomeración y concentración, son fusionadas mediante un procedimiento de superposición geográfica para crear conglomerados de magnitud o intensidad de pobreza. Los casos al interior de estos conglomerados son clasificados por procedimientos gaussianos (discontinuidades naturales o pa- retianos (puntas y colas para crear una jerarquía espacial. Por primera vez en el estudio de la pobreza, la jerarquía espacial resultante es producto de la combinación simultánea de los procesos de concentración y aglome- ración medidos en términos absolutos y relativos. Los beneficios del procedimiento en una política pública espacialmente orientada son ilustrados abordando la focali- zación espacial de la pobreza en los 2 456 municipios mexicanos en el 2010. La meto- dología propuesta en esta investigación puede adaptarse fácilmente para identificar los patrones espaciales de otros problemas sociales, tales como crimen, industria, enfermedades, contaminación o justicia ambiental en diferentes áreas o países.

  4. Circuit analysis for dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Santiago, John


    Circuits overloaded from electric circuit analysis? Many universities require that students pursuing a degree in electrical or computer engineering take an Electric Circuit Analysis course to determine who will ""make the cut"" and continue in the degree program. Circuit Analysis For Dummies will help these students to better understand electric circuit analysis by presenting the information in an effective and straightforward manner. Circuit Analysis For Dummies gives you clear-cut information about the topics covered in an electric circuit analysis courses to help

  5. Tendencias actuales del Procedimiento Civil en Colombia y sus nuevos avances hacia una sociedad moderna


    Luis Rafael Vergara Camargo


    ResumenAnalizar la aproximación actual del Procedimiento Civil en Colombia, es acercarnos a las realidades sociales, políticas, económicas y jurídicas; de ahí que cada día hay que repensar para reubicarnos en nuestro contexto, las normatividades jurídicas que permiten resolver oportunamente las problemáticas que se dan en torno a las relaciones de nuestra sociedad las cuales se presentan y no están alejadas de nuestra realidad; por eso como Colombia es un país en vía de desarrollo, que se enc...

  6. Current limiter circuit system (United States)

    Witcher, Joseph Brandon; Bredemann, Michael V.


    An apparatus comprising a steady state sensing circuit, a switching circuit, and a detection circuit. The steady state sensing circuit is connected to a first, a second and a third node. The first node is connected to a first device, the second node is connected to a second device, and the steady state sensing circuit causes a scaled current to flow at the third node. The scaled current is proportional to a voltage difference between the first and second node. The switching circuit limits an amount of current that flows between the first and second device. The detection circuit is connected to the third node and the switching circuit. The detection circuit monitors the scaled current at the third node and controls the switching circuit to limit the amount of the current that flows between the first and second device when the scaled current is greater than a desired level.

  7. The voltage—current relationship and equivalent circuit implementation of parallel flux-controlled memristive circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bao Bo-Cheng; Feng Fei; Dong Wei; Pan Sai-Hu


    A flux-controlled memristor characterized by smooth cubic nonlinearity is taken as an example, upon which the voltage—current relationships (VCRs) between two parallel memristive circuits — a parallel memristor and capacitor circuit (the parallel MC circuit), and a parallel memristor and inductor circuit (the parallel ML circuit) — are investigated. The results indicate that the VCR between these two parallel memristive circuits is closely related to the circuit parameters, and the frequency and amplitude of the sinusoidal voltage stimulus. An equivalent circuit model of the memristor is built, upon which the circuit simulations and experimental measurements of both the parallel MC circuit and the parallel ML circuit are performed, and the results verify the theoretical analysis results

  8. Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones


    Fernández López, Víctor Manuel; López de Lacey, Antonio; Rüdiger Ortiz, Olaf


    Electrodo biológico con la enzima hidrogenasa, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones. En la presente invención se protegen electrodos biológicos modificados con enzimas hidrogenasas (ánodos) mediante los cuales es posible obtener energía eléctrica del hidrógeno en una configuración típica de pilas de combustible; asimismo, con estos electrodos modificados con hidrogenasa (cátodos) es posible producir hidrógeno a partir de agua en una configuración típica de cél...

  9. Procedimiento de clasificación y presunción de inocencia del procesado interno, Lima, 2016


    Alvarado Mamani, Mercy Jeaninna


    La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo general determinar si la aplicación de nuevos mecanismos en el procedimiento de clasificación garantiza la presunción de inocencia de los internos procesados, para lo tuvo que recurrir a bibliografía existente, jurisprudencia y el apoyo de expertos en el tema en cuestión. La metodología empleada tuvo enfoque cualitativo, que por su flexibilización permite realizar una investigación de tipo objetiva; así mismo, fue orientada a ...

  10. Frecuencia y punto de vista: procedimientos narrativos para estructurar el relato

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Prósper Ribes


    Full Text Available Uno de los procedimiento narrativos más interesantes consiste en mostrar dos o más veces en el discurso un acontecimiento que ha tenido lugar una sola vez en la historia (frecuencia repetitiva pero variando el punto de vista de forma que en cada una de las ocasiones se muestren diferentes aspectos de un mismo acontecimiento para que el sentido final sea distinto. Normalmente, en la primera ocasión en que se muestra hay una falta de información que puede provocar un enigma en el espectador. En otras ocasiones, la frecuencia repetitiva se utiliza para modificar el sentido de un acontecimiento introduciendo nuevos datos. Para controlar el suministro informativo se suele recurrir  a la elipsis y al espacio fuera de campo. A través de la elipsis se elimina un dato fundamental, mientras que el espacio fuera de campo oculta un dato esencial para comprender el acontecimiento.

  11. Procedimiento para evaluar las variables generadoras de sinergias en los cambios organizacionales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lidia María Pérez-Vallejo


    Full Text Available Las organizaciones se desarrollan en entornos que cambian rápida yconstantemente derivado de dos factores principales: las propiastransformaciones de los agentes económicos y sociales; y la actividad ydinamismo de la competencia y el desarrollo tecnológico. Es por ello que enesta investigación, partiendo del estudio de un conjunto de modelos, seproponeun procedimiento para evaluar las variablespara la generación desinergiascomo una vía favorecedora de los cambios organizacionales.Losprincipales métodos utilizados fueron:la búsqueda bibliográficayencuestas. Alvalidarloen una entidad hotelera cubana se determinó que el cambionecesario fue implementar un enfoque por proceso que permita mejorar eldesempeño empresarial. Se logró aportar la proyección acorde con lasnecesidades de la organización, así como el mejoramiento continuo de laefectividad de los procesos.

  12. Procedimiento de obtención de moléculas orgánicas útiles como nuevos agentes surfactantes


    Corma, Avelino; Iborra Chornet, Sara; Climent Olmedo, María José; Arias Carrascal, Karen Sulay


    Procedimiento de obtención de moléculas orgánicas que comprende los siguientes pasos: (a) Un primer paso de eterificación selectiva del grupo hidroximetil del 5-hidroximetilfurfural (HMF) en presencia de, al menos, un compuesto de cadena carbonada y un catalizador ácido para obtener alcoximetilfurfural; (b) Un segundo paso de oxidación selectiva del grupo formil del compuesto obtenido en el primer paso a grupo carboxilato en presencia de al menos un cataliz...

  13. 30 CFR 75.518 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection. (United States)


    ... short circuit protection. 75.518 Section 75.518 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION... Equipment-General § 75.518 Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection... installed so as to protect all electric equipment and circuits against short circuit and overloads. Three...

  14. 30 CFR 77.506 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short-circuit protection. (United States)


    ... short-circuit protection. 77.506 Section 77.506 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION... circuits; overload and short-circuit protection. Automatic circuit-breaking devices or fuses of the correct type and capacity shall be installed so as to protect all electric equipment and circuits against short...

  15. Procedimientos de queja en la Iglesia Católica y de víctimas de abuso sexual histórico

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bisschops, Anke


    Desde 2010 unas 1600 víctimas de abuso sexual infantil en la Iglesia Católica de los Países Bajos han presentado demandas. La mayoría de estas demandas han sido tratadas a través de un procedimiento semi-legal, creado especialmente por la iglesia para dar respuesta a esta situación. Al mismo tiempo,

  16. Volumetric and chemical control auxiliary circuit for a PWR primary circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Costes, D.


    The volumetric and chemical control circuit has an expansion tank with at least one water-steam chamber connected to the primary circuit by a sampling pipe and a reinjection pipe. The sampling pipe feeds jet pumps controlled by valves. An action on these valves and pumps regulates the volume of the water in the primary circuit. A safety pipe controlled by a flap automatically injects water from the chamber into the primary circuit in case of ruptures. The auxiliary circuit has also systems for purifying the water and controlling the boric acid and hydrogen content [fr

  17. Análisis computarizado de registros fonocardiográficos para la detección de soplos cardiacos Computarized analysis of phonographic registers for the detection of heart murmurs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César G Castellanos

    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta algunos argumentos por los cuales se ha generado un interés en los últimos años para desarrollar investigaciones en señales de fonocardiografía digital, como apoyo al diagnóstico de los soplos cardiacos. Adicionalmente, se expone una metodología para la detección de soplos cardiacos causados por valvulopatías cardiacas mediante el análisis computarizado de registros fonocardiográficos, utilizando específicamente algoritmos de análisis acústico y técnicas de dinámica no lineal. Se compara la separación entre clases normal (ruidos cardiacos y patológica (soplos cardiacos, producto de las medidas obtenidas utilizando las dos técnicas mencionadas y realizando la detección mediante un algoritmo clasificador, tanto en condiciones donde se disminuyen las perturbaciones acústicas de estos registros como en aquellas donde permanecen este tipo de perturbaciones.The aim of this work is to present some arguments that during the last years have generated interest in the development of digital phonocardiography research, for supporting the diagnosis of heart murmurs. In addition, a methodology for the detection of heart murmurs caused by valvulopathies by means of computerized phonographic register analysis is exposed, using specifically acoustic algorhythms analysis and non-linear dynamic techniques. The separation between normal (heart sounds and pathologic (murmurs is compared through the measurements obtained by the already mentioned techniques and making the detection by means of a classifying algorhythm both in conditions where these acoustic perturbations are diminished as in those where these kind of perturbations remain.

  18. Intuitive analog circuit design

    CERN Document Server

    Thompson, Marc


    Intuitive Analog Circuit Design outlines ways of thinking about analog circuits and systems that let you develop a feel for what a good, working analog circuit design should be. This book reflects author Marc Thompson's 30 years of experience designing analog and power electronics circuits and teaching graduate-level analog circuit design, and is the ideal reference for anyone who needs a straightforward introduction to the subject. In this book, Dr. Thompson describes intuitive and ""back-of-the-envelope"" techniques for designing and analyzing analog circuits, including transistor amplifi

  19. The circuit designer's companion

    CERN Document Server

    Williams, Tim


    The Circuit Designer's Companion covers the theoretical aspects and practices in analogue and digital circuit design. Electronic circuit design involves designing a circuit that will fulfill its specified function and designing the same circuit so that every production model of it will fulfill its specified function, and no other undesired and unspecified function.This book is composed of nine chapters and starts with a review of the concept of grounding, wiring, and printed circuits. The subsequent chapters deal with the passive and active components of circuitry design. These topics are foll

  20. Electronic devices and circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Pridham, Gordon John


    Electronic Devices and Circuits, Volume 3 provides a comprehensive account on electronic devices and circuits and includes introductory network theory and physics. The physics of semiconductor devices is described, along with field effect transistors, small-signal equivalent circuits of bipolar transistors, and integrated circuits. Linear and non-linear circuits as well as logic circuits are also considered. This volume is comprised of 12 chapters and begins with an analysis of the use of Laplace transforms for analysis of filter networks, followed by a discussion on the physical properties of

  1. Signal sampling circuit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Louwsma, S.M.; Vertregt, Maarten


    A sampling circuit for sampling a signal is disclosed. The sampling circuit comprises a plurality of sampling channels adapted to sample the signal in time-multiplexed fashion, each sampling channel comprising a respective track-and-hold circuit connected to a respective analogue to digital

  2. Signal sampling circuit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Louwsma, S.M.; Vertregt, Maarten


    A sampling circuit for sampling a signal is disclosed. The sampling circuit comprises a plurality of sampling channels adapted to sample the signal in time-multiplexed fashion, each sampling channel comprising a respective track-and-hold circuit connected to a respective analogue to digital

  3. Electric circuits essentials

    CERN Document Server

    REA, Editors of


    REA's Essentials provide quick and easy access to critical information in a variety of different fields, ranging from the most basic to the most advanced. As its name implies, these concise, comprehensive study guides summarize the essentials of the field covered. Essentials are helpful when preparing for exams, doing homework and will remain a lasting reference source for students, teachers, and professionals. Electric Circuits I includes units, notation, resistive circuits, experimental laws, transient circuits, network theorems, techniques of circuit analysis, sinusoidal analysis, polyph

  4. Approximate circuits for increased reliability (United States)

    Hamlet, Jason R.; Mayo, Jackson R.


    Embodiments of the invention describe a Boolean circuit having a voter circuit and a plurality of approximate circuits each based, at least in part, on a reference circuit. The approximate circuits are each to generate one or more output signals based on values of received input signals. The voter circuit is to receive the one or more output signals generated by each of the approximate circuits, and is to output one or more signals corresponding to a majority value of the received signals. At least some of the approximate circuits are to generate an output value different than the reference circuit for one or more input signal values; however, for each possible input signal value, the majority values of the one or more output signals generated by the approximate circuits and received by the voter circuit correspond to output signal result values of the reference circuit.

  5. Short-circuit logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergstra, J.A.; Ponse, A.


    Short-circuit evaluation denotes the semantics of propositional connectives in which the second argument is only evaluated if the first argument does not suffice to determine the value of the expression. In programming, short-circuit evaluation is widely used. A short-circuit logic is a variant of



    Araújo Segovia, Ramiro; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


    En el ámbito internacional existe un convenio sobre facilitación de procedimientos aduaneros, llamado “Convenio de Kyoto para la armonización y simplificación de los regímenes aduaneros”.En algunas normas internas colombianas se hace referencia a ese convenio, pero no ha sido firmado por Colombia. Además, en algunos sectores aduaneros se lo suele mencionar como un referente a tener en cuenta por el gobierno cuando expida normas aduaneras.Sin embargo, sentimos que no ha habido ni divulgación n...

  7. Load testing circuit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    A load testing circuit a circuit tests the load impedance of a load connected to an amplifier. The load impedance includes a first terminal and a second terminal, the load testing circuit comprising a signal generator providing a test signal of a defined bandwidth to the first terminal of the load...

  8. Procedimiento Alterno para Ejecutar Clausuras y Suspensión de Actividades en Cabos Especiales en el SRI


    Illescas Ochoa, Susana del Carmen; Torres Enrique, Emma Maryuri


    La administración tributaria en el Ecuador se encuentra imposibilitada de aplicar cierto tipo de sanción alternativa cuando la ejecución de la pena de la clausura a un contribuyente que ha cometido una de las infracciones tributarias estipuladas en la Disposición Séptima de Ley para la Reforma de las Finanzas Públicas. Existe un procedimiento sustitutivo legalmente establecido, el cual es el de la suspensión de actividades, pero hasta la actualidad no se ha establecido parámetros formales...

  9. Timergenerator circuits manual

    CERN Document Server

    Marston, R M


    Timer/Generator Circuits Manual is an 11-chapter text that deals mainly with waveform generator techniques and circuits. Each chapter starts with an explanation of the basic principles of its subject followed by a wide range of practical circuit designs. This work presents a total of over 300 practical circuits, diagrams, and tables.Chapter 1 outlines the basic principles and the different types of generator. Chapters 2 to 9 deal with a specific type of waveform generator, including sine, square, triangular, sawtooth, and special waveform generators pulse. These chapters also include pulse gen

  10. CMOS circuits manual

    CERN Document Server

    Marston, R M


    CMOS Circuits Manual is a user's guide for CMOS. The book emphasizes the practical aspects of CMOS and provides circuits, tables, and graphs to further relate the fundamentals with the applications. The text first discusses the basic principles and characteristics of the CMOS devices. The succeeding chapters detail the types of CMOS IC, including simple inverter, gate and logic ICs and circuits, and complex counters and decoders. The last chapter presents a miscellaneous collection of two dozen useful CMOS circuits. The book will be useful to researchers and professionals who employ CMOS circu

  11. Los procedimientos de la comicidad en el primer teatro de Miguel Mihura y de Eugène Ionesco


    Llera, José Antonio


    Aunque Miguel Mihura desarrolla la primera parte de su producción teatral durante los años cuarenta, la crítica lo considera un precursor del llamado por Martin Esslin teatro del absurdo, que se inaugura en Francia en 1950 con La cantatrice chauve de Eugene Ionesco. Este artículo está dedicado al análisis comparativo de los procedimientos humorísticos que vertebran las primeras obras de estos dos autores.____________________________________ Although Miguel Mihura develope...

  12. 30 CFR 75.601-1 - Short circuit protection; ratings and settings of circuit breakers. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Short circuit protection; ratings and settings... Trailing Cables § 75.601-1 Short circuit protection; ratings and settings of circuit breakers. Circuit breakers providing short circuit protection for trailing cables shall be set so as not to exceed the...

  13. Utilización de los medios electrónicos en el procedimiento administrativo y en el proceso contencioso administrativo, en el marco de la ley 1437 de 2011, análisis y reflexiones


    Hernández Vanegas, William Eduard


    El presente trabajo tiene como objeto analizar, desde una revisión documental, la utilización de los medios electrónicos a la que se enfrenta el Estado colombiano, en el procedimiento administrativo y en los procesos contencioso administrativos, en el marco del Código de Procedimiento administrativo y de lo Contencioso Administrativo, (Ley 1437 de 2011). Con ese fin, daremos cuenta de las influencias, el análisis de conceptos y alcances. Para luego hacer unas reflexiones sobre el uso de estos...

  14. Sequential circuit design for radiation hardened multiple voltage integrated circuits (United States)

    Clark, Lawrence T [Phoenix, AZ; McIver, III, John K.


    The present invention includes a radiation hardened sequential circuit, such as a bistable circuit, flip-flop or other suitable design that presents substantial immunity to ionizing radiation while simultaneously maintaining a low operating voltage. In one embodiment, the circuit includes a plurality of logic elements that operate on relatively low voltage, and a master and slave latches each having storage elements that operate on a relatively high voltage.

  15. Low latency asynchronous interface circuits (United States)

    Sadowski, Greg


    In one form, a logic circuit includes an asynchronous logic circuit, a synchronous logic circuit, and an interface circuit coupled between the asynchronous logic circuit and the synchronous logic circuit. The asynchronous logic circuit has a plurality of asynchronous outputs for providing a corresponding plurality of asynchronous signals. The synchronous logic circuit has a plurality of synchronous inputs corresponding to the plurality of asynchronous outputs, a stretch input for receiving a stretch signal, and a clock output for providing a clock signal. The synchronous logic circuit provides the clock signal as a periodic signal but prolongs a predetermined state of the clock signal while the stretch signal is active. The asynchronous interface detects whether metastability could occur when latching any of the plurality of the asynchronous outputs of the asynchronous logic circuit using said clock signal, and activates the stretch signal while the metastability could occur.

  16. Piezoelectric drive circuit (United States)

    Treu, C.A. Jr.


    A piezoelectric motor drive circuit is provided which utilizes the piezoelectric elements as oscillators and a Meacham half-bridge approach to develop feedback from the motor ground circuit to produce a signal to drive amplifiers to power the motor. The circuit automatically compensates for shifts in harmonic frequency of the piezoelectric elements due to pressure and temperature changes. 7 figs.

  17. Feedback in analog circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Ochoa, Agustin


    This book describes a consistent and direct methodology to the analysis and design of analog circuits with particular application to circuits containing feedback. The analysis and design of circuits containing feedback is generally presented by either following a series of examples where each circuit is simplified through the use of insight or experience (someone else’s), or a complete nodal-matrix analysis generating lots of algebra. Neither of these approaches leads to gaining insight into the design process easily. The author develops a systematic approach to circuit analysis, the Driving Point Impedance and Signal Flow Graphs (DPI/SFG) method that does not require a-priori insight to the circuit being considered and results in factored analysis supporting the design function. This approach enables designers to account fully for loading and the bi-directional nature of elements both in the feedback path and in the amplifier itself, properties many times assumed negligible and ignored. Feedback circuits a...

  18. Analog circuits cookbook

    CERN Document Server

    Hickman, Ian


    Analog Circuits Cookbook presents articles about advanced circuit techniques, components and concepts, useful IC for analog signal processing in the audio range, direct digital synthesis, and ingenious video op-amp. The book also includes articles about amplitude measurements on RF signals, linear optical imager, power supplies and devices, and RF circuits and techniques. Professionals and students of electrical engineering will find the book informative and useful.

  19. Electric circuits and signals

    CERN Document Server

    Sabah, Nassir H


    Circuit Variables and Elements Overview Learning Objectives Electric Current Voltage Electric Power and Energy Assigned Positive Directions Active and Passive Circuit Elements Voltage and Current Sources The Resistor The Capacitor The Inductor Concluding Remarks Summary of Main Concepts and Results Learning Outcomes Supplementary Topics on CD Problems and Exercises Basic Circuit Connections and Laws Overview Learning Objectives Circuit Terminology Kirchhoff's Laws Voltage Division and Series Connection of Resistors Current Division and Parallel Connection of Resistors D-Y Transformation Source Equivalence and Transformation Reduced-Voltage Supply Summary of Main Concepts and Results Learning Outcomes Supplementary Topics and Examples on CD Problems and Exercises Basic Analysis of Resistive Circuits Overview Learning Objectives Number of Independent Circuit Equations Node-Voltage Analysis Special Considerations in Node-Voltage Analysis Mesh-Current Analysis Special Conside...

  20. [Shunt and short circuit]. (United States)

    Rangel-Abundis, Alberto


    Shunt and short circuit are antonyms. In French, the term shunt has been adopted to denote the alternative pathway of blood flow. However, in French, as well as in Spanish, the word short circuit (court-circuit and cortocircuito) is synonymous with shunt, giving rise to a linguistic and scientific inconsistency. Scientific because shunt and short circuit made reference to a phenomenon that occurs in the field of the physics. Because shunt and short circuit are antonyms, it is necessary to clarify that shunt is an alternative pathway of flow from a net of high resistance to a net of low resistance, maintaining the stream. Short circuit is the interruption of the flow, because a high resistance impeaches the flood. This concept is applied to electrical and cardiovascular physiology, as well as to the metabolic pathways.

  1. Macromodels of digital integrated circuits for program packages of circuit engineering design (United States)

    Petrenko, A. I.; Sliusar, P. B.; Timchenko, A. P.


    Various aspects of the generation of macromodels of digital integrated circuits are examined, and their effective application in program packages of circuit engineering design is considered. Three levels of macromodels are identified, and the application of such models to the simulation of circuit outputs is discussed.

  2. Procedimiento de organización de la producción para una empresa de bebidas y refrescos


    Iresis Borrero-Tinón; Rafael Espín-Andrade; Francis Hevia-Lanier


    La organización de la producción constituye un modo de elevar el nivel de eficiencia y eficacia en las empresas. La crisis económica mundial ha traído como consecuencia una depresión en el mercado de bebidas. Por lo que se hace necesaria una mejor organización de la producción en este sector para optimizar los recursos a utilizar y alcanzar los objetivos propuestos. Teniendo en cuenta ello este trabajo se propone como objetivo general: diseñar un procedimiento de organización de la producción...

  3. Circuit arrangement of an electronic component for the design of fail-safe protective circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Centmaier, W.; Bernhard, U.; Friederich, B.; Heisecke, I.


    The critical parameters of reactors are controlled by safety circuits. These circuits are controlled designed as logic modules operating by the 'n-out-of-m' selection principle. In most cases, a combination of a '1-out-of-3' circuit with a '2-out-of-3' circuit and separate indication is sufficient for a dynamic fail-safe circuit. The basic logic elements are AND and OR gate circuits, respectively, which are triggered by pulse trains and in which the failure of a pulse train is indicated as an error at the output. The module allows the design of safety circuits offering various degrees of safety. If the indication of an error is made on the modules, faulty components can be exchanged by the maintenance crew right away. (DG) [de

  4. Comparison of modified driver circuit and capacitor-transfer circuit in longitudinally excited N2 laser. (United States)

    Uno, Kazuyuki; Akitsu, Tetsuya; Nakamura, Kenshi; Jitsuno, Takahisa


    We developed a modified driver circuit composed of a capacitance and a spark gap, called a direct-drive circuit, for a longitudinally excited gas laser. The direct-drive circuit uses a large discharge impedance caused by a long discharge length of the longitudinal excitation scheme and eliminates the buffer capacitance used in the traditional capacitor-transfer circuit. We compared the direct-drive circuit and the capacitor-transfer circuit in a longitudinally excited N2 laser (wavelength: 337 nm). Producing high output energy with the capacitor-transfer circuit requires a large storage capacitance and a discharge tube with optimum dimensions (an inner diameter of 4 mm and a length of 10 cm in this work); in contrast, the direct-drive circuit requires a high breakdown voltage, achieved with a small storage capacitance and a large discharge tube. Additionally, for the same input energy of 792 mJ, the maximum output energy of the capacitor-transfer circuit was 174.2 μJ, and that of the direct-drive circuit was 344.7 μJ.

  5. Exploración psicológica forense del abuso sexual infantil: revisión de procedimientos e instrumentos


    Pereda Beltran, Noemí; Arch Marín, Mila


    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue realizar una revisión de los procedimientos e instrumentos publicados para la exploración psicológica forense del abuso sexual infantil. Se obtuvieron 82 artículos originales con información relativa a instrumentos psicológicos para la evaluación del abuso sexual infantil. El 71,9% de los artículos se centraron en instrumentos clínicos, basados en indicadores psicológicos y emocionales, mientras que el 28,1% se basaron en el análisis de la credibilidad del...

  6. La repetición máxima en el ejercicio de sentadilla: procedimientos de medida y factores determinantes


    Inmaculada García Sánchez; Bernardo Requena Sánchez


    En la actualidad, investigadores y entrenadores utilizan la repetición máxima (1RM) en el ejercicio de sentadilla como la medida más identificativa y representativa de la máxima fuerza muscular en el movimiento de extensión de cadera y rodilla. El presente trabajo de revisión tiene el propósito de describir los procedimientos utilizados en investigación para evaluar la 1RM en el ejercicio de sentadilla y analizar los factores determinantes de su rendimiento. Con muestras de sujetos entrenados...

  7. Diseño de un Procedimiento de Cálculo de Conductores Bajo Efecto con Corrientes Armónicas


    Gustavo Adolfo Acevedo Ramírez; Mario Salvador Esparza González; Juan Carlos Olivares Galván


    El problema que se estudia en este trabajo, es el impacto que tienen los armónicos generados por cargas no lineales en los conductores empleados para las instalaciones eléctricas, utilizando una metodología que permite calcular un calibre adecuado de conductor para minimizar las pérdidas ocasionadas por el efecto piel producto de los armónicos. Inicialmente se desarrolló un procedimiento para calcular la caída de tensión y las pérdidas en el conductor a diferentes frecuencias, mediante simula...

  8. Aging evaluation of electrical circuits using the ECCAD [Electrical Circuit Characterization and Diagnostic] system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edson, J.L.


    As a part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Plant Aging Research Program, an aging assessment of electrical circuits was conducted at the Shippingport Atomic Power Station Decommissioning Project. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Electrical Circuit Characterization and Diagnostic (ECCAD) system in identifying circuit conditions, to determine the present condition of selected electrical circuits, and correlate the results with aging effects. To accomplish this task, a series of electrical tests was performed on each circuit using the ECCAD system, which is composed of commercially available electronic test equipment under computer control. Test results indicate that the ECCAD system is effective in detecting and identifying aging and service wear in selected electrical circuits. The major area of degradation in the circuits tested was at the termination/connection points, whereas the cables were in generally good condition

  9. Multi-Layer E-Textile Circuits (United States)

    Dunne, Lucy E.; Bibeau, Kaila; Mulligan, Lucie; Frith, Ashton; Simon, Cory


    Stitched e-textile circuits facilitate wearable, flexible, comfortable wearable technology. However, while stitched methods of e-textile circuits are common, multi-layer circuit creation remains a challenge. Here, we present methods of stitched multi-layer circuit creation using accessible tools and techniques.

  10. Analog circuit design

    CERN Document Server

    Dobkin, Bob


    Analog circuit and system design today is more essential than ever before. With the growth of digital systems, wireless communications, complex industrial and automotive systems, designers are being challenged to develop sophisticated analog solutions. This comprehensive source book of circuit design solutions aids engineers with elegant and practical design techniques that focus on common analog challenges. The book's in-depth application examples provide insight into circuit design and application solutions that you can apply in today's demanding designs. <

  11. ESD analog circuits and design

    CERN Document Server

    Voldman, Steven H


    A comprehensive and in-depth review of analog circuit layout, schematic architecture, device, power network and ESD design This book will provide a balanced overview of analog circuit design layout, analog circuit schematic development, architecture of chips, and ESD design.  It will start at an introductory level and will bring the reader right up to the state-of-the-art. Two critical design aspects for analog and power integrated circuits are combined. The first design aspect covers analog circuit design techniques to achieve the desired circuit performance. The second and main aspect pres

  12. Verma procedure to determine thermodynamic properties of liquids; Procedimiento Verma para determinar propiedades termodinamicas de liquidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mahendra P, Verma [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    In this paper are presented, the thermodynamic inconsistencies in formulation IAPWS-95 as well as the limitations in the experimental data of the thermodynamic properties of the water. In addition, a new methodology was developed: Verma procedure for the measurement of the calorific capacity of water. Thus, a procedure is presented to calculate other thermodynamic properties of liquids such as water. In the transformation processes of the planet Earth, water is an essential component. Nevertheless, the knowledge about its properties is still very limited. Recently, Verma developed a new program: SteamTablesIIE, to calculate the properties of water as a function of two independent variables between temperatures (T), pressure (P), volume (V), internal energy (U), enthalpy (H), Gibas energy (G) and entropy (S). Yet, thermodynamic inconsistencies were found in the formulation, same that are the limiting factors for the operation of the SteamTablesIIE in all the ranks of the independent variables. [Spanish] En este trabajo se presentan, tanto las inconsistencias termodinamicas en la formulacion IAPWS-95 como las limitaciones en los datos experimentales de las propiedades termodinamicas del agua. Ademas, se desarrollo una nueva metodologia: Procedimiento Verma para la medicion de la capacidad calorifica del agua. Asi, se presenta un procedimiento para calcular otras propiedades termodinamicas de liquidos tales como el agua. En los procesos de transformacion del planeta tierra, el agua es un componente esencial. Sin embargo, el conocimiento acerca de sus propiedades es todavia muy limitado. Recientemente, Verma desarrollo un nuevo programa: SteamTablesIIE, para calcular las propiedades del agua como una funcion de dos variables independientes entre temperaturas (T), presion (P), volumen (V), energia interna (U), entalpia (H), energia Gibas (G) y entropia (S). Con todo, se encontraron inconsistencias termodinamicas en la formulacion, mismas que son las limitantes para el

  13. 'Speedy' superconducting circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holst, T.


    The most promising concept for realizing ultra-fast superconducting digital circuits is the Rapid Single Flux Quantum (RSFQ) logic. The basic physical principle behind RSFQ logic, which include the storage and transfer of individual magnetic flux quanta in Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs), is explained. A Set-Reset flip-flop is used as an example of the implementation of an RSFQ based circuit. Finally, the outlook for high-temperature superconducting materials in connection with RSFQ circuits is discussed in some details. (au)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bisleivys Jiménez-Valero


    Full Text Available La práctica internacional en la Gestión de la Tecnología y la Innovación (GTI y la situación de las entidades hoteleras estudiadas, alrededor de la ciencia y la tecnología, permiten identificar carencia de procedimientos para la evaluación de la GTI. De manera que el objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en crear un procedimiento de evaluación y mejora de la Gestión de la Tecnología y la Innovación para entidades hoteleras con modalidad Todo Incluido, que contribuya al perfeccionamiento de su gestión y a la mejora del desempeño de los procesos. Los resultados fundamentales se centran en el desarrollo de un procedimiento general, apoyado en procedimientos específicos para: la obtención de las dimensiones y los indicadores para la evaluación de la GTI, el cálculo de los indicadores y del índice integral de GTI, así como el diseño y la implementación de propuestas de mejora.The international practice in Technology and Innovation Management (TIM and the situation of the studied hotel organizations, about science and technology, provide the possibility of identifying the lack of procedures to evaluate the TIM, so, the objective of this paper is to create a procedure of evaluation and an improvement of the Technology and Innovation Management for hotel organizations with all included modality, which contributes to the improvement of its management and development of their processes. The main results are focused on the development of a general procedure, supported by specific procedures for: obtaining dimensions and markers to evaluate the TIM, calculating the markers and integral index of the TIM, designing and implementing improvement proposals.

