
Sample records for certification ensemble une

  1. Un hommage à Benoît Mandelbrot (1924-2010) : zoom sur une représentation tridimensionnelle de l'ensemble de Mandelbrot avec 'mapping' des arguments


    Colonna , Jean-François


    A tribute to Benoît Mandelbrot (1924-2010) : tridimensional zoom in on the Mandelbrot set with mapping of the arguments (Un hommage à Benoît Mandelbrot (1924-2010) : zoom sur une représentation tridimensionnelle de l'ensemble de Mandelbrot avec 'mapping' des arguments)

  2. La crise du vivre-ensemble

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz, Nils Voisin


    Cet article examine les caractères idéologique et affectif de deux essais écrits respectivement par Alain Finkielkraut et Richard Millet sur la crise actuelle du vivre-ensemble en France. Les deux penseurs critiquent la société multiculturelle, mais alors que pour Finkielkraut cette société est une...... chance pour la France à condition que le dialogue interculturel soit renforcé et que l’idée d’une culture française y garde sa place, elle reste pour Millet une impossibilité. L’enjeu de l’analyse est de dévoiler la capacité des discours à générer par l’affectivité une peur capable d’intensifier l’argumentation...

  3. Classification en référence à une matrice stochastique


    Verdun , Stéphane; Cariou , Véronique; Qannari , El Mostafa


    International audience; Etant donné un tableau de données X portant sur un ensemble de n objets, et une matrice stochastique S qui peut être assimilée à une matrice de transition d'une chaîne de Markov, nous proposons une méthode de partitionnement consistant à appliquer la matrice S sur X de manière itérative jusqu'à convergence. Les classes formant la partition sont déterminées à partir des états stationnaires de la matrice stochastique. Cette matrice stochastique peut être issue d'une matr...

  4. “Psycho redux”. Une architecture au second degré


    Hasoo, Alan


    Psycho, film réalisé en 1960 par Alfred Hitchcock, est aujourd'hui un classique du cinéma. Une des preuves de ce succès est le grand nombre de reprises, suites et précédents produits. Ensemble, ces interprétations, copies, usages de la forme initiale, composent une “trajectoire”, dans laquelle une œuvre n'est originale qu'à travers ses reproductions. Dans cette “trajectoire”, le remake scène à scène, plan à plan de Gus Van Sant occupe une place particulière. Le film original y est transposé d...

  5. 93 une urbanisation linéaire, dynamique demographique et ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    d'Alger, dans l'ensemble Sahel-Mitidja sur un linéaire côtier de 2 km. Rattaché administrativement à la daira de ... connait une dynamique démographique remar- quable, dans sa périphérie orientale - composé de l'ensemble Sahel-. Mitidja ..... «Etude agro-pédologique de la plaine de la Mitidja». Florin B.; Semoud N. 2010.

  6. L'ordre dans le chaos vers une approche déterministe de la turbulence

    CERN Document Server

    Bergé, Pierre; Vidal, Christian


    Depuis une trentaine d'années, l'irruption du non-linéaire conduit à une transformation en profondeur de l'ensemble de la physique, d'importance comparable aux deux révolutions, quantique et relativiste, qui ont marqué celle-ci à l'aube du vingtième siècle.

  7. L’action française: une matrice européenne et transatlantique des droites radicales?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olivier DARD


    Full Text Available L’action française et le maurrassisme sont indissociables de la figure de maurras. En même temps, ils la dépassent. L’action française renvoie à une réalité polymorphe articulée autour de trois piliers: une doctrine, un quotidien et une ligue. Cet ensemble a eu une influence incontestable non seulement en France mais aussi à l’étranger. Une étude sur ce dernier point permet de mettre en lumière une chronologie sensiblement différente de celle qui a été proposée pour la France. En même temps, l’examen des vecteurs de pénétration et des transferts politiques et culturels à l’œuvre font découvrir les différentes façons d’être maurrassien de l’Europe aux Amériques.

  8. Les gitans, la prison et le quartier : une relation spécifique devenue le modèle ordinaire


    Cunha, Manuela Ivone P. da


    La portion gitane de l'univers détenu dans une prison portugaise représentait dans les anées 80 une modalité de vie carcérale qui échappait aux définitions des «institutions totales». Ce qui n'était alors qu'atypique -- et pouvant par lá même inviter à ramener cette exception à une spécificité «ethnique» -- annonçait pourtant le début d'une tendance plus vaste. Une décénnie plus tard, elle caractériserait l'ensemble de la population incarcérée. C'est cette tendance intégrant gitans et non-git...

  9. Philosophie et politique: pour une discussion avec Lansana Keit ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Résumé Dans le cadre d'un échange d'idées avec le co-éditeur, Paulin Hountondji aborde dix (10) questions théoriques sur le rôle historique de la pensée critique dans l'établissement des paramètres d'une transformation économique, politique et technologique de la société africaine. L'ensemble des questions soumis à ...

  10. Ensembles de donnees nationales : sources d'information sur la garde des enfants au Canada


    Forer, Barry; Hertzman, Clyde; Kohen, Dafna


    La presente etude fournit une description des differents ensembles de donnees canadiennes qui pourraient etre utilises pour examiner des questions relatives au recours aux services de garde. Les ensembles de donnees nationales qui traitent des tendances de l'emploi, de l'emploi du temps, des revenus familiaux, du soutien social ainsi que des mesures de la sante des enfants, des adolescents et des adultes ont ete inclus. On a conclu que de nombreuses questions demeurent sans reponse en ce qui ...

  11. Commande adaptive d'une machine asynchrone (United States)

    Slama-Belkhodja, I.; de Fornel, B.


    The paper deals with an indirect self-tuning speed control for an induction motor supplied by a chopper-filter-inverter system. Input/Output models are identified with the recursive least squares algorithm and the controller adaptation is based on a pole assignement strategy. Emphasis is put on the evaluation of the parameter identification in order to avoid instabilities because of disturbances or insufficient excitations. This is especially of importance when the adaptive control is carried out in closed loop systems and without additional test signals. Simulation results show the improvement of the dynamic responses and the robustness against load variations or parameters variations (rotor resistance, inertia). Cat article décrit une stratégie de commande adaptive indirecte à Placement de Pôles (PP), appliquée à la commande en vitesse d'une machine asynchrone alimentée par un ensemble hacheur-filtre-onduleur de tension. L'algorithme des Moindres Carrés Récursifs (MCR) est utilisé pour l'identification des modèles de comportement type entrées/sorties. Un intérêt particulier est porté à la mise en oeuvre de cet algorithme et à la discussion de ses résultats, tenant compte des erreurs de modélisation et de la nature peu riche en excitations des entrées du processus. Différents régimes transitoires ont été simulés pour apprécier l'apport de cette association (MCR-PP) : démarrages et inversion des sens de rotation, à vide et en charges, applications d'échelons de couple résistant, variations paramétriques. Les résultats permettent d'illustrer, tant au niveau des performances que de la robustesse, l'apport d'une telle commande adaptive pour des entraînements électriques avec une machine asynchrone.

  12. Écritures de soi en souffrance: une lecture des régimes structurant l’imaginaire du texte social vivant

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    Orazio Maria Valastro


    Full Text Available Les études ici réunies vont nous permettre d’examiner différentes genres d’écritures et typologies d’écrivains (poétique et épistolaire, roman autobiographique et autofiction, narratif et témoignage, explorant un corpus considérable (œuvres littéraires et littératures personnelles et des pratiques significatives (activités narratives et autobiographiques. Le thème proposé, les écritures de soi en souffrance, se dénoue sollicitant une réflexion sur les rapports entre les œuvres et les différents contextes sociaux et historiques. Nous pouvons envisager et saisir l’ensemble du corpus et des pratiques considérées en tant que texte social vivant, inscrivant l’expérience de l’existence et du monde dans la pratique de l’écriture. (... Nous allons solliciter et proposer une lecture sociologique et anthropologique de l’ensemble des études proposés au sein du numéro monographique, privilégiant une analyse de la matrice du discours social structurant la conscience individuelle et collective.

  13. Regard d’ensemble sur la codification de la procédure civile


    Carbonnier, Jean


    M. le Premier Président, merci. Merci M. le Procureur Général, c’est pour moi un très grand honneur. En m’appelant à cette place, vous saviez que la matière que j’avais longuement enseignée à l’université et qui inévitablement, en retour, m’avait imprégné et déformé, la sociologie juridique, me fixait d’emblée à une distance respectable et respectueuse de ce qui devait être le sujet de cette réunion de l’après-midi – savoir, dans une vue d’ensemble, la codification de la procédure civile – ; ...

  14. Le mixed price bundling, une stratégie marketing alternative ? Le cas bancaire des « offres jeunes »


    Lambey-Checchin, Christine


    International audience; Pratique courante notamment chez les prestataires de service, le mixed price bundling consiste à vendre ensemble des produits ou services complémentaires à un prix spécial. La littérature a montré la supériorité de cette forme de bundling en étudiant ses effets sur les comportements des consommateurs. Le papier l'envisage comme une stratégie marketing et examine ses caractéristiques d'offre et de prix. Les résultats d'une analyse comparative des packages proposés par l...

  15. Etienne Hofmann, Une erreur judiciaire oubliée : L’Affaire Wilfrid Regnault (1817-1818

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Claude Farcy


    Full Text Available Cet ouvrage, remarquable par son érudition, livre au lecteur l’ensemble de la documentation disponible sur une erreur judiciaire peu connue, ne figurant pas dans les recueils consacrés à ce genre très particulier d’affaires judiciaires – sans doute parce que l’erreur n’a pas été légalement reconnue – et qui pourtant présente nombre des caractéristiques d’une « grande cause » avec l’intervention passionnée et très argumentée, en 1817, d’un écrivain - Benjamin Constant – dont les écrits mobilis...

  16. Comparaison de populations de carpe commune (Cyprinus carpio à taille commerciale : intérêt d'une approche globale

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    Une discrimination géographique des populations est possible mais elle repose sur une approche globale intégrant l'ensemble des paramètres. Les différences semblent essentiellement liées aux conditions environnementales et permettent de distinguer les lots issus des régions où l'élevage est plus intensif et traditionnellement centré sur la carpe (Dombes, Forez, Lorraine et les lots correspondant à un élevage plus extensif et davantage orienté vers le marché du repeuplement (Allier, Brenne, Poitou-Charentes.

  17. Jeux de rôles pour enfants : une nouvelle forme de fiction ludique

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    Sébastien Kapp


    Full Text Available Comment ethnographier la place de la création fictionnelle chez l’enfant ? Nous proposons ici une étude de cas d’une pratique à la croisée du jeu de rôle enfantin spontané et du jeu de rôle grandeur nature pour adulte. Menée sous la forme d’un stage estival, cette activité nous permet de comprendre comment adultes et enfants peuvent ponctuellement participer ensemble à l’écriture d’un récit qui prendra la forme d’un jeu en actes et en paroles. Une des caractéristiques principales de cette forme hybride est que l’enfant est placé dans une position d’auteur, d’acteur et de spectateur. Mais contrairement à ses propres jeux, il est en permanence sous la surveillance et la conduite d’adultes qui supervisent le développement du récit et la conformité des actions par rapport aux règles. Le jeune joueur est donc dans une posture originale : il produit une partie du contenu narratif du jeu dont il n’est pas l’acteur unique (en créant par exemple son personnage. Lui aussi veut raconter une histoire, mettre en place un scénario, créer des règles et faire jouer les adultes, comme dans son jeu enfantin. Mais les règles changent, il n’est plus omnipotent et doit jouer dans des cadres de simulation qu’il contribue à définir.

  18. TICs et la géographie : vers une « géographie 2.0 » ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jérémie Valentin


    Full Text Available L’histoire de la géographie a souvent été marquée par le progrès des innovations techniques. Aujourd’hui avec les TICs, un nouvel Internet se dessine, le web 2.0 qui correspond à une nouvelle approche de l’informatique et de la diffusion du savoir. Il donne à l’acteur une place centrale dans son accès aux communications et aux informations. Ces changements touchent l’ensemble de la société, de la politique aux sciences en passant par l’économie et les loisirs. La géographie n’échappe pas au phénomène. Apres avoir subi les premiers changements dus au développement de l’informatique, elle s’apprête à marquer une nouvelle étape, sous l’impulsion des nouveaux logiciels de représentation de l’espace, de leurs outils et de leurs capacités de diffusions facilitées.

  19. Une carte du bon chemin: géographie, rhétorique et religion au XIXe siècle

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    Laurent GRISON


    Full Text Available L'analyse d'une carte du milieu du XIXe siècle nous montre comment le langage géographique peut être associé à un ensemble allégorique et symbolique pour devenir le support rhétorique d'un message moral et religieux. La géographie se veut alors «philosophie».

  20. Considerations concerning the reliability of reactor safety equipment; Considerations sur la fiabilite des ensembles de securite de reacteurs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Furet, J; Guyot, Ch [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A review is made of the circumstances which favor a good collection of maintenance data at the C.E.A. The large amount of data to be treated has made necessary the use of a computer for analyzing automatically the results collected. Here, only particular aspects of the reliability from the point of view of the electronics used for nuclear reactor control will be dealt with: sale and unsafe failures; probability of survival (in the case of reactor safety); availability. The general diagrams of the safety assemblies which have been drawn up for two types of reactor (power reactor and low power experimental reactor) are given. Results are presented of reliability analysis which could be applied to the use of functional modular elements, developed industrially in France. Improvement of this reliability appears to be fairly limited by an increase in the redundancy; on the other hand it is shown how it may be very markedly improved by the use of automatic tests with different frequencies for detecting unsafe failures rates of measurements for the sub-assemblies and for the logic sub-assemblies. Finally examples are given to show the incidence of the complexity and of the use of different technologies in reactor safety equipment on the reliability. (authors) [French] On rappelle les circonstances qui favorisent au C.E.A. la collecte d'une information valable des resultats de la maintenance. L'importance des donnees a traiter a rendu necessaire l'utilisation d'une calculatrice poux l'analyse automatique des resultats recueillis. On se limitera ici aux aspects particuliers de la fiabilite du point de vue de l'electronique pour le controle et la commande de reacteurs nucleaires: pannes sures et pannes non sures; probabilite de survie dans le cas de la securite des reacteurs; facteur de disponibilite. Les schemas de principe des ensembles de securite definis pour deux types de reacteurs (reacteur de puissance et reacteur experimental de faible puissance) sont indiques. On

  1. Les interprétations de la mécanique quantique: : une vue d'ensemble introductive

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boyer, Thomas


    La mécanique quantique est une théorie physique contemporaine réputée pour ses défis au sens commun et ses paradoxes. Depuis bientôt un siècle, plusieurs interprétations de la théorie ont été proposées par les physiciens et les philosophes, offrant des images quantiques du monde, ou des

  2. Study of a polarized proton source for a cyclotron using a high frequency transition (1961); Etude d'une source de protons polarises utilisant une transition haute frequence pour un cyclotron (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thirion, J; Beurtey, R; Papineau, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The authors have developed an experimental unit yielding a jet of hydrogen or deuterium atoms in which the protons and deutons are polarized. By use of the 'adiabatic passage' method a proton polarisation approaching 100 per cent is assured. (authors) [French] Les auteurs ont mis au point un ensemble experimental permettant d'obtenir un jet d'atomes d'hydrogene ou de deuterium, dans lequel les protons et les deutons sont polarises. Grace a la methode du 'passage adiabatique' une polarisation de protons voisine de 100 pour cent est obtenue. (auteurs)

  3. The Ensembl REST API: Ensembl Data for Any Language. (United States)

    Yates, Andrew; Beal, Kathryn; Keenan, Stephen; McLaren, William; Pignatelli, Miguel; Ritchie, Graham R S; Ruffier, Magali; Taylor, Kieron; Vullo, Alessandro; Flicek, Paul


    We present a Web service to access Ensembl data using Representational State Transfer (REST). The Ensembl REST server enables the easy retrieval of a wide range of Ensembl data by most programming languages, using standard formats such as JSON and FASTA while minimizing client work. We also introduce bindings to the popular Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor tool permitting large-scale programmatic variant analysis independent of any specific programming language. The Ensembl REST API can be accessed at and source code is freely available under an Apache 2.0 license from © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press.

  4. Le FOS: une évaluation des ressources pédagogiques en ligne

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    Nuria Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Conscients de l’importance croissante que revêtent la formation en distanciel et par voie de conséquence les méthodes, outils et activités articulées autour d’un apprentissage autonome, cette étude se propose d’évaluer l’ensemble des ressources pédagogiques en ligne mises à disposition de l’internaute apprenant. Comme les contenus interactifs et multimédia concernant le FLE (français langue étrangère sont innombrables, nous nous sommes centrés sur le français de spécialité (FOS: français sur objectifs spécifiques, en particulier, le français des affaires et du tourisme. Notre objectif étant de compléter un travail précédent portant sur l’évaluation des sites FOS, de nouveaux critères ont été considérés pour une utilisation optimale des ressources en jeu. Il s’avère qu’une bonne combinaison des outils pédagogiques disponibles sur Internet pourrait être une bonne option pour les apprenants du français des affaires, alors que les outils de formation interactive concernant le français du tourisme demeurent insuffisants pour garantir un apprentissage adéquat de cette langue spécifique.

  5. Brève histoire d’une erreur lexicale. Polysémie et liens lexicaux dans l’enseignement du vocabulaire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sikora Dorota


    Au-delà d’un diagnostic portant sur un ensemble d’erreurs, cette réflexion mène vers la question plus générale de l’objet de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage du vocabulaire. Faut-il apprendre des mots, des familles des mots, des lexies ou des réseaux lexicaux ? Une fois de plus, nous chercherons des réponses du côté de lexique, en admettant que la démarche pédagogique et le processus d’apprentissage doivent porter sur ce dont le lexique d’une langue est fait : les lexies (ou unités lexicales et les relations qui les connectent dans le système lexical.

  6. Pirotte Jean, Zélis Guy, Dir., Pour une histoire du monde catholique au 20e siècle. Wallonie-Bruxelles. Guide du chercheur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olivier Servais


    Full Text Available C’est à une véritable somme des connaissances en histoire du monde catholique wallon et bruxellois que se sont livrés les vingt-six auteurs des différents chapitres de cet ouvrage. Celui-ci est imposant et le pari s’avérait difficile à tenir : couvrir une pé­riode historique très riche dans un ensemble géographique complexe. On notera toutefois, au niveau strictement matériel, que la qualité d’impression de certaines parties de l’ouvrage que nous avons eu entre les mains laissait à désirer… E...

  7. Une formation à distance pour la certification des compétences à l’ère du numérique : le projet C2i Université Laval - Université de Bordeaux

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-François Lévesque


    Full Text Available Il est désormais devenu indispensable de maîtriser les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC pour entreprendre avec succès des études universitaires. Sur ce point, la prise de conscience est de plus en plus forte et la question de la certification des compétences requises à l’ère du numérique devient un enjeu pour les universités. À partir d’un projet pilote mené dans le cadre de la collaboration internationale entre l’Université Laval (Québec et l’Université de Bordeaux (France, nous nous interrogeons dans cet article sur les conditions de mise en place d’une formation à distance en réponse à cette préoccupation.

  8. Une petite histoire du motif du repas au xixe siècle


    Sicotte, Geneviève


    Au xixe siècle en France, on discute abondamment et avec passion de la nourriture dans un ensemble de textes extrêmement divers : écrits gastronomiques, revues spécialisées, manuels de savoir-vivre, livres de cuisine, traités d’hygiène alimentaire, publicités pour restaurants, chroniques de la presse boulevardière, poèmes, romans, essais. Le thème alimentaire, en quelques décennies, se trouve légitimé et encouragé par une bourgeoisie en plein essor, désireuse de créer de nouveaux usages et de...

  9. La politique criminelle en matière de violences conjugales : une évaluation des pratiques judiciaires et de leurs effets en termes de récidive


    Vanneste, Charlotte


    La politique criminelle en matière de violences conjugales : une évaluation des pratiques judiciaires et de leurs effets en termes de récidive La recherche demandée par le Collège des Procureurs généraux visait à évaluer les pratiques judiciaires développées en matière de violences conjugales en application des directives de politique criminelle données par la circulaire COL 4/2006. Pour ce faire, les données statistiques relatives à l’ensemble des prévenus signalés au moins une fois aux ...

  10. An automatic counting and recording system (1963); Ensemble de comptage a enregistrement automatique (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pierre, B [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    An automatic control, counting and programing system for the collection of single crystal diffractometry data was designed by the author for a neutron diffractometer in 1958 at C.E.N - Grenoble. A part of the whole instrument, 'The Automatic Counting and Recording System', is described in this paper. Its applications are numerous and extensive, e.g.: the system has been designed for neutron diffractometer, but it can easily be adapted either for use with X-rays or measurement of mean life in {beta} decay analysis. (author) [French] Un ensemble automatique de telecommande, comptage et programmation pour la diffractometrie a cristal unique a ete etudie et realise par l'auteur pour la diffraction des neutrons en 1958 au C.E.N - Grenoble. Le present rapport decrit a ''l'Ensemble de Comptage a Enregistrement Automatique'' qui est une partie de l'appareillage complet. Ses applications sont nombreuses et peuvent s'etendre a de nouveaux domaines. En effet cet ensemble qui a ete etudie pour fonctionner avec un diffractometre a neutron, peut facilement s'adapter a la technique de diffraction des rayons X ou par exemple a celle de decroisasnce d'activite {beta}. (auteur)

  11. Ensemble Methods (United States)

    Re, Matteo; Valentini, Giorgio


    Ensemble methods are statistical and computational learning procedures reminiscent of the human social learning behavior of seeking several opinions before making any crucial decision. The idea of combining the opinions of different "experts" to obtain an overall “ensemble” decision is rooted in our culture at least from the classical age of ancient Greece, and it has been formalized during the Enlightenment with the Condorcet Jury Theorem[45]), which proved that the judgment of a committee is superior to those of individuals, provided the individuals have reasonable competence. Ensembles are sets of learning machines that combine in some way their decisions, or their learning algorithms, or different views of data, or other specific characteristics to obtain more reliable and more accurate predictions in supervised and unsupervised learning problems [48,116]. A simple example is represented by the majority vote ensemble, by which the decisions of different learning machines are combined, and the class that receives the majority of “votes” (i.e., the class predicted by the majority of the learning machines) is the class predicted by the overall ensemble [158]. In the literature, a plethora of terms other than ensembles has been used, such as fusion, combination, aggregation, and committee, to indicate sets of learning machines that work together to solve a machine learning problem [19,40,56,66,99,108,123], but in this chapter we maintain the term ensemble in its widest meaning, in order to include the whole range of combination methods. Nowadays, ensemble methods represent one of the main current research lines in machine learning [48,116], and the interest of the research community on ensemble methods is witnessed by conferences and workshops specifically devoted to ensembles, first of all the multiple classifier systems (MCS) conference organized by Roli, Kittler, Windeatt, and other researchers of this area [14,62,85,149,173]. Several theories have been

  12. Lieu de résidence réel et lieu de résidence idéal : une approche fondée sur la théorie de la décision

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    Anne-Marie Meyer


    Full Text Available Cette recherche examine la capacité d'une théorie de la décision à estimer le lieu de résidence réel des personnes. Son objectif est double : d'une part, proposer une méthode pour tester empiriquement la théorie de la Subjective Expected Utility appliquée au choix résidentiel, et d'autre part, mettre en évidence les différences dans l'évaluation des quartiers d'une ville liées à l'existence de groupes de population définis par leurs statuts familial et social. Grâce à une enquête, la validité de cette théorie de la décision peut être en partie confirmée, mais sa mise en pratique pose également un ensemble de difficultés, liées notamment à l'acquisition de l'information.

  13. Une voix dans un chœur risque de n’être point entendue. André Gide et La Nouvelle Revue française, 1908-1914

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koffeman, M.N.; Wittmann, Jean-Michel


    Cet article étudie la tension entre l’individualisme gidien et la collectivité littéraire que forme la première Nouvelle revue française. Entreprise commune par excellence, la revue gagne à être considérée dans son ensemble. Une lecture des sommaires de la NRF relativise le rôle de Gide et met en

  14. Méthodologie de l'étude endocrinienne d'une espèce sauvage, l'Anguille

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    C'est la mise en oeuvre de tout un ensemble de méthodes d'investigation, allant de la mise au point des outils moléculaires (purifications d'hormones, obtention d'anticorps, dosages immunologiques, clonage, obtention de sondes... à la réalisation d'expériences in vitro (cultures de cellules, incubation ou périfusion d'organes et in vivo (ablations de glandes, traitements hormonaux, prélèvements sanguins... juqu'aux études sur le terrain, qui permet une approche complète et intégrée de l'endocrinologie de ce poisson.

  15. An automatic counting and recording system (1963); Ensemble de comptage a enregistrement automatique (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pierre, B. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    An automatic control, counting and programing system for the collection of single crystal diffractometry data was designed by the author for a neutron diffractometer in 1958 at C.E.N - Grenoble. A part of the whole instrument, 'The Automatic Counting and Recording System', is described in this paper. Its applications are numerous and extensive, e.g.: the system has been designed for neutron diffractometer, but it can easily be adapted either for use with X-rays or measurement of mean life in {beta} decay analysis. (author) [French] Un ensemble automatique de telecommande, comptage et programmation pour la diffractometrie a cristal unique a ete etudie et realise par l'auteur pour la diffraction des neutrons en 1958 au C.E.N - Grenoble. Le present rapport decrit a ''l'Ensemble de Comptage a Enregistrement Automatique'' qui est une partie de l'appareillage complet. Ses applications sont nombreuses et peuvent s'etendre a de nouveaux domaines. En effet cet ensemble qui a ete etudie pour fonctionner avec un diffractometre a neutron, peut facilement s'adapter a la technique de diffraction des rayons X ou par exemple a celle de decroisasnce d'activite {beta}. (auteur)

  16. L’avènement d’une société de l’information durable

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philippe Vidal


    Full Text Available La géographie de la société de l’information prend une autre allure, lorsqu’on l’envisage à la lumière du développement durable et notamment de ses enjeux écologiques. En effet, sans remettre tout en question, il ne faut pas négliger les impacts environnementaux et sociétaux de la filière numérique, même si des efforts sont consentis pour en amortir les effets (ordinateur moins consommateur d’énergie par exemple. Il importe donc d’embrasser l’ensemble des externalités occasionnées, qu’elles ...

  17. Une République islamique sans mosquée

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    Fariba Adelkhah


    Full Text Available Qui dit mosquée en Iran dit d’abord un ensemble de moyens ou de facilités laissés au quotidien à la disposition des passants ou des usagers. Ensuite des rituels religieux accomplis, de façon régulière, en présence des autorités ayant le privilège ou le monopole de délivrer un certain savoir islamique. Dans le premier sens la mosquée est un point d’eau, un toit, un accueil où nul(le ne se sentirait exclu(e ou ne se verrait refoulé(e. Dans le second sens elle relève des choix du croyant qui peut préférer un lieu par rapport à un autre, en fonction de critères aussi bien intellectuels que religieux ou encore de type communautaire, professionnel, voire générationnel. C’est sans doute la concomitance même de ces deux formes d’utilité, matérielle et spirituelle, qui font que les mosquées ont résisté, d’une part, au monopole, de l’autre, à l’isolement. Autrement dit, si les mosquées ont servi de cadre à la centralisation de l’Etat, elles ont également été des instances de résistance à la prétention monopolistique de ce dernier. Le présent travail tente une analyse des dynamiques concomitantes, spirituelles et matérielles, qui se renforcent et se complètent, à partir de la nouvelle organisation des mosquées et des nouvelles pratiques qui se déroulent en leur sein ou dans leur proximité. De fait il convient mieux, depuis une vingtaine d’années, de parler de complexes religieux plutôt que de simples lieux de prière.

  18. Une masse palpébrale révélant une fistule carotidocaverneuse ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... huit mois une masse palpébrale droite, avec une discrète exophtalmie et hémorragie sous conjonctivale, l'angio IRM a permis de confirmer le diagnostique d'une fistule carotidocaverneuse à haut débit, qui est responsable de cette symptomatologie. L'objectif de cet article est de mettre la lumière sur cette pathologie rare, ...

  19. L’imagier franco-allemand du Monde et de la Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Une rhétorique du Vivre-Ensemble

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliette Charbonneaux


    Full Text Available L’omniprésence et l’abondance des images associant en une figure dirigeants français et allemands dans les médias européens contemporains tendent à laisser penser que ce motif a toujours été là, disponible pour dire et écrire l’actualité. Pourtant, il semble peu probable qu’au sortir de la seconde guerre mondiale il en ait été de même. Dans cette perspective, l’article vise à déconstruire cet effet d’évidence en interrogeant le rôle et la place tenus par les images périodiques dans la construction et l’institution d’une figure du « vivre-ensemble » franco-allemand. Cette opération prend la forme d’une analyse socio-sémiotique : la réflexion porte à la fois sur les images — photographies et caricatures — et leurs légendes, sur leur agencement dans la page de journal et sur leurs conditions de production. La démarche procède également d’une double comparaison : en diachronie, dans un temps relativement long (de 1949 à 2012, et en synchronie, sur la base d’une confrontation de deux titres de presse quotidienne nationale de « référence », l’un français et l’autre allemand, Le Monde et la Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ. Une interrogation sur les conditions de possibilité de la présence de l’image dans ces deux périodiques permet d’abord de dégager combien la place de l’imagerie franco-allemande ne va pas de soi, mais résulte d’un processus de longue haleine. Toutefois, malgré défis et obstacles, à la fois techniques et idéologiques, la figure franco-allemande s’impose par le biais de la stabilisation de modèles de représentation qui en font un motif naturel et incontournable. Ainsi, des cadres éditoriaux pérennes favorisent son implantation et sa reconnaissance au quotidien. À l’intérieur de ces cadres, à la surface des images, la figuration de la ressemblance et de la proximité entre les dirigeants français et allemands contribue à forger la

  20. On Ensemble Nonlinear Kalman Filtering with Symmetric Analysis Ensembles

    KAUST Repository

    Luo, Xiaodong; Hoteit, Ibrahim; Moroz, Irene M.


    However, by adopting the Monte Carlo method, the EnSRF also incurs certain sampling errors. One way to alleviate this problem is to introduce certain symmetry to the ensembles, which can reduce the sampling errors and spurious modes in evaluation of the means and covariances of the ensembles [7]. In this contribution, we present two methods to produce symmetric ensembles. One is based on the unscented transform [8, 9], which leads to the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) [8, 9] and its variant, the ensemble unscented Kalman filter (EnUKF) [7]. The other is based on Stirling’s interpolation formula (SIF), which results in the divided difference filter (DDF) [10]. Here we propose a simplified divided difference filter (sDDF) in the context of ensemble filtering. The similarity and difference between the sDDF and the EnUKF will be discussed. Numerical experiments will also be conducted to investigate the performance of the sDDF and the EnUKF, and compare them to a well‐established EnSRF, the ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF) [2].

  1. Faire territoire au quotidien dans les grands ensembles HLM

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    Denis la Mache


    Full Text Available Cet article propose une lecture anthropologique de la manière dont les habitants des grands ensembles de périphéries urbaines délimitent, administrent, transforment matériellement et symboliquement les espaces et les lieux de leur quotidien pour faire territoire. Nous nous intéresserons à la fabrication de ces entités spatiales dont chaque individu se donne la liberté de disposer chaque jour selon un usage singulier et qu’il entoure d’un champ symbolique spécifique, garant d’identité. Ces « fabrications sociospatiales » seront abordées à partir d’une recherche empirique menée auprès d’habitants de deux terrains d’enquêtes situés dans des périphéries de villes moyennes.This paper proposes an anthropological reading of how the inhabitants of large urban peripheries define, administer, and process their daily spaces and places from a material as much as symbolical point of view to give sense to their territory. We will focus on the making of these spatial entities, witch everyone can dispose of everyday individually, to guarantee their identity. These “socio spatial creations” will be based on an empirical research, that is to say surveys conducted among the suburbians of two towns.

  2. Une carte rupestre précolombienne? La modélisation des pétroglyphes mexicains

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    Véronique Darras


    Full Text Available Une carte rupestre précolombienne? L'analyse chorématique des pétroglyphes de Las Estacas (Zináparo, Michoacán, Mexique permet cette excitante hypothèse. La modélisation graphique révèle deux structures semi-concentriques opposées, différenciées par leur symbolique interne et associées par un ensemble de signes hiérarchisés et orientés. Nous l'interprétons comme la cartographie d'un événement social qui met en relation deux groupes culturels distincts mais complémentaires.

  3. On Ensemble Nonlinear Kalman Filtering with Symmetric Analysis Ensembles

    KAUST Repository

    Luo, Xiaodong


    The ensemble square root filter (EnSRF) [1, 2, 3, 4] is a popular method for data assimilation in high dimensional systems (e.g., geophysics models). Essentially the EnSRF is a Monte Carlo implementation of the conventional Kalman filter (KF) [5, 6]. It is mainly different from the KF at the prediction steps, where it is some ensembles, rather then the means and covariance matrices, of the system state that are propagated forward. In doing this, the EnSRF is computationally more efficient than the KF, since propagating a covariance matrix forward in high dimensional systems is prohibitively expensive. In addition, the EnSRF is also very convenient in implementation. By propagating the ensembles of the system state, the EnSRF can be directly applied to nonlinear systems without any change in comparison to the assimilation procedures in linear systems. However, by adopting the Monte Carlo method, the EnSRF also incurs certain sampling errors. One way to alleviate this problem is to introduce certain symmetry to the ensembles, which can reduce the sampling errors and spurious modes in evaluation of the means and covariances of the ensembles [7]. In this contribution, we present two methods to produce symmetric ensembles. One is based on the unscented transform [8, 9], which leads to the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) [8, 9] and its variant, the ensemble unscented Kalman filter (EnUKF) [7]. The other is based on Stirling’s interpolation formula (SIF), which results in the divided difference filter (DDF) [10]. Here we propose a simplified divided difference filter (sDDF) in the context of ensemble filtering. The similarity and difference between the sDDF and the EnUKF will be discussed. Numerical experiments will also be conducted to investigate the performance of the sDDF and the EnUKF, and compare them to a well‐established EnSRF, the ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF) [2].

  4. MSEBAG: a dynamic classifier ensemble generation based on `minimum-sufficient ensemble' and bagging (United States)

    Chen, Lei; Kamel, Mohamed S.


    In this paper, we propose a dynamic classifier system, MSEBAG, which is characterised by searching for the 'minimum-sufficient ensemble' and bagging at the ensemble level. It adopts an 'over-generation and selection' strategy and aims to achieve a good bias-variance trade-off. In the training phase, MSEBAG first searches for the 'minimum-sufficient ensemble', which maximises the in-sample fitness with the minimal number of base classifiers. Then, starting from the 'minimum-sufficient ensemble', a backward stepwise algorithm is employed to generate a collection of ensembles. The objective is to create a collection of ensembles with a descending fitness on the data, as well as a descending complexity in the structure. MSEBAG dynamically selects the ensembles from the collection for the decision aggregation. The extended adaptive aggregation (EAA) approach, a bagging-style algorithm performed at the ensemble level, is employed for this task. EAA searches for the competent ensembles using a score function, which takes into consideration both the in-sample fitness and the confidence of the statistical inference, and averages the decisions of the selected ensembles to label the test pattern. The experimental results show that the proposed MSEBAG outperforms the benchmarks on average.

  5. Ensembl 2004. (United States)

    Birney, E; Andrews, D; Bevan, P; Caccamo, M; Cameron, G; Chen, Y; Clarke, L; Coates, G; Cox, T; Cuff, J; Curwen, V; Cutts, T; Down, T; Durbin, R; Eyras, E; Fernandez-Suarez, X M; Gane, P; Gibbins, B; Gilbert, J; Hammond, M; Hotz, H; Iyer, V; Kahari, A; Jekosch, K; Kasprzyk, A; Keefe, D; Keenan, S; Lehvaslaiho, H; McVicker, G; Melsopp, C; Meidl, P; Mongin, E; Pettett, R; Potter, S; Proctor, G; Rae, M; Searle, S; Slater, G; Smedley, D; Smith, J; Spooner, W; Stabenau, A; Stalker, J; Storey, R; Ureta-Vidal, A; Woodwark, C; Clamp, M; Hubbard, T


    The Ensembl ( database project provides a bioinformatics framework to organize biology around the sequences of large genomes. It is a comprehensive and integrated source of annotation of large genome sequences, available via interactive website, web services or flat files. As well as being one of the leading sources of genome annotation, Ensembl is an open source software engineering project to develop a portable system able to handle very large genomes and associated requirements. The facilities of the system range from sequence analysis to data storage and visualization and installations exist around the world both in companies and at academic sites. With a total of nine genome sequences available from Ensembl and more genomes to follow, recent developments have focused mainly on closer integration between genomes and external data.

  6. Towards a GME ensemble forecasting system: Ensemble initialization using the breeding technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan D. Keller


    Full Text Available The quantitative forecast of precipitation requires a probabilistic background particularly with regard to forecast lead times of more than 3 days. As only ensemble simulations can provide useful information of the underlying probability density function, we built a new ensemble forecasting system (GME-EFS based on the GME model of the German Meteorological Service (DWD. For the generation of appropriate initial ensemble perturbations we chose the breeding technique developed by Toth and Kalnay (1993, 1997, which develops perturbations by estimating the regions of largest model error induced uncertainty. This method is applied and tested in the framework of quasi-operational forecasts for a three month period in 2007. The performance of the resulting ensemble forecasts are compared to the operational ensemble prediction systems ECMWF EPS and NCEP GFS by means of ensemble spread of free atmosphere parameters (geopotential and temperature and ensemble skill of precipitation forecasting. This comparison indicates that the GME ensemble forecasting system (GME-EFS provides reasonable forecasts with spread skill score comparable to that of the NCEP GFS. An analysis with the continuous ranked probability score exhibits a lack of resolution for the GME forecasts compared to the operational ensembles. However, with significant enhancements during the 3 month test period, the first results of our work with the GME-EFS indicate possibilities for further development as well as the potential for later operational usage.

  7. Une hanche douloureuse révélatrice d'une histiocytose osseuse multifocale (United States)

    Lahrach, Kamal; Alaoui, Adil; el Kadi, Khalid Ibn; Marzouki, Amine; Boutayeb, Fawzi


    L'histiocytose langerhansienne est une maladie rare qui touche principalement l'enfant et l'adulte jeune. Elle peut prendre plusieurs aspects, L'atteinte osseuse peut être uni- ou multifocale. Nous rapportons une observation d'histiocytose langerhansienne osseuse multifocale, révélée chez un patient âgé de 23 ans et ayant touché le col fémoral droit. La scintigraphie osseuse a permis de retrouver plusieurs localisations: l'os temporal, humérale et scapulaire droite. En raison du risque fracturaire, le patient a bénéficié d'une ostéosynthèse par vis-plaque DHS avec curetage biopsie de la lésion. L'examen histologique a révélé une histiocytose langerhansienne. L'évolution fut favorable après chimiothérapie par voie générale. PMID:25018840

  8. Le dessalement de l’eau de mer est-il une voie d’avenir?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Noël Salomon


    Full Text Available La pénurie en eau semble devenir une perspective inquiétante pour l’humanité. Aujourd’hui les pays en situation de stress hydrique sont de plus en plus nombreux tandis que les besoins ne cessent de grandir. Face à ce constat, nombre de solutions techniques ont été apportées dont celle du dessalement de l’eau de mer. Cette activité est en pleine expansion du fait d’une amélioration constante des techniques et d’un coût de plus en plus réduit. Déjà le dessalement représente la principale source d’eau potable pour un grand nombre de pays (îles, pays à climat désertique ou subdésertique, etc.. Mais, ce coût restant encore bien supérieur à celui des autres modes d’alimentation, cette technique reste réservée à des États ayant des ressources financières et énergétiques consistantes (Moyen Orient, pays développés, ce qui limite les possibilités. L’avenir du dessalement doit également prendre en compte ses effets sur l’environnement car de plus en plus d’études en montrent les effets pervers et …coûteux. Cet article entend faire le point et attirer l’attention sur l’ensemble de cette technique qui offre une alternative intéressante au spectre de la pénurie d’eau annoncée par bien des médias dans le contexte du réchauffement climatique.

  9. Comprehensive measurements in 4 {pi} geometry for radio-active samples having a low {beta}-activity (1962); Ensemble de mesure'en geometrie 4 {pi} pour echantillons radioactifs de faible activite {beta} (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Colomer, J; Valentin, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The realisation is described of a comprehensive measurement system having low background noise and, as well as a lead-wall protection, an electronic protection made up of a plastic scintillator placed in anticoincidence with the 4 {pi} counter used for making the measurements. The apparatus is described and its performance discussed. (authors) [French] Realisation d'un ensemble de mesures ayant un faible bruit de fond en utilisant en plus d'une protection par murs de Pb, une protection electronique constituee par un scintillateur plastique mis en ainticoincidence avec le compteur 4 {pi} utilise pour faire les mesures. L'appareillage est decrit et ses performances discutees. (auteurs)

  10. Henri Lopès : d’Une Quête Incessante à une identité plurielle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vincent Simédoh


    Full Text Available Dans plusieurs oeuvres d’Henri Lopès, les personnages sont constamment en quête d’une identité. Une quête qu’ils entament comme un parcours puisque désormais ils vivent au confluent de plusieurs cultures et ils se sentent comme en exil. Ce n’est pas forcément un exil extérieur parce qu’ils ont quitté leur pays d’origine mais c’est plutôt un exil intérieur. Ainsi les personnages se sentent incapables de se situer par rapport à eux-mêmes et à autrui. Dès lors surgit une tentation, celle de se réfugier dans le souvenir qui n’existe même plus. La mémoire s’estompe. L’histoire elle-même fuit et disparaît. Ce qui fait naître chez les personnages un vide qui conduit à un malaise identitaire, d’où déchirement. En face de cet écartèlement, surgit une multitude de pistes. Et c’est dans cette perspective qu’Henri Lopès propose une identité plurielle.



    Rouhana , Rima; Van Caillie , Didier


    International audience; Notre communication vise (1) à dresser un historique de l'évolution du design des systèmes de contrôle de gestion (CDG) et, essentiellement, des systèmes de pilotage de la performance (SPP) en contexte hospitalier; (2) à en inférer, dans une perspective contingente, la nature de ses principaux facteurs contingents; et (3) à synthétiser l'ensemble dans un modèle contingent conceptuel permettant de comprendre comment le système de contrôle de gestion des institutions hos...

  12. Impact d'une modulation duale sur les performances d'une liaison ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le présent document présente la technique de modulation duale Fréquence - Amplitude dans le cas d'une liaison optique du type IM-DD. Ce travail révèle que la modulation duale Fréquence - Amplitude permet de générer un signal à bande latérale unique. Les performances d'une liaison optique IM-DD basée sur cette ...

  13. L'univers des particules une introduction

    CERN Document Server

    Diu, Bernard


    Au début du XXe siècle, les scientifiques imaginaient que l'ensemble du monde était construit à partir de trois "particules élémentaires" (électron, proton, photon). Depuis, nous avons appris que notre univers contient un nombre considérable de particules - soit des corps individualisés d'extension réduite - de natures et de caractéristiques très diverses, qu'il serait illusoire de chercher à énumérer de manière formelle et systématique. C'est pourquoi le propos de ce livre suit une stratégie fondamentalement différente. Il s'organise autour de certaines propriétés générales que laissent apparaître l'observation et l'étude des particules dans leur existence et leur conduite primaire. Aussi, chacune des parties de cet ouvrage rassemble plusieurs chapitres de thèmes voisins, mais un sujet donné peut également être traité en divers endroits et, de ce fait, être abordé sous différents angles de manière complémentaire. De telles compositions et décompositions d'éléments proche...

  14. [Nursing service certification. Norm UNE-EN-ISO 9001-2008]. (United States)

    Salazar de la Guerra, R; Ferrer Arnedo, C; Labrador Domínguez, M J; Sangregorio Matesanz, A


    To certify the nursing services using a quality management system, taking an international standard as a reference, and based on a continuous improvement process. The standard was revised, and the Quality Management System documentation was updated, consisting of a Quality Manual and 7 control procedures. All the existing procedures were coded in accordance with the documentation control process. Each operational procedure was associated with a set of indicators which permitted to know the results obtained, analyze the deviations and to implement further improvements. The system was implemented successfully. Twenty-eight care procedures and eleven procedures concerning techniques were incorporated into the management system. Thirty indicators were established that allowed the whole process to be monitored. All patients were assigned to a nurse in their clinical notes and all of them had a personalized Care Plan according to planning methodology using North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) international rankings. The incidence of falls, as well as the incidence of chronic skin wounds, was low, taking into account the characteristics of the patient and the duration of the stay (mean=35.87 days). The safety indicators had a high level of compliance, with 90% of patients clearly identified and 100% with hygiene protocol. The confidence rating given to the nurses was 91%. The certification enabled the quality of the service to be improved using a structured process, analyzing the results, dealing with non-conformities and introducing improvements. Copyright © 2014 SECA. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  15. Entropy of network ensembles (United States)

    Bianconi, Ginestra


    In this paper we generalize the concept of random networks to describe network ensembles with nontrivial features by a statistical mechanics approach. This framework is able to describe undirected and directed network ensembles as well as weighted network ensembles. These networks might have nontrivial community structure or, in the case of networks embedded in a given space, they might have a link probability with a nontrivial dependence on the distance between the nodes. These ensembles are characterized by their entropy, which evaluates the cardinality of networks in the ensemble. In particular, in this paper we define and evaluate the structural entropy, i.e., the entropy of the ensembles of undirected uncorrelated simple networks with given degree sequence. We stress the apparent paradox that scale-free degree distributions are characterized by having small structural entropy while they are so widely encountered in natural, social, and technological complex systems. We propose a solution to the paradox by proving that scale-free degree distributions are the most likely degree distribution with the corresponding value of the structural entropy. Finally, the general framework we present in this paper is able to describe microcanonical ensembles of networks as well as canonical or hidden-variable network ensembles with significant implications for the formulation of network-constructing algorithms.

  16. Ensembl variation resources

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marin-Garcia Pablo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The maturing field of genomics is rapidly increasing the number of sequenced genomes and producing more information from those previously sequenced. Much of this additional information is variation data derived from sampling multiple individuals of a given species with the goal of discovering new variants and characterising the population frequencies of the variants that are already known. These data have immense value for many studies, including those designed to understand evolution and connect genotype to phenotype. Maximising the utility of the data requires that it be stored in an accessible manner that facilitates the integration of variation data with other genome resources such as gene annotation and comparative genomics. Description The Ensembl project provides comprehensive and integrated variation resources for a wide variety of chordate genomes. This paper provides a detailed description of the sources of data and the methods for creating the Ensembl variation databases. It also explores the utility of the information by explaining the range of query options available, from using interactive web displays, to online data mining tools and connecting directly to the data servers programmatically. It gives a good overview of the variation resources and future plans for expanding the variation data within Ensembl. Conclusions Variation data is an important key to understanding the functional and phenotypic differences between individuals. The development of new sequencing and genotyping technologies is greatly increasing the amount of variation data known for almost all genomes. The Ensembl variation resources are integrated into the Ensembl genome browser and provide a comprehensive way to access this data in the context of a widely used genome bioinformatics system. All Ensembl data is freely available at and from the public MySQL database server at

  17. NYYD Ensemble

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    NYYD Ensemble'i duost Traksmann - Lukk E.-S. Tüüri teosega "Symbiosis", mis on salvestatud ka hiljuti ilmunud NYYD Ensemble'i CDle. 2. märtsil Rakvere Teatri väikeses saalis ja 3. märtsil Rotermanni Soolalaos, kavas Tüür, Kaumann, Berio, Reich, Yun, Hauta-aho, Buckinx

  18. Un « Nouvel hygiénisme » ? Le bruit, l’odeur et l’émergence d’une new middle class

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laurent Matthey


    Full Text Available La tentation est grande aujourd’hui d’envisager un « Nouvel hygiénisme » qui façonnerait les espaces urbains et les corps. Cet article défend cependant l’hypothèse que ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler « Nouvel hygiénisme » est en fait un ensemble de pratiques sociales qui reposent sur la consommation ostentatoire et la distinction sociologique d’une classe sociale en ascension (la new middle class.

  19. 'Lazy' quantum ensembles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parfionov, George; Zapatrin, Roman


    We compare different strategies aimed to prepare an ensemble with a given density matrix ρ. Preparing the ensemble of eigenstates of ρ with appropriate probabilities can be treated as 'generous' strategy: it provides maximal accessible information about the state. Another extremity is the so-called 'Scrooge' ensemble, which is mostly stingy in sharing the information. We introduce 'lazy' ensembles which require minimal effort to prepare the density matrix by selecting pure states with respect to completely random choice. We consider two parties, Alice and Bob, playing a kind of game. Bob wishes to guess which pure state is prepared by Alice. His null hypothesis, based on the lack of any information about Alice's intention, is that Alice prepares any pure state with equal probability. Then, the average quantum state measured by Bob turns out to be ρ, and he has to make a new hypothesis about Alice's intention solely based on the information that the observed density matrix is ρ. The arising 'lazy' ensemble is shown to be the alternative hypothesis which minimizes type I error

  20. Imprinting and recalling cortical ensembles. (United States)

    Carrillo-Reid, Luis; Yang, Weijian; Bando, Yuki; Peterka, Darcy S; Yuste, Rafael


    Neuronal ensembles are coactive groups of neurons that may represent building blocks of cortical circuits. These ensembles could be formed by Hebbian plasticity, whereby synapses between coactive neurons are strengthened. Here we report that repetitive activation with two-photon optogenetics of neuronal populations from ensembles in the visual cortex of awake mice builds neuronal ensembles that recur spontaneously after being imprinted and do not disrupt preexisting ones. Moreover, imprinted ensembles can be recalled by single- cell stimulation and remain coactive on consecutive days. Our results demonstrate the persistent reconfiguration of cortical circuits by two-photon optogenetics into neuronal ensembles that can perform pattern completion. Copyright © 2016, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  1. Une analyse longitudinale de la réussite des étudiants « en ligne » ou « en classe » : le cas d’un cours de marketing suivi au sein d’une université québécoise

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William Menvielle


    Full Text Available Les études comparatives sur les résultats des étudiants suivant des enseignements en ligne ou en classe ont été nombreuses et les résultats démontrent, dans l’ensemble, qu’il n’y a pas prépondérance de l’une ou de l’autre des formes d’enseignement. Nous présentons ici une étude sur la réussite des étudiants de 1ercycle universitaire d’un cours de base en marketing, dont nous avons suivi les résultats entre l’été 2008 et l’hiver 2009 avec le même professeur. Un échantillon de 373répondants a ainsi été formé et les résultats démontrent, entre autres, qu’il n’y a pas de différences significatives pour un même type d’examen entre les étudiants de ces deux groupes. Par contre, lors d’évaluations différenciées pour chaque groupe, les étudiants suivant un cours en classe réussissent mieux que leurs homologues en ligne.

  2. World Music Ensemble: Kulintang (United States)

    Beegle, Amy C.


    As instrumental world music ensembles such as steel pan, mariachi, gamelan and West African drums are becoming more the norm than the exception in North American school music programs, there are other world music ensembles just starting to gain popularity in particular parts of the United States. The kulintang ensemble, a drum and gong ensemble…

  3. La fonction pragmatique de la ponctuation dans la rédaction professionnelle : une étude de cas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romain Christina


    Full Text Available La ponctuation est au centre de débats qui portent notamment sur sa(es fonction(s. Bessonnat (1991:4 fait reposer l’analyse fonctionnelle de la ponctuation sur une fonction syntaxique, une fonction sémantique et une fonction communicationnelle. Anis (2004 met lui- même l’accent sur la dimension énonciative de la ponctuation en tant que lieu d’investissement du scripteur. De même, Lapacherie (2014 rappelle que trois thèses ont été mises en avant au cours des derniers siècles : la corrélation à l’oral, l’information sémantique et la cohérence syntaxique. Thèses auxquelles s’ajoute, au cours des dernières décennies, celle de l’orientation pragmatique de la dimension énonciative des signes de ponctuation qui ne se réduisent pas alors aux guillemets ou autres tirets (Dahlet, 2003:147. Dans cette perspective d’anlayse, Narjoux souligne que « La ponctuation nous dit assurément beaucoup de celui qui choisit d’y recourir. » (2010:12 et prolonge son propos de la façon suivante : « Sans doute, la ponctuation dans son ensemble a-t-elle une dimension énonciative, plus ou marquée, et qui transparait jusque dans les choix de celui qui écrit pour tel ou tel signe, à tel ou tel endroit. » (2010:59. Nous proposons de nous positionner sur l’aspect communicationnel voire interactionnel de la ponctuation en faisant reposer notre analyse sur l’étude de pratiques discursives de rédacteurs professionnels (RP. Il s’agit de comprendre l’enjeu de la ponctuation dans sa corrélation avec d’autres indicateurs de relation interdiscursive convoqués par le RP pour produire un écrit visant une relation particulière avec son destinataire. Nous entendons donc la ponctuation comme la trace d’un positionnement discursif guidé par une intention de communication spécifique (Dahlet, 2003. Notre approche est résolument empirique et nous avons constitué pour cela un corpus comprenant des écrits pour le grand public r

  4. ISO 14006. Experiencias previas de estudios de arquitectura que han adoptado el estándar de ecodiseño UNE 150301:2003

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arana-Landín, G.