  15. Electronic devices and circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Pridham, Gordon John


    Electronic Devices and Circuits, Volume 1 deals with the design and applications of electronic devices and circuits such as passive components, diodes, triodes and transistors, rectification and power supplies, amplifying circuits, electronic instruments, and oscillators. These topics are supported with introductory network theory and physics. This volume is comprised of nine chapters and begins by explaining the operation of resistive, inductive, and capacitive elements in direct and alternating current circuits. The theory for some of the expressions quoted in later chapters is presented. Th


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Felipe Granada-Aguirre


    Full Text Available

    En este trabajo se presenta el diseño de un Procedimiento para las medidas de control de contaminantes atmosféricos de fuentes móviles y fijas en la ciudad de Cali, Colombia. Este Procedimiento facilita la toma de decisiones de la autoridad ambiental, sanitaria, tránsito y transporte en el establecimiento de políticas públicas. Se utilizaron conceptos de gestión ambiental (la metodología del Análisis del Ciclo de Vida, ACV, de gestión de la calidad, tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones y termodinámica. El procedimiento se perfila como una técnica de vigilancia, monitoreo y acción sobre la calidad del aire en un ecosistema urbano.


    This research presents de design of a Procedure for the Control Measures of Atmospheric Pollutants from Mobile and Stationary Sources in the city of Cali, Colombia. This procedure facilitates the decision-making process performed by Environmental, Sanitary, Transit and Transportation Authorities, when establishing public policies. It was used concepts of environmental management (Life Cycle Analysis Methodology, quality management, information and communication technologies, and thermodynamics. The procedure shapes as a surveillance, monitoring and action technique on air quality within an urban ecosystem.

  17. Unstable oscillators based hyperchaotic circuit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Murali, K.; Tamasevicius, A.; G. Mykolaitis, A.


    A simple 4th order hyperchaotic circuit with unstable oscillators is described. The circuit contains two negative impedance converters, two inductors, two capacitors, a linear resistor and a diode. The Lyapunov exponents are presented to confirm hyperchaotic nature of the oscillations in the circ...... in the circuit. The performance of the circuit is investigated by means of numerical integration of appropriate differential equations, PSPICE simulations, and hardware experiment.......A simple 4th order hyperchaotic circuit with unstable oscillators is described. The circuit contains two negative impedance converters, two inductors, two capacitors, a linear resistor and a diode. The Lyapunov exponents are presented to confirm hyperchaotic nature of the oscillations...

  18. The test of VLSI circuits (United States)

    Baviere, Ph.

    Tests which have proven effective for evaluating VLSI circuits for space applications are described. It is recommended that circuits be examined after each manfacturing step to gain fast feedback on inadequacies in the production system. Data from failure modes which occur during operational lifetimes of circuits also permit redefinition of the manufacturing and quality control process to eliminate the defects identified. Other tests include determination of the operational envelope of the circuits, examination of the circuit response to controlled inputs, and the performance and functional speeds of ROM and RAM memories. Finally, it is desirable that all new circuits be designed with testing in mind.

  19. Circuits and filters handbook

    CERN Document Server

    Chen, Wai-Kai


    A bestseller in its first edition, The Circuits and Filters Handbook has been thoroughly updated to provide the most current, most comprehensive information available in both the classical and emerging fields of circuits and filters, both analog and digital. This edition contains 29 new chapters, with significant additions in the areas of computer-aided design, circuit simulation, VLSI circuits, design automation, and active and digital filters. It will undoubtedly take its place as the engineer's first choice in looking for solutions to problems encountered in the design, analysis, and behavi

  20. MOS integrated circuit design

    CERN Document Server

    Wolfendale, E


    MOS Integral Circuit Design aims to help in the design of integrated circuits, especially large-scale ones, using MOS Technology through teaching of techniques, practical applications, and examples. The book covers topics such as design equation and process parameters; MOS static and dynamic circuits; logic design techniques, system partitioning, and layout techniques. Also featured are computer aids such as logic simulation and mask layout, as well as examples on simple MOS design. The text is recommended for electrical engineers who would like to know how to use MOS for integral circuit desi

  1. Security electronics circuits manual

    CERN Document Server



    Security Electronics Circuits Manual is an invaluable guide for engineers and technicians in the security industry. It will also prove to be a useful guide for students and experimenters, as well as providing experienced amateurs and DIY enthusiasts with numerous ideas to protect their homes, businesses and properties.As with all Ray Marston's Circuits Manuals, the style is easy-to-read and non-mathematical, with the emphasis firmly on practical applications, circuits and design ideas. The ICs and other devices used in the practical circuits are modestly priced and readily available ty

  2. Changes to the shuttle circuits

    CERN Multimedia

    GS Department


    To fit with passengers expectation, there will be some changes to the shuttle circuits as from Monday 10 October. See details on (on line on 7 October). Circuit No. 5 is cancelled as circuit No. 1 also stops at Bldg. 33. In order to guarantee shorter travel times, circuit No. 1 will circulate on Meyrin site only and circuit No. 2, with departures from Bldg. 33 and 500, on Prévessin site only. Site Services Section

  3. Troubleshooting analog circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Pease, Robert A


    Troubleshooting Analog Circuits is a guidebook for solving product or process related problems in analog circuits. The book also provides advice in selecting equipment, preventing problems, and general tips. The coverage of the book includes the philosophy of troubleshooting; the modes of failure of various components; and preventive measures. The text also deals with the active components of analog circuits, including diodes and rectifiers, optically coupled devices, solar cells, and batteries. The book will be of great use to both students and practitioners of electronics engineering. Other

  4. Optoelectronics circuits manual

    CERN Document Server

    Marston, R M


    Optoelectronics Circuits Manual covers the basic principles and characteristics of the best known types of optoelectronic devices, as well as the practical applications of many of these optoelectronic devices. The book describes LED display circuits and LED dot- and bar-graph circuits and discusses the applications of seven-segment displays, light-sensitive devices, optocouplers, and a variety of brightness control techniques. The text also tackles infrared light-beam alarms and multichannel remote control systems. The book provides practical user information and circuitry and illustrations.

  5. Procedimiento para el control de filtraciones en excavaciones subterráneas. Caso de estudio túnel Serones–Salida Guaro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arístides A. Legrá-Lobaina


    Full Text Available En las excavaciones subterráneas el agua que circula por el macizo rocoso se infiltra  al conjunto macizo-excavación subterránea. Los túneles del trasvase este-oeste que se construyen en la parte oriental de Cuba, son afectados por estas filtraciones, debido a que generalmente son laboreados al nivel del acuífero o por debajo de éste en un macizo constituido principalmente por rocas básicas y ultrabásicas con agrietamiento variable y algunas fallas. La selección de las técnicas para el control del agua dentro de la excavación no siempre resulta adecuada al no tomar en consideración variables que inciden de manera determinante en el fenómeno de infiltración. El artículo expone un procedimiento para elegir la técnica más adecuada a las condiciones particulares de cada obra; el mismo basa la elección en la relación directa que existe entre la permeabilidad y la calidad de los macizos rocosos fuertes, agrietados y poco porosos, comprobada de forma experimental y analíticamente. La aplicación del procedimiento al túnel Serones-Salida Guaro del trasvase arrojó correspondencia entre la calidad de macizo, la magnitud de las filtraciones, y las técnicas de control de estas últimas que mejor se adecuan a las condiciones concretas de cada sector del túnel.

  6. CMOS analog circuit design

    CERN Document Server

    Allen, Phillip E


    This text presents the principles and techniques for designing analog circuits to be implemented in a CMOS technology. The level is appropriate for seniors and graduate students familiar with basic electronics, including biasing, modeling, circuit analysis, and some familiarity with frequency response. Students learn the methodology of analog integrated circuit design through a hierarchically-oriented approach to the subject that provides thorough background and practical guidance for designing CMOS analog circuits, including modeling, simulation, and testing. The authors' vast industrial experience and knowledge is reflected in the circuits, techniques, and principles presented. They even identify the many common pitfalls that lie in the path of the beginning designer--expert advice from veteran designers. The text mixes the academic and practical viewpoints in a treatment that is neither superficial nor overly detailed, providing the perfect balance.

  7. Integrated circuit and method of arbitration in a network on an integrated circuit.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The invention relates to an integrated circuit and to a method of arbitration in a network on an integrated circuit. According to the invention, a method of arbitration in a network on an integrated circuit is provided, the network comprising a router unit, the router unit comprising a first input

  8. Electronic Circuit Analysis Language (ECAL) (United States)

    Chenghang, C.


    The computer aided design technique is an important development in computer applications and it is an important component of computer science. The special language for electronic circuit analysis is the foundation of computer aided design or computer aided circuit analysis (abbreviated as CACD and CACA) of simulated circuits. Electronic circuit analysis language (ECAL) is a comparatively simple and easy to use circuit analysis special language which uses the FORTRAN language to carry out the explanatory executions. It is capable of conducting dc analysis, ac analysis, and transient analysis of a circuit. Futhermore, the results of the dc analysis can be used directly as the initial conditions for the ac and transient analyses.

  9. The Software Reliability of Large Scale Integration Circuit and Very Large Scale Integration Circuit


    Artem Ganiyev; Jan Vitasek


    This article describes evaluation method of faultless function of large scale integration circuits (LSI) and very large scale integration circuits (VLSI). In the article there is a comparative analysis of factors which determine faultless of integrated circuits, analysis of already existing methods and model of faultless function evaluation of LSI and VLSI. The main part describes a proposed algorithm and program for analysis of fault rate in LSI and VLSI circuits.

  10. Peak reading detector circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Courtin, E.; Grund, K.; Traub, S.; Zeeb, H.


    The peak reading detector circuit serves for picking up the instants during which peaks of a given polarity occur in sequences of signals in which the extreme values, their time intervals, and the curve shape of the signals vary. The signal sequences appear in measuring the foetal heart beat frequence from amplitude-modulated ultrasonic, electrocardiagram, and blood pressure signals. In order to prevent undesired emission of output signals from, e. g., disturbing intermediate extreme values, the circuit consists of the series connections of a circuit to simulate an ideal diode, a strong unit, a discriminator for the direction of charging current, a time-delay circuit, and an electronic switch lying in the decharging circuit of the storage unit. The time-delay circuit thereby causes storing of a preliminary maximum value being used only after a certain time delay for the emission of the output signal. If a larger extreme value occurs during the delay time the preliminary maximum value is cleared and the delay time starts running anew. (DG/PB) [de

  11. Magnonic logic circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khitun, Alexander; Bao Mingqiang; Wang, Kang L


    We describe and analyse possible approaches to magnonic logic circuits and basic elements required for circuit construction. A distinctive feature of the magnonic circuitry is that information is transmitted by spin waves propagating in the magnetic waveguides without the use of electric current. The latter makes it possible to exploit spin wave phenomena for more efficient data transfer and enhanced logic functionality. We describe possible schemes for general computing and special task data processing. The functional throughput of the magnonic logic gates is estimated and compared with the conventional transistor-based approach. Magnonic logic circuits allow scaling down to the deep submicrometre range and THz frequency operation. The scaling is in favour of the magnonic circuits offering a significant functional advantage over the traditional approach. The disadvantages and problems of the spin wave devices are also discussed.

  12. Procedimiento de actuación ante la inclusión de alumnado con discapacidad en el área de educación física (PAIADEF

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Núria Caus Pertegaz


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer el procedimiento de actuación del profesorado ante la detección de una necesidad educativa específica en el área de educación física. Para ello se diseñó una investigación basada en el método Delphi, concretamente de tres rondas, en el que intervinieron un primer grupo de 5 docentes universitarios con un elevado grado de conocimiento teórico sobre la inclusión de alumnado con discapacidad en el área de educación física, y un segundo grupo de 11 docentes con experiencia práctica en dicha área y con alumnado con discapacidad en el aula. Sus aportaciones permitieron concluir el estudio con el diseño definitivo del Procedimiento de actuación ante la inclusión de alumnado con discapacidad en el área de educación física (PAIADEF.

  13. Electrical Circuits and Water Analogies (United States)

    Smith, Frederick A.; Wilson, Jerry D.


    Briefly describes water analogies for electrical circuits and presents plans for the construction of apparatus to demonstrate these analogies. Demonstrations include series circuits, parallel circuits, and capacitors. (GS)

  14. Optically controllable molecular logic circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishimura, Takahiro; Fujii, Ryo; Ogura, Yusuke; Tanida, Jun


    Molecular logic circuits represent a promising technology for observation and manipulation of biological systems at the molecular level. However, the implementation of molecular logic circuits for temporal and programmable operation remains challenging. In this paper, we demonstrate an optically controllable logic circuit that uses fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) for signaling. The FRET-based signaling process is modulated by both molecular and optical inputs. Based on the distance dependence of FRET, the FRET pathways required to execute molecular logic operations are formed on a DNA nanostructure as a circuit based on its molecular inputs. In addition, the FRET pathways on the DNA nanostructure are controlled optically, using photoswitching fluorescent molecules to instruct the execution of the desired operation and the related timings. The behavior of the circuit can thus be controlled using external optical signals. As an example, a molecular logic circuit capable of executing two different logic operations was studied. The circuit contains functional DNAs and a DNA scaffold to construct two FRET routes for executing Input 1 AND Input 2 and Input 1 AND NOT Input 3 operations on molecular inputs. The circuit produced the correct outputs with all possible combinations of the inputs by following the light signals. Moreover, the operation execution timings were controlled based on light irradiation and the circuit responded to time-dependent inputs. The experimental results demonstrate that the circuit changes the output for the required operations following the input of temporal light signals

  15. Optimal planning of series resistor to control time constant of test circuit for high-voltage AC circuit-breakers


    Yoon-Ho Kim; Jung-Hyeon Ryu; Jin-Hwan Kim; Kern-Joong Kim


    The equivalent test circuit that can deliver both short-circuit current and recovery voltage is used to verify the performance of high-voltage circuit breakers. Most of the parameters in this circuit can be obtained by using a simple calculation or a simulation program. The ratings of the circuit breaker include rated short-circuit breaking current, rated short-circuit making current, rated operating sequence of the circuit breaker and rated short-time current. Among these ratings, the short-...

  16. Interface Circuit For Printer Port (United States)

    Tucker, Jerry H.; Yadlowsky, Ann B.


    Electronic circuit, called printer-port interface circuit (PPI) developed to overcome certain disadvantages of previous methods for connecting IBM PC or PC-compatible computer to other equipment. Has both reading and writing modes of operation. Very simple, requiring only six integrated circuits. Provides for moderately fast rates of transfer of data and uses existing unmodified circuit card in IBM PC. When used with appropriate software, circuit converts printer port on IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatible personal computer to general purpose, 8-bit-data, 16-bit address bus that connects to multitude of devices.

  17. Maximum Acceleration Recording Circuit (United States)

    Bozeman, Richard J., Jr.


    Coarsely digitized maximum levels recorded in blown fuses. Circuit feeds power to accelerometer and makes nonvolatile record of maximum level to which output of accelerometer rises during measurement interval. In comparison with inertia-type single-preset-trip-point mechanical maximum-acceleration-recording devices, circuit weighs less, occupies less space, and records accelerations within narrower bands of uncertainty. In comparison with prior electronic data-acquisition systems designed for same purpose, circuit simpler, less bulky, consumes less power, costs and analysis of data recorded in magnetic or electronic memory devices. Circuit used, for example, to record accelerations to which commodities subjected during transportation on trucks.

  18. Radiation-sensitive switching circuits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moore, J.H.; Cockshott, C.P.


    A radiation-sensitive switching circuit has a light emitting diode which supplies light to a photo-transistor, the light being interrupted from time to time. When the photo-transistor is illuminated, current builds up and when this current reaches a predetermined value, a trigger circuit changes state. The peak output of the photo-transistor is measured and the trigger circuit is arranged to change state when the output of the device is a set proportion of the peak output, so as to allow for aging of the components. The circuit is designed to control the ignition system in an automobile engine.

  19. Four-junction superconducting circuit (United States)

    Qiu, Yueyin; Xiong, Wei; He, Xiao-Ling; Li, Tie-Fu; You, J. Q.


    We develop a theory for the quantum circuit consisting of a superconducting loop interrupted by four Josephson junctions and pierced by a magnetic flux (either static or time-dependent). In addition to the similarity with the typical three-junction flux qubit in the double-well regime, we demonstrate the difference of the four-junction circuit from its three-junction analogue, including its advantages over the latter. Moreover, the four-junction circuit in the single-well regime is also investigated. Our theory provides a tool to explore the physical properties of this four-junction superconducting circuit. PMID:27356619

  20. Control circuit for transformer relay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wyatt, G.A.


    A control circuit for a transformer relay which will automatically momentarily control the transformer relay to a selected state upon energization of the control circuit. The control circuit has an energy storage element and a current director coupled in series and adapted to be coupled with the secondary winding of the transformer relay. A device for discharge is coupled across the energy storage element. The energy storage element and current director will momentarily allow a unidirectional flow of current in the secondary winding of the transformer relay upon application of energy to the control circuit. When energy is not applied to the control circuit the device for discharge will allow the energy storage element to discharge and be available for another operation of the control circuit

  1. Integrated coherent matter wave circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryu, C.; Boshier, M. G.


    An integrated coherent matter wave circuit is a single device, analogous to an integrated optical circuit, in which coherent de Broglie waves are created and then launched into waveguides where they can be switched, divided, recombined, and detected as they propagate. Applications of such circuits include guided atom interferometers, atomtronic circuits, and precisely controlled delivery of atoms. We report experiments demonstrating integrated circuits for guided coherent matter waves. The circuit elements are created with the painted potential technique, a form of time-averaged optical dipole potential in which a rapidly moving, tightly focused laser beam exerts forces on atoms through their electric polarizability. Moreover, the source of coherent matter waves is a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Finally, we launch BECs into painted waveguides that guide them around bends and form switches, phase coherent beamsplitters, and closed circuits. These are the basic elements that are needed to engineer arbitrarily complex matter wave circuitry

  2. Model Comparison Exercise Circuit Training Game and Circuit Ladder Drills to Improve Agility and Speed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susilaturochman Hendrawan Koestanto


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to compare: (1 the effect of circuit training game and circuit ladder drill for the agility; (2 the effect of circuit training game and circuit ladder drill on speed; (3 the difference effect of circuit training game and circuit ladder drill for the speed (4 the difference effect of circuit training game and circuit ladder drill on agility. The type of this research was quantitative with quasi-experimental methods. The design of this research was Factorial Design, with analysing data using ANOVA. The process of data collection was done by using 30 meters sprint speed test and shuttle run test during the pretest and posttest. Furthermore, the data was analyzed by using SPSS 22.0 series. Result: The circuit training game exercise program and circuit ladder drill were significant to increase agility and speed (sig 0.000 < α = 0.005 Group I, II, III had significant differences (sig 0.000 < α = 0.005. The mean of increase in speed of group I = 0.20 seconds, group II = 0.31 seconds, and group III = 0.11 seconds. The average increase agility to group I = 0.34 seconds group II = 0.60 seconds, group III = 0.13 seconds. Based on the analysis above, it could be concluded that there was an increase in the speed and agility of each group after being given a training.

  3. Comminution circuits for compact itabirites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Ferreira Pinto

    Full Text Available Abstract In the beneficiation of compact Itabirites, crushing and grinding account for major operational and capital costs. As such, the study and development of comminution circuits have a fundamental importance for feasibility and optimization of compact Itabirite beneficiation. This work makes a comparison between comminution circuits for compact Itabirites from the Iron Quadrangle. The circuits developed are: a crushing and ball mill circuit (CB, a SAG mill and ball mill circuit (SAB and a single stage SAG mill circuit (SSSAG. For the SAB circuit, the use of pebble crushing is analyzed (SABC. An industrial circuit for 25 million tons of run of mine was developed for each route from tests on a pilot scale (grinding and industrial scale. The energy consumption obtained for grinding in the pilot tests was compared with that reported by Donda and Bond. The SSSAG route had the lowest energy consumption, 11.8kWh/t and the SAB route had the highest energy consumption, 15.8kWh/t. The CB and SABC routes had a similar energy consumption of 14.4 kWh/t and 14.5 kWh/t respectively.

  4. 30 CFR 77.506-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. (United States)


    ... short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 77.506-1 Section 77.506-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY...-1 Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. Devices providing either short circuit protection or protection against overload shall conform to the...

  5. Clocking Scheme for Switched-Capacitor Circuits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steensgaard-Madsen, Jesper


    A novel clocking scheme for switched-capacitor (SC) circuits is presented. It can enhance the understanding of SC circuits and the errors caused by MOSFET (MOS) switches. Charge errors, and techniques to make SC circuits less sensitive to them are discussed.......A novel clocking scheme for switched-capacitor (SC) circuits is presented. It can enhance the understanding of SC circuits and the errors caused by MOSFET (MOS) switches. Charge errors, and techniques to make SC circuits less sensitive to them are discussed....

  6. 30 CFR 75.518-1 - Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Electric equipment and circuits; overload and short circuit protection; minimum requirements. 75.518-1 Section 75.518-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY... short circuit protection; minimum requirements. A device to provide either short circuit protection or...

  7. Residuo de sanitarios para la elaboración de cementos, procedimiento de obtención y cementos que lo comprenden


    Sánchez de Rojas, María Isabel; Frías, Moisés; Medina Martínez, César; Asensio, Eloy


    La presente invención describe un residuo obtenido de la industria cerámica de sanitarios o de vertedero o de plantas de reciclaje como componente puzolánico de cementos. Se presenta además un método de obtención de estos residuos de sanitarios y otro procedimiento de fabricación de cementos (cementos comunes y cementos blancos) utilizando estos residuos. Este tipo de residuos, son recogidos directamente en la industria que fabrica cerámica de sanitarios, en vertede...

  8. Composición y procedimiento de obtención de azulejos cerámicos de gres porcelánico reforzados


    Fernández Lozano, José Francisco; Jiménez Reinosa, Julián; Vela Carrascosa, Enrique; García Tomas, Fernando


    La presente invención trata de un gres porcelánico que comprende cristales de silicatos seleccionados de la lista que comprende silicatos de magnesio, silicatos de hierro o silicatos de magnesio y hierro, donde los cristales están homogéneamente distribuidos y tienen un tamaño medio de de 20nm a 1000nm, preferiblemente de 50 a 500nm. Asimismo esta invención trata del procedimiento de obtención de dichos productos de gres porcelánico

  9. Antonio Zambrana Lara, docente y pintor. Técnica y procedimientos dentro del Realismo Sevillano del último tercio del siglo XX


    Domínguez Moreno, Gustavo


    El trabajo que aquí se presenta, cuyo título es Antonio Zambrana Lara, docente y pintor. Técnica y procedimiento dentro del Realismo Sevillano del último tercio del siglo XX, procurará analizar en profundidad las cuestiones relacionadas con la personalidad artística de Antonio Zambrana, a través de diversos asuntos, como por ejemplo su contextualización, intentando profundizar en un momento apasio nante del arte sevillano y especialmente en aquellos apartados que de manera más concreta se ref...

  10. Selected collection of circuit drawings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The many electronics circuits have been constracted in the Electronics Shop for use in nuclear experiments or other purposes of this Institute. The types of these circuits amount to about 500 items in total since 1968. This report describes the electronics circuit diagrams selected from this collection. The circuit details are not presented in this report, because these are already been published in the other technical reports. (auth.)

  11. Circuits on Cylinders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kristoffer Arnsfelt; Miltersen, Peter Bro; Vinay, V


    We consider the computational power of constant width polynomial size cylindrical circuits and nondeterministic branching programs. We show that every function computed by a Pi2 o MOD o AC0 circuit can also be computed by a constant width polynomial size cylindrical nondeterministic branching pro...

  12. Digital circuit boards mach 1 GHz

    CERN Document Server

    Morrison, Ralph


    A unique, practical approach to the design of high-speed digital circuit boards The demand for ever-faster digital circuit designs is beginning to render the circuit theory used by engineers ineffective. Digital Circuit Boards presents an alternative to the circuit theory approach, emphasizing energy flow rather than just signal interconnection to explain logic circuit behavior. The book shows how treating design in terms of transmission lines will ensure that the logic will function, addressing both storage and movement of electrical energy on these lines. It cove

  13. Integrated circuit cooled turbine blade (United States)

    Lee, Ching-Pang; Jiang, Nan; Um, Jae Y.; Holloman, Harry; Koester, Steven


    A turbine rotor blade includes at least two integrated cooling circuits that are formed within the blade that include a leading edge circuit having a first cavity and a second cavity and a trailing edge circuit that includes at least a third cavity located aft of the second cavity. The trailing edge circuit flows aft with at least two substantially 180-degree turns at the tip end and the root end of the blade providing at least a penultimate cavity and a last cavity. The last cavity is located along a trailing edge of the blade. A tip axial cooling channel connects to the first cavity of the leading edge circuit and the penultimate cavity of the trailing edge circuit. At least one crossover hole connects the penultimate cavity to the last cavity substantially near the tip end of the blade.

  14. Advanced circuit simulation using Multisim workbench

    CERN Document Server

    Báez-López, David; Cervantes-Villagómez, Ofelia Delfina


    Multisim is now the de facto standard for circuit simulation. It is a SPICE-based circuit simulator which combines analog, discrete-time, and mixed-mode circuits. In addition, it is the only simulator which incorporates microcontroller simulation in the same environment. It also includes a tool for printed circuit board design.Advanced Circuit Simulation Using Multisim Workbench is a companion book to Circuit Analysis Using Multisim, published by Morgan & Claypool in 2011. This new book covers advanced analyses and the creation of models and subcircuits. It also includes coverage of transmissi

  15. MOS voltage automatic tuning circuit


    李, 田茂; 中田, 辰則; 松本, 寛樹


    Abstract ###Automatic tuning circuit adjusts frequency performance to compensate for the process variation. Phase locked ###loop (PLL) is a suitable oscillator for the integrated circuit. It is a feedback system that compares the input ###phase with the output phase. It can make the output frequency equal to the input frequency. In this paper, PLL ###fomed of MOSFET's is presented.The presented circuit consists of XOR circuit, Low-pass filter and Relaxation ###Oscillator. On PSPICE simulation...

  16. Regenerative feedback resonant circuit (United States)

    Jones, A. Mark; Kelly, James F.; McCloy, John S.; McMakin, Douglas L.


    A regenerative feedback resonant circuit for measuring a transient response in a loop is disclosed. The circuit includes an amplifier for generating a signal in the loop. The circuit further includes a resonator having a resonant cavity and a material located within the cavity. The signal sent into the resonator produces a resonant frequency. A variation of the resonant frequency due to perturbations in electromagnetic properties of the material is measured.

  17. Arithmetic circuits for DSP applications

    CERN Document Server

    Stouraitis, Thanos


    Arithmetic Circuits for DSP Applications is a complete resource on arithmetic circuits for digital signal processing (DSP). It covers the key concepts, designs and developments of different types of arithmetic circuits, which can be used for improving the efficiency of implementation of a multitude of DSP applications. Each chapter includes various applications of the respective class of arithmetic circuits along with information on the future scope of research. Written for students, engineers, and researchers in electrical and computer engineering, this comprehensive text offers a clear understanding of different types of arithmetic circuits used for digital signal processing applications. The text includes contributions from noted researchers on a wide range of topics, including a review o circuits used in implementing basic operations like additions and multiplications; distributed arithmetic as a technique for the multiplier-less implementation of inner products for DSP applications; discussions on look ...

  18. Algunos procedimientos y estrategias geométricas utilizadas por un grupo de artesanos del municipio de Guacamayas en Boyacá, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Camilo Fuentes Leal


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta algunos procedimientos y estrategias geométricas utilizadas por un grupo de artesanos del municipio de Guacamayas en Boyacá, Colombia. Así mismo, se expone un análisis geométrico de algunosdiseños presentes en la cestería que elabora la comunidad y, finalmente se hace una reflexión sobre la importancia de la integración de conocimientos matemáticos extraescolares al currículo escolar.

  19. Source-circuit design overview (United States)

    Ross, R. G., Jr.


    The source circuit is the fundamental electrical building block of a large central-station array; it consists of a series-parallel network of solar cells that develops full system voltage. The array field is generally made up of a large number of parallel source circuits. Source-circuit electrical configuration is driven by a number of design considerations, which must be considered simultaneously. Array fault tolerance and hot spot heating endurance are examined in detail.

  20. El acto de incoación y las esferas jurídicas de los sujetos intervinientes en el procedimiento administrativo


    Vignolo Cueva, Orlando


    El análisis del inicio del procedimiento administrativo plantea una serie de interrogantes que no solo deben responder a las implicancias adjetivas que tiene esta etapa procedimental, sino a sus dos modos de plasmación —o, en un sentido más extenso, a su impacto directo sobre diversos términos y actuaciones posteriores que pueden surgir alrededor de la tramitación de este cauce formal—. Los argumentos y las respectivas conclusiones deben tratar de ubicarse más allá de la figura como un...

  1. Composición y procedimiento de obtención de azulejos cerámicos de gres porcelánico reforzados


    Fernández Lozano, José Francisco; Jiménez Reinosa, Julián; Vela Carrascosa, Enrique; García Tomas, Fernando


    Composición y procedimiento de obtención de azulejos cerámicos de gres porcelánico reforzados. La presente invención trata de un gres porcelánico que comprende cristales de silicatos seleccionados de la lista que comprende silicatos de magnesio, silicatos de hierro o silicatos de magnesio y hierro, donde los cristales están homogéneamente distribuidos y tienen un tamaño medio de de 20nm a 1000nm, preferiblemente de 50 a 500nm. Asimismo esta invención trata del proce...

  2. Distortion Cancellation via Polyphase Multipath Circuits

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mensink, E.; Klumperink, Eric A.M.; Nauta, Bram

    The central question of this paper is: can we enhance the spectral purity of nonlinear circuits with the help of polyphase multipath circuits. Polyphase multipath circuits are circuits with two or more paths that exploit phase differences between the paths to cancel unwanted signals. It turns out

  3. Estructuración metodológica de elaboración de procedimientos básicos comunes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los sistemas de gestión de bases de datos en la educación preuniversitaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    MSc. Luis Jacinto López de la Teja


    Full Text Available El contenido del presente artículo científico está en la estructuración metodológica de elaboración de procedimientos básicos comunes de los Sistemas de Gestión de Bases de Datos. En consecuencia, los autores se proyectan hacia la estructuración metodológica en contribución a que el estudiante tenga un fiel reflejo de los procedimientos básicos comunes de la familia de estos sistemas

  4. Variational integrators for electric circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ober-Blöbaum, Sina; Tao, Molei; Cheng, Mulin; Owhadi, Houman; Marsden, Jerrold E.


    In this contribution, we develop a variational integrator for the simulation of (stochastic and multiscale) electric circuits. When considering the dynamics of an electric circuit, one is faced with three special situations: 1. The system involves external (control) forcing through external (controlled) voltage sources and resistors. 2. The system is constrained via the Kirchhoff current (KCL) and voltage laws (KVL). 3. The Lagrangian is degenerate. Based on a geometric setting, an appropriate variational formulation is presented to model the circuit from which the equations of motion are derived. A time-discrete variational formulation provides an iteration scheme for the simulation of the electric circuit. Dependent on the discretization, the intrinsic degeneracy of the system can be canceled for the discrete variational scheme. In this way, a variational integrator is constructed that gains several advantages compared to standard integration tools for circuits; in particular, a comparison to BDF methods (which are usually the method of choice for the simulation of electric circuits) shows that even for simple LCR circuits, a better energy behavior and frequency spectrum preservation can be observed using the developed variational integrator

  5. Behavioral synthesis of asynchronous circuits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Sune Fallgaard


    This thesis presents a method for behavioral synthesis of asynchronous circuits, which aims at providing a synthesis flow which uses and tranfers methods from synchronous circuits to asynchronous circuits. We move the synchronous behavioral synthesis abstraction into the asynchronous handshake...... is idle. This reduces unnecessary switching activity in the individual functional units and therefore the energy consumption of the entire circuit. A collection of behavioral synthesis algorithms have been developed allowing the designer to perform time and power constrained design space exploration...

  6. Diode, transistor & fet circuits manual

    CERN Document Server

    Marston, R M


    Diode, Transistor and FET Circuits Manual is a handbook of circuits based on discrete semiconductor components such as diodes, transistors, and FETS. The book also includes diagrams and practical circuits. The book describes basic and special diode characteristics, heat wave-rectifier circuits, transformers, filter capacitors, and rectifier ratings. The text also presents practical applications of associated devices, for example, zeners, varicaps, photodiodes, or LEDs, as well as it describes bipolar transistor characteristics. The transistor can be used in three basic amplifier configuration

  7. Analysis of Bernstein's factorization circuit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lenstra, A.K.; Shamir, A.; Tomlinson, J.; Tromer, E.; Zheng, Y.


    In [1], Bernstein proposed a circuit-based implementation of the matrix step of the number field sieve factorization algorithm. These circuits offer an asymptotic cost reduction under the measure "construction cost x run time". We evaluate the cost of these circuits, in agreement with [1], but argue

  8. Radiation-hardened CMOS integrated circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Derbenwick, G.F.; Hughes, R.C.


    Electronic circuits that operate properly after exposure to ionizing radiation are necessary for nuclear weapon systems, satellites, and apparatus designed for use in radiation environments. The program to develop and theoretically model radiation-tolerant integrated circuit components has resulted in devices that show an improvement in hardness up to a factor of ten thousand over earlier devices. An inverter circuit produced functions properly after an exposure of 10 6 Gy (Si) which, as far as is known, is the record for an integrated circuit

  9. Physically based arc-circuit interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhong-Lie, L.


    An integral arc model is extended to study the interaction of the gas blast arc with the test circuit in this paper. The deformation in the waveshapes of arc current and voltage around the current zero has been formulated to first approximation by using a simple model of arc voltage based on the arc core energy conservation. By supplementing with the time scale for the radiation, the time rates of arc processes were amended. Both the contributions of various arc processes and the influence of circuit parameters to the arc-circuit interaction have been estimated by this theory. Analysis generated a new method of calculating test circuit parameters which improves the accurate simulation of arc-circuit interaction. The new method agrees with the published experimental results

  10. Integrated circuits, and design and manufacture thereof (United States)

    Auracher, Stefan; Pribbernow, Claus; Hils, Andreas


    A representation of a macro for an integrated circuit layout. The representation may define sub-circuit cells of a module. The module may have a predefined functionality. The sub-circuit cells may include at least one reusable circuit cell. The reusable circuit cell may be configured such that when the predefined functionality of the module is not used, the reusable circuit cell is available for re-use.

  11. Instrumentation and test gear circuits manual

    CERN Document Server

    Marston, R M


    Instrumentation and Test Gear Circuits Manual provides diagrams, graphs, tables, and discussions of several types of practical circuits. The practical circuits covered in this book include attenuators, bridges, scope trace doublers, timebases, and digital frequency meters. Chapter 1 discusses the basic instrumentation and test gear principles. Chapter 2 deals with the design of passive attenuators, and Chapter 3 with passive and active filter circuits. The subsequent chapters tackle 'bridge' circuits, analogue and digital metering techniques and circuitry, signal and waveform generation, and p

  12. Multi-qubit circuit quantum electrodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viehmann, Oliver


    Circuit QED systems are macroscopic, man-made quantum systems in which superconducting artificial atoms, also called Josephson qubits, interact with a quantized electromagnetic field. These systems have been devised to mimic the physics of elementary quantum optical systems with real atoms in a scalable and more flexible framework. This opens up a variety of possible applications of circuit QED systems. For instance, they provide a promising platform for processing quantum information. Recent years have seen rapid experimental progress on these systems, and experiments with multi-component circuit QED architectures are currently starting to come within reach. In this thesis, circuit QED systems with multiple Josephson qubits are studied theoretically. We focus on simple and experimentally realistic extensions of the currently operated circuit QED setups and pursue investigations in two main directions. First, we consider the equilibrium behavior of circuit QED systems containing a large number of mutually noninteracting Josephson charge qubits. The currently accepted standard description of circuit QED predicts the possibility of superradiant phase transitions in such systems. However, a full microscopic treatment shows that a no-go theorem for superradiant phase transitions known from atomic physics applies to circuit QED systems as well. This reveals previously unknown limitations of the applicability of the standard theory of circuit QED to multi-qubit systems. Second, we explore the potential of circuit QED for quantum simulations of interacting quantum many-body systems. We propose and analyze a circuit QED architecture that implements the quantum Ising chain in a time-dependent transverse magnetic field. Our setup can be used to study quench dynamics, the propagation of localized excitations, and other non-equilibrium features in this paradigmatic model in the theory of non-equilibrium thermodynamics and quantumcritical phenomena. The setup is based on a

  13. Multi-qubit circuit quantum electrodynamics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viehmann, Oliver


    Circuit QED systems are macroscopic, man-made quantum systems in which superconducting artificial atoms, also called Josephson qubits, interact with a quantized electromagnetic field. These systems have been devised to mimic the physics of elementary quantum optical systems with real atoms in a scalable and more flexible framework. This opens up a variety of possible applications of circuit QED systems. For instance, they provide a promising platform for processing quantum information. Recent years have seen rapid experimental progress on these systems, and experiments with multi-component circuit QED architectures are currently starting to come within reach. In this thesis, circuit QED systems with multiple Josephson qubits are studied theoretically. We focus on simple and experimentally realistic extensions of the currently operated circuit QED setups and pursue investigations in two main directions. First, we consider the equilibrium behavior of circuit QED systems containing a large number of mutually noninteracting Josephson charge qubits. The currently accepted standard description of circuit QED predicts the possibility of superradiant phase transitions in such systems. However, a full microscopic treatment shows that a no-go theorem for superradiant phase transitions known from atomic physics applies to circuit QED systems as well. This reveals previously unknown limitations of the applicability of the standard theory of circuit QED to multi-qubit systems. Second, we explore the potential of circuit QED for quantum simulations of interacting quantum many-body systems. We propose and analyze a circuit QED architecture that implements the quantum Ising chain in a time-dependent transverse magnetic field. Our setup can be used to study quench dynamics, the propagation of localized excitations, and other non-equilibrium features in this paradigmatic model in the theory of non-equilibrium thermodynamics and quantumcritical phenomena. The setup is based on a

  14. Experimental study on short-circuit characteristics of the new protection circuit of insulated gate bipolar transistor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji, In-Hwan; Choi, Young-Hwan; Ha, Min-Woo; Han, Min-Koo; Choi, Yearn-Ik


    A new protection circuit employing the collector to emitter voltage (V CE ) sensing scheme for short-circuit withstanding capability of the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is proposed and verified by experimental results. Because the current path between the gate and collector can be successfully eliminated in the proposed protection circuit, the power consumption can be reduced and the gate input impedance can be increased. Previous study is limited to dc characteristics. However, experimental results show that the proposed protection circuit successfully reduces the over-current of main IGBT by 80.4% under the short-circuit condition

  15. Políticas y procedimientos de seguridad para optimizar la operatividad de los Sistemas de Redes Universitarias Ecuatorianas Conectadas al Internet


    Vallejo Sanaguano, María Elena


    La presente investigación busca optimizar la operatividad de los sistemas de redes Universitarias Ecuatorianas que se encuentran conectadas al Internet y que están ubicadas en las provincias de Bolívar, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Guayas, Pichincha y Tungurahua a través de políticas y procedimientos de seguridad que se ajusten a su realidad. El grupo de Universidades y Escuelas Politécnicas en las que se lleva adelante la investigación está formado por 25 instituciones distribuidas por provinci...

  16. High voltage MOSFET switching circuit (United States)

    McEwan, Thomas E.


    The problem of source lead inductance in a MOSFET switching circuit is compensated for by adding an inductor to the gate circuit. The gate circuit inductor produces an inductive spike which counters the source lead inductive drop to produce a rectangular drive voltage waveform at the internal gate-source terminals of the MOSFET.

  17. Evaluación in vivo de la eficacia cosmética de dos procedimientos de bioestimulación con la aplicación de plasma rico en plaquetas en arrugas faciales, para mejorar la elasticidad y firmeza de la piel tratada


    Cornejo Bravo, Juan Carlos


    Mi proyecto de titulación se orientó a buscar la eficacia cosmética de dos procedimientos de bioestimulación con Plasma Rico en Plaquetas en arrugas faciales, teniendo como resultado que la eficacia se encuentra en personas con mioenvejecimiento (30-40 años) con el procedimiento de Plasma Rico en Plaquetas Activado (PRPA). This project, prior to obtaining my Master’s degree was aimed towards seeking the cosmetic efficiency of two bio stimulation procedures using platelet-rich plasma applie...

  18. Graphene radio frequency receiver integrated circuit. (United States)

    Han, Shu-Jen; Garcia, Alberto Valdes; Oida, Satoshi; Jenkins, Keith A; Haensch, Wilfried


    Graphene has attracted much interest as a future channel material in radio frequency electronics because of its superior electrical properties. Fabrication of a graphene integrated circuit without significantly degrading transistor performance has proven to be challenging, posing one of the major bottlenecks to compete with existing technologies. Here we present a fabrication method fully preserving graphene transistor quality, demonstrated with the implementation of a high-performance three-stage graphene integrated circuit. The circuit operates as a radio frequency receiver performing signal amplification, filtering and downconversion mixing. All circuit components are integrated into 0.6 mm(2) area and fabricated on 200 mm silicon wafers, showing the unprecedented graphene circuit complexity and silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor process compatibility. The demonstrated circuit performance allow us to use graphene integrated circuit to perform practical wireless communication functions, receiving and restoring digital text transmitted on a 4.3-GHz carrier signal.

  19. Investigation of Equivalent Circuit for PEMFC Assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myong, Kwang Jae


    Chemical reactions occurring in a PEMFC are dominated by the physical conditions and interface properties, and the reactions are expressed in terms of impedance. The performance of a PEMFC can be simply diagnosed by examining the impedance because impedance characteristics can be expressed by an equivalent electrical circuit. In this study, the characteristics of a PEMFC are assessed using the AC impedance and various equivalent circuits such as a simple equivalent circuit, equivalent circuit with a CPE, equivalent circuit with two RCs, and equivalent circuit with two CPEs. It was found in this study that the characteristics of a PEMFC could be assessed using impedance and an equivalent circuit, and the accuracy was highest for an equivalent circuit with two CPEs


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    Juan Luis Rodríguez Olivera


    Full Text Available En el trabajo se valida el procedimiento vigente de actualización de la característica energética (curvasconsumo-entrega de los bloques, evidenciándose la no correspondencia de los modelos obtenidos con elcomportamiento real. Se proponen tres vías posibles de obtención de la información para un nuevométodo de actualización a partir de la instrumentación existente que incluye el empleo de la informaciónde los sistemas SCADA instalados.  This paper deals with the validation of the now in use, updating procedure of fuel rate curves (energycharacteristic of units, it shows no correspondence with the actual (situation behavior. Three possibleways to obtain the information to update models are proposed based on the monitoring installed equipmentdata which include the use of information of installed SCADA systems.

  1. Procedimiento para evaluar el impacto de los proyectos del sector deportivo en las comunidades de la provincia Sancti Spíritus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Demetrio Ramírez Valle


    Full Text Available La evaluación del impacto de los proyectos del sector deportivo en la comunidad está dirigida a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población, a la utilización racional de los recursos disponibles y a la transformación de los espacios ociosos en lugares atractivos y de uso común. El objetivo general consistió en elaborar un procedimiento para evaluar el impacto de los proyectos del sector deportivo en las comunidades espirituanas a través de intercambios, encuestas, entrevistas, observaciones y visitas realizadas a profesionales del sector, comunidades, profesores y estudiantes de la facultad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte de Sancti Spíritus, conociéndose que existe falta de información y divulgación del impacto de los resultados obtenidos en la implementación de proyectos e investigaciones presentadas como tesis de las maestrías, impartidas en la entidad educacional, lo que pudiera incidir en la toma de decisiones en materia de aseguramiento racional de los recursos disponibles, establecimiento de prioridades y evaluación. Los métodos de investigación utilizados permitieron la recopilación y elaboración de la información necesaria sobre el estado actual de la problemática planteada. Los especialistas consultados coincidieron en que el procedimiento elaborado se adecua al objetivo propuesto.

  2. Control constitucional del modelo de comunicación política (el nuevo procedimiento especial sancionador y el juicio de inconformidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abraham Giovanni Hernández González


    Full Text Available Con la reforma constitucional realizada en 2014 se estipuló el control judicial del modelo de comunicación política hecho en 2007, implementando un sistema dual de solución de procedimientos especiales sancionadores y las tres nuevas causales de nulidad de las elecciones, entre las cuales está la adquisición o compra de tiempos en radio y televisión. Sin embargo, la reforma a las leyes electorales no impactó en la ley procesal, por lo que no se lograron vincular las causales de nulidad con las sentencias del procedimiento especial sancionador ni con la tramitación ni la resolución de los juicios de inconformidad. Luego, es necesaria una armonización procesal de la tutela judicial de la comunicación política. / The 2014 constitutional reform stipulates jurisdiction for the model of political communication established in 2007, creating a dual system for resolving special disciplinary procedures and the three new grounds for declaring elections invalid, among which are the acquisition or purchase of radio or television air time. However, the reform did not extend to the law on legal procedures; therefore, it did not link the grounds for annulling elections to the decisions handed down in the cases of special disciplinary procedures or to the processing and resolution of proceedings for reconsideration. What is needed is to harmonize the procedural aspects of the jurisdiction over political communications.

  3. Automatic circuit analysis based on mask information

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preas, B.T.; Lindsay, B.W.; Gwyn, C.W.


    The Circuit Mask Translator (CMAT) code has been developed which converts integrated circuit mask information into a circuit schematic. Logical operations, pattern recognition, and special functions are used to identify and interconnect diodes, transistors, capacitors, and resistances. The circuit topology provided by the translator is compatible with the input required for a circuit analysis program

  4. Thermionic integrated circuits: electronics for hostile environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lynn, D.K.; McCormick, J.B.; MacRoberts, M.D.J.; Wilde, D.K.; Dooley, G.R.; Brown, D.R.


    Thermionic integrated circuits combine vacuum tube technology with integrated circuit techniques to form integrated vacuum triode circuits. These circuits are capable of extended operation in both high-temperature and high-radiation environments

  5. Modern TTL circuits manual

    CERN Document Server

    Marston, R M


    Modern TTL Circuits Manual provides an introduction to the basic principles of Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL). This book outlines the major features of the 74 series of integrated circuits (ICs) and introduces the various sub-groups of the TTL family.Organized into seven chapters, this book begins with an overview of the basics of digital ICs. This text then examines the symbology and mathematics of digital logic. Other chapters consider a variety of topics, including waveform generator circuitry, clocked flip-flop and counter circuits, special counter/dividers, registers, data latches, com

  6. Circuit analysis with Multisim

    CERN Document Server

    Baez-Lopez, David


    This book is concerned with circuit simulation using National Instruments Multisim. It focuses on the use and comprehension of the working techniques for electrical and electronic circuit simulation. The first chapters are devoted to basic circuit analysis.It starts by describing in detail how to perform a DC analysis using only resistors and independent and controlled sources. Then, it introduces capacitors and inductors to make a transient analysis. In the case of transient analysis, it is possible to have an initial condition either in the capacitor voltage or in the inductor current, or bo

  7. Application specific integrated circuits and hybrid micro circuits for nuclear instrumentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandratre, V.B.; Sukhwani, Menka; Mukhopadhyay, P.K.; Shastrakar, R.S.; Sudheer, M.; Shedam, V.; Keni, Anubha


    Rapid development in semiconductor technology, sensors, detectors and requirements of high energy physics experiments as well as advances in commercially available nuclear instruments have lead to challenges for instrumentation. These challenges are met with development of Application Specific Integrated Circuits and Hybrid Micro Circuits. This paper discusses various activities in ASIC and HMC development in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. (author)

  8. A Fault Tolerant Integrated Circuit Memory


    Barton, Anthony Francis


    Most commercially produced integrated circuits are incapable of tolerating manufacturing defects. The area and function of the circuits is thus limited by the probability of faults occurring within the circuit. This thesis examines techniques for using redundancy in memory circuits to provide fault tolerance and to increase storage capacity. A hierarchical memory architecture using multiple Hamming codes is introduced and analysed to determine its resistance to manufa...

  9. Trip electrical circuit of the gyrotion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rossi, J.O.


    The electron cyclotron resonance heating system of INPE/LAP is shown and the trip electrical circuit of the gyrotron is described, together with its fundamental aspects. The trip electrical circuit consists basically of a series regulator circuit which regulates the output voltage level and controls the pulse width time. Besides that, a protection circuit for both tubes, regulator and gyrotron, against faults in the system. (author) [pt

  10. Implementation of Chua's circuit using simulated inductance (United States)

    Gopakumar, K.; Premlet, B.; Gopchandran, K. G.


    In this study we describe how to build an inductorless version of the classic Chua's circuit. A suitable inductor for Chua's circuit is often hard to procure. The required inductor for the circuit is designed using simple circuit elements such as resistors, capacitors and operational amplifiers. The complete circuit can be implemented by using off-the-shelf components, and it can readily be integrated on a single chip. This design of Chua's circuit allows the original dynamics to be slowed down to just a few hertz, enabling implementation of sophisticated control schemes without severe time restrictions. Another novel feature of the circuit is that losses associated with capacitors due to leakages can easily be compensated by providing negative resistance using the same setup. The chaotic behaviour of the circuit is verified by PSpice and Multisim simulation and also by experimental study on a circuit breadboard. The results give excellent agreement with each other and with the results of previous investigators.

  11. CMOS circuit design, layout and simulation

    CERN Document Server

    Baker, R Jacob


    The Third Edition of CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation continues to cover the practical design of both analog and digital integrated circuits, offering a vital, contemporary view of a wide range of analog/digital circuit blocks including: phase-locked-loops, delta-sigma sensing circuits, voltage/current references, op-amps, the design of data converters, and much more. Regardless of one's integrated circuit (IC) design skill level, this book allows readers to experience both the theory behind, and the hands-on implementation of, complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) IC design via detailed derivations, discussions, and hundreds of design, layout, and simulation examples.

  12. Power system with an integrated lubrication circuit (United States)

    Hoff, Brian D [East Peoria, IL; Akasam, Sivaprasad [Peoria, IL; Algrain, Marcelo C [Peoria, IL; Johnson, Kris W [Washington, IL; Lane, William H [Chillicothe, IL


    A power system includes an engine having a first lubrication circuit and at least one auxiliary power unit having a second lubrication circuit. The first lubrication circuit is in fluid communication with the second lubrication circuit.

  13. Research of Driving Circuit in Coaxial Induction Coilgun

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yadong Zhang


    Full Text Available Power supply is crucial equipment in coaxial induction coil launcher.Configuration of the driving circuit influences the efficiency of the coil launcher directly.This paper gives a detailed analysis of the properties of the driving circuit construction based on the capacitor source. Three topologies of the driving circuit are compared including oscillation circuit, crowbar circuit and half-wave circuit. It is proved that which circuit has the better efficiency depends on the detailed parameters of the experiment, especially the crowbar resistance. Crowbar resistor regulates not only efficiency of the system, but also temperature rise of the coil. Electromagnetic force (EMF applied on the armature will be another question which influences service condition of the driving circuits. Oscillation circuit and crowbar circuit should apply to the asynchronous induction coil launcher and synchronous induction coil launcher, respectively. Half-wave circuit is seldom used in the experiment. Although efficiency of the half-wave circuit is very high, the speed of the armature is low. A simple independent half-wave circuit is suggested in this paper. Generally speaking, the comprehensive property of crowbar circuit is the most practical in the three typical circuits. Conclusions of the paper could provide guidelines for practice.

  14. Procedimientos para el registro de la trazabilidad de los repuestos aeronáuticos para la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Javier Cuervo Lara


    Full Text Available La Fuerza Aérea Colombiana, dado su actual desarrollo, debe adquirir o enviar a reparar una mayor cantidad de elementos aeronáuticos tanto dentro del país como fuera del mismo. Para que este procedimiento termine de forma satisfactoria se debe conocer el origen, el estado y el proveedor de estos elementos. Este conocimiento es denominado trazabilidad y aunque la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana lo aplica, especialmente en las adquisiciones y reparaciones en el exterior, las Unidades no tienen un proceso estándar para su aplicación.

  15. Propuesta de utilización del razonamiento basado en casos para la recuperación de procedimientos de prueba funcionales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha Dunia Delgado Dapena


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de estructura de almacenamiento y los mecanismos de recuperación utilizados para aplicar el razonamiento basado en casos (RBC en la generación de procedimientos de prueba funcionales en proyectos de software. Esta propuesta parte de los requisitos funcionales del proyecto de software y en ella se enuncian los algoritmos propuestos para considerar la semejanza entre cada par de proyectos, así como los que permiten adaptar la solución encontrada en la base de casos a las características de los nuevos proyectos.

  16. Hybdrid integral circuit for proportional chambers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yanik, R.; Khudy, M.; Povinets, P.; Strmen', P.; Grabachek, Z.; Feshchenko, A.A.


    Outlined briefly are a hybrid integrated circuit of the channel. One channel contains an input amplifier, delay circuit, and memory register on the base of the D-type flip-flop and controlled by the recording gate pulse. Provided at the output of the channel is a readout gating circuit. Presented are the flowsheet of the channel, the shaper amplifier and logical channel. At present the logical circuit was accepted for manufacture

  17. Four-terminal circuit element with photonic core (United States)

    Sampayan, Stephen


    A four-terminal circuit element is described that includes a photonic core inside of the circuit element that uses a wide bandgap semiconductor material that exhibits photoconductivity and allows current flow through the material in response to the light that is incident on the wide bandgap material. The four-terminal circuit element can be configured based on various hardware structures using a single piece or multiple pieces or layers of a wide bandgap semiconductor material to achieve various designed electrical properties such as high switching voltages by using the photoconductive feature beyond the breakdown voltages of semiconductor devices or circuits operated based on electrical bias or control designs. The photonic core aspect of the four-terminal circuit element provides unique features that enable versatile circuit applications to either replace the semiconductor transistor-based circuit elements or semiconductor diode-based circuit elements.

  18. High Q-factor tunable superconducting HF circuit

    CERN Document Server

    Vopilkin, E A; Pavlov, S A; Ponomarev, L I; Ganitsev, A Y; Zhukov, A S; Vladimirov, V V; Letyago, A G; Parshikov, V V


    Feasibility of constructing a high Q-factor (Q approx 10 sup 5) mechanically tunable in a wide range of frequencies (12-63 MHz) vibration circuit of HF range was considered. The tunable circuit integrates two single circuits made using YBaCuO films. The circuit frequency is tuned by changing distance X (capacity) between substrates. Potentiality of using substrates of lanthanum aluminate, neodymium gallate and strontium titanate for manufacture of single circuits was considered. Q-factor of the circuit amounted to 68000 at resonance frequency of 6.88 MHz

  19. High Q-factor tunable superconducting HF circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vopilkin, E.A.; Parafin, A.E.; Pavlov, S.A.; Ponomarev, L.I.; Ganitsev, A.Yu.; Zhukov, A.S.; Vladimirov, V.V.; Letyago, A.G.; Parshikov, V.V.


    Feasibility of constructing a high Q-factor (Q ∼ 10 5 ) mechanically tunable in a wide range of frequencies (12-63 MHz) vibration circuit of HF range was considered. The tunable circuit integrates two single circuits made using YBaCuO films. The circuit frequency is tuned by changing distance X (capacity) between substrates. Potentiality of using substrates of lanthanum aluminate, neodymium gallate and strontium titanate for manufacture of single circuits was considered. Q-factor of the circuit amounted to 68000 at resonance frequency of 6.88 MHz [ru

  20. Superconducting push-pull flux quantum logic circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murphy, J.H.; Daniel, M.R.; Przybysz, J.X.


    A superconducting digital logic circuit is described comprising: a first circuit branch including first and second Josephson junctions electrically connected in series with each other; means for applying a positive bias voltage to a first end of said circuit branch; means for applying a negative bias voltage to a second end of said circuit branch; means for applying a first dual polarity input voltage signal to a first node in said circuit branch; and means for extracting a first output voltage signal from said first node in said circuit branch

  1. Short-circuit impedance measurement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Knud Ole Helgesen; Nielsen, Arne Hejde; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad


    Methods for estimating the short-circuit impedance in the power grid are investigated for various voltage levels and situations. The short-circuit impedance is measured, preferably from naturally occurring load changes in the grid, and it is shown that such a measurement system faces different...

  2. Radiation-sensitive switching circuits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moore, J.H.; Cockshott, C.P.


    A radiation-sensitive switching circuit includes a light emitting diode which from time to time illuminates a photo-transistor, the photo-transistor serving when its output reaches a predetermined value to operate a trigger circuit. In order to allow for aging of the components, the current flow through the diode is increased when the output from the transistor falls below a known level. Conveniently, this is achieved by having a transistor in parallel with the diode, and turning the transistor off when the output from the phototransistor becomes too low. The circuit is designed to control the ignition system in an automobile engine.

  3. What's new about generator circuit breakers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolarik, P.L.


    The need for updating ANSI C37 Standards for AC high-voltage circuit breakers has become necessary because of the increased interest in power circuit breakers for generator application. These circuit breakers, which have continuous current ratings and rated short-circuit currents that are much higher than those presently covered by existing C37 Standards, take on added importance because they are being installed in critical AC power supplies at nuclear power stations

  4. 49 CFR 236.786 - Principle, closed circuit. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Principle, closed circuit. 236.786 Section 236.786 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Principle, closed circuit. The principle of circuit design where a normally energized electric circuit which...



    Krüger, Jens; Gausa, Dominik


    WO15090426A1 Sensor evaluation device and method for operating said device Integrated sensor evaluation circuit for evaluating a sensor signal (14) received from a sensor (12), having a first connection (28a) for connection to the sensor and a second connection (28b) for connection to the sensor. The integrated sensor evaluation circuit comprises a configuration data memory (16) for storing configuration data which describe signal properties of a plurality of sensor control signals (26a-c). T...

  6. Circuit card failures and industry mitigation strategy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mondal, U. [Candu Owners Group, Toronto, Ontario (Canada)


    In recent years the nuclear industry has experienced an increase in circuit card failures due to ageing of components, inadequate Preventive Maintenance (PM), lack of effective circuit card health monitoring, etc. Circuit card failures have caused loss of critical equipment, e.g., electro hydraulic governors, Safety Systems, resulting in loss of function and in some cases loss of generation. INPO completed a root cause analysis of 40 Reactor Trips/Scrams in US reactors and has recommended several actions to mitigate Circuit Card failures. Obsolescence of discrete components has posed many challenges in conducting effective preventative maintenance on circuit cards. In many cases, repairs have resulted in installation of components that compromise performance of the circuit cards. Improper termination and worn edge connectors have caused intermittent contacts contributing to circuit card failures. Traditionally, little attention is paid to relay functions and preventative maintenance of relay. Relays contribute significantly to circuit card failures and have dominated loss of generation across the power industry. The INPO study recommended a number of actions to mitigate circuit card failures, such as; identification of critical components and single point vulnerabilities; strategic preventative maintenance; protection of circuit boards against electrostatic discharge; limiting power cycles; performing an effective burn-in prior to commissioning of the circuit cards; monitoring performance of DC power supplies; limiting cabinet temperatures; managing of component aging/degradation mechanism, etc. A subcommittee has been set up under INPO sponsorship to understand the causes of circuit card failure and to develop an effective mitigation strategy. (author)

  7. Current-mode minimax circuit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wassenaar, R.F.


    The minimum-maximum (minimax) circuit selects the minimum and maximum of two input currents. Four transistors in matched pairs are operated in the saturation region. Because the behavior of the circuit is based on matched devices and is independent of the relationship between the drain current and

  8. Short circuit in deep brain stimulation. (United States)

    Samura, Kazuhiro; Miyagi, Yasushi; Okamoto, Tsuyoshi; Hayami, Takehito; Kishimoto, Junji; Katano, Mitsuo; Kamikaseda, Kazufumi


    The authors undertook this study to investigate the incidence, cause, and clinical influence of short circuits in patients treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS). After the incidental identification of a short circuit during routine follow-up, the authors initiated a policy at their institution of routinely evaluating both therapeutic impedance and system impendence at every outpatient DBS follow-up visit, irrespective of the presence of symptoms suggesting possible system malfunction. This study represents a report of their findings after 1 year of this policy. Implanted DBS leads exhibiting short circuits were identified in 7 patients (8.9% of the patients seen for outpatient follow-up examinations during the 12-month study period). The mean duration from DBS lead implantation to the discovery of the short circuit was 64.7 months. The symptoms revealing short circuits included the wearing off of therapeutic effect, apraxia of eyelid opening, or dysarthria in 6 patients with Parkinson disease (PD), and dystonia deterioration in 1 patient with generalized dystonia. All DBS leads with short circuits had been anchored to the cranium using titanium miniplates. Altering electrode settings resulted in clinical improvement in the 2 PD cases in which patients had specific symptoms of short circuits (2.5%) but not in the other 4 cases. The patient with dystonia underwent repositioning and replacement of a lead because the previous lead was located too anteriorly, but did not experience symptom improvement. In contrast to the sudden loss of clinical efficacy of DBS caused by an open circuit, short circuits may arise due to a gradual decrease in impedance, causing the insidious development of neurological symptoms via limited or extended potential fields as well as shortened battery longevity. The incidence of short circuits in DBS may be higher than previously thought, especially in cases in which DBS leads are anchored with miniplates. The circuit impedance of DBS

  9. Procedimientos metodológicos para definir áreas de uso residencial en el medio rural

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Tapia Zarricueta


    Full Text Available La complejidad de los estudios orientados a diagnosticar el funcionamiento y características del medio físico y socioeconómico en una región, requiere del empleo de procedimientos metodológicos flexibles que aseguren obtener la información necesaria a un costo razonable y en períodos de tiempo adecuados, a fin de facilitar posteriormente la utilización de los resultados en la implementación de planes y programas de mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de la población rural. La determinación de áreas para uso residencial en un medio rural caen de algún modo en este tipo de complejidad que necesitan con urgencia disponer de buena información para determinar las áreas de manera racional e informada, por lo cual se presenta una propuesta metodológica que sugiere caminos y consideraciones necesarias para facilitar la obtención de antecedentes fundamentales

  10. Spectral Purity Enhancement via Polyphase Multipath Circuits

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mensink, E.; Klumperink, Eric A.M.; Nauta, Bram


    The central question of this paper is: can we enhance the spectral purity of nonlinear circuits by using polyphase multipath circuits? The basic idea behind polyphase multipath circuits is to split the nonlinear circuits into two or more paths and exploit phase differences between these paths to

  11. El procedimiento de impugnación de disposiciones y resoluciones autonómicas sin rango de ley previsto en el artículo 161.2 CE y en el Título V de la LOTC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch


    Full Text Available El objeto del presente trabajo es estudiar el procedimiento de impugnación de disposiciones y resoluciones autonómicas, regulado en el Título V de la LOTC, en desarrollo del art. 161.2 CE. En dicho proceso, el Gobierno goza de la legitimación activa para impugnar cualquier actividad infralegal, normativa o no, de una Comunidad Autónoma, por motivo de una inconstitucionalidad no competencial. Se trata de una impugnación residual de otros procedimientos, como el recurso de inconstitucionalidad o los conflictos positivos de competencia, todos en manos del Gobierno para activarlos. Este ostenta, así, importantes instrumentos para frenar la actividad de las Comunidades Autónomas en su integridad, en una asimetría procesal que dota a los órganos centrales de unos poderes «preventivos» no imprescindibles. De esta manera, se manifiesta una concepción de la organización territorial del Estado español, no deferente con las Comunidades Autónomas. El desarrollo extensivo que se ha realizado del art. 161.2 CE, asignándose al Gobierno central un papel prepotente y asimétrico respecto de los órgano autonómicos, se estudia desde la perspectiva técnico-jurídica del procedimiento jurisdiccional concretado en el Título V de la LOTC y desde el trasfondo político del mismo, que tiene su máxima expresión en el auto que inadmite la impugnación contra el «Plan Ibarretxe » (Auto 135/2004, de 20 de abril. Se estudian todos los casos—realmente variados—en los que se ha realizado una impugnación al amparo del Título V de la LOTC, en los que, sin embargo, destaca la capacidad para suspender la disposición o resolución autonómica por el sólo hecho de iniciarse el procedimiento. Este efecto suspensivo inmediato le aleja de la figura de la medida cautelar. Por otro lado, la impugnación de disposiciones sin rango de ley y de resoluciones, disposiciones o actos autonómicos tiene su campo de acción en el seno de la jurisdicci

  12. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Cancellation of shuttle Circuit 3

    CERN Multimedia


    Circuit 3 of the CERN Shuttle Service (Point 5), which has served CMS since the start of LS1, will be cancelled with effect from Tuesday 16 April. This decision has been taken in consultation with CMS, as the circuit was seldom used.   In response to increasing demand for Circuit 1 - Meyrin and feedback from passengers, the two Circuit 3 journeys will be switched to Circuit 1 – Meyrin (see new timetable below): Mornings: Four journeys instead of three. Circuit 1 now starts at 8:10 (instead of 8:19 a.m.) and runs until 9:27 a.m. (instead of 9:16 a.m.). Lunchtimes: Five journeys in place between 12:10 p.m. and 1:47 p.m. Evenings: Circuit starts at 5:23 p.m. (instead of 5:03 p.m.) and ends at 6:20 p.m. at Building 33. Please note that the circuit will depart from Building 13 instead of Building 33.  