    Full Text Available This paper aims to analyze the pioneer UNE 150301 standard, as well as its adoption process and its practical results in the sector of architecture studios. First, the structure, the aim and the scope of norm UNE 150301 have been analysed. Second, the standard's implementation has been examined, concluding that 73% of the companies that have obtained the certificate are architecture studios. A case study has therefore been carried out with the participation of five architecture studios pioneers. These experiences have let us know the main aspects and difficulties of the process. In conclusion, the adoption of the standard UNE 150301 can be a helpful tool in order to reduce the environmental impact of the products and obtain some competitive advantages such as cost reduction, improvement in energy efficiency of the product and a better adaptation to acts and regulations.

    En este artículo se analiza la experiencia de implantación de la norma UNE 150301 de ecodiseño en el sector de los estudios de arquitectura. Tras el examen de la estructura de norma UNE 150301, de sus objetivos y de su alcance, se analiza su difusión, destacándose que el 73% de las empresas certificadas en España son estudios de arquitectura. A continuación se estudia el proceso de implantación real, mediante el estudio de caso que lo analiza en cinco estudios de arquitectura. El estudio realizado permite conocer de primera mano las principales claves y dificultades del proceso de implantación del estándar, así como los resultados obtenidos, entre los que destaca una reducción del impacto ambiental. Se constata, en suma, que la norma UNE 150301 es una herramienta que puede proporcionar ventajas competitivas interesantes a las empresas del sector de los estudios de arquitectura.

  5. L'allocation universelle, une solution d'avenir?


    Van Parijs, Philippe


    Le fait L’avenir de la sécurité sociale fait aussi débat en Suisse. Une initiative populaire vient d’être lancée “pour un revenu de base inconditionnel”. Si elle récolte 100000 signatures, cette proposition pourra être soumise à une votation pour devenir loi. Plus fort, une “initiative citoyenne européenne” sur cette question va être lancée en septembre. Objectif: un million de signatures. De quoi parle-t-on? Il s’agit d’une allocation universelle attribuée à toute personne individuellement, ...

  6. La politique criminelle en matière de violences conjugales : une évaluation des pratiques judiciaires et de leur effets en termes de récidive. Réflexions sur les aspects spécifiques à la médiation pénale


    Vanneste, Charlotte


    La politique criminelle en matière de violences conjugales : une évaluation des pratiques judiciaires et de leurs effets en termes de récidive La recherche demandée par le Collège des Procureurs généraux visait à évaluer les pratiques judiciaires développées en matière de violences conjugales en application des directives de politique criminelle données par la circulaire COL 4/2006. Pour ce faire, les données statistiques relatives à l’ensemble des prévenus signalés au moins une fois aux ...

  7. Arthropathie destructrice des epaules au cours d�une acromegalie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nessrine Akasbi


    Full Text Available L�acromegalie est une maladie endocrinienne rare, en rapport avec une hypersecretion d�hormone de croissance. Elle a des consequences rhumatologiques: l�arthropathie peripherique, l�atteinte rachidienne et les syndromes canalaires. L�atteinte articulaire accompagne une acromegalie active, sa survenue apres un traitement radical et une remission complete est rare. Nous presentons le cas d�une patiente de 70 ans ayant un antecedent d�acromegalie sur adenome hypophysaire il y a 25 ans, traitee chirurgicalement et declaree en remission complete, a developpe une arthropathie destructrice des deux epaules. Le but de notre observation est de mettre le point sur la possibilite d�une atteinte articulaire au cours de l�acromegalie et de son retentissement fonctionnelle.

  8. The Technological Consolidation of UNED in Spain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorenzo Garcia Aretio


    Full Text Available This article discusses the role of the technologies that have been utilized to advance distance teaching and learning by the National Distance Education University (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – UNED of Spain. Following a description of UNED's historical development and organizational structure, UNED's experience with various educational media is discussed. Printed teaching materials, in the form of didactic units, were one of the first methods to be utilized when UNED began its operations in 1972. In turn, the role of radio and audio recordings, television and video recordings, telephone, videoconferencing, computer systems and computer-mediated communications are also described. UNED's pioneering projects, including the virtual classroom, virtual campus, and a program for the physically handicapped, are also detailed. Recent experiments include providing access to radio and television programs on the Internet and adoption of WebCT. On the horizon for UNED are portals for cellular phones using WAP technology and gearing up for multiple applications in accordance with Universal Mobile Telecommunications Technology (UMTS.

  9. Ensemble data assimilation in the Red Sea: sensitivity to ensemble selection and atmospheric forcing

    KAUST Repository

    Toye, Habib


    We present our efforts to build an ensemble data assimilation and forecasting system for the Red Sea. The system consists of the high-resolution Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model (MITgcm) to simulate ocean circulation and of the Data Research Testbed (DART) for ensemble data assimilation. DART has been configured to integrate all members of an ensemble adjustment Kalman filter (EAKF) in parallel, based on which we adapted the ensemble operations in DART to use an invariant ensemble, i.e., an ensemble Optimal Interpolation (EnOI) algorithm. This approach requires only single forward model integration in the forecast step and therefore saves substantial computational cost. To deal with the strong seasonal variability of the Red Sea, the EnOI ensemble is then seasonally selected from a climatology of long-term model outputs. Observations of remote sensing sea surface height (SSH) and sea surface temperature (SST) are assimilated every 3 days. Real-time atmospheric fields from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) are used as forcing in different assimilation experiments. We investigate the behaviors of the EAKF and (seasonal-) EnOI and compare their performances for assimilating and forecasting the circulation of the Red Sea. We further assess the sensitivity of the assimilation system to various filtering parameters (ensemble size, inflation) and atmospheric forcing.

  10. Le syndrome d’Usher: à propos d’une observation


    Daoudi, Chama; boutimzine, Noureddine; Haouzi, Samia El; Lezrek, Omar; Tachfouti, Samira; Lezrek, Mounir; Laghmari, Mina; Daoudi, Rajae


    Résumé Le syndrome d'Usher est une maladie génétique comportant une double atteinte sensorielle (auditive et visuelle) appelée surdicécité. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient de 50 ans, issue d'un mariage consanguin présentant une surdité congénitale avec une fonction vestibulaire normale et une rétinopathie pigmentaire responsable d'une baisse bilatérale de l'acuité visuelle apparue vers l'âge de 16 ans. Cette association compose le type 2 du syndrome d'Usher, affection rare de trans...

  11. Mise en place d'une base de données pour une modélisation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mise en place d'une base de données pour une modélisation hydrologique distribuée du bassin versant du Bandama (Côte d'Ivoire) : apport d'un modèle numérique d'altitude, de la télédétection et du SIG Physitel.

  12. Localization of atomic ensembles via superfluorescence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macovei, Mihai; Evers, Joerg; Keitel, Christoph H.; Zubairy, M. Suhail


    The subwavelength localization of an ensemble of atoms concentrated to a small volume in space is investigated. The localization relies on the interaction of the ensemble with a standing wave laser field. The light scattered in the interaction of the standing wave field and the atom ensemble depends on the position of the ensemble relative to the standing wave nodes. This relation can be described by a fluorescence intensity profile, which depends on the standing wave field parameters and the ensemble properties and which is modified due to collective effects in the ensemble of nearby particles. We demonstrate that the intensity profile can be tailored to suit different localization setups. Finally, we apply these results to two localization schemes. First, we show how to localize an ensemble fixed at a certain position in the standing wave field. Second, we discuss localization of an ensemble passing through the standing wave field

  13. Ensembl 2017


    Aken, Bronwen L.; Achuthan, Premanand; Akanni, Wasiu; Amode, M. Ridwan; Bernsdorff, Friederike; Bhai, Jyothish; Billis, Konstantinos; Carvalho-Silva, Denise; Cummins, Carla; Clapham, Peter; Gil, Laurent; Gir?n, Carlos Garc?a; Gordon, Leo; Hourlier, Thibaut; Hunt, Sarah E.


    Ensembl ( is a database and genome browser for enabling research on vertebrate genomes. We import, analyse, curate and integrate a diverse collection of large-scale reference data to create a more comprehensive view of genome biology than would be possible from any individual dataset. Our extensive data resources include evidence-based gene and regulatory region annotation, genome variation and gene trees. An accompanying suite of tools, infrastructure and programmatic access ...

  14. Ensemble Sampling


    Lu, Xiuyuan; Van Roy, Benjamin


    Thompson sampling has emerged as an effective heuristic for a broad range of online decision problems. In its basic form, the algorithm requires computing and sampling from a posterior distribution over models, which is tractable only for simple special cases. This paper develops ensemble sampling, which aims to approximate Thompson sampling while maintaining tractability even in the face of complex models such as neural networks. Ensemble sampling dramatically expands on the range of applica...

  15. Outils et leviers pour favoriser le développement d'une génétique animale adaptée aux enjeux de l'agroécologie : Rapport final de l’étude n° SSP-2014-061


    Phocas, Florence; Belloc, Catherine; Delaby, Luc; Dourmad, Jean-Yves; Ducrot, Christian; Dumont, Bertrand; Ezanno, Pauline; Foucras, Gilles; González García, Eliel; Hazard, Dominique; Lamothe, Laurence; Larzul, Catherine; Mignon-Grasteau, Sandrine; Moreno, Carole; Tixier-Boichard, Michele


    Le néologisme « agro-écologie » est apparu dans la littérature dans les années 30, d’abord pour désigner une discipline scientifique au carrefour de l’écologie et de l’agronomie, puis à partir des années 70 un ensemble de pratiques et un mouvement social en réaction à l’intensification de l’agriculture (Wezel et al., 2009). Francis et al. (2003) ont encore élargi cette définition en considérant l’ensemble des dimensions environnementales et socio-économiques à l’échelle des filières. Dans son...

  16. Informatisation de la gestion des compétences : évaluation de la démarche dans une collectivité territoriale


    Bachelet, Catherine; Galey, Béatrice


    Notion répandue mais difficile à cerner, la gestion des compétences peut être définie comme une instrumentation sur laquelle les acteurs professionnels de la GRH se fondent pour instruire leurs décisions de gestion (Gilbert, 2003). Constituée d'un « ensemble de pratiques visant à acquérir, stimuler et réguler les compétences des salariés » (Defélix et Retour, 2003), elle permet d'améliorer l'adéquation entre les compétences nécessaires et les compétences disponibles, pour optimiser la compéti...

  17. EnsembleGASVR: A novel ensemble method for classifying missense single nucleotide polymorphisms

    KAUST Repository

    Rapakoulia, Trisevgeni; Theofilatos, Konstantinos A.; Kleftogiannis, Dimitrios A.; Likothanasis, Spiridon D.; Tsakalidis, Athanasios K.; Mavroudi, Seferina P.


    do not support their predictions with confidence scores. Results: To overcome these limitations, a novel ensemble computational methodology is proposed. EnsembleGASVR facilitates a twostep algorithm, which in its first step applies a novel

  18. EnsembleGraph: Interactive Visual Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Behavior for Ensemble Simulation Data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shu, Qingya; Guo, Hanqi; Che, Limei; Yuan, Xiaoru; Liu, Junfeng; Liang, Jie


    We present a novel visualization framework—EnsembleGraph— for analyzing ensemble simulation data, in order to help scientists understand behavior similarities between ensemble members over space and time. A graph-based representation is used to visualize individual spatiotemporal regions with similar behaviors, which are extracted by hierarchical clustering algorithms. A user interface with multiple-linked views is provided, which enables users to explore, locate, and compare regions that have similar behaviors between and then users can investigate and analyze the selected regions in detail. The driving application of this paper is the studies on regional emission influences over tropospheric ozone, which is based on ensemble simulations conducted with different anthropogenic emission absences using the MOZART-4 (model of ozone and related tracers, version 4) model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by visualizing the MOZART-4 ensemble simulation data and evaluating the relative regional emission influences on tropospheric ozone concentrations. Positive feedbacks from domain experts and two case studies prove efficiency of our method.

  19. Xanthomatose normolipidemique a localisation nasale chez une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Introduction : Exposer un cas de xanthomatose normolipidémique. Observation : il s'agit d'une adolescente de 18 ans qui a présenté une masse des cavités nasales dont le bilan paraclinique a plaidé en faveur d'un xanthogranulome juvénile. L'évolution à court terme a été satisfaisante après l'exérèse chirurgicale par une ...

  20. Impacts of calibration strategies and ensemble methods on ensemble flood forecasting over Lanjiang basin, Southeast China (United States)

    Liu, Li; Xu, Yue-Ping


    Ensemble flood forecasting driven by numerical weather prediction products is becoming more commonly used in operational flood forecasting applications.In this study, a hydrological ensemble flood forecasting system based on Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model and quantitative precipitation forecasts from TIGGE dataset is constructed for Lanjiang Basin, Southeast China. The impacts of calibration strategies and ensemble methods on the performance of the system are then evaluated.The hydrological model is optimized by parallel programmed ɛ-NSGAII multi-objective algorithm and two respectively parameterized models are determined to simulate daily flows and peak flows coupled with a modular approach.The results indicatethat the ɛ-NSGAII algorithm permits more efficient optimization and rational determination on parameter setting.It is demonstrated that the multimodel ensemble streamflow mean have better skills than the best singlemodel ensemble mean (ECMWF) and the multimodel ensembles weighted on members and skill scores outperform other multimodel ensembles. For typical flood event, it is proved that the flood can be predicted 3-4 days in advance, but the flows in rising limb can be captured with only 1-2 days ahead due to the flash feature. With respect to peak flows selected by Peaks Over Threshold approach, the ensemble means from either singlemodel or multimodels are generally underestimated as the extreme values are smoothed out by ensemble process.

  1. The canonical ensemble redefined - 1: Formalism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venkataraman, R.


    For studying the thermodynamic properties of systems we propose an ensemble that lies in between the familiar canonical and microcanonical ensembles. We point out the transition from the canonical to microcanonical ensemble and prove from a comparative study that all these ensembles do not yield the same results even in the thermodynamic limit. An investigation of the coupling between two or more systems with these ensembles suggests that the state of thermodynamical equilibrium is a special case of statistical equilibrium. (author)

  2. Une analyse éthique appropriée s'impose. (United States)

    Flaming, Don


    Les leaders en santé gèrent de nombreux types de risques. Le risque éthique associé aux multiples projets et activités, réalisés régulièrement hors du secteur de la recherche, est probablement négligé (p. ex., évaluation de programmes, amélioration de la qualité et innovation en santé). La mise en application de l'éthique clinique, personnelle, professionnelle et organisationnelle peut contribuer à atténuer les risques, mais ensemble ou séparément, ces divers types d'éthique ne suffisent pas. Chaque type de projet ou d'activité doit être assorti d'une analyse éthique qui lui est adaptée. Les leaders en santé doivent d'abord prendre conscience du fait que de nombreuses activités réalisées au sein de leur organisation comportent un risque éthique, puis soutenir les divers types d'analyse éthique nécessaires pour bien protéger et respecter les individus et leurs renseignements personnels.

  3. Migration d'une broche dans le canal médullaire cervical après une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Migration d'une broche dans le canal médullaire cervical après une ostéosynthèse de l'articulation acromio-claviculaire. Bah Aliou, El Alaoui Adil. Abstract. We report the case of a 49 year-old right-handed chef with left shoulder trauma occurred during a football game. The diagnosis was fracture of the distal quarter of ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    en ressources naturelles ont enregistré des performances économiques, moins bonnes par .... de gestion», à financer des augmentations de salaires; augmentations qui, très ... entreprises), dans la mesure où, d'une façon générale, elle introduit une plus .... Outre le contrôle strict de la création monétaire, un autre élément.

  5. Ensemble methods for handwritten digit recognition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Kai; Liisberg, Christian; Salamon, P.


    Neural network ensembles are applied to handwritten digit recognition. The individual networks of the ensemble are combinations of sparse look-up tables (LUTs) with random receptive fields. It is shown that the consensus of a group of networks outperforms the best individual of the ensemble....... It is further shown that it is possible to estimate the ensemble performance as well as the learning curve on a medium-size database. In addition the authors present preliminary analysis of experiments on a large database and show that state-of-the-art performance can be obtained using the ensemble approach...... by optimizing the receptive fields. It is concluded that it is possible to improve performance significantly by introducing moderate-size ensembles; in particular, a 20-25% improvement has been found. The ensemble random LUTs, when trained on a medium-size database, reach a performance (without rejects) of 94...

  6. Eigenfunction statistics of Wishart Brownian ensembles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shukla, Pragya


    We theoretically analyze the eigenfunction fluctuation measures for a Hermitian ensemble which appears as an intermediate state of the perturbation of a stationary ensemble by another stationary ensemble of Wishart (Laguerre) type. Similar to the perturbation by a Gaussian stationary ensemble, the measures undergo a diffusive dynamics in terms of the perturbation parameter but the energy-dependence of the fluctuations is different in the two cases. This may have important consequences for the eigenfunction dynamics as well as phase transition studies in many areas of complexity where Brownian ensembles appear. (paper)

  7. Measuring social interaction in music ensembles. (United States)

    Volpe, Gualtiero; D'Ausilio, Alessandro; Badino, Leonardo; Camurri, Antonio; Fadiga, Luciano


    Music ensembles are an ideal test-bed for quantitative analysis of social interaction. Music is an inherently social activity, and music ensembles offer a broad variety of scenarios which are particularly suitable for investigation. Small ensembles, such as string quartets, are deemed a significant example of self-managed teams, where all musicians contribute equally to a task. In bigger ensembles, such as orchestras, the relationship between a leader (the conductor) and a group of followers (the musicians) clearly emerges. This paper presents an overview of recent research on social interaction in music ensembles with a particular focus on (i) studies from cognitive neuroscience; and (ii) studies adopting a computational approach for carrying out automatic quantitative analysis of ensemble music performances. © 2016 The Author(s).

  8. Une restauration « spectaculaire »

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muriel Verbeeck-Boutin


    Full Text Available Cet article replace dans le contexte d’une époque la restauration d’une Vierge à l’enfant par Joseph Van der Veken. Documentée par le commanditaire, l’intervention ne répondit pas à son attente et déboucha sur une dérestauration. Ce fait, loin d’être anecdotique, témoigne d’une mutation des mentalités et des sensibilités dans la première moitié du vingtième siècle, et de l’émergence d’une nouvelle conception de la restauration.This article replaces the restoration of a Madonna and Child by Joseph Van der Vecken within the context of a period.Documented by the patron, the intervention did not meet his expectations and resulted in a de-restoration. This fact, far from being anecdotic, is proof of the change in mentalities and sensitivities in the first half of the twentieth century and of the emergence of a new concept of restoration

  9. Joys of Community Ensemble Playing: The Case of the Happy Roll Elastic Ensemble in Taiwan (United States)

    Hsieh, Yuan-Mei; Kao, Kai-Chi


    The Happy Roll Elastic Ensemble (HREE) is a community music ensemble supported by Tainan Culture Centre in Taiwan. With enjoyment and friendship as its primary goals, it aims to facilitate the joys of ensemble playing and the spirit of social networking. This article highlights the key aspects of HREE's development in its first two years…

  10. Ensemble Data Mining Methods (United States)

    Oza, Nikunj C.


    Ensemble Data Mining Methods, also known as Committee Methods or Model Combiners, are machine learning methods that leverage the power of multiple models to achieve better prediction accuracy than any of the individual models could on their own. The basic goal when designing an ensemble is the same as when establishing a committee of people: each member of the committee should be as competent as possible, but the members should be complementary to one another. If the members are not complementary, Le., if they always agree, then the committee is unnecessary---any one member is sufficient. If the members are complementary, then when one or a few members make an error, the probability is high that the remaining members can correct this error. Research in ensemble methods has largely revolved around designing ensembles consisting of competent yet complementary models.

  11. Gridded Calibration of Ensemble Wind Vector Forecasts Using Ensemble Model Output Statistics (United States)

    Lazarus, S. M.; Holman, B. P.; Splitt, M. E.


    A computationally efficient method is developed that performs gridded post processing of ensemble wind vector forecasts. An expansive set of idealized WRF model simulations are generated to provide physically consistent high resolution winds over a coastal domain characterized by an intricate land / water mask. Ensemble model output statistics (EMOS) is used to calibrate the ensemble wind vector forecasts at observation locations. The local EMOS predictive parameters (mean and variance) are then spread throughout the grid utilizing flow-dependent statistical relationships extracted from the downscaled WRF winds. Using data withdrawal and 28 east central Florida stations, the method is applied to one year of 24 h wind forecasts from the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS). Compared to the raw GEFS, the approach improves both the deterministic and probabilistic forecast skill. Analysis of multivariate rank histograms indicate the post processed forecasts are calibrated. Two downscaling case studies are presented, a quiescent easterly flow event and a frontal passage. Strengths and weaknesses of the approach are presented and discussed.

  12. L’ensemble du Main Building au CERN à Genève, Peter Steiger et Rudolf Steiger architectes, Carl Hubacher, Fietz et Hauri ingénieurs, 1954-1960 recommandations pour une réhabilitation

    CERN Document Server

    Wohlschlag, Jérôme; Marino, Giulia

    Les bâtiments qui ont écrit l’histoire de l’architecture moderne vivent une période décisive: souffrant de nombreux maux dus à leurs âges, d’une méconnaissance, et parfois même d’une certaine impopularité, les menaces sont de plus en plus concrètes: d’une transformation normative et inadaptée jusqu’à la démolition. Ces oeuvres représentent un réel patrimoine pour la collectivité, que les effets du temps ont fini par occulter. Le vieillissement et le pragmatisme quotidien transformant l’édifice, les qualités qui l’ont placé au statut qu’on lui a reconnu ne sont presque plus perceptibles. Pourtant, ces édifices recèlent un grand potentiel; pour les maîtres d’ouvrage au bénéfice d’un bien valorisé, exploité et emblématique d’une part; pour la société enrichissant son patrimoine culturel d’autre part; finalement pour les architectes comme moyen de connaissance, source d’inspiration et ressource professionnelle. Le site du CERN à Meyrin, de par son extrater...

  13. Ensembl 2002: accommodating comparative genomics. (United States)

    Clamp, M; Andrews, D; Barker, D; Bevan, P; Cameron, G; Chen, Y; Clark, L; Cox, T; Cuff, J; Curwen, V; Down, T; Durbin, R; Eyras, E; Gilbert, J; Hammond, M; Hubbard, T; Kasprzyk, A; Keefe, D; Lehvaslaiho, H; Iyer, V; Melsopp, C; Mongin, E; Pettett, R; Potter, S; Rust, A; Schmidt, E; Searle, S; Slater, G; Smith, J; Spooner, W; Stabenau, A; Stalker, J; Stupka, E; Ureta-Vidal, A; Vastrik, I; Birney, E


    The Ensembl ( database project provides a bioinformatics framework to organise biology around the sequences of large genomes. It is a comprehensive source of stable automatic annotation of human, mouse and other genome sequences, available as either an interactive web site or as flat files. Ensembl also integrates manually annotated gene structures from external sources where available. As well as being one of the leading sources of genome annotation, Ensembl is an open source software engineering project to develop a portable system able to handle very large genomes and associated requirements. These range from sequence analysis to data storage and visualisation and installations exist around the world in both companies and at academic sites. With both human and mouse genome sequences available and more vertebrate sequences to follow, many of the recent developments in Ensembl have focusing on developing automatic comparative genome analysis and visualisation.

  14. The classicality and quantumness of a quantum ensemble

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Xuanmin; Pang Shengshi; Wu Shengjun; Liu Quanhui


    In this Letter, we investigate the classicality and quantumness of a quantum ensemble. We define a quantity called ensemble classicality based on classical cloning strategy (ECCC) to characterize how classical a quantum ensemble is. An ensemble of commuting states has a unit ECCC, while a general ensemble can have a ECCC less than 1. We also study how quantum an ensemble is by defining a related quantity called quantumness. We find that the classicality of an ensemble is closely related to how perfectly the ensemble can be cloned, and that the quantumness of the ensemble used in a quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol is exactly the attainable lower bound of the error rate in the sifted key. - Highlights: → A quantity is defined to characterize how classical a quantum ensemble is. → The classicality of an ensemble is closely related to the cloning performance. → Another quantity is also defined to investigate how quantum an ensemble is. → This quantity gives the lower bound of the error rate in a QKD protocol.

  15. Ostéo arthrite tuberculeuse de la cheville et spondylodiscite: une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La TDM et l'IRM rachidienne (A, B, C, D) ont montré: une collection épidurale en regard de D3D4D5D6, une destruction vertébrale de D4 avec recul du mur postérieur responsable d'une déformation dorsale avec compression médullaire, une atteinte D8D9D10D11D12 avec présence d'une collection intra-osseuse, une ...

  16. Restauration et traduction : une question de philosophie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pierre Leveau


    Full Text Available On peut faire de la restauration une mission de service public, ou une entreprise privée soumise à la loi du marché. Quel sens donner à cette activité ? Philosophiquement, la méthodologie est à réinventer. L’auteur propose pour cela de définir la restauration comme une traduction, c’est-à-dire une transmission en même temps qu’une transaction. Il formule cette hypothèse en engageant un dialogue entre le réalisme et le constructionnalisme.The conservation can be viewed as a public service and also as an economical activity. How to understand such a pratice ? From a philosophical standpoint, this question is methologically challenging. The author claims that conservation can be defined as a translation, i.e. as a transmission and a transaction. He tests this hypothesis through a confrontation between realism and constructionism.

  17. Quand la biopsie cutanee peut etiqueter une epilepsie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taoufiq Harmouch


    Full Text Available La maladie de Lafora (ML represente une forme rare et grave d�epilepsie myoclonique progressive. C�est une affection a transmission autosomique recessive, heterogene sur le plan genetique. Nous rapportons le cas d�une adolescente de 16 ans, issue de parents consanguins de premier degre, qui presente depuis l�age de 14 ans des crises d�epilepsie et des myoclonies. L'examen neurologique a montre un syndrome cerebelleux et une deterioration intellectuelle. La biopsie cutanee etait indispensable pour orienter le diagnostic. La ML a un pronostic constamment fatal. L�etude histologique confirme le diagnostic et l�etude moleculaire peut aider a etablir un conseil genetique.

  18. Insuffler une énergie nouvelle : donner une voix et une visibilité aux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 oct. 2010 ... J'ai accepté, car cette méthode nous permettait de tenir une véritable consultation auprès des jeunes du Brésil. CRDI – Pouvez-vous nous expliquer en quoi consiste cette méthode ? Grzybowski – Les sondages d'opinion sont importants, mais c'est un peu comme si on tâtait le pouls d'un patient. De même ...

  19. The semantic similarity ensemble

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    Andrea Ballatore


    Full Text Available Computational measures of semantic similarity between geographic terms provide valuable support across geographic information retrieval, data mining, and information integration. To date, a wide variety of approaches to geo-semantic similarity have been devised. A judgment of similarity is not intrinsically right or wrong, but obtains a certain degree of cognitive plausibility, depending on how closely it mimics human behavior. Thus selecting the most appropriate measure for a specific task is a significant challenge. To address this issue, we make an analogy between computational similarity measures and soliciting domain expert opinions, which incorporate a subjective set of beliefs, perceptions, hypotheses, and epistemic biases. Following this analogy, we define the semantic similarity ensemble (SSE as a composition of different similarity measures, acting as a panel of experts having to reach a decision on the semantic similarity of a set of geographic terms. The approach is evaluated in comparison to human judgments, and results indicate that an SSE performs better than the average of its parts. Although the best member tends to outperform the ensemble, all ensembles outperform the average performance of each ensemble's member. Hence, in contexts where the best measure is unknown, the ensemble provides a more cognitively plausible approach.

  20. Quantum ensembles of quantum classifiers. (United States)

    Schuld, Maria; Petruccione, Francesco


    Quantum machine learning witnesses an increasing amount of quantum algorithms for data-driven decision making, a problem with potential applications ranging from automated image recognition to medical diagnosis. Many of those algorithms are implementations of quantum classifiers, or models for the classification of data inputs with a quantum computer. Following the success of collective decision making with ensembles in classical machine learning, this paper introduces the concept of quantum ensembles of quantum classifiers. Creating the ensemble corresponds to a state preparation routine, after which the quantum classifiers are evaluated in parallel and their combined decision is accessed by a single-qubit measurement. This framework naturally allows for exponentially large ensembles in which - similar to Bayesian learning - the individual classifiers do not have to be trained. As an example, we analyse an exponentially large quantum ensemble in which each classifier is weighed according to its performance in classifying the training data, leading to new results for quantum as well as classical machine learning.

  1. Témoignages religieux de la Grande Guerre

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    Claude Aliquot


    Full Text Available Dans le département de l’Ariège, parmi les objets retenus récemment pour une protection au titre des Monuments historiques, deux ensembles relativement rares ont été remarqués :- une chapelle d’aumônier militaire,- une valise de prêtre soldat.Origine de ces ensemblesCes ensembles ont deux origines :- le Service de l’Intendance des armées,- l’association : « L’œuvre des campagnes ».Chapelle d’aumônier militaireEn ce début du XXe siècle, les relations entre l’Église catholique et le Gouvernemen...

  2. Le soja local en Allemagne, une demande soutenue, une offre qui s’étoffe

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    Recknagel Jürgen


    Full Text Available Depuis 2009, la sole de soja ne cesse d’augmenter en Allemagne, surtout dans le sud du pays mais aussi à l’est et un peu partout dans les régions au climat propice. Un programme national a permis de créer les références nécessaires pour un conseil qualifié apporté aux agriculteurs via un réseau de développement. Ainsi toute une filière soja est déjà bien avancée dans le sud et en cours de mise en place dans le reste du pays, pour organiser la collecte auprès des producteurs et obtenir une offre groupée pour les transformateurs pour l’alimentation animale et humaine. Le soja allemand ne veut pas rivaliser avec le soja OGM ni pour instant avec le soja non-OGM des Amériques mais vise plutôt les filières courtes régionales et le marché bio qui est encore plus déficitaire en auto-approvisionnement que le conventionnel. Avec 10 000 ha en 2014, dont 25 % en bio, le soja en Allemagne est encore loin de la surface du maïs grain (2008–2014 autour de 500 000 ha. En pratique, 20 % de ces surfaces de maïs au climat a priori propice pourraient représenter le potentiel réel pour le soja en Allemagne, sous condition de prix garantissant une rentabilité suffisante par rapport aux autres grandes cultures. Pour les programmes non-OGM des grands distributeurs, il faut de toute façon une base de production élargie comme celle proposée par l’initiative Danube-Soja, qui dans une version Europe-Soja engloberait aussi la France. Avec le verdissement de la PAC et la montée du cours du Dollar par rapport à l’Euro, les perspectives pour une augmentation de la surface de production de soja en Allemagne et en Europe paraissent bonnes. Maintenant il faut travailler sur les débouchés pour garantir l’absorption de la production grandissante par les marchés et les consommateurs à tous les niveaux : régional, national et européen.

  3. Le microdosage des engrais, une innovation qui profite aux femmes

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    non seulement une diminution de leurs revenus, mais doivent aussi composer avec une pénurie chronique de céréales. Au Niger, par exemple, 2,5 millions de personnes ont eu besoin d'une aide alimentaire en 2005, par suite d'une grave sécheresse (PAM, 2010). Cette situation s'est reproduite en 2010, la mauvaise.

  4. Musical ensembles in Ancient Mesapotamia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krispijn, T.J.H.; Dumbrill, R.; Finkel, I.


    Identification of musical instruments from ancient Mesopotamia by comparing musical ensembles attested in Sumerian and Akkadian texts with depicted ensembles. Lexicographical contributions to the Sumerian and Akkadian lexicon.

  5. PSO-Ensemble Demo Application

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Within the framework of the PSO-Ensemble project (FU2101) a demo application has been created. The application use ECMWF ensemble forecasts. Two instances of the application are running; one for Nysted Offshore and one for the total production (except Horns Rev) in the Eltra area. The output...

  6. Multilevel ensemble Kalman filter

    KAUST Repository

    Chernov, Alexey; Hoel, Haakon; Law, Kody; Nobile, Fabio; Tempone, Raul


    This work embeds a multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) sampling strategy into the Monte Carlo step of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). In terms of computational cost vs. approximation error the asymptotic performance of the multilevel ensemble Kalman filter (MLEnKF) is superior to the EnKF s.

  7. Multilevel ensemble Kalman filter

    KAUST Repository

    Chernov, Alexey


    This work embeds a multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) sampling strategy into the Monte Carlo step of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). In terms of computational cost vs. approximation error the asymptotic performance of the multilevel ensemble Kalman filter (MLEnKF) is superior to the EnKF s.

  8. Multi-Model Ensemble Wake Vortex Prediction (United States)

    Koerner, Stephan; Holzaepfel, Frank; Ahmad, Nash'at N.


    Several multi-model ensemble methods are investigated for predicting wake vortex transport and decay. This study is a joint effort between National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt to develop a multi-model ensemble capability using their wake models. An overview of different multi-model ensemble methods and their feasibility for wake applications is presented. The methods include Reliability Ensemble Averaging, Bayesian Model Averaging, and Monte Carlo Simulations. The methodologies are evaluated using data from wake vortex field experiments.

  9. Ensemble-based Kalman Filters in Strongly Nonlinear Dynamics

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Zhaoxia PU; Joshua HACKER


    This study examines the effectiveness of ensemble Kalman filters in data assimilation with the strongly nonlinear dynamics of the Lorenz-63 model, and in particular their use in predicting the regime transition that occurs when the model jumps from one basin of attraction to the other. Four configurations of the ensemble-based Kalman filtering data assimilation techniques, including the ensemble Kalman filter, ensemble adjustment Kalman filter, ensemble square root filter and ensemble transform Kalman filter, are evaluated with their ability in predicting the regime transition (also called phase transition) and also are compared in terms of their sensitivity to both observational and sampling errors. The sensitivity of each ensemble-based filter to the size of the ensemble is also examined.

  10. Monthly ENSO Forecast Skill and Lagged Ensemble Size (United States)

    Trenary, L.; DelSole, T.; Tippett, M. K.; Pegion, K.


    The mean square error (MSE) of a lagged ensemble of monthly forecasts of the Niño 3.4 index from the Climate Forecast System (CFSv2) is examined with respect to ensemble size and configuration. Although the real-time forecast is initialized 4 times per day, it is possible to infer the MSE for arbitrary initialization frequency and for burst ensembles by fitting error covariances to a parametric model and then extrapolating to arbitrary ensemble size and initialization frequency. Applying this method to real-time forecasts, we find that the MSE consistently reaches a minimum for a lagged ensemble size between one and eight days, when four initializations per day are included. This ensemble size is consistent with the 8-10 day lagged ensemble configuration used operationally. Interestingly, the skill of both ensemble configurations is close to the estimated skill of the infinite ensemble. The skill of the weighted, lagged, and burst ensembles are found to be comparable. Certain unphysical features of the estimated error growth were tracked down to problems with the climatology and data discontinuities.

  11. Les certifications en Espagnol Langue Étrangère sur le marché français


    Meléndez Quero, Carlos


    Dans un contexte difficile, marqué par les contradictions des discours officiels exigeant des lauréats aux concours de recrutement des personnels enseignants des premier et second degrés l’obtention d’un certificat de langue étrangère de niveau B2 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues, cet article présente une comparaison des quatre certifications acceptées actuellement par le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale pour attester de la compétence en langue espagnole (CLES, DCL, BU...

  12. Autostéréogramme d'une montagne gaussienne -utilisant une structure paradoxale périodique comme texture de camouflage-


    Colonna , Jean-François


    Autostereogram -using a periodical paradoxal structure as a desguise texture- with an hidden gaussian mountain (Autostéréogramme d'une montagne gaussienne -utilisant une structure paradoxale périodique comme texture de camouflage-)

  13. Auto adaptation incluant une double mobilité logicielle et physique ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dans ce papier, nous étudions les possibilités d'auto adaptation que pourrait offrir un calcul réparti incluant une double mobilité : d'une part une mobilité physique des sites supports d'exécution et, d'autre part, une mobilité des composants logiciels métiers ou clients. Cette mobilité de niveau logiciel est envisagée dans le ...

  14. Représenter les lieux et les populations dans une colonie de peuplement: un siècle de recensements sud-africains / Mapping places and people in a settler society: From discrepancy to good fit over one century of South African censuses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frédéric Giraut


    Full Text Available Depuis plus d'un siècle, l'Afrique du Sud a connu une remarquable série de recensements. Ceux-ci enregistrent la dynamique du peuplement dans le cadre de catégories socio-spatiales changeantes et liées aux représentations et projets successifs: coloniaux, d'apartheid et post-apartheid. Les premiers recensements proposaient une hiérarchisation des lieux typiques d'une colonie de peuplement. Le mouvement d'urbanisation, impliquant les populations non européennes, s'est traduit par l'évolution de la représentation officielle avec une reconnaissance progressive de localités autochtones. Sur un siècle, la géographie officielle des lieux de peuplement sud-africains est passée d'une perspective de société de pionniers à une perspective postcoloniale reconnaissant l'ensemble des communautés à travers leurs espaces.The dynamics of population and urbanization in South Africa have been recorded by a remarkable set of censuses during the 20th century. These censuses indicate a changing hierarchy of places that is typical of a settler society and of its representations of space and society. Over one century, the official census places and the pattern of population distribution have shifted from a selective colonial view of human settlements to an inclusive postcolonial society view closer to the distribution of the whole population.

  15. New technique for ensemble dressing combining Multimodel SuperEnsemble and precipitation PDF (United States)

    Cane, D.; Milelli, M.


    The Multimodel SuperEnsemble technique (Krishnamurti et al., Science 285, 1548-1550, 1999) is a postprocessing method for the estimation of weather forecast parameters reducing direct model output errors. It differs from other ensemble analysis techniques by the use of an adequate weighting of the input forecast models to obtain a combined estimation of meteorological parameters. Weights are calculated by least-square minimization of the difference between the model and the observed field during a so-called training period. Although it can be applied successfully on the continuous parameters like temperature, humidity, wind speed and mean sea level pressure (Cane and Milelli, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 15, 2, 2006), the Multimodel SuperEnsemble gives good results also when applied on the precipitation, a parameter quite difficult to handle with standard post-processing methods. Here we present our methodology for the Multimodel precipitation forecasts applied on a wide spectrum of results over Piemonte very dense non-GTS weather station network. We will focus particularly on an accurate statistical method for bias correction and on the ensemble dressing in agreement with the observed precipitation forecast-conditioned PDF. Acknowledgement: this work is supported by the Italian Civil Defence Department.

  16. Le mélanome malin: une tumeur rare des fosses nasales - à propos d'une série de 10 cas (United States)

    Errachdi, Amal; Epala, Brice Nkoua; Asabbane, Amal; Kabbali, Naoual; Hemmich, Mariem; Kebdani, Tayeb; Benjaafar, Noureddine


    Le mélanome malin des fosses nasales est une tumeur rare mais très agressive, de traitement complexe et de pronostic défavorable. Son traitement relève en principe d'une prise en charge essentiellement chirurgicale complétée par une radiothérapie. L'objectif de ce travail est de rapporter les caractéristiques cliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutives des mélanomes des fosses nasales. Nous avons analysé rétrospectivement 10 cas de mélanomes des fosses nasales suivis à l'institut national d'oncologie de Rabat. La rhinoscopie avec biopsie a permis la confirmation histologique du diagnostic de mélanome. Le bilan d'extension comprenait une tomodensitométrie ou imagerie par résonnance magnétique du massif facial, une radiographie thoracique et une échographie abdominale. Dans notre série, l’âge médian était de 67.5 ans, avec une prédominance féminine (7femmes et 3hommes). Le délai médian de découverte était de 6 mois. Deux patients étaient métastatiques d'emblée, et toutes les tumeurs étaient localement avancées au moment du diagnostic. Sept patients ont été opérés avec des limites chirurgicales envahies dans 2 cas et 3 patients étaient inopérables. 2 patients ont été irradiés après la chirurgie et 2 patients ont reçu une chimiothérapie arrêtée au moment de la progression. Deux patients ont récidivé après traitement, et un patient était en mauvais état général et a bénéficié uniquement de soins palliatifs. Tous les patients sont décédés avec un délai médian de survie de 12 mois. Le mélanome malin muqueux des fosses nasales, bien que rare, demeure une pathologie de pronostic défavorable et pose des problèmes de prise en charge. PMID:25404963

  17. Dénomination de groupes sociaux : approche sémantique et discursive d’une catégorie de noms propres*

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    Lecolle Michelle


    Full Text Available Associant des perspectives sémantique et discursive, l’article s’attache à la description et à la caractérisation des dénominations de groupes sociaux constitués (partis politiques, syndicats, associations, groupes culturels – Parti Radical, Confédération paysanne, Génération précaire, Orchestre philarmonique de Berlin, qu’il envisage comme une catégorie de noms propres : des « noms propres collectifs » (Npr-coll. Ces dénominations ont en commun des spécificités sur le plan formel – s’ils sont polylexicaux, ils ont une syntaxe interne et, souvent, un sens compositionnel –, sur les plans sémantique et référentiel – ce sont des noms collectifs (Ncoll, et leur référent est un groupe humain, constitué selon un but commun –, et sur le plan socio-discursif – leur référent a un statut institutionnel et « public », et le Npr-coll est choisi par les membres du groupe, en adéquation avec ce statut, pour manifester une identité. Ces caractéristiques font de ces objets linguistiques des noms propres atypiques. Une première partie rappelle quelques éléments de la sémantique des Ncoll, caractérisée par l’existence de deux niveaux, celui du groupe constitué et celui de l’ensemble des individus le composant ; puis est proposé un inventaire d’exemples de quatre catégories de Npr-coll. Une deuxième partie discute du statut théorique de ces dénominations dans le cadre des approches du Npr, en lien avec leur sens collectif d’une part et, d’autre part, avec leur transparence descriptive – leur motivation. Puis nous examinons, en termes de processus, le cas de la nomination de groupes qui apparaissent sur la scène publique et s’y stabiliseront (peut-être – e.g. les Indignés. Une troisième partie se centre sur la motivation des Npr-coll. Cette question est abordée du point de vue des enjeux socio-discursifs de la nomination, puis d’un point de vue linguistique : nous explorons l

  18. Vers une vision surnaturelle de la folie

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    Mabel Franzone


    Full Text Available A partir de la difficile notion de "folie", il s’agit d’aller vers l’exclusion dont cette maladie a fait l’objet dans le système occidental moderne. Un autre traitement de la maladie mentale se fait jour avec des penseurs contemporains, la résurgence d’autres cosmovisions et de philosophies anciennes. Ainsi les délires mystique, paranoïaque, schizophrénique peuvent être étudiés d’une part comme des ruptures de limites, d’autre part comme une mise en relation du corps avec l’esprit. Entre les deux, le langage fait oeuvre de trait d’union, langage qui, chez les malades, dénote une créativité, la poésie. Si cette poésie permet une sortie, une explosion des limites de la réalité vers des régions inconnues, peut-être peut-on voir la folie comme un déséquilibre par rapport au monde, au cosmos même, déséquilibre qui peut être traité en responsabilisant l’homme, en le pensant, en le mettant en question. De ce point de vue, la folie ressort comme quelque chose de positif, comme l’un des thèmes qui nous repositionnera face au monde, en mettant à notre portée d’autres ontologies.

  19. A Theoretical Analysis of Why Hybrid Ensembles Work

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    Kuo-Wei Hsu


    Full Text Available Inspired by the group decision making process, ensembles or combinations of classifiers have been found favorable in a wide variety of application domains. Some researchers propose to use the mixture of two different types of classification algorithms to create a hybrid ensemble. Why does such an ensemble work? The question remains. Following the concept of diversity, which is one of the fundamental elements of the success of ensembles, we conduct a theoretical analysis of why hybrid ensembles work, connecting using different algorithms to accuracy gain. We also conduct experiments on classification performance of hybrid ensembles of classifiers created by decision tree and naïve Bayes classification algorithms, each of which is a top data mining algorithm and often used to create non-hybrid ensembles. Therefore, through this paper, we provide a complement to the theoretical foundation of creating and using hybrid ensembles.

  20. Effect of land model ensemble versus coupled model ensemble on the simulation of precipitation climatology and variability (United States)

    Wei, Jiangfeng; Dirmeyer, Paul A.; Yang, Zong-Liang; Chen, Haishan


    Through a series of model simulations with an atmospheric general circulation model coupled to three different land surface models, this study investigates the impacts of land model ensembles and coupled model ensemble on precipitation simulation. It is found that coupling an ensemble of land models to an atmospheric model has a very minor impact on the improvement of precipitation climatology and variability, but a simple ensemble average of the precipitation from three individually coupled land-atmosphere models produces better results, especially for precipitation variability. The generally weak impact of land processes on precipitation should be the main reason that the land model ensembles do not improve precipitation simulation. However, if there are big biases in the land surface model or land surface data set, correcting them could improve the simulated climate, especially for well-constrained regional climate simulations.

  1. Une tumeur exceptionnelle du doigt: la tumeur fibreuse solitaire

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    Taoufiq Harmouch


    Full Text Available La tumeur Fibreuse solitaire (TFS est une proliferation fusocellulaire rare, souvent de localisation intrathoracique. Nous rapportons le cas d�une localisation exceptionnelle au niveau du 3eme doigt de la main droite. En l�absence de marqueur specifique l�interpretation de l�immunomarquage depend du contexte histomorphologique. La similitude avec les differents neoplasmes a cellules fusiformes des tissus mous rend le diagnostic de ces tumeurs mesenchymateuses difficile et tardif. Dans 20a 30 % des cas le comportement de la TFS est celui d�une tumeur maligne localement agressive et recidivante, avec des metastases rares et tardives. Ce comportement impose une surveillance prolongee apres exerese chirurgicale.

  2. Amartya Kumar Sen, La démocratie des autres. Pourquoi la liberté n’est pas une invention de l’Occident, traduit de l’américain par Monique Bégot, Paris, Payot et Rivages (Manuels Payot, 85 p., 10 euros.

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    Muriel Gilardone


    Full Text Available La démocratie est certainement le fil conducteur de l’ensemble de l’œuvre – a priori épars – de l’économiste et philosophe Amartya Sen. D’une part, sa foi en la démocratie apparaît comme la raison première de sa volonté de défier le « théorème d’impossibilité » établi par Kenneth Arrow au début des années cinquante, et comme une ligne directrice dans sa recherche en théorie du choix social. D’autre part, dans ses analyses de problèmes sociaux plus empiriques, comme la famine ou les inégalités...

  3. De l’approche communicative à une approche cognitive

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    YING Xiaohua


    Full Text Available Avec l’apparition de l’approche communicative, la centration de l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues se déplace de l’objet-langue aux pratiques de l’objet-langue, ce qui marque un tournant épistémologique dans l’histoire de l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues. En tant que successeur de l’approche communicative, la perspective actionnelle souligne, de plus, une activité pédagogique guidée par la tâche, ce qui la dote d’une dimension cognitive plus saillante. Une approche cognitive qui se focalise sur la résolution de problèmes et qui tient compte au plus près du processus d’apprentissage de l’apprenant a vu ainsi le jour récemment et indique une nouvelle perspective aux méthodologies de l’enseignement des langues.

  4. New concept of statistical ensembles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorenstein, M.I.


    An extension of the standard concept of the statistical ensembles is suggested. Namely, the statistical ensembles with extensive quantities fluctuating according to an externally given distribution is introduced. Applications in the statistical models of multiple hadron production in high energy physics are discussed.

  5. A class of energy-based ensembles in Tsallis statistics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandrashekar, R; Naina Mohammed, S S


    A comprehensive investigation is carried out on the class of energy-based ensembles. The eight ensembles are divided into two main classes. In the isothermal class of ensembles the individual members are at the same temperature. A unified framework is evolved to describe the four isothermal ensembles using the currently accepted third constraint formalism. The isothermal–isobaric, grand canonical and generalized ensembles are illustrated through a study of the classical nonrelativistic and extreme relativistic ideal gas models. An exact calculation is possible only in the case of the isothermal–isobaric ensemble. The study of the ideal gas models in the grand canonical and the generalized ensembles has been carried out using a perturbative procedure with the nonextensivity parameter (1 − q) as the expansion parameter. Though all the thermodynamic quantities have been computed up to a particular order in (1 − q) the procedure can be extended up to any arbitrary order in the expansion parameter. In the adiabatic class of ensembles the individual members of the ensemble have the same value of the heat function and a unified formulation to described all four ensembles is given. The nonrelativistic and the extreme relativistic ideal gases are studied in the isoenthalpic–isobaric ensemble, the adiabatic ensemble with number fluctuations and the adiabatic ensemble with number and particle fluctuations

  6. The Ensembl genome database project. (United States)

    Hubbard, T; Barker, D; Birney, E; Cameron, G; Chen, Y; Clark, L; Cox, T; Cuff, J; Curwen, V; Down, T; Durbin, R; Eyras, E; Gilbert, J; Hammond, M; Huminiecki, L; Kasprzyk, A; Lehvaslaiho, H; Lijnzaad, P; Melsopp, C; Mongin, E; Pettett, R; Pocock, M; Potter, S; Rust, A; Schmidt, E; Searle, S; Slater, G; Smith, J; Spooner, W; Stabenau, A; Stalker, J; Stupka, E; Ureta-Vidal, A; Vastrik, I; Clamp, M


    The Ensembl ( database project provides a bioinformatics framework to organise biology around the sequences of large genomes. It is a comprehensive source of stable automatic annotation of the human genome sequence, with confirmed gene predictions that have been integrated with external data sources, and is available as either an interactive web site or as flat files. It is also an open source software engineering project to develop a portable system able to handle very large genomes and associated requirements from sequence analysis to data storage and visualisation. The Ensembl site is one of the leading sources of human genome sequence annotation and provided much of the analysis for publication by the international human genome project of the draft genome. The Ensembl system is being installed around the world in both companies and academic sites on machines ranging from supercomputers to laptops.

  7. Advanced Atmospheric Ensemble Modeling Techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buckley, R. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Chiswell, S. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Kurzeja, R. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Maze, G. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Viner, B. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL); Werth, D. [Savannah River Site (SRS), Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River National Lab. (SRNL)


    Ensemble modeling (EM), the creation of multiple atmospheric simulations for a given time period, has become an essential tool for characterizing uncertainties in model predictions. We explore two novel ensemble modeling techniques: (1) perturbation of model parameters (Adaptive Programming, AP), and (2) data assimilation (Ensemble Kalman Filter, EnKF). The current research is an extension to work from last year and examines transport on a small spatial scale (<100 km) in complex terrain, for more rigorous testing of the ensemble technique. Two different release cases were studied, a coastal release (SF6) and an inland release (Freon) which consisted of two release times. Observations of tracer concentration and meteorology are used to judge the ensemble results. In addition, adaptive grid techniques have been developed to reduce required computing resources for transport calculations. Using a 20- member ensemble, the standard approach generated downwind transport that was quantitatively good for both releases; however, the EnKF method produced additional improvement for the coastal release where the spatial and temporal differences due to interior valley heating lead to the inland movement of the plume. The AP technique showed improvements for both release cases, with more improvement shown in the inland release. This research demonstrated that transport accuracy can be improved when models are adapted to a particular location/time or when important local data is assimilated into the simulation and enhances SRNL’s capability in atmospheric transport modeling in support of its current customer base and local site missions, as well as our ability to attract new customers within the intelligence community.

  8. Layered Ensemble Architecture for Time Series Forecasting. (United States)

    Rahman, Md Mustafizur; Islam, Md Monirul; Murase, Kazuyuki; Yao, Xin


    Time series forecasting (TSF) has been widely used in many application areas such as science, engineering, and finance. The phenomena generating time series are usually unknown and information available for forecasting is only limited to the past values of the series. It is, therefore, necessary to use an appropriate number of past values, termed lag, for forecasting. This paper proposes a layered ensemble architecture (LEA) for TSF problems. Our LEA consists of two layers, each of which uses an ensemble of multilayer perceptron (MLP) networks. While the first ensemble layer tries to find an appropriate lag, the second ensemble layer employs the obtained lag for forecasting. Unlike most previous work on TSF, the proposed architecture considers both accuracy and diversity of the individual networks in constructing an ensemble. LEA trains different networks in the ensemble by using different training sets with an aim of maintaining diversity among the networks. However, it uses the appropriate lag and combines the best trained networks to construct the ensemble. This indicates LEAs emphasis on accuracy of the networks. The proposed architecture has been tested extensively on time series data of neural network (NN)3 and NN5 competitions. It has also been tested on several standard benchmark time series data. In terms of forecasting accuracy, our experimental results have revealed clearly that LEA is better than other ensemble and nonensemble methods.

  9. 40 CFR 745.90 - Renovator certification and dust sampling technician certification. (United States)


    ... sampling technician certification. 745.90 Section 745.90 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION... technician certification. (a) Renovator certification and dust sampling technician certification. (1) To become a certified renovator or certified dust sampling technician, an individual must successfully...