  13. Developing a Domain Model for Relay Circuits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haxthausen, Anne Elisabeth


    In this paper we stepwise develop a domain model for relay circuits as used in railway control systems. First we provide an abstract, property-oriented model of networks consisting of components that can be glued together with connectors. This model is strongly inspired by a network model...... for railways madeby Bjørner, however our model is more general: the components can be of any kind and can later be refined to e.g. railway components or circuit components. Then we show how the abstract network model can be refined into an explicit model for relay circuits. The circuit model describes...... the statics as well as the dynamics of relay circuits, i.e. how a relay circuit can be composed legally from electrical components as well as how the components may change state over time. Finally the circuit model is transformed into an executable model, and we show how a concrete circuit can be defined...

  14. Notes on basis band-pass circuits; Notes sur les circuits de base passe-bande

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ailloud, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Resistor load amplifier stages, basic band-pass RC networks, conventional single-tuned circuits, have the same transfer function. Common properties and differences because diverse magnitude of parameters with proposed problems are exposed. Next the case of several cascaded stages (or networks) is examined when there is no reaction ones to another. (author) [French] Les etages amplificateurs a resistances, les circuits passe-bande RC elementaires, le circuit resonnant classique possedent la meme fonction de transfert. On fait ressortir les proprietes communes et les differences de comportement dues aux ordres de grandeur qu'il est possible de donner aux parametres en fonction des problemes a resoudre. On examine ensuite le cas de plusieurs etages (ou de plusieurs circuits) en cascade lorsqu'ils ne reagissent pas les uns sur les autres. (auteur)

  15. Circuit for correlation spectroscopy of nuclear magnetic resonance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halamek, J.; Panek, P.


    The connection consists of a control circuit connected to a generator with two outputs. The first output is connected to the first keying circuit while the second output is connected to a transmitter. The transmitter output is connected via the second keying circuit, the spectrometer probe and the receiver with a mixer connected to the first keying circuit. The second keying circuit is connected via a keying control circuit to the control circuit. The resulting low-frequency signal represents the mixer output. (E.S.)

  16. Principles of transistor circuits introduction to the design of amplifiers, receivers and digital circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Amos, S W


    Principles of Transistor Circuits: Sixth Edition discusses the principles, concepts, and practices involved integrated circuits. The current edition includes up-to-date circuits, the section on thyristors has been revised to give more information on modern types, and dated information has been eliminated. The book covers related topics such as semiconductors and junction diodes; the principles behind transistors; and common amplifiers. The book also covers bias and DC stabilization; large-signal and small-signal AF amplifiers; DC and pulse amplifiers; sinusoidal oscillators; pulse and sawtooth

  17. Determinación de la composición de fases en circona mediante un procedimiento polimórfico simple

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernández-Jiménez, A.


    Full Text Available In this work, we propose a polymorphic method for the quantitative analysis in zirconia. This procedure uses a square system of equations relating the intensities of a peaks groups set in the diffraction pattern with the weight fractions of the different phases present in the sample. In this system it is used as unknowns, besides the relative abundance of the phases, a group of parameters that incorporates the contribution from the tails of the groups adjacent to the intensity of a selected group. The described procedure has been applied to a simulated diffractogram corresponding to a composition of zirconia of 50% of cubic phase, 25% of tetragonal phase and 25% of monoclinic phase, and also to a sample of zirconia processed by the sol-gel method.

    En este trabajo se propone un método polimórfico para el análisis cuantitativo de fases en la circona. Este procedimiento emplea un sistema de ecuaciones compatible y determinado que relaciona las intensidades de un conjunto de grupos de picos del espectro de difracción con las fracciones en peso de las diferentes fases presentes en la muestra. En dicho sistema, además de las abundancias relativas de las fases, se utilizan como incógnitas un conjunto de parámetros que dan cuenta de la aportación de las colas de los grupos de picos adyacentes al grupo de picos considerado. Este procedimiento se ha aplicado a un difractograma simulado correspondiente a una circona con 50% de fase cúbica, 25% de fase tetragonal y 25% de fase monoclínica y también a una muestra en polvo de circona fabricada mediante técnicas sol-gel.

  18. Design of analog integrated circuits and systems

    CERN Document Server

    Laker, Kenneth R


    This text is designed for senior or graduate level courses in analog integrated circuits or design of analog integrated circuits. This book combines consideration of CMOS and bipolar circuits into a unified treatment. Also included are CMOS-bipolar circuits made possible by BiCMOS technology. The text progresses from MOS and bipolar device modelling to simple one and two transistor building block circuits. The final two chapters present a unified coverage of sample-data and continuous-time signal processing systems.

  19. Short-circuited coil in a solenoid circuit of a pulse magnetic field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kivshik, A.F.; Dubrovin, V.Yu.


    A short-circuited coil at the end of a long pulse solenoid attenuates the dissipation field by 3-5 times. A plug-configuration field is set up in the middle portion of the pulse solenoid incorporating the short-circuited coils. Shunting of the coils with the induction current by resistor Rsub(shunt) provides for the adjustment of the plug ratio γ

  20. Model Order Reduction for Electronic Circuits:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjorth, Poul G.; Shontz, Suzanne

    Electronic circuits are ubiquitous; they are used in numerous industries including: the semiconductor, communication, robotics, auto, and music industries (among many others). As products become more and more complicated, their electronic circuits also grow in size and complexity. This increased...... in the semiconductor industry. Circuit simulation proceeds by using Maxwell’s equations to create a mathematical model of the circuit. The boundary element method is then used to discretize the equations, and the variational form of the equations are then solved on the graph network....

  1. Grounding and shielding circuits and interference

    CERN Document Server

    Morrison, Ralph


    Applies basic field behavior in circuit design and demonstrates how it relates to grounding and shielding requirements and techniques in circuit design This book connects the fundamentals of electromagnetic theory to the problems of interference in all types of electronic design. The text covers power distribution in facilities, mixing of analog and digital circuitry, circuit board layout at high clock rates, and meeting radiation and susceptibility standards. The author examines the grounding and shielding requirements and techniques in circuit design and applies basic physics to circuit behavior. The sixth edition of this book has been updated with new material added throughout the chapters where appropriate. The presentation of the book has also been rearranged in order to reflect the current trends in the field.

  2. Circuit QED lattices: Towards quantum simulation with superconducting circuits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmidt, Sebastian [Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, 8093, Zurich (Switzerland); Koch, Jens [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 60208 (United States)


    The Jaynes-Cummings model describes the coupling between photons and a single two-level atom in a simplified representation of light-matter interactions. In circuit QED, this model is implemented by combining microwave resonators and superconducting qubits on a microchip with unprecedented experimental control. Arranging qubits and resonators in the form of a lattice realizes a new kind of Hubbard model, the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model, in which the elementary excitations are polariton quasi-particles. Due to the genuine openness of photonic systems, circuit QED lattices offer the possibility to study the intricate interplay of collective behavior, strong correlations and non-equilibrium physics. Thus, turning circuit QED into an architecture for quantum simulation, i.e., using a well-controlled system to mimic the intricate quantum behavior of another system too daunting for a theorist to tackle head-on, is an exciting idea which has served as theorists' playground for a while and is now also starting to catch on in experiments. This review gives a summary of the most recent theoretical proposals and experimental efforts. (copyright 2013 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  3. Logarithmic current-measuring transistor circuits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højberg, Kristian Søe


    Describes two transistorized circuits for the logarithmic measurement of small currents suitable for nuclear reactor instrumentation. The logarithmic element is applied in the feedback path of an amplifier, and only one dual transistor is used as logarithmic diode and temperature compensating...... transistor. A simple one-amplifier circuit is compared with a two-amplifier system. The circuits presented have been developed in connexion with an amplifier using a dual m.o.s. transistor input stage with diode-protected gates....

  4. Residuo cerámico útil para la elaboración de cementos, procedimiento de obtención y cementos que lo comprende


    Sánchez de Rojas, María Isabel; Frías, Moisés; Asensio, Eloy; Medina Martínez, César


    La presente invención describe un residuo cerámico obtenido a partir de residuos de construcción y demolición como componente puzolánico de cementos. Se presenta además un método de obtención de estos residuos cerámicos y otro procedimiento de fabricación de cementos utilizando estos residuos. Este tipo de residuos, son recogidos en plantas de reciclado, donde se realiza su gestión, con esta invención se podría facilitar una posible salida comercial....

  5. Automatic design of digital synthetic gene circuits.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario A Marchisio


    Full Text Available De novo computational design of synthetic gene circuits that achieve well-defined target functions is a hard task. Existing, brute-force approaches run optimization algorithms on the structure and on the kinetic parameter values of the network. However, more direct rational methods for automatic circuit design are lacking. Focusing on digital synthetic gene circuits, we developed a methodology and a corresponding tool for in silico automatic design. For a given truth table that specifies a circuit's input-output relations, our algorithm generates and ranks several possible circuit schemes without the need for any optimization. Logic behavior is reproduced by the action of regulatory factors and chemicals on the promoters and on the ribosome binding sites of biological Boolean gates. Simulations of circuits with up to four inputs show a faithful and unequivocal truth table representation, even under parametric perturbations and stochastic noise. A comparison with already implemented circuits, in addition, reveals the potential for simpler designs with the same function. Therefore, we expect the method to help both in devising new circuits and in simplifying existing solutions.

  6. 49 CFR 236.721 - Circuit, control. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Circuit, control. 236.721 Section 236.721..., MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEMS, DEVICES, AND APPLIANCES Definitions § 236.721 Circuit, control. An electrical circuit between a source of electric energy and a device which it operates. ...

  7. Investigación y conservación de la biodiversidad en Perú: importancia del uso de técnicas modernas y procedimientos administrativos eficientes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rudolf von May


    Full Text Available Este comentario resalta la importancia que el análisis de secuencias de ADN tiene en los estudios de biodi-versidad y la necesidad de mejorar los procedimientos administrativos concernientes a las investigaciones de biodiversidad en el Perú. La rápida pérdida de la biodiversidad y recursos naturales del Perú justifican la urgencia de apoyar aquellas investigaciones que ayuden a identificar, describir y caracterizar a la biodiversidad en la brevedad posible, para que se puedan tomar las debidas medidas de conservación y mitigación. Enfatizamos la importancia del uso de técnicas modernas dentro del modelo de estudio de la taxonomía integradora, incluyendo el estudio de los procesos evolutivos asociados a áreas con mayor diversidad y endemismo y los efectos del cambio climático sobre la biodiversidad peruana. Asimismo, es esencial que las entidades gubernamentales encargadas de evaluar los planes, solicitudes y requisitos asociados a las investigaciones de la biodiversidad del Perú reconozcan y apoyen el enfoque de la taxonomía integradora. El uso de técnicas modernas dentro del modelo de la taxonomía integradora, junto a procedimientos administrativos eficientes, puede convertirse en la mejor herramienta para proteger la biodiversidad peruana.

  8. Tester Detects Steady-Short Or Intermittent-Open Circuits (United States)

    Anderson, Bobby L.


    Momentary open circuits or steady short circuits trigger buzzer. Simple, portable, lightweight testing circuit sounds long-duration alarm when it detects steady short circuit or momentary open circuit in coaxial cable or other two-conductor transmission line. Tester sensitive to discontinuities lasting 10 microseconds or longer. Used extensively for detecting intermittent open shorts in accelerometer and extensometer cables. Also used as ordinary buzzer-type continuity checker to detect steady short or open circuits.

  9. Detecting short circuits during assembly (United States)

    Deboo, G. J.


    Detector circuit identifies shorts between bus bars of electronic equipment being wired. Detector sounds alarm and indicates which planes are shorted. Power and ground bus bars are scanned continuously until short circuit occurs.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jairo Augusto Cortes Mendez


    Full Text Available Resumen —La irrupción de las Tecnologías de la información (TIC enriquecen el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje; el uso de los ambientes en realidad aumentada como apoyo a los procedimientos odontológicos mediante la utilización de procesos educativos en la preclínica de ortodoncia surge como alternativa para mejorar la práctica de los estudiantes en diferentes rutinas. Objetivo general: Diseñar, implementar y evaluar una aplicación de la realidad aumentada como apoyo a los procedimientos odontológicos, mediante la utilización de procesos educativos en la preclínica de ortodoncia. Materiales y métodos: La investigación se realizará en tres fases: fase 1: Se hará el estudio diagnóstico y diseño de la propuesta pedagógica donde Se contemplaran las necesidades de contar con ésta estrategia, los participantes a los que va dirigida la aplicación de la realidad aumentada, los Conocimientos previos con los que debe contar el usuario de la aplicación. La fase 2: Corresponde al desarrollo de la aplicación, en esta se analizaran los requerimientos de información sobre el tema, el diseño de la aplicación y se elaborará el prototipo para ser evaluado interna y externamente para aprobación definitiva. Fase 3: Denominada de Implementación y evaluación definitiva, se aplicará un instrumento de validación en prueba de campo así: La evaluación de contenidos académicos se realizará siguiendo el diseño pos prueba y grupo control, en el que se seleccionará al azar un grupo control y un grupo experimental, con el propósito de manipular la variable independiente poniendo en práctica el principio de presencia ausencia y observando el comportamiento de la variable dependiente. Aplicando la estrategia didáctica propuesta se determinará si esta es una herramienta más eficaz que el método de enseñanza tradicional para la enseñanza de los contenidos relacionados con doblaje de alambres en ortodoncia. Los resultados esperados de

  11. Statistical delay estimation in digital circuits using VHDL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milić Miljana Lj.


    Full Text Available The most important feature of modern integrated circuit is the speed. It depends on circuit's delay. For the design of high-speed digital circuits, it is necessary to evaluate delays in the earliest stages of design, thus making it easy to modify and redesign a circuit if it's too slow. This paper gives an approach for efficient delay estimation in the describing phase of the circuit design. The method can statistically estimate the minimum and maximum delay of all possible paths and signal transitions in the circuit, considering the practical implementation of circuits, and information about the parameters' tolerances. The method uses a VHDL description and is verified on ISCAS85 benchmark circuits. Matlab was used for data processing.

  12. Radio-frequency integrated-circuit engineering

    CERN Document Server

    Nguyen, Cam


    Radio-Frequency Integrated-Circuit Engineering addresses the theory, analysis and design of passive and active RFIC's using Si-based CMOS and Bi-CMOS technologies, and other non-silicon based technologies. The materials covered are self-contained and presented in such detail that allows readers with only undergraduate electrical engineering knowledge in EM, RF, and circuits to understand and design RFICs. Organized into sixteen chapters, blending analog and microwave engineering, Radio-Frequency Integrated-Circuit Engineering emphasizes the microwave engineering approach for RFICs. Provide

  13. BR-5 primary circuit decontamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Efimov, I.A.; Nikulin, M.P.; Smirnov-Averin, A.P.; Tymosh, B.S.; Shereshkov, V.S.


    Results and methodology of steam-water and acid decontamination of the primary coolant circuit SBR-5 reactor in 1971 are discussed. Regeneration process in a cold trap of the primary coolant circuit is discussed

  14. Ignition circuit for combustion engines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Becker, H W


    The invention refers to the ignition circuit for combustion engines, which are battery fed. The circuit contains a transistor and an oscillator to produce an output voltage on the secondary winding of an output transformer to supply an ignition current. The plant is controlled by an interrupter. The purpose of the invention is to form such a circuit that improved sparks for ignition are produced, on the one hand, and that on the other hand, the plant can continue to function after loss of the oscillator. The problem is solved by the battery and the secondary winding of the output transformers of the oscillator are connected via a rectifier circuit to produce a resultant total voltage with the ignition coil from the battery voltage and the rectified pulsating oscillator output.

  15. Dynamic theory for the mesoscopic electric circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Bin; Shen Xiaojuan; Li Youquan; Sun LiLy; Yin Zhujian


    The quantum theory for mesoscopic electric circuit with charge discreteness is briefly described. The minibands of quasienergy in LC design mesoscopic electric circuit have been found. In the mesoscopic 'pure' inductance design circuit, just like in the mesoscopic metallic rings, the quantum dynamic characteristics have been obtained explicitly. In the 'pure' capacity design circuit, the Coulomb blockade had also been addressed

  16. Memristor-based nanoelectronic computing circuits and architectures

    CERN Document Server

    Vourkas, Ioannis


    This book considers the design and development of nanoelectronic computing circuits, systems and architectures focusing particularly on memristors, which represent one of today’s latest technology breakthroughs in nanoelectronics. The book studies, explores, and addresses the related challenges and proposes solutions for the smooth transition from conventional circuit technologies to emerging computing memristive nanotechnologies. Its content spans from fundamental device modeling to emerging storage system architectures and novel circuit design methodologies, targeting advanced non-conventional analog/digital massively parallel computational structures. Several new results on memristor modeling, memristive interconnections, logic circuit design, memory circuit architectures, computer arithmetic systems, simulation software tools, and applications of memristors in computing are presented. High-density memristive data storage combined with memristive circuit-design paradigms and computational tools applied t...

  17. High-precision analog circuit technology for power supply integrated circuits; Dengen IC yo koseido anarogu kairo gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakamori, A.; Suzuki, T.; Mizoe, K. [Fuji Electric Corporate Research and Development,Ltd., Kanagawa (Japan)


    With the recent rapid spread of portable electronic appliances, specification requirements such as compact power supply and long operation with batteries have become severer. Power supply ICs (integrated circuits) are required to reduce power consumption in the circuit and perform high-precision control. To meet these requirements, Fuji Electric develops high-precision CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) analog technology. This paper describes three analog circuit technologies of a voltage reference, an operational amplifier and a comparator as circuit components particularly important for the precision of power supply ICs. (author)

  18. SEMICONDUCTOR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS: A reconfigurable analog baseband circuit for WLAN, WCDMA, and Bluetooth (United States)

    Tao, Tong; Baoyong, Chi; Ziqiang, Wang; Ying, Zhang; Hanjun, Jiang; Zhihua, Wang


    A reconfigurable analog baseband circuit for WLAN, WCDMA, and Bluetooth in 0.35 μm CMOS is presented. The circuit consists of two variable gain amplifiers (VGA) in cascade and a Gm-C elliptic low-pass filter (LPF). The filter-order and the cut-off frequency of the LPF can be reconfigured to satisfy the requirements of various applications. In order to achieve the optimum power consumption, the bandwidth of the VGAs can also be dynamically reconfigured and some Gm cells can be cut off in the given application. Simulation results show that the analog baseband circuit consumes 16.8 mW for WLAN, 8.9 mW for WCDMA and only 6.5 mW for Bluetooth, all with a 3 V power supply. The analog baseband circuit could provide -10 to +40 dB variable gain, third-order low pass filtering with 1 MHz cut-off frequency for Bluetooth, fourth-order low pass filtering with 2.2 MHz cut-off frequency for WCDMA, and fifth-order low pass filtering with 11 MHz cut-off frequency for WLAN, respectively.

  19. The LMT circuit and SPICE

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindberg, Erik; Murali, K.; Tamacevicius, Arunas


    The state equations of the LMT circuit are modeled as a dedicated analogue computer circuit and solved by means of PSpice. The nonlinear part of the system is studied. Problems with the PSpice program are presented....

  20. The Maplin electronic circuits handbook

    CERN Document Server

    Tooley, Michael


    The Maplin Electronic Circuits Handbook provides pertinent data, formula, explanation, practical guidance, theory and practical guidance in the design, testing, and construction of electronic circuits. This book discusses the developments in electronics technology techniques.Organized into 11 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the common types of passive component. This text then provides the reader with sufficient information to make a correct selection of passive components for use in the circuits. Other chapters consider the various types of the most commonly used semiconductor

  1. Hyperchaotic circuit with damped harmonic oscillators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindberg, Erik; Murali, K.; Tamasevicius, A.


    A simple fourth-order hyperchaotic circuit with damped harmonic oscillators is described. ANP3 and PSpice simulations including an eigenvalue study of the linearized Jacobian are presented together with a hardware implementation. The circuit contains two inductors with series resistance, two ideal...... capacitors and one nonlinear active conductor. The Lyapunov exponents are presented to confirm the hyperchaotic nature of the oscillations of the circuit. The nonlinear conductor is realized with a diode. A negative impedance converter and a linear resistor. The performance of the circuit is investigated...... by means of numerical integration of the appropriate differential equations....

  2. Resistor Combinations for Parallel Circuits. (United States)

    McTernan, James P.


    To help simplify both teaching and learning of parallel circuits, a high school electricity/electronics teacher presents and illustrates the use of tables of values for parallel resistive circuits in which total resistances are whole numbers. (MF)

  3. Single-event transients (SET) in analog circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Panxun; Zhou Kaiming


    A new phenomenon of single- event upset is introduced. The transient signal is produced in the output of analog circuits after a heavy ion strikes. The transient upset can influence the circuit connected with the output of analog circuits. For example, the output of operational amplifier can be connected with the input of a digital counter, and the pulse of sufficiently high transient output induced by an ion can increase counts of the counter. On the other hand, the transient voltage signal at the output of analog circuits can change the stage of other circuits. (authors)

  4. On equivalent resistance of electrical circuits (United States)

    Kagan, Mikhail


    While the standard (introductory physics) way of computing the equivalent resistance of nontrivial electrical circuits is based on Kirchhoff's rules, there is a mathematically and conceptually simpler approach, called the method of nodal potentials, whose basic variables are the values of the electric potential at the circuit's nodes. In this paper, we review the method of nodal potentials and illustrate it using the Wheatstone bridge as an example. We then derive a closed-form expression for the equivalent resistance of a generic circuit, which we apply to a few sample circuits. The result unveils a curious interplay between electrical circuits, matrix algebra, and graph theory and its applications to computer science. The paper is written at a level accessible by undergraduate students who are familiar with matrix arithmetic. Additional proofs and technical details are provided in appendices.

  5. Canonical cortical circuits: current evidence and theoretical implications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Capone F


    Full Text Available Fioravante Capone,1,2 Matteo Paolucci,1,2 Federica Assenza,1,2 Nicoletta Brunelli,1,2 Lorenzo Ricci,1,2 Lucia Florio,1,2 Vincenzo Di Lazzaro1,2 1Unit of Neurology, Neurophysiology, Neurobiology, Department of Medicine, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Rome, Italy; 2Fondazione Alberto Sordi – Research Institute for Aging, Rome, ItalyAbstract: Neurophysiological and neuroanatomical studies have found that the same basic structural and functional organization of neuronal circuits exists throughout the cortex. This kind of cortical organization, termed canonical circuit, has been functionally demonstrated primarily by studies involving visual striate cortex, and then, the concept has been extended to different cortical areas. In brief, the canonical circuit is composed of superficial pyramidal neurons of layers II/III receiving different inputs and deep pyramidal neurons of layer V that are responsible for cortex output. Superficial and deep pyramidal neurons are reciprocally connected, and inhibitory interneurons participate in modulating the activity of the circuit. The main intuition of this model is that the entire cortical network could be modeled as the repetition of relatively simple modules composed of relatively few types of excitatory and inhibitory, highly interconnected neurons. We will review the origin and the application of the canonical cortical circuit model in the six sections of this paper. The first section (The origins of the concept of canonical circuit: the cat visual cortex reviews the experiments performed in the cat visual cortex, from the origin of the concept of canonical circuit to the most recent developments in the modelization of cortex. The second (The canonical circuit in neocortex and third (Toward a canonical circuit in agranular cortex sections try to extend the concept of canonical circuit to other cortical areas, providing some significant examples of circuit functioning in different cytoarchitectonic

  6. Protection of toroidal field coils using multiple circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thome, R.J.; Langton, W.G.; Mann, W.R.; Pillsbury, R.D.; Tarrh, J.M.


    The protection of toroidal field (TF) coils using multiple circuits is described. The discharge of a single-circuit TF system is given for purposes of definition. Two-circuit TF systems are analyzed and the results presented analytically and graphically. Induced currents, maximum discharge voltages, and discharge time constants are compared to the single-circuit system. Three-circuit TF systems are analyzed. In addition to induced currents, maximum discharge voltages, and time constants, several different discharge scenarios are included. The impacts of having discharge rates versus final maximum coil temperatures as requirements are examined. The out-of-plane forces which occur in the three-circuit system are analyzed using an approximate model. The analysis of multiplecircuit TF systems is briefly described and results for a Toroidal Fusion Core Experiment (TFCX) scale device are given based on computer analysis. The advantages and disadvantages of using multiple-circuit systems are summarized and discussed. The primary disadvantages of multiple circuits are the increased circuit complexity and potential for out-of-plane forces. These are offset by the substantial reduction in maximum discharge voltages, as well as other design options which become available when using multiple circuits

  7. Logic circuits from zero forcing. (United States)

    Burgarth, Daniel; Giovannetti, Vittorio; Hogben, Leslie; Severini, Simone; Young, Michael

    We design logic circuits based on the notion of zero forcing on graphs; each gate of the circuits is a gadget in which zero forcing is performed. We show that such circuits can evaluate every monotone Boolean function. By using two vertices to encode each logical bit, we obtain universal computation. We also highlight a phenomenon of "back forcing" as a property of each function. Such a phenomenon occurs in a circuit when the input of gates which have been already used at a given time step is further modified by a computation actually performed at a later stage. Finally, we show that zero forcing can be also used to implement reversible computation. The model introduced here provides a potentially new tool in the analysis of Boolean functions, with particular attention to monotonicity. Moreover, in the light of applications of zero forcing in quantum mechanics, the link with Boolean functions may suggest a new directions in quantum control theory and in the study of engineered quantum spin systems. It is an open technical problem to verify whether there is a link between zero forcing and computation with contact circuits.

  8. Discharge quenching circuit for counters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karasik, A.S.


    A circuit for quenching discharges in gas-discharge detectors with working voltage of 3-5 kV based on transistors operating in the avalanche mode is described. The quenching circuit consists of a coordinating emitter follower, amplifier-shaper for avalanche key cascade control which changes potential on the counter electrodes and a shaper of discharge quenching duration. The emitter follower is assembled according to a widely used flowsheet with two transistors. The circuit permits to obtain a rectangular quenching pulse with front of 100 ns and an amplitude of up to 3.2 kV at duration of 500 μm-8 ms. Application of the quenching circuit described permits to obtain countering characteristics with the slope less than or equal to 0.02%/V and plateau extent greater than or equal to 300 V [ru

  9. Procedimiento para la gestión de los impactos ambientales negativos asociados a la recuperación de materias primas en Cienfuegos, Cuba.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Javier Castro Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El reciclaje constituye una actividad priorizada en Cuba. El objetivo fue implementar un procedimiento para la gestión de los impactos ambientales negativos asociados a los procesos operativos de la Empresa de Recuperación de Materias Primas de Cienfuegos. El procedimiento se construyó utilizando la propuesta del Instituto Andaluz de Tecnología para la gestión por procesos y los ocho pasos en la solución de problemas. Se combinaron herramientas de gestión bajo el principio de convergencia metodológica. Los impactos ambientales fueron evaluados mediante el software GAIA versión 1.0, utilizando los criterios propuestos por la Guía Metodológica de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental de Conesa. Se identificaron 97 impactos ambientales negativos, entre severos y moderados integraron el 80.41 % de ellos. El factor ambiental más impactado fue el físico-químico con el 50.52 %. El subproceso no metálico resultó el más impactante, con el 50 % de los impactos severos negativos totales y el 34 % de los moderados. Se identificaron las principales causas asociadas y se diseñó un plan de intervención de 35 medidas con base en los principios de Producción Más Limpia. Los resultados contribuyen a lograr la gestión de los impactos ambientales negativos de la entidad y a la sostenibilidad del reciclaje.

  10. A programming language for composable DNA circuits. (United States)

    Phillips, Andrew; Cardelli, Luca


    Recently, a range of information-processing circuits have been implemented in DNA by using strand displacement as their main computational mechanism. Examples include digital logic circuits and catalytic signal amplification circuits that function as efficient molecular detectors. As new paradigms for DNA computation emerge, the development of corresponding languages and tools for these paradigms will help to facilitate the design of DNA circuits and their automatic compilation to nucleotide sequences. We present a programming language for designing and simulating DNA circuits in which strand displacement is the main computational mechanism. The language includes basic elements of sequence domains, toeholds and branch migration, and assumes that strands do not possess any secondary structure. The language is used to model and simulate a variety of circuits, including an entropy-driven catalytic gate, a simple gate motif for synthesizing large-scale circuits and a scheme for implementing an arbitrary system of chemical reactions. The language is a first step towards the design of modelling and simulation tools for DNA strand displacement, which complements the emergence of novel implementation strategies for DNA computing.

  11. El poder creador del juez en la combinación o mezcla de los procedimientos constitucionales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Bernal-Cano


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una reseña explicativa de la creatividad del juez para combinar elementos de los procesos constitucionales con el fin de fortalecer los derechos fundamentales. Se presentará a continuación un análisis de las fuentes de derecho y su valor equivalente en los razonamientos constitucionales. Subrayando la equidad en la importancia de las fuentes, el presente artículo busca incentivar la labor conciliadora de los jueces y los procesos de creación del derecho bajo los límites de la coherencia jurídica. Se explicarán a continuación los eventos en los cuáles puede cambiarse la jurisprudencia y sus ventajas para garantizar la evolución del derecho constitucional. Uno de los cambios más importantes de la jurisprudencia, es la tendencia que muestra la articulación de los procedimientos constitucionales.

  12. Deberes, derechos y garantías del contribuyente en los procedimientos de repetición de pago y recuperación de tributos


    Fabiola Guerrero; María Govea; Maigualida Jimnez


    El objetivo general de esta investigación fue verificar el cumplimiento de los deberes, derechos y garantías del contribuyente previstos en la Constitución de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, en los procedimientos tributarios de repetición de pagos y de recuperación de tributos, establecidos en el Capítulo III, Titulo IV del COT de 2001. En tal sentido, se realizó una investigación de tipo documental, bajo un diseño bibliogrfico identificando unidades de anlisis, para cuyo estudio se ut...

  13. Fabric circuits and method of manufacturing fabric circuits (United States)

    Chu, Andrew W. (Inventor); Dobbins, Justin A. (Inventor); Scully, Robert C. (Inventor); Trevino, Robert C. (Inventor); Lin, Greg Y. (Inventor); Fink, Patrick W. (Inventor)


    A flexible, fabric-based circuit comprises a non-conductive flexible layer of fabric and a conductive flexible layer of fabric adjacent thereto. A non-conductive thread, an adhesive, and/or other means may be used for attaching the conductive layer to the non-conductive layer. In some embodiments, the layers are attached by a computer-driven embroidery machine at pre-determined portions or locations in accordance with a pre-determined attachment layout before automated cutting. In some other embodiments, an automated milling machine or a computer-driven laser using a pre-designed circuit trace as a template cuts the conductive layer so as to separate an undesired portion of the conductive layer from a desired portion of the conductive layer. Additional layers of conductive fabric may be attached in some embodiments to form a multi-layer construct.