  10. Optimistaion énergétique d'un ensemble industriel Energy Optimization of an Industrial Installation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raimbault C.


    Full Text Available Cet article porte sur la mise au point d'une méthode d'optimisation du système de production d'utilités d'un ensemble industriel et l'étude de dispositifs destinés à économiser l'énergie. Le programme d'optimisation fait appel à la programmation linéaire. Un programme générateur de matrice et un programme de traduction des résultats ont été mis au point. On dispose ainsi d'un programme d'optimisation adapté à tout système de production d'utilités. Différents dispositifs permettant d'économiser l'énergie ont été étudiés. L'étude a porté, d'une part, sur des dispositifs classiques tels que les dispositifs de récupération de chaleur sur les fumées et, d'autre part, sur des dispositifs nouveaux. Des solutions nouvelles ont été recherchées dans deux domaines qui sont apparus essentiels : production combinée de travail et de chaleur et valorisation de calories à bas niveau. Enfin la méthode d'optimisation a été appliquée au cas d'une raffinerie réelle dont l'étude avait été effectuée récemment. L'optimisation sur une base économique a permis de dégager une économie de 9,3 % sur la consommation d'énergie, mais a surtout démontré les larges possibilités de la méthode dans son application à un cas concret. This article describes the development of a method for optimizing utilities production systems for on industrial installation and the study of energy-saving systems. The optimization program makes use of linear programming. A matrix-generating program and a result-translating program were developed. The result is an optimization program suited for any utilities production system. Different energy-saving systems were examined, including conventional systems such as heat-recovery devices as well as new systems. New solutions were sought for in two fields which appear essential, i. e. the combined production of work and heat and the valorization of low-level calories. The optimization method was

  11. Business plan pour une application Smartphone : du concept au lancement


    Vriamont, Gilles


    Création d'une application mobile pour Smartphone. Description théorique concernant la rédaction d'un business plan dans une première partie suivi d'une description théorique des caractéristiques des applications mobiles. Dans une seconde partie, analyse de l'industrie des Smartphones et des applications mobiles suivi de la partie pratique et du développement du produit, partant de la description du produit jusqu'à l'analyse des coûts. Master [120] en Ingénieur de gestion, Université catho...

  12. Rotationally invariant family of Levy-like random matrix ensembles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Jinmyung; Muttalib, K A


    We introduce a family of rotationally invariant random matrix ensembles characterized by a parameter λ. While λ = 1 corresponds to well-known critical ensembles, we show that λ ≠ 1 describes 'Levy-like' ensembles, characterized by power-law eigenvalue densities. For λ > 1 the density is bounded, as in Gaussian ensembles, but λ < 1 describes ensembles characterized by densities with long tails. In particular, the model allows us to evaluate, in terms of a novel family of orthogonal polynomials, the eigenvalue correlations for Levy-like ensembles. These correlations differ qualitatively from those in either the Gaussian or the critical ensembles. (fast track communication)

  13. Envenimation mortelle par morsure de serpent chez une femme ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les auteurs rapportent un cas de morsure de serpent au niveau de la face chez une femme enceinte, dont l'évolution a été marquée par l'installation d'un oedème cervico-facial nécessitant une trachéotomie en urgence, et une mort foetale in utero avec troubles de l'hémostase responsable du décès maternel dans un ...

  14. Perspectives de la rupture quantique 2025-2050 : vers une interprétation quantique du Knowledge Marketing et une NBIC(Q)S Convergence


    CURBATOV, Oleg


    International audience; Perspectives de la rupture quantique 2025-2050 : vers une interprétation quantique du Knowledge Marketing et une NBIC(Q)S Convergence ----------------par Oleg Curbatov, chapitre d'ouvrage : « Knowledge Marketing : être compétent dans une économie compétitive », Impressum, 2015 ---------------------------- Les recherches qui ont été porté à la fois sur la connaissance du consommateur, la compétence du client et les situations de co-création, nous ont permis d " explorer...

  15. Diversity in random subspacing ensembles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tsymbal, A.; Pechenizkiy, M.; Cunningham, P.; Kambayashi, Y.; Mohania, M.K.; Wöß, W.


    Ensembles of learnt models constitute one of the main current directions in machine learning and data mining. It was shown experimentally and theoretically that in order for an ensemble to be effective, it should consist of classifiers having diversity in their predictions. A number of ways are

  16. Squeezing of Collective Excitations in Spin Ensembles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kraglund Andersen, Christian; Mølmer, Klaus


    We analyse the possibility to create two-mode spin squeezed states of two separate spin ensembles by inverting the spins in one ensemble and allowing spin exchange between the ensembles via a near resonant cavity field. We investigate the dynamics of the system using a combination of numerical an...

  17. AUC-Maximizing Ensembles through Metalearning. (United States)

    LeDell, Erin; van der Laan, Mark J; Petersen, Maya


    Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) is often used to measure the performance of an estimator in binary classification problems. An AUC-maximizing classifier can have significant advantages in cases where ranking correctness is valued or if the outcome is rare. In a Super Learner ensemble, maximization of the AUC can be achieved by the use of an AUC-maximining metalearning algorithm. We discuss an implementation of an AUC-maximization technique that is formulated as a nonlinear optimization problem. We also evaluate the effectiveness of a large number of different nonlinear optimization algorithms to maximize the cross-validated AUC of the ensemble fit. The results provide evidence that AUC-maximizing metalearners can, and often do, out-perform non-AUC-maximizing metalearning methods, with respect to ensemble AUC. The results also demonstrate that as the level of imbalance in the training data increases, the Super Learner ensemble outperforms the top base algorithm by a larger degree.

  18. Genèse d’une communauté virtuelle d’apprenants dans le cadre d’une démarche d’apprentissage collaboratif à distance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sylvie Grosjean


    Full Text Available L’objectif de cet article est de présenter une analyse du processus d’émergence d’une communauté virtuelle d’apprenants dans le cadre d’une démarche d’apprentissage collaboratif à distance. Par conséquent, nous proposons une analyse empirique de la phase initiale de développement d’une communauté virtuelle d’apprenants, que nous nommons la phase d’engagement, afin de mieux la décrire et la comprendre. Pour ce faire, nous procédons à une analyse des interactions communicatives entre étudiants en s'appuyant sur l’étude de formes langagières et instrumentées de communication s'accomplissant lors d’échanges asynchrones (via un forum de discussion. The aim of this article is to analyse the emergence of the learner’s virtual community by analysing the interactions between subjects communicating via a discussion forum. We propose an empirical analysis of the initial phase of development that we name the engagement phase in the collaborative online learning setting . We will present an empirical analysis of an interactive dynamic through the analysis of linguistic (electronic conversation and non linguistic (artefacts, intermediary objects forms of communication.

  19. Urban runoff forecasting with ensemble weather predictions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jonas Wied; Courdent, Vianney Augustin Thomas; Vezzaro, Luca

    This research shows how ensemble weather forecasts can be used to generate urban runoff forecasts up to 53 hours into the future. The results highlight systematic differences between ensemble members that needs to be accounted for when these forecasts are used in practice.......This research shows how ensemble weather forecasts can be used to generate urban runoff forecasts up to 53 hours into the future. The results highlight systematic differences between ensemble members that needs to be accounted for when these forecasts are used in practice....

  20. Fusillades scolaires : construction d’une catégorie et savoirs explicatifs d’une forme de violence juvénile


    Paton, Nathalie


    Dans cet article, l’auteure présente une revue de la littérature, sous deux angles complémentaires, concernant la notion de school shooting, c’est-à-dire les fusillades commises au sein des établissements scolaires par des élèves. Elle examine d’abord la manière dont la notion a été forgée aux États-Unis au sein des débats publics en relation à une autre forme de violence juvénile, celle des gangs des milieux populaires des grandes villes, avant de constituer une forme de violence autonome, s...

  1. « Foin de ma barbe, si je n’ t’arrange une djellaba bien à ta taille ! ». Aspects de la dispute en pays berbère

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claude Lefébure


    Full Text Available Le champ clos de l’injure en pays d’oralité, c’est la dispute, la querelle verbale. Considérant l’ensemble des principaux groupes de parlers berbères, l’article examine donc d’abord les vocables porteurs de l’idée d’« agresser par le verbe » pour aboutir à cette observation que, comme dans d’autres langues, d’une famille différente même, ils ont partie liée avec l’idée d’« entamer un derme ». La littérature orale insiste : l’apex, depuis la bouche, blesse plus durablement qu’une arme de fer. Puis trois courts textes dûs à des locuteurs originaires des Ayt Sadden au Maroc, des Ayt Frah dans l’Aurès, des Irjen en Kabylie, sont scrutés pour ce qu’ils révèlent de la dispute en milieu berbère : un échange de paroles débridées et de formules figées associées à une gestuelle, dont l’association véhicule la menace physique et l’agression morale. Le corps est omniprésent, l’individu rapporté le plus souvent à sa lignée. Certains jeux verbaux s’assortissant dans le même milieu d’adresses et d’imprécations injurieuses, l’article y lit, pour finir, une propédeutique à la domestication des affrontements verbaux.

  2. Climate certificates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Reduced emissions of climate gases at the lowest cost require international cooperation in order to ensure that the most cost-efficient measures are taken. A market for emission rights is one way of achieving this. However, creating the right conditions for such a market to operate requires an unambiguous definition of the product to be traded. In this PM, the Swedish Power Association sketches out how such a product could be defined, and how a market for the resulting unambiguously defined product could be operated internationally, in parallel with other markets for energy products. Trade in climate certificates could become a joint EU approach to achieving common results within the field of climate policy. The main features of the proposal are as follows: Electricity producers would be allowed to issue climate certificates for electricity produced without climate-affecting emissions, e.g. in wind power plants. 1 kWh of electricity produced without emissions would entitle the utility to issue a climate certificate for 1 kWh. Electricity from power stations having low emissions, e.g. modern natural gas-fired plants, would entitle the utility to issue certificates in proportion to how much lower their emissions were in comparison with those from conventional coal-fired power stations. The number of certificates would be reduced by an individual coefficient, related directly to the quantity of climate-affecting emissions from the plant concerned. They would be traded and noted on markets in the various member countries. The certificates would not be nationally restricted, but could be traded across borders. Exchanges would be authorised by national authorities, in accordance with overall EU directives. These authorised exchanges would act as certification bodies, checking that certificates had been properly issued in accordance with a corresponding volume of electricity production. Electricity and certificates could be purchased from different suppliers. The


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available L’objet de cette publication est de présenter une étude de la caractéristique courant-tension d’une cellule solaire organique à base d’un composite poly (2-methoxy-5-(2’- ethylhexyloxy-1, 4-phenylenevinylene (MEH-PPV avec [6, 6]-phenyl C60 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM en fonction de l’intensité d’illumination. La variation du photocourant, du facteur de forme, de la tension en circuit ouvert, du courant de saturation ainsi que de la puissance maximale de sortie sous différentes intensités lumineuses (100 mW/cm2, 60 mW/cm2 et 24 mW/cm2, sont examinés expérimentalement. Il est observé que pour des valeurs données de la résistance série et/ou la résistance shunt, le facteur de forme est déterminé par le courant inverse de saturation et le facteur d’idéalité de la cellule solaire. Les effets de ces composants, dans l’ensemble de performance photovoltaïque, sont discutés.

  4. Tumeur d'Abrikossoff juxta axillaire: une localisation rare d'une tumeur très rare, à propos d'un cas (United States)

    Amourak, Sarah; Bouzoubaa, Wael; Jayi, Sofia; Alaoui, Fatimazahra Fdili; Chaara, Hikmat; Melhouf, Moulay Abdelilah


    Décrite pour la première fois en 1926 par Abrikossoff, les tumeurs à cellules granuleuses (TCG) sont bénignes et uniques dans la grande majorité des cas. Les principales localisations sont la cavité orale, puis les tissus sous-cutanés de la tête et du cou et les seins. La pathogenèse a été longtemps débattue, après avoir proposé initialement une origine musculaire striée les études récentes sont en faveur d'une origine neurogène schwannienne confirmées par une étude immunohistochimique. Le traitement de la tumeur à cellules granuleuses est un traitement chirurgical, il permet un diagnostic de certitude par l'examen anatomo-pathologique de la pièce d'exérèse qui doit rechercher les limites d'exérèse et la présence de critères de malignité. Leur évolution est souvent favorable si la résection chirurgicale est complète. Nous rapportons ici le cas d'une tumeur d'Abrikossoff à localisation juxta axillaire et nous profitons de faire une revue de la littérature afin de mettre le point sur cette entité rare. PMID:26328001

  5. Interpréter la sériation des problèmes des Arithmétiques de Diophante : une forme de modélisation ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernard Alain


    Full Text Available Dans cette étude on propose une réflexion méthodologique sur une première tentative de rendre compte de la progressivité des premiers problèmes arithmétiques contenus dans le recueil ancien des Arithmétiques du à Diophante d'Alexandrie. On résume le principe du cadre analytique que Jean Christianidis et moi-même avons bâti pour rendre compte de cette progressivité, en le rapportant au questionnement initial qui l'a motivé. On montre en outre que l'intérêt de cette interprétation réside au moins autant dans ses succès (exhiber une forme de progressivité qui n'est pas évidente a priori que dans ses limites, dont l'identification conduit à explorer et définir de nouvelles pistes d'interprétation. L'ensemble de ce processus est finalement interprété comme un processus de modélisation, au sens où l'entend Willard McCarty dans son étude Humanities Computing(2005. Cette explicitation conduit également à distinguer différentes formes de sérialité, notamment déclarative (explicitée par Diophante, et reconstruite (via les cadres analytiques proposés : l'effort de modélisation vise précisément à réduire l'écart entre ces deux types.

  6. Multilevel ensemble Kalman filtering

    KAUST Repository

    Hoel, Haakon


    The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is a sequential filtering method that uses an ensemble of particle paths to estimate the means and covariances required by the Kalman filter by the use of sample moments, i.e., the Monte Carlo method. EnKF is often both robust and efficient, but its performance may suffer in settings where the computational cost of accurate simulations of particles is high. The multilevel Monte Carlo method (MLMC) is an extension of classical Monte Carlo methods which by sampling stochastic realizations on a hierarchy of resolutions may reduce the computational cost of moment approximations by orders of magnitude. In this work we have combined the ideas of MLMC and EnKF to construct the multilevel ensemble Kalman filter (MLEnKF) for the setting of finite dimensional state and observation spaces. The main ideas of this method is to compute particle paths on a hierarchy of resolutions and to apply multilevel estimators on the ensemble hierarchy of particles to compute Kalman filter means and covariances. Theoretical results and a numerical study of the performance gains of MLEnKF over EnKF will be presented. Some ideas on the extension of MLEnKF to settings with infinite dimensional state spaces will also be presented.

  7. Multilevel ensemble Kalman filtering

    KAUST Repository

    Hoel, Haakon; Chernov, Alexey; Law, Kody; Nobile, Fabio; Tempone, Raul


    The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is a sequential filtering method that uses an ensemble of particle paths to estimate the means and covariances required by the Kalman filter by the use of sample moments, i.e., the Monte Carlo method. EnKF is often both robust and efficient, but its performance may suffer in settings where the computational cost of accurate simulations of particles is high. The multilevel Monte Carlo method (MLMC) is an extension of classical Monte Carlo methods which by sampling stochastic realizations on a hierarchy of resolutions may reduce the computational cost of moment approximations by orders of magnitude. In this work we have combined the ideas of MLMC and EnKF to construct the multilevel ensemble Kalman filter (MLEnKF) for the setting of finite dimensional state and observation spaces. The main ideas of this method is to compute particle paths on a hierarchy of resolutions and to apply multilevel estimators on the ensemble hierarchy of particles to compute Kalman filter means and covariances. Theoretical results and a numerical study of the performance gains of MLEnKF over EnKF will be presented. Some ideas on the extension of MLEnKF to settings with infinite dimensional state spaces will also be presented.

  8. Une offre publique de documents ?


    Tesnière, Valérie


    TOUT NUMÉRIQUE ? LE LIVRE CONCURRENCÉ ? LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE CONCURRENCÉE ? La fracture numérique reste une réalité comme l’attestent encore des chiffres cités par Le Monde : une évolution de la couverture Internet dans le monde à l’horizon 2009-2030 donnerait la projection suivante : 24,7 % des 6,8 milliards d’habitants de la planète sont connectés en 2009 et l’on atteindrait 50 % pour 8,2 milliards d’habitants en 2030. Cela interroge indirectement le statut futur du papier : sera-t-il l’apanage ...

  9. Bayesian ensemble refinement by replica simulations and reweighting (United States)

    Hummer, Gerhard; Köfinger, Jürgen


    We describe different Bayesian ensemble refinement methods, examine their interrelation, and discuss their practical application. With ensemble refinement, the properties of dynamic and partially disordered (bio)molecular structures can be characterized by integrating a wide range of experimental data, including measurements of ensemble-averaged observables. We start from a Bayesian formulation in which the posterior is a functional that ranks different configuration space distributions. By maximizing this posterior, we derive an optimal Bayesian ensemble distribution. For discrete configurations, this optimal distribution is identical to that obtained by the maximum entropy "ensemble refinement of SAXS" (EROS) formulation. Bayesian replica ensemble refinement enhances the sampling of relevant configurations by imposing restraints on averages of observables in coupled replica molecular dynamics simulations. We show that the strength of the restraints should scale linearly with the number of replicas to ensure convergence to the optimal Bayesian result in the limit of infinitely many replicas. In the "Bayesian inference of ensembles" method, we combine the replica and EROS approaches to accelerate the convergence. An adaptive algorithm can be used to sample directly from the optimal ensemble, without replicas. We discuss the incorporation of single-molecule measurements and dynamic observables such as relaxation parameters. The theoretical analysis of different Bayesian ensemble refinement approaches provides a basis for practical applications and a starting point for further investigations.

  10. No certificate, no chocolate

    CERN Multimedia

    Computer Security Team


    Are you already ready to use “certificates” to log into CERN or to connect to the global “eduroam” wireless network? No, I am not talking about your birth certificate, medical certificates or academic certificates. I am referring to “certificates” used for authentication where you would usually use a password.   These digital certificates are a valid alternative to cumbersome passwords. Like the aforementioned personal certificates, a digital certificate is an official document that proves who you are or your qualifications. Your personal digital CERN certificate is tied to your digital identity at CERN. In that respect, a digital certificate is like a password. It is a credential that you must not share with anybody else! With your digital certificate, I can impersonate you and take over your mailbox, your web sessions and more… Digital certificates bind your digital identity to a public/private-key infrastructu...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'hétérogénéité et la rareté des formes multicentriques de la maladie de Castleman font que leurs traitements soient très disparates. La maladie de Castleman doit être considérée comme un diagnostic possible d'une adénopathie cervicale particulièrement chez les patients souffrant d'une maladie inflammatoire chronique.

  12. Protein folding simulations by generalized-ensemble algorithms. (United States)

    Yoda, Takao; Sugita, Yuji; Okamoto, Yuko


    In the protein folding problem, conventional simulations in physical statistical mechanical ensembles, such as the canonical ensemble with fixed temperature, face a great difficulty. This is because there exist a huge number of local-minimum-energy states in the system and the conventional simulations tend to get trapped in these states, giving wrong results. Generalized-ensemble algorithms are based on artificial unphysical ensembles and overcome the above difficulty by performing random walks in potential energy, volume, and other physical quantities or their corresponding conjugate parameters such as temperature, pressure, etc. The advantage of generalized-ensemble simulations lies in the fact that they not only avoid getting trapped in states of energy local minima but also allows the calculations of physical quantities as functions of temperature or other parameters from a single simulation run. In this article we review the generalized-ensemble algorithms. Four examples, multicanonical algorithm, replica-exchange method, replica-exchange multicanonical algorithm, and multicanonical replica-exchange method, are described in detail. Examples of their applications to the protein folding problem are presented.

  13. Evaluation of medium-range ensemble flood forecasting based on calibration strategies and ensemble methods in Lanjiang Basin, Southeast China (United States)

    Liu, Li; Gao, Chao; Xuan, Weidong; Xu, Yue-Ping


    Ensemble flood forecasts by hydrological models using numerical weather prediction products as forcing data are becoming more commonly used in operational flood forecasting applications. In this study, a hydrological ensemble flood forecasting system comprised of an automatically calibrated Variable Infiltration Capacity model and quantitative precipitation forecasts from TIGGE dataset is constructed for Lanjiang Basin, Southeast China. The impacts of calibration strategies and ensemble methods on the performance of the system are then evaluated. The hydrological model is optimized by the parallel programmed ε-NSGA II multi-objective algorithm. According to the solutions by ε-NSGA II, two differently parameterized models are determined to simulate daily flows and peak flows at each of the three hydrological stations. Then a simple yet effective modular approach is proposed to combine these daily and peak flows at the same station into one composite series. Five ensemble methods and various evaluation metrics are adopted. The results show that ε-NSGA II can provide an objective determination on parameter estimation, and the parallel program permits a more efficient simulation. It is also demonstrated that the forecasts from ECMWF have more favorable skill scores than other Ensemble Prediction Systems. The multimodel ensembles have advantages over all the single model ensembles and the multimodel methods weighted on members and skill scores outperform other methods. Furthermore, the overall performance at three stations can be satisfactory up to ten days, however the hydrological errors can degrade the skill score by approximately 2 days, and the influence persists until a lead time of 10 days with a weakening trend. With respect to peak flows selected by the Peaks Over Threshold approach, the ensemble means from single models or multimodels are generally underestimated, indicating that the ensemble mean can bring overall improvement in forecasting of flows. For


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    l‟imitation «des idées pures», mais aussi l‟existence d‟un type de protection de .... gion qui diffuse les caractéristiques de la mode d‟une organisation à une autre. ... d‟amélioration des performances mais par besoin de légitimité. La.

  15. Ensemble method for dengue prediction. (United States)

    Buczak, Anna L; Baugher, Benjamin; Moniz, Linda J; Bagley, Thomas; Babin, Steven M; Guven, Erhan


    In the 2015 NOAA Dengue Challenge, participants made three dengue target predictions for two locations (Iquitos, Peru, and San Juan, Puerto Rico) during four dengue seasons: 1) peak height (i.e., maximum weekly number of cases during a transmission season; 2) peak week (i.e., week in which the maximum weekly number of cases occurred); and 3) total number of cases reported during a transmission season. A dengue transmission season is the 12-month period commencing with the location-specific, historical week with the lowest number of cases. At the beginning of the Dengue Challenge, participants were provided with the same input data for developing the models, with the prediction testing data provided at a later date. Our approach used ensemble models created by combining three disparate types of component models: 1) two-dimensional Method of Analogues models incorporating both dengue and climate data; 2) additive seasonal Holt-Winters models with and without wavelet smoothing; and 3) simple historical models. Of the individual component models created, those with the best performance on the prior four years of data were incorporated into the ensemble models. There were separate ensembles for predicting each of the three targets at each of the two locations. Our ensemble models scored higher for peak height and total dengue case counts reported in a transmission season for Iquitos than all other models submitted to the Dengue Challenge. However, the ensemble models did not do nearly as well when predicting the peak week. The Dengue Challenge organizers scored the dengue predictions of the Challenge participant groups. Our ensemble approach was the best in predicting the total number of dengue cases reported for transmission season and peak height for Iquitos, Peru.

  16. Ensemble method for dengue prediction.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna L Buczak

    Full Text Available In the 2015 NOAA Dengue Challenge, participants made three dengue target predictions for two locations (Iquitos, Peru, and San Juan, Puerto Rico during four dengue seasons: 1 peak height (i.e., maximum weekly number of cases during a transmission season; 2 peak week (i.e., week in which the maximum weekly number of cases occurred; and 3 total number of cases reported during a transmission season. A dengue transmission season is the 12-month period commencing with the location-specific, historical week with the lowest number of cases. At the beginning of the Dengue Challenge, participants were provided with the same input data for developing the models, with the prediction testing data provided at a later date.Our approach used ensemble models created by combining three disparate types of component models: 1 two-dimensional Method of Analogues models incorporating both dengue and climate data; 2 additive seasonal Holt-Winters models with and without wavelet smoothing; and 3 simple historical models. Of the individual component models created, those with the best performance on the prior four years of data were incorporated into the ensemble models. There were separate ensembles for predicting each of the three targets at each of the two locations.Our ensemble models scored higher for peak height and total dengue case counts reported in a transmission season for Iquitos than all other models submitted to the Dengue Challenge. However, the ensemble models did not do nearly as well when predicting the peak week.The Dengue Challenge organizers scored the dengue predictions of the Challenge participant groups. Our ensemble approach was the best in predicting the total number of dengue cases reported for transmission season and peak height for Iquitos, Peru.

  17. Contact planarization of ensemble nanowires (United States)

    Chia, A. C. E.; LaPierre, R. R.


    The viability of four organic polymers (S1808, SC200, SU8 and Cyclotene) as filling materials to achieve planarization of ensemble nanowire arrays is reported. Analysis of the porosity, surface roughness and thermal stability of each filling material was performed. Sonication was used as an effective method to remove the tops of the nanowires (NWs) to achieve complete planarization. Ensemble nanowire devices were fully fabricated and I-V measurements confirmed that Cyclotene effectively planarizes the NWs while still serving the role as an insulating layer between the top and bottom contacts. These processes and analysis can be easily implemented into future characterization and fabrication of ensemble NWs for optoelectronic device applications.

  18. Ensemble forecasting of species distributions. (United States)

    Araújo, Miguel B; New, Mark


    Concern over implications of climate change for biodiversity has led to the use of bioclimatic models to forecast the range shifts of species under future climate-change scenarios. Recent studies have demonstrated that projections by alternative models can be so variable as to compromise their usefulness for guiding policy decisions. Here, we advocate the use of multiple models within an ensemble forecasting framework and describe alternative approaches to the analysis of bioclimatic ensembles, including bounding box, consensus and probabilistic techniques. We argue that, although improved accuracy can be delivered through the traditional tasks of trying to build better models with improved data, more robust forecasts can also be achieved if ensemble forecasts are produced and analysed appropriately.

  19. Fiches « En une page » | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    10 nov. 2010 ... Fiche « En une page » de MCP no 1. Un IED sans envergure, une croissance stagnante : le Mercosur peut-il faire mieux ? Fiche « En une page » de MCP no 2. Impôts, taxes et équité entre les sexes : codes, comportements et conséquences, voulues ou non. Fiche « En une page » de MCP no 3.

  20. Reproducing multi-model ensemble average with Ensemble-averaged Reconstructed Forcings (ERF) in regional climate modeling (United States)

    Erfanian, A.; Fomenko, L.; Wang, G.


    Multi-model ensemble (MME) average is considered the most reliable for simulating both present-day and future climates. It has been a primary reference for making conclusions in major coordinated studies i.e. IPCC Assessment Reports and CORDEX. The biases of individual models cancel out each other in MME average, enabling the ensemble mean to outperform individual members in simulating the mean climate. This enhancement however comes with tremendous computational cost, which is especially inhibiting for regional climate modeling as model uncertainties can originate from both RCMs and the driving GCMs. Here we propose the Ensemble-based Reconstructed Forcings (ERF) approach to regional climate modeling that achieves a similar level of bias reduction at a fraction of cost compared with the conventional MME approach. The new method constructs a single set of initial and boundary conditions (IBCs) by averaging the IBCs of multiple GCMs, and drives the RCM with this ensemble average of IBCs to conduct a single run. Using a regional climate model (RegCM4.3.4-CLM4.5), we tested the method over West Africa for multiple combination of (up to six) GCMs. Our results indicate that the performance of the ERF method is comparable to that of the MME average in simulating the mean climate. The bias reduction seen in ERF simulations is achieved by using more realistic IBCs in solving the system of equations underlying the RCM physics and dynamics. This endows the new method with a theoretical advantage in addition to reducing computational cost. The ERF output is an unaltered solution of the RCM as opposed to a climate state that might not be physically plausible due to the averaging of multiple solutions with the conventional MME approach. The ERF approach should be considered for use in major international efforts such as CORDEX. Key words: Multi-model ensemble, ensemble analysis, ERF, regional climate modeling

  1. Conductor gestures influence evaluations of ensemble performance. (United States)

    Morrison, Steven J; Price, Harry E; Smedley, Eric M; Meals, Cory D


    Previous research has found that listener evaluations of ensemble performances vary depending on the expressivity of the conductor's gestures, even when performances are otherwise identical. It was the purpose of the present study to test whether this effect of visual information was evident in the evaluation of specific aspects of ensemble performance: articulation and dynamics. We constructed a set of 32 music performances that combined auditory and visual information and were designed to feature a high degree of contrast along one of two target characteristics: articulation and dynamics. We paired each of four music excerpts recorded by a chamber ensemble in both a high- and low-contrast condition with video of four conductors demonstrating high- and low-contrast gesture specifically appropriate to either articulation or dynamics. Using one of two equivalent test forms, college music majors and non-majors (N = 285) viewed sixteen 30 s performances and evaluated the quality of the ensemble's articulation, dynamics, technique, and tempo along with overall expressivity. Results showed significantly higher evaluations for performances featuring high rather than low conducting expressivity regardless of the ensemble's performance quality. Evaluations for both articulation and dynamics were strongly and positively correlated with evaluations of overall ensemble expressivity.

  2. La syphilis congenitale revelee par une fracture spontanee

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    Mounia Lakhdar Idrissi


    Full Text Available Alors qu�elle est actuellement oubliee dans les pays developpes, la syphilis congenitale se voit encore chez nous faute du depistage antenatal. Ses formes cliniques sont polymorphes et orientent a tord vers d�autres pathologies surtout en periode neonatale. Le diagnostic n�est donc pas toujours facile. La revelation d�une syphilis congenitale par une fracture spontanee est exceptionnellement decrite. Nous rapportons dans ce travail le cas d�un nourrisson de 2 mois ramene en consultation pour limitation douloureuse des mouvements du bras droit. Le diagnostic est evoque sur les donnees radiologiques et confirme par la serologie syphilitique. Le traitement a repose essentiellement sur l�administration de la penicilline G avec une bonne evolution clinique.

  3. Sequential ensemble-based optimal design for parameter estimation: SEQUENTIAL ENSEMBLE-BASED OPTIMAL DESIGN

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Man, Jun [Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou China; Zhang, Jiangjiang [Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou China; Li, Weixuan [Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland Washington USA; Zeng, Lingzao [Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou China; Wu, Laosheng [Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside California USA


    The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has been widely used in parameter estimation for hydrological models. The focus of most previous studies was to develop more efficient analysis (estimation) algorithms. On the other hand, it is intuitively understandable that a well-designed sampling (data-collection) strategy should provide more informative measurements and subsequently improve the parameter estimation. In this work, a Sequential Ensemble-based Optimal Design (SEOD) method, coupled with EnKF, information theory and sequential optimal design, is proposed to improve the performance of parameter estimation. Based on the first-order and second-order statistics, different information metrics including the Shannon entropy difference (SD), degrees of freedom for signal (DFS) and relative entropy (RE) are used to design the optimal sampling strategy, respectively. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by synthetic one-dimensional and two-dimensional unsaturated flow case studies. It is shown that the designed sampling strategies can provide more accurate parameter estimation and state prediction compared with conventional sampling strategies. Optimal sampling designs based on various information metrics perform similarly in our cases. The effect of ensemble size on the optimal design is also investigated. Overall, larger ensemble size improves the parameter estimation and convergence of optimal sampling strategy. Although the proposed method is applied to unsaturated flow problems in this study, it can be equally applied in any other hydrological problems.

  4. Modality-Driven Classification and Visualization of Ensemble Variance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bensema, Kevin; Gosink, Luke; Obermaier, Harald; Joy, Kenneth I.


    Advances in computational power now enable domain scientists to address conceptual and parametric uncertainty by running simulations multiple times in order to sufficiently sample the uncertain input space. While this approach helps address conceptual and parametric uncertainties, the ensemble datasets produced by this technique present a special challenge to visualization researchers as the ensemble dataset records a distribution of possible values for each location in the domain. Contemporary visualization approaches that rely solely on summary statistics (e.g., mean and variance) cannot convey the detailed information encoded in ensemble distributions that are paramount to ensemble analysis; summary statistics provide no information about modality classification and modality persistence. To address this problem, we propose a novel technique that classifies high-variance locations based on the modality of the distribution of ensemble predictions. Additionally, we develop a set of confidence metrics to inform the end-user of the quality of fit between the distribution at a given location and its assigned class. We apply a similar method to time-varying ensembles to illustrate the relationship between peak variance and bimodal or multimodal behavior. These classification schemes enable a deeper understanding of the behavior of the ensemble members by distinguishing between distributions that can be described by a single tendency and distributions which reflect divergent trends in the ensemble.

  5. Professional Certification (United States)

    WaterSense recognizes certification programs for irrigation professionals that meet the specification criteria. Certification programs cover three areas: irrigation system design, installation and maintenance, and system auditing.

  6. Bioactive focus in conformational ensembles: a pluralistic approach (United States)

    Habgood, Matthew


    Computational generation of conformational ensembles is key to contemporary drug design. Selecting the members of the ensemble that will approximate the conformation most likely to bind to a desired target (the bioactive conformation) is difficult, given that the potential energy usually used to generate and rank the ensemble is a notoriously poor discriminator between bioactive and non-bioactive conformations. In this study an approach to generating a focused ensemble is proposed in which each conformation is assigned multiple rankings based not just on potential energy but also on solvation energy, hydrophobic or hydrophilic interaction energy, radius of gyration, and on a statistical potential derived from Cambridge Structural Database data. The best ranked structures derived from each system are then assembled into a new ensemble that is shown to be better focused on bioactive conformations. This pluralistic approach is tested on ensembles generated by the Molecular Operating Environment's Low Mode Molecular Dynamics module, and by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre's conformation generator software.

  7. Demonstrating the value of larger ensembles in forecasting physical systems

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    Reason L. Machete


    Full Text Available Ensemble simulation propagates a collection of initial states forward in time in a Monte Carlo fashion. Depending on the fidelity of the model and the properties of the initial ensemble, the goal of ensemble simulation can range from merely quantifying variations in the sensitivity of the model all the way to providing actionable probability forecasts of the future. Whatever the goal is, success depends on the properties of the ensemble, and there is a longstanding discussion in meteorology as to the size of initial condition ensemble most appropriate for Numerical Weather Prediction. In terms of resource allocation: how is one to divide finite computing resources between model complexity, ensemble size, data assimilation and other components of the forecast system. One wishes to avoid undersampling information available from the model's dynamics, yet one also wishes to use the highest fidelity model available. Arguably, a higher fidelity model can better exploit a larger ensemble; nevertheless it is often suggested that a relatively small ensemble, say ~16 members, is sufficient and that larger ensembles are not an effective investment of resources. This claim is shown to be dubious when the goal is probabilistic forecasting, even in settings where the forecast model is informative but imperfect. Probability forecasts for a ‘simple’ physical system are evaluated at different lead times; ensembles of up to 256 members are considered. The pure density estimation context (where ensemble members are drawn from the same underlying distribution as the target differs from the forecasting context, where one is given a high fidelity (but imperfect model. In the forecasting context, the information provided by additional members depends also on the fidelity of the model, the ensemble formation scheme (data assimilation, the ensemble interpretation and the nature of the observational noise. The effect of increasing the ensemble size is quantified by

  8. Ensemble Weight Enumerators for Protograph LDPC Codes (United States)

    Divsalar, Dariush


    Recently LDPC codes with projected graph, or protograph structures have been proposed. In this paper, finite length ensemble weight enumerators for LDPC codes with protograph structures are obtained. Asymptotic results are derived as the block size goes to infinity. In particular we are interested in obtaining ensemble average weight enumerators for protograph LDPC codes which have minimum distance that grows linearly with block size. As with irregular ensembles, linear minimum distance property is sensitive to the proportion of degree-2 variable nodes. In this paper the derived results on ensemble weight enumerators show that linear minimum distance condition on degree distribution of unstructured irregular LDPC codes is a sufficient but not a necessary condition for protograph LDPC codes.

  9. Promotion d'une gouvernance foncière inclusive pour une ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... de développer des outils et des stratégies qui facilitent l'accès et le contrôle des femmes sur le foncier; et de formuler des recommandations stratégiques et pratiques permettant une mise en œuvre effective des politiques et des stratégies de gouvernance foncière inclusive qui reconnaissent la place et le rôle de la femme ...

  10. Ensemble atmospheric dispersion calculations for decision support systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borysiewicz, M.; Potempski, S.; Galkowski, A.; Zelazny, R.


    This document describes two approaches to long-range atmospheric dispersion of pollutants based on the ensemble concept. In the first part of the report some experiences related to the exercises undertaken under the ENSEMBLE project of the European Union are presented. The second part is devoted to the implementation of mesoscale numerical prediction models RAMS and atmospheric dispersion model HYPACT on Beowulf cluster and theirs usage for ensemble forecasting and long range atmospheric ensemble dispersion calculations based on available meteorological data from NCEO, NOAA (USA). (author)

  11. Modélisation et commande d'une chaine de pompage photovoltaique




    L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’assurer une commande vectorielle associée à une électropompe asynchrone immergée. La configuration de ce système comporte un générateur photovoltaïque, un bus PV, un filtre PV connecté à un hacheur survolteur, un bus DC et un onduleur de tension alimentant une machine asynchrone couplée à une pompe centrifuge. L’objectif de ce système consiste à assurer un fonctionnement à puissance maximale du système photovoltaïque pour diverses conditions climatiques. L’ad...

  12. Case Report - Le syndrome de Cri du Chat : A propos d'une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le syndrome du Cri du Chat (Cri du Chat syndrome, CdCS) est une anomalie chromosomique résultant d'une délétion de taille variable de l'extrémité du bras court du chromosome 5 (5p), incluant une région critique située en p15.2. Il représente une des délétions chromosomiques les plus fréquentes, son incidence dans ...

  13. Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation in Reservoir Characterization: A Review

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    Seungpil Jung


    Full Text Available This paper presents a review of ensemble-based data assimilation for strongly nonlinear problems on the characterization of heterogeneous reservoirs with different production histories. It concentrates on ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF and ensemble smoother (ES as representative frameworks, discusses their pros and cons, and investigates recent progress to overcome their drawbacks. The typical weaknesses of ensemble-based methods are non-Gaussian parameters, improper prior ensembles and finite population size. Three categorized approaches, to mitigate these limitations, are reviewed with recent accomplishments; improvement of Kalman gains, add-on of transformation functions, and independent evaluation of observed data. The data assimilation in heterogeneous reservoirs, applying the improved ensemble methods, is discussed on predicting unknown dynamic data in reservoir characterization.

  14. La « Nouvelle Mosquée » d’Alger. Le déroulement d’une procédure constructive au xviie siècle

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    Samia Chergui


    Full Text Available « La Nouvelle Mosquée » est érigée, à la fin du xviie siècle, dans la seule perspective de doter le rite hanéfite de sa propre Grande Mosquée. Cette nouvelle édification relève, à l’évidence, d’une procédure collective exceptionnelle, celle qu’entreprend la milice d’Alger, en l’occurrence le corps des janissaires, en puisant dans les fonds des Subul al-Khayrât. L’examen du livre de comptes qu’avait tenu cette institution ḥabûs, responsable de la gestion de la plupart des mosquées hanéfites et de leurs awqâf, aussitôt après le lancement du chantier, a permis de suivre le déroulement des travaux sur une période de presque dix années, soit de 1067/1656-1657 à 1076/1665-1666. Ce rôle de chantier apporte des éclairages significatifs notamment sur la nature, la provenance, la quantité et le coût des matériaux employés à la construction. Ils ne manquent pas non plus de documenter les aspects concernant leur fabrication, voire leur préparation, et quelque rares fois leur mise en œuvre ; une mise en œuvre qui, ici, revient à la dextérité de nombreux hommes, mobilisés dans le cadre corporatif. La comptabilité salariale, tenue en cette occasion, compte d’ailleurs parmi les rares initiatives de gestion qui ont permis, durant au moins une décennie, de consigner les plus amples détails non seulement sur le profil distinctif de l’ensemble de ces intervenants, mais également sur leur origine géographique, voire confessionnelle.

  15. Une séquence photographique de la mission Dakar-Djibouti : les funérailles d’Ayaléo A series of photographs from the Dakar-Djibouti mission: Ayaléo’s funeral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Estelle Sohier


    Full Text Available L’« enterrement d’Ayaléo » a été l’un des évènements photographiés de bout en bout par la mission ethnographique française Dakar-Djibouti, créant ainsi une « séquence » d’une trentaine de photographies ayant une unité de sujet, de temps et d’espace. L’ensemble représente les funérailles du muletier de la mission, célébrées aux alentours de la ville de Gondar, dans le nord de l’Éthiopie, en octobre 1932. L’effort des auteurs pour consigner l’intégralité de l’événement et le processus de traitement de l’image en font un témoignage remarquable sur le déroulement des obsèques dans cette région au début des années 1930. Ces documents ne sont compréhensibles que grâce aux différents textes produits en parallèle : légendes, fiches, mais aussi le journal intime de Michel Leiris. Si l’utilisation de la photographie avait d’abord une fonction médiatique, l’ensemble reflète aussi la mise en place de méthodes appliquées à l’utilisation de la photographie comme outil de recherche ethnographique sous la direction de Marcel Griaule.The French Dakar-Djibouti mission took pictures of “Ayaléo’s burial” from start to finish, a “sequence” of about thirty photographs with a unity of subject, time and place. This set presents the funeral of the mission’s mule-driver, held near the city of Gondar in northern Ethiopia in October 1932. Owing both to the efforts to photograph the full event and to the treatment of these images, this series provides an outstanding account of the course of a funeral in this area in the early 1930s. To understand these pictures, we must refer to the texts written in parallel: captions, file cards and Michel Leiris’s diary. This set of photographs was done for the media coverage, but reflects also the adoption of methods that were applied to using photography as a tool for ethnological research under Marcel Griaule’s supervision.

  16. Vers une cartographie géo-lexicale

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    William Martinez


    Full Text Available L’analyse statistique de la distribution du vocabulaire dans des guides de tourisme du XIXe et XXe siècle permet d’identifier la terminologie descriptive essentielle telle qu’elle est employée dans ces textes. Une interprétation plus structurée de ces données est possible grâce aux méthodes de cooccurrence qui produisent des cartes de mots associés décrivant l’usage préféré de noms, adjectifs, adverbes, etc. à propos d’une ville, une région ou un itinéraire. À partir de cette visualisation originale de structures de mots, nous envisagerons la convergence des données lexicales et cartographiques dans une base de données de type SIG (Système d’Information Géographique.The statistical analysis of vocabulary distribution in French tourist guides of the 19th and 20th century reveals the essential descriptive terminology used in these texts. A more structured interpretation of this data is made possible by way of co-occurrence methods that produce associated word maps describing the preferred usage of nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc. regarding a given town, region or route. Based on this original visualizing of word structures we will consider the convergence of lexical and cartographic data in a GIS-type database (Geographic Information System.

  17. Various multistage ensembles for prediction of heating energy consumption

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    Radisa Jovanovic


    Full Text Available Feedforward neural network models are created for prediction of daily heating energy consumption of a NTNU university campus Gloshaugen using actual measured data for training and testing. Improvement of prediction accuracy is proposed by using neural network ensemble. Previously trained feed-forward neural networks are first separated into clusters, using k-means algorithm, and then the best network of each cluster is chosen as member of an ensemble. Two conventional averaging methods for obtaining ensemble output are applied; simple and weighted. In order to achieve better prediction results, multistage ensemble is investigated. As second level, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with various clustering and membership functions are used to aggregate the selected ensemble members. Feedforward neural network in second stage is also analyzed. It is shown that using ensemble of neural networks can predict heating energy consumption with better accuracy than the best trained single neural network, while the best results are achieved with multistage ensemble.

  18. Ensemble Machine Learning Methods and Applications

    CERN Document Server

    Ma, Yunqian


    It is common wisdom that gathering a variety of views and inputs improves the process of decision making, and, indeed, underpins a democratic society. Dubbed “ensemble learning” by researchers in computational intelligence and machine learning, it is known to improve a decision system’s robustness and accuracy. Now, fresh developments are allowing researchers to unleash the power of ensemble learning in an increasing range of real-world applications. Ensemble learning algorithms such as “boosting” and “random forest” facilitate solutions to key computational issues such as face detection and are now being applied in areas as diverse as object trackingand bioinformatics.   Responding to a shortage of literature dedicated to the topic, this volume offers comprehensive coverage of state-of-the-art ensemble learning techniques, including various contributions from researchers in leading industrial research labs. At once a solid theoretical study and a practical guide, the volume is a windfall for r...

  19. La division sociale de la langue: la fiction d’une langue populaire

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    Dominique Ducard


    Full Text Available L’objectif de cet article est de montrer, à travers un parcours de textes d’historiens et de (sociolinguistes, comment le discours sur la langue française, dans sa formation et son fonctionnement, est traversé par l’idée d’une division sociale constitutive d’une “langue populaire”, identifiée à une classe sociale et dévaluée. Cette investigation interroge la notion de langue et son image dans la conscience linguistique des sujets et conduit à poser la question de l’institution sociale de la langue. La langue commune, pluralisée et diversifiée dans le discours historique et linguistique, se double d’une référence à une langue normée, instituée par l’école, dont les effets ont été soulignés dans les travaux originaux de Renée Balibar. Nous finissons ainsi par une évocation des thèses de cet auteur, avec une mise en perspective de la langue normée, dans son rapport aux styles littéraires, avec la transposition des variations sociales dans la langue de la fiction.

  20. Popular Music and the Instrumental Ensemble. (United States)

    Boespflug, George


    Discusses popular music, the role of the musical performer as a creator, and the styles of jazz and popular music. Describes the pop ensemble at the college level, focusing on improvisation, rehearsals, recording, and performance. Argues that pop ensembles be used in junior and senior high school. (CMK)

  1. Violence et dire, pour une rhétorique du soin

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    André Quaderi

    Full Text Available Par une approche plurielle (psychopathologie du travail, sciences du langage et psychanalyse et au travers d’une clinique de type groupe de parole en institution gériatrique, il est abordé les phénomènes de violences. Les effets du dire, au niveau du clinicien, induisent des changements de comportements des soignants dont les causes sont abordées. Ainsi, la taylorisation de l’organisation inhibe la relation du soignant à l’autre et fige le travail dans une exécution de tâche. Ces effets délétères sont à rapporter au Thanatos tout comme les effets du dire (interprété comme une rhétorique du soin sont à comprendre du côté de l’Eros.

  2. Ensemble Kalman methods for inverse problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iglesias, Marco A; Law, Kody J H; Stuart, Andrew M


    The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) was introduced by Evensen in 1994 (Evensen 1994 J. Geophys. Res. 99 10143–62) as a novel method for data assimilation: state estimation for noisily observed time-dependent problems. Since that time it has had enormous impact in many application domains because of its robustness and ease of implementation, and numerical evidence of its accuracy. In this paper we propose the application of an iterative ensemble Kalman method for the solution of a wide class of inverse problems. In this context we show that the estimate of the unknown function that we obtain with the ensemble Kalman method lies in a subspace A spanned by the initial ensemble. Hence the resulting error may be bounded above by the error found from the best approximation in this subspace. We provide numerical experiments which compare the error incurred by the ensemble Kalman method for inverse problems with the error of the best approximation in A, and with variants on traditional least-squares approaches, restricted to the subspace A. In so doing we demonstrate that the ensemble Kalman method for inverse problems provides a derivative-free optimization method with comparable accuracy to that achieved by traditional least-squares approaches. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that the accuracy is of the same order of magnitude as that achieved by the best approximation. Three examples are used to demonstrate these assertions: inversion of a compact linear operator; inversion of piezometric head to determine hydraulic conductivity in a Darcy model of groundwater flow; and inversion of Eulerian velocity measurements at positive times to determine the initial condition in an incompressible fluid. (paper)

  3. Deconstructing Teacher Certification (United States)

    Baines, Lawrence A.


    In this article, the author takes a close look at alternative certification programs and is convinced that, because they vary so extremely in their requirements, all of them cannot possibly be producing highly qualified teachers. Here, he talks about Non-University Certification Programs (NUCPs). These are alternative certification programs that…

  4. Vers une esthétique de la science-fiction

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    Joanna Russ


    Full Text Available Les outils critiques élaborés en ayant à l’esprit une littérature entièrement différente ne fonctionnent pas quand ils sont appliqués à la science-fiction. Dans cet article, j’avance la proposition suivante : que la science-fiction est didactique. Malgré des similitudes superficielles avec la fiction moderne naturaliste (ou autre, les personnages de science-fiction sont toujours des personnes collectives, jamais individuelles. Je suggère que la critique littéraire contemporaine n’est pas l’outil idéal pour traiter de fiction didactique, ou pour évaluer une littérature nouvelle et différente. Appliquer les critères et les méthodes auxquels nous sommes habitués ne peut mener qu’à trois résultats : le rejet de toute science-fiction comme n’étant pas de la littérature, une préférence pour certains genres restreints de science-fiction (parce qu’on peut les comprendre au moins partiellement selon la manière habituelle, ou une conception et une perception erronées des textes que l’on essaie précisément de comprendre. La troisième catégorie est restée rare jusqu’ici, parce que l’intérêt universitaire pour la science-fiction était rare, mais elle pourrait devenir bien trop courante si la popularité croissante des cours d’université sur ce sujet ne s’accompagne pas d’une critique adaptée à son sujet.

  5. Comparaison de deux mode de préparation des médicaments dans une maison de repos et de soins en Communauté germanophone : impact quantitatif et qualitatif sur la pharmacothérapie


    Schroeder, Béatrice


    Introduction : La préparation des semainiers pour les patients des maisons de repos et de soins (MRS) par le pharmacien d’officine permet de diminuer les erreurs liées à l’administration des médicaments. Outre ce bénéfice, l’accès pour le pharmacien à l’ensemble du traitement devrait faciliter la validation pharmaceutique des prescriptions et le développement des soins pharmaceutiques de qualité pour les patients résidants en communauté. Contexte de l’étude : La MRS étudiée est une instit...

  6. Le syndrome de Tunnel tarsien : à propos d'une observation au ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les auteurs présentent un fait clinique d'une douleur subaiguë de la face médiale du pied gauche, explorée par l'imagerie par résonance magnétique, en complément d'une échographie Doppler. Ces explorations ont permis de faire le diagnostic du syndrome de tunnel tarsien par aponévrosite plantaire secondaire à une ...



    Benamour , Yasmine; Prim-Allaz , Isabelle


    International audience; The authors conduct an exploratory study in order to develop a measurement scale of customers transactional/relational orientation. The study is implemented in the context of French banking industry in both B.-to-C. and B.-to-B. environments. The results show that a different scale is needed for each context.; Les auteurs mettent en place une étude exploratoire dans le but de développer une échelle de mesure de l'orientation transactionnelle/relationnelle du client. Ce...

  8. Genetic Algorithm Optimized Neural Networks Ensemble as ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Marquardt algorithm by varying conditions such as inputs, hidden neurons, initialization, training sets and random Gaussian noise injection to ... Several such ensembles formed the population which was evolved to generate the fittest ensemble.

  9. Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) [1 Deg. (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) is a weather forecast model made up of 21 separate forecasts, or ensemble members. The National Centers for Environmental...

  10. Pilgrims' Progress: The journey towards a knowledge building community in a university undergraduate class / Le voyage du pèlerin: Le parcours vers la création d’une communauté d’apprentissage dans une classe de premier cycle universitaire

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    Donald N. Philip


    étude des sciences. Cette recherche visait à étudier le processus à partir de l’analyse de la fréquence d’affichage et de réponse aux notes de la part des étudiants, et de l’analyse de leurs habitudes de communication lors de la lecture de notes. Ces données étaient recueillies automatiquement par l’environnement de partage des connaissances Knowledge Forum et téléchargées pour des analyses ultérieures. Les niveaux de participation indiquaient que la fréquence des affichages de notes augmentait du triple après la mi-session, entraînant une réduction de la surcharge d’information dans les habitudes de travail sources d’une mauvaise adaptation chez les étudiants. De plus, la disparité entre les étudiants qui affichaient fréquemment et les étudiants qui affichaient peu suivait une courbe linéaire selon le rapport 2,7 :1. Le profil des réponses aux notes présentait une tendance similaire. On observait également une disparité entre les étudiants du point de vue du nombre d’affichages lus, où les étudiants dont la fréquence de lecture était plus élevée lisaient six fois plus d’affichages que les étudiants dont la fréquence de lecture était moins élevée. Les analyses du réseau social ont révélé des formations communautaires dans le réseau de lecture des notes. L’analyse a démontré des interactions tant à sens unique que réciproques, indiquant que les canaux nécessaires à la transmission d’informations complexes étaient présentes. Compte tenu de l’ensemble de ces données, malgré la présence de certaines habitudes de communication nécessaires à la formation d’une communauté d’apprentissage, les tendances observées dans la participation suggèrent qu’une véritable communauté d’apprentissage ne s’est pas formée; néanmoins, elles dénotent une progression en ce sens.

  11. Bidirectional Modulation of Intrinsic Excitability in Rat Prelimbic Cortex Neuronal Ensembles and Non-Ensembles after Operant Learning. (United States)

    Whitaker, Leslie R; Warren, Brandon L; Venniro, Marco; Harte, Tyler C; McPherson, Kylie B; Beidel, Jennifer; Bossert, Jennifer M; Shaham, Yavin; Bonci, Antonello; Hope, Bruce T


    Learned associations between environmental stimuli and rewards drive goal-directed learning and motivated behavior. These memories are thought to be encoded by alterations within specific patterns of sparsely distributed neurons called neuronal ensembles that are activated selectively by reward-predictive stimuli. Here, we use the Fos promoter to identify strongly activated neuronal ensembles in rat prelimbic cortex (PLC) and assess altered intrinsic excitability after 10 d of operant food self-administration training (1 h/d). First, we used the Daun02 inactivation procedure in male FosLacZ-transgenic rats to ablate selectively Fos-expressing PLC neurons that were active during operant food self-administration. Selective ablation of these neurons decreased food seeking. We then used male FosGFP-transgenic rats to assess selective alterations of intrinsic excitability in Fos-expressing neuronal ensembles (FosGFP + ) that were activated during food self-administration and compared these with alterations in less activated non-ensemble neurons (FosGFP - ). Using whole-cell recordings of layer V pyramidal neurons in an ex vivo brain slice preparation, we found that operant self-administration increased excitability of FosGFP + neurons and decreased excitability of FosGFP - neurons. Increased excitability of FosGFP + neurons was driven by increased steady-state input resistance. Decreased excitability of FosGFP - neurons was driven by increased contribution of small-conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK) channels. Injections of the specific SK channel antagonist apamin into PLC increased Fos expression but had no effect on food seeking. Overall, operant learning increased intrinsic excitability of PLC Fos-expressing neuronal ensembles that play a role in food seeking but decreased intrinsic excitability of Fos - non-ensembles. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Prefrontal cortex activity plays a critical role in operant learning, but the underlying cellular mechanisms are

  12. Reconversion écologique et socialisation des retraites : pour une politique industrielle du XXIe siècle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilles L. Bourque


    Full Text Available Cet article présente une analyse des scénarios possibles au Québec pour assurer la reconversion écologique du secteur des transports collectifs. La réflexion sur l'avenir des politiques industrielles doit en effet intégrer l'impact des changements climatiques et de la réduction de la disponibilité des énergies fossiles. Au Québec, le modèle de développement a toujours intégré la question de l'indépendance énergétique, et plus récemment des énergies renouvelables, à la réflexion sur le modèle de développement. L'apport de la recherche consiste à évaluer, dans une perspective globale pour l'ensemble du secteur et pour le Québec dans son ensemble, les enjeux de l'électrification du transport collectif, autant à l'intérieur des agglomérations que pour le transport entre les pôles régionaux. L'analyse des enjeux de l'électrification du transport collectif porte également sur les modes de financement possibles à l'intérieur du système de retraite au Québec, que ce soit dans le cadre actuel des politiques de placement des régimes de retraite ou encore à travers la création d'outils financiers particuliers comme cela a été fait dans d'autres pays.This article presents a coherent scenario to provide ecological transition of public transport in order to escape from the dependency on non-renewable energy sources. This transition is an important matter for industrial economics and public policy because sectoral level analysis is usually the most effective one. In Québec, the model of development has taken into account for a long time the issue of energetic independence through renewable energy and its impact on industries. This article offers a global evaluation of the costs and financing process for the transition towards electric public transport in large cities and between them. It also shows that it is possible to secure the funds through pension funds investment policy and the creation of green bonds that are

  13. Etude de la structure d'une population de truite commune (Salmo trutta L. dans une zone à barbeau

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Au total 16 espèces de poissons, dont la truite commune (Salmo trutta L. ont été recensées par pêche électrique dans le cours aval de la rivière Colmont, classée rivière à salmonidés dominants, et un de ses affluents. La présence de gros cyprins d'eaux vives (barbeau, Barbus barbus L., et chevaine, Leuciscus cephalus L. et de quelques espèces de cyprins d'eaux lentes est une caractéristique de la zone à barbeau. Parmi les cyprins, les espèces les plus abondantes sont le goujon (Gobio gobio L. et le chevaine présent dans tous les types d'habitats de la rivière. La population de truites se caractérise par : — une faible densité dans la rivière et l'affluent et par une bonne croissance. Ces deux paramètres montrent des variations annuelles. — une ségrégation spatiale des classes d'âge ; les truites 0+ sont localisées principalement dans l'affluent, alors que dans la rivière les truites sont âgées d'au moins 1 an et sont présentes uniquement dans les zones rapide-radier. Les caractéristiques de cette population de truite sont discutées en considérant l'interaction possible avec les autres populations pisciaires dans un milieu dont l'habitat est dégradé.

  14. Derivation of Mayer Series from Canonical Ensemble

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xian-Zhi


    Mayer derived the Mayer series from both the canonical ensemble and the grand canonical ensemble by use of the cluster expansion method. In 2002, we conjectured a recursion formula of the canonical partition function of a fluid (X.Z. Wang, Phys. Rev. E 66 (2002) 056102). In this paper we give a proof for this formula by developing an appropriate expansion of the integrand of the canonical partition function. We further derive the Mayer series solely from the canonical ensemble by use of this recursion formula. (paper)

  15. Derivation of Mayer Series from Canonical Ensemble (United States)

    Wang, Xian-Zhi


    Mayer derived the Mayer series from both the canonical ensemble and the grand canonical ensemble by use of the cluster expansion method. In 2002, we conjectured a recursion formula of the canonical partition function of a fluid (X.Z. Wang, Phys. Rev. E 66 (2002) 056102). In this paper we give a proof for this formula by developing an appropriate expansion of the integrand of the canonical partition function. We further derive the Mayer series solely from the canonical ensemble by use of this recursion formula.

  16. Liens et affects familiaux


    Fine, Agnès; Klapisch-Zuber, Christiane; Lett, Didier


    Le genre semble une notion et une démarche évidentes dans toute étude de la famille. En effet la place dans la parenté, qui est elle-même associée à un ensemble de normes de comportement différentes selon les groupes sociaux, est indissociable du genre, maillage plus large qui noue ensemble sexe, âge, sexualité, hiérarchies, rôles, etc. Pourtant une perspective spécifique de genre est relativement récente dans les études sur l’histoire de la famille. Au cours des dernières décennies, bon nomb...

  17. Une étape primordiale dans l’évaluation d’une politique de développement durable

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karine Bourgeois


    Full Text Available L’évaluation des politiques publiques prend une place institutionnelle de plus en plus importante. La commande de l’évaluation donne lieu à l’élaboration d’un cahier des charges, qui précise notamment les questions évaluatives stratégiques à traiter. Pour parvenir à une définition judicieuse de ces questions, la réalisation, en amont, d’une démarche interdisciplinaire comprenant une phase d’analyse de politique complétée d’une étude des modalités de mise en oeuvre s’avère nécessaire. A travers l’exemple de l’évaluation intermédiaire du Contrat Territorial d’Exploitation (CTE en Limousin, nous tentons de montrer en quoi le graphe d’objectifs peut constituer un outil adapté pour révéler la théorie d’action de la politique publique. La conception du cahier des charges contribue également à éclairer la décision publique en favorisant l’implication et la concertation des divers partenaires. Celle-ci est d’autant plus précieuse qu’il s’agit d’une politique de développement durable, visant, entre autres, à mieux gérer les biens publics environnementaux.An important step in a sustainable policy evaluation: the conception of terms of reference, The experience of the Land Management Contract mid-term review in Limousin. Terms of reference and particularly evaluative questions definition is one of the most important stage in evaluation process. This last aims to analyse the context of the policy and its theory  of action. In order to define, in a pertinent way, priority evaluative questions, both political analysis and implementation analysis (an interdisciplinary method are required, moreover when the policy is defined in a regional and co-operation framework. In the case of the Land Management Contract (LMC mid-term review, an objective tree has been drawn up to identify which social and economical mechanisms have been implemented to achieve the main objectives of the Limousin program

  18. Ensemble inequivalence: Landau theory and the ABC model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, O; Mukamel, D


    It is well known that systems with long-range interactions may exhibit different phase diagrams when studied within two different ensembles. In many of the previously studied examples of ensemble inequivalence, the phase diagrams differ only when the transition in one of the ensembles is first order. By contrast, in a recent study of a generalized ABC model, the canonical and grand-canonical ensembles of the model were shown to differ even when they both exhibit a continuous transition. Here we show that the order of the transition where ensemble inequivalence may occur is related to the symmetry properties of the order parameter associated with the transition. This is done by analyzing the Landau expansion of a generic model with long-range interactions. The conclusions drawn from the generic analysis are demonstrated for the ABC model by explicit calculation of its Landau expansion. (paper)

  19. Mener le goutte à goutte à l’économie d’eau : ambition réaliste ou poursuite d’une chimère ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maya Benouniche


    Full Text Available Au Maroc, l’économie d’eau est l’objectif affiché pour promouvoir l’irrigation localisée, en particulier le goutte à goutte. Le programme national d’économie d’eau en irrigation (PNEEI prévoit une amélioration de l’efficience d’irrigation à la parcelle, de 50% en irrigation gravitaire vers 90% en irrigation localisée, pour économiser 826 millions de m3/an. Cependant, cet objectif prête à confusion, car il est souvent intégré dans un objectif d’amélioration de la production agricole. L’objectif de l’article est d’analyser les efficiences réelles d’irrigation à l’échelle de la parcelle dans quelques exploitations agricoles dans le Saiss, ayant mise en place le goutte à goutte, pour comprendre comment la notion d’économie d’eau se traduit sur le terrain. Les résultats indiquent des sur-irrigations pour la plupart des systèmes avec une efficience d’irrigation parfois inférieure à celles obtenues en irrigation gravitaire. Ces sur-irrigations sont liées aux objectifs d’augmentation de production agricole des agriculteurs, qui ont ainsi entendu le message subliminal du PNEEI. Nous montrons aussi qu’il y a une possibilité d’amélioration des efficiences d’irrigation sans nuire à la productivité agricole. Nous proposons d’opérationnaliser le concept d’économie d’eau, en considérant les agriculteurs comme des alliés qui disposent de solides connaissances dans l’utilisation du goutte à goutte en établissant un cahier des charges négocié et régionalisé entre l’ensemble des parties prenantes, permettant un suivi partagé des volumes réels consommés.

  20. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique: une localisation exceptionnelle (United States)

    Hamdane, Mohamed Moncef; Bougrine, Fethi; Msakni, Issam; Dhaoui-Ghozzi, Amen; Bouziani, Ammar


    L’ hydatidose est une anthropo-zoonose due au développement chez l'homme de la forme larvaire du taenia Echinococcus granulosis. La plupart des kystes hydatiques se localisent dans le foie et les poumons. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique est extrêmement rare avec seulement 4 cas rapportés dans la littérature. Les auteurs rapportent dans cet article un nouveau cas d'hydatidose du cordon spermatique. Il s'agissait d'un homme de 40 ans qui consultait pour des douleurs scrotales évoluant depuis huit mois. L'examen clinique a mis en évidence une tuméfaction mobile, inguino-scrotale, droite. L’échographie testiculaire a objectivé une hernie inguinale droite associée à deux kystes épididymaires bilatéraux. Le patient a été opéré pour cure de son hernie avec découverte en per-opératoire d'un kyste du cordon spermatique qui a été réséqué. L'examen anatomopathologique a conclu à une hydatidose du cordon spermatique. PMID:22384304

  1. Regionalization of post-processed ensemble runoff forecasts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. O. Skøien


    Full Text Available For many years, meteorological models have been run with perturbated initial conditions or parameters to produce ensemble forecasts that are used as a proxy of the uncertainty of the forecasts. However, the ensembles are usually both biased (the mean is systematically too high or too low, compared with the observed weather, and has dispersion errors (the ensemble variance indicates a too low or too high confidence in the forecast, compared with the observed weather. The ensembles are therefore commonly post-processed to correct for these shortcomings. Here we look at one of these techniques, referred to as Ensemble Model Output Statistics (EMOS (Gneiting et al., 2005. Originally, the post-processing parameters were identified as a fixed set of parameters for a region. The application of our work is the European Flood Awareness System (, where a distributed model is run with meteorological ensembles as input. We are therefore dealing with a considerably larger data set than previous analyses. We also want to regionalize the parameters themselves for other locations than the calibration gauges. The post-processing parameters are therefore estimated for each calibration station, but with a spatial penalty for deviations from neighbouring stations, depending on the expected semivariance between the calibration catchment and these stations. The estimated post-processed parameters can then be used for regionalization of the postprocessing parameters also for uncalibrated locations using top-kriging in the rtop-package (Skøien et al., 2006, 2014. We will show results from cross-validation of the methodology and although our interest is mainly in identifying exceedance probabilities for certain return levels, we will also show how the rtop package can be used for creating a set of post-processed ensembles through simulations.

  2. Pauci ex tanto numero: reducing redundancy in multi-model ensembles (United States)

    Solazzo, E.; Riccio, A.; Kioutsioukis, I.; Galmarini, S.


    We explicitly address the fundamental issue of member diversity in multi-model ensembles. To date no attempts in this direction are documented within the air quality (AQ) community, although the extensive use of ensembles in this field. Common biases and redundancy are the two issues directly deriving from lack of independence, undermining the significance of a multi-model ensemble, and are the subject of this study. Shared biases among models will determine a biased ensemble, making therefore essential the errors of the ensemble members to be independent so that bias can cancel out. Redundancy derives from having too large a portion of common variance among the members of the ensemble, producing overconfidence in the predictions and underestimation of the uncertainty. The two issues of common biases and redundancy are analysed in detail using the AQMEII ensemble of AQ model results for four air pollutants in two European regions. We show that models share large portions of bias and variance, extending well beyond those induced by common inputs. We make use of several techniques to further show that subsets of models can explain the same amount of variance as the full ensemble with the advantage of being poorly correlated. Selecting the members for generating skilful, non-redundant ensembles from such subsets proved, however, non-trivial. We propose and discuss various methods of member selection and rate the ensemble performance they produce. In most cases, the full ensemble is outscored by the reduced ones. We conclude that, although independence of outputs may not always guarantee enhancement of scores (but this depends upon the skill being investigated) we discourage selecting the members of the ensemble simply on the basis of scores, that is, independence and skills need to be considered disjointly.

  3. 1. Le Soleil, une étoile dans notre Galaxie


    Vial, Jean-Claude


    Par une belle nuit sans Lune (et sans nuages), levons les yeux vers le ciel. L’œil est immédiatement attiré par le cortège d’étoiles brillantes qui a donné son nom à la Voie lactée. Il s’agit en fait d’une galaxie de près de 200 milliards d’étoiles qui abrite notre Soleil et ses planètes, c’est notre galaxie, « la » Galaxie, comme une île dans le vaste cosmos. La Galaxie : ses 150 à 200 milliards d’étoiles sont réparties selon des bras spiraux autour d’un noyau central et pour la plupart conf...

  4. A Comparison of Ensemble Kalman Filters for Storm Surge Assimilation

    KAUST Repository

    Altaf, Muhammad


    This study evaluates and compares the performances of several variants of the popular ensembleKalman filter for the assimilation of storm surge data with the advanced circulation (ADCIRC) model. Using meteorological data from Hurricane Ike to force the ADCIRC model on a domain including the Gulf ofMexico coastline, the authors implement and compare the standard stochastic ensembleKalman filter (EnKF) and three deterministic square root EnKFs: the singular evolutive interpolated Kalman (SEIK) filter, the ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF), and the ensemble adjustment Kalman filter (EAKF). Covariance inflation and localization are implemented in all of these filters. The results from twin experiments suggest that the square root ensemble filters could lead to very comparable performances with appropriate tuning of inflation and localization, suggesting that practical implementation details are at least as important as the choice of the square root ensemble filter itself. These filters also perform reasonably well with a relatively small ensemble size, whereas the stochastic EnKF requires larger ensemble sizes to provide similar accuracy for forecasts of storm surge.

  5. A Comparison of Ensemble Kalman Filters for Storm Surge Assimilation

    KAUST Repository

    Altaf, Muhammad; Butler, T.; Mayo, T.; Luo, X.; Dawson, C.; Heemink, A. W.; Hoteit, Ibrahim


    This study evaluates and compares the performances of several variants of the popular ensembleKalman filter for the assimilation of storm surge data with the advanced circulation (ADCIRC) model. Using meteorological data from Hurricane Ike to force the ADCIRC model on a domain including the Gulf ofMexico coastline, the authors implement and compare the standard stochastic ensembleKalman filter (EnKF) and three deterministic square root EnKFs: the singular evolutive interpolated Kalman (SEIK) filter, the ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF), and the ensemble adjustment Kalman filter (EAKF). Covariance inflation and localization are implemented in all of these filters. The results from twin experiments suggest that the square root ensemble filters could lead to very comparable performances with appropriate tuning of inflation and localization, suggesting that practical implementation details are at least as important as the choice of the square root ensemble filter itself. These filters also perform reasonably well with a relatively small ensemble size, whereas the stochastic EnKF requires larger ensemble sizes to provide similar accuracy for forecasts of storm surge.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buckley, R.; Werth, D.; Chiswell, S.; Etherton, B.


    The High-Resolution Mid-Atlantic Forecasting Ensemble (HME) is a federated effort to improve operational forecasts related to precipitation, convection and boundary layer evolution, and fire weather utilizing data and computing resources from a diverse group of cooperating institutions in order to create a mesoscale ensemble from independent members. Collaborating organizations involved in the project include universities, National Weather Service offices, and national laboratories, including the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL). The ensemble system is produced from an overlapping numerical weather prediction model domain and parameter subsets provided by each contributing member. The coordination, synthesis, and dissemination of the ensemble information are performed by the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. This paper discusses background related to the HME effort, SRNL participation, and example results available from the RENCI website.

  7. Une méthode générale pour modéliser les convertisseurs statiques associés à des dispositifs magnétiques (United States)

    Charpentier, J. F.; Lefèvre, Y.; Piquet, H.


    In this paper a general method for modelling power electronics circuits associated with electromagnetic devices is presented. This model is based on the simultaneous resolution of the circuit equations and the field equations in electromagnetic devices and on a general solution for taking into account the switching of semiconductors. This method allows to consider phenomena such as eddy currents and saturation of magnetic materials in the electromagnetic devices associated with static converters. Dans cet article, nous présentons une méthode générale pour simuler les ensembles constitués de convertisseurs statiques associés à des structures magnétiques. Cette solution est basée sur la résolution simultanée des équations de type circuit du convertisseur couplées aux équations du champ dans la structure magnétique et sur une méthode générale pour gérer l'état des interrupteurs du circuit. Il est alors possible de considérer des phénomènes tels que les courants de Foucault ou la saturation des matériaux dans des structures associées à des convertisseurs.

  8. Developpement d'une methode de Monte Carlo dependante du temps et application au reacteur de type CANDU-6 (United States)

    Mahjoub, Mehdi

    La resolution de l'equation de Boltzmann demeure une etape importante dans la prediction du comportement d'un reacteur nucleaire. Malheureusement, la resolution de cette equation presente toujours un defi pour une geometrie complexe (reacteur) tout comme pour une geometrie simple (cellule). Ainsi, pour predire le comportement d'un reacteur nucleaire,un schema de calcul a deux etapes est necessaire. La premiere etape consiste a obtenir les parametres nucleaires d'une cellule du reacteur apres une etape d'homogeneisation et condensation. La deuxieme etape consiste en un calcul de diffusion pour tout le reacteur en utilisant les resultats de la premiere etape tout en simplifiant la geometrie du reacteur a un ensemble de cellules homogenes le tout entoure de reflecteur. Lors des transitoires (accident), ces deux etapes sont insuffisantes pour pouvoir predire le comportement du reacteur. Comme la resolution de l'equation de Boltzmann dans sa forme dependante du temps presente toujours un defi de taille pour tous types de geometries,un autre schema de calcul est necessaire. Afin de contourner cette difficulte, l'hypothese adiabatique est utilisee. Elle se concretise en un schema de calcul a quatre etapes. La premiere et deuxieme etapes demeurent les memes pour des conditions nominales du reacteur. La troisieme etape se resume a obtenir les nouvelles proprietes nucleaires de la cellule a la suite de la perturbation pour les utiliser, au niveau de la quatrieme etape, dans un nouveau calcul de reacteur et obtenir l'effet de la perturbation sur le reacteur. Ce projet vise a verifier cette hypothese. Ainsi, un nouveau schema de calcul a ete defini. La premiere etape de ce projet a ete de creer un nouveau logiciel capable de resoudre l'equation de Boltzmann dependante du temps par la methode stochastique Monte Carlo dans le but d'obtenir des sections efficaces qui evoluent dans le temps. Ce code a ete utilise pour simuler un accident LOCA dans un reacteur nucleaire de type

  9. The Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction Experiment (HEPEX) (United States)

    Wood, A. W.; Thielen, J.; Pappenberger, F.; Schaake, J. C.; Hartman, R. K.


    The Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction Experiment was established in March, 2004, at a workshop hosted by the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF). With support from the US National Weather Service (NWS) and the European Commission (EC), the HEPEX goal was to bring the international hydrological and meteorological communities together to advance the understanding and adoption of hydrological ensemble forecasts for decision support in emergency management and water resources sectors. The strategy to meet this goal includes meetings that connect the user, forecast producer and research communities to exchange ideas, data and methods; the coordination of experiments to address specific challenges; and the formation of testbeds to facilitate shared experimentation. HEPEX has organized about a dozen international workshops, as well as sessions at scientific meetings (including AMS, AGU and EGU) and special issues of scientific journals where workshop results have been published. Today, the HEPEX mission is to demonstrate the added value of hydrological ensemble prediction systems (HEPS) for emergency management and water resources sectors to make decisions that have important consequences for economy, public health, safety, and the environment. HEPEX is now organised around six major themes that represent core elements of a hydrologic ensemble prediction enterprise: input and pre-processing, ensemble techniques, data assimilation, post-processing, verification, and communication and use in decision making. This poster presents an overview of recent and planned HEPEX activities, highlighting case studies that exemplify the focus and objectives of HEPEX.

  10. Technique originale de relèvement enclouage à foyer fermé d'une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le relèvement enclouage à foyer fermé (R.E.F.F) est une technique originale de traitement des fractures thalamiques du calcanéum. Il s'agit d'un patient âgé de 40 ans sans antécédents, victime d'une chute domestique sur le talon droit, d'une hauteur de 3 mètres. Le patient présentait un 'dème et une ecchymose du talon ...

  11. Cause rare d'une perforation de la cloison nasale (United States)

    Jahidi, Ali; Hemmaoui, Bouchaïb; Itoua, Wulfran Rosaire; Errami, Noureddine; Benariba, Fouad


    Les perforations de la cloison nasale constituent une pathologie fréquente en ORL. Leurs causes sont multiples et restent dominées par les traumatismes chirurgicaux. Les étiologies infectieuses et notamment la tuberculose sont rares. Nous présentons le cas d'une patiente ayant bénéficié d'une méatotomie bilatérale et chez laquelle une perforation de la cloison nasale a été découverte lors d'un examen systématique à un an de son intervention. D'abord considérée comme une complication de la chirurgie, la biopsie des berges de la perforation a permis de déterminer son origine tuberculeuse. La présentation clinique des perforations de la cloison nasale n'est pas spécifique. Elles sont souvent asymptomatiques et de découverte fortuite. Les traumatismes notamment chirurgicaux sont le plus siuvent en cause. L′orogine tuberculeuse resta très rare. Le diagnostic de certitude de tuberculose repose sur la biopsie des berges de cette perforation. Le but de ce travail est de mettre en avant l'intérêt de la biopsie dans le diagnostic de la tuberculose de la cloison nasale. Cette biopsie doit être systématique même en cas d'antécédents de chirurgie endonasale qui est le plus souvent en cause dans les perforations de la cloison nasale. PMID:24932334

  12. Pauci ex tanto numero: reduce redundancy in multi-model ensembles (United States)

    Solazzo, E.; Riccio, A.; Kioutsioukis, I.; Galmarini, S.


    We explicitly address the fundamental issue of member diversity in multi-model ensembles. To date, no attempts in this direction have been documented within the air quality (AQ) community despite the extensive use of ensembles in this field. Common biases and redundancy are the two issues directly deriving from lack of independence, undermining the significance of a multi-model ensemble, and are the subject of this study. Shared, dependant biases among models do not cancel out but will instead determine a biased ensemble. Redundancy derives from having too large a portion of common variance among the members of the ensemble, producing overconfidence in the predictions and underestimation of the uncertainty. The two issues of common biases and redundancy are analysed in detail using the AQMEII ensemble of AQ model results for four air pollutants in two European regions. We show that models share large portions of bias and variance, extending well beyond those induced by common inputs. We make use of several techniques to further show that subsets of models can explain the same amount of variance as the full ensemble with the advantage of being poorly correlated. Selecting the members for generating skilful, non-redundant ensembles from such subsets proved, however, non-trivial. We propose and discuss various methods of member selection and rate the ensemble performance they produce. In most cases, the full ensemble is outscored by the reduced ones. We conclude that, although independence of outputs may not always guarantee enhancement of scores (but this depends upon the skill being investigated), we discourage selecting the members of the ensemble simply on the basis of scores; that is, independence and skills need to be considered disjointly.

  13. Energy saving certificates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The French ministry of economy, finances and industry and the French agency of environment and energy mastery (Ademe) have organized on November 8, 2005, a colloquium for the presentation of the energy saving certificates, a new tool to oblige the energy suppliers to encourage their clients to make energy savings. This document gathers the transparencies presented at this colloquium about the following topics: state-of-the-art and presentation of the energy saving certificates system: presentation of the EEC system, presentation of the EEC standard operations; the energy saving certificates in Europe today: energy efficiency commitment in UK, Italian white certificate scheme, perspectives of the different European systems. (J.S.)

  14. Data assimilation in integrated hydrological modeling using ensemble Kalman filtering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Jørn; Madsen, H.; Jensen, Karsten Høgh


    Groundwater head and stream discharge is assimilated using the ensemble transform Kalman filter in an integrated hydrological model with the aim of studying the relationship between the filter performance and the ensemble size. In an attempt to reduce the required number of ensemble members...... and estimating parameters requires a much larger ensemble size than just assimilating groundwater head observations. However, the required ensemble size can be greatly reduced with the use of adaptive localization, which by far outperforms distance-based localization. The study is conducted using synthetic data...

  15. Trainer certification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Couser, S.; Moore, J.


    A DOE Technical Safety Appraisal in October 1986 found that training at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant was fragmented and lacked uniformity. Training was localized in departments and was more often handled by line supervisors, etc. - with no certification. The Trainer Certification Program has provided the means for applying standard guidelines to ensure that training is designed, applied, and evaluated in a consistent, effective, and efficient manner. The program is in a state of substantial change and a target date for compliance is set for 1989. Trainer certification will provide both current and future resources to ensure consistent and effective training. 22 figures

  16. Une-Mati lood vene keeles

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Dagmar Normeti lasteraamatu "Une-Mati, Päris-Mati ja Tups" tõlget vene keelde (tõlkijad Irina Belobrovtseva ja Vitali Belobrovtsev; ill. Siima Shkop) esitletakse täna Kirjanike Liidu saalis; vt. ka Postimees, 19. märts, lk. 14

  17. Le pneumothorax spontané comme une manifestation évolutive de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le pneumothorax spontané comme une manifestation évolutive de la polyarthrite rhumatoide: à propos d'une observation clinique et revue de la litterature. Magaye Gaye, Assane Ndiaye, Mouhamed Lamine Fall, Souleymane Diatta, Papa Adama Dieng, Papa Salmane Ba, Amadou Gabriel Ciss, Mouhamadou Ndiaye ...

  18. Decadal climate predictions improved by ocean ensemble dispersion filtering (United States)

    Kadow, C.; Illing, S.; Kröner, I.; Ulbrich, U.; Cubasch, U.


    Decadal predictions by Earth system models aim to capture the state and phase of the climate several years in advance. Atmosphere-ocean interaction plays an important role for such climate forecasts. While short-term weather forecasts represent an initial value problem and long-term climate projections represent a boundary condition problem, the decadal climate prediction falls in-between these two time scales. In recent years, more precise initialization techniques of coupled Earth system models and increased ensemble sizes have improved decadal predictions. However, climate models in general start losing the initialized signal and its predictive skill from one forecast year to the next. Here we show that the climate prediction skill of an Earth system model can be improved by a shift of the ocean state toward the ensemble mean of its individual members at seasonal intervals. We found that this procedure, called ensemble dispersion filter, results in more accurate results than the standard decadal prediction. Global mean and regional temperature, precipitation, and winter cyclone predictions show an increased skill up to 5 years ahead. Furthermore, the novel technique outperforms predictions with larger ensembles and higher resolution. Our results demonstrate how decadal climate predictions benefit from ocean ensemble dispersion filtering toward the ensemble mean.Plain Language SummaryDecadal predictions aim to predict the climate several years in advance. Atmosphere-ocean interaction plays an important role for such climate forecasts. The ocean memory due to its heat capacity holds big potential skill. In recent years, more precise initialization techniques of coupled Earth system models (incl. atmosphere and ocean) have improved decadal predictions. Ensembles are another important aspect. Applying slightly perturbed predictions to trigger the famous butterfly effect results in an ensemble. Instead of evaluating one prediction, but the whole ensemble with its

  19. Ensemble-based Probabilistic Forecasting at Horns Rev

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pinson, Pierre; Madsen, Henrik


    forecasting methodology. In a first stage, ensemble forecasts of meteorological variables are converted to power through a suitable power curve model. This modelemploys local polynomial regression, and is adoptively estimated with an orthogonal fitting method. The obtained ensemble forecasts of wind power...

  20. DroidEnsemble: Detecting Android Malicious Applications with Ensemble of String and Structural Static Features

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Wei


    Android platform has dominated the Operating System of mobile devices. However, the dramatic increase of Android malicious applications (malapps) has caused serious software failures to Android system and posed a great threat to users. The effective detection of Android malapps has thus become an emerging yet crucial issue. Characterizing the behaviors of Android applications (apps) is essential to detecting malapps. Most existing work on detecting Android malapps was mainly based on string static features such as permissions and API usage extracted from apps. There also exists work on the detection of Android malapps with structural features, such as Control Flow Graph (CFG) and Data Flow Graph (DFG). As Android malapps have become increasingly polymorphic and sophisticated, using only one type of static features may result in false negatives. In this work, we propose DroidEnsemble that takes advantages of both string features and structural features to systematically and comprehensively characterize the static behaviors of Android apps and thus build a more accurate detection model for the detection of Android malapps. We extract each app’s string features, including permissions, hardware features, filter intents, restricted API calls, used permissions, code patterns, as well as structural features like function call graph. We then use three machine learning algorithms, namely, Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) and Random Forest (RF), to evaluate the performance of these two types of features and of their ensemble. In the experiments, We evaluate our methods and models with 1386 benign apps and 1296 malapps. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of DroidEnsemble. It achieves the detection accuracy as 95.8% with only string features and as 90.68% with only structural features. DroidEnsemble reaches the detection accuracy as 98.4% with the ensemble of both types of features, reducing 9 false positives and 12 false

  1. Contribution to the development of a gamma radiation camera for use in scintigraphy; Contribution a l'etude et a la realisation d'une camera a rayonnement gamma en vue d'une application a la scintigraphie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Felix, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Cadarache (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This report constitutes an attempt to study systematically the properties of the detection head of a multichannel collimating grid camera. The object has been to show the disadvantages of present equipment, and to propose possible solutions for overcoming them: firstly by improving the methods used for collecting data, and the performances of the equipment doing the collecting; secondly by devising methods for processing the data so as to reduce image distortion and, first of all, the astigmatism due to the collimator. The first part deals with the study of the formation of the image by means of the collimating grid, the second with the examination of many systems which could be used for acquiring data. The last part summarizes the experiments carried out and proposes an experimental programme for the development of a prototype. (author) [French] Ce rapport constitue une tentative d'etude systematique des proprietes de la tete de detection d'une camera a grille collimatrice multicanal. Le but de cette etude est de souligner les inconvenients des dispositifs actuels et d'esquisser des solutions propres a y remedier: premierement, par l'amelioration du mode d'acquisition des donnees et des performances du sous-ensemble charge de cette acquisition; deuxiemement, par la recherche de methodes de traitement des donnees propres a reduire les distorsions de l'image et en premier lieu l'astigmatisme du au collimateur. La premiere partie en est devolue a l'etude de la formation de l'image par l'intermediaire de la grille collimatrice, la seconde a l'examen de nombreux systemes utilisables pour l'acquisition des donnees. La derniere partie resume les experiences effectuees et propose un programme de manipulations utiles a l'elaboration d'un prototype d'appareil. (auteur)

  2. Crossover ensembles of random matrices and skew-orthogonal polynomials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, Santosh; Pandey, Akhilesh


    Highlights: → We study crossover ensembles of Jacobi family of random matrices. → We consider correlations for orthogonal-unitary and symplectic-unitary crossovers. → We use the method of skew-orthogonal polynomials and quaternion determinants. → We prove universality of spectral correlations in crossover ensembles. → We discuss applications to quantum conductance and communication theory problems. - Abstract: In a recent paper (S. Kumar, A. Pandey, Phys. Rev. E, 79, 2009, p. 026211) we considered Jacobi family (including Laguerre and Gaussian cases) of random matrix ensembles and reported exact solutions of crossover problems involving time-reversal symmetry breaking. In the present paper we give details of the work. We start with Dyson's Brownian motion description of random matrix ensembles and obtain universal hierarchic relations among the unfolded correlation functions. For arbitrary dimensions we derive the joint probability density (jpd) of eigenvalues for all transitions leading to unitary ensembles as equilibrium ensembles. We focus on the orthogonal-unitary and symplectic-unitary crossovers and give generic expressions for jpd of eigenvalues, two-point kernels and n-level correlation functions. This involves generalization of the theory of skew-orthogonal polynomials to crossover ensembles. We also consider crossovers in the circular ensembles to show the generality of our method. In the large dimensionality limit, correlations in spectra with arbitrary initial density are shown to be universal when expressed in terms of a rescaled symmetry breaking parameter. Applications of our crossover results to communication theory and quantum conductance problems are also briefly discussed.

  3. Rues en parallèle, une étude comparative entre Shanghai et Paris

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thierry Sanjuan


    Full Text Available Alors que les métropoles chinoises connaissent  une globalisation accélérée, l’observation de deux rues, l’une chinoise, l’autre parisienne,  aide à comprendre  ce qui  fait leur permanence et leur singularité, notamment les différences et les similitudes qui concernent les différents aspects de leur mutation. Ce sont en particulier  les caractéristiques  du processus de gentrification que ces deux rues connaissent qui les différencient: pour la rue du faubourg Saint Antoine domine une gentrification résidentielle, de type socio-culturelle, qui s’affirme depuis une trentaine d’année ; tandis que pour la rue Sichuan (Nord, on observe une gentrification de fréquentation, encouragée par une politique très volontaire de renforcement rapide de sa vocation commerciale à l’échelle métropolitaine au détriment des espaces et des populations riveraines.

  4. Case Report - Une tumeur exceptionnelle du doigt: la tumeur ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... mous rend le diagnostic de ces tumeurs mésenchymateuses difficile et tardif. Dans 20à 30 % des cas le comportement de la TFS est celui d'une tumeur maligne localement agressive et récidivante, avec des métastases rares et tardives. Ce comportement impose une surveillance prolongée après exérèse chirurgicale.

  5. Representing Color Ensembles. (United States)

    Chetverikov, Andrey; Campana, Gianluca; Kristjánsson, Árni


    Colors are rarely uniform, yet little is known about how people represent color distributions. We introduce a new method for studying color ensembles based on intertrial learning in visual search. Participants looked for an oddly colored diamond among diamonds with colors taken from either uniform or Gaussian color distributions. On test trials, the targets had various distances in feature space from the mean of the preceding distractor color distribution. Targets on test trials therefore served as probes into probabilistic representations of distractor colors. Test-trial response times revealed a striking similarity between the physical distribution of colors and their internal representations. The results demonstrate that the visual system represents color ensembles in a more detailed way than previously thought, coding not only mean and variance but, most surprisingly, the actual shape (uniform or Gaussian) of the distribution of colors in the environment.

  6. Efficient Kernel-Based Ensemble Gaussian Mixture Filtering

    KAUST Repository

    Liu, Bo


    We consider the Bayesian filtering problem for data assimilation following the kernel-based ensemble Gaussian-mixture filtering (EnGMF) approach introduced by Anderson and Anderson (1999). In this approach, the posterior distribution of the system state is propagated with the model using the ensemble Monte Carlo method, providing a forecast ensemble that is then used to construct a prior Gaussian-mixture (GM) based on the kernel density estimator. This results in two update steps: a Kalman filter (KF)-like update of the ensemble members and a particle filter (PF)-like update of the weights, followed by a resampling step to start a new forecast cycle. After formulating EnGMF for any observational operator, we analyze the influence of the bandwidth parameter of the kernel function on the covariance of the posterior distribution. We then focus on two aspects: i) the efficient implementation of EnGMF with (relatively) small ensembles, where we propose a new deterministic resampling strategy preserving the first two moments of the posterior GM to limit the sampling error; and ii) the analysis of the effect of the bandwidth parameter on contributions of KF and PF updates and on the weights variance. Numerical results using the Lorenz-96 model are presented to assess the behavior of EnGMF with deterministic resampling, study its sensitivity to different parameters and settings, and evaluate its performance against ensemble KFs. The proposed EnGMF approach with deterministic resampling suggests improved estimates in all tested scenarios, and is shown to require less localization and to be less sensitive to the choice of filtering parameters.

  7. Developing an interdisciplinary certificate program in transportation planning, phase 2 : the eCertificate. (United States)


    This proposal extends the delivery of the recently developed graduate Certificate in Transportation : Planning to a wider audience through the establishment of an Executive Certificate Program by distance : (eCertificate). While the need for an inter...

  8. Performances d'une nouvelle approche dans l'estimation au champ

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Elle possède cependant des limitations, dues à l'organisation temporaire d'une .... Performances d'une nouvelle approche dans l'estimation au champ utilisant le principe de la ... différents types de résidus (soja, luzerne, haricot et maïs) et ...

  9. Design ensemble machine learning model for breast cancer diagnosis. (United States)

    Hsieh, Sheau-Ling; Hsieh, Sung-Huai; Cheng, Po-Hsun; Chen, Chi-Huang; Hsu, Kai-Ping; Lee, I-Shun; Wang, Zhenyu; Lai, Feipei


    In this paper, we classify the breast cancer of medical diagnostic data. Information gain has been adapted for feature selections. Neural fuzzy (NF), k-nearest neighbor (KNN), quadratic classifier (QC), each single model scheme as well as their associated, ensemble ones have been developed for classifications. In addition, a combined ensemble model with these three schemes has been constructed for further validations. The experimental results indicate that the ensemble learning performs better than individual single ones. Moreover, the combined ensemble model illustrates the highest accuracy of classifications for the breast cancer among all models.

  10. Adaptations respiratoires et circulatoires de l'esturgeon sibérien à une hypoxie environnementale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Les adaptations respiratoires, acido-basiques et quelques effets circulatoires ont été étudiés chez l'esturgeon sibérien Acipenser baeri lors d'une hypoxie progressive ou d'un choc hypoxique, et du retour en normoxie. Au cours d'une hypoxie progressive, ce poisson est capable, en hyperventilant, de maintenir constante sa consommation d'oxygène jusqu'à une valeur critique de pression partielle d'oxygène dans l'eau située entre 20 et 40 mmHg. Le retour en normoxie est caractérisé par le paiement d'une dette d'oxygène, indiquant qu'un recours au métabolisme anaérobie a été nécessaire durant l'hypoxie. L'hypoxie progressive provoque initialement une alcalose ventilatoire associée ensuite à une acidose métabolique. Le choc hypoxique induit un état de stress comme en témoignent les valeurs élevées des taux plasmatiques de catécholamines. L'hyperventilation initiale est suivie d'une importante dépression ventilatoire. L'hypertension observée dans un premier temps, bien que modérée, représente un effet d'une augmentation du taux de catécholamines plasmatiques. Cet effet est ensuite atténué par une bradycardie d'origine vraisemblablement vagale, concomitante de l'hypoventilation. Les conséquences sur l'équilibre acido-basique, bien qu'amplifiées, sont comparables à celles d'une hypoxie progressive. Cependant, la libération très importante de lactate dans le sang lors du retour en normoxie n'entraîne qu'une faible diminution de pH du fait d'une augmentation concomitante du taux de sodium plasmatique. Ainsi l'esturgeon Acipenser baeri, bien que considéré comme un poisson archaïque, a développé les mêmes réponses adaptatives à l'hypoxie que les téléostéens.

  11. Extension of the GHJW theorem for operator ensembles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Jeong Woon; Hong, Dowon; Chang, Ku-Young; Chi, Dong Pyo; Lee, Soojoon


    The Gisin-Hughston-Jozsa-Wootters theorem plays an important role in analyzing various theories about quantum information, quantum communication, and quantum cryptography. It means that any purifications on the extended system which yield indistinguishable state ensembles on their subsystem should have a specific local unitary relation. In this Letter, we show that the local relation is also established even when the indistinguishability of state ensembles is extended to that of operator ensembles.

  12. Skill prediction of local weather forecasts based on the ECMWF ensemble

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Ziehmann


    Full Text Available Ensemble Prediction has become an essential part of numerical weather forecasting. In this paper we investigate the ability of ensemble forecasts to provide an a priori estimate of the expected forecast skill. Several quantities derived from the local ensemble distribution are investigated for a two year data set of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF temperature and wind speed ensemble forecasts at 30 German stations. The results indicate that the population of the ensemble mode provides useful information for the uncertainty in temperature forecasts. The ensemble entropy is a similar good measure. This is not true for the spread if it is simply calculated as the variance of the ensemble members with respect to the ensemble mean. The number of clusters in the C regions is almost unrelated to the local skill. For wind forecasts, the results are less promising.

  13. Ensemble methods for seasonal limited area forecasts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arritt, Raymond W.; Anderson, Christopher J.; Takle, Eugene S.


    The ensemble prediction methods used for seasonal limited area forecasts were examined by comparing methods for generating ensemble simulations of seasonal precipitation. The summer 1993 model over the north-central US was used as a test case. The four methods examined included the lagged-average...

  14. La culture, une arme de constructions massives.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrick Poncet


    Full Text Available Le recueil de texte que nous propose Jean-Michel Tobelem autour des questions de « diplomatie culturelle » peut être considéré comme un objet à double sens : une source et une exploration. Comme recueil de documents, le directeur d’ouvrage s’est attaché à réunir dans un volume somme toute restreint des contributions de spécialistes de divers sujets « culturels » à qui il était demandé de livrer leur savoir sous un angle valorisant le lien entre diplomatie et culture. ...

  15. Une frontière dans l’Europe.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dominique Andrieu


    Full Text Available En l’espace d’une semaine, la France et la Suisse ont eu à se prononcer par référendum sur l’avenir de  leur pays dans l’Europe. L’un, en France le 29 mai 2005, portait sur l’adoption du traité constitutionnel et l’autre, la Suisse le 5 juin, portait sur leur entrée dans l’espace de Schengen. Bien que ces deux questions recouvrent deux définitions politiques et spatiales différentes, l’Union politique à 25 pour l’une et l’autre un traité à vocation politique ...

  16. Creating ensembles of decision trees through sampling (United States)

    Kamath, Chandrika; Cantu-Paz, Erick


    A system for decision tree ensembles that includes a module to read the data, a module to sort the data, a module to evaluate a potential split of the data according to some criterion using a random sample of the data, a module to split the data, and a module to combine multiple decision trees in ensembles. The decision tree method is based on statistical sampling techniques and includes the steps of reading the data; sorting the data; evaluating a potential split according to some criterion using a random sample of the data, splitting the data, and combining multiple decision trees in ensembles.

  17. An Efficient Ensemble Learning Method for Gene Microarray Classification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alireza Osareh


    Full Text Available The gene microarray analysis and classification have demonstrated an effective way for the effective diagnosis of diseases and cancers. However, it has been also revealed that the basic classification techniques have intrinsic drawbacks in achieving accurate gene classification and cancer diagnosis. On the other hand, classifier ensembles have received increasing attention in various applications. Here, we address the gene classification issue using RotBoost ensemble methodology. This method is a combination of Rotation Forest and AdaBoost techniques which in turn preserve both desirable features of an ensemble architecture, that is, accuracy and diversity. To select a concise subset of informative genes, 5 different feature selection algorithms are considered. To assess the efficiency of the RotBoost, other nonensemble/ensemble techniques including Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, Rotation Forest, AdaBoost, and Bagging are also deployed. Experimental results have revealed that the combination of the fast correlation-based feature selection method with ICA-based RotBoost ensemble is highly effective for gene classification. In fact, the proposed method can create ensemble classifiers which outperform not only the classifiers produced by the conventional machine learning but also the classifiers generated by two widely used conventional ensemble learning methods, that is, Bagging and AdaBoost.

  18. Sub-Ensemble Coastal Flood Forecasting: A Case Study of Hurricane Sandy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Justin A. Schulte


    Full Text Available In this paper, it is proposed that coastal flood ensemble forecasts be partitioned into sub-ensemble forecasts using cluster analysis in order to produce representative statistics and to measure forecast uncertainty arising from the presence of clusters. After clustering the ensemble members, the ability to predict the cluster into which the observation will fall can be measured using a cluster skill score. Additional sub-ensemble and composite skill scores are proposed for assessing the forecast skill of a clustered ensemble forecast. A recently proposed method for statistically increasing the number of ensemble members is used to improve sub-ensemble probabilistic estimates. Through the application of the proposed methodology to Sandy coastal flood reforecasts, it is demonstrated that statistics computed using only ensemble members belonging to a specific cluster are more representative than those computed using all ensemble members simultaneously. A cluster skill-cluster uncertainty index relationship is identified, which is the cluster analog of the documented spread-skill relationship. Two sub-ensemble skill scores are shown to be positively correlated with cluster forecast skill, suggesting that skillfully forecasting the cluster into which the observation will fall is important to overall forecast skill. The identified relationships also suggest that the number of ensemble members within in each cluster can be used as guidance for assessing the potential for forecast error. The inevitable existence of ensemble member clusters in tidally dominated total water level prediction systems suggests that clustering is a necessary post-processing step for producing representative and skillful total water level forecasts.

  19. Ensemble Bayesian forecasting system Part I: Theory and algorithms (United States)

    Herr, Henry D.; Krzysztofowicz, Roman


    The ensemble Bayesian forecasting system (EBFS), whose theory was published in 2001, is developed for the purpose of quantifying the total uncertainty about a discrete-time, continuous-state, non-stationary stochastic process such as a time series of stages, discharges, or volumes at a river gauge. The EBFS is built of three components: an input ensemble forecaster (IEF), which simulates the uncertainty associated with random inputs; a deterministic hydrologic model (of any complexity), which simulates physical processes within a river basin; and a hydrologic uncertainty processor (HUP), which simulates the hydrologic uncertainty (an aggregate of all uncertainties except input). It works as a Monte Carlo simulator: an ensemble of time series of inputs (e.g., precipitation amounts) generated by the IEF is transformed deterministically through a hydrologic model into an ensemble of time series of outputs, which is next transformed stochastically by the HUP into an ensemble of time series of predictands (e.g., river stages). Previous research indicated that in order to attain an acceptable sampling error, the ensemble size must be on the order of hundreds (for probabilistic river stage forecasts and probabilistic flood forecasts) or even thousands (for probabilistic stage transition forecasts). The computing time needed to run the hydrologic model this many times renders the straightforward simulations operationally infeasible. This motivates the development of the ensemble Bayesian forecasting system with randomization (EBFSR), which takes full advantage of the analytic meta-Gaussian HUP and generates multiple ensemble members after each run of the hydrologic model; this auxiliary randomization reduces the required size of the meteorological input ensemble and makes it operationally feasible to generate a Bayesian ensemble forecast of large size. Such a forecast quantifies the total uncertainty, is well calibrated against the prior (climatic) distribution of

  20. Supersymmetry applied to the spectrum edge of random matrix ensembles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andreev, A.V.; Simons, B.D.; Taniguchi, N.


    A new matrix ensemble has recently been proposed to describe the transport properties in mesoscopic quantum wires. Both analytical and numerical studies have shown that the ensemble of Laguerre or of chiral random matrices provides a good description of scattering properties in this class of systems. Until now only conventional methods of random matrix theory have been used to study statistical properties within this ensemble. We demonstrate that the supersymmetry method, already employed in the study Dyson ensembles, can be extended to treat this class of random matrix ensembles. In developing this approach we investigate both new, as well as verify known statistical measures. Although we focus on ensembles in which T-invariance is violated our approach lays the foundation for future studies of T-invariant systems. ((orig.))

  1. L'industrialisation de l'exploitation de l'or à Kalsaka, Burkina Faso : une chance pour une population rurale pauvre ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthieu Thune


    Full Text Available On assiste au Burkina Faso au passage d'une exploitation essentiellement artisanale de l'or à une exploitation industrielle. Sur des sites miniers exploités jusqu'alors de façon artisanale, l'arrivée d'une entreprise industrielle perturbe les rapports des habitants aux espaces qu’ils exploitent et aux bénéfices qu’ils prétendent en tirer. A travers l'étude du site de Kalsaka, au nord du pays, il s'agit d'analyser les changements engendrés par l'arrivée de la mine sur les activités rurales. L'implantation de l'entreprise minière bouleverse l’économie locale dans le sens d'une paupérisation et ne constitue pas une nouvelle opportunité économique pour les habitants du lieu. Toutefois, les acteurs locaux sont inégalement touchés et de nombreux habitants perturbés dans leurs activités ont été en mesure de s'adapter au changement.Burkina Faso is faced with the transition from a mainly traditional gold mining activity to an industrial one. On sites that had hitherto been mined with traditional techniques, the setting-up of an industrial company interferes with the way the population interact with the area, as well as the profit they wish to draw from it. The point of this study on the Kalsaka site, situated in the north of the country, is to analyze the impact the mine has caused on rural activities. The emergence of the mining company has impoverished the local economy and has failed to provide the local population with any new economic opportunity. However, the locals turned out to be unevenly affected and many people -whose activity had initially been disrupted- have adjusted to the change.

  2. Modeling task-specific neuronal ensembles improves decoding of grasp (United States)

    Smith, Ryan J.; Soares, Alcimar B.; Rouse, Adam G.; Schieber, Marc H.; Thakor, Nitish V.


    Objective. Dexterous movement involves the activation and coordination of networks of neuronal populations across multiple cortical regions. Attempts to model firing of individual neurons commonly treat the firing rate as directly modulating with motor behavior. However, motor behavior may additionally be associated with modulations in the activity and functional connectivity of neurons in a broader ensemble. Accounting for variations in neural ensemble connectivity may provide additional information about the behavior being performed. Approach. In this study, we examined neural ensemble activity in primary motor cortex (M1) and premotor cortex (PM) of two male rhesus monkeys during performance of a center-out reach, grasp and manipulate task. We constructed point process encoding models of neuronal firing that incorporated task-specific variations in the baseline firing rate as well as variations in functional connectivity with the neural ensemble. Models were evaluated both in terms of their encoding capabilities and their ability to properly classify the grasp being performed. Main results. Task-specific ensemble models correctly predicted the performed grasp with over 95% accuracy and were shown to outperform models of neuronal activity that assume only a variable baseline firing rate. Task-specific ensemble models exhibited superior decoding performance in 82% of units in both monkeys (p  <  0.01). Inclusion of ensemble activity also broadly improved the ability of models to describe observed spiking. Encoding performance of task-specific ensemble models, measured by spike timing predictability, improved upon baseline models in 62% of units. Significance. These results suggest that additional discriminative information about motor behavior found in the variations in functional connectivity of neuronal ensembles located in motor-related cortical regions is relevant to decode complex tasks such as grasping objects, and may serve the basis for more

  3. Empty Quarter (Une Femme en Afrique de Raymond Depardon : l’image d’une voix off

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cyril Laverger


    Full Text Available Pour son premier long métrage de fiction, Raymond Depardon choisit un dispositif radical pour mettre en scène la passion amoureuse d’un homme pour une femme : ne jamais le voir ni l’entendre ; il est présent uniquement par sa voix off et les regards-caméra de cette femme. Une certaine forme de point de vue subjectif s’ancre dans les premières séquences. Pourtant, malgré une séquence en caméra portée épaule, des indices sonores et visuels troublent étrangement ce point de vue subjectif : un inattendu son interne objectif associé au personnage féminin et des questions posées au personnage-voix off restant sans réponse. Le spectateur est ainsi insensiblement amené à s’interroger sur le statut de cette voix off : temporalité variable, « dialogue improbable » entre voix off et voix in, existence même de ce personnage-voix off... Dans Empty Quarter, la voix off devient un véritable personnage relatant une histoire tout autant vécue que fantasmée.For his first fiction feature, Raymond Depardon chooses a radical device to direct the passionate love of a man for a woman: never see him never hear him; he is only present thanks to his voice-over and the camera-glances of this woman. Kind of a shape of a subjective point of view is anchored in the first sequences. Yet, despite a hand-held shot, sound and visual clues strangely disturb this subjective point of view; an unexpected objective internal sound linked to the female character and the questions asked to the voice-over-character remain unanswered. The audience is imperceptibly led to ask itself questions on the status of this voice-over: varying time-scale, « improbable dialogue » between voice-over and voice-in, mere existence of this voice over character... In Empty Quarter, the voice-over becomes a real character telling a story which is both lived and fantasized.