  14. Circuit design on plastic foils

    CERN Document Server

    Raiteri, Daniele; Roermund, Arthur H M


    This book illustrates a variety of circuit designs on plastic foils and provides all the information needed to undertake successful designs in large-area electronics.  The authors demonstrate architectural, circuit, layout, and device solutions and explain the reasons and the creative process behind each. Readers will learn how to keep under control large-area technologies and achieve robust, reliable circuit designs that can face the challenges imposed by low-cost low-temperature high-throughput manufacturing.   • Discusses implications of problems associated with large-area electronics and compares them to standard silicon; • Provides the basis for understanding physics and modeling of disordered material; • Includes guidelines to quickly setup the basic CAD tools enabling efficient and reliable designs; • Illustrates practical solutions to cope with hard/soft faults, variability, mismatch, aging and bias stress at architecture, circuit, layout, and device levels.

  15. Semiconductor integrated circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michel, A.E.; Schwenker, R.O.; Ziegler, J.F.


    An improved method involving ion implantation to form non-epitaxial semiconductor integrated circuits. These are made by forming a silicon substrate of one conductivity type with a recessed silicon dioxide region extending into the substrate and enclosing a portion of the silicon substrate. A beam of ions of opposite conductivity type impurity is directed at the substrate at an energy and dosage level sufficient to form a first region of opposite conductivity within the silicon dioxide region. This impurity having a concentration peak below the surface of the substrate forms a region of the one conductivity type which extends from the substrate surface into the first opposite type region to a depth between the concentration peak and the surface and forms a second region of opposite conductivity type. The method, materials and ion beam conditions are detailed. Vertical bipolar integrated circuits can be made this way when the first opposite type conductivity region will function as a collector. Also circuits with inverted bipolar devices when this first region functions as a 'buried'' emitter region. (U.K.)

  16. Switching phenomena in high-voltage circuit breakers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakanishi, K.


    The topics covered in this book include: general problems concerning current interruption, the physical arc model, and miscellaneous types of modern switching apparatus, such as gas circuit breakers, gas-insulated switch-gear, vacuum circuit breakers and high-voltage direct-current circuit breakers

  17. Fast-responding short circuit protection system with self-reset for use in circuit supplied by DC power (United States)

    Burns, Bradley M. (Inventor); Blalock, Norman N. (Inventor)


    A short circuit protection system includes an inductor, a switch, a voltage sensing circuit, and a controller. The switch and inductor are electrically coupled to be in series with one another. A voltage sensing circuit is coupled across the switch and the inductor. A controller, coupled to the voltage sensing circuit and the switch, opens the switch when a voltage at the output terminal of the inductor transitions from above a threshold voltage to below the threshold voltage. The controller closes the switch when the voltage at the output terminal of the inductor transitions from below the threshold voltage to above the threshold voltage.

  18. Realizing a supercapacitor in an electrical circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuhara, Mikio; Kuroda, Tomoyuki; Hasegawa, Fumihiko


    Capacitors are commonly used in electronic resonance circuits; however, capacitors have not been used for storing large amounts of electrical energy in electrical circuits. Here, we report a superior RC circuit which serves as an electrical storage system characterized by quick charging and long-term discharging of electricity. The improved energy storage characteristics in this mixed electric circuit (R 1  + R 2 C 1 ) with small resistor R 1 , large resistor R 2 , and large capacitor C 1 are derived from the damming effect by large R 2 in simple parallel R 2 C 1 circuit. However, no research work has been carried out previously on the use of capacitors as electrical energy storage devices in circuits. Combined with nanotechnology, we hope that our finding will play a remarkable role in a variety of applications such as hybrid electric vehicles and backup power supplies

  19. 30 CFR 75.800-1 - Circuit breakers; location. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Circuit breakers; location. 75.800-1 Section 75.800-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY... § 75.800-1 Circuit breakers; location. Circuit breakers protecting high-voltage circuits entering an...

  20. Procedimiento y sistema de detección de la activación de la reversa en el aterrizaje de una aeronave


    Asensio Rivera, César; Ruiz González, Mariano; Arcas Castro, Guillermo de; Recuero López, Manuel; López Navarro, Juan Manuel


    La invención consiste en un sistema de captación sonoro que es capaz de detectar la activación de la reversa durante el aterrizaje de los aviones a partir de la detección e identificación de los sonidos producidos en el proceso. Así mismo, la invención incluye el procedimiento que debe seguirse con respecto a la ubicación de los sensores. La invención dotará a los aeropuertos de una herramienta con la que velar por el cumplimento de las normativas referidas a la activación de la reversa en ma...

  1. Secure integrated circuits and systems

    CERN Document Server

    Verbauwhede, Ingrid MR


    On any advanced integrated circuit or 'system-on-chip' there is a need for security. In many applications the actual implementation has become the weakest link in security rather than the algorithms or protocols. The purpose of the book is to give the integrated circuits and systems designer an insight into the basics of security and cryptography from the implementation point of view. As a designer of integrated circuits and systems it is important to know both the state-of-the-art attacks as well as the countermeasures. Optimizing for security is different from optimizations for speed, area,

  2. Remote tuning of NMR probe circuits. (United States)

    Kodibagkar, V D; Conradi, M S


    There are many circumstances in which the probe tuning adjustments cannot be located near the rf NMR coil. These may occur in high-temperature NMR, low-temperature NMR, and in the use of magnets with small diameter access bores. We address here circuitry for connecting a fixed-tuned probe circuit by a transmission line to a remotely located tuning network. In particular, the bandwidth over which the probe may be remotely tuned while keeping the losses in the transmission line acceptably low is considered. The results show that for all resonant circuit geometries (series, parallel, series-parallel), overcoupling of the line to the tuned circuit is key to obtaining a large tuning bandwidth. At equivalent extents of overcoupling, all resonant circuit geometries have nearly equal remote tuning bandwidths. Particularly for the case of low-loss transmission line, the tuning bandwidth can be many times the tuned circuit's bandwidth, f(o)/Q. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.

  3. Advances in Analog Circuit Design 2015

    CERN Document Server

    Baschirotto, Andrea; Harpe, Pieter


    This book is based on the 18 tutorials presented during the 24th workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design. Expert designers present readers with information about a variety of topics at the frontier of analog circuit design, including low-power and energy-efficient analog electronics, with specific contributions focusing on the design of efficient sensor interfaces and low-power RF systems. This book serves as a valuable reference to the state-of-the-art, for anyone involved in analog circuit research and development. ·         Provides a state-of-the-art reference in analog circuit design, written by experts from industry and academia; ·         Presents material in a tutorial-based format; ·         Includes coverage of high-performance analog-to-digital and digital to analog converters, integrated circuit design in scaled technologies, and time-domain signal processing.

  4. Communication and Sensing Circuits on Cellulose

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Federico Alimenti


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a review of several circuits for communication and wireless sensing applications implemented on cellulose-based materials. These circuits have been developed during the last years exploiting the adhesive copper laminate method. Such a technique relies on a copper adhesive tape that is shaped by a photo-lithographic process and then transferred to the hosting substrate (i.e., paper by means of a sacrificial layer. The presented circuits span from UHF oscillators to a mixer working at 24 GHz and constitute an almost complete set of building blocks that can be applied to a huge variety communication apparatuses. Each circuit is validated experimentally showing performance comparable with the state-of-the-art. This paper demonstrates that circuits on cellulose are capable of operating at record frequencies and that ultra- low cost, green i.e., recyclable and biodegradable materials can be a viable solution to realize high frequency hardware for the upcoming Internet of Things (IoT era.

  5. Effects of smoke on functional circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, T.J.


    Nuclear power plants are converting to digital instrumentation and control systems; however, the effects of abnormal environments such as fire and smoke on such systems are not known. There are no standard tests for smoke, but previous smoke exposure tests at Sandia National Laboratories have shown that digital communications can be temporarily interrupted during a smoke exposure. Another concern is the long-term corrosion of metals exposed to the acidic gases produced by a cable fire. This report documents measurements of basic functional circuits during and up to 1 day after exposure to smoke created by burning cable insulation. Printed wiring boards were exposed to the smoke in an enclosed chamber for 1 hour. For high-resistance circuits, the smoke lowered the resistance of the surface of the board and caused the circuits to short during the exposure. These circuits recovered after the smoke was vented. For low-resistance circuits, the smoke caused their resistance to increase slightly. A polyurethane conformal coating substantially reduced the effects of smoke. A high-speed digital circuit was unaffected. A second experiment on different logic chip technologies showed that the critical shunt resistance that would cause failure was dependent on the chip technology and that the components used in the smoke exposures were some of the most smoke tolerant. The smoke densities in these tests were high enough to cause changes in high impedance (resistance) circuits during exposure, but did not affect most of the other circuits. Conformal coatings and the characteristics of chip technologies should be considered when designing circuitry for nuclear power plant safety systems, which must be highly reliable under a variety of operating and accident conditions. 10 refs., 34 figs., 18 tabs

  6. Switchless charge-discharge circuit for electrical capacitance tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kryszyn, J; Smolik, W T; Radzik, B; Olszewski, T; Szabatin, R


    The main factor limiting the performance of electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is an extremely low value of inter-electrode capacitances. The charge-discharge circuit is a well suited circuit for a small capacitance measurement due to its immunity to noise and stray capacitance, although it has a problem associated with a charge injected by the analogue switches, which results in a dc offset. This paper presents a new diode-based circuit for capacitance measurement in which a charge transfer method is realized without switches. The circuit was built and tested in one channel configuration with 16 multiplexed electrodes. The performance of the elaborated circuit and a comparison with a classic charge-discharge circuit are presented. The elaborated circuit can be used for sensors with inter-electrode capacitances not lower than 10 fF. The presented approach allows us to obtain a similar performance to the classic charge-discharge circuit, but has a simplified design. A lack of the need to synchronize the analogue switches in the transmitter and the receiver part of this circuit could be a desirable feature in the design of measurement systems integrated with electrodes. (paper)

  7. A lock circuit for a multi-core processor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    An integrated circuit comprising a multiple processor cores and a lock circuit that comprises a queue register with respective bits set or reset via respective, connections dedicated to respective processor cores, whereby the queue register identifies those among the multiple processor cores...... that are enqueued in the queue register. Furthermore, the integrated circuit comprises a current register and a selector circuit configured to select a processor core and identify that processor core by a value in the current register. A selected processor core is a prioritized processor core among the cores...... configured with an integrated circuit; and a silicon die configured with an integrated circuit....

  8. A Simple Short Circuit Analysis for Power Networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Koşalay İlhan


    Full Text Available This study investigates the transient behavior of short circuits in power circuits. The circuit consists of two part; input part and load part. These two parts are connected with a circuit breaker switch. The circuit works in two modes; first mode is when the switch is open and second mode is when the switch is closed. This study analyses the circuit when the switch is closed. The analysis is done with different types of closing angle. The analysis is done by forming state equations and those equations are solved numerically by using Matlab. The analysis and conclusion is performed by observing the behaviors of the graphs.

  9. Circuit-Adaptive Challenge Balancing in Racing Games

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rietveld, A.; Bakkes, S.; Roijers, D.


    In this paper, we propose a novel approach to challenge balancing in racing games: circuit-adaptive challenge balancing. We propose to automatically adapt the actual racing circuit - while it is being played - such that the performed circuit adaptations intelligently balance the challenge for all

  10. Procedimiento de extracción o fraccionamiento de mezclas sólidas de carbohidratos con CO2 supercrítico en presencia de modificadores


    Montilla, Antonia; Martín-Álvarez, Pedro J.; Fornari, Tiziana; Ibáñez, Elena; Corzo, Nieves; Olano, Agustín; Montañés, Fernando


    Procedimiento de extracción o fraccionamiento de mezclas sólidas de carbohidratos con CO2 supercrítico en presencia de modificadores. La presente invención consiste fundamentalmente en la utilización de alcoholes y mezclas alcoholes-agua como modificadores en el proceso de extracción de carbohidratos mediante CO2 supercrítico. La invención se caracteriza porque el proceso desarrollado permite la extracción selectiva con elevados rendimientos y en una sola etapa de c...

  11. 30 CFR 75.900-1 - Circuit breakers; location. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Circuit breakers; location. 75.900-1 Section 75.900-1 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY... Alternating Current Circuits § 75.900-1 Circuit breakers; location. Circuit breakers used to protect low-and...

  12. 30 CFR 57.12017 - Work on power circuits. (United States)


    ... shall prevent the power circuits from being energized without the knowledge of the individuals working... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Work on power circuits. 57.12017 Section 57... Surface and Underground § 57.12017 Work on power circuits. Power circuits shall be deenergized before work...

  13. Multi-valued logic circuits using hybrid circuit consisting of three gates single-electron transistors (TG-SETs) and MOSFETs. (United States)

    Shin, SeungJun; Yu, YunSeop; Choi, JungBum


    New multi-valued logic (MVL) families using the hybrid circuits consisting of three gates single-electron transistors (TG-SETs) and a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) are proposed. The use of SETs offers periodic literal characteristics due to Coulomb oscillation of SET, which allows a realization of binary logic (BL) circuits as well as multi-valued logic (MVL) circuits. The basic operations of the proposed MVL families are successfully confirmed through SPICE circuit simulation based on the physical device model of a TG-SET. The proposed MVL circuits are found to be much faster, but much larger power consumption than a previously reported MVL, and they have a trade-off between speed and power consumption. As an example to apply the newly developed MVL families, a half-adder is introduced.

  14. The elusive memristor: properties of basic electrical circuits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Joglekar, Yogesh N; Wolf, Stephen J [Department of Physics, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN 46202 (United States)], E-mail:


    We present an introduction to and a tutorial on the properties of the recently discovered ideal circuit element, a memristor. By definition, a memristor M relates the charge q and the magnetic flux {phi} in a circuit and complements a resistor R, a capacitor C and an inductor L as an ingredient of ideal electrical circuits. The properties of these three elements and their circuits are a part of the standard curricula. The existence of the memristor as the fourth ideal circuit element was predicted in 1971 based on symmetry arguments, but was clearly experimentally demonstrated just last year. We present the properties of a single memristor, memristors in series and parallel, as well as ideal memristor-capacitor (MC), memristor-inductor (ML) and memristor-capacitor-inductor (MCL) circuits. We find that the memristor has hysteretic current-voltage characteristics. We show that the ideal MC (ML) circuit undergoes non-exponential charge (current) decay with two time scales and that by switching the polarity of the capacitor, an ideal MCL circuit can be tuned from overdamped to underdamped. We present simple models which show that these unusual properties are closely related to the memristor's internal dynamics. This tutorial complements the pedagogy of ideal circuit elements (R, C and L) and the properties of their circuits, and is aimed at undergraduate physics and electrical engineering students.

  15. The elusive memristor: properties of basic electrical circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joglekar, Yogesh N; Wolf, Stephen J


    We present an introduction to and a tutorial on the properties of the recently discovered ideal circuit element, a memristor. By definition, a memristor M relates the charge q and the magnetic flux φ in a circuit and complements a resistor R, a capacitor C and an inductor L as an ingredient of ideal electrical circuits. The properties of these three elements and their circuits are a part of the standard curricula. The existence of the memristor as the fourth ideal circuit element was predicted in 1971 based on symmetry arguments, but was clearly experimentally demonstrated just last year. We present the properties of a single memristor, memristors in series and parallel, as well as ideal memristor-capacitor (MC), memristor-inductor (ML) and memristor-capacitor-inductor (MCL) circuits. We find that the memristor has hysteretic current-voltage characteristics. We show that the ideal MC (ML) circuit undergoes non-exponential charge (current) decay with two time scales and that by switching the polarity of the capacitor, an ideal MCL circuit can be tuned from overdamped to underdamped. We present simple models which show that these unusual properties are closely related to the memristor's internal dynamics. This tutorial complements the pedagogy of ideal circuit elements (R, C and L) and the properties of their circuits, and is aimed at undergraduate physics and electrical engineering students

  16. Compact Circuit Preprocesses Accelerometer Output (United States)

    Bozeman, Richard J., Jr.


    Compact electronic circuit transfers dc power to, and preprocesses ac output of, accelerometer and associated preamplifier. Incorporated into accelerometer case during initial fabrication or retrofit onto commercial accelerometer. Made of commercial integrated circuits and other conventional components; made smaller by use of micrologic and surface-mount technology.

  17. Worst Asymmetrical Short-Circuit Current

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arana Aristi, Iván; Holmstrøm, O; Grastrup, L


    In a typical power plant, the production scenario and the short-circuit time were found for the worst asymmetrical short-circuit current. Then, a sensitivity analysis on the missing generator values was realized in order to minimize the uncertainty of the results. Afterward the worst asymmetrical...

  18. Circuit engineering principles for construction of bipolar large-scale integrated circuit storage devices and very large-scale main memory (United States)

    Neklyudov, A. A.; Savenkov, V. N.; Sergeyez, A. G.


    Memories are improved by increasing speed or the memory volume on a single chip. The most effective means for increasing speeds in bipolar memories are current control circuits with the lowest extraction times for a specific power consumption (1/4 pJ/bit). The control current circuitry involves multistage current switches and circuits accelerating transient processes in storage elements and links. Circuit principles for the design of bipolar memories with maximum speeds for an assigned minimum of circuit topology are analyzed. Two main classes of storage with current control are considered: the ECL type and super-integrated injection type storage with data capacities of N = 1/4 and N 4/16, respectively. The circuits reduce logic voltage differentials and the volumes of lexical and discharge buses and control circuit buses. The limiting speed is determined by the antiinterference requirements of the memory in storage and extraction modes.

  19. 30 CFR 57.4011 - Abandoned electric circuits. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Abandoned electric circuits. 57.4011 Section 57.4011 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL... and Control § 57.4011 Abandoned electric circuits. Abandoned electric circuits shall be deenergized...

  20. Realizing a supercapacitor in an electrical circuit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fukuhara, Mikio, E-mail:; Kuroda, Tomoyuki; Hasegawa, Fumihiko [New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579 (Japan)


    Capacitors are commonly used in electronic resonance circuits; however, capacitors have not been used for storing large amounts of electrical energy in electrical circuits. Here, we report a superior RC circuit which serves as an electrical storage system characterized by quick charging and long-term discharging of electricity. The improved energy storage characteristics in this mixed electric circuit (R{sub 1} + R{sub 2}C{sub 1}) with small resistor R{sub 1}, large resistor R{sub 2}, and large capacitor C{sub 1} are derived from the damming effect by large R{sub 2} in simple parallel R{sub 2}C{sub 1} circuit. However, no research work has been carried out previously on the use of capacitors as electrical energy storage devices in circuits. Combined with nanotechnology, we hope that our finding will play a remarkable role in a variety of applications such as hybrid electric vehicles and backup power supplies.

  1. Test and Diagnosis of Integrated Circuits


    Bosio , Alberto


    The ever-increasing growth of the semiconductor market results in an increasing complexity of digital circuits. Smaller, faster, cheaper and low-power consumption are the main challenges in semiconductor industry. The reduction of transistor size and the latest packaging technology (i.e., System-On-a-Chip, System-In-Package, Trough Silicon Via 3D Integrated Circuits) allows the semiconductor industry to satisfy the latest challenges. Although producing such advanced circuits can benefit users...

  2. Ya no es necesario hacer obras con ayuda de la tecnología; mejor hacer máquinas que hagan las obras por nosotros. César Aira y los procedimientos de escritura.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Camilo Rodriguez Pira


    Full Text Available Resumen:La obra de César Aira es una reflexión sobre el proceso creativo. Las máquinas y procedimientos no solo son metáforas de ello; más que novelas, se proponen formas de novelar: procedimientos que, operando como máquinas, combinan elementos variopintos. Siguiendo los pasos de Raymond Roussel, al elegir un procedimiento el escritor se libera de sí mismo y de sus propias invenciones. Con premisas afines a las de Marcel Duchamp, las novelas de Aira se presentan como ‘máquinas solteras’: artefactos inútiles e intrincados, únicos e irrepetibles. El papel del artista es crear máquinas que hagan las obras por él. El lector recibe más que obras abiertas: las novelas son manuales de instrucciones.AbstractCésar Aira’s oeuvre is a constant reflection on the creative process. Machines and procedures are not only seen as metaphors that deal with this process; the very texts are not simply novels, but rather ways of composing novels: they design procedures that work like machines in order to combine different elements and produce new works. Following the steps of Raymond Roussel, if artists use a mechanical procedure, it will free them from their own inventions and personality; thus, chance and machinations allow the artist to discover something new. Following premises close to the ones of Marcel Duchamp, César Aira’s novels are presented as machines célibataires: useless, intricate and unique artifacts. Artists’ role is to create machines that do the work for them. The reader, then, faces more than an open work: these novels are instruction manuals.

  3. Procedimiento para la determinación de la incertidumbre de la medición en análisis por activación neutrónica, método k_0


    Bedregal, Patricia


    Este procedimiento ofrece una guía para la determinación de la incertidumbre de la medición en la técnica del análisis por activación neutrónica, utilizando el método del ksubcero, basado en la Guía Eurachem/CITAC, Quantiying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement.

  4. 21 CFR 868.5240 - Anesthesia breathing circuit. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Anesthesia breathing circuit. 868.5240 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Therapeutic Devices § 868.5240 Anesthesia breathing circuit. (a) Identification. An anesthesia breathing circuit is a device that is intended to administer medical gases to a...

  5. Improvements in or relating to transistor circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richards, R.F.; Williamson, P.W.


    This invention relates to transistor circuits and in particular to integrated transistor circuits formed on a substrate of semi-conductor material such as silicon. The invention is concerned with providing integrated circuits in which malfunctions caused by the effects of ionising, e.g. nuclear, radiations are reduced. (author)

  6. Development of a pulse shape discrimination circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye Bangjiao; Fan Wei; Fan Yangmei; Yu Xiaoqi; Mei Wen; Wang Zhongmin; Han Rongdian; Xiao Zhenxi


    A pulse shape discrimination circuit was designed and used in an experiment measuring double-differential cross sections of (n, charged particle) reaction; to identify p, α and γ. The performance of the circuit was tested. With this circuit, excellent identification of p, α and γ was obtained. ((orig.))

  7. The point of practical use for the transistor circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is comprised of eight chapters and goes as follows; what is transistor? the first step for use of transistor such as connection between power and signal source, static characteristic of transistor and equivalent circuit of transistor, design of easy small-signal amplifier circuit, design for amplification of electric power and countermeasure for prevention of trouble, transistor concerned interface, transistor circuit around micro computer, transistor in active use of FET and power circuit and transistor. It has an appendix on transistor and design of bias of FET circuits like small signal transistor circuit and FET circuit.

  8. Circuit design techniques for non-crystalline semiconductors

    CERN Document Server

    Sambandan, Sanjiv


    Despite significant progress in materials and fabrication technologies related to non-crystalline semiconductors, fundamental drawbacks continue to limit real-world application of these devices in electronic circuits. To help readers deal with problems such as low mobility and intrinsic time variant behavior, Circuit Design Techniques for Non-Crystalline Semiconductors outlines a systematic design approach, including circuit theory, enabling users to synthesize circuits without worrying about the details of device physics. This book: Offers examples of how self-assembly can be used as a powerf

  9. Precise linear gating circuit on integrated microcircuits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Butskii, V.V.; Vetokhin, S.S.; Reznikov, I.V.

    Precise linear gating circuit on four microcircuits is described. A basic flowsheet of the gating circuit is given. The gating circuit consists of two input differential cascades total load of which is two current followers possessing low input and high output resistances. Follower outlets are connected to high ohmic dynamic load formed with a current source which permits to get high amplification (>1000) at one cascade. Nonlinearity amounts to <0.1% in the range of input signal amplitudes of -10-+10 V. Front duration for an output signal with 10 V amplitude amounts to 100 ns. Attenuation of input signal with a closed gating circuit is 60 db. The gating circuits described is used in the device intended for processing of scintillation sensor signals.

  10. Trigger circuits for the PHENIX electromagnetic calorimeter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frank, S.S.; Britton, C.L. Jr.; Winterberg, A.L.; Young, G.R.


    Monolithic and discrete circuits have been developed to provide trigger signals for the PHENIX electromagnetic calorimeter detector. These trigger circuits are deadtimeless and create overlapping 4 by 4 energy sums, a cosmic muon trigger, and a 144 channel energy sum. The front end electronics of the PHENIX system sample the energy and timing channels at each bunch crossing (BC) but it is not known immediately if this data is of interest. The information from the trigger circuits is used to determine if the data collected is of interest and should be digitized and stored or discarded. This paper presents details of the design, issues affecting circuit performance, characterization of prototypes fabricated in 1.2 microm Orbit CMOS, and integration of the circuits into the EMCal electronics system

  11. Wireless transceiver circuits system perspectives and design aspects

    CERN Document Server

    Rhee, Woogeun


    This cutting-edge work contains comprehensive coverage of integrated circuit (IC) design for modern transceiver circuits and wireless systems. Ranging in scope from system perspectives to practical circuit design for emerging wireless applications, the book includes detailed discussions of transceiver architectures and system parameters, mm-wave circuits, ultra-low-power radios for biomedical and sensor applications, and the latest circuit techniques. Written by renowned international experts in IC industry and academia, the text is an ideal reference for engineers and researchers in the area

  12. Digital signal processing in power electronics control circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Sozanski, Krzysztof


    Many digital control circuits in current literature are described using analog transmittance. This may not always be acceptable, especially if the sampling frequency and power transistor switching frequencies are close to the band of interest. Therefore, a digital circuit is considered as a digital controller rather than an analog circuit. This helps to avoid errors and instability in high frequency components. Digital Signal Processing in Power Electronics Control Circuits covers problems concerning the design and realization of digital control algorithms for power electronics circuits using

  13. Development of 3D integrated circuits for HEP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yarema, R.; Fermilab


    Three dimensional integrated circuits are well suited to improving circuit bandwidth and increasing effective circuit density. Recent advances in industry have made 3D integrated circuits an option for HEP. The 3D technology is discussed in this paper and several examples are shown. Design of a 3D demonstrator chip for the ILC is presented

  14. Differential transimpedance amplifier circuit for correlated differential amplification (United States)

    Gresham, Christopher A [Albuquerque, NM; Denton, M Bonner [Tucson, AZ; Sperline, Roger P [Tucson, AZ


    A differential transimpedance amplifier circuit for correlated differential amplification. The amplifier circuit increase electronic signal-to-noise ratios in charge detection circuits designed for the detection of very small quantities of electrical charge and/or very weak electromagnetic waves. A differential, integrating capacitive transimpedance amplifier integrated circuit comprising capacitor feedback loops performs time-correlated subtraction of noise.

  15. CMOS digital integrated circuits a first course

    CERN Document Server

    Hawkins, Charles; Zarkesh-Ha, Payman


    This book teaches the fundamentals of modern CMOS technology and covers equal treatment to both types of MOSFET transistors that make up computer circuits; power properties of logic circuits; physical and electrical properties of metals; introduction of timing circuit electronics and introduction of layout; real-world examples and problem sets.

  16. Enhancement of Linear Circuit Program

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gaunholt, Hans; Dabu, Mihaela; Beldiman, Octavian


    In this report a preliminary user friendly interface has been added to the LCP2 program making it possible to describe an electronic circuit by actually drawing the circuit on the screen. Component values and other options and parameters can easily be set by the aid of the interface. The interface...

  17. An analog integrated circuit design laboratory


    Mondragon-Torres, A.F.; Mayhugh, Jr.; Pineda de Gyvez, J.; Silva-Martinez, J.; Sanchez-Sinencio, E.


    We present the structure of an analog integrated circuit design laboratory to instruct at both, senior undergraduate and entry graduate levels. The teaching material includes: a laboratory manual with analog circuit design theory, pre-laboratory exercises and circuit design specifications; a reference web page with step by step instructions and examples; the use of mathematical tools for automation and analysis; and state of the art CAD design tools in use by industry. Upon completion of the ...

  18. Analog circuit design art, science, and personalities

    CERN Document Server

    Williams, Jim


    Analog Circuit Design: Art, Science, and Personalities discusses the many approaches and styles in the practice of analog circuit design. The book is written in an informal yet informative manner, making it easily understandable to those new in the field. The selection covers the definition, history, current practice, and future direction of analog design; the practice proper; and the styles in analog circuit design. The book also includes the problems usually encountered in analog circuit design; approach to feedback loop design; and other different techniques and applications. The text is

  19. Intrinsic neuromodulation: altering neuronal circuits from within. (United States)

    Katz, P S; Frost, W N


    There are two sources of neuromodulation for neuronal circuits: extrinsic inputs and intrinsic components of the circuits themselves. Extrinsic neuromodulation is known to be pervasive in nervous systems, but intrinsic neuromodulation is less recognized, despite the fact that it has now been demonstrated in sensory and neuromuscular circuits and in central pattern generators. By its nature, intrinsic neuromodulation produces local changes in neuronal computation, whereas extrinsic neuromodulation can cause global changes, often affecting many circuits simultaneously. Studies in a number of systems are defining the different properties of these two forms of neuromodulation.

  20. Electric circuit theory applied electricity and electronics

    CERN Document Server

    Yorke, R


    Electric Circuit Theory provides a concise coverage of the framework of electrical engineering. Comprised of six chapters, this book emphasizes the physical process of electrical engineering rather than abstract mathematics. Chapter 1 deals with files, circuits, and parameters, while Chapter 2 covers the natural and forced response of simple circuit. Chapter 3 talks about the sinusoidal steady state, and Chapter 4 discusses the circuit analysis. The fifth chapter tackles frequency response of networks, and the last chapter covers polyphase systems. This book will be of great help to electrical

  1. Universal programmable quantum circuit schemes to emulate an operator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Daskin, Anmer; Grama, Ananth; Kollias, Giorgos [Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 (United States); Kais, Sabre [Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics and Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 (United States); Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Doha (Qatar)


    Unlike fixed designs, programmable circuit designs support an infinite number of operators. The functionality of a programmable circuit can be altered by simply changing the angle values of the rotation gates in the circuit. Here, we present a new quantum circuit design technique resulting in two general programmable circuit schemes. The circuit schemes can be used to simulate any given operator by setting the angle values in the circuit. This provides a fixed circuit design whose angles are determined from the elements of the given matrix-which can be non-unitary-in an efficient way. We also give both the classical and quantum complexity analysis for these circuits and show that the circuits require a few classical computations. For the electronic structure simulation on a quantum computer, one has to perform the following steps: prepare the initial wave function of the system; present the evolution operator U=e{sup -iHt} for a given atomic and molecular Hamiltonian H in terms of quantum gates array and apply the phase estimation algorithm to find the energy eigenvalues. Thus, in the circuit model of quantum computing for quantum chemistry, a crucial step is presenting the evolution operator for the atomic and molecular Hamiltonians in terms of quantum gate arrays. Since the presented circuit designs are independent from the matrix decomposition techniques and the global optimization processes used to find quantum circuits for a given operator, high accuracy simulations can be done for the unitary propagators of molecular Hamiltonians on quantum computers. As an example, we show how to build the circuit design for the hydrogen molecule.

  2. Universal programmable quantum circuit schemes to emulate an operator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daskin, Anmer; Grama, Ananth; Kollias, Giorgos; Kais, Sabre


    Unlike fixed designs, programmable circuit designs support an infinite number of operators. The functionality of a programmable circuit can be altered by simply changing the angle values of the rotation gates in the circuit. Here, we present a new quantum circuit design technique resulting in two general programmable circuit schemes. The circuit schemes can be used to simulate any given operator by setting the angle values in the circuit. This provides a fixed circuit design whose angles are determined from the elements of the given matrix–which can be non-unitary–in an efficient way. We also give both the classical and quantum complexity analysis for these circuits and show that the circuits require a few classical computations. For the electronic structure simulation on a quantum computer, one has to perform the following steps: prepare the initial wave function of the system; present the evolution operator U=e −iHt for a given atomic and molecular Hamiltonian H in terms of quantum gates array and apply the phase estimation algorithm to find the energy eigenvalues. Thus, in the circuit model of quantum computing for quantum chemistry, a crucial step is presenting the evolution operator for the atomic and molecular Hamiltonians in terms of quantum gate arrays. Since the presented circuit designs are independent from the matrix decomposition techniques and the global optimization processes used to find quantum circuits for a given operator, high accuracy simulations can be done for the unitary propagators of molecular Hamiltonians on quantum computers. As an example, we show how to build the circuit design for the hydrogen molecule.