  4. Improving Climate Projections Using "Intelligent" Ensembles (United States)

    Baker, Noel C.; Taylor, Patrick C.


    Recent changes in the climate system have led to growing concern, especially in communities which are highly vulnerable to resource shortages and weather extremes. There is an urgent need for better climate information to develop solutions and strategies for adapting to a changing climate. Climate models provide excellent tools for studying the current state of climate and making future projections. However, these models are subject to biases created by structural uncertainties. Performance metrics-or the systematic determination of model biases-succinctly quantify aspects of climate model behavior. Efforts to standardize climate model experiments and collect simulation data-such as the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP)-provide the means to directly compare and assess model performance. Performance metrics have been used to show that some models reproduce present-day climate better than others. Simulation data from multiple models are often used to add value to projections by creating a consensus projection from the model ensemble, in which each model is given an equal weight. It has been shown that the ensemble mean generally outperforms any single model. It is possible to use unequal weights to produce ensemble means, in which models are weighted based on performance (called "intelligent" ensembles). Can performance metrics be used to improve climate projections? Previous work introduced a framework for comparing the utility of model performance metrics, showing that the best metrics are related to the variance of top-of-atmosphere outgoing longwave radiation. These metrics improve present-day climate simulations of Earth's energy budget using the "intelligent" ensemble method. The current project identifies several approaches for testing whether performance metrics can be applied to future simulations to create "intelligent" ensemble-mean climate projections. It is shown that certain performance metrics test key climate processes in the models, and

  5. 78 FR 64153 - Direct Certification and Certification of Homeless, Migrant and Runaway Children for Free School... (United States)


    ...-0001] RIN 0584-AD60 Direct Certification and Certification of Homeless, Migrant and Runaway Children... interim rule entitled Direct Certification and Certification of Homeless, Migrant and Runaway Children for...

  6. Generation of scenarios from calibrated ensemble forecasts with a dual ensemble copula coupling approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ben Bouallègue, Zied; Heppelmann, Tobias; Theis, Susanne E.


    the original ensemble forecasts. Based on the assumption of error stationarity, parametric methods aim to fully describe the forecast dependence structures. In this study, the concept of ECC is combined with past data statistics in order to account for the autocorrelation of the forecast error. The new...... approach, called d-ECC, is applied to wind forecasts from the high resolution ensemble system COSMO-DE-EPS run operationally at the German weather service. Scenarios generated by ECC and d-ECC are compared and assessed in the form of time series by means of multivariate verification tools and in a product...

  7. Encoding of Spatial Attention by Primate Prefrontal Cortex Neuronal Ensembles (United States)

    Treue, Stefan


    Abstract Single neurons in the primate lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) encode information about the allocation of visual attention and the features of visual stimuli. However, how this compares to the performance of neuronal ensembles at encoding the same information is poorly understood. Here, we recorded the responses of neuronal ensembles in the LPFC of two macaque monkeys while they performed a task that required attending to one of two moving random dot patterns positioned in different hemifields and ignoring the other pattern. We found single units selective for the location of the attended stimulus as well as for its motion direction. To determine the coding of both variables in the population of recorded units, we used a linear classifier and progressively built neuronal ensembles by iteratively adding units according to their individual performance (best single units), or by iteratively adding units based on their contribution to the ensemble performance (best ensemble). For both methods, ensembles of relatively small sizes (n decoding performance relative to individual single units. However, the decoder reached similar performance using fewer neurons with the best ensemble building method compared with the best single units method. Our results indicate that neuronal ensembles within the LPFC encode more information about the attended spatial and nonspatial features of visual stimuli than individual neurons. They further suggest that efficient coding of attention can be achieved by relatively small neuronal ensembles characterized by a certain relationship between signal and noise correlation structures. PMID:29568798

  8. Le semis très précoce : une stratégie agronomique pour améliorer les performances du soja en France ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maury Pierre


    Full Text Available Le semis très précoce du soja a été étudié dans l’objectif d’améliorer le potentiel de rendement et/ou de réduire les besoins en eau. Trois variétés, appartenant à différents groupes de maturité, ont été retenues afin d’identifier les traits variétaux d’intérêt pour le semis très précoce. Un ensemble d’essais multilocaux, comportant deux modalités de semis avec irrigation, a été réalisé au cours de 5 années culturales (2010−2014. Le rendement et les besoins en eau ont été déterminés; un suivi dynamique du développement et de la croissance a été réalisé pour la variété Santana. Les effets combinés des basses températures et de la photopériode en réponse au semis précoce se traduisent par une production de biomasse aérienne réduite en phase végétative et une augmentation de la durée de remplissage des graines. Les valeurs maximales de rendement sont observées pour le semis très précoce, mais en moyenne le rendement est sensiblement plus faible en semis très précoce (3,7 t/ha vs. 3,9 t/ha. L’irrigation pour conduire les cultures dans des conditions proches de l’ETM a été sensiblement plus faible en semis très précoce (170 mm vs. 182 mm. Une variété tardive (groupe de maturité II apparaît mieux adaptée au semis très précoce qu’une variété de groupe de maturité I. Cette étude constitue une première référence agronomique d’évaluation du semis très précoce du soja et suggère que des types variétaux très tardifs pourraient améliorer le potentiel de rendement du soja en semis très précoce pour des conduites irriguées dans le Sud-Ouest de la France.

  9. La titrisation de la dette interieure de l'etat : une avenue prometteuse ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Une recension des écrits, non exhaustive mais assez suffisante a permis de relever, à travers cet article, que la titrisation est bien une stratégie de financement, qu'elle peut corriger les crises de liquidité et régler la dette nette. Elle a donc une utilité certaine pour les entreprises et les Etats en période de tension de trésorerie ...

  10. Flood Forecasting Based on TIGGE Precipitation Ensemble Forecast

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    Jinyin Ye


    Full Text Available TIGGE (THORPEX International Grand Global Ensemble was a major part of the THORPEX (Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment. It integrates ensemble precipitation products from all the major forecast centers in the world and provides systematic evaluation on the multimodel ensemble prediction system. Development of meteorologic-hydrologic coupled flood forecasting model and early warning model based on the TIGGE precipitation ensemble forecast can provide flood probability forecast, extend the lead time of the flood forecast, and gain more time for decision-makers to make the right decision. In this study, precipitation ensemble forecast products from ECMWF, NCEP, and CMA are used to drive distributed hydrologic model TOPX. We focus on Yi River catchment and aim to build a flood forecast and early warning system. The results show that the meteorologic-hydrologic coupled model can satisfactorily predict the flow-process of four flood events. The predicted occurrence time of peak discharges is close to the observations. However, the magnitude of the peak discharges is significantly different due to various performances of the ensemble prediction systems. The coupled forecasting model can accurately predict occurrence of the peak time and the corresponding risk probability of peak discharge based on the probability distribution of peak time and flood warning, which can provide users a strong theoretical foundation and valuable information as a promising new approach.

  11. Three-model ensemble wind prediction in southern Italy (United States)

    Torcasio, Rosa Claudia; Federico, Stefano; Calidonna, Claudia Roberta; Avolio, Elenio; Drofa, Oxana; Landi, Tony Christian; Malguzzi, Piero; Buzzi, Andrea; Bonasoni, Paolo


    Quality of wind prediction is of great importance since a good wind forecast allows the prediction of available wind power, improving the penetration of renewable energies into the energy market. Here, a 1-year (1 December 2012 to 30 November 2013) three-model ensemble (TME) experiment for wind prediction is considered. The models employed, run operationally at National Research Council - Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), are RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modelling System), BOLAM (BOlogna Limited Area Model), and MOLOCH (MOdello LOCale in H coordinates). The area considered for the study is southern Italy and the measurements used for the forecast verification are those of the GTS (Global Telecommunication System). Comparison with observations is made every 3 h up to 48 h of forecast lead time. Results show that the three-model ensemble outperforms the forecast of each individual model. The RMSE improvement compared to the best model is between 22 and 30 %, depending on the season. It is also shown that the three-model ensemble outperforms the IFS (Integrated Forecasting System) of the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast) for the surface wind forecasts. Notably, the three-model ensemble forecast performs better than each unbiased model, showing the added value of the ensemble technique. Finally, the sensitivity of the three-model ensemble RMSE to the length of the training period is analysed.

  12. Effect of a non lethal whole-body gamma irradiation on the spontaneous and evoked electroencephalographic activities of the adult rabbit; Effets d'une irradiation gamma globale non letale sur les activites electroencephalograpiques spontanees et evoquees du lapin adulte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Court, L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The whole of the experimental methods described (animal preparation, achievement of a precise physiological technique, dosimetry, biological information processing) allowed us to follow the changes for 15 days in the spontaneous and evoked electroencephalogram activities of rabbits submitted to a non-lethal 400 rads whole-body gamma-irradiation. Behavioural troubles, changes in the arousal state and the spontaneous electrical activity of the neo-cortex and hippocampus were noticed constantly together with an enhanced cortical excitability, and the appearance of elements of the paroxystic series sometimes in contrast with a general decrease in amplitude. After a visual stimulus the general morphology of evoked activities at the level of the primary visual areas and hippocampus was unchanged, but enhanced latencies and delays, less systematic modifications in amplitudes seemed to show out a direct effect of radiations on the nervous system and sensorial activities; these troubles seemed to occur independently from the basic electrical activity. As a whole, the changes observed were usually transitory and varied with each individual. Finally an assumption is made to explain the mechanism of arousal troubles and the general evolution of spontaneous electrical activity in the brain. (author) [French] 'L'ensemble des methodes experimentales decrites (preparation des animaux, mise au point d'une technique physiologique precise, dosimetrie, traitement de l'information biologique) a permis de suivre, pendant 15 jours, chez le lapin soumis a une irradiation gamma globale non letale de 400 rads, les modifications des activites electroencephaliques spontanees et evoquees. De facon constante, on note des troubles du comportement, des modifications de la vigilance et de l'activite electrique spontanee du neo-cortex et de l'hippocampe, ainsi qu'une augmentation de l'excitabilite corticale, l'apparition d'elements de la serie paroxystique contrastant parfois avec une diminution

  13. Le syndrome de Budd-Chiari: une complication rare de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'atteinte hépatique au cours de la sarcoïdose est une localisation fréquente, habituellement asymptomatique. La cholestase anictérique et l'hypertension portale représentent ses principales complications. Le syndrome de Budd-Chiari est une complication peu connue qui demeure exceptionnelle. Nous rapportons un ...

  14. Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) [2.5 Deg. (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) is a weather forecast model made up of 21 separate forecasts, or ensemble members. The National Centers for Environmental...

  15. Une proposition de nouveau cartogramme

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    Raymond Badel


    Full Text Available Le cartogramme proposé est une technique de recherche-exploration rapide grâce aux possibilités offertes par le micro-ordinateur et sa diffusion. La propriété foncière en vallée d'Aure lui sert de support.

  16. On-line Learning of Unlearnable True Teacher through Mobile Ensemble Teachers (United States)

    Hirama, Takeshi; Hukushima, Koji


    The on-line learning of a hierarchical learning model is studied by a method based on statistical mechanics. In our model, a student of a simple perceptron learns from not a true teacher directly, but ensemble teachers who learn from a true teacher with a perceptron learning rule. Since the true teacher and ensemble teachers are expressed as nonmonotonic and simple perceptrons, respectively, the ensemble teachers go around the unlearnable true teacher with the distance between them fixed in an asymptotic steady state. The generalization performance of the student is shown to exceed that of the ensemble teachers in a transient state, as was shown in similar ensemble-teachers models. Furthermore, it is found that moving the ensemble teachers even in the steady state, in contrast to the fixed ensemble teachers, is efficient for the performance of the student.

  17. An ensemble classifier to predict track geometry degradation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cárdenas-Gallo, Iván; Sarmiento, Carlos A.; Morales, Gilberto A.; Bolivar, Manuel A.; Akhavan-Tabatabaei, Raha


    Railway operations are inherently complex and source of several problems. In particular, track geometry defects are one of the leading causes of train accidents in the United States. This paper presents a solution approach which entails the construction of an ensemble classifier to forecast the degradation of track geometry. Our classifier is constructed by solving the problem from three different perspectives: deterioration, regression and classification. We considered a different model from each perspective and our results show that using an ensemble method improves the predictive performance. - Highlights: • We present an ensemble classifier to forecast the degradation of track geometry. • Our classifier considers three perspectives: deterioration, regression and classification. • We construct and test three models and our results show that using an ensemble method improves the predictive performance.

  18. L'Afrique du Sud à la veille d'une consultation décisive

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bayart, Jean François; Ellis, S.D.K.; Hibou, Béatrice


    En dépit de ses succès, le modèle démocratique sud-africain traverse une phase délicate. La succession du président Nelson Mandela annonce une possible crispation du pouvoir, en raison notamment des tendances autoritaires de Thabo Mbeki. Incapable de s'affirmer sur la scène continentale comme une

  19. L'infiltration d'une dilution ideale des solutions avec epineph rine au ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'auteur rapporte un procédé simplifié de dilution d'une solution anesthésique avec épinéphrine passant d'une concentration de 1/100 000 à 1/800 000 pour rechercher une hémostase locale effective sans compromettre dans l'immédiat la vitalité de la vascularisation périphérique des lambeaux cutanés levés. The author ...

  20. Le socle d'une œuvre, invisible mais essentiel


    Huguenin, Daniel


    Tiré du site internet du blog des Musées d'art et d'histoire ( "Le support se faisant aujourd'hui le plus discret possible, voire invisible. Sa réalisation nécessite une étroite collaboration entre les différents acteurs d'une exposition car le socleur doit allier les besoins de la conservation et de la muséographie.".


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le tératome de la parotide est une malformation tumorale vestigiale rare contenant des dérivés plus ou moins différenciés, des trois feuillets embryonnaires. A la lumière d'une nouvelle observation et des données de la littérature, on se propose de mettre l'accent sur les aspects cliniques, histologiques et thérapeutiques de ...

  2. Neural Network Ensembles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lars Kai; Salamon, Peter


    We propose several means for improving the performance an training of neural networks for classification. We use crossvalidation as a tool for optimizing network parameters and architecture. We show further that the remaining generalization error can be reduced by invoking ensembles of similar...... networks....

  3. Development of a regional ensemble prediction method for probabilistic weather prediction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nohara, Daisuke; Tamura, Hidetoshi; Hirakuchi, Hiromaru


    A regional ensemble prediction method has been developed to provide probabilistic weather prediction using a numerical weather prediction model. To obtain consistent perturbations with the synoptic weather pattern, both of initial and lateral boundary perturbations were given by differences between control and ensemble member of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)'s operational one-week ensemble forecast. The method provides a multiple ensemble member with a horizontal resolution of 15 km for 48-hour based on a downscaling of the JMA's operational global forecast accompanied with the perturbations. The ensemble prediction was examined in the case of heavy snow fall event in Kanto area on January 14, 2013. The results showed that the predictions represent different features of high-resolution spatiotemporal distribution of precipitation affected by intensity and location of extra-tropical cyclone in each ensemble member. Although the ensemble prediction has model bias of mean values and variances in some variables such as wind speed and solar radiation, the ensemble prediction has a potential to append a probabilistic information to a deterministic prediction. (author)

  4. The Use of Artificial-Intelligence-Based Ensembles for Intrusion Detection: A Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gulshan Kumar


    Full Text Available In supervised learning-based classification, ensembles have been successfully employed to different application domains. In the literature, many researchers have proposed different ensembles by considering different combination methods, training datasets, base classifiers, and many other factors. Artificial-intelligence-(AI- based techniques play prominent role in development of ensemble for intrusion detection (ID and have many benefits over other techniques. However, there is no comprehensive review of ensembles in general and AI-based ensembles for ID to examine and understand their current research status to solve the ID problem. Here, an updated review of ensembles and their taxonomies has been presented in general. The paper also presents the updated review of various AI-based ensembles for ID (in particular during last decade. The related studies of AI-based ensembles are compared by set of evaluation metrics driven from (1 architecture & approach followed; (2 different methods utilized in different phases of ensemble learning; (3 other measures used to evaluate classification performance of the ensembles. The paper also provides the future directions of the research in this area. The paper will help the better understanding of different directions in which research of ensembles has been done in general and specifically: field of intrusion detection systems (IDSs.

  5. Determination of radioactive risks connected with the working of a nuclear plant; Evaluation des risques radioactifs lies au fonctionnement d'une installation nucleaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lavie, J M; Doury, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    analytique de SUTTON. Une presentation graphique systematique accroit la souplesse d'utilisation des resultats et met a la disposition des autorites responsables un moyen souple, pratique et rapide de determiner les risques encourus a partir d'un ensemble suffisamment etendu de conditions initiales et simultanees (types d'accidents, situations atmospheriques). (auteur)

  6. Concrete ensemble Kalman filters with rigorous catastrophic filter divergence. (United States)

    Kelly, David; Majda, Andrew J; Tong, Xin T


    The ensemble Kalman filter and ensemble square root filters are data assimilation methods used to combine high-dimensional, nonlinear dynamical models with observed data. Ensemble methods are indispensable tools in science and engineering and have enjoyed great success in geophysical sciences, because they allow for computationally cheap low-ensemble-state approximation for extremely high-dimensional turbulent forecast models. From a theoretical perspective, the dynamical properties of these methods are poorly understood. One of the central mysteries is the numerical phenomenon known as catastrophic filter divergence, whereby ensemble-state estimates explode to machine infinity, despite the true state remaining in a bounded region. In this article we provide a breakthrough insight into the phenomenon, by introducing a simple and natural forecast model that transparently exhibits catastrophic filter divergence under all ensemble methods and a large set of initializations. For this model, catastrophic filter divergence is not an artifact of numerical instability, but rather a true dynamical property of the filter. The divergence is not only validated numerically but also proven rigorously. The model cleanly illustrates mechanisms that give rise to catastrophic divergence and confirms intuitive accounts of the phenomena given in past literature.

  7. COSPAS-SARSAT Beacon Certification Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — EPG's COSPAS-SARSAT Beacon Certification Facility is one of five certification facilities in the world. Formal certifications are available for all beacon types and...

  8. Quark ensembles with infinite correlation length


    Molodtsov, S. V.; Zinovjev, G. M.


    By studying quark ensembles with infinite correlation length we formulate the quantum field theory model that, as we show, is exactly integrable and develops an instability of its standard vacuum ensemble (the Dirac sea). We argue such an instability is rooted in high ground state degeneracy (for 'realistic' space-time dimensions) featuring a fairly specific form of energy distribution, and with the cutoff parameter going to infinity this inherent energy distribution becomes infinitely narrow...

  9. A multi-model ensemble approach to seabed mapping (United States)

    Diesing, Markus; Stephens, David


    Seabed habitat mapping based on swath acoustic data and ground-truth samples is an emergent and active marine science discipline. Significant progress could be achieved by transferring techniques and approaches that have been successfully developed and employed in such fields as terrestrial land cover mapping. One such promising approach is the multiple classifier system, which aims at improving classification performance by combining the outputs of several classifiers. Here we present results of a multi-model ensemble applied to multibeam acoustic data covering more than 5000 km2 of seabed in the North Sea with the aim to derive accurate spatial predictions of seabed substrate. A suite of six machine learning classifiers (k-Nearest Neighbour, Support Vector Machine, Classification Tree, Random Forest, Neural Network and Naïve Bayes) was trained with ground-truth sample data classified into seabed substrate classes and their prediction accuracy was assessed with an independent set of samples. The three and five best performing models were combined to classifier ensembles. Both ensembles led to increased prediction accuracy as compared to the best performing single classifier. The improvements were however not statistically significant at the 5% level. Although the three-model ensemble did not perform significantly better than its individual component models, we noticed that the five-model ensemble did perform significantly better than three of the five component models. A classifier ensemble might therefore be an effective strategy to improve classification performance. Another advantage is the fact that the agreement in predicted substrate class between the individual models of the ensemble could be used as a measure of confidence. We propose a simple and spatially explicit measure of confidence that is based on model agreement and prediction accuracy.

  10. Une clinique possible avec les malades d’Alzheimer


    Fontela, Cristina; Darnaud, Thierry


    Dans cet article les auteurs montrent qu’une psychothérapie d’inspiration psychanalytique est possible avec des sujets institutionnalisés présentant une démence du type Alzheimer. Elle se justifie d’autant plus que le sujet a subi des pertes relationnelles et d’objets libidinalement investis. Le clinicien tente de s’adapter à un psychisme en proie aux troubles cognitifs où les mouvements transféro-contretransférentiels sont massifs et ont un rôle particulier dans l’économie psychique du sujet...

  11. Critical Listening in the Ensemble Rehearsal: A Community of Learners (United States)

    Bell, Cindy L.


    This article explores a strategy for engaging ensemble members in critical listening analysis of performances and presents opportunities for improving ensemble sound through rigorous dialogue, reflection, and attentive rehearsing. Critical listening asks ensemble members to draw on individual playing experience and knowledge to describe what they…

  12. SVM and SVM Ensembles in Breast Cancer Prediction. (United States)

    Huang, Min-Wei; Chen, Chih-Wen; Lin, Wei-Chao; Ke, Shih-Wen; Tsai, Chih-Fong


    Breast cancer is an all too common disease in women, making how to effectively predict it an active research problem. A number of statistical and machine learning techniques have been employed to develop various breast cancer prediction models. Among them, support vector machines (SVM) have been shown to outperform many related techniques. To construct the SVM classifier, it is first necessary to decide the kernel function, and different kernel functions can result in different prediction performance. However, there have been very few studies focused on examining the prediction performances of SVM based on different kernel functions. Moreover, it is unknown whether SVM classifier ensembles which have been proposed to improve the performance of single classifiers can outperform single SVM classifiers in terms of breast cancer prediction. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to fully assess the prediction performance of SVM and SVM ensembles over small and large scale breast cancer datasets. The classification accuracy, ROC, F-measure, and computational times of training SVM and SVM ensembles are compared. The experimental results show that linear kernel based SVM ensembles based on the bagging method and RBF kernel based SVM ensembles with the boosting method can be the better choices for a small scale dataset, where feature selection should be performed in the data pre-processing stage. For a large scale dataset, RBF kernel based SVM ensembles based on boosting perform better than the other classifiers.

  13. SVM and SVM Ensembles in Breast Cancer Prediction.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Min-Wei Huang

    Full Text Available Breast cancer is an all too common disease in women, making how to effectively predict it an active research problem. A number of statistical and machine learning techniques have been employed to develop various breast cancer prediction models. Among them, support vector machines (SVM have been shown to outperform many related techniques. To construct the SVM classifier, it is first necessary to decide the kernel function, and different kernel functions can result in different prediction performance. However, there have been very few studies focused on examining the prediction performances of SVM based on different kernel functions. Moreover, it is unknown whether SVM classifier ensembles which have been proposed to improve the performance of single classifiers can outperform single SVM classifiers in terms of breast cancer prediction. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to fully assess the prediction performance of SVM and SVM ensembles over small and large scale breast cancer datasets. The classification accuracy, ROC, F-measure, and computational times of training SVM and SVM ensembles are compared. The experimental results show that linear kernel based SVM ensembles based on the bagging method and RBF kernel based SVM ensembles with the boosting method can be the better choices for a small scale dataset, where feature selection should be performed in the data pre-processing stage. For a large scale dataset, RBF kernel based SVM ensembles based on boosting perform better than the other classifiers.

  14. Ensemble Data Mining Methods (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Ensemble Data Mining Methods, also known as Committee Methods or Model Combiners, are machine learning methods that leverage the power of multiple models to achieve...

  15. Ensemble Network Architecture for Deep Reinforcement Learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xi-liang Chen


    Full Text Available The popular deep Q learning algorithm is known to be instability because of the Q-value’s shake and overestimation action values under certain conditions. These issues tend to adversely affect their performance. In this paper, we develop the ensemble network architecture for deep reinforcement learning which is based on value function approximation. The temporal ensemble stabilizes the training process by reducing the variance of target approximation error and the ensemble of target values reduces the overestimate and makes better performance by estimating more accurate Q-value. Our results show that this architecture leads to statistically significant better value evaluation and more stable and better performance on several classical control tasks at OpenAI Gym environment.

  16. Production method of {alpha} particles; Une methode de production des particules {alpha}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prevot, F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay(France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    It is proposed a method to get an intense beam of {alpha} particles. With a source of ordinary ions, we form a helium beam, once ionized, it is accelerated with an energy of a few hundreds of keV. While crossing a matter any that can be a thin leaf or a gaseous blade, the second electron of helium is pulled with a yield that only depends on the energy of the beam of helium and that is equal to 1/2 for 650 keV. (author) [French] Il est propose une methode pour obtenir un faisceau intense de particules {alpha}. Avec une source d'ions ordinaire, on forme un faisceau d'helium une fois ionise qu'on accelere avec une energie de quelques centaines de keV. En traversant une matiere quelconque qui peut etre sous forme de feuille mince ou de lame gazeuse, le deuxieme electron de l'helium est arrache avec un rendement qui ne depend que de l'energie du faisceau d'helium et qui vaut 1/2 pour 650 keV. (auteur)

  17. Shallow cumuli ensemble statistics for development of a stochastic parameterization (United States)

    Sakradzija, Mirjana; Seifert, Axel; Heus, Thijs


    According to a conventional deterministic approach to the parameterization of moist convection in numerical atmospheric models, a given large scale forcing produces an unique response from the unresolved convective processes. This representation leaves out the small-scale variability of convection, as it is known from the empirical studies of deep and shallow convective cloud ensembles, there is a whole distribution of sub-grid states corresponding to the given large scale forcing. Moreover, this distribution gets broader with the increasing model resolution. This behavior is also consistent with our theoretical understanding of a coarse-grained nonlinear system. We propose an approach to represent the variability of the unresolved shallow-convective states, including the dependence of the sub-grid states distribution spread and shape on the model horizontal resolution. Starting from the Gibbs canonical ensemble theory, Craig and Cohen (2006) developed a theory for the fluctuations in a deep convective ensemble. The micro-states of a deep convective cloud ensemble are characterized by the cloud-base mass flux, which, according to the theory, is exponentially distributed (Boltzmann distribution). Following their work, we study the shallow cumulus ensemble statistics and the distribution of the cloud-base mass flux. We employ a Large-Eddy Simulation model (LES) and a cloud tracking algorithm, followed by a conditional sampling of clouds at the cloud base level, to retrieve the information about the individual cloud life cycles and the cloud ensemble as a whole. In the case of shallow cumulus cloud ensemble, the distribution of micro-states is a generalized exponential distribution. Based on the empirical and theoretical findings, a stochastic model has been developed to simulate the shallow convective cloud ensemble and to test the convective ensemble theory. Stochastic model simulates a compound random process, with the number of convective elements drawn from a

  18. Une fosse du Bronze final IIb dans le Val d’Orléans à Sandillon (Loiret : données archéologiques et contexte environnemental A Late Bronze Age pit IIb in the Val d’Orléans at Sandillon (Loiret: archaeological data and environmental context

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hélène Froquet


    Full Text Available Un diagnostic archéologique réalisé en 2004 à Sandillon (Loiret a permis la découverte d’une occupation du Bronze final IIb dans la plaine alluviale de la Loire. Les structures sont peu nombreuses, mais une fosse se distingue par un ensemble céramique exceptionnel par sa richesse, sa conservation et la présence de formes encore inconnues en région Centre. Ce corpus céramique, corrélé par une datation par radiocarbone, offre désormais un jalon fiable pour la région. Par ailleurs, ces vestiges ont pu être replacés dans leur environnement immédiat grâce à une étude géomorphologique et à l’analyse des restes carpologiques contenus dans la fosse. Ainsi, le croisement des données permet de tenter une approche paléo environnementale sur une occupation en contexte fluviatile et de préciser les relations entre l’homme et son milieu durant cette période chronologique.An archaeological diagnostic carried out in 2004 at Sandillon (Loiret enabled the discovery of a final Bronze Age IIb occupation in the alluvial Loire valley. There are few structures but one pit is noteworthy for a ceramic collection, exceptional in its abundance, its preservation and the presence of previously unknown forms in the Centre region. This ceramic corpus, dated by radiocarbon, henceforth provides a reliable standard for the region. Moreover, these relics could be set in their immediate environment thanks to a geomorphological study and to the analysis of carpological remains contained in the pit. So, the crossing of data allows us to attempt an environmental paleolithic approach to an occupation in a freshwater context and to clarify the relationship between man and his environment in this chronological period.

  19. Les faits,une arme contre

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    un_focus_pauvreté. Aux Philippines, les progrès reposent sur une information rigoureuse. Aux Philippines, le système de suivi communautaire de la pauvreté, d'abord projet pilote, s'est étendu, en 14 ans, à l'échelle nationale, appuyé par tous les ordres ...

  20. Selecting a climate model subset to optimise key ensemble properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. Herger


    Full Text Available End users studying impacts and risks caused by human-induced climate change are often presented with large multi-model ensembles of climate projections whose composition and size are arbitrarily determined. An efficient and versatile method that finds a subset which maintains certain key properties from the full ensemble is needed, but very little work has been done in this area. Therefore, users typically make their own somewhat subjective subset choices and commonly use the equally weighted model mean as a best estimate. However, different climate model simulations cannot necessarily be regarded as independent estimates due to the presence of duplicated code and shared development history. Here, we present an efficient and flexible tool that makes better use of the ensemble as a whole by finding a subset with improved mean performance compared to the multi-model mean while at the same time maintaining the spread and addressing the problem of model interdependence. Out-of-sample skill and reliability are demonstrated using model-as-truth experiments. This approach is illustrated with one set of optimisation criteria but we also highlight the flexibility of cost functions, depending on the focus of different users. The technique is useful for a range of applications that, for example, minimise present-day bias to obtain an accurate ensemble mean, reduce dependence in ensemble spread, maximise future spread, ensure good performance of individual models in an ensemble, reduce the ensemble size while maintaining important ensemble characteristics, or optimise several of these at the same time. As in any calibration exercise, the final ensemble is sensitive to the metric, observational product, and pre-processing steps used.

  1. Selecting a climate model subset to optimise key ensemble properties (United States)

    Herger, Nadja; Abramowitz, Gab; Knutti, Reto; Angélil, Oliver; Lehmann, Karsten; Sanderson, Benjamin M.


    End users studying impacts and risks caused by human-induced climate change are often presented with large multi-model ensembles of climate projections whose composition and size are arbitrarily determined. An efficient and versatile method that finds a subset which maintains certain key properties from the full ensemble is needed, but very little work has been done in this area. Therefore, users typically make their own somewhat subjective subset choices and commonly use the equally weighted model mean as a best estimate. However, different climate model simulations cannot necessarily be regarded as independent estimates due to the presence of duplicated code and shared development history. Here, we present an efficient and flexible tool that makes better use of the ensemble as a whole by finding a subset with improved mean performance compared to the multi-model mean while at the same time maintaining the spread and addressing the problem of model interdependence. Out-of-sample skill and reliability are demonstrated using model-as-truth experiments. This approach is illustrated with one set of optimisation criteria but we also highlight the flexibility of cost functions, depending on the focus of different users. The technique is useful for a range of applications that, for example, minimise present-day bias to obtain an accurate ensemble mean, reduce dependence in ensemble spread, maximise future spread, ensure good performance of individual models in an ensemble, reduce the ensemble size while maintaining important ensemble characteristics, or optimise several of these at the same time. As in any calibration exercise, the final ensemble is sensitive to the metric, observational product, and pre-processing steps used.

  2. On evaluation of ensemble precipitation forecasts with observation-based ensembles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Jaun


    Full Text Available Spatial interpolation of precipitation data is uncertain. How important is this uncertainty and how can it be considered in evaluation of high-resolution probabilistic precipitation forecasts? These questions are discussed by experimental evaluation of the COSMO consortium's limited-area ensemble prediction system COSMO-LEPS. The applied performance measure is the often used Brier skill score (BSS. The observational references in the evaluation are (a analyzed rain gauge data by ordinary Kriging and (b ensembles of interpolated rain gauge data by stochastic simulation. This permits the consideration of either a deterministic reference (the event is observed or not with 100% certainty or a probabilistic reference that makes allowance for uncertainties in spatial averaging. The evaluation experiments show that the evaluation uncertainties are substantial even for the large area (41 300 km2 of Switzerland with a mean rain gauge distance as good as 7 km: the one- to three-day precipitation forecasts have skill decreasing with forecast lead time but the one- and two-day forecast performances differ not significantly.

  3. Polarized ensembles of random pure states (United States)

    Deelan Cunden, Fabio; Facchi, Paolo; Florio, Giuseppe


    A new family of polarized ensembles of random pure states is presented. These ensembles are obtained by linear superposition of two random pure states with suitable distributions, and are quite manageable. We will use the obtained results for two purposes: on the one hand we will be able to derive an efficient strategy for sampling states from isopurity manifolds. On the other, we will characterize the deviation of a pure quantum state from separability under the influence of noise.

  4. An automated approach to network features of protein structure ensembles (United States)

    Bhattacharyya, Moitrayee; Bhat, Chanda R; Vishveshwara, Saraswathi


    Network theory applied to protein structures provides insights into numerous problems of biological relevance. The explosion in structural data available from PDB and simulations establishes a need to introduce a standalone-efficient program that assembles network concepts/parameters under one hood in an automated manner. Herein, we discuss the development/application of an exhaustive, user-friendly, standalone program package named PSN-Ensemble, which can handle structural ensembles generated through molecular dynamics (MD) simulation/NMR studies or from multiple X-ray structures. The novelty in network construction lies in the explicit consideration of side-chain interactions among amino acids. The program evaluates network parameters dealing with topological organization and long-range allosteric communication. The introduction of a flexible weighing scheme in terms of residue pairwise cross-correlation/interaction energy in PSN-Ensemble brings in dynamical/chemical knowledge into the network representation. Also, the results are mapped on a graphical display of the structure, allowing an easy access of network analysis to a general biological community. The potential of PSN-Ensemble toward examining structural ensemble is exemplified using MD trajectories of an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (UbcH5b). Furthermore, insights derived from network parameters evaluated using PSN-Ensemble for single-static structures of active/inactive states of β2-adrenergic receptor and the ternary tRNA complexes of tyrosyl tRNA synthetases (from organisms across kingdoms) are discussed. PSN-Ensemble is freely available from PMID:23934896

  5. Les travailleurs de la nature : une professionnalisation en tension

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arnaud Cosson


    Full Text Available En France, le développement des métiers de la nature est lié à une opposition, parfois violente, à la bureaucratie et au recours croissant à la technique. Pourtant, on constate aujourd’hui un mouvement de rationalisation, de technicisation et de professionnalisation de ces activités, bien loin de l’image mythifiée d’activités qui seraient caractérisées essentiellement par l’engagement, la passion ou la proximité au terrain. C’est ainsi l’alignement avec d’autres corps de métiers qui est mis en avant par les acteurs travaillant dans des espaces naturels qui témoignent de leur volonté de (se convaincre que leur activité constitue un « vrai travail », un « vrai métier ».En nous basant sur une enquête empirique complétant un ensemble de travaux antérieurs, nous éclairons la façon dont cette tension – entre passion et rationalisation, entre spécificité et alignement – s’exprime dans le vécu et les pratiques des professionnels de la nature en France. Nous explorons trois niveaux : celui des conditions de l’engagement dans le métier (tendues entre revendication de compétences et de qualifications et mise en avant d’une passion ; celui des figures et des identités professionnelles (prises entre figure de l’expert naturaliste et figure du médiateur ; celui des pratiques de travail (oscillant entre pratiques néo-manageriales et proximité à la nature.Ce faisant, nous esquissons les contours d’une forme de professionnalisation singulière et paradoxale, propre aux métiers de la nature, qui s’est construite sur une tension constitutive entre rationalisation et résistance à la rationalisation, entre alignement sur les standards d’autres professions et maintien d’une spécificité.Nature jobs: a professionalization under stressThe development of nature jobs in France is linked to a sometimes fierce opposition to bureaucracy and the rising resort to technology. However, these jobs

  6. Developing an Ensemble Prediction System based on COSMO-DE (United States)

    Theis, S.; Gebhardt, C.; Buchhold, M.; Ben Bouallègue, Z.; Ohl, R.; Paulat, M.; Peralta, C.


    The numerical weather prediction model COSMO-DE is a configuration of the COSMO model with a horizontal grid size of 2.8 km. It has been running operationally at DWD since 2007, it covers the area of Germany and produces forecasts with a lead time of 0-21 hours. The model COSMO-DE is convection-permitting, which means that it does without a parametrisation of deep convection and simulates deep convection explicitly. One aim is an improved forecast of convective heavy rain events. Convection-permitting models are in operational use at several weather services, but currently not in ensemble mode. It is expected that an ensemble system could reveal the advantages of a convection-permitting model even better. The probabilistic approach is necessary, because the explicit simulation of convective processes for more than a few hours cannot be viewed as a deterministic forecast anymore. This is due to the chaotic behaviour and short life cycle of the processes which are simulated explicitly now. In the framework of the project COSMO-DE-EPS, DWD is developing and implementing an ensemble prediction system (EPS) for the model COSMO-DE. The project COSMO-DE-EPS comprises the generation of ensemble members, as well as the verification and visualization of the ensemble forecasts and also statistical postprocessing. A pre-operational mode of the EPS with 20 ensemble members is foreseen to start in 2010. Operational use is envisaged to start in 2012, after an upgrade to 40 members and inclusion of statistical postprocessing. The presentation introduces the project COSMO-DE-EPS and describes the design of the ensemble as it is planned for the pre-operational mode. In particular, the currently implemented method for the generation of ensemble members will be explained and discussed. The method includes variations of initial conditions, lateral boundary conditions, and model physics. At present, pragmatic methods are applied which resemble the basic ideas of a multi-model approach

  7. The Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction Experiment (HEPEX) (United States)

    Wood, Andy; Wetterhall, Fredrik; Ramos, Maria-Helena


    The Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction Experiment was established in March, 2004, at a workshop hosted by the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF), and co-sponsored by the US National Weather Service (NWS) and the European Commission (EC). The HEPEX goal was to bring the international hydrological and meteorological communities together to advance the understanding and adoption of hydrological ensemble forecasts for decision support. HEPEX pursues this goal through research efforts and practical implementations involving six core elements of a hydrologic ensemble prediction enterprise: input and pre-processing, ensemble techniques, data assimilation, post-processing, verification, and communication and use in decision making. HEPEX has grown through meetings that connect the user, forecast producer and research communities to exchange ideas, data and methods; the coordination of experiments to address specific challenges; and the formation of testbeds to facilitate shared experimentation. In the last decade, HEPEX has organized over a dozen international workshops, as well as sessions at scientific meetings (including AMS, AGU and EGU) and special issues of scientific journals where workshop results have been published. Through these interactions and an active online blog (, HEPEX has built a strong and active community of nearly 400 researchers & practitioners around the world. This poster presents an overview of recent and planned HEPEX activities, highlighting case studies that exemplify the focus and objectives of HEPEX.

  8. Ensemble-based forecasting at Horns Rev: Ensemble conversion and kernel dressing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pinson, Pierre; Madsen, Henrik

    . The obtained ensemble forecasts of wind power are then converted into predictive distributions with an original adaptive kernel dressing method. The shape of the kernels is driven by a mean-variance model, the parameters of which are recursively estimated in order to maximize the overall skill of obtained...

  9. 7 CFR 205.404 - Granting certification. (United States)


    ... PROVISIONS NATIONAL ORGANIC PROGRAM Certification § 205.404 Granting certification. (a) Within a reasonable... certified operation; (2) Effective date of certification; (3) Categories of organic operation, including... operation's organic certification continues in effect until surrendered by the organic operation or...

  10. Lattice gauge theory in the microcanonical ensemble

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Callaway, D.J.E.; Rahman, A.


    The microcanonical-ensemble formulation of lattice gauge theory proposed recently is examined in detail. Expectation values in this new ensemble are determined by solving a large set of coupled ordinary differential equations, after the fashion of a molecular dynamics simulation. Following a brief review of the microcanonical ensemble, calculations are performed for the gauge groups U(1), SU(2), and SU(3). The results are compared and contrasted with standard methods of computation. Several advantages of the new formalism are noted. For example, no random numbers are required to update the system. Also, this update is performed in a simultaneous fashion. Thus the microcanonical method presumably adapts well to parallel processing techniques, especially when the p action is highly nonlocal (such as when fermions are included)

  11. Localisation d'une source sonore par un réseau de microphones


    Thaljaoui , Adel; Brulin , Damien; Val , Thierry; Nasri , Nejah


    National audience; L'assistance à domicile d'une personne âgée, notamment la connaissance de sa position géographique en tout instant, est devenue actuellement l'une des problématiques les plus urgentes. L'exploitation de l'information audio captée par un réseau de capteurs munis de microphones constitue un axe de recherche prometteur qui pourrait contribuer à une meilleure localisation dans le cadre des maisons intelligentes. Nous introduisons, dans cet article, nos premiers travaux sur la l...

  12. Quand la biopsie cutanée peut étiqueter une épilepsie | Harmouch ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La maladie de Lafora (ML) représente une forme rare et grave d'épilepsie myoclonique progressive. C'est une affection à transmission autosomique récessive, hétérogène sur le plan génétique. Nous rapportons le cas d'une adolescente de 16 ans, issue de parents consanguins de premier degré, qui présente depuis l'âge ...

  13. Exploring and Listening to Chinese Classical Ensembles in General Music (United States)

    Zhang, Wenzhuo


    Music diversity is valued in theory, but the extent to which it is efficiently presented in music class remains limited. Within this article, I aim to bridge this gap by introducing four genres of Chinese classical ensembles--Qin and Xiao duets, Jiang Nan bamboo and silk ensembles, Cantonese ensembles, and contemporary Chinese orchestras--into the…

  14. Polarized ensembles of random pure states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cunden, Fabio Deelan; Facchi, Paolo; Florio, Giuseppe


    A new family of polarized ensembles of random pure states is presented. These ensembles are obtained by linear superposition of two random pure states with suitable distributions, and are quite manageable. We will use the obtained results for two purposes: on the one hand we will be able to derive an efficient strategy for sampling states from isopurity manifolds. On the other, we will characterize the deviation of a pure quantum state from separability under the influence of noise. (paper)

  15. Probabilistic Determination of Native State Ensembles of Proteins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsson, Simon; Vögeli, Beat Rolf; Cavalli, Andrea


    ensembles of proteins by the combination of physical force fields and experimental data through modern statistical methodology. As an example, we use NMR residual dipolar couplings to determine a native state ensemble of the extensively studied third immunoglobulin binding domain of protein G (GB3...

  16. Ensembles of a small number of conformations with relative populations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vammi, Vijay, E-mail:; Song, Guang, E-mail: [Iowa State University, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Program, Department of Computer Science (United States)


    In our previous work, we proposed a new way to represent protein native states, using ensembles of a small number of conformations with relative Populations, or ESP in short. Using Ubiquitin as an example, we showed that using a small number of conformations could greatly reduce the potential of overfitting and assigning relative populations to protein ensembles could significantly improve their quality. To demonstrate that ESP indeed is an excellent alternative to represent protein native states, in this work we compare the quality of two ESP ensembles of Ubiquitin with several well-known regular ensembles or average structure representations. Extensive amount of significant experimental data are employed to achieve a thorough assessment. Our results demonstrate that ESP ensembles, though much smaller in size comparing to regular ensembles, perform equally or even better sometimes in all four different types of experimental data used in the assessment, namely, the residual dipolar couplings, residual chemical shift anisotropy, hydrogen exchange rates, and solution scattering profiles. This work further underlines the significance of having relative populations in describing the native states.

  17. On the proper use of Ensembles for Predictive Uncertainty assessment (United States)

    Todini, Ezio; Coccia, Gabriele; Ortiz, Enrique


    Probabilistic forecasting has become popular in the last decades. Hydrological probabilistic forecasts have been based either on uncertainty processors (Krzysztofowic, 1999; Todini, 2004; Todini, 2008) or on ensembles, following meteorological traditional approaches and the establishment of the HEPEX program ( Unfortunately, the direct use of ensembles as a measure of the predictive density is an incorrect practice, because the ensemble measures the spread of the forecast instead of, following the definition of predictive uncertainty, the conditional probability of the future outcome conditional on the forecast. Only few correct approaches are reported in the literature, which correctly use the ensemble to estimate an expected conditional predictive density (Reggiani et al., 2009), similarly to what is done when several predictive models are available as in the BMA (Raftery et al., 2005) or MCP(Todini, 2008; Coccia and Todini, 2011) approaches. A major problem, limiting the correct use of ensembles, is in fact the difficulty of defining the time dependence of the ensemble members, due to the lack of a consistent ranking: in other words, when dealing with multiple models, the ith model remains the ith model regardless to the time of forecast, while this does not happen when dealing with ensemble members, since there is no definition for the ith member of an ensemble. Nonetheless, the MCP approach (Todini, 2008; Coccia and Todini, 2011), essentially based on a multiple regression in the Normal space, can be easily extended to use ensembles to represent the local (in time) smaller or larger conditional predictive uncertainty, as a function of the ensemble spread. This is done by modifying the classical linear regression equations, impliying perfectly observed predictors, to alternative regression equations similar to the Kalman filter ones, allowing for uncertain predictors. In this way, each prediction in time accounts for both the predictive

  18. Ensemble Kalman filtering with one-step-ahead smoothing

    KAUST Repository

    Raboudi, Naila F.


    The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is widely used for sequential data assimilation. It operates as a succession of forecast and analysis steps. In realistic large-scale applications, EnKFs are implemented with small ensembles and poorly known model error statistics. This limits their representativeness of the background error covariances and, thus, their performance. This work explores the efficiency of the one-step-ahead (OSA) smoothing formulation of the Bayesian filtering problem to enhance the data assimilation performance of EnKFs. Filtering with OSA smoothing introduces an updated step with future observations, conditioning the ensemble sampling with more information. This should provide an improved background ensemble in the analysis step, which may help to mitigate the suboptimal character of EnKF-based methods. Here, the authors demonstrate the efficiency of a stochastic EnKF with OSA smoothing for state estimation. They then introduce a deterministic-like EnKF-OSA based on the singular evolutive interpolated ensemble Kalman (SEIK) filter. The authors show that the proposed SEIK-OSA outperforms both SEIK, as it efficiently exploits the data twice, and the stochastic EnKF-OSA, as it avoids observational error undersampling. They present extensive assimilation results from numerical experiments conducted with the Lorenz-96 model to demonstrate SEIK-OSA’s capabilities.

  19. Universal critical wrapping probabilities in the canonical ensemble

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hao Hu


    Full Text Available Universal dimensionless quantities, such as Binder ratios and wrapping probabilities, play an important role in the study of critical phenomena. We study the finite-size scaling behavior of the wrapping probability for the Potts model in the random-cluster representation, under the constraint that the total number of occupied bonds is fixed, so that the canonical ensemble applies. We derive that, in the limit L→∞, the critical values of the wrapping probability are different from those of the unconstrained model, i.e. the model in the grand-canonical ensemble, but still universal, for systems with 2yt−d>0 where yt=1/ν is the thermal renormalization exponent and d is the spatial dimension. Similar modifications apply to other dimensionless quantities, such as Binder ratios. For systems with 2yt−d≤0, these quantities share same critical universal values in the two ensembles. It is also derived that new finite-size corrections are induced. These findings apply more generally to systems in the canonical ensemble, e.g. the dilute Potts model with a fixed total number of vacancies. Finally, we formulate an efficient cluster-type algorithm for the canonical ensemble, and confirm these predictions by extensive simulations.

  20. A novel hybrid ensemble learning paradigm for nuclear energy consumption forecasting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, Ling; Yu, Lean; Wang, Shuai; Li, Jianping; Wang, Shouyang


    Highlights: ► A hybrid ensemble learning paradigm integrating EEMD and LSSVR is proposed. ► The hybrid ensemble method is useful to predict time series with high volatility. ► The ensemble method can be used for both one-step and multi-step ahead forecasting. - Abstract: In this paper, a novel hybrid ensemble learning paradigm integrating ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and least squares support vector regression (LSSVR) is proposed for nuclear energy consumption forecasting, based on the principle of “decomposition and ensemble”. This hybrid ensemble learning paradigm is formulated specifically to address difficulties in modeling nuclear energy consumption, which has inherently high volatility, complexity and irregularity. In the proposed hybrid ensemble learning paradigm, EEMD, as a competitive decomposition method, is first applied to decompose original data of nuclear energy consumption (i.e. a difficult task) into a number of independent intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) of original data (i.e. some relatively easy subtasks). Then LSSVR, as a powerful forecasting tool, is implemented to predict all extracted IMFs independently. Finally, these predicted IMFs are aggregated into an ensemble result as final prediction, using another LSSVR. For illustration and verification purposes, the proposed learning paradigm is used to predict nuclear energy consumption in China. Empirical results demonstrate that the novel hybrid ensemble learning paradigm can outperform some other popular forecasting models in both level prediction and directional forecasting, indicating that it is a promising tool to predict complex time series with high volatility and irregularity.

  1. Constructing Better Classifier Ensemble Based on Weighted Accuracy and Diversity Measure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaodong Zeng


    Full Text Available A weighted accuracy and diversity (WAD method is presented, a novel measure used to evaluate the quality of the classifier ensemble, assisting in the ensemble selection task. The proposed measure is motivated by a commonly accepted hypothesis; that is, a robust classifier ensemble should not only be accurate but also different from every other member. In fact, accuracy and diversity are mutual restraint factors; that is, an ensemble with high accuracy may have low diversity, and an overly diverse ensemble may negatively affect accuracy. This study proposes a method to find the balance between accuracy and diversity that enhances the predictive ability of an ensemble for unknown data. The quality assessment for an ensemble is performed such that the final score is achieved by computing the harmonic mean of accuracy and diversity, where two weight parameters are used to balance them. The measure is compared to two representative measures, Kappa-Error and GenDiv, and two threshold measures that consider only accuracy or diversity, with two heuristic search algorithms, genetic algorithm, and forward hill-climbing algorithm, in ensemble selection tasks performed on 15 UCI benchmark datasets. The empirical results demonstrate that the WAD measure is superior to others in most cases.

  2. Une Analyse de film pour comprendre le racisme


    Rosiejka, Veronica Ann


    Il y a une nouvelle vague de racisme ouvert en France. Cependant, c'est un phénomène avec des racines sociales et historiques complexes. Ce mémoire cherche à comprendre le racisme de deux manières : généralement, aussi bien que spécifiquement à la France. Le centre d'attention principal de cette étude est la psychologie du racisme, comment le racisme fonctionne et ses conséquences, éléments qui sont étudiés à travers l'analyse d'une série de neuf courts-métrages,...

  3. Visualization and classification of physiological failure modes in ensemble hemorrhage simulation (United States)

    Zhang, Song; Pruett, William Andrew; Hester, Robert


    In an emergency situation such as hemorrhage, doctors need to predict which patients need immediate treatment and care. This task is difficult because of the diverse response to hemorrhage in human population. Ensemble physiological simulations provide a means to sample a diverse range of subjects and may have a better chance of containing the correct solution. However, to reveal the patterns and trends from the ensemble simulation is a challenging task. We have developed a visualization framework for ensemble physiological simulations. The visualization helps users identify trends among ensemble members, classify ensemble member into subpopulations for analysis, and provide prediction to future events by matching a new patient's data to existing ensembles. We demonstrated the effectiveness of the visualization on simulated physiological data. The lessons learned here can be applied to clinically-collected physiological data in the future.

  4. Relation between native ensembles and experimental structures of proteins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Best, R. B.; Lindorff-Larsen, Kresten; DePristo, M. A.


    Different experimental structures of the same protein or of proteins with high sequence similarity contain many small variations. Here we construct ensembles of "high-sequence similarity Protein Data Bank" (HSP) structures and consider the extent to which such ensembles represent the structural...... Data Bank ensembles; moreover, we show that the effects of uncertainties in structure determination are insufficient to explain the results. These results highlight the importance of accounting for native-state protein dynamics in making comparisons with ensemble-averaged experimental data and suggest...... heterogeneity of the native state in solution. We find that different NMR measurements probing structure and dynamics of given proteins in solution, including order parameters, scalar couplings, and residual dipolar couplings, are remarkably well reproduced by their respective high-sequence similarity Protein...