  3. Software libre, software de código abierto, licencias. Donde se propone un procedimiento de distribución de software y datos de investigación


    Gomez-Diaz, Teresa


    English version: Free software, Open source software, licenses. A short presentation including a procedure for research software and data dissemination; El objetivo de este documento es ayudar a la comunidad de investigación a entender los conceptos básicos de la distribución de software: software libre, software de código abierto, licencias. Este documento incluye igualmente un procedimiento para la distribución de datos y software de investigación.

  4. Detection Method for Soft Internal Short Circuit in Lithium-Ion Battery Pack by Extracting Open Circuit Voltage of Faulted Cell

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Minhwan Seo


    Full Text Available Early detection of internal short circuit which is main cause of thermal runaway in a lithium-ion battery is necessary to ensure battery safety for users. As a promising fault index, internal short circuit resistance can directly represent degree of the fault because it describes self-discharge phenomenon caused by the internal short circuit clearly. However, when voltages of individual cells in a lithium-ion battery pack are not provided, the effect of internal short circuit in the battery pack is not readily observed in whole terminal voltage of the pack, leading to difficulty in estimating accurate internal short circuit resistance. In this paper, estimating the resistance with the whole terminal voltages and the load currents of the pack, a detection method for the soft internal short circuit in the pack is proposed. Open circuit voltage of a faulted cell in the pack is extracted to reflect the self-discharge phenomenon obviously; this process yields accurate estimates of the resistance. The proposed method is verified with various soft short conditions in both simulations and experiments. The error of estimated resistance does not exceed 31.2% in the experiment, thereby enabling the battery management system to detect the internal short circuit early.

  5. Synthesis of logic circuits with evolutionary algorithms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the last decade there has been interest and research in the area of designing circuits with genetic algorithms, evolutionary algorithms, and genetic programming. However, the ability to design circuits of the size and complexity required by modern engineering design problems, simply by specifying required outputs for given inputs has as yet eluded researchers. This paper describes current research in the area of designing logic circuits using an evolutionary algorithm. The goal of the research is to improve the effectiveness of this method and make it a practical aid for design engineers. A novel method of implementing the algorithm is introduced, and results are presented for various multiprocessing systems. In addition to evolving standard arithmetic circuits, work in the area of evolving circuits that perform digital signal processing tasks is described.

  6. Micro-relay technology for energy-efficient integrated circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Kam, Hei


    This book describes the design of relay-based circuit systems from device fabrication to circuit micro-architectures. This book is ideal for both device engineers as well as circuit system designers and highlights the importance of co-design across design hierarchies when optimizing system performance (in this case, energy-efficiency). This book is ideal for researchers and engineers focused on semiconductors, integrated circuits, and energy efficient electronics. This book also: ·         Covers microsystem fabrication, MEMS device design, circuit design, circuit micro-architecture, and CAD ·         Describes work previously done in the field and also lays the groundwork and criteria for future energy-efficient device and system design ·         Maximizes reader insights into the design and modeling of micro-relay, micro-relay reliability, integrated circuit design with micro-relays, and more

  7. Synthetic Biology: A Unifying View and Review Using Analog Circuits. (United States)

    Teo, Jonathan J Y; Woo, Sung Sik; Sarpeshkar, Rahul


    We review the field of synthetic biology from an analog circuits and analog computation perspective, focusing on circuits that have been built in living cells. This perspective is well suited to pictorially, symbolically, and quantitatively representing the nonlinear, dynamic, and stochastic (noisy) ordinary and partial differential equations that rigorously describe the molecular circuits of synthetic biology. This perspective enables us to construct a canonical analog circuit schematic that helps unify and review the operation of many fundamental circuits that have been built in synthetic biology at the DNA, RNA, protein, and small-molecule levels over nearly two decades. We review 17 circuits in the literature as particular examples of feedforward and feedback analog circuits that arise from special topological cases of the canonical analog circuit schematic. Digital circuit operation of these circuits represents a special case of saturated analog circuit behavior and is automatically incorporated as well. Many issues that have prevented synthetic biology from scaling are naturally represented in analog circuit schematics. Furthermore, the deep similarity between the Boltzmann thermodynamic equations that describe noisy electronic current flow in subthreshold transistors and noisy molecular flux in biochemical reactions has helped map analog circuit motifs in electronics to analog circuit motifs in cells and vice versa via a `cytomorphic' approach. Thus, a body of knowledge in analog electronic circuit design, analysis, simulation, and implementation may also be useful in the robust and efficient design of molecular circuits in synthetic biology, helping it to scale to more complex circuits in the future.

  8. A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Automated Electronic Circuit Design (United States)

    Lohn, Jason D.; Colombano, Silvano P.; Haith, Gary L.; Stassinopoulos, Dimitris; Norvig, Peter (Technical Monitor)


    We describe a parallel genetic algorithm (GA) that automatically generates circuit designs using evolutionary search. A circuit-construction programming language is introduced and we show how evolution can generate practical analog circuit designs. Our system allows circuit size (number of devices), circuit topology, and device values to be evolved. We present experimental results as applied to analog filter and amplifier design tasks.

  9. Piezo pump and pressurized circuit provided therewith

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Es, Johannes; Wits, Wessel Willems


    A piezo pump for use in a pressurized circuit includes a pump chamber with an inlet provided with a one way inlet valve, for connection to a feeding line of the pressurized circuit and an outlet provided with a one way outlet valve, for connection to a discharge line of the pressurized circuit and a

  10. Vertically integrated circuit development at Fermilab for detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yarema, R; Deptuch, G; Hoff, J; Khalid, F; Lipton, R; Shenai, A; Trimpl, M; Zimmerman, T


    Today vertically integrated circuits, (a.k.a. 3D integrated circuits) is a popular topic in many trade journals. The many advantages of these circuits have been described such as higher speed due to shorter trace lenghts, the ability to reduce cross talk by placing analog and digital circuits on different levels, higher circuit density without the going to smaller feature sizes, lower interconnect capacitance leading to lower power, reduced chip size, and different processing for the various layers to optimize performance. There are some added advantages specifically for MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors) in High Energy Physics: four side buttable pixel arrays, 100% diode fill factor, the ability to move PMOS transistors out of the diode sensing layer, and a increase in channel density. Fermilab began investigating 3D circuits in 2006. Many different bonding processes have been described for fabricating 3D circuits [1]. Fermilab has used three different processes to fabricate several circuits for specific applications in High Energy Physics and X-ray imaging. This paper covers some of the early 3D work at Fermilab and then moves to more recent activities. The major processes we have used are discussed and some of the problems encountered are described. An overview of pertinent 3D circuit designs is presented along with test results thus far.

  11. Cell short circuit, preshort signature (United States)

    Lurie, C.


    Short-circuit events observed in ground test simulations of DSCS-3 battery in-orbit operations are analyzed. Voltage signatures appearing in the data preceding the short-circuit event are evaluated. The ground test simulation is briefly described along with performance during reconditioning discharges. Results suggest that a characteristic signature develops prior to a shorting event.

  12. Energy-efficient neuron, synapse and STDP integrated circuits. (United States)

    Cruz-Albrecht, Jose M; Yung, Michael W; Srinivasa, Narayan


    Ultra-low energy biologically-inspired neuron and synapse integrated circuits are presented. The synapse includes a spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) learning rule circuit. These circuits have been designed, fabricated and tested using a 90 nm CMOS process. Experimental measurements demonstrate proper operation. The neuron and the synapse with STDP circuits have an energy consumption of around 0.4 pJ per spike and synaptic operation respectively.

  13. Circuit Training. (United States)

    Nelson, Jane B.


    Describes a research-based activity for high school physics students in which they build an LC circuit and find its resonant frequency of oscillation using an oscilloscope. Includes a diagram of the apparatus and an explanation of the procedures. (DDR)

  14. Procedimiento para la combustión de un gas en lecho fijo con un sólido oxidado e instalación asociada


    Abanades García, Juan Carlos; Fernández García, José Ramón


    La presente invención se encuadra dentro del campo de la obtención de energía a partir de gases combustibles incorporando captura de dióxido de carbono para su uso o almacenamiento permanente, y en concreto se refiere a procedimientos cíclicos de combustión de gases con sólidos oxidados (procesos de "chemical looping") en lecho fijo para resolver el problema del control de temperatura en la combustión de combustibles gaseosos en lechos fijos de óxidos metálicos operando a altas presiones, así...

  15. Wiring of electronic evaluation circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bauer, R.; Svoboda, Z.


    The wiring is described of electronic evaluation circuits for the automatic viewing of photographic paper strip negatives on which line tracks with an angular scatter relative to the spectrograph longitudinal axis were recorded during the oblique flight of nuclear particles during exposure in the spectrograph. In coincidence evaluation, the size of the angular scatter eventually requires that evaluation dead time be increased. The equipment consists of minimally two fixed registers and a block of logic circuits whose output is designed such as will allow connection to equipment for recording signals corresponding to the number of tracks on the film. The connection may be implemented using integrated circuits guaranteeing high operating reliability and life. (J.B.)

  16. Hybrid Direct-Current Circuit Breaker (United States)

    Wang, Ruxi (Inventor); Premerlani, William James (Inventor); Caiafa, Antonio (Inventor); Pan, Yan (Inventor)


    A circuit breaking system includes a first branch including at least one solid-state snubber; a second branch coupled in parallel to the first branch and including a superconductor and a cryogenic contactor coupled in series; and a controller operatively coupled to the at least one solid-state snubber and the cryogenic contactor and programmed to, when a fault occurs in the load circuit, activate the at least one solid-state snubber for migrating flow of the electrical current from the second branch to the first branch, and, when the fault is cleared in the load circuit, activate the cryogenic contactor for migrating the flow of the electrical current from the first branch to the second branch.

  17. Vertically Integrated Circuits at Fermilab

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deptuch, Grzegorz; Demarteau, Marcel; Hoff, James; Lipton, Ronald; Shenai, Alpana; Trimpl, Marcel; Yarema, Raymond; Zimmerman, Tom


    The exploration of the vertically integrated circuits, also commonly known as 3D-IC technology, for applications in radiation detection started at Fermilab in 2006. This paper examines the opportunities that vertical integration offers by looking at various 3D designs that have been completed by Fermilab. The emphasis is on opportunities that are presented by through silicon vias (TSV), wafer and circuit thinning and finally fusion bonding techniques to replace conventional bump bonding. Early work by Fermilab has led to an international consortium for the development of 3D-IC circuits for High Energy Physics. The consortium has submitted over 25 different designs for the Fermilab organized MPW run organized for the first time.

  18. Removal of Gross Air Embolization from Cardiopulmonary Bypass Circuits with Integrated Arterial Line Filters: A Comparison of Circuit Designs. (United States)

    Reagor, James A; Holt, David W


    Advances in technology, the desire to minimize blood product transfusions, and concerns relating to inflammatory mediators have lead many practitioners and manufacturers to minimize cardiopulmonary bypass (CBP) circuit designs. The oxygenator and arterial line filter (ALF) have been integrated into one device as a method of attaining a reduction in prime volume and surface area. The instructions for use of a currently available oxygenator with integrated ALF recommends incorporating a recirculation line distal to the oxygenator. However, according to an unscientific survey, 70% of respondents utilize CPB circuits incorporating integrated ALFs without a path of recirculation distal to the oxygenator outlet. Considering this circuit design, the ability to quickly remove a gross air bolus in the blood path distal to the oxygenator may be compromised. This in vitro study was designed to determine if the time required to remove a gross air bolus from a CPB circuit without a path of recirculation distal to the oxygenator will be significantly longer than that of a circuit with a path of recirculation distal to the oxygenator. A significant difference was found in the mean time required to remove a gross air bolus between the circuit designs (p = .0003). Additionally, There was found to be a statistically significant difference in the mean time required to remove a gross air bolus between Trial 1 and Trials 4 (p = .015) and 5 (p =.014) irrespective of the circuit design. Under the parameters of this study, a recirculation line distal to an oxygenator with an integrated ALF significantly decreases the time it takes to remove an air bolus from the CPB circuit and may be safer for clinical use than the same circuit without a recirculation line.

  19. 30 CFR 56.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 56... Electricity § 56.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  20. Electronic circuit for control rod attracting electromagnet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Koji.


    The present invention provides a discharging circuit for control rod attracting electromagnet used for a reactor which is highly reliable and has high performance. The resistor of the circuit comprises a non-linear resistor element and a blocking rectification element connected in series. The discharging circuit can be prevented from short-circuit by selecting a resistor having a resistance value about ten times as great as the coil resistance, even in a case where the blocking rectification element and the non-linear resistor element are failed. Accordingly, reduction of attracting force and the increase of scream releasing time can be minimized. (I.S.)

  1. Computer-aided engineering of semiconductor integrated circuits (United States)

    Meindl, J. D.; Dutton, R. W.; Gibbons, J. F.; Helms, C. R.; Plummer, J. D.; Tiller, W. A.; Ho, C. P.; Saraswat, K. C.; Deal, B. E.; Kamins, T. I.


    Economical procurement of small quantities of high performance custom integrated circuits for military systems is impeded by inadequate process, device and circuit models that handicap low cost computer aided design. The principal objective of this program is to formulate physical models of fabrication processes, devices and circuits to allow total computer-aided design of custom large-scale integrated circuits. The basic areas under investigation are (1) thermal oxidation, (2) ion implantation and diffusion, (3) chemical vapor deposition of silicon and refractory metal silicides, (4) device simulation and analytic measurements. This report discusses the fourth year of the program.

  2. Evaluación de un procedimiento de soldadura para el AISI 4130 sin PWHT bajo normas API 6A y ASME Sección IX


    Naranjo, Carlos; Sánchez, Xavier; Morales, Juan


    Resumen— Debido a la complejidad de realizar postcalentamiento en campo necesario para garantizar las propiedades mecánicas de una junta soldada de acero AISI 4130 de acuerdo con las normas API 6A [1] y ASME Sección IX[2], y evitar la presencia de martensita en la estructura metalográfica de la junta, siendo esta última perjudicial en los aceros y provocada por enfriamientos rápidos. Se ve la necesidad de desarrollar un procedimiento de soldadura capaz de satisfacer mencionadas condiciones si...

  3. Operational amplifier circuits analysis and design

    CERN Document Server

    Nelson, J C C


    This book, a revised and updated version of the author's Basic Operational Amplifiers (Butterworths 1986), enables the non-specialist to make effective use of readily available integrated circuit operational amplifiers for a range of applications, including instrumentation, signal generation and processing.It is assumed the reader has a background in the basic techniques of circuit analysis, particularly the use of j notation for reactive circuits, with a corresponding level of mathematical ability. The underlying theory is explained with sufficient but not excessive, detail. A range of compu

  4. Design, Analysis and Test of Logic Circuits Under Uncertainty

    CERN Document Server

    Krishnaswamy, Smita; Hayes, John P


    Integrated circuits (ICs) increasingly exhibit uncertain characteristics due to soft errors, inherently probabilistic devices, and manufacturing variability. As device technologies scale, these effects can be detrimental to the reliability of logic circuits.  To improve future semiconductor designs, this book describes methods for analyzing, designing, and testing circuits subject to probabilistic effects. The authors first develop techniques to model inherently probabilistic methods in logic circuits and to test circuits for determining their reliability after they are manufactured. Then, they study error-masking mechanisms intrinsic to digital circuits and show how to leverage them to design more reliable circuits.  The book describes techniques for:   • Modeling and reasoning about probabilistic behavior in logic circuits, including a matrix-based reliability-analysis framework;   • Accurate analysis of soft-error rate (SER) based on functional-simulation, sufficiently scalable for use in gate-l...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    A method of providing or transporting a timing signal between a number of circuits, electrical or optical, where each circuit is fed by a node. The nodes forward timing signals between each other, and at least one node is adapted to not transmit a timing signal before having received a timing...... signal from at least two nodes. In this manner, the direction of the timing skew between nodes and circuits is known and data transport between the circuits made easier....

  6. Junction and circuit fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackel, L.D.


    Great strides have been made in Josephson junction fabrication in the four years since the first IC SQUID meeting. Advances in lithography have allowed the production of devices with planar dimensions as small as a few hundred angstroms. Improved technology has provided ultra-high sensitivity SQUIDS, high-efficiency low-noise mixers, and complex integrated circuits. This review highlights some of the new fabrication procedures. The review consists of three parts. Part 1 is a short summary of the requirements on junctions for various applications. Part 2 reviews intergrated circuit fabrication, including tunnel junction logic circuits made at IBM and Bell Labs, and microbridge radiation sources made at SUNY at Stony Brook. Part 3 describes new junction fabrication techniques, the major emphasis of this review. This part includes a discussion of small oxide-barrier tunnel junctions, semiconductor barrier junctions, and microbridge junctions. Part 3 concludes by considering very fine lithography and limitations to miniaturization. (orig.)

  7. 30 CFR 57.12065 - Short circuit and lightning protection. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Short circuit and lightning protection. 57... MINES Electricity Surface Only § 57.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Powerlines, including trolley wires, and telephone circuits shall be protected against short circuits and lightning. ...

  8. Design of An Energy Efficient Hydraulic Regenerative circuit (United States)

    Ramesh, S.; Ashok, S. Denis; Nagaraj, Shanmukha; Adithyakumar, C. R.; Reddy, M. Lohith Kumar; Naulakha, Niranjan Kumar


    Increasing cost and power demand, leads to evaluation of new method to increase through productivity and help to solve the power demands. Many researchers have break through to increase the efficiency of a hydraulic power pack, one of the promising methods is the concept of regenerative. The objective of this research work is to increase the efficiency of a hydraulic circuit by introducing a concept of regenerative circuit. A Regenerative circuit is a system that is used to speed up the extension stroke of the double acting single rod hydraulic cylinder. The output is connected to the input in the directional control value. By this concept, increase in velocity of the piston and decrease the cycle time. For the research, a basic hydraulic circuit and a regenerative circuit are designated and compared both with their results. The analysis was based on their time taken for extension and retraction of the piston. From the detailed analysis of both the hydraulic circuits, it is found that the efficiency by introducing hydraulic regenerative circuit increased by is 5.3%. The obtained results conclude that, implementing hydraulic regenerative circuit in a hydraulic power pack decreases power consumption, reduces cycle time and increases productivity in a longer run.

  9. Circuit drawings in electrical energy technology. 6. rev. ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weinert, J.


    This book contains a survey of the most important standards for graphical symbols and circuit documents for the area of electrical energy technology; it explains the circuit symbols in their construction and in their material and mental contents of terms; it contains a comparison of the circuit symbols from the DIN standards and the new DINTEC symbols taken from harmonisation, produced by arrangement in the picture column with the addition of the letters IEC; it contains a selection of circuit symbols of the IEC, USA, Canada and Great Britain; it supplements the necessary standards for producing circuit documents by extracts and references; it shows examples for the symbols of electrical equipment by using circuit symbols; it develops and explains the various kinds of representation of electrical circuits by circuit diagrams; it leads to reading and understanding the functioning of circuits by descriptions of functions; it gives examples of applications for designing and producing circuit documents, as used in practice; it contributes to arranging electrical plant according to the 'recognised rules of electrical engineering' and increasing safety by reference to the DIN-VDE regulations connected with representation, and it is a great help in designing electrical energy plant by its technical and electrical data. (orig.) [de

  10. Microwave integrated circuits for space applications (United States)

    Leonard, Regis F.; Romanofsky, Robert R.


    Monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC), which incorporate all the elements of a microwave circuit on a single semiconductor substrate, offer the potential for drastic reductions in circuit weight and volume and increased reliability, all of which make many new concepts in electronic circuitry for space applications feasible, including phased array antennas. NASA has undertaken an extensive program aimed at development of MMICs for space applications. The first such circuits targeted for development were an extension of work in hybrid (discrete component) technology in support of the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS). It focused on power amplifiers, receivers, and switches at ACTS frequencies. More recent work, however, focused on frequencies appropriate for other NASA programs and emphasizes advanced materials in an effort to enhance efficiency, power handling capability, and frequency of operation or noise figure to meet the requirements of space systems.

  11. Josephson Circuits as Vector Quantum Spins (United States)

    Samach, Gabriel; Kerman, Andrew J.

    While superconducting circuits based on Josephson junction technology can be engineered to represent spins in the quantum transverse-field Ising model, no circuit architecture to date has succeeded in emulating the vector quantum spin models of interest for next-generation quantum annealers and quantum simulators. Here, we present novel Josephson circuits which may provide these capabilities. We discuss our rigorous quantum-mechanical simulations of these circuits, as well as the larger architectures they may enable. This research was funded by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) under Air Force Contract No. FA8721-05-C-0002. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of ODNI, IARPA, or the US Government.

  12. Synchronization circuit for shaping electron beam picosecond pulses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pavlov, Yu.S.; Solov'ev, N.G.; Tomnikov, A.P.


    A fast response circuit of modulator trigger pulse synchronization of a deflector of the electron linear accelerator at 13 MeV with the given phase of HF-voltage is described. The circuit is constructed using K500 and K100 integrated emitter-coupled logics circuits. Main parameters of a synchropulse are duration of 20-50 ns, pulse rise time of 1-5 ns, pulse amplitude >=10 V, delay instability of a trigger pulse <=+-0.05 ns. A radiopulse with 3 μs duration, 5 V amplitude and 400 Hz frequency enters the circuit input. The circuit can operate at both pulsed operation and continuous modes

  13. New equivalent lumped electrical circuit for piezoelectric transformers. (United States)

    Gonnard, Paul; Schmitt, P M; Brissaud, Michel


    A new equivalent circuit is proposed for a contour-vibration-mode piezoelectric transformer (PT). It is shown that the usual lumped equivalent circuit derived from the conventional Mason approach is not accurate. The proposed circuit, built on experimental measurements, makes an explicit difference between the elastic energies stored respectively on the primary and secondary parts. The experimental and theoretical resonance frequencies with the secondary in open or short circuit are in good agreement as well as the output "voltage-current" characteristic and the optimum efficiency working point. This circuit can be extended to various PT configurations and appears to be a useful tool for modeling electronic devices that integrate piezoelectric transformers.

  14. FPGA based mixed-signal circuit novel testing techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pouros, Sotirios; Vassios, Vassilios; Papakostas, Dimitrios; Hristov, Valentin


    Electronic circuits fault detection techniques, especially on modern mixed-signal circuits, are evolved and customized around the world to meet the industry needs. The paper presents techniques used on fault detection in mixed signal circuits. Moreover, the paper involves standardized methods, along with current innovations for external testing like Design for Testability (DfT) and Built In Self Test (BIST) systems. Finally, the research team introduces a circuit implementation scheme using FPGA

  15. A fast circuit analysis program based on microcomputer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Guoji


    A fast circuit analysis program (FCAP) is introduced. The program may be used to analyse DC operating point, frequency and transient response of fast circuit. The feature is that the model of active element is not specified. Users may choose one of many equivalent circuits. Written in FORTRAN 77, FCAP can be run on IBM PC and its compatible computers. It can be used as an assistant tool of analysis and design for fast circuits

  16. Semiconductors integrated circuit design for manufacturability

    CERN Document Server

    Balasinki, Artur


    Because of the continuous evolution of integrated circuit manufacturing (ICM) and design for manufacturability (DfM), most books on the subject are obsolete before they even go to press. That's why the field requires a reference that takes the focus off of numbers and concentrates more on larger economic concepts than on technical details. Semiconductors: Integrated Circuit Design for Manufacturability covers the gradual evolution of integrated circuit design (ICD) as a basis to propose strategies for improving return-on-investment (ROI) for ICD in manufacturing. Where most books put the spotl

  17. Theory of circuit block switch-off

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Henzler


    Full Text Available Switching-off unused circuit blocks is a promising approach to supress static leakage currents in ultra deep sub-micron CMOS digital systems. Basic performance parameters of Circuit Block Switch-Off (CBSO schemes are defined and their dependence on basic circuit parameters is estimated. Therefore the design trade-off between strong leakage suppression in idle mode and adequate dynamic performance in active mode can be supported by simple analytic investigations. Additionally, a guideline for the estimation of the minimum time for which a block deactivation is useful is derived.

  18. Procedimiento para la Reconstrucción de un Score Predictivo de Deterioro Grave en Pacientes Internados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernán José Navas


    Full Text Available Un sistema de información hospitalario es un sistema basado en computadoras, que facilita el manejo de la información asistencial y administrativa de un hospital, para mejorar la calidad y eficiencia del cuidado de la salud. Los sistemas de soporte a la toma de decisiones integran la información clínica y de los pacientes. Hasta el 80% de los pacientes en internación general tienen parámetros fisiológicos fuera de rangos normales 24 horas antes del traslado a la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI. De los sistemas de detección temprana de pacientes de riesgo, NEWS tiene mayor posibilidad de discriminar pacientes con riesgo de paro cardíaco, ingreso no previsto a UCI y muerte a partir de un score que pondera el desvío de 6 parámetros respecto a los rangos normales. Cualquier valor faltante dificulta la generación de alertas. Es frecuente encontrar registros incompletos. El procedimiento de reconstrucción permite obtener mayor cantidad de registros completos.

  19. Procedure for the energy evaluation of electric motors; Procedimiento para la evaluacion energetica de motores electricos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feliz Quiroz, Marco Antonio [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (Mexico)


    The present article is not a complete treaty about motors, here it is simply tried to show a practical procedure to evaluate electric motors, in order to determine the economics of their possible replacement by others of high efficiency. With the former in mind, the included database is sustained in the information of a representative number of motors brands commercialized in Mexico, since to include all the brands sold in our country would not be practical and it would be outside the scope of this publication. [Spanish] El presente articulo no es todo un tratado acerca de motores, sencillamente aqui se pretende mostrar un procedimiento practico para evaluar los motores electricos, a fin de determinar la rentabilidad de su eventual reemplazo por otros de alta eficiencia. Por lo anterior, la base de datos incluida se sustente en la informacion de un numero representativo de marcas de motores comercializados en Mexico, ya que abarcar todas las marcas vendidas en nuestro pais no seria practico y quedaria fuera del alcance de esta publicacion.

  20. A novel charge pump drive circuit for power MOSFETs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Songlin; Zhou Bo; Wang Hui; Guo Wangrui; Ye Qiang


    Novel improved power metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) drive circuits are introduced. An anti-deadlock block is used in the P-channel power MOSFET drive circuit to avoid deadlocks and improve the transient response. An additional charging path is added to the N-channel power MOSFET drive circuit to enhance its drive capability and improve the transient response. The entire circuit is designed in a 0.6 μm BCD process and simulated with Cadence Spectre. Compared with traditional power MOSFET drive circuits, the simulation results show that improved P-channel power MOSFET drive circuit makes the rise time reduced from 60 to 14 ns, the fall time reduced from 240 to 30 ns, and its power dissipation reduced from 2 to 1 mW, while the improved N-channel power MOSFET drive circuit makes the rise time reduced from 360 to 27 ns and its power dissipation reduced from 1.1 to 0.8 mW. (semiconductor integrated circuits)

  1. Short circuit protection for a power distribution system (United States)

    Owen, J. R., III


    Sensing circuit detects when the output from a matrix is present and when it should be present. The circuit provides short circuit protection for a power distribution system where the selection of the driven load is accomplished by digital logic.

  2. Designing Novel Quaternary Quantum Reversible Subtractor Circuits (United States)

    Haghparast, Majid; Monfared, Asma Taheri


    Reversible logic synthesis is an important area of current research because of its ability to reduce energy dissipation. In recent years, multiple valued logic has received great attention due to its ability to reduce the width of the reversible circuit which is a main requirement in quantum technology. Subtractor circuits are between major components used in quantum computers. In this paper, we will discuss the design of a quaternary quantum reversible half subtractor circuit using quaternary 1-qudit, 2-qudit Muthukrishnan-Stroud and 3-qudit controlled gates and a 2-qudit Generalized quaternary gate. Then a design of a quaternary quantum reversible full subtractor circuit based on the quaternary half subtractor will be presenting. The designs shall then be evaluated in terms of quantum cost, constant input, garbage output, and hardware complexity. The proposed quaternary quantum reversible circuits are the first attempt in the designing of the aforementioned subtractor.

  3. Low cost design of microprocessor EDAC circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hao Li; Yu Lixin; Peng Heping; Zhuang Wei


    An optimization method of error detection and correction (EDAC) circuit design is proposed. The method involves selecting or constructing EDAC codes of low cost hardware, associated with operation scheduling implementation based on 2-input XOR gates structure, and two actions for reducing hardware cells, which can reduce the delay penalties and area costs of the EDAC circuit effectively. The 32-bit EDAC circuit hardware implementation is selected to make a prototype, based on the 180 nm process. The delay penalties and area costs of the EDAC circuit are evaluated. Results show that the time penalty and area cost of the EDAC circuitries are affected with different parity-check matrices and different hardware implementation for the EDAC codes with the same capability of correction and detection code. This method can be used as a guide for low-cost radiation-hardened microprocessor EDAC circuit design and for more advanced technologies. (paper)

  4. Circuit For Control Of Electromechanical Prosthetic Hand (United States)

    Bozeman, Richard J., Jr.


    Proposed circuit for control of electromechanical prosthetic hand derives electrical control signals from shoulder movements. Updated, electronic version of prosthesis, that includes two hooklike fingers actuated via cables from shoulder harness. Circuit built around favored shoulder harness, provides more dexterous movement, without incurring complexity of computer-controlled "bionic" or hydraulically actuated devices. Additional harness and potentiometer connected to similar control circuit mounted on other shoulder. Used to control stepping motor rotating hand about prosthetic wrist to one of number of angles consistent with number of digital outputs. Finger-control signals developed by circuit connected to first shoulder harness transmitted to prosthetic hand via sliprings at prosthetic wrist joint.

  5. Non-noise instabilities in oscilloscope trigger circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burd, Aleksander


    The paper discusses two phenomena called tremor, which result in incorrect operation of the oscilloscope trigger circuits. Both of them change delays introduced by the trigger circuit, resulting in horizontal shifts of traces on the screen, but the origins of the two phenomena are different. Both kinds of tremors in the oscilloscope trigger circuits produce images on the screen, which often are similar to those resulting from the noise jitter. Hence, limited knowledge of tremor may be a source of improper interpretation of the oscilloscope measurements. On the other hand tremor can be considered as a different approach to the problem of flip-flop circuit's metastability

  6. Electronic circuits fundamentals & applications

    CERN Document Server

    Tooley, Mike


    Electronics explained in one volume, using both theoretical and practical applications.New chapter on Raspberry PiCompanion website contains free electronic tools to aid learning for students and a question bank for lecturersPractical investigations and questions within each chapter help reinforce learning Mike Tooley provides all the information required to get to grips with the fundamentals of electronics, detailing the underpinning knowledge necessary to appreciate the operation of a wide range of electronic circuits, including amplifiers, logic circuits, power supplies and oscillators. The

  7. Sustainability issues in circuit board recycling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Legarth, Jens Brøbech; Alting, Leo; Baldo, Gian Luca


    The resource recovery and environmental impact issues of printed circuit board recycling by secondary copper smelters are discussed. Guidelines concerning material selection for circuit board manufacture and concerning the recycling processes are given to enhance recovery efficiency and to lower...

  8. 29 CFR 1915.181 - Electrical circuits and distribution boards. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 7 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Electrical circuits and distribution boards. 1915.181... Electrical Machinery § 1915.181 Electrical circuits and distribution boards. (a) The provisions of this... employee is permitted to work on an electrical circuit, except when the circuit must remain energized for...