  5. On the structure and phase transitions of power-law Poissonian ensembles (United States)

    Eliazar, Iddo; Oshanin, Gleb


    Power-law Poissonian ensembles are Poisson processes that are defined on the positive half-line, and that are governed by power-law intensities. Power-law Poissonian ensembles are stochastic objects of fundamental significance; they uniquely display an array of fractal features and they uniquely generate a span of important applications. In this paper we apply three different methods—oligarchic analysis, Lorenzian analysis and heterogeneity analysis—to explore power-law Poissonian ensembles. The amalgamation of these analyses, combined with the topology of power-law Poissonian ensembles, establishes a detailed and multi-faceted picture of the statistical structure and the statistical phase transitions of these elemental ensembles.

  6. Maladie de Horton révélée par une dyspnée (United States)

    Mahfoudhi, Madiha; Mamlouk, Habiba; Turki, Sami; Kheder, Adel


    Les manifestations pleuro-pulmonaires de la maladie de Horton sont rares et peu connues. Elles peuvent être inaugurales, à l'origine d'un retard à la prise en charge si elles sont méconnues. Il s'agissait d'un patient âgé de 75 ans, admis pour une dyspnée, une toux chronique et une fièvre. Il a reçu une antibiothérapie et a bénéficié d'une fibroscopie bronchique avec lavage broncho-alvéolaire à la recherche d'un germe, qui a révélé plutôt, une alvéolite lymphocytaire. L’évolution était marquée par la persistance des signes cliniques et du syndrome inflammatoire biologique. Un angio-scanner thoracique et une échographie cardiaque étaient sans anomalies. Une origine cardiaque, musculaire, hématologique, néoplasique, vasculaire ou métabolique de la dyspnée a été éliminée. Une maladie de Horton a été évoquée. La biopsie de l'artère temporale a confirmé le diagnostic d'une maladie de Horton. L’évolution sous corticothérapie était marquée par la disparition des signes cliniques et biologiques. Les manifestations pleuro-pulmonaires au cours de la maladie de Horton sont rares, et classiquement, rarement révélatrices de la maladie. La dyspnée peut initialement égarer le diagnostic vers d'autres étiologies notamment infectieuses. Le but de ce travail est d'insister sur le fait que la connaissance de ces différentes manifestations respiratoires au cours de la maladie de Horton (toux persistante, dyspnée, épanchement pleural) est utile au clinicien afin de prescrire une corticothérapie, chez un sujet le plus souvent âgé ayant un état fébrile et inflammatoire prolongé, permettant ainsi d’éviter l'apparition de complications. PMID:26161171

  7. Généalogie du concept d’assimilation. Une comparaison franco-britannique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdellali Hajjat


    Full Text Available Malgré la popularité du concept d’assimilation en sciences sociales, on connaît finalement peu de chose sur son origine intellectuelle. Cet article vise à faire la généalogie de ce concept dans une perspective franco-britannique. Sa traduction du latin vers le français et l’anglais conserve la signification de « similitude » mais le concept se sécularise, d’une part, à travers le langage des sciences naturelles dont l’influence favorise une réappropriation pour décrire les relations humaines et, d’autre part, le discours historique anglais et le discours politique colonial français. Dans le contexte britannique, l’assimilation devient une qualité collective attribuée à tout un peuple, puis utilisée en naturalisant les différences entre les peuples pour les rendre irréductibles et enfin s’enrichit d’une acception administrative. En France, la politisation du concept d’assimilation dans les discours et réglementations coloniaux provoque un bouleversement sémantique qui l’associe au concept d’égalité.

  8. Dissipation induced asymmetric steering of distant atomic ensembles (United States)

    Cheng, Guangling; Tan, Huatang; Chen, Aixi


    The asymmetric steering effects of separated atomic ensembles denoted by the effective bosonic modes have been explored by the means of quantum reservoir engineering in the setting of the cascaded cavities, in each of which an atomic ensemble is involved. It is shown that the steady-state asymmetric steering of the mesoscopic objects is unconditionally achieved via the dissipation of the cavities, by which the nonlocal interaction occurs between two atomic ensembles, and the direction of steering could be easily controlled through variation of certain tunable system parameters. One advantage of the present scheme is that it could be rather robust against parameter fluctuations, and does not require the accurate control of evolution time and the original state of the system. Furthermore, the double-channel Raman transitions between the long-lived atomic ground states are used and the atomic ensembles act as the quantum network nodes, which makes our scheme insensitive to the collective spontaneous emission of atoms.

  9. Skill forecasting from different wind power ensemble prediction methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinson, Pierre; Nielsen, Henrik A; Madsen, Henrik; Kariniotakis, George


    This paper presents an investigation on alternative approaches to the providing of uncertainty estimates associated to point predictions of wind generation. Focus is given to skill forecasts in the form of prediction risk indices, aiming at giving a comprehensive signal on the expected level of forecast uncertainty. Ensemble predictions of wind generation are used as input. A proposal for the definition of prediction risk indices is given. Such skill forecasts are based on the dispersion of ensemble members for a single prediction horizon, or over a set of successive look-ahead times. It is shown on the test case of a Danish offshore wind farm how prediction risk indices may be related to several levels of forecast uncertainty (and energy imbalances). Wind power ensemble predictions are derived from the transformation of ECMWF and NCEP ensembles of meteorological variables to power, as well as by a lagged average approach alternative. The ability of risk indices calculated from the various types of ensembles forecasts to resolve among situations with different levels of uncertainty is discussed

  10. Using ensemble forecasting for wind power

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giebel, G.; Landberg, L.; Badger, J. [Risoe National Lab., Roskilde (Denmark); Sattler, K.


    Short-term prediction of wind power has a long tradition in Denmark. It is an essential tool for the operators to keep the grid from becoming unstable in a region like Jutland, where more than 27% of the electricity consumption comes from wind power. This means that the minimum load is already lower than the maximum production from wind energy alone. Danish utilities have therefore used short-term prediction of wind energy since the mid-90ies. However, the accuracy is still far from being sufficient in the eyes of the utilities (used to have load forecasts accurate to within 5% on a one-week horizon). The Ensemble project tries to alleviate the dependency of the forecast quality on one model by using multiple models, and also will investigate the possibilities of using the model spread of multiple models or of dedicated ensemble runs for a prediction of the uncertainty of the forecast. Usually, short-term forecasting works (especially for the horizon beyond 6 hours) by gathering input from a Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model. This input data is used together with online data in statistical models (this is the case eg in Zephyr/WPPT) to yield the output of the wind farms or of a whole region for the next 48 hours (only limited by the NWP model horizon). For the accuracy of the final production forecast, the accuracy of the NWP prediction is paramount. While many efforts are underway to increase the accuracy of the NWP forecasts themselves (which ultimately are limited by the amount of computing power available, the lack of a tight observational network on the Atlantic and limited physics modelling), another approach is to use ensembles of different models or different model runs. This can be either an ensemble of different models output for the same area, using different data assimilation schemes and different model physics, or a dedicated ensemble run by a large institution, where the same model is run with slight variations in initial conditions and

  11. Operational hydrological forecasting in Bavaria. Part II: Ensemble forecasting (United States)

    Ehret, U.; Vogelbacher, A.; Moritz, K.; Laurent, S.; Meyer, I.; Haag, I.


    In part I of this study, the operational flood forecasting system in Bavaria and an approach to identify and quantify forecast uncertainty was introduced. The approach is split into the calculation of an empirical 'overall error' from archived forecasts and the calculation of an empirical 'model error' based on hydrometeorological forecast tests, where rainfall observations were used instead of forecasts. The 'model error' can especially in upstream catchments where forecast uncertainty is strongly dependent on the current predictability of the atrmosphere be superimposed on the spread of a hydrometeorological ensemble forecast. In Bavaria, two meteorological ensemble prediction systems are currently tested for operational use: the 16-member COSMO-LEPS forecast and a poor man's ensemble composed of DWD GME, DWD Cosmo-EU, NCEP GFS, Aladin-Austria, MeteoSwiss Cosmo-7. The determination of the overall forecast uncertainty is dependent on the catchment characteristics: 1. Upstream catchment with high influence of weather forecast a) A hydrological ensemble forecast is calculated using each of the meteorological forecast members as forcing. b) Corresponding to the characteristics of the meteorological ensemble forecast, each resulting forecast hydrograph can be regarded as equally likely. c) The 'model error' distribution, with parameters dependent on hydrological case and lead time, is added to each forecast timestep of each ensemble member d) For each forecast timestep, the overall (i.e. over all 'model error' distribution of each ensemble member) error distribution is calculated e) From this distribution, the uncertainty range on a desired level (here: the 10% and 90% percentile) is extracted and drawn as forecast envelope. f) As the mean or median of an ensemble forecast does not necessarily exhibit meteorologically sound temporal evolution, a single hydrological forecast termed 'lead forecast' is chosen and shown in addition to the uncertainty bounds. This can be

  12. Is Halal Certification Process “Green”?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohd Rizal Razalli


    Full Text Available These days, the environmental perspective on operations is becoming more common. In fact, any effort in improving efficiency in the organization is closely related to sustainability of our environment. The Environmental Management System (EMS certification such as ISO 14001 has been accepted as the world standard. In addition to these ISO standards, there are other certifications such as Halal certification. There is no research that investigates the relationship between Halal Certification process and its effect on our environment. Hence, our main research question is that is Halal Certification process can be considered as environmental friendly? In this paper, we argue that Halal Certification also contributes towards green initiatives. We used EDC-UUM as our case study. EDC-UUM is actively seeking the Halal certification from Malaysian authority agency or JAKIM. In this study, we assessed the perception of the EDC-UUM staff on the issue of going green. The findings and implications are discussed in the paper. Keywords: halal certification, hotel operations, sustainability, green

  13. Exploring diversity in ensemble classification: Applications in large area land cover mapping (United States)

    Mellor, Andrew; Boukir, Samia


    Ensemble classifiers, such as random forests, are now commonly applied in the field of remote sensing, and have been shown to perform better than single classifier systems, resulting in reduced generalisation error. Diversity across the members of ensemble classifiers is known to have a strong influence on classification performance - whereby classifier errors are uncorrelated and more uniformly distributed across ensemble members. The relationship between ensemble diversity and classification performance has not yet been fully explored in the fields of information science and machine learning and has never been examined in the field of remote sensing. This study is a novel exploration of ensemble diversity and its link to classification performance, applied to a multi-class canopy cover classification problem using random forests and multisource remote sensing and ancillary GIS data, across seven million hectares of diverse dry-sclerophyll dominated public forests in Victoria Australia. A particular emphasis is placed on analysing the relationship between ensemble diversity and ensemble margin - two key concepts in ensemble learning. The main novelty of our work is on boosting diversity by emphasizing the contribution of lower margin instances used in the learning process. Exploring the influence of tree pruning on diversity is also a new empirical analysis that contributes to a better understanding of ensemble performance. Results reveal insights into the trade-off between ensemble classification accuracy and diversity, and through the ensemble margin, demonstrate how inducing diversity by targeting lower margin training samples is a means of achieving better classifier performance for more difficult or rarer classes and reducing information redundancy in classification problems. Our findings inform strategies for collecting training data and designing and parameterising ensemble classifiers, such as random forests. This is particularly important in large area

  14. Reliability of multi-model and structurally different single-model ensembles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yokohata, Tokuta [National Institute for Environmental Studies, Center for Global Environmental Research, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Annan, James D.; Hargreaves, Julia C. [Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Research Institute for Global Change, Yokohama, Kanagawa (Japan); Collins, Matthew [University of Exeter, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Exeter (United Kingdom); Jackson, Charles S.; Tobis, Michael [The University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Geophysics, 10100 Burnet Rd., ROC-196, Mail Code R2200, Austin, TX (United States); Webb, Mark J. [Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter (United Kingdom)


    The performance of several state-of-the-art climate model ensembles, including two multi-model ensembles (MMEs) and four structurally different (perturbed parameter) single model ensembles (SMEs), are investigated for the first time using the rank histogram approach. In this method, the reliability of a model ensemble is evaluated from the point of view of whether the observations can be regarded as being sampled from the ensemble. Our analysis reveals that, in the MMEs, the climate variables we investigated are broadly reliable on the global scale, with a tendency towards overdispersion. On the other hand, in the SMEs, the reliability differs depending on the ensemble and variable field considered. In general, the mean state and historical trend of surface air temperature, and mean state of precipitation are reliable in the SMEs. However, variables such as sea level pressure or top-of-atmosphere clear-sky shortwave radiation do not cover a sufficiently wide range in some. It is not possible to assess whether this is a fundamental feature of SMEs generated with particular model, or a consequence of the algorithm used to select and perturb the values of the parameters. As under-dispersion is a potentially more serious issue when using ensembles to make projections, we recommend the application of rank histograms to assess reliability when designing and running perturbed physics SMEs. (orig.)

  15. On the forecast skill of a convection-permitting ensemble (United States)

    Schellander-Gorgas, Theresa; Wang, Yong; Meier, Florian; Weidle, Florian; Wittmann, Christoph; Kann, Alexander


    The 2.5 km convection-permitting (CP) ensemble AROME-EPS (Applications of Research to Operations at Mesoscale - Ensemble Prediction System) is evaluated by comparison with the regional 11 km ensemble ALADIN-LAEF (Aire Limitée Adaption dynamique Développement InterNational - Limited Area Ensemble Forecasting) to show whether a benefit is provided by a CP EPS. The evaluation focuses on the abilities of the ensembles to quantitatively predict precipitation during a 3-month convective summer period over areas consisting of mountains and lowlands. The statistical verification uses surface observations and 1 km × 1 km precipitation analyses, and the verification scores involve state-of-the-art statistical measures for deterministic and probabilistic forecasts as well as novel spatial verification methods. The results show that the convection-permitting ensemble with higher-resolution AROME-EPS outperforms its mesoscale counterpart ALADIN-LAEF for precipitation forecasts. The positive impact is larger for the mountainous areas than for the lowlands. In particular, the diurnal precipitation cycle is improved in AROME-EPS, which leads to a significant improvement of scores at the concerned times of day (up to approximately one-third of the scored verification measure). Moreover, there are advantages for higher precipitation thresholds at small spatial scales, which are due to the improved simulation of the spatial structure of precipitation.

  16. Ensemble computing for the petroleum industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Annaratone, M.; Dossa, D.


    Computer downsizing is one of the most often used buzzwords in today's competitive business, and the petroleum industry is at the forefront of this revolution. Ensemble computing provides the key for computer downsizing with its first incarnation, i.e., workstation farms. This paper concerns the importance of increasing the productivity cycle and not just the execution time of a job. The authors introduce the concept of ensemble computing and workstation farms. The they discuss how different computing paradigms can be addressed by workstation farms

  17. Ocean Predictability and Uncertainty Forecasts Using Local Ensemble Transfer Kalman Filter (LETKF) (United States)

    Wei, M.; Hogan, P. J.; Rowley, C. D.; Smedstad, O. M.; Wallcraft, A. J.; Penny, S. G.


    Ocean predictability and uncertainty are studied with an ensemble system that has been developed based on the US Navy's operational HYCOM using the Local Ensemble Transfer Kalman Filter (LETKF) technology. One of the advantages of this method is that the best possible initial analysis states for the HYCOM forecasts are provided by the LETKF which assimilates operational observations using ensemble method. The background covariance during this assimilation process is implicitly supplied with the ensemble avoiding the difficult task of developing tangent linear and adjoint models out of HYCOM with the complicated hybrid isopycnal vertical coordinate for 4D-VAR. The flow-dependent background covariance from the ensemble will be an indispensable part in the next generation hybrid 4D-Var/ensemble data assimilation system. The predictability and uncertainty for the ocean forecasts are studied initially for the Gulf of Mexico. The results are compared with another ensemble system using Ensemble Transfer (ET) method which has been used in the Navy's operational center. The advantages and disadvantages are discussed.

  18. The influence of trade associations and group certification programs on the hardwood certification movement (United States)

    Iris B. Montague


    Forest certification has gained momentum around the world over the past two decades. Although there are advantages to being certified, many forest landowners and forest products manufacturers consider forest certification of U.S. forest and forest products unnecessary. Many believe that U.S. forests are already sustainably managed, the current certification systems are...

  19. Green certificates causing inconvenience?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torgersen, Lasse


    From early 2002, producers of green energy in selected countries have been able to benefit from generous financial support in the Netherlands. Thus, there has been increased sale of green certificates from Norway and Sweden. But the condition that physical energy delivery should accompany the certificates has caused a marked rise in the price of energy in transit through Germany to the Netherlands. This article discusses the green certificate concept and the experience gained from the Netherlands. One conclusion is that if large-scale trade with green certificates is introduced in Europe without the condition of accompanying energy delivery, then producers of hydro-electric power in Norway and Sweden may be the losers

  20. REAL - Ensemble radar precipitation estimation for hydrology in a mountainous region


    Germann, Urs; Berenguer Ferrer, Marc; Sempere Torres, Daniel; Zappa, Massimiliano


    An elegant solution to characterise the residual errors in radar precipitation estimates is to generate an ensemble of precipitation fields. The paper proposes a radar ensemble generator designed for usage in the Alps using LU decomposition (REAL), and presents first results from a real-time implementation coupling the radar ensemble with a semi-distributed rainfall–runoff model for flash flood modelling in a steep Alpine catchment. Each member of the radar ensemble is a possible realisati...

  1. Study of a one-dimensional model for a system of interacting fermions; Etude d'un modele a une dimension pour un systeme de fermions en interaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaudin, M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The subject of this thesis is a one dimensional model for a quantum system of fermions with attractive or repulsive interaction. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian with periodic boundary conditions are exactly determined. The knowledge of the spectrum is essentially applied on the study of the attractive gas, characterized by the presence of 'pairs' or two particles bound states. This system can be described as a gas of 'one dimensional deuterons', which has some analogy with a boson gas. Some extensive properties of the ground state have been discussed for example energy as a function of the density and magnetization, for all the values of the coupling constant. The analytic properties of the energy function are studied, but not completely resolved. Finally the elementary excitations of the phonon type are considered and the dispersion curves are given. (author) [French] On etudie un modele a une dimension pour un systeme quantique de fermions en interaction attractive ou repulsive dans un volume donne. L'ensemble des niveaux d'energie et des etats propres du systeme est determine exactement. La connaissance du spectre est surtout appliquee a l'etude du gaz attractif, interessant par la presence de 'paires' ou etats lies a deux particules. On peut decrire ce systeme comme un gaz de 'deuterons a une dimension' qui possede quelque ressemblance avec un systeme de bosons. Quelques proprietes extensives de l'etat fondamental sont donnees, comme l'energie en fonction de la densite et de la magnetisation totale, pour toute valeur de la constante de couplage. Les proprietes analytiques de la fonction energie sont etudiees sans etre completement elucidees. On aborde enfin les excitations elementaires du systeme et on etablit la courbe de dispersion d'une excitation de type phonon. (auteur)

  2. Non-Boltzmann Ensembles and Monte Carlo Simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murthy, K. P. N.


    Boltzmann sampling based on Metropolis algorithm has been extensively used for simulating a canonical ensemble and for calculating macroscopic properties of a closed system at desired temperatures. An estimate of a mechanical property, like energy, of an equilibrium system, is made by averaging over a large number microstates generated by Boltzmann Monte Carlo methods. This is possible because we can assign a numerical value for energy to each microstate. However, a thermal property like entropy, is not easily accessible to these methods. The reason is simple. We can not assign a numerical value for entropy, to a microstate. Entropy is not a property associated with any single microstate. It is a collective property of all the microstates. Toward calculating entropy and other thermal properties, a non-Boltzmann Monte Carlo technique called Umbrella sampling was proposed some forty years ago. Umbrella sampling has since undergone several metamorphoses and we have now, multi-canonical Monte Carlo, entropic sampling, flat histogram methods, Wang-Landau algorithm etc . This class of methods generates non-Boltzmann ensembles which are un-physical. However, physical quantities can be calculated as follows. First un-weight a microstates of the entropic ensemble; then re-weight it to the desired physical ensemble. Carry out weighted average over the entropic ensemble to estimate physical quantities. In this talk I shall tell you of the most recent non- Boltzmann Monte Carlo method and show how to calculate free energy for a few systems. We first consider estimation of free energy as a function of energy at different temperatures to characterize phase transition in an hairpin DNA in the presence of an unzipping force. Next we consider free energy as a function of order parameter and to this end we estimate density of states g ( E , M ), as a function of both energy E , and order parameter M . This is carried out in two stages. We estimate g ( E ) in the first stage


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    Ilinca BĂLAȘ


    Full Text Available La création du mot utopie n’est pas seulement l’acte de naissance d’un genre littéraire - le genre utopique, mais aussi la source d'une approche possible de l'utopie en tant que fantaisie compensatoire, à la suite du rapprochement entre le néologisme en linguistique et le néologisme en psychiatrie. Moyennant les concepts psychanalytiques de compensation et de régression, l'utopie pourrait être considérée soit comme une solution soit pour échapper à un complexe d'infériorité émanant d'un présent jugé comme insatisfaisant, soit comme un retour à des temps bienheureux de l'humanité. Dans les deux cas, la question angoissante qui en découle est si l’utopie relève du rêve ou bien plutôt du cauchemar.

  4. The Whys and Hows of Certification. Public Librarian Certification Law. (United States)

    Wisconsin State Dept. of Public Instruction, Madison. Div. of Library Services.

    Under Wisconsin state law (Administrative Code P1-6.03) any librarian employed in a public library system or any municipal public library, except in a city of the first class, supported in whole or in part by public funds, must hold state certification. Qualifications are delineated for three grades of certification: grade 1, for public libraries…

  5. Noodles: a tool for visualization of numerical weather model ensemble uncertainty. (United States)

    Sanyal, Jibonananda; Zhang, Song; Dyer, Jamie; Mercer, Andrew; Amburn, Philip; Moorhead, Robert J


    Numerical weather prediction ensembles are routinely used for operational weather forecasting. The members of these ensembles are individual simulations with either slightly perturbed initial conditions or different model parameterizations, or occasionally both. Multi-member ensemble output is usually large, multivariate, and challenging to interpret interactively. Forecast meteorologists are interested in understanding the uncertainties associated with numerical weather prediction; specifically variability between the ensemble members. Currently, visualization of ensemble members is mostly accomplished through spaghetti plots of a single mid-troposphere pressure surface height contour. In order to explore new uncertainty visualization methods, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used to create a 48-hour, 18 member parameterization ensemble of the 13 March 1993 "Superstorm". A tool was designed to interactively explore the ensemble uncertainty of three important weather variables: water-vapor mixing ratio, perturbation potential temperature, and perturbation pressure. Uncertainty was quantified using individual ensemble member standard deviation, inter-quartile range, and the width of the 95% confidence interval. Bootstrapping was employed to overcome the dependence on normality in the uncertainty metrics. A coordinated view of ribbon and glyph-based uncertainty visualization, spaghetti plots, iso-pressure colormaps, and data transect plots was provided to two meteorologists for expert evaluation. They found it useful in assessing uncertainty in the data, especially in finding outliers in the ensemble run and therefore avoiding the WRF parameterizations that lead to these outliers. Additionally, the meteorologists could identify spatial regions where the uncertainty was significantly high, allowing for identification of poorly simulated storm environments and physical interpretation of these model issues.

  6. 94 Mise en place d'une base de données pour une modélisation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    L'objectif de cette étude est de fournir les paramètres physiques du bassin versant ... certains procèdent par une approche globale et considère le bassin comme ... du Bandama, à l'instar de la plupart des bassins sub-sahéliens, ne dispose.

  7. 40 CFR 745.89 - Firm certification. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Firm certification. 745.89 Section 745... § 745.89 Firm certification. (a) Initial certification. (1) Firms that perform renovations for compensation must apply to EPA for certification to perform renovations or dust sampling. To apply, a firm must...

  8. Caractérisations physico-chimiques et microbiologiques d'une pate ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gowé est une pâte fermentée obtenue à base de maïs pré-germé. Il est généralement consommé, après dilution, dans l'eau sous forme de boisson par une importante couche de nos populations aussi bien en milieu rural qu'urbain. Aussi, les conditions de sa production restent-elles toujours traditionnelles et très peu ...

  9. Secteur informel, climat des affaires et croissance économique : une ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le caractère nébuleux de ces entreprises rend également difficile une taxation appropriée, ce qui fausse le jeu de la concurrence et pénalise les entreprises constituées en bonne et due forme. Le projet se propose de faire la lumière sur la diversité des types d'entreprises informelles au moyen d'une analyse des données ...

  10. Traitement chirurgical d'une luxation palmaire carpo-métacarpienne ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les luxations carpo-métacarpiennes sont des lésions rares, les auteurs rapportent un cas de luxation carpo-métacarpienne palmaire du cinquième doigt, traité en urgence par réduction et stabilisation par embrochage à foyer fermé. Une immobilisation postopératoire par une attelle intrinsèque plus a été réalisée pendant ...

  11. Ensemble Deep Learning for Biomedical Time Series Classification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lin-peng Jin


    Full Text Available Ensemble learning has been proved to improve the generalization ability effectively in both theory and practice. In this paper, we briefly outline the current status of research on it first. Then, a new deep neural network-based ensemble method that integrates filtering views, local views, distorted views, explicit training, implicit training, subview prediction, and Simple Average is proposed for biomedical time series classification. Finally, we validate its effectiveness on the Chinese Cardiovascular Disease Database containing a large number of electrocardiogram recordings. The experimental results show that the proposed method has certain advantages compared to some well-known ensemble methods, such as Bagging and AdaBoost.

  12. Device and Method for Gathering Ensemble Data Sets (United States)

    Racette, Paul E. (Inventor)


    An ensemble detector uses calibrated noise references to produce ensemble sets of data from which properties of non-stationary processes may be extracted. The ensemble detector comprising: a receiver; a switching device coupled to the receiver, the switching device configured to selectively connect each of a plurality of reference noise signals to the receiver; and a gain modulation circuit coupled to the receiver and configured to vary a gain of the receiver based on a forcing signal; whereby the switching device selectively connects each of the plurality of reference noise signals to the receiver to produce an output signal derived from the plurality of reference noise signals and the forcing signal.

  13. Combining 2-m temperature nowcasting and short range ensemble forecasting

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    A. Kann


    Full Text Available During recent years, numerical ensemble prediction systems have become an important tool for estimating the uncertainties of dynamical and physical processes as represented in numerical weather models. The latest generation of limited area ensemble prediction systems (LAM-EPSs allows for probabilistic forecasts at high resolution in both space and time. However, these systems still suffer from systematic deficiencies. Especially for nowcasting (0–6 h applications the ensemble spread is smaller than the actual forecast error. This paper tries to generate probabilistic short range 2-m temperature forecasts by combining a state-of-the-art nowcasting method and a limited area ensemble system, and compares the results with statistical methods. The Integrated Nowcasting Through Comprehensive Analysis (INCA system, which has been in operation at the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG since 2006 (Haiden et al., 2011, provides short range deterministic forecasts at high temporal (15 min–60 min and spatial (1 km resolution. An INCA Ensemble (INCA-EPS of 2-m temperature forecasts is constructed by applying a dynamical approach, a statistical approach, and a combined dynamic-statistical method. The dynamical method takes uncertainty information (i.e. ensemble variance from the operational limited area ensemble system ALADIN-LAEF (Aire Limitée Adaptation Dynamique Développement InterNational Limited Area Ensemble Forecasting which is running operationally at ZAMG (Wang et al., 2011. The purely statistical method assumes a well-calibrated spread-skill relation and applies ensemble spread according to the skill of the INCA forecast of the most recent past. The combined dynamic-statistical approach adapts the ensemble variance gained from ALADIN-LAEF with non-homogeneous Gaussian regression (NGR which yields a statistical mbox{correction} of the first and second moment (mean bias and dispersion for Gaussian distributed continuous

  14. Modeling Dynamic Systems with Efficient Ensembles of Process-Based Models.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikola Simidjievski

    Full Text Available Ensembles are a well established machine learning paradigm, leading to accurate and robust models, predominantly applied to predictive modeling tasks. Ensemble models comprise a finite set of diverse predictive models whose combined output is expected to yield an improved predictive performance as compared to an individual model. In this paper, we propose a new method for learning ensembles of process-based models of dynamic systems. The process-based modeling paradigm employs domain-specific knowledge to automatically learn models of dynamic systems from time-series observational data. Previous work has shown that ensembles based on sampling observational data (i.e., bagging and boosting, significantly improve predictive performance of process-based models. However, this improvement comes at the cost of a substantial increase of the computational time needed for learning. To address this problem, the paper proposes a method that aims at efficiently learning ensembles of process-based models, while maintaining their accurate long-term predictive performance. This is achieved by constructing ensembles with sampling domain-specific knowledge instead of sampling data. We apply the proposed method to and evaluate its performance on a set of problems of automated predictive modeling in three lake ecosystems using a library of process-based knowledge for modeling population dynamics. The experimental results identify the optimal design decisions regarding the learning algorithm. The results also show that the proposed ensembles yield significantly more accurate predictions of population dynamics as compared to individual process-based models. Finally, while their predictive performance is comparable to the one of ensembles obtained with the state-of-the-art methods of bagging and boosting, they are substantially more efficient.

  15. 40 CFR 85.1406 - Certification. (United States)


    ... POLLUTION FROM MOBILE SOURCES Urban Bus Rebuild Requirements § 85.1406 Certification. (a) Certification... provide some level of particulate emission reduction, and will not cause the urban bus engine to fail to... urban bus engines. (c) Test equipment selection. Certification shall be based upon tests utilizing...

  16. JEnsembl: a version-aware Java API to Ensembl data systems. (United States)

    Paterson, Trevor; Law, Andy


    The Ensembl Project provides release-specific Perl APIs for efficient high-level programmatic access to data stored in various Ensembl database schema. Although Perl scripts are perfectly suited for processing large volumes of text-based data, Perl is not ideal for developing large-scale software applications nor embedding in graphical interfaces. The provision of a novel Java API would facilitate type-safe, modular, object-orientated development of new Bioinformatics tools with which to access, analyse and visualize Ensembl data. The JEnsembl API implementation provides basic data retrieval and manipulation functionality from the Core, Compara and Variation databases for all species in Ensembl and EnsemblGenomes and is a platform for the development of a richer API to Ensembl datasources. The JEnsembl architecture uses a text-based configuration module to provide evolving, versioned mappings from database schema to code objects. A single installation of the JEnsembl API can therefore simultaneously and transparently connect to current and previous database instances (such as those in the public archive) thus facilitating better analysis repeatability and allowing 'through time' comparative analyses to be performed. Project development, released code libraries, Maven repository and documentation are hosted at SourceForge (

  17. Certification trails for data structures (United States)

    Sullivan, Gregory F.; Masson, Gerald M.


    Certification trails are a recently introduced and promising approach to fault detection and fault tolerance. The applicability of the certification trail technique is significantly generalized. Previously, certification trails had to be customized to each algorithm application; trails appropriate to wide classes of algorithms were developed. These certification trails are based on common data-structure operations such as those carried out using these sets of operations such as those carried out using balanced binary trees and heaps. Any algorithms using these sets of operations can therefore employ the certification trail method to achieve software fault tolerance. To exemplify the scope of the generalization of the certification trail technique provided, constructions of trails for abstract data types such as priority queues and union-find structures are given. These trails are applicable to any data-structure implementation of the abstract data type. It is also shown that these ideals lead naturally to monitors for data-structure operations.

  18. Dispersion of aerosol particles in the free atmosphere using ensemble forecasts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. Haszpra


    Full Text Available The dispersion of aerosol particle pollutants is studied using 50 members of an ensemble forecast in the example of a hypothetical free atmospheric emission above Fukushima over a period of 2.5 days. Considerable differences are found among the dispersion predictions of the different ensemble members, as well as between the ensemble mean and the deterministic result at the end of the observation period. The variance is found to decrease with the particle size. The geographical area where a threshold concentration is exceeded in at least one ensemble member expands to a 5–10 times larger region than the area from the deterministic forecast, both for air column "concentration" and in the "deposition" field. We demonstrate that the root-mean-square distance of any particle from its own clones in the ensemble members can reach values on the order of one thousand kilometers. Even the centers of mass of the particle cloud of the ensemble members deviate considerably from that obtained by the deterministic forecast. All these indicate that an investigation of the dispersion of aerosol particles in the spirit of ensemble forecast contains useful hints for the improvement of risk assessment.

  19. Quand la biopsie cutanée peut étiqueter une épilepsie (United States)

    Harmouch, Taoufiq; Gallouj, Salim; Znati, Kaoutar; Sennou, Aicha Slassi; Belahcen, Faouzi; Amarti, Afaf


    La maladie de Lafora (ML) représente une forme rare et grave d’épilepsie myoclonique progressive. C'est une affection à transmission autosomique récessive, hétérogène sur le plan génétique. Nous rapportons le cas d'une adolescente de 16 ans, issue de parents consanguins de premier degré, qui présente depuis l’âge de 14 ans des crises d’épilepsie et des myoclonies. L'examen neurologique a montré un syndrome cérébelleux et une détérioration intellectuelle. La biopsie cutanée était indispensable pour orienter le diagnostic. La ML a un pronostic constamment fatal. L’étude histologique confirme le diagnostic et l’étude moléculaire peut aider à établir un conseil génétique. PMID:22187608

  20. Comment analyser la gouvernance territoriale ? Mise à l'épreuve d'une grille de lecture


    Chia, Eduardo; Mathé, Syndhia; Rey-Valette, Hélène; Michel, Laura; Soulard, Christophe-Toussaint; Nougaredes, Brigitte; Jarrige, Françoise; Clement, Camille; Barbe, Eric; Martinand, Pierre; Maurel, Pierre; Guiheneuf, Pierre-Yves


    Dans cet article nous présentons une grille d'analyse de la gouvernance territoriale que nous avons construite dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire à partir d'une définition commune de la gouvernance territoriale. La gouvernance territoriale est devenue une question centrale dans le développement territorial et un enjeu pour l'élaboration des politiques publiques. Elaborer une grille d'analyse sur la gouvernance territoriale ne va pas de soi ; nous illustrerons son opérat...

  1. Orbital magnetism in ensembles of ballistic billiards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ullmo, D.; Richter, K.; Jalabert, R.A.


    The magnetic response of ensembles of small two-dimensional structures at finite temperatures is calculated. Using semiclassical methods and numerical calculation it is demonstrated that only short classical trajectories are relevant. The magnetic susceptibility is enhanced in regular systems, where these trajectories appear in families. For ensembles of squares large paramagnetic susceptibility is obtained, in good agreement with recent measurements in the ballistic regime. (authors). 20 refs., 2 figs

  2. Agriculture urbaine en Afrique de l'Ouest : Une contribution à la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Agriculture urbaine en Afrique de l'Ouest : Une contribution à la sécurité alimentaire et à l'assainissement des villes. Couverture du livre Agriculture urbaine en Afrique de l'Ouest : Une contribution à la. Directeur(s):. Olanrewaju B. Smith. Maison(s) d'édition: CTA, CRDI. 1 janvier 1999. ISBN : Épuisé. 240 pages. e-ISBN :.

  3. Regard critique sur une période sans but : Antigone de Valeria Parrella

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrizia Farinelli


    Full Text Available Seul un petit nombre de mythes classiques ont retenu autant l'attention que celui d'Antigone. Pendant l'Idéalisme et tout le siècle suivant, l'intérêt pour la version de Sophocle de ce mythe – et plus généralement pour la tragédie classique – s'explique, selon George Steiner, par une conception tragique de la condition humaine (Steiner, 1984, 2. Quelles seraient alors les raisons de cet intérêt à une époque plus récente, sujette à une perte du sens du tragique ? Car, même durant les soixante dernières années, l'histoire de la fille d'Œdipe a été revisitée avec une fréquence surprenante. Selon Hannes Koch (1992, 23, auteur d'une étude sur la réception de la figure d'Antigone dans la littérature allemande du XXe siècle, la mise en valeur de ce personnage est liée à un moment où les droits de l'homme sont ignorés par le pouvoir. Et ce phénomène de mise en valeur implique toujours une crispation dans la sphère politique ayant pour conséquence de souligner justement l'importance politique du geste d'Antigone.


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    Jacques BRINGER


    Full Text Available Le bond en avant de la médecine au cours des dernières décennies s’est appuyé sur la recherche, l’innovation dans les nouvelles biotechnologies permettant le développement de soins plus efficaces, moins invasifs, mieux ciblés pour nombre de maladies. Dans le même temps, une meilleure gestion des risques et une organisation plus centrée sur le patient impliquent une étroite coopération entre les professionnels de santé activés selon les besoins du patient. Les étudiants en médecine doivent être entrainés à acquérir la pratique des nouvelles technologies et à se préparer à l’action en équipe avant d’intervenir dans le soin. Un tel entrainement par simulation vise à développer des mises en situation de « vraie vie » incluant l’obtention de compétences individuelles ou collectives et l’aptitude des cliniciens à une décision partagée et aux relations humaines telles que la capacité d’écoute, d’annonce et d’accompagnement s’appuyant sur le questionnement éthique et le souci de la personne.

  5. Vers une éthique climatique plus efficace : motivations et incitations

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    Michel Bourban


    Full Text Available Cet article vise à justifier, puis à appliquer une éthique climatique centrée sur les intérêts des acteurs économiques. Après avoir expliqué pourquoi le changement climatique pose un problème important de motivation, je montre pour quelles raisons les incitations peuvent au moins partiellement y remédier. Je développe ensuite deux possibilités d’institutionnalisation de l’éthique des incitations. La première consiste en une taxe internationale augmentant progressivement le coût des émissions de dioxyde de carbone, un dispositif auquel il convient d’ajouter des subsides pour la recherche, le développement et le déploiement des énergies renouvelables. La seconde consiste en un marché global du carbone qui vise également à décourager l’utilisation des combustibles fossiles et à encourager l’utilisation de sources alternatives d’énergie. L’objectif est de montrer qu’une éthique climatique prenant en compte le problème de la motivation est plus efficace qu’une position qui se limite aux devoirs moraux incombant aux consommateurs et producteurs, soit de réduire leurs émissions.

  6. Ensemble dispersion forecasting - Part 2. Application and evaluation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Galmarini, S.; Bianconi, R.; Addis, R.


    of the dispersion of ETEX release 1 and the model ensemble is compared with the monitoring data. The scope of the comparison is to estimate to what extent the ensemble analysis is an improvement with respect to the single model results and represents a superior analysis of the process evolution. (C) 2004 Elsevier...

  7. A variational ensemble scheme for noisy image data assimilation (United States)

    Yang, Yin; Robinson, Cordelia; Heitz, Dominique; Mémin, Etienne


    Data assimilation techniques aim at recovering a system state variables trajectory denoted as X, along time from partially observed noisy measurements of the system denoted as Y. These procedures, which couple dynamics and noisy measurements of the system, fulfill indeed a twofold objective. On one hand, they provide a denoising - or reconstruction - procedure of the data through a given model framework and on the other hand, they provide estimation procedures for unknown parameters of the dynamics. A standard variational data assimilation problem can be formulated as the minimization of the following objective function with respect to the initial discrepancy, η, from the background initial guess: δ« J(η(x)) = 1∥Xb (x) - X (t ,x)∥2 + 1 tf∥H(X (t,x ))- Y (t,x)∥2dt. 2 0 0 B 2 t0 R (1) where the observation operator H links the state variable and the measurements. The cost function can be interpreted as the log likelihood function associated to the a posteriori distribution of the state given the past history of measurements and the background. In this work, we aim at studying ensemble based optimal control strategies for data assimilation. Such formulation nicely combines the ingredients of ensemble Kalman filters and variational data assimilation (4DVar). It is also formulated as the minimization of the objective function (1), but similarly to ensemble filter, it introduces in its objective function an empirical ensemble-based background-error covariance defined as: B ≡ )(Xb - )T>. (2) Thus, it works in an off-line smoothing mode rather than on the fly like sequential filters. Such resulting ensemble variational data assimilation technique corresponds to a relatively new family of methods [1,2,3]. It presents two main advantages: first, it does not require anymore to construct the adjoint of the dynamics tangent linear operator, which is a considerable advantage with respect to the method's implementation, and second, it enables the handling of a flow

  8. Ensemble atmospheric dispersion modeling for emergency response consequence assessments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Addis, R.P.; Buckley, R.L.


    Full text: Prognostic atmospheric dispersion models are used to generate consequence assessments, which assist decision-makers in the event of a release from a nuclear facility. Differences in the forecast wind fields generated by various meteorological agencies, differences in the transport and diffusion models themselves, as well as differences in the way these models treat the release source term, all may result in differences in the simulated plumes. This talk will address the U.S. participation in the European ENSEMBLE project, and present a perspective an how ensemble techniques may be used to enable atmospheric modelers to provide decision-makers with a more realistic understanding of how both the atmosphere and the models behave. Meteorological forecasts generated by numerical models from national and multinational meteorological agencies provide individual realizations of three-dimensional, time dependent atmospheric wind fields. These wind fields may be used to drive atmospheric dispersion (transport and diffusion) models, or they may be used to initiate other, finer resolution meteorological models, which in turn drive dispersion models. Many modeling agencies now utilize ensemble-modeling techniques to determine how sensitive the prognostic fields are to minor perturbations in the model parameters. However, the European Union programs RTMOD and ENSEMBLE are the first projects to utilize a WEB based ensemble approach to interpret the output from atmospheric dispersion models. The ensembles produced are different from those generated by meteorological forecasting centers in that they are ensembles of dispersion model outputs from many different atmospheric transport and diffusion models utilizing prognostic atmospheric fields from several different forecast centers. As such, they enable a decision-maker to consider the uncertainty in the plume transport and growth as a result of the differences in the forecast wind fields as well as the differences in the

  9. Board Certification in Counseling Psychology (United States)

    Crowley, Susan L.; Lichtenberg, James W.; Pollard, Jeffrey W.


    Although specialty board certification by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) has been a valued standard for decades, the vast majority of counseling psychologists do not pursue board certification in the specialty. The present article provides a brief history of board certification in general and some historical information about…

  10. Benchmarking Commercial Conformer Ensemble Generators. (United States)

    Friedrich, Nils-Ole; de Bruyn Kops, Christina; Flachsenberg, Florian; Sommer, Kai; Rarey, Matthias; Kirchmair, Johannes


    We assess and compare the performance of eight commercial conformer ensemble generators (ConfGen, ConfGenX, cxcalc, iCon, MOE LowModeMD, MOE Stochastic, MOE Conformation Import, and OMEGA) and one leading free algorithm, the distance geometry algorithm implemented in RDKit. The comparative study is based on a new version of the Platinum Diverse Dataset, a high-quality benchmarking dataset of 2859 protein-bound ligand conformations extracted from the PDB. Differences in the performance of commercial algorithms are much smaller than those observed for free algorithms in our previous study (J. Chem. Inf. 2017, 57, 529-539). For commercial algorithms, the median minimum root-mean-square deviations measured between protein-bound ligand conformations and ensembles of a maximum of 250 conformers are between 0.46 and 0.61 Å. Commercial conformer ensemble generators are characterized by their high robustness, with at least 99% of all input molecules successfully processed and few or even no substantial geometrical errors detectable in their output conformations. The RDKit distance geometry algorithm (with minimization enabled) appears to be a good free alternative since its performance is comparable to that of the midranked commercial algorithms. Based on a statistical analysis, we elaborate on which algorithms to use and how to parametrize them for best performance in different application scenarios.

  11. Le kyste hydatique rénal primitif: Une première observation mauritanienne

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    T.I. Boudhaye


    Full Text Available L’hydatidose est une affection parasitaire rare qui sévit à l’état endémique dans certains pays du bassin méditerranéen. La localisation rénale est rare et n’existe que dans 2 à 3% des formes viscérales. En Mauritanie, cette pathologie est extrêmement rare, nous rapportons une première observation d’une localisation rénale de l’hydatidose dans cette région ouest africaine.

  12. Mass Conservation and Positivity Preservation with Ensemble-type Kalman Filter Algorithms (United States)

    Janjic, Tijana; McLaughlin, Dennis B.; Cohn, Stephen E.; Verlaan, Martin


    Maintaining conservative physical laws numerically has long been recognized as being important in the development of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. In the broader context of data assimilation, concerted efforts to maintain conservation laws numerically and to understand the significance of doing so have begun only recently. In order to enforce physically based conservation laws of total mass and positivity in the ensemble Kalman filter, we incorporate constraints to ensure that the filter ensemble members and the ensemble mean conserve mass and remain nonnegative through measurement updates. We show that the analysis steps of ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF) algorithm and ensemble Kalman filter algorithm (EnKF) can conserve the mass integral, but do not preserve positivity. Further, if localization is applied or if negative values are simply set to zero, then the total mass is not conserved either. In order to ensure mass conservation, a projection matrix that corrects for localization effects is constructed. In order to maintain both mass conservation and positivity preservation through the analysis step, we construct a data assimilation algorithms based on quadratic programming and ensemble Kalman filtering. Mass and positivity are both preserved by formulating the filter update as a set of quadratic programming problems that incorporate constraints. Some simple numerical experiments indicate that this approach can have a significant positive impact on the posterior ensemble distribution, giving results that are more physically plausible both for individual ensemble members and for the ensemble mean. The results show clear improvements in both analyses and forecasts, particularly in the presence of localized features. Behavior of the algorithm is also tested in presence of model error.

  13. Ensembl Genomes 2016: more genomes, more complexity. (United States)

    Kersey, Paul Julian; Allen, James E; Armean, Irina; Boddu, Sanjay; Bolt, Bruce J; Carvalho-Silva, Denise; Christensen, Mikkel; Davis, Paul; Falin, Lee J; Grabmueller, Christoph; Humphrey, Jay; Kerhornou, Arnaud; Khobova, Julia; Aranganathan, Naveen K; Langridge, Nicholas; Lowy, Ernesto; McDowall, Mark D; Maheswari, Uma; Nuhn, Michael; Ong, Chuang Kee; Overduin, Bert; Paulini, Michael; Pedro, Helder; Perry, Emily; Spudich, Giulietta; Tapanari, Electra; Walts, Brandon; Williams, Gareth; Tello-Ruiz, Marcela; Stein, Joshua; Wei, Sharon; Ware, Doreen; Bolser, Daniel M; Howe, Kevin L; Kulesha, Eugene; Lawson, Daniel; Maslen, Gareth; Staines, Daniel M


    Ensembl Genomes ( is an integrating resource for genome-scale data from non-vertebrate species, complementing the resources for vertebrate genomics developed in the context of the Ensembl project ( Together, the two resources provide a consistent set of programmatic and interactive interfaces to a rich range of data including reference sequence, gene models, transcriptional data, genetic variation and comparative analysis. This paper provides an update to the previous publications about the resource, with a focus on recent developments. These include the development of new analyses and views to represent polyploid genomes (of which bread wheat is the primary exemplar); and the continued up-scaling of the resource, which now includes over 23 000 bacterial genomes, 400 fungal genomes and 100 protist genomes, in addition to 55 genomes from invertebrate metazoa and 39 genomes from plants. This dramatic increase in the number of included genomes is one part of a broader effort to automate the integration of archival data (genome sequence, but also associated RNA sequence data and variant calls) within the context of reference genomes and make it available through the Ensembl user interfaces. © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  14. Conductor gestures influence evaluations of ensemble performance

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    Steven eMorrison


    Full Text Available Previous research has found that listener evaluations of ensemble performances vary depending on the expressivity of the conductor’s gestures, even when performances are otherwise identical. It was the purpose of the present study to test whether this effect of visual information was evident in the evaluation of specific aspects of ensemble performance, articulation and dynamics. We constructed a set of 32 music performances that combined auditory and visual information and were designed to feature a high degree of contrast along one of two target characteristics: articulation and dynamics. We paired each of four music excerpts recorded by a chamber ensemble in both a high- and low-contrast condition with video of four conductors demonstrating high- and low-contrast gesture specifically appropriate to either articulation or dynamics. Using one of two equivalent test forms, college music majors and nonmajors (N = 285 viewed sixteen 30-second performances and evaluated the quality of the ensemble’s articulation, dynamics, technique and tempo along with overall expressivity. Results showed significantly higher evaluations for performances featuring high rather than low conducting expressivity regardless of the ensemble’s performance quality. Evaluations for both articulation and dynamics were strongly and positively correlated with evaluations of overall ensemble expressivity.

  15. Les effets potentiels du taping chez une population adulte souffrant d'un conflit sous-acromial


    Roch, Sylvie; Thétaz, Alain; Balthazard, Pierre


    Introduction : Le conflit sous-acromial est une pathologie fréquente qui touche une grande partie de la population. Quelques revues de la littérature recommandent une prise en charge spécifique, mais peu d’études proposent le taping comme adjuvant aux traitements préconisés. Ainsi ce travail de bachelor a pour objectif de déterminer les effets potentiels du taping chez une population adulte souffrant de conflit sous-acromial. Méthodologie : Notre recherche d’études s’est effectuée de janvier ...

  16. Curve Boxplot: Generalization of Boxplot for Ensembles of Curves. (United States)

    Mirzargar, Mahsa; Whitaker, Ross T; Kirby, Robert M


    In simulation science, computational scientists often study the behavior of their simulations by repeated solutions with variations in parameters and/or boundary values or initial conditions. Through such simulation ensembles, one can try to understand or quantify the variability or uncertainty in a solution as a function of the various inputs or model assumptions. In response to a growing interest in simulation ensembles, the visualization community has developed a suite of methods for allowing users to observe and understand the properties of these ensembles in an efficient and effective manner. An important aspect of visualizing simulations is the analysis of derived features, often represented as points, surfaces, or curves. In this paper, we present a novel, nonparametric method for summarizing ensembles of 2D and 3D curves. We propose an extension of a method from descriptive statistics, data depth, to curves. We also demonstrate a set of rendering and visualization strategies for showing rank statistics of an ensemble of curves, which is a generalization of traditional whisker plots or boxplots to multidimensional curves. Results are presented for applications in neuroimaging, hurricane forecasting and fluid dynamics.

  17. Conservation of Mass and Preservation of Positivity with Ensemble-Type Kalman Filter Algorithms (United States)

    Janjic, Tijana; Mclaughlin, Dennis; Cohn, Stephen E.; Verlaan, Martin


    This paper considers the incorporation of constraints to enforce physically based conservation laws in the ensemble Kalman filter. In particular, constraints are used to ensure that the ensemble members and the ensemble mean conserve mass and remain nonnegative through measurement updates. In certain situations filtering algorithms such as the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF) yield updated ensembles that conserve mass but are negative, even though the actual states must be nonnegative. In such situations if negative values are set to zero, or a log transform is introduced, the total mass will not be conserved. In this study, mass and positivity are both preserved by formulating the filter update as a set of quadratic programming problems that incorporate non-negativity constraints. Simple numerical experiments indicate that this approach can have a significant positive impact on the posterior ensemble distribution, giving results that are more physically plausible both for individual ensemble members and for the ensemble mean. In two examples, an update that includes a non-negativity constraint is able to properly describe the transport of a sharp feature (e.g., a triangle or cone). A number of implementation questions still need to be addressed, particularly the need to develop a computationally efficient quadratic programming update for large ensemble.

  18. Momentum distribution functions in ensembles: the inequivalence of microcannonical and canonical ensembles in a finite ultracold system. (United States)

    Wang, Pei; Xianlong, Gao; Li, Haibin


    It is demonstrated in many thermodynamic textbooks that the equivalence of the different ensembles is achieved in the thermodynamic limit. In this present work we discuss the inequivalence of microcanonical and canonical ensembles in a finite ultracold system at low energies. We calculate the microcanonical momentum distribution function (MDF) in a system of identical fermions (bosons). We find that the microcanonical MDF deviates from the canonical one, which is the Fermi-Dirac (Bose-Einstein) function, in a finite system at low energies where the single-particle density of states and its inverse are finite.

  19. Le Syndrome de Denys-Drash, une Cause Rare de Syndrome ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le syndrome de Denys-Drash (DD) est une affection génétique rare due à la mutation du gène WT1, impliqué dans la morphogenèse des organes génitaux externes et du rein. Il associe un syndrome néphrotique congénital et une ambiguïté sexuelle. Les premiers signes surviennent dès les 3 premiers mois de vie sous ...

  20. An educational model for ensemble streamflow simulation and uncertainty analysis

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    A. AghaKouchak


    Full Text Available This paper presents the hands-on modeling toolbox, HBV-Ensemble, designed as a complement to theoretical hydrology lectures, to teach hydrological processes and their uncertainties. The HBV-Ensemble can be used for in-class lab practices and homework assignments, and assessment of students' understanding of hydrological processes. Using this modeling toolbox, students can gain more insights into how hydrological processes (e.g., precipitation, snowmelt and snow accumulation, soil moisture, evapotranspiration and runoff generation are interconnected. The educational toolbox includes a MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI and an ensemble simulation scheme that can be used for teaching uncertainty analysis, parameter estimation, ensemble simulation and model sensitivity. HBV-Ensemble was administered in a class for both in-class instruction and a final project, and students submitted their feedback about the toolbox. The results indicate that this educational software had a positive impact on students understanding and knowledge of uncertainty in hydrological modeling.

  1. A Hyper-Heuristic Ensemble Method for Static Job-Shop Scheduling. (United States)

    Hart, Emma; Sim, Kevin


    We describe a new hyper-heuristic method NELLI-GP for solving job-shop scheduling problems (JSSP) that evolves an ensemble of heuristics. The ensemble adopts a divide-and-conquer approach in which each heuristic solves a unique subset of the instance set considered. NELLI-GP extends an existing ensemble method called NELLI by introducing a novel heuristic generator that evolves heuristics composed of linear sequences of dispatching rules: each rule is represented using a tree structure and is itself evolved. Following a training period, the ensemble is shown to outperform both existing dispatching rules and a standard genetic programming algorithm on a large set of new test instances. In addition, it obtains superior results on a set of 210 benchmark problems from the literature when compared to two state-of-the-art hyper-heuristic approaches. Further analysis of the relationship between heuristics in the evolved ensemble and the instances each solves provides new insights into features that might describe similar instances.

  2. Michel Houellebecq : un homme, une (soumission

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    Marc Smeets


    Full Text Available Michel Houellebecq, l’auteur le plus controversé de la littérature française contemporaine, semble s’astreindre à une seule et unique mission : celle d’être « vrai » à n’importe quel prix. Observateur et peintre de la société actuelle dans tous ses états, l’auteur de Soumission s’inscrit dans une tradition littéraire qui remonte au XIXe siècle, prolongeant ainsi les fictions de Balzac, de Zola et de Huysmans. De ses prédécesseurs Houellebecq hérite d’un certain goût pour la controverse, talent qui fait naturellement la pluie et le beau temps dans la presse. Le rôle que jouent la documentation et la figure du célibataire permet de situer l’écrivain dans le sillage de la tradition réalistico-naturaliste.

  3. Inhomogeneous ensembles of radical pairs in chemical compasses (United States)

    Procopio, Maria; Ritz, Thorsten


    The biophysical basis for the ability of animals to detect the geomagnetic field and to use it for finding directions remains a mystery of sensory biology. One much debated hypothesis suggests that an ensemble of specialized light-induced radical pair reactions can provide the primary signal for a magnetic compass sensor. The question arises what features of such a radical pair ensemble could be optimized by evolution so as to improve the detection of the direction of weak magnetic fields. Here, we focus on the overlooked aspect of the noise arising from inhomogeneity of copies of biomolecules in a realistic biological environment. Such inhomogeneity leads to variations of the radical pair parameters, thereby deteriorating the signal arising from an ensemble and providing a source of noise. We investigate the effect of variations in hyperfine interactions between different copies of simple radical pairs on the directional response of a compass system. We find that the choice of radical pair parameters greatly influences how strongly the directional response of an ensemble is affected by inhomogeneity.

  4. Enhancing COSMO-DE ensemble forecasts by inexpensive techniques

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    Zied Ben Bouallègue


    Full Text Available COSMO-DE-EPS, a convection-permitting ensemble prediction system based on the high-resolution numerical weather prediction model COSMO-DE, is pre-operational since December 2010, providing probabilistic forecasts which cover Germany. This ensemble system comprises 20 members based on variations of the lateral boundary conditions, the physics parameterizations and the initial conditions. In order to increase the sample size in a computationally inexpensive way, COSMO-DE-EPS is combined with alternative ensemble techniques: the neighborhood method and the time-lagged approach. Their impact on the quality of the resulting probabilistic forecasts is assessed. Objective verification is performed over a six months period, scores based on the Brier score and its decomposition are shown for June 2011. The combination of the ensemble system with the alternative approaches improves probabilistic forecasts of precipitation in particular for high precipitation thresholds. Moreover, combining COSMO-DE-EPS with only the time-lagged approach improves the skill of area probabilities for precipitation and does not deteriorate the skill of 2 m-temperature and wind gusts forecasts.

  5. Realization of Deutsch-like algorithm using ensemble computing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Daxiu; Luo Jun; Sun Xianping; Zeng Xizhi


    The Deutsch-like algorithm [Phys. Rev. A. 63 (2001) 034101] distinguishes between even and odd query functions using fewer function calls than its possible classical counterpart in a two-qubit system. But the similar method cannot be applied to a multi-qubit system. We propose a new approach for solving Deutsch-like problem using ensemble computing. The proposed algorithm needs an ancillary qubit and can be easily extended to multi-qubit system with one query. Our ensemble algorithm beginning with a easily-prepared initial state has three main steps. The classifications of the functions can be obtained directly from the spectra of the ancilla qubit. We also demonstrate the new algorithm in a four-qubit molecular system using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). One hydrogen and three carbons are selected as the four qubits, and one of carbons is ancilla qubit. We choice two unitary transformations, corresponding to two functions (one odd function and one even function), to validate the ensemble algorithm. The results show that our experiment is successfully and our ensemble algorithm for solving the Deutsch-like problem is virtual

  6. Spectral statistics in semiclassical random-matrix ensembles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feingold, M.; Leitner, D.M.; Wilkinson, M.


    A novel random-matrix ensemble is introduced which mimics the global structure inherent in the Hamiltonian matrices of autonomous, ergodic systems. Changes in its parameters induce a transition between a Poisson and a Wigner distribution for the level spacings, P(s). The intermediate distributions are uniquely determined by a single scaling variable. Semiclassical constraints force the ensemble to be in a regime with Wigner P(s) for systems with more than two freedoms

  7. Multivariate localization methods for ensemble Kalman filtering


    S. Roh; M. Jun; I. Szunyogh; M. G. Genton


    In ensemble Kalman filtering (EnKF), the small number of ensemble members that is feasible to use in a practical data assimilation application leads to sampling variability of the estimates of the background error covariances. The standard approach to reducing the effects of this sampling variability, which has also been found to be highly efficient in improving the performance of EnKF, is the localization of the estimates of the covariances. One family of ...

  8. Decimated Input Ensembles for Improved Generalization (United States)

    Tumer, Kagan; Oza, Nikunj C.; Norvig, Peter (Technical Monitor)


    Recently, many researchers have demonstrated that using classifier ensembles (e.g., averaging the outputs of multiple classifiers before reaching a classification decision) leads to improved performance for many difficult generalization problems. However, in many domains there are serious impediments to such "turnkey" classification accuracy improvements. Most notable among these is the deleterious effect of highly correlated classifiers on the ensemble performance. One particular solution to this problem is generating "new" training sets by sampling the original one. However, with finite number of patterns, this causes a reduction in the training patterns each classifier sees, often resulting in considerably worsened generalization performance (particularly for high dimensional data domains) for each individual classifier. Generally, this drop in the accuracy of the individual classifier performance more than offsets any potential gains due to combining, unless diversity among classifiers is actively promoted. In this work, we introduce a method that: (1) reduces the correlation among the classifiers; (2) reduces the dimensionality of the data, thus lessening the impact of the 'curse of dimensionality'; and (3) improves the classification performance of the ensemble.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aniko Miler-Virc


    Full Text Available ISO 14001 prescribes the requirements for a system, not environmental performance itself. Similarly, certification is of the management system itself, not environmental performance. An audit is not conducted to ascertain whether your flue gas emissions are less than X part per million nitrous oxide or that your wastewater effluent contains less that Y milligrams of bacteria per litre. Consequently, the procces of auditing the system for compliance to the standard entails checking to see that all of the necessary components of a functioning system are present and working properly.           A company can have a complete and fully functional EMS as prescribed by ISO 14001 without being certified. As certification can add to the time and expense of EMS development, it is important for you to establish, in advance, whether certification is of net benefit to you. Although most companies that develop an EMS do in fact certify, there are cases where certification does not add immediate value. Certification is not always beneficial to small and medium sized companies. Certification is not always necessary for companies with one or two large clients with environmental demands who are satisfied that you have a functional EMS (second-party declaration. Whatever decision you make, it is important to remember that just as a driver′s licence does not automatically make you a good driver, ISO 14001 certification does not automatically make your company environmentally benign or ensure that you will continually improve environmental performance. The system is only as good as the people who operate it.

  10. Tailored Random Graph Ensembles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roberts, E S; Annibale, A; Coolen, A C C


    Tailored graph ensembles are a developing bridge between biological networks and statistical mechanics. The aim is to use this concept to generate a suite of rigorous tools that can be used to quantify and compare the topology of cellular signalling networks, such as protein-protein interaction networks and gene regulation networks. We calculate exact and explicit formulae for the leading orders in the system size of the Shannon entropies of random graph ensembles constrained with degree distribution and degree-degree correlation. We also construct an ergodic detailed balance Markov chain with non-trivial acceptance probabilities which converges to a strictly uniform measure and is based on edge swaps that conserve all degrees. The acceptance probabilities can be generalized to define Markov chains that target any alternative desired measure on the space of directed or undirected graphs, in order to generate graphs with more sophisticated topological features.

  11. Deviations from Wick's theorem in the canonical ensemble (United States)

    Schönhammer, K.


    Wick's theorem for the expectation values of products of field operators for a system of noninteracting fermions or bosons plays an important role in the perturbative approach to the quantum many-body problem. A finite-temperature version holds in the framework of the grand canonical ensemble, but not for the canonical ensemble appropriate for systems with fixed particle number such as ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices. Here we present formulas for expectation values of products of field operators in the canonical ensemble using a method in the spirit of Gaudin's proof of Wick's theorem for the grand canonical case. The deviations from Wick's theorem are examined quantitatively for two simple models of noninteracting fermions.

  12. Certificate Transparency with Privacy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eskandarian Saba


    Full Text Available Certificate transparency (CT is an elegant mechanism designed to detect when a certificate authority (CA has issued a certificate incorrectly. Many CAs now support CT and it is being actively deployed in browsers. However, a number of privacy-related challenges remain. In this paper we propose practical solutions to two issues. First, we develop a mechanism that enables web browsers to audit a CT log without violating user privacy. Second, we extend CT to support non-public subdomains.

  13. Preferences of and Attitudes toward Treble Choral Ensembles (United States)

    Wilson, Jill M.


    In choral ensembles, a pursuit where females far outnumber males, concern exists that females are being devalued. Attitudes of female choral singers may be negatively affected by the gender imbalance that exists in mixed choirs and by the placement of the mixed choir as the most select ensemble in a program. The purpose of this research was to…

  14. A note on the multi model super ensemble technique for reducing forecast errors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kantha, L.; Carniel, S.; Sclavo, M.


    The multi model super ensemble (S E) technique has been used with considerable success to improve meteorological forecasts and is now being applied to ocean models. Although the technique has been shown to produce deterministic forecasts that can be superior to the individual models in the ensemble or a simple multi model ensemble forecast, there is a clear need to understand its strengths and limitations. This paper is an attempt to do so in simple, easily understood contexts. The results demonstrate that the S E forecast is almost always better than the simple ensemble forecast, the degree of improvement depending on the properties of the models in the ensemble. However, the skill of the S E forecast with respect to the true forecast depends on a number of factors, principal among which is the skill of the models in the ensemble. As can be expected, if the ensemble consists of models with poor skill, the S E forecast will also be poor, although better than the ensemble forecast. On the other hand, the inclusion of even a single skillful model in the ensemble increases the forecast skill significantly.

  15. Transit management certificate program. (United States)


    TTI worked closely with the Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning Department : (LAUP) of Texas A&M University (TAMU) to develop a transit management certificate : focus for the current Graduate Certificate in Transportation Planning (CTP) housed ...

  16. General practitioners' use of sickness certificates. (United States)

    Roope, Richard; Parker, Gordon; Turner, Susan


    At present, sickness certification is largely undertaken by general practitioners (GPs). Guidance from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) is available to help with this task; however, there has been little formal evaluation of the DWP's guidance in relation to day-to-day general practice. To assess GPs' training, knowledge and application of the DWP's sickness certification guidelines. A structured questionnaire was sent to GPs within a (former) primary care trust (PCT). It probed demographics, training and knowledge of sickness certification guidelines. Case histories and structured questions were used to assess current practice. In this group of 113 GPs, there was a low awareness and use of the DWP's guidelines and Website relating to sickness certification. The majority of the GPs (63%) had received no training in sickness certification, and the mean length of time for those who had received training was 4.1 h. Most GPs also felt that patients and GPs have equal influence on the duration of sickness certification. This evidence of variable practice indicates that GPs should have more guidance and education in sickness certification. Closer sickness certification monitoring through existing GP computer systems may facilitate an improvement in practice that benefits patients and employers. The DWP, medical educators and PCTs may all have an additional role in further improving sickness certification practice.

  17. Ensemble prediction of floods – catchment non-linearity and forecast probabilities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Reszler


    Full Text Available Quantifying the uncertainty of flood forecasts by ensemble methods is becoming increasingly important for operational purposes. The aim of this paper is to examine how the ensemble distribution of precipitation forecasts propagates in the catchment system, and to interpret the flood forecast probabilities relative to the forecast errors. We use the 622 km2 Kamp catchment in Austria as an example where a comprehensive data set, including a 500 yr and a 1000 yr flood, is available. A spatially-distributed continuous rainfall-runoff model is used along with ensemble and deterministic precipitation forecasts that combine rain gauge data, radar data and the forecast fields of the ALADIN and ECMWF numerical weather prediction models. The analyses indicate that, for long lead times, the variability of the precipitation ensemble is amplified as it propagates through the catchment system as a result of non-linear catchment response. In contrast, for lead times shorter than the catchment lag time (e.g. 12 h and less, the variability of the precipitation ensemble is decreased as the forecasts are mainly controlled by observed upstream runoff and observed precipitation. Assuming that all ensemble members are equally likely, the statistical analyses for five flood events at the Kamp showed that the ensemble spread of the flood forecasts is always narrower than the distribution of the forecast errors. This is because the ensemble forecasts focus on the uncertainty in forecast precipitation as the dominant source of uncertainty, and other sources of uncertainty are not accounted for. However, a number of analyses, including Relative Operating Characteristic diagrams, indicate that the ensemble spread is a useful indicator to assess potential forecast errors for lead times larger than 12 h.

  18. Rainfall downscaling of weekly ensemble forecasts using self-organising maps

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masamichi Ohba


    Full Text Available This study presents an application of self-organising maps (SOMs to downscaling medium-range ensemble forecasts and probabilistic prediction of local precipitation in Japan. SOM was applied to analyse and connect the relationship between atmospheric patterns over Japan and local high-resolution precipitation data. Multiple SOM was simultaneously employed on four variables derived from the JRA-55 reanalysis over the area of study (south-western Japan, and a two-dimensional lattice of weather patterns (WPs was obtained. Weekly ensemble forecasts can be downscaled to local precipitation using the obtained multiple SOM. The downscaled precipitation is derived by the five SOM lattices based on the WPs of the global model ensemble forecasts for a particular day in 2009–2011. Because this method effectively handles the stochastic uncertainties from the large number of ensemble members, a probabilistic local precipitation is easily and quickly obtained from the ensemble forecasts. This downscaling of ensemble forecasts provides results better than those from a 20-km global spectral model (i.e. capturing the relatively detailed precipitation distribution over the region. To capture the effect of the detailed pattern differences in each SOM node, a statistical model is additionally concreted for each SOM node. The predictability skill of the ensemble forecasts is significantly improved under the neural network-statistics hybrid-downscaling technique, which then brings a much better skill score than the traditional method. It is expected that the results of this study will provide better guidance to the user community and contribute to the future development of dam-management models.

  19. Quantum Ensemble Classification: A Sampling-Based Learning Control Approach. (United States)

    Chen, Chunlin; Dong, Daoyi; Qi, Bo; Petersen, Ian R; Rabitz, Herschel


    Quantum ensemble classification (QEC) has significant applications in discrimination of atoms (or molecules), separation of isotopes, and quantum information extraction. However, quantum mechanics forbids deterministic discrimination among nonorthogonal states. The classification of inhomogeneous quantum ensembles is very challenging, since there exist variations in the parameters characterizing the members within different classes. In this paper, we recast QEC as a supervised quantum learning problem. A systematic classification methodology is presented by using a sampling-based learning control (SLC) approach for quantum discrimination. The classification task is accomplished via simultaneously steering members belonging to different classes to their corresponding target states (e.g., mutually orthogonal states). First, a new discrimination method is proposed for two similar quantum systems. Then, an SLC method is presented for QEC. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for the binary classification of two-level quantum ensembles and the multiclass classification of multilevel quantum ensembles.

  20. Cluster ensembles, quantization and the dilogarithm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fock, Vladimir; Goncharov, Alexander B.


    A cluster ensemble is a pair of positive spaces (i.e. varieties equipped with positive atlases), coming with an action of a symmetry group . The space is closely related to the spectrum of a cluster algebra [ 12 ]. The two spaces are related by a morphism . The space is equipped with a closed -form......, possibly degenerate, and the space has a Poisson structure. The map is compatible with these structures. The dilogarithm together with its motivic and quantum avatars plays a central role in the cluster ensemble structure. We define a non-commutative -deformation of the -space. When is a root of unity...

  1. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics ensemble method

    CERN Document Server

    Eu, Byung Chan


    In this monograph, nonequilibrium statistical mechanics is developed by means of ensemble methods on the basis of the Boltzmann equation, the generic Boltzmann equations for classical and quantum dilute gases, and a generalised Boltzmann equation for dense simple fluids The theories are developed in forms parallel with the equilibrium Gibbs ensemble theory in a way fully consistent with the laws of thermodynamics The generalised hydrodynamics equations are the integral part of the theory and describe the evolution of macroscopic processes in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics of systems far removed from equilibrium Audience This book will be of interest to researchers in the fields of statistical mechanics, condensed matter physics, gas dynamics, fluid dynamics, rheology, irreversible thermodynamics and nonequilibrium phenomena



    BELABES, Abderrazak


    L’ouvrage a été réalisé sous la direction de Jean-Paul Laramée, directeur général de Secure Finance, co-organisateur du Forum Français sur la Finance Islamique, fondateur du site Finance Islamique France et de l’Institut Français de la Finance Islamique. Il s’inscrit "dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire et internationale" (p. 7) et comprend respectivement une note de l’éditeur (pp. 7-11), une première préface d’Ahmad Jachi, premier gouverneur de la Banque du Liban (p. 13), une seconde d’H...

  3. Qui sera le nouvel Einstein ? Vers une nouvelle theorie de la gravitation (United States)

    Bonnet-Bidaud, J. M.


    Un debat de plus d'un siecle a resurgi ces toutes dernieres annees avec une vigueur nouvelle. L'enjeu ? Mettre fin, ni plus ni moins, a l'une des contradictions les plus inouies de la physique fondamentale, en reconciliant mecanique quantique et relativite generale. En effet, a l'heure ou la gravitation semble enfin sur le point de fusionner avec les trois autres forces de la nature. il est certain que la relativite d'Einstein doit etre bientot remplacer par une autre theorie... Reste quye tous les physiciens sont loin de s'accorder sur la marche a suivree. Gravitation quantique, relativite d'echelle, supersymetrie, les candidates ne manquent pas.

  4. D'une industrie... l'autre?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Musso, S.; Nguyen, V.K.


    À partir d’une contextualisation du texte de Cindy Patton, les auteur-e-s invitent à penser l’actualité des questions évoquées à l’aune d’enjeux contemporains relatifs à la production d’identités et de communautés que donnent à voir l’établissement des « cibles » de la prévention et du traitement du

  5. Une introduction à MATLAB c




    MATLAB c présente toutes les fonctionnalités des approches récentes de la programmation : programmation objet basée sur des hiérarchies de classes, programmation événementielle du graphisme. MATLAB c présente une aide en ligne très complète sous format html des différentes fontions accessibles. COMPTE RENDU DE RECHERCHE

  6. Quantum canonical ensemble: A projection operator approach (United States)

    Magnus, Wim; Lemmens, Lucien; Brosens, Fons


    Knowing the exact number of particles N, and taking this knowledge into account, the quantum canonical ensemble imposes a constraint on the occupation number operators. The constraint particularly hampers the systematic calculation of the partition function and any relevant thermodynamic expectation value for arbitrary but fixed N. On the other hand, fixing only the average number of particles, one may remove the above constraint and simply factorize the traces in Fock space into traces over single-particle states. As is well known, that would be the strategy of the grand-canonical ensemble which, however, comes with an additional Lagrange multiplier to impose the average number of particles. The appearance of this multiplier can be avoided by invoking a projection operator that enables a constraint-free computation of the partition function and its derived quantities in the canonical ensemble, at the price of an angular or contour integration. Introduced in the recent past to handle various issues related to particle-number projected statistics, the projection operator approach proves beneficial to a wide variety of problems in condensed matter physics for which the canonical ensemble offers a natural and appropriate environment. In this light, we present a systematic treatment of the canonical ensemble that embeds the projection operator into the formalism of second quantization while explicitly fixing N, the very number of particles rather than the average. Being applicable to both bosonic and fermionic systems in arbitrary dimensions, transparent integral representations are provided for the partition function ZN and the Helmholtz free energy FN as well as for two- and four-point correlation functions. The chemical potential is not a Lagrange multiplier regulating the average particle number but can be extracted from FN+1 -FN, as illustrated for a two-dimensional fermion gas.

  7. Ensemble data assimilation in the Red Sea: sensitivity to ensemble selection and atmospheric forcing

    KAUST Repository

    Toye, Habib; Zhan, Peng; Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Kartadikaria, Aditya R.; Huang, Huang; Knio, Omar; Hoteit, Ibrahim


    We present our efforts to build an ensemble data assimilation and forecasting system for the Red Sea. The system consists of the high-resolution Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model (MITgcm) to simulate ocean circulation



    Pouessel, Stéphanie


    Ce texte se propose d'offrir une perspective transfrontalière des mouvements culturels berbères au Maghreb et en France. L'objectif est de retracer les cheminements de la berbérité qui peuvent dans le même temps construire une revendication spécifique et locale et se brancher à une lutte berbère dans son acception globale. Il s'agit tout d'abord de retracer les contextes politiques, culturels et sociaux qui enserrent les revendications dans chaque pays (principalement Maroc, Algérie, France m...

  9. Vers une typologie des modes de contrôle de gestion fondée sur la communication


    Chtioui , Tawhid


    International audience; En se fondant sur la mesure comme fil directeur méthodologique, cette recherche montre l'interet d'une approche communicationnelle pour une meilleure compréhension du processus de contrôle de gestion. Pour ce faire, nous avons conduit une démarche de recherche en trois étapes : Une première phase empirique exploratoire a été menée, à travers un processus Delphi, auprès de 20 responsables de contrôle de gestion de 20 grandes entreprises françaises. Une deuxième phase em...

  10. Effect of a non lethal whole-body gamma irradiation on the spontaneous and evoked electroencephalographic activities of the adult rabbit; Effets d'une irradiation gamma globale non letale sur les activites electroencephalograpiques spontanees et evoquees du lapin adulte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Court, L. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The whole of the experimental methods described (animal preparation, achievement of a precise physiological technique, dosimetry, biological information processing) allowed us to follow the changes for 15 days in the spontaneous and evoked electroencephalogram activities of rabbits submitted to a non-lethal 400 rads whole-body gamma-irradiation. Behavioural troubles, changes in the arousal state and the spontaneous electrical activity of the neo-cortex and hippocampus were noticed constantly together with an enhanced cortical excitability, and the appearance of elements of the paroxystic series sometimes in contrast with a general decrease in amplitude. After a visual stimulus the general morphology of evoked activities at the level of the primary visual areas and hippocampus was unchanged, but enhanced latencies and delays, less systematic modifications in amplitudes seemed to show out a direct effect of radiations on the nervous system and sensorial activities; these troubles seemed to occur independently from the basic electrical activity. As a whole, the changes observed were usually transitory and varied with each individual. Finally an assumption is made to explain the mechanism of arousal troubles and the general evolution of spontaneous electrical activity in the brain. (author) [French] 'L'ensemble des methodes experimentales decrites (preparation des animaux, mise au point d'une technique physiologique precise, dosimetrie, traitement de l'information biologique) a permis de suivre, pendant 15 jours, chez le lapin soumis a une irradiation gamma globale non letale de 400 rads, les modifications des activites electroencephaliques spontanees et evoquees. De facon constante, on note des troubles du comportement, des modifications de la vigilance et de l'activite electrique spontanee du neo-cortex et de l'hippocampe, ainsi qu'une augmentation de l'excitabilite corticale, l'apparition d'elements de la serie

  11. An iterative ensemble Kalman filter for reservoir engineering applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krymskaya, M.V.; Hanea, R.G.; Verlaan, M.


    The study has been focused on examining the usage and the applicability of ensemble Kalman filtering techniques to the history matching procedures. The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is often applied nowadays to solving such a problem. Meanwhile, traditional EnKF requires assumption of the

  12. Improving the ensemble-optimization method through covariance-matrix adaptation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fonseca, R.M.; Leeuwenburgh, O.; Hof, P.M.J. van den; Jansen, J.D.


    Ensemble optimization (referred to throughout the remainder of the paper as EnOpt) is a rapidly emerging method for reservoirmodel-based production optimization. EnOpt uses an ensemble of controls to approximate the gradient of the objective function with respect to the controls. Current

  13. Parallel quantum computing in a single ensemble quantum computer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Long Guilu; Xiao, L.


    We propose a parallel quantum computing mode for ensemble quantum computer. In this mode, some qubits are in pure states while other qubits are in mixed states. It enables a single ensemble quantum computer to perform 'single-instruction-multidata' type of parallel computation. Parallel quantum computing can provide additional speedup in Grover's algorithm and Shor's algorithm. In addition, it also makes a fuller use of qubit resources in an ensemble quantum computer. As a result, some qubits discarded in the preparation of an effective pure state in the Schulman-Varizani and the Cleve-DiVincenzo algorithms can be reutilized

  14. La recherche écosanté en pratique : Applications novatrices d'une ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 juil. 2014 ... ... de l'écosanté forment un tout qui prouve à quel point il s'agit d'un domaine dynamique et en évolution constante doté d'une mission claire et animé par une communauté de praticiens scientifique toujours plus large. Mario Henry Rodríguez, Directeur général, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Mexique.

  15. Une nouvelle vision de la transition en Syrie | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Une nouvelle vision de la transition en Syrie. 07 juin 2016. Bénéficiaire : Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies (SCPSS) Période visée : de juillet 2012 à août 2013. État : en cours de clôture. Financement accordé : 441 000 CAD. La Coalition nationale syrienne a officiellement donné son aval à une feuille de route ...

  16. Fluctuation, stationarity, and ergodic properties of random-matrix ensembles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pandey, A.


    The properties of random-matrix ensembles and the application of such ensembles to energy-level fluctuations and strength fluctuations are discussed. The two-point correlation function for complex spectra described by the three standard Gaussian ensembles is calculated, and its essential simplicity, displayed by an elementary procedure that derives from the dominance of binary correlations. The resultant function is exact for the unitary case and a very good approximation to the orthogonal and symplectic cases. The same procedure yields the spectrum for a Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE) deformed by a pairing interaction. Several extensions are given and relationships to other problems of current interest are discussed. The standard fluctuation measures are rederived for the GOE, and their extensions to the unitary and symplectic cases are given. The measures are shown to derive, for the most part, from the two-point function, and new relationships between them are established, answering some long-standing questions. Some comparisons with experimental values are also made. All the cluster functions, and therefore the fluctuation measures, are shown to be stationary and strongly ergodic, thus justifying the use of random matrices for individual spectra. Strength fluctuations in the orthogonal ensemble are also considered. The Porter-Thomas distribution in its various forms is rederived and its ergodicity is established

  17. Convergence of the Square Root Ensemble Kalman Filter in the Large Ensemble Limit

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kwiatkowski, E.; Mandel, Jan


    Roč. 3, č. 1 (2015), s. 1-17 ISSN 2166-2525 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-34856S Institutional support: RVO:67985807 Keywords : data assimilation * Lp laws of large numbers * Hilbert space * ensemble Kalman filter Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science

  18. Spatio-temporal behaviour of medium-range ensemble forecasts (United States)

    Kipling, Zak; Primo, Cristina; Charlton-Perez, Andrew


    Using the recently-developed mean-variance of logarithms (MVL) diagram, together with the TIGGE archive of medium-range ensemble forecasts from nine different centres, we present an analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics of their perturbations, and show how the differences between models and perturbation techniques can explain the shape of their characteristic MVL curves. We also consider the use of the MVL diagram to compare the growth of perturbations within the ensemble with the growth of the forecast error, showing that there is a much closer correspondence for some models than others. We conclude by looking at how the MVL technique might assist in selecting models for inclusion in a multi-model ensemble, and suggest an experiment to test its potential in this context.

  19. Microcanonical ensemble and algebra of conserved generators for generalized quantum dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adler, S.L.; Horwitz, L.P.


    It has recently been shown, by application of statistical mechanical methods to determine the canonical ensemble governing the equilibrium distribution of operator initial values, that complex quantum field theory can emerge as a statistical approximation to an underlying generalized quantum dynamics. This result was obtained by an argument based on a Ward identity analogous to the equipartition theorem of classical statistical mechanics. We construct here a microcanonical ensemble which forms the basis of this canonical ensemble. This construction enables us to define the microcanonical entropy and free energy of the field configuration of the equilibrium distribution and to study the stability of the canonical ensemble. We also study the algebraic structure of the conserved generators from which the microcanonical and canonical ensembles are constructed, and the flows they induce on the phase space. copyright 1996 American Institute of Physics

  20. Une recension des écrits concernant la réalité psychoaffective des femmes ayant une vulvodynie : Difficultés rencontrées et stratégies développées (United States)

    Cantin-Drouin, Maude; Damant, Dominique; Turcotte, Daniel


    HISTORIQUE : Au cours des trois dernières décennies, une attention grandissante a été portée à l’étude du syndrome de vulvodynie, soit un inconfort vulvaire chronique inexpliqué, éprouvé en l’absence de pathologie précisée. En plus d’avoir des répercussions physiques, l’expérience de la vulvodynie comporte une dimension psychosociale. OBJECTIF : Cet article vise à faire une recension des écrits sur la réalité psychoaffective des femmes qui éprouvent une vulvodynie. MÉTHODE : Une recherche documentaire basée sur une exploration systématique de textes présentant des résultats de recherche et recensés dans les principales banques de données en sciences sociales, dont Dissertation Abstracts, Current Contents et PsycINFO, a été réalisée. RÉSULTATS : Cette recension des écrits révèle, malgré la présence de certains résultats divergents, que les femmes ayant une vulvodynie affrontent souvent des difficultés identitaires et psychologiques, qui sont influencées notamment par les normes sociales de sexualité et de féminité. Pour composer avec ces difficultés, les femmes développent différentes stratégies visant à diminuer le stress occasionné par la douleur et à améliorer leur bien-être psychologique. CONCLUSION : Les difficultés relationnelles et psychologiques vécues par les femmes ayant une vulvodynie ne découlent pas seulement de la douleur physique, mais aussi du sens qu’elles lui accordent, souvent influencé par les discours sociaux sur l’hétérosexualité et la féminité. Il importe donc d’intervenir auprès des femmes en tenant compte de l’influence du contexte social tout en poursuivant le développement des connaissances sur les aspects psychosociaux de cette expérience. PMID:18592063

  1. Converse Barrier Certificate Theorem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wisniewski, Rafael; Sloth, Christoffer


    This paper presents a converse barrier certificate theorem for a generic dynamical system.We show that a barrier certificate exists for any safe dynamical system defined on a compact manifold. Other authors have developed a related result, by assuming that the dynamical system has no singular...... points in the considered subset of the state space. In this paper, we redefine the standard notion of safety to comply with generic dynamical systems with multiple singularities. Afterwards, we prove the converse barrier certificate theorem and illustrate the differences between ours and previous work...

  2. 76 FR 22785 - Direct Certification and Certification of Homeless, Migrant and Runaway Children for Free School... (United States)


    ... [FNS-2008-0001] RIN 0584-AD60 Direct Certification and Certification of Homeless, Migrant and Runaway... concerning the certification of certain children who are homeless, runaway, or migratory. This rule affects... children who are homeless, runaway, or migratory, as determined by the homeless coordinator for homeless or...

  3. Investigating weaknesses in Android certificate security (United States)

    Krych, Daniel E.; Lange-Maney, Stephen; McDaniel, Patrick; Glodek, William


    Android's application market relies on secure certificate generation to establish trust between applications and their users; yet, cryptography is often not a priority for application developers and many fail to take the necessary security precautions. Indeed, there is cause for concern: several recent high-profile studies have observed a pervasive lack of entropy on Web-systems leading to the factorization of private keys.1 Sufficient entropy, or randomness, is essential to generate secure key pairs and combat predictable key generation. In this paper, we analyze the security of Android certificates. We investigate the entropy present in 550,000 Android application certificates using the Quasilinear GCD finding algorithm.1 Our results show that while the lack of entropy does not appear to be as ubiquitous in the mobile markets as on Web-systems, there is substantial reuse of certificates only one third of the certificates in our dataset were unique. In other words, we find that organizations frequently reuse certificates for different applications. While such a practice is acceptable under Google's specifications for a single developer, we find that in some cases the same certificates are used for a myriad of developers, potentially compromising Android's intended trust relationships. Further, we observed duplicate certificates being used by both malicious and non-malicious applications. The top 3 repeated certificates present in our dataset accounted for a total of 11,438 separate APKs. Of these applications, 451, or roughly 4%, were identified as malicious by antivirus services.

  4. Prevalence de la cataracte senile dans une population rurale du ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    But: Evaluer la prévalence de la cataracte sénile dans le canton de Kévé, préfecture de l'Avé au Togo. Méthodologie: Il s'agit d'une étude transversale dans trois villages et le centre ville de Kévé. Les patients étaient regroupés et examinés à la lumière du jour à l'aide d'une lampe torche et un ophtalmoscope direct à piles ...

  5. Cancer du rein et Grossesse: A propos d’une nouvelle observation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Majdoub


    Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente âgée de 38 ans, sans antécédents pathologiques notables, enceinte avec un terme de 16 semaines d’aménorrhée, présentant des lombalgies gauches. Le diagnostic de tumeur rénale était retenu sur les données du couple échographie rénale et IRM abdominale. La patiente a bénéficié d’une néphrectomie élargie par voie lombaire. L’analyse histologique de la pièce de néphrectomie totale a révélé un adénocarcinome à cellules claires. L’évolution était favorable après le traitement avec une grossesse menée à terme.

  6. Competitive Learning Neural Network Ensemble Weighted by Predicted Performance (United States)

    Ye, Qiang


    Ensemble approaches have been shown to enhance classification by combining the outputs from a set of voting classifiers. Diversity in error patterns among base classifiers promotes ensemble performance. Multi-task learning is an important characteristic for Neural Network classifiers. Introducing a secondary output unit that receives different…

  7. Robust Ensemble Filtering and Its Relation to Covariance Inflation in the Ensemble Kalman Filter

    KAUST Repository

    Luo, Xiaodong


    A robust ensemble filtering scheme based on the H∞ filtering theory is proposed. The optimal H∞ filter is derived by minimizing the supremum (or maximum) of a predefined cost function, a criterion different from the minimum variance used in the Kalman filter. By design, the H∞ filter is more robust than the Kalman filter, in the sense that the estimation error in the H∞ filter in general has a finite growth rate with respect to the uncertainties in assimilation, except for a special case that corresponds to the Kalman filter. The original form of the H∞ filter contains global constraints in time, which may be inconvenient for sequential data assimilation problems. Therefore a variant is introduced that solves some time-local constraints instead, and hence it is called the time-local H∞ filter (TLHF). By analogy to the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), the concept of ensemble time-local H∞ filter (EnTLHF) is also proposed. The general form of the EnTLHF is outlined, and some of its special cases are discussed. In particular, it is shown that an EnKF with certain covariance inflation is essentially an EnTLHF. In this sense, the EnTLHF provides a general framework for conducting covariance inflation in the EnKF-based methods. Some numerical examples are used to assess the relative robustness of the TLHF–EnTLHF in comparison with the corresponding KF–EnKF method.

  8. Ensemble system for Part-of-Speech tagging


    Dell'Orletta, Felice


    The paper contains a description of the Felice-POS-Tagger and of its performance in Evalita 2009. Felice-POS-Tagger is an ensemble system that combines six different POS taggers. When evaluated on the official test set, the ensemble system outperforms each of the single tagger components and achieves the highest accuracy score in Evalita 2009 POS Closed Task. It is shown rst that the errors made from the dierent taggers are complementary, and then how to use this complementary behavior to the...

  9. Learning to Run with Actor-Critic Ensemble


    Huang, Zhewei; Zhou, Shuchang; Zhuang, BoEr; Zhou, Xinyu


    We introduce an Actor-Critic Ensemble(ACE) method for improving the performance of Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient(DDPG) algorithm. At inference time, our method uses a critic ensemble to select the best action from proposals of multiple actors running in parallel. By having a larger candidate set, our method can avoid actions that have fatal consequences, while staying deterministic. Using ACE, we have won the 2nd place in NIPS'17 Learning to Run competition, under the name of "Megvii-hzw...

  10. Robust Ensemble Filtering and Its Relation to Covariance Inflation in the Ensemble Kalman Filter

    KAUST Repository

    Luo, Xiaodong; Hoteit, Ibrahim


    A robust ensemble filtering scheme based on the H∞ filtering theory is proposed. The optimal H∞ filter is derived by minimizing the supremum (or maximum) of a predefined cost function, a criterion different from the minimum variance used

  11. Time-dependent generalized Gibbs ensembles in open quantum systems (United States)

    Lange, Florian; Lenarčič, Zala; Rosch, Achim


    Generalized Gibbs ensembles have been used as powerful tools to describe the steady state of integrable many-particle quantum systems after a sudden change of the Hamiltonian. Here, we demonstrate numerically that they can be used for a much broader class of problems. We consider integrable systems in the presence of weak perturbations which break both integrability and drive the system to a state far from equilibrium. Under these conditions, we show that the steady state and the time evolution on long timescales can be accurately described by a (truncated) generalized Gibbs ensemble with time-dependent Lagrange parameters, determined from simple rate equations. We compare the numerically exact time evolutions of density matrices for small systems with a theory based on block-diagonal density matrices (diagonal ensemble) and a time-dependent generalized Gibbs ensemble containing only a small number of approximately conserved quantities, using the one-dimensional Heisenberg model with perturbations described by Lindblad operators as an example.

  12. Precision bounds for gradient magnetometry with atomic ensembles (United States)

    Apellaniz, Iagoba; Urizar-Lanz, Iñigo; Zimborás, Zoltán; Hyllus, Philipp; Tóth, Géza


    We study gradient magnetometry with an ensemble of atoms with arbitrary spin. We calculate precision bounds for estimating the gradient of the magnetic field based on the quantum Fisher information. For quantum states that are invariant under homogeneous magnetic fields, we need to measure a single observable to estimate the gradient. On the other hand, for states that are sensitive to homogeneous fields, a simultaneous measurement is needed, as the homogeneous field must also be estimated. We prove that for the cases studied in this paper, such a measurement is feasible. We present a method to calculate precision bounds for gradient estimation with a chain of atoms or with two spatially separated atomic ensembles. We also consider a single atomic ensemble with an arbitrary density profile, where the atoms cannot be addressed individually, and which is a very relevant case for experiments. Our model can take into account even correlations between particle positions. While in most of the discussion we consider an ensemble of localized particles that are classical with respect to their spatial degree of freedom, we also discuss the case of gradient metrology with a single Bose-Einstein condensate.

  13. S'appuyer sur l'ergonomie pour concevoir une machine directive "Machines" 2006/42/CE

    CERN Document Server

    Bossard, Pascale; Grandjacques, Benoît; Seitier, Sylvie; Thibault, Jean-François


    L'ergonomie est désormais au centre des préoccupations dès lors qu'il s'agit de concevoir des machines. Pour le législateur, très alerte vis-à-vis de cette problématique, l'objectif est avant tout d'aboutir à une meilleure préservation de la santé et de la sécurité des opérateurs. Cet ouvrage, oeuvre commune du Cetim, de la FIM et de l'Anact, a pour objectif de mettre à disposition une méthode commune qui intègre à la fois prévention, notamment des facteurs de pénibilité, réglementation, normalisation et ergonomie. Une publication inédite mêlant deux approches pour une méthodologie commune : celle de l'ingénieur industriel oeuvrant pour l'intégration de la sécurité des machines et la vision d'une agence nationale intervenant dans le domaine de l'amélioration des conditions de travail, en particulier de l'ergonomie.

  14. 7 CFR 205.405 - Denial of certification. (United States)


    ... PROVISIONS NATIONAL ORGANIC PROGRAM Certification § 205.405 Denial of certification. (a) When the certifying... organic program. (e) An applicant for certification who has received a written notification of... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Denial of certification. 205.405 Section 205.405...

  15. 7 CFR 205.401 - Application for certification. (United States)


    ... PROVISIONS NATIONAL ORGANIC PROGRAM Certification § 205.401 Application for certification. A person seeking... certification to a certifying agent. The application must include the following information: (a) An organic... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Application for certification. 205.401 Section 205.401...

  16. 14 CFR 147.39 - Display of certificate. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Display of certificate. 147.39 Section 147...) SCHOOLS AND OTHER CERTIFICATED AGENCIES AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN SCHOOLS Operating Rules § 147.39 Display of certificate. Each holder of an aviation maintenance technician school certificate and ratings...

  17. 40 CFR 89.105 - Certificate of conformity. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Certificate of conformity. 89.105... and Certification Provisions § 89.105 Certificate of conformity. Every manufacturer of a new nonroad compression-ignition engine must obtain a certificate of conformity covering the engine family, as described...

  18. Embedded random matrix ensembles in quantum physics

    CERN Document Server

    Kota, V K B


    Although used with increasing frequency in many branches of physics, random matrix ensembles are not always sufficiently specific to account for important features of the physical system at hand. One refinement which retains the basic stochastic approach but allows for such features consists in the use of embedded ensembles.  The present text is an exhaustive introduction to and survey of this important field. Starting with an easy-to-read introduction to general random matrix theory, the text then develops the necessary concepts from the beginning, accompanying the reader to the frontiers of present-day research. With some notable exceptions, to date these ensembles have primarily been applied in nuclear spectroscopy. A characteristic example is the use of a random two-body interaction in the framework of the nuclear shell model. Yet, topics in atomic physics, mesoscopic physics, quantum information science and statistical mechanics of isolated finite quantum systems can also be addressed using these ensemb...

  19. Understanding ensemble protein folding at atomic detail

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallin, Stefan; Shakhnovich, Eugene I


    Although far from routine, simulating the folding of specific short protein chains on the computer, at a detailed atomic level, is starting to become a reality. This remarkable progress, which has been made over the last decade or so, allows a fundamental aspect of the protein folding process to be addressed, namely its statistical nature. In order to make quantitative comparisons with experimental kinetic data a complete ensemble view of folding must be achieved, with key observables averaged over the large number of microscopically different folding trajectories available to a protein chain. Here we review recent advances in atomic-level protein folding simulations and the new insight provided by them into the protein folding process. An important element in understanding ensemble folding kinetics are methods for analyzing many separate folding trajectories, and we discuss techniques developed to condense the large amount of information contained in an ensemble of trajectories into a manageable picture of the folding process. (topical review)

  20. Ensemble-free configurational temperature for spin systems (United States)

    Palma, G.; Gutiérrez, G.; Davis, S.


    An estimator for the dynamical temperature in an arbitrary ensemble is derived in the framework of the conjugate variables theorem. We prove directly that its average indeed gives the inverse temperature and that it is independent of the ensemble. We test this estimator numerically by a simulation of the two-dimensional X Y model in the canonical ensemble. As this model is critical in the whole region of temperatures below the Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless critical temperature TBKT, we use a generalization of Wolff's unicluster algorithm. The numerical results allow us to confirm the robustness of the analytical expression for the microscopic estimator of the temperature. This microscopic estimator has also the advantage that it gives a direct measure of the thermalization process and can be used to compute absolute errors associated with statistical fluctuations. In consequence, this estimator allows for a direct, absolute, and stringent test of the ergodicity of the underlying Markov process, which encodes the algorithm used in a numerical simulation.

  1. Online probabilistic learning with an ensemble of forecasts (United States)

    Thorey, Jean; Mallet, Vivien; Chaussin, Christophe


    Our objective is to produce a calibrated weighted ensemble to forecast a univariate time series. In addition to a meteorological ensemble of forecasts, we rely on observations or analyses of the target variable. The celebrated Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) is used to evaluate the probabilistic forecasts. However applying the CRPS on weighted empirical distribution functions (deriving from the weighted ensemble) may introduce a bias because of which minimizing the CRPS does not produce the optimal weights. Thus we propose an unbiased version of the CRPS which relies on clusters of members and is strictly proper. We adapt online learning methods for the minimization of the CRPS. These methods generate the weights associated to the members in the forecasted empirical distribution function. The weights are updated before each forecast step using only past observations and forecasts. Our learning algorithms provide the theoretical guarantee that, in the long run, the CRPS of the weighted forecasts is at least as good as the CRPS of any weighted ensemble with weights constant in time. In particular, the performance of our forecast is better than that of any subset ensemble with uniform weights. A noteworthy advantage of our algorithm is that it does not require any assumption on the distributions of the observations and forecasts, both for the application and for the theoretical guarantee to hold. As application example on meteorological forecasts for photovoltaic production integration, we show that our algorithm generates a calibrated probabilistic forecast, with significant performance improvements on probabilistic diagnostic tools (the CRPS, the reliability diagram and the rank histogram).

  2. Maladie de Horton révélée par une dyspnée | Mahfoudhi | Pan ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les manifestations pleuro-pulmonaires de la maladie de Horton sont rares et peu connues. Elles peuvent être inaugurales, à l'origine d'un retard à la prise en charge si elles sont méconnues. Il s'agissait d'un patient âgé de 75 ans, admis pour une dyspnée, une toux chronique et une fièvre. Il a reçu une antibiothérapie et a ...

  3. Converse Barrier Certificate Theorems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wisniewski, Rafael; Sloth, Christoffer


    This paper shows that a barrier certificate exists for any safe dynamical system. Specifically, we prove converse barrier certificate theorems for a class of structurally stable dynamical systems. Other authors have developed a related result by assuming that the dynamical system has neither...

  4. Le scoutisme: une éducation au service des droits de l'enfant


    Namani, Lirija; Darbellay, Frédéric


    Le scoutisme est apparu, en 1907, à une époque caractérisée par l’industrialisation et des problématiques propres à celle-ci ; à une époque où l’enfant n’avait aucun droit, mais qui néanmoins était présent et actif au sein de la société. Il était tantôt travailleur, écolier, propriété du père et discriminé. Son statut a toutefois évolué vers une meilleure reconnaissance. Celle-ci résulte des changements sociaux, politiques, économiques et juridiques apparus au sein de la société. À l’origine,...

  5. Genre et mutualisation du risque financier de la maladie chez une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Il n'existe pas de différence entre l'adhésion à des systèmes de protection contre le risque financier face à la maladie (p>0,05). Les hommes considèrent la maladie comme un mal dans le corps (38%), les femmes la renvoient à une souffrance (58%). Les hommes ont une définition de la santé plus proche de celle de l'OMS ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariia Holub


    Full Text Available The problem of researching the ecotourism certification processes in the world is very up-to-date nowadays. The relevance of the research is stipulated by current state of environ-mental pollutants, the development of sustainable politics implementation and the fact that now people aware of real danger of environmental catastrophe that threatens the survival of civilization. That’s why the purpose of the article is conducting a complex analysis of foreign ecotourism certi-fication programs. Moreover, it is necessary to study the evolution of ecotourism development to understand the key issues of this problem. The object of this article is the analysis of ecotourism certification worldwide. The subject of the article is the detection of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of implementation of effective ecotourism certification programs in Ukraine. To clarify all aspects of studying this issue it is necessary to use such theoretical and methodological basis as: modern theories of the genesis and evolution of ecological tourism, logical and analogy analysis, historical method, hypothetical method, classification and graphical method. Using such methods it was found that the development of ecotourism formation has taking three evolutionary steps, which affected the creation of its definition. This fact reveals the classification of different types of sustainable tourism and provides an impetus of ecotourism certification studies. Moreover, it was identified that there is a logical regularity in ecotourism certification programs all over the world. As the result, it was found that practically all the ecotourism certification processes are functioning successfully nowadays. By the way, it can be observed the rapid increase in the amount of ecocertified companies. Moreover, the programs which were analyzed in this article were divided into several steps (depends on the ecotourism certification program following which a company can

  7. Improving the ensemble optimization method through covariance matrix adaptation (CMA-EnOpt)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fonseca, R.M.; Leeuwenburgh, O.; Hof, P.M.J. van den; Jansen, J.D.


    Ensemble Optimization (EnOpt) is a rapidly emerging method for reservoir model based production optimization. EnOpt uses an ensemble of controls to approximate the gradient of the objective function with respect to the controls. Current implementations of EnOpt use a Gaussian ensemble with a

  8. Scalable quantum information processing with atomic ensembles and flying photons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mei Feng; Yu Yafei; Feng Mang; Zhang Zhiming


    We present a scheme for scalable quantum information processing with atomic ensembles and flying photons. Using the Rydberg blockade, we encode the qubits in the collective atomic states, which could be manipulated fast and easily due to the enhanced interaction in comparison to the single-atom case. We demonstrate that our proposed gating could be applied to generation of two-dimensional cluster states for measurement-based quantum computation. Moreover, the atomic ensembles also function as quantum repeaters useful for long-distance quantum state transfer. We show the possibility of our scheme to work in bad cavity or in weak coupling regime, which could much relax the experimental requirement. The efficient coherent operations on the ensemble qubits enable our scheme to be switchable between quantum computation and quantum communication using atomic ensembles.

  9. 40 CFR 90.106 - Certificate of conformity. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Certificate of conformity. 90.106... Standards and Certification Provisions § 90.106 Certificate of conformity. (a)(1) Except as provided in § 90... certificate of conformity covering such engines; however, engines manufactured during an annual production...

  10. 40 CFR 91.106 - Certificate of conformity. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Certificate of conformity. 91.106... Provisions § 91.106 Certificate of conformity. (a) Every manufacturer of a new marine SI engine produced... obtain a certificate of conformity covering each engine family. The certificate of conformity must be...

  11. Statistical Analysis of Protein Ensembles (United States)

    Máté, Gabriell; Heermann, Dieter


    As 3D protein-configuration data is piling up, there is an ever-increasing need for well-defined, mathematically rigorous analysis approaches, especially that the vast majority of the currently available methods rely heavily on heuristics. We propose an analysis framework which stems from topology, the field of mathematics which studies properties preserved under continuous deformations. First, we calculate a barcode representation of the molecules employing computational topology algorithms. Bars in this barcode represent different topological features. Molecules are compared through their barcodes by statistically determining the difference in the set of their topological features. As a proof-of-principle application, we analyze a dataset compiled of ensembles of different proteins, obtained from the Ensemble Protein Database. We demonstrate that our approach correctly detects the different protein groupings.

  12. 48 CFR 33.207 - Contractor certification. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Contractor certification... CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS PROTESTS, DISPUTES, AND APPEALS Disputes and Appeals 33.207 Contractor certification. (a) Contractors shall provide the certification specified in paragraph (c) of this section when...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The primary changes that have been made to this revision reflect the relocation of the Waste Certification Official (WCO) organizationally from the Quality Services Division (QSD) into the Laboratory Waste Services (LWS) Organization. Additionally, the responsibilities for program oversight have been differentiated between the QSD and LWS. The intent of this effort is to ensure that those oversight functions, which properly belonged to the WCO, moved with that function; but retain an independent oversight function outside of the LWS Organization ensuring the potential for introduction of organizational bias, regarding programmatic and technical issues, is minimized. The Waste Certification Program (WCP) itself has been modified to allow the waste certification function to be performed by any of the personnel within the LWS Waste Acceptance/Certification functional area. However, a single individual may not perform both the technical waste acceptance review and the final certification review on the same 2109 data package. Those reviews must be performed by separate individuals in a peer review process. There will continue to be a designated WCO who will have lead programmatic responsibility for the WCP and will exercise overall program operational oversite as well as determine the overall requirements of the certification program. The quality assurance organization will perform independent, outside oversight to ensure that any organizational bias does not degrade the integrity of the waste certification process. The core elements of the previous WCP have been retained, however, the terms and process structure have been modified.. There are now two ''control points,'' (1) the data package enters the waste certification process with the signature of the Generator Interface/Generator Interface Equivalent (GI/GIE), (2) the package is ''certified'', thus exiting the process. The WCP contains three steps, (1) the technical review for waste acceptance, (2) a review of the

  14. S'adapter à une nouvelle réalité environnementale au Maroc | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    environnement ne cessent d'avoir une incidence sur le Maroc, un projet financé par le CRDI aide les populations à innover afin de survivre. Cet article fait partie d'une série de reportages sur des projets innovants mis en oeuvre ...

  15. Echographie devant une metrorragie du premier trimestre de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Echographie devant une metrorragie du premier trimestre de grossesse sur uterus bicorne a issue favorable. Vaginal bleeding in a pregnant woman with a bicornuate uterus, ultrasound finding and favourable outcome.

  16. Ensemble Forecasts with Useful Skill-Spread Relationships for African meningitis and Asia Streamflow Forecasting (United States)

    Hopson, T. M.