  9. Electronic circuits for communications systems: A compilation (United States)


    The compilation of electronic circuits for communications systems is divided into thirteen basic categories, each representing an area of circuit design and application. The compilation items are moderately complex and, as such, would appeal to the applications engineer. However, the rationale for the selection criteria was tailored so that the circuits would reflect fundamental design principles and applications, with an additional requirement for simplicity whenever possible.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Alfonso-Robaina


    Full Text Available

    Para mejorar el enfoque a procesos en el rediseño de la organización de la empresa, es necesaria la adecuación de 6 fases. En la propuesta se presentan las actividades de cada fase del Procedimiento de rediseño organizacional para mejorar el enfoque a procesos, así como sus entradas y salidas. El procedimiento propuesto en esta investigación es el resultado de la fusión de varios de los estudiados, teniendo como base el procedimiento de Rummler y Brache (1995 [1]. En la investigación fue útil la utilización de técnicas, entre las que se destacan: las entrevistas, la tormenta de ideas y la búsqueda bibliográfica; además del empleo de herramientas como: el Mapa de Procesos y el Modelo General de Organización. Con el uso de estas técnicas y herramientas se identificó como asunto crítico de negocio en la empresa Explomat, la insuficiente gestión integrada de los procesos, lo que debilita las posibilidades de la entidad para aprovechar las oportunidades que le brinda el entorno, poniendo en peligro el cumplimiento de su misión. Teniendo en cuenta el análisis del nivel de integración del sistema de dirección, a partir de las matrices de relaciones, se contribuyó a proyectar mejoras, confeccionando el debe “ser”.


    In order to improve the process approach relative to the organizational redesign, it is necessary the adaptation of 6 phases. In the proposal, the activities of each phase of the Procedure of organizational redesign to improve the process approach, as well as its inputs and outputs, are presented. The proposed procedure in this investigation is the result of the merger of several of those studied, taking as a starting point the procedure of Rummler and Brache (1995 [1]. In this investigation it was useful the use of techniques, such as the interviews, the brainstorm and bibliographical search; besides the employment of tools like the Processes Map and the General Model of

  11. Adjustable direct current and pulsed circuit fault current limiter (United States)

    Boenig, Heinrich J.; Schillig, Josef B.


    A fault current limiting system for direct current circuits and for pulsed power circuit. In the circuits, a current source biases a diode that is in series with the circuits' transmission line. If fault current in a circuit exceeds current from the current source biasing the diode open, the diode will cease conducting and route the fault current through the current source and an inductor. This limits the rate of rise and the peak value of the fault current.

  12. Mobile Learning Based Worked Example in Electric Circuit (WEIEC) Application to Improve the High School Students' Electric Circuits Interpretation Ability (United States)

    Yadiannur, Mitra; Supahar


    This research aims to determine the feasibility and effectivity of mobile learning based Worked Example in Electric Circuits (WEIEC) application in improving the high school students' electric circuits interpretation ability on Direct Current Circuits materials. The research method used was a combination of Four-D Models and ADDIE model. The…

  13. Newnes circuit calculations pocket book with computer programs

    CERN Document Server

    Davies, Thomas J


    Newnes Circuit Calculations Pocket Book: With Computer Programs presents equations, examples, and problems in circuit calculations. The text includes 300 computer programs that help solve the problems presented. The book is comprised of 20 chapters that tackle different aspects of circuit calculation. The coverage of the text includes dc voltage, dc circuits, and network theorems. The book also covers oscillators, phasors, and transformers. The text will be useful to electrical engineers and other professionals whose work involves electronic circuitry.

  14. A New Simple Chaotic Circuit Based on Memristor (United States)

    Wu, Renping; Wang, Chunhua

    In this paper, a new memristor is proposed, and then an emulator built from off-the-shelf solid state components imitating the behavior of the proposed memristor is presented. Multisim simulation and breadboard experiment are done on the emulator, exhibiting a pinched hysteresis loop in the voltage-current plane when the emulator is driven by a periodic excitation voltage. In addition, a new simple chaotic circuit is designed by using the proposed memristor and other circuit elements. It is exciting that this circuit with only a linear negative resistor, a capacitor, an inductor and a memristor can generate a chaotic attractor. The dynamical behaviors of the proposed chaotic system are analyzed by Lyapunov exponents, phase portraits and bifurcation diagrams. Finally, an electronic circuit is designed to implement the chaotic system. For the sake of simple circuit topology, the proposed chaotic circuit can be easily manufactured at low cost.

  15. Timing Analysis of Genetic Logic Circuits using D-VASim

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baig, Hasan; Madsen, Jan

    and propagation delay analysis of single as well as cascaded geneticlogic circuits can be performed. D-VASim allows user to change the circuit parameters during runtime simulation to observe its effectson circuit’s timing behavior. The results obtained from D-VASim can be used not only to characterize the timing...... delay analysis may play a very significant role in the designing of genetic logic circuits. In thisdemonstration, we present the capability of D-VASim (Dynamic Virtual Analyzer and Simulator) to perform the timing and propagationdelay analysis of genetic logic circuits. Using D-VASim, the timing...... behavior of geneticlogic circuits but also to analyze the timing constraints of cascaded genetic logic circuits....

  16. Pulse generator circuit triggerable by nuclear radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fredrickson, P.B.


    A pulse generator circuit triggerable by a pulse of nuclear radiation is described. The pulse generator circuit includes a pair of transistors arranged, together with other electrical components, in the topology of a standard monostable multivibrator circuit. The circuit differs most significantly from a standard monostable multivibrator circuit in that the circuit is adapted to be triggered by a pulse of nuclear radiation rather than electrically and the transistors have substantially different sensitivities to radiation, due to different physical and electrical characteristics and parameters. One of the transistors is employed principally as a radiation detector and is in a normally non-conducting state and the other transistor is normally in a conducting state. When the circuit is exposed to a pulse of nuclear radiation, currents are induced in the collector-base junctions of both transistors but, due to the different radiation sensitivities of the transistors, the current induced in the collector-base junction of the radiation-detecting transistor is substantially greater than that induced in the collector-base junction of the other transistor. The pulse of radiation causes the radiation-detecting transistor to operate in its conducting state, causing the other transistor to operate in its non-conducting state. As the radiation-detecting transistor operates in its conducting state, an output signal is produced at an output terminal connected to the radiation-detecting transistor indicating the presence of a predetermined intensity of nuclear radiation

  17. F-Paris: integrated electronic circuits [Tender

    CERN Multimedia


    "Fourniture, montage et tests des circuits imprimes et modules multi composants pour le trajectographe central de CMS. Maximum de 12 000 circuits imprimes et modules multi-composants necessaires au trajectographe central de l'experience CMS aupres du Large Hadron Collider" (1 page).

  18. Comunicación organizacional: desarrollo del manual de procedimientos del Departamento de Relaciones Públicas de la Dirección General de Aviación Civil


    Romero P., Mercy


    El propósito de este trabajo es la elaboración del Manual de Procedimientos de Comunicación Organizacional del Departamento de Relaciones Públicas de la Dirección General de Aviación Civil. La presente investigación se desarrolla a través de cuatro capítulos. En el primer capítulo se analizan aspectos generales que incluyen una introducción de aspectos particulares de la comunicación, se pone de relieve la comunicación organizacional y se destaca la importancia del Manual de Procedim...

  19. Seguimiento del procedimiento diagnóstico de tuberculosis pulmonar en tosedores crónicos indígenas de la Sierra Santa Marta, Veracruz, México


    Nazar Beutelspacher, Austreberta; Montero Mendoza, Elda; Vázquez García, Verónica


    La tuberculosis pulmonar como causa de enfermedad y muerte es un importante problema de salud pública, debido a que un gran número de personas que desarrollan tuberculosis no tienen oportunidad del diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la colaboración de la población tosedora para seguir el procedimiento diagnóstico establecido por la Norma Oficial Mexicana para la Prevención y Control de la Tuberculosis en la atención primaria a la salud...

  20. What is this chocolate milk in my circuit? A cause of acute clotting of a continuous renal replacement circuit: Questions. (United States)

    Kakajiwala, Aadil; Chiotos, Kathleen; Brothers, Julie; Lederman, April; Amaral, Sandra


    One of the greatest problems associated with continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is the early clotting of filters. A literature search revealed three case reports of lipemic blood causing recurrent clotting and reduced CRRT circuit survival time in adult patients, but no reports of cases in children. A 23-month-old male infant with Martinez-Frias syndrome and multivisceral transplant was admitted to the hospital with severe sepsis and hemolytic anemia. He developed acute kidney injury, fluid overload and electrolyte imbalances requiring CRRT and was also administered total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and fat emulsion. The first circuit lasted 60 h before routine change was required. The second circuit showed acute clotting after only 18 h, and brownish-milky fluid was found in the circuit tubing layered between the clotted blood. The patient's serum triglyceride levels were elevated at 988 mg/dL. The lipid infusion was stopped and CRRT restarted. Serum triglyceride levels improved to 363 mg/dL. The new circuit lasted 63 h before routine change was required. Clotting of CRRT circuits due to elevated triglyceride levels is rare and has not been reported in the pediatric population. Physicians should be mindful of this risk in patients receiving TPN who have unexpected clotting of CRRT circuits.

  1. General Tokamak Circuit Simulation Program-GTCSP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsukawa, Makoto; Miura, Yushi; Aoyagi, Tetsuo.


    General Tokamak Circuit Simulation Program (GTCSP) was originally developed for the design work of JT-60 Power Supply System in JAERI. Therefore the prepared models (components) to be analyzed are generator, thyristor converter and coils. This is one of the unique points of GTCSP in comparison with other conventional electric circuit analysis program, because they make a circuit from the small devices such as resister, coil, condenser, transistor and so on. However, GTCSP is also clearly conventional because it is possible to construct an electric circuit freely with the prepared components. Moreover, a similar function could be realized by addition a new component to GTCSP. This report is assumed to be used as an User Manual of the GTCSP, not only to present the development and the analytical functions. Then some useful examples are described, and how to get graphic outputs are also mentioned. (author)

  2. Integrated circuit design using design automation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gwyn, C.W.


    Although the use of computer aids to develop integrated circuits is relatively new at Sandia, the program has been very successful. The results have verified the utility of the in-house CAD design capability. Custom IC's have been developed in much shorter times than available through semiconductor device manufacturers. In addition, security problems were minimized and a saving was realized in circuit cost. The custom CMOS IC's were designed at less than half the cost of designing with conventional techniques. In addition to the computer aided design, the prototype fabrication and testing capability provided by the semiconductor development laboratory and microelectronics computer network allows the circuits to be fabricated and evaluated before the designs are transferred to the commercial semiconductor manufacturers for production. The Sandia design and prototype fabrication facilities provide the capability of complete custom integrated circuit development entirely within the ERDA laboratories

  3. Controllable circuit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    A switch-mode power circuit comprises a controllable element and a control unit. The controllable element is configured to control a current in response to a control signal supplied to the controllable element. The control unit is connected to the controllable element and provides the control...

  4. Long-wavelength III-V/silicon photonic integrated circuits

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roelkens, G.C.; Kuyken, B.; Leo, F.; Hattasan, N.; Ryckeboer, E.M.P.; Muneeb, M.; Hu, C.L.; Malik, A.; Hens, Z.; Baets, R.G.F.; Shimura, Y.; Gencarelli, F.; Vincent, B.; Loo, van de R.; Verheyen, P.A.; Lepage, G.; Campenhout, van J.; Cerutti, L.; Rodriquez, J.B.; Tournie, E.; Chen, X; Nedeljkovic, G.; Mashanovich, G.; Liu, X.; Green, W.S.


    We review our work in the field of short-wave infrared and mid-infrared photonic integrated circuits for applications in spectroscopic sensing systems. Passive silicon waveguide circuits, GeSn photodetectors, the integration of III-V and IV-VI semiconductors on these circuits, and silicon nonlinear

  5. Adaptive control of power supply for integrated circuits

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The present invention relates to a circuit arrangement and method for controlling power supply in an integrated circuit wherein at least one working parameter of at least one electrically isolated circuit region (10) is monitored, and the conductivity of a variable resistor means is locally

  6. Applications of modularized circuit designs in a new hyper-chaotic system circuit implementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Rui; Sun Hui; Wang Jie-Zhi; Wang Lu; Wang Yan-Chao


    Modularized circuit designs for chaotic systems are introduced in this paper. Especially, a typical improved modularized design strategy is proposed and applied to a new hyper-chaotic system circuit implementation. In this paper, the detailed design procedures are described. Multisim simulations and physical experiments are conducted, and the simulation results are compared with Matlab simulation results for different system parameter pairs. These results are consistent with each other and they verify the existence of the hyper-chaotic attractor for this new hyper-chaotic system. (paper)

  7. High voltage short plus generation based on avalanche circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Yuanfeng; Yu Xiaoqi


    Simulate the avalanche circuit in series with PSPICE module, design the high voltage short plus generation circuit by avalanche transistor in series for the sweep deflection circuit of streak camera. The output voltage ranges 1.2 KV into 50 ohm load. The rise time of the circuit is less than 3 ns. (authors)

  8. Method for reducing power consumption in a state retaining circuit, state reaining circuit and electronic device.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    A method for reducing the power consumption in a state retaining circuit during a standby mode is disclosed comprising, in an active state, providing a regular power supply (VDD) and a standby power supply (VDD STANDBY) to the state retaining circuit; for a transition from an active state to a

  9. Aging evaluation of electrical circuits using the ECCAD system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edson, J.L.


    As a part of the Nuclear Regulator Commission Nuclear Plant Aging Research Program, an aging assessment of electrical circuits was conducted at the Shippingport atomic power station decommissioning project. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of the electrical circuit characterization and diagnostic (ECCAD) system in identifying circuit conditions, to determine the present condition of selected electrical circuits, and correlate the results with aging effects. To accomplish this task, a series of electrical tests was performed on each circuit using the ECCAD system, which is composed of commercially available electronic test equipment under computer control. Test results indicate that the ECCAD system is effective in detecting and identifying aging and service wear in selected electrical circuits. The major area of degradation in the circuits tested was at the termination/connection points, whereas the cables were in generally good condition

  10. Synthesis of multivalued quantum logic circuits by elementary gates (United States)

    Di, Yao-Min; Wei, Hai-Rui


    We propose the generalized controlled X (gcx) gate as the two-qudit elementary gate, and based on Cartan decomposition, we also give the one-qudit elementary gates. Then we discuss the physical implementation of these elementary gates and show that it is feasible with current technology. With these elementary gates many important qudit quantum gates can be synthesized conveniently. We provide efficient methods for the synthesis of various kinds of controlled qudit gates and greatly simplify the synthesis of existing generic multi-valued quantum circuits. Moreover, we generalize the quantum Shannon decomposition (QSD), the most powerful technique for the synthesis of generic qubit circuits, to the qudit case. A comparison of ququart (d=4) circuits and qubit circuits reveals that using ququart circuits may have an advantage over the qubit circuits in the synthesis of quantum circuits.

  11. Installations having pressurised fluid circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rigg, S.; Grant, J.


    Reference is made to nuclear installations having pressurised coolant flow circuits. Breaches in such circuits may quickly result in much damage to the plant. Devices such as non-return valves, orifice plates, and automatically operated shut-off valves have been provided to prevent or reduce fluid flow through a breached pipe line, but such devices have several disadvantages; they may present large restrictions to normal flow of coolant, and may depend on the operation of ancillary equipment, with consequent delay in bringing them into operation in an emergency. Other expedients that have been adopted to prevent or reduce reverse flow through an upstream breach comprise various forms of hydraulic counter flow brakes. The arrangement described has at least one variable fluid brake comprising a fluidic device connected into a duct in the pressurised circuit, the device having an inlet, an outlet, a vortex chamber between the inlet and outlet, a control jet for introducing fluid into the vortex chamber, connections communicating the inlet and the outlet into one part of the circuit and the control jet into another region at a complementary pressure so that, in the event of a breach in the circuit in one region, fluid passes from the other region to enter the vortex chamber to stimulate pressure to create a flow restricting vortex in the chamber that reduces flow through the breach. The system finds particular application to stream generating pressure tube reactors, such as the steam generating heavy water reactor at UKAEA, Winfrith. (U.K.)

  12. Spike timing precision of neuronal circuits. (United States)

    Kilinc, Deniz; Demir, Alper


    Spike timing is believed to be a key factor in sensory information encoding and computations performed by the neurons and neuronal circuits. However, the considerable noise and variability, arising from the inherently stochastic mechanisms that exist in the neurons and the synapses, degrade spike timing precision. Computational modeling can help decipher the mechanisms utilized by the neuronal circuits in order to regulate timing precision. In this paper, we utilize semi-analytical techniques, which were adapted from previously developed methods for electronic circuits, for the stochastic characterization of neuronal circuits. These techniques, which are orders of magnitude faster than traditional Monte Carlo type simulations, can be used to directly compute the spike timing jitter variance, power spectral densities, correlation functions, and other stochastic characterizations of neuronal circuit operation. We consider three distinct neuronal circuit motifs: Feedback inhibition, synaptic integration, and synaptic coupling. First, we show that both the spike timing precision and the energy efficiency of a spiking neuron are improved with feedback inhibition. We unveil the underlying mechanism through which this is achieved. Then, we demonstrate that a neuron can improve on the timing precision of its synaptic inputs, coming from multiple sources, via synaptic integration: The phase of the output spikes of the integrator neuron has the same variance as that of the sample average of the phases of its inputs. Finally, we reveal that weak synaptic coupling among neurons, in a fully connected network, enables them to behave like a single neuron with a larger membrane area, resulting in an improvement in the timing precision through cooperation.

  13. Silicon integrated circuit process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jong Duck


    This book introduces the process of silicon integrated circuit. It is composed of seven parts, which are oxidation process, diffusion process, ion implantation process such as ion implantation equipment, damage, annealing and influence on manufacture of integrated circuit and device, chemical vapor deposition process like silicon Epitaxy LPCVD and PECVD, photolithography process, including a sensitizer, spin, harden bake, reflection of light and problems related process, infrared light bake, wet-etch, dry etch, special etch and problems of etching, metal process like metal process like metal-silicon connection, aluminum process, credibility of aluminum and test process.

  14. Silicon integrated circuit process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jong Duck


    This book introduces the process of silicon integrated circuit. It is composed of seven parts, which are oxidation process, diffusion process, ion implantation process such as ion implantation equipment, damage, annealing and influence on manufacture of integrated circuit and device, chemical vapor deposition process like silicon Epitaxy LPCVD and PECVD, photolithography process, including a sensitizer, spin, harden bake, reflection of light and problems related process, infrared light bake, wet-etch, dry etch, special etch and problems of etching, metal process like metal process like metal-silicon connection, aluminum process, credibility of aluminum and test process.

  15. Primer printed circuit boards

    CERN Document Server

    Argyle, Andrew


    Step-by-step instructions for making your own PCBs at home. Making your own printed circuit board (PCB) might seem a daunting task, but once you master the steps, it's easy to attain professional-looking results. Printed circuit boards, which connect chips and other components, are what make almost all modern electronic devices possible. PCBs are made from sheets of fiberglass clad with copper, usually in multiplelayers. Cut a computer motherboard in two, for instance, and you'll often see five or more differently patterned layers. Making boards at home is relatively easy

  16. Circuit design for reliability

    CERN Document Server

    Cao, Yu; Wirth, Gilson


    This book presents physical understanding, modeling and simulation, on-chip characterization, layout solutions, and design techniques that are effective to enhance the reliability of various circuit units.  The authors provide readers with techniques for state of the art and future technologies, ranging from technology modeling, fault detection and analysis, circuit hardening, and reliability management. Provides comprehensive review on various reliability mechanisms at sub-45nm nodes; Describes practical modeling and characterization techniques for reliability; Includes thorough presentation of robust design techniques for major VLSI design units; Promotes physical understanding with first-principle simulations.

  17. Thermally-induced voltage alteration for integrated circuit analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cole, E.I. Jr.


    A thermally-induced voltage alteration (TIVA) apparatus and method are disclosed for analyzing an integrated circuit (IC) either from a device side of the IC or through the IC substrate to locate any open-circuit or short-circuit defects therein. The TIVA apparatus uses constant-current biasing of the IC while scanning a focused laser beam over electrical conductors (i.e. a patterned metallization) in the IC to produce localized heating of the conductors. This localized heating produces a thermoelectric potential due to the Seebeck effect in any conductors with open-circuit defects and a resistance change in any conductors with short-circuit defects, both of which alter the power demand by the IC and thereby change the voltage of a source or power supply providing the constant-current biasing. By measuring the change in the supply voltage and the position of the focused and scanned laser beam over time, any open-circuit or short-circuit defects in the IC can be located and imaged. The TIVA apparatus can be formed in part from a scanning optical microscope, and has applications for qualification testing or failure analysis of ICs.

  18. Logic-type Schmitt circuit using multi-valued gates (United States)

    Wakui, M.; Tanaka, M.

    Logic-type Schmitt circuits (LTSCs) proposed in this paper by author's proposal are a new detector for a multi-valued multi-threshold logic circuit, and it realizes the high resolution with a little hysteresis or the high noise margin. The detector consists of the combinations of the multi-valued gates (MVGs) and a positive reaction device (PRD), and each circuit can be realized by the conventional elements. This paper shows their practical circuits, and describes the regions and the conditions for their operation.

  19. 30 CFR 75.900-2 - Approved circuit schemes. (United States)


    ... device installed in the main secondary circuit at the source transformer may be used to provide undervoltage protection for each circuit that receives power from that transformer. (c) One circuit breaker may... accordance with the settings listed in the tables of the National Electric Code, 1968. ...

  20. 30 CFR 56.6402 - Deenergized circuits near detonators. (United States)


    ... Electric Blasting § 56.6402 Deenergized circuits near detonators. Electrical distribution circuits within 50 feet of electric detonators at the blast site shall be deenergized. Such circuits need not be deenergized between 25 to 50 feet of the electric detonators if stray current tests, conducted as frequently...

  1. 30 CFR 57.6402 - Deenergized circuits near detonators. (United States)


    ... Electric Blasting-Surface and Underground § 57.6402 Deenergized circuits near detonators. Electrical distribution circuits within 50 feet of electric detonators at the blast site shall be deenergized. Such circuits need not be deenergized between 25 to 50 feet of the electric detonators if stray current tests...

  2. Quantum RLC circuits: Charge discreteness and resonance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Utreras-Diaz, Constantino A. [Instituto de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Austral de Chile, Campus Isla Teja s/n, Casilla 567, Valdivia (Chile)], E-mail:


    In a recent article [C.A. Utreras-Diaz, Phys. Lett. A 372 (2008) 5059], we have advanced a semiclassical theory of quantum circuits with discrete charge and electrical resistance. In this work, we present a few elementary applications of this theory. For the zero resistance inductive circuit, we obtain the Stark ladder energies in yet another way; for the circuit driven by a combination d.c. plus a.c. electromotive force (emf) we generalize earlier results by Chandia et al. [K. Chandia, J.C. Flores, E. Lazo, Phys. Lett. A 359 (2006) 693]. As a second application, we investigate the effect of electrical resistance and charge discreteness, in the resonance conditions of a series RLC quantum circuit.

  3. Quantum RLC circuits: Charge discreteness and resonance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Utreras-Diaz, Constantino A.


    In a recent article [C.A. Utreras-Diaz, Phys. Lett. A 372 (2008) 5059], we have advanced a semiclassical theory of quantum circuits with discrete charge and electrical resistance. In this work, we present a few elementary applications of this theory. For the zero resistance inductive circuit, we obtain the Stark ladder energies in yet another way; for the circuit driven by a combination d.c. plus a.c. electromotive force (emf) we generalize earlier results by Chandia et al. [K. Chandia, J.C. Flores, E. Lazo, Phys. Lett. A 359 (2006) 693]. As a second application, we investigate the effect of electrical resistance and charge discreteness, in the resonance conditions of a series RLC quantum circuit

  4. Nanophotonic integrated circuits from nanoresonators grown on silicon. (United States)

    Chen, Roger; Ng, Kar Wei; Ko, Wai Son; Parekh, Devang; Lu, Fanglu; Tran, Thai-Truong D; Li, Kun; Chang-Hasnain, Connie


    Harnessing light with photonic circuits promises to catalyse powerful new technologies much like electronic circuits have in the past. Analogous to Moore's law, complexity and functionality of photonic integrated circuits depend on device size and performance scale. Semiconductor nanostructures offer an attractive approach to miniaturize photonics. However, shrinking photonics has come at great cost to performance, and assembling such devices into functional photonic circuits has remained an unfulfilled feat. Here we demonstrate an on-chip optical link constructed from InGaAs nanoresonators grown directly on a silicon substrate. Using nanoresonators, we show a complete toolkit of circuit elements including light emitters, photodetectors and a photovoltaic power supply. Devices operate with gigahertz bandwidths while consuming subpicojoule energy per bit, vastly eclipsing performance of prior nanostructure-based optoelectronics. Additionally, electrically driven stimulated emission from an as-grown nanostructure is presented for the first time. These results reveal a roadmap towards future ultradense nanophotonic integrated circuits.

  5. A high-precision synchronization circuit for clock distribution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Chong; Tan Hongzhou; Duan Zhikui; Ding Yi


    In this paper, a novel structure of a high-precision synchronization circuit, HPSC, using interleaved delay units and a dynamic compensation circuit is proposed. HPSCs are designed for synchronization of clock distribution networks in large-scale integrated circuits, where high-quality clocks are required. The application of a hybrid structure of a coarse delay line and dynamic compensation circuit performs roughly the alignment of the clock signal in two clock cycles, and finishes the fine tuning in the next three clock cycles with the phase error suppressed under 3.8 ps. The proposed circuit is implemented and fabricated using a SMIC 0.13 μm 1P6M process with a supply voltage at 1.2 V. The allowed operation frequency ranges from 200 to 800 MHz, and the duty cycle ranges between [20%, 80%]. The active area of the core circuits is 245 × 134 μm 2 , and the power consumption is 1.64 mW at 500 MHz. (paper)

  6. Mapa de cuidados para pacientes sometidos a procedimientos en servicios de medicina nuclear Care map for patients under nuclear medicine procedures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cayetano Fernández Sola


    Full Text Available Objetivo: desarrollar un instrumento que facilite la sistematización, registro y continuidad del cuidado en servicios de medicina nuclear. Metodología: investigación desarrollada durante 2004 en el servicio de Medicina Nuclear en un Hospital de Almería, España. A partir de la revisión bibliográfica y de la práctica clínica, se realizó búsqueda de problemas de enfermería y de colaboración y se procedió a la estandarización y codificación del lenguaje según taxonomías NANDA, NOC y NIC. Luego de la valoración inicial, focalizada por necesidades básicas, se formularon diagnósticos de enfermería y de complicaciones; y las intervenciones asociadas a los diagnósticos y a problemas de colaboración. Finalmente se realizó seguimiento, evaluación e informe de continuidad de cuidados. Resultados: los diagnósticos de enfermería prevalentes fueron: conocimientos deficientes, temor, interrupción de la lactancia materna y riesgo de lesión. Los resultados esperados, expresados según taxonomía NOC, fueron: Conocimientos del procedimiento, Autocontrol del miedo Lactancia materna: Destete y Control del riesgo; y las Intervenciones de enfermería: Enseñanza del procedimiento, Disminución de la ansiedad, Supresión de la lactancia, Manejo ambiental de seguridad e Intervenciones asociadas a problemas de colaboración. Conclusión: el mapa de cuidados facilita el trabajo, utiliza el proceso de enfermería y ayuda a registrar las intervenciones practicadas en pacientes sometidos a procedimientos en servicios de medicina nuclear.Objective: the development of a tool that provides the systematic, registration and care continuity in the nuclear medicine services. Methodology: this research was developed during 2004 as a result of the creation of the Nuclear Medicine Service in the Torrecárdenas Hospital, in Almeria, Spain. A nursing problem review was undertaken from the data that captured in the bibliography review and clinical practice

  7. Thyristor based short circuit current injection in isolated grids


    Hoff, Bjarte; Sharma, Pawan; Østrem, Trond


    This paper proposes a thyristor based short circuit current injector for providing short circuit current in isolated and weak grids, where sufficient fault current to trigger circuit breakers may not be available. This will allow the use of conventional miniature circuit breakers, which requires high fault current for instantaneous tripping. The method has been validated through experiments.

  8. Improving Heat Transfer Performance of Printed Circuit Boards (United States)

    Schatzel, Donald V.


    This paper will explore the ability of printed circuit boards laminated with a Carbon Core Laminate to transfer heat vs. standard printed circuit boards that use only thick layers of copper. The paper will compare the differences in heat transfer performance of printed circuit boards with and without CCL.

  9. 47 CFR 36.126 - Circuit equipment-Category 4. (United States)


    ... separating property associated with special services, circuit equipment included in Categories 4.12 (other... Equipment Excluding Wideband—Category 4.13—The cost of Circuit Equipment associated with exchange line plant... 47 Telecommunication 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Circuit equipment-Category 4. 36.126 Section 36...

  10. Synchronization circuit for shaping picosecond accelerated-electron pulses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pavlov, Y.S.; Solov'ev, N.G.; Tomnikov, A.P.


    The authors discuss a high-speed circuit for synchronization of trigger pulses of the deflector modulator of an accelerator with a given phase of rf voltage of 200 MHz. The measured time instability between the output trigger pulses of the circuit and the input rf voltage is ≤ + or - 0.05 nsec. The circuit is implemented by ECL integrated circuits of series K100 and K500, and operates in both the pulse (pulse duration 3 μsec and repetition frequency 400 Hz) and continuous modes

  11. Beam dynamics requirements for HL–LHC electrical circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Gamba, Davide; Cerqueira Bastos, Miguel; Coello De Portugal - Martinez Vazquez, Jaime Maria; De Maria, Riccardo; Giovannozzi, Massimo; Martino, Michele; Tomas Garcia, Rogelio


    A certain number of LHC magnets and relative electrical circuits will be replaced for the HL-LHC upgrade. The performance of the new circuits will need to be compatible with the current installation, and to provide the necessary improvements to meet the tight requirements of the new operational scenario. This document summarises the present knowledge of the performance and use of the LHC circuits and, based on this and on the new optics requirements, provides the necessary specifications for the new HL-LHC electrical circuits.

  12. Procedimentos de fertilização in vitro: experiência de mulheres e homens Procedimientos de fertilización in vitro: experiencias de mujeres y hombres In vitro fertilization procedures: women and men’s experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Yolanda Makuch


    Full Text Available Homens e mulheres com diagnóstico de infertilidade, ante a impossibilidade de conceber um filho, veem a fertilização in vitro (FIV como a última alternativa. Para o presente estudo foi realizada uma análise qualitativa de entrevistas previamente realizadas com mulheres e homens que estavam iniciando procedimentos de FIV e se haviam submetido ao procedimento sem obter sucesso 4 a 6 anos antes de serem entrevistados. Os principais achados mostraram que a decisão de participar dos procedimentos foi baseada mais no anseio das mulheres que no dos homens, e que os questionamentos e dificuldades das diferentes etapas do procedimento foram minimizados durante sua realização e começaram a se manifestar após o fracasso. Todos os entrevistados consideraram uma experiência válida ter participado dos procedimentos da FIV. O conhecimento das vivências de mulheres e homens nos distintos momentos pode ser útil para a elaboração de estratégias de apoio.Mujeres y hombres con un diagnóstico de infertilidad que los confronta con la imposibilidad de concebir un hijo ven la Fertilización in vitro (FIV como la última alternativa. Para el presente estudio fue realizado un análisis cualitativo de entrevistas previamente realizadas con mujeres y hombres que estaban iniciando procedimientos de FIV y de mujeres y hombres que habían participado de estos procedimientos sin obtener suceso 4 a 6 años antes de ser entrevistados. Los principales resultados indicaron que la decisión de participar de los procedimientos estaba basada en el deseo de las mujeres más que de los hombres, y que, cuestionamientos y dificultades de las diferentes etapas del procedimiento habían sido minimizadas durante la realización del mismo y comenzaron a perfilarse como inquietud después del fracaso. Todos los entrevistados consideraron una experiencia valida participar del procedimiento. El conocimiento de las experiencias de mujeres y hombres en distintos momentos de esta

  13. NRC Information No. 90-41: Potential failure of General Electric Magne-Blast circuit breakers and AK circuit breakers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rossi, C.E.


    This information notice is intended to alert addressees to potential safety concerns that may result from failures of GE vertical lift (AM) and horizontal draw-out (AMH) Magne-Blast circuit breakers utilizing ML-13 operating mechanisms to open or close them and AK circuit breakers. The particular breaker failures reported herein were caused by operating problems with prop springs, snap rings and lubricating grease. GE Nuclear Energy has informed the NRC that it is aware of these problems and that GE routinely checks and corrects them if the circuit breakers are serviced at one of the four GE nuclear service centers in the US. However, the NRC is aware that some utilities may have their circuit breakers repaired or serviced at facilities other than the four GE nuclear service centers

  14. RF Circuit Design in Nanometer CMOS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nauta, Bram


    With CMOS technology entering the nanometer regime, the design of analog and RF circuits is complicated by low supply voltages, very non-linear (and nonquadratic) devices and large 1/f noise. At the same time, circuits are required to operate over increasingly wide bandwidths to implement modern

  15. Classical Simulation of Intermediate-Size Quantum Circuits


    Chen, Jianxin; Zhang, Fang; Chen, Mingcheng; Huang, Cupjin; Newman, Michael; Shi, Yaoyun


    We introduce a distributed classical simulation algorithm for general quantum circuits, and present numerical results for calculating the output probabilities of universal random circuits. We find that we can simulate more qubits to greater depth than previously reported using the cluster supported by the Data Infrastructure and Search Technology Division of the Alibaba Group. For example, computing a single amplitude of an $8\\times 8$ qubit circuit with depth $40$ was previously beyond the r...

  16. Novel circuits for radiation hardened memories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haraszti, T.P.; Mento, R.P.; Moyer, N.E.; Grant, W.M.


    This paper reports on implementation of large storage semiconductor memories which combine radiation hardness with high packing density, operational speed, and low power dissipation and require both hardened circuit and hardened process technologies. Novel circuits, including orthogonal shuffle type of write-read arrays, error correction by weighted bidirectional codes and associative iterative repair circuits, are proposed for significant improvements of SRAMs' immunity against the effects of total dose and cosmic particle impacts. The implementation of the proposed circuit resulted in fault-tolerant 40-Mbit and 10-Mbit monolithic memories featuring a data rate of 120 MHz and power dissipation of 880 mW. These experimental serial-parallel memories were fabricated with a nonhardened standard CMOS processing technology, yet provided a total dose hardness of 1 Mrad and a projected SEU rate of 1 x 10 - 12 error/bit/day. Using radiation hardened processing improvements by factors of 10 to 100 are predicted in both total dose hardness and SEU rate

  17. Feeding and purge systems of coolant primary circuit and coolant secondary circuit control of the I sup(123) target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Almeida, G.L. de.


    The Radiation Protection Service of IEN (Brazilian-CNEN) detected three faults in sup(123)I target cooling system during operation process for producing sup(123)I: a) non hermetic vessel containing contaminated water from primary coolant circuit; possibility of increasing radioactivity in the vessel due to accumulation of contaminators in cooling water and; situation in region used for personnels to arrange and adjust equipments in nuclear physics area, to carried out maintenance of cyclotron and target coupling in irradiation room. The primary circuit was changed by secondary circuit for target coolant circulating through coil of tank, which receive weater from secondary circuit. This solution solved the three problems simultaneously. (M.C.K.)

  18. Magnetic pulse compression circuits for plasma devices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Georgescu, N; Zoita, V; Presura, R [Inst. of Physics and Technology of Radiation Devices, Bucharest (Romania)


    Two magnetic pulse compression circuits (MPCC), for two different plasma devices, are presented. The first is a 20 J/pulse, 3-stage circuit designed to trigger a low pressure discharge. The circuit has 16-18 kV working voltage, and 200 nF in each stage. The saturable inductors are realized with toroidal 25 {mu}m strip-wound cores, made of a Fe-Ni alloy, with 1.5 T saturation induction. The total magnetic volume is around 290 cm{sup 3}. By using a 25 kV/1 A thyratron as a primary switch, the time compression is from 3.5 {mu}s to 450 ns, in a short-circuit load. The second magnetic pulser is a 200 J/pulse circuit, designed to drive a high average power plasma focus soft X-ray source, for X-ray microlithography as the main application. The 3-stage pulser should supply a maximum load current of 100 kA with a rise-time of 250 - 300 ns. The maximum pulse voltage applied on the plasma discharge chamber is around 20 - 25 kV. The three saturable inductors in the circuit are made of toroidal strip-wound cores with METGLAS 2605 CO amorphous alloy as the magnetic material. The total, optimized mass of the magnetic material is 34 kg. The maximum repetition rate is limited at 100 Hz by the thyratron used in the first stage of the circuit, the driver supplying to the load about 20 kW average power. (author). 1 tab., 3 figs., 3 refs.

  19. Telecommunications Circuit Allocation Programs - Kansas City Area

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Thomas, William


    The overall objective of the audit was to determine whether DoD circuit allocation programs identified and used the most effective configurations for leased long-haul, special-purpose telecommunications circuits...

  20. The Short Circuit Model of Reading. (United States)

    Lueers, Nancy M.

    The name "short circuit" has been given to this model because, in many ways, it adequately describes what happens bioelectrically in the brain. The "short-circuiting" factors include linguistic, sociocultural, attitudinal and motivational, neurological, perceptual, and cognitive factors. Research is reviewed on ways in which each one affects any…

  1. 30 CFR 56.6407 - Circuit testing. (United States)


    ... series or the resistance of multiple balanced series to be connected in parallel prior to their... detonator series. (d) Total blasting circuit resistance prior to connection to the power source. Nonelectric... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Circuit testing. 56.6407 Section 56.6407...

  2. 30 CFR 75.1323 - Blasting circuits. (United States)


    ...) Blasting circuits shall be protected from sources of stray electric current. (b) Detonators made by different manufacturers shall not be combined in the same blasting circuit. (c) Detonator leg wires shall be... used between the blasting cable and detonator circuitry shall— (1) Be undamaged; (2) Be well insulated...

  3. Logic circuits based on molecular spider systems. (United States)

    Mo, Dandan; Lakin, Matthew R; Stefanovic, Darko


    Spatial locality brings the advantages of computation speed-up and sequence reuse to molecular computing. In particular, molecular walkers that undergo localized reactions are of interest for implementing logic computations at the nanoscale. We use molecular spider walkers to implement logic circuits. We develop an extended multi-spider model with a dynamic environment wherein signal transmission is triggered via localized reactions, and use this model to implement three basic gates (AND, OR, NOT) and a cascading mechanism. We develop an algorithm to automatically generate the layout of the circuit. We use a kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate circuit computations, and we analyze circuit complexity: our design scales linearly with formula size and has a logarithmic time complexity. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Brain Circuits Encoding Reward from Pain Relief. (United States)

    Navratilova, Edita; Atcherley, Christopher W; Porreca, Frank


    Relief from pain in humans is rewarding and pleasurable. Primary rewards, or reward-predictive cues, are encoded in brain reward/motivational circuits. While considerable advances have been made in our understanding of reward circuits underlying positive reinforcement, less is known about the circuits underlying the hedonic and reinforcing actions of pain relief. We review findings from electrophysiological, neuroimaging, and behavioral studies supporting the concept that the rewarding effect of pain relief requires opioid signaling in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), activation of midbrain dopamine neurons, and the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). Understanding of circuits that govern the reward of pain relief may allow the discovery of more effective and satisfying therapies for patients with acute or chronic pain.

  5. Other origins for the fluorescence modulation of single dye molecules in open-circuit and short-circuit devices. (United States)

    Teguh, Jefri S; Kurniawan, Michael; Wu, Xiangyang; Sum, Tze Chien; Yeow, Edwin K L


    Fluorescence intensity modulation of single Atto647N dye molecules in a short-circuit device and a defective device, caused by damaging an open-circuit device, is due to a variation in the excitation light focus as a result of the formation of an alternating electric current.

  6. Full Digital Short Circuit Protection for Advanced IGBTs


    谷村, 拓哉; 湯浅, 一史; 大村, 一郎


    A full digital short circuit protection method for advanced IGBTs has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated for the first time. The method employs combination of digital circuit, the gate charge sense instead of the conventional sense IGBT and analog circuit configuration. Digital protection scheme has significant advantages in thevprotection speed and flexibility.

  7. Integrated Reconfigurable High-Voltage Transmitting Circuit for CMUTs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Llimos Muntal, Pere; Larsen, Dennis Øland; Jørgensen, Ivan Harald Holger


    -out and measurements are performed on the integrated circuit. The transmitting circuit is reconfigurable externally making it able to drive a wide variety of CMUTs. The transmitting circuit can generate several pulse shapes, pulse voltages up to 100 V, maximum pulse range of 50 V and frequencies up to 5 MHz. The area...

  8. Circuit breaker operation and potential failure modes during an earthquake

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lambert, H.E.; Budnitz, R.J.


    This study addresses the effect of a strong-motion earthquake on circuit breaker operation. It focuses on the loss of offsite power (LOSP) transient caused by a strong-motion earthquake at the Zion Nuclear Power Plant. This paper also describes the operator action necessary to prevent core melt if the above circuit breaker failure modes occur simultaneously on three 4.16 KV buses. Numerous circuit breakers important to plant safety, such as circuit breakers to diesel generators and engineered safety systems (ESS), must open and/or close during this transient while strong motion is occurring. Potential seismically-induced circuit-breaker failures modes were uncovered while the study was conducted. These failure modes include: circuit breaker fails to close; circuit breaker trips inadvertently; circuit breaker fails to reclose after trip. The causes of these failure modes include: Relay chatter causes the circuit breaker to trip; Relay chatter causes anti-pumping relays to seal-in which prevents automatic closure of circuit breakers; Load sequencer failures. The incorporation of these failure modes as well as other instrumentation and control failures into a limited scope seismic probabilistic risk assessment is also discussed in this paper

  9. Cosimulation of electromagnetics-circuit systems exploiting DGTD and MNA

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Ping


    A hybrid electromagnetics (EM)-circuit simulator exploiting the discontinuous Galerkin time domain (DGTD) method and the modified nodal analysis (MNA) algorithm is developed for analyzing hybrid distributive and nonlinear multiport lumped circuit systems. The computational domain is split into two subsystems. One is the EM subsystem that is analyzed by DGTD, while the other is the circuit subsystem that is solved by the MNA method. The coupling between the EM and circuit subsystems is enforced at the lumped port where related field and circuit unknowns are coupled via the use of numerical flux, port voltages, and current sources. Since the spatial operations of DGTD are localized, thanks to the use of numerical flux, coupling matrices between EM and circuit subsystems are small and are directly inverted. To handle nonlinear devices within the circuit subsystem, the standard Newton-Raphson method is applied to the nonlinear coupling matrix system. In addition, a local time-stepping scheme is applied to improve the efficiency of the hybrid solver. Numerical examples including single and multiport linear/nonlinear circuit networks are presented to validate the proposed solver. © 2014 IEEE.

  10. Analog integrated circuits design for processing physiological signals. (United States)

    Li, Yan; Poon, Carmen C Y; Zhang, Yuan-Ting


    Analog integrated circuits (ICs) designed for processing physiological signals are important building blocks of wearable and implantable medical devices used for health monitoring or restoring lost body functions. Due to the nature of physiological signals and the corresponding application scenarios, the ICs designed for these applications should have low power consumption, low cutoff frequency, and low input-referred noise. In this paper, techniques for designing the analog front-end circuits with these three characteristics will be reviewed, including subthreshold circuits, bulk-driven MOSFETs, floating gate MOSFETs, and log-domain circuits to reduce power consumption; methods for designing fully integrated low cutoff frequency circuits; as well as chopper stabilization (CHS) and other techniques that can be used to achieve a high signal-to-noise performance. Novel applications using these techniques will also be discussed.

  11. Software library of meteorological routines for air quality models; Libreria de software de procedimientos meteorologicos para modelos de dispersion de contaminantes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galindo Garcia, Ivan Francisco


    fundamental para llevar a cabo la evaluacion del impacto de fuentes fijas sobre la calidad del aire. Sin embargo, los modelos requieren cierta informacion relativa a la meteorologia de la zona que se desea modelar. Algunos de estos parametros requeridos se pueden medir directamente, pero otros deben ser estimados a partir de los datos medidos. Debido a esto, para realizar un estudio de modelacion de la contaminacion atmosferica, tambien es necesario contar con un conjunto de procedimientos, relaciones y programas de computo que permitan obtener todos los parametros meteorologicos y micrometeorologicos requeridos como datos de entrada por el modelo de dispersion de contaminantes especifico que se desee utilizar. El objetivo de este trabajo es la identificacion, establecimiento e implementacion de los metodos, relaciones y procedimientos que permiten la estimacion de los parametros meteorologicos y micrometeorologicos requeridos por los modelos de dispersion de contaminantes atmosfericos recomendados por la Agencia de Proteccion Ambiental de los Estados Unidos (US-EPA), a partir de diferentes niveles de disponibilidad de informacion meteorologica primaria. Para ello se realizo un estudio sobre los diferentes modelos de dispersion atmosferica, analizando, en particular, los datos meteorologicos que requieren. Asimismo, se llevo a cabo una caracterizacion de las estaciones meteorologicas mexicanas pertenecientes al Servicio Meteorologico Nacional, de donde se obtuvo informacion referente al tipo y calidad de los datos meteorologicos que producen, a fin de establecer, en particular, una metodologia especifica para la estimacion de los datos meteorologicos necesarios para la modelacion de la calidad del aire en Mexico. Los procedimientos de estimacion desarrollados se organizaron en una libreria de software que permite la integracion de un procesador meteorologico apropiado para cada modelo de dispersion (US-EPA) que se desee utilizar. Los procedimientos de estimacion se validaron

  12. Instantaneous Switching Processes in Quasi-Linear Circuits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rositsa Angelova


    Full Text Available The paper considers instantaneous processes in electrical circuits produced by the stepwise change of the capacitance of the capacitor and the inductance of the inductor and by the switching on and switching off of the circuit. In order to determine the set of electrical circuits, for which it is possible to explicitly obtain the values of the currents and the voltages at the end of the instantaneous process, a classification of the networks with nonlinear elements is introduced in the paper. The instantaneous switching process in the moment t0 is approximated when T->t0 with a sequence of processes in the interval [t0, T]. For quasi-linear inductive and capacitive circuits; we present the type of the system satisfied by the currents and the voltages, the charges, as well as the fluxes in the interval [t0, T]. From this system, after passage to the limit T->t0, we obtain the formulas for the values of the circuits at the end of the instantaneous process. The obtained results are applied for the analysis of particular processes.

  13. Multiplication circuit for particle identification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerlier, Jean


    After having commented some characteristics of the particles present in a cyclotron, and their interactions, this report addresses the development and the implementation of a method and a device for selecting and counting particles. The author presents the principle and existing techniques of selection. In comparison with an existing device, the proportional counter and the scintillator are replaced by junctions: a surface barrier type junction (a silicon N layer with a very thin oxygen layer playing the role of the P layer), and lithium-based junction (a silicon P type layer made intrinsic by migration of lithium). The author then describes the developed circuit and assembly (background of the choice of a multiplication circuit), and their operation. In the next part, he presents the performed tests and discuses the obtained results. He finally outlines the benefits of the herein presented circuit [fr

  14. Counterpulse railgun energy recovery circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Honig, E.M.


    This patent describes a counterpulse railgun energy recovery circuit for propelling a projectile along a railgun the counterpulse railgun energy recovery circuit consists of: a railgun having an effective inductance; a source inductor initially charged to an initial current; current means for initially charging the source inductor to the initial current; first current-zero type switching means; second current-zero type switching; third current-zero type switching; muzzle current-zero type switching means; transfer capacitor, the transfer capacitor is for cooperating with the first, second, third, and muzzle current-zero type switching means for providing a resonant circuit for transferring current from the source inductor to the effective inductance of the railgun during the propelling of a projectile along the railgun and for returning current from the effective inductance of the railgun to the source inductance after the projectile has exited the railgun

  15. The testing of generator circuit-breakers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smeets, R.P.P.; Linden, van der W.A.


    Generator circuit-breakers face much higher current and voltage stress than distribution switchgear. This has led to a special standard (ANSI C37.013). Strictly in accordance with this standard's requirements, test circuits and parameters for a 100 kA and 120 kA (25.3 kV) SF6 generator



    T. A. Ismailov; D. V. Evdulov; A. G. Mustafaev; D. K. Ramazanova


    In the work described structural variants of devices for cooling electronic circuit boards, made on the basis of thermoelectric batteries and consumable working substances, implementing uneven process of removing heat from heat-generating components. A comparison of temperature fields of electronic circuit simulator with his uniform and non-uniform cooling. 

  17. Circuit II--A Conversational Graphical Interface. (United States)

    Singer, Ronald A.


    Provides an overview of Circuit II, an interactive system that provides users with a graphical representation of an electronic circuit within which questions may be posed and manipulated, and discusses how mouse selections have analogous roles to certain natural language features, such as anaphora, deixis, and ellipsis. (13 references) (EA)

  18. Principles of transistor circuits introduction to the design of amplifiers, receivers and digital circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Amos, S W


    Principles of Transistor Circuits, Seventh Edition discusses the fundamental concepts of transistor circuits. The book is comprised of 16 chapters that cover amplifiers, oscillators, and generators. Chapter 1 discusses semiconductors and junction nodes, while Chapter 2 covers the basic principles of transistors. The subsequent chapters focus on amplifiers, where one of the chapters discusses bias and D.C. The book also talks about sinusoidal oscillators and covers modulators, demodulators, mixers, and receivers. Chapters 13 and 14 discuss pulse generators and sawtooth generators, respectively.

  19. Digital logic circuit design with ALTERA MAX+PLUS II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Seung Ho; Park, Yong Su; Lee, Ju Heon


    Contents of this book are the kinds of integrated circuit, design process of integrated circuit, introduction of ALTERA MAX+PLUS II, designing logic circuit with VHDL of ALTERA MAX+PLUS II, grammar and practice of VHDL of ALTERA MAX+PLUS II, design for adder, subtractor, parallel binary subtractor, BCD design, CLA design, code converter design, ALU design, register design, counter design, accumulator design, state machine design, frequency divider design, circuit design with TENMILLION counter, LCD module, circuit design for control the outside RAM in training kit and introduction for HEB-DTK-20K-240/HBE-DTK-IOK.

  20. Thermally-isolated silicon-based integrated circuits and related methods (United States)

    Wojciechowski, Kenneth; Olsson, Roy H.; Clews, Peggy J.; Bauer, Todd


    Thermally isolated devices may be formed by performing a series of etches on a silicon-based substrate. As a result of the series of etches, silicon material may be removed from underneath a region of an integrated circuit (IC). The removal of the silicon material from underneath the IC forms a gap between remaining substrate and the integrated circuit, though the integrated circuit remains connected to the substrate via a support bar arrangement that suspends the integrated circuit over the substrate. The creation of this gap functions to release the device from the substrate and create a thermally-isolated integrated circuit.

  1. Method of making thermally-isolated silicon-based integrated circuits (United States)

    Wojciechowski, Kenneth; Olsson, Roy; Clews, Peggy J.; Bauer, Todd


    Thermally isolated devices may be formed by performing a series of etches on a silicon-based substrate. As a result of the series of etches, silicon material may be removed from underneath a region of an integrated circuit (IC). The removal of the silicon material from underneath the IC forms a gap between remaining substrate and the integrated circuit, though the integrated circuit remains connected to the substrate via a support bar arrangement that suspends the integrated circuit over the substrate. The creation of this gap functions to release the device from the substrate and create a thermally-isolated integrated circuit.

  2. Simulation Approach for Timing Analysis of Genetic Logic Circuits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baig, Hasan; Madsen, Jan


    in a manner similar to electronic logic circuits, but they are much more stochastic and hence much harder to characterize. In this article, we introduce an approach to analyze the threshold value and timing of genetic logic circuits. We show how this approach can be used to analyze the timing behavior...... of single and cascaded genetic logic circuits. We further analyze the timing sensitivity of circuits by varying the degradation rates and concentrations. Our approach can be used not only to characterize the timing behavior but also to analyze the timing constraints of cascaded genetic logic circuits...

  3. Reverse engineering of integrated circuits (United States)

    Chisholm, Gregory H.; Eckmann, Steven T.; Lain, Christopher M.; Veroff, Robert L.


    Software and a method therein to analyze circuits. The software comprises several tools, each of which perform particular functions in the Reverse Engineering process. The analyst, through a standard interface, directs each tool to the portion of the task to which it is most well suited, rendering previously intractable problems solvable. The tools are generally used iteratively to produce a successively more abstract picture of a circuit, about which incomplete a priori knowledge exists.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Department of Energy requested that Fluor Hanford develop a plan to update the electrical distribution studies for FH managed facilities. Toward this end, an assessment of FH's nuclear facilities was performed to determine whether a current short circuit study of the facility electrical distribution system exists, and the status of such study. This report presents the methodology and results of that assessment. The assessment identified 29 relevant facilities. Of these, a short circuit study could not be identified for 15 facilities. A short circuit study was found to exist for fourteen facilities, however, of these 14, four were not released into a controlled document system, and two were not performed for the entire electrical distribution system. It is recommended that for four of the facilities no further action is required based upon the limited nature of the existing electrical system, or as in the case of PFP, the status of the existing short circuit study was determined adequate. For the majority of the facilities without a short circuit study, it is recommended that one is performed, and released into a controlled document system. Two facilities require further evaluation due to missing or conflicting documentation. For the remainder of the facilities, the recommendations are to review and revise as appropriate the existing study, and release into a controlled document system. A summation of the recommendations is presented

  5. Circuit for Communication Over Power Lines (United States)

    Krasowski, Michael J.; Prokop, Normal F.; Greer, Lawrence C., III; Nappier, Jennifer


    Many distributed systems share common sensors and instruments along with a common power line supplying current to the system. A communication technique and circuit has been developed that allows for the simple inclusion of an instrument, sensor, or actuator node within any system containing a common power bus. Wherever power is available, a node can be added, which can then draw power for itself, its associated sensors, and actuators from the power bus all while communicating with other nodes on the power bus. The technique modulates a DC power bus through capacitive coupling using on-off keying (OOK), and receives and demodulates the signal from the DC power bus through the same capacitive coupling. The circuit acts as serial modem for the physical power line communication. The circuit and technique can be made of commercially available components or included in an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design, which allows for the circuit to be included in current designs with additional circuitry or embedded into new designs. This device and technique moves computational, sensing, and actuation abilities closer to the source, and allows for the networking of multiple similar nodes to each other and to a central processor. This technique also allows for reconfigurable systems by adding or removing nodes at any time. It can do so using nothing more than the in situ power wiring of the system.

  6. Procedimiento de obtención de materiales multifuncionales y renovables a partir del rechazo de pipa procedente de la producción de aceite de girasol


    Martín-Luengo, María Ángeles; Yates Buxcey, Malcolm; Ramos Gómez, Milagros; Sáez Rojo, Eduardo; González Gil, Lorena; Martínez Serrano, Ana María; Martín-Aranda, Rosa María; López Sanz, Jesús


    La presente invención se refiere al procedimiento de 5 obtención de materiales renovables, a partir de residuos precedentes de la fabricación de aceite de girasol, para su uso como matrices biocompatibles en ingeniería de tejidos, administración controlada de sustancias de interés biológico (drogas, proteínas, genes, etc.) y como catalizadores en 10 procesos activados por centros básicos, utilizando tanto calentamiento dieléctrico, como activación solar, para aumentar la sostenibilidad ...

  7. The Elusive Memristor: Properties of Basic Electrical Circuits (United States)

    Joglekar, Yogesh N.; Wolf, Stephen J.


    We present an introduction to and a tutorial on the properties of the recently discovered ideal circuit element, a memristor. By definition, a memristor M relates the charge "q" and the magnetic flux [phi] in a circuit and complements a resistor R, a capacitor C and an inductor L as an ingredient of ideal electrical circuits. The properties of…

  8. The design of charge measurement circuit of MWPC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guan Xiaolei; Xiang Haisheng; Sheng Huayi; Zhao Yubin; Zhao Pingping; Zhang Hongyu; Jiang Xiaoshan; Zhao Jingwei; Zhao Dongxu


    It introduces the design of charge measurement (MQ) circuit of MWPC, including how MQ works in the whole MWPC readout electronic system, the architecture of MQ circuit, and the logic and algorithm design of FPGA. MQ circuit can also be applied to readout systems for other detectors. The test results in different working modes are provided. (authors)

  9. The Invariant Properties of Two-Port Circuits


    Alexandr A. Penin


    Application of projective geometry to the theory of two-ports and cascade circuits with a load change is considered. The equations linking the input and output of a two-port are interpreted as projective transformations which have the invariant as a cross-ratio of four points. This invariant has place for all regime parameters in all parts of a cascade circuit. This approach allows justifying the definition of a regime and its change, to calculate a circuit without explicitly finding the apar...

  10. The analysis and design of linear circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Thomas, Roland E; Toussaint, Gregory J


    The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 6e gives the reader the opportunity to not only analyze, but also design and evaluate linear circuits as early as possible. The text's abundance of problems, applications, pedagogical tools, and realistic examples helps engineers develop the skills needed to solve problems, design practical alternatives, and choose the best design from several competing solutions. Engineers searching for an accessible introduction to resistance circuits will benefit from this book that emphasizes the early development of engineering judgment.

  11. Silicon integrated circuits part A : supplement 2

    CERN Document Server

    Kahng, Dawon


    Applied Solid State Science, Supplement 2: Silicon Integrated Circuits, Part A focuses on MOS device physics. This book is divided into three chapters-physics of the MOS transistor; nonvolatile memories; and properties of silicon-on-sapphire substrates devices, and integrated circuits. The topics covered include the short channel effects, MOSFET structures, floating gate devices, technology for nonvolatile semiconductor memories, sapphire substrates, and SOS integrated circuits and systems. The MOS capacitor, MIOS devices, and SOS process and device technology are also deliberated. This public

  12. Control circuits for the 1.3 GeV electron synchrotron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asaoka, S.; Shiino, K.; Yoshioka, M.; Norimura, K.


    Following control circuits for the 1.3 GeV electron synchrotron, Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo, have been designed and constructed. 1. Variable delay circuits for the timing pulse of the synchrotron. 2. An alarm circuit for sputter ion pumps. 3. A sample and hold circuit for digital display and computer control of the beam intensity. This report describes detailes of the circuits and their specificatons. (author)

  13. Active components for integrated plasmonic circuits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krasavin, A.V.; Bolger, P.M.; Zayats, A.V.


    We present a comprehensive study of highly efficient and compact passive and active components for integrated plasmonic circuit based on dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides.......We present a comprehensive study of highly efficient and compact passive and active components for integrated plasmonic circuit based on dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides....

  14. Integrated differential high-voltage transmitting circuit for CMUTs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Llimos Muntal, Pere; Larsen, Dennis Øland; Farch, Kjartan


    In this paper an integrated differential high-voltage transmitting circuit for capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) used in portable ultrasound scanners is designed and implemented in a 0.35 μm high-voltage process. Measurements are performed on the integrated circuit in order...... to assess its performance. The circuit generates pulses at differential voltage levels of 60V, 80V and 100 V, a frequency up to 5MHz and a measured driving strength of 1.75 V/ns with the CMUT connected. The total on-chip area occupied by the transmitting circuit is 0.18 mm2 and the power consumption...

  15. Coplanar strips for Josephson voltage standard circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schubert, M.; May, T.; Wende, G.; Fritzsch, L.; Meyer, H.-G.


    We present a microwave circuit for Josephson voltage standards. Here, the Josephson junctions are integrated in a microwave transmission line designed as coplanar strips (CPS). The new layout offers the possibility of achieving a higher scale of integration and to considerably simplify the fabrication technology. The characteristic impedance of the CPS is about 50 Ω, and this should be of interest for programmable Josephson voltage standard circuits with SNS or SINIS junctions. To demonstrate the function of the microwave circuit design, conventional 10 V Josephson voltage standard circuits with 17000 Nb/AlO x /Nb junctions were prepared and tested. Stable Shapiro steps at the 10 V level were generated. Furthermore, arrays of 1400 SINIS junctions in this microwave layout exhibited first-order Shapiro steps. Copyright 2001 American Institute of Physics

  16. Integrated reconfigurable high-voltage transmitting circuit for CMUTs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Llimos Muntal, Pere; Larsen, Dennis Øland; Jørgensen, Ivan Harald Holger


    In this paper a high-voltage transmitting circuit aimed for capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) used in scanners for medical applications is designed and implemented in a 0.35 μm high-voltage CMOS process. The transmitting circuit is reconfigurable externally making it able...... to drive a wide variety of CMUTs. The transmitting circuit can generate several pulse shapes with voltages up to 100 V, maximum pulse range of 50 V, frequencies up to 5 MHz and different driving slew rates. Measurements are performed on the circuit in order to assess its functionality and power consumption...... performance. The design occupies an on-chip area of 0.938 mm2 and the power consumption of a 128-element transmitting circuit array that would be used in an portable ultrasound scanner is found to be a maximum of 181 mW....

  17. A current-mode multi-valued adder circuit for multi-operand addition (United States)

    Cini, Ugur; Morgül, Avni


    Static CMOS logic circuits have a robust working performance. However, they generate excessive noise when the switching activity is high. Source-coupled logic (SCL) circuits can be an alternative for analogue-friendly design where constant current is driven from the power supply, independent of the switching activity of the circuit. In this work, a compact current-mode multi-operand adder cell, similar to SCL circuits, is designed. The circuit adds up seven input operands using a technique similar to the (7, 3) counter circuit, but with less active elements when compared to a conventional binary (7, 3) counter. The design has comparable power and delay characteristics compared to conventional SCL implementation. The proposed circuit requires only 69 transistors, where 96 transistors are required for the equivalent SCL implementation. Hence the circuit saves on both transistor count and interconnections. The design is optimised for low power operation of high performance arithmetic circuits. The proposed multi-operand adder circuit is designed in UMC 0.18 µm technology. As an example of application, an 8 × 8 bit multiplier circuit is designed and simulated using HSPICE.

  18. Solution of multiple circuits of steam cycle HTR system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Fu; Wang, Dengying; Hao, Chen; Zheng, Yanhua


    In order to analyze the dynamic operation performance and safety characteristics of the steam cycle high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTR) systems, it is necessary to find the solution of the whole HTR systems with all coupled circuits, including the primary circuit, the secondary circuit, and the residual heat removal system (RHRS). Considering that those circuits have their own individual fluidity and characteristics, some existing code packages for independent circuits themselves have been developed, for example THEMRIX and TINTE code for the primary circuit of the pebble bed reactor, BLAST for once through steam generator. To solve the coupled steam cycle HTR systems, a feasible way is to develop coupling method to integrate these independent code packages. This paper presents several coupling methods, e.g. the equivalent component method between the primary circuit and steam generator which reflect the close coupling relationship, the overlapping domain decomposition method between the primary circuit and the passive RHRS which reflects the loose coupling relationship. Through this way, the whole steam cycle HTR system with multiple circuits can be easily and efficiently solved by integration of several existing code packages. Based on this methodology, a code package TINTE–BLAST–RHRS was developed. Using this code package, some operation performance of HTR–PM was analyzed, such as the start-up process of the plant, and the depressurized loss of forced cooling accident when different number of residual heat removal trains is operated

  19. Double layers and circuits in astrophysics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alfven, H.


    As the rate of energy release in a double layer with voltage DeltaV is P corresponding to IDeltaV, a double layer must be treated part of a circuit which delivers the current I. As neither double layer nor circuit can be derived from magnetofluid models of a plasma, such models are useless for treating energy transfer by menas of double layers. They must be replaced by particle models and circuit theory. A simple circuit is suggested which is applied to the energizing of auroroal particles, to solar flares, and to intergalactic double radio sources. Application to the heliospheric current systems leads to the prediction of two double layers on the sun's axis which may give radiations detectable from earth. Double layers in space should be classified as a new type of celestial object (one example is the double radio sources). It is tentatively suggested in X-ray and gamma-ray bursts may be due to exploding double layers (although annihilation is an alternative energy source). A study of how a number of the most used textbooks in astrophysics treat important concepts like double layers, critical velocity, pinch effects and circuits is made. It is found that students using these textbooks remain essentially ignorant of even the existence of these, in spite of the fact that some of them have been well known for half a centry (e.g., double layers, Langmuir, 1929: pinch effect, Bennet, 1934). The conclusion is that astrophysics is too important to be left in the hands of the astrophysicist. Earth bound and space telescope data must be treated by scientists who are familiar with laboratory and magnetospheric physics and circuit theory, and of course with modern plasma theory. At least by volume the universe consists to more than 99 percent of plasma, and electromagnetic forces are 10/sup39/ time stronger than gravitation


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. A. Ismailov


    Full Text Available In the work described structural variants of devices for cooling electronic circuit boards, made on the basis of thermoelectric batteries and consumable working substances, implementing uneven process of removing heat from heat-generating components. A comparison of temperature fields of electronic circuit simulator with his uniform and non-uniform cooling.