    One potential benefit of an ensemble prediction system (EPS) is its capacity to forecast its own forecast error through the ensemble spread-error relationship. In practice, an EPS is often quite limited in its ability to represent the variable expectation of forecast error through the variable dispersion of the ensemble, and perhaps more fundamentally, in its ability to provide enough variability in the ensembles dispersion to make the skill-spread relationship even potentially useful (irrespective of whether the EPS is well-calibrated or not). In this paper we examine the ensemble skill-spread relationship of an ensemble constructed from the TIGGE (THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble) dataset of global forecasts and a combination of multi-model and post-processing approaches. Both of the multi-model and post-processing techniques are based on quantile regression (QR) under a step-wise forward selection framework leading to ensemble forecasts with both good reliability and sharpness. The methodology utilizes the ensemble's ability to self-diagnose forecast instability to produce calibrated forecasts with informative skill-spread relationships. A context for these concepts is provided by assessing the constructed ensemble in forecasting district-level humidity impacting the incidence of meningitis in the meningitis belt of Africa, and in forecasting flooding events in the Brahmaputra and Ganges basins of South Asia.

  17. Choc hémorragique suite à une ponction biopsie rénale (PBR): à ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient âgé de 27 ans ayant bénéficié d'une PBR pour un diagnostic étiologique d'une insuffisance rénale aigue, l'évolution après la biopsie a été marquée par l'installation d'un choc hémorragique d'où la prise en charge en réanimation avec une néphrectomie d'hémostase. Pan African ...

  18. Une sémiotique à refaire?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eric Landowski


    Full Text Available Le récit, c’est ce qui nous sert à donner un peu de signification et de valeur à la vie, en dépit de ce qu’elle peut avoir d’insignifiant par sa monotonie ou d’insensé par son aspect chaotique. Mais indépendamment des significations portées les récits, il nous arrive parfois, face à autrui, à une oeuvre, à un paysage, d’être saisis par la présence d’un sens qui s’impose à notre intuition bien qu’il n’émane d’aucun discours constitué. Ce sens second, toute une littérature, de Proust à Musil, de Svevo à Woolf, s’est employée à le dire en inventant les formes d’écriture de ce qu’on peut appeler le discours de l’expérience. Distinct du vécu, ce discours a le pouvoir d’en capter le mouvement en restituant la dynamique du rapport aux choses, à autrui, à soi-même sur laquelle se fonde l’expérience du sens dans son émergence en acte. Pour construire une sémiotique qui permette d’en rendre compte, ni la grammaire narrative standard ni ses prolongements relatifs aux passions et à la tensivité ne fournissent les instruments nécessaires. Il convient donc de compléter l’appareil théorique dont nous disposons. C’est ce qui justifie le réexamen critique des notions de narrativité et de discursivité auquel procède cet article, ainsi que la proposition finale d’un modèle tenant compte de la diversité des régimes possibles de production du sens dans l’interaction.

  19. Le contrôle de gestion environnementale d'une entreprise


    Marquet-Pondeville, Sophie


    Dans cette recherche, nous étudions comment s’opère le contrôle de gestion environnementale. Cette problématique est abordée dans une perspective contingente et nous proposons un modèle théorique qui met en évidence l’impact de certaines variables sur les systèmes de contrôle de la gestion environnementale. Certains liens présents dans ce modèle sont discutés à travers une étude de cas.

  20. Neurorétinite unilatérale: une manifestation rare du syndrome post streptococcique (United States)

    Iferkhass, Said; Elkhoyaali, Adil; Elasri, Fouad; Reda, Karim; Laktaoui, Abdelkader; Oubaaz, Abdelbar


    La streptocoque β hémolytique est responsable de plusieurs complications d'origine immunitaire, de localisation cardiaque, articulaire, dermatologique, rénale, cérébrale et oculaire. Nous rapportons le premier cas au Maroc d'une uvéite postérieure unilatérale post- streptococcique présentant une vascularite rétinienne avec œdème papillaire et des hémorragies rétiniennes en tache profondes et superficielles. Notre patient âgé de 56 ans, ayant comme antécédents pathologiques une notion d'angine et d’ érythème noueux à répétition d'origine streptococcique. Le bilan étiologique d'uvéite est revenu normal. En revanche, le titrage des anticorps antistreptococciques était significativement élevé: 430 IU /ml. Le patient a été mis sous amoxicilline protégée à une dose de 2 g par jour pendant 10 jours, associée à une corticothérapie à dose régressive sur un mois. L’évolution était favorable avec récupération totale de l'acuité visuelle (AV) et disparition des lésions neurorétiniennes PMID:25745528

  1. Adiabatic passage and ensemble control of quantum systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leghtas, Z; Sarlette, A; Rouchon, P


    This paper considers population transfer between eigenstates of a finite quantum ladder controlled by a classical electric field. Using an appropriate change of variables, we show that this setting can be set in the framework of adiabatic passage, which is known to facilitate ensemble control of quantum systems. Building on this insight, we present a mathematical proof of robustness for a control protocol-chirped pulse-practised by experimentalists to drive an ensemble of quantum systems from the ground state to the most excited state. We then propose new adiabatic control protocols using a single chirped and amplitude-shaped pulse, to robustly perform any permutation of eigenstate populations, on an ensemble of systems with unknown coupling strengths. These adiabatic control protocols are illustrated by simulations on a four-level ladder.

  2. Haïti-Quisqueya: une double insularité

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Marie THÉODAT


    Full Text Available Deux pays se partagent une île coupée par une frontière méridienne de plus de 300 km: Haïti à l'ouest, Quisqueya à l'est. Cette coupure est l'héritage du partage colonial de l'île entre la France et l'Espagne, et le résultat de la dynamique spatiale contrastée des deux nations qui y sont nées et qui ont eu recours à des principes d'encadrement distincts.De là un sentiment de double insularité, chaque pays se comportant vis-à-vis de son voisin comme s'ils étaient situés sur deux îles séparées.

  3. Conductor and Ensemble Performance Expressivity and State Festival Ratings (United States)

    Price, Harry E.; Chang, E. Christina


    This study is the second in a series examining the relationship between conducting and ensemble performance. The purpose was to further examine the associations among conductor, ensemble performance expressivity, and festival ratings. Participants were asked to rate the expressivity of video-only conducting and parallel audio-only excerpts from a…

  4. 42 CFR 493.638 - Certificate fees. (United States)


    ... for quality control, quality assurance, and proficiency testing purposes) and specialties tested, with... collected by HHS under the laboratory program must be sufficient to cover the general costs of administering... certificates and certificates of compliance, the costs include issuing the certificates, collecting the fees...

  5. Constructing Support Vector Machine Ensembles for Cancer Classification Based on Proteomic Profiling

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Yong Mao; Xiao-Bo Zhou; Dao-Ying Pi; You-Xian Sun


    In this study, we present a constructive algorithm for training cooperative support vector machine ensembles (CSVMEs). CSVME combines ensemble architecture design with cooperative training for individual SVMs in ensembles. Unlike most previous studies on training ensembles, CSVME puts emphasis on both accuracy and collaboration among individual SVMs in an ensemble. A group of SVMs selected on the basis of recursive classifier elimination is used in CSVME, and the number of the individual SVMs selected to construct CSVME is determined by 10-fold cross-validation. This kind of SVME has been tested on two ovarian cancer datasets previously obtained by proteomic mass spectrometry. By combining several individual SVMs, the proposed method achieves better performance than the SVME of all base SVMs.

  6. Employment certificates on HRT

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    As part of the ongoing drive to simplify and streamline administrative procedures and processes, the IT and HR Departments have made employment certificates available on a self-service basis on the HRT application, in the main menu under "My self services". All members of the personnel can thus obtain a certificate of employment or association, in French or in English, for the present or past contractual period. The HR Department’s Records Office remains responsible for issuing any special certificates that might be required. IT-AIS (Administrative Information Services) HR-SPS (Services, Procedures & Social) Records Office – Tel. 73700

  7. Sequential Ensembles Tolerant to Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR Soil Moisture Retrieval Errors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ju Hyoung Lee


    Full Text Available Due to complicated and undefined systematic errors in satellite observation, data assimilation integrating model states with satellite observations is more complicated than field measurements-based data assimilation at a local scale. In the case of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR soil moisture, the systematic errors arising from uncertainties in roughness conditions are significant and unavoidable, but current satellite bias correction methods do not resolve the problems very well. Thus, apart from the bias correction process of satellite observation, it is important to assess the inherent capability of satellite data assimilation in such sub-optimal but more realistic observational error conditions. To this end, time-evolving sequential ensembles of the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF is compared with stationary ensemble of the Ensemble Optimal Interpolation (EnOI scheme that does not evolve the ensembles over time. As the sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the surface roughness is more sensitive to the SAR retrievals than measurement errors, it is a scope of this study to monitor how data assimilation alters the effects of roughness on SAR soil moisture retrievals. In results, two data assimilation schemes all provided intermediate values between SAR overestimation, and model underestimation. However, under the same SAR observational error conditions, the sequential ensembles approached a calibrated model showing the lowest Root Mean Square Error (RMSE, while the stationary ensemble converged towards the SAR observations exhibiting the highest RMSE. As compared to stationary ensembles, sequential ensembles have a better tolerance to SAR retrieval errors. Such inherent nature of EnKF suggests an operational merit as a satellite data assimilation system, due to the limitation of bias correction methods currently available.

  8. EAS Telecommunications Certification Bodies (TCB) (United States)

    Federal Communications Commission — EAS (Equipment Authorization System). A Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) is an accredited product certification body with the authority to issue Grants of...

  9. Grandeurs caractéristiques de la machine synchrone obtenues analytiquement à partir d'une réduction de modèle par une technique des multiéchelles de temps


    Guesbaoui , H.


    Il est bien connu qu'il n'est pas possible d'avoir une écriture simple des courants et des tensions pour une machine synchrone modélisée par plus d'un amortisseur par axe d et q de Park. De plus, seules des méthodes numériques permettent un calcul approché de ses grandeurs caractéristiques. Dans cet article nous proposons de déterminer les constantes de temps sous une forme analytique à partir de l'écriture de sous-systèmes réduits du premier ordre décrivant les régimes subtransitoire, transi...

  10. Visualizing Confidence in Cluster-Based Ensemble Weather Forecast Analyses. (United States)

    Kumpf, Alexander; Tost, Bianca; Baumgart, Marlene; Riemer, Michael; Westermann, Rudiger; Rautenhaus, Marc


    In meteorology, cluster analysis is frequently used to determine representative trends in ensemble weather predictions in a selected spatio-temporal region, e.g., to reduce a set of ensemble members to simplify and improve their analysis. Identified clusters (i.e., groups of similar members), however, can be very sensitive to small changes of the selected region, so that clustering results can be misleading and bias subsequent analyses. In this article, we - a team of visualization scientists and meteorologists-deliver visual analytics solutions to analyze the sensitivity of clustering results with respect to changes of a selected region. We propose an interactive visual interface that enables simultaneous visualization of a) the variation in composition of identified clusters (i.e., their robustness), b) the variability in cluster membership for individual ensemble members, and c) the uncertainty in the spatial locations of identified trends. We demonstrate that our solution shows meteorologists how representative a clustering result is, and with respect to which changes in the selected region it becomes unstable. Furthermore, our solution helps to identify those ensemble members which stably belong to a given cluster and can thus be considered similar. In a real-world application case we show how our approach is used to analyze the clustering behavior of different regions in a forecast of "Tropical Cyclone Karl", guiding the user towards the cluster robustness information required for subsequent ensemble analysis.

  11. 46 CFR 107.211 - Original Certificate of Inspection. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Original Certificate of Inspection. 107.211 Section 107... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Inspection and Certification § 107.211 Original Certificate of Inspection. (a) The owner or builder of a unit applies for an inspection for an original Certificate of Inspection by...

  12. Plafonnement de l'usage de la voiture. L'enquête. In: Mobilité en transitions, Connaître, comprendre et représenter


    GRIMAL, Richard


    Depuis environ une dizaine d'années, les signes s'accumulent d'une forte inflexion des comportements de mobilité : après des décennies de croissance ininterrompue, la mobilité automobile baisse dans plusieurs grandes agglomérations françaises et s'accompagne d'une progression des modes alternatifs, tandis que la circulation routière plafonne, tant au niveau national que dans l'ensemble des pays développés. L'idée d'une saturation possible de la demande de transport automobile, qui trouve diff...

  13. Analyzing the impact of changing size and composition of a crop model ensemble (United States)

    Rodríguez, Alfredo


    The use of an ensemble of crop growth simulation models is a practice recently adopted in order to quantify aspects of uncertainties in model simulations. Yet, while the climate modelling community has extensively investigated the properties of model ensembles and their implications, this has hardly been investigated for crop model ensembles (Wallach et al., 2016). In their ensemble of 27 wheat models, Martre et al. (2015) found that the accuracy of the multi-model ensemble-average only increases up to an ensemble size of ca. 10, but does not improve when including more models in the analysis. However, even when this number of members is reached, questions about the impact of the addition or removal of a member to/from the ensemble arise. When selecting ensemble members, identifying members with poor performance or giving implausible results can make a large difference on the outcome. The objective of this study is to set up a methodology that defines indicators to show the effects of changing the ensemble composition and size on simulation results, when a selection procedure of ensemble members is applied. Ensemble mean or median, and variance are measures used to depict ensemble results among other indicators. We are utilizing simulations from an ensemble of wheat models that have been used to construct impact response surfaces (Pirttioja et al., 2015) (IRSs). These show the response of an impact variable (e.g., crop yield) to systematic changes in two explanatory variables (e.g., precipitation and temperature). Using these, we compare different sub-ensembles in terms of the mean, median and spread, and also by comparing IRSs. The methodology developed here allows comparing an ensemble before and after applying any procedure that changes the ensemble composition and size by measuring the impact of this decision on the ensemble central tendency measures. The methodology could also be further developed to compare the effect of changing ensemble composition and size

  14. 16 CFR 1207.9 - Product certification. (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Product certification. 1207.9 Section 1207.9 Commercial Practices CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY ACT REGULATIONS SAFETY STANDARD FOR SWIMMING POOL SLIDES § 1207.9 Product certification. (a) Certification shall be in accordance...

  15. Les écrits professionnels des enseignants : une approche didactique exploratoire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rouba Hassan


    Full Text Available Cet article rend compte d’une étude effectuée au sein d’une recherche sur les écrits professionnels des enseignants (DAUNAY, 2011 dans une perspective didactique. Le but de cette recherche était de contribuer à mieux identifier cet objet désigné par « écrits professionnels » en explorant la diversité, la nature et les fonctions des écrits que produisent les enseignants dans le cadre de leur travail. L’étude présentée ici, qui se base sur des entretiens avec des enseignants du primaire et du secondaire et des observations dans leurs classes, montre que ces écrits sont inhérents à l’accomplissement des différentes tâches (BARRERE, 2002 du travail enseignant. L’analyse qui articule une analyse des écrits à un cadre sociologique et didactique (SCHNEUWLY, 2000 de l’analyse du travail enseignant montre la prégnance de deux types d’écrits : les écrits organisationnels et les écrits communicationnels (LACOSTE, 2001 qui s’opposent à bien des égards. La mise au jour des fonctions de ces écrits dans leurs liens aux tâches du métier apporte un éclairage nouveau sur les tensions qui traversent le métier d’enseignant.Mots-clés : Ecrit professionnel. Didactique. Tâches. Métier. Enseignant.

  16. Perceived value of national certification for pediatric nurses. (United States)

    Messmer, Patricia R; Hill-Rodriguez, Deborah; Williams, Arthur R; Ernst, Mary E; Tahmooressi, Jill


    This study evaluated whether pediatric nurses who were certified valued national certifications to a greater degree than those who were not certified. The Gaberson, Schroeter, Killen, and Valentine (2003) Perceived Value of Certification Tool (PVCT) was used to measure nurses' perceptions of certification. The PVCT includes 18 certification-related value statements, using a five-point Likert scale response ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. A principal factor analysis was performed to identify clusters of related variables. Certified pediatric nurses valued national certifications to a greater degree than those who were not certified. More favorable views of certification were moderately associated with favorable views of the effects of certification on salary. The PVCT was found to have one factor, not two, as previously reported in the literature. Lower perceived relationships were reported between certification and salary, clinical competence, and consumer confidence compared with feelings of professionalism and personal satisfaction. Efforts to improve the relationship between certification and its perceived value at one institution were addressed. More attention may be needed to strengthen relationships, perceived or otherwise, between certification and competency skills, public awareness, and compensation of nurses for holding national certification. Copyright 2011, SLACK Incorporated.

  17. Multi-objective optimization for generating a weighted multi-model ensemble (United States)

    Lee, H.


    Many studies have demonstrated that multi-model ensembles generally show better skill than each ensemble member. When generating weighted multi-model ensembles, the first step is measuring the performance of individual model simulations using observations. There is a consensus on the assignment of weighting factors based on a single evaluation metric. When considering only one evaluation metric, the weighting factor for each model is proportional to a performance score or inversely proportional to an error for the model. While this conventional approach can provide appropriate combinations of multiple models, the approach confronts a big challenge when there are multiple metrics under consideration. When considering multiple evaluation metrics, it is obvious that a simple averaging of multiple performance scores or model ranks does not address the trade-off problem between conflicting metrics. So far, there seems to be no best method to generate weighted multi-model ensembles based on multiple performance metrics. The current study applies the multi-objective optimization, a mathematical process that provides a set of optimal trade-off solutions based on a range of evaluation metrics, to combining multiple performance metrics for the global climate models and their dynamically downscaled regional climate simulations over North America and generating a weighted multi-model ensemble. NASA satellite data and the Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES) software toolkit are used for assessment of the climate simulations. Overall, the performance of each model differs markedly with strong seasonal dependence. Because of the considerable variability across the climate simulations, it is important to evaluate models systematically and make future projections by assigning optimized weighting factors to the models with relatively good performance. Our results indicate that the optimally weighted multi-model ensemble always shows better performance than an arithmetic

  18. 14 CFR 125.7 - Display of certificate. (United States)


    ... OR MORE; AND RULES GOVERNING PERSONS ON BOARD SUCH AIRCRAFT General § 125.7 Display of certificate. (a) The certificate holder must display a true copy of the certificate in each of its aircraft. (b... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Display of certificate. 125.7 Section 125.7...

  19. Impact of ensemble learning in the assessment of skeletal maturity. (United States)

    Cunha, Pedro; Moura, Daniel C; Guevara López, Miguel Angel; Guerra, Conceição; Pinto, Daniela; Ramos, Isabel


    The assessment of the bone age, or skeletal maturity, is an important task in pediatrics that measures the degree of maturation of children's bones. Nowadays, there is no standard clinical procedure for assessing bone age and the most widely used approaches are the Greulich and Pyle and the Tanner and Whitehouse methods. Computer methods have been proposed to automatize the process; however, there is a lack of exploration about how to combine the features of the different parts of the hand, and how to take advantage of ensemble techniques for this purpose. This paper presents a study where the use of ensemble techniques for improving bone age assessment is evaluated. A new computer method was developed that extracts descriptors for each joint of each finger, which are then combined using different ensemble schemes for obtaining a final bone age value. Three popular ensemble schemes are explored in this study: bagging, stacking and voting. Best results were achieved by bagging with a rule-based regression (M5P), scoring a mean absolute error of 10.16 months. Results show that ensemble techniques improve the prediction performance of most of the evaluated regression algorithms, always achieving best or comparable to best results. Therefore, the success of the ensemble methods allow us to conclude that their use may improve computer-based bone age assessment, offering a scalable option for utilizing multiple regions of interest and combining their output.

  20. Caracterisation sociodemographique, clinique et criminologique d?une population de 210 meurtriers



    Resume Cet article, de nature essentiellement descriptive, interroge les caracteristiques sociodemographiques, cliniques et criminologiques d?une population de 210 meurtriers examines par deux experts psychiatres angevins pendant une periode de 30 ans. Les meurtriers de notre serie sont majoritairement des hommes (73 %) d?age jeune, 33 ans en moyenne, sans emploi (51 %), vivant seuls au moment des faits (49 %). Ils ont des antecedents psychiatriques dans deux tiers des cas et des a...

  1. Soins primaires aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale (United States)

    Sullivan, William F.; Berg, Joseph M.; Bradley, Elspeth; Cheetham, Tom; Denton, Richard; Heng, John; Hennen, Brian; Joyce, David; Kelly, Maureen; Korossy, Marika; Lunsky, Yona; McMillan, Shirley


    Résumé Objectif Mettre à jour les lignes directrices canadiennes de 2006 sur les soins primaires aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale (DD) et présenter des recommandations pratiques fondées sur les connaissances actuelles pour traiter des problèmes de santé particuliers chez des adultes ayant une DD. Qualité des preuves Des professionnels de la santé expérimentés participant à un colloque et un groupe de travail subséquent ont discuté et convenu des révisions aux lignes directrices de 2006 en se fondant sur une recherche documentaire exhaustive, la rétroaction obtenue des utilisateurs du guide de pratique et les expériences cliniques personnelles. La plupart des preuves disponibles dans ce domaine viennent de l’opinion d’experts ou de déclarations consensuelles publiées (niveau III). Message principal Les adultes ayant une DD ont des problèmes de santé complexes, dont plusieurs diffèrent de ceux de la population en général. De bons soins primaires permettent d’identifier les problèmes de santé particuliers dont souffrent les adultes ayant une DD pour améliorer leur qualité de vie et leur accès aux soins de santé et prévenir la morbidité et le décès prématuré. Ces lignes directrices résument les problèmes de santé générale, physique, comportementale et mentale des adultes ayant une DD que devraient connaître les professionnels des soins primaires et présentent des recommandations pour le dépistage et la prise en charge en se basant sur les connaissances actuelles que les cliniciens peuvent mettre en pratique. En raison de l’interaction des facteurs biologiques, psychoaffectifs et sociaux qui contribuent à la santé et au bien-être des adultes ayant une DD, ces lignes directrices insistent sur la participation des aidants, l’adaptation des interventions, au besoin, et la consultation auprès de divers professionnels de la santé quand ils sont accessibles. Elles mettent aussi en évidence la

  2. NIMEFI: gene regulatory network inference using multiple ensemble feature importance algorithms.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joeri Ruyssinck

    Full Text Available One of the long-standing open challenges in computational systems biology is the topology inference of gene regulatory networks from high-throughput omics data. Recently, two community-wide efforts, DREAM4 and DREAM5, have been established to benchmark network inference techniques using gene expression measurements. In these challenges the overall top performer was the GENIE3 algorithm. This method decomposes the network inference task into separate regression problems for each gene in the network in which the expression values of a particular target gene are predicted using all other genes as possible predictors. Next, using tree-based ensemble methods, an importance measure for each predictor gene is calculated with respect to the target gene and a high feature importance is considered as putative evidence of a regulatory link existing between both genes. The contribution of this work is twofold. First, we generalize the regression decomposition strategy of GENIE3 to other feature importance methods. We compare the performance of support vector regression, the elastic net, random forest regression, symbolic regression and their ensemble variants in this setting to the original GENIE3 algorithm. To create the ensemble variants, we propose a subsampling approach which allows us to cast any feature selection algorithm that produces a feature ranking into an ensemble feature importance algorithm. We demonstrate that the ensemble setting is key to the network inference task, as only ensemble variants achieve top performance. As second contribution, we explore the effect of using rankwise averaged predictions of multiple ensemble algorithms as opposed to only one. We name this approach NIMEFI (Network Inference using Multiple Ensemble Feature Importance algorithms and show that this approach outperforms all individual methods in general, although on a specific network a single method can perform better. An implementation of NIMEFI has been made

  3. Une santé branchée

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    C'est cette démarche qui a permis d'inventer le moteur à réaction, d'obtenir la ...... Ils ont démontré que les maladies transmissibles sont à l'origine de 59 p. ..... Le sida est à la fois un problème social et une affection biologique; on ne peut en ...

  4. The electricity certificate system, 2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The electricity certificate system is now in its sixth year. Since the start, both the system and the market have developed, and have undergone a number of changes. In January 2007, the Swedish Energy Agency published a report on the system, 'The electricity certificate system, 2006', to provide easily accessible information on the development of the system and to improve general understanding of it. With the passing of another year, it is now time for the third edition, 'The electricity certificate system, 2008', describing the market status of the electricity certificate system, with statistics from 2003 to 2007. This year's special theme chapter describes current support systems for renewable electricity production throughout the EU. The report also contains expanded information and statistics on biofuels, together with a new chapter that describes planned expansion of renewable electricity production up to 2012. The chapter on consumers' contribution to renewable electricity production has also been updated. A new feature this year is provided in the form of a number of tables at the end of the report, complementing the text. Through annual publication of the report, we hope to create a means of continuously developing the statistical material and analyses, in order to assist those involved in the market, and all other interested persons, to follow achievement of the objectives set out in the Government's Bill No. 205/06:154, 'Renewable electricity with green certificates'. We welcome views on the content and presentation of the report in order further to improve it. The target for the certificate system is to increase, by 2016, the annual production of electricity from renewable sources by 17 TWh relative to its production in 2002. So far, the actual production of renewable electricity is less than the indicative stage target for 2007. Nevertheless, progress is regarded as good, as there are many planned projects

  5. Certification and the Branding of HRD (United States)

    Carliner, Saul


    Although calls continue to establish certification, several certifications for human resource development (HRD) practitioners already exist, although none use the name HRD. This Forum explores what those certification programs are and what their availability means to the development of the HRD "brand" (the impressions of the service derived from…

  6. Ensemble of classifiers based network intrusion detection system performance bound

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mkuzangwe, Nenekazi NP


    Full Text Available This paper provides a performance bound of a network intrusion detection system (NIDS) that uses an ensemble of classifiers. Currently researchers rely on implementing the ensemble of classifiers based NIDS before they can determine the performance...

  7. A Ruby API to query the Ensembl database for genomic features. (United States)

    Strozzi, Francesco; Aerts, Jan


    The Ensembl database makes genomic features available via its Genome Browser. It is also possible to access the underlying data through a Perl API for advanced querying. We have developed a full-featured Ruby API to the Ensembl databases, providing the same functionality as the Perl interface with additional features. A single Ruby API is used to access different releases of the Ensembl databases and is also able to query multi-species databases. Most functionality of the API is provided using the ActiveRecord pattern. The library depends on introspection to make it release independent. The API is available through the Rubygem system and can be installed with the command gem install ruby-ensembl-api.

  8. Une Cyathura cavernicole nouvelle de Sarawak – Kalimantan du Nord (Isopoda, Anthuridae)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Andreev, Stoitze


    A l’occasion d’une expédition spéléologique effectuée en 1978 à Sarawak et organisée par la Royal Geographical Society, le biospéléologue anglais Dr. Ph. Chapman a recueilli quelques exemplaires d’un Isopode des eaux douces souterraines, appartenant à une nouvelle espèce du genre Cyathura. La

  9. Jérôme Glicenstein, L’art : une histoire d’expositions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olivier le Falher


    Full Text Available L’ouvrage est fondé sur une critique de la philosophie et de l'histoire de l'art qui auraient négligé ce que les oeuvres doivent aux formes de monstration qui les font accéder à une existence publique : « les sciences de l'art se sont plutôt structurées sur l’idée d'une valorisation des oeuvres – c’est-à-dire des objets – et des artistes au détriment de la façon dont ils étaient présentés dans l’espace public » (p. 221. L’enjeu de cet ouvrage consiste donc à déplacer le regard depuis l’oeuvr...

  10. Pascale Antolin-Pires. L’Objet et ses doubles. Une relecture de Fitzgerald.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie-Agnès Gay


    Full Text Available Ce n’est pas le moindre mérite de cet ouvrage que de tenir le pari affiché dans son titre, à savoir nous entraîner en effet dans une « relecture » de Fitzgerald. La référence aux objets évoque certes la dimension mimétique du texte fitzgeraldien, si souvent réduit à un documentaire sur le Jazz Age ; mais l’auteur, en traquant les doubles ou faux sens de ces objets-signes présente l’envers de cette œuvre qui, plutôt que d’une tradition réaliste fondée sur le mode référentiel, relève d’une écri...

  11. An Adaptive Approach to Mitigate Background Covariance Limitations in the Ensemble Kalman Filter

    KAUST Repository

    Song, Hajoon


    A new approach is proposed to address the background covariance limitations arising from undersampled ensembles and unaccounted model errors in the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). The method enhances the representativeness of the EnKF ensemble by augmenting it with new members chosen adaptively to add missing information that prevents the EnKF from fully fitting the data to the ensemble. The vectors to be added are obtained by back projecting the residuals of the observation misfits from the EnKF analysis step onto the state space. The back projection is done using an optimal interpolation (OI) scheme based on an estimated covariance of the subspace missing from the ensemble. In the experiments reported here, the OI uses a preselected stationary background covariance matrix, as in the hybrid EnKF–three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) approach, but the resulting correction is included as a new ensemble member instead of being added to all existing ensemble members. The adaptive approach is tested with the Lorenz-96 model. The hybrid EnKF–3DVAR is used as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of the adaptive approach. Assimilation experiments suggest that the new adaptive scheme significantly improves the EnKF behavior when it suffers from small size ensembles and neglected model errors. It was further found to be competitive with the hybrid EnKF–3DVAR approach, depending on ensemble size and data coverage.

  12. Blocage de Coulomb dans une boite quantique laterale contenant un faible nombre d'electrons (United States)

    Gould, Charles

    Dans ce travail on utilise une nouvelle geometrie pour augmenter le controle sur le nombre d'electrons contenus dans une boite quantique laterale, et ainsi atteindre un regime de petit nombre d'electrons. Ces echantillons permettent une etude du blocage de Coulomb quand les electrons sont injectes a partir d'un gaz electronique a deux dimensions (2DEG). Les mesures a faible champ magnetique demontrent la grande flexibilite des echantillons et montrent que l'on peut faire varier le nombre d'electrons dans une boite quantique a partir de plus de 40 electrons jusqu'a un seul electron, ce qui est assez courant dans les boites quantiques verticales, mais ce qui n'avait jamais ete reussi dans une boite quantique laterale. Nos resultats montrent egalement que dans les boites quantiques laterales il est possible de determiner le spin du niveau qui participe au transport a l'aide du phenomene de blocage de spin. De plus, dans certaines circonstances il est meme possible de determiner le spin total de la boite quantique, ce qui peut avoir des applications pratiques dans des domaines tels l'informatique quantique. Les mesures dans le regime de renversement de spin a un champ magnetique plus eleve montrent l'importance des correlations electrons---electrons dans ces boites quantiques, qui menent a des depolarisations et a des structures de spins qui ont un effet sur le transport. En particulier, ces correlations menent a l'existence de niveaux excites de basse energie qui causent une dependance anormale de l'amplitude des pics de blocage de Coulomb en fonction de la temperature. Nos experiences demontrent egalement la possibilite d'utiliser ces boites quantiques comme sondes pour etudier les proprietes du bord d'un 2DEG. Une voie de recherche a etre exploree.

  13. Modeling landowner behavior regarding forest certification (United States)

    David C. Mercker; Donald G. Hodges


    Nonindustrial private forest owners in western Tennessee were surveyed to assess their awareness, acceptance, and perceived benefits of forest certification. More than 80 percent of the landowners indicated a willingness to consider certification for their lands. A model was created to explain landowner behavior regarding their willingness to consider certification....

  14. 40 CFR 82.161 - Technician certification. (United States)


    ... shall address the subject areas listed in appendix D. (c) Program Approval. Persons may seek approval of... the closed-book certification exam, within 30 days. Programs providing Type I certification using the... percent or higher on the certification exam, no later than 30 days after the program has received the exam...


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    Ngo van Thien

    Full Text Available Cet article rapporte les résultats d'un questionnaire proposé aux étudiants d'une formation d'enseignement supérieur technologique en génie électrique et informatique industrielle. L'objectif de ce questionnaire est d'évaluer le profit que les étudiants ont retiré d'un enseignement des techniques de gestion de projet, et l'utilisation qu'ils en ont fait, d'une part au cours d'une série de travaux pratiques utilisant la pédagogie par projet, d'autre part au cours de leur stage de fin d'études en entreprise.

  16. Radiation protection supervisors certification in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mendonca Costa, Eduardo; Arraes Monteiro, Iara


    In order to accomplish its legal assignments CNEN certifies the qualification of radiation protection supervisors. The current certification process is presented and discussed in this paper. This paper discusses the main points of the certification process including: knowledge tests, stake holder's communication, standards, supervisor responsibilities and profiles. The importance of safety certification of nuclear facilities and radiation protection of public individuals and workers are also discussed. Taking into account the characteristics of the Brazilian Nuclear program, the future improvements and goals in the certification process is also presented. (author)

  17. Le sous-titrage : une pratique à la marge de la traduction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dumas, Louise


    Full Text Available Le sous-titre interlinguistique est un objet difficile à appréhender théoriquement. S'il permet d'aller d'une langue à une autre, il implique aussi un passage de l'écoute à la lecture et du cinéma à l'écriture. Le caractère interlinguistique est souvent mis en avant pour amener à considérer le sous-titrage comme une traduction. Sa complexité médiologique suggère toutefois qu'il est plus qu'une traduction. En même temps, les fortes contraintes (exigence de brièveté, de lisibilité, de cohérence avec l'image cinématographique auxquelles il est soumis font qu'il est moins qu'une traduction – moins exact, moins long, moins « équivalent » au texte original. Le présent travail se propose de réfléchir de manière théorique aux rapports entre sous-titrage et traduction. Pour ce faire, nous confronterons le sous-titrage aux concepts fondamentaux de la traductologie. Premièrement, le passage de l'oral à l'écrit opéré dans les sous-titres est intimement lié à la distinction traductologique entre traduction et interprétariat. Pour pouvoir condenser les dialogues, résumer leur contenu, le sous-titreur est amené à les interpréter, ce qui permet de souligner l'étroite parenté entre traduction, interprétariat et interprétation. Deuxièmement, les fortes contraintes auxquelles sont soumis les sous-titres invitent à s'interroger sur la notion d'équivalence qui se trouve normalement au principe de toute traduction. Toutes les théories traductologiques insistent sur le fait qu'une équivalence n'est jamais parfaite et que le traducteur privilégie certains niveaux d'équivalence : en poussant à l'extrême cette dynamique de sélection constitutive de l'équivalence, on peut considérer que les sous-titres sont équivalents aux dialogues. En tant que cas limite, le sous-titrage permet de tester les concepts fondamentaux de la traductologie et de définir leurs limites.

  18. Modeling of a green certificate market

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marchenko, O.V.


    The paper considers one of the economic mechanisms, stimulating the introduction of renewable energy sources (RES) - a green certificate market. A mathematical model was developed to describe a supply and demand balance in the electricity and green certificate markets simultaneously. The sellers of certificates are RES owners, who obtain certificates for each unit of electricity produced, and the buyers are consumers, who are obliged by law to buy a certain share of this electricity. Equilibrium structures of the power system including RES with stochastic operation conditions are calculated. The prices of electricity and certificates, as well as the total economic effect of the system are determined taking into account external costs (environmental damages). The paper shows that a mechanism of green certificates is not an ideal means for minimizing the impact of energy on the environment: the economic effect turns out to be smaller than the maximum possible one. However, this deviation is relatively small, therefore the green certificate market allows the external effects to be partially taken into account. Such a market creates incentives for investors, electricity producers and consumers to make power sources mix, modes of electricity production and consumption closer to the optimum ones in terms of the economy as a whole. (author)

  19. Maintenance of Certification for Radiation Oncology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kun, Larry E.; Ang, Kian; Erickson, Beth; Harris, Jay; Hoppe, Richard; Leibel, Steve; Davis, Larry; Hattery, Robert


    Maintenance of Certification (MOC) recognizes that in addition to medical knowledge, several essential elements involved in delivering quality care must be developed and maintained throughout one's career. The MOC process is designed to facilitate and document professional development of American Board of Radiology (ABR) diplomates in the essential elements of quality care in Radiation Oncology and Radiologic Physics. ABR MOC has been developed in accord with guidelines of the American Board of Medical Specialties. All Radiation Oncology certificates issued since 1995 are 10-year, time-limited certificates; diplomates with time-limited certificates who wish to maintain specialty certification must complete specific requirements of the American Board of Radiology MOC program. Diplomates with lifelong certificates are not required to participate but are strongly encouraged to do so. Maintenance of Certification is based on documentation of participation in the four components of MOC: (1) professional standing, (2) lifelong learning and self-assessment, (3) cognitive expertise, and (4) performance in practice. Through these components, MOC addresses six competencies-medical knowledge, patient care, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, practice-based learning and improvement, and systems-based practice. Details of requirements for components 1, 2, and 3 of MOC are outlined along with aspects of the fourth component currently under development

  20. Alternative Certification Pathways: Filling a Gap? (United States)

    Ludlow, Carlyn


    The purpose of this article is to examine the proliferation of alternative certification pathways through an analysis of the role and history of teacher certification and supply followed by a synthesis of national, regional, and state research studies on alternative routes to certification programs and a review of studies conducted on well-known…

  1. Adaptive calibration of (u,v)‐wind ensemble forecasts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pinson, Pierre


    of sufficient reliability. The original framework introduced here allows for an adaptive bivariate calibration of these ensemble forecasts. The originality of this methodology lies in the fact that calibrated ensembles still consist of a set of (space–time) trajectories, after translation and dilation...... of translation and dilation factors are discussed. Copyright © 2012 Royal Meteorological Society...

  2. AutoCAD 2014 review for certification official certification preparation

    CERN Document Server

    ASCENT center for technical knowledge


    The AutoCAD® 2014 Review for Certification book is intended for users of AutoCAD® preparing to complete the AutoCAD 2014 Certified Professional exam. This book contains a collection of relevant instructional topics, practice exercises, and review questions from the Autodesk Official Training Guides (AOTG) from ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge pertaining specifically to the Certified Professional exam topics and objectives. This book is intended for experienced users of AutoCAD in preparation for certification. New users of AutoCAD should refer to the AOTG training guides from ASCENT, such as AutoCAD/AutoCAD LT 2014 Fundamentals, for more comprehensive instruction.

  3. Détermination d’une ligne de rivage de grande taille à l’aide de la multi résolution hiérarchique sur une image RSO

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alain Akono


    Full Text Available Le but de cette étude consiste à évaluer la longueur de la ligne de rivage sur une série d’images réduites par la technique de multi résolution hiérarchique, et extraites d’une image radar à synthèse d’ouverture (RSO ERS-1 de très grande taille, en utilisant la détection des contours et la morphologie mathématique. Les résultats obtenus sur les images réduites sont ensuite extrapolés pour permettre d’obtenir la longueur de la ligne de rivage sur l’image originale. La méthodologie présentée permet d’obtenir une bonne indication des longueurs de rivage à partir d’images satellitaires de grande taille, et elle est notamment utile au suivi de la dynamique de l’érosion côtière.

  4. Qualité de vie et consommation soutenable : une perspective pratique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrick Mardellat


    Full Text Available Ce texte tente de parvenir à une meilleure compréhension du rôle de la consommation relativement à l’objectif de soutenabilité de nos modes de vie. À cette fin, on croise deux thématiques : consommation et bonheur, consommation et soutenabilité. Les paradigmes standard et institutionnalistes de la consommation soutenable sont questionnés du point de vue de la tradition pratique – aristotélicienne – qui en montre les limites et les insuffisances. L’approche quantitative de la limitation de la consommation caractéristique de ces deux approches conduit à une impasse. La réception de cette notion de consommation soutenable dans la tradition pratique est ensuite esquissée, faisant apparaître l’existence d’une vertu propre à l’économie, d’un lieu et d’une institution de la consommation accueillis dans une constellation de régimes politiques possibles.This text aims to reach a better understanding of the role of consumption with regard to the objective of sustainability of our lifestyles. We cross two themes: consumption and happiness, consumption and sustainability. The standard and institutionalist paradigms of sustainable consumption are questioned parts from the viewpoint of the Aristotelian tradition which shows their limits and failures. The quantitative approach of the limitation of consumption specific of these two approaches leads to a dead end. Then the reception of this notion of sustainable consumption in the practical tradition is sketched. The existence of an appropriate virtue for the economy, a place and an institution of the consumption welcomed in a constellation of possible political regimes clearly appear as the keystones of the practical conception of sustainable consumption.  

  5. Modeling polydispersive ensembles of diamond nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnard, Amanda S


    While significant progress has been made toward production of monodispersed samples of a variety of nanoparticles, in cases such as diamond nanoparticles (nanodiamonds) a significant degree of polydispersivity persists, so scaling-up of laboratory applications to industrial levels has its challenges. In many cases, however, monodispersivity is not essential for reliable application, provided that the inevitable uncertainties are just as predictable as the functional properties. As computational methods of materials design are becoming more widespread, there is a growing need for robust methods for modeling ensembles of nanoparticles, that capture the structural complexity characteristic of real specimens. In this paper we present a simple statistical approach to modeling of ensembles of nanoparticles, and apply it to nanodiamond, based on sets of individual simulations that have been carefully selected to describe specific structural sources that are responsible for scattering of fundamental properties, and that are typically difficult to eliminate experimentally. For the purposes of demonstration we show how scattering in the Fermi energy and the electronic band gap are related to different structural variations (sources), and how these results can be combined strategically to yield statistically significant predictions of the properties of an entire ensemble of nanodiamonds, rather than merely one individual ‘model’ particle or a non-representative sub-set. (paper)

  6. Analyse cognitive d'une politique publique : justice ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Analyse cognitive d'une politique publique : justice environnementale et « marchés ruraux » de bois-énergie. ... energy sources to poor urban dwellers; and to reduce the poverty of rural households by promoting sustainable forest management including income generation through producing and marketing charcoal.

  7. Certification of Markets, Markets of Certificates: Tracing Sustainability in Global Agro-Food Value Chains

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mol, A.P.J.; Oosterveer, P.J.M.


    There is a blossoming of voluntary certification initiatives for sustainable agro-food products and production processes. With these certification initiatives come traceability in supply chains, to guarantee the sustainability of the products consumed. No systematic analysis exists of traceability

  8. Multivariate localization methods for ensemble Kalman filtering

    KAUST Repository

    Roh, S.


    In ensemble Kalman filtering (EnKF), the small number of ensemble members that is feasible to use in a practical data assimilation application leads to sampling variability of the estimates of the background error covariances. The standard approach to reducing the effects of this sampling variability, which has also been found to be highly efficient in improving the performance of EnKF, is the localization of the estimates of the covariances. One family of localization techniques is based on taking the Schur (element-wise) product of the ensemble-based sample covariance matrix and a correlation matrix whose entries are obtained by the discretization of a distance-dependent correlation function. While the proper definition of the localization function for a single state variable has been extensively investigated, a rigorous definition of the localization function for multiple state variables that exist at the same locations has been seldom considered. This paper introduces two strategies for the construction of localization functions for multiple state variables. The proposed localization functions are tested by assimilating simulated observations experiments into the bivariate Lorenz 95 model with their help.

  9. Microcanonical ensemble extensive thermodynamics of Tsallis statistics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parvan, A.S.


    The microscopic foundation of the generalized equilibrium statistical mechanics based on the Tsallis entropy is given by using the Gibbs idea of statistical ensembles of the classical and quantum mechanics.The equilibrium distribution functions are derived by the thermodynamic method based upon the use of the fundamental equation of thermodynamics and the statistical definition of the functions of the state of the system. It is shown that if the entropic index ξ = 1/q - 1 in the microcanonical ensemble is an extensive variable of the state of the system, then in the thermodynamic limit z bar = 1/(q - 1)N = const the principle of additivity and the zero law of thermodynamics are satisfied. In particular, the Tsallis entropy of the system is extensive and the temperature is intensive. Thus, the Tsallis statistics completely satisfies all the postulates of the equilibrium thermodynamics. Moreover, evaluation of the thermodynamic identities in the microcanonical ensemble is provided by the Euler theorem. The principle of additivity and the Euler theorem are explicitly proved by using the illustration of the classical microcanonical ideal gas in the thermodynamic limit

  10. Multivariate localization methods for ensemble Kalman filtering

    KAUST Repository

    Roh, S.


    In ensemble Kalman filtering (EnKF), the small number of ensemble members that is feasible to use in a practical data assimilation application leads to sampling variability of the estimates of the background error covariances. The standard approach to reducing the effects of this sampling variability, which has also been found to be highly efficient in improving the performance of EnKF, is the localization of the estimates of the covariances. One family of localization techniques is based on taking the Schur (entry-wise) product of the ensemble-based sample covariance matrix and a correlation matrix whose entries are obtained by the discretization of a distance-dependent correlation function. While the proper definition of the localization function for a single state variable has been extensively investigated, a rigorous definition of the localization function for multiple state variables has been seldom considered. This paper introduces two strategies for the construction of localization functions for multiple state variables. The proposed localization functions are tested by assimilating simulated observations experiments into the bivariate Lorenz 95 model with their help.

  11. Multivariate localization methods for ensemble Kalman filtering

    KAUST Repository

    Roh, S.; Jun, M.; Szunyogh, I.; Genton, Marc G.


    In ensemble Kalman filtering (EnKF), the small number of ensemble members that is feasible to use in a practical data assimilation application leads to sampling variability of the estimates of the background error covariances. The standard approach to reducing the effects of this sampling variability, which has also been found to be highly efficient in improving the performance of EnKF, is the localization of the estimates of the covariances. One family of localization techniques is based on taking the Schur (entry-wise) product of the ensemble-based sample covariance matrix and a correlation matrix whose entries are obtained by the discretization of a distance-dependent correlation function. While the proper definition of the localization function for a single state variable has been extensively investigated, a rigorous definition of the localization function for multiple state variables has been seldom considered. This paper introduces two strategies for the construction of localization functions for multiple state variables. The proposed localization functions are tested by assimilating simulated observations experiments into the bivariate Lorenz 95 model with their help.

  12. Multivariate localization methods for ensemble Kalman filtering (United States)

    Roh, S.; Jun, M.; Szunyogh, I.; Genton, M. G.


    In ensemble Kalman filtering (EnKF), the small number of ensemble members that is feasible to use in a practical data assimilation application leads to sampling variability of the estimates of the background error covariances. The standard approach to reducing the effects of this sampling variability, which has also been found to be highly efficient in improving the performance of EnKF, is the localization of the estimates of the covariances. One family of localization techniques is based on taking the Schur (element-wise) product of the ensemble-based sample covariance matrix and a correlation matrix whose entries are obtained by the discretization of a distance-dependent correlation function. While the proper definition of the localization function for a single state variable has been extensively investigated, a rigorous definition of the localization function for multiple state variables that exist at the same locations has been seldom considered. This paper introduces two strategies for the construction of localization functions for multiple state variables. The proposed localization functions are tested by assimilating simulated observations experiments into the bivariate Lorenz 95 model with their help.

  13. Microcanonical ensemble extensive thermodynamics of Tsallis statistics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parvan, A.S.


    The microscopic foundation of the generalized equilibrium statistical mechanics based on the Tsallis entropy is given by using the Gibbs idea of statistical ensembles of the classical and quantum mechanics. The equilibrium distribution functions are derived by the thermodynamic method based upon the use of the fundamental equation of thermodynamics and the statistical definition of the functions of the state of the system. It is shown that if the entropic index ξ=1/(q-1) in the microcanonical ensemble is an extensive variable of the state of the system, then in the thermodynamic limit z-bar =1/(q-1)N=const the principle of additivity and the zero law of thermodynamics are satisfied. In particular, the Tsallis entropy of the system is extensive and the temperature is intensive. Thus, the Tsallis statistics completely satisfies all the postulates of the equilibrium thermodynamics. Moreover, evaluation of the thermodynamic identities in the microcanonical ensemble is provided by the Euler theorem. The principle of additivity and the Euler theorem are explicitly proved by using the illustration of the classical microcanonical ideal gas in the thermodynamic limit

  14. Lessons from Climate Modeling on the Design and Use of Ensembles for Crop Modeling (United States)

    Wallach, Daniel; Mearns, Linda O.; Ruane, Alexander C.; Roetter, Reimund P.; Asseng, Senthold


    Working with ensembles of crop models is a recent but important development in crop modeling which promises to lead to better uncertainty estimates for model projections and predictions, better predictions using the ensemble mean or median, and closer collaboration within the modeling community. There are numerous open questions about the best way to create and analyze such ensembles. Much can be learned from the field of climate modeling, given its much longer experience with ensembles. We draw on that experience to identify questions and make propositions that should help make ensemble modeling with crop models more rigorous and informative. The propositions include defining criteria for acceptance of models in a crop MME, exploring criteria for evaluating the degree of relatedness of models in a MME, studying the effect of number of models in the ensemble, development of a statistical model of model sampling, creation of a repository for MME results, studies of possible differential weighting of models in an ensemble, creation of single model ensembles based on sampling from the uncertainty distribution of parameter values or inputs specifically oriented toward uncertainty estimation, the creation of super ensembles that sample more than one source of uncertainty, the analysis of super ensemble results to obtain information on total uncertainty and the separate contributions of different sources of uncertainty and finally further investigation of the use of the multi-model mean or median as a predictor.

  15. Difficultes d'une campagne de depistage du cancer du col uterin en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... on dénombrait 10 cas (20%) de Gadnerella, 3(6%) Candida et 2 (4%) Trichomonas. Au vu de ces résultats en zone rurale marqués notamment par une faible participation des femmes et un grand nombre de frottis inflammatoires, une approche révisée des moyens de campagne de dépistage des cancers est nécessaire, ...

  16. Une ONG sénégalaise renouvelle son engagement envers l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    28 avr. 2016 ... Innovation, environnement et développement en Afrique (IED Afrique) est une organisation indépendante sans but lucratif établie au Sénégal qui, depuis une quinzaine d'années, intervient sur les problématiques de développement durable et de citoyenneté en Afrique de l'Ouest francophone. Créée en ...

  17. Single-particle model of a strongly driven, dense, nanoscale quantum ensemble (United States)

    DiLoreto, C. S.; Rangan, C.


    We study the effects of interatomic interactions on the quantum dynamics of a dense, nanoscale, atomic ensemble driven by a strong electromagnetic field. We use a self-consistent, mean-field technique based on the pseudospectral time-domain method and a full, three-directional basis to solve the coupled Maxwell-Liouville equations. We find that interatomic interactions generate a decoherence in the state of an ensemble on a much faster time scale than the excited-state lifetime of individual atoms. We present a single-particle model of the driven, dense ensemble by incorporating interactions into a dephasing rate. This single-particle model reproduces the essential physics of the full simulation and is an efficient way of rapidly estimating the collective dynamics of a dense ensemble.

  18. La difficile émergence d’un territoire lagunaire protégé au Portugal : la Ria Formosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frédéric Bertrand


    Full Text Available Les eaux lagunaires sont au cœur de stratégies territoriales plus ou moins compatibles avec une maîtrise d’ensemble de l’hydrosystème sous-tendue par des objectifs de conservation. Le contrôle de la circulation des eaux et des activités à l’intérieur de la lagune est une alternative, au moins provisoire, à une gestion intégrée du littoral.

  19. Apport de l’histopathologie dans le diagnostic d’une calcinose scrotale: a propos d’un cas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Doh


    Full Text Available La calcinose scrotale est une maladie rare, bénigne, de pathogénie incertaine caractérisée par de nombreux nodules indolores, durs du scrotum en absence de tout trouble métabolique systémique. Nous rapportons le cas d’un patient âgé de 57 ans qui présente une calcinose scrotale de découverte histologique fortuite associée à un eczéma chronique et une hernie inguinale gauche. Nous discutons après une revue de la littérature, les aspects pathogéniques, cliniques, thérapeutiques et anatomopathologiques de cette pathologie mal comprise.

  20. Use of a moving-bed ion-exchange column for plutonium purification; Utilisation d'une colonne echangeuse d'ions a lit mobile pour la purification du plutonium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sabatier, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    When large amounts of fissile matter have to be purified on ion exchange resins, it is difficult to use a fixed bed because of its limiting maximum size. With a moving bed it is possible to ensure a continuous production which can easily be integrated into a purification line on account of its large production capacity. The installation described in this report is derived from an American prototype designed for uranium separation. As a result of many modifications, it is suitable for the purification of plutonium several such columns will shortly be operating in various French centres. The moving bed column, which has a diameter of 25 mm, was first tried with the uranium-thorium mixture; then, after modifications on the plutonium-uranium mixture. The production capacity will depend on the plutonium concentration which can be tolerated in the effluents. It is possible to treat 150 gm/day of plutonium alone; the effluents obtained have a concentration of around of 1 mg/l. The plutonium-uranium separation is improved by a 5 N acidic rinsing as well as by a temperature increase. The decontamination factor increased from 14 in 7 N nitric acid solution to 115 in 5 N nitric acid solution. A temperature increase of about 20 C leads to a decontamination factor of over 500. This result is sufficient encouraging for the possibility of future installations operating in optimum temperature conditions, i.e. 60-65 C, to be considered. (author) [French] Des que l'on desire purifier sur resine echangeuse d'ions des quantites importantes de matieres fissiles, le lit fixe devient difficilement exploitable par suite des dimensions maximum possibles. Le lit mobile permet une production continue pouvant s'integrer facilement par sa capacite de traitement dans une chaine de purification. L'installation decrite dans ce rapport est derivee d'un prototype americain destine a la separation de l'uranium. De nombreuses modifications en font un ensemble utilisable pour la purification du